Všímam si, ako sme tu čítali, že tento anjel zostúpil z neba a mal v ruke kľúč. Myslím, že to je Zjavenie 13 alebo 19, znovu tam nachádzame, že prichádza iný anjel s kľúčom. A kľúč je, ten účel toho kľúča je niečo odomknúť. Niečo bolo zamknuté alebo by malo byť zamknuté. Nato je ten kľúč daný. A existuje veľa druhov kľúčov, lebo ich rôznym spôsobom využívame. Sú kľúče ku skladom, sú kľúče k našim domom, máš kľúč k autu. Nazývame ich kľúče, a oni sú kľúče. Môžeme z nich mnohokrát vytvoriť kópie. Alebo k tomu sa dajú spraviť, čomu hovoríme, hlavný alebo šperhák. Inými slovami, je to kľúč, ktorý má na sebe viacero záhybov, ktoré keď sa otočia, dajú sa tým otvoriť takmer akékoľvek dvere. Hovorí sa tomu šperhák. Je to skeletová stavba viacerých kľúčov, dá sa s ním odomknúť dom alebo auto a dá sa aj skopírovať. A potom je...
Žiaden kľúč nemôže otvoriť dvere, pokiaľ ho neriadi nejaká ruka. Niečo musí použiť ten kľúč. Ten kľúč nevie použiť sám seba. Ten kľúč sa musí niečomu oddať. Je to ako tento mikrofón, do ktorého hovorím. Ten mikrofón je sám o sebe nemý. Pokiaľ do neho nie je hovorené, on nemôže hovoriť sám od seba. Musí mať niečo, čo cez neho hovorí. Čiže nejde o ten mikrofón, ide o ten hlas, ktorý je za tým mikrofónom a prenáša zvukové vlny do vašich uší. A tak to je aj s kázaním Evanjelia. Nie je to o nás samých, ako kazateľoch, my nie sme Evanjelium. My sme len vysielačmi, ktoré prenášajú hlas Boží k počujúcim skrze naše ľudské pôsobenie.
1Je to privilégium byť tu v modlitebni! Aj pre mňa je to trochu nečakané. Vždy, ak som niekde nablízku a koná sa večer komúnia, vždy prídem na komúniu. Lebo je to… Myslím, že každý Kresťan by sa mal tešiť na komúniu a mal by sa jej zúčastňovať, lebo Ježiš povedal, „Ak to nejete, nemáte so Mnou dielu.“ Preto je to vždy veľká výsada prísť do tejto Modlitebne. Dnes večer brat Neville povedal, že je trochu zachrípnutý a že či by som nemohol ja hovoriť k zhromaždeniu. Povedal som mu, že veľmi rád. Tiež by som chcel oznámiť, že...
2Zajtra večer je bratské stretnutie, stretnutie dôverníkov a obchodníkov tu v cirkvi, pravidelné stretnutie v pondelok večer a ich… treba rozhodnúť pár vecí s dodávateľom. Hádam asi všetci viete, že naše papiere boli schválené a budeme tu môcť postaviť modlitebňu. Takže už to prešlo a začne sa to asi niekedy budúci týždeň. Budova sa začne stavať tento týždeň, pokiaľ viem. Tu v Jeffersonville nám to zamietli, tak sme išli do štátneho úradu v Indianapolis a tam nám dali dovolenie, takže budeme môcť stavať. Takže hádam sa to začne tento týždeň. Zajtra večer sa o tom na stretnutí rozhodne. A tak, ak sa to ešte po zajtrajšom zhromaždení nezačne, keby náhodou dodávateľ nemohol alebo podobne, začne sa to ten nasledujúci týždeň.
3A tento nadchádzajúci víkend, v sobotu večer, nedeľu ráno a nedeľu večer budúci týždeň, budúcu sobotu a nedeľu, ak Pán dá, chcem mať trojité zhromaždenie, podobne ako pred pár týždňami. A potom ako… To bude v sobotu večer, potom nasledujúcu nedeľu ráno a znovu v nedeľu večer. To by malo byť 13. a 14. tohto mesiaca.
Potom idem s niekoľkými bratmi preč do Colorada na poľovačku. Potom sa vrátime do modlitebne a keď to bude hotové, ak Pán dá, chcel by som vziať asi jeden celý týždeň pred tým, ako znovu odídem na zhromaždenia, a kázať na Zjavenie Siedmich Pečatí. Tesne pred tým, ako… Rovnako, ako sme mali Sedem Cirkevných Vekov, za tým nasleduje Sedem Pečatí.
Asi v najbližších dvoch alebo troch týždňoch, myslím, že tak to hovorili tí, ktorí to budú stavať, že modlitebňa by mala byť hotová asi do desiatich alebo pätnástich dní, tak nejako. Budeme tam mať miesto na sedenie asi pre raz toľko ľudí, ako máme teraz, možno dva-tri krát viac ľudí. Na to som naozaj čakal.
4Lebo viete, minulú sobotu a nedeľu, bolo to hrozné. Ľudia tam vonku stáli o druhej popoludní, aby si našli miesto v modlitebni ešte pred tým, ako sa otvorila. Nasledujúce ráno o piatej, jedna zdravotná sestra žije hneď vedľa mňa, tak prišla a povedala, „Ľudia sa začali zhromažďovať v modlitebni o piatej ráno.“ A potom, keď sa tam neskôr ľudia dostali, nezostalo tam už miesto, tak boli znechutení a odišli. A potom tí, ktorí zostali stáť, sa natlačili do uličiek, tak sme boli naozaj natlačení. A videl som, ako tam stáli ženy a potili sa, viete, len to z nich lialo. Potom nejaký muž uvoľnil nejakej žene stoličku, tak celý čas stál, až ho nohy boleli, a niekto iný mu potom dal stoličku. A viete, nie je to veľmi príjemné, keď to tak musí byť, sú tam matky s chorými deťmi a podobne, je to zlé.
5A tak, chceme sa tomuto vyhnúť, tým, že postavíme väčšiu modlitebňu. A budeme mať príjemnú miestnosť, kde sa budú môcť deti zhromažďovať, kde môžu plakať a nevyrušovať; matky tam budú môcť ísť a stále počúvať zhromaždenie, bude sa im to vysielať priamo tam. Miestnosti pre nedeľnú školu tam budú tiež usporiadané, tak, ako by to malo byť. A tak, ak Pán dá, malo by sa to uskutočniť tento nasledujúci týždeň.
6Všetci do jedného ste hlasovali za, takže o to sme sa postarali. Cirkev je suverénna. To, čo hovorí cirkev, tak by to malo byť. Dôverníci a všetci ostatní… Dôverníci, to je len jeden človek, jeden hlas. Pastor je len jeden hlas. Ale je to cirkev, ktorá… je to demokracia cirkvi, suverénnosť cirkvi. Cirkev hovorí ako celok. Tak to je. A máme to radi, lebo nemáme žiadnych biskupov, hierarchie alebo dozorcov, ktorí by nám povedali, ako bude toto alebo tamto. Je to Duch Svätý v cirkvi, ktorý o tom hovorí. A mám rád to pravidlo, je to v poriadku.
7A opýtal som sa, „Chcete počkať, kým budeme mať dosť na to, aby sme odsťahovali túto modlitebňu preč a postavili väčšiu budovu?“ To mal na starosti výbor dôverníkov, ale nemohli to vybaviť. A tak sa opýtali mňa, ako všeobecného dozorcu, aby som prišiel a opýtal sa publika. A tak som povedal, „Máme dosť peňazí na to, aby sme zväčšili zbor a napravili všetky tieto veci, čo sme tu mali.“ Povedal som, „Čiže môžeme to urobiť hneď teraz alebo ešte šetriť a počkať, kým budeme mať dosť na to, aby sme od základu postavili inú budovu, úplne inde.“
Tak sme dali publiku hlasovať a jednomyseľne sa prišlo k tomu, aby sme hneď postavili nový zbor. A tak sme zostali rovno s tým.
8A náš výbor tu v Jeffersonville to neschválil, povedal, že sa to nedá. Tak sme radšej išli do Indianapolis a dostali sme do toho štát. Odkázali nám, že máme zelenú a máme právo to postaviť. Čiže teraz s tým mesto už nemá nič spoločné, lebo štát nám to schválil. Tým pádom máme teraz povolenie a dodávateľ už je pripravený, myslím, že sú hotoví začať kedykoľvek.
Zajtra večer, ak dodávateľ povie, že chce začať budúci týždeň, potom vynecháme zhromaždenia až do Siedmich Pečatí. A ak nebude môcť začať budúci týždeň, potom budeme mať zhromaždenie budúcu nedeľu, sobotu a nedeľu pred tým, ako odídem.
Najprv som to mal mať túto nedeľu, ale potom som zistil, že je večer komúnie, tak som to na dnes vynechal. Lebo v takom veľkom dave sa tu komúnia nedá brať veľmi pohodlne, keď budeme mať väčšiu budovu, tak sa to bude dať.
9No, budeme mať nového prezidenta... Ó, viete, čo mám na mysli. Nedávno rodina Hickersonových dostala nového člena. Naša sestra, ktorá tu hrá na klavíri, by mohla prísť a zahrať melódiu „Prineste maličkých,“ ak môžeš, alebo nejakú pieseň takého typu. Tento malý chlapec od Hickersonovcov, ktorého tak dlho očakávali, nakoniec prišiel. Veľmi príjemný chlapec a istotne je to poklad pre Hickersonových. Oni sú všetci pre nás pokladmi, milujeme ich a sú skutočne naším bratom a sestrou. Sme vďační, že sa im do rodiny narodil tento maličký, čo urobilo skutočný prevrat v ich rodine. Poprosil by som, aby teraz otec a matka priniesli svojho maličkého na zasvätenie. Ako Písmo hovorí, „Priniesli k Nemu deti, nemluvňatá, aby na nich vzkladal Svoje ruky a požehnal ich.“
10Viete, sú na svete ľudia, ktorí veria v niečo, čomu hovoria „krst nemluvniat.“ Ide o to, že vezmú tieto novonarodené deti a vôbec ich nepokrstia, len ich pokropia vodou. Pričom nikde v Biblii nenachádzame, žeby niekto niekedy kropil dospelých, nieto ešte deti.
Čiže krst je vyznaním vnútorného skutku milosti, ktorý bol vykonaný. A tieto malé nemluvňatá nemajú žiadne poňatie o hriechu. Preto, keď Ježiš zomrel na kríži, On zomrel, aby sňal hriech sveta. A keď sa to bábätko stáva ľudskou bytosťou a je narodené do tohto sveta, ono nemá na sebe žiaden hriech, preto tam nie je z čoho činiť pokánie. Ale potom, keď tá Krv Ježiša Krista odníma hriech… Samozrejme, to dieťa je narodené v hriechu, splodené v neprávosti, prichádza na svet hovoriace lož a je od prirodzenosti hriešnikom, ale Krv Ježiša Krista koná za neho zmierenie. Ale keď sa to dieťa dostáva do veku zodpovednosti, kedy už vie, čo je správne a čo nie, potom musí činiť pokánie z toho, čo urobilo. Teraz to už je skutočný hriech, rovnako, ako je narodené v hriechu, je to ľudský hriech, ten hriech je teraz presne tým istým hriechom, ktorý spáchali Adam s Evou; a to im Boh odpustil skrze Krv Ježiša Krista. Ale dokiaľ to dieťa nemá hriech, z ktorého by mohlo činiť pokánie, až keď hreší, potom musí činiť pokánie, vidíte. A keď činí pokánie, potom je čas dať sa pokrstiť ponorením.
11A dovtedy sa riadime podľa nariadení Biblie, ktoré hovorí, „Priniesli Ježišovi maličkých, aby na nich vzkladal ruky a požehnal ich.“ Tento drahý rodič dnes prináša svoje dieťa pastorovi a mne na posvätenie. A oni cítia, že umiestnením ho do rúk Kristovým reprezentantov ho umiestňujú do rúk samotného Krista. Potom skrze vieru prinášame toto dieťa k Bohu, vzdávame Mu vďaku za to, že ho nám sem dal, a prosíme Boha, aby ho požehnal, čomu hovoríme „posvätenie nemluvniat.“
12No, viete, ako som to robil so svojimi deťmi. Mám malú dcéru, ktorá je už teraz v sláve, a ona bola tiež zasvätená Pánovi tu na tomto oltári. Mám chlapca a dcéru, ktorí teraz sedia tam vzadu, ktorí ešte neboli pokrstení. Jedna, Sára, má jedenásť a dnes som jej hovoril o krste. Jozef má len sedem, takže je na to ešte príliš mladý, čo sa týka… Samozrejme, ak by po tom túžil a Boh by mu to kládol na srdce, neváhal by som to urobiť. Ale čo sa týka nemluvniat, len ich zasväťme Pánovi, lebo tak to učí Písmo.
13Brat Neville, poprosím ťa, aby si sem so mnou prišiel k tomuto chlapcovi. Bál som sa, ze… Je to Hollin? Hollin? Áno, mladý Hollin. Stephen Hollin. Dobre, v poriadku. Neviem, prečo som si myslel, že spí. Má takú Hickersonovskú povahu. Keď som ho nedávno videl, povedal som „prezident,“ a tak ďalej. Aj keď, samozrejme, na to je ešte príliš mladý, aby bol prezident. Zdravím ťa. No, viem, že toto by bol poklad pre akúkoľvek matku. Nemyslíte si? Veľmi zlatý. A tak, brat Hickerson a sestra Hickersonová, ako služobník Kristov, ako váš pastor, vierou beriem toto dieťa do rúk Ježiša Krista, do ktorého rúk ste sa ho rozhodli vložiť.
14Skloňme svoje hlavy, ako tu pastor a ja stojíme s rukami na tomto dieťati.
Náš nebeský Otče, v Biblii k Tebe prinášali malé deti, aby si na nich vzkladal ruky a požehnal ich. A oni, Pane, boli skutočne požehnané. A aby sme sa teraz riadili podľa Tvojho príkladu, podľa tých vecí, ktoré si urobil, my sme sa, Pane, snažili pozorne čítať Bibliu a nasledovať príklady, ktoré si Ty priniesol. A tento otec a matka, brat a sestra Hickersonoví, naši milovaní učeníci tu v modlitebni, tu k nám priniesli kúsok tej radosti, ktorú si dal do ich opatery. Všetko to prichádza od Teba, Pane. Ty si im dal toto dieťa. A oni majú teraz tú túžbu odovzdať ten malý život Tebe, aby bol na Tvoju službu. Modlím sa, aby si požehnal toto dieťa, aby si mu dal dlhý život. Pokiaľ je to možné, nech ešte žije, aby uvidel príchod Pánov. Modlím sa, aby si ho požehnal, kdekoľvek bude. Nech je vychovaný v kresťanskom domove, rovnako, ako sa do neho aj narodil. A nech to všetko len pokračuje v tomto dome. Ak je to možné, nech sa jeho otec a matka dožijú toho, že ho uvidia za kazateľňou, ako káže Evanjelium. Oni by ho, Otče, radšej videli tam ako na stolici v Bielom Dome alebo kdekoľvek inde, lebo oni sú Tvoji služobníci a túžia, aby bol život toho dieťaťa na posvätenie a blaho práce Božej.
A teraz sa, Otče, modlím, aby si požehnal toto dieťa. Nech na neho zostúpi milosť Božia a nech je zdravý a šťastný po celý svoj život. A opäť prosím, aby sa jeho otec a matka dožili toho, ako rastie. Požehnaj toho, ktorého požehnávame v Tvojom Mene.
15A teraz, malý Stephen Hollin Hickerson, odovzdávam ťa Ježišovi Kristovi, aby Jeho požehnania, o ktoré sme prosili, na teba zostúpili. Buď zdravý a silný, môj malý brat, a ži, aby si oslávil Boha. Prosíme o to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech vás Pán žehná.
Kde nezostarneme, nikdy nezostarneme,
v zemi, kde nikdy nezostarneme;
Nikdy nezostarneme, nikdy nezostarneme,
v zemi, kde nikdy nezostarneme.
Či to nebude nádherné? Mladí budú dospelí a starí budú opäť mladí. Či to nie je nádherné? A nikdy nebudeme chorí ani nebudeme mať smútok, nikdy nezomrieme.
16Ďalej, čo sa týka bohoslužieb, brat Neville už niečo oznámil. Ešte by som dodal ohľadom zhromaždení, nezabudnite na to, tie zhromaždenia, o ktorých hovoril. Tiež, čo sa týka pani Fordovej, ktorá k nám do zboru pred rokmi zvykla chodiť, pred pár dňami som ju odviezol k jej dcére, má asi osemdesiat rokov. A asi, myslím, že o ôsmej včera večer sa odišla stretnúť s Pánom. Takže zhromaždenie s jej pohrebom budeme mať na starosti pastor a ja, v modlitebni v Coots, v stredu asi o 10:30, túto najbližšiu stredu. Pani Fordová, pani… tuším som zabudol, ako sa presne volala… Levi, pani Levi Fordová. To bola matka Lloyda Forda, ktorého môžete vidieť v mojej knihe, ktorý mi zachránil ten skautský oblek, keď mi zostala len jedna nohavica. To je matka toho chlapca. Nedávno som ju odviezol a pomodlil sa s ňou, vyzerala zúbožene. Išla sa teda stretnúť s Pánom Ježišom.
17A ak Pán dá, mal som tu niečo, čo som plánoval oznámiť počas zhromaždení, ak budú na budúci týždeň, dal som ich sem, aspoň sa mi tak zdalo, o čom som mal hovoriť na nadchádzajúcom zhromaždení budúci týždeň. Ak by… Zdalo sa mi, že som to dal do tejto knihy, neviem, či naozaj alebo nie. Áno, tu to je. Ak Pán dá, v sobotu večer chcem kázať na tému „Prečo jeden človek ovplyvňuje život druhého.“ A v nedeľu by som chcel kázať na „Zavŕšenie pyramídy.“ A v nedeľu večer by som chcel kázať na tému „Môj Vodca,“ téma je „Môj Vodca,“ na najbližšiu nedeľu večer. Nech Pán požehná tieto veci a pomôže mi a dodá trochu kontextu, aby som v tom pokračoval.
18Čiže, chcel by som sa dnes poponáhľať, mám tu pár vecí. Mimochodom, mám tu list, ktorý prišiel poštou, Billy to pred chvíľou vyzdvihol, že nejakí bratia sú v Michigane. Toto prišlo zo spoločnosti kazateľov, ktorá má viacero vecí. A viete, tam sa to väčšinou zamieša. Jedni tam tvrdia, že nejakí bratia povedali, že som ich tam poslal, a oni tam kážu o tom, že muži by mali opustiť svoje ženy a hľadať svojich duchovných partnerov, tiež že ja som dokonale neomylný. A že nie je nič, čo by… Ó, jedni z najhorších vecí, ktoré by ste kedy mohli počuť. A tá kazateľská spoločnosť sa toho zmocnila a napísali mi o tom list, že vraj som ich tam poslal a spôsobilo to dosť zmätku. Niektorí z nich prorokujú, že muž by mal opustiť svoju ženu a oženiť sa s inou. Tento zbor veľmi dobre vie, že my nestojíme za takými hlúposťami.
Veríme v Bibliu. Veríme, že keď si muž berie ženu, je to jeho manželka a jedine smrť ich môže rozdeliť. Len to jediné. Neveríme v nič také, rovnako, ako neveríme vo voľnú lásku. V nič také. Veríme, že Biblia je absolut a len to jediné. Takže si len urobím kópiu tohto listu, pridám k tomu svoju odpoveď a dám to do časopisov, tým to bude vybavené. Dúfam, že im to nejakým spôsobom dá odpoveď.
19No, prehovorme s naším Pánom pred tým, ako otvoríme Písmo.
Náš Nebeský Otec, pristupujeme k Tvojmu trónu milosti v Mene Pána Ježiša, toho veľkého, ktorý zostúpil zo slávy, aby pred nami odvinul bohatstvá pokladov Božích. Ako Ti len ďakujeme za tohto veľkého Ježiša, ktorý bol manifestáciou Božou, dal sa nám osobne poznať a skrze Neho máme vykúpenie z našich hriechov. Lebo je o Ňom napísané, že povedal, „Ten, ktorý počuje Moje slová a verí v Toho, ktorý ma poslal, ten má večný život; a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“
20Požehnaj dnes Svoje Slová, Pane. A sme tu, aby sme sa čoskoro zúčastnili komúnie. Kresťania, spoluobčania kráľovstva, sa zhromaždia okolo oltáru a zúčastnia sa toho, čomu my hovoríme „komúnia,“ ten malý sviatočný symbol, ktorý si nám zanechal, aby sme ukázali, že veríme, že si zomrel za naše hriechy a znovu si povstal na tretí deň a žiješ na veky vekov. Budeme to robiť, až kým sa nevrátiš presne podľa Písma, ako si nám to prikázal. Posväť naše srdcia od zlých myšlienok a od všetkého, čo sme urobili, čo bolo v protiklade s Tvojou vôľou. Otče, odpusť nám a daj nám dnes večer z Tvojej milosti. Lám pre nás chlieb života v Slove, ako Ho budeme čítať a hovoriť o Ňom. V Mene Pána Ježiša to prosíme. Amen.
21Takže, v knihe Zjavenia, prečítam len jeden verš, chcel by som prečítať 20. verš alebo skôr 1. verš dvadsiatej kapitoly.
A videl som anjela, zostupujúceho z neba, ktorý mal kľúč od priepasti a na svojej ruke veľkú reťaz.
No, chcel by som hovoriť, ak sa dá z toho vybrať nejaká téma, alebo vytiahnuť nejaký kontext, len na dvadsať-dvadsaťpäť minút, chcel by som to nazvať „Kľúč ku Dverám.“ No, nemyslím to vo význame „kľúče“ ako v množnom čísle, lebo Petrovi boli dané kľúče do kráľovstva. Ale chcel by som to nazvať: „Kľúč ku Dverám.“ A hneď vzápätí by som chcel spomenúť pár myšlienok o komúnii, pred tým, ako ju dnes večer budeme mať.
22Čiže, kľúč. Všímam si, ako sme tu čítali, že tento anjel zostúpil z neba a mal v ruke kľúč. Myslím, že to je Zjavenie 13 alebo 19, znovu tam nachádzame, že prichádza iný anjel s kľúčom. A kľúč je, ten účel toho kľúča je niečo odomknúť. Niečo bolo zamknuté alebo by malo byť zamknuté. Nato je ten kľúč daný.
A existuje veľa druhov kľúčov, lebo ich rôznym spôsobom využívame. Sú kľúče ku skladom, sú kľúče k našim domom, máš kľúč k autu. Nazývame ich kľúče, a oni sú kľúče. Môžeme z nich mnohokrát vytvoriť kópie. Alebo k tomu sa dajú spraviť, čomu hovoríme, hlavný alebo šperhák. Inými slovami, je to kľúč, ktorý má na sebe viacero záhybov, ktoré keď sa otočia, dajú sa tým otvoriť takmer akékoľvek dvere. Hovorí sa tomu šperhák. Je to skeletová stavba viacerých kľúčov, dá sa s ním odomknúť dom alebo auto a dá sa aj skopírovať. A potom je...
23Žiaden kľúč nemôže otvoriť dvere, pokiaľ ho neriadi nejaká ruka. Niečo musí použiť ten kľúč. Ten kľúč nevie použiť sám seba. Ten kľúč sa musí niečomu oddať.
Je to ako tento mikrofón, do ktorého hovorím. Ten mikrofón je sám o sebe nemý. Pokiaľ do neho nie je hovorené, on nemôže hovoriť sám od seba. Musí mať niečo, čo cez neho hovorí. Čiže nejde o ten mikrofón, ide o ten hlas, ktorý je za tým mikrofónom a prenáša zvukové vlny do vašich uší.
A tak to je aj s kázaním Evanjelia. Nie je to o nás samých, ako kazateľoch, my nie sme Evanjelium. My sme len vysielačmi, ktoré prenášajú hlas Boží k počujúcim skrze naše ľudské pôsobenie.
24Rovnako je to aj s videním. Čo sa videnia týka, ja neviem, čo mám teraz cirkvi povedať. Ale ak mi Duch Svätý pred tým ukáže videnie, potom prenesiem to videnie tomu, ktorému je to smerované. Čiže to nie som ja, ja nie som to videnie. Je to Boh, ktorý mi dáva to videnie a ja len konám ako prenášač, ktorý prináša toto posolstvo videnia ľuďom.
Tak isto to je aj s tým kľúčom. (Prepáčte.) Ten kľúč má byť len v ruke, ktorá ním otvára dvere. Vidíte, musí to byť nejaká ruka. A ten kľúč, o ktorom budem dnes večer hovoriť, môže držať len jedna ruka, a to je ruka viery. To je tá jediná vec, ktorá môže držať tento kľúč. Iné kľúče môžu používať ostatné ruky, ale na túto je potrebná len táto ruka.
25No, vezmime si napríklad kľúč ku známosti. No, ak si chce človek nahromadiť známosť, potrebuje na to kľúč. Je určitý spôsob, ako tento človek musí otvoriť dvere. Musí si zohnať knihy a učiť sa a nemôže… nikto ho nemôže naučiť. Môžu ho vyučovať, ale len on sa musí učiť. A ten jediný spôsob, ako sa to môže stať, je, že on musí zachytiť ten kľúč – niečo, čo mu odhalí a zjaví tie vedomosti, ktoré hľadá.
Tiež sú ľudia, ktorí by radi vyskúšali hrať na klavíri alebo nejakom hudobnom nástroji. Oni jednoducho nevedia, ako sa to robí, a mohli by aj chodiť za učiteľom, lekciu za lekciou, ale stále by sa to nikdy nenaučili. Jednoducho sa nevedia zmocniť toho kľúča k tomu tajomstvu, ako funguje rytmus, ako znie ladenie a ako to všetko spolu sedí. Treba na to určitý kľúč.
26Takisto matematika, je určitý kľúč ku matematike, musíte tomu prísť na kĺb. Videl som ľudí, ktorí si vedeli vziať štyri riadky čísel, položiť prst na každý jeden riadok, prejsť takto asi päť alebo šesť riadkov a dolu napísať odpoveď. Vypočítať štyri riadky naraz, v číslach od jedna do deväť. Ja mám problém poradiť si s jedným riadkom, zdá sa mi, že nemám dosť prstov na to, aby som to všetko vedel spočítať. Nikdy som nevedel nájsť ten kľúč. Ale vidíte, niektorí to jednoducho majú a vedia, ako na to.
A existuje kľúč ku vedomosti, pre človeka, ktorý chce vedomosť. Existuje kľúč k vede, k vedeckým výskumom. No, to je skvelý kľúč. Ľudia ten kľúč hľadajú.
27Ako aj tu nedávno našli nejaký atóm a vedeli, že existujú atómy a potom tie atómy formujú molekuly, a tak ďalej. A keď tak ďalej bádali, niekto bol toho názoru, že ak ten atóm držal všetko pohromade, že ak by sa obrátil, to by vzalo to, čo je vnútri, a rozštiepilo by sa to. Lebo všetko je spolu držané atómami, vieme to. No, tamten stĺp je držaný atómami. Vy držíte pokope atómami. Tráva, stromy, všetko je držané atómami. Nuž, a ak by sa ten atóm prevrátil, ak sa dokáže rozštiepiť a otočiť, potom ničí. Veľkí vedci veria, že to je možné, tak pracovali a pracovali, sedeli nad tým hodinu za hodinou, týždeň za týždňom, rok za rokom, až na to prišli.
28Myslím, že to bol Thomas Edison so svojou žiarovkou, hovoria, že ten človek mal toľko vedomostí, že dokázal rozsvietiť elektrinu. On bol vynálezcom žiarovky. Ledva chodieval spať do postele. Len si zobral do ruky rožok, vzal si so sebou jedlo, pričom stále sedel a pracoval, snažiac sa na to prísť. Niekde vzadu v jeho mysli mu niečo hovorilo, že to dokáže. Čo to bolo? Bol to kľúč, ktorý vedel otvoriť cestu.
29Pred nie mnohými rokmi bol jeden človek, ktorý veril, že má talent písať komiksy. Veril, že v ruke držal kľúč. A chcel… Žil v Kansase. Išiel k redaktorovi jedných veľkých novín v Kansas City, ktorý sa pozrel na niektoré z jeho diel. A ten redaktor povedal, „Pane, vy to jednoducho nemáte v sebe. Nemusíte sa ani snažiť, nedokážete to.“ Ale to ho neuspokojilo. On vedel, že to má. A tak sa znovu a znovu vracal, ďalej sa snažil, ale ten redaktor ho zakaždým odmietol.
Nakoniec išiel na ďalšie miesta, ale tam ho tiež odmietli, hovoriac, „Pane, nemáte na to. Nedokážete to.“ Ale on jednako veril, že je toho schopný. To bolo to, on mal niečo v ruke. Nakoniec dostal prácu napísať nejaký scenár, myslím, že nejaký hlavný redakčný článok pre akúsi cirkev, nejaký komiks pre cirkev. A prenajal si nejakú garáž a tá bola plná myší a potkanov, len sa to tam hemžilo myšami, boli všade, aj na obliečkach, a vtedy si na jednej z tých myší všimol niečo zvláštne. A tam sa zrodil príbeh Mickey Mousa. Teraz je ten človek multimilionár, je to Walt Disney. Prečo? On mal niečo vo svojej ruke, vedel, že to drží a že to dokáže. Takýmto spôsobom sa rodil každý veľký úspech. Keď majú muži a ženy vo svojej ruke niečo, čo im hovorí, že to dokážu.
30Keď zasiahla krajinu obrna. Teraz sme všetci povinní dať sa očkovať, aby sa to zlikvidovalo. Keď obrna zasiahla… Včera som počúval jedného doktora, ako som išiel dolu cestou, nejaký doktor z Louisville. On povedal, „Pred pár rokmi, keď ten veľký mor zasiahol Louisville,“ povedal, „ľudia tam len stáli ako ja, videli sme päťdesiatsedem respirátorov naraz, boli tam muži, ženy, chlapci, dievčatá, všetci paralyzovaní touto chorobou zvanou ‚obrna‘, a nedalo sa s tým absolútne nič robiť.“ Povedal, „Už nikdy nechcem nič také vidieť.“
Ale veda si myslela, „Ak existuje také zlo, ako je obrna, určite musí existovať niečo, čo funguje proti tomu.“ Oni bojovali, stáli na uliciach s topánkami, tí hasiči, vyťahovali klobúky a žobrali, robili, čokoľvek sa dalo, snažili sa nájsť ten kľúč, aby otvorili dvere slobody. Nakoniec jeden kresťanský muž menom Salk našiel vakcínu. Prečo? Išlo o zlo a o smrť; niekde sa nachádzal kľúč, ktorý vedel znovu odomknúť slobodu pre ľudí, a Salkova vakcína bola tým veľkým liekom. Ó, čo ten kľúč len dokáže! Bola prinesená vakcína a teraz to ničí všetku obrnu, lebo niekto sa niekedy neúnavne nevzdával, aby našiel ten kľúč, ktorý niekde ležal. Bolo niečo, čím sa dalo očkovať, a oni boli odhodlaní to nájsť.
31A keď existuje také zlo, ako je obrna, záškrt, kiahne, žltačka, tetanus, trizmus a podobne, a tá veda bola schopná bojovať dňom i nocou, až kým nenašli proti tomuto zlu liek, lebo je to všetko zlo, je to zabijak, o čo viac existuje kľúč pre spasenie človeka, ktorý je zajatý vo väzení hriechu? K tým dverám existuje kľúč, aby oslobodil ľudí.
Väčšinou, keď nájdete kľúč, ktorý vie ku niečomu otvoriť dvere, musí to byť nejaký poklad, niečo hodnotné, inak by ste to nezamykali. Ak to nestojí za to, aby ste to zamykali, len to necháte tak. Ale keď to je niečo hodnotné, to už je iná vec! Takže kľúč je väčšinou spôsob ku niečomu, čo je hodnotné. To je to, na čo je ten kľúč, aby odomkol niečo, čo je hodnotné.
32V Jánovi 10. kapitole Ježiš povedal, „Ja som dvere do ovčinca. Ja som tie dvere (nie nejaké dvere, tie dvere), tie jediné dvere. Ja som cesta, tá jediná cesta, pravda a život a nikto nemôže prísť ku Otcovi, len skrze Mňa. Ja som dvere do ovčinca a všetci, ktorí prichádzajú predo Mnou, sú nepriatelia, zlodeji a lúpežníci.“ On je dverami do ovčinca. On je dverami do spasenia.
„Nie je žiadne iné meno pod nebom, cez ktoré by ste mohli byť spasení, len skrze Meno Ježiša Krista.“ Žiadna cirkev, žiadna denominácia, žiadne vyznanie, žiadne náuky o ničom; len skrze Ježišovo Meno. To je ten kľúč. Niet sa čo diviť, že Pavol jeden taký kľúč použil na Letnice! Oni chceli vedieť, ako sa do tých dverí dostať. On ten kľúč použil. A existuje len jeden kľúč, lebo sú len jedny dvere. „Ja som tie dvere.“ A Peter mal ku nim kľúč. A on povedal, „Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás, a buďte pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov a príjmete poklady Božie.“ Je to kľúč k dverám a Ježiš je tými dverami.
33Sú len jedny dvere k uzdraveniu a Ježiš je tými dverami.
Sú len jedny dvere k pokoju. „Môj pokoj vám dávam.“ On je tými jedinými dverami do skutočného pokoja. Môžete si myslieť, že máte pokoj. Môžete si nahromadiť dosť peňazí na to, aby ste si mohli kúpiť dom, mohli by ste nahromadiť dosť peňazí na to, aby ste kúpili deťom oblečenie, mať jedlo na jedenie. Môžete si nahromadiť popularitu a byť slávnymi medzi ľuďmi. Ale keď si večer vyzujete topánky a pripravujete sa na odpočinok, je len jediná vec, ktorá vám môže dať pokoj. A to je to, že aj keby ste vedeli, že v tú noc máte zomrieť, je len jediný pokoj, a tým je Ježiš. On je naším pokojom.
