Tri druhy veriacich



Tí prví sú veriaci, potom ľudia, ktorí sa pretvarujú za veriacich a neveriaci. Nuž, to je celkom pekná téma. Ale s takou istotou, ako tu dnes večer sedíme, táto skupina je stále spolu zhromaždená. Hocikde, kde sú ľudia zhromaždení, nájdeme túto skupinu a vždy sme ich našli a pravdepodobne ich vždy tu budeme mať, až do príchodu Pána. A chcem dnes večer, ako budem hovoriť o týchto troch skupinách, aby sme si premietli sami seba a mohli vidieť v ktorej skupine sa nachádzame. Peter, ten neučený človek ... stál blízko, keď videl to dokonale potvrdené Slovo na ten deň, ktoré Boh zasľúbil na ten deň, že tam povstane Niekto, kto bude Prorokom medzi nimi. A Šimonovi bolo ťažko, aby tomu uveril, pretože tam bolo mnoho takých, ktorí To napodobovali. Ale keď uvidel to opravdové, odhalené Slovo na ten vek a počul Ho ako Sa identifikoval, on bol naprosto presvedčený Kto On je. A to bol on, ktorý povedal: "Pane, ku komu pôjdeme?" keď sa ho opýtal.

Keď sa tie zástupy rozdelili, na veriacich, neveriacich a na takých čo sa robia veriacimi, hneď tam v tom jednom spoločenstve ľudí stáli všetky tie tri skupiny; veriaci, takí čo sa robia, že sú veriaci a neveriaci. Nachádzame ich tu hneď v tejto kapitole. A preto, že Ježiš povedal tie Slová, tak ako ich povedal, to rozdelilo Jeho zhromaždenie. Ale to sa muselo stať.

On bol veľký človek, dovtedy kým uzdravoval nemocných, ale keď prišlo ku Náuke a do proroctva, to oddelilo plevu od pšenice. Vidíte? Plevy sa len vinú okolo pšenici. Oni nie sú pšenicou. Nedajú sa použiť. Nič v nich nie je. Nie je v nich žiadny Život. Je to len šupka a ona nemôže zostať s pšenicou. A tak to musí byť ... Zrno je práve to o čom hovoríme, jadro pšeničného zrna.

1Skloňme svoje hlavy. Pri tom ako máme sklonené svoje hlavy i srdcia, chcel by som vedieť, koľkí by chceli byť spomenutí v modlitbe, zodvihnite len ruku a povedzte: "Pane, pamätaj na mňa, ó Pane." Je tu množstvo prosieb, tu na stole ležia vreckovky.

2Drahý Nebeský Otče, znovu sme sa zhromaždili dnes večer pod touto strechou, kde si sa s nami stretol tak mnoho krát a vyjadril si nám Svoju lásku; i my sa snažíme naším pokorným spôsobom vyjadriť Ti našu lásku a vďačnosť, za to čo si pre nás urobil. A dnes večer sme znovu prišli, Pane, ako ľudia, ktorí sme v potrebe, pretože Ťa stále potrebujeme. Lebo vieme, že zatiaľ čo sme tu na zemi, bude to naším volaním, pretože sa nachádzame v boji a sme ... Ten urputný boj stále trvá a Ty si nám zasľúbil a povedal si nám, že ten nepriateľ bude ako revúci lev. Vypustený je medzi ľudí, môžeme to všade vidieť, ako revúci lev, ktorý požiera čo môže, pretože vie, že jeho čas je krátky. Ale my máme - my máme - Otca, ktorý sa stará o Svojich maličkých a ku Tebe sa utiekame s našimi prosbami, dnes večer, Pane. Modlíme sa, aby si nám dal to o čo Ťa prosíme.

3A tu tieto vreckovky, Otče, ktoré tu ležia, znamenajú, že niekde sú chorí ľudia, ktorí Ťa volajú a potrebujú ťa a veria v Teba A svoju vieru vyjadrili zaslaním týchto vreckoviek. Bože, udeľ im toho, aby každý jeden z nich mohol byť uzdravený.

4Vidíme Tvoju nesmiernu moc, Pane, práve pred chvíľou, si tam v tej miestnosti prinavrátil úplnú pamäť tomu chlapcovi, ktorý ju stratil. Vidíme znovu a znovu Tvoju veľkú moc, ktorá uzdravuje chorých a zjavuje tajomstvá srdca, ukazuje to ľuďom a dáva ich do poriadku. Ďakujeme Ti, Pane Bože, pretože to je ponad možnosti každého človeka. To je ponad všetko to, čo by ktokoľvek z nás mohol poznať, ako Ty môžeš zjaviť tú skutočnú príčinu a čo to spôsobilo a ako to je. To si Ty, Otče. A my vieme, že "Slovo spytuje srdcia, rozpoznáva myšlienky a zámery srdca," a tak Ti za to ďakujeme.

5A teraz, Pane, veríme, že títo ľudia, so svojimi sklonenými hlavami, premýšľajú o týchto veciach a to je Duch Svätý, ktorý ku ním hovorí. A daj, aby bola vypočutá každá jedna ich prosba. Pane, spas dnes večer tých, ktorý môžu byť spasení. Tí stratení, nech by oni mohli prísť a boli spasení.

6Sme tak vďační, keď vidíme tam tú veľkú hromadu mokrého oblečenia a vieme pri tom, že ten hrob bol otvorený; a hriech toho starého človeka zostal pochovaný, pre mnohých z nich. A ja Ti za to ďakujem, Otče. A nech by oni do konca svojich dní chodili v novote Života. Prosíme o to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

7Nech vás Pán žehná a udelí vám odpovedi na prosby, ktoré máte vo svojich srdciach.

8A teraz, myslím, že Billy povedal, že brat Wheeler tu má svoje dieťa. Je to tak? Nezmýlil som sa, aby sme sa zaň modlili a oddali ho Pánovi, či niečo také, posvätenie. [brat Neville hovorí: "Myslím, že sú tu tri alebo štyri deti." – pozn.prekl.] No dobre. Ak ich chcete sem teraz priniesť, budeme radi; keby starší prišli sem dopredu a položili ruky na týchto maličkých, pri posvätení, keď sa budeme za nich modliť. A budeme sa snažiť byť struční. A chceme týchto maličkých, ktorí chcú prísť ku Pánovi Ježišovi A chcú priniesť svoje drobné drahokamy, ktoré im Boh dal. Stále sa im snažíme urobiť cestu, pretože nevieme čo bude zajtra.

9Moja matka my zvykla hovoriť: "Čo môžeš urobiť dnes neodkladaj na zajtra." To je pravda, pretože nevieš, čo prinesie zajtrajšok, ale my vieme, Kto je Pánom zajtrajšieho dňa. A to je hlavné. Vieme, Kto je Pánom zajtrajšieho dňa.

10Brat Wheeler, nech ťa Pán Boh žehná. A toto je sestra Wheelerová. Som rád, že vás stretávam. Tak sa mi vidí, že prvý krát mám takú vzácnu možnosť stretnúť sa s vami. A toto je vaše dieťa. Ako sa volá? [sestra Wheelerová hovorí: "Carlena Rebecca." – pozn.prekl.] Carlena Rebecca. Aké pekné, milé dievčatko, skutočne veľmi milé. Malá Carlena Rebecca Wheeler.

11Brat Wheeler je tu v zbore jedným z našich diakonov a Boh požehnal ich manželstvo, touto maličkou. Myslím, viem, že máte ešte dve dievčence, či nie? [brat Wheeler hovorí: "Tri." – pozn.prekl.] Ešte tri dievčence. Oni sú ozaj pekné slečny, ako viem a tak sa modlím, aby Boh urobil Rebeccu práve takou, ako sú tie ostatné. Hej? A potom budete všetci spokojní, či nie? Je to tak, pretože to sú veľmi milé deti.

12Neviem či mi dovolí, aby som ju držal, alebo nie, ak nie, položíme na ňu ruky. Chcela by si ísť tu ku mne, Rebecca? Chceš, Aby som ťa podržal? Je to veľmi pekné. Veľmi milé dievčatko!

A teraz skloňme svoje hlavy.

13Milostivý Nebeský Otče, ako tu stojíme dnes večer pred týmto diakonom; a on skutočne zastáva znamenitý úrad, pretože diakon musí byť bezúhonný, muž jednej ženy, ktorý sa dobre stará o svoju rodinu. Pretože, ak nevie ako sa starať o svoju rodinu, ako sa môže starať o dom Boží? A ďakujeme Ti, že tento brat spĺňa tieto kvalifikácie a my v ňom nachádzame Ducha Božieho.

14A on sem teraz prináša svoju drobnú dcérušku, aby Ti ju zasvätil. Ty si vložil jej výchovu do ich rúk. Bože, ó akí sme vďační, že môžeme povedať, že ich prianím je, aby bola taká, ako sú jej sestry. Daj, Otče, aby to tak bolo. A nech to dieťa môže žiť a dobre Ti slúžiť, Otče. A teraz, v Mene Ježiša Krista Ti dávame toto dieťa do životnej služby. Daj, Aby bola zdravá a silná; nech môže žiť dlhý život, až kým nepríde Ježiš, ak je to možné. A potom, Otče, veríme, že bude vychovávaná v napomínaní Kristovom. Do životnej služby, Tebe porúčame jej život. Amen.

15Nech ťa Boh žehná, Rebecca. A Boh nech žehná vás, brat Wheeler a sestra Wheelerová. Pán nech je s vami.

16Ako sa ty máš? Teraz tu máme ďalšie maličké dievčatko, s veľkým úsmevom na tvári. A ako sa volá? [Matka hovorí: "Rhona Renee Coats." – pozn.prekl.] Rhona Renee Coats, dobre som to povedal? Vy ste nejaká rodina s Jessem a ostatnými, s Jessem Coats? ["Nie." – pozn.prekl.] Myslel som ... Poznal som tu v meste jedných Coatsovcov. Veľmi dobre som sa s nimi poznal, dlhý čas boli mojimi priateľmi.

17Rhona, Rhona Renee. Som zvedavý či budeš chcieť ísť ku mne, Rhona. Dám ťa späť tvojej mame, len čo ťa poručím Pánovi Ježišovi. Aha, či nie je milá.

A teraz skloňme svoje hlavy.

18Nebeský Otče, ako Tvoj starší, tak i ja stojíme dnes večer spolu v zhode a v harmónii s Evanjeliom. Táto matka prináša túto maličkú Rhone Renee, aby Ti bola posvätená. Ty si ju vložil do jej rúk, aby sa o ňu starala a to prvé, čo ona môže urobiť je darovať ju naspäť Tebe. Ako voľakedy dávno povedal Jób, že Pán dal tieto veci. A my sa modlíme, Bože, aby si ju zachovával v bezpečí, až do tej hodiny, keď ju vezmeš preč. Bože, daj, aby žila skutočným kresťanským životom a aby bola príkladom pre iných, keď bude rásť. Požehnaj jej dom a nech Ti môžu byť posvätený a plne Ti slúžiť z celého srdca. A teraz, Bože, Tebe porúčame malú Rhondu Renee Coats, v Mene Ježiša Krista, do životnej služby. Amen.

Veľmi milá. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra.

19Ako sa ty voláš? [sestra hovorí: "Robert Paul Shammel." – pozn.prekl.] Robert Paul Shane? ["Shammel." – pozn.prekl.] Shammel.

20Nuž, čo keď ... A, ty si ešte malý, myslím, že nenarobíš kvôli tomu veľa kriku. Nesmej sa takto na mňa. Pozri sa sem, ak sa chceš na niečom zasmiať. Robert Paul, aké pekné meno.

Skloňme naše hlavy.

21Bože, ako toto mladé dievča prichádza sem; mohla by byť naším deckom. A ona sem prináša svojho malého chlapca, ó Bože, pre Teba do životnej služby. On je ovocím a výsledkom ich manželstva. Modlím sa, Bože, ako Tvoj starší i ja kladieme ruky na tohoto maličkého, aby jeho život bol posvätený pre Teba. Udeľ, Pane, ak bude nejaké zajtra, aby on mohol vziať toto Posolstvo, ktoré počúvajú jeho rodičia, Bože. Udeľ toho. A modlím sa, aby si požehnal ich domy a nech toto dieťa môže byť vychovávané v Božom napomínaní a bolo Tvojím milovaným učeníkom. Porúčame ho Tebe v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

22Nuž, on je práve taký fajn chlapec. Tak veru. Nemôžeme si prosiť nič milšie, či nie? Nie je nič na svete čo by mohlo byť milšie, je to pravda, než ako takýto malý chlapec. Celý vysmiaty. Tak roztomilý. [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

23Toto je to, čo mi moja žena závidí v mojej práci, držať tieto nemluvniatka. Ona ich veľmi rada drží. A ja tiež, ale vždy mám strach, že im ublížim. Oni sú také roztomilé, veď viete a vyzerajú tak nežne, ale viete, oni - oni sú v skutočnosti húževnatejšie, než ako by sme si mysleli.

24 Nuž, hovoril som vám, že sa budem snažiť zakončiť ... Dobre, mám len tridsaťpäť minút. Budem sa ponáhľať, alebo nie? Uvidíme. Nemám tým na mysli niečo podceniť, alebo povedať niečo zle, ale budem sa skutočne snažiť, pretože ... Veď viete, potom sa vydávame na cestu a nie sme - nie sme už takí čulí ako sme zvykli byť. Tie míle sa niekedy stávajú nepríjemné a dve alebo tri zhromaždenia za deň, nuž ...

25A čo najviac vyčerpáva, to sú tie videnia. Kázať, to ma príliš neunaví. Och, môžem tu stáť po celý deň a nevadí mi to, ale ... Ale tie videnia a keď ľudia prichádzajú na rozhovory, to je to čo sa im musí dostať. Vidíte? Kvôli tomu oni sem prídu. Je niečo, čo nemôže byť urovnané iba položením rúk. Musí sa poznať koreň veci, kde to začalo, čo je tomu príčinou, čo to spôsobilo a potom čo robiť, aby sa z toho dostať. Kvôli tomu sú tu.

26Nuž, to zhromaždenie začína napozajtre večer ... či, nie, prepáčte, v stredu večer, v Shreveporte, v Louisiane. A ak ktokoľvek z vás má tam niekde priateľov, nuž, povedzte im aby prišli. "Life Tabernacle" tak sa mi vidí, že to tam začína, jedine že by dostali poslucháreň naproti, ak by sa im to podarilo, tam je viacej miesta na sedenie. Tam majú balkóny a veľkú hlavnú sálu a potom ešte podlažie dole pod tým. Tak, neviem presne, koľko je tam miest na sedenie, ale je to ... Ak by to nebolo možné dostať, možno že sa im podarí vybaviť poslucháreň hneď neďaleko od toho, čo bude ... Tiež neviem koľko je tam miest na sedenie. Mal som tam zhromaždenia, ale nepamätám si. Je to výročné zhromaždenie.

27Bol som tam pred tromi rokmi a začali sme prebudenie, v Mene Pánovom A zatiaľ to ešte neskončilo. Stále to pokračuje, nepretržite; každý deň prichádzajú ľudia, dožívajú spasenia, sú pokrstení a idú takto ďalej s Pánom, prichádzajú kazatelia i všetko. A my len ... Pokiaľ to bude takto pokračovať a ja sa sem dostanem, chcem ich po celý čas navštevovať, povedať tam len mojich niekoľko slov a ísť ďalej.

28A tak, začína to v stredu a končí v nedeľu. Raňajky kresťanských obchodníkov sú ... Neviem ... zabudol som meno toho hotelu ... Tak sa mi vidí, že je to ... nazýva sa ... Oni, oni vám to povedia, keď tam prídete. To sú raňajky kresťanských obchodníkov.

29Prežili sme tam nádherné chvíle, kresťanskí obchodníci, ktorí ste tu, keď sme tam boli naposledy. Pán spasil jedného rabína, z mesta. A, ó, neviem čo všetko sa tam stalo. Boli to tam nádherné chvíle v Pánovi, keď som kázal o Zmluve v Krvi. A tak ... To je to čo židia poznajú; krv. "Bez vyliatia krvi, nieto odpustenia," vidíte.

30Nuž poďme rovno do Slova A budem sa snažiť, ako len môžem aby som dodržal slovo, ktoré som vám dal.

31A teraz, ak Pán teraz dá, v nedeľu po vianociach, ak budete mať voľno a budete prechádzať okolo, ak nebude klzko na cestách, nuž a budete niekde nablízku, prečo by ste sa tam nezastavili. Chceme tu mať zhromaždenie v nedeľu ráno, tú nedeľu po vianociach. Koľkého je vtedy? [Niekto hovorí: "Dvadsiateho deviateho." – pozn.prekl.] Dvadsiateho deviateho a je to nedeľa po vianociach, dvadsiateho deviateho. Nuž, ak by sa niečo prihodilo, niečo čo nepredpokladáme a nedalo by sa nám prísť ... Nevieme čo bude, rozumiete. Ale keby sa čokoľvek stalo, vy ktorí ste pomimo mesta, ktorí sem prichádzate, tak ako títo ľudia z Memphisu ...

32Chcel som počuť brata Ungrena spievať Ó, Aký Si Veľký. A neviem... Je tu dnes večer?

33A, tak, vždy chcem toho tak veľa povedať, že to nemôžem všetko stihnúť, nemôžem to všetko stihnúť. Nech vás Pán žehná.

34A teraz si otvorme Písmo A prečítame si pár veršov. Kde, ak sklamú moje slová, Toto nesklame. A potom vás Boh bude žehnať, že tu zostávate kvôli tomu, aby ste počuli Jeho Slovo. "Viera prichádza skrze počutie, počutie Božieho Slova." Je to pravda? Ako som premýšľal ... Zatiaľ, čo si otvorite Ev. Sv. Jána 6. kapitolu, začneme od 60. verša a budeme čítať do 71. - včetne. Svätý Ján 6: 60.

35Nuž, premýšľal som, ako som sa nedávno díval von oknom a díval som sa na západ slnka a pozoroval som ako celá príroda má nejaký zákon. A keď prichádza zima, ten zákon prírody, automaticky spúšťa miazgu zo stromu do koreňov. Pochováva ju.

36Ako povedal Jób: "Oj, aby si ma ukryl v hrobe, aby si ma prechovával na tajnom mieste, dokiaľ by sa neodvrátil Tvoj hnev." A teraz, to je to: "Aby si ma zakryl!" Vidíte, on pozoroval prírodu, stromy, ten život odchádza dole do koreňov; brat Way. "A bol tam dokiaľ by sa neodvrátil Tvoj hnev, aby si mi uložil lehotu a potom sa rozpamätal na mňa." Vidíte?

37Príroda má nejaký zákon. Existuje zákon prírody; neexistuje žiadna cesta ako ho obísť. To je zákon prírody. A potom je zákon ducha a tiež nie je žiadnej cesty ako ho obísť.

38Hovoril som jednému páru dnes popoludní, o tom, že nemožno nič načisto zničiť. Človeka nemožno načisto zničiť. Môžu niečo rozbúrať, ale nie zničiť. A niekto povedal: "Dobre, no a čo tak zobrať a zapáliť kus papieru, či ho to nezničí?" Veru nie. Len sa rozpadne na chemické častice a na teplo ohňa. Premieňa sa to znovu na plyny, ako to bolo na počiatku. Nemôžete to zničiť. A keby svet trval ešte dosť dlho, tie isté plyny, ktoré - a chemikálie, ktoré tvorili ten papier, by sa znovu spojili a znovu by to bol papier. Je to presne tak. Nemôžete nič načisto zničiť. Presne tak.

39Boh, potom. Keď existuje pre všetko nejaké vzkriesenie, opätovné navrátenie a nie úplné zničenie, existuje i vzkriesenie spravodlivých, áno a vy sa musíte navrátiť späť. To všetko je na to. Neexistuje vôbec žiadny spôsob aby tomu zabrániť. Nezáleží na tom či ste spálení, utopení, alebo čokoľvek sa stane, oni to nemôžu načisto zničiť.

40Pamätajte len, že každá vaša čiastočka bola tu, keď Boh Slovom povolal svet do existencie. On hneď vtedy tu položil vaše telo. A neexistuje nič čo by ho mohlo odstrániť, okrem Boha. To všetko je znovu späť v Jeho rukách. Vidíte? A On je ten Jediný, Stvoriteľ, On je ten Ktorý dal to zasľúbenie a tak sme si istý, že existuje Večný Život. A teraz máme tú istotu vo svojich srdciach, že teraz máme v sebe Večný Život, Večný Život, ktorý nemôže zomrieť. Áno.

41Svätý Ján 6. Začnime teraz so 6. kapitolou Svätého Jána a začíname od 60. verša.

Vtedy mnohí z jeho učeníkov počujúc to povedali: To je tvrdá reč; kto ju môže počúvať?!

Ale Ježiš vediac ... sám v sebe, že jeho učeníci repcú preto, povedal im: To vás pohoršuje?

A čo ... keby ste videli Syna človeka vystupovať hore, kde bol prv?

Duch je, ktorý oživuje; telo nič neosoží. Slová, ktoré vám ja hovorím, sú duch

(to je On)

A sú život.

(Čo On povedal?
"Ja som Pravda, Život.")...

sú duch, ... sú život.

Ale sú niektorí z vás, ktorí neveria. Lebo Ježiš vedel hneď od počiatku, ktorí sú to tí, ktorí neveria a kto je ten, ktorý ho zradí.

A vravel: Preto som vám povedal, že nikto nemôže prijsť ku mne, keby mu to nebolo dané od môjho Otca.

Od tej chvíle odišli mnohí z jeho učeníkov nazad a nechodili viacej s ním.

("Tvrdá reč," vidíte, nemohli to prijať.)

Vtedy povedal Ježiš tým dvanástym: Či azda i vy chcete odísť?

A Šimon Peter mu odpovedal: Pane, ku komu pôjdeme? Ty máš slová večného života.

A my sme uverili a poznali, že si ty Kristus, ten Syn živého Boha.


Ježiš im odpovedal: Či som si ja nevyvolil vás dvanástych? A jeden z vás je diabol.

A to povedal o Judášovi Šimona Iškariotského, lebo ten ho mal zradiť, ktorý bol jedným z tých dvanástych.

42Nuž, keby som mal dať tejto téme dnes večer názov (a snažiť sa ako len môžem stihnúť to za tú pol hodinu), chcem hovoriť na tému: Tri druhy veriacich.

43Často som používal takúto výpoveď. A myslel som si: "Dobre, verím, že budem na to kázať, niekedy - dnes popoludní." Tak som o tom uvažoval.

44Tí prví sú veriaci, potom ľudia, ktorí sa pretvarujú za veriacich a neveriaci. Nuž, to je celkom pekná téma. Ale s takou istotou, ako tu dnes večer sedíme, táto skupina je stále spolu zhromaždená. Hocikde, kde sú ľudia zhromaždení, nájdeme túto skupinu a vždy sme ich našli a pravdepodobne ich vždy tu budeme mať, až do príchodu Pána. A chcem dnes večer, ako budem hovoriť o týchto troch skupinách, aby sme si premietli sami seba a mohli vidieť v ktorej skupine sa nachádzame.

45Zapamätajte si, hovorím tu ku možno ... Táto modlitebňa je znovu dnes večer plná, okolo a pri stenách a na chodbách, ale tak isto hovorím dookola sveta. Vidíte? Vo všetkých rôznych častiach sveta, kde kolujú tieto pásky, je slúžené tými nahrávkami.

46Nuž A teraz chcem hovoriť o tých troch rozdielnych typoch veriacich. Zapamätajte si, veriaci, mojou témou je veriaci. Jeden z tých typov je ozajstný veriaci, ďalší je taký, čo sa robí veriacim a ďalší je neveriaci. Vidíte?

47A teraz, tá prvá skupina, o ktorej by sme chceli hovoriť, sú veriaci. Pretože si myslím, že on má byť prvý, pretože on je ten, ktorý skutočne verí. Verí, tak ako verili tu tí učeníci. Ako príklad budeme používať to miesto Písma, ktoré sme čítali. Nuž, ten prvý je veriaci, ozajstný veriaci. "A viera prichádza skrze počutie, počutie Slova Božieho," Slova Božieho, ktorým je Kristus. Vidíte, veriaci!

48Nuž, všimli ste si to veľké prehlásenie, ktoré povedal ten veriaci? Nuž, veriaci nemusí byť chytrým človekom, takým spôsobom ako to berie svet. On nemusí byť vzdelanou osobou, takým spôsobom ako sa to snažili povedať títo ľudia, že vy takí musíte byť; nie nemusíte. Vy ... Tento človek, ktorý učinil to prehlásenie, sama Biblia hovorí, že oni obaja boli "ľudia neučení a prostí." Peter, v skutočnosti nebol považovaný za vzdelaného človeka.

49V Izaiášovi 35 je napísané: "A bude tam hradská a cesta, ktorá sa bude volať svätou cestou; neprejde po nej nečistý."

50Dnes popoludní som hovoril jednému z diakonov, keď sme sa rozprávali o mostoch, ktoré siahajú z jednej strany na druhú, i o tom novom. Povedal som, Dnes je veľa mostov, ktoré sa rozpínajú ponad vodné toky i zálivy." A povedal som: "Ale je jeden, ktorý má veľké rozpätie, ktorý siaha zo zemi do Chvály, nazýva sa, Kráľovskou cestou. Nečistý po nej neprejde." Je to tak. To je cesta, ktorú vybudoval Kristus, náš Pán, to je most, ktorý sa rozpína z tejto zeme do inej Krajiny A nečistý po ňom neprejde.

51Peter, ten neučený človek ... stál blízko, keď videl to dokonale potvrdené Slovo na ten deň, ktoré Boh zasľúbil na ten deň, že tam povstane Niekto, kto bude Prorokom medzi nimi. A Šimonovi bolo ťažko, aby tomu uveril, pretože tam bolo mnoho takých, ktorí To napodobovali. Ale keď uvidel to opravdové, odhalené Slovo na ten vek a počul Ho ako Sa identifikoval, on bol naprosto presvedčený Kto On je. A to bol on, ktorý povedal: "Pane, ku komu pôjdeme?" keď sa ho opýtal.

52Keď sa tie zástupy rozdelili, na veriacich, neveriacich a na takých čo sa robia veriacimi, hneď tam v tom jednom spoločenstve ľudí stáli všetky tie tri skupiny; veriaci, takí čo sa robia, že sú veriaci a neveriaci. Nachádzame ich tu hneď v tejto kapitole. A preto, že Ježiš povedal tie Slová, tak ako ich povedal, to rozdelilo Jeho zhromaždenie. Ale to sa muselo stať.

53On bol veľký človek, dovtedy kým uzdravoval nemocných, ale keď prišlo ku Náuke a do proroctva, to oddelilo plevu od pšenice. Vidíte? Plevy sa len vinú okolo pšenici. Oni nie sú pšenicou. Nedajú sa použiť. Nič v nich nie je. Nie je v nich žiadny Život. Je to len šupka a ona nemôže zostať s pšenicou. A tak to musí byť ... Zrno je práve to o čom hovoríme, jadro pšeničného zrna.

54Všimnite si teraz, Peter bol presvedčený, že to bol Mesiáš. A tak, to čo hovorili všetci ostatní nevyvolávalo u neho žiadnej zmeny. To čo hovorili kňazi, nevyvolávalo u neho žiadnej zmeny. Šimon Peter sa nestaral o to čo hovorila cirkev. On bol presvedčený, sám v sebe.

55Ježiš mu povedal, raz keď sa ho opýtal: "Čo hovoria ľudia, že Kto som?"

56"A niektorí hovoria, že si prorok a niektorí hovoria, že si jeden z dávnych prorokov, ktorý povstal a - a, že si Mojžiš, alebo Eliáš, alebo niekto iný."

A On povedal: "A vás sa pýtam. Čo si vy myslíte?"

57A Peter povedal: "Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha."

58On povedal: "Požehnaný si, syn Jonášov; Šimon, syn Jonášov; pretože to ti vôbec nezjavilo telo a krv. Nikdy si sa to nenaučil z nejakej knihy, alebo z nejakého vyznania, alebo z nejakého katechizmu. Zjavil ti to Môj Otec, ktorý je v Nebesiach." To je ozajstný veriaci; duchovné zjavenie Slova. Vidíte? A ... "Ty si Šimon a na tej skale, tvojho zjavenia o tom, Kto Ja som, postavím Svoju Cirkev A brány pekelné ju nepremôžu." Vidíte?

Nie divu, že Peter povedal: "Ku komu pôjdeme?"

Ježiš sa otočil a povedal: "Vy tiež chcete odísť?"

59A oni povedali: "Pane, ku komu, kde by sme išli? Pretože, Ty jediný máš Slová Života. Ty si Ten jediný."

60Pretože, nie len, že On mal Slová Života, On bol tým Slovom Života. Vidíte, On bol Slovom života a Šimon to jasne poznal. A keď to poznal, to bolo to, čo ho držalo, pretože mu bolo zjavené, že On je to živé Slovo.

61Nuž, to je ozajstný veriaci, keď to robí Duch Svätý. Nie taký, koho by presvedčil niekto iný, ani nie presvedčený ničím iným. Ale keď ti Duch Svätý zjavil samotné to Slovo A ty to Slovo jasne vidíš, potvrdené; potom Duch Boží prichádza a dostáva sa do toho veku, do Slova na ten vek a manifestuje to.

62Ako by sa ľudia boli zdržali od toho, že by neverili Lutherovy, keď to vedeli? Luther bol reformátor. Ten ľudský duch tam vyšiel kvôli reformácii. Wesley, tak isto. Oni tomu museli veriť. Vidíte, to bolo - to bolo posolstvo pre ten cirkevný vek. To bolo presne to čo sa stalo. To bolo to čo sa dialo. Museli ste tomu veriť.

63A my sme tu, v Laodicejskom veku. Sme naučení, že v Laodicejskom veku Kristus zostal vystrčený zo Svojej cirkvi; a ešte klopal na dvere, snažiac sa dostať dovnútra. A tak keď vidíme, že to sa deje, vieme v ktorom veku žijeme.

64A, potom, nachádzame sa na konci svetových dejín. Tá kniha sa teraz končí. Jedného dňa v nej bude napísaný posledný riadok a bude zavretá, potom času viacej nebude.

65A odohráva sa veľká dráma. A anjeli stoja dookola po oblohe a sledujú to. Viete čo je to dráma. Herci sú pripravení. Môžete ich vidieť účinkovať.

66Môžete vidieť účinkovať toho zlého. Môžete vidieť toho lotra tej hry, ako so svojou chytrosťou prichádza na scénu, aby zviedol.

67Ale tak isto môžete vidieť tú vytrhnutú Cirkev, ktorá sa pripravuje. Je to veľká scéna. Môžete vidieť prítomnosť Božiu, ktorá sa potvrdzuje a odohráva tú veľkú drámu, ktorá bola predpovedaná tu v Biblii, aby sa takto odohrala. Čo za čas, v ktorom žijeme, ten najslávnejší čas! Tí ľudia zo všetkých vekov túžili po tomto čase. Tí starodávni proroci túžili vidieť túto hodinu, ale nemali tú možnosť.

68Nuž, tam bol veriaci. Pretože on to videl. On tomu veril. "My sme si naprosto istý, že Ty si Kristus, Mesiáš, Slovo Božie na tento deň a my tomu veríme." Vidíte, to bol skutočný veriaci.

69Vezmime si ešte trochu viacej veriacich, skutočne v krátkosti, prv ako prejdeme ku ďalšiemu charakteru. Vezmime si proroka, Noeho. Keď on, ktorý bol možno roľníkom, možno že bol v tom čase, roľníkom. Ale keď tí posmievači a tí strašne pobožní v tom čase ... Cirkev sa dostala do hlbokého úpadku a Boh prehovoril ku Noemu A povedal mu, že má stavať koráb. Noe s Bohom o tom vôbec nedebatoval. On tomu veril, že to je Božie Slovo A hneď sa pustil do roboty a pripravoval všetky veci.

70To je skutočný veriaci. Nerobí okolo toho žiadne dohady. Keď ste naprosto presvedčení, to je ono. Tak ako každý, každá viera, každá cesta. "Viera prichádza skrze počutie." Keď sa sem môžeš postaviť, bez ohľadu na to čo hovorí doktor, že aký si chorý! Keď ti určí diagnózu a pravdepodobne vie o čom hovorí, tak ďaleko ako mu to dovolia poznať jeho inštrumenty a jeho vedomosti a on hovorí, že už nezostáva nič iné iba smrť. Ale, ty sa modlíš a stojíš tam v budúcnosti a môžeš vidieť, ako tam stojí zdravý muž, či žena. Áno, to je to. A to je práve to. Oni kráčajú rovno do toho, súc si cele istí, pretože tomu veríte. Boh to povedal. Viete, že je to tak.

71Tak ako tá prostá žena, keď vykašlávala rakovinu. Vidíte? Nemala žiadnych pochybností. To sa stane. Rakovina je mŕtva a to sa uvoľnilo a odišlo to preč. Vidíte? To je to. Vy tomu veríte.

72Tak ako ten otec, ktorý tam pred nedávnom priviedol svojho malého chlapca. A on je tu teraz niekde v tejto budove. Ten chlapec spadol a stratil pamäť. Nemohol si na nič spomenúť. A len za krátku chvíľu, po modlitbe, opýtal som sa ho ako sa volá. A on mi povedal, koľko má rokov a bol tak normálny ako každý iný chlapec. Vidíte? Oni veria. A keď Boh niečo povie, musí to tak byť.

A Noe veril Bohu A Noe bol presvedčený veriaci.

73Daniel, keď cirkev bola v zajatí tam v Babylone, Daniel veril Bohu. A nezáležalo na tom koľko oni toho nahovorili: "Urobíme verejné vyhlásenie. Oni sa nebudú modliť ku žiadnemu inému bohu, iba tu ku tomuto obrazu," tohoto svätého muža, alebo čokoľvek to bolo. Daniel si toho vôbec nevšímal. On počúval Boha, pretože on bol prorok a Slovo prichádzalo ku nemu. A keď bol posvätený chrám, bolo tam povedané: "Ak ktokoľvek, v ktorejkoľvek krajine sa bude nachádzať v ťažkostiach a pozrie smerom ku tomuto svätému miestu a bude sa modliť, potom vypočuj na Nebi." A Daniel veril Bohu. On bol ozajstný veriaci a dokonca ani levi ho nemohli zožrať. A to je pravda, vidíte, on bol veriaci. On mal niečo skutočné a opravdové. On bol veriaci.

Dávid, ďalší veriaci, malý odstrčený chlapec.

74Daniel, nezaujímal stanovisko s modernou cirkvou, ani Noe nezaujímal stanovisko s modernou cirkvou. Ani trošku. Oni verili v to čo Boh povedal, že je Pravda. Bez ohľadu na to, čo hovoril ten moderný svet, oni verili tomu, čo Boh povedal, že je Pravda. To sú ozajstní veriaci.

75Tak isto ako Peter a ostatní apoštolovia, oni verili, že On má Slovo života a je Slovom Života. Ja dnes verím to isté. A každá iná vec, ktorá sa s Tým nezhoduje, je prevrátená. To nie je ... to je smrť. Jedine Toto je Slovo života a to Slovo je Kristus.

76Nuž, David, rumený mládenček. Po prvé, jeho bratia s ním pravdepodobne nepekne zachádzali, pretože on bol drobný mládenec. On nebol natoľko veľký, aby mohol nosiť brnenie. On nemohol ísť na vojnu, on bol príliš malý a šľachovitý. A, jednako, on sa tam dostal, ako veriaci.

77A ako tak sedával tam na púšti a strážil tých neveľa tuctov oviec, ktoré mu jeho otec dal strážiť, s prakom, v krajine kde boli levy medvede a vlci a tak ďalej. Dávid začal vyhľadávať chládok so zelenou pašou a vedel čo to pre ovce znamená dostať sa do chládku a ležať na horúcom slnku; vedel čo znamená dobrý studený dúšok vody, ako povedal: "Tak ako reve jeleň po potokoch vody, tak moja duša ku Tebe, ó Bože." Vidíte? On volal, modlil sa.

78A jedného dňa povstala naliehavá situácia, lev chňapol jednu z jeho oviec a odniesol ju. On rozmýšľal: "Ten Boh, ktorý ma povzniesol nad leva!" Vidíte? A on vzal prak a zrazil leva k zemi, s neveľkou skalou v praku. Nuž, ak niekto niekedy videl leva, jedného z tých afrických levov, leva s veľkou hrivou, ktorých oni tam mali v Palestíne a v Ázii, tí by vedeli, čo to bol zač, jeden takýto kúsok. Keď, ho sotva zarazí na zem nejaká veľká tristovka dupľovka a on ho zrazil nejakou skalou. A keď sa ten lev postavil proti nemu, on ho zdrapil za bradu a zabil ho. Preto on vedel o čom hovorí; on mal prežitie. On postavil Boha do skúšky, ohľadne Jeho Slova.

79A on - on sa nebál Goliáša, pretože, on bol neobrezaný. On nebol veriaci, vôbec; a keď Goliáš vyšiel a začal ho preklínať v mene svojich bohov ...

80A Goliáš bol o mnohokrát väčší ako on; veľký robustný junák, štrnásť palcov dlhé prsty. Nuž, tie prsty mohli byť takto dlhé, vidíte, štrnásť palcové prsty, bojovník. A pravdepodobne mal na sebe klincový kabát, mohol vážiť okolo tristo libier, alebo viac, vidíte, to čo mal na sebe. Prilbu a veľký ... možno hrubá na jeden a pol palca. Takýto veľký obrovský gigant, chodil s kopijou, ktorá bola ako tkáčsky návoj a je povedané, že bola dlhá okolo dvadsať stôp. Vo svojej ruke mal kopiju dlhú dvadsať stôp. Nuž ako by mohol niekto ... Takýto chlap by sa mohol len postaviť a zodvihnúť tucet mužov a takto ich odhodiť, ako by prichádzali. Ó, čo za opozícia!

81A on tam bol, stál tam, chvastal sa, naparoval. Keď ... vyzeralo to, akoby tam dole mali prevahu. Vidíte? On povedal: "Nech ... neprelievajme krv." Povedal: "Nech príde bojovať so mnou nejaký muž a potom, ak ja vyhrám, potom mi všetci budete slúžiť; a ak vyhráte vy, potom my budeme slúžiť vám." Vidíte, keď si diabol myslí, že má nad vami prevahu, vtedy sa rád chvastá. Ale natrafil na toho nepravého. Stretol sa s tým najmenším mužom v kraji. Malým, s ovisnutými ramenami, rumenným mládenčekom.

82On povedal: "Chcete mi povedať, že vy, armáda živého Boha, budete tam stáť a necháte toho neobrezaného filištína hanobiť armádu živého Boha?" Ako to? On bol z toho šokovaný. Ako to? Ako to? On bol veriaci. Tí ostatní sa robili, že sú veriaci. Vidíte? Vidíte, on bol ozajstný veriaci. On povedal: "Ak vy máte strach, ja s ním pôjdem bojovať." Vidíte? Čo za výzva pre takéhoto drobného mládenca! A tak on bol veriaci a on urobil presne to čo vedel, že by robil Boh. On ...

83Keď mu ten neobrezaný filištín zlorečil v mene jeho bohov, on povedal: "Či som ja pes; že nejaké malé, mrňavé, zakrpatené dieťa prichádza takto oproti mne? Čo to," povedal: "Napichnem ťa na svoju kopiju a zavesím ťa tam na strom a nech zožerú vtáci tvoje telo." Ó! Aký to bol strašný chlap.

84David povedal: "Ty ideš ku mne s mečom a s kopijou a v brnení. Ty ideš oproti mne v mene filištínov. Ale, ja idem oproti tebe bez meča, či kopiji a bez brnenia, ale idem oproti tebe v Mene Pána Boha Izraelovho."

85No prosím. To je veriaci. To je jeho pevnosť. To je jeho štít. To je jeho obrana. Amen! To by malo byť obranou Cirkvi. To je obrana, každého veriaceho. Bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje, čo hovorí svet, či čokoľvek iné, vašou obranou je Pán Boh Izraelov. To je ono. "Meno Ježiša Krista je mocnou vežou, spravodliví sa utečú do nej a sú bezpeční." Našou obranou je Ježiš Kristus.

86Všimnite si, keď sa to stane, vieme čo sa stalo. David - nikde ho nemohol zasiahnuť, okrem toho malého miestečka, keď si sklopil štít na prilbe dole na tvár. Jediné miesto, kde ho mohol zasiahnuť, bolo rovno tu na jeho čele. A prv ako sa mohol dostať na určitú vzdialenosť ku tomu obrovi, Boh nasmeroval ten smrtiaci znak a on zabil toho obra. Vidíte? Boh to urobil. Nuž, vidíme že on bol veriaci.

87Ďalší veriaci bol Abrahám, on bol ... Chaldej, z mesta Úr. A on bol zavolaný, aby urobil niečo čo bolo ... a veril niečomu čo bolo naprosto telesne nemožné. "Ale on nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom v nevere," stojí v Rimanom 4: "ale bol posilnený vo viere dajúc slávu Bohu."

88Keď mal Abrahám sedemdesiat päť rokov a jeho žena mala šesťdesiat päť a žili už spolu od svojej mladosti. Ona bola napoly jeho sestra; mladý chlapec i mladé dievča. A to bolo ... Oni žili spolu a nemali vôbec žiadne deti. A Boh povedal Abrahámovi: "Oddeľ sa od tých neveriacich." Boh stále volá ku oddeleniu. "Oddeľ sa od neveriacich a choď so Mnou A učiním ťa otcom mnohých národov. Už som to urobil."

89A Abrahám tomu veril. To je veriaci. "Ako to urobíš, Pane?" on sa také niečo nikdy neopýtal. Boh povedal, že to urobí a tým to bolo vybavené.

90Keď prešiel prvý mesiac a Sára bola stále ... Ona bola po prechodoch. "Zmenilo sa niečo?"

"Ani trošku."

91Ale Abrahám tomu stále veril. Prešlo dvadsať päť rokov, stále nebolo žiadnej zmeny, ale Abrahám stále tomu veril. To je veriaci. To nie je taký, ktorý sa robí že je veriaci. To je veriaci. Po dvadsiatych piatych rokoch, Abrahám bol silnejší než ako na počiatku. "On veril Bohu A to mu bolo počítané za spravodlivosť." Pretože on ve-... To je ozajstný veriaci.

92Nuž, za chvíľu vás nechám aby ste sa preskúmali a zistili, v ktorej skupine sa nachádzate.

93Nuž čo urobil Abrahám? "Nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom," nemožnostiach.

94Čo by robil sedemdesiat päť ročný muž, so šesťdesiat päť ročnou ženou, keď by išli ku doktorovi a on by povedal: "Chceme urobiť prípravy, zaistiť si miesto v nemocnici. Budeme mať dieťa?" A potom, po dvadsiatych piatych rokoch, by povedal: "Doktor, držíte stále pripravené to miesto v nemocnici?" Vidíte? Vidíte?

95To vás vedie ku smiešnemu zachovávaniu sa. Vaše rozhodnutia sú divné, pre ten svet. Ale to je veriaci, nezáleží na tom, ako čudne to vyzerá. Biblia hovorí, že "On bol cele istý toho, že Boh je schopný učiniť to čo povedal."

96To má byť výsledkom každého veriaceho dnes popoludní. Boh je schopný dodržať každé Slovo, ktoré povedal. Nestarám sa o to čo hovoria denominácie, ani o slová: "Dni zázrakov pominuli a všetko to je telepatia i všetko, to je veštenie. To je ... " Nestarám sa o to čo oni hovoria. Stále verím. Ak je puška zacielená na terč, ona ten terč trafí. A ja verím, že ak je veriaci zacielený Slovom Božím, trafí to isté. Ak to Slovo Božie niekedy zasľúbilo, ono to znovu bude robiť. Som o tom úplne presvedčený. To, keď vidíme, že sa nachádzame v tomto veku, keď sa očakáva, že to tu bude, očakáva sa, že to tu bude. Očakáva sa, že tieto veci sa budú diať.

97Preto verím, že keď tá Nevesta je vyvolaná von a vyvolená a zapísaná v Knihe Života, že príde z Neba zvuk, ktorý prinesie taký krst Duchom Svätým na túto Nevestu, že ju to vezme zo zeme, vo Vytrhujúcej milosti. Boh to zasľúbil. Nestarajte sa o to koľko vedy, ani koľko astronautov oni podpísali na svedectvo proti tomu, ani o nič iné, ani o to na koľko miliónov míľ oni môžu vidieť; Ja sa nestarám o nič také. Nebo existuje a tam je skutočný Ježiš Kristus, ktorý príde vo forme tela, aby si vzal Svoju Cirkev. Nezáleží na tom ako staro vyzerá ten príbeh, je to stále Pravda. Boh to tak povedal. To je to čo veria veriaci.

98Boh povedal: "Ja som Pán, ktorý uzdravujem všetky tvoje nemoci. Ja som Boh ktorý sa nemením." Amen! A Boh je Slovo. A keď sa Boh nemení, ako sa potom môže meniť Jeho Slovo? Vidíte? "Ja som Boh A Ja sa nemením." Písmo to tak hovorí. Sám Boh to povedal. A ak sa On nemôže meniť, potom On je Slovo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo A to Slovo bolo u Boha A to Slovo bol Boh." To nemeniteľné Slovo! "A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Amen! Tak veru.

99Boh vzbudzoval telá, po celý čas od: Mojžiša A Ezechiela A Jeremiáša A Izaiáša A Eliáša, po celý čas, keď Jeho Slovo dočasne prichádzalo. Ale plnosť Slova bola zamanifestovaná v tomto Mužovi, Ježišovi Kristovi. Ktorý, On bol Boh v - Boh v plnosti Božstva telesne. Tam sa On stal telom. Verím tomu, každému Slovu.

Jób, ďalší veriaci.

100Niekedy, veriaci sa dostávajú do skúšky. Nie niekedy; vždy! "Pretože každý syn, ktorý prichádza ku Bohu musí byť káznený, napomínaný, vychovávaný ako dieťa." Pamätajte, skúšky, prašné cesty, horúce slnko prenasledovania, ale vernosť vášho srdca udiera na ten materiál, až kým ona nebude hotová vojsť do tej formy. Božie deti sú formované presne na Jeho Slovo, pretože oni sú živými príkladmi a Slovo Božie žije cez nich. Vidíte? Tie skúšky prichádzajú, aby vás zatriasli, dostali vás na samé dno, aby ste videli kde sa budete nachádzať. Oni testujú, skúšajú každého syna, ktorý prichádza ku Bohu.

101Jób prechádzal cez skúšky a testy. Jeho deti boli zabrané; všetko ďalšie mu bolo zabrané. Prišli členovia cirkvi, obviňovali ho, že potajomky hrešil a snažili sa všetko proti nemu povedať, ale jednako on na nič z toho nebral zreteľ. On vedel, že splnil Božie požiadavky. On vedel, že Satan sa ho vôbec nemusí snažiť pokúšať. On vedel, že je to diabol. A dovtedy, kým ho Satan mohol mať v tom, že veril, že jeho nemoc spôsoboval jeho Boh, dovtedy ho on ubíjal. Ale keď Jób zrazu narazil na to zjavenie, že to nebol Boh! On len prechádzal cez svoje skúšky, aby ho urobili niečím. To nebol Boh, ktorý to robil. To bol Satan.

102A tak isto je to dnes. On sa vám bude snažiť povedať, že tieto skúšky i všetko, že to je váš Boh, ktorý sa vás snaží potrestať. To tak nie je. Nie veru. To je Satan, ktorý to činí a Boh to dovoľuje, aby vás formoval; aby vám dal vidieť či ste priviazaní ku tejto zemi, skrze zemské starosti, alebo či sú vaše poklady v Nebi. "Pretože, kde sú vaše poklady, tam ste tak isto aj vy." Je to tak. Vaše srdce je tam kde sú vaše poklady.

103Jób, skúšaný, no jednako on povedal: "Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije a v posledných dňoch sa On postaví na zemi. Hoci by červy zožrali moje telo ..."

104Všimli ste si? Tie červy boli už v ňom. Vaše červy sú vo vás. Ste v zapečatenej truhle, bez prístupu vzduchu, ale tie červy sú už tam. Sú priamo vo vás a sú pripravené, aby boli kedykoľvek zavolané do služby. Pamätáte sa na Cézara, on bol zožraný rovno na ulici. Červy ho zožrali, rovno na ulici, jeho vlastné červy. Oni sú tam, pripravené.

bude môcť vrátiť naspäť. "Ktorého uvidím sám pre seba. Moje oči Ho budú vidieť a nie niekto iný." To povedal on, Jób. Prečo? On bol veriaci. V skúškach, on bol veriaci. V prenasledovaní, on bol veriaci. On bol ozajstný veriaci.

106Jozef, ďalší veriaci, on nemohol za to, že bol tým čím bol. On bol prorok. Boh ho urobil prorokom. On sa nechcel líšiť od svojich bratov, ale on bol iný. Boh ho urobil tým čím bol. Nikto iný nemohol zaujať jeho miesto.

107Nikto nemôže zaujať tvoje miesto, nevadí aké je ono nepatrné. Ty povieš: "Ja som len žena v domácnosti." Nikto nemôže zaujať tvoje miesto. Boh, vo Svojej veľkej ekonómii, vás usporiadal ... Telo Kristovo usporiadal do takého poriadku, že nikto nemôže zaujať vaše miesto. Ako rád by som zaujal miesto Billyho Grahama, ktorýkoľvek z nás kazateľov, ale nemôžeme to robiť; ale pamätajte len, Billy nemôže zaujať vaše miesto. Vidíte, každý máme nejaké miesto, niektorí z nás sú evanjelisti, niektorí proroci, niektorí učitelia, niektorí pastori, čokoľvek sme; niektoré sú ženy v domácnosti, niektorí sú mechanici, niektorí poľnohospodári, čokoľvek to je, Boh vás postavil na vaše miesto. Vidíte?

108Jozef bol prorok. On za to nemohol, že bol schopný vykladať sny. On za to nemohol, že vídal videnia. Hľaďte aký on bol verný. Bez ohľadu na to, či ho to pripraví o obecenstvo s jeho bratmi, on bol verný, pretože veril tým snom. On tomu veril, tým snom, ktoré mal, že oni všetci sa mu budú klaňať, tie snopy. A to sa stalo, pretože on tomu veril. On bol ozajstný veriaci.

109Ešte mám päť minút; a desať strán. Všimnite si teraz, všimnite si Písmo, ktoré je tu napísané. Tá žena ...

110Natanael, on bol veriaci. Je to pravda? Natanael, keď uvidel to čo sa stalo; a to zapôsobilo na neho, že Ježiš mu povedal kto on je, povedal mu, že on je "opravdivý Izraelita," a že nie je v ňom "ľsti" a povedal mu kde bol deň predtým: "modlil sa pod stromom." On ho videl keď - keď ho zavolal Filip. On bol veriaci.

111Mnohí, ktorí tam stáli, povedali: "To je nečistý duch. To diabol robí to Božské uzdravovanie." Ten starý diabol ešte ani dnes nezomrel. Oni veria, že diabol môže dokonávať Božské uzdravovanie.

112Ježiš povedal: "Ak Satan môže vyháňať Satana, potom jeho kráľovstvo je rozdelené a také kráľovstvo nemôže obstáť." Vidíte? Satan povedal, v ... On to nemôže robiť. A tak, Satan nemôže vyháňať Satana.

113Teda Natanael bol veriaci. A keď uvidel Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, ktoré potvrdzovalo, že on je veriaci, povedal: "Ty si ... Rabbi, Ty si Kristus. Ty si ten Kráľ Izraelov." On tomu veril.

114Keď to uvidela tá žena pri studni, uverila tomu. Ona bola veriaca.

Keď slepý Bartimeus ... Keď nejaká žena išla okolo ...

115A všetci kričali, idúc okolo. Niekto z nich hovoril: "Tam je plný ... Počul som o Tebe, že si vzkriesil mŕtveho. Tu je ich plný cintorín; poď a vzkries ich. Nech Ťa vidíme ako to robíš." Vidíte, ten istý diabol, ktorý povedal: "Ak si Syn Boží, rozkáž týmto kameňom aby sa stali chlebom." Ten istý, ktorý zakryl handrou Jeho tvár, bil Ho po hlave a hovoril ... podávali si palicu jeden druhému a hovorili: "Nuž, ak nám povieš kto Ťa udrel, budeme Ti veriť." Tí vojaci, vidíte, robili si z Neho posmech. Vyzeralo to akoby bol stratil všetku nádej.

116Ale pamätajte len, Boh je stále na scéne. Vidíte? On je presne tam, pripravený, v každej chvíli.

117Ježiš povedal: "Môžem požiadať Svojho Otca A hneď by Mi poslal dvanásť legiónov anjelov." Ó, čo dokáže urobiť jeden anjel? Vidíte? Ale vidíte ... ale On mohol poslať dvanásť legiónov, stačil Jeho rozkaz. Ale On mal prácu, ktorú mal vykonať. Mal niečo vykonať. On musel prejsť cez to.

118Vy máte niečo vykonať. Boh má pre vás niečo, čo máte vykonať. Môžete mať nejaké starosti a nejaké problémy, môžete sa v niečom sklamať, ale či sa modlíme, aby sme sa tomu vyhli? Nie. "Pane, preveď ma cez to, čokoľvek to je. Čokoľvek to je, nedaj mi, aby som tomu unikol. Ak mi je to uložené, daj mi len milosti aby som cez to prešiel. A to je to čo treba."

119Nuž všimnite si, slepý Bartimeus, on to vedel. Oni mu povedali: "Toto je ten Prorok z Galilei. On je ten Syn Dávidov. My tomu veríme." Niekto z tých veriacich mu to musel povedať. "My veriaci vieme, že On je ten - ten Syn Dávidov."

120A on vedel, ak On Ním je, potom On je Slovom. A keď on vedel, že On je Slovo, on vedel, že On môže rozoznávať myšlienky srdca a tak začal kričať: "Synu Dávidov, zmiluj sa nado mnou." Tí neveriaci vykrikovali toto i tamto, tí členovia cirkví. Ale to vôbec nezastavilo slepého Bartimeusa. On volal: "Ó Ježišu, Synu Dávidov, zmiluj sa nado mnou!"

121Možno že On ho nemohol počuť. Ale On vedel, že on kričí a tak zastal a otočil sa. Tam bol veriaci. On povedal: "Tvoja viera ťa zachránila." Amen.

122On to povedal tej žene, ktorá mala krvotok - to bolo to isté: "tvoja viera."

123Pretože, ona si povedala vo svojom srdci: "Ak sa budem môcť dotknúť Jeho rúcha, budem uzdravená."

"Tvoja viera ťa zachránila." Vidíte, ona bola veriaca. [brat Branham niekoľko krát zaklepal po kazateľni – pozn.prekl.]

124To je to isté čo zachránilo Williama Daucha, ako tam sedel, jedného dňa a jeho srdce úplne zlyhalo, dostal srdcový záchvat. Deväťdesiat jeden ročný muž. "Tvoja viera ťa zachránila." Prečo? On je veriaci.

