Tie trúby, to je zhromažďovanie Izraela. Tie trúby majú zhromaždiť Izrael. Všimnite si, trúbi samá prvá trúba, na zem padá krv, oheň, krupobitie, a všetko, vidíte. Čo On robil? Vyvádza Izrael von z duchovného Egyptu (vidíte?) naspäť do jeho domoviny. Dovoľte mi hneď tu povedať toto, že každá trúba, ktorá trúbila, trúbila v šiestej pečati. Všetky trúby zneli v šiestej pečati, pretože v siedmej pečati bolo ticho. Nikto nevedel; to bola minúta, či hodina v ktorej príde Kristus, ako nám to On zjavil. Ale každá trúba znela pod šiestou pečaťou, v čase prenasledovania Židov.
Všimnite si teraz, Zjavenie 8, a začnime od 7. verša. To všetko bolo v Egypte pri telesnom vyvolávaní Izraela, teraz to vyvolávanie Izraela sa deje v duchovnom význame. On ich pripravoval, aby prišli do sviatku zmierenia.
1Skloňme svoje hlavy.
Pane, pri jednej príležitosti Tvoji milovaní učeníci povedali: "Nauč nás modliť sa." Lebo keď sa pozeráme na veľkého Boha nebies, uvedomujeme si, akí sme nedostatoční. Tak nauč nás teraz modliť sa, Pane, v našich srdciach, za veci, ktoré by boli na úžitok Tvojho kráľovstva a pre Tvojich sluhov. Ty poznáš potrebu každej osoby, ktorá je tu.
2A tu na stole sú dnes ráno vreckovky a zástery a proste malé balíčky, od tých, ktorí potrebujú telesnú pomoc a rodinnú, či čokoľvek to môže byť. Ale Ty si Boh a jediný Boh, jediný pravý Boh, ktorý existuje; a my Ťa prosíme v mene Ježiša, Tvojho milovaného Syna, aby si každého z nich uzdravil. A možno sú tu niektorí, ktorí tu nemajú vreckovku, ani balíček, ktorí potrebujú uzdravenie.
3Možno niektorí sú v rôznych národoch po celom svete, ktorí sa stretnú s touto páskou vo svojich domoch, alebo vo svojich zboroch. Chceme prosiť, Pane, kým trvá toto zhromaždenie, aby - alebo, kým bude hrať táto páska, alebo kdekoľvek sa môžeme nachádzať, či v akomkoľvek stave, nech veľký Boh nebies prijme túto úprimnosť našich sŕdc, dnes ráno a uzdraví tých, ktorí sú v potrebe, dá im to, čo potrebujú.
4Žehnaj nás teraz v tomto zhromaždení. Hovor cez nás, ako nikdy predtým, na úžitok Božieho kráľovstva. Očakávame v mene Ježiša na Tvoju odpoveď. Amen.
Pomôžete mi s týmto? [Brat Branham odkladá veci z kazateľne. - pozn.prekl.]
Ako dobre, že sme znovu dnes ráno tu na zhromaždení. Práve som sa rozprával s niektorými priateľmi, ktorí práve prišli z Ohio - s malým dievčatkom, ktorú sem priniesli pred niekoľkými mesiacmi, ktorá zomierala na leukémiu. Tí ľudia - jej rodičia boli veľmi chudobní. A nemám čas dnes ráno, aby som čítal to svedectvo, ktoré bude v zozname. Ale majú fotku toho malého dievčatka, myslím že to bolo tri dni po tom, ako sme sa za ňu modlili. Doktori jej dávali len tri dni života a po troch dňoch nemohli nájsť po tom ani stopu. A tak ona chodí do školy, je veľmi šťastná. Som si istý, že sa zbor pamätá na to, keď sme ju tu mali v tej miestnosti.
6A tiež na to malé dieťa, ktoré sa narodilo a malo takto vonku črevá. Doktori nejako ... Pri takomto malom, ako tie črevá boli uformované, nemohli ich dať naspäť. Báli sa dotýkať takého malého - práve narodeného dieťaťa. A teraz, ten malý, má asi rok, hádam, tak nejako, má normálne črevá, všetko tak normálne, ako len môže byť. Je to len milosť Božia, aký je On ku nám dobrý.
7A dnes som - chcem oznámiť, že to zhromaždenie, ktoré sme plánovali - ja som plánoval ísť na budúci týždeň do Afriky, s bratom Jozefom Boze, do Keni a Tanganiky. Nemôžeme mať tie zhromaždenia, podľa telegramu od brata Bozeho. "Minulý týždeň zabili - zavraždili troch našich misionárov." A teraz je tam povstanie a komunisti tajne dovážajú domorodcom zbrane. Tvrdia, že tam okolo majú rybárske lode, červená Čína a Rusko, a dodávajú domorodcom zbrane. A tí nevedia nič lepšie, než ako strieľať do všetkého, do čoho sa len dá. Tak ich - vláda myslí, že by to nebolo rozumné mať tie zhromaždenia v tomto čase. A ako som sa dozvedel, brat Boze nemôže mať otvorenú ani svoju školu v tej oblasti, kde som mal teraz byť. Ale nie je to odvolané, ale len odložené, až kým znovu nebude pokoj.
8Som veľmi rád, že dnes ráno znovu vidím v našom strede, po mnohých rokoch, brata Jacksona - brata Sidney Jacksona a sestru Jacksonovú z Južnej Afriky. Hovoril už? [Brat Neville hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.] A títo ľudia boli mojimi skutočnými bratmi a sestrou, a spolupracovníkmi v kampani v Južnej Afrike, na tej poslednej ceste. Veríme, že jedného dňa sa tam z milosti Božej znovu dostaneme a budem tam s nimi; lebo je to potrebné. Deväť rokov sa snažím dostať sa tam naspäť, ale kvôli organizáciám a tak ďalej mi nechcú dovoliť prísť.
9Tak som im nedávno napísal dopis a povedal: "Nech potom krv tých stratených duší je na vás a nie na mne." Lebo verím, že Boh tam chcel pre tých ľudí, na nejaký čas použiť moju službu. A kvôli ich denominačným rozdielom mi oni nedovolili prísť naspäť. Ale to je v poriadku, Pán sa o to postará.
No, čo chcem povedať dnes ráno, že ak Pán dá ... Brat Neville ma požiadal, aby som slúžil dnes večer na zhromaždení, tu v modlitebni, tak ste pozvaní. A potom nasledujúcu nedeľu, ak Pán dá, mám tu tiež byť, a potom možno ďalšie dve alebo tri nedele, lebo tieto zhromaždenia, ktoré sa pripravovali, boli odvolané.
10No, tiež by sme radi povedali, že - povedal som, že možno v tomto čase budeme kázať Sedem Trúb. Zamýšľali sme sa, ako to budeme robiť, keď tu nemáme dostatok miesta a máme problémy s klimatizáciou (nedostatok vzduchu, nie je ešte zavedená klimatizácia). A snažili sme sa prenajať tu hore túto školu, kde je klimatizácia, kde je na sedenie okolo - no, neviem; má dosť veľkú kapacitu miest, veľmi dobrá škola, ale nemohli sme nič vybaviť. A to by - oni by nám ju prenajali na budúci týždeň, ale na budúci týždeň ... No viete, sú delegácie, ktoré prichádzajú z rôznych miest sveta: z Jamajky a z ostrovov a z Južnej ... i z Južnej Ameriky, a Kanady, a Mexika, a zo všetkých krajov; a keby sme v pondelok poslali oznámenia, oni by ho dostali len v stredu, alebo vo štvrtok, a potom, museli by si vybaviť dovolenku a tak ďalej, a to by nestačili. V tých ďalších týždňoch až kým začne škola; by sme to museli vziať na jeden večer, potom jeden alebo dva večery vynechať, a potom znovu, potom ... To by tak nešlo robiť; nedokázali by sme to zariadiť.
11Divil som sa prečo, keď som sa úprimne modlil. A potom je už skoro čas, aby sme sa vrátili naspäť do Arizony, aby deti išli do školy a my potom ... Rozprával som sa so ženou a ...
12Včera som vošiel do izby a povedal som: "Pane, možno nepoužijem veľa slov, ale rozumej ma prosím, Bože, čo mám na srdci. Prečo všetko stojí proti tomu, aby som kázal o týchto trúbach?" A potom On prišiel a zjavil mi to.
13A teraz, dnes ráno vám chcem hovoriť prečo je to tak.
14A teraz my, ktorí máme Biblie a chceli by sme si to otvoriť vo svojich Bibliách - otvoríme si najprv 3. Mojžišovu, 23. kapitolu v 3. Mojžišovej.
15Ak Pán dá, dnes večer budem kázať na tému "Vyjsť von za tábor." Bude to krátke; a tak budete mať čas vrátiť sa domov do práce.
16 Sme radi, že tu vidíme hostí, ľudí z pomimo mesta. Koľko ľudí je tu z pomimo tohto mesta, nech vidíme? Deväťdesiat päť percent, no, deväťdesiat osem percent zhromaždených. Tak vidíte, to nie je Jeffersonville; to sú ľudia, ktorí prišli do Jeffersonville. Sme tu z milosti Božej.
17A teraz, dnes ráno chcem čítať tri miesta. Jedno z nich sa nachádza v 3. Mojžišovej v 23. kapitole, a to druhé je v Izaiášovi 18, a Izaiášovi 27. (Pre vás, ktorí si to zapisujete).
18A teraz namiesto kázania - ak Pán dá, to budem robiť dnes večer; ale dnes ráno chcem učiť o sviatku siedmich trúb. A to, tento mesiac je sviatok siedmich trúb, počnúc ... ktorý je siedmym mesiacom, čo by bolo ... 15. júla bol začiatok sviatku trúb, podľa zákonov levitov.
19No, ak máte papier, a ostatné veci, a chcete si zapisovať miesta Písma, a texty, a tak ďalej, ako to budeme preberať ... Jedna vec, čo sa týka tohto zhromaždenia. Je tu horúco, a my sme za tie roky na to zvyknutí. Ale niekto si môže myslieť, že ja verím, že keď vojdeme do tejto budovy, že prestáva pre nás plynúť čas, možno jednako - čiastočne vo večnosti, takto - keď tu tak dlho držím ľudí. Nemám to tak v úmysle, ale verím, že žijeme tak blízko Ježišovho príchodu, že musím využiť každú minútu, keď mám zhromaždených ľudí.
20A rozmýšľal som pred chvíľou, keď som sem išiel na aute (bol som na modlitbe, prv ako zastanem za kazateľňou, ako to robí každý opravdivý, úprimný duchovný), a rozmýšľal som: "Viete, máme najchválebnejší čas, keď sa tu spolu zídeme, ale - a ľudia sa zídu z mnohých štátov, sedia tu teraz s nami, z ďaleka, stovky a stovky míľ. A zhromažďujeme sa spolu, aby sme mali obecenstvo okolo Slova, ale zanedlho príde čas, keď toto bude len milá spomienka." Je to tak. Tieto chvíle nám budú vzaté. A tak preto, musíme robiť všetko čo vieme, aby sme využili každú túto minútu. A myslite teraz na to, zatiaľ čo tu dnes ráno znášame túto horúčosť. A viete, každé ľudské telo je samo o sebe zdroj tepla, a to robí, že je vám dosť ťažko a ... ale ja vás chcem zobrať do Slova. A teraz, prv ako budeme čítať, pomodlime sa.
21Pane, každý kto tu je, kto dokáže hýbať rukami, môže prevracať strany tejto Biblii. Ale je len Jeden dnes ráno medzi nami, ktorý ju dokáže otvoriť; to je veľký Duch Svätý, ktorý je v našom strede. Otvor nám Slovo, Pane, keď ho budeme čítať, ako si ho otvoril učeníkom, keď išli cestou do Emaus, a začal si im vykladať Písma. A nech, keď skončíme, povieme tak, ako povedali tí, ktorí sa vrátili z Emaus naspäť do Jeruzalema: "Či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia, keď On ku nám hovoril na ceste?" Lebo prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
22Povstaňme z úcty ku Slovu. Mojou témou dnes ráno je Sviatok Trúb. Chcem teraz čítať od 23. verša, z 23. kapitoly, 3. Mojžišovej.
A Hospodin hovoril Mojžišovi a riekol:
Hovor synom Izraelovým a povedz: Siedmeho mesiaca, prvého dňa toho mesiaca budete mať odpočinok, pamiatku trúbenia, sväté zhromaždenie.
Beda zemi zatieňujúcej krídlami, ktorá je za riekou Etiópie,
Ktorá vysiela vyslancov po mori, a na ľahkých lodiach z papierovej trstiny po vodách a hovorí: Len iďte rýchli poslovia, ku národu rozprášenému ... olúpenému, ku ľudu strašne ... národu rozptýlenému a pošliapanému, ktorého zem zničila rieka!
A všetci obyvatelia okruhu sveta a vy, ktorí obývate zem, keď on pozdvihne prápor na vrchu, vidzte, a keď on zatrúbi na trúbu počujte!
[Tieto verše sú preložené podľa anglického textu. - pozn.prekl.]
23A Izaiáš 27: 12 a 13:
A stane sa toho dňa, že Hospodin bude otĺkať hen od toku rieky, až po Egyptský potok, a vy budete pozberaní po jednom, synovia Izraelovi.
Stane sa toho dňa, že sa bude trúbiť na veľkú trúbu, a prídu tí, ktorí boli zahynuli v assýrskej zemi, jako aj tí, ktorí boli zahnaní do Egyptskej zeme, a budú sa klaňať Hospodinovi na vrchoch svätosti, v Jeruzaleme.
Modlime sa znovu.
Pane, požehnaj tieto slová v našich srdciach. Nech naše myšlienky a naše uvažovanie je podľa tvojho nariadenia, v mene Ježiša. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.
25Je tak mnoho vecí, ktoré by pastor rád povedal svojmu zhromaždeniu, ktoré miluje, rôznym ľuďom, z rôznych miest, čo jednako z ohľadu na čas nebude možné.
26A teraz, keď pristupujeme ku tejto téme, chceme aby ste sa cítili slobodne. A mnohí z vás stoja, a keď som sem išiel, miestnosti sú plné, a tiež vonku za dverami, a vpredu, a okolo budovy, a okolo stien. A tak teraz, ak si chcete navzájom vymeniť miesta, bude to pekné.
27No, sviatok trúb. No, toto, sviatok trúb, to bolo zhromažďovanie Izraela, keď sa oni zhromažďovali. No, chystal som sa nejaký čas, že budem hovoriť na tému "Sedem Trúb", z knihy Zjavenia. A teraz si toto znovu preberieme za chvíľu, aby sme objasnili skutočnú príčinu, prečo o tom teraz nehovorím; pretože Duch Svätý mi teraz nedal hovoriť o týchto veciach. Viem, že to možno pre ľudí s vysokým vzdelaním a vedomosťami znie veľmi detsky, ale pre kresťana to znie inak. My nasledujeme vedenie Ducha, nič iné.
28No, začal som si všímať, keď som kázal sedem cirkevných vekov, ktoré sú vzorom, alebo predpoveďou všetkého, čo Boh išiel urobiť pre cirkvi, a cez cirkvi, kladúc ich na ich miesta. Prvé tri kapitole knihy Zjavenia zjavujú všetko čo sa odohráva v cirkvi. Potom od 3. kapitoly do 19. kapitoly Zjavenia, cirkev už viac nevidno. Cirkev odchádza hore v 4. kapitole Zjavenia a vracia sa naspäť v 19. kapitole Zjavenia, nevesta a ženích prichádzajú spolu na zem. A potom, od 19. kapitoly do konca 22. kapitoly, to je všetko o miléniu a o tom čo bude v tých rokoch, ktoré majú nasledovať. Od 4. do 19. kapitoly, Boh jedná s Izraelom.
29A potom, keď sme prebrali v knihe Zjavenia cirkev (to, čo Boh robil pre týchto sedem zborov, ktoré boli tam vo svojom detskom stave, alebo v predobraze v Malej Ázii), potom nám Duch Svätý zjavil a otvoril tam všetky tie tajomstvá, o tom ako On prenášal svoju cirkev cez históriu. A ak nemáte sedem cirkevných vekov na páske, bude dobre ak si to vypočujete; a zakrátko oni budú v knižnej forme.
30Potom sme tam s tým prestali a plánovali sme, že po nejakom čase budeme kázať o pečatiach, a nevedeli sme čo tie pečate znamenajú. Mal som svoju vlastnú predstavu, ako má každý kazateľ. Čítal som čo možno povedali iní, a veril som tým veciam, pokiaľ bolo možno, ako oni, ako to oni predstavovali. Čítal som knihu pána Smitha, Uriáša Smitha, ktorý je adventistický učiteľ, a čítal som čo si on o tom myslí. A čítal som od pána Larkina, čítal som och, od mnohých rôznych autorov a ich komentáre o tom. Ale, tak či tak, myslel som si, že mám na to svoj vlastný pohľad, ktorý mohol byť miestami iný. Ale snažil som sa raz, hovoril som len tri témy, prvú - alebo štyri témy o tých štyroch jazdcoch na koňoch, kázal som o tom štyri večery, jeden o jednom koni a druhý ... Ale potom, prv ako sa to stalo mi bolo dané videnie (ktoré je na páske, ako všetci viete "Pánovia, aký je toto čas?"), že mám ísť do Tucsonu, do Arizony, a tam, vzadu na púšti (hore na vrchu, kde som bol s niektorými bratmi), a bolo mi povedané o veľkom výbuchu, ktorý nastane; a prišlo dole sedem anjelov. Ja sám som si myslel, že to je koniec môjho života, povedal som svojej žene, aby bola s Billym, a čo má robiť s deťmi, a tak ďalej, až kým sa nestretneme na tej druhej strane.
31Potom jedného dňa v kaňone Sabino, keď ma tam Boh zavolal včasne ráno, bol som hore mal som zodvihnuté ruky, modlil som sa, a do rúk mi prišiel meč. Poznáte to. Stál som tam a pozeral sa naň, bol taký skutočný, ako teraz moja ruka. Nevedel som čo to znamená, a to odišlo odo mňa, pričom hlas povedal: "Toto je meč Kráľa." A potom, neskoršie, keď to Anjel Pánov zjavil, Ten meč v ruke bolo Slovo.
32Hneď po tom sa zjavili anjeli Pánovi a povedali mi o tých siedmich trúbach - či siedmich pečatiach; a ja som sa mal vrátiť naspäť sem do Jeffersonville a kázať sedem pečatí. A tam, ak som povedal niekedy niečo, čo bolo inšpirované, tak to bolo to. Tam sa Anjel Pánov stretol s nami v ... Biblia sa stala novou Bibliou. Tam to otvorilo a zjavilo všetky veci, ktoré tí reformátori a všetci vynechali. To bolo kompletné zjavenie Ježiša Krista, úplne nové pre nás, ale dokonale, presne podľa Písma. To bolo Slovo, ktorým On stále bol. Bol som tak inšpirovaný a vedený.
33Potom, keď som išiel ku tejto časti tu, kázať sedem trúb, myslel som si: "Dobre, nebudem sa snažiť nič vymyslieť, budem len čakať až príde ten čas a nech mi to On zjaví." A potom včera, keď som bol - vošiel som do izby a divil som sa prečo (či prepáčte, to bolo predvčerom, keď som vošiel do tej izby, aby som sa snažil tomu porozumieť); tam Duch Svätý toto otvoril, aby mi ukázal dôvod, že to v tomto čase nie je ani pre cirkev užitočné, pretože to nemá vôbec nič spoločné s cirkvou.
34No, tie skryté tajomstvá Krista boli plne zjavené v siedmich pečatiach. To prv zjavilo tých sedem cirkevných vekov, otvorilo tie veky a postavilo ich na ich miesta, obojako, historicky i podľa Biblii, a postavilo ich na miesta, ako oni boli. A my sa nachádzame v tom poslednom cirkevnom veku, ktorý je najskazenejší zo všetkých cirkevných vekov, od samého prvého, od Efezského, ktorý bol veľký cirkevný vek.
35A potom keď mi tu Duch Svätý dáva videnie, a vidím čo sa bude diať, nakreslil som to na tabuľu, pred dvoma rokmi (tu je to nakreslené), ako to svetlo na zemi haslo. To presne ukazuje ako to svetlo vo forme Evanjelia prichádza na zem, a ako ono hasne a odchádza. Nevedel som vtedy, čo to znamená, a ako sa to stane, ale ten veľký ekumenický svet mal stretnutie s Rímom. A Rím, ktorý je matkou všetkých organizácií ... Pápež, po prvý krát v histórii, opustil Vatikán a odišiel do Jeruzalema a na mnohé miesta. No, Jeruzalem je starodávnou stolicou všetkého nášho náboženstva - to je Jeruzalem. A v tejto starodávnej stolici, pápež z Ríma, ktorý je po všetky veky najväčším nepriateľom cirkvi, odchádza z Ríma, aby prišiel navštíviť Palestínu, Jeruzalem.
36A ako vidíme, ja nemám vzdelanie, nepoznám tie slová a ako ich vyslovovať, ja stále učím v príkladoch a vzoroch z prírody. Príroda bude nasledovať prírodu; príroda je z Boha.
37Keď vezmete čas ... Keď sa dobytok na poli všetok spolu zhromaždí na kraji poľa, vytiahnite udicu z vody; ryby nebudú brať; nechytíte ich. Vidíte? Dobytok odpočíva (jedine, že by ste to náhodou hodili niektorej rovno do posteli.) Ale keď sa dobytok ide pásť ... Dávajte pozor, v tom istom čase, keď dobytok odpočíva, vtáci tiež posadajú na stromy; prestanú jesť. Vidíte? To je príroda; Všetko sa to spolu prelína. Všimnite si včely v tom čase bzučia, nenosia med. Celá príroda pracuje spolu.
38A tak, ako vidíme opadávať zo stromu listy, zanedlho, v tých ďalších niekoľkých mesiacoch, listy opustia ten strom, a ten život, tá šťava odíde dole do koreňov. A listy opadnú zo stromu a spadnú na zem a zhnijú. A vápnik a draslík, ktorý sa nachádza v tých listoch, zhnije na zemi, a čo sa stalo? Ten život z toho odišiel ďalej a strom ho vsiakne naspäť do seba a znovu prinesie listy. To je smrť, pohreb, a vzkriesenie.
39A celá príroda ... A mesiac je ženou slnka; to je menšie svetlo. A potom tiež, keď slnko zapadne, za neprítomnosti slnka, mesiac odráža svetlo na zem, a to je obraz cirkvi. A keď pápež odchádza, ten starodávny nepriateľ cirkvi, a prichádza do Jeruzalema, ktorý je stolicou cirkvi (a to nový Jeruzalem a starý Jeruzalem), vidíme, prv ako sa to stalo, nastalo úplné zatmenie mesiaca.
40A v novinách, po celom národe, mali sme to na nástenke, tam bolo ukázané, ako sa mesiac obracal od svetla do tmy. A tento úkaz - ten mesiac nakreslil na oblohe presne to isté, čo mi tu dal Duch Svätý nakresliť pred dvoma rokmi, a ukazuje tú zhodu! Keď to vydali, bolo tam šesť obrázkov, ja som tam nakreslil sedem, pretože ten siedmy cirkevný vek, len tieň svetla, odchod ... Tam je Ježiš pri dverách a klepe. Ale on odchádza do úplnej tmy. A čo za odraz, čo za posolstvo od samého Boha, že tieto veci sú pravda! Prv vydal o tom svedectvo vo svojom Slove, potom skrze Ducha na pódiu a potom to ukazuje na nebi.
41Nie je v tom vôbec žiadna chyba. Tie pečate a veky presne pasujú, dokonale, Boh vydáva svedectvo skrze nadprirodzené znamenia a zázraky, cez Slovo a históriu, všetko sa to spolu odohralo, v tomto veku v ktorom teraz žijeme.
42No, pre cirkvi je ťažko, aby toto videli; pre denominácie je ťažko, aby to videli. Oni si stále namýšľajú, že sa snažíte tým ľuďom nadávať. Nie, snažíte sa varovať tých ľudí. To nie, že chcete byť na nich zlí, vy sa ich snažíte dostať z toho zlého. To nie sú ľudia v organizáciách, to je systém, v ktorom sú, ten ich vedie do záhuby.
43To sú čestní, úprimní ľudia, katolíci, protestanti, židia i všetci ďalší. To sú ľudské bytosti, ktoré ... Mníška nejde do kláštora, aby bola z nej zlá žena, oni tam idú aby boli dobré ženy. Oni sa snažia dostať bližšie ku Bohu, ale to je ten systém, ktorý ich poškvrňuje. Ľudia sa pripájajú do cirkvi, nie aby boli zlými ľuďmi, ale aby boli dobrí. Ale to je cirkevný systém, ktorý ich odvádza od Slova a od princípov, ktoré Boh dal na tento deň; a to je to, čo ich odvádza preč.
44Pamätajte teraz, Boh je Slovo. A každý vek, On vymeral Slovo pre každý vek, ktorý bude na zemi. On to vymeral na ten cirkevný vek, a tých sedem pečatí zjavilo z toho každý kúsok. Vidíte?
45Prečo tam zostali ... tam boli tajomstvá, ktoré boli stále skryté? V Zjavení 10 vidíme, že na konci posolstva siedmeho anjela, tieto tajomstvá, ktoré boli skryté, majú byť zjavené. Zjavenie 10: 1 - 7. Všimnite si, to preto, že počas tohto veku nebolo žiadnych prorokov. Biblia hovorí, že Boh nerobí ničoho, kým to nezjaví svojím prorokom, svojim sluhom, prorokom. A Slovo Pánovo vo všetkých vekoch, stále prichádzalo ku prorokom, nikdy do systému, nikdy do nejakej skupiny.
46Boh nikdy nepoužil skupinu. Zakaždým, keď sa nejaká skupina ľudí zorganizovala, Boh ju opustil a nikdy sa ku nej nevrátil. Skúmajte históriu a budete vidieť či je to pravda, alebo nie. My sme to už urobili. On sa nikdy nezaoberal so systémom alebo skupinou, potom keď sa oni zorganizovali; to je proti Bohu.
47A tak, v čase reformátorov, prichádzali reformátori, ako to potvrdilo sedem pečatí, že to tak bolo. Ale teraz v posledných dňoch, to znovu malo byť zjavené; pretože nachádzame v Písme, v Malachiášovi 4, že má prísť dole pomazanie a znovu prinavrátiť originálnu vieru, a priniesť vieru ľudí naspäť do originálnych Letníc, do viery otcov.
48A mali sme Eliáša v tej prvej etape; mali sme Elizea, ktorý nasledoval za ním. Potom sme mali Jána Krstiteľa, ktorý bol Eliášom v tom čase, a na tento deň máme zasľúbeného ďalšieho. No, Ján Krstiteľ nebol Eliášom z Malachiáša 4. On bol Eliášom z Malachiáša 3; Ježiš tak povedal: "Hľa, ja posielam svojho sluhu pred mojou tvárou, aby pripravil cestu." Vidíme, že to bol on.
49No, keď to vidíme, nachádzame ich miesta, vieme, že všetky ďalšie miesta Písma sú inšpirované od Boha a zjavujú nám, že sme v poslednom čase.
50No, keby som prišiel s posolstvom letničných, bol by som v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, a to by nebolo správne. Preto Wesley nemohol niesť Lutherove posolstvo. Luther bol v jednom cirkevnom veku, a Wesley bol v ďalšom cirkevnom veku. Keby Ježiš bol prišiel s posolstvom Mojžiša, to by nefungovalo. Keby Mojžiš bol prišiel s posolstvom Noeho, to by nefungovalo.
51Ale Boh vyznačil v každom veku pre svoj ľud písmo; ale prv ako sa ten vek mohol vyplniť, uplynúť, cirkvi to tak zamiešali, že nevedeli kde sú.
52Preto oni nerozpoznali, že Ježiš je Syn Boží. Ich tradície oslepili ich oči, ale On prišiel presne podľa Písma.
53S prorokmi to bolo tak isto. Ježiš povedal: "Kto z vás - z vašich otcov nekameňoval tých prorokov, ktorí boli ku vám posielaní?"
54Potom Boh posiela svojho proroka ku - a ten prorok je živým, zamanifestovaným Slovom Božím.
55Ježiš povedal: "Ako Ma môžete odsudzovať, keď hovorím: 'Som Syn Boží,' a vy vo svojich vlastných zákonoch ... Vy na tých, ku ktorým prichádzalo Slovo Pánovo hovoríte (a to boli proroci); vy ich nazývate bohmi, a oni sú, lebo Písmo nemožno zrušiť." On povedal: "Potom ako môžete odsudzovať Mňa?" Keď On je ... Oni boli časťou zákona; oni boli časťou Božieho Slova; ale Ježiš bol plnosťou Božieho Slova, celý jeho plán vykúpenia, celá Božia dostatočnosť bola v Ňom.
56A teraz, počas cirkevných vekov oni robili to isté; a sedem pečatí má zjaviť všetky tajomstvá, ktoré boli vynechané v priebehu toho času, pretože sme boli bez prorokov. A Slovo neprichádza ku reformátorom, ale ku prorokom.
57Boh sa nemení. V Malachiášovi 3 je povedané: "Ja som Boh a nemením sa." Spôsob, akým Boh čokoľvek robí prvý krát, takým spôsobom Boh postupuje stále, keď čokoľvek robí. Boh sa rozhodol, že spasí človeka skrze preliatu krv toho nevinného v záhrade Eden, a On to odvtedy nikdy nezmenil, a nemôže to zmeniť. My sme sa to snažili pomocou vzdelania, skrze budovy, pomocou systémov, pomocou denominácií, pomocou etiky, a všetkého možného, a to všetko sklamalo. Ale je len jedno miesto, kde sa Boh stretáva s človekom, a to je pod preliatou krvou nevinného. Jedine skrze krv, to bolo Jeho prvé rozhodnutie Vidíte?
58My môžeme urobiť rozhodnutie, a po roku môžeme prísť na niečo lepšie. Po roku máme o tom lepšiu predstavu. Boh nie; On je neohraničený; Jeho prvé rozhodnutie je dokonalé, nič ho nemôže zmeniť. Ja sa môžem naučiť viac; my sme ohraničení. Ja sa môžem naučiť viac, ty sa môžeš naučiť viac; ale Boh sa nemôže viac naučiť, On je dokonalý od začiatku. A preto jeho prvé rozhodnutie, nech odpočinie na tom tvoja duša. To čo hovorí Biblia, to je to.
59Boh musí jedného dňa súdiť svet a ... Katolíci hovoria, že On ho bude súdiť podľa katolíckej cirkvi. Ak by to tak bolo, podľa ktorej katolíckej cirkvi? Oni sa líšia jedna od druhej. Ak by ste ho súdili podľa protestantov, podľa ktorej protestantskej cirkvi? Oni sa líšia jedna od druhej. A to by bol zmätok; nikto by nevedel kde sa postaviť. Ak sú praví metodisti, baptisti sú stratení; ak sú praví katolíci, protestanti sú stratení.
60Ale Biblia povedala, že On bude súdiť svet skrze Ježiša Krista, a On je Slovo. Tak On ho bude súdiť podľa Slova.
61A všetky denominácie odchádzajú od toho Slova, aby si urobili svoje vyznanie. Nech mi niekto dokáže, kde oni prijímajú celé Slovo. Oni to nemôžu, pretože to je kontrolované ľudským systémom. Kde máte človeka ... Boh nejednal súčasne s viac ako s jednou osobou. On nikdy ani nemal dvoch prorokov v tom istom čase - jedného! Boh môže zobrať do svojej ruky jedného človeka. On sa nezaoberá s tvojou organizáciou, On sa zaoberá s tebou.
62No, na základe tohoto ideme ku sviatku trúb, ku tým skrytým tajomstvám. Je prorokované, že to takto malo byť, a preto to takto muselo byť zjavené. Ale aby bolo zjavené v týchto posledných dňoch, aby sa vyplnilo presne to, čo som práve povedal, Malachiáš 4. kapitola, Lukáš 17. kapitola a 30. verš (ako to On urobí), a Židom 13. 8, Židom 4. 12, a mnohé z týchto miest Písma, ktoré nám o tom hovoria.
63No, ak je to pre niekoho z vás cudzie, chcel by som povedať, že Boh stále, spôsob akým sa Boh dáva poznávať medzi ľudom, je cez prorockú službu. Židia stále vedeli, že majú veriť svojím prorokom. On povedal: "Ak bude medzi vami prorok, Ja, Pán budem ku nemu hovoriť v duchovných snoch a vo videniach. A keď sa stane, čo on povie, potom ho počúvajte." Oni stále ... Oni nerozpoznali takto Ježiša a museli Ho považovať za niečo iné. Tak oni Ho nazvali zlým duchom, Belzebubom, pretože On bol schopný rozpoznávať myšlienky, ktoré boli v ich srdciach. My stále vieme, že to je znak Slova.
64Židom 4. kapitola, 12. verš hovorí, že Slovo Božie je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč a schopné rozpoznať myšlienky a úmysly srdca.
65No, je prorokované, že cirkvi budú v takom stave, že musia byť prinavrátené znovu naspäť. A On povedal v Malachiášovi 4, že On pošle Eliáša, proroka, a znovu prinavráti ľudí naspäť, a tam to dostanú. Všimnite si, a tesne pred, či vlastne hneď po jeho posolstve, nastane čas, v ktorom svet zhorí a spravodliví vyjdú, kráčajúc po popole.
66No, nejakému teológovi (ktorý toto bude možno počúvať na páske, niekde vo svete), ak si myslíš, že to bol Ján, pamätaj, potom by sa Písmo mýlilo; pretože po Jánovom posolstve svet nezhorel. Ježiš neprišiel a nezobral ľudí do milénia, ale On to zasľúbil urobiť, potom čo na zem znovu príde duch Eliáša.
67Všimnite si teraz, v Malachiášovi 4, vidíme tu, že toto sa má stať, aby bolo prinavrátené čo? Viera ľudí, naspäť do originálnej viery otcov, do letničnej náuky, do originálnej viery otcov. A on prinavráti ľudí naspäť ku otcom.
68V Lukášovi 17 nachádzame, že Ježiš povedal, že keď On príde v týchto posledných dňoch ... Lukáš 17. 33, nachádzame, že Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka."
69No všimnite si, On prichádza pod tromi menami synov. On prichádza v mene Syna Dávidovho - či ako Syn človeka, Syn Boží, Sny Dávidov. No, On musel prísť ako Syn človeka, pretože On bol prorok. Sám Jehovah nazýval prorokov, syn človeka. A Ježiš nikdy nehovoril o sebe, ako o Synovi Božom, On stále o sebe hovoril, že je Syn človeka.
70A všimnite si, On sa zjavil vtedy ako prorok, vidiaci. Povedal: "Ak nečiním skutky svojho Otca, tak mi neverte." On vyplnil každé miesto Písma, ktoré hovorilo o Ňom, dokonca o jeho smrti, pohrabe, vzkriesení, ukrižovaní, narodení, všetko. A svojimi skutkami vyplnil to čo bolo napísané o tom vidiacom, o Synovi človeka.
71No, cez cirkevné veky On bol zjavený (dávajte teraz pozor), cez cirkevné veky, ako Syn Boží. Boh je Duch, Duch Svätý, On sa zjavil v cirkevných vekoch, ako - v zhromaždení, ako Duch Svätý medzi ľuďmi.
72V Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, v tom poslednom cirkevnom veku, nachádzame, že On je vystrčený von z cirkvi. Nikde inde, v žiadnom veku, On nikdy nebol vonku, iba v Laodicejskom veku. Pretože oni povedali: "Sme bohatí a nepotrebujeme ničoho."
73On bol daný von z toho cirkevného veku, a potom podľa Lukáša 17, On povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." No, On čítal tú istú Genesis, ktorú my čítame. Všimnite si čo sa stalo v Sodome. Čo bolo v Sodome? Abraham ...
74Stále máme tri kategórie ľudí. Bol Abrahám, vyvolený a vyvolaný, pomimo Sodomy; bol Lot, člen cirkvi, alebo denominačný človek, tam dole - on sa stal časťou toho sveta, tým že bol starostom mesta - sedával v bráne, on bol sudcom, čo znamená starostom; a bola samotná Sodoma.
75No, v čase večera, alebo v polovici dňa, keď bol Abrahám pod svojím dubom, zjavili sa mu traja anjeli. Dvaja z nich odišli dole do Sodomy, a kázali evanjelium, a snažili sa ich vyvolať von. Oni nevyšli, oni boli prevrátení. Len Lot, a jeho žena a jeho dve dcéry začali vychádzať; a jeho žena sa obrátila na soľný stĺp.
76Ale ten jeden, ktorý tam zostal a hovoril s Abrahámom, bol nazvaný Elohim, Všemohúci (Genesis 1, Boh; "Na počiatku Boh" Elohim, Ten plne dostatočný, existujúci sám zo seba, Abrahám Ho nazval Elohim) a On sedel a jedol s Abrahámom; On pil; On bol v ľudskom tele. A pozrite sa na znak, ktorý On ukazuje Abrahámovi.
77No, oni očakávali na príchod syna, zasľúbeného syna, Izáka. Dvadsať päť rokov, dlho cestovali, oni na to očakávali; ale oni boli na konci tej cesty. Boh sa zjavoval v mnohých formách, ako to robil aj cez cirkevné veky; a v svetlách, a tak ďalej (ako hovorieval ku Abrahámovi), a skrze hlasy. Ale, tesne pred tým, ako nastal príchod syna ... No, prebrali sme to, a viete ja vám to len pripomínam, aby ste to porozumeli, že On hneď po tomto premenil telo Abraháma a Sáry, a tak oni mohli prijať toho syna. Všimnite si, posledný znak, ktorý oni mali pred príchodom toho syna, bol Jehova, ktorý ku ním hovoril vo forme človeka. A ako oni vedeli, že toto bol Jehova, pretože On povedal: "Abrahám (nie Abram; len niekoľko dní pred tým, Boh zmenil jeho meno), kde je tvoja žena Sárah?" Nie S-a-r-a, ale S-a-r-a-h, kňažná.
A Abrahám povedal: "Ona je v stane za Tebou."
78A On povedal: "Ja (to je osobné zámeno) - Ja ťa navštívim podľa môjho zasľúbenia, v čase života. (Za ďalších dvadsať osem dní sa Sáre niečo prihodí.)"
79A Sárah, v stane, sa smiala sama v sebe a povedala si vo svojom srdci: "Ako sa toto môže stať, keď ja som stará, aby som mala rozkoš so svojím pánom, Abrahámom, ktorý je tiež starý?"
80A ten anjel, či ten človek povedal: "Prečo to Sárah povedala vo svojom srdci?" - v stane za Jeho chrbtom! "Prečo povedala, že toto sa nemôže stať?" Vidíte? Človek v ľudskom tele, ako prorok, a jednako to bol Elohim, rozpoznáva myšlienku, ktorá bola v Sárinom srdci, za Jeho chrbtom.
81A Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude pri príchode konca sveta, keď Syn človeka, nie Syn Boží, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka."
82Nemali sme to po celý ten čas. Vidíte ako to ide presne podľa Písma? (My žijeme tu v tom.) Tie tajomstvá, i o krste vo meno Pána Ježiša, a z ďaleka od idei jednotárov, a tieto ďalšie veci, ako to Duch Svätý priniesol na svetlo a dokonale to ukázal; a opravdový krst Duchom Svätým, znak, a všetko, a dal to na správne miesto; a ako On umiestnil každého reformátora, a všetko tak presne, a (vidíte?) rovno pred našimi vlastnými očami. A to sa nedeje nikde v kúte. Je to známe po celom svete. Ježiš, Syn Boží, zjavujúci Seba samého skrze Písma, robí, že tieto Písma, ktoré boli predurčené na tento deň (ako tie na ten deň, a na všetky ostatné dni) žijú. A veriť tomu, to je dôkaz Ducha Svätého - spravodlivosť!
83Nemôžete povedať, že len chodiť do zboru je dôkaz, že máte Ducha Svätého. Ak to tvrdíte, potom tí farizejovia ho mali, vidíte. Nemôžete povedať, že trasenie sa, alebo vyskakovanie je ... lebo ak tak hovoríte, potom i pohania ho majú. Ak hovoríte, že to je hovorenie v jazykoch, ktorý - ktorý ctiteľ diabla nehovorí v jazykoch? Ukážte mi jedného. Sedí tu brat Jacson z Afriky, on by vám to mohol povedať.
84Bol som tu v indiánskych táboroch, a videl som čarodejnice a čarodejníkov, ako sa rezali a polievali sa svojou vlastnou krvou a hovorili v jazykoch; a šaman to vykladal; a videl som, ako položili ceruzku a písala v neznámych jazykoch. Tak to nie je to. Ale ak to ... Čo je skutočný dôkaz? Ježiš povedal: "Že veríte, že Ja Som On." A On je Slovo.
85Prečo to oni neprijali? Prečo to Židia neprijali? Oni boli nábožní ľudia; oni boli dobrí ľudia; oni boli svätí ľudia, a tam boli ľudia všetkého druhu. Ale pre toho, kto je predurčený, aby počul to Slovo ... A ako viete, či je to Slovo? Každý jeden toto hovorí. To je Biblické zasľúbenie, ktoré je potvrdené v tom veku. Tu to máte. Potom poďte naspäť tam, kde je Duch Svätý.
86Pozorujme za niekoľko minút zvuk trúby, čo on ohlasuje. Trúba, trúba evanjelia, vidíte kto ju môže počuť. Pamätajte, tí v tých ohradených mestách, oni nemohli vyjsť pri jubileu. Nie veru. Oni boli za múrami, oni tam zostali. To skončilo, oni zostali otrokmi do konca svojho života a museli byť poznačení.
87No, keď vidíme všetky tieto vzory, všimnite si. No, tieto skutky, Malachiáš 4, a všetko toto, a Židom 13. 8: "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky," On zostáva naveky Slovom, zamanifestovaným Slovom. To je presne to, čo On ukazoval prorokom. Prorok neznamená len vidiaci, predpovedač budúcnosti, to znamená "zjavovateľ Slova, ktoré je napísané v jeho vlastnom živote." Jeho vlastné skutky zjavujú a potvrdzujú Slovo na ten deň, ako Noe stavajúci archu, Mojžiš tam dole, čokoľvek to je, pri každom zasľú ... zasľúbené Slovo na tú hodinu.
88No, my vieme, že On je s nami; my tomu veríme. Vidíte zamanifestované Jeho Slovo fotografiami, Písmom, oznámeniami z neba na zem. A skrze všetko čo On povedal, nikdy to nesklamalo. Žiadam, nech mi ktokoľvek ukáže, z rôznych miest krajiny, alebo po celom svete, ste ... ste povinní napísať mi a povedať mi, kde, čo len jeden krát, to sklamalo - dokonale, slovo za slovom. No, to je zasľúbenie.
89Prečo sa On mal zjaviť v týchto posledných dňoch? Ak sa vrátite naspäť (a vy, ktorí počúvate tie pásky) ku posolstvu "Strom Nevesty" a prídete ku tomu, kde Kristus bol tým stromom, ktorý bol v záhrade Eden. Ten prvý Adam, ten upadol, a tento druhý Adam bol zoťatý hriechom; oni Ho zavesili na rímsky strom. A z toho bol vytiahnutý - vyšiel strom nevesty, ktorý On zasľúbil, čo vidíme v Písmach.
90No, preto aby dostal nevestu ... Ako pyramída, ako sa to stále zmenšovalo, z tej veľkej šírky, od Luthera, Wesleya, letničných. A potom na jej vrchu, ten štítový kameň je tak vybrúsený; a všetky tieto kamene sú tak presne dané dokopy (a doteraz nevieme, ako to oni robili); ale to je tak presne v tej pyramíde dané dokopy (my teraz neučíme pyramídu, my len ... Enoch a oni to stavali pred mnohými rokmi); a ona stojí ako symbol. Presne tak isto ako slnko vychádza a zapadá; tak isto ako opadávajú zo stromu listy, a znovu prichádzajú naspäť, ako ryby a dobytok a všetko ďalšie, čo to symbolizuje, táto pyramída stojí ako symbol.
91Choďte do prorokovej komnaty a všimnite si tých sedem schodov. Kde ten strážca mal za úlohu, aby toho prichodiaceho priviedol do prítomnosti kráľa? Na vrchu tých schodov. Na siedmom schode. To ukazuje, že my znovu musíme prísť s tým istým Duchom, ktorý bol na Jánovi. On predstavil Mesiáša; on bol väčší od všetkých prorokov; on to predstavil.
92A my znovu musíme prísť na to miesto, ku niečomu, čo predstaví Mesiáša. A ako bude Mesiáš - ako to tí ľudia, ktorí veria v Neho budú vedieť, ak nebudú ustavične v Slove, aby vedeli čo On je. Daniel povedal, že múdri to budú vedieť, ale hlúpi, nemúdri nebudú vedieť. Oni budú poznať svojho Boha.
93No, a teraz, ako On povedal, že to sa zjaví v tých posledných dňoch, aby to priviedlo ľudí naspäť do Slova, takže nevesta bude poznať svojho muža, poznať svojho druha, to zjavené Slovo. Preto sa toto musí stať. To nebolo v čase tých reformátorov; nebolo to v čase Luthera, Wesleya, letničných, a ostatných; Písmo hovorí, že to tam nebolo. Ale to príde; to je Jeho zasľúbenie na tento vek.
94My žijeme v tom veku, v ktorom bude Jeho príchod. Ona musí byť nájdená v Ňom. Každá žena musí byť stotožnená so svojím mužom, lebo tí dvaja sú jedno. A Kristova nevesta musí byť stotožnená s Ním, lebo tí dvaja sú jedno, a On je Slovo, nie denominácia, Slovo. My máme byť deti svetla, a tým svetlom je Slovo, ktoré je rozsvietené na tento vek. Ako poznáme svetlo, jedine že ono pochádza zo Slova. No dobre. Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom je svetlo na ten vek, keď to vidíte; Biblia tak povedala.
95Tí ľudia sa tam dívali na Ježiša a vraveli: "No, tento človek, kto on je? Aha, on sa tam narodil ako nemanželské dieťa. Aha, jeho otec a matka je táto, tamten, a tak ďalej, a všetko toto, tamto. " Ale oni Ho nepoznali. Keby oni poznali Písma, boli by Ho poznali; On tak povedal.
96Oni povedali: "My sme učeníci Mojžišovi!"
Povedal: "Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste Mňa, pretože Mojžiš písal o Mne." A stále boli príliš slepí na to, aby to videli! Vidíte aké pokorné? Pomimo všetkých zoskupení, a denominácií a vyznaní, a všetkého, Boh vošiel rovno do tela, do formy človeka, príbuzného vykupiteľa. Ona musí byť stotožnená s Ním.
My sme pozvaní, aby sme boli deti svetla, aby sme chodili vo svetle.
97Pamätám sa, keď som pred nedávnom, tu dole v Kentucky mal zhromaždenie. Potom keď som vyšiel zo zhromaždenia, tam stál starý človek s lampášom v ruke. On patril ku cirkvi, ktorá neverila v uzdravenie, a tak ďalej. Povedal: "Nezhodujem sa s tebou, brat Branham."
Povedal som: "Dobre, máš na to právo."
On povedal: "Vieš? Ja neprijmem nič, až kým to neuvidím. Musím to jasne vidieť."
Povedal som: "Videl si potom niekedy Boha, stáť jasne rovno pred tebou?" (Pretože, on neveril vo videnia a také veci.)
Povedal: "Nie."
On povedal: "Ako myslíš? Poď so mnou domov a porozprávajme sa dnes večer."
Povedal som: "Nemôžem; rád by som. Kde bývaš?"
On povedal: "Tam za týmto kopcom."
Povedal som: "Ako sa tam dostaneš, nevidíš predsa svoj dom?"
On povedal: "Dobre, vedie tam chodník, cez ten kopec."
Povedal som: "Nevidíš ten chodník."
On povedal: "No, mám lampáš."
Povedal som: "Ten lampáš nedosvieti až po dom."
98Áno, deti svetla prijímajú jeho Slovo. Kráčajte ďalej a sledujte, ako sa to stále viac odvíja. Neopúšťajte to, nezáleží čo, ktokoľvek hovorí, stojte rovno v ňom a kráčajte ďalej s ním. Pozorujte, ako sa ono odvíja a zjavuje. Slovo je semeno; semeno v dobrej pôde zrodí svoju sortu.
99Všimnite si Zjavenie 10. od 1. do 7. Všetky tajomstvá majú byť neveste zjavené skrze posla Laodicejskej cirkvi. Má niekto Bibliu s upraveným prekladom [Revised Version - pozn.prekl.]? Ak máte, zistíte, že tam, kde je povedané, anjel, je v zátvorkách napísané, orol ... posol laodicejskej cirkvi (vidíte?), Zjavenie 10: 1. až 7.
100A on povedal, že toto - v tom dni, keď Ho on videl prichádzať dole, a on zjedol tú malú knihu. A tam bolo ... On položil jednu nohu na zem a jednu na more a prisahal na Toho, ktorý žije na veky vekov, že času viacej nebude. A keď to urobil, sedem hromov vypovedalo svoje hlasy. A keď sedem hromov vypovedalo svoje hlasy, Ján povedal, že to chcel napísať; a On povedal: "Nepíš toho." Vidíte? A on to zapečatil.
101No, niekto povedal: "Dobre, brat Branham, potom tých sedem pečatí, to bude zjavené v tých posledných dňoch, nejaké veľké tajomstvo, ako sa dostaneme bližšie ku Bohu ... " Nie vážení, to tak nemôže byť. "Ktokoľvek odoberie z tejto Biblii jedno slovo, alebo pridá jedno slovo do nej, jeho diel bude odňatý z knihy života." Čo to je, to je zjavenie toho, čo vynechali tam dávno, aby to bolo prinesené ... to je už tu napísané; to je tu v nej; to má zjaviť to, čo už bolo napísané (vidíte?), pretože nemôžete do toho dodať jedno slovo, ani odobrať z toho jedno slovo.
102Prvá kapitola Biblii - na počiatku, Genesis, jedna žena, nie že neverila tomu, ale ona to len zle vyložila - nechala, že Satan jej dal zlý výklad na jedno slovo: "Istotne ..." Vidíte? A potom z toho povstali všetky tieto problémy. A to hovoril Boh: Božie Slovo. A v poslednej kapitole Zjavenia Ježiša, On sám, ten istý Boh, povedal: "Ktokoľvek odoberie alebo pridá jedno slovo do toho ..." Toto je kompletné zjavenie Ježiša Krista, a tých sedem pečatí ukrývalo tajomstvá o tom, čo to všetko bolo, a v poslednom dni to má byť otvorené, v Laodicejskom veku, na konci času. Vďaka Bohu, to zakončuje posolstvo pre cirkev. To ho zakončuje, keď sa oni pozrú naspäť a vidia čo bolo, a vidia do čoho to všetko dospelo, to ho zakončuje, ten cirkevný vek.
103Všimnite si teraz, trúby, o ktorých hovoríme, to je zvolávanie, buď na nejaký sviatok, do vojny, ku nejakej osobe, na nejaký posvätený deň, alebo na niečo také (všimnite si, vy ste povedali: "ku nejakej osobe?" áno.) alebo ohlásenie jubilejného roku, oznámenie príchodu slobody, keď sa oni mohli vrátiť domov. No, mohli by sme stráviť celé ráno len pri tej jednej veci. Ale teraz, keď sa dostávame ku týmto trúbam, teraz máte podklad z pečatí a cirkvi. No, ideme ku tejto trúbe.
104Zaznela trúba; a trúba oznamuje buď vojnu, alebo sviatok, alebo ... Ona má zhromaždiť spolu ľudí, trúba. Pavol povedal: "Keď trúba vydá neistý zvuk, kto sa bude chystať do boja, alebo na mier, alebo na čokoľvek?" Kto bude vedieť? Musíte vedieť čo tá trúba trúbi. Preto, keď trúba trúbi, my dnes na zemi niečo vidíme. Niekde je veľký problém; každý to vie. Každý začína byť nervózny. Celý svet je nervózny, a my vieme, že niečo je zle. V Pentagone, všade, vieme že niečo je zle.
105No, jediný spôsob ako budete vedieť čo znamená zvuk trúby, je pozrieť sa, čo hovoria noty. Jedine tak. To je veľká symfónia (vidíte?) a takt, ako "Peter a vlk." Vidíte? Keď vy ... Ak to ... A ten skladateľ napísal tú knihu, a ten dirigent musí byť v tom istom duchu, ako skladateľ. Ak nie je, podá nesprávny takt, a potom je všetko vedľa.