On je naším uzdravením. „Ja som Pán, tvoj Boh, a uzdravujem všetky tvoje choroby.“
On je dverami do neba. A nie sú žiadne iné dvere ani žiaden iný spôsob, len skrze Ježiša Krista. On je dverami do neba.
A tak, Ježiš je dverami do všetkého tohto a viera je tým kľúčom, ktorý odomyká tie dvere. Čiže ak Ježiš je tými dverami do všetkých týchto zasľúbení Božích, viera v Jeho dokonalé dielo odomyká každé dvere do každého pokladu, ktorý sa nachádza v kráľovstve Božom. Vidíte to? Kľúč je… Viera je kľúčom, ktorý odomyká každé zasľúbenie, ktoré On dáva. Kľúč viery to robí, viery v Jeho dokonalé dielo. Toto sú tie kľúče, o ktorých hovoríme.
34V Židom, v 11. kapitole, mám tu vypísaný zoznam týchto hrdinov viery. Bol to ten kľúč k dverám, ktorý zastavil tie levie tlamy. Bol to kľúč viery, ktorý odomkol dvere väzenia. Bola to viera, kľúč viery, ktorý zahasil násilie ohňa, unikol ostriu meča a priviedol mŕtvych späť do života. Bola to viera, kľúč viery v živého Boha. Tá ruka, ten muž, tá žena, ktorí dokážu vziať ten kľúč viery a odomknúť každé zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh činí. Ale ak nemáte ten kľúč, tak len tápete a nikdy to neodomknete. Budete do toho len búchať, lebo tento kľúč…
Akýkoľvek správne vyrobený kľúč, ktorý má v sebe určitý výrez, vždy to má určitý tvar a formu, ktorá obráti tými páčkami. A čo i len malý rozdiel medzi tými páčkami to môže celé pokaziť.
35Preto verím v plné Evanjelium, každé Slovo Božie, ktoré uvoľňuje moc Božiu, ktorá prináša ľuďom Jeho zasľúbenia. Je to kľúč ku dverám, ktorý to odomyká. Ó, tí veľkí hrdinovia, tí proroci a veľkí muži Biblie, ktorí mali ten kľúč! To je ten dôvod, prečo to umlčalo tlamy levov, uhasilo násilie ohňa, uniklo ostriu meča a priviedlo mŕtvych späť do života a vykonalo všetky tieto zázraky, je preto, že oni držali ten kľúč a vedeli, že funguje, lebo to bol kľúč zrodený z Písma.
No, ak sa tam budem snažiť vložiť kľúč vyznania, ja neviem, čo to spraví. Ak povedia, „Moja cirkev vyučuje toto,“ ja o tom nič neviem.
36Ale keď to vyučuje samotná Biblia a ja držím vo svojej ruke kľúč viery (alebo skôr vo svojom srdci), ktorý hovorí „To je Božie Slovo,“ to uhasí silu ohňa, odomkne to uzdravenie chorých, odomkne to spasenie pre stratených. Prišiel som ku dverám, všetko je to v Jeho Mene. „Čokoľvek činíte v slove alebo skutku, čiňte to v Jeho Mene.“ Vediac, že ten kľúč, ktorý držíte, je viera, lebo je to kľúč zrodený z Písma. Ak je to kľúč vyznania, denominačný kľúč, ja nemám tušenia, čo on vykoná. Ale ak je to kľúč Písma, on bude vedieť odomknúť, lebo Boh tak povedal. Tak, ó, niet divu, že oni vedeli zastaviť silu ohňa, a tak ďalej, oni vlastnili ten kľúč.
37Keď Boh niečo týmto prorokom odsúhlasil, nič ich nemohlo zastaviť. On to nemusel robiť ako so mnou, stále to do nich vtĺkať, možno to tak je aj s vami (dúfam, že nie), že vám len hovorí, „Choď, urob toto,“ potom sa potknete a zase, „Teraz urob toto,“ a potom, „Choď späť a urob to znovu, neurobil si to dobre.“ Len jedno malé kývnutie. Oni len mohli cítiť, ako im Duch hovorí, že to je tá správna vec, ktorú majú urobiť, a nič ich v tom nemohlo zastaviť. Brat, oni zadržali ústa levov, unikli ostriu meča, zahasili oheň, urobili všetko toto. Len jedno malé kývnutie od Boha, lebo oni držali ten kľúč vo svojej ruke, tú veľkú vieru! Oni urobili veci pre Boha, lebo nič ich v tom nemohlo zastaviť. Ó, aké chválebné!
38Ako raz ten mladý muž prišiel ku staršiemu bratovi, ktorý bol starý pobožný človek, starý prorok Boží. A on počul, ako neustále svedčí, stále hovorí o dobrote Božej a aký je Boh, kým bol Kristus, a tak ďalej. Nakoniec bol tento mladý muž ordinovaný do služby, tak prišiel k tomuto starému mudrcovi a povedal, „Pane, mám na vás otázku.“
On povedal, „Len sa spýtaj, mladík.“
On povedal, „Znamená pre vás Kristus naozaj toľko, koľko hovorí, že pre vás znamená?“
On odpovedal, „On pre mňa znamená oveľa viac, než by mi stačil dych vypovedať!“ Tu to máte. Čo to bolo? On našiel kľúč.
Ten mladý muž na to povedal, „Ak tvrdíš všetky tieto veci a hovoríš mi, že sú naozaj tak skutočné, potom aj ja chcem poznať toho istého Ježiša, v tej istej realite.“ Čo to bolo? On vedel, že ten starý muž mal v moci ten kľúč, ktorým vedel odomknúť a zamknúť.
39Viete, kľúč, ktorý zamyká, tiež odomyká. Môžete uvoľniť alebo zaviazať. Tak veru. Ten istý kľúč, ktorý zamyká, ten istý aj odomyká. Ten istý kľúč, ktorý vie odomknúť, vie aj zamknúť, rozumiete? Funguje to oboma smermi. Aká škoda to je, že cirkev stratila toto videnie! Aká smutná vec to bola, keď sa cirkev zapredala vyznaniam, ako to dnes vidíme, a teraz zvolávajú o zjednotenie.
Vidíme, ako sa teraz chce celá rímska hierarchia zhromaždiť, chcú zmeniť nejaké programy. Myslel som si, že to nebudú robiť; ale vyzerá, že aj tak budú, dajú každému kňazovi moc pápeža, bez ohľadu na to, kde je, a tak ďalej. Aká škoda, že sa cirkev takto zapredala dogmám namiesto Slova. Priamo tam nechali ten kľúč. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa dnes medzi ľuďmi nedejú tie veľké zázraky a znamenia, ako zvykli, pretože oni stratili ten kľúč! Oni poznajú dvere, vedia, že tie dvere sú tam, ale hneď za tým by mal nasledovať ten kľúč, ktorý tie dvere odomkne. Poklady ležia len za dverami. Sú zamknuté, mimo dohľadu neveriaceho. Ale veriaci, ktorý má vieru a vie si vziať kľúč viery, dokáže tie dvere odomknúť. Tak veru.
40Raz tu bol pred pár rokmi jeden misionársky brat a cítil, že má volanie ísť do Afriky. Bol to mladý človek; mal ženu, dve deti, veľmi pekné malé dievčatá, asi sedem, osem rokov obidve. A tomuto mládencovi to nedalo. Bol kazateľ, mal pekný zbor na vidieku. Ale toho volania sa nevedel zbaviť, jednoducho musel ísť do Afriky. A tak sa modlil vo dne, v noci. On sám nechcel ísť, ale Boh ku nemu stále hovoril, „Musíš ísť!“ Až sa nakoniec dostal do bodu, kde musel vyložiť karty na stôl, že predsa musí ísť!
41A tak išiel k misijnej rade svojho zboru a povedal, „Boh ma zavolal na misijné pole do džunglí v Rodézii.“ A táto džungľa je plná infekcií, malárie, horúčavy pod slnkom, moru, lepry a podobných chorôb. Všetko to bolo v tej džungli, v ktorej mal žiť po zvyšok svojho života. Predal svoj dom a všetko, čo mal. A tak tá misijná rada ho chcela vyskúšať a spýtali sa, „Si si naozaj istý?“
On povedal, „Som si istý.“
Povedali mi, „Brat, rozmýšľal si nad týmto z toho pohľadu, že máš dve pekné malé dievčatá, príjemnú mladú ženu a ty jednoducho… Prečo sa tam len nevydáš sám, uvidel by si, aké to je, a podobne, a potom by si sa vrátil?“
On povedal, „Nie, Pán ma zavolal. Ó, je to tak skutočné!“ Povedal, „Pán ma povolal. Ja nechcem opustiť svoj dom, nechcem opustiť svoj zbor a svojich ľudí, ale Pán si ma zavolal do tej džungle.“
42A oni povedal, „Uvedomuješ si, že tie malé dievčatá by mohli chytiť žltú zimnicu alebo horúčku čiernej vody a zomrieť behom dňa?“ Potom opisoval rôznych ľudí, ktorí tam prišli o deti, a museli im dávať očkovanie. A povedal, „Pomysli, že by tvoja žena mala lepru, tvoje malé dievčatá malomocné, k tomu to horúce slnko, ako to budeš môcť zniesť?“ Povedali, „Či sa nebojíš vziať svoje deti a ženu na také miesto?“
A ten misionár tam stál, ten mladý muž, slzy mu začali tiecť dolu lícami, obrátil sa a povedal, „Moji bratia! Moje videnie je Božím povolaním,“ povedal. „Ak ma Boh zavolal do Afriky, moje deti a rodina sú oveľa bezpečnejšie v Afrike ako kdekoľvek inde na svete.“ Amen. Čo to bolo? On mal kľúč ku svojmu povolaniu, mal vieru v to, o čom hovoril. Ó, pomyslel som si, čo za šľachetné vyhlásenie! Keď som to po prvýkrát počul, moje srdce poskočilo. Vidíte, „Ak ma Boh zavolal do Afriky, ak by aj moje deti boli v malomocenstve a more a v čomkoľvek inom, je im bezpečnejšie ako kdekoľvek inde na tvári zeme.“ On mal ten kľúč. To je to, čo je potrebné.
43Keď máte kľúč, nie je žiaden strach, nie je žiadna pochybnosť, žiadna otázka. Nemusíte sa na to nikoho iného pýtať, viete to presne. Máte to vo svojich rukách, viete, čo robiť. Amen. Viete, ako na tom ste, viete, že tie dvere sa otvoria. Skontrolovali ste tie záhyby a viete, že to všetko dokonale sedí, tie dvere sa jednoducho rozletia, keď do nich vložíte kľúč.
Ó, ak by len cirkev vlastnila tento kľúč! Ak by cirkev len vlastnila ten kľúč viery, mohli by sme odomknúť akékoľvek dvere, akúkoľvek chorobu, akýkoľvek mor, akýkoľvek prípad by to mohol byť. Mohlo by nám to byť odomknuté, ak by sme len vlastnili ten kľúč. Tento muž mal kľúč ku svojmu povolaniu.
44Spomeniem jedno osobné svedectvo, ak mi prepáčite. Pamätám si, ako asi pred pätnástimi alebo sedemnástimi rokmi, keď za mnou ku rieke prišiel Pán, zostúpil v tom Stĺpe Ohňa, ktorý vidíte tam na fotke a povedal, „Si poslaný na to, aby si toto posolstvo rozniesol do sveta.“
Pamätám si, že to bolo pri Green's Mill, keď mi toto povedal.
A tak som išiel a povedal to pastorovi. On na to, „Billy, čo si mal v ten deň na večeru? Toto vyzerá na nočnú moru.“ Povedal, „Choď späť do práce. Pracuješ pre spoločnosť verejných služieb, máš dobrú prácu, len sa vráť a staraj sa, o čo máš. Bola to len nočná mora. Zle si sa najedol.“ To mnou ani trochu nepohlo!
Keď som začínal so zhromaždeniami s uzdravovaním, mnohí z vás si pamätáte to ranné posolstvo, „Ako Dávid išiel stretnúť Goliáša,“ o ktorom som kázal.
45A tak mi povedali, „V tomto dni modernej vedy, kedy máme toľko lekárskych výskumov, máme tých najlepších doktorov, cirkev už dávno zabudla na Božské uzdravenie a veci spred mnohých rokov. Ako sa môžeš postaviť takému obrovi? Ako môžeš vykročiť a postaviť sa pred metodistov, baptistov, presbyteriánov, a tak ďalej, dokonca aj letničných, ktorí už na to dávno zabudli a vrátili sa k svojim vyznaniam? Ako im budeš môcť čeliť, keď nemáš za sebou žiadnu denomináciu, ktorá by ťa vôbec podporila? Čo budeš potom robiť, Bill?“ Mnou to jednako nepohlo, lebo som v ruke držal kľúč! Povedal som… On povedal, „Nikto ti neuverí. Nepodarí sa ti to. Nikto ti nebude veriť.“
Ja som povedal, „To ma nezaujíma. Jedna vec je istá: Boh ma povolal a musím ísť, lebo ma Boh povolal.“ Držal som ten kľúč. On ma zavolal, On mi ukázal, On mi povedal a ja som videl Jeho prítomnosť, keď ma On poveril. Ten kľúč bol jednoducho tam!
Pastor povedal, „Chceš mi povedať, že so svojím sedemročným školským vzdelaním budeš kázať a modliť sa pred kráľmi a vládcami?“
Povedal som, „Je to presne podľa Jeho Slova!“
46Asi o takomto čase minulý rok, alebo týždeň-dva dozadu, som prišiel tu do zboru a povedal som vám, že Pán Boh mi dal videnie, aby som išiel na poľovačku a mal som nájsť určité zviera, ktoré malo mať na sebe rohy dlhé vyše meter. A potom, ako som sa mal vracať, ako ulovím to zviera (kde malo ležať, presne v tej polohe), na ceste späť som mal zabiť strieborného grizlyho. A tak som išiel na toto určité miesto, hovoril som s jedným človekom a on povedal, „Neviem o žiadnom zvierati, ktoré by tak vyzeralo. A čo sa týka grizlyho, toho som v živote ani nevidel.“
Povedal som, „Jednako tu niekde musí byť.“
A tak on povedal, „Veď my ani nejdeme do medvedieho teritória. Ideme k ovciam, čo je ďaleko za lesmi.“ Nuž, tak som išiel s ním.
47A na druhý deň, presne na tom mieste, ako povedal Pán, ležalo zviera. A tak, keď som išiel a zobral to zviera, zatiaľ čo sme ho strhávali z kože a vyťahovali rohy, a tak ďalej, on povedal, „Mám na teba otázku. Pred tromi dňami, keď sme odchádzali z tábora, si mi povedal, že na ceste od úlovku tohto zvieraťa zabiješ strieborného grizlyho.“
Povedal som, „To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!“
On povedal, „Ja v to nepochybujem,“ povedal, „lebo môj brat bol raz epileptik, ty si ho nikdy predtým v živote nevidel, keď si sem raz prišiel, a povedal si mi, že bude uzdravený, potom, ako urobíš určitú vec, a on bol.“ Povedal, „Ale teraz, brat Branham, chcem sa ťa spýtať,“ povedal, „teraz sa pozerám na tú horu, kde sa končí hranica lesa, stoja tam kone a nič tam nie je. Nie je tam smietka trávy, ani kus skaly, vôbec nič.“ Je tam mach, ktorý je asi päť centimetrov vysoký, vyše kilometra a pol nad hranicou lesa.“ Povedal, „Kde tam môže byť nejaký medveď?“
Povedal som, „Boh je Jehova-Jireh. Ak mi povedal, že tam nejaký medveď bude, on tam musí byť.“
48Ako sme tak išli dolu horou, po asi každom pol kilometri, ako sme sa približovali, mi hovoril, „Brat Branham, už je na čase, aby sa ten medveď objavil.“
Povedal som, „Bez obáv, on tam bude.“
A keď sme sa dostali do blízkosti asi 450 metrov, kde už boli kone, museli sme si odpočinúť, keďže sme so sebou niesli tie ťažké rohy a ostatné veci na chrbtoch. A on sa znovu obzrel a videl som jeho tvár, ako sa na mňa otočil. Vyzeralo, akoby sa vo vnútri v srdci niečomu divil. Vidíte, on dúfal, že to tam bude, ale nemal ten kľúč.
Ale jednako, skrze milosť Božiu, On pri mne nikdy nezlyhal. Keď mi povedal, že tam bude strieborný medveď, mal som kľúč. Nepochyboval som v to ani trochu, vôbec. Obrátil som sa k nemu a povedal som, „Bud, bude to tam.“ A v tej chvíli, ako som sa otočil, stál rovno nad nami medveď, vyše pol kilometra nad nami.
Hodil na seba okuliare a povedal, „Billy, pomoc, je tam strieborný medveď!“
Vidíte, keď je tam kľúč, videnie, Slovo Pánovo, neexistuje nič, čo by to mohlo zmeniť alebo zastaviť. To, čo dnes cirkev potrebuje, nie je vzdelanie. Nie je to denominácia. Nie je to vyznanie. To, čo dnes cirkev potrebuje, je kľúč k dverám Písma. Ku ktorým je Kristus dverami, a On je tým Slovom. Viera v Slovo živého Boha odomyká každé dvere.
Bože, daj nám ten kľúč. Daj nám ten kľúč.
49V Židom 12. kapitole sa hovorí, „Vidiac, že sme obklopení tak veľkým oblakom svedkov, dajme nabok každé bremeno a každú ľahko obkľučujúcu neveru.“ Je tam napísané, že „hriech“, ale vieme, že je to „nevera.“ Vidíte? Existuje len jeden hriech, a to je nevera.
A „hrešiť“ znamená „minúť cieľ.“ Ako keď strieľate, miniete cieľ, musíte lepšie namieriť zbraň, lebo niečo vám nevyšlo. Netrafili ste do cieľa. Tak sa vraciate a skúšate to znova. Vidíte, to znamená obrátiť sa, keď ste minuli cieľ. Keď chcete byť Kresťanom, pričom sa hneď pridáte do cirkvi, minuli ste cieľ. Keď chcete byť kresťanom a dáte sa pofŕkať na meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, minuli ste cieľ. Radšej sa vráťte! Inak netrafíte cieľ. Rozpŕchnete sa s takou istotou, ako že existuje svet. Je len jedna vec, ktorá vás môže udržať v dokonalej línii, a to je Písmo, Biblia, Slovo. Lebo aj nebo aj zem pominú, ale Slovo Božie nikdy nepominie.
A tak držte kľúč, vieru v Slovo! A každý kúsok viery, ktorý veríte, a nepochybujete ani trochu, to vám stačí na to, aby ste odomkli každé dvere, ktoré stoja pred vami, a tým požehnaniam, ktoré pre vás Boh má. Nech nám Boh pomôže mať tento kľúč, to je moja modlitba. Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy a modlime sa.
50Náš Nebeský Otče, ďakujeme Ti dnes večer, že si nám dal kľúč, aby nám odomkol naše spasenie. Ďakujem Ti za to, Pane, že sme spasení, za ten kľúč, ktorý sme doteraz mohli používať. Ale, Bože, daj nám viery, aby bolo každé jedno slovo, ktoré je napísané v tejto knihe, použité ako páka, a tento kľúč zvaný Ježiš… myslím tieto dvere, ktoré sa nazývajú Ježiš; a ten kľúč, nazývaný viera, nech sa dotýka každého Slova a odomkne ho. To pohne tou pákou dolu a my môžeme vstúpiť do toho požehnania. Nebeský Otče, daj nám tento kľúč, aby sme mohli mať vieru v zasľúbenia Božie, aby naša viera nezlyhala a aby sme mohli byť užitoční v službe pre Teba a tých, s ktorými sme v styku.
Odpusť nám každý hriech nevery, Pane, a pomôž nám byť Tvojimi. Prichádzame teraz k stolu komúnie a modlím sa, Pane, aby si nám odpustil všetky naše prestúpenia a aby sme mohli vstúpiť do radosti obecenstva okolo stola Božieho. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
51Môj brat či sestra, ak máš kľúč do toho Kráľovstva, kľúč ku dverám, kľúč spasenia, nech ti len Boh pomôže, aby si mohol otvoriť tie dvere a pozvať Ježiša dnu. Nech ti On dá tie veci, po ktorých tak túžiš.
No, ešte chvíľu pred tým, ako začneme čítať o Komúnii, chcem niečo povedať, lebo to je ohľadne Komúnie. Keď prichádzame k tomuto oltáru, je len jediný spôsob, ako môžeme prísť, a to je vtedy, keď držíme kľúč viery vo svojich rukách a to nám dáva vedieť, že nám je odpustené. A ak nemáme kľúč na odomknutie tých dverí, že sú naše hriechy odpustené, potom nemáme pri Pánovom stole čo robiť. Lebo ten, kto je a pije nehodne, je a pije si súd, nerozpoznajúc tela Pánovho. Tak veru.
52Hádam každý z nás vie, že dnes je národný deň Komúnie. Je to deň, kedy majú všetky cirkvi Komúniu. Je to národný deň Komúnie, ktorý platí v celej krajine. A tak som si myslel, že by bolo vhodné, keby som povedal pár slov o Komúnii, pred tým ako sa jej zúčastnime, zatiaľ čo pastor, ak by mohol pripraviť Písma na čítanie o poriadku pri Pánovom stole. No, táto Komúnia… No, vezmem na to asi len desať minút.
53Táto Komúnia, ktorú sa chystáme mať, bola a stále je najväčším bodom rozporu zo všetkých náuk v Biblii. To bol jeden z prvých bodov rozporu v ranej cirkvi. Rovnako aj dnes by protestanti, episkopáli, metodisti a mnohé ďalšie protestantské cirkvi rady prijali rímsko-katolícku náuku, ak by sa len vedeli zhodnúť na Komúnii. Ľahko by súhlasili s tým, že kňaz by mal byť ženatý, rovnako ako aj kazatelia. Tak sa na tom na svojich konferenciách a schôdzach katolícka cirkev zhodla. Súhlasia spolu. Rovnako sa zhodnú aj na rôznych modlitbách, a tak ďalej, protestantská cirkev v tom s nimi súhlasí. Tiež aj katechizmy, a tak ďalej, malý oltár tu a tam, katolícka cirkev to je všetko ochotná urobiť. Ale keď ide o Komúniu, na tom to padá. Ktokoľvek čítal históriu, to dobre vie. Aj keď, samozrejme, podľa môjho názoru by sa museli oddeliť od oveľa viac vecí pred tým, ako by som to mohol prijať. Vidíte, to jednoducho nie je v Biblii.
54Ale chcem, aby ste katolíckej cirkvi povedali jednu vec. Viete, že katolícka cirkev bola na svojom začiatku apoštolská protestantská cirkev? Istotne to tak bolo! Bolo to prvý počiatok cirkvi. A tak vidíte, kam sa to dostalo, oni brali preč Slovo a vkladali do toho dogmu.
A ak to takto pôjde ďalej a letničná cirkev bude existovať ešte ďalších sto rokov, bude v tom čase oveľa ďalej od Biblie, ako je dnes katolícka cirkev, podľa toho, ako rýchlo od toho idú teraz preč.
Katolíckej cirkvi trvalo niekoľko sto rokov, aby sa tam dostala. Tristo rokov od ranej cirkvi po organizovanie rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi, kde sa to začalo. A začali privádzať veľkých hodnostárov a podobne, vyhodili toto a dali namiesto toho niečo iné, vybrali toto a vymenili to za iné, dali preč pohanské modly a vystavili kresťanské sochy, a tak ďalej, a len tak ďalej na tom robili kompromis, až kým sa nedostali tam, kde sú teraz, rímsko-katolícka cirkev.
A protestantská cirkev, odkedy je päťdesiat rokov v existencii a kde upadla hneď tam, ako začala, ona bude za sto rokov od teraz v horšom stave ako katolícka cirkev. To je pravda. To je odvážne vyhlásenie, ale pozrite sa len, od čoho vypadli. Išli rovno do organizácie, išli rovno na kompromis s týmto a tamtým a so všetkým možným, a tak to s nimi ide, vracajú sa rovno späť.
55Ale „Komúnia“ znamená „večera Pánova.“ No, je veľa ľudí, ktorí ju chcú mať ráno. Nikde sa v Biblii nehovorí, že On to mal na raňajky. A dnes sú ľudia, ktorí tomu stále hovoria „večera Pánova“, ale… vynechali z toho „večera“ a hovoria tomu len „jedlo,“ to je nezmysel. Je to večera!
Rovnako v tom boli rozpory aj v časoch Biblie. Ľudia neporozumievali večeru Pánovu, keď prichádzali ku stolu. Pavol to povedal Korinťanom, lebo oni prichádzali a opíjali sa pri stole Pánovom. Vidíte, dokonca aj vtedy to nebolo porozumené. On povedal, „Ak chce niekto jesť, nech sa naje doma.“
56A ďalšia vec, v čom to bolo neporozumené, čím to je: prichádzali hriešnici a ľudia žijúci v hriechu a zúčastňovali sa Komúnie. To bol ďalší omyl. Muž, ktorý žil so svojou pestúnskou matkou, a cirkev mu ohľadom toho dohovárala; on jednako bral Komúniu za stolom.
Boli medzi nimi rozdelenia a oni sa stále zúčastňovali komúnie. On povedal, „Rozumiem, že kráčate ako pohania. A je medzi vami konflikt, ako v dome Kaifáša, a tak ďalej.“ Povedal, „Správate sa ako ostatní pohania.“ Vidíte, ono to nebolo porozumené.
57Komúnia vždy bývala neporozumená. No, mohol by som v tomto pokračovať hodiny, ale musíme sa dostať aj ku naozajstnej Komúnii a umývaniu nôh. Oni tiež úplne vynechali umývanie nôh, dnes to robí len pár denominácií. Väčšina letničných to úplne zanechala. Ale v Biblii to stále zostáva tak, ako to tam bolo napísané. Vidíte?
No, Rím tomu nehovorí „Komúnia.“ Hovoria tomu „omša,“ svätá omša. Oni neprijímajú Komúniu, oni prijímajú omšu. Je to omša. A taká omša istotne berie ten skutočný význam z Komúnie. Omša znamená „dúfanie.“ Oni majú omšu, dúfajúc, že keď počas nej niečo urobia, Boh im odpustí hriechy. Tým, že vezmú to „doslovné telo Kristovo, ktoré kňaz obráti na telo a krv Kristovu,“ tým dúfajú, že im Boh odpustí hriechy, keď to urobia. Je to len omša.
58Protestanti tomu hovoria „Komúnia.“ Komúnia znamená vďakyvzdanie. Keď protestanti… Katolík navštevuje omšu v nádeji, že Boh mu odpustí jeho zlé skutky. Protestant má účasť na Komúnii so vďakyvzdaním, že sa to už stalo; má s ním Komúniu, že sa to už stalo. Katolík dúfa, že sa to stane; protestant hovorí, že sa to už stalo.
Katolík si nie je istý, či sú jeho hriechy odpustené; protestant vyznáva, že sú a že je slobodný. A tak Komúnia, to je mať obecenstvo s Bohom. A tieto kroky, ktoré pri tom robíme, to nie je v nádeji, že naše hriechy sú odpustené, lebo oni už dávno sú. Lebo to je… Jedna vec je nádej; a tá ďalšia je viera. Jedno znamená nádej, že ten človek má pravdu; a to druhé je to, že vie, že má pravdu. Ten druhý len dúfa, lebo nevie, kde stojí; ten ďalší vie, že má pravdu, lebo pozná, čo Boh povedal. O tom to celé je. To je ten rozdiel. Takže, keď len dúfate, dávajte si pozor; ale keď viete, potom len choďte ďalej. Vidíte, potom ste v Komúnii s Bohom. Protestant hovorí, že mu je odpustené, a vie to; katolík chodí na svoju omšu v nádeji, že mu bude odpustené. Inými slovami to je takto: jeden je žobrák, dúfajúc, že všetko bude v poriadku; a druhý je žobrák, ktorý už ďakuje za to, čo dostal. Ale jednako sú obaja žobráci. Jeden žobre a dúfa, že mu to bude dané, a ten druhý už vie, že to má, a ďakuje tomu, ktorý mu to dal.
Čiže v tom je ten rozdiel. To je Komúnia. Tak veru. Jeden dúfa, že mu je odpustené; a ten druhý vie, že mu je odpustené a vzdáva za to vďaku.
59A tak, Komúnia je pre Kresťanov, ktorí sú znovuzrodení z Ducha Božieho. A „znovuzrodení“ hneď neznamená, že máte Ducha Svätého. No, pamätajte. Mnohí to tak učia. „Nepoznám nikoho, kto by to takto učil,“ ako to raz brat Arganbright povedal z tejto kazateľne. Ale nové narodenie nie je krst Duchom Svätým. Písmo to nepodporuje, aspoň pokiaľ to ja vidím, nemyslím si to. Verím, že sa môžete znovu narodiť...
60A to je ten dôvod, prečo používam slovo krst v Mene Ježiša Krista, ale k obnoveniu. No, letniční, spojená letničná cirkev krstí na Meno Ježiša Krista k obnovenie. Ja to tak neverím. Môžu to robiť, ak chcú. Ale verím, že Peter najprv povedal, „Najprv čiňte pokánie.“ Voda neodpúšťa hriechy. Cirkev Kristova to tak káže. Ale verím, že pokánie, zbožný smútok; „činiť pokánie“ znamená „obrátiť sa, ísť naspäť,“ netrafili ste do cieľa a musíte začať odznova. Najprv urobte to! A potom je váš krst vo vode len vonkajším vyznaním niečoho, čo vo vás leží, lebo ste prijali Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa.
61Odhadujem, že sme tu len domáci tohto zboru, nie som tu dosť často na to, aby som videl, kto ako často chodí. Nedávno som dostal trochu kritiky za to, že som tu vo vode pokrstil jedného človeka, staršieho pána. Prišiel som ku nemu, bol to dobrý starý muž. Mal som to privilégium, že som mohol priviesť celú jeho rodinu ku Kristovi, všetci z nich sú teraz Kresťania. Tento starý pán bol príjemný človek, mal som ho rád a tak som ku nemu prišiel a spýtal sa, „Starký, prečo sa nestaneš Kresťanom?“ On ma mal tiež rád.
Povedal, „Brat Branham, stanem sa Kresťanom, keď budem na to dostatočne dobrý.“
Povedal som, „Tak ti niečo poviem, starký. Poriadne pohľadaj a keď nájdeš ten bod, kde môžeš byť dostatočne dobrý, tak mi povedz, lebo ja by som to tiež chcel.“ Povedal som, „Kristus nikdy neprišiel spasiť dobrých ľudí. On prišiel spasiť zlých ľudí.“ Keď si myslíte, že ste dobrí, potom on neprišiel spasiť vás. On prišiel spasiť tých, ktorí o sebe vedia, že sú zlí. Kristus zomrel, aby spasil hriešnikov. A tak som povedal, „Starký, tu je tá hranica.“
On povedal, „Nuž, fajčím cigarety.“
Povedal som, „Ja nehovorím o tom.“
Povedal, „Snažil som sa ich zbaviť, brat Branham.“
Povedal som, „Nehovoríme o cigaretách.“
On povedal, „Nuž, keby sa mi podarilo...“
Povedal som, „Ani o nich viac nehovor, len ich nechaj na pokoji. Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať.“
Spýtal sa, „Dobre, čo teda?“
Povedal som, „Veríš, že existuje Boh?“
Odpovedal, „Istotne, verím tomu.“ Povedal, „Verím v to tak silne ako ty, brat Branham.“
Povedal som, „Veríš tomu, že ten istý Boh prekročil tú hranicu, stal sa telom a prebýval medzi nami v osobe Ježiša Krista, aby zachránil ľudskú rasu?“
On povedal, „Áno, verím tomu.“
„A On zomrel, aby spasil hriešnikov, ako som ja a ty?“ Vidíte?
„Áno, verím tomu.“
Povedal som, „Nuž, je to, akoby sme boli všetci v jednej veľkej budove, vo väzení, ja sa nemôžem postaviť do rohu a povedať, ‘Toto mi pomôže dostať sa z väzenia,‘ len sa postaviť do toho rohu a povedať, ‘týmto sa dostanem von z tohto väzenia,‘ všetci sme v tej istej situácii. A každý človek, ktorý sa narodil do tohto sveta, bol narodený v hriechu, stvorený v neprávosti a prišiel na svet hovoriac lož. On je od začiatku darebák.“
62Niekto sa nedávno opýtal, „Brat Branham, bol by nejaký rozdiel medzi Adamom a Evou a ich deťmi dnes, ak by boli všetci nahí, kráčajúc v… Vyzerali by ich telá rovnako?“
Povedal som, „Nie veru.“ Vracali sme sa z poľovačky veveričiek, brat Fred a ja a ešte ďalšia skupina. Povedal som, „Nie, neboli, boli takí istí.“
On povedal, „Myslím, že Eva by nebola žena ako teraz jej dcéry a Adam by nebol muž ako teraz jeho synovia?“
Povedal som, „Vo viacerých ohľadoch áno, ale nie fyzicky.“
Spýtal sa, „Aký by bol rozdiel?“
Povedal som, „Oni by napríklad nemali žiaden pupok. Oni boli stvorení. Tak veru. Nikdy neboli k ničomu pripojení.“
Vždy, keď sa niečo také nachádza na čomkoľvek, čo je narodené do tohto sveta, to len ukazuje, že to je od počiatku odpadnuté. Tak veru. Povedal som, „Iste, je tam rozdiel. Nemali by žiaden pupok. Neboli nikdy pripojení ku žiadnej žene, ako sa sem dostali.“ Vidíte, Boh ich stvoril.
