Prečo kričíš? Hovor!



Boh chcel, aby Mojžiš mal vieru, ktorú On do neho vložil, v tom dare, ktorý On tak jasne potvrdil. Boh jasne dokázal Mojžišovi a ľuďom, že to bol On, skrze Slovo a skrze všetko čo bolo povedané a stalo sa. Bolo to jasne potvrdené. Nebolo potrebné, aby si s tým robil viacej starosti. Vidíte? Nebolo mu potrebné viacej o tom premýšľať, pretože to bolo už jasné. On už urobil to všetko. A on už dokázal skrze muchy a blchy, že vypovedal Slovo a veci boli stvorené, že Slovo Božie bolo v ňom.

A tu sa ide pýtať, že čo má robiť, keď tieto okolnosti ležali rovno pred ním. Vidíte? Ó!

Dúfam, že toto vchádza do nás a môžeme vidieť kde sa nachádzame. Vidíte? Necítite sa pri tom takýto veľkí - [malí]? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen."] Keď rozmýšľame o Mojžišovi a hovoríme o jeho chybách a dívame sa na naše.

1Nech ťa Pán žehná! Zostaňme ešte na chvíľu stáť a skloňme hlavy. Máte nejakú zvláštnu prosbu? Ak máte, dajte to vedieť tým že pozdvihnete svoje ruky k Bohu a skrze to poviete: "Pane , Ty poznáš moje potreby."

2Nebeský Otče, sme skutočne privilegovaní ľudia, dnes ráno, že môžeme byť zhromaždení v dome Božom, zatiaľ čo vieme, že je tak mnoho tých, ktorí by chceli byť dnes ráno v Božom dome ale sú v nemocniciach a ležia nemocní v posteli a Ty si nám dal toto privilégium, že tu dnes môžeme byť. A my sme vôbec neprišli kvôli tomu, Pane, aby sme len videli jeden druhého, hoci milujeme svoje obecenstvo jeden s druhým, ale my to môžeme mať v našich domoch; ale my sme sem prišli, aby sme mali obecenstvo s Ním, ktorý nás dal dokopy ako milované deti a bratia.

3Ďakujeme Ti teraz. A ten jediný spôsob, ktorý poznáme, aby sme skutočne mohli mať s Tebou obecenstvo, je okolo Tvojho Slova; Tvoje Slovo je pravda. Zišli sme sa tu pre duchovné posilnenie; potrebujeme to, Pane. Musíme mať silu, aby sme zniesli kríže, ktoré nesieme. Modlíme sa, aby si dnes poslal toho veľkého Svätého Ducha a všetkých nás zmocnil. Odpovedz na prosby svojho ľudu, ktorý sa zhromaždili a pozdvihli ku Tebe ruky, že majú také a také potreby. Odpovedz každému jednému, Pane.

4Ďakujeme Ti, že si minulej noci zachoval život našej sestry Ungren, pri tej havárii tam na ceste. Bol si im tak milostivý, Pane a ďakujeme Ti za to. A teraz sa modlíme, nebeský Otče, aby si naďalej zostával s nami, keď sa vydávame na cestu, každý jeden z nás. Daj nám Svoju posilňujúcu moc a vieru do toho, aby sme poznali, že Tvoja prítomnosť, ktorá nikdy nesklame bude s nami. V tejto hodine, keď si sami nevieme pomôcť, vieme, že anjeli Boží táboria okolo tých, ktorí sa Ho boja a oni nás budú niesť, aby sme si neurazili nohu o kameň. A prosíme teraz, aby si nám ku tomu Slovu udelil Svojho požehnania a hovor cez nás - v nás, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

5Som vďačný, že sa vyčasilo a že je pekne a svieti slnko. Dnes ráno bolo veľmi špatne a myslím, že zvlášť v tomto kraji, sme mali také pochmúrne, únavné počasie; a vidieť, že svieti slnko, že vychádza, to je veľmi dobre.

6Toto malé rodinné stretnutie dnes - stretol som svojich bratov v dome mojej sestry a niektorých naši príbuzných z okolia mesta i dookola ... Je to veľká skupina Branhamovcov, keď sa všetci spolu zídu z Kentucky a z tadiaľto, myslím že by sme museli prenajať to mesto; tak mnoho ich je. Ale len také malé zájdenie si domov ... Zvykli sme sa všetci schádzať v maminom dome a ona bola tým najstarším oporným bodom, ktorý nás držal pokope, také niečo. Ale Boh vzal ten oporný bod do neba a ja dúfam, že všetci sa tam jedného dňa stretneme.

7Nuž povedal som nedávno - vravel som: "Viete, myslím, že skrátim svoje nedeľné posolstvá na dvadsať alebo tridsať minút a potom sa budeme modliť za chorých." A rozmýšľal som dnes ráno o tom.

8A rozmýšľal som o tom minulú noc, keď ma volala sestra Dowing a hovorila že - volala Billymu a povedala, že ona a sestra Ungren dostali na ceste šmyk a havarovali. A zatiaľ čo Billy bol stále pri okne, ... (neviem koľko bolo hodín, možno že nejako nad ránom; bol som trošku ospalý.) Pozrel som sa do brata Woodsa; nesvietilo sa. A kľakol som si len, aby som sa pomodlil a keď som sa pomodlil, Niečo ku mne prehovorilo: "Je to v poriadku." Tak potom som povedal Billymu: "Povedz jej, že myslím, že všetko bude v poriadku." Som tak rád, že ich vidím dnes ráno. Ako sedia v dome Pánovom znovu tu po tom čo sa stalo na ceste.

9Ľudia, ktorí vás tak veľmi milujú, že prejdú až stovky míľ, aby počuli Evanjelium; a tak rozmýšľam, že dvadsať minútové posolstvo a tak pomaly ako to ja robím, to by nebolo dobre. A tak som myslel, že by som len ... tak dlho.

10Tak potom tu brat Ungren, jej syn, dnes ráno spieval: "Aký Si veľký." On má - On pre neho dnes ráno znamená viac ako včera popoludní, pretože ten veľký Nebeský Boh zachoval jeho drahú, milú matku a sestru.

11A tak, dnes očakávame nádherné chvíle v Pánovi. A mal som tu dva, či tri rôzne texty, na ktoré som sa díval a nemohol som sa rozhodnúť na ktorý z nich by som práve dnes ráno kázal. Jeden z nich bol: "Uvaľte svoje starosti na Neho, pretože On sa o vás stará." Nuž ak sa On stará, prečo nie vy?

12Tak potom, ďalší, Billy Paul ... či vlastne nie Billy Paul, môj ďalší syn, Jozef, my pred nedávnom priniesol tento text. Sedel som jedného dňa v izbe a on povedal - dívajúc sa na obrázok, (a Billy, či vlastne Jozef má veľmi rád člny, ako malý chlapec - člnky a kone, poznáte to) a on my povedal: "Ocko, mal Ježiš nejaký čln?"

A ja som povedal: "Neviem."

13A tak potom keď sa on zobral a vyšiel von, začal som rozmýšľať "Mal On nejaký čln?" a vzal som z toho taký text, poznačil som si to tu do mojej knihy: "Mal Ježiš nejaký čln?" Začal som rozmýšľať. Keď On bol tu na zemi, musel si požičať lono, v ktorom by sa mohol narodiť, hrob, v ktorom by mohol byť pochovaný, čln, z ktorého by mohol kázať, ale On je Kapitánom tej starej Siónskej lodi. Skutočne On ju má. Ale v týchto textoch, o ktorých som premýšľal - myslím že sa ku ním budem môcť dostať neskoršie, prv ako pôjdeme domov.

14Viete, rád hovorím tu v tejto modlitebni, pretože to je môj vlastný zbor. Cítime sa slobodne povedať všetko čokoľvek povie Duch Svätý. Na iných miestach, hoci tí ľudia chcú pre vás urobiť, aby ste sa cítili ako doma, jednako sa cítite tak trochu stiesnený, pretože ste v zbore niekoho iného a chcete byť natoľko džentlmenom, že beriete ohľad na ich názory a náuku.

15Prežili sme krásne chvíle tam u brata Burchamsa. Zašiel som do fabriky, kde vyrábajú syry. Vidím Jeho, jeho ženu i jeho syna i ich, že sú dnes ráno tu. Vždy som si predstavoval, že fabrika na syry, bude také niečo ako iné miesta, kde som už bol. Och, niečo zabrýdzgané a špinavé. Ó, môžem povedať jedno, môžete byť uistený, to miesto nie je špinavé. Bolo to najčistejšie miesto na aké som kedy prišiel, zvlášť tam vo vnútri. A neuvedomoval som si - myslel som, och, možno že tam vyrábajú nejakých sto libier syrov denne a ony vyrábajú šesť ton každý deň! - a to bežia tri fabriky. Myslel som si: "Ó, kto je všetky tie syry."

16Ale Pán požehnal tohoto muža a ja som mal možnosť byť v jeho dome, veľmi milý dom - dobrá posvätená žena. A nie je dôvodu, prečo by oni nežili každý deň pre Krista, ako to aj robia. Stretol som jeho synov, sú to veľmi fajn deti. Sme tak vďační za toto obecenstvo, ktoré máme jeden s druhým.

17Zistil som, že ich predchádzajúcim pastorom bol človek ktorého poznám - brat Gulrey, veľmi fajn človek zo zjednotenej letničnej viery, ktorého som pred rokmi stretol v Jonesboro, v Arkansase. A nevedel som, že oni boli ... to bol jednako ich pastor.

18A tak, pamätajte na zhromaždenia dnes večer a potom ak bude vôľa Pánova, na ďalšiu nedeľu máme nádej, že znovu budeme hovoriť.

A potom myslím, že tú nasledujúcu nedeľu musím ísť do Chicaga; a potom za nejaký čas budem preč. Musím zaviesť rodinu znovu naspäť domov do Arizony, aby tak mohli ... aby sa deti mohli znovu zapísať do školy a potom prestaneme obťažovať pastora - a zaberať mu jeho miesto.

19Nuž, my sme veľmi vďační bratovi Nevillemu za jeho pohostinnosť. Viete, bol som pozvaný a on je tak ... mám rád brata ... muž ako tento u ktorého nieto zrady; sebeckosti; len rýdze Kresťanstvo. To sa mi páči.

20A teraz, budeme čítať niečo z Písma a potom prejdeme ku výkladu, neviem kedy sa dostaneme z týchto dlhých kázaní, ale myslím si ... Hovoril som jedného dňa ohľadne dlhých rečí a niekto povedal: "Dobre a teraz, ak budeš hovoriť len niekoľko minút a ty jednako hovoríš temer v tajomstvách, neboli by sme to schopní rozumieť," Povedal: "Len ďalej hovor a po čase to vyjde najavo." On povedal ... Tak možno že Pán chce, aby sme to tak robili.

Skloňme sa ešte.

21Pane, na kazateľni leží Tvoje otvorené Slovo a uvedomujeme si, že jedného dňa ono bude zavreté, pretože to je jeho posledný čas, potom sa to Slovo stane telom. A potom budeme vďační za tento čas dnes ráno a otvor nám, skrze Tvojho Svätého Ducha, súvislosť tohoto Slova, ktoré budeme čítať. Nech Duch Svätý nás dnes vyučuje veciam, ktoré máme vedieť a nech sa potom môžeme ku tomu vrátiť a počúvať dôkladne každé Slovo, hlboko Ho rozvažovať a potom nech tí, ktorí to počúvajú z tých pásiek, nech môžu počúvať pozorne, aby sme boli schopní uchytiť sa toho čo sa nám Duch Svätý snaží zjaviť; pretože si uvedomujeme, že ak nás On pomazal, potom to pomazanie nie je nadarmo; je to za určitým účelom - aby to mohlo byť na dobré Pánovi. A nech sú otvorené naše srdcia i naše zrozumenie, Pane.

22Nech máme slobodu do hovorenia a slobodu do počúvania a prístup do viery, aby sme verili to čo sme počuli, pretože to pochádza z Božieho Slova, aby nám to mohlo pripočítať Večný Život, v ten veľký Deň, ktorý má nadísť. Požehnaj nás dnes. Obviň nás, keď sme nie v poriadku. Daj nám poznať chyby ktoré máme. A požehnaj nás na tej ceste ktorá je pravá, aby sme mohli vedieť ktorou cestou ísť a ako sa zachovávať v tomto súčasnom svete, aby sme tak mohli pre Ježiša Krista priniesť chválu tu v našom živote, ktorý zomrel, aby nám dal život v tej veľkej budúcnosti. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

23Dnes ráno chcem čítať dve miesta z Písma a jedno z nich sa nachádza v knihe Exodus; vlastne, obidva sa nachádzajú v knihe Exodus. Prvé, 13. kapitola, 21. a 22. verš a to druhé je 14. kapitola, 10., 11. a 12. verš. A teraz budem čítať Exodus 13: 21.

A Hospodin išiel pred nimi, vodne v oblakovom stĺpe, aby ich viedol cestou a v noci ... v ohnivom stĺpe, aby im svietil, tak aby mohli ísť vodne i v noci.

Neučinil Hospodin tak, aby bol uhnul oblakový stĺp v noci zpred ľudu.

24A teraz, Exodus 14 od desiateho verša.

A keď sa priblížil faraón, pozdvihli synovia Izraelovi svoje oči a hľa, Egypťan sa rušal za nimi a báli sa veľmi a kričali synovia Izraelovi k Hospodinovi.

A povedali Mojžišovi: Či preto, že nebolo dosť hrobov v Egypte, vzal si nás preč, aby sme pomreli na púšti? Čo si nám to urobil, že si nás vyviedol s Egypta?

Či nie je toto to čo sme ti hovorili v Egypte vraviac: Nechaj nás, nech slúžime Egypťanom; lebo lepšie by nám bolo bývalo slúžiť Egypťanom, než aby sme pomreli na púšti.

25Budem čítať trochu viacej veršov.

A Mojžiš povedal ľudu: Nebojte ... sa!

Dobre tu teraz počúvajte.

... Mojžiš povedal ľudu: Nebojte sa! Stojte a vidzte spasenie Hospodinovo, ktoré vám učiní ... dnes, lebo Egypťanov, ktorých vidíte dnes, neuvidíte nikdy viacej až na veky.

Hospodin bude bojovať za vás a vy budete mlčať.

... Hospodin riekol Mojžišovi: Čo kričíš ku Mne? Hovor synom Izraelovým, aby sa rušali.

A ty pozdvihni svoju palicu a vystri svoju ruku na more a rozpolti ho a synovia Izraelovi vojdú doprostred mora a pôjdu po suchu.

A ja, hľa, zatvrdím srdce Egypťanov a vojdú za nimi a oslávim sa na faraónovi a na všetkom jeho vojsku, na jeho vozoch a na jeho jazdcoch.

A zvedia Egypťania, že ja som Hospodin, keď sa oslávim na faraónovi, na jeho vozoch a na jeho jazdcoch.

Vtedy sa pohol anjel Boží, ktorý išiel pred táborom Izraelovým a obrátiac sa išiel za nimi a tak prešiel oblakový stĺp zpopred nich a stál za nimi

A vošiel medzi tábor Egypťanov a medzi tábor Izraelov a bol Egypťanom oblakom a tmou a Izraelovi osvecoval noc, takže sa nepriblížili jeden k druhému cez celú noc.

A Mojžiš vystrel svoju ruku na more. A Hospodin hnal more východným vetrom silným cez celú noc a obrátil more na sušinu a rozostúpili sa vody.

A tak vošli synovia Izraelovi doprostred mora a išli po suchu a voda im bola múrom z ich pravej a z ich ľavej strany.

A Egypťania ich honili a vošli za nimi, všetky kone faraónove, jeho vozy i jeho jazdci, doprostred mora.

Potom stalo sa po rannej stráže: Hospodin pohliadol na vojsko Egypťanov zo stĺpu ohňa a oblaku a zmiatol vojsko Egypťanov.

A vyrazil kolesá z jeho vozov a poháňal ho tak, že išlo s ťažkosťou. Vtedy povedali Egypťania: Utečme pred Izraelom, lebo Hospodin bojuje za nich proti Egypťanom!

26Slovo Pánovo je také nádherné, také dobré, nedá sa to proste prestať čítať. Stáva sa to proste životom, pri tom ako to čítame. Myslím dnes ráno na tento text, myslím že sa nahráva, chcem toto povedať na začiatok: vyzerá to ... Spozoroval so sám na sebe ... A preto som to ... Včera, zatiaľ čo som to študoval - a prišiel som na túto tému a potom som premýšľal: "Ak bude vôľa Pánova, budem hovoriť práve o tomto, pretože to ma vedie do uníženia sa." A dúfam, že nás to všetkých vedie do uníženia, aby sme mohli vidieť a privádza nás to ku tomu, aby sme sa pozreli a študovali to trochu a porovnávali ten deň v ktorom sa to stalo, s týmto dňom, ktorý je teraz.

27Chcem zobrať za text tri slová a to: Prečo kričíš? Hovor! Boh povedal Mojžišovi, je to tu v 15. verši: "Čo kričíš ku Mne? Hovor ľuďom, aby sa rušali." A tak, Prečo Kričíš? Hovor!

28A tak, máme tému a ja sa budem snažiť poponáhľať sa ako to len budem môcť a prejsť cezeň, ako ma Duch Svätý bude viesť. Chcem, aby sme sa zamysleli nad ... nad týmto textom, keď Mojžiš kričal k Bohu a Boh napomenul Mojžiša, práve v tedy keď mali najväčšie problémy. A taká je proste povaha človeka, kričať. A potom čo má znamenať to napomenutie od Boha, že sa otočil a napomenul ho za to čo hovoril - za to že kričal ku Nemu. Vyzerá, že to je veľmi tvrdé.

29Mnoho krát, keď hľadíme na Písmo, svojím vlastným spôsobom, vyzerá to veľmi tvrdé, ale ak to za nejaký čas študujeme, zistíme, že vševedúci Boh vie čo robí. A On vie ako uskutočniť tieto veci a ako jednať s človekom. On vie čo je v človeku. On ho pozná. My nie. My to poznáme iba z tej intelektuálnej stránky. On vie čo je skutočne v človeku.

30Mojžiš sa narodil na tento svet ako obdarovaný chlapec. Narodil sa na to, aby bol prorokom, vysloboditeľom. On sa narodil s týmto uspôsobením, bolo to v ňom, tak ako každý človek, ktorý prichádza na tento svet sa rodí s týmto uspôsobením. Čomu pevne verím podľa predzvedenia Božieho, predurčenia.

31"Nie že by Boh chcel, aby niekto zahynul, ale aby všetci prišli ku pokániu." Ale súc Bohom, On musel vedieť a vie: "od začiatku vie aký bude koniec." Vidíte? Ak nie, potom nie je nekonečný; a ak nie je nekonečný, nie je Bohom. Tak to nebola Jeho vôľa, samozrejme, aby niekto zahynul, ale On vie kto zahynie a kto nezahynie. To je ten dôvod, ten skutočný zámer, že Ježiš prišiel na zem, aby spasil tých, ktorých Boh skrze svoje predvedenie videl, že chcú byť spasení, pretože celý svet bol odsúdený. A ja nevidím, že by sme to mali učiť nejakým iným spôsobom, než ako predvedením Božím a Biblia jasne hovorí, že "On od počiatku vedel aký bude koniec," a mohol to povedať.

32A tak teda, keď sa nejakí ľudia snažia byť niečím, čím nie sú, oni to len napodobujú a skôr či neskôr to vyjde najavo. Vaše hriechy vás nájdu. Nemôžete ich prikryť. Existuje len jediné prikrytie na hriech. To je krv Ježiša Krista a ona nemôže byť použitá, ak vás Boh nepovolal od založenia sveta. To je to kvôli čomu tá krv bola preliata, nie aby sa po nej šliapalo a robilo z nej žarty a zapáralo a hocčo hovorilo a tak ďalej; ona bola preliata za určitým cieľom. Tak veru. Nie na hranie; nie na napodobovanie, tým že budú hovoriť, že hriechy sú prikryté, keď nie sú. A žiadny človek nemôže mať prikryté svoje hriechy, ak by nebolo jeho meno zapísané v Baránkovej knihy života z pred založenia sveta. Sám Ježiš povedal: "Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, keby ho nepritiahol môj Otec a všetkých ktorých My Otec dal," minulý čas: "prídu ku Mne." A tak nemôžete povedať, že tieto Slová klamú. Oni sú tu na Pravdu a na nápravu.

33A Mojžiš sa narodil s darom viery; Mojžiš mal veľkú vieru. Uvidíme to za chvíľu, ako ona v ňom vychádza najavo. On sa narodil vo veľkej rodine, ako vieme jeho otec a jeho matka pochádzali z rodiny Léviho. Ten príbeh tu, pred týmto, v knihe Exodus, tak prekrásne podal život tohoto veľkého charakteru. A on bol jednou z najväčších postáv Biblii, pretože on bol presným predobrazom Pána Ježiša.

34On sa narodil veľmi zvláštne, ako Pán Ježiš. Narodil sa v čase prenasledovania, ako Pán Ježiš. Narodil sa, aby bol vysloboditeľom, ako Pán Ježiš. Bol ukrývaný svojimi rodičmi pred nepriateľom, ako Pán Ježiš. A prichádza do času svojej služby, ako Pán Ježiš. Bol prorok, ako Pán Ježiš. A bol zákonodarca, ako Pán Ježiš.

35A zistili sme, že zomrel na skale a že musel znovu povstať a ... pretože po osemsto rokoch stál na Vrchu Premenenia a rozprával sa s Pánom Ježišom, vidíte. Anjeli ho odniesli preč. Nikto nevie kde je pochovaný; dokonca ani diabol to nevedel. Úprimne povedané, ja neverím, že on vôbec bol pochovaný. Verím, že Boh ho odniesol preč a on zomrel na tej skale, ktorú po všetky dni svojho života nasledoval.

36A on bol dokonalým predobrazom Krista. Bol kráľom nad ľuďmi; bol zákonodarcom; živil tých ľudí; on bol v predobraze všetkým tým čím bol Kristus.

37Nuž teda, vidíme že on sa narodil s tým veľkým darom a kvalitou, on to mal v sebe. To sa potom len chopilo Niečoho, čo na to zasvietilo, aby tú vec priviedlo do Života.

38Vidíte, semeno Božie je vlastne v nás umiestnené od založenia sveta. A keď to svetlo prvý krát dopadne na to semeno, vzbudí ho do Života, ale prv musí to Svetlo zasvietiť na to semeno.

39Ako som mnohokrát hovoril o tej prostej žene pri studni - o nej v takom stave. Hoci ona bola osobou, ktorá mala zlú povesť, hoci jej život bol zdegradovaný a ona sa nachádzala v takom stave - pretože tie tradície sa jej vôbec nedotkli. Ale jednako, keď ju prvý krát zasiahlo to Svetlo, ona To rýchlo rozpoznala, pretože tam bolo niečo čo na to zareagovalo. "Keď hlbina volá Hlbinu," musí byť niekde nejaká Hlbina, ktorá by odpovedala na to volanie.

40A Mojžiš sa tu narodila ako ten prorok, ale on bol vychovaný v nejakej intelektuálnej škole a vo faraónovom paláci. Faraón Seti, pod ktorým bol on vychovaný, bol človek ktorý si stále vážil Jozefa a veril, že Jozef bol prorok Pánov. Ale po Setimu nastupuje Ramses a Ramses sa nezaujímal o Jozefa. A tak preto, vtedy začali tie problémy, keď povstal faraón, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa.

41Ale tieto veľké kvality - hovorme za chvíľu o nich, skôr ako sa dostaneme ku hlavnej časti našej témy. Mám divný spôsob ako predkladám tému a potom na ňom budujem a Pán nech nám pomôže dnes ráno na ňom budovať.

42Mojžiš, ktorý sa narodil s tým veľkým darom viery, bol potom pomazaný a dostal poverenie pri tom horiacom kríku, aby vyslobodil Boží ľud. A tak, vidíte čo za veľké kvality ten človek mal! On sa narodil pre určitú vec. Boh mal v tom nejaký zámer.

43Boh má zámer s vami, ktorí ste tu. Ak len môžete byť - dostať sa na to miesto, koľko ťažkostí by ste ušetrili Bohu a tiež sami sebe.

44Mojžiš sa narodil a potom bol - neskoršie bol privedený na miesto kde bol pomazaný. A všimnite si, to semeno tam leží s nejakým intelektuálnym poňatím, so všetkou vierou, že sa narodil, aby vyslobodil ten ľud a jednako to ešte neožilo až kým to Svetlo z toho horiaceho kríku na to nezasvietilo - až kým on neuvidel, nie niečo čo by si bol o tom prečítal, ale niečo čo videl na svoje vlastné oči - Niečo čo ku nemu hovorilo a on Tomu odpovedal. Och, ako to privádzalo veci do života.

45Myslím si, že žiadny muž s neja- ... alebo žena, chlapec alebo dievča. A myslím si, že skrze intelektuálne poňatie, toho čo si oni myslia že Slovo je a tak ďalej, nikdy nemôžu mať úplný základ, na ktorom by mohli stáť až kým nestretli to Svetlo, ktoré privádza to Slovo do reality.

46Myslím si, že žiadna cirkev vo svojej praxi, nezáleží na tom aká intelektuálna a fundamentálna ona môže byť, tá cirkev nemôže prosperovať až kým sa to nadprirodzené nedá poznať medzi tými ľuďmi a oni to vidia - Niečo ku čomu oni môžu hovoriť a to bude hovoriť ku ním späť, to je potvrdenie tohoto napísaného Slova.

47A tak pamätajte, keď sa Mojžiš stretol s tým horiacim kríkom, to Slovo bolo presne potvrdené. To bolo Slovo. Mojžiš si nemusel robiť starosti: "Čo je to tu za hlas dookola? Čo je to tu za osoba?" Pretože Boh už bol napísal v Písme, v Genesis že: "Tvoj ľud bude pohostínom v tejto cudzej zemi, ale budú vyvedení po štyristo rokoch - znovu prídu naspäť do tejto krajiny, pretože sa ešte nevyplnila neprávosť Amoreja." A tak stovky a stovky rokov pred tým Boh povedal: "Izrael bude pohostínom a budú s ním zle zachádzať v cudzej krajine a bude tam štyristo rokov, ale Boh, mocným ramenom ich z tade vyvedie." A tak vidíte pri tomto horiacom kríku...

48Mojžiš to intelektuálne poznal a to semeno, ktoré sa v ňom narodilo, ležalo v jeho srdci. A on sa snažil skrze svoje intelektuálne skúsenosti s tým Slovom, snažil sa ich vyviesť - vyslobodiť ich, pretože on vedel, že sa kvôli tomu narodil. On to poznal - ten čas - Písma. Všetci hovorili, že už sú tam štyristo rokov.

49Podľa toho ako teraz vieme, ako sa ma pred chvíľou opýtal jeden muž ohľadne príchodu a vytrhnutia. Vieme, že žijem v dovŕšení toho času. Čas vytrhnutia je na blízku. A my očakávame vieru do vytrhnutia, ktorá môže potiahnuť cirkvi dokopy a dať tú nejakú nadprirodzenú silu, ktorá bude môcť premeniť tieto telá, v ktorých žijeme. Keď vidíme Boha, ktorý môže podniesť mŕtveho z podlahy, alebo niekde vonku a navrátiť ho znovu späť do života a postaviť ho pred nami. Keď vidíme Boha, ktorý môže vziať rakovinu, ktorá zožrala človeka až na tieň a pozdvihnúť ho znovu do plnej ľudskej sily, to má ľuďom dať vieru do vytrhnutia. To, keď to svetlo sa zablyskne z oblohy a zaznie tá trúba, telo Kristovo bude rýchlo zhromaždené do kopy a v momente premenené a vzaté do Neba. Áno, musí sa niečo také stať. A naše teologické školy to nikdy nemôžu vyprodukovať, aj keď z intelektuálneho hľadiska sú v poriadku. Ale vy sa musíte stretnúť s tým Svetlom! Musíte nájsť to Niečo.

50A tu Mojžiš, zakladal svoje veľké povolanie na Slove a to bolo veľké, až kým jedného dňa nestretol toto Svetlo a presne to isté Slovo prehovorilo späť ku nemu. Potom obdržal svoje pomazanie. Ono pomazalo to čo bolo v ňom, to vo vnútri, ten intelekt, ktorý veril tomu, vieru, ktorá bola založená ne jeho verení v Boha, ktorá ho oddelila od jeho matky. A teraz keď on vpadol do prítomnosti toho Svetla, To pomazalo to čomu on veril. Vidíte? Ó čo za pomazanie! A obdržal poverenie.

51Nuž, vieme, on rozumovo počúval svoju matku. On vedel čo sa má stať a vedel že on žije v tom čase. Ale tu spoznal, že sa mu nedarí, tak on sa mohol ... jeho viera mohla trochu poklesnúť. Ale potom, keď prišiel ku tomu kríku, Boh povedal: "Počul som volanie Môjho ľudu a rozpamätal som sa na Moje zasľúbenie, ktoré som dal ich otcom, Abrahámovi, Izákovi a Jákobovi a zostúpil Som." "JA," tam je osobné zámeno: "JA som zostúpil, aby som ich vyslobodil."

52A teraz a možno že by som ku tomu dodal ak to ... Nech my Boh odpustí, ak by to znelo ako svätokrádež. "Ja na zemi pracujem, jedine skrze človeka. Ja som Vinič; vy ste letorasty. A Ja sa dávam najavo vtedy, keď môžem nájsť nejakého človeka. A Ja som ťa vybral a posielam ťa tam, aby si ich vyviedol." Vidíte? Všimnite si teraz: "Ja budem s tvojimi ústami a Ja ... vezmi si túto palicu."

53A Mojžiš povedal: "Môžem vidieť dôkaz, že ma Ty pošleš a že si ma pomazal a budeš dokonávať tieto veci?"

Povedal: "Čo je v tvojej ruke?"

On riekol: "Palica."

Povedal: "Hoď ju na zem." Ona sa obrátila na hada. On utekal.

54On riekol: "Chyť ho." Obrátilo sa to znovu na palicu. Povedal: "Daj svoju ruku na prsia." Vybral ju z tade von a bola malomocná. Dal ju naspäť a bola uzdravená.

55Povedal: "On videl slávu Božiu." Mojžiš nemal viacej otázok. Všimli ste si, on nikdy nebežal znovu na púšť? On vedel, že bol pomazaný. On vedel kde, všetko to čo bolo v jeho srdci, tie veľké nádherné kvality a on ... oni teraz boli pomazané. On, on je pripravený. Je pripravený ísť. A tak ide tam do Egyptu.

56Boh povedal: "Budem s tebou," a tým - tým to bolo vyriešené. Keď "Ja budem s tebou," bolo všetko čo Mojžiš potreboval vedieť, pre toto veľké volanie, ktoré bolo v jeho srdci. A Boh teraz povedal: "Ja budem s tebou."

57A teraz, Boh tiež potvrdil to čo Mojžiš tvrdil. To čo Mojžiš tvrdil: "Stretol som Pána. A On povedal, aby som vám riekol, že ten "JA SOM" ma poslal." Vidíte?

58A oni si teraz povedali: "Je tu nejaký muž, ďalší žid, pravdepodobne jeden z tých fanatikov, ktorí prichádzajú po celý ten čas so všetkými možnými plánmi, ako nás dostať z otroctva." Viete ako je to s ľuďmi keď sú otrokmi, alebo v zajatí kvôli niečomu, stále sa tam nájde nejaký chytrák, poznáte to, ktorý by to chcel urobiť.

59Tak, Mojžiš, Boh zasľúbil Mojžišovi: "Ja budem s tebou. Budem v tebe. Moje Slová budú tvojimi Slovami. Hovor Moje Slová a povedz len to čo Ja hovorím."

60A teraz, keď Mojžiš odišiel a povedal im o tom povolaní a postavil sa pred faraóna a povedal mu: "Pán Boh hebrejov povedal, 'Vyveď z tade Moje deti.'" A on nechcel dovoliť, aby išli. Tak on učinil pred staršími a pred faraónom znak, tie znaky ktoré mu Boh dal. On povedal: "Nuž, zajtra o takomto čase, zapadne slnko. Nastane tma po celom Egypte," a presne tak sa stalo. A potom on povedal: "Na celú zem prídu muchy," a vystrel svoju palicu a zavolal muchy a muchy prišli. A on prorokoval a všetko čo prorokoval presne tak sa stalo. To bol Boh. Vidíte?

61Boh ho povolal od jeho narodenia, vložil do neho tie kvality, tej veľkej viery a potom zostúpil so Svojou prítomnosťou a pomazal to niečo veľké v ňom a poslal ho tam so Svojim Slovom a on bol náležite potvrdený ohľadne toho čo tvrdil. Nezáležalo na tom koľko fušerov povstalo, koľko ďalších iných vecí sa prihodilo, Boh hovoril ... Mojžiš preukázal svoju totožnosť. Mojžiš, čo Mojžiš povedal, Boh to uctil. Chcem, aby ste nikdy nezabudli toto Slovo. Čo Mojžiš povedal, Boh dal tomu vážnosť, pretože v Mojžišovi bolo Božie Slovo. "Ja budem s tvojimi ústami; oni budú hovoriť to pravé." A tak, čo Boh hovoril - to, čo Boh hovoril, On to hovoril cez Mojžiša a to potvrdilo a obhájilo to, čo on tvrdil.

62Tiež, jeho matka mu povedala o jeho tajomnom narodení a o tom ako ten čas prišiel tak blízko ku tej hodine, kedy malo nastať vyslobodenie. Amram a Jochebet, syn a dcéra z rodiny Léviho, sa začali modliť k Bohu, aby poslal vysloboditeľa. A stalo ... keď vidíte že sa približuje ten čas zasľúbenia, to uvádza ľudí do modlitby a do hladu. A nieto pochýb, že Jochebet, jeho matka, mu mnohokrát povedala; pri tom keď bola jeho pestúnka, ako poznáme ten príbeh a povedala mu o tom ako sa modlila. "Mojžiš, vtedy keď si sa narodil, chlapče, bol si zvláštnym dieťaťom. Bol si iný. Pri tvojom narodení sa niečo stalo."

63Zdramatizoval som to pre deti, pred nedávnom a povedal som im: "Zatiaľ čo sa Amram v izbe modlil, uvidel anjela, ktorý vytiahol svoj meč, ukázal smerom na sever a povedal, 'Budeš mať dieťa a on vyvedie deti na sever do zasľúbenej zemi.'" Trochu som to zdramatizoval pre tých malých, aby tomu rozumeli; ich schopnosť rozmýšľať nie je ešte natoľko rozvinutá, ako pri vás dospelých., Vy sa môžete uchytiť vecí tak ako vám ich Duch Svätý zjavuje.

64Nuž a hoci mu jeho matka toto všetko hovorila a on to vedel, jednako on potreboval ešte iné dotknutie. To učenie bolo dobré, ale on potreboval osobný kontakt.

65To je to čo dnes potrebuje svet. To je to čo cirkev dnes potrebuje. To je to čo potrebuje každý jeden, to sú synovia a dcéry Božie. Aby nimi byť, potrebujete osobný kontakt, vidíte, Niečo. Bez ohľadu na to, že viete, že to Slovo je pravda, že Toto je správne; ale potom, keď sa to skontaktuje a vidíte že tie veci sa stali, potom viete že ste na správnej ceste. Vidíte? A, dávajte pozor, to bude stále Biblicky podložené. Bude to presne súhlasiť s Písmom, pretože to bolo podľa Písma.

66Amramova modlitba súhlasila presne s Písmom. Ich modlitby sa zhodovali so zasľúbeným Slovom. Boh zasľúbil, že to urobí v tom čase. Oni sa za to modlili a tu sa narodilo to náležité dieťa. A oni . . .

67Sledujte to! Och, ako to milujem! Vidíte, v tej hodine, keď faraón zabíjal všetky deti, vidíte, dával ich pod meč, pod meč dozorcov; oni, oni tie malé deti prebodávali, hádzali ich krokodílom, tie malé telíčka až krokodíly možno stučneli od tiel hebrejských detí. Ale Biblia hovorí, že: "Rodičia sa nebáli faraónovho rozkazu, ktorý nariaďoval zabíjať deti." Oni to neurobili. Oni sa nebáli, pretože videli niečo v tom decku. Oni to videli, že to bola odpoveď na ich modlitbu.

68A Mojžiš teraz mal toto všetko ako podklad a tak Mojžiš vedel, že bol poslaný práve za tým účelom, aby vyslobodil deti Izraelove.

69Vidíte, všetko to pozadie sa hromadí. Keď zoberiete čokoľvek a môžete priniesť Bibliu, kde stojí: "Toto sa má stať," a tu sa to deje; "a toto sa má stať v tamtom čase," a tu to je; "a toto sa má stať v určitom danom čase," a deje sa to; a potom sa to všetko spolu hromadí a vykresľuje nám to určitý obraz.

70Ó, ako je to dnes ráno s touto modlitebňou, čo my ľudia tejto hodiny, brat Neville, keď vidíme ako naše vlasy podľahli šedinám, naše ramená sa hrbia, keď vidíme ten svet, ako sa zmieta a potáca, ako to aj je a čo to robí s nami, keď sa môžeme pozrieť dookola a vidieť, že to zasľúbenie sa približuje! To je, to ... Myslím si, že mnohokrát, ak by sa niekto len mohol zrazu dostať do Toho a nerozumel by To, či vlastne, porozumel by To a zrazu sa do Toho dostane, to by vás skoro doviedlo do Večnosti, také niečo ku vytrhnutiu! A nikdy ste to nepoznali a zrazu, ó, preboríte sa cez tie veci, ktoré sme už videli a poznali a rozumeli sme im a v jednej chvíli všetci vyskočia; muž či žena, chlapec alebo dievča, pozdvihnú len svoje ruky a povedia: "Poďme, Pane Ježišu," vidíte. Ó, ako blízko je tá hodina!

71Mojžiš vedel, že on sa narodil za tým účelom, pozeral sa von cez okná a pozoroval tých Hebrejov ako sa lopotili; pozeral sa späť do Písma a tam stálo: "A oni budú pohostínmi štyristo rokov, ale Ja ich vyvediem mocným ramenom." A potom, keď sa on vrátil, po tom ako bol poverený, pomazaný, vedel že sa narodil ... A jeho viera hľadela, on skrze vieru hľadel na tých ľudí a vedel že to sú deti Božie, pretože svet ... Slovo tak hovorilo. Oni neboli z tohoto sveta a neboli takí ako tí ostatní. Oni boli iní. A oni boli blázni a fanatici, pre všetku tú Egyptskú nádheru; a on mal byť faraónovým synom, aby potom neskoršie prevzal kráľovstvo; ale on, niečo bolo v jeho vnútri, opravdivá viera, ktorá nehľadela na tieto veci, na tú nádheru ktorú mal zdediť. On hľadel na zasľúbenie Božie a vedel, že ten čas sa približuje. A o čom tento muž musel premýšľať!

72Chcem sa s ním o tom jedného dňa porozprávať, keď sa s ním stretnem tam na druhej strane. Vy si poviete: "To je bláznovstvo, bratku!" Nie, nie je. Stretnem sa s ním, z milosti Božej. Tak veru. Budem sa s ním rozprávať, jedného dňa, so samým Mojžišom. A ako rád by som sa ho opýtal, že ako to bolo, keď videl svoju prípravu!

73Ako to bolo s tým znervózňovaním, keď diabol hovoril: "Nó, ľudia ti nebudú veriť. Ha-ha. Nič na tom nie je."

74Ale keď to semeno tam prišlo do Života, niečo ho udrelo a on vedel, že niečo sa stane. On to vedel. Pozeral sa na svoje hodiny a videl aký je čas a on to poznal a o čom on musel premýšľať, ako sa tak na to díval. A teraz, keď to dal všetko dokopy, všetky tie veľké veci, ktoré videl; ten čas Písma, modlitby jeho matky i jeho otca a on sa zvláštne narodil, podivné dieťa. Stále, tam vo vnútri v ňom niečo bolo.

75A on sa teraz vytratil a myslel si, že použije svoje vojenské schopnosti, ktorým bol vycvičený v škole a vyslobodí tie deti. A to sa nepodarilo.

76Potom odišiel na púšť a oženil sa s milým etiópskym dievčaťom a mali malého chlapca, ktorý sa nazýval Geršom.

77A jedného dňa, ako tak išiel zo stádom, zrazu tam hore na vrchu uvidel horiaci krík, ako horí. A vyšiel tam hore. A to nebol nejaký intelektuál, nie nejaká predstava, nie nejaký sebaklam, nie nejaký optický klam, ale v ňom, tam bol Boh Abrahámov, vo Svetle, v Ohnivom stĺpe, ktorý bol tam na kríku, v tom Ohni, ktorý vyšľahoval z toho kríku a pritom mu neuškodil. A ten Hlas Písma, Boží Hlas, prehovoril tam skrze to a povedal: "Ja som ťa vybral. Ty si ten muž. Kvôli tomuto som ťa vzbudil. Tu ti dokazujem skrze znamenia, ideš tam, aby si vyslobodil tie deti, pretože Moje Slovo sa musí vyplniť."

78[brat Branham zaklepal po kazateľni. – pozn.prekl.] Och, Jeho Slovo na tento deň sa musí vyplniť. My žijeme v tej hodine. Nezáleží na tom čo hovorí niekto iný; Slovo sa musí vyplniť. Nebo i zem pominú, ale Jeho Slovo nepominie.

79A teraz, keď to Mojžiš dal všetko dokopy a videl to pod každým uhlom, to pomazalo jeho vieru. Amen! Ó, Bože! Čo za myšlienka! Toto, práve toto, keď to videl v Písme, že to ukazuje presne na to čo to je a to čo Boh hovoril a ten dôkaz toho tu, to pomazalo tú vieru, ktorá bola v ňom, aby začala fungovať.

80Čo to má potom urobiť s nami? My potrebujeme pokánie. Potrebujeme oživenie. Ja hovorím za seba. Rozumiete? Potrebujem, aby bolo so mnou zatrasené. Potrebujem niečo. Povedal som, že dnes ráno hovorím ku sebe samému, alebo o sebe samom. Ja sa potrebujem prebudiť.

81A keď premýšľam o tom veľkom dôkaze, všetko bolo tam tak dokonale predložené a to pomazalo Mojžišovu vieru. A, och, on videl, že tam nebolo ničoho . . .

82Tu, on uteká z Egyptu, v podstate, on tam mohol začať so vzburou, alebo niečím takým, on by mohol povstať a začať s revolúciou v Egypte a mohol vziať armádu a bojovať, ale, vidíte, on mal na svojej strane mnoho tisícov. Ale namiesto toho, on sa to obával práve urobiť, po boku s armádou.

83Ale tu on prichádza späť, po štyridsiatych rokoch, ako osemdesiat ročný, iba s palicou v ruky. Ako je to možné? To čo horelo v jeho srdci sa stalo skutočnosťou. On potom bol pomazaný a vedel že má TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Teraz neexistovalo nič čo by ho zadržalo. On nepotreboval žiadnu armádu. Boh bol s ním. To bolo to čo potreboval; Boh s nim.

84Ó, keď budete vedieť, že Boh vás poslal, aby ste niečo určité urobili a vidíte že to sa tam pohybuje, nie je tam nič čím by toto mohlo byť nahradené. To je to čo treba.

85Pamätám sa mnohokrát, keď mi Pán povedal o niečom čo sa malo stať a potom keď som tam prišiel a videl som, že všetko je presne tak, ako ... Ó, čo to bol za pocit! Tá situácia je už pod kontrolou, je to vybavené, vidíte, pretože to Boh tak povedal.

86Pamätám sa, mnohí z vás si na to pamätajú, ako vo Fínsku bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych ten malý chlapec, ktorý bol zabitý pri automobilovej nehode. Zastal som tam na kraj cesty a začal som kráčať preč od toho decka a otočil som sa a pozrel som sa naspäť. A niečo položilo na mňa svoju ruku, myslel som si, že to bol brat Moore a okolo mňa nebolo nikoho. Pozrel som sa dozadu a potom som sa pozrel hore na ten vrch, ktorý som tam videl. Povedal som si: "Nuž, tento kopec som už niekde videl, ale my sme neprišli touto cestou. Prišli sme inou cestou. Kde je ten kopec?"

87A pozrel som sa a to havarované auto som videl tam dole; videl som tam toho malého chlapca s jeho ... ako tam leží, bol ostrihaný ako na hrniec, ako to my tu nazývame. Oči mal prevrátené dozadu, tak ako brat Way, keď tu jedného dňa padol mŕtvy. A jeho malá nôžka pretrhla ponožku, na tom mieste kde boli polámané jeho malé údy. Z jeho očí, nosa i uší vytekala krv. A videl som jeho malé krátke nohavice, zapnuté na gombíky tu okolo jeho útleho pásu a mal také dlhé ponožky, ako sa tu voľakedy nosili.

88A rozhliadol som sa dookola a bolo to presne, presne tak ako mi to Duch Svätý povedal dva roky pred tým, vtedy ste si to všetci, po celom národe, poznačili do svojich Biblií, že sa to má stať. Ó, tam, potom taká situácia je zvládnutá. Nezáleží na tom aký je on mŕtvy, nezáleží na tom čo hovorí niekto iný; to všetko je zvládnuté. On musel znovu ožiť!

89Povedal som: "Ak toto dieťa nevstane z mŕtvych, potom som falošný prorok, potom falošne predstavujem Boha. Pretože, u nás doma, pred dvoma rokmi, mi On povedal že toto sa stane. A tam tí kazatelia, i všetci - je to zapísané na voľnej stránke v našich Bibliách a presne tak to tu je. Čítajte to z tej voľnej stránky, ako sa to má stať v nejakej krajine; vyčnievajúce skaly a tak ďalej, zabitý a na ... bude ležať na pravej strane cesty." Povedal som: "Aha, je to tu. Nič to nemôže zadržať. Táto situácia je už pod kontrolou."

90Viera, ktorá bola v mojom srdci zostala pomazaná. Ó, keby som to len mohol vysvetliť! Viera , že Boh ... ktorú som mal v Boha, v to čo mi povedal a to nikdy nesklamalo, povedal mi: "Táto situácia je teraz pod kontrolou. Tu je presne to čo som ti ukázal pred dvoma rokmi a tu to leží presne podľa toho. To jediné čo musíš urobiť je povedať slovo." A ten malý chlapec vstal z mŕtvych. Vidíte?

91 Jedného dňa, cestou na Aljašku, díval som sa dozadu na brata Freda Sothmana, ktorý tam sedel a na brata Banksa Wooda a na nich a rozmýšľal som o tom, ako som tu stál v zhromaždení a hovoril vám všetkým o zvierati, ktoré vyzeralo ako jeleň, s parohmi dlhými štyridsať dva cólov a o striebornom medveďovi grizlym. Nikdy predtým som tam nebol a ako ten ... povedal som vám, že to ulovím a ako sa to stane a koľkí tam so mnou budú a ako budú oblečení. Viete o tom, každý jeden z vás, povedal som vám to mnoho týždňov predtým ako sa to stalo.

92A tam, keď som tam prišiel, nevedel som o tom, ale tam ležalo to zviera. A ja som išiel a on ... bolo to nemožné, ak sa to dozvie nejaký poľovník, alebo bude počúvať túto pásku, ako sa môžete približovať spredu ku nejakému zvieraťu, ono by vyskočilo a ušlo. Ale toto tak neurobilo.

93A ono visí tam v mojej izbe. Tam visí ten strieborný medveď, presne tak ako ... A je tam roztiahnutý meter, krajčírsky meter, aby ukazoval ich presnú ... a parohy sa scvrknú najmenej o dva cóle, alebo aj viac, keď sú svieže na zvierati a potom, keď vysychajú. Ale tieto sa vôbec nescvrkli. Majú stále presne štyridsať dva cólov. Vidíte? Tam leží ten strieborný medveď, je sedem stôp dlhý, presne a všetko bolo presne tak, ako to bolo povedané a teraz to tam leží.

94Ale keď mi ten muž povedal; to bol ten v tej zelenej košeli, on povedal: "Pozri sa, brat Branham, tu máme to zviera o ktorom si hovoril, ale ti si mi povedal, že ulovíš strieborného grizlyho prv ako sa dostaneš dole z tohoto vrchu, naspäť tam kde sú ostatní.

95Povedal som: "To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Boh tak povedal."

96"Ale, brat Branham," on riekol: "Môžem tu vidieť všetko na míle dookola a nič tu nie je. Skadiaľ sa tu on vezme?"

97Povedal som: "To sa mňa nepýtaj. Boh to tak povedal! A On je Jehova-Jirech. On tam môže priviesť nejakého medveďa. On tam jedného môže dať." A On ho tam dal. A aha, tu ho máte. To je situácia pod kontrolou.

98A keď Mojžiš uvidel, že bol vzbudený za týmto účelom a stretol tvárou v tvár, toho veľkého Boha, ktorý ho povolal a pomazal ho a identifikoval ho a povedal: "Toto je tvoje povolanie, Mojžiš. Ja ťa posielam a ukážem ti Svoju slávu. A tu som v horiacom kríku. Choď tam! Ja budem s tebou." On nepotreboval ani palicu. On mal Slovo, to potvrdené Slovo a on tam išiel. To pomazalo vieru, ktorá bola v ňom.

99A to pomazáva nás, keď vidíme že žijeme v tých posledných dňoch a môžeme pozorovať, že sa dejú všetky tieto znamenia, ktoré vidíme, o ktorých sa hovorí v Písme, že sa budú diať v tých posledných dňoch; celou cestou od neba, do politických mocí a ľudskej povahy a demoralizácii sveta a pomedzi ženy, čo oni budú robiť v týchto posledných dňoch a ako sa budú správať muži a ako sa cirkvi budú zachovávať, ako sa národy budú zachovávať a ako sa bude správať Boh. A vidíme že všetko to tu leží rovno pred nami.

100Ó, to pomazáva našu vieru. To nás vedie von do tých veľkých cyklov. Vidíte? To nás oddeľuje od ostatných vecí tohoto sveta. Vidíte? Nezáleží na tom ako málo nás je, alebo v akej zanedbateľnej menšine sa nachádzame, nezáleží na tom ako sa z nás smejú a robia si z nás žarty, to na tom ani trochu nič nemení. Je to jasné. Vidíme to. Je niečo vo vnútri nás. Boli sme predurčený do toho, aby sme uvideli túto hodinu a neexistuje nič čo by nás mohlo zadržať od toho, aby sme to videli. Amen! Boh to tu povedal. To sa už stalo. Vidíme to. Ó, ako sme za to Bohu vďační! Ó, potom, to vyvedie navonok vašu vieru, keď vidíme ako sa tu dejú tieto veci.

101Nuž a tu znovu môžeme čítať toto: "A za väčšie bohatstvo ako poklady Egypta považoval pohanenie Kristovo." Pre neho pohanenie Kristovo malo veľkú cenu.

102Nuž, zapamätajte si: "pohanenie Kristovo." Vidíte, slúžiť Kristovi je hanba. Ak ste vo svete veľmi populárny, potom nemôžete slúžiť, nemôžete slúžiť Kristovi. Nie nemôžete. Pretože, vidíte to, s tým ide určité pohanenie. Svet s tým stále pohŕdal.

103Keď sa pozrieme späť dozadu, pred tisícimi rokmi, išlo s tým určité pohanenie. A Mojžiš mal byť faraón, on bol faraónov nástupca, faraónov syn. On sa mal stať ďalším faraónom, bol obľúbený medzi ľuďmi a jednako on si "vážil ..."Považovať znamená "vážiť si." "On si vážil pohanenie Kristovo viacej ako všetko to čo mu mohol poskytnúť Egypt." Egypt bol v jeho rukách. Ale, jednako, on vedel, že ísť Kristovou cestou je pohanením, ale on bol z toho taký šťastný, keď mohol vedieť, že v ňom je niečo, čo spôsobilo že si vážil toto priblíženie Kristovo, či vlastne pohanenie, viac ako všetky skvosty, ktoré zdedil. On mal dedičstvo v sebe vo vnútri, ktoré bolo oveľa väčšie, než ako to čo mu dalo to vonkajšie dedičstvo.

104Ó, keby sme my mohli byť dnes takí a nech by Duch Svätý pomazal to čo máme v sebe vo vnútri, tú vieru, do pobožného života, posväteného Kristovi!

105A teraz, s takouto vierou akú on mal, on to spozoroval a on považoval to pohanenie za poctu.

106Dnes niekto môže zavolať: "Hej, ty si jeden z tých ľudí? Z tých . . .?"

"Och, och, nuž, no." Hanbíte sa za to.

107Ale on to považoval za väčšie bohatstvo ako celý svet, pretože tam vo vnútri v ňom bolo niečo čo mohol vysloviť a povedať: "Áno, vážim si toho. To je veľká česť. Som rád, že som jedným z nich." Vidíte? "Som rád, že môžem byť započítaný ako Hebrej a nie ako Egypťan."

108Dnes by kresťania mali hovoriť tak isto. "Som rád, že sa môžem považovať za kresťana, zdržiavať sa preč od vecí toho sveta a od pravidiel tohoto sveta." Nie len ako nejaký člen cirkvi, ale ako znovuzrodený kresťan, ktorý žije podľa Písma. Hoci by som bol nazvaný, dokonca od svojich členov cirkvi: "fanatik," jednako pokladám toto za niečo väčšie, než ako byť najpopulárnejším človekom v meste, alebo v národe. Radšej by som bol toto, než ako prezident Spojených štátov, alebo - alebo kráľ nad svetom. Vidíte? Tak vysoko si toho cením, pretože Boh vo svojej milosti, pred založením sveta, ma videl a umiestnil tam to drobné zrniečko, že moja viera sa môže povzniesť ponad veci tohoto sveta. A teraz ma On zavolal a ja si cením moje miesto."

109Ako povedal Pavol, on si vážil svoju službu s vysokou ... vidíte a och, že Boh ho zavolal, aby sa nestal nejakým veľkým učiteľom, ako bol Gamaliel. Ale Pavol bol zavolaný na to, aby bol zasvätený Kristovi. Vidíte? Teraz je to tak isto.

110Všimnite si, s takouto vierou, on nikdy nespoliehal na svojom pohľade, na tom čo mohol vidieť. Nuž, on tam vonku nevidel nič iné iba bandu ľudí so špinavými rukami, otrokov, vo vezení, zabíjaných každý deň, bičovaných, vysmiatych, ich náboženskí veriaci boli "fanatici". A tam sedel na tróne faraón, ktorý nepoznal, ani si nevážil ničoho ohľadne ich náboženstva. On nič o tom nevedel. On bol pohan, tak on len ... Čo za obraz na dnes! A aha, tu to je, odlišné náboženstvo. A ako to, že keď tento Mojžiš, skoro na tom samom postavení s prezidentom, či tým veľkým mužom, faraónom, aby po jeho smrti zaujal jeho miesto a on bol starí. A jednako Mojžiš myslel, že to povolanie ... On sa díval von, cez to isté okno cez ktoré sa díval faraón, pretože on bol v jeho dome.

111A faraón sa díval von a videl tých ľudí, ktorí pozdvihovali svoje ruky a oni za to brali bič a bili ich na smrť, pretože sa modlili. Oni ich bodali mečom , pretože niekedy dokonca neposlúchali a nútili ich pracovať až ich telá omdlievali a dávali im, ani nie polovičnú stravu. "Nuž, oni neboli ničím, iba bandou fanatikov, ani nie ľuďmi."

112A Mojžiš jednako, tá viera v ňom, hľadel na nich a povedal: "Oni sú Božím požehnaným ľudom." Amen. To sa mi páči. S takou vierou, jeho oči sa nezahľadeli na poklady Egypta, oni sa zahľadeli na zasľúbenie Božie. Jeho orlie oči viery videli poza poklady Egypta. On pamätal na to, že teraz sa stáva orlom. On je prorok a jeho orlie oči sa povzniesli ponad tie veci. Ó, ako to mám rád! Oj! Joj!

113Ako často dnes ... Dnes, kresťania spoliehajú na svojich zmysloch a na tom čo môžu vidieť, alebo na tom čo môžu porozumieť, namiesto toho, aby spoliehali na svojej viere - spoliehate na tom, čo vidíte svojimi očami, tie skvosty. Tak ako vy, ženy. Stále vás vyzývam, ohľadne vašich vlasov, že si ich musíte nechať rásť, nesmiete nosiť make-up, musíte sa správať ako dámy a kresťanky. Dívate sa von na ulicu a vidíte tie ženy, ktoré sa tak nemorálne obliekajú. A tak si myslíte: "Veď, ona patrí do tejto cirkvi, prečo by som to aj ja nemohla robiť?" Vidíte? "A ona sa strihá, nuž prečo by som to aj ja nemohla robiť? Ona s tým vyzerá krajšie a na vyššej úrovni, to je predsa osobnosť oveľa väčšia ako som ja. Nuž, prečo by som to nemohla ja robiť. Môžem to robiť." Keď to robíte, to ochromuje vašu vieru. Vidíte? Nedávate svojej viere šancu, aby mohla rásť. Začnite od toho, ako som povedal.

114Niekto my povedal: "brat Branham, krajina, ľudia, ťa pokladajú za proroka. Nemal by si takto vrieskať po ženách, ani po mužoch, kvôli týmto veciam. Mal by si ich učiť ako prorokovať a prijať dary."

115Povedal som: "Ako ich môžem učiť algebru, keď nepoznajú ešte ani abecedu?" Vidíte?

116Začnite len od toho. Očistite sa, že keď pôjdete po ulici budete vyzerať ako kresťanka, v každom prípade a potom choďte a správajte sa ako kresťan. Vidíte? A nedokážete to robiť sami od seba. To musíte mať v sebe Krista. A ak tam leží to semeno a narazí naň to Svetlo, ono ožije. Ak neožije, to znamená že tam nebolo nič čo by mohlo ožiť. Pretože, jasne je to potvrdené na iných príkladoch, že to ožíva akonáhle to Svetlo dopadne na to.

117Je to pokarhanie pre ženy, ja viem, keď toto počúvate, alebo keď budete počúvať túto pásku. Je to pre teba pokarhanie, sestra. Malo by byť. Malo by byť, pretože to ukazuje ... Nestarám sa o to čo si vykonala; ty môžeš byť nábožná, celý tvoj život, môžeš žiť v cirkvi, tvoj otec môže byť kazateľ, alebo tvoj muž môže byť kazateľ; ale tak dlho ako si neposlušná Božiemu Slovu, to ukazuje, že tam nie je žiadny Život. Keď vidíš, že táto vec bola jasne ukázaná a vidíš Život Svätého Ducha, pozoruj To, keď To narazilo na iných. Hľaď čo oni robia. Ak To na nich toto spôsobuje ... nieto divu . . .

118Čo to bolo za pokarhanie pre tých farizejov, ktorí nazývali Ježiša, keď On mohol rozpoznávať ich myšlienky, oni Ho nazývali Belzebubom.

119A tá obyčajná prostitútka povedala: "Nuž, tento Chlap je Mesiáš. Písmo hovorí, že On bude toto robiť." Vidíte, tam ležalo to predurčené semeno. A keď naň dopadlo to Svetlo, ono ožilo. Nie ste schopný utíšiť to. Nemôžete skryť Život.