106To je to čo sa deje dnes. Máme príliš veľa dirigentov, ktorí nie sú v duchu skladateľa. Oni hovoria, že denominácia: "No, my veríme toto." Nezáleží na tom, čo ty hovoríš, Biblia má pravdu. Dirigujte to presne podľa nôt, ktoré máme rovno tu pred sebou, potom tá veľká symfónia toho veľkého Božieho diela je hratá správne; potom vidíme túto hodinu a to kde stojíme.
107No, všimnite si, trúba má zvolať dohromady ľudí - zhromažďuje ich na niečo. Niekedy ona ohlasuje, že prichádza dôležitá osoba, ako pri Jozefovi. Oni trúbili na trúbe a potom sa ukázal Jozef, čo bol symbol veľkej trúby, (o ktorej sme hovorili, a za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme) v Izaiášovi, kde je povedané, že keď tá veľká trúba zaznie a bude tam vyzdvihnutý ten prápor, potom príde čas, keď bude znieť tá veľká trúba; a všetky národy sa zhromaždia do Jeruzalema. Vtedy začína milénium, tá veľká trúba.
108Toto zvolávanie z tohto sviatku trúb, to blíženie sa niečoho ... Všimnite si Zjavenie 8 a 7, ak si to chcete zapísať. Vidíme, že pri prvej trúbe nastáva krupobitie, krv, oheň a bolo to hodené na zem. Presne ako Exodus, keď Boh vyvolával von svoj ľud, na exodus.
109No, dôvod, že týchto sedem trúb sa netýka tejto cirkvi a tohto veku, to je preto, že to je len pre Izrael. To je zvolávanie, zhromažďovanie ľudí. A teraz, tu v tom je len jeden význam, ktorý vám chcem za chvíľu ukázať, a tam budete vidieť prečo sa toto netýka tohto veku v ktorom žijeme; týchto sedem trúb.
110Viem, že mnohí ľudia majú na to iný názor, ale ja viem, že toto je to ... viem to ... nie preto ... hovorím, že vy to hovoríte; pretože som neprišiel na to sám od seba; moja myšlienka nie je moja vlastná. Nech by mi to povedal ktokoľvek, ak to nie je pravda, potom to nie je pravda. Ale ja to nehovorím sám od seba, hovorím podľa toho, čo mi povedal niekto iný. Ten niekto iný je Boh, ktorý ku nám hovoril a robil všetky tieto veci, ktoré robil, zjavoval. Vidíte? Tak viem, že to je pravda. Tie trúby, to je zhromažďovanie Izraela. Tie trúby majú zhromaždiť Izrael.
111Všimnite si, trúbi samá prvá trúba, na zem padá krv, oheň, krupobitie, a všetko, vidíte. Čo On robil? Vyvádza Izrael von z duchovného Egyptu (vidíte?) naspäť do jeho domoviny.
112No, dovoľte mi hneď tu povedať toto, že každá trúba, ktorá trúbila, trúbila v šiestej pečati. Za niekoľko minút sa ku tomu dostaneme, kde sme tam zazreli tú pečať. Všetky trúby zneli v šiestej pečati, pretože v siedmej pečati bolo ticho. Nikto nevedel; to bola minúta, či hodina v ktorej príde Kristus, ako nám to On zjavil. Ale každá trúba znela pod šiestou pečaťou, v čase prenasledovania Židov.
113Všimnite si teraz, Zjavenie 8, a začnime od 7. verša. To všetko bolo v Egypte pri telesnom vyvolávaní Izraela, teraz to vyvolávanie Izraela sa deje v duchovnom význame. On ich pripravoval, aby prišli do sviatku zmierenia.
114Všimnite si, sviatok trúb bol prvý, a to boli letnice. Sviatok zmierenia nasledoval za nimi, po päťdesiatych dňoch. Sviatok zmierenia, čítame tu, prečítame to možno, ak budeme mať čas, pozrieme sa na to a prečítame vám to z Biblii, z 3. Mojžišovej 12, či vlastne z 3: Mojžišovej 23, a z 3. Mojžišovej 16. Vidíme, že tým prvým bol sviatok - trúb, bolo zmierenie a potom nasledovali letnice. No, vidíme - sviatok zmierenia nasledoval za sviatkom trúb.
115No, všimnite si, zaznela trúba a to ich malo zhromaždiť. No, zatrúbila prvá trúba; nastalo krupobitie, krv, oheň, a bolo to hodené na zem, presne tak, ako to bolo v Egypte, pripravuje sa ich zavolať na deň zmierenia. Vidíte. Oni odmietli to skutočné zmierenie, a tieto roky zostali predĺžené až doteraz, to bol rok letníc. Vidíte? No, to trúbenie pre Židov prichádza potom: toto je vyvolanie cirkvi, (dávajte dobrý pozor, no) po ktorom ich On zobral do zasľúbenej zemi, pri tomto On bude robiť to isté, tu symbolicky On prenáša cirkev do zasľúbenej zemi. Pamätajte, každá trúba znela pod šiestou pečaťou, oni zneli jedine vtedy.
116Všimnite si teraz, presne, tá predloha Písma je presne tá istá. Počas siedmej trúby, ona je pre Izrael tým istým, čím bola siedma pečať pre cirkev. Pod siedmou pečaťou vidíme, že keď tieto duše, ktoré boli tam pod oltárom, ktoré dostali rúcha; boli im dané rúcha, nie že si ich oni zaslúžili, pretože oni boli v čase, keď Boh stále jednal s milosťou, s Pohanmi, nie so Židmi. Izrael je spasený ako národ; Boh jedná s Izraelom, ako s národom. Pohania sú ľudia pre Jeho meno, nie národ pre Jeho meno, to je Izrael.
117A keď Hitler a ostatní prenasledovali Židov, a robili tie veci, ktoré robili počas toho ... Pozrite sa oni ... Stalin, Hitler, a všetci tí diktátori, ktorí povstali (keby sme mali čas, kde by sme to zopakovali pre tých, ktorí sú tu prvý krát, ale my sme to prebrali), v tom istom veku, nastalo v Nemecku a vo všetkých národoch ... Židia boli rozprášení po celom svete, ale v posledných dvadsiatych rokoch povstalo kruté prenasledovanie Židov.
118Bol som tam na tých dávnych miestach, kde oni pálili ich telá a ich popol používali na hnojenie zemi, židovské deti a ženy a všetkých. Potom sa to snažia zaprieť. Hneď ich tam zoberte a ukážte im, kde sa to dialo. To bolo vyložené prenasledovanie Izraela, pretože to je čas volania ho teraz naspäť do zmierenia; on sa stále nachádza pod zmierením obyčajného baránka. Zmierením je skutočný Baránok Boží, a on to odmietol, a odvtedy je tá krv na ňom.
119Všimnite si, pripravuje ľudí. Aká dokonalá je potom tá siedma trúba a siedma pečať. Dokonale spolu, prenasledovanie Židov. Dávajte pozor, v Zjavení v 9. kapitole a 13. verš (pozorne si toto teraz všimnite), v čase šiestej trúby (Zjavenie 9. 13.), v čase šiestej trúby, všimnite si, tam bolo 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] jazdcov na koňoch a boli zviazaní pri rieke Eufrate a rozviazaní v čase tej šiestej trúby. No, nie je na svete 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] jazdy, ale tam bolo 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] jazdcov na koňoch. Všimnite si to. (Chcem aby ste si to poznačili, aby ste si to mohli prečítať.) To neboli obyčajné kone. Z úst im vychádzal oheň, a mali hyacintové panciere, a mali chvosty, a koniec chvosta vyzeral ako had, ako hadia hlava na ich konci, štípali. Vidíte? To boli duchovné kone, duchovní diabli, bojové tátoše, ktoré boli zviazané pri Eufrate po všetky tie roky, nadprirodzení diabli. Čo to bolo? Ožilo staré Rímske Impérium; prenasledovanie Židov. Oni boli zviazaní za takmer dvetisíc rokov pri rieke Eufrate a nemohli prejsť do zasľúbenia. Náboženská sekta, ktorá sa snažila dostať sa na druhú stranu. Viete, Eufrat prechádzal cez Eden. Ale oni tam boli zviazaní, 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] diablov prenasledovania.
120A všimnite si čo sa stalo pod touto šiestou trúbou. Oni boli vypustení na Židov; prenasledovanie Židov! Nadprirodzení diabli, takmer dvetisíc rokov, potom boli rozviazaní skrze Stalina, Hitlera, na Židov.
121Vy hovoríte: "No, to nie je Rím." To je ten istý duch, oni robili tie isté veci, ktoré robili kresťanom vo dňoch starého pohanského Ríma. A pozorujte teraz ten telesný Izrael a duchovnú cirkev, pri tom ako ich tu jednotlivo pozorujeme. Vypustené na Židov.
122Pamätáte sa, ako pod šiestou pečaťou, každý jeden z týchto mučeníkov volá - podľa Slova Božieho dostávajú rúcha. A boli im dané z milosti, pretože oni sú zaslepení, že nemôžu vidieť evanjelium, aby z pohanov mohli byť vyvolaní títo ľudia, pre - nevesta. Boli im dané rúcha, Biblia tak povedala, pod tou trúbou. Tým Židom, ktorí sú úplne proti Kristovi a proti všetkému. A oni sú takí, pretože Biblia povedala, že budú zaslepení; a oni boli zaslepení kvôli vám! A spravodlivý Boh vie, že oni by to prijali, ale oni boli zaslepení kvôli vám. Tak hovorí Biblia.
123Tu máme to Rímske impérium, ktoré je tam zviazané skrze čo? Skrze klerikálne moci, ktorými tento Rím, pohanský Rím sa stal pápežským Rímom a bol tam zviazaný vo svojich kresťanských tradíciách. Bola v tom nejaká časť kresťanstva a rímskych povier, spolu so všetkým tým uctievaním žien, a všetky tieto rôzne veci, Vianoce, a sviatky a sväté dni, a všetko možné. Bolo to zviazané skrze tie tradície, že to nemohlo zostať rozviazané, pretože to je proti kresťanským princípom. Stále ten istý bezbožný, pohanský duch! A tento duch zachvátil všetky národy sveta, podľa proroctva Ezechiela a ostatných. A oni boli vypustení na Židov, ktorí nevedeli nič o tom duchu. Tu máte tajomstvá, ktoré sú ukryté tam pod tou pečaťou, vidíte. Všimnite si to. Preberali sme to. A ukážem vám tu túto trúbu, túto poslednú trúbu, čo sa deje. Tam oni sú; tieto trúby sú vypustené na Židov (nevidíte to?), nie na Pohanov. Pohania, keď sú otvorené tie pečate, sú zapečatení. Čas sa skončil; cirkev je vyvolaná.
124Pamätáte sa nedávno na to videnie? Pamätáte sa na tú ukážku? Koľkí si pamätajú predposlednú nedeľu? Ako to tam presne prechádzalo; presne sme to videli. Videli sme prichádzať tú špinavú, nečistú vec nazvanú cirkev (najkrajnejšia vulgárnosť), a tú malú nevestu z každého národa, každá jedna z nich oblečená ako ich národ, z ktorého pochádzali, tak dokonale, kráčajúc pred Pánom. Všimnite si, príde raz taký čas, keď povedia: "No, ja som si myslel, že cirkev mala pred prenasledovaním odísť. Myslel som si, že bude vytrhnutie."
Povedali: "Ako - prečo tí proroci, tí učení v Písme hovoria, že prv musí prísť Eliáš?"
125On povedal: "On už prišiel." A ani učeníci o tom nevedeli. "Urobili mu to, čo počuli." S vytrhnutím to bude tak isto. V hodine ... On toto zasľúbil. On nezasľúbil, že takto ukáže Eliáša, ale On zasľúbil, že takto zoberie nevestu - v hodine, v ktorej sa nenazdáte. V okamihu bude premenená a zobraná preč; potom ste zanechaní. Potom to je ten čas!
126Dvetisíc rokov, tento duch cez rímskych ľudí, rímsku cirkev, sa nemohol hýbať. Ale ten istý duch prichádza najprv tam dole v Ríme do Mussoliniho, diktátora ...
127Poznáte tých päť - tých sedem vecí, ktoré mi On ukázal v 33. roku, že sa stanú? Päť z nich sa už vyplnilo. Dr. Lee Vayle píše teraz o tom knihu. Viete? Päť vecí presne, a už sa majú stať len dve. Povedal, že to sa stane tesne pred príchodom. Sme tu teraz rovno na konci, a pozrite ako práve nastupuje táto šiesta vec. Vidíte? Dokonale, presne, ešte i vojny a ako sa oni stanú. Presne do bodky, a ani raz to nesklamalo.
128Počúvajte ľudia, v každej hodine máme robiť inventúru! Neviem kde stojíme - skutočne blízko!
129No, teraz je on vypustený na ... Pod touto šiestou pečaťou, týchto 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] duchovných démonov, začalo v Ríme, v Nemecku - Hitler. Všimnite si, tam v Biblii, kde oni dostali ... dostali moc ako kráľovia, ale neboli korunovaní. Diktátor nie je korunovaný kráľ, len dostal moc ako kráľ.
130Ó, Duch Boží prechádza teraz cezo mňa (viete?) práve niečo hovorí; neviem ako to povedať, ani čo povedať a možno to radšej nepoviem.
131Všimnite si, 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] démonov je vypustených na týchto Židov, keď ich pálili, križovali; vstrekovali im do žíl vzduch; zabíjali ich, že až sa im minul plyn, ktorým ich zabíjali; a strieľali ich, že už nemali viac nábojov; a oni - a robili všetko čo len mohli. Pálili ich telá a všetko možné, a vešali ich na ploty, deti a všetkých, nevinných ľudí. Pretože boli Židia, takto s nimi zachádzali. Ale Boh povedal, že On dá každému z nich rúcho, oni si to pri tom nezaslúžili, ale to bola Jeho milosť, že ich zaslepil, aby sme my mohli vidieť.
132Tá siedma pečať nie je ešte otvorená, viete; to je Jeho príchod.
Tak zatiaľ kým sú oni stále tam pod ... Ale On nám tu ukázal v tej ukážke, ako Jánovi. On ho vzal hore a ... Raz, keď kráčali popri mori, viete ... On povedal: "A čo tento, ktorý sa opiera o tvoju hruď?"
133On povedal: "Čo teba do toho, keď on zostane dokiaľ neprídem?" Vidíte, on nezostal, ale On ho zobral hore a ukázal mu veci, ktoré sa majú stať, až kým On nepríde. Proste mu ukázal, dal vidieť Jánovi celý plán.
134Všimnite si, vidíme teraz, že tam bola vypustená táto telesná sila, v tom telesnom, na ten telesný národ, Izrael. A čo to robilo? To vyšlo a vyvolalo vojnu, a ako oni vraždili a prenasledovali.
135Teraz v tej klerikálnej sfére tohto ... Ste ... Dúfam, že vám Boh teraz otvára oči na toto, pretože si uvedomujem, že to nie je hovorené len ku tejto cirkvi tu; táto páska ide do celého sveta. A ja nemám v úmysle uraziť niečie pocity, ale povedať len pravdu. No, táto duchovná sféra zostala otvorená pri tom telesnom prebudení toho starého, pohanského Ríma, ktorý vyšiel na týchto Židov, on stále bol ich nepriateľom. Ten lev s tými zubami a so všetkým, ktorý šliapal a ničil ten ľud. Rím. Stále bol Božím nepriateľom. A on, skrze tých svetových diktátorov, bol vypustený v tom istom duchu, pretože ten náboženský systém to stále držal. Teraz bol rozviazaný. Čo to urobilo?
136Príde v chytrosti, ako On povedal, s lichotením. A čo on robí? On prináša protestantskú Ekumenickú Radu svetových cirkví. Duch antikrista je na jednom i na druhom. Vedie ich na zabitie, práve tak ako to urobili tam tým; v hodine, keď má byť vyvolaná nevesta. Ako? Vypustený v tej klerikálnej cirkvi, v duchu. Vypustený na čo? Nie na denominácie, na nevestu! Ale tu by ste to mali pochopiť; nevesta nebude prechádzať cez ten čas. Biblia povedala, že nie. Cirkev bude, ale nie nevesta! Či to nevidíte? Kazatelia, či to nemôžete vidieť, bratia?
137Vy hovoríte, že cirkev musí prechádzať cez súženie, aby bola dokonalá. Krv Ježiša Krista činí nevestu dokonalou. A muž, ktorý si vyberá ženu, nevedie ju cez množstvo trestov; on už u nej našiel milosť; ona našla milosť u neho. On si ju zasnúbil. A ak je niečo, on ju bude chrániť od každého miesta, aby to od nej odvrátil. Jeho milosť nad nimi je taká veľká, a taká ona bude nad nevestou, a tak je to s nevestou.
138Sme nehodné stvorenia, zasluhujúce si peklo, ale Jeho milosť nás drží od toho. Pozrite sa koľko stratených a slepých, koľko - koľko hriešnikov bolo vo svete v tej hodine, keď som ja zostal spasený! Boh ma spasil kvôli nejakému účelu, a ja som rozhodnutý s Jeho pomocou vyplniť ten účel. Nestarám sa o to, čokoľvek sa deje, ja to chcem vyplniť.
139A v tejto hodine, keď vidím všetky cirkvi, ich veľkú nádheru, a sú bohatí a hovoria, že nepotrebujú ničoho; a vidím ich biedu, mizernosť, slepotu, a tľapkajú vás po chrbte a chcú, aby ste robili s nimi kompromis, ja som sa narodil za určitým účelom; a to, aby som zavrhol tú vec a vyvolal ľudí von! Áno, robím to.
140Pamätajte, keď Ježiš prišiel na zem, ani jedna stotina ľudí na zemi nevedela, že On je tu. On prišiel, aby dostal tú vyvolenú skupinu. Povedal: "Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, ak ho nepotiahne môj Otec. A všetci, ktorých Mi dal môj Otec (minulý čas) prídu. Oni to budú poznať; oni to budú počuť.
141Všimnite si, vypustený je tento klerikálny duch. Aha, dvadsať rokov po tej vojne vidíme, že je vypustený klerikálny duch, v čase čoho? V čase siedmej pečati, pre Židov v čase siedmej trúby. Pozrite sa na zatmenie mesiaca. V čase čoho? Vidíte, to vytiahlo von, Syn človeka je vystrčený von z cirkvi. Čo to je? Pripájanie sa ku tej klerikálnej skupine. To ekumenické hnutie a so Svetovou Radou Cirkví ťahá každého človeka ... Prečo toto povstáva? Aha, musíte sa vzdať všetkého vášho evanjelického učenia a všetkého! Ako môžu ísť dvaja spolu, ak sa nezhodnú? Nemôžu. Ježiš povedal, že nemôžu. A ako môže cirkev metodistov a baptistov kráčať spolu? Ako môže cirkev Kristova kráčať s presbyteriánmi? Ako môžu katolíci kráčať s protestantmi? Ale nevesta môže kráčať so Slovom, ktorým je Kristus; to sa musí zhodovať, nie s klerikálnym systémom, ale so Slovom. Ježiš tak povedal; A tak je to pravda.
142Všimnite si, tam ona je. Ona je vypustená, aby dotiahla všetky tieto malé uvoľnené konce. "No, v tom nie je aj tak žiadny rozdiel." To Satan povedal Eve: "Na tom nezáleží. To je v poriadku. Istotne, Boh je dobrý Boh; On nás všetkých miluje." Nie je to tak!
143Počujete tak veľa o tom, že Boh je dobrý. On je dobrý Boh, ale keď je dobrý, musí byť spravodlivý. Neexistuje dobrota bez spravodlivosti; neexistuje spravodlivosť bez zákona, bez potrestania, bez trestu. Tak to je tá hodina, v ktorej žijeme.
144Všimnite si, rýchlo teraz, títo nadprirodzení démoni. Potom pod patronátom Spojených Národov, spojil spolu tie skupiny, východnú a západnú ... Práve ako pravá a ľavá noha toho obrazu, ktorý videl Daniel, ako oni nesúhlasili a zmiešali sa jedno s druhým; a slovo Eisenhower, v tom čase, Eisenhower znamená "železo"; Chruščov znamená "hlina". A on si vyzul svoju topánku a udieral ňou po stole na stretnutí - keď Spoločnosť Národov - či v Spojených Národoch - Chruščov udieral po stole. Vytĺkajúc prach ...
145Ó, hodina v ktorej žijeme, cirkev a jej stav. Ale vďaka Bohu, tá malá nevesta sa pripravila. To nepotrvá dlho, len vydržte. Ja neviem ako dlho, neviem kedy (nikto to nevie), ale viem, že teraz je to blízko.
146Pozorujte to kleri - pozorujte to telesné, čo to urobilo tým Židom: To boli ľudia, ktorí sa držali zákonov Božích. Nezáleží na tom koľko povstalo cirkví, čo ďalšie, oni boli zaslepení na Krista a držali sa toho zákona. A Boh im dal rúcha, každému z nich, pretože oni zahynuli ako mučeníci, vidíte. Oni boli zaslepení kvôli nám.
147A tu teraz cirkev, ktorá nepozná nič iné okrem Biblii; bez ohľadu na klerikálny systém, denomináciu, oni o tom nič nevedia, pre nich je to všetko cudzie. Oni poznajú Jeho a jedine Jeho.
148Dnes sa ľudia správajú tak trochu, ako Peter a tí na Vrchu Premenenia. Oni boli celí nadšení, keď videli stať sa to nadprirodzené, a jeden povedal: "Postavíme jednu cirkev prorokom, jednu Mojžišovi." A ľudia to takto urobili, letniční. Oni povedali: "Postavíme jeden pre Zhromaždenia Božie; a jeden, Cirkvi Božej; a jeden, Jednotárom; a jeden, Dvojičiarom; a tak ďalej. Ale zatiaľ čo on hovoril, Jehova zvolal: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn, ktorý je Slovo; Jeho počúvajte; On je Slovo."
149Hodina v ktorej žijeme, tie klerikálne duchy sa teraz spájajú spolu a vedú ich všetkých do tohto veľkého zabíjania, aby ich vyhladiť, je to už teraz napísané tu v tomto národe. Tieto zbory musia byť zavreté, ak nie ste s tou organizáciou. To je únia; to je bojkot, práve ako znamenie šelmy. A teraz vidíte čo je to tá šelma, či nie? To je moc. A moc, klerikálna moc, Ježiš povedal, že to bude tak podobné na tú pravú vec, že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Ale On zasľúbil, že tu v tom dni bude mať niečo pre nás, že nebudeme zvedení, a to je Slovo, a Kristus nám to manifestuje.
150To sú nadprirodzení démoni neviditeľní našim očiam, ale môžete vidieť čo oni robia. Vidíte?
151Všimnite si, zatiaľ čo táto skupina jazdí, pripravuje sa zlikvidovať všetko, čo nebude s nimi súhlasiť, je iná skupina, ktorá je pripravená, zanedlho - Zjavenie 19. Tu znovu počujeme o cirkvi, ona tiež prichádza, nie doslovne na koňoch, ale Biblia hovorí, že On bol na bielom koni, a duchovia nebies išli na Ním na bielych koňoch. Je to tak? Zatiaľ čo táto skupina tu dole mala 2 000 zviazaných pri rieke Eufrate, a boli zviazaní dvetisíc rokov, tá cirkev tiež zviazala Ducha Svätého na takmer dvetisíc rokov, v čase mučeníctva tam vtedy a počas cirkevných vekov. On bol zviazaný, nie pri rieke Eufrat, ale pri dverách vyznaní a dogiem, že Duch Svätý nemohol v cirkvi pracovať, kvôli ľudským systémom. Ale ona bude vyslobodená, ona prichádza naspäť. To je to čo povedala Biblia. A títo dvaja sa stretávajú jeden s druhým na bojovom poli - Lucifer a Michael - znovu, tak ako na začiatku.
152Oni boli zviazaní za takmer dve tisíc rokov. Nie presne dve tisíc, pretože Rimania ešte stále účinkovali (Títus v 96. roku a takto ďalej), zabíjali Židov, Rimania. Kto to bol, kto zabíjal Židov? Kto bol Títus? Rímsky generál. A krv sa tam valila von bránami, po ... zabíjali ženy, deti, a všetko. Či nestojí v Ezechielovi 9, že oni to urobia? "Prejdi stredom mesta a daj znamenie na ľudí, ktorí vzdychajú a nariekajú," - Duch Svätý. A tí ostatní - "vystúpili mužovia, ktorí zabíjali," ktorí mali byť zviazaní - "Zadrž ich! Zadrž ich!" až kým oni nevyšli a zabili všetko, čo tam bolo. Ženy, deti a všetko, všetci boli pozabíjaní. Presne, tu sa to znovu opakuje. A tu prichádza naspäť ten klerikálny systém, ktorý dusí a depce všetko, čo sa nazýva Boh. Ó, oni mali svoje systémy, a organizácie, a denominácie, ale to nemalo nič spoločného s Bibliou. Oni vám rýchlo povedia, že tomu ani neveria. Tak veru! Hovoria to, čo hovorí cirkev. Ide o to, čo hovorí Boh; to je Slovo.
153Nevesta stojí so Slovom, oni sú jedno. Ako oni môžu byť jedno? Keď to Slovo, ktoré je tu napísané, vojde do vás, a vy a to Slovo sa stanete jedno (to je presne to čo On zasľúbil), potom to dáva výklad ...
154Boh nepotrebuje vykladača. Oni hovoria: "Dobre, my to vykladáme takto." Vy nemáte právo nič vykladať. Boh si to sám vykladá.
155Boh povedal: "Buď svetlo," a bolo svetlo. Kto to vykladá? On povedal: "Panna počne," a ona počala. To nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača, to je už vyložené. Boh povedal, že tieto veci sa stanú v tomto dni, a to sa deje. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad; to sa samé vykladá.
156Ó! Zjavenie 9:1, v čase tej piatej trúby ... ich kráľ - všimnite si. Zjavenie 9:1. Kráľ tejto veľkej skupiny 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] koní. Oni mali nad sebou kráľa, a ak si všimneme, to bola upadnutá hviezda. "Prečo si padol z neba, ó Lucifer?" (Och ako pochybne to tam Dr. Smith predstavil, ale to je v poriadku. Vidíte, To nebolo na jeho hodinu. Vidíte? No dobre.) ... bezodnej priepasti. Ich kráľ bol kráľom bezodnej priepasti. Zjavenie 17: 8 - niečo som si tu poznačil; prečítam to. Viete tu, Zjavenie 17: 8. Chcem sa pozrieť čo tam je, pretože neviem, ako sa dotknúť tohto ďalšieho ... 17: 8.
šelma, ktorú si videl, bola a nie je a má vyjsť z priepasti a ísť do zatratenia. A budú sa diviť obyvatelia zeme, ktorých mená nie sú zapísané v knihe života od založenia sveta, keď budú vidieť šelmu, že bola a nie je, a keď zase tu bude.
Vidíte? Bola, jeden pápež zomrel, nastúpil ďalší - šelma, ktorá bola, ktorá nie je, ktorá je, ktorá nie je, ktorá je - nemení svoj poriadok. Pápež, zakaždým, všetko - všetko musí ísť tým istým systémom.
158A kde to príde? Do bezodnej priepasti. A Biblia tu hovorí, že vodca týchto pochádzal z bezodnej priepasti, a to bol ich kráľ; a on sedí s trojitou korunou a pripája ku sebe protestantov.
159Počul som jedného dňa hovoriť luteránskeho kňaza, povedal - či luteránskeho kazateľa, povedal: "No, ľudia sa ma pýtajú, prečo nosím taký golier. Prečo by som sa mal líšiť od ... " Boli ste tam? Áno, či to nebolo - či to nebolo absurdné? Bolo mi z toho skoro na zvracanie, odišiel som z pódia. Oni hovorili: "Lebo nemá byť žiadny rozdiel."
160Keby to Luther, Martin Luther počul, obrátil by sa v hrobe, povedal by: "Ty pokrytec, ty nepatríš do mojich radov." Vidíte?
Ale vidíte kde to zašlo? "Nie je žiadny rozdiel."
161Je rozdiel! Dokonca rozdiel v jednotlivcoch. Boh povedal: "Oddeľte mi Pavla a Barnabáša," Je to tak. "ku dielu ..." Oddeľte - Boh oddeľuje, nemixuje ...Cirkvi dnes chcú dobrý mixér, ktorý ich nechá chodiť v plavkách, a šortkách, a tak ďalej, a ísť von a takto sa správať. Ale Boh povedal: "Oddeľte Mi!" Oddeľte sa od sveta!
162Zjavenie ... Vidíme tu, že ich kráľ pochádzal z bezodnej priepasti a je to ten istý, ktorý išiel do zatratenia, odišiel a prišiel, odišiel a prišiel, odišiel ... Všimnite si, v 3. Mojžišovej v 23. kapitole, aký presný je ten výklad s tým poriadkom, so Slovom, s tým čo sa snažíme teraz povedať. Sledujte teraz toto, ten poriadok.
163No, vidíme ... Otvorme si to a prečítajme to za chvíľu. Kniha Kazateľa - nie Kazateľa. 3. Mojžišova 23. Všimnite si toto tu. 3: Mojžišova 23. kapitola. No ... V žiadnom prípade toto teraz nechceme prehliadnuť, no, tak môžeme to zobrať presne tak, ako to tu Pán dal pre nás zapísať. Samozrejme nemôžem nájsť Tretiu Mojžišovu v Druhej. Dobre, čítajme teraz 3. Mojžišova. „A Hospodin...“ 23.
...Hospodin hovoril Mojžišovi a riekol:
Hovor synom Izraelovým a povedz: Siedmeho mesiaca, prvého dňa toho mesiaca budete mať odpočinok, pamiatku trúbenia, sväté zhromaždenie.
(Vidíte?)Nebudete robiť nijakej práce, ale budete obetovať ohňovú obeť Hospodinovi ...
(Teraz dávajte pozor. Všimnite si teraz.)A Hospodin hovoril Mojžišovi a riekol:
A tiež desiateho dňa toho siedmeho mesiaca bude deň zmierenia ...
Vidíte? Deň zmierenia nasledoval za ... Dávajte teraz pozor. Deň zmierenia nasledoval po zvuku trúby. Vidíte? Aké ohromné! Vidíte? Deň zmierenia nasledoval po trúbe. No, päťdesiat dní tých trúb, pre nás, symbolizuje to, keď trúba znela na letnice, čo bolo päťdesiat dní. No, po tomto, Židia to odmietli; a teraz trúby ich majú zavolať naspäť do toho zmierenia, vidíte, oni odmietli to zmierenie. A oni to odmietli, aby tak naše oči mohli byť otvorené; ich boli zavreté. A v priebehu toho času, tieto pečate zostali otvorené a trúbili tie trúby. A teraz, pri trúbení tých trúb, tesne predtým, ako prichádza Mesiáš - pretože oni musia byť v Palestíne; a vy sa pamätáte, Boh musel zatvrdiť faraónove srdce, aby ich dostal von z Egyptu; A On zatvrdil Stalina, Mussoliniho, a všetkých tých, aby ich dostal naspäť do zasľúbenej zemi, kde má byť tých 144000. A teraz, prvý krát po tisícoch rokoch, po 2 500 rokoch, je Izrael národ so svojou vlastnou zástavou, vlastnou armádou, vlastnou - a uznaný v Spojených Národoch. To je prvý krát. Najstaršia zástava, ktorá kedy bola na zemi, teraz znovu veje. Tá päť - šesť cípa Dávidova hviezda. On povedal, že On znovu zodvihne ten prápor v tých posledných dňoch, keď sa on bude vracať naspäť. Sme na konci. Nieto o tom žiadnych pochýb; sme tu.
Všimnite si teraz, rýchlo, Zjavenie 9 - v čase tej siedmej trúby, ich kráľ je z bezodnej priepasti. A teraz v 3. Mojžišovej, ako dokonale to tu Slovo podáva, pretože (vidíte?) hneď za sviatkom letníc nasledoval deň zmierenia. To usporiadanie sviatkov. Medzi sviatkom letníc a zmierením, tým zvukom trúb ku zmiereniu, ktorým bol sviatok letníc, bolo dlhé obdobie času.
165Pozrite sa, tam bol dlhý časový úsek medzi sviatkom letníc a do vyvolávania - trúby - do trúbenia trúb, keď trúbili trúby, dlhý časový úsek. Úprimne povedané, to bolo päťdesiat dní od sviatku letníc do sviatku zmierenia, to bolo päťdesiat dní. No, päťdesiat dní to je presne sedem sabatov. A sedem sabatov je sedem cirkevných rokov - cirkevných vekov. Rozumiete to? Vidíte? Vidíte?
166No, Židia boli zaslepení, čakajú po celý tento čas, zatiaľ čo na cirkev boli vylievané prvotiny letníc. A my sme prechádzali cez veky mučeníkov, a cez veky reformátorov, a teraz sme prišli do veku vyvolania, tri úseky, ten istý Duch, ako Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, ten istý. Vidíte? Ale sedem cirkevných vekov, čo je sedem sabatov, presne sedem sabatov od - od sviatku letničnej trúby - sviatku letníc, až do ... Bolo povznášanie snopu, a potom bol sviatok letníc. A potom od toho sviatku do zmierenia je sedem sabatov, päťdesiat dní. A na konci tých päťdesiatych dní je - sa dialo zmierenie. Vidíte to?
167No toto je obraz, že cirkev ... Keď sa On zjavil, ako Syn Boží, cez tie veky a cez ten letničný vek, zjavoval sa cirkvi v krste Duchom Svätým. Vidíte? Stále sa zjavoval viac a viac: Ospravedlnenie za času Luthera, posvätenie za času Wesleya, krst Duchom Svätým; a teraz je tu čas vyvolania.
168Pri tej šiestej pečati, keď ona - keď zostala otvorená, Židov zasiahlo to prenasledovanie doslovne, a na cirkev tu prichádza prenasledovanie zo strany klerikálnej, pretože nevesta je už zavolaná. Sabaty skončili a všetko je pripravené, aby boli zavolaní Židia. Kde? Na sviatok zmierenia. Ó, cirkev, či to nevidíš? Zavolaní na sviatok zmierenia, prečo? Aby spoznali to zmierenie - už nie viac kurence a husi, čo oni používali; Baránok Boží, zabitý od založenia sveta. Izrael to bude poznať.
169Všimnite si, tu je veľká vec. Pozrite sa! Ó, Duch Svätý bol zviazaný skrze denominácie po celých týchto dvetisíc rokov. Vidíme že bol. No všimnite si tie sabaty, sedem sabatov; oni sa po celý čas nemohli z toho dostať. Biblia povedala, že bude deň, ktorý nebude ani nocou, ani dňom. A Ježiš povedal, že celé Písmo sa musí vyplniť. Je to tak? Povedzte "Amen." Prorok povedal, že bude deň, ktorý nemožno nazvať dňom ani nocou, ale v čase večera bude svetlo. Čo to bolo? To isté slnko, ktoré svieti na východe, je to isté slnko, ktoré svieti na západe.
170Zakaždým, keď slnko vychádza, a prechádza po oblohe a zapadá, to predstavuje váš život. Malé dieťa sa rodí, slabé ráno. Okolo ôsmej ide do školy; 11:30 skončilo školu, je horúčava dňa. Potom sa začína schyľovať, človek má päťdesiat rokov; šesťdesiat, sedemdesiat, osemdesiat, deväťdesiat. Zachádza a umiera; ale len na to, aby na druhý deň znovu vyšlo a povedalo, že je život, smrť, pohrab, zmŕtvychvstanie.
171A všimnite si, civilizácia postupovala so slnkom. Najstaršia civilizácia, ktorú máme je Čína (to vie každý). Kde padol Duch Svätý? Vo východnej krajine na východných ľudí. A evanjelium putovalo so slnkom. Ono prišlo odkiaľ? Z východu do Nemecka; z Nemecka do Anglicka (tri krát prekročilo more); Stredozemné do Nemecka; zo Stredozemného - z východu do Nemecka, cez Stredozemné. Z Nemecka cez anglický kanál do Anglicka. Z anglického kanálu cez Pacifik na druhú stranu do - či cez Atlantik do Spojených štátov; a teraz, ono je na západnom pobreží! Prešlo cez ten národ, ktorý scivilizovalo, a išlo krížom, a postupovalo ďalej. Civilizácie putovala; evanjelium putovalo s ňou. A teraz, všetka tá zberba je na západnom pobreží, tam sa všetko nahromadilo, ako keď prichádza prílivová vlna.
172Ale prorok povedal, že tohto dňa, slnko nebude svietiť; bude to pochmúrny deň. Oni mali len toľko svetla, ako za veľmi daždivého dňa; mohli sa pripájať do cirkví, a veriť Pána, a takéto veci; ale On povedal, že v čase večera tie oblaky ustúpia, denominácie pohasnú, a to isté evanjelium, to isté Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom (ako to On zasľúbil v Lukášovi 17: 33), to isté evanjelium, s tým istým, sa bude diať v čase večera, keď sa predlžujú tiene.
173To isté evanjelium, ten istý Kristus, ktorý žil v tele tam vtedy na začiatku, pri ľuďoch východu, bude znovu, v čase konca žiť pri ľuďoch západu. "V čase večera bude svetlo." Všetky Písma sú napísané skrze inšpiráciu a nemôžu byť zrušené. Uplynulo tých veľkých päťdesiat dní; Sviatok letníc pominul. Sedem sabatov, až do trúb, obraz siedmeho cirkevného veku.
174Pamätajte, pamätajte, v čase tej šiestej trúby Židia ... (počúvate?) - v čase tej šiestej trúby letniční odmietli Bibliu, vlažnosť, nie len letniční, všetci ostatní. Cirkevný svet odmieta Krista, a On je daný von. A v tej istej trúbe, či vlastne v tej istej pečati, keď ona bola otvorená, oni ukazujú, že Ježiš je vonku z cirkvi a snaží sa dostať naspäť dovnútra; v tom istom čase znie trúba pre Židov, a Židia spoznávajú zmierenie! Sláva! Haleluja! Ó!
175Duch Svätý bol zviazaný pri týchto denominačných riekach, za takmer dvetisíc rokov, ale v čase večera má byť rozviazaný, skrze posolstvo večerného času: Duch Svätý znovu naspäť v cirkvi, sám Kristus, zjavený v ľudskom tele v čase večera. On povedal; On to zasľúbil.
176Malo to tri úseky, ako som povedal: mučeníci, vek mučeníkov, a potom obdobie reformátorov, a teraz je čas vyvolania. Keď to skončilo, ten Laodicejský vek, podľa Zjavenia 10, neveste má byť oznámené tajomstvo celej Biblii. Je to tak?
177Zjavenie 10 (dobre teraz počúvajte), nevesta je vyvolaná, skrze Slovo, Sám Kristus vyvoláva nevestu, vyjasňuje Židom 13: 8 (že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, robí to isté, je ten istý; "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím aj on bude činiť." Vidíte?), Lukáš 22 - Lukáš 17: 30, a tiež Malachiáš 4, Židom 4, všetky tieto miesta Písma, ktoré sú zasľúbené, toto má byť medzi šiestou a siedmou pečaťou a šiestou a siedmou trúbou.
178Sviatok letníc končí v období siedmej trúby, lebo to ďalšie je príchod ... či siedmej pečati, lebo to ďalšie je tajomstvo Kristovho príchodu, a tiež znie trúba pre Židov. Znie ich šiesta trúba, a keď sa to deje, dáva im to poznávať zjaveného Syna Božieho. Doba pol hodiny. Pamätajte, všetky trúby znejú pri tejto šiestej pečati. Šiesta pečať končí tajomstvo - v čase tejto šiestej pečati, tesne pred tým, ako je otvorená siedma.
179Všimnite si, tu je 3. Mojžišova 23. a 26. V akom poriadku je to Písmo! Po tom dlhom období letníc ... čo Izrael tam vtedy odmietol ... A On počas tohto sviatku letníc vyvolal cirkev z pohanov.
Koľkí rozumejú, čím je sviatok letníc? To je ovocie - prvotina žatvy, prvotina vzkriesenia, sviatok letníc.
180Ľudia neprehliadnite toto! A vy pri tých páskach počúvajte pozorne! Toto bol čas sviatku letníc. Židia ležali potichu; oni to odmietli. Teraz musia byť zavolaní naspäť do zmierenia. My vieme, Kto je tým zmierením, oni nevedia. A po letničnom jubileu znie tá trúba a zvoláva dohromady Židov. Či nemôžete vidieť, ako hučala tá trúba prenasledovania za Hitlera a ostatných, a Židia boli nasilu nútení, aby sa zhromaždili, aby vyplnili Písma? Pochopili ste to teraz? Všetci, ktorí ste to pochopili povedzte "Amen." Dobre. V poriadku.
181Všimnite si, teraz tu v 3. Mojžišovej 26, ten poriadok Písem. Po tom dlhom období letníc, ktoré končia vo vyvolaní nevesty (nevesta je vyvolaná skrze sluhu, odmietnutého), nasleduje to, že Izraelovi sa má dať poznať, sviatok zmierenia. Všimnite si, tu je teraz to isté, čo v 3. Mojžišovej, v 16. kapitole, keď On nariadil sviatok letníc - či sviatok zmierenia. Ale na tomto mieste sú oni zavolaní (ó, aké dokonalé; vidíte to, kazatelia? Neprehliadnite to, kazatelia), v tomto sviatku letníc, ktorý je reprezentovaný v Leviticus 23: 26 - či 23 a 24, je sviatok nariekania, nie zabíjania sviatku. Sviatok bol zabitý - či vlastne, obeť zmierenia bola zabitá, to zmierenie bolo zabité (3. Mojžišova 16 hovorí presne o tom istom), len na tomto mieste, to je zavolanie Izraela, aby nariekali kvôli svojim hriechom.
182Ako presne to dnes pasuje. To nie je znovu zabíjanie obeti (čo Mojžiš predstavil tým, že udrel druhý krát tú skalu; to nefungovalo), nie zabíjanie obeti na sviatok, ale nariekanie pre odmietnutie obeti. Ó!
183Toto bude tá trúba, ten sviatok bol odmietnutý, potom sa ich Mesiáš dal poznať. Všimnite si! Oni budú poznať svojho Mesiáša, keď Ho uvidia. On tentokrát prichádza v moci, Ten na ktorého očakávali. On prichádza v moci pre pohanskú nevestu, a Židia Ho spoznajú. A potom Biblia hovorí (my sme to tu práve preberali a kázali o tom, asi pred šiestymi mesiacmi, alebo pred viac), Biblia hovorí, keď oni povedia: "Odkiaľ máš tieto rany? (Koľkí si pamätáte to posolstvo, zodvihnite ruku. Istotne, pamätáte sa. Vidíte?) Odkiaľ máš tieto rany?"
On povedal: "Z domu mojich priateľov."
184Pamätáte sa, keď som kázal o tom čase, keď Jakob poslal deti Izraelove tam dole, aby doniesli to obilie, a potravu, a to; a ako sa Jozef správal, akoby ich nepoznal; a ako to všetko išlo ďalej, potom sa on dal poznať? Pamätáte sa? A oni boli takí prestrašení, že začali plakať. Také isté, ako Jakobove problémy. A tu vidíme týchto Židov, počas prenasledovania, oni nevedia kde teraz stoja.
185Ale oni prichádzajú naspäť; a keď oni uvidia Zmierenie, vychádzať najavo, Biblia povedala, že keď to oni uvidia, povedia, že sa oddelia osobitne jeden dom od druhého a budú nariekať niekoľko dní, ako - ako rodina, ktorá stratila svojho jediného syna. "Odkiaľ máš tie rany?"
On povie: "Z domu mojich priateľov."
186Pamätajte, nevesta je už v nebi. Jozefova žena bola v paláci, a Jozef poslal od seba všetkých preč, a dal sa poznať svojím bratom. Vidíte? Jeho žena, a deti, a ostatní boli v paláci, keď sa On vracia naspäť, aby sa dal poznať Židom. Tu máte zmierenie, tu máte zvuk trúby. Tam oni povedia: "Ó ..." Čo to je? To je zmierenie. Odkiaľ máš tie rany?" Tu to je.
Pamätáte sa čo povedali Jozefovi bratia? Aha, oni povedali: "Teraz nás istotne zabije. My sme to urobili; my sme urobili to zlo" - ako to.
On povedal: "Nie, Boh toto urobil, aby zachránil život." Poznáte tú udalosť v Genesis? Vidíte? Vidíte? Tak On toto takto urobil, aby zachránil život Pohanov, nevesty.
Povedal: "Utŕžil som ich v dome môjho priateľa, ale nehnevajte sa." Vidíte? "Nebojte sa."
Oni povedali: "Ó! Či sme Ho naozaj prehliadli? Či to bolo to zmierenie, a my sme to prehliadli? Ó, Bože!" A oni povedali, že sa oddelili a nariekali mnoho dní. Čo to je? Zmierenie, smútok.
187Tentokrát, ten príchod - poznanie zmierenia, nie je zabíjaná pravidelná obeť zmierenia, ako v 3. Mojžišovej 16, ale 3. Mojžišova 23, je čas nariekania za ich hriechy; a ich hriechy boli to, že to odmietli.
188Ó, či nevidíte kde sme? Či nevidíte prečo tie trúby pre nás nič neznamenajú? Oni všetky zneli pod našou šiestou pečaťou. Vidíte teraz prečo mi Duch Svätý nedal o tom hovoriť? A nebeský Otec vie, tu predo mnou leží táto Biblia, že to je pravda. Nevedel som to až do včera - do pred včera, tam v mojej izbe, kde mi to On zjavil, prišiel ku mne, a hovoril ku mne. Prišiel som naspäť; povedal som: "Žena, teraz to mám; On sa tam so mnou stretol a povedal mi to. Tu to je, Drahá." Vidíte? Tu to máte (vidíte?), dokonale v harmónii.
189Ó, ľudia, ktorí ste bez Neho, vojdite rýchlo; to môže byť posledná príležitosť, ktorú kedy môžete mať. Neviete kedy On môže prísť.
190Sviatok trúb ... Biblia hovorí, že oni sa oddelia jeden od druhého a budú prosiť a plakať, lebo - ako človek, ktorý stratil svoje jediné dieťa.
191Pozrite sa! Chcem povedať ešte jednu vec. Končíme teraz, neprehliadnite toto. Aké ohromné! Od posolstva siedmeho anjela, (posla siedmej pečati a Zjavenie 10, bola siedma pečať), do tých siedmich trúb, medzi týmito dvoma udalosťami ... Ó Bože, ako to povedať, aby toto ľudia mohli vidieť? To je medzi tou šiestou trúbou (a tá šiesta trúba - a tá šiesta trúba a šiesta pečať znejú v tom istom čase), a medzi tou šiestou trúbou a siedmou trúbou, tam sa pred pohanmi objavuje prorok, aby zavolal ľudí naspäť do originálnej letničnej náuky; a tí dvaja svedkovia zo Zjavenia 11 sa objavujú Židom, aby ich priviedli ku Ježišovi, zatiaľ čo je cirkev vzatá hore. Obaja sú proroci. Amen! Slovo Pánovo nemôže byť zrušené. To nebude denominácia! Vidíte to?
192Prečítajte tu vo svojej knihe a vidzte, či medzi šiestou a siedmou trúbou, či tam nie je vložené vyvolanie Židov. Medzi šiestou a siedmou pliagou, prichádzame ku tým 144 000 (pamätáte sa na to?), ktorí boli medzi tým. Pamätáte sa medzi tou šiestou - piatou pečaťou a šiestou pečaťou - medzi šiestou a siedmou pečaťou, tam bolo vyvolanie tých 144 000. Pamätáte si to? No, tam patria tieto trúby, presne tam (vidíte?) a prenasledovanie tými koňmi, ktoré tam boli vypustené.
193Potom medzi tým - potom tam malo byť posolstvo siedmeho anjela, ktoré bolo kázané a odsudzovalo letničných. A Ježiš bol vystrčený von, nemal s nikým žiadnu spoluprácu, bol vystrčený von, odmietnutý (Biblia tak povedala); lebo to je Kristus zamanifestovaný medzi nami, Ježiš medzi nami všetkými, zamanifestovaný v čistote svojho Slova, ktorý nám to oznamuje. A keď to ... Toto nie je nejaké vykombinovanie, priatelia, Toto je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, Písmo.
194A v tom istom čase ... No, len čo táto cirkev, nevesta, je daná dohromady, je vzatá do tajomstva siedmej pečati - či, siedmej pečati, odohráva sa to tajomstvo a Židia sú zavolaní skrze tajomstvo siedmej trúby, ktorým sú dvaja proroci, Eliáš a Mojžiš, a oni prichádzajú naspäť. A v tomto sú letniční celkom popletení. Oni očakávajú, že sa niečo stane, a cirkev už odišla, a to je pre tých Židov!
195No, cítim, že niekto vo svojej mysli hovorí, že to nemôže byť Mojžiš. Áno je. Pamätajte, On mi môže povedať vaše myšlienky. Stále cítim, že ... No dobre.
196Dovoľte aby som vám to vysvetlil. To bol Mojžiš, pretože tu je tvoja myšlienka: ty hovoríš, že Mojžiš - že to nemôže byť Mojžiš, pretože Mojžiš zomrel. Ty si myslíš, že to je Eliáš - to je naozaj Eliáš, keď ty si myslíš, že to je Enoch. Ty hovoríš: "Mojžiš je už mŕtvy." Ale pamätaj on mohol znovu prísť naspäť do života; on prišiel, po osemsto rokoch. Po niekoľkých storočiach sa on zjavil na Vrchu Premenenia. Ty hovoríš: "Potom čo človek zomrie?" Tak veru. Lazár bol mŕtvy, znovu vzkriesený, a potom znovu musel zomrieť. Skutočne! Ešte i tí zlí budú vzkriesení znovu do života, a potom budú musieť zomrieť druhou smrťou. Je to tak? Tak vypusti to zo svojej mysli; to je Mojžiš.
197Pozorujte tú službu, presne to čo robili Mojžiš a Eliáš; zavreli nebesia a spustili oheň na ... Viete aké veci oni robili.
198Zamyslite sa nad tým! Ľudia, je čas konca. Haleluja! Veľký deň Pánov je na blízku. Zhromaždite sa spolu. Sviatok Mesiáša, oni Ho odmietnu, a oni zistia, že to je ich Mesiáš. Biblia povedala tieto ohromujúce veci, ako sa toto stane.
199V Zjavení 11 je oznámené, že ich služba bude služba Mojžiša a Eliáša, ktorá vyvoláva Izrael z židovských tradícii, práve tak, ako posolstvo siedmeho anjela vyvolalo nevestu z letničných tradícií. Pamätajte Mojžiš a Eliáš majú vyvolať Izrael zo starého zmierenia, ktorým bol baránok a ovce a krv, a kozly, a obeť, do skutočnej živej obeti, do Slova.
200A posolstvo siedmeho anjela, pod tou istou trúbou, pod všetkým tým istým, presne, pod tou istou pečaťou, má urobiť čo? Vyvolať ľudí, nevestu z letničných a svetských tradícií do opravdivého zmierenia, do Slova, Krista, ktorý je zosobnený tu vo svojom Slove, ktoré sa stalo medzi nami telom.
201Veda to potvrdila fotografiami. Vie to cirkev po celom svete. Vieme to celkom iste, pretože On nám nepovedal ani jednu vec, pri tom tak hovorí pán, čo by nebola pravda. Či On nepovedal tam dole pri rieke: "Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný, tak toto posolstvo vyvolá ..."
202Pozrel som sa a vidím, je dvanásť hodín. Polnočná hodina je tu, priatelia, nad nami. Vidíte aké je Písmo dokonalé? Ako to presne - to ...
203Pozrite, to nebude nejaká organizácia, ktorá tam pôjde a zavolá Židov, to budú dvaja mužovia, Mojžiš a Eliáš, obaja proroci.
204Pozrite sa teraz, aby boli vyvolaní Pohania, nevesta, On zasľúbil Malachiáša 4, aby urobil to isté. A Biblia povedala, že On v siedmom cirkevnom veku bude vystrčený z cirkvi. On bude vystrčený z cirkvi; to sa úplne zatmí a pôjde ... Kde sa to zatmí? To ide do tohoto klerikálneho systému, do tejto ekumenickej rady, Svetovej Rady Cirkví. On je celkom vystrčený von, jeho Slovo. Oni s tým nemôžu súhlasiť, viete že nemôžu; oni sa nemôžu zhodnúť ani vo svojich malých miestnych skupinách. Ako sa zhodnú s týmto? Tak oni prijímajú iné znamenie šelmy, robia obraz šelmy.