63No, povedal som, „Chcel by som niečo povedať. Každý človek vo svojom väzení, kto je tam svätý? Kto tu nebol narodený skrze sex? Kto je ten, ktorý vie pomôcť tomu druhému, bez ohľadu na to, čím je? Všetci sme v tej istej pozícii. Ale Boh urobil samého Seba jedného zo Svojich stvorení a prišiel mimo sexu, priamo skrze tú Svätú Krv, ktorú si Sám vytvoril, a skrze tú Krv nás vykúpil.“ Povedal som, „Či tomu veríš, starký?“
On povedal, „Verím tomu.“
Povedal som, „Kristus zomrel za zlých ľudí, ako ty. A existuje len jeden spôsob, ako na to. Nie je nič, čo by si ty mohol urobiť. On ti to len ponúka. Nemôžeš si to zaslúžiť. Nie je nič, čo by si mohol urobiť, aby si to dostal. On ti to len dáva. Či príjmeš, čo On pre teba urobil, aby ťa to držalo od pekla?“
On povedal, „Urobím to.“ Povedal, „Ale keby som sa len mohol zbaviť tých cigariet!“
Povedal som, „Cigarety sa o seba samé postarajú. Ty len… Nie som legalista, verím v milosť, ‘A všetci, ktorých Mi Otec dal, prídu ku Mne.‘“ Povedal som, „Ak to veríš z celého svojho srdca!“
On povedal, „Z celého svojho srdca tomu verím.“
„Prijmeš to teda na tom základe, že toho nie si hoden, ale On je ten, ktorý je hodný. Nehľaď na seba; pozri na Neho, lebo nie je nič, čo by si mohol urobiť pre seba. Pozri na toho, ktorý urobil niečo pre teba. Čo s Ním?“
„Ó,“ povedal, „On je hodný.“
Povedal som, „Tak veru, potom teda prijmi to, čo ti dáva.“
Povedal, „Prijímam.“
A pokrstil som ho tam v Mene Ježiša Krista. Hneď nato odtiaľ vyšiel von a zapálil si cigaretu.
64Pred pár týždňami som bol u neho doma. Jeden večer som videl videnie o tom, ako bol jeden vždyzelený strom sťatý a obrátený naopak. Videl som, ako boli na ňom pribité dosky. Priamo vedľa toho bola jedna zaujímavá doska. A pod ňou, priamo pri konci, ten strom tam bol zlomený. A hlas povedal, „To si mal byť ty,“ alebo, „Ináč by si to bol ty.“ A starký Cox padol, rozmliaždil si tam chrbát. A tak nasledujúce ráno mu priniesli cigarety, keď bol v posteli, tá túžba ho už opustila. To je už niekoľko týždňov! Odvtedy už žiadnu neokúsil, ani žiadnu nechcel. A nedávno pred pár týždňami som ho videl, keď boli jeho ruky celé hnedé od cigariet, a teraz už neznesie, aby vôbec nejaká bola v jeho blízkosti. Dajte na prvé miesto to, čo patrí na prvé miesto! Nesnažte sa byť dobrí; aj tak ste už od začiatku zlí, nemôžete s tým nič urobiť. Je čiara oddelenia a všetky ľudské bytosti sú na tej strane.
65No, keď som sa narodil na tento svet, bolo to skrze svätý zväzok medzi mojím otcom a mojou matkou; v jej lone bolo vajíčko, v žľazách môjho otca bola krvná bunka. Môj život pozostáva z tej krvnej bunky (nie z vajíčka mojej matky), ale z krvnej bunky môjho otca. A keď sa tá krvná bunka dostala na to správne miesto, aby sa stretla s vajíčkom, Boh rozkázal prírode, aby mi dala telo. A potom, ako som bol zrodený do ľudskej rasy, bola mi daná príležitosť, aby som sa stal inteligentnou osobou, akou sú ľudské bytosti, aby som mohol jazdiť na aute a robiť veci, ktoré ľudia robia. Kráčať, rozprávať, jazdiť, a tak ďalej. Bolo mi to dané, lebo som bol zrodený do ľudskej rodiny a bola mi daná moc inteligencie, aby som bol ľudskou bytosťou.
66A rovnako, keď som bol zrodený do tej Božej rodiny, prišiel som skrze krv, tá krv mi dala život. A potom ako som bol oživený v Kristovi, On ma pokrstil s Duchom Svätým a mocou, aby som bol synom Božím. No, rovnako, ako som mohol chodiť, rozprávať ako ľudská bytosť, jazdiť autom ako ľudská bytosť. A potom, keď som prijal Ducha Svätého, prijal som moc vyháňať diablov, hovoriť novými jazykmi, kázať Evanjelium, uzdravovať chorých. Som pokrstený! Nie narodený; ale pokrstený! „Oni boli v hornej sieni, zhromaždení spolu tam, modliac sa v Jeho Mene; boli pokrstení Duchom Svätým a bola im daná moc do služby.“ Amen.
67Veríte vo večný život a ste znovuzrodení svojou vierou. Ježiš povedal v sv. Jánovi 5:24, „Ten, kto počuje Moje slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život,“ ešte nemá Ducha Svätého, len večný život. Je zrodený do rodiny Božej a potom je pokrstený do Ducha Svätého s mocou inteligencie viery, aby veril v Evanjelium, dal ho do chodu, aby správne fungovalo. Amen. Potom sa správa ako syn Boží. Potom môže vyháňať démonov. Ježiš povedal, „Tieto znamenia ich budú nasledovať!“ Vidíte? „V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať diablov, hovoriť novými jazykmi, budú dvíhať hadov a piť smrteľné veci.“ Vidíte, oni prijímajú moc skrze Ducha Svätého, že môžu činiť tieto veci.
68No, keď On odišiel, povedal, „Je pre Mňa nevyhnutné, aby som odišiel. Lebo ak neodídem, Duch Svätý nepríde.“ Potom, keď príde, bude karhať tento svet kvôli hriechu, bude učiť spravodlivosť a ukáže vám veci, ktoré majú prísť (to sú videnia). „Vezme veci, ktoré som vás naučil, a zjaví vám ich.“ Presne tie slová, ktoré On prišiel… Nikto nemôže porozumieť Slovo mimo krstu Duchom Svätým. A keď niekto hovorí, že má krst Duchom Svätým a pochybuje v to, že Slovo je pravda, niečo nie je v poriadku.
69Pavol bol kritikom Nového Zákona. Nový Zákon nebol napísaný. Pavol bol prenasledovateľom Kresťanstva, ešte ako Saul. A keď prijal Ducha Svätého, išiel na tri roky dolu do Ázie a študoval Písma, lebo bol vyučovaný pod Gamalielom, ktorý bol veľký učiteľ. A potom, keď sa vrátil, čo bolo asi o štrnásť rokov neskôr, išiel sa stretnúť s Petrom hore do Jeruzalema a zistil, že kázali do posledného slova to isté Evanjelium. Ten istý Boh, o ktorom Peter kázal v deň Letníc a povedal im, aby činili pokánie a boli pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista, ten istý Duch Svätý bol zjavený Pavlovi a povedal im v Skutkoch 19, potom, ako ich Ján pokrstil, „Musíte byť znovu pokrstení, a to na Meno Ježiša Krista.“
70Vidíte, Duch Svätý zostáva priamo s tými Písmami. Viera v ne odomyká každé tajomstvo. Amen. Biblia hovorí v 1. Jána 5:7, „Sú traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo v nebi, Otec – to je Slovo (ktorým bol Kristus), a Duch Svätý: títo traja sú jedno. A sú traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo na zemi: voda, krv, duch. Títo traja nie sú jedno, ale zhodujú sa v jednom.“ Nemôžete mať Otca bez toho, aby ste mali Syna, rovnako, ako nemôžete mať Syna bez toho, aby ste mali Ducha Svätého; oni sú všetci jedno. Ale môžete byť ospravedlnení bez toho, aby ste boli posvätení, a môžete byť posvätení bez toho, aby ste mali Ducha Svätého. Posvätenie je skrze krv, skrze krv prichádza život. A Duch Svätý je moc Božia, moc daná cirkvi.
71„Príjmete (čo?) moc (Skutky 1:8), potom na vás príde Duch Svätý. Prijmete moc! (Nie, „Budete znovuzrodení.“) Príjmete moc po tom, ako na vás zostúpi Duch Svätý. Potom ste mojimi svedkami v Jeruzaleme, Judei a Samárii a v najvzdialenejších častiach zeme,“ vidíte. Moc prijímate po tom, ako prijímate Ducha Svätého. Ale najprv musíte prijať Ducha Svätého a to je moc Božia, zamanifestovať a demonštrovať. Vy ste… Rovnako, ako si bol človek, naučil si sa hovoriť, chodiť a robiť veci, ktoré ľudia bežne robia; taktiež keď ste pokrstení Duchom Svätým, je vám daná moc konať ako synovia a dcéry Božie. Niet divu, že ľudia sa dnes správajú tak, ako sa správajú. Oni nikdy neboli naplnení Duchom Svätým. Ak by boli, správali by sa inak. Tvrdia, že ho majú, ale Ježiš povedal, „Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte.“ Takže ako to môže byť, je to celé zamotané. Treba sa vrátiť k faktom!
72No, ak kráčaš bezúhonne a tvrdíš, že si Kresťanom, pozývame ťa dnes ku stolu Pánovmu. Bezpochyby sa dnes Komúnia rozšírila do celého národa, u jedných to je tak, u druhých inak. Ale ja si myslím, že najlepší spôsob, ako to robiť, je presne nasledovať Písmo, tak, ako to robili v Písmach. Myslím, že to je dostačujúce.
Máš pri sebe Bibliu, brat Neville? Brat Neville teraz prečíta miesto Písma. [Brat Neville hovorí, „V 11. kapitole 1. Korinťanom, počnúc od 23. verša.“ - pozn.prekl.]
Lebo ja som prijal od Pána, čo som vám aj vydal, že Pán Ježiš v noci, v ktorej bol zradený, vzal chlieb,
a poďakujúc lámal a povedal: Vezmite, jedzte, toto je moje telo, ktoré sa za vás láme. To čiňte na moju pamiatku.
Tak tiež i kalich, keď bolo po večeri, hovoriac: Tento kalich je tá nová zmluva v mojej krvi; to čiňte, koľkokoľvek ráz by ste pili, na moju pamiatku.
Lebo koľkokoľvek ráz by ste jedli tento chlieb a pili tento kalich, zvestujete smrť Pánovu, až dokiaľ neprijde.
Takže ktokoľvek je tento chlieb alebo pije kalich Pánov nehodne, bude vinným tela a krvi Pánovej.
Ale nech skúša sám seba človek a nech tak je z toho chleba a pije z toho kalicha.
Lebo ten, kto nehodne je a pije, je a pije si súd nerozsudzujúc tela Pánovho.
Preto je medzi vami mnoho slabých a chorých, a mnohí spia.
Lebo keby sme sami seba rozsudzovali, neboli by sme súdení.
Ale súdení súc od Pána káznení sme, aby sme neboli odsúdení so svetom.
Nech Pán požehná čítanie Jeho Slova.
73Je to vždy taká svätá vec, tak posvätná vec, že myslím, že by sme mali skloniť svoje hlavy v tichej modlitbe. Vy sa modlite za mňa, ja sa pomodlím za vás. Pomodlime sa jeden za druhého, aby bol Boh nám nehodným stvoreniam milostivý, ako sa teraz zúčastnime tejto sviatosti na pamiatku smrti Pánovej.
[Brat Branham robí pauzu s tichou modlitbou. Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] Túto modlitbu vyznania pred Teba predkladáme, náš Otče, na Tvoj svätý oltár s našou obeťou, Pánom Ježišom. Prosíme o to v Jeho Mene. Amen.
74No, myslím, že starší sa tu o to postarajú, ak by mohli… starší z cirkvi, privedú sem ľudí pre Komúniu, rad za radom. Vždy majte na mysli tú pieseň, „Drahý zomierajúci Baránok, Tvoja svätá Krv nikdy nestratí svoju moc, až dokiaľ nebude celá vykúpená Kristova cirkev bez hriechu.“ Skloňme svoje hlavy.
Drahý a Svätý Otče, Jehova, veľký Všemohúci, zošli Svoje požehnania na Svoj ľud, ako tu čakáme. Odpusť naše hriechy. A teraz tu pred Teba predkladáme túto sviatosť, toto víno, hrozno, ktoré dozrelo, a ruky slúžiacich, ktorí ho pomleli. A bolo z toho spravené víno pre tú príležitosť, keď to predkladáme pred Teba, aby nám to mohlo predstavovať Krv nášho Pána Ježiša Krista. Modlím sa k Tebe, Otče, aby si posvätil to víno pre ten účel. Odpusť nám každý jeden hriech. A nech každá osoba, ktorá prijíma víno do svojho tela, nech dostane uzdravenie, silu a spasenie priamo od Teba. Udeľ to, Pane. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
75Biblia hovorí, že keď zlámal chlieb a požehnal ho, povedal, „Vezmite a jedzte, lebo toto je Moje telo, ktoré sa za vás láme. Toto čiňte na Moju pamiatku.“ A keď berieme tieto malé kúsky chleba, kóšeru, ktorý je urobený bez kvasu. Urobili ho Kresťania. Urobili ho pre to, aby reprezentoval telo Kristovo. Rozumieme, že to boli učeníci Kristovho dňa alebo dňa tej cirkvi, ktorí vzali tie porcie a pripravili večeru, poslednú večeru Krista. A počas celej Biblie to boli vždy učeníci, ktorí týmito vecami slúžili ľuďom. A dnes, títo moderní učeníci, naši bratia tu v zbore, učeníci tejto záležitosti, slúžia ľuďom. Oni vezmú tieto kúsky a podajú ich ľuďom.
76A keď prijímate tento chlieb, pamätajte, že to reprezentuje Baránka. Pred dávnymi rokmi, keď sa v Izraeli piekol na ohni baránok, bol podávaný s horkými bylinkami a ľudia z toho mali silu; ich topánky sa nikdy nezodrali, ich oblečenie sa nikdy nezodralo, vydržalo to celú cestu, až dokiaľ nedosiahli tú zasľúbenú zem. Nech nás Boh udrží zdravých, šťastných a slúžiacich Jemu, až dokiaľ nedosiahneme tú zasľúbenú zem, ktorú nám On daroval.
77Modlime sa.
Drahý Nebeský Otče, ako som dnes hovoril o tom svätom, posvätenom tele Pánovom, v ktorom prebýva plnosť Božstva. Keď sa zamyslím nad tým, ako bolo to telo zdrtené a zlomené, vytekala z neho Krv, Jeho chrbát a rebrá vytŕčali von, rany po celom chrbte; keď sa zamyslím nad tým, že tento zvraštený, tlčený chlieb to reprezentuje, stáva sa to v našich srdciach tak čerstvým. Vkladáme svoje srdcia, Pane, dnes večer na Tvoj oltár. Odpusť nám, ó, Bože! A nech tento lámaný chlieb, ako vstupuje do našich úst, do úst Tvojich služobníkov, nech rozpoznajú, že to bolo Tvoje drahé telo, ktoré bolo zdrtené a ranené, a jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení. Udeľ to, Pane. Posväť tento kóšerový chlieb pre ten účel, pre ktorý je určený. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
Táto Komúnia nie je uzatvorená. Každý veriaci Kresťan je pri stole Pánovom vítaný, aby mal s nami obecenstvo.
1 A privilege to be at the tabernacle! It was a little unexpected to me, too. I, knowing tonight was the communion night, I always like, if I'm around anywhere, to come in on the communion. Because it's... I think that all Christians should anticipate in taking communion, because Jesus said, "If you eat it not, you have no part with Me." Therefore, it's a... always a grand privilege to--to come into the tabernacle. Then, tonight, Brother Neville said he was just a teeny bit hoarse, and--and liked if I'd speak to our congregation. I told him I'd be delighted to do so. I would like to announce also that if...
2 Tomorrow night is the men's meeting, the trustees, tomorrow night, and the businessmen here of the church, on their regular Monday night meeting and their... have a decision to make with the contractor. I guess you all understand that our--our--our papers went through, and we're going to be able to build the church. And so it goes through, and will probably start this week. The church starts up this week, as far as I know. And they turned us down on it, here in Jeffersonville. But we went to Indianapolis, the state, and they give us permission, so we're going to build it. And so it starts, perhaps, this week. It'll be known after the meeting tomorrow night. And then after the meeting tomorrow night, if they do not start this week, if something happens, the contractor can't start this week, he's going to then start the following week.
3 And this coming weekend, Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday night, of next week, this next coming Saturday and Sunday, the Lord willing, I want to have a--a--a triune meeting, again, like we did a few weeks ago. And then after we... That'll be Saturday night, and then Sunday morning, and then Sunday night. This next, that'll be the thirteenth and fourteenth of this month.
4And then some of the brethren and I are going away after that time, over to Colorado, on a hunting trip, then come back. If the tabernacle, when it's finished, if it be the will of the Lord, I want to take, maybe, a complete week before I leave again in the meetings, and have The Seven Seals of Revelation. Just before... Like we had The Seven Church Ages, now The Seven Seals to follow That.
5And probably in about the next two or three weeks, because I think they claim they, with the man that they're going to put on it, they can, we can build the tabernacle and have it in about ten days, or fifteen, something like that. Then we're going to have seating room here for about twice the people we got, or three times, maybe more people. And that's the way I was waiting till that time.
6 Because, the last Saturday and Sunday, it was terrific, you know. The people was standing out here at two o'clock in the afternoon, to fill the tabernacle up, before the church ever opened up. The next morning, at five o'clock, a nurse lives next door to me, coming from up there, said, "There was people just packed all around the tabernacle at five o'clock in the morning." So, and then the people, when they get in, there's no place, and they get discouraged and they go away. And--and then those who are standing, and piled and they're jammed in the aisles, they feel all cramped up, and everything. And I see women standing there, sweating, you know, like that, and the perspiration running off of them. And some man give up and give his, some woman a chair; and then he'll stand till his legs are hurting, and somebody else will give him. You know, and like that, and it's pitiful, and mothers with little sick children and so forth, that's bad.
7 So, we're trying to eliminate that now by building a bigger tabernacle. And we'll have a nice place where the children, sometime... and interrupt, like little children crying; well, we're going to have a room for that, so the mothers can go in, still see the service, and be broadcast right into the room. And have Sunday school rooms and everything just lined out the way it should be. And that, if the Lord willing, takes place, coming this coming week.
8 You all voted a hundred percent on it, so we've held right to that, see. The church is sovereign. What the church says, that's what. Trustees or nobody else... The trustees is just, each one, a vote. The pastor is just one vote. It's the church, that its--its the democracy of the church, the sovereignty of the church. The church, in whole, speaks. That's all. And we like that, because we have no bishops or hierarchies or overseers or so forth to tell us this, that, or the other. It's the Holy Spirit in the church, does the speaking. I like that rule, and it's very fine.
9 And I asked, "Did you all want to wait till we got enough to move the tabernacle away and build a big church?" That was on the trustee board, and it could not be settled by the trustees. And then they asked me, as the general overseer, to come and ask the church. So I said, "Now we have enough money to increase the size of the church and fix it all different, and everything, than what we had." I said, "Now we can do that right away, or save our money till we get enough to put the complete church up, new, someplace else."
10And we took a vote on it in the church, and it was unanimously voted for to "put the church up right now, and it's just build a bigger church right now." And we've stayed right with that.
11 And the board here in Jeffersonville turned us down, said we couldn't do it. And we went over that, and went to Indianapolis and got the State onto it. And then they sent back the word, that, "go ahead," we have the right of way to build it. So then the city has nothing to do with it now, it's the State has to do it. So then we have the permission, and the contractor has the--the permit in his hand right now, and I guess they're ready to start at anytime.
12This tomorrow night, if the--if the contractor says that he wants to start next week, then I'll just omit the meetings for the... until we come into The Seven Seals. And then if the contractor can't start next week, then the following Sunday, Saturday and Sunday, I'll have the meeting before leaving.
13And then I was going to have it this Sunday, and then found out tonight being communion night, so I omitted it this Sunday. Because, such a crowd, you can't take communion comfortably, and then when we have the bigger church we can.
14 Now, we got an oncoming President. The... oh, you know what I mean, it was just delivered to the Hickerson family not long ago. And our sister who is the pianist, if she'll come and give us a little chord on the piano, of "Bring Them In," if you will, or some little song of that type. This fine little gentlemen in the Hickerson family, that's been looked for for so long, has arrived. A very fine little fellow, and he sure is a jewel to the Hickersons. And they're all jewels to us, we love them and they're really our brother and sister. We're thankful to have this little one born into their family, which has absolutely revolutionized the family. And if they, father and mother will bring this little fellow now for dedication. Now, the Scripture says, "They brought unto Him children, infants, that He might lay His hand on them and bless them."
15 Now, there's people in the world that believe in what they call "infant baptism." And, that is, they take these little fellows and not baptize them at all, 'cause, they just sprinkle water on them. Now, we don't find that anywhere in the Bible, where they ever did sprinkle anybody, adults, let alone children.
16And so baptism is a confession that an inward work of grace has been done. And the little infants has no knowledge of sin. Therefore, when Jesus died at the cross, He died to take away the sin of the world. And when the baby is becomes a human being, and borned into this world, they have no sin of their own, therefore they have no repentance to be done. But, when that, the Blood of Jesus Christ takes away that sin. Course, the baby is born in sin, shaped in iniquity, comes to the world speaking lies, and they're sinners by nature, but the Blood of Jesus Christ atones for that. But when the baby is comes to the age of accountability, and knows what's right and wrong, then it has to repent for what it has done. Its sin now is the sin just like it's born in sin, it's the human sin, the sin now is the sin that Adam and Eve did; and that was omitted by God, by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Now the baby has no sins to repent from until he sins, then he's got to repent. See? And when he repents, then is the time to be baptized, and then he's baptized by immersing.
17 Until that time, we follow the instructions of the Bible, which, "They brought to Jesus little children, that He might lay His hands on them and bless them." This lovely parent tonight brings this little baby to the pastor and I, for dedication. And they feel that placing it in the representatives of Christ's hands, they're placing it in Christ's hands. Then, by faith, we take the baby to God, to give thanks for bringing it here, and ask God to bless it, which we call "infant dedication."
18 Now, you know how I'd be about my own children. I've got a little girl in Glory tonight, and she was dedicated to the Lord, here at the altar. I've got a little boy and girl sitting back there, tonight, that's never been baptized yet. One, eleven, I've been talking to her about it today, Sarah, for baptism. And Joseph is only seven, so he's too young for it yet, as far until... If he'd desire it, and say God was putting it on his heart, I'd do it then. But, as infants, I just dedicate them to the Lord, 'cause that's the Scriptural teaching of it.
19 Brother Neville, if you'll walk out with me now to this fine boy. [Brother Branham approaches Brother and Sister Hickerson--Ed.] I was afraid... Is that Hollin? Hollin? Yeah, Hollin, Junior. Stephen Hollin. Well, that's fine. Oh, I thought he was sleeping. That's that nature of the Hickerson's, anything going on. I seen him the other day, I said "the President," and so forth. And, course, that was too small for him, see, speak of him as a "President." How do you do? Well, I know that's bound to be a treasure to any godly mother. Wouldn't you think so? Very sweet. And now, Brother Hickerson and Sister Hickerson, as a servant of Christ, as your pastor, I take this baby, by faith, to the arms of Jesus Christ, in Whom you wish to place it into His arms.
20 Let us bow our heads as the pastor and I stand here with our hands on the baby.
21Our Heavenly Father, in the Bible they brought to You little children, that You might lay Your hands upon them and bless them. And truly, Lord, they were blessed. And now to follow Your example, the things that You did, we've tried closely, Lord, reading the Bible and following the example just as You did. And this father and mother, Brother and Sister Hickerson, our beloved disciples here in the Tabernacle, bring to us this little bit of joy that you have placed in their care. It come from You, Lord. You gave them this child. And now they desire to give its little life to You, to be a service to You. I pray that You bless this child, that You will give it a long life. May it live, if possible, to see the Coming of the Lord. I pray that You'll bless it wherever it's at. May it be raised in a Christian home, as it has been born into one. And may it continue in this home. May the father and mother live to see the baby in the pulpit, if possible, preaching the Gospel. They would rather see it that way, Father, than on the--the throne at the White House, or anywhere else, because they are servants of Yours, and desire the baby's life to be a dedication and a benediction to the work of God.
22Now I pray, Father, that You bless the child. And may the grace of God come upon it, and may it be healthy and happy all of its life. And may the father and mother live to see it grown, we ask again. Bless it who we bless in Your Name.
23 And now, little Stephen Hollin Hickerson, I give thee to Jesus Christ, that the blessings that we have asked may come upon thee. Be healthy and strong, my little brother, and may you live to glorify God. In the Name of Jesus Christ we ask it. Amen.
God bless you. God bless you all. Very sweet baby.
Where we'll never grow old, never grow old,
In the Land where we'll never grow old;
Never grow old, never grow old,
In the Land where we'll never grow old.
24Won't it be wonderful? The young will be adults, and the old will be young. Now, isn't that wonderful? And we'll never be sick, or never have sorrow, or never die.
25 Now, the services, Brother Neville has announced. I want to announce now, also, that that meeting, don't forget it, and the meetings that he has spoke of. Also, a Mrs. Ford that used to come to the church years ago, I just taken her to her daughter, a couple days ago, and she's eighty years old, and went to meet the Lord last night at eight o'clock, I think. And her services, the pastor and I will hold at the chapel at Coots, Wednesday, at ten--ten-thirty, this coming Wednesday. Mrs. Ford, Mrs.... I think I forget what his... Levi, Mrs. Levi Ford. Our... That's--that's the Lloyd Ford's mother that you see in my book, that he was going to save that Boy Scout suit for me, and I only got one legging left. Now, that's--that's the boy's mother. So I taken her up the other day and prayed with her, the poor old thing. And she went to meet the Lord Jesus.
26 Now, if the Lord willing, I had something here that I might announce that the services, if they come up for this next week, if I've placed them in here, or at least I thought I did, about what I was going to speak on for the--the--the coming, this coming service of the following week. If I--I think... I thought I put it in this book, I don't know whether I did or not. Yes, here it is. The Lord willing, Saturday night I want to preach on the subject of "Why one man influences another's life." And Sunday morning I want to preach on "The capping of the pyramid." And Sunday night I want to preach on My Guide, the subject, My Guide, for this coming Sunday night. Now may the Lord bless those things and help me, as I've been out, and just a little context to pick them up.
27 Now tonight, we want to hurry and have a few things. By the way, I have a letter here that--that just come in the mail, as Billy picked it up a while ago, that some brethren are in Michigan, and this comes from the ministerial association that's got a lot of things. That's what gets things scrupled up, you see. That, they claim in here that some brethren up there that said that I sent them up there, and they're preaching that men should leave their wives and hunt for their spiritual mate, and that--that I am perfectly infallible. That there's nothing... And, oh, some of the awfullest things you ever heard. And the ministerial association got a hold of it, and they're writing me a letter about it, and that I sent them up there and it's causing a lot of confusion. And some of them prophesying and saying that one man should leave this wife and go marry that one. Now, this church knows that we don't stand for no such tommyrot as that.
28We believe in the Bible. We believe that when man takes a woman, that's his wife, and death only can separate them. That's only. We don't believe such stuff as that. We don't believe in free love, either. We don't believe in that stuff. We absolutely believe the Bible, and That alone. So I'll just photostat it, copy of this letter, and give my answer to it and place it in the magazines, and that'll--that'll take care of that. I hope it does, anyhow, answer to them.
29 Now tonight, just before we open the Scripture, let's speak to our Lord.
30Our Heavenly Father, we are approaching Thy Throne of mercy, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, That great One Who came down from Glory to unfold to us the riches of the treasures of God. How we thank Thee for this great Jesus Who was the manifestation of God, made personally to us, and through Him we have redemption from our sins. And we have now passed from death unto Life, because we believe Him. For it is written of Him, that He said, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life; and shall not come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life."
31 Bless Thy Words, tonight, Lord. And we're here to take the communion just in a short time. Christian, fellow citizens of the Kingdom will gather around the altars, and there they will take what we call "the communion," the--the little portion of--of sacrament that Thou has left us, to show that we believe that You're died for our sins, and rose again on the third day, and alive forevermore, and doing this until You return, according to the Scriptures as we are commanded. Sanctify our hearts from evil thoughts and all that we have did that was contrary to Thy great will. Father, forgive us, and give us of Thy grace tonight. Break unto us now the Bread of Life, in the Word, as we read It and speak on It. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, we ask it. Amen.
32 Now in the Book of Revelation, beginning with one verse only, I wish to read the 20th verse, or the 1st verse of the 20th chapter.
And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having a key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
33Now I wish to speak, if it would be, if I should call it the text from this, or draw a context from this text, for the next twenty or twenty-five minutes, I would like to call it, The Key To The Door. Now, I do not wish to--to make it the "keys," because Peter was given "the keys to the Kingdom." But I want to call this: The Key To The Door. And then immediately after this, I wish to give a few little comments on communion, before we take it tonight.
34 Now, a key. I notice here as we read, that this Angel came down from Heaven, having the key in his hand. I believe it's Revelation 13 or 19, we find again, another Angel coming with a key. And a key is, a purpose of a key, is to unlock something, something that's been locked up, or it's something that should be locked up. But a key is given for that purpose.
35Now, there are many kinds of keys, because we have many uses of keys. There is keys to the storehouses. There is key to your own house, there's key to your automobile. And we call them keys, and they are keys. And they can be duplicated, many times. Or to the house, there sometimes can be made, what we call, the skeleton key. In other words, it's a key that's kind of made with the levers, acts on it, that--that twists the lock in a certain way and can almost unlock any door, called "the skeleton key." It's a skeleton frame of many keys, and it can be unlocked that way, with our houses or even to our automobiles, can be duplicated. And then there is...
36 Any key cannot unlock no door until it's used by a hand. It's got to have something to use the key. The key in itself cannot use itself. It's got to have something to yield the key.
37It's like this microphone that I--that I am speaking through. That microphone is a mute. Unless there's something to speak through it, it cannot speak through itself. It's got to have something to speak through it. So, it is not the microphone, it's the voice or the--the noise (behind) that the microphone transmits to the--the air wave, to your ear.
38Now, that's the way it is in preaching the Gospel. It's not we ourselves, as ministers, we are not the Gospel. But we are only transmitters that transmits the Voice of God through our agency, of men, to the hearer.
39 A vision is the same way. I know nothing to say to the church at this time concerning a vision. But if the Holy Spirit would show, first, me a vision, then I transmit that vision to the one that it's directed to. So it was not my, me, the vision was not me, I. It was God gave the vision, and I acted as a transmitter, to bring forth the message of the vision to the people.
40Now, a key is the same thing. Pardon me. The key is only to be held in a hand that unlocks the door. See, it's got to be hand. Now, and in the key I'm going to speak about tonight, is only one hand can hold this key, and that's the hand of faith. It's the only thing can--can hold this key. And hands hold other keys, and it takes a hand of faith for that.
41 Now, we take like the key to knowledge. Now, a man has to, if he's trying to accumulate knowledge, see, now, there's a key to that. There's a way that this man has to open up. He has to be, to get his books and his learning, and he cannot... no one can learn him. They might teach him, but he has to learn. And the only way that it can be done, he has to catch that key, that something in there that unfolds or un-... reveals to him the knowledge that he is seeking.
42And there are people like would try to play a piano, and they... or music. They don't know just how they do it, but they could go there and the teacher might take lesson after lesson, and they would never learn it. They just cannot hold that key to that mystery, how the rhythm and the sounds of the tuning and so forth rings out. It takes the key.
43 And mathematics, there's a key to mathematic, that you just have to get the hang of it. I've seen men that could take four rows of figures, and put their fingers, each one of their fingers on a row of figures, and just come right down like that for maybe five or six figures deep, and put the answer at the bottom. Figuring four rows at a time, anywhere from one to nine. Well, I have a hard time figuring one row, 'less I got enough fingers and toes to count, to--to get one row figured out. I just never could find that key. But, you see, some of them just has that key to it, they know how to do it.
44And there's a key to knowledge, a man after knowledge. There's a key to science, the scientific researches. Now, there's, that's a great key. People look for that key.
45 Like here sometime ago they found an atom, and knowed that there was atoms, and then the atoms formed molecules and so forth. Now, they got to searching, someone believed if that atom held everything together, if the atom could be turned around, that would take that what it's holding and break it apart. Cause, everything is held up by atom, we know that. Now, that post is held with atoms. You are held together with atoms. The grass, the trees, everything is held together with atoms. Well, if that atom, turning all one way, if it can be broken and turned back, then it would destroy. And, now, great scientists believe that that could be done, and they worked and they worked, and they set hour after hour, and week after week, year after year, until finally they conquered it.
46 It was, I believe, Thomas Edison, on the light, that they say the man had a knowledge that he could make electricity light. He's the inventor of the light bulb. And he wouldn't even go to bed at night. He would take a sandwich in his hand and eat his meal, and set there and figure and work. Somewhere way back in the back of his mind, something told him he could do it. What is it? It's a key that can open up the way.