120Môžete vziať betón a vyliať na trávu a zabiť ju cez zimu. No na jar, kde je najväčšia tráva? Práve okolo toho betónu. Pretože pod tým kameňom je semeno, ktoré má schopnosť vyklíčiť a keď začne svietiť slnko, nie ste schopný ho zadržať. Ono si pretlačí cestu a prepletie sa okolo cez to a dostane sa von popri kraji a prestrčí svoju hlavu hore do chváli Božej. Vidíte, život nemôžete ukryť. Keď slnko narazí na ten rastlinný život, musí to žiť.

121A keď Duch Svätý narazí na Život Písma, ktorý je v človeku, momentálne to prináša ovocie. Vidíte?

122 Tak bez ohľadu na to aká ste čestná a spravodlivá, bez ohľadu na to, že hovoríte že ste nie ... hovorím o týchto ženách, ktoré tam vonku nosia toto hanebné oblečenie i tomu podobné veci, je to práve tak akoby striptíz na ulici; hoci si myslíte že to nie ste, nemôžete tomu uveriť. Môžete dokázať, že ste čistá od cudzoložstva, ale v Božej Knihe ste spáchali cudzoložstvo. Ježiš povedal: "Ktokoľvek žiadostivo pozrie na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci." A vy ste sa predvádzali takým spôsobom. Vidíte, nemôžete to vidieť, iba ak tam leží ten Život.

123Dívate sa na niekoho iného, dívate sa a hovoríte: "No dobre, poznám sestru Jones, brat Jones je ... On je kazateľom. Jeho žena robí toto i tamto.."

124Nestarám sa o to čo ona robí. Toto je Slovo. Ježiš povedal: "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvo a Moje pravdou." To je Biblia. A keď to Svetlo skutočne dopadne na to semeno, ono musí ožiť. Ono proste musí ožiť.

125Mojžišove veľké oči, jeho orlie oči, pozerali ponad poklady Egypta.

126Opravdivý veriaci kresťan dnes, nezáleží na tom čo hovorí cirkev, čo niekto iný hovorí; keď na to narazí to Svetlo, oni vidia práve to Božie potvrdenie, ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý tam visí. a znamenia a zázraky, ktoré sú zasľúbené, Písmo je predostrené a to ožíva; nezáleží na tom aké malé je to a v akej menšine sa to nachádza. Vidíte? "Neboj sa malé stádečko, lebo sa zaľúbilo vášmu otcovi dať vám Kráľovstvo." Vidíte? Oni to uchytili. Boh sa zaviazal, že im to pošle, z ktorejkoľvek denominácie oni sú, z akéhokoľvek zriadenie, kdekoľvek, aby To uvideli, ak sú určení do Života.

127Pozrite sa na starého Simeona, ktorý bol určený do Života. Keď Mesiáš prišiel do chrámu, vo forme nemluvňaťa, na ramenách svojej matky; Simeon, ktorý si tam niekde vzadu v izbe čítal. Duch Svätý ho pozdvihol, pretože on očakával. Ten Život bol v ňom. On povedal: "Nezomriem až kým neuvidím Krista Pánovho." A tam v chráme bol Pánov Kristus. Duch Svätý ho viedol z jeho povinností, von a on kráčal rovno až ku tomu decku, pozdvihol ho a povedal: "Teraz prepúšťaš Svojho služobníka v pokoji, lebo moje oči videli Tvoje spasenie."

128Tam v kúte stála nejaká stará slepá žena, ktorá sa nazývala Anna, ktorá slúžila Pánovi dňom i nocou. Ona tiež predpovedala a hovorila: "Mesiáš prichádza. Môžem Ho vidieť ako prichádza." A pritom bola slepá. A v tom istom čase, keď On tam bol ... Ten drobný Život, ktorý bol v nej, to bolo to čo jej predpovedalo: "To tam bude! To tam bude! To tam bude!" A potom, ten istý Život, to Svetlo prišlo do tej budovy, vo forme Nemluvňaťa, ako "nemanželské dieťa," zavinutý v plienkach, prechádzajúci cez budovu. A Duch Svätý dopadol na tú starú slepú ženu a ona prišla skrze Ducha, vedená pomedzi ľudí a zastala pri tom Nemluvňati; a požehnala matku, požehnala dieťa a povedala aká bude Jeho budúcnosť. Vidíte, určená do Života! Vidíte?

129Pozrite sa na nich, nebolo ich ani tucet. Vo dňoch Noeho bolo zachránených len osem duší, vôbec nie veľa, ale všetci, ktorí boli určení do Života, prišli v tom čase. Vidíte ako Duch Svätý pracuje v každom veku, ako tiahne ľudí.

130A teraz pozorujeme, že Mojžiš, jeho viera ho viedla, aby pozoroval na to čo sa má stať, nie na to čo bolo. Hľaďte na zajtrajšok a nie na dnešok. Hľaďte na zasľúbenie a nie na skvosty. Hľaďte na ľudí a nie na organizácie. Vidíte? Boh to urobil.

131Lót mohol vidieť skvosty blahobytu tam dole v Egypte, či vlastne v Sodome. Lót mohol vidieť možnosti vyplývajúce z množstva peňazí. Lót mohol vidieť tie možnosti, keď sa pozeral na Sodomu a mohol by sa možno stať ... Pretože bol židom, mohol sa tam stať veľkým človekom, pretože on bol veľkou vzdelanou postavou a Abrahámovým synovcom a tak on si vyvolil ísť do Sodomy. Lótove rozumové schopnosti ho viedli do toho, aby videl skvosty blahobytu. Lótove rozumové schopnosti ho viedli do toho, aby videl požehnanie bohatstva. Ale jeho viera bola skrze to tak ochromená, že on neuvidel oheň, ktorý prichádzal, aby zničil takýto spôsob života.

132A to je to čo ľudia robia dnes. Oni vidia tie možnosti, ktoré im plynú z toho, že patria do veľkej organizácii, oni vidia tie možnosti, že môžu mať sociálne postavenie s ľuďmi toho mesta, ale nevidia tie možnos- ... Oni nevidia, že ich viera je ochromená. Dovoľte mi to zopakovať, aby ste to mohli dobre porozumieť. Ženy dnes, oni, ako som povedal, oni sa chcú správať ako filmové hviezdy. A muži sa dnes chcú správať ako televízny komici.

133Kazatelia dnes vyzerajú akoby chceli prerobiť svoje cirkvi na nejaké moderné prístrešia, členstvo a tak ďalej. Vidia možnosti stať sa biskupom alebo nejakým hlavným dozorcom, alebo niečím takým, ak budú kráčať zarovno s cirkvou; opúšťajúc Písma, keď to leží rovno pred nimi, s priamym potvrdením skrze moc Božiu a skrze živé Slovo, ktoré žije v ľuďoch. A jednako, oni to nechcú. Oni hovoria: "My nechceme mať nič dočinenia s niečím takým ako je toto." Tým by mohli stratiť svoj cirkevný preukaz. Narušilo by to ich denominačný poriadok. Jednako poctivý človek ako Lót, ktorý sedel tam dole v Sodome, vedel že to je zlé. Vidíte? Vidíte? Čo oni robia, keď takto postupujú? Ochromujú tú malú vieru ktorú mali. Ona nemôže fungovať.

134 A teraz, Mojžiš sa oddeľuje preč od toho a on ... jeho viera ochromila svet.

135Buď vaša viera ochromí skvosty, alebo skvosty ochromia vašu vieru. Nuž, vy si musíte vybrať jedno alebo druhé. A vidíte, že Biblia sa nemení. Boh sa nemení. On je nemenný Boh.

136Zistili sme teraz, dnes, že ľudia, ktorí žijú v tomto čase, vidíte, oni hľadia po veľkých veciach, po veľkých organizáciách. "Ja patrím do tej takej a takej." Vidíte? A odchádzajú tam a hľaďte, nie je rozdiel medzi nimi a medzi ľuďmi z ulice. Nie je tam nič iné. Oni majú trochu niečoho intelektuálneho a zostávajú na tom. Keď hovoríte s nimi o Božskom uzdravovaní, o Ohnivom Stĺpe, o Svetle Božom, oni hovoria: "To je nenormálne."

137 Jeden človek raz vzal ten obrázok anjela Pánovho, jedného dňa, nejaký Baptistický kazateľ a smial sa z Toho. Vidíte, to je - to je rúhanie. Vidíte? Na to nie je odpustenie.

138To je to čo Ježiš povedal, vidíte. To je rúhanie; keď vidíte že To činí tie isté skutky, ktoré činil Kristus. A On povedal ... Keď oni videli tie skutky pri Kristovi, On bol Obeťou a oni Ho nazývali "Belzebubom a diablom," pretože On to činil. A teraz oni hovoria ... On povedal: "Ja vám to odpúšťam. Ale keď príde Duch Svätý, aby robil toto isté a poviete proti Tomu jedno slovo, nikdy vám to nebude odpustené, v tomto svete ani v tom budúcom." Vidíte? Stačí len jedno slovo, ktoré poviete proti Tomu. Vidíte? a potom . . .

139Preto že, ak ten Život, ak ste boli určený do Večného Života, potom ten Život cez vás prepukne, keď To uvidíte. Vy to rozpoznáte, ako tá prostá žena pri studni a - a tí rôzni iní. Ale ak to tam nie je, nemôže to ožiť, pretože tam nie je nič čo by mohlo ožiť. Ako zvykla hovoriť moja stará mama: "Z repy nemôžeš dostať krv" pretože tam žiadna nie je. Nuž a to je to isté

140 A to ochromuje tú malú vieru ktorú máte. Lot mohol vidieť tie skvosty, ale nemal dostatok viery, aby uvidel ten oheň, ktorý ide zničiť takéto skvosty.

141Som zvedavý či my máme dnes tú vieru. Som zvedavý či nám ... tie ženy, ktoré chcú byť populárne, ktoré sa chcú správať tak ako tie ostatné ženy v cirkvi, keď vidia, že tie sa chcú správať ako ostatné - oni môžu vidieť tie možnosti, že môžu byť krajšie keď sa budú maľovať. Môžu vidieť krajšie ženy, ktoré vyzerajú mladšie, keď si strihajú vlasy a správajú sa tak ako tie ostatné, alebo ako filmové hviezdy. Ale som zvedavý či to neochromuje ich vieru, aby mohli poznať, že Biblia hovorí, že ktorá to robí je bezocti. A žena, ktorá vkladá na seba odev ktorý patrí mužovi, že je to ohavnosťou pred Bohom - nohavice a tak ďalej a šortky, ktoré oni nosia. A to sa už stalo tak zaužívaným, že je to pravidelným zvykom pre tých ľudí, ktorí to robia. Som zvedavý, či oni neochromujú práve tú prostú vieru, ktorú ste mali, ešte aj chodenie do zboru, vidíte. To je to čo to robí.

142Lót to urobil a to ho ochromilo a to ochromilo jeho ľudí, ktorí tam boli. Oni neboli schopní uvidieť to.

143Ale Abrahám, s potvrdenou vierou, jeho strýko, on nehľadel na ten lesk bohatstva, on s tým nechcel mať nič spoločného, hoci mal v živote ťažké chvíle, ktoré sám musel prežívať. I Sára žila tam vonku na púšti, kde bol ťažký život, v tej neúrodnej zemi. Ale oni nehľadeli na lesk bohatstva, ani na možnosti stať sa populárnymi.

144 Sára, tá najkrajšia žena v kraji, Biblia tak hovorí. Ona bola pekná, najkrajšia zo všetkých žien. A ona jednako zostala pri svojom mužovi a poslúchala ho a dokonca ho nazývala svojím pánom, na čo poukazuje Biblia v Novom Zákone, kde stojí: "ktorej ste dcérami, potiaľ, pokiaľ zotrvávate vo viere." Vidíte, svojho muža nazývala "pánom".

145A anjel Pánov navštívil jej chrám a ... či vlastne jej malý stan tam vonku a povedal im - Oni dokonca nemali ani dom v ktorom by mohli bývať; bývali tam vonku v tej neúrodnej zemi. No vidíte. Vidíte ten deň, ktorý ide znovu podľa toho vzoru, presne tak ako to bolo v tedy?

146A teraz Mojžiš so svojou veľkou vierou, znovu mohol povedať "nie" tým prítomným veciam jeho vtedajšieho sveta a urobiť to správne rozhodnutie. On si vyvolil trpieť v súžení s ľudom Božím. On si vyvolil ísť s tým. Prečo? Jeho viera! On videl to zasľúbenie. On videl čas konca. On videl ponad to do zajtrajška a on dal svojej viere voľnosť. A nezvracal žiadnu pozornosť na to čo videli jeho oči tu v tých možnostiach, že on bol faraón, že sa mal stať faraónom. On hľadel rovno ponad to do zajtrajška.

147Och, keby to len ľudia tak mohli robiť, nevidieť ten prítomný svet. Ak sa pozriete na ten prítomný svet, rozhodujete sa preň. Odvráťte svoje oči od toho a hľaďte na zasľúbenie Božie, ponad to do zajtrajšku.

148Skrze svoju vieru si on mohol vyvoliť. On si vyvolil byť nazývaný synom Abrahámovým a odmietol, aby ho nazývali synom faraónovým. Akoby on mohol, keď celé to kráľovstvo ... Egypt vládol nad svetom. On bol kráľom sveta, bol mladý, okolo štyridsať rokov, pripravený zasadnúť na trón. Ale on vôbec nehľadel na svoje intelek- . . .

149Pozri sa na ženy, ktoré boli okolo neho, deň za dňom, celý hárem. Pozri sa na lesk bohatstva; sedieť a popíjať víno a dívať sa na striptíz pred sebou, ako tancujú a ovievajú ho s ... A ženy z celého sveta, ovešané šperkami a drahokamami. Jediné čo musel robiť bolo sadnúť si a jesť tie vynikajúce pokrmy a dať rozkaz: "Pošlite posádku číslo to a to, tam a tam, zajmite ten národ. Ja si to prajem." To bolo všetko čo musel urobiť. Sedel tam a oni ho ovievali a držali mu otvorené ústa; nech začne ten príjemný, prekrásny striptíz na dnes, lievali mu do úst víno, podávali mu jedlo, objímajúc ho, všetky tie najkrajšie ženy na svete. Všetky tie skvosty, ktoré existovali, ležali rovno pri ňom.

150Ale čo on urobil? On sa díval preč od toho. On vedel, že na to je už pripravený oheň. On vedel, že na tej ceste leží smrť. Vidíte? On vedel že to existuje. A on hľadel ponad to na skupinu pohrdnutých a odmietnutých ľudí a vierou si vyvolil trpieť pohanenie Kristovo a nazýval sa: "Som syn Abrahámov. Nie som synom faraóna. Hoci by ste ma urobili biskupom, alebo diakonom, alebo arcibiskupom, alebo pápežom, ja nie som synom týchto vecí. Som syn Abrahámov a oddeľujem sa od vecí tohoto sveta." Amen, amen a amen! Urobil to skrze vieru!

151Odstrčil nabok lesk bohatstva. Odhodil nabok tie možnosti stať sa nasledujúcim biskupom, odhodil nabok tie možnosti stať sa ďalším arcibiskupom, alebo budúcim generálnym dozorcom v ďalších voľbách, alebo čokoľvek to mohlo byť, on to odhodil nabok. Odmietol dívať sa na to.

Dr.." Ľudia budú behať po svete, aby boli ... videli pápeža a pobozkali mu nohy a prstene a tak ďalej. Čo za výhoda byť katolíkom, čo za výhoda byť protestantom, byť biskupom alebo generálnym dozorcom, alebo niečím takým, nejakým veľkým mužom v nejakej organizácii.

153Pozerajúc sa ... oh, ale vidíte, to oko viery hľadelo ponad to všetko. A vidíte aký je tam tomu koniec, to čo Boh povedal, že všetko to bude zničené. Viera, to orlie oko, sa pozdvihuje ponad to všetko a vidíte zajtrajšok, nie dnešok a volíte byť nazývaný syn Abraháma.

154 Faraón, bez viery, videl deti Božie ako "fanatikov". Bez viery, urobil z nich otrokov, pretože sa nebál toho čo on povedal. On sa nebál Boha. On si myslel, že on je boh. On si myslel že jeho - jeho bohovia, ktorým on slúžil, - že on bol biskup, on bol hlavným generálnym dozorcom, jeho bohovia sú tí jediní, ktorí to urobili; nič nemal tu do týchto vecí a tak z nich urobil otrokov. On sa z nich smial. Tak ako to robia ľudia dnes, je to presne to isté.

155Mojžišova viera ich videla v zasľúbenej zemi, ako požehnaný ľud. Mohol to bol tvrdý boj, dostať ich do zasľúbenia a Mojžiš sa rozhodol ísť s nimi. Rád by som pri tom zostal, ale môj čas beží. Vidíte?

156Všimnite si, mohlo to byť ťažké obrátiť tých ľudí. "Musíte s nimi žiť. Musíte byť jedným z nich a oni boli už takí múdri, že ste s nimi nemohli ani hnúť. Vidíte? Ale niečo sa tam muselo stať. Musela sa zjaviť pred nimi tá nadprirodzená manifestácia. Bude to ťažké. Organizácie vás odmietnu a všetko toto sa stane. Je to hrozné, čo musíte podstúpiť, ale jednako sa rozhodnite."

157"Ja som jeden z nich." Ó. Jeho viera to dokázala. Jeho viera sa vznietila. Tak veru. On to videl. Bolo to ťažké doviesť ich do zasľúbenia, ale on sa jednako rozhodol ísť s nimi. Bez ohľadu na to čo mu oni urobili, i ako ho odmietli, on jednako išiel. On išiel s nimi.

158Nuž dúfam, že ste pripravení. V poriadku. Ísť s nimi, cez to všetko. Učiň ma jedným z nich, to je ono, pretože to je tvoja povinnosť. Môže to byť ťažký boj a mnoho toho cez čo treba prejsť, ale jednako choď.

159Ale jeho viera ho viedla do toho, aby sa rozhodol pre Slovo a nie pre lesk toho sveta. On sa chopil Slova. To je to čo urobila Mojžišova viera. Keď viera hľadí na Božie najhoršie ... Pamätajte, tu bola teraz nádhera, svet, to najvyššie, kráľ sveta. A kde bolo to čo Boh zasľúbil? V zablatenej diere medzi špinavými babrákmi.

160Ale keď viera, keď sa viera pozrela na to Božie najhoršie, ona si to vážila viac, oveľa viac než ako to najlepšie čo mohol ukázať ten svet. Tak veru. Keď viera hľadí na to, keď to viera môže vidieť, keď viera v Slovo môže vidieť zamanifestované Slovo, je to viac ako všetky skvosty a arcibiskupstvá i všetko iné, čo len môžete povedať. Tak to vidí viera. Vidíte? Môžete vidieť to najhoršie, pohrdnutie, odmietnutie, čokoľvek to môže byť; nech je to to najhoršie a jednako viera si to cení o milión míľ vyššie ako najlepšie čo môže vyprodukovať ten svet. Amen! V takom zmysle spievame tú pieseň: "Pôjdem tou cesto s tými niekoľkými Pánovými, ktorými pohŕdajú." Vidíte? Ó!

161Pretože, vidíte, viera vidí to čo chce Boh urobiť. Ó, dúfam že to vchádza do vnútra. Viera nehľadí na ten prítomný čas. Viera nehľadí na toto tu. Viera hľadí, aby videla to čo Boh chce a podľa toho sa zachováva. To je to čo robí viera. Ona hľadí na to čo chce Boh, na to čo Boh chce urobiť, viera funguje skrze to.

162Viera to je videnie na ďaleký dostrel. Ona neznižuje svoj pohľad. Má ho namierený na cieľ. Amen! Každý dobrý strelec to pozná. Vidíte? To je ďaleký dostrel. To je teleskop. To je ďalekohľad, ktorým nehľadíte tu dookola. Nepoužívate ďalekohľad, aby ste sa pozreli koľko je hodín; rozumiete, nepoužívate ho na to. Ale používate ďalekohľad, aby ste sa pozreli do ďaleka.

163A to robí viera. Viera vezme Boží ďalekohľad, oba, na obidve oči, Nový i Starý Zákon a vidí každé zasľúbenie ktoré On dal. A viera to tam vidí a viera sa rozhoduje pre to, bez ohľadu na to čo tu hovorí ten prítomný čas. On hľadí na koniec. Nesklopuje svoj pohľad, aby sa takto díval. On sa díva do diaľky. Drží kríž hľadítka nehybne na Slove. To robí viera. To je viera, ktorá je v človeku, ktorý takto postupuje.

164Nuž pozrite sa. To čo Faraón nazýval veľkým, Boh to nazýval ohavnosťou. Faraón by mohol povedať: "Pozri sa Mojžiš! Prečo, ti si nasledujúci faraón. Odovzdám ti toto žezlo, keď z tadeto odídem. Odovzdám ti toto žezlo. Je tvoje. Vidíte? Nuž, toto je veľká vec. Staneš sa veľkým mužom, Mojžiš. Staneš sa biskupom. Staneš sa týmto, tým alebo tamtým. Neopúšťaj nás. Zostaň tu." Ale, vidíte, on toto nazýval veľkým a Boh povedal, že to bola ohavnosť!

165Nuž a vy ženy zamyslite sa na chvíľu - i vy muži. To čo svet nazýva veľkým, Boh to nazýva "svinstvo." Či nehovorí Biblia: "Je to ohavnosť pre ženy, aby nosili mužský odev"? A vy si myslíte, že keď to robíte, že ste krajšie. Vidíte? Tým nerobíte nič iné, len predvádzate pre diabla ženské telo. A tak, nerobte to.

166A vy mužovia, ktorí sa ženiete za vecami tohoto sveta a obklopujete sa nimi. A vy mužovia, ktorí nemáte dostatok odvahy, aby ste priviedli svoje ženy do toho, aby to prestali robiť, hanbite sa! A nazývate sa synovia Boží? Pre mňa vyzeráte ako Sodomiti. Vidíte? Nehovorím to preto, aby som urazil vaše pocity, ale aby som vám povedal Pravdu. Láska napráva a dá sa naprávať. Ona vždy bola taká. Matka, ktorá sa nestará o svoje dieťa, nenapráva ho a nekára ho a nevedie ho do poslušnosti, nie je viac pre neho matkou. Je to tak.

167Nuž a hľaďte čo sa teraz deje. Mojžiš videl toto, skrze svoje videnie. A Faraón povedal že "toto je veľké." Boh povedal: "To je ohavnosť." Tak Boh ... Mojžiš si vybral to čo povedal Boh.

168 A tak, všimnite si, viera vidí to čo Boh od vás chce, aby ste videli. Rozumiete? Viera vidí to čo vidí Boh.

169A rozum a zmysly vidia to čo svet od vás chce, aby ste videli. Všimnite si rozum: "Nuž, to je len ľudský zmysel, to je len - len usudzovanie, že toto ... Nuž, nie je toto práve tak dobré?" Vidíte? Je to presne tak, keď používate tieto zmysly, ktoré sú proti Slovu, vidíte, potom to je to čo od vás chce svet, aby ste videli.

170Ale viera na to nehľadí. Viera hľadí na to čo povedal Boh. Vidíte? Viete, rozum dávate nabok.

171Rozum, rozumovanie, vidí to čo od vás chce svet, aby ste videli, veľkú denomináciu. Si kresťan? "Ó, ja som presbyterián, metodista, luterán a letničný, všetko možné." Vidíte, to sú zmysly. "Ja patrím do prvej cirkvi, vidíš. Ó, ja som katolík. Ja som toto, tamto." Vidíte, tak to hovoríte. Nuž, to je zmysel. Radi to tak poviete, pretože to je veľká denominácia, niečo veľké. "My máme množstvo členov, skoro viac ako ktorákoľvek cirkev na svete, vidíte. My . . ."

172Ale je len jedna opravdivá Cirkev a do nej sa nemôžete pripojiť. Do nej sa narodíte. Vidíte? A ak ste sa do nej narodili, sám živý Boh účinkuje cez vás a dáva sa poznávať. Vidíte? Tam Boh prebýva, vo svojej Cirkvi. Boh chodí do Cirkvi každí deň, žije proste v Nej. On žije vo vás. Vy ste jeho Cirkvou. Vy ste tým chrámom, v ktorom prebýva Boh. Vy sami ste Cirkvou živého Boha. A ak ten živý Boh žije vo svojich živých bytostiach, potom vaše skutky sú z Boha; ak to tak nie je, potom tam nie je Boh. On vás nevedie do toho, aby ste sa takto zachovávali, keď On hovorí tu v Slove, vo Svojej tlači: "Nerob to," a vy idete a robíte to. Vidíte, to je zle. Keď to zapierate, to potom ukazuje, že ten Život vo vás vôbec nie je. Vidíte? Je to tak.

173Viera viedla Mojžiša cestou poslušnosti. Všimnite si, Mojžiš ... Tam je mladý faraón; tam je mladý Mojžiš, obaja majú tú príležitosť. Mojžiš videl pohanenie toho ľudu a pokladal to za väčšie bohatstvo, než ako mal celý Egypt. A on, vedený vierou, on nasledoval to čo hovorila jeho viera v Slovo a ona ho viedla po ceste poslušnosti a nakoniec do slávy, nesmrteľnosti - nikdy nezomierať, v prítomnosti Božej. Zrak a rozum a lesk sveta, viedli faraóna na smrť a do zničenia Egypta, jeho národa a od vtedy sa už nikdy nespamätal.

174Tak tu to máte. Hľaďte na toto a zomriete. Hľaďte na To a budete žiť. A teraz sa rozhodnite. To je to isté čo Boh predložil pred Adama a Evu v záhrade Eden. Vidíte? Skrze vieru, musíte urobiť svoje rozhodnutie.

175Všimnite si teraz, zrak viedol faraóna na smrť a jeho mesto na skazu.

176Mojžiš, so svojou vierou sa nikdy nebál faraóna. Vidíte? On sa nestaral o to čo povedal faraón. On sa nestaral o faraóna o nič viac, než ako sa starali jeho matka a jeho otec, o jeho hrozby. Keď sa Mojžiš utvrdil, že on je tým človekom, ktorý má vyslobodiť Egypt - či vlastne vyviesť Izraela z Egyptu, on sa vôbec nestaral o to čo povedal faraón. On nemal z neho strach. Amen, amen, amen! Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

177Vo viere nieto žiadneho strachu. Viera o tom vie. Viera, ako som vždy hovoril, ona má najväčšie svaly a zarastené prsia. Viera povedala: "Buď ticho!" a každý bol ticho. A hotovo. "Viem na čom stojím!"

A tí ostatní povedia: "Nuž, dobre, možno že to urobí." Vidíte?

178Ale vy sa musíte postaviť a ukázať svoje svaly. A hotovo. Viera to dokáže.

179 Všimnite si, Mojžiš sa už viacej nebál faraóna, po to čo mu Boh potvrdil jeho povolanie. Keď Mojžiš uveril, že je do toho povolaný, ale keď mu Boh tam povedal: "Je to tak," a prišiel dole a ukázal sa pred faraónom, i pred všetkými ostatnými, že bol poslaný, aby to urobil, Mojžiš sa vôbec nebál faraóna.

180Všimnite si, hoci faraón skúšal na Mojžišovi svoju múdrosť. Hľaďte. On povedal: "Poviem ti niečo, urobím s tebou dohodu" Potom čo ho ožrali tie pliagy, on povedal: "Urobím s tebou dohodu. Choďte len na tú malú pobožnosť, na tri dni. Len tak ďaleko a ďalej nechoď." Ale, vy viete, ... To boli faraónove múdrosti, ktoré mu to povedali, vidíte: "Choďte len po tade a nechoďte ďalej."

181Či i dnes nemáme niečo také? "Ak sa len pripojíš do cirkvi, je to v poriadku."

182Ale, vy viete, viera ktorú mal Mojžiš neverila v nejaké "len po tade" náboženstvo. On povedal: "My pôjdeme všetci. Prejdeme celú tú cestu. Tak to má byť. Ideme do zasľúbenej zemi. My nevyjdeme len tu na kúsok, aby sme urobili nejakú denomináciu a zastali. Ideme ďalej až do cieľu." Amen. "Ja idem do zasľúbenej zemi. Boh nám to zasľúbil."

183Koľko faraónov máme dnes, ktorí stoja za kazateľňou, hlavy organizácií! "Nuž, ak len urobíte toto alebo tamto a to stačí. Vidíte, len po tade."

Ale Mojžiš povedal: "Ó, nie! Nie, nie! Nie, nie!" Vidíte?

184Faraón povedal: "Nuž, prečo nie? Keď budete mať takéto náboženstvo, poviem vám čo máte robiť, len ty a starší choďte a klaňajte sa. Len ty a starší choďte a klaňajte sa. Pretože, vy všetci môžete mať takéto náboženstvo, ale nezavádzajte to medzi ľudí."

185Viete čo povedal Mojžiš? "Nezostane tu ani kopyto. Ideme celou cestou. Ideme všetci! Ja nejdem až kým oni nepôjdu. A zatiaľ čo som tu, som v tvojich rukách." Amen. "Nepôjdem až kým oni tak isto nebudú môcť ísť a hotovo." Oh, čo za chrabrého služobníka! Amen. "Ja ich chcem zobrať so sebou. Práve preto, že to mám urobiť a sadnem si a poviem, 'No dobre, toto je teraz v poriadku?' Nie, pane. My tiež chceme tých ľudí. Každý jeden z nás ide." Amen. On povedal: "Nezostane tu po nás ani len ovca, ani nič. Nezostane tu ani kopyto. Všetci pôjdeme do zasľúbenej zemi." Amen!

186Každý jeden z nás! Či si gazdiná, alebo či si obyčajné dievča, či si ty stará žena, alebo nejaký mladý chlapec, alebo starý chlap, alebo čokoľvek si, my jednako ideme. Ani jeden z nás tu nezostane." Amen. "Každý jeden z nás ide a nezastavíme sa na ničom." To je ono. Ó! Tie náboženstvá tam mali skutočne o čom debatovať, či nie? Ó!

187Nie, Mojžiš tu neveril v toto "len po tade" náboženstvo. Nie, on v to neveril. Cha-cha. Tak veru. Ó!

188Mohli by sme pri tom zostať celý deň, ale musím sa dostať za chvíľu do môjho textu a začať kázať.

189 Všimnite si, všimnite si toto, aké je to nádherné! Ó, ja to milujem. Viete, nakoniec faraón povedal: "Ber sa preč!" Boh ho takmer utrápil, s hlasom Mojžiša. On udrel na všetko. On urobil všetko čo malo byť urobené. On sa tam postavil ... spôsobil, aby zapadlo slnko v čase poludnia. On urobil všetko ďalšie. On - on zatemnil dne. Priviedol žaby, muchy, vši, i všetko ďalšie, oheň, dym a smrť do jeho rodín, i všetko ďalšie. On urobil všetko až nakoniec, faraón musel povedať: "Ber sa preč! Ber všetko čo máš a choď." Ó! Chvála Bohu!

190Som tak rád, že človek môže tak kompletne slúžiť Bohu až on, diabol, nevie čo s ním má urobiť. To je ono. Len poslúchať Boha tak kompletne až diabol povie: "Och, ber sa preč! Už to viacej nechcem počuť." To je ono. Môžete to robiť, tak kompletne.

191Pozrite sa teraz, keby Boh nebol podopieral Mojžiša, potom on by bol kameňom výsmechu. Ale Boh bol práve tam, potvrdzujúc to. Všetko čo on povedal sa stalo.

192 A faraón musel zastávať svoju pozíciu, pretože on bol biskup, viete, tak on tam musel zostať. On nemohol zaprieť. On nemohol povedať nie, pretože to sa už stalo. Vidíte? On nemohol - on to nemohol zaprieť, pretože to sa už stalo. A tak nakoniec on povedal: "Ó, ber sa už preč! Nechcem ťa už viacej počuť. Ber sa z tadeto preč! Vezmi si všetko čo máš a choď!" Ó!

193A teraz tu nachádzame Mojžiša, po tom všetkom čo Boh pre neho urobil, po tom čo mu ukázal toľko znamení a zázrakov. A teraz, za ďalších pätnásť minút, predložme si to tu. A pozorujme to skutočne dôkladne. Mojžiš prišiel ku tomuto bodu kde . . .

194Boh povedal: "Ja som s tebou. Tvoje slová sú Mojím Slovom. Ja so ti to dokázal, Mojžiš. Ti, keď tam v kraji nebolo žiadnych múch, to bolo mimo sezónu a ty si povedal: "Nech prídu muchy," a muchy prišli." To je stvorenie. Kto, okrem Boha, môže priviesť tmu na celú zem? On povedal: "Nech nastane tma," a nastala tma. Ty si povedal: "Nech sa zjavia žaby," a žaby boli ešte aj vo faraónovom dome, v posteliach a oni ich znášali na veľké hromady. Stvoriteľ! "A Ja som povedal cez teba, Mojžiš a spôsobil som, že Moje Slovo tvorilo cez tvoje ústa. Učinil som ťa vlastne bohom pred faraónom." Tak veru. "Ja som to všetko urobil."

195A tu oni prišli na miesto - prišla malá skúška a Mojžiš začal kričať: "Čo mám urobiť?"

196Chcem, aby ste si všimli. Toto tu je teraz veľká lekcia. Milujem to. Vidíte, Mojžiš, ak to tu správne čítame, že Mo ... Keď, tie deti začali mať strach, oni videli ako prichádza za nimi faraón, s armádou.

197Boh vykonal všetko dokonale. A teraz On ich vyviedol na cestu. On dal cirkev dokopy. Oni boli vyvolaní. Vyšli z každej denominácie. Všetci sa dali do kopy. Mojžiš tam vtedy vystúpil a povedal: "Pane, čo treba urobiť?"

198On povedal: "Nuž, choď a urob toto." V poriadku, ideme ďalej. "A teraz, Mojžiš, ty vieš, že Ja som ťa povolal, aby si vykonával túto službu."

"Áno, Pane"

199"V poriadku, choď a povedz toto a stane sa to," a tu prichádzajú muchy. "Zavolaj na toto," a tu to prichádza. "Urob toto," a tu to prichádza. Všetko to bolo, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN! A teraz sa dostáva do problémov . . .

200A Boh povedal: "Nuž, mám ich na ceste. Všetci zostali vyvolaný. Cirkev je pokope, mám ich na ceste. A teraz, Mojžiš, veď ich už ďalej. Ja som ti to prikázal. Ja si za chvíľu sadnem a odpočiniem."

201Mojžiš povedal: "Ó, Pane, aha, tu prichádza faraón! Ľudia sú všetci... Čo mám robiť? Čo mám robiť?" Vidíte to tam, či to nie sú len ľudské bytosti? Tak , veru. Začínajú kričať: "Čo mám robiť?"

202Tu vidíme Mojžiša, ako dokonale vyjadruje ľudskú povahu, stále chce, aby Boh bol za vami a tlačil vás do niečoho. Nuž, to sme my dnes. Vy chcete, aby Boh, po tom čo sme videli všetko to čo sme videli, jednako chcete, aby vás Boh tlačil, aby ste niečo robili. Vidíte?

203Mojžiš sa mal okolo toho tak ležérne, povedal: "Bože, opýtam sa Ťa a budem vidieť čo povieš. Áno, áno, Ty to hovoríš. Dobre v poriadku, ja to tiež poviem." Vidíte?

204Ale tu ho Boh ustanovil do tejto práci, dokázal mu, že je s nim. A tu ho máme, povstali tie okolnosti a on potom začína kričať: "Čo môžem robiť? Pane, čo môžem robiť?"

205A teraz si zapamätajte, on tu už prorokoval, pretože on povedal: "Týchto Egypťanov, ktorých dnes vidíte, nikdy viacej už neuvidíte." A hneď po tom začína kričať: "Bože, čo môžeme robiť?" Vidíte? Potom čo on vykonal celkom dobrú robotu, keď tam prorokoval. Vidíte, on im povedal čo sa stane. Keď bolo v ňom Slovo Božie, To bolo v ňom. A keď to vypovedal, to sa skutočne stalo. To čo povedal sa vždy stalo a tu on začína kričať: "Čo budem robiť?"

206Och, keby to neboli ľudské bytosti! Keby som to nebol ja! Keby som to nebol ja! Vidíte?

207On už mal vyskúšané: "Čo povieš to sa stane. Ja som s tebou."

208A tu za chvíľu povstala situácia. "Čo musím urobiť? Čo musím urobiť, Pane? Hej, Pane kde si? Hej, počuješ ma? Čo musím urobiť?" A On ho už ustanovil a potvrdil a dokázal a vykonal všetko cez neho. A tu: "Bože?" Ó! To úplne vyjadruje, že človek chce odpočívať a nechať Boha, aby ho tlačil.

209A, pri tom, on vedel že Boh ho pomazal do tejto práci, aby toto robil a Boh jasne potvrdil jeho výroky. To bol čas pre tých ľudí, aby boli vyslobodení. Boh, skrze jeho divy a zázraky, ich stiahol všetkých spolu do jednej skupiny. Sledujete ma? [Zhromaždenie "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Priviedol ich všetkých spolu do jednej skupiny, potvrdil jeho výroky. Písmo to tak hovorí; tu bol ten znak, tu bol ten dôkaz, všetko čo on povedal. Potom on prišiel medzi nich ako prorok. Vždy, čokoľvek on povedal, Boh to uctil, dokonca stvoriť a priviesť muchy a priviesť veci do existencie. A všetko čo mu On zasľúbil, tu to On urobil.

210Ale on chcel čakať na TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Vidíte? On mal vedieť, že práve to potvrdenie jeho povolania bolo to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Jeho práca do ktorej bol ustanovený bola TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Môžete to porozumieť? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Hm! Prečo on čakal na TAK HOVORÍ PÁN?

211On chcel: "Pane, čo môžem urobiť? Vyviedol som sem tieto deti, po tadeto. Tu sú takéto okolnosti, faraón prichádza. Oni všetci pomrú. Čo musím urobiť? Čo musím urobiť?" Hm! Hm!

212On už predpovedal čo oni urobia. On už presne povedal čo robiť. On predpovedal koniec práve toho národu, v ktorom boli vychovaní. Dúfam že rozumiete. [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Vidíte? Mojžiš už povedal: "Už ich viac neuvidíte. Boh ich zničí. Už si dosť dlho robili z vás posmech. Boh ich zničí." On už predpovedal čo sa im stane.

213Potom: "Pane, čo mám urobiť? Vidíte tam tú ľudskú povahu? Vidíte? Budem čakať na TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." Tak, veru. "Uvidím čo Pán povie a potom to urobím." Oj!

214 Pamätáte sa, tam povstal faraón ktorý nepoznal Jozefa, poznáte to, v tom čase, práve v tom čase. Vidíte? Vidíte? A práve vtedy povstal Mojžiš a predpovedal koniec toho národu.

215A tu on bol práve na tom mieste kde sa to malo stať a potom kričí: "Čo mám robiť, Pane? Čo mám robiť?" Vidíte? Nie je to ľudská bytosť? Nie je to len ľudská bytosť? "Čo mám robiť?" Oj!

216On už prorokoval. Boh uctil všetko čo on povedal a on bol do tej práci povolaný a tak prečo mal hovoriť: "Čo mám robiť?" Tam bola potreba; bolo to len na ňom, aby vypovedal slovo. Boh chcel, aby Mojžiš predložil ten dar viery, ktorý mu On dal, do práci. Boh to potvrdil. Bola to pravda. A Boh chcel, aby Mojžiš, chcel, aby ľudia videli, že On je s Mojžišom.

217A on, tam predtým, on čakal, hovoril: "Nuž, Pane, ja som len dieťa. Povedz mi to teraz Ty."

Áno, pôjdem to urobiť. Mám TAK HOVORÍ PÁN."

"Brat, je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN?"

218"Áno, áno," brat Mojžiš: "to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Áno."

219"V poriadku, teraz to máme, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." A to sa stalo. Nikdy to nesklamalo ani raz. Nikdy to nesklamalo.

220 A tu to znovu prichádza do v takýchto okolností. Teraz ho On mal na ceste. Cirkev je už vyvolaná von, má ich na ceste a oni sa rušajú v pred. A Mojžiš začína kričať: "Pane, je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN? Čo musím urobiť?" No dobre.

221Boh chcel, aby Mojžiš mal vieru, ktorú On do neho vložil, v tom dare, ktorý On tak jasne potvrdil. Boh jasne dokázal Mojžišovi a ľuďom, že to bol On, skrze Slovo a skrze všetko čo bolo povedané a stalo sa. Bolo to jasne potvrdené. Nebolo potrebné, aby si s tým robil viacej starosti. Vidíte? Nebolo mu potrebné viacej o tom premýšľať, pretože to bolo už jasné. On už urobil to všetko. A on už dokázal skrze muchy a blchy, že vypovedal Slovo a veci boli stvorené, že Slovo Božie bolo v ňom.

222A tu sa ide pýtať, že čo má robiť, keď tieto okolnosti ležali rovno pred ním. Vidíte? Ó!

223Dúfam, že toto vchádza do nás a môžeme vidieť kde sa nachádzame. Vidíte? Necítite sa pri tom takýto veľkí - (malí)? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Keď rozmýšľame o Mojžišovi a hovoríme o jeho chybách a dívame sa na naše. Tak. Vidíte?

224On tu bol, stál tam, vedel že Písma hovoria, že to je hodina a deň, aby sa to stalo a vedel že Boh sa s ním stretol v Ohnivom stĺpe. A To zostúpilo rovno popred ľudí a činilo tie zázraky. A všetko čo on povedal, to sa stalo, dokonca boli stvorené určité veci. Robil všetko čo mu len Boh povedal, ukazujúc tým že jeho hlas je Božím Hlasom.

225A tu bola tá situácia s tými ľuďmi, ktorých on vychovával a viedol ich do zasľúbenej zemi a potom sa zastavil a kričal: "Čo musím robiť?" Taká je ľudská bytosť, chce len . . .

226Ako brat Roy Slaughter, myslím že sedí tam vonku pri dverách, raz mi povedal, o niekom, kto robil niečo pre mňa. A ja som povedal: "Nuž, ja som urobil toto a teraz je z toho tamto."

227On povedal: "brat Branham, dovoľ im dnes, aby sa opierali na tvoje rameno a zajtra ich ponesieš." A takto sa vlastne zachovávajú ľudia. Dnes sa oprú na vaše rameno a zajtra ich ponesiete.

228To je to, to je to čo robil Mojžiš. Boh ho musel niesť potom čo ho ustanovil a dokázal to, aby to robil. A ľudia mali povedať: "Mojžiš, povedz slovo. Ja som ťa to tam videl robiť. Boh ťa tam uctil a ty si dnes ten istý." Amen. Vidíte? "Urob to!" Amen. On to mal vedieť, ale nevedel. Tak dobre. Práve tak ako to bolo v tedy, tak je to teraz. Pozorujeme to. Tak On povedal: "Mo- ..."

229Boh toho musel mať už dosť. Boh toho musel mať už po krk. On povedal: "Prečo ku Mne stále kričíš? Či som ti už nepreukázal Svoju totožnosť? Či som ti nepovedal, že som ťa Ja poslal do tejto práci? Či som ti to nepovedal Ja, aby si toto išiel robiť? Či som ti nezasľúbil, že Ja toto budem robiť; že budem s tvojimi ústami a budem cez teba hovoriť a budem toto robiť a ty si ukázal znamenia a zázraky? Či som to nezasľúbil robiť? Či som to neurobil presne tak a nezničil okolo teba každého nepriateľa? A ty tu teraz stojíš, pri Červenom mory, rovno pri výkone svojej služby, pri tom čo som ti povedal, aby si robil a potom stále bedákaš a vykrikuješ ku Mne. Neveríš Mi? Či to nemôžeš vidieť, že Ja som ťa poslal, aby si toto robil?" Ó, či to nie je ľudská bytosť! Ó! Tak On toho ozaj musel mať až po krk.

230A On povedal: "Ty vieš že, to potrebuješ. Ty vieš keď ideš previesť tieto deti do zasľúbenej zemi ... To je presne ... Si tu v rohu zahnaný do ohrady. Neexistuje nič ďalšie čo by si mohol urobiť. Tak tu je nejaká potreba. Prečo ku Mne kričíš? Prečo tak na Mňa hľadíš? Kvôli čomu Ma voláš? Či som to tím ľuďom nedokázal? Či som ti to nedokázal? Či som to Ja nezavolal? Či to nie je podľa Písma? Či som nezasľúbil previesť týchto ľudí do zasľúbenej zemi? Či som ťa nepovolal a nepovedal ti, že to budem robiť? Či som ťa nepovolal a nepovedal ti, že Ja som ťa poslal, aby si to vykonal, že to si nebol ty, ale to som bol Ja? A išiel som tam a bol som s tvojimi ústami a čokoľvek si povedal, Ja som to potvrdil a dokázal som to. Či som to neurobil?

231Potom, keď sa vyskytne nejaká maličkosť, prečo sa správaš ako dieťa? Ty máš byť mužom. Prehovor ku ľuďom." Amen. "A potom sa rušajte dopredu!" Amen. No vidíš. "Nekrič. Hovor!" Amen. Ó, to sa mi páči. "Prečo ku Mne kričíš? Len prehovor ku ľuďom a iďte napred za svojím cieľom." Čokoľvek to je, ak je to nemoc, alebo čokoľvek, či je to vzkriesiť mŕtveho, alebo čokoľvek to je, hovor! Ja som to dokázal. Hovor ku ľuďom."

232Čo za lekcia! Čo za lekcia! Ó! Na tom úseku cesty na ktorom stojíme. Hľaďte kde sme teraz, tak, veru, v Treťom Potiahnutí. Všimnite si, sme práve tu pri dverách, Príchodu Pánovho.

233On do tej práci bol pomazaný a stále čakal na TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Boh toho musel mať už dosť. On povedal: "Nekrič viacej. Hovor! Ja som ťa poslal."

234Ó Bože, aká dnes ráno má byť táto Cirkev! S dokonalým Božím potvrdením, so Stĺpom Ohňa a so znameniami a zázrakmi, všetko práve tak ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy. On povedal, že sa to vráti späť.

235Svet sa teraz nachádza v takom stave. Národ sa nachádza v takom stave. Ženy sa nachádzajú v takom stave. Cirkev sa nachádza v takom stave. Všetko. Živly, znamenia, lietajúce taniere a všetko na oblohe a všetky možné tajomné veci a more hučí, prílivové vlny, ľudské srdcia omdlievajú, strach, rozháraný čas, úzkosť medzi národmi, cirkev upadá.

236A povstáva človek hriechu, ktorý sa povyšuje nad všetko; čo sa nazýva Bohom, on ktorý zasadol do chrámu Božieho, ukazujúc sa, ó a prišiel do tohoto národa. A cirkev sa zorganizovala a oni všetci sa dali do kopy, ako smilnice s tou materou smilníc a všetko sa deje dôkladne na ceste smilstva.

237Smilstvo, čo to je? Hovoriť ženám, že si môžu strihať vlasy, hovoriť ženám, že môžu chodiť v šortkách, povedať mužom, že oni môžu robiť toto a oni môžu robiť tamto; a tí kazatelia, oni robia toto a nejaké sociálne evanjelium a všetko možné. Nevidíte, to je páchanie cudzoložstva s pravdivým Slovom Božím!

238A Boh nám poslal Svoje pravdivé Slovo, nedenominačné, bez žiadnych povrázkov uviazaných do Neho, a dal nám Ohnivý Stĺp, Ducha Svätého, ktorý je s nami teraz už tridsať rokov. A všetko to čo On predpovedal a povedal, sa stalo presne tak ako to On povedal.

239Hovor ku ľuďom a ideme vpred. Amen. My máme cieľ, v Sláve. Rušajme sa ku Nemu. Sme nasmerovaný do zasľúbenej zemi. "Všetko je možné, pre tých ktorí veria." "Hovor ku ľuďom. Či som to nedokázal. Či som dokonca nedal, aby medzi vami bol zachytený Môj obraz, i všetko ďalšie a urobil všetko čo mohlo byť urobené, aby som vám dokázal, že Som s vami? Či tie časopisy, práve pred pár týždňami, nepriniesli ten článok, keď si povedal tu za kazateľňou čo sa stane, tri mesiace popredku a či sa to tam nestalo a nepotvrdilo sa to? Dokonca veda o tom vie. A všetko čo Som vykonal a vy stále čakáte. Hovor ku ľuďom a rušajte sa dopredu ku svojmu cieľu." Amen.

240Či nepovedal Nátan Davidovi, ten prorok, jedného dňa ako sedel, videl Davida, toho pomazaného kráľa, on povedal: "Urob všetko čo je v tvojom srdci, pretože Boh je s tebou." Povedal Davidovi: "Urob všetko čo je v tvojom srdci. Boh je s tebou."

241Jozua bol pomazaný, aby zabral zem pre Boha a pre svoj ľud. Deň bol krátky. On potreboval viacej času na tú prácu do ktorej bol pomazaný a poverený. Jozua, muž, on bol pomazaný. Boh mu povedal: "Tak ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem s tebou." Amen. "Tá zem, idem im ju dať. A chcem, aby si tam išiel a vyhladil z nej Amalechitov a - a He-... Všetkých - všetkých ostatných, Filištínov a - a Ferezejov a všetkých tých tam, vyhlaď ich. Ja som s tebou. Ja budem ... Žiadni človek neobstojí pred tebou, po všetky dni tvojho života. Nikto ti nemôže ublížiť. Daj sa do toho."

A Jozua vytiahol ten meč a povedal: "Za mnóóu!"

242A on sa tam dostal a tu on bojoval. A čo to bolo? On zaháňal nepriateľa. Oni boli tu a tam v malých skupinkách. Keď prichádzala noc, oni by sa všetci dali do kopy a zaujali spoločne bojové postavenie a prišli by proti nim s veľkou silou. A slnko zapadalo. On potreboval aby bolo dlhšie svetlo. Slnko zapadalo. On nepadol na svoje kolená a nehovoril: "Pane Bože, čo budem robiť? Čo budem robiť?" On prehovoril! On mal potrebu. On povedal: "Zastav sa, Slnko!" On nekričal. On rozkázal: "Slnko, zastav sa!" Potrebujem to. Ja som Pánov služobník, pomazaný do tejto práci a mám potrebu. Zastav sa a nesvieť ... A, mesiac, zostaň visieť tam kde si," až kým on nedobojoval ten boj a nedotiahol všetko do konca. A slnko ho poslúchlo.

243Žiadne vykrikovanie. On prehovoril ku slnku, povedal: "Ty zostaň stáť. Slnko, vis tam! A, mesiac, ty zostaň tam kde si." On nevykrikoval: "Pane, čo mám teraz robiť? Daj mi troch viacej svetla." On potreboval, aby mu slnko svietilo, tak on to rozkázal a slnko ho poslúchlo. Ó! On rozkázal slnku, aby zostalo stáť.

244Samson, pomazaný, vychovaný, Bohom ustanovený, obdržal dar sily, bol ustanovený, aby zničil Filištínsky národ. Ustanovený, narodený na zemi, pomazaný Bohom, aby zničil Filištínov. A jedného dňa ho oni chytili vonku na poli, bez meča, bez kopiji. A tisíc tých ozbrojených Filištínov naraz skočilo na neho. Či on padol na zem a hovoril: "Ó Pane, čakám na nejaké videnie? Ó Pane, čo musím urobiť? Ukáž mi teraz čo robiť?" On vedel, že bol v potrebe. On nenašiel nič okrem starej čeľusti z mula a pobil tisíc Filištínov. Amen!

245On vôbec nekričal na Boha. On použil svoj pomazaný dar. On vedel, že bol poslaný do tejto práci. On vedel, že sa kvôli tomu narodil. On vedel, že bol pomazaný darom, a pobil tisíc Filištínov. On nekričal na Boha. Boh ho ustanovil a potvrdil, že bol do toho pomazaný, skrze ďalšie veci, ktoré on vykonal. A on bol potvrdený, pomazaný sluha Boží, aby zničil Filištínov a on to robil. Nezáležalo na okolnostiach, on to robil. On nikdy nič nežiadal. To bola jeho práca. To, Boh sa prejavoval cez neho; zodvihol tú osliu kosť a išiel biť Filištínov. Ako . . .

246Prečo, jedna rana s takouto vecou, po tých poldruha cóla hrubých prilbách ako toto, by roztrieštilo tú kosť na milión kúskov. A on zrazil na zem a pobil tisíc z nich a stále stál a držal to v ruke.

247Nekládol žiadne otázky. On nevykrikoval. On prehovoril. On ich rozprášil. Ó! "Dostať tých Filištínov, môžem dostať tých Filištínov, Pane? Ja - ja viem, že Ty si ma poslal, aby som to urobil, Pane. Áno, Pane, viem že Ty si ma poslal, aby som zničil tento Filištínsky národ. A teraz je ich tu tisíc okolo mňa a ja nemám nič. Čo, čo teraz budem robiť, Pane?" Oh, ó! Nič ho nebude trápiť. On je pomazaný do tejto roboty. Nič mu nemôže uškodiť. Nie, žiadna vec. Haleluja! On proste vzal to čo mal a pustil sa do nich. To je ono.

248Keď ho nepriateľ ohradil, povedali si: "Teraz ho máme vo vnútri za múrami, teraz ho dostaneme. Dostali sme ho tu do vnútra s touto ženou. A teraz sme zamkli dvere, všade dookola a on sa nemôže dostať von. Máme ho."

249Samson nekričal: "Ó, Pane, oni ma celkom ohradili s touto denomináciou." Hmm! "Och, čo budem robiť? Pripojil som sa ku ním. Čo mám robiť?" On to vôbec tak neurobil.

250On jednoducho vykročil von, zhodil bránu a vyložil si ju na plece a odišiel s ňou preč. Amen! On do toho bol pomazaný. On bol Bohom povolaný. Nemohli ho ohradiť. Nie, skutočne! On vzal so sebou tie brány. On sa za to nemodlil. On sa nepýtal Boha či to má robiť alebo nie. On sa práve nachádzal pri plnení svojich služobných povinností. Amen, amen, amen! Rovno pri plnení svojich služobných povinností. "Prečo ku Mne kričíš? Hovor a iď ďalej!" Amen! "Nekrič. Hovor!" On teraz prestal fňukal. Má už byť dosť starý na to, aby hovoril. Tak veru. On vedel, že jeho pomazaný dar moci, nemôže zničiť žiadny Filištín ktorý by sa postavil pred neho. Amen.

251Ale my to nevieme, vidíte. My sme stále malé deti s fľaškou v ústach.

252On to vedel, on vedel, že Boh ho kvôli tomu vzbudil a nebolo nič čo by sa mohlo pred neho postaviť po všetky dni jeho života. Nič ho nemohlo zničiť. On bol vzbudení za týmto účelom, tak ako Mojžiš. Nič ho nemohlo zastaviť. Žiadni Amalechiti, ani nič iné ho nemohlo zastaviť. On je na ceste do zasľúbenej zemi. Samson vedel, že on bol na tej ceste.

253Jozua vedel, že ide zabrať zem. On bol potvrdený. Božie Slovo to zasľúbilo a Duch Svätý tam bol a potvrdzoval to.

254On bol na svojej ceste, neexistovalo nič čo by sa mu mohlo postaviť do cesty. Nie veru. Rovno pri vykonávaní svojej služobnej povinnosti, s Bohom, neexistovalo nič čo by sa mu mohlo postaviť do cesty. Tak on zodvihol tie brány a vyložil si ich na plece, vážili okolo štyri päť ton a vyšiel hore na kopec a sadol si na ne. Nič mu neobstojí na ceste. On mal pomazaný dar od Boha. On nemusel kričať: "Pane, čo teraz musím urobiť?" On už bol pomazaný do toho, aby to robil. To bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN: "Zbav sa ich!" Haleluja! [brat Branham trikrát tleskol rukami. – pozn.prekl.] "Zbav sa ich!" Ja som ťa kvôli tomu vzbudil." Amen.

255"Čo musím robiť, Pane? Oj, čo budem robiť tu pri Červenom Mory?"

256Či som ti nepovedal, že som ti tu vonku dal horu za znak? Ty ideš naspäť ku tej hore a ty vezmeš tieto deti do tej zemi. Či som ťa nepovolal za tým účelom? Čo sa strachuješ ohľadne všetkého iného čo ti stojí v ceste? Hovor a začnite sa rušať!" Amen a amen! "No, Ja som ťa povolal za týmto účelom."

257David, on vedel, že bol pomazaný a bol pomazaný, aby bol dobrým strelcom. On vedel, že oni vedia, že je dobrý strelec. David bol pomazaný. On to vedel. A keď sa postavil pred Goliáša, on vôbec nekričal: "Ó, Bože, čo teraz mám urobiť? Počkaj, musím ... Ja viem čo si robil v tých predchádzajúcich časoch. Ty si mi dal zabiť medveďa a Ty si spravil, že som zabil leva. Ale čo teraz tu s týmto Goliášom?" Och! On to tak vôbec nerobil. On proste povedal. Čo on povedal? "Budeš ako jeden z nich." On to povedal a vykročil dopredu.

258On sa vôbec nemodlil nejakú modlitbu. On neobetoval vôbec nič. On vedel, že je pomazaný. Amen. On bol pomazaný a ten prak to už dokázal. On mal vieru vo svoje pomazanie. On mal vieru, že Boh môže nasmerovať ten kameň rovno do stredu tej helmy, kde bolo jediné miesto kde mohol byť zasiahnutý. On tam stál.

259On vedel, že je dobrý strelec. Amen. [brat Branham tleskol rukami. – pozn.prekl.] On vedel, že ho Boh takým učinil. [brat Branham poklepal trikrát po kazateľni. – pozn.prekl.] Amen. On vedel, že zabil leva, on vedel, že zabil medveďa, ale to bolo pri majetku jeho zemského otca. Tu je majetok jeho Nebeského Otca! Amen. On nepadol na zem: "Musím ... Čo musím teraz urobiť, Pane?" On prehovoril a riekol: "Budeš ako ten lev a ten medveď a ja tu idem." Amen! Sláva Bohu! Tak, veru. On prehovoril a vykročil dopredu stretnúť sa s tým Goliášom. Ó!

260Bez ohľadu na svoj vzrast! On bol malý, ryšavý mládenček, viete. On nebol veľmi veľký. On nebol na pohľad veľmi pekný, bežný drobný mládenček. Biblia hovorí, že bol ryšavý. A teraz, bez ohľadu na svoj vzrast a svoje tak zvané schopnosti urobiť to tak.

261Viete, ten biskup mu povedal, riekol: "Nuž pozri sa sem, synku, ten človek je teológ. Vidíš, on je bojovník. On sa narodil ako bojovník a on je ... On bol bojovníkom od svojej mladosti; a ty si mu nie roveň." A jeho bratia povedali: "Och, ty jeden neposlušník. Ideš sem, aby si urobil niečo také, ber sa domov."

262To ho netrápilo. Prečo? On vedel, že bol pomazaný. "Ten Boh, ktorý ma vyslobodil od leva, Boh, ktorý ma vyslobodil z pazúrov toho medveďa, On ešte viac ako predtým ma teraz vyslobodí od toho Filištína. Ja tu idem, stretnúť sa s tebou v Mene Pána Boha Izraelovho." Amen. Nepremodlieval sa; on už bol premodlený. Boh ho vymodlil pred založením sveta. On bol pomazaný do tejto roboty. On musel prehovoriť a vykročiť dopredu. To je to čo ohľadne toho malo byť urobené, len povedať slovo a vykročiť dopredu. Oh, to stačilo na to. Oh! On ne. . .