205Pamätajte, Biblia povedala, že bol urobený obraz šelmy. A tieto Spojené štáty boli stále číslom trinásť. Oni začali s trinástimi štátmi, trinástimi kolóniami, trinástimi hviezdami, trinástimi pruhmi; číslo trinásť je stále žena. Ukazuje sa v 13. kapitole Zjavenia. Na začiatku to bol baránok: pokora, sloboda prejavu, náboženská sloboda, a tak ďalej; a potom obdržal moc a hovoril so všetkou mocou, ktorú mal predtým drak. Čo to je? Čo bol drak? Rím. Vidíte, mal znamenie, obraz šelmy, aby sa postavil proti opravdivej Cirkvi Božej; za vlády tých denominácií bude túto sužovať, ale keď to oni začnú robiť ...
Baránok vezme svoju nevestu, aby bola stále po jeho boku;
Budú zhromaždení všetci duchovia nebies;
Ó to bude nádherný pohľad, všetci svätí v bielom bez poškvrny;
A s Ježišom sa naveky budú radovať. (Amen.)
Poď a jedz," Majster volá: "Poď a jedz;" (Amen!)
Čo za deň v ktorom žijeme, a hodina. Bežte, ľudia, bežte, aby ste zachránili svoj život!
206Všimnite si teraz, na záver, služba podobná službe siedmeho anjela, tí dvaja svedkovia, počas tej siedmej trúby tesne pred - šiestej trúby, tesne predtým, ako tá siedma trúba ...
207Pamätajte teraz, povedal som vám, že prídem ku tejto veľkej trúbe ... On povedal, čo on bude robiť tu v Izaiášovi? On povedal, že keď tá veľká trúba bude znieť (tá veľká trúba, to teraz nie sú trúby, sviatok trúb, oni sú dvaja, Mojžiš a Eliáš, aby spustili tie trúby), ale počas tejto veľkej trúby (príchodu Pánovho, aby oznámila návrat Jozefa, vidíte?) všetky národy sa zhromaždia v Jeruzaleme. Amen! Nájdete to v knihe Izaiáša. Práve som vám to pred chvíľou ukázal, čítali sme jednu z tých kapitol. To je Izaiáš 18: 1 a 3.
208A v Izaiášovi 27: 12 a 13 tam On trúbi na tej trúbe a všetky národy uznajú, že Izrael je vo svojej domovine, že Boh je s ním. Potom príde nevesta aby bola s ženíchom, a ženích s nevestou (a potom to veľké milénium, potom čo celý svet je zničený atómovou mocou; a budú nové nebesia a nová zem) budú žiť naveky.
209Pozrite sa, presne počas ... Všimnite si teraz! Služba Mojžiša a Eliáša bude ... No, rozumie to každý? Dovoľte mi to znovu povedať. Služba Mojžiša a Eliáša, medzi šiestou a siedmou trúbou, to budú dvaja proroci, ktorí budú ... Oni ... Izrael stále veril svojim prorokom.
210No, prečo mi Duch Svätý povedal (keď som sa tam chystal ísť a ukázať im, že On bol Syn Boží), povedal: "Ešte nie"? Pamätáte sa na to, asi pred piatymi rokmi, keď som išiel do Indii? Povedal: "Nerob to."
Povedal som ... Oni povedali: "Ak je toto Mesiáš, nech Ho vidíme robiť znak proroka; my veríme prorokom."
211Brat Lewi Pethrus a oni mi poslali tie Biblie, keď on ich milión poslal tým Židom, ktorí prišli z Iránu a zovšadiaľ, ktorí prichádzajú naspäť, zhromažďujú sa - stávajú sa národom.
Myslel som: "Toto je môj čas." Bol som už v Káhire, v Egypte. On povedal: "Nerob to, ešte neprišla tá hodina." Potom som sa vrátil domov.
Ó! To musí zavolať Mojžiš a Eliáš. Letničné jubileum stále trvá, alebo trvalo, až do tohto času, vidíte. No, sviatok trúb musí byť oznámený. A tento tu, z Malachiáša 4, nie je spojený s týmto tam. Vôbec. Vôbec nie.
212Všimnite si! Pozrite sa sem! Tá služba to bude Mojžiš a Eliáš, obracajúci a volajúci Izrael zo židovských tradícií (počúvajte!), zo židovských tradícií, v ktorých boli zamotaní. Lebo sú proroci, oni mu budú veriť. Volajú ich na sviatok zmierenia, ku Kristovi, dávajú im poznať Krista. Oni povedia: "On prichádza, On tu bude." Židia budú zhromaždení, takéto veci, a potom, keď On príde, povie: "Tu som." Vidíte?
213No, tak isto, ako títo dvaja proroci ... Pamätajte, pohanská nevesta má mať proroka nazvaného Eliáš, ktorý ich má vyvolať von z ich tradícií, nevestu, práve tak isto, ako títo proroci volajú Izrael z Judaizmu ku Kristovi, do zmierenia. A Pohania už to zmierenie poznajú, ale to má zavolať nevestu naspäť do originálneho zmierenia, od ktorého odišli počas týchto päťdesiatych sabatov, či týchto siedmich sabatov, ktoré mali, volá ich naspäť do času konca.
214Siedmy (počúvajte!), posol siedmeho zboru, posol siedmej trúby, to všetko sú proroci. No, je to tak! Vložených je tých 144 000. Otváranie pečatí, ktoré boli pre pohanov ... To muselo byť pre pohanov, aby to otvorilo pohanom oči, cirkvi z pohanov, aby videli. To všetko poznáme; to všetko budeme počúvať; to sa už stalo. My očakávame Ježiša.
Vy hovoríte: "No, počkaj chvíľu, brat Branham, ja verím, že oni budú robiť toto."
215Posledný znak, ktorý Abrahám (a my sme kráľovským semenom Abráhma, nevesta), posledný znak, ktorý Abrahám videl, prv ako prišiel ten zasľúbený znak ... zasľúbený syn, bolo čo? Boh, vo forme ľudskej bytosti, ktorý mohol rozpoznávať myšlienky ľudí - jeden človek, nie tucet, jeden človek. Nevadí koľko napodobovateľov, oni mali jedného, a On rozpoznal myšlienky, ktoré tam boli. Čo? A tá ďalšia vec, ktorá sa stala, Abrahám a Sárah sa premenili naspäť na mladého muža a ženu. Vieme to.
216No, viem, že vás to teraz trochu šokuje; ale pamätajte, len preto, aby ste si boli istí, že to teraz viete. Vy nečítate takto Bibliu; vy čítate medzi riadkami a (vidíte?) vychádza obraz.
217Dávajte pozor! Biblia povedala, že Sárah bola stará žena, jej lono bolo mŕtve. Je to tak? Abrahámov život bol v ňom mŕtvy, jeho semeno. Je to tak? Pamätajte teraz, Abrahámove semeno bolo mŕtve. Po štyridsiatych rokoch mal sedem synov, s druhou ženou! Čo On urobil? On premenil ich telá.
218Pozrite. Oni išli tristo míľ cestou do Gerár, dosť dlhá cesta na starého človeka. A ešte i Sára si myslela, že nemôžu mať manželský pomer. Ona povedala: "Ja ..." (Možno pred dvadsiatymi rokmi, alebo pred viac, mali manželský pomer.) Povedala: "Ja, stará žena, a môj pán je tiež starý, či budeme mať znovu rozkoš, ako mladí ľudia?"
On povedal: "Či je pre Boha niečo ťažké?"
219Všimnite si čo sa stalo? Hneď potom sa ona premenila na peknú mladú ženu. Ukazujúc v tom, nadstieňujúc, čo On bude robiť tomu kráľovskému semenu Abraháma, aby prijalo Syna, ktorý bol zasľúbený. Ona sa premenila znovu na mladú ... Pozrite! Oni išli dole do Gerár a čo sa stalo? Abimelech, kráľ, sa do nej zamiloval, povedal: "Je pekná," a chcel sa s ňou oženiť (je to tak?) stará babka, a tam boli všetky tie pekné dievčatá - babka. "Ona je pekná a krásneho vzozrenia." Vidíte?
220Boh premenil jej telo a vrátil im mladosť. To je tajomstvo, ktoré malo byť zjavené teraz v tomto dni skrze Syna človeka (vidíte?), večerné posolstvo. Vidíte? Premenení naspäť ... A posledný znak, ktorý oni videli bol čo? To rozpoznanie. Prv ako prišla premena tela. A prv ako my môžeme prijať Syna, čo sa stane? "Zaznie trúba Božia; mŕtvi v Kristovi vstanú najprv (nové telo); a my, ktorí pozostaneme živí, budeme v momente premenení, v okamihu (Haleluja!); a budeme spolu vychvátení, aby sme stretli Pána na povetrí." Tajomstvo bolo dané najavo; pečate sú otvorené; trúba pre Izrael zaznela; tí dvaja proroci sú pripravení, aby sa ukázali. Čo to je? Cirkev musí hneď teraz odísť zo scény, aby sa oni mohli ukázať. On nemôže jednať s tými dvoma v tom istom čase; On to nikdy nerobil. Vidíte?
221Ó, brat! Hľaď! Presne, aby vyvolal všetkých - aby ich vyvolal z denominácií a tradícií ... No, vidíme, že cirkev letničného veku skončila. Nevesta sa musí odstúpiť z cesty, aby išla teraz hore, aby tak tí dvaja sluhovia, dvaja sluhovia Boží, zo Zjavenia, tí dvaja proroci, sa mohli zjaviť na scéne, aby im zatrúbila tá siedma trúba a dala im poznať Krista.
222Ten siedmy anjelsky posol hovorí: "Ajhľa Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta." Nie ajhľa moji metodisti, moji baptisti, moji letniční; ale Slovo, Syn Boží, Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta; lebo nieto iných základov. Vidíte? Koľko máme času? Židia sú vo svojej domovine. Nevesta je vyvolaná. Podľa Písma, všetko je presne tak, ako On zasľúbil. Sme pripravení. Tá hodina je tu.
Národy sa rozlamujú, Izrael sa budí;
Znamenia, ktoré predpovedala Biblia;
Dni Pohanov sú zrátané, strachom obťažené;
Vráťte sa, ó rozohnaní do svojho.
Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;
Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu;
Buďte naplnení Duchom Božím, majte svoje lampy ozdobené a čisté;
Zodvihnite hlavy, priblížilo sa vaše vykúpenie.
Falošní proroci klamú; Božiu pravdu zapierajú;
Že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh. (Je to tak!)
Ale my ideme tam, kde kráčali apoštolovia.
Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;
Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu;
Buďte naplnený Duchom, majte ozdobené a čisté lampy (Nepremárnite príležitosť.)
Zodvihnite hlavy, priblížilo sa vaše vykúpenie.
Prorok povedal, že v čase večera bude svetlo.
V čase večera bude svetlo;
Chodník do Slávy istotne nájdete;
Vo vodnom krste je svetlo už dnes;
Pochovaní v drahom Mene Ježiš.
Mladí i starí, čiňte pokánie zo všetkých svojich hriechov;
Duch Svätý vás istotne naplní.
Večerné svetlá prišli;
To je fakt, že Boh a Kristus sú jedno.
223Sme tu! Sme na konci! To nie je len nejaká hlúpa, ľudská predstava, to je, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.
Skloňme svoje hlavy. Milostivý Bože, Jehova, Všemohúci, ktorý si hrmel na Hore Sinaj, a ľudia kričali. "Nech ku nám hovorí Mojžiš a nie Boh, aby sme nepomreli," Ty si povedal, veľký Jehova: "Ja im vzbudím proroka; nebudem už ku ním takto hovoriť." Ale Ty si zasľúbil, čo urobíš, a Ty si to urobil. Ty si nám vzbudil Pána Ježiša. On je Slovo; Ty si povedal, že On je. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom, a prebývalo medzi nami."
224Vidíme tie veci, ktoré nám On prorokoval cez svojho proroka, Jána, na ostrove Patmos; vidíme, že sa to vyplnilo do písmena. Vidíme, že Duch Svätý sa zamanifestoval medzi nami, tu na zemi. Vidíme denominácie, ktoré Ho vystrkujú z cirkvi, to Slovo. Oni nemajú nič proti tým ľuďom, to je Slovo, ktoré oni nenávidia; to je proti ich tradícii, práve tak, ako keď si Ty bol na zemi. Ty si bol Slovo, a Ty si bol proti ich tradíciám; a oni Ťa všade vystrčili z cirkví.
225A teraz, Pane, nikde nie je spolupráca. Mám ťažkosti dostať sa do Južnej Afriky, kde viem, že sú tam duše, ktoré ešte čakajú. Na každom mieste, a pozri sa Pane, ako ma oni nechcú prijať. Nie kvôli mne, Pane, to je kvôli tomuto posolstvu. Ale Ty si povedal, že to tak bude; a Ty si nám to dal poznať, aby sme neboli znechutení. Poznáme hodinu v ktorej žijeme.
226Bože, títo ľudia tu sedia dnes ráno v tejto teplej, rozhorúčenej miestnosti. Oni pozorne počúvajú; oni teraz vidia, som si istý. Ak nie, zjav im to, Pane, prečo si mi nedovolil preberať tieto trúby. Vidím, že to s nami nemá nič spoločného. Ako tá šiesta trúba, to sa všetko stalo, a my sme videli otvorenú tú šiestu pečať. A videli sme tu pred dvoma týždňami videnie, prehliadku nevesty a cirkvi, ako som to tu povedal. Povedal som to Pane, ako si mi to ukázal. Sme tu; je možno neskoršie, než ako si myslíme.
227Ó, Otče, ak je tu dnes ráno nejaká osoba, ktorá verí nejakej povere, je pod vplyvom nejakej teológii, alebo nejakého teologického slova (ktoré je v protiklade so Slovom Božím); a nepoznajú skutočného Krista, skutočného Ducha Svätého; nie je im to ešte zjavené, Slovo. Ako to Slovo má byť v tomto dni; oni vidia len tradíciu; oni žijú v svetle, ktoré oslepuje. Ako v Anglicku tá najväčšia lúpež, ktorá bola kedy na svete vykonaná, ona bola vykonaná pomocou falošného svetla. A tá najväčšia lúpež, ktorú vaša cirkev kedy mala, sa stala, keď oni zobrali denominačné svetlo a odmietli pravé svetlo Biblii, Krista.
228Ó, Bože, buď milostivý. Spas stratených, Pane. Prosím, o krátku chvíľu, Ježišu. Máme tých, ktorých milujeme. Ešte trochu pozhovej. Zakrátko tá veľká skala bude odštiepená z toho vrchu. Udeľ Pane, ak je tu dnes ráno niekto bez Teba, nech oni prídu hneď teraz a prijmú Ťa.
229Zatiaľ kým máme sklonené svoje hlavy, keby ste zodvihli svoju ruku a povedali: "Spomeň ma, brat Branham." My nemáme žiadne ... Oltáre a všetko je naplnené. Nech ťa Boh žehná! Povedzte len: "Spomeň ..." Nech ťa Boh žehná! Nech ťa Boh žehná! Nech ťa Boh žehná. Doslovne stovky rúk.
230Bože Otče, niekde je trochu tieň, odstráň ho, Pane. Oni sú tu v tejto miestnosti. Satan v minulosti možno zaslepil ich oči, ale ja sa modlím, aby si prižmúril na to oko, ako si to urobil pri nás pred mnohými dňami. Ale teraz, keď nás všetkých voláš, aby sme videli ... Biblia povedala, že oni boli slepí, oni to nevedeli. Povedal si: "Radím ti, aby si si kúpil odo Mňa masť na oči." Bože, použi túto masť dnes ráno na ich oči, aby oni mohli vidieť. Hoci je to pokorné, a skupina pokorných ľudí, a pokorní, bez vzdelania, a tak ďalej, ale pri tom je to tak, ako to bolo na počiatku. Udeľ toho, Pane, aby to oni hneď teraz prijali. Ja ich porúčam Tebe, v mene Tvojho Syna Ježiša.
231A Ty si povedal: "Ten, kto počuje moje Slovo (Som si istý, Pane, podľa svojho najlepšieho poznania, že oni ho počuli), a verí tomu, ktorý Ma poslal (nie pretvaruje sa že verí, ale skutočne verí - verí tomu čo povedalo Slovo), má večný život; a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života." Ján 5: 24.
232Daj, Pane, aby oni od tejto hodiny boli Tvoji. Ak je v ich mysliach pochybnosť, odním ju preč. Ak je v našom strede nejaká chorá osoba, nech ten veľký Duch Svätý, Pane (o ktorom viem, že zjavuje myšlienky, a že stojí tu na pódiu) ... Oni vedia všetko o tom; prosím aby si ich uzdravil, Pane. Uspokojil všetky potreby.
233Bazén bude otvorený pre tých, ktorí neboli ponorení v mene Ježiša Krista, prijímajúc meno ženícha. Oni majú denominačný, náboženský ... Nikto nebol nikdy pokrstený v tituly Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, alebo pofŕkaný. Tieto tradičné veci patria tým cirkvám tohoto veku, antikristovmu hnutiu, obrazu šelmy. Nikdy nebol nikto pokrstení v mene Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, až kým nepovstala katolícka cirkev. Celá Biblia a celá nasledujúca história ukazuje, že oni boli krstený v mene Ježiša.
234Pavol v Galaťanom 8: 1 povedal: "Keby prišiel aj anjel z neba a kázal iné evanjelium, nech je prekliaty." A Ty si rozkázal týmto ľuďom, ktorí boli pokrstení od Jána, toho istého, ktorý krstil Ježiša, aby prišli a boli znovu pokrstení v mene Ježiša Krista, v Skutkoch 19. A povedal: "Nedovoľte ani anjelovi, aby vám hovoril niečo iné."
235V posledných dňoch príde posol, ktorý bude viesť ľudí naspäť do toho prvého ovocia, naspäť do originálnej viery. Udeľ toho, Pane, aby teraz ten veľký posol medzi nami, veľký Kristus, Duch Svätý, aby oživil, dal porozumieť, otvoril nám Slovo a zjavil nám to, nech ich On vedie naspäť do tej originálnej letničnej viery. Ako povedal Peter v deň letníc: "Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden; dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov." A to stále bolo tak, pre každého, až do rímskej cirkvi v Nicei.
236Bože buď nám milostivý. Bazén bude pripravený, srdcia otvorené; vojdi, Pane Ježišu (sme v poslednej hodine), ak je možné pre nich Pane, aby prišli v tejto hodine, o ktorej dúfam a verím, že je. A my ktorí sme vošli, Pane, nech by sme teraz urobili inventúru, ktorí sme videli a počuli hlas Boží, hovoriaci cez Jeho Slovo, a poznáme hodinu, v ktorej žijeme. Daj to, Otče! Porúčame ich Tebe v mene tvojho Syna. A teraz so svojimi sklonenými hlavami:
Jemne a nežne Ježiš ťa volá, Volá teba i mňa; Pri vchode On čaká ...
1 Let us bow our heads. Lord, on one occasion it was said, by Thy beloved disciples, "Teach us to pray." For when we catch sight of the great God of Heaven, we do realize how insufficient we are. So teach us to pray, Lord, in our hearts now, for the things that--that would be beneficiary to Thy Kingdom and for Thy servants. Thou knowest the need of every person here.
2And here on the desk, this morning, is handkerchiefs and aprons, and just little parcels from the needy of physical aid, and domestic, and whatever it might be. But Thou art God, and God alone, the only true God that there is. And we ask Thee in the Name of Jesus, Thy beloved Son, that You will heal each of these. And there may be some here who has not a handkerchief here, or a parcel, that need healing.
3There may be some out across the nations, around the world, that even this tape would meet in their homes or their churches. We would pray, Lord, that while the service is going on, at--at... or the tape is being played, or whatever position we might be in, or--or condition, may the great God of Heaven honor this sincerity of our hearts this morning, and heal the needy, give to them what they have need of.
4Bless us now in the coming-on service. Speak through us, like never before, for the Kingdom of God's sake. We wait, in Jesus' Name, for Thy answer. Amen.
5Will you help me with this? [Brother Branham moves items off of the pulpit--Ed.]
6 It's good to be here in church again this morning. And I was just talking to some friends who have just come in from Ohio, to a little girl, that was brought down here a few months ago, that was dying with leukemia. The people were very poor, the parents. And I haven't time this morning to read the--the testimony which is going on file. But there is the little girl's picture after three days, I believe it was, after she was prayed for. The doctors give her just three days to live, and in three days later they could find not even a trace of it. And so she is in school, very happy. I'm sure the church remembers when we had her here in the room.
7And also the little baby that was born with the bowels, like, on the outside. Somehow the doctors, and this little condition the way the bowels were formed, could not be placed back again. They was afraid to touch the little thing, it just a newborn baby. And now, the little fellow is about a year old, I guess, something like that, with normal bowels, everything just as normal as it can be. It's just the grace of God, that how good He is to us.
8 Now, today, I was want to announce that the meeting that we were planning, I was planning on going to this next coming week in--in Africa, over with Brother Joseph Boze, in Kenya and Tanganyika. We are unable to have the meeting, with a telegram back from Brother Boze, "Last week three of our own missionaries was killed, and murdered."
9And they're having an uprise there now. And the communists are slipping guns in to the natives, claiming they got fish boats setting around, Red China and Russia; and getting guns to the natives, and they don't know no better than to use them just on anything that they see to use it on. So, there, the--the--the government thought that it wouldn't be wise to have the meeting at this time. And as I understand, also, that Brother Boze cannot even have his school open in this area, where I was going, at this time. But it's not canceled, it's just postponed until they can get it quietened again.
10 Very happy this morning to see, in the midst of us again, for many years absence, Brother Jackson, Brother Sidney Jackson and Sister Jackson, from South Africa. Have they spoke? [Brother Neville says, "Yes"--Ed.] And these people was my real brothers and sister, and co-workers in the campaign in South Africa, the last trip over. Which, we trust that someday, by God's grace, to get back with them again, for it's needy.
11And I've been trying for nine years to get back. But, on the account of the organizations, and so forth, they won't let me back. So I wrote them a letter recently, and said, "Then let the blood of those lost souls be on you and not on me." For, I believe that God was been wanting to use my ministry over there, for those people, for some time. And by their denominational difference, they won't let me come back. But, all right, the Lord will take care of that.
12 Now, what I wish to say this morning, that if the Lord willing, Brother Neville has asked me to have services tonight, and at the Tabernacle. So we... You're invited out. And then next Sunday, the Lord willing, I'm to be here, also; then maybe for the next two or three Sundays, because of the absence of this, being cancellation of this meeting that was in making.
13 Now, we also would like to say, that, I said maybe we would preach the Seven Trumpets during this time. We wondered just how that we were going to do it in the insufficiency of the size of the building and the inconvenience of the air-conditioner, no air in the room. It's not fixed yet for air-conditioning. And we tried to rent this school up here, which is air-conditioned, which seat about... Oh, I don't know; it's a nice seating capacity, very fine school. But we could find nothing.
14And, it would, they would give us next week. But, next week? See, there is delegations coming from different parts of the world; from Jamaica, and from the Islands, and from south, even in South America, and Canada, and Mexico, and across the nations. And we sent out the notices Monday, then they wouldn't get them until about Wednesday or Thursday; and then have to ask time off, and so forth, which would throw it way out.
15The next weeks, on, until school time, it's, you'd have to take it one night, and then off maybe a night or two, then on again, then... We just couldn't do that. You couldn't make it.
16 I wondered why, when I had prayed sincerely. And then it's about time for us to return back to Arizona again, for the children to get in school. And then we... I was talking to the wife.
17And, well, yesterday I went into the room, and I said, "Lord, I--I may not use so many words, but, understand, please, God, what I mean in my heart. What is the matter that everything is cut off from preaching those Trumpets?" And then He came and revealed it. And now, this morning, I want to speak to you on the reason why.
18And now let us, who has Bibles and would like to--to, turn in our Bibles. We will turn first to Leviticus, the 23rd chapter of Leviticus.
19If the Lord is willing, tonight I'm going to preach on the subject: Going Beyond The Camp. And it will be short, and so you can have time to get back to your places for work.
20 We are happy to see visitors in, people from out of town. How many out-of-town people is here, while we're looking? Ninety-five percent, yeah, ninety-eight percent of the congregation. So, you see it isn't Jeffersonville, it's the people who come into Jeffersonville, that make... We are here by the grace of the Lord.
21And now I want to read three places, this morning. One of them is found in Leviticus the 23rd chapter, and the other is in Isaiah 18, and Isaiah 27, you who are marking it down.
22And now instead of preaching... The Lord willing, I'll do that tonight. But I want to teach, this morning, on the feast of the seven trumpets. Which, this month is the feast of the seven trumpets, beginning... and which is the seventh month, which would be July the 15th, was beginning of the Feast of the Trumpets, in the Levitical laws.
23 Now, and if you have your papers and things, and wish to write down Scriptures and texts, and so forth, as we go along.
24There is one thing to this meeting, it's hot, and we are accustomed to that through the years. But someone might think that I believe that when we enter into this building that we cease time, maybe, and partly, partially in Eternity, the way how long I hold the people. I don't mean it to be that way. But I believe that we're living at so close to the Coming of Jesus, that I have to take advantage of every minute that I have the people together.
25And I was thinking, as I was driving down the road a while ago, being out for a little prayer just before entering the pulpit, as any real sincere clergyman does. I was thinking, "You know, we're having the most glorious time when we meet here together! But, and the people gathering from many states, setting right in here now, from way away, hundreds and hundreds of miles, and we assemble together to fellowship around the Word. But there will come a time, soon, when this will be just a fond memory." That is right.
26These times will be taken away from us, so therefore we must do all that we know how to do, to make this, every minute, count. And think of this now, while we're suffering in the heat of the morning. And, you know, every human body is a--a dynamo of heat, itself, and it makes it pretty hard on you. And, but I want you to get the Word.
Now, just before we--we read, let's pray.
27 Lord, most any person in here that can move their hands, could turn the pages of this Bible. But there is but One among us this morning that can open It; that's the great Holy Ghost, which is in our midst. Open to us the Word, Lord, as we read, as You did to the disciples, as they went on their road to Emmaus, and begin to explain to them the Scriptures. And may we, when we leave, say like those who coming back to Jerusalem from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spake to us along the way?" For it's in the Name of Jesus we ask it. Amen.
Let us stand in reverence to the Word.
28 Now, my subject this morning is: The Feast Of The Trumpets. I want to read now from the 23rd verse of the 23rd chapter of Leviticus.
And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, and in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation.
29Now in the Book of Isaiah, beginning with the 1st verse of the 18th chapter, this connects this together.
Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the river of Ethiopia:
That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even the vessels of bulrush upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered... peeled, out of the people terrible... nation melted out and trodded down, whose land the river has spoiled!
And all ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he lift up an ensign on the mountain; and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye.
30In Isaiah 27:12 and 13.
And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall beat off from the channel of the river unto the streams of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered one by one, O ye children of Israel.
And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and ye shall come which are ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the LORD in the holy mount at Jerusalem.
31 Let us pray again. Lord, bless these Words to our hearts. May our thoughts and our meditation be according to Thy bidding. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
You may be seated.
32 There is so many things that a pastor would like to say to his congregation that he loves, of different people from different places, which would not be permitted on the account of time.
33Now as we approach this subject, we want you to feel at liberty. And many of you are standing; and as I come by, the halls was full, and outside the doors, and the front, and around the building, and around the walls. So, now, if you want to change seats with each other, that'll be fine.
34 Now, The Feast Of The Trumpets. Now, this was a gathering of Israel, where they gathered together, the Feast of the Trumpets.
35Now, I have been anticipating for some time to--to speak on the subject of the Seven Trumpets in the Book of Revelations. And now we are going to review this, just a moment, to bring out the real cause of me not speaking this time, because the Holy Spirit would not let me speak at this time on these things. I know that sounds very juvenile, maybe, to people of great learning and understanding, but to the Christian it's different. We--we follow the leading of the Spirit, that alone.
36 Now, I begin to notice at the preaching of the Seven Church Ages, which is the--the pattern, or the forecast of all that God was going to do for the churches, and through the churches, and positionally setting them up.
37The first three chapters of the Book of Revelations reveals all the happenings unto the Church. Then, from the 3rd chapter unto the 19th chapter of Revelation, there is no more seen of the Church. The Church goes up at the 4th chapter of Revelations, and returns back at the 19th chapter of Revelations, the Bride and the Groom, together, coming to the earth. And then from the 19th chapter to the conclusive of the 22nd chapter, it's all on the Millennium and what will be in the years that is to follow it. During the 4th to the 19th, God is dealing with Israel.
38 Now, then, when we got finished with the book of the revelation of the church, what God did to those seven churches, which were then in their infancy, or their shadow, in Asia Minor. Then the Holy Spirit revealed and opened to us all the mysteries in There, of how He has brought His Church through history. And if you don't have The Seven Church Ages on tape, it would be good if you listened to them. And soon they'll be in book form.
39Then just leaving it at that, and presuming that after a while we would preach on the Seals, not knowing what the Seals was.
40I had my own idea, as every minister does, of reading maybe what other man had said; and believing as much as I possible, with them, on the things that they had drawed up, their conclusion. I had read the book of Mr. Smith, Uriah Smith, which is the Adventist teacher, and I had read his--his thoughts on it. And I had read Mr. Larkin. I had read, oh, so many different ones, of their commentaries on This. But, somehow or other'n, I thought I had a--a little view of it, myself, that might be of places different. But trying one time, just speaking three subjects, the first... or the four subjects of the four horse riders. I preached on it four nights, one on one horse, and the other.
41 But then just before it happened, I was given a vision, which is on tape, as you all know, Sirs, What Time Is It? that I should go to Tucson, Arizona. And there on the back side of the desert, up into the mountain, where I was with some brethren, and told about what a great blast would go off, and I... seven Angels came down. Me thinking, myself, it was the end of my life; told my wife to get with Billy, and what to do with the children, and so forth, till we met again at the other side.
42 Then one day in Sabino Canyon, while God called me early in the morning up there, I was up with my hands in the air, praying, and a sword came into my hands. You know that. I stood there and looked at it, just natural as my hand is now, not knowing what it meant. And it was left me with a Voice that said, "This is the Sword of the King." And then, later, when the Angel of the Lord revealed it, It was the Word in the hand.
43Immediately after that, the Angels of the Lord appeared and told about the Seven Trumpets... or the Seven Seals, that I was to return back here to Jeffersonville and preach the Seven Seals. And, there, if I've ever said anything that was inspired, it was in that. There where the Angel of the Lord met us, and the Bible become a new Bible. There It opened up and revealed all the things that the reformers and things had left out. It was the complete revelation of Jesus Christ, altogether new to us, but perfectly exactly with the Scripture. That was the Word which has always been. I was so inspired and directed.
44 Then when I come to this part here, of preaching the Seven Trumpets, I was thought, "Well, I'll not try to think anything. I'll just wait till that time and let Him reveal it to me." And then yesterday when I was... I went into the room and wondering why... Or, beg your pardon, it was day before yesterday. When I went into the room, to try to understand, it was there that the Holy Spirit opened up this, to show me the reason it not profitable even for the Church at this time, 'cause it has nothing to do with the Church, at all.
45 Now, the hidden mysteries of Christ was fully revealed in the Seven Seals.
46It revealed, first, the Seven Church Ages, opened up the ages and placed them positionally, both with history and with the Bible, and set them in position, how they was. And we found ourself in the last church age, being the Laodicea Church Age, which was the most corruptible of all the church ages. Even from the very first, from Ephesians, was a great church age.
47And then how, here, the Holy Spirit giving me a vision, and seeing what would take place, I drawed on the blackboard, two years ago. Here it is up here on the drawing, that how that the Light was fading off of the earth, which would be exactly the way that the Light come on the earth, as the Gospel, and how It would fade in and out. Not knowing it, at the time, what it meant and how it would be.
48But the great ecumenical world had a--a meeting with Rome; and Rome, which is the mother of all organizations. The pope, for the first time in history, left the Vatican and went to Jerusalem and many places. Now, Jerusalem is the ancient seat of all of our religion, is Jerusalem. And in this ancient seat, the pope from Rome, which has been the Church's greatest enemy all times, leaves to come over to visit Rome... or from Rome to Palestine, Jerusalem.
49 And as we see, being uneducated, myself, not knowing the--the words and how to speak them, I've always taught in types, in patterns of nature. Nature will follow nature. Nature is of God.
50When you take a time when cattle, on in the field, all congregate together in the corner of the field, take your fish line out of the water; fish won't bite. You'll never catch them; see, the cattle are resting; unless you'd happen to drop right down in the bed of one. But when cattle go to feeding, watch. The same time the cattle does that, the birds also will take to the trees; they'll quit a-feeding. See, it's nature. All of it blends together. You notice the bees, at that time, is buzzing over their honey, not gathering it. All nature works together.
51 And therefore, like we see a tree drop a leaf off, pretty soon now, in the next couple months, the leaf will leave the tree. And the--the life, the sap, will go down into the root. And the tree leaf will drop off and fall on the ground and will rot. And the calcium and--and the potash, and it's in the tree leaf, will rot in the ground. And what happened? The life went on ahead of it, and will suck it right back into itself, and bring that leaf back again. It's a death, burial, and resurrection.
52 And all nature! And the moon is the--is the wife of the sun. It is the lesser light. And then, also, that when the sun is gone, in the absence of the sun, the moon reflects the light to the earth, which is a type of the church. And when the pope leaves, the ancient enemy of the church, and comes over to the Jerusalem, which is the seat of the church; which, the new Jerusalem and the old Jerusalem; we notice, before it did it, there was a total blackout of the moon.
53 And in the papers, across the nation as we have on the board, it displayed how that that moon turned from light to darkness. And the very phenomena of it, that that moon drawed exactly, in the skies, the same thing the Holy Spirit had me to draw here two years ago, and showing the... covering the... When it went six pictures, I put the seventh on there, because the seventh church age, just a shadow of Light, the going of the... That's where Jesus, at the door, knocking. But it goes into total darkness.
54 And what a reflection, what a Message from God Himself, that these things are the Truth! Testified it first in His Word, then by the Spirit at the platform, and then declared it in the heavens. There is no mistake about it at all. Those Seals and Ages are perfectly in line, perfectly, God giving witness by supernatural signs and wonders, with the Word and history, all placed together, in the age that we're now living in.
55Now it's hard for the churches to see this. It's hard for the denominations to see it. They always try to think that you're trying to bawl the people out. You're not; you're trying to warn the people. It isn't trying to be evil to them; you're trying to get them from the evil. It isn't people in the organizations; it's the system that they're in, that's damning them. Honest, sincere people are Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and whatmore. It's human beings who--who...
56 Nuns don't go into the nunnery to be bad women; they go in there to be good women. They're trying to get closer to God, but it's the system that pollutes them. People join church, not to be a bad person, but be a good person. But it's the system of the church that draws them from the Word and the principles that God has laid down for this day; and that's what gets them out.
57 Now remember, God is the Word, and each age He has lotted the Word for each age that would be on the earth. He lotted It in the church age, and the Seven Seals revealed every bit of It. See?
58Why did there... was there mysteries that was still hid? Revelations 10, we find, at the end of the seventh angel's Message, that, these mysteries that had been hid would be revealed, Revelations 10:1 to 7. Notice, the reason is because there had been no prophets during this age. The Bible said, that, "God does nothing till He reveals it to His prophets, His servants, the prophets." And the Word of the Lord in all ages has always come to the prophets, never to a system, never to a group.
59 Never did God use a group. Every time any group of people organized, God left it and never did return. Search the history and see if that's right or not. We've already done it. Never does He deal with a system or a group, after they organize; it's against God.
60Therefore, during the time of the reformations, there come in reformers, as the Seven Seals proved that it was. But in the last days now, it was supposed to be revealed again. Because, we find in the Scripture, in Malachi 4, that there is to be an anointing come down and to restore again that original Faith, "and to bring the faith of the people back to the original Pentecost, the Faith of the fathers."
61 And we took the Elijah of the first run; we took the Elisha to follow him; we took John the Baptist after that, who was the Elisha of that day; and a promise for another in this day.
62Now, John the Baptist was not the Elisha of Malachi 4. He was the Elisha of Malachi 3. Jesus said so. "Behold, I send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way." We find him being that.
63Now, in doing so, in finding those positions, we know that all the rest the Scripture, inspired of God, reveals to us that we're in the last day.
64 Now, if I come with the message of Pentecost, I would be in the Laodicean Church Age, and it wouldn't be right.
65That's the reason that Wesley could not take Luther's message. Luther was in one age, church age, and Wesley was in another church age. If Jesus would have come in the... with the message of Moses, it would not have worked. If Moses would have come with the message of Noah, it would not have worked.
66But God has lotted to His--His--His people, of every age, a Scripture. And before the age can come into existence, into time, then the churches has got it so mixed up that they--they don't know where they're at.
67 That's the reason they fail to recognize Jesus being the Son of God. They, their traditions had blinded their eyes, but He was exactly with the Scripture.
68The prophets was the same. Jesus said, "Which of you, of your fathers, didn't stone those prophets that were sent to you?" Then God sends His prophet, to... and the prophet is the living Word of God, made manifest.
69Jesus said, "How can you condemn Me, to say, 'I'm the Son of God,' and you call, in your own laws... You said, those who the Word of the Lord came to," which were the prophets, "you called them 'gods.' And they are, for the Scriptures cannot be broken," He said. "Then how will you condemn Me?" When He is... They were a part of the law, they were part of the Word of God, but Jesus was the fullness of the Word of God. His whole plan of redemption, God's whole sufficiency, was in Him.
70 And now, through the church ages, they've done the same. And the Seven Seals is to reveal all the mysteries that was left off during that time, because we're without prophets, and the Word does not come to reformers. Prophets!
71God is unchangeable. In Malachi 3, said, "I am God, and I change not." God's first way of doing anything, that's God's ever way of doing anything. God decided He would save man by the shed Blood of an innocent One, in the garden of Eden, and He has never changed it since, and cannot change it. We've tried, by education, by buildings, by systems, by denominations, by ethics, and everything else, and it's all failed. But there's only one place that God meets man, that's, under the shed Blood of the Innocent. Only by the Blood! That was His first decision. See?
72We can make a decision, and next year we can think better. We got a better idea of it, next year. God can't; He's infinite. His first decision is perfect; nothing can move it. I can learn more; we are finite. I can learn more; you can learn more. But God can't learn more; He is perfect, to begin with. And, therefore, His first decision, rest your soul upon it. What the Bible says, that's it!
73 God's got to judge the world someday. And the Catholic says He'll judge it by the Catholic church. If that be so, which Catholic church? They different, one from another. If you go to judge it by the Protestant, which Protestant church? They different, one from another. And it would be a bit confusing; no one would know where to stand. If the Methodist is right, the Baptist is lost. If the Protestant's right, the Catholic's lost; the Catholic's right, the Protestant's lost.
74But the Bible said that He will judge the world by Jesus Christ, and He is the Word. Then, He'll judge it by the Word.
75And all denominations get off of that Word, to make their creeds. I just ask any to prove to me where they take the full Word. They can't do it, because it's controlled by a system of man. Where you got man...
76God never did deal but with one person at a time. He never even had two prophets at the same time. One! God can get one man in His hand. He doesn't deal with you... your organization; He deals with you.
77 Now, upon that basis, we come to the Feast of the Trumpets, the hidden mysteries. It's prophesied it was to be that way, therefore it had to be revealed in the way that it was. But to be revealed in this last day, to fulfill exactly what I've just said, Malachi the 4th chapter, Luke the 17th chapter and the--the 30th verse, how He would do it, and Hebrews 13:8, Hebrews 4:12, and many of those Scriptures that tell us. Now, if that's foreign to some of you, may I say that God always... The way God is known amongst people is by being prophetic.
78The Jews always knowed to believe their prophets. He said, "If there be one among you, I the Lord will speak to him in spiritual dreams and in visions. And, what he says come to pass, then hear him." They were always...
79That's how they failed to recognize Jesus, and had to class Him something else, so they made Him a evil spirit, "Beelzebub," because He was able to discern the thoughts that was in their hearts. We always know that that's a sign of the Word.
80 Hebrews the 4th chapter, the 12th verse, said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
81"When He the Holy Ghost will come upon you, He will remind you of these things I've said, and will show you things to come."
82"God in sundry times, in divers manners," Hebrews 1, "spoke to the fathers through the prophets, in this last days through His Son, Jesus Christ." The same God, just changed from the prophets to the Son. That's all. See? Always the same Message, the same way of doing it.
83 Now, it's prophesied that the churches would be in this condition, had to be restored back again. And He said, in Malachi 4, that He would "send Elijah the prophet, and would restore the--the people back again," with the... bring it. Notice. And just before... Or, right after his Message, there will be a time when the world will burn, and the righteous will walk out upon the ashes.
84Now, to some theologian that might be listening in on a tape, somewhere around the world, if you think that that was John, remember, then, the Scriptures is wrong, for the world did not burn after John's message. Jesus did not come and take the people in the Millennium; but He has promised to do it after the Spirit of Elijah comes upon the earth again.
85 Notice now in Malachi 4, we see here that this is supposed to be done to restore (what?) the faith of the people back to the original fathers, the pentecostal Doctrine, the original fathers. And he will restore the people back to the fathers.
86We find in Luke 17, Jesus said that when He come in this last days, Luke 17:33, we find out that Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed."
87Now notice, He come in three sons' name. He come in the name of the Son of David... Or, the Son of man, Son of God, Son of David.
88 Now, He had to come as Son of man, because He was a Prophet. Jehovah, Himself, called the prophets, "son of man." And Jesus never referred to Himself as Son of God. He referred to Himself, always, as Son of man. And notice, He revealed Himself then as the Prophet, the Seer. Said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe it not." He met every description that was spoke of Him in the Scripture, even to His death, burial, resurrection; His crucifixion, His birth, all. And in His work, He met the description of the Seer, the Son of man.
89 Now He's been revealed through the church ages, now watch, through the church ages, as Son of God. God being a Spirit, the Holy Spirit, He revealed Himself in the church ages as, in the congregation, as the Holy Spirit among the people.
90We find, in the Laodicea Church Age, the last church age, He is put out of the church. Nowhere else was He ever put out, in any age, but in the Laodicea Age. "Because, they said, 'We're rich and have need of nothing.' And know it not that you're miserable, poor, naked, and blind, and don't know it." He was put out of the church age.
91And then, according to Luke 17, He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Now, He was reading the same Genesis that we read. Notice, at Sodom, what taken place. What was it in Sodom? Abraham...
92 There is always three classes of people. There was Abraham, the elected and called out, outside of Sodom itself. There was Lot, the church member, or denominational man, down; he became part of that world, by being the mayor of the city, set in the gate; he was the judge, which is a mayor. And there was Sodom, itself.
93Now, at the evening time, or the middle of the day, when Abraham was under his oak, three Angels appeared to him. Two of them went down in Sodom, and preached the Gospel and tried to call them out. They wouldn't do it; they were perverted. Lot, and his wife, only, and two of his daughters, started out. And the wife turned to a pillar of salt.
94 But the One that stayed and talked to Abraham, that Abraham called, "Elohim, the Almighty." Genesis 1, "God! In the beginning, God," Elohim, the--the all-sufficient One, the self-existing One. Abraham called Him, "Elohim." And He set down and eat with Abraham; He drank; He was in human flesh. And watch the sign that He gave Abraham.
95Now, they were looking for a coming son, a promised son, Isaac. Twenty-five years, on a long journey, they had looked for it, but they were at the end of the journey. God had appeared in many forms, as He has through the church ages, in Lights, and so forth, as He spoke to Abraham, and by voices. But just before the coming son arrived... Now we've been through it, and you know I'm just rehearsing, to get this to you. That, He changed the body of Abraham and Sarah, immediately after this, so they could receive the son.
96Notice, the last sign that they got, before the son arrived, was Jehovah talking to them in the form of a man. And how they knowed this was Jehovah, because He said, "Abraham," not Abram. Just a few days before, God had changed his name. "Where is thy wife, Sarah?" Not S-a-r-r-a; but S-a-r-a-h, "princess."
And Abraham said, "She is in the tent, behind You."
97And He said, "I," that's a personal pronoun, "I will visit you according to My promise. At the time of life, the next twenty-eight days, something is going to happen to Sarah."
98And Sarah, in the tent, smiled in herself, and said in her heart, "How could this be, seeing I'm old; and have pleasure with my lord, who is also old, Abraham?"
99And the Angel, or, the Man said, "Why did Sarah say that in her heart?" In the tent behind Him! "Why did she say these things cannot be?" See? A Man in human flesh, like a prophet, yet It was Elohim discerning the thought that was in Sarah's heart, behind Him.
100 And Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so will it be at the coming of the end of the world, when the Son of man," not Son of God, "when the Son of man will be revealing."
101Hadn't had it through the age. See that perfect continuity of the Scripture? Here we live in it. The mysteries: even of the baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and away from the Oneness idea; and these other things, how the Holy Spirit has moved that in and showed it perfectly; and the true Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Token, and everything, and placed it; and how He placed every reformer and everything, just exactly. And, see, right before our own eyes, and it's not in a corner. It's world-known. Jesus, the Son of God, revealing Himself by the Scriptures, making that Scripture (that has been predestinated to this day, like it was to that day, and all other days) live. And to believe It, is the evidence of the Holy Spirit.
102 Righteousness, you can't pronounce that just "going to church" is the evidence of the Holy Ghost. If you do, then them Pharisees had It. See? You can't pronounce "shaking or jumping" being the... If you do, the heathens has got It. If you say "speaking in tongues," what--what devil worship doesn't speak in tongues? Tell me one.
Brother Jackson setting here for Africa, from Africa, he could tell you that. I've been into the Indian camps here, see the witches and wizards cut themselves, and pour their own blood, and speak in tongues; and--and the witch doctor interpret it, and see them lay down a pencil and write in unknown tongues. So that's not It. But if it...
103What is the true evidence? Jesus said, "That you believe that I am He." And He is the Word.
104 Why didn't they get It? Why didn't the Jews get It? They were righteous man; they were good man; they were holy man, and there were all kinds of people; but, to whom is predestined to hear the Word!
105"And how do you know whether it is the Word? Each one says this."
106It's the promise of the Bible being vindicated of that age, there you are, then you come back to where the Holy Spirit is. Watch the sound of the Trumpet in a few minutes, what It declares. The Trumpet, the Gospel Trumpet, see who can hear It. Remember, those in the walled cities could not come out in the jubilee. No, sir. They were in the walls; they stayed there. It was over; they were slaves the rest of their life, and had to be marked. Now as we see all these patterns, notice.
107 Now, these acts, Malachi 4, and all this, and Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever," He remains forever the Word, the Word made manifest. That's exactly what He declared the prophets. A prophet doesn't only mean "a seer or forth-teller;" it means "a revealer of the Word that's written." In his own life, his own works, reveals and vindicates the Word of that day; like Noah building the ark; Moses down there; whatevermore; and any promise, the promised Word for that hour.
108 Now we know that He is with us. We believe that. You see His Word made manifest, by photographs, by Scriptures, by declarations in the Heaven, on earth, everything else that He said. Not one time has it failed. I ask any person to show me, from the different parts of the country, or over the world, you're--you're obligated to write me and tell me, where one time it ever failed. Perfect, word by word, now, that's a promise.
109 Why was He to appear in this last days? If you go back, and you tape listeners, to The Bride Tree, and bring up where Christ was, that Tree that was in the garden of Eden. The first Adam that fell; and this Second Adam was cut down by sin. They hung Him on a Roman tree, and out of that drew the... come out the Bride Tree that He promised, that we see in the Scriptures, now, in order to get the Bride.
110Like the pyramid, how it comes in the minority all the time, from the great wide; from Luther, Wesley, Pentecost, and then the capstone in the top of it is so honed, and each one of those stones are so perfectly put together. And we don't know yet how they did it, but it's so perfectly put together in that pyramid! And we're not pyramid teaching now, we're just...
111Enoch and them built it, years ago, and it stands for a symbol. Just the same as the sun rises and sets; just the same as the tree drops its--its leaf, and comes back again; as a fish, and the cattle, and everything else symbolizes it. That pyramid stands as a symbol.
112 Go into the prophet's chamber and watch them seven steps. Where did the--where did the guard meet the challenge to bring the comer into the presence of the king? At the top of the steps; was in the seventh step. There shows that we've got to come again with that same Spirit that was on John; he introduced the Messiah. He was greater than all the prophets; he introduced It. And we've got to come to a place, again, to something that's going to introduce the Messiah.
113 And how will the Messiah... the people that's believing Him know it unless they're constantly in the Word, to know what He is! Daniel said, "The wise shall know; but the foolish, the unwise, wouldn't know. They shall know their God." Now, now, how He shall appear in the last days, is to bring the people back to the Word, so that the Bride will know Her Husband, know Her Mate, the revealed Word. That's why this has to happen.
114It wasn't in the reformers; wasn't in Luther, Wesley, and--and the Pentecostals, and them. Scripture says it wasn't.
115But it will come. That is His promise for this age. We're living in the age that His Coming will be in. She must be identified in Him. Any woman must be identified with her husband, for the two are one. And Christ's Bride has to be identified with Him, for the two are One; and He is the Word, not the denomination. The Word! We are to be the children of the Light, and the Light is the Word which is made Light for this age. How do we know Light except It comes from the Word? All right. The Word made flesh is the Light of the age; when you see It, and the Bible said so.
116 Them people looking at Jesus there, and said, "Well, this Man, Who is He? Why, He's born, an illegitimate birth down there. Why, His father and mother is this, that, and the other, and all this there." But they didn't know Him. If they knowed the Scriptures, they would have knowed Him. He said so.
They said, "We are Moses' disciples!"
117Said, "If you knew Moses, you would know Me, for Moses wrote of Me." And still too blind to see It!
118See how humble? Away from all the crews, and the denominations, and the creeds, and everything. God moved right in, in flesh, in the form of a Man, a Kinsman Redeemer.
119She must be identified with Him. We are invited to be the children of the Light, that we walk in the Light.
120 I remember down in Kentucky, here not long ago, I had a meeting. Out, after I come out of the church, that there was an old man standing, with a lantern in his hand. He belonged to a church that don't believe in healing, and so forth. Said, "I--I different with you, Brother Branham."
I said, "Well, you got a right to do that."
121He said, "You see, I will not accept anything unless I see it. I've got to see it, right plain."
122I said, "Then did you ever see God, right plain, standing before you?" Course, he didn't believe in visions and things.
He said, "No."
123"Why," I said, "then you're not a believer, sir. I couldn't talk to you. See? See? We see what God promises and hold to That."
124He said, "How do you figure that?" I said... He said, "Come, go home with me and talk tonight."
I said, "I can't; like to. Where you live?"
He said, "You go over this mountain here."
125I said, "How you going to get there? You don't see your house." Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah.
He said, "Well, there's a path runs up over the hill."
I said, "You don't see the path." Uh-huh.
He said, "Well, I got a lantern."
126I said, "The lantern won't show the light right on the house. Oh, no. But that path will lead to the house. But that lantern will only show light for one step at a time."
127 We'll walk in the Light, the beautiful Light; one step at a time, Lord, coming closer to Him. Yeah. Children of the Light, accept His Word, keep walking and watch more unfold. Don't leave It, no matter what somebody else says. Stay right in That and just keep walking with It, watch It unfold and reveal Itself. The Word is a Seed; a seed in the right kind of ground will bring forth its kind.
128 Notice Revelations 10:1 to 7, all the mysteries are to be revealed to the Bride, by the messenger of the Laodicea Church. Has anybody got a Revised Version Bible? If you have, you'll notice there where it said, "the angel," it's in parenthesis it says, "the eagle." See? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. See? The messenger to the--the Laodicea Church, see, Revelations 10:1 to 7.
129And he said that this... in that day that he seen Him come down, and he eat up the little book. And there was... "He put one foot on land, and one on the sea, and swore by Him that lives, and ever and ever, that, 'Time shall be no more.'" And when He did, Seven Thunders uttered their voices. And when the Seven Thunders uttered their voices, John said he was about to write. And He said, "Don't write It." Uh-huh. See? And he sealed It.