125Kazateľ Tom Kidd, tu, ktorý bude mať teraz skoro, tak sa mi vidí, okolo deväťdesiat rokov, blízko deväťdesiatky. A keď mal sedemdesiat deväť rokov, odviezli ho do nemocnice s rakovinou prostaty. Lekár povedal: "On už nemá šancu."

126Ale keď sme tam vstúpili v to ráno, videli sme toho malého patriarchu, ako tam sedel, s dekou okolo ramien a búchal svojou palicou, bol takmer bez seba. Povedal tej starej žene, ktorá tam sedela, nazýval ju starou mamou; poznal ju, roky bola jednou z jeho členkov. Povedal: "Vyzeráš biela ako sneh," mimo zdravého rozumu.

127No jednako, keď Moc Božia vstúpila do tej miestnosti, on dnes žije. To bolo pred štyrmi rokmi. Skoro osemdesiat ročný muž a on tu dnes večer sedí, úplne zdravý a v poriadku, od tej rakoviny. Vidíte, nie vydávajúci sa za veriaceho; veriaci! To je ono, veriaci! On berie Boha za Slovo.

128Práve tak isto ako slepý Bartimeus. Slepý, ale jednako vedel, že ak bude môcť upútať pozornosť Ježiša Krista, dostane to čo chce.

129Tá žena vedela, že ak sa bude môcť dotknúť Jeho rúcha, dostane to čo chce - dostane to čo chce.

130Tom vedel. On mal vieru, že ak sa za neho pomodlím, dostane to čo chce.

131Či je to nie tá istá viera, ktorú mala Marta? "Ale aj teraz viem, Pane, že všetko za čokoľvek by si požiadal Boha, dá Ti Boh." Môj brat tam leží, mŕtvy, štyri dni je v hrobe; ale požiadaj len Boha A Boh Ti to dá."

Povedal: "Tvoj brat znovu vstane."

132A ona povedala: "Áno, Pane, v posledných dňoch, pri vzkriesení, on vstane. Bol to dobrý chlapec."

On povedal: "Ale Ja som vzkriesenie i Život!"

"Áno, Pane, ja tomu tiež verím."

"Kde ste ho pochovali?" To je ono. A je po všetkom. Tak veru.

133Kráľovná juhu prišla v tej generácii neveriacich, je to tak a stála tam a verila, že to čo vidí je od Boha. Biblia hovorí: "Ona povstane v posledných dňoch, s touto generáciou a odsúdi ju, pretože ona prišla z ďalekých končín sveta, aby počula múdrosť Šalamúnovu."

134Mojžiš bol veriaci. Hoci to skúšal intelektuálne, vyskúšal každý plán aký mohol, ale to nefungovalo. On sa snažil vyviesť von Izrael, vedel, že je do toho povolaný. Skúšal to matematickou cestou. Skúšal to vojenským spôsobom. Skúšal to na ceste vzdelania. Vyskúšal všetky spôsoby, ale to nefungovalo. Ale potom prišiel na Boží spôsob.

135Čo sa stalo? Jedného dňa, sa zjavil tam v kríku Oheň, ktorý nehasol. Z tade prehovorilo ku nemu to Slovo A povedalo: "JA SOM." nie: "Ja som bol, alebo, Ja budem." "JA SOM." A On je stále Ten "JA SOM." On je Slovo, Večné, stále trvajúce Slovo.

136Mojžiš nepochyboval. Stáli proti nemu ťažkosti, všetka príroda stála proti nemu, všetko bolo proti nemu. Ale on, s krivou palicou v ruke, išiel dole do Egyptu a vzal odtiaľ celý národ, utopil ich tam vonku v Mŕtvom mori a Izraela vzal do zasľúbenej zemi. Prečo? On veril Bohu. Skutočne. On mal ...

137To je veriaci. Mohli by sme prestať ... Už som skončil svoju pol hodinu o veriacich.

138Máme ešte dve skupiny. Poponáhľame sa s nimi, pretože aj tak nie sú dôležité. Nie.

139Teda, po druhé, prichádza teraz na radu neveriaci. Hovorme o neveriacom, ako o ďalšom. Čo robí neveriaci?

140Vidíme, že veriaci (Čo?) prijíma Slovo; každá rasa, každá generácia, po celý čas, od Noeho A tak ďalej. Mohli by sme vziať šesť mesiacov prebudenia, práve tu na tom a kázať o tých charakteroch. Oni veria. Veriaci nepochybuje. Veriaci Tomu verí, bez ohľadu na to ako To znie, alebo čo niekto iný o Tom hovorí, alebo aké sa to zdá byť nemožné.

141Veriaci Tomu verí. Verí čomu? - Slovu. Nie vierovyznaniu; Slovu! Nie denominácii; Slovu! Nie tomu čo hovorí niekto iný; ale tomu čo hovorí Slovo! Nuž, zapamätajte si, to je veriaci. Veriaci nepochybuje. Veriaci nehovorí: "Ako sa to môže stať? Keby som to mohol pochopiť!" To je neveriaci. Och. Veriaci je ten, ktorému, nevadí čo To je: "Ak je To Slovo, je To Slovo! Je to pravda." To je veriaci.

142A teraz neveriaci. Nuž vidíme čo ... Vezmeme neveriacich. Prišli sme na to, že oni robili všetko dobre zatiaľ, kým boli potľapkávaní po pleciach a kým ich nazývali učeníkmi. Zatiaľ čo ... všetko išlo hladko, oni boli v poriadku. Ale keď tento Prorok, ktorému verili, že je prorok a vedeli, že je, ktorý mohol uzdravovať nemocných a tak ďalej ... Čo On robil? Keď prišla tá skutočná pravda a napomenutie a nezhodovalo sa to s tým čomu oni verili, oni to Slovo nemohli prijať.

143Oni mohli prijať zázraky a činili ich. Išli a vyháňali démonov, kázali Slovo A stále neveriaci. Matúš 10., On ich poslal, po dvoch, tých sedemdesiatich a oni vyháňali démonov, až tak, že Ježiš sa radoval a povedal: "Videl som Satana padnúť z Neba ako blesk." Vidíte, oni vyháňali démonov; Judáš zarovno s nimi. Tu prichádzajú tí neveriaci.

144Ale, akonáhle Ježiš začal hovoriť, že On je niečo, že On je "vzkriesenie," že On je "Život." "A čo by ste povedali, keby ste videli Syna človeka vystupovať hore, tam odkiaľ prišiel?"

145"Nuž, tento Človek sa snaží povedať, že prišiel z Neba, to je na nás priveľa. My tomu nemôžeme veriť."

146On povedal: "Čo to je? Telo o ktorom vy hovoríte, nič neosoží. To je Duch, ktorý oživuje."

147No vidíte. Duch oživuje Slovo. To je Duch, nie vierovyznanie. Duch, Duch Svätý oživuje pre vás to Slovo A ono sa stáva živým, tu to máte, vidíte to. Skrze vieru to vidíte. Viete že je to tak, pretože to Slovo tak hovorí a Duch vám to Slovo oživuje. Tu to máte.

148A teraz On povedal: "Čo ..." A akonáhle sme toto urobili, uvideli sme neveriacich, keď poviete niečo s čím oni nesúhlasia, odídu od vás preč. "Ja proste nebudem ...!" Oh to sa stáva tak často, dnes vo svete. Začnete a poviete len niečo ...

149Oni sa zhromaždia. Všimol som si na zhromaždeniach, že oni prídu, veľké zástupy a vy sa postavíte a začnete niečo hovoriť. A len čo ... A oni tam budú sedieť, dávajú len pozor a vyčkávajú. A potom, len čo poviete: "A teraz, Ježiš Kristus sa preukázal ako Mesiáš, pretože bol Prorok," ten krčah sa naplnil, leje sa to vedľa. Niekto ... a oni odchádzajú preč. Čo to je? Neveriaci!

150Vy hovoríte: "Ty to zveličuješ." Nie. Hovorím len presne to čo tu hovorí Biblia.

151Oni boli neveriaci a odišli preč. Hoci boli učeníkmi, ale to sa nezhodovalo s tým čo ... Oni povedali: "Toto, kto môže veriť niečomu Takému?" Vidíte? To boli farizeovia a sadúceovia, ktorí vyšli, pripojili sa a chodili s Ním.

152Pretože, vidíte, keď to - keď sa zjaví to nadprirodzené, ono vyprodukuje tri rozdielne typy. Tak sa to stalo tam v Egypte. Vyprodukovalo to neveriacich, veriacich a takých, ktorí sa robili, že sú veriaci. Vyprodukovalo to všetky tie tri skupiny. Mám to tu poznačené, že by sme v tom mohli pokračovať celú noc, vysvetľovať to, ako to je. Všade, môžete to nájsť, vidíte tých troch. Vždy ich takto nájdete.

153Nuž dávajte pozor, títo sedemdesiati, oni odišli, pretože To nesúhlasilo s tým, čomu oni verili, že je pravda.

154My nemáme žiadnu myšlienku zo seba. To je to čo On povedal! Popierate svoje vlastné predstavy. Hovoríte len to, čo hovorí On. To je skutočné vyznanie. Vyznanie, to znamená "hovoriť to isté". Ak som vyznal určitú vec, ktorá sa stala, hovorím to isté čo sa stalo. To je to, čím je skutočne vyznanie. "A On je Veľkňazom nášho vyznania." Vidíte? Keď hovoríme to isté, čo povedal Boh, vidíte, tým sa to dostáva do poriadku, pretože len opakujete Božie Slovo.

155Nuž všimnite si, tí sedemdesiati odišli. Čo oni urobili? A oni odišli len preto, že s Tým nesúhlasili. Na ich múdrosť, na ich členstvo v cirkvi. To bolo priveľa. To bolo na nich priveľa, pomyslieť si, že tento Muž, ktorý tu stojí, že ... Všetci ostatní ľudia verili, že On bol nemanželským dieťaťom. "On nemal žiadne práva nazývať sa Bohom. A On bol len človek." Hovorili: "Nekameňujeme Ťa za dobrý skutok, ale preto, že Ty súc človek, robíš sa Bohom."

156A Slovo hovorilo, že On je Boh. "Jeho meno bude Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Silný Boh, Otec Večnosti." Hovorili to ich vlastné Písma, ktoré čítavali!

157A práve v ten deň, keď spievali ten žalm, 22. žalm: "Môj Bože, Môj Bože, prečo si Ma opustil? Počítam všetky Svoje kosti a oni hľadia a dívajú sa Mi." "Ani jedna Jeho kosť nebude zlámaná." Práve ten žalm, ktorý si opakovali v chráme, tam zavesili tú Obeť, ktorá kričala tie isté slová, ktoré David povedal pred osemsto rokmi a boli príliš slepí na to, aby to videli.

158A dnes, ten istý Boh, ktorý hovoril o tomto veku, je na scéne a robí presne to čo povedal, že bude robiť a oni sú príliš slepí na to, aby to videli. To sú neveriaci. Oni odchádzajú preč a hovoria: "Och, ja nemôžem veriť takémuto nezmyslu ako Toto. Nikdy v živote som o Tom nepočul!" Nejde o to čo si počul. Biblia hovorí, že To tu bude a to je Jeho Slovo.

159Oni tiež o Tom nikdy nepočuli, ale tak isto To tam bolo. Vidíte? Je to tak. Oni boli neveriaci.

160Práve tak ako Eva, ona bola veľmi nábožná, samozrejme, tak, ale ona - ona neverila pravému Slovu. A musela si urobiť nejaké náboženstvo a tak naviazala nejaké figové listy, vidíte, ale to nefungovalo. Náboženstvo znamená "pokrytie."

161Kain urobil to isté. Kain nemohol uveriť, že by To bola pravda. On povedal: "Boh je svätý, Boh je čistý a Boh je nádherný. A tak si zaobstarám nejaké kvety a vezmem ich - tie kvety a urobím krásny, veľký oltár a ukážem Mu ako si Ho ctím. Postavím sa pred to a skloním sa pred Ním A uctím si toho Boha. A položím kvety na oltár, pretože, viete, môj otec a moja matka jedli nejaké jablká, nejaké ovocie, v záhrade Eden A to je to, čo ma vyviedlo von. A tak, to je ... Pôjdem naspäť, pretože to urobím pekne. Boh predsa nemôže odvrhnúť moju veľkú katedrálu. Prečo, budem príliš veľkou katedrálou! Urobím to tak nádherné, až to upúta Božiu pozornosť." Satan je ten, ktorý prebýva v nádhere. To je presne to čo hovorí Písmo.

162Preto, niekedy, pekná žena je určitým Satanovým lákadlom. Ak sa mu ju len podarí dostať, môže zvrátiť do pekla viac mužov, než ako so všetkými krčmami v krajine. Je to tak. Vidíte? Alebo pekný... nejaký urastený, pekný muž, ktorý nebude stáť vo svojej opravdivej mužskosti, vidíte, znovu, on môže zvrátiť ženy do diabla a poslať ich do pekla. Tak veru.

163Všimnite si, Satan prebýva v nádhere. Čo sa on snažil urobiť na začiatku? Nadobudnúť krajšie kráľovstvo, než ako bolo Michaelove; išiel na sever a vzal so sebou dve tretiny anjelov.

164Vidíte, čí - čí to potom bol syn, ktorý mal v sebe takú povahu? Satanov syn. Samozrejme, že bol. A teraz on postavil oltár, sklonil sa a oddával chválu. On urobil všetko čo (Kain), čo Ábel.

165Ale Ábel vedel, že to nebolo to. On ... To bola krv, ktorá ich vzala odtiaľ preč. On vedel, že to nebolo to. To bol sex, krv. A tak vzal prosté zviera a obetoval ho na skale a presekol jeho krk.

166Všimnite si, Kain, on ... Boh mu povedal, riekol: "Prečo neoddávaš česť tak, ako tvoj brat a urobíš všetko dobre. Urobíš dobre, ak to budeš robiť ako on." Ale, nie, on príliš mnoho o tom vedel. Vidíte, on odmietol ten originál, to potvrdené Slovo. Či to dnes nie sú jeho deti. Vidíte?

167Nuž pozrite sa: "Boh vydal svedectvo," Biblia hovorí. Židom, 4. kapitola, alebo 11. kapitola: "Boh svedčí pri jeho dare, že bol spravodlivý." Boh potvrdil jeho obeť. Boh dokázal, že to bolo to čo On prijal; to bolo Jeho Slovo, Jeho plán.

168A povedal Kainovi, riekol: "Urob to isté a budeš žiť." Ale myslíte si, že on by to urobil, že by sa vzdal svojej idei? Nie veru. On bol neveriaci a odišiel hneď preč. Je to tak. Kain urobil to isté. Nimród urobil to isté. Neveriaci! On neveril.

Baltazár, to isté, hoci, či ...

169Nabuchodonozor, hoci mal Daniela ako svojho boha, nazýval ho Baltazár, čo bolo meno jeho boha, videl robiť Daniela tie veľké skutky Božie. A potom on vedel, že - že Baltazár veril, alebo že Daniel bol boh, tak mu postavil obraz a postavil ho tam vonku a každého nútil, aby ho uctieval a tak ďalej. Vidíte, pohanské kráľovstvo začalo s nátlakom, uctievať obraz svätého muža a pohanské kráľovstvo sa zakončí s nátlakom, uctievať obraz svätého muža, vidíte, tak isto.

170 A tam bol nápis na stene, v neznámych jazykoch, na počiatku pohanského kráľovstva, ktorý nemohol nikto prečítať iba prorok. A dnes je na stene nápis, je to tak: "Ichabot," že sláva Božia odišla od nich. A ten nápis je na stene a môže byť prečítaný skrze duchovnú myseľ, ktorá verí v duchovné veci, ktorá sa narodila z Ducha Božieho.

171Starý Balsazár odišiel a vzal tie nádoby Pánove, aby z nich pili víno. Prečo? On bol neveriaci. On si myslel, že je veriaci, ale on bol neveriaci. Vidíte, to je to, on neveril Slovu.

172Achab, on bol neveriaci, hoci sa správal tak ako keby nebol. Nie, nie, on bol medzi veriacimi, ale bol neveriaci. Čo urobil? Oženil sa s modlárkou a priviedol to, modlárstvo, rovno do Izraela. On bol neveriaci. Vieme to.

173Oni zapierajú, že celé Slovo Božie je pravda. Neveriaci je, vidíte, zapamätajte si teraz, on je pokrytec. A on sa správa tak, že hovorí, že Tomu verí, ale To zapiera. On povedal: "Nuž, toľko a toľko je z Toho v poriadku." Ale ak nie je všetko z toho pravda, potom to ukazuje, že je neveriaci. Vy musíte veriť každú bodku a každú jotu a všetko čo je Tam povedané. To musí byť pravda. Ak je To nie pravda, ak teraz poviete: "Ja Tomu neverím," nuž, potom ste neveriaci.

174Raz mi povedal jeden človek, kazateľ, povedal: "Nezaujíma ma, pán Branham, koľko ľudí by ste mohli predviesť a povedať o nich, že boli uzdravení, ja by som tomu neveril."

175Povedal som mu: "Samozrejme, vy tomu nemôžete veriť. Vy ste neveriaci. To nie je pre vás. To je len pre veriacich."

176 Vy tomu musíte veriť. Vidíte? A oni tomu neveria. Tak keď vidíte niekoho v takom ... Nuž, či nepovedal Pavol o tom (i proroci), hovoril, že oni budú "náhli, nadutí, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha; ktorí majú formu pobožnosti, ktorí však jej moc zapreli. A tých sa stráň." Všimnite si, oni zapierajú celosť Slova; ale v každej forme sú nábožní. Oni neveria v opravdové Slovo, hoci sa Ono potvrdilo.

177Počas všetkých tých vekov, Boh potvrdzoval týchto ľudí, o ktorých som hovoril, Noeho A tak ďalej cez Mojžiša A všetkých prorokov a tak ďalej. Boh hovoril cez nadprirodzenosť a potvrdil to Slovo A jednako títo ľudia odchádzali preč od Toho.

178A tu máme týchto učeníkov, ktorí tam stoja, tých sedemdesiatich a pozorujú Ježiša, ktorý činí tieto veci a poznajú Písmo, i Jeho, ktorý im hovoril, že to je čas v ktorom sa to má diať. A potom, keď povedal niečo: "Syn človeka, čo by ste povedali ..." Keď im začal hovoriť o lámaní chleba a tak ďalej a pokračoval a hovoril im o veľkých duchovných veciach.

A oni povedali: "Ó, to je tvrdá reč!"

179On povedal: "A čo poviete potom, keď uvidíte Syna človeka vystupovať hore do Neba, tam odkiaľ prišiel?" Povedal: "Je to telo, alebo je to Duch, ktorý oživuje?" Vidíte?

180A oni potom odišli preč, povedali: "Ó, Toto, nie, ja tomu nemôžem veriť.." Vidíte? Oni zaraz odišli preč od Slova. Nechceli ani len počkať, aby videli čo sa deje. To je - to je neveriaci.

181Čo oni potom robia? Vidíme, že oni, že títo ľudia, títo veriaci, tak zvaní veriaci, ale vo formách pobožnosti, oni nie sú schopní uvidieť tú zamanifestovanú Pravdu Božieho Slova, pretože To sa nezhoduje s tým čomu oni veria. Vidíte?

182Nejde o to čo veríte, akí ste verní, akí ste nábožní, alebo ... to s tým nemá nič spoločného. Skutočne, prečo, to s tým nemá nič spoločného. Videl som ľudí, ktorí boli tak úprimní! Videl som pohanov, ktorí pália svoje deti, hádžu ich krokodílom, matky s ich deťmi. To je viac ako by urobili kresťania. Vidíte? Oni úprimne veria, úprimne, ale sú úprimne vedľa.

183Ľudia hovoria: "Nuž, táto cirkev povstala!" To, ste úprimne vedľa, ak sa to nezhoduje so Slovom. "No dobre, pozri sa, ja neverím v niečo také!" Keď, Biblia hovorí, že predsa To tak je! Vidíte? "Ja neverím, že To musíme robiť." Nestarám sa o to čo si ty myslíš, že nemusíš robiť. Boh povedal, že sa to musí urobiť.

184"Tieto znamenia ich budú nasledovať." Ako ďaleko? "Po celom svete." Koho? "Každé stvorenie." Vidíte, to bude; nie že bude, ale to je hotové aby to bolo!

185A toto Posolstvo tejto hodiny, z ktorého sa teraz radujeme, prítomnosť Božia, pozdný deň, večerný čas, keď svietia tie Svetlá A tie veci, ktoré boli otvorené a Slovo, ktoré bolo potvrdené a dokázalo sa že je Pravda; oboje prorokované, že sa stane, dokázané všetko cez vedu i všetko, že je To: "Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." A človek, ktorý ide preč od Toho, je neveriaci. On nemá nádej. Je umŕtvený mocou Satana A tak nie je pre neho žiadnej nádeje. On nemá nádej.

186A teraz to je čo? Veriaci; neveriaci; a teraz tretia skupina, o ktorej hovoríme, je taký, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci. To je ten chlapík, ktorý sa robí veriacim! Nuž, zapamätajte si, tam stáli všetky tri skupiny. A teraz môžeme vidieť, že oni robia presne tak, ako robil ich otec, Judáš.

Tam bol Peter a tí ostatní apoštolovia, veriaci.

Boli tam sedemdesiati, neveriaci.

187A bol tam Judáš, ktorý zostával rovno pri tom, on sa robil, že je veriaci. Čo oni robili? Toto je druh, oni sa toho držia, až kým sa im nepodarí nájsť na Tom niečo, nejakú chybu. Po celý čas hľadajú, aby našli nejaké zadné dvierka, dívajú sa, ako to bolo vykonané, dívajú sa, či je to nie trik, dívajú sa, či je to nie nejaký chyták. Čakajú, aby sa zapredali. Oni čakajú na to.

188Neveriaci, on pritom ani len nepočká. On To odsúdil, a odišiel preč.

189Veriaci, bez ohľadu na to čo sa deje, on Tomu verí, aj tak, pretože To je Slovo.

Tu sú vaše tri skupiny.

190Ten starý neveriaci odíde preč, pri prvej veci ktorá sa povie, necíti sa pri tom dobre. Brat, on hneď potom ukáže svoje farby. On je neveriaci. Pavol povedal: "Oni vyšli z nás, pretože na počiatku neboli z nás. Oni s nami začali." "Ó, dobre ste bežali; čo vám prekazilo?" Vidíte to? "Oni vyšli, pretože neboli z nás." Keď uvidia Slovo, ktoré jasne ide vpred, prečo, oni chceli získať nejaký trik, ktorým by mohli narábať. Vidíte?

191Ale skutoční veriaci o ničom nepochybujú. Je to napísané v Slove, a oni Tomu veria, a idú ďalej. To, to je to. Vždy, to je napísané. Ak je to nie napísané, prečo, držte sa len od toho preč, nezáleží na tom čo sa deje. To musí byť napísané. Vidíte? A oni vidia to napísané Slovo, a veria Mu. A vidia Boha pohybujúceho sa v tom Slove, vidia hodinu, Posolstvo, čas, a kráčajú s Tým.

192Ako som povedal dnes ráno, ako musel Pilát v noci chodiť hore dole po izbe, s utrápeným svedomím, snažiac sa očistiť. A povedal si, bez pochyby vykrikoval cez noc, hovoril: "Ja - ja - ja som si umyl ruky, (celú noc) a stále tomu nemôžem porozumieť. Vidíte, nie sú čisté. Nikdy sa s Ním nemôžem ísť stretnúť; Mám Krv na svojich rukách." Ó! Vidíte, nikdy toho nebuďte vinní. Vidíte?

193Je to na vašich rukách. Je len jediná možnosť, ako Ju môžete z tade odstrániť; a to, prijať Ju, to je ono, stať sa Jej časťou. Kvôli tomu Ona bola preliata.

194Nuž, ten, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci, postáva pri tom a správa sa tak zbožne ako len môže, ale dole vo svojom srdci sa snaží nájsť čo - čo ... ako to robíte. Och, či nie je tento kraj plný takýchto pokrytcov. Áno. To je Judáš. Presne tak. Postáva okolo, stáva sa časťou tej skupiny; on bol pokladník, vidíte. Postával okolo, vždy mal otvorenú svoju ruku na peniaze. Môžete to poznať, to jedno, stále sa snažil získať peniaze, a naťahoval za nimi svoju ruku. A on je ten, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci. Správa sa ako veriaci, ale dole vo svojom srdci ...

195Pamätáte sa, on nezosmiešňoval Ježiša. Potom, čo tí sedemdesiati odišli, a tí veriaci zaujali svoj postoj; a On sa otočil ku tým veriacim, a povedal: "Ešte stále je niečo vo vás," pretože povedal: "Vyvolil som si vás dvanástych, a jeden z vás je diabol." Ježiš to vedel od začiatku, pretože On bol Slovo. On poznal tajomstvá srdca.

196Ako to bolo ťažko! Zastavme sa na chvíľu. Hlboko, vážne sa nad tým zamyslime! Ako ťažko Mu to muselo byť, keď tam chodil, a nejaký človek Ho nazýval: "Brat," a po celý ten čas vedel, že to je zradca, ktorý sa Ho bude snažiť vyviesť z rovnováhy, a predať Ho za tridsať strieborných. Ako to bolo ťažko držať to vo vnútri, a Jeho priateľ chodil tam okolo. Dokonca On povedal: "Priateľ," nazýval Judáša Svojím priateľom: "či som nebol s vami, po celý ten čas?" Vedel to vo Svojom srdci, a nemohol to povedať. On vedel, od začiatku, kto je ten, ktorý Ho zradí.

197Tam je ten, ktorý sa robí veriacim, ktorý len čaká. On to bude spievať, hovoriť: "Ó, ja toto verím, a toto verím, a toto verím. Ale, ó, viete, počul som ako niekto povedal, že toto je tak a tak, mnoho krát." Vidíte, stále má natiahnuté uši.

198Skutočný veriaci nepočúva nič okrem Slova. To mu stačí. On dáva pozor na Slovo. Nehľadá žiadne zadné dvierka. Nehľadá žiadny podfuk. On verí Bohu, a tým je to vybavené, a zotrváva pri tom. Vidíte? Existuje veriaci.

199Neveriaci sa naplní za chvíľu, nemôže obsedieť aby si vypočul desať minút z Posolstva. Musí vstať a ísť preč. Je to proti jeho vierovyznaniu, a on už viacej nechce mať s tým nič spoločného, a tak ide preč.

200Potom, ten, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci, postáva okolo, to je Judáš. Vidíte, to je zradca. To je - to je darebák, keď to musím tak povedať. Judáš, on postával okolo. Toto je ten čas, niekedy, že títo, ktorí sa vydávajú za veriacich, sú veľmi populárni medzi ľuďmi. Je to tak, títo, ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci, vidíte. Niektorí z nich sú vplyvní ľudia, vzdelaní, s doktorátmi, veľkým platom, i všetkým. Niektorí z nich sú veľkí ľudia, chytrí, práve ako boli synovia Satana.

201Pozrite sa ako Satan prichádza rovno tam a súhlasí s každým kúskom toho Slova; on len čaká, aby našiel v Eve to slabé miesto, kde by mohol ukázať svoju moc, aby ju oklamal, zradil. To bol - to bol Satan. A tu je Satan vo forme Judáša, v tomto veku. V tom prvom veku to bol Satan. Čo on bol? Súhlasil so Slovom, až na jednu malú vec; on sa snaží nájsť miesto, kde sa môže dostať na slabosti.

202A to je presne to čo teraz hľadá Judáš. On príde rovno do zhromaždenia, a dáva pozor, až kým nenájde to maličké miesto, že on ... "Ó, tu to je! To je ono!" Vidíte? Ó, takto to je!" Vidíte? Je to presne tak.

203Mnohí z vás sa pamätajú, tam v ten večer, keď ten muž prišiel na pódium. On si myslel, že to bola duchovná telepatia, čítanie tých modlitebných lístkov, a ako si myslel, že práve na to prišiel. Brat, on - on si myslel že prišiel na to. A on tam chodil. Patril do cirkvi, ktorá neverila v toto, v Evanjelium, v plné Evanjelium. A prišiel hore na pódium. Bol som unavený. Oni boli hotoví vziať ma preč.

204Bolo to vo Windsor, v Ontáriu. Tam, prišiel rovno tam, krížom zo Spojených štátov, rovno krížom z Detroidu do Windsoru - veľkej posluchárni.

205A tento muž tam prišiel, v sivom obleku, s červenou kravatou, inteligentne vyzerajúci muž, elegantne oblečený a bystrý. Prišiel na pódium. A ja ... Prišiel hore. Povedal som: "Dobre, dovoľte mi len, aby som vás chytil za ruku." Povedal som: "Som unavený; Videl som mnoho videní. Dovoľte len, aby som vás chytil za ruku." A- a vôbec som si nevšimol toho muža. A on položil svoju ruku do mojej. A ja som povedal: "Pane, vám nič nie je. Môžete ísť."

On povedal: "Ó, je, tiež."

206A ja som mu povedal: "No, počkajte." Povedal som: "Nie, pane, nie je tam ani jediný náznak. Nie, pane, vy ste zdravý."

On povedal: "Choď a pozri sa na môj modlitebný lístok!"

207Povedal som: "Nezaujíma ma čo ste napísali na svoj modlitebný lístok." Povedal som: "Ja nemám nič spoločného s tým modlitebným lístkom," nemyslel som, viete. Bol som vyčerpaný a unavený. A môj ... Ale milosť Božia, vy viete, bola stále tam, pamätajte.

208Ak vás On pošle, to je Jeho povinnosť, starať sa o vás. Nie moja; Jeho. On To poslal. Odo mňa sa len očakáva, že budem stáť na tom čo je Pravda.

209Keď Mojžiš hodil na zem svoju palicu, ona sa premenila na hada, a tí čarodejníci urobili to isté. Čo mohol Mojžiš urobiť, ako tam stáť a očakávať na milosť Božiu? To je všetko. Tak isto. On nasledoval tie prikázania. A vy viete čo sa stalo, či nie? Vidíte?

210Tento človek povedal: "Nie," on povedal: "je. Pozri sa na môj modlitebný lístok."

211Povedal som: "Dobre, možno že si mal takú veľkú vieru, a tak to mohlo byť uzdravené," nerozmýšľal som, viete. Nevenoval som tomu ani pozornosť.

212Potom si rozopol sako a vypol hruď. Povedal: "No prosím!" do publika.

A ja som rozmýšľal: "Čo sa to tu deje?"

213Rozhliadol sa dookola. Povedal: "No prosím!" Povedal: "Vidíte ten podfuk?" To je váš Judáš, náboženský človek, kazateľ veľkej denominácii. Povedal: "No prosím! Mal som takú veľkú vieru. Nuž, on je tak slabý, nedokáže čítať tú telepatiu. Vidíte, neprichádza to ďalej ku nemu." A on tam povedal: "To nie moja viera, bola taká veľká." Povedal: "Napísal som to na ten modlitebný lístok, a on to teraz nemôže zachytiť, vidíte." Povedal: "To je ten podfuk!"

214Rozmýšľal som: "Čo sa to deje?" A potom zostúpila milosť Božia.

215Povedal som: "Pane, prečo diabol vložil do tvojho srdca, aby si sa snažil oklamať Boha?" Moderný Judáš! Povedal som, Ty si z cirkvi Kristovej ..." Prepáčte. No, už som to povedal. "Ty si kazateľ z cirkvi Kristovej. Patríš do cirkvi Kristovej, tam z ďaleka zo Spojených štátov. A ten muž, ktorý sedí tam, v tom modrom obleku, a tvoja i jeho žena tam sedia, minulý večer ste sedeli za stolom, na ktorom bol zelený obrus, takto rozostrené, a ty si nadniesol, že toto je telepatia, a že sem prídete dnes večer."

216Ten človek povstal. Povedal: "To je úplná pravda. Bože, buď mi milostivý!"

217Povedal som: "Pane, napísal si na modlitebný lístok, TBC a rakovina, a teraz to máš. Teraz je to tvoje."

A on ma chytil za nohavice a povedal: "Ja som ne..."

218Povedal som: "Nemôžem ti pomôcť. Choď. To je medzi tebou a Bohom. Napísal si si svoj osud na svoj lístok." A dostal to. To bolo všetko z toho.

219Vidíte, robiaci sa veriaci, podvodníci, pokúšajú sa nájsť nejakú chybu na Bohu a na Jeho Slove. To sú Judášovia. To sú oni. Vidíte ako dopadol Judáš? Vidíte ako dopadol tento chlap? Tak dopadnú tí, ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci. Vidíte, robiaci sa veriaci, och, vysoko vzdelaní, nie- kedy, a prichádza veľké odhalenie medzi Slovom a ich vyznaním. A keď sa to stane, oni To predajú svojej denominácii, presne tak ako to urobil ich predchodca, Judáš. Judáš To predal svojej denominácii; predal Ježiša, Slovo, svojej denominácii, a zradil Ježiša Krista, potom čo tvrdil, že je časťou toho.

220Kazatelia, ktorí niekedy tvrdia, že sú Kristovi sluhovia, a keď je to Slovo dokonale identifikované, aby sa potvrdilo na tento deň, že je to Posolstvo tejto hodiny, oni To tam predajú za populárnosť, svojej denominácii; presne tak ako to urobil Judáš, zradil Ježiša farizejom a sadúceom. Ten duch nezomiera, a tak je tam medzi veriacimi, tými ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci, a neveriacimi. Vidíte, je to presne tak, prišiel a predal Ježiša za tridsať strieborných; a mnohí to dnes urobia za lístok na jedlo, za nejakých extra sto dolárov na týždeň; skutočne, zapierajú Boha, ktorý stojí v ich strede, ktorý zaplatil za ich život, a to plným Slovom.

221A oni povedia: "Ó, dni zázrakov pominuli! Alebo, Boh dnes niečo také nepotrebuje." Vidíte? "Ó, ja verím v Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho! Zdravas Mária, matka Božia, požehnaná medzi ženami!" Oni hovoria všetky tieto iné veci! A niekto z nich povedal: "Verím v Apoštolské vyznanie. Verím v Boha Otca, stvoriteľa neba i zeme. Verím v svätú rímsko katolícku cirkev, a všetky tieto veci."

222Povedzte mi, kedy nejaký apoštol mal nejaké takéto vyznanie. Ak apoštolovia mali jedno vyznanie, ono je napísané v Skutkoch 2: 38. "Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť, každý jeden z vás na meno Ježiša Krista, na odpustenie svojich hriechov, a dostanete dar Svätého Ducha." Ak oni mali nejaké vyznanie, to bolo toto. Oni nemali žiadne vyznanie. To bolo Slovo. To je pravda. Ono stále zostáva to isté. To je predpis na vyliečenia sa z choroby hriechu: "A dostanete dar Svätého Ducha! Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť na odpustenie hriechov, vidíte, a dostanete dar Svätého Ducha."

223Ale oni To predali, ako Judáš. To je ten, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci. Niektorí z nich sú vysoko talentovaní ľudia. A tento, čo sa robí, že je veriaci, sledujte ho. Je to bystrý človek. Tento chlapík, ktorý sa rýchlo preje, vyskočí a vybehne von, pri každej drobnej fráze, ktorú nemá rád, vôbec si ho nevšímajte; on je proste neveriaci, od začiatku. Ale keď vidíte tohoto, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci, zdržuje sa pri tom, vidíte, to je Judáš. To je on.

224 Ako veľké talenty. Budem tu hovoriť mená. Čo, v podstate by som to nemal robiť, ale poviem ich, jednako, aby ste to vedeli. Ako, Elvis Presley, Red Foley, Ernie Ford, Pat Boone. Elvis Presley, letničný; Pat Boone, cirkev Kristova; Red Foley, diakon cirkvi Kristovej; a myslím, že Ernest Ford je metodista. A všetci títo ľudia s tými talentami, chytrí, vonku v televízii. A ľudia si hovoria: "Nuž, či oni nie sú nábožní? Spievajú piesne." To nič neznamená. Tak veru. Klamú svet!

225Čo oni z toho majú? Judáš mal tridsať strieborných. Elvis, autopark Cadillakov, a sto, alebo dvesto, sto päťdesiat miliónov dolárov, alebo milión dolárov za nahrávky a také veci. Pat Boone a ostatní. Nestarám sa o to, do akej cirkvi patria, i tak ďalej, je to pokrytectvo. To je ten, čo sa robí, že je veriaci. To je tvár. To, ich život dáva najavo, že je to nie pravda. Skutočne.

226Potom sú tí s tými talentami, veľkí organizátori, svetská múdrosť. Kážu evanjelium - robia si na to nárok. Chytrí ľudia, vzdelaní. Počúvajte, človek, ktorý je vycvičený v tom obore, on nie je kazateľ. On je lektor. To je ten problém dnes, my máme lektorov.

227Ježiš nikdy nepovedal: "Choďte a trénujte sa aby ste toto robili." On povedal: "Choďte kázať Evanjelium, a tieto znamenie budú nasledovať tých kazateľov." Vidíte? Vidíte?

228To nie je učiť sa, aby sa stať nejakým lektorom, ktorý sa tam môže postaviť a len, ó, predniesť svoju kvetistú reč, že sa cítite, ako keby ste sedeli v prítomnosti nejakého archanjela. To nie je to. "Majúc formu pobožnosti," vidíte, to je lektor, a nie Duch Svätý pri práci.

229Nejaký obyčajný človek, ktorý nebude poznať ani abecedu, môže prísť s Mocou vyplývajúcej z viery v Slovo; a spôsobiť, že Duch Svätý bude robiť veci, o ktorých ten človek nič nevie a zapiera to. Vidíte. Tu to máte.

230Veľkí ľudia! Tak veru. Potom oni sú organizátori. Oni sú prosperujúci, úspešní, chytrí vo svetskej múdrosti.

231Presne tak ako to urobil Satan Eve, tej prostej, bezradnej žene. On prišiel rovno ku nej a snažil sa jej predať myšlienku, že bude múdrejšia než ako je a to bolo to, čo ona hľadala. Namiesto toho, aby stála presne na tom čo hovorilo Slovo, on jej chcel predať myšlienku, že bude múdrejšia a ona kúpila jeho výmysel. A oni robia dnes stále to isté. "Múdrosť tohoto sveta je bláznovstvom pred Bohom." Tak veru.

232Nie veru! Ó. Presne to isté čo predali farizeovia a urobili, vidíte, s múdrosťou ktorú mali. Ale, ale zapreli celé Slovo Božie.

233Keď im To bolo náležite dokázané a potvrdené, oni sa stále snažia nájsť niečo a myslia si, že je to nejaký trik. Nie sú ustálení vo svojich mysliach. Nemôžu Tomu veriť. Môžete im čokoľvek povedať a oni sú znovu pri svojom; môžete im povedať čokoľvek, oni sú znovu pri svojom. A oni len ... A nemôže To do nich vsiaknuť, vidíte. A hľaďte na nich; oni vyčkávajú na nejaký čas, na nejaké zadné dvierka. To je to čo chcú.

234To je to čo, ak by to nebolo z milosti Božej, všetky moje zadné dvierka by boli vystavené, ak by som nejaké mal. Vidíte? To je milosť Božia, pretože v Slove Božom nie sú žiadne zadné dvierka; len priame Evanjelium. Vždy som hovoril, ktokoľvek, ak vidíte, že učím, alebo robím niečo, čo nie je presne podľa Slova Božieho, príďte a povedzte mi to. Tu je tá vec ktorá prikrýva tie zadné dvierka, ktoré sa vy snažíte nájsť. Obráťte svoje oči len na Toto A neuvidíte žiadne zadné dvierka, pretože žiadne neexistujú.

235Nuž pamätajte, Judáš si myslel že našiel jedni. Ten chlap si myslel že našiel jedny. Mnoho krát, si oni myslia, že to našli, ale sa ukazuje, že to nie je to. To sú tí, ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci, pokrytci. Deväťdesiat päť percent sú v Slove, tak ako bola Eva, alebo, deväťdesiat deväť a deväť desatín; ale to bola tá jedna desatina, ktorá spôsobila všetku smrť a žiaľ.

236To je to, čo usvedčuje organizáciu i všetko, pretože oni neberú celé Slovo Božie. To sú takí, ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci. Nachádzame, že to vždy tak bolo, ale zapierajú pravdu, potvrdené Slovo. Oni sú stále, v každej generácii. Nachádzame ich ako takých, ktorí idú s Tým A tiež veľmi nábožných.

237Nuž, som pripravený zakončiť teraz, pretože som zabral už ďalšiu pol hodinu.

238Ježiš, nachádzame, že On nás varoval pred týmito poslednými dňami a týmto druhom ľudí, že oni budú tak veľmi podobní tomu pravému, že skutočne by zviedli aj Vyvolených. Čo to je? To sú Judášovia, ľudia, ktorí zájdu až tak ďaleko. Pozrite sa, oni - oni môžu dokonca kričať, vykrikovať, nárokujú si vyháňanie démonov, všetko a potom sa otočia a zapierajú Slovo. Presne tak. Oni majú formu pobožnosti. Oni takmer ...

239Pozrite sa pokade prišiel Judáš. Judášov duch sa vyšplhal do Evanjelia, hore až po Letnice. Ale keď prišiel čas jeho krstu vo meno Ježiša Krista, i tie ďalšie veci, ktoré idú s krstom Ducha Svätého, on odišiel preč. Ukázal svoje farby. A tento duch môže žiť v týchto denomináciách, až kým to nepríde rovno do tej Pravdy, potom ona odpadne rovno späť, ako ten duch, ktorý je na nich, to predchádza ich príchod; práve tak ako Ján predchádzal Ježišov príchod.

"Nuž ty hovoríš, že Ježiš povedal, že oni budú tak blízko."

240Nuž: "Vyvolení," to sú tí, ktorí mali svoje mená v Knihe, od založenia života, ktorí veria, či vlastne od založenia sveta, ktorí veria v celé Slovo Života. To sú vyvolení.

241Nuž pozorujte týchto ľudí. Hovorím to s vážnosťou a s rešpektom, so zbožnou láskou; ak nie, ja - ja sám potrebujem zavolanie ku oltáru. Všimnite si, Ježiš povedal, že oni by zviedli i Vyvolených. Nuž, to by neboli metodisti, to by neboli baptisti; vieme, že oni sú neveriaci, od začiatku. Ale to je letničná organizácia, ktorá vošla do tej denominácii, vytiahli svoje línie, bez Slova; a nakreslili hranice a založili svoju vlastnú organizáciu a odhradili preč Slovo. Oni by zviedli i Vyvolených, tak dokonale podobní! Poviete: "Oni plačú. Kričia. Skáču hore dole. Robia si nárok na zhromaždenia s uzdravovaním." Tak robil Judáš A tak robia všetci ostatní z nich. Keď oni vyšli, vrátili sa späť a radovali sa a dokonca mali svoje mená zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života.

242Ale, pamätajte, Nevesta nepríde v tejto skupine. Ona ide do Vytrhnutia.

243Na Súde, keď zasadol súd: "A knihy boli otvorené, tá zlá; i ďalšia Kniha bola otvorená, ktorá je Knihou Života," a bola tam Nevesta, aby to súdila. Vidíte? Vidíte? "Ďalšia Kniha bola otvorená, ktorá je Kniha Života." To sú ovce na jednej strane a kozly na druhej. Vidíte, tí ľudia, ktorí zomreli tam dávno, ktorí nikdy nemali tú príležitosť, oni budú tí, ktorí budú oddelení.

244Ale teraz si všimnite: "zviesť" i Vyvolených, pozorujte tú skupinu. To je tá skupina, ktorá kráča tesne za Tým: "Áno brat. Haleluja! Áno. Chvála Bohu!" A vo vnútri svojho srdca vidíš, prečo ťa oni zamestnávajú; majú ťa v zbore (prečo?), aby potiahli dav, vyžmýkali ich o každý halier, ktorý by z toho mohli dostať. Myslíte si, že to neviem? Oni si možno myslia, že to neviem, ale ja to viem.

245Ježiš to vedel, od začiatku, kto je podvodník. Vidíte? Vidíte? Ale čo On robil? On len čakal, až do toho času. To je to, čo my tiež musíme robiť, čakať až do toho času. Nezačínajte sami od seba. Čakajte až do tej minúty.

246Majúca formu a ide rovno s Tým, to je tá zvodiaca skupina. Pozorujte toho zvodcu, tú skupinu tam; nie veriaci, nie neveriaci, ale ten, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci. Ó! Čo oni robia? Plejú len okolo, až si myslia, že môžu niečo nájsť, vyťahujú od ľudí každý halier, ktorý len môžu dostať, vidíte a potom to hromadia v tých veľkých organizáciách; ktoré sú úplne proti a oni to vedia. Vidíte, oni to vedia.

247To na tom nič nemení, čo vy poviete. Oni stále varujú tých ľudí pred tým ako prídete: "Nepočúvajte To."

248Jeden človek sa s takou smelosťou postavil tam v Ohio, práve keď bol uzdravený brat Kidd, prišiel tam na pódium a povedal: "Nuž, brat Branham je prorok, nieto o tom vôbec žiadnych pochýb, keď sa nachádza pod tým pomazaním. Ale teraz", povedal: "keď je to pomazanie preč od neho," povedal: "neverte jeho učeniu, pretože je falošné."

249A on nevedel, že keď som sedel vo svojej izbe, Pán mi to zjavil. A ja som tam hneď zašiel. A mnohí z vás tam boli. Povedal som: "Ako môže niekto povedať niečo také, keď slovo ..." Nuž, vidíte, ja som nikdy nepovedal, že som prorok; on to povedal.

250A prorok, slovo prorok: "vidiaci," Starý Zá-... Nuž, anglická verzia slova prorok znamená "kazateľ." Ale starozákonný vidiaci bol človek, ktorý mal "Božský výklad Slova," a bol dokázaný Slovom, ktoré ku nemu prichádzalo a predvídalo to. To bolo to čo ...

251A niekto hovorí, že niekto je prorok a potom povie, že jeho učenie je falošné? Ak to nie je metóda na získanie peňazí, tak čo to je? Tá hodina je blízko, keď táto vec vyjde na svetlo. Áno. Ale to je ten druh, ten, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci, tľapká vás po pleci, nazýva vás "brat," práve ako Judáš. Ale pamätajte, On to vedel od začiatku. On to stále vie. Tak veru.

252Pamätajte, všetci ktorí počúvate túto pásku, tak isto, je to tak, ste v jednej z tých skupín. Je to presne tak. A teraz budeme končiť. Každá osoba, ktorá je tu prítomná, každá osoba, ktorá počúva túto pásku; a aj keď ja jedného dňa budem musieť opustiť tento svet, tieto pásky budú stále žiť. Je to tak. Vidíte? A vy ste v jednej z týchto skupín. Musíte byť v jednej z nich. Presne tak. Nemôžete tomu uniknúť. Ste v jednej z týchto skupín.

253A teraz čo? Porovnajte sa s Biblickým charakterom, ktorý veril, kde ste vy verili Slovu, keď Ono bolo potvrdené, ako som To dnes večer dokázal, že to bolo potvrdené Slovo, ktoré bolo vždy, vždy v protiklade s tou populárnou vierou.

254Ak by ste boli žili vo dňoch Noeho, dovoľte mi opýtať sa teraz, na ktorej strane by ste boli, na strane cirkvi, alebo na strane Noeho, proroka? Vidíte?

255Ak by ste boli žili vo dňoch Mojžiša, verili by ste Mojžišovmu posolstvu, potom čo sa Ono dokázalo a Boh ho potvrdil? Alebo by ste išli s Kórachom a Dátanom A tými a povedali by ste: "Ty nie si jediný svätý muž. Iní ľudia tiež môžu robiť tieto veci, ktoré ty robíš"? Vidíte? Museli by ste byť jeden z nich a ste, dnes večer.

256Alebo by ste boli s Danielom, alebo s cirkvou, ktorá bola tam na Nabuchodonozorovom večierku, ktorý usporiadali? Vidíte? Boli by ste vonku, alebo by ste boli v tom kravále, tých veľkých vecí, ktoré tam mali?

257Boli by ste s Eliášom, s tým mužom, ktorý stál samotný, nazývali ho: "starý blázon, človek ktorý stratil rozum," a stál hore na vrchu a jeho hlava sa tam blyšťala na slnku, s krivou palicou v ruke, vtáci ho kŕmili, och-och, nejaký blázon? Alebo by ste boli s kňazmi a so všetkými tými tam dole, s Jezábeľou a s tými ostatnými moderne oblečenými ženami? A Eliáš tam stál, napomínal ich, ako len mohol! Čo by ste vybrali pre svoju ženu? Pomyslite len. Predstavte si to len dnes večer.

258Vo dňoch Ježiša, boli by ste s týmto chlapcom, ktorý nemal žiadne odporúčajúce listy? On nepatril do žiadnej denominácii. Oni povedali: "Akú školu si vychodil? Nemáme Ťa tu v našich záznamoch. Ako získaš tú múdrosť? Ako by si sa to vôbec naučil, ak by sme Ťa my neučili tie veci? Akú školu si vychodil? Si metodista, prezbyterián, baptista?" On nebol nič z toho. Je to tak. On bol Slovo. Je to presne tak, brat.

259Alebo by si sa postavil na stranu s farizejmi tej modernej viery, toho pokorného starého kňaza, ktorý vyzeral byť taký príjemný a milý a tej organizácii, ktorá povstala od Nicejského koncilu, alebo od vtedy ako to Luther zorganizoval? Alebo v ktorej skupine by si bol? Bol by si v ... V ktorej skupine by si bol? Stál by si pri Slove, keby si Ho videl potvrdené a bolo by ti dokázané, že To je Posolstvo na ten deň, alebo by si zaujal stanovisko cirkvi? Nuž, predstav si to len dnes večer.

260Bol by si tam s tými apoštolmi, keď oni videli Ježiša a všetky tie tajomné veci, keď vyhŕkol na tých farizejov a povedal: "vy hniezdo hadov"? Tým čestným, starým kazateľom, ktorí študovali to Slovo. Povedal: "Nie ste nič iné ako peleš lotrov a ste plní umrlčích kostí. Nie ste nič iné ako obielené steny." Vidíte? "Vy plemeno vreteníc." Stáli by ste pri takomto chlapíkovi s horúcou hlavou, ktorý sa tam postavil a karhal a trhal? Povedal: "Kto z vás Ma môže usvedčiť o hriechu? Ak nerobím to čo Otec povedal ..."

261Oni povedali: "Nepočúvajte Ho. Tento človek má v sebe nečistého ducha. On je blázon. Je pomätený. Má v sebe diablovho ducha. Vidíte? Nuž, ako to On robí, to je v Ňom veštecký duch. On hovorí ... Čo On je? Jeho matka Ho mala skôr, ako bola zosobášená so svojím mužom. Vidíte? Vidíte? Akú školu On vychodil? Nemáme o Ňom dokonca ani jeden záznam, že by chodil do základnej školy."

262A jednako, keď Mu bolo dvanásť rokov ohromoval a udivoval kňazov, so Slovom Božím. Vidíte? Z akej školy On vyšiel? Z tej tam z hora. Vidíte? "Keď uvidíte Syna človeka vystupovať hore, tam odkiaľ prišiel." Vidíte, to bola Jeho škola.

263Či by ste stáli s tými apoštolmi, pri takomto Človeku, keď nastalo zúčtovanie?

264Alebo by ste proste odišli s tými sedemdesiatimi a povedali: "Dobre, pôjdeme naspäť do svojej cirkvi, ak Ty takto budeš učiť, hovoriť že, Ty, syn človeka"? Keď, nakoniec, kto si? Čo si? Človek ako aj ja, jedávam s Tebou A Ty sa snažíš povedať, že Ty si niečo? Pozoroval som Ťa. Videl som Tvoje slabosti. Videl som Ťa ako si plakal. Videl som Ťa ako si robil toto, to, či tamto. Videl som Ťa ako si išiel s nami na púšť a všetko iné, ako to teraz a Ty si len človek. A hovoríš, že si prišiel z Neba. To je na mňa príliš mnoho." Chodili by ste s nimi? Alebo by ste odišli preč s tými sedemdesiatymi? Alebo by ste chodili s apoštolmi a s Kristom?

265Keď sa svätý Martin snažil udržať v cirkvi krst v Mene Ježiša Krista, keď sa stále snažil udržať znamenia a zázraky a všetko a Katolícka cirkev zavrhla tohoto muža a dokonca ho vôbec ani neuznala a vykázala ho von. Stáli by ste po strane katolíckeho vyznania, alebo by ste stáli so svätým Martinom? Keď on odmietal postaviť všetky tieto rôzne podobizne mŕtvych ľudí a uctievať ich, uctievať tie podobizne a tak ďalej. Keď odmietol dogmy, ktoré boli pridané. On povedal: "Nech je Pravdou Slovo!" A Boh ho potvrdzoval veľkými znameniami a zázrakmi a to, čo predpovedal sa stalo. A všetko čo urobil. Chodil v Duchu Božom a dokázal to a ani jeden z tých kňazov, ani nikto nemohol nič s tým urobiť. Postavili by ste sa na jeho stranu a išli by ste so svätým Martinom, alebo by ste išli s katolíckym vyznaním?

266Teraz Slovo, teraz je pred vami Slovo Božie, alebo cirkevné dogmy. Môžete vziať, prijať to čo hovoria cirkevné dogmy, alebo môžete vziať to čo hovorí Slovo?

267Pamätajte, vo všetkých vekoch to bolo práve tak ako je to teraz. Vždy je medzi ľuďmi populárna viera a to je vždy trochu v rozpore so skutočným Slovom. Pamätajte, to nikdy nebolo tak, že by To hneď na mieste bolo zavrhnuté. Ó, nie. Antikrist nezavrhuje Slovo. Samozrejme že nie. On hovorí, že Tomu verí, ale nie všetko tak, ako je To tu napísané. Vidíte?

268Satan povedal Eve. Eva všetkému verila, okrem tej drobnosti, ktorú jej on povedal. Oni všetko z Toho prijímajú, až na nejakú drobnosť. Môže to byť: "choď do vody," môže to byť niečo iné. Vy To musíte vziať, každý kúsok, práve tak ako je To tu. Vidíte? Práve tak, ako je To tu povedané. Môže to spôsobiť, že znovu urobíte niektoré prvé skutky, ale to je len to, čo hovorí Slovo. Toto bol Satanov trik, odvtedy ako to vykonal prv na Eve, len aby zapochybovala o nejakej drobnosti zo Slova.

269Slovo vždy oddeľuje tie tri skupiny ľudí, oddeľuje týchto ľudí. V každom veku to tak bolo. Každý vek, ktorý kedy bol, bolo to v ňom tak, keď Boh niečo poslal na scénu a jasne identifikoval Svoje Slovo.

270Potom sú tí, ktorí To nasledujú, ktorí tvrdia, že sú veriaci a sú. Oni sú tí, ktorí sa neotočia naspäť. Oni veria v Slovo. Pokiaľ stojíte v Slove, oni Tomu veria.

271Ale keď To prichádza trochu v rozpore s tým, čomu oni veria, bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi To Boh identifikuje, oni hovoria: "No, ja - ja - ja neviem o Tom." To je neveriaci.

272Alebo idete za Tým dovtedy, len aby ste uvideli a mohli dostáť šancu a mohli povedať: "Och - och, tu to máte!" Nejaký Judáš, aby zákerne niekoho napadol, ako to on urobil. "Vedel som, že to vyjde najavo, skôr alebo neskôr. Tu to máte!" To je ten, čo sa robí, že je veriaci. Každý, každý kúsok z toho; vidíme to v Biblii.