263A jeho denominačný bratia, oni tam stáli a tiež sa posmievali, viete o tom. Tak, veru. Oni tam stáli, mali reči, vysmievali sa a robili si žarty a vraveli ... Jeho bratia, viete, oni hovorili: "O-jo-joj, ty nemôžeš. Ty len hneváš." To s ním ani trošku nepohlo. "Chceš byť iný ako druhí. Chceš sa len predvádzať." Ak by to bolo len predvádzanie, bolo by to tak. Ale oni sa dívali len na tú intelektuálnu stránku.

264David vedel, že na ňom bol olej pomazania. Amen. Nič mu to nevadilo. On povedal: "S týmto Filištínom sa stane tak ako s tým medveďom a levom, tak tu idem." On to predpovedal predtým ako sa to stalo. Čo on urobil? On zabil toho medveďa. On zabil toho leva. On toho leva zrazil k zemi s ... S čím? S prakom a vzal nôž a potom medveďa. Leva, on toho leva zabil nožom. Tak isto to urobil Goliášovi. Skalou ho zrazil k zemi a vytiahol jeho meč a odťal mu hlavu, rovno tam pred ... Čo predpovedal prv ako sa to stalo? "Tak bude s tebou ako bolo s nimi." Prečo? On vypovedal slovo, že sa tak stane a potom vykročil dopredu, aby to vyplnil. Amen. Och, brat! On prehovoril a zavládol nad situáciou toho dňa.

265Ak bol kedy čas, že by človek mal prehovoriť, tak je to teraz. Končím, už len niekoľko minút, ak ešte za chvíľu môžete vydržať. Mám tu zapísaných ešte viac vecí, miesta Písma na ktoré chcem poukázať.

266Peter vôbec nekričal, keď našiel toho muža, ktorý mal dostatok viery na to, aby bol uzdravený, ktorý ležal pri bráne zvanej Krásna. On vôbec nekľakal, aby sa teraz celú noc modlil, alebo celý deň, aby sa modlil, veľkú, dlhú modlitbu a nepovedal: "Pane, modlím sa teraz ku Tebe, aby si pomohol tomuto biednemu chromému mužovi. Ja vidím, že on má vieru. Ja viem, on je veriaci. A opýtal som sa ho a on - on ...Ja - ja - ja ... On povedal že mal vieru, on veril to čo som mu povedal. A ja som mu povedal o ... o tom čo si Ty činil a ja si len teraz myslím, Pane, že - že ... Môžeš mi dať pre neho nejaké to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN?"

267Nie, on vedel že bol pomazaným apoštolom. On vedel, že Ježiš Kristus ho poveril. "Uzdravovať nemocných, kriesiť mŕtvych, očisťovať malomocných, vyháňať démonov. Tak ako zadarmo ste to dostali tak zadarmo to dajte." On povedal: "Peter, choď to robiť!" On to nemusel vymodliť. On bol poverený.

268Čo on povedal? On povedal: "V Mene Ježiša Krista!" On vyslovil Meno Ježiša Krista a ten človek tam len ležal. A on ho zodvihol za ruku a povedal, "Postav sa na nohy!" A držal ho tam až kým kosti v jeho členkoch nezmocneli a on začal chodiť. Prečo? On vôbec nemal celonočné modlitebné zhromaždenie. On vôbec nekričal k Bohu. On jasne vedel, z úst Ježiša Krista, že bol pomazaný do tejto práci. Áno. On prehovoril a pozdvihol ho, pretože vedel že je pomazaný apoštol za týmto účelom.

269Tí ľudia, ktorí ležali v jeho tieni vôbec nehovorili: "Ó, poď, apoštol Peter a nariekaj nad nami a modli sa za nás modlitbou viery, ku Bohu." Nie, nie, oni to vôbec nevraveli. Oni vedeli, že on bol pomazaný a potvrdený Boží apoštol. A tak oni povedali: "Položte nás len do jeho tieňa. Nemusíš povedať ani slovo. My to vieme. Veríme tomu." Život v nich! Ten apoštol sa nemohol dostáť ku každému. A oni, oni sami, sú časťou toho.

270Mojžiš povedal: "To som nie len ja, ktorý idem. My všetci ideme." My všetci máme niečo vykonať. My všetci musíme byť pomazaní.

271A oni videli stáť tam toho apoštola a videli ho uzdraviť chorého človeka a robiť veci, ktoré robil. Oni vedeli, že sa nemôže ku nim dostať. Povedali, oni nikdy nepovedali: "Peter, poď a pomodli sa a čakaj až kým nedostaneš TAK HOVORÍ PÁN a poď a povedz mi - Hľaď čo hovorí Pán." Oni povedali: "Ak si len môžme ľahnúť do jeho tieňa, pretože práve ten Boh, ktorý bol v Ježišovi Kristovi je v ňom a my vidíme, že sa dejú tie isté veci. Tak oni sa dotkli lemu Ježišovho rúcha a ležali v Jeho tieni a Ježiš je v tom mužovi. Ak ten tieň bude môcť dopadnúť na nás, budeme uzdravení."

272A Biblia hovorí, že každý jeden z nich bol uzdravený. Žiadne celonočné modlitebné zhromaždenia, kde by hovorili: "Pane, či si ísť ľahnúť do tieňa toho apoštola?" Nie, oni to vedeli. To Svetlo ich zasiahlo. Ich srdcia boli plné. Ich viera bola vypustená na slobodu. Amen. Oni tomu verili. Oni to videli. Pavlove vreckovky, tak isto.

A teraz, na záver.

273Ježiš vôbec nekričal, keď priviedli ku nemu toho opantaného chlapca, ktorý mal epilepsiu a padával do ohňa. On vôbec nepovedal: "Otče, Ja som Tvoj Syn a teraz Ty si Ma sem poslal robiť to a to a to. Môžem uzdraviť tohoto chlapca?" On to vôbec nepovedal. On povedal: "Vyjdi z neho, Satan!" On vypovedal slovo a ten chlapec bol uzdravený.

274Keď On stretol Legión, v ňom bolo dvetisíc démonov, to Ježiš nekričal. To boli démoni, ktorí kričali: "Ak nás budeš vyháňať," ó: "dovoľ nám vojsť do toho stáda svíň."

275Ježiš nikdy nepovedal: "Nuž, Otče, som schopný urobiť to?" On povedal: "Vyjdite z neho" a tie démoni sa brali preč. Skutočne, On vedel, že je Mesiáš.

276Pri hrobe Lazára, on bol štyri dni mŕtvy. Oni povedali: "Keby si tu bol býval, Pane, on by nebol zomrel."

277On riekol: "Ja som vzkriesenie i Život." Amen! Nie kde, kedy , alebo ako. "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, keby aj zomrel, jednako bude žiť." Amen. On vedel kto On je. On vedel čo On je. On vedel, že On je Emanuel. On vedel, že On je vzkriesenie. On vedel, že On je Život. On vedel, že v Ňom prebýva plnosť Božstva telesne. On tam videl tých prostých ľudí a On videl to čo Mu Boh povedal, aby potom urobil a On tam bol. On tam prišiel.

278On nikdy nepovedal: "Nuž, čakajte, kľaknem si tu. Všetci si tu kľaknite a modlite sa." On povedal: "Veríš, že to môžem učiniť?" Amen. On sa to opýtal.

279To nebol On; to boli oni. "Áno, Pane, verím že Ty si Syn Boží, ktorý mal prísť na svet." Ó! Tam sa On preukázal. Niečo sa muselo stáť.

280"Lazár. vyjdi von!" On vypovedal slovo a mŕtvy človek vyšiel. Nie: "môžem"? On proste vypovedal slovo. Keď sa to stretlo s vierou, stalo sa to.

281On hovorí - On vypovedal slovo a slepí videli, chromí chodili, hluchí počuli, diabli jačali a vychádzali von, mŕtvi boli kriesení a tak ďalej. Prečo? On sa nepremodlieval. On bol pomazaný Mesiáš. On bol Mesiáš. On vedel že Ním bol. On poznal Svoju pozíciu. On vedel čo On bol poslaný vykonať. On vedel, že Otec preukázal veriacemu Jeho totožnosť, že je Mesiáš. A keď stretol toho veriaceho s vierou, On len vypovedal Slovo. Diabli sa rozpŕchli. Tak, veru. "Hovor! Nekrič. Hovor!" Amen.

282A On poznal Svoje Bohom dané práva, ale my ich nepoznáme. On vedel, kto On bol. My nevieme.

283Mojžiš zabudol. Samson porozumel. Ostatní porozumeli. Jozua porozumel. Mojžiš zabudol. Boh musel na to zvrátiť jeho pozornosť. On povedal: "Prečo kričíš ku Mne? Ja som ťa poslal robiť túto robotu. Hovor a choď ďalej za svojím cieľom. Povedal som ti že prídeš ku tomuto vrchu. Vezmi tie deti a veď ich ďalej. Len hovor. Nedbám na to čo ti stojí v ceste, odsuň to preč z cesty. Dávam ti autoritu, aby si to robil. Hovoril Som ... Ty si slovom povolal muchy a blchy, a stvorenie a všetko toto. A tak kvôli čomu tu teraz ku Mne vykrikuješ? Prečo prichádzaš ku Mne, prečo toto vykrikuješ? Len povedz slovo a hľaď ako sa to pohne a viac netreba." Ó! Ó, ako to milujem!

284Tu, Ježiš, všetko čo On povedal, On len vypovedal slovo a stalo sa tak. Boh Mu náležite potvrdil, že je Jeho Syn. "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa My zaľúbilo. Jeho počúvajte."

285Jeho pozorujte. To sa mi páči. Ako smelo, ako majestátne On stál pred svojimi kritikmi. Amen. On povedal: "Zničte tento chrám a Ja sa budem modliť k Otcovi a uvidím čo On s tým urobí?" Zničte tento chrám a Ja ho znovu postavím , do troch dní." Nie: "Dúfam; Budem sa snažiť." "Ja to urobím!" Prečo? Písmo tak hovorí.

286To isté Písmo, ktoré hovorilo, že On vzkriesi Jeho telo, nám dáva autoritu, Moc. Amen! "V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov, budú hovoriť novými jazykmi; ak vezmú hadov, alebo budú piť niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im to; ak položia na chorých svoje ruky, oni budú uzdravení."

"Prečo ku Mne kričíš? Hovor a kráčaj vpred." Oh, smelo . . .

"Zborte tento chrám a znovu ho postavím." Ó!

287A zapamätajte si teraz, (už končíme), to bol On, ten istý. To bol On, ktorý povedal, v Jánovi 14: 12: "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré Ja činím aj on bude činiť." Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] To bol On, ktorý to tak povedal.

288To bol Ježiš, v Markovi 11: 24, ktorý povedal: "Ak poviete tomuto vrchu: "pohni sa" a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť tomu čo ste povedali, stane sa to - môžte mať to čo ste povedali." A teraz vy, ak to poviete len trúfalo, nestane sa to. Ale ak niečo vo vás, to že ste - že ste pomazaný do tej roboty a budete vedieť, že je to vôľa Božia, aby ste to robili a poviete to, musí sa to stať. "Ak . . ."

289To bol On, ktorý to povedal. "A ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová zostanú vo vás, proste si čo chcete a stane sa vám." Ó! Ó! Rozumiete čo myslím? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

290Prepáčte mi toto, ale práve mi to prichádza na rozum. Musím to povedať. To bol On, ktorý povedal, tam v ten deň, v tom lese: "Nemáš nič čo by si ulovil." A On stvoril tri veveričky, ktoré tam stáli pred nami. Čo to je? Len vypovedanie slova, povedz: "Oni budú tam a tam a tam," a boli tam. To bol On, ktorý to urobil.

291Charlie, Rodney, To bol On tam dole v Kentucky; a Nellie, Margie a vy ostatní. To bol On, ten istý Boh, ktorý vtedy tam hovoril s Mojžišom, povedal: "Prečo kričíš ku Mne? Vypovedz slovo!" To bol On, ktorý ich priviedol do existencie. To je On. To je On. Ó!

292To bol On, ktorý dal to videnie asi pred rokom, keď povedal, aby sme išli tam a tých Sedem Pečatí a ako tam bude veľké hrmenie, ktoré to začne a oni budú v tvare pyramídy. A časopis Look tam ... Časopis Život to priniesol, visí to tam na stene. To bol On, ktorý to povedal.

293To bol On, tej noci, keď som išiel po ceste a videl toho veľkého hada mamba ako chcel dostať môjho brata. A On povedal: "Bola ti daná moc zaviazať ho, alebo každého ďalšieho z nich." To bol On ktorý to povedal.

294Pre moju prostú ženu s šedivými vlasmi, ktorá sedí tam vzadu. To bol On v to ráno, ktorý ma prebudil tam v izbe a stál tam v kúte a povedal: "Neboj sa čokoľvek robiť, alebo kdekoľvek ísť, alebo čokoľvek hovoriť, pretože nikdy nezlyhávajúca prítomnosť Ježiša Krista je s tebou kdekoľvek pôjdeš."

295To bol On tam v kaňone Sabino, asi pred tromi mesiacmi, keď som sa tam modlil, udivený z toho čo sa malo stať. Stál som tam a do rúk my vpadol meč a povedal: "Toto je Kráľov Meč." To bol On.

296To bol On, ktorý mi povedal: "Tak ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak pošlem teba."

297To bol On, ktorý mi povedal, pred tridsiatimi rokmi, dole pri rieke, ako mladému chlapcovi. Stál som tam ako mladý kazateľ, vo vode, pred tridsiatymi rokmi, stál som tam keď to Svetlo, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, zostúpil dole z neba a zastal tam a povedal: "Ako som poslal Jána Krstiteľa, aby predišiel prvý príchod Kristov, tvoje Posolstvo predíde ten Druhý Príchod," do celého sveta. Ako sa to môže stať, keď môj vlastný pastor sa smial a robil si z toho žarty? Ale presne tak sa to stalo. To bol On, ktorý to povedal. Tak, veru!

298Ó, ako to bol On, ktorý povedal v proroctve, vo videní: "To sa stane." To bol On, ktorý to povedal: "Ak niekto medzi vami prorokuje, alebo vída videnia a povie to a to sa stane, potom pamätajte to nie je on, to som Ja. Ja so s nim." Ó! Toľko by som toho mohol povedať a hovoriť to je On, to je On, to je On!

299To je On, ktorý prichádza dole. Keď som im povedal, že ten Ohnivý Stĺp bol tam dole nad riekou a oni tomu nemohli uveriť. To bol On tam dole medzi nami, keď ten baptistický kazateľ, pred tridsať tisíc ľuďmi toho večera, v Sam Houston Colosseum, keď ten Anjel Pánov, bol zachytený na fotografii, ako tam stojí. To bol On, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky

300To bol On, ktorý predpovedal kde to všetko bude. To bol On, ktorý toto povedal. To bol On ktorý toto všetko učinil. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On to učinil presne tak ako to On povedal, že sa to stane. Amen.

301Prečo by som čakal? Boh potvrdil to Slovo. Ono je Pravda. Dajme sa na cestu. Vykročme. Kráčajme ďalej ku Pánovi, odložme nabok všetky pochybnosti, všetky hriechy. Vyčistite dom, vydrhnite ho.

302Ako to bolo povedané vo videní Juniora Jacsona, nezostalo nič okrem lámp; vlastne v jeho sne, ak tu sedí. Nezostalo nič okrem lámp a oni mali okolo nich zlaté stuhy, v tom sne, ktorý mi raz večer rozprával. Ó!

303Brat Collins, nerob si starosti ohľadne tej ryby. Ona bola biela. Ty si len nevedel ako ju chytiť.

304Odlož nabok všetko čo sa s Tým nezhoduje. Pamätajte, toto je Pravda, bez ohľadu na to ako fanaticky To vyzerá, i všetko iné, niekedy. Choď zarovno s Tým, To je Duch Svätý. Ten istý Boh, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša Krista z mŕtvych, ten istý, ktorý môže slovom povolať veci do existencie, Ten istý, ktorý žil vo dňoch Mojžiša, je ten istý i dnes.

305Jeho volanie v tomto poslednom dni, On je potvrdený. "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." On už ... Sodoma je tam dole. Billy Graham a Oral Roberts sú tam vonku. A cirkev ide ďalej, skrze znamenia, ktoré On zasľúbil, obaja na miestach a oni sú tam. To je On, ktorý to povedal.

306Ó, Pane, daj mi odvahu, je moja modlitba. Pomôž mi, ó Pane Bože.

Musím tu zakončiť. Už je veľa hodín.

307"Prečo kričíš ku Mne? Prečo ku mne kričíš, keď som ti dokázal že som s tebou? Či som neuzdravoval tvojich nemocných," On by povedal? "Či som vám nepovedal o veciach , ktoré sa presne tak stali? Váš pastor to nemohol urobiť. Ja! On to nemohol; on je človek. To som Ja, Pán," to by On povedal. "Ja som ten, ktorý toto robil. Ja som Ten, ktorý mu hovorím, aby povedal tieto veci. To nie je on. To je Môj Hlas. Ja som Ten, ktorý kriesi vašich mŕtvych, keď padnú na zem. Ja som Ten, ktorý uzdravujem nemocných. Ja som ten, ktorý predpovedám tieto veci. Ja som Ten, ktorý činím spasenie. Ja som Ten, ktorý dávam zasľúbenie."

308Bože, daj mi odvahu vziať ten Meč Slova, ktorý si položil do mojich rúk pred okolo tridsiatimi tromi rokmi a držať ho a pochodovať dopredu do Tretieho Potiahnutia, to je moja modlitba.

Skloňme naše hlavy.

309Nebeský Otče, nastáva neskorá hodina, ale to Slovo sa stáva drahocenné. Ako to vidíme, Pane, stále a stále, nikdy nezlyhávajúca Prítomnosť Kristova sa vždy s nami stretáva. Ako Ti ďakujem za Tvoju dobrotu! Ako si nás podopieral a bol s nami a žehnal nás, ako Ti za to ďakujeme!

310Ako som povedal, tieto vreckovky v mojej ruke, Pane, to je od ľudí, ktorí majú vieru, ktorí Toto veria. Nech každý diabol, každá nemoc odstúpi od tých ľudí. A ja sa staviam proti každému duchovi, ktorý tu je; tomu nečistému, ktorý nie je z Boha, každému duchovi nemoci, každého trápenia a choroby. Neležíme v tieni nejakého človeka, ktorý by bol v poriadku, ale sa nachádzame v tieni Evanjelia, potvrdeného Evanjelia.

311Ako sa ten veľký Ohnivý Stĺp pohybuje sem a tam cez túto budovu, Ten istý, cez ktorý sa Boh díval dole a Červené More sa vzdalo svojho kurzu a Izrael prešiel cezeň. Ale teraz ako sa On díva, špliecha to Krvou Jeho Vlastného Syna - keď milosť a milosrdenstvo ... Nech by sme boli poslušní. Nech by sme dnes prestali hovoriť - kričať. Nech by sme si uvedomili, že Ty si nás povolal do tejto práci. Toto je tá hodina. Hovorím to v Mene Ježiša Krista, nech každá nemoc odíde z tohoto miesta.

312Nech každý muž a žena, ktorý vzývajú Meno Ježiša Krista, na novo dnes posvätia svoje životy. Ja posväcujem svoj, Pane, na modlitebnom oltári. Kladiem sa dole a hanbím sa za seba a obraciam svoju hlavu smerom ku zemi, odkiaľ si ma vzal. Pane Bože, hanbím sa za svoju slabosť a za svoju neveru. Odpusť mi, Pane. Dodaj mi odvahy. Dodaj mi všetkej odvahy.

313Cítim, že ako Mojžiš, my všetci sme vonku na svojej ceste. Nechceme opustiť ani jedného. Chceme zabrať každého jedného, Pane. Oni sú Tvoji. Nárokujem si ich pre Teba. Požehnaj dnes týchto ľudí, Pane. Udeľ to. A požehnaj ma, s nimi, Otče a Tvoje Meno bude oslávené. Tvoja bude sláva. Daj nám Večnú vieru, Pane, ako sa Ti teraz posväcujeme.

314Ja, cez túto Bibliu a cez toto postavenie, dávam Ti svoj život, Pane. Som závislí od každého zasľúbenia ktoré dávaš. Viem, oni sa potvrdia. Viem, že oni sú Pravda. Daj mi odvahu hovoriť tieto Slová. Daj mi odvahu, Pane. Keruj ma do toho čo mám robiť a povedať. Oddávam sa Ti, s celým týmto zborom rovno s tým, Pane, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Moja viera ... na Teba;

Baránok z Golgoty, Boží Spasiteľ;

Počúvaj ma teraz keď sa modlím;

Odním moje hriechy.

Daj, aby som od teraz bol cele Tvoj!

315Povstaňme teraz, celkom potichu, ako to hm-káme. [brat Branham a zhromaždenie začínajú hm-kať, Moja viera hľadí na Teba. – pozn.prekl.]

. . . na Teba, Baránok . . .

Pozdvihnime ku Nemu teraz svoje ruky.

Spasiteľ . . .

Oddajte sa teraz Bohu.

Počúvaj ma teraz keď sa modlím;

Odním moje pochybnosti;

Daj, aby som od teraz bol cele Tvoj!

316A teraz spolu, so zdvihnutými rukami. [Zhromaždenie opakuje túto modlitbu po bratovi Branhamovi. – pozn.prekl.] Pane Ježišu, [Pane Ježišu,] Ja sa teraz [Ja sa teraz] oddávam Tebe, [oddávam Tebe,] do služby, [do služby,] dôkladnejšie, [dôkladnejšie,] s väčšou vierou, volám [s väčšou vierou, volám,] aby som [aby som] mohol byť vhodným služobníkom [mohol byť vhodným služobníkom] v nadchádzajúcom živote, [v nadchádzajúcom živote,] ako som bol [ako som bol] do teraz. [do teraz.] Odpusť mi moju neveru, [odpusť mi moju neveru,] a prinavráť nás [a prinavráť nás] do Viery [do Viery], ktorá raz bola darovaná svätým. [ktorá raz bola darovaná svätým.] Oddávam sa Ti, [Oddávam sa Ti,] v Mene Ježiša Krista. [v Mene Ježiša Krista. – pozn.prekl.]

317A teraz keď máme sklonené naše hlavy.

Zatiaľ čo putujem temným labyrintom života;

A zármutok sa šíri okolo mňa;

Buď mojím Sprievodcom;

Rozkáž temnosti nech sa obráti na deň;

Odním odo mňa  strach,

nech ma nikdy neodvedie od Teba.

318Ako teraz máme sklonené naše hlavy. Cítite ako vám toto raňajšie Posolstvo učinilo dobre? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Dalo vám odvahu? ["Amen."] Ak áno, zodvihnite len svoje ruky ku Bohu a povedzte: "Bože, ďakujem Ti." [Bože, ďakujem Ti."] Ja som zodvihol obe ruky, pretože cítim, že mi to tak pomohlo. Dodalo mi to odvahy.

319Niektoré veci, ktoré som povedal, nemyslel som že to poviem, ale je to povedané. Pre mňa to bolo napomenutie. Spozoroval som, že nie som tam kde som si myslel, ale som spoznal, že som vinný, lebo po celý ten čas som kričal, miesto toho, aby som hovoril.

320Bože, pomôž mi, aby som od tejto hodiny bol viac oddaným sluhom.

321Nemodlím sa len za seba; modlím sa tiež za vás. Spoločne, ako za Telo Kristovo, ktoré je vyvolané von zo sveta, pripravujúce sa do zasľúbenej Zemi, aby mi Boh dal odvahu hovoriť týmto spôsobom, aby cesta bola jasne predstavená, aby ste nestratili stopu. Poviem vám skrze milosť Božiu, budem nasledovať Jeho krvavé šľapaje, Jeho ktorý išiel pred nami.

A budem niesť tento posvätený kríž,

až kým ma smrť neuvolní od neho

a potom pôjdem domov, s korunou na hlave.

Tam je pre mňa pripravená koruna.

322Porúčame Ti toto, Otče - naše posvätenie, v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

323[Nejaký brat hovorí v neznámom jazyku. Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

324 Ďakujeme Ti za to Pane. Kráčať posväteným životom. Odovzdávame sa dobrote, pokore. Chodiť v Duchu. Chodiť, hovoriť, obliekať sa, zachovávať sa ako kresťania, pokorne a milo. Nech to teraz nesklame. Hlas Boží hovorí cez Slovo, hovorí cez dary. Ako prichádza jeden dar, ďalší to vyjadruje, prichádza ďalší dar a vyjadruje tú istú vec. Vidíte, je to celkom správne podľa Slova a súhlasí to s touto hodinou. Boh je s nami. Ako Mu za to ďakujeme! A teraz ak naše . . .

325So svojimi sklonenými hlavami, keby nám naša sestra zahrala:

Ber zo sebou Meno Ježiš,

ako štít pred každou pascou

a keď sa pokušenia nahromadia okolo teba,

len vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

326Len, len to urob, hovor Slovo a hovor Jeho Meno. Spievajme teraz, keď sa budeme rozchádzať.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,

ako štít ... a kedy;

Dá ti radosť a pokoj, ó ber ho kdekoľvek ideš.

Predrahé Meno . . .

327A teraz si podajme navzájom ruky a povedzme jeden druhému: "Brat budem sa za teba modliť a ty sa modli za mňa."

. . . Neba;

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť . . .

328A teraz so sklonenými hlavami spievajme ten ďalší verš.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,

ako štít pred každou pascou;

Keď sa pokušenia nahromadia okolo teba,

vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Predrahé Meno; Ó, aké sladké! Ó, aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

329A teraz so sklonenými hlavami a naše srdcia sú pri tom tiež sklonené, uvedomujeme si, že Ježiš povedal: "Ten kto čuje Moje Slová a verí v Toho ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život a nepôjde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života." Vieme že my, skrze milosť Božiu, sme to obdržali vo svojom vnútri; s posvätením pre Neho dnes ráno, že naše životy sa zmenia, od tohoto dňa, že budeme pozitívnejší vo svojich mysliach. Budeme sa snažiť žiť tak príjemne a ľudsky, že keď vo viere budeme prosiť Boha, Boh to každému dá. A nebudeme hovoriť nič zlé jeden na druhého, ani na nikoho. Budeme sa modliť za našich nepriateľov a milovať ich, robiť dobre tým, ktorí nám robia zle.

330Na základe tohoto a so sklonenými hlavami, chcem požiadať svojho dobrého priateľa, brata Lee Vayle, aby modlitbou rozpustil toto zhromaždenie. Brat Vayle.

1 The Lord bless you! Let's just remain standing a moment, as we bow our heads. Is there a special request? If you would, let it be known as you lift your hands to God and say, by that, "Lord, You know my need."

2 Heavenly Father, we are indeed a--a privileged people this morning, to be assembled in the house of God, when we know that there is so many that would want to be in the house of God this morning, and is in hospitals and on beds of sickness. And Thou has given us this privilege to be out here today. And we never come, Lord, to be seen of each other, though we love our fellowship one with another; but we could do that at our homes. But we have come here to fellowship with He Who has brought us together as beloved children and brethren.

3We thank Thee now. And the only way that we know to correctly fellowship with Thee is around Thy Word. Thy Word is the Truth. We gather here for spiritual strength. We need it, Lord. We must have strength to endure the crosses that we bear. And we pray that You'll send the great Holy Spirit today, and will strengthen us all. Grant the requests of Your people as they assembled and raised their hands to You, that they have need of such things. Answer each one, Lord.

4 We thank Thee for sparing the life of our Sister Ungren last night, in the accident on the road up here. Thou was gracious to them, Lord, and we thank Thee for that. And now we pray, Heavenly Father, that You will continue to be with us and help us as we journey on, each and every one of us. Give us Thy undergirding power and the--the faith of knowing that Thy never-failing Presence will be with us. In that hour when we cannot help ourself, we know "the Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him, and They will bear us up lest any time we dash our foot against a stone." And we pray now that You'll give us of Thy blessings for the Word, and speak through us, and in us, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

5 I am grateful that the sunshine of the outside, the solar sun, is shining. It was very bad this morning. And I think, in this country, especially, we have so much gloomy, wearied weather. And to see the sun shining, coming out, it's very good.

6The little family reunion today, I meet my brothers, and they're up at my sister's house, and some of our relation around the city and around about. There's a big bunch of the Branhams. If they'd all come together from Kentucky, in here, I guess we'd have to rent the city; there is so many of them. But just a little homecoming. We used to all meet at mama's house, and she was the old tie-post that held us together, kindy. But God taken the tie-post to Heaven, and I hope that we'll all meet there someday.

7 And now I spoke the other day, I said, "You know, I believe that I will--will cut my Sunday messages down to about twenty minutes, and--and, or thirty, and then pray for the sick." And I thought of that this morning.

8And I thought last night, when Sister Downing called me and said that, called Billy and said that she and Sister Ungren on their road up, had slid across the road and had had a wreck. And while Billy was still at the window, along, I don't know what time it was; maybe this morning, sometime. I had been asleep for quite a little bit. I looked down at Brother Wood's, the lights was out. And I just knelt to pray, and when I did, Something just said to me, "It's all right." So then I told Billy, "Tell her, 'Everything,' I thought, 'would be all right.'" I'm so glad to see them in this morning, and sitting in the house of the Lord, back here after on the road.

9A people that love you that much, to come for hundreds of miles to hear the Gospel, then I thought, "A twenty-minutes message, and as slow as I am, they would be no good." So I thought I would just... that long.

10So then, hear Brother Ungren, her son, this morning, singing, "How Great Thou Art." He has... He means more to him this morning than it did yesterday afternoon, because the great God of Heaven spared his precious, darling mother and sister.

11 Now, today, we are expecting a great time in the Lord. And I had two or three different texts here that I was looking at, and I didn't, couldn't figure just which one I would talk on this morning. One of them was, "Cast your cares on Him, for He cares for you. Now, if He cares, why not you?"

12So then another one, Billy Paul, or not Billy Paul... My other son, Joseph, brought me this text a long time ago. He was sitting in the room one day, and he said, looking up towards the picture, and Billy... Or, Joseph is very fond of boats, like little boys; boats and horses, you know. And he said to me, "Daddy, has Jesus got a boat?"

And I said, "I don't know."

13 So then after he got up and went out, I happened to think, "Has He got a boat?" And I took a text from that, and just marked it down here on my book, "Has Jesus got a boat?" And I happened to think. When He was here on earth, He had to borrow a womb to be born in, a grave to be buried in, a boat to preach from, but He's the Pilot of the old ship of Zion. Sure, He has. But, and those texts that I was thinking, thinking maybe I could get them later, before we leave to go back.

14You know, I like to speak from the tabernacle here, because it's our own church. We feel at liberty to say whatever the Holy Spirit says. At other places, even though the man wants to make you welcome, you feel kind of a little cramped because that--that you're in somebody else's church, and you want to be a gentleman enough to respect their--their thoughts and their doctrine.

15 Had a wonderful time this week down at Brother Burcham's place there. And I went into the factory where they made the cheese. I see he and his wife, and son and them, are present this morning. And always thought that a cheese factory would be something like other places I've been in, oh, kind of sloppy and dirty. My, I can say one thing, you can sure rest assure that place is not dirty. That was the cleanest place I ever went into, and especially in a factory. And I didn't realize; I thought, oh, maybe they'll make a hundred pound of cheese a day. And they make six tons each day, and three of the factories going. I thought, "Oh, my, who eats all those cheese?"

16But the Lord has blessed this man. I had the privilege of being in his home, a very lovely home, a fine consecrated wife. And there's no reason why they shouldn't live for Christ each day, as they're doing. Met his sons, and they're very fine children. We're so grateful for this fellowship that we have one with another.

17Found out their former pastor was a--a man that I know, Brother Gurley, a very fine man of the United Pentecostal faith, that I met years ago, Jonesboro, Arkansas. And didn't know that they were... that was his pastor, though.

18 Now remember the services this evening. And then, the Lord willing, next Sunday again we hope to speak. And then I think the following Sunday then I have to go to Chicago. Then I'll be gone for a while, I have to take the family back home, back, or back to Arizona so that they, the children, can enroll in school again. And then we quit pestering the pastor, taking his services.

19So, so we are very grateful to Brother Neville for his hospitality, you know, of--of inviting me. And he is so, no... I like, brother, a man like that, where there's no guile, there's no selfishness, it's just genuine Christianity. I like that.

20 Now we're going to read some of the Scripture and then pass the comments. And I don't know just what time that we'll get out, on these long Messages, but I think... I was talking the other day about speaking so long, and someone said, "Well, now, if you--if you just spoke a few minutes; and you speak kind of in mysteries, anyhow," said, "we--we'd never be able to understand it." Said, "Just keep on talking, and after a while it comes out," he said. So maybe the Lord wants us to do it that way.

Let's just bow again.

21 Lord, Thy Word lays open on the pulpit, and realizing that someday It'll be closed for Its last time, then the Word will be flesh. And then we are--we're grateful for this time this morning. And open to us, by Thy Holy Spirit, the contents of this Word that we shall read. May the Holy Spirit teach us today the things that we ought to know. And may we then, in return, listen closely to every Word, weigh It deeply. And then may those who are listening by the way of tape, may they listen close. And may we be able to catch what the Holy Spirit is trying to reveal to us. For we realize, if He should anoint us, then the anointing is not in vain. It's for a purpose, that it might work to the good, to the Lord. And may our hearts and understanding be open, Lord.

22May we have freedom to speak, and freedom to hear, and access to faith, to believe what we have heard, as it comes from God's Word; that it might count up to us, Eternal Life, in the great Day that is to come. Bless us today. Condemn us when we are wrong. Let us know the faults that we have. And bless us in the way that is right, that we might know which way to go, and how to act in this present world; that we might bring honor, in our living here, to Jesus Christ, Who died to give us a Life in the great hereafter. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

23 Now I want to read just out of two places out of the Scriptures, this morning. And one of them is just found over in the Book of Exodus. Frankly, both of them are out of the Book of Exodus. One, the 13th chapter, and 21st and 22nd verse. And the next one is the 14th chapter, the 10th, 11th and 12th verses. Now I'll read from Exodus 13:21.

And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night... a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:

He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.

24Now in Exodus 14, and the 10th verse.

And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians marched after them; and they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the LORD.

And then said... Moses, Because there... (beg your pardon)

And they said unto Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, has thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? wherefore has thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt?

Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying, Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness.

25I'm going to read a couple more verses.

And Moses said unto the people, Fear not...

Now listen close here.

... Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will show... you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.

The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace... the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak to the children of Israel, that they go forward:

But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.

And I, behold, I will harden the heart of the Egyptians, that they shall follow them: and I will get me honour upon Pharaoh, and upon all of his host, and upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen.

And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I have gotten me honour upon Pharaoh, and upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen.

And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went... before their face, and stood behind them:

And it became between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel;... it was a cloud of darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one come not near the other all the night.

And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.

And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on the right hand, and on the left.

And the Egyptians pursued, and went in after them in the midst of the sea, even all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen.

And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the LORD looked down unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and... the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians,

And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily: so that the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the LORD fights for them and against the Egyptians.

26 The Word of the Lord is so great, so good, there just no way to stop reading It. It just becomes Life, as we read It. I think, in this text this morning, though it's being taped, I want to say this in beginning, it finds, I find myself. And the reason that I... Yesterday, while in study, and I come upon this subject, and then I thought, "I'm just going, if the Lord willing, to speak upon that, because it drives me down." And I hope it drives us all down, that we might see, and cause us to look up; and to study a little bit, in comparing the day that was then, the... unto the day that is now.

27 I want to take three words for a text, and that is: Why Cry? Speak! God said to Moses, here in the 15th verse, "Why criest thou unto Me? Speak to the people, that they go forward." And: Why Cry? Speak!

28Now, we got quite a subject, and I'll try to hurry through as quick as possible, as the Holy Spirit leads. And I want to think of the... of this text, of Moses crying out to God, in the time of trouble; and God rebuking Moses back, right when trouble was in--in session. And it's just nature, seeming like, for a person to cry out. And then what a--a rebuke it is for God to turn around and rebuke him for saying it, for crying out to Him. It looks like it's a very hard thing.

29 Many times when we look at the Scriptures, in our own way of looking, it seems very hard. But if we study It a little while, we find out that the all-wise God knows just what He's doing. And He knows how to do these things and how to deal with man. He knows what's in man. He, He knows him. We don't. We only know from the intellectual side. He knows what's really in the man.

30Moses was born in this world, and a gifted boy. He was born to be a prophet, a deliverer. He was born with the equipment born in him, as every man that comes into the world is born with this equipment, as I firmly believe in the--in the foreknowledge of God, the predestination.

31 "Not that God is willing that any would perish, but all might come to repentance." But, being God, He had to know, and does, "know the end from the beginning." See? If He doesn't, then He isn't infinite; and if He is not infinite, He isn't God. So He wasn't willing, certainly, that any should perish, but He--He knowing who would perish and who would not perish. That's the reason, the very purpose that Jesus came to the earth, was to save those that God, through His foreknowledge, seen that wanted to be saved, see, because the whole world was condemned. And I don't see how we could teach it any other way than the foreknowledge of God, and the Bible plainly says that He "knows the end from the beginning," and can tell it.

32Therefore, when a--a person tries to be something that they are not, they are only making an impersonation, and sooner or later it'll find you out. Your sins find you out. You cannot cover them. There is only one covering for sin, that's the Blood of Jesus Christ, and It cannot be applied unless God has called you from the foundation of the world. That's what that Blood was shed for; not to be tramped upon, and made fun of, and--and jobbed at, and--and evilly spoke of, and--and so forth. It was for a direct purpose. That's right. Not to be played with, not to be impersonated, by saying that the sins are covered when they're not. And no man can have his sins covered lest his name was put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Jesus said, Himself, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that the Father hath," past tense, "given Me, will come to Me." That's right. So you can't make the Words lie. They are there for Truth and for a correction.

33 And Moses was born with a gift of faith; great faith Moses had. We see it, after a while, coming out in him. And he was born in a great family, as we know how that his father and his mother, and come from a family of Levi. Which, the story here, previously to this, in the Book of--of Exodus, so beautifully gives the life of this great character. And he was one of the--the greatest characters of the Bible, for he was strictly a type of the Lord Jesus.

34He was born in a very odd birth, like the Lord Jesus. He was born in the time of persecution, like the Lord Jesus. He was born to be a deliverer, like the Lord Jesus. He was hid of his parents, away from the enemy, like the Lord Jesus. And he come to his time of service, like the Lord Jesus. He was a leader, like the Lord Jesus. He was a prophet, like the Lord Jesus. And he was a law-giver, like the Lord Jesus.

35And we find out that he died on the Rock, and he must have rose again and everything, because, eight hundred years later he was standing on Mount Transfiguration, talking to the Lord Jesus. See? Angels packed him away. No one knows where he is buried. Even the devil didn't know that. Frankly, I don't believe he ever was buried. I--I believe that the God packed him away, and--and he died on the Rock that he had followed all the days of his life.

36And he was a perfect type of Christ. He was a king over the people. He was a law-giver. He was a--he was a--a sustainer to the people. He was everything, in--in type, that Christ was.

37 Now, then, see that he was born with this great gifts and quality within him, then it only taken Something to flash across that, to bring that thing to Life.

38See, the seed of God is actually placed in us from the foundation of the world. And when that Light first strikes that seed, It brings it to Life, but the Light first has to come upon the seed.

39Like I've taught many times of the little woman at the well, her in that condition. Though she be a--an ill-famed person, though her--her life was degraded, and she was in that condition because that traditions had never touched her, but, though, when that Light first struck her, quickly she recognized It, 'cause there was something there to respond to It. "When the deep calleth to the Deep," there must be a Deep somewhere to respond to that call.

40And Moses here was born this prophet, but he was raised in an intellectual school and Pharaoh's palace. The Pharaoh Seti, that he was raised up under, was a man that still had honor, and believed Joseph being the prophet of the Lord. But there come Rameses after Seti, and Rameses did not care about Joseph. And so, therefore, there is when the trouble started, now, when there raised up a Pharaoh who did not know Joseph.

41But these great qualities, let's speak of them just a little while, and, before we get to the main part of the text. I have an odd way of setting a text, then building to it, and the Lord help us this morning as we build to it.

42 Moses, being born with this great gift of faith. Then, he was anointed and commissioned at the burning bush, to deliver God's people. Now, sees what great qualities this man had! He was born for a certain thing. God had a purpose in it.

43God has got a purpose of you being here. See? If you can only be, get to that place, how much trouble you save God and yourself, too.

44Moses born, and then he was, afterwards, he was brought to the--the place where he was anointed. And, notice, the seed laying there with an intellectual conception, with all the faith that he was born to deliver this people, and yet it never come to Life until that Light from the burning bush flashed across it; until he seen, not something he read about, but something he seen with his eyes; Something that spoke to him, and he spoke back to It. Oh, how that did bring things to Life.

45 I think any man with a... or woman, boy or girl. And I think, in a intellectual conception of what they think the Word is, and so forth, never can have a full foundation stand until they have met that Light that brings that Word to a reality.

46I think no church in its practice, no matter how intellectual and fundamental it might be, that church cannot thrive until the Supernatural is made known among that people, and they see it. Something that they can talk to, that will talk back to them, that a vindicates this written Word.

47 Now remember, when Moses met this burning bush, that Word was a vindicated exactly. It was the Word. Moses didn't have to worry, "What's this Voice all about? What is this Being here?" Because, God had already wrote on the Scripture, in Genesis, that, "Your people will sojourn in this strange land, but they'll be brought back after four hundred years, will come back into this country again, for the--the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet fulfilled." Now, hundreds and hundreds of years before, God had said that, "Israel would sojourn and be mistreated in a strange country, and would stay there four hundred years. But God, with a mighty hand, would bring them out." So, you see, with this burning bush...

48Moses knowed this, intellectually. And the seed that was born in him, was laying in his heart. And he tried, through his intellectual experience with the Word, to try to--to--to bring them out, to deliver them, because he knowed he was born for that purpose. He knowed that, the time. The Scriptures all said that they had already been there four hundred years.

49Just as we know now, as a man asked me a few moments ago, about the Coming and the Rapture. We know. We've lived the time out, at the time of the Rapture is at hand, and we're looking for a rapturing faith that can pull the Church together and give it some supernatural strength, that can change these bodies that we live in. When we see a God that can raise the dead off the floor or out of the yard, and bring him back to life again and present him before us, when we see a God who can take a cancer that's eat a man to a shadow and raise him up to a strong healthy man, that ought to give rapturing faith to the people. That, when that Light flashes from the sky, and the trumpet sounds, the Body of Christ will be quickly gathered together, and changed in a moment and taken into the Heavens. Yes, there's got to be something like that happen. And our schools of theology can never produce that, yet they intellectually are all right. But you've got to meet that Light! You've got to find that Something.

50 And here Moses, basing his great call upon the Word, and it was great, until one day he met this Light, and the very Word Itself spoke back to him. Then he got his anointing. That anointed what he had in him, that on the inside, the--the intellects that believed it, the faith that was based upon his belief in God, that separated him from his mother. And now when he strikes in the Presence of this Light, It anointed that that he believed. See? What an anointing! And he was commissioned.

51Now, we know, intellectually he had heard his mother. He knew what was going to take place, and he knew he was living in that day. But here he found out that he was a failure, so he might have... his faith might have dropped back a little bit. But then when he comes to the bush, God said, "I have heard the cries of My people, and I remember My promise to their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and I have come down." "I," there, the--the personal pronoun, "I have come down to deliver them."

52 And now, and may I just add this if it... God forgive me if it sounds sacrilegious. "I do not work upon the earth, only through man. I--I--I am the Vine; ye are the branches. And I only declare Myself when I can find a man. And I have chose you, and I'm sending you down to take them out." See? Now notice, "I'll be with your mouth, and I... you take this rod."

53And Moses said, "Can I see an evidence that You'll send me, and You've anointed me, and You're going to do these things?"

Said, "What you got in your hand?"

He said, "A stick."

Said, "Throw it down." It turned to a serpent. He fled.

54He said, "Take it up." It turned back to a stick. Said, "Put your hands in your bosom." Took it out, and it was leprosy. Put it back, and it was healed.

55 Said, "He saw the glory of God." There was no more question, to Moses. Did you ever notice, he never run to the wilderness again? He knew he was anointed. He knew where, all these things that had been in his heart, these great fine qualities, and he... they were anointed now. He, he is ready. He is ready to go. So down towards Egypt he goes.

56God had said, "I'll be with you," so that--that settles it. If, "I'll be with you," that's all Moses had to know, for this great call in his heart. And now God said, "I'll be with you."

57Now, God also had vindicated his, Moses' claims. Moses' claim, "I met the Lord. And He said tell you, 'I AM' sent me." See?

58Now they said, "Here is a man, another Jew, probably some of these fanatics that's been coming along all the time with all kind of scheme to take us out of bondage." And you know how people are when they're slaves, or in bondage for something, there is always some kind of a gimmick coming around, you know, to do it.

59So, Moses, God promised Moses, "I'll be with you. I'll be in you. My Words will be your Words. You speak My Words and just say what I say."

60 And now when Moses went down and give them this call, and stood before Pharaoh, and told him, "The Lord God of the Hebrews said, 'Bring the children out.'" And he wouldn't let them go. So he--he performed a sign before the elders and before Pharaoh, and the signs that God did. He said, "Now, tomorrow, about this time, the sun will go down. It'll be darkness all over Egypt," and it come to pass just exactly. And then he said, "There--there is coming flies upon the--upon the land," and he stretched forth his rod and called for flies, and flies come. And he prophesied, and everything that he prophesied happened just exactly the way. It was God. See?

61 God had called him from his birth, put qualities in him, of great faith, and then come down with His Presence and anointed that great something in him, and sent him down with His Word, and he was properly a vindicated of his claims. No matter how many quacks had raised up, how many these other things had happened, God was speaking at... Moses was identified. Moses, what Moses said, God honored. I want you never to forget that Word. What Moses said, God honored, because God's Word was in Moses. "I'll be with your mouth; it'll speak the right things." Now, what God says--what God says, He speaks it through Moses, and it confirmed and a vindicated his claims.

62 Also, he was told by his mother, of his mysterious birth, and how that the time of hand come close to the hour that there was to be a deliverance. Amram and--and Jochebed, the sons and daughter of Levi, begin to pray to God to send a deliverer. And it take... when you see the time of the promise drawing nigh, it sets people to praying and to hungering. And no doubt that--that Jochebed had told him many times, his mother; as she was his tutor, also, as we know the story. And had told him how that she had prayed. "And, Moses, when you were born, son, you were a proper child. You were different. There was something taken place at your birth."

63I gave a drama on it for the children, not long ago, and said, "While Amram was in the room praying, he saw an Angel pull His sword and point it towards the North, and said, 'You'll have a child, and he'll take the children North to the promised land.'" Giving a drama for the little fellows so they'd understand it; that their intellect hasn't come up to the place that you adults, and can grasp the things as the Holy Spirit reveals it to you.

64 Now, though his mother had told him these things, and he knowed this, yet he needed another touch. The--the teaching was fine, but he needed a personal contact.

65That's what the world needs today. That's what the church needs today. That's what everyone needs, that's sons and daughters of God. In order to be that, you need a personal contact, see, Something. No matter, you know the Word is true, you know It's right; but then when it contacts, and then you see the thing done, then you know you're on the right road. See? And, watch, it'll always be scriptural. It'll stand right with the Scripture, 'cause this did.

66Amram's prayer was just exactly with the Scripture. Their prayers was with the promised Word. God promised at that time to do it. They prayed for it, and here was a proper child born. And they...

67 Watch! Oh, how I love this! See, in the hour that Pharaoh was putting to death all the children, see, putting them to the--to the sword, the guardenian sword; they, they stabbed these little children to death, fed them to the crocodiles, the little bodies, until the crocodiles were perhaps fat upon the bodies of Hebrew children. But the Bible said, that, "The parents did not fear Pharaoh's command to kill the children." They didn't. They wasn't a scared, because they seen something in this baby, to begin with. They saw it, that this was the answer of prayer.

68And now Moses had all this as a background, so Moses knew he was sent for the very purpose to deliver the children of Israel.

69See, all the background just heaps up. When you get anything, and can bring the Bible, saying, "This is going to happen," and here it happens; "and this is going to be at that time," here it happens; "and this is going to be at that certain time," there it happens; then it all accumulates together and draws a picture for us.

70 Oh, how this tabernacle this morning, how we people of this hour, Brother Neville, as we see the gray striken our hair, our shoulders stooping, when we see the world weaving and rocking as it is, and how we can look around and see the promise is drawing nigh! It's, it... I think, many times, if someone could just bounce into It at once, and wouldn't understand It, or would understand It, rather, and come into It at once, it would almost send you to Eternity, just with such a rapturing thing! And never knowed it, and just, oh, break through the things that we have seen and know and understand, and all bounce in at one time. The man, or the woman, boy, or girl, would just probably lift up their hands and say, "Let's go, Lord Jesus," you see. Oh, how the hour is so close!

71 Moses knowing that he was born for that purpose, and looked out of the windows and watched them Hebrews as they toiled; looked back here in the Scripture, and it said, "And they shall sojourn four hundred years, see, but I will bring them out with a mighty hand." Then when he comes back, after a commission, anointed, knowed that he was born... And his faith looked, by faith he saw those people and knowed they were the children of God, 'cause the world... the--the Word said so. They wasn't of the world, and wasn't like the rest of them. They were different. And they were cranks and fanatics, to the--the high glamour of Egypt; and he was to be the son of Pharaoh, taking the kingdom over, and next. But, he, there was something down in him, a--a real faith that looked not at those things, the glamour that he was to inherit. He looked at the promise of God, and he knowed that the time was drawing nigh. And what that man must have thought of!

72 I want to talk it over with him, someday, when I meet him on the other side. You say, "Crazy, brother!" No, it isn't. I'm going to meet him, by the grace of God. Yes, sir. I'll talk to him, someday, Moses himself. And how I would like to ask him, just how, when he seen his preparation!

73How the flusteration, the devil saying, "Aw, the people ain't going to believe you. Huh-uh. There--there is nothing to that."

74 But when that seed come to Life up there, something struck him, and he knew there was something going to take place. He knew. Looked at his clock and seen what time it was, and he knew, and how he must of thought as he watched. Now when he got all this together, all this great thing that he seen; the Scripture time, the prayer of his mother and his father, and he was born a peculiar birth, an odd child. And, all along, there had been something way down in him.

75And now he slips off and tries to think he would take his military training from his school, and deliver the children, and that failed.

76Then he goes up into the wilderness and marries a--a lovely Ethiopian girl, and they had a little boy named Gershom.

77And one day while attending the flock, all at once he seen a burning bush up on top of the mountain, burning. And he went up there. And not an intellectual, not a--an imagination, not a delusion, a optical illusion, but in him... There was the God of Abraham, in a Light, a Pillar of Fire back in a bush, that Fire, like waves going out, but it didn't bother the bush. And the Voice of the Scripture, the Voice of God, spoke through there, and said, "I have chosen you. You are the man. I raised you up for this purpose. I'm proving to you here, by signs, you're going down to deliver the children because My Word has got to be fulfilled."

78Oh, His Word of this day has got to be fulfilled. We're living in the hour. No matter what anyone else says; the Word has to be fulfilled. Heavens and earth will pass away, but not His Word.

79 Now, when Moses got all this together, and seen by every direction, it anointed his faith. Amen! Oh, my! What a thought! This, a self, itself seeing the Scripture pointing right straight to what it was, and the speaking of God, and the evidence of it there, it anointed what faith he had in him, to go to work.

80What ought it to do to us? We need a repentance. We need a revival. I'm saying myself. See? I need a shaking. I need something. I said I was speaking to myself this morning, or about myself. I--I--I need a--a wakening up.

81And when I think of that great evidence, everything so perfectly laid out there, and it anointed the faith of Moses. And, my, he seen there was nothing...

82 Here, he run from Egypt, with, actually, he could have start a--a mutiny or something, and he could have--he could have rose up and started a revolutionary in Egypt, and could have took an army and fought, but, you see, and had many thousands on his side. But instead of that, he was a scared to even do that, with armies on his side.

83But now here he comes back, forty years later, eighty years old, with only a stick in his hand. Why? What was burning down in his heart had become a reality. He was anointed then, and he knowed he had THUS SAITH THE LORD. There was nothing going to stop him now. He needed no army. God was with him. That's all he needed; God with him.

84Oh, when you know God has sent you to do a certain something, and you see it moving up there, there--there just isn't nothing can take its place. That's all.

85 I remember times when the Lord has told me about certain things was going to happen, and then I move up and see it laying right there, how... Oh, what a feeling! The situation is already under control, that's all, see, because God said so.

86I remember, many of you remember, about the little boy being raised up in Finland, and then from the dead, been killed by an automobile. And I stood there on the side of the road, and started to walk away from that child, and turned and looked back. And something put its hand on my shoulder, and I thought it was Brother Moore, and nobody was around me. And I looked back, and then I looked up the mountain I saw. I said, "Well, I've seen that hill somewhere, but we didn't come up this way. We come another way. Where is that hill?"

87And I looked and seen that car down there, wrecked; seen that little boy there with his... laying there with a--the crock-like haircut, as we'd call it here. The eyes turned back, like Brother Way's was the other day when he fell. And the little foot run through the sock, where his little limbs was broke. And blood out of his eyes, and nose, and ears. And seen his little, short trousers; and tied up by buttons, his, here and along the side of his little waist; and his little stockings up, like long stockings like we wore many years ago.

88 And I looked around, and there was exactly, exactly the way the Holy Spirit had told me two years before, when all of you wrote it in your Bibles across the nation, that it would happen. Oh, there, then, the situation is in hand. No matter how dead he is, no matter what anybody else says; it's all over. He's got to come back!

89I said, "If this child doesn't raise up from this dead, then I'm a false prophet, I'm a misrepresentation of God. For, in the homeland, two years ago, He told me this would happen. And there these ministers, and all, it's wrote on the flyleaf of our Bible, and here it is exactly. Read it off the flyleaf, how it would 'be in a country, lapping rocks, and so forth, be killed, and on... be on the right-hand side of the road.'" I said, "There it is. Nothing can stop it. The situation is already under control."

90The faith that was within my heart was anointed. Oh, if I could only explain that! The faith that God... I had in God, that told me, and it never failed, told me, "The situation is under control now. Here is exactly what I showed you two years ago, and here it is laying just in exactly in order. The only thing you have to do is speak the word." And the little boy rose up from the dead. See?

91 I was thinking, and looking back at Brother Fred Sothmann sitting there, and Brother Banks Wood and them. The other day, up on the--the Alaskan Highway, how I stood here at the church and told you all of an animal that looked like deer horns, forty-two inches, and a silver-tip grizzly bear. I had never been there before, and how that the... that I was going to get this, and how it would be, and how many would be with me, and how they'd be dressed. You know it, every one of you, weeks and weeks before it happened.

92And there when I moved in there, not knowing it, there laid that animal. And I went, and--and he... was impossibility. If a hunter would know, or be listening to this tape, how you can't walk up in the face of an animal, he'd jump up and run. But he didn't.

93 And there he hangs in my den room. There hangs the silvertip, just exactly the way. And a--and a rule laying there, a tape measure, to show his exact. And a horn will at least shrink two inches or more, when it's green on the animal and when it dries, but this never shrank. It is still exactly on the nose forty-two inches. See? There lays the silver-tip, it's seven-foot long, just exactly, and everything exactly the way it was, laying there now.

94But when this man said to me, "Now, look, Brother Branham, we got this animal that you talked about, but you told me you'd get a silver-tip grizzly before you got to the bottom of the hill, back over to where them boys are, that with a green shirt."

95I said, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. God said so."

96"But, Brother Branham," he said, "I can see all over everything here, for miles, there is nothing. Where is he coming from?"

97 I said, "That's not for me to question. God said so! And He is Jehovah-Jireh. He can bring a bear there. He could put one there." And He did. And there he is. It's the situation under control.

98And when Moses saw that he was raised up for this purpose, and he had met face to face, this great God Who had made the call, and had anointed him and identified him, and said, "This is your call, Moses. I'm sending you, and I'm going to show you My glory. And here I am, in a bush, burning. Go down there! I'll be with you." He didn't even need a stick. He had the Word, the vindicated Word, and there he went. It anointed the faith that was in him.

99And it anoints us when we see that we're living in the last days, to find out that all these signs that we see being taken place, that's spoke of in the Scripture, would take place in the last days; all the way from Heaven, to the political powers, and the nature of the people, and the demoralization of the world, and among the women, and how they would do in the last days, and how the men would do, and how the churches would do, how the nations would do, and how God would do. And we see it all laying right here on us.

100Oh, it anoints our faith. It moves us out in the great cycles. See? It--it separates us from other things of the world. See? No matter how little we are, or how much a minority we are, how much we're laughed at, made fun of, don't make a bit of difference. That's all. We see it. There is something within us. We were predestinated to see this hour, and there is nothing going to stop us from seeing it. Amen! Here God has spoke it. It's--it's already happened. We see it. Oh, how we thank God for this! Oh, then, it brings out your faith when we see these things happening here.

101 Now, here again we read that, "Moses esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt." Now, he esteemed the--the reproach of Christ.

102Now remember, "the reproach of Christ." See, there is a reproach in serving Christ. If you're very popular with the world, then you cannot serve, you're not serving Christ. No, you cannot. Because, you see, there is a reproach that goes with It. The world always has reproached.

103Way back there, thousands of years ago, there was a reproach that went with It. And Moses to be pharaoh, he was the next coming pharaoh, Pharaoh's son. And he was coming the next pharaoh, with favor amongst the people, and yet he "regarded..." Esteem means to--to "regard." "He regarded the reproach of Christ greater things than all that Egypt could afford to give him." Egypt was in his hands. But, yet, he knew to take the way of Christ was a reproach, but he was so happy to know that there was something within him, that made him regard this approach of Christ, reproach of Christ, rather, greater than all the glamour that he--he inherited. He had an inheritance inside of him that was far greater than what the outside inheritance had give him.

104 Oh, if we could be like that today, and let the Holy Spirit anoint that that we have within us, that faith, to a godly life, consecrated to Christ!

105Now, with such faith as this that he had, he noticed, and he regarded that reproach a honor.

106Today, somebody can say, "Hey, are you one of those people, those?"

"Uh, uh, well, uh." You're just a little ashamed of it.

107But he regarded it a greater treasure than all the world, because that there was something in him that he could speak out and say, "Yes, I--I regard this. This is highly honored. I'm glad to be one of them." See? "I'm glad to number myself as a Hebrew and not an Egyptian."

108 The Christians today should say the same thing. "I'm glad to regard myself a Christian, to abstain from the things of the world and the order of the world. Not just as a church member, but as a born-again Christian who lives according to the Scripture. Though I be called, even by the members of the church, 'a fanatic,' yet I--I--I esteem that a greater--greater thing than what if I was the most popular person in the city or in the nation. I'd rather be that than President of the United States, or--or the king over the earth. You see? I--I esteem that so highly, because God in His mercy, before the foundation of the world--world, saw me, and--and placed a little seed in there, that my faith would fly above these things of the world. And now He's called me, and I--I regard my place."

109 As Paul said, he regarded his office with high... see, and, oh, that God had called him from being a great teacher like Gamaliel. But Paul had been called to be a sacrifice for Christ. See? Now the same thing.

