Prinavrátenie stromu Nevesty



Teraz počúvajte skutočne pozorne. Pozrite. Boli štyria poslovia smrti, ktorí ten Strom zabili. Je to tak? Čo to bolo? Červík, kobylka, škodlivá húsenica a húsenica. Je to pravda? Štyria poslovia Rímskych diablov, dogiem, zničili ten Strom. Jeden vzal Jeho ovocie; ďalší vzal Jeho kôru—vlastne Jeho listy; jeden vzal Jeho kôru; ďalší vzal Život. Je to tak? Štyria poslovia dogiem zničili ten Strom, všetko okrem koreňov. A ak štyria poslovia smrti zabili ten Strom, štyria poslovia Života obnovujú ten Strom.

Rozumiete to? Amen. Pretože Boh povedal, „Ja To obnovím.“ Ako To On ide obnoviť? Tým, že štyria poslovia To zabili; potom štyria poslovia Života To prinavrátia. Čo bolo to prvé? Martin Luter, ospravedlnenie. Čo bolo druhé? John Wesley—posvätenie. Čo bolo tretie? Letnice s prinavrátením darov, Svätý Duch, Krst Svätým Duchom. Čo bolo štvrté? Slovo. Čo? Slovo.

Boli štyria veľkí proroci. Jeden z nich, Martin Luter, začal svietiť Svetlom. Bolo to malé Svetlo, len veľmi malá sila ospravedlnenia. Ďalej prišiel Wesley, silnejší: posvätenie. Po Wesleyovi prišli silnejší od neho, Letniční, Krst Svätým Duchom v inom veľkom prorokovi. Chápete? Ale v posledných dňoch Malachiáš 4, Eliáš má prísť so samotným Slovom. Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokom. Vo večerných svetlách má vyjsť, aby prinavrátil a priviedol to naspäť. Čo? Obrátiť srdcia detí späť ku viere otcov: štvrté Svetlo.

1 Ďakujem, brat Orman. Nech Ťa Boh žehná. Dobré ráno, priatelia, je to privilégium byť znovu v Modlitebni tohoto pekného Veľkonočného rána uctievať to veľké zmŕtvychvstanie nášho vzácneho Pána a Spasiteľa, Ježiša Krista.

2Rád by som povedal, že som bol zaiste… Zo všetkých posolstiev, ktoré som kedy počul kázať nášho pastora, jedno z jeho najlepších bolo dnes ráno. Išiel som domov a povedal som svojej manželke; povedal som, „Drahá, toto je jedno ráno, kedy si to zmeškala, tým, že si nevstala skoro.“ To bolo najlepšie, čo som počul o vzkriesení v celom svojom živote; nikdy som nepočul nič lepšie o vzkriesení ako nám to podal náš pastor dnes ráno. Také ohromné posolstvo, a všetko jasne k veci. To ukazuje, že keď to pomazanie uchopí človeka, niečo sa stane. To potom niečo vykoná. A tak sme šťastní, že Boh nám dal tohoto skvelého pastora.

3A teraz, chcem poďakovať každému jednému z vás. Boli sme tu teraz na veľmi malú chvíľu (mnohokrát, tam a späť), ale ja teraz opúšťam polia, ako aj viete. Tento týždeň vás opúšťam kvôli Indiánom hore v Britskej Kolumbii, a potom tam v – odtiaľ do Fort Saint John, a potom toto leto, pokiaľ bude Pánova vôľa, byť po celom západnom pobreží, hore na východe, a ďaleko na západnom pobreží, a hore v Aliaške – Anchorage, Aljaška, a až tam. A potom, možno odtiaľ pošlem nejakých prieskumníkov do Afriky a do zbytku sveta na prichádzajúcu zimu. Takže to bude pravdepodobne niekedy skôr ako sa dostanem tu naspäť znovu do modlitebni; najneskoršie to bude v auguste alebo niekedy na jeseň, kedy sa budem môcť znovu vrátiť. A chcem vám všetkým poďakovať za vašu vynikajúcu spoluprácu, za všetko čo ste urobili. A je nám ľúto, že nikdy nemáme miesto pre ľudí tu v tieto rána. My sme teraz v stavebnom projektovaní, ako iste viete, aby sme postavili väčší zbor, zatiaľ čo... pre tieto služby. A tak pravdepodobne sa to prejaví hneď teraz; oni začnú budovať zbor.

4A teraz, tiež sa chceme poďakovať každému jednému z vás za vaše dary, narodeninové pohľadnice, Veľkonočné pohľadnice, dary, ktoré ste dali Billymu a pre iných, a tie pre mňa, brata Wooda, a mnohých z nich.

Cením si ich všetky. A každý jeden prichádza a hovorí... Neviete aká to je námaha... niekto prichádza a hovorí, „Nuž, my chceme vidieť brata Branhama. Chceme vidieť tvojho otca,“ atď. A on hovorí, „Zoznam je plný.“ Nuž, neviete ani do akej nepríjemnej pozície vás to stavia, keď sa môžete dostať len ku toľkým, a to je všetko čo môžete urobiť. Ja by som si prial, aby to bolo tak, že by som mal dlhý čas s každým jedným, mohol si posedieť. A mám nádej, že to tak niekedy urobím; ale to nemôže byť na tejto zemi, pretože sú tu ľudia prichádzajúci z celého sveta (Vidíte?), z celého sveta. Tento týždeň tu boli ľudia z niekoľkých národov, a boli na rozhovoroch, a modlili sme sa za nich tento týždeň, z národov okolo sveta.

5A ak by to bolo len naše malé miestne zhromaždenie tu v Jeffersonville, ja by som rád vzal dve alebo tri hodiny s každým a poriadne to vypleval a vytrhal. Ale chápete, kým tam môže byť, povedzme, päť telefonátov alebo možno dva telefonáty priamo z našej miestnej komunity, tam je sto alebo dvesto z celého sveta, v tom istom čase tu tieto dva prichádzajú. Tak tam sú doslova tisícky, s ktorými som sa nemohol vôbec spojiť. Chápete?

6Ľudia... A telefonáty tu prichádzajú z celého sveta, posielajú letenky a všetko ďalšie, aby som prišiel modliť sa za chorých; ale nie je to možné urobiť.

7A tak ľudia sú sklamaní; ja by som bol tiež. Ale ja by som rád urobil v toto Veľkonočné ráno svoje vyznanie, rád by som povedal, že neviem čo mám s tým robiť. Je ich skrátka príliš veľa, viete, dostať sa ku tisícom a tisícom ľudí z celého sveta. Podnikol som svoju siedmu cestu okolo, ako iste viete, a mám osobný kontakt s viac než desiatimi miliónmi ľudí z celého sveta. Tak si môžete predstaviť aké... čo za napätie, ktoré je na vás.

8A my mnohokrát potlačíme malé napätie, a viem že vy tiež, a malé znechutenia. Ale pomyslite o tých, ktoré mám ja, sklamania ktoré mám, keď choré matky v telefóne hovoria, „Oh, Bože... Nuž, počkaj chvíľu, brat Branham. Pane Ježišu, ja-ja-ja sa modlím, aby si ho Ty poslal.“ A práve zavesíte telefón od jedného, a tu, a tam, a tu, a z celého sveta. Viete, aké to je. A to nie je ľahké, keď niekto na opačnej strane telefónu s chorým dieťaťom, alebo chorým manželom, alebo zomierajúcou manželkou, modlí sa za vás, aby ste prišli.

9 A teraz, viete si predstaviť; niet divu, že som nervózny. V tomto prípade – je dosť vykonať jedno. Ale ja som urobil túto jednu vec: namiesto toho, aby som dostal komplex, snažil som sa držať sa pevne upierajúc svoje oči na Golgotu a pohybujúc sa dopredu, práve tak ako by On chcel, aby som to robil.

10 A mnohé z mojich chýb... Modlím sa, aby mi Boh odpustil veci, že som možno mal ísť na určité miesto a nešiel som. Ja som len ľudský tvor a môžem – som náchylný ku chybám.

11 Malá, milá vec bola tu povedaná dnes ráno na zadnom dvore, keď som vychádzal zo zhromaždenia po službe o východe slnka. Mám vzácneho starého priateľa (On je pravdepodobne niekde tu; on je z Chicago.), volá sa Stewart (on má okolo...), Ed Stewart (Odhadujem, že on má okolo sedemdesiat alebo viac); a on ma tam stretol. A on šetrí svoje peniaze na desiatok v desaťhaliernikoch, a on mi dal celý balíček desaťhaliernikov, asi ako toto, a... Ó, ja neviem, ja... Samozrejme, oni idú na zahraničnú misijnú službu. A jeho dobrý priateľ aj môj, Brat Skaggs, Leonard Skaggs, z Lowell, Indiana, tam stál, a ja som to predtým nevedel; on bol Slobodomurár. On mal na sebe Slobodomurársky gombík, a my sme sa rozprávali o Slobodomurárskom poriadku. A tak, starý brat Stewart mi povedal; on sa zmienil, „Mám ťa rád, brat Branham, a rád by som s tebou hovoril,“ (prepáčte mi toto vyjadrenie), ale on povedal, „Ku tebe je ťažšie sa dostať než do Tureckého háremu.“

12 Niekto mi prednedávnom povedal, zmienil sa, „Som šťastný, že k Pánovi sa dostať nie je také ťažké.“ On povedal...

13 Nuž, nemám v úmysle byť taký; mám rád ľudí. Ale len si predstavujem... Odišiel som domov a povedal som svojej manželke, a sadli sme si okolo stola a smiali sme sa, aké ťažké by to bolo dostať sa do Tureckého háremu, viete. Tak dúfam, že to nie je celkom také zložité, brat Stewart, ak si stále tu. Ale istotne som si myslel, že si mal zmysel pre humor, to nás rozosmialo. A tak prial som si, aby som mohol každého vidieť. A milujem každého (To je pravda.); či sú priatelia alebo nepriatelia, to je presne to isté.

14 A teraz, určite veľmi potrebujem vaše modlitby za mňa na tieto blížiace sa zhromaždenia. Idem medzi Indiánov. A vy viete..., keď ste v Ríme, musíte byť Riman; a keď ste s Indiánmi, musíte žiť ako Indiáni.

15 Môj misionársky priateľ, ktorý je mojim spoločníkom pri lovení, keď som bol hore na hlavnej ceste, na Aljašskej autostráde, bol som... veľmi fajn mladý človek a jeho manželka, mimo pekného domova... A ja... ruky mal napadnuté a všade okolo jeho uší, a tak, a čudoval som sa, čo s ním je; či mal nejaký ekzém? Bolo to z bĺch a ploštíc, kde on musel – ako tam on musel bývať. A tak, musíte žiť priamo s ľuďmi, aby ste ich získali pre Krista. Oni sú Kristovo dedičstvo; oni sú ľuďmi, za ktorých On zomrel, a niekto ku nim musí ísť.

16 A ten náčelník bol na jednom z mojich nedávnych zhromaždení na severe, a Duch Svätý na zhromaždení – alebo mimo na mieste pre zhromaždenia – na pozemku – na turistickom dvorci, verím že to bolo niečo také, vyzval jeho meno, a kým on bol, a čo on urobil, a... Oh, to sa presne s ním zhodovalo. On vedel, že ľudské bytosti by to nemohli urobiť; že to muselo prísť od Všemohúceho. No a ten náčelník to rozhlásil po celom pobreží mora hore a dole. A my tam budeme mať zhromaždenia v malej plachetnici, a pôjdeme do miest, kde sa môžeme ku nim dostať, hore pobrežím a ku tým ďalším, ku Cree Indiánom [určitý kmeň indiánov – pozn.prekl.], ku tým nepovšimnutým. Mnohí z bratov, ktorí majú veľké služby, by ku nim nemohli ísť.

17 Nuž, Indiáni... Tam nebude ani halier peňazí (Ako iste viete, nikdy nerobím zbierku na mojich zhromaždeniach; a neberiem peniaze), ale táto cirkev tu sponzoruje to zhromaždenie pre Indiánov. Bude to platené z niektorých vašich desiatkových peňazí, aby sme priniesli Posolstvo spasenia a vyprostenia týmto chudobným, negramotným Indiánom. Koniec koncov, oni všetci sú Američania, viete. My sme cudzinci (Chápete?); my sme tu vstúpili a zobrali to od nich. A my chceme... Ja im nemôžem dať naspäť ich národ, ale môžem im dať nádej v Krista, to nás spolu zhromaždí ako bratstvo jedeného dňa v zemi, kde nie je žiadne bojovanie a chvátanie zeme jeden od druhého. Tam bude zem, bude miesto pre všetkých. A ja budem vďačný, keď ten čas príde, keď budú všetci moji milovaní zachránení a pripravení na ten čas.

18 Nuž, mám veľa priateľov, ktorých vidím, sedia priamo tu, kým ja rozprávam. Myslím, že som si všimol sestru (Nemôžem si spomenúť na jej meno) – zvykla to byť Lee. Je to tak? Si ty Pani Lee? Tvoja dcéra tu, tvoje dcéry, ktoré boli uzdravené? To je veľmi fajn. Jedna z nich bola v Domove Dobrého Pastiera – alebo nie... (Ako sa to nazýva? Sestra... Nejaký katolícky Inštitút... Pani Pokoja, to je to čo to bolo. Všetky Katolícke mená sú mi pomiešané.) A tak, tam... A ona bola – mala mentálne, nervové zrútenie, a drahý Pán Ježiš, kým sme – kým som sedel na konci postele, a jej vzácna matka a otec stáli tesne pri mne, a Pán Ježiš vyslovil, že je to dokonané, ukončené. Ona je tu; je po všetkom. A samozrejme, my poznáme tú sestru – ona je dnes ráno veľmi vďačná.

19 A pozerám sa tam vonku a vidím ľudí, ktorí nedávno zomierali s rakovinou. Doplazili sa sem, na invalidných vozíkoch, barlách, a oni sú tu, normálni a v poriadku, dnes ráno. To je po celom svete. Nie mnou, ale Ním, našim Pánom, Ktorý je vzkriesený zo smrti; On je živý naveky.

20 Nech náš Pán bude vždy chválený a požehnaný, to je moja úprimná modlitba. Či sa budete modliť za mňa, vy všetci, modlite sa za mňa. Nuž, ja od toho závisím. A keď sa dostanem tam vonku... Vidíte tu doma, to nie je také zlé tu v okolí, ale keď sa dostanete tam, kde ste naozaj zasiahnutí na čele boja... Toto je tréning.

21 Včera som počúval, keď náš zbor obstaral pre mňa nové kombi, a ja mám cestovať (a moje druhé auto je takmer zodraté); a tak ja som zapol rádio a počúval som správy. A potom, oni včera večer prichádzali dolu z toho miesta, kde sme sa Jozef a ja boli modliť, potom sme prichádzali dolu z Green's Mill, oni – a ja som zapol rádio. Boli správy, a hovorili... bolo tam, že monitorovali nejakého mladého chlapca počas tréningu: a ako tam stál s plnými vreckami piesku a všetkého možného, a musel držať hlavu tak nízko; že živý oheň z guľometu šľahal priamo nad jeho hlavou, kým sa on plazil cez ostnaté drôty a také veci, mal drsný tréning.

22 Nuž, to je to, čo my robíme tu. Ale teraz, je to veľmi rozdielne na bojisku. Chápete? Ten guľomet je načasovaný, nastavený presne na určitej úrovni. Ale na bojisku, to môže ísť hore alebo dole. Chápete? Tak – tak tam je to trochu rozdielne (Vidíte?) potom čo je to, tak my musíme... V poriadku, toto tu je tréning, ale tam ste na bojisku.

23 A tak teraz ideme čeliť nepriateľovi. No a my sme tu zvykli spievať malú pieseň, „Bojuje sa.“ Pamätá si niekto ešte stále tú pieseň?

Bojuje sa, Ó, Kresťanskí bojovníci;

A tvárou v tvár je neoblomný šík;

So žiariacimi pancierovými loďami, a prúdením farieb;

Správne a nesprávne je dnes zosobášené! (To je pravda. Vidíte?)

Bojuje sa, ale nebuďte umorení;

Buďte silní, a v Jeho moci nepovoľte;

Ak Boh je za nás, Jeho prápor nad nami;

Napokon budeme spievať pieseň víťazov! (To je pravda.)

24 A teraz, je veľa vecí, ktoré musím dnes ráno povedať, ale ja to trochu skrátim, pretože ľudia stoja a sú vnútri natlačení. A vonku majú malé reproduktory, a malý rozhlas, myslím si, že každé auto môže... Ten rozhlasový systém nám umožňuje ísť s tým mnoho metrov od modlitebne. A tak sa snažíme... Ceníme si návštevu každého z vás, dnes ráno.

25 Teda, prv ako pôjdeme ďalej, povedzme že... Teraz, tesne za týmto, myslím, máme službu krstu? Ale najskôr bude modlitebná rada; dnes ráno sa budeme modliť za chorých. Očakávam, že Boh prichádzajúci na scénu je potvrdením toho, o čom hovoríme: o Jeho vzkriesení. Je On nažive alebo nie je nažive? Je toto len vymyslený príbeh alebo je to Pravda? Ak je On nažive, On urobil prísľub: „Budem s vami vždy, až do konca sveta.“

26 Potom, ak On – ak On prichádza tu medzi nás a potvrdzuje, že On je tu, potom už o tom nie je viac dohadov. Vidíte? Pamätajte, všetky náboženstvá sveta, oni majú svoje sväté dni a sviatky, atď., ale nie je žiaden z nich, ktorý môže dokázať, že ich zakladateľ, že... vzala ho smrť, a to bolo všetko; ale naše, Kresťanské náboženstvo, náš Zakladateľ zomrel a znovu vstal.

27 V Mexiku, nedávno, keď som bol na rozhovore novinárov ohľadne vzkriesenia malého dieťaťa, ktoré zomrelo v to ráno o deviatej hodine, a o 22:30 tej noci (22:30 alebo 23:00) bolo vzkriesené zo smrti, práve tam na matkiných rukách na pódiu, pred desiatkami tisíc ľudí. Tej noci prišlo ku Kristovi tridsať tisíc (Vidíte?), no a potom, viete si predstaviť čo tam bolo.

28 A nejaký malý chlapík, videl som pred sebou víziu; a ona hovorila o tom, čo znamenalo jeho krátke meno a všetko. Tam na ceste späť bola jedna matka, nemohla dostať modlitebnú kartu, nemohla sa dostať dnu; ale nemusela sa ani postaviť do modlitebnej rady. A tak keď ona priniesla svoje malé dieťa, tak pršalo, lialo...

29 My uvažujeme o sebe ako musíme stáť, pomyslime však o nich. Oni tam boli o deviatej ráno na služby, ktoré sa mali začať o deviatej večer, stáli tam na horúcom slnku, opierali sa jeden o druhého kvôli tieňu: stáli, nesedeli, stáli. A to je spôsob ako to oni robia, v Afrike, a na rôznych miestach, a v Indii kde sa naraz zhromaždí pol milióna.

30 A teraz, táto malá žena nemohla ani dostať modlitebnú kartu (zadržiavalo ju viac ako tristo uvádzačov), a ona sa nemohla dostať do modlitebnej rady, a stojac tam modlila sa za to malé dieťa – úbohá katolícka žena... A Duch Svätý zvolal a prehovoril, „Povedz jej, aby ho priniesla sem.“

31 A to malé dieťa, pod mokrou perinkou (ako tam stála od rána), doktor ho prehlásil za mŕtve. Nuž, máme o tom doktorovu správu o prehlásení za mŕtve v to ráno okolo deviatej a potom, to bolo tú noc, blízko polnoci. A ja, len podľa toho, čo bolo povedané vo videní, odišiel som a položil som ruky na to malé dieťa. Tam to bolo, živé. Doktor dal o tom svedectvo.

32 A ja som bol na rozhovore s tlačou. A tak, tým že som... (Nemám nič proti niekoho viere, pokiaľ je to v súlade s Bibliou, v poriadku...) Ale človek, ktorý robil so mnou rozhovor, bol katolík, a povedal mi, „Veríte tomu, že naši svätí to môžu urobiť?“

Ja som odpovedal, „Ak žijú.“ (Samozrejme, viem, že katolícka cirkev verí, že musíš byť mŕtvy, aby si bol svätým.) Tak teda povedal som, „Ak sú žijúci, áno.“

A on odvetil, „Oh, vy nemôžete byť svätí prv než ste mŕtvi.“

Ja som prehlásil, „Bol Pavol svätý prv než zomrel alebo potom ako zomrel? Komu on písal, mŕtvym ľuďom, keď povedal, „Svätým, ktorí sú v Efeze...“ a „Svätým, ktorí sú na určitých miestach“? On by nepísal mŕtvym ľuďom, viete.“

33 Tak potom, on povedal, „Nuž, vy sa snažíte posúdiť váš prípad Bibliou. My sme cirkev.“ Ja som odvetil, „V poriadku, pane, v poriadku.“ A ja...

On prehlásil, „My sme cirkev.“

Ja som vravel, „Teda nech vidíme cirkev to robiť.“ (A to je len Kristus, ktorý to môže urobiť; vy to viete.)

On prehovoril, „Aký je váš názor na katolícku cirkev?“

Ja som povedal, „Prial by som si, aby ste sa ma na to nepýtali.“ Chápete?

A on odvetil, „Nuž, rád by som to počul.“

Ja som povedal, „Najvyššia forma špiritizmu aká existuje.“

A on prehlásil, „Špiritizmu?“

Odvetil som, „Áno, pane.“

On odpovedal, „Podľa čoho to usudzujete?“

Povedal som, „Čokoľvek, čo oroduje s mŕtvymi: spoločenstvo svätých.“ Vidíte?

A on sa vyjadril, „Nuž, vy sa modlíte ku Kristovi, a On je mŕtvy.“

Odvetil som, „Ale On znovu vstal.“ On znovu vstal. Tak to je tá dobrá vec, ktorú my vieme: On znovu vstal. Či nie sme vďační? Tak skloňme naše hlavy a poďakujme Mu, pretože On vstal z hrobu pre naše ospravedlnenie.

34 Nebeský Otec, my sme vďační dnes ráno za Ježiša. A dnes, v pamiatke Jeho veľkého vzkriesenia, v to veľkonočné ráno, keď On vstal z mŕtvych, zvíťazil nad smrťou, peklom, a hrobom... Keď On bol na zemi, On ukázal, že zvíťazil nad nemocami, poruchami, a všetkými druhmi démonov a mocností. Okrem toho, smrť ležala pred Ním, veľký a posledný nepriateľ; a vo Veľkonočné ráno On potvrdil, že bol Bohom. On vstal z... Dokonca posledný nepriateľ Ho nemohol zadržať. Vydal Ho hrob; vyslalo Ho peklo; prijalo Ho Nebo.

Oh, Bože, nech Ho dnes naše srdcia príjmu v moci Ducha Svätého, aby sme smeli byť Jeho výkonní pracovníci, Jeho – Jeho príklady Jeho služobníkov tu na zemi, ako tu putujeme. Daruj to.

35 Požehnaj všetkých, ktorí sú tu. Bože, títo vzácni ľudia, ktorí stoja, niektorí z nich tu boli zovretí od úsvitu, modlím sa, nebeský Otče, aby si sa nesmierne a hojne vylial, ponad všetko, čo by sme mohli urobiť alebo pomyslieť, na nich dnes, a daj im hlboké túžby ich sŕdc. Po čokoľvek každý prišiel dnes ráno, nech idú naspäť uspokojení. Ty si povedal, že nikoho neodoženieš preč, ale naplníš ho dobrými vecami, a pošleš ho naspäť oslavujúc. Daruj to, Pane.

Nech Tvoja všemohúcnosť, nech Tvoj Svätý Duch v moci vzkriesenia tak pracuje s každým z nás, až kým naše nádeje nebudú zbudované na ničom menšom než na Ježišovej Krvi so spravodlivosťou. Daruj to, Otče.

36 Požehnaj teraz slová, ktoré čítame. Sme Ti vďační za to veľkolepé posolstvo dnes ráno (ako sme prišli skoro do zboru); a videli Ťa, ako si uchopil nášho brata (a taká zmena v ňom o chvíľu) a predniesol posolstvo tejto zomierajúcej generácii ľudí, ktorej sme teraz časťou. Ako sme Ti vďační za to, Pane. Ó, Bože, naše srdcia sa chvejú radosťou ako rozmýšľame o týchto veciach.

37 Nuž, udržuj ho pomazaného, Pane, cez tie dni, ktoré sú pred ním, Pane, a požehnaj tento malý zbor. A pomôž mi, Pane, keď idem priniesť Posolstvo iným ľuďom. A nech my spolu, ako jedna osoba, jedna rodina, nech sa držíme spolu, a modlíme spolu, a žijeme spolu v tej svätej jednote Ducha Svätého, až kým nás Ježiš príjme do Kráľovstva. Lebo my to žiadame v Jeho Mene a pre Jeho slávu. Amen.

38 [Brat Neville hovorí, „Brat Branham, môžem Ťa nachvíľu prerušiť?“ – pozn.prekl.]

Iste môžeš, brat.

[Ako znak našej vďačnosti, touto prácou mladého muža medzi nami, brat Branham, venujeme Ti tento obraz, s plným prejavom našej lásky a vďaky. – pozn.prekl.]

Vďaka Ti, brat Neville, aj Modlitebňa.

[Ten mladý muž, ktorý namaľoval ten obrázok, bol Jerry Steffy.]

Brat Jerry Steffy namaľoval ten obrázok. Bože, požehnaj toho chlapca. To je veľmi obdivuhodné, Jerry, ak si tu dnes ráno.

Je to príliš zlé; prial by som si, aby som mal peniaze dať toho chlapca do školy za umelca. Ja verím, že Boh je v umení. Či neveríte tomu tiež? Boh je v hudbe; Boh je v umení; Boh je v tomto; a je to príliš zlé vidieť talent ako toto, ktorý by sa nerozvíjal. Čím viac to robí, tým viac sa bude rozvíjať, a ja – ja sa modlím, aby Ťa Boh požehnal, Jerry.

A ďakujem Ti, brat Neville, a tomuto zboru, za ten skvelý obrázok a za verš, ktorý je pod tým. Prečítam to trochu neskôr.

[Brat Neville hovorí: „Chceš aby som to prečítal?“ – pozn.prekl.]

V poriadku. Brat Neville bude čítať tú báseň. Ja som... Ja som nemal predstavu čo to bude...

On nie je človekom vysokej postavy;

Žiadna nadnesenosť nie je jeho zvykom;

Nezvučí si žiadnym zvukom trúby;

Ako kráča zo dňa na deň.

Nemá žiadnej túžby po blahobyte, tiež nie po sláve;

Ale nikto nemôže vyplniť jeho miesto;

On je práve taký, akého ho chceme;

Náš vlastný drahý brat Bill.

On nás vyučuje s poctivosťou nezriedené Slovo;

Žiadne módne postupy, žiadna láska ku pochvalám;

Len nasledovanie Pána.

Jeho prejav je príjemný a láskavý;

On nepovyšuje svoj hlas;

Mimo toho, že volá proti bezpráviu;

A potom nemá inú voľbu.

Nikdy nezískal veľa štúdia z univerzít a škôl;

Ale on vie, čo je dôležité;

A on je presvedčený, že nikto nie je hlupák.

Pretože poznanie, ktoré mu bolo dané je Večné, zhora;

On nemá žiadne vyznanie, okrem nášho Krista;

Žiadny zákon, len Suverénna Láska;

Nebolo žiadneho veľkého oznámenia;

Jeho nízkemu, pokornému narodeniu;

Ale pre nás on je najväčším človekom, ktorý žil na zemi.

My to počítame za viac ako privilégium;

Poznať ho ako priateľa;

Zachovávame všetko, za čím on stojí;

A budeme rovno až do konca.

On hovorí, že nie je kazateľ;

On je tak skromný, ako len môže byť;

Ale dajte ho za kazateľňu;

A to nie je ťažké vidieť, že On bol predurčený prorok;

Nech to ľudia nazývajú ako chcú;

Boh nám daroval ohromnú priazeň;

Keď nám dal brata Billa.

Podpísané: Malé Stádečko.

39 Vďaka vám, vďaka vám.. Vďaka vám za vaše myšlienky. Kto to vytvoril? [Brat Neville odpovedá, „Myslím, že to bola jeho matka.“ – pozn.prekl.]

To je... Nie som hodný tých vecí... ktoré boli povedané... ale to je pre mňa viac než všetky peniaze na svete (Chápete?), pomyslieť si, že niekto vás považuje za Jeho služobníka (Vidíte?), ako Božieho služobníka. Nech vždy žijem verný tomu, to je moja modlitba. Nech vás Boh vždy požehná. Moje myšlienky budú vždy pre vás, a ja vás tiež vrúcne milujem.

40 A teraz... Oh, máme tak veľa vecí; mohli by sme plne zabrať celý deň, a nikdy by sme sa nedostali do Slova. Vidíte, tak veľa skvelých vecí.

Mám videnie od Pána, o ktorom som išiel niečo povedať, a niekto mal sen (ten, ó, myslel som, že to bolo tak výrazné) o príchode Pánovom. A ja...

41 Malá Rebeka, moja dcéra tam vzadu (Ja... Dokonca ak som aj trochu o nej pred chvíľkou zažartoval), ona vyšla s jedným z tých veľkých druhov klobúkov; povedal som, „A teraz, zlatíčko, to vyzerá ako hniezdo pre vtáčiky,“ odvetil som, „všetko na tom je také pozapichované a tak.“ Povedal som, „Choď si to dať dolu.“

A potom mi to odplatila; za niekoľko minút prišla naspäť (viete, spôsob ako mi to odplatila bolo ísť naspäť), a prišla s obrovskou dámskou kabelkou, niesla ju. Povedal som, „Odkiaľ to je?“

Ona odvetila, „Ocko,“ povedala, „Mám veľké nohy, tak som myslela, že vezmem túto veľkú dámsku kabelku, aby sa to spolu hodilo.“

Tak... Ó, tieto... Ale ona povedala, že mala dvakrát sen, že ona a ja sme išli v aute, a ja som jej hovoril o Pánovom blízkom zjavení sa: ten istý sen druhýkrát. Čakám na ten tretí; možno mi Pán potom dá, že čo to znamená.

42 Teda, je veľa čo povedať, ale poďme teraz priamo do Slova. Dúfam, že sa každý cíti dobre. A ak nie, budem sa modliť, aby Boh spôsobil, aby ste sa cítili dobre prv než sa táto služba skončí, že dnes ráno v našom strede, nebude žiadna slabá osoba, keď sa zakončí táto služba.

A teraz, my si musíme pamätať, že Kristus zomrel za hriešnikov, a to sme boli my (Chápete?); to sme my. A On zomrel za nás, aby nás mohol zachrániť.

43 No, môžete počuť dobre všade dookola? Tam vzadu, môžete počuť dobre tam vzadu? Prichádza to tam dozadu? V poriadku. Dobre.

44 A teraz, chcem čítať niečo z Jeho Slova. Ponajprv, obráťme sa teraz do Knihy Joela, a chcem čítať prvý verš, od prvého do štvrtého verša, a potom druhá – druhá kapitola a 25.verš, a Genesis 20:7.

45 A teraz, cením si... Teda, ak ste unavení a chcete ísť von, choďte. Chápete? Ale toto bude moje posledné Posolstvo cirkvi za – tejto časti cirkvi, na nejaký čas; a dnes ráno očakávame uzdravujúce zhromaždenie. A chcem toto Posolstvo, ak Boh to požehná, aby sa to hlboko ponorilo do našich sŕdc, tak dostaneme ten zmysel, čo to znamená. Teda, my sme tu, aby sme vyjadrili, povedali veci, ktoré veríme, a potvrdili to Písmom, že Písmo tak hovorí; a potom, nech to Boh premení a potvrdí, že to je pravda, aby to mohol urobiť skutočným.

Práve tak ako nejaký... Vy poviete, „Toto je semeno slnečnice.“ Posaďte to a uvidíte čo to je; potom sa to vynorí ako slnečnica; to sa zhoduje; bola to slnečnica. Vidíte? To je všetko.

46 Tak, ak niektorí... ak niektorí z nich sú – vymieňajte si miesta na sedenie raz za čas, niektorí si sadnite, a iní vstaňte a počkajte chvíľu. A ja budem taký stručný ako len môžem.

47 A teraz, pamätajte, modlite sa za mňa. A len buďte teraz verní cirkvi; zostaňte priamo tu v cirkvi ktorá... s bratom Neville. A vy, ľudia, ktorí ste na návšteve, nuž teraz, poďte naspäť a...

Teda, ja som na týchto zhromaždeniach, idem na ne bez nejakého určitého vnútorného volania; ale ja si nemôžem len vylihovať; svet zomiera. Chápete? A Pavol mal tú skúsenosť raz, a on išiel dolu do inej krajiny; a potom, on mal na ceste Macedónske volanie. Ale, Boh mu mohol dať Macedónske volanie v akomkoľvek čase. Ja odvolávam všetko, keď Boh udeľuje volanie.

Ja len robím to najlepšie čo môžem, idem do tej končiny, sejem semená, a tu sejem niekoľko semien, a tu sejem niekoľko semien. Viem, že vtáky v povetrí, mnohí z nich sa zhromažďujú, a niektorí z nich sa udusia atď; ale tam by malo byť zopár, ktoré prídu tiež hore, viete, na dobrom základe. Tak poďme len... Siať semeno je tá hlavná vec.

48 Veľmi zvláštne čítanie na Veľkonočné posolstvo, Joel prvá kapitola.

Slovo Hospodinovo, ktoré sa stalo k Joelovi, synovi Petuelovmu.

Počujte to, starci, a pozorujte ušami,... všetci obyvatelia zeme!

Či sa to stalo za vašich dní a či za dní vašich otcov?

Rozprávajte o tom svojim synom, a vaši synovia nech rozprávajú svojim synom a ich synovia pokoleniu, ktoré prijde potom.

To, čo zostalo po húsenici, požrali kobylky; to, čo zostalo po kobylkách, požrali pažraví chrobáci, a to, čo zostalo po chrobákoch, požrali chrústi.

Teraz, 25.verš z druhej kapitoly...

A nahradím vám roky, ktoré požrala kobylka, pažravá chrobač, chrúst a húsenica, moje veľké vojsko, ktoré som posielal na vás.

A tak budete jesť a nasýtite sa a budete chváliť meno Hospodina, svojho Boha, ktorý učinil s vami predivné veci, a môj ľud sa nebude viacej hanbiť na veky.

50 V Genesis 20 – Genesis, 20.kapitola Genesis a 7.verš, chcem toto prečítať nasledujúc súvislosť pre tento text, na ktorý sa snažím upútať vašu pozornosť. Začnem so 6.veršom, aby sme k tomu dostali pozadie.

A Boh mu riekol vo sne: I ja viem, že si to urobil v prostote svojho srdca, a preto som ťa i ja zdržal, aby si nezhrešil proti mne;

pre tú príčinu som ti nedal, aby si sa jej dotknul.

A tak teraz vráť ženu toho muža, lebo je prorok, a bude sa modliť za teba, a budeš žiť. Ale ak nevrátiš, vedz, že istotne zomrieš i ty i všetko, čo je tvoje.

A teraz, ja som z tohto textu vytiahol – alebo z tohto čítania Písma, súhrn textu nazvaný obnoviť (prinavrátiť).

51 A teraz, potom ako brat Neville kázal dnes ráno to vynikajúce Posolstvo, posledná vec, ktorú on povedal v jeho posledných myšlienkach, bola, „Byť obnovený.“ A tak, to mi dalo myšlienku, priamo tam: obnoviť. Teda, ponáhľal som sa domov a vzal svoj slovník, atď., a nejaké poznámky Písma, a začal som opisovať nejaké veci. A potom, mám Websterov Slovník, aby som zistil správnu definíciu slova obnoviť, navrátiť. „Obnoviť, navrátiť“ znamená „vrátiť predchádzajúcemu majiteľovi; alebo priniesť späť do pôvodného stavu podmienok.“ A my môžeme vynútiť právo, aby bolo navrátené.“ Teda, to je to, čo hovorí Webster, že slovo „obnoviť“ (navrátiť) znamená: „priniesť naspäť pôvodnému majiteľovi; alebo priniesť naspäť do pôvodného stavu podmienok.“ A ak je urobený na niečo nárok, aby bolo niečo prinavrátené, môžete si to vynútiť – urobiť, aby sa to navrátilo naspäť na jeho správne miesto. A nech Boh požehná teraz tieto chabé slová.

52 „Obnoviť“ znamená „priniesť späť, alebo navrátiť; právo, ktoré môže byť vynútené.“ A teraz, priniesť niečo naspäť jeho právoplatnému majiteľovi, kde to patrí... Nuž, na nejaký spôsob sa to ubralo preč od svojho zákonného majiteľa, a môže sa to ponevierať hocikde sem a tam. Ale prinavrátiť: je priniesť to naspäť tomu, kto to skutočne vlastní, alebo priniesť to naspäť do jeho pôvodného stavu, kde to bolo po prvýkrát – priniesť to naspäť do jeho pôvodného stavu. A aby sme to urobili, my máme právo vynucovať (ak existuje na to zákon), vynútiť túto zákonnú výhradu prinavrátenia – navrátiť.

53 Ako keď niekto ukradol nejaký majetok, a ten majetok je držaný v zajatí. Potom môžete použiť zákon a ísť za tou osobou, a ten zákon vynucuje – donucuje tú osobu, aby navrátila tento majetok naspäť jeho pôvodnému vlastníkovi, do jeho... alebo do pôvodného stavu.

Uplatnenie zákona... Ó, čo za text, ako by som rád mal na to dva dni: vynútiť. Pretože, brat Neville nám kázal; ja vám len idem porozprávať, učiť lekciu nedeľnej školy, takže to bude - to bude – aby sme pokračovali v tom, dúfam, čo on kázal.

54 Donútiť... Nuž, my máme to privilégium vynútiť na satanovi nároky, ktoré nám Boh daroval, pretože Boh má zákon; a Jeho Slovo je Zákon. A Boh urobil v tomto Slove určité nároky na cirkev. Z toho dôvodu, my máme právo vynútiť si tieto požiadavky na Satanovi a povedať, „Daj to naspäť.“ A on to musí urobiť, pretože my si môžeme vziať so sebou Božského Agenta, Ducha Svätého, ísť priamo dole na kolená, a povedať, „To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“ On sa toho musí vzdať; to je všetko, pretože Svätý Duch je tam, aby to spôsobil, že on to urobí.

55 Zákon pôdy je vynútiť – to je okolo pozemkov, pre územie. Ale Zákon Ducha Božieho je donútiť satana, aby sa vzdal toho, čo on má nespravodlivo, zákerne vzaté od Boha. On vzal od Boha duše ľudí, duše žien, detí; nemoc tela, on to umiestnil na ľudí, kde ich Boh urobil na Svoj obraz, aby boli ako je On. A cirkvi je dané oprávnenie, zákonné práva na základe Biblie, vziať so sebou Svätého Ducha a vynútiť to na nich.

56 Verím, že som to práve citoval tu na poslednom zhromaždení; nie som si istý. Ale nejaký brat prišiel do Louisville dole z Georgie, a nechal tam svoje auto, a niekto ho ukradol. A on tam mal svoje oblečenie, manželkine oblečenie, oblečenie detí... Bol to brat Evans, tu ja... (Oni sú zvyčajne tu.) Oni jazdia 2400 kilometrov zakaždým, keď tu máme zhromaždenie, prichádzajú tu mať zhromaždenie. A chudák ten človek tu bol bez všetkého, a viac ako 1100 kilometrov od domu.

A on nevedel, čo má robiť. On sa obrátil na políciu, ale oni mali v Louisville veľkú zábavu. Oni kradli autá a natierali ich. A vy si môžete – ono to nemusí mať značku, aby ste to predali; a oni vám môžu urobiť značku za niekoľko minúť a akékoľvek číslo aké na to chcete dať.

57 A tak, oni mali hrozný čas. Tak my sme išli dolu na kolená. Vidíte, teraz, Ježiš by to nemusel robiť, lebo On bol Slovom. Nuž, my nie sme Slovom. Slovo Pánovo prichádzalo ku prorokom; oni však neboli Slovom, ale Slovo prišlo ku nim. Ale Ježiš bol to Slovo. Chápete? On sa nemusel modliť; On bol Samotným Bohom. Vidíte? Ale my sme Jeho proroci, Jeho služobníci, ku ktorým Slovo Pánovo prichádza. Potom prorok je potvrdený, či je to Slovo Pánovo alebo nie, či to, čo on hovorí sa stane.

58 Tak potom, máme tu Písmo, že Ježiš povedal, „Kdekoľvek sa dvaja alebo viacerí stretnú v Mojom Mene, a ak budú súhlasiť (Ja budem v ich strede) – a ak oni budú súhlasiť na akejkoľvek určitej veci a požiadajú to (nebudú v to pochybovať), budú mať to, čo žiadajú; bude im to dané.“

A teraz, tam existuje zákon. Teda, ten Jeden, ktorý je tu, aby ten zákon vynútil, je Svätý Duch. A čo ľudia, ktorí neveria v Ducha Svätého, a odmietajú Ho? Chápete? Vy odmietate váš vlastný pokoj a milosrdenstvo.

59 Teda, my sme boli na našich kolenách, okolo päť mužov (s bratom Fredom Sothmannom, a boli tam mnohí ďalší), štyria alebo piati muži; a kľačali sme na kolenách, a ja som predniesol ten prípad pred Boha. A potom, zobral som Slovo zasľúbenia a vyslal som To. Veľký Duch Svätý, ako On vzal Slovo, aby slúžil povolaným, prelomilo sa videnie a ja som videl nejakého človeka ako ide smerom ku Bowling Green, Kentucky, mal na sebe žltú košeľu, a jazdil na tomto aute. Duch Svätý prišiel na neho, obvinil ho, a on sa otočil (asi v polovici). Videl som ho ako prichádza naspäť a ako zaparkoval to auto na určitej ulici, tuto na druhej strane rieky. A ja som povstal a povedal som bratom, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN“.

60 A keď sa oni dali do toho, odišli na cestu, a to auto tam stálo, benzínu dopoly nádrže, kde tá nádrž bola spolovice prázdna (tam kde to bolo naplnené), práve dosť na to, aby prešiel tú polovicu cesty do Bowling Green a naspäť. Teraz, tamtí muži sedia práve tu dnes ráno, ako svedkovia.

Čo je to? Vynútenie. „Daj to späť!“ Chápete? To je to; to je to, o čom hovoríme. Navrátiť to. Priniesť to späť jeho pravému majiteľovi.“

61 A ak vás Satan olúpil o privilégium byť synom alebo dcérou Božou, dnes ráno máme to právo pomocou Ducha Svätého vynútiť to právo od Boha: „Prineste ich naspäť.“ Ak ťa on skľúčil a spôsobil, že si chorý, máme právo pred Bohom vynútiť zákony Božie: „Jeho ranami sme uzdravení.“ Amen. „Prines ich naspäť; prepusti ich! Ty ho berieš mimo tam smrti, a my ho požadujeme. Prines ich späť.“

62 A teraz, to je vynútenie zákona. Navrátiť to znovu naspäť do jeho pôvodných podmienok. Muž je chorý, dieťa je choré, žena je chorá (Vidíte?); oni sú mimo svojich pôvodných podmienok. Potom my máme právo vynútiť našu požiadavku; nie našu požiadavku, ale to je naša požiadavka, pretože Boh nám ju dal: „Bol zranený pre naše prestúpenia. Jeho ranami sme uzdravení.“

Teda, my máme právo vynútiť ten zákon. A Zákonodarca, Duch Svätý Sám je tu, Agent Boží, aby videl, že je to takto urobené. Amen. Ale, jediný spôsob, ako On môže pracovať je, keď Mu dovolíte pracovať. Chápete? Musíte to veriť.

63 Je tam zákon... Ó, či sa ja vôbec dostanem do môjho textu. Existuje zákon, je to zákon daný medzi všetkým. Viete, ryba má zákon. A tá ryba môže stáť tu vo vode, a v nej je zákon. Ak ona len dopustí ísť mimo toho zákona, ktorý je v nej, môžete potopiť závažie na dno mora: to ju ani trochu nenaruší; to neporuší jedinú bunku.

Pokúste sa to urobiť vy. Ten zákon vo vás nie je. Vy to nemôžete urobiť, ale ryba môže. Ona sa zbaví toho vzduchu, tak ako len môže; v nej nie je nič, čo by to vyrazilo. A ona je takto učinená; ona to vie, a ona vynucuje ten zákon, aby vzala to závažie na dno mora a potom, aby sa podvihla znovu.

64 Ó, v Kristu bol zákon; ten zákon je v človeku. Vy ho môžete zahrabať do najhlbšieho hrobu alebo do najhlbšieho mora, alebo najnižšieho pekla; tam je zákon Ducha Božieho, ktorý ho znovu pozdvihne. Vidíte?

65 Vtáčik má zákon. Teda, hmota jeho tela; je to priviazané k zemi, postavené tu na zemi; ale má to v sebe zákon, že keď rozprestrie svoje krídla, môže odletieť rovno z vášho dohľadu. To je proti vedeckej náuke. Oni tvrdia, že je priviazané k zemi; že gravitácia to tam musí zadržať. Ale to sa vzpiera gravitácii, dvíha sa priamo preč od toho, a ide vytrvale ďalej; pretože to musí ten zákon, ktorý je v tom, uviesť do chodu; a to je tak utvorené, aby to dokázalo vlastniť ten zákon. A teraz sa začínam cítiť nábožne.

66 No, my máme zákon, v nás je zákon Života. My ne... Jediná vec, ktorú musíte robiť... Vy ste utvorení, a narodení, a umiestnení tu v Tele Kristovom ako synovia a dcéry Božie. Vy nemusíte byť zrazení pred diablom. My máme zákon; to je zákon Svätého Ducha. Jediná vec, ktorú viete—musíte urobiť, je vedieť ako to pustiť a nechať to Bohu.

Vy s tým bojujete (Chápete?), a to nikdy nebude fungovať. Keď to len necháte a dáte to Bohu, to je všetko... Vidíte?

67 Ak by ryba povedala, „Počkaj, ja poriadne chytím dych; vdýchnem do seba trochu kyslíku, a uvidím, či sa môžem ponoriť.“ Nie, ona to nerobí, to by ju roztrhlo. Vidíte?

Vtáčik hovorí, „Uvidím, ako rýchlo môžem bežať tuto dolu, a môžno vzlietnem.“ Nie, on to nebude robiť, on by spadol. Chápete? On musí vedieť ako riadiť—ako ho ten zákon môže ovládať.

68 A rovnako je to s nami, to nie je to, čo my vybojujeme, a poťahujeme, a náhlime sa a „Oh, ak nedostanem toto; ak nedostanem tamto; to nie je to; to je vedieť, že zákon Života je v tebe. A vy sa len uvoľníte a zanecháte to Bohu. Potom On vás berie ku vášmu uzdraveniu, berie vás ku krstu Duchom, alebo čomukoľvek, čo On zasľúbil. Akékoľvek právo, ktoré On dal, je vaše a to uvoľnením sa a zanechaním to Bohu...

69 Teda, ak úradník prišiel vziať... (nejaký chlapík, ktorý ukradol váš majetok), on ho prišiel vziať na súd, a vy ho zastavujete, „Nuž, neviem či by to mal robiť alebo nie,“ on ho tam nikdy nedostane. Len ho nechajte ísť. To je spôsob ako to robíte. Nech len satan ide preč; všetky pochybnosti a všetko uniká z vašej mysle, potom vás Boh pozdvihne. Dobre.

70 A teraz, je čas Veľkej Noci. Ó, mám rád Veľkú Noc. Áno, pane. Ale je toho dnes príliš veľa na Veľkú Noc ohľadne zajačikov, a kačíc, a ružových kurčiat, a pekných klobúkov, a nových šiat; a to nie je Veľká Noc. Veľká Noc je vzkriesenie, obnovenie, navrátenie naspäť; je to Boží čas prinavrátenia. Pozorujte zem; Boh ju obnovuje. Čo obnovuje? Prírodu. To je pravda. On kriesi kvety; regeneruje listy, On obnovuje plody poľa. Čo je to? Boh prinavracia. Je Veľká Noc; znamená to „priniesť to naspäť.“ Čo je to? Tam bol výrok, požiadavka. Veľká Noc požaduje alebo kvet tvrdí, že má právo znovu povstať. Chápete? A Boží zákon prírody priťahuje zem okolo a vytvára Boží zákon v prírode rodiaci Veľkú Noc, vzkriesenie; to je nádherné. Otáčanie slnka prinavracia to, čo potlačila zima, kým to bolo v zemi...

71 Boh vysiela zem okolo slnka, tak ako nám bolo povedané, z tej sféry naspäť tu. Zem sa odvracia od slnka, ide naspäť tuto (To je postup, ako to robí hriešnik, uniká preč od S-y-n-a, kde toto je s-l-n-k-o). Ale keď sa zem začína navracať naspäť... A keď to tam bodá smrť, zima. To zabíja každú živú vec, ktorú to tam môže zabiť. A teraz, keď sa zem pohybuje naspäť, v zemi ležia semená; oni sú zamrznuté; nemajú v sebe dužinu; a všetko je preč; ale tam je uchovaný malý život.

A len čo sa slnko dostane naspäť do pozície spolu so zemou, potom nastáva Veľká Noc, prinavrátenie. Znovu sa vyšvihnú kvety; všetko sa vynára navrch. Všetko, čo zabila zima, slnko to kriesi. Všetko, čo zabila zimná smrť, slnko života to obnovuje.

72 A tak je to teraz s ľuďmi. Všetko, čo tam zabila tá studená, najchladnejšia zima, formálne náboženstvo; blížiaci sa Syn Boží prichádzajúci do Jeho cirkvi v týchto posledných dňoch, to znovu obnovuje ku Životu. „Ja prinavrátim“, hovorí Pán. Chápete?

Boh obnovuje Svoje kvety, Svoje listy, Svoju prírodu, Svoje semená zeme; a tak, my vieme, že ten Boh obnoví tiež Svoj príbytok. On obnoví Svoj Eden; On obnoví všetko, čo zabila smrť. To je pravda.

Teda, jediný spôsob, ako to môže vždy zostať mŕtve, je nechať to ležať na nesprávnom mieste. Ale ak to padne na správne miesto, to musí prísť znovu do života. Tak Boh, nás necháva spočívať vo správnom smerovaní (To je pravda.), aby nás obnovil.

73 Všetko, čo zima zabila, slnko to obnovuje. Prinavracanie slnka, čo to spôsobuje? To núti (Počúvajte), núti to smrť... Keď slnko, jarné slnko prichádza znovu naspäť do línie so zemou, to v podstate donucuje smrť, aby vydala svojich mŕtvych (Amen.) vzkrieseniu. Kvôli čomu? Obnova—znovu prinavrátiť.

Čo to robí? Prichádza slnko; to je Boží zákon. Boh nastavil zem podľa zákona, zákona gravitácie; všetko v prírode pracuje podľa Božského zákona. Kvet plnil úlohu vo svojom období; semená slúžili svojmu obdobiu; potom zomreli do zeme, a potom dochádza ku obnoveniu.

74 A teraz, leží tam smrť. Tam nie je žiadna vec... Mohli by sme vziať jedno z týchto svetiel ako sú tieto, a zasvietiť to; a to by nikdy neprinieslo úžitok. Nie je pre nás žiaden spôsob, aby sme to urobili. Boh má zákon, že keď to slnko nadíde na to semeno, to vytlačí ten život zo semena von. Smrť to viac nemôže zadržať.

75 Boh ustanovil všetky Jeho zákony, aby Mu slúžili, ako telesné – tak aj duchovné, fungujú podľa Jeho Slova, bez ohľadu na okolnosti. Milujem to, mám tu o tom miesto Písma. Áno, pane.

Boh uvádza všetky svoje zákony do pohybu. Rozmýšľajte o tom; nech to do vás vsiakne, pretože teraz za niekoľko minút ideme do uzdravovacieho zhromaždenia. Chápete? Boh, uviedol všetky Svoje zákony do chodu; takže to musí fungovať podľa Jeho vlastného Slova (Porozumeli ste to? Vidíte?)—Jeho Slovo. Jeho zákony musia fungovať podľa Jeho Slova. On prikázal slnku; On dal povel mesiacu; On riadi zem; On velí prírode; a to všetko vpadá rovno do jednej línie. A všetky zákony pracujú v harmónii s vypovedaným Slovom Božím. A zákon Života, ktorý je v nás, nás tiež prinesie do vzkriesenia. To musí. Je nemožné, aby to tak nebolo.

76 To je zmysel zákona Života, ktorý bol v Kristovi... Keď Slovo bolo hovorené a vypovedané, „Nedám Môjmu Svätému vidieť porušenie, ani nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle,“ nebolo dosť času; nebolo dostatok diablov; nebolo dosť z ničoho toho, čo by zadržalo Krista v tom hrobe až kým On—Jeho telo sa začalo rozkladať; pretože zákon Boží priviedol to Slovo, do vyplnenia sa. A zákon Boží, skrze Ducha Svätého, prináša akékoľvek zasľúbenie, do vyplnenia sa (Rozumiete to?), bez ohľadu na okolnosti.

77 Jób povedal, „Aj keď červy zničia moje telo, jednako budem vidieť Boha v mojom tele.“ Bez ohľadu na to, akí sme malí, nízki, nečistí, nesvätí, chorí, trpiaci; zákon Božieho Ducha pomocou Jeho Slova pôsobí, že Ho to poslúcha, tlačí na ten problém, a hovorí, „Daj to naspäť!“ Amen.

Ó, ak by sme len mohli o tom nachvíľu uvažovať. Donúti to, nehľadiac na okolnosti? Bez ohľadu na to, aká je situácia, zákon Božieho Slova tlačí ten stav, aby bol v súlade s Jeho Slovom. Vidíte? To musí.

A teraz, ak tam leží kvet, a je mŕtvy; semená sú zhnité, beznádejné; vyšla von dužina; to s tým nemá ani jednu vec spoločnú. Vzrastá to znovu, pretože Boh položil zákon, aby to znovu povstalo.

78 Keď bol Jób položený do zeme... Možno to bolo štyritisíc rokov predtým než tu Ježiš prišiel, keď Ho on videl prichádzať. Môžete si predstaviť, ako vyzeralo ľudské telo pred štyritisíc rokmi: pravdepodobne to nebolo dosť popola ani na konček lyžičky. Ale Jób povedal, „Je predsa len budem vidieť Boha vo svojom tele, Ktorého budem vidieť pre seba.“

A Biblia nám hovorí v Matúšovi 27, že po Jeho smrti a pochovaní a vzkriesení, že mnohí svätí, ktorí spali v prachu zeme, povstali z toho prachu. Prečo? To bol ten prorok, hovoriaci Slovo Božie; a Slovo bolo hovorené, a zákon Boží skrze Ducha, ich pozdvihol hore. Biblia hovorí, že oni prišli do mesta a ukázali sa mnohým. Nielen Ježiš vstal, ale vstali s Ním svätí.

79 Prečo? Tam v Žalme je povedané, „Pozdvihnite, brány večnosti, a buďte zodvihnuté. Nech vojde Pán slávy.“ No, keď On premohol smrť, peklo, hrob, nemoc, vstal tretieho dňa, vystúpil na výsosť, a zajal zajatie. Čo to bolo? To boli tí otroci, ktorí sa tešili na zasľúbenie, ktoré máme my teraz. Ó, brat.

Dokonca nikdy nemali Svätého Ducha, ale verili a dali dobré svedectvo; a pomocou toho zavreli ústa levom, uhasili zúrivosť ohňa, unikli ostriu meča; ženy dostali svojich mŕtvych vzkriesených naspäť do života: bez zasľúbenia. Ó, ale oni hľadeli dopredu... pod obeťami oviec, ktoré nemohli odlúčiť od hriechu, ktoré mohli len zakryť hriech.

80 Ale oni verili, že prichádza Jeden. A skrze ich vieru, ktorá ide ďaleko poza ten tieň (Amen), si to oni nárokovali. A neochvejne putovali po púšťach, a v ovčích kožiach, a kozích kožiach, boli sužovaní a v nedostatku a trápení. Ó, tamtí ľudia, hľadeli dopredu na vzkriesenie, a až dokiaľ nezomreli vo viere svedectvom; a v to Veľkonočné ráno (ten zákon Boží, ktorý vypovedal, Slovo, cez Jóba a tých iných prorokov), oni povstali zo smrti. Ó!

81 Tu to máte. Bez ohľadu na okolnosti. Niektorí ľudia sa dostávajú do takého stavu obvinenia, že nechcú čeliť žiadnemu súdu. Ó, veľa ľudí... Nie je ťažké zomrieť, ktokoľvek môže stratiť svoj rozum, alebo čokoľvek iné, a urobiť niečo bezhlavo. Niektorí upálili svoje telá, odviezli ich na more, a hodili popol na štyri rohy – štyri vetry mora. To nezastavilo súd; vy z toho vychádzate takí istí. Áno, pane.

82 Chápete? Bez ohľadu na podmienky, vy niekde stretnete Boha. Musíte prísť ku Nemu; musíte Ho stretnúť. Vidíte? Kvôli čomu? On vypovedal Slovo, a položil zákon s tým Slovom. A ten zákon je Jeho vlastným zákonom, Jeho vlastný Život za Tým. To je dôvod, že On prisahal Sám na Seba; nie je nikto väčší. Chápete? On musel zobrať prísahu, pretože žiadna zmluva nemohla byť potvrdená bez prísahy. A jediný spôsob, akým On mohol, prv ako to On urobil, On Samotný to vzal, a On Samotný sa stal prísahou (ó, brat), keď sa Boh stal človekom a bol tou prísahou, urobil Seba Samého prísahou. A Jeho vlastnou smrťou, pochovaním, a vzkriesením On potvrdil, že Jeho zákony boli správne. Povedal, „Zborte tento chrám a za tri dni ho znovu postavím“ Ja, osobné zámeno. „Znovu ho postavím za tri dni; ja ho vyvolám. Len ho zničte a uvidíte čo sa stane.“ Lebo On poznal zákon Boží; On poznal, čo to bolo. On vedel, že to muselo pracovať podľa Slova. On vedel, že Slovo Boha bolo vypovedané cez proroka a povedalo, „Nedám Svojmu Svätému vidieť porušenia.“ Tým to bolo vybavené. Tým to bolo vybavené.

83 Potom zákon Boží musí pracovať podľa Slova. (Za chvíľu prichádzame k veľkým veciam. Vidíte? Chápete? My sme...) Zákon Božieho Slova, zákon Boží je s Jeho Slovom. Teda, ak súd vypíše oznam, „Je určitá, určitá vec, pokuta urobiť tak-a-tak.“ V poriadku. Teraz, to je oznam súdu, a zákon súdu vynucuje oznámenie súdu. A Boh hovorí niečo, a to je zákon; a Duch Svätý je tu, aby uplatnil ten zákon (amen) pre veriaceho. Musíte byť do toho určený, a to vyžaduje veriaceho. Musíte mať znamenie veriaceho.

Niekto hovorí, „Máte moc?“

Nie, ale my máme autoritu (To je to.), nie moc, ale autoritu. My nemáme dosť moci na nič.

84 Ako som povedal pred nejakým časom, nejaký malý policajt tu v Louisville, stojí tam. On bol nižší než ja. Malý chlapík, čiapku mal natiahnutú na ušiach, a auto—ó, asi polovica z jeho uniformy na ňom len tak visela, chodil po ulici, malá čapica, pištoľ na boku, v ruke palička a malú píšťalka. Chodil tam v bielych rukaviciach, a tie autá (Niektoré z nich tristopäťdesiat koní) lietali po ulici ako blesky, len „źźźn, źźźn“. Nuž, ten úbohý malý chlapík nemohol zastaviť, on nedokázal svojou silou zastaviť ani utekajúceho poníka. Istotne nie. Ale on chodil po ulici, s tým veľkým lesklým vyznamenaním, fúkal do píšťaľky a ruka zodvihnutá. Brat, tristo konských síl motora škrípalo brzdami a všetko ďalšie. To nebola sila človeka, to bola autorita, ktorú on mal. To je to.

85 To je cirkev, To môže byť skupina náboženských fanatikov, takzvaných, alebo akokoľvek to nazvete; ale to je autorita. To je autorita za tým; to je to, čo to robí.

Bez ohľadu na okolnosti, Božie zákony pracujú s Jeho Slovom. A teraz, to nebude pracovať s vašim vyznaním; to bude pracovať so Slovom. Áno, to pracuje práve so Slovom; to je všetko. Teda, bez ohľadu na situáciu...

86 Abrahám, ako sme čítali pred chvíľkou v našom texte, Abrahámova žena mu musela byť navrátená naspäť. Prečo? Boh dal Abrahámovi zasľúbenie, a tu ju vzal kráľ, aby si ju zobral za svoju ženu.

Nuž, čo by on urobil? V okamihu by uvrhol Abraháma na smrť. To je to, čo povedal Abrahám, „Prosím ťa, aby si povedala, že...“ potom ako videl, že Abimelech ho prichytil (tento filištínsky kráľ), on povedal, „Teraz, ty... Prosím ťa, povedz, že som tvoj brat, pretože ak... Ty si nádherná žena,“ a povedal, „teraz, ak on uvidí, že si krásna, a ja—ja—ja budem zabitý, pretože on si ťa vezme a ožení sa s tebou.“

87 A tak, Abimelech ju chytil, a jeho muži ju priniesli dovnútra; ona bola nádherná žena. A mimochodom, ona mala len asi sto rokov. A ona—ona... Boh vlastne cez nich musel ukázať, čo On ide urobiť všetkým nám. Viete, prechádzal som cez to celé v mojom texte, a na páskach, a tak ďalej, potvrdzujúc, že podľa Slova Božieho; že to je správne. Cez Abraháma a Sáru on povedal, čo On išiel urobiť celému pokoleniu. To je pravda.

88 A teraz, ona tam bola, a tak Abimelech ju vzal, aby bola jeho ženou—Abimelech. A tak, on bol plne pripravený vziať si ju, aby bola jeho ženou, a čo? Boh musel povedať Abrahámovi: „Cez Sáru budeš mať to dieťa.“ A tu bol nejaký mladý muž, ktorý ju bral. Abrahám mal v tom čase okolo—asi sto rokov. Ale tým...

Všimnite si čo tam Boh povedal: „Áno, poznám bezúhonnosť tvojho srdca. To je dôvod, že som ťa zachoval, aby si nezhrešil proti Mne; ale vráť tú ženu, lebo jej manžel je prorok. Nech sa modlí za teba; ak to neurobíš, ja ťa zaslúžene zotriem z povrchu zeme.“

Tam to máte. Čo? Božie Slovo musí stáť. Žiaden človek sa nemohol dotknúť Sáry; Boh urobil sľub.

89 Sára, symbol cirkvi, pravej cirkvi, slobodnej cirkvi, slobodná žena so slobodným Dieťaťom, symbol znovuzrodenej cirkvi so zasľúbením. Nech hovoria čokoľvek chcú, nazývajú to náboženským fanatizmom. Oni sa To snažili zastaviť od Letníc, a nikdy to neurobia. Nie, veru. Len držte—len držte vaše ruky preč od Toho; to je všetko. Boh to ide zobrať a urobí s tým niečo, práve s takou istotou, ako tu stojím. Prechádzame priamo cez ten vek tej veci. A teraz, za niekoľko minút, Bože pomôž mi, ja vám to potvrdím, kde sa nachádzame. Pravda. Vy ste—oni to nikdy nezničia; to nemôže byť zničené. To je pravda.

90 „Daj od nej svoje ruky preč.“ Prečo? Z toho pochádza to prirodzené semeno. Prirodzené semeno muselo prísť. Ak by to—ak by sa Sára vydala za toho iného muža, nikdy by sa nenarodilo to prirodzené semeno.

Preto ak Boh tak chránil dráhu toho prirodzeného semena, o koľko viac toho duchovného, kráľovského Semena, ktoré On ochraňuje.

Satan, daj ich naspäť; prepusti ich. Ty ich viac nebudeš dusiť tam v ich organizáciách a okolnostiach; oni sú slobodní ľudia. Nechaj ich na pokoji. Áno. Pusti ich. Kráľovské Semeno...

91 Teda, Boh hovorí o prinavrátení. A teraz, tu v Joelovi on hovorí o... (kázal som na toto raz predtým a vzal som to z iného uhla, o... Nikdy som neprešiel priamo cez to, tak ako to zamýšľam urobiť dnes, a nebudem mať čas urobiť to, kde by to malo byť urobené.)

Ale Boh tu hovorí v Joelovi—Boh hovorí o Jeho ovocnom Strome, ktorý on zasadil. Boh zasadil ovocný Strom. On Ho zasadil na deň Letníc, a On tam priniesol ten Strom pre určitý cieľ. On chcel, aby To nieslo Jeho ovocie Slova, Božieho Slova. On chcel cirkev, ktorá by dodržiavala Jeho Slovo počas celých vekov. Eva zlyhala dodržať To; Hebreji zlyhali v dodržiavaní Toho; zákon bol neúspešný; všetko zlyhalo, a tak si Boh vysadil Strom—Strom.

92 Nuž, pamätajte, v záhrade Eden boli dva stromy; vieme to. Môžete ich volať akokoľvek chcete; ja mám svoj názor. Ale akokoľvek, jeden z nich bol znesvätený strom; bol znesvätený, a Ten druhý nebol znesvätený. Ten Strom Života prišiel od Boha z neba. On povedal, „Vaši otcovia jedli mannu a zomreli; ale tento Strom, jete z neho a žite naveky.“

A Anjel ochraňoval ten Strom Života zo záhrady Eden, držaný v Edene; ten Strom Života je v Edene, teda, duchovne hovoriac teraz.

Všimnite si. Teda, keď tento Strom, ktorý Boh zasadil, To bolo, aby prinášal deväť rôznych druhov ovocia, deväť rôznych druhov, ktoré predstavujú deväť duchovných darov, deväť ovocí Ducha má svoje miesto s deviatimi duchovnými darmi. To bol Boží Strom. On To posadil v zemi na deň Letníc.

93 A teraz, zastavme sa. Vždy sme tak obmedzení časom; idem preskočiť niekoľko Písem a pôjdem tu do prvého Žalmu.

Dávid videl tento Strom pred dlhým časom. A svojím písaním piesní niečoho radostného, to bola prvá vec, o ktorej písal. On videl tento Strom, a To bolo zasadené pri potokoch vôd—tento Strom. „On... A on bude ako strom,“ Boží Strom. Zasadený kde? „Pri potokoch (potoky, množné číslo), potoky vody (jednotné číslo). Nie Metodisti, Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, atď. Nie, nie. A-ha. Len potoky jednej vody: deväť duchovných darov toho istého Ducha, deväť ovocí Ducha prichádzajúcich z toho istého Kanála. „On bude ako Strom zasadený pri potokoch vôd.“

94 Dávid to videl a hovoril, „Požehnaný je muž...“ A všimnite si, on povedal, že on nemôže zomrieť. Jeho listy nezvädnú. Nie, nie. Nezávisí na tom, čo oni robia, oni nikdy nezabijú ten Strom. Prečo? To je to, kde je To zasadené. To je to, čo to robí. To je to, kde je on zasadený. On je zasadený nad potokmi vody. Teraz, všimnite si, Dávid povedal, „Jeho korene nezahynú.“

95 Viete, vezmete strom, veľký starý strom. Keď som bol chlapec, zvykol som chodiť von a my chlapci sme chodili von, a mali sme veľký starý strom, pod ktorým sme zvykli sedávať, veľký starý bukový strom. A vietor vanul; a ja som sa divil, pozeral som sa ako tá vec, na vrchole to vyzerala akoby to malo odviať celé preč. Ale viete, zakaždým keď na strom fúkal vietor, to rozkývalo ten strom, a on zapustil korene, tak oni sa len vhĺbili hlbšie a lepšie držali.

A to je tá spôsob, kedy výsmech, smiech, robenie si žartov z Kresťanstva, čo to robí, prenasledovanie, zatrasie Kresťanom, aby spôsobilo, že sa viac modlí, kope hlbšie, lepšie sa uchopí, takže môže obstáť v búrke.

96 A teraz, čo ak je človek zasadený v takej veci ako pri rieke, kde ho kŕmi deväť rôznych prameňov? Ó! Aký—aký základ on má. A človek, ktorý je zasadený pri potoku, potokoch vody (jedna voda, jeden Duch)... Tam sú dary uzdravenia (ten istý Duch), dary proroctva (ten istý Duch), všetko ten istý Duch, ale mnoho darov, jeden Darca.

Teraz, Dávid ho videl, a on bol posadený pri tomto Strome. Teda, on nemohol zomrieť. A teraz, všimnite si. Prečo? On mal Život v koreňoch. Kde sú korene—alebo život stromu? Zostaňte v koreňoch. Iste. Prichádza a donáša svoje ovocie. V poriadku, pozorujte. Jeho korene mali v sebe Život, aby zrodili Jeho ovocie vo svojim časom.

97 A teraz, pamätajte, tento Strom nestratí Svoje ovocie. Ale, vezmite strom a odstráňte ho z vody; prvá vec ktorú zistíte, keď máte malé staré jablká; oni sú celé hrčovité a červivé. Ale on vydá svoju úrodu.

A to je to, čo sa deje s cirkvami dnes. Vy ste unikli preč od tej Rieky, unikli preč od darov Ducha; oni majú len prirodzenú cirkev. A oni unikli od duchovných darov a duchovných vecí, a oni vydávajú svoje ovocie. Čo oni robia? Oni sú—oni sú veriacimi, žijú so svetom, správajú sa ako svet, kradnú, podvádzajú, klamú, fajčia, pijú, hazardujú, majú v zbore párty pri ktorých podvodom oberajú ľudí o peniaze, aby platili kazateľa, a všetko ďalšie, večierky, tance. Chápete? Oni stratili svoje ovocie. To je presne ako svet, a neveriaci sa pozerá a hovorí: „Nie je žiadny rozdiel medzi tou osobou a mnou.“

98 To je to, čo spôsobilo aby povstal komunizmus v Rusku. To je dôvod, prečo podpálili Katolícky kostol dole v Mexiku. Keď som tam bol a videl som tie jamy na vápno a tie miesta, kde oni pálili tamtie malé deti, kde tie rehoľníčky mali tamtie deti; dokonca ľudské telá, ležali tam urastené ľudské telá, v tých jamách na vápno. Čo oni urobili? Oni vydali svoju úrodu (Chápete?), a Boh ich striasol dole zo stromu; to bolo všetko. Vidíte?

99 Ale človek, ktorý je zasadený (nie prilepený, ale zasadený) pri potokoch vody, bude donášať Jeho ovocie (pozorujte) v jeho—Jeho ovocie v Jeho období.

Rozumiete to? Žalm 1: „Blahoslavený muž, ktorý nesedí na stolici posmievačov, nestojí na ceste hriešnikov. Bude ako strom zasadený pri potokoch vody. Dáva Jeho ovocie v Jeho období, a čokoľvek robí, podarí sa mu. (Vidíte? Všimnite si.) Nie tak bezbožní“; a on pre Ním na súde neobstojí. Chápete?

100 A teraz, on prinesie Jeho ovocie jeho časom. Pozorujte tam každé „Jeho“, osobné zámeno. Je to Jeho ovocie, Božie ovocie, v sezóne, v ktorej to prorok prináša. To bude v prorockej sezóne; Božie ovocie v Božom čase podľa prorockej sezóny, „On prinesie Jeho ovocie v jeho sezóne.“

Vidzte, či tam nie je dvakrát slovíčko „Jeho“. Priniesť Jeho, Božie ovocie (Vidíte?), v sezóne, v ktorej bol ustanovený posol, aby prišiel. On prinesie tie... No, pamätajte, že posol ktorý prináša ovocie Božie, prinesie to v Božej sezóne, v sezóne toho nositeľa. Rozumiete? „Prinesie Jeho ovocie v jeho sezóne.“ A To nemôže uschnúť. Prečo? On tam má predurčené ovocie. A nemôže To zničiť, pretože To je predurčené.

101 Teraz, Efežanom 5:1 a vlastne 5, To hovorí, „Posadení spolu v ponebeských oblastiach v Kristu Ježišovi.“ Čo sa stalo? On povedal, „Boh, podľa Jeho predzvedenia, nás predurčil k synovstvu detí Božích skrze Ježiša Krista.“ Boh, skrze Jeho predzvedenie, predurčil všetko, čo sa má stať tam ďalej na tej ceste. Jeho predzvedením On to predvidel; preto, od počiatku On mohol povedať koniec.

Z toho dôvodu, bolo predurčené ovocie v koreňoch tohto Stromu; a tento Strom nemohol uschnúť, pretože To držalo predurčené ovocie.

102 No, to je Strom, o ktorom tu hovorí Joel. Vidíte? To nemôže zomrieť. Červy To požierajú, ale To nemôže zomrieť. V Jeho koreňoch To má predurčenú Pravdu; To malo Božie Slovo, tento Strom. A tento Strom je tým Stromom po celý čas... Bol posadený v záhrade Eden. Všetky stromy zo ženy zomreli; my všetci zo ženy zomierame. Narodením my všetci zomrieme. Ale zo ženy prišla smrť, preto toto narodenie prišlo zo ženy. Dobre.

Potom toto musí zomrieť, kvôli hriechu; ale narodenie, nové narodenie, ktoré prišlo z Krista, nemôže zomrieť. To je jeden Strom a druhý strom. Chápete? A tento Strom, hoci bol prenasledovaný, bol zosmiešnený od úplného počiatku v záhrade Eden, To nemôže zomrieť; To je predurčené. Bol udieraný a bitý, a ó, všetko možné Mu bolo urobené. A čo sa stalo? To nemôže zomrieť. On nezomrie. On nemôže, pretože On sa drží v Jeho predurčenom Slove Božom. To musí vyjsť von, lebo Jeho ovocie je v Jeho vlastnej sezóne, predurčenej sezóne, nezáleží na tom...

103 Joel videl každý jeden z nich zjedený dolu do spodku, ale on povedal, „Ja ho obnovím, povedal Pán.“ Za predurčením Božím ležia korene Stromu. To musí vyjsť von, pretože To drží predurčené Slovo Božie.

Ó, čo za Strom. Ó, tento Strom. Začalo To rásť tam v záhrade Eden. Čo sa stalo? Tam bola partia vychádzajúca z Kainových detí, nejaké bacily, a prešli tadiaľ, a zjedli To dolu do stebla; a Boh z Toho tú úrodu vzal a položil To do archy a preniesol To. To je pravda.

104 Celou cestou dolu to bolo tak isto, dolu cez hranicu súdu—Izrael, tak dolu. A potom, na Letnice, kde cirkev, čo sa týka Stromu Nevesty... On je uvedený do poriadku na Letnice, Strom ktorý bol predurčený priniesť Jeho ovocie v daných obdobiach.

A teraz, ide to v poriadku, tomu ovociu sa dobre darilo. Rozkvitlo to na deň Letníc. Poďme sa pozrieť, čo sa stalo na deň Letníc. Ježiš povedal, „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, aj vy činiť budete.“ Uzdravovali nemocných, ale, toho dňa... Poďme sa pozrieť, ako to začalo.

105 Na deň Letníc, niekoľko dní po vzkriesení (päťdesiat dní po Veľkej Noci), prichádza mocný nesúci sa vietor z neba. Ale, dnes, my to robíme inak. Služobník sa postaví a vezme—povie, „Zapisujem tvoje meno do knihy.“ Chápete? Alebo nejaký bakalár s golierom sa otočí a povie, „Poďte tu a zoberte chlieb košer, potom sa stanete členom cirkvi.“ Či to nie je divné? Služobník povie, „Pripojte sa ku našej skupine.“

No, oni sa obidvaja mýlia. Na deň Letníc to prišlo z neba (nie z kazateľne, po ceste), z neba, a čo? Kňaz? Nie. Služobník? Nie. Čo to bolo? Zvuk ako mocný nesúci sa vietor; a naplnil celý dom, kde boli zhromaždení. Spočinuli na nich rozdielne jazyky; zajakavou rečou, oni nemohli hovoriť; oni boli tak naplnení slávou. Svätý Duch ich naplnil. Vyšli do ulíc, bľabotajúc, len... A tak sa správali... Dokonca tam stálo také dôstojné zhromaždenie a oni povedali, „No, títo ľudia sú naplnení novým vínom; sú úplne opilí. Pozrite sa na nich, mužov a ženy, ako sa potácajú a ako sa správajú...“

106 Teda, to je TAK HOVORÍ DUCH; to je Písmo. To je to, ako cirkev bola organizovaná, nie organizovaná, ale ustanovená. Je veľký rozdiel v tých dvoch slovách. Všimnite si, tam oni boli. A teraz... A viete čo, vy Katolícki ľudia, požehnaná panna Mária bola s nimi. Áno. Ale, ak by Boh nedovolil Márii prísť do neba bez prijatia Ducha Svätého, ako sa tam idete dostať vy, ukrátení o To. No, len o tom rozmýšľajte. Vidíte? Jasné, to je pravda. Mária bola medzi nimi. A ona tam musela čakať, až kým nestratila všetku svoju dôstojnosť a hrdosť, naplnená Duchom.

107 A oni tu prišli a správali sa ako opití ľudia. Biblia povedala, že oni to urobili. Oni povedali, „Títo ľudia sú plní nového vína.“

Ale Peter, hovorca, služobník v tej skupine, sa postavil a povedal, „Títo nie sú naplnení vínom, ako sa vy nazdávate, vidiac, že je len tretia hodina dňa; ale toto je to, čo bolo vypovedané prorokom Joelom (tým, z ktorého čítam dnes), „A stane sa v posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh, vylejem Môjho Ducha na každé telo; a vaši synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať. A ukážem znamenia hore na nebi, a znaky na zemi. A stane sa, že ktokoľvek bude vzývať Meno Pánovo, bude spasený.“

Ale, Peter kázal na Letnice, podľa toho istého proroka, o ktorom ja kážem dnes: vysádzanie tohto Stromu. A to je to, kde Ho on zasadil. Ó, To bolo urobené dobre. Oni vyšli a mali duchovné dary; oni uzdravovali nemocných; kázali; boli uvrhnutí do žalára; oni boli ochotní trpieť kvôli Slovu.

108 Ak by ste odišli do iného národa ako taký nemastný-neslaný, tak by ste nepredstavili dobrého Američana. A ak by ste tam išli... Ak by ste teraz išli do Japonska, a vy by ste sa skĺzli okolo hranice a povedali, „Počúvajte, priatelia, ja som za vás. Viete, ja som za vás, ale ja som tam na tej druhej strane.“ Ty zradca, mal by si byť zastrelený. To je pravda. Si zradca. Iste.

109 A potom, to je rovnako. Človek, ktorý pozná Slovo Božie a robí na Tom kompromisy kvôli nejakej organizácii, ktorá mu hovorí, že to musí robiť takto; to je zradca. Je to pravda. Ale títo muži neboli zradcami. Oni sa nestarali ako mnoho—nuž, ako viesť debatu, aké boli ich cirkevné zvyky: kričanie, a plakanie, a vykrikovanie, a bľabotanie v jazykoch, ktoré sa zdali akoby... Židia, oni rozprávali jeden druhému a nemohli to rozumieť. Tí ľudia tam v obecenstve z iných národov a iných jazykov začali počuť čo oni hovorili. Oni nevedeli, čo prehovorili; oni bľabotali, ale iní ľudia to tam rozumeli. A oni povedali, „Títo ľudia sú určite opití.“

Ale Peter povedal, „Oni nie sú opití, ale sú naplnení Duchom.“ Tak, že... Každý jeden z nich odišiel mučeníckou smrťou, okrem Jána, a on bol pálený dvadsaťštyri hodín v olejovom sude; a oni dokonca nemohli vypáliť z neho Ducha. A potom, on zomrel prirodzenou smrťou, jediný, Ján zjavovateľ.

110 Teda, to je pravda. Všimnite si teraz, čo sa udialo. Na tomto, Boh vysadil Strom, aby zrodil deväť duchovných darov, darov Jeho Ducha. Ten istý Duch, ktorý bol v Kristovi, prišiel dole na cirkev, mal Večný Život. Teraz, dary Ducha boli v cirkvi, a To rástlo, prinášalo ovocie všade. Oni nerozmýšľali o sebe; oni nič neorganizovali; oni len postupovali vpred a boli bratmi. Nemali žiadne (Som rád, že tam bola tá malá vec.) –„Žiadne vyznanie, iba Krista; žiadny zákon, iba lásku; žiadnu knihu, iba Bibliu.“ To je to, čo ja verím. Vidíte? A to je spôsob ako to oni robili. Svet je našou farnosťou (Chápete?) všade.

111 Tak všimnite si, títo spolupracovníci, keď oni to robili, aká slávna bola tá cirkev; a Boh bol s nimi. Biblia povedala... A Ježiš sa s nimi stretol ako On vystúpil hore. On povedal,

Choďte do celého sveta, kážte Evanjelium každému stvoreniu.

...tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí tomu veria; V mojom mene...

A teraz, tieto znamenia... Ale, dnes, podľa akého znaku nazývame niekoho veriacim? Podá si ruku s pastorom; patrí do cirkvi; má svoje meno v knihe, pretože jeho matka alebo otec majú svoje meno v knihe.

112 Ale to nebolo to, čo povedal Ježiš. Ježiš povedal, tieto veci... To je prirodzená cirkev; my hovoríme o duchovnej cirkvi. My hovoríme o duchovnom Strome, nie prirodzenom strome. (Dostaneme sa ku tým dvom stromom — o chvíľu.) Vidíte? Duchovný Strom. Ježiš povedal, „Tieto znaky budú nasledovať tých, ktorí visia na tomto Strome. Tieto znaky budú nasledovať tých, ktorí získali svoj Život z tohto Stromu. V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov (ó!); budú hovoriť novými jazykmi; ak vezmú hada alebo vypijú smrtonostné veci, neuškodí im to; keď položia svoje ruky na nemocných, budú uzdravení.“ Je tam určitý druh znakov, o ktorých On povedal, že by mali nasledovať veriaceho. Kde je to dnes? On dal svetu príklad, čo by malo byť znakom veriaceho. A On povedal, že to by bolo omnoho lepšie zavesiť na váš krk žernov a byť ponorený do hlbín mora než sa pohoršiť na jednom z nich, pretože „ich anjeli vždycky hľadia na tvár Môjho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach“ – anjeli.

113 Všimnite si teraz, tam oni boli. A ten Strom bol zasadený; To robilo veľkú prácu. My vieme, že oni obchádzali všade. Pán... No, na deň Letníc bolo pridaných tritisíc duší, pokrstených, a prišlo do cirkvi; a aké oni mali ohromné obecenstvo; a každý—nebolo nikoho, kto by čokoľvek potreboval; každý bol milý, dobrého srdca jeden ku druhému. Oni boli všetci jednou veľkou rodinou. Obdivuhodné.

A potom prišiel ten malý starý, škaredý, nenásytný chrobák, ktorý žije v štyroch rôznych štádiách, tak, ako ho videl Joel. Hmyz v štyroch štádiách – ten ničiteľ vyšiel, aby zničil ten nádherný Strom Boží. Rozmýšľajte o tom. A teraz, idem prečítať niečo z Joela, čo on povedal, Joel prvá kapitola.

114 Prvá vec... No, sú tam štyri rôzne chrobáky, ale je to v podstate jeden chrobák. Je to jeden chrobák v štyroch rôznych štádiách. Teda, pozorujte tohto malého starého chrobáka ako pre toto prichádza, pre tento ohromný, nádherný Strom Boží (Budeme to volať strom, ktorý bol cirkvou).

115 Prvý bol červík; to je tá malá vec, len malý maličký hmyz - červík. Čo ten červík robil? On prišiel zničiť ovocie Stromu; to je prvá vec. A teraz, poďme naspäť do histórie a pozrime sa, čo bola prvá vec: bola to dôstojná skupina medzi bežnými ľuďmi. A oni povedali, „Dobre, to je dobré, že môžeš uzdravovať nemocných, a že môžeš robiť tieto veci; to je nádherné. No a vieš, čo by sme mali urobiť? Mali by sme to dostať trochu vedľa, kde tomu bude rozumieť väčšia skupina ľudí, lepšia skupina: primátor, sudcovia atď, a funkcionári mesta. A pokiaľ budete pokračovať cestou ktorou idete, oni sa ku vám nikdy neobrátia. (Chápete?) Oni sa vás boja.“

Niekto povedal, že: „Oni sa stále boja.“ Tuším, že je to pravda. Teda je to pravda; oni sa boja Ducha Svätého. (Prepáčte mi.)

116 Zvykol som spievať takú krátku pieseň: „Je to stará...“ Počuli ste niekedy: „Je to tá stará viera?“ Počul niekedy niekto tú pieseň?

„Je to tá stará viera...“ Zvykol som tú krátku pieseň spievať pred rokmi; Hovoril som,

Je to ten starodávny Duch Svätý

a diabol sa k Nemu nepriblíži.

To je dôvod, prečo sa Toho ľudia boja,

ale pre mňa je to dostatočné.

Je to tak dobré, že nechcem iné,

lebo ono robí, že dokážem milovať svojho brata

a Ono odkrýva veci spod pokrývky,

a tak je to pre mňa dostatočné. (To je pravda.)

Ono spraví, že prestaneš klamať,

Ono ťa spasí keď zomieraš,

Ono spôsobí, že diabol utečie

a Ono je pre mňa dostatočné.

Je to pravda. To je dôvod, prečo To ľudia nechcú.

117 A teraz, je to Boh. Oni nechcú Ježiša; oni povedali, „Tento človek?“ Cirkev, veľká vznešená cirkev povedala, „Vy nám prichádzate povedať kto sme my? My vám dáme najavo, my sme Dr. Ph.D., L.L., Q.U.S.,“ a ó, všetko to. „Veď, ja som veľkňaz.“ „Ja som toto, tamto, alebo iné, a ty mi hovoríš... Veď, ty si bol narodený v hriechu. Ty si nič, len nemanželské dieťa. Tvoja matka bola... mala ťa prv ako boli s tvojim otcom zosobášení.“

On povedal, „Kto Ma môže obviniť z hriechu; kto Ma môže obviniť?“

V poriadku. Hriech je nevera Božiemu Slovu. Inými slovami On povedal, „Ukážte Mi, kde som nevyplnil Slovo do bodky, práve tam, kde by To malo byť.

Ukážte Mi v Písme, kde Môj deň... Ak nerobím skutky Môjho Otca, potom Mi neverte.“ Povedal, „No, vy tvrdíte, že ste tými...; teraz hľaďme ako to robíte.“ Ó! Od toho času sa Ho nepýtali ničoho (Vidíte?); oni Ho nechali na pokoji.

Ako diabol ku Nemu priletel... Ja som povedal, že on si myslel, že by Ho mohol nejako nachytať, ale zistil, že v tej Linke bolo milión voltov. On od Neho veľmi rýchlo odskočil (vidíte?), pretože nemohol s Tým narábať; a to bola jediná zaručená vec.

118 Tak sa tento malý červík vrátil, aby vzal ovocie. (Mám dve strany o ovocí; Ja chcem čítať len niektoré z nich.) Prvá vec, prvé ovocie, ktoré odobral, bola bratská láska... To je pravda. To je jedna z tých vecí, ktoré zabíjajú cirkev, keď bratská láska... Tak veru. Potom, ďalšie ovocie, ktoré on vzal zo Stromu... Pamätajte, láska je prvé ovocie na strome: láska, radosť, pokoj, trpezlivosť, dobrota, miernosť, viera, trpezlivosť (to je pravda) v Duchu Svätom. Teda, deväť duchovných darov s deviatimi druhmi ovocia zo Stromu atď... V poriadku.

119 A teraz, on musel najprv pojesť ovocie toho stromu. Potom, predstavme si ten veľký strom, Boží strom; rodí deväť duchovných darov. Oni uzdravujú chorých; hovoria v jazykoch; vyháňajú diablov; robia veľké skutky, a kážu to nescudzoložené Slovo Božie, žiadna denominácia, ktorá by ich pripútala; oni sú slobodní, robia veľké skutky. No a prišiel tento malý starý diabol, vystavil sa tam s jeho dvoma rohmi, vystrčil sa dopredu ako kobylka, viete, a jeho malé staré pažravé zuby. To je jeho prvé štádium, červík, on vstúpil aby pojedol bratskú lásku. Povedal, „Viete, Ten-a-ten urobil to-a-to, tam v tej-a-tej cirkvi; Ja by som tej skupine ľudí neveril.“ Chápete? On je tam, prvá vec.

120 Ďalej, on chcel pojesť ovocie viery: viera v Slovo: „Teraz, pozri, ako vieš, že to je Slovo? To bolo tak mnohokrát preložené.“ Ten malý diabol stále požiera. Vidíte? To je pravda. „To Slovo bolo tak mnohokrát preložené. On je toto, tamto alebo iné. Ó, on je všetko toto.“ Chápete?

Teraz, on požral z toho to iné ovocie: radosť zo spasenia: „Pśśśt. Vy ľudia robíte príliš mnoho hluku. Ó!“

121 „Ó, ako ty môžeš kázať, brat Branham?“ povedala mi raz jedna žena... Nie, to nebola; bol to muž (Ja myslím on je... Dúfam, že je tu; on patrí do inej cirkvi), ale on mi povedal; hovoril, „Bol som ťa jedného dňa počúvať, a nemohol som ťa ani počuť kvôli tým ľuďom, ktorí tak kričali.“ (Povedal som...) Prehlásil, „Ako tam vôbec môžeš kázať?“ Odvetil som, „Ak sa z toho netešia, nekázal by som.“ To je pravda.

122 Zvykol som mať... Môj priateľ Jim Poole a ja sme zvykli mať starého psa. Volali sme ho Fritz. A tak tento starý pes, on by—on by urobil čohokoľvek, ale neroztrhal by skunka. On sa ho tak bál, pretože on tak zapáchal. A tak ja som mu dal skunka pod kopu krovia a jedinú vec, ktorú som musel urobiť, bolo len potľapkať ho trochu a povedať, „Hľadaj, hľadaj!“ A on šiel a chytili toho skunka, pretože ja som ho potľapkal a povedal, „Hľadaj!“ Nuž, to je práve to, čo sa deje, keď my... To je... Tá najsmradľavejšia vec, akú poznám, je diabol. A tak, keď prinášam toto Slovo a niekto povie, „Amen,“ to je akoby „Hľadaj, chlapče!“ Tak ho dostávame, chytáme do pasce.

123 A tak zisťujeme, že on vzal radosť. Viete, Dávid raz stratil radosť zo svojho spasenia; on nestratil svoje spasenie; ale on stratil z toho radosť. On volal, „Pane, navráť mi radosť zo spasenia.“ Chápete? Radosť...

Tak tento malý starý červík začal vyžierať to ovocie radosti: „Ale, pozri sa sem, vy ľudia robíte príliš veľa hluku. Poviem ti, všetko toto kričanie, toto hovorenie „Amen,“ a toto vykrikovanie, to je nezmysel. Nie je nič také.“

Vidíte? A prvá vec, viete, zistíte, že sedíte vo veľkej márnici, viete, sedíte tam, všetci z nich sú mŕtvi. Niektoré z týchto balzamovacích tekutín takzvaných doktrín vyznaní im napumpovali do žíl, tam, kde mal prúdiť Duch Boží, napumpovali staré cirkevné presvedčenie; niet divu, že sú ľadoví, studení a mŕtvi. Duchovný teplomer ukazuje 90 stupňov pod nulou. Áno. Niekto povie, „Amen“; a každý natiahne svoj krk a obzerá sa ako nejaká hus alebo niečo, chce vedieť, ktorý to povedal. To je hanba, keď Duch Boží by mal byť radosťou, pokojom, láskou. Ale tento malý starý hmyz sa tým začal kŕmiť a poobhrýzal všetku radosť.

124 A potom, ďalšie ovocie na tom Strome je pokoj, pokoj mysle, vedieť že ste spasení. Oni vám povedia, „No teraz, ak budete recitovať naše vyznanie, ste spasení.“ „Ak sa pripojíte k mojej cirkvi, ste spasení.“

V poriadku teda, tento hovorí, „Vy nie ste spasení, ak chodíte tam; musíte sa pripojiť ku našej cirkvi, aby ste boli spasení.“

„Musíte povedať ‘Ave Maria’.”

„Musíte mať svoje meno v tejto knihe.“

„Musíte mať...“

Óch. To by vyňalo všetku vašu radosť; ale to nie je Boží Strom. Viete na čom ste; to je kríženec. Vždy som... poznáte môj príbeh o mulovi, on je kríženec. On nevie kto je jeho otec, matka, nevie o ani jednom z nich. Chápete? To je miešanec. Ale ó, dobrý čistokrvný kôň, on vie, kto je jeho otec a matka cez celé generácie. A skutočne dobrý čistokrvný Kresťan tiež, ktorý má Ducha Svätého, on vie, že To zostúpilo na deň Letníc. On vie na čom je; on to vie presne vystopovať dozadu cez generácie—jeho rodokmeň až do toho prvopočiatku. Peter To mal; dolu cez ten národ, a rasy, oni To mali až tam po začiatok. Dobrý čistokrvný Kresťan vie odkiaľ to pochádza.

125 Povieš, „Dobre, ja som Luterán, och.“

„Ja som Presbyterián.“

Ó, ty miešanec. Prečo nie si... Prečo nie si...

„Dobre,“ poviete, „Čo si—čo si ty?“


„Znovuzrodený z čoho?“

„Z Ducha Božieho.“ Preto nie si hybridom; ty si narodený správne. Nie s nejakým cirkevným vyznaním, ale s Duchom Božím; Boh žije v tebe.

126 Teraz, všimnite si. Tento malý starý hmyz začal jesť. No a on zožral všetok pokoj mysle. Ó, a pokračoval, a pokračoval, a pokračoval, a pokračoval ďalej. Mám tu o tom stranu: všetko ovocie, čo všetko urobil.

Potom, tento malý—tento tvor odumrel, a stal sa kobylkou. To bolo ďalšie štádium, bola to kobylka. Ale, čo robí kobylka? Kobylka požiera listy. To je pravda. Kobylka berie z listov. Čo nechal červík (on nechal listy; on pojedol všetko ovocie Stromu), čo začalo potom? Kobylka prišla pojesť, pojesť to, čo nechal červík. A teraz, čo on urobil, čo urobil tento červík? Zničil lístie. Načo je lístie? Zničenie Božského obecenstva. To je pravda.

„No, on je Presbyterián; my nebudeme mať s ním nič spoločné. On je Nazarén. On je Letničný. On je toto, tamto, alebo iné; my s ním nebudeme mať nič spoločné, pretože on nepatrí do našej skupiny.“

„Máte tu zhromaždenie na uzdravovanie nemocných? Och. Naša cirkev ani neverí v také niečo.“ Chápete? Tam vy...

127 Čo by mala robiť tá stará kobylka? Ona poodrezávala všetko obecenstvo (To je pravda), zobrala všetko obecenstvo. Čo je obecenstvo? Čo robia listy? Osviežujú, tam kde vtáci lietajú popod lístie a [Brat Branham robí zvuk zrýchleného dychu. – pozn.prekl.] ochladzujú (Znovu je tam strom: „A on bude ako strom, ktorý je zasadený...“ Vidíte? V poriadku), kde ľudia môžu prísť a usadiť sa pri obecenstve Ducha Svätého, ochladiť sa trochu. Vy ste celí znepokojení, a neviete čo sa deje, a či zomriete alebo či ste spasení alebo nie, a neviete či táto cirkev je správna alebo to je správne; len príďte pod Strom, ktorý má na Sebe nejaké lístie a usaďte sa tam. Nech vetry z neba zadujú cez stromy ako valiaci sa mohutný vietor, viete. A začnú—a začnete sa trochu ochladzovať. Hovoriac, „Ó, pôjdem dolu a poviem tej skupine náboženských fanatikov, čo si myslím.“

Len sa nachvíľu posaďte, ochladíte sa. To je pravda. Nemôžete to urobiť pod vašim stromom, pretože čo sa deje? Kobylka to všetko požrala, iste, požrala z toho všetky listy. Práve preto sa tiež môžete posadiť vonku na slnku; ale nemôžete sa tam ochladiť. No dobre.

128 A teraz, tam je... Ale vy viete, čo by sme mali robiť. Biblia povedala, že predurčená cirkev, predurčení synovia v Bohu... Čo oni robili? Posadili sa v ponebeských oblastiach. Čo to je? Kľud, pokoj, cítiť sa doma. Amen.

Kde každý má oblečený smoking, a—a ďalší človek to, a—a niekto sa rozhliadne okolo a povie, „Hmmm, pozri. Ona nikdy nemala na vlasoch trvalú. Či to—nevyzerá to hrozne? Ona dokonca nemá ani veľkonočný šaty... (čokoľvek to je). (Viete. Áno, ten veľkonočný oblek, šaty, viete.) Ani dokonca nemá to Veľkonočné... No, pozrite sa na neho, ten istý starý oblek mal oblečený minulý rok. No, čo vy o tom viete.“ Tam sa necítite dobre.

129 Nedávno som povedal jednej úbohej žene, slabá úbohá žena, ona patrila do veľkej dôstojnej cirkvi tam dolu... Ona povedala (ona zomiera s rakovinou, odišiel som tam dole sa za ňu modliť, brat Roy Robertson tu, jeden z dôverníkov ma tam poslal, a tá slabá úbohá žena tam ležala a zomierala s rakovinou)—a ona povedala...

Povedal som, „Si Kresťanka?“

„Pane, ja—ja neviem čo povedať.“ Odvetila, „Chodila som do určitej cirkvi,“ a povedala... Potom začala plakať.

Prehovoril som, „Čo sa stalo?“

Odvetila, „Ja som si jednoducho nemohla dovoliť poriadne sa obliecť. Oni sa dívali na mňa zvrchu.“

130 Ó, tam to máte. Vidíte? Cítite sa nepohodlne. Chápete? Ale Biblia povedala, že my sa zhromažďujeme spolu v ponebeských miestach. Ó!. Čo? Všetci podobní. Veď, poviem vám čo to urobí. To urobí to, že niekto v montérkach a niekto v smokingovom saku objíme jeden druhého a nazvú jeden druhého bratom. Istotne to tak bude. To spôsobí, že staré mušelínové šaty sa objímu s hodvábnymi, saténovými a povedia, „Sestra, ako sa máš dnes ráno? Chvála Bohu.“ To je pravda. To bude. To je radosť, pokoj, láska, viera v Slovo, dlhozhovievavosť, miernosť, trpezlivosť. Posadení v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi, ochladiť sa na malú chvíľu. Chápete? To je to, čo robili tie listy. Ale čo urobila stará kobylka? Prikradla sa, požrala lístie; povedala, „Alebo patríte ku nám alebo nepatríte nikomu.“ A tak ona vzala preč všetku tú príjemnosť Ducha. Vidíte? Ona zorganizovala náboženstvo. V poriadku.

131 Ale, musíme ísť ďalej. Mohli by sme zostať veľmi dlho na tej malej kobylke ale jeho tretie štádium bolo škodlivá húsenica. Hmm, to má už od začiatku zlé meno: škodlivá húsenica. Čo robí tá škodlivá húsenica? Ide do kôry; tam je línia života. Tak veru. Ona ide do kôry, a poškodzuje pokrytie stromu—pokrytie. Čo je náboženstvo? Pokrytie; to je to, čo znamená slovo náboženstvo: „pokrytie“.

132 Takže táto malá škodlivá húsenica, potom ako sa ona dostala medzi zhromaždenie, dostala všetkých dôstojných, potom vo forme kobylky vzala preč od nich všetko obecenstvo; a teraz, obchádza a zmocňuje sa ich samotného náboženstva a robí z toho dogmy. To je pravda. Ustanovuje neortodoxné slovo, formuje si náboženstvo a dáva dokopy skupinu ľudí a dáva im tam nejaké vyznanie; berie práve to náboženstvo, olupuje to z Božieho Stromu—zo samotnej kôry, ktorá prináša miazgu, ktorá v tom prechádza, odstraňuje to preč. Škodlivá húsenica... Vidíte ten hmyz? To je presne tak.