130 Now, someone said, "Well, that Seven Seals, then, Brother Branham, that will be revealed in the last days, some great mystery how we get closer to God?" No, sir, it can't be.
131"Whosoever shall take one Word from this Bible, or add one word to It, his part will be taken, the Book of Life." What it is is a revelation on what has been missed back there, to bring. It's already wrote Here. It's in Here. It's to reveal what already has been written. See? Cause, you can't add one thing to It, or take one Word from It.
132 The first chapter of Rev-.... of--of the Bible, in the beginning, Genesis. One woman didn't misbelieve It, but she just misinterpreted, let Satan misinterpret to her, one word, "surely." See? And then, from that, caused all this trouble. And that was God speaking, God's Word.
133And in the last chapter of Revelation, Jesus Himself, the same God, said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out, or add one word to It."
134This is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ. [Brother Branham pats his Bible--Ed.] And the Seven Seals had the mysteries hid, of what It all was; and is supposed to open It in the last day, at the Laodicean age, at the end of time. Thanks be to God! That finishes the Message to the Church. That finishes It. When they look back and see what has been, and see where it's all brought up to, that finishes It, the age of the Church.
135 Now notice the trumpets that we're speaking of, is a call together for either a feast, for war, for a person, some sacred day, or something like that. Notice. You say, "For a person?" Yeah. Or, for the year of jubilee, the announcing of the coming of freedom, when they could go back; now, we could take a complete morning on just that one thing. But, now, getting into the trumpets. You got the background now, of the Seals and the Church, now we're going into the trumpet. The trumpet sounded, and the trumpet denotes either war, or a feast day. Or, what it means, is, "a gathering together of the people," the trumpet.
136Paul said, "When the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who can prepare themselves for war, or for peace, or whatever it is?" Who knows? You have to know what the trumpet sounds.
137Therefore, when the trumpet sounds, we see something in the earth today. There is a great trouble somewhere. Everybody knows it. Everybody has become a neurotic. The whole world is a neurotical world, and we know there is something wrong. The Pentagon, everywhere, we know there is something wrong.
138 Now, the only way you'll know what the trumpet sound is, is to look what the Music Sheet says. See? That's all. It's a great symphony, see, and beating.
139Like, Peter and the Wolf, see, when you... if the... And the--the composer has wrote the book, and the director must be in the same spirit of the composer. If he don't, he gives the wrong beat, and then the whole thing is out.
140That's what's the matter today. We got too many directors in the... not in the Spirit of the Composer. They say, "The denomination, well, we believe this."
141No matter what you say, the Bible is right. Beat it out according to the Sheet Music right here before it, then the great symphony of God's great act is playing out just right, then we can see the hour and where we're standing.
142 Now notice, the trumpet is to call together the people, assemble themselves together for something. Sometime it announced a important person.
143Like in Joseph, they sounded the trumpet, and Joseph was appearing; which is a--a symbol of "the Great Trumpet" that we speak of, and get to after a while, in Isaiah. That says, "When the Great Trumpet sounds, when that ensign will be lifted up, up there; and then there'll come a time when the Great Trumpet will be sounded, and all the nations will gather to Jerusalem." That's when the Millennium starts; the Great Trumpet.
144 Now, this calling, of the Feast of the Trumpets, the approaching of something. Notice Revelation 8:7, if you want to write down. We notice the First Trumpet, there scattered hail, blood, fire, upon the earth; just exactly with Exodus, when God was calling His people out, of the exodus.
145Now, the reason that these Seven Trumpets does not apply to this Church and this age, is because it's to Israel only. It's the calling, of the gathering of the people. And now there's only one significance in here that I want you to get to, in a few minutes, is where you'll see why this doesn't apply to this age that we're living in; the Seven Trumpets.
146 I know many people different with that, but I know it's this. I know it. Not because I'm saying you're saying it; because, I didn't get it from myself. My--my thought is not my own. Ever what It is that told me, if It's wrong, then it's wrong. But I'm not telling it by my own, I'm telling by what Somebody else has said. That Somebody else is the God that spoke to us and done all these things that He has done, and appeared, see, so I know it's right.
147 The--the gathering of Israel is the Trumpets. The Trumpets is to gather Israel. Notice, the very First Trumpet sound; blood, fire, hail, and everything, scatter the ground. See? What was He doing? Bringing Israel out of spiritual Egypt, see, back into his homeland.
148Now let me say this right here, that, every Trumpet that blowed, blowed under the Sixth Seal. We'll get to it in a few minutes, where we caught the Seal there. All the Trumpets sounded under the Sixth Seal.
149Because, the Seventh Seal, there was silence. "No one knew; that was the minute or hour that Christ would come," as He revealed it to us.
150 But every Trumpet sounded under the Sixth Seal, under the persecution of the Jews. Notice, Revelation now, 8th, and begin with the 7th verse. All was the calling out of Israel, natural, in Egypt; now it's the calling out of Israel, in the spiritual sense. He was making them ready to come to the feast of the Atonement.
151Notice, the Feast of the Trumpets was first, which was pentecost. The feast of the atonement followed it, fifty days later. The feast of the atonement, read it here. We'll, probably, if we have time, we'll refer to it and read it to you out of the Bible, here in Leviticus 12, now, or Leviticus 23, rather, and Leviticus 16. We find that the first was the feast of the--of the trumpets. Was the atonement and the... after it followed pentecost, now we find out... The feast of the atonement followed the Feast of the Trumpets.
152 Now notice, a Trumpet sounded, and that was to gather them together. Now, the First Trumpet blowed, there was hail, blood, fire, sprayed upon the earth, just exactly like it was in Egypt, making ready to call them to the Day of the Atonement. See? They rejected the true Atonement. And this years has been lengthened out through here, has been the year of pentecost. See? Now the sounding for the Jews comes next.
153This has been the calling-out of the Church. Watch real close. Now, which, afterwards, He took them to the land of promise; which He will do the same thing, in which, in symbol, He takes the Church to the land of promise.
154Remember, every Trumpet sounded under the Sixth Seal, only then when it sounded.
155 Notice now, exactly, the continuity of the Scripture, exactly the same. Under the Seventh Trumpet, is to Israel the same as the Seventh Seal was to the Church. We find, under the Seventh Seal, that when these souls that was under the altar there, that received robes... They were given robes, not that they earned them, because they were in the dispensation when God was still dealing with grace with the Gentiles, not Jews. Israel is saved as a nation. God deals with Israel as a nation. Gentiles is "a people for His Name," not a nation for His Name. Israel!
156 And when Hitler and them persecuted the Jews, and did the things that they done under that; look, they, Stalin, Hitler, and all those dictators had raised up. If we had the time, which, to rehearse it to some newcomers, but we've went through it. Under that same age, that there has been in Germany and--and all the other nations, Jews has scattered throughout all the land. But there has raised, in the last twenty years, a bitter persecution against the Jews.
157I've been out there at the old places where they burnt their bodies, and cremated, and used the... used their ashes to fertilize the ground, Jewish children, and women, and everything. Then they try to deny it; take them right out and show them where it was done.
158It's been a bitter persecution against Israel, because it's been the time calling him now back to the Atonement. He is still under the atonement of a natural lamb. The real Lamb of God is the Atonement, and he has rejected It, and the Blood has been upon him ever since. Notice, making ready the people! How perfect then the Seventh Trumpet and the Seventh Seal is, perfectly together, the persecution of the Jews.
159 Note, in Revelation the 9th chapter and the 13th verse, now notice real close, under the Sixth Trumpet. Revelations 9:13, under the Sixth Trumpet, note, there was two hundred thousand horsemen that had been bound in the river of Euphrates, was turned loose under the Sixth Trumpet. Now there's not two hundred thousand horsemen in the world; but there was two hundred thousand horsemen. Notice it. I want you to jot it down, so you can read it.
160They wasn't natural horses. They breathed fire, and they had breastplates of jasper, and--and they had tails. And the end of the tail looked like a serpent, a snake's head on the end of it, stinging. See? It was spiritual horses, spiritual devils, chargers, that had been bound in Euphrates all these years, supernatural devils. What was it? The old Roman Empire being revived; the persecution of the Jews. They had been bound for nearly two thousand years, at the river Euphrates, can't cross to the promise; a religious sect that was trying to get to the other side. Euphrates, you know, come through Eden. But they were bound there, two hundred thousand devils of persecution.
161 And notice what happens under that Sixth Trumpet. They were turned loose on the Jews; the persecution of the Jews. Supernatural devils, nearly two thousand years, then loosed by Stalin, Hitler, upon the Jews. You say, "Well, that isn't Roman." It's the same spirit. They done the same things they did to the Christians, in the old pagan Roman days. Now watch the natural Israel, and the spiritual Church now, as we separate it here. Turned loose on the Jews.
162You remember, under the Sixth Seal, how every one of those martyrs, are calling according to the Word of God, receive robes. It was given to them by the grace, because they're blinded that they can't see their Gospel, that this people might be called out of the Gentiles for the--the Bride. They were given robes, the Bible says here, under that Trumpet. Them Jews, who absolutely is against Christ and everything; the reason they are, is because the Bible said they are blinded. And they were blinded for your sake. And the just God knows that they would receive It, but they were made blind for your sake. The Bible said so.
163 There is that Roman empire, bound there by (what?) the ecclesiastical powers. Which, Rome, pagan Rome become papal Rome, and was bound there in its traditions of Christian. What part of Christian, and--and superstitions it had of Rome putting together all these; worship of women, and all these other kind of stuff, and Christmas days, and holidays, and holy days, and things. It's been bound with that tradition that it cannot let loose, because it's against Christian principles. Still the same ungodly, pagan spirit! And that spirit caught into the nations of the world, according to the prophecies of Ezekiel and the rest of the them.
164And they were loosed upon the Jew, who knowed nothing of the Spirit. There is your mysteries that's hid under that Seal there. See? Notice it. We went through it. And I'll show you this Trumpet here, this last Trumpet, what takes place. There they are. These Trumpets are let loose on the Jews, (don't you see?) not on the Gentiles. The Gentile, when them Seals was opened, is sealed away; time is ended; the Church is called.
165 You remember the vision the other day? Remember the re-... the preview of it? How many remembers, Sunday 'fore last? How there it was exactly, come by. We seen it, exactly, seen that dirty, filthy thing come up, called the church, vulgarities to the extreme. And that little Bride, of every nation, each one of them dressed like their nation they come from, just perfectly walking before the Lord.
166You notice, there'll be a time, sometime, when they'll say, "Well, I thought the Church was to go before the persecution. I thought there was a Rapture."
"It's already passed and you knew it not."
That's what He said about John one time, you know.
167Said, "How, why say the prophets that a... the scribes, that Elias must first come?"
168He said, "He's already come." And even the disciples didn't know it. "They done to him what they listed."
169The Rapture will be the same way. In--in a hour... He promised to do that. He didn't promise to show Elias like that, but He promised to take the Bride like that. "In a hour that you think not," just a change, in a moment of a twinkling of an eye, be caught away. Then you're left, then that's the time!
170 Two thousand years, this spirit through the Roman people, the Roman church, could not move. But that same spirit coming up, first, down there into Mussolini in Rome, the dictator. You know the five...
171Seven things He showed me, in '33, would come to pass. Five of them has already passed. Doctor Lee Vayle is writing a book on it there now. See? Five things, perfectly, and just two more things to happen. Said, "It'd happen just before the Coming." Here we are right at the end now, and look like that sixth thing is moving right up. See? Perfectly, exactly, even the wars and how they would happen, exactly on the dot, and not one time did it miss.
172Listen, folks, we ought to take inventory every hour. You don't know where we're standing. Real close!
173 Now, now he loosed, upon, under that Sixth Seal, these two hundred thousand spiritual demons, started in Rome, Germany, Hitler. And notice over in the Bible, where they received, never... They received power as kings, but wasn't crowned. A dictator is not a crowned king; just receive power as a king.
174Oh, the Spirit of God just moving through me now, you know, just saying something. I don't know how to say it, nor what to say, and maybe I better not.
175 Notice, two thou-... hundred thousand demons turned loose upon those Jews, when they burned them, they crucified them. They put bubbles in their veins. They killed them, till they had no more gas to kill them with. And they shot them, till they had no more bullets to shoot with. And they--and they done everything they could do. They cremated their bodies, and everything; and hung on fences, children and all, innocent people. Because they were Jews, they were done that way. But God said He give each one of them a robe, undeserving as they was; but His grace to blind them so that we could see.
176The Seventh Seal hasn't opened yet, you know. That's His Coming.
177 So while they're still under there, but, He shows us here, in a preview. As John, He took him up.
178And one time, walking on the sea, you know; he said, "What about this man that leans on Your bosom?"
179He said, "What is it to you if he stays till I come?" See, he never stayed, but He took him up and showed him that, the thing that happen till He come. Just showed him, reviewed the whole plan to John.
180 Notice, we find now that that natural power under the natural, to a natural nation, Israel, was loosed there. And what did it? It went and made war, and how it murdered and persecuted.
Now in the ecclesiastical realm of it! I... are you...
181I hope that God opens your eyes to this now. Cause, I realize this is just not speaking to this church here. This tape goes world-wide. And I don't mean to hurt anybody's feelings, but just to tell the Truth.
182Now the ecclesiastical realm has been opened, from the natural revival of the old pagan Rome, went forth on those Jews, which has always been their enemy. The lion, with teeth and everything, it stomped down and broke out the people. Rome, always been God's enemy! And it was turned loose in the same spirit, by the dictators of the world, because the religious system was still holding. Now it's been loosed.
183 What has it done? In the "cunningness," as He said, he come in like flatteries. And what has he done? He is bringing the Protestant Ecumenical Council of the World Churches, the spirit of antichrist upon both of them, bringing them to the slaughter, just like they did the other, in the hour to call the Bride. How? Loosed in the ecclesiastical church spirit. Loosed upon what? Not upon the denominations; upon the Bride! But here you'll get it, the Bride will not go through that time. The Bible says not. The church will, but not the Bride. Can't you see? Ministers, can't you see that, brethren?
184You say, "The Church has to go through the persecution, for the--for the perfection of It." The Blood of Jesus Christ perfects the Bride.
185A man who chooses a wife don't put her through a lot of punishment; he's already found grace, too, with her; she has found grace with him. He--he engages to her. And, if there is anything, he'll keep her from every place to turn her hand. His grace is so great upon them.
186 And so will it be upon the Bride, and so is it on the Bride. We unworthy creatures, deserving of hell, but His grace holds us through it. Look at how many lost and blind! How many, how many sinners was there in the world, the hour I got saved! God saved me for a purpose; and I'm determined, by His will, to do that purpose. I don't care what anything else goes; I want to do it.
187And in the hour when I see all the churches, their great glamour, "and rich, and have need of nothing," they say; and see them, miserable, wretched, blind; then patting you on the shoulders, want you to compromise with them. I was born for a purpose, that's to condemn that thing and to call out. This I do.
188Remember, when Jesus came on the earth, there wasn't one-hundredth of the people on the earth ever knowed He was here. He come to get that elected group. Said, "No man can come to Me except My Father has drawed him. And all the Father hath," past tense, "given me, they'll come. They'll know it. They'll hear It."
189 Notice the loosing of this ecclesiastical spirit. Now twenty years later, after that war, we see the loosing of the ecclesiastical spirit. What under? The Seventh Seal; the Seventh Trumpet to the Jew.
190Look at the moon darkening out. What under? See it drawn out, the Son of man being drove from the church.
191What is it? Joining in with the ecclesiastical bunch. The--the ecumenical move, and with the World Council of Churches, has drove every man... What does that thing stand for? Why, you have to surrender all your evangelical teachings and things. "How can two walk together 'less they be agreed?" They can't. Jesus said they can't. And how can a church, the Methodist and Baptists walk together? How can the Church of Christ walk with the Presbyterians? How can the Catholic walk with the Protestant? How can Protestant walk with Protestant?
192But the Bride can walk with the Word, which is Christ. It must be in agreement. Not the ecclesiastical system; but the Word. You have to agree with the Word, to walk with the Word. Jesus said so. That makes it right.
193 Notice, there she is now. She's loosed, to call all these little loose ends, "Oh, well, don't make any difference, anyhow."
194That's what Satan said to Eve, "Don't make any difference. It's all right. Surely, God is a good God. He loves us all." He doesn't.
195You hear so much about It being a good God. He is a good God, but, being good, He has to be just. There is no goodness without justice. There is no justice without no law, without punishment, penalty. So we're in that hour, that we're living.
196 Notice, quickly now, these supernatural demons. Then, under the--under the auspices of a United Nation, united groups together, Eastern and Western.
197Just like the right and left foot of the image that Daniel saw, how they wouldn't agree and mix with one another. And the word Eisenhower, during that time... Eisenhower means "iron." Khrushchev means "clay." And he pulled off his shoe and beat it [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] on the desk at the... when the League of Nations, or the U... at the UN. Khrushchev did, dusting off the... Oh, my! The hour that we're living! The church and its condition!
198But, thank God, the little Bride has made Herself ready. It ain't long. Just hold on. It won't be long. I don't know how long, don't know when; nobody knows that. But we know it's close now, real.
199 Watch the ecclesia. Watch that, natural, what it did to them Jews. That was a people that held to the laws of God. No matter how many churches raise up, what else, they was blinded to Christ, and held to that law. And God gave them robes, every one of them, 'cause they went down in martyrdom. See? They're--they're... They were blinded for our sake.
200Here now, the Church, that knows nothing but the Bible. Regardless of ecclesiastical system, denomination, they know nothing about it. It's all foreign to them. They know Him, and Him alone.
201 People today are somewhat like Peter and them was, up on the Mount of Transfiguration. They got all enthused when they seen the supernatural did, and one said, "We'll make one church of--of the prophets, and one to Moses."
202And that's the way the people, the Pentecostals did. They said, "We'll make one, Assembly of God; and one, church of God; and one, Oneness; and one, Twoness," and so forth like that.
203But while he was yet speaking, Jehovah cried out, "This is My beloved Son," Who is the Word, "hear ye Him!" See? He is the Word.
204 The hour that we're living, the ecclesiasticals, of spirits uniting together now and bringing them all to this big one slaughter, to blot out. It's already in writing here, in this nation now, that these churches has to be closed unless you're with the organization. It's a union, it's a boycott, just like the mark of the beast.
205And now you see what the beast is, don't you? It's a power. And a power, ecclesiastical power, Jesus said, "It'd be so close like the real thing, it'd deceive the very Elected if it was possible." But He promised to have something here for us in that day, that we wouldn't be deceived, and that's the Word, and Christ to make It manifest to us. They're supernaturals, devils, unseen to the eye, but you can see what they're doing. See?
206 Notice, while that group is a riding, making themselves ready to stomp out everything that won't agree with them, there is another group being made ready, after while, Revelations 19. The next time the Church is heard, She comes, also, not upon exactly horses, but the Bible said, "He was on a white horse, and the host of Heaven was following Him upon white horses." That right?
207While this group down here has got two thousand bound at the river Euphrates, and has been bound for two thousand years, also that church has bound the Holy Ghost for nearly two thousand years, under martyrdom back there, and under the church ages. It's been bound, not at the river Euphrates, but at the door of creeds and dogmas, that the Holy Spirit can't work in the church because of man-made systems. But She is going to be liberated, She is coming back, that's what the Bible said. And those two meet one another on the battlegrounds, Lucifer and Michael again, like in the beginning. They've been bound for two thousand years, almost, almost two thousand years.
208 Not exactly two thousand, 'cause the Romans kept on going, Titus in A.D. 96, and on down like that, kill the Jews. The Romans! Who was it killed the Jews? Who was Titus? A Roman general. The blood rolled out the gates down there, up to the... oh, and slaughter them, the women, children, and everything. Didn't Ezekiel 9 say they'd do that? "Go through the midst of the city and set a mark upon the people who sigh and cry," the--the Holy Spirit. And the rest of them, "the slaughtering man come forth," that would been bound; hold them, hold them, until they went forth and slaughter everything that was in there. Little women, women, children, babies, and everything else, they were all slaughtered. Exactly.
209Here it is again, repeating itself. And here is that ecclesiastical system coming right back, smothering out, tramping out everything that's called God. Oh, they got their systems, and organizations, and denominations, but that don't have nothing to do with the Bible. They'll tell you quick they don't even believe in It. Yes, sir. "Say what the church says."
210 It's what God says! That is the Word. The Bride is with the Words; they're One. How can they be One? When that Word, that's wrote in There, becomes in you, and make--make you and the Word becomes One. That's exactly what He promised.
211Then, It interpret. God don't need an interpreter. They say, "Well, we interpret It like this." You've got no right to interpret nothing. God does His Own interpretation. God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. Who interprets that? He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. That don't need any interpreter; it's already interpreted. God said these things would happen in this day, and it is. It don't need no interpreter. It interprets Itself. Oh, my!
212 Revelations 9:1, under the Fifth Trumpet, their king... Notice, Revelations 9:1 now, the king of this great group of two hundred thousand horses. They had a king over them, and, if we notice, it was a fallen star. "Why art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer?" Oh, how Doctor Smith got that so scrupled up there, but, it's all right, see, wasn't for his hour. See? All right. "Was the bottomless pit; their king was the king of the bottomless pit."
213Revelations 17:8. I wrote something down here. I'm just going to read it. You see here, Revelations 17:8. I want to see what it says here, 'cause I don't know just how to hit this next, 17:8.
And the beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and shall go into perdition: and they that dwell upon the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life--of the life from the foundation of the world, when they beheld the beast which was, which is not, and which yet is.
214See, "was," one pope dies, another one ascends. "Beast which was, which is not, which is; which is not, which is." Don't change its order; it's pope, the same time, everything. Everything has to go in the same system.
215 And it shall come where? "To the bottomless pits." And the Bible said here, that, "The leader of these fellows was from the bottomless pits, and that was their king," and he sets with a triple crown, and joining the Protestants with him.
216Heard a Lutheran priest say, the other day, said... or, a Lutheran preacher, said, "Well, people ask me why I wear a--a collar. How can they tell me from the..." Was you there? [A brother says, "Yes."--Ed.] Yeah. And, that, wasn't that ridiculous? I--I almost felt like vomiting, walked off the platform. They said, "For, they shouldn't be any difference."
217If Luther, Martin Luther, would hear that, he'd turn over in his grave, say, "You hypocrites, you don't belong in my ranks." Uh-huh. See?
But you know where it's got? "There's no difference."
218 There is a difference. Even differs in individual. God said, "Separate Me, and Paul and Barnabas," that's right, "for the work." Separate! God is a separator, not a mixer. A separ-... The church wants a good mixer, today, that can let them wear bathing suits, and shorts, and everything else, and get out and carry on like that. But God said, "Separate Me!" Separate yourself from the world!
219 Revelations, we find out here, that, "their king was from the bottomless pits," and the same one that "went into perdition," in and out, in and out, went out.
220Notice in Leviticus, the 23rd chapter, how perfect is the interpretation with the order with the Word, with what we're trying to give now. Watch this now, the order. Now we notice. Let's just turn and read that just for a moment. In Ecclesia-... not in Ecclesiastes, but Leviticus. Leviticus 23, now notice this here, Leviticus the 23rd chapter now. And we want not to miss this at all, now, so we can get it just exactly the way the Lord has got it written here for us. I certainly can't find Leviticus in Exodus, can I? All right, Leviticus now. "And the Lord..." 23rd.
... the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
Speak to the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, and an holy convocation. See?
Ye shall do... the servile work therein: but ye shall not offer... offerings made by fire unto the LORD.
... and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
221Now watch. Now notice.
And the LORD spake... Moses, saying,
Also in the tenth day of the seventh month there shall be a day of an atonement:...
222 See, the atonement followed the... Watch now. The atonement followed the trumpet sound. See? How beautiful! See? The atonement day followed the trumpet.
223Now--now, the fifty days of the trumpets, for us, symbolize when the trumpet sounded at pentecost, which was fifty days. Now--now--now, after this, the Jews rejected That.
224Now the Trumpets is to call them back to that Atonement, see, the Atonement they rejected. And they rejected so our eyes could be opened; theirs was closed. And during this time, these Seals opened up, and the--the--the Trumpets blowed. And now, in the blowing of the Trumpets, just before the Messiah comes, 'cause they've got to be in Palestine. And you remember God had to harden Pharaoh's heart, to run them out of Egypt; and He hardened Stalin, Mussolini, and all that, to get them back into the promised land, where the hundred and forty-four thousand is supposed to be.
225And now, for the first time for thousands of years, twenty-five hundred years, that Israel is a nation with its own flag, own army, and all, and it considered in the--in the UN. First time it's been. The oldest flag that ever flew on earth, at this time, flies again, the five... six-point star of David. He said He'd lift that ensign in the last days, when she'd be coming back. We're at the end. There is just no doubt about it. We're here.
226 Notice now, quickly, Revelation 9, under the seven trumpet, "their king is from the bottomless pits."
227Then in Leviticus, now, how perfect the interpretation is here with the Word! Because, see, immediately following, the pentecostal jubilee followed the day of an atonement; the order of the feast time. Between the pentecostal feast, to the atonement, the sound of the trumpets for the atonement, was the pentecostal feast, the long period of time. Look, there was a long period of time between the pentecostal feast, to the calling of the--of the trump... the sounding of the trumpets, the--the trumpets to be sound; a long period of time. Frankly, it was fifty days, from the--from the--from the feast of pentecost to the feast of the atonement, was fifty days. Now, fifty days is exactly seven sabbaths.
228 And seven sabbaths is the seven church years, Church Ages. Get it? See? See? Now, the Jews has been blinded, waiting all this time, while the pentecostal Firstfruits has been poured out upon the Church. And we've come down through the martyr ages, and down through the reformer ages, and now in the calling-out age; three sections, same Spirit; like Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, same One. See? But, Seven Church Ages, being seven sabbaths.
229Exactly seven sabbaths from the--from the pentecostal jubilee trumpet... a pentecostal jubilee feast, until... The waving of the sheaf, and then the pentecostal jubilee. And then from the jubilee to the atonement is seven sabbaths, fifty days, and at the end of the fifty days is the--the atonement is made. You get it? Now, and this has been a type, that the Church...
230 When He was revealed, Hisself, as Son of God, has been revealing to the Church in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, down through the ages, in the--the pentecostal age, see. Just keep getting more and more; justification under Luther, sanctification under Wesley, baptism of the Holy Ghost.
231 Now here is the calling-out time. At the Sixth Seal, when it's--when it opened, the persecution struck the Jews, in the literal standpoint; and here comes the persecution to the church, in the ecclesiastical standpoint; because, the Bride is already called. The sabbaths are over, and ready for the Jews to be called. Where to? The feast of Atonement. Oh, church, don't you see that? Called to the feast of the Atonement, (what?) to recognize the Atonement; not no more chickens and geese, and what they been doing. "The Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world," Israel is going to know That.
232 Notice, here is a great thing. Look! Oh, my! The Holy Spirit has been bound by the denominations, all these two thousand years. We find out, It has. Now notice the sabbaths, seven sabbaths, they couldn't get all the way out. The--the Bible said, "There will be a day that will be neither night or day."
233"And all Scripture," Jesus said, "must be fulfilled." Is that right? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.]
234The prophet said, "There will be a day that can't be called day and night, but in the evening time it shall be Light."
235What was it? The same sun that shines in the East is the same sun that shines in the West.
236Every time that sun comes up, and goes across and sets, means your life. Little baby born, weak, of a morning. About eight o'clock, it goes to school. Eleven-thirty, it's out of school, it's the heat of the day. Then it begins to set, to fifty years old, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety. She sets over yonder and dies; only to come back the next day, and say, "There is a life, death, burial, resurrection."
237 And, notice, civilization has went with the sun. The oldest civilization we have is China. Anyone knows that.
238Where did the Holy Ghost fall? On the Eastern country, on Eastern people. And the Gospel has traveled with the sun. It come from where? From over in the East, into Germany, from Germany to England... Crossed the channel three times. Mediterranean into Germany, from Germany... From the Mediterranean, from the East, into Germany, through the Mediterranean; from Germany, across the English Channel, into England; from English Channel, across the Pacific over into... or the Atlantic, over into the United States.
239And now she is at the West Coast. She has crossed the nation that she civilized and went across, and went on. Civilization travel; the Gospel has traveled with it. Now all the riffraff is on the West Coast, where everything it picked up, like the tidal wave coming in.
240 But the prophet said, "The Son will not shine through this day; it'll be a day of gloom." They've had enough Light, like a real rainy day, they could join churches, and believe the Lord, and things like that. But, he said, "In the evening time, the clouds will move away, the denominations will fade." And the same Gospel, the same Word made flesh, as He promised in Luke 17:33. The same Gospel, with the same thing, would take place in the evening time, just when the shadows are getting low. The same Gospel, the same Christ that lived in flesh back yonder at the beginning, on the Eastern people, shall live again in the Western people at the end time. "It shall be Light in the evening time."
241"All Scriptures is given by inspiration," and cannot be broken.
242 The big fifty days has passed over. The pentecostal feast has passed over, seven sabbaths; until the trumpets, a type of the Seventh Church Age. Remember, remember, the... under the Sixth Trumpet, the Jew... Are you listening? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Under the Sixth Trumpet, the--the Pentecostals reject the Bible; the--the lukewarm, not only Pentecostals, all the rest. The church world rejects Christ and He is put on the outside. And in the same Trumpet... And the same Seal, rather, when It was opened, to show Jesus on the outside of the church, trying to get back in; at the same time, the Trumpet sound for the Jews, and the Jews recognize the Atonement. Glory! Hallelujah! Oh, my!
243The Holy Spirit has been bound by these denominational rivers, for almost two thousand years, but is to be loosed in the evening time, by the evening-time Message. The Holy Spirit back in the Church again; Christ, Himself, revealed in human flesh, in the evening time. He said. He promised it.
244 There was three stages of it, as I said. The martyrs, age of the martyr, for it; and then the stage of the reformers; and now the calling-out time.
245When finished, at Laodicean Age, according to Revelations 10, the mystery of all the Bible would be knowed to the Bride. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Revelations 10. Listen close now. Uh-huh. Bride, called out by the Word; Christ Himself calling out the Bride, making plain Hebrews 13:8, that He's "the same yesterday, today, and forever," does the same, is the same. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." See? Luke 22... Or, Luke 17:30, and also Malachi 4, Hebrews 4:12, all these Scriptures that's promised, this is to be between the Sixth and the Seventh Seal, and the Sixth and the Seventh Trumpet.
246 Pentecost feast finishes at the period of the Seventh Trumpet, for the next is the Coming of... The Seventh Seal, for the next is the mystery of the Coming of Christ, and, also, the Trumpet is sound for the Jews. Their Sixth Trumpet is sound, and, when it does, it makes known to them the revealed Son of God; one-half hour of space. Remember, all Trumpets sound on this Sixth Seal. The Sixth Seal finishes the mystery, under the Sixth Seal, just before the Seventh is opened.
247 Notice, here is Leviticus 23:26. How in order is the Scripture! After the long period of pentecost, which Israel did reject back there; and He called the Gentile Church out, through this pentecostal feast. How many understand what the pentecostal feast is? It's the fruit of... firstfruit of the harvest, the firstfruit of the resurrection, the pentecostal feast.
Don't miss this, people! And, you on tape, listen close!
248This has been the time of pentecostal feast. The Jews has laid silent; they rejected It. Now they've got to be called back to the Atonement. We know Who the Atonement was; they didn't. And the Trumpet sound, after the pentecostal jubilee, calls the Jews together. Can't you see how that Trumpet, of persecution under Hitler and them, blasted? And the Jews was forced to come together, to fulfill the Scriptures.
249Now you got it? All that's got it, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Good. All right.
250 Notice here in Leviticus, 26 now, the order of the Scriptures. After the long period of pentecost, which ends in the calling out of the Bride, the Bride is called out by a servant. The Rejected, next, to be known to Israel, the feast of the Atonement. Notice, here is the same as in Leviticus the 16th chapter, now, when He ordered the feast of pentecost... or the feast of atonement, but in this place they are called...
251Oh, how perfect! Get it, preachers. See? Don't miss it, ministers.
252In this feast of pentecost, which is represented in Leviticus 23:26, or 23 and 24, is a feast of mourning, not a killing, of a feast. The feast was killed... The atonement was killed, rather. The atonement was killed. Leviticus 16, it's exactly a parallel to it. Only, in this place, it's called Israel to mourn for their sins. How perfect it is, today! It's not the rekilling of It; which, Moses symbolized, by striking the rock the second time; it didn't work. Not a killing, of a feast; but a mourning, of rejecting the Atonement. Oh, my! This will be the Trumpet; the feast, be rejected, then their Messiah made known.
253 Notice, they'll know their Messiah when they see Him. He is coming in power, this time, the One they looked for. He is coming in power, for the Gentile Bride, and the Jews are going to recognize Him. And then the Bible says... We just got through preaching on it here, about six months ago, or more. The Bible says, when they say, "Where did You get those wounds?" How many remembers the Message? Raise your hand. Sure, you... See? "Where'd You get those wounds?"
He said, "In the house of My friends."
254Remember me preaching on the--the time when Jacob had sent the children of Israel down there to get the stuff, and the food and stuff, and how Joseph act like he didn't know them; and how all these things went on, then he made himself known? You remember? And they were so scared, they went to weeping. Same as Jacob's trouble.
255And here we find the Jews under persecution; don't know where they stand now, but they're coming back.
256And when they do see the Atonement appear, the Bible said, "When they seen it," they said, "they would separate one home from another, and weep for days, like a--like a family that's lost their only son. 'Where did you get those wounds?'"
He said, "In the house of My friends." See?
257 Remember, the Bride is already in Heaven; Joseph's wife was in the palace. And Joseph dismissed everything from around him, and he made hisself known to his brothers; you see, His Wife and children and them was in the palace when He returns back to make Hisself known to the Jews. There is the Atonement. There is your sound Trumpet. There is where they say, "Oh!" What is it? There's the Atonement. "Where's them wounds come from?" There it is.
"In the house of My friends."
258Remember what Joseph's brothers said? Why, they said, "Now we'll be killed, sure enough. We did that. We did the evil like that."
259He said, "No, God did this to save life." You remember the story, in Genesis? See? See? So did He do it this way, to save the life of the Gentile, the Bride. Said, "I got them in the house of My friend; but don't be angry, see, don't be afraid of yourself."
260 They say, "Oh, my! Did we actually miss seeing Him? Was that the Atonement, and we've missed It? O God!" And they said, "They just separate themselves, and mourn for days." What is it? The Atonement; sadness. This time, the coming of the making known, Atonement, is not the regular atonement being killed, like in Leviticus 16. But Leviticus 23 is a mourning time, of their sins. And, their sins was, they rejected It.
261Oh, don't you see where we're at? Don't you see why them Trumpets means nothing to us? They all sounded under our Sixth Seal. You see now why the Holy Spirit wouldn't let me speak it? And the Heavenly Father knows, with this Bible before me, that's the Truth. Didn't know it till yesterday, day before yesterday; in my room there where He revealed it, come to me and spoke to me. I come back, I said, "Wife, I got it now. He just met me in there and told me. Here it is, honey." See? See, there it is, see, perfectly just in harmony.
262Oh, people without Him, get in quick! It might be the last opportunity you'll ever be able to have. You don't know what time He might come.
263The Feast of the Trumpets. The Bible says, "They would separate themselves, one for another, and pray and weep, because like a person with their only child being lost."
264 Look, I want to say one more thing. Closely now; don't miss this. How striking! From the seventh angel's (messenger of the Seventh Seal) Message in Revelations 10, was the Seventh Seal, to the Seven Trumpets, between those two times...
265O God, how can we say This, to make the people see It?
266It's between that Sixth Trumpet, and the Sixth Trumpet and... The Sixth Trumpet and the Sixth Seal sounds at the same time. And between the Sixth Trumpet and the Seventh Trumpet, there is a prophet to appear before the Gentiles, to call the people back to the original pentecostal Doctrine; and the two witnesses of Revelations 11 appear to the Jews, to send them to Jesus, while the Church is being taken up. All of them, prophets! Amen! The Word of the Lord cannot be broken. It won't be a denomination! Do you see it?
267 Read in your Book here and see if that between the Sixth and Seventh Trumpet isn't injected in there, let the Jews being called out between the Sixth and Seventh Plague, we come over to that hundred and forty-four thousand (you remember that?), which was between that. Do you remember? Between the--the--the Sixth, the Fifth Seal and the Sixth Seal... Between the Sixth Seal and the Seventh Seal, there was a calling out of the hundred and forty-four thousand. You remember that? Now there is where these trumpets come in right there, see, and persecution, and horses loosed on there.
268Then, between that, then there was to be a seventh angel's Message, that had been preaching and condemning the Pentecostals. And Jesus had been put out; wouldn't have no co-operation with nobody, be put on the outside, rejected. The Bible said so. For, it's Christ made manifest among us, Jesus among us all, made manifest in the purity of His Word, making It known. And if that's...
269This is not just make-up, friends. This is THUS SAITH THE LORD, the Scripture.
270 And at the same time... Now, as soon as this Church (the Bride) is drawed together, She is taken up; and that mystery of the Seventh Seal, or the Seventh Seal, the mystery of going. And the Jews is called by the mystery of the Seventh Trumpet, which is two prophets, Elijah and Moses, and they come back. And there is where the Pentecostals is all mixed up; they're looking for something to happen; the Church is done gone. And that's to the Jews.
271 Now, I feel in somebody's mind, saying, "That couldn't be Moses." Yes, it is. Now, you remember, He can tell me your thoughts. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. I keep feeling that re-... All right.
272Let me straighten that out for you. It was Moses. Cause, here is your thought. You say, that, "Moses, it couldn't be Moses, 'cause Moses died." You think it's Elijah. It's Elijah, true. When, you think, "It's Enoch." You say, "Moses is already dead." But, remember, he could come back to life again. He did. Eight hundred years later, several hundred years later, he appeared on Mount Transfiguration. You say, "After a man is done dead?" Yes, sir. Lazarus was dead; raised again; and then had to die again. See? Sure. Uh-huh. And even the wicked will be raised up to life again, and then have to die the second death. Is that right? So get that out of your mind. It is Moses. Watch your ministry, just exactly what Moses and Elijah done; closed the heavens and sprayed fire upon it. You know what the thing they done.
273 Think of it! It's the end time, folks. Hallelujah! The great Day of the Lord is at hand. Gather yourselves together. Feast of the Messiah; they'll reject Him, and they'll find out that there is their Messiah. The Bible said them striking things like this would take place.
274In Revelations 11, call, their ministry will be the ministry of Moses and Elias calling to Israel, out of the Jewish traditions; just as the seventh angel's Message called the Bride out of the Pentecostal tradition. Remember, Moses and Elijah is to call Israel out of the old atonement of the lamb, and sheep, and blood, and goats, and sacrifice, to the real living Sacrifice, to the Word.
275 And the seventh angel's Message, under the same Trumpet, same everything exactly, the same Seal, is to (what?) call the people, the Bride, out of the Pentecostal and world tradition, to the genuine Atonement, the Word, Christ impersonated in His Word here, made flesh among us. Science has proved it, by pictures. The church knows it, the world around. We firmly know it, for He's never told us one thing in THUS SAITH THE LORD but what's been the Truth. Did He not say, down there on the river, "As John the Baptist was sent, so will this Message..."
276I looked up, and she's twelve o'clock. The midnight hour is here, friends, upon us. See how perfect the Scripture is? Perfectly, how It...
277 That, look, that's not going to be some organization go down there and call the Jews. It's going to be two man, Moses and Elijah. Both of them, prophets.
278Now look. To call the Gentiles, the Bride out, He promised in Malachi 4 to do the same thing.
279And the Bible said He would be put out of the church, in the Seventh Church Age. He would be put out of the church. It'll go completely black, and go... Where does it black out? It goes into this ecclesiastical system, into this ecumenical council, World Council of Churches. She... He is put completely out. His Word, they can't agree with It. You know they can't. They can't even agree in their own little local groups; how they going to agree in That? So, they take another mark of the beast, a image unto the beast. Remember, the Bible said, "There was an image made unto the beast."
280 And this United States has always been number thirteen. It started with thirteen states, thirteen colonies; thirteen stars, thirteen stripes; number thirteen, and always a woman. She appears in the thirteenth chapter of Revelations. And, first, is a lamb; meekness, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and so forth; and then they receive power, and spoke with all the power the dragon had before him. What is it? What was the dragon? Rome. See, had a mark, a image of the beast, raise up against the real Church of God. Under them denominations, will plague this thing! But, when they start to do it:
The Lamb shall take His Bride to be ever at His side,
All the host of Heaven will assembled be;
Oh, it will be a glorious sight, all the saints in spotless white;
And with Jesus they shall feast Eternally. Amen!
"Come and dine," the Master calleth, "Come and dine." Amen!
281What a day we're living in, the hour! Run, people, run for your lives!
282 Notice now, in closing, the ministry like the seventh angel. The two witnesses, under a Seven Trumpet, just before... or, the Sixth Trumpet, just before the Seventh Trumpet fin-...
283Now, remember, and I told you I'd bring back this, "Great Trumpet." He said, what would He do, over here in Isaiah? He said, at... "The Great Trumpet would sound. The Great Trumpet!" Not Trumpets now, Feast of Trumpets; there is two of them, Moses and Elias, to call the Trumpet. But, under "the Great Trumpet," the Coming of the Lord, to announce Joseph returning, see, that all nations would assemble at Jerusalem. Amen. You find that in the Book of Isaiah. I just give it to you, a while ago, one of those chapter we read; that's in Isaiah 18:1 and 3. And in Isaiah 27:12 and 13, is where He sounds that "Trumpet," and all of the nations will recognize Israel in her homeland, God with her.
284 Then the Bride will come to be with the Bridegroom, and the Bridegroom with the Bride; and then the great Millennium, after the whole world is destroyed by atomic power. And there will be "a new heavens and new earth," shall live forever.
285Look, right under... Now notice, the ministry of Moses and Elijah will... Now, everybody get it? Let me say it again. The ministry of Moses and Elijah, between the Sixth and Seventh Trumpet, will be two prophets that will... they... Israel always believe their prophets.
286 Now, why did the Holy Spirit say to me when I started up to there, to show them that He was the Son of God, said, "not yet"? You remember that, about five years ago, on my way to India? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Said, "Don't do it."
287I said, "They said, 'If this be the Messiah, let us see Him do the sign of the prophet. We believe the prophets.'"
288Brother Lewi Pethrus and them sent me those Bibles; when they give a million of them out to them Jews coming from Iran and everywhere, coming back, assembling themselves together, become a nation.
I thought, "This is my time." I was already... Cairo, Egypt.
289He said, "Don't do it now. The hour is not yet." Then I returned home. Uh-huh. Oh, my!
290 Moses and Elijah has got to call. The pentecostal jubilee is still going, or had up till this time. See? Now the Feast of Trumpets has to be known. And this one over here of Malachi 4 is not connected with that one over there; not at all, not at all. Notice, watch here, the ministry will be Moses and Elijah, changing and calling Israel from the Jewish traditions, listen, from the Jewish traditions that they had been mixed up in. Being prophets, they'll believe--they'll believe him, calling them to the feast of the Atonement, Christ, letting them recognize Christ. They'll say, "He is coming. He'll be here." The Jews will be gathering, things like that.
And then when He comes, say, "Here I am." See?
"Where'd You get them scars?"
"In the house of My friends."
291 Now, the same as those two prophets did! Remember, the Gentile Bride is to have a prophet, called Elias, Elijah, that's to call them out of their traditions, the Bride; just the same as these prophets called Jews out of Judaism, to Christ, the Atonement. And the Gentiles already knows the Atonement, but it's to call the Bride back to the original Atonement, where these (fifty) sabbaths they... All these seven sabbaths that they have got away from; call them back to the end time. The seven... Listen! The Seventh Church messenger, the Seven Trumpet messenger, is all prophets. Now, that's right.
Injected, is the hundred and forty-four thousand.
292Calling, the Seals, which was to the Gentiles. It had to be to the Gentiles, to open up to the Gentiles, to see the Gentile Church. That's all we know. That's all we'll listen to; what's already passed. We look for Jesus.
293You say, "Now, wait a minute, Brother Branham, I believe they're going to do this."
294 The last sign that Abraham... And we are the royal Seed of Abraham; the Bride. The last sign that Abraham ever seen before the promised sign come... the promised son come, was what? God, in a form of a human being, that could discern the thoughts of the people; one man, not a dozen; one man, no matter how many impersonations. They had One, and He discerned the thoughts was in there. What? And, the next thing happened, Abraham and Sarah turned back to a young man and woman. We know that.
295Now, I know that kind of chokes you a little bit now. But, remember, just so that you'll be sure to know now... You don't read the Bible like this; you read between the lines and see, make the picture come.
296 Watch. Sarah was an old woman, the Bible said. She, they... "Her womb was dead." Is that right? "Abraham's life was dead in him, his seed." Is that right?
297Now, remember, Abraham's seed was dead. Forty years later he had seven sons by another woman. What did He do? He changed their bodies.
298Watch, they took a three-hundred-mile journey, down to Gerar, quite a long journey for an old man. Said...
299And Sarah even thought they couldn't have family relation. She said, "Me..." Twenty years or more, maybe, before they had had family relation. Said, "Me an old woman, and my lord, also; have pleasure again, like young people?"
He said, "Is anything too hard for God?"
300 Notice what happened. Immediately she turned back to a lovely young woman. Showing, in there, portraying what He's going to do to the royal Seed of Abraham, to receive the Son that's been promised. She turned back to a young...
301Look, they went down into Gerar. And what happened? Abimelech, the king, fell in love with her, said, "She is fair and beautiful," and was going to marry her. Is that right? Old grandma; and all them other pretty girls down there. Granny, "She is beautiful. She is fair to look upon." See?
302God changed her body, and turned them back. It's a mystery that's to be revealed now in this day, by the Son of man, see, the evening Message. See? Turned back! And that was the last sign they seen, was (what?) that discernment, before the change of the body come.
303And before we can ever receive the Son, what happens? "The trumpet of God shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise first, a new body; and we which alive and remain shall be changed, in a moment, in a twinkle of a eye," hallelujah, "and shall be caught up together, to meet the Lord in the air." The secret has been made known; the Seals are open.
304The Trumpet sounded for the Israel; the two prophets is ready to appear. What is it? The Church must get off the scene right now, so they can appear. He can't deal with two at the same time; He never did. See?
305 Oh, brother, watch! Exactly, to call all, call them out of the denominations and traditions. Now we see the church of pentecost age is finished.
306The Bride must step out of the way, to go up now; so the two servants, the two servants of God, in Revelations, the two prophets, can appear upon the scene, to sound the Seventh Trumpet to them, make known to them the Christ.
307The seventh angel, messenger, say, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!" Not, "behold my Methodist, my Baptist, my Pentecostal." But, "The Word, the Son of God, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world," for no other foundations is there! You see?
308How long have we got? The Jews are in their homeland. The Bride is called. Scripturally, everything just exactly what He promised. We're ready. The hour is here.
Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,
The signs that the Bible foretold;
The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;
Return, O dispersed, to your own.
The day of redemption is near,
Man's hearts are failing for fear;
Be filled with God's Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear,
Look up, your redemption is near!
False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying,
That Jesus the Christ is our God; (that's right)
But we'll walk where the apostles have trod.
For the day of redemption is near,
Man's hearts are failing for fear;
Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear, (don't take a chance)
Look up, your redemption is near!
309 The prophet said, "It shall be Light in the evening time."
It shall be Light in the evening time,
The path to Glory you will surely find;
In the water way, is the Light today,
Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.
Young and old, repent of all your sins,
The Holy Ghost will surely enter in;
The evening Lights have come,
It is a fact that God and Christ are One.
310We're here! We're at the end. That's not just some silly thing of a man. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD.
Let us bow our heads.
311 Merciful God, Jehovah, the Almighty that thundered on Mount Sinai; and the people screamed, "Let Moses speak, and not God, lest we die." You said, Great Jehovah, "I'll raise them up a Prophet. I'll not speak to them no more like this." But You promised what You would do, and You did it; You raised us up the Lord Jesus. He is the Word. You said He was. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us."
312We see the things that He prophesied to us here, through His prophet, John, on the isle of Patmos. We see it fulfilled, to the letter. We see the Holy Ghost made manifest among us here on earth. We see the denominations put Him out of the church; the Word. They got nothing against the people; it's that Word that they hate. It's against their tradition. Just as when You were here on earth, You was the Word, and You were against their traditions; and they threw You out of their churches, everywhere.
313 And now, Lord, there is no cooperation, nowhere. Trying even to get into South Africa, where I know there is some souls there yet waiting. Every place, and look like they won't receive me, Lord. Not because of me, Lord; it's because of this Message. But, You said it would be this way, and You've made it known to us so we wouldn't be discouraged. We know the hour we're living.
314God, these people have set here this morning, in this hot, baking room here. They've listened close. They see now, I'm sure. If they don't, reveal it to them, Lord, why that You wouldn't permit me to take those Trumpets. I see it has nothing to do with us. Right at that Sixth Trumpet, it all happened, and we've done seen the Sixth Seal open. And we seen a vision here, two weeks ago, of the preview of the Bride and the church, as I've told it here. Just as You showed me, Lord, I told it. Here we are. It may be later than we think.
315 O Father, if there's a person here this morning, that--that just taken some superstition, some theological influence, or some theologian's word which is contrary to the Word of God! And they don't know the real Christ, the real Holy Spirit. It isn't revealed to them, the Word, yet, how the Word is to be in this day. They only see a tradition. They living in a--a Light that's blinding. Like the greatest robbery that was ever done in the world, was in England, it was done by a false light. And the greatest robbery Your church has ever had, has been when they taken a denominational light and refused the genuine Light of the Bible, the Christ.
316O God, be merciful! Save the lost, Lord. Please, I ask just a little while longer, Jesus. We got loved ones. Just a little while longer. Soon that great Rock will be hewed out of the mountain. Grant, Lord, if any is here this morning without You, may they come just now, sweetly, and receive You.
317 While we have our heads bowed. If you'd raise your hand, say, "Remember me, Brother Branham." We have no... The altars and things are filled up. God bless you. Just say, "Remember me." God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. Just literally hundreds of hands!
318 Father, God, there is a little shadow somewhere. Take it away, Lord. They set here in this room. Don't... Satan might have blinded their eyes, in times passed, but I pray that You'll wink at that, as You did to us in many days ago. But now that You call us all to sight... The Bible said that they were blind. They didn't know it. Said, "I counsel thee to buy of Me eyesalve." God, use the salve this morning upon their eyes, that they might see. Yet it be humble, in a bunch of humble people; and humble, uneducated, and so forth, but yet that's the way it was at the beginning. Grant it, Lord, that they'll receive It just now. I give them to Thee, in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus.
319And You said, "He that heareth My Word." And I'm sure, Lord, the best of my knowledge, they've heard It. "And believeth on Him that sent Me," not make-believe, but really believes, and believes what the Word has said. "Has everlasting Life, and shall not come to the Judgment; but is passed from death to Life." John 5:24.
320Grant, Lord, that they'll be Yours, from this hour on. If there is a wonder in their mind, take it away. If there's a sick person in our midst, let the great Holy Spirit, Lord,... Which, I know there is; and revealing the thoughts, standing here on the platform. They know all about it. I pray that You'll heal them, Lord. Settle all the questions.
321 The pool will be open to those who have never been immersed in the Name of Jesus Christ, taking the Name of the Bridegroom. They got a denominational, ecclesiastical; no one was ever baptized in that titles of "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," or sprinkled; and these traditional things that belongs to churches of this age, anti-Christ movement, image of the beast. Nobody was ever baptized in the name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," till the Catholic church. All the Bible, and all the history, afterwards, says they were baptized in the Name of Jesus.
322Paul said, in Galatians 8:1, "If even an Angel from Heaven comes and preaches any other Gospel, let him be cursed." And You commanded those people who had been baptized under John, the same one that baptized Jesus, to come and be rebaptized again in the Name of Jesus Christ, in Acts 19. And said, "Don't even let an Angel tell you anything else."
323 There will come a messenger in the last day, will guide the people back to the firstfruit, back to the original Faith. Grant it, Lord, that that great Messenger among us now, the great Christ, the Holy Spirit made vivid, made understanding, opening up the Word and revealing It to us, may He guide them back to the original, pentecostal Faith. Like Peter said, on the Day of Pentecost, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin." And it was forever that way, to every person, until the Roman church at Nicaea.