47 Not many years ago, there was a--a man that he believed that he had a talent to write comic strips. He believed he held the key in his hand. And he wanted... he went... He lived in Kansas. He went to the editor of the great paper in Kansas City, and took some of his writings in. And the editor said, "Sir, you just haven't got it. You, there's no need of trying, you, you can't do it." But that didn't satisfy him. He knowed he had it. And he went back again and again, trying, but he (the editor) would turn him down. Finally, he went to other places, and they turned him down, saying, "Mister, you just haven't got it. You can't do it." But yet he believed he could do it. And that's the way, he's got something in his hand! Finally, he got the job of writing some little script for, I believe, the editorial or something for a church, some sort of a little comic strip for the church. And he rented hisself a little rat- or mice-infested garage, where the mice was running all over the place and everything, in his sheets, and he got to noticing a peculiarity of a certain little mouse. There's where the story of Mickey Mouse was born. Now it's a multimillionaire Walt Disney. Why? He had something in his hand, and he knowed he held it, he knowed he could do it. And that's the way every great achievement is made. When men and women have something in their hand, that they know they can do it.
48 When polio struck the nation. As, we're all commanded now to go get this vaccine, to stamp it out. When polio struck... Yesterday I was listening to a doctor as I was driving over the road, some doctor from Louisville. He said, "A few years ago, when the great plague hit Louisville," said, "if men would have stood where I did, and saw fifty-seven respirators at one time, and men, women, boys and girls, paralyzed with a disease called 'polio,' and there was nothing could be done about it." Said, "I never want to see a thing like that again."
49But science thought, "If there is such an evil as polio, there surely is something to counteract it." They fought, they stood on the streets with boots, those firemen, they put hats out, and they begged, they bummed, they done everything, trying to find the key to unlock the door to liberty. And, finally, one Christian gentlemen by the name of Salk found the vaccine. Why? There was an evil at stake, there was a killer at stake; there was a key somewhere that could unlock freedom again for man, and the Salk vaccine was the great treatment. Oh, what the key can do! The vaccine was brought forth, and now is stamping out the polio with this vaccine, because that it was a "never tiring and never give up," that key laid somewhere. There was something would inoculate from it, and they were determined to find it.
50 And if there is such an evil as polio, diphtheria, smallpox, yellow fever, tetanus, lockjaw, and so forth, that science... these evils, has been able to fight, day and night, till they found an inoculation from it, because it's evil, it's a killer, how much more is there a key to salvation for a man that's in prison house of sin? There is a key to that door, to liberate men from it.
51A key, usually, when it turns the lock, and, when you find a key, it's got to be to some treasure, something that's worthwhile, or you wouldn't even lock it up. If it ain't worth locking up, just let it go. But when it's worth locking up! So a key usually is the--the note to something, or the way to enter to something that's worthwhile. The key, that's what it's for, now, it'll unlock something that's worthwhile.
52 Now we read in Saint John, the 10th chapter, Jesus said, "I am the Door to the sheepfold. I am the Door," not a door, "the Door, the only Door. I am the Way, the only Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man cometh unto the Father but by Me. I am the Door to the sheepfold and all that comes before Me is enemies, thieves and robbers." He is the Door to the sheepfold. He is the Door to salvation.
53"There's not another name given under Heaven whereby you must be saved, only through the Name of Jesus Christ." No church, no denomination, no creed, no doctrines of anything; only through Jesus' Name. That is the--that is the Key. No wonder Peter could use one of them on the Day of Pentecost! They wanted to know how to get into that Door. He used the Key. And there's only one Key, because there's just one Door. "I am the Door." And Peter had the Key to It. And he said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sin, and you shall receive the treasures of God." It's the Key to the Door, and Jesus is the Door.
There's only one Door to healing, and Jesus is that Door.
54 There's only one Door to peace. Yeah. "My peace I give unto you." He's only one Door to genuine peace. You might think you got peace. You might accumulate enough money to buy your home, you might accumulate enough money to get your children clothes, have food to eat, but you might have accumulated enough popularity to be popular amongst people. But when you slip off your shoes at night and get ready to lay down, there's only One Thing can give you peace. That is, if you know you were dying that night, there's only one Peace, and, that's, Jesus is the Peace. He is our Peace.
55He is our Healing. "I'm the Lord thy God that heals all of your diseases."
56He is the Door to Heaven. And there's no other door or no other way but through Jesus Christ. He is the Door to Heaven.
57And now Jesus is the Door to all these things, and faith is the key that unlocks the Door. Now, if Jesus is the Door to all these promises of God, faith in His finished work unlocks every door to every treasure there is inside the Kingdom of God. See it? Key is... Faith is the key that unlocks every promise He makes. The key of faith does that, faith in His finished work. It's these keys that we're speaking on.
58 Now in Hebrews, the 11th chapter, I got a great string of them wrote down here, of these heroes of faith. It was the key, to--to the Door, that stopped the mouth of lions. It was the key, faith, that unlocked the prison houses. It was faith, the key of faith, that quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, brought the dead back to life again. It was faith, the key of faith in the living God. That hand, that man, that woman, who can take that key of faith, they can unlock every promise God made. But if you haven't got that key, you're just progging, you'll never unlock it. You'll beat against it, because this key...
59Any correct made key has levers on the inside of the lock, and it takes a certain form, a certain shape of them keys to turn those levers. And just one little lever out of the way, will mess the whole thing up.
60 Therefore, I believe in the full Gospel, every Word of God, that turns the power of God loose, that turns His blessings to the people. It's the key to the Door, that unlocks It. Oh, those great heroes, those prophets and great men of the Bible, that had that key! That's the reason they could stop the mouth of lions, quench the violence of fire, escape the edge of the sword, bring the dead back to life again, and do all kinds of miracles, is because they held that key and they knowed it worked, because it was a Scripture-born key.
61Now, if I'm progging with a creed key, I don't know what it's going to do. If they say "my church speaks as this," I don't know about that.
62 But when the Bible teaches it, and I hold the faith key in my hand, or in my heart, that says "that's God's Word," that'll quench the violence of fire, it'll unlock healing for the sick, it'll unlock salvation to the lost. I have to come to the Door, everything's in His Name. "Whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in His Name." Knowing that the key that you got is faith, because it's a Scripture-made key. Now, if it's a creed key, denominational key, I don't know what it'll do. But if it's a Scriptural key, it'll unlock, because God said so. Now, oh, no wonder they could stop the violence of fire, and so forth, they had the key.
63 God's first nod to one of those prophets, nothing could stop them. He didn't have to do like He does to me sometime, pound it over and over, and perhaps you (I hope not), but keep telling me, "Go do this," and then you'll stumble along, "Then go do this," and "Go back and do it again, you didn't do it right." Just one little nod! Just, they could just feel the Spirit tell them, "It's the thing to do," and nothing's going to stop them. Brother, they--they--they stopped the mouth of lions, they escaped the edge of the sword, they quenched fire, they done everything. Just a little nod from God, because they held the key in their hand, that great faith! They done things for God because nothing will stop them. Oh, how glorious!
64 Like the young man one time came up to an old brother that was a godly old man, an old prophet of God. And he heard that man constantly testify, constantly telling about the goodness of God, and how that God was, and what Christ was, and just going ahead, speaking. Finally, this young man was going to be ordained in the ministry, so he came up to this certain old sage, and he said to him, "Sir, I want to ask you a question."
He said, "Ask on, young man."
65He said, "Does Christ literally mean as much to you as you say It does?"
66He said, "He means more to me than what I could ever have breath to speak!" There you are. What was it? He had found the key.
67That young man said, upon that, "If you claim these things, and you say to me that they're as real as you, then I want to know that same Jesus, in the same reality." What was it? He knowed the old man had a hold of a key, that he could unlock and could lock up.
68 You know, a key that locks, unlocks, too. See? You can loosen or bind. That's right. The same key that locks, unlocks. The key that unlocks, can lock up. And that's exactly, see, because it works both ways. How pitiful it is that the church has ever lost its vision of that! What a sad thing it was when the church sold itself out to creeds, as we've done today, and now call to unite.
69We seen where the great Roman hierarchy and them are going to meet now, they're going to change some programs. I thought they didn't change; but they're going to, anyhow, give each priest the power of a pope, and--and wherever he's at, and so forth. How pitiful, that the church ever sold out to dogmas instead of the Word. See? That's where they've left the key, right there. That's the reason the great miracles and signs are not done amongst the people today, that there used to be, they have lost the key! Yeah, they know the Door, they know the Door's there, but the next thing is the key to open the Door. The treasures is behind the Door. They're locked up, out of sight, from the unbeliever. But the believer, who has faith and can take the key of faith, can unlock these Doors. Yes, sir.
70 One time here a few years ago, there was a missionary brother, and he felt he had a call to Africa. He was a young fellow; a wife and two children, very pretty, the young girls, about seven or eight years old, apiece. And this young fellow couldn't get away from it. He was a--a minister, he had a nice church in the country. But he just couldn't get away from that call, he "must go to Africa." And he prayed, day and night. He didn't want to go. And God kept speaking to him, "You must go!" And finally he come to a place till he, a showdown, where, he--he must go!
71 So he went to the mission board of his church, and he said, "God has called me to mission fields way back in the jungles of--of Rhodesia." And in this jungle it's infested with malaria, with fever and with that hot sun, plaguery and leprosy, and all kinds of diseases back in this jungle, be where he was going to make, take the rest of his life. Sold his home and all he had. So the mission board wanted to test him, and they said, "Are you sure now?"
He said, "I am positive."
72They said to him, "Sir, have you thought it on this manner, that you've got two pretty little girls, and you got a--a lovely young wife, and if you're just... Why don't you just go over and see how it is and then come back?"
73He said, "No, the Lord told me. Oh, it's so real!" He said, "The Lord called me. And I--I don't want to leave my home, I don't want to leave my church and my people, but the Lord called me back there in that jungle."
74 And he said, "Sir, did you know your little girls could take yellow fever or blackwater fever, and die, overnight?" And he referred to different people that had lost their children, the little fellows, to take them back in there, on diseases that they had no inoculation for. And said, "Think of leprosy, of your pretty wife and your two little girls with leprosy, and that hot sun and things you've got to put up with." Said, "Aren't you afraid, and the danger of taking your children and wife in such a place?"
75And the missionary stood there, the young fellow, and the tears begin to run down his cheeks, he turned around, he said, "My brethren! My vision of God's call," he said, "if God has called me to Africa, my children and family is more safer in Africa than any place in the world." Amen. What was it? He had the key to his call, he had faith in what he was talking about. Oh, I thought, what a gallant remark! When I first heard that, my heart bounced. See, "If God has called me to Africa, my children in the leprosy and plaguery and everything else, they're safer there than any other place on the face of the earth." He had the key. That's what it takes.
76 When you got the key, there's no fear, there's no doubt, there's no question. You don't have to ask anybody else about it, you know exactly. You've got it in your hands, you know what to do. Amen. You know what the score is, you know the door's going to unlock. You've checked the levers and you know it's strictly the right thing, the door's going to fly open when you throw the key in it.
77Oh, if the church only possessed the keys! If the church only possessed that key of faith, we could unlock any door, any sickness, any plague, any case that there is. It could be unlocked to us if we could only possess this key. This man had the key to his calling.
78 If you'll pardon a personal testimony. I remember about fifteen, seventeen years ago now, about, when the Lord said to me down there on the river, when He came down in that Pillar of Fire Whose picture you see, and He spoke to me and He said, "You're to take this Message around the world."
And I remember at Green's Mill when He spoke to me.
79And I went and told the pastor, and he told me, said, "Billy, what did you eat that night? You had a nightmare." He said, "Go on back to your job. You're working at the Public Service Company, got a good job, go on back and take care of your--your business, son." Said, "You had a nightmare. You eat something." That didn't faze me one bit!
80When I started out for the healing services, many of you here remember my Message that morning, As David Went To Meet Goliath, I preached on.
81 And they told me, he said, "In the day of modern science, when we have got all kinds of medical research, when we've got the best doctors, when the church has long forgot Divine healing and stuff from many, many years ago, how are you going before a great giant like that? How are you going to walk out in the face of the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, and so forth, and even the Pentecostals, who has forgot it a long time ago, and went into their creeds? How are you going to face, with no denomination or nothing else to back you up? What are you going to do, Bill?" Somehow, another, it didn't faze me one bit, for I held in my hand a key! I said... They said, "Nobody will believe you. You won't be able to do it. Nobody will believe you."
82I said, "I don't care. There's one thing sure; God called me, and I must go because God called me." I held the key. He had called me, He had showed me, He had told me, and I saw His Presence when He commissioned me, and the key was there!
83The pastor said, "With a seventh-grade education, and you're going to preach and pray before kings and monarchs!"
I said, "That's according to His Word!"
84 About this time last year, or a week or two before, when I had come to the church here and told you that the Lord God had given me a vision of go... taking a hunting trip, and a--a certain animal I was going to find, that was going to have forty-two-inch horns on it. And on the road back from getting this animal (where it would be laying, the position it would be in), on the road back I was going to kill a silver-tip grizzly bear. And I went to this certain section, and I spoke to the man, and he said, "I don't know of any animal that looks like that. And as far as a grizzly bear, I've never seen one."
I said, "But somewhere it's got to be here."
85So he said, "We're not even going into bear country. We're going up for sheep, way up above timberline." Well, I went with him.
86 And the second day out, in the very spot, exactly where the Lord said, there laid the animal. So when I went and got the animal, and while we were taking the skin and the horns and so forth, off, he said, "I want to ask you something. You told me, three days ago when we left the--the camp, that after you had shot this certain beast, that on the road back you was 'going to kill a silver-tip grizzly bear.'"
I said, "That's THUS SAITH THE LORD!"
87Said, "I'm not doubting," he said, "because my brother was an epileptic, and you had never seen him in your life, when you was up here one time, and you told me that boy was going to be healed when I done a certain thing. And he was." He said, "Now, but, Brother Branham, I want to ask you," he said, "I can see all the way down that mountain to where the timberline is, them horses are standing. And there's nothing there. There isn't a speck of grass, there isn't a rock, there isn't nothing." Caribou moss, which is about two inches high, on above timberlines, for a mile or more above the timberline. Said, "Where is the bear going to be?"
88I said, "God is Jehovah-jireh. If He's told me there will be a bear there, there'll be one there."
89 Down the mountain, about every time we get a half a mile or so, closer, he said, "Brother Branham, about time for that bear to appear."
I said, "Don't worry, he'll be here."
90And when we were almost within about five hundred yards of where the horses was, we had to rest again with the heavy horns and things on our back. And he looked around again, and I seen his face as he looked at me, as if down in his heart he was wondering. See, he had hoped it would be there, but he didn't have the key.
91But somehow, by the grace of God, He's never failed me. When He told me there would be a silver-tip there, I had the key. I didn't doubt it one bit, not a bit. I turned to him, and I said, "Bud, it'll be there." And just as I turned, there was the bear [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] standing right above us, about a half a mile.
92He throwed the glasses on, he said, "Billy, so help me, it's a big silver-tip!"
93See, the key, a vision, the Word of the Lord, there's nothing can change It or stop It. What the church needs tonight is not an education. What the church needs tonight is not a denomination. What the church needs tonight is not creed. What the church needs tonight is the key to the Scriptures, the Door. Which, Christ is the Door, and He is the Word. Faith in the Word of the living God unlocks every door.
God, give us the key. Give us the key.
94 Hebrews, the 12th chapter, says, "Seeing that we're compassed about with such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the unbelief that does so easily beset us." It says "sin," which, sin is "unbelief." See? Only one sin, that's unbelief.
95And sin means "to miss the mark." Like you're shooting, you miss the mark, better adjust your gun, see, because there's something wrong. You missed the mark. See, come back and try over. See? It means to turn around, you've missed the mark. When you want to be a Christian, and you go join the church., you've missed the mark. When you want to be a Christian, and you've been sprinkled in the name of "the Father, Son, Holy Ghost," you missed the mark. Better come back. You'll not be on the target. You'll scatter, as sure as the world. There's only one Thing can hold you in perfect line, that's the Scripture, the Bible, the Word. For, both heavens and earth will pass away, but God's Word will never pass away.
96So, hold the key, faith in the Word! And every bit of faith that you believe, and don't doubt one speck, you can unlock every door that stands between you and the blessing that God has for you. May God help us to have the keys, is my prayer. Let us bow our heads now for a word of prayer.
97 Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight that Thou has give us a key to unlock to us salvation. I--I thank You for that, Lord, that we are saved, and for the key that we have been able to use so far. But, God, give us faith, that every one of these Words wrote in Your Book is little levers, and this Key called Jesus... this Door, I mean, called Jesus; and the key, called faith, touches every Word, it unlocks it. It moves that little lever down and we can enter into that blessing. Heavenly Father, give to us the keys, that we might be able to have faith in the promises of God, that our faith might not fail, that we might be able to be a service to You and to those who we associate with.
98Forgive every sin of our disbelieving, Lord, and help us to be Thine. We're coming now to the communion table, and I pray, Heavenly Father, that You will forgive us of all of our trespasses, that we might be able to enter into the joy of fellowship around the table of God. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
99 My brother, sister, if you've got the key to the Kingdom, the key to the Door, the key of salvation, God help you to open the doors and let Jesus come in. Let Him give to you the things that you so--so desire.
100Now, just a moment before we start to read on communion, I want to say a thing because it's on communion. And when we come to this altar, there's only one way to come, that is, if we hold the key of faith in our hands, that lets us know that our sins are forgiven. And if we don't have that key to unlock that Door, that our sins are forgiven, we have no business at the table of the Lord. Because, he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. Now, that is true.
101 I guess all of us know that today is the National Communion Day. This is the day that all churches take communion. It's the National Communion Day over the nation. And I thought that it would be appropriate to speak a word or two on communion before we took it, while the pastor, if he will, be getting the Scriptures ready for the reading of the--the order of the Lord's table. Now, this communion... Now, I won't take but just about ten minutes.
102 This communion that we're fixing to take, has been the greatest dispute of any doctrine in the Bible. That was their... one of their first disputes in the early church. And today the Protestant, of Episcopalian and Methodists, and many of the Protestant churches, would gladly accept Catholic, Roman Catholic doctrine, if they could get over the little hump of communion. But they will agree that the priest should be married and be ministers, the Catholic church agreed on that several times in their conferences and meetings. They agree on it. And they'll agree upon different prayers, and so forth, the Protestant church will agree upon it. And the catechisms and so forth, the little altar here and there, and the Catholic church is willing to do it. But when it come to the communion, there they fell. Anybody that's ever read history knows that. But, course, to my way of thinking, they'd have a lot to get away from, before I--I could accept it, you see, because it isn't Bible.
103 But I want you to say one thing to the Catholic church. Do you know the Catholic church, in the beginning, was the apostolic pentecostal church? Certainly was! It was the first beginning of the church. And you see where they--where they got to, they kept taking away the Word and injecting a dogma.
104And if the Pentecostal church should exist another hundred years, it would be farther off of the Bible than the Catholic church is today, from the way it's going now.
105It took the Catholic church several, hundred years to get away from it, three hundred years, from the early church to the organizing of the Roman Catholic church, which they started out. And they've caught, bringing in big dignitaries and things, and they cut out this and put in this, and taken out this and put up that, and taken down pagan idols and put up Christian statues, and so forth, and just compromising on That till they come to what they got now, the Roman Catholic church.
106And the Protestant Pentecostal church from the--the fifty years that it's been in existence, and where it's fell from where it started, it'll be a worse shape than the Catholic church, in a hundred years from now. That's right. That's a big word to say, but just look where they've fallen from. They went right into organization, they went right in compromising on this and that, and everything else. And there they go, see, going right back.
107 But, communion, it's called "the Lord's supper." Now, a lot of people, they want to take it in the morning. Didn't say in the Bible it was His breakfast. And how these people today, how they can still say "Lord's supper," and they don't. They've cut out supper, and omitted it, and called it "dinner," nonsense. Supper!
108Now, always a dispute in the Bible times, it was a dispute then. The people misunderstood the Lord's supper, when they come to the table. Paul told those Corinthians. They were coming and getting drunk at the Lord's table. See, it was misunderstood right then. He said, "If you want to eat, eat at home."
109 And another thing, it was misunderstood, what it was. Sinners, and man living in sin, come and took the communion. And that was misunderstood. A man living with his mother, foster mother, and the church had told him about it; still taking communion at the table.
110And there were divisions among them, and they were still taking communion. He said, "I understand that you walk like the rest the Gentiles. And there's--there's friction among you, like there is at--at especially in Cephas' house, and so forth." Said, "You walk like the rest the Gentiles." See, it was misunderstood.
111 The communion has always been misunderstood. Now, I could go on for that for hours, but we got to get this communion and the feet-washing. Now they've simply omitted feet-washing altogether, but just a few of the denominations. A lot of the Pentecostals has got completely away from it. See? And it's still in the Bible just the way it was wrote. See?
112Now, Rome does not call it "communion." They call it "mass, it's a holy mass." They don't take communion, they take a mass. It's a mass, and a mass certainly takes the real meaning from communion. A mass means "hoping." They take a mass, hoping (that in doing this in the mass) that God will forgive them of their sins, by taking "the literal body of Christ, which the priest turns to the Body and the Blood of Christ," taking that, hoping that God will omit their sins by doing so. It's a mass.
113 The Protestants call it "communion." Communion means "thanksgiving." That the Protestant... The Catholic is taking a mass, in the mass hoping that God forgives them of their evil doing. The Protestant takes it with thanksgiving for what's already done with the communion with God; communing with Him, that it's already done. The Catholic is hoping it's done; the Protestant says it's already done. The Catholic is wondering if his sins is forgiven; the Protestant is confessing that they are forgiven, that he is free. And a communion is communing with God. And these articles that we take, not in hopes that our sins are forgiven, but they are forgiven. Because it... One is hope; and the other one is faith. One's hoping he's right; and the other one knows he's right. See? The other one, one's hoping, because he don't know where he stands; the other one knows he's right, because he knows what God said. That's it. That's the difference. So, when you're just hoping, be careful; but when you know, then go on. See, then you're in communion with God. Protestant is, he says he's forgiven and he knows it; the Catholic has mass, hopes that he'll be forgiven. It's just like this: one is a beggar, hoping that everything's all right, see; the other one is a beggar thanking for what's already been done. They're both beggars. But one is begging, hoping he'll get it; the other beggar knows he's got it, and thanked Him for giving it to him. Now, there's the difference. That's communion. Yes, sir. One is hoping that he's forgiven; the other one knows he's forgiven, and giving thanks for it.
114 So, communion is for Christians that's born again of the Spirit of God. And born again does not necessarily mean now that you got the Holy Ghost. Now remember. Now, many teach that. "I don't know anybody that teaches it like this," as old Brother Arganbright said that night from the pulpit here, see. But, new birth is not the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Scripture doesn't support it, I don't think, see, to my way of seeing it. See? I believe that you're born again...
115 And that's the reason I do use the word baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, but not to regeneration. Now, the Pentecostal, United Pentecostal church, baptizes in the Name of Jesus Christ for regeneration. I don't believe that. And they can do it if they want to. But I believe that Peter said, "Repent," first. Water don't remit sins. The Church of Christ preaches it that way. But I believe that repentance, godly sorrow; repent means "turn around, go back," you missed the mark, "start over again." Do that first! And your baptism in water is only an outward profession of something that's been done inside of you, that you have accepted Christ as your Saviour.
116 I guess it's just the church here tonight, as far as I know, I'm not here enough to know who does come or not. I got a little criticism here not long ago on baptizing a man here in the pool, an old fellow. And I went to him, he was a good old man. I had the privilege of leading all of his family to Christ, all of them Christians. This old man was a nice old man, and I liked him, so I went to him and I said to him, "Papa, why don't you become a Christian?" He loves me.
117He said, "Brother Branham, I would become a Christian when I can get good enough."
118I said, "Tell you what you do, Papa. You look around till you find where you can get good enough, then tell me where that place is, I want to go, too." I said, "Christ never come to save good man. He come to save bad man." When you think you're good, then He didn't come to save you. He come to save them that He knows are bad. See? Christ died to save sinners. See? And I said, "Papa, there's a line right here."
He said, "Well, I smoke these cigarettes."
I said, "I ain't going to even talk about them."
He said, "I've tried to give them up, Brother Branham."
I said, "All right, we ain't going to talk about cigarettes."
He said, "Well, when I can..."
119I said, "Don't, don't say no more about them, let them go. I want to ask you a question."
He said, "All right, what is it?"
I Said, "Do you believe there is a God?"
120Said, "Certainly, I believe it." Said, "I believe that as strong as you do, I would guess, Brother Branham."
121I said, "Do you believe that that same God crossed His strain and was made flesh and dwelt among us in the person of Jesus Christ, in order to save man?"
He said, "Yes, I believe that."
"And He died to save sinners like you are and like I?" See?
"Yes, I believe that."
122I said, "Now, it's just like this. We're all in one big building over here, and we're in jail, and I can't stand over in this corner and say 'this will help me get out of jail,' I stand over in that corner and say 'that will help me get out of jail,' we're all in the same fix. And every man that was born in this world was born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies. He's a renegade, to begin with."
123 Someone asked the other day, he said, "Brother Branham, if... would there be any difference between Adam and Eve, and their children today, if they were all naked, walking in the... Would--would they're bodies be the same?"
124I said, "No, sir." We was coming home from squirrel hunting, Brother Fred and I, and a bunch of them. I said, "No, they wouldn't be the same."
125Said, "You mean Eve wouldn't be a woman like her daughters, and Adam wouldn't be a man like his sons?"
I said, "In many respects, but not in all physical respects."
He said, "What would be the difference?"
126I said, "They wouldn't have any navel. They were created. Right. They wasn't attached to nothing."
127As long as that bears there on everything that's born in this world, shows it's a renegade, to begin with. That's right. I said, "Sure, there's a difference. They would have no navel. They wasn't connected to any female, to come here." See, God created them.
128 Now, I said, "I want to say something. Every man in this prison house, who's holy? Who is the one that wasn't born by sex? Who is one can help the other, no matter what he is? We're all in this same prison. But God made Hisself one of His creations and come beyond sex, through the holy Blood that He created Himself, and through that Blood He redeemed us." I said, "You believe that, Papa?"
He said, "I believe that."
129I said, "Christ died for bad man like you. Now, there's only one way to do. There's nothing you can do. He offers it to you. You can't merit it. Nothing you can do to get it. He just gives it to you. Will you accept what He did for you, to keep you from hell?"
130He said, "I'll do that." He said, "But if I could just get rid of these cigarettes."
131I said, "The cigarettes will take care of theirself. You just... I ain't asking you. I'm not a legalist. I believe in grace. 'And all the Father has given Me will come to Me.'" I said, "If you believe that with all your heart!"
He said, "With all my heart, I believe it."
132"Then will you accept it on those basis, that you're not worthy of it, but He's the One that's worthy. Don't look at yourself; look at Him, 'cause you can't do nothing for yourself. Look at the One that did something for you. What about Him?"
"Oh," he said, "He's worthy."
I said, "That's it, then accept what He gives you."
He said, "I do."
133And I baptized him in the Name of Jesus Christ. And him go out of here and light up a cigarette.
134 A few weeks ago I was down to his homeplace. I saw a vision one night, of an evergreen tree being cut down, turned upside down. I seen boards nailed on it. Right next to the last board was a notable board. And down below that board, right down towards the end, running out like this, the tree broke right there. And a Voice said, "It should have been you," or, "It would have been you." And Papa Cox fell, mashed his back in here. And so the next morning they brought his cigarettes to him when he was in the bed, the desire had done left him. Weeks ago! He's never tasted one, don't even want one or nothing else. See? And I seen him a while ago, when his hands was just brown all over, a few weeks ago, with cigarettes, and now he can't even stand for one to be around him. Put first things first! Don't try to get good; you're bad, to begin with, and nothing you can do. There's a separating line, and all human beings is on that side.
135 Now, when I was born in this world, it was between a holy wedlock, between my father and mother; in her womb was an egg, in my father's glands was a blood cell. My life consists of that blood cell (not of my mother's egg), of my father's blood cell. And when that blood cell went into its proper place to meet the egg, when it did, nature was commanded to God to give me a body. And then that I was then born into the human race, I was given an opportunity to--to become an intelligent person like human beings are, where I could drive an automobile, or I could do things like human beings do, walk, talk, drive an automobile, and so forth. I was given that, because I was born into the human family, and given power of intelligence to be a human being.
136 Now, when I was born into the family of God, I came by the Blood, the Blood give me Life. And then after I become alive in Christ, He baptized me with the Holy Ghost and power, to be a son of God. Now, just like I could walk, talk like a human being, drive my car like human being. Now when I receive the Holy Ghost, I receive power to cast out devils, to speak with new tongues, preach the Gospel, heal the sick. I am baptized! Not born; but baptized!
They were gathered in the upper room,
All praying in His Name,
They were baptized with the Holy Ghost,
And power for service came.
137 Amen. You believe unto Eternal Life, and are born again by your faith. Jesus said, in Saint John 5:24, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting life," not the Holy Ghost, just has everlasting life. He's born into the family of God. And then baptized into the Holy Ghost, with power of the intelligence of faith, to believe the Gospel and to put It to work and make It act right. Amen. Then he acts like a son of God. Then he can cast out devils. Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them!" See? "In My Name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues, take up serpents, drink deadly things." See, he receives power by the Holy Ghost, to do these things.
138 Now, when He went away, He said, "It's expedient for Me that I go away. For, if I go not away, the Holy Ghost will not come." See? Then when He comes, He will reprove the world of sin, and teach righteousness, and show you things to come (that's visions). "He'll take the things that I've taught to you, and reveal them to you." The very Words that He's come... No man can understand the Word outside the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And when a man says he's got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and disputes the Word being right, there's something wrong.
139 Paul was a critic of the New Testament. It wasn't, the New Testament wasn't wrote. Paul was a critic of Christianity, Saul. And when he received the Holy Ghost, he went three years down in Asia and studied the Scriptures, because he was taught under Gamaliel, a great teacher. Then when he come back, and fourteen years later, he went up to meet Peter at Jerusalem, and found out they were Word and by Word the same Gospel. The same God that had Peter preach on the day of Pentecost and tell them to repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, that same Holy Spirit revealed it to Paul, and he told them in Acts 19 after they had done been baptized one time by John, said, "You have to be baptized over again, in the Name of Jesus Christ." See?
140 See, the Holy Spirit stays right straight with the Scriptures. Its faith in That unlocks every mystery. Amen. The Bible said, in First John 5:7, "There are three that bear record, Heaven: the Father, the Word (which was Christ), and the Holy Ghost. These three are one." "And there are three that bear record in earth: water, Blood, Spirit. These three are not one, but they agree in one." Now, you can't have the Father without having the Son, you can't have the Son without having the Holy Ghost; they are one. But you can be justified without being sanctified, and you can be sanctified without having the Holy Ghost. Sanctification is by the Blood, through the Blood comes Life. See? And the Holy Ghost is the power of God, see, the power given to the church.
141 "You shall receive" (what?) "power," Acts 1:8, "after this the Holy Ghost is come upon you. You shall receive power!" (Not "you'll be born again.") "You'll receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you. Then you're My witnesses in Jerusalem, Judaea, and Samaria, unto the uttermost parts of the earth." See? You receive power after you receive the Holy Ghost. But first you must receive the Holy Ghost, and that is the power of God, see, to manifest and demonstrate. You're--you're... as you was a human, and learned to talk and walk and do the things a human does; when you're baptized with the Holy Ghost, you're given power to act as sons and daughters of God. No wonder people act and do the way they do today, they've never been filled with the Holy Ghost. If they would, they'd act different. They claim they have, but Jesus said, "By their fruits you shall know them." So how can you do it, you see, it's just all scrupled up. See? But come back to the facts!
142 Now, if you walk upright and claim yourself to be a Christian, we invite you tonight to the table of the Lord. Today, no doubt, the communion has been taken across the nation, some of them in one way and some in another. But I think the best way to do it is follow the Scriptures, just the way they did it in the Scriptures. I think that would be sufficient.
143Do you have your Bible, Brother Neville? Brother Neville will now read the Scriptures. [Brother Neville says, "In the 11th chapter of First Corinthians, beginning at the 23rd verse," and reads the following Scriptures:
For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:
And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat; this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as you drink it, in remembrance of me.
For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.
Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.
But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.
For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.
For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.
But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.
Brother Neville says, "The Lord bless the reading of His Word."--Ed.]
144 It's always such a holy thing, such a sacred thing, I think we should bow our heads now in silent prayer. You pray for me, I'll pray for you. Let's pray for one another, that God will be merciful to us unworthy creatures that's about to partake of this great sacrament in remembrance of the death of our Lord.
145[Brother Branham pauses for silent prayer. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] This prayer of confession we offer to You, our Father, upon Your golden altar, with our Sacrifice, the Lord Jesus. We ask it in His Name. Amen.
146 Now I believe the elders will take their place, and they'll... of the church, and they'll bring the people up as they come, row by row, for the communion. Always think of that song:
Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood
Shall never lose Its power,
Till all the ransomed Church of God
Be saved, to sin no more.
Let us bow our heads.
147Gracious and Holy Father, Jehovah, the great Almighty, send Thy blessings upon Thy people as we wait. Forgive our sins. And now we offer to You this sacrament, this wine, the grapes that's been grown, and hands of ministers crushed this together. And it was made into wine for the cause that we're now bringing it to You for, that it might represent to us the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray Thee, Father, to sanctify the wine for that purpose. Forgive every sin of ours. And may every person that receives this wine to their body, may they have health, strength, and salvation from You. Grant it, Lord. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
148 The Bible said that when He brake bread and blessed it, said, "Take and eat, this is My Body which is broken for you. This do in remembrance of Me." And when we take these little parcels of bread, of kosher, which is made unleavened. It's made by Christians. It's made because that it--it represents the Body of Christ. We understand that--that it was the disciples of Christ's day, or the day of the church, that took these portions and made the supper ready at the last supper, at Christ's last supper. And down through the Bible, it was disciples that ministered these things to the people. And today, our modern-day disciples, our brethren here of the church, disciples of this Cause, minister to the people. And they will take these portions and give them to the people.