133 Tá škodlivá húsenica, to bol Rím, v tej rannej cirkvi. Prvá vec, Letničná skupina, nie Letničná organizácia... Nie, pane. Čokoľvek, čo sa organizuje je mŕtve; za okamih vám to potvrdím podľa Písma. Vidíte? Ale keď to je... Ale Letničná skúsenosť, pre koho je to? Je to pre Katolíkov. Koho ďalšieho? Metodistov, Baptistov, Presbyteriánov, kohokoľvek, kto to chce. Ale vy chcete—musíte to chcieť.

Vy sa do toho nepripájajte. Ja som v rodine Branhamovcov päťdesiattri rokov, a nikdy som sa k tej rodine nepripojil. Prečo? Ja som Branham od počiatku; bol som narodený ako Branham. To je spôsob ako je to s nami Kresťanmi. Nie preto, že sme sa s niečím zlúčili; to je organizácia; my sme narodení Kresťania, tým že sme znovuzrodení Svätým Duchom.

134 Všimnite si teraz. Teda, táto malá škodlivá húsenica sa začína zavŕtavať do kôry. Čo ona urobila? Ona začala brať jeho náboženstvo, jeho pokrytie, odobrala od neho jeho náuky. Náboženstvo je náuka, pokrytie, ktoré niečo pokrýva. To je dôvod, že naše náboženstvo je krvou, Krvou—Život je v Krvi, ktorá pokrýva Slovo. A život je v krvi; krv je náboženstvo; a Život v Krvi je to, čo prináša výsledky. Však, vidíte to? Vidíte?

135 Nie je to prikryté veľkým lístím; Adam a Eva to raz skúšali. Kain urobil tú istú vec, všimli ste si to? Kain priniesol tiež niečo z rastlinného života (Vidíte?), ale to nefungovalo. To nefungovalo s Adamom a Evou, a to nepôjde ani dnes. Keď to Boh odmietol na začiatku, je to zavrhnuté na večnosť. Vyznania vytvorené človekom a myšlienky to nikdy nepriznajú; to je Božie Slovo, ktoré to musí urobiť; a Slovo je Krvou, Obeť Kristova. To je pravda.

136 Ľudia (ako povedal dnes ráno ten brat) ťahajú úlomky... Nuž, viete, dnes je v národe devätnásť rôznych klincov, ktoré držia tie rôzne organizácie, a mohli by vyznávať, že to sú originálne klince, ktoré boli v Jeho rukách. Čo na tom bolo? Nechcel by som mať s tým nič spoločné. Určite. Boh nikdy nenechal nič pre relikvie a symboly. On poslal Ducha Svätého, Niečo živé, čo nemôže byť zničené. Čo dobré môže urobiť pre mňa klinec? Čo by originálny kríž, na ktorom On visel, čo dobré by mi to urobilo? Vôbec nič. Nie poznať klinec, poznať kríž, ale poznať Jeho je Život. Chápete?

137 Teda, a tak my držíme klince; a držíme sa relikvií; a držíme sa určitých miest. A dnes ľudia kráčajú hore-dole po meste Jeruzalem, a všetci hore-dole po rôznych miestach, a držia sa relikvií a predmetov. To s tým nič neurobí, nič; tie veci sú odsúdené, zhnité a mŕtve.

138 Odišiel som do kostola v Ríme, tam boli oni... všetci tí kňazi, ktorí zomreli; oni ich umiestnili do záhrady, tam dolu pod tým, a nechali to, kým mäso z kostí opadne; a potom tie kosti vybrali, a urobili svietidlá, a ich lebky poukladali okolo. A ľudia tam prišli, hladili ich lebky, aby dostali požehnanie, až kým sa tie lebky stali úplne bielymi a zošúchanými. Ako keď idete do Chrámu Svätého Petra, Petrove chodidlo (oni to vyznávajú), socha, bola pobozkaná deväť z desiatich krát; a oni na to museli vyrobiť nové chodidlo.

Aký nezmysel. Poverčivosť, to je všetko, vyznania ľuďmi vytvorených doktrín. Boh poslal Ducha Svätého, Život Boží, aby bol v tebe, nie v soche. Ty si človek, v ktorom chce žiť Boh, nie socha, ale v tebe. Ľudia to volajú „sväté sochy.“ Nie sú žiadne sväté sochy; vy ste Božou svätou sochou. Biblia tak povedala. To je pravda: „telo si mi pripravil...“

139 A teraz, tento malý spoločník začal ničiť: ničiť čo? Tá škodlivá húsenica sa dostala do kôry. Pozorujte, čo ona urobila; začala ničiť kôru. Čo ona urobila? Urobila telesnú cirkev namiesto duchovnej cirkvi. Tak veru. Berie preč pravdu a dáva to falošné. A teraz, pamätajte, lístie—ovocie, zjedol to červík. Lístie, pojedla ho kobylka. Teda, kôra, pokrytie, náboženstvo, doktrína, náuka, pojedla to škodlivá húsenica.

140 Odkiaľ pomimo Biblie prišla tá prvá doktrína? Vy historici, vy viete odkiaľ prišla: z Ríma. To je presne to, kde to začalo. Tam začali prijímať dogmy. Týmto spôsobom Ireneus, Svätý Martin, Polykarp, všetci z nich po Jánovej smrti... Na prekladanie Slova Božieho, on bol preč na ostrove Patmos; pálili ho v oleji dvadsaťštyri hodín, priniesli naspäť, a on predsa len napísal Bibliu. Boh bol odhodlaný, že táto Biblia bude napísaná. To je Slovo Božie; nemôžeme od Toho ubrať alebo ku Tomu pridať. To má byť umiestnené práve spôsobom akým To je, Slovo.

141 Všimnite si, keď sa oni dostali naspäť... Keď sa títo svätí Boží snažili toho Slova držať. Rím prišiel rovno tam a prijal namiesto toho dogmy. A teraz, pozrime sa, čo ona urobila, niektoré z jej falošných doktrín, čo sa tam stalo.

Vodný krst. Kde oni boli poverení... Peter povedal na deň Letníc, pod vplyvom Ducha Svätého, Slovo Božie, „Čiňte pokánie každý jeden z vás, a buďte pokrstení v Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov.“

Čo s tým urobil Rím? Otočil to a povedal, „Pokrstite sa v mene Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého,“ urobiac to vyznaním, nie učením Biblie. Čo on urobil? To je to, čo pojedla tá škodlivá húsenica. Pokropenie namiesto ponorenia v mene Otca...

142 Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý – nie je meno. Nie je žiadna taká vec. Otec nie je meno; Syn nie je meno; a Svätý Duch nie je meno. Keď Ježiš povedal, „Pokrstite ich v Mene Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého,“ to bol „Pán Ježiš Kristus“; presne to, čo urobil Peter a oni, a všetci—každý v Biblii bol... Nikto nebol... Vyzývam kohokoľvek, aby mi priniesol jediný kúsok Písma alebo kúsok histórie, kde ktokoľvek bol kedy pokrstený nejakým iným spôsobom ako v Mene Pána Ježiša, až po rímsko-katolícku cirkev.

143 A teraz, urobte tak; a pamätajte táto páska ide okolo sveta. Mal som zhromaždenia kazateľov, so stovkami z nich, a biskupov a všetkými, hovoril som, „Postavte sa na svoje nohy.“ Alebo „Príďte sem so svojou Bibliou alebo buďte ticho naveky.“ Oni sú ticho, kým vás obídu, a potom začnú o vás hovoriť. Nemajú veľa odvahy postaviť sa vám do tváre, mať normálnu slušnosť postaviť sa a povedať vám to do tváre, oni sa to obávajú urobiť; oni vedia, že to je nesprávne. Ale to je to, čo tá škodlivá húsenica začala jesť (Vidíte?), rozožrala tú skutočnú vec.

Ale, vy poviete, „To nie je podstatné. Akokoľvek, ja som pokrstený, je to v poriadku.“

144 Naozaj? Pavol povedal v Skutkoch 19, keď on—Pavol prechádzal cez horné kraje Efezu; Biblia povedala, že on našiel určitých učeníkov (oni sú nasledovníci). Apolo, Baptistický kazateľ, v súlade s Jánom Krstiteľom, on ich učil Slovo, a oni mali veľkú radosť. A Pavol ich prišiel pozrieť a povedal, „Prijali ste Ducha Svätého odkedy ste uverili?“

„Ó,“ povedali, „Ja som veriaci.“

„Ale to nie je to, čo sa pýtam. Prijali ste Svätého Ducha odkedy ste uverili?“

Oni povedali, „My ani nevieme, či je nejaký Svätý Duch.“

On odvetil, „Potom na čo ste boli pokrstení?“ Chápete? Inými slovami, „Ako ste boli pokrstení?“

Oni povedali, „My sme boli pokrstení.“

Odvetil, „Ako?“

Niekto povedal, „Podľa Jána,“ povedal, „ten istý človek, ktorý pokrstil Ježiša, či by to nemalo byť v poriadku?“

145 Pavol prehovoril, „Nie. Už nie, vôbec.“ Povedal, „Musíte byť pokrstení znovu.“ A Pavol ich pokrstil znovu v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, položil na nich ruky, a prišiel na nich Svätý Duch. A Pavol povedal, „Ak by anjel z neba (nie to ešte nejaký kazateľ)—ak anjel (nie to ešte táto škodlivá húsenica)—ak by vám anjel z neba kázal čokoľvek iné než toto, nech je prekliaty.“ To je pravda.

Takže vidíte čo to bolo, to musela požrať škodlivá húsenica. Požrala krst—vodný krst v Mene Pána Ježiša.

146 Ďalšia vec, ktorú táto škodlivá húsenica urobila, zobrala preč krst Svätým Duchom; pretože pokiaľ máte Svätého Ducha, To vrhá svetlo na Slovo, pokiaľ to robíte. Takže oni to museli—museli to urobiť inak.

A teraz, len pomyslite koľkí Luteráni, Protestanti, koľkí Katolíci boli dnes ráno birmovaní (oni to tak nazývajú, berú prvú Večeru Pánovu). A oni to volajú „Svätá Eucharistia“, čo znamená (Latinské slovo) „Svätý Duch.“

147 Videli ste niekedy katolíka prejsť popri kostole a [Brat Branham ilustruje ako sa katolík „prežehnáva“ – pozn.prekl.], prechádzať takto? Prečo? To je boh v tej cirkvi. Aký je boh? Ten malý kúsok chleba; malý kúsok chleba (okrúhly, urobený ako boh slnka, ktorého oni uctievajú), položený na oltári, kde tam cez noc behajú myši a šváby. To nie je môj Boh; poviem vám to teraz.

148 Prvé sväté prijímanie, birmovaný v cirkvi: nezmysel. Ale to je to, čo oni urobili; to je to, čo urobila tá škodlivá húsenica. Vzala preč Ducha a dala im kúsok chleba, nejaký chlieb, ktorý urobil nejaký kňaz alebo rehoľníčka alebo ktokoľvek. To je to, čo oni urobili; to je presne tak. Choďte sa teraz opýtať; choďte naspäť do histórie a pozrite sa, či to nie je pravda. A vy dovoľujete, aby bola tá vec hodená dole vašim hrdlom? Nie len oni katolíci, ale vy protestanti, mnohí z vás, tá istá vec. Dobre, to je to, čo oni urobili. V poriadku.

A potom, Protestanti, namiesto toho, aby mali Svätého Ducha, viete čo robia? Prichádzajú a pripojujú sa, podaním ruky. Keď prišiel deň Letníc, nebol nikto kto by len tak prišiel a potriasol rukou; ale z neba prišiel zvuk nesúceho sa silného vetra, ktorý naplnil celý dom kde sedeli (To je pravda), ukázal sa cez listy Stromu, vyliaty na kôru. To je pravda.

149 A teraz, teda, namiesto znovuzrodenia (čo Ježiš povedal, „Človek musí byť narodený znovu“), oni zaviedli pripojenie sa do cirkvi: poď a pripoj sa. A namiesto Slova im tá škodlivá húsenica dala vyznanie. Či nevidíte? Pozrite sa tu, čo on robí; on dáva prirodzené proti duchovnému. Môžete to vidieť?

Teda, pozrite. Teraz, my sme tu na katolíckej línii, ale vedeli ste, že to sa ťahá tiež aj cez protestantov? Kde máme dnes prejavy Svätého Ducha v protestantskej cirkvi? Kde máme medzi protestantmi letničné reakcie? Nemáme... Máte to v luteránskej? Ja—ak máte, chcem tam ísť; chcem ísť tam a len sa najesť a mať nádherný čas. Presbyteriáni? Som zvedavý kde to je. Chápete? Vy ste zaviedli niečo prirodzené. Chystám sa odísť, viete to (Chápete?), ale nikdy nedovoľte, aby sa toto dostalo z vášho srdca. Nevezmite to prirodzené; to je smrť. Tento prirodzený človek je smrť; čokoľvek robí je smrť. Je predmetom pre smrť. Je Duch, ktorý oživuje (Vidíte?), Duch dáva Život, oživuje to. To je Duch.

150 Teda vidíte, oni vzali (Pozorujte čo oni urobili.)—vzali Vodný krst od Ježiša Krista na Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha, titul, ktorý nie je vôbec žiadnym menom.

A teraz, vy poviete, „Aký to robí rozdiel?“

V poriadku. Keď idete niekomu dať... Niekto ti ide dať v sobotu tvoju výplatu šekom, človek, ktorý ti platí. Namiesto toho, aby tam napísal svoje meno, on len vyjadrí—od „Šéfa.“ To je to, o čo ide. Tvoja výplata šekom; „zaplatiť na príkaz Jánovi Doeovi stopäťdesiat dolárov za prácu tento týždeň, od Šéfa.“ Vložte to do banky a uvidíte ako sa vám to vráti späť. Áno, pane. Istotne, samozrejme.

151 Ak v tom nie je rozdiel, prečo Pavol nariadil Kresťanom, chváliacim Boha, majúcim mnoho radosti, a majúcim veľké veci, ktoré sa tam diali, prečo im povedal, „Musíte ísť naspäť a byť znovu pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista“? Chápete? Nech Slovo hovorí... Len zostaňte s Tým. Nehovorte nič iné; len hovorte čo Ono hovorí. Chápete? To je to, podľa čoho my budeme súdení.

152 A teraz, pozrite sa. To je to, čo oni urobili. Namiesto nového narodenia, oni majú pripojenie; namiesto hovorenia Slova, majú vyznanie. Ukážte mi v Biblii, kde kedy povedali „Ave Maria“; ukážte mi v Biblii vy protestanti, kde kedy bolo citované Apoštolské Vierovyznanie. Povedzte mi, čo je Vyznanie Apoštolov v Biblii. Spoločenstvo svätých, oni boli proti tomu. Povedzte mi v Biblii, kde kedy mali krst na Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha. To tam nie je, a predsa za tým idete. Vidíte?

Teraz, teraz, namiesto obecenstva a bratstva medzi bratmi, oni im dávajú hierarchiu: pápež. A vy máte biskupa, aby vám hovoril, čo môžete a čo nemôžete robiť; a vy Letniční máte oblastného staršieho cirkevného zboru, ktorý vám hovorí, koho môžete mať. Ale cirkev má Krista. Amen...?...

153 To je to, odkiaľ pochádzate. Vidíte? Oni vám dávajú tieto dogmy a človekom vytvorené veci namiesto... Berú to preč. Čo robí tá škodlivá húsenica? Berie to priamo zo Stromu a dávajú ti toto. „Ja to vytlačím zo Stromu a dám ti toto namiesto toho; odstránim tamto a dávam ti toto.“ Vidíte, kde ste sa dostali?

Poviete, „Dobre, brat Branham...“

Kde každý jeden... Odkiaľ pochádza každá protestantská cirkev? Z katolíckej. To je to, čo hovorí Zjavenie 13—alebo Zjavenie 17, že ona bola. Hovorí, že bola prostitútka a matka smilníc: tá istá vec. Takže ne... Hrniec nemôže nazývať kanvicu čiernou, viete. Takže ne—to je tak. Nerobte to. Takže to je pravda.

154 Bratstvo, zobrala preč bratstvo, keď by sme mali byť bratmi jeden s druhým, oddelila nás a urobila nás rozdielnymi... V poriadku. A teraz, pozorujte, toto je dobré. Už len dôjdem do tohto, a potom sa zastavím na tých ďalších. Pozrite.

155 Biblia nám hovorí, keď sme urobili zlé, že by sme mali očistiť naše duše Svätým Duchom. Znížiť sa; dovoliť Svätému Duchu, aby nám zjavil, čo robíme nesprávne; a zostať tam pred Ním, až kým neodumrieme, očisťujúc tak naše duše. Teda, oni to prekrútili a dávajú vám očistec potom ako zomriete; potom kňaz zarobí veľa peňazí, tým že vás vymodlí z očistca.

Veď to je nezmysel. To je to, čo urobila škodlivá húsenica. Iste. Vymodliť vás z očistca. Stojí vás to stovky dolárov, aby ste takúto dušu vymodlili z očistca. Chcem, aby ste mi našli očistec v Biblii; nič také. V Biblii nie je taká vec. Nie veru. Ale oni im dali očistec (Vidíte?) oni—potom ako zomriete. Ó, áno. Viem, oni—oni hovoria, nuž, počujete ich hovoriť, „Nuž, Svätý Bonifác povedal tak a tak.“ Ja nedbám na to, čo povedal Svätý Bonifác.

156 „No, či jej nepovedal ten a ten, aby sa modlila za svojho manžela, tá vznešená sestra, Svätá taká a taká...“

Nestarám sa, čo ona povedala. To nie je autorita Slova; je to proti autorite apoštolov. Boh dal týchto apoštolov, aby usporiadali cirkev podľa poriadku; a Ona je vybudovaná na učení apoštolov, nie na Svätom Bonifácovi alebo nejakom svätom... To je v protiklade Slovu.

Neberiem ohľad na to, čo povedal svätý Bonifác, a iní svätí, a iní svätí, a svätá Zuzanka, a svätá Mária, a čo povedali všetci títo; to je nezmysel. To nie je nič viac než akákoľvek iná lož.

To je v protiklade Slovu Božiemu, to je klamstvo. Ja neverím slovám bez autority; to je dôvod prečo neverím týmto protestanským vyznaniam a veciam; to je katolícke do jadra. To sú dogmy. Ako ich môžete vy nazývať katolíkmi a robiť si z nich žarty, že majú dogmy; keď vy sami ste toho plní? (Nie tak mnohí tu, ale toto je na páske, rozumiete. Chápete? Ide to do celého sveta.)

157 Všimnite si. Ako ich môžete nazývať nesprávnymi, keď vy beriete vyznania vytvorené ľuďmi, ktoré sú v protiklade Biblii? Dogma, práve takisto ako oni. Prečo? Ste v organizácii, ktorá je dcérou tej starej prostitútky. Aká je prostitútka? Určitá žena, ktorá žije neverne voči svojmu manželovi, vyznávajúc že je Kresťanskou cirkvou a rozhlasuje nesprávne doktríny, jej vlastné záležitosti, namiesto uchopenia sa Božieho Svätého Slova.

158 Práve tak ako urobila Eva, počúvajúc diabla a zapríčinila všetku smrť a smútok, aký kedy postihol zem—prišiel cez Evu, pretože ona spáchala duchovné smilstvo voči Bohu tým, že neverila Jeho Slovu; a to je presne to, čo robia cirkvi dnes, páchajúc duchovné smilstvá proti Božiemu Slovu. A oni ťa dokonca nebudú mať ani v cirkvi, ak nesúhlasíš s ich doktrínou.

No, oni mi podpisujú listy: „Ak neveríš v toto, a ak neprehlásiš, že toto je správne, a budeš...“

Odvetil som, „Ja jednoducho neprídem.“ Nie, veru. Budem kázať len to, čo hovorí táto Biblia, alebo vôbec nič. Chápete? To je pravda.

159 Zostaňte na tom Slove. To je to, čo máme robiť, bratia; zostať tam. A teraz, dostávame sa do posledných dní, a my to vieme. Tá hodina je tu. Ako by sme mohli povedať... Ó, oni hovoria toto, tamto a iné, ale čokoľvek čo nie je autoritou, neverte to. Nestarám sa o to, kto to povedal. Ak niekto...

160 Tu jedna sestra prišla ku mne prednedávnom, a povedala o určitej skupine mužov, ktorým som kázal (služobníkom) o krste na Meno Ježiša Krista, kde bolo viac ako tristo služobníkov... Sedelo na tom zhromaždení množstvo ľudí, kde ma stretol celý výbor Združenia Pastorov mesta Chicago. A Pán mi dal videnie a povedal mi, kde by mali byť a čo by sa malo stať; a ja som sa otočil priamo tam a povedal som im (máme tu pásku, ak by ste to chceli počuť), a ja (všetci biskupi, doktori a kardináli a všetci tam stáli)—povedal som, „Ktokoľvek z vás, kto to dokáže vyvrátiť, zoberte svoju Bibliu a príďte sem.“ Prehlásil som, „Čo ste takí tichí?“ Nebolo nikoho, kto by niečo povedal. A prečo? Oni sa báli toho Slova. Hovoril som, „Potom ak nemôžete, prečo na mňa narážate? Buďte ticho, odíďte, robte niečo. A ak to nemôžete podporiť Slovom, tak buďte ticho.“

161 A tak, potom tá istá skupina mužov, oni poslali dole istú dámu, a tá povedala, „Brat Branham, ak ti povedal Anjel Pánov...“ (Anjel Pánov, viete, Jeho obrázok je tam, vidíte?) „Ak ti to povedal Anjel Pánov, nuž, budeme tomu veriť.“

Odvetil som, „Ktokoľvek kto... Kazateľská skupina, ktorá bola taká slabá... Ak by Anjel Pánov povedal—ak Anjel povedal niečo v protiklade tomuto Slovu, to by nebol Anjel Pánov.“ Anjel Pánov potvrdí Slovo. To je presne to, čo On stále robí cez všetky veky; On stále robí tú istú vec. On zostáva so Slovom. A ktorýkoľvek služobník pomazaný Svätým Duchom bude zostávať pri tom istom Slove, pretože Biblia povedala, že celá Biblia bola napísaná Duchom Svätým. A ako môžete mať Svätého Ducha a popierať čo hovorí Biblia? Samotný Duch vo vás podáva svedectvo, že to nie je pravda—vyznanie.

Škodlivá húsenica pojedla (To je všetko. Vidíte?), požrala pravé veci Božie. Tak veru.

162 Slovo bez autority je v protiklade k učeniu apoštolov. Och. Toto je apoštolské Učenie; toto je Biblia; toto je Svätý Duch. Každé slovo v Tom je pravda. Vy len veríte a prijímate To, a nerozoberáte To a pozorujte každé zasľúbenie ako bude vyplnené.

Prejav, že Boh je tu práve teraz prítomný. Ak On nie je teraz práve takým Bohom ako bol s deťmi Izraela, keď prekročili Červené More, On by nebol Boh. Ak On nie je ten istý Boh, ktorý sa spustil na deň Letníc, že On je dnes práve tu, On nie je ten istý Boh. Potom nebolo žiadne vzkriesenie. Ak On nebol... Ak ty... Čo dobrého ti urobí historický Boh, ak On nie je ten istý Boh dnes? Čo dobrého to urobí poslať kazateľov na semináre, a vyliahnuť ich ako inkubátorové kurčatá, a chodiť tak okolo nich, ak by nebolo niečo také ako Boh?

163 Čo robíte, uberajúc zo Slova Božieho? V čom je vaša autorita? Hovoríte, „Cirkev.“ Cirkev? Existuje deväťstošesťdesiatdeväť rôznych organizácií. Ktorá z nich je správna?

Nikto nevie čo robiť. Ste zmätení. To je pravda. Ale Boh nebude súdiť ľudí podľa cirkvi; On ich bude súdiť podľa Krista, a Kristus je Slovo. Biblia prehlásila: „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, A to Slovo bolo Boh. A Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami...“

164 On súdil cirkev a ľudí podľa Slova (To je pravda.), živé vzkriesené Slovo. Potom, ak to živé vzkriesené Slovo hovorí niečo protichodne ku tomuto Slovu, potom to nie je zodvihnuté vzkriesené Slovo, pretože toto—On bude dávať svedectvo tejto Pravde.

On nemôže povedať niečo tu a niečo iné tamto. Ja môžem povedať niečo tu a niečo iné tam, pretože ja som človek. Vy môžete tiež; môžete dostať viac známosti a porozumenia, ale Boh nie; on je nekonečný. Chápete? On má... Prvé rozhodnutie, Jeho prvá vec, ktorú On hovorí, musí stáť večne. On je ten istý. On nemôže povedať jednu vec tu a niečo iné tamto; On musí povedať tú istú vec zakaždým, podľa poriadku, aby bol Bohom. A tak, ak duch na vás je z Boha, to bude svedčiť, že toto Slovo je Pravda, každé slovo z Toho, ak To je to isté včera, dnes a naveky. To je to, čo hovorí Biblia. Áno, pane. V poriadku.

165 A teraz, poponáhľajme sa, aby sme sa dostali do ďalšieho štádia tohto malého hmyzu. Spočiatku, on bol červík. Čo on požral z Božieho Stromu? Ovocie. Ďalšie štádium, do ktorého on vchádza (on zomrel v tom stupni a prechádza do ďalšieho), čo on urobil teraz? Tentokrát prichádza ako kobylka; požiera všetky listy. To je kobylkin obyčaj. Teda, čo je ďalšia vec, ktorú ona urobila? Prišla naspäť v inom štádiu ako škodlivá húsenica a vošla do kôry.

Teda, tu sa on stáva—húsenicou, jeho štvrtý stupeň. Teraz, on je húsenicou. Aká je húsenica? Ona cicia, odsáva Život, Ducha, Život; to je to, čo ona robí, dostáva sa priamo dolu a drží sa dužiny a ide, aby odsávala: húsenica. Tu ona je; kým ju ideme nazvať? Denominácia, to je jej pravé meno. Prečo? Ona je ničiteľom; cicia Život.

166 Vždy keď Boh posiela medzi Svoj ľud nejaké hnutie, zakaždým, a oni sa označia, práve tam zomierajú. Chcem aby to mohol niekto vyvrátiť, niekto, kto pozná históriu cirkvi. Ukážte mi jedinýkrát, kedy sa organizácia zorganizovala, že či práve tam nezomrela. Drží sa toho červík, berie preč jeho náboženstvo; a potom prišla prísavka a zobrala—vycicala Život priamo zo Stromu.

Aký bol v Tom druh života? Svätý Duch. Čo to robilo? To tam nemohlo držať Svätého Ducha a okrem toho stále mať dogmy; Svätý Duch by sa toho nezastal. A tak, to berie svätý Život zo Stromu a dáva dogmu, vytvára denomináciu. „Nestaráme sa čo Tento vraví; naša denominácia hovorí toto.“

167 Tam to máte. Potom ako sa to zorganizuje, to vždycky zomiera a nikdy viac nepovstane. Prvá organizácia bola katolícka; hneď zomrela. Samozrejme, že to bola dogma, s čím to začalo.

Z toho vyšla prvá reformácia, to bol Luther: zorganizovali sa a zomreli. Ďalší prišiel Wesley: zorganizovali sa a zomreli. Nasledujúci prišli Letniční: zorganizovali sa a zomreli. Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, všetci títo, a Nazaréni, Pútnici Svätosti, a všetky tieto organizácie, ktoré to tak nasledovali; Pozrite sa na nich. Prečo? Oni sa zorganizovali a to ich zabíja.

168 Čo urobili? Prijali tie dogmy. Vy Nazaréni, obdivuhodní; ďalší prichádzajúci z Letníc. Čo to bolo? Vy veríte v posvätenie, ale keď sa jedná o dary Ducha, hovorenie v jazykoch a veľké moci Božie, nazvali ste to diablom, a tam ste zomreli. To je pravda. Kde je ona dnes? Mŕtva. Ó, ona má viac členov, ale kde ona je. Ona je mŕtvolou.

Jednu noc som ju videl. To je pravda. Celá tá vec... Jej pastor leží na vrchu, bozká mŕtvolu, súloží s tým. Povedal, „Pre nich už nie je žiaden čas; to je už ich koniec.“ A tak dám vám to niekedy na páske. Dobre.

169 Boh zasadil Jeho Strom, aby rodil duchovné ovocie, ovocie Ducha. Je to tak? Ale čo urobil človek? Človek sa vždy snažil urobiť to umelou podobou. On to robil tam vtedy; on to robí teraz. Teda, toto... (Dajme sa usilovne do toho, a rýchlo.) Človek sa vždy snažil zobrať duchovnú cirkev a urobiť ju umelou formou.

Luther mal duchovnú cirkev. Čo sa stalo? Akonáhle Luther zomrel, oni to urobili formou, umelou. Čo urobil Wesley, John Wesley, mocný muž Boží? Kto by povedal, že John Wesley nebol muž Boží? Čo on robil? Akonáhle on, John a Charles zomreli, oni to zorganizovali. Keď to ona urobila, ona zomrela. Presne.

Tá istá vec cez ten vek, zakaždým, na každej z nich. Oni produkujú umelé návleky, dobré skutky, najväčšie zhromaždenia, najchytrejší ľudia; „Chcú sa k nám pripojiť slávne osobnosti mesta.“

170 To je presne to, čo sa deje tiež s vami, skupina Letničných. To je presne tak. Vy ste spustili ohrady;dostali ste sa preč od Ducha. Chceli ste veľké budovy a parády a všetko také, a máte dôstojných pastorov. Čo ste urobili? Vy, matky posielate svojich chlapcov preč do nejakých tých seminárov, aby sa tam stali pastormi. Čo ich tam idú naučiť? Teológiu a akési ľuďmi vytvorené záležitosti. A kde to je dnes? Oni prichádzajú naspäť, skupina „Rickyov“ a „Elvisov“. To je presne tak. Čo máte dnes? Kopu vrcholných hlúpostí, formu pobožnosti. Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch budú mať formu pobožnosti, ale zaprú jej moc, Život z toho. Prečo? Tá húsenica to vycucala. Organizácia to odstránila.

171 1.Timoteova 3, Pavol hovorí, „Vedzte, že v posledných dňoch budú veľmi nebezpečné časy. Ľudia budú milovať sami seba, budú pyšní, vystatovační, rúhači, neposlušní, nevďační, nesvätí, bez prirodzenej náklonnosti, nemierni, opovrhujúci tými ktorí sú dobrí; zradní, vysokomyseľní, majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajú jej moc.“ Húsenica to vycucala. Už dávno sa tam dostala tá škodlivá húsenica. Ideme sa teraz bližšie pozrieť na ten Strom, pokiaľ bude vôľa Pánova.

172 Najväčšie miesto. Ó, istotne. „Nuž, viete, naša cirkev minulý rok nahromadila toľko.“

Ó, samozrejme. Katolíci vás porazia milión míľ; a-ha, samozrejme. Oni ich mali také množstvo v Rusku, až kým im to neprerástlo a ustanovili tam komunizmus. To isté urobili v Mexiku, a mali by to urobiť po celom svete kde ona je. To je pravda.

173 Vôbec sa nebojte komunizmu. Komunizmus je hnutie, ktoré neverí v Boha; avšak počujete niektorých z týchto kazateľov stojacich za kazateľňou odsudzujúcich komunizmus, komunizmus; Ja v to tiež neverím, ale nehovorte cirkvi, „Ó, ideme byť všetci pohltení; celý svet sa stane komunistickým.“ To je presne v protiklade s Božím Slovom. Nie je žiadne miesto v Biblii, ktoré by hovorilo, že to bude tak.

Ale Biblia hovorí, že Rím, katolícka cirkev bude...? svete. Vezmite Daniela a zistite. Hlava zo zlata, Kráľ Nabuchodonozor, Babylonské kráľovstvo, potom nasledovali Médovia a Peržania; potom nasledovala Grécka ríša; a Rím išiel do konca. Desať prstov na nohe viedlo každé kráľovstvo na zemi. Či neviete...

174 Je železná opona; je bambusová opona; a je purpurová opona. Brat, neboj sa žiadnej z tých ostatných, dávaj len pozor na tú purpurovú oponu. Ona dnes sedí v tejto krajine práve tu na tróne.

Pamätajte, práve tak ako urobil Achab, a Jezábeľ za ním, že... Biblia volá katolícku cirkev Jezábeľ, prostitútka. A Achab nebol zlý muž; ja nevravím, že pán Kennedy nie je milý človek; ja o ňom nič neviem. On je človek; to je všetko čo ja viem. On je prezident; ja verím, že on dosiahne to, že bude dobrým prezidentom. To nie je on; to je ten systém za ním. Počkajte, až kým sa ona votrie do Kabinetu a všade kde môže; potom pozorujte čo sa stane. Pozrite, čo to urobilo v iných národoch; pozrite čo je vždy vykonané.

175 A či nehovorí Biblia v Zjavení 13... Číslo tohoto národa je trinásť: má trinásť pásikov na—trinásť hviezd na zástave, trinásť pásikov na zástave, trinásť, všetko je trinásť. Trinásť kolónií, všetkého trinásť, a je nájdená v 13. kapitole Zjavenia.

A Biblia povedala, že ona príde ako malý baránok: sloboda náboženstva; dva malé rohy, civilný a cirkevný. A po chvíli sa zjednotili, a rozpráva ako drak, a koná všetko čo drak pred ním. A Biblia povedala, že urobili obraz šelmy: Konfederáciu Cirkvi, presne to čo majú práve teraz tu v New York City. A tá veľká márnica tam... A všetci vy Metodisti, Baptisti a Letniční, a každý jeden z vás ekonomických—ekumenických ľudí sa tam snaží urobiť také veci ako tamto, a predávajú vaše práva prvorodenstva, aby ste sa pripojili k tej skupine Babylona... Čo sa deje s vami? Iste. Predávajú vaše práva prvorodenstva tak ako urobil Ezav, za misu šošovice, to je všetko čo dostanete; to je všetko: vytvárajú obraz šelmy. Presne tak. Nebojte sa komunizmu; bojte sa Katolicizmu.

Ó, je povedané, že to prišlo s lichôtkami ako baránok; ale je povedané: pozorujte to za tým—to je vlk. To je potmehúd; pozorujte to (Áno, pane.), pretože je to v protiklade so Slovom. Čo vraví Slovo, to sa musí stať. Komunizmus nerobí nič, len nahráva priamo do rúk Božích. To je presne tak. A prečo to oni musia robiť? Boh musel dovoliť komunizmus, aby to urobilo toto—Jeho Slovo sa musí vyplniť. Iste. To je... Uvedomili ste si to? Rozmýšľali ste niekedy o tom? Boh musel spôsobiť, aby sa vyplnilo Jeho Slovo.

176 Pozrite, pred kým stálo tých štyristo prorokov jedného dňa—pred Achabom a Jozafatom. Jozafat, spravodlivý človek, on povedal. „V poriadku, prv ako pôjdeme hore do Rámot-Gileáda,“ povedal, „ či by sme sa nemali poradiť s Pánom?“ Achab povedal, „Áno, istotne.“ Vidíte? (Viete, Jezábeľ bola za tým všetkým.) On povedal, „Budeme—budeme... Mám tu štyristo prorokov. Privedieme ich sem.“

Všetci vybraní ľudia boli dovedení hore; všetci prorokovali, hovoriac, „Choď hore; Pán je s tebou.“

To neznelo správne tomu Božiemu človeku, kráľovi Izraela, tomu kráľovi Izraela tam hore. Neznelo mu to veľmi dobre. Povedal, „Či nie je ešte nejaký iný?“ Štyristo kazateľov, všetci jednohlasne hovorili, „Choď hore, Pán hovoril k nám povediac, „Choď hore.“

On povedal, „Ale tam by mal byť ešte nejaký iný.“

Riekol, „Mám ešte jedného, ale nenávidím ho.“ Iste, samozrejme. Áno. Odvetil, „Vždycky sa na mňa vykričí; vždy hovorí proti mne zlé veci.“ Ako mohol urobiť niečo iné, keď Slovo Božie bolo proti nemu?

177 A tak oni poslali po Micheáša. Micheáš povedal, „Choď hore. Áno, to je pravda; ale videl som Izraela roztrúseného ako ovce nemajúc žiadneho pastiera.“

A potom vyšiel von... Ten veľký kazateľ prešiel na druhú stranu, biskup, a udrel ho po ústach, povediac, „Kam Duch Boží odišiel, keď To odišlo odo mňa?“

Viem si predstaviť ako odvetil, „To v tebe od začiatku nebolo.“ A tak on povedal, „Zistíš v jednom z týchto dní.“ On prehlásil, „Ak...“

On povedal—Achab riekol, „Vložte ho naspäť do najhlbšieho väzenia; kŕmte ho chlebom smútku a vodou smútku.“ Povedal, „Keď sa navrátim v pokoji, poradím si s týmto chlapíkom.“

On odvetil, „Ak sa vôbec navrátiš, potom Slovo Pánovo nehovorilo ku mne.“ A-ha.

178 Prečo? Prečo? On bol vpravde so Slovom, priamo so Slovom. Žiadne proroctvo pri tom Slove neobstálo... To je presne... To je dôvod, že hovorím dnes, nezáleží ako dobre to vyzerá, koľkí kazatelia hovoria toto, tamto alebo iné, „Komunizmus sa ide zmocniť sveta a zvrhne ho“; nikdy sa nesnažte bojovať s komunizmom, bojujte s Rímom. Lebo to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Pán povedal, že Rím ide vládnuť, nie komunizmus. To je len bábka. Ale vidíte, On to musel urobiť.

179 Pán povedal Micheášovi, „Musím tam poslať Achaba, mať kazateľov, ktorí to povedia, poslať tam Achaba, aby som spôsobil, že Eliášove slovo sa vyplní.“ Boh musel nechať, aby povstal komunizmus. Čo to urobilo? Potom to spojilo všetky tie márnice dokopy a vytvorili Konfederáciu Cirkví, spojili sa a vytvorili obraz šelmy, práve to čo povedalo Jeho Slovo, že sa stane. Nebojte sa o to. Pozorujte tú vec, ktorá sa formuje pod tým. To je... Hmm.

180 Ja—tuším, že vás vyčerpávam, ale—aby... Ale to je pravda. Ja neviem kedy budem môcť ku vám znovu hovoriť; možno nikdy. My nevieme; možno sa nikdy viac nestretneme; ale ja chcem, aby ste vedeli, čo je pravda. Sledujte, toto Slovo je Pravda: nie ja, toto Slovo; Toto je To. Ak je moje slovo v protiklade ku Tomuto, potom mi neverte; verte Tamto. Potom ak poviete, „Nuž, my To máme, a ty kážeš v protiklade ku Tomu,“ potom je vašou povinnosťou ísť za mnou. To je správne. Je to vašou povinnosťou za mnou ísť. Chápete? Len príďte a pozrime sa, čo je Slovo.

181 A teraz, preto zisťujeme čo to bolo, je to komunizmus, ktorý to zhromažďuje dokopy. Boh povedal, že Góg a Magóg sa zhromaždia spolu (istotne), aby zapríčinili boj. To je presne pravda, pretože to ide doviesť tieto sily dokopy. To musí prísť; Biblia povedala, že to bude.

182 Boh posadil tento Strom, aby prinášal duchovné ovocie, a človek sa vždy snažil urobiť to umelou formou, majúc formu pobožnosti, najväčšie budovy v meste (iste); milióny dolárov. Ó, Bože, a ľudia kážu, že Ježiš prichádza, a míňajú šesť alebo osem miliónov dolárov tam niekde na budovu. A misionári, poznám misionárov na poli, ktorí kážu Evanjelium bez topánok, a jedia dva jedlá za týždeň.

Môžete vidieť prečo, brat, my... Čo sa deje s ľuďmi? Ja v podstate neverím, že oni veria, že On prichádza. Vaše slová hovoria... Nuž, váš život hovorí hlasnejšie než vaše slová; vy... Chápete? On je... Tí úbohí misionári tamto, prichádzajúci na moje zhromaždenia ako toto, nemajú na sebe žiadne topánky, len staré nohavice, zaviazané takto okolo seba; žijú tam s blchami a baktériami a chrobákmi, a všetkým druhom chorôb a všetkým možným tam; jeho chabé staré ruky zničené, a zničené od amébov a všetkého možného, stojí tam a hovorí, „Ty si brat Branham?“

183 Povedal som, „Áno.“

Odvetil, „Ó, buď požehnaný. Vždy sa budem za teba modliť.“

Pomyslel som si, „Ó, Bože, nech sa ten človek za mňa modlí; áno, to je muž. To je ono.“

„Čítal som tvoje články, brat Branham. Ty istotne hovoríš Pravdu. My sme úplne s tebou.“

Ó, brat, to je chlapík; to je on. Chudák...

Počujem niekoho hovoriť, „Vieš, kto to je?“

„Ó, no,“ povedal „On nepatrí do našej organizácie.“

Povedal som, „Kto je on?“

„Veď, on nie je s nami.“

„Dobre, kto je on?“

„Ó, on je—on je nezávislý.“

„Ó, naozaj? A-ha. No, čo on robí?“

„Ó, on tam má malú prácu. On—on sa ku nám nepripojí.“

„Dobre, chcem o ňom vedieť.“

184 Viete, keď som bol malý chlapec a poľoval som na jablká v jablkovom sade, vždy som zistil, že keď mal strom pod sebou všetky jablká otlčené, viete, keď ich mal riadne obité a otlčené, to bolo tam, kde boli tie dobré jablká.

Oni hovoria, „No, on je len náboženský fanatik.“

Viete, on vždycky položí strašiaka tam, na čom je dobré ovocie. Diabol robí tú istú vec, aby vás od Toho odstrašil. Nebojte sa, choďte priamo na ne, poza toho strašiaka.

185 Jedného dňa som pozoroval svišťa, ako požieral fazuľové struky, ktoré som nasadil. Zakaždým, keď som vysadil rad fazuľových strukov, ten malý tvor tam prišiel a požral ich. Pomyslel som si, „Vystraším z neho život.“ A tak som si zobral taký papierový sáčok, a (ja som skutočne umelec; mali by ste ma vidieť.) nakreslil som to, čo som si myslel, že bude strašidelný obrázok. (Ó, bolo to tiež strašidelné, lebo som to ja nakreslil.) A položil som to na vrece, a položil som do toho niekoľko fazuľových strukov, a zavesil som to na palicu; a keď by zafúkal vietor, to by sa takto rozochvelo.

186 Z diery vyšiel ten malý svišť, viete, a bežal priamo tam, aby zjedol tie fazuľové struky; a bežal priamo oproti tomu vrecku. Otočil sa naspäť a pozrel sa na to, takto to preskúmal; a odišiel [Brat Branham robí opisný zvuk—pozn.prekl.], skočil na to; no a, vrecko zostalo nehybné. Znovu sa na to pozrel, viete, znovu to všetko preskúmal.

Pozrel sa naspäť a videl ako tam tie fazuľové struky boli poukladané a boli dobré, viete, tak on sa díval na toho strašiaka zo svojho pohľadu. Tak kráčal smerom hore a dostával sa trochu bližšie, ako tamto, pokúšajúc sa to vystrašiť, a to sa nepohlo. Nevadí; je to mŕtve; to je všetko, o čom sú strašiaky. Tak on len—tak on len...

187 Čo on urobil, on udrel to vrece svojou malou nohou; a to hrkotalo a hrkotalo. A odskočil a takto sa na to pozrel. Udrel to znovu: hrkotalo, hrkotalo. To je to celé, len hrkotanie; ako Írova sova, samý rozruch a perie a žiadna sova, viete. A tak len... On to tak trafil, a vyplašilo ho to štyri alebo päťkrát. Viete čo on urobil? Prešiel presne dookola vreca a znovu išiel jesť moje fazuľové struky.

Vedel o tom viac... lepšie než ja. Chápete?

Čo to bolo? Vidíte, on nedovolil strašiakovi, aby ho zastavil. Je niečo dobré ohľadne strašiakov. Keď oni povedia, „Ó, oni sú len náboženskí fanatici,“ len choďte presne ďalej okolo, poza toho strašiaka a choďte priamo na to. Vidíte? Choďte po tom a verte tomu. Chápete? Môže tam byť tiež Svätý Duch (Vidíte?); nemôžte povedať. Chápete? V poriadku.

188 Ó, tie deno... Poďme sa pozrieť na tohoto denominačnú húsenicu, ako ona pracuje; prirodzená cirkev, duchovná cirkev. Pozorujte teraz túto starú húsenicu, ako spôsobuje, že sa to stáva denomináciou. On už z toho zožral tú kôru a ovocie; a, ó brat, je to celé preč; všetky dary Ducha sú preč, žiadne Božské uzdravenie, žiadne hovorenie v jazykoch, žiadne proroctvo, nič; neverte v prorokov; oni neveria v tieto veci; oni nevedia. Všetko človekom vytvorené, všetko čo majú, je človekom vytvorené, umelé. Chápete? Dobre.

189 Prirodzená cirkev. Tam je prirodzená cirkev; to je tá utvorená človekom. Cirkev duchovná... Viete, že to hovorí Biblia? Áno, pane. Cirkev prirodzená a cirkev duchovná. A Biblia hovorí, „Vyžeň nevoľníčku a jej dieťa (Hagar), lebo nebude dedičkou so slobodnou a jej dieťaťom.“ Chápete?

A tak prirodzená cirkev, čo ide zdediť? Viazanie snopov, viazanie zväzkov aby boli spálené; a ona nebude dediť, aby spolu bola dedičkou so slobodnou ženou. Ak nevoľníčka je v otroctve s jej organizačnými deťmi, ona nebude dedičkou so slobodnou; pretože deti slobodnej idú do vytrhnutia. A deti nevoľníčky idú zostať v súde. Chápete? „Vyžeňte, hovorí Duch...“ Áno, pane.

190 Húsenica, tí denominační Ezavovia... A teraz, Ezav (ako Ezav a Jakob, obidvaja z dvojčiat, obidvaja boli nábožní)—Ezav bol telesný človek; on bol dobrý človek. On nerobil... Povedzme, dobre teraz, on nešiel aby kradol, pil alebo čokoľvek; on bol pobožný človek. Ale on si myslel, „V poriadku, pokiaľ som nábožný, aký je v tom rozdiel?“ Ale ten malý Jakob sa nestaral ako to musel dostať; to právo prvorodenstva, ktoré on chcel. Nezáležalo ako to dostal, áno on to dostal. Ak by musel zliezť dolu k oltáru, a kričať, a plakať a „búú-húú,“ a smrkať (prepáčte mi, viete), dostať to, ísť tam so slzami v očiach (nemyslel som to povedať), a tak (prepáčte mi), a tak—zliezť dolu oltárom a plakať až kým by to dostal, no, on to dostal. Chápete? On sa nestaral ako to dostať, len aby to dostal.

191 Niektorí z nich hovoria, „Ja... brat Branham, tí ľudia tam dolu, oni tam smoklia pri tom oltári, a kričia a plačú... Ja to nechcem tak.“

Dobre, ty to nedostaneš.

Jeden starý tmavý, farebný brat, raz dolu na juhu, on bol vždy šťastný. A jeho—jeho šéf povedal, „Čo to—čo ťa robí po celý čas takým šťastným, chlapče?

On povedal, „Mám srdcom-cítené náboženstvo.“

Odvetil, „Taká vec neexistuje.“

On riekol, „Pomýlil si sa: ‘Pokiaľ vieš, taká vec neexistuje‘.“ On poznal rozdiel. To je pravda. Povedal, „Pokiaľ vieš,“ mal si to takto povedať.“

192 Jedného dňa on povedal, „Chcem mať niečo z toho srdcom-cíteného náboženstva.“

Ten povedal, „Kedy to chceš?“

On odvetil, „Teraz.“

Povedal, „Dobre, poďme to dostať.“

On vyšiel vonku a povedal, „Tu je nejaká stodola. Je to milé,“ on povedal, že „moja manželka ani nikto iný ma tam nebude počuť,“ Povedal... (To je spôsob, ako to ľudia chcú; viete, aby to mali prinesené na tanieri) povedal, „Tam si pokľakneme.“

Ten starý brat povedal, „Tam to nedostaneš.“

No, tak on odišiel dolu do maštale; on povedal, „Dostaneme to tu?“

Odvetil, „Nie.“

On povedal, „Pôjdeme tam do kukuričného zrubu.“

Riekol, „Nie.“

Povedal, „Kde to dostaneš?“

Vravel, „Nasleduj ma.“

Potiahol ho za nohavice, prešli von do prasačieho chlievu tak ťažko ako len mohli cez blato, hovoriac, „Poď sem, tu to dostaneš.“

On odvetil, „Tam nechcem ísť.“

Povedal, „Ty to ešte nechceš, šéf. (To je pravda.) Ty to nechceš.“

193 Viete, Náman si to myslel tiež, Náman. Náman povedal, „A teraz, chcem sa zbaviť svojho malomocenstva.“

Eliáš odvetil, „Choď dolu tam do kalného Jordána, tam kde sa vlieva do Stredozemného mora.“ Povedal, „Tá rieka je taká špinavá ako len môže byť. Ponor sa tam sedemkrát.“ „Ó,“ riekol Náman, „Och joj. Či nie sú okolo Damašku a tam hore lepšie vody? Och, tam sú také čisté a pôvabné.“ (Och, videli sme to tu vtedy na filme, viete.), „Ó,“ povedal, „prečo nechceme ísť tam dolu; nemôžem ísť tam dolu. Ja... Viete kto som ja? Ja som veliteľ stráže; ja som generál vojska.“

„Nože, ak sa chceš zbaviť svojho malomocenstva, choď tam dolu. Ale ak to chceš držať, choď tam hore.“

Povedal, „Ponor sa,“ a môžem ho vidieť ako kráča tam do tej vody. Môžete si predstaviť? Ó, to zranilo jeho prestíž. Môžem ho vidieť, viete, chodí takto po špičkách, drží si nos, viete.

194 To je spôsob, ako sa niektorí ľudia snažia prísť ku Kristovi, „Rád by som bol uzdravený; rád by som išiel do neba, ale, ó, čo ak zbytok z nich vyzerá takto.“

Ó, vy pokrytci, vy to nikdy nedostanete, rozhodne. To je všetko, čo to je, akokoľvek. Chápete? Nie. Vy to nikdy nedostanete, akokoľvek. Nemajte obavy; vy to ešte nechcete dostatočne. To je pravda. Vy to nechcete dostatočne; to je pravda. Keď ste pripravení dostať to; vy to dostanete, v poriadku. Boh vám to dá, keď ste pripravení. Dobre.

195 Teraz, denominácie húseníc požierajú všetky veci. Všimnite si, každý hmyz, každý jeden z tohoto hmyzu, keď dobýval ten Strom, urobil cestu pre ďalšieho, ktorý ho nasledoval. Ó, on je chytrý chlapík. Áno, pane. Vidíte? On zobral preč ovocie (Vidíte?), Ducha, a čo? Mohol zobrať preč obecenstvo (Chápete?), listy. Takže iná stránka prichádza a oberá to o živobytie tým, že oberá listy. Čo to robil? On vzal tie listy, takže tam nebol žiaden kľud a sviežosť, aby ľudia mohli vidieť, takže on sa mohol dostať do kôry. Chápete?

On sa dostal do kôry, vyvŕtal ryhy a zobral od nich preč učenie (Vidíte?); práve tú vec, ktorá podporuje Život. A potom, akonáhle zavŕtal do toho diery, mal ďalšieho priateľa, ktorý prišiel; starú cicajúcu húsenicu; to vzalo denomináciu a vycucalo ju a zorganizovalo ju, takže to nemôžete dostať. A čo robil Život? Išiel priamo dole do koreňa (to je presne tak), spustil sa priamo do koreňov. V poriadku.

A teraz, ten istý hmyz, ktorý sa zavŕtal do srdca, až kým sa dostal do Života. To prichádzalo cez ovocie, cez listy, cez kôru, až kým sa to dostalo priamo do srdca, do tej línii života. V poriadku.

196 A teraz, pozrime sa na toho ničiteľa v práci. Po prvé... (Idem niečo z tohoto tu preskočiť, myslím. Nie, nejdem. Dobre. Pozrite.) Prvá vec, ktorú tento chlapík urobil akonáhle sa dostal do srdca Stromu...

Pozorujme ho späť v jeho prvom štádiu, prv ako on začal príliš dobre; pozorujme ho. Teraz, pozorujme ho pri práci. Prvá vec, ktorú sa on snažil urobiť, bola, aby zničil prvé, rýdze, drahocenné ovocie Stromu; ktorý mal Boh na zemi.

197 Teda, ak ma dokážete strpieť len niekoľko minút, chcem aby ste—chcem aby ste to obdržali teraz. Ne... Toto je vaše Veľkonočné posolstvo, ktoré prichádza práve teraz. Chápete, vidíte, vidíte?

198 Prvú vec, ktorú on urobil, on zničil Boží prvý drahocenný ovocný Strom, Krista. On bol tým Stromom od záhrady Eden. To je pravda. Prvý ovocný Strom, on Ho zničil. Prvý, ktorý Boh zasadil tu na zemi, bol Kristus; on zničil ten Strom, ktorý niesol Jeho ovocie. Teda, oni mali všetky druhy organizácií, a on to mal vlastne vo svojich rukách; ale keď prišiel ku Stromu, ktorý rodil to pravé ovocie, dostala sa tam tá rímska ploštica (chápete?), zničila ten Strom.

Strom? Áno. Ježiš povedal, „Ak ja robím (v svätom Jánovi), ak ja nerobím skutky Môjho Otca, alebo nemám ovocie Môjho Otca, neverte mi.“ On donášal ovocie Boha. Aký druh ovocia On niesol? Pozorujme ho za niekoľko minút. On cez to išiel mnohokrát;urobme len takú malú predprípravu pre ľudí, ktorí tu sedia a čakajú na okamih, keď sa za nich budeme modliť.

199 Čo bolo tou prvou vecou, ktorú oni vedeli, že Ho—nerozpoznali ako Mesiáša? Keď Peter prišiel ku Nemu po prvýkrát (a Andrej ho doviedol), a On sa pozrel na Petra a povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon, a ty si syn Jonášov.“

On vedel práve vtedy, podľa Písma, že to bol Mesiáš. Oni boli... Vedeli ste, že podľa histórie, mnohí povstali predtým, a nazvali seba „Mesiášom“? ale žiaden z nich nemohol urobiť toto; pretože Mesiáš... Mojžiš povedal (Slovo Božie, ktoré nemôže zlyhať, bolo hovorené Mojžišom), on povedal, „Tvoj Mesiáš bude prorok ako ja.“

A tak, keď tento cudzí človek kráčal pred Ježišom, a Ježiš povedal, „Hľa, tvoje meno je Šimon, a ty si syn Jonášov,“ Peter vedel priamo vtedy Kto On bol; on vedel, že to bol On.

200 Keď Natanael odišiel a vzal Filipa—síce Filip odišiel a vzal Natanaela, lepšie povedané, a priniesol ho tam, a Natanael, významný človek (Chápete?), vznešený muž, zbožný človek (a Filip mu hovoril po ceste, čo On vykonal Šimonovi), a keď Natanael vstúpil do Prítomnosti Ježiša, čo povedal Ježiš? On povedal, „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nieto ľsti.

On odvetil, „Učiteľu, odkedy ma poznáš?“

Riekol, „Prv ako ťa Filip zavolal, videl som ťa, keď si bol pod tým stromom.“

Odpovedal, „Učiteľu, Učiteľu, Ty si Syn Boží; Ty si Kráľ Izraela.“ Vidíte?

Prečo? To je ovocie. „Ak robím skutky Môjho Otca...“ On poznal presne myšlienky, ktoré boli v ich srdciach.

Raz sa dotkla Jeho rúcha nejaká žena, a odišla a sadla si v zhromaždení. Ježiš sa rozhliadol dookola a povedal, „Kto sa Ma dotkol?“ Všetci z nich to zapreli. On sa poobzeral a uvidel ju. Ona mala krvotok; On povedal, „Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila.“ Ó!

201 Tá drobná Samaritánska žena... A teraz, pamätajte, On nikdy takto nešiel ku pohanom. Nie, veru. On dokonca povedal Svojim učeníkom, aby ku nim nešli. To sme my; to je náš deň. On odišiel ku nám vo forme Svätého Ducha; tak ako povedal, že príde. Ale keď On išiel ku nim, čo sa stalo? Keď odišiel ku tej Samaritánskej žene, tá žena povedala, On jej povedal, „Daj sa mi napiť.“

A ona odvetila, „To nie je zvyklé pre teba, Žida, žiadať mňa Samaritánku. Boli oddelení podľa svojich farieb a pod. On im dal práve v tom čase spoznať, že nie je žiaden rozdiel, že všetko pochádza z toho istého stromu. My všetci sme synovia a dcéry Božie; my všetci. Vidíte?

A On povedal—ona povedala, „No, my uctievame nášho otca Jakoba (Chápete? A to bol tiež otec Hebrejov. Vidíte?) Náš otec, Jakob, kopal tento prameň; a ty hovoríš, že si väčší ako on?“

A On povedal, „Voda, ktorú ti Ja dám, je Večný Život.“ Vidíte? On povedal...

202 Dobre, my uctievame na tejto hore, a vy v Jeruzaleme.“

On povedal, „Choď, doveď svojho manžela a príď sem. Toto to vyjasní.“

Ona odvetila, „Nemám manžela.“

Prehovoril, „Povedala si správne.“ Riekol, „Mala si päť mužov; a ten, ktorého máš teraz, nie je tvoj manžel.“

Ona vypovedala, „Pane, vieš, to je už štyristo rokov odvtedy ako sme mali proroka; ale Ty musíš byť prorok. Ako si vedel, že som mala piatich manželov?“ Ona riekla, „Teraz vieme, že je čas, aby tu bol Mesiáš, ktorý sa nazýva Kristus. A keď On príde, On nám povie tieto veci.“

Ó, tu je Jeho ovocie. On povedal, “Ja som On.”

Ona zanechala to vedro, to staré vedro organizácie. Išla do mesta. Nezáležalo na tom, koľko mal Jákob studní, ona našla nový Prameň. Išla do mesta a povedala, “Poďte a vidzte Muža, ktorý mi povedal veci, ktoré som urobila. Či to nie je Mesiáš? Či to nie je to ovocie? Či to nie je ten dôkaz, že Toto je Mesiáš?”

203 Tí Hebreji tomu nemohli rozumieť. Povedali, „On je čarodejník, Belzebúb.“ Ježiš povedal, „Odpúšťam vám, vám. Ale raz, keď Svätý Duch príde a bude robiť tie isté veci, a budete hovoriť proti Tomu, to vám nikdy nebude odpustené.“

Teda, „Ak nerobím skutky Môjho Otca, neverte Mi“; ale to ovocie Stromu donášalo ovocie. Teraz, pozorujte. Čo On povedal;... Čo—aký druh cirkvi On založil? A teraz, vy katolíci, ktorí chcete tvrdiť, že Ježiš založil cirkev, aký druh cirkvi On založil? Či On niekedy spomenul nejakú denomináciu, nejaké vyznanie? On bol vždy proti tomu. On prehlásil, „Vy obielené hroby, vy mŕtve ľudské kosti.“

204 On ich nazval všetkým, čím ich len mohol nazvať. To je pravda. On bol proti tomu. To bolo ovocie Boha. Teda, môžete vytvoriť dva a dva; to je štyri, ak chcete. Dobre. On bol proti tej veci, organizácii, proti jej teóriám, nazval ich pokrytcami, hadmi v tráve, a povedal, že boli diabli. On povedal, „Vy ste z vášho otca, diabla; a robíte jeho skutky. Ktorý z vašich otcov neprenasledoval prorokov, ktorých som poslal predo Mnou? Vidíte? Prehlásil, „Potom vy im staviate hrobky.“ Riekol, „Vy ste tí, ktorí ich dali na smrť.“

205 Ó, brat, On sa s nimi nehral. To je pravda. To bolo ovocie Boha. Čo to bolo? Zostaňte so Slovom Boha, poskytnite, aby sa Slovo Božie prejavilo. On povedal, inak, „Čo hovoria Písma o Mne, čo má robiť Mesiáš, keď príde? A teraz, ak nedonášam to ovocie Slova, potom nie som Mesiáš. Ale ak rodím ovocie toho Slova, ktoré mal Mesiáš činiť, potom Ja som On. (Amen.) Teda, ktorý z vás Ma môže obviniť z hriechu,“ On prehlásil. Tam to máte. „Ktorá z vašich organizácií robí túto istú vec? Tam to máte. Mesiáš mal robiť toto; Mesiáš má byť prorokom. „A teraz, nech vidíme niektorých z vás všetkých,“ Povedal, „so všetkými vašimi nafúknutými myšlienkami, nech vidíme ako to robíte.“ Potom, oni boli ticho. Dobre.

Čo to bolo? On nosil ovocie Boha. Svätý Duch bol v Ňom; On niesol Božie ovocie. Kým On bol? On... Teraz, počúvajte pozorne. Budem sa ponáhľať tak rýchlo ako len môžem, takže vás nezadržím od vášho Veľkonočného obeda. Pozrite, ale váš Veľkonočný obed by malo byť vzkriesenie. Chápete?

206 Ale pozorujte. On bol Boží dokonalý Prorocký Strom, príkladný Strom, Strom Ženícha. Amen. Sláva. (Idem povedať niečo priamo.) Ak On je Strom Ženícha (Veríte tomu?) od záhrady Eden, potom Strom Ženícha bez Ženy neprináša ovocie. Takže On musí mať Strom Nevesty; Ona musí byť narodená z toho istého materiálu: Slovo urobené telom zo Stromu. (Dúfam, že ste to uchopili.) Ten istý Život v tom ženskom Strome, Ženích, ako To je v Neveste. „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vy budete tiež činiť.“ Je to pravda? On bol Ženíchom. Pamätajte...

207 Vy poviete, „To nie je podľa Písma.“ Ó, to je. Uchytil som to teraz. Vidíte? Sústreďujeme sa na to, aby sme mali za chvíľu uzdravovacie zhromaždenie. Uchytil som to. On bol. Chcete to potvrdiť? On povedal, „Ja som Vinič; vy ste letorasty (svätý Ján); ja som Vinič; vy ste letorasty; vy donášate ovocie.“ Chápete? A mužský strom a ženský strom produkuje peľ jeden druhému, a prináša to ovocie. A letorast a vinič robí tú istú vec. Vidíte? To je presne tak.

208 Tak On povedal... A teraz, prvý Strom bol Strom Proroka, dokonalý Strom, Boh prorokov. On bol hlavný Strom; On bol Boží dokonalý prospievajúci—Strom Proroka. Prečo? On bol Slovom. A teraz, ostatní boli vedľajší proroci. Slovo prišlo ku prorokom, ale On sám bol Slovom vo forme Proroka. Amen. (A teraz, dostávame sa niekde.)

209 Ale, počúvajte naozaj pozorne, aby ste sa teraz neminuli cieľa. Bolo to tak dobré, že som si to musel zapísať. [Zatrúbilo auto—pozn.prekl.] Amen. Tam vonku niekto vykrikuje a trúbi. Práve—práve... Ó, dúfam, že máte tam vonku dobrý čas; my sme tu vnútri v poriadku.

210 A teraz, On bol Boží Strom Proroka. Prečo? On kázal celé dokonalé Slovo Božie, lebo On bol Slovo Božie prejavené. On bol dokonalý Strom Proroka, ktorý kázal dokonalé prorocké Slovo, ktoré prinieslo dokonalý Strom Proroka, dokonalým Slovom Božím. Ó, brat, hovoriť o takom Strome... Strom, On bol ten Strom Života, od ktorého boli Eva a Adam držaní preč Anjelom, skrze strážnych cherubínov, preč od toho Stromu. Teda, tí istí Cherubíni sa ich snažia ku Tomu pritiahnuť, pretože bola pre nich urobená cesta. Vidíte? A teraz, oni ustupujú dozadu. Ó, ľudské bytosti... hmm.

211 Teda, kázané celému Svetu; On to nezostrihol tu alebo tam. Keď Satan ku Nemu prišiel, ten veľký teológ, a povedal, „Je napísané.“ Ježiš povedal, „Áno, a tiež je napísané...“ A-ha.

„Ale je napísané.“

A On povedal, „A tiež je napísané...“

212 Dokonalý Strom Proroka kážúci prorocké Slovo, s dokonalými prorockými Znakmi, dokonalé prorocké výsledky, dokonalé Ovocie Ducha. A pre výsmech (idem cez toto pekne rýchlo teraz, pretože...), pre výsmech, oni Ho zavesili na (On bol Slovo, viete), oni Ho zavesili, Strom Slova, Strom Slova, zavesili Ho na rímsky strom vyrobený ľuďmi. Hmm, brat, dúfam, že je to jasné. Tým, že On bol Božím dokonalým duchovným Stromom, oni Ho zavesili na rímsky strom učinený ľuďmi. Amen.

213 To isté teraz. Oni sa snažia vziať dokonalý Boží Strom, Slovo, a zmiešať To a zavesiť To tam hore na nejaký druh vyznania. Smrť a Život sa nezmiešajú. Ježiš nikdy nenavštívil pohrebné zhromaždenie; On kriesil mŕtvych. Prečo? Smrť a Život nemohli stáť spolu; oni sú v protiklade jedno druhému. On nekázal na žiadnom pohrebe, On ich len kriesil. Amen. Áno. Prečo? Život a smrť.

214 Teda, pozrite sa, oni Ho zavesili na kríž. Je to pravda? „Prekliaty je ten, ktorý visí na dreve.“ Je to tak? Biblia povedala, „Prekliaty je ten, ktorý visí na akomkoľvek ľuďmi vyrobenom dreve.“ Tak ak dnes, ak sa snažíte zavesiť na nejaký druh ľuďmi vyrobeného kríža, vysloboďte sa od toho; a taktiež nedovoľte mu zavesiť vás tam, pretože to je miesto pre mŕtvych—nejakých ľuďmi vytvorených Luteránov, Baptistov, Presbyteriánov, Letničnú organizáciu (Je to tak.), nejaký ľuďmi vytvorený strom. Neviste tam; a nedovoľte taktiež nedovoľte mu zavesiť vás tam. Oni vás tam zavesia, ak môžu, až kým je celý Život z vás preč, až kým uznáte ich doktrínu. To je pravda.

215 Ale to je to, kde oni zavesili tento Dokonalý Strom. Božie dokonalé ovocie Stromu zavesené na ľuďmi vytvorenom Rímskom kríži...? ...To bolo prekliatie zavesiť na akýkoľvek ľuďmi vytvorený kríž. Čo je to? Zbaviť sa ho preč z ich dohľadu, potom ako donášal všetko to ovocie.

Potom ako Mária Magdaléna (je to historicky zmienené) bežala pred nimi a hovorila, „Čo On urobil? Čo zlé On urobil?“ Ona zastavila ten sprievod, povediac, „Čo On takého zlého urobil? Urobil niečo, okrem toho, že kázal Evanjelium chudobným? Urobil niečo, okrem toho, že uzdravoval chorých, kriesil mŕtvych? A samotné znaky živého Boha sú v Ňom. Ako by ste ho mohli odsúdiť?

A oni ju vyfackali po ústach a povedali, „Či budete počúvať tú ženu so zlou povesťou namiesto vášho kňaza (Tam to máte), vášho biskupa?“ Tam to máte. Tá istá vec dnes. A-ha. Áno.

216 A teraz, keď On urobil všetko toto a potvrdil Seba Samého, kým On bol, a predložil to pred nich a povedal, „Ak nie som On, potom kto ste vy? Ak Ma môžete obviniť z hriechu, ak som kdekoľvek v Slove chybne, ukážte Mi. Teda, dovoľte Mi ukázať vám, kde sa mýlite.“ Chápete? Hriech je nevera; my to vieme.

Teraz, zbaviť sa Ho preč z ich dohľadu (Oni Ho tak veľmi nenávideli, pretože On potrhal všetky ich organizácie)—zbaviť sa Ho z ich pohľadu, oni Ho pochovali a zavalili na dvere ohromne veľký denominačný kameň, aby si boli istí, že nevstane zmŕtvych.

Ó! Rozmýšľajte o tom dokonalom Strome. Dávid sa pozrel späť a videl To, on povedal, ako stál pri potokoch vody. „On prináša Svoje lístie vo Svojej sezóne. A Jeho ovocie, nebude vyhodené; to—to neuvädne. Čokoľvek On robí, podarí sa mu.“

On bol Synom Prospechu; Jozef bol Jeho typom. On bol skutočnosť Jozefa. Všade, kde Jozef išiel, darilo sa mu: tá istá vec s Ježišom. Jeho Slovo, „Moje Slovo sa podarí, a Ono sa nevráti ku Mne naprázdno; vykoná to, aký mám s Ním zámer.“

Vidíte? On bol Slovom. Slovo bolo poslané na zem od Boha, a Ono vyplní presne, na čo Ho Boh poslal. A teraz, počúvajte teraz pozorne. Toto je také bohaté so šľahačkou na vrchu.

217 A teraz, všimnite si, teraz On tu prichádza, a oni, pre tie samotné skutky Božie... Keď sa On postavil a opýtal sa ich, On povedal, „Ak nerobím skutky, ktoré Boh povedal, že by som mal robiť, potom nie som On; neverte Mi; ale ak to robím, potom verte tým skutkom. Ak nemôžete veriť Mne, ako Človeku, ktorý robí toto, potom verte skutkom, ktoré robím. Oni svedčia o Mne. Oni hovoria hlasnejšie než by mohol hovoriť Môj hlas.“

To je pravda. A tá istá vec by mohla byť uplatnená kedykoľvek. Áno, pane. Iste by mohla. Teraz, všimnite si, „Ak nerobím skutky Môjho Otca, potom Mi neverte—neverte Mi. Nuž, ak robím tie skutky, verte Mi.“ Potom, čo oni robili? Vzali ten vzácny Strom, zoťali Ho, zavesili To na ľuďmi vytvorený kríž (To je pravda, prerušili tomu Život a zavesili To na ľuďmi vytvorený strom pre výsmech); potom sa im to nepáčilo. Príliš veľa ľudí tam stálo a plakalo nad tým. Tak Ho zvesili dolu.

218 Hovorili, „Vytvoríme našu denomináciu takú tesnú, že sa sem nikdy tí náboženskí fanatici nedostanú.“

Tak ho odpratali preč do tej diery Jozefa z Arimatie, a privalili tam ohromne veľký kameň (vzali hliadku mužov, aby to tam privalili. Videli ste niekedy—videli ste tamtú noc na obrázku tú veľkú trasu, akou váľali ten kameň? Vážil tony), rolovali tam ich veľký organizačný kameň, aby On nemohol povstať. Ale zadržalo Ho to? Nie. „Ale Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“ Zasiahnime teraz ten text a vhĺbme sa do toho. „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán. Ja Ho prinavrátim. V troch dňoch Ho vzkriesim naspäť.

Oni Ho nemohli ukryť v tej skale; oni Ho nemohli ukryť preč z ich dohľadu; oni sa Ho nemohli zbaviť zo svojich rúk. „Ja Ho prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“ A v troch dňoch ho On pozdvihol, prinavrátil naspäť.

219 Po Veľkej Noci, On povstal a povedal, „Choďte do celého sveta, a ja pôjdem s vami. Ako ten živý Otec poslal Mňa, a On je vo Mne; tak ja posielam vás a budem vo vás. Ja som s vami do konca sveta. Skutky; tá istá vec, ktorú som urobil, aby to potvrdilo čím som; vy budete robiť tie isté veci, aby potvrdili, čím ste.“ Chápete?

To sa mi páči. Tieto znaky budú nasledovať tých, ktorí sú veriaci; nie robiaci sa veriaci, ale veriaci. Vidíte? „Tieto veci, ktoré Ja robím, budete vy robiť; a to potvrdí, že ste veriaci, presne tak isto, ako skutky, ktoré som Ja robil; pretože ten živý Otec žije vo Mne. To nie som Ja, ktorý robím tie skutky; to je Môj Otec. A to nie vy budete robiť tie skutky, ale to budem Ja vo vás robiť tie skutky. (Chápete?) A teraz, choďte do celého sveta... Inak, vy idete dať tvar tomu, čo je Mne známe ako Nevesta.“ Vidíte? V poriadku.

220 „Ja pôjdem s vami, a vy budete časťou Mňa; vy budete Mojou Nevestou. Môj Život bude vo vašom tele. Tak ako manžel a manželka sú jednou osobou, vy a ja budeme Jedno. Toho dňa poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, Otec je vo Mne, a Ja vo vás, a vy vo Mne.“ Hmm. Ja to skrátka milujem. Satana to samozrejme hnevá. Vidíte? Vidíte Jednotu Boha? Všetko čím bol Boh, On prelial do Krista, a všetko čím bol Kristus, On prelial do cirkvi. Tam to máte. To ich všetkých robí jedno.

A teraz, pozrite sa. Teda, Nevesta, oni sú jedno, Strom Života. Inými slovami ako manžel a manželka sú jedno; Kristus a Jeho Nevesta sú Jedno: tá istá vec, ten istý Duch, tie isté skutky, tie isté znamenia, všetko ďalšie, „Pretože skutky, ktoré Ja činím; vy tiež budete činiť.“ Ako dlho? Do konca sveta. Koľko? Každému stvoreniu. Je to pravda? Ó, počúvajte teraz pozorne. Idem vystreliť z Magnumu.

221 Rímska húsenica začala obžierať na tom Strome Nevesty, až kým sa Toho zmocnila do koreňov. Ten istý rímsky strom, ktorý... Aký druh stromu zoťal dolu Krista? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Rímsky“—pozn.prekl.] Aký druh stromu zoťal dolu Kristovu Nevestu? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Rímsky“—pozn.prekl.] Ako? Nejakou náhradou namiesto Slova. Takže vidíte, Protestantská cirkev, ktorá neberie Slovo Božie, je dcérou rímskej cirkvi.

Boh nikdy v žiadnom čase neorganizoval cirkev. Rímsko-Katolícka cirkev bola prvou organizáciou; a každá jedna z nich sú dcéry tej, ktorá je zorganizovaná; oni zomierajú s ňou.

222 Biblia povedala, že On spáli jej deti v ohni. Koľkí to vedia? Biblia tak hovorí. Nuž, Biblia povedal, že pšenica a kúkoľ budú rásť spolu až do posledného dňa, v tom čase On zviaže kúkoľ (Je to pravda?) najprv, a spáli ich. A pšenica pôjde spolu do sýpky. Je to tak? Kúkoľ je sám spolu zviazaný v organizácii: Konfederácia Cirkví, pre atómový požiar. Presne tak. Ale cirkev sa pripravuje ísť do sýpky, práve tak isto ako svet, vo vytrhnutí, pretože slobodná žena nebude dedičom s nevoľníčkou. Hmm, brat Anthony.

Ó, my bdieme na príchod toho radostného dňa Milénia;

Keď náš požehnaný Pán príde

a uchopí preč Jeho čakajúcu Nevestu.

Ó, moja duša je naplnená vytrhnutím;

ako robím, bdiem a modlím sa,

Lebo náš Pán prichádza znovu naspäť na zem.

Haleluja. Áno, pane. Ó, On spáli kúkoľ, a pšenicu vezme do sýpky.

223 Rímska húsenica začala na tom Strome požierať vo dňoch Pavla. On povedal, „Ja som presvedčený (Písmo tu), že po mojom odchode, povstanú medzi vami ľudia, bratia, akoby v ovčom rúchu, ale vlci vnútri, a oddialia za sebou mnohých. Lebo duch antikrista, o ktorom ste počuli, že mal prísť na svet, je už na svete teraz, pracujúci na akých deťoch? Neposlušných.“ Neposlušných čomu? Slovu.

Tam to máte. Organizácia začína rozbeh. Chápete čo myslím, priatelia? Všetci, ktorí to vidia, povedia, „Amen.“

Začínajú požierať. Čo to urobilo? Tá stará húsenica začala, tá stará škodlivá húsenica. Oná... Joel to videl. Počúvajte teraz, blížime sa ku koncu. Joel to videl, a on povedal, „Čo nechal červík, požrala kobylka, okrem toho škodlivá húsenica dostala; čo nechala škodlivá húsenica, no, húsenica to zobrala.“ To je to, čo on povedal; a to je presne; to je Strom Boží. Strom... Zotnite ho, škodlivá húsenica... V poriadku.

224 Rímska húsenica začala obžierať ten Strom Nevesty a zmocnila sa Toho úplne až do koreňov (celé To dokola posekala, všetko, odrezala ten Strom, ako to urobili Ježišovi Kristovi, Ženíchovi); zosekli Nevestu, a začali s vyznaniami a denomináciami: Ten istý starý chrobák. Ale čo? Ó, Sláva. Ale v Jeho koreňoch bolo predurčené Semeno, Kráľovské Semeno Abraháma; To nemohlo zomrieť. Slovo bolo v koreňoch, so zasľúbením, „Ja nahradím, hovorí Pán. (Čo?) Všetky roky, ktoré odrezala húsenica, všetko čo pojedla kobylka, všetko čo požral celý zbytok tých baktérií, ja To prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“

225 A teraz, porovnajte toto s minulou nedeľou a nedeľou predtým, tieto posolstvá teraz. Počúvajte teraz pozorne, ako sa dostávame ku koncu. Čo? „Ja obnovím, hovorí Pán, všetko čo pojedol ten hmyz; Ja z Toho prinesiem každý kúsok znovu rovno späť.“

Teda, zostaňte potichu, ak môžete, na niekoľko minút a počúvajte pozorne; pripravte sa a modlite sa celým srdcom, aby vám To Boh zjavil.

226 Takže Boh zasľúbil začiatok prinavrátenia, pretože Boh povedal, že On To obnoví, a práve tak isto ako On vzkriesil ten Strom Nevesty—Strom Ženícha, On pozdvihne Strom Nevesty, pretože práve tam ide byť Jedno, ako že stojí svet. Čo teraz? V poriadku. Takže Boh zasľubuje začiatok, „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán, všetko to, čo požrala kobylka, húsenica.“

Ako po prvýkrát, keď On postavil tú prvú cirkev... Idem teraz do náuky. Ak to nechcete veriť, dobre; ale ja—vy, len to najskôr preskúmajte. Chápete?

Všimnite si, ako On ten Strom pestoval na tom prvom mieste? Óóh!. Toto mi robí dobre. Viem, že to neznie ako od kazateľa, keď tu takto stojím, ale ja to milujem, o čom rozprávam...

227 A teraz, všimnite si. Ako po prvýkrát, keď On začal tú prvú cirkev, ktorú zožrala tá rímska húsenica (a škodlivá húsenica, atď), On začal s ospravedlnením vierou—Ján Krstiteľ. Vo Svätom Jánovi trinástej—alebo sedemnástej kapitole, 17.verš, Ježiš povedal, „Posväť ich, Otče, skrze Pravdu; Tvoje Slovo je Pravda.“ Druhým dielom bolo posvätenie (cirkvi). Po ospravedlnení bolo posvätenie. A potom ako boli posvätení, On im povedal, aby čakali v meste Jeruzalem (Lukáš 24:49), až kým budú naplnení mocou z výsosti; a tam On dáva narodenie tomu Stromu, Svätý Duch, Letnice. Ospravedlnenie, Posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým, a potom Kristus prichádza do Toho prebývať, zrodiť ovocie. Amen. Je to tak?

228 Ján kázal ospravedlnenie. Teraz, pozrite sa. V tom—tom prvku prírodného rodenia. Keď žena rodí dieťa (Počúvajte teraz.), čo je prvá vec, ktorá sa deje žene? To, čo prepukne najskôr, je voda: „Čiňte pokánie a buďte pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista,“ ospravedlnenie. Čo je druhá vec, ktorá sa deje so ženou? Krv. Je to pravda? Krv: posvätenie. A potom, čo je ďalšia vec? Život: voda, krv, život. Svätý Ján—1.Jána 5:7—vlastne 7:5, myslím že to je, povedal:

...sú traja, ktorí svedčia na nebi: Otec, Slovo...

(ktorým je Syn)...

a Svätý Duch: ...títo traja sú jedno.

A sú traja, ktorí svedčia na zemi: voda, krv a Duch a...

(Oni nie sú jedno, ale) ...

súhlasia v jedno.

[angl. preklad King James—pozn.prekl.]

229 Vy nemôžete mať Otca bez toho, aby ste mali Syna; nemôžete mať Syna bez toho, aby ste mali Svätého Ducha. Ale môžete byť ospravedlnení bez toho, aby ste boli posvätení; a môžete byť posvätení bez toho, aby ste mali Svätého Ducha. A čo tak Nazarénski bratia? Oni boli posvätení Ježišom Kristom rok a šesť mesiacov prv ako vôbec prišiel Svätý Duch. Je to tak? Oni boli posvätení Ježišom Kristom.

230 A teraz, ako On zrodil ten prvý Strom Nevesty, tá kobylka a červíky to požrali, On obnovuje ten druhý Strom, prináša To naspäť z tých predurčených koreňov, ktoré nemôžu zomrieť, ktorý stojí pri potokoch. Živý v týchto vodách. To nemohlo ukázať Seba Samého, ale je To tam, akokoľvek. Teda, začína to...

Všimnite si tie isté hmyzy, ako On prinavracia naspäť tú istú vec tým istým spôsobom. Po prvé, keď ten Strom začal vychádzať z Katolicizmu, to bol Martin Luter, ktorý kázal ospravedlnenie. Druhým anjelom bol John Wesley, ktorý kázal posvätenie. Luter kázal ospravedlnenie, „Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery“; Wesley kázal posvätenie, druhú úplnú prácu milosti; a potom prišiel Svätý Duch. Práve tak, ako On vybudoval ten Strom po prvýkrát, tu ho On znovu obnovuje druhýkrát, tým istým spôsobom. Vidíte to?

231 Všimnite si, ten istý hmyz (ten malý ničomník), ten istý hmyz, ktorý začal a zabil ten Strom na počiatku, začal priamo tam v tých Luteránskych vetvách. Ale čo? Ono To nemôže zabiť; oni To nemôžu zabiť, pretože Boh povedal, „Ja nahradím...“

Ten hmyz začal ničiť na Luterovi všetky Luteránske vetvy. Prechádza to priamo do Wesleya a zabíja všetky Wesleyove vetvy. Ale tá hlavná časť Stromu stále prichádza.

232 Teraz si všimnite, v tých starých časoch, keď bol ten Strom zabitý, To bolo zabité; odišlo to okamžite do koreňov, keď To zabilo priamo tam. Ale v tomto čase, pretože Slovo je predurčené; nie je nič, čo by To zastavilo. Boh povedal, „Ja nahradím. Nezáleží koľko sa oni organizujú, koľko robia toto, tamto alebo iné; Ja To idem obnoviť.“ Tým je to vybavené. Všetok ten smiech, žartovanie, posmechy, nazývanie nás náboženskými fanatikmi, nezmysly, všetko čo len chcete, Boh predsa len povedal, „Ja nahradím, hovorí Pán.“

Práve tak isto ako On vzkriesil Ježiša z hrobu, za tri dni; pod tromi správami alebo troma časťami; On ide znovu vzkriesiť cirkev do Jej plnosti a moci. „Ja nahradím, hovorí Pán.“

233 Čo sa stalo? Tá stará húsenica to začala požierať a mala tie isté druhy účinkov, ktoré mal on. Ale čo ona urobila? Ona len vzala Luteránske vetvy; za tým ale nikdy nestál Duch, ktorého mal Luter, lebo to len žilo ďalej.

Potom prišiel Wesley, a po Wesleyovej smrti, ten veľký prorok, potom ako Wesley zomrel, čo oni urobili? Oni sa zorganizovali a všetky vetvy zomreli. Ale čo On urobil? Tá cirkev žila ďalej. Prišla rovno napred do Letníc. Keď sa oni zorganizovali, čo sa stalo? Vetvy zomreli. Ale čo? Cirkev ide rovno ďalej.

234 Čo? Tá istá vec, ktorú urobili Letniční, to isté staré katolícke denominačné vyznanie, ktorí To vzali v prvom rade na to, aby zničili ten Strom—Strom Nevesty, v prvom rade, to je tá istá stará taktika, ktorú diabol urobil na tomto druhom Strome. Ale čo? Boh To predurčil; Ona musí pokračovať, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek. Ak to všetko... Ak by to nebolo tak, keď sa Luter zorganizoval, tam by to bolo vybavené. Všetko to išlo naspäť práve tak, ako nejaké... To bola tá druhá katolícka cirkev, rímska katolícka cirkev. Vidíte?

Ale Boh bol odhodlaný... On vypovedal Jeho Slovo. Jeho zákon dozrie na to, aby sa To vyplnilo. Nezáleží na tom, koľko neskorých mrazov To malo; akokoľvek, To bude žiť. Snáď To malo obdobie chladna a denominačných rozdielov a všetkého, ale ten Strom ide žiť; práve tak isto, ako Žijúci Boh spôsobí, aby To žilo. Tak veru. On povedal, „Ja To prinavrátim.“

235 Viem, že máme nejakú neskorú jar, neskoré obdobie prichádzajúcej Veľkej Noci. „Pán zdržiava Jeho príchod,“ hovoria, a všetko tomu podobné; a studený zimný vietor zničil mnohé denominačné vetvy; ale nemôže zničiť ten Strom, ktorý je predurčený. „Nebesia a zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nepominie. Všetkých, ktorých On predurčil, On aj povolal; tých ktorých On povolal, On aj ospravedlnil; tých ktorých On ospravedlnil, On už oslávil.“ Haleluja. Je napísané v Knihe—Baránkovej Knihe Života a nemôže zomrieť.

236 Všetky tie chrobáky, ktoré môže peklo na Ňu vypustiť, ju nikdy nezastavia. Žiadny Komunizmus, Katolicizmus, nič iné Ju nemôže zastaviť. „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“ Všetky ľuďmi vytvorené Rímske stromy Ju tam nikdy nezavesia; všetky hroby Ju tam nikdy nezadržia; všetky veľké denominačné kamene zavalené na dverách Ju tam nikdy neustrážia. „Ja nahradím, hovorí Pán. Bude Veľká Noc. Ja zrodím tú istú cirkev v Tej istej moci. Ja tú Nevestu vyvediem práve tak, ako Ona bola tam predtým s tými istými znakmi, tým istým ovocím, tie isté veci, ktoré oni robili. Ja Ju znovu dovediem naspäť; Ja nahradím, hovorí Pán.“ Čo? Prinavráti všetko, čo denominácie obžrali. Prinavráti všetko, čo organizácie obžrali. „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán, všetko z toho.“

237 A teraz, vy poviete, „A čo tie veci, ktoré odišli tam do denominácie?“ Boh je dobrý Roľník. On orezáva Strom; to bolo všetko, orezáva všetky tie mŕtve vetvy. Čo On ide urobiť? Spáliť ich tam, presne tak. Boh je Roľník toho—toho Stromu. On sa o Neho stará; On dozerá na Svoje Vlastníctvo. On... Čo je Jeho Vlastníctvo? Jeho vlastné Slovo. On dozerá na Jeho Slovo, aby Ho potvrdil, dozerá na Neho, pozrite sa, kde sa to môže dostať. Teda, On ide prinavrátiť, preto keď sa tieto cirkvi začínajú organizovať a tomu podobné veci, On ich len odreže, a cirkev pokračuje ďalej.

Keď—keď Luteráni povedali, „Ideme sa stať organizáciou; budeme tak veľkí ako Katolíci.“ V poriadku, On tie vetvy odrezal, a Wesley to len vzal ďalej, povstal ďalší prorok. Potom akonáhle Wesley žil—Wesley zomrel, ten veľký prorok, čo oni urobili? Zorganizovali to. Prišli Letnice. Skoro potom ako ona zomrela, On ju odrezal. To sa tiahne rovno nahor. On ide nahradiť.

238 Kde rastie ovocie? To nezačína tu dole naspodku; to začína na vrchole. Kde slnko zasahuje Strom najprv? Ó, sláva! Vo večernom Svetle, na vrchole Stromu (Amen.), nie dole na spodku vetiev, ale tam hore na vrchole Stromu, tam kde dozrieva ovocie.

Amen. Milujete Ho? Amen.

Budete Mu slúžiť? Amen.

Veríte Mu? Amen.

Ja Mu určite verím, celým svojim srdcom.

239 A teraz, čo je to? On ich ide odrezať, tie staré révy, tak ako ona vychádza, všetky tie organizačné révy, až kým sa dostane priamo na vrchol Stromu; to je tam, kde On ide získať Svoje ovocie.

Teraz, všimnite si. Boh ju orezáva. V poriadku. Oni sú mŕtvi a neprídu do Prítomnosti Božej, neprídu v prvom vzkriesení, ale... aby boli s ovocím Viniča tej originálnej organiz—Révy Božej. Oni pôjdu do zorganizovanej skupiny, ale nepôjdu s ovocím toho Viniča.

240 Teraz, pozrite sa. Boh nikdy nevytvoril organizáciu. Cirkev dala—naštepila do organizácie, a Boh to odrezáva, odrezáva tú pupočnú šnúru. To rodí organizačné ovocie. Ale ak ten Vinič vyraší výhonok, ktorý vychádza z toho Viniča, to bude niesť to isté ako tamten. Takže vidíte, ten prvý bol... A Rím tam poslal svojich chrobákov a požrali to. Ale Boh ide vypestovať Jeden taký vysoký, že oni sa Toho nemôžu ani dotknúť. To príde. Amen. Ja... Poďme.

241 Ten Strom ide z jedného miesta na druhé, z jednej správy časov do inej správy časov. Od Lutera To odišlo ku Wesleyovi; od Wesleya do Letníc; z Letníc To ide do Slova.

Pre skutočného veriaceho je tu znova Veľká Noc Jeho nikdy nezlyhávajúceho Slova. Je Veľká Noc; to je vzkriesenie. Boh má ľudí všade. Je tu Veľká Noc pre nich. Prečo? Oni povstali (Amen.), vzkriesení z tých vyznaní a denominácií; prešli priamo cez ne. Je tu znova Veľká Noc. To Kráľovské Semeno bolo skryté v Koreňoch, Slovo, ukryté tam vzadu v tomto Slove počas rokov a rokov a rokov, a práve teraz začína byť zjavované. Je tu čas Veľkej Noci. Predurčení od založenia sveta, táto cirkev začína stáť.

242 Všimnite si, ako to Boh predurčil na počiatku. Mám to... Akokoľvek, idem to povedať. V poriadku. Všimnite si tu, že aby obnovil prvý dokonalý Strom v troch dňoch po Jeho smrti... Po smrti toho prvého Stromu Ho On obnovil v troch dňoch. Je to pravda? Prinavrátil to naspäť. A teraz, Strom Nevesty bude tiež obnovený v troch dňoch—tri štádiá, lepšie povedané. Bude to obnovené v troch štádiách. Teda, pozrite sa. Čo? Ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, Krst Duchom Svätým: raz, dva, tri.

243 Potom, všimnite si, po troch dňoch ako bol obnovený prvý Strom ako na počiatku, majúc tie isté znamenia, tie isté zázraky. Ježiš prichádza naspäť, ten istý Ježiš, robiac tie isté veci. Znaky sa prejavili na konci tretieho dňa, nie na konci prvého dňa. Ó, brat, dúfam, že to zrozumievaš. Na tretí deň, to je keď tá skutočná manifestácia Krista bola zjavená, na konci tretieho dňa. Vidíte? Všimnite si. (Zrozumievate to?)

Nie v prvom dni: mŕtva forma; druhý deň bol chýr o tom (Chápete?)— vlastne druhý deň to bolo stále mŕtve: Luter, Wesley. Na začiatku tretieho dňa bol naokolo chýr o tom. Nič v tom prvom dni (Luter), nič v druhom dni, a v treťom dni (správa času Svätého Ducha), naokolo bol chýr, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ale na konci tretieho dňa, to je to, kde On urobil Seba známym, prišiel priamo medzi nich, prišiel medzi Svojich ľudí a povedal, „Pozrite sa na Mňa; Ja som Ten istý.“

244 Mŕtve formy išli ďalej až sa dostali do Letníc, potom začal chýr okolo, že On tu bol. A teraz, tu v poslednom dni On je práve s nami, pohybuje sa priamo medzi nami. Na konci toho tretieho dňa, sa On zjavil a ukázal všetkým z nich, znakom Jeho vzkriesenia, že On bol živý, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Živé ovocie Jeho Prítomnosti... Žijúce ovocie Jeho Prítomnosti (zrozumievate to?) bol manifestovaný na samom konci toho dňa, keď sa zjavil všetkým z nich, Jeho cirkvi. Amen. Prečo? Oni boli všetci spolu. Ó. Amen. Na konci tretieho dňa...

245 Večerné Svetlá, povedala Biblia, majú svietiť v poslednom dni. Večerné Svetlo je to isté Svetlo na západe, to bolo tým istým Svetlom, ktoré bolo na východe. A to isté Svetlo, ktoré svietilo na východe, ktoré zrodilo prvú cirkev, ktorú Rimania osekali svojim—svojim pohanským uctievaním, atď.; vo večernom Svetle je to isté Svetlo. A teraz, všimnite si, to isté Svetlo...

A na čo vyšlo večerné Svetlo? Na čo slúži večerné Svetlo? Navrátiť. Ó!. Rozumiete? Večerné Svetlo je za tým istým účelom, za akým bolo ranné Svetlo: prinavrátiť to, čo bolo pokosené temnými vekmi počas Ríma, Boh ide prinavrátiť svietenie večerného Svetla. Ako? Prinavráti znovu celé Slovo Božie, plnú manifestáciu Krista v Jeho cirkvi. Všetko, čo On urobil, presne tak ako to urobil, to bude znovu vo večernom Svetle. Chápete, čo myslím? Ó, či to nie je nádherné? Vediac, že žijeme priamo tu, aby sme To videli.

246 Teda, večerné Svetlo (presne podľa proroctva), večerné Svetlo vyšlo, aby obnovilo čo? Obnoviť, čo požrali chrobáky. Začalo to rásť, a potom čo to urobilo? Denomináciu, takže Boh ich odrezal, zviazal a odložil, povediac, „Teda, v jednom z týchto dní, oni budú zhorené.“ Zviažu ich v ich organizáciách. Ale potom čo? Priamo na vrchole toho Stromu, tam ovocie dozrieva najprv (To je pravda.), priamo na vrchole Stromu. Takže je to vrchol Stromu, ktorý vidí večerné Svetlo.

247 Teda, Noach mal vo svojej arche tri miestnosti. Jedna bola pre plazivé tvory. Chápete? Druhá miestnosť bola pre hydinu; ale na vrchole miestnosti, tam bolo svetlo. Svetlo, ktoré svietilo najprv, nikdy neprišlo na prvé poschodie, na druhé poschodie, len na horné poschodie. Strom nerodí svoje ovocie najprv na spodku, a druhom ako toto, bolo to celé osekané do organizácií. Ale to je na vrchnej časti, kde „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán. Ja pošlem večerné Svetlo, a To prinesie naspäť, prinesie naspäť Slovo, urobí Ho zrejmým. Ja navrátim všetko, čo som zasľúbil. Všetko, čo som zasľúbil, ten istý Svätý Duch prinesie a zrodí tie isté znaky. Budem mať Veľkú Noc, vzkriesenie, pre Nevestu, také isté, ako som mal pre Ženícha.“ Vidíte?

Večerné Svetlá vychádzajú, aby svietili, tak isto ako ráno—tie isté znaky, tie isté veci. To isté Svetlo bude produkovať to isté ovocie, ktoré oni tam mali, ak To svieti na tom istom strome. Amen. Potvrdzuje Jeho Slovo teraz vyplnené, „Ja navrátim, hovorí Pán.“

248 A teraz, počúvajte pozorne. Teda, to bolo... Počúvajte. Nech vám to neujde teraz. Boli štyria poslovia smrti... (Alebo by ste radšej teraz skončili? Radšej by ste...? ...)

Teraz počúvajte skutočne pozorne. Pozrite. Boli štyria poslovia smrti, ktorí ten Strom zabili. Je to tak? Čo to bolo? Červík, kobylka, škodlivá húsenica a húsenica. Je to pravda? Štyria poslovia Rímskych diablov, dogiem, zničili ten Strom. Jeden vzal Jeho ovocie; ďalší vzal Jeho kôru—vlastne Jeho listy; jeden vzal Jeho kôru; ďalší vzal Život. Je to tak? Štyria poslovia dogiem zničili ten Strom, všetko okrem koreňov. A ak štyria poslovia smrti zabili ten Strom, štyria poslovia Života obnovujú ten Strom.

249 Rozumiete to? Amen. Pretože Boh povedal, „Ja To obnovím.“ Ako To On ide obnoviť? Tým, že štyria poslovia To zabili; potom štyria poslovia Života To prinavrátia. Čo bolo to prvé? Martin Luter, ospravedlnenie. Čo bolo druhé? John Wesley—posvätenie. Čo bolo tretie? Letnice s prinavrátením darov, Svätý Duch, Krst Svätým Duchom. Čo bolo štvrté? Slovo. Čo? Slovo.

250 Boli štyria veľkí proroci. Jeden z nich, Martin Luter, začal svietiť Svetlom. Bolo to malé Svetlo, len veľmi malá sila ospravedlnenia. Ďalej prišiel Wesley, silnejší: posvätenie. Po Wesleyovi prišli silnejší od neho, Letniční, Krst Svätým Duchom v inom veľkom prorokovi. Chápete? Ale v posledných dňoch Malachiáš 4, Eliáš má prísť so samotným Slovom. Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokom. Vo večerných svetlách má vyjsť, aby prinavrátil a priviedol to naspäť. Čo? Obrátiť srdcia detí späť ku viere otcov: štvrté Svetlo.

251 Štyria vrahovia To vzali, štyria poslovia To zničili. Štyria poslovia smrti To odviedli preč v dogmách; štyria poslovia spravodlivosti To naspäť znovu obnovia. „Prorokuj, Synu človeka, môžu tieto kosti ožiť?“ (Prial by som si, aby sme mali čas, máme to tu napísané, ale musím to vynechať); „Prorokuj! Môžu tieto kosti ožiť?“ Ktoré sú štyri štádiá vyjdenia tej cirkvi? Ktoré sú štyri štádiá vyjdenia Ezechielových suchých kostí? Ale Život prichádza len vtedy, nie keď bola na nich šľachovitá koža, ale keď na ne zafúkal vietor. To je vtedy, keď prišlo naspäť, to štvrté Posolstvo Života bolo prinesené naspäť. „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“ Haleluja. Sláva. Chvála buď Bohu.

252 Štvrté Svetlo má prísť, aby prinieslo tie isté znaky. Pozorujte. Ospravedlnenie prinieslo naspäť dužinu. Posvätenie prinieslo naspäť kôru: učenie svätosti. Čo prinieslo naspäť listy? Letniční. Čo je to? Letniční, lístie, tlieskanie rukami, radosť, radovanie sa: Letniční. Čo? Štvrté bolo Samotné Slovo. Slovo sa stalo telom, ovocie potvrdenia znaku vzkriesenia, že Kristus definitívne, potom ako bolo zasadené ospravedlnenie, bolo posadené posvätenie, krst Svätým Duchom. Organizácie odumreli, a Kristus znovu sústredil Seba ako to korunovanie pyramídy.

253 Prvá línia, ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Svätým Duchom, potom príchod toho Vrcholu. Čo je to? Tá partia Ducha Svätého zdokonalovaná, takže to môže zapadnúť s tým istým druhom služby, ktorú mal On, keď odišiel preč; takže keď On prichádza naspäť, to uchopí celú tú vec vo vytrhnutí, kde sú oni ospravedlnení, posvätení, a majú krst Svätým Duchom. Tá pyramída bude stáť znovu. Dom Boží bude žiť znovu. Strom Života znovu rastie.

Národy sa rúcajú, Izrael sa budí;

Vypĺňajú sa znamenia, ktoré predpovedali proroci.

Dni pohanov sú zrátané, strachom naplnené ;

Vráťte sa roztrúsení do svojho vlastníctva.

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;

Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu.

Buďte plní Ducha, majte čisté a ozdobené lampy.

Pozrite vaše vykúpenia sa priblížilo.

