


Hazardovať nie je dobrý biznis. Každý človek vie, že hazardovanie nie je dobrý obchod, lebo je to risk. Nikdy alebo aspoň zriedka vidíte hazardného hráča… Jedného dňa je boháč; a na druhý deň je z neho žobrák. Takže je to veľký risk, keď hazardujete. Myslím si, že hazardný hráč koná bez rozmýšľania a nevyhliada do budúcnosti, lebo ináč by nehazardoval. A ja neverím v žiadne investície typu „zbohatni zo dňa na deň,“ ktoré majú nejaké neidentifikované podniky. No, každý poriadny obchodník by nič takto neriskoval, už vôbec nie zárobky, úspory svojho života, ktoré získal. A vy by ste to investovali do nejakého „zbohatni rýchlo a ľahko.“ Je to nestotožnené – niekto behá s takýmito nápadmi. Myslím, že tu máme jedno uistenie. Nie je k tomu žiaden podklad. Myslím, že správny zdravo zmýšľajúci človek by bol blázon, ak by robil takú investíciu v takej spoločnosti.

No, každý človek, ktorý žije a ktorý je duševne zdravý, sa vždy zaujíma o to, odkiaľ je, kým je a kam smeruje. Bolo napísaných veľa kníh. Filozofovia povstali a upadli. Ale je len jedna jediná kniha, ktorá ti povie, kým si, odkiaľ pochádzaš a kam ideš. A to je Biblia. To je tá jediná kniha. Zo všetkých tých pekných kníh, ktoré máme, všetky z nich by ste mohli zahodiť do koša. Toto tu je pravda. Všetko, čo je v protiklade s týmto, nie je pravda. „Nebo a zem pominú; ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie. Každé slovo človeka bude lžou; každé Božie bude pravda.“ A keď uvidíte pred sebou niečo tak jednoznačné… A Písma zasľúbili na ten deň, kým bude Mesiáš, a tento mladý muž to videl, ako to bolo identifikované Bohom; a to robilo Ježiša úplne odlišného od akéhokoľvek iného človeka, ktorého predtým videl.

1 ...mať týchto pár minút s vami ľuďmi. A vďačím bratovi Pearrymu za pozvanie na toto miesto a za všetku vašu spoluprácu. Zdá sa mi, že toto je naša tretia návšteva tohto krásneho mesta. Vždy sme tu natrafili na priateľských ľudí, ktorí rozprávajú, pomáhajú bez ohľadu na to, či vás poznajú alebo nie. Navštevujem niektoré miesta obchodníkov. Ako krásne… vždy sa to tu zdá byť iné ako tam hore na studenom severe. Vidia, ako tam prídete, čakajú na vás, počúvajú a odídu a to je všetko; ale zriedka sa vám podarí dostať sa na miesto, kde nájdete niekoho, kto povie, „Ďakujem. Príď nás ešte niekedy navštíviť.“ Mám to rád.

2 No, myslím, že tu brat Pearry (tak ho volám, je to… Som starší ako jeho otec, takže myslím, že ho môžem volať brat Pearry)… Ledva sme toho chlapca poznali, len potom, ako predstavili môjho syna, Billyho Paula, ktorý s ním chodil do školy. Ak je niekto v okolí tohto mesta, kto má na dosah televíziu, to bude v poslednom dni všetko zničené a nebude to preto, že brat Pearry nevynaložil všetko úsilie, ktoré mohol, aby priviedol ľudí ku Kristovi. Istotne nenechal kameň na kameni ohľadom týchto vecí. Takže považujem to za veľkú výsadu, že tu môžem byť.

 Keď sa ma brat Pearry pýtal, či budem hovoriť na jednom malom bankete, ktorý tam mal, že tam budú aj nejakí jeho obchodní kolegovia… Ja istotne nie som žiaden rečník. Netvrdím, že som niečo také. Ale myslel som si, že by som… že by to bola pre mňa česť, potom, čo som dostal také pozvanie, aby som hovoril pred jeho obchodnými kolegami.

 Mám to privilégium, že môžem cestovať medzinárodne okolo celého sveta a hovoriť na väčšine zhromaždení obchodníkov plného Evanjelia. Viem, že toto je len taký krátky čas obecenstva, takže rád by som vyjadril niečo, čo bolo veľmi milé.