149 And now when you receive this bread, remember, it represents the Lamb. Long years ago when Israel's lamb was roasted over fire, and was taken with bitter herbs, the people had strength; their shoes never wore out, their clothes never come threadbare, all through the journey till they hit their promised land. May God keep us healthy, happy, serving Him until we reach the Promised Land that He's given us.
Let us pray.
150 Gracious Heavenly Father, as I speaking tonight of that Holy, sanctified Body of our Lord, in Whom dwelt the fullness of the Godhead. When I think of that Body being creased and--and broken, and the Blood running out, His back and His ribs shining through, the lashes up and down His back; when I think of this wrinkled, beaten bread represents that, it comes afresh in our hearts. We lay our hearts, Lord, upon Your altar tonight. Forgive us, O God. And may this broken bread, as it goes into the mouth of these, Thy servants, and may they recognize that it was Your precious Body that was bruised and wounded, and by the stripes we are healed. Grant it, Lord. Sanctify this kosher bread to its intended purpose. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Just hold a minute.
151It is not closed communion. Every Christian believer is welcome to the table of the Lord, to have this fellowship with us...?...
1Je to privilégium byť tu v modlitebni! Aj pre mňa je to trochu nečakané. Vždy, ak som niekde nablízku a koná sa večer komúnia, vždy prídem na komúniu. Lebo je to… Myslím, že každý Kresťan by sa mal tešiť na komúniu a mal by sa jej zúčastňovať, lebo Ježiš povedal, „Ak to nejete, nemáte so Mnou dielu.“ Preto je to vždy veľká výsada prísť do tejto Modlitebne. Dnes večer brat Neville povedal, že je trochu zachrípnutý a že či by som nemohol ja hovoriť k zhromaždeniu. Povedal som mu, že veľmi rád. Tiež by som chcel oznámiť, že...
2Zajtra večer je bratské stretnutie, stretnutie dôverníkov a obchodníkov tu v cirkvi, pravidelné stretnutie v pondelok večer a ich… treba rozhodnúť pár vecí s dodávateľom. Hádam asi všetci viete, že naše papiere boli schválené a budeme tu môcť postaviť modlitebňu. Takže už to prešlo a začne sa to asi niekedy budúci týždeň. Budova sa začne stavať tento týždeň, pokiaľ viem. Tu v Jeffersonville nám to zamietli, tak sme išli do štátneho úradu v Indianapolis a tam nám dali dovolenie, takže budeme môcť stavať. Takže hádam sa to začne tento týždeň. Zajtra večer sa o tom na stretnutí rozhodne. A tak, ak sa to ešte po zajtrajšom zhromaždení nezačne, keby náhodou dodávateľ nemohol alebo podobne, začne sa to ten nasledujúci týždeň.
3A tento nadchádzajúci víkend, v sobotu večer, nedeľu ráno a nedeľu večer budúci týždeň, budúcu sobotu a nedeľu, ak Pán dá, chcem mať trojité zhromaždenie, podobne ako pred pár týždňami. A potom ako… To bude v sobotu večer, potom nasledujúcu nedeľu ráno a znovu v nedeľu večer. To by malo byť 13. a 14. tohto mesiaca.
Potom idem s niekoľkými bratmi preč do Colorada na poľovačku. Potom sa vrátime do modlitebne a keď to bude hotové, ak Pán dá, chcel by som vziať asi jeden celý týždeň pred tým, ako znovu odídem na zhromaždenia, a kázať na Zjavenie Siedmich Pečatí. Tesne pred tým, ako… Rovnako, ako sme mali Sedem Cirkevných Vekov, za tým nasleduje Sedem Pečatí.
Asi v najbližších dvoch alebo troch týždňoch, myslím, že tak to hovorili tí, ktorí to budú stavať, že modlitebňa by mala byť hotová asi do desiatich alebo pätnástich dní, tak nejako. Budeme tam mať miesto na sedenie asi pre raz toľko ľudí, ako máme teraz, možno dva-tri krát viac ľudí. Na to som naozaj čakal.
4Lebo viete, minulú sobotu a nedeľu, bolo to hrozné. Ľudia tam vonku stáli o druhej popoludní, aby si našli miesto v modlitebni ešte pred tým, ako sa otvorila. Nasledujúce ráno o piatej, jedna zdravotná sestra žije hneď vedľa mňa, tak prišla a povedala, „Ľudia sa začali zhromažďovať v modlitebni o piatej ráno.“ A potom, keď sa tam neskôr ľudia dostali, nezostalo tam už miesto, tak boli znechutení a odišli. A potom tí, ktorí zostali stáť, sa natlačili do uličiek, tak sme boli naozaj natlačení. A videl som, ako tam stáli ženy a potili sa, viete, len to z nich lialo. Potom nejaký muž uvoľnil nejakej žene stoličku, tak celý čas stál, až ho nohy boleli, a niekto iný mu potom dal stoličku. A viete, nie je to veľmi príjemné, keď to tak musí byť, sú tam matky s chorými deťmi a podobne, je to zlé.
5A tak, chceme sa tomuto vyhnúť, tým, že postavíme väčšiu modlitebňu. A budeme mať príjemnú miestnosť, kde sa budú môcť deti zhromažďovať, kde môžu plakať a nevyrušovať; matky tam budú môcť ísť a stále počúvať zhromaždenie, bude sa im to vysielať priamo tam. Miestnosti pre nedeľnú školu tam budú tiež usporiadané, tak, ako by to malo byť. A tak, ak Pán dá, malo by sa to uskutočniť tento nasledujúci týždeň.
6Všetci do jedného ste hlasovali za, takže o to sme sa postarali. Cirkev je suverénna. To, čo hovorí cirkev, tak by to malo byť. Dôverníci a všetci ostatní… Dôverníci, to je len jeden človek, jeden hlas. Pastor je len jeden hlas. Ale je to cirkev, ktorá… je to demokracia cirkvi, suverénnosť cirkvi. Cirkev hovorí ako celok. Tak to je. A máme to radi, lebo nemáme žiadnych biskupov, hierarchie alebo dozorcov, ktorí by nám povedali, ako bude toto alebo tamto. Je to Duch Svätý v cirkvi, ktorý o tom hovorí. A mám rád to pravidlo, je to v poriadku.
7A opýtal som sa, „Chcete počkať, kým budeme mať dosť na to, aby sme odsťahovali túto modlitebňu preč a postavili väčšiu budovu?“ To mal na starosti výbor dôverníkov, ale nemohli to vybaviť. A tak sa opýtali mňa, ako všeobecného dozorcu, aby som prišiel a opýtal sa publika. A tak som povedal, „Máme dosť peňazí na to, aby sme zväčšili zbor a napravili všetky tieto veci, čo sme tu mali.“ Povedal som, „Čiže môžeme to urobiť hneď teraz alebo ešte šetriť a počkať, kým budeme mať dosť na to, aby sme od základu postavili inú budovu, úplne inde.“
Tak sme dali publiku hlasovať a jednomyseľne sa prišlo k tomu, aby sme hneď postavili nový zbor. A tak sme zostali rovno s tým.
8A náš výbor tu v Jeffersonville to neschválil, povedal, že sa to nedá. Tak sme radšej išli do Indianapolis a dostali sme do toho štát. Odkázali nám, že máme zelenú a máme právo to postaviť. Čiže teraz s tým mesto už nemá nič spoločné, lebo štát nám to schválil. Tým pádom máme teraz povolenie a dodávateľ už je pripravený, myslím, že sú hotoví začať kedykoľvek.
Zajtra večer, ak dodávateľ povie, že chce začať budúci týždeň, potom vynecháme zhromaždenia až do Siedmich Pečatí. A ak nebude môcť začať budúci týždeň, potom budeme mať zhromaždenie budúcu nedeľu, sobotu a nedeľu pred tým, ako odídem.
Najprv som to mal mať túto nedeľu, ale potom som zistil, že je večer komúnie, tak som to na dnes vynechal. Lebo v takom veľkom dave sa tu komúnia nedá brať veľmi pohodlne, keď budeme mať väčšiu budovu, tak sa to bude dať.
9No, budeme mať nového prezidenta... Ó, viete, čo mám na mysli. Nedávno rodina Hickersonových dostala nového člena. Naša sestra, ktorá tu hrá na klavíri, by mohla prísť a zahrať melódiu „Prineste maličkých,“ ak môžeš, alebo nejakú pieseň takého typu. Tento malý chlapec od Hickersonovcov, ktorého tak dlho očakávali, nakoniec prišiel. Veľmi príjemný chlapec a istotne je to poklad pre Hickersonových. Oni sú všetci pre nás pokladmi, milujeme ich a sú skutočne naším bratom a sestrou. Sme vďační, že sa im do rodiny narodil tento maličký, čo urobilo skutočný prevrat v ich rodine. Poprosil by som, aby teraz otec a matka priniesli svojho maličkého na zasvätenie. Ako Písmo hovorí, „Priniesli k Nemu deti, nemluvňatá, aby na nich vzkladal Svoje ruky a požehnal ich.“
10Viete, sú na svete ľudia, ktorí veria v niečo, čomu hovoria „krst nemluvniat.“ Ide o to, že vezmú tieto novonarodené deti a vôbec ich nepokrstia, len ich pokropia vodou. Pričom nikde v Biblii nenachádzame, žeby niekto niekedy kropil dospelých, nieto ešte deti.
Čiže krst je vyznaním vnútorného skutku milosti, ktorý bol vykonaný. A tieto malé nemluvňatá nemajú žiadne poňatie o hriechu. Preto, keď Ježiš zomrel na kríži, On zomrel, aby sňal hriech sveta. A keď sa to bábätko stáva ľudskou bytosťou a je narodené do tohto sveta, ono nemá na sebe žiaden hriech, preto tam nie je z čoho činiť pokánie. Ale potom, keď tá Krv Ježiša Krista odníma hriech… Samozrejme, to dieťa je narodené v hriechu, splodené v neprávosti, prichádza na svet hovoriace lož a je od prirodzenosti hriešnikom, ale Krv Ježiša Krista koná za neho zmierenie. Ale keď sa to dieťa dostáva do veku zodpovednosti, kedy už vie, čo je správne a čo nie, potom musí činiť pokánie z toho, čo urobilo. Teraz to už je skutočný hriech, rovnako, ako je narodené v hriechu, je to ľudský hriech, ten hriech je teraz presne tým istým hriechom, ktorý spáchali Adam s Evou; a to im Boh odpustil skrze Krv Ježiša Krista. Ale dokiaľ to dieťa nemá hriech, z ktorého by mohlo činiť pokánie, až keď hreší, potom musí činiť pokánie, vidíte. A keď činí pokánie, potom je čas dať sa pokrstiť ponorením.
11A dovtedy sa riadime podľa nariadení Biblie, ktoré hovorí, „Priniesli Ježišovi maličkých, aby na nich vzkladal ruky a požehnal ich.“ Tento drahý rodič dnes prináša svoje dieťa pastorovi a mne na posvätenie. A oni cítia, že umiestnením ho do rúk Kristovým reprezentantov ho umiestňujú do rúk samotného Krista. Potom skrze vieru prinášame toto dieťa k Bohu, vzdávame Mu vďaku za to, že ho nám sem dal, a prosíme Boha, aby ho požehnal, čomu hovoríme „posvätenie nemluvniat.“
12No, viete, ako som to robil so svojimi deťmi. Mám malú dcéru, ktorá je už teraz v sláve, a ona bola tiež zasvätená Pánovi tu na tomto oltári. Mám chlapca a dcéru, ktorí teraz sedia tam vzadu, ktorí ešte neboli pokrstení. Jedna, Sára, má jedenásť a dnes som jej hovoril o krste. Jozef má len sedem, takže je na to ešte príliš mladý, čo sa týka… Samozrejme, ak by po tom túžil a Boh by mu to kládol na srdce, neváhal by som to urobiť. Ale čo sa týka nemluvniat, len ich zasväťme Pánovi, lebo tak to učí Písmo.
13Brat Neville, poprosím ťa, aby si sem so mnou prišiel k tomuto chlapcovi. Bál som sa, ze… Je to Hollin? Hollin? Áno, mladý Hollin. Stephen Hollin. Dobre, v poriadku. Neviem, prečo som si myslel, že spí. Má takú Hickersonovskú povahu. Keď som ho nedávno videl, povedal som „prezident,“ a tak ďalej. Aj keď, samozrejme, na to je ešte príliš mladý, aby bol prezident. Zdravím ťa. No, viem, že toto by bol poklad pre akúkoľvek matku. Nemyslíte si? Veľmi zlatý. A tak, brat Hickerson a sestra Hickersonová, ako služobník Kristov, ako váš pastor, vierou beriem toto dieťa do rúk Ježiša Krista, do ktorého rúk ste sa ho rozhodli vložiť.
14Skloňme svoje hlavy, ako tu pastor a ja stojíme s rukami na tomto dieťati.
Náš nebeský Otče, v Biblii k Tebe prinášali malé deti, aby si na nich vzkladal ruky a požehnal ich. A oni, Pane, boli skutočne požehnané. A aby sme sa teraz riadili podľa Tvojho príkladu, podľa tých vecí, ktoré si urobil, my sme sa, Pane, snažili pozorne čítať Bibliu a nasledovať príklady, ktoré si Ty priniesol. A tento otec a matka, brat a sestra Hickersonoví, naši milovaní učeníci tu v modlitebni, tu k nám priniesli kúsok tej radosti, ktorú si dal do ich opatery. Všetko to prichádza od Teba, Pane. Ty si im dal toto dieťa. A oni majú teraz tú túžbu odovzdať ten malý život Tebe, aby bol na Tvoju službu. Modlím sa, aby si požehnal toto dieťa, aby si mu dal dlhý život. Pokiaľ je to možné, nech ešte žije, aby uvidel príchod Pánov. Modlím sa, aby si ho požehnal, kdekoľvek bude. Nech je vychovaný v kresťanskom domove, rovnako, ako sa do neho aj narodil. A nech to všetko len pokračuje v tomto dome. Ak je to možné, nech sa jeho otec a matka dožijú toho, že ho uvidia za kazateľňou, ako káže Evanjelium. Oni by ho, Otče, radšej videli tam ako na stolici v Bielom Dome alebo kdekoľvek inde, lebo oni sú Tvoji služobníci a túžia, aby bol život toho dieťaťa na posvätenie a blaho práce Božej.
A teraz sa, Otče, modlím, aby si požehnal toto dieťa. Nech na neho zostúpi milosť Božia a nech je zdravý a šťastný po celý svoj život. A opäť prosím, aby sa jeho otec a matka dožili toho, ako rastie. Požehnaj toho, ktorého požehnávame v Tvojom Mene.
15A teraz, malý Stephen Hollin Hickerson, odovzdávam ťa Ježišovi Kristovi, aby Jeho požehnania, o ktoré sme prosili, na teba zostúpili. Buď zdravý a silný, môj malý brat, a ži, aby si oslávil Boha. Prosíme o to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech vás Pán žehná.
Kde nezostarneme, nikdy nezostarneme,
v zemi, kde nikdy nezostarneme;
Nikdy nezostarneme, nikdy nezostarneme,
v zemi, kde nikdy nezostarneme.
Či to nebude nádherné? Mladí budú dospelí a starí budú opäť mladí. Či to nie je nádherné? A nikdy nebudeme chorí ani nebudeme mať smútok, nikdy nezomrieme.
16Ďalej, čo sa týka bohoslužieb, brat Neville už niečo oznámil. Ešte by som dodal ohľadom zhromaždení, nezabudnite na to, tie zhromaždenia, o ktorých hovoril. Tiež, čo sa týka pani Fordovej, ktorá k nám do zboru pred rokmi zvykla chodiť, pred pár dňami som ju odviezol k jej dcére, má asi osemdesiat rokov. A asi, myslím, že o ôsmej včera večer sa odišla stretnúť s Pánom. Takže zhromaždenie s jej pohrebom budeme mať na starosti pastor a ja, v modlitebni v Coots, v stredu asi o 10:30, túto najbližšiu stredu. Pani Fordová, pani… tuším som zabudol, ako sa presne volala… Levi, pani Levi Fordová. To bola matka Lloyda Forda, ktorého môžete vidieť v mojej knihe, ktorý mi zachránil ten skautský oblek, keď mi zostala len jedna nohavica. To je matka toho chlapca. Nedávno som ju odviezol a pomodlil sa s ňou, vyzerala zúbožene. Išla sa teda stretnúť s Pánom Ježišom.
17A ak Pán dá, mal som tu niečo, čo som plánoval oznámiť počas zhromaždení, ak budú na budúci týždeň, dal som ich sem, aspoň sa mi tak zdalo, o čom som mal hovoriť na nadchádzajúcom zhromaždení budúci týždeň. Ak by… Zdalo sa mi, že som to dal do tejto knihy, neviem, či naozaj alebo nie. Áno, tu to je. Ak Pán dá, v sobotu večer chcem kázať na tému „Prečo jeden človek ovplyvňuje život druhého.“ A v nedeľu by som chcel kázať na „Zavŕšenie pyramídy.“ A v nedeľu večer by som chcel kázať na tému „Môj Vodca,“ téma je „Môj Vodca,“ na najbližšiu nedeľu večer. Nech Pán požehná tieto veci a pomôže mi a dodá trochu kontextu, aby som v tom pokračoval.
18Čiže, chcel by som sa dnes poponáhľať, mám tu pár vecí. Mimochodom, mám tu list, ktorý prišiel poštou, Billy to pred chvíľou vyzdvihol, že nejakí bratia sú v Michigane. Toto prišlo zo spoločnosti kazateľov, ktorá má viacero vecí. A viete, tam sa to väčšinou zamieša. Jedni tam tvrdia, že nejakí bratia povedali, že som ich tam poslal, a oni tam kážu o tom, že muži by mali opustiť svoje ženy a hľadať svojich duchovných partnerov, tiež že ja som dokonale neomylný. A že nie je nič, čo by… Ó, jedni z najhorších vecí, ktoré by ste kedy mohli počuť. A tá kazateľská spoločnosť sa toho zmocnila a napísali mi o tom list, že vraj som ich tam poslal a spôsobilo to dosť zmätku. Niektorí z nich prorokujú, že muž by mal opustiť svoju ženu a oženiť sa s inou. Tento zbor veľmi dobre vie, že my nestojíme za takými hlúposťami.
Veríme v Bibliu. Veríme, že keď si muž berie ženu, je to jeho manželka a jedine smrť ich môže rozdeliť. Len to jediné. Neveríme v nič také, rovnako, ako neveríme vo voľnú lásku. V nič také. Veríme, že Biblia je absolut a len to jediné. Takže si len urobím kópiu tohto listu, pridám k tomu svoju odpoveď a dám to do časopisov, tým to bude vybavené. Dúfam, že im to nejakým spôsobom dá odpoveď.
19No, prehovorme s naším Pánom pred tým, ako otvoríme Písmo.
Náš Nebeský Otec, pristupujeme k Tvojmu trónu milosti v Mene Pána Ježiša, toho veľkého, ktorý zostúpil zo slávy, aby pred nami odvinul bohatstvá pokladov Božích. Ako Ti len ďakujeme za tohto veľkého Ježiša, ktorý bol manifestáciou Božou, dal sa nám osobne poznať a skrze Neho máme vykúpenie z našich hriechov. Lebo je o Ňom napísané, že povedal, „Ten, ktorý počuje Moje slová a verí v Toho, ktorý ma poslal, ten má večný život; a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“
20Požehnaj dnes Svoje Slová, Pane. A sme tu, aby sme sa čoskoro zúčastnili komúnie. Kresťania, spoluobčania kráľovstva, sa zhromaždia okolo oltáru a zúčastnia sa toho, čomu my hovoríme „komúnia,“ ten malý sviatočný symbol, ktorý si nám zanechal, aby sme ukázali, že veríme, že si zomrel za naše hriechy a znovu si povstal na tretí deň a žiješ na veky vekov. Budeme to robiť, až kým sa nevrátiš presne podľa Písma, ako si nám to prikázal. Posväť naše srdcia od zlých myšlienok a od všetkého, čo sme urobili, čo bolo v protiklade s Tvojou vôľou. Otče, odpusť nám a daj nám dnes večer z Tvojej milosti. Lám pre nás chlieb života v Slove, ako Ho budeme čítať a hovoriť o Ňom. V Mene Pána Ježiša to prosíme. Amen.
21Takže, v knihe Zjavenia, prečítam len jeden verš, chcel by som prečítať 20. verš alebo skôr 1. verš dvadsiatej kapitoly.
A videl som anjela, zostupujúceho z neba, ktorý mal kľúč od priepasti a na svojej ruke veľkú reťaz.
No, chcel by som hovoriť, ak sa dá z toho vybrať nejaká téma, alebo vytiahnuť nejaký kontext, len na dvadsať-dvadsaťpäť minút, chcel by som to nazvať „Kľúč ku Dverám.“ No, nemyslím to vo význame „kľúče“ ako v množnom čísle, lebo Petrovi boli dané kľúče do kráľovstva. Ale chcel by som to nazvať: „Kľúč ku Dverám.“ A hneď vzápätí by som chcel spomenúť pár myšlienok o komúnii, pred tým, ako ju dnes večer budeme mať.
22Čiže, kľúč. Všímam si, ako sme tu čítali, že tento anjel zostúpil z neba a mal v ruke kľúč. Myslím, že to je Zjavenie 13 alebo 19, znovu tam nachádzame, že prichádza iný anjel s kľúčom. A kľúč je, ten účel toho kľúča je niečo odomknúť. Niečo bolo zamknuté alebo by malo byť zamknuté. Nato je ten kľúč daný.
A existuje veľa druhov kľúčov, lebo ich rôznym spôsobom využívame. Sú kľúče ku skladom, sú kľúče k našim domom, máš kľúč k autu. Nazývame ich kľúče, a oni sú kľúče. Môžeme z nich mnohokrát vytvoriť kópie. Alebo k tomu sa dajú spraviť, čomu hovoríme, hlavný alebo šperhák. Inými slovami, je to kľúč, ktorý má na sebe viacero záhybov, ktoré keď sa otočia, dajú sa tým otvoriť takmer akékoľvek dvere. Hovorí sa tomu šperhák. Je to skeletová stavba viacerých kľúčov, dá sa s ním odomknúť dom alebo auto a dá sa aj skopírovať. A potom je...
23Žiaden kľúč nemôže otvoriť dvere, pokiaľ ho neriadi nejaká ruka. Niečo musí použiť ten kľúč. Ten kľúč nevie použiť sám seba. Ten kľúč sa musí niečomu oddať.
Je to ako tento mikrofón, do ktorého hovorím. Ten mikrofón je sám o sebe nemý. Pokiaľ do neho nie je hovorené, on nemôže hovoriť sám od seba. Musí mať niečo, čo cez neho hovorí. Čiže nejde o ten mikrofón, ide o ten hlas, ktorý je za tým mikrofónom a prenáša zvukové vlny do vašich uší.
A tak to je aj s kázaním Evanjelia. Nie je to o nás samých, ako kazateľoch, my nie sme Evanjelium. My sme len vysielačmi, ktoré prenášajú hlas Boží k počujúcim skrze naše ľudské pôsobenie.
24Rovnako je to aj s videním. Čo sa videnia týka, ja neviem, čo mám teraz cirkvi povedať. Ale ak mi Duch Svätý pred tým ukáže videnie, potom prenesiem to videnie tomu, ktorému je to smerované. Čiže to nie som ja, ja nie som to videnie. Je to Boh, ktorý mi dáva to videnie a ja len konám ako prenášač, ktorý prináša toto posolstvo videnia ľuďom.
Tak isto to je aj s tým kľúčom. (Prepáčte.) Ten kľúč má byť len v ruke, ktorá ním otvára dvere. Vidíte, musí to byť nejaká ruka. A ten kľúč, o ktorom budem dnes večer hovoriť, môže držať len jedna ruka, a to je ruka viery. To je tá jediná vec, ktorá môže držať tento kľúč. Iné kľúče môžu používať ostatné ruky, ale na túto je potrebná len táto ruka.
25No, vezmime si napríklad kľúč ku známosti. No, ak si chce človek nahromadiť známosť, potrebuje na to kľúč. Je určitý spôsob, ako tento človek musí otvoriť dvere. Musí si zohnať knihy a učiť sa a nemôže… nikto ho nemôže naučiť. Môžu ho vyučovať, ale len on sa musí učiť. A ten jediný spôsob, ako sa to môže stať, je, že on musí zachytiť ten kľúč – niečo, čo mu odhalí a zjaví tie vedomosti, ktoré hľadá.
Tiež sú ľudia, ktorí by radi vyskúšali hrať na klavíri alebo nejakom hudobnom nástroji. Oni jednoducho nevedia, ako sa to robí, a mohli by aj chodiť za učiteľom, lekciu za lekciou, ale stále by sa to nikdy nenaučili. Jednoducho sa nevedia zmocniť toho kľúča k tomu tajomstvu, ako funguje rytmus, ako znie ladenie a ako to všetko spolu sedí. Treba na to určitý kľúč.
26Takisto matematika, je určitý kľúč ku matematike, musíte tomu prísť na kĺb. Videl som ľudí, ktorí si vedeli vziať štyri riadky čísel, položiť prst na každý jeden riadok, prejsť takto asi päť alebo šesť riadkov a dolu napísať odpoveď. Vypočítať štyri riadky naraz, v číslach od jedna do deväť. Ja mám problém poradiť si s jedným riadkom, zdá sa mi, že nemám dosť prstov na to, aby som to všetko vedel spočítať. Nikdy som nevedel nájsť ten kľúč. Ale vidíte, niektorí to jednoducho majú a vedia, ako na to.
A existuje kľúč ku vedomosti, pre človeka, ktorý chce vedomosť. Existuje kľúč k vede, k vedeckým výskumom. No, to je skvelý kľúč. Ľudia ten kľúč hľadajú.
27Ako aj tu nedávno našli nejaký atóm a vedeli, že existujú atómy a potom tie atómy formujú molekuly, a tak ďalej. A keď tak ďalej bádali, niekto bol toho názoru, že ak ten atóm držal všetko pohromade, že ak by sa obrátil, to by vzalo to, čo je vnútri, a rozštiepilo by sa to. Lebo všetko je spolu držané atómami, vieme to. No, tamten stĺp je držaný atómami. Vy držíte pokope atómami. Tráva, stromy, všetko je držané atómami. Nuž, a ak by sa ten atóm prevrátil, ak sa dokáže rozštiepiť a otočiť, potom ničí. Veľkí vedci veria, že to je možné, tak pracovali a pracovali, sedeli nad tým hodinu za hodinou, týždeň za týždňom, rok za rokom, až na to prišli.
28Myslím, že to bol Thomas Edison so svojou žiarovkou, hovoria, že ten človek mal toľko vedomostí, že dokázal rozsvietiť elektrinu. On bol vynálezcom žiarovky. Ledva chodieval spať do postele. Len si zobral do ruky rožok, vzal si so sebou jedlo, pričom stále sedel a pracoval, snažiac sa na to prísť. Niekde vzadu v jeho mysli mu niečo hovorilo, že to dokáže. Čo to bolo? Bol to kľúč, ktorý vedel otvoriť cestu.
29Pred nie mnohými rokmi bol jeden človek, ktorý veril, že má talent písať komiksy. Veril, že v ruke držal kľúč. A chcel… Žil v Kansase. Išiel k redaktorovi jedných veľkých novín v Kansas City, ktorý sa pozrel na niektoré z jeho diel. A ten redaktor povedal, „Pane, vy to jednoducho nemáte v sebe. Nemusíte sa ani snažiť, nedokážete to.“ Ale to ho neuspokojilo. On vedel, že to má. A tak sa znovu a znovu vracal, ďalej sa snažil, ale ten redaktor ho zakaždým odmietol.
Nakoniec išiel na ďalšie miesta, ale tam ho tiež odmietli, hovoriac, „Pane, nemáte na to. Nedokážete to.“ Ale on jednako veril, že je toho schopný. To bolo to, on mal niečo v ruke. Nakoniec dostal prácu napísať nejaký scenár, myslím, že nejaký hlavný redakčný článok pre akúsi cirkev, nejaký komiks pre cirkev. A prenajal si nejakú garáž a tá bola plná myší a potkanov, len sa to tam hemžilo myšami, boli všade, aj na obliečkach, a vtedy si na jednej z tých myší všimol niečo zvláštne. A tam sa zrodil príbeh Mickey Mousa. Teraz je ten človek multimilionár, je to Walt Disney. Prečo? On mal niečo vo svojej ruke, vedel, že to drží a že to dokáže. Takýmto spôsobom sa rodil každý veľký úspech. Keď majú muži a ženy vo svojej ruke niečo, čo im hovorí, že to dokážu.
30Keď zasiahla krajinu obrna. Teraz sme všetci povinní dať sa očkovať, aby sa to zlikvidovalo. Keď obrna zasiahla… Včera som počúval jedného doktora, ako som išiel dolu cestou, nejaký doktor z Louisville. On povedal, „Pred pár rokmi, keď ten veľký mor zasiahol Louisville,“ povedal, „ľudia tam len stáli ako ja, videli sme päťdesiatsedem respirátorov naraz, boli tam muži, ženy, chlapci, dievčatá, všetci paralyzovaní touto chorobou zvanou ‚obrna‘, a nedalo sa s tým absolútne nič robiť.“ Povedal, „Už nikdy nechcem nič také vidieť.“
Ale veda si myslela, „Ak existuje také zlo, ako je obrna, určite musí existovať niečo, čo funguje proti tomu.“ Oni bojovali, stáli na uliciach s topánkami, tí hasiči, vyťahovali klobúky a žobrali, robili, čokoľvek sa dalo, snažili sa nájsť ten kľúč, aby otvorili dvere slobody. Nakoniec jeden kresťanský muž menom Salk našiel vakcínu. Prečo? Išlo o zlo a o smrť; niekde sa nachádzal kľúč, ktorý vedel znovu odomknúť slobodu pre ľudí, a Salkova vakcína bola tým veľkým liekom. Ó, čo ten kľúč len dokáže! Bola prinesená vakcína a teraz to ničí všetku obrnu, lebo niekto sa niekedy neúnavne nevzdával, aby našiel ten kľúč, ktorý niekde ležal. Bolo niečo, čím sa dalo očkovať, a oni boli odhodlaní to nájsť.
31A keď existuje také zlo, ako je obrna, záškrt, kiahne, žltačka, tetanus, trizmus a podobne, a tá veda bola schopná bojovať dňom i nocou, až kým nenašli proti tomuto zlu liek, lebo je to všetko zlo, je to zabijak, o čo viac existuje kľúč pre spasenie človeka, ktorý je zajatý vo väzení hriechu? K tým dverám existuje kľúč, aby oslobodil ľudí.
Väčšinou, keď nájdete kľúč, ktorý vie ku niečomu otvoriť dvere, musí to byť nejaký poklad, niečo hodnotné, inak by ste to nezamykali. Ak to nestojí za to, aby ste to zamykali, len to necháte tak. Ale keď to je niečo hodnotné, to už je iná vec! Takže kľúč je väčšinou spôsob ku niečomu, čo je hodnotné. To je to, na čo je ten kľúč, aby odomkol niečo, čo je hodnotné.
32V Jánovi 10. kapitole Ježiš povedal, „Ja som dvere do ovčinca. Ja som tie dvere (nie nejaké dvere, tie dvere), tie jediné dvere. Ja som cesta, tá jediná cesta, pravda a život a nikto nemôže prísť ku Otcovi, len skrze Mňa. Ja som dvere do ovčinca a všetci, ktorí prichádzajú predo Mnou, sú nepriatelia, zlodeji a lúpežníci.“ On je dverami do ovčinca. On je dverami do spasenia.
„Nie je žiadne iné meno pod nebom, cez ktoré by ste mohli byť spasení, len skrze Meno Ježiša Krista.“ Žiadna cirkev, žiadna denominácia, žiadne vyznanie, žiadne náuky o ničom; len skrze Ježišovo Meno. To je ten kľúč. Niet sa čo diviť, že Pavol jeden taký kľúč použil na Letnice! Oni chceli vedieť, ako sa do tých dverí dostať. On ten kľúč použil. A existuje len jeden kľúč, lebo sú len jedny dvere. „Ja som tie dvere.“ A Peter mal ku nim kľúč. A on povedal, „Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás, a buďte pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov a príjmete poklady Božie.“ Je to kľúč k dverám a Ježiš je tými dverami.
33Sú len jedny dvere k uzdraveniu a Ježiš je tými dverami.
Sú len jedny dvere k pokoju. „Môj pokoj vám dávam.“ On je tými jedinými dverami do skutočného pokoja. Môžete si myslieť, že máte pokoj. Môžete si nahromadiť dosť peňazí na to, aby ste si mohli kúpiť dom, mohli by ste nahromadiť dosť peňazí na to, aby ste kúpili deťom oblečenie, mať jedlo na jedenie. Môžete si nahromadiť popularitu a byť slávnymi medzi ľuďmi. Ale keď si večer vyzujete topánky a pripravujete sa na odpočinok, je len jediná vec, ktorá vám môže dať pokoj. A to je to, že aj keby ste vedeli, že v tú noc máte zomrieť, je len jediný pokoj, a tým je Ježiš. On je naším pokojom.
On je naším uzdravením. „Ja som Pán, tvoj Boh, a uzdravujem všetky tvoje choroby.“
On je dverami do neba. A nie sú žiadne iné dvere ani žiaden iný spôsob, len skrze Ježiša Krista. On je dverami do neba.
A tak, Ježiš je dverami do všetkého tohto a viera je tým kľúčom, ktorý odomyká tie dvere. Čiže ak Ježiš je tými dverami do všetkých týchto zasľúbení Božích, viera v Jeho dokonalé dielo odomyká každé dvere do každého pokladu, ktorý sa nachádza v kráľovstve Božom. Vidíte to? Kľúč je… Viera je kľúčom, ktorý odomyká každé zasľúbenie, ktoré On dáva. Kľúč viery to robí, viery v Jeho dokonalé dielo. Toto sú tie kľúče, o ktorých hovoríme.