110Notice, with such faith, he never relied on his sight, what he could see. Now, he seen nothing out there but a bunch of--of mud-handling people, slaves, in prison, being killed every day, beat with whips, made fun of, their religious beliefs, was "fanatics." And there was a pharaoh sitting on the throne, that didn't know or regard anything about their religion. He knowed nothing about it. He was a heathen, so he just... What a picture of today! And there it is, a different religion. And how that if--if this Moses, yet in the very seat with the president, or the--or the great man, Pharaoh, to take his place at his death, and he was an old man. And yet Moses thought that that call... He looked out there, and the same window that Pharaoh looked out of, 'cause he was in his home.

111And Pharaoh looked out and seen those people that were lifting up their hands, and they'd take a whip and beat them to death because they were praying. They run a sword through them because they even failed, to disobey at anytime, and making them work till their little old bodies would fall out, and give them half enough to eat. "Well, they wasn't nothing but a bunch of fanatics, not hardly human."

112 And yet Moses, that faith in him, looked upon them, and he said, "They are God's blessed people." Amen. I like that. With such faith, his eyes didn't fall on the glamour of Egypt, it fell on the promise of God. His eagle eye of faith seen beyond the glamour of Egypt. He, remember, he's becoming an eagle now. He's a prophet, and his eagle eye raises above those things. Oh how I like that! Huh! My!

113How oft' today, today, Christians rely on their senses, and of what they can see, or what they can understand, instead of their faith, to rely on what you see with your eye and the glamour. Like you women, I'm always calling to you, about you must let your hair grow out, you mustn't wear make-up, you must act like ladies and Christians. You look out upon the street and see the women today dressed immorally. Well, you think, "Well, she belongs to the church, why can't I do that?" See? "And she cuts her hair, why--why can't I do that? Well, she seems to be just as sweet and as much intellectual, and a personality that I haven't even got. Well, why can't I do that? I ought to do it." When you do that, you paralyze your faith. See? You don't give your faith a chance to grow. Start on that, as I have said.

114 Someone said, "Brother Branham, the country, the people, regard you as a prophet. You oughtn't to be bawling women out like that, and men out, for these things. You, you ought to be teaching them how to--to prophesy and receive gifts."

115I said, "How can I teach them algebra when they don't even know their ABC's?" See?

116Now just start from that. Clean yourself up so that when you walk out on the street you look like a Christian, anyhow, see, and then go to acting like one. See? And you can't do it within yourself. It's got to have Christ come within you. And if that seed is laying in there, and that Light hits it, it's going to come to Life. If it doesn't come to Life, there was nothing there to come to Life. Because, it sure proved it on others, see, it comes to Life immediately as soon as the Light hits it.

117 That's a rebuke to women, I know, that's listening in to this tape, or will listen in to it. It's a rebuke to you, sister. It should be. It should be, because it shows. I don't care what you've done; you might have been religious, all your life, you might have lived in the church, your father may be a minister, or your husband might be a minister; but as long as you disobey the--the Word of God, it shows there is no Life there. When you see the thing brought out, and the Life of the Holy Spirit, watch It when It strikes others. See what they do, if It brings it on them. No wonder why...

118What a--what a rebuke to those Pharisees, that called Jesus, when He could perceive their thoughts, He called them, "Beelzebub."

119And that little prostitute said, "Why, this Fellow is the Messiah. The Scripture says He'll do this." See, that predestinated seed was laying there. And when the Light struck it, it come to Life. You can't keep it down. You can't hide Life.

120You can take and pour concrete upon a bunch of grass, and kill it in the wintertime. The next spring, where is your most grass at? Right around the edge of the concrete. Cause, that germitized seed under that stone, when the sun begins to shine, you can't hold it. It'll wiggle its way around through there and come right out at the edge of that and stick its head up to the glory of God. See, you can't hide life. When sun strikes botany life, it's got to live.

121 And when the Holy Spirit strikes the Scriptural Life that's in a man, it brings forth its fruit right there. [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] See?

122So regardless of how true and honest you are, how you say you're not, and speaking, saying they were... These women wearing these--these bad clothes and things out there, just a common striptease, for the street. Though, you don't believe you are, you can't make you believe. You can prove that you're innocent of an adultery, but, in the Book of God, you're committing adultery. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her in his heart already." And you presented yourself in that manner. See, you can't see it unless that Life is laying there.

123You look at somebody else, you look and say, "Well, I know Sister Jones. Brother Jones is a... He's a minister. His wife does this and does that."

124I don't care what that does; This is the Word. Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be true." It's the Bible. And when that Light really strikes it, it's got to come to Life. It just has to come to Life.

125 Now, Moses' great eye, his eagle eye, looked beyond the glamour of Egypt.

126The real Christian believer today, no matter what the church says, what anybody else says; when that Light strikes it, they see the very vindication of God, that Pillar of Fire hanging there, and the signs and wonders that promised, the Scripture being laid, and it comes to Life; no matter how little it is, and how many in the minority. God's group has always been the minority. See? "Fear not, little--little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." See? They catch it. God is obligated to send them in from every denomination, every order everywhere, to see It, if they are ordained to Life.

127 Look at old Simeon, ordained to Life. When the Messiah come in the temple, in the form of a baby in his mother's arms; Simeon, back in a room somewhere, reading. The Holy Spirit raised him up, for he was waiting. That Life was in him. He said, "I'll not die until I see the Lord's Christ." And there was the Lord's Christ in the temple. The Holy Spirit led him from his duty, out, and walked down through there and picked that baby up, and said, "Let the--let Thy servant depart in peace, for my eyes see Thy salvation."

128There was an old blind woman in the corner, by the name of Anna, who served the Lord day and night. She also was predicting, and saying, "The Messiah is coming. I can see Him coming." Yet, she was blind. At that same time, when He was there... That little Life that was in her, that was predicting, "It would be there! It would be there! It would be there!" Then, that same Life, the Light come in the building, in the form of a Baby, as "an illegitimate child," wrapped in His swaddling clothes, coming up through the building. And the Holy Spirit struck that old blind woman, and she come by the Spirit, led through the people, and stood over this Baby; and blessed the mother and blessed the Baby, and told what would be the future for It. See, ordained to Life! See?

129Look at them, there wasn't a dozen of them. There was only eight souls saved in the day of Noah, hardly very many, but all that was ordained to Life come in at that time. See how the Holy Spirit works in each age, drawing the people.

130 Now we find out that Moses' faith led him to watch what would be, not what was. Look at tomorrow instead of today. Look at the promise instead of the glamour. Look at the people instead of the organization. See? God did that.

131Lot could see the glamour of prosperity down in Egypt, or down in Sodom. Lot could see the possibilities of a--of a... of a lot of--of money. Lot could see the pros-... possibilities of when he looked over to Sodom and he could maybe become... Being that he was a Hebrew, he might become a great man there, because he was a great intellectual figure, and the nephew of Abraham, so he chose to go towards Sodom. Lot's intellects led him to see the glamour of--of prosperity. Lot's intellects led him to see the blessing of--of glamour. But, his faith was so paralyzed by it, he didn't see the fire that was going to destroy that sort of a life.

132And that's the way people are today. They see the possibilities of belonging to a great organization, they see the possibilities of having social standing with the people of the city, but they don't see the possibil-... They don't see their faith is paralyzed. Let me repeat that so it won't be misunderstood. Women today, they, as I say, they want to--they want to act like the movie stars. The men today want to act like the television comedians.

133 The preachers today seem to want to make their churches like some modernistic lodge of some sort, membership and so forth. They see the possibilities of maybe becoming a bishop or a general overseer, or something like that, if they will go along with the church; forsaking the Scriptures, when It's laying right before them, with thoroughly a vindicated by the Power of God, and by the living Word of God living in the people. Yet, they don't want It. They say, "We don't want to get mixed up with something like That." It would take their fellowship card. It would take their denominational order. Yet honest man, like Lot, sitting down in Sodom, knowing that that's wrong. See? See? What do they do when they do that? They paralyze the little faith that they did have. It can't work.

134 Now, Moses give away to that, and he set... his faith paralyzed the world.

135Either your faith will paralyze glamour, or either the glamour will paralyze your faith. Now, you have to take one or the other. And you see the Bible don't change. God don't change. He's the unchangeable God.

136And now we find, today, that people of this day, see, they look to the big things, the big organization. "I belong to the So-and-so." See? And they go down there, and, look, there is no different from the street people. There is no other things. They have a little intellectual something, and go on. When you talk about Divine healing, the Pillar of Fire, the Light of God, they say, "That's mental."

137 A man picked up the picture of the Angel of the Lord, the other day, a Baptist minister, and laughed at It. See, that's--that's blasphemy. See? There is no forgiveness for that.

138That's what Jesus said, see. It's blasphemy; when you see It doing the very works that Christ did. And He said... When, they seen that works in Christ, He was the Sacrifice, and they called him "Beelzebub, a devil," for, 'cause He was doing it. And now they say... He said, "I forgive you for that. But when the Holy Ghost comes to do the same thing, you speak a word against It, it'll never be forgiven you, in this world or the world to come." See? Just one word is all you have to say against It. See? And then...

139Because, if that Life, if you've been ordained to Eternal Life, then that Life would burst forth when you seen It. You would recognize It, like the little woman at the well, and--and the different ones. But if it's not there, it can't come to Life, for there's nothing there to come to Life with. As my old mother used to say, "You can't get blood from a turnip," because there's no blood in it. Now, that's the same thing.

140 And it paralyzes what little faith you have got. Lot could see the glamour, but he didn't have enough faith to see the fire that would destroy such glamour.

141I wonder if we have today? I wonder if us, well, as the women that wants to be popular, that wants to act like the--the rest of the women in the church, if they see that they want to--to act like the rest. They--they can see the possibilities of being a--a--a prettier woman, by being painted. They can see a prettier woman by having a younger appearance, by cutting their hair and acting like some of the others, or the movie star. But I wonder if that hasn't paralyzed their faith, to know that the Bible says that, "a woman does that is an un-... an unhonorable woman," and, "a woman that puts on a garment pertains to a man, is an abomination before God," slacks, and so forth, and shorts that they're wearing. And--and it just becomes so calloused till it becomes a regular routine of the people doing it. I wonder if they don't paralyze the very little faith that you had, even to go to church, you see. That's the thing it does.

142 Lot did that, and it paralyzed him, and it paralyzed his people down there. They couldn't see it.

143But Abraham, with a--a vindicated faith, his uncle, he looked not upon the glamour, he wanted nothing to do with it, though he had to live hard and live to himself. And Sarah lived out in the wilderness where it was hard goings, on the barren ground. But they seen not the glamour or the possibilities of becoming popular.

144Sarah, the most beautiful woman in the land, the Bible said so. She was fair, the fairest of all the women. And now she even stayed and obeyed her husband, to even she called him her "lord," who the Bible refers to, plumb over in--in the New Testament; said, "Whose daughters you are, as long as you obey the faith." See, called her husband her "lord."

145And the Angel of the Lord visit their temple and... or their little tent out there, and told them. They didn't even have a house to live in; living out in the barren lands. And there you are. You see the day patterned back again, just exactly like it was then?

146 Now, Moses with his great faith, again, could say "no" to the present things of the present world, and make a righteous choice. He chose to suffer the afflictions with the people of God. He chose to go with it. Why? His faith! He saw the promise. He saw the end time. He saw over in tomorrow, and he let his faith loose. And he didn't pay no attention to what his eyes saw in the possibilities here, that he was the pharaoh and was going to be the pharaoh. He looked plumb over in tomorrow.

147Oh, if people could only do that, didn't see the present world. If you look at the present world, you make a choice with it. Hide your eyes from that, and look at the promise of God, way over in tomorrow.

148By his faith he could choose. He did choose to be called the son of Abraham, and refused to be called the son of Pharaoh. How could he, when all the whole kingdom... Egypt had the world whipped. He was king of the world, and was a young man of forty years old, here ready to take the throne. But he never looked at his intell-...

149 Look at the women would have laid around him, day by day, harems of them. Look at the glamour; sit and drink wine, and watch the striptease before him, as they danced, and fanned him with a... And women from all over the world, and the jewels and treasures, his army out there. The only thing he had to do is sit and eat his fine food, and say, "Send a... send army garrison number so-and-so down to so-and-so, take that nation. I believe I just want it." That's all he had to do. Sit there, and them fan him, and hold his mouth open; let the--the lovely, beautiful strip teases of that day, pour wine into his mouth, feed him his food with their arms around him, all the prettiest women in the world. All the glamour that there was, was laying right there by him.

150But what did he do? He looked away from that. He knowed fire was there ready for that. He knowed death laid in that line. See? He knowed that it was. And he looked over to a bunch of despised and rejected people, and by faith he chose to suffer the reproach of Christ, and called hisself, "I'm a son of Abraham. I'm no son of this pharaoh. Though you make me a bishop, or a deacon, or an archbishop, or a pope, I'm no son of this thing. I'm a son of Abraham, and separate myself from the things of the world." Amen, amen, and amen! By faith, did that!

151 He took the glamour away. He took the possibilities of being the next bishop, he took the--the possibilities of being the next archbishop, or the next general overseer at the next election, or whatever it was, he took that away. He refused to look at it.

152"Now, if I become the bishop, I'll walk in and the people say, 'Holy Father,' or--or 'Doctor So-and-so,' or--or--or--or 'Elder So-and-so.' How they'll, all the ministers at the gathering, they'll pat me on the back, and say, 'Say, boy, that guy has got something, I'm telling you. Oh, sh-sh-sh, keep still, here comes the bishop, see. What he says, that's law. See, here comes the So-and-so.'" People will fly over the world to be the... see the pope, and kiss the foot and the rings, and so forth. How, what a possibility to the Catholic, what a possibility to the Protestant, to be bishop or general overseer, or something, some great man in an organization.

153Looking, though, but, you see, the eye of faith looks over the top of that. And you see the end of it down there, which, God says the whole thing will be destroyed. Faith, that eagle eye, lifts you up above that, and you see tomorrow, not today, and choose to be called a son of Abraham.

154 Pharaoh, with no faith, seen God's children as "fanatics." No faith, he made them slaves because he wasn't a scared of what he said. He wasn't afraid of God. He thought that he was god. He thought his--his gods that he served, that he was a bishop, he was the head general overseer, his gods is the one that did it. "Nothing to this Thing here," so he made them slaves. He laughed at them, made fun of them. Just as the people did today, the same thing exactly.

155Moses' faith seen them in the promised land, a blessed people. It might be a hard fight to get them to the promise, but Moses chose to go with them. How I could lay on that, but my time is getting away. See?

156 Notice, it might be a hard thing to turn those people around. "You have to go live with them, you have to be one of them, and they're already so intellectual that you can't move them. See? But there's got to be something happen out there. There's got to be the supernatural demonstrated before them. It's going to be a hard thing. The organizations will turn you down, and all these things will happen. It's--it's terrible, what you have to do, but yet make your choice."

157"I'm one of them." Yeah. His faith did that. His faith sparked. Yes, sir. He saw it. It was a hard thing to get them to that promise, but he took his choice to go with them, anyhow. Regardless of what they did to him, and what they turned him down, he went anyhow. He was going out with them.

158Now I hope you're reading. All right. Go with them, anyhow. Make, be one of them, that's right, because it's your duty. Might be a hard fight, and a lot to go through, but go anyhow.

159 But his faith led him to take the choice of the Word, and not the glamour. He took the Word. That's what Moses' faith did. When faith looks on God's worst... Remember, here was the glamour now, the world, the highest, king of the world. And where was God's promised? In the mud hole, a mud daubers.

160But when faith, when faith looks at God's worst, it esteems it greater and more valuable than the best the world can show. Yes, sir. When faith looks at it, when faith can see it, when faith in the Word can see the Word made manifest, it's more than all the glamour and archbishopry and everything else you can speak of. Faith does it. See? You can see the worst, the despised, the rejected, the whatever it might be; let it be at its worst, and yet faith will esteem that a million miles higher than the best the world can produce. Amen! That's the way we sing that song, "I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few." See? Oh, my!

161 For, you see, faith sees what God wants done. Oh, I hope this goes in. Faith doesn't look at the present time. Faith doesn't see this here. Faith looks to see what God wants, and it works accordingly. That's what faith does. It sees what God wants, and what God wants done, and faith operates through that.

162Faith is a long-range vision. It don't lower its sights. It holds to the target. Amen! Any good shooter knows that. See? That, it's long range. It's a--it's a telescope. It's a binocular, that you don't look around here. You don't use binoculars to look to see what time it is; see, you don't use that. But you use binoculars to look a way off.

163And faith does that. Faith picks up God's binoculars, both of them, both sides, the New and Old Testament, and sees every promise that He made. And faith sees it out yonder, and faith chooses that regardless of what the present tense says here. He looks at the end. He don't drop his sights down to look this a way. He looks out yonder. He keeps the crosshair dead center on the Word. That's what faith does. That's the faith that's in a man that does those things.

164 Now watch. What Pharaoh called, of a call, what Pharaoh called great, God called "abomination!" Pharaoh could said, "Look, Moses, here, why, you're next pharaoh. I--I hand this sepulcher to you when I leave here. I'll hand this scepter. It's yours. See? Now, this is great. You're going to be a great man, Moses. You're going to be the bishop. You're going to be this, that, or other. Don't leave us. You stay here." But, you see, he called that great, and God said it was an "abomination!"

165Now, you women think a minute, so, you man. What the world calls great, God calls "filth." Don't the Bible say, "It's an abomination for a woman to wear a garment pertains to a man"? And you think you're smart in doing it. See? You're just displaying female flesh for the devil, and that's all. So, don't do it.

166And you men who live after the things of the world, and huddle and cuddle after this! And you men with not enough audacity about you to make your wives and things quit doing that, shame on you! And call yourself sons of God? Looks like sodomite to me. See? Not to hurt your feelings, but to tell you the Truth. Love is corrective. It always is. The mother won't take care of her child, and correct it and spank it, and make it mind, is not much of a mother for it. That's right.

167 Now, and watch what takes place now. Moses saw this, by his vision. And Pharaoh said that, "This is great." God said, "It's a abomination." So God... Moses chose what God said.

168Now, notice, faith sees what God wants you to see. See? Faith sees what God sees.

169And reasoning and senses see what the world wants you to see. Notice reasoning, "Why, it's only human sense. It's only--only reason that this... Well, ain't this just as good?" See? That's just exactly, when you use those senses which is contrary to the Word, see, then that's what the world wants you to see.

170But faith don't look at that. Faith looks what God said. See? You know, you cast down reasons.

171 Reasons, reasoning sense, sees what the world wants you to see, big denomination. Well, are you a Christian? "Oh, I'm--I'm Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, and Pentecostal, whatmore. I'm this, that, or the other." See, that, that's senses. "I belong to the first church, you see. Oh, I'm Catholic. I'm--I'm this, that." See, you say that. Now, that, that's senses. You like to say that because it's a denomination, something big. "Well, we--we--we got more members, nearly, than any church in the world, see. We..."

172But there is only one real Church, and you don't join It. You're born in It. See? And if you're born in It, the living God works Hisself through you, and making Himself known. See? That's where God dwells, in His Church. God goes to Church everyday, just lives in Church. He lives in you. You're His Church. You are His Church. You are the Tabernacle that God dwells in. You are the Church of the living God, yourself. And if the living God lives in His living being, then your action is of God; if it isn't, then God isn't in there. He wouldn't make you act like that, when He says in the Word here, His blueprint, "Don't do it," and you go do it. See, that's wrong. When you deny it, then that shows the Life isn't even in you. See? That's right.

173 Faith led Moses to the path of obedience. Notice, Moses make... There is young Pharaoh, there is young Moses, both of them with the opportunity. Moses seen the reproach of the people, and counted it greater treasures than all Egypt had. And he, led by faith, he followed what his faith said in the Word, and it led him to the path of obedience, and finally to Glory, immortal, never to die, in the Presence of God. Sight and senses, led, and glamour, led Pharaoh to his death, and the destruction of Egypt, his nation, and it's never come back since.

174 There you are. Look at this, you die. Look at That, you live. Now make your choice. That's the same thing God put before Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden. See? By faith, you must make your choice.

175Now notice, sight led Pharaoh to his death, and to destruction of his city.

176Moses, with his faith, never did fear Pharaoh. See? He didn't care what Pharaoh said. He cared not about Pharaoh, no more than his mother and his daddy cared about their threats. When Moses was confirmed to him, and he was that person that was deliver the Egypt... or lead Israel out of Egypt, he never cared what Pharaoh said. He wasn't scared of him. Amen, amen, amen! You see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

177There is no fear in faith. Faith knows about it. Faith, as I've always said, it's got great big muscles, and hairs on the chest. Faith said, "Shut up!" and everybody shuts up. That's all. "I know where I'm at!"

The rest of them say, "Well, now, maybe he does." See?

178But you've got to stand up and show your muscles. That's all. Faith does it.

179 Notice, Moses never feared Pharaoh after God a vindicated his call. When Moses believed he was called for that, but when God told him up there, "It's so," and come down and showed before Pharaoh, and all the rest of them, that he was sent to do it, Moses never was scared of Pharaoh.

180Notice, Pharaoh used his wisdom on Moses, though. Watch. He said, "I'll tell you what, I--I'll make an agreement with you." After the plagues done eat him up, he said, "I'll make an agreement with you. You just go for a little worship, three days. Just go so far, and don't go no farther." But, you know, the... That was Pharaoh's senses told him that, see, "You just go so far, and don't go no farther."

181Haven't we got that kind today? "If you just join church, that's all right."

182 But, you know, the faith that Moses had didn't believe in a "so-far" religion. He said, "We're all going. We're going all the way. That's right. We're going to the promised land. We just don't go out here and make a denomination, and stop. We go on through." Amen. "I'm going on to the promised land. God promised us."

183How many Pharaohs have we got today standing in the pulpit, heads of organizations! "Now, if you just do this and do that, that's all. Well, see, just so far."

But Moses said, "Oh, no! No, no! No, no!" See?

184Pharaoh said, "Well, why not? If you're going to have that kind of religion, I'll tell you what you do, just you and the elders go worship, see. Just you and the elders go worship. Cause, you all can have that kind of religion, but don't get it among the people."

185 You know what Moses said? "There won't even be a hoof left behind. We're going all the way. We're all going! I'm not going unless they go. And, as long as I'm here, I'm on your hands." Amen. "I'm not going unless they can go too, and that's all." Oh, what a gallant servant! Amen. "I want to take them with me. Just because I've got it, and I sit down and say, 'Well, now, this is all right'? No, sir. We want the people, too. Every one of us is going." Amen. He said, "We ain't going to even leave every sheep, or anything, behind. There's not going be a hoof left back. We're all going to the promised land." Amen!

186"Every one of us! Whether you're a housewife, or whether you're a--a little maid, or whether you're an old woman, or a young man, or an old man, or whatever you are, we're going, anyhow. There isn't going to be one of us left." Amen. "Every one of us is going, and we ain't going to stop nothing else." That's right. My! Them religions was really in a debate there, wasn't it? Oh, my!

187No, Moses did not believe in this here "just so-far" religion. No, he didn't believe in that. Huh-uh. Yes, sir. Oh, my!

188We could stay all day on that, but I got to get to my text after a while and start preaching.

189 Notice, notice this, how beautiful! Oh, I love this. You know, finally, Pharaoh said, "Get out!" God just plagued him, with the voice of Moses. He struck everything. He done everything there was to be done. He stopped the... he put the sun down, in the middle of the day. He done everything else. He--he blackened the days. He brought frogs, fleas, lice, everything else, fire, smoke, and death to his families, and everything else. He done everything till, finally, Pharaoh had to say, "Get out! Take all you got, and go." Oh, my! Praise be to God!

190I'm so glad that a man can so completely serve God till he, the devil, don't know what to do with him. That's right. Just obeyed God so completely till the devil said, "Oh, my, get away! I--I don't want to hear it no more." That's right. You can do it, so completely.

191 See now, if--if God wouldn't have backed up Moses, then he would become a laughingstock. But God was right there, confirming. Everything he said, come to pass.

192And Pharaoh had to hold his position, 'cause he was a bishop, you know, so he--he had to stay there. He couldn't deny. He couldn't say no, because it was already happening. See? He couldn't--he couldn't deny it, 'cause it was already happening. So finally he said, "Oh, just get out! I don't want to hear you no more. Get out of here! Take all you got, and go!" Oh, my!

193 Now we find Moses, here, after God had done so much for him, and had showed him so many signs and wonders. Now, for the next fifteen minutes, let's lay this down here. And watch real close. Moses come to this spot where he...

194God had said, "I am with you. Your words is My Word. I've proved it to you, Moses. You, when there was no flies in the land, it was out of season, and you said, 'Let there come flies,' and there come flies." That's creation. Who can bring darkness over the earth, but God? He said, "'Let there be darkness,' and there was darkness. You said, 'Let there be frogs,'" and the frogs even got in Pharaoh's house, in the beds, and when they piled them up in great heaps. Creator! "And I have spoke through you, Moses, and--and made My Word create through your lips. I've made you actually a god before Pharaoh." Yes, sir. "I've done all this."

195And here they come to a place, a little trial come up, and Moses begin to cry, "What shall I do?"

196 I want you to notice. This is a great lesson here now. I love this, see. See, Moses, if we read here right, that Mo-... When, the children begin to get scared, they seen Pharaoh coming after, in the line of duty.

197God had performed everything perfectly. Now He started them on their journey. He's got the church together. They been called out. They come from every denomination. They all got together. Moses had went back there, and said, "Lord, what must I do?"

198He'd say, "Well, go do this." All right, go ahead. "Now, Moses, you know I've called you to do this."

"Yes, Lord."

199"All right, you go speak this, and it'll be," here come the flies. "Speak for this," and here it come. "Do this," here it come. Everything was THUS SAITH THE LORD, THUS SAITH THE LORD, THUS SAITH THE LORD! Now he gets into a trouble...

200 And God said, "Now I've got them started on their journey. They're all done called out. The church is together, so I've got them on their journey. Now, Moses, take them on over. I've told you to. I'm going to sit down and rest a while."

201Moses said, "O Lord, look coming, here comes Pharaoh! The people are all... What must I do? What must I do?" See there, isn't that just human beings? Yes, sir. Begin to cry, "What must I do?"

202Here we see Moses expressingly, fully human nature, always wants God to get behind you and push you into something. Now, that's us today. You want God, after we've seen all we've seen, yet you want God to push you to do something. See?

203Moses had just laxed around, said, "God, I'll go ask You, see what You say. Yeah, yeah, You say it. Well, all right, I'll say it, too." See?

204But here God had ordained him for the job, proved that He was with him. And here he is, the circumstance comes up, and then he begins to cry, "What can I do? Lord, what can I do?"

205 Now you remember, he had already prophesied here, for he said, "These Egyptians that you see today, you'll see no more." And then immediately begin to cry out, "God, what can we do?" See? After he done done a pretty good job in prophesying there. You see, he done told them what would happen. If the Word of God was in him, It was in him. And when he was telling that, it actually come to pass. What he said was already going to come to pass, and here he was crying out, "What am I going to do?"

206Oh, if that isn't human beings! If that isn't me! If that isn't me! See?

207He had already proved, "What you say will happen. I'm with you."

208And here a circumstance rose in a moment. "What must I do? What must I do, Lord? Hey, Lord, where are You at? Hey, do You hear me? What must I do?" And He had already ordained him, and a vindicated him, and proved and worked everything through him. And here, "God?" Oh, my! Fully expressing, man wants to rest and let God do the pushing.

209 And, yet, he knew that God had anointed him for this job, to do this, and God had clearly a vindicated his claims. It was time for the people to be delivered. God, through his miracles and wonders, had drawed them all together in one group. You follow me? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Brought them all together in one group, vindicated his claims. Scripture said so; here was the sign, here was the evidence here, everything that he said. Then he come among them as a prophet. Ever, whatever he said, God honored it, even to create and bring up flies, and brought things in existence. And everything that He had promised him, here He done it.

210But he wanted to wait on THUS SAITH THE LORD. See? He should have known that the very vindication of his call was THUS SAITH THE LORD. His job that he was ordained to was THUS SAITH THE LORD. Can you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."] Hum! Why did he wait on THUS SAITH THE LORD?

211 He wanted, "Lord, what can I do? Here I've brought these children out here, this far. Here is the circumstance, Pharaoh is coming. They're all going to die. What must I do? What must I do?" Hum! Hum!

212He had already predicted what they was going to do. He had already told just exactly what, to do it. He predicted the end of the very nation he was brought up in. I hope you understand. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? Moses had already said, "You'll not see them anymore. God is going to destroy them. They've made fun of you long enough. God will destroy them." He had already predicted what would happen to them.

213Then, "Lord, what must I do?" See the human nature there? See? "What must I do? I'm going to wait for THUS SAITH THE LORD." Yes, sir. "I'll see what the Lord says, then I'll do it." Huh!

214Remember, there was a pharaoh had raised up that didn't know Joseph, you know, in that time, right at that time. See? See? And Moses stood right up and predicted the end of that nation.

215 And here he was right to the place where it was to be happening, then he cries out, "What must I do, Lord? What must I do?" See? Isn't that human beings? Isn't that just human nature? "What shall I do?" Huh!

216He was already, prophesied. God had honored everything he said, and he was called for the job, so why did he have to say, "What must I do?" There was a need; it was just up to him to speak for it. God wanted Moses to put that gift of faith, that He had given him, to work. God had vindicated it. It was the Truth. And God wanted Moses, wanted the people to see that He was with Moses.

217And he, back there, he waited, say, "Now, Lord, I'm just a baby. Let You tell me now."

"Yeah, I'll go do this. I got THUS SAITH THE LORD."

"Brother, is that THUS SAITH THE LORD?"

218"Yes, yes," Brother Moses, "that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Yeah."

219"Okay, we got it now, THUS SAITH THE LORD." And it happened. Never failed one time. Never did fail.

220And here it is in the circumstances, comes up again. Now He's got him on the journey. The church is already called out, got them on the journey, and they're moving up. And Moses started crying out, "Lord, is it THUS SAITH THE LORD? What must I do?" All right.

221 God wanted Moses to have faith, that He had put in, in the gift that He had clearly a--a vindicated. God had clearly proved to Moses and the people that it was Him, by the Word and by the things that was said come to pass. It was clearly identified. There was no need of him worrying any more about it. See? There was no more of him thinking anything about it, because it was already cleared up. He had already done these things. And he had already proved, by flies and fleas, that he spoke things into creation, that the Word of God was in him.

222So here he is going to ask now what to do, when the circumstances lays right before him. See? Oh, my!

223I hope this goes way down to us, and we can see where we're at. See? Don't it make you feel about that big? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Thinking about Moses telling his faults, and look at ours. Yeah. See?

224 Here he was, standing there, see, knowed that the Scriptures said that that was the hour and day for that to happen, and knowed that God had met him in a Pillar of Fire. And It went right down before the people and performed these miracles. And everything he said, it come to pass, even to bringing things into creation. Doing the things that only God could do, showing that his voice was God's Voice.

225And here was the circumstance with that people that he was raising up, bringing on to the promised land, and then was standing, crying, "What must I do?" That's a human being, want to just...

226As Brother Roy Slaughter, I believe he is sitting outside the door there, told me one time, about somebody doing something to me. And I said, "Well, I did this, and now is that."

227He said, "Brother Branham, let them lean on your shoulder today, and tomorrow you pack them." And that's just the way human beings is. Lean on your shoulder today, and tomorrow you pack them.

228That's it, that's what Moses was doing. God had to pack him along after He ordained him and proved it to do it. And the people ought to have said, "Moses, say the word. I seen you do it there. God honored you there, and you're the same one today." Amen. See? "Do it!" Amen. He ought to have knowed it, but he didn't. All right. Just as it was then, so is it now. We find out, that. So He said, "Mo-..."

229 God must just a-got enough of it. God must've a-got fed up on it. He said, "Why are you crying to Me about? Haven't I already proved My identification? Haven't I told you that I sent you for the job? Didn't I tell you to go do this? Didn't I promise that I'd do this; that I'd be with your mouth, and I'd speak through you and I'd do this, and you'd show signs and wonders? Didn't I promise to do it? Have not I did just exactly, and destroyed every enemy from around you? And here you are standing out here now, at the Red Sea, right in the line of duty, what I told you to do, and then still hollering and crying to Me. Don't you believe Me? Can't you see that I've sent you to do this?" Oh, if that isn't human being! My! So He just must a-got pretty well fed up on it.

230 And He said, "You know you have need of it. You know if you're going to take these children over to that promised land. That's exactly. You're penned up here in a corner. There ain't nothing else you can do. So there's a need. What are you crying to Me about? What you looking at Me for? What you calling on Me about? Haven't I proved it to the people? Haven't I proved it to you? Haven't I called it? Isn't it Scriptural? Didn't I promise to take this people to that land? Didn't I call you and tell you I would do it? Didn't I call and say I had sent you to do it, that it wasn't you, it was Me? And I'd go down and I'd be with your lips, and whatever you said, I'd a vindicate it and prove it. Haven't I done it?

231"Then, when any little thing comes up, why you act like a baby? You ought to be a man. Speak to the people," amen, "then move forward!" Amen. There you are. "Don't cry. Speak!" Amen. Oh, I like that. "Why you crying to Me about? Just speak to the people and go forward to your objective. Whatever it is, if it's sickness, or whatever it is, to raise the dead, or whatever it is, speak! I've proved it. Speak to the people."

232 What a lesson! What a lesson, oh, my, at this stage of the journey where we are standing. Look where we're at now, yes, sir, at the Third Pull. Notice, we're right here at the door, of the Coming of the Lord.

233He was anointed for the job, and still waiting for THUS SAITH THE LORD. God must just have got enough of it. He said, "Don't cry any more. Speak! I sent you."

234O God, what this Church ought to be this morning! With God's perfect vindication, with the Pillar of Fire and the signs and the wonders, everything just like it was in the days of Sodom. He said it would return back.

235Here is the world in its condition. There is the nation in its condition. There is the women in the condition. There is the man in the condition. There is the church in the condition. There is everything. The elements, the signs, flying saucers and everything in the skies, and all kind of mysterious things, and the sea a-roaring, tidal waves, man's heart failing, fear, perplexed of time, distress between nations, the church falling away.

236 And the man of sin rising up, who upholds himself above all; who is called God, he that sitteth in a temple of God, showing himself, oh, my, and has come to this nation. And the church has organized, and all of them gathered together, as harlots to the whore, and everything exactly in the way whoredom.

237Whoredom, what is it? Telling women they can cut their hair, telling women they can wear shorts, tell men they can do this and they can do that; and the preachers, they do this, and a social gospel and things. Don't you see, it's committing adultery with the true Word of God!

238And God has sent us His true Word, undenominational, no strings tied to It, and give us the Pillar of Fire, the Holy Ghost that's been with us now for thirty years. And everything that He has predicted and said, come to pass exactly the way He did it.

239 Speak to the people, and let's go forward. Amen. We got an objective, that's Glory. Let's move to It. We're heading to the promised Land. "All things are possible to them that believe." "Speak to the people. Haven't I proved it. Haven't I even had My picture made among you, and everything else, and done everything that could be done, to prove that I'm with you? Doesn't the magazines, just a few weeks ago, pack the article, when you said here at the pulpit what would take place out here, and three months beforehands, and there it went taking place and vindicate? Even the science knows about it. And everything that I've done, and you're still waiting. Speak to the people and go forward to your objective." Amen.

240Didn't Nathan tell David? Nathan, the prophet, one time sitting, seeing David the anointed king, he said, "Do all that's in your heart, for God is with you." Told David, "Do all that's in your heart. God is with you."

241 Joshua was anointed to take the land for God and for his people. The day was short. He needed more time for the job that he was anointed and commissioned to do. Joshua, a man, he was anointed. God told him, "As I was with Moses, I'll be with you." Amen. "That land, I'm going to give it to them. And I want you to go over there and clean out the Amalekites, and--and the Hit-... All--all the others, the Philistines and--and the Perizzites, and all the different ones, clean them out. I'm with you. I'll... No man will stand before you, all the days of your life. No man can bother you. Go on in there."

And Joshua drawed that sword and said, "Follow me!"

242And he got over there, and here he was fighting. And what was it? He routed the enemy. They were little bunches here and little bunches there. When nighttime come, they would all get together and garrison together, and come with a big force against him. And the sun was going down. He needed more light. The sun was going down. He didn't fall on his knees and say, "Lord God, what shall I do? What shall I do?" He spoke! He had a need. He said, "Sun, stand still!" He didn't cry to nothing. He commanded, "Sun, stand still! I've got a need of this. I'm the servant of the Lord, anointed for this job, and I got a need. Stand still, and don't you shine... And, moon, you hang where you're at," till he fought the battle through and whipped the whole thing down. And the sun obeyed him.

243 No crying out. He spoke to the sun, said, "You stand still. Sun, hang there! And, moon, you stay where you're at." He didn't cry out, "Lord, now what can I do? Give me some more sunlight." He had need of sunlight, so he commanded it, and the sun obeyed him. Oh, my! He commanded the sun to stand still.

244Samson, anointed, raised up, ordained of God, given a gift of power, was ordained to destroy the nation of the Philistines. Ordained, born on the earth, anointed of God, to destroy the Philistines. And one day they caught him out in the field, without his sword, without a spear. And a thousand of those armored Philistines run upon him at one time. Did he get down and say, "O Lord, I'm waiting for a vision? O Lord, what must I do? Direct me now what to do"? He knowed he had a need. He found nothing but an old jawbone of a mule, and he beat down a thousand Philistines. Amen!

245He never cried to God. He used his anointed gift. He knowed that he was sent for the job. He knowed he was born for that. He knowed he was anointed with a gift, and he beat down a thousand Philistines. He didn't cry to God. God ordained him and vindicated that he was, by other things that he had done. And he was a vindicated, anointed servant of God, to destroy the Philistines, and he did it. No matter what the circumstances was, he did it. He never asked nothing. That was his job. That, God was dealing through him; picked up that mule bone and go to beating Philistines. How the...

246 Why, one lick with that thing, across one of them inch-and-a-half brass skulls like that, would have shattered that bone into a million pieces. And he beat a thousand of them down, and killed them, and still stood with it in his hand.

247Didn't ask no questions. He didn't cry out. He spoke. He routed them. Oh, my! "Take the Philistine, can I take the Philistines, Lord? I--I know You sent me to do it, Lord. Yes, Lord, I know You sent me to destroy this nation of the Philistines. Now here, a thousand of them around me, and I ain't got nothing. What, what am I going to do now, Lord?" Oh, my! Nothing going to bother him. He's anointed for the work. There is nothing can harm you. No, not one thing. Hallelujah! He just took what he had and beat into them. That's right.

248 When the enemy fenced him in, said, "Now we get him in the walls, we got him now. We got him on the inside here with this woman. Now we got the door shut, all around everywhere, and he can't get out. We got him."

249Samson didn't cry out, "O Lord, they got me all fenced in with this denomination." Huh! "Uh, what am I going to do? I've joined up with them. What am I going to do?" He never did that.

250He just walked out, and pulled down the gate, and put it on his shoulder, and walked away with it. Amen! He was anointed for the job. He was called of God. Didn't fence him in. No, indeedy! He took the gates with him. He didn't pray about it. He didn't ask God whether to do it or not. It was right in the line of duty. Amen, amen, amen! Right in the line of duty. "Why cry to Me? Speak, and go on!" Amen! "Don't cry. Speak!" He done quit whining and whimpering now. Ought to be old enough to speak. That's right. He knew his anointed gift of power could destroy any Philistine that stood before him. Amen.

251 But we don't know that, you see. We're still little babies, and with a bottle in our mouth.

252He knew it, he knowed that God raised him up for that purpose, and there was nothing going to stand before him, all the days of his life. Nothing could destroy him. He was raised for that purpose, like Moses was. Nothing going to stop him. No Amalekites or nothing else can stop him. He's on the road to the promised land. Samson knew he was on the road.

253Joshua know he was taking the land. He was a vindicated. God's Word promised it, and the Holy Ghost was there vindicating it.

254 He was on his road, so there was nothing going to stand in his way. No, sir. Right in the line of duty, with God, there was nothing going to stand in his way. So he just picked up the gates and put them on his shoulder, weighed about four or five tons, and walked up on top of the hill and sat down on them. Nothing going to stand in his way. He had an anointed gift from God. He didn't have to cry out, "Lord, what must I do now?" He was already anointed to do it. That was THUS SAITH THE LORD, "Get rid of them!" Hallelujah! "Get rid of them! I've raised you up for that purpose." Amen.

255"What must I do, Lord? Uh, what am I going to do here at the Red Sea?"

256"Didn't I tell you that I gave you a mountain for a sign out here? You are coming back to that mountain, and you're going to take these children to the land. Didn't I call you for that purpose? What are you worried about anything else stand in the way? Speak, and start moving!" Amen and amen! "Yeah, I called you for this purpose."

257 David, he knew he was anointed, and was a vindicated to be a good shot. He knowed that they knowed he was a good shot. David was anointed. He know it. And when he stood before Goliath, he never cried, "O God, what must I do now? Wait, must I--I... I know what You did in the times past. You, You let me kill a bear, and You let me kill a lion. But what about this Goliath out there?" Huh! He never did that. He just spoke. What did he say? "You will be like they were, in your eyes." He spoke and went forward.

258He never prayed a prayer. He never offered nothing. He knowed he was anointed. Amen. He was anointed, and that slingshot had proved the right kind of a thing. He had faith in his anointing. He had faith that God could direct that rock right straight in the middle of that helmet there, where the only place could be hit. He was standing there.

259 He knowed he was a good shot. Amen. He knowed God made him that. Amen. He knowed he had killed a lion, he knowed he had killed a bear, but that was with his earthly father's possession. Here is his Heavenly Father's possession! Amen. He didn't get down, "Must... What must I do now, Lord?" He spoke and said, "You will be like the lion and the bear, and here I come." Amen! Glory to God! Yes, sir. He spoke and went forward to meet this Goliath. Oh, my!

260Regardless of his size! He was a little, ruddy-looking fellow, you know. He wasn't very big. He wasn't very handsome to look at, little bitty drawed-up sort of a fellow. The Bible said he was ruddy. Now, regardless of his size and his so-called ability to do so.

261You know, the--the bishop told him, said, "Now look here, son, that man is a theologian. See, he is a fighter. He was born a fighter and he's a... He's been a fighter, from his youth; and you're no match for him." And his brothers said, "Oh, you naughty thing. Come out here to do such a thing as that, get on back home."

262That didn't bother him. Why? He knew he was anointed. "The God that delivered me from that lion, the God that delivered me from the paws of that bear, He'll more than that, deliver me from that Philistine. Here I come. I meet you in the Name of the Lord God of Israel." Amen. Didn't pray through; he was already prayed through. God prayed him through before the foundation of the world. He was anointed for the job. He had to speak and go forward. That's all there was to do about it, just speak and go forward. Oh, that's all there was to it. Oh! He didn't...

263 About his denominational brothers, them scoffers standing there, too, you know. Oh, yes. They were standing there saying, scoffing and making fun, and saying... His brothers, you know, and say, "Ah, ah, ah, you can't. You, you're just naughty." That didn't move him a bit. "You want to be different from somebody else. You just want to show off." If that had been showing off, it'd a-been so. But they only looked at the intellectual side.

264David knowed the anointing oil was on him. Amen. Didn't make any difference to him. He said, "That Philistine will be like the bear and lion, so here I come." He predicted it before it happened. What did he do? He killed the bear. He killed the lion. He knocked the lion down with... What with? With the--with the slingshot, and took a knife, and then the bear. Lion, he killed the lion with a knife. That's the same thing he done Goliath. He knocked him down with a rock, and pulled up his sword, and cut his own head off, right there before it. What did he predict before it happens? "And you will be as they are." Why? He spoke the word that it would be, and then went forward to make it be fulfilled. Amen. Oh, brother! He spake, and took over the situation that day.

265 If there ever was a time that man should speak, it's now. Closing, just the next few minutes if you can just bear a few minutes longer. I got some more things wrote down here, some Scriptures I want to get to.

266Peter never cried, when he found a man that had faith enough to be healed, laying at the gate called Beautiful. He never got down and had an all-night's prayer, and, or an all-day's prayer, a big, long prayer, and said, "Lord, I pray You now that You'll help this poor lame man. I see that he's got faith. I know he's a believer. And I've asked him, and he--he... I--I--I... He said he had faith, he would believe what I told him. And I've told him about the... about what You did, and I--I just think now, Lord, that--that... Can You give me a THUS SAITH THE LORD for him?"

267No, he knew that he was anointed apostle. He knowed that Jesus Christ commissioned him. "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils. As freely as you received, freely give." He said, "Peter, go do that!" He didn't have to pray through. He was commissioned.

268 What did he say? He said, "In the Name of Jesus Christ!" He spoke the Name of Jesus Christ, and the man just laid there. And he picked him up by the hand, and said, "Stand up on your feet!" And he held him there till his ankle bones got strength, and he started walking. Why? He never had an all-night's prayer meeting. He never cried out to God. He knew positive, from the lips of Jesus Christ, he was anointed for this work. Yeah. He spake and raised him up, for he knowed he was anointed apostle for the purpose.

269The people that laid in his shadow never said, "Oh, come, apostle Peter, and cry over us, and pray the prayer of faith for us, to God." No, no, they never said that. They knew he was anointed and a vindicated apostle of God. So they said, "Just let us lay in his shadow. You don't have to say a word. We know it. We believe it." Life within them! The apostle couldn't get to them all. And they, themselves, they're a part of it.

270 Moses said, "It's just not me going. We're all going." We all got something to do. We've all got to be anointed.

271And they seen that apostle standing there, and seen him heal the sick man and do the things he did. They know he couldn't get to them. Said, they never said, "Peter, come and--and offer prayer, and wait now until you got THUS SAITH THE LORD, and come tell me. See what the Lord says." They said, "If we can only lay in his shadow, because the very God that was in Jesus Christ is in him, and we see the same thing doing. So they touched the border of Jesus' garment and laid in His shadow, and Jesus is in this man. If that shadow can reflect upon us, we'll be healed."

272And the Bible said every one of them was healed. No all-night's prayer meeting, saying, "Lord, if I go lay in the shadows of this apostle?" No, they knew it. The Light had struck them. Their hearts was full. Their faith was let loose. Amen. They believed it. They had seen it. Paul's hankies, the same way.

Now, in closing.

273 Jesus never cried when they brought the maniac boy to Him, that had epilepsy, falling into the fire. He never said, "Father, I'm Your Son, and now You sent Me here to do so-and-so, and so. Can I heal this boy?" He never said. He said, "Come out of him, Satan!" He spoke, and the boy was made well.

274When He met Legion, with two thousand devils in him, it wasn't Jesus a crying. It was the devils a crying, "If You're going to cast us out," oh, my, "suffer us to go in that herd of swine."

275Jesus never said, "Now, Father, am I able to do this?" He said, "Come out of him," and the devils took their flight. Sure, He knowed He was the Messiah.

276 At the grave of Lazarus, he had been dead four days. They said, "If You would have been here, Lord, he would not have died."

277He said, "I am the resurrection and Life." Amen! Not where, when, or how. "He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." Amen. He knowed Who He was. He knowed what He was. He knowed that He was Emmanuel. He knowed He was the resurrection. He knowed He was Life. He knowed that in Him dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He seen them little people there, and He had seen that what God had told Him then to do, and there He was. He went down there.

278He never said, "Now, wait, I'll kneel down here. All of you kneel down and pray." He said, "You believe that I am able to do this?" Amen. He asked for it.

279It wasn't Him; it was them. "Yea, Lord, I believe that You're the Son of God that was to come into the world." Oh, my! There He is identified. Something has got to happen.

280"Lazarus, come forth!" He spoke, and a dead man come forth. Not, "can I?" He just spoke. When the faith was met, the thing happened.

281 He speak, He spoke, and the blind saw, the lame walked, the deaf heard, devils screamed and come out, the dead was raised up, everything. Why? He didn't pray through. He was anointed the Messiah. He was that Messiah. He knew He was. He knew His position. He knowed what He was sent to do. He knowed that the Father had identified Him to be the Messiah, to the believer. And when he met that believer with faith, He just spoke the Word. Devils scattered. Yes, Sir. "Speak! Don't cry. Speak!" Amen.

282And He knew His God-given rights, but we don't. He knew what He was. We don't.

283Moses had forgot. Samson understood. Others understood. Joshua understood. Moses forgot. God had to call his attention to it. He said, "Why you crying to Me? I sent you to do the job. Speak, and go on to your objective. I told you you'd come to this mountain. Take them children and lead them on. Just speak. I don't care what's in your way, move it out of the way. I give you authority to do it. I spoke... You've spoke flies and fleas, and creation, and things like that. Now what are you hollering to Me about? Why you coming to Me, hollering these things? Just speak and watch it move, that's all." Oh, my! Oh, how I love it!

284 Here, Jesus, everything that He said, He just spoke the Word, and it was so. God properly had a vindicated Him to be His Son. "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm well pleased. Hear ye Him."

285Watch Him. I like this. How bravely, how majestically He stood before His critics. Amen. He said, "Destroy this temple, and I'll pray the Father and see what He does about it"? "Destroy this temple, and I'll raise it up again, in three days." Not, "I hope to; I'm going to try to." "I will do it!" Why? The Scripture said so.

286The same Scripture that said He would raise up His body, give us the authority, the Power. Amen! "In My Name they shall cast out devils, they'll speak with new tongues; if they take up serpents, or drink deadly things, it won't harm them; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

"Why cry unto Me? Speak, and go forward." Oh, bravely I...

"Destroy this temple, I'll raise it up again." Oh!

287 And remember now, (we're closing), it was that same He. It was He that said, in John 14:12, the... "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It was He that said so.

288It was Jesus, in Mark 11:24, that said, "If you say to this mountain," not if you pray to this mountain. "If you say to this mountain, 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." Now you, if you say it just presumptuously, it won't happen. But if something in you, that's you're--you're anointed for the job, and will know that it's the will of God to do it, and will say it, it's got to happen. "If ye..."

289It was He that said this. "If ye abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, ask what you will and it shall be done to you." Oh, my! Oh, my! You see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

290 Pardon this, but it's just coming up in me. I got to say it. It was He that said, that day up there, inside of that woods, "You have no game." And He created three squirrels standing there before us. What is it? Just speaking the word, say, "They'll be there, and there, and there," and there they was. It was He that did that.

291Charlie, Rodney, It was He down there in Kentucky; and Nellie, Margie, and the rest of you. It was He, that same God that was back there and spoke to Moses, said, "Why do you cry to Me? Speak the word!" It was He that brought them into existence. It's He. It's Him. Oh, my!

292It was He that give the vision about a year ago, that said we would go over there, and these Seven Seals, and how there would be a--a--a--a great thunder that would start it off, and they would be in the shape of a pyramid. And there the Look mag-... Life magazine's packed it, hanging on the wall in there. It was He that said that.

293 It was He, that night when I was going down that road and seen that big mamba snake about to get my brother. And He said, "You've give... been given Power to bind him, or any of the rest of them." It was He that said that.

294To my little gray-headed wife sitting back there: It was He that morning, that woke me up there in the room, and stand in the corner, said, "Don't fear to do anything, or go anywhere, or say anything, for the never-failing Presence of Jesus Christ is with you wherever you go."

295It was He up yonder in Sabino Canyon, about three months ago, when I was praying, wondering what was going to happen. I was standing there, and a sword dropped in my hand, and said, "This is the King's Sword." It was He.

296It was He that said to me, "As I was with Moses, so I'll send you."

297 It was He that said to me, thirty years ago, down on the river yonder, as a little boy. Standing there as a little preacher, on the river, thirty years ago, standing there when that Light, the same Pillar of Fire, come down from the heavens and stood there, and said, "As I sent John the Baptist to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message shall forerun the Second Coming," to all the world. How could it be, when my own pastor laughed and made fun of it? But it happened just exactly that way. It was He that said it. Yes, sir!

298Oh, how it was He that said in prophecy, to the vision, "It shall come to pass." It was He that said, "If one among you prophesies, or sees a vision, and tells it, and it comes to pass; then remember it's not him, it's Me. I am with him." Oh, my! What could I go on, and say it's He, it's He, it's He!

299 It's He that come down, when I told them that the Pillar of Fire was down there on the river, and they couldn't believe it. It was He down there amongst, when that Baptist preacher, before thirty thousand people that night, in the Sam Houston Colosseum, when that Angel of the Lord had His picture taken, standing there. It was He, the same yesterday, today, and forever.

300It was He that foretold where these things to be. It was He that said this. It was He that done these things. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's done everything just exactly like He said He would do it. Amen.

301Why should I wait? God has a vindicated the Word. It's the Truth. Let's journey. Let's walk. Let's go on the walk of the Lord, laying aside all doubts, all sins. Clean up the house, scrub it up.

302As Junior Jackson's vision said, there wasn't nothing left but lamps; or his dream, if he's sitting here. Nothing left but lamps, and they had gold bands around them, in the dream that he give me the other night. Oh, my!

303 Brother Collins, don't worry about that fish. It was white. You just didn't know how to handle it.

304Lay aside everything else contrary to It. Remember, this is Truth, regardless of how fanatically It seems, and everything else, sometimes. Move right on with It. It's the Holy Spirit. The same God that raised up Jesus Christ from the dead, the same One that can speak things into existence, the same One that lived in the days of Moses, is the same today.

305His call in this last day, He's a vindicated. "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." He's done... There is Sodom down there. There is a Billy Graham and an Oral Roberts out there. And the Church is moving on, by the same signs that He promised, both places, and there they are. It's He that said it.

306O Lord, give me courage, is my prayer. Help me, O Lord God.

I have to quit here. It's getting late.

307 "Why cry to Me? Why are you crying to Me, when I've proved to be with you? Haven't I healed your sick," He'd say? "Haven't I told you things that happened just exactly? Your pastor can't do that. Me! He can't; he's a man. It's Me, the Lord," that He would say. "I'm the One that did this. I'm the One that tells him these things to say. It's not him. It's My Voice. I'm the One that raises up your dead when they drop down. I'm the One that heals the sick. I'm the One that foretells these things. I'm the One that does the saving. I'm the One that give the promise."

308God, give me courage to take that Sword of the Word that He put in my hand about thirty-three years ago, and hold it and march forward to the Third Pull, is my prayer.

Let's bow our heads.

309 Heavenly Father, the hour is growing late, but the Word is getting precious. As we see it, Lord, time after time, never-failing Presence of Christ always meets with us. How I thank You for Your goodness! How You've spared us and been... and blessed us, how we thank You for it!

310As I hold these handkerchiefs in my hand, Lord, it's people that has faith, that believes This. May every devil, every sickness depart from them people. And I charge every spirit in here; that's foul, and not of God, every spirit of sickness, all diseases and afflictions. We're not laying in the shadow of man, which would be all right, but we're in the shadow of the Gospel, vindicated Gospel.

311As the great Pillar of Fire moves back and forth through this building, the same One that God looked down through, and the Red Sea give up its course, and Israel passed through. But now as He looks, it's sprinkled with the Blood of His Own Son, when mercy and grace. May we be obedient. May we today quit saying, crying out. May we realize that You've called us for this work. This is the hour. I speak it in the Name of Jesus Christ, let every sickness depart from this place.

312 May every man and woman, that calls on the Name of Jesus Christ, consecrate their life anew today. I consecrate mine, Lord, upon the altar of prayer. I lay myself down, and shame my ownself and turn my head towards the ground from where You took me. Lord God, I'm ashamed of my weakness and my unbelief. Forgive it, Lord. Give me courage. Give us all courage.

313I feel, like Moses, we're all on our road out. We don't want to leave one. We want to take every one, Lord. They're Yours. I claim them for You. Bless this people today, Lord. Grant it. And bless me, with them, Father, and Thy Name shall be praised. Thy glory shall be Thine. Give us this Eternal faith, Lord, as we consecrate ourselves to Thee now.

314 Me, over this Bible and over this stand, I give You my life, Lord. I'm depending on every promise that You give. I know they will be confirmed. I know they are Truth. Give me courage to speak these Words. Give me courage, Lord. Direct me in what I shall do and say. I give myself to You, with this church, along with it, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

My faith... up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

Saviour Divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sins away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

315Now let us stand, real quietly, as we hum it. [Brother Branham and congregation begins to hum, My Faith Looks Up To Thee--Ed.]

... to Thee,

Thou Lamb...

Let's just raise our hands to Him now.

O Saviour...

Consecrate yourselves to God now.

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my doubts away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

316 Now together, with our hands up. [Congregation repeats this prayer, after Brother Branham--Ed.] Lord Jesus, [Lord Jesus,] I now [I now] consecrate myself to Thee, [consecrate myself to Thee,] a life of service, [a life of service,] more purely, [more purely,] more faith, I cry, [more faith, I cry,] that I [that I] might be a more acceptable servant [might be a more acceptable servant] in my coming life, [in my coming life,] than I have been [than I have been] in the life that's passed. [in the life that's passed.] Forgive my unbelief, [Forgive my unbelief,] and restore to us [and restore to us] the Faith [the Faith] that was once delivered to the saints. [that was once delivered to the saints.] I give myself to Thee, [I give myself to Thee,] in the Name of Jesus Christ. [in the Name of Jesus Christ.]

317Now as we bow our heads.

While life's dark maze I tread,

And grief around me spread,

Be Thou my Guide;

Bid darkness turn to day,

Wash all my fears away,

Nor let me ever stray

From Thee aside.

318 As we bow our heads now. You feel like that the morning Message has done you good? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Give you courage? ["Amen."] If you would, just raise your hands to God, saying, "God, I thank You." ["God, I thank You."] I got both my hands up, because I just feel so that it's--it's helped me. It's give me courage.

319Some things I said, I didn't think I was going to say it, but it's already said. It was a rebuke to me. I found myself not in the way that I thought I did, but I found myself guilty of crying out all the time, instead of speaking.

320God, help me, from this hour on, that I'll be a more consecrated servant.

321Not only me I pray for. I pray for you, also, that, together, as a Body of Christ, called out from the world, making ready for the promised Land, that God will give me courage to speak the way, make the way clear that you won't miss the trail. I'll tell, you by the grace of God, I'll follow the Bloody footprints of Him Who went on before us.

And this consecrated cross I'll bear,

Until death shall set me free,

And then go Home, a crown to wear,

There is a crown for me.

322We give this to Thee, Father, our consecration, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Amen.

323[A brother begins to speak in another tongue.]

324 We thank the Lord for this. Walk a consecrated life. Give yourself over, to sweetness, humility. Walk in the Spirit. Walk, talk, dress, act like Christians, humble and sweet. Don't let this fail now. The Voice of God speaks through the Word, speaks through gifts. As one gift comes, another one expresses it, another gift comes and expresses the same thing. See, that's sure right with the Word and right with the hour. God is with us. How we thank Him for it! Now if our...

325With our heads bowed, if our sister would give us the chord on:

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

And when temptations around you gather,

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

326Just, just do that, speak the Word and speak His Name. Let's sing now as we--as we're being dismissed.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield... and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Oh, take it everywhere you go.

Precious Name...

327Now let's shake one another's hands, and say, "I'll pray for you, brother, and you pray for me."

... Heaven;

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy...