Falošní proroci klamú;

Božiu Pravdu zapierajú;

Že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh (Amen.)

Ale my kráčame tam kde išli apoštolovia.

Lebo deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;

Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu.

(Atómové zbrane a všetko ostatné);

Buďte plní Ducha, Majte čisté a ozdobené lampy.

Pozrite vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo. (Amen.)

254 Prinavrátenie všetkých znakov, znak Lóta na konci času. My sme cez to prešli. Ako Lót... Tento Anjel Jehovu bol učinený telom medzi ľuďmi, sediac Svojim chrbtom otočený ku stánu, hovoriac, „Kde je Sára, tvoja žena?“ „V stane za Tebou.“ On povedal, „Navštívim Ťa.“ A Sára sa smiala. On odvetil, „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“ Ona je v stáne... Amen.

Ježiš povedal, že to bude tá istá vec za Jeho príchodu. Ó, potom to Večerné Svetlo z Malachiáša 4 prichádza svietiac cez tmu (Amen.) priniesť to Večerné Svetlo na to predurčené Slovo. Haleluja.

255 Čím by malo byť to štvrté posolstvo? Aký je ten štvrtý posol? Svieti Svetlo na Slovo. Slovo je predurčené; To musí vyjsť von; niečo to musí urobiť, niečo to musí urobiť, pretože Boh povedal, „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán. Ja prinavrátim.“ To je pravda. Večerné Svetlá prichádza svietiť cez to predurčené Slovo. Áno, pane.

V čase večera bude svetlo.

Chodník do chvály, ktorý skutočne nájdete.

Vo vodnom krste je teraz svetlo.

Pochovaní vo vzácnom mene Ježiš.

Mladí a starí, vyznajte všetky svoje hriechy.

Duch Svätý skutočne vojde.

To večerné svetlo prišlo.

To je fakt, že Boh a Kristus sú jedno.

256 Tam to máte. Spolu sú jedno a ten Jeden v nás. Tie isté znaky, ktoré ľudia nemôžu urobiť, sa samé manifestujú. Vychádzajú von, Slovo, priniesť predzvedené Slovo Božie naspäť z koreňov stromu, ktoré bolo odmietnuté všetkými denomináciami, a odmietnuté, a odmietnuté; ale vyjde Svetlo. Vyjde Svetlo, povstane. Kde asi? Tam v Jeruzaleme? Nie veru. Večerné Svetla nevyjdú v Jeruzaleme. Kde idú večerné Svetlá? Na západe. Oni mali svoj deň a odmietli To, ale večerné Svetlo povstane na západe. Kvôli čomu? Osvietiť Slovo. Ktoré? Dozrieť ovocie, zrodiť Strom Nevesty s tými istými znakmi, zázrakmi, a ovocie, ktoré mali na začiatku: „V čase večera bude svetlo.“ To je pravda.

257 Ó, Slovo potom zrodí Vlastné ovocie vo svojej sezóne; Ono nezvädne, ale prinesie Svoje ovocie, Dávid povedal, vo svojej sezóne (Amen.), to isté ovocie, ktoré malo na počiatku.

A teraz, s Jeho Slovom v Jeho predurčenom štádiu, ako to On má teraz, a my vidíme ako sa zamanifestovali všetky tieto slová, čo je to? Je to dokonalé potvrdenie, že príchod Pánov je nablízku, a čas kedy On povedal, „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán, všetko čo škodlivé húsenice (všetko čo nechali Metodisti), všetko čo požrala húsenica, všetko čo to urobilo tam, až kým to dočista zvliekli; ale ja To prinavrátim v čase večera.“ Ó, ó!.

Verím, že by som teraz mohol takmer kázať; úprimne cítim, že môžem.

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša;

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša;

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša;

Lebo On prv miloval mňa!

Nikdy Ho nezanechám;

Nikdy Ho nezanechám;

Nikdy Ho nezanechám;

Lebo On prv miloval mňa.

Amen. Či Ho nemilujete? Ja Ho milujem celým svojím srdcom. Budeme mať modlitebný rad?

258 Otče Bože, do Tvojich rúk porúčam toto posolstvo. I keď bolo potrhané, modlím sa nech Duch Svätý pôjde nejako s tým, na týchto páskach a naprieč národmi. A ak budem vzatý zo zeme, nech toto žije, Pane. Je to Tvoje Slovo. Nech večerné Svetlo svieti, Pane, zrodí túto slávnu Nevestu Kristovu. Požehnaj to, Pane, nech sa Ti To nevráti naprázdno. Nech to vykoná to, na čo To bolo poslané. Daruj to, Otče. Všetka chvála bude Tvoja.

A teraz, my vieme, Otče, nezáleží na tom, čo by sme povedali, to je stále Slovo a my Tomu veríme. Ale my túžime po Tebe, Pane, v toto Veľkonočné ráno, aby si sa Ty dokázal tomuto zhromaždeniu, možno niektorí sú tu po prvýkrát, že Ty si stále Ježiš, že Ty nie si mŕtva podoba, že si živý, vzkriesený Boh, že žiješ dnes medzi nami. Daruj to, Otče, a my Ťa chválime, skrze Meno Ježiš. Amen.

259 Koľkí z vás sú tu chorí? Nech vidím vaše ruky. Len zdvihnite vaše ruky. Ó, ... Je Billy Paul, dostal on... Verím, že rozdal naše modlitebné karty. Však? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá "Áno"—pozn.prekl.] Ktoré to boli? E-1 až 100. Nemôžeme ich vziať všetky, ale zoberme niekoľko z nich. Len ich postavte priamo pozdĺž tu, ak môžete.

Kto má číslo jeden? Pozrime sa, číslo 1, E-číslo-1, zdvihnite ruku. Modlitebná karta... Pozrite sa na svoju kartu a uvidíte... Ak môžete povstať, v poriadku. Číslo 1? Nuž, ste si istí, že máte tú pravú kartu? V poriadku. V poriadku. Nuž, začnime niekde... Ó, nuž, dobre ak to máte, potom začneme tam. Dobre, číslo 1, prejdite tu naokolo, ak môžete chodiť. Ak nemôžete, no, my to ponesieme. Rozumiete? Dobre. Číslo 1, číslo 2, zdvihnite teraz rýchlo vašu pravú ruku. Číslo 2, poďte tu. Číslo 3, priamo tu, pane. Číslo 4? Číslo 4, číslo 5. A teraz, nech sa nachvíľu každý posadí. Číslo 5? Číslo 6, zdvihnite rýchlo vašu ruku. Číslo 6, 6, 6? Nech sa pozriem, prosím. V poriadku. Číslo 6, V poriadku, len na chvíľu teraz. 7, 7? V poriadku, Dáma tam vzadu. 8?

A teraz, ak... Každý len držte svoje miesto, len na chvíľu teraz, len skutočne potichu teraz. Potom, toto bude dôkaz. Toto je dôkaz.

260 6, 7... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7? Poďte tu hore. V poriadku. 7, v poriadku, pane. To je fajn. 8, 8, v poriadku, brat. 8, 9, 10, 10, 11? Dobre. Nuž, zdá sa, že prestali prichádzať. No, začnime tu. To je v poriadku. Možno za niekoľko minút... Dobre, modlime sa teraz.

Otče Bože, len jedno Slovo od Teba bude znamenať tak mnoho. Nech to ľudia vidia, Pane. Snažil som sa byť úprimný, snažil som sa povedať im Tvoje Slovo. Pane, odpusť chyby Tvojmu služobníkovi. Ja—ja len –ja—ja som ich urobil tak mnoho, Pane. Ja—ja sa modlím, aby si sa nepozeral na chyby Tvojho služobníka, ale pozri na Tvoje Slovo, ktoré sa snažím kázať. Pane, ja Ti ďakujem za To. Som rád z celého svojho srdca. Pane, To—To—To je pre mňa viac ako život. Kedykoľvek dávam za To môj život. Ja—ja viem, že To je pravda; To je Tvoje Slovo.

261 A prosím, odpusti mi moje nerozumné cesty, Pane. Mnohokrát, že som si doberal a vtipkoval, že som to nemal robiť. Hanbím sa za to, Pane. Ja-ja pochádzam z takej rodiny. Prehliadni to, prosím, Otče, ak môžeš. Zakry to Svojou Krvou; to je to, čo Ťa prosím, aby si urobil. Len... Vyznávam to. Ty to môžeš prehliadnuť, ale Ty mi môžeš odpustiť, keď to vyznávam.

A teraz, vyznávam svoje hriechy; vyznávam hriechy týchto ľudí. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si im odpustil, každému jednému. A dovoľ ľuďom, nech si uvedomia, že sa nesnažíme len nejako hrať. To je ten Duch Svätý v tých posledných dňoch nesúci svedectvo Jeho Slova, ako som ho práve vypovedal. Ale, Otče, nezáleží na tom... Ja som len človek; a ak by som to ja povedal, oni by povedali, „To je jeho výklad. To je to, čo si on o tom myslí.“ Ale Otče, ak by si len Ty prehovoril a potvrdil, že je to pravda, potom oni budú musieť—prejsť cez Teba, dostať sa potom cez To, Pane. Potom to nebude môj výklad; to bude Tvoj. Daruj to, Pane. A ak som Tvoj sluha, a—a môj hriech je odpustený, a Ty si ma povolal pre túto prácu, potom hovor, Pane. Modlím sa, aby si to daroval.

262 Uzdrav chorých a postihnutých všade, modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene. A ak nám len teraz zjavíš Seba, tak ako si to urobil tam tej žene pri studni, keď si s ňou hovoril, Ty si jej povedal niečo, čo bolo s ňou nie v poriadku: ona mala päť manželov. A teraz, Ty si to prisľúbil robiť v čase večera. Sľúbil si to robiť v posledných dňoch. Povedal si, „A tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude...“ Bože, žijúc v ľudskom tele, pohybujúc sa medzi nami vo forme Jeho cirkvi vo Svätom Duchu, konajúci tie isté znaky. Daruj to Pane práve dnes, či to urobíš, Otče?

Teda, modlím sa, aby si dovolil ľuďom, aby to videli, a aby bol každý uzdravený a spasený na slávu Božiu. Amen.

263 A teraz, vyzývam vašu pozornosť teraz, ak by ste boli nachvíľu len skutočne úctiví. A teraz, každý nech je tak ticho ako len môže byť.

264 Ste si istí, že si uvedomujete pozíciu, v ktorej som teraz? Kázal som tu Slovo, Slovo Božie. Povedal som, že To všetko je pravda. Ježiš povedal, že „On, ktorý verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré ja robím, on bude tiež robiť.“ A teraz, chcem sa vás opýtať otázku, a buďte teraz opatrní či—či poviete „amen“ alebo nie. Ježiš, On Sám, nikdy netvrdil, že môže niekoho uzdraviť. To je pravda. On povedal, „To nie som Ja, ktorý robím tie skutky; to je Môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo Mne.“ Je to pravda? A vo Svätom Jánovi 5:19 Ježiš povedal, „Amen, amen vám hovorím, Syn (On Sám, ako Človek—On bol len Príbytkom, kde prebýval Boh. Chápete?)“ On povedal, „Syn nemôže nič urobiť Sám od seba, ale len to, čo vidí robiť Jeho Otca; takisto robí Syn.“ Inak: „Otec Mi ukazuje víziu, čo robiť, a Ja robím práve tak ako mi On hovorí.“

265 Teda, jedného dňa zisťujeme, že tam bola, povedzme malá žena, ktorá sa nemohla dostať do modlitebnej rady. Mala krvotok, a mala to mnoho rokov, takže ona sa len dotkla Jeho rúcha, povediac si sama v sebe... Ona bola nepatrná. Ona bola len chudobná, drobná, stará žena, nemala žiadne peniaze; a nemohla sa postaviť tam s tými kňazmi a všetkými tými stojacimi tam, ktorí mali právo tam stáť a to všetko; teda ona nemohla stáť tam hore. Preto len preliezla okolo až kým sa tam dostala a dotkla sa Jeho rúcha; ona povedala, „Verím, že On je presne... On—On nám prináša Pravdu, Život. Verím, že On je Slovo Božie, a ak sa Ho len môžem dotknúť, ja—ja budem v poriadku.“

266 Veríte? Môžete veriť tú istú vec, ktorú verila tá žena, že On je Slovo Božie? A teraz, Biblia dnes hovorí, že On je Veľkňaz (Chápete?), náš Veľkňaz práve teraz. Veríte tomu? Po Jeho vzkriesení a Jeho nanebovstúpení, On vystúpil na Výsosť a dal ľuďom dary, a teraz sedí na pravici Boha a Veličenstva na Výsosti, aby sa prihováral na základe toho, čo vyznávame. Je to pravda? A On je Veľkňaz, ktorý môže byť čo? Dotknutý čím? Našimi slabosťami. Teda, ak On je... Veríte, že On je ten istý? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen"-- pozn.prekl.]

267 A teraz, pozrite sa. Ak by ste prišli sem, a dotýkali sa ma celý deň, to by neurobilo ani trochu rozdiel. Ak by ste sa dotkli ktoréhokoľvek brata, sestry, to by neurobilo veľký rozdiel, jedine že by išlo o vzkladanie rúk, to je všetko. Ale ak sa len dotknete Jeho, to je všetko čo musíte urobiť. A pozrite, ak ste sa Ho dotkli s nejakým druhom obradu, tak ako to urobili oni, oni povedali, „Ó, my veríme tomuto veľkému učiteľovi; toto je prorok.“ Prečo On nepovedal nič? Ale táto malá žena mala určitú vec, ktorá sa Ho dotkla: jej viera. Ona sa dotkla Jeho rúcha, a On povedal, „Kto sa Ma dotkol?“

268 Či neveríte, že Biblia hovorí, že On je ten istý Veľkňaz dnes, akým On bol vtedy, On—a On môže byť dotknutý našimi slabosťami, môžete sa Ho dotknúť tam vonku, či ste v tejto modlitebnej rade alebo nie. Ak ste chorí, alebo ak máte milujúcu osobu, ktorá je chorá, ak máte niečo na svojom srdci, len úctivo príďte pred Boha a povedzte, „Bože, nepoznám toho človeka, ktorý tu stojí; on je malý plešatý človek; on—on nie je ničím, ale ja verím, že to, čo on káže je Pravda; a verím, že povedal správnu vec, že Ty si Veľkňaz. A teraz, chcem sa Ťa dotknúť. A ak mi on povedal Pravdu, potom Ty použi jeho ústa, aby si prehovoril späť ku mne, práve tak ako si to Ty urobil tej žene tam.“ Chápete, ak je On ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Urobte to. Či Ho to nemá urobiť tým istým včera, dnes i naveky...? Či nie? Teda, všetci zostaňte na svojich miestach a len sa úctivo modlite.

Čože? Aha.. Mám tu desať teraz? 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15... Či by mohli modlitebné karty 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25... To by mal urobiť celkom dobrý rad, ak my... Dúfam, že vás tu nemusíme držať veľmi dlho, ale teraz... Budeme teda s desiatimi... To je v poriadku; len dovoľte...

269 Spievajme len teraz potichu, všetci spolu, pokiaľ oni prídu, „Jemu len ver.“

Jemu len ver, Jemu len ver;

Všetko je možné, Jemu len ver;

Jemu len ver, len ver...

(Verte čomu? Jeho Slovu, ktoré zasľúbil. Kvôli čomu?)

Všetko je možné, len ver.

270 Schádzajúc dole z hory, stáli tam učeníci; boli porazení z toho epileptického prípadu, otec tam stál a pozeral sa na svoje dieťa, nariekajúc. Učeníci prechádzali cez všetky ich manévre, ale to nefungovalo. Ježiš prichádzal vystupujúc hore; niektorí z nich povedali, „Tam je On.“ Niekto ich nasmeroval na Ježiša, vzdialiac ich od ich duchovnosti ku Ježišovi. To je to, kde chcem nasmerovať ľudí, nie ku mne alebo nejakej cirkvi, ale ku Ježišovi. Povediac, „On je schopný.“

Tak ten otec bežal, padol ku Jeho nohám a povedal, „Pane, zmiluj sa nad mojim dieťaťom. On je rôzne zmietaný diablom. On... Niekedy, ako on pení z úst; upadá do záchvatov“: epilepsia. On povedal, „A zobral som ho všade, a dokonca Tvoji učeníci nemohli pre neho nič urobiť.“

Ježiš povedal, „Ja môžem, len ak veríš. Lebo všetky veci sú možné, tomu kto verí.“

A tak len (ten istý včera, dnes i naveky... A tak všetci tu teraz, buďme všade potichu.) len ver;

Všetko je možné, (Čo za čas!) len ver;

Len ver, práve len ver;

Všetko je možné, práve len ver.

271 Ó, Pane, teraz tu vyšlo Slovo; nech svieti večerné Svetlo, Pane. Oživ to. Modlím sa v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

A teraz, v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, beriem každého ducha tu pod moju kontrolu, na Jeho slávu.

Pozerám sa tu dolu na tento modlitebný rad. V tom modlitebnom rade nie je ani jedna osoba, ktorú poznám. Všetci sú mi cudzí. Všetci vy v tom modlitebnom rade, ktorí ste mi cudzí a ja neviem nič o vás, vaše problémy sú ničím, pozdvihnite svoje ruky, každý po celej dĺžke modlitebného radu. Koľkí v publiku ste mi cudzí, a neviem o vás nič? Tam máte tú istú autoritu ako títo tu, ibaže ja ich rozdeľujem aby boli po jednom.

Tu. Dovoľte mi na okamih to tu teraz vziať. Môžete počuť teraz s týmto?

272 Táto pani tu... Tu je znovu muž a žena, ktorí sa stretli. Nepoznám ju, nikdy som ju nevidel; ona mi je cudzia; dokonale cudzia. Jednám len na základe Slova. To Slovo hovorí, „Skutky, ktoré ja robím, budete tiež robiť, ak veríte vo Mňa.“ Jedného rána, keď prišla tá vízia, znovu po tisíckach z nich, a povedal, „Nikdy nezlyhávajúca Prítomnosť Ježiša Krista je s tebou kdekoľvek ideš...“ Vážne tomu verím, celým svojím srdcom. Ak vás nikdy neuvidím znovu, veríte, že to je pravda?

273 Je tu žena, ktorú som nevidel nikdy v mojom živote. Ona je žena, ktorá dostala modlitebnú kartu. Spôsob, ako to zvyčajne ten chlapec robí, on ide sem, berie tie karty a zamieša ich všetky pred vami, viete, dá modlitebnú kartu komukoľvek kto chce, kdekoľvek to je. Nikto nevie, kde tá rada začne alebo čokoľvek o tom. Preto, ten chlapec nemôže povedať, „Nuž, a teraz, tu... Ja... Ak—ak mi dáte toľko a toľko, umiestnim vás dopredu a budete si istí, že tam ste.“ On to sám nevie. Chápete? Nikto to nevie. Vidíte? My len začíname kdekoľvek Svätý Duch hovorí, prehovorí výzvu, my priamo odtiaľ voláme. A dôverujem, že niekedy je to dané niekomu, keď som tu, obzvlášť, že niekomu kto by nemal—nikdy... Cudzí (Chápete?), ktorého ja nepoznám...

274 A teraz, ak táto žena, ktorá tu stojí... Niečo je tam zle. Ona môže byť chorá; ona možno má niekoho iného chorého, ona—ona—ona tam len možno stojí. Možno ona sa len tvári, že je chorá. A možno ona tu len stojí snažiac sa niečo predstierať. Ak to tak je, len pozorujte čo sa deje. Vidíte? Asi ste to videli, ako to niekto skúšal, že? Tak veru. Pozorujete ich potom ako ju vyniesli cez dvere mŕtvu. Vidíte, vidíte? A tak teraz, vidíte, vy len zisťujete, chápete či je to správne alebo nie. Vidíte? Teraz, vidíte?

Teraz, my sa nehráme na zhromaždenie, priatelia. Sme na konci času. Ovocie na vrchole stromu dozrieva. To je pravda. Pán prichádza. Ja ju nepoznám [Prázdne miesto na páske—pozn.prekl.] Boh ju pozná. On ju poznal prv ako bol svet, On ju poznal. On vedel, že ona bude stáť priamo tu. On vedel, že ja budem stáť priamo tu, lebo On je neohraničený. Je to pravda? A teraz, ak je On neohraničený a vedel to, potom On vie prečo tá žena tu stála. Potom ten istý Boh, ktorý...

275 Ježiš, keď bol tu na zemi a Boh v Ňom, ktorý hovoril tej žene pri studni a povedal jej niečo, čo nebolo s ňou v poriadku... My všetci vieme čo to bolo, však? A ona povedala, „Pane, Ty musíš byť prorok.“ To bolo jej prvé vyjadrenie. „A teraz, vieme že je čas, aby tu bol Mesiáš zvaný Kristus, a keď On príde, On bude robiť tú vec.“ Pretože, ak On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, a zasľúbený týmto Slovom, ktoré som práve kázal, že On tu bude vo večernom čase a bude robiť tie isté veci, potom my v to dúfame, však? Či nie? Dúfame vo vzkriesenie tej cirkvi...

276 A teraz, ak On to urobil tejto žene, to isté ako On urobil tam, to potvrdzuje Slovo, to je správne. Potom, táto pani, ktorej ruku som práve držal, my sme cudzí jeden druhému. Nepoznám ju; nikdy som ju nevidel. Ona je vlastne neznáma osoba, ktorá tam stojí. A takí ste vy tam, mnohí z vás. Poznám niektorých ľudí sediacich tu pozdĺž. A nepoznám mnohých. Poznám pani Collins. To som si istý. Sestru—manželku brata Bena... A videl som tu brata a sestru Dauch. Brat Wright, brat a sestra Dauch, brat Rodney, a oni. Poznám niektorých z vás tu okolo. Ale nepoznám príliš mnoho z vás, pretože nie som tu veľmi veľa medzi vami. Máme tu hostí. A tak sa len modlite.

277 Ak som vám cudzí, vyznávam že to večerné Svetlo prišlo. A večerné Svetlo je to isté ako ranné Svetlo. To zjaví to isté tajomné ovocie Božie, duchovne hovoriac. To je pravda. Ja vám rozprávam tak ako to On tej žene pri studni. On povedal, „Daj sa mi napiť.“ Vidíte? Ja hovorím tú istú vec. Ale, to nie som ja; to je On. Ale ak mi On zjaví kvôli čomu tam stojíte (Chápete?), ak On mi zjaví prečo tam ste, potom budete vedieť, že On vie všetko o vašom živote. Ak by vám On povedal niečo čo bolo (Vidíte?), vy viete či to je pravda alebo nie. Potom ak On vie čo bolo, môže vám povedať že, môžete Mu istotne veriť za to čo bude, ak On už vie čo ste urobili tu. Iste to zjaví počiatok toho, koniec toho, a pred nimi, všetko to, napraví to. Či Mu bude zhromaždenie veriť? V poriadku. Ja verím, že by ste mu verili, bez ohľadu či to urobí alebo nie. Stále by ste tomu verili. Ale tu je to, kde On robí ten pevný spoj.

278 A teraz, práve sa pozerám na ženu a ona sa dostáva do pomazania. Ona si je toho vedomá, je mi cudzia, ale len dovoľte nech vám teraz niečo ukážem. Mnohí z vás videli ten obrázok, ktorý tam leží. A to nie je—to je z toho Svetla. To je presne to, čo visí práve teraz priamo tu medzi mnou a tou ženou. Či môžete vidieť ten druh—ten druh zelenej, žlto-zelenej, smaragdovej farby ako Svetlo, tak ako to voláte, ležiac priamo... To je to, čo ju robí...

A teraz, len dovoľte, aby som vám niečo ukázal. Cítiš skutočne taký sladký, pokorný pocit. Pani, ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku, aby to ľudia mohli vidieť. To je—to je... Ona si nemôže pomôcť...? ...Vidíte? Teda, teda ak ju To premôže, ja neviem. To bolo... To by musel byť Boh; ja to nemôžem urobiť sám od seba; to je Boh. To musí byť.

279 Áno, tejto pani skutočne, prirodzene hrozí operácia. Ona má niečo, o čom jej povedal doktor, že musí byť operované, ale ona to nechce teraz. To je pravda. A ona má—ona... Je to—rastie to. A ten výrastok je na pravej strane, blízko chrbtice. Je to tak. Ak je to pravda, pozdvihni svoju ruku, aby ťa ľudia mohli vidieť...? ... Teraz, veríš? Teda, ty to nevidíš, ale ak veríš celým svojim srdcom...? ... V poriadku.

A teraz, povieš si, „Možno že si to uhádol, brat Branham.“ Vy to nemôžete uhádnuť miliónkrát... To je pravda. Len jej dovoľte postaviť sa tam. Práve teraz to odišlo odo mňa. Potom pozrime sa na chvíľu. Zdá sa , že ona je v poriadku: Kresťanka. A teraz, pozrime sa. Teraz, len... Ak On nám povie niečo iné, čo by bolo... Áno, tu ona prichádza znovu naspäť. Áno, pane. Ona je—ona je... Áno, to je—to je výrastok, ktorý—ktorý doktori chceli odstrániť, a to—to jej spôsobovalo problémy, ale ona ide ohľadne toho dôverovať Kristovi.

A nie len to, ona nie je z tohoto okolia. A ona má niekoho so sebou; to je jej manžel. A on tiež trpí. To je pravda. Veríte, že Boh mi môže povedať, pokiaľ sa pozerám priamo na toho muža tu, aby som videl, čo s ním nie je v poriadku? Nuž, povedzte mu nech len ide jesť svoju večeru; jeho žalúdočný problém práve pominul.

280 Veríš Kristovi...? ...ty? Ty si z Tennessee, Nashville (To je pravda.), pani Bagely. V poriadku, môžeš ísť naspäť domov a buď zdravá...? ...Veríte nášmu Pánovi Ježišovi? Ak to nie je ten istý Pán Ježiš, ktorý tu bol v tých predchádzajúcich dňoch, večerné Svetlo tu...? ...a rozprával sa so ženou; opýtal sa jej, či tie veci ktoré povedal, boli pravdou...? ...Len verte. A teraz, ste uspokojení, že On je...? ...Ale, viete nemohol by som to urobiť. Ja som človek; ja som váš brat. Ale On je Boh.

Teraz, pozrime sa, je toto ďalšia osoba? Vy ste...? ...v modlitebnej rade? V poriadku.

281 A teraz, samozrejme že to pomazanie, keby ste si uvedomili, že ma to oslabuje ako neviem čo. Pretože Ježiš, keď sa tá žena dotkla Jeho rúcha, On povedal, „Pocítil som, že moc odišla odo Mňa. Je to pravda? To znamená sila; On bol slabý. A ak On—ak sa to stalo samotnému Slovu, čo to robí tomu, ku ktorému prišlo Slovo? Čo to... Ak to tak urobilo Synovi Božiemu, čo to urobilo mne, hriešnikovi spasenému Jeho milosťou? To ma len len stáča dokola. Chápete? Ale predsa len som tu, aby som Ho predstavil. Vidíte? Tak tam... Ja som úbohý predstaviteľ; ja—ja ľutujem všetky moje hriechy, ktoré—podľa ktorých ona nebude hľadieť na to, kto ja som, ale pozrie sa Kto On je (Chápete?), že ona sa bude pozerať na taký spôsob.

282 Pretože, ja som vám cudzí, pani. Ja tiež nepoznám túto ženu. My sme si navzájom cudzí. To je pravda. A teraz, ak Pán Ježiš, ja vás tu nepoznám, a vy nepoznáte mňa, ak mi Pán Ježiš zjaví niečo kvôli čomu ste tu, niečo čo ste urobili, niečo čo ste nemali urobiť, alebo niečo na ten spôsob, vy by ste vedeli že to—to by bol výnimočný zázrak. To je niečo, čo nemôže byť vysvetlené; zázrak je niečo, čo nie je možné vysvetliť. Ktokoľvek to vie. Vidíte? To by bol výnimočný zázrak. To by bol väčší zázrak než by táto tu pani sediaca v invalidnom vozíku, a má reumu, a všetko stuhnuté. Povedal by som jej, „Povstaň a choď,“ a ona by vykročila. Každý by kvôli tomu vykríkol. Ale chápete, v podstate, moc—moc jej viery veriť, že by len vstala a kráčala, mohla by to urobiť. Ale ísť naspäť tam a predĺžiť niekomu život, to vyžaduje viac ako človeka. To chce Boha v...? ...prv ako môžete povedať. Vidíte? Vy viete či je to pravda.

283 A teraz, niečo sa deje niekde inde. Teda, čakali ste na to...? ...Je to preč—preč niekde v auditóriu, niekde... Teraz je to preč. Počkajte chvíľu. Dovoľte mi znovu hovoriť s tou ženou. Ale, len buďte skutočne úctiví a pozorujte teraz. A len sa modlite; modlite sa tam. Chcem, aby ste sa modlili, „Pane, nech som to ja.“ Niektorí z vás ľudí tam mimo, ktorí nebudete v modlitebnej rade, len sa modlite.

Znovu vám hovorím, čo bude...? ...lebo je tu viera. Chápete? Ak to mohlo byť dané tej žene, môže to byť dané aj vám. To je vaša viera; vidíte, vy ste tí, ktorí to činíte. To nie som ja. To je vaša viera v Boha. Vidíte, Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, „Ó, vedel som, že stretnem tú ženu tamto.“ Nie. Ale keď prišlo vzkriesenie Lazára; teraz to bolo to, čo Mu Boh ukázal, aby urobil. Vidíte? Boh povedal, „Choď preč.“ A On—On to len potvrdil, kým On bol. Odišiel preč, a potom keď sa vrátil naspäť, On povedal, „Lazár spí.“ Potom prišiel naspäť a išiel a vzkriesil Lazára z hrobu; vyvolal jeho dušu potom ako bola preč štyri dni. On nikdy nepovedal, že Ho to tam oslabilo. To bol Boh, ktorý používal ten dar. Ale toto, keď sa Ho dotkla tá žena, to bola žena používajúca dar Boží; to je tá istá vec tu. To ste vy, ktorí to robíte.

284 Potom, na tej poľovačke, kde som videl toho medveďa a vedel som rôzne veci a všetky tieto rôzne veci, ktoré boli predpovedané tu a vypovedané, prečo sa oni stali presne slovo po slove, to je Boh, to ma netrápi. Ale keď ľudia začnú používať dar Boží (Chápete?), stávate sa Božím sluhom pre verejnosť, a vy ste len nástrojom.

Vidíte? A potom sa Ho tak dotknete, potom On hovorí naspäť.

Teda... Áno, pretože žena prichádza do videnia. Ona prichádza, a to videnie sa približuje. Zdá sa, akoby ste to mohli vidieť okolo nej. Tá žena je chorá. Ona je naozaj chorá. Ona trpí; jedna vec je, že má hrozne nepríjemný žalúdočný problém. Zodvihni svoju ruku, ak je to pravda. A ty máš rôzne komplikácie a také veci. To je pravda. Tiež máš niekoho so sebou. To je tvoj manžel, a on je nemocný. Ak mi Boh zjaví, že tvoj manžel, čo je s ním zlé, budeš mi veriť, že som Jeho prorok? Tohoto muža obťažujú jeho oči, spolu s ušami, a je vo veľmi zlom stave. Áno, pane.

Veríš, že Boh vie, kto si? Budeš mi veriť, že som Jeho prorok, Jeho vidiaci, ak ti poviem kto si? Veríš tomu? Pán Robertson, a si z Huntsville, to je v štáte Alabama. Vráťte sa naspäť, ty a manžel budete v poriadku...? ...Veríte? Všetko je možné...? ...ak veríte. Ak máte vieru v...? ...zaujmite svoju pozíciu a verte, že Boh to robí. A teraz, nepochybujte o tom, ale len verte celým svojim srdcom, že Boh daruje svoje uzdravenie, a môžete mať čokoľvek, o čo žiadate.

285 V poriadku, pane, poď teraz hore. Je on... Bol si tu ďalší v rade? Dobre, pane. Mám dojem, že sme si jeden druhému cudzí, pane. Keď Ježiš prišiel ku človeku zvanému Šimon, povedal mu o jeho stave. A to urobilo Šimona, aby išiel a veril celým svojím srdcom; spôsobí to v tebe tú istú vec? Malo by. Nuž, my sme si cudzí... Ale Bohu, nie je žiadny rozdiel medzi mužom a ženou. On je presne ten istý Boh. Chápeš? A ty, budeš veriť, že ten pocit, ktorý je okolo teba teraz, že Boh bude schopný zjaviť ti cezo mňa, Jeho služobníka, to niečo kvôli čomu si tu, niečo čo je zlé s tebou, alebo čokoľvek to je, budeš vedieť, či je to pravda alebo nie. V poriadku. Nech to On daruje.

Tento človek prichádza do videnia, alebo videnie prichádza k tomuto človeku. On tu nie je kvôli chorobe. On tu je hľadajúc krst Svätým Duchom. To je to, čo on žiada. To je pravda, pane. To je to. A ty nie si odtiaľto; si tu z hornej cesty, z miesta zvaného Seymour, štát Indiana. To je to, odkiaľ si. Volajú ťa Džeb. „Džeb, vráť sa naspäť, a príjmi Svätého Ducha.“

285 Príď, pani. Veríš mi, že som Jeho prorok? Veríš, že Ježiš Kristus Syn Boží, ktorý žije a veríš, že On dovolil, aby sa to stalo takto...? ...Koľkých máme? Chápete, nejdem príliš do hĺbky. V poriadku. Nie, to nie je... A ty tu nie si kvôli sebe. Ty si tu kvôli niekomu inému, príjmeš uzdravenie a vezmeš to a budeš veriť? To je rakovina. Veríš, že oni budú uzdravení? Potom choď v Mene Pána Ježiša, nech oni sú uzdravení.

Všetci z vás veria? Veríte, že Slovo je schopné? Či On nie je nádherný? Veríte? V poriadku. A teraz, koľkých máme? Zvyčajne dvaja—dvaja alebo traja predstavujú potvrdenie...? ...Čo povedať? Štyria? Je to piaty, stojaci tam? V poriadku. Nech—nech veríme celým srdcom, že Ježiš Kristus Syn Boží je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

286 Ty si tu kvôli tomu bábätku. Ak mi Boh zjaví čo nie je v poriadku s tvojim bábätkom, budeš veriť, že Boh ho uzdraví? Ten malý chlapec má vážny srdcový problém. To je pravda. Dieťa—ty si nie... to dieťa nie je odtiaľto. Žije mimo mesta. Mimo tohoto štátu. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať odkiaľ to dieťa pochádza? Budeš veriť a veriť, že potom sa uzdraví? Vezmi ho naspäť do Franklin, Kentucky...? ...Keď veríš, to je všetko čo máš robiť...? ...Dovoľ mu prísť sem, len na chvíľu. Zavrhujem to...? ...tú vec, v Mene Ježiša Krista, nech smrť odíde, a život nech príde ku dieťaťu...? ...“Položia svoje ruky na nemocných a budú uzdravení.“

Chcete veriť? A On to berie, cítite sa lepšie? Choďte vpred. To je...? ...

287 Veríš, že ťa tie ženské problémy opustia? Dobre. Choď na svoje miesto a povedz, „Vďaka Ti, Pane.“

Ako sa ti darí, pane. Ó, ten diabol, astma. Počkaj chvíľu; počkaj na okamih teraz. Niečo išlo nesprávne. Niečo išlo nesprávne, to Svetlo... A teraz, je tu niečo podobné, čo vtedy uchopilo toho muža. Nech sa znovu pozriem čo to bolo. A teraz, len sa pozri na mňa. Nepovedz to.

Je to farebný muž, sedí tu vpravo vzadu a pozerá sa na mňa. To je jeho—on je—on má niekoho, kto je chorý. To je pravda. Problém s astmou a dutinami... To je pravda. Dotkol si sa Ho. Ty nie si odtiaľto, pane. Pochádzaš zo severovýchodu týmto smerom. Pochádzaš z New Yorku. Je to tak. Si pán Hant. Veríš teraz?...?... V poriadku. Je to tvoj priateľ, ktorý tam sedí vedľa teba a modlí sa.

Veríš mi, pane, že som Boží prorok? Prišiel si tu s ním. Tvoje meno je Coleman. A ty sa modlíš za svojho otca, ktorý má výrastok. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN... Choď, veríš teraz...? ...

288 Tvojim problémom je žalúdočná neuróza. Nie je to pravda? Choď, a v Mene... Veríš, že On ťa uzdravil? Choď a povedz, „Vďaka Ti, Pane Ježišu“. Ver celým svojím srdcom. Trápi ťa nervový problém, si celý znepokojený. Ver celým svojím srdcom; On ťa uzdravil. Choď naspäť a buď zdravý.

Nervozita, len ver celým svojím srdcom; ver že Boh ťa uzdraví... Boh to urobí. Nervové a srdcové problémy, verte, že Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví? Choď, buď zdravý v Mene Ježiša.

Nervová podráždenosť, žalúdočné problémy spôsobujú kyselinu v tvojom žalúdku, všetko tvoje jedlo jednoducho kysne. Choď a nepochybuj vo svojom srdci a stane sa, že to nebudeš mať nikdy viac.

Trápi ťa tvoj chrbát. Veríš celým svojím srdcom? Potom choď; Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

289 Počkajte chvíľu. Buďte len teraz v utíšení. Niečo sa stalo. Táto žena tu, ona je cudzia. To Svetlo sa krútilo okolo nej skutočne rýchlo a potom odišlo tamto a spustilo sa znovu naspäť. Niečo sa stalo. Počkajte chvíľu. On je farebný muž. Som si istý, že to neboli tí farební bratia, pretože To prišlo... Len chvíľu; tu to je. ...? ...Tu to je. To je tento človek, ktorý tu sedí: farebný muž. Trápia ťa tiež problémy s chrbtom. To je pravda. Si mi cudzí; aj ja tebe. Ale je jedna vec, ktorú potrebuješ viac než vyriešenie problémov s chrbticou; a síce aby si dal svoje srdce Kristovi a stal sa Kresťanom. Nie... Príjmeš Ho ako svojho Spasiteľa? Pochádzaš zo štátu Ohio (To je tak.), zo štátu Ohio. Choď naspäť; buď zdravý. Ježiš Kristu ti odpúšťa tvoje hriechy a môžeš ísť domov a byť uzdravený...? ...

V poriadku sestra, poď sem. Komplikácie, nervozita a únava; veríš celým svojím srdcom, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Choď na svoje miesto a povedz, „Vďaka Ti Pane Ježišu za všetko čo si urobil.

290 Veríš, že ťa Všemohúci Boh uzdraví, že uzdraví tvoj chrbát, že budeš v poriadku a...? ...problém. Choď svojou cestou chváliac, hovoriac, „Vďaka Ti, Pane Ježišu.“

Veríš synu, že On ťa uzdraví? Povedz, „Vďaka Ti Ježiš.“ Boh, choď len, chváľ Boha.

A teraz, sestra, veríš celým svojím srdcom? Potom choď a Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví. Počkaj chvíľu. Neotáčaj sa teraz. Potom to nebola pani tam... Počkajte chvíľu. Vidím špliechajúcu vodu alebo niečo také. Je tu niekto, kto prišiel odniekiaľ prejdúc cez more. To je žena, a ona pochádza z Holandska. Kde je? Je tam. Dobre sestra. Prešla si dlhú cestu za uzdravením. Veríš mi, že som Jeho prorok? Trpíš na reumu a zlú pohyblivosť. Ver v Pána Ježiša Krista a vezmi Posolstvo svojmu ľudu. Choď domov v Mene Ježiša...? ...

291 Veríš? Tu, cestou naspäť tam vzadu, je to žena, sedí tu priamo vzadu a ona trpí na žlčníkové problémy. Ó, ona to prehliadne. Bože, pomôž mi. Ona—ona pochádza z Indianapolis; jej meno je Gilbertová. Postav sa tam kde si, pani. Tam si. Buď zdravá v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Veríte celým svojím srdcom?...? ...Vstal Ježiš z mŕtvych? Potom v Mene Ježiša Krista položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého...? ...

Pane Ježišu, nech Tvoja svätá moc príde teraz na toto miesto. Daruj, aby každý jeden bol uzdravený...? ... Daruj uzdravenie...? ...Uzdrav svoj ľud teraz, ako položili svoje ruky jedni na druhých...? ...My teraz prichádzame...? ...pre tieto...? ...V Mene Ježiša Krista nech každá osoba bude uzdravená. [Prázdne miesto na páske -- pozn.prekl.] Pane, premeň Svoje Slovo zomierajúcemu otcovi... [Prázdne miesto na páske -- pozn.prekl.]

A teraz, Satan, ty falošný diabol, ty si porazený. Boh povedal, že On prinavráti Syna Božieho. Kto si ty...? ...tvoja sila. On zasľúbil obnoviť cirkev v týchto...? ...keď zasvieti večerné Svetlo. A my žijeme v tom. A obnovením my máme právo; máme nášho Právneho zástupcu; máme zákon a Veľkňaza a ideme vyžadovať náš nárok. Ty si ich mal dosť dlho. Nemôžeš to robiť dlhšie. My sme ustanovení v Mene Ježiša Krista. Všetka moc Jeho vzkriesenia a Svätý Duch...

1 Thank you, Brother Orman. God bless you.

Good morning, friends. And it's a privilege to be back in the tabernacle, on this fine Easter morning, worshipping, the great resurrection of our precious Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

2 I'd like to say that I was certainly... Of all the messages that I ever heard our pastor preach, his best one was this morning. I went home and told my wife. I said, "Honey, this is one morning you missed it, by not getting up early." That was the best that I heard on the resurrection, in all my life. I never heard anything any better, on the resurrection, our pastor give us this morning. Such an astounding message, and everything right to its point. That goes to show, that, when the anointing gets a hold of a man, see, what--what happens. That does something then. And so we're happy that--that God has give us this wonderful pastor.

And now I want to thank each and every one of you.

3 We've been here now for quite a little while, at different times, back and forth, but I'm leaving for the fields now, as you know. This week, I'm leaving for the Cree Indians, up in British Columbia. And then over, in from there, to Fort St. John. And then, this summer, the Lord willing, to be in... on the West Coast, up in the East, and--and out on the West Coast, and up into Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska, and through there. And then, perhaps, from there, I'm sending out some feelers for Africa and the rest of the world, for the oncoming winter. So it'll probably be some time before I get to be back here at tabernacle again. At least, it'll be up in August or sometime this fall, 'fore I can get back again.

4And I want to thank you all for your fine cooperation, for all that you've done. And we're sorry we never have room for the people here on these mornings. We are in a building project now, as you know, to build a bigger church, when for these services. And so that'll probably go into effect right away now. They'll start building on the church. Now be...

5 Also, want to thank each and every one of you for your... for gifts, birthday cards, Easter cards, gifts that you given Billy, and different for... and ones for me; Brother Woods, and many of them. I appreciate them all.

6And each one comes and says... You don't know what a strain it is. Somebody come, say, "Now we want to see Brother Branham. We see your father?" so forth. And said, "The sheet is filled up." Now, you don't know what an embarrassing condition it puts you in, when you--you just get to so many. That's all you can do.

7I--I wish it was so I just had a long time with each one, could set down. And I hope to do that sometime. But it can't be, on this earth, because there is people comes in here from all over the world, see, from around the world. This week, been people from several nations in here, and been interviewed and prayed for, this week, from nations around the world.

8 And if it just our little, local congregation here in Jeffersonville, I could gladly take two or three hours with each one, and weed it right down and have them out. But, see, while there just may be, say, five calls from... or maybe two calls from right in our local community, there's a hundred or two from around the world, at the same time these two are coming in. So there's been literally thousands that I couldn't even touch, no way, see, people. And the calls to "Come here, and go there," from around the world, just airplane tickets sent in, everything else, "Come, pray for the sick," but you can't do it.

9 So, the people are disappointed. I would be, too. But I just like, on this Easter morning, to make in my confession, to say that--that I don't know what to do about it. There's just too many, you know, to--to get to, thousands and thousands of people from around the world. I take my seventh trip around, as you know. And I have in personal contact with better than ten million people from around the world.

10 So you can imagine how--how, what a strain that is on you. And many times we hit little strains, and I know you do, too, and little disappointments. But think of them I have, the disappointments I have, when sick mothers on the phone, saying, "'O God...' Well, wait just a minute, Brother Branham. 'Lord Jesus, I--I pray that You'll send him.''' And--and just hung up the phone from another one, and here, and here, and here, and all around the world. You know how it is. And that--that's not easy when somebody on the end of the phone, with a sick baby, or sick husband, or dying wife, praying for you to come. Now, you can imagine.

11No wonder I'm a neurotic. It's just... It's enough to make one. But I have done this one thing, instead of getting a complex. I've tried to hold steady, by keeping my eyes on Calvary and moving on, just as He would have me to do. And many of my mistakes, I pray that God will forgive me of things, that maybe I should have went one place and didn't go. I'm just human, and can, subject to mistakes.

12 There's a little, cute little thing was sitting here in the back yard, this morning, when I was going out from the sunrise service.

13I got a precious old friend. He's probably here somewhere. He's from Chicago. His name is Stewart. He's about... Ed Stewart, I guess he's in his middle seventies, or better. And he met me out there. And he saves his tithing money in dimes. And he give me a whole package of dimes, about like that. And, oh, I don't know, I... Course, they go to a foreign, mission work.

14And his good friend, and mine, Brother Skaggs, Leonard Skaggs, from Lowell, Indiana, was standing there. I never knew it before; he was a Mason. He had a Mason button on him. And we were talking about the Masonic order.

15And so the old Brother Stewart said to me, he said, "I like you, Brother Branham, and I'd like to talk to you." Excuse this expression. "But," he said, "you're harder to get to than a Turkish harem."

16 Someone said to me, not long ago, said, "I'm glad the Lord is not that hard to get to." Well, I don't mean to be that way. I love people. But I just imagine...

17I went home and I told my wife, and we set at the table and laughed, how hard it would be to get to a Turkish harem, you know. So--so I...

18I hope it isn't quite that difficult, Brother Stewart, if you're still in here. But I sure did think that was a little sense of humor that kind of made us all have a chuckle.

19So, I wish I could see every one. And I love every one. That is true. Whether they're a friend or foe, it's just the same.

20 And now I certainly covet your prayers for me, in this oncoming meeting. I'm going among Indians. And you know, you, when you're in Rome, you have to be a Roman; and when you're with Indians, you have to live as Indians.

21My missionary friend, who is a hunting partner of mine, where I was, up on the highway, Alaskan Highway. A very fine young fellow, and his wife, out of a nice home. And I... Arms eat, in there, and all around behind his ears and things. I wondered what was the matter with him, "Did he have an eczema?" It was from fleas and bedbugs, where he had to, how he had to live out there. And so you have to live right with the people, to win them to Christ. They are Christ's heritage. They are people who He died for, and somebody must go to them.

22 And the chief was over at one of my recent northern meetings, and the Holy Spirit in the meeting, or out on the campground, on the ground, (tourists' court, I believe it was), called his name, and who he was, and what he had did. And, oh, my, that just settled it, with him. He knew that human beings couldn't do that; that has to come from Almighty.

23So, that chief had just fired that, all up-and-down that coast there. And we're going to take the meetings in a little sailboat, go in to the places where we get to, for them, and on out, and up the coast, and to the others, to the Cree Indians, the neglected. Many, the brethren who have big services, could not go to them, now, the Indians.

24 There won't be one penny of money... As you know, I never take an offering in my meetings. And I don't take money. But the church here is--is sponsoring that meeting to the Indians. Some of your tithing money, and things, will go to pay, to bring this Message of salvation and deliverance to those poor, illiterate Indians.

25After all, they are the Americans, you know. We're the foreigners, you see. We come in and took it from them. And we want... I can't give them back their nation, but I can give them the hopes in Christ, that will put us together as a brotherhood someday in a Land where there is no fighting and taking land, one from another. It'll be a Land, room for all. I'll be thankful when that time comes, if all my loved ones are saved and ready at that time.

26 Now, I have many friends I'm seeing, setting right here, as I speaking. I believe I'm noticing Sister... I can't think of her name. Used to be Lee. Is that right? Aren't you Mrs. Lee? Your daughter here, the daughters, the ones that was healed? That's very fine. One of them is in the Good Shepherd's Home, or not... What is that called, sister? Some Catholic Institute, Lady of Peace, that's what it was. I get all them Catholic names mixed up. And so over there, and she was had a mental, nervous break. And the dear Lord Jesus, while we... I was setting on the foot of the bed, and her precious mother and father standing close. And the Lord Jesus pronounced it done, finished. There she is. It's all over. And, of course, we know sister is very grateful this morning.

27 I'm looking out over there and seeing people who were dying, recently, with cancer. Crawled in here, on wheel chairs, crutches; and here they are, normal and well, this morning. That's world over. Not by me; by Him, our Lord Who has risen from the dead, is alive forevermore. May our Lord ever be praised and blessed, is my sincere prayer.

28Will you pray for me? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All of you pray for me. Now, I--I depend on that, and when I get out there. See, here at home, it's not too bad around here; but when you get there where you really hit the battlefront. This is training.

29 I was hearing, yesterday, when our church got a--a new station wagon for me, and I... to travel. And my other one is about wore out. And so I--I turned the radio on and listened to newscast. And then they was coming down, last night, from where Joseph and I had went to pray. Then we coming down from Green's Mill, they... I turned the radio on. It was a newscast, and was tell it, following, this monitor was following a young fellow in his training. And how he was standing there with his pockets full of sand, everything, where he had to hold his head so low, that live machine gun fire was going right above his head while he crawled through barbed wires and things, taking a rigid training.

Well, that's what we're doing here.

30 But that's a lot different on the battlefront. See? That machine gun is timed, trained right at a certain level. But, on the battlefront, you could come up or down. See? So--so that's a little different there, you see, than what--than what it is. So we have the...

31 Well, this is training, here. But out there you're on the battlefront, so we're going to face the enemy now. So we used to fight... sing a little song here, The Fight Is On. Anybody still remember that song? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

The fight is on, O Christian soldiers,

And face to face in stern array,

With armors gleaming, and colors streaming,

The right and wrong is engaged today.

That's right. See?

The fight is on, but be not weary,

Be strong and in His might hold fast;

If God be for us, His banner over us,

We'll sing the victor's song at last.

32 That's right. Now, there was many things that I had to say, this morning, but I kind of cut it short, where our people standing and packed in. And they got little speakers for the outside, and little broadcast, I think, that each car can... The broadcasting system let us go out so many yards from the tabernacle, with it. And so, we, we're trying to appreciate everybody's visit with us this morning.

33 Now, before any farther, let's say that. Now, immediately after this, I think, is baptismal service. First, is the prayer line. We're going to pray for the sick, this morning. I think, God coming on the scene is a proof of what we're talking about, His resurrection. Is He alive, or isn't He alive? Is This just a fiction story, or is It the Truth? If He's alive, He made a promise, "I'll be with you, always, even to the end of the world." Now, He, if He comes in amongst us here and proves that He's here, then there's no more guess about it. See?

34 Remember, all the religions in the world, they have their holy days and holidays, and so forth. But there's none of them that can prove that their founder... That, death took him, and that was all of it. But, ours, Christian religion, our Founder died and rose again.

35 In Mexico, recently, when I was interviewed by the press, of the resurrection of a little baby that had died that morning at nine o'clock. And at ten-thirty that night, ten-thirty or eleven o'clock, was raised up from the dead, right there in the mother's arms at the platform, before tens of thousands of people. Thirty thousand come to Christ that night. See? So, then, you can imagine what was there.

36And the little fellow, I saw a vision out in front of me; and it told about what his little name was, everything. And the mother was way back there, couldn't get a prayer card, couldn't get in. But she didn't have to get up, through the line. So when she brought the little baby; raining, pouring down.

37 We think of us standing; think of them. They would be there at nine o'clock at morning, for services to begin nine that night. Standing in the hot sun, leaning against one another, for shade. Standing, not sitting; standing. And that's the way they do, Africa and different places, in India, where half a million gathers out, at a time.

38 Now, this little woman couldn't even get a prayer card. Over, about three hundred ushers, to hold her back. And she couldn't get in the prayer line. And standing there praying for that little baby; a little, Catholic woman. And the Holy Spirit call and said, "Tell her to bring it here."

39 And the little baby, under a wet quilt; been standing there since that morning. The doctor pronounced it dead. Now, we got the doctor's statement of it, that pronounced it dead, that morning at nine o'clock. And then this was that night, nearly midnight. And I, just according to what the vision said, I went, laid hands on the little baby. There it was, alive. The doctor give testimony.

40 I was interviewed by the press. And so, being nothing against anybody's belief, as long as it's with the Bible, all right. But the man that was interviewing me was Catholic, and he said to me, "Do you believe our saints can do that?"

41I said, "If they're living." Course, I know the Catholic church believes you have to be dead, to be a saint, so then I said, "If they are living, yes."

And he said, "Oh, you can't be a saint until you're dead."

42I said, "Was Paul a saint before he died or after he died? Who was he writing to, the dead people, when he said, 'To the saints that are at Ephesus,' and the saints at a certain-certain place? He wouldn't write to dead people, you know."

43 So then he said, "Now you're trying to judge your case by a Bible. We are the church."

I said, "All right, sir. Okay."

And he said, "We are the church."

44I said, "Then let's see the church do it." See? Then, so, it's only Christ can do that. You know that.

He said, "What's your opinion of the Catholic church?"

I said, "I wish you wouldn't have asked me that." See?

He said, "Well, I'd like to hear it."

I said, "The highest form of spiritualism that there is."

And he said, "Spiritualism?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

Said, "How do you figure that?"

45I said, "Anything that intercedes with the dead; communion of saints, see."

And he said, "Well, you pray to Christ, and He died."

I said, "But, He rose again, see."

46So, that's the good thing that we know, He rose again. Aren't we thankful? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

47Let's bow our heads and thank Him because He did raise from the grave for our justification.

48 Heavenly Father, we are grateful this morning for Jesus; and today, in commemoration of His great resurrection, on that yule morning when He rose from the dead, triumph over death, hell, and the grave. When He was on earth, He showed He had triumphed over sickness, diseases, and--and all kinds of devils and powers. Then death laid before Him, the great and last enemy. And on Easter morning He proved He was God. He rose from even the last enemy, could not hold Him. The grave give Him up; hell had to give Him forth; Heaven received Him.

49O God, may our hearts receive Him today, in the power of the Holy Spirit, that we might be His executives, His--His examples, of His servants here on earth, as we sojourn. Grant it.

50 Bless all that's here. God, these precious people who are standing, some of them been jammed in here since daylight. I pray, Heavenly Father, that You will pour out the "exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we could do or think," upon them today, and give them the deep desires of their heart. What every one come for, this morning, may they go back, satisfied. You said You'll not turn any away, but You will fill him with good things, and send him away rejoicing. Grant it, Lord.

51May Your omnipotence, may Your Holy Spirit, in the power of the resurrection, so deal with each of us till our hopes will be built on nothing less than Jesus' Blood with righteousness. Grant it, Father.

Bless the Words now that we read.

52 We thank You for that noble message this morning, as we come early to the church. And to see You take our brother, such a change in him in a few moments, and deliver a message to this dying generation of people that we are now a part of, how we thank You for that, Lord! O God, our hearts quiver with joy as we think of those things. Now, keep him anointed, Lord, down through the days that is ahead of him, Lord.

53And bless this little church. And help me, Lord, as I go to bring the Message to other people. And may we, together, like one person, one family, stick together, and pray together, and live together in holy unity of the Holy Spirit until Jesus receives us into the Kingdom. For we ask it in His Name and for His glory. Amen.

54 [Brother Neville says, "Brother Branham, may I have the time to interrupt you?"--Ed.] You sure can, brother. ["As a token of our appreciation and by the--the work of a young man in our midst, we present this picture to you, Brother Branham, with the full expression of our love and appreciation."] Thank you, Brother Neville, and the tabernacle. ["The young man is Jerry Steffy, that painted that picture."]

55Brother Jerry Steffy painted that picture. God bless that boy. That's very fine, Jerry, if you're here this morning. It's too bad, I wish I had the means to let that boy go to school for an artist. I believe God is in art. Don't you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] God is in music. God is in art. God is in this. And it's too bad to see a talent, like that, wouldn't be developed. More he does, the more developing he'll be. And I--I pray that God will bless you, Jerry.

56And thank you, Brother Neville, and to this church, for this fine picture and for the verse that goes under it. I'll read it a little later. [Brother Neville says, "You want me to read it?"--Ed.] All right, sir. Brother Neville will read the verse. All right. I--I had an idea of what. [Brother Neville reads Honor To Whom Honor.]

[He's not a man of stature tall,

Nor lofty in his way,

He sounds himself no trumpet

As he goes from day to day.

Has no desire for wealth nor fame,

But none his place could fill;

He's just the way we want him,

Our own dear Brother Bill.

He teaches us with faithfulness

The undiluted Word,

No fancy ways, no love for praise,

Just following the Lord.

His speech is soft and gentle,

He raises not his voice,

Except to cry against the wrong,

And then he has no choice.

Never got a lot of learning

From colleges and school,

But he knows what is important

And he's sure nobody's fool.

For the knowledge he is given

Is Eternal from above,

He has no creed, except our Christ,

No law but Sovereign Love.

There was no great announcement

To his lowly, humble birth,

But to us he is the greatest man

Who lives upon the earth.

We count it more than privilege

To know him as a friend,

We cherish all he stands for,

And will right to the end.

He says he's not a preacher,

He's modest as can be,

But get him in the pulpit

And it isn't hard to see.

He was foreordained a prophet,

Let men call it what they will,

God granted us great favor

When He gave us Brother Bill.]

["Signed, 'The little flock.'"]

57 Thank you, Brother Neville. Thank you for your thoughts. Who composed that? [Brother Neville says, "I think his mother did."--Ed.] That's...

58I'm not worthy of those things, of saying that, but that's more to me than all the money in the world. See? Just think, somebody regards you as His servant, see, as God's servant. May I ever live true to that, is my prayer. God ever bless you. My thoughts will always be for you. And I expressingly love you, too.

59 Now, oh, we just got so many things, we could just take off a day and we never would get down to the Word, you see, so many fine things.

60I have a--a vision from the Lord I was going to say something about, and--and someone had dreamed a dream, that, oh, I thought was so outstanding, of the Coming of the Lord. And I...

61 Little Rebekah, my daughter back there. I... Even if I did make a little fun of her a while ago. She come out, one of them big kind of a--a hats on. I said, "Now, honey, it looks like a bird's nest," I said, "sticks all in it, and everything, like that." I said, "Go, take it off."

62Then, then she got back at me. In a few minutes she come back; you know, the way she got back at me, was go back. She come in with a great big pocketbook, pack. I said "Where'd that thing come from?"

63She said, "Daddy," she says, "I have big feet, so I guess I'll just take the big pocket to match it." So, oh, these!

64But she said she had dreamed twice that she and I riding in the car, and me telling her of the Lord's near appearing; same dream, second time. I'm waiting for the third; maybe the Lord then will give me what it means.

65 Now, there's so many things to be said, but let's get right down to the Word now.

66Everybody is feeling good, I hope. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And if you're not, I pray that God will make you feel good before this service is over, that there will not be a feeble person in our midst this morning, when this service is over.

67Now, we got to remember that Christ died for the ungodly, and that was us. See? That's us. And He died for us, that He might save us.

68 Now can you hear all around, good? Way back in the back, can you hear all right back there? Is it coming in back there? Okay. All right.

69 Now I want to read some of His Word. First, let's us turn now to the Book of Joel, and I want to read the 1st verse, 1st to the 4th verse. And then the 2nd, to the... 2nd chapter and the 25th verse. And Genesis 20:7. Now, I do appreciate...

70 Now, if you get tired and want to go out, go ahead. See? But, this will be my last Message to the Church, for this part of the Church, for some time. And we're expecting a healing service this morning. And I--I want this Message, if God will bless It, to--to sink deep into our hearts, so we'll get the meaning of what It means.

71Now, we're here to express, to--to say the things that we believe, and prove it by the Scripture, that the Scripture says so; and then may God turn and prove it, that it's true, right, make it real. Just like any...

72You say, "This is a sunflower seed." Plant it and see what it is. Then, it comes up a sunflower, that settles it. It was a sunflower. See? That's all.

73 Now, and if some of them are change seats, every once in a while; somebody set down, the others get up and wait a little while. And I will be just as brief as I can.

74 Now, remember, pray for me. And just be loyal to the church now; stay right here to the church, with Brother Neville. And you people that's visiting, well, now, come right on back.

75And now I'm on these meetings, going on them without any definitely calling. But, I just can't lay around; the world is dying. See? And Paul had that experience once. And he was going down to another country, and then he had a Macedonian call, on the road. Now, God could give a Macedonian call, any time. I cancel anything, when God gives a call.

76I'm just doing the best I can, going to this corner, sowing seeds; and over here, sow a few seeds; and over here, throw, sow a few seeds. I know, the fowls of the air gather a many of them up; and some of them chokes, and so forth. But there might be a few, in there, come up, too, you know, on good ground. So let's just sow the seed, is the main thing.

77 A very strange reading, for a--a Easter message, Joel, the 1st chapter.

The word of the LORD that came unto Joel the son of Pethuel.

Hear this, ye old men, and give ear,... ye inhabitants of the land. Has this been in your days, or even in the days of your fathers?

Tell... your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and let their children another generation.

That which the palmerworm has left has the locust eaten; and that which the locust has left has the cankerworm eaten; and that which the cankerworm has left has the caterpiller eaten.

78Now the 25th verse of the 2nd chapter.

And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my... and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that has dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.

79 In Genesis, the 20, the Genesis. The 20th chapter of Genesis, and the 7th verse. I want to read this, to follow the... for a context for this text that I'm fixing to take. I'll begin with the 6th verse, to get a background to this.

And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, I know that thou did this in the integrity of thy heart; for I--for I also withheld thee from sinning against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch her.

Now therefore restore the man his wife; for he is a prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and thou shall live: and if thou restoreth her not, know... that thou shall surely die, thou, and all that are thine.

80Now, I draw from this a text, or from this Scripture reading, a conclusion of a text, called, "restore."

81 Now, after Brother Neville preached this morning, that notable message, at the last thing he said on his last thoughts, was, "To be restored." And so that give me the idea, right there, to "restore."

82Now, I rushed home and got my dictionary, and so forth, and some Scripture notes, and begin to copy some things down. And then I got Webster's dictionary, to find out the right definition for restore. To restore, means, "to return to the former owner, or to bring back to the former estate of condition." And we can enforce a claim, to be restored.

83Now, that's what Webster says the word restore means, "To bring back to the former owner, or to bring back to a former state of condition." And if a claim is made on something, to make that restoration, you can enforce it, to make it come back to its right place.

And may God bless the feeble words now.

84 To restore, means, "to bring back." Or, to restore, a--a claim can be enforced, now, to bring anything back to its rightful owner, where it belongs. Therefore, some way, it went away from its rightful owner, and can wander around anywhere. But, to restore, is to bring it back to it who really owns it, or to bring it back to its natural estate where it was at the first time, bring it back into its natural condition. In order to do this, we have a right to enforce, if there's a law, to enforce this rightful condition of restoration, to restore.

85 Like if somebody stole some property, and they're holding the property captive. Then you can take the law and go to this person, and the law forces, enforces this person to restore this property back to its natural owner, and to its...?..., the first estate.

86Enforcement! Oh, what a text! How I'd like to have two days on that, enforce!

87Now, Brother Neville preached for us. I'm just going to talk to you, teach a Sunday school lesson so it'll--it'll get it to continue on, I hope, with what he had.

88 Enforce! Then, we are the... have the privilege to enforce, upon Satan, the claims that God give us. For, God has a law, and His Word is a law, and God in this Word made certain claims to the Church. Therefore, we have a right to force these claims upon Satan, say, "Give it back," and he has to do it. Because, we can take God's Agent, the Holy Spirit, go right down on our knees, and say, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD." He's got to give it up, that's all, 'cause the Holy Spirit is there to make him do it.

The law of the land is to enforce. It's by the land, for the land.

89 But the law of the Spirit of God is to force Satan to give up that which he has unrightfully, deceitfully taken from God. Souls of men, he took from God; souls of women, children. Sickness of the body, he placed upon people. Where, God made them in His image, to be like Him, and the Church is given the rightful legal rights, by the Bible, to take the Holy Spirit and enforce this upon them.

90 I believe I just quoted it, the last meeting here. I'm not sure. But a brother came to Louisville, from down Georgia, left his car setting over there, and someone stole it. And he had his clothes, his wife's clothes, his children's clothes. It was Brother Evans here. They're usually here. They drive fifteen hundred miles, every day, when we have service here, coming in here to have service. And the poor fellow was here without anything, and seven hundred and something miles from home. And he didn't know what to do.

91He turned it in to the police. But they had a big racket in Louisville; they were stealing cars, and painting them. And you don't have to have a title there, to sell it. And they make you a title, in a few minutes, to any number you want to put on it. And so they were having a terrible time.

92 So we got down on our knees. See? Now, Jesus wouldn't have had to do that, for He was the Word. Now, we're not the Word. "The Word of the Lord came to the prophets." They wasn't the Word, but the Word come to them. But Jesus was the Word. See? He didn't have to pray. He was God, Himself. See? But we are--are His prophets, His servants, who the Word of the Lord comes to. Then, the prophet is vindicated by, whether it's the Word of the Lord or not, by what he says comes to pass.

93 So then we have a Scripture here, that Jesus said, "Wherever two or more are gathered in My Name, and if they will agree, I'll be in their midst. And if they will agree on touching any one certain thing and ask it, don't doubt it, they shall have what they've asked. It'll be given to them."

94Now, there's--there's the law. Now, the One that's here to enforce that law is the Holy Spirit. How about people who don't believe in the Holy Spirit, would reject Him? See? Re-... You're rejecting your own peace and mercy. See?

95 Now, we got on our knees, about five men, with Brother Fred Sothmann and--and many of the others was there, four or five men. And we knelt down, and I pleaded this case before God. And then I took the Word, or the promise, and sent It forth. The great Holy Spirit, as He took the Word, to serve the summons, a vision broke and I saw a man going towards Bowling Green, Kentucky, with a yellow shirt on, driving his truck. The Holy Spirit come upon him, condemned him, and he turned around, about half way. I saw him come back and park that car on a certain street, over across the river here. I raised up and told the brethren, "THUS SAITH THE LORD."

96And when they started out, they went on the road. And there was the car setting there, half empty with gasoline, where the tank half empty, where it had been filled up, just enough take him half way to Bowling Green and bring him back. Now, those men are setting right here this morning, as a witness.

97What is it? Enforcing. "Give it back." See? That's it. That's what it's talking about. "Restore it. Bring it back to its right owner."

98 And if Satan has robbed you of the privilege of being a son or a daughter of God, we have a right this morning, by the Holy Spirit, to enforce the claim of God. "Bring them back."

99If he's afflicted you, and made you sick, we have a right before God to enforce the laws of God. "By His stripes we are healed." Amen. "Bring him back. Turn him loose. You're taking him out here, under death, and we claim him. Bring him back now."

100That's the enforcement; restore it back to its natural condition again. A man is sick; baby is sick; woman is sick. See? They're out of their natural condition. Then we have a right to enforce our claim. Not our claim. It's our claim because God give it to us. "By His stripes we were healed. He was wounded for our transgression. With His stripes we were healed." Now we have a right to enforce that law. And the--the law-giver, the Holy Spirit, Himself, is here, the Agent of God, to see that it's done that way. Amen.

101 Now, the only way He can work, is when you let Him work. See? You've got to believe it. There's a law. Oh, if I ever get to my text. There's a law. There's a law given amongst everything.

102You know, a fish has a law. And that fish can stand up here in water, and he has a law within him. If he'll just let go of that law that's in him, he can sink plumb to the bottom of the sea. Won't bother him a bit. Won't break one cell. You try to do it. That law is not in you. You can't do it, but the fish can. He deflates himself with that air, such a way that he can. There's nothing in him to burst open. And he's made that way. He knows it. And he can enforce that law, to take him plumb to the bottom of sea, and then raise him back up again. Oh!

103 There was a law in Christ. That law is in men. You can bury him to the deepest grave, or the deepest sea, or the--the lowest hell. There's a law, of the Spirit of God, that will raise him up again. See?

104 A bird has a law. Now, its body is material. It's earthbound, sets on the earth here. But it has a law within it, that, the way it spreads its wings, it can fly plumb out of sight. That's against science. They claim it's--it's earthbound; gravitation has to hold it here. But it can defy gravitation, lift itself right off of it and go right on out, because it has to put that law that's in it to work. And it's built to possess that law.

105 Now I'm begin to feel religious. Now, we have a law, the law of the Life in us. We don't... Only thing you have to do... You are made, and born, and placed here in the Body of Christ, as sons and daughters of God. You don't have to knuck' down to the Devil. We've got a law. That's the law of the Holy Spirit. The only thing you know, have to do, is know how to let go and let God. You keep fighting at it, see, and it won't never work. When, you let go and let God, that's all. See?

106 If the fish said, "Wait, I'll catch my breath real good. I'll breathe up a little oxygen in me, and I'll see if I can go down." No. He does that, he'll burst open. See?

107The bird says, "I'll see how fast I can run down here, and maybe I'll take off." No. He won't do it. He'll fall down. See? He's got to know how to control, how that law can control him.

108 And the same way it is with us. It isn't what we fight, and pull, and--and hurry, and, "Oh, if I don't get this, if I don't get that." That's not it. Is to know that the law of Life is in you, and you just let go and let God. Then He takes you to your healing, takes you to the baptism of the Spirit, or anything that He's promised. Any claim that He's given is yours, and by letting go and letting God. Now, if you're...

109 If the officer was going to--going to take the fellow that stole your property, was going to take him to court, and you keep pulling him back, "Well, I don't know just whether he should do this or not," he'll never get him there. Just let him go.

110That's the way you do. Let Satan just get away, all the doubts and everything flee from your mind, then God will raise you up. Good.

111 Now, it's Easter time. Oh, I like Easter. Yes, sir. But there's too much on Easter, today, about bunny rabbits, and ducks, and pink chickens, and pretty hats, and new dresses; and that's not Easter. Easter is the resurrection, restoring, to restore back. It's God's restoring time. You look out over the earth; God is restoring. Restoring what? Nature. That's right. He's restoring the flowers. He's restoring the leaves. He's restoring the fruits of the field. What is it? God is restoring. It's Easter; means to "bring it back."

112What is it? There's been a--a sentence, a claim. Easter claims, or the--the--the flower claims, it has a right to rise again. See? And God's law of nature pulls the earth around and makes that law of God, in nature, bring forth an Easter, a resurrection. It's beautifully. The return of the sun, to restore what the winter killed, while it was from the earth. God sends the earth back around the sun, as we're told, from way back here.

113 The earth, the earth went away from the sun, went back out here. That's the way a sinner does, gets away from the S-o-n. Well, this is the s-u-n. But when this earth begins to come back... And when it's out there, death strikes it, the winter. It kills every living thing it can kill, out in here.

114And, now, when the earth gets back around. The seeds is laying in the ground. They're frozen. The pulp has run out of them. The... And everything is gone; but there's a little life preserved. And as soon as the sun gets back in position with the earth again, then there is an Easter, a restoration. Up comes the flowers again. Up comes everything. All that the winter killed, the sun restores. All that winter's death kill, the sun of life restores.

115 And so is it now with the people. All that the winter's coldest of cold, formal religion killed out there, the nearing of the Son of God in these last days, come into His Church, restores It back to Life again. "I will restore, saith the Lord." See? God restores His flowers, His leaves, His nature, His seed of the earth, and therefore we know, then, that God will restore also His habitation. He will restore His Eden. He will restore everything that death killed. That's right. Now, the only way it can ever remain dead, is let it lay in the wrong place. But if it falls in the right place, it's got to come back to Life again. So, God, let us fall in the right channel, that's right, for a restoration.

116 All that the winter kill, then the sun restores. Returning of the sun, what does it do? It forces. Listen. It forces death. When the sun, the spring sun comes back in line of the earth again, it actually forces death to give up its dead, to a resurrection, for (what?) a restoration, or restore again. What does it? The sun, coming. That's God's law.

117God set the earth in law, gravitation law. Everything in nature works according to God's law. And the flower served its term. The seed served its term; it died into the earth. And then there is a restoration.

118And now it's laying there, dead. There's not a thing... We could take one of these here lights like this, and turn it on it, it would never do any good. There's no way for us to do it. But God has a law, that when that sun comes onto the seed, it forces that life out of the seed. Death can't hold it, anymore.

119 God has set all of His laws to serve Him, both natural and spiritual, working according to His Word, regardless of the conditions. I love that. I have a Scripture here on that. Yes. God sets all of His laws in motion. Think of it. Let it soak in now, 'cause we're coming to a healing service in a few minutes. See? God set all of His laws in a motion, that it must work according to His Own Word. Are you getting it? See? His Word! His laws has to work according to His Word. He commanded the sun. He commanded the moon. He commanded the earth. He commanded nature. And they all fall right in line, and all the laws work in harmony with God's spoken Word. And the law of Life that's in us will also bring us to a resurrection. It's got to. It's impossible for it not.

120 That's the reason, the law of Life that was in Christ. When the Word was spoke, and said, "I'll not suffer My Holy One to see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell," there wasn't enough time, there wasn't enough devils, there wasn't enough anything, to keep Christ in that grave till (He) His body begin to rot, because the law of God would bring the Word to pass. And the law of God, by the Holy Spirit, brings any promise to pass, (you get it?), regardless of the conditions.

121 Job said, "Though the skin worms destroys my body, yet in my flesh I'll see God."

122Regardless of how little we are, how low we are, how impure we are, how unholy we are, how sick we are, how afflicted we are; the law of God's Spirit, by His Word, makes it obey Him, forces the issue, says, "Give it back." Amen. Oh, if we could just think of that for a minute. Forces it, regardless of conditions. No matter what the condition is, the law of God's Word forces the condition to cope with His Word. See? It's got to.

123Now, if a flower is laying there, and it's dead. The seeds are rotten, gone. The pulp is gone out. That doesn't have one thing to do with it. It raises again, 'cause God set a law, for it to rise again.

124 When Job laid in the ground. Perhaps, when he seen Jesus coming, was four thousand years before Jesus got here. You can imagine how a human body looked, in four thousand years, probably not enough ashes left to go on the end of a spoon. But Job said, "Yet in my flesh I'll see God, Who I shall see for myself."

125And the Bible tells us, in Matthew 27, that after His death, and burial, and resurrection, that, "Many of the saints that slept in the dust of the earth, rose out of the dust." Why? It was that prophet, speaking with the Word of God, and the Word had been spoke. And the law of God, by the Spirit, raised it up. The Bible said, "They come into the city and appeared to many." Not only did Jesus raise, but the saints raised with Him.

126 Why? Over in the Psalms, it said, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up. Let the Lord of Glory come in." Well, when He conquered death, hell, grave, sickness, rose on the third day, "He ascended on High, and led captivity captive."

127What was it? Those that were in captive, that looked forward for the promise that we have now. Oh, brother! Never even had the Holy Ghost. "But, believed, and give a good testimony. And by it they stopped the mouth of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, women received their dead raised to life again; without the promise." Oh, but they looked forward! Under a sheep sacrifice that could not divorce sin, it could only cover sin. But they believed that there was coming One. And by their faith, way beyond the shadow, amen, they claimed it. "And steadfast, they wandered in deserts, and in sheep skins, and goat skins, was afflicted, and destituted, and tormented." Oh!

128Those people, looking forward to that resurrection, and, through that, died in faith, with their testimony. And on that Easter morning, that law of God, which had spoke the Word through Job and those other prophets, they raised from the dead. Oh, my! There you are. Regardless of the conditions!

129 Some people get so guilty-minded, that they don't want to face any judgment. Oh, many people! It ain't hard to die. Anybody loose their mind, something another, and do something rational. Some of them have their bodies burned, taken out on the sea and throw the ashes to the four corners of this, the four winds of the sea. That don't stop the judgment. You come right on, just the same. Yes, sir. See? No matter, regardless of conditions, you're going to meet God, somewhere. You've got to come to Him. You've got to meet Him. See?

130 Because, (why?) He has spoke a Word, and put a law with that Word. And the law is His Own law, His Own Life, behind It. That's the reason He swore by Himself; there's none greater. See? He had to take an oath, 'cause no covenant should be confirmed without an oath. And the only way that He could, before He did; take it by Himself, and Himself become the Oath. Oh, brother! When, God became man and was the Oath, made Himself the Oath.

131And by His Own death, burial, and resurrection, He proved His laws was right. Said, "You destroy this building, I'll raise it up again in three days." "I," personal pronoun, "I'll raise it up again in three days. I'll bring it up. Just destroy it, and see what happens." For, He knew the law of God. He knew what it was. He knowed it had to work according to the Word. He knowed that the Word of God had been spoke through a prophet, and said, "I'll not suffer my Holy One to see corruption." That settled it. That settled it.

132 Then, the law of God has got to work by that Word. We're coming down to a great thing in a minute. See? See? Where, the law of God's Word, the Law of God, is with His Word.

133Now, if the court writes out a word, "It is certain-certain thing, a penalty, to do so-and-so." All right. Now, that's the word of the court, and the law of the court enforces the word of the court.

134And God speaks something, and that is a law. And the Holy Spirit is here to enforce that law, amen, for the believer. You have be ordained to do so, and it takes a believer. You got to have the badge of "believer." Somebody says, "You got power?" No. But we got authority. That's it. Not power; but authority. We ain't got enough power to do nothing.

135 Like I said some time ago, a little policeman here in Louisville, standing there. He was littler than I am; little bitty fellow. His hat was pulled down over his ears. And car... Oh, his uniform about half hanging off of him. He walked out there on the street. The little cap pistol, like, on his side, little stick in his hand, the little whistle. Walked out there, a pair of white gloves on. And them--them cars, some of them three hundred and fifty horse-power, whirling by that street, like--like lightning, just zoom, zoom. Well, that poor little fellow couldn't stop a... He couldn't have stopped a runaway pony, from his strength. Certainly not. But he walked out in the street, that big badge shining, blowed that whistle, held up that hand. Brother, three-hundred power, horsepower motors, squeaked brakes, everything else. It wasn't the power of the man. It was the authority he had. That's it.

136That's the Church. Might be a bunch of "holy-rollers," so-called, or whatever you want to call it, but it's the authority. It's the authority behind it. That's what does it. Regardless of conditions, God's law works with His Word. Now, it won't work with your creed. It'll work with the Word. Yeah. It just works with the Word, that's all, now, regardless of condition.

137 Abraham, as we read a while ago in our text, Abraham's wife had to be restored back. Why? God gave a promise to Abraham, and here a king had took her, to marry, for his wife.

138Well, what would he done? Put Abraham to death, in a minute. That's what Abraham said. "I pray thee, say it." After he seen that--that Abimelech had done caught him, this Philistine king there. Said, "Now, you, I pray you, you say that I am your brother. Because, you're a beautiful woman." And said, "Now, if he sees you're beautiful, and I'll--I'll--I'll be killed, 'cause he'll take you and marry you." And so Abimelech caught her, and his man brought her in.

139 She was a beautiful woman. And, by the way, she was only a hundred years old. And she--she... God had just showed what He's going to do to all of us, through them. You know, I been through all that, in my text and on the tapes, and so forth, proving that by the Word of God. That's exactly. He told, by Abraham and Sarah, what He was going to do to the whole race. That's right.

140 Now, there she was, and so Abimelech taken her to be his wife. Abimelech, and so he was all ready now, take her to be his wife. And (what?) God had said to Abraham, "By Sarah you'll have this baby," and here was a young man taking her. Here was Abraham, around, about a hundred years old now, too, out there.

141 But, by that, you notice what God said there. "Yes, I know the integrity of your heart. That's the reason I kept you from sinning against Me. But you restore that woman, for her husband is a prophet. Let him pray for you. You don't, I'm just going to wipe you off the face the earth." There you are.

142What? God's Word has to stand. No man could touch Sarah. God had made a promise.

143 Sarah, a type of the Church, the true Church, the free Church, the freewoman with a free-Child, type of the born-again Church with the promise. Let them say whatever they want to, call it "holy-roller, fanaticism." They've tried to stop It since Pentecost, and they'll never do it. No, sir. For keep... Just keep your hands off of It. That's all. God is going to take that and do something with It, just as certain as I'm standing here. I'm coming right down through the age of it, now, in a few minutes. God help me, I'll prove it to you, where we're at. Right. You're... They're never going to destroy it. It can't be destroyed. That's right.

144 "Take your hands off of her." Why? There come the natural seed. The natural seed had to come. If it would... If Sarah would have married this other man, the natural seed would have never been born.

145So if God so protected the course for the natural seed, how much more for the spiritual, royal Seed, has He protected!

146Satan, give them back. Turn them loose. You're not smothering them out there in them organizations and things. They're a free people. You let them alone. Yeah. Turn them loose, the royal Seed.

147 Now, God talking of restoring, now, here in Joel he's talking about. I preached on this, once before, and took it in another angle. About... Never thoroughly went through it, as I intend to do today, and won't have time to do it where it ought to be done. But God is speaking here, in Joel. Of...

148God is speaking of His fruit Tree that He had planted. God planted a fruit Tree. He planted It on the Day of Pentecost, and He brought that Tree there for a purpose. He wanted It to bear His fruit, Word, God's Word. He wanted a Church that would keep His Word. All down through the age, Eve had failed to keep It, the Jews had failed to keep It, the law had failed, all had failed, so God planted Him a Tree. A Tree!

149 Now remember, there was two trees in the garden of Eden. We know that. You call them whatever you want to. I have my idea. But, anyhow, one of them was a defiled tree; it got defiled. And the other One wasn't defiled; that Tree of Life come from God, out of Heaven. He said, "Your fathers eat manna and are dead. But this Tree, you eat, you live forever." And the Angel guarded that Tree of Life, from the garden of Eden, kept It in Eden. That Tree of Life is in Eden, now, spiritually speaking now. Notice.

150Now, when this Tree that God planted, It was to bear nine different kinds of fruit, nine different kinds; which means, nine spiritual gifts, nine fruits of the Spirit to go with the nine spiritual gifts. That was God's Tree. He planted It in the earth on the Day of Pentecost.

151 Now let's stop. Always so limited with time. I'm going to skip down here a few Scriptures, and go down here to Psalms, the 1st. David saw this Tree, a long time ago. And of his writing of songs for something joyful, that was the first thing he wrote about. He saw this Tree, and It was "planted by the rivers of Water." This Tree! He!

And he shall be like a tree, God's tree, planted (where?) by the rivers, rivers (plural), the rivers of water (singular)...

152Not a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, so forth. No, no. Huh-uh. Just rivers of one Water; nine spiritual gifts by the same Spirit. Nine fruits of the Spirit coming from the same channel.

... he shall be like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water.

153 David saw it, and he spoke. He said, "Blessed is that man." Notice, he said he could not die. "His leaves would not wither." No, no. No matter what they do, they'll never kill that Tree. Why? It's where he's planted. That's what does it. It's where he's planted. "He's planted by the rivers of Water." Now notice. David said, "His--his roots won't die."

154 You know, you take a tree, a big old tree. I, when I was a boy, I used to go out, and we'd, us boys, we'd go out, and had a big old tree we used to set under, big old beech tree. And the winds would blow. And I wonder, looked like that thing, so much in the top, looked like it'd blow the--the thing over. But, you know, every time wind blows on a tree, it rocks the tree, and it loosens up the roots, so that they can just dig deeper and get a better hold.

155And that's the way, mockery, laughing, making fun of a Christian. What it does, is, persecution shakes the Christian, to make him pray more, dig down, get a better hold, so he can stand the storm.

156 Now, what if a man is planted in such a thing as "by the river," where the springs, nine different springs feeding into him? Oh, my! What a--what a establishment he has. And a man that's planted by the river, the rivers of Water; one Water, one Spirit, "There are gifts of healing, same Spirit; gifts of prophecy, same Spirit; all the same Spirit, but many gifts." One Giver.

157Now, David saw him, and he was planted by this Tree. Now, he could not die. Now notice why. He had Life in the roots. Where is the roots, or life of the tree? Stays in the roots. Certainly. Comes up and bears its fruit. All right.

158Watch. His roots had Life in them, to bring forth His fruit in season. Now remember, this Tree will not cast Its fruit.

159 Now, you take a tree and put it away from water. The first thing you know, you got little old apples. They're all knotty and worm-eaten. But it'll cast its--its--its crop.

160That's what's the matter with the churches today. You done got away from that River, got away from them gifts of the Spirit. They got just a church natural. And they get away from the spiritual gifts and the spiritual things, and they cast their fruit. What do they do? They're--they're believers, live with the world, act like the world, steal, cheat, lie, smoke, drink, gamble, have bunco parties in the church, to pay the preacher, and everything else, soup suppers, dances. See? They cast their fruit. It's just like the world.

161And the unbeliever look and say, "There's no difference in that person and me."

162 That's what caused communism to rise in Russia. That's the reason they burnt up the Catholic church.

163And down in Mexico, when I was there and seen those lime pits, where those, and those places where they burnt those little babies, where those nuns had these babies. Even human bodies, full-grown human body was laying in there, in the lime pits. What'd they do? They cast their crop, see, and God shook them off the tree. That was all. See?

164 But a man that's planted, not stuck out, but planted by the rivers of Water, he shall bring forth His fruit (watch) in his... His fruit in his season. Are you reading it? Psalms 1.

... blessed is the man that... sitteth not in the seat of the scornful, stand in the way of sinners.

... he shall be like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water, he shall bring forth his fruit in his season;... and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

165See? Notice, "Ungodly is not so; and he won't stand with him in the judgment." See?

166 Now, "He shall bring forth His fruit in his season." Watch each "his," the personal pronoun there. It's His fruit, God's fruit, in the season that the--the prophet is bringing It. It'll be in the prophet's season. God's fruit, in God's time, by the prophet's season. See? "He shall bring forth His fruit in his season." See if there isn't two "his" there. "Bring forth His, God's fruit, see, in the season that the messenger is ordained to come." He'll bring forth those. Now remember that. The messenger that brings the fruit of God, will bring it in God's season, in the season of the bringer. See? "He will bring forth His fruit in his season." And It cannot wither. Why? He's got predestinated fruit in there. It can't destroy It, because It's predestinated.

167 Now, Ephesians... 5, 1:5, rather. It said, "Setting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus." What happened? He said, "God, by His foreknowledge, predestinated us unto the adoption of children of God, by Jesus Christ." God, by His foreknowledge, predestinated everything that would happen right down along the row. By His foreknowledge, He foresaw it. Therefore, from beginning, He could tell the end.

168 Therefore, it was predestinated fruit in the--the root of this Tree. And this Tree could not wither, because It was holding predestinated fruit. Now, that's the Tree that Joel spoke about here. See? It cannot die. The worms eat It down, but It couldn't die. In Its root, It had the predestinated Truth. It had God's Word, this Tree did. And this Tree is--is that Tree, the only way, It was put in the garden of Eden.

169All trees, by the woman, die. We all die, by the woman. By birth, we all die. But through woman come death, for this birth come by woman. All right. Then, this has to die, because of sin.

170But the Birth, the new Birth that come by Christ, cannot die. That's one Tree, and the other tree. See? And this Tree, though It's been persecuted, made fun of, since the very beginning of the garden of Eden, It cannot die. It's predestinated. It's been clubbed and beat, and, my, everything done to It. And what happened? It cannot die. His, he will not die. He can't, because he's holding in him the predestinated Word of God. It has to come forth, for his fruit is in his own season, predestinated season. That, no matter...

171 Joel saw every one of them, eat down to the bottom. But He said, "I will restore it, saith the Lord," for the predestination of God lays in the roots of the Tree. It's got to come forth, 'cause It's holding the predestinated Word of God. And, oh, what a Tree! My!

172That Tree, It started to grow back there in Eden. What happened? There was a bunch come forth, of Cain's children, some bugs had come over and eat It down to a stalk. And God took a crop off of it, and put it in the ark and carried It through. Right. All the way down, it's been the same way, down through the lines of judgment; Israel, on down.

173 And then at Pentecost, where the Church for the Bride Tree, He--He set in order, on Pentecost, the Tree that was predestinated to bring forth His fruit in the season. Now, going fine, the fruits is being done just fine. It bloomed out on the Day of Pentecost. Let's see what happened on the Day of Pentecost. Jesus said, "The works that I do shall you do also." They healed the sick. Now, on the Day, let's see how it started. On the Day of Pentecost, a few days after the resurrection, fifty days after Easter, there come there come a--a rushing, mighty Wind, out of Heaven.

174 Now, today, we make it different. The minister stands up and take, say, "I'll put your name on the book." See? Or some bachelor with his collar turned around, said, "Come up here and take the kosher bread. That, then, you become a member of the church." Isn't that strange? The minister says, "Come join our group." Why, they're both wrong.

175"On the Day of Pentecost, there came from Heaven," not off the pulpit, up the road. "From Heaven a..." What? A priest? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] No. A minister? No. What was it? "A sound like a rushing, mighty Wind, and It filled all the house where they were setting. Cloven tongues set upon them." Stammering, they couldn't talk, they was so full of glory. Holy Ghost filled them. Out in the streets they went, jabbering. Just, and act like...

176Even the dignified congregation stood out there and said, "Well, these men are full of new wine. They're all drunk. Look at them men and women, how they're staggering and carrying on."

177 Now, that's THUS SAITH THE SPIRIT. That's the Scripture. That's how the Church was organized; not organized, but ordained. Lot of difference in the two words. Notice. There they were.

178Now, and you know what, you Catholic people? The blessed virgin Mary was with them. Yeah. Now, if God wouldn't let Mary come to Heaven without receiving the Holy Ghost, how are you going to get There, anything short of It? Now just think on it. That's right. Mary was among them. And she had to wait up there until she lost all her dignity and pride, filled with the Spirit.

179 And here they come, acting like drunk people. The Bible said they did. They said, "These men are full of new wine."

180But, Peter, the spokesman, the minister in the group, stood up and said, "These are not full of new wine, as you suppose, seeing it's just the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel." The one I'm reading from today. "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, 'I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. And your sons and daughters shall prophesy. And I'll show wonders in the heavens above, and in the earth, signs. And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.'"

181Now, Peter preached on Pentecost, after the same prophet that I'm preaching today about: planting this Tree. And that's where he planted It. Oh, It done fine. They went out and had spiritual gifts. They healed the sick. They preached. They was throwed in jail. They were willing to suffer for the Word's sake.

182 If you went to another nation as a wishy-washy, you wouldn't make a very good American, if you went over there. If you was going in now to Japan, you slipped around behind the line, say, "Listen, fellows. I'm for you. You know, I'm for you, but I'm over on the other side." You, traitor, you ought to be shot. That's right. You're a traitor. Sure.

183And then that's the same way it is, a man that knows the Word of God, and will compromise on It because some organization tells him he has to do it that way. That's a traitor. Right.

184But these men wasn't traitors. They didn't care how much, well, how they carried on, how their church manners was: screaming, and crying, and shouting, and--and jabbering off languages that seemed like they was talking to one another and couldn't understand it. Them men out there in the audience of other nations and other tongues begin to hear what they were saying. They didn't know what they were saying; they were jabbering. But other people out there understood it. And they said, "These persons are certainly drunk."

185But Peter said, "They're not drunk, but they're filled with the Spirit."

186So, every one of them went to martyrdom, except John, and he was burned, twenty-four hours in a vat of grease, and they couldn't even burn the Spirit out of him. And then he died a natural death, the only one, John the revelator. Now, that is right.

187 Notice now what taken place. On this, God planted a Tree, to bring forth nine spiritual gifts, gifts of His Spirit. The same Spirit was in Christ come down upon the Church, had Eternal Life. Now, gifts of the Spirit was in the Church, and It was growing, bearing forth fruit, everywhere. They thought not of theirself. They didn't organize nothing. They just went ahead and was brothers. They had no...

188I'm glad that little thing was on there, "No creed but Christ, no law but love, no book but the Bible." That's what I believe. See? And that's the way they did. The world is our parish, see, everywhere.

189 So, notice these fellows when they were doing that, how glorious that church was. And God was with them, the Bible said. And Jesus met them before His ascension up. He said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. These signs shall follow them that believe, in My Name." Now, "These signs."

190Now, today, what kind of a sign we call a believer? He shakes hands with the pastor. He belongs to a church. He has his name on the book because his mother's had a name, your father had a name on a book. But that wasn't what Jesus said. Jesus said, "These signs." That's church, natural.

191 We're talking about Church, spiritual. We're talking about a spiritual Tree, not a natural tree. We're getting to those two trees, after bit. See? A spiritual Tree! Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that hangs on this Tree. These signs shall follow them that's getting their Life out of this Tree. In My Name they shall cast out devils. They shall speak with new tongues. If they should take up a serpent, or to drink deadly things, it would not harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

192There is the kind of signs He said would follow the believer. Where is it today? He give the world an example of what would be the--the believer's sign. And He said, "It would be far better that a millstone was hanged at your neck and drowned in the depths of the sea, than even to bring offense to one of them, for their Angels always beholds My Father's face which is in Heaven." The Angels!

193 Notice now. There they were. And that Tree was planted. It was doing great work. We know they went about, everywhere. The Lord... Why, on the Day of Pentecost, three thousand souls was added, baptized, and went into the Church. And how great fellowship they had! And, everybody, wasn't nobody needing anything. Everybody was kind, good-hearted. And, one another, they was all one big family. Wonderful!

194And there came by, a little, old, ugly-looking, greedy-teeth beetle that lives in four different stages, as Joel saw him. Four-stage insect, destroyer, come forth to destroy that beautiful Tree of God. Think of it. Now I'm going to read off some of Joel's, what he said. Joel, the 1st chapter. The first thing... Now, there's four different beetles there now, but there it's actually one beetle. It's one beetle in four different stages. Now watch. This little, old beetle come by, for this--for this great, beautiful Tree of God. We'll call it a Tree, which was the Church.

195 The first was a palmerworm. That's a little thing, just a little bitty insect of a worm. What did he do, that palmerworm? He come along to destroy the fruit of the Tree. That's the first thing.

196Now let's go back in history and see what the first thing was: was a--a dignified group got amongst the common people. And they said, "Well, this is good that you can heal the sick, and you can do these things. That's wonderful. So, you know what we ought to do? We ought to kind of get it out where the bigger class of people understand it, the better class: the mayor, the--the judges, and so forth, and the--the--the dignitaries of the city. And as long as you all are carrying on the way you are, they'll never come around you. See? They're afraid of you."

197[Someone says, "They still are."--Ed.] Somebody said that, "They still are." I guess that's about right. So, that's right. They're afraid of the Holy Spirit. Excuse me.

198 I used to sing a little song, "It's the old..." You ever hear The Old-Time Religion? Anybody heard that song, "'Tis the old-time religion"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I used to sing a little song like this, years ago. I said:

It's the old-time Holy Spirit,

And the Devil won't go near It;

That's the reason people fear It,

But It's good enough for me.

It's so good I want no other,

For It makes me love my brother;

And It brings things from under cover,

So It's good enough for me. (That's right.)

It will make you stop your lying;

It will save you when you're dying;

It will start the Devil flying;

And It's good enough for me.

199That's right. That's the reason people don't want It now. Now, It's God.

200 They didn't want Jesus. They said, "This Man?" The church, the big dignified church, said, "You come to tell us who we are? We'll give You to understand, we're Dr. Ph.D., L.L., Q.U.S., and, my, all this." Or, "Why, I'm the high priest. I'm this, that, or the other. And You tell me? Why, You were born in sin. You're nothing but an illegitimate child. Your mother was to be, have You, before You and Your father... the father was ever married."

201He said, "Who can accuse Me of sin?" See? "Who can accuse Me?" All right. Sin is "disbelieving God's Word." Other words, He said, "Show Me where I'm not fulfilling the Word, to the--to the--to the hilt, right where It's supposed to be. Show Me in the Scripture, where My days. If I don't do the works of My Father, then don't you believe Me." Said, "Now, you claim to be that. Now let's see you do it." Oh, my!

202"From henceforth they asked Him nothing." See? They let Him alone. Like, the Devil flew into Him. I said that he thought he'd just jump in, anyway. But, he found out, that had a million volts in that Wire. He jumped off of that One, real quick, see, because he couldn't handle That. And that was one thing sure.

203 So this little palmerworm come around, to take off the fruits. I have two pages of "fruits." I just want to read some of it. First thing, the first fruit he took off, was brotherly love. That's right. That's one of the things that kills the church right there, on brotherly love. Yes, sir. Then, the next fruit he took off the Tree... Remember, love is the first fruit on the Tree. "Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, faith, patience, that's right, in the Holy Ghost." Now, nine spiritual gifts, with nine fruits of the Tree, and so forth. All right. Now, the first, he got to eating on the fruit of the Tree.

204 Now let's picture a big Tree, of God's Tree. It's bearing nine spiritual gifts. They're healing the sick. They're speaking in tongues. They're casting out devils. They're doing great works, and preaching the unadulterated Word of God. No denomination to tie them down; they're free, doing a great work.

205So, in come this little old devil, setting up with his two horns setting out in front, like a grasshopper, you know, and his little old greedy teeth. That's his first, the palmerworm, he come in to eat off brotherly love. He said, "You know, So-and-so did so-and-so, over at So-and-so's church. I wouldn't believe that bunch of people." See? There he is, first thing.

206 Next, he wanted to eat on the fruit of faith, faith in the Word. "Now look. How do you know that is the Word? It's been translated so many times!" That little devil is still eating. Right. "That Word has been translated so many times! He's this, that, or the other. Oh, he's all this." See?

207Now, that's another fruit he eat off, joy of salvation. "Shhh! You people make too much noise. Oh, my! My!"

208 "Oh, how can you preach, Brother Branham?" a woman said to me, one time. No, it wasn't. It was a man. I believe he's... I hope he's here. He belongs to another church. But he said to me, said, "I was up to hear you, other day, and I couldn't even hear you, for them people crying."

I said, "If they..."

Said, "How in the world can you preach?"

209I said, "If they didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't be preaching there." That's right. Yeah. I used to have...

210 A friend of mine, Jim Poole, and I, we used to have an old dog. We called him Fritz. And so this old dog, he'd--he'd go into anything that he treed, but a skunk. He was afraid of a skunk, 'cause he smelled so. So, I'd get him a skunk under the brush pile, the only thing I had to do was just pat him a little bit, said, "Sic him! Sic him, boy!" He'd go get that skunk, see, because I was patting him, saying, "Sic him!"

211Well, that's just what it is when we... The worst stinker I know of, is the Devil. So, when I'm bringing this Word out, and somebody says, "Amen," that's, "Sic him, boy!" And we get... We'll get him treed.

212 So, we find out that he took away the joy. You know, David, one time, lost the joy of his salvation. He didn't lose his salvation, but he lost the joy of it. He just cried, "Lord, restore to me the joy of my salvation." See? The joy!

213So this little old palmerworm begin to eat that fruit of joy out. "Now, looky here. You people make too much noise. I tell you, all this crying, this saying 'amen,' and this shouting, that's nonsense. There's nothing to that." See? First thing you know, he's set in a big morgue, you know, set there, all of them dead. Some of these embalming fluids of so-called Doctrine, of creeds pumped into their veins where the Spirit of God ought to be running, where the old church creed pumped in there. No wonder they're icy cold and dead. Spiritual thermometer, ninety below zero. Yeah. Somebody say, "amen," everybody stretch their neck around like some kind of goose or something, want to know what said that. It's a shame. When, the Spirit of God ought to be joy, peace, love. But this little old bug started eating on it. He eat all the joy away.

214 And, then, next fruit on the Tree is peace, peace of mind, knowing that you're saved.

215They tell you, "Well, now, if you'll recite our creed, you're saved. If you join my church, you're saved. Well, now," this one says, "you're not saved if you go there. You have to join our church, to be saved. You have to say, 'Hail Mary.' You have to have your name on this book. You have to have." Oh, my! That would take all the joy out. That's not God's Tree; you know where you're at. That's hybrid, always.

216You know my story about the mule. He's a hybrid. He don't know who his papa, mama, either one, was. See? He's a hybrid. But, oh, a good pedigreed horse, he knows who his papa and mama was, through generations.