34V Židom, v 11. kapitole, mám tu vypísaný zoznam týchto hrdinov viery. Bol to ten kľúč k dverám, ktorý zastavil tie levie tlamy. Bol to kľúč viery, ktorý odomkol dvere väzenia. Bola to viera, kľúč viery, ktorý zahasil násilie ohňa, unikol ostriu meča a priviedol mŕtvych späť do života. Bola to viera, kľúč viery v živého Boha. Tá ruka, ten muž, tá žena, ktorí dokážu vziať ten kľúč viery a odomknúť každé zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh činí. Ale ak nemáte ten kľúč, tak len tápete a nikdy to neodomknete. Budete do toho len búchať, lebo tento kľúč…
Akýkoľvek správne vyrobený kľúč, ktorý má v sebe určitý výrez, vždy to má určitý tvar a formu, ktorá obráti tými páčkami. A čo i len malý rozdiel medzi tými páčkami to môže celé pokaziť.
35Preto verím v plné Evanjelium, každé Slovo Božie, ktoré uvoľňuje moc Božiu, ktorá prináša ľuďom Jeho zasľúbenia. Je to kľúč ku dverám, ktorý to odomyká. Ó, tí veľkí hrdinovia, tí proroci a veľkí muži Biblie, ktorí mali ten kľúč! To je ten dôvod, prečo to umlčalo tlamy levov, uhasilo násilie ohňa, uniklo ostriu meča a priviedlo mŕtvych späť do života a vykonalo všetky tieto zázraky, je preto, že oni držali ten kľúč a vedeli, že funguje, lebo to bol kľúč zrodený z Písma.
No, ak sa tam budem snažiť vložiť kľúč vyznania, ja neviem, čo to spraví. Ak povedia, „Moja cirkev vyučuje toto,“ ja o tom nič neviem.
36Ale keď to vyučuje samotná Biblia a ja držím vo svojej ruke kľúč viery (alebo skôr vo svojom srdci), ktorý hovorí „To je Božie Slovo,“ to uhasí silu ohňa, odomkne to uzdravenie chorých, odomkne to spasenie pre stratených. Prišiel som ku dverám, všetko je to v Jeho Mene. „Čokoľvek činíte v slove alebo skutku, čiňte to v Jeho Mene.“ Vediac, že ten kľúč, ktorý držíte, je viera, lebo je to kľúč zrodený z Písma. Ak je to kľúč vyznania, denominačný kľúč, ja nemám tušenia, čo on vykoná. Ale ak je to kľúč Písma, on bude vedieť odomknúť, lebo Boh tak povedal. Tak, ó, niet divu, že oni vedeli zastaviť silu ohňa, a tak ďalej, oni vlastnili ten kľúč.
37Keď Boh niečo týmto prorokom odsúhlasil, nič ich nemohlo zastaviť. On to nemusel robiť ako so mnou, stále to do nich vtĺkať, možno to tak je aj s vami (dúfam, že nie), že vám len hovorí, „Choď, urob toto,“ potom sa potknete a zase, „Teraz urob toto,“ a potom, „Choď späť a urob to znovu, neurobil si to dobre.“ Len jedno malé kývnutie. Oni len mohli cítiť, ako im Duch hovorí, že to je tá správna vec, ktorú majú urobiť, a nič ich v tom nemohlo zastaviť. Brat, oni zadržali ústa levov, unikli ostriu meča, zahasili oheň, urobili všetko toto. Len jedno malé kývnutie od Boha, lebo oni držali ten kľúč vo svojej ruke, tú veľkú vieru! Oni urobili veci pre Boha, lebo nič ich v tom nemohlo zastaviť. Ó, aké chválebné!
38Ako raz ten mladý muž prišiel ku staršiemu bratovi, ktorý bol starý pobožný človek, starý prorok Boží. A on počul, ako neustále svedčí, stále hovorí o dobrote Božej a aký je Boh, kým bol Kristus, a tak ďalej. Nakoniec bol tento mladý muž ordinovaný do služby, tak prišiel k tomuto starému mudrcovi a povedal, „Pane, mám na vás otázku.“
On povedal, „Len sa spýtaj, mladík.“
On povedal, „Znamená pre vás Kristus naozaj toľko, koľko hovorí, že pre vás znamená?“
On odpovedal, „On pre mňa znamená oveľa viac, než by mi stačil dych vypovedať!“ Tu to máte. Čo to bolo? On našiel kľúč.
Ten mladý muž na to povedal, „Ak tvrdíš všetky tieto veci a hovoríš mi, že sú naozaj tak skutočné, potom aj ja chcem poznať toho istého Ježiša, v tej istej realite.“ Čo to bolo? On vedel, že ten starý muž mal v moci ten kľúč, ktorým vedel odomknúť a zamknúť.
39Viete, kľúč, ktorý zamyká, tiež odomyká. Môžete uvoľniť alebo zaviazať. Tak veru. Ten istý kľúč, ktorý zamyká, ten istý aj odomyká. Ten istý kľúč, ktorý vie odomknúť, vie aj zamknúť, rozumiete? Funguje to oboma smermi. Aká škoda to je, že cirkev stratila toto videnie! Aká smutná vec to bola, keď sa cirkev zapredala vyznaniam, ako to dnes vidíme, a teraz zvolávajú o zjednotenie.
Vidíme, ako sa teraz chce celá rímska hierarchia zhromaždiť, chcú zmeniť nejaké programy. Myslel som si, že to nebudú robiť; ale vyzerá, že aj tak budú, dajú každému kňazovi moc pápeža, bez ohľadu na to, kde je, a tak ďalej. Aká škoda, že sa cirkev takto zapredala dogmám namiesto Slova. Priamo tam nechali ten kľúč. To je ten dôvod, prečo sa dnes medzi ľuďmi nedejú tie veľké zázraky a znamenia, ako zvykli, pretože oni stratili ten kľúč! Oni poznajú dvere, vedia, že tie dvere sú tam, ale hneď za tým by mal nasledovať ten kľúč, ktorý tie dvere odomkne. Poklady ležia len za dverami. Sú zamknuté, mimo dohľadu neveriaceho. Ale veriaci, ktorý má vieru a vie si vziať kľúč viery, dokáže tie dvere odomknúť. Tak veru.
40Raz tu bol pred pár rokmi jeden misionársky brat a cítil, že má volanie ísť do Afriky. Bol to mladý človek; mal ženu, dve deti, veľmi pekné malé dievčatá, asi sedem, osem rokov obidve. A tomuto mládencovi to nedalo. Bol kazateľ, mal pekný zbor na vidieku. Ale toho volania sa nevedel zbaviť, jednoducho musel ísť do Afriky. A tak sa modlil vo dne, v noci. On sám nechcel ísť, ale Boh ku nemu stále hovoril, „Musíš ísť!“ Až sa nakoniec dostal do bodu, kde musel vyložiť karty na stôl, že predsa musí ísť!
41A tak išiel k misijnej rade svojho zboru a povedal, „Boh ma zavolal na misijné pole do džunglí v Rodézii.“ A táto džungľa je plná infekcií, malárie, horúčavy pod slnkom, moru, lepry a podobných chorôb. Všetko to bolo v tej džungli, v ktorej mal žiť po zvyšok svojho života. Predal svoj dom a všetko, čo mal. A tak tá misijná rada ho chcela vyskúšať a spýtali sa, „Si si naozaj istý?“
On povedal, „Som si istý.“
Povedali mi, „Brat, rozmýšľal si nad týmto z toho pohľadu, že máš dve pekné malé dievčatá, príjemnú mladú ženu a ty jednoducho… Prečo sa tam len nevydáš sám, uvidel by si, aké to je, a podobne, a potom by si sa vrátil?“
On povedal, „Nie, Pán ma zavolal. Ó, je to tak skutočné!“ Povedal, „Pán ma povolal. Ja nechcem opustiť svoj dom, nechcem opustiť svoj zbor a svojich ľudí, ale Pán si ma zavolal do tej džungle.“
42A oni povedal, „Uvedomuješ si, že tie malé dievčatá by mohli chytiť žltú zimnicu alebo horúčku čiernej vody a zomrieť behom dňa?“ Potom opisoval rôznych ľudí, ktorí tam prišli o deti, a museli im dávať očkovanie. A povedal, „Pomysli, že by tvoja žena mala lepru, tvoje malé dievčatá malomocné, k tomu to horúce slnko, ako to budeš môcť zniesť?“ Povedali, „Či sa nebojíš vziať svoje deti a ženu na také miesto?“
A ten misionár tam stál, ten mladý muž, slzy mu začali tiecť dolu lícami, obrátil sa a povedal, „Moji bratia! Moje videnie je Božím povolaním,“ povedal. „Ak ma Boh zavolal do Afriky, moje deti a rodina sú oveľa bezpečnejšie v Afrike ako kdekoľvek inde na svete.“ Amen. Čo to bolo? On mal kľúč ku svojmu povolaniu, mal vieru v to, o čom hovoril. Ó, pomyslel som si, čo za šľachetné vyhlásenie! Keď som to po prvýkrát počul, moje srdce poskočilo. Vidíte, „Ak ma Boh zavolal do Afriky, ak by aj moje deti boli v malomocenstve a more a v čomkoľvek inom, je im bezpečnejšie ako kdekoľvek inde na tvári zeme.“ On mal ten kľúč. To je to, čo je potrebné.
43Keď máte kľúč, nie je žiaden strach, nie je žiadna pochybnosť, žiadna otázka. Nemusíte sa na to nikoho iného pýtať, viete to presne. Máte to vo svojich rukách, viete, čo robiť. Amen. Viete, ako na tom ste, viete, že tie dvere sa otvoria. Skontrolovali ste tie záhyby a viete, že to všetko dokonale sedí, tie dvere sa jednoducho rozletia, keď do nich vložíte kľúč.
Ó, ak by len cirkev vlastnila tento kľúč! Ak by cirkev len vlastnila ten kľúč viery, mohli by sme odomknúť akékoľvek dvere, akúkoľvek chorobu, akýkoľvek mor, akýkoľvek prípad by to mohol byť. Mohlo by nám to byť odomknuté, ak by sme len vlastnili ten kľúč. Tento muž mal kľúč ku svojmu povolaniu.
44Spomeniem jedno osobné svedectvo, ak mi prepáčite. Pamätám si, ako asi pred pätnástimi alebo sedemnástimi rokmi, keď za mnou ku rieke prišiel Pán, zostúpil v tom Stĺpe Ohňa, ktorý vidíte tam na fotke a povedal, „Si poslaný na to, aby si toto posolstvo rozniesol do sveta.“
Pamätám si, že to bolo pri Green's Mill, keď mi toto povedal.
A tak som išiel a povedal to pastorovi. On na to, „Billy, čo si mal v ten deň na večeru? Toto vyzerá na nočnú moru.“ Povedal, „Choď späť do práce. Pracuješ pre spoločnosť verejných služieb, máš dobrú prácu, len sa vráť a staraj sa, o čo máš. Bola to len nočná mora. Zle si sa najedol.“ To mnou ani trochu nepohlo!
Keď som začínal so zhromaždeniami s uzdravovaním, mnohí z vás si pamätáte to ranné posolstvo, „Ako Dávid išiel stretnúť Goliáša,“ o ktorom som kázal.
45A tak mi povedali, „V tomto dni modernej vedy, kedy máme toľko lekárskych výskumov, máme tých najlepších doktorov, cirkev už dávno zabudla na Božské uzdravenie a veci spred mnohých rokov. Ako sa môžeš postaviť takému obrovi? Ako môžeš vykročiť a postaviť sa pred metodistov, baptistov, presbyteriánov, a tak ďalej, dokonca aj letničných, ktorí už na to dávno zabudli a vrátili sa k svojim vyznaniam? Ako im budeš môcť čeliť, keď nemáš za sebou žiadnu denomináciu, ktorá by ťa vôbec podporila? Čo budeš potom robiť, Bill?“ Mnou to jednako nepohlo, lebo som v ruke držal kľúč! Povedal som… On povedal, „Nikto ti neuverí. Nepodarí sa ti to. Nikto ti nebude veriť.“
Ja som povedal, „To ma nezaujíma. Jedna vec je istá: Boh ma povolal a musím ísť, lebo ma Boh povolal.“ Držal som ten kľúč. On ma zavolal, On mi ukázal, On mi povedal a ja som videl Jeho prítomnosť, keď ma On poveril. Ten kľúč bol jednoducho tam!
Pastor povedal, „Chceš mi povedať, že so svojím sedemročným školským vzdelaním budeš kázať a modliť sa pred kráľmi a vládcami?“
Povedal som, „Je to presne podľa Jeho Slova!“
46Asi o takomto čase minulý rok, alebo týždeň-dva dozadu, som prišiel tu do zboru a povedal som vám, že Pán Boh mi dal videnie, aby som išiel na poľovačku a mal som nájsť určité zviera, ktoré malo mať na sebe rohy dlhé vyše meter. A potom, ako som sa mal vracať, ako ulovím to zviera (kde malo ležať, presne v tej polohe), na ceste späť som mal zabiť strieborného grizlyho. A tak som išiel na toto určité miesto, hovoril som s jedným človekom a on povedal, „Neviem o žiadnom zvierati, ktoré by tak vyzeralo. A čo sa týka grizlyho, toho som v živote ani nevidel.“
Povedal som, „Jednako tu niekde musí byť.“
A tak on povedal, „Veď my ani nejdeme do medvedieho teritória. Ideme k ovciam, čo je ďaleko za lesmi.“ Nuž, tak som išiel s ním.
47A na druhý deň, presne na tom mieste, ako povedal Pán, ležalo zviera. A tak, keď som išiel a zobral to zviera, zatiaľ čo sme ho strhávali z kože a vyťahovali rohy, a tak ďalej, on povedal, „Mám na teba otázku. Pred tromi dňami, keď sme odchádzali z tábora, si mi povedal, že na ceste od úlovku tohto zvieraťa zabiješ strieborného grizlyho.“
Povedal som, „To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!“
On povedal, „Ja v to nepochybujem,“ povedal, „lebo môj brat bol raz epileptik, ty si ho nikdy predtým v živote nevidel, keď si sem raz prišiel, a povedal si mi, že bude uzdravený, potom, ako urobíš určitú vec, a on bol.“ Povedal, „Ale teraz, brat Branham, chcem sa ťa spýtať,“ povedal, „teraz sa pozerám na tú horu, kde sa končí hranica lesa, stoja tam kone a nič tam nie je. Nie je tam smietka trávy, ani kus skaly, vôbec nič.“ Je tam mach, ktorý je asi päť centimetrov vysoký, vyše kilometra a pol nad hranicou lesa.“ Povedal, „Kde tam môže byť nejaký medveď?“
Povedal som, „Boh je Jehova-Jireh. Ak mi povedal, že tam nejaký medveď bude, on tam musí byť.“
48Ako sme tak išli dolu horou, po asi každom pol kilometri, ako sme sa približovali, mi hovoril, „Brat Branham, už je na čase, aby sa ten medveď objavil.“
Povedal som, „Bez obáv, on tam bude.“
A keď sme sa dostali do blízkosti asi 450 metrov, kde už boli kone, museli sme si odpočinúť, keďže sme so sebou niesli tie ťažké rohy a ostatné veci na chrbtoch. A on sa znovu obzrel a videl som jeho tvár, ako sa na mňa otočil. Vyzeralo, akoby sa vo vnútri v srdci niečomu divil. Vidíte, on dúfal, že to tam bude, ale nemal ten kľúč.
Ale jednako, skrze milosť Božiu, On pri mne nikdy nezlyhal. Keď mi povedal, že tam bude strieborný medveď, mal som kľúč. Nepochyboval som v to ani trochu, vôbec. Obrátil som sa k nemu a povedal som, „Bud, bude to tam.“ A v tej chvíli, ako som sa otočil, stál rovno nad nami medveď, vyše pol kilometra nad nami.
Hodil na seba okuliare a povedal, „Billy, pomoc, je tam strieborný medveď!“
Vidíte, keď je tam kľúč, videnie, Slovo Pánovo, neexistuje nič, čo by to mohlo zmeniť alebo zastaviť. To, čo dnes cirkev potrebuje, nie je vzdelanie. Nie je to denominácia. Nie je to vyznanie. To, čo dnes cirkev potrebuje, je kľúč k dverám Písma. Ku ktorým je Kristus dverami, a On je tým Slovom. Viera v Slovo živého Boha odomyká každé dvere.
Bože, daj nám ten kľúč. Daj nám ten kľúč.
49V Židom 12. kapitole sa hovorí, „Vidiac, že sme obklopení tak veľkým oblakom svedkov, dajme nabok každé bremeno a každú ľahko obkľučujúcu neveru.“ Je tam napísané, že „hriech“, ale vieme, že je to „nevera.“ Vidíte? Existuje len jeden hriech, a to je nevera.
A „hrešiť“ znamená „minúť cieľ.“ Ako keď strieľate, miniete cieľ, musíte lepšie namieriť zbraň, lebo niečo vám nevyšlo. Netrafili ste do cieľa. Tak sa vraciate a skúšate to znova. Vidíte, to znamená obrátiť sa, keď ste minuli cieľ. Keď chcete byť Kresťanom, pričom sa hneď pridáte do cirkvi, minuli ste cieľ. Keď chcete byť kresťanom a dáte sa pofŕkať na meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, minuli ste cieľ. Radšej sa vráťte! Inak netrafíte cieľ. Rozpŕchnete sa s takou istotou, ako že existuje svet. Je len jedna vec, ktorá vás môže udržať v dokonalej línii, a to je Písmo, Biblia, Slovo. Lebo aj nebo aj zem pominú, ale Slovo Božie nikdy nepominie.
A tak držte kľúč, vieru v Slovo! A každý kúsok viery, ktorý veríte, a nepochybujete ani trochu, to vám stačí na to, aby ste odomkli každé dvere, ktoré stoja pred vami, a tým požehnaniam, ktoré pre vás Boh má. Nech nám Boh pomôže mať tento kľúč, to je moja modlitba. Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy a modlime sa.
50Náš Nebeský Otče, ďakujeme Ti dnes večer, že si nám dal kľúč, aby nám odomkol naše spasenie. Ďakujem Ti za to, Pane, že sme spasení, za ten kľúč, ktorý sme doteraz mohli používať. Ale, Bože, daj nám viery, aby bolo každé jedno slovo, ktoré je napísané v tejto knihe, použité ako páka, a tento kľúč zvaný Ježiš… myslím tieto dvere, ktoré sa nazývajú Ježiš; a ten kľúč, nazývaný viera, nech sa dotýka každého Slova a odomkne ho. To pohne tou pákou dolu a my môžeme vstúpiť do toho požehnania. Nebeský Otče, daj nám tento kľúč, aby sme mohli mať vieru v zasľúbenia Božie, aby naša viera nezlyhala a aby sme mohli byť užitoční v službe pre Teba a tých, s ktorými sme v styku.
Odpusť nám každý hriech nevery, Pane, a pomôž nám byť Tvojimi. Prichádzame teraz k stolu komúnie a modlím sa, Pane, aby si nám odpustil všetky naše prestúpenia a aby sme mohli vstúpiť do radosti obecenstva okolo stola Božieho. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
51Môj brat či sestra, ak máš kľúč do toho Kráľovstva, kľúč ku dverám, kľúč spasenia, nech ti len Boh pomôže, aby si mohol otvoriť tie dvere a pozvať Ježiša dnu. Nech ti On dá tie veci, po ktorých tak túžiš.
No, ešte chvíľu pred tým, ako začneme čítať o Komúnii, chcem niečo povedať, lebo to je ohľadne Komúnie. Keď prichádzame k tomuto oltáru, je len jediný spôsob, ako môžeme prísť, a to je vtedy, keď držíme kľúč viery vo svojich rukách a to nám dáva vedieť, že nám je odpustené. A ak nemáme kľúč na odomknutie tých dverí, že sú naše hriechy odpustené, potom nemáme pri Pánovom stole čo robiť. Lebo ten, kto je a pije nehodne, je a pije si súd, nerozpoznajúc tela Pánovho. Tak veru.
52Hádam každý z nás vie, že dnes je národný deň Komúnie. Je to deň, kedy majú všetky cirkvi Komúniu. Je to národný deň Komúnie, ktorý platí v celej krajine. A tak som si myslel, že by bolo vhodné, keby som povedal pár slov o Komúnii, pred tým ako sa jej zúčastnime, zatiaľ čo pastor, ak by mohol pripraviť Písma na čítanie o poriadku pri Pánovom stole. No, táto Komúnia… No, vezmem na to asi len desať minút.
53Táto Komúnia, ktorú sa chystáme mať, bola a stále je najväčším bodom rozporu zo všetkých náuk v Biblii. To bol jeden z prvých bodov rozporu v ranej cirkvi. Rovnako aj dnes by protestanti, episkopáli, metodisti a mnohé ďalšie protestantské cirkvi rady prijali rímsko-katolícku náuku, ak by sa len vedeli zhodnúť na Komúnii. Ľahko by súhlasili s tým, že kňaz by mal byť ženatý, rovnako ako aj kazatelia. Tak sa na tom na svojich konferenciách a schôdzach katolícka cirkev zhodla. Súhlasia spolu. Rovnako sa zhodnú aj na rôznych modlitbách, a tak ďalej, protestantská cirkev v tom s nimi súhlasí. Tiež aj katechizmy, a tak ďalej, malý oltár tu a tam, katolícka cirkev to je všetko ochotná urobiť. Ale keď ide o Komúniu, na tom to padá. Ktokoľvek čítal históriu, to dobre vie. Aj keď, samozrejme, podľa môjho názoru by sa museli oddeliť od oveľa viac vecí pred tým, ako by som to mohol prijať. Vidíte, to jednoducho nie je v Biblii.
54Ale chcem, aby ste katolíckej cirkvi povedali jednu vec. Viete, že katolícka cirkev bola na svojom začiatku apoštolská protestantská cirkev? Istotne to tak bolo! Bolo to prvý počiatok cirkvi. A tak vidíte, kam sa to dostalo, oni brali preč Slovo a vkladali do toho dogmu.
A ak to takto pôjde ďalej a letničná cirkev bude existovať ešte ďalších sto rokov, bude v tom čase oveľa ďalej od Biblie, ako je dnes katolícka cirkev, podľa toho, ako rýchlo od toho idú teraz preč.
Katolíckej cirkvi trvalo niekoľko sto rokov, aby sa tam dostala. Tristo rokov od ranej cirkvi po organizovanie rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi, kde sa to začalo. A začali privádzať veľkých hodnostárov a podobne, vyhodili toto a dali namiesto toho niečo iné, vybrali toto a vymenili to za iné, dali preč pohanské modly a vystavili kresťanské sochy, a tak ďalej, a len tak ďalej na tom robili kompromis, až kým sa nedostali tam, kde sú teraz, rímsko-katolícka cirkev.
A protestantská cirkev, odkedy je päťdesiat rokov v existencii a kde upadla hneď tam, ako začala, ona bude za sto rokov od teraz v horšom stave ako katolícka cirkev. To je pravda. To je odvážne vyhlásenie, ale pozrite sa len, od čoho vypadli. Išli rovno do organizácie, išli rovno na kompromis s týmto a tamtým a so všetkým možným, a tak to s nimi ide, vracajú sa rovno späť.
55Ale „Komúnia“ znamená „večera Pánova.“ No, je veľa ľudí, ktorí ju chcú mať ráno. Nikde sa v Biblii nehovorí, že On to mal na raňajky. A dnes sú ľudia, ktorí tomu stále hovoria „večera Pánova“, ale… vynechali z toho „večera“ a hovoria tomu len „jedlo,“ to je nezmysel. Je to večera!
Rovnako v tom boli rozpory aj v časoch Biblie. Ľudia neporozumievali večeru Pánovu, keď prichádzali ku stolu. Pavol to povedal Korinťanom, lebo oni prichádzali a opíjali sa pri stole Pánovom. Vidíte, dokonca aj vtedy to nebolo porozumené. On povedal, „Ak chce niekto jesť, nech sa naje doma.“
56A ďalšia vec, v čom to bolo neporozumené, čím to je: prichádzali hriešnici a ľudia žijúci v hriechu a zúčastňovali sa Komúnie. To bol ďalší omyl. Muž, ktorý žil so svojou pestúnskou matkou, a cirkev mu ohľadom toho dohovárala; on jednako bral Komúniu za stolom.
Boli medzi nimi rozdelenia a oni sa stále zúčastňovali komúnie. On povedal, „Rozumiem, že kráčate ako pohania. A je medzi vami konflikt, ako v dome Kaifáša, a tak ďalej.“ Povedal, „Správate sa ako ostatní pohania.“ Vidíte, ono to nebolo porozumené.
57Komúnia vždy bývala neporozumená. No, mohol by som v tomto pokračovať hodiny, ale musíme sa dostať aj ku naozajstnej Komúnii a umývaniu nôh. Oni tiež úplne vynechali umývanie nôh, dnes to robí len pár denominácií. Väčšina letničných to úplne zanechala. Ale v Biblii to stále zostáva tak, ako to tam bolo napísané. Vidíte?
No, Rím tomu nehovorí „Komúnia.“ Hovoria tomu „omša,“ svätá omša. Oni neprijímajú Komúniu, oni prijímajú omšu. Je to omša. A taká omša istotne berie ten skutočný význam z Komúnie. Omša znamená „dúfanie.“ Oni majú omšu, dúfajúc, že keď počas nej niečo urobia, Boh im odpustí hriechy. Tým, že vezmú to „doslovné telo Kristovo, ktoré kňaz obráti na telo a krv Kristovu,“ tým dúfajú, že im Boh odpustí hriechy, keď to urobia. Je to len omša.
58Protestanti tomu hovoria „Komúnia.“ Komúnia znamená vďakyvzdanie. Keď protestanti… Katolík navštevuje omšu v nádeji, že Boh mu odpustí jeho zlé skutky. Protestant má účasť na Komúnii so vďakyvzdaním, že sa to už stalo; má s ním Komúniu, že sa to už stalo. Katolík dúfa, že sa to stane; protestant hovorí, že sa to už stalo.
Katolík si nie je istý, či sú jeho hriechy odpustené; protestant vyznáva, že sú a že je slobodný. A tak Komúnia, to je mať obecenstvo s Bohom. A tieto kroky, ktoré pri tom robíme, to nie je v nádeji, že naše hriechy sú odpustené, lebo oni už dávno sú. Lebo to je… Jedna vec je nádej; a tá ďalšia je viera. Jedno znamená nádej, že ten človek má pravdu; a to druhé je to, že vie, že má pravdu. Ten druhý len dúfa, lebo nevie, kde stojí; ten ďalší vie, že má pravdu, lebo pozná, čo Boh povedal. O tom to celé je. To je ten rozdiel. Takže, keď len dúfate, dávajte si pozor; ale keď viete, potom len choďte ďalej. Vidíte, potom ste v Komúnii s Bohom. Protestant hovorí, že mu je odpustené, a vie to; katolík chodí na svoju omšu v nádeji, že mu bude odpustené. Inými slovami to je takto: jeden je žobrák, dúfajúc, že všetko bude v poriadku; a druhý je žobrák, ktorý už ďakuje za to, čo dostal. Ale jednako sú obaja žobráci. Jeden žobre a dúfa, že mu to bude dané, a ten druhý už vie, že to má, a ďakuje tomu, ktorý mu to dal.
Čiže v tom je ten rozdiel. To je Komúnia. Tak veru. Jeden dúfa, že mu je odpustené; a ten druhý vie, že mu je odpustené a vzdáva za to vďaku.
59A tak, Komúnia je pre Kresťanov, ktorí sú znovuzrodení z Ducha Božieho. A „znovuzrodení“ hneď neznamená, že máte Ducha Svätého. No, pamätajte. Mnohí to tak učia. „Nepoznám nikoho, kto by to takto učil,“ ako to raz brat Arganbright povedal z tejto kazateľne. Ale nové narodenie nie je krst Duchom Svätým. Písmo to nepodporuje, aspoň pokiaľ to ja vidím, nemyslím si to. Verím, že sa môžete znovu narodiť...
60A to je ten dôvod, prečo používam slovo krst v Mene Ježiša Krista, ale k obnoveniu. No, letniční, spojená letničná cirkev krstí na Meno Ježiša Krista k obnovenie. Ja to tak neverím. Môžu to robiť, ak chcú. Ale verím, že Peter najprv povedal, „Najprv čiňte pokánie.“ Voda neodpúšťa hriechy. Cirkev Kristova to tak káže. Ale verím, že pokánie, zbožný smútok; „činiť pokánie“ znamená „obrátiť sa, ísť naspäť,“ netrafili ste do cieľa a musíte začať odznova. Najprv urobte to! A potom je váš krst vo vode len vonkajším vyznaním niečoho, čo vo vás leží, lebo ste prijali Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa.
61Odhadujem, že sme tu len domáci tohto zboru, nie som tu dosť často na to, aby som videl, kto ako často chodí. Nedávno som dostal trochu kritiky za to, že som tu vo vode pokrstil jedného človeka, staršieho pána. Prišiel som ku nemu, bol to dobrý starý muž. Mal som to privilégium, že som mohol priviesť celú jeho rodinu ku Kristovi, všetci z nich sú teraz Kresťania. Tento starý pán bol príjemný človek, mal som ho rád a tak som ku nemu prišiel a spýtal sa, „Starký, prečo sa nestaneš Kresťanom?“ On ma mal tiež rád.
Povedal, „Brat Branham, stanem sa Kresťanom, keď budem na to dostatočne dobrý.“
Povedal som, „Tak ti niečo poviem, starký. Poriadne pohľadaj a keď nájdeš ten bod, kde môžeš byť dostatočne dobrý, tak mi povedz, lebo ja by som to tiež chcel.“ Povedal som, „Kristus nikdy neprišiel spasiť dobrých ľudí. On prišiel spasiť zlých ľudí.“ Keď si myslíte, že ste dobrí, potom on neprišiel spasiť vás. On prišiel spasiť tých, ktorí o sebe vedia, že sú zlí. Kristus zomrel, aby spasil hriešnikov. A tak som povedal, „Starký, tu je tá hranica.“
On povedal, „Nuž, fajčím cigarety.“
Povedal som, „Ja nehovorím o tom.“
Povedal, „Snažil som sa ich zbaviť, brat Branham.“
Povedal som, „Nehovoríme o cigaretách.“
On povedal, „Nuž, keby sa mi podarilo...“
Povedal som, „Ani o nich viac nehovor, len ich nechaj na pokoji. Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať.“
Spýtal sa, „Dobre, čo teda?“
Povedal som, „Veríš, že existuje Boh?“
Odpovedal, „Istotne, verím tomu.“ Povedal, „Verím v to tak silne ako ty, brat Branham.“
Povedal som, „Veríš tomu, že ten istý Boh prekročil tú hranicu, stal sa telom a prebýval medzi nami v osobe Ježiša Krista, aby zachránil ľudskú rasu?“
On povedal, „Áno, verím tomu.“
„A On zomrel, aby spasil hriešnikov, ako som ja a ty?“ Vidíte?
„Áno, verím tomu.“
Povedal som, „Nuž, je to, akoby sme boli všetci v jednej veľkej budove, vo väzení, ja sa nemôžem postaviť do rohu a povedať, ‘Toto mi pomôže dostať sa z väzenia,‘ len sa postaviť do toho rohu a povedať, ‘týmto sa dostanem von z tohto väzenia,‘ všetci sme v tej istej situácii. A každý človek, ktorý sa narodil do tohto sveta, bol narodený v hriechu, stvorený v neprávosti a prišiel na svet hovoriac lož. On je od začiatku darebák.“
62Niekto sa nedávno opýtal, „Brat Branham, bol by nejaký rozdiel medzi Adamom a Evou a ich deťmi dnes, ak by boli všetci nahí, kráčajúc v… Vyzerali by ich telá rovnako?“
Povedal som, „Nie veru.“ Vracali sme sa z poľovačky veveričiek, brat Fred a ja a ešte ďalšia skupina. Povedal som, „Nie, neboli, boli takí istí.“
On povedal, „Myslím, že Eva by nebola žena ako teraz jej dcéry a Adam by nebol muž ako teraz jeho synovia?“
Povedal som, „Vo viacerých ohľadoch áno, ale nie fyzicky.“
Spýtal sa, „Aký by bol rozdiel?“
Povedal som, „Oni by napríklad nemali žiaden pupok. Oni boli stvorení. Tak veru. Nikdy neboli k ničomu pripojení.“
Vždy, keď sa niečo také nachádza na čomkoľvek, čo je narodené do tohto sveta, to len ukazuje, že to je od počiatku odpadnuté. Tak veru. Povedal som, „Iste, je tam rozdiel. Nemali by žiaden pupok. Neboli nikdy pripojení ku žiadnej žene, ako sa sem dostali.“ Vidíte, Boh ich stvoril.