 Raz bol jeden človek, potom, čo som skončil s hovorením, boli tam všetko obchodníci, takže potom za mnou prišiel jeden chlapík a povedal, „Ty si kazateľ, že?“

 Povedal som, „Tak veru.“

 On povedal, „Čo tu potom robíš s týmito obchodníkmi?“

 Povedal som, „Ja sám som obchodník.“

 On povedal, „Ó, naozaj?“

 „Áno,“ odvetil som.

 On povedal, „Čo za obchodníka to teda si?“

 Nato som povedal, „Uistenie večného života.“ A nerozumel ma len tak ľahko. Povedal som to rýchlo.

 On povedal, „Ó, poistenie večného života?“ Ja som nepovedal, „poistenie“; povedal som, „uistenie.“ Ale to som mu nepovedal. A on povedal, „Večný Život.“ Povedal, „Neviem o tom, nemyslím, že by som o tom niekedy počul.“

 Povedal som, „To je zlé.“

 „No,“ odpovedal, „kde majú stredisko?“

 Povedal som, „V nebi.“ Stále som v tom obchodníkom. Nemám problém potom, ako sa skončí toto večerné zhromaždenie, rozprávať o podmienkach tejto poistnej zmluvy. Svoju prácu robím s nadšením. A tak ja som vôbec nepovedal, „poistenie“; povedal som, „uistenie.“ Poistenie je v poriadku, tomu rozumiem.

3 Pamätám sa… samozrejme, teraz nemám žiadne. Pamätám sa, po tom, ako som sa oženil, moja žena a ja sme sedeli jedného dňa v dome a jeden môj dobrý priateľ… Môj brat je poisťovací agent na juhozápade. Tento chlapec bol obchodným zástupcom pre Prudential. Chodil som s ním do školy, veľmi milý chlapec. Jeho brat napísal, „Horná komnata“ na… Myslím, že je baptistický kazateľ a píše články pre jedny noviny, ktoré sa volajú „Horná sieň“ - veľmi milí ľudia.

 A tak jedného dňa ku mne prišiel a povedal, „Billy, počujem, že máš nejaké problémy s poistením.“

 Povedal som, „Áno.“

 On povedal, „Spôsobilo to v tebe nejaké nevrlé pocity voči nemu?“

 „Nie, nie moc,“ odpovedal som.

 On povedal, „Myslel som si, že k tebe pôjdem a porozprávame sa o poistnej zmluve.“

 Povedal som, „Nuž,“ povedal som, „Wilmer, vďaka.“ Povedal som, „Ja už mám uistenie.“

 A on povedal, „Ó, je mi ľúto.“

 A moja žena sa na mňa pozrela, akoby som bol pokrytec.

 Ona vedela, že som žiadne nemal. Trochu šokovaná sa na mňa pozrela. Povedal som…

 „Ó,“ on povedal, „je mi ľúto, Billy.“ Musel si myslieť, že som to mal so svojím bratom Jessem.

 A povedal som… Moja žena sa na mňa pozrela a ja som povedal, „Áno, mám uistenie.“

 A on povedal, „S akou spoločnosťou ho máš?“

 A povedal som mu to isté, „Večný Život.“

 On povedal, „Ó,“ povedal, „to je všetko?“

 „Áno,“ povedal som, „Mám požehnané uistenie, Ježiš je môj. Ó, čo za predchuť Božskej slávy! Som dedičom spasenia, kúpený Bohom; zrodený z Ducha, obmytý v Jeho Krvi.“

 On povedal, „Billy, to je veľmi milé. Cením si to. Ale to ti nezabezpečí miesto na cintoríne.“

 „Ale,“ povedal som, „ono ma to odtiaľ dostane! Neobávam sa… Nestarám sa o to, že tam pôjdem, ale o to, že odtiaľ odídem.“ Rád by som sa s vami rozprával o poistnej zmluve potom, ako sa skončí zhromaždenie. Som si istý, že je to správne.

 No, zvyčajne to robím tak, že ľudia stoja, keď sa číta Slovo. Ale dnes večer sa to pokúsim vynechať, lebo je to pre vás ťažké tak stáť. Ale ešte predtým, ako prečítame Slovo, skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy, ako sme tu doteraz tak trochu žartovali a nechali to trochu voľne ísť.