273Raz, jeden malý chlapec, tu dole v Kentucky, bol vychovaný tu v horách, nikdy nebol niekde pri nejakom zrkadle. On mal maličký kúsok zavesený na strome, ale on sa nikdy nevidel. On prišiel sem do Louisville, tak to hovorili a bol tam pri sestre svojej matky. A ona bývala v jednom z pekných domov, staromódny dom. A keď oni vošli do jednej zo spální, ktorá mala v celých dverách zrkadlo, od vrchu až dole vo dverách. Viete?

274A keď ten malý chlapec začal behať po dome, on sa zastavil. Malý Janko uvidel malého Janka. Vidíte? A on sa poškrabal po hlave a malý Janko v zrkadle sa poškrabal po hlave. Zasmial sa a malý Janko v zrkadle sa zasmial. Poskočil A malý Janko v zrkadle poskočil. Vidíte? On pristúpil ku tomu celkom blízko. On si myslel, že je to nejaký malý chlapec, s ktorým by sa mohol hrať a tak pristúpil bližšie. Priamo, až narazil na zrkadlo. Otočil sa a jeho rodičia ho pozorovali. On povedal: "Mama, to som ja."

275A teraz sa pozrite do Tohoto A kto ste? Och. Och. Ktorého z týchto malých Jankov zosobňujete? Ktorý z nich ste vy? Ste jeden z nich.

276To je jeden z nich, jeden ktorý sa odvrátil preč, pri prvej chybe, ktorú ste našli, ktorú nazývate chybou. Vidíte?

277Otestujte to so Slovom A budete vidieť, či je to správne, keď Slovo všetko overí. Vidíte, overte si všetko podľa Slova. Ježiš povedal, aby sme to tak robili. Tak veru. "Držte sa pevne toho čo je dobré." To je presne to čo On povedal.

278Nuž pozrite sa do zrkadla Božieho Slova, v tých iných vekoch a pozorujte, ktorá z týchto troch skupín, by bola tá, v ktorej by ste sa identifikovali. Nuž, predstavte si len, keby ste žili vo dňoch Noeho, keby ste žili vo dňoch Mojžiša, keby ste žili vo dňoch Ježiša, alebo v jednom z nich, čokoľvek by to bolo, predstavte si len s ktorou skupinou by ste sa zidentifikovali. Porozmýšľajte o tom dnes večer.

279Potom, vaša prítomnosť. Nuž, predstavte si to teraz. Je to teraz hlboké. Neprebehnite okolo toho. Váš terajší stav vám práve teraz dokazuje, do ktorej z tých skupín by ste tam patrili. Nuž, ste svojimi vlastnými sudcami, ukazujete sa kým ste.

280 Duchovný, kazateľ, s ktorou skupinou by si bol, keď Ježiš učinil to vyhlásenie, ktorému bolo ťažko uveriť? Čo? Čo? Potom čo bol jasne identifikovaný, že On je Slovo, vidíte a jednako, to vyhlásenie, nikdy ste o niečom takom nepočuli: "Syn človeka, čo poviete, ak bude vystupovať hore do Neba, odkiaľ prišiel?"

281A vy poviete: "No dobre, ja viem kde sa narodil. Poznám Jeho otca, poznám Jeho mamu a On tu hovorí, že bude vystupovať hore odkiaľ prišiel." To by bolo trochu priveľa na teba, či nie, pane? Och - och. Bolo by to na teba priveľa; nemohli To stráviť. Možno, že to isté je dnes. Potom hľaďte do zrkadla Božieho Slova a pozrite sa kde stojíte. Och, klamár, nikdy to nerob.

282Pozrite sa, nachádzate sa v jednej z týchto kategórií. Vo vašom terajšom stave, práve teraz, v súčasnom stave vašej mysle, vy tu v tomto viditeľnom poslucháčstve a vy, ktorí budete v tom neviditeľnom poslucháčstve pri tejto páske. Súčasný stav vašej mysle po vypočutí tejto pásky, vám dáva najavo, v ktorej kategórii sa nachádzate. Presne vám to hovorí kde ste, či ste veriaci v Slovo a budete stáť s Ním, či odídete preč, alebo zastavíte túto pásku. Vidíte, to hovorí, čo ste urobili. Nechcete To počúvať a vypnete To, poviete: "Nechcem To počúvať," to, to je ten neveriaci. Vidíte, nechcete to zastaviť, aby ste to vyskúšali a zistili či je to Pravda alebo nie. Vidíte? Alebo sa toho len pridŕžate a snažíte sa nájsť na tom nejakú chybu, potom tiež viete, kde sa nachádzate. To vám hovorí o tom.

283Bože pomôž nám veriť Tomu a stáť na Tom A byť Tomu verní a ostríhať Slovo, pretože On je Slovo. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

Modlime sa.

284Drahý Nebeský Otče, ako je to niekedy ťažko, hovoriť tieto veci a vedieť, že možno niekoľko desiatok tisíc ľudí bude počúvať túto pásku, ako pôjde cez celú krajinu i okolo sveta. Ale, Drahý Pane, je to pravda, je to tak pravda. Prosím, Pane, v prvom rade očisti moje srdce. Ó Pane, preskúšaj ma, skús ma.

285 Pohliadni len dole na mňa, Pane. Som slabý. Som unavený. Som vyčerpaný. Moje hrdlo je zachrípnuté. Moje - moje pery sú vysušené. A moje telo sa vyčerpáva, starnem. A - a nebude to príliš dlho, Pane, možno, že do môjho odchodu sa už slnko veľa krát neotočí.

286A teraz ma prekontroluj, Otče. A ak je tam niečo čo robím zle a neviem o tom, Ty mi to zjav, Pane. Ty, Ty mi ukáž. Som teraz pripravený dať to do poriadku.

287Dívam sa na seba v zrkadle Božieho Slova. Kde stojím? Vidím svoj obraz, ktorý zrkadlí Ježiša Krista? Je to tá osoba, ktorú vidím v zrkadle? Vidím jedného z veriacich Starého zákona, alebo veriacich Nového zákona? Vidím takého, ktorý sa robí veriacim? Vidím sa ako neveriaci, ktorý nemôže zostať a počúvať Slovo A berie namiesto toho denominačnú ideu? Vidím sa ako postávajúci okolo, snažiaci sa nájsť nejaké malé zadné dvierka?

288Pane, ak je to tak, očisti ma len, Pane. Nech moje srdce môže byť čisté a číre. Pretože toto je môj život, Pane, ja ... To je, chcem to dobre. Niet dôvodu robiť to polovičato, keď existuje spôsob ako to robiť skutočne. Chcem aby to bolo správne zafixované, Otče. Nie len to, ale viedol by som zle mužov i ženy, i ľudí, ktorých milujem a oni milujú mňa; potom by som bol vedľa.

289A, Otče, ak je niečo, ak som si myslel dnes večer, že žiadna denominačná cirkev nie je správna; alebo Cirkevný Koncil bol v poriadku, ak väčšina ľudí bola v poriadku; Pane Bože, pomôž mi byť natoľko mužom a natoľko kresťanom, aby som priznal svoju chybu a postavil sa tu a poslal týchto ľudí tam, kde si myslím, že to bude v poriadku. Očisti ma. Daj mi dívať sa a vidieť. Ale keď to príde do týchto vecí, Pane, pokiaľ to ja môžem vidieť, majúc tieto formy a zapierajú Slovo; ty im To môžeš povedať a jednako oni povedia: "No dobre, na tom vôbec nezáleží. To ... Boh To teraz neočakáva."

290Pane, ja verím, že Ty si ten istý Ježiš. Ty si ten istý Boh, ktorý si vždy bol. Ty si stále Boh A Ty sa nemeníš. Verím, že táto Biblia je Tvoje Slovo A verím, že Ty a Tvoje Slovo ste jedno.

291A prosím, Bože, aby si nám dal Tvojho Svätého Ducha, aby oživil to Slovo, aby nám dal oživujúcu moc; aby jedného dňa, keď pominie tento život a Ty budeš s nami hotový, aby sme boli oživení a vystúpili hore do Neba, kde sme boli, v tvojich mysliach, pred založením sveta. Bože, udeľ nám toho.

292Odpusť naše hriechy, Otče. Ak je tu nejaký muž, alebo žena, ktorý sa nachádza v tej inej skupine, pomimo tých ozajstných veriacich v Slovo, Bože, očisti ich srdcia. Ak je niekto, kto počúva tú pásku, alebo ju bude počúvať, prosím za očistenie ich sŕdc, aby si ich očistil, Pane. Nechcem, ich vidieť stratených. Bože, prosím, aby si nám pomohol porozumieť, že jedným zlom sa nenapráva druhé zlo. Je len jeden spôsob, ako to napraviť a to odstrániť z cesty oboje zlo a dať to do poriadku. A prosím, Otče, aby si nám toho udelil, skrze Ježiša Krista nášho Pána.

293So sklonenými hlavami, so sklonenými srdcami, chcem, aby ste sa tu na chvíľku zastavili.

294Keď som videl to videnie pekla, ako malý chlapec, tú hrôzu toho. Potom, možno sa v tomto mýlim. Môže to byť len zlá predtucha. Možno. Neviem. Vyzeralo to, že som niekde bol. Bolo to také prirodzené.

Potom, nie tak dávno tomu, keď som videl ríše požehnaných.

295Keď som bol v ríšach zatratených, kričal som: "Ó Bože, nedaj nikomu aby sa sem dostal!" Nemôžete ... Nie je jazyka, ktorý by vám mohol opísať, aké je to strašné. Nemám spôsob, ako by som vám to opísal. Ak veríte, že je tam horiace peklo, plné ohňa a síry, to je chladná zelená paša v chládku, pri pohľade na tie hrôzy tohoto zatrateného stavu, ktorý tam je a to utrpenie, ktoré je spojené s týmto miestom.

296A keby som sa vám snažil porozprávať o veciach, ktoré sa nachádzajú poza ľudským chápaním, stále by sa mi nepodarilo opísať to požehnané miesto, aké je plné pokoja! Nikdy nezomrieť, nikdy nestarnúť, nikdy nebyť chorí; vždy byť mladí, vždy byť zdraví a nikdy nezomierať; Večný Život, v tej požehnanej mladosti a žiadny hriech ani nič také! Ó, neexistuje proste spôsob, ako to opísať.

297Dokonca svätý Pavol, on povedal: "Čo oko nevidelo, ucho nepočulo, čo na srdce človeka nevstúpilo," nemôžete to ani pochopiť; nedá sa to nijako vysvetliť: "čo Boh prihotovil tým, ktorí Ho milujú."

298A teraz, pretože je toto skutočná pravda, oboji, vy tu i vy v tom neviditeľnom publiku, sme predstavení tu, dnes večer, v jednej z týchto kategórií. Buď sme ozajstní veriaci ... Otestujte to Slovom. Ak Slovo hovorí určitú vec a cirkev hovorí niečo iné, čo by ste si vybrali? Pozrite sa do zrkadla Božieho Slova a vidzte v ktorej skupine sa nachádzate. A ak ste nie, dnes večer, oboji, vy tu, i vy v tom neviditeľnom publiku, ak ste nie, ak nestojíte s tým veriacim typom, mohol by som predniesť teraz za vás slovo v modlitbe, že by ste prišli do tohoto veriaceho typu?

299A vy by ste sa postavili tak isto za tým, pred Bohom; so svojimi sklonenými hlavami, so svojimi sklonenými srdcami a pred Bohom? Niekedy sú ľudia trochu bojazliví, veď viete, aby zodvihli ruku, boja sa svojich susedov ... Nemali by byť taký, ale by mali byť ochotní postaviť sa a povedať: "Ja som nie v poriadku. Nie som v poriadku."

300"Tomu, kto prikrýva svoje prestúpenia nepovedie sa šťastne, ale ten, kto vyzná a opustí, dôjde milosrdenstva." Vidíte? Čo je hriech? "Nevera," Nevera v (čo?), v Slovo.

301Nuž, ak sa nenachádzate v tej skupine a sú veci, ktoré - ktoré vidíte v Biblii, ktoré vy proste ... vo svojom ... vo svojom rozume, nemôžete to vidieť. Vy len ... Vy viete, že Biblia tak hovorí, ale vy len ... Nemôžete tomu porozumieť a jednako to chcete. Povedzte: "Bože, daj aby som tomu porozumel. Budem Ťa poslúchať."

302Zodvihol by si svoju ruku a povedal: "Pamätaj na mňa, pri tom čo sa modlíme"? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je dobre. Vidíte?

303Skutočne myslite o tom: "Je v Biblii niečo čo proste nepoznám? Mám strach, že sa nájdem v jednej z týchto iných dvoch skupín. Možno že sa nájdem s tými sedemdesiatimi, že ... sú proste nejaké veci ktoré ja ... Je mi to príliš ťažko porozumieť, ako ten Boh by robil takéto veci, ako by On mohol byť, ako by Ježiš mohol byť ten istý, ako - ako tieto veci. Nerozumiem tomu. Chcem tomu rozumieť. Chcem tomu veriť. A, Bože, pomôž mojej nevere. Chcem byť časťou Toho. Chcem byť účastníkom toho Slova. Chcem To mať v sebe."

304"Ak zostanete vo Mne A Moje Slová zostanú vo vás, potom si proste čo chcete." Svätý Ján 15. Vieme, že je to pravda. Pozrite sa: "Ak zostanete," nie dnu a von, dnu a von, ale: "Ak zostanete vo Mne," a On je Slovo: "a Ono zostane vo vás, potom si len proste čo chcete a bude vám to dané. Budete to mať."

305"Ten kto prijal Moje Slová A uveril v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, prešiel už zo smrti do Života." Ale môžete prv prijať Jeho Slovo? Môžete prijať to Slovo, celé Slovo, celého Krista? Kristus je to pomazané Slovo. On je Slovo, pomazané.

306Kristus, znamená "Ten pomazaný," to pomazané Slovo na ten deň, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, Spasiteľ, Vykupiteľ. To bolo, keď On mal prísť a On bol tou pomazanou Osobou, aby zaujal to miesto.

[Brat Branham niekoľko krát poklepal po kazateľni. – pozn.prekl.]

307A teraz je to Duch Svätý v týchto posledných dňoch, aby vrhal tie večerné Svetlá, prinavracal naspäť Vieru, ktorá bola udupaná, skrze denominácie; odsudzuje denominácie a prichádza späť do originálnej Viery, s originálnou Biblickou Vierou; originálna Biblia, veriac z Nej každé Slovo, nepridávať do toho a nedávať tomu taký a taký výklad. Hovorte to len tak, ako je to povedané a vy chcete tomu tak veriť.

308Sú takí, ktorí nikdy nezodvihli ruku, boli by sme radi, keby zodvihli ruku a povedali: "Bože, pamätaj na mňa."

309 Nech ťa Boh žehná, pani. Boh nech ťa žehná, mladá pani. Boh nech žehná teba, teba. Dobre. Boh nech ťa žehná, mládenec. Boh nech ťa žehná, moja sestra. "Ja chcem Jeho." Boh nech ťa žehná, sestra, tam po mojej pravici. A nech žehná teba, tam vzadu. "Ja chcem ..." Boh nech ťa žehná, mladý muž. I tu teba sestra. Teba, brat tam na druhej strane, nech ťa Pán žehná. Boh nech ťa žehná, tam vzadu. "Pamätaj len na mňa, Pane."

310Zapamätajte si teraz, že nedvíhate svoje ruky ku mne; ale ku Nemu. Rovno tu, za mnou, teraz, Pán vidí vaše ruky. Ak som ich aj ja prehliadol, On ich vidí. On pozná tvoje srdce. On vie, čo tam pulzuje. On vie, čo chceš docieliť. On vie, aký je tvoj motív na dosiahnutie toho cieľu. Boh nech ťa žehná, brat.

311Ešte niekto: "Chcem veriť celému Slovu." Boh nech ťa žehná. V poriadku. Nech ťa Boh žehná. "Pomôž mi, Pane, pomôž mi." Pán vidí vaše ruky. Skutočne. To je ono. "Sú veci, ktoré nemôžem porozumieť. Nechcem byť neveriaci. Hoci tomu nerozumiem, jednako chcem tomu veriť. Som pripravený povedať, Pane Bože, tu som. Chcem veriť. Pomôž mojej nevere, Pane." Boh nech je s vami. Nech vás Boh žehná. Veľa, veľa rúk je zodvihnutých a stále ich pribúda.

312Hovoríte si: "brat Branham, pomôže to?" Zodvihni raz svoju ruku, so skutočným, opravdivým cieľom a budeš vidieť, ako sa pri tom budeš cítiť.

313Vydali ste svedectvo, že je niečo malé vo vašom živote, vy to viete. Je tam niečo malé a vy nechcete, aby to tam bolo, ale jednako je to tam. Divíte sa ako by sa to mohlo stať. "A, Pane, zabráň tomu, aby som bol Judášom. Zabráň tomu, aby som nenasledoval to Posolstvo, len v snahe myslieť si, že jedného dňa sa tam ukáže niekde malá chyba. Ó, Bože, nech to nie som ja. Daj mi stáť rovno na Tvojom Slove. Vidíte? Alebo možno by som bol neveriaci, ktorý si len proste myslí: "Nuž, ak ... nuž, prečo nehovoria tak aj tí ostatní?" Vidíte? Nechcem byť ani takýto. Ja chcem byť veriaci. Chcem. Vidím Božie Slovo na túto hodinu. Vidím v Tom Boha. A, Pane, učiň ma časťou toho Slova. Učiň ma časťou Toho. Chcem byť časťou Toho." Nech vás Pán žehná.

314A teraz sa modlime. A každý jeden, modlite sa za seba a ja sa budem modliť za vás. Vedeli ste, že jedného dňa budeme ... nebudeme tu spolu, možno, za nejaký čas. Niektorý z nás budú vzatí a nebudeme spolu. Je nás tu mnoho, z čoho, niektorí starneme. Niektorí z nás, nevieme. Tiež i mladí zomierajú. Zomierame v každom veku. Musíme byť oddelení a táto vec musí byť daná do poriadku. A vy sa tam nemôžete dostať len nejakou náhodou, musíte prísť, zatiaľ čo sa nachádzate pri zdravých zmysloch.

315Vy si poviete: "Nuž, tesne pred tým ako zomriem, keď To budem môcť vidieť." Nie, nerobte to. Možno, že už potom nebudete pri zdravých zmysloch. Môžete sa zabiť, pri nejakej nehode, prv ako sa dostanete domov. Môžete zomrieť na infarkt. Nevieme čo sa môže stať; jedine Boh to má v rukách. Nespolieham na to.

316Pozorujem tam vonku tých ľudí, dokonca, v okne držia zodvihnuté ruky. Vidíte? Áno, Boh požehná.

318A moje ruky sú tiež zodvihnuté, Pane. Očisti ma, Ó, Pane, od všetkej nevery.

319Hoci by mi On nedal Moc, aby som chodil tak ako Enoch a nemusel zomrieť, ale sa vybrať jedno popoludnie na prechádzku a ísť s Ním Domov; ale Boh, ja verím, že to sa stane, pretože viem, že v posledný deň má byť Vytrhnutie A dielo má byť skrátené.

320A, Otče, tak hovorí náš kalendár, ešte tridsať šesť rokov a toto dielo bude zakončené a Ty budeš musieť prísť niekedy v tom čase, lebo inak by nebolo zachránené niktoré telo. A potom je nám povedané, skrze chronológov a skrze ľudí, ktorí skúmajú takéto veci, že sme v skutočnosti o mnoho, mnoho rokov ďalej, o mnoho rokov ďalej. Hovoria nám, skrze kalendáre, že sme už časove ďalej; možno že zostáva len pätnásť alebo dvadsať rokov. Ja neviem, Otče. Ale viem, dokonca podľa nášho kalendára, že sme skoro tam.

321Vidím tam, kde nemôže pozostať žiadna nádej, Pane. Nastane ... Ak oni niekedy začnú púšťať tieto bomby, jeden na druhého, Pane, tam - tam - tam nebude žiadnej bojovej línii. Oni, oni zničia jeden druhého. A, Pane, visí to tam a Biblia ešte hovorí, že celé nebesia i zem budú v ohni. Bože, vidím, že prichádza tá hodina.

322Premýšľam o atentáte na prezidenta a potom vidím vstupovať toho ďalšieho zlého muža, nedovolil aby bol s tým mužom vykonaný súdny proces a zastrelili ho, v chladnokrvnej vražde. Ó, Bože, jeden je vinný, tak ako druhý. Oni nemajú právo to tak robiť. Zlo v našom vlastnom národe, ktorý je pokladaný za kresťanský národ, ó akým sme biednym príkladom kresťanov, Pane. Odpusť nám, Pane, naše hriechy.

323Pomôž nám, Ó Bože, zvlášť Tvojej Cirkvi, tým ktorí sú pokrstení v to tajomné Kristovo Telo. "Duch je ktorý oživuje," si povedal. A tak ako Syn človeka vystúpil hore, tak vystúpi hore i Jeho Telo. A On je Hlavou; Jeho Cirkev je tým Telom." Ó Bože, je to Hlava, ktorá riadi Telo. A nech Vrchnosť toho Slova riadi Telo Kristovo. A, nech ja môžem byť časťou toho Tela, Pane.

324Modlím sa za tých, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky a za všetkých, ktorí sú tu prítomní a za všetkých, ktorí budú počúvať tie pásky. Pane Bože, úprimne sa modlím. Vezmi ich dovnútra, Pane. Ty vidíš do ich sŕdc. Ty vieš, kto oni sú. Ale, ako Tvoj služobník, prihováram sa za tých ľudí, Pane. Ja - ja ich milujem. Milujem ich.

325A snažím sa toto robiť len preto, že som pocítil, že Tvoje poverenie pre mňa je, aby som to robil. Tak, Otče, tu som, robím to najlepšie čo môžem s ... Odpusť moje drobné chyby, Pane. Prosím, aby si mi udelil sily, aby som bol schopný predstaviť to tým ľuďom jasnejšie.

326Buď s nami tu v tejto modlitebni, dnes večer. Pohliadni dole na týchto, Pane, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky, tu v modlitebni. Hľadaj ma, ó Pane, skúšaj ma. A ak je vo mne niečo zlé, očisti ma, Otče. Učiň to. Očisti túto cirkev.

327Očisti nás všetkých, Pane, aby sa to Slovo stalo telom medzi nami a aby bolo dané najavo tomu svetu v tomto čase. Učiň to, Otče. Pretože Ti porúčam toto, i seba samého, i tento text, i s týmto zhromaždením, i s Tvojím Slovom a Tvojím zasľúbením, ku spaseniu našich duší, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Udeľ nám toho, Pane.

328Nech Moc Božia príde na nás a pomaže nás, všetkých radom, od pastora po vrátneho, i každú osobu, ktorá je tu prítomná. Nech príde Duch Svätý a zaujme Svoje miesto v našich srdciach a nech vezme každé zasľúbenie Božie a zjaví nám, že Tvoje Slovo je Pravda. Prosím to skrze Ježišove Meno.

329A zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy. "Môžem ..." Chcem aby nám organistka, ak môže, zahrala refrén tejto piesni: "Môžem počuť ako môj Spasiteľ volá. Pôjdem tam kde ma povedie." Pôjdem tam kde ma povedie."

... môj Spasiteľ volá, (Čo On je? Slovo!)

Môžem počuť, ako môj Spasiteľ volá;

Môžem počuť, ako môj Spasiteľ, ...

(A teraz dajte nabok svoje dogmy i všetko.)

Vezmi svoj kríž a nasleduj ...

330"Ten kto nevezme svoj kríž a nenasleduje Ma, to Slovo, nie je hodný byť Mojím učeníkom."

... kde ma povedie (Späť do Biblie, kde ťa On vedie.)

... pôjdem tam;

Pôjdem tam kde ma povedie;

Pôjdem tam kde ma povedie,

(Ak to bude do vody, v Jeho Mene; ak to bude ku oltáru, aby som sa zbavil hanby!)

... celou cestou.

331[brat Branham si začína hmkať Pôjdem tam kde ma povedie. – pozn.prekl.]

... s Ním cez súdy, (to je práve teraz)

332Na ktorej strane stojíte? Čo vidíte vo svojom odzrkadlení v Biblii, v Božom zrkadle, ak som teraz súdený Slovom?

Pôjdem ....

333"Pôjdem s tým Slovom, nevadí čo to stojí. Pôjdem cez súdy Božie. Ak musím zaujať jedno z týchto miest, urob ma veriacim, v celé Slovo."

... s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.

Pôjdem tam kde ma ...

334Nuž dobre o tom teraz premýšľajte. "On povedie ..."

1 Let's bow our heads. With our heads bowed, and our hearts, I wonder how many would like to be remembered in prayer, will just lift up your hand, say, "Lord, remember me, O Lord." There's a lot of requests here, the handkerchiefs laying on the desk.

2 Dear Heavenly Father, we are assembled again this evening under this roof, where You have met with us so many times, and have expressed Your love to us; as we try in our humble ways to express our love and grate'ness to You, for what You have done for us. And tonight we come again, Lord, as a needy people, for we are ever in need of Thee. And as long as we're here on earth, we know that'll be the cry, for we are in a battle. And we're... The battle is raging, and You promised and said how the enemy would be like a roaring lion. He is loose among the people, and we can see it everywhere, like a roaring lion devouring what he may, because he knows his time is short. But we have--we have a--a Father who cares for His little ones, and to Thee we flee with our requests, tonight, Lord. We pray that You'll grant them.

3And these handkerchiefs laying here, Father, means that there is sick people somewhere in the land, and that's calling and needing Thee, and believing on Thee, to exercise their faith here to send these handkerchiefs. God, grant that every one of them be healed.

4 We see Your mighty power, Lord, just a few moments ago there in that room, restore the perfect memory to a boy that was lost. We see Your great power, time after time, moving the sickness and revealing the secret of the heart, and showing the people, and setting them straight in order. We thank You, Lord God, 'cause that's beyond any man. That's beyond anything that any of us would know, how You can reveal the very cause, and what did it, and how it is. That's You, Father. And we know, that, "The Word searches out the heart, and as a Discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart," so we thank Thee for this.

5And now, Lord, we believe that the people now, with their heads bowed, are thinking on these things, and it's the Holy Spirit that's speaking to them. And grant that each one of their requests may be answered. Save the savable, Lord, tonight. The lost, may they come in and be saved.

6We're so thankful to see that great, huge pile of wet clothes there, knowing that the grave has been opened; and the old-man's sin has been buried, for many of them. And I thank Thee for it, Father. And may they walk in newness of Life, the rest of their days. Through Jesus Christ's Name, we ask it. Amen.

7The Lord bless you, grant the request that you had on your heart to be answered.

8 Now, I believe Billy said that Brother Wheeler had a little baby. Was that right? Did I make a mistake there, to be dedicated, or something another, or dedication. [Brother Neville says, "I believe there was three or four babies."--Ed.] All right. If you'd like to bring them up now, we'd be glad; if the elders will come forward, lay hands upon the little fellows, for dedicational service. And we'll try to be just brief. And we want these little fellows, that wants to come to the Lord Jesus, wants to bring their--their little jewels that God has given them. We always try to make a way for them, because we don't know what tomorrow holds.

9My mother used to tell me, "Don't put off, tomorrow, what can be done today." That's right, 'cause you don't know what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow. That's the main part. We know Who holds tomorrow.

10 Brother Wheeler, the Lord God bless you. And this is Sister Wheeler. I'm certainly happy to meet you. And I... my grand privilege, first time, I believe, as I know of, to meet you. And this is your baby. What's its name? [Sister Wheeler says, "Carlena Rebecca."--Ed.] Carlena Rebecca. Well, what a fine little girl, pretty as she can be. Now, little Carlena Rebecca Wheeler.

11Brother Wheeler is one of our deacons here in the church, and God has blessed their union, to this little one. I believe you have, about, I know, two other girls, don't you? [Brother Wheeler says, "Three."--Ed.] Three other girls. They are really fine ladies, as I understand, and so I pray that God will make Rebecca just like the rest of them. See? And then that will be satisfaction with you all, won't it? That's right, 'cause they're very sweet children.

12I don't know whether she'll let me hold her or not, but, if she don't, we'll lay hands upon her. Would you like to come over here to me, Rebecca? You want me to hold you? That's very fine. What a pretty little girl!

Now let us bow our heads.

13 Gracious Heavenly Father, as we stand here before this deacon, tonight; and truly a fine office he holds, for a deacon must be found blameless, the husband of one wife, controlling his family well. For, if he doesn't know how to control his family, how can he control the house of God? And we thank Thee that this brother has met these qualifications, and we find in him the Spirit of God.

14And he brings now his little baby daughter here, to be dedicated. You have placed it in their arms for raising. God, and how thankful we are, that we can say, their desire is that she'll be as the rest of her sisters. Grant, Father, that this will be so. And may the child live and--and be a great service to You, Father. And now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, we give this baby to You for a life of service. Make her healthy, strong; may she live a long life, until Jesus comes, if that's possible. And then, Father, we believe that she'll be raised in the admonition of Christ. And we give her life to You, for a life of service. Amen.

15God bless you, Rebecca. And God bless you, Brother Wheeler and Sister Wheeler. The Lord be with you.

16 How do you do? Now here is another little girl with a great big smile on her face. And what's her name? [The mother says, "Rhonda Renee Coats."--Ed.] Rhonda Renee Coats is that right? Are you any relation to Jesse and them, Jesse Coats? ["No."] I just thought... I knowed some of the Coats here in town. I knowed them real well, and been--been friends of mine for--for a long time.

17Rhonda, Rhonda Renee. Wonder if you'd come over to me, Rhonda? I'll--I'll give you right back to your mother, as soon as we give you to the Lord Jesus. Now, isn't she sweet!

Now let us bow our heads.

18Heavenly Father, as Your elder and I stand together tonight, in agreement and in harmony in the Gospel, this mother brings this little Rhonda Renee to You for dedication. You have placed it into her arms, for care, and the first thing she can do is present it back to You. As Job said of old, the Lord gives these things. And we pray, God, that You'll keep her safely until the hour that You're to take away. And, God, grant that she'll live a real Christian life and be an example to others, as she comes up. Bless her home, and may it be dedicated to You, a full service, with true hearts. And now, God, we give to You little Rhonda Renee Coats, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for a life of service. Amen.

Very sweet! God bless you, sister.

19 How do you do! [The sister says, "Robert Paul Shammel."--Ed.] Robert Paul Shane? ["Shammel."--Ed.] Shammel.

20Well, what if... And you're kind of young yet, I don't think you could raise much fuss about it. Don't laugh at me like that. Look at here, if you want something to laugh at. Robert Paul, what a beautiful name!

Let us bow our heads.

21God, as this young girl comes here; just, to us, would be a child. And she is giving her little boy, O God, as a life of service to You. It's the fruit and the results of their union. I pray, God, as Your elder and I laying hands upon this little fellow, that his life will be dedicated to You. Grant, Lord, if there is a tomorrow, may he pack the Message that his--his parents is listening to, God. Grant it. And I pray that You'll bless their homes, and may the child be raised in the admonition of God, and will be a--a loving disciple of Yours. We give him to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

22Well, he--he's just one fine boy. That's all. Yes, sir. Couldn't ask for nothing sweeter, could you? There is nothing in the world could be any sweeter, that's right, than that little fellow. All smiles! That sweet? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

23That's one time my wife envies my job, holding those babies. She loves to hold them. And I do, too, but I'm always afraid I'll break them. They're so, you know, so cute and delicate-looking, but, you know, they're--they're tougher really than what we would be.

24 Now, I told you I was going to get out... Well, I've only got thirty-five minutes. I'm going to have to hurry, won't I? Let's see. I--I--I don't mean to--to misjudge anything, or say anything wrong, but I'm going to try real hard, because... You know, after we get way up the--the road, we're not--we're not just as active as we used to be, you know. The miles sometimes gets rough, and two or three services a day, why...

25And what does the main part, is those visions. Preaching doesn't hurt me. My, I can stand here all day long, don't bother me, but I... But just those visions, and when people are on these interviews, that's what they must have. See? That's what they're here for. It's something that can't be settled just by laying hands on. It's got to know the root, the start of it, what causes it, what did it, and then what to do to get out of it. That's what they're here for.

26 Now, the meeting starts, day after tomorrow night... or, no, I beg your pardon, it's Wednesday night, at Shreveport, Louisiana. And if any of you have friends around in there, why, tell them come on over. Life Tabernacle, I think, is where it's--it starts, unless it gets across the auditorium, if they can get that, which it gives them a little more seating room. But they got the balcony upstairs, and the big main floor, and then a floor down below that. So, I don't know exactly how many they can seat, but it's a... If it gets too bad, maybe we can get the auditorium just across from it, which will... I don't know how many it seats, either. I've had services there, but I don't remember. This is a--an annual convention.

27Three years ago I was down there, and we started a revival, in the Name of the Lord, and it's never ended, since. Just constantly going on, just constantly; every day, people come in, being saved, baptized, and going on with the Lord like that, ministers and everything coming right in. And we just... As long as it keeps on like that, and I get to stay here, I want to visit it all the time, and just put in my few words and--and go ahead.

28 Now, that'll begin Wednesday, and end Sunday. Christian Business Men's breakfast is... I don't... forget the name of that hotel... I believe it's the... called... They, they'll tell you when you get there. It's the businessmen's breakfast.

29Had a great time there, to you businessmen here, the last time there. The Lord saved a--a rabbi, out of the city. And, oh, I don't know what all taken place. Was a great time in the Lord, there, preaching on the Blood Covenant. So we... That's what the Jews know about; it's the blood. "Without shedding of blood, there is no remission," you see.

30Now let's get right straight to the Word, and I'll do my best to keep my word to you.

31 And now, if the Lord willing now, Sunday after Christmas, if you're on your holidays and riding around, it's not slick and everything, why, you--you're around here close, why, drop in. And we're aiming to have a service here Sunday morning, of--of--of a Sunday after Christmas. What is the date then? [Someone says, "Twenty-ninth."--Ed.] Twenty-ninth, the twenty-ninth day, and that's the Sunday after Christmas, twenty-ninth day. Now, if anything occurs that we, something, we won't, and can't be here... We don't know about the future, you know. But if anything happens, why, you that live out of town, that come in, like the folks from down in Memphis...

32I wanted to hear Brother Ungren sing How Great Thou Art. And I don't... Is he here tonight?

33And, so, and I always have so many things, I can't get them all done, can't get them all done. God bless you, you people.

34 Now let us turn in the Scriptures now for just a--a little Scripture reading. Where, if my words fail, This won't. And then God will bless you for staying, just on account of listening to His Word. "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word of God." Is that right? Now as I was thinking... While, you're turning to Saint John the 6th chapter, beginning with the 60th verse, and reading the 71st, inclusive. Saint John 6:60.

35Now I was thinking, as I was looking out the window a little while ago, and looking at the setting of the sun and seeing how all nature has a law. And when the wintertime comes, the law, automatically, of nature, runs the sap down into the tree roots. It buries.

36As Job said, "Oh, that Thou would hide me in the grave, that Thou would keep me in the secret place until Thy wrath be." And now, that's it, "If Thou would hide me!" See, he saw the--the nature, the tree, the life go down into the roots; Brother Way. "And there stay until the wrath be passed, and then call me and set me a time." See?

37Nature has a law. There is a law of nature; there is no way at all to get around it. It's a law of nature. And then there is a law of the spirit; there is, also, no way of getting around that.

38 I was speaking to a couple this afternoon, about, you cannot totally annihilate anything. Human beings can't annihilate. They can tear down, but not annihilate. And someone said, "Well, what about taking and burning a piece of paper, does that annihilate it?" No, sir. It only breaks the chemicals apart, the heat of the fire. It goes right back to the gases, what it was in the beginning. You cannot annihilate. And if the world stood long enough, that same gases, that and--and chemicals was in that paper, could come right back and be a piece of paper again. That's exact. You cannot annihilate. Exact.

39God, then. If there is a resurrection to everything, back again, and no annihilation, there is a resurrection of the just, yeah, and we are got to come back. That's all there is to it. There is no way at all of doing. No matter if you're burnt up, if you're drowned, wherever takes place, they cannot annihilate.

40Just remember that every part of you was here, when God spoke the world into existence. He put your body here right then. And there is nothing can take it away except God. It's all back into His hands again. See? And He is the One, the One that, the Creator, was the One Who made the promise, so we're sure that there is Life Eternal. And we have the assurance in our heart now, that now we have Everlasting Life, Eternal Life that cannot die, in us now. All right.

41 Saint John 6. Let's begin now with the 6th chapter of Saint John, and beginning with the 60th verse.

Many therefore of his disciples, when they heard, heard this, said, This is a hard saying; who can hear it?

Then Jesus knew... himself that his disciples murmured at it, and he said unto them, Does this offend thee?

What... if ye shall see the Son of man ascending up where he was before?

Is--is it... the spirit that quickeneth; and the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit (that's Him), and they are life. (What did He say? "I am the Truth, the Life.")... they are spirit,... they are life.

But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him.

And he said, Therefore I said unto you, that no man can come to me, except it were given unto him of my Father.

And from that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. ("Hard saying," see, he couldn't take it.)

Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will you also go away?

Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? for thou has the words of eternal life.

And we believe that and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God. (My!)

Jesus answered him, Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?

He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve.

42 Now, if I should call this a subject for tonight, and try my best to make that half hour count, I want to talk on: Three Kinds Of Believers.

43And I've often made the statement. And I thought, "Well, I'll just believe I'll preach on it one time, this afternoon." I thought that.

44The first is believers, make-believers, and unbelievers. Now, that is quite a--a--a subject. But, as sure as we sit here tonight, that group is always gathered together. Wherever the people gather, we find this group, and always have found them, and we probably always will have them until the Coming of the Lord. And I want us, tonight, to picture ourselves, as I speak of these three groups, and see what group that we are in.

45Now remember, I'm speaking here to maybe... This church, packed again tonight, around, and the walls and corridors, but I'm also speaking the world around. See? In all different parts of the world, these tapes circulate through, ministries of the tapes.

46 Now I want to speak of the three different types of believers now. Now remember, believers, my subject is believers. One of them is a true believer, and the next is a make-believer, and the next is a unbeliever. See?

47Now, the first group we'd like to talk about, is the believer. Because, I think he ought to be first, because he is the one that truly believes, now, believes like the disciples believed here. We're going to use this Scripture reading for example. Now, the first is believers, genuine believers. "And faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word of God," the Word of God, which is Christ. See, believers!

48Now, did you notice this great statement that this believer made? Now, a believer doesn't have to be a smart person in the world's way of being smart. He doesn't have to be an educated person in the way that these people try to--to say that you have to be; but you do not. You... This man that made this statement, the Bible Itself said that he was both "ignorant" and "unlearned." Peter, he was not a really considered an intelligent person.

49 In Isaiah 35, says, "There shall be a highway, and a way, and it shall be called, 'The way of holiness.' The unclean shall not pass over it."

50I was talking to one of the deacons this afternoon, as we was talking about the bridges spanning across, and this new one. I said, "There is many expansions across bodies of water, bayous today." And I said, "But there is one great expansion that reaches from earth to Glory, it's called, 'The King's highway.' The unclean shall not pass over it." That's right. It's a--a road that's built by Christ our Lord, the expansion that is made from this earth to another Land, and the unclean doesn't pass over it.

51 Peter, this unlearned person, of a... standing near, when he had saw the thoroughly vindicated Word of the day, that God promised in that day that there would be a One rise up which would be a--a Prophet among them. And Simon was hard to believe it, because there would been so many impersonations of It. But when he seen the genuine, unfolded Word of that age, and hear Him properly identify Him, he--he was certainly convinced Who He was. And he was the one, said, "Lord, to whom would we go?" when it was asked him.

52When the--the crowds was separating, between the believers, and unbelievers, and make-believers, there was all three of them standing right there in that one company of people; believers, make-believers, and unbelievers, right found in this chapter right here. And because that Jesus had spoke the Words the way He had, it separated His congregation. But it must be done.

53He was a great man as long as He healed the sick, but when it come down to the Doctrine and the prophecy, that's what separated the--the chaff from the wheat. See? The chaff only wraps around the wheat. It's not the wheat. It cannot be used. There is nothing in it. No Life in it. It's the husk, and it cannot stay with the wheat. It won't be heir with the wheat. And so it's got... Just the grain is what we're talking about, the heart of the grain of the wheat.

54 Now notice, Peter was convinced that That was the Messiah. Now, don't make any difference what all the rest of them said. It didn't make any difference what the priests said. Didn't matter to Simon Peter what the church said. He was convinced, himself.

55Jesus told him, in one place where He asked, "Who does man say I am?"

56"And some said You're 'a prophet,' and some said You're 'one of the old prophets raised up,' and--and You're 'Moses,' or 'Elias,' or someone."

He said, "I asked you. What do you think?"

57And Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

58He said, "Blessed art thou, the son of Jonas; Simon, the son of Jonas; for flesh and blood never revealed this to you. You never learned it from a book, or from a creed, or from a catechism. You... My Father, which is in Heaven, has revealed this to you." There is a genuine believer; spiritual revelation of the Word. See? And up-... "Thou art Simon, and upon this rock, of your revelation of Who I am, I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against It." See?

No wonder Simon said, "To whom would we go?"

Jesus turned and said, "Do you wish to go also?"

59And they said, "Lord, who would we, where would we go to? For, Thou alone has the Words of Life. You're the only One."

60For, not only did He have the Words of Life, He was the Word of Life. See, He was the Word of Life, and Simon thoroughly recognized this. And when he recognized it, that was what that kept his hold, because it was revealed to him that He was that living Word.

61 Now, that's a genuine believer, when the Holy Spirit; not some persuaded by some other person, not by some other thing. But when the Holy Spirit has revealed to you the Word Itself, and you see the Word made plain, vindicated; then the Spirit of God come and get into that age, for the Word for that age, and make it manifested.

62How could a man kept from believing Luther if he'd knowed that? Luther was a reformer. The man-spirit went forth there for reformation. Wesley, the same way. They had to believe it. See, that was the--that was the message to the church age. That was exactly what was happen. That's what was to take place. You had to believe it.

63 And here we are, down to the Laodicean Age. And we're taught, in the Laodicean Age, that Christ was put out of His church; and was even knocking on the door, trying to get back in. So when we see that happening, we know what age we're living in.

64And, then, we're at the closing of the history of the world. The book is now being finished. The last line will be wrote across it someday, and she'll be closed up, then time shall be no more.

65And there is a great drama being set. And Angels are standing over the skies, watching. You know what a drama is. The actors are ready. You can see them acting.

66You can see the evil one acting. You can see the villain of the play, how he's come on the scene with his cunningness, to deceive.

67 But you can also see the raptured Church making Herself ready. It's a great scene. You can see the Presence of God vindicating and making the great drama that's foretold here in this Bible, to act itself out. What a time to live, the most glorious time! The man of all ages has longed for this time. The prophets of old longed to see this hour, but wasn't privileged.

68Now, there was a believer. Because, he seen it. He believed it. "We're fully persuaded that Thou art the Christ, the Messiah, the Word of God for this day, and we believe that." See, that was a real believer.

69Let's just take up a few more believers, right quick, before we go to the next character. Let's take the prophet, Noah. When he, being maybe a farmer, perhaps he was in them days, a farmer. But when the scoffers and religionists of that day... The church had got to a low ebb, and God spoke to Noah, and told Noah that he was to build an ark. Noah never debated that with God. He believed It, that It was the Word of God, and went to work right quick making things ready.

70 That's a real believer. Don't fuss about it. When you're thoroughly convinced, that's it. Just like anyone, any faith, any way. "Faith cometh by hearing." If you can stand here, no matter what the doctor says is wrong with you! Which, the man has give you the diagnosis of the cases, and probably knows just what he's talking about, as far as his instruments and knowledge will permit him to know, but he says there is nothing left but death. But, you pray, and standing yonder in the future you can see a well man or woman standing there. Yes, that's it. And that's just it. They'll walk right into that just as certain as anything, because you believe it. God has spoke it. You know it's so.

71 Like the little woman coughing up the cancer, see. Wasn't no doubt in her mind. That was going to happen. The cancer was dead, and it turned loose, and away it went. See? That's it. You believe it.

72Like that father brought his little boy, a while ago, in there. And he's here in the building somewhere now. The little boy had had a fall, and lost his memory. He couldn't remember anything. Just in a few moments, after prayer, I asked him his name. And he told me how old he was, and there he was just as normal as any boy could be. See? They believe. And when God says anything, it must be that way.

And Noah believed God, and Noah was considered a believer.

73Daniel, when the church was in captivity down in Babylon, Daniel believed God. And no matter how much they said, "We'll make a proclamation. They'll not pray to no other god but this image out there," of this holy man, or whatever it might be. Daniel didn't pay any attention to that. He had heard God, for he was a prophet, and the Word came to him. And when the temple was dedicated, it was said, "If any man is in trouble in any country, and look this way towards the holy place, and pray, then hear from Heaven." And Daniel believed God. He was a genuine believer, and even the lions couldn't eat him. And that's right, see, he was a believer. He had something real and genuine. He was a believer.

David, another believer, a little offscour of a boy.

74 Daniel didn't take the place with the modern church, neither did Noah take the place with the modern church. Not at all. They was believers in what God said to be the Truth. No matter what the modern world said, they believed what God said was the Truth. That's genuine believers.

75Just same as Peter did, and the apostles, they believed that He had the Word of Life and was the Word of Life. I believe the same thing today. And every other thing against It is contrary, it's not, it's death. This alone is the Word of Life, and Christ is the Word.

76 Now, David, a ruddy fellow. The first place, he was probably picked on by his brothers, 'cause he was a little fellow. He wasn't big enough to bear an armor. He couldn't go to war, and he was too little and scrawny. And, yet, he got out there, as a believer.

77And as he set back on the desert, watching a--a few dozen sheep that his father had give him to watch over, with a slingshot, in a country where there's lions and bears and wolves, and so forth. David begin to look upon the shady green pastures, and knowed what it meant to a sheep to get down in that shade, and lay down in the heat of the sun; knowed what a good, cold drink of water meant, as he said, "As the hart thirsts after the water brook, my soul thirsts after Thee, O God." See? He had cried, prayed.

78And one day the emergency arose, a lion grabbed one of his sheep, and took off. He thought, "The God that made me superior to the lion!" See? And he took the slingshot and knocked the lion down, with a little rock in the slingshot. Now, if anybody ever seen a lion, one of them African lions, big woolly-necked lions that they have there in Palestine and Asia, they would know what one of them fellows was. When, a great big three hundred magnum hardly will knock him down, and he knocked him down with a rock. And when the lion rose up after him, he grabbed him by the beard and killed him. That's the reason he knowed what he was talking about; he had had an experience. He had put God to the test, about His Word.

79 And he--he wasn't afraid of Goliath, because, he was uncircumcised. He wasn't a believer, at all; and when Goliath come out and cursed him in the name of his gods.

80And Goliath, many times larger than he was; great big fellow, fourteen-inch fingers on him. Now, the fingers would be that long, see, fourteen-inch fingers, a warrior. And probably the coat of nail that he had on him, probably weighed three hundred pounds, or more, see, that he had on him. A helmet, and a great... probably the metal a inch-and-a-half thick. A great big giant like that, walking with a--with a weaver's needle which is claimed to be around twenty feet. He had a twenty-foot spear in his hand. Now how could anyone... A man like that could just stand and pick up a dozen man, and throw them like that, as they come up. What an opposition!

81 And there he was, standing there, boasting himself, bragging. When the... seems like the odds is down, you see, he said, "Let... Don't have no blood shed." Said, "Let--let some man come fight me, and then if I win, then you all just serve me; and then if--if--if you win, then we'll serve you." See, when the devil thinks he's got the odds on you, see, that's when he likes to make his brag. But he met the wrong man. He met the littlest man in the country, little, stoop-shouldered, ruddy-looking fellow.

82He said, "Do you mean to tell me that you, the--the army of the living God, will stand there and let that uncircumcised Philistine defy the army of the living God?" Why, he was shocked at it! Why? Why? He was a believer. The others were make-believers. See? See, he was a genuine believer. He said, "If you're afraid, I'll go fight him." See? What a challenge for a little guy like that! And so he was a believer, and he done just exactly what he knowed that God would do. He's...

83 When that uncircumcised Philistine cursed him in the name of his gods, he said, "Am I a dog; a little bitty runt of a kid come out like that? Why," said, "I'll pick you up on the end of my spear, and I'll hang you up there in the tree and let the birds pick your flesh." Oh, my! Oh, what a horrible fellow he was!

84David said, "You meet me with a sword and a spear, with an armor. You meet me in the name of a Philistine. But, I meet you without a sword or a spear, an armor, but I meet you in the Name of the Lord God of Israel."

85There you are. That's a believer. That's his fortress. That's his shield. That's his defense. Amen! That should be the Church's defense. Any believer, That's his defense. No matter what takes place, what the world says, anything else, your defense is the Lord God of Israel. That's it. "The Name of Jesus Christ is a mighty tower, the righteous run into it and are safe." That's our defense, is Jesus Christ.

86Notice, and when it come to pass, we know what happened. David, nowhere to hit but that one little place when he dropped down his--his--his cover over his face. One place to hit was right here in his forehead. And before he could get with any distance to the--the giant, God directed the killing mark, and he slew the giant. See? God did it. Now, we notice he was a believer.

87 Now, another believer was Abraham, and he was of the... a Chaldean of the city of Ur. And he was called upon to do something that was... and believe something that was totally, physically impossible. "But he didn't stagger at the promise of God through unbelief," says Romans 4, "but was strong, giving praise to God."

88When Abraham was seventy-five years old, and his wife sixty-five years old, and had been living together since they were young boys. It was his half sister; a young boy and a young girl. And that was, they had lived together, without any children at all. And God told Abraham, "Separate yourself from the unbelievers." God always calls from, separation. "Separate yourself from the unbelievers and walk with Me, and I have made you a father of many nations. I've already done it."

89 And Abraham believed it. That's a believer. "How you going to do it, Lord?" he never asked the question. God said He would do it, and that settled it.

90When the first month passed, and Sarah was still... She was past menopause. "Anything different?"

"Not a thing."

91But Abraham still believed it. Twenty-five years later, there was still no difference, but Abraham still believed it. That's a believer. That's not a make-believer. That's a believer. Twenty-five years later, Abraham was stronger than he was at the first place. "He believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness." Because he be-... That's the genuine believer.

92 Now, after a while I'm going to let you search and see what class you're in.

93Now what did Abraham do? "Staggered not at the promise of God," the impossibilities.

94What would a man seventy-five years old, with a sixty-five-year-old wife, do, if they went to a doctor and said, "We want to make arrangements, the hospital. We're going to have a baby"? And then, twenty-five years later, said, "Doc, you still holding the hospital open?" See? See?

95It makes you act funny. Your decisions are odd, to the world. But it's a believer, no matter how strange it seems. The Bible said, that, "He was fully persuaded that God was able to perform what He said He would do."

96That ought to be the achievement of every believer this afternoon. God is able to keep every Word that He said He'd do. I don't care what the denominations say, words, "Day of miracles is passed, and all this is telepathy and all, it's fortunetelling. It's..." It doesn't matter to me what they say. I still believe. If that gun is zeroed to the target, it'll hit the target. And I believe if a believer is zeroed with the Word of God, it'll hit the same thing. If the Word of God ever promised it, it'll do it again. I'm fully persuaded of that. That, when we see we're in this age when it's supposed to be here, it's supposed to be here. These things are supposed to take place.

97 That's the reason I do believe that when that Bride is called out and elected, and set in the Book of Life, there will come a sound from Heaven that'll take such a baptism of the Holy Spirit into that Bride that'll take Her from the earth, in a Rapturing grace. God promised it. Don't care how many science, and how many astronauts they signed up, and everything else, and how many million miles they can see; I don't care nothing about that. There is a Heaven, and there is a literal Jesus Christ There that will come in a body form to receive His Church to Himself. No matter how old the story seems, it's still the Truth. God said so. That's--that's what believers believe.

98 God said, "I'm the Lord heals all thy diseases. I am God and I change not." Amen! And God is Word. And if God don't change, how is the Word going to change? See? "I am God, and I change not." The Scriptures says that. God said it, Himself. And if He cannot change, then He is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The unchangeable Word! "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." Amen! Yes, sir.

99God raised up bodies, all down through; Moses, and Ezekiel, and Jeremiah, and Isaiah, and Elijah's, all down, where His Word temporarily come. But the full Word was made manifest in this Man Jesus Christ. Which, He was God in the--God in the fullness of the Godhead bodily. There He was made flesh. I believe that, every Word.

Job, another believer.

100 Sometimes, believers put to the test. Not sometimes; every time! "For every son that cometh to God must be chastened, tried, child-trained." Remember, the trials, the dusty roads, the hot sun of persecution, but the loyalty of your heart beats that material till she is ready to go into the mold. God's children is made up correctly on His Word, for they are living examples, and the Word of God living through them. See? The trial comes to shake you, to put you to the very bottom, to see where you'll stand. They tested, try every son that cometh to God.

101Job went through the trials and the tests. His children taken; everything else taken. The church members come, accused him of being a secret sinner, and tried to say everything against him, but yet he wouldn't listen to any of it. He knowed he had met God's requirements. He knowed there's no need of Satan trying to tempt him. He knowed it was the devil. And as long as Satan can make him believe that his sickness was his God doing it, he had Job whipped. But when Job once struck that revelation, that it was not God! He was only going through his trials to make him something. It wasn't God doing it. It was Satan doing it.

102 And same thing today. He'll try to tell you these trials and thing is your God trying to put punishment upon you. It isn't so. No, sir. It's Satan doing that, and God permitting it, to temper you; to make you see if you're--you are tied to this earth, by the earth cares, or whether your treasures is in Heaven. "For wherever your treasures is, there you are also." That's right. Your heart is where your treasures are.

103Job, tried, yet he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth; at the last days He'll stand upon the earth. Though after my skin worms destroys my body..."

104Did you notice? The skin worms was already in him. Your skin worms is in you. You're in a sealed-up casket without any air in it, or anyhow, but the skin worms are already there. They're right in you, and they're ready to be called to duty at any time. Remember Caesar, he cankered right in the street. The skin worms eat him up, right in the street, his own skin worms. They're right there, ready.

105"Though after my skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." Amen! You cannot annihilate it. Though the skin worms eat it up, it still will come back again. "Whom I shall see for myself. Mine eyes shall behold, and not another." He said it, Job. Why? He was a believer. In trials he was a believer. In persecution, he was a believer. He was a genuine believer.

106 Joseph, another believer, he couldn't help being what he was. He was a prophet. God made him a prophet. He didn't want to be different from his brothers, but he was different. God made him what he is. Nobody else could take his place.

107Nobody can take your place, no matter how little. You say, "I'm just a housewife." Nobody can take your place. God, in His great economy, has so set so, the Body of Christ, in order, till there is no one can take your place. How I would like to take Billy Graham's place, any of us ministers, but we can't do it; but, just remember, Billy can't take our place. See, we all have a place, some of us are evangelists, some prophets, some teachers, some pastors, whatever we are; some housewives, some mechanics, some farmers, whatever it is, God has set you in your place. See?