63No, povedal som, „Chcel by som niečo povedať. Každý človek vo svojom väzení, kto je tam svätý? Kto tu nebol narodený skrze sex? Kto je ten, ktorý vie pomôcť tomu druhému, bez ohľadu na to, čím je? Všetci sme v tej istej pozícii. Ale Boh urobil samého Seba jedného zo Svojich stvorení a prišiel mimo sexu, priamo skrze tú Svätú Krv, ktorú si Sám vytvoril, a skrze tú Krv nás vykúpil.“ Povedal som, „Či tomu veríš, starký?“
On povedal, „Verím tomu.“
Povedal som, „Kristus zomrel za zlých ľudí, ako ty. A existuje len jeden spôsob, ako na to. Nie je nič, čo by si ty mohol urobiť. On ti to len ponúka. Nemôžeš si to zaslúžiť. Nie je nič, čo by si mohol urobiť, aby si to dostal. On ti to len dáva. Či príjmeš, čo On pre teba urobil, aby ťa to držalo od pekla?“
On povedal, „Urobím to.“ Povedal, „Ale keby som sa len mohol zbaviť tých cigariet!“
Povedal som, „Cigarety sa o seba samé postarajú. Ty len… Nie som legalista, verím v milosť, ‘A všetci, ktorých Mi Otec dal, prídu ku Mne.‘“ Povedal som, „Ak to veríš z celého svojho srdca!“
On povedal, „Z celého svojho srdca tomu verím.“
„Prijmeš to teda na tom základe, že toho nie si hoden, ale On je ten, ktorý je hodný. Nehľaď na seba; pozri na Neho, lebo nie je nič, čo by si mohol urobiť pre seba. Pozri na toho, ktorý urobil niečo pre teba. Čo s Ním?“
„Ó,“ povedal, „On je hodný.“
Povedal som, „Tak veru, potom teda prijmi to, čo ti dáva.“
Povedal, „Prijímam.“
A pokrstil som ho tam v Mene Ježiša Krista. Hneď nato odtiaľ vyšiel von a zapálil si cigaretu.
64Pred pár týždňami som bol u neho doma. Jeden večer som videl videnie o tom, ako bol jeden vždyzelený strom sťatý a obrátený naopak. Videl som, ako boli na ňom pribité dosky. Priamo vedľa toho bola jedna zaujímavá doska. A pod ňou, priamo pri konci, ten strom tam bol zlomený. A hlas povedal, „To si mal byť ty,“ alebo, „Ináč by si to bol ty.“ A starký Cox padol, rozmliaždil si tam chrbát. A tak nasledujúce ráno mu priniesli cigarety, keď bol v posteli, tá túžba ho už opustila. To je už niekoľko týždňov! Odvtedy už žiadnu neokúsil, ani žiadnu nechcel. A nedávno pred pár týždňami som ho videl, keď boli jeho ruky celé hnedé od cigariet, a teraz už neznesie, aby vôbec nejaká bola v jeho blízkosti. Dajte na prvé miesto to, čo patrí na prvé miesto! Nesnažte sa byť dobrí; aj tak ste už od začiatku zlí, nemôžete s tým nič urobiť. Je čiara oddelenia a všetky ľudské bytosti sú na tej strane.
65No, keď som sa narodil na tento svet, bolo to skrze svätý zväzok medzi mojím otcom a mojou matkou; v jej lone bolo vajíčko, v žľazách môjho otca bola krvná bunka. Môj život pozostáva z tej krvnej bunky (nie z vajíčka mojej matky), ale z krvnej bunky môjho otca. A keď sa tá krvná bunka dostala na to správne miesto, aby sa stretla s vajíčkom, Boh rozkázal prírode, aby mi dala telo. A potom, ako som bol zrodený do ľudskej rasy, bola mi daná príležitosť, aby som sa stal inteligentnou osobou, akou sú ľudské bytosti, aby som mohol jazdiť na aute a robiť veci, ktoré ľudia robia. Kráčať, rozprávať, jazdiť, a tak ďalej. Bolo mi to dané, lebo som bol zrodený do ľudskej rodiny a bola mi daná moc inteligencie, aby som bol ľudskou bytosťou.
66A rovnako, keď som bol zrodený do tej Božej rodiny, prišiel som skrze krv, tá krv mi dala život. A potom ako som bol oživený v Kristovi, On ma pokrstil s Duchom Svätým a mocou, aby som bol synom Božím. No, rovnako, ako som mohol chodiť, rozprávať ako ľudská bytosť, jazdiť autom ako ľudská bytosť. A potom, keď som prijal Ducha Svätého, prijal som moc vyháňať diablov, hovoriť novými jazykmi, kázať Evanjelium, uzdravovať chorých. Som pokrstený! Nie narodený; ale pokrstený! „Oni boli v hornej sieni, zhromaždení spolu tam, modliac sa v Jeho Mene; boli pokrstení Duchom Svätým a bola im daná moc do služby.“ Amen.
67Veríte vo večný život a ste znovuzrodení svojou vierou. Ježiš povedal v sv. Jánovi 5:24, „Ten, kto počuje Moje slová a verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život,“ ešte nemá Ducha Svätého, len večný život. Je zrodený do rodiny Božej a potom je pokrstený do Ducha Svätého s mocou inteligencie viery, aby veril v Evanjelium, dal ho do chodu, aby správne fungovalo. Amen. Potom sa správa ako syn Boží. Potom môže vyháňať démonov. Ježiš povedal, „Tieto znamenia ich budú nasledovať!“ Vidíte? „V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať diablov, hovoriť novými jazykmi, budú dvíhať hadov a piť smrteľné veci.“ Vidíte, oni prijímajú moc skrze Ducha Svätého, že môžu činiť tieto veci.
68No, keď On odišiel, povedal, „Je pre Mňa nevyhnutné, aby som odišiel. Lebo ak neodídem, Duch Svätý nepríde.“ Potom, keď príde, bude karhať tento svet kvôli hriechu, bude učiť spravodlivosť a ukáže vám veci, ktoré majú prísť (to sú videnia). „Vezme veci, ktoré som vás naučil, a zjaví vám ich.“ Presne tie slová, ktoré On prišiel… Nikto nemôže porozumieť Slovo mimo krstu Duchom Svätým. A keď niekto hovorí, že má krst Duchom Svätým a pochybuje v to, že Slovo je pravda, niečo nie je v poriadku.
69Pavol bol kritikom Nového Zákona. Nový Zákon nebol napísaný. Pavol bol prenasledovateľom Kresťanstva, ešte ako Saul. A keď prijal Ducha Svätého, išiel na tri roky dolu do Ázie a študoval Písma, lebo bol vyučovaný pod Gamalielom, ktorý bol veľký učiteľ. A potom, keď sa vrátil, čo bolo asi o štrnásť rokov neskôr, išiel sa stretnúť s Petrom hore do Jeruzalema a zistil, že kázali do posledného slova to isté Evanjelium. Ten istý Boh, o ktorom Peter kázal v deň Letníc a povedal im, aby činili pokánie a boli pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista, ten istý Duch Svätý bol zjavený Pavlovi a povedal im v Skutkoch 19, potom, ako ich Ján pokrstil, „Musíte byť znovu pokrstení, a to na Meno Ježiša Krista.“
70Vidíte, Duch Svätý zostáva priamo s tými Písmami. Viera v ne odomyká každé tajomstvo. Amen. Biblia hovorí v 1. Jána 5:7, „Sú traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo v nebi, Otec – to je Slovo (ktorým bol Kristus), a Duch Svätý: títo traja sú jedno. A sú traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo na zemi: voda, krv, duch. Títo traja nie sú jedno, ale zhodujú sa v jednom.“ Nemôžete mať Otca bez toho, aby ste mali Syna, rovnako, ako nemôžete mať Syna bez toho, aby ste mali Ducha Svätého; oni sú všetci jedno. Ale môžete byť ospravedlnení bez toho, aby ste boli posvätení, a môžete byť posvätení bez toho, aby ste mali Ducha Svätého. Posvätenie je skrze krv, skrze krv prichádza život. A Duch Svätý je moc Božia, moc daná cirkvi.
71„Príjmete (čo?) moc (Skutky 1:8), potom na vás príde Duch Svätý. Prijmete moc! (Nie, „Budete znovuzrodení.“) Príjmete moc po tom, ako na vás zostúpi Duch Svätý. Potom ste mojimi svedkami v Jeruzaleme, Judei a Samárii a v najvzdialenejších častiach zeme,“ vidíte. Moc prijímate po tom, ako prijímate Ducha Svätého. Ale najprv musíte prijať Ducha Svätého a to je moc Božia, zamanifestovať a demonštrovať. Vy ste… Rovnako, ako si bol človek, naučil si sa hovoriť, chodiť a robiť veci, ktoré ľudia bežne robia; taktiež keď ste pokrstení Duchom Svätým, je vám daná moc konať ako synovia a dcéry Božie. Niet divu, že ľudia sa dnes správajú tak, ako sa správajú. Oni nikdy neboli naplnení Duchom Svätým. Ak by boli, správali by sa inak. Tvrdia, že ho majú, ale Ježiš povedal, „Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte.“ Takže ako to môže byť, je to celé zamotané. Treba sa vrátiť k faktom!
72No, ak kráčaš bezúhonne a tvrdíš, že si Kresťanom, pozývame ťa dnes ku stolu Pánovmu. Bezpochyby sa dnes Komúnia rozšírila do celého národa, u jedných to je tak, u druhých inak. Ale ja si myslím, že najlepší spôsob, ako to robiť, je presne nasledovať Písmo, tak, ako to robili v Písmach. Myslím, že to je dostačujúce.
Máš pri sebe Bibliu, brat Neville? Brat Neville teraz prečíta miesto Písma. [Brat Neville hovorí, „V 11. kapitole 1. Korinťanom, počnúc od 23. verša.“ - pozn.prekl.]
Lebo ja som prijal od Pána, čo som vám aj vydal, že Pán Ježiš v noci, v ktorej bol zradený, vzal chlieb,
a poďakujúc lámal a povedal: Vezmite, jedzte, toto je moje telo, ktoré sa za vás láme. To čiňte na moju pamiatku.
Tak tiež i kalich, keď bolo po večeri, hovoriac: Tento kalich je tá nová zmluva v mojej krvi; to čiňte, koľkokoľvek ráz by ste pili, na moju pamiatku.
Lebo koľkokoľvek ráz by ste jedli tento chlieb a pili tento kalich, zvestujete smrť Pánovu, až dokiaľ neprijde.
Takže ktokoľvek je tento chlieb alebo pije kalich Pánov nehodne, bude vinným tela a krvi Pánovej.
Ale nech skúša sám seba človek a nech tak je z toho chleba a pije z toho kalicha.
Lebo ten, kto nehodne je a pije, je a pije si súd nerozsudzujúc tela Pánovho.
Preto je medzi vami mnoho slabých a chorých, a mnohí spia.
Lebo keby sme sami seba rozsudzovali, neboli by sme súdení.
Ale súdení súc od Pána káznení sme, aby sme neboli odsúdení so svetom.
Nech Pán požehná čítanie Jeho Slova.
73Je to vždy taká svätá vec, tak posvätná vec, že myslím, že by sme mali skloniť svoje hlavy v tichej modlitbe. Vy sa modlite za mňa, ja sa pomodlím za vás. Pomodlime sa jeden za druhého, aby bol Boh nám nehodným stvoreniam milostivý, ako sa teraz zúčastnime tejto sviatosti na pamiatku smrti Pánovej.
[Brat Branham robí pauzu s tichou modlitbou. Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] Túto modlitbu vyznania pred Teba predkladáme, náš Otče, na Tvoj svätý oltár s našou obeťou, Pánom Ježišom. Prosíme o to v Jeho Mene. Amen.
74No, myslím, že starší sa tu o to postarajú, ak by mohli… starší z cirkvi, privedú sem ľudí pre Komúniu, rad za radom. Vždy majte na mysli tú pieseň, „Drahý zomierajúci Baránok, Tvoja svätá Krv nikdy nestratí svoju moc, až dokiaľ nebude celá vykúpená Kristova cirkev bez hriechu.“ Skloňme svoje hlavy.
Drahý a Svätý Otče, Jehova, veľký Všemohúci, zošli Svoje požehnania na Svoj ľud, ako tu čakáme. Odpusť naše hriechy. A teraz tu pred Teba predkladáme túto sviatosť, toto víno, hrozno, ktoré dozrelo, a ruky slúžiacich, ktorí ho pomleli. A bolo z toho spravené víno pre tú príležitosť, keď to predkladáme pred Teba, aby nám to mohlo predstavovať Krv nášho Pána Ježiša Krista. Modlím sa k Tebe, Otče, aby si posvätil to víno pre ten účel. Odpusť nám každý jeden hriech. A nech každá osoba, ktorá prijíma víno do svojho tela, nech dostane uzdravenie, silu a spasenie priamo od Teba. Udeľ to, Pane. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
75Biblia hovorí, že keď zlámal chlieb a požehnal ho, povedal, „Vezmite a jedzte, lebo toto je Moje telo, ktoré sa za vás láme. Toto čiňte na Moju pamiatku.“ A keď berieme tieto malé kúsky chleba, kóšeru, ktorý je urobený bez kvasu. Urobili ho Kresťania. Urobili ho pre to, aby reprezentoval telo Kristovo. Rozumieme, že to boli učeníci Kristovho dňa alebo dňa tej cirkvi, ktorí vzali tie porcie a pripravili večeru, poslednú večeru Krista. A počas celej Biblie to boli vždy učeníci, ktorí týmito vecami slúžili ľuďom. A dnes, títo moderní učeníci, naši bratia tu v zbore, učeníci tejto záležitosti, slúžia ľuďom. Oni vezmú tieto kúsky a podajú ich ľuďom.
76A keď prijímate tento chlieb, pamätajte, že to reprezentuje Baránka. Pred dávnymi rokmi, keď sa v Izraeli piekol na ohni baránok, bol podávaný s horkými bylinkami a ľudia z toho mali silu; ich topánky sa nikdy nezodrali, ich oblečenie sa nikdy nezodralo, vydržalo to celú cestu, až dokiaľ nedosiahli tú zasľúbenú zem. Nech nás Boh udrží zdravých, šťastných a slúžiacich Jemu, až dokiaľ nedosiahneme tú zasľúbenú zem, ktorú nám On daroval.
77Modlime sa.
Drahý Nebeský Otče, ako som dnes hovoril o tom svätom, posvätenom tele Pánovom, v ktorom prebýva plnosť Božstva. Keď sa zamyslím nad tým, ako bolo to telo zdrtené a zlomené, vytekala z neho Krv, Jeho chrbát a rebrá vytŕčali von, rany po celom chrbte; keď sa zamyslím nad tým, že tento zvraštený, tlčený chlieb to reprezentuje, stáva sa to v našich srdciach tak čerstvým. Vkladáme svoje srdcia, Pane, dnes večer na Tvoj oltár. Odpusť nám, ó, Bože! A nech tento lámaný chlieb, ako vstupuje do našich úst, do úst Tvojich služobníkov, nech rozpoznajú, že to bolo Tvoje drahé telo, ktoré bolo zdrtené a ranené, a jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení. Udeľ to, Pane. Posväť tento kóšerový chlieb pre ten účel, pre ktorý je určený. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
Táto Komúnia nie je uzatvorená. Každý veriaci Kresťan je pri stole Pánovom vítaný, aby mal s nami obecenstvo.
1 A privilege to be at the tabernacle! It was a little unexpected to me, too. I, knowing tonight was the communion night, I always like, if I'm around anywhere, to come in on the communion. Because it's... I think that all Christians should anticipate in taking communion, because Jesus said, "If you eat it not, you have no part with Me." Therefore, it's a... always a grand privilege to--to come into the tabernacle. Then, tonight, Brother Neville said he was just a teeny bit hoarse, and--and liked if I'd speak to our congregation. I told him I'd be delighted to do so. I would like to announce also that if...
2 Tomorrow night is the men's meeting, the trustees, tomorrow night, and the businessmen here of the church, on their regular Monday night meeting and their... have a decision to make with the contractor. I guess you all understand that our--our--our papers went through, and we're going to be able to build the church. And so it goes through, and will probably start this week. The church starts up this week, as far as I know. And they turned us down on it, here in Jeffersonville. But we went to Indianapolis, the state, and they give us permission, so we're going to build it. And so it starts, perhaps, this week. It'll be known after the meeting tomorrow night. And then after the meeting tomorrow night, if they do not start this week, if something happens, the contractor can't start this week, he's going to then start the following week.
3 And this coming weekend, Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday night, of next week, this next coming Saturday and Sunday, the Lord willing, I want to have a--a--a triune meeting, again, like we did a few weeks ago. And then after we... That'll be Saturday night, and then Sunday morning, and then Sunday night. This next, that'll be the thirteenth and fourteenth of this month.
4And then some of the brethren and I are going away after that time, over to Colorado, on a hunting trip, then come back. If the tabernacle, when it's finished, if it be the will of the Lord, I want to take, maybe, a complete week before I leave again in the meetings, and have The Seven Seals of Revelation. Just before... Like we had The Seven Church Ages, now The Seven Seals to follow That.
5And probably in about the next two or three weeks, because I think they claim they, with the man that they're going to put on it, they can, we can build the tabernacle and have it in about ten days, or fifteen, something like that. Then we're going to have seating room here for about twice the people we got, or three times, maybe more people. And that's the way I was waiting till that time.
6 Because, the last Saturday and Sunday, it was terrific, you know. The people was standing out here at two o'clock in the afternoon, to fill the tabernacle up, before the church ever opened up. The next morning, at five o'clock, a nurse lives next door to me, coming from up there, said, "There was people just packed all around the tabernacle at five o'clock in the morning." So, and then the people, when they get in, there's no place, and they get discouraged and they go away. And--and then those who are standing, and piled and they're jammed in the aisles, they feel all cramped up, and everything. And I see women standing there, sweating, you know, like that, and the perspiration running off of them. And some man give up and give his, some woman a chair; and then he'll stand till his legs are hurting, and somebody else will give him. You know, and like that, and it's pitiful, and mothers with little sick children and so forth, that's bad.
7 So, we're trying to eliminate that now by building a bigger tabernacle. And we'll have a nice place where the children, sometime... and interrupt, like little children crying; well, we're going to have a room for that, so the mothers can go in, still see the service, and be broadcast right into the room. And have Sunday school rooms and everything just lined out the way it should be. And that, if the Lord willing, takes place, coming this coming week.
8 You all voted a hundred percent on it, so we've held right to that, see. The church is sovereign. What the church says, that's what. Trustees or nobody else... The trustees is just, each one, a vote. The pastor is just one vote. It's the church, that its--its the democracy of the church, the sovereignty of the church. The church, in whole, speaks. That's all. And we like that, because we have no bishops or hierarchies or overseers or so forth to tell us this, that, or the other. It's the Holy Spirit in the church, does the speaking. I like that rule, and it's very fine.
9 And I asked, "Did you all want to wait till we got enough to move the tabernacle away and build a big church?" That was on the trustee board, and it could not be settled by the trustees. And then they asked me, as the general overseer, to come and ask the church. So I said, "Now we have enough money to increase the size of the church and fix it all different, and everything, than what we had." I said, "Now we can do that right away, or save our money till we get enough to put the complete church up, new, someplace else."
10And we took a vote on it in the church, and it was unanimously voted for to "put the church up right now, and it's just build a bigger church right now." And we've stayed right with that.
11 And the board here in Jeffersonville turned us down, said we couldn't do it. And we went over that, and went to Indianapolis and got the State onto it. And then they sent back the word, that, "go ahead," we have the right of way to build it. So then the city has nothing to do with it now, it's the State has to do it. So then we have the permission, and the contractor has the--the permit in his hand right now, and I guess they're ready to start at anytime.
12This tomorrow night, if the--if the contractor says that he wants to start next week, then I'll just omit the meetings for the... until we come into The Seven Seals. And then if the contractor can't start next week, then the following Sunday, Saturday and Sunday, I'll have the meeting before leaving.
13And then I was going to have it this Sunday, and then found out tonight being communion night, so I omitted it this Sunday. Because, such a crowd, you can't take communion comfortably, and then when we have the bigger church we can.
14 Now, we got an oncoming President. The... oh, you know what I mean, it was just delivered to the Hickerson family not long ago. And our sister who is the pianist, if she'll come and give us a little chord on the piano, of "Bring Them In," if you will, or some little song of that type. This fine little gentlemen in the Hickerson family, that's been looked for for so long, has arrived. A very fine little fellow, and he sure is a jewel to the Hickersons. And they're all jewels to us, we love them and they're really our brother and sister. We're thankful to have this little one born into their family, which has absolutely revolutionized the family. And if they, father and mother will bring this little fellow now for dedication. Now, the Scripture says, "They brought unto Him children, infants, that He might lay His hand on them and bless them."
15 Now, there's people in the world that believe in what they call "infant baptism." And, that is, they take these little fellows and not baptize them at all, 'cause, they just sprinkle water on them. Now, we don't find that anywhere in the Bible, where they ever did sprinkle anybody, adults, let alone children.
16And so baptism is a confession that an inward work of grace has been done. And the little infants has no knowledge of sin. Therefore, when Jesus died at the cross, He died to take away the sin of the world. And when the baby is becomes a human being, and borned into this world, they have no sin of their own, therefore they have no repentance to be done. But, when that, the Blood of Jesus Christ takes away that sin. Course, the baby is born in sin, shaped in iniquity, comes to the world speaking lies, and they're sinners by nature, but the Blood of Jesus Christ atones for that. But when the baby is comes to the age of accountability, and knows what's right and wrong, then it has to repent for what it has done. Its sin now is the sin just like it's born in sin, it's the human sin, the sin now is the sin that Adam and Eve did; and that was omitted by God, by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Now the baby has no sins to repent from until he sins, then he's got to repent. See? And when he repents, then is the time to be baptized, and then he's baptized by immersing.
17 Until that time, we follow the instructions of the Bible, which, "They brought to Jesus little children, that He might lay His hands on them and bless them." This lovely parent tonight brings this little baby to the pastor and I, for dedication. And they feel that placing it in the representatives of Christ's hands, they're placing it in Christ's hands. Then, by faith, we take the baby to God, to give thanks for bringing it here, and ask God to bless it, which we call "infant dedication."
18 Now, you know how I'd be about my own children. I've got a little girl in Glory tonight, and she was dedicated to the Lord, here at the altar. I've got a little boy and girl sitting back there, tonight, that's never been baptized yet. One, eleven, I've been talking to her about it today, Sarah, for baptism. And Joseph is only seven, so he's too young for it yet, as far until... If he'd desire it, and say God was putting it on his heart, I'd do it then. But, as infants, I just dedicate them to the Lord, 'cause that's the Scriptural teaching of it.
19 Brother Neville, if you'll walk out with me now to this fine boy. [Brother Branham approaches Brother and Sister Hickerson--Ed.] I was afraid... Is that Hollin? Hollin? Yeah, Hollin, Junior. Stephen Hollin. Well, that's fine. Oh, I thought he was sleeping. That's that nature of the Hickerson's, anything going on. I seen him the other day, I said "the President," and so forth. And, course, that was too small for him, see, speak of him as a "President." How do you do? Well, I know that's bound to be a treasure to any godly mother. Wouldn't you think so? Very sweet. And now, Brother Hickerson and Sister Hickerson, as a servant of Christ, as your pastor, I take this baby, by faith, to the arms of Jesus Christ, in Whom you wish to place it into His arms.
20 Let us bow our heads as the pastor and I stand here with our hands on the baby.
21Our Heavenly Father, in the Bible they brought to You little children, that You might lay Your hands upon them and bless them. And truly, Lord, they were blessed. And now to follow Your example, the things that You did, we've tried closely, Lord, reading the Bible and following the example just as You did. And this father and mother, Brother and Sister Hickerson, our beloved disciples here in the Tabernacle, bring to us this little bit of joy that you have placed in their care. It come from You, Lord. You gave them this child. And now they desire to give its little life to You, to be a service to You. I pray that You bless this child, that You will give it a long life. May it live, if possible, to see the Coming of the Lord. I pray that You'll bless it wherever it's at. May it be raised in a Christian home, as it has been born into one. And may it continue in this home. May the father and mother live to see the baby in the pulpit, if possible, preaching the Gospel. They would rather see it that way, Father, than on the--the throne at the White House, or anywhere else, because they are servants of Yours, and desire the baby's life to be a dedication and a benediction to the work of God.
22Now I pray, Father, that You bless the child. And may the grace of God come upon it, and may it be healthy and happy all of its life. And may the father and mother live to see it grown, we ask again. Bless it who we bless in Your Name.
23 And now, little Stephen Hollin Hickerson, I give thee to Jesus Christ, that the blessings that we have asked may come upon thee. Be healthy and strong, my little brother, and may you live to glorify God. In the Name of Jesus Christ we ask it. Amen.
God bless you. God bless you all. Very sweet baby.
Where we'll never grow old, never grow old,
In the Land where we'll never grow old;
Never grow old, never grow old,
In the Land where we'll never grow old.
24Won't it be wonderful? The young will be adults, and the old will be young. Now, isn't that wonderful? And we'll never be sick, or never have sorrow, or never die.
25 Now, the services, Brother Neville has announced. I want to announce now, also, that that meeting, don't forget it, and the meetings that he has spoke of. Also, a Mrs. Ford that used to come to the church years ago, I just taken her to her daughter, a couple days ago, and she's eighty years old, and went to meet the Lord last night at eight o'clock, I think. And her services, the pastor and I will hold at the chapel at Coots, Wednesday, at ten--ten-thirty, this coming Wednesday. Mrs. Ford, Mrs.... I think I forget what his... Levi, Mrs. Levi Ford. Our... That's--that's the Lloyd Ford's mother that you see in my book, that he was going to save that Boy Scout suit for me, and I only got one legging left. Now, that's--that's the boy's mother. So I taken her up the other day and prayed with her, the poor old thing. And she went to meet the Lord Jesus.
26 Now, if the Lord willing, I had something here that I might announce that the services, if they come up for this next week, if I've placed them in here, or at least I thought I did, about what I was going to speak on for the--the--the coming, this coming service of the following week. If I--I think... I thought I put it in this book, I don't know whether I did or not. Yes, here it is. The Lord willing, Saturday night I want to preach on the subject of "Why one man influences another's life." And Sunday morning I want to preach on "The capping of the pyramid." And Sunday night I want to preach on My Guide, the subject, My Guide, for this coming Sunday night. Now may the Lord bless those things and help me, as I've been out, and just a little context to pick them up.
27 Now tonight, we want to hurry and have a few things. By the way, I have a letter here that--that just come in the mail, as Billy picked it up a while ago, that some brethren are in Michigan, and this comes from the ministerial association that's got a lot of things. That's what gets things scrupled up, you see. That, they claim in here that some brethren up there that said that I sent them up there, and they're preaching that men should leave their wives and hunt for their spiritual mate, and that--that I am perfectly infallible. That there's nothing... And, oh, some of the awfullest things you ever heard. And the ministerial association got a hold of it, and they're writing me a letter about it, and that I sent them up there and it's causing a lot of confusion. And some of them prophesying and saying that one man should leave this wife and go marry that one. Now, this church knows that we don't stand for no such tommyrot as that.
28We believe in the Bible. We believe that when man takes a woman, that's his wife, and death only can separate them. That's only. We don't believe such stuff as that. We don't believe in free love, either. We don't believe in that stuff. We absolutely believe the Bible, and That alone. So I'll just photostat it, copy of this letter, and give my answer to it and place it in the magazines, and that'll--that'll take care of that. I hope it does, anyhow, answer to them.
29 Now tonight, just before we open the Scripture, let's speak to our Lord.
30Our Heavenly Father, we are approaching Thy Throne of mercy, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, That great One Who came down from Glory to unfold to us the riches of the treasures of God. How we thank Thee for this great Jesus Who was the manifestation of God, made personally to us, and through Him we have redemption from our sins. And we have now passed from death unto Life, because we believe Him. For it is written of Him, that He said, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life; and shall not come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life."
31 Bless Thy Words, tonight, Lord. And we're here to take the communion just in a short time. Christian, fellow citizens of the Kingdom will gather around the altars, and there they will take what we call "the communion," the--the little portion of--of sacrament that Thou has left us, to show that we believe that You're died for our sins, and rose again on the third day, and alive forevermore, and doing this until You return, according to the Scriptures as we are commanded. Sanctify our hearts from evil thoughts and all that we have did that was contrary to Thy great will. Father, forgive us, and give us of Thy grace tonight. Break unto us now the Bread of Life, in the Word, as we read It and speak on It. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, we ask it. Amen.
32 Now in the Book of Revelation, beginning with one verse only, I wish to read the 20th verse, or the 1st verse of the 20th chapter.
And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having a key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
33Now I wish to speak, if it would be, if I should call it the text from this, or draw a context from this text, for the next twenty or twenty-five minutes, I would like to call it, The Key To The Door. Now, I do not wish to--to make it the "keys," because Peter was given "the keys to the Kingdom." But I want to call this: The Key To The Door. And then immediately after this, I wish to give a few little comments on communion, before we take it tonight.
34 Now, a key. I notice here as we read, that this Angel came down from Heaven, having the key in his hand. I believe it's Revelation 13 or 19, we find again, another Angel coming with a key. And a key is, a purpose of a key, is to unlock something, something that's been locked up, or it's something that should be locked up. But a key is given for that purpose.
35Now, there are many kinds of keys, because we have many uses of keys. There is keys to the storehouses. There is key to your own house, there's key to your automobile. And we call them keys, and they are keys. And they can be duplicated, many times. Or to the house, there sometimes can be made, what we call, the skeleton key. In other words, it's a key that's kind of made with the levers, acts on it, that--that twists the lock in a certain way and can almost unlock any door, called "the skeleton key." It's a skeleton frame of many keys, and it can be unlocked that way, with our houses or even to our automobiles, can be duplicated. And then there is...
36 Any key cannot unlock no door until it's used by a hand. It's got to have something to use the key. The key in itself cannot use itself. It's got to have something to yield the key.
37It's like this microphone that I--that I am speaking through. That microphone is a mute. Unless there's something to speak through it, it cannot speak through itself. It's got to have something to speak through it. So, it is not the microphone, it's the voice or the--the noise (behind) that the microphone transmits to the--the air wave, to your ear.
38Now, that's the way it is in preaching the Gospel. It's not we ourselves, as ministers, we are not the Gospel. But we are only transmitters that transmits the Voice of God through our agency, of men, to the hearer.
39 A vision is the same way. I know nothing to say to the church at this time concerning a vision. But if the Holy Spirit would show, first, me a vision, then I transmit that vision to the one that it's directed to. So it was not my, me, the vision was not me, I. It was God gave the vision, and I acted as a transmitter, to bring forth the message of the vision to the people.
40Now, a key is the same thing. Pardon me. The key is only to be held in a hand that unlocks the door. See, it's got to be hand. Now, and in the key I'm going to speak about tonight, is only one hand can hold this key, and that's the hand of faith. It's the only thing can--can hold this key. And hands hold other keys, and it takes a hand of faith for that.
41 Now, we take like the key to knowledge. Now, a man has to, if he's trying to accumulate knowledge, see, now, there's a key to that. There's a way that this man has to open up. He has to be, to get his books and his learning, and he cannot... no one can learn him. They might teach him, but he has to learn. And the only way that it can be done, he has to catch that key, that something in there that unfolds or un-... reveals to him the knowledge that he is seeking.
42And there are people like would try to play a piano, and they... or music. They don't know just how they do it, but they could go there and the teacher might take lesson after lesson, and they would never learn it. They just cannot hold that key to that mystery, how the rhythm and the sounds of the tuning and so forth rings out. It takes the key.
43 And mathematics, there's a key to mathematic, that you just have to get the hang of it. I've seen men that could take four rows of figures, and put their fingers, each one of their fingers on a row of figures, and just come right down like that for maybe five or six figures deep, and put the answer at the bottom. Figuring four rows at a time, anywhere from one to nine. Well, I have a hard time figuring one row, 'less I got enough fingers and toes to count, to--to get one row figured out. I just never could find that key. But, you see, some of them just has that key to it, they know how to do it.
44And there's a key to knowledge, a man after knowledge. There's a key to science, the scientific researches. Now, there's, that's a great key. People look for that key.
45 Like here sometime ago they found an atom, and knowed that there was atoms, and then the atoms formed molecules and so forth. Now, they got to searching, someone believed if that atom held everything together, if the atom could be turned around, that would take that what it's holding and break it apart. Cause, everything is held up by atom, we know that. Now, that post is held with atoms. You are held together with atoms. The grass, the trees, everything is held together with atoms. Well, if that atom, turning all one way, if it can be broken and turned back, then it would destroy. And, now, great scientists believe that that could be done, and they worked and they worked, and they set hour after hour, and week after week, year after year, until finally they conquered it.
46 It was, I believe, Thomas Edison, on the light, that they say the man had a knowledge that he could make electricity light. He's the inventor of the light bulb. And he wouldn't even go to bed at night. He would take a sandwich in his hand and eat his meal, and set there and figure and work. Somewhere way back in the back of his mind, something told him he could do it. What is it? It's a key that can open up the way.
47 Not many years ago, there was a--a man that he believed that he had a talent to write comic strips. He believed he held the key in his hand. And he wanted... he went... He lived in Kansas. He went to the editor of the great paper in Kansas City, and took some of his writings in. And the editor said, "Sir, you just haven't got it. You, there's no need of trying, you, you can't do it." But that didn't satisfy him. He knowed he had it. And he went back again and again, trying, but he (the editor) would turn him down. Finally, he went to other places, and they turned him down, saying, "Mister, you just haven't got it. You can't do it." But yet he believed he could do it. And that's the way, he's got something in his hand! Finally, he got the job of writing some little script for, I believe, the editorial or something for a church, some sort of a little comic strip for the church. And he rented hisself a little rat- or mice-infested garage, where the mice was running all over the place and everything, in his sheets, and he got to noticing a peculiarity of a certain little mouse. There's where the story of Mickey Mouse was born. Now it's a multimillionaire Walt Disney. Why? He had something in his hand, and he knowed he held it, he knowed he could do it. And that's the way every great achievement is made. When men and women have something in their hand, that they know they can do it.
48 When polio struck the nation. As, we're all commanded now to go get this vaccine, to stamp it out. When polio struck... Yesterday I was listening to a doctor as I was driving over the road, some doctor from Louisville. He said, "A few years ago, when the great plague hit Louisville," said, "if men would have stood where I did, and saw fifty-seven respirators at one time, and men, women, boys and girls, paralyzed with a disease called 'polio,' and there was nothing could be done about it." Said, "I never want to see a thing like that again."