328Now with our heads bowed, let's sing this next verse.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

When temptations round you gather,

Breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, precious Name; O how sweet! O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

329 With our heads bowed now, and our hearts with it, with the realization that Jesus said, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life and shall not come up in the Judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." Knowing that we, by the grace of God, possess that within our bosom; with a consecration to Him this morning, that our lives shall change, from this day on, that we'll be more positive in our thinking. We will try to live in such sweetness and humility, that, believing that what we ask God, God will give it to each other. And we will not speak evil against each other, or no man. We shall pray for our enemies and love them, do good to them that do bad to us. God is the Judge of who is right and wrong. With the...

330On the basis of this, and our heads bowed, I'm going to ask our good friend, Brother Lee Vayle, if he'll dismiss the audience in a word of prayer. Brother Vayle.

1Nech ťa Pán žehná! Zostaňme ešte na chvíľu stáť a skloňme hlavy. Máte nejakú zvláštnu prosbu? Ak máte, dajte to vedieť tým že pozdvihnete svoje ruky k Bohu a skrze to poviete: "Pane , Ty poznáš moje potreby."

2Nebeský Otče, sme skutočne privilegovaní ľudia, dnes ráno, že môžeme byť zhromaždení v dome Božom, zatiaľ čo vieme, že je tak mnoho tých, ktorí by chceli byť dnes ráno v Božom dome ale sú v nemocniciach a ležia nemocní v posteli a Ty si nám dal toto privilégium, že tu dnes môžeme byť. A my sme vôbec neprišli kvôli tomu, Pane, aby sme len videli jeden druhého, hoci milujeme svoje obecenstvo jeden s druhým, ale my to môžeme mať v našich domoch; ale my sme sem prišli, aby sme mali obecenstvo s Ním, ktorý nás dal dokopy ako milované deti a bratia.

3Ďakujeme Ti teraz. A ten jediný spôsob, ktorý poznáme, aby sme skutočne mohli mať s Tebou obecenstvo, je okolo Tvojho Slova; Tvoje Slovo je pravda. Zišli sme sa tu pre duchovné posilnenie; potrebujeme to, Pane. Musíme mať silu, aby sme zniesli kríže, ktoré nesieme. Modlíme sa, aby si dnes poslal toho veľkého Svätého Ducha a všetkých nás zmocnil. Odpovedz na prosby svojho ľudu, ktorý sa zhromaždili a pozdvihli ku Tebe ruky, že majú také a také potreby. Odpovedz každému jednému, Pane.

4Ďakujeme Ti, že si minulej noci zachoval život našej sestry Ungren, pri tej havárii tam na ceste. Bol si im tak milostivý, Pane a ďakujeme Ti za to. A teraz sa modlíme, nebeský Otče, aby si naďalej zostával s nami, keď sa vydávame na cestu, každý jeden z nás. Daj nám Svoju posilňujúcu moc a vieru do toho, aby sme poznali, že Tvoja prítomnosť, ktorá nikdy nesklame bude s nami. V tejto hodine, keď si sami nevieme pomôcť, vieme, že anjeli Boží táboria okolo tých, ktorí sa Ho boja a oni nás budú niesť, aby sme si neurazili nohu o kameň. A prosíme teraz, aby si nám ku tomu Slovu udelil Svojho požehnania a hovor cez nás - v nás, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

5Som vďačný, že sa vyčasilo a že je pekne a svieti slnko. Dnes ráno bolo veľmi špatne a myslím, že zvlášť v tomto kraji, sme mali také pochmúrne, únavné počasie; a vidieť, že svieti slnko, že vychádza, to je veľmi dobre.

6Toto malé rodinné stretnutie dnes - stretol som svojich bratov v dome mojej sestry a niektorých naši príbuzných z okolia mesta i dookola ... Je to veľká skupina Branhamovcov, keď sa všetci spolu zídu z Kentucky a z tadiaľto, myslím že by sme museli prenajať to mesto; tak mnoho ich je. Ale len také malé zájdenie si domov ... Zvykli sme sa všetci schádzať v maminom dome a ona bola tým najstarším oporným bodom, ktorý nás držal pokope, také niečo. Ale Boh vzal ten oporný bod do neba a ja dúfam, že všetci sa tam jedného dňa stretneme.

7Nuž povedal som nedávno - vravel som: "Viete, myslím, že skrátim svoje nedeľné posolstvá na dvadsať alebo tridsať minút a potom sa budeme modliť za chorých." A rozmýšľal som dnes ráno o tom.

8A rozmýšľal som o tom minulú noc, keď ma volala sestra Dowing a hovorila že - volala Billymu a povedala, že ona a sestra Ungren dostali na ceste šmyk a havarovali. A zatiaľ čo Billy bol stále pri okne, ... (neviem koľko bolo hodín, možno že nejako nad ránom; bol som trošku ospalý.) Pozrel som sa do brata Woodsa; nesvietilo sa. A kľakol som si len, aby som sa pomodlil a keď som sa pomodlil, Niečo ku mne prehovorilo: "Je to v poriadku." Tak potom som povedal Billymu: "Povedz jej, že myslím, že všetko bude v poriadku." Som tak rád, že ich vidím dnes ráno. Ako sedia v dome Pánovom znovu tu po tom čo sa stalo na ceste.

9Ľudia, ktorí vás tak veľmi milujú, že prejdú až stovky míľ, aby počuli Evanjelium; a tak rozmýšľam, že dvadsať minútové posolstvo a tak pomaly ako to ja robím, to by nebolo dobre. A tak som myslel, že by som len ... tak dlho.

10Tak potom tu brat Ungren, jej syn, dnes ráno spieval: "Aký Si veľký." On má - On pre neho dnes ráno znamená viac ako včera popoludní, pretože ten veľký Nebeský Boh zachoval jeho drahú, milú matku a sestru.

11A tak, dnes očakávame nádherné chvíle v Pánovi. A mal som tu dva, či tri rôzne texty, na ktoré som sa díval a nemohol som sa rozhodnúť na ktorý z nich by som práve dnes ráno kázal. Jeden z nich bol: "Uvaľte svoje starosti na Neho, pretože On sa o vás stará." Nuž ak sa On stará, prečo nie vy?

12Tak potom, ďalší, Billy Paul ... či vlastne nie Billy Paul, môj ďalší syn, Jozef, my pred nedávnom priniesol tento text. Sedel som jedného dňa v izbe a on povedal - dívajúc sa na obrázok, (a Billy, či vlastne Jozef má veľmi rád člny, ako malý chlapec - člnky a kone, poznáte to) a on my povedal: "Ocko, mal Ježiš nejaký čln?"

A ja som povedal: "Neviem."

13A tak potom keď sa on zobral a vyšiel von, začal som rozmýšľať "Mal On nejaký čln?" a vzal som z toho taký text, poznačil som si to tu do mojej knihy: "Mal Ježiš nejaký čln?" Začal som rozmýšľať. Keď On bol tu na zemi, musel si požičať lono, v ktorom by sa mohol narodiť, hrob, v ktorom by mohol byť pochovaný, čln, z ktorého by mohol kázať, ale On je Kapitánom tej starej Siónskej lodi. Skutočne On ju má. Ale v týchto textoch, o ktorých som premýšľal - myslím že sa ku ním budem môcť dostať neskoršie, prv ako pôjdeme domov.

14Viete, rád hovorím tu v tejto modlitebni, pretože to je môj vlastný zbor. Cítime sa slobodne povedať všetko čokoľvek povie Duch Svätý. Na iných miestach, hoci tí ľudia chcú pre vás urobiť, aby ste sa cítili ako doma, jednako sa cítite tak trochu stiesnený, pretože ste v zbore niekoho iného a chcete byť natoľko džentlmenom, že beriete ohľad na ich názory a náuku.

15Prežili sme krásne chvíle tam u brata Burchamsa. Zašiel som do fabriky, kde vyrábajú syry. Vidím Jeho, jeho ženu i jeho syna i ich, že sú dnes ráno tu. Vždy som si predstavoval, že fabrika na syry, bude také niečo ako iné miesta, kde som už bol. Och, niečo zabrýdzgané a špinavé. Ó, môžem povedať jedno, môžete byť uistený, to miesto nie je špinavé. Bolo to najčistejšie miesto na aké som kedy prišiel, zvlášť tam vo vnútri. A neuvedomoval som si - myslel som, och, možno že tam vyrábajú nejakých sto libier syrov denne a ony vyrábajú šesť ton každý deň! - a to bežia tri fabriky. Myslel som si: "Ó, kto je všetky tie syry."

16Ale Pán požehnal tohoto muža a ja som mal možnosť byť v jeho dome, veľmi milý dom - dobrá posvätená žena. A nie je dôvodu, prečo by oni nežili každý deň pre Krista, ako to aj robia. Stretol som jeho synov, sú to veľmi fajn deti. Sme tak vďační za toto obecenstvo, ktoré máme jeden s druhým.

17Zistil som, že ich predchádzajúcim pastorom bol človek ktorého poznám - brat Gulrey, veľmi fajn človek zo zjednotenej letničnej viery, ktorého som pred rokmi stretol v Jonesboro, v Arkansase. A nevedel som, že oni boli ... to bol jednako ich pastor.

18A tak, pamätajte na zhromaždenia dnes večer a potom ak bude vôľa Pánova, na ďalšiu nedeľu máme nádej, že znovu budeme hovoriť.

A potom myslím, že tú nasledujúcu nedeľu musím ísť do Chicaga; a potom za nejaký čas budem preč. Musím zaviesť rodinu znovu naspäť domov do Arizony, aby tak mohli ... aby sa deti mohli znovu zapísať do školy a potom prestaneme obťažovať pastora - a zaberať mu jeho miesto.

19Nuž, my sme veľmi vďační bratovi Nevillemu za jeho pohostinnosť. Viete, bol som pozvaný a on je tak ... mám rád brata ... muž ako tento u ktorého nieto zrady; sebeckosti; len rýdze Kresťanstvo. To sa mi páči.

20A teraz, budeme čítať niečo z Písma a potom prejdeme ku výkladu, neviem kedy sa dostaneme z týchto dlhých kázaní, ale myslím si ... Hovoril som jedného dňa ohľadne dlhých rečí a niekto povedal: "Dobre a teraz, ak budeš hovoriť len niekoľko minút a ty jednako hovoríš temer v tajomstvách, neboli by sme to schopní rozumieť," Povedal: "Len ďalej hovor a po čase to vyjde najavo." On povedal ... Tak možno že Pán chce, aby sme to tak robili.

Skloňme sa ešte.

21Pane, na kazateľni leží Tvoje otvorené Slovo a uvedomujeme si, že jedného dňa ono bude zavreté, pretože to je jeho posledný čas, potom sa to Slovo stane telom. A potom budeme vďační za tento čas dnes ráno a otvor nám, skrze Tvojho Svätého Ducha, súvislosť tohoto Slova, ktoré budeme čítať. Nech Duch Svätý nás dnes vyučuje veciam, ktoré máme vedieť a nech sa potom môžeme ku tomu vrátiť a počúvať dôkladne každé Slovo, hlboko Ho rozvažovať a potom nech tí, ktorí to počúvajú z tých pásiek, nech môžu počúvať pozorne, aby sme boli schopní uchytiť sa toho čo sa nám Duch Svätý snaží zjaviť; pretože si uvedomujeme, že ak nás On pomazal, potom to pomazanie nie je nadarmo; je to za určitým účelom - aby to mohlo byť na dobré Pánovi. A nech sú otvorené naše srdcia i naše zrozumenie, Pane.

22Nech máme slobodu do hovorenia a slobodu do počúvania a prístup do viery, aby sme verili to čo sme počuli, pretože to pochádza z Božieho Slova, aby nám to mohlo pripočítať Večný Život, v ten veľký Deň, ktorý má nadísť. Požehnaj nás dnes. Obviň nás, keď sme nie v poriadku. Daj nám poznať chyby ktoré máme. A požehnaj nás na tej ceste ktorá je pravá, aby sme mohli vedieť ktorou cestou ísť a ako sa zachovávať v tomto súčasnom svete, aby sme tak mohli pre Ježiša Krista priniesť chválu tu v našom živote, ktorý zomrel, aby nám dal život v tej veľkej budúcnosti. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

23Dnes ráno chcem čítať dve miesta z Písma a jedno z nich sa nachádza v knihe Exodus; vlastne, obidva sa nachádzajú v knihe Exodus. Prvé, 13. kapitola, 21. a 22. verš a to druhé je 14. kapitola, 10., 11. a 12. verš. A teraz budem čítať Exodus 13: 21.

A Hospodin išiel pred nimi, vodne v oblakovom stĺpe, aby ich viedol cestou a v noci ... v ohnivom stĺpe, aby im svietil, tak aby mohli ísť vodne i v noci.

Neučinil Hospodin tak, aby bol uhnul oblakový stĺp v noci zpred ľudu.

24A teraz, Exodus 14 od desiateho verša.

A keď sa priblížil faraón, pozdvihli synovia Izraelovi svoje oči a hľa, Egypťan sa rušal za nimi a báli sa veľmi a kričali synovia Izraelovi k Hospodinovi.

A povedali Mojžišovi: Či preto, že nebolo dosť hrobov v Egypte, vzal si nás preč, aby sme pomreli na púšti? Čo si nám to urobil, že si nás vyviedol s Egypta?

Či nie je toto to čo sme ti hovorili v Egypte vraviac: Nechaj nás, nech slúžime Egypťanom; lebo lepšie by nám bolo bývalo slúžiť Egypťanom, než aby sme pomreli na púšti.

25Budem čítať trochu viacej veršov.

A Mojžiš povedal ľudu: Nebojte ... sa!

Dobre tu teraz počúvajte.

... Mojžiš povedal ľudu: Nebojte sa! Stojte a vidzte spasenie Hospodinovo, ktoré vám učiní ... dnes, lebo Egypťanov, ktorých vidíte dnes, neuvidíte nikdy viacej až na veky.

Hospodin bude bojovať za vás a vy budete mlčať.

... Hospodin riekol Mojžišovi: Čo kričíš ku Mne? Hovor synom Izraelovým, aby sa rušali.

A ty pozdvihni svoju palicu a vystri svoju ruku na more a rozpolti ho a synovia Izraelovi vojdú doprostred mora a pôjdu po suchu.

A ja, hľa, zatvrdím srdce Egypťanov a vojdú za nimi a oslávim sa na faraónovi a na všetkom jeho vojsku, na jeho vozoch a na jeho jazdcoch.

A zvedia Egypťania, že ja som Hospodin, keď sa oslávim na faraónovi, na jeho vozoch a na jeho jazdcoch.

Vtedy sa pohol anjel Boží, ktorý išiel pred táborom Izraelovým a obrátiac sa išiel za nimi a tak prešiel oblakový stĺp zpopred nich a stál za nimi

A vošiel medzi tábor Egypťanov a medzi tábor Izraelov a bol Egypťanom oblakom a tmou a Izraelovi osvecoval noc, takže sa nepriblížili jeden k druhému cez celú noc.

A Mojžiš vystrel svoju ruku na more. A Hospodin hnal more východným vetrom silným cez celú noc a obrátil more na sušinu a rozostúpili sa vody.

A tak vošli synovia Izraelovi doprostred mora a išli po suchu a voda im bola múrom z ich pravej a z ich ľavej strany.

A Egypťania ich honili a vošli za nimi, všetky kone faraónove, jeho vozy i jeho jazdci, doprostred mora.

Potom stalo sa po rannej stráže: Hospodin pohliadol na vojsko Egypťanov zo stĺpu ohňa a oblaku a zmiatol vojsko Egypťanov.

A vyrazil kolesá z jeho vozov a poháňal ho tak, že išlo s ťažkosťou. Vtedy povedali Egypťania: Utečme pred Izraelom, lebo Hospodin bojuje za nich proti Egypťanom!

26Slovo Pánovo je také nádherné, také dobré, nedá sa to proste prestať čítať. Stáva sa to proste životom, pri tom ako to čítame. Myslím dnes ráno na tento text, myslím že sa nahráva, chcem toto povedať na začiatok: vyzerá to ... Spozoroval so sám na sebe ... A preto som to ... Včera, zatiaľ čo som to študoval - a prišiel som na túto tému a potom som premýšľal: "Ak bude vôľa Pánova, budem hovoriť práve o tomto, pretože to ma vedie do uníženia sa." A dúfam, že nás to všetkých vedie do uníženia, aby sme mohli vidieť a privádza nás to ku tomu, aby sme sa pozreli a študovali to trochu a porovnávali ten deň v ktorom sa to stalo, s týmto dňom, ktorý je teraz.

27Chcem zobrať za text tri slová a to: Prečo kričíš? Hovor! Boh povedal Mojžišovi, je to tu v 15. verši: "Čo kričíš ku Mne? Hovor ľuďom, aby sa rušali." A tak, Prečo Kričíš? Hovor!

28A tak, máme tému a ja sa budem snažiť poponáhľať sa ako to len budem môcť a prejsť cezeň, ako ma Duch Svätý bude viesť. Chcem, aby sme sa zamysleli nad ... nad týmto textom, keď Mojžiš kričal k Bohu a Boh napomenul Mojžiša, práve v tedy keď mali najväčšie problémy. A taká je proste povaha človeka, kričať. A potom čo má znamenať to napomenutie od Boha, že sa otočil a napomenul ho za to čo hovoril - za to že kričal ku Nemu. Vyzerá, že to je veľmi tvrdé.

29Mnoho krát, keď hľadíme na Písmo, svojím vlastným spôsobom, vyzerá to veľmi tvrdé, ale ak to za nejaký čas študujeme, zistíme, že vševedúci Boh vie čo robí. A On vie ako uskutočniť tieto veci a ako jednať s človekom. On vie čo je v človeku. On ho pozná. My nie. My to poznáme iba z tej intelektuálnej stránky. On vie čo je skutočne v človeku.

30Mojžiš sa narodil na tento svet ako obdarovaný chlapec. Narodil sa na to, aby bol prorokom, vysloboditeľom. On sa narodil s týmto uspôsobením, bolo to v ňom, tak ako každý človek, ktorý prichádza na tento svet sa rodí s týmto uspôsobením. Čomu pevne verím podľa predzvedenia Božieho, predurčenia.

31"Nie že by Boh chcel, aby niekto zahynul, ale aby všetci prišli ku pokániu." Ale súc Bohom, On musel vedieť a vie: "od začiatku vie aký bude koniec." Vidíte? Ak nie, potom nie je nekonečný; a ak nie je nekonečný, nie je Bohom. Tak to nebola Jeho vôľa, samozrejme, aby niekto zahynul, ale On vie kto zahynie a kto nezahynie. To je ten dôvod, ten skutočný zámer, že Ježiš prišiel na zem, aby spasil tých, ktorých Boh skrze svoje predvedenie videl, že chcú byť spasení, pretože celý svet bol odsúdený. A ja nevidím, že by sme to mali učiť nejakým iným spôsobom, než ako predvedením Božím a Biblia jasne hovorí, že "On od počiatku vedel aký bude koniec," a mohol to povedať.

32A tak teda, keď sa nejakí ľudia snažia byť niečím, čím nie sú, oni to len napodobujú a skôr či neskôr to vyjde najavo. Vaše hriechy vás nájdu. Nemôžete ich prikryť. Existuje len jediné prikrytie na hriech. To je krv Ježiša Krista a ona nemôže byť použitá, ak vás Boh nepovolal od založenia sveta. To je to kvôli čomu tá krv bola preliata, nie aby sa po nej šliapalo a robilo z nej žarty a zapáralo a hocčo hovorilo a tak ďalej; ona bola preliata za určitým cieľom. Tak veru. Nie na hranie; nie na napodobovanie, tým že budú hovoriť, že hriechy sú prikryté, keď nie sú. A žiadny človek nemôže mať prikryté svoje hriechy, ak by nebolo jeho meno zapísané v Baránkovej knihy života z pred založenia sveta. Sám Ježiš povedal: "Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, keby ho nepritiahol môj Otec a všetkých ktorých My Otec dal," minulý čas: "prídu ku Mne." A tak nemôžete povedať, že tieto Slová klamú. Oni sú tu na Pravdu a na nápravu.

33A Mojžiš sa narodil s darom viery; Mojžiš mal veľkú vieru. Uvidíme to za chvíľu, ako ona v ňom vychádza najavo. On sa narodil vo veľkej rodine, ako vieme jeho otec a jeho matka pochádzali z rodiny Léviho. Ten príbeh tu, pred týmto, v knihe Exodus, tak prekrásne podal život tohoto veľkého charakteru. A on bol jednou z najväčších postáv Biblii, pretože on bol presným predobrazom Pána Ježiša.

34On sa narodil veľmi zvláštne, ako Pán Ježiš. Narodil sa v čase prenasledovania, ako Pán Ježiš. Narodil sa, aby bol vysloboditeľom, ako Pán Ježiš. Bol ukrývaný svojimi rodičmi pred nepriateľom, ako Pán Ježiš. A prichádza do času svojej služby, ako Pán Ježiš. Bol prorok, ako Pán Ježiš. A bol zákonodarca, ako Pán Ježiš.

35A zistili sme, že zomrel na skale a že musel znovu povstať a ... pretože po osemsto rokoch stál na Vrchu Premenenia a rozprával sa s Pánom Ježišom, vidíte. Anjeli ho odniesli preč. Nikto nevie kde je pochovaný; dokonca ani diabol to nevedel. Úprimne povedané, ja neverím, že on vôbec bol pochovaný. Verím, že Boh ho odniesol preč a on zomrel na tej skale, ktorú po všetky dni svojho života nasledoval.

36A on bol dokonalým predobrazom Krista. Bol kráľom nad ľuďmi; bol zákonodarcom; živil tých ľudí; on bol v predobraze všetkým tým čím bol Kristus.

37Nuž teda, vidíme že on sa narodil s tým veľkým darom a kvalitou, on to mal v sebe. To sa potom len chopilo Niečoho, čo na to zasvietilo, aby tú vec priviedlo do Života.

38Vidíte, semeno Božie je vlastne v nás umiestnené od založenia sveta. A keď to svetlo prvý krát dopadne na to semeno, vzbudí ho do Života, ale prv musí to Svetlo zasvietiť na to semeno.

39Ako som mnohokrát hovoril o tej prostej žene pri studni - o nej v takom stave. Hoci ona bola osobou, ktorá mala zlú povesť, hoci jej život bol zdegradovaný a ona sa nachádzala v takom stave - pretože tie tradície sa jej vôbec nedotkli. Ale jednako, keď ju prvý krát zasiahlo to Svetlo, ona To rýchlo rozpoznala, pretože tam bolo niečo čo na to zareagovalo. "Keď hlbina volá Hlbinu," musí byť niekde nejaká Hlbina, ktorá by odpovedala na to volanie.

40A Mojžiš sa tu narodila ako ten prorok, ale on bol vychovaný v nejakej intelektuálnej škole a vo faraónovom paláci. Faraón Seti, pod ktorým bol on vychovaný, bol človek ktorý si stále vážil Jozefa a veril, že Jozef bol prorok Pánov. Ale po Setimu nastupuje Ramses a Ramses sa nezaujímal o Jozefa. A tak preto, vtedy začali tie problémy, keď povstal faraón, ktorý nepoznal Jozefa.

41Ale tieto veľké kvality - hovorme za chvíľu o nich, skôr ako sa dostaneme ku hlavnej časti našej témy. Mám divný spôsob ako predkladám tému a potom na ňom budujem a Pán nech nám pomôže dnes ráno na ňom budovať.

42Mojžiš, ktorý sa narodil s tým veľkým darom viery, bol potom pomazaný a dostal poverenie pri tom horiacom kríku, aby vyslobodil Boží ľud. A tak, vidíte čo za veľké kvality ten človek mal! On sa narodil pre určitú vec. Boh mal v tom nejaký zámer.

43Boh má zámer s vami, ktorí ste tu. Ak len môžete byť - dostať sa na to miesto, koľko ťažkostí by ste ušetrili Bohu a tiež sami sebe.

44Mojžiš sa narodil a potom bol - neskoršie bol privedený na miesto kde bol pomazaný. A všimnite si, to semeno tam leží s nejakým intelektuálnym poňatím, so všetkou vierou, že sa narodil, aby vyslobodil ten ľud a jednako to ešte neožilo až kým to Svetlo z toho horiaceho kríku na to nezasvietilo - až kým on neuvidel, nie niečo čo by si bol o tom prečítal, ale niečo čo videl na svoje vlastné oči - Niečo čo ku nemu hovorilo a on Tomu odpovedal. Och, ako to privádzalo veci do života.

45Myslím si, že žiadny muž s neja- ... alebo žena, chlapec alebo dievča. A myslím si, že skrze intelektuálne poňatie, toho čo si oni myslia že Slovo je a tak ďalej, nikdy nemôžu mať úplný základ, na ktorom by mohli stáť až kým nestretli to Svetlo, ktoré privádza to Slovo do reality.

46Myslím si, že žiadna cirkev vo svojej praxi, nezáleží na tom aká intelektuálna a fundamentálna ona môže byť, tá cirkev nemôže prosperovať až kým sa to nadprirodzené nedá poznať medzi tými ľuďmi a oni to vidia - Niečo ku čomu oni môžu hovoriť a to bude hovoriť ku ním späť, to je potvrdenie tohoto napísaného Slova.

47A tak pamätajte, keď sa Mojžiš stretol s tým horiacim kríkom, to Slovo bolo presne potvrdené. To bolo Slovo. Mojžiš si nemusel robiť starosti: "Čo je to tu za hlas dookola? Čo je to tu za osoba?" Pretože Boh už bol napísal v Písme, v Genesis že: "Tvoj ľud bude pohostínom v tejto cudzej zemi, ale budú vyvedení po štyristo rokoch - znovu prídu naspäť do tejto krajiny, pretože sa ešte nevyplnila neprávosť Amoreja." A tak stovky a stovky rokov pred tým Boh povedal: "Izrael bude pohostínom a budú s ním zle zachádzať v cudzej krajine a bude tam štyristo rokov, ale Boh, mocným ramenom ich z tade vyvedie." A tak vidíte pri tomto horiacom kríku...

48Mojžiš to intelektuálne poznal a to semeno, ktoré sa v ňom narodilo, ležalo v jeho srdci. A on sa snažil skrze svoje intelektuálne skúsenosti s tým Slovom, snažil sa ich vyviesť - vyslobodiť ich, pretože on vedel, že sa kvôli tomu narodil. On to poznal - ten čas - Písma. Všetci hovorili, že už sú tam štyristo rokov.

49Podľa toho ako teraz vieme, ako sa ma pred chvíľou opýtal jeden muž ohľadne príchodu a vytrhnutia. Vieme, že žijem v dovŕšení toho času. Čas vytrhnutia je na blízku. A my očakávame vieru do vytrhnutia, ktorá môže potiahnuť cirkvi dokopy a dať tú nejakú nadprirodzenú silu, ktorá bude môcť premeniť tieto telá, v ktorých žijeme. Keď vidíme Boha, ktorý môže podniesť mŕtveho z podlahy, alebo niekde vonku a navrátiť ho znovu späť do života a postaviť ho pred nami. Keď vidíme Boha, ktorý môže vziať rakovinu, ktorá zožrala človeka až na tieň a pozdvihnúť ho znovu do plnej ľudskej sily, to má ľuďom dať vieru do vytrhnutia. To, keď to svetlo sa zablyskne z oblohy a zaznie tá trúba, telo Kristovo bude rýchlo zhromaždené do kopy a v momente premenené a vzaté do Neba. Áno, musí sa niečo také stať. A naše teologické školy to nikdy nemôžu vyprodukovať, aj keď z intelektuálneho hľadiska sú v poriadku. Ale vy sa musíte stretnúť s tým Svetlom! Musíte nájsť to Niečo.

50A tu Mojžiš, zakladal svoje veľké povolanie na Slove a to bolo veľké, až kým jedného dňa nestretol toto Svetlo a presne to isté Slovo prehovorilo späť ku nemu. Potom obdržal svoje pomazanie. Ono pomazalo to čo bolo v ňom, to vo vnútri, ten intelekt, ktorý veril tomu, vieru, ktorá bola založená ne jeho verení v Boha, ktorá ho oddelila od jeho matky. A teraz keď on vpadol do prítomnosti toho Svetla, To pomazalo to čomu on veril. Vidíte? Ó čo za pomazanie! A obdržal poverenie.

51Nuž, vieme, on rozumovo počúval svoju matku. On vedel čo sa má stať a vedel že on žije v tom čase. Ale tu spoznal, že sa mu nedarí, tak on sa mohol ... jeho viera mohla trochu poklesnúť. Ale potom, keď prišiel ku tomu kríku, Boh povedal: "Počul som volanie Môjho ľudu a rozpamätal som sa na Moje zasľúbenie, ktoré som dal ich otcom, Abrahámovi, Izákovi a Jákobovi a zostúpil Som." "JA," tam je osobné zámeno: "JA som zostúpil, aby som ich vyslobodil."

52A teraz a možno že by som ku tomu dodal ak to ... Nech my Boh odpustí, ak by to znelo ako svätokrádež. "Ja na zemi pracujem, jedine skrze človeka. Ja som Vinič; vy ste letorasty. A Ja sa dávam najavo vtedy, keď môžem nájsť nejakého človeka. A Ja som ťa vybral a posielam ťa tam, aby si ich vyviedol." Vidíte? Všimnite si teraz: "Ja budem s tvojimi ústami a Ja ... vezmi si túto palicu."

53A Mojžiš povedal: "Môžem vidieť dôkaz, že ma Ty pošleš a že si ma pomazal a budeš dokonávať tieto veci?"

Povedal: "Čo je v tvojej ruke?"

On riekol: "Palica."

Povedal: "Hoď ju na zem." Ona sa obrátila na hada. On utekal.

54On riekol: "Chyť ho." Obrátilo sa to znovu na palicu. Povedal: "Daj svoju ruku na prsia." Vybral ju z tade von a bola malomocná. Dal ju naspäť a bola uzdravená.

55Povedal: "On videl slávu Božiu." Mojžiš nemal viacej otázok. Všimli ste si, on nikdy nebežal znovu na púšť? On vedel, že bol pomazaný. On vedel kde, všetko to čo bolo v jeho srdci, tie veľké nádherné kvality a on ... oni teraz boli pomazané. On, on je pripravený. Je pripravený ísť. A tak ide tam do Egyptu.

56Boh povedal: "Budem s tebou," a tým - tým to bolo vyriešené. Keď "Ja budem s tebou," bolo všetko čo Mojžiš potreboval vedieť, pre toto veľké volanie, ktoré bolo v jeho srdci. A Boh teraz povedal: "Ja budem s tebou."

57A teraz, Boh tiež potvrdil to čo Mojžiš tvrdil. To čo Mojžiš tvrdil: "Stretol som Pána. A On povedal, aby som vám riekol, že ten "JA SOM" ma poslal." Vidíte?

58A oni si teraz povedali: "Je tu nejaký muž, ďalší žid, pravdepodobne jeden z tých fanatikov, ktorí prichádzajú po celý ten čas so všetkými možnými plánmi, ako nás dostať z otroctva." Viete ako je to s ľuďmi keď sú otrokmi, alebo v zajatí kvôli niečomu, stále sa tam nájde nejaký chytrák, poznáte to, ktorý by to chcel urobiť.

59Tak, Mojžiš, Boh zasľúbil Mojžišovi: "Ja budem s tebou. Budem v tebe. Moje Slová budú tvojimi Slovami. Hovor Moje Slová a povedz len to čo Ja hovorím."

60A teraz, keď Mojžiš odišiel a povedal im o tom povolaní a postavil sa pred faraóna a povedal mu: "Pán Boh hebrejov povedal, 'Vyveď z tade Moje deti.'" A on nechcel dovoliť, aby išli. Tak on učinil pred staršími a pred faraónom znak, tie znaky ktoré mu Boh dal. On povedal: "Nuž, zajtra o takomto čase, zapadne slnko. Nastane tma po celom Egypte," a presne tak sa stalo. A potom on povedal: "Na celú zem prídu muchy," a vystrel svoju palicu a zavolal muchy a muchy prišli. A on prorokoval a všetko čo prorokoval presne tak sa stalo. To bol Boh. Vidíte?

61Boh ho povolal od jeho narodenia, vložil do neho tie kvality, tej veľkej viery a potom zostúpil so Svojou prítomnosťou a pomazal to niečo veľké v ňom a poslal ho tam so Svojim Slovom a on bol náležite potvrdený ohľadne toho čo tvrdil. Nezáležalo na tom koľko fušerov povstalo, koľko ďalších iných vecí sa prihodilo, Boh hovoril ... Mojžiš preukázal svoju totožnosť. Mojžiš, čo Mojžiš povedal, Boh to uctil. Chcem, aby ste nikdy nezabudli toto Slovo. Čo Mojžiš povedal, Boh dal tomu vážnosť, pretože v Mojžišovi bolo Božie Slovo. "Ja budem s tvojimi ústami; oni budú hovoriť to pravé." A tak, čo Boh hovoril - to, čo Boh hovoril, On to hovoril cez Mojžiša a to potvrdilo a obhájilo to, čo on tvrdil.

62Tiež, jeho matka mu povedala o jeho tajomnom narodení a o tom ako ten čas prišiel tak blízko ku tej hodine, kedy malo nastať vyslobodenie. Amram a Jochebet, syn a dcéra z rodiny Léviho, sa začali modliť k Bohu, aby poslal vysloboditeľa. A stalo ... keď vidíte že sa približuje ten čas zasľúbenia, to uvádza ľudí do modlitby a do hladu. A nieto pochýb, že Jochebet, jeho matka, mu mnohokrát povedala; pri tom keď bola jeho pestúnka, ako poznáme ten príbeh a povedala mu o tom ako sa modlila. "Mojžiš, vtedy keď si sa narodil, chlapče, bol si zvláštnym dieťaťom. Bol si iný. Pri tvojom narodení sa niečo stalo."

63Zdramatizoval som to pre deti, pred nedávnom a povedal som im: "Zatiaľ čo sa Amram v izbe modlil, uvidel anjela, ktorý vytiahol svoj meč, ukázal smerom na sever a povedal, 'Budeš mať dieťa a on vyvedie deti na sever do zasľúbenej zemi.'" Trochu som to zdramatizoval pre tých malých, aby tomu rozumeli; ich schopnosť rozmýšľať nie je ešte natoľko rozvinutá, ako pri vás dospelých., Vy sa môžete uchytiť vecí tak ako vám ich Duch Svätý zjavuje.

64Nuž a hoci mu jeho matka toto všetko hovorila a on to vedel, jednako on potreboval ešte iné dotknutie. To učenie bolo dobré, ale on potreboval osobný kontakt.

65To je to čo dnes potrebuje svet. To je to čo cirkev dnes potrebuje. To je to čo potrebuje každý jeden, to sú synovia a dcéry Božie. Aby nimi byť, potrebujete osobný kontakt, vidíte, Niečo. Bez ohľadu na to, že viete, že to Slovo je pravda, že Toto je správne; ale potom, keď sa to skontaktuje a vidíte že tie veci sa stali, potom viete že ste na správnej ceste. Vidíte? A, dávajte pozor, to bude stále Biblicky podložené. Bude to presne súhlasiť s Písmom, pretože to bolo podľa Písma.

66Amramova modlitba súhlasila presne s Písmom. Ich modlitby sa zhodovali so zasľúbeným Slovom. Boh zasľúbil, že to urobí v tom čase. Oni sa za to modlili a tu sa narodilo to náležité dieťa. A oni . . .

67Sledujte to! Och, ako to milujem! Vidíte, v tej hodine, keď faraón zabíjal všetky deti, vidíte, dával ich pod meč, pod meč dozorcov; oni, oni tie malé deti prebodávali, hádzali ich krokodílom, tie malé telíčka až krokodíly možno stučneli od tiel hebrejských detí. Ale Biblia hovorí, že: "Rodičia sa nebáli faraónovho rozkazu, ktorý nariaďoval zabíjať deti." Oni to neurobili. Oni sa nebáli, pretože videli niečo v tom decku. Oni to videli, že to bola odpoveď na ich modlitbu.

68A Mojžiš teraz mal toto všetko ako podklad a tak Mojžiš vedel, že bol poslaný práve za tým účelom, aby vyslobodil deti Izraelove.

69Vidíte, všetko to pozadie sa hromadí. Keď zoberiete čokoľvek a môžete priniesť Bibliu, kde stojí: "Toto sa má stať," a tu sa to deje; "a toto sa má stať v tamtom čase," a tu to je; "a toto sa má stať v určitom danom čase," a deje sa to; a potom sa to všetko spolu hromadí a vykresľuje nám to určitý obraz.

70Ó, ako je to dnes ráno s touto modlitebňou, čo my ľudia tejto hodiny, brat Neville, keď vidíme ako naše vlasy podľahli šedinám, naše ramená sa hrbia, keď vidíme ten svet, ako sa zmieta a potáca, ako to aj je a čo to robí s nami, keď sa môžeme pozrieť dookola a vidieť, že to zasľúbenie sa približuje! To je, to ... Myslím si, že mnohokrát, ak by sa niekto len mohol zrazu dostať do Toho a nerozumel by To, či vlastne, porozumel by To a zrazu sa do Toho dostane, to by vás skoro doviedlo do Večnosti, také niečo ku vytrhnutiu! A nikdy ste to nepoznali a zrazu, ó, preboríte sa cez tie veci, ktoré sme už videli a poznali a rozumeli sme im a v jednej chvíli všetci vyskočia; muž či žena, chlapec alebo dievča, pozdvihnú len svoje ruky a povedia: "Poďme, Pane Ježišu," vidíte. Ó, ako blízko je tá hodina!

71Mojžiš vedel, že on sa narodil za tým účelom, pozeral sa von cez okná a pozoroval tých Hebrejov ako sa lopotili; pozeral sa späť do Písma a tam stálo: "A oni budú pohostínmi štyristo rokov, ale Ja ich vyvediem mocným ramenom." A potom, keď sa on vrátil, po tom ako bol poverený, pomazaný, vedel že sa narodil ... A jeho viera hľadela, on skrze vieru hľadel na tých ľudí a vedel že to sú deti Božie, pretože svet ... Slovo tak hovorilo. Oni neboli z tohoto sveta a neboli takí ako tí ostatní. Oni boli iní. A oni boli blázni a fanatici, pre všetku tú Egyptskú nádheru; a on mal byť faraónovým synom, aby potom neskoršie prevzal kráľovstvo; ale on, niečo bolo v jeho vnútri, opravdivá viera, ktorá nehľadela na tieto veci, na tú nádheru ktorú mal zdediť. On hľadel na zasľúbenie Božie a vedel, že ten čas sa približuje. A o čom tento muž musel premýšľať!

72Chcem sa s ním o tom jedného dňa porozprávať, keď sa s ním stretnem tam na druhej strane. Vy si poviete: "To je bláznovstvo, bratku!" Nie, nie je. Stretnem sa s ním, z milosti Božej. Tak veru. Budem sa s ním rozprávať, jedného dňa, so samým Mojžišom. A ako rád by som sa ho opýtal, že ako to bolo, keď videl svoju prípravu!

73Ako to bolo s tým znervózňovaním, keď diabol hovoril: "Nó, ľudia ti nebudú veriť. Ha-ha. Nič na tom nie je."

74Ale keď to semeno tam prišlo do Života, niečo ho udrelo a on vedel, že niečo sa stane. On to vedel. Pozeral sa na svoje hodiny a videl aký je čas a on to poznal a o čom on musel premýšľať, ako sa tak na to díval. A teraz, keď to dal všetko dokopy, všetky tie veľké veci, ktoré videl; ten čas Písma, modlitby jeho matky i jeho otca a on sa zvláštne narodil, podivné dieťa. Stále, tam vo vnútri v ňom niečo bolo.

75A on sa teraz vytratil a myslel si, že použije svoje vojenské schopnosti, ktorým bol vycvičený v škole a vyslobodí tie deti. A to sa nepodarilo.

76Potom odišiel na púšť a oženil sa s milým etiópskym dievčaťom a mali malého chlapca, ktorý sa nazýval Geršom.

77A jedného dňa, ako tak išiel zo stádom, zrazu tam hore na vrchu uvidel horiaci krík, ako horí. A vyšiel tam hore. A to nebol nejaký intelektuál, nie nejaká predstava, nie nejaký sebaklam, nie nejaký optický klam, ale v ňom, tam bol Boh Abrahámov, vo Svetle, v Ohnivom stĺpe, ktorý bol tam na kríku, v tom Ohni, ktorý vyšľahoval z toho kríku a pritom mu neuškodil. A ten Hlas Písma, Boží Hlas, prehovoril tam skrze to a povedal: "Ja som ťa vybral. Ty si ten muž. Kvôli tomuto som ťa vzbudil. Tu ti dokazujem skrze znamenia, ideš tam, aby si vyslobodil tie deti, pretože Moje Slovo sa musí vyplniť."

78[brat Branham zaklepal po kazateľni. – pozn.prekl.] Och, Jeho Slovo na tento deň sa musí vyplniť. My žijeme v tej hodine. Nezáleží na tom čo hovorí niekto iný; Slovo sa musí vyplniť. Nebo i zem pominú, ale Jeho Slovo nepominie.

79A teraz, keď to Mojžiš dal všetko dokopy a videl to pod každým uhlom, to pomazalo jeho vieru. Amen! Ó, Bože! Čo za myšlienka! Toto, práve toto, keď to videl v Písme, že to ukazuje presne na to čo to je a to čo Boh hovoril a ten dôkaz toho tu, to pomazalo tú vieru, ktorá bola v ňom, aby začala fungovať.

80Čo to má potom urobiť s nami? My potrebujeme pokánie. Potrebujeme oživenie. Ja hovorím za seba. Rozumiete? Potrebujem, aby bolo so mnou zatrasené. Potrebujem niečo. Povedal som, že dnes ráno hovorím ku sebe samému, alebo o sebe samom. Ja sa potrebujem prebudiť.

81A keď premýšľam o tom veľkom dôkaze, všetko bolo tam tak dokonale predložené a to pomazalo Mojžišovu vieru. A, och, on videl, že tam nebolo ničoho . . .

82Tu, on uteká z Egyptu, v podstate, on tam mohol začať so vzburou, alebo niečím takým, on by mohol povstať a začať s revolúciou v Egypte a mohol vziať armádu a bojovať, ale, vidíte, on mal na svojej strane mnoho tisícov. Ale namiesto toho, on sa to obával práve urobiť, po boku s armádou.

83Ale tu on prichádza späť, po štyridsiatych rokoch, ako osemdesiat ročný, iba s palicou v ruky. Ako je to možné? To čo horelo v jeho srdci sa stalo skutočnosťou. On potom bol pomazaný a vedel že má TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Teraz neexistovalo nič čo by ho zadržalo. On nepotreboval žiadnu armádu. Boh bol s ním. To bolo to čo potreboval; Boh s nim.

84Ó, keď budete vedieť, že Boh vás poslal, aby ste niečo určité urobili a vidíte že to sa tam pohybuje, nie je tam nič čím by toto mohlo byť nahradené. To je to čo treba.

85Pamätám sa mnohokrát, keď mi Pán povedal o niečom čo sa malo stať a potom keď som tam prišiel a videl som, že všetko je presne tak, ako ... Ó, čo to bol za pocit! Tá situácia je už pod kontrolou, je to vybavené, vidíte, pretože to Boh tak povedal.

86Pamätám sa, mnohí z vás si na to pamätajú, ako vo Fínsku bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych ten malý chlapec, ktorý bol zabitý pri automobilovej nehode. Zastal som tam na kraj cesty a začal som kráčať preč od toho decka a otočil som sa a pozrel som sa naspäť. A niečo položilo na mňa svoju ruku, myslel som si, že to bol brat Moore a okolo mňa nebolo nikoho. Pozrel som sa dozadu a potom som sa pozrel hore na ten vrch, ktorý som tam videl. Povedal som si: "Nuž, tento kopec som už niekde videl, ale my sme neprišli touto cestou. Prišli sme inou cestou. Kde je ten kopec?"

87A pozrel som sa a to havarované auto som videl tam dole; videl som tam toho malého chlapca s jeho ... ako tam leží, bol ostrihaný ako na hrniec, ako to my tu nazývame. Oči mal prevrátené dozadu, tak ako brat Way, keď tu jedného dňa padol mŕtvy. A jeho malá nôžka pretrhla ponožku, na tom mieste kde boli polámané jeho malé údy. Z jeho očí, nosa i uší vytekala krv. A videl som jeho malé krátke nohavice, zapnuté na gombíky tu okolo jeho útleho pásu a mal také dlhé ponožky, ako sa tu voľakedy nosili.

88A rozhliadol som sa dookola a bolo to presne, presne tak ako mi to Duch Svätý povedal dva roky pred tým, vtedy ste si to všetci, po celom národe, poznačili do svojich Biblií, že sa to má stať. Ó, tam, potom taká situácia je zvládnutá. Nezáleží na tom aký je on mŕtvy, nezáleží na tom čo hovorí niekto iný; to všetko je zvládnuté. On musel znovu ožiť!

89Povedal som: "Ak toto dieťa nevstane z mŕtvych, potom som falošný prorok, potom falošne predstavujem Boha. Pretože, u nás doma, pred dvoma rokmi, mi On povedal že toto sa stane. A tam tí kazatelia, i všetci - je to zapísané na voľnej stránke v našich Bibliách a presne tak to tu je. Čítajte to z tej voľnej stránky, ako sa to má stať v nejakej krajine; vyčnievajúce skaly a tak ďalej, zabitý a na ... bude ležať na pravej strane cesty." Povedal som: "Aha, je to tu. Nič to nemôže zadržať. Táto situácia je už pod kontrolou."

90Viera, ktorá bola v mojom srdci zostala pomazaná. Ó, keby som to len mohol vysvetliť! Viera , že Boh ... ktorú som mal v Boha, v to čo mi povedal a to nikdy nesklamalo, povedal mi: "Táto situácia je teraz pod kontrolou. Tu je presne to čo som ti ukázal pred dvoma rokmi a tu to leží presne podľa toho. To jediné čo musíš urobiť je povedať slovo." A ten malý chlapec vstal z mŕtvych. Vidíte?

91 Jedného dňa, cestou na Aljašku, díval som sa dozadu na brata Freda Sothmana, ktorý tam sedel a na brata Banksa Wooda a na nich a rozmýšľal som o tom, ako som tu stál v zhromaždení a hovoril vám všetkým o zvierati, ktoré vyzeralo ako jeleň, s parohmi dlhými štyridsať dva cólov a o striebornom medveďovi grizlym. Nikdy predtým som tam nebol a ako ten ... povedal som vám, že to ulovím a ako sa to stane a koľkí tam so mnou budú a ako budú oblečení. Viete o tom, každý jeden z vás, povedal som vám to mnoho týždňov predtým ako sa to stalo.

92A tam, keď som tam prišiel, nevedel som o tom, ale tam ležalo to zviera. A ja som išiel a on ... bolo to nemožné, ak sa to dozvie nejaký poľovník, alebo bude počúvať túto pásku, ako sa môžete približovať spredu ku nejakému zvieraťu, ono by vyskočilo a ušlo. Ale toto tak neurobilo.

93A ono visí tam v mojej izbe. Tam visí ten strieborný medveď, presne tak ako ... A je tam roztiahnutý meter, krajčírsky meter, aby ukazoval ich presnú ... a parohy sa scvrknú najmenej o dva cóle, alebo aj viac, keď sú svieže na zvierati a potom, keď vysychajú. Ale tieto sa vôbec nescvrkli. Majú stále presne štyridsať dva cólov. Vidíte? Tam leží ten strieborný medveď, je sedem stôp dlhý, presne a všetko bolo presne tak, ako to bolo povedané a teraz to tam leží.

94Ale keď mi ten muž povedal; to bol ten v tej zelenej košeli, on povedal: "Pozri sa, brat Branham, tu máme to zviera o ktorom si hovoril, ale ti si mi povedal, že ulovíš strieborného grizlyho prv ako sa dostaneš dole z tohoto vrchu, naspäť tam kde sú ostatní.

95Povedal som: "To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Boh tak povedal."

96"Ale, brat Branham," on riekol: "Môžem tu vidieť všetko na míle dookola a nič tu nie je. Skadiaľ sa tu on vezme?"

97Povedal som: "To sa mňa nepýtaj. Boh to tak povedal! A On je Jehova-Jirech. On tam môže priviesť nejakého medveďa. On tam jedného môže dať." A On ho tam dal. A aha, tu ho máte. To je situácia pod kontrolou.

98A keď Mojžiš uvidel, že bol vzbudený za týmto účelom a stretol tvárou v tvár, toho veľkého Boha, ktorý ho povolal a pomazal ho a identifikoval ho a povedal: "Toto je tvoje povolanie, Mojžiš. Ja ťa posielam a ukážem ti Svoju slávu. A tu som v horiacom kríku. Choď tam! Ja budem s tebou." On nepotreboval ani palicu. On mal Slovo, to potvrdené Slovo a on tam išiel. To pomazalo vieru, ktorá bola v ňom.

99A to pomazáva nás, keď vidíme že žijeme v tých posledných dňoch a môžeme pozorovať, že sa dejú všetky tieto znamenia, ktoré vidíme, o ktorých sa hovorí v Písme, že sa budú diať v tých posledných dňoch; celou cestou od neba, do politických mocí a ľudskej povahy a demoralizácii sveta a pomedzi ženy, čo oni budú robiť v týchto posledných dňoch a ako sa budú správať muži a ako sa cirkvi budú zachovávať, ako sa národy budú zachovávať a ako sa bude správať Boh. A vidíme že všetko to tu leží rovno pred nami.

100Ó, to pomazáva našu vieru. To nás vedie von do tých veľkých cyklov. Vidíte? To nás oddeľuje od ostatných vecí tohoto sveta. Vidíte? Nezáleží na tom ako málo nás je, alebo v akej zanedbateľnej menšine sa nachádzame, nezáleží na tom ako sa z nás smejú a robia si z nás žarty, to na tom ani trochu nič nemení. Je to jasné. Vidíme to. Je niečo vo vnútri nás. Boli sme predurčený do toho, aby sme uvideli túto hodinu a neexistuje nič čo by nás mohlo zadržať od toho, aby sme to videli. Amen! Boh to tu povedal. To sa už stalo. Vidíme to. Ó, ako sme za to Bohu vďační! Ó, potom, to vyvedie navonok vašu vieru, keď vidíme ako sa tu dejú tieto veci.

101Nuž a tu znovu môžeme čítať toto: "A za väčšie bohatstvo ako poklady Egypta považoval pohanenie Kristovo." Pre neho pohanenie Kristovo malo veľkú cenu.

102Nuž, zapamätajte si: "pohanenie Kristovo." Vidíte, slúžiť Kristovi je hanba. Ak ste vo svete veľmi populárny, potom nemôžete slúžiť, nemôžete slúžiť Kristovi. Nie nemôžete. Pretože, vidíte to, s tým ide určité pohanenie. Svet s tým stále pohŕdal.

103Keď sa pozrieme späť dozadu, pred tisícimi rokmi, išlo s tým určité pohanenie. A Mojžiš mal byť faraón, on bol faraónov nástupca, faraónov syn. On sa mal stať ďalším faraónom, bol obľúbený medzi ľuďmi a jednako on si "vážil ..."Považovať znamená "vážiť si." "On si vážil pohanenie Kristovo viacej ako všetko to čo mu mohol poskytnúť Egypt." Egypt bol v jeho rukách. Ale, jednako, on vedel, že ísť Kristovou cestou je pohanením, ale on bol z toho taký šťastný, keď mohol vedieť, že v ňom je niečo, čo spôsobilo že si vážil toto priblíženie Kristovo, či vlastne pohanenie, viac ako všetky skvosty, ktoré zdedil. On mal dedičstvo v sebe vo vnútri, ktoré bolo oveľa väčšie, než ako to čo mu dalo to vonkajšie dedičstvo.

104Ó, keby sme my mohli byť dnes takí a nech by Duch Svätý pomazal to čo máme v sebe vo vnútri, tú vieru, do pobožného života, posväteného Kristovi!

105A teraz, s takouto vierou akú on mal, on to spozoroval a on považoval to pohanenie za poctu.

106Dnes niekto môže zavolať: "Hej, ty si jeden z tých ľudí? Z tých . . .?"

"Och, och, nuž, no." Hanbíte sa za to.

107Ale on to považoval za väčšie bohatstvo ako celý svet, pretože tam vo vnútri v ňom bolo niečo čo mohol vysloviť a povedať: "Áno, vážim si toho. To je veľká česť. Som rád, že som jedným z nich." Vidíte? "Som rád, že môžem byť započítaný ako Hebrej a nie ako Egypťan."

108Dnes by kresťania mali hovoriť tak isto. "Som rád, že sa môžem považovať za kresťana, zdržiavať sa preč od vecí toho sveta a od pravidiel tohoto sveta." Nie len ako nejaký člen cirkvi, ale ako znovuzrodený kresťan, ktorý žije podľa Písma. Hoci by som bol nazvaný, dokonca od svojich členov cirkvi: "fanatik," jednako pokladám toto za niečo väčšie, než ako byť najpopulárnejším človekom v meste, alebo v národe. Radšej by som bol toto, než ako prezident Spojených štátov, alebo - alebo kráľ nad svetom. Vidíte? Tak vysoko si toho cením, pretože Boh vo svojej milosti, pred založením sveta, ma videl a umiestnil tam to drobné zrniečko, že moja viera sa môže povzniesť ponad veci tohoto sveta. A teraz ma On zavolal a ja si cením moje miesto."

109Ako povedal Pavol, on si vážil svoju službu s vysokou ... vidíte a och, že Boh ho zavolal, aby sa nestal nejakým veľkým učiteľom, ako bol Gamaliel. Ale Pavol bol zavolaný na to, aby bol zasvätený Kristovi. Vidíte? Teraz je to tak isto.

110Všimnite si, s takouto vierou, on nikdy nespoliehal na svojom pohľade, na tom čo mohol vidieť. Nuž, on tam vonku nevidel nič iné iba bandu ľudí so špinavými rukami, otrokov, vo vezení, zabíjaných každý deň, bičovaných, vysmiatych, ich náboženskí veriaci boli "fanatici". A tam sedel na tróne faraón, ktorý nepoznal, ani si nevážil ničoho ohľadne ich náboženstva. On nič o tom nevedel. On bol pohan, tak on len ... Čo za obraz na dnes! A aha, tu to je, odlišné náboženstvo. A ako to, že keď tento Mojžiš, skoro na tom samom postavení s prezidentom, či tým veľkým mužom, faraónom, aby po jeho smrti zaujal jeho miesto a on bol starí. A jednako Mojžiš myslel, že to povolanie ... On sa díval von, cez to isté okno cez ktoré sa díval faraón, pretože on bol v jeho dome.

111A faraón sa díval von a videl tých ľudí, ktorí pozdvihovali svoje ruky a oni za to brali bič a bili ich na smrť, pretože sa modlili. Oni ich bodali mečom , pretože niekedy dokonca neposlúchali a nútili ich pracovať až ich telá omdlievali a dávali im, ani nie polovičnú stravu. "Nuž, oni neboli ničím, iba bandou fanatikov, ani nie ľuďmi."

112A Mojžiš jednako, tá viera v ňom, hľadel na nich a povedal: "Oni sú Božím požehnaným ľudom." Amen. To sa mi páči. S takou vierou, jeho oči sa nezahľadeli na poklady Egypta, oni sa zahľadeli na zasľúbenie Božie. Jeho orlie oči viery videli poza poklady Egypta. On pamätal na to, že teraz sa stáva orlom. On je prorok a jeho orlie oči sa povzniesli ponad tie veci. Ó, ako to mám rád! Oj! Joj!

113Ako často dnes ... Dnes, kresťania spoliehajú na svojich zmysloch a na tom čo môžu vidieť, alebo na tom čo môžu porozumieť, namiesto toho, aby spoliehali na svojej viere - spoliehate na tom, čo vidíte svojimi očami, tie skvosty. Tak ako vy, ženy. Stále vás vyzývam, ohľadne vašich vlasov, že si ich musíte nechať rásť, nesmiete nosiť make-up, musíte sa správať ako dámy a kresťanky. Dívate sa von na ulicu a vidíte tie ženy, ktoré sa tak nemorálne obliekajú. A tak si myslíte: "Veď, ona patrí do tejto cirkvi, prečo by som to aj ja nemohla robiť?" Vidíte? "A ona sa strihá, nuž prečo by som to aj ja nemohla robiť? Ona s tým vyzerá krajšie a na vyššej úrovni, to je predsa osobnosť oveľa väčšia ako som ja. Nuž, prečo by som to nemohla ja robiť. Môžem to robiť." Keď to robíte, to ochromuje vašu vieru. Vidíte? Nedávate svojej viere šancu, aby mohla rásť. Začnite od toho, ako som povedal.

114Niekto my povedal: "brat Branham, krajina, ľudia, ťa pokladajú za proroka. Nemal by si takto vrieskať po ženách, ani po mužoch, kvôli týmto veciam. Mal by si ich učiť ako prorokovať a prijať dary."

115Povedal som: "Ako ich môžem učiť algebru, keď nepoznajú ešte ani abecedu?" Vidíte?

116Začnite len od toho. Očistite sa, že keď pôjdete po ulici budete vyzerať ako kresťanka, v každom prípade a potom choďte a správajte sa ako kresťan. Vidíte? A nedokážete to robiť sami od seba. To musíte mať v sebe Krista. A ak tam leží to semeno a narazí naň to Svetlo, ono ožije. Ak neožije, to znamená že tam nebolo nič čo by mohlo ožiť. Pretože, jasne je to potvrdené na iných príkladoch, že to ožíva akonáhle to Svetlo dopadne na to.

117Je to pokarhanie pre ženy, ja viem, keď toto počúvate, alebo keď budete počúvať túto pásku. Je to pre teba pokarhanie, sestra. Malo by byť. Malo by byť, pretože to ukazuje ... Nestarám sa o to čo si vykonala; ty môžeš byť nábožná, celý tvoj život, môžeš žiť v cirkvi, tvoj otec môže byť kazateľ, alebo tvoj muž môže byť kazateľ; ale tak dlho ako si neposlušná Božiemu Slovu, to ukazuje, že tam nie je žiadny Život. Keď vidíš, že táto vec bola jasne ukázaná a vidíš Život Svätého Ducha, pozoruj To, keď To narazilo na iných. Hľaď čo oni robia. Ak To na nich toto spôsobuje ... nieto divu . . .

118Čo to bolo za pokarhanie pre tých farizejov, ktorí nazývali Ježiša, keď On mohol rozpoznávať ich myšlienky, oni Ho nazývali Belzebubom.

119A tá obyčajná prostitútka povedala: "Nuž, tento Chlap je Mesiáš. Písmo hovorí, že On bude toto robiť." Vidíte, tam ležalo to predurčené semeno. A keď naň dopadlo to Svetlo, ono ožilo. Nie ste schopný utíšiť to. Nemôžete skryť Život.

120Môžete vziať betón a vyliať na trávu a zabiť ju cez zimu. No na jar, kde je najväčšia tráva? Práve okolo toho betónu. Pretože pod tým kameňom je semeno, ktoré má schopnosť vyklíčiť a keď začne svietiť slnko, nie ste schopný ho zadržať. Ono si pretlačí cestu a prepletie sa okolo cez to a dostane sa von popri kraji a prestrčí svoju hlavu hore do chváli Božej. Vidíte, život nemôžete ukryť. Keď slnko narazí na ten rastlinný život, musí to žiť.

121A keď Duch Svätý narazí na Život Písma, ktorý je v človeku, momentálne to prináša ovocie. Vidíte?