108Joseph was a prophet. He couldn't help because he could interpret dreams. He couldn't help because that he saw visions. Watch how true he was. No matter if it cost him his fellowship with his brothers, he was true, because he believed those dreams. He believed that, the dream that he had, that they would all bow to him, the sheaves would. It come to pass because he believed it. He was a genuine believer. How...

109 I got five minutes; and ten pages, notice now, notice, of Scripture wrote out here. The woman...

110Nathaniel, he was a believer. Is that right? Nathaniel, when he saw what took place; and it worked on him, that Jesus told him who he was, and said he was a--an "Israelite indeed," and there was "no guile" in him, and told him where he was the day before, "praying under a tree." He saw him when--when Philip called him. He was a believer.

111There's many standing there, said, "This is the devil's spirit. The devil does Divine healing." That old devil hasn't died yet today. They believe that the devil does Divine healing.

112Jesus said, "If Satan can cast out Satan, then his kingdom is divided, and a kingdom can't stand." See? Satan said, in the... He can't do it. So, Satan cannot cast out Satan.

113 So Nathaniel was a believer. And when he seen the Word made flesh, vindicated that he was a believer, he said, "Thou art Rabbi, Thou art the Christ. Thou art the King of Israel." He believed it.

114When the woman at the well saw it, she believed it. She is a believer.

When blind Bartimaeus... When a woman come by...

115Everybody was crying, going on. Some of them saying, "There's a whole... I hear You raise the dead. There's a graveyard full of them up here; come up and raise them. Let us see You do it." See, that same devil that said, "If Thou be the Son of God, command these stones to be turned to bread." Same one put a rag around His face, hit Him on the head, said... passed the stick, one to the other, said, "Now, if You will tell us who hit You, we'll believe You." Them soldiers, see, making fun out of Him. It looked like the card chip was down, on Him.

116But just remember, God is always on the scene. See? He's right there ready, at any time.

117Now Jesus said, "I could speak to My Father and straightway He would send Me twelve legions of Angels." Oh, what would one Angel do? See? But, you see, but He could send twelve legions just at His command. But He had a job to do. He had something to do. He had to go through that.

118 You've got something to do. God's got something for you to do. You may have some heartaches and some troubles, you may have some disappointments, but do we pray to shun them? No. "Lord, take me through them, whatever they is. Whatever it is, don't let me escape them. If they're set for me, just give me grace to go through that. That's all."

119Now notice, blind Bartimaeus, he knew that. They was told, "This is that Prophet of Galilee. He is the Son of David. We believe it." Some of the believers must have told him that. "We believers know that He is the... that Son of David."

120 And he knew, if He was, He was the Word. And if he knowed He was the Word, he knowed He could discern the thoughts of the heart, so he cried, "Thou Son of David, have mercy on me." The unbelievers was hollering this, and that, the church members. That didn't stop blind Bartimaeus at all. He said, "O Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy upon me!"

121Perhaps He couldn't hear him. But He knowed he was crying, and He stopped and turned around. There was a believer. He said, "Thy faith has saved thee." Amen.

122He said that to the woman with the blood issue, the same thing, "Thy faith."

123Cause, she said within her heart, "If I can touch His garment, I'll be made well."

"Thy faith has saved thee." See, she was a believer.

124That's the same thing that saved William Dauch, sitting there, the other day, with a complete heart failure, and a heart attack, a man ninety-one years old. "Thy faith has saved thee." Why? He's a believer.

125 Reverend Tom Kidd here, even going into his... nearly, I guess, way in around ninety years now, old, close to it. And when he was seventy-nine years old, they took him to the hospital with a cancer on the prostate. The doctor says, "He hasn't got a chance."

126But when we walked in that morning, seen that little patriarch with the shawl over his shoulders, sitting there, beating the little cane, he was almost beside himself. He said to an old woman setting there, he called her grandmother; knowed her, one of his members for years. Said, "You look as white as snow," beyond his mental thinking.

127Yet, when the Power of God struck the room, he's alive tonight. That's been four years ago. A man nearly eighty years old, and here he sets tonight, perfectly sound and well, from the cancer. See, not a make-believer; a believer! That's it, believe! He takes God at His Word.

128 Just the same as blind Bartimaeus was. Blind, but yet he knowed, if he could attract the attention of Jesus Christ, he would get what he wanted.

129The woman knowed, if she could touch His garment, she would get what he wanted--she would get what she wanted.

130Tom knew. He had faith, if I'd pray for him, he would get what he wanted.

131Ain't that the same faith that Martha said? "Even now, Lord, whatever You ask God, God will do it for You. My brother is laying yonder, dead, four days in the grave; but You just ask God, and God will do it for You."

Said, "Thy brother shall rise again."

132And she said, "Yes, Lord, in the last days, at the resurrection, he'll rise. He was a good boy."

He said, "But I am that resurrection and Life!"

"Yes, Lord, I believe that, too."

"Where you buried him?" That's it. It's over. Yes, sir.

133The queen of the South come up in that generation of unbelievers, that's right, and stood there and believed what she saw to be of God. The Bible said, "She'll raise up in the last day, with that generation, and condemn it, because she came from the utmost parts of the world to hear the wisdom of Solomon."

134 Moses was a believer. Though he tried intellectually, he had tried every scheme he could, but it wouldn't work. He tried to take Israel out, knowed that he was called to do it. He tried the mathematical way. He tried the military way. He tried the educational way. He tried every way, but it wouldn't work. But then he took God's way.

135What happened? There was a Fire on a bush up there, one day, that wouldn't leave. From there the Word spoke to him, and said, "I AM." Not, "I was, or, I will be." "I AM." And He is still the "I AM." He is the Word, the Eternal, everlasting Word.

136Moses did not doubt. The difficults against him, every nature against him, everything against him. But, a crooked stick in his hand, he went down and took over the whole nation, drowned it in the Dead Sea out there, and took Israel to the promised land. Why? He believed God. Right. He had a...

137That's the believer. We could stay... Now I've stayed my half-hour on the believers.

138Got two more classes. We'll hurry through them, 'cause they're not important, anyhow. No.

139 Then, secondly, there comes now the unbeliever. Let's speak of the unbeliever next. What does the unbeliever do?

140We see the believer (what?) accepts the Word; every race, every generation, from all the way from Noah, all the way up. We could take six months of revival right on that right there, bringing up the characters. They believe. The believer don't question. The believer believes It, regardless of what It sounds like or what anybody else has got to say about It, how impossible It seems to be.

141The believer believes It, believes (what?) the Word. Not the creed; the Word! Not the denomination; the Word! Not what somebody else says; what the Word says! Now, remember, that is the believer. The believer doesn't question. The believer doesn't say, "How can it be? If I can get It explained!" That's the unbeliever. Uh-huh. It's the believer, that, no matter what It is, "If It's the Word, It's the Word! That's true." That's the believer.

142 Now the unbeliever. Now we see what's... We'll take the unbelievers. We find out that they did all right as long as they get patted on the back and called disciples. As long as (they) everything went fine, they were all right. But when this Prophet that they believed to be a prophet, and knowed was, that could heal the sick, and so forth, what did He do? When the real Truth and the rebuke came, contrary to what they believed, they couldn't take the Word.

143They could take the miracles, and they performed them. They went out and cast out devils, preached the Word, and still unbelievers. Matthew 10, He sent them out, two by two, the seventy, and they cast out devils, insomuch that Jesus rejoiced, and said, "I seen Satan falling like light from Heaven." See, they cast out devils; Judas right with them. Here comes the unbelievers.

144But as soon as Jesus begin to say that He was something, that He was "the resurrection," He was "the Life." "What would you say if you seen the Son of man ascend up from where He come from?"

145 "Now, this Man trying to say He come from Heaven, that's too much for us. We can't believe It."

146He said, "What is it? The flesh that you're talking about, profit nothing. It's the Spirit that quickens."

147There you are. The Spirit quickens the Word. It's the Spirit, not the creed. The Spirit, of the Holy Ghost, quickens the Word to you, and becomes alive, and there you are, you see it. By faith you see it. You know it's so because the Word said so, and the Spirit quickens the Word to you. There you are.

148Now He said, "What will..." And as soon as we did this, we find out, the unbelievers, when you say something that they don't agree with, they walk out on you. "I just won't!" Oh, that's getting so dense, in the world today. Start and just say something...

149 They gather in. I notice at meetings they'll gather in, great crowds, and you stand up, start saying something. Now, as long... And he'll set there, just watching, just waiting. Then as soon as you say, "Now, Jesus Christ identified Himself as Messiah, because that He was a Prophet," that jug is done full, away it goes. Somebody... and away they go. What is it? Unbelievers!

150Now you say, "You're making that up." I'm not. I'm saying just exactly what the Bible says here.

151They were unbelievers, and they walked out. Though they were disciples, but it--it was contrary to what... They said, "This, who could believe a thing like That?" See? They was Pharisees and Sadducees that had come out, joined and went in with Him.

152Because, see, when the--when the supernatural is displayed, it produces three different types. It did down in Egypt. It produced the unbeliever, the believer, and make-believer. It did all three classes. Just wrote down here, till we just go on and on through the night, explaining it, how it is. Everywhere, you find it, you see them three. Always that way, see, you find them.

153 Now watch, these seventy, they walked out because It didn't agree with what they believed to be right.

154We haven't got no thought coming. It's what He said! You deny your own thinking. You just say what He says. That's really confession. Confession means to "say the same thing." If I confessed that a certain thing taken place, I say the same thing that taken place. That's what real confession is. "And He's the High Priest of our confession." See? Saying the same thing God said, see, that makes it right, 'cause you're just repeating God's Word.

155 Now notice, the seventy walked out. What did they do? And they--they went out just because that--that they disagreed. Their--their--their wisdom, their--their church affiliation had, was--was too much. That was too much for them to think, that this Man standing here, that the... All the rest of the people believed that That was illegitimate born. "He had no rights to call Himself God. And He was just a man." Said, "We don't stone You for a good work You do, but we--we stone You because You, being a Man, make Yourself God."

156And the Word said He was God. "His Name shall be called 'Counselor,' 'Prince of Peace,' 'The Mighty God,' 'The Everlasting Father.'" Their very Scriptures that they read!

157And the very day that they were singing the Psalm, the 22nd Psalm, "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me? All my bones they stare at Me." "Not one bone shall be broken." The very song that they were repeating in the temple, there hung the Sacrifice screaming the very words that David said eight hundred years before, and was too blind to see it.

158 And, today, the very God that spoke of this age is on the scene doing exactly what He said He would do, and they're too blind to see it. That's unbelievers. They walk out and say, "Oh, I can't believe stuff like That. I never heard of That in my life!" Don't make any difference what you heard. The Bible said It would be here, and it's His Word.

159They had never heard of That, either, but It was there just the same. See? That's right. They were unbelievers.

160Just like Eve was, she was very religious, of course, so, but she--she did not believe the true Word. And she had to make herself a religion, so she made some fig leaves, see, but it wouldn't work. Religion means "a covering."

161 Cain did the same thing. Cain couldn't believe that That was right. He said, "God is holy, God is pure, and God is beautiful. So I will get me some flowers, and I'll take of the--the flowers and I'll make a fine, great altar, and I'll--I'll show my reverence to Him. I'll get up before it, and I'll bow down before Him and worship that God. And I'll put flowers on the altar, because, you know, my father and mother eat some apples, some fruit, in the garden of Eden, and that's the thing that brought me out. And so, that's, I will go back, 'cause I'll make it beautiful. God just can't turn my big cathedral down. Why, I'll be too big of a cathedral! I'll make it so pretty till it'll attract God's attention." Satan is the one that dwells in beauty. That's exactly what the Scripture says.

162That's the reason, sometimes, a pretty woman is a bait for Satan. If he can just get a hold of her, he can twist more man into hell than he could with all the barrooms in the country. That's right. See? Or, handsome, some great handsome man that wouldn't--wouldn't stand up in his trueness of manhood, see, again, he can swing them women to the devil, and to send them to hell. Yes, sir.

163 Notice, Satan dwells in beauty. What did he try to do in the beginning? Make a more beautiful kingdom than Michael's was; moved over in the North, and took two-thirds of the Angels with him.

164See whose--whose son that was then, had that nature in him? Satan's son. Certainly, it was. Now he built the altar, and he knelt down and he worshipped. He went through everything that (Cain) that Abel did.

165But Abel knew that it wasn't that. He... It was blood that took them out. He knew that that was it. It was the sex, blood. So he took a little animal, and offered it upon a rock, and chopped its neck.

166Notice Cain, he... God told him, He said, "Why don't you worship like your brother, and you'll do all right. You'll do well if you'll do that." But, no, he knowed too much about it. See, he rejected the original, a vindicated Word. If that ain't his children today! See?

167 Now look, "God had testified," the Bible said. Hebrews the 4th chapter, or the 11th chapter, "God testifying of His gift, that he was righteous." God vindicated his offering. God made proof that that was what He accepted; that was His Word, His plan.

168And told Cain, said, "Do the same thing, and live." But do you think he would, he would forfeit his idea? No, sir. He was an unbeliever, and he walked right out. That's right. Cain did the same thing. Nimrod did the same thing. Unbelievers! He did not believe.

Belteshazzar, the same thing, though, or...

169 Nebuchadnezzar, though having Daniel as his god, called him Belteshazzar, which was the name of his god, saw Daniel do the great works of God. And then he knowed that--that Belteshazzar believed, or that Daniel was a god, so he made an image to him, and put it up out there and made everybody to worship it, and so forth. See, the Gentile kingdom come in with forcing of the worship of a image of a holy man, and the Gentile kingdom goes out with the forcing of the image of a holy man, see, same way.

170And there was a handwriting on the wall, of unknown tongues, at the beginning of the Gentile kingdom, that no one could read but that prophet. And there is a handwriting on the wall today, that's right, "Ichabod," that the glory of God has departed from them things. And the handwriting is on the wall and can be read by the spiritual mind that believes in spiritual things, has been born of the Spirit of God.

171Old Belteshazzar goes out and gets these vessels of the Lord, to drink wine in them. Why? He was an unbeliever. He thought he was a believer, but he was a unbeliever. See, that's it, he disbelieved the Word.

172 Ahab, he was an unbeliever, though he--he act like he wasn't. No, no, he was amongst the believers, but he was an unbeliever. What did he do? He married an idolatress, and brought it, idolatry, right into Israel. He was an unbeliever. We know that.

173They deny the whole of the Word of God to be true. The unbeliever is, see, now remember, he's a hypocrite. And he--he acts like that, he says he believes It, but he denies It. He said, "Well, so much of It is well." But if all of it isn't right, then that makes him an unbeliever. You've got to believe every tittle and every jot, and everything that's said in There. It's got to be true. If It isn't true, if you say now, "I don't believe That," well, then you're a unbeliever.

174 There's a guy said to me, one time, a--a minister said, "I don't care, Mr. Branham, how many people you could produce that--that you said was healed, I wouldn't believe it."

175I said, "Certainly not, you can't believe it. You're a unbeliever. It wasn't for you. It's only for the believers."

176You've got to believe It. See? And they do not believe It. So when you see a person in that, well did Paul speak of the prophets, saying that they'd be "heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; having forms of godliness, but denying the Power there, the Power of the Word; from such turn away." Notice, they deny the whole of the Word, but in every form they're religious. They are unbelievers in the true Word, though It be vindicated.

177All through every age, God vindicated the Word of these people I've talked about, Noah, and on down through Moses, and all the prophets, and forth. God spoke through the supernatural and vindicated the Word, and yet those people walked right out on It.

178 And here is these disciples standing there, them seventy, and watching Jesus do the things that He did, and know the Scripture, and Him telling them that that was the age that this was to take place. And then when He said something, "The Son of man, what would you say..." When He begin to tell them about breaking the bread, and so forth, and went ahead telling them about great and spiritual things.

And they said, "Oh, This is a hard saying!"

179He said, "What are you going to say then if, the Son of man, you see Him ascend up into Heaven where He come from?" Said, "Is it the flesh, or is it the Spirit, that quickeneth?" See?

180And then they moved away, said, "Oh, That, no, I can't believe That." See? They walked right out, on the Word. They won't even stay to see what takes place. That is the--that is the unbeliever.

181 They, what do they do then? We find out that they, that these people, these believers, a so-called believers, but in the forms of religion, and they fail to see the identified Truth of the Word of God because It's against what they believe. See?

182It don't make any difference what you believe, how loyal you are, how religious you are, or, that doesn't have one thing to do to it. Sincerity, why, that don't have nothing to do with it. I've seen people so sincere! I seen the heathens burn their children, feed them to the crocodiles, mothers with their babies. That's more than a Christian would do. See? Sincerely they believe, sincerely, but were sincerely wrong.

183People say, "Well, this church has stood!" That, you're sincerely wrong, if it's contrary to the Word. "Well, now look, I don't believe in such thing!" When, the Bible said It was so, though! See? "I don't believe that we have to do This." I don't care what you think you don't have to do. God said it must be done.

184"These signs shall follow them." How far? "To all the world." Who? "To every creature." See, it shall be! Not, "Shall be?" It's going to be!

185And this Message of the hour that we're now enjoying, the Presence of God, the latter day, the evening time when the Lights are shining, and the things that's been opened up, and the Word vindicated and proved to be the Truth; both prophesied, comes to pass, all through scientific and everything, proved that It is, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." And, a man walk out on That, he's--he's an unbeliever. He's beyond hopes. He's numbed by the power of Satan, so there is no hopes for him. He is beyond hopes.

186 Now that is what? The believer; now the unbeliever; now the third class, we're speaking about, is the make-believer. That's the boy, the make-believer! Now, remember, in there stood all three. Now, we find now, they do just exactly like their father does, Judas.

There was Peter and the rest of the apostles, believers.

There was the seventy, unbelievers.

187And there was Judas, hung right on, he was a make-believer. What do they do? This is the kind that holds on until they can find something, a fault in It. They are looking every time to find a loophole, see how it's done, see if it's a trick, if it's a gimmick. They're waiting to be sold out. They're looking for that.

188The unbeliever, he don't even wait around. He's condemned It, and walked out.

189The believer, no matter what happens, he believes It, anyhow, for It's the Word.

There is your three classes.

190 The old unbeliever will walk out, on the first thing that's said, he don't like about it. Brother, he's going to throw his colors right then. He's an unbeliever. Paul said, "They went out from us, because they wasn't of us, in the beginning. They started with us." "Oh, you did run well; what hindered you?" See it? "They went out, because they wasn't of us." When they see the Word perfectly moving on, why, they wanted to get some kind of a gimmick they could work. See?

191But the real believers don't question nothing. It's written in the Word, and they believe It, and they just go on. That, that's it. Always, it's written. If it isn't written, why, you just stay away from it, no matter what happens. It's got to be written. See? And they see that written Word and they believe It. And they see God moving in His Word, see the hour, the Message, the time, and they walk with It.

192 As I said this morning, how old Pilate must have walked the floor, at night, with his worried conscience, trying to clean himself. And he said, my, when no doubt he had called through the night, said, "I--I--I've--I've washed my hands, all night, and I still can't understand. See, they're not clean. I can never go to meet Him; I've got Blood upon my hands." Oh, my! See, don't never be guilty of that. See?

193It's on your hands. There's only one way you can get It out; that's, accept It, that's right, become part of It. That's what It was shed for.

194 Now, the make-believer hangs around and acts just as pious as he can, but down in his heart he's trying to find what's--what's, you, how you do it. Oh, if the country isn't full of that part, of hypocrites! Yeah. That's a Judas. That's exactly. Hangs around, becomes part of the group; he was the treasurer, see. He stands around, he's always got his hand out for money. You can tell that, one thing, he's always fishing for money, and got his hand out for this. And he is a make-believer. He acts like a believer, but down in his heart...

195 You remember, he wasn't fooling Jesus. After the seventy left, and the believers made their stand; and He turned around to the believers, He said, "There is still something in you," for said, "I've chose twelve, and one of you is a devil." Jesus knowed, from the beginning, for He was the Word. He knowed the secret of the heart.

196How hard it was! Stop a minute. Think deep, long, straight! How hard it must have been on Him, walking right there, and a man calling Him, "Brother," and knowed all the time that that was the deceiver that was going to try to upset Him, and sell Him for thirty pieces of silver. How hard it was to hold it in His bosom, and His friend walking along there. Even He said, "Friend," called Judas His friend, "have not I been with you, all this time?" Knowing in His heart, and couldn't say it. He knowed, from the beginning, who it was that would betray Him.

197 There is that make-believer that's just waiting. He'll sing that, say, "Oh, I believe this, and I believe this, and I believe this. But, oh, you know, I heard somebody say it's so-and-so times." Oh, see, just long with ears.

198A real believer don't hear nothing but the Word. That's all. He watches the Word. He ain't looking for no loopholes. He ain't looking for no gimmicks. He believes God, and that settles it, and he just keeps going on. See? There is the believer.

199The unbeliever fills up in a minute, and he can't stay to listen ten minutes of the Message. He's got to get up and walk out. It's against his creed, and he just won't have no more to do with it, so he goes out.

200 Then, the make-believer hangs right on, that Judas. See, that's the deceiver. That's the--that's the rascal, if I have to say such a word. Judas, he hangs around. This is the time, sometime, these make-believers are very popular with the people. That's right, these make-believers, see. Some of them are mighty man, educated, doctor's degree, big pay, everything. Some of them are great man, shrewd, just like sons of Satan would be.

201Look how Satan come right up there and agree with every bit of that Word; he's just waiting to find that weak spot in Eve, to where he could show his power to deceive her, to betray her. That was--that was Satan. And here Satan is, in the form of Judas, in that age. That was Satan in the first age. What was he? Agreeing with the Word till just one little thing; he's trying to find a place where he get a weakness.

202And that's exactly what the Judas finds right now. He'll come right along with the meeting, and watch right around until he can find that little spot that, he, "Oh, there it is! That's it!" See? "Oh, that's the way it's done!" See? That's just exactly.

203 Many of you remember up there that night when that man come out on the platform. He thought that there was a mental telepathy of reading the prayer cards, and how he thought he had it right then. Brother, he--he was sure he had it. And he come around. He belonged to a church that don't believe in--in--in these, in the Gospel, the full Gospel. And he come up on the platform. I was tired. They was fixing to take me away.

204That was at Windsor, Ontario. In there, come right across from--from United States there, right across from Detroit, at Windsor, the big auditorium.

205And this man come up there with a gray suit on, and a red tie, intelligent-looking man, smart as a tack. He come to the platform. And I... He walked up. And I said, "Well, just let me have your hand." I said, "I'm tired; I've seen so many visions. Just let me have your hand." And--and I never noticed the man. And he put his hand over on mine. And I said, "Sir, there is nothing wrong with you. Go ahead."

He said, "Oh, there is, too."

206And I said, "Well, let me see there." I said, "No, sir, there is not one sign. No, sir, you're a healthy man."

He said, "Go look at my prayer card!"

207I said, "I don't care what you put on your prayer card." I said, "I don't have nothing to do with the prayer card," not thinking, you see. I was tired and wore out. And my... But the grace of God, you see, was still there, remember.

208If He sends you, it's His obligation to take care of you. It ain't mine; it's Him. He sent It. I'm just supposed to stand on what's true.

209 When Moses throwed his stick down, it turned into a serpent, and the magicians done the same thing, what could Moses do but stand there and wait for the grace of God? That's all. Same thing. He followed out the commandments. And you know what happened, don't you? See?

210This man said, "Now," he said, "there is. Look at my prayer card."

211I said, "Well, you might have had a lot of faith, and might have done it," not thinking, you see. I done... not even paying attention.

212Then he unbuttons his coat and pushed out his chest. He said, "There you are!" to the audience.

And I thought, "What's going on here?"

213He looked around. He said, "There you are!" Said, "See the gimmick?" That's your Judas, a religious man, a preacher of a great denomination. Said, "There you are! I had 'so much faith.' Now, he's got so weak, he can't read the telepathy. See, it don't come to him no more." And there he said, "It's not my faith was so great." Said, "I put that on the prayer card, and now he can't catch it, you see." Said, "That's the gimmick!"

214I thought, "What's going on?" Then the grace of God came down.

215I said, "Sir, why has the devil put in your heart to try to deceive God?" A modern Judas! I said, "You're a church of Christ..." Excuse me. Well, I done said it. "You're a church of Christ preacher. You belong to the church of Christ, from over in United States. And that man setting up there with that blue suit on, and your wife and his wife setting there, you set at a table last night that had a green thing over it, a--a spread like this, and you made up that this was 'telepathy,' and you were coming tonight."

216That man raised up. He said, "That's the honest truth. God, have mercy on me!"

217I said, "Sir, you put 'TB and cancer' on that card, and now you have it. It's yours now."

And he grabbed me by the pants leg, he said, "I didn't..."

218I said, "I can't help. You go right ahead. That's up between you and God. You wrote your doom right on your card." And that got him. That was all of it.

219 See, make-believers, deceivers, trying to find some fault with God and His Word. That's the Judases. That's the ones. You see how Judas come out? See how that guy come out? That's the way the make-believers happen. See, make-believers, oh, highly educated, sometimes, and a great showdown comes between the Word and their creed. And, when it does, they sell out to their denomination just exactly like their forerunner did, Judas. Judas sold out to his denomination; sold Jesus, the Word, to his denomination, and betrayed Jesus Christ after he claimed to be a part of it.

220Ministers sometime claiming to be servants of Christ, and when the Word is thoroughly identified to be vindicated for that day, that it is the Message of the hour, and they'll sell out there for popularity, to their denomination; just exactly like Judas did, betray Jesus to the Pharisees and Sadducees. That spirit don't die, so there that's amongst the believers, make-believers, and unbelievers. See, that's just exact, come right down and sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver; and many man will do it today for a meal ticket, for an extra hundred dollars a week; right, deny the God that's standing in the midst of them, that bought their Life, and with the full Word.

221 And they'll say, "Oh, them days of miracles is passed! Or, God don't need such a thing as that today." See? "Oh, I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God! 'Hail Mary, mother of God, blessed art thou amongst women!'" All these other things they say! And some of them said, "I believe in the Apostles' Creed. I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heavens and earth. I believe in the holy Roman Catholic church, and all this things."

222Tell me when apostle ever had a creed like that. If the apostles had one creed, it's wrote in Acts 2:38, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." If there's any creed to them, that was it. They had no creed. It was the Word. That is true. It still remains the same. That's the prescription for the cure of the disease of sin, "And you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost! Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins, see, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."

223 But they sell out, like Judas. That's the make-believer. Some of them are highly talented people. And this make-believer, watch that guy. That's the shrewd guy. This little guy that fills up quick, and jumps up and runs out, at every little phrase that he don't like, you don't pay no attention to him; he's just an unbeliever, to begin with. But when you see this guy, a make-believer, hangs on, see, that's the Judas. That's him.

224Like great talents. I'm going to call names here. Which, I really shouldn't do it, but I'm going to call them, anyhow, so that you'll know it. Like, Elvis Presley, Red Foley, Ernie Ford, Pat Boone. Elvis Presley, a Pentecostal; Pat Boone, a church of Christ; Red Foley, a deacon in the church of Christ; and I think Ernest Ford is a Methodist. And all those people with those talents, smart, out on television. And people saying, "Well, aren't they religious? They sing songs." That don't mean one thing. Yes, sir. Deceiving the world!

225What do they get out of it? Judas got thirty pieces of silver. Elvis, a fleet of Cadillacs, and a hundred, or two, a hundred and fifty million dollars, or a million dollars on records and things like that. Pat Boone and the rest of them. I don't care what church they belong to, and everything, it's hypocrisy. It's a make-believe. It's a front. That, their life proves out, that isn't right. Right.

226 Then there are those with the talents that is great organizers, worldly wisdom. They preach the Gospel, claim to; smart man, intellectuals. Listen, a man that's trained in that field, he is not a preacher. He's a lecturer. That's what's the trouble today, we have lecturers.

227Jesus never said, "Go and train to do this." He said, "Go preach the Gospel, and these signs shall follow the preaching." See? See?

228That's not learn to make a lecturer who can stand and just, my, put them flowery things in it, make you feel like you're sitting right in the presence of an Archangel. That isn't it. "Having forms of godliness," you see, that's a lecturer, not the Holy Spirit in action.

229Some little fellow that wouldn't know his ABC's, might come down with the Power of faith with the Word; and make the Holy Spirit do things that that man knows nothing about, and deny it. See? There you are.

230 Great people! Yes, sir. Then, they are organizers. They are prosperous, successful, smart in worldly wisdom.

231Just exactly like Satan did to Eve, that little, helpless woman. He came right to her and tried to sell her on the idea that she would be wiser than what she was, and that's what she was looking for. Instead of staying right what the Word said, he--he wanted to sell her on the idea she would be wiser, and she bought his product. And they still do the same thing today. "The wisdom of this world is foolish to God." Yes, sir.

232No, sir! Oh, my, just the same thing that the Pharisees sold out, and did, see, with the wisdom that they know. But, but deny the whole Word of God.

233When It's properly been proven and It's been vindicated to them, they still try to find something, and think It's a gimmick. They're not settled in their mind. They can't believe It. You can tell them anything, and they're back again; you can tell them anything, they're back again. And they just... And can't get It soaked in, you see. And watch them; they're watching for a time, just a loophole. That's all they want.

234 That's what, if it hadn't been for the grace of God, all my loopholes would been exposed, if I had any. See? It's the grace of God, 'cause there is no loopholes in the Word of God; just straight Gospel. I've always said, anybody, if you see me teach or do anything that's not exactly with the Word of God, you come tell me. Here is the thing that covers the loopholes that you're trying to find. Just put your eyes on That, and you'll see no loopholes, 'cause there is no loopholes.

235Now remember, Judas thought he found one. That fellow thought he found one. Many times, they think they find it, but it proves out that it's not. That's the make-believers, hypocrites. They're ninety-five percent on the Word, so was Eve, but, ninety-nine and nine-tenths; but it was that one tenth that caused all death and sorrow.

236That's the one thing that condemns the organization and things, 'cause they don't take the whole Word of God. That's the make-believers. We find that it's always been, but deny the true, a vindicated Word. These are always in each generation. We find them just as they go along, and also very religious.

237Now, I'm fixing to close right now, 'cause I done took another half hour.

238 Jesus, we find out that He has warned us against these last days and these kind of people, that they be so much like the real thing, that they would absolutely would deceive the very Elected ones. What is that? That's the Judases, the--the people that goes so far up. Look, they--they even can cry, shout, claim to cast out devils, everything, and then turn back around and deny the Word. Exactly. They have a form of godliness. They'd--they'd--they'd almost...

239Look at where Judas came. Judas' spirit climbed into the Gospel, up to the place of Pentecost. But when it come to the time for his baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, and these other things that goes with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, he walked out. He showed his colors. And that spirit can live in those denominations till it gets right to that Truth, then she drops right back, like the spirit that's on them, that forerun their coming; just as John forerun Jesus' coming.

"Now you say, 'Jesus said they'd be so close.'"

240 Now, "Elected," that's the kind that has had their name on the Book, from the foundation, of Life, that believes, or foundation of the world, that believes all the Word of Life. That's the Elected.

241Now watch these people. Now, I say this with reverence and respects, with godly love; if I don't, I'm--I--I--I need a altar call, myself. Notice, Jesus said they would deceive the very Elected. Now, that wouldn't be Methodist, that wouldn't be Baptist; we know they're unbelievers, to begin with. But, it's Pentecostals organization that took into that denomination, drawed their lines, without the Word; and drawed a line and put their own organization, and fenced out the Word. They would deceive the very Elected, so perfectly alike! Say, "They cry. They shout. They jump up-and-down. They claim healing services." So did Judas, and so did all the rest of them. When they went out, come back rejoicing and everything, and even had their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

242But, remember, the Bride don't--don't--don't come up in that group. She goes in the Rapture.

243At the Judgment, the judgment was set, "And the books were opened, the wicked; and another Book, which is the Book of Life, it was opened," and there was the Bride there to judge it. See? See? "Another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life." That's the sheep on one side, and the goats on the other. See, the people that died back yonder, that never had the opportunity, they'll be the ones to be separated.

244 But now notice, "deceive" the very Elected, watch that group. That's that group that follows right along, "Yes, brother. Hallelujah! Yes. Glory to God!" And right down in your heart you see what they're working you for; have you in church (why?) to draw a crowd, to bleed them of every bit of money they can get out of it. You think I don't know that? They might not think I know it, but I know it.

245Jesus knowed, from the beginning, who was deceiver. See? See? But what did He do? He just waited till that time. That's what we must always do, wait till that time. Don't move in yourself. Wait till that minute.

246Having a pi-... form, and go right along, that's that deceiving group. Watch that deceiver, that group there; not the--not the believer, not the unbeliever, but that make-believer. Oh, my! What are they doing? Just weeding along until they think they can find something, pulling every penny that they can out of the people, see, and then piling it up in these great big organizations; which are absolutely against, and they know it. See, they know it.

247It don't make any difference what you say. They've always warned their people before you come, "Don't listen to It."

248 One man, with the audacity to stand there in Ohio, just when Brother Kidd was healed, come out there on the platform, and said, "Now, Brother Branham is a prophet, no doubt at all, when he's under the anointing. But now," said, "when the anointing is off of him," said, "don't you believe his Teaching, because It's wrong."

249And he didn't know, that sitting in my room, the Lord revealed it to me. And I walked right down there. And many of you was there. I said, "Why would a man say a thing like that, when the Word..." Now, see, I never said I was a prophet; he said it.

250And the prophet, the word prophet, "seer," Old Test-... Now, the English version of prophet means "a preacher." But the Old Testament seer was a man who had "the Divine interpretation of the Word," and was proven by the Word coming to him and foreseeing it. That was what...

251 And a man saying that a man be a prophet, and then saying his Teaching is wrong? If that ain't a money-working scheme, what is? The hour is close at hand when that thing will be pulled out on the scene. Yeah. But that's the kind that, that make-believer, pat you on the back, call you "brother," just as Judas. But, remember, He knowed from the beginning. He still knows. Yes, sir.

252Remember, all these listening to this tape, too, that's right, you're in one of them classes. That's exactly right. Now we're going to close. Every person that's here, present, every person that listens to this tape; and even though someday I have to leave this world, these tapes will still live. That's right. See? And you're in one of these classes. You've got to be in one of them. It's exactly. You can't escape it. You're in one of these classes.

253 Now what? Identify yourself with a Bible character that believed, where you believed the Word when It was vindicated, like I proved It tonight, that it was a vindicated Word always, always contrary to the popular belief.

254If you should have lived in the days of Noah, now let me just ask, what side would you have been on, the church side or Noah's side, the prophet? See?

255If you'd have lived in the days of Moses, would you have believed Moses' message after It had been proven and vindicated by God? But would you went with Korah and Dathan, and them, and said, "You're not the only holy man. Other people can do these things that you do, too"? See? You'd have to be one, and you are, tonight.

256 Or would you have been with Daniel, or with the church that was down there at Nebuchadnezzar's party they was giving? See? Would you have been outside, or would you been down at the shindig, the--the big thing they were having?

257Would you have been with Elijah, that man standing alone, called, "an old crank, a man lost his mind," and standing up on top of a hill, and his head shining up there to the sun, with a crooked stick in his hand, the birds feeding him, uh-huh, some crank? Or would you been with the priests and all them down there with Jezebel, and the rest of them modern-dressed women? And Elijah standing up there, rebuking them, as hard as he could! What part would you took your wife to? Just think. Just picture yourself tonight.

258 In the days of Jesus, would you have been with this Boy that had no credentials? He had no denomination affiliations. They said, "What school did You come from? We don't have You on our record here. How do You get this wisdom? How'd You ever learn if we didn't teach You these things? What school did You come through? Are You Methodist, Presbyterian, or Baptist?" He was none of it. That's right. He was the Word. That's exactly right, brother. Do you...

259Or would you have took the side with the Pharisees of the modern belief of the humble old priest that seemed to be so gentle and nice, and the organization that stood up since the Nicaea Council, or since Luther organized it? Or what--what group would you have been in? Would you have been at the... What group would you have been with? Would you have stood with the Word when you seen It vindicated and proved to you, It was the Message of the day, or would you have took the church stand? Now just picture yourself tonight.

260 Would you have been there with the apostles, when they seen Jesus and all these mysterious things, when He crammed down on them preachers, and said, "You're a nest of snakes"? Them honest, old preachers studied that Word. Said, "You're nothing but a den of thieves, and you're--you're full of dead men's bones. You're nothing but a whited wall." See? "You generation of vipers." Would you have stood with a hotheaded Fellow like that, Who stood there and rebuked and tore down? Said, "Which one of you can accuse Me of sin? If I do not what the Father said..."

261They said, "Don't listen. That Guy has got a evil spirit on Him. He's crazy. He's mad. He's--He's got a spirit of the devil on Him. See? Now, how He does that, He, that's a fortuneteller's spirit in Him. He tells... What is He? His mother had Him before her and her husband was married. See? See? What school did He come through? We don't even have one record of Him ever going to grammar school."

262And yet when He was twelve years old, He astounded and confound the priests, with the Word of God. See? What school did He come out of? The school of Above. See? "When you see the Son of man descending up from where He come from." See, that was His school.

263 But would you have stood with the apostles, to a Man like that, when the showdown come?

264Or would you actually have walked off with the seventy, and say, "Well, we'll go on back to our church if that's the way You're going to teach, saying that, You, 'the Son of man'? When, after all, who are You? What are You? A man like I am, I eat with You, and trying to say You're something. I've watched You. I seen Your weakness. I've seen You cry. I've seen You do this, that, or the other. I seen You go in the wilderness with us, and everything else like that now, and You're just a man. And say You come down from Heaven. That's too much for me." Would you have walked up with them? Or would you have walked out with the seventy? Or would you have walked on with the apostles and Christ?

265 When Saint Martin tried to hold the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, in the church, when he still tried to hold to signs and wonders and things, and the Catholic church condemned the man and wouldn't even recognize him at all, and cast him out, would you have took the place with the Catholic creed, or would you have stood with Saint Martin? When he refused to put up all these kind of images of--of dead people, and worship them, worship them images, and so forth, when he refused the dogmas that was added, he said, "Let the Word be Truth!" And God vindicated him with great signs and wonders, and what he foretold happened. And everything that he did, he walked in the Spirit of God and proved it, and not one of them priests or anything could do anything about it. Would you have took his side and went with Saint Martin, or would you have went with the Catholic creed?

266 Now the Word, now the Word of God or the church dogmas, is before you. Can you take, accept what the dogmas of church, or do you take what the Word says?

267Remember, in all ages has been as it is right now. There is always a popular belief among the people, and it's always been just a little bit contrary to the real Word. Remember, it's never been just a right-out deny It. Oh, no. The antichrist don't deny the Word. Certainly not. He says he believes It, but just not all of It the way It's wrote here. See? See?

268 Satan told Eve. Eve believed It all but just that little bit that he told her. They take just all of It but just a little bit. Might be, "go to the pool," it might be something else. You got to take It, every bit, just the way It is Here, see, just the way It's said Here. Might cause you to do some first works over again, but it's just what the Word said. This has been Satan's trick since he worked it first on Eve, just to disbelieve a little bit of the Word.

269And, always separates these three classes of people, the Word separates these people. In every age it's been that way. Every age that ever has been, it's been that way, when God sent something on the scene and clearly identifies It, His Word.

270Then there are those that follow, that claim to be believers, and they are. There are those that wouldn't turn back. They believe the Word. As long as you stay in Word, they believe It.

271But when It comes a little contrary, no matter how much God identifies It to what they believe, they say, "Well, I--I--I don't know about That." That's the unbeliever.

272Or do you follow along just to see till you can get a chance to say, "Uh-huh, here you are!" A Judas to stab somebody in the back, like he did. "I knowed it would come out, sooner or later. There you are!" That's the make-believer. Every, every bit of it, we see it in the Bible.

273 A little boy one time, down here in Kentucky, raised way up in the mountains, he--he had never been around where there was a looking glass. He had a little piece tacked up on a tree, but he had never seen himself. He come here to Louisville, it was told, and stay with his mother's sister. And she lived in one of the nice homes, a old-fashioned home. When they went into one of the--the bedrooms that had a--a door that had a mirror all up it, all way up-and-down the door. See?

274And when the little fellow started to running through the house, he stopped. Little Johnny saw little Johnny. See? And he scratched his head, and little Johnny in the mirror scratched his head. He laughed, and little Johnny in the mirror laughed. He jumped up-and-down, and little Johnny jumped up-and-down in the mirror. See? He walked up real close. He thought it was a little boy he could play with, so he walked up. Directly, he pecked on the glass. He turned around, and his parents was watching him. He said, "Mama, that's me."

275Now you look in This, and which is you? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Which one of these little Johnny's are you impersonating? Which one is you, you see? You're one of them.

276That's one of them, one that would turn back, the first flaw you found, that you called a flaw. See?

277Test it with the Word and see if it's right, if the Word proves all things. See, prove all things by the Word. Jesus said do so. Yes, sir. "Hold fast to that what's good." That's exactly what He said.

278 Now look in the mirror of God's Word, in the other ages, and see which group of these three that you would be identified in. Now just think, if you'd a lived in the days of Noah, if you'd a lived in the days of Moses, if you'd a lived in the days of Jesus, or one of them, whatever it is, just think what group you would be identified with. Think of it tonight.

279Then, your present. Now, just think now. This is deep now. And don't run over the top of it. Your present state right now proves to you what group you'd have been with back there. Now, you're your own judges, proves what you are.

280 Reverend, minister, what group would you have been with when Jesus made that statement that was hard to believe? What? What? After He had thoroughly been identified that He was the Word, see, and yet, that statement, you never heard of anything like that, "The Son of man, what will you say if He be ascends up into Heaven where He come from?"

281And you said, "Well, I know where He was born at. I know His papa, I know His mama, and here He says He's going to ascend up from where He come from." That would have been a little too much for you, wouldn't it, sir? Uh-huh. Been just a little bit too much for you; couldn't have stomached That. Maybe it's the same thing today. Then look in the glass of God's Word and see where you stand. Oh, a deceiver of man, don't you never do that.

282 Look, you're in one of these classes. In your present state right now, the present state of mind, that, you here in this visible audience, and you that will be in the invisible audience of this tape, your present state of mind after listening to this tape, proves to you what class you're in. It tells you exactly where you are, whether you are a believer in the Word and will stay with It, whether you'd walked out, or shut that tape off. See, that tells, what you done. You don't want to listen to It, and shut It off, say, "I don't want to listen to That," that, that's that unbeliever. See, you won't stop to test it and see if it's Truth or not. See? Or just hanging around and trying to find some fault with It, then you know where you are, too. It tells you.

283God help us to believe It and stand on It, and be loyal to It, and obey the Word, for He is the Word. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Let us, let us pray.

284 Dear Heavenly Father, how hard it is, at times, to say these things, and know that perhaps tens of thousands of people will hear this over the tape, as they go out across the country and around the world. But, Dear Lord, it is true, it's so true. I pray, Lord, first clean my heart. O Lord, test me, try me.

285Just look down upon me, Lord. I'm weak. I--I--I... I'm--I'm tired. I'm--I'm wore out. My throat is husky. My--my--my lips are--are--are--are parched, like. And, and my body is wearing down, I'm getting old. And--and it won't be too many more times, Lord, maybe, too many more turns of the sun, till--till I'll--I'll be going.

286And now check me, now, Father. And if--if there's something that I'm doing wrong, and don't know it, You--You just reveal it to me, Lord. You, You show me. I, I'm ready now to make it all right.

287I look at myself over there in the glass of God's Word. Where do I stand? Do I see my image reflecting Jesus Christ? Is that the person I see in the glass? Do I see one of the believers of the Old Testament, or the believers of the New Testament? Do I see a make-believer? Do I see myself as a unbeliever that wouldn't stand and listen to the Word, and would take the denominational idea instead? Do I see myself hanging around, trying to find a little loophole?

288 Lord, if it's so, just--just clean me, Lord. Let my heart be clean and pure. Because, this is my life, Lord, I... It's, I want it right. There is no need of just half way doing it, if there's a way to make it really done. I, I want it fixed right, Father. Not only that, but I'd be leading men wrong, and women wrong, and the people that I love, and loves me; then, I'd be wrong.

289And, Father, if there be anything, if I thought tonight that any denominational church was right; or the Council of Churches was right, if the majority of the people were right; Lord God, help me to be man enough, and Christian enough, to admit my wrong and stand here and send these people to where I think that would be right. Cleanse me. Let me look and see. But when it comes to those things, Lord, as far as I can see it, having those forms and deny the Word; you can tell It to them, and yet they say, "Well, It don't make any difference. It... God don't expect That now."

290 Lord, I believe that You are the same Jesus. You're the same God that You ever was. You're still God, and You change not. I believe that this Bible is Your Word, and I believe that You and Your Word are the same.

291And I pray, God, that You'll give us of Your Holy Spirit, to quicken the Word, to give us the quickening Power; that, someday when life is over, and You're finished with us, that we'll be quickened and ascend up into Heaven where we was, in the thoughts of God, before the foundation of the world. God, grant it.

292Forgive our sins, Father. If there be men or women here, that stands in that other class, besides true believers in the Word, God, cleanse their heart. If there is any listening in to the tape, or will listening in, I pray for the cleansing of their hearts, that You will cleanse them, Lord. I--I don't want to see them lost. God, I pray that You'll--You'll help us to understand that one wrong won't--won't righten another wrong. There is only one way to do it, that's get both wrongs out of the way, and get right. And I pray, Father, that You'll grant that to us, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

293 With our heads bowed, our hearts bowed, now I want you stop just a few minutes.

294When I saw the vision of hell, as a--as a little boy, the horrors of it. Then, I may be wrong in this. That might just been a premonition. It might. I don't know. It seems I was somewhere. It was so natural.

Then, not long ago, when I seen the realms of the blessed.

295When I was in the realms of the lost, I screamed, "O God, don't never let a person come here!" You can't, there is no tongue can describe to you what the horrors of it is. There is no way for me to tell you. If you believe that there is a burning hell, full of fire and brimstone, that would be a--a cool shady green pasture to the sight of what the horrors of this lost condition was in, and the misery that is--that is associated that place.

296And if I tried to speak to you of things that would be beyond a human's understanding, I still couldn't describe the place of the blessed, how peaceful! Never to die, never to be old, never to be sick; always to be young, always to be healthy, and never to die; Eternal Life, in the blessed of youth, and no sin or nothing else! Oh, there is just no way to exp-... describe, describe it.

297Even the Saint Paul, he said, "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it even entered the hearts of man," you can't even understand it; there is no way to explain it, "what God has for them, in store, that love Him."

298 And now, as this is surely true, both here and the invisible audience, we are pictured here, tonight, in one of these classes. Either we are genuine believers... Test it with the Word. If the Word said a certain thing, and the church said something different, what would you take? Look in the glass of God's Word and see which class you're standing in. And if you're not, tonight, both here and in the invisible audience, if you are not, if you're not with that believing type, could I offer just a word of prayer for you now, that you would come into that believing type?

299And would you signify the same, by God; with your head bowed, your hearts bowed, your eyes closed, and before God? Sometimes people are just a little bit afraid, you know, to kind of raise up their hands, afraid their neighbor... Which, they oughtn't to be that way, but they--they should be willing to stay up, and say, "I, I'm wrong. I'm wrong."

300"He that--he that covers his sin shall not prosper, but he that will confess his sin will have mercy." See? What is sin? "Unbelief," unbelief in (what?) the Word.

301 Now, if you are not in that class, and there is things that--that you see in the Bible that you just simply... in--in your... in--in your--your intellectuals, you--you can't see it. You just... You know the Bible said so, but you just... You can't understand it, and yet you want to. You say, "God, let me have the understanding. I'll obey You."

302Would you raise your hand, and say, "Remember me as we pray"? God bless you. God bless you. That's good. See?

303Really just think of it, "Is there something in the Bible that I--I just--I just don't know? I--I--I'm--I'm afraid I'm going to find myself in one of the other categories. Maybe I'm going to find myself with the seventy, that I... There's just some things that I... It's too hard for me to understand how that--that God would do these things, how He could be, how Jesus could be the same, how--how these things. I--I don't understand It. I want to understand It. I--I want to believe It. And, God, help my unbelief. I--I want to be part of It. I want to be a partaker of the Word. I want It in me."

304 "If ye abide in Me, and My Word abides in you, then ask what you will." Saint John 15. We know that's true. Look, "If ye abide," not in and out, in and out, but, "if ye abide in Me," and He is the Word, "and It abides in you, then just ask what you will and it shall be given unto you. Ye shall have it."

305"He that receiveth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has already passed from death to Life." But can you receive the Word, first? Can you receive the Word, all the Word, all of Christ? Christ is the anointed Word. He is the Word, anointed.

306Christ means "the anointed One," the anointed Word for that day, made manifest, the Saviour, the Redeemer. That's when He was to come, and He was that anointed Person to take that place.

307 Now it's the Holy Spirit in the last days, to shine forth the evening Lights, restoring back the Faith that's been trampled down, through the denominations; condemning the denominations and coming back to the original Faith, with original Bible Faith; the original Bible, believing every Word of It, not adding it and making It say this and say that. Just say It the way It's said, and you want to believe it that way.

308Is there one that never raised their hands, would like to raise their hands, and say, "God, remember me?"

309God bless you, lady. God bless you, young lady. God bless you, you. Fine. God bless you, little fellow. God bless you, my sister. "I want Him." And God bless you, sister, over to my right. And bless you, in the back. "I want..." And God bless you, young man. And you, sister, over here. You, brother, over this other side, the Lord bless you. God bless you in the back. "Just remember me, Lord."

310Now remember, you're not holding your hand to me; to Him. Right straight in back of me, now, Lord sees your hand. Even if I miss it, He sees it. He knows your heart. He knows what's pulsating there. He knows your objective. He knows what your motive is to that objective. God bless you, brother.

311 Someone else, "I want to believe all the Word." God bless you. All right. God bless you. "Help me, Lord, help me." The Lord sees your hands. Yes, sir. That's it. "There is things that I--I can't understand. I--I don't want to be an unbeliever. Though I don't understand them, I want to believe it, anyhow. I'm ready to say, 'Lord God, here I am. I want to believe. Help my unbelief, Lord.'" God be with you. God bless you. Many, many hands are up, and still going up.

312You say, "Brother Branham, does that help?" Put your hand up once, with a real, right objective, and find out how you feel about it.

313You've testified that there is a little something in your life, you know. There is a little something, you don't want it to be there, but it's there, anyhow. You wonder how it could be done. "And, Lord, forbid that I would be a Judas. Forbid that I'd follow along in a--in a Message, just maybe trying to think that someday some little flaw will show up. O God, not me. Let me stay right with Thy Word. See? Or maybe I'd be a unbeliever that just simply thinks, 'Well, if--if... well, why don't the rest of them say so?' See? I--I don't want to be like that either. I want to be a believer. I want to. I see God's Word of the hour. I see God in It. And, Lord, make me part of that Word. Make me part of It. I want to be part of It." The Lord bless you.

314 Now let us pray. And every person, you pray for--for yourself, and I'm going to pray for you. Did you know, one day we're going to... we're not going to be together here, maybe, for a while. Some of us will be taken, and we won't be together. There is many of us here, where, some of us are getting old. Some of us, we don't know. Even the young die. We die at any age. We got to be separated, and this thing has got to be settled. And you just can't get it there on haphazardly, you've got to come while you're in your right mind.

315You say, "Well, just before I die, if I can see It." No, don't do that. You might not even be in your right mind then. You might be killed 'fore you get home, in a accident. You might die in a heart attack. We don't know what's going to happen; only God holds that. I trust not.

316I'm watching people on the outside, even, holding their hands in the window. See? Yes, God bless.

317 "I--I want--I want to be right. I--I--I--I want to be right." And now let's make it right, now, right now. Just, you can settle it for one time, from your bottom of your heart, if you'll sincerely say, "Lord Jesus, no matter what it is, or what anyone else says, Your Word will be first in my life. I want It in my life. You are the Word. The Bible said so, and I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. And I know the creeds and the dogmas, that's been injected into It, has made It a bunch of hypocrisy. Lord, cleanse me from such stuff as that, and let me be wholly Thine. I raise my hands to You. I raise my heart to You, my voice to You, my prayer to You. God, be merciful to me."

318And my hands are up, too, Lord. Cleanse me, O Lord, from all unbelief.

319 Though He may not give me the--the Power to walk like Enoch and not have to die, but just take an afternoon's walk and go Home with Him; but, God, I do believe that it will happen, because I know there is to be a Rapture in the last day, and the work is to be cut short.

320And, Father, so says our calendar, thirty-six more years and the work will be over, and You'll have to come sometime within that or there'll be no flesh saved. And then we're told, by the chronologists and the--and the people who search such things, that we are absolutely advanced many, many years from that, many years on up. They tell us, by the calendars, that we are way up further than that; maybe there's only fifteen or twenty years left. I don't know, Father. But I know, even according to our calendar, we're almost there.

321 I see where there cannot be any hope left, Lord. There is coming a... If they ever start turning those bombs loose on each other, Lord, there--there--there'll be no battle front. They'll, they will destroy one another. And, Lord, it's hanging there, and yet the Bible says the whole heavens and earth will be on fire. God, I see the hour appearing.

322I think of the assassination of the President, and then see that other evil man come in, without letting the man have a trial, and shot him down, in cold-blooded murder. O God, one is as guilty as the other. They have no right to do that. Evil in our own nation, supposed to be a Christian nation, what a poor example we are, Lord, of Christian. Forgive us, Lord, of our sins.

323Help us, O God, especially Your Church, them that's baptized into that mythical Body of Christ. Which, "It's the Spirit that quickeneth," You said. And as the Son of man ascended up, so shall His Body ascend up. And He is the Head; His Church is the Body. O God, it's the Head that guides the Body. Let the Headship of the Word guide the Body of Christ. And may I be part of that Body, Lord.

324 I pray for these who raise their hands, and all is present and all that's be on the tapes. Lord God, I pray sincerely. Take them in, Lord. You look at their hearts. You know what they are. But, as Your servant, I--I intercede for the people, Lord. I--I love them. I love them.

325And I--I--I'm only trying to do this because I feeled Your commission is for me to do it. So, Father, here I am, doing the best I can with... Forgive my feeble mistakes, Lord. I pray that You'll--You'll grant to me strength, that I'll be able to make it more plainer to the people.

326Now be with us here in the tabernacle, tonight. Look down upon these, Lord, those who raised their hands in the tabernacle. Search me, O Lord, and try me. And if there be any wrong in me, cleanse me, Father. Grant it. Cleanse this church.

327Clean us all, Lord, that the Word will be made flesh among us and be made known to the world in this day. Grant it, Father. For, I commit this, with myself, and this text, and with this audience, and with Thy Word and Thy promise, for the salvation of our souls, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Grant it, Lord.

328May the Power of God come upon us and anoint us, all the way from the pastor to the janitor, and every person that's present. May the Holy Ghost come and take Its place into our heart, and take every promise of God and reveal to us that Thy Word is Truth. Through Jesus' Name I pray.

329 And while we have our heads bowed. "I can..." Just want the organist, if she will, to give us a chord on this song, "I can hear my Saviour calling. Where He leads me I will follow." Where He Leads Me I Will Follow.