49But science thought, "If there is such an evil as polio, there surely is something to counteract it." They fought, they stood on the streets with boots, those firemen, they put hats out, and they begged, they bummed, they done everything, trying to find the key to unlock the door to liberty. And, finally, one Christian gentlemen by the name of Salk found the vaccine. Why? There was an evil at stake, there was a killer at stake; there was a key somewhere that could unlock freedom again for man, and the Salk vaccine was the great treatment. Oh, what the key can do! The vaccine was brought forth, and now is stamping out the polio with this vaccine, because that it was a "never tiring and never give up," that key laid somewhere. There was something would inoculate from it, and they were determined to find it.
50 And if there is such an evil as polio, diphtheria, smallpox, yellow fever, tetanus, lockjaw, and so forth, that science... these evils, has been able to fight, day and night, till they found an inoculation from it, because it's evil, it's a killer, how much more is there a key to salvation for a man that's in prison house of sin? There is a key to that door, to liberate men from it.
51A key, usually, when it turns the lock, and, when you find a key, it's got to be to some treasure, something that's worthwhile, or you wouldn't even lock it up. If it ain't worth locking up, just let it go. But when it's worth locking up! So a key usually is the--the note to something, or the way to enter to something that's worthwhile. The key, that's what it's for, now, it'll unlock something that's worthwhile.
52 Now we read in Saint John, the 10th chapter, Jesus said, "I am the Door to the sheepfold. I am the Door," not a door, "the Door, the only Door. I am the Way, the only Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man cometh unto the Father but by Me. I am the Door to the sheepfold and all that comes before Me is enemies, thieves and robbers." He is the Door to the sheepfold. He is the Door to salvation.
53"There's not another name given under Heaven whereby you must be saved, only through the Name of Jesus Christ." No church, no denomination, no creed, no doctrines of anything; only through Jesus' Name. That is the--that is the Key. No wonder Peter could use one of them on the Day of Pentecost! They wanted to know how to get into that Door. He used the Key. And there's only one Key, because there's just one Door. "I am the Door." And Peter had the Key to It. And he said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sin, and you shall receive the treasures of God." It's the Key to the Door, and Jesus is the Door.
There's only one Door to healing, and Jesus is that Door.
54 There's only one Door to peace. Yeah. "My peace I give unto you." He's only one Door to genuine peace. You might think you got peace. You might accumulate enough money to buy your home, you might accumulate enough money to get your children clothes, have food to eat, but you might have accumulated enough popularity to be popular amongst people. But when you slip off your shoes at night and get ready to lay down, there's only One Thing can give you peace. That is, if you know you were dying that night, there's only one Peace, and, that's, Jesus is the Peace. He is our Peace.
55He is our Healing. "I'm the Lord thy God that heals all of your diseases."
56He is the Door to Heaven. And there's no other door or no other way but through Jesus Christ. He is the Door to Heaven.
57And now Jesus is the Door to all these things, and faith is the key that unlocks the Door. Now, if Jesus is the Door to all these promises of God, faith in His finished work unlocks every door to every treasure there is inside the Kingdom of God. See it? Key is... Faith is the key that unlocks every promise He makes. The key of faith does that, faith in His finished work. It's these keys that we're speaking on.
58 Now in Hebrews, the 11th chapter, I got a great string of them wrote down here, of these heroes of faith. It was the key, to--to the Door, that stopped the mouth of lions. It was the key, faith, that unlocked the prison houses. It was faith, the key of faith, that quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, brought the dead back to life again. It was faith, the key of faith in the living God. That hand, that man, that woman, who can take that key of faith, they can unlock every promise God made. But if you haven't got that key, you're just progging, you'll never unlock it. You'll beat against it, because this key...
59Any correct made key has levers on the inside of the lock, and it takes a certain form, a certain shape of them keys to turn those levers. And just one little lever out of the way, will mess the whole thing up.
60 Therefore, I believe in the full Gospel, every Word of God, that turns the power of God loose, that turns His blessings to the people. It's the key to the Door, that unlocks It. Oh, those great heroes, those prophets and great men of the Bible, that had that key! That's the reason they could stop the mouth of lions, quench the violence of fire, escape the edge of the sword, bring the dead back to life again, and do all kinds of miracles, is because they held that key and they knowed it worked, because it was a Scripture-born key.
61Now, if I'm progging with a creed key, I don't know what it's going to do. If they say "my church speaks as this," I don't know about that.
62 But when the Bible teaches it, and I hold the faith key in my hand, or in my heart, that says "that's God's Word," that'll quench the violence of fire, it'll unlock healing for the sick, it'll unlock salvation to the lost. I have to come to the Door, everything's in His Name. "Whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in His Name." Knowing that the key that you got is faith, because it's a Scripture-made key. Now, if it's a creed key, denominational key, I don't know what it'll do. But if it's a Scriptural key, it'll unlock, because God said so. Now, oh, no wonder they could stop the violence of fire, and so forth, they had the key.
63 God's first nod to one of those prophets, nothing could stop them. He didn't have to do like He does to me sometime, pound it over and over, and perhaps you (I hope not), but keep telling me, "Go do this," and then you'll stumble along, "Then go do this," and "Go back and do it again, you didn't do it right." Just one little nod! Just, they could just feel the Spirit tell them, "It's the thing to do," and nothing's going to stop them. Brother, they--they--they stopped the mouth of lions, they escaped the edge of the sword, they quenched fire, they done everything. Just a little nod from God, because they held the key in their hand, that great faith! They done things for God because nothing will stop them. Oh, how glorious!
64 Like the young man one time came up to an old brother that was a godly old man, an old prophet of God. And he heard that man constantly testify, constantly telling about the goodness of God, and how that God was, and what Christ was, and just going ahead, speaking. Finally, this young man was going to be ordained in the ministry, so he came up to this certain old sage, and he said to him, "Sir, I want to ask you a question."
He said, "Ask on, young man."
65He said, "Does Christ literally mean as much to you as you say It does?"
66He said, "He means more to me than what I could ever have breath to speak!" There you are. What was it? He had found the key.
67That young man said, upon that, "If you claim these things, and you say to me that they're as real as you, then I want to know that same Jesus, in the same reality." What was it? He knowed the old man had a hold of a key, that he could unlock and could lock up.
68 You know, a key that locks, unlocks, too. See? You can loosen or bind. That's right. The same key that locks, unlocks. The key that unlocks, can lock up. And that's exactly, see, because it works both ways. How pitiful it is that the church has ever lost its vision of that! What a sad thing it was when the church sold itself out to creeds, as we've done today, and now call to unite.
69We seen where the great Roman hierarchy and them are going to meet now, they're going to change some programs. I thought they didn't change; but they're going to, anyhow, give each priest the power of a pope, and--and wherever he's at, and so forth. How pitiful, that the church ever sold out to dogmas instead of the Word. See? That's where they've left the key, right there. That's the reason the great miracles and signs are not done amongst the people today, that there used to be, they have lost the key! Yeah, they know the Door, they know the Door's there, but the next thing is the key to open the Door. The treasures is behind the Door. They're locked up, out of sight, from the unbeliever. But the believer, who has faith and can take the key of faith, can unlock these Doors. Yes, sir.
70 One time here a few years ago, there was a missionary brother, and he felt he had a call to Africa. He was a young fellow; a wife and two children, very pretty, the young girls, about seven or eight years old, apiece. And this young fellow couldn't get away from it. He was a--a minister, he had a nice church in the country. But he just couldn't get away from that call, he "must go to Africa." And he prayed, day and night. He didn't want to go. And God kept speaking to him, "You must go!" And finally he come to a place till he, a showdown, where, he--he must go!
71 So he went to the mission board of his church, and he said, "God has called me to mission fields way back in the jungles of--of Rhodesia." And in this jungle it's infested with malaria, with fever and with that hot sun, plaguery and leprosy, and all kinds of diseases back in this jungle, be where he was going to make, take the rest of his life. Sold his home and all he had. So the mission board wanted to test him, and they said, "Are you sure now?"
He said, "I am positive."
72They said to him, "Sir, have you thought it on this manner, that you've got two pretty little girls, and you got a--a lovely young wife, and if you're just... Why don't you just go over and see how it is and then come back?"
73He said, "No, the Lord told me. Oh, it's so real!" He said, "The Lord called me. And I--I don't want to leave my home, I don't want to leave my church and my people, but the Lord called me back there in that jungle."
74 And he said, "Sir, did you know your little girls could take yellow fever or blackwater fever, and die, overnight?" And he referred to different people that had lost their children, the little fellows, to take them back in there, on diseases that they had no inoculation for. And said, "Think of leprosy, of your pretty wife and your two little girls with leprosy, and that hot sun and things you've got to put up with." Said, "Aren't you afraid, and the danger of taking your children and wife in such a place?"
75And the missionary stood there, the young fellow, and the tears begin to run down his cheeks, he turned around, he said, "My brethren! My vision of God's call," he said, "if God has called me to Africa, my children and family is more safer in Africa than any place in the world." Amen. What was it? He had the key to his call, he had faith in what he was talking about. Oh, I thought, what a gallant remark! When I first heard that, my heart bounced. See, "If God has called me to Africa, my children in the leprosy and plaguery and everything else, they're safer there than any other place on the face of the earth." He had the key. That's what it takes.
76 When you got the key, there's no fear, there's no doubt, there's no question. You don't have to ask anybody else about it, you know exactly. You've got it in your hands, you know what to do. Amen. You know what the score is, you know the door's going to unlock. You've checked the levers and you know it's strictly the right thing, the door's going to fly open when you throw the key in it.
77Oh, if the church only possessed the keys! If the church only possessed that key of faith, we could unlock any door, any sickness, any plague, any case that there is. It could be unlocked to us if we could only possess this key. This man had the key to his calling.
78 If you'll pardon a personal testimony. I remember about fifteen, seventeen years ago now, about, when the Lord said to me down there on the river, when He came down in that Pillar of Fire Whose picture you see, and He spoke to me and He said, "You're to take this Message around the world."
And I remember at Green's Mill when He spoke to me.
79And I went and told the pastor, and he told me, said, "Billy, what did you eat that night? You had a nightmare." He said, "Go on back to your job. You're working at the Public Service Company, got a good job, go on back and take care of your--your business, son." Said, "You had a nightmare. You eat something." That didn't faze me one bit!
80When I started out for the healing services, many of you here remember my Message that morning, As David Went To Meet Goliath, I preached on.
81 And they told me, he said, "In the day of modern science, when we have got all kinds of medical research, when we've got the best doctors, when the church has long forgot Divine healing and stuff from many, many years ago, how are you going before a great giant like that? How are you going to walk out in the face of the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, and so forth, and even the Pentecostals, who has forgot it a long time ago, and went into their creeds? How are you going to face, with no denomination or nothing else to back you up? What are you going to do, Bill?" Somehow, another, it didn't faze me one bit, for I held in my hand a key! I said... They said, "Nobody will believe you. You won't be able to do it. Nobody will believe you."
82I said, "I don't care. There's one thing sure; God called me, and I must go because God called me." I held the key. He had called me, He had showed me, He had told me, and I saw His Presence when He commissioned me, and the key was there!
83The pastor said, "With a seventh-grade education, and you're going to preach and pray before kings and monarchs!"
I said, "That's according to His Word!"
84 About this time last year, or a week or two before, when I had come to the church here and told you that the Lord God had given me a vision of go... taking a hunting trip, and a--a certain animal I was going to find, that was going to have forty-two-inch horns on it. And on the road back from getting this animal (where it would be laying, the position it would be in), on the road back I was going to kill a silver-tip grizzly bear. And I went to this certain section, and I spoke to the man, and he said, "I don't know of any animal that looks like that. And as far as a grizzly bear, I've never seen one."
I said, "But somewhere it's got to be here."
85So he said, "We're not even going into bear country. We're going up for sheep, way up above timberline." Well, I went with him.
86 And the second day out, in the very spot, exactly where the Lord said, there laid the animal. So when I went and got the animal, and while we were taking the skin and the horns and so forth, off, he said, "I want to ask you something. You told me, three days ago when we left the--the camp, that after you had shot this certain beast, that on the road back you was 'going to kill a silver-tip grizzly bear.'"
I said, "That's THUS SAITH THE LORD!"
87Said, "I'm not doubting," he said, "because my brother was an epileptic, and you had never seen him in your life, when you was up here one time, and you told me that boy was going to be healed when I done a certain thing. And he was." He said, "Now, but, Brother Branham, I want to ask you," he said, "I can see all the way down that mountain to where the timberline is, them horses are standing. And there's nothing there. There isn't a speck of grass, there isn't a rock, there isn't nothing." Caribou moss, which is about two inches high, on above timberlines, for a mile or more above the timberline. Said, "Where is the bear going to be?"
88I said, "God is Jehovah-jireh. If He's told me there will be a bear there, there'll be one there."
89 Down the mountain, about every time we get a half a mile or so, closer, he said, "Brother Branham, about time for that bear to appear."
I said, "Don't worry, he'll be here."
90And when we were almost within about five hundred yards of where the horses was, we had to rest again with the heavy horns and things on our back. And he looked around again, and I seen his face as he looked at me, as if down in his heart he was wondering. See, he had hoped it would be there, but he didn't have the key.
91But somehow, by the grace of God, He's never failed me. When He told me there would be a silver-tip there, I had the key. I didn't doubt it one bit, not a bit. I turned to him, and I said, "Bud, it'll be there." And just as I turned, there was the bear [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] standing right above us, about a half a mile.
92He throwed the glasses on, he said, "Billy, so help me, it's a big silver-tip!"
93See, the key, a vision, the Word of the Lord, there's nothing can change It or stop It. What the church needs tonight is not an education. What the church needs tonight is not a denomination. What the church needs tonight is not creed. What the church needs tonight is the key to the Scriptures, the Door. Which, Christ is the Door, and He is the Word. Faith in the Word of the living God unlocks every door.
God, give us the key. Give us the key.
94 Hebrews, the 12th chapter, says, "Seeing that we're compassed about with such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the unbelief that does so easily beset us." It says "sin," which, sin is "unbelief." See? Only one sin, that's unbelief.
95And sin means "to miss the mark." Like you're shooting, you miss the mark, better adjust your gun, see, because there's something wrong. You missed the mark. See, come back and try over. See? It means to turn around, you've missed the mark. When you want to be a Christian, and you go join the church., you've missed the mark. When you want to be a Christian, and you've been sprinkled in the name of "the Father, Son, Holy Ghost," you missed the mark. Better come back. You'll not be on the target. You'll scatter, as sure as the world. There's only one Thing can hold you in perfect line, that's the Scripture, the Bible, the Word. For, both heavens and earth will pass away, but God's Word will never pass away.
96So, hold the key, faith in the Word! And every bit of faith that you believe, and don't doubt one speck, you can unlock every door that stands between you and the blessing that God has for you. May God help us to have the keys, is my prayer. Let us bow our heads now for a word of prayer.
97 Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight that Thou has give us a key to unlock to us salvation. I--I thank You for that, Lord, that we are saved, and for the key that we have been able to use so far. But, God, give us faith, that every one of these Words wrote in Your Book is little levers, and this Key called Jesus... this Door, I mean, called Jesus; and the key, called faith, touches every Word, it unlocks it. It moves that little lever down and we can enter into that blessing. Heavenly Father, give to us the keys, that we might be able to have faith in the promises of God, that our faith might not fail, that we might be able to be a service to You and to those who we associate with.
98Forgive every sin of our disbelieving, Lord, and help us to be Thine. We're coming now to the communion table, and I pray, Heavenly Father, that You will forgive us of all of our trespasses, that we might be able to enter into the joy of fellowship around the table of God. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
99 My brother, sister, if you've got the key to the Kingdom, the key to the Door, the key of salvation, God help you to open the doors and let Jesus come in. Let Him give to you the things that you so--so desire.
100Now, just a moment before we start to read on communion, I want to say a thing because it's on communion. And when we come to this altar, there's only one way to come, that is, if we hold the key of faith in our hands, that lets us know that our sins are forgiven. And if we don't have that key to unlock that Door, that our sins are forgiven, we have no business at the table of the Lord. Because, he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. Now, that is true.
101 I guess all of us know that today is the National Communion Day. This is the day that all churches take communion. It's the National Communion Day over the nation. And I thought that it would be appropriate to speak a word or two on communion before we took it, while the pastor, if he will, be getting the Scriptures ready for the reading of the--the order of the Lord's table. Now, this communion... Now, I won't take but just about ten minutes.
102 This communion that we're fixing to take, has been the greatest dispute of any doctrine in the Bible. That was their... one of their first disputes in the early church. And today the Protestant, of Episcopalian and Methodists, and many of the Protestant churches, would gladly accept Catholic, Roman Catholic doctrine, if they could get over the little hump of communion. But they will agree that the priest should be married and be ministers, the Catholic church agreed on that several times in their conferences and meetings. They agree on it. And they'll agree upon different prayers, and so forth, the Protestant church will agree upon it. And the catechisms and so forth, the little altar here and there, and the Catholic church is willing to do it. But when it come to the communion, there they fell. Anybody that's ever read history knows that. But, course, to my way of thinking, they'd have a lot to get away from, before I--I could accept it, you see, because it isn't Bible.
103 But I want you to say one thing to the Catholic church. Do you know the Catholic church, in the beginning, was the apostolic pentecostal church? Certainly was! It was the first beginning of the church. And you see where they--where they got to, they kept taking away the Word and injecting a dogma.
104And if the Pentecostal church should exist another hundred years, it would be farther off of the Bible than the Catholic church is today, from the way it's going now.
105It took the Catholic church several, hundred years to get away from it, three hundred years, from the early church to the organizing of the Roman Catholic church, which they started out. And they've caught, bringing in big dignitaries and things, and they cut out this and put in this, and taken out this and put up that, and taken down pagan idols and put up Christian statues, and so forth, and just compromising on That till they come to what they got now, the Roman Catholic church.
106And the Protestant Pentecostal church from the--the fifty years that it's been in existence, and where it's fell from where it started, it'll be a worse shape than the Catholic church, in a hundred years from now. That's right. That's a big word to say, but just look where they've fallen from. They went right into organization, they went right in compromising on this and that, and everything else. And there they go, see, going right back.
107 But, communion, it's called "the Lord's supper." Now, a lot of people, they want to take it in the morning. Didn't say in the Bible it was His breakfast. And how these people today, how they can still say "Lord's supper," and they don't. They've cut out supper, and omitted it, and called it "dinner," nonsense. Supper!
108Now, always a dispute in the Bible times, it was a dispute then. The people misunderstood the Lord's supper, when they come to the table. Paul told those Corinthians. They were coming and getting drunk at the Lord's table. See, it was misunderstood right then. He said, "If you want to eat, eat at home."
109 And another thing, it was misunderstood, what it was. Sinners, and man living in sin, come and took the communion. And that was misunderstood. A man living with his mother, foster mother, and the church had told him about it; still taking communion at the table.
110And there were divisions among them, and they were still taking communion. He said, "I understand that you walk like the rest the Gentiles. And there's--there's friction among you, like there is at--at especially in Cephas' house, and so forth." Said, "You walk like the rest the Gentiles." See, it was misunderstood.
111 The communion has always been misunderstood. Now, I could go on for that for hours, but we got to get this communion and the feet-washing. Now they've simply omitted feet-washing altogether, but just a few of the denominations. A lot of the Pentecostals has got completely away from it. See? And it's still in the Bible just the way it was wrote. See?
112Now, Rome does not call it "communion." They call it "mass, it's a holy mass." They don't take communion, they take a mass. It's a mass, and a mass certainly takes the real meaning from communion. A mass means "hoping." They take a mass, hoping (that in doing this in the mass) that God will forgive them of their sins, by taking "the literal body of Christ, which the priest turns to the Body and the Blood of Christ," taking that, hoping that God will omit their sins by doing so. It's a mass.
113 The Protestants call it "communion." Communion means "thanksgiving." That the Protestant... The Catholic is taking a mass, in the mass hoping that God forgives them of their evil doing. The Protestant takes it with thanksgiving for what's already done with the communion with God; communing with Him, that it's already done. The Catholic is hoping it's done; the Protestant says it's already done. The Catholic is wondering if his sins is forgiven; the Protestant is confessing that they are forgiven, that he is free. And a communion is communing with God. And these articles that we take, not in hopes that our sins are forgiven, but they are forgiven. Because it... One is hope; and the other one is faith. One's hoping he's right; and the other one knows he's right. See? The other one, one's hoping, because he don't know where he stands; the other one knows he's right, because he knows what God said. That's it. That's the difference. So, when you're just hoping, be careful; but when you know, then go on. See, then you're in communion with God. Protestant is, he says he's forgiven and he knows it; the Catholic has mass, hopes that he'll be forgiven. It's just like this: one is a beggar, hoping that everything's all right, see; the other one is a beggar thanking for what's already been done. They're both beggars. But one is begging, hoping he'll get it; the other beggar knows he's got it, and thanked Him for giving it to him. Now, there's the difference. That's communion. Yes, sir. One is hoping that he's forgiven; the other one knows he's forgiven, and giving thanks for it.
114 So, communion is for Christians that's born again of the Spirit of God. And born again does not necessarily mean now that you got the Holy Ghost. Now remember. Now, many teach that. "I don't know anybody that teaches it like this," as old Brother Arganbright said that night from the pulpit here, see. But, new birth is not the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Scripture doesn't support it, I don't think, see, to my way of seeing it. See? I believe that you're born again...
115 And that's the reason I do use the word baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, but not to regeneration. Now, the Pentecostal, United Pentecostal church, baptizes in the Name of Jesus Christ for regeneration. I don't believe that. And they can do it if they want to. But I believe that Peter said, "Repent," first. Water don't remit sins. The Church of Christ preaches it that way. But I believe that repentance, godly sorrow; repent means "turn around, go back," you missed the mark, "start over again." Do that first! And your baptism in water is only an outward profession of something that's been done inside of you, that you have accepted Christ as your Saviour.
116 I guess it's just the church here tonight, as far as I know, I'm not here enough to know who does come or not. I got a little criticism here not long ago on baptizing a man here in the pool, an old fellow. And I went to him, he was a good old man. I had the privilege of leading all of his family to Christ, all of them Christians. This old man was a nice old man, and I liked him, so I went to him and I said to him, "Papa, why don't you become a Christian?" He loves me.
117He said, "Brother Branham, I would become a Christian when I can get good enough."
118I said, "Tell you what you do, Papa. You look around till you find where you can get good enough, then tell me where that place is, I want to go, too." I said, "Christ never come to save good man. He come to save bad man." When you think you're good, then He didn't come to save you. He come to save them that He knows are bad. See? Christ died to save sinners. See? And I said, "Papa, there's a line right here."
He said, "Well, I smoke these cigarettes."
I said, "I ain't going to even talk about them."
He said, "I've tried to give them up, Brother Branham."
I said, "All right, we ain't going to talk about cigarettes."
He said, "Well, when I can..."
119I said, "Don't, don't say no more about them, let them go. I want to ask you a question."
He said, "All right, what is it?"
I Said, "Do you believe there is a God?"
120Said, "Certainly, I believe it." Said, "I believe that as strong as you do, I would guess, Brother Branham."
121I said, "Do you believe that that same God crossed His strain and was made flesh and dwelt among us in the person of Jesus Christ, in order to save man?"
He said, "Yes, I believe that."
"And He died to save sinners like you are and like I?" See?
"Yes, I believe that."
122I said, "Now, it's just like this. We're all in one big building over here, and we're in jail, and I can't stand over in this corner and say 'this will help me get out of jail,' I stand over in that corner and say 'that will help me get out of jail,' we're all in the same fix. And every man that was born in this world was born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies. He's a renegade, to begin with."
123 Someone asked the other day, he said, "Brother Branham, if... would there be any difference between Adam and Eve, and their children today, if they were all naked, walking in the... Would--would they're bodies be the same?"
124I said, "No, sir." We was coming home from squirrel hunting, Brother Fred and I, and a bunch of them. I said, "No, they wouldn't be the same."
125Said, "You mean Eve wouldn't be a woman like her daughters, and Adam wouldn't be a man like his sons?"
I said, "In many respects, but not in all physical respects."
He said, "What would be the difference?"
126I said, "They wouldn't have any navel. They were created. Right. They wasn't attached to nothing."
127As long as that bears there on everything that's born in this world, shows it's a renegade, to begin with. That's right. I said, "Sure, there's a difference. They would have no navel. They wasn't connected to any female, to come here." See, God created them.
128 Now, I said, "I want to say something. Every man in this prison house, who's holy? Who is the one that wasn't born by sex? Who is one can help the other, no matter what he is? We're all in this same prison. But God made Hisself one of His creations and come beyond sex, through the holy Blood that He created Himself, and through that Blood He redeemed us." I said, "You believe that, Papa?"
He said, "I believe that."
129I said, "Christ died for bad man like you. Now, there's only one way to do. There's nothing you can do. He offers it to you. You can't merit it. Nothing you can do to get it. He just gives it to you. Will you accept what He did for you, to keep you from hell?"
130He said, "I'll do that." He said, "But if I could just get rid of these cigarettes."
131I said, "The cigarettes will take care of theirself. You just... I ain't asking you. I'm not a legalist. I believe in grace. 'And all the Father has given Me will come to Me.'" I said, "If you believe that with all your heart!"
He said, "With all my heart, I believe it."
132"Then will you accept it on those basis, that you're not worthy of it, but He's the One that's worthy. Don't look at yourself; look at Him, 'cause you can't do nothing for yourself. Look at the One that did something for you. What about Him?"
"Oh," he said, "He's worthy."
I said, "That's it, then accept what He gives you."
He said, "I do."
133And I baptized him in the Name of Jesus Christ. And him go out of here and light up a cigarette.
134 A few weeks ago I was down to his homeplace. I saw a vision one night, of an evergreen tree being cut down, turned upside down. I seen boards nailed on it. Right next to the last board was a notable board. And down below that board, right down towards the end, running out like this, the tree broke right there. And a Voice said, "It should have been you," or, "It would have been you." And Papa Cox fell, mashed his back in here. And so the next morning they brought his cigarettes to him when he was in the bed, the desire had done left him. Weeks ago! He's never tasted one, don't even want one or nothing else. See? And I seen him a while ago, when his hands was just brown all over, a few weeks ago, with cigarettes, and now he can't even stand for one to be around him. Put first things first! Don't try to get good; you're bad, to begin with, and nothing you can do. There's a separating line, and all human beings is on that side.
135 Now, when I was born in this world, it was between a holy wedlock, between my father and mother; in her womb was an egg, in my father's glands was a blood cell. My life consists of that blood cell (not of my mother's egg), of my father's blood cell. And when that blood cell went into its proper place to meet the egg, when it did, nature was commanded to God to give me a body. And then that I was then born into the human race, I was given an opportunity to--to become an intelligent person like human beings are, where I could drive an automobile, or I could do things like human beings do, walk, talk, drive an automobile, and so forth. I was given that, because I was born into the human family, and given power of intelligence to be a human being.
136 Now, when I was born into the family of God, I came by the Blood, the Blood give me Life. And then after I become alive in Christ, He baptized me with the Holy Ghost and power, to be a son of God. Now, just like I could walk, talk like a human being, drive my car like human being. Now when I receive the Holy Ghost, I receive power to cast out devils, to speak with new tongues, preach the Gospel, heal the sick. I am baptized! Not born; but baptized!
They were gathered in the upper room,
All praying in His Name,
They were baptized with the Holy Ghost,
And power for service came.
137 Amen. You believe unto Eternal Life, and are born again by your faith. Jesus said, in Saint John 5:24, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting life," not the Holy Ghost, just has everlasting life. He's born into the family of God. And then baptized into the Holy Ghost, with power of the intelligence of faith, to believe the Gospel and to put It to work and make It act right. Amen. Then he acts like a son of God. Then he can cast out devils. Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them!" See? "In My Name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues, take up serpents, drink deadly things." See, he receives power by the Holy Ghost, to do these things.
138 Now, when He went away, He said, "It's expedient for Me that I go away. For, if I go not away, the Holy Ghost will not come." See? Then when He comes, He will reprove the world of sin, and teach righteousness, and show you things to come (that's visions). "He'll take the things that I've taught to you, and reveal them to you." The very Words that He's come... No man can understand the Word outside the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And when a man says he's got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and disputes the Word being right, there's something wrong.
139 Paul was a critic of the New Testament. It wasn't, the New Testament wasn't wrote. Paul was a critic of Christianity, Saul. And when he received the Holy Ghost, he went three years down in Asia and studied the Scriptures, because he was taught under Gamaliel, a great teacher. Then when he come back, and fourteen years later, he went up to meet Peter at Jerusalem, and found out they were Word and by Word the same Gospel. The same God that had Peter preach on the day of Pentecost and tell them to repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, that same Holy Spirit revealed it to Paul, and he told them in Acts 19 after they had done been baptized one time by John, said, "You have to be baptized over again, in the Name of Jesus Christ." See?
140 See, the Holy Spirit stays right straight with the Scriptures. Its faith in That unlocks every mystery. Amen. The Bible said, in First John 5:7, "There are three that bear record, Heaven: the Father, the Word (which was Christ), and the Holy Ghost. These three are one." "And there are three that bear record in earth: water, Blood, Spirit. These three are not one, but they agree in one." Now, you can't have the Father without having the Son, you can't have the Son without having the Holy Ghost; they are one. But you can be justified without being sanctified, and you can be sanctified without having the Holy Ghost. Sanctification is by the Blood, through the Blood comes Life. See? And the Holy Ghost is the power of God, see, the power given to the church.
141 "You shall receive" (what?) "power," Acts 1:8, "after this the Holy Ghost is come upon you. You shall receive power!" (Not "you'll be born again.") "You'll receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you. Then you're My witnesses in Jerusalem, Judaea, and Samaria, unto the uttermost parts of the earth." See? You receive power after you receive the Holy Ghost. But first you must receive the Holy Ghost, and that is the power of God, see, to manifest and demonstrate. You're--you're... as you was a human, and learned to talk and walk and do the things a human does; when you're baptized with the Holy Ghost, you're given power to act as sons and daughters of God. No wonder people act and do the way they do today, they've never been filled with the Holy Ghost. If they would, they'd act different. They claim they have, but Jesus said, "By their fruits you shall know them." So how can you do it, you see, it's just all scrupled up. See? But come back to the facts!
142 Now, if you walk upright and claim yourself to be a Christian, we invite you tonight to the table of the Lord. Today, no doubt, the communion has been taken across the nation, some of them in one way and some in another. But I think the best way to do it is follow the Scriptures, just the way they did it in the Scriptures. I think that would be sufficient.
143Do you have your Bible, Brother Neville? Brother Neville will now read the Scriptures. [Brother Neville says, "In the 11th chapter of First Corinthians, beginning at the 23rd verse," and reads the following Scriptures:
For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:
And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat; this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as you drink it, in remembrance of me.
For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.
Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.
But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.
For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.
For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.
But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.
Brother Neville says, "The Lord bless the reading of His Word."--Ed.]
144 It's always such a holy thing, such a sacred thing, I think we should bow our heads now in silent prayer. You pray for me, I'll pray for you. Let's pray for one another, that God will be merciful to us unworthy creatures that's about to partake of this great sacrament in remembrance of the death of our Lord.
145[Brother Branham pauses for silent prayer. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] This prayer of confession we offer to You, our Father, upon Your golden altar, with our Sacrifice, the Lord Jesus. We ask it in His Name. Amen.
146 Now I believe the elders will take their place, and they'll... of the church, and they'll bring the people up as they come, row by row, for the communion. Always think of that song:
Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood
Shall never lose Its power,
Till all the ransomed Church of God
Be saved, to sin no more.
Let us bow our heads.
147Gracious and Holy Father, Jehovah, the great Almighty, send Thy blessings upon Thy people as we wait. Forgive our sins. And now we offer to You this sacrament, this wine, the grapes that's been grown, and hands of ministers crushed this together. And it was made into wine for the cause that we're now bringing it to You for, that it might represent to us the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray Thee, Father, to sanctify the wine for that purpose. Forgive every sin of ours. And may every person that receives this wine to their body, may they have health, strength, and salvation from You. Grant it, Lord. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
148 The Bible said that when He brake bread and blessed it, said, "Take and eat, this is My Body which is broken for you. This do in remembrance of Me." And when we take these little parcels of bread, of kosher, which is made unleavened. It's made by Christians. It's made because that it--it represents the Body of Christ. We understand that--that it was the disciples of Christ's day, or the day of the church, that took these portions and made the supper ready at the last supper, at Christ's last supper. And down through the Bible, it was disciples that ministered these things to the people. And today, our modern-day disciples, our brethren here of the church, disciples of this Cause, minister to the people. And they will take these portions and give them to the people.
149 And now when you receive this bread, remember, it represents the Lamb. Long years ago when Israel's lamb was roasted over fire, and was taken with bitter herbs, the people had strength; their shoes never wore out, their clothes never come threadbare, all through the journey till they hit their promised land. May God keep us healthy, happy, serving Him until we reach the Promised Land that He's given us.
Let us pray.
150 Gracious Heavenly Father, as I speaking tonight of that Holy, sanctified Body of our Lord, in Whom dwelt the fullness of the Godhead. When I think of that Body being creased and--and broken, and the Blood running out, His back and His ribs shining through, the lashes up and down His back; when I think of this wrinkled, beaten bread represents that, it comes afresh in our hearts. We lay our hearts, Lord, upon Your altar tonight. Forgive us, O God. And may this broken bread, as it goes into the mouth of these, Thy servants, and may they recognize that it was Your precious Body that was bruised and wounded, and by the stripes we are healed. Grant it, Lord. Sanctify this kosher bread to its intended purpose. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Just hold a minute.
151It is not closed communion. Every Christian believer is welcome to the table of the Lord, to have this fellowship with us...?...