 Poďme teraz k tej svätej stránke a úprimnosti a obráťme svoje srdcia k nebu, ako otvoríme Slovo. No, každý človek, ktorý je schopný hýbať rukami, dokáže otvoriť Bibliu. Ale nie je nikto, kto dokáže otvoriť porozumenie, jedine veľký Duch Svätý. A tak hovorme ku Nemu.

4 Náš Nebeský Otče, sme dnes večer istotne nadšení, že môžeme byť tu zhromaždení s touto skupinou ľudí po tejto strane večnosti a že môžeme mať toto príjemné obecenstvo, ako tu sedíme dnes večer okolo týchto stolov a pozeráme sa jeden na druhého – na obchodných kolegov a kresťanov – sme si vedomí toho, že príde iný čas, kedy sa všetci spolu stretneme. Veríme, že všetci tam budeme, každý bude prítomný na tej veľkej svadobnej večeri tam v povetrí, kde príde ten veľký Kráľ, zotrie všetky slzy z našich očí a povie, „Konali ste správne, moji dobrí a verní sluhovia. Vstúpte do radostí svojho Pána, ktoré vám pripravil pred založením sveta.“

 ...ak sú tu nejakí, Pane, ktorí Ťa takým spôsobom nepoznajú, a modlím sa dnes večer, aby bolo niečo povedané alebo povedané, čo spôsobí, že zmenia svoje spôsoby myslenia a obrátia sa k Tebe: či to je priamo tu alebo prostredníctvom vysielania alebo cez pásky, tí, ktorí to budú počúvať. Požehnaj nás teraz spolu a požehnaj čítanie Tvojho Slova. Obráť naše srdcia a myšlienky ku koncu tohto života a v akom stave v tom čase budeme. Lebo sme si istí, Otče, že všetci z nás musia tento svet opustiť. Sme smrteľníci. A tak nech hľadíme na toho Večného, toho Jediného, ktorý nám môže dať život, ktorý siaha poza toto. V Mene Ježiša Krista o to prosíme. Amen.

5 Rád by som na chvíľu teraz zaujal vašu pozornosť na čítanie Božieho Slova. Chcel by som začať čítať od Evanjelia sv. Marka, myslím, že to je 10. kapitola, od 17. verša.

A keď vychádzal na cestu, pribehol nejaký mladý človek, ktorý padol pred ním na kolená a pýtal sa ho: Dobrý Učiteľu, čo mám učiniť, aby som dedične obdržal večný život?

A Ježiš mu povedal: Prečo ma nazývaš dobrým? Nikto nie je dobrý, iba jeden, Bôh.

A prikázania vieš: Nescudzoložíš, nezabiješ, neukradneš, nepovieš falošného svedectva, neolúpiš nikoho, cti svojho otca i svoju mať!

A on mu povedal: Učiteľu, to všetko som zachoval od svojej mladosti.

Vtedy Ježiš pozrúc na neho zamiloval si ho a povedal mu: Jedno ti chýba: iď, predaj všetko, čo máš, a daj chudobným a budeš mať poklad v nebi a vezmi kríž, poď a nasleduj ma!

Ale on sa zarmútil nad tým slovom a odišiel smutný, lebo mal mnoho majetku.

 Nech Boh pridá požehnania do tohto Slova, ako sa pokúsime z tohto textu vyvodiť kontext.

6 No, keď teraz o tom rozmýšľam, keďže som s obchodníkmi a vždy… Myslím, že obchodníci majú vždy záujem o dobré investície, takže to chcem teraz vziať ako svoj text na túto chvíľu, „Investície.“ Dobrý obchodník vždy hľadá dobrú rozumnú investíciu. Ak nie, potom nie je dobrým obchodníkom. Musí hľadať niečo, čo je reálne. A rád by som s vami hovoril o pozvaní, ktoré som vám pred chvíľou dal ohľadom toho zaistenia večného života, keďže som sa uviedol ako obchodník. A ja mám svoj biznis a rád by som s vami o ňom trochu hovoril. A mám tu zapísaných pár miest Písma a textov – rád by som tieto poznámky teraz použil.

7 Hazardovať nie je dobrý biznis. Každý človek vie, že hazardovanie nie je dobrý obchod, lebo je to risk. Nikdy alebo aspoň zriedka vidíte hazardného hráča… Jedného dňa je boháč; a na druhý deň je z neho žobrák. Takže je to veľký risk, keď hazardujete. Myslím si, že hazardný hráč koná bez rozmýšľania a nevyhliada do budúcnosti, lebo ináč by nehazardoval.