... my Saviour call, (What is He? The Word!)

I can hear my Saviour calling,

I can hear my Saviour, (now deny your dogmas and things)

Take thy cross and fol-...

330"He that will not take up his cross and follow Me, the Word, is not worthy to be My disciple."

Where He leads (back to the Bible, where He'll lead you)... will follow,

Where He leads me I will follow,

Where He leads me I will follow,

I'll... (If it's to the pool, in His Name; if it's to the altar, to get rid of my shame!)... all the way.

331[Brother Branham begins humming Where He Leads Me I Will Follow--Ed.]

... Him through the judgments, (that's it right now)


332What side are you on? What do you see in your reflection in the Bible, God's looking glass, if I'm being judged now by the Word?

I'll go with...

333"I'll go with the Word, no matter what it cost. I'm going through the judgments of God. If I have to take one of the places, make me a believer, right down, the Word."

... with Him, with Him all the way.

For where He leads me I...

334Now think it over, real close now. "He leads..."

1Skloňme svoje hlavy. Pri tom ako máme sklonené svoje hlavy i srdcia, chcel by som vedieť, koľkí by chceli byť spomenutí v modlitbe, zodvihnite len ruku a povedzte: "Pane, pamätaj na mňa, ó Pane." Je tu množstvo prosieb, tu na stole ležia vreckovky.

2Drahý Nebeský Otče, znovu sme sa zhromaždili dnes večer pod touto strechou, kde si sa s nami stretol tak mnoho krát a vyjadril si nám Svoju lásku; i my sa snažíme naším pokorným spôsobom vyjadriť Ti našu lásku a vďačnosť, za to čo si pre nás urobil. A dnes večer sme znovu prišli, Pane, ako ľudia, ktorí sme v potrebe, pretože Ťa stále potrebujeme. Lebo vieme, že zatiaľ čo sme tu na zemi, bude to naším volaním, pretože sa nachádzame v boji a sme ... Ten urputný boj stále trvá a Ty si nám zasľúbil a povedal si nám, že ten nepriateľ bude ako revúci lev. Vypustený je medzi ľudí, môžeme to všade vidieť, ako revúci lev, ktorý požiera čo môže, pretože vie, že jeho čas je krátky. Ale my máme - my máme - Otca, ktorý sa stará o Svojich maličkých a ku Tebe sa utiekame s našimi prosbami, dnes večer, Pane. Modlíme sa, aby si nám dal to o čo Ťa prosíme.

3A tu tieto vreckovky, Otče, ktoré tu ležia, znamenajú, že niekde sú chorí ľudia, ktorí Ťa volajú a potrebujú ťa a veria v Teba A svoju vieru vyjadrili zaslaním týchto vreckoviek. Bože, udeľ im toho, aby každý jeden z nich mohol byť uzdravený.

4Vidíme Tvoju nesmiernu moc, Pane, práve pred chvíľou, si tam v tej miestnosti prinavrátil úplnú pamäť tomu chlapcovi, ktorý ju stratil. Vidíme znovu a znovu Tvoju veľkú moc, ktorá uzdravuje chorých a zjavuje tajomstvá srdca, ukazuje to ľuďom a dáva ich do poriadku. Ďakujeme Ti, Pane Bože, pretože to je ponad možnosti každého človeka. To je ponad všetko to, čo by ktokoľvek z nás mohol poznať, ako Ty môžeš zjaviť tú skutočnú príčinu a čo to spôsobilo a ako to je. To si Ty, Otče. A my vieme, že "Slovo spytuje srdcia, rozpoznáva myšlienky a zámery srdca," a tak Ti za to ďakujeme.

5A teraz, Pane, veríme, že títo ľudia, so svojimi sklonenými hlavami, premýšľajú o týchto veciach a to je Duch Svätý, ktorý ku ním hovorí. A daj, aby bola vypočutá každá jedna ich prosba. Pane, spas dnes večer tých, ktorý môžu byť spasení. Tí stratení, nech by oni mohli prísť a boli spasení.

6Sme tak vďační, keď vidíme tam tú veľkú hromadu mokrého oblečenia a vieme pri tom, že ten hrob bol otvorený; a hriech toho starého človeka zostal pochovaný, pre mnohých z nich. A ja Ti za to ďakujem, Otče. A nech by oni do konca svojich dní chodili v novote Života. Prosíme o to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

7Nech vás Pán žehná a udelí vám odpovedi na prosby, ktoré máte vo svojich srdciach.

8A teraz, myslím, že Billy povedal, že brat Wheeler tu má svoje dieťa. Je to tak? Nezmýlil som sa, aby sme sa zaň modlili a oddali ho Pánovi, či niečo také, posvätenie. [brat Neville hovorí: "Myslím, že sú tu tri alebo štyri deti." – pozn.prekl.] No dobre. Ak ich chcete sem teraz priniesť, budeme radi; keby starší prišli sem dopredu a položili ruky na týchto maličkých, pri posvätení, keď sa budeme za nich modliť. A budeme sa snažiť byť struční. A chceme týchto maličkých, ktorí chcú prísť ku Pánovi Ježišovi A chcú priniesť svoje drobné drahokamy, ktoré im Boh dal. Stále sa im snažíme urobiť cestu, pretože nevieme čo bude zajtra.

9Moja matka my zvykla hovoriť: "Čo môžeš urobiť dnes neodkladaj na zajtra." To je pravda, pretože nevieš, čo prinesie zajtrajšok, ale my vieme, Kto je Pánom zajtrajšieho dňa. A to je hlavné. Vieme, Kto je Pánom zajtrajšieho dňa.

10Brat Wheeler, nech ťa Pán Boh žehná. A toto je sestra Wheelerová. Som rád, že vás stretávam. Tak sa mi vidí, že prvý krát mám takú vzácnu možnosť stretnúť sa s vami. A toto je vaše dieťa. Ako sa volá? [sestra Wheelerová hovorí: "Carlena Rebecca." – pozn.prekl.] Carlena Rebecca. Aké pekné, milé dievčatko, skutočne veľmi milé. Malá Carlena Rebecca Wheeler.

11Brat Wheeler je tu v zbore jedným z našich diakonov a Boh požehnal ich manželstvo, touto maličkou. Myslím, viem, že máte ešte dve dievčence, či nie? [brat Wheeler hovorí: "Tri." – pozn.prekl.] Ešte tri dievčence. Oni sú ozaj pekné slečny, ako viem a tak sa modlím, aby Boh urobil Rebeccu práve takou, ako sú tie ostatné. Hej? A potom budete všetci spokojní, či nie? Je to tak, pretože to sú veľmi milé deti.

12Neviem či mi dovolí, aby som ju držal, alebo nie, ak nie, položíme na ňu ruky. Chcela by si ísť tu ku mne, Rebecca? Chceš, Aby som ťa podržal? Je to veľmi pekné. Veľmi milé dievčatko!

A teraz skloňme svoje hlavy.

13Milostivý Nebeský Otče, ako tu stojíme dnes večer pred týmto diakonom; a on skutočne zastáva znamenitý úrad, pretože diakon musí byť bezúhonný, muž jednej ženy, ktorý sa dobre stará o svoju rodinu. Pretože, ak nevie ako sa starať o svoju rodinu, ako sa môže starať o dom Boží? A ďakujeme Ti, že tento brat spĺňa tieto kvalifikácie a my v ňom nachádzame Ducha Božieho.

14A on sem teraz prináša svoju drobnú dcérušku, aby Ti ju zasvätil. Ty si vložil jej výchovu do ich rúk. Bože, ó akí sme vďační, že môžeme povedať, že ich prianím je, aby bola taká, ako sú jej sestry. Daj, Otče, aby to tak bolo. A nech to dieťa môže žiť a dobre Ti slúžiť, Otče. A teraz, v Mene Ježiša Krista Ti dávame toto dieťa do životnej služby. Daj, Aby bola zdravá a silná; nech môže žiť dlhý život, až kým nepríde Ježiš, ak je to možné. A potom, Otče, veríme, že bude vychovávaná v napomínaní Kristovom. Do životnej služby, Tebe porúčame jej život. Amen.

15Nech ťa Boh žehná, Rebecca. A Boh nech žehná vás, brat Wheeler a sestra Wheelerová. Pán nech je s vami.

16Ako sa ty máš? Teraz tu máme ďalšie maličké dievčatko, s veľkým úsmevom na tvári. A ako sa volá? [Matka hovorí: "Rhona Renee Coats." – pozn.prekl.] Rhona Renee Coats, dobre som to povedal? Vy ste nejaká rodina s Jessem a ostatnými, s Jessem Coats? ["Nie." – pozn.prekl.] Myslel som ... Poznal som tu v meste jedných Coatsovcov. Veľmi dobre som sa s nimi poznal, dlhý čas boli mojimi priateľmi.

17Rhona, Rhona Renee. Som zvedavý či budeš chcieť ísť ku mne, Rhona. Dám ťa späť tvojej mame, len čo ťa poručím Pánovi Ježišovi. Aha, či nie je milá.

A teraz skloňme svoje hlavy.

18Nebeský Otče, ako Tvoj starší, tak i ja stojíme dnes večer spolu v zhode a v harmónii s Evanjeliom. Táto matka prináša túto maličkú Rhone Renee, aby Ti bola posvätená. Ty si ju vložil do jej rúk, aby sa o ňu starala a to prvé, čo ona môže urobiť je darovať ju naspäť Tebe. Ako voľakedy dávno povedal Jób, že Pán dal tieto veci. A my sa modlíme, Bože, aby si ju zachovával v bezpečí, až do tej hodiny, keď ju vezmeš preč. Bože, daj, aby žila skutočným kresťanským životom a aby bola príkladom pre iných, keď bude rásť. Požehnaj jej dom a nech Ti môžu byť posvätený a plne Ti slúžiť z celého srdca. A teraz, Bože, Tebe porúčame malú Rhondu Renee Coats, v Mene Ježiša Krista, do životnej služby. Amen.

Veľmi milá. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra.

19Ako sa ty voláš? [sestra hovorí: "Robert Paul Shammel." – pozn.prekl.] Robert Paul Shane? ["Shammel." – pozn.prekl.] Shammel.

20Nuž, čo keď ... A, ty si ešte malý, myslím, že nenarobíš kvôli tomu veľa kriku. Nesmej sa takto na mňa. Pozri sa sem, ak sa chceš na niečom zasmiať. Robert Paul, aké pekné meno.

Skloňme naše hlavy.

21Bože, ako toto mladé dievča prichádza sem; mohla by byť naším deckom. A ona sem prináša svojho malého chlapca, ó Bože, pre Teba do životnej služby. On je ovocím a výsledkom ich manželstva. Modlím sa, Bože, ako Tvoj starší i ja kladieme ruky na tohoto maličkého, aby jeho život bol posvätený pre Teba. Udeľ, Pane, ak bude nejaké zajtra, aby on mohol vziať toto Posolstvo, ktoré počúvajú jeho rodičia, Bože. Udeľ toho. A modlím sa, aby si požehnal ich domy a nech toto dieťa môže byť vychovávané v Božom napomínaní a bolo Tvojím milovaným učeníkom. Porúčame ho Tebe v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

22Nuž, on je práve taký fajn chlapec. Tak veru. Nemôžeme si prosiť nič milšie, či nie? Nie je nič na svete čo by mohlo byť milšie, je to pravda, než ako takýto malý chlapec. Celý vysmiaty. Tak roztomilý. [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

23Toto je to, čo mi moja žena závidí v mojej práci, držať tieto nemluvniatka. Ona ich veľmi rada drží. A ja tiež, ale vždy mám strach, že im ublížim. Oni sú také roztomilé, veď viete a vyzerajú tak nežne, ale viete, oni - oni sú v skutočnosti húževnatejšie, než ako by sme si mysleli.

24 Nuž, hovoril som vám, že sa budem snažiť zakončiť ... Dobre, mám len tridsaťpäť minút. Budem sa ponáhľať, alebo nie? Uvidíme. Nemám tým na mysli niečo podceniť, alebo povedať niečo zle, ale budem sa skutočne snažiť, pretože ... Veď viete, potom sa vydávame na cestu a nie sme - nie sme už takí čulí ako sme zvykli byť. Tie míle sa niekedy stávajú nepríjemné a dve alebo tri zhromaždenia za deň, nuž ...

25A čo najviac vyčerpáva, to sú tie videnia. Kázať, to ma príliš neunaví. Och, môžem tu stáť po celý deň a nevadí mi to, ale ... Ale tie videnia a keď ľudia prichádzajú na rozhovory, to je to čo sa im musí dostať. Vidíte? Kvôli tomu oni sem prídu. Je niečo, čo nemôže byť urovnané iba položením rúk. Musí sa poznať koreň veci, kde to začalo, čo je tomu príčinou, čo to spôsobilo a potom čo robiť, aby sa z toho dostať. Kvôli tomu sú tu.

26Nuž, to zhromaždenie začína napozajtre večer ... či, nie, prepáčte, v stredu večer, v Shreveporte, v Louisiane. A ak ktokoľvek z vás má tam niekde priateľov, nuž, povedzte im aby prišli. "Life Tabernacle" tak sa mi vidí, že to tam začína, jedine že by dostali poslucháreň naproti, ak by sa im to podarilo, tam je viacej miesta na sedenie. Tam majú balkóny a veľkú hlavnú sálu a potom ešte podlažie dole pod tým. Tak, neviem presne, koľko je tam miest na sedenie, ale je to ... Ak by to nebolo možné dostať, možno že sa im podarí vybaviť poslucháreň hneď neďaleko od toho, čo bude ... Tiež neviem koľko je tam miest na sedenie. Mal som tam zhromaždenia, ale nepamätám si. Je to výročné zhromaždenie.

27Bol som tam pred tromi rokmi a začali sme prebudenie, v Mene Pánovom A zatiaľ to ešte neskončilo. Stále to pokračuje, nepretržite; každý deň prichádzajú ľudia, dožívajú spasenia, sú pokrstení a idú takto ďalej s Pánom, prichádzajú kazatelia i všetko. A my len ... Pokiaľ to bude takto pokračovať a ja sa sem dostanem, chcem ich po celý čas navštevovať, povedať tam len mojich niekoľko slov a ísť ďalej.

28A tak, začína to v stredu a končí v nedeľu. Raňajky kresťanských obchodníkov sú ... Neviem ... zabudol som meno toho hotelu ... Tak sa mi vidí, že je to ... nazýva sa ... Oni, oni vám to povedia, keď tam prídete. To sú raňajky kresťanských obchodníkov.

29Prežili sme tam nádherné chvíle, kresťanskí obchodníci, ktorí ste tu, keď sme tam boli naposledy. Pán spasil jedného rabína, z mesta. A, ó, neviem čo všetko sa tam stalo. Boli to tam nádherné chvíle v Pánovi, keď som kázal o Zmluve v Krvi. A tak ... To je to čo židia poznajú; krv. "Bez vyliatia krvi, nieto odpustenia," vidíte.

30Nuž poďme rovno do Slova A budem sa snažiť, ako len môžem aby som dodržal slovo, ktoré som vám dal.

31A teraz, ak Pán teraz dá, v nedeľu po vianociach, ak budete mať voľno a budete prechádzať okolo, ak nebude klzko na cestách, nuž a budete niekde nablízku, prečo by ste sa tam nezastavili. Chceme tu mať zhromaždenie v nedeľu ráno, tú nedeľu po vianociach. Koľkého je vtedy? [Niekto hovorí: "Dvadsiateho deviateho." – pozn.prekl.] Dvadsiateho deviateho a je to nedeľa po vianociach, dvadsiateho deviateho. Nuž, ak by sa niečo prihodilo, niečo čo nepredpokladáme a nedalo by sa nám prísť ... Nevieme čo bude, rozumiete. Ale keby sa čokoľvek stalo, vy ktorí ste pomimo mesta, ktorí sem prichádzate, tak ako títo ľudia z Memphisu ...

32Chcel som počuť brata Ungrena spievať Ó, Aký Si Veľký. A neviem... Je tu dnes večer?

33A, tak, vždy chcem toho tak veľa povedať, že to nemôžem všetko stihnúť, nemôžem to všetko stihnúť. Nech vás Pán žehná.

34A teraz si otvorme Písmo A prečítame si pár veršov. Kde, ak sklamú moje slová, Toto nesklame. A potom vás Boh bude žehnať, že tu zostávate kvôli tomu, aby ste počuli Jeho Slovo. "Viera prichádza skrze počutie, počutie Božieho Slova." Je to pravda? Ako som premýšľal ... Zatiaľ, čo si otvorite Ev. Sv. Jána 6. kapitolu, začneme od 60. verša a budeme čítať do 71. - včetne. Svätý Ján 6: 60.

35Nuž, premýšľal som, ako som sa nedávno díval von oknom a díval som sa na západ slnka a pozoroval som ako celá príroda má nejaký zákon. A keď prichádza zima, ten zákon prírody, automaticky spúšťa miazgu zo stromu do koreňov. Pochováva ju.

36Ako povedal Jób: "Oj, aby si ma ukryl v hrobe, aby si ma prechovával na tajnom mieste, dokiaľ by sa neodvrátil Tvoj hnev." A teraz, to je to: "Aby si ma zakryl!" Vidíte, on pozoroval prírodu, stromy, ten život odchádza dole do koreňov; brat Way. "A bol tam dokiaľ by sa neodvrátil Tvoj hnev, aby si mi uložil lehotu a potom sa rozpamätal na mňa." Vidíte?

37Príroda má nejaký zákon. Existuje zákon prírody; neexistuje žiadna cesta ako ho obísť. To je zákon prírody. A potom je zákon ducha a tiež nie je žiadnej cesty ako ho obísť.

38Hovoril som jednému páru dnes popoludní, o tom, že nemožno nič načisto zničiť. Človeka nemožno načisto zničiť. Môžu niečo rozbúrať, ale nie zničiť. A niekto povedal: "Dobre, no a čo tak zobrať a zapáliť kus papieru, či ho to nezničí?" Veru nie. Len sa rozpadne na chemické častice a na teplo ohňa. Premieňa sa to znovu na plyny, ako to bolo na počiatku. Nemôžete to zničiť. A keby svet trval ešte dosť dlho, tie isté plyny, ktoré - a chemikálie, ktoré tvorili ten papier, by sa znovu spojili a znovu by to bol papier. Je to presne tak. Nemôžete nič načisto zničiť. Presne tak.

39Boh, potom. Keď existuje pre všetko nejaké vzkriesenie, opätovné navrátenie a nie úplné zničenie, existuje i vzkriesenie spravodlivých, áno a vy sa musíte navrátiť späť. To všetko je na to. Neexistuje vôbec žiadny spôsob aby tomu zabrániť. Nezáleží na tom či ste spálení, utopení, alebo čokoľvek sa stane, oni to nemôžu načisto zničiť.

40Pamätajte len, že každá vaša čiastočka bola tu, keď Boh Slovom povolal svet do existencie. On hneď vtedy tu položil vaše telo. A neexistuje nič čo by ho mohlo odstrániť, okrem Boha. To všetko je znovu späť v Jeho rukách. Vidíte? A On je ten Jediný, Stvoriteľ, On je ten Ktorý dal to zasľúbenie a tak sme si istý, že existuje Večný Život. A teraz máme tú istotu vo svojich srdciach, že teraz máme v sebe Večný Život, Večný Život, ktorý nemôže zomrieť. Áno.

41Svätý Ján 6. Začnime teraz so 6. kapitolou Svätého Jána a začíname od 60. verša.

Vtedy mnohí z jeho učeníkov počujúc to povedali: To je tvrdá reč; kto ju môže počúvať?!

Ale Ježiš vediac ... sám v sebe, že jeho učeníci repcú preto, povedal im: To vás pohoršuje?

A čo ... keby ste videli Syna človeka vystupovať hore, kde bol prv?

Duch je, ktorý oživuje; telo nič neosoží. Slová, ktoré vám ja hovorím, sú duch

(to je On)

A sú život.

(Čo On povedal?
"Ja som Pravda, Život.")...

sú duch, ... sú život.

Ale sú niektorí z vás, ktorí neveria. Lebo Ježiš vedel hneď od počiatku, ktorí sú to tí, ktorí neveria a kto je ten, ktorý ho zradí.

A vravel: Preto som vám povedal, že nikto nemôže prijsť ku mne, keby mu to nebolo dané od môjho Otca.

Od tej chvíle odišli mnohí z jeho učeníkov nazad a nechodili viacej s ním.

("Tvrdá reč," vidíte, nemohli to prijať.)

Vtedy povedal Ježiš tým dvanástym: Či azda i vy chcete odísť?

A Šimon Peter mu odpovedal: Pane, ku komu pôjdeme? Ty máš slová večného života.

A my sme uverili a poznali, že si ty Kristus, ten Syn živého Boha.


Ježiš im odpovedal: Či som si ja nevyvolil vás dvanástych? A jeden z vás je diabol.

A to povedal o Judášovi Šimona Iškariotského, lebo ten ho mal zradiť, ktorý bol jedným z tých dvanástych.

42Nuž, keby som mal dať tejto téme dnes večer názov (a snažiť sa ako len môžem stihnúť to za tú pol hodinu), chcem hovoriť na tému: Tri druhy veriacich.

43Často som používal takúto výpoveď. A myslel som si: "Dobre, verím, že budem na to kázať, niekedy - dnes popoludní." Tak som o tom uvažoval.

44Tí prví sú veriaci, potom ľudia, ktorí sa pretvarujú za veriacich a neveriaci. Nuž, to je celkom pekná téma. Ale s takou istotou, ako tu dnes večer sedíme, táto skupina je stále spolu zhromaždená. Hocikde, kde sú ľudia zhromaždení, nájdeme túto skupinu a vždy sme ich našli a pravdepodobne ich vždy tu budeme mať, až do príchodu Pána. A chcem dnes večer, ako budem hovoriť o týchto troch skupinách, aby sme si premietli sami seba a mohli vidieť v ktorej skupine sa nachádzame.

45Zapamätajte si, hovorím tu ku možno ... Táto modlitebňa je znovu dnes večer plná, okolo a pri stenách a na chodbách, ale tak isto hovorím dookola sveta. Vidíte? Vo všetkých rôznych častiach sveta, kde kolujú tieto pásky, je slúžené tými nahrávkami.

46Nuž A teraz chcem hovoriť o tých troch rozdielnych typoch veriacich. Zapamätajte si, veriaci, mojou témou je veriaci. Jeden z tých typov je ozajstný veriaci, ďalší je taký, čo sa robí veriacim a ďalší je neveriaci. Vidíte?

47A teraz, tá prvá skupina, o ktorej by sme chceli hovoriť, sú veriaci. Pretože si myslím, že on má byť prvý, pretože on je ten, ktorý skutočne verí. Verí, tak ako verili tu tí učeníci. Ako príklad budeme používať to miesto Písma, ktoré sme čítali. Nuž, ten prvý je veriaci, ozajstný veriaci. "A viera prichádza skrze počutie, počutie Slova Božieho," Slova Božieho, ktorým je Kristus. Vidíte, veriaci!

48Nuž, všimli ste si to veľké prehlásenie, ktoré povedal ten veriaci? Nuž, veriaci nemusí byť chytrým človekom, takým spôsobom ako to berie svet. On nemusí byť vzdelanou osobou, takým spôsobom ako sa to snažili povedať títo ľudia, že vy takí musíte byť; nie nemusíte. Vy ... Tento človek, ktorý učinil to prehlásenie, sama Biblia hovorí, že oni obaja boli "ľudia neučení a prostí." Peter, v skutočnosti nebol považovaný za vzdelaného človeka.

49V Izaiášovi 35 je napísané: "A bude tam hradská a cesta, ktorá sa bude volať svätou cestou; neprejde po nej nečistý."

50Dnes popoludní som hovoril jednému z diakonov, keď sme sa rozprávali o mostoch, ktoré siahajú z jednej strany na druhú, i o tom novom. Povedal som, Dnes je veľa mostov, ktoré sa rozpínajú ponad vodné toky i zálivy." A povedal som: "Ale je jeden, ktorý má veľké rozpätie, ktorý siaha zo zemi do Chvály, nazýva sa, Kráľovskou cestou. Nečistý po nej neprejde." Je to tak. To je cesta, ktorú vybudoval Kristus, náš Pán, to je most, ktorý sa rozpína z tejto zeme do inej Krajiny A nečistý po ňom neprejde.

51Peter, ten neučený človek ... stál blízko, keď videl to dokonale potvrdené Slovo na ten deň, ktoré Boh zasľúbil na ten deň, že tam povstane Niekto, kto bude Prorokom medzi nimi. A Šimonovi bolo ťažko, aby tomu uveril, pretože tam bolo mnoho takých, ktorí To napodobovali. Ale keď uvidel to opravdové, odhalené Slovo na ten vek a počul Ho ako Sa identifikoval, on bol naprosto presvedčený Kto On je. A to bol on, ktorý povedal: "Pane, ku komu pôjdeme?" keď sa ho opýtal.

52Keď sa tie zástupy rozdelili, na veriacich, neveriacich a na takých čo sa robia veriacimi, hneď tam v tom jednom spoločenstve ľudí stáli všetky tie tri skupiny; veriaci, takí čo sa robia, že sú veriaci a neveriaci. Nachádzame ich tu hneď v tejto kapitole. A preto, že Ježiš povedal tie Slová, tak ako ich povedal, to rozdelilo Jeho zhromaždenie. Ale to sa muselo stať.

53On bol veľký človek, dovtedy kým uzdravoval nemocných, ale keď prišlo ku Náuke a do proroctva, to oddelilo plevu od pšenice. Vidíte? Plevy sa len vinú okolo pšenici. Oni nie sú pšenicou. Nedajú sa použiť. Nič v nich nie je. Nie je v nich žiadny Život. Je to len šupka a ona nemôže zostať s pšenicou. A tak to musí byť ... Zrno je práve to o čom hovoríme, jadro pšeničného zrna.

54Všimnite si teraz, Peter bol presvedčený, že to bol Mesiáš. A tak, to čo hovorili všetci ostatní nevyvolávalo u neho žiadnej zmeny. To čo hovorili kňazi, nevyvolávalo u neho žiadnej zmeny. Šimon Peter sa nestaral o to čo hovorila cirkev. On bol presvedčený, sám v sebe.

55Ježiš mu povedal, raz keď sa ho opýtal: "Čo hovoria ľudia, že Kto som?"

56"A niektorí hovoria, že si prorok a niektorí hovoria, že si jeden z dávnych prorokov, ktorý povstal a - a, že si Mojžiš, alebo Eliáš, alebo niekto iný."

A On povedal: "A vás sa pýtam. Čo si vy myslíte?"

57A Peter povedal: "Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha."

58On povedal: "Požehnaný si, syn Jonášov; Šimon, syn Jonášov; pretože to ti vôbec nezjavilo telo a krv. Nikdy si sa to nenaučil z nejakej knihy, alebo z nejakého vyznania, alebo z nejakého katechizmu. Zjavil ti to Môj Otec, ktorý je v Nebesiach." To je ozajstný veriaci; duchovné zjavenie Slova. Vidíte? A ... "Ty si Šimon a na tej skale, tvojho zjavenia o tom, Kto Ja som, postavím Svoju Cirkev A brány pekelné ju nepremôžu." Vidíte?

Nie divu, že Peter povedal: "Ku komu pôjdeme?"

Ježiš sa otočil a povedal: "Vy tiež chcete odísť?"

59A oni povedali: "Pane, ku komu, kde by sme išli? Pretože, Ty jediný máš Slová Života. Ty si Ten jediný."

60Pretože, nie len, že On mal Slová Života, On bol tým Slovom Života. Vidíte, On bol Slovom života a Šimon to jasne poznal. A keď to poznal, to bolo to, čo ho držalo, pretože mu bolo zjavené, že On je to živé Slovo.

61Nuž, to je ozajstný veriaci, keď to robí Duch Svätý. Nie taký, koho by presvedčil niekto iný, ani nie presvedčený ničím iným. Ale keď ti Duch Svätý zjavil samotné to Slovo A ty to Slovo jasne vidíš, potvrdené; potom Duch Boží prichádza a dostáva sa do toho veku, do Slova na ten vek a manifestuje to.

62Ako by sa ľudia boli zdržali od toho, že by neverili Lutherovy, keď to vedeli? Luther bol reformátor. Ten ľudský duch tam vyšiel kvôli reformácii. Wesley, tak isto. Oni tomu museli veriť. Vidíte, to bolo - to bolo posolstvo pre ten cirkevný vek. To bolo presne to čo sa stalo. To bolo to čo sa dialo. Museli ste tomu veriť.

63A my sme tu, v Laodicejskom veku. Sme naučení, že v Laodicejskom veku Kristus zostal vystrčený zo Svojej cirkvi; a ešte klopal na dvere, snažiac sa dostať dovnútra. A tak keď vidíme, že to sa deje, vieme v ktorom veku žijeme.

64A, potom, nachádzame sa na konci svetových dejín. Tá kniha sa teraz končí. Jedného dňa v nej bude napísaný posledný riadok a bude zavretá, potom času viacej nebude.

65A odohráva sa veľká dráma. A anjeli stoja dookola po oblohe a sledujú to. Viete čo je to dráma. Herci sú pripravení. Môžete ich vidieť účinkovať.

66Môžete vidieť účinkovať toho zlého. Môžete vidieť toho lotra tej hry, ako so svojou chytrosťou prichádza na scénu, aby zviedol.

67Ale tak isto môžete vidieť tú vytrhnutú Cirkev, ktorá sa pripravuje. Je to veľká scéna. Môžete vidieť prítomnosť Božiu, ktorá sa potvrdzuje a odohráva tú veľkú drámu, ktorá bola predpovedaná tu v Biblii, aby sa takto odohrala. Čo za čas, v ktorom žijeme, ten najslávnejší čas! Tí ľudia zo všetkých vekov túžili po tomto čase. Tí starodávni proroci túžili vidieť túto hodinu, ale nemali tú možnosť.

68Nuž, tam bol veriaci. Pretože on to videl. On tomu veril. "My sme si naprosto istý, že Ty si Kristus, Mesiáš, Slovo Božie na tento deň a my tomu veríme." Vidíte, to bol skutočný veriaci.

69Vezmime si ešte trochu viacej veriacich, skutočne v krátkosti, prv ako prejdeme ku ďalšiemu charakteru. Vezmime si proroka, Noeho. Keď on, ktorý bol možno roľníkom, možno že bol v tom čase, roľníkom. Ale keď tí posmievači a tí strašne pobožní v tom čase ... Cirkev sa dostala do hlbokého úpadku a Boh prehovoril ku Noemu A povedal mu, že má stavať koráb. Noe s Bohom o tom vôbec nedebatoval. On tomu veril, že to je Božie Slovo A hneď sa pustil do roboty a pripravoval všetky veci.

70To je skutočný veriaci. Nerobí okolo toho žiadne dohady. Keď ste naprosto presvedčení, to je ono. Tak ako každý, každá viera, každá cesta. "Viera prichádza skrze počutie." Keď sa sem môžeš postaviť, bez ohľadu na to čo hovorí doktor, že aký si chorý! Keď ti určí diagnózu a pravdepodobne vie o čom hovorí, tak ďaleko ako mu to dovolia poznať jeho inštrumenty a jeho vedomosti a on hovorí, že už nezostáva nič iné iba smrť. Ale, ty sa modlíš a stojíš tam v budúcnosti a môžeš vidieť, ako tam stojí zdravý muž, či žena. Áno, to je to. A to je práve to. Oni kráčajú rovno do toho, súc si cele istí, pretože tomu veríte. Boh to povedal. Viete, že je to tak.

71Tak ako tá prostá žena, keď vykašlávala rakovinu. Vidíte? Nemala žiadnych pochybností. To sa stane. Rakovina je mŕtva a to sa uvoľnilo a odišlo to preč. Vidíte? To je to. Vy tomu veríte.

72Tak ako ten otec, ktorý tam pred nedávnom priviedol svojho malého chlapca. A on je tu teraz niekde v tejto budove. Ten chlapec spadol a stratil pamäť. Nemohol si na nič spomenúť. A len za krátku chvíľu, po modlitbe, opýtal som sa ho ako sa volá. A on mi povedal, koľko má rokov a bol tak normálny ako každý iný chlapec. Vidíte? Oni veria. A keď Boh niečo povie, musí to tak byť.

A Noe veril Bohu A Noe bol presvedčený veriaci.

73Daniel, keď cirkev bola v zajatí tam v Babylone, Daniel veril Bohu. A nezáležalo na tom koľko oni toho nahovorili: "Urobíme verejné vyhlásenie. Oni sa nebudú modliť ku žiadnemu inému bohu, iba tu ku tomuto obrazu," tohoto svätého muža, alebo čokoľvek to bolo. Daniel si toho vôbec nevšímal. On počúval Boha, pretože on bol prorok a Slovo prichádzalo ku nemu. A keď bol posvätený chrám, bolo tam povedané: "Ak ktokoľvek, v ktorejkoľvek krajine sa bude nachádzať v ťažkostiach a pozrie smerom ku tomuto svätému miestu a bude sa modliť, potom vypočuj na Nebi." A Daniel veril Bohu. On bol ozajstný veriaci a dokonca ani levi ho nemohli zožrať. A to je pravda, vidíte, on bol veriaci. On mal niečo skutočné a opravdové. On bol veriaci.

Dávid, ďalší veriaci, malý odstrčený chlapec.

74Daniel, nezaujímal stanovisko s modernou cirkvou, ani Noe nezaujímal stanovisko s modernou cirkvou. Ani trošku. Oni verili v to čo Boh povedal, že je Pravda. Bez ohľadu na to, čo hovoril ten moderný svet, oni verili tomu, čo Boh povedal, že je Pravda. To sú ozajstní veriaci.

75Tak isto ako Peter a ostatní apoštolovia, oni verili, že On má Slovo života a je Slovom Života. Ja dnes verím to isté. A každá iná vec, ktorá sa s Tým nezhoduje, je prevrátená. To nie je ... to je smrť. Jedine Toto je Slovo života a to Slovo je Kristus.

76Nuž, David, rumený mládenček. Po prvé, jeho bratia s ním pravdepodobne nepekne zachádzali, pretože on bol drobný mládenec. On nebol natoľko veľký, aby mohol nosiť brnenie. On nemohol ísť na vojnu, on bol príliš malý a šľachovitý. A, jednako, on sa tam dostal, ako veriaci.

77A ako tak sedával tam na púšti a strážil tých neveľa tuctov oviec, ktoré mu jeho otec dal strážiť, s prakom, v krajine kde boli levy medvede a vlci a tak ďalej. Dávid začal vyhľadávať chládok so zelenou pašou a vedel čo to pre ovce znamená dostať sa do chládku a ležať na horúcom slnku; vedel čo znamená dobrý studený dúšok vody, ako povedal: "Tak ako reve jeleň po potokoch vody, tak moja duša ku Tebe, ó Bože." Vidíte? On volal, modlil sa.

78A jedného dňa povstala naliehavá situácia, lev chňapol jednu z jeho oviec a odniesol ju. On rozmýšľal: "Ten Boh, ktorý ma povzniesol nad leva!" Vidíte? A on vzal prak a zrazil leva k zemi, s neveľkou skalou v praku. Nuž, ak niekto niekedy videl leva, jedného z tých afrických levov, leva s veľkou hrivou, ktorých oni tam mali v Palestíne a v Ázii, tí by vedeli, čo to bol zač, jeden takýto kúsok. Keď, ho sotva zarazí na zem nejaká veľká tristovka dupľovka a on ho zrazil nejakou skalou. A keď sa ten lev postavil proti nemu, on ho zdrapil za bradu a zabil ho. Preto on vedel o čom hovorí; on mal prežitie. On postavil Boha do skúšky, ohľadne Jeho Slova.

79A on - on sa nebál Goliáša, pretože, on bol neobrezaný. On nebol veriaci, vôbec; a keď Goliáš vyšiel a začal ho preklínať v mene svojich bohov ...

80A Goliáš bol o mnohokrát väčší ako on; veľký robustný junák, štrnásť palcov dlhé prsty. Nuž, tie prsty mohli byť takto dlhé, vidíte, štrnásť palcové prsty, bojovník. A pravdepodobne mal na sebe klincový kabát, mohol vážiť okolo tristo libier, alebo viac, vidíte, to čo mal na sebe. Prilbu a veľký ... možno hrubá na jeden a pol palca. Takýto veľký obrovský gigant, chodil s kopijou, ktorá bola ako tkáčsky návoj a je povedané, že bola dlhá okolo dvadsať stôp. Vo svojej ruke mal kopiju dlhú dvadsať stôp. Nuž ako by mohol niekto ... Takýto chlap by sa mohol len postaviť a zodvihnúť tucet mužov a takto ich odhodiť, ako by prichádzali. Ó, čo za opozícia!

81A on tam bol, stál tam, chvastal sa, naparoval. Keď ... vyzeralo to, akoby tam dole mali prevahu. Vidíte? On povedal: "Nech ... neprelievajme krv." Povedal: "Nech príde bojovať so mnou nejaký muž a potom, ak ja vyhrám, potom mi všetci budete slúžiť; a ak vyhráte vy, potom my budeme slúžiť vám." Vidíte, keď si diabol myslí, že má nad vami prevahu, vtedy sa rád chvastá. Ale natrafil na toho nepravého. Stretol sa s tým najmenším mužom v kraji. Malým, s ovisnutými ramenami, rumenným mládenčekom.

82On povedal: "Chcete mi povedať, že vy, armáda živého Boha, budete tam stáť a necháte toho neobrezaného filištína hanobiť armádu živého Boha?" Ako to? On bol z toho šokovaný. Ako to? Ako to? On bol veriaci. Tí ostatní sa robili, že sú veriaci. Vidíte? Vidíte, on bol ozajstný veriaci. On povedal: "Ak vy máte strach, ja s ním pôjdem bojovať." Vidíte? Čo za výzva pre takéhoto drobného mládenca! A tak on bol veriaci a on urobil presne to čo vedel, že by robil Boh. On ...

83Keď mu ten neobrezaný filištín zlorečil v mene jeho bohov, on povedal: "Či som ja pes; že nejaké malé, mrňavé, zakrpatené dieťa prichádza takto oproti mne? Čo to," povedal: "Napichnem ťa na svoju kopiju a zavesím ťa tam na strom a nech zožerú vtáci tvoje telo." Ó! Aký to bol strašný chlap.

84David povedal: "Ty ideš ku mne s mečom a s kopijou a v brnení. Ty ideš oproti mne v mene filištínov. Ale, ja idem oproti tebe bez meča, či kopiji a bez brnenia, ale idem oproti tebe v Mene Pána Boha Izraelovho."

85No prosím. To je veriaci. To je jeho pevnosť. To je jeho štít. To je jeho obrana. Amen! To by malo byť obranou Cirkvi. To je obrana, každého veriaceho. Bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje, čo hovorí svet, či čokoľvek iné, vašou obranou je Pán Boh Izraelov. To je ono. "Meno Ježiša Krista je mocnou vežou, spravodliví sa utečú do nej a sú bezpeční." Našou obranou je Ježiš Kristus.

86Všimnite si, keď sa to stane, vieme čo sa stalo. David - nikde ho nemohol zasiahnuť, okrem toho malého miestečka, keď si sklopil štít na prilbe dole na tvár. Jediné miesto, kde ho mohol zasiahnuť, bolo rovno tu na jeho čele. A prv ako sa mohol dostať na určitú vzdialenosť ku tomu obrovi, Boh nasmeroval ten smrtiaci znak a on zabil toho obra. Vidíte? Boh to urobil. Nuž, vidíme že on bol veriaci.

87Ďalší veriaci bol Abrahám, on bol ... Chaldej, z mesta Úr. A on bol zavolaný, aby urobil niečo čo bolo ... a veril niečomu čo bolo naprosto telesne nemožné. "Ale on nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom v nevere," stojí v Rimanom 4: "ale bol posilnený vo viere dajúc slávu Bohu."

88Keď mal Abrahám sedemdesiat päť rokov a jeho žena mala šesťdesiat päť a žili už spolu od svojej mladosti. Ona bola napoly jeho sestra; mladý chlapec i mladé dievča. A to bolo ... Oni žili spolu a nemali vôbec žiadne deti. A Boh povedal Abrahámovi: "Oddeľ sa od tých neveriacich." Boh stále volá ku oddeleniu. "Oddeľ sa od neveriacich a choď so Mnou A učiním ťa otcom mnohých národov. Už som to urobil."

89A Abrahám tomu veril. To je veriaci. "Ako to urobíš, Pane?" on sa také niečo nikdy neopýtal. Boh povedal, že to urobí a tým to bolo vybavené.

90Keď prešiel prvý mesiac a Sára bola stále ... Ona bola po prechodoch. "Zmenilo sa niečo?"

"Ani trošku."

91Ale Abrahám tomu stále veril. Prešlo dvadsať päť rokov, stále nebolo žiadnej zmeny, ale Abrahám stále tomu veril. To je veriaci. To nie je taký, ktorý sa robí že je veriaci. To je veriaci. Po dvadsiatych piatych rokoch, Abrahám bol silnejší než ako na počiatku. "On veril Bohu A to mu bolo počítané za spravodlivosť." Pretože on ve-... To je ozajstný veriaci.

92Nuž, za chvíľu vás nechám aby ste sa preskúmali a zistili, v ktorej skupine sa nachádzate.

93Nuž čo urobil Abrahám? "Nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom," nemožnostiach.

94Čo by robil sedemdesiat päť ročný muž, so šesťdesiat päť ročnou ženou, keď by išli ku doktorovi a on by povedal: "Chceme urobiť prípravy, zaistiť si miesto v nemocnici. Budeme mať dieťa?" A potom, po dvadsiatych piatych rokoch, by povedal: "Doktor, držíte stále pripravené to miesto v nemocnici?" Vidíte? Vidíte?

95To vás vedie ku smiešnemu zachovávaniu sa. Vaše rozhodnutia sú divné, pre ten svet. Ale to je veriaci, nezáleží na tom, ako čudne to vyzerá. Biblia hovorí, že "On bol cele istý toho, že Boh je schopný učiniť to čo povedal."

96To má byť výsledkom každého veriaceho dnes popoludní. Boh je schopný dodržať každé Slovo, ktoré povedal. Nestarám sa o to čo hovoria denominácie, ani o slová: "Dni zázrakov pominuli a všetko to je telepatia i všetko, to je veštenie. To je ... " Nestarám sa o to čo oni hovoria. Stále verím. Ak je puška zacielená na terč, ona ten terč trafí. A ja verím, že ak je veriaci zacielený Slovom Božím, trafí to isté. Ak to Slovo Božie niekedy zasľúbilo, ono to znovu bude robiť. Som o tom úplne presvedčený. To, keď vidíme, že sa nachádzame v tomto veku, keď sa očakáva, že to tu bude, očakáva sa, že to tu bude. Očakáva sa, že tieto veci sa budú diať.

97Preto verím, že keď tá Nevesta je vyvolaná von a vyvolená a zapísaná v Knihe Života, že príde z Neba zvuk, ktorý prinesie taký krst Duchom Svätým na túto Nevestu, že ju to vezme zo zeme, vo Vytrhujúcej milosti. Boh to zasľúbil. Nestarajte sa o to koľko vedy, ani koľko astronautov oni podpísali na svedectvo proti tomu, ani o nič iné, ani o to na koľko miliónov míľ oni môžu vidieť; Ja sa nestarám o nič také. Nebo existuje a tam je skutočný Ježiš Kristus, ktorý príde vo forme tela, aby si vzal Svoju Cirkev. Nezáleží na tom ako staro vyzerá ten príbeh, je to stále Pravda. Boh to tak povedal. To je to čo veria veriaci.

98Boh povedal: "Ja som Pán, ktorý uzdravujem všetky tvoje nemoci. Ja som Boh ktorý sa nemením." Amen! A Boh je Slovo. A keď sa Boh nemení, ako sa potom môže meniť Jeho Slovo? Vidíte? "Ja som Boh A Ja sa nemením." Písmo to tak hovorí. Sám Boh to povedal. A ak sa On nemôže meniť, potom On je Slovo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo A to Slovo bolo u Boha A to Slovo bol Boh." To nemeniteľné Slovo! "A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Amen! Tak veru.

99Boh vzbudzoval telá, po celý čas od: Mojžiša A Ezechiela A Jeremiáša A Izaiáša A Eliáša, po celý čas, keď Jeho Slovo dočasne prichádzalo. Ale plnosť Slova bola zamanifestovaná v tomto Mužovi, Ježišovi Kristovi. Ktorý, On bol Boh v - Boh v plnosti Božstva telesne. Tam sa On stal telom. Verím tomu, každému Slovu.

Jób, ďalší veriaci.

100Niekedy, veriaci sa dostávajú do skúšky. Nie niekedy; vždy! "Pretože každý syn, ktorý prichádza ku Bohu musí byť káznený, napomínaný, vychovávaný ako dieťa." Pamätajte, skúšky, prašné cesty, horúce slnko prenasledovania, ale vernosť vášho srdca udiera na ten materiál, až kým ona nebude hotová vojsť do tej formy. Božie deti sú formované presne na Jeho Slovo, pretože oni sú živými príkladmi a Slovo Božie žije cez nich. Vidíte? Tie skúšky prichádzajú, aby vás zatriasli, dostali vás na samé dno, aby ste videli kde sa budete nachádzať. Oni testujú, skúšajú každého syna, ktorý prichádza ku Bohu.

101Jób prechádzal cez skúšky a testy. Jeho deti boli zabrané; všetko ďalšie mu bolo zabrané. Prišli členovia cirkvi, obviňovali ho, že potajomky hrešil a snažili sa všetko proti nemu povedať, ale jednako on na nič z toho nebral zreteľ. On vedel, že splnil Božie požiadavky. On vedel, že Satan sa ho vôbec nemusí snažiť pokúšať. On vedel, že je to diabol. A dovtedy, kým ho Satan mohol mať v tom, že veril, že jeho nemoc spôsoboval jeho Boh, dovtedy ho on ubíjal. Ale keď Jób zrazu narazil na to zjavenie, že to nebol Boh! On len prechádzal cez svoje skúšky, aby ho urobili niečím. To nebol Boh, ktorý to robil. To bol Satan.

102A tak isto je to dnes. On sa vám bude snažiť povedať, že tieto skúšky i všetko, že to je váš Boh, ktorý sa vás snaží potrestať. To tak nie je. Nie veru. To je Satan, ktorý to činí a Boh to dovoľuje, aby vás formoval; aby vám dal vidieť či ste priviazaní ku tejto zemi, skrze zemské starosti, alebo či sú vaše poklady v Nebi. "Pretože, kde sú vaše poklady, tam ste tak isto aj vy." Je to tak. Vaše srdce je tam kde sú vaše poklady.

103Jób, skúšaný, no jednako on povedal: "Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije a v posledných dňoch sa On postaví na zemi. Hoci by červy zožrali moje telo ..."

104Všimli ste si? Tie červy boli už v ňom. Vaše červy sú vo vás. Ste v zapečatenej truhle, bez prístupu vzduchu, ale tie červy sú už tam. Sú priamo vo vás a sú pripravené, aby boli kedykoľvek zavolané do služby. Pamätáte sa na Cézara, on bol zožraný rovno na ulici. Červy ho zožrali, rovno na ulici, jeho vlastné červy. Oni sú tam, pripravené.

bude môcť vrátiť naspäť. "Ktorého uvidím sám pre seba. Moje oči Ho budú vidieť a nie niekto iný." To povedal on, Jób. Prečo? On bol veriaci. V skúškach, on bol veriaci. V prenasledovaní, on bol veriaci. On bol ozajstný veriaci.

106Jozef, ďalší veriaci, on nemohol za to, že bol tým čím bol. On bol prorok. Boh ho urobil prorokom. On sa nechcel líšiť od svojich bratov, ale on bol iný. Boh ho urobil tým čím bol. Nikto iný nemohol zaujať jeho miesto.

107Nikto nemôže zaujať tvoje miesto, nevadí aké je ono nepatrné. Ty povieš: "Ja som len žena v domácnosti." Nikto nemôže zaujať tvoje miesto. Boh, vo Svojej veľkej ekonómii, vás usporiadal ... Telo Kristovo usporiadal do takého poriadku, že nikto nemôže zaujať vaše miesto. Ako rád by som zaujal miesto Billyho Grahama, ktorýkoľvek z nás kazateľov, ale nemôžeme to robiť; ale pamätajte len, Billy nemôže zaujať vaše miesto. Vidíte, každý máme nejaké miesto, niektorí z nás sú evanjelisti, niektorí proroci, niektorí učitelia, niektorí pastori, čokoľvek sme; niektoré sú ženy v domácnosti, niektorí sú mechanici, niektorí poľnohospodári, čokoľvek to je, Boh vás postavil na vaše miesto. Vidíte?

108Jozef bol prorok. On za to nemohol, že bol schopný vykladať sny. On za to nemohol, že vídal videnia. Hľaďte aký on bol verný. Bez ohľadu na to, či ho to pripraví o obecenstvo s jeho bratmi, on bol verný, pretože veril tým snom. On tomu veril, tým snom, ktoré mal, že oni všetci sa mu budú klaňať, tie snopy. A to sa stalo, pretože on tomu veril. On bol ozajstný veriaci.

109Ešte mám päť minút; a desať strán. Všimnite si teraz, všimnite si Písmo, ktoré je tu napísané. Tá žena ...

110Natanael, on bol veriaci. Je to pravda? Natanael, keď uvidel to čo sa stalo; a to zapôsobilo na neho, že Ježiš mu povedal kto on je, povedal mu, že on je "opravdivý Izraelita," a že nie je v ňom "ľsti" a povedal mu kde bol deň predtým: "modlil sa pod stromom." On ho videl keď - keď ho zavolal Filip. On bol veriaci.

111Mnohí, ktorí tam stáli, povedali: "To je nečistý duch. To diabol robí to Božské uzdravovanie." Ten starý diabol ešte ani dnes nezomrel. Oni veria, že diabol môže dokonávať Božské uzdravovanie.

112Ježiš povedal: "Ak Satan môže vyháňať Satana, potom jeho kráľovstvo je rozdelené a také kráľovstvo nemôže obstáť." Vidíte? Satan povedal, v ... On to nemôže robiť. A tak, Satan nemôže vyháňať Satana.

113Teda Natanael bol veriaci. A keď uvidel Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, ktoré potvrdzovalo, že on je veriaci, povedal: "Ty si ... Rabbi, Ty si Kristus. Ty si ten Kráľ Izraelov." On tomu veril.

114Keď to uvidela tá žena pri studni, uverila tomu. Ona bola veriaca.

Keď slepý Bartimeus ... Keď nejaká žena išla okolo ...

115A všetci kričali, idúc okolo. Niekto z nich hovoril: "Tam je plný ... Počul som o Tebe, že si vzkriesil mŕtveho. Tu je ich plný cintorín; poď a vzkries ich. Nech Ťa vidíme ako to robíš." Vidíte, ten istý diabol, ktorý povedal: "Ak si Syn Boží, rozkáž týmto kameňom aby sa stali chlebom." Ten istý, ktorý zakryl handrou Jeho tvár, bil Ho po hlave a hovoril ... podávali si palicu jeden druhému a hovorili: "Nuž, ak nám povieš kto Ťa udrel, budeme Ti veriť." Tí vojaci, vidíte, robili si z Neho posmech. Vyzeralo to akoby bol stratil všetku nádej.

116Ale pamätajte len, Boh je stále na scéne. Vidíte? On je presne tam, pripravený, v každej chvíli.

117Ježiš povedal: "Môžem požiadať Svojho Otca A hneď by Mi poslal dvanásť legiónov anjelov." Ó, čo dokáže urobiť jeden anjel? Vidíte? Ale vidíte ... ale On mohol poslať dvanásť legiónov, stačil Jeho rozkaz. Ale On mal prácu, ktorú mal vykonať. Mal niečo vykonať. On musel prejsť cez to.

118Vy máte niečo vykonať. Boh má pre vás niečo, čo máte vykonať. Môžete mať nejaké starosti a nejaké problémy, môžete sa v niečom sklamať, ale či sa modlíme, aby sme sa tomu vyhli? Nie. "Pane, preveď ma cez to, čokoľvek to je. Čokoľvek to je, nedaj mi, aby som tomu unikol. Ak mi je to uložené, daj mi len milosti aby som cez to prešiel. A to je to čo treba."

119Nuž všimnite si, slepý Bartimeus, on to vedel. Oni mu povedali: "Toto je ten Prorok z Galilei. On je ten Syn Dávidov. My tomu veríme." Niekto z tých veriacich mu to musel povedať. "My veriaci vieme, že On je ten - ten Syn Dávidov."

120A on vedel, ak On Ním je, potom On je Slovom. A keď on vedel, že On je Slovo, on vedel, že On môže rozoznávať myšlienky srdca a tak začal kričať: "Synu Dávidov, zmiluj sa nado mnou." Tí neveriaci vykrikovali toto i tamto, tí členovia cirkví. Ale to vôbec nezastavilo slepého Bartimeusa. On volal: "Ó Ježišu, Synu Dávidov, zmiluj sa nado mnou!"

121Možno že On ho nemohol počuť. Ale On vedel, že on kričí a tak zastal a otočil sa. Tam bol veriaci. On povedal: "Tvoja viera ťa zachránila." Amen.

122On to povedal tej žene, ktorá mala krvotok - to bolo to isté: "tvoja viera."

123Pretože, ona si povedala vo svojom srdci: "Ak sa budem môcť dotknúť Jeho rúcha, budem uzdravená."

"Tvoja viera ťa zachránila." Vidíte, ona bola veriaca. [brat Branham niekoľko krát zaklepal po kazateľni – pozn.prekl.]

124To je to isté čo zachránilo Williama Daucha, ako tam sedel, jedného dňa a jeho srdce úplne zlyhalo, dostal srdcový záchvat. Deväťdesiat jeden ročný muž. "Tvoja viera ťa zachránila." Prečo? On je veriaci.

125Kazateľ Tom Kidd, tu, ktorý bude mať teraz skoro, tak sa mi vidí, okolo deväťdesiat rokov, blízko deväťdesiatky. A keď mal sedemdesiat deväť rokov, odviezli ho do nemocnice s rakovinou prostaty. Lekár povedal: "On už nemá šancu."

126Ale keď sme tam vstúpili v to ráno, videli sme toho malého patriarchu, ako tam sedel, s dekou okolo ramien a búchal svojou palicou, bol takmer bez seba. Povedal tej starej žene, ktorá tam sedela, nazýval ju starou mamou; poznal ju, roky bola jednou z jeho členkov. Povedal: "Vyzeráš biela ako sneh," mimo zdravého rozumu.

127No jednako, keď Moc Božia vstúpila do tej miestnosti, on dnes žije. To bolo pred štyrmi rokmi. Skoro osemdesiat ročný muž a on tu dnes večer sedí, úplne zdravý a v poriadku, od tej rakoviny. Vidíte, nie vydávajúci sa za veriaceho; veriaci! To je ono, veriaci! On berie Boha za Slovo.

128Práve tak isto ako slepý Bartimeus. Slepý, ale jednako vedel, že ak bude môcť upútať pozornosť Ježiša Krista, dostane to čo chce.