122 Tak bez ohľadu na to aká ste čestná a spravodlivá, bez ohľadu na to, že hovoríte že ste nie ... hovorím o týchto ženách, ktoré tam vonku nosia toto hanebné oblečenie i tomu podobné veci, je to práve tak akoby striptíz na ulici; hoci si myslíte že to nie ste, nemôžete tomu uveriť. Môžete dokázať, že ste čistá od cudzoložstva, ale v Božej Knihe ste spáchali cudzoložstvo. Ježiš povedal: "Ktokoľvek žiadostivo pozrie na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci." A vy ste sa predvádzali takým spôsobom. Vidíte, nemôžete to vidieť, iba ak tam leží ten Život.

123Dívate sa na niekoho iného, dívate sa a hovoríte: "No dobre, poznám sestru Jones, brat Jones je ... On je kazateľom. Jeho žena robí toto i tamto.."

124Nestarám sa o to čo ona robí. Toto je Slovo. Ježiš povedal: "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvo a Moje pravdou." To je Biblia. A keď to Svetlo skutočne dopadne na to semeno, ono musí ožiť. Ono proste musí ožiť.

125Mojžišove veľké oči, jeho orlie oči, pozerali ponad poklady Egypta.

126Opravdivý veriaci kresťan dnes, nezáleží na tom čo hovorí cirkev, čo niekto iný hovorí; keď na to narazí to Svetlo, oni vidia práve to Božie potvrdenie, ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý tam visí. a znamenia a zázraky, ktoré sú zasľúbené, Písmo je predostrené a to ožíva; nezáleží na tom aké malé je to a v akej menšine sa to nachádza. Vidíte? "Neboj sa malé stádečko, lebo sa zaľúbilo vášmu otcovi dať vám Kráľovstvo." Vidíte? Oni to uchytili. Boh sa zaviazal, že im to pošle, z ktorejkoľvek denominácie oni sú, z akéhokoľvek zriadenie, kdekoľvek, aby To uvideli, ak sú určení do Života.

127Pozrite sa na starého Simeona, ktorý bol určený do Života. Keď Mesiáš prišiel do chrámu, vo forme nemluvňaťa, na ramenách svojej matky; Simeon, ktorý si tam niekde vzadu v izbe čítal. Duch Svätý ho pozdvihol, pretože on očakával. Ten Život bol v ňom. On povedal: "Nezomriem až kým neuvidím Krista Pánovho." A tam v chráme bol Pánov Kristus. Duch Svätý ho viedol z jeho povinností, von a on kráčal rovno až ku tomu decku, pozdvihol ho a povedal: "Teraz prepúšťaš Svojho služobníka v pokoji, lebo moje oči videli Tvoje spasenie."

128Tam v kúte stála nejaká stará slepá žena, ktorá sa nazývala Anna, ktorá slúžila Pánovi dňom i nocou. Ona tiež predpovedala a hovorila: "Mesiáš prichádza. Môžem Ho vidieť ako prichádza." A pritom bola slepá. A v tom istom čase, keď On tam bol ... Ten drobný Život, ktorý bol v nej, to bolo to čo jej predpovedalo: "To tam bude! To tam bude! To tam bude!" A potom, ten istý Život, to Svetlo prišlo do tej budovy, vo forme Nemluvňaťa, ako "nemanželské dieťa," zavinutý v plienkach, prechádzajúci cez budovu. A Duch Svätý dopadol na tú starú slepú ženu a ona prišla skrze Ducha, vedená pomedzi ľudí a zastala pri tom Nemluvňati; a požehnala matku, požehnala dieťa a povedala aká bude Jeho budúcnosť. Vidíte, určená do Života! Vidíte?

129Pozrite sa na nich, nebolo ich ani tucet. Vo dňoch Noeho bolo zachránených len osem duší, vôbec nie veľa, ale všetci, ktorí boli určení do Života, prišli v tom čase. Vidíte ako Duch Svätý pracuje v každom veku, ako tiahne ľudí.

130A teraz pozorujeme, že Mojžiš, jeho viera ho viedla, aby pozoroval na to čo sa má stať, nie na to čo bolo. Hľaďte na zajtrajšok a nie na dnešok. Hľaďte na zasľúbenie a nie na skvosty. Hľaďte na ľudí a nie na organizácie. Vidíte? Boh to urobil.

131Lót mohol vidieť skvosty blahobytu tam dole v Egypte, či vlastne v Sodome. Lót mohol vidieť možnosti vyplývajúce z množstva peňazí. Lót mohol vidieť tie možnosti, keď sa pozeral na Sodomu a mohol by sa možno stať ... Pretože bol židom, mohol sa tam stať veľkým človekom, pretože on bol veľkou vzdelanou postavou a Abrahámovým synovcom a tak on si vyvolil ísť do Sodomy. Lótove rozumové schopnosti ho viedli do toho, aby videl skvosty blahobytu. Lótove rozumové schopnosti ho viedli do toho, aby videl požehnanie bohatstva. Ale jeho viera bola skrze to tak ochromená, že on neuvidel oheň, ktorý prichádzal, aby zničil takýto spôsob života.

132A to je to čo ľudia robia dnes. Oni vidia tie možnosti, ktoré im plynú z toho, že patria do veľkej organizácii, oni vidia tie možnosti, že môžu mať sociálne postavenie s ľuďmi toho mesta, ale nevidia tie možnos- ... Oni nevidia, že ich viera je ochromená. Dovoľte mi to zopakovať, aby ste to mohli dobre porozumieť. Ženy dnes, oni, ako som povedal, oni sa chcú správať ako filmové hviezdy. A muži sa dnes chcú správať ako televízny komici.

133Kazatelia dnes vyzerajú akoby chceli prerobiť svoje cirkvi na nejaké moderné prístrešia, členstvo a tak ďalej. Vidia možnosti stať sa biskupom alebo nejakým hlavným dozorcom, alebo niečím takým, ak budú kráčať zarovno s cirkvou; opúšťajúc Písma, keď to leží rovno pred nimi, s priamym potvrdením skrze moc Božiu a skrze živé Slovo, ktoré žije v ľuďoch. A jednako, oni to nechcú. Oni hovoria: "My nechceme mať nič dočinenia s niečím takým ako je toto." Tým by mohli stratiť svoj cirkevný preukaz. Narušilo by to ich denominačný poriadok. Jednako poctivý človek ako Lót, ktorý sedel tam dole v Sodome, vedel že to je zlé. Vidíte? Vidíte? Čo oni robia, keď takto postupujú? Ochromujú tú malú vieru ktorú mali. Ona nemôže fungovať.

134 A teraz, Mojžiš sa oddeľuje preč od toho a on ... jeho viera ochromila svet.

135Buď vaša viera ochromí skvosty, alebo skvosty ochromia vašu vieru. Nuž, vy si musíte vybrať jedno alebo druhé. A vidíte, že Biblia sa nemení. Boh sa nemení. On je nemenný Boh.

136Zistili sme teraz, dnes, že ľudia, ktorí žijú v tomto čase, vidíte, oni hľadia po veľkých veciach, po veľkých organizáciách. "Ja patrím do tej takej a takej." Vidíte? A odchádzajú tam a hľaďte, nie je rozdiel medzi nimi a medzi ľuďmi z ulice. Nie je tam nič iné. Oni majú trochu niečoho intelektuálneho a zostávajú na tom. Keď hovoríte s nimi o Božskom uzdravovaní, o Ohnivom Stĺpe, o Svetle Božom, oni hovoria: "To je nenormálne."

137 Jeden človek raz vzal ten obrázok anjela Pánovho, jedného dňa, nejaký Baptistický kazateľ a smial sa z Toho. Vidíte, to je - to je rúhanie. Vidíte? Na to nie je odpustenie.

138To je to čo Ježiš povedal, vidíte. To je rúhanie; keď vidíte že To činí tie isté skutky, ktoré činil Kristus. A On povedal ... Keď oni videli tie skutky pri Kristovi, On bol Obeťou a oni Ho nazývali "Belzebubom a diablom," pretože On to činil. A teraz oni hovoria ... On povedal: "Ja vám to odpúšťam. Ale keď príde Duch Svätý, aby robil toto isté a poviete proti Tomu jedno slovo, nikdy vám to nebude odpustené, v tomto svete ani v tom budúcom." Vidíte? Stačí len jedno slovo, ktoré poviete proti Tomu. Vidíte? a potom . . .

139Preto že, ak ten Život, ak ste boli určený do Večného Života, potom ten Život cez vás prepukne, keď To uvidíte. Vy to rozpoznáte, ako tá prostá žena pri studni a - a tí rôzni iní. Ale ak to tam nie je, nemôže to ožiť, pretože tam nie je nič čo by mohlo ožiť. Ako zvykla hovoriť moja stará mama: "Z repy nemôžeš dostať krv" pretože tam žiadna nie je. Nuž a to je to isté

140 A to ochromuje tú malú vieru ktorú máte. Lot mohol vidieť tie skvosty, ale nemal dostatok viery, aby uvidel ten oheň, ktorý ide zničiť takéto skvosty.

141Som zvedavý či my máme dnes tú vieru. Som zvedavý či nám ... tie ženy, ktoré chcú byť populárne, ktoré sa chcú správať tak ako tie ostatné ženy v cirkvi, keď vidia, že tie sa chcú správať ako ostatné - oni môžu vidieť tie možnosti, že môžu byť krajšie keď sa budú maľovať. Môžu vidieť krajšie ženy, ktoré vyzerajú mladšie, keď si strihajú vlasy a správajú sa tak ako tie ostatné, alebo ako filmové hviezdy. Ale som zvedavý či to neochromuje ich vieru, aby mohli poznať, že Biblia hovorí, že ktorá to robí je bezocti. A žena, ktorá vkladá na seba odev ktorý patrí mužovi, že je to ohavnosťou pred Bohom - nohavice a tak ďalej a šortky, ktoré oni nosia. A to sa už stalo tak zaužívaným, že je to pravidelným zvykom pre tých ľudí, ktorí to robia. Som zvedavý, či oni neochromujú práve tú prostú vieru, ktorú ste mali, ešte aj chodenie do zboru, vidíte. To je to čo to robí.

142Lót to urobil a to ho ochromilo a to ochromilo jeho ľudí, ktorí tam boli. Oni neboli schopní uvidieť to.

143Ale Abrahám, s potvrdenou vierou, jeho strýko, on nehľadel na ten lesk bohatstva, on s tým nechcel mať nič spoločného, hoci mal v živote ťažké chvíle, ktoré sám musel prežívať. I Sára žila tam vonku na púšti, kde bol ťažký život, v tej neúrodnej zemi. Ale oni nehľadeli na lesk bohatstva, ani na možnosti stať sa populárnymi.

144 Sára, tá najkrajšia žena v kraji, Biblia tak hovorí. Ona bola pekná, najkrajšia zo všetkých žien. A ona jednako zostala pri svojom mužovi a poslúchala ho a dokonca ho nazývala svojím pánom, na čo poukazuje Biblia v Novom Zákone, kde stojí: "ktorej ste dcérami, potiaľ, pokiaľ zotrvávate vo viere." Vidíte, svojho muža nazývala "pánom".

145A anjel Pánov navštívil jej chrám a ... či vlastne jej malý stan tam vonku a povedal im - Oni dokonca nemali ani dom v ktorom by mohli bývať; bývali tam vonku v tej neúrodnej zemi. No vidíte. Vidíte ten deň, ktorý ide znovu podľa toho vzoru, presne tak ako to bolo v tedy?

146A teraz Mojžiš so svojou veľkou vierou, znovu mohol povedať "nie" tým prítomným veciam jeho vtedajšieho sveta a urobiť to správne rozhodnutie. On si vyvolil trpieť v súžení s ľudom Božím. On si vyvolil ísť s tým. Prečo? Jeho viera! On videl to zasľúbenie. On videl čas konca. On videl ponad to do zajtrajška a on dal svojej viere voľnosť. A nezvracal žiadnu pozornosť na to čo videli jeho oči tu v tých možnostiach, že on bol faraón, že sa mal stať faraónom. On hľadel rovno ponad to do zajtrajška.

147Och, keby to len ľudia tak mohli robiť, nevidieť ten prítomný svet. Ak sa pozriete na ten prítomný svet, rozhodujete sa preň. Odvráťte svoje oči od toho a hľaďte na zasľúbenie Božie, ponad to do zajtrajšku.

148Skrze svoju vieru si on mohol vyvoliť. On si vyvolil byť nazývaný synom Abrahámovým a odmietol, aby ho nazývali synom faraónovým. Akoby on mohol, keď celé to kráľovstvo ... Egypt vládol nad svetom. On bol kráľom sveta, bol mladý, okolo štyridsať rokov, pripravený zasadnúť na trón. Ale on vôbec nehľadel na svoje intelek- . . .

149Pozri sa na ženy, ktoré boli okolo neho, deň za dňom, celý hárem. Pozri sa na lesk bohatstva; sedieť a popíjať víno a dívať sa na striptíz pred sebou, ako tancujú a ovievajú ho s ... A ženy z celého sveta, ovešané šperkami a drahokamami. Jediné čo musel robiť bolo sadnúť si a jesť tie vynikajúce pokrmy a dať rozkaz: "Pošlite posádku číslo to a to, tam a tam, zajmite ten národ. Ja si to prajem." To bolo všetko čo musel urobiť. Sedel tam a oni ho ovievali a držali mu otvorené ústa; nech začne ten príjemný, prekrásny striptíz na dnes, lievali mu do úst víno, podávali mu jedlo, objímajúc ho, všetky tie najkrajšie ženy na svete. Všetky tie skvosty, ktoré existovali, ležali rovno pri ňom.

150Ale čo on urobil? On sa díval preč od toho. On vedel, že na to je už pripravený oheň. On vedel, že na tej ceste leží smrť. Vidíte? On vedel že to existuje. A on hľadel ponad to na skupinu pohrdnutých a odmietnutých ľudí a vierou si vyvolil trpieť pohanenie Kristovo a nazýval sa: "Som syn Abrahámov. Nie som synom faraóna. Hoci by ste ma urobili biskupom, alebo diakonom, alebo arcibiskupom, alebo pápežom, ja nie som synom týchto vecí. Som syn Abrahámov a oddeľujem sa od vecí tohoto sveta." Amen, amen a amen! Urobil to skrze vieru!

151Odstrčil nabok lesk bohatstva. Odhodil nabok tie možnosti stať sa nasledujúcim biskupom, odhodil nabok tie možnosti stať sa ďalším arcibiskupom, alebo budúcim generálnym dozorcom v ďalších voľbách, alebo čokoľvek to mohlo byť, on to odhodil nabok. Odmietol dívať sa na to.

Dr.." Ľudia budú behať po svete, aby boli ... videli pápeža a pobozkali mu nohy a prstene a tak ďalej. Čo za výhoda byť katolíkom, čo za výhoda byť protestantom, byť biskupom alebo generálnym dozorcom, alebo niečím takým, nejakým veľkým mužom v nejakej organizácii.

153Pozerajúc sa ... oh, ale vidíte, to oko viery hľadelo ponad to všetko. A vidíte aký je tam tomu koniec, to čo Boh povedal, že všetko to bude zničené. Viera, to orlie oko, sa pozdvihuje ponad to všetko a vidíte zajtrajšok, nie dnešok a volíte byť nazývaný syn Abraháma.

154 Faraón, bez viery, videl deti Božie ako "fanatikov". Bez viery, urobil z nich otrokov, pretože sa nebál toho čo on povedal. On sa nebál Boha. On si myslel, že on je boh. On si myslel že jeho - jeho bohovia, ktorým on slúžil, - že on bol biskup, on bol hlavným generálnym dozorcom, jeho bohovia sú tí jediní, ktorí to urobili; nič nemal tu do týchto vecí a tak z nich urobil otrokov. On sa z nich smial. Tak ako to robia ľudia dnes, je to presne to isté.

155Mojžišova viera ich videla v zasľúbenej zemi, ako požehnaný ľud. Mohol to bol tvrdý boj, dostať ich do zasľúbenia a Mojžiš sa rozhodol ísť s nimi. Rád by som pri tom zostal, ale môj čas beží. Vidíte?

156Všimnite si, mohlo to byť ťažké obrátiť tých ľudí. "Musíte s nimi žiť. Musíte byť jedným z nich a oni boli už takí múdri, že ste s nimi nemohli ani hnúť. Vidíte? Ale niečo sa tam muselo stať. Musela sa zjaviť pred nimi tá nadprirodzená manifestácia. Bude to ťažké. Organizácie vás odmietnu a všetko toto sa stane. Je to hrozné, čo musíte podstúpiť, ale jednako sa rozhodnite."

157"Ja som jeden z nich." Ó. Jeho viera to dokázala. Jeho viera sa vznietila. Tak veru. On to videl. Bolo to ťažké doviesť ich do zasľúbenia, ale on sa jednako rozhodol ísť s nimi. Bez ohľadu na to čo mu oni urobili, i ako ho odmietli, on jednako išiel. On išiel s nimi.

158Nuž dúfam, že ste pripravení. V poriadku. Ísť s nimi, cez to všetko. Učiň ma jedným z nich, to je ono, pretože to je tvoja povinnosť. Môže to byť ťažký boj a mnoho toho cez čo treba prejsť, ale jednako choď.

159Ale jeho viera ho viedla do toho, aby sa rozhodol pre Slovo a nie pre lesk toho sveta. On sa chopil Slova. To je to čo urobila Mojžišova viera. Keď viera hľadí na Božie najhoršie ... Pamätajte, tu bola teraz nádhera, svet, to najvyššie, kráľ sveta. A kde bolo to čo Boh zasľúbil? V zablatenej diere medzi špinavými babrákmi.

160Ale keď viera, keď sa viera pozrela na to Božie najhoršie, ona si to vážila viac, oveľa viac než ako to najlepšie čo mohol ukázať ten svet. Tak veru. Keď viera hľadí na to, keď to viera môže vidieť, keď viera v Slovo môže vidieť zamanifestované Slovo, je to viac ako všetky skvosty a arcibiskupstvá i všetko iné, čo len môžete povedať. Tak to vidí viera. Vidíte? Môžete vidieť to najhoršie, pohrdnutie, odmietnutie, čokoľvek to môže byť; nech je to to najhoršie a jednako viera si to cení o milión míľ vyššie ako najlepšie čo môže vyprodukovať ten svet. Amen! V takom zmysle spievame tú pieseň: "Pôjdem tou cesto s tými niekoľkými Pánovými, ktorými pohŕdajú." Vidíte? Ó!

161Pretože, vidíte, viera vidí to čo chce Boh urobiť. Ó, dúfam že to vchádza do vnútra. Viera nehľadí na ten prítomný čas. Viera nehľadí na toto tu. Viera hľadí, aby videla to čo Boh chce a podľa toho sa zachováva. To je to čo robí viera. Ona hľadí na to čo chce Boh, na to čo Boh chce urobiť, viera funguje skrze to.

162Viera to je videnie na ďaleký dostrel. Ona neznižuje svoj pohľad. Má ho namierený na cieľ. Amen! Každý dobrý strelec to pozná. Vidíte? To je ďaleký dostrel. To je teleskop. To je ďalekohľad, ktorým nehľadíte tu dookola. Nepoužívate ďalekohľad, aby ste sa pozreli koľko je hodín; rozumiete, nepoužívate ho na to. Ale používate ďalekohľad, aby ste sa pozreli do ďaleka.

163A to robí viera. Viera vezme Boží ďalekohľad, oba, na obidve oči, Nový i Starý Zákon a vidí každé zasľúbenie ktoré On dal. A viera to tam vidí a viera sa rozhoduje pre to, bez ohľadu na to čo tu hovorí ten prítomný čas. On hľadí na koniec. Nesklopuje svoj pohľad, aby sa takto díval. On sa díva do diaľky. Drží kríž hľadítka nehybne na Slove. To robí viera. To je viera, ktorá je v človeku, ktorý takto postupuje.

164Nuž pozrite sa. To čo Faraón nazýval veľkým, Boh to nazýval ohavnosťou. Faraón by mohol povedať: "Pozri sa Mojžiš! Prečo, ti si nasledujúci faraón. Odovzdám ti toto žezlo, keď z tadeto odídem. Odovzdám ti toto žezlo. Je tvoje. Vidíte? Nuž, toto je veľká vec. Staneš sa veľkým mužom, Mojžiš. Staneš sa biskupom. Staneš sa týmto, tým alebo tamtým. Neopúšťaj nás. Zostaň tu." Ale, vidíte, on toto nazýval veľkým a Boh povedal, že to bola ohavnosť!

165Nuž a vy ženy zamyslite sa na chvíľu - i vy muži. To čo svet nazýva veľkým, Boh to nazýva "svinstvo." Či nehovorí Biblia: "Je to ohavnosť pre ženy, aby nosili mužský odev"? A vy si myslíte, že keď to robíte, že ste krajšie. Vidíte? Tým nerobíte nič iné, len predvádzate pre diabla ženské telo. A tak, nerobte to.

166A vy mužovia, ktorí sa ženiete za vecami tohoto sveta a obklopujete sa nimi. A vy mužovia, ktorí nemáte dostatok odvahy, aby ste priviedli svoje ženy do toho, aby to prestali robiť, hanbite sa! A nazývate sa synovia Boží? Pre mňa vyzeráte ako Sodomiti. Vidíte? Nehovorím to preto, aby som urazil vaše pocity, ale aby som vám povedal Pravdu. Láska napráva a dá sa naprávať. Ona vždy bola taká. Matka, ktorá sa nestará o svoje dieťa, nenapráva ho a nekára ho a nevedie ho do poslušnosti, nie je viac pre neho matkou. Je to tak.

167Nuž a hľaďte čo sa teraz deje. Mojžiš videl toto, skrze svoje videnie. A Faraón povedal že "toto je veľké." Boh povedal: "To je ohavnosť." Tak Boh ... Mojžiš si vybral to čo povedal Boh.

168 A tak, všimnite si, viera vidí to čo Boh od vás chce, aby ste videli. Rozumiete? Viera vidí to čo vidí Boh.

169A rozum a zmysly vidia to čo svet od vás chce, aby ste videli. Všimnite si rozum: "Nuž, to je len ľudský zmysel, to je len - len usudzovanie, že toto ... Nuž, nie je toto práve tak dobré?" Vidíte? Je to presne tak, keď používate tieto zmysly, ktoré sú proti Slovu, vidíte, potom to je to čo od vás chce svet, aby ste videli.

170Ale viera na to nehľadí. Viera hľadí na to čo povedal Boh. Vidíte? Viete, rozum dávate nabok.

171Rozum, rozumovanie, vidí to čo od vás chce svet, aby ste videli, veľkú denomináciu. Si kresťan? "Ó, ja som presbyterián, metodista, luterán a letničný, všetko možné." Vidíte, to sú zmysly. "Ja patrím do prvej cirkvi, vidíš. Ó, ja som katolík. Ja som toto, tamto." Vidíte, tak to hovoríte. Nuž, to je zmysel. Radi to tak poviete, pretože to je veľká denominácia, niečo veľké. "My máme množstvo členov, skoro viac ako ktorákoľvek cirkev na svete, vidíte. My . . ."

172Ale je len jedna opravdivá Cirkev a do nej sa nemôžete pripojiť. Do nej sa narodíte. Vidíte? A ak ste sa do nej narodili, sám živý Boh účinkuje cez vás a dáva sa poznávať. Vidíte? Tam Boh prebýva, vo svojej Cirkvi. Boh chodí do Cirkvi každí deň, žije proste v Nej. On žije vo vás. Vy ste jeho Cirkvou. Vy ste tým chrámom, v ktorom prebýva Boh. Vy sami ste Cirkvou živého Boha. A ak ten živý Boh žije vo svojich živých bytostiach, potom vaše skutky sú z Boha; ak to tak nie je, potom tam nie je Boh. On vás nevedie do toho, aby ste sa takto zachovávali, keď On hovorí tu v Slove, vo Svojej tlači: "Nerob to," a vy idete a robíte to. Vidíte, to je zle. Keď to zapierate, to potom ukazuje, že ten Život vo vás vôbec nie je. Vidíte? Je to tak.

173Viera viedla Mojžiša cestou poslušnosti. Všimnite si, Mojžiš ... Tam je mladý faraón; tam je mladý Mojžiš, obaja majú tú príležitosť. Mojžiš videl pohanenie toho ľudu a pokladal to za väčšie bohatstvo, než ako mal celý Egypt. A on, vedený vierou, on nasledoval to čo hovorila jeho viera v Slovo a ona ho viedla po ceste poslušnosti a nakoniec do slávy, nesmrteľnosti - nikdy nezomierať, v prítomnosti Božej. Zrak a rozum a lesk sveta, viedli faraóna na smrť a do zničenia Egypta, jeho národa a od vtedy sa už nikdy nespamätal.

174Tak tu to máte. Hľaďte na toto a zomriete. Hľaďte na To a budete žiť. A teraz sa rozhodnite. To je to isté čo Boh predložil pred Adama a Evu v záhrade Eden. Vidíte? Skrze vieru, musíte urobiť svoje rozhodnutie.

175Všimnite si teraz, zrak viedol faraóna na smrť a jeho mesto na skazu.

176Mojžiš, so svojou vierou sa nikdy nebál faraóna. Vidíte? On sa nestaral o to čo povedal faraón. On sa nestaral o faraóna o nič viac, než ako sa starali jeho matka a jeho otec, o jeho hrozby. Keď sa Mojžiš utvrdil, že on je tým človekom, ktorý má vyslobodiť Egypt - či vlastne vyviesť Izraela z Egyptu, on sa vôbec nestaral o to čo povedal faraón. On nemal z neho strach. Amen, amen, amen! Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

177Vo viere nieto žiadneho strachu. Viera o tom vie. Viera, ako som vždy hovoril, ona má najväčšie svaly a zarastené prsia. Viera povedala: "Buď ticho!" a každý bol ticho. A hotovo. "Viem na čom stojím!"

A tí ostatní povedia: "Nuž, dobre, možno že to urobí." Vidíte?

178Ale vy sa musíte postaviť a ukázať svoje svaly. A hotovo. Viera to dokáže.

179 Všimnite si, Mojžiš sa už viacej nebál faraóna, po to čo mu Boh potvrdil jeho povolanie. Keď Mojžiš uveril, že je do toho povolaný, ale keď mu Boh tam povedal: "Je to tak," a prišiel dole a ukázal sa pred faraónom, i pred všetkými ostatnými, že bol poslaný, aby to urobil, Mojžiš sa vôbec nebál faraóna.

180Všimnite si, hoci faraón skúšal na Mojžišovi svoju múdrosť. Hľaďte. On povedal: "Poviem ti niečo, urobím s tebou dohodu" Potom čo ho ožrali tie pliagy, on povedal: "Urobím s tebou dohodu. Choďte len na tú malú pobožnosť, na tri dni. Len tak ďaleko a ďalej nechoď." Ale, vy viete, ... To boli faraónove múdrosti, ktoré mu to povedali, vidíte: "Choďte len po tade a nechoďte ďalej."

181Či i dnes nemáme niečo také? "Ak sa len pripojíš do cirkvi, je to v poriadku."

182Ale, vy viete, viera ktorú mal Mojžiš neverila v nejaké "len po tade" náboženstvo. On povedal: "My pôjdeme všetci. Prejdeme celú tú cestu. Tak to má byť. Ideme do zasľúbenej zemi. My nevyjdeme len tu na kúsok, aby sme urobili nejakú denomináciu a zastali. Ideme ďalej až do cieľu." Amen. "Ja idem do zasľúbenej zemi. Boh nám to zasľúbil."

183Koľko faraónov máme dnes, ktorí stoja za kazateľňou, hlavy organizácií! "Nuž, ak len urobíte toto alebo tamto a to stačí. Vidíte, len po tade."

Ale Mojžiš povedal: "Ó, nie! Nie, nie! Nie, nie!" Vidíte?

184Faraón povedal: "Nuž, prečo nie? Keď budete mať takéto náboženstvo, poviem vám čo máte robiť, len ty a starší choďte a klaňajte sa. Len ty a starší choďte a klaňajte sa. Pretože, vy všetci môžete mať takéto náboženstvo, ale nezavádzajte to medzi ľudí."

185Viete čo povedal Mojžiš? "Nezostane tu ani kopyto. Ideme celou cestou. Ideme všetci! Ja nejdem až kým oni nepôjdu. A zatiaľ čo som tu, som v tvojich rukách." Amen. "Nepôjdem až kým oni tak isto nebudú môcť ísť a hotovo." Oh, čo za chrabrého služobníka! Amen. "Ja ich chcem zobrať so sebou. Práve preto, že to mám urobiť a sadnem si a poviem, 'No dobre, toto je teraz v poriadku?' Nie, pane. My tiež chceme tých ľudí. Každý jeden z nás ide." Amen. On povedal: "Nezostane tu po nás ani len ovca, ani nič. Nezostane tu ani kopyto. Všetci pôjdeme do zasľúbenej zemi." Amen!

186Každý jeden z nás! Či si gazdiná, alebo či si obyčajné dievča, či si ty stará žena, alebo nejaký mladý chlapec, alebo starý chlap, alebo čokoľvek si, my jednako ideme. Ani jeden z nás tu nezostane." Amen. "Každý jeden z nás ide a nezastavíme sa na ničom." To je ono. Ó! Tie náboženstvá tam mali skutočne o čom debatovať, či nie? Ó!

187Nie, Mojžiš tu neveril v toto "len po tade" náboženstvo. Nie, on v to neveril. Cha-cha. Tak veru. Ó!

188Mohli by sme pri tom zostať celý deň, ale musím sa dostať za chvíľu do môjho textu a začať kázať.

189 Všimnite si, všimnite si toto, aké je to nádherné! Ó, ja to milujem. Viete, nakoniec faraón povedal: "Ber sa preč!" Boh ho takmer utrápil, s hlasom Mojžiša. On udrel na všetko. On urobil všetko čo malo byť urobené. On sa tam postavil ... spôsobil, aby zapadlo slnko v čase poludnia. On urobil všetko ďalšie. On - on zatemnil dne. Priviedol žaby, muchy, vši, i všetko ďalšie, oheň, dym a smrť do jeho rodín, i všetko ďalšie. On urobil všetko až nakoniec, faraón musel povedať: "Ber sa preč! Ber všetko čo máš a choď." Ó! Chvála Bohu!

190Som tak rád, že človek môže tak kompletne slúžiť Bohu až on, diabol, nevie čo s ním má urobiť. To je ono. Len poslúchať Boha tak kompletne až diabol povie: "Och, ber sa preč! Už to viacej nechcem počuť." To je ono. Môžete to robiť, tak kompletne.

191Pozrite sa teraz, keby Boh nebol podopieral Mojžiša, potom on by bol kameňom výsmechu. Ale Boh bol práve tam, potvrdzujúc to. Všetko čo on povedal sa stalo.

192 A faraón musel zastávať svoju pozíciu, pretože on bol biskup, viete, tak on tam musel zostať. On nemohol zaprieť. On nemohol povedať nie, pretože to sa už stalo. Vidíte? On nemohol - on to nemohol zaprieť, pretože to sa už stalo. A tak nakoniec on povedal: "Ó, ber sa už preč! Nechcem ťa už viacej počuť. Ber sa z tadeto preč! Vezmi si všetko čo máš a choď!" Ó!

193A teraz tu nachádzame Mojžiša, po tom všetkom čo Boh pre neho urobil, po tom čo mu ukázal toľko znamení a zázrakov. A teraz, za ďalších pätnásť minút, predložme si to tu. A pozorujme to skutočne dôkladne. Mojžiš prišiel ku tomuto bodu kde . . .

194Boh povedal: "Ja som s tebou. Tvoje slová sú Mojím Slovom. Ja so ti to dokázal, Mojžiš. Ti, keď tam v kraji nebolo žiadnych múch, to bolo mimo sezónu a ty si povedal: "Nech prídu muchy," a muchy prišli." To je stvorenie. Kto, okrem Boha, môže priviesť tmu na celú zem? On povedal: "Nech nastane tma," a nastala tma. Ty si povedal: "Nech sa zjavia žaby," a žaby boli ešte aj vo faraónovom dome, v posteliach a oni ich znášali na veľké hromady. Stvoriteľ! "A Ja som povedal cez teba, Mojžiš a spôsobil som, že Moje Slovo tvorilo cez tvoje ústa. Učinil som ťa vlastne bohom pred faraónom." Tak veru. "Ja som to všetko urobil."

195A tu oni prišli na miesto - prišla malá skúška a Mojžiš začal kričať: "Čo mám urobiť?"

196Chcem, aby ste si všimli. Toto tu je teraz veľká lekcia. Milujem to. Vidíte, Mojžiš, ak to tu správne čítame, že Mo ... Keď, tie deti začali mať strach, oni videli ako prichádza za nimi faraón, s armádou.

197Boh vykonal všetko dokonale. A teraz On ich vyviedol na cestu. On dal cirkev dokopy. Oni boli vyvolaní. Vyšli z každej denominácie. Všetci sa dali do kopy. Mojžiš tam vtedy vystúpil a povedal: "Pane, čo treba urobiť?"

198On povedal: "Nuž, choď a urob toto." V poriadku, ideme ďalej. "A teraz, Mojžiš, ty vieš, že Ja som ťa povolal, aby si vykonával túto službu."

"Áno, Pane"

199"V poriadku, choď a povedz toto a stane sa to," a tu prichádzajú muchy. "Zavolaj na toto," a tu to prichádza. "Urob toto," a tu to prichádza. Všetko to bolo, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN! A teraz sa dostáva do problémov . . .

200A Boh povedal: "Nuž, mám ich na ceste. Všetci zostali vyvolaný. Cirkev je pokope, mám ich na ceste. A teraz, Mojžiš, veď ich už ďalej. Ja som ti to prikázal. Ja si za chvíľu sadnem a odpočiniem."

201Mojžiš povedal: "Ó, Pane, aha, tu prichádza faraón! Ľudia sú všetci... Čo mám robiť? Čo mám robiť?" Vidíte to tam, či to nie sú len ľudské bytosti? Tak , veru. Začínajú kričať: "Čo mám robiť?"

202Tu vidíme Mojžiša, ako dokonale vyjadruje ľudskú povahu, stále chce, aby Boh bol za vami a tlačil vás do niečoho. Nuž, to sme my dnes. Vy chcete, aby Boh, po tom čo sme videli všetko to čo sme videli, jednako chcete, aby vás Boh tlačil, aby ste niečo robili. Vidíte?

203Mojžiš sa mal okolo toho tak ležérne, povedal: "Bože, opýtam sa Ťa a budem vidieť čo povieš. Áno, áno, Ty to hovoríš. Dobre v poriadku, ja to tiež poviem." Vidíte?

204Ale tu ho Boh ustanovil do tejto práci, dokázal mu, že je s nim. A tu ho máme, povstali tie okolnosti a on potom začína kričať: "Čo môžem robiť? Pane, čo môžem robiť?"

205A teraz si zapamätajte, on tu už prorokoval, pretože on povedal: "Týchto Egypťanov, ktorých dnes vidíte, nikdy viacej už neuvidíte." A hneď po tom začína kričať: "Bože, čo môžeme robiť?" Vidíte? Potom čo on vykonal celkom dobrú robotu, keď tam prorokoval. Vidíte, on im povedal čo sa stane. Keď bolo v ňom Slovo Božie, To bolo v ňom. A keď to vypovedal, to sa skutočne stalo. To čo povedal sa vždy stalo a tu on začína kričať: "Čo budem robiť?"

206Och, keby to neboli ľudské bytosti! Keby som to nebol ja! Keby som to nebol ja! Vidíte?

207On už mal vyskúšané: "Čo povieš to sa stane. Ja som s tebou."

208A tu za chvíľu povstala situácia. "Čo musím urobiť? Čo musím urobiť, Pane? Hej, Pane kde si? Hej, počuješ ma? Čo musím urobiť?" A On ho už ustanovil a potvrdil a dokázal a vykonal všetko cez neho. A tu: "Bože?" Ó! To úplne vyjadruje, že človek chce odpočívať a nechať Boha, aby ho tlačil.

209A, pri tom, on vedel že Boh ho pomazal do tejto práci, aby toto robil a Boh jasne potvrdil jeho výroky. To bol čas pre tých ľudí, aby boli vyslobodení. Boh, skrze jeho divy a zázraky, ich stiahol všetkých spolu do jednej skupiny. Sledujete ma? [Zhromaždenie "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Priviedol ich všetkých spolu do jednej skupiny, potvrdil jeho výroky. Písmo to tak hovorí; tu bol ten znak, tu bol ten dôkaz, všetko čo on povedal. Potom on prišiel medzi nich ako prorok. Vždy, čokoľvek on povedal, Boh to uctil, dokonca stvoriť a priviesť muchy a priviesť veci do existencie. A všetko čo mu On zasľúbil, tu to On urobil.

210Ale on chcel čakať na TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Vidíte? On mal vedieť, že práve to potvrdenie jeho povolania bolo to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Jeho práca do ktorej bol ustanovený bola TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Môžete to porozumieť? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Hm! Prečo on čakal na TAK HOVORÍ PÁN?

211On chcel: "Pane, čo môžem urobiť? Vyviedol som sem tieto deti, po tadeto. Tu sú takéto okolnosti, faraón prichádza. Oni všetci pomrú. Čo musím urobiť? Čo musím urobiť?" Hm! Hm!

212On už predpovedal čo oni urobia. On už presne povedal čo robiť. On predpovedal koniec práve toho národu, v ktorom boli vychovaní. Dúfam že rozumiete. [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Vidíte? Mojžiš už povedal: "Už ich viac neuvidíte. Boh ich zničí. Už si dosť dlho robili z vás posmech. Boh ich zničí." On už predpovedal čo sa im stane.

213Potom: "Pane, čo mám urobiť? Vidíte tam tú ľudskú povahu? Vidíte? Budem čakať na TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." Tak, veru. "Uvidím čo Pán povie a potom to urobím." Oj!

214 Pamätáte sa, tam povstal faraón ktorý nepoznal Jozefa, poznáte to, v tom čase, práve v tom čase. Vidíte? Vidíte? A práve vtedy povstal Mojžiš a predpovedal koniec toho národu.

215A tu on bol práve na tom mieste kde sa to malo stať a potom kričí: "Čo mám robiť, Pane? Čo mám robiť?" Vidíte? Nie je to ľudská bytosť? Nie je to len ľudská bytosť? "Čo mám robiť?" Oj!

216On už prorokoval. Boh uctil všetko čo on povedal a on bol do tej práci povolaný a tak prečo mal hovoriť: "Čo mám robiť?" Tam bola potreba; bolo to len na ňom, aby vypovedal slovo. Boh chcel, aby Mojžiš predložil ten dar viery, ktorý mu On dal, do práci. Boh to potvrdil. Bola to pravda. A Boh chcel, aby Mojžiš, chcel, aby ľudia videli, že On je s Mojžišom.

217A on, tam predtým, on čakal, hovoril: "Nuž, Pane, ja som len dieťa. Povedz mi to teraz Ty."

Áno, pôjdem to urobiť. Mám TAK HOVORÍ PÁN."

"Brat, je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN?"

218"Áno, áno," brat Mojžiš: "to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Áno."

219"V poriadku, teraz to máme, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." A to sa stalo. Nikdy to nesklamalo ani raz. Nikdy to nesklamalo.

220 A tu to znovu prichádza do v takýchto okolností. Teraz ho On mal na ceste. Cirkev je už vyvolaná von, má ich na ceste a oni sa rušajú v pred. A Mojžiš začína kričať: "Pane, je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN? Čo musím urobiť?" No dobre.

221Boh chcel, aby Mojžiš mal vieru, ktorú On do neho vložil, v tom dare, ktorý On tak jasne potvrdil. Boh jasne dokázal Mojžišovi a ľuďom, že to bol On, skrze Slovo a skrze všetko čo bolo povedané a stalo sa. Bolo to jasne potvrdené. Nebolo potrebné, aby si s tým robil viacej starosti. Vidíte? Nebolo mu potrebné viacej o tom premýšľať, pretože to bolo už jasné. On už urobil to všetko. A on už dokázal skrze muchy a blchy, že vypovedal Slovo a veci boli stvorené, že Slovo Božie bolo v ňom.

222A tu sa ide pýtať, že čo má robiť, keď tieto okolnosti ležali rovno pred ním. Vidíte? Ó!

223Dúfam, že toto vchádza do nás a môžeme vidieť kde sa nachádzame. Vidíte? Necítite sa pri tom takýto veľkí - (malí)? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Keď rozmýšľame o Mojžišovi a hovoríme o jeho chybách a dívame sa na naše. Tak. Vidíte?

224On tu bol, stál tam, vedel že Písma hovoria, že to je hodina a deň, aby sa to stalo a vedel že Boh sa s ním stretol v Ohnivom stĺpe. A To zostúpilo rovno popred ľudí a činilo tie zázraky. A všetko čo on povedal, to sa stalo, dokonca boli stvorené určité veci. Robil všetko čo mu len Boh povedal, ukazujúc tým že jeho hlas je Božím Hlasom.

225A tu bola tá situácia s tými ľuďmi, ktorých on vychovával a viedol ich do zasľúbenej zemi a potom sa zastavil a kričal: "Čo musím robiť?" Taká je ľudská bytosť, chce len . . .

226Ako brat Roy Slaughter, myslím že sedí tam vonku pri dverách, raz mi povedal, o niekom, kto robil niečo pre mňa. A ja som povedal: "Nuž, ja som urobil toto a teraz je z toho tamto."

227On povedal: "brat Branham, dovoľ im dnes, aby sa opierali na tvoje rameno a zajtra ich ponesieš." A takto sa vlastne zachovávajú ľudia. Dnes sa oprú na vaše rameno a zajtra ich ponesiete.

228To je to, to je to čo robil Mojžiš. Boh ho musel niesť potom čo ho ustanovil a dokázal to, aby to robil. A ľudia mali povedať: "Mojžiš, povedz slovo. Ja som ťa to tam videl robiť. Boh ťa tam uctil a ty si dnes ten istý." Amen. Vidíte? "Urob to!" Amen. On to mal vedieť, ale nevedel. Tak dobre. Práve tak ako to bolo v tedy, tak je to teraz. Pozorujeme to. Tak On povedal: "Mo- ..."

229Boh toho musel mať už dosť. Boh toho musel mať už po krk. On povedal: "Prečo ku Mne stále kričíš? Či som ti už nepreukázal Svoju totožnosť? Či som ti nepovedal, že som ťa Ja poslal do tejto práci? Či som ti to nepovedal Ja, aby si toto išiel robiť? Či som ti nezasľúbil, že Ja toto budem robiť; že budem s tvojimi ústami a budem cez teba hovoriť a budem toto robiť a ty si ukázal znamenia a zázraky? Či som to nezasľúbil robiť? Či som to neurobil presne tak a nezničil okolo teba každého nepriateľa? A ty tu teraz stojíš, pri Červenom mory, rovno pri výkone svojej služby, pri tom čo som ti povedal, aby si robil a potom stále bedákaš a vykrikuješ ku Mne. Neveríš Mi? Či to nemôžeš vidieť, že Ja som ťa poslal, aby si toto robil?" Ó, či to nie je ľudská bytosť! Ó! Tak On toho ozaj musel mať až po krk.

230A On povedal: "Ty vieš že, to potrebuješ. Ty vieš keď ideš previesť tieto deti do zasľúbenej zemi ... To je presne ... Si tu v rohu zahnaný do ohrady. Neexistuje nič ďalšie čo by si mohol urobiť. Tak tu je nejaká potreba. Prečo ku Mne kričíš? Prečo tak na Mňa hľadíš? Kvôli čomu Ma voláš? Či som to tím ľuďom nedokázal? Či som ti to nedokázal? Či som to Ja nezavolal? Či to nie je podľa Písma? Či som nezasľúbil previesť týchto ľudí do zasľúbenej zemi? Či som ťa nepovolal a nepovedal ti, že to budem robiť? Či som ťa nepovolal a nepovedal ti, že Ja som ťa poslal, aby si to vykonal, že to si nebol ty, ale to som bol Ja? A išiel som tam a bol som s tvojimi ústami a čokoľvek si povedal, Ja som to potvrdil a dokázal som to. Či som to neurobil?

231Potom, keď sa vyskytne nejaká maličkosť, prečo sa správaš ako dieťa? Ty máš byť mužom. Prehovor ku ľuďom." Amen. "A potom sa rušajte dopredu!" Amen. No vidíš. "Nekrič. Hovor!" Amen. Ó, to sa mi páči. "Prečo ku Mne kričíš? Len prehovor ku ľuďom a iďte napred za svojím cieľom." Čokoľvek to je, ak je to nemoc, alebo čokoľvek, či je to vzkriesiť mŕtveho, alebo čokoľvek to je, hovor! Ja som to dokázal. Hovor ku ľuďom."

232Čo za lekcia! Čo za lekcia! Ó! Na tom úseku cesty na ktorom stojíme. Hľaďte kde sme teraz, tak, veru, v Treťom Potiahnutí. Všimnite si, sme práve tu pri dverách, Príchodu Pánovho.

233On do tej práci bol pomazaný a stále čakal na TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Boh toho musel mať už dosť. On povedal: "Nekrič viacej. Hovor! Ja som ťa poslal."

234Ó Bože, aká dnes ráno má byť táto Cirkev! S dokonalým Božím potvrdením, so Stĺpom Ohňa a so znameniami a zázrakmi, všetko práve tak ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy. On povedal, že sa to vráti späť.

235Svet sa teraz nachádza v takom stave. Národ sa nachádza v takom stave. Ženy sa nachádzajú v takom stave. Cirkev sa nachádza v takom stave. Všetko. Živly, znamenia, lietajúce taniere a všetko na oblohe a všetky možné tajomné veci a more hučí, prílivové vlny, ľudské srdcia omdlievajú, strach, rozháraný čas, úzkosť medzi národmi, cirkev upadá.

236A povstáva človek hriechu, ktorý sa povyšuje nad všetko; čo sa nazýva Bohom, on ktorý zasadol do chrámu Božieho, ukazujúc sa, ó a prišiel do tohoto národa. A cirkev sa zorganizovala a oni všetci sa dali do kopy, ako smilnice s tou materou smilníc a všetko sa deje dôkladne na ceste smilstva.

237Smilstvo, čo to je? Hovoriť ženám, že si môžu strihať vlasy, hovoriť ženám, že môžu chodiť v šortkách, povedať mužom, že oni môžu robiť toto a oni môžu robiť tamto; a tí kazatelia, oni robia toto a nejaké sociálne evanjelium a všetko možné. Nevidíte, to je páchanie cudzoložstva s pravdivým Slovom Božím!

238A Boh nám poslal Svoje pravdivé Slovo, nedenominačné, bez žiadnych povrázkov uviazaných do Neho, a dal nám Ohnivý Stĺp, Ducha Svätého, ktorý je s nami teraz už tridsať rokov. A všetko to čo On predpovedal a povedal, sa stalo presne tak ako to On povedal.

239Hovor ku ľuďom a ideme vpred. Amen. My máme cieľ, v Sláve. Rušajme sa ku Nemu. Sme nasmerovaný do zasľúbenej zemi. "Všetko je možné, pre tých ktorí veria." "Hovor ku ľuďom. Či som to nedokázal. Či som dokonca nedal, aby medzi vami bol zachytený Môj obraz, i všetko ďalšie a urobil všetko čo mohlo byť urobené, aby som vám dokázal, že Som s vami? Či tie časopisy, práve pred pár týždňami, nepriniesli ten článok, keď si povedal tu za kazateľňou čo sa stane, tri mesiace popredku a či sa to tam nestalo a nepotvrdilo sa to? Dokonca veda o tom vie. A všetko čo Som vykonal a vy stále čakáte. Hovor ku ľuďom a rušajte sa dopredu ku svojmu cieľu." Amen.

240Či nepovedal Nátan Davidovi, ten prorok, jedného dňa ako sedel, videl Davida, toho pomazaného kráľa, on povedal: "Urob všetko čo je v tvojom srdci, pretože Boh je s tebou." Povedal Davidovi: "Urob všetko čo je v tvojom srdci. Boh je s tebou."

241Jozua bol pomazaný, aby zabral zem pre Boha a pre svoj ľud. Deň bol krátky. On potreboval viacej času na tú prácu do ktorej bol pomazaný a poverený. Jozua, muž, on bol pomazaný. Boh mu povedal: "Tak ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem s tebou." Amen. "Tá zem, idem im ju dať. A chcem, aby si tam išiel a vyhladil z nej Amalechitov a - a He-... Všetkých - všetkých ostatných, Filištínov a - a Ferezejov a všetkých tých tam, vyhlaď ich. Ja som s tebou. Ja budem ... Žiadni človek neobstojí pred tebou, po všetky dni tvojho života. Nikto ti nemôže ublížiť. Daj sa do toho."

A Jozua vytiahol ten meč a povedal: "Za mnóóu!"

242A on sa tam dostal a tu on bojoval. A čo to bolo? On zaháňal nepriateľa. Oni boli tu a tam v malých skupinkách. Keď prichádzala noc, oni by sa všetci dali do kopy a zaujali spoločne bojové postavenie a prišli by proti nim s veľkou silou. A slnko zapadalo. On potreboval aby bolo dlhšie svetlo. Slnko zapadalo. On nepadol na svoje kolená a nehovoril: "Pane Bože, čo budem robiť? Čo budem robiť?" On prehovoril! On mal potrebu. On povedal: "Zastav sa, Slnko!" On nekričal. On rozkázal: "Slnko, zastav sa!" Potrebujem to. Ja som Pánov služobník, pomazaný do tejto práci a mám potrebu. Zastav sa a nesvieť ... A, mesiac, zostaň visieť tam kde si," až kým on nedobojoval ten boj a nedotiahol všetko do konca. A slnko ho poslúchlo.

243Žiadne vykrikovanie. On prehovoril ku slnku, povedal: "Ty zostaň stáť. Slnko, vis tam! A, mesiac, ty zostaň tam kde si." On nevykrikoval: "Pane, čo mám teraz robiť? Daj mi troch viacej svetla." On potreboval, aby mu slnko svietilo, tak on to rozkázal a slnko ho poslúchlo. Ó! On rozkázal slnku, aby zostalo stáť.

244Samson, pomazaný, vychovaný, Bohom ustanovený, obdržal dar sily, bol ustanovený, aby zničil Filištínsky národ. Ustanovený, narodený na zemi, pomazaný Bohom, aby zničil Filištínov. A jedného dňa ho oni chytili vonku na poli, bez meča, bez kopiji. A tisíc tých ozbrojených Filištínov naraz skočilo na neho. Či on padol na zem a hovoril: "Ó Pane, čakám na nejaké videnie? Ó Pane, čo musím urobiť? Ukáž mi teraz čo robiť?" On vedel, že bol v potrebe. On nenašiel nič okrem starej čeľusti z mula a pobil tisíc Filištínov. Amen!

245On vôbec nekričal na Boha. On použil svoj pomazaný dar. On vedel, že bol poslaný do tejto práci. On vedel, že sa kvôli tomu narodil. On vedel, že bol pomazaný darom, a pobil tisíc Filištínov. On nekričal na Boha. Boh ho ustanovil a potvrdil, že bol do toho pomazaný, skrze ďalšie veci, ktoré on vykonal. A on bol potvrdený, pomazaný sluha Boží, aby zničil Filištínov a on to robil. Nezáležalo na okolnostiach, on to robil. On nikdy nič nežiadal. To bola jeho práca. To, Boh sa prejavoval cez neho; zodvihol tú osliu kosť a išiel biť Filištínov. Ako . . .

246Prečo, jedna rana s takouto vecou, po tých poldruha cóla hrubých prilbách ako toto, by roztrieštilo tú kosť na milión kúskov. A on zrazil na zem a pobil tisíc z nich a stále stál a držal to v ruke.

247Nekládol žiadne otázky. On nevykrikoval. On prehovoril. On ich rozprášil. Ó! "Dostať tých Filištínov, môžem dostať tých Filištínov, Pane? Ja - ja viem, že Ty si ma poslal, aby som to urobil, Pane. Áno, Pane, viem že Ty si ma poslal, aby som zničil tento Filištínsky národ. A teraz je ich tu tisíc okolo mňa a ja nemám nič. Čo, čo teraz budem robiť, Pane?" Oh, ó! Nič ho nebude trápiť. On je pomazaný do tejto roboty. Nič mu nemôže uškodiť. Nie, žiadna vec. Haleluja! On proste vzal to čo mal a pustil sa do nich. To je ono.

248Keď ho nepriateľ ohradil, povedali si: "Teraz ho máme vo vnútri za múrami, teraz ho dostaneme. Dostali sme ho tu do vnútra s touto ženou. A teraz sme zamkli dvere, všade dookola a on sa nemôže dostať von. Máme ho."

249Samson nekričal: "Ó, Pane, oni ma celkom ohradili s touto denomináciou." Hmm! "Och, čo budem robiť? Pripojil som sa ku ním. Čo mám robiť?" On to vôbec tak neurobil.

250On jednoducho vykročil von, zhodil bránu a vyložil si ju na plece a odišiel s ňou preč. Amen! On do toho bol pomazaný. On bol Bohom povolaný. Nemohli ho ohradiť. Nie, skutočne! On vzal so sebou tie brány. On sa za to nemodlil. On sa nepýtal Boha či to má robiť alebo nie. On sa práve nachádzal pri plnení svojich služobných povinností. Amen, amen, amen! Rovno pri plnení svojich služobných povinností. "Prečo ku Mne kričíš? Hovor a iď ďalej!" Amen! "Nekrič. Hovor!" On teraz prestal fňukal. Má už byť dosť starý na to, aby hovoril. Tak veru. On vedel, že jeho pomazaný dar moci, nemôže zničiť žiadny Filištín ktorý by sa postavil pred neho. Amen.

251Ale my to nevieme, vidíte. My sme stále malé deti s fľaškou v ústach.

252On to vedel, on vedel, že Boh ho kvôli tomu vzbudil a nebolo nič čo by sa mohlo pred neho postaviť po všetky dni jeho života. Nič ho nemohlo zničiť. On bol vzbudení za týmto účelom, tak ako Mojžiš. Nič ho nemohlo zastaviť. Žiadni Amalechiti, ani nič iné ho nemohlo zastaviť. On je na ceste do zasľúbenej zemi. Samson vedel, že on bol na tej ceste.

253Jozua vedel, že ide zabrať zem. On bol potvrdený. Božie Slovo to zasľúbilo a Duch Svätý tam bol a potvrdzoval to.

254On bol na svojej ceste, neexistovalo nič čo by sa mu mohlo postaviť do cesty. Nie veru. Rovno pri vykonávaní svojej služobnej povinnosti, s Bohom, neexistovalo nič čo by sa mu mohlo postaviť do cesty. Tak on zodvihol tie brány a vyložil si ich na plece, vážili okolo štyri päť ton a vyšiel hore na kopec a sadol si na ne. Nič mu neobstojí na ceste. On mal pomazaný dar od Boha. On nemusel kričať: "Pane, čo teraz musím urobiť?" On už bol pomazaný do toho, aby to robil. To bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN: "Zbav sa ich!" Haleluja! [brat Branham trikrát tleskol rukami. – pozn.prekl.] "Zbav sa ich!" Ja som ťa kvôli tomu vzbudil." Amen.

255"Čo musím robiť, Pane? Oj, čo budem robiť tu pri Červenom Mory?"

256Či som ti nepovedal, že som ti tu vonku dal horu za znak? Ty ideš naspäť ku tej hore a ty vezmeš tieto deti do tej zemi. Či som ťa nepovolal za tým účelom? Čo sa strachuješ ohľadne všetkého iného čo ti stojí v ceste? Hovor a začnite sa rušať!" Amen a amen! "No, Ja som ťa povolal za týmto účelom."

257David, on vedel, že bol pomazaný a bol pomazaný, aby bol dobrým strelcom. On vedel, že oni vedia, že je dobrý strelec. David bol pomazaný. On to vedel. A keď sa postavil pred Goliáša, on vôbec nekričal: "Ó, Bože, čo teraz mám urobiť? Počkaj, musím ... Ja viem čo si robil v tých predchádzajúcich časoch. Ty si mi dal zabiť medveďa a Ty si spravil, že som zabil leva. Ale čo teraz tu s týmto Goliášom?" Och! On to tak vôbec nerobil. On proste povedal. Čo on povedal? "Budeš ako jeden z nich." On to povedal a vykročil dopredu.

258On sa vôbec nemodlil nejakú modlitbu. On neobetoval vôbec nič. On vedel, že je pomazaný. Amen. On bol pomazaný a ten prak to už dokázal. On mal vieru vo svoje pomazanie. On mal vieru, že Boh môže nasmerovať ten kameň rovno do stredu tej helmy, kde bolo jediné miesto kde mohol byť zasiahnutý. On tam stál.

259On vedel, že je dobrý strelec. Amen. [brat Branham tleskol rukami. – pozn.prekl.] On vedel, že ho Boh takým učinil. [brat Branham poklepal trikrát po kazateľni. – pozn.prekl.] Amen. On vedel, že zabil leva, on vedel, že zabil medveďa, ale to bolo pri majetku jeho zemského otca. Tu je majetok jeho Nebeského Otca! Amen. On nepadol na zem: "Musím ... Čo musím teraz urobiť, Pane?" On prehovoril a riekol: "Budeš ako ten lev a ten medveď a ja tu idem." Amen! Sláva Bohu! Tak, veru. On prehovoril a vykročil dopredu stretnúť sa s tým Goliášom. Ó!

260Bez ohľadu na svoj vzrast! On bol malý, ryšavý mládenček, viete. On nebol veľmi veľký. On nebol na pohľad veľmi pekný, bežný drobný mládenček. Biblia hovorí, že bol ryšavý. A teraz, bez ohľadu na svoj vzrast a svoje tak zvané schopnosti urobiť to tak.

261Viete, ten biskup mu povedal, riekol: "Nuž pozri sa sem, synku, ten človek je teológ. Vidíš, on je bojovník. On sa narodil ako bojovník a on je ... On bol bojovníkom od svojej mladosti; a ty si mu nie roveň." A jeho bratia povedali: "Och, ty jeden neposlušník. Ideš sem, aby si urobil niečo také, ber sa domov."

262To ho netrápilo. Prečo? On vedel, že bol pomazaný. "Ten Boh, ktorý ma vyslobodil od leva, Boh, ktorý ma vyslobodil z pazúrov toho medveďa, On ešte viac ako predtým ma teraz vyslobodí od toho Filištína. Ja tu idem, stretnúť sa s tebou v Mene Pána Boha Izraelovho." Amen. Nepremodlieval sa; on už bol premodlený. Boh ho vymodlil pred založením sveta. On bol pomazaný do tejto roboty. On musel prehovoriť a vykročiť dopredu. To je to čo ohľadne toho malo byť urobené, len povedať slovo a vykročiť dopredu. Oh, to stačilo na to. Oh! On ne. . .

263A jeho denominačný bratia, oni tam stáli a tiež sa posmievali, viete o tom. Tak, veru. Oni tam stáli, mali reči, vysmievali sa a robili si žarty a vraveli ... Jeho bratia, viete, oni hovorili: "O-jo-joj, ty nemôžeš. Ty len hneváš." To s ním ani trošku nepohlo. "Chceš byť iný ako druhí. Chceš sa len predvádzať." Ak by to bolo len predvádzanie, bolo by to tak. Ale oni sa dívali len na tú intelektuálnu stránku.