8 A ja neverím v žiadne investície typu „zbohatni zo dňa na deň,“ ktoré majú nejaké neidentifikované podniky. No, každý poriadny obchodník by nič takto neriskoval, už vôbec nie zárobky, úspory svojho života, ktoré získal. A vy by ste to investovali do nejakého „zbohatni rýchlo a ľahko.“ Je to nestotožnené – niekto behá s takýmito nápadmi. Myslím, že tu máme jedno uistenie. Nie je k tomu žiaden podklad. Myslím, že správny zdravo zmýšľajúci človek by bol blázon, ak by robil takú investíciu v takej spoločnosti, pretože…

9 Raz som mal jedného priateľa, ktorý také niečo skúšal. A keď to skúsil, stratil všetko, čo mal. Prišiel o všetky svoje zárobky (už bol na pokraji dôchodku). A pomyslel si, „Nuž, trošku si zahazardujem, veď sa zdá, že ten človek vie, o čom hovorí.“ Ale čoskoro zistil, že tá spoločnosť bola podvodnícka, nemala k tomu žiadne papiere. A tak ten chudák chlap prišiel o všetko, čo mal. Takže ja si myslím, že keď chce človek urobiť tú správnu investíciu, mal by si prv overiť firmu alebo spoločnosť, s ktorou má tú investíciu, aby zistil, do čoho sa púšťa. Myslím, že každý rozumný zdravo zmýšľajúci človek by to tak urobil.

10 Ešte predtým, ako sa od tohto pohneme, tak by som rád povedal, že to nie je dobrý nápad držať si peniaze vo vrecku. Mnohí ľudia povedia, „Dám si to do vrecka a hotovo.“ Ale viete, vy, obchodníci a obchodníčky, vy nemyslíte v týchto sférach. A to nie je dobré, lebo to môže byť ukradnuté. Najlepšie je udržiavať to v obehu.

11 Ako raz Pán povedal… Dal toľkým ľuďom talenty a každý z nich s tým urobil investíciu. A tí, ktorí investovali rozumne, tým dal ich podiel.

 Ale keď mu jeden povedal, „Ja som si to len nechal. Nechcel som to riskovať. Nechal som si ich vo vrecku,“ alebo, „niekde som to zakopal.“ Potom mu On vzal to, čo mu dal, a dal to tomu, ktorý z toho dostal viac talentov, ktorý urobil tú správnu investíciu. A to je spôsob, ako náš Pán robí veci.

12 Ale ak by ste chceli investovať do niečoho, v čom by ste si chceli byť istí, našli by ste nejakú spoľahlivú firmu, ktorá je overená, že vám všetko správne vráti. A to je tá správna rozumná investícia, potom, čo ste si overili firmu. Keď poznáte jej minulosť a rozprávali ste s niekým, kto s touto spoločnosťou mal v minulosti nejaké obchody a počujete svedectvo každého jedného. Správne, na sto percent majú všetky svoje financie do bodky. A to je skvelý finančný kapitál za tým – tá firma nekrachuje. A to je tá správna rozumná investícia. Ľudia sa toto učia celý život.

13 No, dnes večer hovoríme z miesta Písma o jednom mladom židovskom chlapcovi, ktorý bol bohatým typom mladého človeka. Možno pochádzal z ozaj dobrého domu. Bezpochyby jeho svedectvo ukázalo, že pochádzal z dobrého domu. V Biblii je nazvaný „bohatý mládenec.“ [v Biblii KJV „bohatý mladý panovník“ – pozn.prekl.] Dnes večer to trochu zmením a nazvem ho „bohatý mladý obchodník“ lebo on mal svoj obchod, biznis, a mal o ten biznis záujem.

14 Jeho otec bol bezpochyby veľký úspešný obchodník, ináč by pravdepodobne nemal to, čo mal. Ale on bol vychovaný ako obchodník. A videl niečo v tomto mladom chlapíkovi z Galiley, tento mladý prorok menom Ježiš z Nazaretu. Určite už počul svojho kňaza hovoriť o Ňom a možno aj proti Nemu. Ale keď prvýkrát zazrel Pána Ježiša, bolo na ňom niečo, čo bolo iné od akéhokoľvek iného človeka.