324God, be merciful now. The pool will be ready; the hearts open. Come in, Lord Jesus. We're in the last hours. If there is possibility, Lord, of them coming in at this hour; which, I hope and trust that there is. And we who are in, Lord, may we take inventory now, that we have seen and heard the Voice of God speaking through His Word, and we know what hour we're living. Grant it, Father. We commit them to Thee, in the Name of Thy Son.
325Now with our heads bowed.
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
Calling for you...
1Skloňme svoje hlavy.
Pane, pri jednej príležitosti Tvoji milovaní učeníci povedali: "Nauč nás modliť sa." Lebo keď sa pozeráme na veľkého Boha nebies, uvedomujeme si, akí sme nedostatoční. Tak nauč nás teraz modliť sa, Pane, v našich srdciach, za veci, ktoré by boli na úžitok Tvojho kráľovstva a pre Tvojich sluhov. Ty poznáš potrebu každej osoby, ktorá je tu.
2A tu na stole sú dnes ráno vreckovky a zástery a proste malé balíčky, od tých, ktorí potrebujú telesnú pomoc a rodinnú, či čokoľvek to môže byť. Ale Ty si Boh a jediný Boh, jediný pravý Boh, ktorý existuje; a my Ťa prosíme v mene Ježiša, Tvojho milovaného Syna, aby si každého z nich uzdravil. A možno sú tu niektorí, ktorí tu nemajú vreckovku, ani balíček, ktorí potrebujú uzdravenie.
3Možno niektorí sú v rôznych národoch po celom svete, ktorí sa stretnú s touto páskou vo svojich domoch, alebo vo svojich zboroch. Chceme prosiť, Pane, kým trvá toto zhromaždenie, aby - alebo, kým bude hrať táto páska, alebo kdekoľvek sa môžeme nachádzať, či v akomkoľvek stave, nech veľký Boh nebies prijme túto úprimnosť našich sŕdc, dnes ráno a uzdraví tých, ktorí sú v potrebe, dá im to, čo potrebujú.
4Žehnaj nás teraz v tomto zhromaždení. Hovor cez nás, ako nikdy predtým, na úžitok Božieho kráľovstva. Očakávame v mene Ježiša na Tvoju odpoveď. Amen.
Pomôžete mi s týmto? [Brat Branham odkladá veci z kazateľne. - pozn.prekl.]
Ako dobre, že sme znovu dnes ráno tu na zhromaždení. Práve som sa rozprával s niektorými priateľmi, ktorí práve prišli z Ohio - s malým dievčatkom, ktorú sem priniesli pred niekoľkými mesiacmi, ktorá zomierala na leukémiu. Tí ľudia - jej rodičia boli veľmi chudobní. A nemám čas dnes ráno, aby som čítal to svedectvo, ktoré bude v zozname. Ale majú fotku toho malého dievčatka, myslím že to bolo tri dni po tom, ako sme sa za ňu modlili. Doktori jej dávali len tri dni života a po troch dňoch nemohli nájsť po tom ani stopu. A tak ona chodí do školy, je veľmi šťastná. Som si istý, že sa zbor pamätá na to, keď sme ju tu mali v tej miestnosti.
6A tiež na to malé dieťa, ktoré sa narodilo a malo takto vonku črevá. Doktori nejako ... Pri takomto malom, ako tie črevá boli uformované, nemohli ich dať naspäť. Báli sa dotýkať takého malého - práve narodeného dieťaťa. A teraz, ten malý, má asi rok, hádam, tak nejako, má normálne črevá, všetko tak normálne, ako len môže byť. Je to len milosť Božia, aký je On ku nám dobrý.
7A dnes som - chcem oznámiť, že to zhromaždenie, ktoré sme plánovali - ja som plánoval ísť na budúci týždeň do Afriky, s bratom Jozefom Boze, do Keni a Tanganiky. Nemôžeme mať tie zhromaždenia, podľa telegramu od brata Bozeho. "Minulý týždeň zabili - zavraždili troch našich misionárov." A teraz je tam povstanie a komunisti tajne dovážajú domorodcom zbrane. Tvrdia, že tam okolo majú rybárske lode, červená Čína a Rusko, a dodávajú domorodcom zbrane. A tí nevedia nič lepšie, než ako strieľať do všetkého, do čoho sa len dá. Tak ich - vláda myslí, že by to nebolo rozumné mať tie zhromaždenia v tomto čase. A ako som sa dozvedel, brat Boze nemôže mať otvorenú ani svoju školu v tej oblasti, kde som mal teraz byť. Ale nie je to odvolané, ale len odložené, až kým znovu nebude pokoj.
8Som veľmi rád, že dnes ráno znovu vidím v našom strede, po mnohých rokoch, brata Jacksona - brata Sidney Jacksona a sestru Jacksonovú z Južnej Afriky. Hovoril už? [Brat Neville hovorí: "Áno." - pozn.prekl.] A títo ľudia boli mojimi skutočnými bratmi a sestrou, a spolupracovníkmi v kampani v Južnej Afrike, na tej poslednej ceste. Veríme, že jedného dňa sa tam z milosti Božej znovu dostaneme a budem tam s nimi; lebo je to potrebné. Deväť rokov sa snažím dostať sa tam naspäť, ale kvôli organizáciám a tak ďalej mi nechcú dovoliť prísť.
9Tak som im nedávno napísal dopis a povedal: "Nech potom krv tých stratených duší je na vás a nie na mne." Lebo verím, že Boh tam chcel pre tých ľudí, na nejaký čas použiť moju službu. A kvôli ich denominačným rozdielom mi oni nedovolili prísť naspäť. Ale to je v poriadku, Pán sa o to postará.
No, čo chcem povedať dnes ráno, že ak Pán dá ... Brat Neville ma požiadal, aby som slúžil dnes večer na zhromaždení, tu v modlitebni, tak ste pozvaní. A potom nasledujúcu nedeľu, ak Pán dá, mám tu tiež byť, a potom možno ďalšie dve alebo tri nedele, lebo tieto zhromaždenia, ktoré sa pripravovali, boli odvolané.
10No, tiež by sme radi povedali, že - povedal som, že možno v tomto čase budeme kázať Sedem Trúb. Zamýšľali sme sa, ako to budeme robiť, keď tu nemáme dostatok miesta a máme problémy s klimatizáciou (nedostatok vzduchu, nie je ešte zavedená klimatizácia). A snažili sme sa prenajať tu hore túto školu, kde je klimatizácia, kde je na sedenie okolo - no, neviem; má dosť veľkú kapacitu miest, veľmi dobrá škola, ale nemohli sme nič vybaviť. A to by - oni by nám ju prenajali na budúci týždeň, ale na budúci týždeň ... No viete, sú delegácie, ktoré prichádzajú z rôznych miest sveta: z Jamajky a z ostrovov a z Južnej ... i z Južnej Ameriky, a Kanady, a Mexika, a zo všetkých krajov; a keby sme v pondelok poslali oznámenia, oni by ho dostali len v stredu, alebo vo štvrtok, a potom, museli by si vybaviť dovolenku a tak ďalej, a to by nestačili. V tých ďalších týždňoch až kým začne škola; by sme to museli vziať na jeden večer, potom jeden alebo dva večery vynechať, a potom znovu, potom ... To by tak nešlo robiť; nedokázali by sme to zariadiť.
11Divil som sa prečo, keď som sa úprimne modlil. A potom je už skoro čas, aby sme sa vrátili naspäť do Arizony, aby deti išli do školy a my potom ... Rozprával som sa so ženou a ...
12Včera som vošiel do izby a povedal som: "Pane, možno nepoužijem veľa slov, ale rozumej ma prosím, Bože, čo mám na srdci. Prečo všetko stojí proti tomu, aby som kázal o týchto trúbach?" A potom On prišiel a zjavil mi to.
13A teraz, dnes ráno vám chcem hovoriť prečo je to tak.
14A teraz my, ktorí máme Biblie a chceli by sme si to otvoriť vo svojich Bibliách - otvoríme si najprv 3. Mojžišovu, 23. kapitolu v 3. Mojžišovej.
15Ak Pán dá, dnes večer budem kázať na tému "Vyjsť von za tábor." Bude to krátke; a tak budete mať čas vrátiť sa domov do práce.
16 Sme radi, že tu vidíme hostí, ľudí z pomimo mesta. Koľko ľudí je tu z pomimo tohto mesta, nech vidíme? Deväťdesiat päť percent, no, deväťdesiat osem percent zhromaždených. Tak vidíte, to nie je Jeffersonville; to sú ľudia, ktorí prišli do Jeffersonville. Sme tu z milosti Božej.
17A teraz, dnes ráno chcem čítať tri miesta. Jedno z nich sa nachádza v 3. Mojžišovej v 23. kapitole, a to druhé je v Izaiášovi 18, a Izaiášovi 27. (Pre vás, ktorí si to zapisujete).
18A teraz namiesto kázania - ak Pán dá, to budem robiť dnes večer; ale dnes ráno chcem učiť o sviatku siedmich trúb. A to, tento mesiac je sviatok siedmich trúb, počnúc ... ktorý je siedmym mesiacom, čo by bolo ... 15. júla bol začiatok sviatku trúb, podľa zákonov levitov.
19No, ak máte papier, a ostatné veci, a chcete si zapisovať miesta Písma, a texty, a tak ďalej, ako to budeme preberať ... Jedna vec, čo sa týka tohto zhromaždenia. Je tu horúco, a my sme za tie roky na to zvyknutí. Ale niekto si môže myslieť, že ja verím, že keď vojdeme do tejto budovy, že prestáva pre nás plynúť čas, možno jednako - čiastočne vo večnosti, takto - keď tu tak dlho držím ľudí. Nemám to tak v úmysle, ale verím, že žijeme tak blízko Ježišovho príchodu, že musím využiť každú minútu, keď mám zhromaždených ľudí.
20A rozmýšľal som pred chvíľou, keď som sem išiel na aute (bol som na modlitbe, prv ako zastanem za kazateľňou, ako to robí každý opravdivý, úprimný duchovný), a rozmýšľal som: "Viete, máme najchválebnejší čas, keď sa tu spolu zídeme, ale - a ľudia sa zídu z mnohých štátov, sedia tu teraz s nami, z ďaleka, stovky a stovky míľ. A zhromažďujeme sa spolu, aby sme mali obecenstvo okolo Slova, ale zanedlho príde čas, keď toto bude len milá spomienka." Je to tak. Tieto chvíle nám budú vzaté. A tak preto, musíme robiť všetko čo vieme, aby sme využili každú túto minútu. A myslite teraz na to, zatiaľ čo tu dnes ráno znášame túto horúčosť. A viete, každé ľudské telo je samo o sebe zdroj tepla, a to robí, že je vám dosť ťažko a ... ale ja vás chcem zobrať do Slova. A teraz, prv ako budeme čítať, pomodlime sa.
21Pane, každý kto tu je, kto dokáže hýbať rukami, môže prevracať strany tejto Biblii. Ale je len Jeden dnes ráno medzi nami, ktorý ju dokáže otvoriť; to je veľký Duch Svätý, ktorý je v našom strede. Otvor nám Slovo, Pane, keď ho budeme čítať, ako si ho otvoril učeníkom, keď išli cestou do Emaus, a začal si im vykladať Písma. A nech, keď skončíme, povieme tak, ako povedali tí, ktorí sa vrátili z Emaus naspäť do Jeruzalema: "Či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia, keď On ku nám hovoril na ceste?" Lebo prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
22Povstaňme z úcty ku Slovu. Mojou témou dnes ráno je Sviatok Trúb. Chcem teraz čítať od 23. verša, z 23. kapitoly, 3. Mojžišovej.
A Hospodin hovoril Mojžišovi a riekol:
Hovor synom Izraelovým a povedz: Siedmeho mesiaca, prvého dňa toho mesiaca budete mať odpočinok, pamiatku trúbenia, sväté zhromaždenie.
Beda zemi zatieňujúcej krídlami, ktorá je za riekou Etiópie,
Ktorá vysiela vyslancov po mori, a na ľahkých lodiach z papierovej trstiny po vodách a hovorí: Len iďte rýchli poslovia, ku národu rozprášenému ... olúpenému, ku ľudu strašne ... národu rozptýlenému a pošliapanému, ktorého zem zničila rieka!
A všetci obyvatelia okruhu sveta a vy, ktorí obývate zem, keď on pozdvihne prápor na vrchu, vidzte, a keď on zatrúbi na trúbu počujte!
[Tieto verše sú preložené podľa anglického textu. - pozn.prekl.]
23A Izaiáš 27: 12 a 13:
A stane sa toho dňa, že Hospodin bude otĺkať hen od toku rieky, až po Egyptský potok, a vy budete pozberaní po jednom, synovia Izraelovi.
Stane sa toho dňa, že sa bude trúbiť na veľkú trúbu, a prídu tí, ktorí boli zahynuli v assýrskej zemi, jako aj tí, ktorí boli zahnaní do Egyptskej zeme, a budú sa klaňať Hospodinovi na vrchoch svätosti, v Jeruzaleme.
Modlime sa znovu.
Pane, požehnaj tieto slová v našich srdciach. Nech naše myšlienky a naše uvažovanie je podľa tvojho nariadenia, v mene Ježiša. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.
25Je tak mnoho vecí, ktoré by pastor rád povedal svojmu zhromaždeniu, ktoré miluje, rôznym ľuďom, z rôznych miest, čo jednako z ohľadu na čas nebude možné.
26A teraz, keď pristupujeme ku tejto téme, chceme aby ste sa cítili slobodne. A mnohí z vás stoja, a keď som sem išiel, miestnosti sú plné, a tiež vonku za dverami, a vpredu, a okolo budovy, a okolo stien. A tak teraz, ak si chcete navzájom vymeniť miesta, bude to pekné.
27No, sviatok trúb. No, toto, sviatok trúb, to bolo zhromažďovanie Izraela, keď sa oni zhromažďovali. No, chystal som sa nejaký čas, že budem hovoriť na tému "Sedem Trúb", z knihy Zjavenia. A teraz si toto znovu preberieme za chvíľu, aby sme objasnili skutočnú príčinu, prečo o tom teraz nehovorím; pretože Duch Svätý mi teraz nedal hovoriť o týchto veciach. Viem, že to možno pre ľudí s vysokým vzdelaním a vedomosťami znie veľmi detsky, ale pre kresťana to znie inak. My nasledujeme vedenie Ducha, nič iné.
28No, začal som si všímať, keď som kázal sedem cirkevných vekov, ktoré sú vzorom, alebo predpoveďou všetkého, čo Boh išiel urobiť pre cirkvi, a cez cirkvi, kladúc ich na ich miesta. Prvé tri kapitole knihy Zjavenia zjavujú všetko čo sa odohráva v cirkvi. Potom od 3. kapitoly do 19. kapitoly Zjavenia, cirkev už viac nevidno. Cirkev odchádza hore v 4. kapitole Zjavenia a vracia sa naspäť v 19. kapitole Zjavenia, nevesta a ženích prichádzajú spolu na zem. A potom, od 19. kapitoly do konca 22. kapitoly, to je všetko o miléniu a o tom čo bude v tých rokoch, ktoré majú nasledovať. Od 4. do 19. kapitoly, Boh jedná s Izraelom.
29A potom, keď sme prebrali v knihe Zjavenia cirkev (to, čo Boh robil pre týchto sedem zborov, ktoré boli tam vo svojom detskom stave, alebo v predobraze v Malej Ázii), potom nám Duch Svätý zjavil a otvoril tam všetky tie tajomstvá, o tom ako On prenášal svoju cirkev cez históriu. A ak nemáte sedem cirkevných vekov na páske, bude dobre ak si to vypočujete; a zakrátko oni budú v knižnej forme.
30Potom sme tam s tým prestali a plánovali sme, že po nejakom čase budeme kázať o pečatiach, a nevedeli sme čo tie pečate znamenajú. Mal som svoju vlastnú predstavu, ako má každý kazateľ. Čítal som čo možno povedali iní, a veril som tým veciam, pokiaľ bolo možno, ako oni, ako to oni predstavovali. Čítal som knihu pána Smitha, Uriáša Smitha, ktorý je adventistický učiteľ, a čítal som čo si on o tom myslí. A čítal som od pána Larkina, čítal som och, od mnohých rôznych autorov a ich komentáre o tom. Ale, tak či tak, myslel som si, že mám na to svoj vlastný pohľad, ktorý mohol byť miestami iný. Ale snažil som sa raz, hovoril som len tri témy, prvú - alebo štyri témy o tých štyroch jazdcoch na koňoch, kázal som o tom štyri večery, jeden o jednom koni a druhý ... Ale potom, prv ako sa to stalo mi bolo dané videnie (ktoré je na páske, ako všetci viete "Pánovia, aký je toto čas?"), že mám ísť do Tucsonu, do Arizony, a tam, vzadu na púšti (hore na vrchu, kde som bol s niektorými bratmi), a bolo mi povedané o veľkom výbuchu, ktorý nastane; a prišlo dole sedem anjelov. Ja sám som si myslel, že to je koniec môjho života, povedal som svojej žene, aby bola s Billym, a čo má robiť s deťmi, a tak ďalej, až kým sa nestretneme na tej druhej strane.
31Potom jedného dňa v kaňone Sabino, keď ma tam Boh zavolal včasne ráno, bol som hore mal som zodvihnuté ruky, modlil som sa, a do rúk mi prišiel meč. Poznáte to. Stál som tam a pozeral sa naň, bol taký skutočný, ako teraz moja ruka. Nevedel som čo to znamená, a to odišlo odo mňa, pričom hlas povedal: "Toto je meč Kráľa." A potom, neskoršie, keď to Anjel Pánov zjavil, Ten meč v ruke bolo Slovo.
32Hneď po tom sa zjavili anjeli Pánovi a povedali mi o tých siedmich trúbach - či siedmich pečatiach; a ja som sa mal vrátiť naspäť sem do Jeffersonville a kázať sedem pečatí. A tam, ak som povedal niekedy niečo, čo bolo inšpirované, tak to bolo to. Tam sa Anjel Pánov stretol s nami v ... Biblia sa stala novou Bibliou. Tam to otvorilo a zjavilo všetky veci, ktoré tí reformátori a všetci vynechali. To bolo kompletné zjavenie Ježiša Krista, úplne nové pre nás, ale dokonale, presne podľa Písma. To bolo Slovo, ktorým On stále bol. Bol som tak inšpirovaný a vedený.
33Potom, keď som išiel ku tejto časti tu, kázať sedem trúb, myslel som si: "Dobre, nebudem sa snažiť nič vymyslieť, budem len čakať až príde ten čas a nech mi to On zjaví." A potom včera, keď som bol - vošiel som do izby a divil som sa prečo (či prepáčte, to bolo predvčerom, keď som vošiel do tej izby, aby som sa snažil tomu porozumieť); tam Duch Svätý toto otvoril, aby mi ukázal dôvod, že to v tomto čase nie je ani pre cirkev užitočné, pretože to nemá vôbec nič spoločné s cirkvou.
34No, tie skryté tajomstvá Krista boli plne zjavené v siedmich pečatiach. To prv zjavilo tých sedem cirkevných vekov, otvorilo tie veky a postavilo ich na ich miesta, obojako, historicky i podľa Biblii, a postavilo ich na miesta, ako oni boli. A my sa nachádzame v tom poslednom cirkevnom veku, ktorý je najskazenejší zo všetkých cirkevných vekov, od samého prvého, od Efezského, ktorý bol veľký cirkevný vek.
35A potom keď mi tu Duch Svätý dáva videnie, a vidím čo sa bude diať, nakreslil som to na tabuľu, pred dvoma rokmi (tu je to nakreslené), ako to svetlo na zemi haslo. To presne ukazuje ako to svetlo vo forme Evanjelia prichádza na zem, a ako ono hasne a odchádza. Nevedel som vtedy, čo to znamená, a ako sa to stane, ale ten veľký ekumenický svet mal stretnutie s Rímom. A Rím, ktorý je matkou všetkých organizácií ... Pápež, po prvý krát v histórii, opustil Vatikán a odišiel do Jeruzalema a na mnohé miesta. No, Jeruzalem je starodávnou stolicou všetkého nášho náboženstva - to je Jeruzalem. A v tejto starodávnej stolici, pápež z Ríma, ktorý je po všetky veky najväčším nepriateľom cirkvi, odchádza z Ríma, aby prišiel navštíviť Palestínu, Jeruzalem.
36A ako vidíme, ja nemám vzdelanie, nepoznám tie slová a ako ich vyslovovať, ja stále učím v príkladoch a vzoroch z prírody. Príroda bude nasledovať prírodu; príroda je z Boha.
37Keď vezmete čas ... Keď sa dobytok na poli všetok spolu zhromaždí na kraji poľa, vytiahnite udicu z vody; ryby nebudú brať; nechytíte ich. Vidíte? Dobytok odpočíva (jedine, že by ste to náhodou hodili niektorej rovno do posteli.) Ale keď sa dobytok ide pásť ... Dávajte pozor, v tom istom čase, keď dobytok odpočíva, vtáci tiež posadajú na stromy; prestanú jesť. Vidíte? To je príroda; Všetko sa to spolu prelína. Všimnite si včely v tom čase bzučia, nenosia med. Celá príroda pracuje spolu.
38A tak, ako vidíme opadávať zo stromu listy, zanedlho, v tých ďalších niekoľkých mesiacoch, listy opustia ten strom, a ten život, tá šťava odíde dole do koreňov. A listy opadnú zo stromu a spadnú na zem a zhnijú. A vápnik a draslík, ktorý sa nachádza v tých listoch, zhnije na zemi, a čo sa stalo? Ten život z toho odišiel ďalej a strom ho vsiakne naspäť do seba a znovu prinesie listy. To je smrť, pohreb, a vzkriesenie.
39A celá príroda ... A mesiac je ženou slnka; to je menšie svetlo. A potom tiež, keď slnko zapadne, za neprítomnosti slnka, mesiac odráža svetlo na zem, a to je obraz cirkvi. A keď pápež odchádza, ten starodávny nepriateľ cirkvi, a prichádza do Jeruzalema, ktorý je stolicou cirkvi (a to nový Jeruzalem a starý Jeruzalem), vidíme, prv ako sa to stalo, nastalo úplné zatmenie mesiaca.
40A v novinách, po celom národe, mali sme to na nástenke, tam bolo ukázané, ako sa mesiac obracal od svetla do tmy. A tento úkaz - ten mesiac nakreslil na oblohe presne to isté, čo mi tu dal Duch Svätý nakresliť pred dvoma rokmi, a ukazuje tú zhodu! Keď to vydali, bolo tam šesť obrázkov, ja som tam nakreslil sedem, pretože ten siedmy cirkevný vek, len tieň svetla, odchod ... Tam je Ježiš pri dverách a klepe. Ale on odchádza do úplnej tmy. A čo za odraz, čo za posolstvo od samého Boha, že tieto veci sú pravda! Prv vydal o tom svedectvo vo svojom Slove, potom skrze Ducha na pódiu a potom to ukazuje na nebi.
41Nie je v tom vôbec žiadna chyba. Tie pečate a veky presne pasujú, dokonale, Boh vydáva svedectvo skrze nadprirodzené znamenia a zázraky, cez Slovo a históriu, všetko sa to spolu odohralo, v tomto veku v ktorom teraz žijeme.
42No, pre cirkvi je ťažko, aby toto videli; pre denominácie je ťažko, aby to videli. Oni si stále namýšľajú, že sa snažíte tým ľuďom nadávať. Nie, snažíte sa varovať tých ľudí. To nie, že chcete byť na nich zlí, vy sa ich snažíte dostať z toho zlého. To nie sú ľudia v organizáciách, to je systém, v ktorom sú, ten ich vedie do záhuby.
43To sú čestní, úprimní ľudia, katolíci, protestanti, židia i všetci ďalší. To sú ľudské bytosti, ktoré ... Mníška nejde do kláštora, aby bola z nej zlá žena, oni tam idú aby boli dobré ženy. Oni sa snažia dostať bližšie ku Bohu, ale to je ten systém, ktorý ich poškvrňuje. Ľudia sa pripájajú do cirkvi, nie aby boli zlými ľuďmi, ale aby boli dobrí. Ale to je cirkevný systém, ktorý ich odvádza od Slova a od princípov, ktoré Boh dal na tento deň; a to je to, čo ich odvádza preč.
44Pamätajte teraz, Boh je Slovo. A každý vek, On vymeral Slovo pre každý vek, ktorý bude na zemi. On to vymeral na ten cirkevný vek, a tých sedem pečatí zjavilo z toho každý kúsok. Vidíte?
45Prečo tam zostali ... tam boli tajomstvá, ktoré boli stále skryté? V Zjavení 10 vidíme, že na konci posolstva siedmeho anjela, tieto tajomstvá, ktoré boli skryté, majú byť zjavené. Zjavenie 10: 1 - 7. Všimnite si, to preto, že počas tohto veku nebolo žiadnych prorokov. Biblia hovorí, že Boh nerobí ničoho, kým to nezjaví svojím prorokom, svojim sluhom, prorokom. A Slovo Pánovo vo všetkých vekoch, stále prichádzalo ku prorokom, nikdy do systému, nikdy do nejakej skupiny.
46Boh nikdy nepoužil skupinu. Zakaždým, keď sa nejaká skupina ľudí zorganizovala, Boh ju opustil a nikdy sa ku nej nevrátil. Skúmajte históriu a budete vidieť či je to pravda, alebo nie. My sme to už urobili. On sa nikdy nezaoberal so systémom alebo skupinou, potom keď sa oni zorganizovali; to je proti Bohu.
47A tak, v čase reformátorov, prichádzali reformátori, ako to potvrdilo sedem pečatí, že to tak bolo. Ale teraz v posledných dňoch, to znovu malo byť zjavené; pretože nachádzame v Písme, v Malachiášovi 4, že má prísť dole pomazanie a znovu prinavrátiť originálnu vieru, a priniesť vieru ľudí naspäť do originálnych Letníc, do viery otcov.
48A mali sme Eliáša v tej prvej etape; mali sme Elizea, ktorý nasledoval za ním. Potom sme mali Jána Krstiteľa, ktorý bol Eliášom v tom čase, a na tento deň máme zasľúbeného ďalšieho. No, Ján Krstiteľ nebol Eliášom z Malachiáša 4. On bol Eliášom z Malachiáša 3; Ježiš tak povedal: "Hľa, ja posielam svojho sluhu pred mojou tvárou, aby pripravil cestu." Vidíme, že to bol on.
49No, keď to vidíme, nachádzame ich miesta, vieme, že všetky ďalšie miesta Písma sú inšpirované od Boha a zjavujú nám, že sme v poslednom čase.
50No, keby som prišiel s posolstvom letničných, bol by som v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, a to by nebolo správne. Preto Wesley nemohol niesť Lutherove posolstvo. Luther bol v jednom cirkevnom veku, a Wesley bol v ďalšom cirkevnom veku. Keby Ježiš bol prišiel s posolstvom Mojžiša, to by nefungovalo. Keby Mojžiš bol prišiel s posolstvom Noeho, to by nefungovalo.
51Ale Boh vyznačil v každom veku pre svoj ľud písmo; ale prv ako sa ten vek mohol vyplniť, uplynúť, cirkvi to tak zamiešali, že nevedeli kde sú.
52Preto oni nerozpoznali, že Ježiš je Syn Boží. Ich tradície oslepili ich oči, ale On prišiel presne podľa Písma.
53S prorokmi to bolo tak isto. Ježiš povedal: "Kto z vás - z vašich otcov nekameňoval tých prorokov, ktorí boli ku vám posielaní?"
54Potom Boh posiela svojho proroka ku - a ten prorok je živým, zamanifestovaným Slovom Božím.
55Ježiš povedal: "Ako Ma môžete odsudzovať, keď hovorím: 'Som Syn Boží,' a vy vo svojich vlastných zákonoch ... Vy na tých, ku ktorým prichádzalo Slovo Pánovo hovoríte (a to boli proroci); vy ich nazývate bohmi, a oni sú, lebo Písmo nemožno zrušiť." On povedal: "Potom ako môžete odsudzovať Mňa?" Keď On je ... Oni boli časťou zákona; oni boli časťou Božieho Slova; ale Ježiš bol plnosťou Božieho Slova, celý jeho plán vykúpenia, celá Božia dostatočnosť bola v Ňom.
56A teraz, počas cirkevných vekov oni robili to isté; a sedem pečatí má zjaviť všetky tajomstvá, ktoré boli vynechané v priebehu toho času, pretože sme boli bez prorokov. A Slovo neprichádza ku reformátorom, ale ku prorokom.
57Boh sa nemení. V Malachiášovi 3 je povedané: "Ja som Boh a nemením sa." Spôsob, akým Boh čokoľvek robí prvý krát, takým spôsobom Boh postupuje stále, keď čokoľvek robí. Boh sa rozhodol, že spasí človeka skrze preliatu krv toho nevinného v záhrade Eden, a On to odvtedy nikdy nezmenil, a nemôže to zmeniť. My sme sa to snažili pomocou vzdelania, skrze budovy, pomocou systémov, pomocou denominácií, pomocou etiky, a všetkého možného, a to všetko sklamalo. Ale je len jedno miesto, kde sa Boh stretáva s človekom, a to je pod preliatou krvou nevinného. Jedine skrze krv, to bolo Jeho prvé rozhodnutie Vidíte?
58My môžeme urobiť rozhodnutie, a po roku môžeme prísť na niečo lepšie. Po roku máme o tom lepšiu predstavu. Boh nie; On je neohraničený; Jeho prvé rozhodnutie je dokonalé, nič ho nemôže zmeniť. Ja sa môžem naučiť viac; my sme ohraničení. Ja sa môžem naučiť viac, ty sa môžeš naučiť viac; ale Boh sa nemôže viac naučiť, On je dokonalý od začiatku. A preto jeho prvé rozhodnutie, nech odpočinie na tom tvoja duša. To čo hovorí Biblia, to je to.
59Boh musí jedného dňa súdiť svet a ... Katolíci hovoria, že On ho bude súdiť podľa katolíckej cirkvi. Ak by to tak bolo, podľa ktorej katolíckej cirkvi? Oni sa líšia jedna od druhej. Ak by ste ho súdili podľa protestantov, podľa ktorej protestantskej cirkvi? Oni sa líšia jedna od druhej. A to by bol zmätok; nikto by nevedel kde sa postaviť. Ak sú praví metodisti, baptisti sú stratení; ak sú praví katolíci, protestanti sú stratení.
60Ale Biblia povedala, že On bude súdiť svet skrze Ježiša Krista, a On je Slovo. Tak On ho bude súdiť podľa Slova.
61A všetky denominácie odchádzajú od toho Slova, aby si urobili svoje vyznanie. Nech mi niekto dokáže, kde oni prijímajú celé Slovo. Oni to nemôžu, pretože to je kontrolované ľudským systémom. Kde máte človeka ... Boh nejednal súčasne s viac ako s jednou osobou. On nikdy ani nemal dvoch prorokov v tom istom čase - jedného! Boh môže zobrať do svojej ruky jedného človeka. On sa nezaoberá s tvojou organizáciou, On sa zaoberá s tebou.
62No, na základe tohoto ideme ku sviatku trúb, ku tým skrytým tajomstvám. Je prorokované, že to takto malo byť, a preto to takto muselo byť zjavené. Ale aby bolo zjavené v týchto posledných dňoch, aby sa vyplnilo presne to, čo som práve povedal, Malachiáš 4. kapitola, Lukáš 17. kapitola a 30. verš (ako to On urobí), a Židom 13. 8, Židom 4. 12, a mnohé z týchto miest Písma, ktoré nám o tom hovoria.
63No, ak je to pre niekoho z vás cudzie, chcel by som povedať, že Boh stále, spôsob akým sa Boh dáva poznávať medzi ľudom, je cez prorockú službu. Židia stále vedeli, že majú veriť svojím prorokom. On povedal: "Ak bude medzi vami prorok, Ja, Pán budem ku nemu hovoriť v duchovných snoch a vo videniach. A keď sa stane, čo on povie, potom ho počúvajte." Oni stále ... Oni nerozpoznali takto Ježiša a museli Ho považovať za niečo iné. Tak oni Ho nazvali zlým duchom, Belzebubom, pretože On bol schopný rozpoznávať myšlienky, ktoré boli v ich srdciach. My stále vieme, že to je znak Slova.
64Židom 4. kapitola, 12. verš hovorí, že Slovo Božie je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč a schopné rozpoznať myšlienky a úmysly srdca.
65No, je prorokované, že cirkvi budú v takom stave, že musia byť prinavrátené znovu naspäť. A On povedal v Malachiášovi 4, že On pošle Eliáša, proroka, a znovu prinavráti ľudí naspäť, a tam to dostanú. Všimnite si, a tesne pred, či vlastne hneď po jeho posolstve, nastane čas, v ktorom svet zhorí a spravodliví vyjdú, kráčajúc po popole.
66No, nejakému teológovi (ktorý toto bude možno počúvať na páske, niekde vo svete), ak si myslíš, že to bol Ján, pamätaj, potom by sa Písmo mýlilo; pretože po Jánovom posolstve svet nezhorel. Ježiš neprišiel a nezobral ľudí do milénia, ale On to zasľúbil urobiť, potom čo na zem znovu príde duch Eliáša.
67Všimnite si teraz, v Malachiášovi 4, vidíme tu, že toto sa má stať, aby bolo prinavrátené čo? Viera ľudí, naspäť do originálnej viery otcov, do letničnej náuky, do originálnej viery otcov. A on prinavráti ľudí naspäť ku otcom.
68V Lukášovi 17 nachádzame, že Ježiš povedal, že keď On príde v týchto posledných dňoch ... Lukáš 17. 33, nachádzame, že Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka."
69No všimnite si, On prichádza pod tromi menami synov. On prichádza v mene Syna Dávidovho - či ako Syn človeka, Syn Boží, Sny Dávidov. No, On musel prísť ako Syn človeka, pretože On bol prorok. Sám Jehovah nazýval prorokov, syn človeka. A Ježiš nikdy nehovoril o sebe, ako o Synovi Božom, On stále o sebe hovoril, že je Syn človeka.
70A všimnite si, On sa zjavil vtedy ako prorok, vidiaci. Povedal: "Ak nečiním skutky svojho Otca, tak mi neverte." On vyplnil každé miesto Písma, ktoré hovorilo o Ňom, dokonca o jeho smrti, pohrabe, vzkriesení, ukrižovaní, narodení, všetko. A svojimi skutkami vyplnil to čo bolo napísané o tom vidiacom, o Synovi človeka.
71No, cez cirkevné veky On bol zjavený (dávajte teraz pozor), cez cirkevné veky, ako Syn Boží. Boh je Duch, Duch Svätý, On sa zjavil v cirkevných vekoch, ako - v zhromaždení, ako Duch Svätý medzi ľuďmi.
72V Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, v tom poslednom cirkevnom veku, nachádzame, že On je vystrčený von z cirkvi. Nikde inde, v žiadnom veku, On nikdy nebol vonku, iba v Laodicejskom veku. Pretože oni povedali: "Sme bohatí a nepotrebujeme ničoho."
73On bol daný von z toho cirkevného veku, a potom podľa Lukáša 17, On povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." No, On čítal tú istú Genesis, ktorú my čítame. Všimnite si čo sa stalo v Sodome. Čo bolo v Sodome? Abraham ...
74Stále máme tri kategórie ľudí. Bol Abrahám, vyvolený a vyvolaný, pomimo Sodomy; bol Lot, člen cirkvi, alebo denominačný človek, tam dole - on sa stal časťou toho sveta, tým že bol starostom mesta - sedával v bráne, on bol sudcom, čo znamená starostom; a bola samotná Sodoma.
75No, v čase večera, alebo v polovici dňa, keď bol Abrahám pod svojím dubom, zjavili sa mu traja anjeli. Dvaja z nich odišli dole do Sodomy, a kázali evanjelium, a snažili sa ich vyvolať von. Oni nevyšli, oni boli prevrátení. Len Lot, a jeho žena a jeho dve dcéry začali vychádzať; a jeho žena sa obrátila na soľný stĺp.
76Ale ten jeden, ktorý tam zostal a hovoril s Abrahámom, bol nazvaný Elohim, Všemohúci (Genesis 1, Boh; "Na počiatku Boh" Elohim, Ten plne dostatočný, existujúci sám zo seba, Abrahám Ho nazval Elohim) a On sedel a jedol s Abrahámom; On pil; On bol v ľudskom tele. A pozrite sa na znak, ktorý On ukazuje Abrahámovi.
77No, oni očakávali na príchod syna, zasľúbeného syna, Izáka. Dvadsať päť rokov, dlho cestovali, oni na to očakávali; ale oni boli na konci tej cesty. Boh sa zjavoval v mnohých formách, ako to robil aj cez cirkevné veky; a v svetlách, a tak ďalej (ako hovorieval ku Abrahámovi), a skrze hlasy. Ale, tesne pred tým, ako nastal príchod syna ... No, prebrali sme to, a viete ja vám to len pripomínam, aby ste to porozumeli, že On hneď po tomto premenil telo Abraháma a Sáry, a tak oni mohli prijať toho syna. Všimnite si, posledný znak, ktorý oni mali pred príchodom toho syna, bol Jehova, ktorý ku ním hovoril vo forme človeka. A ako oni vedeli, že toto bol Jehova, pretože On povedal: "Abrahám (nie Abram; len niekoľko dní pred tým, Boh zmenil jeho meno), kde je tvoja žena Sárah?" Nie S-a-r-a, ale S-a-r-a-h, kňažná.
A Abrahám povedal: "Ona je v stane za Tebou."
78A On povedal: "Ja (to je osobné zámeno) - Ja ťa navštívim podľa môjho zasľúbenia, v čase života. (Za ďalších dvadsať osem dní sa Sáre niečo prihodí.)"
79A Sárah, v stane, sa smiala sama v sebe a povedala si vo svojom srdci: "Ako sa toto môže stať, keď ja som stará, aby som mala rozkoš so svojím pánom, Abrahámom, ktorý je tiež starý?"
80A ten anjel, či ten človek povedal: "Prečo to Sárah povedala vo svojom srdci?" - v stane za Jeho chrbtom! "Prečo povedala, že toto sa nemôže stať?" Vidíte? Človek v ľudskom tele, ako prorok, a jednako to bol Elohim, rozpoznáva myšlienku, ktorá bola v Sárinom srdci, za Jeho chrbtom.
81A Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude pri príchode konca sveta, keď Syn človeka, nie Syn Boží, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka."
82Nemali sme to po celý ten čas. Vidíte ako to ide presne podľa Písma? (My žijeme tu v tom.) Tie tajomstvá, i o krste vo meno Pána Ježiša, a z ďaleka od idei jednotárov, a tieto ďalšie veci, ako to Duch Svätý priniesol na svetlo a dokonale to ukázal; a opravdový krst Duchom Svätým, znak, a všetko, a dal to na správne miesto; a ako On umiestnil každého reformátora, a všetko tak presne, a (vidíte?) rovno pred našimi vlastnými očami. A to sa nedeje nikde v kúte. Je to známe po celom svete. Ježiš, Syn Boží, zjavujúci Seba samého skrze Písma, robí, že tieto Písma, ktoré boli predurčené na tento deň (ako tie na ten deň, a na všetky ostatné dni) žijú. A veriť tomu, to je dôkaz Ducha Svätého - spravodlivosť!
83Nemôžete povedať, že len chodiť do zboru je dôkaz, že máte Ducha Svätého. Ak to tvrdíte, potom tí farizejovia ho mali, vidíte. Nemôžete povedať, že trasenie sa, alebo vyskakovanie je ... lebo ak tak hovoríte, potom i pohania ho majú. Ak hovoríte, že to je hovorenie v jazykoch, ktorý - ktorý ctiteľ diabla nehovorí v jazykoch? Ukážte mi jedného. Sedí tu brat Jacson z Afriky, on by vám to mohol povedať.
84Bol som tu v indiánskych táboroch, a videl som čarodejnice a čarodejníkov, ako sa rezali a polievali sa svojou vlastnou krvou a hovorili v jazykoch; a šaman to vykladal; a videl som, ako položili ceruzku a písala v neznámych jazykoch. Tak to nie je to. Ale ak to ... Čo je skutočný dôkaz? Ježiš povedal: "Že veríte, že Ja Som On." A On je Slovo.
85Prečo to oni neprijali? Prečo to Židia neprijali? Oni boli nábožní ľudia; oni boli dobrí ľudia; oni boli svätí ľudia, a tam boli ľudia všetkého druhu. Ale pre toho, kto je predurčený, aby počul to Slovo ... A ako viete, či je to Slovo? Každý jeden toto hovorí. To je Biblické zasľúbenie, ktoré je potvrdené v tom veku. Tu to máte. Potom poďte naspäť tam, kde je Duch Svätý.
86Pozorujme za niekoľko minút zvuk trúby, čo on ohlasuje. Trúba, trúba evanjelia, vidíte kto ju môže počuť. Pamätajte, tí v tých ohradených mestách, oni nemohli vyjsť pri jubileu. Nie veru. Oni boli za múrami, oni tam zostali. To skončilo, oni zostali otrokmi do konca svojho života a museli byť poznačení.
87No, keď vidíme všetky tieto vzory, všimnite si. No, tieto skutky, Malachiáš 4, a všetko toto, a Židom 13. 8: "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky," On zostáva naveky Slovom, zamanifestovaným Slovom. To je presne to, čo On ukazoval prorokom. Prorok neznamená len vidiaci, predpovedač budúcnosti, to znamená "zjavovateľ Slova, ktoré je napísané v jeho vlastnom živote." Jeho vlastné skutky zjavujú a potvrdzujú Slovo na ten deň, ako Noe stavajúci archu, Mojžiš tam dole, čokoľvek to je, pri každom zasľú ... zasľúbené Slovo na tú hodinu.
88No, my vieme, že On je s nami; my tomu veríme. Vidíte zamanifestované Jeho Slovo fotografiami, Písmom, oznámeniami z neba na zem. A skrze všetko čo On povedal, nikdy to nesklamalo. Žiadam, nech mi ktokoľvek ukáže, z rôznych miest krajiny, alebo po celom svete, ste ... ste povinní napísať mi a povedať mi, kde, čo len jeden krát, to sklamalo - dokonale, slovo za slovom. No, to je zasľúbenie.
89Prečo sa On mal zjaviť v týchto posledných dňoch? Ak sa vrátite naspäť (a vy, ktorí počúvate tie pásky) ku posolstvu "Strom Nevesty" a prídete ku tomu, kde Kristus bol tým stromom, ktorý bol v záhrade Eden. Ten prvý Adam, ten upadol, a tento druhý Adam bol zoťatý hriechom; oni Ho zavesili na rímsky strom. A z toho bol vytiahnutý - vyšiel strom nevesty, ktorý On zasľúbil, čo vidíme v Písmach.
90No, preto aby dostal nevestu ... Ako pyramída, ako sa to stále zmenšovalo, z tej veľkej šírky, od Luthera, Wesleya, letničných. A potom na jej vrchu, ten štítový kameň je tak vybrúsený; a všetky tieto kamene sú tak presne dané dokopy (a doteraz nevieme, ako to oni robili); ale to je tak presne v tej pyramíde dané dokopy (my teraz neučíme pyramídu, my len ... Enoch a oni to stavali pred mnohými rokmi); a ona stojí ako symbol. Presne tak isto ako slnko vychádza a zapadá; tak isto ako opadávajú zo stromu listy, a znovu prichádzajú naspäť, ako ryby a dobytok a všetko ďalšie, čo to symbolizuje, táto pyramída stojí ako symbol.
91Choďte do prorokovej komnaty a všimnite si tých sedem schodov. Kde ten strážca mal za úlohu, aby toho prichodiaceho priviedol do prítomnosti kráľa? Na vrchu tých schodov. Na siedmom schode. To ukazuje, že my znovu musíme prísť s tým istým Duchom, ktorý bol na Jánovi. On predstavil Mesiáša; on bol väčší od všetkých prorokov; on to predstavil.
92A my znovu musíme prísť na to miesto, ku niečomu, čo predstaví Mesiáša. A ako bude Mesiáš - ako to tí ľudia, ktorí veria v Neho budú vedieť, ak nebudú ustavične v Slove, aby vedeli čo On je. Daniel povedal, že múdri to budú vedieť, ale hlúpi, nemúdri nebudú vedieť. Oni budú poznať svojho Boha.
93No, a teraz, ako On povedal, že to sa zjaví v tých posledných dňoch, aby to priviedlo ľudí naspäť do Slova, takže nevesta bude poznať svojho muža, poznať svojho druha, to zjavené Slovo. Preto sa toto musí stať. To nebolo v čase tých reformátorov; nebolo to v čase Luthera, Wesleya, letničných, a ostatných; Písmo hovorí, že to tam nebolo. Ale to príde; to je Jeho zasľúbenie na tento vek.
94My žijeme v tom veku, v ktorom bude Jeho príchod. Ona musí byť nájdená v Ňom. Každá žena musí byť stotožnená so svojím mužom, lebo tí dvaja sú jedno. A Kristova nevesta musí byť stotožnená s Ním, lebo tí dvaja sú jedno, a On je Slovo, nie denominácia, Slovo. My máme byť deti svetla, a tým svetlom je Slovo, ktoré je rozsvietené na tento vek. Ako poznáme svetlo, jedine že ono pochádza zo Slova. No dobre. Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom je svetlo na ten vek, keď to vidíte; Biblia tak povedala.
95Tí ľudia sa tam dívali na Ježiša a vraveli: "No, tento človek, kto on je? Aha, on sa tam narodil ako nemanželské dieťa. Aha, jeho otec a matka je táto, tamten, a tak ďalej, a všetko toto, tamto. " Ale oni Ho nepoznali. Keby oni poznali Písma, boli by Ho poznali; On tak povedal.
96Oni povedali: "My sme učeníci Mojžišovi!"
Povedal: "Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste Mňa, pretože Mojžiš písal o Mne." A stále boli príliš slepí na to, aby to videli! Vidíte aké pokorné? Pomimo všetkých zoskupení, a denominácií a vyznaní, a všetkého, Boh vošiel rovno do tela, do formy človeka, príbuzného vykupiteľa. Ona musí byť stotožnená s Ním.
My sme pozvaní, aby sme boli deti svetla, aby sme chodili vo svetle.
97Pamätám sa, keď som pred nedávnom, tu dole v Kentucky mal zhromaždenie. Potom keď som vyšiel zo zhromaždenia, tam stál starý človek s lampášom v ruke. On patril ku cirkvi, ktorá neverila v uzdravenie, a tak ďalej. Povedal: "Nezhodujem sa s tebou, brat Branham."
Povedal som: "Dobre, máš na to právo."
On povedal: "Vieš? Ja neprijmem nič, až kým to neuvidím. Musím to jasne vidieť."
Povedal som: "Videl si potom niekedy Boha, stáť jasne rovno pred tebou?" (Pretože, on neveril vo videnia a také veci.)
Povedal: "Nie."
On povedal: "Ako myslíš? Poď so mnou domov a porozprávajme sa dnes večer."
Povedal som: "Nemôžem; rád by som. Kde bývaš?"
On povedal: "Tam za týmto kopcom."
Povedal som: "Ako sa tam dostaneš, nevidíš predsa svoj dom?"
On povedal: "Dobre, vedie tam chodník, cez ten kopec."
Povedal som: "Nevidíš ten chodník."
On povedal: "No, mám lampáš."
Povedal som: "Ten lampáš nedosvieti až po dom."
98Áno, deti svetla prijímajú jeho Slovo. Kráčajte ďalej a sledujte, ako sa to stále viac odvíja. Neopúšťajte to, nezáleží čo, ktokoľvek hovorí, stojte rovno v ňom a kráčajte ďalej s ním. Pozorujte, ako sa ono odvíja a zjavuje. Slovo je semeno; semeno v dobrej pôde zrodí svoju sortu.
99Všimnite si Zjavenie 10. od 1. do 7. Všetky tajomstvá majú byť neveste zjavené skrze posla Laodicejskej cirkvi. Má niekto Bibliu s upraveným prekladom [Revised Version - pozn.prekl.]? Ak máte, zistíte, že tam, kde je povedané, anjel, je v zátvorkách napísané, orol ... posol laodicejskej cirkvi (vidíte?), Zjavenie 10: 1. až 7.
100A on povedal, že toto - v tom dni, keď Ho on videl prichádzať dole, a on zjedol tú malú knihu. A tam bolo ... On položil jednu nohu na zem a jednu na more a prisahal na Toho, ktorý žije na veky vekov, že času viacej nebude. A keď to urobil, sedem hromov vypovedalo svoje hlasy. A keď sedem hromov vypovedalo svoje hlasy, Ján povedal, že to chcel napísať; a On povedal: "Nepíš toho." Vidíte? A on to zapečatil.
101No, niekto povedal: "Dobre, brat Branham, potom tých sedem pečatí, to bude zjavené v tých posledných dňoch, nejaké veľké tajomstvo, ako sa dostaneme bližšie ku Bohu ... " Nie vážení, to tak nemôže byť. "Ktokoľvek odoberie z tejto Biblii jedno slovo, alebo pridá jedno slovo do nej, jeho diel bude odňatý z knihy života." Čo to je, to je zjavenie toho, čo vynechali tam dávno, aby to bolo prinesené ... to je už tu napísané; to je tu v nej; to má zjaviť to, čo už bolo napísané (vidíte?), pretože nemôžete do toho dodať jedno slovo, ani odobrať z toho jedno slovo.
102Prvá kapitola Biblii - na počiatku, Genesis, jedna žena, nie že neverila tomu, ale ona to len zle vyložila - nechala, že Satan jej dal zlý výklad na jedno slovo: "Istotne ..." Vidíte? A potom z toho povstali všetky tieto problémy. A to hovoril Boh: Božie Slovo. A v poslednej kapitole Zjavenia Ježiša, On sám, ten istý Boh, povedal: "Ktokoľvek odoberie alebo pridá jedno slovo do toho ..." Toto je kompletné zjavenie Ježiša Krista, a tých sedem pečatí ukrývalo tajomstvá o tom, čo to všetko bolo, a v poslednom dni to má byť otvorené, v Laodicejskom veku, na konci času. Vďaka Bohu, to zakončuje posolstvo pre cirkev. To ho zakončuje, keď sa oni pozrú naspäť a vidia čo bolo, a vidia do čoho to všetko dospelo, to ho zakončuje, ten cirkevný vek.
103Všimnite si teraz, trúby, o ktorých hovoríme, to je zvolávanie, buď na nejaký sviatok, do vojny, ku nejakej osobe, na nejaký posvätený deň, alebo na niečo také (všimnite si, vy ste povedali: "ku nejakej osobe?" áno.) alebo ohlásenie jubilejného roku, oznámenie príchodu slobody, keď sa oni mohli vrátiť domov. No, mohli by sme stráviť celé ráno len pri tej jednej veci. Ale teraz, keď sa dostávame ku týmto trúbam, teraz máte podklad z pečatí a cirkvi. No, ideme ku tejto trúbe.
104Zaznela trúba; a trúba oznamuje buď vojnu, alebo sviatok, alebo ... Ona má zhromaždiť spolu ľudí, trúba. Pavol povedal: "Keď trúba vydá neistý zvuk, kto sa bude chystať do boja, alebo na mier, alebo na čokoľvek?" Kto bude vedieť? Musíte vedieť čo tá trúba trúbi. Preto, keď trúba trúbi, my dnes na zemi niečo vidíme. Niekde je veľký problém; každý to vie. Každý začína byť nervózny. Celý svet je nervózny, a my vieme, že niečo je zle. V Pentagone, všade, vieme že niečo je zle.
105No, jediný spôsob ako budete vedieť čo znamená zvuk trúby, je pozrieť sa, čo hovoria noty. Jedine tak. To je veľká symfónia (vidíte?) a takt, ako "Peter a vlk." Vidíte? Keď vy ... Ak to ... A ten skladateľ napísal tú knihu, a ten dirigent musí byť v tom istom duchu, ako skladateľ. Ak nie je, podá nesprávny takt, a potom je všetko vedľa.
106To je to čo sa deje dnes. Máme príliš veľa dirigentov, ktorí nie sú v duchu skladateľa. Oni hovoria, že denominácia: "No, my veríme toto." Nezáleží na tom, čo ty hovoríš, Biblia má pravdu. Dirigujte to presne podľa nôt, ktoré máme rovno tu pred sebou, potom tá veľká symfónia toho veľkého Božieho diela je hratá správne; potom vidíme túto hodinu a to kde stojíme.