129Tá žena vedela, že ak sa bude môcť dotknúť Jeho rúcha, dostane to čo chce - dostane to čo chce.

130Tom vedel. On mal vieru, že ak sa za neho pomodlím, dostane to čo chce.

131Či je to nie tá istá viera, ktorú mala Marta? "Ale aj teraz viem, Pane, že všetko za čokoľvek by si požiadal Boha, dá Ti Boh." Môj brat tam leží, mŕtvy, štyri dni je v hrobe; ale požiadaj len Boha A Boh Ti to dá."

Povedal: "Tvoj brat znovu vstane."

132A ona povedala: "Áno, Pane, v posledných dňoch, pri vzkriesení, on vstane. Bol to dobrý chlapec."

On povedal: "Ale Ja som vzkriesenie i Život!"

"Áno, Pane, ja tomu tiež verím."

"Kde ste ho pochovali?" To je ono. A je po všetkom. Tak veru.

133Kráľovná juhu prišla v tej generácii neveriacich, je to tak a stála tam a verila, že to čo vidí je od Boha. Biblia hovorí: "Ona povstane v posledných dňoch, s touto generáciou a odsúdi ju, pretože ona prišla z ďalekých končín sveta, aby počula múdrosť Šalamúnovu."

134Mojžiš bol veriaci. Hoci to skúšal intelektuálne, vyskúšal každý plán aký mohol, ale to nefungovalo. On sa snažil vyviesť von Izrael, vedel, že je do toho povolaný. Skúšal to matematickou cestou. Skúšal to vojenským spôsobom. Skúšal to na ceste vzdelania. Vyskúšal všetky spôsoby, ale to nefungovalo. Ale potom prišiel na Boží spôsob.

135Čo sa stalo? Jedného dňa, sa zjavil tam v kríku Oheň, ktorý nehasol. Z tade prehovorilo ku nemu to Slovo A povedalo: "JA SOM." nie: "Ja som bol, alebo, Ja budem." "JA SOM." A On je stále Ten "JA SOM." On je Slovo, Večné, stále trvajúce Slovo.

136Mojžiš nepochyboval. Stáli proti nemu ťažkosti, všetka príroda stála proti nemu, všetko bolo proti nemu. Ale on, s krivou palicou v ruke, išiel dole do Egyptu a vzal odtiaľ celý národ, utopil ich tam vonku v Mŕtvom mori a Izraela vzal do zasľúbenej zemi. Prečo? On veril Bohu. Skutočne. On mal ...

137To je veriaci. Mohli by sme prestať ... Už som skončil svoju pol hodinu o veriacich.

138Máme ešte dve skupiny. Poponáhľame sa s nimi, pretože aj tak nie sú dôležité. Nie.

139Teda, po druhé, prichádza teraz na radu neveriaci. Hovorme o neveriacom, ako o ďalšom. Čo robí neveriaci?

140Vidíme, že veriaci (Čo?) prijíma Slovo; každá rasa, každá generácia, po celý čas, od Noeho A tak ďalej. Mohli by sme vziať šesť mesiacov prebudenia, práve tu na tom a kázať o tých charakteroch. Oni veria. Veriaci nepochybuje. Veriaci Tomu verí, bez ohľadu na to ako To znie, alebo čo niekto iný o Tom hovorí, alebo aké sa to zdá byť nemožné.

141Veriaci Tomu verí. Verí čomu? - Slovu. Nie vierovyznaniu; Slovu! Nie denominácii; Slovu! Nie tomu čo hovorí niekto iný; ale tomu čo hovorí Slovo! Nuž, zapamätajte si, to je veriaci. Veriaci nepochybuje. Veriaci nehovorí: "Ako sa to môže stať? Keby som to mohol pochopiť!" To je neveriaci. Och. Veriaci je ten, ktorému, nevadí čo To je: "Ak je To Slovo, je To Slovo! Je to pravda." To je veriaci.

142A teraz neveriaci. Nuž vidíme čo ... Vezmeme neveriacich. Prišli sme na to, že oni robili všetko dobre zatiaľ, kým boli potľapkávaní po pleciach a kým ich nazývali učeníkmi. Zatiaľ čo ... všetko išlo hladko, oni boli v poriadku. Ale keď tento Prorok, ktorému verili, že je prorok a vedeli, že je, ktorý mohol uzdravovať nemocných a tak ďalej ... Čo On robil? Keď prišla tá skutočná pravda a napomenutie a nezhodovalo sa to s tým čomu oni verili, oni to Slovo nemohli prijať.

143Oni mohli prijať zázraky a činili ich. Išli a vyháňali démonov, kázali Slovo A stále neveriaci. Matúš 10., On ich poslal, po dvoch, tých sedemdesiatich a oni vyháňali démonov, až tak, že Ježiš sa radoval a povedal: "Videl som Satana padnúť z Neba ako blesk." Vidíte, oni vyháňali démonov; Judáš zarovno s nimi. Tu prichádzajú tí neveriaci.

144Ale, akonáhle Ježiš začal hovoriť, že On je niečo, že On je "vzkriesenie," že On je "Život." "A čo by ste povedali, keby ste videli Syna človeka vystupovať hore, tam odkiaľ prišiel?"

145"Nuž, tento Človek sa snaží povedať, že prišiel z Neba, to je na nás priveľa. My tomu nemôžeme veriť."

146On povedal: "Čo to je? Telo o ktorom vy hovoríte, nič neosoží. To je Duch, ktorý oživuje."

147No vidíte. Duch oživuje Slovo. To je Duch, nie vierovyznanie. Duch, Duch Svätý oživuje pre vás to Slovo A ono sa stáva živým, tu to máte, vidíte to. Skrze vieru to vidíte. Viete že je to tak, pretože to Slovo tak hovorí a Duch vám to Slovo oživuje. Tu to máte.

148A teraz On povedal: "Čo ..." A akonáhle sme toto urobili, uvideli sme neveriacich, keď poviete niečo s čím oni nesúhlasia, odídu od vás preč. "Ja proste nebudem ...!" Oh to sa stáva tak často, dnes vo svete. Začnete a poviete len niečo ...

149Oni sa zhromaždia. Všimol som si na zhromaždeniach, že oni prídu, veľké zástupy a vy sa postavíte a začnete niečo hovoriť. A len čo ... A oni tam budú sedieť, dávajú len pozor a vyčkávajú. A potom, len čo poviete: "A teraz, Ježiš Kristus sa preukázal ako Mesiáš, pretože bol Prorok," ten krčah sa naplnil, leje sa to vedľa. Niekto ... a oni odchádzajú preč. Čo to je? Neveriaci!

150Vy hovoríte: "Ty to zveličuješ." Nie. Hovorím len presne to čo tu hovorí Biblia.

151Oni boli neveriaci a odišli preč. Hoci boli učeníkmi, ale to sa nezhodovalo s tým čo ... Oni povedali: "Toto, kto môže veriť niečomu Takému?" Vidíte? To boli farizeovia a sadúceovia, ktorí vyšli, pripojili sa a chodili s Ním.

152Pretože, vidíte, keď to - keď sa zjaví to nadprirodzené, ono vyprodukuje tri rozdielne typy. Tak sa to stalo tam v Egypte. Vyprodukovalo to neveriacich, veriacich a takých, ktorí sa robili, že sú veriaci. Vyprodukovalo to všetky tie tri skupiny. Mám to tu poznačené, že by sme v tom mohli pokračovať celú noc, vysvetľovať to, ako to je. Všade, môžete to nájsť, vidíte tých troch. Vždy ich takto nájdete.

153Nuž dávajte pozor, títo sedemdesiati, oni odišli, pretože To nesúhlasilo s tým, čomu oni verili, že je pravda.

154My nemáme žiadnu myšlienku zo seba. To je to čo On povedal! Popierate svoje vlastné predstavy. Hovoríte len to, čo hovorí On. To je skutočné vyznanie. Vyznanie, to znamená "hovoriť to isté". Ak som vyznal určitú vec, ktorá sa stala, hovorím to isté čo sa stalo. To je to, čím je skutočne vyznanie. "A On je Veľkňazom nášho vyznania." Vidíte? Keď hovoríme to isté, čo povedal Boh, vidíte, tým sa to dostáva do poriadku, pretože len opakujete Božie Slovo.

155Nuž všimnite si, tí sedemdesiati odišli. Čo oni urobili? A oni odišli len preto, že s Tým nesúhlasili. Na ich múdrosť, na ich členstvo v cirkvi. To bolo priveľa. To bolo na nich priveľa, pomyslieť si, že tento Muž, ktorý tu stojí, že ... Všetci ostatní ľudia verili, že On bol nemanželským dieťaťom. "On nemal žiadne práva nazývať sa Bohom. A On bol len človek." Hovorili: "Nekameňujeme Ťa za dobrý skutok, ale preto, že Ty súc človek, robíš sa Bohom."

156A Slovo hovorilo, že On je Boh. "Jeho meno bude Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Silný Boh, Otec Večnosti." Hovorili to ich vlastné Písma, ktoré čítavali!

157A práve v ten deň, keď spievali ten žalm, 22. žalm: "Môj Bože, Môj Bože, prečo si Ma opustil? Počítam všetky Svoje kosti a oni hľadia a dívajú sa Mi." "Ani jedna Jeho kosť nebude zlámaná." Práve ten žalm, ktorý si opakovali v chráme, tam zavesili tú Obeť, ktorá kričala tie isté slová, ktoré David povedal pred osemsto rokmi a boli príliš slepí na to, aby to videli.

158A dnes, ten istý Boh, ktorý hovoril o tomto veku, je na scéne a robí presne to čo povedal, že bude robiť a oni sú príliš slepí na to, aby to videli. To sú neveriaci. Oni odchádzajú preč a hovoria: "Och, ja nemôžem veriť takémuto nezmyslu ako Toto. Nikdy v živote som o Tom nepočul!" Nejde o to čo si počul. Biblia hovorí, že To tu bude a to je Jeho Slovo.

159Oni tiež o Tom nikdy nepočuli, ale tak isto To tam bolo. Vidíte? Je to tak. Oni boli neveriaci.

160Práve tak ako Eva, ona bola veľmi nábožná, samozrejme, tak, ale ona - ona neverila pravému Slovu. A musela si urobiť nejaké náboženstvo a tak naviazala nejaké figové listy, vidíte, ale to nefungovalo. Náboženstvo znamená "pokrytie."

161Kain urobil to isté. Kain nemohol uveriť, že by To bola pravda. On povedal: "Boh je svätý, Boh je čistý a Boh je nádherný. A tak si zaobstarám nejaké kvety a vezmem ich - tie kvety a urobím krásny, veľký oltár a ukážem Mu ako si Ho ctím. Postavím sa pred to a skloním sa pred Ním A uctím si toho Boha. A položím kvety na oltár, pretože, viete, môj otec a moja matka jedli nejaké jablká, nejaké ovocie, v záhrade Eden A to je to, čo ma vyviedlo von. A tak, to je ... Pôjdem naspäť, pretože to urobím pekne. Boh predsa nemôže odvrhnúť moju veľkú katedrálu. Prečo, budem príliš veľkou katedrálou! Urobím to tak nádherné, až to upúta Božiu pozornosť." Satan je ten, ktorý prebýva v nádhere. To je presne to čo hovorí Písmo.

162Preto, niekedy, pekná žena je určitým Satanovým lákadlom. Ak sa mu ju len podarí dostať, môže zvrátiť do pekla viac mužov, než ako so všetkými krčmami v krajine. Je to tak. Vidíte? Alebo pekný... nejaký urastený, pekný muž, ktorý nebude stáť vo svojej opravdivej mužskosti, vidíte, znovu, on môže zvrátiť ženy do diabla a poslať ich do pekla. Tak veru.

163Všimnite si, Satan prebýva v nádhere. Čo sa on snažil urobiť na začiatku? Nadobudnúť krajšie kráľovstvo, než ako bolo Michaelove; išiel na sever a vzal so sebou dve tretiny anjelov.

164Vidíte, čí - čí to potom bol syn, ktorý mal v sebe takú povahu? Satanov syn. Samozrejme, že bol. A teraz on postavil oltár, sklonil sa a oddával chválu. On urobil všetko čo (Kain), čo Ábel.

165Ale Ábel vedel, že to nebolo to. On ... To bola krv, ktorá ich vzala odtiaľ preč. On vedel, že to nebolo to. To bol sex, krv. A tak vzal prosté zviera a obetoval ho na skale a presekol jeho krk.

166Všimnite si, Kain, on ... Boh mu povedal, riekol: "Prečo neoddávaš česť tak, ako tvoj brat a urobíš všetko dobre. Urobíš dobre, ak to budeš robiť ako on." Ale, nie, on príliš mnoho o tom vedel. Vidíte, on odmietol ten originál, to potvrdené Slovo. Či to dnes nie sú jeho deti. Vidíte?

167Nuž pozrite sa: "Boh vydal svedectvo," Biblia hovorí. Židom, 4. kapitola, alebo 11. kapitola: "Boh svedčí pri jeho dare, že bol spravodlivý." Boh potvrdil jeho obeť. Boh dokázal, že to bolo to čo On prijal; to bolo Jeho Slovo, Jeho plán.

168A povedal Kainovi, riekol: "Urob to isté a budeš žiť." Ale myslíte si, že on by to urobil, že by sa vzdal svojej idei? Nie veru. On bol neveriaci a odišiel hneď preč. Je to tak. Kain urobil to isté. Nimród urobil to isté. Neveriaci! On neveril.

Baltazár, to isté, hoci, či ...

169Nabuchodonozor, hoci mal Daniela ako svojho boha, nazýval ho Baltazár, čo bolo meno jeho boha, videl robiť Daniela tie veľké skutky Božie. A potom on vedel, že - že Baltazár veril, alebo že Daniel bol boh, tak mu postavil obraz a postavil ho tam vonku a každého nútil, aby ho uctieval a tak ďalej. Vidíte, pohanské kráľovstvo začalo s nátlakom, uctievať obraz svätého muža a pohanské kráľovstvo sa zakončí s nátlakom, uctievať obraz svätého muža, vidíte, tak isto.

170 A tam bol nápis na stene, v neznámych jazykoch, na počiatku pohanského kráľovstva, ktorý nemohol nikto prečítať iba prorok. A dnes je na stene nápis, je to tak: "Ichabot," že sláva Božia odišla od nich. A ten nápis je na stene a môže byť prečítaný skrze duchovnú myseľ, ktorá verí v duchovné veci, ktorá sa narodila z Ducha Božieho.

171Starý Balsazár odišiel a vzal tie nádoby Pánove, aby z nich pili víno. Prečo? On bol neveriaci. On si myslel, že je veriaci, ale on bol neveriaci. Vidíte, to je to, on neveril Slovu.

172Achab, on bol neveriaci, hoci sa správal tak ako keby nebol. Nie, nie, on bol medzi veriacimi, ale bol neveriaci. Čo urobil? Oženil sa s modlárkou a priviedol to, modlárstvo, rovno do Izraela. On bol neveriaci. Vieme to.

173Oni zapierajú, že celé Slovo Božie je pravda. Neveriaci je, vidíte, zapamätajte si teraz, on je pokrytec. A on sa správa tak, že hovorí, že Tomu verí, ale To zapiera. On povedal: "Nuž, toľko a toľko je z Toho v poriadku." Ale ak nie je všetko z toho pravda, potom to ukazuje, že je neveriaci. Vy musíte veriť každú bodku a každú jotu a všetko čo je Tam povedané. To musí byť pravda. Ak je To nie pravda, ak teraz poviete: "Ja Tomu neverím," nuž, potom ste neveriaci.

174Raz mi povedal jeden človek, kazateľ, povedal: "Nezaujíma ma, pán Branham, koľko ľudí by ste mohli predviesť a povedať o nich, že boli uzdravení, ja by som tomu neveril."

175Povedal som mu: "Samozrejme, vy tomu nemôžete veriť. Vy ste neveriaci. To nie je pre vás. To je len pre veriacich."

176 Vy tomu musíte veriť. Vidíte? A oni tomu neveria. Tak keď vidíte niekoho v takom ... Nuž, či nepovedal Pavol o tom (i proroci), hovoril, že oni budú "náhli, nadutí, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha; ktorí majú formu pobožnosti, ktorí však jej moc zapreli. A tých sa stráň." Všimnite si, oni zapierajú celosť Slova; ale v každej forme sú nábožní. Oni neveria v opravdové Slovo, hoci sa Ono potvrdilo.

177Počas všetkých tých vekov, Boh potvrdzoval týchto ľudí, o ktorých som hovoril, Noeho A tak ďalej cez Mojžiša A všetkých prorokov a tak ďalej. Boh hovoril cez nadprirodzenosť a potvrdil to Slovo A jednako títo ľudia odchádzali preč od Toho.

178A tu máme týchto učeníkov, ktorí tam stoja, tých sedemdesiatich a pozorujú Ježiša, ktorý činí tieto veci a poznajú Písmo, i Jeho, ktorý im hovoril, že to je čas v ktorom sa to má diať. A potom, keď povedal niečo: "Syn človeka, čo by ste povedali ..." Keď im začal hovoriť o lámaní chleba a tak ďalej a pokračoval a hovoril im o veľkých duchovných veciach.

A oni povedali: "Ó, to je tvrdá reč!"

179On povedal: "A čo poviete potom, keď uvidíte Syna človeka vystupovať hore do Neba, tam odkiaľ prišiel?" Povedal: "Je to telo, alebo je to Duch, ktorý oživuje?" Vidíte?

180A oni potom odišli preč, povedali: "Ó, Toto, nie, ja tomu nemôžem veriť.." Vidíte? Oni zaraz odišli preč od Slova. Nechceli ani len počkať, aby videli čo sa deje. To je - to je neveriaci.

181Čo oni potom robia? Vidíme, že oni, že títo ľudia, títo veriaci, tak zvaní veriaci, ale vo formách pobožnosti, oni nie sú schopní uvidieť tú zamanifestovanú Pravdu Božieho Slova, pretože To sa nezhoduje s tým čomu oni veria. Vidíte?

182Nejde o to čo veríte, akí ste verní, akí ste nábožní, alebo ... to s tým nemá nič spoločného. Skutočne, prečo, to s tým nemá nič spoločného. Videl som ľudí, ktorí boli tak úprimní! Videl som pohanov, ktorí pália svoje deti, hádžu ich krokodílom, matky s ich deťmi. To je viac ako by urobili kresťania. Vidíte? Oni úprimne veria, úprimne, ale sú úprimne vedľa.

183Ľudia hovoria: "Nuž, táto cirkev povstala!" To, ste úprimne vedľa, ak sa to nezhoduje so Slovom. "No dobre, pozri sa, ja neverím v niečo také!" Keď, Biblia hovorí, že predsa To tak je! Vidíte? "Ja neverím, že To musíme robiť." Nestarám sa o to čo si ty myslíš, že nemusíš robiť. Boh povedal, že sa to musí urobiť.

184"Tieto znamenia ich budú nasledovať." Ako ďaleko? "Po celom svete." Koho? "Každé stvorenie." Vidíte, to bude; nie že bude, ale to je hotové aby to bolo!

185A toto Posolstvo tejto hodiny, z ktorého sa teraz radujeme, prítomnosť Božia, pozdný deň, večerný čas, keď svietia tie Svetlá A tie veci, ktoré boli otvorené a Slovo, ktoré bolo potvrdené a dokázalo sa že je Pravda; oboje prorokované, že sa stane, dokázané všetko cez vedu i všetko, že je To: "Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." A človek, ktorý ide preč od Toho, je neveriaci. On nemá nádej. Je umŕtvený mocou Satana A tak nie je pre neho žiadnej nádeje. On nemá nádej.

186A teraz to je čo? Veriaci; neveriaci; a teraz tretia skupina, o ktorej hovoríme, je taký, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci. To je ten chlapík, ktorý sa robí veriacim! Nuž, zapamätajte si, tam stáli všetky tri skupiny. A teraz môžeme vidieť, že oni robia presne tak, ako robil ich otec, Judáš.

Tam bol Peter a tí ostatní apoštolovia, veriaci.

Boli tam sedemdesiati, neveriaci.

187A bol tam Judáš, ktorý zostával rovno pri tom, on sa robil, že je veriaci. Čo oni robili? Toto je druh, oni sa toho držia, až kým sa im nepodarí nájsť na Tom niečo, nejakú chybu. Po celý čas hľadajú, aby našli nejaké zadné dvierka, dívajú sa, ako to bolo vykonané, dívajú sa, či je to nie trik, dívajú sa, či je to nie nejaký chyták. Čakajú, aby sa zapredali. Oni čakajú na to.

188Neveriaci, on pritom ani len nepočká. On To odsúdil, a odišiel preč.

189Veriaci, bez ohľadu na to čo sa deje, on Tomu verí, aj tak, pretože To je Slovo.

Tu sú vaše tri skupiny.

190Ten starý neveriaci odíde preč, pri prvej veci ktorá sa povie, necíti sa pri tom dobre. Brat, on hneď potom ukáže svoje farby. On je neveriaci. Pavol povedal: "Oni vyšli z nás, pretože na počiatku neboli z nás. Oni s nami začali." "Ó, dobre ste bežali; čo vám prekazilo?" Vidíte to? "Oni vyšli, pretože neboli z nás." Keď uvidia Slovo, ktoré jasne ide vpred, prečo, oni chceli získať nejaký trik, ktorým by mohli narábať. Vidíte?

191Ale skutoční veriaci o ničom nepochybujú. Je to napísané v Slove, a oni Tomu veria, a idú ďalej. To, to je to. Vždy, to je napísané. Ak je to nie napísané, prečo, držte sa len od toho preč, nezáleží na tom čo sa deje. To musí byť napísané. Vidíte? A oni vidia to napísané Slovo, a veria Mu. A vidia Boha pohybujúceho sa v tom Slove, vidia hodinu, Posolstvo, čas, a kráčajú s Tým.

192Ako som povedal dnes ráno, ako musel Pilát v noci chodiť hore dole po izbe, s utrápeným svedomím, snažiac sa očistiť. A povedal si, bez pochyby vykrikoval cez noc, hovoril: "Ja - ja - ja som si umyl ruky, (celú noc) a stále tomu nemôžem porozumieť. Vidíte, nie sú čisté. Nikdy sa s Ním nemôžem ísť stretnúť; Mám Krv na svojich rukách." Ó! Vidíte, nikdy toho nebuďte vinní. Vidíte?

193Je to na vašich rukách. Je len jediná možnosť, ako Ju môžete z tade odstrániť; a to, prijať Ju, to je ono, stať sa Jej časťou. Kvôli tomu Ona bola preliata.

194Nuž, ten, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci, postáva pri tom a správa sa tak zbožne ako len môže, ale dole vo svojom srdci sa snaží nájsť čo - čo ... ako to robíte. Och, či nie je tento kraj plný takýchto pokrytcov. Áno. To je Judáš. Presne tak. Postáva okolo, stáva sa časťou tej skupiny; on bol pokladník, vidíte. Postával okolo, vždy mal otvorenú svoju ruku na peniaze. Môžete to poznať, to jedno, stále sa snažil získať peniaze, a naťahoval za nimi svoju ruku. A on je ten, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci. Správa sa ako veriaci, ale dole vo svojom srdci ...

195Pamätáte sa, on nezosmiešňoval Ježiša. Potom, čo tí sedemdesiati odišli, a tí veriaci zaujali svoj postoj; a On sa otočil ku tým veriacim, a povedal: "Ešte stále je niečo vo vás," pretože povedal: "Vyvolil som si vás dvanástych, a jeden z vás je diabol." Ježiš to vedel od začiatku, pretože On bol Slovo. On poznal tajomstvá srdca.

196Ako to bolo ťažko! Zastavme sa na chvíľu. Hlboko, vážne sa nad tým zamyslime! Ako ťažko Mu to muselo byť, keď tam chodil, a nejaký človek Ho nazýval: "Brat," a po celý ten čas vedel, že to je zradca, ktorý sa Ho bude snažiť vyviesť z rovnováhy, a predať Ho za tridsať strieborných. Ako to bolo ťažko držať to vo vnútri, a Jeho priateľ chodil tam okolo. Dokonca On povedal: "Priateľ," nazýval Judáša Svojím priateľom: "či som nebol s vami, po celý ten čas?" Vedel to vo Svojom srdci, a nemohol to povedať. On vedel, od začiatku, kto je ten, ktorý Ho zradí.

197Tam je ten, ktorý sa robí veriacim, ktorý len čaká. On to bude spievať, hovoriť: "Ó, ja toto verím, a toto verím, a toto verím. Ale, ó, viete, počul som ako niekto povedal, že toto je tak a tak, mnoho krát." Vidíte, stále má natiahnuté uši.

198Skutočný veriaci nepočúva nič okrem Slova. To mu stačí. On dáva pozor na Slovo. Nehľadá žiadne zadné dvierka. Nehľadá žiadny podfuk. On verí Bohu, a tým je to vybavené, a zotrváva pri tom. Vidíte? Existuje veriaci.

199Neveriaci sa naplní za chvíľu, nemôže obsedieť aby si vypočul desať minút z Posolstva. Musí vstať a ísť preč. Je to proti jeho vierovyznaniu, a on už viacej nechce mať s tým nič spoločného, a tak ide preč.

200Potom, ten, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci, postáva okolo, to je Judáš. Vidíte, to je zradca. To je - to je darebák, keď to musím tak povedať. Judáš, on postával okolo. Toto je ten čas, niekedy, že títo, ktorí sa vydávajú za veriacich, sú veľmi populárni medzi ľuďmi. Je to tak, títo, ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci, vidíte. Niektorí z nich sú vplyvní ľudia, vzdelaní, s doktorátmi, veľkým platom, i všetkým. Niektorí z nich sú veľkí ľudia, chytrí, práve ako boli synovia Satana.

201Pozrite sa ako Satan prichádza rovno tam a súhlasí s každým kúskom toho Slova; on len čaká, aby našiel v Eve to slabé miesto, kde by mohol ukázať svoju moc, aby ju oklamal, zradil. To bol - to bol Satan. A tu je Satan vo forme Judáša, v tomto veku. V tom prvom veku to bol Satan. Čo on bol? Súhlasil so Slovom, až na jednu malú vec; on sa snaží nájsť miesto, kde sa môže dostať na slabosti.

202A to je presne to čo teraz hľadá Judáš. On príde rovno do zhromaždenia, a dáva pozor, až kým nenájde to maličké miesto, že on ... "Ó, tu to je! To je ono!" Vidíte? Ó, takto to je!" Vidíte? Je to presne tak.

203Mnohí z vás sa pamätajú, tam v ten večer, keď ten muž prišiel na pódium. On si myslel, že to bola duchovná telepatia, čítanie tých modlitebných lístkov, a ako si myslel, že práve na to prišiel. Brat, on - on si myslel že prišiel na to. A on tam chodil. Patril do cirkvi, ktorá neverila v toto, v Evanjelium, v plné Evanjelium. A prišiel hore na pódium. Bol som unavený. Oni boli hotoví vziať ma preč.

204Bolo to vo Windsor, v Ontáriu. Tam, prišiel rovno tam, krížom zo Spojených štátov, rovno krížom z Detroidu do Windsoru - veľkej posluchárni.

205A tento muž tam prišiel, v sivom obleku, s červenou kravatou, inteligentne vyzerajúci muž, elegantne oblečený a bystrý. Prišiel na pódium. A ja ... Prišiel hore. Povedal som: "Dobre, dovoľte mi len, aby som vás chytil za ruku." Povedal som: "Som unavený; Videl som mnoho videní. Dovoľte len, aby som vás chytil za ruku." A- a vôbec som si nevšimol toho muža. A on položil svoju ruku do mojej. A ja som povedal: "Pane, vám nič nie je. Môžete ísť."

On povedal: "Ó, je, tiež."

206A ja som mu povedal: "No, počkajte." Povedal som: "Nie, pane, nie je tam ani jediný náznak. Nie, pane, vy ste zdravý."

On povedal: "Choď a pozri sa na môj modlitebný lístok!"

207Povedal som: "Nezaujíma ma čo ste napísali na svoj modlitebný lístok." Povedal som: "Ja nemám nič spoločného s tým modlitebným lístkom," nemyslel som, viete. Bol som vyčerpaný a unavený. A môj ... Ale milosť Božia, vy viete, bola stále tam, pamätajte.

208Ak vás On pošle, to je Jeho povinnosť, starať sa o vás. Nie moja; Jeho. On To poslal. Odo mňa sa len očakáva, že budem stáť na tom čo je Pravda.

209Keď Mojžiš hodil na zem svoju palicu, ona sa premenila na hada, a tí čarodejníci urobili to isté. Čo mohol Mojžiš urobiť, ako tam stáť a očakávať na milosť Božiu? To je všetko. Tak isto. On nasledoval tie prikázania. A vy viete čo sa stalo, či nie? Vidíte?

210Tento človek povedal: "Nie," on povedal: "je. Pozri sa na môj modlitebný lístok."

211Povedal som: "Dobre, možno že si mal takú veľkú vieru, a tak to mohlo byť uzdravené," nerozmýšľal som, viete. Nevenoval som tomu ani pozornosť.

212Potom si rozopol sako a vypol hruď. Povedal: "No prosím!" do publika.

A ja som rozmýšľal: "Čo sa to tu deje?"

213Rozhliadol sa dookola. Povedal: "No prosím!" Povedal: "Vidíte ten podfuk?" To je váš Judáš, náboženský človek, kazateľ veľkej denominácii. Povedal: "No prosím! Mal som takú veľkú vieru. Nuž, on je tak slabý, nedokáže čítať tú telepatiu. Vidíte, neprichádza to ďalej ku nemu." A on tam povedal: "To nie moja viera, bola taká veľká." Povedal: "Napísal som to na ten modlitebný lístok, a on to teraz nemôže zachytiť, vidíte." Povedal: "To je ten podfuk!"

214Rozmýšľal som: "Čo sa to deje?" A potom zostúpila milosť Božia.

215Povedal som: "Pane, prečo diabol vložil do tvojho srdca, aby si sa snažil oklamať Boha?" Moderný Judáš! Povedal som, Ty si z cirkvi Kristovej ..." Prepáčte. No, už som to povedal. "Ty si kazateľ z cirkvi Kristovej. Patríš do cirkvi Kristovej, tam z ďaleka zo Spojených štátov. A ten muž, ktorý sedí tam, v tom modrom obleku, a tvoja i jeho žena tam sedia, minulý večer ste sedeli za stolom, na ktorom bol zelený obrus, takto rozostrené, a ty si nadniesol, že toto je telepatia, a že sem prídete dnes večer."

216Ten človek povstal. Povedal: "To je úplná pravda. Bože, buď mi milostivý!"

217Povedal som: "Pane, napísal si na modlitebný lístok, TBC a rakovina, a teraz to máš. Teraz je to tvoje."

A on ma chytil za nohavice a povedal: "Ja som ne..."

218Povedal som: "Nemôžem ti pomôcť. Choď. To je medzi tebou a Bohom. Napísal si si svoj osud na svoj lístok." A dostal to. To bolo všetko z toho.

219Vidíte, robiaci sa veriaci, podvodníci, pokúšajú sa nájsť nejakú chybu na Bohu a na Jeho Slove. To sú Judášovia. To sú oni. Vidíte ako dopadol Judáš? Vidíte ako dopadol tento chlap? Tak dopadnú tí, ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci. Vidíte, robiaci sa veriaci, och, vysoko vzdelaní, nie- kedy, a prichádza veľké odhalenie medzi Slovom a ich vyznaním. A keď sa to stane, oni To predajú svojej denominácii, presne tak ako to urobil ich predchodca, Judáš. Judáš To predal svojej denominácii; predal Ježiša, Slovo, svojej denominácii, a zradil Ježiša Krista, potom čo tvrdil, že je časťou toho.

220Kazatelia, ktorí niekedy tvrdia, že sú Kristovi sluhovia, a keď je to Slovo dokonale identifikované, aby sa potvrdilo na tento deň, že je to Posolstvo tejto hodiny, oni To tam predajú za populárnosť, svojej denominácii; presne tak ako to urobil Judáš, zradil Ježiša farizejom a sadúceom. Ten duch nezomiera, a tak je tam medzi veriacimi, tými ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci, a neveriacimi. Vidíte, je to presne tak, prišiel a predal Ježiša za tridsať strieborných; a mnohí to dnes urobia za lístok na jedlo, za nejakých extra sto dolárov na týždeň; skutočne, zapierajú Boha, ktorý stojí v ich strede, ktorý zaplatil za ich život, a to plným Slovom.

221A oni povedia: "Ó, dni zázrakov pominuli! Alebo, Boh dnes niečo také nepotrebuje." Vidíte? "Ó, ja verím v Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho! Zdravas Mária, matka Božia, požehnaná medzi ženami!" Oni hovoria všetky tieto iné veci! A niekto z nich povedal: "Verím v Apoštolské vyznanie. Verím v Boha Otca, stvoriteľa neba i zeme. Verím v svätú rímsko katolícku cirkev, a všetky tieto veci."

222Povedzte mi, kedy nejaký apoštol mal nejaké takéto vyznanie. Ak apoštolovia mali jedno vyznanie, ono je napísané v Skutkoch 2: 38. "Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť, každý jeden z vás na meno Ježiša Krista, na odpustenie svojich hriechov, a dostanete dar Svätého Ducha." Ak oni mali nejaké vyznanie, to bolo toto. Oni nemali žiadne vyznanie. To bolo Slovo. To je pravda. Ono stále zostáva to isté. To je predpis na vyliečenia sa z choroby hriechu: "A dostanete dar Svätého Ducha! Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť na odpustenie hriechov, vidíte, a dostanete dar Svätého Ducha."

223Ale oni To predali, ako Judáš. To je ten, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci. Niektorí z nich sú vysoko talentovaní ľudia. A tento, čo sa robí, že je veriaci, sledujte ho. Je to bystrý človek. Tento chlapík, ktorý sa rýchlo preje, vyskočí a vybehne von, pri každej drobnej fráze, ktorú nemá rád, vôbec si ho nevšímajte; on je proste neveriaci, od začiatku. Ale keď vidíte tohoto, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci, zdržuje sa pri tom, vidíte, to je Judáš. To je on.

224 Ako veľké talenty. Budem tu hovoriť mená. Čo, v podstate by som to nemal robiť, ale poviem ich, jednako, aby ste to vedeli. Ako, Elvis Presley, Red Foley, Ernie Ford, Pat Boone. Elvis Presley, letničný; Pat Boone, cirkev Kristova; Red Foley, diakon cirkvi Kristovej; a myslím, že Ernest Ford je metodista. A všetci títo ľudia s tými talentami, chytrí, vonku v televízii. A ľudia si hovoria: "Nuž, či oni nie sú nábožní? Spievajú piesne." To nič neznamená. Tak veru. Klamú svet!

225Čo oni z toho majú? Judáš mal tridsať strieborných. Elvis, autopark Cadillakov, a sto, alebo dvesto, sto päťdesiat miliónov dolárov, alebo milión dolárov za nahrávky a také veci. Pat Boone a ostatní. Nestarám sa o to, do akej cirkvi patria, i tak ďalej, je to pokrytectvo. To je ten, čo sa robí, že je veriaci. To je tvár. To, ich život dáva najavo, že je to nie pravda. Skutočne.

226Potom sú tí s tými talentami, veľkí organizátori, svetská múdrosť. Kážu evanjelium - robia si na to nárok. Chytrí ľudia, vzdelaní. Počúvajte, človek, ktorý je vycvičený v tom obore, on nie je kazateľ. On je lektor. To je ten problém dnes, my máme lektorov.

227Ježiš nikdy nepovedal: "Choďte a trénujte sa aby ste toto robili." On povedal: "Choďte kázať Evanjelium, a tieto znamenie budú nasledovať tých kazateľov." Vidíte? Vidíte?

228To nie je učiť sa, aby sa stať nejakým lektorom, ktorý sa tam môže postaviť a len, ó, predniesť svoju kvetistú reč, že sa cítite, ako keby ste sedeli v prítomnosti nejakého archanjela. To nie je to. "Majúc formu pobožnosti," vidíte, to je lektor, a nie Duch Svätý pri práci.

229Nejaký obyčajný človek, ktorý nebude poznať ani abecedu, môže prísť s Mocou vyplývajúcej z viery v Slovo; a spôsobiť, že Duch Svätý bude robiť veci, o ktorých ten človek nič nevie a zapiera to. Vidíte. Tu to máte.

230Veľkí ľudia! Tak veru. Potom oni sú organizátori. Oni sú prosperujúci, úspešní, chytrí vo svetskej múdrosti.

231Presne tak ako to urobil Satan Eve, tej prostej, bezradnej žene. On prišiel rovno ku nej a snažil sa jej predať myšlienku, že bude múdrejšia než ako je a to bolo to, čo ona hľadala. Namiesto toho, aby stála presne na tom čo hovorilo Slovo, on jej chcel predať myšlienku, že bude múdrejšia a ona kúpila jeho výmysel. A oni robia dnes stále to isté. "Múdrosť tohoto sveta je bláznovstvom pred Bohom." Tak veru.

232Nie veru! Ó. Presne to isté čo predali farizeovia a urobili, vidíte, s múdrosťou ktorú mali. Ale, ale zapreli celé Slovo Božie.

233Keď im To bolo náležite dokázané a potvrdené, oni sa stále snažia nájsť niečo a myslia si, že je to nejaký trik. Nie sú ustálení vo svojich mysliach. Nemôžu Tomu veriť. Môžete im čokoľvek povedať a oni sú znovu pri svojom; môžete im povedať čokoľvek, oni sú znovu pri svojom. A oni len ... A nemôže To do nich vsiaknuť, vidíte. A hľaďte na nich; oni vyčkávajú na nejaký čas, na nejaké zadné dvierka. To je to čo chcú.

234To je to čo, ak by to nebolo z milosti Božej, všetky moje zadné dvierka by boli vystavené, ak by som nejaké mal. Vidíte? To je milosť Božia, pretože v Slove Božom nie sú žiadne zadné dvierka; len priame Evanjelium. Vždy som hovoril, ktokoľvek, ak vidíte, že učím, alebo robím niečo, čo nie je presne podľa Slova Božieho, príďte a povedzte mi to. Tu je tá vec ktorá prikrýva tie zadné dvierka, ktoré sa vy snažíte nájsť. Obráťte svoje oči len na Toto A neuvidíte žiadne zadné dvierka, pretože žiadne neexistujú.

235Nuž pamätajte, Judáš si myslel že našiel jedni. Ten chlap si myslel že našiel jedny. Mnoho krát, si oni myslia, že to našli, ale sa ukazuje, že to nie je to. To sú tí, ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci, pokrytci. Deväťdesiat päť percent sú v Slove, tak ako bola Eva, alebo, deväťdesiat deväť a deväť desatín; ale to bola tá jedna desatina, ktorá spôsobila všetku smrť a žiaľ.

236To je to, čo usvedčuje organizáciu i všetko, pretože oni neberú celé Slovo Božie. To sú takí, ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci. Nachádzame, že to vždy tak bolo, ale zapierajú pravdu, potvrdené Slovo. Oni sú stále, v každej generácii. Nachádzame ich ako takých, ktorí idú s Tým A tiež veľmi nábožných.

237Nuž, som pripravený zakončiť teraz, pretože som zabral už ďalšiu pol hodinu.

238Ježiš, nachádzame, že On nás varoval pred týmito poslednými dňami a týmto druhom ľudí, že oni budú tak veľmi podobní tomu pravému, že skutočne by zviedli aj Vyvolených. Čo to je? To sú Judášovia, ľudia, ktorí zájdu až tak ďaleko. Pozrite sa, oni - oni môžu dokonca kričať, vykrikovať, nárokujú si vyháňanie démonov, všetko a potom sa otočia a zapierajú Slovo. Presne tak. Oni majú formu pobožnosti. Oni takmer ...

239Pozrite sa pokade prišiel Judáš. Judášov duch sa vyšplhal do Evanjelia, hore až po Letnice. Ale keď prišiel čas jeho krstu vo meno Ježiša Krista, i tie ďalšie veci, ktoré idú s krstom Ducha Svätého, on odišiel preč. Ukázal svoje farby. A tento duch môže žiť v týchto denomináciách, až kým to nepríde rovno do tej Pravdy, potom ona odpadne rovno späť, ako ten duch, ktorý je na nich, to predchádza ich príchod; práve tak ako Ján predchádzal Ježišov príchod.

"Nuž ty hovoríš, že Ježiš povedal, že oni budú tak blízko."

240Nuž: "Vyvolení," to sú tí, ktorí mali svoje mená v Knihe, od založenia života, ktorí veria, či vlastne od založenia sveta, ktorí veria v celé Slovo Života. To sú vyvolení.

241Nuž pozorujte týchto ľudí. Hovorím to s vážnosťou a s rešpektom, so zbožnou láskou; ak nie, ja - ja sám potrebujem zavolanie ku oltáru. Všimnite si, Ježiš povedal, že oni by zviedli i Vyvolených. Nuž, to by neboli metodisti, to by neboli baptisti; vieme, že oni sú neveriaci, od začiatku. Ale to je letničná organizácia, ktorá vošla do tej denominácii, vytiahli svoje línie, bez Slova; a nakreslili hranice a založili svoju vlastnú organizáciu a odhradili preč Slovo. Oni by zviedli i Vyvolených, tak dokonale podobní! Poviete: "Oni plačú. Kričia. Skáču hore dole. Robia si nárok na zhromaždenia s uzdravovaním." Tak robil Judáš A tak robia všetci ostatní z nich. Keď oni vyšli, vrátili sa späť a radovali sa a dokonca mali svoje mená zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života.

242Ale, pamätajte, Nevesta nepríde v tejto skupine. Ona ide do Vytrhnutia.

243Na Súde, keď zasadol súd: "A knihy boli otvorené, tá zlá; i ďalšia Kniha bola otvorená, ktorá je Knihou Života," a bola tam Nevesta, aby to súdila. Vidíte? Vidíte? "Ďalšia Kniha bola otvorená, ktorá je Kniha Života." To sú ovce na jednej strane a kozly na druhej. Vidíte, tí ľudia, ktorí zomreli tam dávno, ktorí nikdy nemali tú príležitosť, oni budú tí, ktorí budú oddelení.

244Ale teraz si všimnite: "zviesť" i Vyvolených, pozorujte tú skupinu. To je tá skupina, ktorá kráča tesne za Tým: "Áno brat. Haleluja! Áno. Chvála Bohu!" A vo vnútri svojho srdca vidíš, prečo ťa oni zamestnávajú; majú ťa v zbore (prečo?), aby potiahli dav, vyžmýkali ich o každý halier, ktorý by z toho mohli dostať. Myslíte si, že to neviem? Oni si možno myslia, že to neviem, ale ja to viem.

245Ježiš to vedel, od začiatku, kto je podvodník. Vidíte? Vidíte? Ale čo On robil? On len čakal, až do toho času. To je to, čo my tiež musíme robiť, čakať až do toho času. Nezačínajte sami od seba. Čakajte až do tej minúty.

246Majúca formu a ide rovno s Tým, to je tá zvodiaca skupina. Pozorujte toho zvodcu, tú skupinu tam; nie veriaci, nie neveriaci, ale ten, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci. Ó! Čo oni robia? Plejú len okolo, až si myslia, že môžu niečo nájsť, vyťahujú od ľudí každý halier, ktorý len môžu dostať, vidíte a potom to hromadia v tých veľkých organizáciách; ktoré sú úplne proti a oni to vedia. Vidíte, oni to vedia.

247To na tom nič nemení, čo vy poviete. Oni stále varujú tých ľudí pred tým ako prídete: "Nepočúvajte To."

248Jeden človek sa s takou smelosťou postavil tam v Ohio, práve keď bol uzdravený brat Kidd, prišiel tam na pódium a povedal: "Nuž, brat Branham je prorok, nieto o tom vôbec žiadnych pochýb, keď sa nachádza pod tým pomazaním. Ale teraz", povedal: "keď je to pomazanie preč od neho," povedal: "neverte jeho učeniu, pretože je falošné."

249A on nevedel, že keď som sedel vo svojej izbe, Pán mi to zjavil. A ja som tam hneď zašiel. A mnohí z vás tam boli. Povedal som: "Ako môže niekto povedať niečo také, keď slovo ..." Nuž, vidíte, ja som nikdy nepovedal, že som prorok; on to povedal.

250A prorok, slovo prorok: "vidiaci," Starý Zá-... Nuž, anglická verzia slova prorok znamená "kazateľ." Ale starozákonný vidiaci bol človek, ktorý mal "Božský výklad Slova," a bol dokázaný Slovom, ktoré ku nemu prichádzalo a predvídalo to. To bolo to čo ...

251A niekto hovorí, že niekto je prorok a potom povie, že jeho učenie je falošné? Ak to nie je metóda na získanie peňazí, tak čo to je? Tá hodina je blízko, keď táto vec vyjde na svetlo. Áno. Ale to je ten druh, ten, ktorý sa robí, že je veriaci, tľapká vás po pleci, nazýva vás "brat," práve ako Judáš. Ale pamätajte, On to vedel od začiatku. On to stále vie. Tak veru.

252Pamätajte, všetci ktorí počúvate túto pásku, tak isto, je to tak, ste v jednej z tých skupín. Je to presne tak. A teraz budeme končiť. Každá osoba, ktorá je tu prítomná, každá osoba, ktorá počúva túto pásku; a aj keď ja jedného dňa budem musieť opustiť tento svet, tieto pásky budú stále žiť. Je to tak. Vidíte? A vy ste v jednej z týchto skupín. Musíte byť v jednej z nich. Presne tak. Nemôžete tomu uniknúť. Ste v jednej z týchto skupín.

253A teraz čo? Porovnajte sa s Biblickým charakterom, ktorý veril, kde ste vy verili Slovu, keď Ono bolo potvrdené, ako som To dnes večer dokázal, že to bolo potvrdené Slovo, ktoré bolo vždy, vždy v protiklade s tou populárnou vierou.

254Ak by ste boli žili vo dňoch Noeho, dovoľte mi opýtať sa teraz, na ktorej strane by ste boli, na strane cirkvi, alebo na strane Noeho, proroka? Vidíte?

255Ak by ste boli žili vo dňoch Mojžiša, verili by ste Mojžišovmu posolstvu, potom čo sa Ono dokázalo a Boh ho potvrdil? Alebo by ste išli s Kórachom a Dátanom A tými a povedali by ste: "Ty nie si jediný svätý muž. Iní ľudia tiež môžu robiť tieto veci, ktoré ty robíš"? Vidíte? Museli by ste byť jeden z nich a ste, dnes večer.

256Alebo by ste boli s Danielom, alebo s cirkvou, ktorá bola tam na Nabuchodonozorovom večierku, ktorý usporiadali? Vidíte? Boli by ste vonku, alebo by ste boli v tom kravále, tých veľkých vecí, ktoré tam mali?

257Boli by ste s Eliášom, s tým mužom, ktorý stál samotný, nazývali ho: "starý blázon, človek ktorý stratil rozum," a stál hore na vrchu a jeho hlava sa tam blyšťala na slnku, s krivou palicou v ruke, vtáci ho kŕmili, och-och, nejaký blázon? Alebo by ste boli s kňazmi a so všetkými tými tam dole, s Jezábeľou a s tými ostatnými moderne oblečenými ženami? A Eliáš tam stál, napomínal ich, ako len mohol! Čo by ste vybrali pre svoju ženu? Pomyslite len. Predstavte si to len dnes večer.

258Vo dňoch Ježiša, boli by ste s týmto chlapcom, ktorý nemal žiadne odporúčajúce listy? On nepatril do žiadnej denominácii. Oni povedali: "Akú školu si vychodil? Nemáme Ťa tu v našich záznamoch. Ako získaš tú múdrosť? Ako by si sa to vôbec naučil, ak by sme Ťa my neučili tie veci? Akú školu si vychodil? Si metodista, prezbyterián, baptista?" On nebol nič z toho. Je to tak. On bol Slovo. Je to presne tak, brat.

259Alebo by si sa postavil na stranu s farizejmi tej modernej viery, toho pokorného starého kňaza, ktorý vyzeral byť taký príjemný a milý a tej organizácii, ktorá povstala od Nicejského koncilu, alebo od vtedy ako to Luther zorganizoval? Alebo v ktorej skupine by si bol? Bol by si v ... V ktorej skupine by si bol? Stál by si pri Slove, keby si Ho videl potvrdené a bolo by ti dokázané, že To je Posolstvo na ten deň, alebo by si zaujal stanovisko cirkvi? Nuž, predstav si to len dnes večer.

260Bol by si tam s tými apoštolmi, keď oni videli Ježiša a všetky tie tajomné veci, keď vyhŕkol na tých farizejov a povedal: "vy hniezdo hadov"? Tým čestným, starým kazateľom, ktorí študovali to Slovo. Povedal: "Nie ste nič iné ako peleš lotrov a ste plní umrlčích kostí. Nie ste nič iné ako obielené steny." Vidíte? "Vy plemeno vreteníc." Stáli by ste pri takomto chlapíkovi s horúcou hlavou, ktorý sa tam postavil a karhal a trhal? Povedal: "Kto z vás Ma môže usvedčiť o hriechu? Ak nerobím to čo Otec povedal ..."

261Oni povedali: "Nepočúvajte Ho. Tento človek má v sebe nečistého ducha. On je blázon. Je pomätený. Má v sebe diablovho ducha. Vidíte? Nuž, ako to On robí, to je v Ňom veštecký duch. On hovorí ... Čo On je? Jeho matka Ho mala skôr, ako bola zosobášená so svojím mužom. Vidíte? Vidíte? Akú školu On vychodil? Nemáme o Ňom dokonca ani jeden záznam, že by chodil do základnej školy."

262A jednako, keď Mu bolo dvanásť rokov ohromoval a udivoval kňazov, so Slovom Božím. Vidíte? Z akej školy On vyšiel? Z tej tam z hora. Vidíte? "Keď uvidíte Syna človeka vystupovať hore, tam odkiaľ prišiel." Vidíte, to bola Jeho škola.

263Či by ste stáli s tými apoštolmi, pri takomto Človeku, keď nastalo zúčtovanie?

264Alebo by ste proste odišli s tými sedemdesiatimi a povedali: "Dobre, pôjdeme naspäť do svojej cirkvi, ak Ty takto budeš učiť, hovoriť že, Ty, syn človeka"? Keď, nakoniec, kto si? Čo si? Človek ako aj ja, jedávam s Tebou A Ty sa snažíš povedať, že Ty si niečo? Pozoroval som Ťa. Videl som Tvoje slabosti. Videl som Ťa ako si plakal. Videl som Ťa ako si robil toto, to, či tamto. Videl som Ťa ako si išiel s nami na púšť a všetko iné, ako to teraz a Ty si len človek. A hovoríš, že si prišiel z Neba. To je na mňa príliš mnoho." Chodili by ste s nimi? Alebo by ste odišli preč s tými sedemdesiatymi? Alebo by ste chodili s apoštolmi a s Kristom?

265Keď sa svätý Martin snažil udržať v cirkvi krst v Mene Ježiša Krista, keď sa stále snažil udržať znamenia a zázraky a všetko a Katolícka cirkev zavrhla tohoto muža a dokonca ho vôbec ani neuznala a vykázala ho von. Stáli by ste po strane katolíckeho vyznania, alebo by ste stáli so svätým Martinom? Keď on odmietal postaviť všetky tieto rôzne podobizne mŕtvych ľudí a uctievať ich, uctievať tie podobizne a tak ďalej. Keď odmietol dogmy, ktoré boli pridané. On povedal: "Nech je Pravdou Slovo!" A Boh ho potvrdzoval veľkými znameniami a zázrakmi a to, čo predpovedal sa stalo. A všetko čo urobil. Chodil v Duchu Božom a dokázal to a ani jeden z tých kňazov, ani nikto nemohol nič s tým urobiť. Postavili by ste sa na jeho stranu a išli by ste so svätým Martinom, alebo by ste išli s katolíckym vyznaním?

266Teraz Slovo, teraz je pred vami Slovo Božie, alebo cirkevné dogmy. Môžete vziať, prijať to čo hovoria cirkevné dogmy, alebo môžete vziať to čo hovorí Slovo?

267Pamätajte, vo všetkých vekoch to bolo práve tak ako je to teraz. Vždy je medzi ľuďmi populárna viera a to je vždy trochu v rozpore so skutočným Slovom. Pamätajte, to nikdy nebolo tak, že by To hneď na mieste bolo zavrhnuté. Ó, nie. Antikrist nezavrhuje Slovo. Samozrejme že nie. On hovorí, že Tomu verí, ale nie všetko tak, ako je To tu napísané. Vidíte?

268Satan povedal Eve. Eva všetkému verila, okrem tej drobnosti, ktorú jej on povedal. Oni všetko z Toho prijímajú, až na nejakú drobnosť. Môže to byť: "choď do vody," môže to byť niečo iné. Vy To musíte vziať, každý kúsok, práve tak ako je To tu. Vidíte? Práve tak, ako je To tu povedané. Môže to spôsobiť, že znovu urobíte niektoré prvé skutky, ale to je len to, čo hovorí Slovo. Toto bol Satanov trik, odvtedy ako to vykonal prv na Eve, len aby zapochybovala o nejakej drobnosti zo Slova.

269Slovo vždy oddeľuje tie tri skupiny ľudí, oddeľuje týchto ľudí. V každom veku to tak bolo. Každý vek, ktorý kedy bol, bolo to v ňom tak, keď Boh niečo poslal na scénu a jasne identifikoval Svoje Slovo.

270Potom sú tí, ktorí To nasledujú, ktorí tvrdia, že sú veriaci a sú. Oni sú tí, ktorí sa neotočia naspäť. Oni veria v Slovo. Pokiaľ stojíte v Slove, oni Tomu veria.

271Ale keď To prichádza trochu v rozpore s tým, čomu oni veria, bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi To Boh identifikuje, oni hovoria: "No, ja - ja - ja neviem o Tom." To je neveriaci.

272Alebo idete za Tým dovtedy, len aby ste uvideli a mohli dostáť šancu a mohli povedať: "Och - och, tu to máte!" Nejaký Judáš, aby zákerne niekoho napadol, ako to on urobil. "Vedel som, že to vyjde najavo, skôr alebo neskôr. Tu to máte!" To je ten, čo sa robí, že je veriaci. Každý, každý kúsok z toho; vidíme to v Biblii.

273Raz, jeden malý chlapec, tu dole v Kentucky, bol vychovaný tu v horách, nikdy nebol niekde pri nejakom zrkadle. On mal maličký kúsok zavesený na strome, ale on sa nikdy nevidel. On prišiel sem do Louisville, tak to hovorili a bol tam pri sestre svojej matky. A ona bývala v jednom z pekných domov, staromódny dom. A keď oni vošli do jednej zo spální, ktorá mala v celých dverách zrkadlo, od vrchu až dole vo dverách. Viete?

274A keď ten malý chlapec začal behať po dome, on sa zastavil. Malý Janko uvidel malého Janka. Vidíte? A on sa poškrabal po hlave a malý Janko v zrkadle sa poškrabal po hlave. Zasmial sa a malý Janko v zrkadle sa zasmial. Poskočil A malý Janko v zrkadle poskočil. Vidíte? On pristúpil ku tomu celkom blízko. On si myslel, že je to nejaký malý chlapec, s ktorým by sa mohol hrať a tak pristúpil bližšie. Priamo, až narazil na zrkadlo. Otočil sa a jeho rodičia ho pozorovali. On povedal: "Mama, to som ja."