217And now, a real good pedigreed Christian, too, that's got the Holy Ghost, he know It fell on the Day of Pentecost. He knows where he's at. He can trace his generations plumb back, his genealogies, to the first beginning of it. Peter had It. On down through the nation, or races, they've had It, on down. A good pedigreed Christian knows where It come from.

218 Say, "Well, I'm Lutheran. Huh! I'm Presbyterian." Oh, you hybrid! Why ain't you? Why ain't you?

219"Well," you say, "what, what are you?" Born again. "Born again, of what?" The Spirit of God.

220That's why you're not hybrid. You're born correctly. Not with some church creed, but with the Spirit of God. God lives in you.

221 Now notice. This little old insect started eating. So, he eat off all the peace of mind, oh, and on, and on, and on, and on down. I got a page of it here, all the fruits, what he done.

222Then this little fellow died out, and he become a locust. That was the next stage, was a locust. Now, what does a locust do? A locust eats the leaves. That's right. A locust takes onto the leaves. What the palmerworm left, he left the leaves; he eat all the fruit off the Tree. Then what took in? The locust come to eat, eat what the palmerworm left. Now, what did he do? What did this palmerworm do? Destroyed the leaves. What's the leaves for? Destroying Divine fellowship. That's right.

223"Now, he's--he's--he's Presbyterian. We won't have nothing to do with him. He's Nazarene. He's Pentecostal. He's this, that, or the other. We won't have nothing to do with him, because he don't belong to our group. Have a meeting here, for healing of the sick? Huh! Our church don't even believe in it." See? There he is. He, what'd that little old locust do? He cut all the fellowship off, that's right, took all the fellowship.

224 What is fellowship? What does the leaves do? Makes it cool, where the birds fly in under the leaves, "huh-huh," cool off. There's your tree again. "And he shall be like a Tree that's planted." See? All right. Where people can come and set down under the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, cool off a little bit. You're all flusterated, and don't know what's happened; and whether you die, whether you're saved or not. You don't know whether this church is right, or that's right. Just come down under the Tree that's got some leaves on It. Set down there. Let the Winds from Heaven go to blow, like a rushing, mighty Wind, through the leaves, you know. Begins to... And he begin to cool off a little bit.

225Say, "Oh, I'm going down and tell that bunch of holy-rollers what I think."

226Just set down a while and you'll cool off. That's right. You can't do it in yours. Cause, what's the matter? The locust has done eat it all off, sure, eat all the leaves off of it. That just might as well set out there in the sun. So, you, there ain't--there ain't no cooling there. All right. Now, so there's...

227 But you know what we're supposed to do. The Bible said, that, "The predestinated Church, the predestinated sons in God," (what do they do?) "set in Heavenly places." What is that? Coolness, comfort, feeling at home. Amen.

228Where everybody is wearing a tuxedo, and--and next man this way, and--and some of them this. "Huh! Look. She never got a permanent in her hair. Don't she look horrible? She don't even have an Easter frown gown. Now, that, ever what it is, you know. Ever..." Yeah. "Easter frown," that's about right, see. Set back there, going... [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.] See? "Don't even have an Easter... Why, well, look at him, that same old suit he wore last year! Well, what do you know about that!" You don't feel right, there.

229 I said to a little woman, other day. Poor little woman, she belonged to a great, dignified church now. She said... She's dying, with cancer. Went down to pray for her. Brother Roy Roberson here, one of the trustees, sent me down there. The poor little thing setting there, dying with cancer. And she said...

I said, "Do you... Are you a Christian?"

230She said, "Sir, I--I don't know what to say." Said, "I went to a certain church." And said... And she started crying.

I said, "What's the matter?"

231Said, "I just couldn't dress right." Said, "They looked down upon me." Huh! Oh, there you are. See? You're--you're uncomfortable. See?

232 But the Bible said that we are to "assemble ourselves together in heavenly places." Oh, my! What? All alike. Why, I'll tell you what this will do. It'll make a... It'll make a pair of overalls and a tuxedo suit put their arms around one another and call each other brother. Sure will. It'll make an old calico dress put their arms around a silk, satin one and say, "Sister, how are you this morning? Praise God!" That's right. It will. It's joy, peace, love, faith in the Word, long-suffering, gentleness, patience. Set down in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, cool off a little while. See? That's what the leaves did.

233But what the old locust did, he come around, eat them leaves off, said, "You belong to ours or you don't belong to anybody." So he took all the coolness of the Spirit out. See? He fixed himself a creed. All right. Now we got to go on. We could stay a long time on that old locust.

234 But the third stage of him was a cankerworm. Hum! That's got a bad name, to start with, the cankerworm. What does a cankerworm do? It goes into the bark. That's the lifeline, there. Yes, sir. It goes into the bark and it destroys the covering of the tree. The covering!

What is religion? Covering. That's what the word religion means, "a covering."

235So, this little cankerworm, after he got amongst the congregation, got them all dignified; then he took all the fellowship away from them, in the form of the locust; and now he comes around and takes their very religion and makes dogmas out of it, right, sets up unorthodox words. Forms himself a religion, and gets a bunch of men together and put a creed down there. He takes the very religion, strips it off of God's Tree, very bark that bears the sap that comes up in It, takes it away. Cankerworm! Do you see that insect? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's exactly. That cankerworm, that was Rome in that early church.

236 First thing, the pentecostals group; not Pentecostal organizations. No, sir. Anything that organizes is dead. I'll prove that just in a minute, by the Scriptures. See? But when it's a... But, the pentecostal experience, who is it for? It's for the Catholic. Who else? The Methodist, the Baptist, the Presbyterian, anybody that wants it. But you all got to want it. You don't join into It.

237I been in the Branham family for fifty-three years, and I never did join the family. Why? I'm a Branham, to begin with. I was born, a Branham.

238That's the way we're Christians. Not because we're joined into something; that's an organization. We're born, Christians, by being regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Notice now.

239 Now, this little cankerworm begin to bore hisself into the bark. What did he do? He begin to take its religion, its covering, its Doctrine away from it. Religion is a doctrine, a covering that covers anything. That's the reason our religion is by Blood, the Blood. The Life is in the Blood that covers the Word. And the Life is the... It's in the Blood. The Blood is the religion, and the Life in the Blood is what brings the results. Why, you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

240 It's not covered by fig leaves. Adam and Eve tried that one time. Cain did the same thing. Did you notice that? Cain brought some of the botany life, too. See? But it wouldn't work. It didn't work with Adam and Eve. And it won't work today. When God refused it, at the beginning, it's refused for Eternity. Man-made creeds and thoughts will never take it.

241It's God's Word, has to do it. And the Word is by the Blood, the sacrifice of Christ. That's right.

242 "People," as brother said this morning, "pulling splinters." Well, you know, there is nineteen different nails in the nation today, that different organizations are holding, and could claim, "It's original nail, was in His hands." What of it, if it was? I wouldn't want nothing to do with it. Certainly.

243God never left anything for relics and tokens. He sent the Holy Ghost, Something alive, cannot be destroyed. What would a nail do me, any good? What would the original cross He hung on, what would it do me, any good? Not a bit. Not to know the nail, know the cross, but, "To know Him is Life." See?

244 Now, so we're holding on nails, we're holding on relics, and we're holding on places. And today people walk up-and-down, in the city of Jerusalem, and--and all up-and-down in the different places, and holding to relics and things. That ain't got nothing to do with it, not a thing. The thing is condemned, rotten, and gone on.

245 I went to a church in--in Rome. There where they--they, all these priests that die, they plant them in a garden, down beneath there, and let the meat fall off the bones. And--and then they take the bones out and make light fixtures, and put their skulls around. And people come in there, rub them skulls, to get blessings, until the skulls are white and wore out. As you go into Saint Peter's Cathedral there, a foot of Peter, they claim there, a statue, has been kissed off, nine or ten different times; have to mold another foot on it. Such nonsense! Superstitions, that's all it is, creeds of man-made doctrine.

246God sent the Holy Spirit, Life of God, to be in you, not in a statue. You are the guy that God wants to live in; not a statue, but in you. People call, "holy statues." There ain't no holy statues. You are God's holy statue. The Bible said so. That's right. "Body has Thou prepared Me."

247 Now, this little fellow started to destroying. Destroying what? The cankerworm got into the bark. Watch what it did. Begin to destroy the bark. What did it do? It made a natural church for a spiritual Church. Yes, sir. It took away the true and give it a false. Now, remember. The leaf...

248The fruit, the palmerworm eat. The leaf, the locust eat. Now, the bark, the covering, the religion, the Doctrine; the Doctrine, the cankerworm got.

249 Where did that first doctrine come from, outside of the Bible? You historians, you know where it come from. From Rome, exactly where it started, there they started accepting dogmas.

250That's how Irenaeus, Saint Martin, Polycarp, all of them... after John's death. For translating the Word of God, was out on the isle of Patmos. They burnt him in grease for twenty-four hours, brought back, and he still wrote the Bible. God was determined that this Bible would be written. That's the Word of God. We can't take away from It or add to It. It's to lay just the way It is, the Word.

251 Notice when they got back, when these saints of God trying to hold up that Word, Rome come right in, and accepted dogmas, instead. Now let's just see what she did, some of her false doctrines, what she done.

252Water baptism. Where they were commissioned... Peter said, on the Day of Pentecost, under the influence of the Holy Ghost, the Word of God, "Repent every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins."

253What did Rome do with it? Turned it around, and said, "Be baptized, the name of the 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost,'" making it a creed, not a Doctrine of the Bible. What did he do? That's that cankerworm, eating. "Sprinkling," instead of immersing, "in the name of Father..."

254 "Father, Son, Holy Ghost" is no name. There's no such a thing. "Father" is not a name, "Son" is not a name, and "Holy Ghost" is not a name.

255When Jesus said, "Baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost," is, "the Lord Jesus Christ." Exactly what Peter and them did, and all, everybody in the Bible, was. There was nobody...

256 I challenge anyone to bring me one piece of Scripture, or one piece of history, where anybody was ever baptized any other way than in the Name of "Jesus Christ," until the Roman Catholic church. Do that. Remember, this tape goes around the world. I've held congregation of ministers, with hundreds of them, and bishops and everything, say, "Stand to your feet, or come here with your Bible, or hold your peace forever." They hold their peace till they get around behind you, then they start talking about you; not the very audacity to stand to your face, common decency to stand and tell you to your face. They're afraid to do it. They know it's wrong. But that's what that cankerworm started eating, see, eating away that real Thing.

257Now, you say, "It's not essential. Yeah. Any way I'm baptized is all right." Is it? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.]

258 Paul said, Acts 19, when, "He, Paul, passed through the upper coasts Ephesus." The Bible said, "He found certain disciples." Them is followers. Apollos, a Baptist preacher, under John the Baptist, was teaching them the Word. And they were having great joy. And Paul just went over to see them, and he said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

"Oh," they say, "I'm a believer."

259"But that's not what I'm asking. Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

They said, "We not know whether there be any Holy Ghost."

260He said, "Then to what was you baptized?" See? Other words, "How was you baptized?"

They said, "We been baptized."

Said, "How?"

261He said, "Under John," he said, "the same man that baptized Jesus. Wouldn't that be all right?"

262Paul said, "No. Not now. No." Said, "You got to be baptized, over again." And Paul baptized them, over again, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Laid his hands upon them, and the Holy Ghost came on them.

263And Paul said, "If an Angel from Heaven," let alone some preacher; "if an Angel," let alone this cankerworm; "if an Angel from Heaven preaches anything else than This, to you, let him be accursed." That's right.

264So you see what it was, the cankerworm got to eating. It eat away the baptism of water in the Name of Jesus Christ.

265 The next thing that the cankerworm did, it taken away the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Cause, as long as you're going to have that Holy Ghost, It's going to shed light on that Word, as long as you'll do that. So they had to--to do it different.

266 Now, just think of how many Lutherans, Protestants, how many Catholics, this morning, was confirmed, what they call it, taking first communion. And they call that "Holy Eucharist," which means, a Latin word, "Holy Ghost." Did you ever see a Catholic pass by the church and go over hisself like that? [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.] Why? "It's god in that church." What is god? "That little piece of bread." That little piece of bread, round, made like the sun-god that they worship, laying on the altar where the mice and roaches pack around, overnight. That's not my God. I'll tell you that now. "First communion, confirmed to the church." Nonsense.

267 But that's what they did. That's what the cankerworm did. It took away the Spirit and give them a piece of bread, some bread that some priest made, or some nun, or something. That's what they did. That's exactly right. Go, ask now. Go, looking back in history, and see if it isn't right. And you let that thing be shoved down your throat? Not only them Catholics, but you Protestants, a many of you, same thing. All right. There's what they did. All right.

268And then the Protestant, instead of having the Holy Ghost, you know what they do? They come and join, shake a hand. There wasn't somebody come up the road and shook a hand, when the Day of Pentecost come. "But there came from Heaven the sound of a rushing, mighty Wind that filled all the house where they were setting," that's right, come down through them leaves on trees, poured over the bark. That's right.

269 Now, now, instead of the new Birth that Jesus said, a man must be born again, they adopted joining their church, "Come and join." Instead of the Word, the cankerworm give them a creed. Don't you see? Look here what he's doing. He's giving a natural for a spiritual. Can you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

270Now look. Now, we, we're--we're on the Catholic line here, but did you know that come right down through the Protestants too? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Where do we have the Holy Ghost demonstrations in Protestant churches today? Where do we have a pentecostal reaction in amongst Protestants? We don't have. You have it in Lutheran? ["No."] If you do, I want to go to it. I want to go over there and just eat and have a wonderful time. Presbyterian? Where, where, where is it at. See? You've adopted something natural.

271I'm fixing to leave, and you know that. See? Don't you never let This get out of your heart.

272Don't take the natural. That's death. This natural man is death. Anything it does, is death. It's subject and here for death. "It's the Spirit that maketh alive," see, the Spirit that gives Life, quickens it. It's a Spirit.

273 So, you see, they took... Watch what they done. Took the water baptism, from "Jesus Christ," to "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," a title, which is no Name, at all.

274Now, you say, "What difference does it make?" All right. Now, if you're going to give...

275Somebody is going to give you your pay check, Saturday, the--the man that pays you. Instead of putting his name on there, just say, "From--from 'The boss.'" That's what it is. Your pay check, just, "Pay to the order of John Doe, a hundred and fifty dollars, for this week's work. From, 'The boss.'" Put it down, the bank, and see how it bounces back. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, sir. It sure will. Sure.

276 If it don't make a difference, why did Paul command them Christians, praising God and having a lot of joy, and having the great things going on up there, why did he tell them, "You got to come back and be baptized, over again, in the Name of Jesus Christ"? See? Take the Word, say, just stay with It. Don't say nothing different. Just say what It said. See? That's what we're going to be judged by.

277 Now look. That's what they did. Instead of the new Birth, they have a joining. Instead of talking the Word, they have a creed. Show me in the Bible where they ever said "Hail Mary." Show me in the Bible where you Protestants ever quoted Apostles' Creed. Tell me what the Apostles' Creed is, in the Bible, "Communion of saints." They was against it. Tell me in the Bible where they ever had "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" baptism. It's not there. And yet you go for it.

278Now, now, instead of fellowship and brotherhood amongst brothers, they give them a hierarchy, pope. And you got a bishop, tells you what you can do and what you can't. And you Pentecostals has got a district presbyter that tells you you can have it. But the Church has Christ. See?

279 There is where you come. See? They give you those dogmas and man-made things, instead, take It away. What's that cankerworm done? Taken It right off the Tree, and give you this. "I'll run that off the Tree, and I'll give you this, instead. I'll take That off, and give you this." See where you got to?

You say, "Well, Brother Branham!"

280Where did every one, where'd that old Protestant church, come from? Catholic. That's what Revelations 13, or Revelation 17, said she would. Said, "She was a whore, and she was a mother of harlots," same thing. So don't... Pot can't call kettle black, you know, so don't. That just... Don't do it. So, that, that's right.

281 Brotherhood; took away brotherhood. When, we ought to be brothers, one with another. It segregated us and made us different. All right.

282Now watch. Here is a good one. I'll get this one, then I'll stop, on these others. Look.

283 The Bible tells us, when we've done wrong, that we should purge our souls by the Holy Spirit. Get down, let the Holy Spirit reveal to us that you're doing wrong, and there stay before Him till you die out, purging our souls.

284Now, they've turned around, give you a purgatory. After you're dead, then the priest makes a lot of money, to pray you out of purgatory. Why, it's nonsense! That's what the cankerworm done. Sure. "Pray you out of purgatory. Cost so-many hundred dollars to get this soul prayed out of purgatory." I want you to even find "purgatory" in the Bible, anything like it. There's no such a thing in the Bible. No, sir. But they give them a purgatory, see, they, after you're dead. Oh, yes, I know.

285They--they--they say, "Sure!" You hear them say, "Well, Saint Boniface said so-and-so." I don't care what Saint Boniface said. "Well, didn't So-and-so say that her, she prayed for her husband, that great sister, Saint So-and-so?" I don't care what she did.

286 It's unauthoritative word. It's against the authoritative apostles. God give those apostles, to set the Church in order, and It's built upon the Doctrine of the apostles, not upon Saint Boniface or some saint. It's contrary to the Word. I don't care what Saint Boniface said, and what other saints, and other saints, and Saint Susie, and Saint Maria, all those said. It's nonsense. It's no more than any other lie. It's contrary to God's Word. It's a lie. I don't believe unauthoritative words.

287That's the reason I don't believe these Protestant creeds and things. It's Catholic, to the--to the core. It's dogmas. How can you call Catholics, and make fun of them having dogmas, when you're full of it, yourselves? Not so much here, but this is on tape, you understand, see, goes all over the world. Notice. How can you call them wrong, when you take man-made creeds that's contrary to the Bible, dogma, just the same they did? Why? You're in an organization that's a daughter to the old prostitute. What is a prostitute? Some woman that lives untrue to her husband. Claiming to be a Christian church, and giving out wrong doctrine, her own stuff, instead of taking God's holy Word.

288 Just like Eve did, listened to--to the Devil, and cause all death and sorrow that ever struck the earth. Come through Eve, because she committed a spiritual fornication against God, by disbelieving His Word.

289And that's exactly what the churches are doing today, committing spiritual fornications against God's Word. And they won't even have you in the church if you don't agree with their doctrine.

290Well, they sign me letters, "If you'll believe in this, and if you'll say this is right. You'll..."

291I said, "I just won't come." No, sir. I'll preach just what this Bible says, or not at all. See? That's right.

292 Stay on that Word. That's what we got to do, brethren. Stay there. Now we're getting down to the last days, and we know that. The hour is here.

293How we could say! Oh, they say this, that, and the other. But anything that's unauthoritative, don't believe it. I don't care who said it, if anybody.

Here, a sister come to me, not long ago. And said...

294 A--a certain group of men that I preached to, ministers, about the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, where three hundred and something, ministers. Plenty people setting here was at the meeting, where the whole council of the Chicago Ministerial Association met me. The Lord give me a vision, told me where they'd be and what would happen. And I turned right up there, told. We got the tape here if you want to hear it. See? And I... All the bishops, and doctors, and cardinals, and all of them, set there.

295I said, "Any of you that can condemn it, get your Bible and come here." I said, "What you so quiet about?" And nobody said anything. And why? See, they're afraid of that Word. I said, "Then, if you can't, why you picking on me? Hold your peace. Get out, do something. And if you can't back it up with the Word, then keep still."

296 So, then, that same group of men sent a lady down, said, "Brother Branham, if the Angel of the Lord told you." The Angel of the Lord, you know, His--His picture is there, you see. "If the Angel of the Lord told you That, well, we'll believe It."

297I said, "Anybody, that a ministerial group that would be that weak, 'If the Angel of the Lord said.' If that Angel said something contrary to this Word, it wouldn't be the Angel of the Lord."

298The Angel of the Lord will vindicate the Word. That's exactly what He's always done through every age. He still does the same thing. He stays with the Word. And any minister anointed with the Holy Ghost will stay by the same Word, 'cause the Bible said that the entire Bible was wrote by the Holy Ghost.

299And how can you have the Holy Ghost and deny what the Bible says? The very spirit in you, it bears record that it's not from God. See? The cankerworm has been eating, that's all, eating away the true things of God. Yes, sir. Unauthoritative word is contrary to the Doctrine of the apostles. Oh, my!

300 This is the apostolic Doctrine. This is the Bible. This is the Holy Spirit. Every Word in It is true. You just believe and accept It, and don't take down, watch every promise be fulfilled, the manifestation of God present right now.

301If He isn't just as much God now as He was when the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, He wouldn't be God. He isn't the same God that fell on Pentecost, and He is right here today, He isn't the same God. Then, there was no resurrection, if He wasn't. What good does a historical God do to you, if He isn't the same God today? See? What good does it do to send preachers to the seminaries, and hatch them out like incubator chickens, and go around like that, if there is no such a thing as God?

302 What are you doing, take away the Word of God? Where is your authority at? You say, "The church." The church, there's nine hundred and sixty-nine different organizations of them. Which one of them is right? No one would know what to do. You'd be confused. That's right. But God ain't going to judge the people by the church.

303He's going to judge them by Christ, and Christ is the Word. Bible said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." He'd judge the church and the people by the Word, that's right, the living, resurrected Word.

304 Then if that living, resurrected word says anything contrary to this Word here, then it's not the risen, resurrected Word. Because, This, will bear witness of this Truth. He can't say something here, and something else over here.

305I can say something here, and something over there, 'cause I'm a man. You can, too. You can get more knowledge and understanding.

306But, not God; He's infinite. See? He has... The first decision, His first thing He says, has to stand Eternally. It's the same. He cannot say one thing here, and something over here. He's got to say the same thing every time, in order to be God.

307So if the Spirit is on you, is of God, it'll witness this Word is the Truth, every Word of It. And It's the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's what the Bible says. Yes, sir. All right.

Now let's hurry and get the next stage of this little bug.

308 First, he was a palmerworm. What did he eat off of God's Tree? [Someone says, "Fruit."--Ed.] Fruit.

309The next stage he come in? He died in that stage, and come in another stage. What did he do now? He come in this time as a locust, eat all the leaves off. That's the locust habit.

310Now, what's the next thing he done? He come back in another stage, as a cankerworm, and he went into the bark.

311Now, here he comes as a lo-... as a caterpillar, the fourth stage of him. Now he's a caterpillar. What is a caterpillar? He's a sucker; sucks the Life, the Spirit, the Life. That's what he does, gets right down, hold the pulp, and goes to sucking. Caterpillar, here he is. Who we going to call him? Denomination. That's that guy's right name. Why? He's a destroyer; sucks the Life.

312 Every time that God sends a move among His people, every time, and they denominate, right there they die. I want somebody that knows the history of the church, that can condemn that. Show me one time that an organization ever organized, that it didn't die right there. The cankerworm got a hold of it, took its religion away. And then the sucker come along and took the... sucked the Life right out of the Tree.

313What kind of a Life was in It? Holy Spirit. What'd it do? It couldn't hold the Holy Spirit in there and then still have dogmas. The Holy Spirit wouldn't stand for it. So it takes the Holy, the Life out of the Tree, and gives it a dogma, makes a denomination. "We don't care what This says. Our denomination says this." There you are. Remember, after it denominates, it always dies, and never rises again.

314 The first organization was the Catholic; died immediately. Course, it was dogma, to begin with.

315Out of there come the first reformation, was Luther, organized and died.

Next come Wesley; organized, died.

Next come Pentecost; organized and died.

316Presbyterian, Lutheran, all these others, and the--and the Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, and all these organizations that followed along like that, every one died. Look at them. Why? They organize, and that kills them. What'd they do? They take in these dogmas.

317You Nazarenes, a wonderful, the next church to the--the coming up of Pentecost. What was it? You believe in sanctification, but when it come down to the gifts of the Spirit, speaking in tongues and the great powers of God, you called It "devils," and there you died. That's right. Where is she at today? Dead. Oh, she's got more members, but where is she? She's a corpse.

318I seen her, the other night, that's right, the whole thing. Their pastor, laying on top, kissing a corpse, making love to it. Said, "They ain't got no more time, anyhow. This is all of it." So, I'll give it to you, some time, on tape. See? All right.

319 God planted His Tree, to bear spiritual fruit, fruits of the Spirit. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] But what did man? Man always tried to make It an artificial form. He did, back there; he does now. Now, This, let's fire hard now, and quick. Man has always tried to take the spiritual Church and make it an artificial form.

320Luther had a spiritual church. What happened? As soon as Luther died, they made it a form, artificial.

321What did Wesley do? John Wesley, a great man of God! Who would say John Wesley wasn't a man of God? What did he do? As soon as him and John and Charles died, they organized it. When she did, she died. Exactly.

322Same thing down through the age, every time, on every one. They make artificial put-on, good works, biggest congregation, smartest people. "The celebrity of the city wants to join us."

323 That's exactly what's happened to you bunch of Pentecostals too. Exactly right. You, you let down the bars. You got away from the Spirit. You wanted big buildings, and finery, and everything like that. They got dignified pastors. What'd you do? You mothers sent your boys away to some of these seminaries out here, to become pastors. What'd they go to teach them? Theology and all kind of man-made stuff. And where is it today? They come back, a bunch of Rickies and Elvises. That's exactly right. What have you got today? A bunch of tommyrot, "Form of godliness."

324 The Bible said, "In the last days they'd have a form of godliness, but would deny the Power thereof, the Life thereof." Why? The caterpillar sucked It out. Right. The organization taken It away. First Timothy 3, Paul said, "Know this, in the last days, that perilous times shall come. Men will be lovers of their ownselves, proud, boasters, blasphemers, disobedient, unthankful, unholy, without natural affections, incontinent, despisers of those that are good, traitor, high-minded, having a form of godliness and would deny the Power thereof." Caterpillar sucked it out. Cankerworm got onto it, long time ago. We're going to bring that Tree down in a hole, just in a little bit, the Lord willing.

325 "The largest place." Oh, sure. "Well, you know, our church last year accumulated so much." Oh, sure.

326The Catholic beat you by a million miles. Sure did. And even got so much in Russia till they run it out and put, established communism. They did the same thing in Mexico. And they ought to do it all over the world, where she's at. That's right.

327 Don't you never fear communism. Communism is a godless move. But you hear some of these preachers, stand in the pulpit, condemning, "Communism! Communism!" I don't believe in it either. But don't... And tell their church, "Oh, we're all going to be swallowed up. Whole world is going to become communist." That's exactly contrary to God's Word. There's no place in the Bible says that that'll be that way.

328But the Bible says that Romanism, the Catholic church, will swallow the world. Take Daniel and find out. The head of gold, King Nebuchadnezzar, Baylonian kingdom; Medes and Persia succeeded him; the Grecian Empire succeeded that; and Rome went to the end. Them ten toes run in every kingdom under the earth. Don't you...

329 There is an iron curtain. There is a bamboo curtain. There is a purple curtain. Brother, don't you fear none of the rest of them, but watch that purple curtain.

330She is setting right here on the throne, today, in this country. Remember, just like Ahab did, Jezebel behind him. That's... The Bible calls the Catholic church "Jezebel; prostitute." And Ahab wasn't no bad guy. I don't say that Mr. Kennedy isn't a nice man. I don't know nothing about him. He's a man. That's all I know. He's the President. I believe he'll make a good President. It's not him; it's that system behind him. Wait till she gets wormed into the cabinet, and everywhere she can, then watch what happen. Look what it done in other nations. Look what it's always done.

331 And don't the Bible say, in Revelations 13? This nation is number thirteen. It's got thirteen stripes and thirteen stars in the flag. Thirteen stripes in the flag. Thirteen, everything in it is thirteen; thirteen colonies, thirteen everything. And it's found in the 13th chapter of Revelations.

332And the Bible said, that, "She come up like a little lamb," freedom of religion; "two little horns," civil and ecclesiastical. And after while, they united, "And he spoke like the dragon did, and done everything the dragon did before him." And the Bible said, "They made an image unto the beast," the confederation of church, just what they got in right now, here in New York City. And there that great big morgue up there! And all you Methodists, Baptists, and Pentecostals, and every one of you, economical, ecumenical people out here, trying to do such things as that, and selling out your birthrights, to join that bunch of Babylon. What's the matter with you? Sure. Selling your birthrights, like Esau did, for a mess of pottage. That's all you're going to get. That's all.

333 "Formed an image of the beast." Exactly. Don't you fear communism. You fear Catholicism. "Oh," they say, "it would come in with flatteries, like a lamb. But," said, "watch it." Behind it, it's a wolf. It's a sneaker. You watch it. Yes, sir. Cause, it's contrary to the Word. What the Word says has to come to pass.

334Communism ain't doing nothing but playing right in the hands of God. That's exactly. And why they have to do that? God had to permit communism, so that it would made these, His Word, come to pass. Sure. That's... Did you realize that? Did you ever think of that? God has to make His Word come to pass.

335 Look. Where there was four hundred prophets stood out there, before, for Ahab and Jehoshaphat, one day. Jehoshaphat, a righteous man. He said, "But, before we go up to Ramoth-Gilead," said, "oughtn't we to consult the Lord?"

336Ahab said, "Yeah. Sure." See? Jezebel behind it all, you know. Said, "We'll--we'll... I got four hundred prophets here. We'll bring them up."

337All fine people. Brought them up. They all prophesied, said, "Go on up. The Lord is with you."

338That didn't sound right, to this godly man. The king of Israel, or the king of Israel up there.... It didn't sound very right to him. He said, "Isn't there another one?"

339"Four hundred preachers, already in one accord, saying, 'Go up. The Lord has done spoke to us and said, "Go on up."'"

He said, "But there ought to be another one somewhere."

340He said, "I got one, but I hate him." Sure, absolutely. Yeah. Said, "He's always bawling me out. He's always saying evil against me." How could he do anything else, when the Word of God was against him?

341 So they sent and got Micaiah. Micaiah said, "Go on up. Yes. That's right. But I seen Israel scattered like sheep having no shepherd." Then he go out...

342That big preacher walked over, the bishop, and smacked him in the mouth. Said, "Where'd the Spirit of God go when It went out of me?"

343Then he said, "Just wasn't in you, to begin with." So then--so then he said, "You'll find out, one of these days." He said--he said--he said...

344Ahab said, "Put him back in the inner prison. Feed him the bread of sorrow and the--and the water of sorrow." Said, "When I return in peace, I'll deal with this fellow."

345He said, "If you return at all, then the Word of God hasn't spoke to me." Why? Why? He was right with the Word, right with the Word.

346 Any prophecy don't stay with that Word... That's exactly. That's the reason I say today; no matter how good it looks, how many preachers are saying this, that, or the other, "Communism is going to take the world and throw it down." Don't you never try to fight communism. Fight Romanism. For, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. The Lord said Romanism is going to rule, not communism. It's just a puppet.

347 But, you see, he had to do that. The Lord told Micaiah, "I've got to send Ahab out there. Have them preachers to say that, to send Ahab out there, in order to make Elijah's words come to pass."

348God had to let communism raise up. What did it do? They run all these here morgues together, and made a confederation of churches, to join up, to make an image of the beast, just what His Word said would take place. Don't you worry about that. You watch the thing it's forming under. That's... Hum!

349 I guess I'm wearing you out, with--with that. [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] But that's true. I don't know when I can speak to you again. I may never. We don't know. We may never meet again, but I want you to know what's Truth.

350Watch this Word. It is the Truth; not me. This Word, This is It. If my word is contrary to This, then don't you believe me. You believe That. Then, if you say, "Well, we got That, and you are preaching contrary to It," then it's your duty to come to me. Right. It's your duty to come to me. See? Just come, and let's see what's the Word, now.

351 Now, therefore, we find out that it was. It's communism is gathered together. God said, "Gog and Magog, there, will gather together," sure, "to bring about the battle." That's exactly true, 'cause it's going to bring these forces together. It has to come. The Bible said it would.

God planted this Tree, to bear His spiritual fruit.

352 And man has always tried to make it an artificial form, "Having a form of godliness." The largest buildings in the city, sure, millions of dollars! My, goodness! And people preaching Jesus is coming, and spend six and eight million dollars on a building somewhere. And, missionaries, I know missionaries on the field, that's preaching the Gospel, without a pair of shoes on, eating two meals a week. Can you see why, brother, we, what's the matter with people? I don't actually believe they believe that He's coming. Your--your--your words speak... Well, your--your life speaks louder than your words. You... See? And He's...

353 Them little missionaries, where I come up in my meeting like that, no shoes on; little pair of pants tied around him, like that; living out there with fleas, ameba, and bugs, and all kinds of sickness, and everything else out there; little old hands eat up, and eat up with ameba and everything else. Standing there, say, "You Brother Branham?"

I say, "Yes."

Said, "Oh, bless you! I always pray for you."

354I thought, "O God, let that man pray for me. Yes. That's the guy. That's the one."

355"I--I--I read your articles, Brother Branham. You're sure telling the Truth. We're right with you." Oh, brother, that's--that's the boy. That's him; poor little guy.

Hear somebody say, "You know who that is?"

"Oh," said, "he don't belong to our organization."

Said, "Who is he?"

"Why, he ain't with us."

"Well, who is he?"

"Oh, he's--he's independent."

"Oh, he is? Uh-huh. Well, what does he do?"

"Oh, he's got a little work out there. He--he won't join with us."

"Well, I want to know about him."

356 You know, when I was a little boy, hunting apples in the apple orchard, I always found the tree had all the clubs under it, you know. Got clubbed right good and hard, there is where the good apples was.

They say, "Well, he's just a holy-roller."

357You know, you always put the scarecrow where the good tree is at. The Devil does the same thing, to scare you off of It. Don't you worry. Go right on in behind that scarecrow.

358 I watching a groundhog one day, eating butter beans I was planting. Every time I'd plant a row of butter beans, that little guy come out, eat them up. I thought, "I'll scare the life out of him." So I got me a paper sack. And I'm really an artist; you ought to seen me. I drawed what I thought was a scary picture. Oh, it was scary, too, if I drawed it. And I put it on a sack, and put me some butter beans in it, and hung it on a stick. And when the wind would blow, it'd shake like that.

359Out of the hole come a little groundhog, you know. And he'd run down through there, was eating butter beans, and he run right up against this sack. He backed off. He looked at it, looked it over like that. And he went, "whew," jumped at it, and, oh, sack stood still. He looked at it again, you know, looked it all over, again. He looked back and seen them butter beans going on down the row. And they were good, you know. So he looked at scarecrow, on his way. So he walked up, and kept getting a little closer, like that. [Brother Branham pats on something--Ed.] Trying to scare it, and it wouldn't move. Don't worry; it's dead. Oh, that's all them scarecrows are. So he--so he just...

360 What he done, he took his little foot and hit that sack, went rattle, rattle. He jumped back and looked at it, like that. He hit it again, rattle, rattle. That's all it is, just a rattle. Like the Irishman's owl, all fuss and feathers, and no owl, you know. So just hit it like that, and rattle, four or five times like that. You know what he done? Went right around behind the sack and went on eating my butter beans. He knowed more about it, good-er than I did. See? What was it? You see, he wasn't letting the scarecrow stop him. There's something good behind the scarecrow.

361When they say, "Oh, they're holy-rollers," just go right on around behind that scare and go on in. See? Go on and believe it. See? Might be some Holy Spirit there, too, you see. You can't tell. See? All right.

362 Oh, that, let's look at this denominational caterpillar at work. Church natural; Church spiritual. Watch this old caterpillar now, when he denominates it. He's already got the bark eat off, and the fruits eat off of it, and, oh, brother, it's all gone. All the gifts of the Spirit is gone; no Divine healing, no speaking in tongues, no prophecy, no nothing, don't believe in being prophets. They don't believe in these things. They don't know. All, man-made! Everything they got is man-made, artificial. See? All right. The church natural, there is a church natural. That's the one is made up by man. Church spiritual...

363 You know, the Bible says that. Yes, sir. Church natural; and Church spiritual. And the Bible says, "Cast out the bondswoman and her child, Hagar, for she will not be heir with the freewoman and her child." See?

364So, the natural church, that's going to inherit what? The binding of the sheaves, the binding of the bundles, to be burned. "And she will not inherit, be heir, with the freewoman." If the bondwoman is in bondage with her organization children, she will not be heir with the freewoman, because the freewoman's children is going in the Rapture. And the bondswoman's children is going to stand in the Judgment, see, cast out. Yeah. The spiritual... Yes, sir.

365 The caterpillar, denominational Esaues. Now, Esau. There's Esau and Jacob, both of them twins, both of them religious. Esau was a carnal man. He was a good man. He didn't say, well, now... He didn't go out and steal, drink, anything there. He was a religious man. But he thought, "Well, as long as I'm religious, what difference does it make?"

366But, little old Jacob, he didn't care how he had to get it, that birthright is what he wanted. No matter how he got it, just so he got It! If he had to get down at the altar, scream and cry, and boo-hoo and snot. Excuse me. Or, you know, well up in his eye. I didn't mean to say that. And so... Excuse me. So, get down to the altar and cry through till he got It, why, he got It. See? He didn't care how he got It, just so he got It.

367 Some of them says, "I... Brother Branham, them people down there, boo-hooing on that altar, and crying, and crying. I don't want It that way." Well, you won't get It. See?

368The old darkie, colored brother, down in the South, one time, was always happy. His boss said, "What's--what's makes you so happy all the time, boy?"

He said, "I got heartfelt religion."

Said, "There is no such a thing."

369 He said, "He made one mistake. 'As far as you know, there's no such a thing.'" He knowed different. Said, "'As far as you know.' You should have said it that way."

One day, he said, "I want to get some of that heartfelt religion."

He said, "When do you want it?"

Said, "Now."

Said, "Well, let's go get it."

370They went out. He said, "Here is a hayloft. It's nice." And said, "Yeah, my wife won't hear me, and anything out here," said. That's the way people want It, you know; hand It to them, on a platter. Said, "We'll kneel down here."

The old brother said, "You don't get it here."

371Well, so he went down to the stall. He said, "Will we get It here?"

Said, "No."

He said, "We'll go over at the corn crib."

Said, "No."

Said, "Where do you get It?"

372Said, "Follow me." He pulled up his pants' legs, walked out in the pig pen, as hard as he could, in the mud, said, "Come out here. Here is where you get It."

He said, "I don't want to come out there."

Said, "You don't want It yet, boss. You don't want It."

373 You know, Naaman thought that, too. Naaman, Naaman said, "Now, I want to get rid of my leprosy."

374Elijah said, "You go down there to the muddy Jordan, where she empties into the Mediterranean there." Said, "She is muddy as it can be. Dip down there, seven times."

375"Oh," Naaman said, "my, goodness! Aren't the waters better, up around Damascus and up there? Oooh, they're pretty and clear up there." My, we see, other night, on the film here, you know. "Oh," said, "why, why, we don't want to go down there. I can't go down there. And you know who I am? I'm the captain of guard. I'm the general of the host."

376"Well, if you want to get rid of your leprosy, go on down there. But if you want to keep it, go on up there." He said, "Dip."

377And I can see him walking out in that water. Could you imagine? Oh, that hurt his prestige. I can see him, you know, tip-toeing out like this; nose-holding, you know.

378 That's the way some people try to come to Christ. "I'd like to get healed. I'd like to, you know, go to Heaven, but, oh, my, wonder what the rest have to look like?" Uh-huh. You hypocrite. You'll never get It, anyhow. That's right. You'll never get it, anyhow. See? You'll never get It, anyhow. Don't worry. You don't want It enough yet. That's right. You don't want It enough. That's exactly. When you're ready to get It, you'll get It, all right. God will give It to you when you're ready. All right.

379 Now, all, the denominational caterpillars, eaten up the whole thing. Notice each insect, each one of these insects, when he was working on the Tree, he made a way for the other one was going to follow him. Oh, he's a smart guy. Yes, sir. See? He took away the fruits, see, the Spirit, so (what?) he could take the fellowship away, see, the leaves.

380So the other side come along and he made his own living, took the leaves off. What did he do, that? He took the leaves off so there'd be no coolness and freshness, so that other people could see, so he could get into the bark. See?

381He'd get into the bark, and bore into the ridge, and take the Doctrine away from them, see, the very thing that supports the Life.

382And then, as soon as he got holes bored into that, he had the next fellow come along, the old sucker caterpillar, that's took the denomination, and sucked it up and organized it so you can't get It.

383And what did the Life do? Go right down into the roots. That's exactly right. Run It right down in the roots. All right.

384Now, the same insect bored to the heart, till it got to the Life. It kept coming through the fruit, through the leaves, through the bark, until it got right to the heart, the Life line. All right.

385 Now let's look at the destroyer at work, the first. I'm going to have to skip some of this here, I believe; no, I ain't. The--the first thing this fellow did, as soon as he got into the heart of the Tree. Let's watch him, back in his first stage, before he ever got started too good. Let's watch him. Now let's watch him at work. The first thing that he condemned, was to destroy the first real, precious fruit Tree that God had on earth.

386 Now if you can bear with me just a few more minutes. I want you--I want you to get this now. Don't... This is your Easter Message, coming right now.

387 The first thing that he did, he destroyed God's first, precious fruit Tree, Christ. He was that Tree from the garden of Eden. That's right. The first fruit Tree, he destroyed It. First One God planted here on earth, was Christ. He destroyed that Tree that was bearing His fruit. Now, they had all kind of organizations, and he just had that in his hands. But when he come to a Tree that bore the actual fruit, that Roman bug got in There, see, destroyed the Tree.

388The Tree? Yes. Jesus said, "If I do..." In Saint John, "If I do not the works of My Father, or have not the fruits of My Father, don't believe Me." He was bearing the fruit of God. What kind of a fruit did He bear? What kind of fruit?

389Let's watch Him for a few minutes. We've went through it many times. Let's just take a little preliminary one, for the people that's setting here, waiting for a minute, to be prayed for.

390 What was the first thing they knowed, he recognized Him to be the Messiah? When Peter first came to Him, and Andrew had brought him, and He looked at Peter and said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." He knew right then, according to the Scripture, that that was the Messiah. There had been...

391Did you know there had been many raise up before that, according to history, and called themselves Messiahs? But none of them could do this. Cause, the Messiah, Moses said... The Word of God, which cannot fail, was spoke by Moses. He said, "Your Messiah will be a prophet like me."

392And so when this stranger walked up before Jesus, and Jesus said, "Behold, your name is Simon, and you're the son of Jonas," Peter knowed right then Who He was. He knew that was Him.

393 When Nathanael went and got Philip, or... Philip went and got Nathanael, rather, and brought him over there. And Nathanael, a great man, see, great man, religious man. And--and Philip tell him about it, on the road over, what He had done to Simon. And when Nathanael walked up in the Presence of Jesus, what did Jesus say? He said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile."

He said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"

394He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree. I saw you."

395He said, "Rabbi! Rabbi, You are the Son of God. You are the King of Israel." See?

396Why? That's the fruit. "If I do not the works of My Father..." He knowed the very thoughts that was in their hearts.

397A woman touched His garment, one time, went off and sit down in the congregation. Jesus looked around and said, "Who touched Me?" All of them denied it. He looked around, saw her. She had a blood issue. He said, "Your faith has saved you." Oh, my!

That little old Samaritan woman...

398 Now remember, He never went to the Gentiles, like that. No, sir. He told His disciples not to go to them. That's us. This is our day. He went in form of the Holy Spirit, to us, as He said He would be.

399But when He went to them, what happened? When He went to the Samaritan woman, the woman said... He said to her, "Bring Me a drink."

400And she said, "It's not customary for You, being a Jew, to ask me, a Samaritan."

401Had segregation by their colors and so forth. He let them know right then, there were no differences, all come off the same tree. We're all sons and daughters of God. We're all, see. And He said...

402She said, "Well, we worship. Our father, Jacob..." See, and that was the Jews' father, too. See? "Our father, Jacob, dug this well, and You say you're greater than he?"

403 And He said, "The waters that I give you is everlasting Life." See? He said...

"We, well, we worship in this mountain, and You in Jerusalem."

He said, "Go get your husband and come here. This'll settle it."

She said, "I don't have any husband."

404Said, "You said right." Said, "You've had five, and the one you got now is not your husband."

405She said, "Sir, You know, it's been four hundred years since we had a prophet, but You must be a prophet. How did You know that I had five husbands?" She said, "Now, we know that the... It's time for the Messiah to be here, which is called, 'the Christ.' And when He comes, He will tell us these kind of things." Oh, there is His fruits.

He said, "I am He."

406She left the pot, the old water pot of organization. Into the city she went. No matter how much well, Jacob had, she had found a new Spring. Into the city she went, said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the thing I done. Isn't This the very Messiah? Isn't This the fruit? Isn't This the evidence that That is the Messiah?"

407 The Jews couldn't understand It. They said, "He's a fortuneteller, Beelzebub."

408Jesus said, "I forgive you, you. But, sometime, the Holy Ghost is coming, do the same thing; and, you speak against That, it'll never be forgiven you." See?

409Now, "If I do not the works of My Father, believe... don't believe Me." But that fruit Tree was bearing the fruits.

410Now what? What did He say? Then what--what kind of a Church did He set up? Now, you Catholics that want to say that Jesus set up a church, what kind of Church did He set up?

411 Did He ever mention a denomination, a creed? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] He was always against it. Said, "You whited walls. You dead men's bones." He called them everything that He could call them. That's right. He was against it. That was the fruit of God. Now, you can make two and two, four, if you want to. All right. He was against the thing, organization, against their theories. Called them, "Hypocrites, snakes in the grass," and said they were "devils." He said, "You are of your father, the Devil, and his works you'll do. Which one of your fathers didn't persecute the prophets I sent before Me?" See? Said, "Then you build their tombs." Said, "You're the ones that's put them in there." Oh, brother, He didn't pull no punches with them. That's right.

412 That was the fruit of God. What was it? Stay with the Word of God, make the Word of God manifest.

413He said, otherwise, "What did the Scriptures say I the Messiah would do when I come. Now, if I don't bear that fruit of that Word, then I'm not the Messiah. But if I bear the fruit of that Word that the Messiah was supposed to do, then I am Him." Amen. "Now, which one of you can condemn Me of sin," He said. There you are. "Which one of your organizations does this same thing?" There you are. "The Messiah was supposed to do this. The Messiah is supposed to be a prophet. Now let's see some of you all," He said, "with all your highfaluting ideas, let's see you do it." Now, they was silent. All right.What was it? He bore the fruit of God. The Holy Spirit was in Him. He bore God's fruit. What was He? He...

414Now listen close. I'll hurry as quick as I can, so I won't delay you from your Easter dinner. Look. But, your--your Easter dinner should be the resurrection. See?

415 But what? He was God's perfect Prophet Tree, the example Tree, the Bridegroom Tree. Amen. Glory! Going to say something, directly. If... He is the Bridegroom Tree. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] From the garden of Eden? ["Amen."] Then, the Bridegroom Tree, without the Female, don't bear fruit, so He's got to have a Bride Tree. She has got to be born of the same material, the Word made flesh in the Tree. Hope you get it. It's the same Life in this female Tree, the Bridegroom, as It is in the Bride. "The works that I do shall you also." Is that right? ["Amen."] He was the Bridegroom, remember.

416 You say, "That ain't Scriptural." Oh, it is. I caught that now. See? We're fixing to have a healing meeting in a minute. I caught that. He was.

417You want proof of it? He said, "I am the Vine. Ye are the branches." Saint John said it, see, "I am the Vine. You are the branches; you bear the fruit." See? And the male tree and the female tree produces the pollen, one to the other, brings the fruit. And the branch and the vine does the same thing. See? That's exactly right. So He said, now.

418 This first Tree was a Prophet Tree, a perfect Tree, the God of the prophets. He was the major Tree. He was God's perfect, proper Prophet Tree. Why? He was the Word. Now, the others was minor prophets. "The Word came to the prophets." But He was the Word, Himself, in form of a Prophet. Amen.

419 Now we're getting somewhere. Now listen real close. Don't miss this now. It was so good, I just wrote it out down here. See? Amen.

420[An automobile horn is heard--Ed.] Somebody shouting out, making their horn shout, out there. Just--just, oh, hope you're having a good time out there. We are, in here. All right.

421 Now, He was God's Prophet Tree. Why? He preached all the perfect Word of God, for He was the Word of God made manifest. He was the perfect Prophet Tree that preached the perfect Prophet Word, that brought forth the perfect Prophet fruit by the perfect Word of God. Oh, brother, talk about a Tree! A Tree, He was that Life Tree that the Angel kept Eve and Adam away from, with a guarding Cherubims, away from that Tree. Now the same Cherubims is trying to run them into It, 'cause there's been a way made for them. See? Now they're pulling back; oh, human beings. Uh!

Now, preached all the Word, He didn't cut here or there.

422 When Satan come to Him, that great theologian, and said, "It is written..."

Jesus said, "Yes, and it's also written..." Uh-huh.

"But it's written..."

He said, "And it's also written..."

423 Perfect Prophet Tree preaching perfect Prophet's Word, with perfect Prophet signs, perfect Prophet results, perfect fruits of the Spirit.

424And for a mockery... I'm--I'm going to go through this pretty fast now. Cause, for a mockery, they hanged Him on... He was the Word, you know. They hanged Him, the Word Tree; the Word Tree, hung Him on a man-made Roman tree. Hum! Brother, I hope that got home. Him, being God's perfect spiritual Tree, they hung Him on a man-made Roman tree. Amen.

425Same now. They're trying to take God's perfect Tree, the Word, and mix It, and hang It up yonder on some kind of a creed. Death and Life won't mix. Jesus never did tend a funeral service; He would raise the dead. Why? Death and Life cannot stay together. They're contrary, one to the other. He didn't preach no funerals. He just raised them up. Amen. Yes. Why? Life; and death.

426 Now look. They hanged Him on a tree. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "Cursed is he that hangs on a tree." Is that right? ["Amen."] The Bible said, "Cursed is he that hangs on any man-made tree."

427So if, today, you are trying to hang on some kind of a man-made tree, turn loose of it. And don't let it hang you there, either. Cause, that's the place for the dead, some man-made Luther, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal organization, that's right, some man-made tree. Don't hang there. Don't let it hang you there, either. They'll hang you there if they can, till all the Life is gone out of you, till you recognize their doctrine. That's right.

428 But that's where they hung this perfect Tree. God's perfect fruit Tree hung on a man-made Roman tree. That's it. It was a curse to hang on any man-made tree. What? To rid Him out of their sight, after He had bore all the fruits.

429After Mary Magdalene, said the history, run before them and said, "What has He done? What evil did He do?" She stopped the procession, said, "What did He do was evil? Has He done nothing but preach the Gospel to the poor? Has He done nothing but heal the sick, raise up the dead? And the very signs of the living God is in Him. How could you condemn Him?"

430And they slapped her in the mouth, and said, "Would you listen to that ill-famed woman instead of your priest," there you are, "your bishop?" Uh-huh. There you are. Same thing today. That's right. Uh-huh. Yes.

431 Now, when He done all this, and proved Himself, what He was, and put it down to them and said, "If I'm not He, then who are you? If you can condemn Me of sin, if I'm anywhere wrong in the Word, you show Me. Now let Me show you where you're wrong." See? Sin is "unbelief." We know that.

432Now, to rid Him out of their sight! They hated Him so bad, because He tore up all their organizations. To rid Him out of their sight, they buried Him. And rolled a great big denominational stone over the door, so He'd be sure not to rise again. See? Oh, my!

433Think of that perfect Tree! David looked back and saw It. He said, "It's standing by the rivers of Water. He bringeth forth His leaves in its season. And His fruit, it shall not be cast. It, it won't wither. Whatsoever He doeth shall prosper." He was the Son of prosperity.

434Joseph was a type of Him. He was the Antitype of Joseph. And where Joseph went, it prospered.

435Same thing with Jesus, His Word. "My Word will prosper, and It won't return to Me void. It'll accomplish that which I purposed It for." See? He was the Word. The Word was sent to the earth, by God, and It will accomplish exactly what God sent It for.

436Now, listen close now. This gets rich, with cream on top of it. Now notice.

437 Here He comes, now, and they... for that very works of God, when He stood there and asked them. Said, "If I don't do the works that God said I should do, then I'm not Him; don't believe Me. But if I do it, then you believe the works. If you can't believe Me, being a Man doing this, then believe the works I do. They testify of Me. They speak louder than My voice could speak." That's right.

And the same thing would apply any time. Yes, sir. Sure would.

438Now notice. "If I don't do the works of My Father, then don't; believe Me not, believe Me not. Then, if I do the works, believe Me."

439Then what did they do? Took that precious Tree, cut It down, hanged It on a man-made tree. That's right, cut the Life out of It, and hanged upon a man-made tree, for a mockery.

440 Then, they didn't like it. Too many people standing there, crying about It, so they took Him off. They said, "We'll make our denomination so tight that they'll never get them holy-rollers in here." So they scoot Him back in a hole of Joseph of Arimathaea, and they rolled a great big stone. Took a century of men to roll it up there.

441Did you ever see--see, the other night, in the picture, the big path they rolled the stone up on? Weighs tons.

442Rolled their big organization stone up there, so He could not raise up. But did that hold Him? No.

443"But I will restore, saith the Lord." Let's hit that text now, and drive it. "I will restore, saith the Lord. I'll restore Him in three days. I'll raise Him back up again." They couldn't hide Him in that rock. They couldn't hide Him out of their sight. They couldn't get Him off the hand. "I will restore Him, saith the Lord." And in three days He rose up, restored back.

444 After Easter, His raising, He said, "Go into all the world, and I'm going to go with you. As the living Father has sent Me, and He's in Me, so I send you and will be in you. I'm with you, to the end of the world. The works, the same thing that I done, to prove that I was, you'll do the same things to prove that you are." I like that.

445"These signs shall follow them that are believers," not make-believers, but believers. See? "These things that I do, you will do it and vindicate that you're a believer. Just the same as the work that I done, because the living Father lives in Me. It ain't Me that doeth the work; it's My Father. And it won't be you doing the works; it would be Me in you, doing the works." See? "Now, you go into all the world."

446 Otherwise, "You're going to form what's known, to Me, as a Bride." See? All right. "I'll go with you. And I... You will be part of Me. You'll be My Bride. My Life will be in your Body. Just like a husband and wife is one person, you and I are going to be One. At that day you'll know that I am in the Father, the Father in Me; and I in you, and you in Me." Oh! I just love that. Satan just gets so angry at that. See the oneness of God? All that God was, He poured into Christ; and all Christ was, He poured into the Church. There you are. Makes them all One.

447Now look. Now, the Bride are one Tree of Life. Other words, like husband and wife is one, Christ and His Bride are One: same thing, same Spirit, same works, same signs, everything else. "For the works that I do shall you do also." How long? "All the world." How much? "To every creature." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Oh, listen close now, going to fire a magnum.

448 The Roman caterpillar started eating on that Bride Tree until it took It plumb to the roots. The same Roman tree that... What kind of a tree did cut Christ down? [Congregation says, "Roman."--Ed.] What kind of a tree that cut Christ's Bride down? ["Roman."] How? By substituting something besides the Word. So, you see, the Protestant church that don't take the Word of God is a daughter to the Roman church. God never, at any time, organized the church. The Roman Catholic church was the first organization. And every one of them are daughters, to her, that organize.

449 They die with her. The Bible said, that, "He would burn her children with fire." How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Bible said so. Well, the Bible said that the wheat and the tare-ers would grow together until the last day, then He would bind the tare-ers (that right?), first, and burn them. ["Amen."] And the wheat would go to the garner. Is that right? ["Amen."] The tare-ers are binding themselves together in organization, Confederation of Churches, for the atomic burning. Exactly right. But the Church is getting ready to go to the garner, just as sure as the world, in the Rapture, for the freewoman won't be heir with the bondwoman. Oooh, Brother Anthony!

Oh, we're watching for the coming of that glad Millennium day,

When our blessed Lord shall come and catch His waiting Bride away;

Oh, my soul is filled with rapture, as I labor, watch and pray,

For our Lord is coming back to earth again.

450Hallelujah! Yes, sir. Oh, He will burn the tare-ers. And the wheat, He will take to the garner.

451 Roman caterpillar started eating on that Tree, in the days of Paul. He said, "I am persuaded," Scripture here, "that, after my departing, men will raise up among you, brethren, like sheep skins over them, wolf inside, and will draw away many after them. For the spirit of antichrist, that you heard that was to come into the world, is already in the world now, working in the children of" (what?) "disobedient." Disobedient to (what?) the Word. There you are. Organization begin starting.

452You see what I mean, friends? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All that see that, say, "Amen." ["Amen."]

453Beginning to eat! What'd it do? That old caterpillar started, that old cankerworm. That, Joel saw it.

Listen now. We're coming down close to the end.

454Joel saw it. He said, "What the palmerworm left, did the locust eat; what the locust eat, then the cankerworm got; what the cankerworm left, why, the caterpillar got it." That's what he said. And that's exactly. That's the Tree of God. The Tree, he cut It down, that cankerworm. All right.

455 The Roman caterpillar started eating on that Bride Tree and took It all the way to the roots. Cut It all the way back, everything! Cut the Tree right off, like he did Christ Jesus, the Bridegroom. Cut the Bride right down, and started out in creeds and denominations. Same old bug! But what? Huh! Oh, glory! But in Its roots was the predestinated Seed, the Royal Seed of Abraham. It could not die. The Word was in the roots of the promise, "I will restore, saith the Lord." What? "All the years that the caterpillar cut off, all that the locust eaten, all that all the rest the bugs eat up, I will restore It back, saith the Lord."

456 Now compare this with last Sunday, and Sunday before, these Messages now. Listen close now, as you come to the closing. Watch.

457"I will restore, saith the Lord, all that the bugs eat off. I'll bring every bit of It right back again."

458Now set quiet if you can, for a few minutes, and listen close. Get ready. And pray with all your heart, for God to reveal It to you.

459 So, God's promise begin to restore, for God said He would restore It. Just the same as He raised up that Bride Tree, Bridegroom Tree, He will raise up the Bride Tree, 'cause there's going to be One right yonder, sure as the world. What now? All right. So God's promise begin, "I will restore, saith the Lord, all that the locust eat, caterpillar."

Like in the first time, when He built that first Church.

460I'm going to get you some Doctrines now. If you don't want to believe It, all right. But you just... You better search It, first. See? Notice.

How did He grow that Tree, in the first place? Oh, my!

461This does me so good. I know I don't sound much like a minister, standing here like this, but I--I--I love what I'm talking about. See?

462 And now notice. Like the first time, when He started that first Church that the Roman caterpillar eat off, and cankerworm, so forth, He started out with justification by faith. John the Baptist.

463In Saint John, the 13th or... The 17th chapter, 17th verse, Jesus said, "Sanctify them, Father, through the Truth. Thy Word is Truth." Second work was sanctification, to the Church. After justification was sanctification.

464And after they were sanctified, He asked them to tarry in the city of Jerusalem, Luke 24:49, until they were endued with power from on High. And there He gave birth to the Tree, the Holy Ghost, Pentecost; justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost.

465And then Christ come to dwell in It, to bring forth the fruits. Amen. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

John preached justification.

466 Now look. In the... That constitutes the natural birth, when a woman is giving birth to a baby. Listen to this. What's the first thing happens to a woman, what breaks forth? Is, first, is water. "Repent and be baptized, in Name of Jesus Christ," justification. What's the second thing happens to the woman? Blood. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Blood; sanctification. Then what's the next thing? Life. Water, blood, spirit.

467Saint John, or First John 5:7, 7:5, rather, I believe it is. Said:

... there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word (which is the Son), and the Holy Ghost:... these three are one.

And there are three that bear record in earth, the water, the blood, and the Spirit; and they are not one, but agree in one.

468 You can't have the Father without having the Son; you can't have the Son without having the Holy Ghost. But you can be justified without being sanctified; you can be sanctified without having the Holy Ghost.

469What about that, Nazarene brother? They had been sanctified by Jesus Christ, a year and six months before the Holy Ghost ever come. Is that right? They were sanctified by Jesus Christ.

470 Now, as He brought forth the first Bride Tree that the locust and palmerworm has eat down, He is restoring the second Tree, bringing It up from them predestinated roots that cannot die. They're standing by the rivers. It's living in this waters. It couldn't show Itself, but It's there, anyhow.

471Now it's starting, notice, the same insect; as He restores back the same thing by the same way.

472The first, when that Tree started to come forth out of Catholicism, was Martin Luther, who preached justification. The second angel was John Wesley, who preached sanctification. Luther preached justification, "Just shall live by faith." Wesley preached sanctification, second definite work of grace. And then come the Holy Ghost. Just as He built the Tree up, the first time, here He is restoring again, in the same matter, the second time. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See that?

473 Notice. The same insect, that little rascal, the same insect that started and killed the Tree in the beginning, started right back at them Lutheran branches, but (what?) it can't kill It. It can't kill It, because God has done said, "I will restore." That insect started on Luther, to kill all the Lutheran branches. It come right over to Wesley, and killed all the Wesley branches. But the main part of the Tree keeps coming.

474Now notice. In the old time, when the Tree was killed, It was killed, went plumb to the roots when it killed It back there. But this time, because the Word is predestinated, there is nothing going to stop It. God said, "I will restore. No matter how much they organize, how much they do this, that, or the other, I'm going to restore It." That settles it. All the laughing, making fun, scoffing, calling "holy-rollers, nonsense," everything you want to. God still said, "I will restore, saith the Lord." Just as sure as He raised Jesus out of the grave, under three days, under three dispensations, or three sections, He is going to raise the Church to Its fulness and power again. "I will restore, saith the Lord."

475 What happened? That old caterpillar started eating and having the same kind of effects that he did, but (what did he do?) he only got the Lutheran branches. He never got the Spirit behind there, that Luther had, for It lived right on. Then, along come Wesley. And after Wesley died, that great prophet, after Wesley died, (what'd they do?) they organized, and all the branches died, but (what did He do?) the Church lived right on, come right on into Pentecost. When they organized, (what happened?) the branches died, but (what?) the Church goes right on.

476 What? The same thing Pentecostal did, the same old Catholic denominational creed that took It in the first place, to destroy the Tree in the--the Bride Tree, in the first place, is the same old tactics that the Devil did on this second Tree, but (what?) God predestinated It. She has got to go on, regardless. If it all... If it wouldn't been, when Luther organized, that would have settled it right there; it all went back just like another; it'd been second Catholic church, Roman Catholic church. See?

477But, God was determined to. He has done spoke His Word. His law will see that It comes to pass. No matter how many late frosts It has, It's going to live, anyhow. We might have cold spells and denominational difference, and everything, but that Tree is going to live just as sure as there's a living God to make It live. Yes, sir. He said, "I will restore It."

478 I know we got some late spring, late season of Easter coming. "The Lord is tarrying His Coming," they say, everything like that. And the cold winds killed a lot of them denominational branches, but it can't kill that Life that's predestinated.

479"Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not." "All that He foreknew, He called; those who He called, He has justified; those who He had justified, He has already glorified." Hallelujah! It's written in the Book, the Lamb's Book of Life, and cannot die.

480 All the--all the bugs that hell can turn loose on Her will never stop Her. No communism, Catholicism, no nothing else will stop It. "I will restore, saith the Lord." All the man-made Roman trees will never hang in there. All the graves will never keep It there. All the big denominational stones laying at the door will never keep It in there. "I will restore, saith the Lord. There will be an Easter. I'll bring forth that same Church in Its same power. I'll bring that Bride out just like She was back there, with the same signs, the same fruit, the same thing that they did. I'll bring Her back again. I will restore, saith the Lord," (what?) "restore all that the denominationals eat off, restore all the organization eat off. I will restore, saith the Lord, all of it."

481 Now you say, "What about them things that went off, in denomination?"

482God is the good Husbandman. He pruned the Tree, that was all, cut off all the dead limbs. What's He going to do? Burn them, up there. Exact. God is the Husbandman of the--of this Tree. He takes care of It. He watches over His Heritage. He... What is His Heritage? His Own Word. He watches over His Word, to confirm It; to watch It; see where He can get. He's going to restore. So when these churches begin to organize, and things like that, He just prunes them off, and the Church goes on.

483When--when the Lutheran said, "We're going to become an organization. We'll be as big as the Catholic." All right. He just pruned off the branch. And Wesley took It right on, raised up another prophet. Then, soon as Wesley did it... Well, Wesley died, the great prophet. What did he... Organize it. On come Pentecost. Soon as she died, He pruned that off. It's raising right on up. See? He's going to restore.

484 Where does the fruits grow? It don't start down here on the bottom. It starts in the top. Where does the sun hit the Tree first? Ah, glory! In the evening Light, the top of the Tree. Amen. Not down on the bottom branches, but up there in the top of the Tree is where the fruit ripens at. Amen.

Do you love Him? Amen.

Will you serve Him? Amen.

Do you believe Him? Amen.

I sure do believe Him, with all my heart.

485 Now, what is it? He's going to prune off them old dead vines as she comes up, all those organization vines, till She gets right up in the top of the Tree. There is where He's going to get His fruit. Now notice. God prunes her. All right. They are dead, and won't come into the--the Presence of God, won't come in the first resurrection. But be with... The Vine fruit of the original organiza-... Vine of God. They'll go into the organizational group, but they won't come with the fruit of the Vine.

486 Now look. God never did put out an organization. The church puts the grafts in, an organization, and God cuts it off, cuts off its lifeline. It bears organizational fruit.

487 But if that Vine put forth a branch that come out of the Vine, It'll bear the same as That did. So, you see, the first one was. And Rome sent their beetles over there and eat It off, but God is going to grow One so high that it can't touch It. It's going to come on up. Amen. I... Let's go. The Tree goes from one place to another, from one dispensation to another dispensation. From Luther, It went to Wesley; from Wesley, to Pentecost; from Pentecost, It goes to the Word.

488It is Easter again for the true believers of His never-failing Word. It's Easter. It's a resurrection. God has got people everywhere. It's Easter for them. Why? They have risen, amen, risen from those creeds and denomination. Come right up through them. It's Easter again. The Royal Seed has been hid in the roots, the Word, hid back here in this Word, for years, and years, and years, and just now begin to be revealed. It's Easter time. Predestinated from the foundation of the world, this Church is begin to stand. Notice how that God predestinated, in the beginning. I got...

Well, I'm going to say it, anyhow. All right.

489 Notice here, that, to restore the first perfect Tree in three days after Its death. After the first Tree's death, He restored it in three days. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Restored it back! Now the Bride Tree is also going to be restored in three ages, three stages, rather. Three stages, It'll be restored. Now look. What? Justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost; one, two, three.

490 Now notice. After three days, the first Tree restored as at the beginning, having the same signs, same wonders. Jesus come back, the same Jesus, doing the same thing. At the end of the third day, the signs appeared, not at the end of the first day. Oh, brother! I hope you're getting it. At the third day is when the real manifestation of Christ was made known, at the end of the third day. See? Notice. Are you getting it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

491Not at the first day, dead form; second day, there was a rumor, see, or... The second day, it was still dead; Luther, Wesley. At the beginning of the third day, there was a rumor around. All right. Nothing on the first day, Luther; nothing on the second day. And in the third day, the dispensation of the Holy Spirit, there was a rumor around, that, "He was the same yesterday, today, and forever."

492But at the end of the third day, that's where He made Himself known, come right among them, come among His people and said, "Look at Me. I'm the same One."

493 The dead forms went on till they got to Pentecost, then begin to rumor around, that, "He was."

494Now, here in the last day, here He is right among us, moving right among us. At the end of the third day, He appeared and showed all them His resurrection sign, that He was a living, the same yesterday, today, and forever, living fruits of His Presence. Living fruits of His Presence! Are you getting it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Was manifested at the very end of the day, when He appeared to all of them, His Church. Amen. Why? They all got together, oh, amen, at the end of the third day.

495 "The evening Lights," the Bible said, "would shine in the last days." The evening Light is the same Light in the West, that was the same Light that was in the East. And the same Light that shined in the East, that brought forth the first Church that the Romans cut down by their--their pagan worship and so forth, in the evening Light is the same Light. Now notice, the same Light!

496And what's the evening Light come out for? What is the evening Light for? To restore. Whew! You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The evening Light is for the same purpose the morning Light was for, to restore what was cut down by the Dark Ages, through Rome. God is going to restore, by shining forth the evening Light, (what?) restore the whole Word of God again, the full manifestation of Christ in His Church. Everything that He did, just exactly the way He did, it would be again in the evening Light. See what I mean? Oh, is that wonderful? ["Amen."] And know we're living right here to see It now, the evening Light, exactly according to prophecy. The evening Light come out to restore what? To restore what the bugs had eat up.

497 It started growing, and then what'd it do? It denominated, so God pruned them off, bound them up, laid them back, let them go ahead and organize. Then the next one come up; He bound them up, laid them off. Tree went on. Then He bound them up, laid them off, said, "Now, one of these days they'll be burned." Bind them up in their organization.

498But then what? Right in top of the Tree is where the fruit ripens first, that's right, right in top of the Tree. So it's the top of the Tree, here, that sees the evening Light.

499 Now, Noah had three rooms in his ark. One room was for the creeping things. See? The second room was for the fowls. But the top room was where the light was. The light that shined, first, never come on the first floor, second floor, but on the top floor.

500The tree don't bear its fruit first at the bottom, second, like that. It was all pruned off, in organization.

501But it's in the top part, where, "I will restore, saith the Lord. I'll send forth the evening Light. It'll bring back, bring back the Word, making It manifest. I will restore all that I promised. All that I promised, the same Holy Spirit will bring, bear the same signs. I'll have an Easter, a resurrection for the Bride, the same as I had for the Bridegroom." See? Evening Lights come out to shine, same as in the morning, same signs, same things. The same Light will produce the same fruit that they had there, if It's shining on the same Tree. Amen. Proves His Word now fulfilled, "I will restore, saith the Lord."

502 Now listen closely. Now, there was... Listen now. Don't miss This now. There was four death messengers.

503Or, would you rather we just close? Would you rather...?... this morning? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.]

504Listen real close now. Look. There was four. Four death messengers killed that Tree. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What was it? Palmerworm, locust, cankerworm, caterpillar. Is that right? ["Amen."] Four messengers of Roman devils, dogmas, killed that Tree. One took Its fruit; one took Its bark... or took Its leaves; one took Its bark; one took the Life. Is that right? ["Amen."] Four messengers of dogmas killed the Tree, all but the roots.

505 And if four messengers of death killed the Tree, four messengers of Life restores the Tree. Do you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen. For God said, "I will restore It." He's going to restore It. How? By four death messengers, killed It, then four Life messengers will restore It. What was the first? Martin Luther, justification. What was the second? John Wesley, by sanctification. What was the third? Pentecost, with the restoration of the gifts, the Holy Ghost, baptism of the Holy Ghost. What was the fourth? The Word. What? The Word. There were four great prophets.

506 One of them, Martin Luther, he began to shine a Light. There was a little Light, just a very small strength, of justification.

Along came Wesley, stronger, sanctification.

507After Wesley, come the stronger than him, pentecostal, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, in another great prophet. See?

508But in the last days, of Malachi 4, Elijah is to come with the very Word. "The Word of the Lord came to the prophet." In the evening Lights, is to come forth, to restore and bring back. What? "Turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith of God." Fourth Light!

509 Four killers took It. Four messengers destroyed It. Four messengers of death took It away, in dogmas.

Four messengers of righteousness restore Her back again.

510"Prophesy, son of man. Can these bones live?" Wish we had time. I got it wrote down here, but I have to miss that. "Prophesy. Can these bones live?" What's the four stages of that coming forth of that Church? What's the four stages of Ezekiel's dry bones coming forth? But the Life only come, not when the sinew skin was on them, but when the wind blowed upon them. That's when come back that fourth Message of Life.

511 "I will restore, saith the Lord." Hallelujah! Glory! Praise be to God. The fourth Light is to come, that will bring forth the same signs. Watch. Justification brought back the pulp.

Sanctification brought back the bark, doctrine of holiness.

512What brought back the leaf? Pentecostals. What is it? Pentecostals, leaves, clap their hand, joy, rejoicing, pentecostal.

513What? The fourth was the Word, Itself. The Word made flesh, fruits of the proof of the resurrection sign that Christ has finally, after justification been planted, sanctification been planted, baptism of the Holy Ghost. Organizations died out. And Christ has again centered Himself like that cap of the pyramid. First line, justification; sanctification; baptism of the Holy Ghost; then coming of the Cap.

514 What is it? That Holy Ghost bunch being honed out so that it can fit with the same kind of ministry He had when He went away, that, when He comes back, it'll catch the whole thing in the Rapture, where the justified, sanctified, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That pyramid will stand again. The House of God will live again. The Tree of Life is growing again.

Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,

The signs that the prophets foretold;

Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own."

The Day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near.

False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God. Amen.

But we'll walk where the apostles have trod.

For the Day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear, (atomics and everything else);

But be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near.

515 Amen. Restore all the signs! The sign of Lot at the end time. We've went through that. How that Lot... This Angel, of Jehovah made flesh among the people, set with His back turned to the tent and said, "Where is Sarah, thy wife?"

"In the tent behind You."

516He said, "I'm going to visit you." And Sarah laughed. He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" Her in the tent. Amen.

517 Jesus said it'll be the same thing at the Coming. Oh, then the evening Light, of Malachi 4, come shining through the darkness, amen, to bring the evening Light on the predestinated Word. Hallelujah! What's that fourth Message to be? What's that fourth messenger? To shine the Light on the Word. The Word is predestinated. It has to come forth. Something has to do it, for God said, "I will restore, saith the Lord. I will restore." Right. The evening Lights come shining through, on that predestinated Word. Yes, sir.

Oh, it shall be Light in the evening time,

The path to Glory you will surely find;

In the water way, is the Light today,

Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.

Young and old, repent of all your sins;

The Holy Ghost will surely enter in;

For the evening Lights have come,

It is a fact that God and Christ are One.

518 There They are, One, together; One, in us. The same signs human beings can't do, is manifesting themselves, comes out, the Word, to bring forth the predestinated Word of God, out of the roots of the Tree back yonder, that all the denominations that refused, and refused, and refused. But there will come a Light forth. There will come a Light, will rise.

519Whereabouts, over in Jerusalem? No, sir. Evening Lights will not rise in Jerusalem. The evening Lights goes (where?) in the West. They had their day and refused It.

520 But the evening Light shall rise in the West, (what for?) to shine upon the Word, (what?) to ripen the fruit, bring forth the Bride Tree with the same signs, wonders, and fruits that they had at the beginning. "It shall be Light in the evening time." Right. Oh! The Word will then bring forth Its fruit in Its season. "It shall not wither, but It'll bring forth Its fruit," David said, "in Its seasons," amen, same fruit It had at the beginning.

521Now with His Word in His predestinated stage as He's got It now, and we see these Words all being manifested. What is it? It's a perfect vindication that the Coming of the Lord is at hand, and the time when He said, "I will restore, saith the Lord, all that them cankerworms, all that the Methodists left, all that the caterpillar has eaten, all that this done after they stripped It down. But I will restore, in the evening time." Oh, my! Whew!

I believe I could almost preach now, honest.

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Because He first loved me.

I'll never forsake Him,

I'll never forsake Him,

I'll never forsake Him,

Because He first loved me.

522Amen. Don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I just love Him with all my heart. Shall we have a prayer line? ["Amen."]

523 Father, God, into Your hands I--I commend this Message. Though It's been chopped up, some way I pray that the Holy Spirit will go with It on these tapes, and across the nations. If I shall be taken from the earth, may This live, Lord. It's Your Word. Let the evening Light shine, Lord, bring forth this glorious Bride of Christ. Bless It, Lord. May It not return to You void. May It accomplish that which It was been purposed for. Grant it, Father. All praises shall be Thine.

524Now, we know, Father, no matter what we would say, it's still Word and we believe It. But we would desire Thee, Lord, on this Easter morning, that Thou would prove to this congregation, maybe some here for their first time, that You are still Jesus, that You're not a dead form, that You are a living, resurrected God, that You live among us today. Grant that, Father, and we'll praise Thee, through Jesus' Name. Amen.

525 How many in here is sick? Let's see your hands. Just raise up your hand. Oh, did...

526Is Billy Paul... Did he get... I believe he give our prayer cards. Didn't he? [Some brethren say, "Yes."--Ed.] What were they? ["E, one to a hundred."] E, one to a hundred. We can't take them all, but let's get a few of them. Just stand right along here, if you will.

527Who has got number one? Let's see number one. E, number one, raise up your hand. Prayer card; look on your card. If you are able to get up, all right. Number one.

528Well, are you sure you got the right one? All right. All right. Let's go, start somewhere. [Brother Neville says, "It's over there."--Ed.] Oh, well, okay. If you got it, we'll start there, then. Okay.

529Number one, make your way right around here, if you can walk. If you can't, well, we'll pack it. See? All right. Number one.

530Number two. Raise your hand, right quick now. Number two, come right here.

Number three. Right here, sir.

Number four, number four.

531Number five. Now, everybody just be seated just for a few minutes. Number five.

532Number six. Raise your hand right quick. Number six. Six, six, let me see it, please. Somebody is pointing their hand. I don't... Oh, from... He's back in the room there. All right. Number six. All right. Just a moment now.

Seven, seven. All right, the lady back there. Eight.

533Now, if everybody just keep your... Please, just a moment now. Just real quiet now. Now this is going to be the proof. This is the proof.

534 Six, seven. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. You go on up there. All right. Seven. All right, sir, that's fine.

535Eight. [Brother Neville says, "She is eight."--Ed.] Eight, eight. All right, brother. Eight, nine, ten. Ten, eleven, twelve.

536Well, you seem like you quit coming. Well, we'll start there. That's all right. Maybe in a few minutes... All right.

Let's pray now.

537Father, God, just a word from You will mean so much. Let--let--let the people see, Lord. If I... I've tried to be honest, tried to tell them Your Word. Lord, forgive Your servant's mistakes. I--I just... I--I just make so many of them, Lord. I--I pray that You'll not look at Your servant's mistake, but You'll look at Your Word, which I'm trying to preach. Lord, I thank You for It. I'm glad, with all my heart. Lord, It's more than life, to me. I give my life, anytime, for It. I--I know It's true. It's Your Word.

538 And please forgive my stupid ways, Lord. Many times that I--I josh and joke, that I shouldn't do. I'm ashamed of that, Lord. I just come from that kind of a family. You just overlook it, please, Father, if You will. Cover it with Your Blood. That's what I ask You to do. Just, I confess it. You can't overlook it, but You can forgive me when I confess it.

539Now, I've confessed my sins. I confess the sins of this people. I pray, God, that You'll forgive them, each one.

540And people, may they realize that we're just not trying to put on some kind of an act. It is the Holy Spirit in the last days, bearing record of His Word, as I have just said It. But, Father, no matter, I'm just a man. And if I'd say It, they say, "That's his interpretation. That's what he thinks about It." But, Father, if You'll just speak and prove that It's right, then they'll have to, they'll have to cross over You, to get by It, then, Lord. Then It won't be my interpretation; it'll be Yours. Grant it, Lord. And if I be Your servant, and--and--and my sin is forgiven, and You've called me for this work, then speak to it, Lord. I pray that You'll grant it. Heal the sick and afflicted everywhere, in Jesus' Name, I pray.

541 And if You'll just make Yourself known to us now, just like You did there at the well, with that woman, when You talked with her. You told her something that was wrong with her. She had five husbands. Now, You promised to do it in the evening time. You've promised to do it in the last days. You said, "And so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man. As it was in the days of Lot, so will it be," God living in human flesh, moving among us, in the form of His Church, in the Holy Spirit, performing the same sign. Grant it, Lord, just today. Won't You, Father? Then, I pray that You'll let the people see it, every one be healed and saved, for the glory of God. Amen.

542 Now, I'm going to call your attention now, if you'll just be real reverent for a few minutes. Now, everybody, just quiet as you possibly can be now.

543 Are you sure that you are realizing the position that I'm in here now? I preached the Word here, the Word of God. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I said It's all true. ["Amen."] Jesus said, that, "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he also."

544Now, I want to ask you a question. Be careful whether you--whether you say "amen" or not, now. Jesus, Himself, never claimed to heal anybody. That is true. He said, "It's not Me that doeth the works. It's My Father that dwelleth in Me." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And Jesus said, in Saint John 5:19, "Verily, verily, absolutely, I say unto you, the Son Himself..." As a Man, He was just a tabernacle where God lived. See? He said, "The Son can do nothing in Himself; but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise." Otherwise, "The Father shows Me a vision, what to do, and I do just as He tells Me."

545 Now, one day we find that there was, say, a little woman couldn't get in the prayer line. She had a blood issue, and she had it for many years. So she just touched His garment, saying within herself... She was insignificant; she was just a poor, little, old woman, didn't have no money. And she couldn't get up there with them priests and all of them standing there, who had the rights to stand and everything. So she couldn't stand up there, so she just crawled around till she got there and touched His garment. She said, "I believe He's just exactly. He, He brings us the Truth, the Light. I believe He's the Word of God. And if I can just touch Him, I'll--I'll be made whole."

546 Do you believe? Could you believe the same thing that woman believed, that He is the Word of God? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, the Bible says, today, that, "He's the High Priest, our High Priest right now." Do you believe that? ["Amen."] "After His resurrection and His ascension, He ascended on High and give gifts to men. And now He's setting at the right hand of God, the Majesty on High, and to make intercessions upon what we confess." Is that right? ["Amen."] "And He's a High Priest that can be..." What? ["Touched."] "Touched by..." What? "The feeling of our infirmity." Now, if He... You believe He's the same? ["Amen."]

547 Now, look. If you come here, just touch me, all day long, it wouldn't make a bit of difference. If you touched any other brother, sister, it wouldn't make much different; just the order of laying on hands, is all. But if you just touch Him, that's all you'd have to do.

548And look, if you touch Him with a... with some kind of a ritual like they did. They said, "Oh, we believe this great teacher. This is a prophet." Well, He didn't say nothing.

549But that little woman had a certain thing that touched Him: her faith. She touched His garment. He said, "Who touched Me?"

550 Don't you believe that the Bible says He's the same High Priest today He was then, He, and can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You can touch Him out there, whether you're in this prayer line or not. If you are sick, or if you've got a loved one that's sick, if you got something on your heart, you just reverently come before God and say, "God, I don't know about that man standing there. He's a little bald-headed man. He, he's nothing, but I believe that what he preached is the Truth. And I believe that he said the right thing, that You are the High Priest. Now I want to touch You. And if he's told me the Truth, then You use his lips to speak back and tell me, like You did the woman back there." See if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do that. That is, and just to make Him the same yesterday, today, and forever. Isn't it? ["Amen."]

Now, every one keep your position and just reverently pray.

551What say? [Someone says, "I got some prayer cards out."--Ed.] Huh? ["Gave twenty-five out."] I've got ten back there now? ["Fourteen."]

552Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, with prayer cards. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five. That ought to make a pretty good line. If we... I hope we don't have to keep you here very long. But now...

553 [Someone speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] You attend it. That's all right. Just let... That's all right.

Let's hum closely now, all together, while they get it. Only Believe.

Only believe, only believe,

All things are possible, only believe;

Only believe, just o-...

Believe what? His Word He promise. For what?

All things are possible, only believe.

554 Coming down off the mountain, there stood the disciples. They were defeated on that epilepsy case. The father standing there, looking at his child, crying. The disciples were going through all their maneuvers, but it wouldn't work. Jesus come walking up. Some of them said, "There He is." Somebody pointed them to Jesus; away from the clergy, to Jesus. That's where I want to point people; not to me, or some church, but to Jesus. Said, "He is able."

555So the father run, fell down at His feet, said, "Lord, have mercy on my child. He is variously vexed with a devil. He pines away. He froths at the mouth. He falls into spasms, epilepsy." He said, "And I've took him everywhere. And even Your disciples couldn't do nothing for him."

556Jesus said, "I can, if you'll believe, for all things are possible to him that believes."

Just o-...

Same yesterday, today, and forever!

It's all in now. Get quiet before Him.

... believe,

All things are... (What a time!)

Only believe, just only believe,

All things are possible, just only believe.

557 O Lord, the Word is laying all around here now. Let the evening Light shine, Lord, make It live. Through Jesus Christ's Name, I pray. Amen.

558Now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I take every spirit in here under my control, for His glory.

559I look down this prayer line. There isn't one person in that prayer line that I know. They're, every one, strangers to me. All you in that prayer line, that's strangers to me, and I don't know nothing about you, your troubles or nothing, raise up your hand, everyone along in the prayer line.

560How many in the audience is strangers to me, and I don't know nothing about you? You have the same authority out there, as these do here. Only, I'm singling out one person at a time.

561Here, let me take this around here, just a minute. [Brother Branham moves the microphone--Ed.] Can you hear now with this? [Congregation says, "Yes."]

562 This lady here. Here is a man and woman, meets again. I don't know her, never seen her. She's a stranger to me, but just a perfect stranger.

563I'm only acting upon the basis of that Word. That Word says, "The works that I do shall you do also, if you believe in Me."

564The other morning, when that vision come again, after thousands of them, and said, "The never-failing Presence of Jesus Christ is with you wherever you go." I believe that, solemnly, with all my heart, if I never see you again. You believe that to be the Truth? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

565 Here is a woman I have never seen in my life. She's just a woman that received a prayer card.

566The way the boy usually does it, he comes in here, takes the prayer cards and shuffles them all up, together, before you, you know, gives anybody a prayer card that wants one, wherever he is. No one knows where the line is going to start, or nothing about it. Therefore, the boy couldn't say, "Come out here. You give me so much, I'll put you up front, be sure that you're there." He don't know nothing about it. See? Nobody knows.

567We just start. Wherever the Holy Spirit says "call," we call from right there. And I trust sometimes that here, somebody, one here, especially, that somebody hasn't never... a stranger, see, that I don't know.

568 Now, if this woman standing here, if... There is something wrong. She may be sick. She may have somebody else, sick. She--she--she may be just standing there, maybe she's just putting on like she's sick. And maybe she's just standing there, trying to expose something. If she is, just watch what happens. See? You may seen that tried, too. Haven't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yes, sir. Watch them pack her out the door, dead. See? So now you'll--you'll just find out, see if it's right or not. See?

Come, lady.

569Now, we're not playing church, friend. We're at the end time. The fruit is in the top of the tree, it's ripening. That's right. The Lord is coming.

570I don't know her. God knows her. He knowed her. Before there ever was a world, He knew her. He knew she'd stand right there. He knew I'd stand right here. For, He's infinite. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, if He's infinite and knew it, then He knows why the woman is standing there. Then, the same God that...

571 Jesus, when He was here on earth, with the God in Him, that talked to the woman at the well, and told her something is wrong with her. We all know what it was. Don't we? And she said, "Sir, You must be a prophet." That was her first expression. "Now, we know that it's time for the Messiah to be here, which is called the Christ. And when He comes, that's going to be the thing He does."

572Now, if He's "the same yesterday, today, and forever," and promised by this Word that I just preached, that in the evening time He would be here and do the same thing, then we're looking for it. Isn't it? Aren't we? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Looking for that resurrection of that Church. Now, if He will perform to this woman the same as He did back there, that confirms the Word, that It's right. ["Amen."]

573 Now, the lady just held her hand, and these here. We're strangers, one to another. I don't know her. I never seen her. You just a stranger, standing. So are you, out there, many.

574I know some of these people setting along here. And I don't know many. I know Mrs. Collins here. I'm sure of that. Sister, or Ben's wife. And I seen Brother and Sister Dauch here. Brother Wright; Brother, Sister Dauch; brother over on the end. I know some of you, around here. But I don't know too many of you, 'cause I'm not in here very much, here among you. And we have strangers in here.

And so you just pray.

575 I be a stranger to you. I profess that the evening Lights have come. And the evening Light would be the same as the morning Light. It would reveal the same mysterious fruits of God, spiritually speaking. That is right. I'm only talking to you like He did that woman at the well. He said, "Bring Me a drink." See? I'm saying the same thing. That's not me. It's Him. But if He would reveal to me what you're standing there for, see, if He will reveal to me what you're there for, then you'll know that He does know all about your life. If He will tell you something that has been, see, you'll know whether that's right or not. Then if He knows what has been, can tell you that, He can surely tell you then what will be. If He can already tell you what you done back here, surely that would reveal the front of it, and the back of it, and forward, all of it, each side.

576Will the congregation believe on Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's fine. I believe you believe, whether He did it or not. You still believe it. This only cranks it down.

577 I'm just looking at the woman, and she is becoming anointed. She's aware, being a stranger to me.

578But just let me show you now. Many of you sees that picture laying out there. And That's now, above, that Light. That's exactly what's hanging right here between me and that woman right here. You see that? Kind of a--kind of a green, yellowish-green, emerald-like Light, as we call it, moving right there. That's what's making her here...

579Now just let me show you something. You feel a real sweet, humble feeling? Is that right, lady? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Raise up your hand so the people can see. ["Hallelujah."] And--and she can't move from beside It.

580Now, now, if It breaks in on her, I don't know. Depends. That has to be God. I can't do it, myself. It's God has to do it. Yes.

581 The lady is really, by natural, would be attending an operation. She's got something that the doctor would tell her, "That must be operated for," but she doesn't go to the doctor. [The sister says, "No. Jesus is my Doctor."--Ed.] That is right. And she--she... It's a--a growth. And that growth is on the right side, near the spine, on the right. That's right. Raise up your hand, so the people see. ["That's right."]

582Now you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, you won't see it, but if you believe it with all your heart now, you can be healed. All right.

583Now you say, "Maybe you guessed that, Brother Branham." You can't guess that, a million times, if I tried.

584Just let her stand there. It's gone from you, right now. [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Well, then, let's see, just a moment. ["Hallelujah!"] She seems to be all right; Christian. Now let's see. Now just if He will tell us something else that would be. Yes. Here she comes right back up again. ["Oh, no."] Yes, sir. She's a--she's a... Yes. It's a--it's a growth, that's that the doctors would remove. And it's... It would cause her trouble. But she has... going to trust Christ for it.

585 And not only that. She isn't from around here. And she's got somebody with her. It's her husband. And he is suffering, too. [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] That's right. You believe God can tell me, while I'm looking right at the man here, in a vision, what's wrong with him? ["Yes."] Well, tell him just go eat his dinner. His stomach trouble has left. You believe it's Christ doing that? See? You're from Tennessee. ["Yes."] Ashville. ["Yes, sir."] Right. Mrs. Teagley. All right. You can go back home. You're going to be well.

586You believe the Lord Jesus? [Congregation rejoices--Ed.] If that isn't the same Lord Jesus that was here in the days gone by, that the evening Lights are here. Examine the woman, talk to her, ask her if those things I said is right. Sure. That's true. Now are you satisfied? Now do you believe? ["Amen."] Now, you know I couldn't do that. I'm a man. I'm your brother. But He is God.

587Now let's see. Is this the next person? You ever been in the prayer line? All right.

588 Now, course, that anointing, you realize, just weakens me, like I don't know what. Now, Jesus, when that little woman touched His garment, He said, "I perceive that virtue went from Me." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That means "strength." He got weak. And if He... If that would happen to the Word, Itself, what will It do to just one the Word came to? What would It? If it did that to the Son of God, what would it come to me, a sinner saved by His grace? See? It just swings me around and around. See?

589But, yet, I'm here to represent Him. To rep-... I'm a poor representative. I--I repent of all my sins, that--that you won't look at what I am; but look Who He is, that you'll look that way.

590 Now, I'm a stranger to you, lady. I don't know this woman, either. We're strangers to one another. That's right. Now, if the Lord Jesus... Me not knowing you, and you not knowing me; if the Lord Jesus will reveal something to me, that you're here for, something you've done, something you ought not have done, or something that way, you know. It'd be... That would be an outstanding miracle. That's something that cannot be explained. A miracle is something cannot be explained. Anyone knows that. See? That would be an outstanding miracle.

591It would be more of a miracle than if there's a--a lady setting here in a wheel chair, and had arthritis, and all sholed up. I tell her, "Get up and walk," and she'd go walking out there, everybody would scream at that. But, you see, actually the power of--of her faith to believe, just get up and walk, could do that.

592But to go back down and pull out a life somewhere, that takes more than that. That takes God doing it, where you can say it, see, you know whether it's right.

593 Now, something has happened, somewhere else. Now wait. It's left here. It's gone, gone in the audience, somewhere, somewhere. It's gone now.

Just a minute. Let me talk to the woman again.

594Now, just be real reverent and watch now. Just pray, be praying now. I want you to pray, "Lord, let it be me." Some of you people out there, that won't be in the prayer line, you pray.

595Again I speak to you, for your faith. See? If it could be did to that other woman, it can be done to you. It's your faith. See? You're the one that does it. It's not me. It's your faith in God. See?

596Jesus never said, "Oh, I knew I was going to meet that woman over there." No.

597But when the resurrection of Lazarus come, now, that's what God showed Him to do. See? God said, "Go on. He, he's asleep," what he was. Went away. And then when He come back, He said, "Lazarus sleeps." And He come back, and went and raised Lazarus from the grave. Called his soul, after being gone four days. He never said He got weak there. That was God using the gift.

598But, this, when that woman touched Him, it was the woman using the gift of God.

That's the same thing here. It's you doing it.

599 Now, this, on hunting trips, where I seen the bear, and where the different things, and all these different things that's foretold here, told 'fore they come to pass, just word by word. That's God. That don't bother me.

600But when the people begin to use the gift of God, see, you become God's public servant, for you just to tap in the line. See? And then you touch Him for that, and He speaks back. See?

601Now, yes, now the woman is coming into the vision. She is coming in, and the vision is moving in. Looks like you could see that around you. The woman is sick. She is really sick. She is suffering, one thing, with a stomach trouble, awful bad. Raise up your hand if that's true. And you have complications, a thing. That is true.

602You also have someone with you. It's your husband. And he's sick. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] If God will reveal to me it's your husband, what's wrong with him, will you believe me to be His prophet? The man is bothered with his eyes and his ears, and he's in a very bad condition. ["Yes. Yes. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!"] Yes, sir.

603Do you believe God knows who you are? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Would you believe me to be His prophet, His seer, if I tell you who you are? ["Yes."] You believe it? Mrs. Robertson. And you're from Huntsville, that's Alabama. Return back, with your husband, be well.

604You believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "All things are possible to them that believe."...?... Believe that God does that. Now, don't doubt, but just believe with all your heart. Then God will grant, His healing hand, and you can have whatever you ask for. All right.

605 You come up now. Let's see. Is you the next person here? All right, sir. I suppose that we're strangers, one to one another, sir. If... Jesus came to a man named Simon, told him about his condition, and it made Simon go and believe, with all of his heart. Would it cause you to do the same thing? [The brother says, "Yes."--Ed.] It would. Well, we being strangers.

606Now, God, there's no different between male or female. He's just the same. He's God. See?

607And you, will you believe that that feeling that's around you now, that God will be able to reveal to you, through me, His servant, that something that you're here for, something is wrong with you, whatever it is? Well, you would know whether it's the truth or not. All right. May He grant it.

608The man is coming into a vision, or the vision is coming into the man. He is not here for sickness. He is here seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's what he is seeking. That is right, sir. Yes, sir. And you're not from here. You're from up the road here, a place called Seymour, Indiana. That, that's--that's where you're from. They call you, "Bill." Bill, return back, receive the Holy Ghost.

609 Come, lady. Do you believe me to be His prophet? Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lives? And you believe it's His permitting this to happen like this? You believe it?

610How many have we had? Yeah. I don't want to get too weak. All right.

611No, it's nothing. You're not here for yourself. You're here for somebody else. And that somebody else isn't here. If I tell you what's the matter with that somebody else, will you accept their healing, and take and believe? It's a cancer. Do you believe that they're be healed? Then go, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

612Do you believe, all of you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You believe that's the working of the Holy Spirit? ["Amen."] Isn't He wonderful? ["Amen."] Are you believing? ["Amen."] All right.

613Now, how many have we had? Usually two, two or three, is a confirmation. [Someone says, "Three."--Ed.] What say? [Someone else says, "That's four you got."] Four? ["Yes."] Is this the fifth one standing here? All right. Let's...

614Let us believe with all our heart, that Jesus Christ the Son of God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

615 You're here for that baby. If God will reveal to me what's wrong with your baby, will you believe that God will heal it? The little fellow has a serious heart trouble. That is right. The baby, you're not... The baby is not from here. It's from out of town. It's out of state. You believe God can tell me where the baby come from? Will you believe, and believe it'll get well then? Take it back to Franklin. If you'll believe, that's all you have to do.

616Let him come here to me. I condemn that physical thing. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may death leave, and life come to it.

"They shall lay their hands on the sick; they shall recover."

Want to go eat? Can He make you feel better? Go ahead.

617 You believe that female trouble is going to leave you? All right. Go, believe. Say, "Thank You, Lord."

How do you do, sir? Oh, that devil, asthma!

618Just a moment. Just a moment now. Something went wrong... Something didn't go wrong; went right. Now, there is something in here, similar, that caught that man just at that time. Let me see again what it was. Now just look at me. Don't...

619It's a colored man, setting right back here, looking at me. It's his... He, he's got someone that's sick. That's right. Asthmatic and sinus. That's right. You touched Him. You're not from here, sir. You come from the East, northeast, this way. You come from New York. That's right. You're Mr. Hunt. You believe now. Right. That's it.

620That's your friend setting there by you, praying. You believe me, sir, to be God's prophet? [Brother Coleman says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] You come here with him. Your name is Coleman. ["Yes. Hallelujah!"] And you are praying for a father. ["Yes."] It's by a throat's. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. ["Hallelujah!"] Go, believe now. Believe.

621 You got a nervous stomach, is your trouble. Isn't that right? Go, eat. In the Name of the Lord Jesus. You believe He healed you? As you go, believe it's God. Believe with all your heart.

622You're bothered with a nervous trouble, all upset, about it. Believe with all your heart now. Go home and be well.

623Nervousness. Just believe with all your heart. Believe that God will make you well, and just don't doubt it.

624Nervous and heart trouble. You believe that Jesus Christ will make you well? Be made well, in the Name of Jesus.

625Nervous, upset, stomach trouble bothering you. Gastric condition in your stomach cause your food to sour. Go, don't doubt in your heart; and it'll come to pass, you won't have it no more.

626Your back has been bothering you. You believe with all your heart? Then go, and Jesus Christ make you well, of it.

627 Just a moment. Hold still, just a moment. Now something has happened. This woman here, strained. That Light circled her, real fast, then went away, then run right back again. Something happened. Just a moment. The colored man, I'm sure it wasn't the colored brother there, 'cause it come... Just a minute. Here it is. Step back, Billy. Here it is.

628It's this man setting here, colored man. You're bothered with back trouble, too. That is right. You're a stranger to me. I am to you. But there's one thing you need better than the back trouble, that's, give your heart to Christ, and come, accept Him. Now will you accept Him as your Saviour? You come from Ohio. That's right. From Ohio. Go back, be made well. Jesus Christ forgives your sins, and you go home and be healed. Believe with all your heart.

629All right, sister, come. Complications, nervousness, and weary. Believe with all your heart that God will make you well? Go to your seat, and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all that You've done for me."

630 You believe that God Almighty will make you well, and heal your back, make you well, and cure your kidney trouble. Go right on your road, rejoicing. Say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus."

631You believe, son, He makes you well? Say, "Thank You, dear God." Go, and just praising God.

632Now you believe with all your heart, sister? Then go, and Jesus Christ make you well.

633Just a moment. No, it wasn't her. Just a minute. It wasn't the lady there. Just a second. Just a moment.

634Seen water splashing something. Somebody is here that's crossed the sea, from somewhere. It's a woman, and she's come from Holland. Where is she? There she is. All right, sister. You come a long ways for healing. You believe me to be His prophet? [The sister says, "Oh, yes."--Ed.] You suffer with rheumatism, arthritis, stiffness. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and take the Message to your people. God bless you.

Do you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

635 Here, way back here at the back, it's a woman setting right back here. And she's suffering with a gallbladder condition. Oh, she's going to miss it. God, help me. She--she comes from Indianapolis. Her name is Gilbert. Stand up where you are, lady. There you are. Be made well, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

636Do you all believe, with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Has Jesus risen from the dead? ["Amen."] In the Name of Jesus...?... [Congregation rejoices.] Lay your hand on one another and pray, while this is to pray.