264David vedel, že na ňom bol olej pomazania. Amen. Nič mu to nevadilo. On povedal: "S týmto Filištínom sa stane tak ako s tým medveďom a levom, tak tu idem." On to predpovedal predtým ako sa to stalo. Čo on urobil? On zabil toho medveďa. On zabil toho leva. On toho leva zrazil k zemi s ... S čím? S prakom a vzal nôž a potom medveďa. Leva, on toho leva zabil nožom. Tak isto to urobil Goliášovi. Skalou ho zrazil k zemi a vytiahol jeho meč a odťal mu hlavu, rovno tam pred ... Čo predpovedal prv ako sa to stalo? "Tak bude s tebou ako bolo s nimi." Prečo? On vypovedal slovo, že sa tak stane a potom vykročil dopredu, aby to vyplnil. Amen. Och, brat! On prehovoril a zavládol nad situáciou toho dňa.

265Ak bol kedy čas, že by človek mal prehovoriť, tak je to teraz. Končím, už len niekoľko minút, ak ešte za chvíľu môžete vydržať. Mám tu zapísaných ešte viac vecí, miesta Písma na ktoré chcem poukázať.

266Peter vôbec nekričal, keď našiel toho muža, ktorý mal dostatok viery na to, aby bol uzdravený, ktorý ležal pri bráne zvanej Krásna. On vôbec nekľakal, aby sa teraz celú noc modlil, alebo celý deň, aby sa modlil, veľkú, dlhú modlitbu a nepovedal: "Pane, modlím sa teraz ku Tebe, aby si pomohol tomuto biednemu chromému mužovi. Ja vidím, že on má vieru. Ja viem, on je veriaci. A opýtal som sa ho a on - on ...Ja - ja - ja ... On povedal že mal vieru, on veril to čo som mu povedal. A ja som mu povedal o ... o tom čo si Ty činil a ja si len teraz myslím, Pane, že - že ... Môžeš mi dať pre neho nejaké to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN?"

267Nie, on vedel že bol pomazaným apoštolom. On vedel, že Ježiš Kristus ho poveril. "Uzdravovať nemocných, kriesiť mŕtvych, očisťovať malomocných, vyháňať démonov. Tak ako zadarmo ste to dostali tak zadarmo to dajte." On povedal: "Peter, choď to robiť!" On to nemusel vymodliť. On bol poverený.

268Čo on povedal? On povedal: "V Mene Ježiša Krista!" On vyslovil Meno Ježiša Krista a ten človek tam len ležal. A on ho zodvihol za ruku a povedal, "Postav sa na nohy!" A držal ho tam až kým kosti v jeho členkoch nezmocneli a on začal chodiť. Prečo? On vôbec nemal celonočné modlitebné zhromaždenie. On vôbec nekričal k Bohu. On jasne vedel, z úst Ježiša Krista, že bol pomazaný do tejto práci. Áno. On prehovoril a pozdvihol ho, pretože vedel že je pomazaný apoštol za týmto účelom.

269Tí ľudia, ktorí ležali v jeho tieni vôbec nehovorili: "Ó, poď, apoštol Peter a nariekaj nad nami a modli sa za nás modlitbou viery, ku Bohu." Nie, nie, oni to vôbec nevraveli. Oni vedeli, že on bol pomazaný a potvrdený Boží apoštol. A tak oni povedali: "Položte nás len do jeho tieňa. Nemusíš povedať ani slovo. My to vieme. Veríme tomu." Život v nich! Ten apoštol sa nemohol dostáť ku každému. A oni, oni sami, sú časťou toho.

270Mojžiš povedal: "To som nie len ja, ktorý idem. My všetci ideme." My všetci máme niečo vykonať. My všetci musíme byť pomazaní.

271A oni videli stáť tam toho apoštola a videli ho uzdraviť chorého človeka a robiť veci, ktoré robil. Oni vedeli, že sa nemôže ku nim dostať. Povedali, oni nikdy nepovedali: "Peter, poď a pomodli sa a čakaj až kým nedostaneš TAK HOVORÍ PÁN a poď a povedz mi - Hľaď čo hovorí Pán." Oni povedali: "Ak si len môžme ľahnúť do jeho tieňa, pretože práve ten Boh, ktorý bol v Ježišovi Kristovi je v ňom a my vidíme, že sa dejú tie isté veci. Tak oni sa dotkli lemu Ježišovho rúcha a ležali v Jeho tieni a Ježiš je v tom mužovi. Ak ten tieň bude môcť dopadnúť na nás, budeme uzdravení."

272A Biblia hovorí, že každý jeden z nich bol uzdravený. Žiadne celonočné modlitebné zhromaždenia, kde by hovorili: "Pane, či si ísť ľahnúť do tieňa toho apoštola?" Nie, oni to vedeli. To Svetlo ich zasiahlo. Ich srdcia boli plné. Ich viera bola vypustená na slobodu. Amen. Oni tomu verili. Oni to videli. Pavlove vreckovky, tak isto.

A teraz, na záver.

273Ježiš vôbec nekričal, keď priviedli ku nemu toho opantaného chlapca, ktorý mal epilepsiu a padával do ohňa. On vôbec nepovedal: "Otče, Ja som Tvoj Syn a teraz Ty si Ma sem poslal robiť to a to a to. Môžem uzdraviť tohoto chlapca?" On to vôbec nepovedal. On povedal: "Vyjdi z neho, Satan!" On vypovedal slovo a ten chlapec bol uzdravený.

274Keď On stretol Legión, v ňom bolo dvetisíc démonov, to Ježiš nekričal. To boli démoni, ktorí kričali: "Ak nás budeš vyháňať," ó: "dovoľ nám vojsť do toho stáda svíň."

275Ježiš nikdy nepovedal: "Nuž, Otče, som schopný urobiť to?" On povedal: "Vyjdite z neho" a tie démoni sa brali preč. Skutočne, On vedel, že je Mesiáš.

276Pri hrobe Lazára, on bol štyri dni mŕtvy. Oni povedali: "Keby si tu bol býval, Pane, on by nebol zomrel."

277On riekol: "Ja som vzkriesenie i Život." Amen! Nie kde, kedy , alebo ako. "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, keby aj zomrel, jednako bude žiť." Amen. On vedel kto On je. On vedel čo On je. On vedel, že On je Emanuel. On vedel, že On je vzkriesenie. On vedel, že On je Život. On vedel, že v Ňom prebýva plnosť Božstva telesne. On tam videl tých prostých ľudí a On videl to čo Mu Boh povedal, aby potom urobil a On tam bol. On tam prišiel.

278On nikdy nepovedal: "Nuž, čakajte, kľaknem si tu. Všetci si tu kľaknite a modlite sa." On povedal: "Veríš, že to môžem učiniť?" Amen. On sa to opýtal.

279To nebol On; to boli oni. "Áno, Pane, verím že Ty si Syn Boží, ktorý mal prísť na svet." Ó! Tam sa On preukázal. Niečo sa muselo stáť.

280"Lazár. vyjdi von!" On vypovedal slovo a mŕtvy človek vyšiel. Nie: "môžem"? On proste vypovedal slovo. Keď sa to stretlo s vierou, stalo sa to.

281On hovorí - On vypovedal slovo a slepí videli, chromí chodili, hluchí počuli, diabli jačali a vychádzali von, mŕtvi boli kriesení a tak ďalej. Prečo? On sa nepremodlieval. On bol pomazaný Mesiáš. On bol Mesiáš. On vedel že Ním bol. On poznal Svoju pozíciu. On vedel čo On bol poslaný vykonať. On vedel, že Otec preukázal veriacemu Jeho totožnosť, že je Mesiáš. A keď stretol toho veriaceho s vierou, On len vypovedal Slovo. Diabli sa rozpŕchli. Tak, veru. "Hovor! Nekrič. Hovor!" Amen.

282A On poznal Svoje Bohom dané práva, ale my ich nepoznáme. On vedel, kto On bol. My nevieme.

283Mojžiš zabudol. Samson porozumel. Ostatní porozumeli. Jozua porozumel. Mojžiš zabudol. Boh musel na to zvrátiť jeho pozornosť. On povedal: "Prečo kričíš ku Mne? Ja som ťa poslal robiť túto robotu. Hovor a choď ďalej za svojím cieľom. Povedal som ti že prídeš ku tomuto vrchu. Vezmi tie deti a veď ich ďalej. Len hovor. Nedbám na to čo ti stojí v ceste, odsuň to preč z cesty. Dávam ti autoritu, aby si to robil. Hovoril Som ... Ty si slovom povolal muchy a blchy, a stvorenie a všetko toto. A tak kvôli čomu tu teraz ku Mne vykrikuješ? Prečo prichádzaš ku Mne, prečo toto vykrikuješ? Len povedz slovo a hľaď ako sa to pohne a viac netreba." Ó! Ó, ako to milujem!

284Tu, Ježiš, všetko čo On povedal, On len vypovedal slovo a stalo sa tak. Boh Mu náležite potvrdil, že je Jeho Syn. "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa My zaľúbilo. Jeho počúvajte."

285Jeho pozorujte. To sa mi páči. Ako smelo, ako majestátne On stál pred svojimi kritikmi. Amen. On povedal: "Zničte tento chrám a Ja sa budem modliť k Otcovi a uvidím čo On s tým urobí?" Zničte tento chrám a Ja ho znovu postavím , do troch dní." Nie: "Dúfam; Budem sa snažiť." "Ja to urobím!" Prečo? Písmo tak hovorí.

286To isté Písmo, ktoré hovorilo, že On vzkriesi Jeho telo, nám dáva autoritu, Moc. Amen! "V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov, budú hovoriť novými jazykmi; ak vezmú hadov, alebo budú piť niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im to; ak položia na chorých svoje ruky, oni budú uzdravení."

"Prečo ku Mne kričíš? Hovor a kráčaj vpred." Oh, smelo . . .

"Zborte tento chrám a znovu ho postavím." Ó!

287A zapamätajte si teraz, (už končíme), to bol On, ten istý. To bol On, ktorý povedal, v Jánovi 14: 12: "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré Ja činím aj on bude činiť." Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] To bol On, ktorý to tak povedal.

288To bol Ježiš, v Markovi 11: 24, ktorý povedal: "Ak poviete tomuto vrchu: "pohni sa" a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť tomu čo ste povedali, stane sa to - môžte mať to čo ste povedali." A teraz vy, ak to poviete len trúfalo, nestane sa to. Ale ak niečo vo vás, to že ste - že ste pomazaný do tej roboty a budete vedieť, že je to vôľa Božia, aby ste to robili a poviete to, musí sa to stať. "Ak . . ."

289To bol On, ktorý to povedal. "A ak zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová zostanú vo vás, proste si čo chcete a stane sa vám." Ó! Ó! Rozumiete čo myslím? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

290Prepáčte mi toto, ale práve mi to prichádza na rozum. Musím to povedať. To bol On, ktorý povedal, tam v ten deň, v tom lese: "Nemáš nič čo by si ulovil." A On stvoril tri veveričky, ktoré tam stáli pred nami. Čo to je? Len vypovedanie slova, povedz: "Oni budú tam a tam a tam," a boli tam. To bol On, ktorý to urobil.

291Charlie, Rodney, To bol On tam dole v Kentucky; a Nellie, Margie a vy ostatní. To bol On, ten istý Boh, ktorý vtedy tam hovoril s Mojžišom, povedal: "Prečo kričíš ku Mne? Vypovedz slovo!" To bol On, ktorý ich priviedol do existencie. To je On. To je On. Ó!

292To bol On, ktorý dal to videnie asi pred rokom, keď povedal, aby sme išli tam a tých Sedem Pečatí a ako tam bude veľké hrmenie, ktoré to začne a oni budú v tvare pyramídy. A časopis Look tam ... Časopis Život to priniesol, visí to tam na stene. To bol On, ktorý to povedal.

293To bol On, tej noci, keď som išiel po ceste a videl toho veľkého hada mamba ako chcel dostať môjho brata. A On povedal: "Bola ti daná moc zaviazať ho, alebo každého ďalšieho z nich." To bol On ktorý to povedal.

294Pre moju prostú ženu s šedivými vlasmi, ktorá sedí tam vzadu. To bol On v to ráno, ktorý ma prebudil tam v izbe a stál tam v kúte a povedal: "Neboj sa čokoľvek robiť, alebo kdekoľvek ísť, alebo čokoľvek hovoriť, pretože nikdy nezlyhávajúca prítomnosť Ježiša Krista je s tebou kdekoľvek pôjdeš."

295To bol On tam v kaňone Sabino, asi pred tromi mesiacmi, keď som sa tam modlil, udivený z toho čo sa malo stať. Stál som tam a do rúk my vpadol meč a povedal: "Toto je Kráľov Meč." To bol On.

296To bol On, ktorý mi povedal: "Tak ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak pošlem teba."

297To bol On, ktorý mi povedal, pred tridsiatimi rokmi, dole pri rieke, ako mladému chlapcovi. Stál som tam ako mladý kazateľ, vo vode, pred tridsiatymi rokmi, stál som tam keď to Svetlo, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, zostúpil dole z neba a zastal tam a povedal: "Ako som poslal Jána Krstiteľa, aby predišiel prvý príchod Kristov, tvoje Posolstvo predíde ten Druhý Príchod," do celého sveta. Ako sa to môže stať, keď môj vlastný pastor sa smial a robil si z toho žarty? Ale presne tak sa to stalo. To bol On, ktorý to povedal. Tak, veru!

298Ó, ako to bol On, ktorý povedal v proroctve, vo videní: "To sa stane." To bol On, ktorý to povedal: "Ak niekto medzi vami prorokuje, alebo vída videnia a povie to a to sa stane, potom pamätajte to nie je on, to som Ja. Ja so s nim." Ó! Toľko by som toho mohol povedať a hovoriť to je On, to je On, to je On!

299To je On, ktorý prichádza dole. Keď som im povedal, že ten Ohnivý Stĺp bol tam dole nad riekou a oni tomu nemohli uveriť. To bol On tam dole medzi nami, keď ten baptistický kazateľ, pred tridsať tisíc ľuďmi toho večera, v Sam Houston Colosseum, keď ten Anjel Pánov, bol zachytený na fotografii, ako tam stojí. To bol On, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky

300To bol On, ktorý predpovedal kde to všetko bude. To bol On, ktorý toto povedal. To bol On ktorý toto všetko učinil. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On to učinil presne tak ako to On povedal, že sa to stane. Amen.

301Prečo by som čakal? Boh potvrdil to Slovo. Ono je Pravda. Dajme sa na cestu. Vykročme. Kráčajme ďalej ku Pánovi, odložme nabok všetky pochybnosti, všetky hriechy. Vyčistite dom, vydrhnite ho.

302Ako to bolo povedané vo videní Juniora Jacsona, nezostalo nič okrem lámp; vlastne v jeho sne, ak tu sedí. Nezostalo nič okrem lámp a oni mali okolo nich zlaté stuhy, v tom sne, ktorý mi raz večer rozprával. Ó!

303Brat Collins, nerob si starosti ohľadne tej ryby. Ona bola biela. Ty si len nevedel ako ju chytiť.

304Odlož nabok všetko čo sa s Tým nezhoduje. Pamätajte, toto je Pravda, bez ohľadu na to ako fanaticky To vyzerá, i všetko iné, niekedy. Choď zarovno s Tým, To je Duch Svätý. Ten istý Boh, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša Krista z mŕtvych, ten istý, ktorý môže slovom povolať veci do existencie, Ten istý, ktorý žil vo dňoch Mojžiša, je ten istý i dnes.

305Jeho volanie v tomto poslednom dni, On je potvrdený. "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." On už ... Sodoma je tam dole. Billy Graham a Oral Roberts sú tam vonku. A cirkev ide ďalej, skrze znamenia, ktoré On zasľúbil, obaja na miestach a oni sú tam. To je On, ktorý to povedal.

306Ó, Pane, daj mi odvahu, je moja modlitba. Pomôž mi, ó Pane Bože.

Musím tu zakončiť. Už je veľa hodín.

307"Prečo kričíš ku Mne? Prečo ku mne kričíš, keď som ti dokázal že som s tebou? Či som neuzdravoval tvojich nemocných," On by povedal? "Či som vám nepovedal o veciach , ktoré sa presne tak stali? Váš pastor to nemohol urobiť. Ja! On to nemohol; on je človek. To som Ja, Pán," to by On povedal. "Ja som ten, ktorý toto robil. Ja som Ten, ktorý mu hovorím, aby povedal tieto veci. To nie je on. To je Môj Hlas. Ja som Ten, ktorý kriesi vašich mŕtvych, keď padnú na zem. Ja som Ten, ktorý uzdravujem nemocných. Ja som ten, ktorý predpovedám tieto veci. Ja som Ten, ktorý činím spasenie. Ja som Ten, ktorý dávam zasľúbenie."

308Bože, daj mi odvahu vziať ten Meč Slova, ktorý si položil do mojich rúk pred okolo tridsiatimi tromi rokmi a držať ho a pochodovať dopredu do Tretieho Potiahnutia, to je moja modlitba.

Skloňme naše hlavy.

309Nebeský Otče, nastáva neskorá hodina, ale to Slovo sa stáva drahocenné. Ako to vidíme, Pane, stále a stále, nikdy nezlyhávajúca Prítomnosť Kristova sa vždy s nami stretáva. Ako Ti ďakujem za Tvoju dobrotu! Ako si nás podopieral a bol s nami a žehnal nás, ako Ti za to ďakujeme!

310Ako som povedal, tieto vreckovky v mojej ruke, Pane, to je od ľudí, ktorí majú vieru, ktorí Toto veria. Nech každý diabol, každá nemoc odstúpi od tých ľudí. A ja sa staviam proti každému duchovi, ktorý tu je; tomu nečistému, ktorý nie je z Boha, každému duchovi nemoci, každého trápenia a choroby. Neležíme v tieni nejakého človeka, ktorý by bol v poriadku, ale sa nachádzame v tieni Evanjelia, potvrdeného Evanjelia.

311Ako sa ten veľký Ohnivý Stĺp pohybuje sem a tam cez túto budovu, Ten istý, cez ktorý sa Boh díval dole a Červené More sa vzdalo svojho kurzu a Izrael prešiel cezeň. Ale teraz ako sa On díva, špliecha to Krvou Jeho Vlastného Syna - keď milosť a milosrdenstvo ... Nech by sme boli poslušní. Nech by sme dnes prestali hovoriť - kričať. Nech by sme si uvedomili, že Ty si nás povolal do tejto práci. Toto je tá hodina. Hovorím to v Mene Ježiša Krista, nech každá nemoc odíde z tohoto miesta.

312Nech každý muž a žena, ktorý vzývajú Meno Ježiša Krista, na novo dnes posvätia svoje životy. Ja posväcujem svoj, Pane, na modlitebnom oltári. Kladiem sa dole a hanbím sa za seba a obraciam svoju hlavu smerom ku zemi, odkiaľ si ma vzal. Pane Bože, hanbím sa za svoju slabosť a za svoju neveru. Odpusť mi, Pane. Dodaj mi odvahy. Dodaj mi všetkej odvahy.

313Cítim, že ako Mojžiš, my všetci sme vonku na svojej ceste. Nechceme opustiť ani jedného. Chceme zabrať každého jedného, Pane. Oni sú Tvoji. Nárokujem si ich pre Teba. Požehnaj dnes týchto ľudí, Pane. Udeľ to. A požehnaj ma, s nimi, Otče a Tvoje Meno bude oslávené. Tvoja bude sláva. Daj nám Večnú vieru, Pane, ako sa Ti teraz posväcujeme.

314Ja, cez túto Bibliu a cez toto postavenie, dávam Ti svoj život, Pane. Som závislí od každého zasľúbenia ktoré dávaš. Viem, oni sa potvrdia. Viem, že oni sú Pravda. Daj mi odvahu hovoriť tieto Slová. Daj mi odvahu, Pane. Keruj ma do toho čo mám robiť a povedať. Oddávam sa Ti, s celým týmto zborom rovno s tým, Pane, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Moja viera ... na Teba;

Baránok z Golgoty, Boží Spasiteľ;

Počúvaj ma teraz keď sa modlím;

Odním moje hriechy.

Daj, aby som od teraz bol cele Tvoj!

315Povstaňme teraz, celkom potichu, ako to hm-káme. [brat Branham a zhromaždenie začínajú hm-kať, Moja viera hľadí na Teba. – pozn.prekl.]

. . . na Teba, Baránok . . .

Pozdvihnime ku Nemu teraz svoje ruky.

Spasiteľ . . .

Oddajte sa teraz Bohu.

Počúvaj ma teraz keď sa modlím;

Odním moje pochybnosti;

Daj, aby som od teraz bol cele Tvoj!

316A teraz spolu, so zdvihnutými rukami. [Zhromaždenie opakuje túto modlitbu po bratovi Branhamovi. – pozn.prekl.] Pane Ježišu, [Pane Ježišu,] Ja sa teraz [Ja sa teraz] oddávam Tebe, [oddávam Tebe,] do služby, [do služby,] dôkladnejšie, [dôkladnejšie,] s väčšou vierou, volám [s väčšou vierou, volám,] aby som [aby som] mohol byť vhodným služobníkom [mohol byť vhodným služobníkom] v nadchádzajúcom živote, [v nadchádzajúcom živote,] ako som bol [ako som bol] do teraz. [do teraz.] Odpusť mi moju neveru, [odpusť mi moju neveru,] a prinavráť nás [a prinavráť nás] do Viery [do Viery], ktorá raz bola darovaná svätým. [ktorá raz bola darovaná svätým.] Oddávam sa Ti, [Oddávam sa Ti,] v Mene Ježiša Krista. [v Mene Ježiša Krista. – pozn.prekl.]

317A teraz keď máme sklonené naše hlavy.

Zatiaľ čo putujem temným labyrintom života;

A zármutok sa šíri okolo mňa;

Buď mojím Sprievodcom;

Rozkáž temnosti nech sa obráti na deň;

Odním odo mňa  strach,

nech ma nikdy neodvedie od Teba.

318Ako teraz máme sklonené naše hlavy. Cítite ako vám toto raňajšie Posolstvo učinilo dobre? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Dalo vám odvahu? ["Amen."] Ak áno, zodvihnite len svoje ruky ku Bohu a povedzte: "Bože, ďakujem Ti." [Bože, ďakujem Ti."] Ja som zodvihol obe ruky, pretože cítim, že mi to tak pomohlo. Dodalo mi to odvahy.

319Niektoré veci, ktoré som povedal, nemyslel som že to poviem, ale je to povedané. Pre mňa to bolo napomenutie. Spozoroval som, že nie som tam kde som si myslel, ale som spoznal, že som vinný, lebo po celý ten čas som kričal, miesto toho, aby som hovoril.

320Bože, pomôž mi, aby som od tejto hodiny bol viac oddaným sluhom.

321Nemodlím sa len za seba; modlím sa tiež za vás. Spoločne, ako za Telo Kristovo, ktoré je vyvolané von zo sveta, pripravujúce sa do zasľúbenej Zemi, aby mi Boh dal odvahu hovoriť týmto spôsobom, aby cesta bola jasne predstavená, aby ste nestratili stopu. Poviem vám skrze milosť Božiu, budem nasledovať Jeho krvavé šľapaje, Jeho ktorý išiel pred nami.

A budem niesť tento posvätený kríž,

až kým ma smrť neuvolní od neho

a potom pôjdem domov, s korunou na hlave.

Tam je pre mňa pripravená koruna.

322Porúčame Ti toto, Otče - naše posvätenie, v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna. Amen.

323[Nejaký brat hovorí v neznámom jazyku. Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

324 Ďakujeme Ti za to Pane. Kráčať posväteným životom. Odovzdávame sa dobrote, pokore. Chodiť v Duchu. Chodiť, hovoriť, obliekať sa, zachovávať sa ako kresťania, pokorne a milo. Nech to teraz nesklame. Hlas Boží hovorí cez Slovo, hovorí cez dary. Ako prichádza jeden dar, ďalší to vyjadruje, prichádza ďalší dar a vyjadruje tú istú vec. Vidíte, je to celkom správne podľa Slova a súhlasí to s touto hodinou. Boh je s nami. Ako Mu za to ďakujeme! A teraz ak naše . . .

325So svojimi sklonenými hlavami, keby nám naša sestra zahrala:

Ber zo sebou Meno Ježiš,

ako štít pred každou pascou

a keď sa pokušenia nahromadia okolo teba,

len vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

326Len, len to urob, hovor Slovo a hovor Jeho Meno. Spievajme teraz, keď sa budeme rozchádzať.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,

ako štít ... a kedy;

Dá ti radosť a pokoj, ó ber ho kdekoľvek ideš.

Predrahé Meno . . .

327A teraz si podajme navzájom ruky a povedzme jeden druhému: "Brat budem sa za teba modliť a ty sa modli za mňa."

. . . Neba;

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť . . .

328A teraz so sklonenými hlavami spievajme ten ďalší verš.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,

ako štít pred každou pascou;

Keď sa pokušenia nahromadia okolo teba,

vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Predrahé Meno; Ó, aké sladké! Ó, aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

329A teraz so sklonenými hlavami a naše srdcia sú pri tom tiež sklonené, uvedomujeme si, že Ježiš povedal: "Ten kto čuje Moje Slová a verí v Toho ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život a nepôjde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života." Vieme že my, skrze milosť Božiu, sme to obdržali vo svojom vnútri; s posvätením pre Neho dnes ráno, že naše životy sa zmenia, od tohoto dňa, že budeme pozitívnejší vo svojich mysliach. Budeme sa snažiť žiť tak príjemne a ľudsky, že keď vo viere budeme prosiť Boha, Boh to každému dá. A nebudeme hovoriť nič zlé jeden na druhého, ani na nikoho. Budeme sa modliť za našich nepriateľov a milovať ich, robiť dobre tým, ktorí nám robia zle.

330Na základe tohoto a so sklonenými hlavami, chcem požiadať svojho dobrého priateľa, brata Lee Vayle, aby modlitbou rozpustil toto zhromaždenie. Brat Vayle.

WHY CRY? SPEAK!, 63-0714M, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 130 min

1 The Lord bless you! Let's just remain standing a moment, as we bow our heads. Is there a special request? If you would, let it be known as you lift your hands to God and say, by that, "Lord, You know my need."

2 Heavenly Father, we are indeed a--a privileged people this morning, to be assembled in the house of God, when we know that there is so many that would want to be in the house of God this morning, and is in hospitals and on beds of sickness. And Thou has given us this privilege to be out here today. And we never come, Lord, to be seen of each other, though we love our fellowship one with another; but we could do that at our homes. But we have come here to fellowship with He Who has brought us together as beloved children and brethren.

3We thank Thee now. And the only way that we know to correctly fellowship with Thee is around Thy Word. Thy Word is the Truth. We gather here for spiritual strength. We need it, Lord. We must have strength to endure the crosses that we bear. And we pray that You'll send the great Holy Spirit today, and will strengthen us all. Grant the requests of Your people as they assembled and raised their hands to You, that they have need of such things. Answer each one, Lord.

4 We thank Thee for sparing the life of our Sister Ungren last night, in the accident on the road up here. Thou was gracious to them, Lord, and we thank Thee for that. And now we pray, Heavenly Father, that You will continue to be with us and help us as we journey on, each and every one of us. Give us Thy undergirding power and the--the faith of knowing that Thy never-failing Presence will be with us. In that hour when we cannot help ourself, we know "the Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him, and They will bear us up lest any time we dash our foot against a stone." And we pray now that You'll give us of Thy blessings for the Word, and speak through us, and in us, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

5 I am grateful that the sunshine of the outside, the solar sun, is shining. It was very bad this morning. And I think, in this country, especially, we have so much gloomy, wearied weather. And to see the sun shining, coming out, it's very good.

6The little family reunion today, I meet my brothers, and they're up at my sister's house, and some of our relation around the city and around about. There's a big bunch of the Branhams. If they'd all come together from Kentucky, in here, I guess we'd have to rent the city; there is so many of them. But just a little homecoming. We used to all meet at mama's house, and she was the old tie-post that held us together, kindy. But God taken the tie-post to Heaven, and I hope that we'll all meet there someday.

7 And now I spoke the other day, I said, "You know, I believe that I will--will cut my Sunday messages down to about twenty minutes, and--and, or thirty, and then pray for the sick." And I thought of that this morning.

8And I thought last night, when Sister Downing called me and said that, called Billy and said that she and Sister Ungren on their road up, had slid across the road and had had a wreck. And while Billy was still at the window, along, I don't know what time it was; maybe this morning, sometime. I had been asleep for quite a little bit. I looked down at Brother Wood's, the lights was out. And I just knelt to pray, and when I did, Something just said to me, "It's all right." So then I told Billy, "Tell her, 'Everything,' I thought, 'would be all right.'" I'm so glad to see them in this morning, and sitting in the house of the Lord, back here after on the road.

9A people that love you that much, to come for hundreds of miles to hear the Gospel, then I thought, "A twenty-minutes message, and as slow as I am, they would be no good." So I thought I would just... that long.

10So then, hear Brother Ungren, her son, this morning, singing, "How Great Thou Art." He has... He means more to him this morning than it did yesterday afternoon, because the great God of Heaven spared his precious, darling mother and sister.

11 Now, today, we are expecting a great time in the Lord. And I had two or three different texts here that I was looking at, and I didn't, couldn't figure just which one I would talk on this morning. One of them was, "Cast your cares on Him, for He cares for you. Now, if He cares, why not you?"

12So then another one, Billy Paul, or not Billy Paul... My other son, Joseph, brought me this text a long time ago. He was sitting in the room one day, and he said, looking up towards the picture, and Billy... Or, Joseph is very fond of boats, like little boys; boats and horses, you know. And he said to me, "Daddy, has Jesus got a boat?"

And I said, "I don't know."

13 So then after he got up and went out, I happened to think, "Has He got a boat?" And I took a text from that, and just marked it down here on my book, "Has Jesus got a boat?" And I happened to think. When He was here on earth, He had to borrow a womb to be born in, a grave to be buried in, a boat to preach from, but He's the Pilot of the old ship of Zion. Sure, He has. But, and those texts that I was thinking, thinking maybe I could get them later, before we leave to go back.

14You know, I like to speak from the tabernacle here, because it's our own church. We feel at liberty to say whatever the Holy Spirit says. At other places, even though the man wants to make you welcome, you feel kind of a little cramped because that--that you're in somebody else's church, and you want to be a gentleman enough to respect their--their thoughts and their doctrine.

15 Had a wonderful time this week down at Brother Burcham's place there. And I went into the factory where they made the cheese. I see he and his wife, and son and them, are present this morning. And always thought that a cheese factory would be something like other places I've been in, oh, kind of sloppy and dirty. My, I can say one thing, you can sure rest assure that place is not dirty. That was the cleanest place I ever went into, and especially in a factory. And I didn't realize; I thought, oh, maybe they'll make a hundred pound of cheese a day. And they make six tons each day, and three of the factories going. I thought, "Oh, my, who eats all those cheese?"

16But the Lord has blessed this man. I had the privilege of being in his home, a very lovely home, a fine consecrated wife. And there's no reason why they shouldn't live for Christ each day, as they're doing. Met his sons, and they're very fine children. We're so grateful for this fellowship that we have one with another.

17Found out their former pastor was a--a man that I know, Brother Gurley, a very fine man of the United Pentecostal faith, that I met years ago, Jonesboro, Arkansas. And didn't know that they were... that was his pastor, though.

18 Now remember the services this evening. And then, the Lord willing, next Sunday again we hope to speak. And then I think the following Sunday then I have to go to Chicago. Then I'll be gone for a while, I have to take the family back home, back, or back to Arizona so that they, the children, can enroll in school again. And then we quit pestering the pastor, taking his services.

19So, so we are very grateful to Brother Neville for his hospitality, you know, of--of inviting me. And he is so, no... I like, brother, a man like that, where there's no guile, there's no selfishness, it's just genuine Christianity. I like that.

20 Now we're going to read some of the Scripture and then pass the comments. And I don't know just what time that we'll get out, on these long Messages, but I think... I was talking the other day about speaking so long, and someone said, "Well, now, if you--if you just spoke a few minutes; and you speak kind of in mysteries, anyhow," said, "we--we'd never be able to understand it." Said, "Just keep on talking, and after a while it comes out," he said. So maybe the Lord wants us to do it that way.

Let's just bow again.

21 Lord, Thy Word lays open on the pulpit, and realizing that someday It'll be closed for Its last time, then the Word will be flesh. And then we are--we're grateful for this time this morning. And open to us, by Thy Holy Spirit, the contents of this Word that we shall read. May the Holy Spirit teach us today the things that we ought to know. And may we then, in return, listen closely to every Word, weigh It deeply. And then may those who are listening by the way of tape, may they listen close. And may we be able to catch what the Holy Spirit is trying to reveal to us. For we realize, if He should anoint us, then the anointing is not in vain. It's for a purpose, that it might work to the good, to the Lord. And may our hearts and understanding be open, Lord.

22May we have freedom to speak, and freedom to hear, and access to faith, to believe what we have heard, as it comes from God's Word; that it might count up to us, Eternal Life, in the great Day that is to come. Bless us today. Condemn us when we are wrong. Let us know the faults that we have. And bless us in the way that is right, that we might know which way to go, and how to act in this present world; that we might bring honor, in our living here, to Jesus Christ, Who died to give us a Life in the great hereafter. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

23 Now I want to read just out of two places out of the Scriptures, this morning. And one of them is just found over in the Book of Exodus. Frankly, both of them are out of the Book of Exodus. One, the 13th chapter, and 21st and 22nd verse. And the next one is the 14th chapter, the 10th, 11th and 12th verses. Now I'll read from Exodus 13:21.

And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night... a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:

He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.

24Now in Exodus 14, and the 10th verse.

And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians marched after them; and they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the LORD.

And then said... Moses, Because there... (beg your pardon)

And they said unto Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, has thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? wherefore has thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt?

Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying, Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness.

25I'm going to read a couple more verses.

And Moses said unto the people, Fear not...

Now listen close here.

... Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will show... you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.

The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace... the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak to the children of Israel, that they go forward:

But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.

And I, behold, I will harden the heart of the Egyptians, that they shall follow them: and I will get me honour upon Pharaoh, and upon all of his host, and upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen.

And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I have gotten me honour upon Pharaoh, and upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen.

And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went... before their face, and stood behind them:

And it became between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel;... it was a cloud of darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one come not near the other all the night.

And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.

And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on the right hand, and on the left.

And the Egyptians pursued, and went in after them in the midst of the sea, even all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen.

And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the LORD looked down unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and... the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians,

And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily: so that the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the LORD fights for them and against the Egyptians.

26 The Word of the Lord is so great, so good, there just no way to stop reading It. It just becomes Life, as we read It. I think, in this text this morning, though it's being taped, I want to say this in beginning, it finds, I find myself. And the reason that I... Yesterday, while in study, and I come upon this subject, and then I thought, "I'm just going, if the Lord willing, to speak upon that, because it drives me down." And I hope it drives us all down, that we might see, and cause us to look up; and to study a little bit, in comparing the day that was then, the... unto the day that is now.

27 I want to take three words for a text, and that is: Why Cry? Speak! God said to Moses, here in the 15th verse, "Why criest thou unto Me? Speak to the people, that they go forward." And: Why Cry? Speak!

28Now, we got quite a subject, and I'll try to hurry through as quick as possible, as the Holy Spirit leads. And I want to think of the... of this text, of Moses crying out to God, in the time of trouble; and God rebuking Moses back, right when trouble was in--in session. And it's just nature, seeming like, for a person to cry out. And then what a--a rebuke it is for God to turn around and rebuke him for saying it, for crying out to Him. It looks like it's a very hard thing.

29 Many times when we look at the Scriptures, in our own way of looking, it seems very hard. But if we study It a little while, we find out that the all-wise God knows just what He's doing. And He knows how to do these things and how to deal with man. He knows what's in man. He, He knows him. We don't. We only know from the intellectual side. He knows what's really in the man.

30Moses was born in this world, and a gifted boy. He was born to be a prophet, a deliverer. He was born with the equipment born in him, as every man that comes into the world is born with this equipment, as I firmly believe in the--in the foreknowledge of God, the predestination.

31 "Not that God is willing that any would perish, but all might come to repentance." But, being God, He had to know, and does, "know the end from the beginning." See? If He doesn't, then He isn't infinite; and if He is not infinite, He isn't God. So He wasn't willing, certainly, that any should perish, but He--He knowing who would perish and who would not perish. That's the reason, the very purpose that Jesus came to the earth, was to save those that God, through His foreknowledge, seen that wanted to be saved, see, because the whole world was condemned. And I don't see how we could teach it any other way than the foreknowledge of God, and the Bible plainly says that He "knows the end from the beginning," and can tell it.

32Therefore, when a--a person tries to be something that they are not, they are only making an impersonation, and sooner or later it'll find you out. Your sins find you out. You cannot cover them. There is only one covering for sin, that's the Blood of Jesus Christ, and It cannot be applied unless God has called you from the foundation of the world. That's what that Blood was shed for; not to be tramped upon, and made fun of, and--and jobbed at, and--and evilly spoke of, and--and so forth. It was for a direct purpose. That's right. Not to be played with, not to be impersonated, by saying that the sins are covered when they're not. And no man can have his sins covered lest his name was put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Jesus said, Himself, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that the Father hath," past tense, "given Me, will come to Me." That's right. So you can't make the Words lie. They are there for Truth and for a correction.

33 And Moses was born with a gift of faith; great faith Moses had. We see it, after a while, coming out in him. And he was born in a great family, as we know how that his father and his mother, and come from a family of Levi. Which, the story here, previously to this, in the Book of--of Exodus, so beautifully gives the life of this great character. And he was one of the--the greatest characters of the Bible, for he was strictly a type of the Lord Jesus.

34He was born in a very odd birth, like the Lord Jesus. He was born in the time of persecution, like the Lord Jesus. He was born to be a deliverer, like the Lord Jesus. He was hid of his parents, away from the enemy, like the Lord Jesus. And he come to his time of service, like the Lord Jesus. He was a leader, like the Lord Jesus. He was a prophet, like the Lord Jesus. And he was a law-giver, like the Lord Jesus.

35And we find out that he died on the Rock, and he must have rose again and everything, because, eight hundred years later he was standing on Mount Transfiguration, talking to the Lord Jesus. See? Angels packed him away. No one knows where he is buried. Even the devil didn't know that. Frankly, I don't believe he ever was buried. I--I believe that the God packed him away, and--and he died on the Rock that he had followed all the days of his life.

36And he was a perfect type of Christ. He was a king over the people. He was a law-giver. He was a--he was a--a sustainer to the people. He was everything, in--in type, that Christ was.

37 Now, then, see that he was born with this great gifts and quality within him, then it only taken Something to flash across that, to bring that thing to Life.

38See, the seed of God is actually placed in us from the foundation of the world. And when that Light first strikes that seed, It brings it to Life, but the Light first has to come upon the seed.

39Like I've taught many times of the little woman at the well, her in that condition. Though she be a--an ill-famed person, though her--her life was degraded, and she was in that condition because that traditions had never touched her, but, though, when that Light first struck her, quickly she recognized It, 'cause there was something there to respond to It. "When the deep calleth to the Deep," there must be a Deep somewhere to respond to that call.

40And Moses here was born this prophet, but he was raised in an intellectual school and Pharaoh's palace. The Pharaoh Seti, that he was raised up under, was a man that still had honor, and believed Joseph being the prophet of the Lord. But there come Rameses after Seti, and Rameses did not care about Joseph. And so, therefore, there is when the trouble started, now, when there raised up a Pharaoh who did not know Joseph.

41But these great qualities, let's speak of them just a little while, and, before we get to the main part of the text. I have an odd way of setting a text, then building to it, and the Lord help us this morning as we build to it.

42 Moses, being born with this great gift of faith. Then, he was anointed and commissioned at the burning bush, to deliver God's people. Now, sees what great qualities this man had! He was born for a certain thing. God had a purpose in it.

43God has got a purpose of you being here. See? If you can only be, get to that place, how much trouble you save God and yourself, too.

44Moses born, and then he was, afterwards, he was brought to the--the place where he was anointed. And, notice, the seed laying there with an intellectual conception, with all the faith that he was born to deliver this people, and yet it never come to Life until that Light from the burning bush flashed across it; until he seen, not something he read about, but something he seen with his eyes; Something that spoke to him, and he spoke back to It. Oh, how that did bring things to Life.

45 I think any man with a... or woman, boy or girl. And I think, in a intellectual conception of what they think the Word is, and so forth, never can have a full foundation stand until they have met that Light that brings that Word to a reality.

46I think no church in its practice, no matter how intellectual and fundamental it might be, that church cannot thrive until the Supernatural is made known among that people, and they see it. Something that they can talk to, that will talk back to them, that a vindicates this written Word.

47 Now remember, when Moses met this burning bush, that Word was a vindicated exactly. It was the Word. Moses didn't have to worry, "What's this Voice all about? What is this Being here?" Because, God had already wrote on the Scripture, in Genesis, that, "Your people will sojourn in this strange land, but they'll be brought back after four hundred years, will come back into this country again, for the--the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet fulfilled." Now, hundreds and hundreds of years before, God had said that, "Israel would sojourn and be mistreated in a strange country, and would stay there four hundred years. But God, with a mighty hand, would bring them out." So, you see, with this burning bush...

48Moses knowed this, intellectually. And the seed that was born in him, was laying in his heart. And he tried, through his intellectual experience with the Word, to try to--to--to bring them out, to deliver them, because he knowed he was born for that purpose. He knowed that, the time. The Scriptures all said that they had already been there four hundred years.

49Just as we know now, as a man asked me a few moments ago, about the Coming and the Rapture. We know. We've lived the time out, at the time of the Rapture is at hand, and we're looking for a rapturing faith that can pull the Church together and give it some supernatural strength, that can change these bodies that we live in. When we see a God that can raise the dead off the floor or out of the yard, and bring him back to life again and present him before us, when we see a God who can take a cancer that's eat a man to a shadow and raise him up to a strong healthy man, that ought to give rapturing faith to the people. That, when that Light flashes from the sky, and the trumpet sounds, the Body of Christ will be quickly gathered together, and changed in a moment and taken into the Heavens. Yes, there's got to be something like that happen. And our schools of theology can never produce that, yet they intellectually are all right. But you've got to meet that Light! You've got to find that Something.

50 And here Moses, basing his great call upon the Word, and it was great, until one day he met this Light, and the very Word Itself spoke back to him. Then he got his anointing. That anointed what he had in him, that on the inside, the--the intellects that believed it, the faith that was based upon his belief in God, that separated him from his mother. And now when he strikes in the Presence of this Light, It anointed that that he believed. See? What an anointing! And he was commissioned.

51Now, we know, intellectually he had heard his mother. He knew what was going to take place, and he knew he was living in that day. But here he found out that he was a failure, so he might have... his faith might have dropped back a little bit. But then when he comes to the bush, God said, "I have heard the cries of My people, and I remember My promise to their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and I have come down." "I," there, the--the personal pronoun, "I have come down to deliver them."

52 And now, and may I just add this if it... God forgive me if it sounds sacrilegious. "I do not work upon the earth, only through man. I--I--I am the Vine; ye are the branches. And I only declare Myself when I can find a man. And I have chose you, and I'm sending you down to take them out." See? Now notice, "I'll be with your mouth, and I... you take this rod."

53And Moses said, "Can I see an evidence that You'll send me, and You've anointed me, and You're going to do these things?"

Said, "What you got in your hand?"

He said, "A stick."

Said, "Throw it down." It turned to a serpent. He fled.

54He said, "Take it up." It turned back to a stick. Said, "Put your hands in your bosom." Took it out, and it was leprosy. Put it back, and it was healed.

55 Said, "He saw the glory of God." There was no more question, to Moses. Did you ever notice, he never run to the wilderness again? He knew he was anointed. He knew where, all these things that had been in his heart, these great fine qualities, and he... they were anointed now. He, he is ready. He is ready to go. So down towards Egypt he goes.

56God had said, "I'll be with you," so that--that settles it. If, "I'll be with you," that's all Moses had to know, for this great call in his heart. And now God said, "I'll be with you."

57Now, God also had vindicated his, Moses' claims. Moses' claim, "I met the Lord. And He said tell you, 'I AM' sent me." See?

58Now they said, "Here is a man, another Jew, probably some of these fanatics that's been coming along all the time with all kind of scheme to take us out of bondage." And you know how people are when they're slaves, or in bondage for something, there is always some kind of a gimmick coming around, you know, to do it.

59So, Moses, God promised Moses, "I'll be with you. I'll be in you. My Words will be your Words. You speak My Words and just say what I say."

60 And now when Moses went down and give them this call, and stood before Pharaoh, and told him, "The Lord God of the Hebrews said, 'Bring the children out.'" And he wouldn't let them go. So he--he performed a sign before the elders and before Pharaoh, and the signs that God did. He said, "Now, tomorrow, about this time, the sun will go down. It'll be darkness all over Egypt," and it come to pass just exactly. And then he said, "There--there is coming flies upon the--upon the land," and he stretched forth his rod and called for flies, and flies come. And he prophesied, and everything that he prophesied happened just exactly the way. It was God. See?

61 God had called him from his birth, put qualities in him, of great faith, and then come down with His Presence and anointed that great something in him, and sent him down with His Word, and he was properly a vindicated of his claims. No matter how many quacks had raised up, how many these other things had happened, God was speaking at... Moses was identified. Moses, what Moses said, God honored. I want you never to forget that Word. What Moses said, God honored, because God's Word was in Moses. "I'll be with your mouth; it'll speak the right things." Now, what God says--what God says, He speaks it through Moses, and it confirmed and a vindicated his claims.

62 Also, he was told by his mother, of his mysterious birth, and how that the time of hand come close to the hour that there was to be a deliverance. Amram and--and Jochebed, the sons and daughter of Levi, begin to pray to God to send a deliverer. And it take... when you see the time of the promise drawing nigh, it sets people to praying and to hungering. And no doubt that--that Jochebed had told him many times, his mother; as she was his tutor, also, as we know the story. And had told him how that she had prayed. "And, Moses, when you were born, son, you were a proper child. You were different. There was something taken place at your birth."

63I gave a drama on it for the children, not long ago, and said, "While Amram was in the room praying, he saw an Angel pull His sword and point it towards the North, and said, 'You'll have a child, and he'll take the children North to the promised land.'" Giving a drama for the little fellows so they'd understand it; that their intellect hasn't come up to the place that you adults, and can grasp the things as the Holy Spirit reveals it to you.

64 Now, though his mother had told him these things, and he knowed this, yet he needed another touch. The--the teaching was fine, but he needed a personal contact.

65That's what the world needs today. That's what the church needs today. That's what everyone needs, that's sons and daughters of God. In order to be that, you need a personal contact, see, Something. No matter, you know the Word is true, you know It's right; but then when it contacts, and then you see the thing done, then you know you're on the right road. See? And, watch, it'll always be scriptural. It'll stand right with the Scripture, 'cause this did.

66Amram's prayer was just exactly with the Scripture. Their prayers was with the promised Word. God promised at that time to do it. They prayed for it, and here was a proper child born. And they...

67 Watch! Oh, how I love this! See, in the hour that Pharaoh was putting to death all the children, see, putting them to the--to the sword, the guardenian sword; they, they stabbed these little children to death, fed them to the crocodiles, the little bodies, until the crocodiles were perhaps fat upon the bodies of Hebrew children. But the Bible said, that, "The parents did not fear Pharaoh's command to kill the children." They didn't. They wasn't a scared, because they seen something in this baby, to begin with. They saw it, that this was the answer of prayer.

68And now Moses had all this as a background, so Moses knew he was sent for the very purpose to deliver the children of Israel.

69See, all the background just heaps up. When you get anything, and can bring the Bible, saying, "This is going to happen," and here it happens; "and this is going to be at that time," here it happens; "and this is going to be at that certain time," there it happens; then it all accumulates together and draws a picture for us.

70 Oh, how this tabernacle this morning, how we people of this hour, Brother Neville, as we see the gray striken our hair, our shoulders stooping, when we see the world weaving and rocking as it is, and how we can look around and see the promise is drawing nigh! It's, it... I think, many times, if someone could just bounce into It at once, and wouldn't understand It, or would understand It, rather, and come into It at once, it would almost send you to Eternity, just with such a rapturing thing! And never knowed it, and just, oh, break through the things that we have seen and know and understand, and all bounce in at one time. The man, or the woman, boy, or girl, would just probably lift up their hands and say, "Let's go, Lord Jesus," you see. Oh, how the hour is so close!

71 Moses knowing that he was born for that purpose, and looked out of the windows and watched them Hebrews as they toiled; looked back here in the Scripture, and it said, "And they shall sojourn four hundred years, see, but I will bring them out with a mighty hand." Then when he comes back, after a commission, anointed, knowed that he was born... And his faith looked, by faith he saw those people and knowed they were the children of God, 'cause the world... the--the Word said so. They wasn't of the world, and wasn't like the rest of them. They were different. And they were cranks and fanatics, to the--the high glamour of Egypt; and he was to be the son of Pharaoh, taking the kingdom over, and next. But, he, there was something down in him, a--a real faith that looked not at those things, the glamour that he was to inherit. He looked at the promise of God, and he knowed that the time was drawing nigh. And what that man must have thought of!

72 I want to talk it over with him, someday, when I meet him on the other side. You say, "Crazy, brother!" No, it isn't. I'm going to meet him, by the grace of God. Yes, sir. I'll talk to him, someday, Moses himself. And how I would like to ask him, just how, when he seen his preparation!

73How the flusteration, the devil saying, "Aw, the people ain't going to believe you. Huh-uh. There--there is nothing to that."

74 But when that seed come to Life up there, something struck him, and he knew there was something going to take place. He knew. Looked at his clock and seen what time it was, and he knew, and how he must of thought as he watched. Now when he got all this together, all this great thing that he seen; the Scripture time, the prayer of his mother and his father, and he was born a peculiar birth, an odd child. And, all along, there had been something way down in him.

75And now he slips off and tries to think he would take his military training from his school, and deliver the children, and that failed.

76Then he goes up into the wilderness and marries a--a lovely Ethiopian girl, and they had a little boy named Gershom.

77And one day while attending the flock, all at once he seen a burning bush up on top of the mountain, burning. And he went up there. And not an intellectual, not a--an imagination, not a delusion, a optical illusion, but in him... There was the God of Abraham, in a Light, a Pillar of Fire back in a bush, that Fire, like waves going out, but it didn't bother the bush. And the Voice of the Scripture, the Voice of God, spoke through there, and said, "I have chosen you. You are the man. I raised you up for this purpose. I'm proving to you here, by signs, you're going down to deliver the children because My Word has got to be fulfilled."

78Oh, His Word of this day has got to be fulfilled. We're living in the hour. No matter what anyone else says; the Word has to be fulfilled. Heavens and earth will pass away, but not His Word.

79 Now, when Moses got all this together, and seen by every direction, it anointed his faith. Amen! Oh, my! What a thought! This, a self, itself seeing the Scripture pointing right straight to what it was, and the speaking of God, and the evidence of it there, it anointed what faith he had in him, to go to work.

80What ought it to do to us? We need a repentance. We need a revival. I'm saying myself. See? I need a shaking. I need something. I said I was speaking to myself this morning, or about myself. I--I--I need a--a wakening up.

81And when I think of that great evidence, everything so perfectly laid out there, and it anointed the faith of Moses. And, my, he seen there was nothing...

82 Here, he run from Egypt, with, actually, he could have start a--a mutiny or something, and he could have--he could have rose up and started a revolutionary in Egypt, and could have took an army and fought, but, you see, and had many thousands on his side. But instead of that, he was a scared to even do that, with armies on his side.

83But now here he comes back, forty years later, eighty years old, with only a stick in his hand. Why? What was burning down in his heart had become a reality. He was anointed then, and he knowed he had THUS SAITH THE LORD. There was nothing going to stop him now. He needed no army. God was with him. That's all he needed; God with him.

84Oh, when you know God has sent you to do a certain something, and you see it moving up there, there--there just isn't nothing can take its place. That's all.

85 I remember times when the Lord has told me about certain things was going to happen, and then I move up and see it laying right there, how... Oh, what a feeling! The situation is already under control, that's all, see, because God said so.

86I remember, many of you remember, about the little boy being raised up in Finland, and then from the dead, been killed by an automobile. And I stood there on the side of the road, and started to walk away from that child, and turned and looked back. And something put its hand on my shoulder, and I thought it was Brother Moore, and nobody was around me. And I looked back, and then I looked up the mountain I saw. I said, "Well, I've seen that hill somewhere, but we didn't come up this way. We come another way. Where is that hill?"

87And I looked and seen that car down there, wrecked; seen that little boy there with his... laying there with a--the crock-like haircut, as we'd call it here. The eyes turned back, like Brother Way's was the other day when he fell. And the little foot run through the sock, where his little limbs was broke. And blood out of his eyes, and nose, and ears. And seen his little, short trousers; and tied up by buttons, his, here and along the side of his little waist; and his little stockings up, like long stockings like we wore many years ago.

88 And I looked around, and there was exactly, exactly the way the Holy Spirit had told me two years before, when all of you wrote it in your Bibles across the nation, that it would happen. Oh, there, then, the situation is in hand. No matter how dead he is, no matter what anybody else says; it's all over. He's got to come back!

89I said, "If this child doesn't raise up from this dead, then I'm a false prophet, I'm a misrepresentation of God. For, in the homeland, two years ago, He told me this would happen. And there these ministers, and all, it's wrote on the flyleaf of our Bible, and here it is exactly. Read it off the flyleaf, how it would 'be in a country, lapping rocks, and so forth, be killed, and on... be on the right-hand side of the road.'" I said, "There it is. Nothing can stop it. The situation is already under control."

90The faith that was within my heart was anointed. Oh, if I could only explain that! The faith that God... I had in God, that told me, and it never failed, told me, "The situation is under control now. Here is exactly what I showed you two years ago, and here it is laying just in exactly in order. The only thing you have to do is speak the word." And the little boy rose up from the dead. See?

91 I was thinking, and looking back at Brother Fred Sothmann sitting there, and Brother Banks Wood and them. The other day, up on the--the Alaskan Highway, how I stood here at the church and told you all of an animal that looked like deer horns, forty-two inches, and a silver-tip grizzly bear. I had never been there before, and how that the... that I was going to get this, and how it would be, and how many would be with me, and how they'd be dressed. You know it, every one of you, weeks and weeks before it happened.

92And there when I moved in there, not knowing it, there laid that animal. And I went, and--and he... was impossibility. If a hunter would know, or be listening to this tape, how you can't walk up in the face of an animal, he'd jump up and run. But he didn't.

93 And there he hangs in my den room. There hangs the silvertip, just exactly the way. And a--and a rule laying there, a tape measure, to show his exact. And a horn will at least shrink two inches or more, when it's green on the animal and when it dries, but this never shrank. It is still exactly on the nose forty-two inches. See? There lays the silver-tip, it's seven-foot long, just exactly, and everything exactly the way it was, laying there now.

94But when this man said to me, "Now, look, Brother Branham, we got this animal that you talked about, but you told me you'd get a silver-tip grizzly before you got to the bottom of the hill, back over to where them boys are, that with a green shirt."

95I said, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. God said so."

96"But, Brother Branham," he said, "I can see all over everything here, for miles, there is nothing. Where is he coming from?"

97 I said, "That's not for me to question. God said so! And He is Jehovah-Jireh. He can bring a bear there. He could put one there." And He did. And there he is. It's the situation under control.

98And when Moses saw that he was raised up for this purpose, and he had met face to face, this great God Who had made the call, and had anointed him and identified him, and said, "This is your call, Moses. I'm sending you, and I'm going to show you My glory. And here I am, in a bush, burning. Go down there! I'll be with you." He didn't even need a stick. He had the Word, the vindicated Word, and there he went. It anointed the faith that was in him.

99And it anoints us when we see that we're living in the last days, to find out that all these signs that we see being taken place, that's spoke of in the Scripture, would take place in the last days; all the way from Heaven, to the political powers, and the nature of the people, and the demoralization of the world, and among the women, and how they would do in the last days, and how the men would do, and how the churches would do, how the nations would do, and how God would do. And we see it all laying right here on us.

100Oh, it anoints our faith. It moves us out in the great cycles. See? It--it separates us from other things of the world. See? No matter how little we are, or how much a minority we are, how much we're laughed at, made fun of, don't make a bit of difference. That's all. We see it. There is something within us. We were predestinated to see this hour, and there is nothing going to stop us from seeing it. Amen! Here God has spoke it. It's--it's already happened. We see it. Oh, how we thank God for this! Oh, then, it brings out your faith when we see these things happening here.

101 Now, here again we read that, "Moses esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt." Now, he esteemed the--the reproach of Christ.

102Now remember, "the reproach of Christ." See, there is a reproach in serving Christ. If you're very popular with the world, then you cannot serve, you're not serving Christ. No, you cannot. Because, you see, there is a reproach that goes with It. The world always has reproached.

103Way back there, thousands of years ago, there was a reproach that went with It. And Moses to be pharaoh, he was the next coming pharaoh, Pharaoh's son. And he was coming the next pharaoh, with favor amongst the people, and yet he "regarded..." Esteem means to--to "regard." "He regarded the reproach of Christ greater things than all that Egypt could afford to give him." Egypt was in his hands. But, yet, he knew to take the way of Christ was a reproach, but he was so happy to know that there was something within him, that made him regard this approach of Christ, reproach of Christ, rather, greater than all the glamour that he--he inherited. He had an inheritance inside of him that was far greater than what the outside inheritance had give him.

104 Oh, if we could be like that today, and let the Holy Spirit anoint that that we have within us, that faith, to a godly life, consecrated to Christ!

105Now, with such faith as this that he had, he noticed, and he regarded that reproach a honor.

106Today, somebody can say, "Hey, are you one of those people, those?"

"Uh, uh, well, uh." You're just a little ashamed of it.

107But he regarded it a greater treasure than all the world, because that there was something in him that he could speak out and say, "Yes, I--I regard this. This is highly honored. I'm glad to be one of them." See? "I'm glad to number myself as a Hebrew and not an Egyptian."

108 The Christians today should say the same thing. "I'm glad to regard myself a Christian, to abstain from the things of the world and the order of the world. Not just as a church member, but as a born-again Christian who lives according to the Scripture. Though I be called, even by the members of the church, 'a fanatic,' yet I--I--I esteem that a greater--greater thing than what if I was the most popular person in the city or in the nation. I'd rather be that than President of the United States, or--or the king over the earth. You see? I--I esteem that so highly, because God in His mercy, before the foundation of the world--world, saw me, and--and placed a little seed in there, that my faith would fly above these things of the world. And now He's called me, and I--I regard my place."

109 As Paul said, he regarded his office with high... see, and, oh, that God had called him from being a great teacher like Gamaliel. But Paul had been called to be a sacrifice for Christ. See? Now the same thing.

110Notice, with such faith, he never relied on his sight, what he could see. Now, he seen nothing out there but a bunch of--of mud-handling people, slaves, in prison, being killed every day, beat with whips, made fun of, their religious beliefs, was "fanatics." And there was a pharaoh sitting on the throne, that didn't know or regard anything about their religion. He knowed nothing about it. He was a heathen, so he just... What a picture of today! And there it is, a different religion. And how that if--if this Moses, yet in the very seat with the president, or the--or the great man, Pharaoh, to take his place at his death, and he was an old man. And yet Moses thought that that call... He looked out there, and the same window that Pharaoh looked out of, 'cause he was in his home.