107No, všimnite si, trúba má zvolať dohromady ľudí - zhromažďuje ich na niečo. Niekedy ona ohlasuje, že prichádza dôležitá osoba, ako pri Jozefovi. Oni trúbili na trúbe a potom sa ukázal Jozef, čo bol symbol veľkej trúby, (o ktorej sme hovorili, a za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme) v Izaiášovi, kde je povedané, že keď tá veľká trúba zaznie a bude tam vyzdvihnutý ten prápor, potom príde čas, keď bude znieť tá veľká trúba; a všetky národy sa zhromaždia do Jeruzalema. Vtedy začína milénium, tá veľká trúba.
108Toto zvolávanie z tohto sviatku trúb, to blíženie sa niečoho ... Všimnite si Zjavenie 8 a 7, ak si to chcete zapísať. Vidíme, že pri prvej trúbe nastáva krupobitie, krv, oheň a bolo to hodené na zem. Presne ako Exodus, keď Boh vyvolával von svoj ľud, na exodus.
109No, dôvod, že týchto sedem trúb sa netýka tejto cirkvi a tohto veku, to je preto, že to je len pre Izrael. To je zvolávanie, zhromažďovanie ľudí. A teraz, tu v tom je len jeden význam, ktorý vám chcem za chvíľu ukázať, a tam budete vidieť prečo sa toto netýka tohto veku v ktorom žijeme; týchto sedem trúb.
110Viem, že mnohí ľudia majú na to iný názor, ale ja viem, že toto je to ... viem to ... nie preto ... hovorím, že vy to hovoríte; pretože som neprišiel na to sám od seba; moja myšlienka nie je moja vlastná. Nech by mi to povedal ktokoľvek, ak to nie je pravda, potom to nie je pravda. Ale ja to nehovorím sám od seba, hovorím podľa toho, čo mi povedal niekto iný. Ten niekto iný je Boh, ktorý ku nám hovoril a robil všetky tieto veci, ktoré robil, zjavoval. Vidíte? Tak viem, že to je pravda. Tie trúby, to je zhromažďovanie Izraela. Tie trúby majú zhromaždiť Izrael.
111Všimnite si, trúbi samá prvá trúba, na zem padá krv, oheň, krupobitie, a všetko, vidíte. Čo On robil? Vyvádza Izrael von z duchovného Egyptu (vidíte?) naspäť do jeho domoviny.
112No, dovoľte mi hneď tu povedať toto, že každá trúba, ktorá trúbila, trúbila v šiestej pečati. Za niekoľko minút sa ku tomu dostaneme, kde sme tam zazreli tú pečať. Všetky trúby zneli v šiestej pečati, pretože v siedmej pečati bolo ticho. Nikto nevedel; to bola minúta, či hodina v ktorej príde Kristus, ako nám to On zjavil. Ale každá trúba znela pod šiestou pečaťou, v čase prenasledovania Židov.
113Všimnite si teraz, Zjavenie 8, a začnime od 7. verša. To všetko bolo v Egypte pri telesnom vyvolávaní Izraela, teraz to vyvolávanie Izraela sa deje v duchovnom význame. On ich pripravoval, aby prišli do sviatku zmierenia.
114Všimnite si, sviatok trúb bol prvý, a to boli letnice. Sviatok zmierenia nasledoval za nimi, po päťdesiatych dňoch. Sviatok zmierenia, čítame tu, prečítame to možno, ak budeme mať čas, pozrieme sa na to a prečítame vám to z Biblii, z 3. Mojžišovej 12, či vlastne z 3: Mojžišovej 23, a z 3. Mojžišovej 16. Vidíme, že tým prvým bol sviatok - trúb, bolo zmierenie a potom nasledovali letnice. No, vidíme - sviatok zmierenia nasledoval za sviatkom trúb.
115No, všimnite si, zaznela trúba a to ich malo zhromaždiť. No, zatrúbila prvá trúba; nastalo krupobitie, krv, oheň, a bolo to hodené na zem, presne tak, ako to bolo v Egypte, pripravuje sa ich zavolať na deň zmierenia. Vidíte. Oni odmietli to skutočné zmierenie, a tieto roky zostali predĺžené až doteraz, to bol rok letníc. Vidíte? No, to trúbenie pre Židov prichádza potom: toto je vyvolanie cirkvi, (dávajte dobrý pozor, no) po ktorom ich On zobral do zasľúbenej zemi, pri tomto On bude robiť to isté, tu symbolicky On prenáša cirkev do zasľúbenej zemi. Pamätajte, každá trúba znela pod šiestou pečaťou, oni zneli jedine vtedy.
116Všimnite si teraz, presne, tá predloha Písma je presne tá istá. Počas siedmej trúby, ona je pre Izrael tým istým, čím bola siedma pečať pre cirkev. Pod siedmou pečaťou vidíme, že keď tieto duše, ktoré boli tam pod oltárom, ktoré dostali rúcha; boli im dané rúcha, nie že si ich oni zaslúžili, pretože oni boli v čase, keď Boh stále jednal s milosťou, s Pohanmi, nie so Židmi. Izrael je spasený ako národ; Boh jedná s Izraelom, ako s národom. Pohania sú ľudia pre Jeho meno, nie národ pre Jeho meno, to je Izrael.
117A keď Hitler a ostatní prenasledovali Židov, a robili tie veci, ktoré robili počas toho ... Pozrite sa oni ... Stalin, Hitler, a všetci tí diktátori, ktorí povstali (keby sme mali čas, kde by sme to zopakovali pre tých, ktorí sú tu prvý krát, ale my sme to prebrali), v tom istom veku, nastalo v Nemecku a vo všetkých národoch ... Židia boli rozprášení po celom svete, ale v posledných dvadsiatych rokoch povstalo kruté prenasledovanie Židov.
118Bol som tam na tých dávnych miestach, kde oni pálili ich telá a ich popol používali na hnojenie zemi, židovské deti a ženy a všetkých. Potom sa to snažia zaprieť. Hneď ich tam zoberte a ukážte im, kde sa to dialo. To bolo vyložené prenasledovanie Izraela, pretože to je čas volania ho teraz naspäť do zmierenia; on sa stále nachádza pod zmierením obyčajného baránka. Zmierením je skutočný Baránok Boží, a on to odmietol, a odvtedy je tá krv na ňom.
119Všimnite si, pripravuje ľudí. Aká dokonalá je potom tá siedma trúba a siedma pečať. Dokonale spolu, prenasledovanie Židov. Dávajte pozor, v Zjavení v 9. kapitole a 13. verš (pozorne si toto teraz všimnite), v čase šiestej trúby (Zjavenie 9. 13.), v čase šiestej trúby, všimnite si, tam bolo 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] jazdcov na koňoch a boli zviazaní pri rieke Eufrate a rozviazaní v čase tej šiestej trúby. No, nie je na svete 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] jazdy, ale tam bolo 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] jazdcov na koňoch. Všimnite si to. (Chcem aby ste si to poznačili, aby ste si to mohli prečítať.) To neboli obyčajné kone. Z úst im vychádzal oheň, a mali hyacintové panciere, a mali chvosty, a koniec chvosta vyzeral ako had, ako hadia hlava na ich konci, štípali. Vidíte? To boli duchovné kone, duchovní diabli, bojové tátoše, ktoré boli zviazané pri Eufrate po všetky tie roky, nadprirodzení diabli. Čo to bolo? Ožilo staré Rímske Impérium; prenasledovanie Židov. Oni boli zviazaní za takmer dvetisíc rokov pri rieke Eufrate a nemohli prejsť do zasľúbenia. Náboženská sekta, ktorá sa snažila dostať sa na druhú stranu. Viete, Eufrat prechádzal cez Eden. Ale oni tam boli zviazaní, 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] diablov prenasledovania.
120A všimnite si čo sa stalo pod touto šiestou trúbou. Oni boli vypustení na Židov; prenasledovanie Židov! Nadprirodzení diabli, takmer dvetisíc rokov, potom boli rozviazaní skrze Stalina, Hitlera, na Židov.
121Vy hovoríte: "No, to nie je Rím." To je ten istý duch, oni robili tie isté veci, ktoré robili kresťanom vo dňoch starého pohanského Ríma. A pozorujte teraz ten telesný Izrael a duchovnú cirkev, pri tom ako ich tu jednotlivo pozorujeme. Vypustené na Židov.
122Pamätáte sa, ako pod šiestou pečaťou, každý jeden z týchto mučeníkov volá - podľa Slova Božieho dostávajú rúcha. A boli im dané z milosti, pretože oni sú zaslepení, že nemôžu vidieť evanjelium, aby z pohanov mohli byť vyvolaní títo ľudia, pre - nevesta. Boli im dané rúcha, Biblia tak povedala, pod tou trúbou. Tým Židom, ktorí sú úplne proti Kristovi a proti všetkému. A oni sú takí, pretože Biblia povedala, že budú zaslepení; a oni boli zaslepení kvôli vám! A spravodlivý Boh vie, že oni by to prijali, ale oni boli zaslepení kvôli vám. Tak hovorí Biblia.
123Tu máme to Rímske impérium, ktoré je tam zviazané skrze čo? Skrze klerikálne moci, ktorými tento Rím, pohanský Rím sa stal pápežským Rímom a bol tam zviazaný vo svojich kresťanských tradíciách. Bola v tom nejaká časť kresťanstva a rímskych povier, spolu so všetkým tým uctievaním žien, a všetky tieto rôzne veci, Vianoce, a sviatky a sväté dni, a všetko možné. Bolo to zviazané skrze tie tradície, že to nemohlo zostať rozviazané, pretože to je proti kresťanským princípom. Stále ten istý bezbožný, pohanský duch! A tento duch zachvátil všetky národy sveta, podľa proroctva Ezechiela a ostatných. A oni boli vypustení na Židov, ktorí nevedeli nič o tom duchu. Tu máte tajomstvá, ktoré sú ukryté tam pod tou pečaťou, vidíte. Všimnite si to. Preberali sme to. A ukážem vám tu túto trúbu, túto poslednú trúbu, čo sa deje. Tam oni sú; tieto trúby sú vypustené na Židov (nevidíte to?), nie na Pohanov. Pohania, keď sú otvorené tie pečate, sú zapečatení. Čas sa skončil; cirkev je vyvolaná.
124Pamätáte sa nedávno na to videnie? Pamätáte sa na tú ukážku? Koľkí si pamätajú predposlednú nedeľu? Ako to tam presne prechádzalo; presne sme to videli. Videli sme prichádzať tú špinavú, nečistú vec nazvanú cirkev (najkrajnejšia vulgárnosť), a tú malú nevestu z každého národa, každá jedna z nich oblečená ako ich národ, z ktorého pochádzali, tak dokonale, kráčajúc pred Pánom. Všimnite si, príde raz taký čas, keď povedia: "No, ja som si myslel, že cirkev mala pred prenasledovaním odísť. Myslel som si, že bude vytrhnutie."
Povedali: "Ako - prečo tí proroci, tí učení v Písme hovoria, že prv musí prísť Eliáš?"
125On povedal: "On už prišiel." A ani učeníci o tom nevedeli. "Urobili mu to, čo počuli." S vytrhnutím to bude tak isto. V hodine ... On toto zasľúbil. On nezasľúbil, že takto ukáže Eliáša, ale On zasľúbil, že takto zoberie nevestu - v hodine, v ktorej sa nenazdáte. V okamihu bude premenená a zobraná preč; potom ste zanechaní. Potom to je ten čas!
126Dvetisíc rokov, tento duch cez rímskych ľudí, rímsku cirkev, sa nemohol hýbať. Ale ten istý duch prichádza najprv tam dole v Ríme do Mussoliniho, diktátora ...
127Poznáte tých päť - tých sedem vecí, ktoré mi On ukázal v 33. roku, že sa stanú? Päť z nich sa už vyplnilo. Dr. Lee Vayle píše teraz o tom knihu. Viete? Päť vecí presne, a už sa majú stať len dve. Povedal, že to sa stane tesne pred príchodom. Sme tu teraz rovno na konci, a pozrite ako práve nastupuje táto šiesta vec. Vidíte? Dokonale, presne, ešte i vojny a ako sa oni stanú. Presne do bodky, a ani raz to nesklamalo.
128Počúvajte ľudia, v každej hodine máme robiť inventúru! Neviem kde stojíme - skutočne blízko!
129No, teraz je on vypustený na ... Pod touto šiestou pečaťou, týchto 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] duchovných démonov, začalo v Ríme, v Nemecku - Hitler. Všimnite si, tam v Biblii, kde oni dostali ... dostali moc ako kráľovia, ale neboli korunovaní. Diktátor nie je korunovaný kráľ, len dostal moc ako kráľ.
130Ó, Duch Boží prechádza teraz cezo mňa (viete?) práve niečo hovorí; neviem ako to povedať, ani čo povedať a možno to radšej nepoviem.
131Všimnite si, 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] démonov je vypustených na týchto Židov, keď ich pálili, križovali; vstrekovali im do žíl vzduch; zabíjali ich, že až sa im minul plyn, ktorým ich zabíjali; a strieľali ich, že už nemali viac nábojov; a oni - a robili všetko čo len mohli. Pálili ich telá a všetko možné, a vešali ich na ploty, deti a všetkých, nevinných ľudí. Pretože boli Židia, takto s nimi zachádzali. Ale Boh povedal, že On dá každému z nich rúcho, oni si to pri tom nezaslúžili, ale to bola Jeho milosť, že ich zaslepil, aby sme my mohli vidieť.
132Tá siedma pečať nie je ešte otvorená, viete; to je Jeho príchod.
Tak zatiaľ kým sú oni stále tam pod ... Ale On nám tu ukázal v tej ukážke, ako Jánovi. On ho vzal hore a ... Raz, keď kráčali popri mori, viete ... On povedal: "A čo tento, ktorý sa opiera o tvoju hruď?"
133On povedal: "Čo teba do toho, keď on zostane dokiaľ neprídem?" Vidíte, on nezostal, ale On ho zobral hore a ukázal mu veci, ktoré sa majú stať, až kým On nepríde. Proste mu ukázal, dal vidieť Jánovi celý plán.
134Všimnite si, vidíme teraz, že tam bola vypustená táto telesná sila, v tom telesnom, na ten telesný národ, Izrael. A čo to robilo? To vyšlo a vyvolalo vojnu, a ako oni vraždili a prenasledovali.
135Teraz v tej klerikálnej sfére tohto ... Ste ... Dúfam, že vám Boh teraz otvára oči na toto, pretože si uvedomujem, že to nie je hovorené len ku tejto cirkvi tu; táto páska ide do celého sveta. A ja nemám v úmysle uraziť niečie pocity, ale povedať len pravdu. No, táto duchovná sféra zostala otvorená pri tom telesnom prebudení toho starého, pohanského Ríma, ktorý vyšiel na týchto Židov, on stále bol ich nepriateľom. Ten lev s tými zubami a so všetkým, ktorý šliapal a ničil ten ľud. Rím. Stále bol Božím nepriateľom. A on, skrze tých svetových diktátorov, bol vypustený v tom istom duchu, pretože ten náboženský systém to stále držal. Teraz bol rozviazaný. Čo to urobilo?
136Príde v chytrosti, ako On povedal, s lichotením. A čo on robí? On prináša protestantskú Ekumenickú Radu svetových cirkví. Duch antikrista je na jednom i na druhom. Vedie ich na zabitie, práve tak ako to urobili tam tým; v hodine, keď má byť vyvolaná nevesta. Ako? Vypustený v tej klerikálnej cirkvi, v duchu. Vypustený na čo? Nie na denominácie, na nevestu! Ale tu by ste to mali pochopiť; nevesta nebude prechádzať cez ten čas. Biblia povedala, že nie. Cirkev bude, ale nie nevesta! Či to nevidíte? Kazatelia, či to nemôžete vidieť, bratia?
137Vy hovoríte, že cirkev musí prechádzať cez súženie, aby bola dokonalá. Krv Ježiša Krista činí nevestu dokonalou. A muž, ktorý si vyberá ženu, nevedie ju cez množstvo trestov; on už u nej našiel milosť; ona našla milosť u neho. On si ju zasnúbil. A ak je niečo, on ju bude chrániť od každého miesta, aby to od nej odvrátil. Jeho milosť nad nimi je taká veľká, a taká ona bude nad nevestou, a tak je to s nevestou.
138Sme nehodné stvorenia, zasluhujúce si peklo, ale Jeho milosť nás drží od toho. Pozrite sa koľko stratených a slepých, koľko - koľko hriešnikov bolo vo svete v tej hodine, keď som ja zostal spasený! Boh ma spasil kvôli nejakému účelu, a ja som rozhodnutý s Jeho pomocou vyplniť ten účel. Nestarám sa o to, čokoľvek sa deje, ja to chcem vyplniť.
139A v tejto hodine, keď vidím všetky cirkvi, ich veľkú nádheru, a sú bohatí a hovoria, že nepotrebujú ničoho; a vidím ich biedu, mizernosť, slepotu, a tľapkajú vás po chrbte a chcú, aby ste robili s nimi kompromis, ja som sa narodil za určitým účelom; a to, aby som zavrhol tú vec a vyvolal ľudí von! Áno, robím to.
140Pamätajte, keď Ježiš prišiel na zem, ani jedna stotina ľudí na zemi nevedela, že On je tu. On prišiel, aby dostal tú vyvolenú skupinu. Povedal: "Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, ak ho nepotiahne môj Otec. A všetci, ktorých Mi dal môj Otec (minulý čas) prídu. Oni to budú poznať; oni to budú počuť.
141Všimnite si, vypustený je tento klerikálny duch. Aha, dvadsať rokov po tej vojne vidíme, že je vypustený klerikálny duch, v čase čoho? V čase siedmej pečati, pre Židov v čase siedmej trúby. Pozrite sa na zatmenie mesiaca. V čase čoho? Vidíte, to vytiahlo von, Syn človeka je vystrčený von z cirkvi. Čo to je? Pripájanie sa ku tej klerikálnej skupine. To ekumenické hnutie a so Svetovou Radou Cirkví ťahá každého človeka ... Prečo toto povstáva? Aha, musíte sa vzdať všetkého vášho evanjelického učenia a všetkého! Ako môžu ísť dvaja spolu, ak sa nezhodnú? Nemôžu. Ježiš povedal, že nemôžu. A ako môže cirkev metodistov a baptistov kráčať spolu? Ako môže cirkev Kristova kráčať s presbyteriánmi? Ako môžu katolíci kráčať s protestantmi? Ale nevesta môže kráčať so Slovom, ktorým je Kristus; to sa musí zhodovať, nie s klerikálnym systémom, ale so Slovom. Ježiš tak povedal; A tak je to pravda.
142Všimnite si, tam ona je. Ona je vypustená, aby dotiahla všetky tieto malé uvoľnené konce. "No, v tom nie je aj tak žiadny rozdiel." To Satan povedal Eve: "Na tom nezáleží. To je v poriadku. Istotne, Boh je dobrý Boh; On nás všetkých miluje." Nie je to tak!
143Počujete tak veľa o tom, že Boh je dobrý. On je dobrý Boh, ale keď je dobrý, musí byť spravodlivý. Neexistuje dobrota bez spravodlivosti; neexistuje spravodlivosť bez zákona, bez potrestania, bez trestu. Tak to je tá hodina, v ktorej žijeme.
144Všimnite si, rýchlo teraz, títo nadprirodzení démoni. Potom pod patronátom Spojených Národov, spojil spolu tie skupiny, východnú a západnú ... Práve ako pravá a ľavá noha toho obrazu, ktorý videl Daniel, ako oni nesúhlasili a zmiešali sa jedno s druhým; a slovo Eisenhower, v tom čase, Eisenhower znamená "železo"; Chruščov znamená "hlina". A on si vyzul svoju topánku a udieral ňou po stole na stretnutí - keď Spoločnosť Národov - či v Spojených Národoch - Chruščov udieral po stole. Vytĺkajúc prach ...
145Ó, hodina v ktorej žijeme, cirkev a jej stav. Ale vďaka Bohu, tá malá nevesta sa pripravila. To nepotrvá dlho, len vydržte. Ja neviem ako dlho, neviem kedy (nikto to nevie), ale viem, že teraz je to blízko.
146Pozorujte to kleri - pozorujte to telesné, čo to urobilo tým Židom: To boli ľudia, ktorí sa držali zákonov Božích. Nezáleží na tom koľko povstalo cirkví, čo ďalšie, oni boli zaslepení na Krista a držali sa toho zákona. A Boh im dal rúcha, každému z nich, pretože oni zahynuli ako mučeníci, vidíte. Oni boli zaslepení kvôli nám.
147A tu teraz cirkev, ktorá nepozná nič iné okrem Biblii; bez ohľadu na klerikálny systém, denomináciu, oni o tom nič nevedia, pre nich je to všetko cudzie. Oni poznajú Jeho a jedine Jeho.
148Dnes sa ľudia správajú tak trochu, ako Peter a tí na Vrchu Premenenia. Oni boli celí nadšení, keď videli stať sa to nadprirodzené, a jeden povedal: "Postavíme jednu cirkev prorokom, jednu Mojžišovi." A ľudia to takto urobili, letniční. Oni povedali: "Postavíme jeden pre Zhromaždenia Božie; a jeden, Cirkvi Božej; a jeden, Jednotárom; a jeden, Dvojičiarom; a tak ďalej. Ale zatiaľ čo on hovoril, Jehova zvolal: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn, ktorý je Slovo; Jeho počúvajte; On je Slovo."
149Hodina v ktorej žijeme, tie klerikálne duchy sa teraz spájajú spolu a vedú ich všetkých do tohto veľkého zabíjania, aby ich vyhladiť, je to už teraz napísané tu v tomto národe. Tieto zbory musia byť zavreté, ak nie ste s tou organizáciou. To je únia; to je bojkot, práve ako znamenie šelmy. A teraz vidíte čo je to tá šelma, či nie? To je moc. A moc, klerikálna moc, Ježiš povedal, že to bude tak podobné na tú pravú vec, že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Ale On zasľúbil, že tu v tom dni bude mať niečo pre nás, že nebudeme zvedení, a to je Slovo, a Kristus nám to manifestuje.
150To sú nadprirodzení démoni neviditeľní našim očiam, ale môžete vidieť čo oni robia. Vidíte?
151Všimnite si, zatiaľ čo táto skupina jazdí, pripravuje sa zlikvidovať všetko, čo nebude s nimi súhlasiť, je iná skupina, ktorá je pripravená, zanedlho - Zjavenie 19. Tu znovu počujeme o cirkvi, ona tiež prichádza, nie doslovne na koňoch, ale Biblia hovorí, že On bol na bielom koni, a duchovia nebies išli na Ním na bielych koňoch. Je to tak? Zatiaľ čo táto skupina tu dole mala 2 000 zviazaných pri rieke Eufrate, a boli zviazaní dvetisíc rokov, tá cirkev tiež zviazala Ducha Svätého na takmer dvetisíc rokov, v čase mučeníctva tam vtedy a počas cirkevných vekov. On bol zviazaný, nie pri rieke Eufrat, ale pri dverách vyznaní a dogiem, že Duch Svätý nemohol v cirkvi pracovať, kvôli ľudským systémom. Ale ona bude vyslobodená, ona prichádza naspäť. To je to čo povedala Biblia. A títo dvaja sa stretávajú jeden s druhým na bojovom poli - Lucifer a Michael - znovu, tak ako na začiatku.
152Oni boli zviazaní za takmer dve tisíc rokov. Nie presne dve tisíc, pretože Rimania ešte stále účinkovali (Títus v 96. roku a takto ďalej), zabíjali Židov, Rimania. Kto to bol, kto zabíjal Židov? Kto bol Títus? Rímsky generál. A krv sa tam valila von bránami, po ... zabíjali ženy, deti, a všetko. Či nestojí v Ezechielovi 9, že oni to urobia? "Prejdi stredom mesta a daj znamenie na ľudí, ktorí vzdychajú a nariekajú," - Duch Svätý. A tí ostatní - "vystúpili mužovia, ktorí zabíjali," ktorí mali byť zviazaní - "Zadrž ich! Zadrž ich!" až kým oni nevyšli a zabili všetko, čo tam bolo. Ženy, deti a všetko, všetci boli pozabíjaní. Presne, tu sa to znovu opakuje. A tu prichádza naspäť ten klerikálny systém, ktorý dusí a depce všetko, čo sa nazýva Boh. Ó, oni mali svoje systémy, a organizácie, a denominácie, ale to nemalo nič spoločného s Bibliou. Oni vám rýchlo povedia, že tomu ani neveria. Tak veru! Hovoria to, čo hovorí cirkev. Ide o to, čo hovorí Boh; to je Slovo.
153Nevesta stojí so Slovom, oni sú jedno. Ako oni môžu byť jedno? Keď to Slovo, ktoré je tu napísané, vojde do vás, a vy a to Slovo sa stanete jedno (to je presne to čo On zasľúbil), potom to dáva výklad ...
154Boh nepotrebuje vykladača. Oni hovoria: "Dobre, my to vykladáme takto." Vy nemáte právo nič vykladať. Boh si to sám vykladá.
155Boh povedal: "Buď svetlo," a bolo svetlo. Kto to vykladá? On povedal: "Panna počne," a ona počala. To nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača, to je už vyložené. Boh povedal, že tieto veci sa stanú v tomto dni, a to sa deje. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad; to sa samé vykladá.
156Ó! Zjavenie 9:1, v čase tej piatej trúby ... ich kráľ - všimnite si. Zjavenie 9:1. Kráľ tejto veľkej skupiny 200 000 [000 -- pozn.prekl.] koní. Oni mali nad sebou kráľa, a ak si všimneme, to bola upadnutá hviezda. "Prečo si padol z neba, ó Lucifer?" (Och ako pochybne to tam Dr. Smith predstavil, ale to je v poriadku. Vidíte, To nebolo na jeho hodinu. Vidíte? No dobre.) ... bezodnej priepasti. Ich kráľ bol kráľom bezodnej priepasti. Zjavenie 17: 8 - niečo som si tu poznačil; prečítam to. Viete tu, Zjavenie 17: 8. Chcem sa pozrieť čo tam je, pretože neviem, ako sa dotknúť tohto ďalšieho ... 17: 8.
šelma, ktorú si videl, bola a nie je a má vyjsť z priepasti a ísť do zatratenia. A budú sa diviť obyvatelia zeme, ktorých mená nie sú zapísané v knihe života od založenia sveta, keď budú vidieť šelmu, že bola a nie je, a keď zase tu bude.
Vidíte? Bola, jeden pápež zomrel, nastúpil ďalší - šelma, ktorá bola, ktorá nie je, ktorá je, ktorá nie je, ktorá je - nemení svoj poriadok. Pápež, zakaždým, všetko - všetko musí ísť tým istým systémom.
158A kde to príde? Do bezodnej priepasti. A Biblia tu hovorí, že vodca týchto pochádzal z bezodnej priepasti, a to bol ich kráľ; a on sedí s trojitou korunou a pripája ku sebe protestantov.
159Počul som jedného dňa hovoriť luteránskeho kňaza, povedal - či luteránskeho kazateľa, povedal: "No, ľudia sa ma pýtajú, prečo nosím taký golier. Prečo by som sa mal líšiť od ... " Boli ste tam? Áno, či to nebolo - či to nebolo absurdné? Bolo mi z toho skoro na zvracanie, odišiel som z pódia. Oni hovorili: "Lebo nemá byť žiadny rozdiel."
160Keby to Luther, Martin Luther počul, obrátil by sa v hrobe, povedal by: "Ty pokrytec, ty nepatríš do mojich radov." Vidíte?
Ale vidíte kde to zašlo? "Nie je žiadny rozdiel."
161Je rozdiel! Dokonca rozdiel v jednotlivcoch. Boh povedal: "Oddeľte mi Pavla a Barnabáša," Je to tak. "ku dielu ..." Oddeľte - Boh oddeľuje, nemixuje ...Cirkvi dnes chcú dobrý mixér, ktorý ich nechá chodiť v plavkách, a šortkách, a tak ďalej, a ísť von a takto sa správať. Ale Boh povedal: "Oddeľte Mi!" Oddeľte sa od sveta!
162Zjavenie ... Vidíme tu, že ich kráľ pochádzal z bezodnej priepasti a je to ten istý, ktorý išiel do zatratenia, odišiel a prišiel, odišiel a prišiel, odišiel ... Všimnite si, v 3. Mojžišovej v 23. kapitole, aký presný je ten výklad s tým poriadkom, so Slovom, s tým čo sa snažíme teraz povedať. Sledujte teraz toto, ten poriadok.
163No, vidíme ... Otvorme si to a prečítajme to za chvíľu. Kniha Kazateľa - nie Kazateľa. 3. Mojžišova 23. Všimnite si toto tu. 3: Mojžišova 23. kapitola. No ... V žiadnom prípade toto teraz nechceme prehliadnuť, no, tak môžeme to zobrať presne tak, ako to tu Pán dal pre nás zapísať. Samozrejme nemôžem nájsť Tretiu Mojžišovu v Druhej. Dobre, čítajme teraz 3. Mojžišova. „A Hospodin...“ 23.
...Hospodin hovoril Mojžišovi a riekol:
Hovor synom Izraelovým a povedz: Siedmeho mesiaca, prvého dňa toho mesiaca budete mať odpočinok, pamiatku trúbenia, sväté zhromaždenie.
(Vidíte?)Nebudete robiť nijakej práce, ale budete obetovať ohňovú obeť Hospodinovi ...
(Teraz dávajte pozor. Všimnite si teraz.)A Hospodin hovoril Mojžišovi a riekol:
A tiež desiateho dňa toho siedmeho mesiaca bude deň zmierenia ...
Vidíte? Deň zmierenia nasledoval za ... Dávajte teraz pozor. Deň zmierenia nasledoval po zvuku trúby. Vidíte? Aké ohromné! Vidíte? Deň zmierenia nasledoval po trúbe. No, päťdesiat dní tých trúb, pre nás, symbolizuje to, keď trúba znela na letnice, čo bolo päťdesiat dní. No, po tomto, Židia to odmietli; a teraz trúby ich majú zavolať naspäť do toho zmierenia, vidíte, oni odmietli to zmierenie. A oni to odmietli, aby tak naše oči mohli byť otvorené; ich boli zavreté. A v priebehu toho času, tieto pečate zostali otvorené a trúbili tie trúby. A teraz, pri trúbení tých trúb, tesne predtým, ako prichádza Mesiáš - pretože oni musia byť v Palestíne; a vy sa pamätáte, Boh musel zatvrdiť faraónove srdce, aby ich dostal von z Egyptu; A On zatvrdil Stalina, Mussoliniho, a všetkých tých, aby ich dostal naspäť do zasľúbenej zemi, kde má byť tých 144000. A teraz, prvý krát po tisícoch rokoch, po 2 500 rokoch, je Izrael národ so svojou vlastnou zástavou, vlastnou armádou, vlastnou - a uznaný v Spojených Národoch. To je prvý krát. Najstaršia zástava, ktorá kedy bola na zemi, teraz znovu veje. Tá päť - šesť cípa Dávidova hviezda. On povedal, že On znovu zodvihne ten prápor v tých posledných dňoch, keď sa on bude vracať naspäť. Sme na konci. Nieto o tom žiadnych pochýb; sme tu.
Všimnite si teraz, rýchlo, Zjavenie 9 - v čase tej siedmej trúby, ich kráľ je z bezodnej priepasti. A teraz v 3. Mojžišovej, ako dokonale to tu Slovo podáva, pretože (vidíte?) hneď za sviatkom letníc nasledoval deň zmierenia. To usporiadanie sviatkov. Medzi sviatkom letníc a zmierením, tým zvukom trúb ku zmiereniu, ktorým bol sviatok letníc, bolo dlhé obdobie času.
165Pozrite sa, tam bol dlhý časový úsek medzi sviatkom letníc a do vyvolávania - trúby - do trúbenia trúb, keď trúbili trúby, dlhý časový úsek. Úprimne povedané, to bolo päťdesiat dní od sviatku letníc do sviatku zmierenia, to bolo päťdesiat dní. No, päťdesiat dní to je presne sedem sabatov. A sedem sabatov je sedem cirkevných rokov - cirkevných vekov. Rozumiete to? Vidíte? Vidíte?
166No, Židia boli zaslepení, čakajú po celý tento čas, zatiaľ čo na cirkev boli vylievané prvotiny letníc. A my sme prechádzali cez veky mučeníkov, a cez veky reformátorov, a teraz sme prišli do veku vyvolania, tri úseky, ten istý Duch, ako Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, ten istý. Vidíte? Ale sedem cirkevných vekov, čo je sedem sabatov, presne sedem sabatov od - od sviatku letničnej trúby - sviatku letníc, až do ... Bolo povznášanie snopu, a potom bol sviatok letníc. A potom od toho sviatku do zmierenia je sedem sabatov, päťdesiat dní. A na konci tých päťdesiatych dní je - sa dialo zmierenie. Vidíte to?
167No toto je obraz, že cirkev ... Keď sa On zjavil, ako Syn Boží, cez tie veky a cez ten letničný vek, zjavoval sa cirkvi v krste Duchom Svätým. Vidíte? Stále sa zjavoval viac a viac: Ospravedlnenie za času Luthera, posvätenie za času Wesleya, krst Duchom Svätým; a teraz je tu čas vyvolania.
168Pri tej šiestej pečati, keď ona - keď zostala otvorená, Židov zasiahlo to prenasledovanie doslovne, a na cirkev tu prichádza prenasledovanie zo strany klerikálnej, pretože nevesta je už zavolaná. Sabaty skončili a všetko je pripravené, aby boli zavolaní Židia. Kde? Na sviatok zmierenia. Ó, cirkev, či to nevidíš? Zavolaní na sviatok zmierenia, prečo? Aby spoznali to zmierenie - už nie viac kurence a husi, čo oni používali; Baránok Boží, zabitý od založenia sveta. Izrael to bude poznať.
169Všimnite si, tu je veľká vec. Pozrite sa! Ó, Duch Svätý bol zviazaný skrze denominácie po celých týchto dvetisíc rokov. Vidíme že bol. No všimnite si tie sabaty, sedem sabatov; oni sa po celý čas nemohli z toho dostať. Biblia povedala, že bude deň, ktorý nebude ani nocou, ani dňom. A Ježiš povedal, že celé Písmo sa musí vyplniť. Je to tak? Povedzte "Amen." Prorok povedal, že bude deň, ktorý nemožno nazvať dňom ani nocou, ale v čase večera bude svetlo. Čo to bolo? To isté slnko, ktoré svieti na východe, je to isté slnko, ktoré svieti na západe.
170Zakaždým, keď slnko vychádza, a prechádza po oblohe a zapadá, to predstavuje váš život. Malé dieťa sa rodí, slabé ráno. Okolo ôsmej ide do školy; 11:30 skončilo školu, je horúčava dňa. Potom sa začína schyľovať, človek má päťdesiat rokov; šesťdesiat, sedemdesiat, osemdesiat, deväťdesiat. Zachádza a umiera; ale len na to, aby na druhý deň znovu vyšlo a povedalo, že je život, smrť, pohrab, zmŕtvychvstanie.
171A všimnite si, civilizácia postupovala so slnkom. Najstaršia civilizácia, ktorú máme je Čína (to vie každý). Kde padol Duch Svätý? Vo východnej krajine na východných ľudí. A evanjelium putovalo so slnkom. Ono prišlo odkiaľ? Z východu do Nemecka; z Nemecka do Anglicka (tri krát prekročilo more); Stredozemné do Nemecka; zo Stredozemného - z východu do Nemecka, cez Stredozemné. Z Nemecka cez anglický kanál do Anglicka. Z anglického kanálu cez Pacifik na druhú stranu do - či cez Atlantik do Spojených štátov; a teraz, ono je na západnom pobreží! Prešlo cez ten národ, ktorý scivilizovalo, a išlo krížom, a postupovalo ďalej. Civilizácie putovala; evanjelium putovalo s ňou. A teraz, všetka tá zberba je na západnom pobreží, tam sa všetko nahromadilo, ako keď prichádza prílivová vlna.
172Ale prorok povedal, že tohto dňa, slnko nebude svietiť; bude to pochmúrny deň. Oni mali len toľko svetla, ako za veľmi daždivého dňa; mohli sa pripájať do cirkví, a veriť Pána, a takéto veci; ale On povedal, že v čase večera tie oblaky ustúpia, denominácie pohasnú, a to isté evanjelium, to isté Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom (ako to On zasľúbil v Lukášovi 17: 33), to isté evanjelium, s tým istým, sa bude diať v čase večera, keď sa predlžujú tiene.
173To isté evanjelium, ten istý Kristus, ktorý žil v tele tam vtedy na začiatku, pri ľuďoch východu, bude znovu, v čase konca žiť pri ľuďoch západu. "V čase večera bude svetlo." Všetky Písma sú napísané skrze inšpiráciu a nemôžu byť zrušené. Uplynulo tých veľkých päťdesiat dní; Sviatok letníc pominul. Sedem sabatov, až do trúb, obraz siedmeho cirkevného veku.
174Pamätajte, pamätajte, v čase tej šiestej trúby Židia ... (počúvate?) - v čase tej šiestej trúby letniční odmietli Bibliu, vlažnosť, nie len letniční, všetci ostatní. Cirkevný svet odmieta Krista, a On je daný von. A v tej istej trúbe, či vlastne v tej istej pečati, keď ona bola otvorená, oni ukazujú, že Ježiš je vonku z cirkvi a snaží sa dostať naspäť dovnútra; v tom istom čase znie trúba pre Židov, a Židia spoznávajú zmierenie! Sláva! Haleluja! Ó!
175Duch Svätý bol zviazaný pri týchto denominačných riekach, za takmer dvetisíc rokov, ale v čase večera má byť rozviazaný, skrze posolstvo večerného času: Duch Svätý znovu naspäť v cirkvi, sám Kristus, zjavený v ľudskom tele v čase večera. On povedal; On to zasľúbil.
176Malo to tri úseky, ako som povedal: mučeníci, vek mučeníkov, a potom obdobie reformátorov, a teraz je čas vyvolania. Keď to skončilo, ten Laodicejský vek, podľa Zjavenia 10, neveste má byť oznámené tajomstvo celej Biblii. Je to tak?
177Zjavenie 10 (dobre teraz počúvajte), nevesta je vyvolaná, skrze Slovo, Sám Kristus vyvoláva nevestu, vyjasňuje Židom 13: 8 (že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, robí to isté, je ten istý; "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím aj on bude činiť." Vidíte?), Lukáš 22 - Lukáš 17: 30, a tiež Malachiáš 4, Židom 4, všetky tieto miesta Písma, ktoré sú zasľúbené, toto má byť medzi šiestou a siedmou pečaťou a šiestou a siedmou trúbou.
178Sviatok letníc končí v období siedmej trúby, lebo to ďalšie je príchod ... či siedmej pečati, lebo to ďalšie je tajomstvo Kristovho príchodu, a tiež znie trúba pre Židov. Znie ich šiesta trúba, a keď sa to deje, dáva im to poznávať zjaveného Syna Božieho. Doba pol hodiny. Pamätajte, všetky trúby znejú pri tejto šiestej pečati. Šiesta pečať končí tajomstvo - v čase tejto šiestej pečati, tesne pred tým, ako je otvorená siedma.
179Všimnite si, tu je 3. Mojžišova 23. a 26. V akom poriadku je to Písmo! Po tom dlhom období letníc ... čo Izrael tam vtedy odmietol ... A On počas tohto sviatku letníc vyvolal cirkev z pohanov.
Koľkí rozumejú, čím je sviatok letníc? To je ovocie - prvotina žatvy, prvotina vzkriesenia, sviatok letníc.
180Ľudia neprehliadnite toto! A vy pri tých páskach počúvajte pozorne! Toto bol čas sviatku letníc. Židia ležali potichu; oni to odmietli. Teraz musia byť zavolaní naspäť do zmierenia. My vieme, Kto je tým zmierením, oni nevedia. A po letničnom jubileu znie tá trúba a zvoláva dohromady Židov. Či nemôžete vidieť, ako hučala tá trúba prenasledovania za Hitlera a ostatných, a Židia boli nasilu nútení, aby sa zhromaždili, aby vyplnili Písma? Pochopili ste to teraz? Všetci, ktorí ste to pochopili povedzte "Amen." Dobre. V poriadku.
181Všimnite si, teraz tu v 3. Mojžišovej 26, ten poriadok Písem. Po tom dlhom období letníc, ktoré končia vo vyvolaní nevesty (nevesta je vyvolaná skrze sluhu, odmietnutého), nasleduje to, že Izraelovi sa má dať poznať, sviatok zmierenia. Všimnite si, tu je teraz to isté, čo v 3. Mojžišovej, v 16. kapitole, keď On nariadil sviatok letníc - či sviatok zmierenia. Ale na tomto mieste sú oni zavolaní (ó, aké dokonalé; vidíte to, kazatelia? Neprehliadnite to, kazatelia), v tomto sviatku letníc, ktorý je reprezentovaný v Leviticus 23: 26 - či 23 a 24, je sviatok nariekania, nie zabíjania sviatku. Sviatok bol zabitý - či vlastne, obeť zmierenia bola zabitá, to zmierenie bolo zabité (3. Mojžišova 16 hovorí presne o tom istom), len na tomto mieste, to je zavolanie Izraela, aby nariekali kvôli svojim hriechom.
182Ako presne to dnes pasuje. To nie je znovu zabíjanie obeti (čo Mojžiš predstavil tým, že udrel druhý krát tú skalu; to nefungovalo), nie zabíjanie obeti na sviatok, ale nariekanie pre odmietnutie obeti. Ó!
183Toto bude tá trúba, ten sviatok bol odmietnutý, potom sa ich Mesiáš dal poznať. Všimnite si! Oni budú poznať svojho Mesiáša, keď Ho uvidia. On tentokrát prichádza v moci, Ten na ktorého očakávali. On prichádza v moci pre pohanskú nevestu, a Židia Ho spoznajú. A potom Biblia hovorí (my sme to tu práve preberali a kázali o tom, asi pred šiestymi mesiacmi, alebo pred viac), Biblia hovorí, keď oni povedia: "Odkiaľ máš tieto rany? (Koľkí si pamätáte to posolstvo, zodvihnite ruku. Istotne, pamätáte sa. Vidíte?) Odkiaľ máš tieto rany?"
On povedal: "Z domu mojich priateľov."
184Pamätáte sa, keď som kázal o tom čase, keď Jakob poslal deti Izraelove tam dole, aby doniesli to obilie, a potravu, a to; a ako sa Jozef správal, akoby ich nepoznal; a ako to všetko išlo ďalej, potom sa on dal poznať? Pamätáte sa? A oni boli takí prestrašení, že začali plakať. Také isté, ako Jakobove problémy. A tu vidíme týchto Židov, počas prenasledovania, oni nevedia kde teraz stoja.
185Ale oni prichádzajú naspäť; a keď oni uvidia Zmierenie, vychádzať najavo, Biblia povedala, že keď to oni uvidia, povedia, že sa oddelia osobitne jeden dom od druhého a budú nariekať niekoľko dní, ako - ako rodina, ktorá stratila svojho jediného syna. "Odkiaľ máš tie rany?"
On povie: "Z domu mojich priateľov."
186Pamätajte, nevesta je už v nebi. Jozefova žena bola v paláci, a Jozef poslal od seba všetkých preč, a dal sa poznať svojím bratom. Vidíte? Jeho žena, a deti, a ostatní boli v paláci, keď sa On vracia naspäť, aby sa dal poznať Židom. Tu máte zmierenie, tu máte zvuk trúby. Tam oni povedia: "Ó ..." Čo to je? To je zmierenie. Odkiaľ máš tie rany?" Tu to je.
Pamätáte sa čo povedali Jozefovi bratia? Aha, oni povedali: "Teraz nás istotne zabije. My sme to urobili; my sme urobili to zlo" - ako to.
On povedal: "Nie, Boh toto urobil, aby zachránil život." Poznáte tú udalosť v Genesis? Vidíte? Vidíte? Tak On toto takto urobil, aby zachránil život Pohanov, nevesty.
Povedal: "Utŕžil som ich v dome môjho priateľa, ale nehnevajte sa." Vidíte? "Nebojte sa."
Oni povedali: "Ó! Či sme Ho naozaj prehliadli? Či to bolo to zmierenie, a my sme to prehliadli? Ó, Bože!" A oni povedali, že sa oddelili a nariekali mnoho dní. Čo to je? Zmierenie, smútok.
187Tentokrát, ten príchod - poznanie zmierenia, nie je zabíjaná pravidelná obeť zmierenia, ako v 3. Mojžišovej 16, ale 3. Mojžišova 23, je čas nariekania za ich hriechy; a ich hriechy boli to, že to odmietli.
188Ó, či nevidíte kde sme? Či nevidíte prečo tie trúby pre nás nič neznamenajú? Oni všetky zneli pod našou šiestou pečaťou. Vidíte teraz prečo mi Duch Svätý nedal o tom hovoriť? A nebeský Otec vie, tu predo mnou leží táto Biblia, že to je pravda. Nevedel som to až do včera - do pred včera, tam v mojej izbe, kde mi to On zjavil, prišiel ku mne, a hovoril ku mne. Prišiel som naspäť; povedal som: "Žena, teraz to mám; On sa tam so mnou stretol a povedal mi to. Tu to je, Drahá." Vidíte? Tu to máte (vidíte?), dokonale v harmónii.
189Ó, ľudia, ktorí ste bez Neho, vojdite rýchlo; to môže byť posledná príležitosť, ktorú kedy môžete mať. Neviete kedy On môže prísť.
190Sviatok trúb ... Biblia hovorí, že oni sa oddelia jeden od druhého a budú prosiť a plakať, lebo - ako človek, ktorý stratil svoje jediné dieťa.
191Pozrite sa! Chcem povedať ešte jednu vec. Končíme teraz, neprehliadnite toto. Aké ohromné! Od posolstva siedmeho anjela, (posla siedmej pečati a Zjavenie 10, bola siedma pečať), do tých siedmich trúb, medzi týmito dvoma udalosťami ... Ó Bože, ako to povedať, aby toto ľudia mohli vidieť? To je medzi tou šiestou trúbou (a tá šiesta trúba - a tá šiesta trúba a šiesta pečať znejú v tom istom čase), a medzi tou šiestou trúbou a siedmou trúbou, tam sa pred pohanmi objavuje prorok, aby zavolal ľudí naspäť do originálnej letničnej náuky; a tí dvaja svedkovia zo Zjavenia 11 sa objavujú Židom, aby ich priviedli ku Ježišovi, zatiaľ čo je cirkev vzatá hore. Obaja sú proroci. Amen! Slovo Pánovo nemôže byť zrušené. To nebude denominácia! Vidíte to?
192Prečítajte tu vo svojej knihe a vidzte, či medzi šiestou a siedmou trúbou, či tam nie je vložené vyvolanie Židov. Medzi šiestou a siedmou pliagou, prichádzame ku tým 144 000 (pamätáte sa na to?), ktorí boli medzi tým. Pamätáte sa medzi tou šiestou - piatou pečaťou a šiestou pečaťou - medzi šiestou a siedmou pečaťou, tam bolo vyvolanie tých 144 000. Pamätáte si to? No, tam patria tieto trúby, presne tam (vidíte?) a prenasledovanie tými koňmi, ktoré tam boli vypustené.
193Potom medzi tým - potom tam malo byť posolstvo siedmeho anjela, ktoré bolo kázané a odsudzovalo letničných. A Ježiš bol vystrčený von, nemal s nikým žiadnu spoluprácu, bol vystrčený von, odmietnutý (Biblia tak povedala); lebo to je Kristus zamanifestovaný medzi nami, Ježiš medzi nami všetkými, zamanifestovaný v čistote svojho Slova, ktorý nám to oznamuje. A keď to ... Toto nie je nejaké vykombinovanie, priatelia, Toto je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, Písmo.
194A v tom istom čase ... No, len čo táto cirkev, nevesta, je daná dohromady, je vzatá do tajomstva siedmej pečati - či, siedmej pečati, odohráva sa to tajomstvo a Židia sú zavolaní skrze tajomstvo siedmej trúby, ktorým sú dvaja proroci, Eliáš a Mojžiš, a oni prichádzajú naspäť. A v tomto sú letniční celkom popletení. Oni očakávajú, že sa niečo stane, a cirkev už odišla, a to je pre tých Židov!
195No, cítim, že niekto vo svojej mysli hovorí, že to nemôže byť Mojžiš. Áno je. Pamätajte, On mi môže povedať vaše myšlienky. Stále cítim, že ... No dobre.
196Dovoľte aby som vám to vysvetlil. To bol Mojžiš, pretože tu je tvoja myšlienka: ty hovoríš, že Mojžiš - že to nemôže byť Mojžiš, pretože Mojžiš zomrel. Ty si myslíš, že to je Eliáš - to je naozaj Eliáš, keď ty si myslíš, že to je Enoch. Ty hovoríš: "Mojžiš je už mŕtvy." Ale pamätaj on mohol znovu prísť naspäť do života; on prišiel, po osemsto rokoch. Po niekoľkých storočiach sa on zjavil na Vrchu Premenenia. Ty hovoríš: "Potom čo človek zomrie?" Tak veru. Lazár bol mŕtvy, znovu vzkriesený, a potom znovu musel zomrieť. Skutočne! Ešte i tí zlí budú vzkriesení znovu do života, a potom budú musieť zomrieť druhou smrťou. Je to tak? Tak vypusti to zo svojej mysli; to je Mojžiš.
197Pozorujte tú službu, presne to čo robili Mojžiš a Eliáš; zavreli nebesia a spustili oheň na ... Viete aké veci oni robili.
198Zamyslite sa nad tým! Ľudia, je čas konca. Haleluja! Veľký deň Pánov je na blízku. Zhromaždite sa spolu. Sviatok Mesiáša, oni Ho odmietnu, a oni zistia, že to je ich Mesiáš. Biblia povedala tieto ohromujúce veci, ako sa toto stane.
199V Zjavení 11 je oznámené, že ich služba bude služba Mojžiša a Eliáša, ktorá vyvoláva Izrael z židovských tradícii, práve tak, ako posolstvo siedmeho anjela vyvolalo nevestu z letničných tradícií. Pamätajte Mojžiš a Eliáš majú vyvolať Izrael zo starého zmierenia, ktorým bol baránok a ovce a krv, a kozly, a obeť, do skutočnej živej obeti, do Slova.
200A posolstvo siedmeho anjela, pod tou istou trúbou, pod všetkým tým istým, presne, pod tou istou pečaťou, má urobiť čo? Vyvolať ľudí, nevestu z letničných a svetských tradícií do opravdivého zmierenia, do Slova, Krista, ktorý je zosobnený tu vo svojom Slove, ktoré sa stalo medzi nami telom.
201Veda to potvrdila fotografiami. Vie to cirkev po celom svete. Vieme to celkom iste, pretože On nám nepovedal ani jednu vec, pri tom tak hovorí pán, čo by nebola pravda. Či On nepovedal tam dole pri rieke: "Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný, tak toto posolstvo vyvolá ..."
202Pozrel som sa a vidím, je dvanásť hodín. Polnočná hodina je tu, priatelia, nad nami. Vidíte aké je Písmo dokonalé? Ako to presne - to ...
203Pozrite, to nebude nejaká organizácia, ktorá tam pôjde a zavolá Židov, to budú dvaja mužovia, Mojžiš a Eliáš, obaja proroci.
204Pozrite sa teraz, aby boli vyvolaní Pohania, nevesta, On zasľúbil Malachiáša 4, aby urobil to isté. A Biblia povedala, že On v siedmom cirkevnom veku bude vystrčený z cirkvi. On bude vystrčený z cirkvi; to sa úplne zatmí a pôjde ... Kde sa to zatmí? To ide do tohoto klerikálneho systému, do tejto ekumenickej rady, Svetovej Rady Cirkví. On je celkom vystrčený von, jeho Slovo. Oni s tým nemôžu súhlasiť, viete že nemôžu; oni sa nemôžu zhodnúť ani vo svojich malých miestnych skupinách. Ako sa zhodnú s týmto? Tak oni prijímajú iné znamenie šelmy, robia obraz šelmy.