637Lord Jesus, let Your Holy Power come into the church now!...?... Heal every sick...?... Get glory unto Yourself. Grant it, Lord. And may...?...

638Put your hands on one another. Lay...?... We are now...?...

639By these handkerchiefs, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may each person be healed. Lord, confirm Your Word with signs following.

640And now, Satan, you foul Devil, you are defeated. God said He would restore the Son of God, and we hear Him lay to your claim. He promised to restore the Church to its former condition, when the evening Light shines. And we're living in It. And by restoring, we have a right, we have our Attorney, we have our Lawyer, our High Priest, and we're going to force the claim. You've had them long enough. You can't do it any longer. We charge thee, in the Name of Jesus Christ, by the power of His resurrection and the Holy Ghost! [Congregation greatly rejoices--Ed.]

1 Ďakujem, brat Orman. Nech Ťa Boh žehná. Dobré ráno, priatelia, je to privilégium byť znovu v Modlitebni tohoto pekného Veľkonočného rána uctievať to veľké zmŕtvychvstanie nášho vzácneho Pána a Spasiteľa, Ježiša Krista.

2Rád by som povedal, že som bol zaiste… Zo všetkých posolstiev, ktoré som kedy počul kázať nášho pastora, jedno z jeho najlepších bolo dnes ráno. Išiel som domov a povedal som svojej manželke; povedal som, „Drahá, toto je jedno ráno, kedy si to zmeškala, tým, že si nevstala skoro.“ To bolo najlepšie, čo som počul o vzkriesení v celom svojom živote; nikdy som nepočul nič lepšie o vzkriesení ako nám to podal náš pastor dnes ráno. Také ohromné posolstvo, a všetko jasne k veci. To ukazuje, že keď to pomazanie uchopí človeka, niečo sa stane. To potom niečo vykoná. A tak sme šťastní, že Boh nám dal tohoto skvelého pastora.

3A teraz, chcem poďakovať každému jednému z vás. Boli sme tu teraz na veľmi malú chvíľu (mnohokrát, tam a späť), ale ja teraz opúšťam polia, ako aj viete. Tento týždeň vás opúšťam kvôli Indiánom hore v Britskej Kolumbii, a potom tam v – odtiaľ do Fort Saint John, a potom toto leto, pokiaľ bude Pánova vôľa, byť po celom západnom pobreží, hore na východe, a ďaleko na západnom pobreží, a hore v Aliaške – Anchorage, Aljaška, a až tam. A potom, možno odtiaľ pošlem nejakých prieskumníkov do Afriky a do zbytku sveta na prichádzajúcu zimu. Takže to bude pravdepodobne niekedy skôr ako sa dostanem tu naspäť znovu do modlitebni; najneskoršie to bude v auguste alebo niekedy na jeseň, kedy sa budem môcť znovu vrátiť. A chcem vám všetkým poďakovať za vašu vynikajúcu spoluprácu, za všetko čo ste urobili. A je nám ľúto, že nikdy nemáme miesto pre ľudí tu v tieto rána. My sme teraz v stavebnom projektovaní, ako iste viete, aby sme postavili väčší zbor, zatiaľ čo... pre tieto služby. A tak pravdepodobne sa to prejaví hneď teraz; oni začnú budovať zbor.

4A teraz, tiež sa chceme poďakovať každému jednému z vás za vaše dary, narodeninové pohľadnice, Veľkonočné pohľadnice, dary, ktoré ste dali Billymu a pre iných, a tie pre mňa, brata Wooda, a mnohých z nich.

Cením si ich všetky. A každý jeden prichádza a hovorí... Neviete aká to je námaha... niekto prichádza a hovorí, „Nuž, my chceme vidieť brata Branhama. Chceme vidieť tvojho otca,“ atď. A on hovorí, „Zoznam je plný.“ Nuž, neviete ani do akej nepríjemnej pozície vás to stavia, keď sa môžete dostať len ku toľkým, a to je všetko čo môžete urobiť. Ja by som si prial, aby to bolo tak, že by som mal dlhý čas s každým jedným, mohol si posedieť. A mám nádej, že to tak niekedy urobím; ale to nemôže byť na tejto zemi, pretože sú tu ľudia prichádzajúci z celého sveta (Vidíte?), z celého sveta. Tento týždeň tu boli ľudia z niekoľkých národov, a boli na rozhovoroch, a modlili sme sa za nich tento týždeň, z národov okolo sveta.

5A ak by to bolo len naše malé miestne zhromaždenie tu v Jeffersonville, ja by som rád vzal dve alebo tri hodiny s každým a poriadne to vypleval a vytrhal. Ale chápete, kým tam môže byť, povedzme, päť telefonátov alebo možno dva telefonáty priamo z našej miestnej komunity, tam je sto alebo dvesto z celého sveta, v tom istom čase tu tieto dva prichádzajú. Tak tam sú doslova tisícky, s ktorými som sa nemohol vôbec spojiť. Chápete?

6Ľudia... A telefonáty tu prichádzajú z celého sveta, posielajú letenky a všetko ďalšie, aby som prišiel modliť sa za chorých; ale nie je to možné urobiť.

7A tak ľudia sú sklamaní; ja by som bol tiež. Ale ja by som rád urobil v toto Veľkonočné ráno svoje vyznanie, rád by som povedal, že neviem čo mám s tým robiť. Je ich skrátka príliš veľa, viete, dostať sa ku tisícom a tisícom ľudí z celého sveta. Podnikol som svoju siedmu cestu okolo, ako iste viete, a mám osobný kontakt s viac než desiatimi miliónmi ľudí z celého sveta. Tak si môžete predstaviť aké... čo za napätie, ktoré je na vás.

8A my mnohokrát potlačíme malé napätie, a viem že vy tiež, a malé znechutenia. Ale pomyslite o tých, ktoré mám ja, sklamania ktoré mám, keď choré matky v telefóne hovoria, „Oh, Bože... Nuž, počkaj chvíľu, brat Branham. Pane Ježišu, ja-ja-ja sa modlím, aby si ho Ty poslal.“ A práve zavesíte telefón od jedného, a tu, a tam, a tu, a z celého sveta. Viete, aké to je. A to nie je ľahké, keď niekto na opačnej strane telefónu s chorým dieťaťom, alebo chorým manželom, alebo zomierajúcou manželkou, modlí sa za vás, aby ste prišli.

9 A teraz, viete si predstaviť; niet divu, že som nervózny. V tomto prípade – je dosť vykonať jedno. Ale ja som urobil túto jednu vec: namiesto toho, aby som dostal komplex, snažil som sa držať sa pevne upierajúc svoje oči na Golgotu a pohybujúc sa dopredu, práve tak ako by On chcel, aby som to robil.

10 A mnohé z mojich chýb... Modlím sa, aby mi Boh odpustil veci, že som možno mal ísť na určité miesto a nešiel som. Ja som len ľudský tvor a môžem – som náchylný ku chybám.

11 Malá, milá vec bola tu povedaná dnes ráno na zadnom dvore, keď som vychádzal zo zhromaždenia po službe o východe slnka. Mám vzácneho starého priateľa (On je pravdepodobne niekde tu; on je z Chicago.), volá sa Stewart (on má okolo...), Ed Stewart (Odhadujem, že on má okolo sedemdesiat alebo viac); a on ma tam stretol. A on šetrí svoje peniaze na desiatok v desaťhaliernikoch, a on mi dal celý balíček desaťhaliernikov, asi ako toto, a... Ó, ja neviem, ja... Samozrejme, oni idú na zahraničnú misijnú službu. A jeho dobrý priateľ aj môj, Brat Skaggs, Leonard Skaggs, z Lowell, Indiana, tam stál, a ja som to predtým nevedel; on bol Slobodomurár. On mal na sebe Slobodomurársky gombík, a my sme sa rozprávali o Slobodomurárskom poriadku. A tak, starý brat Stewart mi povedal; on sa zmienil, „Mám ťa rád, brat Branham, a rád by som s tebou hovoril,“ (prepáčte mi toto vyjadrenie), ale on povedal, „Ku tebe je ťažšie sa dostať než do Tureckého háremu.“

12 Niekto mi prednedávnom povedal, zmienil sa, „Som šťastný, že k Pánovi sa dostať nie je také ťažké.“ On povedal...

13 Nuž, nemám v úmysle byť taký; mám rád ľudí. Ale len si predstavujem... Odišiel som domov a povedal som svojej manželke, a sadli sme si okolo stola a smiali sme sa, aké ťažké by to bolo dostať sa do Tureckého háremu, viete. Tak dúfam, že to nie je celkom také zložité, brat Stewart, ak si stále tu. Ale istotne som si myslel, že si mal zmysel pre humor, to nás rozosmialo. A tak prial som si, aby som mohol každého vidieť. A milujem každého (To je pravda.); či sú priatelia alebo nepriatelia, to je presne to isté.

14 A teraz, určite veľmi potrebujem vaše modlitby za mňa na tieto blížiace sa zhromaždenia. Idem medzi Indiánov. A vy viete..., keď ste v Ríme, musíte byť Riman; a keď ste s Indiánmi, musíte žiť ako Indiáni.

15 Môj misionársky priateľ, ktorý je mojim spoločníkom pri lovení, keď som bol hore na hlavnej ceste, na Aljašskej autostráde, bol som... veľmi fajn mladý človek a jeho manželka, mimo pekného domova... A ja... ruky mal napadnuté a všade okolo jeho uší, a tak, a čudoval som sa, čo s ním je; či mal nejaký ekzém? Bolo to z bĺch a ploštíc, kde on musel – ako tam on musel bývať. A tak, musíte žiť priamo s ľuďmi, aby ste ich získali pre Krista. Oni sú Kristovo dedičstvo; oni sú ľuďmi, za ktorých On zomrel, a niekto ku nim musí ísť.

16 A ten náčelník bol na jednom z mojich nedávnych zhromaždení na severe, a Duch Svätý na zhromaždení – alebo mimo na mieste pre zhromaždenia – na pozemku – na turistickom dvorci, verím že to bolo niečo také, vyzval jeho meno, a kým on bol, a čo on urobil, a... Oh, to sa presne s ním zhodovalo. On vedel, že ľudské bytosti by to nemohli urobiť; že to muselo prísť od Všemohúceho. No a ten náčelník to rozhlásil po celom pobreží mora hore a dole. A my tam budeme mať zhromaždenia v malej plachetnici, a pôjdeme do miest, kde sa môžeme ku nim dostať, hore pobrežím a ku tým ďalším, ku Cree Indiánom [určitý kmeň indiánov – pozn.prekl.], ku tým nepovšimnutým. Mnohí z bratov, ktorí majú veľké služby, by ku nim nemohli ísť.

17 Nuž, Indiáni... Tam nebude ani halier peňazí (Ako iste viete, nikdy nerobím zbierku na mojich zhromaždeniach; a neberiem peniaze), ale táto cirkev tu sponzoruje to zhromaždenie pre Indiánov. Bude to platené z niektorých vašich desiatkových peňazí, aby sme priniesli Posolstvo spasenia a vyprostenia týmto chudobným, negramotným Indiánom. Koniec koncov, oni všetci sú Američania, viete. My sme cudzinci (Chápete?); my sme tu vstúpili a zobrali to od nich. A my chceme... Ja im nemôžem dať naspäť ich národ, ale môžem im dať nádej v Krista, to nás spolu zhromaždí ako bratstvo jedeného dňa v zemi, kde nie je žiadne bojovanie a chvátanie zeme jeden od druhého. Tam bude zem, bude miesto pre všetkých. A ja budem vďačný, keď ten čas príde, keď budú všetci moji milovaní zachránení a pripravení na ten čas.

18 Nuž, mám veľa priateľov, ktorých vidím, sedia priamo tu, kým ja rozprávam. Myslím, že som si všimol sestru (Nemôžem si spomenúť na jej meno) – zvykla to byť Lee. Je to tak? Si ty Pani Lee? Tvoja dcéra tu, tvoje dcéry, ktoré boli uzdravené? To je veľmi fajn. Jedna z nich bola v Domove Dobrého Pastiera – alebo nie... (Ako sa to nazýva? Sestra... Nejaký katolícky Inštitút... Pani Pokoja, to je to čo to bolo. Všetky Katolícke mená sú mi pomiešané.) A tak, tam... A ona bola – mala mentálne, nervové zrútenie, a drahý Pán Ježiš, kým sme – kým som sedel na konci postele, a jej vzácna matka a otec stáli tesne pri mne, a Pán Ježiš vyslovil, že je to dokonané, ukončené. Ona je tu; je po všetkom. A samozrejme, my poznáme tú sestru – ona je dnes ráno veľmi vďačná.

19 A pozerám sa tam vonku a vidím ľudí, ktorí nedávno zomierali s rakovinou. Doplazili sa sem, na invalidných vozíkoch, barlách, a oni sú tu, normálni a v poriadku, dnes ráno. To je po celom svete. Nie mnou, ale Ním, našim Pánom, Ktorý je vzkriesený zo smrti; On je živý naveky.

20 Nech náš Pán bude vždy chválený a požehnaný, to je moja úprimná modlitba. Či sa budete modliť za mňa, vy všetci, modlite sa za mňa. Nuž, ja od toho závisím. A keď sa dostanem tam vonku... Vidíte tu doma, to nie je také zlé tu v okolí, ale keď sa dostanete tam, kde ste naozaj zasiahnutí na čele boja... Toto je tréning.

21 Včera som počúval, keď náš zbor obstaral pre mňa nové kombi, a ja mám cestovať (a moje druhé auto je takmer zodraté); a tak ja som zapol rádio a počúval som správy. A potom, oni včera večer prichádzali dolu z toho miesta, kde sme sa Jozef a ja boli modliť, potom sme prichádzali dolu z Green's Mill, oni – a ja som zapol rádio. Boli správy, a hovorili... bolo tam, že monitorovali nejakého mladého chlapca počas tréningu: a ako tam stál s plnými vreckami piesku a všetkého možného, a musel držať hlavu tak nízko; že živý oheň z guľometu šľahal priamo nad jeho hlavou, kým sa on plazil cez ostnaté drôty a také veci, mal drsný tréning.

22 Nuž, to je to, čo my robíme tu. Ale teraz, je to veľmi rozdielne na bojisku. Chápete? Ten guľomet je načasovaný, nastavený presne na určitej úrovni. Ale na bojisku, to môže ísť hore alebo dole. Chápete? Tak – tak tam je to trochu rozdielne (Vidíte?) potom čo je to, tak my musíme... V poriadku, toto tu je tréning, ale tam ste na bojisku.

23 A tak teraz ideme čeliť nepriateľovi. No a my sme tu zvykli spievať malú pieseň, „Bojuje sa.“ Pamätá si niekto ešte stále tú pieseň?

Bojuje sa, Ó, Kresťanskí bojovníci;

A tvárou v tvár je neoblomný šík;

So žiariacimi pancierovými loďami, a prúdením farieb;

Správne a nesprávne je dnes zosobášené! (To je pravda. Vidíte?)

Bojuje sa, ale nebuďte umorení;

Buďte silní, a v Jeho moci nepovoľte;

Ak Boh je za nás, Jeho prápor nad nami;

Napokon budeme spievať pieseň víťazov! (To je pravda.)

24 A teraz, je veľa vecí, ktoré musím dnes ráno povedať, ale ja to trochu skrátim, pretože ľudia stoja a sú vnútri natlačení. A vonku majú malé reproduktory, a malý rozhlas, myslím si, že každé auto môže... Ten rozhlasový systém nám umožňuje ísť s tým mnoho metrov od modlitebne. A tak sa snažíme... Ceníme si návštevu každého z vás, dnes ráno.

25 Teda, prv ako pôjdeme ďalej, povedzme že... Teraz, tesne za týmto, myslím, máme službu krstu? Ale najskôr bude modlitebná rada; dnes ráno sa budeme modliť za chorých. Očakávam, že Boh prichádzajúci na scénu je potvrdením toho, o čom hovoríme: o Jeho vzkriesení. Je On nažive alebo nie je nažive? Je toto len vymyslený príbeh alebo je to Pravda? Ak je On nažive, On urobil prísľub: „Budem s vami vždy, až do konca sveta.“

26 Potom, ak On – ak On prichádza tu medzi nás a potvrdzuje, že On je tu, potom už o tom nie je viac dohadov. Vidíte? Pamätajte, všetky náboženstvá sveta, oni majú svoje sväté dni a sviatky, atď., ale nie je žiaden z nich, ktorý môže dokázať, že ich zakladateľ, že... vzala ho smrť, a to bolo všetko; ale naše, Kresťanské náboženstvo, náš Zakladateľ zomrel a znovu vstal.

27 V Mexiku, nedávno, keď som bol na rozhovore novinárov ohľadne vzkriesenia malého dieťaťa, ktoré zomrelo v to ráno o deviatej hodine, a o 22:30 tej noci (22:30 alebo 23:00) bolo vzkriesené zo smrti, práve tam na matkiných rukách na pódiu, pred desiatkami tisíc ľudí. Tej noci prišlo ku Kristovi tridsať tisíc (Vidíte?), no a potom, viete si predstaviť čo tam bolo.

28 A nejaký malý chlapík, videl som pred sebou víziu; a ona hovorila o tom, čo znamenalo jeho krátke meno a všetko. Tam na ceste späť bola jedna matka, nemohla dostať modlitebnú kartu, nemohla sa dostať dnu; ale nemusela sa ani postaviť do modlitebnej rady. A tak keď ona priniesla svoje malé dieťa, tak pršalo, lialo...

29 My uvažujeme o sebe ako musíme stáť, pomyslime však o nich. Oni tam boli o deviatej ráno na služby, ktoré sa mali začať o deviatej večer, stáli tam na horúcom slnku, opierali sa jeden o druhého kvôli tieňu: stáli, nesedeli, stáli. A to je spôsob ako to oni robia, v Afrike, a na rôznych miestach, a v Indii kde sa naraz zhromaždí pol milióna.

30 A teraz, táto malá žena nemohla ani dostať modlitebnú kartu (zadržiavalo ju viac ako tristo uvádzačov), a ona sa nemohla dostať do modlitebnej rady, a stojac tam modlila sa za to malé dieťa – úbohá katolícka žena... A Duch Svätý zvolal a prehovoril, „Povedz jej, aby ho priniesla sem.“

31 A to malé dieťa, pod mokrou perinkou (ako tam stála od rána), doktor ho prehlásil za mŕtve. Nuž, máme o tom doktorovu správu o prehlásení za mŕtve v to ráno okolo deviatej a potom, to bolo tú noc, blízko polnoci. A ja, len podľa toho, čo bolo povedané vo videní, odišiel som a položil som ruky na to malé dieťa. Tam to bolo, živé. Doktor dal o tom svedectvo.

32 A ja som bol na rozhovore s tlačou. A tak, tým že som... (Nemám nič proti niekoho viere, pokiaľ je to v súlade s Bibliou, v poriadku...) Ale človek, ktorý robil so mnou rozhovor, bol katolík, a povedal mi, „Veríte tomu, že naši svätí to môžu urobiť?“

Ja som odpovedal, „Ak žijú.“ (Samozrejme, viem, že katolícka cirkev verí, že musíš byť mŕtvy, aby si bol svätým.) Tak teda povedal som, „Ak sú žijúci, áno.“

A on odvetil, „Oh, vy nemôžete byť svätí prv než ste mŕtvi.“

Ja som prehlásil, „Bol Pavol svätý prv než zomrel alebo potom ako zomrel? Komu on písal, mŕtvym ľuďom, keď povedal, „Svätým, ktorí sú v Efeze...“ a „Svätým, ktorí sú na určitých miestach“? On by nepísal mŕtvym ľuďom, viete.“

33 Tak potom, on povedal, „Nuž, vy sa snažíte posúdiť váš prípad Bibliou. My sme cirkev.“ Ja som odvetil, „V poriadku, pane, v poriadku.“ A ja...

On prehlásil, „My sme cirkev.“

Ja som vravel, „Teda nech vidíme cirkev to robiť.“ (A to je len Kristus, ktorý to môže urobiť; vy to viete.)

On prehovoril, „Aký je váš názor na katolícku cirkev?“

Ja som povedal, „Prial by som si, aby ste sa ma na to nepýtali.“ Chápete?

A on odvetil, „Nuž, rád by som to počul.“

Ja som povedal, „Najvyššia forma špiritizmu aká existuje.“

A on prehlásil, „Špiritizmu?“

Odvetil som, „Áno, pane.“

On odpovedal, „Podľa čoho to usudzujete?“

Povedal som, „Čokoľvek, čo oroduje s mŕtvymi: spoločenstvo svätých.“ Vidíte?

A on sa vyjadril, „Nuž, vy sa modlíte ku Kristovi, a On je mŕtvy.“

Odvetil som, „Ale On znovu vstal.“ On znovu vstal. Tak to je tá dobrá vec, ktorú my vieme: On znovu vstal. Či nie sme vďační? Tak skloňme naše hlavy a poďakujme Mu, pretože On vstal z hrobu pre naše ospravedlnenie.

34 Nebeský Otec, my sme vďační dnes ráno za Ježiša. A dnes, v pamiatke Jeho veľkého vzkriesenia, v to veľkonočné ráno, keď On vstal z mŕtvych, zvíťazil nad smrťou, peklom, a hrobom... Keď On bol na zemi, On ukázal, že zvíťazil nad nemocami, poruchami, a všetkými druhmi démonov a mocností. Okrem toho, smrť ležala pred Ním, veľký a posledný nepriateľ; a vo Veľkonočné ráno On potvrdil, že bol Bohom. On vstal z... Dokonca posledný nepriateľ Ho nemohol zadržať. Vydal Ho hrob; vyslalo Ho peklo; prijalo Ho Nebo.

Oh, Bože, nech Ho dnes naše srdcia príjmu v moci Ducha Svätého, aby sme smeli byť Jeho výkonní pracovníci, Jeho – Jeho príklady Jeho služobníkov tu na zemi, ako tu putujeme. Daruj to.

35 Požehnaj všetkých, ktorí sú tu. Bože, títo vzácni ľudia, ktorí stoja, niektorí z nich tu boli zovretí od úsvitu, modlím sa, nebeský Otče, aby si sa nesmierne a hojne vylial, ponad všetko, čo by sme mohli urobiť alebo pomyslieť, na nich dnes, a daj im hlboké túžby ich sŕdc. Po čokoľvek každý prišiel dnes ráno, nech idú naspäť uspokojení. Ty si povedal, že nikoho neodoženieš preč, ale naplníš ho dobrými vecami, a pošleš ho naspäť oslavujúc. Daruj to, Pane.

Nech Tvoja všemohúcnosť, nech Tvoj Svätý Duch v moci vzkriesenia tak pracuje s každým z nás, až kým naše nádeje nebudú zbudované na ničom menšom než na Ježišovej Krvi so spravodlivosťou. Daruj to, Otče.

36 Požehnaj teraz slová, ktoré čítame. Sme Ti vďační za to veľkolepé posolstvo dnes ráno (ako sme prišli skoro do zboru); a videli Ťa, ako si uchopil nášho brata (a taká zmena v ňom o chvíľu) a predniesol posolstvo tejto zomierajúcej generácii ľudí, ktorej sme teraz časťou. Ako sme Ti vďační za to, Pane. Ó, Bože, naše srdcia sa chvejú radosťou ako rozmýšľame o týchto veciach.

37 Nuž, udržuj ho pomazaného, Pane, cez tie dni, ktoré sú pred ním, Pane, a požehnaj tento malý zbor. A pomôž mi, Pane, keď idem priniesť Posolstvo iným ľuďom. A nech my spolu, ako jedna osoba, jedna rodina, nech sa držíme spolu, a modlíme spolu, a žijeme spolu v tej svätej jednote Ducha Svätého, až kým nás Ježiš príjme do Kráľovstva. Lebo my to žiadame v Jeho Mene a pre Jeho slávu. Amen.

38 [Brat Neville hovorí, „Brat Branham, môžem Ťa nachvíľu prerušiť?“ – pozn.prekl.]

Iste môžeš, brat.

[Ako znak našej vďačnosti, touto prácou mladého muža medzi nami, brat Branham, venujeme Ti tento obraz, s plným prejavom našej lásky a vďaky. – pozn.prekl.]

Vďaka Ti, brat Neville, aj Modlitebňa.

[Ten mladý muž, ktorý namaľoval ten obrázok, bol Jerry Steffy.]

Brat Jerry Steffy namaľoval ten obrázok. Bože, požehnaj toho chlapca. To je veľmi obdivuhodné, Jerry, ak si tu dnes ráno.

Je to príliš zlé; prial by som si, aby som mal peniaze dať toho chlapca do školy za umelca. Ja verím, že Boh je v umení. Či neveríte tomu tiež? Boh je v hudbe; Boh je v umení; Boh je v tomto; a je to príliš zlé vidieť talent ako toto, ktorý by sa nerozvíjal. Čím viac to robí, tým viac sa bude rozvíjať, a ja – ja sa modlím, aby Ťa Boh požehnal, Jerry.

A ďakujem Ti, brat Neville, a tomuto zboru, za ten skvelý obrázok a za verš, ktorý je pod tým. Prečítam to trochu neskôr.

[Brat Neville hovorí: „Chceš aby som to prečítal?“ – pozn.prekl.]

V poriadku. Brat Neville bude čítať tú báseň. Ja som... Ja som nemal predstavu čo to bude...

On nie je človekom vysokej postavy;

Žiadna nadnesenosť nie je jeho zvykom;

Nezvučí si žiadnym zvukom trúby;

Ako kráča zo dňa na deň.

Nemá žiadnej túžby po blahobyte, tiež nie po sláve;

Ale nikto nemôže vyplniť jeho miesto;

On je práve taký, akého ho chceme;

Náš vlastný drahý brat Bill.

On nás vyučuje s poctivosťou nezriedené Slovo;

Žiadne módne postupy, žiadna láska ku pochvalám;

Len nasledovanie Pána.

Jeho prejav je príjemný a láskavý;

On nepovyšuje svoj hlas;

Mimo toho, že volá proti bezpráviu;

A potom nemá inú voľbu.

Nikdy nezískal veľa štúdia z univerzít a škôl;

Ale on vie, čo je dôležité;

A on je presvedčený, že nikto nie je hlupák.

Pretože poznanie, ktoré mu bolo dané je Večné, zhora;

On nemá žiadne vyznanie, okrem nášho Krista;

Žiadny zákon, len Suverénna Láska;

Nebolo žiadneho veľkého oznámenia;

Jeho nízkemu, pokornému narodeniu;

Ale pre nás on je najväčším človekom, ktorý žil na zemi.

My to počítame za viac ako privilégium;

Poznať ho ako priateľa;

Zachovávame všetko, za čím on stojí;

A budeme rovno až do konca.

On hovorí, že nie je kazateľ;

On je tak skromný, ako len môže byť;

Ale dajte ho za kazateľňu;

A to nie je ťažké vidieť, že On bol predurčený prorok;

Nech to ľudia nazývajú ako chcú;

Boh nám daroval ohromnú priazeň;

Keď nám dal brata Billa.

Podpísané: Malé Stádečko.

39 Vďaka vám, vďaka vám.. Vďaka vám za vaše myšlienky. Kto to vytvoril? [Brat Neville odpovedá, „Myslím, že to bola jeho matka.“ – pozn.prekl.]

To je... Nie som hodný tých vecí... ktoré boli povedané... ale to je pre mňa viac než všetky peniaze na svete (Chápete?), pomyslieť si, že niekto vás považuje za Jeho služobníka (Vidíte?), ako Božieho služobníka. Nech vždy žijem verný tomu, to je moja modlitba. Nech vás Boh vždy požehná. Moje myšlienky budú vždy pre vás, a ja vás tiež vrúcne milujem.

40 A teraz... Oh, máme tak veľa vecí; mohli by sme plne zabrať celý deň, a nikdy by sme sa nedostali do Slova. Vidíte, tak veľa skvelých vecí.

Mám videnie od Pána, o ktorom som išiel niečo povedať, a niekto mal sen (ten, ó, myslel som, že to bolo tak výrazné) o príchode Pánovom. A ja...

41 Malá Rebeka, moja dcéra tam vzadu (Ja... Dokonca ak som aj trochu o nej pred chvíľkou zažartoval), ona vyšla s jedným z tých veľkých druhov klobúkov; povedal som, „A teraz, zlatíčko, to vyzerá ako hniezdo pre vtáčiky,“ odvetil som, „všetko na tom je také pozapichované a tak.“ Povedal som, „Choď si to dať dolu.“

A potom mi to odplatila; za niekoľko minút prišla naspäť (viete, spôsob ako mi to odplatila bolo ísť naspäť), a prišla s obrovskou dámskou kabelkou, niesla ju. Povedal som, „Odkiaľ to je?“

Ona odvetila, „Ocko,“ povedala, „Mám veľké nohy, tak som myslela, že vezmem túto veľkú dámsku kabelku, aby sa to spolu hodilo.“

Tak... Ó, tieto... Ale ona povedala, že mala dvakrát sen, že ona a ja sme išli v aute, a ja som jej hovoril o Pánovom blízkom zjavení sa: ten istý sen druhýkrát. Čakám na ten tretí; možno mi Pán potom dá, že čo to znamená.

42 Teda, je veľa čo povedať, ale poďme teraz priamo do Slova. Dúfam, že sa každý cíti dobre. A ak nie, budem sa modliť, aby Boh spôsobil, aby ste sa cítili dobre prv než sa táto služba skončí, že dnes ráno v našom strede, nebude žiadna slabá osoba, keď sa zakončí táto služba.

A teraz, my si musíme pamätať, že Kristus zomrel za hriešnikov, a to sme boli my (Chápete?); to sme my. A On zomrel za nás, aby nás mohol zachrániť.

43 No, môžete počuť dobre všade dookola? Tam vzadu, môžete počuť dobre tam vzadu? Prichádza to tam dozadu? V poriadku. Dobre.

44 A teraz, chcem čítať niečo z Jeho Slova. Ponajprv, obráťme sa teraz do Knihy Joela, a chcem čítať prvý verš, od prvého do štvrtého verša, a potom druhá – druhá kapitola a 25.verš, a Genesis 20:7.

45 A teraz, cením si... Teda, ak ste unavení a chcete ísť von, choďte. Chápete? Ale toto bude moje posledné Posolstvo cirkvi za – tejto časti cirkvi, na nejaký čas; a dnes ráno očakávame uzdravujúce zhromaždenie. A chcem toto Posolstvo, ak Boh to požehná, aby sa to hlboko ponorilo do našich sŕdc, tak dostaneme ten zmysel, čo to znamená. Teda, my sme tu, aby sme vyjadrili, povedali veci, ktoré veríme, a potvrdili to Písmom, že Písmo tak hovorí; a potom, nech to Boh premení a potvrdí, že to je pravda, aby to mohol urobiť skutočným.

Práve tak ako nejaký... Vy poviete, „Toto je semeno slnečnice.“ Posaďte to a uvidíte čo to je; potom sa to vynorí ako slnečnica; to sa zhoduje; bola to slnečnica. Vidíte? To je všetko.

46 Tak, ak niektorí... ak niektorí z nich sú – vymieňajte si miesta na sedenie raz za čas, niektorí si sadnite, a iní vstaňte a počkajte chvíľu. A ja budem taký stručný ako len môžem.

47 A teraz, pamätajte, modlite sa za mňa. A len buďte teraz verní cirkvi; zostaňte priamo tu v cirkvi ktorá... s bratom Neville. A vy, ľudia, ktorí ste na návšteve, nuž teraz, poďte naspäť a...

Teda, ja som na týchto zhromaždeniach, idem na ne bez nejakého určitého vnútorného volania; ale ja si nemôžem len vylihovať; svet zomiera. Chápete? A Pavol mal tú skúsenosť raz, a on išiel dolu do inej krajiny; a potom, on mal na ceste Macedónske volanie. Ale, Boh mu mohol dať Macedónske volanie v akomkoľvek čase. Ja odvolávam všetko, keď Boh udeľuje volanie.

Ja len robím to najlepšie čo môžem, idem do tej končiny, sejem semená, a tu sejem niekoľko semien, a tu sejem niekoľko semien. Viem, že vtáky v povetrí, mnohí z nich sa zhromažďujú, a niektorí z nich sa udusia atď; ale tam by malo byť zopár, ktoré prídu tiež hore, viete, na dobrom základe. Tak poďme len... Siať semeno je tá hlavná vec.

48 Veľmi zvláštne čítanie na Veľkonočné posolstvo, Joel prvá kapitola.

Slovo Hospodinovo, ktoré sa stalo k Joelovi, synovi Petuelovmu.

Počujte to, starci, a pozorujte ušami,... všetci obyvatelia zeme!

Či sa to stalo za vašich dní a či za dní vašich otcov?

Rozprávajte o tom svojim synom, a vaši synovia nech rozprávajú svojim synom a ich synovia pokoleniu, ktoré prijde potom.

To, čo zostalo po húsenici, požrali kobylky; to, čo zostalo po kobylkách, požrali pažraví chrobáci, a to, čo zostalo po chrobákoch, požrali chrústi.

Teraz, 25.verš z druhej kapitoly...

A nahradím vám roky, ktoré požrala kobylka, pažravá chrobač, chrúst a húsenica, moje veľké vojsko, ktoré som posielal na vás.

A tak budete jesť a nasýtite sa a budete chváliť meno Hospodina, svojho Boha, ktorý učinil s vami predivné veci, a môj ľud sa nebude viacej hanbiť na veky.

50 V Genesis 20 – Genesis, 20.kapitola Genesis a 7.verš, chcem toto prečítať nasledujúc súvislosť pre tento text, na ktorý sa snažím upútať vašu pozornosť. Začnem so 6.veršom, aby sme k tomu dostali pozadie.

A Boh mu riekol vo sne: I ja viem, že si to urobil v prostote svojho srdca, a preto som ťa i ja zdržal, aby si nezhrešil proti mne;

pre tú príčinu som ti nedal, aby si sa jej dotknul.

A tak teraz vráť ženu toho muža, lebo je prorok, a bude sa modliť za teba, a budeš žiť. Ale ak nevrátiš, vedz, že istotne zomrieš i ty i všetko, čo je tvoje.

A teraz, ja som z tohto textu vytiahol – alebo z tohto čítania Písma, súhrn textu nazvaný obnoviť (prinavrátiť).

51 A teraz, potom ako brat Neville kázal dnes ráno to vynikajúce Posolstvo, posledná vec, ktorú on povedal v jeho posledných myšlienkach, bola, „Byť obnovený.“ A tak, to mi dalo myšlienku, priamo tam: obnoviť. Teda, ponáhľal som sa domov a vzal svoj slovník, atď., a nejaké poznámky Písma, a začal som opisovať nejaké veci. A potom, mám Websterov Slovník, aby som zistil správnu definíciu slova obnoviť, navrátiť. „Obnoviť, navrátiť“ znamená „vrátiť predchádzajúcemu majiteľovi; alebo priniesť späť do pôvodného stavu podmienok.“ A my môžeme vynútiť právo, aby bolo navrátené.“ Teda, to je to, čo hovorí Webster, že slovo „obnoviť“ (navrátiť) znamená: „priniesť naspäť pôvodnému majiteľovi; alebo priniesť naspäť do pôvodného stavu podmienok.“ A ak je urobený na niečo nárok, aby bolo niečo prinavrátené, môžete si to vynútiť – urobiť, aby sa to navrátilo naspäť na jeho správne miesto. A nech Boh požehná teraz tieto chabé slová.

52 „Obnoviť“ znamená „priniesť späť, alebo navrátiť; právo, ktoré môže byť vynútené.“ A teraz, priniesť niečo naspäť jeho právoplatnému majiteľovi, kde to patrí... Nuž, na nejaký spôsob sa to ubralo preč od svojho zákonného majiteľa, a môže sa to ponevierať hocikde sem a tam. Ale prinavrátiť: je priniesť to naspäť tomu, kto to skutočne vlastní, alebo priniesť to naspäť do jeho pôvodného stavu, kde to bolo po prvýkrát – priniesť to naspäť do jeho pôvodného stavu. A aby sme to urobili, my máme právo vynucovať (ak existuje na to zákon), vynútiť túto zákonnú výhradu prinavrátenia – navrátiť.

53 Ako keď niekto ukradol nejaký majetok, a ten majetok je držaný v zajatí. Potom môžete použiť zákon a ísť za tou osobou, a ten zákon vynucuje – donucuje tú osobu, aby navrátila tento majetok naspäť jeho pôvodnému vlastníkovi, do jeho... alebo do pôvodného stavu.

Uplatnenie zákona... Ó, čo za text, ako by som rád mal na to dva dni: vynútiť. Pretože, brat Neville nám kázal; ja vám len idem porozprávať, učiť lekciu nedeľnej školy, takže to bude - to bude – aby sme pokračovali v tom, dúfam, čo on kázal.

54 Donútiť... Nuž, my máme to privilégium vynútiť na satanovi nároky, ktoré nám Boh daroval, pretože Boh má zákon; a Jeho Slovo je Zákon. A Boh urobil v tomto Slove určité nároky na cirkev. Z toho dôvodu, my máme právo vynútiť si tieto požiadavky na Satanovi a povedať, „Daj to naspäť.“ A on to musí urobiť, pretože my si môžeme vziať so sebou Božského Agenta, Ducha Svätého, ísť priamo dole na kolená, a povedať, „To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“ On sa toho musí vzdať; to je všetko, pretože Svätý Duch je tam, aby to spôsobil, že on to urobí.

55 Zákon pôdy je vynútiť – to je okolo pozemkov, pre územie. Ale Zákon Ducha Božieho je donútiť satana, aby sa vzdal toho, čo on má nespravodlivo, zákerne vzaté od Boha. On vzal od Boha duše ľudí, duše žien, detí; nemoc tela, on to umiestnil na ľudí, kde ich Boh urobil na Svoj obraz, aby boli ako je On. A cirkvi je dané oprávnenie, zákonné práva na základe Biblie, vziať so sebou Svätého Ducha a vynútiť to na nich.

56 Verím, že som to práve citoval tu na poslednom zhromaždení; nie som si istý. Ale nejaký brat prišiel do Louisville dole z Georgie, a nechal tam svoje auto, a niekto ho ukradol. A on tam mal svoje oblečenie, manželkine oblečenie, oblečenie detí... Bol to brat Evans, tu ja... (Oni sú zvyčajne tu.) Oni jazdia 2400 kilometrov zakaždým, keď tu máme zhromaždenie, prichádzajú tu mať zhromaždenie. A chudák ten človek tu bol bez všetkého, a viac ako 1100 kilometrov od domu.

A on nevedel, čo má robiť. On sa obrátil na políciu, ale oni mali v Louisville veľkú zábavu. Oni kradli autá a natierali ich. A vy si môžete – ono to nemusí mať značku, aby ste to predali; a oni vám môžu urobiť značku za niekoľko minúť a akékoľvek číslo aké na to chcete dať.

57 A tak, oni mali hrozný čas. Tak my sme išli dolu na kolená. Vidíte, teraz, Ježiš by to nemusel robiť, lebo On bol Slovom. Nuž, my nie sme Slovom. Slovo Pánovo prichádzalo ku prorokom; oni však neboli Slovom, ale Slovo prišlo ku nim. Ale Ježiš bol to Slovo. Chápete? On sa nemusel modliť; On bol Samotným Bohom. Vidíte? Ale my sme Jeho proroci, Jeho služobníci, ku ktorým Slovo Pánovo prichádza. Potom prorok je potvrdený, či je to Slovo Pánovo alebo nie, či to, čo on hovorí sa stane.

58 Tak potom, máme tu Písmo, že Ježiš povedal, „Kdekoľvek sa dvaja alebo viacerí stretnú v Mojom Mene, a ak budú súhlasiť (Ja budem v ich strede) – a ak oni budú súhlasiť na akejkoľvek určitej veci a požiadajú to (nebudú v to pochybovať), budú mať to, čo žiadajú; bude im to dané.“

A teraz, tam existuje zákon. Teda, ten Jeden, ktorý je tu, aby ten zákon vynútil, je Svätý Duch. A čo ľudia, ktorí neveria v Ducha Svätého, a odmietajú Ho? Chápete? Vy odmietate váš vlastný pokoj a milosrdenstvo.

59 Teda, my sme boli na našich kolenách, okolo päť mužov (s bratom Fredom Sothmannom, a boli tam mnohí ďalší), štyria alebo piati muži; a kľačali sme na kolenách, a ja som predniesol ten prípad pred Boha. A potom, zobral som Slovo zasľúbenia a vyslal som To. Veľký Duch Svätý, ako On vzal Slovo, aby slúžil povolaným, prelomilo sa videnie a ja som videl nejakého človeka ako ide smerom ku Bowling Green, Kentucky, mal na sebe žltú košeľu, a jazdil na tomto aute. Duch Svätý prišiel na neho, obvinil ho, a on sa otočil (asi v polovici). Videl som ho ako prichádza naspäť a ako zaparkoval to auto na určitej ulici, tuto na druhej strane rieky. A ja som povstal a povedal som bratom, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN“.

60 A keď sa oni dali do toho, odišli na cestu, a to auto tam stálo, benzínu dopoly nádrže, kde tá nádrž bola spolovice prázdna (tam kde to bolo naplnené), práve dosť na to, aby prešiel tú polovicu cesty do Bowling Green a naspäť. Teraz, tamtí muži sedia práve tu dnes ráno, ako svedkovia.

Čo je to? Vynútenie. „Daj to späť!“ Chápete? To je to; to je to, o čom hovoríme. Navrátiť to. Priniesť to späť jeho pravému majiteľovi.“

61 A ak vás Satan olúpil o privilégium byť synom alebo dcérou Božou, dnes ráno máme to právo pomocou Ducha Svätého vynútiť to právo od Boha: „Prineste ich naspäť.“ Ak ťa on skľúčil a spôsobil, že si chorý, máme právo pred Bohom vynútiť zákony Božie: „Jeho ranami sme uzdravení.“ Amen. „Prines ich naspäť; prepusti ich! Ty ho berieš mimo tam smrti, a my ho požadujeme. Prines ich späť.“

62 A teraz, to je vynútenie zákona. Navrátiť to znovu naspäť do jeho pôvodných podmienok. Muž je chorý, dieťa je choré, žena je chorá (Vidíte?); oni sú mimo svojich pôvodných podmienok. Potom my máme právo vynútiť našu požiadavku; nie našu požiadavku, ale to je naša požiadavka, pretože Boh nám ju dal: „Bol zranený pre naše prestúpenia. Jeho ranami sme uzdravení.“

Teda, my máme právo vynútiť ten zákon. A Zákonodarca, Duch Svätý Sám je tu, Agent Boží, aby videl, že je to takto urobené. Amen. Ale, jediný spôsob, ako On môže pracovať je, keď Mu dovolíte pracovať. Chápete? Musíte to veriť.

63 Je tam zákon... Ó, či sa ja vôbec dostanem do môjho textu. Existuje zákon, je to zákon daný medzi všetkým. Viete, ryba má zákon. A tá ryba môže stáť tu vo vode, a v nej je zákon. Ak ona len dopustí ísť mimo toho zákona, ktorý je v nej, môžete potopiť závažie na dno mora: to ju ani trochu nenaruší; to neporuší jedinú bunku.

Pokúste sa to urobiť vy. Ten zákon vo vás nie je. Vy to nemôžete urobiť, ale ryba môže. Ona sa zbaví toho vzduchu, tak ako len môže; v nej nie je nič, čo by to vyrazilo. A ona je takto učinená; ona to vie, a ona vynucuje ten zákon, aby vzala to závažie na dno mora a potom, aby sa podvihla znovu.

64 Ó, v Kristu bol zákon; ten zákon je v človeku. Vy ho môžete zahrabať do najhlbšieho hrobu alebo do najhlbšieho mora, alebo najnižšieho pekla; tam je zákon Ducha Božieho, ktorý ho znovu pozdvihne. Vidíte?

65 Vtáčik má zákon. Teda, hmota jeho tela; je to priviazané k zemi, postavené tu na zemi; ale má to v sebe zákon, že keď rozprestrie svoje krídla, môže odletieť rovno z vášho dohľadu. To je proti vedeckej náuke. Oni tvrdia, že je priviazané k zemi; že gravitácia to tam musí zadržať. Ale to sa vzpiera gravitácii, dvíha sa priamo preč od toho, a ide vytrvale ďalej; pretože to musí ten zákon, ktorý je v tom, uviesť do chodu; a to je tak utvorené, aby to dokázalo vlastniť ten zákon. A teraz sa začínam cítiť nábožne.

66 No, my máme zákon, v nás je zákon Života. My ne... Jediná vec, ktorú musíte robiť... Vy ste utvorení, a narodení, a umiestnení tu v Tele Kristovom ako synovia a dcéry Božie. Vy nemusíte byť zrazení pred diablom. My máme zákon; to je zákon Svätého Ducha. Jediná vec, ktorú viete—musíte urobiť, je vedieť ako to pustiť a nechať to Bohu.

Vy s tým bojujete (Chápete?), a to nikdy nebude fungovať. Keď to len necháte a dáte to Bohu, to je všetko... Vidíte?

67 Ak by ryba povedala, „Počkaj, ja poriadne chytím dych; vdýchnem do seba trochu kyslíku, a uvidím, či sa môžem ponoriť.“ Nie, ona to nerobí, to by ju roztrhlo. Vidíte?

Vtáčik hovorí, „Uvidím, ako rýchlo môžem bežať tuto dolu, a môžno vzlietnem.“ Nie, on to nebude robiť, on by spadol. Chápete? On musí vedieť ako riadiť—ako ho ten zákon môže ovládať.

68 A rovnako je to s nami, to nie je to, čo my vybojujeme, a poťahujeme, a náhlime sa a „Oh, ak nedostanem toto; ak nedostanem tamto; to nie je to; to je vedieť, že zákon Života je v tebe. A vy sa len uvoľníte a zanecháte to Bohu. Potom On vás berie ku vášmu uzdraveniu, berie vás ku krstu Duchom, alebo čomukoľvek, čo On zasľúbil. Akékoľvek právo, ktoré On dal, je vaše a to uvoľnením sa a zanechaním to Bohu...

69 Teda, ak úradník prišiel vziať... (nejaký chlapík, ktorý ukradol váš majetok), on ho prišiel vziať na súd, a vy ho zastavujete, „Nuž, neviem či by to mal robiť alebo nie,“ on ho tam nikdy nedostane. Len ho nechajte ísť. To je spôsob ako to robíte. Nech len satan ide preč; všetky pochybnosti a všetko uniká z vašej mysle, potom vás Boh pozdvihne. Dobre.

70 A teraz, je čas Veľkej Noci. Ó, mám rád Veľkú Noc. Áno, pane. Ale je toho dnes príliš veľa na Veľkú Noc ohľadne zajačikov, a kačíc, a ružových kurčiat, a pekných klobúkov, a nových šiat; a to nie je Veľká Noc. Veľká Noc je vzkriesenie, obnovenie, navrátenie naspäť; je to Boží čas prinavrátenia. Pozorujte zem; Boh ju obnovuje. Čo obnovuje? Prírodu. To je pravda. On kriesi kvety; regeneruje listy, On obnovuje plody poľa. Čo je to? Boh prinavracia. Je Veľká Noc; znamená to „priniesť to naspäť.“ Čo je to? Tam bol výrok, požiadavka. Veľká Noc požaduje alebo kvet tvrdí, že má právo znovu povstať. Chápete? A Boží zákon prírody priťahuje zem okolo a vytvára Boží zákon v prírode rodiaci Veľkú Noc, vzkriesenie; to je nádherné. Otáčanie slnka prinavracia to, čo potlačila zima, kým to bolo v zemi...

71 Boh vysiela zem okolo slnka, tak ako nám bolo povedané, z tej sféry naspäť tu. Zem sa odvracia od slnka, ide naspäť tuto (To je postup, ako to robí hriešnik, uniká preč od S-y-n-a, kde toto je s-l-n-k-o). Ale keď sa zem začína navracať naspäť... A keď to tam bodá smrť, zima. To zabíja každú živú vec, ktorú to tam môže zabiť. A teraz, keď sa zem pohybuje naspäť, v zemi ležia semená; oni sú zamrznuté; nemajú v sebe dužinu; a všetko je preč; ale tam je uchovaný malý život.

A len čo sa slnko dostane naspäť do pozície spolu so zemou, potom nastáva Veľká Noc, prinavrátenie. Znovu sa vyšvihnú kvety; všetko sa vynára navrch. Všetko, čo zabila zima, slnko to kriesi. Všetko, čo zabila zimná smrť, slnko života to obnovuje.

72 A tak je to teraz s ľuďmi. Všetko, čo tam zabila tá studená, najchladnejšia zima, formálne náboženstvo; blížiaci sa Syn Boží prichádzajúci do Jeho cirkvi v týchto posledných dňoch, to znovu obnovuje ku Životu. „Ja prinavrátim“, hovorí Pán. Chápete?

Boh obnovuje Svoje kvety, Svoje listy, Svoju prírodu, Svoje semená zeme; a tak, my vieme, že ten Boh obnoví tiež Svoj príbytok. On obnoví Svoj Eden; On obnoví všetko, čo zabila smrť. To je pravda.

Teda, jediný spôsob, ako to môže vždy zostať mŕtve, je nechať to ležať na nesprávnom mieste. Ale ak to padne na správne miesto, to musí prísť znovu do života. Tak Boh, nás necháva spočívať vo správnom smerovaní (To je pravda.), aby nás obnovil.

73 Všetko, čo zima zabila, slnko to obnovuje. Prinavracanie slnka, čo to spôsobuje? To núti (Počúvajte), núti to smrť... Keď slnko, jarné slnko prichádza znovu naspäť do línie so zemou, to v podstate donucuje smrť, aby vydala svojich mŕtvych (Amen.) vzkrieseniu. Kvôli čomu? Obnova—znovu prinavrátiť.

Čo to robí? Prichádza slnko; to je Boží zákon. Boh nastavil zem podľa zákona, zákona gravitácie; všetko v prírode pracuje podľa Božského zákona. Kvet plnil úlohu vo svojom období; semená slúžili svojmu obdobiu; potom zomreli do zeme, a potom dochádza ku obnoveniu.

74 A teraz, leží tam smrť. Tam nie je žiadna vec... Mohli by sme vziať jedno z týchto svetiel ako sú tieto, a zasvietiť to; a to by nikdy neprinieslo úžitok. Nie je pre nás žiaden spôsob, aby sme to urobili. Boh má zákon, že keď to slnko nadíde na to semeno, to vytlačí ten život zo semena von. Smrť to viac nemôže zadržať.

75 Boh ustanovil všetky Jeho zákony, aby Mu slúžili, ako telesné – tak aj duchovné, fungujú podľa Jeho Slova, bez ohľadu na okolnosti. Milujem to, mám tu o tom miesto Písma. Áno, pane.

Boh uvádza všetky svoje zákony do pohybu. Rozmýšľajte o tom; nech to do vás vsiakne, pretože teraz za niekoľko minút ideme do uzdravovacieho zhromaždenia. Chápete? Boh, uviedol všetky Svoje zákony do chodu; takže to musí fungovať podľa Jeho vlastného Slova (Porozumeli ste to? Vidíte?)—Jeho Slovo. Jeho zákony musia fungovať podľa Jeho Slova. On prikázal slnku; On dal povel mesiacu; On riadi zem; On velí prírode; a to všetko vpadá rovno do jednej línie. A všetky zákony pracujú v harmónii s vypovedaným Slovom Božím. A zákon Života, ktorý je v nás, nás tiež prinesie do vzkriesenia. To musí. Je nemožné, aby to tak nebolo.

76 To je zmysel zákona Života, ktorý bol v Kristovi... Keď Slovo bolo hovorené a vypovedané, „Nedám Môjmu Svätému vidieť porušenie, ani nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle,“ nebolo dosť času; nebolo dostatok diablov; nebolo dosť z ničoho toho, čo by zadržalo Krista v tom hrobe až kým On—Jeho telo sa začalo rozkladať; pretože zákon Boží priviedol to Slovo, do vyplnenia sa. A zákon Boží, skrze Ducha Svätého, prináša akékoľvek zasľúbenie, do vyplnenia sa (Rozumiete to?), bez ohľadu na okolnosti.

77 Jób povedal, „Aj keď červy zničia moje telo, jednako budem vidieť Boha v mojom tele.“ Bez ohľadu na to, akí sme malí, nízki, nečistí, nesvätí, chorí, trpiaci; zákon Božieho Ducha pomocou Jeho Slova pôsobí, že Ho to poslúcha, tlačí na ten problém, a hovorí, „Daj to naspäť!“ Amen.

Ó, ak by sme len mohli o tom nachvíľu uvažovať. Donúti to, nehľadiac na okolnosti? Bez ohľadu na to, aká je situácia, zákon Božieho Slova tlačí ten stav, aby bol v súlade s Jeho Slovom. Vidíte? To musí.

A teraz, ak tam leží kvet, a je mŕtvy; semená sú zhnité, beznádejné; vyšla von dužina; to s tým nemá ani jednu vec spoločnú. Vzrastá to znovu, pretože Boh položil zákon, aby to znovu povstalo.

78 Keď bol Jób položený do zeme... Možno to bolo štyritisíc rokov predtým než tu Ježiš prišiel, keď Ho on videl prichádzať. Môžete si predstaviť, ako vyzeralo ľudské telo pred štyritisíc rokmi: pravdepodobne to nebolo dosť popola ani na konček lyžičky. Ale Jób povedal, „Je predsa len budem vidieť Boha vo svojom tele, Ktorého budem vidieť pre seba.“

A Biblia nám hovorí v Matúšovi 27, že po Jeho smrti a pochovaní a vzkriesení, že mnohí svätí, ktorí spali v prachu zeme, povstali z toho prachu. Prečo? To bol ten prorok, hovoriaci Slovo Božie; a Slovo bolo hovorené, a zákon Boží skrze Ducha, ich pozdvihol hore. Biblia hovorí, že oni prišli do mesta a ukázali sa mnohým. Nielen Ježiš vstal, ale vstali s Ním svätí.

79 Prečo? Tam v Žalme je povedané, „Pozdvihnite, brány večnosti, a buďte zodvihnuté. Nech vojde Pán slávy.“ No, keď On premohol smrť, peklo, hrob, nemoc, vstal tretieho dňa, vystúpil na výsosť, a zajal zajatie. Čo to bolo? To boli tí otroci, ktorí sa tešili na zasľúbenie, ktoré máme my teraz. Ó, brat.

Dokonca nikdy nemali Svätého Ducha, ale verili a dali dobré svedectvo; a pomocou toho zavreli ústa levom, uhasili zúrivosť ohňa, unikli ostriu meča; ženy dostali svojich mŕtvych vzkriesených naspäť do života: bez zasľúbenia. Ó, ale oni hľadeli dopredu... pod obeťami oviec, ktoré nemohli odlúčiť od hriechu, ktoré mohli len zakryť hriech.

80 Ale oni verili, že prichádza Jeden. A skrze ich vieru, ktorá ide ďaleko poza ten tieň (Amen), si to oni nárokovali. A neochvejne putovali po púšťach, a v ovčích kožiach, a kozích kožiach, boli sužovaní a v nedostatku a trápení. Ó, tamtí ľudia, hľadeli dopredu na vzkriesenie, a až dokiaľ nezomreli vo viere svedectvom; a v to Veľkonočné ráno (ten zákon Boží, ktorý vypovedal, Slovo, cez Jóba a tých iných prorokov), oni povstali zo smrti. Ó!

81 Tu to máte. Bez ohľadu na okolnosti. Niektorí ľudia sa dostávajú do takého stavu obvinenia, že nechcú čeliť žiadnemu súdu. Ó, veľa ľudí... Nie je ťažké zomrieť, ktokoľvek môže stratiť svoj rozum, alebo čokoľvek iné, a urobiť niečo bezhlavo. Niektorí upálili svoje telá, odviezli ich na more, a hodili popol na štyri rohy – štyri vetry mora. To nezastavilo súd; vy z toho vychádzate takí istí. Áno, pane.

82 Chápete? Bez ohľadu na podmienky, vy niekde stretnete Boha. Musíte prísť ku Nemu; musíte Ho stretnúť. Vidíte? Kvôli čomu? On vypovedal Slovo, a položil zákon s tým Slovom. A ten zákon je Jeho vlastným zákonom, Jeho vlastný Život za Tým. To je dôvod, že On prisahal Sám na Seba; nie je nikto väčší. Chápete? On musel zobrať prísahu, pretože žiadna zmluva nemohla byť potvrdená bez prísahy. A jediný spôsob, akým On mohol, prv ako to On urobil, On Samotný to vzal, a On Samotný sa stal prísahou (ó, brat), keď sa Boh stal človekom a bol tou prísahou, urobil Seba Samého prísahou. A Jeho vlastnou smrťou, pochovaním, a vzkriesením On potvrdil, že Jeho zákony boli správne. Povedal, „Zborte tento chrám a za tri dni ho znovu postavím“ Ja, osobné zámeno. „Znovu ho postavím za tri dni; ja ho vyvolám. Len ho zničte a uvidíte čo sa stane.“ Lebo On poznal zákon Boží; On poznal, čo to bolo. On vedel, že to muselo pracovať podľa Slova. On vedel, že Slovo Boha bolo vypovedané cez proroka a povedalo, „Nedám Svojmu Svätému vidieť porušenia.“ Tým to bolo vybavené. Tým to bolo vybavené.

83 Potom zákon Boží musí pracovať podľa Slova. (Za chvíľu prichádzame k veľkým veciam. Vidíte? Chápete? My sme...) Zákon Božieho Slova, zákon Boží je s Jeho Slovom. Teda, ak súd vypíše oznam, „Je určitá, určitá vec, pokuta urobiť tak-a-tak.“ V poriadku. Teraz, to je oznam súdu, a zákon súdu vynucuje oznámenie súdu. A Boh hovorí niečo, a to je zákon; a Duch Svätý je tu, aby uplatnil ten zákon (amen) pre veriaceho. Musíte byť do toho určený, a to vyžaduje veriaceho. Musíte mať znamenie veriaceho.

Niekto hovorí, „Máte moc?“

Nie, ale my máme autoritu (To je to.), nie moc, ale autoritu. My nemáme dosť moci na nič.

84 Ako som povedal pred nejakým časom, nejaký malý policajt tu v Louisville, stojí tam. On bol nižší než ja. Malý chlapík, čiapku mal natiahnutú na ušiach, a auto—ó, asi polovica z jeho uniformy na ňom len tak visela, chodil po ulici, malá čapica, pištoľ na boku, v ruke palička a malú píšťalka. Chodil tam v bielych rukaviciach, a tie autá (Niektoré z nich tristopäťdesiat koní) lietali po ulici ako blesky, len „źźźn, źźźn“. Nuž, ten úbohý malý chlapík nemohol zastaviť, on nedokázal svojou silou zastaviť ani utekajúceho poníka. Istotne nie. Ale on chodil po ulici, s tým veľkým lesklým vyznamenaním, fúkal do píšťaľky a ruka zodvihnutá. Brat, tristo konských síl motora škrípalo brzdami a všetko ďalšie. To nebola sila človeka, to bola autorita, ktorú on mal. To je to.

85 To je cirkev, To môže byť skupina náboženských fanatikov, takzvaných, alebo akokoľvek to nazvete; ale to je autorita. To je autorita za tým; to je to, čo to robí.

Bez ohľadu na okolnosti, Božie zákony pracujú s Jeho Slovom. A teraz, to nebude pracovať s vašim vyznaním; to bude pracovať so Slovom. Áno, to pracuje práve so Slovom; to je všetko. Teda, bez ohľadu na situáciu...

86 Abrahám, ako sme čítali pred chvíľkou v našom texte, Abrahámova žena mu musela byť navrátená naspäť. Prečo? Boh dal Abrahámovi zasľúbenie, a tu ju vzal kráľ, aby si ju zobral za svoju ženu.

Nuž, čo by on urobil? V okamihu by uvrhol Abraháma na smrť. To je to, čo povedal Abrahám, „Prosím ťa, aby si povedala, že...“ potom ako videl, že Abimelech ho prichytil (tento filištínsky kráľ), on povedal, „Teraz, ty... Prosím ťa, povedz, že som tvoj brat, pretože ak... Ty si nádherná žena,“ a povedal, „teraz, ak on uvidí, že si krásna, a ja—ja—ja budem zabitý, pretože on si ťa vezme a ožení sa s tebou.“

87 A tak, Abimelech ju chytil, a jeho muži ju priniesli dovnútra; ona bola nádherná žena. A mimochodom, ona mala len asi sto rokov. A ona—ona... Boh vlastne cez nich musel ukázať, čo On ide urobiť všetkým nám. Viete, prechádzal som cez to celé v mojom texte, a na páskach, a tak ďalej, potvrdzujúc, že podľa Slova Božieho; že to je správne. Cez Abraháma a Sáru on povedal, čo On išiel urobiť celému pokoleniu. To je pravda.

88 A teraz, ona tam bola, a tak Abimelech ju vzal, aby bola jeho ženou—Abimelech. A tak, on bol plne pripravený vziať si ju, aby bola jeho ženou, a čo? Boh musel povedať Abrahámovi: „Cez Sáru budeš mať to dieťa.“ A tu bol nejaký mladý muž, ktorý ju bral. Abrahám mal v tom čase okolo—asi sto rokov. Ale tým...

Všimnite si čo tam Boh povedal: „Áno, poznám bezúhonnosť tvojho srdca. To je dôvod, že som ťa zachoval, aby si nezhrešil proti Mne; ale vráť tú ženu, lebo jej manžel je prorok. Nech sa modlí za teba; ak to neurobíš, ja ťa zaslúžene zotriem z povrchu zeme.“

Tam to máte. Čo? Božie Slovo musí stáť. Žiaden človek sa nemohol dotknúť Sáry; Boh urobil sľub.

89 Sára, symbol cirkvi, pravej cirkvi, slobodnej cirkvi, slobodná žena so slobodným Dieťaťom, symbol znovuzrodenej cirkvi so zasľúbením. Nech hovoria čokoľvek chcú, nazývajú to náboženským fanatizmom. Oni sa To snažili zastaviť od Letníc, a nikdy to neurobia. Nie, veru. Len držte—len držte vaše ruky preč od Toho; to je všetko. Boh to ide zobrať a urobí s tým niečo, práve s takou istotou, ako tu stojím. Prechádzame priamo cez ten vek tej veci. A teraz, za niekoľko minút, Bože pomôž mi, ja vám to potvrdím, kde sa nachádzame. Pravda. Vy ste—oni to nikdy nezničia; to nemôže byť zničené. To je pravda.

90 „Daj od nej svoje ruky preč.“ Prečo? Z toho pochádza to prirodzené semeno. Prirodzené semeno muselo prísť. Ak by to—ak by sa Sára vydala za toho iného muža, nikdy by sa nenarodilo to prirodzené semeno.

Preto ak Boh tak chránil dráhu toho prirodzeného semena, o koľko viac toho duchovného, kráľovského Semena, ktoré On ochraňuje.

Satan, daj ich naspäť; prepusti ich. Ty ich viac nebudeš dusiť tam v ich organizáciách a okolnostiach; oni sú slobodní ľudia. Nechaj ich na pokoji. Áno. Pusti ich. Kráľovské Semeno...

91 Teda, Boh hovorí o prinavrátení. A teraz, tu v Joelovi on hovorí o... (kázal som na toto raz predtým a vzal som to z iného uhla, o... Nikdy som neprešiel priamo cez to, tak ako to zamýšľam urobiť dnes, a nebudem mať čas urobiť to, kde by to malo byť urobené.)

Ale Boh tu hovorí v Joelovi—Boh hovorí o Jeho ovocnom Strome, ktorý on zasadil. Boh zasadil ovocný Strom. On Ho zasadil na deň Letníc, a On tam priniesol ten Strom pre určitý cieľ. On chcel, aby To nieslo Jeho ovocie Slova, Božieho Slova. On chcel cirkev, ktorá by dodržiavala Jeho Slovo počas celých vekov. Eva zlyhala dodržať To; Hebreji zlyhali v dodržiavaní Toho; zákon bol neúspešný; všetko zlyhalo, a tak si Boh vysadil Strom—Strom.

92 Nuž, pamätajte, v záhrade Eden boli dva stromy; vieme to. Môžete ich volať akokoľvek chcete; ja mám svoj názor. Ale akokoľvek, jeden z nich bol znesvätený strom; bol znesvätený, a Ten druhý nebol znesvätený. Ten Strom Života prišiel od Boha z neba. On povedal, „Vaši otcovia jedli mannu a zomreli; ale tento Strom, jete z neho a žite naveky.“

A Anjel ochraňoval ten Strom Života zo záhrady Eden, držaný v Edene; ten Strom Života je v Edene, teda, duchovne hovoriac teraz.

Všimnite si. Teda, keď tento Strom, ktorý Boh zasadil, To bolo, aby prinášal deväť rôznych druhov ovocia, deväť rôznych druhov, ktoré predstavujú deväť duchovných darov, deväť ovocí Ducha má svoje miesto s deviatimi duchovnými darmi. To bol Boží Strom. On To posadil v zemi na deň Letníc.

93 A teraz, zastavme sa. Vždy sme tak obmedzení časom; idem preskočiť niekoľko Písem a pôjdem tu do prvého Žalmu.

Dávid videl tento Strom pred dlhým časom. A svojím písaním piesní niečoho radostného, to bola prvá vec, o ktorej písal. On videl tento Strom, a To bolo zasadené pri potokoch vôd—tento Strom. „On... A on bude ako strom,“ Boží Strom. Zasadený kde? „Pri potokoch (potoky, množné číslo), potoky vody (jednotné číslo). Nie Metodisti, Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, atď. Nie, nie. A-ha. Len potoky jednej vody: deväť duchovných darov toho istého Ducha, deväť ovocí Ducha prichádzajúcich z toho istého Kanála. „On bude ako Strom zasadený pri potokoch vôd.“

94 Dávid to videl a hovoril, „Požehnaný je muž...“ A všimnite si, on povedal, že on nemôže zomrieť. Jeho listy nezvädnú. Nie, nie. Nezávisí na tom, čo oni robia, oni nikdy nezabijú ten Strom. Prečo? To je to, kde je To zasadené. To je to, čo to robí. To je to, kde je on zasadený. On je zasadený nad potokmi vody. Teraz, všimnite si, Dávid povedal, „Jeho korene nezahynú.“

95 Viete, vezmete strom, veľký starý strom. Keď som bol chlapec, zvykol som chodiť von a my chlapci sme chodili von, a mali sme veľký starý strom, pod ktorým sme zvykli sedávať, veľký starý bukový strom. A vietor vanul; a ja som sa divil, pozeral som sa ako tá vec, na vrchole to vyzerala akoby to malo odviať celé preč. Ale viete, zakaždým keď na strom fúkal vietor, to rozkývalo ten strom, a on zapustil korene, tak oni sa len vhĺbili hlbšie a lepšie držali.

A to je tá spôsob, kedy výsmech, smiech, robenie si žartov z Kresťanstva, čo to robí, prenasledovanie, zatrasie Kresťanom, aby spôsobilo, že sa viac modlí, kope hlbšie, lepšie sa uchopí, takže môže obstáť v búrke.

96 A teraz, čo ak je človek zasadený v takej veci ako pri rieke, kde ho kŕmi deväť rôznych prameňov? Ó! Aký—aký základ on má. A človek, ktorý je zasadený pri potoku, potokoch vody (jedna voda, jeden Duch)... Tam sú dary uzdravenia (ten istý Duch), dary proroctva (ten istý Duch), všetko ten istý Duch, ale mnoho darov, jeden Darca.

Teraz, Dávid ho videl, a on bol posadený pri tomto Strome. Teda, on nemohol zomrieť. A teraz, všimnite si. Prečo? On mal Život v koreňoch. Kde sú korene—alebo život stromu? Zostaňte v koreňoch. Iste. Prichádza a donáša svoje ovocie. V poriadku, pozorujte. Jeho korene mali v sebe Život, aby zrodili Jeho ovocie vo svojim časom.

97 A teraz, pamätajte, tento Strom nestratí Svoje ovocie. Ale, vezmite strom a odstráňte ho z vody; prvá vec ktorú zistíte, keď máte malé staré jablká; oni sú celé hrčovité a červivé. Ale on vydá svoju úrodu.

A to je to, čo sa deje s cirkvami dnes. Vy ste unikli preč od tej Rieky, unikli preč od darov Ducha; oni majú len prirodzenú cirkev. A oni unikli od duchovných darov a duchovných vecí, a oni vydávajú svoje ovocie. Čo oni robia? Oni sú—oni sú veriacimi, žijú so svetom, správajú sa ako svet, kradnú, podvádzajú, klamú, fajčia, pijú, hazardujú, majú v zbore párty pri ktorých podvodom oberajú ľudí o peniaze, aby platili kazateľa, a všetko ďalšie, večierky, tance. Chápete? Oni stratili svoje ovocie. To je presne ako svet, a neveriaci sa pozerá a hovorí: „Nie je žiadny rozdiel medzi tou osobou a mnou.“

98 To je to, čo spôsobilo aby povstal komunizmus v Rusku. To je dôvod, prečo podpálili Katolícky kostol dole v Mexiku. Keď som tam bol a videl som tie jamy na vápno a tie miesta, kde oni pálili tamtie malé deti, kde tie rehoľníčky mali tamtie deti; dokonca ľudské telá, ležali tam urastené ľudské telá, v tých jamách na vápno. Čo oni urobili? Oni vydali svoju úrodu (Chápete?), a Boh ich striasol dole zo stromu; to bolo všetko. Vidíte?

99 Ale človek, ktorý je zasadený (nie prilepený, ale zasadený) pri potokoch vody, bude donášať Jeho ovocie (pozorujte) v jeho—Jeho ovocie v Jeho období.

Rozumiete to? Žalm 1: „Blahoslavený muž, ktorý nesedí na stolici posmievačov, nestojí na ceste hriešnikov. Bude ako strom zasadený pri potokoch vody. Dáva Jeho ovocie v Jeho období, a čokoľvek robí, podarí sa mu. (Vidíte? Všimnite si.) Nie tak bezbožní“; a on pre Ním na súde neobstojí. Chápete?

100 A teraz, on prinesie Jeho ovocie jeho časom. Pozorujte tam každé „Jeho“, osobné zámeno. Je to Jeho ovocie, Božie ovocie, v sezóne, v ktorej to prorok prináša. To bude v prorockej sezóne; Božie ovocie v Božom čase podľa prorockej sezóny, „On prinesie Jeho ovocie v jeho sezóne.“

Vidzte, či tam nie je dvakrát slovíčko „Jeho“. Priniesť Jeho, Božie ovocie (Vidíte?), v sezóne, v ktorej bol ustanovený posol, aby prišiel. On prinesie tie... No, pamätajte, že posol ktorý prináša ovocie Božie, prinesie to v Božej sezóne, v sezóne toho nositeľa. Rozumiete? „Prinesie Jeho ovocie v jeho sezóne.“ A To nemôže uschnúť. Prečo? On tam má predurčené ovocie. A nemôže To zničiť, pretože To je predurčené.

101 Teraz, Efežanom 5:1 a vlastne 5, To hovorí, „Posadení spolu v ponebeských oblastiach v Kristu Ježišovi.“ Čo sa stalo? On povedal, „Boh, podľa Jeho predzvedenia, nás predurčil k synovstvu detí Božích skrze Ježiša Krista.“ Boh, skrze Jeho predzvedenie, predurčil všetko, čo sa má stať tam ďalej na tej ceste. Jeho predzvedením On to predvidel; preto, od počiatku On mohol povedať koniec.

Z toho dôvodu, bolo predurčené ovocie v koreňoch tohto Stromu; a tento Strom nemohol uschnúť, pretože To držalo predurčené ovocie.

102 No, to je Strom, o ktorom tu hovorí Joel. Vidíte? To nemôže zomrieť. Červy To požierajú, ale To nemôže zomrieť. V Jeho koreňoch To má predurčenú Pravdu; To malo Božie Slovo, tento Strom. A tento Strom je tým Stromom po celý čas... Bol posadený v záhrade Eden. Všetky stromy zo ženy zomreli; my všetci zo ženy zomierame. Narodením my všetci zomrieme. Ale zo ženy prišla smrť, preto toto narodenie prišlo zo ženy. Dobre.

Potom toto musí zomrieť, kvôli hriechu; ale narodenie, nové narodenie, ktoré prišlo z Krista, nemôže zomrieť. To je jeden Strom a druhý strom. Chápete? A tento Strom, hoci bol prenasledovaný, bol zosmiešnený od úplného počiatku v záhrade Eden, To nemôže zomrieť; To je predurčené. Bol udieraný a bitý, a ó, všetko možné Mu bolo urobené. A čo sa stalo? To nemôže zomrieť. On nezomrie. On nemôže, pretože On sa drží v Jeho predurčenom Slove Božom. To musí vyjsť von, lebo Jeho ovocie je v Jeho vlastnej sezóne, predurčenej sezóne, nezáleží na tom...

103 Joel videl každý jeden z nich zjedený dolu do spodku, ale on povedal, „Ja ho obnovím, povedal Pán.“ Za predurčením Božím ležia korene Stromu. To musí vyjsť von, pretože To drží predurčené Slovo Božie.

Ó, čo za Strom. Ó, tento Strom. Začalo To rásť tam v záhrade Eden. Čo sa stalo? Tam bola partia vychádzajúca z Kainových detí, nejaké bacily, a prešli tadiaľ, a zjedli To dolu do stebla; a Boh z Toho tú úrodu vzal a položil To do archy a preniesol To. To je pravda.

104 Celou cestou dolu to bolo tak isto, dolu cez hranicu súdu—Izrael, tak dolu. A potom, na Letnice, kde cirkev, čo sa týka Stromu Nevesty... On je uvedený do poriadku na Letnice, Strom ktorý bol predurčený priniesť Jeho ovocie v daných obdobiach.

A teraz, ide to v poriadku, tomu ovociu sa dobre darilo. Rozkvitlo to na deň Letníc. Poďme sa pozrieť, čo sa stalo na deň Letníc. Ježiš povedal, „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, aj vy činiť budete.“ Uzdravovali nemocných, ale, toho dňa... Poďme sa pozrieť, ako to začalo.

105 Na deň Letníc, niekoľko dní po vzkriesení (päťdesiat dní po Veľkej Noci), prichádza mocný nesúci sa vietor z neba. Ale, dnes, my to robíme inak. Služobník sa postaví a vezme—povie, „Zapisujem tvoje meno do knihy.“ Chápete? Alebo nejaký bakalár s golierom sa otočí a povie, „Poďte tu a zoberte chlieb košer, potom sa stanete členom cirkvi.“ Či to nie je divné? Služobník povie, „Pripojte sa ku našej skupine.“

No, oni sa obidvaja mýlia. Na deň Letníc to prišlo z neba (nie z kazateľne, po ceste), z neba, a čo? Kňaz? Nie. Služobník? Nie. Čo to bolo? Zvuk ako mocný nesúci sa vietor; a naplnil celý dom, kde boli zhromaždení. Spočinuli na nich rozdielne jazyky; zajakavou rečou, oni nemohli hovoriť; oni boli tak naplnení slávou. Svätý Duch ich naplnil. Vyšli do ulíc, bľabotajúc, len... A tak sa správali... Dokonca tam stálo také dôstojné zhromaždenie a oni povedali, „No, títo ľudia sú naplnení novým vínom; sú úplne opilí. Pozrite sa na nich, mužov a ženy, ako sa potácajú a ako sa správajú...“

106 Teda, to je TAK HOVORÍ DUCH; to je Písmo. To je to, ako cirkev bola organizovaná, nie organizovaná, ale ustanovená. Je veľký rozdiel v tých dvoch slovách. Všimnite si, tam oni boli. A teraz... A viete čo, vy Katolícki ľudia, požehnaná panna Mária bola s nimi. Áno. Ale, ak by Boh nedovolil Márii prísť do neba bez prijatia Ducha Svätého, ako sa tam idete dostať vy, ukrátení o To. No, len o tom rozmýšľajte. Vidíte? Jasné, to je pravda. Mária bola medzi nimi. A ona tam musela čakať, až kým nestratila všetku svoju dôstojnosť a hrdosť, naplnená Duchom.

107 A oni tu prišli a správali sa ako opití ľudia. Biblia povedala, že oni to urobili. Oni povedali, „Títo ľudia sú plní nového vína.“

Ale Peter, hovorca, služobník v tej skupine, sa postavil a povedal, „Títo nie sú naplnení vínom, ako sa vy nazdávate, vidiac, že je len tretia hodina dňa; ale toto je to, čo bolo vypovedané prorokom Joelom (tým, z ktorého čítam dnes), „A stane sa v posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh, vylejem Môjho Ducha na každé telo; a vaši synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať. A ukážem znamenia hore na nebi, a znaky na zemi. A stane sa, že ktokoľvek bude vzývať Meno Pánovo, bude spasený.“

Ale, Peter kázal na Letnice, podľa toho istého proroka, o ktorom ja kážem dnes: vysádzanie tohto Stromu. A to je to, kde Ho on zasadil. Ó, To bolo urobené dobre. Oni vyšli a mali duchovné dary; oni uzdravovali nemocných; kázali; boli uvrhnutí do žalára; oni boli ochotní trpieť kvôli Slovu.

108 Ak by ste odišli do iného národa ako taký nemastný-neslaný, tak by ste nepredstavili dobrého Američana. A ak by ste tam išli... Ak by ste teraz išli do Japonska, a vy by ste sa skĺzli okolo hranice a povedali, „Počúvajte, priatelia, ja som za vás. Viete, ja som za vás, ale ja som tam na tej druhej strane.“ Ty zradca, mal by si byť zastrelený. To je pravda. Si zradca. Iste.

109 A potom, to je rovnako. Človek, ktorý pozná Slovo Božie a robí na Tom kompromisy kvôli nejakej organizácii, ktorá mu hovorí, že to musí robiť takto; to je zradca. Je to pravda. Ale títo muži neboli zradcami. Oni sa nestarali ako mnoho—nuž, ako viesť debatu, aké boli ich cirkevné zvyky: kričanie, a plakanie, a vykrikovanie, a bľabotanie v jazykoch, ktoré sa zdali akoby... Židia, oni rozprávali jeden druhému a nemohli to rozumieť. Tí ľudia tam v obecenstve z iných národov a iných jazykov začali počuť čo oni hovorili. Oni nevedeli, čo prehovorili; oni bľabotali, ale iní ľudia to tam rozumeli. A oni povedali, „Títo ľudia sú určite opití.“

Ale Peter povedal, „Oni nie sú opití, ale sú naplnení Duchom.“ Tak, že... Každý jeden z nich odišiel mučeníckou smrťou, okrem Jána, a on bol pálený dvadsaťštyri hodín v olejovom sude; a oni dokonca nemohli vypáliť z neho Ducha. A potom, on zomrel prirodzenou smrťou, jediný, Ján zjavovateľ.

110 Teda, to je pravda. Všimnite si teraz, čo sa udialo. Na tomto, Boh vysadil Strom, aby zrodil deväť duchovných darov, darov Jeho Ducha. Ten istý Duch, ktorý bol v Kristovi, prišiel dole na cirkev, mal Večný Život. Teraz, dary Ducha boli v cirkvi, a To rástlo, prinášalo ovocie všade. Oni nerozmýšľali o sebe; oni nič neorganizovali; oni len postupovali vpred a boli bratmi. Nemali žiadne (Som rád, že tam bola tá malá vec.) –„Žiadne vyznanie, iba Krista; žiadny zákon, iba lásku; žiadnu knihu, iba Bibliu.“ To je to, čo ja verím. Vidíte? A to je spôsob ako to oni robili. Svet je našou farnosťou (Chápete?) všade.

111 Tak všimnite si, títo spolupracovníci, keď oni to robili, aká slávna bola tá cirkev; a Boh bol s nimi. Biblia povedala... A Ježiš sa s nimi stretol ako On vystúpil hore. On povedal,

Choďte do celého sveta, kážte Evanjelium každému stvoreniu.

...tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí tomu veria; V mojom mene...

A teraz, tieto znamenia... Ale, dnes, podľa akého znaku nazývame niekoho veriacim? Podá si ruku s pastorom; patrí do cirkvi; má svoje meno v knihe, pretože jeho matka alebo otec majú svoje meno v knihe.

112 Ale to nebolo to, čo povedal Ježiš. Ježiš povedal, tieto veci... To je prirodzená cirkev; my hovoríme o duchovnej cirkvi. My hovoríme o duchovnom Strome, nie prirodzenom strome. (Dostaneme sa ku tým dvom stromom — o chvíľu.) Vidíte? Duchovný Strom. Ježiš povedal, „Tieto znaky budú nasledovať tých, ktorí visia na tomto Strome. Tieto znaky budú nasledovať tých, ktorí získali svoj Život z tohto Stromu. V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov (ó!); budú hovoriť novými jazykmi; ak vezmú hada alebo vypijú smrtonostné veci, neuškodí im to; keď položia svoje ruky na nemocných, budú uzdravení.“ Je tam určitý druh znakov, o ktorých On povedal, že by mali nasledovať veriaceho. Kde je to dnes? On dal svetu príklad, čo by malo byť znakom veriaceho. A On povedal, že to by bolo omnoho lepšie zavesiť na váš krk žernov a byť ponorený do hlbín mora než sa pohoršiť na jednom z nich, pretože „ich anjeli vždycky hľadia na tvár Môjho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach“ – anjeli.

113 Všimnite si teraz, tam oni boli. A ten Strom bol zasadený; To robilo veľkú prácu. My vieme, že oni obchádzali všade. Pán... No, na deň Letníc bolo pridaných tritisíc duší, pokrstených, a prišlo do cirkvi; a aké oni mali ohromné obecenstvo; a každý—nebolo nikoho, kto by čokoľvek potreboval; každý bol milý, dobrého srdca jeden ku druhému. Oni boli všetci jednou veľkou rodinou. Obdivuhodné.

A potom prišiel ten malý starý, škaredý, nenásytný chrobák, ktorý žije v štyroch rôznych štádiách, tak, ako ho videl Joel. Hmyz v štyroch štádiách – ten ničiteľ vyšiel, aby zničil ten nádherný Strom Boží. Rozmýšľajte o tom. A teraz, idem prečítať niečo z Joela, čo on povedal, Joel prvá kapitola.

114 Prvá vec... No, sú tam štyri rôzne chrobáky, ale je to v podstate jeden chrobák. Je to jeden chrobák v štyroch rôznych štádiách. Teda, pozorujte tohto malého starého chrobáka ako pre toto prichádza, pre tento ohromný, nádherný Strom Boží (Budeme to volať strom, ktorý bol cirkvou).

115 Prvý bol červík; to je tá malá vec, len malý maličký hmyz - červík. Čo ten červík robil? On prišiel zničiť ovocie Stromu; to je prvá vec. A teraz, poďme naspäť do histórie a pozrime sa, čo bola prvá vec: bola to dôstojná skupina medzi bežnými ľuďmi. A oni povedali, „Dobre, to je dobré, že môžeš uzdravovať nemocných, a že môžeš robiť tieto veci; to je nádherné. No a vieš, čo by sme mali urobiť? Mali by sme to dostať trochu vedľa, kde tomu bude rozumieť väčšia skupina ľudí, lepšia skupina: primátor, sudcovia atď, a funkcionári mesta. A pokiaľ budete pokračovať cestou ktorou idete, oni sa ku vám nikdy neobrátia. (Chápete?) Oni sa vás boja.“

Niekto povedal, že: „Oni sa stále boja.“ Tuším, že je to pravda. Teda je to pravda; oni sa boja Ducha Svätého. (Prepáčte mi.)

116 Zvykol som spievať takú krátku pieseň: „Je to stará...“ Počuli ste niekedy: „Je to tá stará viera?“ Počul niekedy niekto tú pieseň?

„Je to tá stará viera...“ Zvykol som tú krátku pieseň spievať pred rokmi; Hovoril som,

Je to ten starodávny Duch Svätý

a diabol sa k Nemu nepriblíži.

To je dôvod, prečo sa Toho ľudia boja,

ale pre mňa je to dostatočné.

Je to tak dobré, že nechcem iné,

lebo ono robí, že dokážem milovať svojho brata

a Ono odkrýva veci spod pokrývky,

a tak je to pre mňa dostatočné. (To je pravda.)

Ono spraví, že prestaneš klamať,

Ono ťa spasí keď zomieraš,

Ono spôsobí, že diabol utečie

a Ono je pre mňa dostatočné.

Je to pravda. To je dôvod, prečo To ľudia nechcú.

117 A teraz, je to Boh. Oni nechcú Ježiša; oni povedali, „Tento človek?“ Cirkev, veľká vznešená cirkev povedala, „Vy nám prichádzate povedať kto sme my? My vám dáme najavo, my sme Dr. Ph.D., L.L., Q.U.S.,“ a ó, všetko to. „Veď, ja som veľkňaz.“ „Ja som toto, tamto, alebo iné, a ty mi hovoríš... Veď, ty si bol narodený v hriechu. Ty si nič, len nemanželské dieťa. Tvoja matka bola... mala ťa prv ako boli s tvojim otcom zosobášení.“

On povedal, „Kto Ma môže obviniť z hriechu; kto Ma môže obviniť?“

V poriadku. Hriech je nevera Božiemu Slovu. Inými slovami On povedal, „Ukážte Mi, kde som nevyplnil Slovo do bodky, práve tam, kde by To malo byť.

Ukážte Mi v Písme, kde Môj deň... Ak nerobím skutky Môjho Otca, potom Mi neverte.“ Povedal, „No, vy tvrdíte, že ste tými...; teraz hľaďme ako to robíte.“ Ó! Od toho času sa Ho nepýtali ničoho (Vidíte?); oni Ho nechali na pokoji.

Ako diabol ku Nemu priletel... Ja som povedal, že on si myslel, že by Ho mohol nejako nachytať, ale zistil, že v tej Linke bolo milión voltov. On od Neho veľmi rýchlo odskočil (vidíte?), pretože nemohol s Tým narábať; a to bola jediná zaručená vec.

118 Tak sa tento malý červík vrátil, aby vzal ovocie. (Mám dve strany o ovocí; Ja chcem čítať len niektoré z nich.) Prvá vec, prvé ovocie, ktoré odobral, bola bratská láska... To je pravda. To je jedna z tých vecí, ktoré zabíjajú cirkev, keď bratská láska... Tak veru. Potom, ďalšie ovocie, ktoré on vzal zo Stromu... Pamätajte, láska je prvé ovocie na strome: láska, radosť, pokoj, trpezlivosť, dobrota, miernosť, viera, trpezlivosť (to je pravda) v Duchu Svätom. Teda, deväť duchovných darov s deviatimi druhmi ovocia zo Stromu atď... V poriadku.

119 A teraz, on musel najprv pojesť ovocie toho stromu. Potom, predstavme si ten veľký strom, Boží strom; rodí deväť duchovných darov. Oni uzdravujú chorých; hovoria v jazykoch; vyháňajú diablov; robia veľké skutky, a kážu to nescudzoložené Slovo Božie, žiadna denominácia, ktorá by ich pripútala; oni sú slobodní, robia veľké skutky. No a prišiel tento malý starý diabol, vystavil sa tam s jeho dvoma rohmi, vystrčil sa dopredu ako kobylka, viete, a jeho malé staré pažravé zuby. To je jeho prvé štádium, červík, on vstúpil aby pojedol bratskú lásku. Povedal, „Viete, Ten-a-ten urobil to-a-to, tam v tej-a-tej cirkvi; Ja by som tej skupine ľudí neveril.“ Chápete? On je tam, prvá vec.

120 Ďalej, on chcel pojesť ovocie viery: viera v Slovo: „Teraz, pozri, ako vieš, že to je Slovo? To bolo tak mnohokrát preložené.“ Ten malý diabol stále požiera. Vidíte? To je pravda. „To Slovo bolo tak mnohokrát preložené. On je toto, tamto alebo iné. Ó, on je všetko toto.“ Chápete?

Teraz, on požral z toho to iné ovocie: radosť zo spasenia: „Pśśśt. Vy ľudia robíte príliš mnoho hluku. Ó!“

121 „Ó, ako ty môžeš kázať, brat Branham?“ povedala mi raz jedna žena... Nie, to nebola; bol to muž (Ja myslím on je... Dúfam, že je tu; on patrí do inej cirkvi), ale on mi povedal; hovoril, „Bol som ťa jedného dňa počúvať, a nemohol som ťa ani počuť kvôli tým ľuďom, ktorí tak kričali.“ (Povedal som...) Prehlásil, „Ako tam vôbec môžeš kázať?“ Odvetil som, „Ak sa z toho netešia, nekázal by som.“ To je pravda.

122 Zvykol som mať... Môj priateľ Jim Poole a ja sme zvykli mať starého psa. Volali sme ho Fritz. A tak tento starý pes, on by—on by urobil čohokoľvek, ale neroztrhal by skunka. On sa ho tak bál, pretože on tak zapáchal. A tak ja som mu dal skunka pod kopu krovia a jedinú vec, ktorú som musel urobiť, bolo len potľapkať ho trochu a povedať, „Hľadaj, hľadaj!“ A on šiel a chytili toho skunka, pretože ja som ho potľapkal a povedal, „Hľadaj!“ Nuž, to je práve to, čo sa deje, keď my... To je... Tá najsmradľavejšia vec, akú poznám, je diabol. A tak, keď prinášam toto Slovo a niekto povie, „Amen,“ to je akoby „Hľadaj, chlapče!“ Tak ho dostávame, chytáme do pasce.

123 A tak zisťujeme, že on vzal radosť. Viete, Dávid raz stratil radosť zo svojho spasenia; on nestratil svoje spasenie; ale on stratil z toho radosť. On volal, „Pane, navráť mi radosť zo spasenia.“ Chápete? Radosť...

Tak tento malý starý červík začal vyžierať to ovocie radosti: „Ale, pozri sa sem, vy ľudia robíte príliš veľa hluku. Poviem ti, všetko toto kričanie, toto hovorenie „Amen,“ a toto vykrikovanie, to je nezmysel. Nie je nič také.“

Vidíte? A prvá vec, viete, zistíte, že sedíte vo veľkej márnici, viete, sedíte tam, všetci z nich sú mŕtvi. Niektoré z týchto balzamovacích tekutín takzvaných doktrín vyznaní im napumpovali do žíl, tam, kde mal prúdiť Duch Boží, napumpovali staré cirkevné presvedčenie; niet divu, že sú ľadoví, studení a mŕtvi. Duchovný teplomer ukazuje 90 stupňov pod nulou. Áno. Niekto povie, „Amen“; a každý natiahne svoj krk a obzerá sa ako nejaká hus alebo niečo, chce vedieť, ktorý to povedal. To je hanba, keď Duch Boží by mal byť radosťou, pokojom, láskou. Ale tento malý starý hmyz sa tým začal kŕmiť a poobhrýzal všetku radosť.

124 A potom, ďalšie ovocie na tom Strome je pokoj, pokoj mysle, vedieť že ste spasení. Oni vám povedia, „No teraz, ak budete recitovať naše vyznanie, ste spasení.“ „Ak sa pripojíte k mojej cirkvi, ste spasení.“

V poriadku teda, tento hovorí, „Vy nie ste spasení, ak chodíte tam; musíte sa pripojiť ku našej cirkvi, aby ste boli spasení.“

„Musíte povedať ‘Ave Maria’.”

„Musíte mať svoje meno v tejto knihe.“

„Musíte mať...“

Óch. To by vyňalo všetku vašu radosť; ale to nie je Boží Strom. Viete na čom ste; to je kríženec. Vždy som... poznáte môj príbeh o mulovi, on je kríženec. On nevie kto je jeho otec, matka, nevie o ani jednom z nich. Chápete? To je miešanec. Ale ó, dobrý čistokrvný kôň, on vie, kto je jeho otec a matka cez celé generácie. A skutočne dobrý čistokrvný Kresťan tiež, ktorý má Ducha Svätého, on vie, že To zostúpilo na deň Letníc. On vie na čom je; on to vie presne vystopovať dozadu cez generácie—jeho rodokmeň až do toho prvopočiatku. Peter To mal; dolu cez ten národ, a rasy, oni To mali až tam po začiatok. Dobrý čistokrvný Kresťan vie odkiaľ to pochádza.

125 Povieš, „Dobre, ja som Luterán, och.“

„Ja som Presbyterián.“

Ó, ty miešanec. Prečo nie si... Prečo nie si...

„Dobre,“ poviete, „Čo si—čo si ty?“


„Znovuzrodený z čoho?“

„Z Ducha Božieho.“ Preto nie si hybridom; ty si narodený správne. Nie s nejakým cirkevným vyznaním, ale s Duchom Božím; Boh žije v tebe.

126 Teraz, všimnite si. Tento malý starý hmyz začal jesť. No a on zožral všetok pokoj mysle. Ó, a pokračoval, a pokračoval, a pokračoval, a pokračoval ďalej. Mám tu o tom stranu: všetko ovocie, čo všetko urobil.

Potom, tento malý—tento tvor odumrel, a stal sa kobylkou. To bolo ďalšie štádium, bola to kobylka. Ale, čo robí kobylka? Kobylka požiera listy. To je pravda. Kobylka berie z listov. Čo nechal červík (on nechal listy; on pojedol všetko ovocie Stromu), čo začalo potom? Kobylka prišla pojesť, pojesť to, čo nechal červík. A teraz, čo on urobil, čo urobil tento červík? Zničil lístie. Načo je lístie? Zničenie Božského obecenstva. To je pravda.

„No, on je Presbyterián; my nebudeme mať s ním nič spoločné. On je Nazarén. On je Letničný. On je toto, tamto, alebo iné; my s ním nebudeme mať nič spoločné, pretože on nepatrí do našej skupiny.“

„Máte tu zhromaždenie na uzdravovanie nemocných? Och. Naša cirkev ani neverí v také niečo.“ Chápete? Tam vy...

127 Čo by mala robiť tá stará kobylka? Ona poodrezávala všetko obecenstvo (To je pravda), zobrala všetko obecenstvo. Čo je obecenstvo? Čo robia listy? Osviežujú, tam kde vtáci lietajú popod lístie a [Brat Branham robí zvuk zrýchleného dychu. – pozn.prekl.] ochladzujú (Znovu je tam strom: „A on bude ako strom, ktorý je zasadený...“ Vidíte? V poriadku), kde ľudia môžu prísť a usadiť sa pri obecenstve Ducha Svätého, ochladiť sa trochu. Vy ste celí znepokojení, a neviete čo sa deje, a či zomriete alebo či ste spasení alebo nie, a neviete či táto cirkev je správna alebo to je správne; len príďte pod Strom, ktorý má na Sebe nejaké lístie a usaďte sa tam. Nech vetry z neba zadujú cez stromy ako valiaci sa mohutný vietor, viete. A začnú—a začnete sa trochu ochladzovať. Hovoriac, „Ó, pôjdem dolu a poviem tej skupine náboženských fanatikov, čo si myslím.“

Len sa nachvíľu posaďte, ochladíte sa. To je pravda. Nemôžete to urobiť pod vašim stromom, pretože čo sa deje? Kobylka to všetko požrala, iste, požrala z toho všetky listy. Práve preto sa tiež môžete posadiť vonku na slnku; ale nemôžete sa tam ochladiť. No dobre.

128 A teraz, tam je... Ale vy viete, čo by sme mali robiť. Biblia povedala, že predurčená cirkev, predurčení synovia v Bohu... Čo oni robili? Posadili sa v ponebeských oblastiach. Čo to je? Kľud, pokoj, cítiť sa doma. Amen.

Kde každý má oblečený smoking, a—a ďalší človek to, a—a niekto sa rozhliadne okolo a povie, „Hmmm, pozri. Ona nikdy nemala na vlasoch trvalú. Či to—nevyzerá to hrozne? Ona dokonca nemá ani veľkonočný šaty... (čokoľvek to je). (Viete. Áno, ten veľkonočný oblek, šaty, viete.) Ani dokonca nemá to Veľkonočné... No, pozrite sa na neho, ten istý starý oblek mal oblečený minulý rok. No, čo vy o tom viete.“ Tam sa necítite dobre.

129 Nedávno som povedal jednej úbohej žene, slabá úbohá žena, ona patrila do veľkej dôstojnej cirkvi tam dolu... Ona povedala (ona zomiera s rakovinou, odišiel som tam dole sa za ňu modliť, brat Roy Robertson tu, jeden z dôverníkov ma tam poslal, a tá slabá úbohá žena tam ležala a zomierala s rakovinou)—a ona povedala...

Povedal som, „Si Kresťanka?“

„Pane, ja—ja neviem čo povedať.“ Odvetila, „Chodila som do určitej cirkvi,“ a povedala... Potom začala plakať.

Prehovoril som, „Čo sa stalo?“

Odvetila, „Ja som si jednoducho nemohla dovoliť poriadne sa obliecť. Oni sa dívali na mňa zvrchu.“

130 Ó, tam to máte. Vidíte? Cítite sa nepohodlne. Chápete? Ale Biblia povedala, že my sa zhromažďujeme spolu v ponebeských miestach. Ó!. Čo? Všetci podobní. Veď, poviem vám čo to urobí. To urobí to, že niekto v montérkach a niekto v smokingovom saku objíme jeden druhého a nazvú jeden druhého bratom. Istotne to tak bude. To spôsobí, že staré mušelínové šaty sa objímu s hodvábnymi, saténovými a povedia, „Sestra, ako sa máš dnes ráno? Chvála Bohu.“ To je pravda. To bude. To je radosť, pokoj, láska, viera v Slovo, dlhozhovievavosť, miernosť, trpezlivosť. Posadení v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi, ochladiť sa na malú chvíľu. Chápete? To je to, čo robili tie listy. Ale čo urobila stará kobylka? Prikradla sa, požrala lístie; povedala, „Alebo patríte ku nám alebo nepatríte nikomu.“ A tak ona vzala preč všetku tú príjemnosť Ducha. Vidíte? Ona zorganizovala náboženstvo. V poriadku.

131 Ale, musíme ísť ďalej. Mohli by sme zostať veľmi dlho na tej malej kobylke ale jeho tretie štádium bolo škodlivá húsenica. Hmm, to má už od začiatku zlé meno: škodlivá húsenica. Čo robí tá škodlivá húsenica? Ide do kôry; tam je línia života. Tak veru. Ona ide do kôry, a poškodzuje pokrytie stromu—pokrytie. Čo je náboženstvo? Pokrytie; to je to, čo znamená slovo náboženstvo: „pokrytie“.

132 Takže táto malá škodlivá húsenica, potom ako sa ona dostala medzi zhromaždenie, dostala všetkých dôstojných, potom vo forme kobylky vzala preč od nich všetko obecenstvo; a teraz, obchádza a zmocňuje sa ich samotného náboženstva a robí z toho dogmy. To je pravda. Ustanovuje neortodoxné slovo, formuje si náboženstvo a dáva dokopy skupinu ľudí a dáva im tam nejaké vyznanie; berie práve to náboženstvo, olupuje to z Božieho Stromu—zo samotnej kôry, ktorá prináša miazgu, ktorá v tom prechádza, odstraňuje to preč. Škodlivá húsenica... Vidíte ten hmyz? To je presne tak.

133 Tá škodlivá húsenica, to bol Rím, v tej rannej cirkvi. Prvá vec, Letničná skupina, nie Letničná organizácia... Nie, pane. Čokoľvek, čo sa organizuje je mŕtve; za okamih vám to potvrdím podľa Písma. Vidíte? Ale keď to je... Ale Letničná skúsenosť, pre koho je to? Je to pre Katolíkov. Koho ďalšieho? Metodistov, Baptistov, Presbyteriánov, kohokoľvek, kto to chce. Ale vy chcete—musíte to chcieť.

Vy sa do toho nepripájajte. Ja som v rodine Branhamovcov päťdesiattri rokov, a nikdy som sa k tej rodine nepripojil. Prečo? Ja som Branham od počiatku; bol som narodený ako Branham. To je spôsob ako je to s nami Kresťanmi. Nie preto, že sme sa s niečím zlúčili; to je organizácia; my sme narodení Kresťania, tým že sme znovuzrodení Svätým Duchom.