275A teraz sa pozrite do Tohoto A kto ste? Och. Och. Ktorého z týchto malých Jankov zosobňujete? Ktorý z nich ste vy? Ste jeden z nich.

276To je jeden z nich, jeden ktorý sa odvrátil preč, pri prvej chybe, ktorú ste našli, ktorú nazývate chybou. Vidíte?

277Otestujte to so Slovom A budete vidieť, či je to správne, keď Slovo všetko overí. Vidíte, overte si všetko podľa Slova. Ježiš povedal, aby sme to tak robili. Tak veru. "Držte sa pevne toho čo je dobré." To je presne to čo On povedal.

278Nuž pozrite sa do zrkadla Božieho Slova, v tých iných vekoch a pozorujte, ktorá z týchto troch skupín, by bola tá, v ktorej by ste sa identifikovali. Nuž, predstavte si len, keby ste žili vo dňoch Noeho, keby ste žili vo dňoch Mojžiša, keby ste žili vo dňoch Ježiša, alebo v jednom z nich, čokoľvek by to bolo, predstavte si len s ktorou skupinou by ste sa zidentifikovali. Porozmýšľajte o tom dnes večer.

279Potom, vaša prítomnosť. Nuž, predstavte si to teraz. Je to teraz hlboké. Neprebehnite okolo toho. Váš terajší stav vám práve teraz dokazuje, do ktorej z tých skupín by ste tam patrili. Nuž, ste svojimi vlastnými sudcami, ukazujete sa kým ste.

280 Duchovný, kazateľ, s ktorou skupinou by si bol, keď Ježiš učinil to vyhlásenie, ktorému bolo ťažko uveriť? Čo? Čo? Potom čo bol jasne identifikovaný, že On je Slovo, vidíte a jednako, to vyhlásenie, nikdy ste o niečom takom nepočuli: "Syn človeka, čo poviete, ak bude vystupovať hore do Neba, odkiaľ prišiel?"

281A vy poviete: "No dobre, ja viem kde sa narodil. Poznám Jeho otca, poznám Jeho mamu a On tu hovorí, že bude vystupovať hore odkiaľ prišiel." To by bolo trochu priveľa na teba, či nie, pane? Och - och. Bolo by to na teba priveľa; nemohli To stráviť. Možno, že to isté je dnes. Potom hľaďte do zrkadla Božieho Slova a pozrite sa kde stojíte. Och, klamár, nikdy to nerob.

282Pozrite sa, nachádzate sa v jednej z týchto kategórií. Vo vašom terajšom stave, práve teraz, v súčasnom stave vašej mysle, vy tu v tomto viditeľnom poslucháčstve a vy, ktorí budete v tom neviditeľnom poslucháčstve pri tejto páske. Súčasný stav vašej mysle po vypočutí tejto pásky, vám dáva najavo, v ktorej kategórii sa nachádzate. Presne vám to hovorí kde ste, či ste veriaci v Slovo a budete stáť s Ním, či odídete preč, alebo zastavíte túto pásku. Vidíte, to hovorí, čo ste urobili. Nechcete To počúvať a vypnete To, poviete: "Nechcem To počúvať," to, to je ten neveriaci. Vidíte, nechcete to zastaviť, aby ste to vyskúšali a zistili či je to Pravda alebo nie. Vidíte? Alebo sa toho len pridŕžate a snažíte sa nájsť na tom nejakú chybu, potom tiež viete, kde sa nachádzate. To vám hovorí o tom.

283Bože pomôž nám veriť Tomu a stáť na Tom A byť Tomu verní a ostríhať Slovo, pretože On je Slovo. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

Modlime sa.

284Drahý Nebeský Otče, ako je to niekedy ťažko, hovoriť tieto veci a vedieť, že možno niekoľko desiatok tisíc ľudí bude počúvať túto pásku, ako pôjde cez celú krajinu i okolo sveta. Ale, Drahý Pane, je to pravda, je to tak pravda. Prosím, Pane, v prvom rade očisti moje srdce. Ó Pane, preskúšaj ma, skús ma.

285 Pohliadni len dole na mňa, Pane. Som slabý. Som unavený. Som vyčerpaný. Moje hrdlo je zachrípnuté. Moje - moje pery sú vysušené. A moje telo sa vyčerpáva, starnem. A - a nebude to príliš dlho, Pane, možno, že do môjho odchodu sa už slnko veľa krát neotočí.

286A teraz ma prekontroluj, Otče. A ak je tam niečo čo robím zle a neviem o tom, Ty mi to zjav, Pane. Ty, Ty mi ukáž. Som teraz pripravený dať to do poriadku.

287Dívam sa na seba v zrkadle Božieho Slova. Kde stojím? Vidím svoj obraz, ktorý zrkadlí Ježiša Krista? Je to tá osoba, ktorú vidím v zrkadle? Vidím jedného z veriacich Starého zákona, alebo veriacich Nového zákona? Vidím takého, ktorý sa robí veriacim? Vidím sa ako neveriaci, ktorý nemôže zostať a počúvať Slovo A berie namiesto toho denominačnú ideu? Vidím sa ako postávajúci okolo, snažiaci sa nájsť nejaké malé zadné dvierka?

288Pane, ak je to tak, očisti ma len, Pane. Nech moje srdce môže byť čisté a číre. Pretože toto je môj život, Pane, ja ... To je, chcem to dobre. Niet dôvodu robiť to polovičato, keď existuje spôsob ako to robiť skutočne. Chcem aby to bolo správne zafixované, Otče. Nie len to, ale viedol by som zle mužov i ženy, i ľudí, ktorých milujem a oni milujú mňa; potom by som bol vedľa.

289A, Otče, ak je niečo, ak som si myslel dnes večer, že žiadna denominačná cirkev nie je správna; alebo Cirkevný Koncil bol v poriadku, ak väčšina ľudí bola v poriadku; Pane Bože, pomôž mi byť natoľko mužom a natoľko kresťanom, aby som priznal svoju chybu a postavil sa tu a poslal týchto ľudí tam, kde si myslím, že to bude v poriadku. Očisti ma. Daj mi dívať sa a vidieť. Ale keď to príde do týchto vecí, Pane, pokiaľ to ja môžem vidieť, majúc tieto formy a zapierajú Slovo; ty im To môžeš povedať a jednako oni povedia: "No dobre, na tom vôbec nezáleží. To ... Boh To teraz neočakáva."

290Pane, ja verím, že Ty si ten istý Ježiš. Ty si ten istý Boh, ktorý si vždy bol. Ty si stále Boh A Ty sa nemeníš. Verím, že táto Biblia je Tvoje Slovo A verím, že Ty a Tvoje Slovo ste jedno.

291A prosím, Bože, aby si nám dal Tvojho Svätého Ducha, aby oživil to Slovo, aby nám dal oživujúcu moc; aby jedného dňa, keď pominie tento život a Ty budeš s nami hotový, aby sme boli oživení a vystúpili hore do Neba, kde sme boli, v tvojich mysliach, pred založením sveta. Bože, udeľ nám toho.

292Odpusť naše hriechy, Otče. Ak je tu nejaký muž, alebo žena, ktorý sa nachádza v tej inej skupine, pomimo tých ozajstných veriacich v Slovo, Bože, očisti ich srdcia. Ak je niekto, kto počúva tú pásku, alebo ju bude počúvať, prosím za očistenie ich sŕdc, aby si ich očistil, Pane. Nechcem, ich vidieť stratených. Bože, prosím, aby si nám pomohol porozumieť, že jedným zlom sa nenapráva druhé zlo. Je len jeden spôsob, ako to napraviť a to odstrániť z cesty oboje zlo a dať to do poriadku. A prosím, Otče, aby si nám toho udelil, skrze Ježiša Krista nášho Pána.

293So sklonenými hlavami, so sklonenými srdcami, chcem, aby ste sa tu na chvíľku zastavili.

294Keď som videl to videnie pekla, ako malý chlapec, tú hrôzu toho. Potom, možno sa v tomto mýlim. Môže to byť len zlá predtucha. Možno. Neviem. Vyzeralo to, že som niekde bol. Bolo to také prirodzené.

Potom, nie tak dávno tomu, keď som videl ríše požehnaných.

295Keď som bol v ríšach zatratených, kričal som: "Ó Bože, nedaj nikomu aby sa sem dostal!" Nemôžete ... Nie je jazyka, ktorý by vám mohol opísať, aké je to strašné. Nemám spôsob, ako by som vám to opísal. Ak veríte, že je tam horiace peklo, plné ohňa a síry, to je chladná zelená paša v chládku, pri pohľade na tie hrôzy tohoto zatrateného stavu, ktorý tam je a to utrpenie, ktoré je spojené s týmto miestom.

296A keby som sa vám snažil porozprávať o veciach, ktoré sa nachádzajú poza ľudským chápaním, stále by sa mi nepodarilo opísať to požehnané miesto, aké je plné pokoja! Nikdy nezomrieť, nikdy nestarnúť, nikdy nebyť chorí; vždy byť mladí, vždy byť zdraví a nikdy nezomierať; Večný Život, v tej požehnanej mladosti a žiadny hriech ani nič také! Ó, neexistuje proste spôsob, ako to opísať.

297Dokonca svätý Pavol, on povedal: "Čo oko nevidelo, ucho nepočulo, čo na srdce človeka nevstúpilo," nemôžete to ani pochopiť; nedá sa to nijako vysvetliť: "čo Boh prihotovil tým, ktorí Ho milujú."

298A teraz, pretože je toto skutočná pravda, oboji, vy tu i vy v tom neviditeľnom publiku, sme predstavení tu, dnes večer, v jednej z týchto kategórií. Buď sme ozajstní veriaci ... Otestujte to Slovom. Ak Slovo hovorí určitú vec a cirkev hovorí niečo iné, čo by ste si vybrali? Pozrite sa do zrkadla Božieho Slova a vidzte v ktorej skupine sa nachádzate. A ak ste nie, dnes večer, oboji, vy tu, i vy v tom neviditeľnom publiku, ak ste nie, ak nestojíte s tým veriacim typom, mohol by som predniesť teraz za vás slovo v modlitbe, že by ste prišli do tohoto veriaceho typu?

299A vy by ste sa postavili tak isto za tým, pred Bohom; so svojimi sklonenými hlavami, so svojimi sklonenými srdcami a pred Bohom? Niekedy sú ľudia trochu bojazliví, veď viete, aby zodvihli ruku, boja sa svojich susedov ... Nemali by byť taký, ale by mali byť ochotní postaviť sa a povedať: "Ja som nie v poriadku. Nie som v poriadku."

300"Tomu, kto prikrýva svoje prestúpenia nepovedie sa šťastne, ale ten, kto vyzná a opustí, dôjde milosrdenstva." Vidíte? Čo je hriech? "Nevera," Nevera v (čo?), v Slovo.

301Nuž, ak sa nenachádzate v tej skupine a sú veci, ktoré - ktoré vidíte v Biblii, ktoré vy proste ... vo svojom ... vo svojom rozume, nemôžete to vidieť. Vy len ... Vy viete, že Biblia tak hovorí, ale vy len ... Nemôžete tomu porozumieť a jednako to chcete. Povedzte: "Bože, daj aby som tomu porozumel. Budem Ťa poslúchať."

302Zodvihol by si svoju ruku a povedal: "Pamätaj na mňa, pri tom čo sa modlíme"? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je dobre. Vidíte?

303Skutočne myslite o tom: "Je v Biblii niečo čo proste nepoznám? Mám strach, že sa nájdem v jednej z týchto iných dvoch skupín. Možno že sa nájdem s tými sedemdesiatimi, že ... sú proste nejaké veci ktoré ja ... Je mi to príliš ťažko porozumieť, ako ten Boh by robil takéto veci, ako by On mohol byť, ako by Ježiš mohol byť ten istý, ako - ako tieto veci. Nerozumiem tomu. Chcem tomu rozumieť. Chcem tomu veriť. A, Bože, pomôž mojej nevere. Chcem byť časťou Toho. Chcem byť účastníkom toho Slova. Chcem To mať v sebe."

304"Ak zostanete vo Mne A Moje Slová zostanú vo vás, potom si proste čo chcete." Svätý Ján 15. Vieme, že je to pravda. Pozrite sa: "Ak zostanete," nie dnu a von, dnu a von, ale: "Ak zostanete vo Mne," a On je Slovo: "a Ono zostane vo vás, potom si len proste čo chcete a bude vám to dané. Budete to mať."

305"Ten kto prijal Moje Slová A uveril v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal, prešiel už zo smrti do Života." Ale môžete prv prijať Jeho Slovo? Môžete prijať to Slovo, celé Slovo, celého Krista? Kristus je to pomazané Slovo. On je Slovo, pomazané.

306Kristus, znamená "Ten pomazaný," to pomazané Slovo na ten deň, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, Spasiteľ, Vykupiteľ. To bolo, keď On mal prísť a On bol tou pomazanou Osobou, aby zaujal to miesto.

[Brat Branham niekoľko krát poklepal po kazateľni. – pozn.prekl.]

307A teraz je to Duch Svätý v týchto posledných dňoch, aby vrhal tie večerné Svetlá, prinavracal naspäť Vieru, ktorá bola udupaná, skrze denominácie; odsudzuje denominácie a prichádza späť do originálnej Viery, s originálnou Biblickou Vierou; originálna Biblia, veriac z Nej každé Slovo, nepridávať do toho a nedávať tomu taký a taký výklad. Hovorte to len tak, ako je to povedané a vy chcete tomu tak veriť.

308Sú takí, ktorí nikdy nezodvihli ruku, boli by sme radi, keby zodvihli ruku a povedali: "Bože, pamätaj na mňa."

309 Nech ťa Boh žehná, pani. Boh nech ťa žehná, mladá pani. Boh nech žehná teba, teba. Dobre. Boh nech ťa žehná, mládenec. Boh nech ťa žehná, moja sestra. "Ja chcem Jeho." Boh nech ťa žehná, sestra, tam po mojej pravici. A nech žehná teba, tam vzadu. "Ja chcem ..." Boh nech ťa žehná, mladý muž. I tu teba sestra. Teba, brat tam na druhej strane, nech ťa Pán žehná. Boh nech ťa žehná, tam vzadu. "Pamätaj len na mňa, Pane."

310Zapamätajte si teraz, že nedvíhate svoje ruky ku mne; ale ku Nemu. Rovno tu, za mnou, teraz, Pán vidí vaše ruky. Ak som ich aj ja prehliadol, On ich vidí. On pozná tvoje srdce. On vie, čo tam pulzuje. On vie, čo chceš docieliť. On vie, aký je tvoj motív na dosiahnutie toho cieľu. Boh nech ťa žehná, brat.

311Ešte niekto: "Chcem veriť celému Slovu." Boh nech ťa žehná. V poriadku. Nech ťa Boh žehná. "Pomôž mi, Pane, pomôž mi." Pán vidí vaše ruky. Skutočne. To je ono. "Sú veci, ktoré nemôžem porozumieť. Nechcem byť neveriaci. Hoci tomu nerozumiem, jednako chcem tomu veriť. Som pripravený povedať, Pane Bože, tu som. Chcem veriť. Pomôž mojej nevere, Pane." Boh nech je s vami. Nech vás Boh žehná. Veľa, veľa rúk je zodvihnutých a stále ich pribúda.

312Hovoríte si: "brat Branham, pomôže to?" Zodvihni raz svoju ruku, so skutočným, opravdivým cieľom a budeš vidieť, ako sa pri tom budeš cítiť.

313Vydali ste svedectvo, že je niečo malé vo vašom živote, vy to viete. Je tam niečo malé a vy nechcete, aby to tam bolo, ale jednako je to tam. Divíte sa ako by sa to mohlo stať. "A, Pane, zabráň tomu, aby som bol Judášom. Zabráň tomu, aby som nenasledoval to Posolstvo, len v snahe myslieť si, že jedného dňa sa tam ukáže niekde malá chyba. Ó, Bože, nech to nie som ja. Daj mi stáť rovno na Tvojom Slove. Vidíte? Alebo možno by som bol neveriaci, ktorý si len proste myslí: "Nuž, ak ... nuž, prečo nehovoria tak aj tí ostatní?" Vidíte? Nechcem byť ani takýto. Ja chcem byť veriaci. Chcem. Vidím Božie Slovo na túto hodinu. Vidím v Tom Boha. A, Pane, učiň ma časťou toho Slova. Učiň ma časťou Toho. Chcem byť časťou Toho." Nech vás Pán žehná.

314A teraz sa modlime. A každý jeden, modlite sa za seba a ja sa budem modliť za vás. Vedeli ste, že jedného dňa budeme ... nebudeme tu spolu, možno, za nejaký čas. Niektorý z nás budú vzatí a nebudeme spolu. Je nás tu mnoho, z čoho, niektorí starneme. Niektorí z nás, nevieme. Tiež i mladí zomierajú. Zomierame v každom veku. Musíme byť oddelení a táto vec musí byť daná do poriadku. A vy sa tam nemôžete dostať len nejakou náhodou, musíte prísť, zatiaľ čo sa nachádzate pri zdravých zmysloch.

315Vy si poviete: "Nuž, tesne pred tým ako zomriem, keď To budem môcť vidieť." Nie, nerobte to. Možno, že už potom nebudete pri zdravých zmysloch. Môžete sa zabiť, pri nejakej nehode, prv ako sa dostanete domov. Môžete zomrieť na infarkt. Nevieme čo sa môže stať; jedine Boh to má v rukách. Nespolieham na to.

316Pozorujem tam vonku tých ľudí, dokonca, v okne držia zodvihnuté ruky. Vidíte? Áno, Boh požehná.

318A moje ruky sú tiež zodvihnuté, Pane. Očisti ma, Ó, Pane, od všetkej nevery.

319Hoci by mi On nedal Moc, aby som chodil tak ako Enoch a nemusel zomrieť, ale sa vybrať jedno popoludnie na prechádzku a ísť s Ním Domov; ale Boh, ja verím, že to sa stane, pretože viem, že v posledný deň má byť Vytrhnutie A dielo má byť skrátené.

320A, Otče, tak hovorí náš kalendár, ešte tridsať šesť rokov a toto dielo bude zakončené a Ty budeš musieť prísť niekedy v tom čase, lebo inak by nebolo zachránené niktoré telo. A potom je nám povedané, skrze chronológov a skrze ľudí, ktorí skúmajú takéto veci, že sme v skutočnosti o mnoho, mnoho rokov ďalej, o mnoho rokov ďalej. Hovoria nám, skrze kalendáre, že sme už časove ďalej; možno že zostáva len pätnásť alebo dvadsať rokov. Ja neviem, Otče. Ale viem, dokonca podľa nášho kalendára, že sme skoro tam.

321Vidím tam, kde nemôže pozostať žiadna nádej, Pane. Nastane ... Ak oni niekedy začnú púšťať tieto bomby, jeden na druhého, Pane, tam - tam - tam nebude žiadnej bojovej línii. Oni, oni zničia jeden druhého. A, Pane, visí to tam a Biblia ešte hovorí, že celé nebesia i zem budú v ohni. Bože, vidím, že prichádza tá hodina.

322Premýšľam o atentáte na prezidenta a potom vidím vstupovať toho ďalšieho zlého muža, nedovolil aby bol s tým mužom vykonaný súdny proces a zastrelili ho, v chladnokrvnej vražde. Ó, Bože, jeden je vinný, tak ako druhý. Oni nemajú právo to tak robiť. Zlo v našom vlastnom národe, ktorý je pokladaný za kresťanský národ, ó akým sme biednym príkladom kresťanov, Pane. Odpusť nám, Pane, naše hriechy.

323Pomôž nám, Ó Bože, zvlášť Tvojej Cirkvi, tým ktorí sú pokrstení v to tajomné Kristovo Telo. "Duch je ktorý oživuje," si povedal. A tak ako Syn človeka vystúpil hore, tak vystúpi hore i Jeho Telo. A On je Hlavou; Jeho Cirkev je tým Telom." Ó Bože, je to Hlava, ktorá riadi Telo. A nech Vrchnosť toho Slova riadi Telo Kristovo. A, nech ja môžem byť časťou toho Tela, Pane.

324Modlím sa za tých, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky a za všetkých, ktorí sú tu prítomní a za všetkých, ktorí budú počúvať tie pásky. Pane Bože, úprimne sa modlím. Vezmi ich dovnútra, Pane. Ty vidíš do ich sŕdc. Ty vieš, kto oni sú. Ale, ako Tvoj služobník, prihováram sa za tých ľudí, Pane. Ja - ja ich milujem. Milujem ich.

325A snažím sa toto robiť len preto, že som pocítil, že Tvoje poverenie pre mňa je, aby som to robil. Tak, Otče, tu som, robím to najlepšie čo môžem s ... Odpusť moje drobné chyby, Pane. Prosím, aby si mi udelil sily, aby som bol schopný predstaviť to tým ľuďom jasnejšie.

326Buď s nami tu v tejto modlitebni, dnes večer. Pohliadni dole na týchto, Pane, ktorí zodvihli svoje ruky, tu v modlitebni. Hľadaj ma, ó Pane, skúšaj ma. A ak je vo mne niečo zlé, očisti ma, Otče. Učiň to. Očisti túto cirkev.

327Očisti nás všetkých, Pane, aby sa to Slovo stalo telom medzi nami a aby bolo dané najavo tomu svetu v tomto čase. Učiň to, Otče. Pretože Ti porúčam toto, i seba samého, i tento text, i s týmto zhromaždením, i s Tvojím Slovom a Tvojím zasľúbením, ku spaseniu našich duší, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Udeľ nám toho, Pane.

328Nech Moc Božia príde na nás a pomaže nás, všetkých radom, od pastora po vrátneho, i každú osobu, ktorá je tu prítomná. Nech príde Duch Svätý a zaujme Svoje miesto v našich srdciach a nech vezme každé zasľúbenie Božie a zjaví nám, že Tvoje Slovo je Pravda. Prosím to skrze Ježišove Meno.

329A zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy. "Môžem ..." Chcem aby nám organistka, ak môže, zahrala refrén tejto piesni: "Môžem počuť ako môj Spasiteľ volá. Pôjdem tam kde ma povedie." Pôjdem tam kde ma povedie."

... môj Spasiteľ volá, (Čo On je? Slovo!)

Môžem počuť, ako môj Spasiteľ volá;

Môžem počuť, ako môj Spasiteľ, ...

(A teraz dajte nabok svoje dogmy i všetko.)

Vezmi svoj kríž a nasleduj ...

330"Ten kto nevezme svoj kríž a nenasleduje Ma, to Slovo, nie je hodný byť Mojím učeníkom."

... kde ma povedie (Späť do Biblie, kde ťa On vedie.)

... pôjdem tam;

Pôjdem tam kde ma povedie;

Pôjdem tam kde ma povedie,

(Ak to bude do vody, v Jeho Mene; ak to bude ku oltáru, aby som sa zbavil hanby!)

... celou cestou.

331[brat Branham si začína hmkať Pôjdem tam kde ma povedie. – pozn.prekl.]

... s Ním cez súdy, (to je práve teraz)

332Na ktorej strane stojíte? Čo vidíte vo svojom odzrkadlení v Biblii, v Božom zrkadle, ak som teraz súdený Slovom?

Pôjdem ....

333"Pôjdem s tým Slovom, nevadí čo to stojí. Pôjdem cez súdy Božie. Ak musím zaujať jedno z týchto miest, urob ma veriacim, v celé Slovo."

... s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.

Pôjdem tam kde ma ...

334Nuž dobre o tom teraz premýšľajte. "On povedie ..."

THREE KINDS OF BELIEVERS, 63-1124E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 111 min

1 Let's bow our heads. With our heads bowed, and our hearts, I wonder how many would like to be remembered in prayer, will just lift up your hand, say, "Lord, remember me, O Lord." There's a lot of requests here, the handkerchiefs laying on the desk.

2 Dear Heavenly Father, we are assembled again this evening under this roof, where You have met with us so many times, and have expressed Your love to us; as we try in our humble ways to express our love and grate'ness to You, for what You have done for us. And tonight we come again, Lord, as a needy people, for we are ever in need of Thee. And as long as we're here on earth, we know that'll be the cry, for we are in a battle. And we're... The battle is raging, and You promised and said how the enemy would be like a roaring lion. He is loose among the people, and we can see it everywhere, like a roaring lion devouring what he may, because he knows his time is short. But we have--we have a--a Father who cares for His little ones, and to Thee we flee with our requests, tonight, Lord. We pray that You'll grant them.

3And these handkerchiefs laying here, Father, means that there is sick people somewhere in the land, and that's calling and needing Thee, and believing on Thee, to exercise their faith here to send these handkerchiefs. God, grant that every one of them be healed.

4 We see Your mighty power, Lord, just a few moments ago there in that room, restore the perfect memory to a boy that was lost. We see Your great power, time after time, moving the sickness and revealing the secret of the heart, and showing the people, and setting them straight in order. We thank You, Lord God, 'cause that's beyond any man. That's beyond anything that any of us would know, how You can reveal the very cause, and what did it, and how it is. That's You, Father. And we know, that, "The Word searches out the heart, and as a Discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart," so we thank Thee for this.

5And now, Lord, we believe that the people now, with their heads bowed, are thinking on these things, and it's the Holy Spirit that's speaking to them. And grant that each one of their requests may be answered. Save the savable, Lord, tonight. The lost, may they come in and be saved.

6We're so thankful to see that great, huge pile of wet clothes there, knowing that the grave has been opened; and the old-man's sin has been buried, for many of them. And I thank Thee for it, Father. And may they walk in newness of Life, the rest of their days. Through Jesus Christ's Name, we ask it. Amen.

7The Lord bless you, grant the request that you had on your heart to be answered.

8 Now, I believe Billy said that Brother Wheeler had a little baby. Was that right? Did I make a mistake there, to be dedicated, or something another, or dedication. [Brother Neville says, "I believe there was three or four babies."--Ed.] All right. If you'd like to bring them up now, we'd be glad; if the elders will come forward, lay hands upon the little fellows, for dedicational service. And we'll try to be just brief. And we want these little fellows, that wants to come to the Lord Jesus, wants to bring their--their little jewels that God has given them. We always try to make a way for them, because we don't know what tomorrow holds.

9My mother used to tell me, "Don't put off, tomorrow, what can be done today." That's right, 'cause you don't know what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow. That's the main part. We know Who holds tomorrow.

10 Brother Wheeler, the Lord God bless you. And this is Sister Wheeler. I'm certainly happy to meet you. And I... my grand privilege, first time, I believe, as I know of, to meet you. And this is your baby. What's its name? [Sister Wheeler says, "Carlena Rebecca."--Ed.] Carlena Rebecca. Well, what a fine little girl, pretty as she can be. Now, little Carlena Rebecca Wheeler.

11Brother Wheeler is one of our deacons here in the church, and God has blessed their union, to this little one. I believe you have, about, I know, two other girls, don't you? [Brother Wheeler says, "Three."--Ed.] Three other girls. They are really fine ladies, as I understand, and so I pray that God will make Rebecca just like the rest of them. See? And then that will be satisfaction with you all, won't it? That's right, 'cause they're very sweet children.

12I don't know whether she'll let me hold her or not, but, if she don't, we'll lay hands upon her. Would you like to come over here to me, Rebecca? You want me to hold you? That's very fine. What a pretty little girl!

Now let us bow our heads.

13 Gracious Heavenly Father, as we stand here before this deacon, tonight; and truly a fine office he holds, for a deacon must be found blameless, the husband of one wife, controlling his family well. For, if he doesn't know how to control his family, how can he control the house of God? And we thank Thee that this brother has met these qualifications, and we find in him the Spirit of God.

14And he brings now his little baby daughter here, to be dedicated. You have placed it in their arms for raising. God, and how thankful we are, that we can say, their desire is that she'll be as the rest of her sisters. Grant, Father, that this will be so. And may the child live and--and be a great service to You, Father. And now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, we give this baby to You for a life of service. Make her healthy, strong; may she live a long life, until Jesus comes, if that's possible. And then, Father, we believe that she'll be raised in the admonition of Christ. And we give her life to You, for a life of service. Amen.

15God bless you, Rebecca. And God bless you, Brother Wheeler and Sister Wheeler. The Lord be with you.

16 How do you do? Now here is another little girl with a great big smile on her face. And what's her name? [The mother says, "Rhonda Renee Coats."--Ed.] Rhonda Renee Coats is that right? Are you any relation to Jesse and them, Jesse Coats? ["No."] I just thought... I knowed some of the Coats here in town. I knowed them real well, and been--been friends of mine for--for a long time.

17Rhonda, Rhonda Renee. Wonder if you'd come over to me, Rhonda? I'll--I'll give you right back to your mother, as soon as we give you to the Lord Jesus. Now, isn't she sweet!

Now let us bow our heads.

18Heavenly Father, as Your elder and I stand together tonight, in agreement and in harmony in the Gospel, this mother brings this little Rhonda Renee to You for dedication. You have placed it into her arms, for care, and the first thing she can do is present it back to You. As Job said of old, the Lord gives these things. And we pray, God, that You'll keep her safely until the hour that You're to take away. And, God, grant that she'll live a real Christian life and be an example to others, as she comes up. Bless her home, and may it be dedicated to You, a full service, with true hearts. And now, God, we give to You little Rhonda Renee Coats, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for a life of service. Amen.

Very sweet! God bless you, sister.

19 How do you do! [The sister says, "Robert Paul Shammel."--Ed.] Robert Paul Shane? ["Shammel."--Ed.] Shammel.

20Well, what if... And you're kind of young yet, I don't think you could raise much fuss about it. Don't laugh at me like that. Look at here, if you want something to laugh at. Robert Paul, what a beautiful name!

Let us bow our heads.

21God, as this young girl comes here; just, to us, would be a child. And she is giving her little boy, O God, as a life of service to You. It's the fruit and the results of their union. I pray, God, as Your elder and I laying hands upon this little fellow, that his life will be dedicated to You. Grant, Lord, if there is a tomorrow, may he pack the Message that his--his parents is listening to, God. Grant it. And I pray that You'll bless their homes, and may the child be raised in the admonition of God, and will be a--a loving disciple of Yours. We give him to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

22Well, he--he's just one fine boy. That's all. Yes, sir. Couldn't ask for nothing sweeter, could you? There is nothing in the world could be any sweeter, that's right, than that little fellow. All smiles! That sweet? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

23That's one time my wife envies my job, holding those babies. She loves to hold them. And I do, too, but I'm always afraid I'll break them. They're so, you know, so cute and delicate-looking, but, you know, they're--they're tougher really than what we would be.

24 Now, I told you I was going to get out... Well, I've only got thirty-five minutes. I'm going to have to hurry, won't I? Let's see. I--I--I don't mean to--to misjudge anything, or say anything wrong, but I'm going to try real hard, because... You know, after we get way up the--the road, we're not--we're not just as active as we used to be, you know. The miles sometimes gets rough, and two or three services a day, why...

25And what does the main part, is those visions. Preaching doesn't hurt me. My, I can stand here all day long, don't bother me, but I... But just those visions, and when people are on these interviews, that's what they must have. See? That's what they're here for. It's something that can't be settled just by laying hands on. It's got to know the root, the start of it, what causes it, what did it, and then what to do to get out of it. That's what they're here for.

26 Now, the meeting starts, day after tomorrow night... or, no, I beg your pardon, it's Wednesday night, at Shreveport, Louisiana. And if any of you have friends around in there, why, tell them come on over. Life Tabernacle, I think, is where it's--it starts, unless it gets across the auditorium, if they can get that, which it gives them a little more seating room. But they got the balcony upstairs, and the big main floor, and then a floor down below that. So, I don't know exactly how many they can seat, but it's a... If it gets too bad, maybe we can get the auditorium just across from it, which will... I don't know how many it seats, either. I've had services there, but I don't remember. This is a--an annual convention.

27Three years ago I was down there, and we started a revival, in the Name of the Lord, and it's never ended, since. Just constantly going on, just constantly; every day, people come in, being saved, baptized, and going on with the Lord like that, ministers and everything coming right in. And we just... As long as it keeps on like that, and I get to stay here, I want to visit it all the time, and just put in my few words and--and go ahead.

28 Now, that'll begin Wednesday, and end Sunday. Christian Business Men's breakfast is... I don't... forget the name of that hotel... I believe it's the... called... They, they'll tell you when you get there. It's the businessmen's breakfast.

29Had a great time there, to you businessmen here, the last time there. The Lord saved a--a rabbi, out of the city. And, oh, I don't know what all taken place. Was a great time in the Lord, there, preaching on the Blood Covenant. So we... That's what the Jews know about; it's the blood. "Without shedding of blood, there is no remission," you see.

30Now let's get right straight to the Word, and I'll do my best to keep my word to you.

31 And now, if the Lord willing now, Sunday after Christmas, if you're on your holidays and riding around, it's not slick and everything, why, you--you're around here close, why, drop in. And we're aiming to have a service here Sunday morning, of--of--of a Sunday after Christmas. What is the date then? [Someone says, "Twenty-ninth."--Ed.] Twenty-ninth, the twenty-ninth day, and that's the Sunday after Christmas, twenty-ninth day. Now, if anything occurs that we, something, we won't, and can't be here... We don't know about the future, you know. But if anything happens, why, you that live out of town, that come in, like the folks from down in Memphis...

32I wanted to hear Brother Ungren sing How Great Thou Art. And I don't... Is he here tonight?

33And, so, and I always have so many things, I can't get them all done, can't get them all done. God bless you, you people.

34 Now let us turn in the Scriptures now for just a--a little Scripture reading. Where, if my words fail, This won't. And then God will bless you for staying, just on account of listening to His Word. "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word of God." Is that right? Now as I was thinking... While, you're turning to Saint John the 6th chapter, beginning with the 60th verse, and reading the 71st, inclusive. Saint John 6:60.

35Now I was thinking, as I was looking out the window a little while ago, and looking at the setting of the sun and seeing how all nature has a law. And when the wintertime comes, the law, automatically, of nature, runs the sap down into the tree roots. It buries.

36As Job said, "Oh, that Thou would hide me in the grave, that Thou would keep me in the secret place until Thy wrath be." And now, that's it, "If Thou would hide me!" See, he saw the--the nature, the tree, the life go down into the roots; Brother Way. "And there stay until the wrath be passed, and then call me and set me a time." See?

37Nature has a law. There is a law of nature; there is no way at all to get around it. It's a law of nature. And then there is a law of the spirit; there is, also, no way of getting around that.

38 I was speaking to a couple this afternoon, about, you cannot totally annihilate anything. Human beings can't annihilate. They can tear down, but not annihilate. And someone said, "Well, what about taking and burning a piece of paper, does that annihilate it?" No, sir. It only breaks the chemicals apart, the heat of the fire. It goes right back to the gases, what it was in the beginning. You cannot annihilate. And if the world stood long enough, that same gases, that and--and chemicals was in that paper, could come right back and be a piece of paper again. That's exact. You cannot annihilate. Exact.

39God, then. If there is a resurrection to everything, back again, and no annihilation, there is a resurrection of the just, yeah, and we are got to come back. That's all there is to it. There is no way at all of doing. No matter if you're burnt up, if you're drowned, wherever takes place, they cannot annihilate.

40Just remember that every part of you was here, when God spoke the world into existence. He put your body here right then. And there is nothing can take it away except God. It's all back into His hands again. See? And He is the One, the One that, the Creator, was the One Who made the promise, so we're sure that there is Life Eternal. And we have the assurance in our heart now, that now we have Everlasting Life, Eternal Life that cannot die, in us now. All right.

41 Saint John 6. Let's begin now with the 6th chapter of Saint John, and beginning with the 60th verse.

Many therefore of his disciples, when they heard, heard this, said, This is a hard saying; who can hear it?

Then Jesus knew... himself that his disciples murmured at it, and he said unto them, Does this offend thee?

What... if ye shall see the Son of man ascending up where he was before?

Is--is it... the spirit that quickeneth; and the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit (that's Him), and they are life. (What did He say? "I am the Truth, the Life.")... they are spirit,... they are life.

But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him.

And he said, Therefore I said unto you, that no man can come to me, except it were given unto him of my Father.

And from that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. ("Hard saying," see, he couldn't take it.)

Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will you also go away?

Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? for thou has the words of eternal life.

And we believe that and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God. (My!)

Jesus answered him, Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?

He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve.

42 Now, if I should call this a subject for tonight, and try my best to make that half hour count, I want to talk on: Three Kinds Of Believers.

43And I've often made the statement. And I thought, "Well, I'll just believe I'll preach on it one time, this afternoon." I thought that.

44The first is believers, make-believers, and unbelievers. Now, that is quite a--a--a subject. But, as sure as we sit here tonight, that group is always gathered together. Wherever the people gather, we find this group, and always have found them, and we probably always will have them until the Coming of the Lord. And I want us, tonight, to picture ourselves, as I speak of these three groups, and see what group that we are in.

45Now remember, I'm speaking here to maybe... This church, packed again tonight, around, and the walls and corridors, but I'm also speaking the world around. See? In all different parts of the world, these tapes circulate through, ministries of the tapes.

46 Now I want to speak of the three different types of believers now. Now remember, believers, my subject is believers. One of them is a true believer, and the next is a make-believer, and the next is a unbeliever. See?

47Now, the first group we'd like to talk about, is the believer. Because, I think he ought to be first, because he is the one that truly believes, now, believes like the disciples believed here. We're going to use this Scripture reading for example. Now, the first is believers, genuine believers. "And faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word of God," the Word of God, which is Christ. See, believers!

48Now, did you notice this great statement that this believer made? Now, a believer doesn't have to be a smart person in the world's way of being smart. He doesn't have to be an educated person in the way that these people try to--to say that you have to be; but you do not. You... This man that made this statement, the Bible Itself said that he was both "ignorant" and "unlearned." Peter, he was not a really considered an intelligent person.

49 In Isaiah 35, says, "There shall be a highway, and a way, and it shall be called, 'The way of holiness.' The unclean shall not pass over it."

50I was talking to one of the deacons this afternoon, as we was talking about the bridges spanning across, and this new one. I said, "There is many expansions across bodies of water, bayous today." And I said, "But there is one great expansion that reaches from earth to Glory, it's called, 'The King's highway.' The unclean shall not pass over it." That's right. It's a--a road that's built by Christ our Lord, the expansion that is made from this earth to another Land, and the unclean doesn't pass over it.

51 Peter, this unlearned person, of a... standing near, when he had saw the thoroughly vindicated Word of the day, that God promised in that day that there would be a One rise up which would be a--a Prophet among them. And Simon was hard to believe it, because there would been so many impersonations of It. But when he seen the genuine, unfolded Word of that age, and hear Him properly identify Him, he--he was certainly convinced Who He was. And he was the one, said, "Lord, to whom would we go?" when it was asked him.

52When the--the crowds was separating, between the believers, and unbelievers, and make-believers, there was all three of them standing right there in that one company of people; believers, make-believers, and unbelievers, right found in this chapter right here. And because that Jesus had spoke the Words the way He had, it separated His congregation. But it must be done.

53He was a great man as long as He healed the sick, but when it come down to the Doctrine and the prophecy, that's what separated the--the chaff from the wheat. See? The chaff only wraps around the wheat. It's not the wheat. It cannot be used. There is nothing in it. No Life in it. It's the husk, and it cannot stay with the wheat. It won't be heir with the wheat. And so it's got... Just the grain is what we're talking about, the heart of the grain of the wheat.

54 Now notice, Peter was convinced that That was the Messiah. Now, don't make any difference what all the rest of them said. It didn't make any difference what the priests said. Didn't matter to Simon Peter what the church said. He was convinced, himself.

55Jesus told him, in one place where He asked, "Who does man say I am?"

56"And some said You're 'a prophet,' and some said You're 'one of the old prophets raised up,' and--and You're 'Moses,' or 'Elias,' or someone."

He said, "I asked you. What do you think?"

57And Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

58He said, "Blessed art thou, the son of Jonas; Simon, the son of Jonas; for flesh and blood never revealed this to you. You never learned it from a book, or from a creed, or from a catechism. You... My Father, which is in Heaven, has revealed this to you." There is a genuine believer; spiritual revelation of the Word. See? And up-... "Thou art Simon, and upon this rock, of your revelation of Who I am, I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against It." See?

No wonder Simon said, "To whom would we go?"

Jesus turned and said, "Do you wish to go also?"

59And they said, "Lord, who would we, where would we go to? For, Thou alone has the Words of Life. You're the only One."

60For, not only did He have the Words of Life, He was the Word of Life. See, He was the Word of Life, and Simon thoroughly recognized this. And when he recognized it, that was what that kept his hold, because it was revealed to him that He was that living Word.

61 Now, that's a genuine believer, when the Holy Spirit; not some persuaded by some other person, not by some other thing. But when the Holy Spirit has revealed to you the Word Itself, and you see the Word made plain, vindicated; then the Spirit of God come and get into that age, for the Word for that age, and make it manifested.

62How could a man kept from believing Luther if he'd knowed that? Luther was a reformer. The man-spirit went forth there for reformation. Wesley, the same way. They had to believe it. See, that was the--that was the message to the church age. That was exactly what was happen. That's what was to take place. You had to believe it.

63 And here we are, down to the Laodicean Age. And we're taught, in the Laodicean Age, that Christ was put out of His church; and was even knocking on the door, trying to get back in. So when we see that happening, we know what age we're living in.

64And, then, we're at the closing of the history of the world. The book is now being finished. The last line will be wrote across it someday, and she'll be closed up, then time shall be no more.

65And there is a great drama being set. And Angels are standing over the skies, watching. You know what a drama is. The actors are ready. You can see them acting.

66You can see the evil one acting. You can see the villain of the play, how he's come on the scene with his cunningness, to deceive.

67 But you can also see the raptured Church making Herself ready. It's a great scene. You can see the Presence of God vindicating and making the great drama that's foretold here in this Bible, to act itself out. What a time to live, the most glorious time! The man of all ages has longed for this time. The prophets of old longed to see this hour, but wasn't privileged.

68Now, there was a believer. Because, he seen it. He believed it. "We're fully persuaded that Thou art the Christ, the Messiah, the Word of God for this day, and we believe that." See, that was a real believer.

69Let's just take up a few more believers, right quick, before we go to the next character. Let's take the prophet, Noah. When he, being maybe a farmer, perhaps he was in them days, a farmer. But when the scoffers and religionists of that day... The church had got to a low ebb, and God spoke to Noah, and told Noah that he was to build an ark. Noah never debated that with God. He believed It, that It was the Word of God, and went to work right quick making things ready.

70 That's a real believer. Don't fuss about it. When you're thoroughly convinced, that's it. Just like anyone, any faith, any way. "Faith cometh by hearing." If you can stand here, no matter what the doctor says is wrong with you! Which, the man has give you the diagnosis of the cases, and probably knows just what he's talking about, as far as his instruments and knowledge will permit him to know, but he says there is nothing left but death. But, you pray, and standing yonder in the future you can see a well man or woman standing there. Yes, that's it. And that's just it. They'll walk right into that just as certain as anything, because you believe it. God has spoke it. You know it's so.

71 Like the little woman coughing up the cancer, see. Wasn't no doubt in her mind. That was going to happen. The cancer was dead, and it turned loose, and away it went. See? That's it. You believe it.

72Like that father brought his little boy, a while ago, in there. And he's here in the building somewhere now. The little boy had had a fall, and lost his memory. He couldn't remember anything. Just in a few moments, after prayer, I asked him his name. And he told me how old he was, and there he was just as normal as any boy could be. See? They believe. And when God says anything, it must be that way.

And Noah believed God, and Noah was considered a believer.

73Daniel, when the church was in captivity down in Babylon, Daniel believed God. And no matter how much they said, "We'll make a proclamation. They'll not pray to no other god but this image out there," of this holy man, or whatever it might be. Daniel didn't pay any attention to that. He had heard God, for he was a prophet, and the Word came to him. And when the temple was dedicated, it was said, "If any man is in trouble in any country, and look this way towards the holy place, and pray, then hear from Heaven." And Daniel believed God. He was a genuine believer, and even the lions couldn't eat him. And that's right, see, he was a believer. He had something real and genuine. He was a believer.

David, another believer, a little offscour of a boy.

74 Daniel didn't take the place with the modern church, neither did Noah take the place with the modern church. Not at all. They was believers in what God said to be the Truth. No matter what the modern world said, they believed what God said was the Truth. That's genuine believers.

75Just same as Peter did, and the apostles, they believed that He had the Word of Life and was the Word of Life. I believe the same thing today. And every other thing against It is contrary, it's not, it's death. This alone is the Word of Life, and Christ is the Word.

76 Now, David, a ruddy fellow. The first place, he was probably picked on by his brothers, 'cause he was a little fellow. He wasn't big enough to bear an armor. He couldn't go to war, and he was too little and scrawny. And, yet, he got out there, as a believer.

77And as he set back on the desert, watching a--a few dozen sheep that his father had give him to watch over, with a slingshot, in a country where there's lions and bears and wolves, and so forth. David begin to look upon the shady green pastures, and knowed what it meant to a sheep to get down in that shade, and lay down in the heat of the sun; knowed what a good, cold drink of water meant, as he said, "As the hart thirsts after the water brook, my soul thirsts after Thee, O God." See? He had cried, prayed.

78And one day the emergency arose, a lion grabbed one of his sheep, and took off. He thought, "The God that made me superior to the lion!" See? And he took the slingshot and knocked the lion down, with a little rock in the slingshot. Now, if anybody ever seen a lion, one of them African lions, big woolly-necked lions that they have there in Palestine and Asia, they would know what one of them fellows was. When, a great big three hundred magnum hardly will knock him down, and he knocked him down with a rock. And when the lion rose up after him, he grabbed him by the beard and killed him. That's the reason he knowed what he was talking about; he had had an experience. He had put God to the test, about His Word.

79 And he--he wasn't afraid of Goliath, because, he was uncircumcised. He wasn't a believer, at all; and when Goliath come out and cursed him in the name of his gods.

80And Goliath, many times larger than he was; great big fellow, fourteen-inch fingers on him. Now, the fingers would be that long, see, fourteen-inch fingers, a warrior. And probably the coat of nail that he had on him, probably weighed three hundred pounds, or more, see, that he had on him. A helmet, and a great... probably the metal a inch-and-a-half thick. A great big giant like that, walking with a--with a weaver's needle which is claimed to be around twenty feet. He had a twenty-foot spear in his hand. Now how could anyone... A man like that could just stand and pick up a dozen man, and throw them like that, as they come up. What an opposition!

81 And there he was, standing there, boasting himself, bragging. When the... seems like the odds is down, you see, he said, "Let... Don't have no blood shed." Said, "Let--let some man come fight me, and then if I win, then you all just serve me; and then if--if--if you win, then we'll serve you." See, when the devil thinks he's got the odds on you, see, that's when he likes to make his brag. But he met the wrong man. He met the littlest man in the country, little, stoop-shouldered, ruddy-looking fellow.

82He said, "Do you mean to tell me that you, the--the army of the living God, will stand there and let that uncircumcised Philistine defy the army of the living God?" Why, he was shocked at it! Why? Why? He was a believer. The others were make-believers. See? See, he was a genuine believer. He said, "If you're afraid, I'll go fight him." See? What a challenge for a little guy like that! And so he was a believer, and he done just exactly what he knowed that God would do. He's...

83 When that uncircumcised Philistine cursed him in the name of his gods, he said, "Am I a dog; a little bitty runt of a kid come out like that? Why," said, "I'll pick you up on the end of my spear, and I'll hang you up there in the tree and let the birds pick your flesh." Oh, my! Oh, what a horrible fellow he was!

84David said, "You meet me with a sword and a spear, with an armor. You meet me in the name of a Philistine. But, I meet you without a sword or a spear, an armor, but I meet you in the Name of the Lord God of Israel."

85There you are. That's a believer. That's his fortress. That's his shield. That's his defense. Amen! That should be the Church's defense. Any believer, That's his defense. No matter what takes place, what the world says, anything else, your defense is the Lord God of Israel. That's it. "The Name of Jesus Christ is a mighty tower, the righteous run into it and are safe." That's our defense, is Jesus Christ.

86Notice, and when it come to pass, we know what happened. David, nowhere to hit but that one little place when he dropped down his--his--his cover over his face. One place to hit was right here in his forehead. And before he could get with any distance to the--the giant, God directed the killing mark, and he slew the giant. See? God did it. Now, we notice he was a believer.

87 Now, another believer was Abraham, and he was of the... a Chaldean of the city of Ur. And he was called upon to do something that was... and believe something that was totally, physically impossible. "But he didn't stagger at the promise of God through unbelief," says Romans 4, "but was strong, giving praise to God."

88When Abraham was seventy-five years old, and his wife sixty-five years old, and had been living together since they were young boys. It was his half sister; a young boy and a young girl. And that was, they had lived together, without any children at all. And God told Abraham, "Separate yourself from the unbelievers." God always calls from, separation. "Separate yourself from the unbelievers and walk with Me, and I have made you a father of many nations. I've already done it."

89 And Abraham believed it. That's a believer. "How you going to do it, Lord?" he never asked the question. God said He would do it, and that settled it.

90When the first month passed, and Sarah was still... She was past menopause. "Anything different?"

"Not a thing."

91But Abraham still believed it. Twenty-five years later, there was still no difference, but Abraham still believed it. That's a believer. That's not a make-believer. That's a believer. Twenty-five years later, Abraham was stronger than he was at the first place. "He believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness." Because he be-... That's the genuine believer.

92 Now, after a while I'm going to let you search and see what class you're in.

93Now what did Abraham do? "Staggered not at the promise of God," the impossibilities.

94What would a man seventy-five years old, with a sixty-five-year-old wife, do, if they went to a doctor and said, "We want to make arrangements, the hospital. We're going to have a baby"? And then, twenty-five years later, said, "Doc, you still holding the hospital open?" See? See?

95It makes you act funny. Your decisions are odd, to the world. But it's a believer, no matter how strange it seems. The Bible said, that, "He was fully persuaded that God was able to perform what He said He would do."

96That ought to be the achievement of every believer this afternoon. God is able to keep every Word that He said He'd do. I don't care what the denominations say, words, "Day of miracles is passed, and all this is telepathy and all, it's fortunetelling. It's..." It doesn't matter to me what they say. I still believe. If that gun is zeroed to the target, it'll hit the target. And I believe if a believer is zeroed with the Word of God, it'll hit the same thing. If the Word of God ever promised it, it'll do it again. I'm fully persuaded of that. That, when we see we're in this age when it's supposed to be here, it's supposed to be here. These things are supposed to take place.

97 That's the reason I do believe that when that Bride is called out and elected, and set in the Book of Life, there will come a sound from Heaven that'll take such a baptism of the Holy Spirit into that Bride that'll take Her from the earth, in a Rapturing grace. God promised it. Don't care how many science, and how many astronauts they signed up, and everything else, and how many million miles they can see; I don't care nothing about that. There is a Heaven, and there is a literal Jesus Christ There that will come in a body form to receive His Church to Himself. No matter how old the story seems, it's still the Truth. God said so. That's--that's what believers believe.

98 God said, "I'm the Lord heals all thy diseases. I am God and I change not." Amen! And God is Word. And if God don't change, how is the Word going to change? See? "I am God, and I change not." The Scriptures says that. God said it, Himself. And if He cannot change, then He is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The unchangeable Word! "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." Amen! Yes, sir.

99God raised up bodies, all down through; Moses, and Ezekiel, and Jeremiah, and Isaiah, and Elijah's, all down, where His Word temporarily come. But the full Word was made manifest in this Man Jesus Christ. Which, He was God in the--God in the fullness of the Godhead bodily. There He was made flesh. I believe that, every Word.

Job, another believer.

100 Sometimes, believers put to the test. Not sometimes; every time! "For every son that cometh to God must be chastened, tried, child-trained." Remember, the trials, the dusty roads, the hot sun of persecution, but the loyalty of your heart beats that material till she is ready to go into the mold. God's children is made up correctly on His Word, for they are living examples, and the Word of God living through them. See? The trial comes to shake you, to put you to the very bottom, to see where you'll stand. They tested, try every son that cometh to God.

101Job went through the trials and the tests. His children taken; everything else taken. The church members come, accused him of being a secret sinner, and tried to say everything against him, but yet he wouldn't listen to any of it. He knowed he had met God's requirements. He knowed there's no need of Satan trying to tempt him. He knowed it was the devil. And as long as Satan can make him believe that his sickness was his God doing it, he had Job whipped. But when Job once struck that revelation, that it was not God! He was only going through his trials to make him something. It wasn't God doing it. It was Satan doing it.

102 And same thing today. He'll try to tell you these trials and thing is your God trying to put punishment upon you. It isn't so. No, sir. It's Satan doing that, and God permitting it, to temper you; to make you see if you're--you are tied to this earth, by the earth cares, or whether your treasures is in Heaven. "For wherever your treasures is, there you are also." That's right. Your heart is where your treasures are.

103Job, tried, yet he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth; at the last days He'll stand upon the earth. Though after my skin worms destroys my body..."

104Did you notice? The skin worms was already in him. Your skin worms is in you. You're in a sealed-up casket without any air in it, or anyhow, but the skin worms are already there. They're right in you, and they're ready to be called to duty at any time. Remember Caesar, he cankered right in the street. The skin worms eat him up, right in the street, his own skin worms. They're right there, ready.

105"Though after my skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." Amen! You cannot annihilate it. Though the skin worms eat it up, it still will come back again. "Whom I shall see for myself. Mine eyes shall behold, and not another." He said it, Job. Why? He was a believer. In trials he was a believer. In persecution, he was a believer. He was a genuine believer.

106 Joseph, another believer, he couldn't help being what he was. He was a prophet. God made him a prophet. He didn't want to be different from his brothers, but he was different. God made him what he is. Nobody else could take his place.

107Nobody can take your place, no matter how little. You say, "I'm just a housewife." Nobody can take your place. God, in His great economy, has so set so, the Body of Christ, in order, till there is no one can take your place. How I would like to take Billy Graham's place, any of us ministers, but we can't do it; but, just remember, Billy can't take our place. See, we all have a place, some of us are evangelists, some prophets, some teachers, some pastors, whatever we are; some housewives, some mechanics, some farmers, whatever it is, God has set you in your place. See?

108Joseph was a prophet. He couldn't help because he could interpret dreams. He couldn't help because that he saw visions. Watch how true he was. No matter if it cost him his fellowship with his brothers, he was true, because he believed those dreams. He believed that, the dream that he had, that they would all bow to him, the sheaves would. It come to pass because he believed it. He was a genuine believer. How...

109 I got five minutes; and ten pages, notice now, notice, of Scripture wrote out here. The woman...

110Nathaniel, he was a believer. Is that right? Nathaniel, when he saw what took place; and it worked on him, that Jesus told him who he was, and said he was a--an "Israelite indeed," and there was "no guile" in him, and told him where he was the day before, "praying under a tree." He saw him when--when Philip called him. He was a believer.

111There's many standing there, said, "This is the devil's spirit. The devil does Divine healing." That old devil hasn't died yet today. They believe that the devil does Divine healing.