205Pamätajte, Biblia povedala, že bol urobený obraz šelmy. A tieto Spojené štáty boli stále číslom trinásť. Oni začali s trinástimi štátmi, trinástimi kolóniami, trinástimi hviezdami, trinástimi pruhmi; číslo trinásť je stále žena. Ukazuje sa v 13. kapitole Zjavenia. Na začiatku to bol baránok: pokora, sloboda prejavu, náboženská sloboda, a tak ďalej; a potom obdržal moc a hovoril so všetkou mocou, ktorú mal predtým drak. Čo to je? Čo bol drak? Rím. Vidíte, mal znamenie, obraz šelmy, aby sa postavil proti opravdivej Cirkvi Božej; za vlády tých denominácií bude túto sužovať, ale keď to oni začnú robiť ...
Baránok vezme svoju nevestu, aby bola stále po jeho boku;
Budú zhromaždení všetci duchovia nebies;
Ó to bude nádherný pohľad, všetci svätí v bielom bez poškvrny;
A s Ježišom sa naveky budú radovať. (Amen.)
Poď a jedz," Majster volá: "Poď a jedz;" (Amen!)
Čo za deň v ktorom žijeme, a hodina. Bežte, ľudia, bežte, aby ste zachránili svoj život!
206Všimnite si teraz, na záver, služba podobná službe siedmeho anjela, tí dvaja svedkovia, počas tej siedmej trúby tesne pred - šiestej trúby, tesne predtým, ako tá siedma trúba ...
207Pamätajte teraz, povedal som vám, že prídem ku tejto veľkej trúbe ... On povedal, čo on bude robiť tu v Izaiášovi? On povedal, že keď tá veľká trúba bude znieť (tá veľká trúba, to teraz nie sú trúby, sviatok trúb, oni sú dvaja, Mojžiš a Eliáš, aby spustili tie trúby), ale počas tejto veľkej trúby (príchodu Pánovho, aby oznámila návrat Jozefa, vidíte?) všetky národy sa zhromaždia v Jeruzaleme. Amen! Nájdete to v knihe Izaiáša. Práve som vám to pred chvíľou ukázal, čítali sme jednu z tých kapitol. To je Izaiáš 18: 1 a 3.
208A v Izaiášovi 27: 12 a 13 tam On trúbi na tej trúbe a všetky národy uznajú, že Izrael je vo svojej domovine, že Boh je s ním. Potom príde nevesta aby bola s ženíchom, a ženích s nevestou (a potom to veľké milénium, potom čo celý svet je zničený atómovou mocou; a budú nové nebesia a nová zem) budú žiť naveky.
209Pozrite sa, presne počas ... Všimnite si teraz! Služba Mojžiša a Eliáša bude ... No, rozumie to každý? Dovoľte mi to znovu povedať. Služba Mojžiša a Eliáša, medzi šiestou a siedmou trúbou, to budú dvaja proroci, ktorí budú ... Oni ... Izrael stále veril svojim prorokom.
210No, prečo mi Duch Svätý povedal (keď som sa tam chystal ísť a ukázať im, že On bol Syn Boží), povedal: "Ešte nie"? Pamätáte sa na to, asi pred piatymi rokmi, keď som išiel do Indii? Povedal: "Nerob to."
Povedal som ... Oni povedali: "Ak je toto Mesiáš, nech Ho vidíme robiť znak proroka; my veríme prorokom."
211Brat Lewi Pethrus a oni mi poslali tie Biblie, keď on ich milión poslal tým Židom, ktorí prišli z Iránu a zovšadiaľ, ktorí prichádzajú naspäť, zhromažďujú sa - stávajú sa národom.
Myslel som: "Toto je môj čas." Bol som už v Káhire, v Egypte. On povedal: "Nerob to, ešte neprišla tá hodina." Potom som sa vrátil domov.
Ó! To musí zavolať Mojžiš a Eliáš. Letničné jubileum stále trvá, alebo trvalo, až do tohto času, vidíte. No, sviatok trúb musí byť oznámený. A tento tu, z Malachiáša 4, nie je spojený s týmto tam. Vôbec. Vôbec nie.
212Všimnite si! Pozrite sa sem! Tá služba to bude Mojžiš a Eliáš, obracajúci a volajúci Izrael zo židovských tradícií (počúvajte!), zo židovských tradícií, v ktorých boli zamotaní. Lebo sú proroci, oni mu budú veriť. Volajú ich na sviatok zmierenia, ku Kristovi, dávajú im poznať Krista. Oni povedia: "On prichádza, On tu bude." Židia budú zhromaždení, takéto veci, a potom, keď On príde, povie: "Tu som." Vidíte?
213No, tak isto, ako títo dvaja proroci ... Pamätajte, pohanská nevesta má mať proroka nazvaného Eliáš, ktorý ich má vyvolať von z ich tradícií, nevestu, práve tak isto, ako títo proroci volajú Izrael z Judaizmu ku Kristovi, do zmierenia. A Pohania už to zmierenie poznajú, ale to má zavolať nevestu naspäť do originálneho zmierenia, od ktorého odišli počas týchto päťdesiatych sabatov, či týchto siedmich sabatov, ktoré mali, volá ich naspäť do času konca.
214Siedmy (počúvajte!), posol siedmeho zboru, posol siedmej trúby, to všetko sú proroci. No, je to tak! Vložených je tých 144 000. Otváranie pečatí, ktoré boli pre pohanov ... To muselo byť pre pohanov, aby to otvorilo pohanom oči, cirkvi z pohanov, aby videli. To všetko poznáme; to všetko budeme počúvať; to sa už stalo. My očakávame Ježiša.
Vy hovoríte: "No, počkaj chvíľu, brat Branham, ja verím, že oni budú robiť toto."
215Posledný znak, ktorý Abrahám (a my sme kráľovským semenom Abráhma, nevesta), posledný znak, ktorý Abrahám videl, prv ako prišiel ten zasľúbený znak ... zasľúbený syn, bolo čo? Boh, vo forme ľudskej bytosti, ktorý mohol rozpoznávať myšlienky ľudí - jeden človek, nie tucet, jeden človek. Nevadí koľko napodobovateľov, oni mali jedného, a On rozpoznal myšlienky, ktoré tam boli. Čo? A tá ďalšia vec, ktorá sa stala, Abrahám a Sárah sa premenili naspäť na mladého muža a ženu. Vieme to.
216No, viem, že vás to teraz trochu šokuje; ale pamätajte, len preto, aby ste si boli istí, že to teraz viete. Vy nečítate takto Bibliu; vy čítate medzi riadkami a (vidíte?) vychádza obraz.
217Dávajte pozor! Biblia povedala, že Sárah bola stará žena, jej lono bolo mŕtve. Je to tak? Abrahámov život bol v ňom mŕtvy, jeho semeno. Je to tak? Pamätajte teraz, Abrahámove semeno bolo mŕtve. Po štyridsiatych rokoch mal sedem synov, s druhou ženou! Čo On urobil? On premenil ich telá.
218Pozrite. Oni išli tristo míľ cestou do Gerár, dosť dlhá cesta na starého človeka. A ešte i Sára si myslela, že nemôžu mať manželský pomer. Ona povedala: "Ja ..." (Možno pred dvadsiatymi rokmi, alebo pred viac, mali manželský pomer.) Povedala: "Ja, stará žena, a môj pán je tiež starý, či budeme mať znovu rozkoš, ako mladí ľudia?"
On povedal: "Či je pre Boha niečo ťažké?"
219Všimnite si čo sa stalo? Hneď potom sa ona premenila na peknú mladú ženu. Ukazujúc v tom, nadstieňujúc, čo On bude robiť tomu kráľovskému semenu Abraháma, aby prijalo Syna, ktorý bol zasľúbený. Ona sa premenila znovu na mladú ... Pozrite! Oni išli dole do Gerár a čo sa stalo? Abimelech, kráľ, sa do nej zamiloval, povedal: "Je pekná," a chcel sa s ňou oženiť (je to tak?) stará babka, a tam boli všetky tie pekné dievčatá - babka. "Ona je pekná a krásneho vzozrenia." Vidíte?
220Boh premenil jej telo a vrátil im mladosť. To je tajomstvo, ktoré malo byť zjavené teraz v tomto dni skrze Syna človeka (vidíte?), večerné posolstvo. Vidíte? Premenení naspäť ... A posledný znak, ktorý oni videli bol čo? To rozpoznanie. Prv ako prišla premena tela. A prv ako my môžeme prijať Syna, čo sa stane? "Zaznie trúba Božia; mŕtvi v Kristovi vstanú najprv (nové telo); a my, ktorí pozostaneme živí, budeme v momente premenení, v okamihu (Haleluja!); a budeme spolu vychvátení, aby sme stretli Pána na povetrí." Tajomstvo bolo dané najavo; pečate sú otvorené; trúba pre Izrael zaznela; tí dvaja proroci sú pripravení, aby sa ukázali. Čo to je? Cirkev musí hneď teraz odísť zo scény, aby sa oni mohli ukázať. On nemôže jednať s tými dvoma v tom istom čase; On to nikdy nerobil. Vidíte?
221Ó, brat! Hľaď! Presne, aby vyvolal všetkých - aby ich vyvolal z denominácií a tradícií ... No, vidíme, že cirkev letničného veku skončila. Nevesta sa musí odstúpiť z cesty, aby išla teraz hore, aby tak tí dvaja sluhovia, dvaja sluhovia Boží, zo Zjavenia, tí dvaja proroci, sa mohli zjaviť na scéne, aby im zatrúbila tá siedma trúba a dala im poznať Krista.
222Ten siedmy anjelsky posol hovorí: "Ajhľa Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta." Nie ajhľa moji metodisti, moji baptisti, moji letniční; ale Slovo, Syn Boží, Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta; lebo nieto iných základov. Vidíte? Koľko máme času? Židia sú vo svojej domovine. Nevesta je vyvolaná. Podľa Písma, všetko je presne tak, ako On zasľúbil. Sme pripravení. Tá hodina je tu.
Národy sa rozlamujú, Izrael sa budí;
Znamenia, ktoré predpovedala Biblia;
Dni Pohanov sú zrátané, strachom obťažené;
Vráťte sa, ó rozohnaní do svojho.
Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;
Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu;
Buďte naplnení Duchom Božím, majte svoje lampy ozdobené a čisté;
Zodvihnite hlavy, priblížilo sa vaše vykúpenie.
Falošní proroci klamú; Božiu pravdu zapierajú;
Že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh. (Je to tak!)
Ale my ideme tam, kde kráčali apoštolovia.
Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;
Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu;
Buďte naplnený Duchom, majte ozdobené a čisté lampy (Nepremárnite príležitosť.)
Zodvihnite hlavy, priblížilo sa vaše vykúpenie.
Prorok povedal, že v čase večera bude svetlo.
V čase večera bude svetlo;
Chodník do Slávy istotne nájdete;
Vo vodnom krste je svetlo už dnes;
Pochovaní v drahom Mene Ježiš.
Mladí i starí, čiňte pokánie zo všetkých svojich hriechov;
Duch Svätý vás istotne naplní.
Večerné svetlá prišli;
To je fakt, že Boh a Kristus sú jedno.
223Sme tu! Sme na konci! To nie je len nejaká hlúpa, ľudská predstava, to je, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.
Skloňme svoje hlavy. Milostivý Bože, Jehova, Všemohúci, ktorý si hrmel na Hore Sinaj, a ľudia kričali. "Nech ku nám hovorí Mojžiš a nie Boh, aby sme nepomreli," Ty si povedal, veľký Jehova: "Ja im vzbudím proroka; nebudem už ku ním takto hovoriť." Ale Ty si zasľúbil, čo urobíš, a Ty si to urobil. Ty si nám vzbudil Pána Ježiša. On je Slovo; Ty si povedal, že On je. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom, a prebývalo medzi nami."
224Vidíme tie veci, ktoré nám On prorokoval cez svojho proroka, Jána, na ostrove Patmos; vidíme, že sa to vyplnilo do písmena. Vidíme, že Duch Svätý sa zamanifestoval medzi nami, tu na zemi. Vidíme denominácie, ktoré Ho vystrkujú z cirkvi, to Slovo. Oni nemajú nič proti tým ľuďom, to je Slovo, ktoré oni nenávidia; to je proti ich tradícii, práve tak, ako keď si Ty bol na zemi. Ty si bol Slovo, a Ty si bol proti ich tradíciám; a oni Ťa všade vystrčili z cirkví.
225A teraz, Pane, nikde nie je spolupráca. Mám ťažkosti dostať sa do Južnej Afriky, kde viem, že sú tam duše, ktoré ešte čakajú. Na každom mieste, a pozri sa Pane, ako ma oni nechcú prijať. Nie kvôli mne, Pane, to je kvôli tomuto posolstvu. Ale Ty si povedal, že to tak bude; a Ty si nám to dal poznať, aby sme neboli znechutení. Poznáme hodinu v ktorej žijeme.
226Bože, títo ľudia tu sedia dnes ráno v tejto teplej, rozhorúčenej miestnosti. Oni pozorne počúvajú; oni teraz vidia, som si istý. Ak nie, zjav im to, Pane, prečo si mi nedovolil preberať tieto trúby. Vidím, že to s nami nemá nič spoločného. Ako tá šiesta trúba, to sa všetko stalo, a my sme videli otvorenú tú šiestu pečať. A videli sme tu pred dvoma týždňami videnie, prehliadku nevesty a cirkvi, ako som to tu povedal. Povedal som to Pane, ako si mi to ukázal. Sme tu; je možno neskoršie, než ako si myslíme.
227Ó, Otče, ak je tu dnes ráno nejaká osoba, ktorá verí nejakej povere, je pod vplyvom nejakej teológii, alebo nejakého teologického slova (ktoré je v protiklade so Slovom Božím); a nepoznajú skutočného Krista, skutočného Ducha Svätého; nie je im to ešte zjavené, Slovo. Ako to Slovo má byť v tomto dni; oni vidia len tradíciu; oni žijú v svetle, ktoré oslepuje. Ako v Anglicku tá najväčšia lúpež, ktorá bola kedy na svete vykonaná, ona bola vykonaná pomocou falošného svetla. A tá najväčšia lúpež, ktorú vaša cirkev kedy mala, sa stala, keď oni zobrali denominačné svetlo a odmietli pravé svetlo Biblii, Krista.
228Ó, Bože, buď milostivý. Spas stratených, Pane. Prosím, o krátku chvíľu, Ježišu. Máme tých, ktorých milujeme. Ešte trochu pozhovej. Zakrátko tá veľká skala bude odštiepená z toho vrchu. Udeľ Pane, ak je tu dnes ráno niekto bez Teba, nech oni prídu hneď teraz a prijmú Ťa.
229Zatiaľ kým máme sklonené svoje hlavy, keby ste zodvihli svoju ruku a povedali: "Spomeň ma, brat Branham." My nemáme žiadne ... Oltáre a všetko je naplnené. Nech ťa Boh žehná! Povedzte len: "Spomeň ..." Nech ťa Boh žehná! Nech ťa Boh žehná! Nech ťa Boh žehná. Doslovne stovky rúk.
230Bože Otče, niekde je trochu tieň, odstráň ho, Pane. Oni sú tu v tejto miestnosti. Satan v minulosti možno zaslepil ich oči, ale ja sa modlím, aby si prižmúril na to oko, ako si to urobil pri nás pred mnohými dňami. Ale teraz, keď nás všetkých voláš, aby sme videli ... Biblia povedala, že oni boli slepí, oni to nevedeli. Povedal si: "Radím ti, aby si si kúpil odo Mňa masť na oči." Bože, použi túto masť dnes ráno na ich oči, aby oni mohli vidieť. Hoci je to pokorné, a skupina pokorných ľudí, a pokorní, bez vzdelania, a tak ďalej, ale pri tom je to tak, ako to bolo na počiatku. Udeľ toho, Pane, aby to oni hneď teraz prijali. Ja ich porúčam Tebe, v mene Tvojho Syna Ježiša.
231A Ty si povedal: "Ten, kto počuje moje Slovo (Som si istý, Pane, podľa svojho najlepšieho poznania, že oni ho počuli), a verí tomu, ktorý Ma poslal (nie pretvaruje sa že verí, ale skutočne verí - verí tomu čo povedalo Slovo), má večný život; a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života." Ján 5: 24.
232Daj, Pane, aby oni od tejto hodiny boli Tvoji. Ak je v ich mysliach pochybnosť, odním ju preč. Ak je v našom strede nejaká chorá osoba, nech ten veľký Duch Svätý, Pane (o ktorom viem, že zjavuje myšlienky, a že stojí tu na pódiu) ... Oni vedia všetko o tom; prosím aby si ich uzdravil, Pane. Uspokojil všetky potreby.
233Bazén bude otvorený pre tých, ktorí neboli ponorení v mene Ježiša Krista, prijímajúc meno ženícha. Oni majú denominačný, náboženský ... Nikto nebol nikdy pokrstený v tituly Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, alebo pofŕkaný. Tieto tradičné veci patria tým cirkvám tohoto veku, antikristovmu hnutiu, obrazu šelmy. Nikdy nebol nikto pokrstení v mene Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, až kým nepovstala katolícka cirkev. Celá Biblia a celá nasledujúca história ukazuje, že oni boli krstený v mene Ježiša.
234Pavol v Galaťanom 8: 1 povedal: "Keby prišiel aj anjel z neba a kázal iné evanjelium, nech je prekliaty." A Ty si rozkázal týmto ľuďom, ktorí boli pokrstení od Jána, toho istého, ktorý krstil Ježiša, aby prišli a boli znovu pokrstení v mene Ježiša Krista, v Skutkoch 19. A povedal: "Nedovoľte ani anjelovi, aby vám hovoril niečo iné."
235V posledných dňoch príde posol, ktorý bude viesť ľudí naspäť do toho prvého ovocia, naspäť do originálnej viery. Udeľ toho, Pane, aby teraz ten veľký posol medzi nami, veľký Kristus, Duch Svätý, aby oživil, dal porozumieť, otvoril nám Slovo a zjavil nám to, nech ich On vedie naspäť do tej originálnej letničnej viery. Ako povedal Peter v deň letníc: "Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden; dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov." A to stále bolo tak, pre každého, až do rímskej cirkvi v Nicei.
236Bože buď nám milostivý. Bazén bude pripravený, srdcia otvorené; vojdi, Pane Ježišu (sme v poslednej hodine), ak je možné pre nich Pane, aby prišli v tejto hodine, o ktorej dúfam a verím, že je. A my ktorí sme vošli, Pane, nech by sme teraz urobili inventúru, ktorí sme videli a počuli hlas Boží, hovoriaci cez Jeho Slovo, a poznáme hodinu, v ktorej žijeme. Daj to, Otče! Porúčame ich Tebe v mene tvojho Syna. A teraz so svojimi sklonenými hlavami:
Jemne a nežne Ježiš ťa volá, Volá teba i mňa; Pri vchode On čaká ...
1 Let us bow our heads. Lord, on one occasion it was said, by Thy beloved disciples, "Teach us to pray." For when we catch sight of the great God of Heaven, we do realize how insufficient we are. So teach us to pray, Lord, in our hearts now, for the things that--that would be beneficiary to Thy Kingdom and for Thy servants. Thou knowest the need of every person here.
2And here on the desk, this morning, is handkerchiefs and aprons, and just little parcels from the needy of physical aid, and domestic, and whatever it might be. But Thou art God, and God alone, the only true God that there is. And we ask Thee in the Name of Jesus, Thy beloved Son, that You will heal each of these. And there may be some here who has not a handkerchief here, or a parcel, that need healing.
3There may be some out across the nations, around the world, that even this tape would meet in their homes or their churches. We would pray, Lord, that while the service is going on, at--at... or the tape is being played, or whatever position we might be in, or--or condition, may the great God of Heaven honor this sincerity of our hearts this morning, and heal the needy, give to them what they have need of.
4Bless us now in the coming-on service. Speak through us, like never before, for the Kingdom of God's sake. We wait, in Jesus' Name, for Thy answer. Amen.
5Will you help me with this? [Brother Branham moves items off of the pulpit--Ed.]
6 It's good to be here in church again this morning. And I was just talking to some friends who have just come in from Ohio, to a little girl, that was brought down here a few months ago, that was dying with leukemia. The people were very poor, the parents. And I haven't time this morning to read the--the testimony which is going on file. But there is the little girl's picture after three days, I believe it was, after she was prayed for. The doctors give her just three days to live, and in three days later they could find not even a trace of it. And so she is in school, very happy. I'm sure the church remembers when we had her here in the room.
7And also the little baby that was born with the bowels, like, on the outside. Somehow the doctors, and this little condition the way the bowels were formed, could not be placed back again. They was afraid to touch the little thing, it just a newborn baby. And now, the little fellow is about a year old, I guess, something like that, with normal bowels, everything just as normal as it can be. It's just the grace of God, that how good He is to us.
8 Now, today, I was want to announce that the meeting that we were planning, I was planning on going to this next coming week in--in Africa, over with Brother Joseph Boze, in Kenya and Tanganyika. We are unable to have the meeting, with a telegram back from Brother Boze, "Last week three of our own missionaries was killed, and murdered."
9And they're having an uprise there now. And the communists are slipping guns in to the natives, claiming they got fish boats setting around, Red China and Russia; and getting guns to the natives, and they don't know no better than to use them just on anything that they see to use it on. So, there, the--the--the government thought that it wouldn't be wise to have the meeting at this time. And as I understand, also, that Brother Boze cannot even have his school open in this area, where I was going, at this time. But it's not canceled, it's just postponed until they can get it quietened again.
10 Very happy this morning to see, in the midst of us again, for many years absence, Brother Jackson, Brother Sidney Jackson and Sister Jackson, from South Africa. Have they spoke? [Brother Neville says, "Yes"--Ed.] And these people was my real brothers and sister, and co-workers in the campaign in South Africa, the last trip over. Which, we trust that someday, by God's grace, to get back with them again, for it's needy.
11And I've been trying for nine years to get back. But, on the account of the organizations, and so forth, they won't let me back. So I wrote them a letter recently, and said, "Then let the blood of those lost souls be on you and not on me." For, I believe that God was been wanting to use my ministry over there, for those people, for some time. And by their denominational difference, they won't let me come back. But, all right, the Lord will take care of that.
12 Now, what I wish to say this morning, that if the Lord willing, Brother Neville has asked me to have services tonight, and at the Tabernacle. So we... You're invited out. And then next Sunday, the Lord willing, I'm to be here, also; then maybe for the next two or three Sundays, because of the absence of this, being cancellation of this meeting that was in making.
13 Now, we also would like to say, that, I said maybe we would preach the Seven Trumpets during this time. We wondered just how that we were going to do it in the insufficiency of the size of the building and the inconvenience of the air-conditioner, no air in the room. It's not fixed yet for air-conditioning. And we tried to rent this school up here, which is air-conditioned, which seat about... Oh, I don't know; it's a nice seating capacity, very fine school. But we could find nothing.
14And, it would, they would give us next week. But, next week? See, there is delegations coming from different parts of the world; from Jamaica, and from the Islands, and from south, even in South America, and Canada, and Mexico, and across the nations. And we sent out the notices Monday, then they wouldn't get them until about Wednesday or Thursday; and then have to ask time off, and so forth, which would throw it way out.
15The next weeks, on, until school time, it's, you'd have to take it one night, and then off maybe a night or two, then on again, then... We just couldn't do that. You couldn't make it.
16 I wondered why, when I had prayed sincerely. And then it's about time for us to return back to Arizona again, for the children to get in school. And then we... I was talking to the wife.
17And, well, yesterday I went into the room, and I said, "Lord, I--I may not use so many words, but, understand, please, God, what I mean in my heart. What is the matter that everything is cut off from preaching those Trumpets?" And then He came and revealed it. And now, this morning, I want to speak to you on the reason why.
18And now let us, who has Bibles and would like to--to, turn in our Bibles. We will turn first to Leviticus, the 23rd chapter of Leviticus.
19If the Lord is willing, tonight I'm going to preach on the subject: Going Beyond The Camp. And it will be short, and so you can have time to get back to your places for work.
20 We are happy to see visitors in, people from out of town. How many out-of-town people is here, while we're looking? Ninety-five percent, yeah, ninety-eight percent of the congregation. So, you see it isn't Jeffersonville, it's the people who come into Jeffersonville, that make... We are here by the grace of the Lord.
21And now I want to read three places, this morning. One of them is found in Leviticus the 23rd chapter, and the other is in Isaiah 18, and Isaiah 27, you who are marking it down.
22And now instead of preaching... The Lord willing, I'll do that tonight. But I want to teach, this morning, on the feast of the seven trumpets. Which, this month is the feast of the seven trumpets, beginning... and which is the seventh month, which would be July the 15th, was beginning of the Feast of the Trumpets, in the Levitical laws.
23 Now, and if you have your papers and things, and wish to write down Scriptures and texts, and so forth, as we go along.
24There is one thing to this meeting, it's hot, and we are accustomed to that through the years. But someone might think that I believe that when we enter into this building that we cease time, maybe, and partly, partially in Eternity, the way how long I hold the people. I don't mean it to be that way. But I believe that we're living at so close to the Coming of Jesus, that I have to take advantage of every minute that I have the people together.
25And I was thinking, as I was driving down the road a while ago, being out for a little prayer just before entering the pulpit, as any real sincere clergyman does. I was thinking, "You know, we're having the most glorious time when we meet here together! But, and the people gathering from many states, setting right in here now, from way away, hundreds and hundreds of miles, and we assemble together to fellowship around the Word. But there will come a time, soon, when this will be just a fond memory." That is right.
26These times will be taken away from us, so therefore we must do all that we know how to do, to make this, every minute, count. And think of this now, while we're suffering in the heat of the morning. And, you know, every human body is a--a dynamo of heat, itself, and it makes it pretty hard on you. And, but I want you to get the Word.
Now, just before we--we read, let's pray.
27 Lord, most any person in here that can move their hands, could turn the pages of this Bible. But there is but One among us this morning that can open It; that's the great Holy Ghost, which is in our midst. Open to us the Word, Lord, as we read, as You did to the disciples, as they went on their road to Emmaus, and begin to explain to them the Scriptures. And may we, when we leave, say like those who coming back to Jerusalem from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spake to us along the way?" For it's in the Name of Jesus we ask it. Amen.
Let us stand in reverence to the Word.
28 Now, my subject this morning is: The Feast Of The Trumpets. I want to read now from the 23rd verse of the 23rd chapter of Leviticus.
And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, and in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation.
29Now in the Book of Isaiah, beginning with the 1st verse of the 18th chapter, this connects this together.
Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the river of Ethiopia:
That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even the vessels of bulrush upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered... peeled, out of the people terrible... nation melted out and trodded down, whose land the river has spoiled!
And all ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he lift up an ensign on the mountain; and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye.
30In Isaiah 27:12 and 13.
And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall beat off from the channel of the river unto the streams of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered one by one, O ye children of Israel.
And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and ye shall come which are ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the LORD in the holy mount at Jerusalem.
31 Let us pray again. Lord, bless these Words to our hearts. May our thoughts and our meditation be according to Thy bidding. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
You may be seated.
32 There is so many things that a pastor would like to say to his congregation that he loves, of different people from different places, which would not be permitted on the account of time.
33Now as we approach this subject, we want you to feel at liberty. And many of you are standing; and as I come by, the halls was full, and outside the doors, and the front, and around the building, and around the walls. So, now, if you want to change seats with each other, that'll be fine.
34 Now, The Feast Of The Trumpets. Now, this was a gathering of Israel, where they gathered together, the Feast of the Trumpets.
35Now, I have been anticipating for some time to--to speak on the subject of the Seven Trumpets in the Book of Revelations. And now we are going to review this, just a moment, to bring out the real cause of me not speaking this time, because the Holy Spirit would not let me speak at this time on these things. I know that sounds very juvenile, maybe, to people of great learning and understanding, but to the Christian it's different. We--we follow the leading of the Spirit, that alone.
36 Now, I begin to notice at the preaching of the Seven Church Ages, which is the--the pattern, or the forecast of all that God was going to do for the churches, and through the churches, and positionally setting them up.
37The first three chapters of the Book of Revelations reveals all the happenings unto the Church. Then, from the 3rd chapter unto the 19th chapter of Revelation, there is no more seen of the Church. The Church goes up at the 4th chapter of Revelations, and returns back at the 19th chapter of Revelations, the Bride and the Groom, together, coming to the earth. And then from the 19th chapter to the conclusive of the 22nd chapter, it's all on the Millennium and what will be in the years that is to follow it. During the 4th to the 19th, God is dealing with Israel.
38 Now, then, when we got finished with the book of the revelation of the church, what God did to those seven churches, which were then in their infancy, or their shadow, in Asia Minor. Then the Holy Spirit revealed and opened to us all the mysteries in There, of how He has brought His Church through history. And if you don't have The Seven Church Ages on tape, it would be good if you listened to them. And soon they'll be in book form.
39Then just leaving it at that, and presuming that after a while we would preach on the Seals, not knowing what the Seals was.
40I had my own idea, as every minister does, of reading maybe what other man had said; and believing as much as I possible, with them, on the things that they had drawed up, their conclusion. I had read the book of Mr. Smith, Uriah Smith, which is the Adventist teacher, and I had read his--his thoughts on it. And I had read Mr. Larkin. I had read, oh, so many different ones, of their commentaries on This. But, somehow or other'n, I thought I had a--a little view of it, myself, that might be of places different. But trying one time, just speaking three subjects, the first... or the four subjects of the four horse riders. I preached on it four nights, one on one horse, and the other.
41 But then just before it happened, I was given a vision, which is on tape, as you all know, Sirs, What Time Is It? that I should go to Tucson, Arizona. And there on the back side of the desert, up into the mountain, where I was with some brethren, and told about what a great blast would go off, and I... seven Angels came down. Me thinking, myself, it was the end of my life; told my wife to get with Billy, and what to do with the children, and so forth, till we met again at the other side.
42 Then one day in Sabino Canyon, while God called me early in the morning up there, I was up with my hands in the air, praying, and a sword came into my hands. You know that. I stood there and looked at it, just natural as my hand is now, not knowing what it meant. And it was left me with a Voice that said, "This is the Sword of the King." And then, later, when the Angel of the Lord revealed it, It was the Word in the hand.
43Immediately after that, the Angels of the Lord appeared and told about the Seven Trumpets... or the Seven Seals, that I was to return back here to Jeffersonville and preach the Seven Seals. And, there, if I've ever said anything that was inspired, it was in that. There where the Angel of the Lord met us, and the Bible become a new Bible. There It opened up and revealed all the things that the reformers and things had left out. It was the complete revelation of Jesus Christ, altogether new to us, but perfectly exactly with the Scripture. That was the Word which has always been. I was so inspired and directed.
44 Then when I come to this part here, of preaching the Seven Trumpets, I was thought, "Well, I'll not try to think anything. I'll just wait till that time and let Him reveal it to me." And then yesterday when I was... I went into the room and wondering why... Or, beg your pardon, it was day before yesterday. When I went into the room, to try to understand, it was there that the Holy Spirit opened up this, to show me the reason it not profitable even for the Church at this time, 'cause it has nothing to do with the Church, at all.
45 Now, the hidden mysteries of Christ was fully revealed in the Seven Seals.
46It revealed, first, the Seven Church Ages, opened up the ages and placed them positionally, both with history and with the Bible, and set them in position, how they was. And we found ourself in the last church age, being the Laodicea Church Age, which was the most corruptible of all the church ages. Even from the very first, from Ephesians, was a great church age.
47And then how, here, the Holy Spirit giving me a vision, and seeing what would take place, I drawed on the blackboard, two years ago. Here it is up here on the drawing, that how that the Light was fading off of the earth, which would be exactly the way that the Light come on the earth, as the Gospel, and how It would fade in and out. Not knowing it, at the time, what it meant and how it would be.
48But the great ecumenical world had a--a meeting with Rome; and Rome, which is the mother of all organizations. The pope, for the first time in history, left the Vatican and went to Jerusalem and many places. Now, Jerusalem is the ancient seat of all of our religion, is Jerusalem. And in this ancient seat, the pope from Rome, which has been the Church's greatest enemy all times, leaves to come over to visit Rome... or from Rome to Palestine, Jerusalem.
49 And as we see, being uneducated, myself, not knowing the--the words and how to speak them, I've always taught in types, in patterns of nature. Nature will follow nature. Nature is of God.
50When you take a time when cattle, on in the field, all congregate together in the corner of the field, take your fish line out of the water; fish won't bite. You'll never catch them; see, the cattle are resting; unless you'd happen to drop right down in the bed of one. But when cattle go to feeding, watch. The same time the cattle does that, the birds also will take to the trees; they'll quit a-feeding. See, it's nature. All of it blends together. You notice the bees, at that time, is buzzing over their honey, not gathering it. All nature works together.
51 And therefore, like we see a tree drop a leaf off, pretty soon now, in the next couple months, the leaf will leave the tree. And the--the life, the sap, will go down into the root. And the tree leaf will drop off and fall on the ground and will rot. And the calcium and--and the potash, and it's in the tree leaf, will rot in the ground. And what happened? The life went on ahead of it, and will suck it right back into itself, and bring that leaf back again. It's a death, burial, and resurrection.
52 And all nature! And the moon is the--is the wife of the sun. It is the lesser light. And then, also, that when the sun is gone, in the absence of the sun, the moon reflects the light to the earth, which is a type of the church. And when the pope leaves, the ancient enemy of the church, and comes over to the Jerusalem, which is the seat of the church; which, the new Jerusalem and the old Jerusalem; we notice, before it did it, there was a total blackout of the moon.
53 And in the papers, across the nation as we have on the board, it displayed how that that moon turned from light to darkness. And the very phenomena of it, that that moon drawed exactly, in the skies, the same thing the Holy Spirit had me to draw here two years ago, and showing the... covering the... When it went six pictures, I put the seventh on there, because the seventh church age, just a shadow of Light, the going of the... That's where Jesus, at the door, knocking. But it goes into total darkness.
54 And what a reflection, what a Message from God Himself, that these things are the Truth! Testified it first in His Word, then by the Spirit at the platform, and then declared it in the heavens. There is no mistake about it at all. Those Seals and Ages are perfectly in line, perfectly, God giving witness by supernatural signs and wonders, with the Word and history, all placed together, in the age that we're now living in.
55Now it's hard for the churches to see this. It's hard for the denominations to see it. They always try to think that you're trying to bawl the people out. You're not; you're trying to warn the people. It isn't trying to be evil to them; you're trying to get them from the evil. It isn't people in the organizations; it's the system that they're in, that's damning them. Honest, sincere people are Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and whatmore. It's human beings who--who...
56 Nuns don't go into the nunnery to be bad women; they go in there to be good women. They're trying to get closer to God, but it's the system that pollutes them. People join church, not to be a bad person, but be a good person. But it's the system of the church that draws them from the Word and the principles that God has laid down for this day; and that's what gets them out.
57 Now remember, God is the Word, and each age He has lotted the Word for each age that would be on the earth. He lotted It in the church age, and the Seven Seals revealed every bit of It. See?
58Why did there... was there mysteries that was still hid? Revelations 10, we find, at the end of the seventh angel's Message, that, these mysteries that had been hid would be revealed, Revelations 10:1 to 7. Notice, the reason is because there had been no prophets during this age. The Bible said, that, "God does nothing till He reveals it to His prophets, His servants, the prophets." And the Word of the Lord in all ages has always come to the prophets, never to a system, never to a group.
59 Never did God use a group. Every time any group of people organized, God left it and never did return. Search the history and see if that's right or not. We've already done it. Never does He deal with a system or a group, after they organize; it's against God.
60Therefore, during the time of the reformations, there come in reformers, as the Seven Seals proved that it was. But in the last days now, it was supposed to be revealed again. Because, we find in the Scripture, in Malachi 4, that there is to be an anointing come down and to restore again that original Faith, "and to bring the faith of the people back to the original Pentecost, the Faith of the fathers."
61 And we took the Elijah of the first run; we took the Elisha to follow him; we took John the Baptist after that, who was the Elisha of that day; and a promise for another in this day.
62Now, John the Baptist was not the Elisha of Malachi 4. He was the Elisha of Malachi 3. Jesus said so. "Behold, I send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way." We find him being that.
63Now, in doing so, in finding those positions, we know that all the rest the Scripture, inspired of God, reveals to us that we're in the last day.
64 Now, if I come with the message of Pentecost, I would be in the Laodicean Church Age, and it wouldn't be right.
65That's the reason that Wesley could not take Luther's message. Luther was in one age, church age, and Wesley was in another church age. If Jesus would have come in the... with the message of Moses, it would not have worked. If Moses would have come with the message of Noah, it would not have worked.
66But God has lotted to His--His--His people, of every age, a Scripture. And before the age can come into existence, into time, then the churches has got it so mixed up that they--they don't know where they're at.
67 That's the reason they fail to recognize Jesus being the Son of God. They, their traditions had blinded their eyes, but He was exactly with the Scripture.
68The prophets was the same. Jesus said, "Which of you, of your fathers, didn't stone those prophets that were sent to you?" Then God sends His prophet, to... and the prophet is the living Word of God, made manifest.
69Jesus said, "How can you condemn Me, to say, 'I'm the Son of God,' and you call, in your own laws... You said, those who the Word of the Lord came to," which were the prophets, "you called them 'gods.' And they are, for the Scriptures cannot be broken," He said. "Then how will you condemn Me?" When He is... They were a part of the law, they were part of the Word of God, but Jesus was the fullness of the Word of God. His whole plan of redemption, God's whole sufficiency, was in Him.
70 And now, through the church ages, they've done the same. And the Seven Seals is to reveal all the mysteries that was left off during that time, because we're without prophets, and the Word does not come to reformers. Prophets!
71God is unchangeable. In Malachi 3, said, "I am God, and I change not." God's first way of doing anything, that's God's ever way of doing anything. God decided He would save man by the shed Blood of an innocent One, in the garden of Eden, and He has never changed it since, and cannot change it. We've tried, by education, by buildings, by systems, by denominations, by ethics, and everything else, and it's all failed. But there's only one place that God meets man, that's, under the shed Blood of the Innocent. Only by the Blood! That was His first decision. See?
72We can make a decision, and next year we can think better. We got a better idea of it, next year. God can't; He's infinite. His first decision is perfect; nothing can move it. I can learn more; we are finite. I can learn more; you can learn more. But God can't learn more; He is perfect, to begin with. And, therefore, His first decision, rest your soul upon it. What the Bible says, that's it!
73 God's got to judge the world someday. And the Catholic says He'll judge it by the Catholic church. If that be so, which Catholic church? They different, one from another. If you go to judge it by the Protestant, which Protestant church? They different, one from another. And it would be a bit confusing; no one would know where to stand. If the Methodist is right, the Baptist is lost. If the Protestant's right, the Catholic's lost; the Catholic's right, the Protestant's lost.
74But the Bible said that He will judge the world by Jesus Christ, and He is the Word. Then, He'll judge it by the Word.
75And all denominations get off of that Word, to make their creeds. I just ask any to prove to me where they take the full Word. They can't do it, because it's controlled by a system of man. Where you got man...
76God never did deal but with one person at a time. He never even had two prophets at the same time. One! God can get one man in His hand. He doesn't deal with you... your organization; He deals with you.
77 Now, upon that basis, we come to the Feast of the Trumpets, the hidden mysteries. It's prophesied it was to be that way, therefore it had to be revealed in the way that it was. But to be revealed in this last day, to fulfill exactly what I've just said, Malachi the 4th chapter, Luke the 17th chapter and the--the 30th verse, how He would do it, and Hebrews 13:8, Hebrews 4:12, and many of those Scriptures that tell us. Now, if that's foreign to some of you, may I say that God always... The way God is known amongst people is by being prophetic.
78The Jews always knowed to believe their prophets. He said, "If there be one among you, I the Lord will speak to him in spiritual dreams and in visions. And, what he says come to pass, then hear him." They were always...
79That's how they failed to recognize Jesus, and had to class Him something else, so they made Him a evil spirit, "Beelzebub," because He was able to discern the thoughts that was in their hearts. We always know that that's a sign of the Word.
80 Hebrews the 4th chapter, the 12th verse, said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
81"When He the Holy Ghost will come upon you, He will remind you of these things I've said, and will show you things to come."
82"God in sundry times, in divers manners," Hebrews 1, "spoke to the fathers through the prophets, in this last days through His Son, Jesus Christ." The same God, just changed from the prophets to the Son. That's all. See? Always the same Message, the same way of doing it.
83 Now, it's prophesied that the churches would be in this condition, had to be restored back again. And He said, in Malachi 4, that He would "send Elijah the prophet, and would restore the--the people back again," with the... bring it. Notice. And just before... Or, right after his Message, there will be a time when the world will burn, and the righteous will walk out upon the ashes.
84Now, to some theologian that might be listening in on a tape, somewhere around the world, if you think that that was John, remember, then, the Scriptures is wrong, for the world did not burn after John's message. Jesus did not come and take the people in the Millennium; but He has promised to do it after the Spirit of Elijah comes upon the earth again.
85 Notice now in Malachi 4, we see here that this is supposed to be done to restore (what?) the faith of the people back to the original fathers, the pentecostal Doctrine, the original fathers. And he will restore the people back to the fathers.
86We find in Luke 17, Jesus said that when He come in this last days, Luke 17:33, we find out that Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed."
87Now notice, He come in three sons' name. He come in the name of the Son of David... Or, the Son of man, Son of God, Son of David.
88 Now, He had to come as Son of man, because He was a Prophet. Jehovah, Himself, called the prophets, "son of man." And Jesus never referred to Himself as Son of God. He referred to Himself, always, as Son of man. And notice, He revealed Himself then as the Prophet, the Seer. Said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe it not." He met every description that was spoke of Him in the Scripture, even to His death, burial, resurrection; His crucifixion, His birth, all. And in His work, He met the description of the Seer, the Son of man.
89 Now He's been revealed through the church ages, now watch, through the church ages, as Son of God. God being a Spirit, the Holy Spirit, He revealed Himself in the church ages as, in the congregation, as the Holy Spirit among the people.
90We find, in the Laodicea Church Age, the last church age, He is put out of the church. Nowhere else was He ever put out, in any age, but in the Laodicea Age. "Because, they said, 'We're rich and have need of nothing.' And know it not that you're miserable, poor, naked, and blind, and don't know it." He was put out of the church age.
91And then, according to Luke 17, He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Now, He was reading the same Genesis that we read. Notice, at Sodom, what taken place. What was it in Sodom? Abraham...
92 There is always three classes of people. There was Abraham, the elected and called out, outside of Sodom itself. There was Lot, the church member, or denominational man, down; he became part of that world, by being the mayor of the city, set in the gate; he was the judge, which is a mayor. And there was Sodom, itself.
93Now, at the evening time, or the middle of the day, when Abraham was under his oak, three Angels appeared to him. Two of them went down in Sodom, and preached the Gospel and tried to call them out. They wouldn't do it; they were perverted. Lot, and his wife, only, and two of his daughters, started out. And the wife turned to a pillar of salt.
94 But the One that stayed and talked to Abraham, that Abraham called, "Elohim, the Almighty." Genesis 1, "God! In the beginning, God," Elohim, the--the all-sufficient One, the self-existing One. Abraham called Him, "Elohim." And He set down and eat with Abraham; He drank; He was in human flesh. And watch the sign that He gave Abraham.
95Now, they were looking for a coming son, a promised son, Isaac. Twenty-five years, on a long journey, they had looked for it, but they were at the end of the journey. God had appeared in many forms, as He has through the church ages, in Lights, and so forth, as He spoke to Abraham, and by voices. But just before the coming son arrived... Now we've been through it, and you know I'm just rehearsing, to get this to you. That, He changed the body of Abraham and Sarah, immediately after this, so they could receive the son.
96Notice, the last sign that they got, before the son arrived, was Jehovah talking to them in the form of a man. And how they knowed this was Jehovah, because He said, "Abraham," not Abram. Just a few days before, God had changed his name. "Where is thy wife, Sarah?" Not S-a-r-r-a; but S-a-r-a-h, "princess."
And Abraham said, "She is in the tent, behind You."
97And He said, "I," that's a personal pronoun, "I will visit you according to My promise. At the time of life, the next twenty-eight days, something is going to happen to Sarah."
98And Sarah, in the tent, smiled in herself, and said in her heart, "How could this be, seeing I'm old; and have pleasure with my lord, who is also old, Abraham?"
99And the Angel, or, the Man said, "Why did Sarah say that in her heart?" In the tent behind Him! "Why did she say these things cannot be?" See? A Man in human flesh, like a prophet, yet It was Elohim discerning the thought that was in Sarah's heart, behind Him.
100 And Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so will it be at the coming of the end of the world, when the Son of man," not Son of God, "when the Son of man will be revealing."
101Hadn't had it through the age. See that perfect continuity of the Scripture? Here we live in it. The mysteries: even of the baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and away from the Oneness idea; and these other things, how the Holy Spirit has moved that in and showed it perfectly; and the true Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Token, and everything, and placed it; and how He placed every reformer and everything, just exactly. And, see, right before our own eyes, and it's not in a corner. It's world-known. Jesus, the Son of God, revealing Himself by the Scriptures, making that Scripture (that has been predestinated to this day, like it was to that day, and all other days) live. And to believe It, is the evidence of the Holy Spirit.
102 Righteousness, you can't pronounce that just "going to church" is the evidence of the Holy Ghost. If you do, then them Pharisees had It. See? You can't pronounce "shaking or jumping" being the... If you do, the heathens has got It. If you say "speaking in tongues," what--what devil worship doesn't speak in tongues? Tell me one.
Brother Jackson setting here for Africa, from Africa, he could tell you that. I've been into the Indian camps here, see the witches and wizards cut themselves, and pour their own blood, and speak in tongues; and--and the witch doctor interpret it, and see them lay down a pencil and write in unknown tongues. So that's not It. But if it...
103What is the true evidence? Jesus said, "That you believe that I am He." And He is the Word.
104 Why didn't they get It? Why didn't the Jews get It? They were righteous man; they were good man; they were holy man, and there were all kinds of people; but, to whom is predestined to hear the Word!
105"And how do you know whether it is the Word? Each one says this."
106It's the promise of the Bible being vindicated of that age, there you are, then you come back to where the Holy Spirit is. Watch the sound of the Trumpet in a few minutes, what It declares. The Trumpet, the Gospel Trumpet, see who can hear It. Remember, those in the walled cities could not come out in the jubilee. No, sir. They were in the walls; they stayed there. It was over; they were slaves the rest of their life, and had to be marked. Now as we see all these patterns, notice.
107 Now, these acts, Malachi 4, and all this, and Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever," He remains forever the Word, the Word made manifest. That's exactly what He declared the prophets. A prophet doesn't only mean "a seer or forth-teller;" it means "a revealer of the Word that's written." In his own life, his own works, reveals and vindicates the Word of that day; like Noah building the ark; Moses down there; whatevermore; and any promise, the promised Word for that hour.
108 Now we know that He is with us. We believe that. You see His Word made manifest, by photographs, by Scriptures, by declarations in the Heaven, on earth, everything else that He said. Not one time has it failed. I ask any person to show me, from the different parts of the country, or over the world, you're--you're obligated to write me and tell me, where one time it ever failed. Perfect, word by word, now, that's a promise.
109 Why was He to appear in this last days? If you go back, and you tape listeners, to The Bride Tree, and bring up where Christ was, that Tree that was in the garden of Eden. The first Adam that fell; and this Second Adam was cut down by sin. They hung Him on a Roman tree, and out of that drew the... come out the Bride Tree that He promised, that we see in the Scriptures, now, in order to get the Bride.
110Like the pyramid, how it comes in the minority all the time, from the great wide; from Luther, Wesley, Pentecost, and then the capstone in the top of it is so honed, and each one of those stones are so perfectly put together. And we don't know yet how they did it, but it's so perfectly put together in that pyramid! And we're not pyramid teaching now, we're just...
111Enoch and them built it, years ago, and it stands for a symbol. Just the same as the sun rises and sets; just the same as the tree drops its--its leaf, and comes back again; as a fish, and the cattle, and everything else symbolizes it. That pyramid stands as a symbol.
112 Go into the prophet's chamber and watch them seven steps. Where did the--where did the guard meet the challenge to bring the comer into the presence of the king? At the top of the steps; was in the seventh step. There shows that we've got to come again with that same Spirit that was on John; he introduced the Messiah. He was greater than all the prophets; he introduced It. And we've got to come to a place, again, to something that's going to introduce the Messiah.
113 And how will the Messiah... the people that's believing Him know it unless they're constantly in the Word, to know what He is! Daniel said, "The wise shall know; but the foolish, the unwise, wouldn't know. They shall know their God." Now, now, how He shall appear in the last days, is to bring the people back to the Word, so that the Bride will know Her Husband, know Her Mate, the revealed Word. That's why this has to happen.
114It wasn't in the reformers; wasn't in Luther, Wesley, and--and the Pentecostals, and them. Scripture says it wasn't.
115But it will come. That is His promise for this age. We're living in the age that His Coming will be in. She must be identified in Him. Any woman must be identified with her husband, for the two are one. And Christ's Bride has to be identified with Him, for the two are One; and He is the Word, not the denomination. The Word! We are to be the children of the Light, and the Light is the Word which is made Light for this age. How do we know Light except It comes from the Word? All right. The Word made flesh is the Light of the age; when you see It, and the Bible said so.
116 Them people looking at Jesus there, and said, "Well, this Man, Who is He? Why, He's born, an illegitimate birth down there. Why, His father and mother is this, that, and the other, and all this there." But they didn't know Him. If they knowed the Scriptures, they would have knowed Him. He said so.
They said, "We are Moses' disciples!"
117Said, "If you knew Moses, you would know Me, for Moses wrote of Me." And still too blind to see It!
118See how humble? Away from all the crews, and the denominations, and the creeds, and everything. God moved right in, in flesh, in the form of a Man, a Kinsman Redeemer.
119She must be identified with Him. We are invited to be the children of the Light, that we walk in the Light.
120 I remember down in Kentucky, here not long ago, I had a meeting. Out, after I come out of the church, that there was an old man standing, with a lantern in his hand. He belonged to a church that don't believe in healing, and so forth. Said, "I--I different with you, Brother Branham."
I said, "Well, you got a right to do that."
121He said, "You see, I will not accept anything unless I see it. I've got to see it, right plain."
122I said, "Then did you ever see God, right plain, standing before you?" Course, he didn't believe in visions and things.
He said, "No."
123"Why," I said, "then you're not a believer, sir. I couldn't talk to you. See? See? We see what God promises and hold to That."
124He said, "How do you figure that?" I said... He said, "Come, go home with me and talk tonight."
I said, "I can't; like to. Where you live?"
He said, "You go over this mountain here."
125I said, "How you going to get there? You don't see your house." Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah.
He said, "Well, there's a path runs up over the hill."
I said, "You don't see the path." Uh-huh.
He said, "Well, I got a lantern."
126I said, "The lantern won't show the light right on the house. Oh, no. But that path will lead to the house. But that lantern will only show light for one step at a time."
127 We'll walk in the Light, the beautiful Light; one step at a time, Lord, coming closer to Him. Yeah. Children of the Light, accept His Word, keep walking and watch more unfold. Don't leave It, no matter what somebody else says. Stay right in That and just keep walking with It, watch It unfold and reveal Itself. The Word is a Seed; a seed in the right kind of ground will bring forth its kind.
128 Notice Revelations 10:1 to 7, all the mysteries are to be revealed to the Bride, by the messenger of the Laodicea Church. Has anybody got a Revised Version Bible? If you have, you'll notice there where it said, "the angel," it's in parenthesis it says, "the eagle." See? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. See? The messenger to the--the Laodicea Church, see, Revelations 10:1 to 7.
129And he said that this... in that day that he seen Him come down, and he eat up the little book. And there was... "He put one foot on land, and one on the sea, and swore by Him that lives, and ever and ever, that, 'Time shall be no more.'" And when He did, Seven Thunders uttered their voices. And when the Seven Thunders uttered their voices, John said he was about to write. And He said, "Don't write It." Uh-huh. See? And he sealed It.
130 Now, someone said, "Well, that Seven Seals, then, Brother Branham, that will be revealed in the last days, some great mystery how we get closer to God?" No, sir, it can't be.
131"Whosoever shall take one Word from this Bible, or add one word to It, his part will be taken, the Book of Life." What it is is a revelation on what has been missed back there, to bring. It's already wrote Here. It's in Here. It's to reveal what already has been written. See? Cause, you can't add one thing to It, or take one Word from It.