134 Všimnite si teraz. Teda, táto malá škodlivá húsenica sa začína zavŕtavať do kôry. Čo ona urobila? Ona začala brať jeho náboženstvo, jeho pokrytie, odobrala od neho jeho náuky. Náboženstvo je náuka, pokrytie, ktoré niečo pokrýva. To je dôvod, že naše náboženstvo je krvou, Krvou—Život je v Krvi, ktorá pokrýva Slovo. A život je v krvi; krv je náboženstvo; a Život v Krvi je to, čo prináša výsledky. Však, vidíte to? Vidíte?

135 Nie je to prikryté veľkým lístím; Adam a Eva to raz skúšali. Kain urobil tú istú vec, všimli ste si to? Kain priniesol tiež niečo z rastlinného života (Vidíte?), ale to nefungovalo. To nefungovalo s Adamom a Evou, a to nepôjde ani dnes. Keď to Boh odmietol na začiatku, je to zavrhnuté na večnosť. Vyznania vytvorené človekom a myšlienky to nikdy nepriznajú; to je Božie Slovo, ktoré to musí urobiť; a Slovo je Krvou, Obeť Kristova. To je pravda.

136 Ľudia (ako povedal dnes ráno ten brat) ťahajú úlomky... Nuž, viete, dnes je v národe devätnásť rôznych klincov, ktoré držia tie rôzne organizácie, a mohli by vyznávať, že to sú originálne klince, ktoré boli v Jeho rukách. Čo na tom bolo? Nechcel by som mať s tým nič spoločné. Určite. Boh nikdy nenechal nič pre relikvie a symboly. On poslal Ducha Svätého, Niečo živé, čo nemôže byť zničené. Čo dobré môže urobiť pre mňa klinec? Čo by originálny kríž, na ktorom On visel, čo dobré by mi to urobilo? Vôbec nič. Nie poznať klinec, poznať kríž, ale poznať Jeho je Život. Chápete?

137 Teda, a tak my držíme klince; a držíme sa relikvií; a držíme sa určitých miest. A dnes ľudia kráčajú hore-dole po meste Jeruzalem, a všetci hore-dole po rôznych miestach, a držia sa relikvií a predmetov. To s tým nič neurobí, nič; tie veci sú odsúdené, zhnité a mŕtve.

138 Odišiel som do kostola v Ríme, tam boli oni... všetci tí kňazi, ktorí zomreli; oni ich umiestnili do záhrady, tam dolu pod tým, a nechali to, kým mäso z kostí opadne; a potom tie kosti vybrali, a urobili svietidlá, a ich lebky poukladali okolo. A ľudia tam prišli, hladili ich lebky, aby dostali požehnanie, až kým sa tie lebky stali úplne bielymi a zošúchanými. Ako keď idete do Chrámu Svätého Petra, Petrove chodidlo (oni to vyznávajú), socha, bola pobozkaná deväť z desiatich krát; a oni na to museli vyrobiť nové chodidlo.

Aký nezmysel. Poverčivosť, to je všetko, vyznania ľuďmi vytvorených doktrín. Boh poslal Ducha Svätého, Život Boží, aby bol v tebe, nie v soche. Ty si človek, v ktorom chce žiť Boh, nie socha, ale v tebe. Ľudia to volajú „sväté sochy.“ Nie sú žiadne sväté sochy; vy ste Božou svätou sochou. Biblia tak povedala. To je pravda: „telo si mi pripravil...“

139 A teraz, tento malý spoločník začal ničiť: ničiť čo? Tá škodlivá húsenica sa dostala do kôry. Pozorujte, čo ona urobila; začala ničiť kôru. Čo ona urobila? Urobila telesnú cirkev namiesto duchovnej cirkvi. Tak veru. Berie preč pravdu a dáva to falošné. A teraz, pamätajte, lístie—ovocie, zjedol to červík. Lístie, pojedla ho kobylka. Teda, kôra, pokrytie, náboženstvo, doktrína, náuka, pojedla to škodlivá húsenica.

140 Odkiaľ pomimo Biblie prišla tá prvá doktrína? Vy historici, vy viete odkiaľ prišla: z Ríma. To je presne to, kde to začalo. Tam začali prijímať dogmy. Týmto spôsobom Ireneus, Svätý Martin, Polykarp, všetci z nich po Jánovej smrti... Na prekladanie Slova Božieho, on bol preč na ostrove Patmos; pálili ho v oleji dvadsaťštyri hodín, priniesli naspäť, a on predsa len napísal Bibliu. Boh bol odhodlaný, že táto Biblia bude napísaná. To je Slovo Božie; nemôžeme od Toho ubrať alebo ku Tomu pridať. To má byť umiestnené práve spôsobom akým To je, Slovo.

141 Všimnite si, keď sa oni dostali naspäť... Keď sa títo svätí Boží snažili toho Slova držať. Rím prišiel rovno tam a prijal namiesto toho dogmy. A teraz, pozrime sa, čo ona urobila, niektoré z jej falošných doktrín, čo sa tam stalo.

Vodný krst. Kde oni boli poverení... Peter povedal na deň Letníc, pod vplyvom Ducha Svätého, Slovo Božie, „Čiňte pokánie každý jeden z vás, a buďte pokrstení v Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov.“

Čo s tým urobil Rím? Otočil to a povedal, „Pokrstite sa v mene Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého,“ urobiac to vyznaním, nie učením Biblie. Čo on urobil? To je to, čo pojedla tá škodlivá húsenica. Pokropenie namiesto ponorenia v mene Otca...

142 Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý – nie je meno. Nie je žiadna taká vec. Otec nie je meno; Syn nie je meno; a Svätý Duch nie je meno. Keď Ježiš povedal, „Pokrstite ich v Mene Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého,“ to bol „Pán Ježiš Kristus“; presne to, čo urobil Peter a oni, a všetci—každý v Biblii bol... Nikto nebol... Vyzývam kohokoľvek, aby mi priniesol jediný kúsok Písma alebo kúsok histórie, kde ktokoľvek bol kedy pokrstený nejakým iným spôsobom ako v Mene Pána Ježiša, až po rímsko-katolícku cirkev.

143 A teraz, urobte tak; a pamätajte táto páska ide okolo sveta. Mal som zhromaždenia kazateľov, so stovkami z nich, a biskupov a všetkými, hovoril som, „Postavte sa na svoje nohy.“ Alebo „Príďte sem so svojou Bibliou alebo buďte ticho naveky.“ Oni sú ticho, kým vás obídu, a potom začnú o vás hovoriť. Nemajú veľa odvahy postaviť sa vám do tváre, mať normálnu slušnosť postaviť sa a povedať vám to do tváre, oni sa to obávajú urobiť; oni vedia, že to je nesprávne. Ale to je to, čo tá škodlivá húsenica začala jesť (Vidíte?), rozožrala tú skutočnú vec.

Ale, vy poviete, „To nie je podstatné. Akokoľvek, ja som pokrstený, je to v poriadku.“

144 Naozaj? Pavol povedal v Skutkoch 19, keď on—Pavol prechádzal cez horné kraje Efezu; Biblia povedala, že on našiel určitých učeníkov (oni sú nasledovníci). Apolo, Baptistický kazateľ, v súlade s Jánom Krstiteľom, on ich učil Slovo, a oni mali veľkú radosť. A Pavol ich prišiel pozrieť a povedal, „Prijali ste Ducha Svätého odkedy ste uverili?“

„Ó,“ povedali, „Ja som veriaci.“

„Ale to nie je to, čo sa pýtam. Prijali ste Svätého Ducha odkedy ste uverili?“

Oni povedali, „My ani nevieme, či je nejaký Svätý Duch.“

On odvetil, „Potom na čo ste boli pokrstení?“ Chápete? Inými slovami, „Ako ste boli pokrstení?“

Oni povedali, „My sme boli pokrstení.“

Odvetil, „Ako?“

Niekto povedal, „Podľa Jána,“ povedal, „ten istý človek, ktorý pokrstil Ježiša, či by to nemalo byť v poriadku?“

145 Pavol prehovoril, „Nie. Už nie, vôbec.“ Povedal, „Musíte byť pokrstení znovu.“ A Pavol ich pokrstil znovu v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, položil na nich ruky, a prišiel na nich Svätý Duch. A Pavol povedal, „Ak by anjel z neba (nie to ešte nejaký kazateľ)—ak anjel (nie to ešte táto škodlivá húsenica)—ak by vám anjel z neba kázal čokoľvek iné než toto, nech je prekliaty.“ To je pravda.

Takže vidíte čo to bolo, to musela požrať škodlivá húsenica. Požrala krst—vodný krst v Mene Pána Ježiša.

146 Ďalšia vec, ktorú táto škodlivá húsenica urobila, zobrala preč krst Svätým Duchom; pretože pokiaľ máte Svätého Ducha, To vrhá svetlo na Slovo, pokiaľ to robíte. Takže oni to museli—museli to urobiť inak.

A teraz, len pomyslite koľkí Luteráni, Protestanti, koľkí Katolíci boli dnes ráno birmovaní (oni to tak nazývajú, berú prvú Večeru Pánovu). A oni to volajú „Svätá Eucharistia“, čo znamená (Latinské slovo) „Svätý Duch.“

147 Videli ste niekedy katolíka prejsť popri kostole a [Brat Branham ilustruje ako sa katolík „prežehnáva“ – pozn.prekl.], prechádzať takto? Prečo? To je boh v tej cirkvi. Aký je boh? Ten malý kúsok chleba; malý kúsok chleba (okrúhly, urobený ako boh slnka, ktorého oni uctievajú), položený na oltári, kde tam cez noc behajú myši a šváby. To nie je môj Boh; poviem vám to teraz.

148 Prvé sväté prijímanie, birmovaný v cirkvi: nezmysel. Ale to je to, čo oni urobili; to je to, čo urobila tá škodlivá húsenica. Vzala preč Ducha a dala im kúsok chleba, nejaký chlieb, ktorý urobil nejaký kňaz alebo rehoľníčka alebo ktokoľvek. To je to, čo oni urobili; to je presne tak. Choďte sa teraz opýtať; choďte naspäť do histórie a pozrite sa, či to nie je pravda. A vy dovoľujete, aby bola tá vec hodená dole vašim hrdlom? Nie len oni katolíci, ale vy protestanti, mnohí z vás, tá istá vec. Dobre, to je to, čo oni urobili. V poriadku.

A potom, Protestanti, namiesto toho, aby mali Svätého Ducha, viete čo robia? Prichádzajú a pripojujú sa, podaním ruky. Keď prišiel deň Letníc, nebol nikto kto by len tak prišiel a potriasol rukou; ale z neba prišiel zvuk nesúceho sa silného vetra, ktorý naplnil celý dom kde sedeli (To je pravda), ukázal sa cez listy Stromu, vyliaty na kôru. To je pravda.

149 A teraz, teda, namiesto znovuzrodenia (čo Ježiš povedal, „Človek musí byť narodený znovu“), oni zaviedli pripojenie sa do cirkvi: poď a pripoj sa. A namiesto Slova im tá škodlivá húsenica dala vyznanie. Či nevidíte? Pozrite sa tu, čo on robí; on dáva prirodzené proti duchovnému. Môžete to vidieť?

Teda, pozrite. Teraz, my sme tu na katolíckej línii, ale vedeli ste, že to sa ťahá tiež aj cez protestantov? Kde máme dnes prejavy Svätého Ducha v protestantskej cirkvi? Kde máme medzi protestantmi letničné reakcie? Nemáme... Máte to v luteránskej? Ja—ak máte, chcem tam ísť; chcem ísť tam a len sa najesť a mať nádherný čas. Presbyteriáni? Som zvedavý kde to je. Chápete? Vy ste zaviedli niečo prirodzené. Chystám sa odísť, viete to (Chápete?), ale nikdy nedovoľte, aby sa toto dostalo z vášho srdca. Nevezmite to prirodzené; to je smrť. Tento prirodzený človek je smrť; čokoľvek robí je smrť. Je predmetom pre smrť. Je Duch, ktorý oživuje (Vidíte?), Duch dáva Život, oživuje to. To je Duch.

150 Teda vidíte, oni vzali (Pozorujte čo oni urobili.)—vzali Vodný krst od Ježiša Krista na Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha, titul, ktorý nie je vôbec žiadnym menom.

A teraz, vy poviete, „Aký to robí rozdiel?“

V poriadku. Keď idete niekomu dať... Niekto ti ide dať v sobotu tvoju výplatu šekom, človek, ktorý ti platí. Namiesto toho, aby tam napísal svoje meno, on len vyjadrí—od „Šéfa.“ To je to, o čo ide. Tvoja výplata šekom; „zaplatiť na príkaz Jánovi Doeovi stopäťdesiat dolárov za prácu tento týždeň, od Šéfa.“ Vložte to do banky a uvidíte ako sa vám to vráti späť. Áno, pane. Istotne, samozrejme.

151 Ak v tom nie je rozdiel, prečo Pavol nariadil Kresťanom, chváliacim Boha, majúcim mnoho radosti, a majúcim veľké veci, ktoré sa tam diali, prečo im povedal, „Musíte ísť naspäť a byť znovu pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista“? Chápete? Nech Slovo hovorí... Len zostaňte s Tým. Nehovorte nič iné; len hovorte čo Ono hovorí. Chápete? To je to, podľa čoho my budeme súdení.

152 A teraz, pozrite sa. To je to, čo oni urobili. Namiesto nového narodenia, oni majú pripojenie; namiesto hovorenia Slova, majú vyznanie. Ukážte mi v Biblii, kde kedy povedali „Ave Maria“; ukážte mi v Biblii vy protestanti, kde kedy bolo citované Apoštolské Vierovyznanie. Povedzte mi, čo je Vyznanie Apoštolov v Biblii. Spoločenstvo svätých, oni boli proti tomu. Povedzte mi v Biblii, kde kedy mali krst na Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha. To tam nie je, a predsa za tým idete. Vidíte?

Teraz, teraz, namiesto obecenstva a bratstva medzi bratmi, oni im dávajú hierarchiu: pápež. A vy máte biskupa, aby vám hovoril, čo môžete a čo nemôžete robiť; a vy Letniční máte oblastného staršieho cirkevného zboru, ktorý vám hovorí, koho môžete mať. Ale cirkev má Krista. Amen...?...

153 To je to, odkiaľ pochádzate. Vidíte? Oni vám dávajú tieto dogmy a človekom vytvorené veci namiesto... Berú to preč. Čo robí tá škodlivá húsenica? Berie to priamo zo Stromu a dávajú ti toto. „Ja to vytlačím zo Stromu a dám ti toto namiesto toho; odstránim tamto a dávam ti toto.“ Vidíte, kde ste sa dostali?

Poviete, „Dobre, brat Branham...“

Kde každý jeden... Odkiaľ pochádza každá protestantská cirkev? Z katolíckej. To je to, čo hovorí Zjavenie 13—alebo Zjavenie 17, že ona bola. Hovorí, že bola prostitútka a matka smilníc: tá istá vec. Takže ne... Hrniec nemôže nazývať kanvicu čiernou, viete. Takže ne—to je tak. Nerobte to. Takže to je pravda.

154 Bratstvo, zobrala preč bratstvo, keď by sme mali byť bratmi jeden s druhým, oddelila nás a urobila nás rozdielnymi... V poriadku. A teraz, pozorujte, toto je dobré. Už len dôjdem do tohto, a potom sa zastavím na tých ďalších. Pozrite.

155 Biblia nám hovorí, keď sme urobili zlé, že by sme mali očistiť naše duše Svätým Duchom. Znížiť sa; dovoliť Svätému Duchu, aby nám zjavil, čo robíme nesprávne; a zostať tam pred Ním, až kým neodumrieme, očisťujúc tak naše duše. Teda, oni to prekrútili a dávajú vám očistec potom ako zomriete; potom kňaz zarobí veľa peňazí, tým že vás vymodlí z očistca.

Veď to je nezmysel. To je to, čo urobila škodlivá húsenica. Iste. Vymodliť vás z očistca. Stojí vás to stovky dolárov, aby ste takúto dušu vymodlili z očistca. Chcem, aby ste mi našli očistec v Biblii; nič také. V Biblii nie je taká vec. Nie veru. Ale oni im dali očistec (Vidíte?) oni—potom ako zomriete. Ó, áno. Viem, oni—oni hovoria, nuž, počujete ich hovoriť, „Nuž, Svätý Bonifác povedal tak a tak.“ Ja nedbám na to, čo povedal Svätý Bonifác.

156 „No, či jej nepovedal ten a ten, aby sa modlila za svojho manžela, tá vznešená sestra, Svätá taká a taká...“

Nestarám sa, čo ona povedala. To nie je autorita Slova; je to proti autorite apoštolov. Boh dal týchto apoštolov, aby usporiadali cirkev podľa poriadku; a Ona je vybudovaná na učení apoštolov, nie na Svätom Bonifácovi alebo nejakom svätom... To je v protiklade Slovu.

Neberiem ohľad na to, čo povedal svätý Bonifác, a iní svätí, a iní svätí, a svätá Zuzanka, a svätá Mária, a čo povedali všetci títo; to je nezmysel. To nie je nič viac než akákoľvek iná lož.

To je v protiklade Slovu Božiemu, to je klamstvo. Ja neverím slovám bez autority; to je dôvod prečo neverím týmto protestanským vyznaniam a veciam; to je katolícke do jadra. To sú dogmy. Ako ich môžete vy nazývať katolíkmi a robiť si z nich žarty, že majú dogmy; keď vy sami ste toho plní? (Nie tak mnohí tu, ale toto je na páske, rozumiete. Chápete? Ide to do celého sveta.)

157 Všimnite si. Ako ich môžete nazývať nesprávnymi, keď vy beriete vyznania vytvorené ľuďmi, ktoré sú v protiklade Biblii? Dogma, práve takisto ako oni. Prečo? Ste v organizácii, ktorá je dcérou tej starej prostitútky. Aká je prostitútka? Určitá žena, ktorá žije neverne voči svojmu manželovi, vyznávajúc že je Kresťanskou cirkvou a rozhlasuje nesprávne doktríny, jej vlastné záležitosti, namiesto uchopenia sa Božieho Svätého Slova.

158 Práve tak ako urobila Eva, počúvajúc diabla a zapríčinila všetku smrť a smútok, aký kedy postihol zem—prišiel cez Evu, pretože ona spáchala duchovné smilstvo voči Bohu tým, že neverila Jeho Slovu; a to je presne to, čo robia cirkvi dnes, páchajúc duchovné smilstvá proti Božiemu Slovu. A oni ťa dokonca nebudú mať ani v cirkvi, ak nesúhlasíš s ich doktrínou.

No, oni mi podpisujú listy: „Ak neveríš v toto, a ak neprehlásiš, že toto je správne, a budeš...“

Odvetil som, „Ja jednoducho neprídem.“ Nie, veru. Budem kázať len to, čo hovorí táto Biblia, alebo vôbec nič. Chápete? To je pravda.

159 Zostaňte na tom Slove. To je to, čo máme robiť, bratia; zostať tam. A teraz, dostávame sa do posledných dní, a my to vieme. Tá hodina je tu. Ako by sme mohli povedať... Ó, oni hovoria toto, tamto a iné, ale čokoľvek čo nie je autoritou, neverte to. Nestarám sa o to, kto to povedal. Ak niekto...

160 Tu jedna sestra prišla ku mne prednedávnom, a povedala o určitej skupine mužov, ktorým som kázal (služobníkom) o krste na Meno Ježiša Krista, kde bolo viac ako tristo služobníkov... Sedelo na tom zhromaždení množstvo ľudí, kde ma stretol celý výbor Združenia Pastorov mesta Chicago. A Pán mi dal videnie a povedal mi, kde by mali byť a čo by sa malo stať; a ja som sa otočil priamo tam a povedal som im (máme tu pásku, ak by ste to chceli počuť), a ja (všetci biskupi, doktori a kardináli a všetci tam stáli)—povedal som, „Ktokoľvek z vás, kto to dokáže vyvrátiť, zoberte svoju Bibliu a príďte sem.“ Prehlásil som, „Čo ste takí tichí?“ Nebolo nikoho, kto by niečo povedal. A prečo? Oni sa báli toho Slova. Hovoril som, „Potom ak nemôžete, prečo na mňa narážate? Buďte ticho, odíďte, robte niečo. A ak to nemôžete podporiť Slovom, tak buďte ticho.“

161 A tak, potom tá istá skupina mužov, oni poslali dole istú dámu, a tá povedala, „Brat Branham, ak ti povedal Anjel Pánov...“ (Anjel Pánov, viete, Jeho obrázok je tam, vidíte?) „Ak ti to povedal Anjel Pánov, nuž, budeme tomu veriť.“

Odvetil som, „Ktokoľvek kto... Kazateľská skupina, ktorá bola taká slabá... Ak by Anjel Pánov povedal—ak Anjel povedal niečo v protiklade tomuto Slovu, to by nebol Anjel Pánov.“ Anjel Pánov potvrdí Slovo. To je presne to, čo On stále robí cez všetky veky; On stále robí tú istú vec. On zostáva so Slovom. A ktorýkoľvek služobník pomazaný Svätým Duchom bude zostávať pri tom istom Slove, pretože Biblia povedala, že celá Biblia bola napísaná Duchom Svätým. A ako môžete mať Svätého Ducha a popierať čo hovorí Biblia? Samotný Duch vo vás podáva svedectvo, že to nie je pravda—vyznanie.

Škodlivá húsenica pojedla (To je všetko. Vidíte?), požrala pravé veci Božie. Tak veru.

162 Slovo bez autority je v protiklade k učeniu apoštolov. Och. Toto je apoštolské Učenie; toto je Biblia; toto je Svätý Duch. Každé slovo v Tom je pravda. Vy len veríte a prijímate To, a nerozoberáte To a pozorujte každé zasľúbenie ako bude vyplnené.

Prejav, že Boh je tu práve teraz prítomný. Ak On nie je teraz práve takým Bohom ako bol s deťmi Izraela, keď prekročili Červené More, On by nebol Boh. Ak On nie je ten istý Boh, ktorý sa spustil na deň Letníc, že On je dnes práve tu, On nie je ten istý Boh. Potom nebolo žiadne vzkriesenie. Ak On nebol... Ak ty... Čo dobrého ti urobí historický Boh, ak On nie je ten istý Boh dnes? Čo dobrého to urobí poslať kazateľov na semináre, a vyliahnuť ich ako inkubátorové kurčatá, a chodiť tak okolo nich, ak by nebolo niečo také ako Boh?

163 Čo robíte, uberajúc zo Slova Božieho? V čom je vaša autorita? Hovoríte, „Cirkev.“ Cirkev? Existuje deväťstošesťdesiatdeväť rôznych organizácií. Ktorá z nich je správna?

Nikto nevie čo robiť. Ste zmätení. To je pravda. Ale Boh nebude súdiť ľudí podľa cirkvi; On ich bude súdiť podľa Krista, a Kristus je Slovo. Biblia prehlásila: „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, A to Slovo bolo Boh. A Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami...“

164 On súdil cirkev a ľudí podľa Slova (To je pravda.), živé vzkriesené Slovo. Potom, ak to živé vzkriesené Slovo hovorí niečo protichodne ku tomuto Slovu, potom to nie je zodvihnuté vzkriesené Slovo, pretože toto—On bude dávať svedectvo tejto Pravde.

On nemôže povedať niečo tu a niečo iné tamto. Ja môžem povedať niečo tu a niečo iné tam, pretože ja som človek. Vy môžete tiež; môžete dostať viac známosti a porozumenia, ale Boh nie; on je nekonečný. Chápete? On má... Prvé rozhodnutie, Jeho prvá vec, ktorú On hovorí, musí stáť večne. On je ten istý. On nemôže povedať jednu vec tu a niečo iné tamto; On musí povedať tú istú vec zakaždým, podľa poriadku, aby bol Bohom. A tak, ak duch na vás je z Boha, to bude svedčiť, že toto Slovo je Pravda, každé slovo z Toho, ak To je to isté včera, dnes a naveky. To je to, čo hovorí Biblia. Áno, pane. V poriadku.

165 A teraz, poponáhľajme sa, aby sme sa dostali do ďalšieho štádia tohto malého hmyzu. Spočiatku, on bol červík. Čo on požral z Božieho Stromu? Ovocie. Ďalšie štádium, do ktorého on vchádza (on zomrel v tom stupni a prechádza do ďalšieho), čo on urobil teraz? Tentokrát prichádza ako kobylka; požiera všetky listy. To je kobylkin obyčaj. Teda, čo je ďalšia vec, ktorú ona urobila? Prišla naspäť v inom štádiu ako škodlivá húsenica a vošla do kôry.

Teda, tu sa on stáva—húsenicou, jeho štvrtý stupeň. Teraz, on je húsenicou. Aká je húsenica? Ona cicia, odsáva Život, Ducha, Život; to je to, čo ona robí, dostáva sa priamo dolu a drží sa dužiny a ide, aby odsávala: húsenica. Tu ona je; kým ju ideme nazvať? Denominácia, to je jej pravé meno. Prečo? Ona je ničiteľom; cicia Život.

166 Vždy keď Boh posiela medzi Svoj ľud nejaké hnutie, zakaždým, a oni sa označia, práve tam zomierajú. Chcem aby to mohol niekto vyvrátiť, niekto, kto pozná históriu cirkvi. Ukážte mi jedinýkrát, kedy sa organizácia zorganizovala, že či práve tam nezomrela. Drží sa toho červík, berie preč jeho náboženstvo; a potom prišla prísavka a zobrala—vycicala Život priamo zo Stromu.

Aký bol v Tom druh života? Svätý Duch. Čo to robilo? To tam nemohlo držať Svätého Ducha a okrem toho stále mať dogmy; Svätý Duch by sa toho nezastal. A tak, to berie svätý Život zo Stromu a dáva dogmu, vytvára denomináciu. „Nestaráme sa čo Tento vraví; naša denominácia hovorí toto.“

167 Tam to máte. Potom ako sa to zorganizuje, to vždycky zomiera a nikdy viac nepovstane. Prvá organizácia bola katolícka; hneď zomrela. Samozrejme, že to bola dogma, s čím to začalo.

Z toho vyšla prvá reformácia, to bol Luther: zorganizovali sa a zomreli. Ďalší prišiel Wesley: zorganizovali sa a zomreli. Nasledujúci prišli Letniční: zorganizovali sa a zomreli. Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, všetci títo, a Nazaréni, Pútnici Svätosti, a všetky tieto organizácie, ktoré to tak nasledovali; Pozrite sa na nich. Prečo? Oni sa zorganizovali a to ich zabíja.

168 Čo urobili? Prijali tie dogmy. Vy Nazaréni, obdivuhodní; ďalší prichádzajúci z Letníc. Čo to bolo? Vy veríte v posvätenie, ale keď sa jedná o dary Ducha, hovorenie v jazykoch a veľké moci Božie, nazvali ste to diablom, a tam ste zomreli. To je pravda. Kde je ona dnes? Mŕtva. Ó, ona má viac členov, ale kde ona je. Ona je mŕtvolou.

Jednu noc som ju videl. To je pravda. Celá tá vec... Jej pastor leží na vrchu, bozká mŕtvolu, súloží s tým. Povedal, „Pre nich už nie je žiaden čas; to je už ich koniec.“ A tak dám vám to niekedy na páske. Dobre.

169 Boh zasadil Jeho Strom, aby rodil duchovné ovocie, ovocie Ducha. Je to tak? Ale čo urobil človek? Človek sa vždy snažil urobiť to umelou podobou. On to robil tam vtedy; on to robí teraz. Teda, toto... (Dajme sa usilovne do toho, a rýchlo.) Človek sa vždy snažil zobrať duchovnú cirkev a urobiť ju umelou formou.

Luther mal duchovnú cirkev. Čo sa stalo? Akonáhle Luther zomrel, oni to urobili formou, umelou. Čo urobil Wesley, John Wesley, mocný muž Boží? Kto by povedal, že John Wesley nebol muž Boží? Čo on robil? Akonáhle on, John a Charles zomreli, oni to zorganizovali. Keď to ona urobila, ona zomrela. Presne.

Tá istá vec cez ten vek, zakaždým, na každej z nich. Oni produkujú umelé návleky, dobré skutky, najväčšie zhromaždenia, najchytrejší ľudia; „Chcú sa k nám pripojiť slávne osobnosti mesta.“

170 To je presne to, čo sa deje tiež s vami, skupina Letničných. To je presne tak. Vy ste spustili ohrady;dostali ste sa preč od Ducha. Chceli ste veľké budovy a parády a všetko také, a máte dôstojných pastorov. Čo ste urobili? Vy, matky posielate svojich chlapcov preč do nejakých tých seminárov, aby sa tam stali pastormi. Čo ich tam idú naučiť? Teológiu a akési ľuďmi vytvorené záležitosti. A kde to je dnes? Oni prichádzajú naspäť, skupina „Rickyov“ a „Elvisov“. To je presne tak. Čo máte dnes? Kopu vrcholných hlúpostí, formu pobožnosti. Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch budú mať formu pobožnosti, ale zaprú jej moc, Život z toho. Prečo? Tá húsenica to vycucala. Organizácia to odstránila.

171 1.Timoteova 3, Pavol hovorí, „Vedzte, že v posledných dňoch budú veľmi nebezpečné časy. Ľudia budú milovať sami seba, budú pyšní, vystatovační, rúhači, neposlušní, nevďační, nesvätí, bez prirodzenej náklonnosti, nemierni, opovrhujúci tými ktorí sú dobrí; zradní, vysokomyseľní, majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajú jej moc.“ Húsenica to vycucala. Už dávno sa tam dostala tá škodlivá húsenica. Ideme sa teraz bližšie pozrieť na ten Strom, pokiaľ bude vôľa Pánova.

172 Najväčšie miesto. Ó, istotne. „Nuž, viete, naša cirkev minulý rok nahromadila toľko.“

Ó, samozrejme. Katolíci vás porazia milión míľ; a-ha, samozrejme. Oni ich mali také množstvo v Rusku, až kým im to neprerástlo a ustanovili tam komunizmus. To isté urobili v Mexiku, a mali by to urobiť po celom svete kde ona je. To je pravda.

173 Vôbec sa nebojte komunizmu. Komunizmus je hnutie, ktoré neverí v Boha; avšak počujete niektorých z týchto kazateľov stojacich za kazateľňou odsudzujúcich komunizmus, komunizmus; Ja v to tiež neverím, ale nehovorte cirkvi, „Ó, ideme byť všetci pohltení; celý svet sa stane komunistickým.“ To je presne v protiklade s Božím Slovom. Nie je žiadne miesto v Biblii, ktoré by hovorilo, že to bude tak.

Ale Biblia hovorí, že Rím, katolícka cirkev bude...? svete. Vezmite Daniela a zistite. Hlava zo zlata, Kráľ Nabuchodonozor, Babylonské kráľovstvo, potom nasledovali Médovia a Peržania; potom nasledovala Grécka ríša; a Rím išiel do konca. Desať prstov na nohe viedlo každé kráľovstvo na zemi. Či neviete...

174 Je železná opona; je bambusová opona; a je purpurová opona. Brat, neboj sa žiadnej z tých ostatných, dávaj len pozor na tú purpurovú oponu. Ona dnes sedí v tejto krajine práve tu na tróne.

Pamätajte, práve tak ako urobil Achab, a Jezábeľ za ním, že... Biblia volá katolícku cirkev Jezábeľ, prostitútka. A Achab nebol zlý muž; ja nevravím, že pán Kennedy nie je milý človek; ja o ňom nič neviem. On je človek; to je všetko čo ja viem. On je prezident; ja verím, že on dosiahne to, že bude dobrým prezidentom. To nie je on; to je ten systém za ním. Počkajte, až kým sa ona votrie do Kabinetu a všade kde môže; potom pozorujte čo sa stane. Pozrite, čo to urobilo v iných národoch; pozrite čo je vždy vykonané.

175 A či nehovorí Biblia v Zjavení 13... Číslo tohoto národa je trinásť: má trinásť pásikov na—trinásť hviezd na zástave, trinásť pásikov na zástave, trinásť, všetko je trinásť. Trinásť kolónií, všetkého trinásť, a je nájdená v 13. kapitole Zjavenia.

A Biblia povedala, že ona príde ako malý baránok: sloboda náboženstva; dva malé rohy, civilný a cirkevný. A po chvíli sa zjednotili, a rozpráva ako drak, a koná všetko čo drak pred ním. A Biblia povedala, že urobili obraz šelmy: Konfederáciu Cirkvi, presne to čo majú práve teraz tu v New York City. A tá veľká márnica tam... A všetci vy Metodisti, Baptisti a Letniční, a každý jeden z vás ekonomických—ekumenických ľudí sa tam snaží urobiť také veci ako tamto, a predávajú vaše práva prvorodenstva, aby ste sa pripojili k tej skupine Babylona... Čo sa deje s vami? Iste. Predávajú vaše práva prvorodenstva tak ako urobil Ezav, za misu šošovice, to je všetko čo dostanete; to je všetko: vytvárajú obraz šelmy. Presne tak. Nebojte sa komunizmu; bojte sa Katolicizmu.

Ó, je povedané, že to prišlo s lichôtkami ako baránok; ale je povedané: pozorujte to za tým—to je vlk. To je potmehúd; pozorujte to (Áno, pane.), pretože je to v protiklade so Slovom. Čo vraví Slovo, to sa musí stať. Komunizmus nerobí nič, len nahráva priamo do rúk Božích. To je presne tak. A prečo to oni musia robiť? Boh musel dovoliť komunizmus, aby to urobilo toto—Jeho Slovo sa musí vyplniť. Iste. To je... Uvedomili ste si to? Rozmýšľali ste niekedy o tom? Boh musel spôsobiť, aby sa vyplnilo Jeho Slovo.

176 Pozrite, pred kým stálo tých štyristo prorokov jedného dňa—pred Achabom a Jozafatom. Jozafat, spravodlivý človek, on povedal. „V poriadku, prv ako pôjdeme hore do Rámot-Gileáda,“ povedal, „ či by sme sa nemali poradiť s Pánom?“ Achab povedal, „Áno, istotne.“ Vidíte? (Viete, Jezábeľ bola za tým všetkým.) On povedal, „Budeme—budeme... Mám tu štyristo prorokov. Privedieme ich sem.“

Všetci vybraní ľudia boli dovedení hore; všetci prorokovali, hovoriac, „Choď hore; Pán je s tebou.“

To neznelo správne tomu Božiemu človeku, kráľovi Izraela, tomu kráľovi Izraela tam hore. Neznelo mu to veľmi dobre. Povedal, „Či nie je ešte nejaký iný?“ Štyristo kazateľov, všetci jednohlasne hovorili, „Choď hore, Pán hovoril k nám povediac, „Choď hore.“

On povedal, „Ale tam by mal byť ešte nejaký iný.“

Riekol, „Mám ešte jedného, ale nenávidím ho.“ Iste, samozrejme. Áno. Odvetil, „Vždycky sa na mňa vykričí; vždy hovorí proti mne zlé veci.“ Ako mohol urobiť niečo iné, keď Slovo Božie bolo proti nemu?

177 A tak oni poslali po Micheáša. Micheáš povedal, „Choď hore. Áno, to je pravda; ale videl som Izraela roztrúseného ako ovce nemajúc žiadneho pastiera.“

A potom vyšiel von... Ten veľký kazateľ prešiel na druhú stranu, biskup, a udrel ho po ústach, povediac, „Kam Duch Boží odišiel, keď To odišlo odo mňa?“

Viem si predstaviť ako odvetil, „To v tebe od začiatku nebolo.“ A tak on povedal, „Zistíš v jednom z týchto dní.“ On prehlásil, „Ak...“

On povedal—Achab riekol, „Vložte ho naspäť do najhlbšieho väzenia; kŕmte ho chlebom smútku a vodou smútku.“ Povedal, „Keď sa navrátim v pokoji, poradím si s týmto chlapíkom.“

On odvetil, „Ak sa vôbec navrátiš, potom Slovo Pánovo nehovorilo ku mne.“ A-ha.

178 Prečo? Prečo? On bol vpravde so Slovom, priamo so Slovom. Žiadne proroctvo pri tom Slove neobstálo... To je presne... To je dôvod, že hovorím dnes, nezáleží ako dobre to vyzerá, koľkí kazatelia hovoria toto, tamto alebo iné, „Komunizmus sa ide zmocniť sveta a zvrhne ho“; nikdy sa nesnažte bojovať s komunizmom, bojujte s Rímom. Lebo to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Pán povedal, že Rím ide vládnuť, nie komunizmus. To je len bábka. Ale vidíte, On to musel urobiť.

179 Pán povedal Micheášovi, „Musím tam poslať Achaba, mať kazateľov, ktorí to povedia, poslať tam Achaba, aby som spôsobil, že Eliášove slovo sa vyplní.“ Boh musel nechať, aby povstal komunizmus. Čo to urobilo? Potom to spojilo všetky tie márnice dokopy a vytvorili Konfederáciu Cirkví, spojili sa a vytvorili obraz šelmy, práve to čo povedalo Jeho Slovo, že sa stane. Nebojte sa o to. Pozorujte tú vec, ktorá sa formuje pod tým. To je... Hmm.

180 Ja—tuším, že vás vyčerpávam, ale—aby... Ale to je pravda. Ja neviem kedy budem môcť ku vám znovu hovoriť; možno nikdy. My nevieme; možno sa nikdy viac nestretneme; ale ja chcem, aby ste vedeli, čo je pravda. Sledujte, toto Slovo je Pravda: nie ja, toto Slovo; Toto je To. Ak je moje slovo v protiklade ku Tomuto, potom mi neverte; verte Tamto. Potom ak poviete, „Nuž, my To máme, a ty kážeš v protiklade ku Tomu,“ potom je vašou povinnosťou ísť za mnou. To je správne. Je to vašou povinnosťou za mnou ísť. Chápete? Len príďte a pozrime sa, čo je Slovo.

181 A teraz, preto zisťujeme čo to bolo, je to komunizmus, ktorý to zhromažďuje dokopy. Boh povedal, že Góg a Magóg sa zhromaždia spolu (istotne), aby zapríčinili boj. To je presne pravda, pretože to ide doviesť tieto sily dokopy. To musí prísť; Biblia povedala, že to bude.

182 Boh posadil tento Strom, aby prinášal duchovné ovocie, a človek sa vždy snažil urobiť to umelou formou, majúc formu pobožnosti, najväčšie budovy v meste (iste); milióny dolárov. Ó, Bože, a ľudia kážu, že Ježiš prichádza, a míňajú šesť alebo osem miliónov dolárov tam niekde na budovu. A misionári, poznám misionárov na poli, ktorí kážu Evanjelium bez topánok, a jedia dva jedlá za týždeň.

Môžete vidieť prečo, brat, my... Čo sa deje s ľuďmi? Ja v podstate neverím, že oni veria, že On prichádza. Vaše slová hovoria... Nuž, váš život hovorí hlasnejšie než vaše slová; vy... Chápete? On je... Tí úbohí misionári tamto, prichádzajúci na moje zhromaždenia ako toto, nemajú na sebe žiadne topánky, len staré nohavice, zaviazané takto okolo seba; žijú tam s blchami a baktériami a chrobákmi, a všetkým druhom chorôb a všetkým možným tam; jeho chabé staré ruky zničené, a zničené od amébov a všetkého možného, stojí tam a hovorí, „Ty si brat Branham?“

183 Povedal som, „Áno.“

Odvetil, „Ó, buď požehnaný. Vždy sa budem za teba modliť.“

Pomyslel som si, „Ó, Bože, nech sa ten človek za mňa modlí; áno, to je muž. To je ono.“

„Čítal som tvoje články, brat Branham. Ty istotne hovoríš Pravdu. My sme úplne s tebou.“

Ó, brat, to je chlapík; to je on. Chudák...

Počujem niekoho hovoriť, „Vieš, kto to je?“

„Ó, no,“ povedal „On nepatrí do našej organizácie.“

Povedal som, „Kto je on?“

„Veď, on nie je s nami.“

„Dobre, kto je on?“

„Ó, on je—on je nezávislý.“

„Ó, naozaj? A-ha. No, čo on robí?“

„Ó, on tam má malú prácu. On—on sa ku nám nepripojí.“

„Dobre, chcem o ňom vedieť.“

184 Viete, keď som bol malý chlapec a poľoval som na jablká v jablkovom sade, vždy som zistil, že keď mal strom pod sebou všetky jablká otlčené, viete, keď ich mal riadne obité a otlčené, to bolo tam, kde boli tie dobré jablká.

Oni hovoria, „No, on je len náboženský fanatik.“

Viete, on vždycky položí strašiaka tam, na čom je dobré ovocie. Diabol robí tú istú vec, aby vás od Toho odstrašil. Nebojte sa, choďte priamo na ne, poza toho strašiaka.

185 Jedného dňa som pozoroval svišťa, ako požieral fazuľové struky, ktoré som nasadil. Zakaždým, keď som vysadil rad fazuľových strukov, ten malý tvor tam prišiel a požral ich. Pomyslel som si, „Vystraším z neho život.“ A tak som si zobral taký papierový sáčok, a (ja som skutočne umelec; mali by ste ma vidieť.) nakreslil som to, čo som si myslel, že bude strašidelný obrázok. (Ó, bolo to tiež strašidelné, lebo som to ja nakreslil.) A položil som to na vrece, a položil som do toho niekoľko fazuľových strukov, a zavesil som to na palicu; a keď by zafúkal vietor, to by sa takto rozochvelo.

186 Z diery vyšiel ten malý svišť, viete, a bežal priamo tam, aby zjedol tie fazuľové struky; a bežal priamo oproti tomu vrecku. Otočil sa naspäť a pozrel sa na to, takto to preskúmal; a odišiel [Brat Branham robí opisný zvuk—pozn.prekl.], skočil na to; no a, vrecko zostalo nehybné. Znovu sa na to pozrel, viete, znovu to všetko preskúmal.

Pozrel sa naspäť a videl ako tam tie fazuľové struky boli poukladané a boli dobré, viete, tak on sa díval na toho strašiaka zo svojho pohľadu. Tak kráčal smerom hore a dostával sa trochu bližšie, ako tamto, pokúšajúc sa to vystrašiť, a to sa nepohlo. Nevadí; je to mŕtve; to je všetko, o čom sú strašiaky. Tak on len—tak on len...

187 Čo on urobil, on udrel to vrece svojou malou nohou; a to hrkotalo a hrkotalo. A odskočil a takto sa na to pozrel. Udrel to znovu: hrkotalo, hrkotalo. To je to celé, len hrkotanie; ako Írova sova, samý rozruch a perie a žiadna sova, viete. A tak len... On to tak trafil, a vyplašilo ho to štyri alebo päťkrát. Viete čo on urobil? Prešiel presne dookola vreca a znovu išiel jesť moje fazuľové struky.

Vedel o tom viac... lepšie než ja. Chápete?

Čo to bolo? Vidíte, on nedovolil strašiakovi, aby ho zastavil. Je niečo dobré ohľadne strašiakov. Keď oni povedia, „Ó, oni sú len náboženskí fanatici,“ len choďte presne ďalej okolo, poza toho strašiaka a choďte priamo na to. Vidíte? Choďte po tom a verte tomu. Chápete? Môže tam byť tiež Svätý Duch (Vidíte?); nemôžte povedať. Chápete? V poriadku.

188 Ó, tie deno... Poďme sa pozrieť na tohoto denominačnú húsenicu, ako ona pracuje; prirodzená cirkev, duchovná cirkev. Pozorujte teraz túto starú húsenicu, ako spôsobuje, že sa to stáva denomináciou. On už z toho zožral tú kôru a ovocie; a, ó brat, je to celé preč; všetky dary Ducha sú preč, žiadne Božské uzdravenie, žiadne hovorenie v jazykoch, žiadne proroctvo, nič; neverte v prorokov; oni neveria v tieto veci; oni nevedia. Všetko človekom vytvorené, všetko čo majú, je človekom vytvorené, umelé. Chápete? Dobre.

189 Prirodzená cirkev. Tam je prirodzená cirkev; to je tá utvorená človekom. Cirkev duchovná... Viete, že to hovorí Biblia? Áno, pane. Cirkev prirodzená a cirkev duchovná. A Biblia hovorí, „Vyžeň nevoľníčku a jej dieťa (Hagar), lebo nebude dedičkou so slobodnou a jej dieťaťom.“ Chápete?

A tak prirodzená cirkev, čo ide zdediť? Viazanie snopov, viazanie zväzkov aby boli spálené; a ona nebude dediť, aby spolu bola dedičkou so slobodnou ženou. Ak nevoľníčka je v otroctve s jej organizačnými deťmi, ona nebude dedičkou so slobodnou; pretože deti slobodnej idú do vytrhnutia. A deti nevoľníčky idú zostať v súde. Chápete? „Vyžeňte, hovorí Duch...“ Áno, pane.

190 Húsenica, tí denominační Ezavovia... A teraz, Ezav (ako Ezav a Jakob, obidvaja z dvojčiat, obidvaja boli nábožní)—Ezav bol telesný človek; on bol dobrý človek. On nerobil... Povedzme, dobre teraz, on nešiel aby kradol, pil alebo čokoľvek; on bol pobožný človek. Ale on si myslel, „V poriadku, pokiaľ som nábožný, aký je v tom rozdiel?“ Ale ten malý Jakob sa nestaral ako to musel dostať; to právo prvorodenstva, ktoré on chcel. Nezáležalo ako to dostal, áno on to dostal. Ak by musel zliezť dolu k oltáru, a kričať, a plakať a „búú-húú,“ a smrkať (prepáčte mi, viete), dostať to, ísť tam so slzami v očiach (nemyslel som to povedať), a tak (prepáčte mi), a tak—zliezť dolu oltárom a plakať až kým by to dostal, no, on to dostal. Chápete? On sa nestaral ako to dostať, len aby to dostal.

191 Niektorí z nich hovoria, „Ja... brat Branham, tí ľudia tam dolu, oni tam smoklia pri tom oltári, a kričia a plačú... Ja to nechcem tak.“

Dobre, ty to nedostaneš.

Jeden starý tmavý, farebný brat, raz dolu na juhu, on bol vždy šťastný. A jeho—jeho šéf povedal, „Čo to—čo ťa robí po celý čas takým šťastným, chlapče?

On povedal, „Mám srdcom-cítené náboženstvo.“

Odvetil, „Taká vec neexistuje.“

On riekol, „Pomýlil si sa: ‘Pokiaľ vieš, taká vec neexistuje‘.“ On poznal rozdiel. To je pravda. Povedal, „Pokiaľ vieš,“ mal si to takto povedať.“

192 Jedného dňa on povedal, „Chcem mať niečo z toho srdcom-cíteného náboženstva.“

Ten povedal, „Kedy to chceš?“

On odvetil, „Teraz.“

Povedal, „Dobre, poďme to dostať.“

On vyšiel vonku a povedal, „Tu je nejaká stodola. Je to milé,“ on povedal, že „moja manželka ani nikto iný ma tam nebude počuť,“ Povedal... (To je spôsob, ako to ľudia chcú; viete, aby to mali prinesené na tanieri) povedal, „Tam si pokľakneme.“

Ten starý brat povedal, „Tam to nedostaneš.“

No, tak on odišiel dolu do maštale; on povedal, „Dostaneme to tu?“

Odvetil, „Nie.“

On povedal, „Pôjdeme tam do kukuričného zrubu.“

Riekol, „Nie.“

Povedal, „Kde to dostaneš?“

Vravel, „Nasleduj ma.“

Potiahol ho za nohavice, prešli von do prasačieho chlievu tak ťažko ako len mohli cez blato, hovoriac, „Poď sem, tu to dostaneš.“

On odvetil, „Tam nechcem ísť.“

Povedal, „Ty to ešte nechceš, šéf. (To je pravda.) Ty to nechceš.“

193 Viete, Náman si to myslel tiež, Náman. Náman povedal, „A teraz, chcem sa zbaviť svojho malomocenstva.“

Eliáš odvetil, „Choď dolu tam do kalného Jordána, tam kde sa vlieva do Stredozemného mora.“ Povedal, „Tá rieka je taká špinavá ako len môže byť. Ponor sa tam sedemkrát.“ „Ó,“ riekol Náman, „Och joj. Či nie sú okolo Damašku a tam hore lepšie vody? Och, tam sú také čisté a pôvabné.“ (Och, videli sme to tu vtedy na filme, viete.), „Ó,“ povedal, „prečo nechceme ísť tam dolu; nemôžem ísť tam dolu. Ja... Viete kto som ja? Ja som veliteľ stráže; ja som generál vojska.“

„Nože, ak sa chceš zbaviť svojho malomocenstva, choď tam dolu. Ale ak to chceš držať, choď tam hore.“

Povedal, „Ponor sa,“ a môžem ho vidieť ako kráča tam do tej vody. Môžete si predstaviť? Ó, to zranilo jeho prestíž. Môžem ho vidieť, viete, chodí takto po špičkách, drží si nos, viete.

194 To je spôsob, ako sa niektorí ľudia snažia prísť ku Kristovi, „Rád by som bol uzdravený; rád by som išiel do neba, ale, ó, čo ak zbytok z nich vyzerá takto.“

Ó, vy pokrytci, vy to nikdy nedostanete, rozhodne. To je všetko, čo to je, akokoľvek. Chápete? Nie. Vy to nikdy nedostanete, akokoľvek. Nemajte obavy; vy to ešte nechcete dostatočne. To je pravda. Vy to nechcete dostatočne; to je pravda. Keď ste pripravení dostať to; vy to dostanete, v poriadku. Boh vám to dá, keď ste pripravení. Dobre.

195 Teraz, denominácie húseníc požierajú všetky veci. Všimnite si, každý hmyz, každý jeden z tohoto hmyzu, keď dobýval ten Strom, urobil cestu pre ďalšieho, ktorý ho nasledoval. Ó, on je chytrý chlapík. Áno, pane. Vidíte? On zobral preč ovocie (Vidíte?), Ducha, a čo? Mohol zobrať preč obecenstvo (Chápete?), listy. Takže iná stránka prichádza a oberá to o živobytie tým, že oberá listy. Čo to robil? On vzal tie listy, takže tam nebol žiaden kľud a sviežosť, aby ľudia mohli vidieť, takže on sa mohol dostať do kôry. Chápete?

On sa dostal do kôry, vyvŕtal ryhy a zobral od nich preč učenie (Vidíte?); práve tú vec, ktorá podporuje Život. A potom, akonáhle zavŕtal do toho diery, mal ďalšieho priateľa, ktorý prišiel; starú cicajúcu húsenicu; to vzalo denomináciu a vycucalo ju a zorganizovalo ju, takže to nemôžete dostať. A čo robil Život? Išiel priamo dole do koreňa (to je presne tak), spustil sa priamo do koreňov. V poriadku.

A teraz, ten istý hmyz, ktorý sa zavŕtal do srdca, až kým sa dostal do Života. To prichádzalo cez ovocie, cez listy, cez kôru, až kým sa to dostalo priamo do srdca, do tej línii života. V poriadku.

196 A teraz, pozrime sa na toho ničiteľa v práci. Po prvé... (Idem niečo z tohoto tu preskočiť, myslím. Nie, nejdem. Dobre. Pozrite.) Prvá vec, ktorú tento chlapík urobil akonáhle sa dostal do srdca Stromu...

Pozorujme ho späť v jeho prvom štádiu, prv ako on začal príliš dobre; pozorujme ho. Teraz, pozorujme ho pri práci. Prvá vec, ktorú sa on snažil urobiť, bola, aby zničil prvé, rýdze, drahocenné ovocie Stromu; ktorý mal Boh na zemi.

197 Teda, ak ma dokážete strpieť len niekoľko minút, chcem aby ste—chcem aby ste to obdržali teraz. Ne... Toto je vaše Veľkonočné posolstvo, ktoré prichádza práve teraz. Chápete, vidíte, vidíte?

198 Prvú vec, ktorú on urobil, on zničil Boží prvý drahocenný ovocný Strom, Krista. On bol tým Stromom od záhrady Eden. To je pravda. Prvý ovocný Strom, on Ho zničil. Prvý, ktorý Boh zasadil tu na zemi, bol Kristus; on zničil ten Strom, ktorý niesol Jeho ovocie. Teda, oni mali všetky druhy organizácií, a on to mal vlastne vo svojich rukách; ale keď prišiel ku Stromu, ktorý rodil to pravé ovocie, dostala sa tam tá rímska ploštica (chápete?), zničila ten Strom.

Strom? Áno. Ježiš povedal, „Ak ja robím (v svätom Jánovi), ak ja nerobím skutky Môjho Otca, alebo nemám ovocie Môjho Otca, neverte mi.“ On donášal ovocie Boha. Aký druh ovocia On niesol? Pozorujme ho za niekoľko minút. On cez to išiel mnohokrát;urobme len takú malú predprípravu pre ľudí, ktorí tu sedia a čakajú na okamih, keď sa za nich budeme modliť.

199 Čo bolo tou prvou vecou, ktorú oni vedeli, že Ho—nerozpoznali ako Mesiáša? Keď Peter prišiel ku Nemu po prvýkrát (a Andrej ho doviedol), a On sa pozrel na Petra a povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon, a ty si syn Jonášov.“

On vedel práve vtedy, podľa Písma, že to bol Mesiáš. Oni boli... Vedeli ste, že podľa histórie, mnohí povstali predtým, a nazvali seba „Mesiášom“? ale žiaden z nich nemohol urobiť toto; pretože Mesiáš... Mojžiš povedal (Slovo Božie, ktoré nemôže zlyhať, bolo hovorené Mojžišom), on povedal, „Tvoj Mesiáš bude prorok ako ja.“

A tak, keď tento cudzí človek kráčal pred Ježišom, a Ježiš povedal, „Hľa, tvoje meno je Šimon, a ty si syn Jonášov,“ Peter vedel priamo vtedy Kto On bol; on vedel, že to bol On.

200 Keď Natanael odišiel a vzal Filipa—síce Filip odišiel a vzal Natanaela, lepšie povedané, a priniesol ho tam, a Natanael, významný človek (Chápete?), vznešený muž, zbožný človek (a Filip mu hovoril po ceste, čo On vykonal Šimonovi), a keď Natanael vstúpil do Prítomnosti Ježiša, čo povedal Ježiš? On povedal, „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nieto ľsti.

On odvetil, „Učiteľu, odkedy ma poznáš?“

Riekol, „Prv ako ťa Filip zavolal, videl som ťa, keď si bol pod tým stromom.“

Odpovedal, „Učiteľu, Učiteľu, Ty si Syn Boží; Ty si Kráľ Izraela.“ Vidíte?

Prečo? To je ovocie. „Ak robím skutky Môjho Otca...“ On poznal presne myšlienky, ktoré boli v ich srdciach.

Raz sa dotkla Jeho rúcha nejaká žena, a odišla a sadla si v zhromaždení. Ježiš sa rozhliadol dookola a povedal, „Kto sa Ma dotkol?“ Všetci z nich to zapreli. On sa poobzeral a uvidel ju. Ona mala krvotok; On povedal, „Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila.“ Ó!

201 Tá drobná Samaritánska žena... A teraz, pamätajte, On nikdy takto nešiel ku pohanom. Nie, veru. On dokonca povedal Svojim učeníkom, aby ku nim nešli. To sme my; to je náš deň. On odišiel ku nám vo forme Svätého Ducha; tak ako povedal, že príde. Ale keď On išiel ku nim, čo sa stalo? Keď odišiel ku tej Samaritánskej žene, tá žena povedala, On jej povedal, „Daj sa mi napiť.“

A ona odvetila, „To nie je zvyklé pre teba, Žida, žiadať mňa Samaritánku. Boli oddelení podľa svojich farieb a pod. On im dal práve v tom čase spoznať, že nie je žiaden rozdiel, že všetko pochádza z toho istého stromu. My všetci sme synovia a dcéry Božie; my všetci. Vidíte?

A On povedal—ona povedala, „No, my uctievame nášho otca Jakoba (Chápete? A to bol tiež otec Hebrejov. Vidíte?) Náš otec, Jakob, kopal tento prameň; a ty hovoríš, že si väčší ako on?“

A On povedal, „Voda, ktorú ti Ja dám, je Večný Život.“ Vidíte? On povedal...

202 Dobre, my uctievame na tejto hore, a vy v Jeruzaleme.“

On povedal, „Choď, doveď svojho manžela a príď sem. Toto to vyjasní.“

Ona odvetila, „Nemám manžela.“

Prehovoril, „Povedala si správne.“ Riekol, „Mala si päť mužov; a ten, ktorého máš teraz, nie je tvoj manžel.“

Ona vypovedala, „Pane, vieš, to je už štyristo rokov odvtedy ako sme mali proroka; ale Ty musíš byť prorok. Ako si vedel, že som mala piatich manželov?“ Ona riekla, „Teraz vieme, že je čas, aby tu bol Mesiáš, ktorý sa nazýva Kristus. A keď On príde, On nám povie tieto veci.“

Ó, tu je Jeho ovocie. On povedal, “Ja som On.”

Ona zanechala to vedro, to staré vedro organizácie. Išla do mesta. Nezáležalo na tom, koľko mal Jákob studní, ona našla nový Prameň. Išla do mesta a povedala, “Poďte a vidzte Muža, ktorý mi povedal veci, ktoré som urobila. Či to nie je Mesiáš? Či to nie je to ovocie? Či to nie je ten dôkaz, že Toto je Mesiáš?”

203 Tí Hebreji tomu nemohli rozumieť. Povedali, „On je čarodejník, Belzebúb.“ Ježiš povedal, „Odpúšťam vám, vám. Ale raz, keď Svätý Duch príde a bude robiť tie isté veci, a budete hovoriť proti Tomu, to vám nikdy nebude odpustené.“

Teda, „Ak nerobím skutky Môjho Otca, neverte Mi“; ale to ovocie Stromu donášalo ovocie. Teraz, pozorujte. Čo On povedal;... Čo—aký druh cirkvi On založil? A teraz, vy katolíci, ktorí chcete tvrdiť, že Ježiš založil cirkev, aký druh cirkvi On založil? Či On niekedy spomenul nejakú denomináciu, nejaké vyznanie? On bol vždy proti tomu. On prehlásil, „Vy obielené hroby, vy mŕtve ľudské kosti.“

204 On ich nazval všetkým, čím ich len mohol nazvať. To je pravda. On bol proti tomu. To bolo ovocie Boha. Teda, môžete vytvoriť dva a dva; to je štyri, ak chcete. Dobre. On bol proti tej veci, organizácii, proti jej teóriám, nazval ich pokrytcami, hadmi v tráve, a povedal, že boli diabli. On povedal, „Vy ste z vášho otca, diabla; a robíte jeho skutky. Ktorý z vašich otcov neprenasledoval prorokov, ktorých som poslal predo Mnou? Vidíte? Prehlásil, „Potom vy im staviate hrobky.“ Riekol, „Vy ste tí, ktorí ich dali na smrť.“

205 Ó, brat, On sa s nimi nehral. To je pravda. To bolo ovocie Boha. Čo to bolo? Zostaňte so Slovom Boha, poskytnite, aby sa Slovo Božie prejavilo. On povedal, inak, „Čo hovoria Písma o Mne, čo má robiť Mesiáš, keď príde? A teraz, ak nedonášam to ovocie Slova, potom nie som Mesiáš. Ale ak rodím ovocie toho Slova, ktoré mal Mesiáš činiť, potom Ja som On. (Amen.) Teda, ktorý z vás Ma môže obviniť z hriechu,“ On prehlásil. Tam to máte. „Ktorá z vašich organizácií robí túto istú vec? Tam to máte. Mesiáš mal robiť toto; Mesiáš má byť prorokom. „A teraz, nech vidíme niektorých z vás všetkých,“ Povedal, „so všetkými vašimi nafúknutými myšlienkami, nech vidíme ako to robíte.“ Potom, oni boli ticho. Dobre.

Čo to bolo? On nosil ovocie Boha. Svätý Duch bol v Ňom; On niesol Božie ovocie. Kým On bol? On... Teraz, počúvajte pozorne. Budem sa ponáhľať tak rýchlo ako len môžem, takže vás nezadržím od vášho Veľkonočného obeda. Pozrite, ale váš Veľkonočný obed by malo byť vzkriesenie. Chápete?

206 Ale pozorujte. On bol Boží dokonalý Prorocký Strom, príkladný Strom, Strom Ženícha. Amen. Sláva. (Idem povedať niečo priamo.) Ak On je Strom Ženícha (Veríte tomu?) od záhrady Eden, potom Strom Ženícha bez Ženy neprináša ovocie. Takže On musí mať Strom Nevesty; Ona musí byť narodená z toho istého materiálu: Slovo urobené telom zo Stromu. (Dúfam, že ste to uchopili.) Ten istý Život v tom ženskom Strome, Ženích, ako To je v Neveste. „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vy budete tiež činiť.“ Je to pravda? On bol Ženíchom. Pamätajte...

207 Vy poviete, „To nie je podľa Písma.“ Ó, to je. Uchytil som to teraz. Vidíte? Sústreďujeme sa na to, aby sme mali za chvíľu uzdravovacie zhromaždenie. Uchytil som to. On bol. Chcete to potvrdiť? On povedal, „Ja som Vinič; vy ste letorasty (svätý Ján); ja som Vinič; vy ste letorasty; vy donášate ovocie.“ Chápete? A mužský strom a ženský strom produkuje peľ jeden druhému, a prináša to ovocie. A letorast a vinič robí tú istú vec. Vidíte? To je presne tak.

208 Tak On povedal... A teraz, prvý Strom bol Strom Proroka, dokonalý Strom, Boh prorokov. On bol hlavný Strom; On bol Boží dokonalý prospievajúci—Strom Proroka. Prečo? On bol Slovom. A teraz, ostatní boli vedľajší proroci. Slovo prišlo ku prorokom, ale On sám bol Slovom vo forme Proroka. Amen. (A teraz, dostávame sa niekde.)

209 Ale, počúvajte naozaj pozorne, aby ste sa teraz neminuli cieľa. Bolo to tak dobré, že som si to musel zapísať. [Zatrúbilo auto—pozn.prekl.] Amen. Tam vonku niekto vykrikuje a trúbi. Práve—práve... Ó, dúfam, že máte tam vonku dobrý čas; my sme tu vnútri v poriadku.

210 A teraz, On bol Boží Strom Proroka. Prečo? On kázal celé dokonalé Slovo Božie, lebo On bol Slovo Božie prejavené. On bol dokonalý Strom Proroka, ktorý kázal dokonalé prorocké Slovo, ktoré prinieslo dokonalý Strom Proroka, dokonalým Slovom Božím. Ó, brat, hovoriť o takom Strome... Strom, On bol ten Strom Života, od ktorého boli Eva a Adam držaní preč Anjelom, skrze strážnych cherubínov, preč od toho Stromu. Teda, tí istí Cherubíni sa ich snažia ku Tomu pritiahnuť, pretože bola pre nich urobená cesta. Vidíte? A teraz, oni ustupujú dozadu. Ó, ľudské bytosti... hmm.

211 Teda, kázané celému Svetu; On to nezostrihol tu alebo tam. Keď Satan ku Nemu prišiel, ten veľký teológ, a povedal, „Je napísané.“ Ježiš povedal, „Áno, a tiež je napísané...“ A-ha.

„Ale je napísané.“

A On povedal, „A tiež je napísané...“

212 Dokonalý Strom Proroka kážúci prorocké Slovo, s dokonalými prorockými Znakmi, dokonalé prorocké výsledky, dokonalé Ovocie Ducha. A pre výsmech (idem cez toto pekne rýchlo teraz, pretože...), pre výsmech, oni Ho zavesili na (On bol Slovo, viete), oni Ho zavesili, Strom Slova, Strom Slova, zavesili Ho na rímsky strom vyrobený ľuďmi. Hmm, brat, dúfam, že je to jasné. Tým, že On bol Božím dokonalým duchovným Stromom, oni Ho zavesili na rímsky strom učinený ľuďmi. Amen.

213 To isté teraz. Oni sa snažia vziať dokonalý Boží Strom, Slovo, a zmiešať To a zavesiť To tam hore na nejaký druh vyznania. Smrť a Život sa nezmiešajú. Ježiš nikdy nenavštívil pohrebné zhromaždenie; On kriesil mŕtvych. Prečo? Smrť a Život nemohli stáť spolu; oni sú v protiklade jedno druhému. On nekázal na žiadnom pohrebe, On ich len kriesil. Amen. Áno. Prečo? Život a smrť.

214 Teda, pozrite sa, oni Ho zavesili na kríž. Je to pravda? „Prekliaty je ten, ktorý visí na dreve.“ Je to tak? Biblia povedala, „Prekliaty je ten, ktorý visí na akomkoľvek ľuďmi vyrobenom dreve.“ Tak ak dnes, ak sa snažíte zavesiť na nejaký druh ľuďmi vyrobeného kríža, vysloboďte sa od toho; a taktiež nedovoľte mu zavesiť vás tam, pretože to je miesto pre mŕtvych—nejakých ľuďmi vytvorených Luteránov, Baptistov, Presbyteriánov, Letničnú organizáciu (Je to tak.), nejaký ľuďmi vytvorený strom. Neviste tam; a nedovoľte taktiež nedovoľte mu zavesiť vás tam. Oni vás tam zavesia, ak môžu, až kým je celý Život z vás preč, až kým uznáte ich doktrínu. To je pravda.

215 Ale to je to, kde oni zavesili tento Dokonalý Strom. Božie dokonalé ovocie Stromu zavesené na ľuďmi vytvorenom Rímskom kríži...? ...To bolo prekliatie zavesiť na akýkoľvek ľuďmi vytvorený kríž. Čo je to? Zbaviť sa ho preč z ich dohľadu, potom ako donášal všetko to ovocie.

Potom ako Mária Magdaléna (je to historicky zmienené) bežala pred nimi a hovorila, „Čo On urobil? Čo zlé On urobil?“ Ona zastavila ten sprievod, povediac, „Čo On takého zlého urobil? Urobil niečo, okrem toho, že kázal Evanjelium chudobným? Urobil niečo, okrem toho, že uzdravoval chorých, kriesil mŕtvych? A samotné znaky živého Boha sú v Ňom. Ako by ste ho mohli odsúdiť?

A oni ju vyfackali po ústach a povedali, „Či budete počúvať tú ženu so zlou povesťou namiesto vášho kňaza (Tam to máte), vášho biskupa?“ Tam to máte. Tá istá vec dnes. A-ha. Áno.

216 A teraz, keď On urobil všetko toto a potvrdil Seba Samého, kým On bol, a predložil to pred nich a povedal, „Ak nie som On, potom kto ste vy? Ak Ma môžete obviniť z hriechu, ak som kdekoľvek v Slove chybne, ukážte Mi. Teda, dovoľte Mi ukázať vám, kde sa mýlite.“ Chápete? Hriech je nevera; my to vieme.

Teraz, zbaviť sa Ho preč z ich dohľadu (Oni Ho tak veľmi nenávideli, pretože On potrhal všetky ich organizácie)—zbaviť sa Ho z ich pohľadu, oni Ho pochovali a zavalili na dvere ohromne veľký denominačný kameň, aby si boli istí, že nevstane zmŕtvych.

Ó! Rozmýšľajte o tom dokonalom Strome. Dávid sa pozrel späť a videl To, on povedal, ako stál pri potokoch vody. „On prináša Svoje lístie vo Svojej sezóne. A Jeho ovocie, nebude vyhodené; to—to neuvädne. Čokoľvek On robí, podarí sa mu.“

On bol Synom Prospechu; Jozef bol Jeho typom. On bol skutočnosť Jozefa. Všade, kde Jozef išiel, darilo sa mu: tá istá vec s Ježišom. Jeho Slovo, „Moje Slovo sa podarí, a Ono sa nevráti ku Mne naprázdno; vykoná to, aký mám s Ním zámer.“

Vidíte? On bol Slovom. Slovo bolo poslané na zem od Boha, a Ono vyplní presne, na čo Ho Boh poslal. A teraz, počúvajte teraz pozorne. Toto je také bohaté so šľahačkou na vrchu.

217 A teraz, všimnite si, teraz On tu prichádza, a oni, pre tie samotné skutky Božie... Keď sa On postavil a opýtal sa ich, On povedal, „Ak nerobím skutky, ktoré Boh povedal, že by som mal robiť, potom nie som On; neverte Mi; ale ak to robím, potom verte tým skutkom. Ak nemôžete veriť Mne, ako Človeku, ktorý robí toto, potom verte skutkom, ktoré robím. Oni svedčia o Mne. Oni hovoria hlasnejšie než by mohol hovoriť Môj hlas.“

To je pravda. A tá istá vec by mohla byť uplatnená kedykoľvek. Áno, pane. Iste by mohla. Teraz, všimnite si, „Ak nerobím skutky Môjho Otca, potom Mi neverte—neverte Mi. Nuž, ak robím tie skutky, verte Mi.“ Potom, čo oni robili? Vzali ten vzácny Strom, zoťali Ho, zavesili To na ľuďmi vytvorený kríž (To je pravda, prerušili tomu Život a zavesili To na ľuďmi vytvorený strom pre výsmech); potom sa im to nepáčilo. Príliš veľa ľudí tam stálo a plakalo nad tým. Tak Ho zvesili dolu.

218 Hovorili, „Vytvoríme našu denomináciu takú tesnú, že sa sem nikdy tí náboženskí fanatici nedostanú.“

Tak ho odpratali preč do tej diery Jozefa z Arimatie, a privalili tam ohromne veľký kameň (vzali hliadku mužov, aby to tam privalili. Videli ste niekedy—videli ste tamtú noc na obrázku tú veľkú trasu, akou váľali ten kameň? Vážil tony), rolovali tam ich veľký organizačný kameň, aby On nemohol povstať. Ale zadržalo Ho to? Nie. „Ale Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“ Zasiahnime teraz ten text a vhĺbme sa do toho. „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán. Ja Ho prinavrátim. V troch dňoch Ho vzkriesim naspäť.

Oni Ho nemohli ukryť v tej skale; oni Ho nemohli ukryť preč z ich dohľadu; oni sa Ho nemohli zbaviť zo svojich rúk. „Ja Ho prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“ A v troch dňoch ho On pozdvihol, prinavrátil naspäť.

219 Po Veľkej Noci, On povstal a povedal, „Choďte do celého sveta, a ja pôjdem s vami. Ako ten živý Otec poslal Mňa, a On je vo Mne; tak ja posielam vás a budem vo vás. Ja som s vami do konca sveta. Skutky; tá istá vec, ktorú som urobil, aby to potvrdilo čím som; vy budete robiť tie isté veci, aby potvrdili, čím ste.“ Chápete?

To sa mi páči. Tieto znaky budú nasledovať tých, ktorí sú veriaci; nie robiaci sa veriaci, ale veriaci. Vidíte? „Tieto veci, ktoré Ja robím, budete vy robiť; a to potvrdí, že ste veriaci, presne tak isto, ako skutky, ktoré som Ja robil; pretože ten živý Otec žije vo Mne. To nie som Ja, ktorý robím tie skutky; to je Môj Otec. A to nie vy budete robiť tie skutky, ale to budem Ja vo vás robiť tie skutky. (Chápete?) A teraz, choďte do celého sveta... Inak, vy idete dať tvar tomu, čo je Mne známe ako Nevesta.“ Vidíte? V poriadku.

220 „Ja pôjdem s vami, a vy budete časťou Mňa; vy budete Mojou Nevestou. Môj Život bude vo vašom tele. Tak ako manžel a manželka sú jednou osobou, vy a ja budeme Jedno. Toho dňa poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, Otec je vo Mne, a Ja vo vás, a vy vo Mne.“ Hmm. Ja to skrátka milujem. Satana to samozrejme hnevá. Vidíte? Vidíte Jednotu Boha? Všetko čím bol Boh, On prelial do Krista, a všetko čím bol Kristus, On prelial do cirkvi. Tam to máte. To ich všetkých robí jedno.

A teraz, pozrite sa. Teda, Nevesta, oni sú jedno, Strom Života. Inými slovami ako manžel a manželka sú jedno; Kristus a Jeho Nevesta sú Jedno: tá istá vec, ten istý Duch, tie isté skutky, tie isté znamenia, všetko ďalšie, „Pretože skutky, ktoré Ja činím; vy tiež budete činiť.“ Ako dlho? Do konca sveta. Koľko? Každému stvoreniu. Je to pravda? Ó, počúvajte teraz pozorne. Idem vystreliť z Magnumu.

221 Rímska húsenica začala obžierať na tom Strome Nevesty, až kým sa Toho zmocnila do koreňov. Ten istý rímsky strom, ktorý... Aký druh stromu zoťal dolu Krista? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Rímsky“—pozn.prekl.] Aký druh stromu zoťal dolu Kristovu Nevestu? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Rímsky“—pozn.prekl.] Ako? Nejakou náhradou namiesto Slova. Takže vidíte, Protestantská cirkev, ktorá neberie Slovo Božie, je dcérou rímskej cirkvi.

Boh nikdy v žiadnom čase neorganizoval cirkev. Rímsko-Katolícka cirkev bola prvou organizáciou; a každá jedna z nich sú dcéry tej, ktorá je zorganizovaná; oni zomierajú s ňou.

222 Biblia povedala, že On spáli jej deti v ohni. Koľkí to vedia? Biblia tak hovorí. Nuž, Biblia povedal, že pšenica a kúkoľ budú rásť spolu až do posledného dňa, v tom čase On zviaže kúkoľ (Je to pravda?) najprv, a spáli ich. A pšenica pôjde spolu do sýpky. Je to tak? Kúkoľ je sám spolu zviazaný v organizácii: Konfederácia Cirkví, pre atómový požiar. Presne tak. Ale cirkev sa pripravuje ísť do sýpky, práve tak isto ako svet, vo vytrhnutí, pretože slobodná žena nebude dedičom s nevoľníčkou. Hmm, brat Anthony.

Ó, my bdieme na príchod toho radostného dňa Milénia;

Keď náš požehnaný Pán príde

a uchopí preč Jeho čakajúcu Nevestu.

Ó, moja duša je naplnená vytrhnutím;

ako robím, bdiem a modlím sa,

Lebo náš Pán prichádza znovu naspäť na zem.

Haleluja. Áno, pane. Ó, On spáli kúkoľ, a pšenicu vezme do sýpky.

223 Rímska húsenica začala na tom Strome požierať vo dňoch Pavla. On povedal, „Ja som presvedčený (Písmo tu), že po mojom odchode, povstanú medzi vami ľudia, bratia, akoby v ovčom rúchu, ale vlci vnútri, a oddialia za sebou mnohých. Lebo duch antikrista, o ktorom ste počuli, že mal prísť na svet, je už na svete teraz, pracujúci na akých deťoch? Neposlušných.“ Neposlušných čomu? Slovu.

Tam to máte. Organizácia začína rozbeh. Chápete čo myslím, priatelia? Všetci, ktorí to vidia, povedia, „Amen.“

Začínajú požierať. Čo to urobilo? Tá stará húsenica začala, tá stará škodlivá húsenica. Oná... Joel to videl. Počúvajte teraz, blížime sa ku koncu. Joel to videl, a on povedal, „Čo nechal červík, požrala kobylka, okrem toho škodlivá húsenica dostala; čo nechala škodlivá húsenica, no, húsenica to zobrala.“ To je to, čo on povedal; a to je presne; to je Strom Boží. Strom... Zotnite ho, škodlivá húsenica... V poriadku.

224 Rímska húsenica začala obžierať ten Strom Nevesty a zmocnila sa Toho úplne až do koreňov (celé To dokola posekala, všetko, odrezala ten Strom, ako to urobili Ježišovi Kristovi, Ženíchovi); zosekli Nevestu, a začali s vyznaniami a denomináciami: Ten istý starý chrobák. Ale čo? Ó, Sláva. Ale v Jeho koreňoch bolo predurčené Semeno, Kráľovské Semeno Abraháma; To nemohlo zomrieť. Slovo bolo v koreňoch, so zasľúbením, „Ja nahradím, hovorí Pán. (Čo?) Všetky roky, ktoré odrezala húsenica, všetko čo pojedla kobylka, všetko čo požral celý zbytok tých baktérií, ja To prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“

225 A teraz, porovnajte toto s minulou nedeľou a nedeľou predtým, tieto posolstvá teraz. Počúvajte teraz pozorne, ako sa dostávame ku koncu. Čo? „Ja obnovím, hovorí Pán, všetko čo pojedol ten hmyz; Ja z Toho prinesiem každý kúsok znovu rovno späť.“

Teda, zostaňte potichu, ak môžete, na niekoľko minút a počúvajte pozorne; pripravte sa a modlite sa celým srdcom, aby vám To Boh zjavil.

226 Takže Boh zasľúbil začiatok prinavrátenia, pretože Boh povedal, že On To obnoví, a práve tak isto ako On vzkriesil ten Strom Nevesty—Strom Ženícha, On pozdvihne Strom Nevesty, pretože práve tam ide byť Jedno, ako že stojí svet. Čo teraz? V poriadku. Takže Boh zasľubuje začiatok, „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán, všetko to, čo požrala kobylka, húsenica.“

Ako po prvýkrát, keď On postavil tú prvú cirkev... Idem teraz do náuky. Ak to nechcete veriť, dobre; ale ja—vy, len to najskôr preskúmajte. Chápete?

Všimnite si, ako On ten Strom pestoval na tom prvom mieste? Óóh!. Toto mi robí dobre. Viem, že to neznie ako od kazateľa, keď tu takto stojím, ale ja to milujem, o čom rozprávam...

227 A teraz, všimnite si. Ako po prvýkrát, keď On začal tú prvú cirkev, ktorú zožrala tá rímska húsenica (a škodlivá húsenica, atď), On začal s ospravedlnením vierou—Ján Krstiteľ. Vo Svätom Jánovi trinástej—alebo sedemnástej kapitole, 17.verš, Ježiš povedal, „Posväť ich, Otče, skrze Pravdu; Tvoje Slovo je Pravda.“ Druhým dielom bolo posvätenie (cirkvi). Po ospravedlnení bolo posvätenie. A potom ako boli posvätení, On im povedal, aby čakali v meste Jeruzalem (Lukáš 24:49), až kým budú naplnení mocou z výsosti; a tam On dáva narodenie tomu Stromu, Svätý Duch, Letnice. Ospravedlnenie, Posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým, a potom Kristus prichádza do Toho prebývať, zrodiť ovocie. Amen. Je to tak?

228 Ján kázal ospravedlnenie. Teraz, pozrite sa. V tom—tom prvku prírodného rodenia. Keď žena rodí dieťa (Počúvajte teraz.), čo je prvá vec, ktorá sa deje žene? To, čo prepukne najskôr, je voda: „Čiňte pokánie a buďte pokrstení v Mene Ježiša Krista,“ ospravedlnenie. Čo je druhá vec, ktorá sa deje so ženou? Krv. Je to pravda? Krv: posvätenie. A potom, čo je ďalšia vec? Život: voda, krv, život. Svätý Ján—1.Jána 5:7—vlastne 7:5, myslím že to je, povedal:

...sú traja, ktorí svedčia na nebi: Otec, Slovo...

(ktorým je Syn)...

a Svätý Duch: ...títo traja sú jedno.

A sú traja, ktorí svedčia na zemi: voda, krv a Duch a...

(Oni nie sú jedno, ale) ...

súhlasia v jedno.

[angl. preklad King James—pozn.prekl.]

229 Vy nemôžete mať Otca bez toho, aby ste mali Syna; nemôžete mať Syna bez toho, aby ste mali Svätého Ducha. Ale môžete byť ospravedlnení bez toho, aby ste boli posvätení; a môžete byť posvätení bez toho, aby ste mali Svätého Ducha. A čo tak Nazarénski bratia? Oni boli posvätení Ježišom Kristom rok a šesť mesiacov prv ako vôbec prišiel Svätý Duch. Je to tak? Oni boli posvätení Ježišom Kristom.

230 A teraz, ako On zrodil ten prvý Strom Nevesty, tá kobylka a červíky to požrali, On obnovuje ten druhý Strom, prináša To naspäť z tých predurčených koreňov, ktoré nemôžu zomrieť, ktorý stojí pri potokoch. Živý v týchto vodách. To nemohlo ukázať Seba Samého, ale je To tam, akokoľvek. Teda, začína to...

Všimnite si tie isté hmyzy, ako On prinavracia naspäť tú istú vec tým istým spôsobom. Po prvé, keď ten Strom začal vychádzať z Katolicizmu, to bol Martin Luter, ktorý kázal ospravedlnenie. Druhým anjelom bol John Wesley, ktorý kázal posvätenie. Luter kázal ospravedlnenie, „Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery“; Wesley kázal posvätenie, druhú úplnú prácu milosti; a potom prišiel Svätý Duch. Práve tak, ako On vybudoval ten Strom po prvýkrát, tu ho On znovu obnovuje druhýkrát, tým istým spôsobom. Vidíte to?

231 Všimnite si, ten istý hmyz (ten malý ničomník), ten istý hmyz, ktorý začal a zabil ten Strom na počiatku, začal priamo tam v tých Luteránskych vetvách. Ale čo? Ono To nemôže zabiť; oni To nemôžu zabiť, pretože Boh povedal, „Ja nahradím...“

Ten hmyz začal ničiť na Luterovi všetky Luteránske vetvy. Prechádza to priamo do Wesleya a zabíja všetky Wesleyove vetvy. Ale tá hlavná časť Stromu stále prichádza.

232 Teraz si všimnite, v tých starých časoch, keď bol ten Strom zabitý, To bolo zabité; odišlo to okamžite do koreňov, keď To zabilo priamo tam. Ale v tomto čase, pretože Slovo je predurčené; nie je nič, čo by To zastavilo. Boh povedal, „Ja nahradím. Nezáleží koľko sa oni organizujú, koľko robia toto, tamto alebo iné; Ja To idem obnoviť.“ Tým je to vybavené. Všetok ten smiech, žartovanie, posmechy, nazývanie nás náboženskými fanatikmi, nezmysly, všetko čo len chcete, Boh predsa len povedal, „Ja nahradím, hovorí Pán.“

Práve tak isto ako On vzkriesil Ježiša z hrobu, za tri dni; pod tromi správami alebo troma časťami; On ide znovu vzkriesiť cirkev do Jej plnosti a moci. „Ja nahradím, hovorí Pán.“

233 Čo sa stalo? Tá stará húsenica to začala požierať a mala tie isté druhy účinkov, ktoré mal on. Ale čo ona urobila? Ona len vzala Luteránske vetvy; za tým ale nikdy nestál Duch, ktorého mal Luter, lebo to len žilo ďalej.

Potom prišiel Wesley, a po Wesleyovej smrti, ten veľký prorok, potom ako Wesley zomrel, čo oni urobili? Oni sa zorganizovali a všetky vetvy zomreli. Ale čo On urobil? Tá cirkev žila ďalej. Prišla rovno napred do Letníc. Keď sa oni zorganizovali, čo sa stalo? Vetvy zomreli. Ale čo? Cirkev ide rovno ďalej.

234 Čo? Tá istá vec, ktorú urobili Letniční, to isté staré katolícke denominačné vyznanie, ktorí To vzali v prvom rade na to, aby zničili ten Strom—Strom Nevesty, v prvom rade, to je tá istá stará taktika, ktorú diabol urobil na tomto druhom Strome. Ale čo? Boh To predurčil; Ona musí pokračovať, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek. Ak to všetko... Ak by to nebolo tak, keď sa Luter zorganizoval, tam by to bolo vybavené. Všetko to išlo naspäť práve tak, ako nejaké... To bola tá druhá katolícka cirkev, rímska katolícka cirkev. Vidíte?

Ale Boh bol odhodlaný... On vypovedal Jeho Slovo. Jeho zákon dozrie na to, aby sa To vyplnilo. Nezáleží na tom, koľko neskorých mrazov To malo; akokoľvek, To bude žiť. Snáď To malo obdobie chladna a denominačných rozdielov a všetkého, ale ten Strom ide žiť; práve tak isto, ako Žijúci Boh spôsobí, aby To žilo. Tak veru. On povedal, „Ja To prinavrátim.“

235 Viem, že máme nejakú neskorú jar, neskoré obdobie prichádzajúcej Veľkej Noci. „Pán zdržiava Jeho príchod,“ hovoria, a všetko tomu podobné; a studený zimný vietor zničil mnohé denominačné vetvy; ale nemôže zničiť ten Strom, ktorý je predurčený. „Nebesia a zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nepominie. Všetkých, ktorých On predurčil, On aj povolal; tých ktorých On povolal, On aj ospravedlnil; tých ktorých On ospravedlnil, On už oslávil.“ Haleluja. Je napísané v Knihe—Baránkovej Knihe Života a nemôže zomrieť.

236 Všetky tie chrobáky, ktoré môže peklo na Ňu vypustiť, ju nikdy nezastavia. Žiadny Komunizmus, Katolicizmus, nič iné Ju nemôže zastaviť. „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“ Všetky ľuďmi vytvorené Rímske stromy Ju tam nikdy nezavesia; všetky hroby Ju tam nikdy nezadržia; všetky veľké denominačné kamene zavalené na dverách Ju tam nikdy neustrážia. „Ja nahradím, hovorí Pán. Bude Veľká Noc. Ja zrodím tú istú cirkev v Tej istej moci. Ja tú Nevestu vyvediem práve tak, ako Ona bola tam predtým s tými istými znakmi, tým istým ovocím, tie isté veci, ktoré oni robili. Ja Ju znovu dovediem naspäť; Ja nahradím, hovorí Pán.“ Čo? Prinavráti všetko, čo denominácie obžrali. Prinavráti všetko, čo organizácie obžrali. „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán, všetko z toho.“

237 A teraz, vy poviete, „A čo tie veci, ktoré odišli tam do denominácie?“ Boh je dobrý Roľník. On orezáva Strom; to bolo všetko, orezáva všetky tie mŕtve vetvy. Čo On ide urobiť? Spáliť ich tam, presne tak. Boh je Roľník toho—toho Stromu. On sa o Neho stará; On dozerá na Svoje Vlastníctvo. On... Čo je Jeho Vlastníctvo? Jeho vlastné Slovo. On dozerá na Jeho Slovo, aby Ho potvrdil, dozerá na Neho, pozrite sa, kde sa to môže dostať. Teda, On ide prinavrátiť, preto keď sa tieto cirkvi začínajú organizovať a tomu podobné veci, On ich len odreže, a cirkev pokračuje ďalej.

Keď—keď Luteráni povedali, „Ideme sa stať organizáciou; budeme tak veľkí ako Katolíci.“ V poriadku, On tie vetvy odrezal, a Wesley to len vzal ďalej, povstal ďalší prorok. Potom akonáhle Wesley žil—Wesley zomrel, ten veľký prorok, čo oni urobili? Zorganizovali to. Prišli Letnice. Skoro potom ako ona zomrela, On ju odrezal. To sa tiahne rovno nahor. On ide nahradiť.

238 Kde rastie ovocie? To nezačína tu dole naspodku; to začína na vrchole. Kde slnko zasahuje Strom najprv? Ó, sláva! Vo večernom Svetle, na vrchole Stromu (Amen.), nie dole na spodku vetiev, ale tam hore na vrchole Stromu, tam kde dozrieva ovocie.

Amen. Milujete Ho? Amen.

Budete Mu slúžiť? Amen.

Veríte Mu? Amen.

Ja Mu určite verím, celým svojim srdcom.

239 A teraz, čo je to? On ich ide odrezať, tie staré révy, tak ako ona vychádza, všetky tie organizačné révy, až kým sa dostane priamo na vrchol Stromu; to je tam, kde On ide získať Svoje ovocie.

Teraz, všimnite si. Boh ju orezáva. V poriadku. Oni sú mŕtvi a neprídu do Prítomnosti Božej, neprídu v prvom vzkriesení, ale... aby boli s ovocím Viniča tej originálnej organiz—Révy Božej. Oni pôjdu do zorganizovanej skupiny, ale nepôjdu s ovocím toho Viniča.

240 Teraz, pozrite sa. Boh nikdy nevytvoril organizáciu. Cirkev dala—naštepila do organizácie, a Boh to odrezáva, odrezáva tú pupočnú šnúru. To rodí organizačné ovocie. Ale ak ten Vinič vyraší výhonok, ktorý vychádza z toho Viniča, to bude niesť to isté ako tamten. Takže vidíte, ten prvý bol... A Rím tam poslal svojich chrobákov a požrali to. Ale Boh ide vypestovať Jeden taký vysoký, že oni sa Toho nemôžu ani dotknúť. To príde. Amen. Ja... Poďme.

241 Ten Strom ide z jedného miesta na druhé, z jednej správy časov do inej správy časov. Od Lutera To odišlo ku Wesleyovi; od Wesleya do Letníc; z Letníc To ide do Slova.

Pre skutočného veriaceho je tu znova Veľká Noc Jeho nikdy nezlyhávajúceho Slova. Je Veľká Noc; to je vzkriesenie. Boh má ľudí všade. Je tu Veľká Noc pre nich. Prečo? Oni povstali (Amen.), vzkriesení z tých vyznaní a denominácií; prešli priamo cez ne. Je tu znova Veľká Noc. To Kráľovské Semeno bolo skryté v Koreňoch, Slovo, ukryté tam vzadu v tomto Slove počas rokov a rokov a rokov, a práve teraz začína byť zjavované. Je tu čas Veľkej Noci. Predurčení od založenia sveta, táto cirkev začína stáť.

242 Všimnite si, ako to Boh predurčil na počiatku. Mám to... Akokoľvek, idem to povedať. V poriadku. Všimnite si tu, že aby obnovil prvý dokonalý Strom v troch dňoch po Jeho smrti... Po smrti toho prvého Stromu Ho On obnovil v troch dňoch. Je to pravda? Prinavrátil to naspäť. A teraz, Strom Nevesty bude tiež obnovený v troch dňoch—tri štádiá, lepšie povedané. Bude to obnovené v troch štádiách. Teda, pozrite sa. Čo? Ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, Krst Duchom Svätým: raz, dva, tri.

243 Potom, všimnite si, po troch dňoch ako bol obnovený prvý Strom ako na počiatku, majúc tie isté znamenia, tie isté zázraky. Ježiš prichádza naspäť, ten istý Ježiš, robiac tie isté veci. Znaky sa prejavili na konci tretieho dňa, nie na konci prvého dňa. Ó, brat, dúfam, že to zrozumievaš. Na tretí deň, to je keď tá skutočná manifestácia Krista bola zjavená, na konci tretieho dňa. Vidíte? Všimnite si. (Zrozumievate to?)

Nie v prvom dni: mŕtva forma; druhý deň bol chýr o tom (Chápete?)— vlastne druhý deň to bolo stále mŕtve: Luter, Wesley. Na začiatku tretieho dňa bol naokolo chýr o tom. Nič v tom prvom dni (Luter), nič v druhom dni, a v treťom dni (správa času Svätého Ducha), naokolo bol chýr, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ale na konci tretieho dňa, to je to, kde On urobil Seba známym, prišiel priamo medzi nich, prišiel medzi Svojich ľudí a povedal, „Pozrite sa na Mňa; Ja som Ten istý.“

244 Mŕtve formy išli ďalej až sa dostali do Letníc, potom začal chýr okolo, že On tu bol. A teraz, tu v poslednom dni On je práve s nami, pohybuje sa priamo medzi nami. Na konci toho tretieho dňa, sa On zjavil a ukázal všetkým z nich, znakom Jeho vzkriesenia, že On bol živý, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Živé ovocie Jeho Prítomnosti... Žijúce ovocie Jeho Prítomnosti (zrozumievate to?) bol manifestovaný na samom konci toho dňa, keď sa zjavil všetkým z nich, Jeho cirkvi. Amen. Prečo? Oni boli všetci spolu. Ó. Amen. Na konci tretieho dňa...

245 Večerné Svetlá, povedala Biblia, majú svietiť v poslednom dni. Večerné Svetlo je to isté Svetlo na západe, to bolo tým istým Svetlom, ktoré bolo na východe. A to isté Svetlo, ktoré svietilo na východe, ktoré zrodilo prvú cirkev, ktorú Rimania osekali svojim—svojim pohanským uctievaním, atď.; vo večernom Svetle je to isté Svetlo. A teraz, všimnite si, to isté Svetlo...

A na čo vyšlo večerné Svetlo? Na čo slúži večerné Svetlo? Navrátiť. Ó!. Rozumiete? Večerné Svetlo je za tým istým účelom, za akým bolo ranné Svetlo: prinavrátiť to, čo bolo pokosené temnými vekmi počas Ríma, Boh ide prinavrátiť svietenie večerného Svetla. Ako? Prinavráti znovu celé Slovo Božie, plnú manifestáciu Krista v Jeho cirkvi. Všetko, čo On urobil, presne tak ako to urobil, to bude znovu vo večernom Svetle. Chápete, čo myslím? Ó, či to nie je nádherné? Vediac, že žijeme priamo tu, aby sme To videli.

246 Teda, večerné Svetlo (presne podľa proroctva), večerné Svetlo vyšlo, aby obnovilo čo? Obnoviť, čo požrali chrobáky. Začalo to rásť, a potom čo to urobilo? Denomináciu, takže Boh ich odrezal, zviazal a odložil, povediac, „Teda, v jednom z týchto dní, oni budú zhorené.“ Zviažu ich v ich organizáciách. Ale potom čo? Priamo na vrchole toho Stromu, tam ovocie dozrieva najprv (To je pravda.), priamo na vrchole Stromu. Takže je to vrchol Stromu, ktorý vidí večerné Svetlo.

247 Teda, Noach mal vo svojej arche tri miestnosti. Jedna bola pre plazivé tvory. Chápete? Druhá miestnosť bola pre hydinu; ale na vrchole miestnosti, tam bolo svetlo. Svetlo, ktoré svietilo najprv, nikdy neprišlo na prvé poschodie, na druhé poschodie, len na horné poschodie. Strom nerodí svoje ovocie najprv na spodku, a druhom ako toto, bolo to celé osekané do organizácií. Ale to je na vrchnej časti, kde „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán. Ja pošlem večerné Svetlo, a To prinesie naspäť, prinesie naspäť Slovo, urobí Ho zrejmým. Ja navrátim všetko, čo som zasľúbil. Všetko, čo som zasľúbil, ten istý Svätý Duch prinesie a zrodí tie isté znaky. Budem mať Veľkú Noc, vzkriesenie, pre Nevestu, také isté, ako som mal pre Ženícha.“ Vidíte?

Večerné Svetlá vychádzajú, aby svietili, tak isto ako ráno—tie isté znaky, tie isté veci. To isté Svetlo bude produkovať to isté ovocie, ktoré oni tam mali, ak To svieti na tom istom strome. Amen. Potvrdzuje Jeho Slovo teraz vyplnené, „Ja navrátim, hovorí Pán.“

248 A teraz, počúvajte pozorne. Teda, to bolo... Počúvajte. Nech vám to neujde teraz. Boli štyria poslovia smrti... (Alebo by ste radšej teraz skončili? Radšej by ste...? ...)

Teraz počúvajte skutočne pozorne. Pozrite. Boli štyria poslovia smrti, ktorí ten Strom zabili. Je to tak? Čo to bolo? Červík, kobylka, škodlivá húsenica a húsenica. Je to pravda? Štyria poslovia Rímskych diablov, dogiem, zničili ten Strom. Jeden vzal Jeho ovocie; ďalší vzal Jeho kôru—vlastne Jeho listy; jeden vzal Jeho kôru; ďalší vzal Život. Je to tak? Štyria poslovia dogiem zničili ten Strom, všetko okrem koreňov. A ak štyria poslovia smrti zabili ten Strom, štyria poslovia Života obnovujú ten Strom.

249 Rozumiete to? Amen. Pretože Boh povedal, „Ja To obnovím.“ Ako To On ide obnoviť? Tým, že štyria poslovia To zabili; potom štyria poslovia Života To prinavrátia. Čo bolo to prvé? Martin Luter, ospravedlnenie. Čo bolo druhé? John Wesley—posvätenie. Čo bolo tretie? Letnice s prinavrátením darov, Svätý Duch, Krst Svätým Duchom. Čo bolo štvrté? Slovo. Čo? Slovo.

250 Boli štyria veľkí proroci. Jeden z nich, Martin Luter, začal svietiť Svetlom. Bolo to malé Svetlo, len veľmi malá sila ospravedlnenia. Ďalej prišiel Wesley, silnejší: posvätenie. Po Wesleyovi prišli silnejší od neho, Letniční, Krst Svätým Duchom v inom veľkom prorokovi. Chápete? Ale v posledných dňoch Malachiáš 4, Eliáš má prísť so samotným Slovom. Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokom. Vo večerných svetlách má vyjsť, aby prinavrátil a priviedol to naspäť. Čo? Obrátiť srdcia detí späť ku viere otcov: štvrté Svetlo.

251 Štyria vrahovia To vzali, štyria poslovia To zničili. Štyria poslovia smrti To odviedli preč v dogmách; štyria poslovia spravodlivosti To naspäť znovu obnovia. „Prorokuj, Synu človeka, môžu tieto kosti ožiť?“ (Prial by som si, aby sme mali čas, máme to tu napísané, ale musím to vynechať); „Prorokuj! Môžu tieto kosti ožiť?“ Ktoré sú štyri štádiá vyjdenia tej cirkvi? Ktoré sú štyri štádiá vyjdenia Ezechielových suchých kostí? Ale Život prichádza len vtedy, nie keď bola na nich šľachovitá koža, ale keď na ne zafúkal vietor. To je vtedy, keď prišlo naspäť, to štvrté Posolstvo Života bolo prinesené naspäť. „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán.“ Haleluja. Sláva. Chvála buď Bohu.

252 Štvrté Svetlo má prísť, aby prinieslo tie isté znaky. Pozorujte. Ospravedlnenie prinieslo naspäť dužinu. Posvätenie prinieslo naspäť kôru: učenie svätosti. Čo prinieslo naspäť listy? Letniční. Čo je to? Letniční, lístie, tlieskanie rukami, radosť, radovanie sa: Letniční. Čo? Štvrté bolo Samotné Slovo. Slovo sa stalo telom, ovocie potvrdenia znaku vzkriesenia, že Kristus definitívne, potom ako bolo zasadené ospravedlnenie, bolo posadené posvätenie, krst Svätým Duchom. Organizácie odumreli, a Kristus znovu sústredil Seba ako to korunovanie pyramídy.

253 Prvá línia, ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Svätým Duchom, potom príchod toho Vrcholu. Čo je to? Tá partia Ducha Svätého zdokonalovaná, takže to môže zapadnúť s tým istým druhom služby, ktorú mal On, keď odišiel preč; takže keď On prichádza naspäť, to uchopí celú tú vec vo vytrhnutí, kde sú oni ospravedlnení, posvätení, a majú krst Svätým Duchom. Tá pyramída bude stáť znovu. Dom Boží bude žiť znovu. Strom Života znovu rastie.

Národy sa rúcajú, Izrael sa budí;

Vypĺňajú sa znamenia, ktoré predpovedali proroci.

Dni pohanov sú zrátané, strachom naplnené ;

Vráťte sa roztrúsení do svojho vlastníctva.

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;

Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu.

Buďte plní Ducha, majte čisté a ozdobené lampy.

Pozrite vaše vykúpenia sa priblížilo.

Falošní proroci klamú;

Božiu Pravdu zapierajú;

Že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh (Amen.)

Ale my kráčame tam kde išli apoštolovia.

Lebo deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;

Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu.

(Atómové zbrane a všetko ostatné);

Buďte plní Ducha, Majte čisté a ozdobené lampy.

Pozrite vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo. (Amen.)

254 Prinavrátenie všetkých znakov, znak Lóta na konci času. My sme cez to prešli. Ako Lót... Tento Anjel Jehovu bol učinený telom medzi ľuďmi, sediac Svojim chrbtom otočený ku stánu, hovoriac, „Kde je Sára, tvoja žena?“ „V stane za Tebou.“ On povedal, „Navštívim Ťa.“ A Sára sa smiala. On odvetil, „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“ Ona je v stáne... Amen.

Ježiš povedal, že to bude tá istá vec za Jeho príchodu. Ó, potom to Večerné Svetlo z Malachiáša 4 prichádza svietiac cez tmu (Amen.) priniesť to Večerné Svetlo na to predurčené Slovo. Haleluja.