 A poviem toto, ako kresťan, je to skutočne… nezmenilo sa to. V zemi máme veľkých teológov, po celom svete (máme ich už tisíce rokov), ktorí nám môžu predstaviť nejaké vyznanie (oni sú v tých vyznaniach vyškolení) a cirkev, ktorá je pevne založená. Ale to stále nie sú podmienky poistnej zmluvy, o ktorej dnes večer hovorím. Hovorím o večnom živote.

15 A tento mladý chlapík, vediac, že bol členom cirkvi, ale keď v Ježišovi videl niečo iné… Bola mu daná príležitosť urobiť investíciu, keď našiel Ježiša a videl, čo On robil; a čítal Bibliu a v Ježišovi mohol vidieť, že práve to, čo… Počul svojich prorokov, ako to čítali v cirkvi a čím boli, a bezpochyby to mal všetko preštudované. A potom, keď uvidel toho Ježiša z Nazaretu, ktorý bol údajne medzi ľuďmi prorokom, videl v tomto človeku niečo, čo Ho identifikovalo s Písmami.

16 A myslím, že dnes sa to veľmi nezmenilo. Čitatelia Biblie a milovníci Biblie – keď skutočne zachytíme záblesk v našej intelektualite, čím Ježiš bol a kým On je, to mení celý náš prístup. Nie je nikto ako On. Bez ohľadu na to, ako pekne sme povedali… Rozumieme, že… predpokladáme, že On nemal žiadne alebo aspoň veľmi málo školenia, a hovoril ako úplne bežný človek, bol oblečený ako bežný človek a žil s bežnými ľuďmi; ale jednako bolo na tomto človeku niečo pozoruhodné. A priťahovalo to pozornosť tohto mladého muža natoľko, že… On mal snáď všetko bohatstvo sveta, ktoré potreboval a ktoré by kedy v živote použil, a bol s tým spokojný. Ale uvidel, že tento človek hľadel na budúcnosť a povedal mu veci, ktoré mali prísť a identifikoval Samého Seba v Písme. A Boh zidentifikoval Samého Seba v tomto človeku.

17 No, každý človek, ktorý žije a ktorý je duševne zdravý, sa vždy zaujíma o to, odkiaľ je, kým je a kam smeruje. Bolo napísaných veľa kníh. Filozofovia povstali a upadli. Ale je len jedna jediná kniha, ktorá ti povie, kým si, odkiaľ pochádzaš a kam ideš. A to je Biblia. To je tá jediná kniha. Zo všetkých tých pekných kníh, ktoré máme, všetky z nich by ste mohli zahodiť do koša. Toto tu je pravda. Všetko, čo je v protiklade s týmto, nie je pravda.

 „Nebo a zem pominú; ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie. Každé slovo človeka bude lžou; každé Božie bude pravda.“ A keď uvidíte pred sebou niečo tak jednoznačné… A Písma zasľúbili na ten deň, kým bude Mesiáš, a tento mladý muž to videl, ako to bolo identifikované Bohom; a to robilo Ježiša úplne odlišného od akéhokoľvek iného človeka, ktorého predtým videl.

18 Takže jemu bola daná príležitosť. Keď našiel Pána Ježiša a pravdepodobne Ho videl na svojich zhromaždeniach a v bohoslužbách, bežal k Nemu a padol Mu k nohám, ukázal, že jeho prístup bol ten správny. A povedal, „Dobrý Majster, čo by som mal robiť, aby som mal večný život?“ A to bola tá otázka – nie jeho peniaze; nie, „Mohol by som sa stať členom vašej cirkvi, pane?“; alebo, „Mohol by som patriť do vašej organizácie?“; ale, „Čo mám urobiť, aby som mal večný život?“ To bola tá otázka.

19 A jemu bola daná tá príležitosť, aby to prijal, ale on urobil unáhlené rozhodnutie. Zavrhol to. Nemal o to záujem, keď zistil, čo s tým išlo. Uvedomil si, že aby to urobil, musel by sa vzdať svojej popularity, lebo Ježiš bol nepopulárny – neverilo sa mu medzi (povedal by som, že zhruba) 90% ľuďmi, alebo možno 95%… Neverilo sa mu, bol považovaný za nejakú osobu so zlým duchom a mnohí Ho nazývali Belzebubom, diablom. A jednako Písma Ho identifikovali presne do bodky. On sa na Ne odvolával hovoriac, „Skúmate Písma; hovoríte, že v nich máte večný život: a sú to Ony, čo svedčia o Mne (o tom, kým Som).“