132 The first chapter of Rev-.... of--of the Bible, in the beginning, Genesis. One woman didn't misbelieve It, but she just misinterpreted, let Satan misinterpret to her, one word, "surely." See? And then, from that, caused all this trouble. And that was God speaking, God's Word.
133And in the last chapter of Revelation, Jesus Himself, the same God, said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out, or add one word to It."
134This is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ. [Brother Branham pats his Bible--Ed.] And the Seven Seals had the mysteries hid, of what It all was; and is supposed to open It in the last day, at the Laodicean age, at the end of time. Thanks be to God! That finishes the Message to the Church. That finishes It. When they look back and see what has been, and see where it's all brought up to, that finishes It, the age of the Church.
135 Now notice the trumpets that we're speaking of, is a call together for either a feast, for war, for a person, some sacred day, or something like that. Notice. You say, "For a person?" Yeah. Or, for the year of jubilee, the announcing of the coming of freedom, when they could go back; now, we could take a complete morning on just that one thing. But, now, getting into the trumpets. You got the background now, of the Seals and the Church, now we're going into the trumpet. The trumpet sounded, and the trumpet denotes either war, or a feast day. Or, what it means, is, "a gathering together of the people," the trumpet.
136Paul said, "When the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who can prepare themselves for war, or for peace, or whatever it is?" Who knows? You have to know what the trumpet sounds.
137Therefore, when the trumpet sounds, we see something in the earth today. There is a great trouble somewhere. Everybody knows it. Everybody has become a neurotic. The whole world is a neurotical world, and we know there is something wrong. The Pentagon, everywhere, we know there is something wrong.
138 Now, the only way you'll know what the trumpet sound is, is to look what the Music Sheet says. See? That's all. It's a great symphony, see, and beating.
139Like, Peter and the Wolf, see, when you... if the... And the--the composer has wrote the book, and the director must be in the same spirit of the composer. If he don't, he gives the wrong beat, and then the whole thing is out.
140That's what's the matter today. We got too many directors in the... not in the Spirit of the Composer. They say, "The denomination, well, we believe this."
141No matter what you say, the Bible is right. Beat it out according to the Sheet Music right here before it, then the great symphony of God's great act is playing out just right, then we can see the hour and where we're standing.
142 Now notice, the trumpet is to call together the people, assemble themselves together for something. Sometime it announced a important person.
143Like in Joseph, they sounded the trumpet, and Joseph was appearing; which is a--a symbol of "the Great Trumpet" that we speak of, and get to after a while, in Isaiah. That says, "When the Great Trumpet sounds, when that ensign will be lifted up, up there; and then there'll come a time when the Great Trumpet will be sounded, and all the nations will gather to Jerusalem." That's when the Millennium starts; the Great Trumpet.
144 Now, this calling, of the Feast of the Trumpets, the approaching of something. Notice Revelation 8:7, if you want to write down. We notice the First Trumpet, there scattered hail, blood, fire, upon the earth; just exactly with Exodus, when God was calling His people out, of the exodus.
145Now, the reason that these Seven Trumpets does not apply to this Church and this age, is because it's to Israel only. It's the calling, of the gathering of the people. And now there's only one significance in here that I want you to get to, in a few minutes, is where you'll see why this doesn't apply to this age that we're living in; the Seven Trumpets.
146 I know many people different with that, but I know it's this. I know it. Not because I'm saying you're saying it; because, I didn't get it from myself. My--my thought is not my own. Ever what It is that told me, if It's wrong, then it's wrong. But I'm not telling it by my own, I'm telling by what Somebody else has said. That Somebody else is the God that spoke to us and done all these things that He has done, and appeared, see, so I know it's right.
147 The--the gathering of Israel is the Trumpets. The Trumpets is to gather Israel. Notice, the very First Trumpet sound; blood, fire, hail, and everything, scatter the ground. See? What was He doing? Bringing Israel out of spiritual Egypt, see, back into his homeland.
148Now let me say this right here, that, every Trumpet that blowed, blowed under the Sixth Seal. We'll get to it in a few minutes, where we caught the Seal there. All the Trumpets sounded under the Sixth Seal.
149Because, the Seventh Seal, there was silence. "No one knew; that was the minute or hour that Christ would come," as He revealed it to us.
150 But every Trumpet sounded under the Sixth Seal, under the persecution of the Jews. Notice, Revelation now, 8th, and begin with the 7th verse. All was the calling out of Israel, natural, in Egypt; now it's the calling out of Israel, in the spiritual sense. He was making them ready to come to the feast of the Atonement.
151Notice, the Feast of the Trumpets was first, which was pentecost. The feast of the atonement followed it, fifty days later. The feast of the atonement, read it here. We'll, probably, if we have time, we'll refer to it and read it to you out of the Bible, here in Leviticus 12, now, or Leviticus 23, rather, and Leviticus 16. We find that the first was the feast of the--of the trumpets. Was the atonement and the... after it followed pentecost, now we find out... The feast of the atonement followed the Feast of the Trumpets.
152 Now notice, a Trumpet sounded, and that was to gather them together. Now, the First Trumpet blowed, there was hail, blood, fire, sprayed upon the earth, just exactly like it was in Egypt, making ready to call them to the Day of the Atonement. See? They rejected the true Atonement. And this years has been lengthened out through here, has been the year of pentecost. See? Now the sounding for the Jews comes next.
153This has been the calling-out of the Church. Watch real close. Now, which, afterwards, He took them to the land of promise; which He will do the same thing, in which, in symbol, He takes the Church to the land of promise.
154Remember, every Trumpet sounded under the Sixth Seal, only then when it sounded.
155 Notice now, exactly, the continuity of the Scripture, exactly the same. Under the Seventh Trumpet, is to Israel the same as the Seventh Seal was to the Church. We find, under the Seventh Seal, that when these souls that was under the altar there, that received robes... They were given robes, not that they earned them, because they were in the dispensation when God was still dealing with grace with the Gentiles, not Jews. Israel is saved as a nation. God deals with Israel as a nation. Gentiles is "a people for His Name," not a nation for His Name. Israel!
156 And when Hitler and them persecuted the Jews, and did the things that they done under that; look, they, Stalin, Hitler, and all those dictators had raised up. If we had the time, which, to rehearse it to some newcomers, but we've went through it. Under that same age, that there has been in Germany and--and all the other nations, Jews has scattered throughout all the land. But there has raised, in the last twenty years, a bitter persecution against the Jews.
157I've been out there at the old places where they burnt their bodies, and cremated, and used the... used their ashes to fertilize the ground, Jewish children, and women, and everything. Then they try to deny it; take them right out and show them where it was done.
158It's been a bitter persecution against Israel, because it's been the time calling him now back to the Atonement. He is still under the atonement of a natural lamb. The real Lamb of God is the Atonement, and he has rejected It, and the Blood has been upon him ever since. Notice, making ready the people! How perfect then the Seventh Trumpet and the Seventh Seal is, perfectly together, the persecution of the Jews.
159 Note, in Revelation the 9th chapter and the 13th verse, now notice real close, under the Sixth Trumpet. Revelations 9:13, under the Sixth Trumpet, note, there was two hundred thousand horsemen that had been bound in the river of Euphrates, was turned loose under the Sixth Trumpet. Now there's not two hundred thousand horsemen in the world; but there was two hundred thousand horsemen. Notice it. I want you to jot it down, so you can read it.
160They wasn't natural horses. They breathed fire, and they had breastplates of jasper, and--and they had tails. And the end of the tail looked like a serpent, a snake's head on the end of it, stinging. See? It was spiritual horses, spiritual devils, chargers, that had been bound in Euphrates all these years, supernatural devils. What was it? The old Roman Empire being revived; the persecution of the Jews. They had been bound for nearly two thousand years, at the river Euphrates, can't cross to the promise; a religious sect that was trying to get to the other side. Euphrates, you know, come through Eden. But they were bound there, two hundred thousand devils of persecution.
161 And notice what happens under that Sixth Trumpet. They were turned loose on the Jews; the persecution of the Jews. Supernatural devils, nearly two thousand years, then loosed by Stalin, Hitler, upon the Jews. You say, "Well, that isn't Roman." It's the same spirit. They done the same things they did to the Christians, in the old pagan Roman days. Now watch the natural Israel, and the spiritual Church now, as we separate it here. Turned loose on the Jews.
162You remember, under the Sixth Seal, how every one of those martyrs, are calling according to the Word of God, receive robes. It was given to them by the grace, because they're blinded that they can't see their Gospel, that this people might be called out of the Gentiles for the--the Bride. They were given robes, the Bible says here, under that Trumpet. Them Jews, who absolutely is against Christ and everything; the reason they are, is because the Bible said they are blinded. And they were blinded for your sake. And the just God knows that they would receive It, but they were made blind for your sake. The Bible said so.
163 There is that Roman empire, bound there by (what?) the ecclesiastical powers. Which, Rome, pagan Rome become papal Rome, and was bound there in its traditions of Christian. What part of Christian, and--and superstitions it had of Rome putting together all these; worship of women, and all these other kind of stuff, and Christmas days, and holidays, and holy days, and things. It's been bound with that tradition that it cannot let loose, because it's against Christian principles. Still the same ungodly, pagan spirit! And that spirit caught into the nations of the world, according to the prophecies of Ezekiel and the rest of the them.
164And they were loosed upon the Jew, who knowed nothing of the Spirit. There is your mysteries that's hid under that Seal there. See? Notice it. We went through it. And I'll show you this Trumpet here, this last Trumpet, what takes place. There they are. These Trumpets are let loose on the Jews, (don't you see?) not on the Gentiles. The Gentile, when them Seals was opened, is sealed away; time is ended; the Church is called.
165 You remember the vision the other day? Remember the re-... the preview of it? How many remembers, Sunday 'fore last? How there it was exactly, come by. We seen it, exactly, seen that dirty, filthy thing come up, called the church, vulgarities to the extreme. And that little Bride, of every nation, each one of them dressed like their nation they come from, just perfectly walking before the Lord.
166You notice, there'll be a time, sometime, when they'll say, "Well, I thought the Church was to go before the persecution. I thought there was a Rapture."
"It's already passed and you knew it not."
That's what He said about John one time, you know.
167Said, "How, why say the prophets that a... the scribes, that Elias must first come?"
168He said, "He's already come." And even the disciples didn't know it. "They done to him what they listed."
169The Rapture will be the same way. In--in a hour... He promised to do that. He didn't promise to show Elias like that, but He promised to take the Bride like that. "In a hour that you think not," just a change, in a moment of a twinkling of an eye, be caught away. Then you're left, then that's the time!
170 Two thousand years, this spirit through the Roman people, the Roman church, could not move. But that same spirit coming up, first, down there into Mussolini in Rome, the dictator. You know the five...
171Seven things He showed me, in '33, would come to pass. Five of them has already passed. Doctor Lee Vayle is writing a book on it there now. See? Five things, perfectly, and just two more things to happen. Said, "It'd happen just before the Coming." Here we are right at the end now, and look like that sixth thing is moving right up. See? Perfectly, exactly, even the wars and how they would happen, exactly on the dot, and not one time did it miss.
172Listen, folks, we ought to take inventory every hour. You don't know where we're standing. Real close!
173 Now, now he loosed, upon, under that Sixth Seal, these two hundred thousand spiritual demons, started in Rome, Germany, Hitler. And notice over in the Bible, where they received, never... They received power as kings, but wasn't crowned. A dictator is not a crowned king; just receive power as a king.
174Oh, the Spirit of God just moving through me now, you know, just saying something. I don't know how to say it, nor what to say, and maybe I better not.
175 Notice, two thou-... hundred thousand demons turned loose upon those Jews, when they burned them, they crucified them. They put bubbles in their veins. They killed them, till they had no more gas to kill them with. And they shot them, till they had no more bullets to shoot with. And they--and they done everything they could do. They cremated their bodies, and everything; and hung on fences, children and all, innocent people. Because they were Jews, they were done that way. But God said He give each one of them a robe, undeserving as they was; but His grace to blind them so that we could see.
176The Seventh Seal hasn't opened yet, you know. That's His Coming.
177 So while they're still under there, but, He shows us here, in a preview. As John, He took him up.
178And one time, walking on the sea, you know; he said, "What about this man that leans on Your bosom?"
179He said, "What is it to you if he stays till I come?" See, he never stayed, but He took him up and showed him that, the thing that happen till He come. Just showed him, reviewed the whole plan to John.
180 Notice, we find now that that natural power under the natural, to a natural nation, Israel, was loosed there. And what did it? It went and made war, and how it murdered and persecuted.
Now in the ecclesiastical realm of it! I... are you...
181I hope that God opens your eyes to this now. Cause, I realize this is just not speaking to this church here. This tape goes world-wide. And I don't mean to hurt anybody's feelings, but just to tell the Truth.
182Now the ecclesiastical realm has been opened, from the natural revival of the old pagan Rome, went forth on those Jews, which has always been their enemy. The lion, with teeth and everything, it stomped down and broke out the people. Rome, always been God's enemy! And it was turned loose in the same spirit, by the dictators of the world, because the religious system was still holding. Now it's been loosed.
183 What has it done? In the "cunningness," as He said, he come in like flatteries. And what has he done? He is bringing the Protestant Ecumenical Council of the World Churches, the spirit of antichrist upon both of them, bringing them to the slaughter, just like they did the other, in the hour to call the Bride. How? Loosed in the ecclesiastical church spirit. Loosed upon what? Not upon the denominations; upon the Bride! But here you'll get it, the Bride will not go through that time. The Bible says not. The church will, but not the Bride. Can't you see? Ministers, can't you see that, brethren?
184You say, "The Church has to go through the persecution, for the--for the perfection of It." The Blood of Jesus Christ perfects the Bride.
185A man who chooses a wife don't put her through a lot of punishment; he's already found grace, too, with her; she has found grace with him. He--he engages to her. And, if there is anything, he'll keep her from every place to turn her hand. His grace is so great upon them.
186 And so will it be upon the Bride, and so is it on the Bride. We unworthy creatures, deserving of hell, but His grace holds us through it. Look at how many lost and blind! How many, how many sinners was there in the world, the hour I got saved! God saved me for a purpose; and I'm determined, by His will, to do that purpose. I don't care what anything else goes; I want to do it.
187And in the hour when I see all the churches, their great glamour, "and rich, and have need of nothing," they say; and see them, miserable, wretched, blind; then patting you on the shoulders, want you to compromise with them. I was born for a purpose, that's to condemn that thing and to call out. This I do.
188Remember, when Jesus came on the earth, there wasn't one-hundredth of the people on the earth ever knowed He was here. He come to get that elected group. Said, "No man can come to Me except My Father has drawed him. And all the Father hath," past tense, "given me, they'll come. They'll know it. They'll hear It."
189 Notice the loosing of this ecclesiastical spirit. Now twenty years later, after that war, we see the loosing of the ecclesiastical spirit. What under? The Seventh Seal; the Seventh Trumpet to the Jew.
190Look at the moon darkening out. What under? See it drawn out, the Son of man being drove from the church.
191What is it? Joining in with the ecclesiastical bunch. The--the ecumenical move, and with the World Council of Churches, has drove every man... What does that thing stand for? Why, you have to surrender all your evangelical teachings and things. "How can two walk together 'less they be agreed?" They can't. Jesus said they can't. And how can a church, the Methodist and Baptists walk together? How can the Church of Christ walk with the Presbyterians? How can the Catholic walk with the Protestant? How can Protestant walk with Protestant?
192But the Bride can walk with the Word, which is Christ. It must be in agreement. Not the ecclesiastical system; but the Word. You have to agree with the Word, to walk with the Word. Jesus said so. That makes it right.
193 Notice, there she is now. She's loosed, to call all these little loose ends, "Oh, well, don't make any difference, anyhow."
194That's what Satan said to Eve, "Don't make any difference. It's all right. Surely, God is a good God. He loves us all." He doesn't.
195You hear so much about It being a good God. He is a good God, but, being good, He has to be just. There is no goodness without justice. There is no justice without no law, without punishment, penalty. So we're in that hour, that we're living.
196 Notice, quickly now, these supernatural demons. Then, under the--under the auspices of a United Nation, united groups together, Eastern and Western.
197Just like the right and left foot of the image that Daniel saw, how they wouldn't agree and mix with one another. And the word Eisenhower, during that time... Eisenhower means "iron." Khrushchev means "clay." And he pulled off his shoe and beat it [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] on the desk at the... when the League of Nations, or the U... at the UN. Khrushchev did, dusting off the... Oh, my! The hour that we're living! The church and its condition!
198But, thank God, the little Bride has made Herself ready. It ain't long. Just hold on. It won't be long. I don't know how long, don't know when; nobody knows that. But we know it's close now, real.
199 Watch the ecclesia. Watch that, natural, what it did to them Jews. That was a people that held to the laws of God. No matter how many churches raise up, what else, they was blinded to Christ, and held to that law. And God gave them robes, every one of them, 'cause they went down in martyrdom. See? They're--they're... They were blinded for our sake.
200Here now, the Church, that knows nothing but the Bible. Regardless of ecclesiastical system, denomination, they know nothing about it. It's all foreign to them. They know Him, and Him alone.
201 People today are somewhat like Peter and them was, up on the Mount of Transfiguration. They got all enthused when they seen the supernatural did, and one said, "We'll make one church of--of the prophets, and one to Moses."
202And that's the way the people, the Pentecostals did. They said, "We'll make one, Assembly of God; and one, church of God; and one, Oneness; and one, Twoness," and so forth like that.
203But while he was yet speaking, Jehovah cried out, "This is My beloved Son," Who is the Word, "hear ye Him!" See? He is the Word.
204 The hour that we're living, the ecclesiasticals, of spirits uniting together now and bringing them all to this big one slaughter, to blot out. It's already in writing here, in this nation now, that these churches has to be closed unless you're with the organization. It's a union, it's a boycott, just like the mark of the beast.
205And now you see what the beast is, don't you? It's a power. And a power, ecclesiastical power, Jesus said, "It'd be so close like the real thing, it'd deceive the very Elected if it was possible." But He promised to have something here for us in that day, that we wouldn't be deceived, and that's the Word, and Christ to make It manifest to us. They're supernaturals, devils, unseen to the eye, but you can see what they're doing. See?
206 Notice, while that group is a riding, making themselves ready to stomp out everything that won't agree with them, there is another group being made ready, after while, Revelations 19. The next time the Church is heard, She comes, also, not upon exactly horses, but the Bible said, "He was on a white horse, and the host of Heaven was following Him upon white horses." That right?
207While this group down here has got two thousand bound at the river Euphrates, and has been bound for two thousand years, also that church has bound the Holy Ghost for nearly two thousand years, under martyrdom back there, and under the church ages. It's been bound, not at the river Euphrates, but at the door of creeds and dogmas, that the Holy Spirit can't work in the church because of man-made systems. But She is going to be liberated, She is coming back, that's what the Bible said. And those two meet one another on the battlegrounds, Lucifer and Michael again, like in the beginning. They've been bound for two thousand years, almost, almost two thousand years.
208 Not exactly two thousand, 'cause the Romans kept on going, Titus in A.D. 96, and on down like that, kill the Jews. The Romans! Who was it killed the Jews? Who was Titus? A Roman general. The blood rolled out the gates down there, up to the... oh, and slaughter them, the women, children, and everything. Didn't Ezekiel 9 say they'd do that? "Go through the midst of the city and set a mark upon the people who sigh and cry," the--the Holy Spirit. And the rest of them, "the slaughtering man come forth," that would been bound; hold them, hold them, until they went forth and slaughter everything that was in there. Little women, women, children, babies, and everything else, they were all slaughtered. Exactly.
209Here it is again, repeating itself. And here is that ecclesiastical system coming right back, smothering out, tramping out everything that's called God. Oh, they got their systems, and organizations, and denominations, but that don't have nothing to do with the Bible. They'll tell you quick they don't even believe in It. Yes, sir. "Say what the church says."
210 It's what God says! That is the Word. The Bride is with the Words; they're One. How can they be One? When that Word, that's wrote in There, becomes in you, and make--make you and the Word becomes One. That's exactly what He promised.
211Then, It interpret. God don't need an interpreter. They say, "Well, we interpret It like this." You've got no right to interpret nothing. God does His Own interpretation. God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. Who interprets that? He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. That don't need any interpreter; it's already interpreted. God said these things would happen in this day, and it is. It don't need no interpreter. It interprets Itself. Oh, my!
212 Revelations 9:1, under the Fifth Trumpet, their king... Notice, Revelations 9:1 now, the king of this great group of two hundred thousand horses. They had a king over them, and, if we notice, it was a fallen star. "Why art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer?" Oh, how Doctor Smith got that so scrupled up there, but, it's all right, see, wasn't for his hour. See? All right. "Was the bottomless pit; their king was the king of the bottomless pit."
213Revelations 17:8. I wrote something down here. I'm just going to read it. You see here, Revelations 17:8. I want to see what it says here, 'cause I don't know just how to hit this next, 17:8.
And the beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and shall go into perdition: and they that dwell upon the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life--of the life from the foundation of the world, when they beheld the beast which was, which is not, and which yet is.
214See, "was," one pope dies, another one ascends. "Beast which was, which is not, which is; which is not, which is." Don't change its order; it's pope, the same time, everything. Everything has to go in the same system.
215 And it shall come where? "To the bottomless pits." And the Bible said here, that, "The leader of these fellows was from the bottomless pits, and that was their king," and he sets with a triple crown, and joining the Protestants with him.
216Heard a Lutheran priest say, the other day, said... or, a Lutheran preacher, said, "Well, people ask me why I wear a--a collar. How can they tell me from the..." Was you there? [A brother says, "Yes."--Ed.] Yeah. And, that, wasn't that ridiculous? I--I almost felt like vomiting, walked off the platform. They said, "For, they shouldn't be any difference."
217If Luther, Martin Luther, would hear that, he'd turn over in his grave, say, "You hypocrites, you don't belong in my ranks." Uh-huh. See?
But you know where it's got? "There's no difference."
218 There is a difference. Even differs in individual. God said, "Separate Me, and Paul and Barnabas," that's right, "for the work." Separate! God is a separator, not a mixer. A separ-... The church wants a good mixer, today, that can let them wear bathing suits, and shorts, and everything else, and get out and carry on like that. But God said, "Separate Me!" Separate yourself from the world!
219 Revelations, we find out here, that, "their king was from the bottomless pits," and the same one that "went into perdition," in and out, in and out, went out.
220Notice in Leviticus, the 23rd chapter, how perfect is the interpretation with the order with the Word, with what we're trying to give now. Watch this now, the order. Now we notice. Let's just turn and read that just for a moment. In Ecclesia-... not in Ecclesiastes, but Leviticus. Leviticus 23, now notice this here, Leviticus the 23rd chapter now. And we want not to miss this at all, now, so we can get it just exactly the way the Lord has got it written here for us. I certainly can't find Leviticus in Exodus, can I? All right, Leviticus now. "And the Lord..." 23rd.
... the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
Speak to the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, and an holy convocation. See?
Ye shall do... the servile work therein: but ye shall not offer... offerings made by fire unto the LORD.
... and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
221Now watch. Now notice.
And the LORD spake... Moses, saying,
Also in the tenth day of the seventh month there shall be a day of an atonement:...
222 See, the atonement followed the... Watch now. The atonement followed the trumpet sound. See? How beautiful! See? The atonement day followed the trumpet.
223Now--now, the fifty days of the trumpets, for us, symbolize when the trumpet sounded at pentecost, which was fifty days. Now--now--now, after this, the Jews rejected That.
224Now the Trumpets is to call them back to that Atonement, see, the Atonement they rejected. And they rejected so our eyes could be opened; theirs was closed. And during this time, these Seals opened up, and the--the--the Trumpets blowed. And now, in the blowing of the Trumpets, just before the Messiah comes, 'cause they've got to be in Palestine. And you remember God had to harden Pharaoh's heart, to run them out of Egypt; and He hardened Stalin, Mussolini, and all that, to get them back into the promised land, where the hundred and forty-four thousand is supposed to be.
225And now, for the first time for thousands of years, twenty-five hundred years, that Israel is a nation with its own flag, own army, and all, and it considered in the--in the UN. First time it's been. The oldest flag that ever flew on earth, at this time, flies again, the five... six-point star of David. He said He'd lift that ensign in the last days, when she'd be coming back. We're at the end. There is just no doubt about it. We're here.
226 Notice now, quickly, Revelation 9, under the seven trumpet, "their king is from the bottomless pits."
227Then in Leviticus, now, how perfect the interpretation is here with the Word! Because, see, immediately following, the pentecostal jubilee followed the day of an atonement; the order of the feast time. Between the pentecostal feast, to the atonement, the sound of the trumpets for the atonement, was the pentecostal feast, the long period of time. Look, there was a long period of time between the pentecostal feast, to the calling of the--of the trump... the sounding of the trumpets, the--the trumpets to be sound; a long period of time. Frankly, it was fifty days, from the--from the--from the feast of pentecost to the feast of the atonement, was fifty days. Now, fifty days is exactly seven sabbaths.
228 And seven sabbaths is the seven church years, Church Ages. Get it? See? See? Now, the Jews has been blinded, waiting all this time, while the pentecostal Firstfruits has been poured out upon the Church. And we've come down through the martyr ages, and down through the reformer ages, and now in the calling-out age; three sections, same Spirit; like Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, same One. See? But, Seven Church Ages, being seven sabbaths.
229Exactly seven sabbaths from the--from the pentecostal jubilee trumpet... a pentecostal jubilee feast, until... The waving of the sheaf, and then the pentecostal jubilee. And then from the jubilee to the atonement is seven sabbaths, fifty days, and at the end of the fifty days is the--the atonement is made. You get it? Now, and this has been a type, that the Church...
230 When He was revealed, Hisself, as Son of God, has been revealing to the Church in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, down through the ages, in the--the pentecostal age, see. Just keep getting more and more; justification under Luther, sanctification under Wesley, baptism of the Holy Ghost.
231 Now here is the calling-out time. At the Sixth Seal, when it's--when it opened, the persecution struck the Jews, in the literal standpoint; and here comes the persecution to the church, in the ecclesiastical standpoint; because, the Bride is already called. The sabbaths are over, and ready for the Jews to be called. Where to? The feast of Atonement. Oh, church, don't you see that? Called to the feast of the Atonement, (what?) to recognize the Atonement; not no more chickens and geese, and what they been doing. "The Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world," Israel is going to know That.
232 Notice, here is a great thing. Look! Oh, my! The Holy Spirit has been bound by the denominations, all these two thousand years. We find out, It has. Now notice the sabbaths, seven sabbaths, they couldn't get all the way out. The--the Bible said, "There will be a day that will be neither night or day."
233"And all Scripture," Jesus said, "must be fulfilled." Is that right? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.]
234The prophet said, "There will be a day that can't be called day and night, but in the evening time it shall be Light."
235What was it? The same sun that shines in the East is the same sun that shines in the West.
236Every time that sun comes up, and goes across and sets, means your life. Little baby born, weak, of a morning. About eight o'clock, it goes to school. Eleven-thirty, it's out of school, it's the heat of the day. Then it begins to set, to fifty years old, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety. She sets over yonder and dies; only to come back the next day, and say, "There is a life, death, burial, resurrection."
237 And, notice, civilization has went with the sun. The oldest civilization we have is China. Anyone knows that.
238Where did the Holy Ghost fall? On the Eastern country, on Eastern people. And the Gospel has traveled with the sun. It come from where? From over in the East, into Germany, from Germany to England... Crossed the channel three times. Mediterranean into Germany, from Germany... From the Mediterranean, from the East, into Germany, through the Mediterranean; from Germany, across the English Channel, into England; from English Channel, across the Pacific over into... or the Atlantic, over into the United States.
239And now she is at the West Coast. She has crossed the nation that she civilized and went across, and went on. Civilization travel; the Gospel has traveled with it. Now all the riffraff is on the West Coast, where everything it picked up, like the tidal wave coming in.
240 But the prophet said, "The Son will not shine through this day; it'll be a day of gloom." They've had enough Light, like a real rainy day, they could join churches, and believe the Lord, and things like that. But, he said, "In the evening time, the clouds will move away, the denominations will fade." And the same Gospel, the same Word made flesh, as He promised in Luke 17:33. The same Gospel, with the same thing, would take place in the evening time, just when the shadows are getting low. The same Gospel, the same Christ that lived in flesh back yonder at the beginning, on the Eastern people, shall live again in the Western people at the end time. "It shall be Light in the evening time."
241"All Scriptures is given by inspiration," and cannot be broken.
242 The big fifty days has passed over. The pentecostal feast has passed over, seven sabbaths; until the trumpets, a type of the Seventh Church Age. Remember, remember, the... under the Sixth Trumpet, the Jew... Are you listening? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Under the Sixth Trumpet, the--the Pentecostals reject the Bible; the--the lukewarm, not only Pentecostals, all the rest. The church world rejects Christ and He is put on the outside. And in the same Trumpet... And the same Seal, rather, when It was opened, to show Jesus on the outside of the church, trying to get back in; at the same time, the Trumpet sound for the Jews, and the Jews recognize the Atonement. Glory! Hallelujah! Oh, my!
243The Holy Spirit has been bound by these denominational rivers, for almost two thousand years, but is to be loosed in the evening time, by the evening-time Message. The Holy Spirit back in the Church again; Christ, Himself, revealed in human flesh, in the evening time. He said. He promised it.
244 There was three stages of it, as I said. The martyrs, age of the martyr, for it; and then the stage of the reformers; and now the calling-out time.
245When finished, at Laodicean Age, according to Revelations 10, the mystery of all the Bible would be knowed to the Bride. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Revelations 10. Listen close now. Uh-huh. Bride, called out by the Word; Christ Himself calling out the Bride, making plain Hebrews 13:8, that He's "the same yesterday, today, and forever," does the same, is the same. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." See? Luke 22... Or, Luke 17:30, and also Malachi 4, Hebrews 4:12, all these Scriptures that's promised, this is to be between the Sixth and the Seventh Seal, and the Sixth and the Seventh Trumpet.
246 Pentecost feast finishes at the period of the Seventh Trumpet, for the next is the Coming of... The Seventh Seal, for the next is the mystery of the Coming of Christ, and, also, the Trumpet is sound for the Jews. Their Sixth Trumpet is sound, and, when it does, it makes known to them the revealed Son of God; one-half hour of space. Remember, all Trumpets sound on this Sixth Seal. The Sixth Seal finishes the mystery, under the Sixth Seal, just before the Seventh is opened.
247 Notice, here is Leviticus 23:26. How in order is the Scripture! After the long period of pentecost, which Israel did reject back there; and He called the Gentile Church out, through this pentecostal feast. How many understand what the pentecostal feast is? It's the fruit of... firstfruit of the harvest, the firstfruit of the resurrection, the pentecostal feast.
Don't miss this, people! And, you on tape, listen close!
248This has been the time of pentecostal feast. The Jews has laid silent; they rejected It. Now they've got to be called back to the Atonement. We know Who the Atonement was; they didn't. And the Trumpet sound, after the pentecostal jubilee, calls the Jews together. Can't you see how that Trumpet, of persecution under Hitler and them, blasted? And the Jews was forced to come together, to fulfill the Scriptures.
249Now you got it? All that's got it, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Good. All right.
250 Notice here in Leviticus, 26 now, the order of the Scriptures. After the long period of pentecost, which ends in the calling out of the Bride, the Bride is called out by a servant. The Rejected, next, to be known to Israel, the feast of the Atonement. Notice, here is the same as in Leviticus the 16th chapter, now, when He ordered the feast of pentecost... or the feast of atonement, but in this place they are called...
251Oh, how perfect! Get it, preachers. See? Don't miss it, ministers.
252In this feast of pentecost, which is represented in Leviticus 23:26, or 23 and 24, is a feast of mourning, not a killing, of a feast. The feast was killed... The atonement was killed, rather. The atonement was killed. Leviticus 16, it's exactly a parallel to it. Only, in this place, it's called Israel to mourn for their sins. How perfect it is, today! It's not the rekilling of It; which, Moses symbolized, by striking the rock the second time; it didn't work. Not a killing, of a feast; but a mourning, of rejecting the Atonement. Oh, my! This will be the Trumpet; the feast, be rejected, then their Messiah made known.
253 Notice, they'll know their Messiah when they see Him. He is coming in power, this time, the One they looked for. He is coming in power, for the Gentile Bride, and the Jews are going to recognize Him. And then the Bible says... We just got through preaching on it here, about six months ago, or more. The Bible says, when they say, "Where did You get those wounds?" How many remembers the Message? Raise your hand. Sure, you... See? "Where'd You get those wounds?"
He said, "In the house of My friends."
254Remember me preaching on the--the time when Jacob had sent the children of Israel down there to get the stuff, and the food and stuff, and how Joseph act like he didn't know them; and how all these things went on, then he made himself known? You remember? And they were so scared, they went to weeping. Same as Jacob's trouble.
255And here we find the Jews under persecution; don't know where they stand now, but they're coming back.
256And when they do see the Atonement appear, the Bible said, "When they seen it," they said, "they would separate one home from another, and weep for days, like a--like a family that's lost their only son. 'Where did you get those wounds?'"
He said, "In the house of My friends." See?
257 Remember, the Bride is already in Heaven; Joseph's wife was in the palace. And Joseph dismissed everything from around him, and he made hisself known to his brothers; you see, His Wife and children and them was in the palace when He returns back to make Hisself known to the Jews. There is the Atonement. There is your sound Trumpet. There is where they say, "Oh!" What is it? There's the Atonement. "Where's them wounds come from?" There it is.
"In the house of My friends."
258Remember what Joseph's brothers said? Why, they said, "Now we'll be killed, sure enough. We did that. We did the evil like that."
259He said, "No, God did this to save life." You remember the story, in Genesis? See? See? So did He do it this way, to save the life of the Gentile, the Bride. Said, "I got them in the house of My friend; but don't be angry, see, don't be afraid of yourself."
260 They say, "Oh, my! Did we actually miss seeing Him? Was that the Atonement, and we've missed It? O God!" And they said, "They just separate themselves, and mourn for days." What is it? The Atonement; sadness. This time, the coming of the making known, Atonement, is not the regular atonement being killed, like in Leviticus 16. But Leviticus 23 is a mourning time, of their sins. And, their sins was, they rejected It.
261Oh, don't you see where we're at? Don't you see why them Trumpets means nothing to us? They all sounded under our Sixth Seal. You see now why the Holy Spirit wouldn't let me speak it? And the Heavenly Father knows, with this Bible before me, that's the Truth. Didn't know it till yesterday, day before yesterday; in my room there where He revealed it, come to me and spoke to me. I come back, I said, "Wife, I got it now. He just met me in there and told me. Here it is, honey." See? See, there it is, see, perfectly just in harmony.
262Oh, people without Him, get in quick! It might be the last opportunity you'll ever be able to have. You don't know what time He might come.
263The Feast of the Trumpets. The Bible says, "They would separate themselves, one for another, and pray and weep, because like a person with their only child being lost."
264 Look, I want to say one more thing. Closely now; don't miss this. How striking! From the seventh angel's (messenger of the Seventh Seal) Message in Revelations 10, was the Seventh Seal, to the Seven Trumpets, between those two times...
265O God, how can we say This, to make the people see It?
266It's between that Sixth Trumpet, and the Sixth Trumpet and... The Sixth Trumpet and the Sixth Seal sounds at the same time. And between the Sixth Trumpet and the Seventh Trumpet, there is a prophet to appear before the Gentiles, to call the people back to the original pentecostal Doctrine; and the two witnesses of Revelations 11 appear to the Jews, to send them to Jesus, while the Church is being taken up. All of them, prophets! Amen! The Word of the Lord cannot be broken. It won't be a denomination! Do you see it?
267 Read in your Book here and see if that between the Sixth and Seventh Trumpet isn't injected in there, let the Jews being called out between the Sixth and Seventh Plague, we come over to that hundred and forty-four thousand (you remember that?), which was between that. Do you remember? Between the--the--the Sixth, the Fifth Seal and the Sixth Seal... Between the Sixth Seal and the Seventh Seal, there was a calling out of the hundred and forty-four thousand. You remember that? Now there is where these trumpets come in right there, see, and persecution, and horses loosed on there.
268Then, between that, then there was to be a seventh angel's Message, that had been preaching and condemning the Pentecostals. And Jesus had been put out; wouldn't have no co-operation with nobody, be put on the outside, rejected. The Bible said so. For, it's Christ made manifest among us, Jesus among us all, made manifest in the purity of His Word, making It known. And if that's...
269This is not just make-up, friends. This is THUS SAITH THE LORD, the Scripture.
270 And at the same time... Now, as soon as this Church (the Bride) is drawed together, She is taken up; and that mystery of the Seventh Seal, or the Seventh Seal, the mystery of going. And the Jews is called by the mystery of the Seventh Trumpet, which is two prophets, Elijah and Moses, and they come back. And there is where the Pentecostals is all mixed up; they're looking for something to happen; the Church is done gone. And that's to the Jews.
271 Now, I feel in somebody's mind, saying, "That couldn't be Moses." Yes, it is. Now, you remember, He can tell me your thoughts. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. I keep feeling that re-... All right.
272Let me straighten that out for you. It was Moses. Cause, here is your thought. You say, that, "Moses, it couldn't be Moses, 'cause Moses died." You think it's Elijah. It's Elijah, true. When, you think, "It's Enoch." You say, "Moses is already dead." But, remember, he could come back to life again. He did. Eight hundred years later, several hundred years later, he appeared on Mount Transfiguration. You say, "After a man is done dead?" Yes, sir. Lazarus was dead; raised again; and then had to die again. See? Sure. Uh-huh. And even the wicked will be raised up to life again, and then have to die the second death. Is that right? So get that out of your mind. It is Moses. Watch your ministry, just exactly what Moses and Elijah done; closed the heavens and sprayed fire upon it. You know what the thing they done.
273 Think of it! It's the end time, folks. Hallelujah! The great Day of the Lord is at hand. Gather yourselves together. Feast of the Messiah; they'll reject Him, and they'll find out that there is their Messiah. The Bible said them striking things like this would take place.
274In Revelations 11, call, their ministry will be the ministry of Moses and Elias calling to Israel, out of the Jewish traditions; just as the seventh angel's Message called the Bride out of the Pentecostal tradition. Remember, Moses and Elijah is to call Israel out of the old atonement of the lamb, and sheep, and blood, and goats, and sacrifice, to the real living Sacrifice, to the Word.
275 And the seventh angel's Message, under the same Trumpet, same everything exactly, the same Seal, is to (what?) call the people, the Bride, out of the Pentecostal and world tradition, to the genuine Atonement, the Word, Christ impersonated in His Word here, made flesh among us. Science has proved it, by pictures. The church knows it, the world around. We firmly know it, for He's never told us one thing in THUS SAITH THE LORD but what's been the Truth. Did He not say, down there on the river, "As John the Baptist was sent, so will this Message..."
276I looked up, and she's twelve o'clock. The midnight hour is here, friends, upon us. See how perfect the Scripture is? Perfectly, how It...
277 That, look, that's not going to be some organization go down there and call the Jews. It's going to be two man, Moses and Elijah. Both of them, prophets.
278Now look. To call the Gentiles, the Bride out, He promised in Malachi 4 to do the same thing.
279And the Bible said He would be put out of the church, in the Seventh Church Age. He would be put out of the church. It'll go completely black, and go... Where does it black out? It goes into this ecclesiastical system, into this ecumenical council, World Council of Churches. She... He is put completely out. His Word, they can't agree with It. You know they can't. They can't even agree in their own little local groups; how they going to agree in That? So, they take another mark of the beast, a image unto the beast. Remember, the Bible said, "There was an image made unto the beast."
280 And this United States has always been number thirteen. It started with thirteen states, thirteen colonies; thirteen stars, thirteen stripes; number thirteen, and always a woman. She appears in the thirteenth chapter of Revelations. And, first, is a lamb; meekness, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and so forth; and then they receive power, and spoke with all the power the dragon had before him. What is it? What was the dragon? Rome. See, had a mark, a image of the beast, raise up against the real Church of God. Under them denominations, will plague this thing! But, when they start to do it:
The Lamb shall take His Bride to be ever at His side,
All the host of Heaven will assembled be;
Oh, it will be a glorious sight, all the saints in spotless white;
And with Jesus they shall feast Eternally. Amen!
"Come and dine," the Master calleth, "Come and dine." Amen!
281What a day we're living in, the hour! Run, people, run for your lives!
282 Notice now, in closing, the ministry like the seventh angel. The two witnesses, under a Seven Trumpet, just before... or, the Sixth Trumpet, just before the Seventh Trumpet fin-...
283Now, remember, and I told you I'd bring back this, "Great Trumpet." He said, what would He do, over here in Isaiah? He said, at... "The Great Trumpet would sound. The Great Trumpet!" Not Trumpets now, Feast of Trumpets; there is two of them, Moses and Elias, to call the Trumpet. But, under "the Great Trumpet," the Coming of the Lord, to announce Joseph returning, see, that all nations would assemble at Jerusalem. Amen. You find that in the Book of Isaiah. I just give it to you, a while ago, one of those chapter we read; that's in Isaiah 18:1 and 3. And in Isaiah 27:12 and 13, is where He sounds that "Trumpet," and all of the nations will recognize Israel in her homeland, God with her.
284 Then the Bride will come to be with the Bridegroom, and the Bridegroom with the Bride; and then the great Millennium, after the whole world is destroyed by atomic power. And there will be "a new heavens and new earth," shall live forever.
285Look, right under... Now notice, the ministry of Moses and Elijah will... Now, everybody get it? Let me say it again. The ministry of Moses and Elijah, between the Sixth and Seventh Trumpet, will be two prophets that will... they... Israel always believe their prophets.
286 Now, why did the Holy Spirit say to me when I started up to there, to show them that He was the Son of God, said, "not yet"? You remember that, about five years ago, on my way to India? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Said, "Don't do it."
287I said, "They said, 'If this be the Messiah, let us see Him do the sign of the prophet. We believe the prophets.'"
288Brother Lewi Pethrus and them sent me those Bibles; when they give a million of them out to them Jews coming from Iran and everywhere, coming back, assembling themselves together, become a nation.
I thought, "This is my time." I was already... Cairo, Egypt.
289He said, "Don't do it now. The hour is not yet." Then I returned home. Uh-huh. Oh, my!
290 Moses and Elijah has got to call. The pentecostal jubilee is still going, or had up till this time. See? Now the Feast of Trumpets has to be known. And this one over here of Malachi 4 is not connected with that one over there; not at all, not at all. Notice, watch here, the ministry will be Moses and Elijah, changing and calling Israel from the Jewish traditions, listen, from the Jewish traditions that they had been mixed up in. Being prophets, they'll believe--they'll believe him, calling them to the feast of the Atonement, Christ, letting them recognize Christ. They'll say, "He is coming. He'll be here." The Jews will be gathering, things like that.
And then when He comes, say, "Here I am." See?
"Where'd You get them scars?"
"In the house of My friends."
291 Now, the same as those two prophets did! Remember, the Gentile Bride is to have a prophet, called Elias, Elijah, that's to call them out of their traditions, the Bride; just the same as these prophets called Jews out of Judaism, to Christ, the Atonement. And the Gentiles already knows the Atonement, but it's to call the Bride back to the original Atonement, where these (fifty) sabbaths they... All these seven sabbaths that they have got away from; call them back to the end time. The seven... Listen! The Seventh Church messenger, the Seven Trumpet messenger, is all prophets. Now, that's right.
Injected, is the hundred and forty-four thousand.
292Calling, the Seals, which was to the Gentiles. It had to be to the Gentiles, to open up to the Gentiles, to see the Gentile Church. That's all we know. That's all we'll listen to; what's already passed. We look for Jesus.
293You say, "Now, wait a minute, Brother Branham, I believe they're going to do this."
294 The last sign that Abraham... And we are the royal Seed of Abraham; the Bride. The last sign that Abraham ever seen before the promised sign come... the promised son come, was what? God, in a form of a human being, that could discern the thoughts of the people; one man, not a dozen; one man, no matter how many impersonations. They had One, and He discerned the thoughts was in there. What? And, the next thing happened, Abraham and Sarah turned back to a young man and woman. We know that.
295Now, I know that kind of chokes you a little bit now. But, remember, just so that you'll be sure to know now... You don't read the Bible like this; you read between the lines and see, make the picture come.
296 Watch. Sarah was an old woman, the Bible said. She, they... "Her womb was dead." Is that right? "Abraham's life was dead in him, his seed." Is that right?
297Now, remember, Abraham's seed was dead. Forty years later he had seven sons by another woman. What did He do? He changed their bodies.
298Watch, they took a three-hundred-mile journey, down to Gerar, quite a long journey for an old man. Said...
299And Sarah even thought they couldn't have family relation. She said, "Me..." Twenty years or more, maybe, before they had had family relation. Said, "Me an old woman, and my lord, also; have pleasure again, like young people?"
He said, "Is anything too hard for God?"
300 Notice what happened. Immediately she turned back to a lovely young woman. Showing, in there, portraying what He's going to do to the royal Seed of Abraham, to receive the Son that's been promised. She turned back to a young...
301Look, they went down into Gerar. And what happened? Abimelech, the king, fell in love with her, said, "She is fair and beautiful," and was going to marry her. Is that right? Old grandma; and all them other pretty girls down there. Granny, "She is beautiful. She is fair to look upon." See?
302God changed her body, and turned them back. It's a mystery that's to be revealed now in this day, by the Son of man, see, the evening Message. See? Turned back! And that was the last sign they seen, was (what?) that discernment, before the change of the body come.
303And before we can ever receive the Son, what happens? "The trumpet of God shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise first, a new body; and we which alive and remain shall be changed, in a moment, in a twinkle of a eye," hallelujah, "and shall be caught up together, to meet the Lord in the air." The secret has been made known; the Seals are open.
304The Trumpet sounded for the Israel; the two prophets is ready to appear. What is it? The Church must get off the scene right now, so they can appear. He can't deal with two at the same time; He never did. See?
305 Oh, brother, watch! Exactly, to call all, call them out of the denominations and traditions. Now we see the church of pentecost age is finished.
306The Bride must step out of the way, to go up now; so the two servants, the two servants of God, in Revelations, the two prophets, can appear upon the scene, to sound the Seventh Trumpet to them, make known to them the Christ.
307The seventh angel, messenger, say, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!" Not, "behold my Methodist, my Baptist, my Pentecostal." But, "The Word, the Son of God, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world," for no other foundations is there! You see?
308How long have we got? The Jews are in their homeland. The Bride is called. Scripturally, everything just exactly what He promised. We're ready. The hour is here.
Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,
The signs that the Bible foretold;
The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;
Return, O dispersed, to your own.
The day of redemption is near,
Man's hearts are failing for fear;
Be filled with God's Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear,
Look up, your redemption is near!
False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying,
That Jesus the Christ is our God; (that's right)
But we'll walk where the apostles have trod.
For the day of redemption is near,
Man's hearts are failing for fear;
Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear, (don't take a chance)
Look up, your redemption is near!
309 The prophet said, "It shall be Light in the evening time."
It shall be Light in the evening time,
The path to Glory you will surely find;
In the water way, is the Light today,
Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.
Young and old, repent of all your sins,
The Holy Ghost will surely enter in;
The evening Lights have come,
It is a fact that God and Christ are One.
310We're here! We're at the end. That's not just some silly thing of a man. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD.
Let us bow our heads.
311 Merciful God, Jehovah, the Almighty that thundered on Mount Sinai; and the people screamed, "Let Moses speak, and not God, lest we die." You said, Great Jehovah, "I'll raise them up a Prophet. I'll not speak to them no more like this." But You promised what You would do, and You did it; You raised us up the Lord Jesus. He is the Word. You said He was. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us."
312We see the things that He prophesied to us here, through His prophet, John, on the isle of Patmos. We see it fulfilled, to the letter. We see the Holy Ghost made manifest among us here on earth. We see the denominations put Him out of the church; the Word. They got nothing against the people; it's that Word that they hate. It's against their tradition. Just as when You were here on earth, You was the Word, and You were against their traditions; and they threw You out of their churches, everywhere.
313 And now, Lord, there is no cooperation, nowhere. Trying even to get into South Africa, where I know there is some souls there yet waiting. Every place, and look like they won't receive me, Lord. Not because of me, Lord; it's because of this Message. But, You said it would be this way, and You've made it known to us so we wouldn't be discouraged. We know the hour we're living.
314God, these people have set here this morning, in this hot, baking room here. They've listened close. They see now, I'm sure. If they don't, reveal it to them, Lord, why that You wouldn't permit me to take those Trumpets. I see it has nothing to do with us. Right at that Sixth Trumpet, it all happened, and we've done seen the Sixth Seal open. And we seen a vision here, two weeks ago, of the preview of the Bride and the church, as I've told it here. Just as You showed me, Lord, I told it. Here we are. It may be later than we think.
315 O Father, if there's a person here this morning, that--that just taken some superstition, some theological influence, or some theologian's word which is contrary to the Word of God! And they don't know the real Christ, the real Holy Spirit. It isn't revealed to them, the Word, yet, how the Word is to be in this day. They only see a tradition. They living in a--a Light that's blinding. Like the greatest robbery that was ever done in the world, was in England, it was done by a false light. And the greatest robbery Your church has ever had, has been when they taken a denominational light and refused the genuine Light of the Bible, the Christ.
316O God, be merciful! Save the lost, Lord. Please, I ask just a little while longer, Jesus. We got loved ones. Just a little while longer. Soon that great Rock will be hewed out of the mountain. Grant, Lord, if any is here this morning without You, may they come just now, sweetly, and receive You.
317 While we have our heads bowed. If you'd raise your hand, say, "Remember me, Brother Branham." We have no... The altars and things are filled up. God bless you. Just say, "Remember me." God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. Just literally hundreds of hands!
318 Father, God, there is a little shadow somewhere. Take it away, Lord. They set here in this room. Don't... Satan might have blinded their eyes, in times passed, but I pray that You'll wink at that, as You did to us in many days ago. But now that You call us all to sight... The Bible said that they were blind. They didn't know it. Said, "I counsel thee to buy of Me eyesalve." God, use the salve this morning upon their eyes, that they might see. Yet it be humble, in a bunch of humble people; and humble, uneducated, and so forth, but yet that's the way it was at the beginning. Grant it, Lord, that they'll receive It just now. I give them to Thee, in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus.
319And You said, "He that heareth My Word." And I'm sure, Lord, the best of my knowledge, they've heard It. "And believeth on Him that sent Me," not make-believe, but really believes, and believes what the Word has said. "Has everlasting Life, and shall not come to the Judgment; but is passed from death to Life." John 5:24.
320Grant, Lord, that they'll be Yours, from this hour on. If there is a wonder in their mind, take it away. If there's a sick person in our midst, let the great Holy Spirit, Lord,... Which, I know there is; and revealing the thoughts, standing here on the platform. They know all about it. I pray that You'll heal them, Lord. Settle all the questions.
321 The pool will be open to those who have never been immersed in the Name of Jesus Christ, taking the Name of the Bridegroom. They got a denominational, ecclesiastical; no one was ever baptized in that titles of "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," or sprinkled; and these traditional things that belongs to churches of this age, anti-Christ movement, image of the beast. Nobody was ever baptized in the name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," till the Catholic church. All the Bible, and all the history, afterwards, says they were baptized in the Name of Jesus.
322Paul said, in Galatians 8:1, "If even an Angel from Heaven comes and preaches any other Gospel, let him be cursed." And You commanded those people who had been baptized under John, the same one that baptized Jesus, to come and be rebaptized again in the Name of Jesus Christ, in Acts 19. And said, "Don't even let an Angel tell you anything else."
323 There will come a messenger in the last day, will guide the people back to the firstfruit, back to the original Faith. Grant it, Lord, that that great Messenger among us now, the great Christ, the Holy Spirit made vivid, made understanding, opening up the Word and revealing It to us, may He guide them back to the original, pentecostal Faith. Like Peter said, on the Day of Pentecost, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin." And it was forever that way, to every person, until the Roman church at Nicaea.
324God, be merciful now. The pool will be ready; the hearts open. Come in, Lord Jesus. We're in the last hours. If there is possibility, Lord, of them coming in at this hour; which, I hope and trust that there is. And we who are in, Lord, may we take inventory now, that we have seen and heard the Voice of God speaking through His Word, and we know what hour we're living. Grant it, Father. We commit them to Thee, in the Name of Thy Son.
325Now with our heads bowed.
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
Calling for you...