112Jesus said, "If Satan can cast out Satan, then his kingdom is divided, and a kingdom can't stand." See? Satan said, in the... He can't do it. So, Satan cannot cast out Satan.

113 So Nathaniel was a believer. And when he seen the Word made flesh, vindicated that he was a believer, he said, "Thou art Rabbi, Thou art the Christ. Thou art the King of Israel." He believed it.

114When the woman at the well saw it, she believed it. She is a believer.

When blind Bartimaeus... When a woman come by...

115Everybody was crying, going on. Some of them saying, "There's a whole... I hear You raise the dead. There's a graveyard full of them up here; come up and raise them. Let us see You do it." See, that same devil that said, "If Thou be the Son of God, command these stones to be turned to bread." Same one put a rag around His face, hit Him on the head, said... passed the stick, one to the other, said, "Now, if You will tell us who hit You, we'll believe You." Them soldiers, see, making fun out of Him. It looked like the card chip was down, on Him.

116But just remember, God is always on the scene. See? He's right there ready, at any time.

117Now Jesus said, "I could speak to My Father and straightway He would send Me twelve legions of Angels." Oh, what would one Angel do? See? But, you see, but He could send twelve legions just at His command. But He had a job to do. He had something to do. He had to go through that.

118 You've got something to do. God's got something for you to do. You may have some heartaches and some troubles, you may have some disappointments, but do we pray to shun them? No. "Lord, take me through them, whatever they is. Whatever it is, don't let me escape them. If they're set for me, just give me grace to go through that. That's all."

119Now notice, blind Bartimaeus, he knew that. They was told, "This is that Prophet of Galilee. He is the Son of David. We believe it." Some of the believers must have told him that. "We believers know that He is the... that Son of David."

120 And he knew, if He was, He was the Word. And if he knowed He was the Word, he knowed He could discern the thoughts of the heart, so he cried, "Thou Son of David, have mercy on me." The unbelievers was hollering this, and that, the church members. That didn't stop blind Bartimaeus at all. He said, "O Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy upon me!"

121Perhaps He couldn't hear him. But He knowed he was crying, and He stopped and turned around. There was a believer. He said, "Thy faith has saved thee." Amen.

122He said that to the woman with the blood issue, the same thing, "Thy faith."

123Cause, she said within her heart, "If I can touch His garment, I'll be made well."

"Thy faith has saved thee." See, she was a believer.

124That's the same thing that saved William Dauch, sitting there, the other day, with a complete heart failure, and a heart attack, a man ninety-one years old. "Thy faith has saved thee." Why? He's a believer.

125 Reverend Tom Kidd here, even going into his... nearly, I guess, way in around ninety years now, old, close to it. And when he was seventy-nine years old, they took him to the hospital with a cancer on the prostate. The doctor says, "He hasn't got a chance."

126But when we walked in that morning, seen that little patriarch with the shawl over his shoulders, sitting there, beating the little cane, he was almost beside himself. He said to an old woman setting there, he called her grandmother; knowed her, one of his members for years. Said, "You look as white as snow," beyond his mental thinking.

127Yet, when the Power of God struck the room, he's alive tonight. That's been four years ago. A man nearly eighty years old, and here he sets tonight, perfectly sound and well, from the cancer. See, not a make-believer; a believer! That's it, believe! He takes God at His Word.

128 Just the same as blind Bartimaeus was. Blind, but yet he knowed, if he could attract the attention of Jesus Christ, he would get what he wanted.

129The woman knowed, if she could touch His garment, she would get what he wanted--she would get what she wanted.

130Tom knew. He had faith, if I'd pray for him, he would get what he wanted.

131Ain't that the same faith that Martha said? "Even now, Lord, whatever You ask God, God will do it for You. My brother is laying yonder, dead, four days in the grave; but You just ask God, and God will do it for You."

Said, "Thy brother shall rise again."

132And she said, "Yes, Lord, in the last days, at the resurrection, he'll rise. He was a good boy."

He said, "But I am that resurrection and Life!"

"Yes, Lord, I believe that, too."

"Where you buried him?" That's it. It's over. Yes, sir.

133The queen of the South come up in that generation of unbelievers, that's right, and stood there and believed what she saw to be of God. The Bible said, "She'll raise up in the last day, with that generation, and condemn it, because she came from the utmost parts of the world to hear the wisdom of Solomon."

134 Moses was a believer. Though he tried intellectually, he had tried every scheme he could, but it wouldn't work. He tried to take Israel out, knowed that he was called to do it. He tried the mathematical way. He tried the military way. He tried the educational way. He tried every way, but it wouldn't work. But then he took God's way.

135What happened? There was a Fire on a bush up there, one day, that wouldn't leave. From there the Word spoke to him, and said, "I AM." Not, "I was, or, I will be." "I AM." And He is still the "I AM." He is the Word, the Eternal, everlasting Word.

136Moses did not doubt. The difficults against him, every nature against him, everything against him. But, a crooked stick in his hand, he went down and took over the whole nation, drowned it in the Dead Sea out there, and took Israel to the promised land. Why? He believed God. Right. He had a...

137That's the believer. We could stay... Now I've stayed my half-hour on the believers.

138Got two more classes. We'll hurry through them, 'cause they're not important, anyhow. No.

139 Then, secondly, there comes now the unbeliever. Let's speak of the unbeliever next. What does the unbeliever do?

140We see the believer (what?) accepts the Word; every race, every generation, from all the way from Noah, all the way up. We could take six months of revival right on that right there, bringing up the characters. They believe. The believer don't question. The believer believes It, regardless of what It sounds like or what anybody else has got to say about It, how impossible It seems to be.

141The believer believes It, believes (what?) the Word. Not the creed; the Word! Not the denomination; the Word! Not what somebody else says; what the Word says! Now, remember, that is the believer. The believer doesn't question. The believer doesn't say, "How can it be? If I can get It explained!" That's the unbeliever. Uh-huh. It's the believer, that, no matter what It is, "If It's the Word, It's the Word! That's true." That's the believer.

142 Now the unbeliever. Now we see what's... We'll take the unbelievers. We find out that they did all right as long as they get patted on the back and called disciples. As long as (they) everything went fine, they were all right. But when this Prophet that they believed to be a prophet, and knowed was, that could heal the sick, and so forth, what did He do? When the real Truth and the rebuke came, contrary to what they believed, they couldn't take the Word.

143They could take the miracles, and they performed them. They went out and cast out devils, preached the Word, and still unbelievers. Matthew 10, He sent them out, two by two, the seventy, and they cast out devils, insomuch that Jesus rejoiced, and said, "I seen Satan falling like light from Heaven." See, they cast out devils; Judas right with them. Here comes the unbelievers.

144But as soon as Jesus begin to say that He was something, that He was "the resurrection," He was "the Life." "What would you say if you seen the Son of man ascend up from where He come from?"

145 "Now, this Man trying to say He come from Heaven, that's too much for us. We can't believe It."

146He said, "What is it? The flesh that you're talking about, profit nothing. It's the Spirit that quickens."

147There you are. The Spirit quickens the Word. It's the Spirit, not the creed. The Spirit, of the Holy Ghost, quickens the Word to you, and becomes alive, and there you are, you see it. By faith you see it. You know it's so because the Word said so, and the Spirit quickens the Word to you. There you are.

148Now He said, "What will..." And as soon as we did this, we find out, the unbelievers, when you say something that they don't agree with, they walk out on you. "I just won't!" Oh, that's getting so dense, in the world today. Start and just say something...

149 They gather in. I notice at meetings they'll gather in, great crowds, and you stand up, start saying something. Now, as long... And he'll set there, just watching, just waiting. Then as soon as you say, "Now, Jesus Christ identified Himself as Messiah, because that He was a Prophet," that jug is done full, away it goes. Somebody... and away they go. What is it? Unbelievers!

150Now you say, "You're making that up." I'm not. I'm saying just exactly what the Bible says here.

151They were unbelievers, and they walked out. Though they were disciples, but it--it was contrary to what... They said, "This, who could believe a thing like That?" See? They was Pharisees and Sadducees that had come out, joined and went in with Him.

152Because, see, when the--when the supernatural is displayed, it produces three different types. It did down in Egypt. It produced the unbeliever, the believer, and make-believer. It did all three classes. Just wrote down here, till we just go on and on through the night, explaining it, how it is. Everywhere, you find it, you see them three. Always that way, see, you find them.

153 Now watch, these seventy, they walked out because It didn't agree with what they believed to be right.

154We haven't got no thought coming. It's what He said! You deny your own thinking. You just say what He says. That's really confession. Confession means to "say the same thing." If I confessed that a certain thing taken place, I say the same thing that taken place. That's what real confession is. "And He's the High Priest of our confession." See? Saying the same thing God said, see, that makes it right, 'cause you're just repeating God's Word.

155 Now notice, the seventy walked out. What did they do? And they--they went out just because that--that they disagreed. Their--their--their wisdom, their--their church affiliation had, was--was too much. That was too much for them to think, that this Man standing here, that the... All the rest of the people believed that That was illegitimate born. "He had no rights to call Himself God. And He was just a man." Said, "We don't stone You for a good work You do, but we--we stone You because You, being a Man, make Yourself God."

156And the Word said He was God. "His Name shall be called 'Counselor,' 'Prince of Peace,' 'The Mighty God,' 'The Everlasting Father.'" Their very Scriptures that they read!

157And the very day that they were singing the Psalm, the 22nd Psalm, "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me? All my bones they stare at Me." "Not one bone shall be broken." The very song that they were repeating in the temple, there hung the Sacrifice screaming the very words that David said eight hundred years before, and was too blind to see it.

158 And, today, the very God that spoke of this age is on the scene doing exactly what He said He would do, and they're too blind to see it. That's unbelievers. They walk out and say, "Oh, I can't believe stuff like That. I never heard of That in my life!" Don't make any difference what you heard. The Bible said It would be here, and it's His Word.

159They had never heard of That, either, but It was there just the same. See? That's right. They were unbelievers.

160Just like Eve was, she was very religious, of course, so, but she--she did not believe the true Word. And she had to make herself a religion, so she made some fig leaves, see, but it wouldn't work. Religion means "a covering."

161 Cain did the same thing. Cain couldn't believe that That was right. He said, "God is holy, God is pure, and God is beautiful. So I will get me some flowers, and I'll take of the--the flowers and I'll make a fine, great altar, and I'll--I'll show my reverence to Him. I'll get up before it, and I'll bow down before Him and worship that God. And I'll put flowers on the altar, because, you know, my father and mother eat some apples, some fruit, in the garden of Eden, and that's the thing that brought me out. And so, that's, I will go back, 'cause I'll make it beautiful. God just can't turn my big cathedral down. Why, I'll be too big of a cathedral! I'll make it so pretty till it'll attract God's attention." Satan is the one that dwells in beauty. That's exactly what the Scripture says.

162That's the reason, sometimes, a pretty woman is a bait for Satan. If he can just get a hold of her, he can twist more man into hell than he could with all the barrooms in the country. That's right. See? Or, handsome, some great handsome man that wouldn't--wouldn't stand up in his trueness of manhood, see, again, he can swing them women to the devil, and to send them to hell. Yes, sir.

163 Notice, Satan dwells in beauty. What did he try to do in the beginning? Make a more beautiful kingdom than Michael's was; moved over in the North, and took two-thirds of the Angels with him.

164See whose--whose son that was then, had that nature in him? Satan's son. Certainly, it was. Now he built the altar, and he knelt down and he worshipped. He went through everything that (Cain) that Abel did.

165But Abel knew that it wasn't that. He... It was blood that took them out. He knew that that was it. It was the sex, blood. So he took a little animal, and offered it upon a rock, and chopped its neck.

166Notice Cain, he... God told him, He said, "Why don't you worship like your brother, and you'll do all right. You'll do well if you'll do that." But, no, he knowed too much about it. See, he rejected the original, a vindicated Word. If that ain't his children today! See?

167 Now look, "God had testified," the Bible said. Hebrews the 4th chapter, or the 11th chapter, "God testifying of His gift, that he was righteous." God vindicated his offering. God made proof that that was what He accepted; that was His Word, His plan.

168And told Cain, said, "Do the same thing, and live." But do you think he would, he would forfeit his idea? No, sir. He was an unbeliever, and he walked right out. That's right. Cain did the same thing. Nimrod did the same thing. Unbelievers! He did not believe.

Belteshazzar, the same thing, though, or...

169 Nebuchadnezzar, though having Daniel as his god, called him Belteshazzar, which was the name of his god, saw Daniel do the great works of God. And then he knowed that--that Belteshazzar believed, or that Daniel was a god, so he made an image to him, and put it up out there and made everybody to worship it, and so forth. See, the Gentile kingdom come in with forcing of the worship of a image of a holy man, and the Gentile kingdom goes out with the forcing of the image of a holy man, see, same way.

170And there was a handwriting on the wall, of unknown tongues, at the beginning of the Gentile kingdom, that no one could read but that prophet. And there is a handwriting on the wall today, that's right, "Ichabod," that the glory of God has departed from them things. And the handwriting is on the wall and can be read by the spiritual mind that believes in spiritual things, has been born of the Spirit of God.

171Old Belteshazzar goes out and gets these vessels of the Lord, to drink wine in them. Why? He was an unbeliever. He thought he was a believer, but he was a unbeliever. See, that's it, he disbelieved the Word.

172 Ahab, he was an unbeliever, though he--he act like he wasn't. No, no, he was amongst the believers, but he was an unbeliever. What did he do? He married an idolatress, and brought it, idolatry, right into Israel. He was an unbeliever. We know that.

173They deny the whole of the Word of God to be true. The unbeliever is, see, now remember, he's a hypocrite. And he--he acts like that, he says he believes It, but he denies It. He said, "Well, so much of It is well." But if all of it isn't right, then that makes him an unbeliever. You've got to believe every tittle and every jot, and everything that's said in There. It's got to be true. If It isn't true, if you say now, "I don't believe That," well, then you're a unbeliever.

174 There's a guy said to me, one time, a--a minister said, "I don't care, Mr. Branham, how many people you could produce that--that you said was healed, I wouldn't believe it."

175I said, "Certainly not, you can't believe it. You're a unbeliever. It wasn't for you. It's only for the believers."

176You've got to believe It. See? And they do not believe It. So when you see a person in that, well did Paul speak of the prophets, saying that they'd be "heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; having forms of godliness, but denying the Power there, the Power of the Word; from such turn away." Notice, they deny the whole of the Word, but in every form they're religious. They are unbelievers in the true Word, though It be vindicated.

177All through every age, God vindicated the Word of these people I've talked about, Noah, and on down through Moses, and all the prophets, and forth. God spoke through the supernatural and vindicated the Word, and yet those people walked right out on It.

178 And here is these disciples standing there, them seventy, and watching Jesus do the things that He did, and know the Scripture, and Him telling them that that was the age that this was to take place. And then when He said something, "The Son of man, what would you say..." When He begin to tell them about breaking the bread, and so forth, and went ahead telling them about great and spiritual things.

And they said, "Oh, This is a hard saying!"

179He said, "What are you going to say then if, the Son of man, you see Him ascend up into Heaven where He come from?" Said, "Is it the flesh, or is it the Spirit, that quickeneth?" See?

180And then they moved away, said, "Oh, That, no, I can't believe That." See? They walked right out, on the Word. They won't even stay to see what takes place. That is the--that is the unbeliever.

181 They, what do they do then? We find out that they, that these people, these believers, a so-called believers, but in the forms of religion, and they fail to see the identified Truth of the Word of God because It's against what they believe. See?

182It don't make any difference what you believe, how loyal you are, how religious you are, or, that doesn't have one thing to do to it. Sincerity, why, that don't have nothing to do with it. I've seen people so sincere! I seen the heathens burn their children, feed them to the crocodiles, mothers with their babies. That's more than a Christian would do. See? Sincerely they believe, sincerely, but were sincerely wrong.

183People say, "Well, this church has stood!" That, you're sincerely wrong, if it's contrary to the Word. "Well, now look, I don't believe in such thing!" When, the Bible said It was so, though! See? "I don't believe that we have to do This." I don't care what you think you don't have to do. God said it must be done.

184"These signs shall follow them." How far? "To all the world." Who? "To every creature." See, it shall be! Not, "Shall be?" It's going to be!

185And this Message of the hour that we're now enjoying, the Presence of God, the latter day, the evening time when the Lights are shining, and the things that's been opened up, and the Word vindicated and proved to be the Truth; both prophesied, comes to pass, all through scientific and everything, proved that It is, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." And, a man walk out on That, he's--he's an unbeliever. He's beyond hopes. He's numbed by the power of Satan, so there is no hopes for him. He is beyond hopes.

186 Now that is what? The believer; now the unbeliever; now the third class, we're speaking about, is the make-believer. That's the boy, the make-believer! Now, remember, in there stood all three. Now, we find now, they do just exactly like their father does, Judas.

There was Peter and the rest of the apostles, believers.

There was the seventy, unbelievers.

187And there was Judas, hung right on, he was a make-believer. What do they do? This is the kind that holds on until they can find something, a fault in It. They are looking every time to find a loophole, see how it's done, see if it's a trick, if it's a gimmick. They're waiting to be sold out. They're looking for that.

188The unbeliever, he don't even wait around. He's condemned It, and walked out.

189The believer, no matter what happens, he believes It, anyhow, for It's the Word.

There is your three classes.

190 The old unbeliever will walk out, on the first thing that's said, he don't like about it. Brother, he's going to throw his colors right then. He's an unbeliever. Paul said, "They went out from us, because they wasn't of us, in the beginning. They started with us." "Oh, you did run well; what hindered you?" See it? "They went out, because they wasn't of us." When they see the Word perfectly moving on, why, they wanted to get some kind of a gimmick they could work. See?

191But the real believers don't question nothing. It's written in the Word, and they believe It, and they just go on. That, that's it. Always, it's written. If it isn't written, why, you just stay away from it, no matter what happens. It's got to be written. See? And they see that written Word and they believe It. And they see God moving in His Word, see the hour, the Message, the time, and they walk with It.

192 As I said this morning, how old Pilate must have walked the floor, at night, with his worried conscience, trying to clean himself. And he said, my, when no doubt he had called through the night, said, "I--I--I've--I've washed my hands, all night, and I still can't understand. See, they're not clean. I can never go to meet Him; I've got Blood upon my hands." Oh, my! See, don't never be guilty of that. See?

193It's on your hands. There's only one way you can get It out; that's, accept It, that's right, become part of It. That's what It was shed for.

194 Now, the make-believer hangs around and acts just as pious as he can, but down in his heart he's trying to find what's--what's, you, how you do it. Oh, if the country isn't full of that part, of hypocrites! Yeah. That's a Judas. That's exactly. Hangs around, becomes part of the group; he was the treasurer, see. He stands around, he's always got his hand out for money. You can tell that, one thing, he's always fishing for money, and got his hand out for this. And he is a make-believer. He acts like a believer, but down in his heart...

195 You remember, he wasn't fooling Jesus. After the seventy left, and the believers made their stand; and He turned around to the believers, He said, "There is still something in you," for said, "I've chose twelve, and one of you is a devil." Jesus knowed, from the beginning, for He was the Word. He knowed the secret of the heart.

196How hard it was! Stop a minute. Think deep, long, straight! How hard it must have been on Him, walking right there, and a man calling Him, "Brother," and knowed all the time that that was the deceiver that was going to try to upset Him, and sell Him for thirty pieces of silver. How hard it was to hold it in His bosom, and His friend walking along there. Even He said, "Friend," called Judas His friend, "have not I been with you, all this time?" Knowing in His heart, and couldn't say it. He knowed, from the beginning, who it was that would betray Him.

197 There is that make-believer that's just waiting. He'll sing that, say, "Oh, I believe this, and I believe this, and I believe this. But, oh, you know, I heard somebody say it's so-and-so times." Oh, see, just long with ears.

198A real believer don't hear nothing but the Word. That's all. He watches the Word. He ain't looking for no loopholes. He ain't looking for no gimmicks. He believes God, and that settles it, and he just keeps going on. See? There is the believer.

199The unbeliever fills up in a minute, and he can't stay to listen ten minutes of the Message. He's got to get up and walk out. It's against his creed, and he just won't have no more to do with it, so he goes out.

200 Then, the make-believer hangs right on, that Judas. See, that's the deceiver. That's the--that's the rascal, if I have to say such a word. Judas, he hangs around. This is the time, sometime, these make-believers are very popular with the people. That's right, these make-believers, see. Some of them are mighty man, educated, doctor's degree, big pay, everything. Some of them are great man, shrewd, just like sons of Satan would be.

201Look how Satan come right up there and agree with every bit of that Word; he's just waiting to find that weak spot in Eve, to where he could show his power to deceive her, to betray her. That was--that was Satan. And here Satan is, in the form of Judas, in that age. That was Satan in the first age. What was he? Agreeing with the Word till just one little thing; he's trying to find a place where he get a weakness.

202And that's exactly what the Judas finds right now. He'll come right along with the meeting, and watch right around until he can find that little spot that, he, "Oh, there it is! That's it!" See? "Oh, that's the way it's done!" See? That's just exactly.

203 Many of you remember up there that night when that man come out on the platform. He thought that there was a mental telepathy of reading the prayer cards, and how he thought he had it right then. Brother, he--he was sure he had it. And he come around. He belonged to a church that don't believe in--in--in these, in the Gospel, the full Gospel. And he come up on the platform. I was tired. They was fixing to take me away.

204That was at Windsor, Ontario. In there, come right across from--from United States there, right across from Detroit, at Windsor, the big auditorium.

205And this man come up there with a gray suit on, and a red tie, intelligent-looking man, smart as a tack. He come to the platform. And I... He walked up. And I said, "Well, just let me have your hand." I said, "I'm tired; I've seen so many visions. Just let me have your hand." And--and I never noticed the man. And he put his hand over on mine. And I said, "Sir, there is nothing wrong with you. Go ahead."

He said, "Oh, there is, too."

206And I said, "Well, let me see there." I said, "No, sir, there is not one sign. No, sir, you're a healthy man."

He said, "Go look at my prayer card!"

207I said, "I don't care what you put on your prayer card." I said, "I don't have nothing to do with the prayer card," not thinking, you see. I was tired and wore out. And my... But the grace of God, you see, was still there, remember.

208If He sends you, it's His obligation to take care of you. It ain't mine; it's Him. He sent It. I'm just supposed to stand on what's true.

209 When Moses throwed his stick down, it turned into a serpent, and the magicians done the same thing, what could Moses do but stand there and wait for the grace of God? That's all. Same thing. He followed out the commandments. And you know what happened, don't you? See?

210This man said, "Now," he said, "there is. Look at my prayer card."

211I said, "Well, you might have had a lot of faith, and might have done it," not thinking, you see. I done... not even paying attention.

212Then he unbuttons his coat and pushed out his chest. He said, "There you are!" to the audience.

And I thought, "What's going on here?"

213He looked around. He said, "There you are!" Said, "See the gimmick?" That's your Judas, a religious man, a preacher of a great denomination. Said, "There you are! I had 'so much faith.' Now, he's got so weak, he can't read the telepathy. See, it don't come to him no more." And there he said, "It's not my faith was so great." Said, "I put that on the prayer card, and now he can't catch it, you see." Said, "That's the gimmick!"

214I thought, "What's going on?" Then the grace of God came down.

215I said, "Sir, why has the devil put in your heart to try to deceive God?" A modern Judas! I said, "You're a church of Christ..." Excuse me. Well, I done said it. "You're a church of Christ preacher. You belong to the church of Christ, from over in United States. And that man setting up there with that blue suit on, and your wife and his wife setting there, you set at a table last night that had a green thing over it, a--a spread like this, and you made up that this was 'telepathy,' and you were coming tonight."

216That man raised up. He said, "That's the honest truth. God, have mercy on me!"

217I said, "Sir, you put 'TB and cancer' on that card, and now you have it. It's yours now."

And he grabbed me by the pants leg, he said, "I didn't..."

218I said, "I can't help. You go right ahead. That's up between you and God. You wrote your doom right on your card." And that got him. That was all of it.

219 See, make-believers, deceivers, trying to find some fault with God and His Word. That's the Judases. That's the ones. You see how Judas come out? See how that guy come out? That's the way the make-believers happen. See, make-believers, oh, highly educated, sometimes, and a great showdown comes between the Word and their creed. And, when it does, they sell out to their denomination just exactly like their forerunner did, Judas. Judas sold out to his denomination; sold Jesus, the Word, to his denomination, and betrayed Jesus Christ after he claimed to be a part of it.

220Ministers sometime claiming to be servants of Christ, and when the Word is thoroughly identified to be vindicated for that day, that it is the Message of the hour, and they'll sell out there for popularity, to their denomination; just exactly like Judas did, betray Jesus to the Pharisees and Sadducees. That spirit don't die, so there that's amongst the believers, make-believers, and unbelievers. See, that's just exact, come right down and sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver; and many man will do it today for a meal ticket, for an extra hundred dollars a week; right, deny the God that's standing in the midst of them, that bought their Life, and with the full Word.

221 And they'll say, "Oh, them days of miracles is passed! Or, God don't need such a thing as that today." See? "Oh, I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God! 'Hail Mary, mother of God, blessed art thou amongst women!'" All these other things they say! And some of them said, "I believe in the Apostles' Creed. I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heavens and earth. I believe in the holy Roman Catholic church, and all this things."

222Tell me when apostle ever had a creed like that. If the apostles had one creed, it's wrote in Acts 2:38, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." If there's any creed to them, that was it. They had no creed. It was the Word. That is true. It still remains the same. That's the prescription for the cure of the disease of sin, "And you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost! Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins, see, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."

223 But they sell out, like Judas. That's the make-believer. Some of them are highly talented people. And this make-believer, watch that guy. That's the shrewd guy. This little guy that fills up quick, and jumps up and runs out, at every little phrase that he don't like, you don't pay no attention to him; he's just an unbeliever, to begin with. But when you see this guy, a make-believer, hangs on, see, that's the Judas. That's him.

224Like great talents. I'm going to call names here. Which, I really shouldn't do it, but I'm going to call them, anyhow, so that you'll know it. Like, Elvis Presley, Red Foley, Ernie Ford, Pat Boone. Elvis Presley, a Pentecostal; Pat Boone, a church of Christ; Red Foley, a deacon in the church of Christ; and I think Ernest Ford is a Methodist. And all those people with those talents, smart, out on television. And people saying, "Well, aren't they religious? They sing songs." That don't mean one thing. Yes, sir. Deceiving the world!

225What do they get out of it? Judas got thirty pieces of silver. Elvis, a fleet of Cadillacs, and a hundred, or two, a hundred and fifty million dollars, or a million dollars on records and things like that. Pat Boone and the rest of them. I don't care what church they belong to, and everything, it's hypocrisy. It's a make-believe. It's a front. That, their life proves out, that isn't right. Right.

226 Then there are those with the talents that is great organizers, worldly wisdom. They preach the Gospel, claim to; smart man, intellectuals. Listen, a man that's trained in that field, he is not a preacher. He's a lecturer. That's what's the trouble today, we have lecturers.

227Jesus never said, "Go and train to do this." He said, "Go preach the Gospel, and these signs shall follow the preaching." See? See?

228That's not learn to make a lecturer who can stand and just, my, put them flowery things in it, make you feel like you're sitting right in the presence of an Archangel. That isn't it. "Having forms of godliness," you see, that's a lecturer, not the Holy Spirit in action.

229Some little fellow that wouldn't know his ABC's, might come down with the Power of faith with the Word; and make the Holy Spirit do things that that man knows nothing about, and deny it. See? There you are.

230 Great people! Yes, sir. Then, they are organizers. They are prosperous, successful, smart in worldly wisdom.

231Just exactly like Satan did to Eve, that little, helpless woman. He came right to her and tried to sell her on the idea that she would be wiser than what she was, and that's what she was looking for. Instead of staying right what the Word said, he--he wanted to sell her on the idea she would be wiser, and she bought his product. And they still do the same thing today. "The wisdom of this world is foolish to God." Yes, sir.

232No, sir! Oh, my, just the same thing that the Pharisees sold out, and did, see, with the wisdom that they know. But, but deny the whole Word of God.

233When It's properly been proven and It's been vindicated to them, they still try to find something, and think It's a gimmick. They're not settled in their mind. They can't believe It. You can tell them anything, and they're back again; you can tell them anything, they're back again. And they just... And can't get It soaked in, you see. And watch them; they're watching for a time, just a loophole. That's all they want.

234 That's what, if it hadn't been for the grace of God, all my loopholes would been exposed, if I had any. See? It's the grace of God, 'cause there is no loopholes in the Word of God; just straight Gospel. I've always said, anybody, if you see me teach or do anything that's not exactly with the Word of God, you come tell me. Here is the thing that covers the loopholes that you're trying to find. Just put your eyes on That, and you'll see no loopholes, 'cause there is no loopholes.

235Now remember, Judas thought he found one. That fellow thought he found one. Many times, they think they find it, but it proves out that it's not. That's the make-believers, hypocrites. They're ninety-five percent on the Word, so was Eve, but, ninety-nine and nine-tenths; but it was that one tenth that caused all death and sorrow.

236That's the one thing that condemns the organization and things, 'cause they don't take the whole Word of God. That's the make-believers. We find that it's always been, but deny the true, a vindicated Word. These are always in each generation. We find them just as they go along, and also very religious.

237Now, I'm fixing to close right now, 'cause I done took another half hour.

238 Jesus, we find out that He has warned us against these last days and these kind of people, that they be so much like the real thing, that they would absolutely would deceive the very Elected ones. What is that? That's the Judases, the--the people that goes so far up. Look, they--they even can cry, shout, claim to cast out devils, everything, and then turn back around and deny the Word. Exactly. They have a form of godliness. They'd--they'd--they'd almost...

239Look at where Judas came. Judas' spirit climbed into the Gospel, up to the place of Pentecost. But when it come to the time for his baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, and these other things that goes with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, he walked out. He showed his colors. And that spirit can live in those denominations till it gets right to that Truth, then she drops right back, like the spirit that's on them, that forerun their coming; just as John forerun Jesus' coming.

"Now you say, 'Jesus said they'd be so close.'"

240 Now, "Elected," that's the kind that has had their name on the Book, from the foundation, of Life, that believes, or foundation of the world, that believes all the Word of Life. That's the Elected.

241Now watch these people. Now, I say this with reverence and respects, with godly love; if I don't, I'm--I--I--I need a altar call, myself. Notice, Jesus said they would deceive the very Elected. Now, that wouldn't be Methodist, that wouldn't be Baptist; we know they're unbelievers, to begin with. But, it's Pentecostals organization that took into that denomination, drawed their lines, without the Word; and drawed a line and put their own organization, and fenced out the Word. They would deceive the very Elected, so perfectly alike! Say, "They cry. They shout. They jump up-and-down. They claim healing services." So did Judas, and so did all the rest of them. When they went out, come back rejoicing and everything, and even had their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

242But, remember, the Bride don't--don't--don't come up in that group. She goes in the Rapture.

243At the Judgment, the judgment was set, "And the books were opened, the wicked; and another Book, which is the Book of Life, it was opened," and there was the Bride there to judge it. See? See? "Another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life." That's the sheep on one side, and the goats on the other. See, the people that died back yonder, that never had the opportunity, they'll be the ones to be separated.

244 But now notice, "deceive" the very Elected, watch that group. That's that group that follows right along, "Yes, brother. Hallelujah! Yes. Glory to God!" And right down in your heart you see what they're working you for; have you in church (why?) to draw a crowd, to bleed them of every bit of money they can get out of it. You think I don't know that? They might not think I know it, but I know it.

245Jesus knowed, from the beginning, who was deceiver. See? See? But what did He do? He just waited till that time. That's what we must always do, wait till that time. Don't move in yourself. Wait till that minute.

246Having a pi-... form, and go right along, that's that deceiving group. Watch that deceiver, that group there; not the--not the believer, not the unbeliever, but that make-believer. Oh, my! What are they doing? Just weeding along until they think they can find something, pulling every penny that they can out of the people, see, and then piling it up in these great big organizations; which are absolutely against, and they know it. See, they know it.

247It don't make any difference what you say. They've always warned their people before you come, "Don't listen to It."

248 One man, with the audacity to stand there in Ohio, just when Brother Kidd was healed, come out there on the platform, and said, "Now, Brother Branham is a prophet, no doubt at all, when he's under the anointing. But now," said, "when the anointing is off of him," said, "don't you believe his Teaching, because It's wrong."

249And he didn't know, that sitting in my room, the Lord revealed it to me. And I walked right down there. And many of you was there. I said, "Why would a man say a thing like that, when the Word..." Now, see, I never said I was a prophet; he said it.

250And the prophet, the word prophet, "seer," Old Test-... Now, the English version of prophet means "a preacher." But the Old Testament seer was a man who had "the Divine interpretation of the Word," and was proven by the Word coming to him and foreseeing it. That was what...

251 And a man saying that a man be a prophet, and then saying his Teaching is wrong? If that ain't a money-working scheme, what is? The hour is close at hand when that thing will be pulled out on the scene. Yeah. But that's the kind that, that make-believer, pat you on the back, call you "brother," just as Judas. But, remember, He knowed from the beginning. He still knows. Yes, sir.

252Remember, all these listening to this tape, too, that's right, you're in one of them classes. That's exactly right. Now we're going to close. Every person that's here, present, every person that listens to this tape; and even though someday I have to leave this world, these tapes will still live. That's right. See? And you're in one of these classes. You've got to be in one of them. It's exactly. You can't escape it. You're in one of these classes.

253 Now what? Identify yourself with a Bible character that believed, where you believed the Word when It was vindicated, like I proved It tonight, that it was a vindicated Word always, always contrary to the popular belief.

254If you should have lived in the days of Noah, now let me just ask, what side would you have been on, the church side or Noah's side, the prophet? See?

255If you'd have lived in the days of Moses, would you have believed Moses' message after It had been proven and vindicated by God? But would you went with Korah and Dathan, and them, and said, "You're not the only holy man. Other people can do these things that you do, too"? See? You'd have to be one, and you are, tonight.

256 Or would you have been with Daniel, or with the church that was down there at Nebuchadnezzar's party they was giving? See? Would you have been outside, or would you been down at the shindig, the--the big thing they were having?

257Would you have been with Elijah, that man standing alone, called, "an old crank, a man lost his mind," and standing up on top of a hill, and his head shining up there to the sun, with a crooked stick in his hand, the birds feeding him, uh-huh, some crank? Or would you been with the priests and all them down there with Jezebel, and the rest of them modern-dressed women? And Elijah standing up there, rebuking them, as hard as he could! What part would you took your wife to? Just think. Just picture yourself tonight.

258 In the days of Jesus, would you have been with this Boy that had no credentials? He had no denomination affiliations. They said, "What school did You come from? We don't have You on our record here. How do You get this wisdom? How'd You ever learn if we didn't teach You these things? What school did You come through? Are You Methodist, Presbyterian, or Baptist?" He was none of it. That's right. He was the Word. That's exactly right, brother. Do you...

259Or would you have took the side with the Pharisees of the modern belief of the humble old priest that seemed to be so gentle and nice, and the organization that stood up since the Nicaea Council, or since Luther organized it? Or what--what group would you have been in? Would you have been at the... What group would you have been with? Would you have stood with the Word when you seen It vindicated and proved to you, It was the Message of the day, or would you have took the church stand? Now just picture yourself tonight.

260 Would you have been there with the apostles, when they seen Jesus and all these mysterious things, when He crammed down on them preachers, and said, "You're a nest of snakes"? Them honest, old preachers studied that Word. Said, "You're nothing but a den of thieves, and you're--you're full of dead men's bones. You're nothing but a whited wall." See? "You generation of vipers." Would you have stood with a hotheaded Fellow like that, Who stood there and rebuked and tore down? Said, "Which one of you can accuse Me of sin? If I do not what the Father said..."

261They said, "Don't listen. That Guy has got a evil spirit on Him. He's crazy. He's mad. He's--He's got a spirit of the devil on Him. See? Now, how He does that, He, that's a fortuneteller's spirit in Him. He tells... What is He? His mother had Him before her and her husband was married. See? See? What school did He come through? We don't even have one record of Him ever going to grammar school."

262And yet when He was twelve years old, He astounded and confound the priests, with the Word of God. See? What school did He come out of? The school of Above. See? "When you see the Son of man descending up from where He come from." See, that was His school.

263 But would you have stood with the apostles, to a Man like that, when the showdown come?

264Or would you actually have walked off with the seventy, and say, "Well, we'll go on back to our church if that's the way You're going to teach, saying that, You, 'the Son of man'? When, after all, who are You? What are You? A man like I am, I eat with You, and trying to say You're something. I've watched You. I seen Your weakness. I've seen You cry. I've seen You do this, that, or the other. I seen You go in the wilderness with us, and everything else like that now, and You're just a man. And say You come down from Heaven. That's too much for me." Would you have walked up with them? Or would you have walked out with the seventy? Or would you have walked on with the apostles and Christ?

265 When Saint Martin tried to hold the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, in the church, when he still tried to hold to signs and wonders and things, and the Catholic church condemned the man and wouldn't even recognize him at all, and cast him out, would you have took the place with the Catholic creed, or would you have stood with Saint Martin? When he refused to put up all these kind of images of--of dead people, and worship them, worship them images, and so forth, when he refused the dogmas that was added, he said, "Let the Word be Truth!" And God vindicated him with great signs and wonders, and what he foretold happened. And everything that he did, he walked in the Spirit of God and proved it, and not one of them priests or anything could do anything about it. Would you have took his side and went with Saint Martin, or would you have went with the Catholic creed?

266 Now the Word, now the Word of God or the church dogmas, is before you. Can you take, accept what the dogmas of church, or do you take what the Word says?

267Remember, in all ages has been as it is right now. There is always a popular belief among the people, and it's always been just a little bit contrary to the real Word. Remember, it's never been just a right-out deny It. Oh, no. The antichrist don't deny the Word. Certainly not. He says he believes It, but just not all of It the way It's wrote here. See? See?

268 Satan told Eve. Eve believed It all but just that little bit that he told her. They take just all of It but just a little bit. Might be, "go to the pool," it might be something else. You got to take It, every bit, just the way It is Here, see, just the way It's said Here. Might cause you to do some first works over again, but it's just what the Word said. This has been Satan's trick since he worked it first on Eve, just to disbelieve a little bit of the Word.

269And, always separates these three classes of people, the Word separates these people. In every age it's been that way. Every age that ever has been, it's been that way, when God sent something on the scene and clearly identifies It, His Word.

270Then there are those that follow, that claim to be believers, and they are. There are those that wouldn't turn back. They believe the Word. As long as you stay in Word, they believe It.

271But when It comes a little contrary, no matter how much God identifies It to what they believe, they say, "Well, I--I--I don't know about That." That's the unbeliever.

272Or do you follow along just to see till you can get a chance to say, "Uh-huh, here you are!" A Judas to stab somebody in the back, like he did. "I knowed it would come out, sooner or later. There you are!" That's the make-believer. Every, every bit of it, we see it in the Bible.

273 A little boy one time, down here in Kentucky, raised way up in the mountains, he--he had never been around where there was a looking glass. He had a little piece tacked up on a tree, but he had never seen himself. He come here to Louisville, it was told, and stay with his mother's sister. And she lived in one of the nice homes, a old-fashioned home. When they went into one of the--the bedrooms that had a--a door that had a mirror all up it, all way up-and-down the door. See?

274And when the little fellow started to running through the house, he stopped. Little Johnny saw little Johnny. See? And he scratched his head, and little Johnny in the mirror scratched his head. He laughed, and little Johnny in the mirror laughed. He jumped up-and-down, and little Johnny jumped up-and-down in the mirror. See? He walked up real close. He thought it was a little boy he could play with, so he walked up. Directly, he pecked on the glass. He turned around, and his parents was watching him. He said, "Mama, that's me."

275Now you look in This, and which is you? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Which one of these little Johnny's are you impersonating? Which one is you, you see? You're one of them.

276That's one of them, one that would turn back, the first flaw you found, that you called a flaw. See?

277Test it with the Word and see if it's right, if the Word proves all things. See, prove all things by the Word. Jesus said do so. Yes, sir. "Hold fast to that what's good." That's exactly what He said.

278 Now look in the mirror of God's Word, in the other ages, and see which group of these three that you would be identified in. Now just think, if you'd a lived in the days of Noah, if you'd a lived in the days of Moses, if you'd a lived in the days of Jesus, or one of them, whatever it is, just think what group you would be identified with. Think of it tonight.

279Then, your present. Now, just think now. This is deep now. And don't run over the top of it. Your present state right now proves to you what group you'd have been with back there. Now, you're your own judges, proves what you are.

280 Reverend, minister, what group would you have been with when Jesus made that statement that was hard to believe? What? What? After He had thoroughly been identified that He was the Word, see, and yet, that statement, you never heard of anything like that, "The Son of man, what will you say if He be ascends up into Heaven where He come from?"

281And you said, "Well, I know where He was born at. I know His papa, I know His mama, and here He says He's going to ascend up from where He come from." That would have been a little too much for you, wouldn't it, sir? Uh-huh. Been just a little bit too much for you; couldn't have stomached That. Maybe it's the same thing today. Then look in the glass of God's Word and see where you stand. Oh, a deceiver of man, don't you never do that.

282 Look, you're in one of these classes. In your present state right now, the present state of mind, that, you here in this visible audience, and you that will be in the invisible audience of this tape, your present state of mind after listening to this tape, proves to you what class you're in. It tells you exactly where you are, whether you are a believer in the Word and will stay with It, whether you'd walked out, or shut that tape off. See, that tells, what you done. You don't want to listen to It, and shut It off, say, "I don't want to listen to That," that, that's that unbeliever. See, you won't stop to test it and see if it's Truth or not. See? Or just hanging around and trying to find some fault with It, then you know where you are, too. It tells you.

283God help us to believe It and stand on It, and be loyal to It, and obey the Word, for He is the Word. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Let us, let us pray.

284 Dear Heavenly Father, how hard it is, at times, to say these things, and know that perhaps tens of thousands of people will hear this over the tape, as they go out across the country and around the world. But, Dear Lord, it is true, it's so true. I pray, Lord, first clean my heart. O Lord, test me, try me.

285Just look down upon me, Lord. I'm weak. I--I--I... I'm--I'm tired. I'm--I'm wore out. My throat is husky. My--my--my lips are--are--are--are parched, like. And, and my body is wearing down, I'm getting old. And--and it won't be too many more times, Lord, maybe, too many more turns of the sun, till--till I'll--I'll be going.

286And now check me, now, Father. And if--if there's something that I'm doing wrong, and don't know it, You--You just reveal it to me, Lord. You, You show me. I, I'm ready now to make it all right.

287I look at myself over there in the glass of God's Word. Where do I stand? Do I see my image reflecting Jesus Christ? Is that the person I see in the glass? Do I see one of the believers of the Old Testament, or the believers of the New Testament? Do I see a make-believer? Do I see myself as a unbeliever that wouldn't stand and listen to the Word, and would take the denominational idea instead? Do I see myself hanging around, trying to find a little loophole?

288 Lord, if it's so, just--just clean me, Lord. Let my heart be clean and pure. Because, this is my life, Lord, I... It's, I want it right. There is no need of just half way doing it, if there's a way to make it really done. I, I want it fixed right, Father. Not only that, but I'd be leading men wrong, and women wrong, and the people that I love, and loves me; then, I'd be wrong.

289And, Father, if there be anything, if I thought tonight that any denominational church was right; or the Council of Churches was right, if the majority of the people were right; Lord God, help me to be man enough, and Christian enough, to admit my wrong and stand here and send these people to where I think that would be right. Cleanse me. Let me look and see. But when it comes to those things, Lord, as far as I can see it, having those forms and deny the Word; you can tell It to them, and yet they say, "Well, It don't make any difference. It... God don't expect That now."

290 Lord, I believe that You are the same Jesus. You're the same God that You ever was. You're still God, and You change not. I believe that this Bible is Your Word, and I believe that You and Your Word are the same.

291And I pray, God, that You'll give us of Your Holy Spirit, to quicken the Word, to give us the quickening Power; that, someday when life is over, and You're finished with us, that we'll be quickened and ascend up into Heaven where we was, in the thoughts of God, before the foundation of the world. God, grant it.

292Forgive our sins, Father. If there be men or women here, that stands in that other class, besides true believers in the Word, God, cleanse their heart. If there is any listening in to the tape, or will listening in, I pray for the cleansing of their hearts, that You will cleanse them, Lord. I--I don't want to see them lost. God, I pray that You'll--You'll help us to understand that one wrong won't--won't righten another wrong. There is only one way to do it, that's get both wrongs out of the way, and get right. And I pray, Father, that You'll grant that to us, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

293 With our heads bowed, our hearts bowed, now I want you stop just a few minutes.

294When I saw the vision of hell, as a--as a little boy, the horrors of it. Then, I may be wrong in this. That might just been a premonition. It might. I don't know. It seems I was somewhere. It was so natural.

Then, not long ago, when I seen the realms of the blessed.

295When I was in the realms of the lost, I screamed, "O God, don't never let a person come here!" You can't, there is no tongue can describe to you what the horrors of it is. There is no way for me to tell you. If you believe that there is a burning hell, full of fire and brimstone, that would be a--a cool shady green pasture to the sight of what the horrors of this lost condition was in, and the misery that is--that is associated that place.

296And if I tried to speak to you of things that would be beyond a human's understanding, I still couldn't describe the place of the blessed, how peaceful! Never to die, never to be old, never to be sick; always to be young, always to be healthy, and never to die; Eternal Life, in the blessed of youth, and no sin or nothing else! Oh, there is just no way to exp-... describe, describe it.

297Even the Saint Paul, he said, "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it even entered the hearts of man," you can't even understand it; there is no way to explain it, "what God has for them, in store, that love Him."

298 And now, as this is surely true, both here and the invisible audience, we are pictured here, tonight, in one of these classes. Either we are genuine believers... Test it with the Word. If the Word said a certain thing, and the church said something different, what would you take? Look in the glass of God's Word and see which class you're standing in. And if you're not, tonight, both here and in the invisible audience, if you are not, if you're not with that believing type, could I offer just a word of prayer for you now, that you would come into that believing type?

299And would you signify the same, by God; with your head bowed, your hearts bowed, your eyes closed, and before God? Sometimes people are just a little bit afraid, you know, to kind of raise up their hands, afraid their neighbor... Which, they oughtn't to be that way, but they--they should be willing to stay up, and say, "I, I'm wrong. I'm wrong."

300"He that--he that covers his sin shall not prosper, but he that will confess his sin will have mercy." See? What is sin? "Unbelief," unbelief in (what?) the Word.

301 Now, if you are not in that class, and there is things that--that you see in the Bible that you just simply... in--in your... in--in your--your intellectuals, you--you can't see it. You just... You know the Bible said so, but you just... You can't understand it, and yet you want to. You say, "God, let me have the understanding. I'll obey You."

302Would you raise your hand, and say, "Remember me as we pray"? God bless you. God bless you. That's good. See?

303Really just think of it, "Is there something in the Bible that I--I just--I just don't know? I--I--I'm--I'm afraid I'm going to find myself in one of the other categories. Maybe I'm going to find myself with the seventy, that I... There's just some things that I... It's too hard for me to understand how that--that God would do these things, how He could be, how Jesus could be the same, how--how these things. I--I don't understand It. I want to understand It. I--I want to believe It. And, God, help my unbelief. I--I want to be part of It. I want to be a partaker of the Word. I want It in me."

304 "If ye abide in Me, and My Word abides in you, then ask what you will." Saint John 15. We know that's true. Look, "If ye abide," not in and out, in and out, but, "if ye abide in Me," and He is the Word, "and It abides in you, then just ask what you will and it shall be given unto you. Ye shall have it."

305"He that receiveth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has already passed from death to Life." But can you receive the Word, first? Can you receive the Word, all the Word, all of Christ? Christ is the anointed Word. He is the Word, anointed.

306Christ means "the anointed One," the anointed Word for that day, made manifest, the Saviour, the Redeemer. That's when He was to come, and He was that anointed Person to take that place.

307 Now it's the Holy Spirit in the last days, to shine forth the evening Lights, restoring back the Faith that's been trampled down, through the denominations; condemning the denominations and coming back to the original Faith, with original Bible Faith; the original Bible, believing every Word of It, not adding it and making It say this and say that. Just say It the way It's said, and you want to believe it that way.

308Is there one that never raised their hands, would like to raise their hands, and say, "God, remember me?"

309God bless you, lady. God bless you, young lady. God bless you, you. Fine. God bless you, little fellow. God bless you, my sister. "I want Him." And God bless you, sister, over to my right. And bless you, in the back. "I want..." And God bless you, young man. And you, sister, over here. You, brother, over this other side, the Lord bless you. God bless you in the back. "Just remember me, Lord."

310Now remember, you're not holding your hand to me; to Him. Right straight in back of me, now, Lord sees your hand. Even if I miss it, He sees it. He knows your heart. He knows what's pulsating there. He knows your objective. He knows what your motive is to that objective. God bless you, brother.

311 Someone else, "I want to believe all the Word." God bless you. All right. God bless you. "Help me, Lord, help me." The Lord sees your hands. Yes, sir. That's it. "There is things that I--I can't understand. I--I don't want to be an unbeliever. Though I don't understand them, I want to believe it, anyhow. I'm ready to say, 'Lord God, here I am. I want to believe. Help my unbelief, Lord.'" God be with you. God bless you. Many, many hands are up, and still going up.

312You say, "Brother Branham, does that help?" Put your hand up once, with a real, right objective, and find out how you feel about it.

313You've testified that there is a little something in your life, you know. There is a little something, you don't want it to be there, but it's there, anyhow. You wonder how it could be done. "And, Lord, forbid that I would be a Judas. Forbid that I'd follow along in a--in a Message, just maybe trying to think that someday some little flaw will show up. O God, not me. Let me stay right with Thy Word. See? Or maybe I'd be a unbeliever that just simply thinks, 'Well, if--if... well, why don't the rest of them say so?' See? I--I don't want to be like that either. I want to be a believer. I want to. I see God's Word of the hour. I see God in It. And, Lord, make me part of that Word. Make me part of It. I want to be part of It." The Lord bless you.

314 Now let us pray. And every person, you pray for--for yourself, and I'm going to pray for you. Did you know, one day we're going to... we're not going to be together here, maybe, for a while. Some of us will be taken, and we won't be together. There is many of us here, where, some of us are getting old. Some of us, we don't know. Even the young die. We die at any age. We got to be separated, and this thing has got to be settled. And you just can't get it there on haphazardly, you've got to come while you're in your right mind.

315You say, "Well, just before I die, if I can see It." No, don't do that. You might not even be in your right mind then. You might be killed 'fore you get home, in a accident. You might die in a heart attack. We don't know what's going to happen; only God holds that. I trust not.

316I'm watching people on the outside, even, holding their hands in the window. See? Yes, God bless.

317 "I--I want--I want to be right. I--I--I--I want to be right." And now let's make it right, now, right now. Just, you can settle it for one time, from your bottom of your heart, if you'll sincerely say, "Lord Jesus, no matter what it is, or what anyone else says, Your Word will be first in my life. I want It in my life. You are the Word. The Bible said so, and I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. And I know the creeds and the dogmas, that's been injected into It, has made It a bunch of hypocrisy. Lord, cleanse me from such stuff as that, and let me be wholly Thine. I raise my hands to You. I raise my heart to You, my voice to You, my prayer to You. God, be merciful to me."

318And my hands are up, too, Lord. Cleanse me, O Lord, from all unbelief.

319 Though He may not give me the--the Power to walk like Enoch and not have to die, but just take an afternoon's walk and go Home with Him; but, God, I do believe that it will happen, because I know there is to be a Rapture in the last day, and the work is to be cut short.

320And, Father, so says our calendar, thirty-six more years and the work will be over, and You'll have to come sometime within that or there'll be no flesh saved. And then we're told, by the chronologists and the--and the people who search such things, that we are absolutely advanced many, many years from that, many years on up. They tell us, by the calendars, that we are way up further than that; maybe there's only fifteen or twenty years left. I don't know, Father. But I know, even according to our calendar, we're almost there.

321 I see where there cannot be any hope left, Lord. There is coming a... If they ever start turning those bombs loose on each other, Lord, there--there--there'll be no battle front. They'll, they will destroy one another. And, Lord, it's hanging there, and yet the Bible says the whole heavens and earth will be on fire. God, I see the hour appearing.

322I think of the assassination of the President, and then see that other evil man come in, without letting the man have a trial, and shot him down, in cold-blooded murder. O God, one is as guilty as the other. They have no right to do that. Evil in our own nation, supposed to be a Christian nation, what a poor example we are, Lord, of Christian. Forgive us, Lord, of our sins.

323Help us, O God, especially Your Church, them that's baptized into that mythical Body of Christ. Which, "It's the Spirit that quickeneth," You said. And as the Son of man ascended up, so shall His Body ascend up. And He is the Head; His Church is the Body. O God, it's the Head that guides the Body. Let the Headship of the Word guide the Body of Christ. And may I be part of that Body, Lord.

324 I pray for these who raise their hands, and all is present and all that's be on the tapes. Lord God, I pray sincerely. Take them in, Lord. You look at their hearts. You know what they are. But, as Your servant, I--I intercede for the people, Lord. I--I love them. I love them.

325And I--I--I'm only trying to do this because I feeled Your commission is for me to do it. So, Father, here I am, doing the best I can with... Forgive my feeble mistakes, Lord. I pray that You'll--You'll grant to me strength, that I'll be able to make it more plainer to the people.

326Now be with us here in the tabernacle, tonight. Look down upon these, Lord, those who raised their hands in the tabernacle. Search me, O Lord, and try me. And if there be any wrong in me, cleanse me, Father. Grant it. Cleanse this church.

327Clean us all, Lord, that the Word will be made flesh among us and be made known to the world in this day. Grant it, Father. For, I commit this, with myself, and this text, and with this audience, and with Thy Word and Thy promise, for the salvation of our souls, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Grant it, Lord.

328May the Power of God come upon us and anoint us, all the way from the pastor to the janitor, and every person that's present. May the Holy Ghost come and take Its place into our heart, and take every promise of God and reveal to us that Thy Word is Truth. Through Jesus' Name I pray.

329 And while we have our heads bowed. "I can..." Just want the organist, if she will, to give us a chord on this song, "I can hear my Saviour calling. Where He leads me I will follow." Where He Leads Me I Will Follow.

... my Saviour call, (What is He? The Word!)

I can hear my Saviour calling,

I can hear my Saviour, (now deny your dogmas and things)

Take thy cross and fol-...

330"He that will not take up his cross and follow Me, the Word, is not worthy to be My disciple."

Where He leads (back to the Bible, where He'll lead you)... will follow,

Where He leads me I will follow,

Where He leads me I will follow,

I'll... (If it's to the pool, in His Name; if it's to the altar, to get rid of my shame!)... all the way.

331[Brother Branham begins humming Where He Leads Me I Will Follow--Ed.]

... Him through the judgments, (that's it right now)


332What side are you on? What do you see in your reflection in the Bible, God's looking glass, if I'm being judged now by the Word?

I'll go with...

333"I'll go with the Word, no matter what it cost. I'm going through the judgments of God. If I have to take one of the places, make me a believer, right down, the Word."

... with Him, with Him all the way.

For where He leads me I...

334Now think it over, real close now. "He leads..."