20 Tento židovský chlapec bol vychovávaný v dome a vedel, že Biblia im jasne hovorila (tie zvitky), že Boh, Jehova, povedal, že, „Ak by medzi vami povstal niekto, kto je duchovný alebo prorok, Ja, Pán, sa mu dám poznať vo videniach. A ak sa to, čo hovorí, stane, potom toho proroka počúvajte, lebo Ja Som s ním. Ale ak sa to nestane, potom ho nepočúvajte.“ To je jasná reč. Je to rozumné myslenie. Ak to povedal a nestane sa to, potom to je lož. Boh to nepovedal. Ale ak to on hovorí a stane sa to, je to pravda. A nič nie je pravdivejšie ako pravda.

21 A tak tento mladý muž toto videl v Pánovi Ježišovi a vedel, že On držal kľúče do večného života a on chcel tento večný život. Ale odmietol tú príležitosť urobiť túto investíciu. On nemal záujem o takú investíciu, hoci On bol jasne potvrdený, že je Syn Boží – bol dokonale identifikovaný. Panna počala a porodila Syna. On splnil každé znamenie, ktoré mal Mesiáš mať. Ale na to, aby Ho prijal, musel sa odvrátiť od svojej tradície. Musel sa od toho odvrátiť.

22 Chceli by sme to tomuto židovskému chlapcovi pripísať. Ale je to ozaj zlé, že takisto si to musíme všimnúť i dnes. Je to veľká cena. Môžeme prispievať dnešným cirkvám. A mnohí ľudia, ktorí sa nazývajú veriaci a nie sú ochotní oddeliť sa a opustiť veci tohto sveta, ako sa to vyžadovalo aj od tohto bohatého mládenca, aby mohol mať večný život. Ale my, potom, ako to vidíme identifikované skrze Písmo, že tie poistné podmienky sú darované komukoľvek, kto to chce prijať...

23 Ako som už povedal, on videl v Ježišovi niečo, čo nikto iný nevidel. Ale tá cena bola tak veľká, že ju nechcel zaplatiť. Dnes je to to isté, verím, že možno dnes večer hovorím k rôznym denomináciám: metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, rímski katolíci, ortodoxní, židia, budhisti, to sú obchodníci v týchto mestách. Ale existuje...

24 Skutočne, keď vidíte vlastnými očami niečo, čo Písmo identifikuje, že je pravda, boli by sme tými najnerozumnejšími ľuďmi, ak máme o večný život záujem, keby sme To odmietli. Bolo by to unáhlené rozhodnutie, ako to, ktoré urobil tento mladý muž. Mnohokrát, dokonca aj naši kňazi robia túto istú náhlivú chybu, aj napriek tomu, že sú vyučení študenti vo vyznaniach, ktoré poznajú od A po Z. Ale pamätajte, tí kňazi v tom dni tiež poznali tie zvitky od A po Z; ale nedokázali uvidieť, čo tento mladý človek videl. A on mal záujem o to, aby mu Ježiš dal večný život. Ale keď zistil, čo ho to má stáť, potom ten záujem stratil.

25 Viete, Biblia nám hovorí, že v tomto veku, v ktorom žijeme, a ako aj náš drahý brat Pearry tu, ako nám to vysvetlil, že on veril, že v týchto posledných dňoch… Istotne tomu pevne verím z celého srdca. Verím, že Písmo to identifikuje; verím, že veda to identifikuje. Vedci hovoria, že sú tri minúty do polnoci. Naše programy, ktoré vidíme v televízii a v rádiu a ako sa ľudia správajú… Ako som tu už poznamenal, alebo niekde inde, že mi to pripomína (všetko to ich správanie), pripomína mi to malého chlapca, ktorý sa prechádza po cintoríne o polnoci a píska si, snaží sa presvedčiť samého seba, že sa nebojí. Ale on sa bojí.

26 To je to, čo sa dnes deje so všetkým tým, ku čomu sa obraciame, všetko to naše populárne správanie. Snažíme sa ľudí presvedčiť, že nevieme, že tá hodina je nablízku. Ale vieme, že je. Naši vedci to vedia, naši… Pentagon to vie, všetci to vieme, že niečo sa chystá stať. Môžete to cítiť v povetrí, vieme, že to je nablízku.