111And Pharaoh looked out and seen those people that were lifting up their hands, and they'd take a whip and beat them to death because they were praying. They run a sword through them because they even failed, to disobey at anytime, and making them work till their little old bodies would fall out, and give them half enough to eat. "Well, they wasn't nothing but a bunch of fanatics, not hardly human."

112 And yet Moses, that faith in him, looked upon them, and he said, "They are God's blessed people." Amen. I like that. With such faith, his eyes didn't fall on the glamour of Egypt, it fell on the promise of God. His eagle eye of faith seen beyond the glamour of Egypt. He, remember, he's becoming an eagle now. He's a prophet, and his eagle eye raises above those things. Oh how I like that! Huh! My!

113How oft' today, today, Christians rely on their senses, and of what they can see, or what they can understand, instead of their faith, to rely on what you see with your eye and the glamour. Like you women, I'm always calling to you, about you must let your hair grow out, you mustn't wear make-up, you must act like ladies and Christians. You look out upon the street and see the women today dressed immorally. Well, you think, "Well, she belongs to the church, why can't I do that?" See? "And she cuts her hair, why--why can't I do that? Well, she seems to be just as sweet and as much intellectual, and a personality that I haven't even got. Well, why can't I do that? I ought to do it." When you do that, you paralyze your faith. See? You don't give your faith a chance to grow. Start on that, as I have said.

114 Someone said, "Brother Branham, the country, the people, regard you as a prophet. You oughtn't to be bawling women out like that, and men out, for these things. You, you ought to be teaching them how to--to prophesy and receive gifts."

115I said, "How can I teach them algebra when they don't even know their ABC's?" See?

116Now just start from that. Clean yourself up so that when you walk out on the street you look like a Christian, anyhow, see, and then go to acting like one. See? And you can't do it within yourself. It's got to have Christ come within you. And if that seed is laying in there, and that Light hits it, it's going to come to Life. If it doesn't come to Life, there was nothing there to come to Life. Because, it sure proved it on others, see, it comes to Life immediately as soon as the Light hits it.

117 That's a rebuke to women, I know, that's listening in to this tape, or will listen in to it. It's a rebuke to you, sister. It should be. It should be, because it shows. I don't care what you've done; you might have been religious, all your life, you might have lived in the church, your father may be a minister, or your husband might be a minister; but as long as you disobey the--the Word of God, it shows there is no Life there. When you see the thing brought out, and the Life of the Holy Spirit, watch It when It strikes others. See what they do, if It brings it on them. No wonder why...

118What a--what a rebuke to those Pharisees, that called Jesus, when He could perceive their thoughts, He called them, "Beelzebub."

119And that little prostitute said, "Why, this Fellow is the Messiah. The Scripture says He'll do this." See, that predestinated seed was laying there. And when the Light struck it, it come to Life. You can't keep it down. You can't hide Life.

120You can take and pour concrete upon a bunch of grass, and kill it in the wintertime. The next spring, where is your most grass at? Right around the edge of the concrete. Cause, that germitized seed under that stone, when the sun begins to shine, you can't hold it. It'll wiggle its way around through there and come right out at the edge of that and stick its head up to the glory of God. See, you can't hide life. When sun strikes botany life, it's got to live.

121 And when the Holy Spirit strikes the Scriptural Life that's in a man, it brings forth its fruit right there. [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] See?

122So regardless of how true and honest you are, how you say you're not, and speaking, saying they were... These women wearing these--these bad clothes and things out there, just a common striptease, for the street. Though, you don't believe you are, you can't make you believe. You can prove that you're innocent of an adultery, but, in the Book of God, you're committing adultery. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her in his heart already." And you presented yourself in that manner. See, you can't see it unless that Life is laying there.

123You look at somebody else, you look and say, "Well, I know Sister Jones. Brother Jones is a... He's a minister. His wife does this and does that."

124I don't care what that does; This is the Word. Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be true." It's the Bible. And when that Light really strikes it, it's got to come to Life. It just has to come to Life.

125 Now, Moses' great eye, his eagle eye, looked beyond the glamour of Egypt.

126The real Christian believer today, no matter what the church says, what anybody else says; when that Light strikes it, they see the very vindication of God, that Pillar of Fire hanging there, and the signs and wonders that promised, the Scripture being laid, and it comes to Life; no matter how little it is, and how many in the minority. God's group has always been the minority. See? "Fear not, little--little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." See? They catch it. God is obligated to send them in from every denomination, every order everywhere, to see It, if they are ordained to Life.

127 Look at old Simeon, ordained to Life. When the Messiah come in the temple, in the form of a baby in his mother's arms; Simeon, back in a room somewhere, reading. The Holy Spirit raised him up, for he was waiting. That Life was in him. He said, "I'll not die until I see the Lord's Christ." And there was the Lord's Christ in the temple. The Holy Spirit led him from his duty, out, and walked down through there and picked that baby up, and said, "Let the--let Thy servant depart in peace, for my eyes see Thy salvation."

128There was an old blind woman in the corner, by the name of Anna, who served the Lord day and night. She also was predicting, and saying, "The Messiah is coming. I can see Him coming." Yet, she was blind. At that same time, when He was there... That little Life that was in her, that was predicting, "It would be there! It would be there! It would be there!" Then, that same Life, the Light come in the building, in the form of a Baby, as "an illegitimate child," wrapped in His swaddling clothes, coming up through the building. And the Holy Spirit struck that old blind woman, and she come by the Spirit, led through the people, and stood over this Baby; and blessed the mother and blessed the Baby, and told what would be the future for It. See, ordained to Life! See?

129Look at them, there wasn't a dozen of them. There was only eight souls saved in the day of Noah, hardly very many, but all that was ordained to Life come in at that time. See how the Holy Spirit works in each age, drawing the people.

130 Now we find out that Moses' faith led him to watch what would be, not what was. Look at tomorrow instead of today. Look at the promise instead of the glamour. Look at the people instead of the organization. See? God did that.

131Lot could see the glamour of prosperity down in Egypt, or down in Sodom. Lot could see the possibilities of a--of a... of a lot of--of money. Lot could see the pros-... possibilities of when he looked over to Sodom and he could maybe become... Being that he was a Hebrew, he might become a great man there, because he was a great intellectual figure, and the nephew of Abraham, so he chose to go towards Sodom. Lot's intellects led him to see the glamour of--of prosperity. Lot's intellects led him to see the blessing of--of glamour. But, his faith was so paralyzed by it, he didn't see the fire that was going to destroy that sort of a life.

132And that's the way people are today. They see the possibilities of belonging to a great organization, they see the possibilities of having social standing with the people of the city, but they don't see the possibil-... They don't see their faith is paralyzed. Let me repeat that so it won't be misunderstood. Women today, they, as I say, they want to--they want to act like the movie stars. The men today want to act like the television comedians.

133 The preachers today seem to want to make their churches like some modernistic lodge of some sort, membership and so forth. They see the possibilities of maybe becoming a bishop or a general overseer, or something like that, if they will go along with the church; forsaking the Scriptures, when It's laying right before them, with thoroughly a vindicated by the Power of God, and by the living Word of God living in the people. Yet, they don't want It. They say, "We don't want to get mixed up with something like That." It would take their fellowship card. It would take their denominational order. Yet honest man, like Lot, sitting down in Sodom, knowing that that's wrong. See? See? What do they do when they do that? They paralyze the little faith that they did have. It can't work.

134 Now, Moses give away to that, and he set... his faith paralyzed the world.

135Either your faith will paralyze glamour, or either the glamour will paralyze your faith. Now, you have to take one or the other. And you see the Bible don't change. God don't change. He's the unchangeable God.

136And now we find, today, that people of this day, see, they look to the big things, the big organization. "I belong to the So-and-so." See? And they go down there, and, look, there is no different from the street people. There is no other things. They have a little intellectual something, and go on. When you talk about Divine healing, the Pillar of Fire, the Light of God, they say, "That's mental."

137 A man picked up the picture of the Angel of the Lord, the other day, a Baptist minister, and laughed at It. See, that's--that's blasphemy. See? There is no forgiveness for that.

138That's what Jesus said, see. It's blasphemy; when you see It doing the very works that Christ did. And He said... When, they seen that works in Christ, He was the Sacrifice, and they called him "Beelzebub, a devil," for, 'cause He was doing it. And now they say... He said, "I forgive you for that. But when the Holy Ghost comes to do the same thing, you speak a word against It, it'll never be forgiven you, in this world or the world to come." See? Just one word is all you have to say against It. See? And then...

139Because, if that Life, if you've been ordained to Eternal Life, then that Life would burst forth when you seen It. You would recognize It, like the little woman at the well, and--and the different ones. But if it's not there, it can't come to Life, for there's nothing there to come to Life with. As my old mother used to say, "You can't get blood from a turnip," because there's no blood in it. Now, that's the same thing.

140 And it paralyzes what little faith you have got. Lot could see the glamour, but he didn't have enough faith to see the fire that would destroy such glamour.

141I wonder if we have today? I wonder if us, well, as the women that wants to be popular, that wants to act like the--the rest of the women in the church, if they see that they want to--to act like the rest. They--they can see the possibilities of being a--a--a prettier woman, by being painted. They can see a prettier woman by having a younger appearance, by cutting their hair and acting like some of the others, or the movie star. But I wonder if that hasn't paralyzed their faith, to know that the Bible says that, "a woman does that is an un-... an unhonorable woman," and, "a woman that puts on a garment pertains to a man, is an abomination before God," slacks, and so forth, and shorts that they're wearing. And--and it just becomes so calloused till it becomes a regular routine of the people doing it. I wonder if they don't paralyze the very little faith that you had, even to go to church, you see. That's the thing it does.

142 Lot did that, and it paralyzed him, and it paralyzed his people down there. They couldn't see it.

143But Abraham, with a--a vindicated faith, his uncle, he looked not upon the glamour, he wanted nothing to do with it, though he had to live hard and live to himself. And Sarah lived out in the wilderness where it was hard goings, on the barren ground. But they seen not the glamour or the possibilities of becoming popular.

144Sarah, the most beautiful woman in the land, the Bible said so. She was fair, the fairest of all the women. And now she even stayed and obeyed her husband, to even she called him her "lord," who the Bible refers to, plumb over in--in the New Testament; said, "Whose daughters you are, as long as you obey the faith." See, called her husband her "lord."

145And the Angel of the Lord visit their temple and... or their little tent out there, and told them. They didn't even have a house to live in; living out in the barren lands. And there you are. You see the day patterned back again, just exactly like it was then?

146 Now, Moses with his great faith, again, could say "no" to the present things of the present world, and make a righteous choice. He chose to suffer the afflictions with the people of God. He chose to go with it. Why? His faith! He saw the promise. He saw the end time. He saw over in tomorrow, and he let his faith loose. And he didn't pay no attention to what his eyes saw in the possibilities here, that he was the pharaoh and was going to be the pharaoh. He looked plumb over in tomorrow.

147Oh, if people could only do that, didn't see the present world. If you look at the present world, you make a choice with it. Hide your eyes from that, and look at the promise of God, way over in tomorrow.

148By his faith he could choose. He did choose to be called the son of Abraham, and refused to be called the son of Pharaoh. How could he, when all the whole kingdom... Egypt had the world whipped. He was king of the world, and was a young man of forty years old, here ready to take the throne. But he never looked at his intell-...

149 Look at the women would have laid around him, day by day, harems of them. Look at the glamour; sit and drink wine, and watch the striptease before him, as they danced, and fanned him with a... And women from all over the world, and the jewels and treasures, his army out there. The only thing he had to do is sit and eat his fine food, and say, "Send a... send army garrison number so-and-so down to so-and-so, take that nation. I believe I just want it." That's all he had to do. Sit there, and them fan him, and hold his mouth open; let the--the lovely, beautiful strip teases of that day, pour wine into his mouth, feed him his food with their arms around him, all the prettiest women in the world. All the glamour that there was, was laying right there by him.

150But what did he do? He looked away from that. He knowed fire was there ready for that. He knowed death laid in that line. See? He knowed that it was. And he looked over to a bunch of despised and rejected people, and by faith he chose to suffer the reproach of Christ, and called hisself, "I'm a son of Abraham. I'm no son of this pharaoh. Though you make me a bishop, or a deacon, or an archbishop, or a pope, I'm no son of this thing. I'm a son of Abraham, and separate myself from the things of the world." Amen, amen, and amen! By faith, did that!

151 He took the glamour away. He took the possibilities of being the next bishop, he took the--the possibilities of being the next archbishop, or the next general overseer at the next election, or whatever it was, he took that away. He refused to look at it.

152"Now, if I become the bishop, I'll walk in and the people say, 'Holy Father,' or--or 'Doctor So-and-so,' or--or--or--or 'Elder So-and-so.' How they'll, all the ministers at the gathering, they'll pat me on the back, and say, 'Say, boy, that guy has got something, I'm telling you. Oh, sh-sh-sh, keep still, here comes the bishop, see. What he says, that's law. See, here comes the So-and-so.'" People will fly over the world to be the... see the pope, and kiss the foot and the rings, and so forth. How, what a possibility to the Catholic, what a possibility to the Protestant, to be bishop or general overseer, or something, some great man in an organization.

153Looking, though, but, you see, the eye of faith looks over the top of that. And you see the end of it down there, which, God says the whole thing will be destroyed. Faith, that eagle eye, lifts you up above that, and you see tomorrow, not today, and choose to be called a son of Abraham.

154 Pharaoh, with no faith, seen God's children as "fanatics." No faith, he made them slaves because he wasn't a scared of what he said. He wasn't afraid of God. He thought that he was god. He thought his--his gods that he served, that he was a bishop, he was the head general overseer, his gods is the one that did it. "Nothing to this Thing here," so he made them slaves. He laughed at them, made fun of them. Just as the people did today, the same thing exactly.

155Moses' faith seen them in the promised land, a blessed people. It might be a hard fight to get them to the promise, but Moses chose to go with them. How I could lay on that, but my time is getting away. See?

156 Notice, it might be a hard thing to turn those people around. "You have to go live with them, you have to be one of them, and they're already so intellectual that you can't move them. See? But there's got to be something happen out there. There's got to be the supernatural demonstrated before them. It's going to be a hard thing. The organizations will turn you down, and all these things will happen. It's--it's terrible, what you have to do, but yet make your choice."

157"I'm one of them." Yeah. His faith did that. His faith sparked. Yes, sir. He saw it. It was a hard thing to get them to that promise, but he took his choice to go with them, anyhow. Regardless of what they did to him, and what they turned him down, he went anyhow. He was going out with them.

158Now I hope you're reading. All right. Go with them, anyhow. Make, be one of them, that's right, because it's your duty. Might be a hard fight, and a lot to go through, but go anyhow.

159 But his faith led him to take the choice of the Word, and not the glamour. He took the Word. That's what Moses' faith did. When faith looks on God's worst... Remember, here was the glamour now, the world, the highest, king of the world. And where was God's promised? In the mud hole, a mud daubers.

160But when faith, when faith looks at God's worst, it esteems it greater and more valuable than the best the world can show. Yes, sir. When faith looks at it, when faith can see it, when faith in the Word can see the Word made manifest, it's more than all the glamour and archbishopry and everything else you can speak of. Faith does it. See? You can see the worst, the despised, the rejected, the whatever it might be; let it be at its worst, and yet faith will esteem that a million miles higher than the best the world can produce. Amen! That's the way we sing that song, "I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few." See? Oh, my!

161 For, you see, faith sees what God wants done. Oh, I hope this goes in. Faith doesn't look at the present time. Faith doesn't see this here. Faith looks to see what God wants, and it works accordingly. That's what faith does. It sees what God wants, and what God wants done, and faith operates through that.

162Faith is a long-range vision. It don't lower its sights. It holds to the target. Amen! Any good shooter knows that. See? That, it's long range. It's a--it's a telescope. It's a binocular, that you don't look around here. You don't use binoculars to look to see what time it is; see, you don't use that. But you use binoculars to look a way off.

163And faith does that. Faith picks up God's binoculars, both of them, both sides, the New and Old Testament, and sees every promise that He made. And faith sees it out yonder, and faith chooses that regardless of what the present tense says here. He looks at the end. He don't drop his sights down to look this a way. He looks out yonder. He keeps the crosshair dead center on the Word. That's what faith does. That's the faith that's in a man that does those things.

164 Now watch. What Pharaoh called, of a call, what Pharaoh called great, God called "abomination!" Pharaoh could said, "Look, Moses, here, why, you're next pharaoh. I--I hand this sepulcher to you when I leave here. I'll hand this scepter. It's yours. See? Now, this is great. You're going to be a great man, Moses. You're going to be the bishop. You're going to be this, that, or other. Don't leave us. You stay here." But, you see, he called that great, and God said it was an "abomination!"

165Now, you women think a minute, so, you man. What the world calls great, God calls "filth." Don't the Bible say, "It's an abomination for a woman to wear a garment pertains to a man"? And you think you're smart in doing it. See? You're just displaying female flesh for the devil, and that's all. So, don't do it.

166And you men who live after the things of the world, and huddle and cuddle after this! And you men with not enough audacity about you to make your wives and things quit doing that, shame on you! And call yourself sons of God? Looks like sodomite to me. See? Not to hurt your feelings, but to tell you the Truth. Love is corrective. It always is. The mother won't take care of her child, and correct it and spank it, and make it mind, is not much of a mother for it. That's right.

167 Now, and watch what takes place now. Moses saw this, by his vision. And Pharaoh said that, "This is great." God said, "It's a abomination." So God... Moses chose what God said.

168Now, notice, faith sees what God wants you to see. See? Faith sees what God sees.

169And reasoning and senses see what the world wants you to see. Notice reasoning, "Why, it's only human sense. It's only--only reason that this... Well, ain't this just as good?" See? That's just exactly, when you use those senses which is contrary to the Word, see, then that's what the world wants you to see.

170But faith don't look at that. Faith looks what God said. See? You know, you cast down reasons.

171 Reasons, reasoning sense, sees what the world wants you to see, big denomination. Well, are you a Christian? "Oh, I'm--I'm Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, and Pentecostal, whatmore. I'm this, that, or the other." See, that, that's senses. "I belong to the first church, you see. Oh, I'm Catholic. I'm--I'm this, that." See, you say that. Now, that, that's senses. You like to say that because it's a denomination, something big. "Well, we--we--we got more members, nearly, than any church in the world, see. We..."

172But there is only one real Church, and you don't join It. You're born in It. See? And if you're born in It, the living God works Hisself through you, and making Himself known. See? That's where God dwells, in His Church. God goes to Church everyday, just lives in Church. He lives in you. You're His Church. You are His Church. You are the Tabernacle that God dwells in. You are the Church of the living God, yourself. And if the living God lives in His living being, then your action is of God; if it isn't, then God isn't in there. He wouldn't make you act like that, when He says in the Word here, His blueprint, "Don't do it," and you go do it. See, that's wrong. When you deny it, then that shows the Life isn't even in you. See? That's right.

173 Faith led Moses to the path of obedience. Notice, Moses make... There is young Pharaoh, there is young Moses, both of them with the opportunity. Moses seen the reproach of the people, and counted it greater treasures than all Egypt had. And he, led by faith, he followed what his faith said in the Word, and it led him to the path of obedience, and finally to Glory, immortal, never to die, in the Presence of God. Sight and senses, led, and glamour, led Pharaoh to his death, and the destruction of Egypt, his nation, and it's never come back since.

174 There you are. Look at this, you die. Look at That, you live. Now make your choice. That's the same thing God put before Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden. See? By faith, you must make your choice.

175Now notice, sight led Pharaoh to his death, and to destruction of his city.

176Moses, with his faith, never did fear Pharaoh. See? He didn't care what Pharaoh said. He cared not about Pharaoh, no more than his mother and his daddy cared about their threats. When Moses was confirmed to him, and he was that person that was deliver the Egypt... or lead Israel out of Egypt, he never cared what Pharaoh said. He wasn't scared of him. Amen, amen, amen! You see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

177There is no fear in faith. Faith knows about it. Faith, as I've always said, it's got great big muscles, and hairs on the chest. Faith said, "Shut up!" and everybody shuts up. That's all. "I know where I'm at!"

The rest of them say, "Well, now, maybe he does." See?

178But you've got to stand up and show your muscles. That's all. Faith does it.

179 Notice, Moses never feared Pharaoh after God a vindicated his call. When Moses believed he was called for that, but when God told him up there, "It's so," and come down and showed before Pharaoh, and all the rest of them, that he was sent to do it, Moses never was scared of Pharaoh.

180Notice, Pharaoh used his wisdom on Moses, though. Watch. He said, "I'll tell you what, I--I'll make an agreement with you." After the plagues done eat him up, he said, "I'll make an agreement with you. You just go for a little worship, three days. Just go so far, and don't go no farther." But, you know, the... That was Pharaoh's senses told him that, see, "You just go so far, and don't go no farther."

181Haven't we got that kind today? "If you just join church, that's all right."

182 But, you know, the faith that Moses had didn't believe in a "so-far" religion. He said, "We're all going. We're going all the way. That's right. We're going to the promised land. We just don't go out here and make a denomination, and stop. We go on through." Amen. "I'm going on to the promised land. God promised us."

183How many Pharaohs have we got today standing in the pulpit, heads of organizations! "Now, if you just do this and do that, that's all. Well, see, just so far."

But Moses said, "Oh, no! No, no! No, no!" See?

184Pharaoh said, "Well, why not? If you're going to have that kind of religion, I'll tell you what you do, just you and the elders go worship, see. Just you and the elders go worship. Cause, you all can have that kind of religion, but don't get it among the people."

185 You know what Moses said? "There won't even be a hoof left behind. We're going all the way. We're all going! I'm not going unless they go. And, as long as I'm here, I'm on your hands." Amen. "I'm not going unless they can go too, and that's all." Oh, what a gallant servant! Amen. "I want to take them with me. Just because I've got it, and I sit down and say, 'Well, now, this is all right'? No, sir. We want the people, too. Every one of us is going." Amen. He said, "We ain't going to even leave every sheep, or anything, behind. There's not going be a hoof left back. We're all going to the promised land." Amen!

186"Every one of us! Whether you're a housewife, or whether you're a--a little maid, or whether you're an old woman, or a young man, or an old man, or whatever you are, we're going, anyhow. There isn't going to be one of us left." Amen. "Every one of us is going, and we ain't going to stop nothing else." That's right. My! Them religions was really in a debate there, wasn't it? Oh, my!

187No, Moses did not believe in this here "just so-far" religion. No, he didn't believe in that. Huh-uh. Yes, sir. Oh, my!

188We could stay all day on that, but I got to get to my text after a while and start preaching.

189 Notice, notice this, how beautiful! Oh, I love this. You know, finally, Pharaoh said, "Get out!" God just plagued him, with the voice of Moses. He struck everything. He done everything there was to be done. He stopped the... he put the sun down, in the middle of the day. He done everything else. He--he blackened the days. He brought frogs, fleas, lice, everything else, fire, smoke, and death to his families, and everything else. He done everything till, finally, Pharaoh had to say, "Get out! Take all you got, and go." Oh, my! Praise be to God!

190I'm so glad that a man can so completely serve God till he, the devil, don't know what to do with him. That's right. Just obeyed God so completely till the devil said, "Oh, my, get away! I--I don't want to hear it no more." That's right. You can do it, so completely.

191 See now, if--if God wouldn't have backed up Moses, then he would become a laughingstock. But God was right there, confirming. Everything he said, come to pass.

192And Pharaoh had to hold his position, 'cause he was a bishop, you know, so he--he had to stay there. He couldn't deny. He couldn't say no, because it was already happening. See? He couldn't--he couldn't deny it, 'cause it was already happening. So finally he said, "Oh, just get out! I don't want to hear you no more. Get out of here! Take all you got, and go!" Oh, my!

193 Now we find Moses, here, after God had done so much for him, and had showed him so many signs and wonders. Now, for the next fifteen minutes, let's lay this down here. And watch real close. Moses come to this spot where he...

194God had said, "I am with you. Your words is My Word. I've proved it to you, Moses. You, when there was no flies in the land, it was out of season, and you said, 'Let there come flies,' and there come flies." That's creation. Who can bring darkness over the earth, but God? He said, "'Let there be darkness,' and there was darkness. You said, 'Let there be frogs,'" and the frogs even got in Pharaoh's house, in the beds, and when they piled them up in great heaps. Creator! "And I have spoke through you, Moses, and--and made My Word create through your lips. I've made you actually a god before Pharaoh." Yes, sir. "I've done all this."

195And here they come to a place, a little trial come up, and Moses begin to cry, "What shall I do?"

196 I want you to notice. This is a great lesson here now. I love this, see. See, Moses, if we read here right, that Mo-... When, the children begin to get scared, they seen Pharaoh coming after, in the line of duty.

197God had performed everything perfectly. Now He started them on their journey. He's got the church together. They been called out. They come from every denomination. They all got together. Moses had went back there, and said, "Lord, what must I do?"

198He'd say, "Well, go do this." All right, go ahead. "Now, Moses, you know I've called you to do this."

"Yes, Lord."

199"All right, you go speak this, and it'll be," here come the flies. "Speak for this," and here it come. "Do this," here it come. Everything was THUS SAITH THE LORD, THUS SAITH THE LORD, THUS SAITH THE LORD! Now he gets into a trouble...

200 And God said, "Now I've got them started on their journey. They're all done called out. The church is together, so I've got them on their journey. Now, Moses, take them on over. I've told you to. I'm going to sit down and rest a while."

201Moses said, "O Lord, look coming, here comes Pharaoh! The people are all... What must I do? What must I do?" See there, isn't that just human beings? Yes, sir. Begin to cry, "What must I do?"

202Here we see Moses expressingly, fully human nature, always wants God to get behind you and push you into something. Now, that's us today. You want God, after we've seen all we've seen, yet you want God to push you to do something. See?

203Moses had just laxed around, said, "God, I'll go ask You, see what You say. Yeah, yeah, You say it. Well, all right, I'll say it, too." See?

204But here God had ordained him for the job, proved that He was with him. And here he is, the circumstance comes up, and then he begins to cry, "What can I do? Lord, what can I do?"

205 Now you remember, he had already prophesied here, for he said, "These Egyptians that you see today, you'll see no more." And then immediately begin to cry out, "God, what can we do?" See? After he done done a pretty good job in prophesying there. You see, he done told them what would happen. If the Word of God was in him, It was in him. And when he was telling that, it actually come to pass. What he said was already going to come to pass, and here he was crying out, "What am I going to do?"

206Oh, if that isn't human beings! If that isn't me! If that isn't me! See?

207He had already proved, "What you say will happen. I'm with you."

208And here a circumstance rose in a moment. "What must I do? What must I do, Lord? Hey, Lord, where are You at? Hey, do You hear me? What must I do?" And He had already ordained him, and a vindicated him, and proved and worked everything through him. And here, "God?" Oh, my! Fully expressing, man wants to rest and let God do the pushing.

209 And, yet, he knew that God had anointed him for this job, to do this, and God had clearly a vindicated his claims. It was time for the people to be delivered. God, through his miracles and wonders, had drawed them all together in one group. You follow me? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Brought them all together in one group, vindicated his claims. Scripture said so; here was the sign, here was the evidence here, everything that he said. Then he come among them as a prophet. Ever, whatever he said, God honored it, even to create and bring up flies, and brought things in existence. And everything that He had promised him, here He done it.

210But he wanted to wait on THUS SAITH THE LORD. See? He should have known that the very vindication of his call was THUS SAITH THE LORD. His job that he was ordained to was THUS SAITH THE LORD. Can you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."] Hum! Why did he wait on THUS SAITH THE LORD?

211 He wanted, "Lord, what can I do? Here I've brought these children out here, this far. Here is the circumstance, Pharaoh is coming. They're all going to die. What must I do? What must I do?" Hum! Hum!

212He had already predicted what they was going to do. He had already told just exactly what, to do it. He predicted the end of the very nation he was brought up in. I hope you understand. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? Moses had already said, "You'll not see them anymore. God is going to destroy them. They've made fun of you long enough. God will destroy them." He had already predicted what would happen to them.

213Then, "Lord, what must I do?" See the human nature there? See? "What must I do? I'm going to wait for THUS SAITH THE LORD." Yes, sir. "I'll see what the Lord says, then I'll do it." Huh!

214Remember, there was a pharaoh had raised up that didn't know Joseph, you know, in that time, right at that time. See? See? And Moses stood right up and predicted the end of that nation.

215 And here he was right to the place where it was to be happening, then he cries out, "What must I do, Lord? What must I do?" See? Isn't that human beings? Isn't that just human nature? "What shall I do?" Huh!

216He was already, prophesied. God had honored everything he said, and he was called for the job, so why did he have to say, "What must I do?" There was a need; it was just up to him to speak for it. God wanted Moses to put that gift of faith, that He had given him, to work. God had vindicated it. It was the Truth. And God wanted Moses, wanted the people to see that He was with Moses.

217And he, back there, he waited, say, "Now, Lord, I'm just a baby. Let You tell me now."

"Yeah, I'll go do this. I got THUS SAITH THE LORD."

"Brother, is that THUS SAITH THE LORD?"

218"Yes, yes," Brother Moses, "that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Yeah."

219"Okay, we got it now, THUS SAITH THE LORD." And it happened. Never failed one time. Never did fail.

220And here it is in the circumstances, comes up again. Now He's got him on the journey. The church is already called out, got them on the journey, and they're moving up. And Moses started crying out, "Lord, is it THUS SAITH THE LORD? What must I do?" All right.

221 God wanted Moses to have faith, that He had put in, in the gift that He had clearly a--a vindicated. God had clearly proved to Moses and the people that it was Him, by the Word and by the things that was said come to pass. It was clearly identified. There was no need of him worrying any more about it. See? There was no more of him thinking anything about it, because it was already cleared up. He had already done these things. And he had already proved, by flies and fleas, that he spoke things into creation, that the Word of God was in him.

222So here he is going to ask now what to do, when the circumstances lays right before him. See? Oh, my!

223I hope this goes way down to us, and we can see where we're at. See? Don't it make you feel about that big? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Thinking about Moses telling his faults, and look at ours. Yeah. See?

224 Here he was, standing there, see, knowed that the Scriptures said that that was the hour and day for that to happen, and knowed that God had met him in a Pillar of Fire. And It went right down before the people and performed these miracles. And everything he said, it come to pass, even to bringing things into creation. Doing the things that only God could do, showing that his voice was God's Voice.

225And here was the circumstance with that people that he was raising up, bringing on to the promised land, and then was standing, crying, "What must I do?" That's a human being, want to just...

226As Brother Roy Slaughter, I believe he is sitting outside the door there, told me one time, about somebody doing something to me. And I said, "Well, I did this, and now is that."

227He said, "Brother Branham, let them lean on your shoulder today, and tomorrow you pack them." And that's just the way human beings is. Lean on your shoulder today, and tomorrow you pack them.

228That's it, that's what Moses was doing. God had to pack him along after He ordained him and proved it to do it. And the people ought to have said, "Moses, say the word. I seen you do it there. God honored you there, and you're the same one today." Amen. See? "Do it!" Amen. He ought to have knowed it, but he didn't. All right. Just as it was then, so is it now. We find out, that. So He said, "Mo-..."

229 God must just a-got enough of it. God must've a-got fed up on it. He said, "Why are you crying to Me about? Haven't I already proved My identification? Haven't I told you that I sent you for the job? Didn't I tell you to go do this? Didn't I promise that I'd do this; that I'd be with your mouth, and I'd speak through you and I'd do this, and you'd show signs and wonders? Didn't I promise to do it? Have not I did just exactly, and destroyed every enemy from around you? And here you are standing out here now, at the Red Sea, right in the line of duty, what I told you to do, and then still hollering and crying to Me. Don't you believe Me? Can't you see that I've sent you to do this?" Oh, if that isn't human being! My! So He just must a-got pretty well fed up on it.

230 And He said, "You know you have need of it. You know if you're going to take these children over to that promised land. That's exactly. You're penned up here in a corner. There ain't nothing else you can do. So there's a need. What are you crying to Me about? What you looking at Me for? What you calling on Me about? Haven't I proved it to the people? Haven't I proved it to you? Haven't I called it? Isn't it Scriptural? Didn't I promise to take this people to that land? Didn't I call you and tell you I would do it? Didn't I call and say I had sent you to do it, that it wasn't you, it was Me? And I'd go down and I'd be with your lips, and whatever you said, I'd a vindicate it and prove it. Haven't I done it?

231"Then, when any little thing comes up, why you act like a baby? You ought to be a man. Speak to the people," amen, "then move forward!" Amen. There you are. "Don't cry. Speak!" Amen. Oh, I like that. "Why you crying to Me about? Just speak to the people and go forward to your objective. Whatever it is, if it's sickness, or whatever it is, to raise the dead, or whatever it is, speak! I've proved it. Speak to the people."

232 What a lesson! What a lesson, oh, my, at this stage of the journey where we are standing. Look where we're at now, yes, sir, at the Third Pull. Notice, we're right here at the door, of the Coming of the Lord.

233He was anointed for the job, and still waiting for THUS SAITH THE LORD. God must just have got enough of it. He said, "Don't cry any more. Speak! I sent you."

234O God, what this Church ought to be this morning! With God's perfect vindication, with the Pillar of Fire and the signs and the wonders, everything just like it was in the days of Sodom. He said it would return back.

235Here is the world in its condition. There is the nation in its condition. There is the women in the condition. There is the man in the condition. There is the church in the condition. There is everything. The elements, the signs, flying saucers and everything in the skies, and all kind of mysterious things, and the sea a-roaring, tidal waves, man's heart failing, fear, perplexed of time, distress between nations, the church falling away.

236 And the man of sin rising up, who upholds himself above all; who is called God, he that sitteth in a temple of God, showing himself, oh, my, and has come to this nation. And the church has organized, and all of them gathered together, as harlots to the whore, and everything exactly in the way whoredom.

237Whoredom, what is it? Telling women they can cut their hair, telling women they can wear shorts, tell men they can do this and they can do that; and the preachers, they do this, and a social gospel and things. Don't you see, it's committing adultery with the true Word of God!

238And God has sent us His true Word, undenominational, no strings tied to It, and give us the Pillar of Fire, the Holy Ghost that's been with us now for thirty years. And everything that He has predicted and said, come to pass exactly the way He did it.

239 Speak to the people, and let's go forward. Amen. We got an objective, that's Glory. Let's move to It. We're heading to the promised Land. "All things are possible to them that believe." "Speak to the people. Haven't I proved it. Haven't I even had My picture made among you, and everything else, and done everything that could be done, to prove that I'm with you? Doesn't the magazines, just a few weeks ago, pack the article, when you said here at the pulpit what would take place out here, and three months beforehands, and there it went taking place and vindicate? Even the science knows about it. And everything that I've done, and you're still waiting. Speak to the people and go forward to your objective." Amen.

240Didn't Nathan tell David? Nathan, the prophet, one time sitting, seeing David the anointed king, he said, "Do all that's in your heart, for God is with you." Told David, "Do all that's in your heart. God is with you."

241 Joshua was anointed to take the land for God and for his people. The day was short. He needed more time for the job that he was anointed and commissioned to do. Joshua, a man, he was anointed. God told him, "As I was with Moses, I'll be with you." Amen. "That land, I'm going to give it to them. And I want you to go over there and clean out the Amalekites, and--and the Hit-... All--all the others, the Philistines and--and the Perizzites, and all the different ones, clean them out. I'm with you. I'll... No man will stand before you, all the days of your life. No man can bother you. Go on in there."

And Joshua drawed that sword and said, "Follow me!"

242And he got over there, and here he was fighting. And what was it? He routed the enemy. They were little bunches here and little bunches there. When nighttime come, they would all get together and garrison together, and come with a big force against him. And the sun was going down. He needed more light. The sun was going down. He didn't fall on his knees and say, "Lord God, what shall I do? What shall I do?" He spoke! He had a need. He said, "Sun, stand still!" He didn't cry to nothing. He commanded, "Sun, stand still! I've got a need of this. I'm the servant of the Lord, anointed for this job, and I got a need. Stand still, and don't you shine... And, moon, you hang where you're at," till he fought the battle through and whipped the whole thing down. And the sun obeyed him.

243 No crying out. He spoke to the sun, said, "You stand still. Sun, hang there! And, moon, you stay where you're at." He didn't cry out, "Lord, now what can I do? Give me some more sunlight." He had need of sunlight, so he commanded it, and the sun obeyed him. Oh, my! He commanded the sun to stand still.

244Samson, anointed, raised up, ordained of God, given a gift of power, was ordained to destroy the nation of the Philistines. Ordained, born on the earth, anointed of God, to destroy the Philistines. And one day they caught him out in the field, without his sword, without a spear. And a thousand of those armored Philistines run upon him at one time. Did he get down and say, "O Lord, I'm waiting for a vision? O Lord, what must I do? Direct me now what to do"? He knowed he had a need. He found nothing but an old jawbone of a mule, and he beat down a thousand Philistines. Amen!

245He never cried to God. He used his anointed gift. He knowed that he was sent for the job. He knowed he was born for that. He knowed he was anointed with a gift, and he beat down a thousand Philistines. He didn't cry to God. God ordained him and vindicated that he was, by other things that he had done. And he was a vindicated, anointed servant of God, to destroy the Philistines, and he did it. No matter what the circumstances was, he did it. He never asked nothing. That was his job. That, God was dealing through him; picked up that mule bone and go to beating Philistines. How the...

246 Why, one lick with that thing, across one of them inch-and-a-half brass skulls like that, would have shattered that bone into a million pieces. And he beat a thousand of them down, and killed them, and still stood with it in his hand.

247Didn't ask no questions. He didn't cry out. He spoke. He routed them. Oh, my! "Take the Philistine, can I take the Philistines, Lord? I--I know You sent me to do it, Lord. Yes, Lord, I know You sent me to destroy this nation of the Philistines. Now here, a thousand of them around me, and I ain't got nothing. What, what am I going to do now, Lord?" Oh, my! Nothing going to bother him. He's anointed for the work. There is nothing can harm you. No, not one thing. Hallelujah! He just took what he had and beat into them. That's right.

248 When the enemy fenced him in, said, "Now we get him in the walls, we got him now. We got him on the inside here with this woman. Now we got the door shut, all around everywhere, and he can't get out. We got him."

249Samson didn't cry out, "O Lord, they got me all fenced in with this denomination." Huh! "Uh, what am I going to do? I've joined up with them. What am I going to do?" He never did that.

250He just walked out, and pulled down the gate, and put it on his shoulder, and walked away with it. Amen! He was anointed for the job. He was called of God. Didn't fence him in. No, indeedy! He took the gates with him. He didn't pray about it. He didn't ask God whether to do it or not. It was right in the line of duty. Amen, amen, amen! Right in the line of duty. "Why cry to Me? Speak, and go on!" Amen! "Don't cry. Speak!" He done quit whining and whimpering now. Ought to be old enough to speak. That's right. He knew his anointed gift of power could destroy any Philistine that stood before him. Amen.

251 But we don't know that, you see. We're still little babies, and with a bottle in our mouth.

252He knew it, he knowed that God raised him up for that purpose, and there was nothing going to stand before him, all the days of his life. Nothing could destroy him. He was raised for that purpose, like Moses was. Nothing going to stop him. No Amalekites or nothing else can stop him. He's on the road to the promised land. Samson knew he was on the road.

253Joshua know he was taking the land. He was a vindicated. God's Word promised it, and the Holy Ghost was there vindicating it.

254 He was on his road, so there was nothing going to stand in his way. No, sir. Right in the line of duty, with God, there was nothing going to stand in his way. So he just picked up the gates and put them on his shoulder, weighed about four or five tons, and walked up on top of the hill and sat down on them. Nothing going to stand in his way. He had an anointed gift from God. He didn't have to cry out, "Lord, what must I do now?" He was already anointed to do it. That was THUS SAITH THE LORD, "Get rid of them!" Hallelujah! "Get rid of them! I've raised you up for that purpose." Amen.

255"What must I do, Lord? Uh, what am I going to do here at the Red Sea?"

256"Didn't I tell you that I gave you a mountain for a sign out here? You are coming back to that mountain, and you're going to take these children to the land. Didn't I call you for that purpose? What are you worried about anything else stand in the way? Speak, and start moving!" Amen and amen! "Yeah, I called you for this purpose."

257 David, he knew he was anointed, and was a vindicated to be a good shot. He knowed that they knowed he was a good shot. David was anointed. He know it. And when he stood before Goliath, he never cried, "O God, what must I do now? Wait, must I--I... I know what You did in the times past. You, You let me kill a bear, and You let me kill a lion. But what about this Goliath out there?" Huh! He never did that. He just spoke. What did he say? "You will be like they were, in your eyes." He spoke and went forward.

258He never prayed a prayer. He never offered nothing. He knowed he was anointed. Amen. He was anointed, and that slingshot had proved the right kind of a thing. He had faith in his anointing. He had faith that God could direct that rock right straight in the middle of that helmet there, where the only place could be hit. He was standing there.

259 He knowed he was a good shot. Amen. He knowed God made him that. Amen. He knowed he had killed a lion, he knowed he had killed a bear, but that was with his earthly father's possession. Here is his Heavenly Father's possession! Amen. He didn't get down, "Must... What must I do now, Lord?" He spoke and said, "You will be like the lion and the bear, and here I come." Amen! Glory to God! Yes, sir. He spoke and went forward to meet this Goliath. Oh, my!

260Regardless of his size! He was a little, ruddy-looking fellow, you know. He wasn't very big. He wasn't very handsome to look at, little bitty drawed-up sort of a fellow. The Bible said he was ruddy. Now, regardless of his size and his so-called ability to do so.

261You know, the--the bishop told him, said, "Now look here, son, that man is a theologian. See, he is a fighter. He was born a fighter and he's a... He's been a fighter, from his youth; and you're no match for him." And his brothers said, "Oh, you naughty thing. Come out here to do such a thing as that, get on back home."

262That didn't bother him. Why? He knew he was anointed. "The God that delivered me from that lion, the God that delivered me from the paws of that bear, He'll more than that, deliver me from that Philistine. Here I come. I meet you in the Name of the Lord God of Israel." Amen. Didn't pray through; he was already prayed through. God prayed him through before the foundation of the world. He was anointed for the job. He had to speak and go forward. That's all there was to do about it, just speak and go forward. Oh, that's all there was to it. Oh! He didn't...

263 About his denominational brothers, them scoffers standing there, too, you know. Oh, yes. They were standing there saying, scoffing and making fun, and saying... His brothers, you know, and say, "Ah, ah, ah, you can't. You, you're just naughty." That didn't move him a bit. "You want to be different from somebody else. You just want to show off." If that had been showing off, it'd a-been so. But they only looked at the intellectual side.

264David knowed the anointing oil was on him. Amen. Didn't make any difference to him. He said, "That Philistine will be like the bear and lion, so here I come." He predicted it before it happened. What did he do? He killed the bear. He killed the lion. He knocked the lion down with... What with? With the--with the slingshot, and took a knife, and then the bear. Lion, he killed the lion with a knife. That's the same thing he done Goliath. He knocked him down with a rock, and pulled up his sword, and cut his own head off, right there before it. What did he predict before it happens? "And you will be as they are." Why? He spoke the word that it would be, and then went forward to make it be fulfilled. Amen. Oh, brother! He spake, and took over the situation that day.

265 If there ever was a time that man should speak, it's now. Closing, just the next few minutes if you can just bear a few minutes longer. I got some more things wrote down here, some Scriptures I want to get to.

266Peter never cried, when he found a man that had faith enough to be healed, laying at the gate called Beautiful. He never got down and had an all-night's prayer, and, or an all-day's prayer, a big, long prayer, and said, "Lord, I pray You now that You'll help this poor lame man. I see that he's got faith. I know he's a believer. And I've asked him, and he--he... I--I--I... He said he had faith, he would believe what I told him. And I've told him about the... about what You did, and I--I just think now, Lord, that--that... Can You give me a THUS SAITH THE LORD for him?"

267No, he knew that he was anointed apostle. He knowed that Jesus Christ commissioned him. "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils. As freely as you received, freely give." He said, "Peter, go do that!" He didn't have to pray through. He was commissioned.

268 What did he say? He said, "In the Name of Jesus Christ!" He spoke the Name of Jesus Christ, and the man just laid there. And he picked him up by the hand, and said, "Stand up on your feet!" And he held him there till his ankle bones got strength, and he started walking. Why? He never had an all-night's prayer meeting. He never cried out to God. He knew positive, from the lips of Jesus Christ, he was anointed for this work. Yeah. He spake and raised him up, for he knowed he was anointed apostle for the purpose.

269The people that laid in his shadow never said, "Oh, come, apostle Peter, and cry over us, and pray the prayer of faith for us, to God." No, no, they never said that. They knew he was anointed and a vindicated apostle of God. So they said, "Just let us lay in his shadow. You don't have to say a word. We know it. We believe it." Life within them! The apostle couldn't get to them all. And they, themselves, they're a part of it.

270 Moses said, "It's just not me going. We're all going." We all got something to do. We've all got to be anointed.

271And they seen that apostle standing there, and seen him heal the sick man and do the things he did. They know he couldn't get to them. Said, they never said, "Peter, come and--and offer prayer, and wait now until you got THUS SAITH THE LORD, and come tell me. See what the Lord says." They said, "If we can only lay in his shadow, because the very God that was in Jesus Christ is in him, and we see the same thing doing. So they touched the border of Jesus' garment and laid in His shadow, and Jesus is in this man. If that shadow can reflect upon us, we'll be healed."

272And the Bible said every one of them was healed. No all-night's prayer meeting, saying, "Lord, if I go lay in the shadows of this apostle?" No, they knew it. The Light had struck them. Their hearts was full. Their faith was let loose. Amen. They believed it. They had seen it. Paul's hankies, the same way.

Now, in closing.

273 Jesus never cried when they brought the maniac boy to Him, that had epilepsy, falling into the fire. He never said, "Father, I'm Your Son, and now You sent Me here to do so-and-so, and so. Can I heal this boy?" He never said. He said, "Come out of him, Satan!" He spoke, and the boy was made well.

274When He met Legion, with two thousand devils in him, it wasn't Jesus a crying. It was the devils a crying, "If You're going to cast us out," oh, my, "suffer us to go in that herd of swine."

275Jesus never said, "Now, Father, am I able to do this?" He said, "Come out of him," and the devils took their flight. Sure, He knowed He was the Messiah.

276 At the grave of Lazarus, he had been dead four days. They said, "If You would have been here, Lord, he would not have died."

277He said, "I am the resurrection and Life." Amen! Not where, when, or how. "He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." Amen. He knowed Who He was. He knowed what He was. He knowed that He was Emmanuel. He knowed He was the resurrection. He knowed He was Life. He knowed that in Him dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He seen them little people there, and He had seen that what God had told Him then to do, and there He was. He went down there.

278He never said, "Now, wait, I'll kneel down here. All of you kneel down and pray." He said, "You believe that I am able to do this?" Amen. He asked for it.

279It wasn't Him; it was them. "Yea, Lord, I believe that You're the Son of God that was to come into the world." Oh, my! There He is identified. Something has got to happen.

280"Lazarus, come forth!" He spoke, and a dead man come forth. Not, "can I?" He just spoke. When the faith was met, the thing happened.

281 He speak, He spoke, and the blind saw, the lame walked, the deaf heard, devils screamed and come out, the dead was raised up, everything. Why? He didn't pray through. He was anointed the Messiah. He was that Messiah. He knew He was. He knew His position. He knowed what He was sent to do. He knowed that the Father had identified Him to be the Messiah, to the believer. And when he met that believer with faith, He just spoke the Word. Devils scattered. Yes, Sir. "Speak! Don't cry. Speak!" Amen.

282And He knew His God-given rights, but we don't. He knew what He was. We don't.

283Moses had forgot. Samson understood. Others understood. Joshua understood. Moses forgot. God had to call his attention to it. He said, "Why you crying to Me? I sent you to do the job. Speak, and go on to your objective. I told you you'd come to this mountain. Take them children and lead them on. Just speak. I don't care what's in your way, move it out of the way. I give you authority to do it. I spoke... You've spoke flies and fleas, and creation, and things like that. Now what are you hollering to Me about? Why you coming to Me, hollering these things? Just speak and watch it move, that's all." Oh, my! Oh, how I love it!

284 Here, Jesus, everything that He said, He just spoke the Word, and it was so. God properly had a vindicated Him to be His Son. "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm well pleased. Hear ye Him."

285Watch Him. I like this. How bravely, how majestically He stood before His critics. Amen. He said, "Destroy this temple, and I'll pray the Father and see what He does about it"? "Destroy this temple, and I'll raise it up again, in three days." Not, "I hope to; I'm going to try to." "I will do it!" Why? The Scripture said so.

286The same Scripture that said He would raise up His body, give us the authority, the Power. Amen! "In My Name they shall cast out devils, they'll speak with new tongues; if they take up serpents, or drink deadly things, it won't harm them; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

"Why cry unto Me? Speak, and go forward." Oh, bravely I...

"Destroy this temple, I'll raise it up again." Oh!

287 And remember now, (we're closing), it was that same He. It was He that said, in John 14:12, the... "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It was He that said so.

288It was Jesus, in Mark 11:24, that said, "If you say to this mountain," not if you pray to this mountain. "If you say to this mountain, 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." Now you, if you say it just presumptuously, it won't happen. But if something in you, that's you're--you're anointed for the job, and will know that it's the will of God to do it, and will say it, it's got to happen. "If ye..."

289It was He that said this. "If ye abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, ask what you will and it shall be done to you." Oh, my! Oh, my! You see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

290 Pardon this, but it's just coming up in me. I got to say it. It was He that said, that day up there, inside of that woods, "You have no game." And He created three squirrels standing there before us. What is it? Just speaking the word, say, "They'll be there, and there, and there," and there they was. It was He that did that.

291Charlie, Rodney, It was He down there in Kentucky; and Nellie, Margie, and the rest of you. It was He, that same God that was back there and spoke to Moses, said, "Why do you cry to Me? Speak the word!" It was He that brought them into existence. It's He. It's Him. Oh, my!

292It was He that give the vision about a year ago, that said we would go over there, and these Seven Seals, and how there would be a--a--a--a great thunder that would start it off, and they would be in the shape of a pyramid. And there the Look mag-... Life magazine's packed it, hanging on the wall in there. It was He that said that.

293 It was He, that night when I was going down that road and seen that big mamba snake about to get my brother. And He said, "You've give... been given Power to bind him, or any of the rest of them." It was He that said that.

294To my little gray-headed wife sitting back there: It was He that morning, that woke me up there in the room, and stand in the corner, said, "Don't fear to do anything, or go anywhere, or say anything, for the never-failing Presence of Jesus Christ is with you wherever you go."

295It was He up yonder in Sabino Canyon, about three months ago, when I was praying, wondering what was going to happen. I was standing there, and a sword dropped in my hand, and said, "This is the King's Sword." It was He.

296It was He that said to me, "As I was with Moses, so I'll send you."

297 It was He that said to me, thirty years ago, down on the river yonder, as a little boy. Standing there as a little preacher, on the river, thirty years ago, standing there when that Light, the same Pillar of Fire, come down from the heavens and stood there, and said, "As I sent John the Baptist to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message shall forerun the Second Coming," to all the world. How could it be, when my own pastor laughed and made fun of it? But it happened just exactly that way. It was He that said it. Yes, sir!

298Oh, how it was He that said in prophecy, to the vision, "It shall come to pass." It was He that said, "If one among you prophesies, or sees a vision, and tells it, and it comes to pass; then remember it's not him, it's Me. I am with him." Oh, my! What could I go on, and say it's He, it's He, it's He!

299 It's He that come down, when I told them that the Pillar of Fire was down there on the river, and they couldn't believe it. It was He down there amongst, when that Baptist preacher, before thirty thousand people that night, in the Sam Houston Colosseum, when that Angel of the Lord had His picture taken, standing there. It was He, the same yesterday, today, and forever.

300It was He that foretold where these things to be. It was He that said this. It was He that done these things. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's done everything just exactly like He said He would do it. Amen.

301Why should I wait? God has a vindicated the Word. It's the Truth. Let's journey. Let's walk. Let's go on the walk of the Lord, laying aside all doubts, all sins. Clean up the house, scrub it up.

302As Junior Jackson's vision said, there wasn't nothing left but lamps; or his dream, if he's sitting here. Nothing left but lamps, and they had gold bands around them, in the dream that he give me the other night. Oh, my!

303 Brother Collins, don't worry about that fish. It was white. You just didn't know how to handle it.

304Lay aside everything else contrary to It. Remember, this is Truth, regardless of how fanatically It seems, and everything else, sometimes. Move right on with It. It's the Holy Spirit. The same God that raised up Jesus Christ from the dead, the same One that can speak things into existence, the same One that lived in the days of Moses, is the same today.

305His call in this last day, He's a vindicated. "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." He's done... There is Sodom down there. There is a Billy Graham and an Oral Roberts out there. And the Church is moving on, by the same signs that He promised, both places, and there they are. It's He that said it.

306O Lord, give me courage, is my prayer. Help me, O Lord God.

I have to quit here. It's getting late.

307 "Why cry to Me? Why are you crying to Me, when I've proved to be with you? Haven't I healed your sick," He'd say? "Haven't I told you things that happened just exactly? Your pastor can't do that. Me! He can't; he's a man. It's Me, the Lord," that He would say. "I'm the One that did this. I'm the One that tells him these things to say. It's not him. It's My Voice. I'm the One that raises up your dead when they drop down. I'm the One that heals the sick. I'm the One that foretells these things. I'm the One that does the saving. I'm the One that give the promise."

308God, give me courage to take that Sword of the Word that He put in my hand about thirty-three years ago, and hold it and march forward to the Third Pull, is my prayer.

Let's bow our heads.

309 Heavenly Father, the hour is growing late, but the Word is getting precious. As we see it, Lord, time after time, never-failing Presence of Christ always meets with us. How I thank You for Your goodness! How You've spared us and been... and blessed us, how we thank You for it!

310As I hold these handkerchiefs in my hand, Lord, it's people that has faith, that believes This. May every devil, every sickness depart from them people. And I charge every spirit in here; that's foul, and not of God, every spirit of sickness, all diseases and afflictions. We're not laying in the shadow of man, which would be all right, but we're in the shadow of the Gospel, vindicated Gospel.

311As the great Pillar of Fire moves back and forth through this building, the same One that God looked down through, and the Red Sea give up its course, and Israel passed through. But now as He looks, it's sprinkled with the Blood of His Own Son, when mercy and grace. May we be obedient. May we today quit saying, crying out. May we realize that You've called us for this work. This is the hour. I speak it in the Name of Jesus Christ, let every sickness depart from this place.

312 May every man and woman, that calls on the Name of Jesus Christ, consecrate their life anew today. I consecrate mine, Lord, upon the altar of prayer. I lay myself down, and shame my ownself and turn my head towards the ground from where You took me. Lord God, I'm ashamed of my weakness and my unbelief. Forgive it, Lord. Give me courage. Give us all courage.

313I feel, like Moses, we're all on our road out. We don't want to leave one. We want to take every one, Lord. They're Yours. I claim them for You. Bless this people today, Lord. Grant it. And bless me, with them, Father, and Thy Name shall be praised. Thy glory shall be Thine. Give us this Eternal faith, Lord, as we consecrate ourselves to Thee now.

314 Me, over this Bible and over this stand, I give You my life, Lord. I'm depending on every promise that You give. I know they will be confirmed. I know they are Truth. Give me courage to speak these Words. Give me courage, Lord. Direct me in what I shall do and say. I give myself to You, with this church, along with it, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

My faith... up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

Saviour Divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sins away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

315Now let us stand, real quietly, as we hum it. [Brother Branham and congregation begins to hum, My Faith Looks Up To Thee--Ed.]

... to Thee,

Thou Lamb...

Let's just raise our hands to Him now.

O Saviour...

Consecrate yourselves to God now.

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my doubts away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

316 Now together, with our hands up. [Congregation repeats this prayer, after Brother Branham--Ed.] Lord Jesus, [Lord Jesus,] I now [I now] consecrate myself to Thee, [consecrate myself to Thee,] a life of service, [a life of service,] more purely, [more purely,] more faith, I cry, [more faith, I cry,] that I [that I] might be a more acceptable servant [might be a more acceptable servant] in my coming life, [in my coming life,] than I have been [than I have been] in the life that's passed. [in the life that's passed.] Forgive my unbelief, [Forgive my unbelief,] and restore to us [and restore to us] the Faith [the Faith] that was once delivered to the saints. [that was once delivered to the saints.] I give myself to Thee, [I give myself to Thee,] in the Name of Jesus Christ. [in the Name of Jesus Christ.]

317Now as we bow our heads.

While life's dark maze I tread,

And grief around me spread,

Be Thou my Guide;

Bid darkness turn to day,

Wash all my fears away,

Nor let me ever stray

From Thee aside.

318 As we bow our heads now. You feel like that the morning Message has done you good? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Give you courage? ["Amen."] If you would, just raise your hands to God, saying, "God, I thank You." ["God, I thank You."] I got both my hands up, because I just feel so that it's--it's helped me. It's give me courage.

319Some things I said, I didn't think I was going to say it, but it's already said. It was a rebuke to me. I found myself not in the way that I thought I did, but I found myself guilty of crying out all the time, instead of speaking.

320God, help me, from this hour on, that I'll be a more consecrated servant.

321Not only me I pray for. I pray for you, also, that, together, as a Body of Christ, called out from the world, making ready for the promised Land, that God will give me courage to speak the way, make the way clear that you won't miss the trail. I'll tell, you by the grace of God, I'll follow the Bloody footprints of Him Who went on before us.

And this consecrated cross I'll bear,

Until death shall set me free,

And then go Home, a crown to wear,

There is a crown for me.

322We give this to Thee, Father, our consecration, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Amen.

323[A brother begins to speak in another tongue.]

324 We thank the Lord for this. Walk a consecrated life. Give yourself over, to sweetness, humility. Walk in the Spirit. Walk, talk, dress, act like Christians, humble and sweet. Don't let this fail now. The Voice of God speaks through the Word, speaks through gifts. As one gift comes, another one expresses it, another gift comes and expresses the same thing. See, that's sure right with the Word and right with the hour. God is with us. How we thank Him for it! Now if our...

325With our heads bowed, if our sister would give us the chord on:

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

And when temptations around you gather,

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

326Just, just do that, speak the Word and speak His Name. Let's sing now as we--as we're being dismissed.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield... and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Oh, take it everywhere you go.

Precious Name...

327Now let's shake one another's hands, and say, "I'll pray for you, brother, and you pray for me."

... Heaven;

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy...

328Now with our heads bowed, let's sing this next verse.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

When temptations round you gather,

Breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, precious Name; O how sweet! O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

329 With our heads bowed now, and our hearts with it, with the realization that Jesus said, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life and shall not come up in the Judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." Knowing that we, by the grace of God, possess that within our bosom; with a consecration to Him this morning, that our lives shall change, from this day on, that we'll be more positive in our thinking. We will try to live in such sweetness and humility, that, believing that what we ask God, God will give it to each other. And we will not speak evil against each other, or no man. We shall pray for our enemies and love them, do good to them that do bad to us. God is the Judge of who is right and wrong. With the...

330On the basis of this, and our heads bowed, I'm going to ask our good friend, Brother Lee Vayle, if he'll dismiss the audience in a word of prayer. Brother Vayle.