255 Čím by malo byť to štvrté posolstvo? Aký je ten štvrtý posol? Svieti Svetlo na Slovo. Slovo je predurčené; To musí vyjsť von; niečo to musí urobiť, niečo to musí urobiť, pretože Boh povedal, „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán. Ja prinavrátim.“ To je pravda. Večerné Svetlá prichádza svietiť cez to predurčené Slovo. Áno, pane.

V čase večera bude svetlo.

Chodník do chvály, ktorý skutočne nájdete.

Vo vodnom krste je teraz svetlo.

Pochovaní vo vzácnom mene Ježiš.

Mladí a starí, vyznajte všetky svoje hriechy.

Duch Svätý skutočne vojde.

To večerné svetlo prišlo.

To je fakt, že Boh a Kristus sú jedno.

256 Tam to máte. Spolu sú jedno a ten Jeden v nás. Tie isté znaky, ktoré ľudia nemôžu urobiť, sa samé manifestujú. Vychádzajú von, Slovo, priniesť predzvedené Slovo Božie naspäť z koreňov stromu, ktoré bolo odmietnuté všetkými denomináciami, a odmietnuté, a odmietnuté; ale vyjde Svetlo. Vyjde Svetlo, povstane. Kde asi? Tam v Jeruzaleme? Nie veru. Večerné Svetla nevyjdú v Jeruzaleme. Kde idú večerné Svetlá? Na západe. Oni mali svoj deň a odmietli To, ale večerné Svetlo povstane na západe. Kvôli čomu? Osvietiť Slovo. Ktoré? Dozrieť ovocie, zrodiť Strom Nevesty s tými istými znakmi, zázrakmi, a ovocie, ktoré mali na začiatku: „V čase večera bude svetlo.“ To je pravda.

257 Ó, Slovo potom zrodí Vlastné ovocie vo svojej sezóne; Ono nezvädne, ale prinesie Svoje ovocie, Dávid povedal, vo svojej sezóne (Amen.), to isté ovocie, ktoré malo na počiatku.

A teraz, s Jeho Slovom v Jeho predurčenom štádiu, ako to On má teraz, a my vidíme ako sa zamanifestovali všetky tieto slová, čo je to? Je to dokonalé potvrdenie, že príchod Pánov je nablízku, a čas kedy On povedal, „Ja prinavrátim, hovorí Pán, všetko čo škodlivé húsenice (všetko čo nechali Metodisti), všetko čo požrala húsenica, všetko čo to urobilo tam, až kým to dočista zvliekli; ale ja To prinavrátim v čase večera.“ Ó, ó!.

Verím, že by som teraz mohol takmer kázať; úprimne cítim, že môžem.

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša;

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša;

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša;

Lebo On prv miloval mňa!

Nikdy Ho nezanechám;

Nikdy Ho nezanechám;

Nikdy Ho nezanechám;

Lebo On prv miloval mňa.

Amen. Či Ho nemilujete? Ja Ho milujem celým svojím srdcom. Budeme mať modlitebný rad?

258 Otče Bože, do Tvojich rúk porúčam toto posolstvo. I keď bolo potrhané, modlím sa nech Duch Svätý pôjde nejako s tým, na týchto páskach a naprieč národmi. A ak budem vzatý zo zeme, nech toto žije, Pane. Je to Tvoje Slovo. Nech večerné Svetlo svieti, Pane, zrodí túto slávnu Nevestu Kristovu. Požehnaj to, Pane, nech sa Ti To nevráti naprázdno. Nech to vykoná to, na čo To bolo poslané. Daruj to, Otče. Všetka chvála bude Tvoja.

A teraz, my vieme, Otče, nezáleží na tom, čo by sme povedali, to je stále Slovo a my Tomu veríme. Ale my túžime po Tebe, Pane, v toto Veľkonočné ráno, aby si sa Ty dokázal tomuto zhromaždeniu, možno niektorí sú tu po prvýkrát, že Ty si stále Ježiš, že Ty nie si mŕtva podoba, že si živý, vzkriesený Boh, že žiješ dnes medzi nami. Daruj to, Otče, a my Ťa chválime, skrze Meno Ježiš. Amen.

259 Koľkí z vás sú tu chorí? Nech vidím vaše ruky. Len zdvihnite vaše ruky. Ó, ... Je Billy Paul, dostal on... Verím, že rozdal naše modlitebné karty. Však? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá "Áno"—pozn.prekl.] Ktoré to boli? E-1 až 100. Nemôžeme ich vziať všetky, ale zoberme niekoľko z nich. Len ich postavte priamo pozdĺž tu, ak môžete.

Kto má číslo jeden? Pozrime sa, číslo 1, E-číslo-1, zdvihnite ruku. Modlitebná karta... Pozrite sa na svoju kartu a uvidíte... Ak môžete povstať, v poriadku. Číslo 1? Nuž, ste si istí, že máte tú pravú kartu? V poriadku. V poriadku. Nuž, začnime niekde... Ó, nuž, dobre ak to máte, potom začneme tam. Dobre, číslo 1, prejdite tu naokolo, ak môžete chodiť. Ak nemôžete, no, my to ponesieme. Rozumiete? Dobre. Číslo 1, číslo 2, zdvihnite teraz rýchlo vašu pravú ruku. Číslo 2, poďte tu. Číslo 3, priamo tu, pane. Číslo 4? Číslo 4, číslo 5. A teraz, nech sa nachvíľu každý posadí. Číslo 5? Číslo 6, zdvihnite rýchlo vašu ruku. Číslo 6, 6, 6? Nech sa pozriem, prosím. V poriadku. Číslo 6, V poriadku, len na chvíľu teraz. 7, 7? V poriadku, Dáma tam vzadu. 8?

A teraz, ak... Každý len držte svoje miesto, len na chvíľu teraz, len skutočne potichu teraz. Potom, toto bude dôkaz. Toto je dôkaz.

260 6, 7... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7? Poďte tu hore. V poriadku. 7, v poriadku, pane. To je fajn. 8, 8, v poriadku, brat. 8, 9, 10, 10, 11? Dobre. Nuž, zdá sa, že prestali prichádzať. No, začnime tu. To je v poriadku. Možno za niekoľko minút... Dobre, modlime sa teraz.

Otče Bože, len jedno Slovo od Teba bude znamenať tak mnoho. Nech to ľudia vidia, Pane. Snažil som sa byť úprimný, snažil som sa povedať im Tvoje Slovo. Pane, odpusť chyby Tvojmu služobníkovi. Ja—ja len –ja—ja som ich urobil tak mnoho, Pane. Ja—ja sa modlím, aby si sa nepozeral na chyby Tvojho služobníka, ale pozri na Tvoje Slovo, ktoré sa snažím kázať. Pane, ja Ti ďakujem za To. Som rád z celého svojho srdca. Pane, To—To—To je pre mňa viac ako život. Kedykoľvek dávam za To môj život. Ja—ja viem, že To je pravda; To je Tvoje Slovo.

261 A prosím, odpusti mi moje nerozumné cesty, Pane. Mnohokrát, že som si doberal a vtipkoval, že som to nemal robiť. Hanbím sa za to, Pane. Ja-ja pochádzam z takej rodiny. Prehliadni to, prosím, Otče, ak môžeš. Zakry to Svojou Krvou; to je to, čo Ťa prosím, aby si urobil. Len... Vyznávam to. Ty to môžeš prehliadnuť, ale Ty mi môžeš odpustiť, keď to vyznávam.

A teraz, vyznávam svoje hriechy; vyznávam hriechy týchto ľudí. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si im odpustil, každému jednému. A dovoľ ľuďom, nech si uvedomia, že sa nesnažíme len nejako hrať. To je ten Duch Svätý v tých posledných dňoch nesúci svedectvo Jeho Slova, ako som ho práve vypovedal. Ale, Otče, nezáleží na tom... Ja som len človek; a ak by som to ja povedal, oni by povedali, „To je jeho výklad. To je to, čo si on o tom myslí.“ Ale Otče, ak by si len Ty prehovoril a potvrdil, že je to pravda, potom oni budú musieť—prejsť cez Teba, dostať sa potom cez To, Pane. Potom to nebude môj výklad; to bude Tvoj. Daruj to, Pane. A ak som Tvoj sluha, a—a môj hriech je odpustený, a Ty si ma povolal pre túto prácu, potom hovor, Pane. Modlím sa, aby si to daroval.

262 Uzdrav chorých a postihnutých všade, modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene. A ak nám len teraz zjavíš Seba, tak ako si to urobil tam tej žene pri studni, keď si s ňou hovoril, Ty si jej povedal niečo, čo bolo s ňou nie v poriadku: ona mala päť manželov. A teraz, Ty si to prisľúbil robiť v čase večera. Sľúbil si to robiť v posledných dňoch. Povedal si, „A tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude...“ Bože, žijúc v ľudskom tele, pohybujúc sa medzi nami vo forme Jeho cirkvi vo Svätom Duchu, konajúci tie isté znaky. Daruj to Pane práve dnes, či to urobíš, Otče?

Teda, modlím sa, aby si dovolil ľuďom, aby to videli, a aby bol každý uzdravený a spasený na slávu Božiu. Amen.

263 A teraz, vyzývam vašu pozornosť teraz, ak by ste boli nachvíľu len skutočne úctiví. A teraz, každý nech je tak ticho ako len môže byť.

264 Ste si istí, že si uvedomujete pozíciu, v ktorej som teraz? Kázal som tu Slovo, Slovo Božie. Povedal som, že To všetko je pravda. Ježiš povedal, že „On, ktorý verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré ja robím, on bude tiež robiť.“ A teraz, chcem sa vás opýtať otázku, a buďte teraz opatrní či—či poviete „amen“ alebo nie. Ježiš, On Sám, nikdy netvrdil, že môže niekoho uzdraviť. To je pravda. On povedal, „To nie som Ja, ktorý robím tie skutky; to je Môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo Mne.“ Je to pravda? A vo Svätom Jánovi 5:19 Ježiš povedal, „Amen, amen vám hovorím, Syn (On Sám, ako Človek—On bol len Príbytkom, kde prebýval Boh. Chápete?)“ On povedal, „Syn nemôže nič urobiť Sám od seba, ale len to, čo vidí robiť Jeho Otca; takisto robí Syn.“ Inak: „Otec Mi ukazuje víziu, čo robiť, a Ja robím práve tak ako mi On hovorí.“

265 Teda, jedného dňa zisťujeme, že tam bola, povedzme malá žena, ktorá sa nemohla dostať do modlitebnej rady. Mala krvotok, a mala to mnoho rokov, takže ona sa len dotkla Jeho rúcha, povediac si sama v sebe... Ona bola nepatrná. Ona bola len chudobná, drobná, stará žena, nemala žiadne peniaze; a nemohla sa postaviť tam s tými kňazmi a všetkými tými stojacimi tam, ktorí mali právo tam stáť a to všetko; teda ona nemohla stáť tam hore. Preto len preliezla okolo až kým sa tam dostala a dotkla sa Jeho rúcha; ona povedala, „Verím, že On je presne... On—On nám prináša Pravdu, Život. Verím, že On je Slovo Božie, a ak sa Ho len môžem dotknúť, ja—ja budem v poriadku.“

266 Veríte? Môžete veriť tú istú vec, ktorú verila tá žena, že On je Slovo Božie? A teraz, Biblia dnes hovorí, že On je Veľkňaz (Chápete?), náš Veľkňaz práve teraz. Veríte tomu? Po Jeho vzkriesení a Jeho nanebovstúpení, On vystúpil na Výsosť a dal ľuďom dary, a teraz sedí na pravici Boha a Veličenstva na Výsosti, aby sa prihováral na základe toho, čo vyznávame. Je to pravda? A On je Veľkňaz, ktorý môže byť čo? Dotknutý čím? Našimi slabosťami. Teda, ak On je... Veríte, že On je ten istý? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen"-- pozn.prekl.]

267 A teraz, pozrite sa. Ak by ste prišli sem, a dotýkali sa ma celý deň, to by neurobilo ani trochu rozdiel. Ak by ste sa dotkli ktoréhokoľvek brata, sestry, to by neurobilo veľký rozdiel, jedine že by išlo o vzkladanie rúk, to je všetko. Ale ak sa len dotknete Jeho, to je všetko čo musíte urobiť. A pozrite, ak ste sa Ho dotkli s nejakým druhom obradu, tak ako to urobili oni, oni povedali, „Ó, my veríme tomuto veľkému učiteľovi; toto je prorok.“ Prečo On nepovedal nič? Ale táto malá žena mala určitú vec, ktorá sa Ho dotkla: jej viera. Ona sa dotkla Jeho rúcha, a On povedal, „Kto sa Ma dotkol?“

268 Či neveríte, že Biblia hovorí, že On je ten istý Veľkňaz dnes, akým On bol vtedy, On—a On môže byť dotknutý našimi slabosťami, môžete sa Ho dotknúť tam vonku, či ste v tejto modlitebnej rade alebo nie. Ak ste chorí, alebo ak máte milujúcu osobu, ktorá je chorá, ak máte niečo na svojom srdci, len úctivo príďte pred Boha a povedzte, „Bože, nepoznám toho človeka, ktorý tu stojí; on je malý plešatý človek; on—on nie je ničím, ale ja verím, že to, čo on káže je Pravda; a verím, že povedal správnu vec, že Ty si Veľkňaz. A teraz, chcem sa Ťa dotknúť. A ak mi on povedal Pravdu, potom Ty použi jeho ústa, aby si prehovoril späť ku mne, práve tak ako si to Ty urobil tej žene tam.“ Chápete, ak je On ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Urobte to. Či Ho to nemá urobiť tým istým včera, dnes i naveky...? Či nie? Teda, všetci zostaňte na svojich miestach a len sa úctivo modlite.

Čože? Aha.. Mám tu desať teraz? 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15... Či by mohli modlitebné karty 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25... To by mal urobiť celkom dobrý rad, ak my... Dúfam, že vás tu nemusíme držať veľmi dlho, ale teraz... Budeme teda s desiatimi... To je v poriadku; len dovoľte...

269 Spievajme len teraz potichu, všetci spolu, pokiaľ oni prídu, „Jemu len ver.“

Jemu len ver, Jemu len ver;

Všetko je možné, Jemu len ver;

Jemu len ver, len ver...

(Verte čomu? Jeho Slovu, ktoré zasľúbil. Kvôli čomu?)

Všetko je možné, len ver.

270 Schádzajúc dole z hory, stáli tam učeníci; boli porazení z toho epileptického prípadu, otec tam stál a pozeral sa na svoje dieťa, nariekajúc. Učeníci prechádzali cez všetky ich manévre, ale to nefungovalo. Ježiš prichádzal vystupujúc hore; niektorí z nich povedali, „Tam je On.“ Niekto ich nasmeroval na Ježiša, vzdialiac ich od ich duchovnosti ku Ježišovi. To je to, kde chcem nasmerovať ľudí, nie ku mne alebo nejakej cirkvi, ale ku Ježišovi. Povediac, „On je schopný.“

Tak ten otec bežal, padol ku Jeho nohám a povedal, „Pane, zmiluj sa nad mojim dieťaťom. On je rôzne zmietaný diablom. On... Niekedy, ako on pení z úst; upadá do záchvatov“: epilepsia. On povedal, „A zobral som ho všade, a dokonca Tvoji učeníci nemohli pre neho nič urobiť.“

Ježiš povedal, „Ja môžem, len ak veríš. Lebo všetky veci sú možné, tomu kto verí.“

A tak len (ten istý včera, dnes i naveky... A tak všetci tu teraz, buďme všade potichu.) len ver;

Všetko je možné, (Čo za čas!) len ver;

Len ver, práve len ver;

Všetko je možné, práve len ver.

271 Ó, Pane, teraz tu vyšlo Slovo; nech svieti večerné Svetlo, Pane. Oživ to. Modlím sa v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

A teraz, v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, beriem každého ducha tu pod moju kontrolu, na Jeho slávu.

Pozerám sa tu dolu na tento modlitebný rad. V tom modlitebnom rade nie je ani jedna osoba, ktorú poznám. Všetci sú mi cudzí. Všetci vy v tom modlitebnom rade, ktorí ste mi cudzí a ja neviem nič o vás, vaše problémy sú ničím, pozdvihnite svoje ruky, každý po celej dĺžke modlitebného radu. Koľkí v publiku ste mi cudzí, a neviem o vás nič? Tam máte tú istú autoritu ako títo tu, ibaže ja ich rozdeľujem aby boli po jednom.

Tu. Dovoľte mi na okamih to tu teraz vziať. Môžete počuť teraz s týmto?

272 Táto pani tu... Tu je znovu muž a žena, ktorí sa stretli. Nepoznám ju, nikdy som ju nevidel; ona mi je cudzia; dokonale cudzia. Jednám len na základe Slova. To Slovo hovorí, „Skutky, ktoré ja robím, budete tiež robiť, ak veríte vo Mňa.“ Jedného rána, keď prišla tá vízia, znovu po tisíckach z nich, a povedal, „Nikdy nezlyhávajúca Prítomnosť Ježiša Krista je s tebou kdekoľvek ideš...“ Vážne tomu verím, celým svojím srdcom. Ak vás nikdy neuvidím znovu, veríte, že to je pravda?

273 Je tu žena, ktorú som nevidel nikdy v mojom živote. Ona je žena, ktorá dostala modlitebnú kartu. Spôsob, ako to zvyčajne ten chlapec robí, on ide sem, berie tie karty a zamieša ich všetky pred vami, viete, dá modlitebnú kartu komukoľvek kto chce, kdekoľvek to je. Nikto nevie, kde tá rada začne alebo čokoľvek o tom. Preto, ten chlapec nemôže povedať, „Nuž, a teraz, tu... Ja... Ak—ak mi dáte toľko a toľko, umiestnim vás dopredu a budete si istí, že tam ste.“ On to sám nevie. Chápete? Nikto to nevie. Vidíte? My len začíname kdekoľvek Svätý Duch hovorí, prehovorí výzvu, my priamo odtiaľ voláme. A dôverujem, že niekedy je to dané niekomu, keď som tu, obzvlášť, že niekomu kto by nemal—nikdy... Cudzí (Chápete?), ktorého ja nepoznám...

274 A teraz, ak táto žena, ktorá tu stojí... Niečo je tam zle. Ona môže byť chorá; ona možno má niekoho iného chorého, ona—ona—ona tam len možno stojí. Možno ona sa len tvári, že je chorá. A možno ona tu len stojí snažiac sa niečo predstierať. Ak to tak je, len pozorujte čo sa deje. Vidíte? Asi ste to videli, ako to niekto skúšal, že? Tak veru. Pozorujete ich potom ako ju vyniesli cez dvere mŕtvu. Vidíte, vidíte? A tak teraz, vidíte, vy len zisťujete, chápete či je to správne alebo nie. Vidíte? Teraz, vidíte?

Teraz, my sa nehráme na zhromaždenie, priatelia. Sme na konci času. Ovocie na vrchole stromu dozrieva. To je pravda. Pán prichádza. Ja ju nepoznám [Prázdne miesto na páske—pozn.prekl.] Boh ju pozná. On ju poznal prv ako bol svet, On ju poznal. On vedel, že ona bude stáť priamo tu. On vedel, že ja budem stáť priamo tu, lebo On je neohraničený. Je to pravda? A teraz, ak je On neohraničený a vedel to, potom On vie prečo tá žena tu stála. Potom ten istý Boh, ktorý...

275 Ježiš, keď bol tu na zemi a Boh v Ňom, ktorý hovoril tej žene pri studni a povedal jej niečo, čo nebolo s ňou v poriadku... My všetci vieme čo to bolo, však? A ona povedala, „Pane, Ty musíš byť prorok.“ To bolo jej prvé vyjadrenie. „A teraz, vieme že je čas, aby tu bol Mesiáš zvaný Kristus, a keď On príde, On bude robiť tú vec.“ Pretože, ak On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, a zasľúbený týmto Slovom, ktoré som práve kázal, že On tu bude vo večernom čase a bude robiť tie isté veci, potom my v to dúfame, však? Či nie? Dúfame vo vzkriesenie tej cirkvi...

276 A teraz, ak On to urobil tejto žene, to isté ako On urobil tam, to potvrdzuje Slovo, to je správne. Potom, táto pani, ktorej ruku som práve držal, my sme cudzí jeden druhému. Nepoznám ju; nikdy som ju nevidel. Ona je vlastne neznáma osoba, ktorá tam stojí. A takí ste vy tam, mnohí z vás. Poznám niektorých ľudí sediacich tu pozdĺž. A nepoznám mnohých. Poznám pani Collins. To som si istý. Sestru—manželku brata Bena... A videl som tu brata a sestru Dauch. Brat Wright, brat a sestra Dauch, brat Rodney, a oni. Poznám niektorých z vás tu okolo. Ale nepoznám príliš mnoho z vás, pretože nie som tu veľmi veľa medzi vami. Máme tu hostí. A tak sa len modlite.

277 Ak som vám cudzí, vyznávam že to večerné Svetlo prišlo. A večerné Svetlo je to isté ako ranné Svetlo. To zjaví to isté tajomné ovocie Božie, duchovne hovoriac. To je pravda. Ja vám rozprávam tak ako to On tej žene pri studni. On povedal, „Daj sa mi napiť.“ Vidíte? Ja hovorím tú istú vec. Ale, to nie som ja; to je On. Ale ak mi On zjaví kvôli čomu tam stojíte (Chápete?), ak On mi zjaví prečo tam ste, potom budete vedieť, že On vie všetko o vašom živote. Ak by vám On povedal niečo čo bolo (Vidíte?), vy viete či to je pravda alebo nie. Potom ak On vie čo bolo, môže vám povedať že, môžete Mu istotne veriť za to čo bude, ak On už vie čo ste urobili tu. Iste to zjaví počiatok toho, koniec toho, a pred nimi, všetko to, napraví to. Či Mu bude zhromaždenie veriť? V poriadku. Ja verím, že by ste mu verili, bez ohľadu či to urobí alebo nie. Stále by ste tomu verili. Ale tu je to, kde On robí ten pevný spoj.

278 A teraz, práve sa pozerám na ženu a ona sa dostáva do pomazania. Ona si je toho vedomá, je mi cudzia, ale len dovoľte nech vám teraz niečo ukážem. Mnohí z vás videli ten obrázok, ktorý tam leží. A to nie je—to je z toho Svetla. To je presne to, čo visí práve teraz priamo tu medzi mnou a tou ženou. Či môžete vidieť ten druh—ten druh zelenej, žlto-zelenej, smaragdovej farby ako Svetlo, tak ako to voláte, ležiac priamo... To je to, čo ju robí...

A teraz, len dovoľte, aby som vám niečo ukázal. Cítiš skutočne taký sladký, pokorný pocit. Pani, ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku, aby to ľudia mohli vidieť. To je—to je... Ona si nemôže pomôcť...? ...Vidíte? Teda, teda ak ju To premôže, ja neviem. To bolo... To by musel byť Boh; ja to nemôžem urobiť sám od seba; to je Boh. To musí byť.

279 Áno, tejto pani skutočne, prirodzene hrozí operácia. Ona má niečo, o čom jej povedal doktor, že musí byť operované, ale ona to nechce teraz. To je pravda. A ona má—ona... Je to—rastie to. A ten výrastok je na pravej strane, blízko chrbtice. Je to tak. Ak je to pravda, pozdvihni svoju ruku, aby ťa ľudia mohli vidieť...? ... Teraz, veríš? Teda, ty to nevidíš, ale ak veríš celým svojim srdcom...? ... V poriadku.

A teraz, povieš si, „Možno že si to uhádol, brat Branham.“ Vy to nemôžete uhádnuť miliónkrát... To je pravda. Len jej dovoľte postaviť sa tam. Práve teraz to odišlo odo mňa. Potom pozrime sa na chvíľu. Zdá sa , že ona je v poriadku: Kresťanka. A teraz, pozrime sa. Teraz, len... Ak On nám povie niečo iné, čo by bolo... Áno, tu ona prichádza znovu naspäť. Áno, pane. Ona je—ona je... Áno, to je—to je výrastok, ktorý—ktorý doktori chceli odstrániť, a to—to jej spôsobovalo problémy, ale ona ide ohľadne toho dôverovať Kristovi.

A nie len to, ona nie je z tohoto okolia. A ona má niekoho so sebou; to je jej manžel. A on tiež trpí. To je pravda. Veríte, že Boh mi môže povedať, pokiaľ sa pozerám priamo na toho muža tu, aby som videl, čo s ním nie je v poriadku? Nuž, povedzte mu nech len ide jesť svoju večeru; jeho žalúdočný problém práve pominul.

280 Veríš Kristovi...? ...ty? Ty si z Tennessee, Nashville (To je pravda.), pani Bagely. V poriadku, môžeš ísť naspäť domov a buď zdravá...? ...Veríte nášmu Pánovi Ježišovi? Ak to nie je ten istý Pán Ježiš, ktorý tu bol v tých predchádzajúcich dňoch, večerné Svetlo tu...? ...a rozprával sa so ženou; opýtal sa jej, či tie veci ktoré povedal, boli pravdou...? ...Len verte. A teraz, ste uspokojení, že On je...? ...Ale, viete nemohol by som to urobiť. Ja som človek; ja som váš brat. Ale On je Boh.

Teraz, pozrime sa, je toto ďalšia osoba? Vy ste...? ...v modlitebnej rade? V poriadku.

281 A teraz, samozrejme že to pomazanie, keby ste si uvedomili, že ma to oslabuje ako neviem čo. Pretože Ježiš, keď sa tá žena dotkla Jeho rúcha, On povedal, „Pocítil som, že moc odišla odo Mňa. Je to pravda? To znamená sila; On bol slabý. A ak On—ak sa to stalo samotnému Slovu, čo to robí tomu, ku ktorému prišlo Slovo? Čo to... Ak to tak urobilo Synovi Božiemu, čo to urobilo mne, hriešnikovi spasenému Jeho milosťou? To ma len len stáča dokola. Chápete? Ale predsa len som tu, aby som Ho predstavil. Vidíte? Tak tam... Ja som úbohý predstaviteľ; ja—ja ľutujem všetky moje hriechy, ktoré—podľa ktorých ona nebude hľadieť na to, kto ja som, ale pozrie sa Kto On je (Chápete?), že ona sa bude pozerať na taký spôsob.

282 Pretože, ja som vám cudzí, pani. Ja tiež nepoznám túto ženu. My sme si navzájom cudzí. To je pravda. A teraz, ak Pán Ježiš, ja vás tu nepoznám, a vy nepoznáte mňa, ak mi Pán Ježiš zjaví niečo kvôli čomu ste tu, niečo čo ste urobili, niečo čo ste nemali urobiť, alebo niečo na ten spôsob, vy by ste vedeli že to—to by bol výnimočný zázrak. To je niečo, čo nemôže byť vysvetlené; zázrak je niečo, čo nie je možné vysvetliť. Ktokoľvek to vie. Vidíte? To by bol výnimočný zázrak. To by bol väčší zázrak než by táto tu pani sediaca v invalidnom vozíku, a má reumu, a všetko stuhnuté. Povedal by som jej, „Povstaň a choď,“ a ona by vykročila. Každý by kvôli tomu vykríkol. Ale chápete, v podstate, moc—moc jej viery veriť, že by len vstala a kráčala, mohla by to urobiť. Ale ísť naspäť tam a predĺžiť niekomu život, to vyžaduje viac ako človeka. To chce Boha v...? ...prv ako môžete povedať. Vidíte? Vy viete či je to pravda.

283 A teraz, niečo sa deje niekde inde. Teda, čakali ste na to...? ...Je to preč—preč niekde v auditóriu, niekde... Teraz je to preč. Počkajte chvíľu. Dovoľte mi znovu hovoriť s tou ženou. Ale, len buďte skutočne úctiví a pozorujte teraz. A len sa modlite; modlite sa tam. Chcem, aby ste sa modlili, „Pane, nech som to ja.“ Niektorí z vás ľudí tam mimo, ktorí nebudete v modlitebnej rade, len sa modlite.

Znovu vám hovorím, čo bude...? ...lebo je tu viera. Chápete? Ak to mohlo byť dané tej žene, môže to byť dané aj vám. To je vaša viera; vidíte, vy ste tí, ktorí to činíte. To nie som ja. To je vaša viera v Boha. Vidíte, Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, „Ó, vedel som, že stretnem tú ženu tamto.“ Nie. Ale keď prišlo vzkriesenie Lazára; teraz to bolo to, čo Mu Boh ukázal, aby urobil. Vidíte? Boh povedal, „Choď preč.“ A On—On to len potvrdil, kým On bol. Odišiel preč, a potom keď sa vrátil naspäť, On povedal, „Lazár spí.“ Potom prišiel naspäť a išiel a vzkriesil Lazára z hrobu; vyvolal jeho dušu potom ako bola preč štyri dni. On nikdy nepovedal, že Ho to tam oslabilo. To bol Boh, ktorý používal ten dar. Ale toto, keď sa Ho dotkla tá žena, to bola žena používajúca dar Boží; to je tá istá vec tu. To ste vy, ktorí to robíte.

284 Potom, na tej poľovačke, kde som videl toho medveďa a vedel som rôzne veci a všetky tieto rôzne veci, ktoré boli predpovedané tu a vypovedané, prečo sa oni stali presne slovo po slove, to je Boh, to ma netrápi. Ale keď ľudia začnú používať dar Boží (Chápete?), stávate sa Božím sluhom pre verejnosť, a vy ste len nástrojom.

Vidíte? A potom sa Ho tak dotknete, potom On hovorí naspäť.

Teda... Áno, pretože žena prichádza do videnia. Ona prichádza, a to videnie sa približuje. Zdá sa, akoby ste to mohli vidieť okolo nej. Tá žena je chorá. Ona je naozaj chorá. Ona trpí; jedna vec je, že má hrozne nepríjemný žalúdočný problém. Zodvihni svoju ruku, ak je to pravda. A ty máš rôzne komplikácie a také veci. To je pravda. Tiež máš niekoho so sebou. To je tvoj manžel, a on je nemocný. Ak mi Boh zjaví, že tvoj manžel, čo je s ním zlé, budeš mi veriť, že som Jeho prorok? Tohoto muža obťažujú jeho oči, spolu s ušami, a je vo veľmi zlom stave. Áno, pane.

Veríš, že Boh vie, kto si? Budeš mi veriť, že som Jeho prorok, Jeho vidiaci, ak ti poviem kto si? Veríš tomu? Pán Robertson, a si z Huntsville, to je v štáte Alabama. Vráťte sa naspäť, ty a manžel budete v poriadku...? ...Veríte? Všetko je možné...? ...ak veríte. Ak máte vieru v...? ...zaujmite svoju pozíciu a verte, že Boh to robí. A teraz, nepochybujte o tom, ale len verte celým svojim srdcom, že Boh daruje svoje uzdravenie, a môžete mať čokoľvek, o čo žiadate.

285 V poriadku, pane, poď teraz hore. Je on... Bol si tu ďalší v rade? Dobre, pane. Mám dojem, že sme si jeden druhému cudzí, pane. Keď Ježiš prišiel ku človeku zvanému Šimon, povedal mu o jeho stave. A to urobilo Šimona, aby išiel a veril celým svojím srdcom; spôsobí to v tebe tú istú vec? Malo by. Nuž, my sme si cudzí... Ale Bohu, nie je žiadny rozdiel medzi mužom a ženou. On je presne ten istý Boh. Chápeš? A ty, budeš veriť, že ten pocit, ktorý je okolo teba teraz, že Boh bude schopný zjaviť ti cezo mňa, Jeho služobníka, to niečo kvôli čomu si tu, niečo čo je zlé s tebou, alebo čokoľvek to je, budeš vedieť, či je to pravda alebo nie. V poriadku. Nech to On daruje.

Tento človek prichádza do videnia, alebo videnie prichádza k tomuto človeku. On tu nie je kvôli chorobe. On tu je hľadajúc krst Svätým Duchom. To je to, čo on žiada. To je pravda, pane. To je to. A ty nie si odtiaľto; si tu z hornej cesty, z miesta zvaného Seymour, štát Indiana. To je to, odkiaľ si. Volajú ťa Džeb. „Džeb, vráť sa naspäť, a príjmi Svätého Ducha.“

285 Príď, pani. Veríš mi, že som Jeho prorok? Veríš, že Ježiš Kristus Syn Boží, ktorý žije a veríš, že On dovolil, aby sa to stalo takto...? ...Koľkých máme? Chápete, nejdem príliš do hĺbky. V poriadku. Nie, to nie je... A ty tu nie si kvôli sebe. Ty si tu kvôli niekomu inému, príjmeš uzdravenie a vezmeš to a budeš veriť? To je rakovina. Veríš, že oni budú uzdravení? Potom choď v Mene Pána Ježiša, nech oni sú uzdravení.

Všetci z vás veria? Veríte, že Slovo je schopné? Či On nie je nádherný? Veríte? V poriadku. A teraz, koľkých máme? Zvyčajne dvaja—dvaja alebo traja predstavujú potvrdenie...? ...Čo povedať? Štyria? Je to piaty, stojaci tam? V poriadku. Nech—nech veríme celým srdcom, že Ježiš Kristus Syn Boží je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

286 Ty si tu kvôli tomu bábätku. Ak mi Boh zjaví čo nie je v poriadku s tvojim bábätkom, budeš veriť, že Boh ho uzdraví? Ten malý chlapec má vážny srdcový problém. To je pravda. Dieťa—ty si nie... to dieťa nie je odtiaľto. Žije mimo mesta. Mimo tohoto štátu. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať odkiaľ to dieťa pochádza? Budeš veriť a veriť, že potom sa uzdraví? Vezmi ho naspäť do Franklin, Kentucky...? ...Keď veríš, to je všetko čo máš robiť...? ...Dovoľ mu prísť sem, len na chvíľu. Zavrhujem to...? ...tú vec, v Mene Ježiša Krista, nech smrť odíde, a život nech príde ku dieťaťu...? ...“Položia svoje ruky na nemocných a budú uzdravení.“

Chcete veriť? A On to berie, cítite sa lepšie? Choďte vpred. To je...? ...

287 Veríš, že ťa tie ženské problémy opustia? Dobre. Choď na svoje miesto a povedz, „Vďaka Ti, Pane.“

Ako sa ti darí, pane. Ó, ten diabol, astma. Počkaj chvíľu; počkaj na okamih teraz. Niečo išlo nesprávne. Niečo išlo nesprávne, to Svetlo... A teraz, je tu niečo podobné, čo vtedy uchopilo toho muža. Nech sa znovu pozriem čo to bolo. A teraz, len sa pozri na mňa. Nepovedz to.

Je to farebný muž, sedí tu vpravo vzadu a pozerá sa na mňa. To je jeho—on je—on má niekoho, kto je chorý. To je pravda. Problém s astmou a dutinami... To je pravda. Dotkol si sa Ho. Ty nie si odtiaľto, pane. Pochádzaš zo severovýchodu týmto smerom. Pochádzaš z New Yorku. Je to tak. Si pán Hant. Veríš teraz?...?... V poriadku. Je to tvoj priateľ, ktorý tam sedí vedľa teba a modlí sa.

Veríš mi, pane, že som Boží prorok? Prišiel si tu s ním. Tvoje meno je Coleman. A ty sa modlíš za svojho otca, ktorý má výrastok. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN... Choď, veríš teraz...? ...

288 Tvojim problémom je žalúdočná neuróza. Nie je to pravda? Choď, a v Mene... Veríš, že On ťa uzdravil? Choď a povedz, „Vďaka Ti, Pane Ježišu“. Ver celým svojím srdcom. Trápi ťa nervový problém, si celý znepokojený. Ver celým svojím srdcom; On ťa uzdravil. Choď naspäť a buď zdravý.

Nervozita, len ver celým svojím srdcom; ver že Boh ťa uzdraví... Boh to urobí. Nervové a srdcové problémy, verte, že Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví? Choď, buď zdravý v Mene Ježiša.

Nervová podráždenosť, žalúdočné problémy spôsobujú kyselinu v tvojom žalúdku, všetko tvoje jedlo jednoducho kysne. Choď a nepochybuj vo svojom srdci a stane sa, že to nebudeš mať nikdy viac.

Trápi ťa tvoj chrbát. Veríš celým svojím srdcom? Potom choď; Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

289 Počkajte chvíľu. Buďte len teraz v utíšení. Niečo sa stalo. Táto žena tu, ona je cudzia. To Svetlo sa krútilo okolo nej skutočne rýchlo a potom odišlo tamto a spustilo sa znovu naspäť. Niečo sa stalo. Počkajte chvíľu. On je farebný muž. Som si istý, že to neboli tí farební bratia, pretože To prišlo... Len chvíľu; tu to je. ...? ...Tu to je. To je tento človek, ktorý tu sedí: farebný muž. Trápia ťa tiež problémy s chrbtom. To je pravda. Si mi cudzí; aj ja tebe. Ale je jedna vec, ktorú potrebuješ viac než vyriešenie problémov s chrbticou; a síce aby si dal svoje srdce Kristovi a stal sa Kresťanom. Nie... Príjmeš Ho ako svojho Spasiteľa? Pochádzaš zo štátu Ohio (To je tak.), zo štátu Ohio. Choď naspäť; buď zdravý. Ježiš Kristu ti odpúšťa tvoje hriechy a môžeš ísť domov a byť uzdravený...? ...

V poriadku sestra, poď sem. Komplikácie, nervozita a únava; veríš celým svojím srdcom, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Choď na svoje miesto a povedz, „Vďaka Ti Pane Ježišu za všetko čo si urobil.

290 Veríš, že ťa Všemohúci Boh uzdraví, že uzdraví tvoj chrbát, že budeš v poriadku a...? ...problém. Choď svojou cestou chváliac, hovoriac, „Vďaka Ti, Pane Ježišu.“

Veríš synu, že On ťa uzdraví? Povedz, „Vďaka Ti Ježiš.“ Boh, choď len, chváľ Boha.

A teraz, sestra, veríš celým svojím srdcom? Potom choď a Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví. Počkaj chvíľu. Neotáčaj sa teraz. Potom to nebola pani tam... Počkajte chvíľu. Vidím špliechajúcu vodu alebo niečo také. Je tu niekto, kto prišiel odniekiaľ prejdúc cez more. To je žena, a ona pochádza z Holandska. Kde je? Je tam. Dobre sestra. Prešla si dlhú cestu za uzdravením. Veríš mi, že som Jeho prorok? Trpíš na reumu a zlú pohyblivosť. Ver v Pána Ježiša Krista a vezmi Posolstvo svojmu ľudu. Choď domov v Mene Ježiša...? ...

291 Veríš? Tu, cestou naspäť tam vzadu, je to žena, sedí tu priamo vzadu a ona trpí na žlčníkové problémy. Ó, ona to prehliadne. Bože, pomôž mi. Ona—ona pochádza z Indianapolis; jej meno je Gilbertová. Postav sa tam kde si, pani. Tam si. Buď zdravá v Mene Ježiša Krista.

Veríte celým svojím srdcom?...? ...Vstal Ježiš z mŕtvych? Potom v Mene Ježiša Krista položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého...? ...

Pane Ježišu, nech Tvoja svätá moc príde teraz na toto miesto. Daruj, aby každý jeden bol uzdravený...? ... Daruj uzdravenie...? ...Uzdrav svoj ľud teraz, ako položili svoje ruky jedni na druhých...? ...My teraz prichádzame...? ...pre tieto...? ...V Mene Ježiša Krista nech každá osoba bude uzdravená. [Prázdne miesto na páske -- pozn.prekl.] Pane, premeň Svoje Slovo zomierajúcemu otcovi... [Prázdne miesto na páske -- pozn.prekl.]

A teraz, Satan, ty falošný diabol, ty si porazený. Boh povedal, že On prinavráti Syna Božieho. Kto si ty...? ...tvoja sila. On zasľúbil obnoviť cirkev v týchto...? ...keď zasvieti večerné Svetlo. A my žijeme v tom. A obnovením my máme právo; máme nášho Právneho zástupcu; máme zákon a Veľkňaza a ideme vyžadovať náš nárok. Ty si ich mal dosť dlho. Nemôžeš to robiť dlhšie. My sme ustanovení v Mene Ježiša Krista. Všetka moc Jeho vzkriesenia a Svätý Duch...

THE RESTORATION OF THE BRIDE TREE, 62-0422, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 214 min

1 Thank you, Brother Orman. God bless you.

Good morning, friends. And it's a privilege to be back in the tabernacle, on this fine Easter morning, worshipping, the great resurrection of our precious Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

2 I'd like to say that I was certainly... Of all the messages that I ever heard our pastor preach, his best one was this morning. I went home and told my wife. I said, "Honey, this is one morning you missed it, by not getting up early." That was the best that I heard on the resurrection, in all my life. I never heard anything any better, on the resurrection, our pastor give us this morning. Such an astounding message, and everything right to its point. That goes to show, that, when the anointing gets a hold of a man, see, what--what happens. That does something then. And so we're happy that--that God has give us this wonderful pastor.

And now I want to thank each and every one of you.

3 We've been here now for quite a little while, at different times, back and forth, but I'm leaving for the fields now, as you know. This week, I'm leaving for the Cree Indians, up in British Columbia. And then over, in from there, to Fort St. John. And then, this summer, the Lord willing, to be in... on the West Coast, up in the East, and--and out on the West Coast, and up into Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska, and through there. And then, perhaps, from there, I'm sending out some feelers for Africa and the rest of the world, for the oncoming winter. So it'll probably be some time before I get to be back here at tabernacle again. At least, it'll be up in August or sometime this fall, 'fore I can get back again.

4And I want to thank you all for your fine cooperation, for all that you've done. And we're sorry we never have room for the people here on these mornings. We are in a building project now, as you know, to build a bigger church, when for these services. And so that'll probably go into effect right away now. They'll start building on the church. Now be...

5 Also, want to thank each and every one of you for your... for gifts, birthday cards, Easter cards, gifts that you given Billy, and different for... and ones for me; Brother Woods, and many of them. I appreciate them all.

6And each one comes and says... You don't know what a strain it is. Somebody come, say, "Now we want to see Brother Branham. We see your father?" so forth. And said, "The sheet is filled up." Now, you don't know what an embarrassing condition it puts you in, when you--you just get to so many. That's all you can do.

7I--I wish it was so I just had a long time with each one, could set down. And I hope to do that sometime. But it can't be, on this earth, because there is people comes in here from all over the world, see, from around the world. This week, been people from several nations in here, and been interviewed and prayed for, this week, from nations around the world.

8 And if it just our little, local congregation here in Jeffersonville, I could gladly take two or three hours with each one, and weed it right down and have them out. But, see, while there just may be, say, five calls from... or maybe two calls from right in our local community, there's a hundred or two from around the world, at the same time these two are coming in. So there's been literally thousands that I couldn't even touch, no way, see, people. And the calls to "Come here, and go there," from around the world, just airplane tickets sent in, everything else, "Come, pray for the sick," but you can't do it.

9 So, the people are disappointed. I would be, too. But I just like, on this Easter morning, to make in my confession, to say that--that I don't know what to do about it. There's just too many, you know, to--to get to, thousands and thousands of people from around the world. I take my seventh trip around, as you know. And I have in personal contact with better than ten million people from around the world.

10 So you can imagine how--how, what a strain that is on you. And many times we hit little strains, and I know you do, too, and little disappointments. But think of them I have, the disappointments I have, when sick mothers on the phone, saying, "'O God...' Well, wait just a minute, Brother Branham. 'Lord Jesus, I--I pray that You'll send him.''' And--and just hung up the phone from another one, and here, and here, and here, and all around the world. You know how it is. And that--that's not easy when somebody on the end of the phone, with a sick baby, or sick husband, or dying wife, praying for you to come. Now, you can imagine.

11No wonder I'm a neurotic. It's just... It's enough to make one. But I have done this one thing, instead of getting a complex. I've tried to hold steady, by keeping my eyes on Calvary and moving on, just as He would have me to do. And many of my mistakes, I pray that God will forgive me of things, that maybe I should have went one place and didn't go. I'm just human, and can, subject to mistakes.

12 There's a little, cute little thing was sitting here in the back yard, this morning, when I was going out from the sunrise service.

13I got a precious old friend. He's probably here somewhere. He's from Chicago. His name is Stewart. He's about... Ed Stewart, I guess he's in his middle seventies, or better. And he met me out there. And he saves his tithing money in dimes. And he give me a whole package of dimes, about like that. And, oh, I don't know, I... Course, they go to a foreign, mission work.

14And his good friend, and mine, Brother Skaggs, Leonard Skaggs, from Lowell, Indiana, was standing there. I never knew it before; he was a Mason. He had a Mason button on him. And we were talking about the Masonic order.

15And so the old Brother Stewart said to me, he said, "I like you, Brother Branham, and I'd like to talk to you." Excuse this expression. "But," he said, "you're harder to get to than a Turkish harem."

16 Someone said to me, not long ago, said, "I'm glad the Lord is not that hard to get to." Well, I don't mean to be that way. I love people. But I just imagine...

17I went home and I told my wife, and we set at the table and laughed, how hard it would be to get to a Turkish harem, you know. So--so I...

18I hope it isn't quite that difficult, Brother Stewart, if you're still in here. But I sure did think that was a little sense of humor that kind of made us all have a chuckle.

19So, I wish I could see every one. And I love every one. That is true. Whether they're a friend or foe, it's just the same.

20 And now I certainly covet your prayers for me, in this oncoming meeting. I'm going among Indians. And you know, you, when you're in Rome, you have to be a Roman; and when you're with Indians, you have to live as Indians.

21My missionary friend, who is a hunting partner of mine, where I was, up on the highway, Alaskan Highway. A very fine young fellow, and his wife, out of a nice home. And I... Arms eat, in there, and all around behind his ears and things. I wondered what was the matter with him, "Did he have an eczema?" It was from fleas and bedbugs, where he had to, how he had to live out there. And so you have to live right with the people, to win them to Christ. They are Christ's heritage. They are people who He died for, and somebody must go to them.

22 And the chief was over at one of my recent northern meetings, and the Holy Spirit in the meeting, or out on the campground, on the ground, (tourists' court, I believe it was), called his name, and who he was, and what he had did. And, oh, my, that just settled it, with him. He knew that human beings couldn't do that; that has to come from Almighty.

23So, that chief had just fired that, all up-and-down that coast there. And we're going to take the meetings in a little sailboat, go in to the places where we get to, for them, and on out, and up the coast, and to the others, to the Cree Indians, the neglected. Many, the brethren who have big services, could not go to them, now, the Indians.

24 There won't be one penny of money... As you know, I never take an offering in my meetings. And I don't take money. But the church here is--is sponsoring that meeting to the Indians. Some of your tithing money, and things, will go to pay, to bring this Message of salvation and deliverance to those poor, illiterate Indians.

25After all, they are the Americans, you know. We're the foreigners, you see. We come in and took it from them. And we want... I can't give them back their nation, but I can give them the hopes in Christ, that will put us together as a brotherhood someday in a Land where there is no fighting and taking land, one from another. It'll be a Land, room for all. I'll be thankful when that time comes, if all my loved ones are saved and ready at that time.

26 Now, I have many friends I'm seeing, setting right here, as I speaking. I believe I'm noticing Sister... I can't think of her name. Used to be Lee. Is that right? Aren't you Mrs. Lee? Your daughter here, the daughters, the ones that was healed? That's very fine. One of them is in the Good Shepherd's Home, or not... What is that called, sister? Some Catholic Institute, Lady of Peace, that's what it was. I get all them Catholic names mixed up. And so over there, and she was had a mental, nervous break. And the dear Lord Jesus, while we... I was setting on the foot of the bed, and her precious mother and father standing close. And the Lord Jesus pronounced it done, finished. There she is. It's all over. And, of course, we know sister is very grateful this morning.

27 I'm looking out over there and seeing people who were dying, recently, with cancer. Crawled in here, on wheel chairs, crutches; and here they are, normal and well, this morning. That's world over. Not by me; by Him, our Lord Who has risen from the dead, is alive forevermore. May our Lord ever be praised and blessed, is my sincere prayer.

28Will you pray for me? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All of you pray for me. Now, I--I depend on that, and when I get out there. See, here at home, it's not too bad around here; but when you get there where you really hit the battlefront. This is training.

29 I was hearing, yesterday, when our church got a--a new station wagon for me, and I... to travel. And my other one is about wore out. And so I--I turned the radio on and listened to newscast. And then they was coming down, last night, from where Joseph and I had went to pray. Then we coming down from Green's Mill, they... I turned the radio on. It was a newscast, and was tell it, following, this monitor was following a young fellow in his training. And how he was standing there with his pockets full of sand, everything, where he had to hold his head so low, that live machine gun fire was going right above his head while he crawled through barbed wires and things, taking a rigid training.

Well, that's what we're doing here.

30 But that's a lot different on the battlefront. See? That machine gun is timed, trained right at a certain level. But, on the battlefront, you could come up or down. See? So--so that's a little different there, you see, than what--than what it is. So we have the...

31 Well, this is training, here. But out there you're on the battlefront, so we're going to face the enemy now. So we used to fight... sing a little song here, The Fight Is On. Anybody still remember that song? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

The fight is on, O Christian soldiers,

And face to face in stern array,

With armors gleaming, and colors streaming,

The right and wrong is engaged today.

That's right. See?

The fight is on, but be not weary,

Be strong and in His might hold fast;

If God be for us, His banner over us,

We'll sing the victor's song at last.

32 That's right. Now, there was many things that I had to say, this morning, but I kind of cut it short, where our people standing and packed in. And they got little speakers for the outside, and little broadcast, I think, that each car can... The broadcasting system let us go out so many yards from the tabernacle, with it. And so, we, we're trying to appreciate everybody's visit with us this morning.

33 Now, before any farther, let's say that. Now, immediately after this, I think, is baptismal service. First, is the prayer line. We're going to pray for the sick, this morning. I think, God coming on the scene is a proof of what we're talking about, His resurrection. Is He alive, or isn't He alive? Is This just a fiction story, or is It the Truth? If He's alive, He made a promise, "I'll be with you, always, even to the end of the world." Now, He, if He comes in amongst us here and proves that He's here, then there's no more guess about it. See?

34 Remember, all the religions in the world, they have their holy days and holidays, and so forth. But there's none of them that can prove that their founder... That, death took him, and that was all of it. But, ours, Christian religion, our Founder died and rose again.

35 In Mexico, recently, when I was interviewed by the press, of the resurrection of a little baby that had died that morning at nine o'clock. And at ten-thirty that night, ten-thirty or eleven o'clock, was raised up from the dead, right there in the mother's arms at the platform, before tens of thousands of people. Thirty thousand come to Christ that night. See? So, then, you can imagine what was there.

36And the little fellow, I saw a vision out in front of me; and it told about what his little name was, everything. And the mother was way back there, couldn't get a prayer card, couldn't get in. But she didn't have to get up, through the line. So when she brought the little baby; raining, pouring down.

37 We think of us standing; think of them. They would be there at nine o'clock at morning, for services to begin nine that night. Standing in the hot sun, leaning against one another, for shade. Standing, not sitting; standing. And that's the way they do, Africa and different places, in India, where half a million gathers out, at a time.

38 Now, this little woman couldn't even get a prayer card. Over, about three hundred ushers, to hold her back. And she couldn't get in the prayer line. And standing there praying for that little baby; a little, Catholic woman. And the Holy Spirit call and said, "Tell her to bring it here."

39 And the little baby, under a wet quilt; been standing there since that morning. The doctor pronounced it dead. Now, we got the doctor's statement of it, that pronounced it dead, that morning at nine o'clock. And then this was that night, nearly midnight. And I, just according to what the vision said, I went, laid hands on the little baby. There it was, alive. The doctor give testimony.

40 I was interviewed by the press. And so, being nothing against anybody's belief, as long as it's with the Bible, all right. But the man that was interviewing me was Catholic, and he said to me, "Do you believe our saints can do that?"

41I said, "If they're living." Course, I know the Catholic church believes you have to be dead, to be a saint, so then I said, "If they are living, yes."

And he said, "Oh, you can't be a saint until you're dead."

42I said, "Was Paul a saint before he died or after he died? Who was he writing to, the dead people, when he said, 'To the saints that are at Ephesus,' and the saints at a certain-certain place? He wouldn't write to dead people, you know."

43 So then he said, "Now you're trying to judge your case by a Bible. We are the church."

I said, "All right, sir. Okay."

And he said, "We are the church."

44I said, "Then let's see the church do it." See? Then, so, it's only Christ can do that. You know that.

He said, "What's your opinion of the Catholic church?"

I said, "I wish you wouldn't have asked me that." See?

He said, "Well, I'd like to hear it."

I said, "The highest form of spiritualism that there is."

And he said, "Spiritualism?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

Said, "How do you figure that?"

45I said, "Anything that intercedes with the dead; communion of saints, see."

And he said, "Well, you pray to Christ, and He died."

I said, "But, He rose again, see."

46So, that's the good thing that we know, He rose again. Aren't we thankful? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

47Let's bow our heads and thank Him because He did raise from the grave for our justification.

48 Heavenly Father, we are grateful this morning for Jesus; and today, in commemoration of His great resurrection, on that yule morning when He rose from the dead, triumph over death, hell, and the grave. When He was on earth, He showed He had triumphed over sickness, diseases, and--and all kinds of devils and powers. Then death laid before Him, the great and last enemy. And on Easter morning He proved He was God. He rose from even the last enemy, could not hold Him. The grave give Him up; hell had to give Him forth; Heaven received Him.

49O God, may our hearts receive Him today, in the power of the Holy Spirit, that we might be His executives, His--His examples, of His servants here on earth, as we sojourn. Grant it.

50 Bless all that's here. God, these precious people who are standing, some of them been jammed in here since daylight. I pray, Heavenly Father, that You will pour out the "exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we could do or think," upon them today, and give them the deep desires of their heart. What every one come for, this morning, may they go back, satisfied. You said You'll not turn any away, but You will fill him with good things, and send him away rejoicing. Grant it, Lord.

51May Your omnipotence, may Your Holy Spirit, in the power of the resurrection, so deal with each of us till our hopes will be built on nothing less than Jesus' Blood with righteousness. Grant it, Father.

Bless the Words now that we read.

52 We thank You for that noble message this morning, as we come early to the church. And to see You take our brother, such a change in him in a few moments, and deliver a message to this dying generation of people that we are now a part of, how we thank You for that, Lord! O God, our hearts quiver with joy as we think of those things. Now, keep him anointed, Lord, down through the days that is ahead of him, Lord.

53And bless this little church. And help me, Lord, as I go to bring the Message to other people. And may we, together, like one person, one family, stick together, and pray together, and live together in holy unity of the Holy Spirit until Jesus receives us into the Kingdom. For we ask it in His Name and for His glory. Amen.

54 [Brother Neville says, "Brother Branham, may I have the time to interrupt you?"--Ed.] You sure can, brother. ["As a token of our appreciation and by the--the work of a young man in our midst, we present this picture to you, Brother Branham, with the full expression of our love and appreciation."] Thank you, Brother Neville, and the tabernacle. ["The young man is Jerry Steffy, that painted that picture."]

55Brother Jerry Steffy painted that picture. God bless that boy. That's very fine, Jerry, if you're here this morning. It's too bad, I wish I had the means to let that boy go to school for an artist. I believe God is in art. Don't you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] God is in music. God is in art. God is in this. And it's too bad to see a talent, like that, wouldn't be developed. More he does, the more developing he'll be. And I--I pray that God will bless you, Jerry.

56And thank you, Brother Neville, and to this church, for this fine picture and for the verse that goes under it. I'll read it a little later. [Brother Neville says, "You want me to read it?"--Ed.] All right, sir. Brother Neville will read the verse. All right. I--I had an idea of what. [Brother Neville reads Honor To Whom Honor.]

[He's not a man of stature tall,

Nor lofty in his way,

He sounds himself no trumpet

As he goes from day to day.

Has no desire for wealth nor fame,

But none his place could fill;

He's just the way we want him,

Our own dear Brother Bill.

He teaches us with faithfulness

The undiluted Word,

No fancy ways, no love for praise,

Just following the Lord.

His speech is soft and gentle,

He raises not his voice,

Except to cry against the wrong,

And then he has no choice.

Never got a lot of learning

From colleges and school,

But he knows what is important

And he's sure nobody's fool.

For the knowledge he is given

Is Eternal from above,

He has no creed, except our Christ,

No law but Sovereign Love.

There was no great announcement

To his lowly, humble birth,

But to us he is the greatest man

Who lives upon the earth.

We count it more than privilege

To know him as a friend,

We cherish all he stands for,

And will right to the end.

He says he's not a preacher,

He's modest as can be,

But get him in the pulpit

And it isn't hard to see.

He was foreordained a prophet,

Let men call it what they will,

God granted us great favor

When He gave us Brother Bill.]

["Signed, 'The little flock.'"]

57 Thank you, Brother Neville. Thank you for your thoughts. Who composed that? [Brother Neville says, "I think his mother did."--Ed.] That's...

58I'm not worthy of those things, of saying that, but that's more to me than all the money in the world. See? Just think, somebody regards you as His servant, see, as God's servant. May I ever live true to that, is my prayer. God ever bless you. My thoughts will always be for you. And I expressingly love you, too.

59 Now, oh, we just got so many things, we could just take off a day and we never would get down to the Word, you see, so many fine things.

60I have a--a vision from the Lord I was going to say something about, and--and someone had dreamed a dream, that, oh, I thought was so outstanding, of the Coming of the Lord. And I...

61 Little Rebekah, my daughter back there. I... Even if I did make a little fun of her a while ago. She come out, one of them big kind of a--a hats on. I said, "Now, honey, it looks like a bird's nest," I said, "sticks all in it, and everything, like that." I said, "Go, take it off."

62Then, then she got back at me. In a few minutes she come back; you know, the way she got back at me, was go back. She come in with a great big pocketbook, pack. I said "Where'd that thing come from?"

63She said, "Daddy," she says, "I have big feet, so I guess I'll just take the big pocket to match it." So, oh, these!

64But she said she had dreamed twice that she and I riding in the car, and me telling her of the Lord's near appearing; same dream, second time. I'm waiting for the third; maybe the Lord then will give me what it means.

65 Now, there's so many things to be said, but let's get right down to the Word now.

66Everybody is feeling good, I hope. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And if you're not, I pray that God will make you feel good before this service is over, that there will not be a feeble person in our midst this morning, when this service is over.

67Now, we got to remember that Christ died for the ungodly, and that was us. See? That's us. And He died for us, that He might save us.

68 Now can you hear all around, good? Way back in the back, can you hear all right back there? Is it coming in back there? Okay. All right.

69 Now I want to read some of His Word. First, let's us turn now to the Book of Joel, and I want to read the 1st verse, 1st to the 4th verse. And then the 2nd, to the... 2nd chapter and the 25th verse. And Genesis 20:7. Now, I do appreciate...

70 Now, if you get tired and want to go out, go ahead. See? But, this will be my last Message to the Church, for this part of the Church, for some time. And we're expecting a healing service this morning. And I--I want this Message, if God will bless It, to--to sink deep into our hearts, so we'll get the meaning of what It means.

71Now, we're here to express, to--to say the things that we believe, and prove it by the Scripture, that the Scripture says so; and then may God turn and prove it, that it's true, right, make it real. Just like any...

72You say, "This is a sunflower seed." Plant it and see what it is. Then, it comes up a sunflower, that settles it. It was a sunflower. See? That's all.

73 Now, and if some of them are change seats, every once in a while; somebody set down, the others get up and wait a little while. And I will be just as brief as I can.

74 Now, remember, pray for me. And just be loyal to the church now; stay right here to the church, with Brother Neville. And you people that's visiting, well, now, come right on back.

75And now I'm on these meetings, going on them without any definitely calling. But, I just can't lay around; the world is dying. See? And Paul had that experience once. And he was going down to another country, and then he had a Macedonian call, on the road. Now, God could give a Macedonian call, any time. I cancel anything, when God gives a call.

76I'm just doing the best I can, going to this corner, sowing seeds; and over here, sow a few seeds; and over here, throw, sow a few seeds. I know, the fowls of the air gather a many of them up; and some of them chokes, and so forth. But there might be a few, in there, come up, too, you know, on good ground. So let's just sow the seed, is the main thing.

77 A very strange reading, for a--a Easter message, Joel, the 1st chapter.

The word of the LORD that came unto Joel the son of Pethuel.

Hear this, ye old men, and give ear,... ye inhabitants of the land. Has this been in your days, or even in the days of your fathers?

Tell... your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and let their children another generation.

That which the palmerworm has left has the locust eaten; and that which the locust has left has the cankerworm eaten; and that which the cankerworm has left has the caterpiller eaten.

78Now the 25th verse of the 2nd chapter.

And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my... and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that has dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.

79 In Genesis, the 20, the Genesis. The 20th chapter of Genesis, and the 7th verse. I want to read this, to follow the... for a context for this text that I'm fixing to take. I'll begin with the 6th verse, to get a background to this.

And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, I know that thou did this in the integrity of thy heart; for I--for I also withheld thee from sinning against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch her.

Now therefore restore the man his wife; for he is a prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and thou shall live: and if thou restoreth her not, know... that thou shall surely die, thou, and all that are thine.

80Now, I draw from this a text, or from this Scripture reading, a conclusion of a text, called, "restore."

81 Now, after Brother Neville preached this morning, that notable message, at the last thing he said on his last thoughts, was, "To be restored." And so that give me the idea, right there, to "restore."

82Now, I rushed home and got my dictionary, and so forth, and some Scripture notes, and begin to copy some things down. And then I got Webster's dictionary, to find out the right definition for restore. To restore, means, "to return to the former owner, or to bring back to the former estate of condition." And we can enforce a claim, to be restored.

83Now, that's what Webster says the word restore means, "To bring back to the former owner, or to bring back to a former state of condition." And if a claim is made on something, to make that restoration, you can enforce it, to make it come back to its right place.

And may God bless the feeble words now.

84 To restore, means, "to bring back." Or, to restore, a--a claim can be enforced, now, to bring anything back to its rightful owner, where it belongs. Therefore, some way, it went away from its rightful owner, and can wander around anywhere. But, to restore, is to bring it back to it who really owns it, or to bring it back to its natural estate where it was at the first time, bring it back into its natural condition. In order to do this, we have a right to enforce, if there's a law, to enforce this rightful condition of restoration, to restore.

85 Like if somebody stole some property, and they're holding the property captive. Then you can take the law and go to this person, and the law forces, enforces this person to restore this property back to its natural owner, and to its...?..., the first estate.

86Enforcement! Oh, what a text! How I'd like to have two days on that, enforce!

87Now, Brother Neville preached for us. I'm just going to talk to you, teach a Sunday school lesson so it'll--it'll get it to continue on, I hope, with what he had.

88 Enforce! Then, we are the... have the privilege to enforce, upon Satan, the claims that God give us. For, God has a law, and His Word is a law, and God in this Word made certain claims to the Church. Therefore, we have a right to force these claims upon Satan, say, "Give it back," and he has to do it. Because, we can take God's Agent, the Holy Spirit, go right down on our knees, and say, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD." He's got to give it up, that's all, 'cause the Holy Spirit is there to make him do it.

The law of the land is to enforce. It's by the land, for the land.

89 But the law of the Spirit of God is to force Satan to give up that which he has unrightfully, deceitfully taken from God. Souls of men, he took from God; souls of women, children. Sickness of the body, he placed upon people. Where, God made them in His image, to be like Him, and the Church is given the rightful legal rights, by the Bible, to take the Holy Spirit and enforce this upon them.

90 I believe I just quoted it, the last meeting here. I'm not sure. But a brother came to Louisville, from down Georgia, left his car setting over there, and someone stole it. And he had his clothes, his wife's clothes, his children's clothes. It was Brother Evans here. They're usually here. They drive fifteen hundred miles, every day, when we have service here, coming in here to have service. And the poor fellow was here without anything, and seven hundred and something miles from home. And he didn't know what to do.

91He turned it in to the police. But they had a big racket in Louisville; they were stealing cars, and painting them. And you don't have to have a title there, to sell it. And they make you a title, in a few minutes, to any number you want to put on it. And so they were having a terrible time.

92 So we got down on our knees. See? Now, Jesus wouldn't have had to do that, for He was the Word. Now, we're not the Word. "The Word of the Lord came to the prophets." They wasn't the Word, but the Word come to them. But Jesus was the Word. See? He didn't have to pray. He was God, Himself. See? But we are--are His prophets, His servants, who the Word of the Lord comes to. Then, the prophet is vindicated by, whether it's the Word of the Lord or not, by what he says comes to pass.

93 So then we have a Scripture here, that Jesus said, "Wherever two or more are gathered in My Name, and if they will agree, I'll be in their midst. And if they will agree on touching any one certain thing and ask it, don't doubt it, they shall have what they've asked. It'll be given to them."

94Now, there's--there's the law. Now, the One that's here to enforce that law is the Holy Spirit. How about people who don't believe in the Holy Spirit, would reject Him? See? Re-... You're rejecting your own peace and mercy. See?

95 Now, we got on our knees, about five men, with Brother Fred Sothmann and--and many of the others was there, four or five men. And we knelt down, and I pleaded this case before God. And then I took the Word, or the promise, and sent It forth. The great Holy Spirit, as He took the Word, to serve the summons, a vision broke and I saw a man going towards Bowling Green, Kentucky, with a yellow shirt on, driving his truck. The Holy Spirit come upon him, condemned him, and he turned around, about half way. I saw him come back and park that car on a certain street, over across the river here. I raised up and told the brethren, "THUS SAITH THE LORD."

96And when they started out, they went on the road. And there was the car setting there, half empty with gasoline, where the tank half empty, where it had been filled up, just enough take him half way to Bowling Green and bring him back. Now, those men are setting right here this morning, as a witness.

97What is it? Enforcing. "Give it back." See? That's it. That's what it's talking about. "Restore it. Bring it back to its right owner."

98 And if Satan has robbed you of the privilege of being a son or a daughter of God, we have a right this morning, by the Holy Spirit, to enforce the claim of God. "Bring them back."

99If he's afflicted you, and made you sick, we have a right before God to enforce the laws of God. "By His stripes we are healed." Amen. "Bring him back. Turn him loose. You're taking him out here, under death, and we claim him. Bring him back now."

100That's the enforcement; restore it back to its natural condition again. A man is sick; baby is sick; woman is sick. See? They're out of their natural condition. Then we have a right to enforce our claim. Not our claim. It's our claim because God give it to us. "By His stripes we were healed. He was wounded for our transgression. With His stripes we were healed." Now we have a right to enforce that law. And the--the law-giver, the Holy Spirit, Himself, is here, the Agent of God, to see that it's done that way. Amen.

101 Now, the only way He can work, is when you let Him work. See? You've got to believe it. There's a law. Oh, if I ever get to my text. There's a law. There's a law given amongst everything.

102You know, a fish has a law. And that fish can stand up here in water, and he has a law within him. If he'll just let go of that law that's in him, he can sink plumb to the bottom of the sea. Won't bother him a bit. Won't break one cell. You try to do it. That law is not in you. You can't do it, but the fish can. He deflates himself with that air, such a way that he can. There's nothing in him to burst open. And he's made that way. He knows it. And he can enforce that law, to take him plumb to the bottom of sea, and then raise him back up again. Oh!

103 There was a law in Christ. That law is in men. You can bury him to the deepest grave, or the deepest sea, or the--the lowest hell. There's a law, of the Spirit of God, that will raise him up again. See?

104 A bird has a law. Now, its body is material. It's earthbound, sets on the earth here. But it has a law within it, that, the way it spreads its wings, it can fly plumb out of sight. That's against science. They claim it's--it's earthbound; gravitation has to hold it here. But it can defy gravitation, lift itself right off of it and go right on out, because it has to put that law that's in it to work. And it's built to possess that law.

105 Now I'm begin to feel religious. Now, we have a law, the law of the Life in us. We don't... Only thing you have to do... You are made, and born, and placed here in the Body of Christ, as sons and daughters of God. You don't have to knuck' down to the Devil. We've got a law. That's the law of the Holy Spirit. The only thing you know, have to do, is know how to let go and let God. You keep fighting at it, see, and it won't never work. When, you let go and let God, that's all. See?

106 If the fish said, "Wait, I'll catch my breath real good. I'll breathe up a little oxygen in me, and I'll see if I can go down." No. He does that, he'll burst open. See?

107The bird says, "I'll see how fast I can run down here, and maybe I'll take off." No. He won't do it. He'll fall down. See? He's got to know how to control, how that law can control him.

108 And the same way it is with us. It isn't what we fight, and pull, and--and hurry, and, "Oh, if I don't get this, if I don't get that." That's not it. Is to know that the law of Life is in you, and you just let go and let God. Then He takes you to your healing, takes you to the baptism of the Spirit, or anything that He's promised. Any claim that He's given is yours, and by letting go and letting God. Now, if you're...

109 If the officer was going to--going to take the fellow that stole your property, was going to take him to court, and you keep pulling him back, "Well, I don't know just whether he should do this or not," he'll never get him there. Just let him go.

110That's the way you do. Let Satan just get away, all the doubts and everything flee from your mind, then God will raise you up. Good.

111 Now, it's Easter time. Oh, I like Easter. Yes, sir. But there's too much on Easter, today, about bunny rabbits, and ducks, and pink chickens, and pretty hats, and new dresses; and that's not Easter. Easter is the resurrection, restoring, to restore back. It's God's restoring time. You look out over the earth; God is restoring. Restoring what? Nature. That's right. He's restoring the flowers. He's restoring the leaves. He's restoring the fruits of the field. What is it? God is restoring. It's Easter; means to "bring it back."

112What is it? There's been a--a sentence, a claim. Easter claims, or the--the--the flower claims, it has a right to rise again. See? And God's law of nature pulls the earth around and makes that law of God, in nature, bring forth an Easter, a resurrection. It's beautifully. The return of the sun, to restore what the winter killed, while it was from the earth. God sends the earth back around the sun, as we're told, from way back here.

113 The earth, the earth went away from the sun, went back out here. That's the way a sinner does, gets away from the S-o-n. Well, this is the s-u-n. But when this earth begins to come back... And when it's out there, death strikes it, the winter. It kills every living thing it can kill, out in here.

114And, now, when the earth gets back around. The seeds is laying in the ground. They're frozen. The pulp has run out of them. The... And everything is gone; but there's a little life preserved. And as soon as the sun gets back in position with the earth again, then there is an Easter, a restoration. Up comes the flowers again. Up comes everything. All that the winter killed, the sun restores. All that winter's death kill, the sun of life restores.

115 And so is it now with the people. All that the winter's coldest of cold, formal religion killed out there, the nearing of the Son of God in these last days, come into His Church, restores It back to Life again. "I will restore, saith the Lord." See? God restores His flowers, His leaves, His nature, His seed of the earth, and therefore we know, then, that God will restore also His habitation. He will restore His Eden. He will restore everything that death killed. That's right. Now, the only way it can ever remain dead, is let it lay in the wrong place. But if it falls in the right place, it's got to come back to Life again. So, God, let us fall in the right channel, that's right, for a restoration.

116 All that the winter kill, then the sun restores. Returning of the sun, what does it do? It forces. Listen. It forces death. When the sun, the spring sun comes back in line of the earth again, it actually forces death to give up its dead, to a resurrection, for (what?) a restoration, or restore again. What does it? The sun, coming. That's God's law.

117God set the earth in law, gravitation law. Everything in nature works according to God's law. And the flower served its term. The seed served its term; it died into the earth. And then there is a restoration.

118And now it's laying there, dead. There's not a thing... We could take one of these here lights like this, and turn it on it, it would never do any good. There's no way for us to do it. But God has a law, that when that sun comes onto the seed, it forces that life out of the seed. Death can't hold it, anymore.

119 God has set all of His laws to serve Him, both natural and spiritual, working according to His Word, regardless of the conditions. I love that. I have a Scripture here on that. Yes. God sets all of His laws in motion. Think of it. Let it soak in now, 'cause we're coming to a healing service in a few minutes. See? God set all of His laws in a motion, that it must work according to His Own Word. Are you getting it? See? His Word! His laws has to work according to His Word. He commanded the sun. He commanded the moon. He commanded the earth. He commanded nature. And they all fall right in line, and all the laws work in harmony with God's spoken Word. And the law of Life that's in us will also bring us to a resurrection. It's got to. It's impossible for it not.

120 That's the reason, the law of Life that was in Christ. When the Word was spoke, and said, "I'll not suffer My Holy One to see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell," there wasn't enough time, there wasn't enough devils, there wasn't enough anything, to keep Christ in that grave till (He) His body begin to rot, because the law of God would bring the Word to pass. And the law of God, by the Holy Spirit, brings any promise to pass, (you get it?), regardless of the conditions.

121 Job said, "Though the skin worms destroys my body, yet in my flesh I'll see God."

122Regardless of how little we are, how low we are, how impure we are, how unholy we are, how sick we are, how afflicted we are; the law of God's Spirit, by His Word, makes it obey Him, forces the issue, says, "Give it back." Amen. Oh, if we could just think of that for a minute. Forces it, regardless of conditions. No matter what the condition is, the law of God's Word forces the condition to cope with His Word. See? It's got to.

123Now, if a flower is laying there, and it's dead. The seeds are rotten, gone. The pulp is gone out. That doesn't have one thing to do with it. It raises again, 'cause God set a law, for it to rise again.

124 When Job laid in the ground. Perhaps, when he seen Jesus coming, was four thousand years before Jesus got here. You can imagine how a human body looked, in four thousand years, probably not enough ashes left to go on the end of a spoon. But Job said, "Yet in my flesh I'll see God, Who I shall see for myself."

125And the Bible tells us, in Matthew 27, that after His death, and burial, and resurrection, that, "Many of the saints that slept in the dust of the earth, rose out of the dust." Why? It was that prophet, speaking with the Word of God, and the Word had been spoke. And the law of God, by the Spirit, raised it up. The Bible said, "They come into the city and appeared to many." Not only did Jesus raise, but the saints raised with Him.

126 Why? Over in the Psalms, it said, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up. Let the Lord of Glory come in." Well, when He conquered death, hell, grave, sickness, rose on the third day, "He ascended on High, and led captivity captive."

127What was it? Those that were in captive, that looked forward for the promise that we have now. Oh, brother! Never even had the Holy Ghost. "But, believed, and give a good testimony. And by it they stopped the mouth of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, women received their dead raised to life again; without the promise." Oh, but they looked forward! Under a sheep sacrifice that could not divorce sin, it could only cover sin. But they believed that there was coming One. And by their faith, way beyond the shadow, amen, they claimed it. "And steadfast, they wandered in deserts, and in sheep skins, and goat skins, was afflicted, and destituted, and tormented." Oh!

128Those people, looking forward to that resurrection, and, through that, died in faith, with their testimony. And on that Easter morning, that law of God, which had spoke the Word through Job and those other prophets, they raised from the dead. Oh, my! There you are. Regardless of the conditions!

129 Some people get so guilty-minded, that they don't want to face any judgment. Oh, many people! It ain't hard to die. Anybody loose their mind, something another, and do something rational. Some of them have their bodies burned, taken out on the sea and throw the ashes to the four corners of this, the four winds of the sea. That don't stop the judgment. You come right on, just the same. Yes, sir. See? No matter, regardless of conditions, you're going to meet God, somewhere. You've got to come to Him. You've got to meet Him. See?

130 Because, (why?) He has spoke a Word, and put a law with that Word. And the law is His Own law, His Own Life, behind It. That's the reason He swore by Himself; there's none greater. See? He had to take an oath, 'cause no covenant should be confirmed without an oath. And the only way that He could, before He did; take it by Himself, and Himself become the Oath. Oh, brother! When, God became man and was the Oath, made Himself the Oath.

131And by His Own death, burial, and resurrection, He proved His laws was right. Said, "You destroy this building, I'll raise it up again in three days." "I," personal pronoun, "I'll raise it up again in three days. I'll bring it up. Just destroy it, and see what happens." For, He knew the law of God. He knew what it was. He knowed it had to work according to the Word. He knowed that the Word of God had been spoke through a prophet, and said, "I'll not suffer my Holy One to see corruption." That settled it. That settled it.

132 Then, the law of God has got to work by that Word. We're coming down to a great thing in a minute. See? See? Where, the law of God's Word, the Law of God, is with His Word.

133Now, if the court writes out a word, "It is certain-certain thing, a penalty, to do so-and-so." All right. Now, that's the word of the court, and the law of the court enforces the word of the court.

134And God speaks something, and that is a law. And the Holy Spirit is here to enforce that law, amen, for the believer. You have be ordained to do so, and it takes a believer. You got to have the badge of "believer." Somebody says, "You got power?" No. But we got authority. That's it. Not power; but authority. We ain't got enough power to do nothing.

135 Like I said some time ago, a little policeman here in Louisville, standing there. He was littler than I am; little bitty fellow. His hat was pulled down over his ears. And car... Oh, his uniform about half hanging off of him. He walked out there on the street. The little cap pistol, like, on his side, little stick in his hand, the little whistle. Walked out there, a pair of white gloves on. And them--them cars, some of them three hundred and fifty horse-power, whirling by that street, like--like lightning, just zoom, zoom. Well, that poor little fellow couldn't stop a... He couldn't have stopped a runaway pony, from his strength. Certainly not. But he walked out in the street, that big badge shining, blowed that whistle, held up that hand. Brother, three-hundred power, horsepower motors, squeaked brakes, everything else. It wasn't the power of the man. It was the authority he had. That's it.

136That's the Church. Might be a bunch of "holy-rollers," so-called, or whatever you want to call it, but it's the authority. It's the authority behind it. That's what does it. Regardless of conditions, God's law works with His Word. Now, it won't work with your creed. It'll work with the Word. Yeah. It just works with the Word, that's all, now, regardless of condition.

137 Abraham, as we read a while ago in our text, Abraham's wife had to be restored back. Why? God gave a promise to Abraham, and here a king had took her, to marry, for his wife.

138Well, what would he done? Put Abraham to death, in a minute. That's what Abraham said. "I pray thee, say it." After he seen that--that Abimelech had done caught him, this Philistine king there. Said, "Now, you, I pray you, you say that I am your brother. Because, you're a beautiful woman." And said, "Now, if he sees you're beautiful, and I'll--I'll--I'll be killed, 'cause he'll take you and marry you." And so Abimelech caught her, and his man brought her in.

139 She was a beautiful woman. And, by the way, she was only a hundred years old. And she--she... God had just showed what He's going to do to all of us, through them. You know, I been through all that, in my text and on the tapes, and so forth, proving that by the Word of God. That's exactly. He told, by Abraham and Sarah, what He was going to do to the whole race. That's right.

140 Now, there she was, and so Abimelech taken her to be his wife. Abimelech, and so he was all ready now, take her to be his wife. And (what?) God had said to Abraham, "By Sarah you'll have this baby," and here was a young man taking her. Here was Abraham, around, about a hundred years old now, too, out there.

141 But, by that, you notice what God said there. "Yes, I know the integrity of your heart. That's the reason I kept you from sinning against Me. But you restore that woman, for her husband is a prophet. Let him pray for you. You don't, I'm just going to wipe you off the face the earth." There you are.

142What? God's Word has to stand. No man could touch Sarah. God had made a promise.

143 Sarah, a type of the Church, the true Church, the free Church, the freewoman with a free-Child, type of the born-again Church with the promise. Let them say whatever they want to, call it "holy-roller, fanaticism." They've tried to stop It since Pentecost, and they'll never do it. No, sir. For keep... Just keep your hands off of It. That's all. God is going to take that and do something with It, just as certain as I'm standing here. I'm coming right down through the age of it, now, in a few minutes. God help me, I'll prove it to you, where we're at. Right. You're... They're never going to destroy it. It can't be destroyed. That's right.

144 "Take your hands off of her." Why? There come the natural seed. The natural seed had to come. If it would... If Sarah would have married this other man, the natural seed would have never been born.

145So if God so protected the course for the natural seed, how much more for the spiritual, royal Seed, has He protected!

146Satan, give them back. Turn them loose. You're not smothering them out there in them organizations and things. They're a free people. You let them alone. Yeah. Turn them loose, the royal Seed.

147 Now, God talking of restoring, now, here in Joel he's talking about. I preached on this, once before, and took it in another angle. About... Never thoroughly went through it, as I intend to do today, and won't have time to do it where it ought to be done. But God is speaking here, in Joel. Of...

148God is speaking of His fruit Tree that He had planted. God planted a fruit Tree. He planted It on the Day of Pentecost, and He brought that Tree there for a purpose. He wanted It to bear His fruit, Word, God's Word. He wanted a Church that would keep His Word. All down through the age, Eve had failed to keep It, the Jews had failed to keep It, the law had failed, all had failed, so God planted Him a Tree. A Tree!

149 Now remember, there was two trees in the garden of Eden. We know that. You call them whatever you want to. I have my idea. But, anyhow, one of them was a defiled tree; it got defiled. And the other One wasn't defiled; that Tree of Life come from God, out of Heaven. He said, "Your fathers eat manna and are dead. But this Tree, you eat, you live forever." And the Angel guarded that Tree of Life, from the garden of Eden, kept It in Eden. That Tree of Life is in Eden, now, spiritually speaking now. Notice.

150Now, when this Tree that God planted, It was to bear nine different kinds of fruit, nine different kinds; which means, nine spiritual gifts, nine fruits of the Spirit to go with the nine spiritual gifts. That was God's Tree. He planted It in the earth on the Day of Pentecost.

151 Now let's stop. Always so limited with time. I'm going to skip down here a few Scriptures, and go down here to Psalms, the 1st. David saw this Tree, a long time ago. And of his writing of songs for something joyful, that was the first thing he wrote about. He saw this Tree, and It was "planted by the rivers of Water." This Tree! He!

And he shall be like a tree, God's tree, planted (where?) by the rivers, rivers (plural), the rivers of water (singular)...

152Not a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, so forth. No, no. Huh-uh. Just rivers of one Water; nine spiritual gifts by the same Spirit. Nine fruits of the Spirit coming from the same channel.

... he shall be like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water.

153 David saw it, and he spoke. He said, "Blessed is that man." Notice, he said he could not die. "His leaves would not wither." No, no. No matter what they do, they'll never kill that Tree. Why? It's where he's planted. That's what does it. It's where he's planted. "He's planted by the rivers of Water." Now notice. David said, "His--his roots won't die."

154 You know, you take a tree, a big old tree. I, when I was a boy, I used to go out, and we'd, us boys, we'd go out, and had a big old tree we used to set under, big old beech tree. And the winds would blow. And I wonder, looked like that thing, so much in the top, looked like it'd blow the--the thing over. But, you know, every time wind blows on a tree, it rocks the tree, and it loosens up the roots, so that they can just dig deeper and get a better hold.

155And that's the way, mockery, laughing, making fun of a Christian. What it does, is, persecution shakes the Christian, to make him pray more, dig down, get a better hold, so he can stand the storm.

156 Now, what if a man is planted in such a thing as "by the river," where the springs, nine different springs feeding into him? Oh, my! What a--what a establishment he has. And a man that's planted by the river, the rivers of Water; one Water, one Spirit, "There are gifts of healing, same Spirit; gifts of prophecy, same Spirit; all the same Spirit, but many gifts." One Giver.

157Now, David saw him, and he was planted by this Tree. Now, he could not die. Now notice why. He had Life in the roots. Where is the roots, or life of the tree? Stays in the roots. Certainly. Comes up and bears its fruit. All right.

158Watch. His roots had Life in them, to bring forth His fruit in season. Now remember, this Tree will not cast Its fruit.

159 Now, you take a tree and put it away from water. The first thing you know, you got little old apples. They're all knotty and worm-eaten. But it'll cast its--its--its crop.

160That's what's the matter with the churches today. You done got away from that River, got away from them gifts of the Spirit. They got just a church natural. And they get away from the spiritual gifts and the spiritual things, and they cast their fruit. What do they do? They're--they're believers, live with the world, act like the world, steal, cheat, lie, smoke, drink, gamble, have bunco parties in the church, to pay the preacher, and everything else, soup suppers, dances. See? They cast their fruit. It's just like the world.

161And the unbeliever look and say, "There's no difference in that person and me."

162 That's what caused communism to rise in Russia. That's the reason they burnt up the Catholic church.

163And down in Mexico, when I was there and seen those lime pits, where those, and those places where they burnt those little babies, where those nuns had these babies. Even human bodies, full-grown human body was laying in there, in the lime pits. What'd they do? They cast their crop, see, and God shook them off the tree. That was all. See?

164 But a man that's planted, not stuck out, but planted by the rivers of Water, he shall bring forth His fruit (watch) in his... His fruit in his season. Are you reading it? Psalms 1.

... blessed is the man that... sitteth not in the seat of the scornful, stand in the way of sinners.

... he shall be like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water, he shall bring forth his fruit in his season;... and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

165See? Notice, "Ungodly is not so; and he won't stand with him in the judgment." See?

166 Now, "He shall bring forth His fruit in his season." Watch each "his," the personal pronoun there. It's His fruit, God's fruit, in the season that the--the prophet is bringing It. It'll be in the prophet's season. God's fruit, in God's time, by the prophet's season. See? "He shall bring forth His fruit in his season." See if there isn't two "his" there. "Bring forth His, God's fruit, see, in the season that the messenger is ordained to come." He'll bring forth those. Now remember that. The messenger that brings the fruit of God, will bring it in God's season, in the season of the bringer. See? "He will bring forth His fruit in his season." And It cannot wither. Why? He's got predestinated fruit in there. It can't destroy It, because It's predestinated.

167 Now, Ephesians... 5, 1:5, rather. It said, "Setting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus." What happened? He said, "God, by His foreknowledge, predestinated us unto the adoption of children of God, by Jesus Christ." God, by His foreknowledge, predestinated everything that would happen right down along the row. By His foreknowledge, He foresaw it. Therefore, from beginning, He could tell the end.

168 Therefore, it was predestinated fruit in the--the root of this Tree. And this Tree could not wither, because It was holding predestinated fruit. Now, that's the Tree that Joel spoke about here. See? It cannot die. The worms eat It down, but It couldn't die. In Its root, It had the predestinated Truth. It had God's Word, this Tree did. And this Tree is--is that Tree, the only way, It was put in the garden of Eden.

169All trees, by the woman, die. We all die, by the woman. By birth, we all die. But through woman come death, for this birth come by woman. All right. Then, this has to die, because of sin.

170But the Birth, the new Birth that come by Christ, cannot die. That's one Tree, and the other tree. See? And this Tree, though It's been persecuted, made fun of, since the very beginning of the garden of Eden, It cannot die. It's predestinated. It's been clubbed and beat, and, my, everything done to It. And what happened? It cannot die. His, he will not die. He can't, because he's holding in him the predestinated Word of God. It has to come forth, for his fruit is in his own season, predestinated season. That, no matter...

171 Joel saw every one of them, eat down to the bottom. But He said, "I will restore it, saith the Lord," for the predestination of God lays in the roots of the Tree. It's got to come forth, 'cause It's holding the predestinated Word of God. And, oh, what a Tree! My!

172That Tree, It started to grow back there in Eden. What happened? There was a bunch come forth, of Cain's children, some bugs had come over and eat It down to a stalk. And God took a crop off of it, and put it in the ark and carried It through. Right. All the way down, it's been the same way, down through the lines of judgment; Israel, on down.

173 And then at Pentecost, where the Church for the Bride Tree, He--He set in order, on Pentecost, the Tree that was predestinated to bring forth His fruit in the season. Now, going fine, the fruits is being done just fine. It bloomed out on the Day of Pentecost. Let's see what happened on the Day of Pentecost. Jesus said, "The works that I do shall you do also." They healed the sick. Now, on the Day, let's see how it started. On the Day of Pentecost, a few days after the resurrection, fifty days after Easter, there come there come a--a rushing, mighty Wind, out of Heaven.

174 Now, today, we make it different. The minister stands up and take, say, "I'll put your name on the book." See? Or some bachelor with his collar turned around, said, "Come up here and take the kosher bread. That, then, you become a member of the church." Isn't that strange? The minister says, "Come join our group." Why, they're both wrong.

175"On the Day of Pentecost, there came from Heaven," not off the pulpit, up the road. "From Heaven a..." What? A priest? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] No. A minister? No. What was it? "A sound like a rushing, mighty Wind, and It filled all the house where they were setting. Cloven tongues set upon them." Stammering, they couldn't talk, they was so full of glory. Holy Ghost filled them. Out in the streets they went, jabbering. Just, and act like...

176Even the dignified congregation stood out there and said, "Well, these men are full of new wine. They're all drunk. Look at them men and women, how they're staggering and carrying on."

177 Now, that's THUS SAITH THE SPIRIT. That's the Scripture. That's how the Church was organized; not organized, but ordained. Lot of difference in the two words. Notice. There they were.

178Now, and you know what, you Catholic people? The blessed virgin Mary was with them. Yeah. Now, if God wouldn't let Mary come to Heaven without receiving the Holy Ghost, how are you going to get There, anything short of It? Now just think on it. That's right. Mary was among them. And she had to wait up there until she lost all her dignity and pride, filled with the Spirit.

179 And here they come, acting like drunk people. The Bible said they did. They said, "These men are full of new wine."

180But, Peter, the spokesman, the minister in the group, stood up and said, "These are not full of new wine, as you suppose, seeing it's just the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel." The one I'm reading from today. "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, 'I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. And your sons and daughters shall prophesy. And I'll show wonders in the heavens above, and in the earth, signs. And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.'"

181Now, Peter preached on Pentecost, after the same prophet that I'm preaching today about: planting this Tree. And that's where he planted It. Oh, It done fine. They went out and had spiritual gifts. They healed the sick. They preached. They was throwed in jail. They were willing to suffer for the Word's sake.

182 If you went to another nation as a wishy-washy, you wouldn't make a very good American, if you went over there. If you was going in now to Japan, you slipped around behind the line, say, "Listen, fellows. I'm for you. You know, I'm for you, but I'm over on the other side." You, traitor, you ought to be shot. That's right. You're a traitor. Sure.

183And then that's the same way it is, a man that knows the Word of God, and will compromise on It because some organization tells him he has to do it that way. That's a traitor. Right.

184But these men wasn't traitors. They didn't care how much, well, how they carried on, how their church manners was: screaming, and crying, and shouting, and--and jabbering off languages that seemed like they was talking to one another and couldn't understand it. Them men out there in the audience of other nations and other tongues begin to hear what they were saying. They didn't know what they were saying; they were jabbering. But other people out there understood it. And they said, "These persons are certainly drunk."

185But Peter said, "They're not drunk, but they're filled with the Spirit."

186So, every one of them went to martyrdom, except John, and he was burned, twenty-four hours in a vat of grease, and they couldn't even burn the Spirit out of him. And then he died a natural death, the only one, John the revelator. Now, that is right.

187 Notice now what taken place. On this, God planted a Tree, to bring forth nine spiritual gifts, gifts of His Spirit. The same Spirit was in Christ come down upon the Church, had Eternal Life. Now, gifts of the Spirit was in the Church, and It was growing, bearing forth fruit, everywhere. They thought not of theirself. They didn't organize nothing. They just went ahead and was brothers. They had no...

188I'm glad that little thing was on there, "No creed but Christ, no law but love, no book but the Bible." That's what I believe. See? And that's the way they did. The world is our parish, see, everywhere.

189 So, notice these fellows when they were doing that, how glorious that church was. And God was with them, the Bible said. And Jesus met them before His ascension up. He said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. These signs shall follow them that believe, in My Name." Now, "These signs."

190Now, today, what kind of a sign we call a believer? He shakes hands with the pastor. He belongs to a church. He has his name on the book because his mother's had a name, your father had a name on a book. But that wasn't what Jesus said. Jesus said, "These signs." That's church, natural.

191 We're talking about Church, spiritual. We're talking about a spiritual Tree, not a natural tree. We're getting to those two trees, after bit. See? A spiritual Tree! Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that hangs on this Tree. These signs shall follow them that's getting their Life out of this Tree. In My Name they shall cast out devils. They shall speak with new tongues. If they should take up a serpent, or to drink deadly things, it would not harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

192There is the kind of signs He said would follow the believer. Where is it today? He give the world an example of what would be the--the believer's sign. And He said, "It would be far better that a millstone was hanged at your neck and drowned in the depths of the sea, than even to bring offense to one of them, for their Angels always beholds My Father's face which is in Heaven." The Angels!

193 Notice now. There they were. And that Tree was planted. It was doing great work. We know they went about, everywhere. The Lord... Why, on the Day of Pentecost, three thousand souls was added, baptized, and went into the Church. And how great fellowship they had! And, everybody, wasn't nobody needing anything. Everybody was kind, good-hearted. And, one another, they was all one big family. Wonderful!

194And there came by, a little, old, ugly-looking, greedy-teeth beetle that lives in four different stages, as Joel saw him. Four-stage insect, destroyer, come forth to destroy that beautiful Tree of God. Think of it. Now I'm going to read off some of Joel's, what he said. Joel, the 1st chapter. The first thing... Now, there's four different beetles there now, but there it's actually one beetle. It's one beetle in four different stages. Now watch. This little, old beetle come by, for this--for this great, beautiful Tree of God. We'll call it a Tree, which was the Church.

195 The first was a palmerworm. That's a little thing, just a little bitty insect of a worm. What did he do, that palmerworm? He come along to destroy the fruit of the Tree. That's the first thing.

196Now let's go back in history and see what the first thing was: was a--a dignified group got amongst the common people. And they said, "Well, this is good that you can heal the sick, and you can do these things. That's wonderful. So, you know what we ought to do? We ought to kind of get it out where the bigger class of people understand it, the better class: the mayor, the--the judges, and so forth, and the--the--the dignitaries of the city. And as long as you all are carrying on the way you are, they'll never come around you. See? They're afraid of you."

197[Someone says, "They still are."--Ed.] Somebody said that, "They still are." I guess that's about right. So, that's right. They're afraid of the Holy Spirit. Excuse me.

198 I used to sing a little song, "It's the old..." You ever hear The Old-Time Religion? Anybody heard that song, "'Tis the old-time religion"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I used to sing a little song like this, years ago. I said:

It's the old-time Holy Spirit,

And the Devil won't go near It;

That's the reason people fear It,

But It's good enough for me.

It's so good I want no other,

For It makes me love my brother;

And It brings things from under cover,

So It's good enough for me. (That's right.)

It will make you stop your lying;

It will save you when you're dying;

It will start the Devil flying;

And It's good enough for me.

199That's right. That's the reason people don't want It now. Now, It's God.

200 They didn't want Jesus. They said, "This Man?" The church, the big dignified church, said, "You come to tell us who we are? We'll give You to understand, we're Dr. Ph.D., L.L., Q.U.S., and, my, all this." Or, "Why, I'm the high priest. I'm this, that, or the other. And You tell me? Why, You were born in sin. You're nothing but an illegitimate child. Your mother was to be, have You, before You and Your father... the father was ever married."

201He said, "Who can accuse Me of sin?" See? "Who can accuse Me?" All right. Sin is "disbelieving God's Word." Other words, He said, "Show Me where I'm not fulfilling the Word, to the--to the--to the hilt, right where It's supposed to be. Show Me in the Scripture, where My days. If I don't do the works of My Father, then don't you believe Me." Said, "Now, you claim to be that. Now let's see you do it." Oh, my!

202"From henceforth they asked Him nothing." See? They let Him alone. Like, the Devil flew into Him. I said that he thought he'd just jump in, anyway. But, he found out, that had a million volts in that Wire. He jumped off of that One, real quick, see, because he couldn't handle That. And that was one thing sure.

203 So this little palmerworm come around, to take off the fruits. I have two pages of "fruits." I just want to read some of it. First thing, the first fruit he took off, was brotherly love. That's right. That's one of the things that kills the church right there, on brotherly love. Yes, sir. Then, the next fruit he took off the Tree... Remember, love is the first fruit on the Tree. "Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, faith, patience, that's right, in the Holy Ghost." Now, nine spiritual gifts, with nine fruits of the Tree, and so forth. All right. Now, the first, he got to eating on the fruit of the Tree.

204 Now let's picture a big Tree, of God's Tree. It's bearing nine spiritual gifts. They're healing the sick. They're speaking in tongues. They're casting out devils. They're doing great works, and preaching the unadulterated Word of God. No denomination to tie them down; they're free, doing a great work.

205So, in come this little old devil, setting up with his two horns setting out in front, like a grasshopper, you know, and his little old greedy teeth. That's his first, the palmerworm, he come in to eat off brotherly love. He said, "You know, So-and-so did so-and-so, over at So-and-so's church. I wouldn't believe that bunch of people." See? There he is, first thing.

206 Next, he wanted to eat on the fruit of faith, faith in the Word. "Now look. How do you know that is the Word? It's been translated so many times!" That little devil is still eating. Right. "That Word has been translated so many times! He's this, that, or the other. Oh, he's all this." See?

207Now, that's another fruit he eat off, joy of salvation. "Shhh! You people make too much noise. Oh, my! My!"

208 "Oh, how can you preach, Brother Branham?" a woman said to me, one time. No, it wasn't. It was a man. I believe he's... I hope he's here. He belongs to another church. But he said to me, said, "I was up to hear you, other day, and I couldn't even hear you, for them people crying."

I said, "If they..."

Said, "How in the world can you preach?"

209I said, "If they didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't be preaching there." That's right. Yeah. I used to have...

210 A friend of mine, Jim Poole, and I, we used to have an old dog. We called him Fritz. And so this old dog, he'd--he'd go into anything that he treed, but a skunk. He was afraid of a skunk, 'cause he smelled so. So, I'd get him a skunk under the brush pile, the only thing I had to do was just pat him a little bit, said, "Sic him! Sic him, boy!" He'd go get that skunk, see, because I was patting him, saying, "Sic him!"

211Well, that's just what it is when we... The worst stinker I know of, is the Devil. So, when I'm bringing this Word out, and somebody says, "Amen," that's, "Sic him, boy!" And we get... We'll get him treed.

212 So, we find out that he took away the joy. You know, David, one time, lost the joy of his salvation. He didn't lose his salvation, but he lost the joy of it. He just cried, "Lord, restore to me the joy of my salvation." See? The joy!

213So this little old palmerworm begin to eat that fruit of joy out. "Now, looky here. You people make too much noise. I tell you, all this crying, this saying 'amen,' and this shouting, that's nonsense. There's nothing to that." See? First thing you know, he's set in a big morgue, you know, set there, all of them dead. Some of these embalming fluids of so-called Doctrine, of creeds pumped into their veins where the Spirit of God ought to be running, where the old church creed pumped in there. No wonder they're icy cold and dead. Spiritual thermometer, ninety below zero. Yeah. Somebody say, "amen," everybody stretch their neck around like some kind of goose or something, want to know what said that. It's a shame. When, the Spirit of God ought to be joy, peace, love. But this little old bug started eating on it. He eat all the joy away.

214 And, then, next fruit on the Tree is peace, peace of mind, knowing that you're saved.

215They tell you, "Well, now, if you'll recite our creed, you're saved. If you join my church, you're saved. Well, now," this one says, "you're not saved if you go there. You have to join our church, to be saved. You have to say, 'Hail Mary.' You have to have your name on this book. You have to have." Oh, my! That would take all the joy out. That's not God's Tree; you know where you're at. That's hybrid, always.

216You know my story about the mule. He's a hybrid. He don't know who his papa, mama, either one, was. See? He's a hybrid. But, oh, a good pedigreed horse, he knows who his papa and mama was, through generations.

217And now, a real good pedigreed Christian, too, that's got the Holy Ghost, he know It fell on the Day of Pentecost. He knows where he's at. He can trace his generations plumb back, his genealogies, to the first beginning of it. Peter had It. On down through the nation, or races, they've had It, on down. A good pedigreed Christian knows where It come from.

218 Say, "Well, I'm Lutheran. Huh! I'm Presbyterian." Oh, you hybrid! Why ain't you? Why ain't you?

219"Well," you say, "what, what are you?" Born again. "Born again, of what?" The Spirit of God.

220That's why you're not hybrid. You're born correctly. Not with some church creed, but with the Spirit of God. God lives in you.

221 Now notice. This little old insect started eating. So, he eat off all the peace of mind, oh, and on, and on, and on, and on down. I got a page of it here, all the fruits, what he done.

222Then this little fellow died out, and he become a locust. That was the next stage, was a locust. Now, what does a locust do? A locust eats the leaves. That's right. A locust takes onto the leaves. What the palmerworm left, he left the leaves; he eat all the fruit off the Tree. Then what took in? The locust come to eat, eat what the palmerworm left. Now, what did he do? What did this palmerworm do? Destroyed the leaves. What's the leaves for? Destroying Divine fellowship. That's right.

223"Now, he's--he's--he's Presbyterian. We won't have nothing to do with him. He's Nazarene. He's Pentecostal. He's this, that, or the other. We won't have nothing to do with him, because he don't belong to our group. Have a meeting here, for healing of the sick? Huh! Our church don't even believe in it." See? There he is. He, what'd that little old locust do? He cut all the fellowship off, that's right, took all the fellowship.

224 What is fellowship? What does the leaves do? Makes it cool, where the birds fly in under the leaves, "huh-huh," cool off. There's your tree again. "And he shall be like a Tree that's planted." See? All right. Where people can come and set down under the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, cool off a little bit. You're all flusterated, and don't know what's happened; and whether you die, whether you're saved or not. You don't know whether this church is right, or that's right. Just come down under the Tree that's got some leaves on It. Set down there. Let the Winds from Heaven go to blow, like a rushing, mighty Wind, through the leaves, you know. Begins to... And he begin to cool off a little bit.

225Say, "Oh, I'm going down and tell that bunch of holy-rollers what I think."

226Just set down a while and you'll cool off. That's right. You can't do it in yours. Cause, what's the matter? The locust has done eat it all off, sure, eat all the leaves off of it. That just might as well set out there in the sun. So, you, there ain't--there ain't no cooling there. All right. Now, so there's...

227 But you know what we're supposed to do. The Bible said, that, "The predestinated Church, the predestinated sons in God," (what do they do?) "set in Heavenly places." What is that? Coolness, comfort, feeling at home. Amen.

228Where everybody is wearing a tuxedo, and--and next man this way, and--and some of them this. "Huh! Look. She never got a permanent in her hair. Don't she look horrible? She don't even have an Easter frown gown. Now, that, ever what it is, you know. Ever..." Yeah. "Easter frown," that's about right, see. Set back there, going... [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.] See? "Don't even have an Easter... Why, well, look at him, that same old suit he wore last year! Well, what do you know about that!" You don't feel right, there.

229 I said to a little woman, other day. Poor little woman, she belonged to a great, dignified church now. She said... She's dying, with cancer. Went down to pray for her. Brother Roy Roberson here, one of the trustees, sent me down there. The poor little thing setting there, dying with cancer. And she said...

I said, "Do you... Are you a Christian?"

230She said, "Sir, I--I don't know what to say." Said, "I went to a certain church." And said... And she started crying.

I said, "What's the matter?"

231Said, "I just couldn't dress right." Said, "They looked down upon me." Huh! Oh, there you are. See? You're--you're uncomfortable. See?

232 But the Bible said that we are to "assemble ourselves together in heavenly places." Oh, my! What? All alike. Why, I'll tell you what this will do. It'll make a... It'll make a pair of overalls and a tuxedo suit put their arms around one another and call each other brother. Sure will. It'll make an old calico dress put their arms around a silk, satin one and say, "Sister, how are you this morning? Praise God!" That's right. It will. It's joy, peace, love, faith in the Word, long-suffering, gentleness, patience. Set down in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, cool off a little while. See? That's what the leaves did.

233But what the old locust did, he come around, eat them leaves off, said, "You belong to ours or you don't belong to anybody." So he took all the coolness of the Spirit out. See? He fixed himself a creed. All right. Now we got to go on. We could stay a long time on that old locust.

234 But the third stage of him was a cankerworm. Hum! That's got a bad name, to start with, the cankerworm. What does a cankerworm do? It goes into the bark. That's the lifeline, there. Yes, sir. It goes into the bark and it destroys the covering of the tree. The covering!

What is religion? Covering. That's what the word religion means, "a covering."

235So, this little cankerworm, after he got amongst the congregation, got them all dignified; then he took all the fellowship away from them, in the form of the locust; and now he comes around and takes their very religion and makes dogmas out of it, right, sets up unorthodox words. Forms himself a religion, and gets a bunch of men together and put a creed down there. He takes the very religion, strips it off of God's Tree, very bark that bears the sap that comes up in It, takes it away. Cankerworm! Do you see that insect? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's exactly. That cankerworm, that was Rome in that early church.

236 First thing, the pentecostals group; not Pentecostal organizations. No, sir. Anything that organizes is dead. I'll prove that just in a minute, by the Scriptures. See? But when it's a... But, the pentecostal experience, who is it for? It's for the Catholic. Who else? The Methodist, the Baptist, the Presbyterian, anybody that wants it. But you all got to want it. You don't join into It.

237I been in the Branham family for fifty-three years, and I never did join the family. Why? I'm a Branham, to begin with. I was born, a Branham.

238That's the way we're Christians. Not because we're joined into something; that's an organization. We're born, Christians, by being regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Notice now.

239 Now, this little cankerworm begin to bore hisself into the bark. What did he do? He begin to take its religion, its covering, its Doctrine away from it. Religion is a doctrine, a covering that covers anything. That's the reason our religion is by Blood, the Blood. The Life is in the Blood that covers the Word. And the Life is the... It's in the Blood. The Blood is the religion, and the Life in the Blood is what brings the results. Why, you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

240 It's not covered by fig leaves. Adam and Eve tried that one time. Cain did the same thing. Did you notice that? Cain brought some of the botany life, too. See? But it wouldn't work. It didn't work with Adam and Eve. And it won't work today. When God refused it, at the beginning, it's refused for Eternity. Man-made creeds and thoughts will never take it.

241It's God's Word, has to do it. And the Word is by the Blood, the sacrifice of Christ. That's right.

242 "People," as brother said this morning, "pulling splinters." Well, you know, there is nineteen different nails in the nation today, that different organizations are holding, and could claim, "It's original nail, was in His hands." What of it, if it was? I wouldn't want nothing to do with it. Certainly.

243God never left anything for relics and tokens. He sent the Holy Ghost, Something alive, cannot be destroyed. What would a nail do me, any good? What would the original cross He hung on, what would it do me, any good? Not a bit. Not to know the nail, know the cross, but, "To know Him is Life." See?

244 Now, so we're holding on nails, we're holding on relics, and we're holding on places. And today people walk up-and-down, in the city of Jerusalem, and--and all up-and-down in the different places, and holding to relics and things. That ain't got nothing to do with it, not a thing. The thing is condemned, rotten, and gone on.

245 I went to a church in--in Rome. There where they--they, all these priests that die, they plant them in a garden, down beneath there, and let the meat fall off the bones. And--and then they take the bones out and make light fixtures, and put their skulls around. And people come in there, rub them skulls, to get blessings, until the skulls are white and wore out. As you go into Saint Peter's Cathedral there, a foot of Peter, they claim there, a statue, has been kissed off, nine or ten different times; have to mold another foot on it. Such nonsense! Superstitions, that's all it is, creeds of man-made doctrine.

246God sent the Holy Spirit, Life of God, to be in you, not in a statue. You are the guy that God wants to live in; not a statue, but in you. People call, "holy statues." There ain't no holy statues. You are God's holy statue. The Bible said so. That's right. "Body has Thou prepared Me."

247 Now, this little fellow started to destroying. Destroying what? The cankerworm got into the bark. Watch what it did. Begin to destroy the bark. What did it do? It made a natural church for a spiritual Church. Yes, sir. It took away the true and give it a false. Now, remember. The leaf...

248The fruit, the palmerworm eat. The leaf, the locust eat. Now, the bark, the covering, the religion, the Doctrine; the Doctrine, the cankerworm got.

249 Where did that first doctrine come from, outside of the Bible? You historians, you know where it come from. From Rome, exactly where it started, there they started accepting dogmas.

250That's how Irenaeus, Saint Martin, Polycarp, all of them... after John's death. For translating the Word of God, was out on the isle of Patmos. They burnt him in grease for twenty-four hours, brought back, and he still wrote the Bible. God was determined that this Bible would be written. That's the Word of God. We can't take away from It or add to It. It's to lay just the way It is, the Word.

251 Notice when they got back, when these saints of God trying to hold up that Word, Rome come right in, and accepted dogmas, instead. Now let's just see what she did, some of her false doctrines, what she done.

252Water baptism. Where they were commissioned... Peter said, on the Day of Pentecost, under the influence of the Holy Ghost, the Word of God, "Repent every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins."

253What did Rome do with it? Turned it around, and said, "Be baptized, the name of the 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost,'" making it a creed, not a Doctrine of the Bible. What did he do? That's that cankerworm, eating. "Sprinkling," instead of immersing, "in the name of Father..."

254 "Father, Son, Holy Ghost" is no name. There's no such a thing. "Father" is not a name, "Son" is not a name, and "Holy Ghost" is not a name.

255When Jesus said, "Baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost," is, "the Lord Jesus Christ." Exactly what Peter and them did, and all, everybody in the Bible, was. There was nobody...

256 I challenge anyone to bring me one piece of Scripture, or one piece of history, where anybody was ever baptized any other way than in the Name of "Jesus Christ," until the Roman Catholic church. Do that. Remember, this tape goes around the world. I've held congregation of ministers, with hundreds of them, and bishops and everything, say, "Stand to your feet, or come here with your Bible, or hold your peace forever." They hold their peace till they get around behind you, then they start talking about you; not the very audacity to stand to your face, common decency to stand and tell you to your face. They're afraid to do it. They know it's wrong. But that's what that cankerworm started eating, see, eating away that real Thing.

257Now, you say, "It's not essential. Yeah. Any way I'm baptized is all right." Is it? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.]

258 Paul said, Acts 19, when, "He, Paul, passed through the upper coasts Ephesus." The Bible said, "He found certain disciples." Them is followers. Apollos, a Baptist preacher, under John the Baptist, was teaching them the Word. And they were having great joy. And Paul just went over to see them, and he said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

"Oh," they say, "I'm a believer."

259"But that's not what I'm asking. Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

They said, "We not know whether there be any Holy Ghost."

260He said, "Then to what was you baptized?" See? Other words, "How was you baptized?"

They said, "We been baptized."

Said, "How?"

261He said, "Under John," he said, "the same man that baptized Jesus. Wouldn't that be all right?"

262Paul said, "No. Not now. No." Said, "You got to be baptized, over again." And Paul baptized them, over again, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Laid his hands upon them, and the Holy Ghost came on them.

263And Paul said, "If an Angel from Heaven," let alone some preacher; "if an Angel," let alone this cankerworm; "if an Angel from Heaven preaches anything else than This, to you, let him be accursed." That's right.

264So you see what it was, the cankerworm got to eating. It eat away the baptism of water in the Name of Jesus Christ.

265 The next thing that the cankerworm did, it taken away the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Cause, as long as you're going to have that Holy Ghost, It's going to shed light on that Word, as long as you'll do that. So they had to--to do it different.

266 Now, just think of how many Lutherans, Protestants, how many Catholics, this morning, was confirmed, what they call it, taking first communion. And they call that "Holy Eucharist," which means, a Latin word, "Holy Ghost." Did you ever see a Catholic pass by the church and go over hisself like that? [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.] Why? "It's god in that church." What is god? "That little piece of bread." That little piece of bread, round, made like the sun-god that they worship, laying on the altar where the mice and roaches pack around, overnight. That's not my God. I'll tell you that now. "First communion, confirmed to the church." Nonsense.

267 But that's what they did. That's what the cankerworm did. It took away the Spirit and give them a piece of bread, some bread that some priest made, or some nun, or something. That's what they did. That's exactly right. Go, ask now. Go, looking back in history, and see if it isn't right. And you let that thing be shoved down your throat? Not only them Catholics, but you Protestants, a many of you, same thing. All right. There's what they did. All right.

268And then the Protestant, instead of having the Holy Ghost, you know what they do? They come and join, shake a hand. There wasn't somebody come up the road and shook a hand, when the Day of Pentecost come. "But there came from Heaven the sound of a rushing, mighty Wind that filled all the house where they were setting," that's right, come down through them leaves on trees, poured over the bark. That's right.

269 Now, now, instead of the new Birth that Jesus said, a man must be born again, they adopted joining their church, "Come and join." Instead of the Word, the cankerworm give them a creed. Don't you see? Look here what he's doing. He's giving a natural for a spiritual. Can you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

270Now look. Now, we, we're--we're on the Catholic line here, but did you know that come right down through the Protestants too? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Where do we have the Holy Ghost demonstrations in Protestant churches today? Where do we have a pentecostal reaction in amongst Protestants? We don't have. You have it in Lutheran? ["No."] If you do, I want to go to it. I want to go over there and just eat and have a wonderful time. Presbyterian? Where, where, where is it at. See? You've adopted something natural.

271I'm fixing to leave, and you know that. See? Don't you never let This get out of your heart.

272Don't take the natural. That's death. This natural man is death. Anything it does, is death. It's subject and here for death. "It's the Spirit that maketh alive," see, the Spirit that gives Life, quickens it. It's a Spirit.

273 So, you see, they took... Watch what they done. Took the water baptism, from "Jesus Christ," to "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," a title, which is no Name, at all.

274Now, you say, "What difference does it make?" All right. Now, if you're going to give...

275Somebody is going to give you your pay check, Saturday, the--the man that pays you. Instead of putting his name on there, just say, "From--from 'The boss.'" That's what it is. Your pay check, just, "Pay to the order of John Doe, a hundred and fifty dollars, for this week's work. From, 'The boss.'" Put it down, the bank, and see how it bounces back. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, sir. It sure will. Sure.

276 If it don't make a difference, why did Paul command them Christians, praising God and having a lot of joy, and having the great things going on up there, why did he tell them, "You got to come back and be baptized, over again, in the Name of Jesus Christ"? See? Take the Word, say, just stay with It. Don't say nothing different. Just say what It said. See? That's what we're going to be judged by.

277 Now look. That's what they did. Instead of the new Birth, they have a joining. Instead of talking the Word, they have a creed. Show me in the Bible where they ever said "Hail Mary." Show me in the Bible where you Protestants ever quoted Apostles' Creed. Tell me what the Apostles' Creed is, in the Bible, "Communion of saints." They was against it. Tell me in the Bible where they ever had "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" baptism. It's not there. And yet you go for it.

278Now, now, instead of fellowship and brotherhood amongst brothers, they give them a hierarchy, pope. And you got a bishop, tells you what you can do and what you can't. And you Pentecostals has got a district presbyter that tells you you can have it. But the Church has Christ. See?

279 There is where you come. See? They give you those dogmas and man-made things, instead, take It away. What's that cankerworm done? Taken It right off the Tree, and give you this. "I'll run that off the Tree, and I'll give you this, instead. I'll take That off, and give you this." See where you got to?

You say, "Well, Brother Branham!"

280Where did every one, where'd that old Protestant church, come from? Catholic. That's what Revelations 13, or Revelation 17, said she would. Said, "She was a whore, and she was a mother of harlots," same thing. So don't... Pot can't call kettle black, you know, so don't. That just... Don't do it. So, that, that's right.

281 Brotherhood; took away brotherhood. When, we ought to be brothers, one with another. It segregated us and made us different. All right.

282Now watch. Here is a good one. I'll get this one, then I'll stop, on these others. Look.

283 The Bible tells us, when we've done wrong, that we should purge our souls by the Holy Spirit. Get down, let the Holy Spirit reveal to us that you're doing wrong, and there stay before Him till you die out, purging our souls.

284Now, they've turned around, give you a purgatory. After you're dead, then the priest makes a lot of money, to pray you out of purgatory. Why, it's nonsense! That's what the cankerworm done. Sure. "Pray you out of purgatory. Cost so-many hundred dollars to get this soul prayed out of purgatory." I want you to even find "purgatory" in the Bible, anything like it. There's no such a thing in the Bible. No, sir. But they give them a purgatory, see, they, after you're dead. Oh, yes, I know.

285They--they--they say, "Sure!" You hear them say, "Well, Saint Boniface said so-and-so." I don't care what Saint Boniface said. "Well, didn't So-and-so say that her, she prayed for her husband, that great sister, Saint So-and-so?" I don't care what she did.

286 It's unauthoritative word. It's against the authoritative apostles. God give those apostles, to set the Church in order, and It's built upon the Doctrine of the apostles, not upon Saint Boniface or some saint. It's contrary to the Word. I don't care what Saint Boniface said, and what other saints, and other saints, and Saint Susie, and Saint Maria, all those said. It's nonsense. It's no more than any other lie. It's contrary to God's Word. It's a lie. I don't believe unauthoritative words.

287That's the reason I don't believe these Protestant creeds and things. It's Catholic, to the--to the core. It's dogmas. How can you call Catholics, and make fun of them having dogmas, when you're full of it, yourselves? Not so much here, but this is on tape, you understand, see, goes all over the world. Notice. How can you call them wrong, when you take man-made creeds that's contrary to the Bible, dogma, just the same they did? Why? You're in an organization that's a daughter to the old prostitute. What is a prostitute? Some woman that lives untrue to her husband. Claiming to be a Christian church, and giving out wrong doctrine, her own stuff, instead of taking God's holy Word.

288 Just like Eve did, listened to--to the Devil, and cause all death and sorrow that ever struck the earth. Come through Eve, because she committed a spiritual fornication against God, by disbelieving His Word.

289And that's exactly what the churches are doing today, committing spiritual fornications against God's Word. And they won't even have you in the church if you don't agree with their doctrine.

290Well, they sign me letters, "If you'll believe in this, and if you'll say this is right. You'll..."

291I said, "I just won't come." No, sir. I'll preach just what this Bible says, or not at all. See? That's right.

292 Stay on that Word. That's what we got to do, brethren. Stay there. Now we're getting down to the last days, and we know that. The hour is here.

293How we could say! Oh, they say this, that, and the other. But anything that's unauthoritative, don't believe it. I don't care who said it, if anybody.

Here, a sister come to me, not long ago. And said...

294 A--a certain group of men that I preached to, ministers, about the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, where three hundred and something, ministers. Plenty people setting here was at the meeting, where the whole council of the Chicago Ministerial Association met me. The Lord give me a vision, told me where they'd be and what would happen. And I turned right up there, told. We got the tape here if you want to hear it. See? And I... All the bishops, and doctors, and cardinals, and all of them, set there.

295I said, "Any of you that can condemn it, get your Bible and come here." I said, "What you so quiet about?" And nobody said anything. And why? See, they're afraid of that Word. I said, "Then, if you can't, why you picking on me? Hold your peace. Get out, do something. And if you can't back it up with the Word, then keep still."

296 So, then, that same group of men sent a lady down, said, "Brother Branham, if the Angel of the Lord told you." The Angel of the Lord, you know, His--His picture is there, you see. "If the Angel of the Lord told you That, well, we'll believe It."

297I said, "Anybody, that a ministerial group that would be that weak, 'If the Angel of the Lord said.' If that Angel said something contrary to this Word, it wouldn't be the Angel of the Lord."

298The Angel of the Lord will vindicate the Word. That's exactly what He's always done through every age. He still does the same thing. He stays with the Word. And any minister anointed with the Holy Ghost will stay by the same Word, 'cause the Bible said that the entire Bible was wrote by the Holy Ghost.

299And how can you have the Holy Ghost and deny what the Bible says? The very spirit in you, it bears record that it's not from God. See? The cankerworm has been eating, that's all, eating away the true things of God. Yes, sir. Unauthoritative word is contrary to the Doctrine of the apostles. Oh, my!

300 This is the apostolic Doctrine. This is the Bible. This is the Holy Spirit. Every Word in It is true. You just believe and accept It, and don't take down, watch every promise be fulfilled, the manifestation of God present right now.

301If He isn't just as much God now as He was when the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, He wouldn't be God. He isn't the same God that fell on Pentecost, and He is right here today, He isn't the same God. Then, there was no resurrection, if He wasn't. What good does a historical God do to you, if He isn't the same God today? See? What good does it do to send preachers to the seminaries, and hatch them out like incubator chickens, and go around like that, if there is no such a thing as God?

302 What are you doing, take away the Word of God? Where is your authority at? You say, "The church." The church, there's nine hundred and sixty-nine different organizations of them. Which one of them is right? No one would know what to do. You'd be confused. That's right. But God ain't going to judge the people by the church.

303He's going to judge them by Christ, and Christ is the Word. Bible said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." He'd judge the church and the people by the Word, that's right, the living, resurrected Word.

304 Then if that living, resurrected word says anything contrary to this Word here, then it's not the risen, resurrected Word. Because, This, will bear witness of this Truth. He can't say something here, and something else over here.

305I can say something here, and something over there, 'cause I'm a man. You can, too. You can get more knowledge and understanding.

306But, not God; He's infinite. See? He has... The first decision, His first thing He says, has to stand Eternally. It's the same. He cannot say one thing here, and something over here. He's got to say the same thing every time, in order to be God.

307So if the Spirit is on you, is of God, it'll witness this Word is the Truth, every Word of It. And It's the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's what the Bible says. Yes, sir. All right.

Now let's hurry and get the next stage of this little bug.

308 First, he was a palmerworm. What did he eat off of God's Tree? [Someone says, "Fruit."--Ed.] Fruit.

309The next stage he come in? He died in that stage, and come in another stage. What did he do now? He come in this time as a locust, eat all the leaves off. That's the locust habit.

310Now, what's the next thing he done? He come back in another stage, as a cankerworm, and he went into the bark.

311Now, here he comes as a lo-... as a caterpillar, the fourth stage of him. Now he's a caterpillar. What is a caterpillar? He's a sucker; sucks the Life, the Spirit, the Life. That's what he does, gets right down, hold the pulp, and goes to sucking. Caterpillar, here he is. Who we going to call him? Denomination. That's that guy's right name. Why? He's a destroyer; sucks the Life.

312 Every time that God sends a move among His people, every time, and they denominate, right there they die. I want somebody that knows the history of the church, that can condemn that. Show me one time that an organization ever organized, that it didn't die right there. The cankerworm got a hold of it, took its religion away. And then the sucker come along and took the... sucked the Life right out of the Tree.

313What kind of a Life was in It? Holy Spirit. What'd it do? It couldn't hold the Holy Spirit in there and then still have dogmas. The Holy Spirit wouldn't stand for it. So it takes the Holy, the Life out of the Tree, and gives it a dogma, makes a denomination. "We don't care what This says. Our denomination says this." There you are. Remember, after it denominates, it always dies, and never rises again.

314 The first organization was the Catholic; died immediately. Course, it was dogma, to begin with.

315Out of there come the first reformation, was Luther, organized and died.

Next come Wesley; organized, died.

Next come Pentecost; organized and died.

316Presbyterian, Lutheran, all these others, and the--and the Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, and all these organizations that followed along like that, every one died. Look at them. Why? They organize, and that kills them. What'd they do? They take in these dogmas.

317You Nazarenes, a wonderful, the next church to the--the coming up of Pentecost. What was it? You believe in sanctification, but when it come down to the gifts of the Spirit, speaking in tongues and the great powers of God, you called It "devils," and there you died. That's right. Where is she at today? Dead. Oh, she's got more members, but where is she? She's a corpse.

318I seen her, the other night, that's right, the whole thing. Their pastor, laying on top, kissing a corpse, making love to it. Said, "They ain't got no more time, anyhow. This is all of it." So, I'll give it to you, some time, on tape. See? All right.

319 God planted His Tree, to bear spiritual fruit, fruits of the Spirit. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] But what did man? Man always tried to make It an artificial form. He did, back there; he does now. Now, This, let's fire hard now, and quick. Man has always tried to take the spiritual Church and make it an artificial form.

320Luther had a spiritual church. What happened? As soon as Luther died, they made it a form, artificial.

321What did Wesley do? John Wesley, a great man of God! Who would say John Wesley wasn't a man of God? What did he do? As soon as him and John and Charles died, they organized it. When she did, she died. Exactly.

322Same thing down through the age, every time, on every one. They make artificial put-on, good works, biggest congregation, smartest people. "The celebrity of the city wants to join us."

323 That's exactly what's happened to you bunch of Pentecostals too. Exactly right. You, you let down the bars. You got away from the Spirit. You wanted big buildings, and finery, and everything like that. They got dignified pastors. What'd you do? You mothers sent your boys away to some of these seminaries out here, to become pastors. What'd they go to teach them? Theology and all kind of man-made stuff. And where is it today? They come back, a bunch of Rickies and Elvises. That's exactly right. What have you got today? A bunch of tommyrot, "Form of godliness."

324 The Bible said, "In the last days they'd have a form of godliness, but would deny the Power thereof, the Life thereof." Why? The caterpillar sucked It out. Right. The organization taken It away. First Timothy 3, Paul said, "Know this, in the last days, that perilous times shall come. Men will be lovers of their ownselves, proud, boasters, blasphemers, disobedient, unthankful, unholy, without natural affections, incontinent, despisers of those that are good, traitor, high-minded, having a form of godliness and would deny the Power thereof." Caterpillar sucked it out. Cankerworm got onto it, long time ago. We're going to bring that Tree down in a hole, just in a little bit, the Lord willing.

325 "The largest place." Oh, sure. "Well, you know, our church last year accumulated so much." Oh, sure.

326The Catholic beat you by a million miles. Sure did. And even got so much in Russia till they run it out and put, established communism. They did the same thing in Mexico. And they ought to do it all over the world, where she's at. That's right.

327 Don't you never fear communism. Communism is a godless move. But you hear some of these preachers, stand in the pulpit, condemning, "Communism! Communism!" I don't believe in it either. But don't... And tell their church, "Oh, we're all going to be swallowed up. Whole world is going to become communist." That's exactly contrary to God's Word. There's no place in the Bible says that that'll be that way.

328But the Bible says that Romanism, the Catholic church, will swallow the world. Take Daniel and find out. The head of gold, King Nebuchadnezzar, Baylonian kingdom; Medes and Persia succeeded him; the Grecian Empire succeeded that; and Rome went to the end. Them ten toes run in every kingdom under the earth. Don't you...

329 There is an iron curtain. There is a bamboo curtain. There is a purple curtain. Brother, don't you fear none of the rest of them, but watch that purple curtain.

330She is setting right here on the throne, today, in this country. Remember, just like Ahab did, Jezebel behind him. That's... The Bible calls the Catholic church "Jezebel; prostitute." And Ahab wasn't no bad guy. I don't say that Mr. Kennedy isn't a nice man. I don't know nothing about him. He's a man. That's all I know. He's the President. I believe he'll make a good President. It's not him; it's that system behind him. Wait till she gets wormed into the cabinet, and everywhere she can, then watch what happen. Look what it done in other nations. Look what it's always done.

331 And don't the Bible say, in Revelations 13? This nation is number thirteen. It's got thirteen stripes and thirteen stars in the flag. Thirteen stripes in the flag. Thirteen, everything in it is thirteen; thirteen colonies, thirteen everything. And it's found in the 13th chapter of Revelations.

332And the Bible said, that, "She come up like a little lamb," freedom of religion; "two little horns," civil and ecclesiastical. And after while, they united, "And he spoke like the dragon did, and done everything the dragon did before him." And the Bible said, "They made an image unto the beast," the confederation of church, just what they got in right now, here in New York City. And there that great big morgue up there! And all you Methodists, Baptists, and Pentecostals, and every one of you, economical, ecumenical people out here, trying to do such things as that, and selling out your birthrights, to join that bunch of Babylon. What's the matter with you? Sure. Selling your birthrights, like Esau did, for a mess of pottage. That's all you're going to get. That's all.

333 "Formed an image of the beast." Exactly. Don't you fear communism. You fear Catholicism. "Oh," they say, "it would come in with flatteries, like a lamb. But," said, "watch it." Behind it, it's a wolf. It's a sneaker. You watch it. Yes, sir. Cause, it's contrary to the Word. What the Word says has to come to pass.

334Communism ain't doing nothing but playing right in the hands of God. That's exactly. And why they have to do that? God had to permit communism, so that it would made these, His Word, come to pass. Sure. That's... Did you realize that? Did you ever think of that? God has to make His Word come to pass.

335 Look. Where there was four hundred prophets stood out there, before, for Ahab and Jehoshaphat, one day. Jehoshaphat, a righteous man. He said, "But, before we go up to Ramoth-Gilead," said, "oughtn't we to consult the Lord?"

336Ahab said, "Yeah. Sure." See? Jezebel behind it all, you know. Said, "We'll--we'll... I got four hundred prophets here. We'll bring them up."

337All fine people. Brought them up. They all prophesied, said, "Go on up. The Lord is with you."

338That didn't sound right, to this godly man. The king of Israel, or the king of Israel up there.... It didn't sound very right to him. He said, "Isn't there another one?"

339"Four hundred preachers, already in one accord, saying, 'Go up. The Lord has done spoke to us and said, "Go on up."'"

He said, "But there ought to be another one somewhere."

340He said, "I got one, but I hate him." Sure, absolutely. Yeah. Said, "He's always bawling me out. He's always saying evil against me." How could he do anything else, when the Word of God was against him?

341 So they sent and got Micaiah. Micaiah said, "Go on up. Yes. That's right. But I seen Israel scattered like sheep having no shepherd." Then he go out...

342That big preacher walked over, the bishop, and smacked him in the mouth. Said, "Where'd the Spirit of God go when It went out of me?"

343Then he said, "Just wasn't in you, to begin with." So then--so then he said, "You'll find out, one of these days." He said--he said--he said...

344Ahab said, "Put him back in the inner prison. Feed him the bread of sorrow and the--and the water of sorrow." Said, "When I return in peace, I'll deal with this fellow."

345He said, "If you return at all, then the Word of God hasn't spoke to me." Why? Why? He was right with the Word, right with the Word.

346 Any prophecy don't stay with that Word... That's exactly. That's the reason I say today; no matter how good it looks, how many preachers are saying this, that, or the other, "Communism is going to take the world and throw it down." Don't you never try to fight communism. Fight Romanism. For, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. The Lord said Romanism is going to rule, not communism. It's just a puppet.

347 But, you see, he had to do that. The Lord told Micaiah, "I've got to send Ahab out there. Have them preachers to say that, to send Ahab out there, in order to make Elijah's words come to pass."

348God had to let communism raise up. What did it do? They run all these here morgues together, and made a confederation of churches, to join up, to make an image of the beast, just what His Word said would take place. Don't you worry about that. You watch the thing it's forming under. That's... Hum!

349 I guess I'm wearing you out, with--with that. [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] But that's true. I don't know when I can speak to you again. I may never. We don't know. We may never meet again, but I want you to know what's Truth.

350Watch this Word. It is the Truth; not me. This Word, This is It. If my word is contrary to This, then don't you believe me. You believe That. Then, if you say, "Well, we got That, and you are preaching contrary to It," then it's your duty to come to me. Right. It's your duty to come to me. See? Just come, and let's see what's the Word, now.

351 Now, therefore, we find out that it was. It's communism is gathered together. God said, "Gog and Magog, there, will gather together," sure, "to bring about the battle." That's exactly true, 'cause it's going to bring these forces together. It has to come. The Bible said it would.

God planted this Tree, to bear His spiritual fruit.

352 And man has always tried to make it an artificial form, "Having a form of godliness." The largest buildings in the city, sure, millions of dollars! My, goodness! And people preaching Jesus is coming, and spend six and eight million dollars on a building somewhere. And, missionaries, I know missionaries on the field, that's preaching the Gospel, without a pair of shoes on, eating two meals a week. Can you see why, brother, we, what's the matter with people? I don't actually believe they believe that He's coming. Your--your--your words speak... Well, your--your life speaks louder than your words. You... See? And He's...

353 Them little missionaries, where I come up in my meeting like that, no shoes on; little pair of pants tied around him, like that; living out there with fleas, ameba, and bugs, and all kinds of sickness, and everything else out there; little old hands eat up, and eat up with ameba and everything else. Standing there, say, "You Brother Branham?"

I say, "Yes."

Said, "Oh, bless you! I always pray for you."

354I thought, "O God, let that man pray for me. Yes. That's the guy. That's the one."

355"I--I--I read your articles, Brother Branham. You're sure telling the Truth. We're right with you." Oh, brother, that's--that's the boy. That's him; poor little guy.

Hear somebody say, "You know who that is?"

"Oh," said, "he don't belong to our organization."

Said, "Who is he?"

"Why, he ain't with us."

"Well, who is he?"

"Oh, he's--he's independent."

"Oh, he is? Uh-huh. Well, what does he do?"

"Oh, he's got a little work out there. He--he won't join with us."

"Well, I want to know about him."

356 You know, when I was a little boy, hunting apples in the apple orchard, I always found the tree had all the clubs under it, you know. Got clubbed right good and hard, there is where the good apples was.

They say, "Well, he's just a holy-roller."

357You know, you always put the scarecrow where the good tree is at. The Devil does the same thing, to scare you off of It. Don't you worry. Go right on in behind that scarecrow.

358 I watching a groundhog one day, eating butter beans I was planting. Every time I'd plant a row of butter beans, that little guy come out, eat them up. I thought, "I'll scare the life out of him." So I got me a paper sack. And I'm really an artist; you ought to seen me. I drawed what I thought was a scary picture. Oh, it was scary, too, if I drawed it. And I put it on a sack, and put me some butter beans in it, and hung it on a stick. And when the wind would blow, it'd shake like that.

359Out of the hole come a little groundhog, you know. And he'd run down through there, was eating butter beans, and he run right up against this sack. He backed off. He looked at it, looked it over like that. And he went, "whew," jumped at it, and, oh, sack stood still. He looked at it again, you know, looked it all over, again. He looked back and seen them butter beans going on down the row. And they were good, you know. So he looked at scarecrow, on his way. So he walked up, and kept getting a little closer, like that. [Brother Branham pats on something--Ed.] Trying to scare it, and it wouldn't move. Don't worry; it's dead. Oh, that's all them scarecrows are. So he--so he just...

360 What he done, he took his little foot and hit that sack, went rattle, rattle. He jumped back and looked at it, like that. He hit it again, rattle, rattle. That's all it is, just a rattle. Like the Irishman's owl, all fuss and feathers, and no owl, you know. So just hit it like that, and rattle, four or five times like that. You know what he done? Went right around behind the sack and went on eating my butter beans. He knowed more about it, good-er than I did. See? What was it? You see, he wasn't letting the scarecrow stop him. There's something good behind the scarecrow.

361When they say, "Oh, they're holy-rollers," just go right on around behind that scare and go on in. See? Go on and believe it. See? Might be some Holy Spirit there, too, you see. You can't tell. See? All right.

362 Oh, that, let's look at this denominational caterpillar at work. Church natural; Church spiritual. Watch this old caterpillar now, when he denominates it. He's already got the bark eat off, and the fruits eat off of it, and, oh, brother, it's all gone. All the gifts of the Spirit is gone; no Divine healing, no speaking in tongues, no prophecy, no nothing, don't believe in being prophets. They don't believe in these things. They don't know. All, man-made! Everything they got is man-made, artificial. See? All right. The church natural, there is a church natural. That's the one is made up by man. Church spiritual...

363 You know, the Bible says that. Yes, sir. Church natural; and Church spiritual. And the Bible says, "Cast out the bondswoman and her child, Hagar, for she will not be heir with the freewoman and her child." See?

364So, the natural church, that's going to inherit what? The binding of the sheaves, the binding of the bundles, to be burned. "And she will not inherit, be heir, with the freewoman." If the bondwoman is in bondage with her organization children, she will not be heir with the freewoman, because the freewoman's children is going in the Rapture. And the bondswoman's children is going to stand in the Judgment, see, cast out. Yeah. The spiritual... Yes, sir.

365 The caterpillar, denominational Esaues. Now, Esau. There's Esau and Jacob, both of them twins, both of them religious. Esau was a carnal man. He was a good man. He didn't say, well, now... He didn't go out and steal, drink, anything there. He was a religious man. But he thought, "Well, as long as I'm religious, what difference does it make?"

366But, little old Jacob, he didn't care how he had to get it, that birthright is what he wanted. No matter how he got it, just so he got It! If he had to get down at the altar, scream and cry, and boo-hoo and snot. Excuse me. Or, you know, well up in his eye. I didn't mean to say that. And so... Excuse me. So, get down to the altar and cry through till he got It, why, he got It. See? He didn't care how he got It, just so he got It.

367 Some of them says, "I... Brother Branham, them people down there, boo-hooing on that altar, and crying, and crying. I don't want It that way." Well, you won't get It. See?

368The old darkie, colored brother, down in the South, one time, was always happy. His boss said, "What's--what's makes you so happy all the time, boy?"

He said, "I got heartfelt religion."

Said, "There is no such a thing."

369 He said, "He made one mistake. 'As far as you know, there's no such a thing.'" He knowed different. Said, "'As far as you know.' You should have said it that way."

One day, he said, "I want to get some of that heartfelt religion."

He said, "When do you want it?"

Said, "Now."

Said, "Well, let's go get it."

370They went out. He said, "Here is a hayloft. It's nice." And said, "Yeah, my wife won't hear me, and anything out here," said. That's the way people want It, you know; hand It to them, on a platter. Said, "We'll kneel down here."

The old brother said, "You don't get it here."

371Well, so he went down to the stall. He said, "Will we get It here?"

Said, "No."

He said, "We'll go over at the corn crib."

Said, "No."

Said, "Where do you get It?"

372Said, "Follow me." He pulled up his pants' legs, walked out in the pig pen, as hard as he could, in the mud, said, "Come out here. Here is where you get It."

He said, "I don't want to come out there."

Said, "You don't want It yet, boss. You don't want It."

373 You know, Naaman thought that, too. Naaman, Naaman said, "Now, I want to get rid of my leprosy."

374Elijah said, "You go down there to the muddy Jordan, where she empties into the Mediterranean there." Said, "She is muddy as it can be. Dip down there, seven times."

375"Oh," Naaman said, "my, goodness! Aren't the waters better, up around Damascus and up there? Oooh, they're pretty and clear up there." My, we see, other night, on the film here, you know. "Oh," said, "why, why, we don't want to go down there. I can't go down there. And you know who I am? I'm the captain of guard. I'm the general of the host."

376"Well, if you want to get rid of your leprosy, go on down there. But if you want to keep it, go on up there." He said, "Dip."

377And I can see him walking out in that water. Could you imagine? Oh, that hurt his prestige. I can see him, you know, tip-toeing out like this; nose-holding, you know.

378 That's the way some people try to come to Christ. "I'd like to get healed. I'd like to, you know, go to Heaven, but, oh, my, wonder what the rest have to look like?" Uh-huh. You hypocrite. You'll never get It, anyhow. That's right. You'll never get it, anyhow. See? You'll never get It, anyhow. Don't worry. You don't want It enough yet. That's right. You don't want It enough. That's exactly. When you're ready to get It, you'll get It, all right. God will give It to you when you're ready. All right.

379 Now, all, the denominational caterpillars, eaten up the whole thing. Notice each insect, each one of these insects, when he was working on the Tree, he made a way for the other one was going to follow him. Oh, he's a smart guy. Yes, sir. See? He took away the fruits, see, the Spirit, so (what?) he could take the fellowship away, see, the leaves.

380So the other side come along and he made his own living, took the leaves off. What did he do, that? He took the leaves off so there'd be no coolness and freshness, so that other people could see, so he could get into the bark. See?

381He'd get into the bark, and bore into the ridge, and take the Doctrine away from them, see, the very thing that supports the Life.

382And then, as soon as he got holes bored into that, he had the next fellow come along, the old sucker caterpillar, that's took the denomination, and sucked it up and organized it so you can't get It.

383And what did the Life do? Go right down into the roots. That's exactly right. Run It right down in the roots. All right.

384Now, the same insect bored to the heart, till it got to the Life. It kept coming through the fruit, through the leaves, through the bark, until it got right to the heart, the Life line. All right.

385 Now let's look at the destroyer at work, the first. I'm going to have to skip some of this here, I believe; no, I ain't. The--the first thing this fellow did, as soon as he got into the heart of the Tree. Let's watch him, back in his first stage, before he ever got started too good. Let's watch him. Now let's watch him at work. The first thing that he condemned, was to destroy the first real, precious fruit Tree that God had on earth.

386 Now if you can bear with me just a few more minutes. I want you--I want you to get this now. Don't... This is your Easter Message, coming right now.

387 The first thing that he did, he destroyed God's first, precious fruit Tree, Christ. He was that Tree from the garden of Eden. That's right. The first fruit Tree, he destroyed It. First One God planted here on earth, was Christ. He destroyed that Tree that was bearing His fruit. Now, they had all kind of organizations, and he just had that in his hands. But when he come to a Tree that bore the actual fruit, that Roman bug got in There, see, destroyed the Tree.

388The Tree? Yes. Jesus said, "If I do..." In Saint John, "If I do not the works of My Father, or have not the fruits of My Father, don't believe Me." He was bearing the fruit of God. What kind of a fruit did He bear? What kind of fruit?

389Let's watch Him for a few minutes. We've went through it many times. Let's just take a little preliminary one, for the people that's setting here, waiting for a minute, to be prayed for.

390 What was the first thing they knowed, he recognized Him to be the Messiah? When Peter first came to Him, and Andrew had brought him, and He looked at Peter and said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." He knew right then, according to the Scripture, that that was the Messiah. There had been...

391Did you know there had been many raise up before that, according to history, and called themselves Messiahs? But none of them could do this. Cause, the Messiah, Moses said... The Word of God, which cannot fail, was spoke by Moses. He said, "Your Messiah will be a prophet like me."

392And so when this stranger walked up before Jesus, and Jesus said, "Behold, your name is Simon, and you're the son of Jonas," Peter knowed right then Who He was. He knew that was Him.

393 When Nathanael went and got Philip, or... Philip went and got Nathanael, rather, and brought him over there. And Nathanael, a great man, see, great man, religious man. And--and Philip tell him about it, on the road over, what He had done to Simon. And when Nathanael walked up in the Presence of Jesus, what did Jesus say? He said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile."

He said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"

394He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree. I saw you."

395He said, "Rabbi! Rabbi, You are the Son of God. You are the King of Israel." See?

396Why? That's the fruit. "If I do not the works of My Father..." He knowed the very thoughts that was in their hearts.

397A woman touched His garment, one time, went off and sit down in the congregation. Jesus looked around and said, "Who touched Me?" All of them denied it. He looked around, saw her. She had a blood issue. He said, "Your faith has saved you." Oh, my!

That little old Samaritan woman...

398 Now remember, He never went to the Gentiles, like that. No, sir. He told His disciples not to go to them. That's us. This is our day. He went in form of the Holy Spirit, to us, as He said He would be.

399But when He went to them, what happened? When He went to the Samaritan woman, the woman said... He said to her, "Bring Me a drink."

400And she said, "It's not customary for You, being a Jew, to ask me, a Samaritan."

401Had segregation by their colors and so forth. He let them know right then, there were no differences, all come off the same tree. We're all sons and daughters of God. We're all, see. And He said...

402She said, "Well, we worship. Our father, Jacob..." See, and that was the Jews' father, too. See? "Our father, Jacob, dug this well, and You say you're greater than he?"

403 And He said, "The waters that I give you is everlasting Life." See? He said...

"We, well, we worship in this mountain, and You in Jerusalem."

He said, "Go get your husband and come here. This'll settle it."

She said, "I don't have any husband."

404Said, "You said right." Said, "You've had five, and the one you got now is not your husband."

405She said, "Sir, You know, it's been four hundred years since we had a prophet, but You must be a prophet. How did You know that I had five husbands?" She said, "Now, we know that the... It's time for the Messiah to be here, which is called, 'the Christ.' And when He comes, He will tell us these kind of things." Oh, there is His fruits.

He said, "I am He."

406She left the pot, the old water pot of organization. Into the city she went. No matter how much well, Jacob had, she had found a new Spring. Into the city she went, said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the thing I done. Isn't This the very Messiah? Isn't This the fruit? Isn't This the evidence that That is the Messiah?"

407 The Jews couldn't understand It. They said, "He's a fortuneteller, Beelzebub."

408Jesus said, "I forgive you, you. But, sometime, the Holy Ghost is coming, do the same thing; and, you speak against That, it'll never be forgiven you." See?

409Now, "If I do not the works of My Father, believe... don't believe Me." But that fruit Tree was bearing the fruits.

410Now what? What did He say? Then what--what kind of a Church did He set up? Now, you Catholics that want to say that Jesus set up a church, what kind of Church did He set up?

411 Did He ever mention a denomination, a creed? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] He was always against it. Said, "You whited walls. You dead men's bones." He called them everything that He could call them. That's right. He was against it. That was the fruit of God. Now, you can make two and two, four, if you want to. All right. He was against the thing, organization, against their theories. Called them, "Hypocrites, snakes in the grass," and said they were "devils." He said, "You are of your father, the Devil, and his works you'll do. Which one of your fathers didn't persecute the prophets I sent before Me?" See? Said, "Then you build their tombs." Said, "You're the ones that's put them in there." Oh, brother, He didn't pull no punches with them. That's right.

412 That was the fruit of God. What was it? Stay with the Word of God, make the Word of God manifest.

413He said, otherwise, "What did the Scriptures say I the Messiah would do when I come. Now, if I don't bear that fruit of that Word, then I'm not the Messiah. But if I bear the fruit of that Word that the Messiah was supposed to do, then I am Him." Amen. "Now, which one of you can condemn Me of sin," He said. There you are. "Which one of your organizations does this same thing?" There you are. "The Messiah was supposed to do this. The Messiah is supposed to be a prophet. Now let's see some of you all," He said, "with all your highfaluting ideas, let's see you do it." Now, they was silent. All right.What was it? He bore the fruit of God. The Holy Spirit was in Him. He bore God's fruit. What was He? He...

414Now listen close. I'll hurry as quick as I can, so I won't delay you from your Easter dinner. Look. But, your--your Easter dinner should be the resurrection. See?

415 But what? He was God's perfect Prophet Tree, the example Tree, the Bridegroom Tree. Amen. Glory! Going to say something, directly. If... He is the Bridegroom Tree. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] From the garden of Eden? ["Amen."] Then, the Bridegroom Tree, without the Female, don't bear fruit, so He's got to have a Bride Tree. She has got to be born of the same material, the Word made flesh in the Tree. Hope you get it. It's the same Life in this female Tree, the Bridegroom, as It is in the Bride. "The works that I do shall you also." Is that right? ["Amen."] He was the Bridegroom, remember.

416 You say, "That ain't Scriptural." Oh, it is. I caught that now. See? We're fixing to have a healing meeting in a minute. I caught that. He was.

417You want proof of it? He said, "I am the Vine. Ye are the branches." Saint John said it, see, "I am the Vine. You are the branches; you bear the fruit." See? And the male tree and the female tree produces the pollen, one to the other, brings the fruit. And the branch and the vine does the same thing. See? That's exactly right. So He said, now.

418 This first Tree was a Prophet Tree, a perfect Tree, the God of the prophets. He was the major Tree. He was God's perfect, proper Prophet Tree. Why? He was the Word. Now, the others was minor prophets. "The Word came to the prophets." But He was the Word, Himself, in form of a Prophet. Amen.

419 Now we're getting somewhere. Now listen real close. Don't miss this now. It was so good, I just wrote it out down here. See? Amen.

420[An automobile horn is heard--Ed.] Somebody shouting out, making their horn shout, out there. Just--just, oh, hope you're having a good time out there. We are, in here. All right.

421 Now, He was God's Prophet Tree. Why? He preached all the perfect Word of God, for He was the Word of God made manifest. He was the perfect Prophet Tree that preached the perfect Prophet Word, that brought forth the perfect Prophet fruit by the perfect Word of God. Oh, brother, talk about a Tree! A Tree, He was that Life Tree that the Angel kept Eve and Adam away from, with a guarding Cherubims, away from that Tree. Now the same Cherubims is trying to run them into It, 'cause there's been a way made for them. See? Now they're pulling back; oh, human beings. Uh!

Now, preached all the Word, He didn't cut here or there.

422 When Satan come to Him, that great theologian, and said, "It is written..."

Jesus said, "Yes, and it's also written..." Uh-huh.

"But it's written..."

He said, "And it's also written..."

423 Perfect Prophet Tree preaching perfect Prophet's Word, with perfect Prophet signs, perfect Prophet results, perfect fruits of the Spirit.

424And for a mockery... I'm--I'm going to go through this pretty fast now. Cause, for a mockery, they hanged Him on... He was the Word, you know. They hanged Him, the Word Tree; the Word Tree, hung Him on a man-made Roman tree. Hum! Brother, I hope that got home. Him, being God's perfect spiritual Tree, they hung Him on a man-made Roman tree. Amen.

425Same now. They're trying to take God's perfect Tree, the Word, and mix It, and hang It up yonder on some kind of a creed. Death and Life won't mix. Jesus never did tend a funeral service; He would raise the dead. Why? Death and Life cannot stay together. They're contrary, one to the other. He didn't preach no funerals. He just raised them up. Amen. Yes. Why? Life; and death.

426 Now look. They hanged Him on a tree. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "Cursed is he that hangs on a tree." Is that right? ["Amen."] The Bible said, "Cursed is he that hangs on any man-made tree."

427So if, today, you are trying to hang on some kind of a man-made tree, turn loose of it. And don't let it hang you there, either. Cause, that's the place for the dead, some man-made Luther, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal organization, that's right, some man-made tree. Don't hang there. Don't let it hang you there, either. They'll hang you there if they can, till all the Life is gone out of you, till you recognize their doctrine. That's right.

428 But that's where they hung this perfect Tree. God's perfect fruit Tree hung on a man-made Roman tree. That's it. It was a curse to hang on any man-made tree. What? To rid Him out of their sight, after He had bore all the fruits.

429After Mary Magdalene, said the history, run before them and said, "What has He done? What evil did He do?" She stopped the procession, said, "What did He do was evil? Has He done nothing but preach the Gospel to the poor? Has He done nothing but heal the sick, raise up the dead? And the very signs of the living God is in Him. How could you condemn Him?"

430And they slapped her in the mouth, and said, "Would you listen to that ill-famed woman instead of your priest," there you are, "your bishop?" Uh-huh. There you are. Same thing today. That's right. Uh-huh. Yes.

431 Now, when He done all this, and proved Himself, what He was, and put it down to them and said, "If I'm not He, then who are you? If you can condemn Me of sin, if I'm anywhere wrong in the Word, you show Me. Now let Me show you where you're wrong." See? Sin is "unbelief." We know that.

432Now, to rid Him out of their sight! They hated Him so bad, because He tore up all their organizations. To rid Him out of their sight, they buried Him. And rolled a great big denominational stone over the door, so He'd be sure not to rise again. See? Oh, my!

433Think of that perfect Tree! David looked back and saw It. He said, "It's standing by the rivers of Water. He bringeth forth His leaves in its season. And His fruit, it shall not be cast. It, it won't wither. Whatsoever He doeth shall prosper." He was the Son of prosperity.

434Joseph was a type of Him. He was the Antitype of Joseph. And where Joseph went, it prospered.

435Same thing with Jesus, His Word. "My Word will prosper, and It won't return to Me void. It'll accomplish that which I purposed It for." See? He was the Word. The Word was sent to the earth, by God, and It will accomplish exactly what God sent It for.

436Now, listen close now. This gets rich, with cream on top of it. Now notice.

437 Here He comes, now, and they... for that very works of God, when He stood there and asked them. Said, "If I don't do the works that God said I should do, then I'm not Him; don't believe Me. But if I do it, then you believe the works. If you can't believe Me, being a Man doing this, then believe the works I do. They testify of Me. They speak louder than My voice could speak." That's right.

And the same thing would apply any time. Yes, sir. Sure would.

438Now notice. "If I don't do the works of My Father, then don't; believe Me not, believe Me not. Then, if I do the works, believe Me."

439Then what did they do? Took that precious Tree, cut It down, hanged It on a man-made tree. That's right, cut the Life out of It, and hanged upon a man-made tree, for a mockery.

440 Then, they didn't like it. Too many people standing there, crying about It, so they took Him off. They said, "We'll make our denomination so tight that they'll never get them holy-rollers in here." So they scoot Him back in a hole of Joseph of Arimathaea, and they rolled a great big stone. Took a century of men to roll it up there.

441Did you ever see--see, the other night, in the picture, the big path they rolled the stone up on? Weighs tons.

442Rolled their big organization stone up there, so He could not raise up. But did that hold Him? No.

443"But I will restore, saith the Lord." Let's hit that text now, and drive it. "I will restore, saith the Lord. I'll restore Him in three days. I'll raise Him back up again." They couldn't hide Him in that rock. They couldn't hide Him out of their sight. They couldn't get Him off the hand. "I will restore Him, saith the Lord." And in three days He rose up, restored back.

444 After Easter, His raising, He said, "Go into all the world, and I'm going to go with you. As the living Father has sent Me, and He's in Me, so I send you and will be in you. I'm with you, to the end of the world. The works, the same thing that I done, to prove that I was, you'll do the same things to prove that you are." I like that.

445"These signs shall follow them that are believers," not make-believers, but believers. See? "These things that I do, you will do it and vindicate that you're a believer. Just the same as the work that I done, because the living Father lives in Me. It ain't Me that doeth the work; it's My Father. And it won't be you doing the works; it would be Me in you, doing the works." See? "Now, you go into all the world."

446 Otherwise, "You're going to form what's known, to Me, as a Bride." See? All right. "I'll go with you. And I... You will be part of Me. You'll be My Bride. My Life will be in your Body. Just like a husband and wife is one person, you and I are going to be One. At that day you'll know that I am in the Father, the Father in Me; and I in you, and you in Me." Oh! I just love that. Satan just gets so angry at that. See the oneness of God? All that God was, He poured into Christ; and all Christ was, He poured into the Church. There you are. Makes them all One.

447Now look. Now, the Bride are one Tree of Life. Other words, like husband and wife is one, Christ and His Bride are One: same thing, same Spirit, same works, same signs, everything else. "For the works that I do shall you do also." How long? "All the world." How much? "To every creature." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Oh, listen close now, going to fire a magnum.

448 The Roman caterpillar started eating on that Bride Tree until it took It plumb to the roots. The same Roman tree that... What kind of a tree did cut Christ down? [Congregation says, "Roman."--Ed.] What kind of a tree that cut Christ's Bride down? ["Roman."] How? By substituting something besides the Word. So, you see, the Protestant church that don't take the Word of God is a daughter to the Roman church. God never, at any time, organized the church. The Roman Catholic church was the first organization. And every one of them are daughters, to her, that organize.

449 They die with her. The Bible said, that, "He would burn her children with fire." How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Bible said so. Well, the Bible said that the wheat and the tare-ers would grow together until the last day, then He would bind the tare-ers (that right?), first, and burn them. ["Amen."] And the wheat would go to the garner. Is that right? ["Amen."] The tare-ers are binding themselves together in organization, Confederation of Churches, for the atomic burning. Exactly right. But the Church is getting ready to go to the garner, just as sure as the world, in the Rapture, for the freewoman won't be heir with the bondwoman. Oooh, Brother Anthony!

Oh, we're watching for the coming of that glad Millennium day,

When our blessed Lord shall come and catch His waiting Bride away;

Oh, my soul is filled with rapture, as I labor, watch and pray,

For our Lord is coming back to earth again.

450Hallelujah! Yes, sir. Oh, He will burn the tare-ers. And the wheat, He will take to the garner.

451 Roman caterpillar started eating on that Tree, in the days of Paul. He said, "I am persuaded," Scripture here, "that, after my departing, men will raise up among you, brethren, like sheep skins over them, wolf inside, and will draw away many after them. For the spirit of antichrist, that you heard that was to come into the world, is already in the world now, working in the children of" (what?) "disobedient." Disobedient to (what?) the Word. There you are. Organization begin starting.

452You see what I mean, friends? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All that see that, say, "Amen." ["Amen."]

453Beginning to eat! What'd it do? That old caterpillar started, that old cankerworm. That, Joel saw it.

Listen now. We're coming down close to the end.

454Joel saw it. He said, "What the palmerworm left, did the locust eat; what the locust eat, then the cankerworm got; what the cankerworm left, why, the caterpillar got it." That's what he said. And that's exactly. That's the Tree of God. The Tree, he cut It down, that cankerworm. All right.

455 The Roman caterpillar started eating on that Bride Tree and took It all the way to the roots. Cut It all the way back, everything! Cut the Tree right off, like he did Christ Jesus, the Bridegroom. Cut the Bride right down, and started out in creeds and denominations. Same old bug! But what? Huh! Oh, glory! But in Its roots was the predestinated Seed, the Royal Seed of Abraham. It could not die. The Word was in the roots of the promise, "I will restore, saith the Lord." What? "All the years that the caterpillar cut off, all that the locust eaten, all that all the rest the bugs eat up, I will restore It back, saith the Lord."

456 Now compare this with last Sunday, and Sunday before, these Messages now. Listen close now, as you come to the closing. Watch.

457"I will restore, saith the Lord, all that the bugs eat off. I'll bring every bit of It right back again."

458Now set quiet if you can, for a few minutes, and listen close. Get ready. And pray with all your heart, for God to reveal It to you.

459 So, God's promise begin to restore, for God said He would restore It. Just the same as He raised up that Bride Tree, Bridegroom Tree, He will raise up the Bride Tree, 'cause there's going to be One right yonder, sure as the world. What now? All right. So God's promise begin, "I will restore, saith the Lord, all that the locust eat, caterpillar."

Like in the first time, when He built that first Church.

460I'm going to get you some Doctrines now. If you don't want to believe It, all right. But you just... You better search It, first. See? Notice.

How did He grow that Tree, in the first place? Oh, my!

461This does me so good. I know I don't sound much like a minister, standing here like this, but I--I--I love what I'm talking about. See?

462 And now notice. Like the first time, when He started that first Church that the Roman caterpillar eat off, and cankerworm, so forth, He started out with justification by faith. John the Baptist.

463In Saint John, the 13th or... The 17th chapter, 17th verse, Jesus said, "Sanctify them, Father, through the Truth. Thy Word is Truth." Second work was sanctification, to the Church. After justification was sanctification.

464And after they were sanctified, He asked them to tarry in the city of Jerusalem, Luke 24:49, until they were endued with power from on High. And there He gave birth to the Tree, the Holy Ghost, Pentecost; justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost.

465And then Christ come to dwell in It, to bring forth the fruits. Amen. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

John preached justification.

466 Now look. In the... That constitutes the natural birth, when a woman is giving birth to a baby. Listen to this. What's the first thing happens to a woman, what breaks forth? Is, first, is water. "Repent and be baptized, in Name of Jesus Christ," justification. What's the second thing happens to the woman? Blood. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Blood; sanctification. Then what's the next thing? Life. Water, blood, spirit.

467Saint John, or First John 5:7, 7:5, rather, I believe it is. Said:

... there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word (which is the Son), and the Holy Ghost:... these three are one.

And there are three that bear record in earth, the water, the blood, and the Spirit; and they are not one, but agree in one.

468 You can't have the Father without having the Son; you can't have the Son without having the Holy Ghost. But you can be justified without being sanctified; you can be sanctified without having the Holy Ghost.

469What about that, Nazarene brother? They had been sanctified by Jesus Christ, a year and six months before the Holy Ghost ever come. Is that right? They were sanctified by Jesus Christ.

470 Now, as He brought forth the first Bride Tree that the locust and palmerworm has eat down, He is restoring the second Tree, bringing It up from them predestinated roots that cannot die. They're standing by the rivers. It's living in this waters. It couldn't show Itself, but It's there, anyhow.

471Now it's starting, notice, the same insect; as He restores back the same thing by the same way.

472The first, when that Tree started to come forth out of Catholicism, was Martin Luther, who preached justification. The second angel was John Wesley, who preached sanctification. Luther preached justification, "Just shall live by faith." Wesley preached sanctification, second definite work of grace. And then come the Holy Ghost. Just as He built the Tree up, the first time, here He is restoring again, in the same matter, the second time. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See that?

473 Notice. The same insect, that little rascal, the same insect that started and killed the Tree in the beginning, started right back at them Lutheran branches, but (what?) it can't kill It. It can't kill It, because God has done said, "I will restore." That insect started on Luther, to kill all the Lutheran branches. It come right over to Wesley, and killed all the Wesley branches. But the main part of the Tree keeps coming.

474Now notice. In the old time, when the Tree was killed, It was killed, went plumb to the roots when it killed It back there. But this time, because the Word is predestinated, there is nothing going to stop It. God said, "I will restore. No matter how much they organize, how much they do this, that, or the other, I'm going to restore It." That settles it. All the laughing, making fun, scoffing, calling "holy-rollers, nonsense," everything you want to. God still said, "I will restore, saith the Lord." Just as sure as He raised Jesus out of the grave, under three days, under three dispensations, or three sections, He is going to raise the Church to Its fulness and power again. "I will restore, saith the Lord."

475 What happened? That old caterpillar started eating and having the same kind of effects that he did, but (what did he do?) he only got the Lutheran branches. He never got the Spirit behind there, that Luther had, for It lived right on. Then, along come Wesley. And after Wesley died, that great prophet, after Wesley died, (what'd they do?) they organized, and all the branches died, but (what did He do?) the Church lived right on, come right on into Pentecost. When they organized, (what happened?) the branches died, but (what?) the Church goes right on.

476 What? The same thing Pentecostal did, the same old Catholic denominational creed that took It in the first place, to destroy the Tree in the--the Bride Tree, in the first place, is the same old tactics that the Devil did on this second Tree, but (what?) God predestinated It. She has got to go on, regardless. If it all... If it wouldn't been, when Luther organized, that would have settled it right there; it all went back just like another; it'd been second Catholic church, Roman Catholic church. See?

477But, God was determined to. He has done spoke His Word. His law will see that It comes to pass. No matter how many late frosts It has, It's going to live, anyhow. We might have cold spells and denominational difference, and everything, but that Tree is going to live just as sure as there's a living God to make It live. Yes, sir. He said, "I will restore It."

478 I know we got some late spring, late season of Easter coming. "The Lord is tarrying His Coming," they say, everything like that. And the cold winds killed a lot of them denominational branches, but it can't kill that Life that's predestinated.

479"Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not." "All that He foreknew, He called; those who He called, He has justified; those who He had justified, He has already glorified." Hallelujah! It's written in the Book, the Lamb's Book of Life, and cannot die.

480 All the--all the bugs that hell can turn loose on Her will never stop Her. No communism, Catholicism, no nothing else will stop It. "I will restore, saith the Lord." All the man-made Roman trees will never hang in there. All the graves will never keep It there. All the big denominational stones laying at the door will never keep It in there. "I will restore, saith the Lord. There will be an Easter. I'll bring forth that same Church in Its same power. I'll bring that Bride out just like She was back there, with the same signs, the same fruit, the same thing that they did. I'll bring Her back again. I will restore, saith the Lord," (what?) "restore all that the denominationals eat off, restore all the organization eat off. I will restore, saith the Lord, all of it."

481 Now you say, "What about them things that went off, in denomination?"

482God is the good Husbandman. He pruned the Tree, that was all, cut off all the dead limbs. What's He going to do? Burn them, up there. Exact. God is the Husbandman of the--of this Tree. He takes care of It. He watches over His Heritage. He... What is His Heritage? His Own Word. He watches over His Word, to confirm It; to watch It; see where He can get. He's going to restore. So when these churches begin to organize, and things like that, He just prunes them off, and the Church goes on.

483When--when the Lutheran said, "We're going to become an organization. We'll be as big as the Catholic." All right. He just pruned off the branch. And Wesley took It right on, raised up another prophet. Then, soon as Wesley did it... Well, Wesley died, the great prophet. What did he... Organize it. On come Pentecost. Soon as she died, He pruned that off. It's raising right on up. See? He's going to restore.

484 Where does the fruits grow? It don't start down here on the bottom. It starts in the top. Where does the sun hit the Tree first? Ah, glory! In the evening Light, the top of the Tree. Amen. Not down on the bottom branches, but up there in the top of the Tree is where the fruit ripens at. Amen.

Do you love Him? Amen.

Will you serve Him? Amen.

Do you believe Him? Amen.

I sure do believe Him, with all my heart.

485 Now, what is it? He's going to prune off them old dead vines as she comes up, all those organization vines, till She gets right up in the top of the Tree. There is where He's going to get His fruit. Now notice. God prunes her. All right. They are dead, and won't come into the--the Presence of God, won't come in the first resurrection. But be with... The Vine fruit of the original organiza-... Vine of God. They'll go into the organizational group, but they won't come with the fruit of the Vine.

486 Now look. God never did put out an organization. The church puts the grafts in, an organization, and God cuts it off, cuts off its lifeline. It bears organizational fruit.

487 But if that Vine put forth a branch that come out of the Vine, It'll bear the same as That did. So, you see, the first one was. And Rome sent their beetles over there and eat It off, but God is going to grow One so high that it can't touch It. It's going to come on up. Amen. I... Let's go. The Tree goes from one place to another, from one dispensation to another dispensation. From Luther, It went to Wesley; from Wesley, to Pentecost; from Pentecost, It goes to the Word.

488It is Easter again for the true believers of His never-failing Word. It's Easter. It's a resurrection. God has got people everywhere. It's Easter for them. Why? They have risen, amen, risen from those creeds and denomination. Come right up through them. It's Easter again. The Royal Seed has been hid in the roots, the Word, hid back here in this Word, for years, and years, and years, and just now begin to be revealed. It's Easter time. Predestinated from the foundation of the world, this Church is begin to stand. Notice how that God predestinated, in the beginning. I got...

Well, I'm going to say it, anyhow. All right.

489 Notice here, that, to restore the first perfect Tree in three days after Its death. After the first Tree's death, He restored it in three days. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Restored it back! Now the Bride Tree is also going to be restored in three ages, three stages, rather. Three stages, It'll be restored. Now look. What? Justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost; one, two, three.

490 Now notice. After three days, the first Tree restored as at the beginning, having the same signs, same wonders. Jesus come back, the same Jesus, doing the same thing. At the end of the third day, the signs appeared, not at the end of the first day. Oh, brother! I hope you're getting it. At the third day is when the real manifestation of Christ was made known, at the end of the third day. See? Notice. Are you getting it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

491Not at the first day, dead form; second day, there was a rumor, see, or... The second day, it was still dead; Luther, Wesley. At the beginning of the third day, there was a rumor around. All right. Nothing on the first day, Luther; nothing on the second day. And in the third day, the dispensation of the Holy Spirit, there was a rumor around, that, "He was the same yesterday, today, and forever."

492But at the end of the third day, that's where He made Himself known, come right among them, come among His people and said, "Look at Me. I'm the same One."

493 The dead forms went on till they got to Pentecost, then begin to rumor around, that, "He was."

494Now, here in the last day, here He is right among us, moving right among us. At the end of the third day, He appeared and showed all them His resurrection sign, that He was a living, the same yesterday, today, and forever, living fruits of His Presence. Living fruits of His Presence! Are you getting it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Was manifested at the very end of the day, when He appeared to all of them, His Church. Amen. Why? They all got together, oh, amen, at the end of the third day.

495 "The evening Lights," the Bible said, "would shine in the last days." The evening Light is the same Light in the West, that was the same Light that was in the East. And the same Light that shined in the East, that brought forth the first Church that the Romans cut down by their--their pagan worship and so forth, in the evening Light is the same Light. Now notice, the same Light!

496And what's the evening Light come out for? What is the evening Light for? To restore. Whew! You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The evening Light is for the same purpose the morning Light was for, to restore what was cut down by the Dark Ages, through Rome. God is going to restore, by shining forth the evening Light, (what?) restore the whole Word of God again, the full manifestation of Christ in His Church. Everything that He did, just exactly the way He did, it would be again in the evening Light. See what I mean? Oh, is that wonderful? ["Amen."] And know we're living right here to see It now, the evening Light, exactly according to prophecy. The evening Light come out to restore what? To restore what the bugs had eat up.

497 It started growing, and then what'd it do? It denominated, so God pruned them off, bound them up, laid them back, let them go ahead and organize. Then the next one come up; He bound them up, laid them off. Tree went on. Then He bound them up, laid them off, said, "Now, one of these days they'll be burned." Bind them up in their organization.

498But then what? Right in top of the Tree is where the fruit ripens first, that's right, right in top of the Tree. So it's the top of the Tree, here, that sees the evening Light.

499 Now, Noah had three rooms in his ark. One room was for the creeping things. See? The second room was for the fowls. But the top room was where the light was. The light that shined, first, never come on the first floor, second floor, but on the top floor.

500The tree don't bear its fruit first at the bottom, second, like that. It was all pruned off, in organization.

501But it's in the top part, where, "I will restore, saith the Lord. I'll send forth the evening Light. It'll bring back, bring back the Word, making It manifest. I will restore all that I promised. All that I promised, the same Holy Spirit will bring, bear the same signs. I'll have an Easter, a resurrection for the Bride, the same as I had for the Bridegroom." See? Evening Lights come out to shine, same as in the morning, same signs, same things. The same Light will produce the same fruit that they had there, if It's shining on the same Tree. Amen. Proves His Word now fulfilled, "I will restore, saith the Lord."

502 Now listen closely. Now, there was... Listen now. Don't miss This now. There was four death messengers.

503Or, would you rather we just close? Would you rather...?... this morning? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.]

504Listen real close now. Look. There was four. Four death messengers killed that Tree. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What was it? Palmerworm, locust, cankerworm, caterpillar. Is that right? ["Amen."] Four messengers of Roman devils, dogmas, killed that Tree. One took Its fruit; one took Its bark... or took Its leaves; one took Its bark; one took the Life. Is that right? ["Amen."] Four messengers of dogmas killed the Tree, all but the roots.

505 And if four messengers of death killed the Tree, four messengers of Life restores the Tree. Do you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen. For God said, "I will restore It." He's going to restore It. How? By four death messengers, killed It, then four Life messengers will restore It. What was the first? Martin Luther, justification. What was the second? John Wesley, by sanctification. What was the third? Pentecost, with the restoration of the gifts, the Holy Ghost, baptism of the Holy Ghost. What was the fourth? The Word. What? The Word. There were four great prophets.

506 One of them, Martin Luther, he began to shine a Light. There was a little Light, just a very small strength, of justification.

Along came Wesley, stronger, sanctification.

507After Wesley, come the stronger than him, pentecostal, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, in another great prophet. See?

508But in the last days, of Malachi 4, Elijah is to come with the very Word. "The Word of the Lord came to the prophet." In the evening Lights, is to come forth, to restore and bring back. What? "Turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith of God." Fourth Light!

509 Four killers took It. Four messengers destroyed It. Four messengers of death took It away, in dogmas.

Four messengers of righteousness restore Her back again.

510"Prophesy, son of man. Can these bones live?" Wish we had time. I got it wrote down here, but I have to miss that. "Prophesy. Can these bones live?" What's the four stages of that coming forth of that Church? What's the four stages of Ezekiel's dry bones coming forth? But the Life only come, not when the sinew skin was on them, but when the wind blowed upon them. That's when come back that fourth Message of Life.

511 "I will restore, saith the Lord." Hallelujah! Glory! Praise be to God. The fourth Light is to come, that will bring forth the same signs. Watch. Justification brought back the pulp.

Sanctification brought back the bark, doctrine of holiness.

512What brought back the leaf? Pentecostals. What is it? Pentecostals, leaves, clap their hand, joy, rejoicing, pentecostal.

513What? The fourth was the Word, Itself. The Word made flesh, fruits of the proof of the resurrection sign that Christ has finally, after justification been planted, sanctification been planted, baptism of the Holy Ghost. Organizations died out. And Christ has again centered Himself like that cap of the pyramid. First line, justification; sanctification; baptism of the Holy Ghost; then coming of the Cap.

514 What is it? That Holy Ghost bunch being honed out so that it can fit with the same kind of ministry He had when He went away, that, when He comes back, it'll catch the whole thing in the Rapture, where the justified, sanctified, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That pyramid will stand again. The House of God will live again. The Tree of Life is growing again.

Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,

The signs that the prophets foretold;

Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own."

The Day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near.

False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God. Amen.

But we'll walk where the apostles have trod.

For the Day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear, (atomics and everything else);

But be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near.

515 Amen. Restore all the signs! The sign of Lot at the end time. We've went through that. How that Lot... This Angel, of Jehovah made flesh among the people, set with His back turned to the tent and said, "Where is Sarah, thy wife?"

"In the tent behind You."

516He said, "I'm going to visit you." And Sarah laughed. He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" Her in the tent. Amen.

517 Jesus said it'll be the same thing at the Coming. Oh, then the evening Light, of Malachi 4, come shining through the darkness, amen, to bring the evening Light on the predestinated Word. Hallelujah! What's that fourth Message to be? What's that fourth messenger? To shine the Light on the Word. The Word is predestinated. It has to come forth. Something has to do it, for God said, "I will restore, saith the Lord. I will restore." Right. The evening Lights come shining through, on that predestinated Word. Yes, sir.

Oh, it shall be Light in the evening time,

The path to Glory you will surely find;

In the water way, is the Light today,

Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.

Young and old, repent of all your sins;

The Holy Ghost will surely enter in;

For the evening Lights have come,

It is a fact that God and Christ are One.

518 There They are, One, together; One, in us. The same signs human beings can't do, is manifesting themselves, comes out, the Word, to bring forth the predestinated Word of God, out of the roots of the Tree back yonder, that all the denominations that refused, and refused, and refused. But there will come a Light forth. There will come a Light, will rise.

519Whereabouts, over in Jerusalem? No, sir. Evening Lights will not rise in Jerusalem. The evening Lights goes (where?) in the West. They had their day and refused It.

520 But the evening Light shall rise in the West, (what for?) to shine upon the Word, (what?) to ripen the fruit, bring forth the Bride Tree with the same signs, wonders, and fruits that they had at the beginning. "It shall be Light in the evening time." Right. Oh! The Word will then bring forth Its fruit in Its season. "It shall not wither, but It'll bring forth Its fruit," David said, "in Its seasons," amen, same fruit It had at the beginning.

521Now with His Word in His predestinated stage as He's got It now, and we see these Words all being manifested. What is it? It's a perfect vindication that the Coming of the Lord is at hand, and the time when He said, "I will restore, saith the Lord, all that them cankerworms, all that the Methodists left, all that the caterpillar has eaten, all that this done after they stripped It down. But I will restore, in the evening time." Oh, my! Whew!

I believe I could almost preach now, honest.

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Because He first loved me.

I'll never forsake Him,

I'll never forsake Him,

I'll never forsake Him,

Because He first loved me.

522Amen. Don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I just love Him with all my heart. Shall we have a prayer line? ["Amen."]

523 Father, God, into Your hands I--I commend this Message. Though It's been chopped up, some way I pray that the Holy Spirit will go with It on these tapes, and across the nations. If I shall be taken from the earth, may This live, Lord. It's Your Word. Let the evening Light shine, Lord, bring forth this glorious Bride of Christ. Bless It, Lord. May It not return to You void. May It accomplish that which It was been purposed for. Grant it, Father. All praises shall be Thine.

524Now, we know, Father, no matter what we would say, it's still Word and we believe It. But we would desire Thee, Lord, on this Easter morning, that Thou would prove to this congregation, maybe some here for their first time, that You are still Jesus, that You're not a dead form, that You are a living, resurrected God, that You live among us today. Grant that, Father, and we'll praise Thee, through Jesus' Name. Amen.

525 How many in here is sick? Let's see your hands. Just raise up your hand. Oh, did...

526Is Billy Paul... Did he get... I believe he give our prayer cards. Didn't he? [Some brethren say, "Yes."--Ed.] What were they? ["E, one to a hundred."] E, one to a hundred. We can't take them all, but let's get a few of them. Just stand right along here, if you will.

527Who has got number one? Let's see number one. E, number one, raise up your hand. Prayer card; look on your card. If you are able to get up, all right. Number one.

528Well, are you sure you got the right one? All right. All right. Let's go, start somewhere. [Brother Neville says, "It's over there."--Ed.] Oh, well, okay. If you got it, we'll start there, then. Okay.

529Number one, make your way right around here, if you can walk. If you can't, well, we'll pack it. See? All right. Number one.

530Number two. Raise your hand, right quick now. Number two, come right here.

Number three. Right here, sir.

Number four, number four.

531Number five. Now, everybody just be seated just for a few minutes. Number five.

532Number six. Raise your hand right quick. Number six. Six, six, let me see it, please. Somebody is pointing their hand. I don't... Oh, from... He's back in the room there. All right. Number six. All right. Just a moment now.

Seven, seven. All right, the lady back there. Eight.

533Now, if everybody just keep your... Please, just a moment now. Just real quiet now. Now this is going to be the proof. This is the proof.

534 Six, seven. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. You go on up there. All right. Seven. All right, sir, that's fine.

535Eight. [Brother Neville says, "She is eight."--Ed.] Eight, eight. All right, brother. Eight, nine, ten. Ten, eleven, twelve.

536Well, you seem like you quit coming. Well, we'll start there. That's all right. Maybe in a few minutes... All right.

Let's pray now.

537Father, God, just a word from You will mean so much. Let--let--let the people see, Lord. If I... I've tried to be honest, tried to tell them Your Word. Lord, forgive Your servant's mistakes. I--I just... I--I just make so many of them, Lord. I--I pray that You'll not look at Your servant's mistake, but You'll look at Your Word, which I'm trying to preach. Lord, I thank You for It. I'm glad, with all my heart. Lord, It's more than life, to me. I give my life, anytime, for It. I--I know It's true. It's Your Word.

538 And please forgive my stupid ways, Lord. Many times that I--I josh and joke, that I shouldn't do. I'm ashamed of that, Lord. I just come from that kind of a family. You just overlook it, please, Father, if You will. Cover it with Your Blood. That's what I ask You to do. Just, I confess it. You can't overlook it, but You can forgive me when I confess it.

539Now, I've confessed my sins. I confess the sins of this people. I pray, God, that You'll forgive them, each one.

540And people, may they realize that we're just not trying to put on some kind of an act. It is the Holy Spirit in the last days, bearing record of His Word, as I have just said It. But, Father, no matter, I'm just a man. And if I'd say It, they say, "That's his interpretation. That's what he thinks about It." But, Father, if You'll just speak and prove that It's right, then they'll have to, they'll have to cross over You, to get by It, then, Lord. Then It won't be my interpretation; it'll be Yours. Grant it, Lord. And if I be Your servant, and--and--and my sin is forgiven, and You've called me for this work, then speak to it, Lord. I pray that You'll grant it. Heal the sick and afflicted everywhere, in Jesus' Name, I pray.

541 And if You'll just make Yourself known to us now, just like You did there at the well, with that woman, when You talked with her. You told her something that was wrong with her. She had five husbands. Now, You promised to do it in the evening time. You've promised to do it in the last days. You said, "And so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man. As it was in the days of Lot, so will it be," God living in human flesh, moving among us, in the form of His Church, in the Holy Spirit, performing the same sign. Grant it, Lord, just today. Won't You, Father? Then, I pray that You'll let the people see it, every one be healed and saved, for the glory of God. Amen.

542 Now, I'm going to call your attention now, if you'll just be real reverent for a few minutes. Now, everybody, just quiet as you possibly can be now.

543 Are you sure that you are realizing the position that I'm in here now? I preached the Word here, the Word of God. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I said It's all true. ["Amen."] Jesus said, that, "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he also."

544Now, I want to ask you a question. Be careful whether you--whether you say "amen" or not, now. Jesus, Himself, never claimed to heal anybody. That is true. He said, "It's not Me that doeth the works. It's My Father that dwelleth in Me." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And Jesus said, in Saint John 5:19, "Verily, verily, absolutely, I say unto you, the Son Himself..." As a Man, He was just a tabernacle where God lived. See? He said, "The Son can do nothing in Himself; but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise." Otherwise, "The Father shows Me a vision, what to do, and I do just as He tells Me."

545 Now, one day we find that there was, say, a little woman couldn't get in the prayer line. She had a blood issue, and she had it for many years. So she just touched His garment, saying within herself... She was insignificant; she was just a poor, little, old woman, didn't have no money. And she couldn't get up there with them priests and all of them standing there, who had the rights to stand and everything. So she couldn't stand up there, so she just crawled around till she got there and touched His garment. She said, "I believe He's just exactly. He, He brings us the Truth, the Light. I believe He's the Word of God. And if I can just touch Him, I'll--I'll be made whole."

546 Do you believe? Could you believe the same thing that woman believed, that He is the Word of God? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, the Bible says, today, that, "He's the High Priest, our High Priest right now." Do you believe that? ["Amen."] "After His resurrection and His ascension, He ascended on High and give gifts to men. And now He's setting at the right hand of God, the Majesty on High, and to make intercessions upon what we confess." Is that right? ["Amen."] "And He's a High Priest that can be..." What? ["Touched."] "Touched by..." What? "The feeling of our infirmity." Now, if He... You believe He's the same? ["Amen."]

547 Now, look. If you come here, just touch me, all day long, it wouldn't make a bit of difference. If you touched any other brother, sister, it wouldn't make much different; just the order of laying on hands, is all. But if you just touch Him, that's all you'd have to do.

548And look, if you touch Him with a... with some kind of a ritual like they did. They said, "Oh, we believe this great teacher. This is a prophet." Well, He didn't say nothing.

549But that little woman had a certain thing that touched Him: her faith. She touched His garment. He said, "Who touched Me?"

550 Don't you believe that the Bible says He's the same High Priest today He was then, He, and can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You can touch Him out there, whether you're in this prayer line or not. If you are sick, or if you've got a loved one that's sick, if you got something on your heart, you just reverently come before God and say, "God, I don't know about that man standing there. He's a little bald-headed man. He, he's nothing, but I believe that what he preached is the Truth. And I believe that he said the right thing, that You are the High Priest. Now I want to touch You. And if he's told me the Truth, then You use his lips to speak back and tell me, like You did the woman back there." See if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do that. That is, and just to make Him the same yesterday, today, and forever. Isn't it? ["Amen."]

Now, every one keep your position and just reverently pray.

551What say? [Someone says, "I got some prayer cards out."--Ed.] Huh? ["Gave twenty-five out."] I've got ten back there now? ["Fourteen."]

552Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, with prayer cards. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five. That ought to make a pretty good line. If we... I hope we don't have to keep you here very long. But now...

553 [Someone speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] You attend it. That's all right. Just let... That's all right.

Let's hum closely now, all together, while they get it. Only Believe.

Only believe, only believe,

All things are possible, only believe;

Only believe, just o-...

Believe what? His Word He promise. For what?

All things are possible, only believe.

554 Coming down off the mountain, there stood the disciples. They were defeated on that epilepsy case. The father standing there, looking at his child, crying. The disciples were going through all their maneuvers, but it wouldn't work. Jesus come walking up. Some of them said, "There He is." Somebody pointed them to Jesus; away from the clergy, to Jesus. That's where I want to point people; not to me, or some church, but to Jesus. Said, "He is able."

555So the father run, fell down at His feet, said, "Lord, have mercy on my child. He is variously vexed with a devil. He pines away. He froths at the mouth. He falls into spasms, epilepsy." He said, "And I've took him everywhere. And even Your disciples couldn't do nothing for him."

556Jesus said, "I can, if you'll believe, for all things are possible to him that believes."

Just o-...

Same yesterday, today, and forever!

It's all in now. Get quiet before Him.

... believe,

All things are... (What a time!)

Only believe, just only believe,

All things are possible, just only believe.

557 O Lord, the Word is laying all around here now. Let the evening Light shine, Lord, make It live. Through Jesus Christ's Name, I pray. Amen.

558Now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I take every spirit in here under my control, for His glory.

559I look down this prayer line. There isn't one person in that prayer line that I know. They're, every one, strangers to me. All you in that prayer line, that's strangers to me, and I don't know nothing about you, your troubles or nothing, raise up your hand, everyone along in the prayer line.

560How many in the audience is strangers to me, and I don't know nothing about you? You have the same authority out there, as these do here. Only, I'm singling out one person at a time.

561Here, let me take this around here, just a minute. [Brother Branham moves the microphone--Ed.] Can you hear now with this? [Congregation says, "Yes."]

562 This lady here. Here is a man and woman, meets again. I don't know her, never seen her. She's a stranger to me, but just a perfect stranger.

563I'm only acting upon the basis of that Word. That Word says, "The works that I do shall you do also, if you believe in Me."

564The other morning, when that vision come again, after thousands of them, and said, "The never-failing Presence of Jesus Christ is with you wherever you go." I believe that, solemnly, with all my heart, if I never see you again. You believe that to be the Truth? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

565 Here is a woman I have never seen in my life. She's just a woman that received a prayer card.

566The way the boy usually does it, he comes in here, takes the prayer cards and shuffles them all up, together, before you, you know, gives anybody a prayer card that wants one, wherever he is. No one knows where the line is going to start, or nothing about it. Therefore, the boy couldn't say, "Come out here. You give me so much, I'll put you up front, be sure that you're there." He don't know nothing about it. See? Nobody knows.

567We just start. Wherever the Holy Spirit says "call," we call from right there. And I trust sometimes that here, somebody, one here, especially, that somebody hasn't never... a stranger, see, that I don't know.

568 Now, if this woman standing here, if... There is something wrong. She may be sick. She may have somebody else, sick. She--she--she may be just standing there, maybe she's just putting on like she's sick. And maybe she's just standing there, trying to expose something. If she is, just watch what happens. See? You may seen that tried, too. Haven't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yes, sir. Watch them pack her out the door, dead. See? So now you'll--you'll just find out, see if it's right or not. See?

Come, lady.

569Now, we're not playing church, friend. We're at the end time. The fruit is in the top of the tree, it's ripening. That's right. The Lord is coming.

570I don't know her. God knows her. He knowed her. Before there ever was a world, He knew her. He knew she'd stand right there. He knew I'd stand right here. For, He's infinite. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, if He's infinite and knew it, then He knows why the woman is standing there. Then, the same God that...

571 Jesus, when He was here on earth, with the God in Him, that talked to the woman at the well, and told her something is wrong with her. We all know what it was. Don't we? And she said, "Sir, You must be a prophet." That was her first expression. "Now, we know that it's time for the Messiah to be here, which is called the Christ. And when He comes, that's going to be the thing He does."

572Now, if He's "the same yesterday, today, and forever," and promised by this Word that I just preached, that in the evening time He would be here and do the same thing, then we're looking for it. Isn't it? Aren't we? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Looking for that resurrection of that Church. Now, if He will perform to this woman the same as He did back there, that confirms the Word, that It's right. ["Amen."]

573 Now, the lady just held her hand, and these here. We're strangers, one to another. I don't know her. I never seen her. You just a stranger, standing. So are you, out there, many.

574I know some of these people setting along here. And I don't know many. I know Mrs. Collins here. I'm sure of that. Sister, or Ben's wife. And I seen Brother and Sister Dauch here. Brother Wright; Brother, Sister Dauch; brother over on the end. I know some of you, around here. But I don't know too many of you, 'cause I'm not in here very much, here among you. And we have strangers in here.

And so you just pray.

575 I be a stranger to you. I profess that the evening Lights have come. And the evening Light would be the same as the morning Light. It would reveal the same mysterious fruits of God, spiritually speaking. That is right. I'm only talking to you like He did that woman at the well. He said, "Bring Me a drink." See? I'm saying the same thing. That's not me. It's Him. But if He would reveal to me what you're standing there for, see, if He will reveal to me what you're there for, then you'll know that He does know all about your life. If He will tell you something that has been, see, you'll know whether that's right or not. Then if He knows what has been, can tell you that, He can surely tell you then what will be. If He can already tell you what you done back here, surely that would reveal the front of it, and the back of it, and forward, all of it, each side.

576Will the congregation believe on Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's fine. I believe you believe, whether He did it or not. You still believe it. This only cranks it down.

577 I'm just looking at the woman, and she is becoming anointed. She's aware, being a stranger to me.

578But just let me show you now. Many of you sees that picture laying out there. And That's now, above, that Light. That's exactly what's hanging right here between me and that woman right here. You see that? Kind of a--kind of a green, yellowish-green, emerald-like Light, as we call it, moving right there. That's what's making her here...

579Now just let me show you something. You feel a real sweet, humble feeling? Is that right, lady? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Raise up your hand so the people can see. ["Hallelujah."] And--and she can't move from beside It.

580Now, now, if It breaks in on her, I don't know. Depends. That has to be God. I can't do it, myself. It's God has to do it. Yes.

581 The lady is really, by natural, would be attending an operation. She's got something that the doctor would tell her, "That must be operated for," but she doesn't go to the doctor. [The sister says, "No. Jesus is my Doctor."--Ed.] That is right. And she--she... It's a--a growth. And that growth is on the right side, near the spine, on the right. That's right. Raise up your hand, so the people see. ["That's right."]

582Now you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, you won't see it, but if you believe it with all your heart now, you can be healed. All right.

583Now you say, "Maybe you guessed that, Brother Branham." You can't guess that, a million times, if I tried.

584Just let her stand there. It's gone from you, right now. [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Well, then, let's see, just a moment. ["Hallelujah!"] She seems to be all right; Christian. Now let's see. Now just if He will tell us something else that would be. Yes. Here she comes right back up again. ["Oh, no."] Yes, sir. She's a--she's a... Yes. It's a--it's a growth, that's that the doctors would remove. And it's... It would cause her trouble. But she has... going to trust Christ for it.

585 And not only that. She isn't from around here. And she's got somebody with her. It's her husband. And he is suffering, too. [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] That's right. You believe God can tell me, while I'm looking right at the man here, in a vision, what's wrong with him? ["Yes."] Well, tell him just go eat his dinner. His stomach trouble has left. You believe it's Christ doing that? See? You're from Tennessee. ["Yes."] Ashville. ["Yes, sir."] Right. Mrs. Teagley. All right. You can go back home. You're going to be well.

586You believe the Lord Jesus? [Congregation rejoices--Ed.] If that isn't the same Lord Jesus that was here in the days gone by, that the evening Lights are here. Examine the woman, talk to her, ask her if those things I said is right. Sure. That's true. Now are you satisfied? Now do you believe? ["Amen."] Now, you know I couldn't do that. I'm a man. I'm your brother. But He is God.

587Now let's see. Is this the next person? You ever been in the prayer line? All right.

588 Now, course, that anointing, you realize, just weakens me, like I don't know what. Now, Jesus, when that little woman touched His garment, He said, "I perceive that virtue went from Me." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That means "strength." He got weak. And if He... If that would happen to the Word, Itself, what will It do to just one the Word came to? What would It? If it did that to the Son of God, what would it come to me, a sinner saved by His grace? See? It just swings me around and around. See?

589But, yet, I'm here to represent Him. To rep-... I'm a poor representative. I--I repent of all my sins, that--that you won't look at what I am; but look Who He is, that you'll look that way.

590 Now, I'm a stranger to you, lady. I don't know this woman, either. We're strangers to one another. That's right. Now, if the Lord Jesus... Me not knowing you, and you not knowing me; if the Lord Jesus will reveal something to me, that you're here for, something you've done, something you ought not have done, or something that way, you know. It'd be... That would be an outstanding miracle. That's something that cannot be explained. A miracle is something cannot be explained. Anyone knows that. See? That would be an outstanding miracle.

591It would be more of a miracle than if there's a--a lady setting here in a wheel chair, and had arthritis, and all sholed up. I tell her, "Get up and walk," and she'd go walking out there, everybody would scream at that. But, you see, actually the power of--of her faith to believe, just get up and walk, could do that.

592But to go back down and pull out a life somewhere, that takes more than that. That takes God doing it, where you can say it, see, you know whether it's right.

593 Now, something has happened, somewhere else. Now wait. It's left here. It's gone, gone in the audience, somewhere, somewhere. It's gone now.

Just a minute. Let me talk to the woman again.

594Now, just be real reverent and watch now. Just pray, be praying now. I want you to pray, "Lord, let it be me." Some of you people out there, that won't be in the prayer line, you pray.

595Again I speak to you, for your faith. See? If it could be did to that other woman, it can be done to you. It's your faith. See? You're the one that does it. It's not me. It's your faith in God. See?

596Jesus never said, "Oh, I knew I was going to meet that woman over there." No.

597But when the resurrection of Lazarus come, now, that's what God showed Him to do. See? God said, "Go on. He, he's asleep," what he was. Went away. And then when He come back, He said, "Lazarus sleeps." And He come back, and went and raised Lazarus from the grave. Called his soul, after being gone four days. He never said He got weak there. That was God using the gift.

598But, this, when that woman touched Him, it was the woman using the gift of God.

That's the same thing here. It's you doing it.

599 Now, this, on hunting trips, where I seen the bear, and where the different things, and all these different things that's foretold here, told 'fore they come to pass, just word by word. That's God. That don't bother me.

600But when the people begin to use the gift of God, see, you become God's public servant, for you just to tap in the line. See? And then you touch Him for that, and He speaks back. See?

601Now, yes, now the woman is coming into the vision. She is coming in, and the vision is moving in. Looks like you could see that around you. The woman is sick. She is really sick. She is suffering, one thing, with a stomach trouble, awful bad. Raise up your hand if that's true. And you have complications, a thing. That is true.

602You also have someone with you. It's your husband. And he's sick. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] If God will reveal to me it's your husband, what's wrong with him, will you believe me to be His prophet? The man is bothered with his eyes and his ears, and he's in a very bad condition. ["Yes. Yes. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!"] Yes, sir.

603Do you believe God knows who you are? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Would you believe me to be His prophet, His seer, if I tell you who you are? ["Yes."] You believe it? Mrs. Robertson. And you're from Huntsville, that's Alabama. Return back, with your husband, be well.

604You believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "All things are possible to them that believe."...?... Believe that God does that. Now, don't doubt, but just believe with all your heart. Then God will grant, His healing hand, and you can have whatever you ask for. All right.

605 You come up now. Let's see. Is you the next person here? All right, sir. I suppose that we're strangers, one to one another, sir. If... Jesus came to a man named Simon, told him about his condition, and it made Simon go and believe, with all of his heart. Would it cause you to do the same thing? [The brother says, "Yes."--Ed.] It would. Well, we being strangers.

606Now, God, there's no different between male or female. He's just the same. He's God. See?

607And you, will you believe that that feeling that's around you now, that God will be able to reveal to you, through me, His servant, that something that you're here for, something is wrong with you, whatever it is? Well, you would know whether it's the truth or not. All right. May He grant it.

608The man is coming into a vision, or the vision is coming into the man. He is not here for sickness. He is here seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's what he is seeking. That is right, sir. Yes, sir. And you're not from here. You're from up the road here, a place called Seymour, Indiana. That, that's--that's where you're from. They call you, "Bill." Bill, return back, receive the Holy Ghost.

609 Come, lady. Do you believe me to be His prophet? Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lives? And you believe it's His permitting this to happen like this? You believe it?

610How many have we had? Yeah. I don't want to get too weak. All right.

611No, it's nothing. You're not here for yourself. You're here for somebody else. And that somebody else isn't here. If I tell you what's the matter with that somebody else, will you accept their healing, and take and believe? It's a cancer. Do you believe that they're be healed? Then go, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

612Do you believe, all of you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You believe that's the working of the Holy Spirit? ["Amen."] Isn't He wonderful? ["Amen."] Are you believing? ["Amen."] All right.

613Now, how many have we had? Usually two, two or three, is a confirmation. [Someone says, "Three."--Ed.] What say? [Someone else says, "That's four you got."] Four? ["Yes."] Is this the fifth one standing here? All right. Let's...

614Let us believe with all our heart, that Jesus Christ the Son of God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

615 You're here for that baby. If God will reveal to me what's wrong with your baby, will you believe that God will heal it? The little fellow has a serious heart trouble. That is right. The baby, you're not... The baby is not from here. It's from out of town. It's out of state. You believe God can tell me where the baby come from? Will you believe, and believe it'll get well then? Take it back to Franklin. If you'll believe, that's all you have to do.

616Let him come here to me. I condemn that physical thing. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may death leave, and life come to it.

"They shall lay their hands on the sick; they shall recover."

Want to go eat? Can He make you feel better? Go ahead.

617 You believe that female trouble is going to leave you? All right. Go, believe. Say, "Thank You, Lord."

How do you do, sir? Oh, that devil, asthma!

618Just a moment. Just a moment now. Something went wrong... Something didn't go wrong; went right. Now, there is something in here, similar, that caught that man just at that time. Let me see again what it was. Now just look at me. Don't...

619It's a colored man, setting right back here, looking at me. It's his... He, he's got someone that's sick. That's right. Asthmatic and sinus. That's right. You touched Him. You're not from here, sir. You come from the East, northeast, this way. You come from New York. That's right. You're Mr. Hunt. You believe now. Right. That's it.

620That's your friend setting there by you, praying. You believe me, sir, to be God's prophet? [Brother Coleman says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] You come here with him. Your name is Coleman. ["Yes. Hallelujah!"] And you are praying for a father. ["Yes."] It's by a throat's. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. ["Hallelujah!"] Go, believe now. Believe.

621 You got a nervous stomach, is your trouble. Isn't that right? Go, eat. In the Name of the Lord Jesus. You believe He healed you? As you go, believe it's God. Believe with all your heart.

622You're bothered with a nervous trouble, all upset, about it. Believe with all your heart now. Go home and be well.

623Nervousness. Just believe with all your heart. Believe that God will make you well, and just don't doubt it.

624Nervous and heart trouble. You believe that Jesus Christ will make you well? Be made well, in the Name of Jesus.

625Nervous, upset, stomach trouble bothering you. Gastric condition in your stomach cause your food to sour. Go, don't doubt in your heart; and it'll come to pass, you won't have it no more.

626Your back has been bothering you. You believe with all your heart? Then go, and Jesus Christ make you well, of it.

627 Just a moment. Hold still, just a moment. Now something has happened. This woman here, strained. That Light circled her, real fast, then went away, then run right back again. Something happened. Just a moment. The colored man, I'm sure it wasn't the colored brother there, 'cause it come... Just a minute. Here it is. Step back, Billy. Here it is.

628It's this man setting here, colored man. You're bothered with back trouble, too. That is right. You're a stranger to me. I am to you. But there's one thing you need better than the back trouble, that's, give your heart to Christ, and come, accept Him. Now will you accept Him as your Saviour? You come from Ohio. That's right. From Ohio. Go back, be made well. Jesus Christ forgives your sins, and you go home and be healed. Believe with all your heart.

629All right, sister, come. Complications, nervousness, and weary. Believe with all your heart that God will make you well? Go to your seat, and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all that You've done for me."

630 You believe that God Almighty will make you well, and heal your back, make you well, and cure your kidney trouble. Go right on your road, rejoicing. Say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus."

631You believe, son, He makes you well? Say, "Thank You, dear God." Go, and just praising God.

632Now you believe with all your heart, sister? Then go, and Jesus Christ make you well.

633Just a moment. No, it wasn't her. Just a minute. It wasn't the lady there. Just a second. Just a moment.

634Seen water splashing something. Somebody is here that's crossed the sea, from somewhere. It's a woman, and she's come from Holland. Where is she? There she is. All right, sister. You come a long ways for healing. You believe me to be His prophet? [The sister says, "Oh, yes."--Ed.] You suffer with rheumatism, arthritis, stiffness. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and take the Message to your people. God bless you.

Do you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

635 Here, way back here at the back, it's a woman setting right back here. And she's suffering with a gallbladder condition. Oh, she's going to miss it. God, help me. She--she comes from Indianapolis. Her name is Gilbert. Stand up where you are, lady. There you are. Be made well, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

636Do you all believe, with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Has Jesus risen from the dead? ["Amen."] In the Name of Jesus...?... [Congregation rejoices.] Lay your hand on one another and pray, while this is to pray.

637Lord Jesus, let Your Holy Power come into the church now!...?... Heal every sick...?... Get glory unto Yourself. Grant it, Lord. And may...?...

638Put your hands on one another. Lay...?... We are now...?...

639By these handkerchiefs, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may each person be healed. Lord, confirm Your Word with signs following.

640And now, Satan, you foul Devil, you are defeated. God said He would restore the Son of God, and we hear Him lay to your claim. He promised to restore the Church to its former condition, when the evening Light shines. And we're living in It. And by restoring, we have a right, we have our Attorney, we have our Lawyer, our High Priest, and we're going to force the claim. You've had them long enough. You can't do it any longer. We charge thee, in the Name of Jesus Christ, by the power of His resurrection and the Holy Ghost! [Congregation greatly rejoices--Ed.]