27 A naša Biblia nám hovorí v Zjavení, v 3. kapitole, že cirkev v tomto veku bude identifikovaná presne ako ten mladý židovský chlapec: bohatá, nemajúca nedostatku, tento Laodicejský vek (ak tu niekedy budú kazatelia alebo čitatelia Biblie). Toto je Laodicejský vek. A hovorí to tu, „…lebo som bohatá, sedím ako kráľovná a nič nepotrebujem.“

 Povedal, „Či nevieš, že si biedny, chudobný, slepý, mizerný a nahý, a nevieš o tom?“

28 Smutná stránka tohto citátu z Písma je, že ak vidíme človeka alebo osobu na ulici, ktorý je slepý a nahý a mizerný a biedny, bol by to hrozný pohľad. Každý by sa k nim hneď rozbehol a povedal by, „Priateľu, si nahý. Musíš… si odhalený. Poď rýchlo dovnútra, dám ti nejaké šaty. A niekam ťa vezmem a pokúsim sa zohnať lekára alebo niečo, aby ti prinavrátil zrak,“ alebo, že by sa snažil pre tú osobu niečo urobiť.

29 Čo ak by ste stretli takého človeka a on by sa k vám obrátil a povedal vám, aby ste sa starali o seba? On ani nevie, že je v takom stave. No, ak ste na tom tak a viete o tom, to ešte nie je také zlé. Ale keď ste na tom tak a neviete o tom, to je ten horší prípad. Nedokážete ich presvedčiť. A toto Písmo sa musí vyplniť, lebo všetky Písma sa musia vyplniť.

30 Biblia povedala, že toto bude jej stav v týchto posledných dňoch. A oni zavrhnú Ježiša; a On bol von pred cirkvou a snažil sa dostať dnu a oni ho odmietli, tak jasne ako tento židovský chlapec. A toto bola pohanská cirkev, cirkev nevesty, tí vyvolaní, ktorí sú nazývaní kresťanská cirkev v týchto dňoch. Ale oni Ho vylúčili z toho istého dôvodu, z akého Ho aj tento židovský obchodník odmietol. Tá cena bola príliš vysoká. Nemohli to prijať.

31 Biblia tu hovorí, že sú bohatí, hovorí, že nepotrebujú ničoho. Tento mladý chlapec bol bohatý, nič mu nechýbalo. „Sme slušná denominácia. Máme tu vybudovaný poriadok. Máme tu bratstvo. Máme všetko toto a tamto. Máme naše vyznania už vyše stovky rokov. Nič nám nechýba. Nič nám o tom nehovorte.“ Toto je ešte arogantnejší prístup, ako mal tento mladý muž. On nezaujal až takýto postoj. Biblia hovorí, že Ježiš sa na neho pozrel a zamiloval si ho.

32 Zaujíma ma, či dnes, v strede všetkého nášho zmiešania a svetskosti, a napriek tomu sa snažíme držať naše kresťanské vyznania, či to nie je láska Božia, ktorá núti tú službu, aby zostávala na svojom poli? Zaujíma ma, či to nie je to isté, ako keď Ho tu nachádzame, ako klope na dvere a snaží sa dostať dnu. Nachádzame tieto veci, že ony… Po celé veky to takto bolo.

33 No, aby som teraz ušetril čas a nehovoril len o tých podmienkach poistnej zmluvy, a len aby som to tak dočasne objasnil… Tento bohatý mládenec, on neprosil o to, či by sa mohol pridať do cirkvi; on už patril do cirkvi. Dokázal to. Ježiš mu povedal, „Dodržiavaj prikázania. Poznáš ich. Nečiň cudzoložstvo, nekradni, neklam, nepodvádzaj. A cti svojho otca i svoju mať.“

 A tento mladý muž potvrdil, že bol správnym kultúrnym chlapcom; nie nejaký, ako tomu dnes hovoríme, chuligán. On bol správnym typom chlapca, bol vychovaný v dobrom dome. On povedal, „Učiteľu, tieto veci robím odmalička, celý svoj život.“ Vidíte, on potvrdil, že jeho rodičia boli správnymi rodičmi. Chodieval do cirkvi, ktorá verila v dodržiavanie prikázaní.

34 Ale jednako v tej cirkvi, aj keď tam dodržiavali prikázania, stále nedokázal odpovedať na to, čo videl v Ježišovi. On vedel, že so svojím vyznaním a so svojou cirkvou a s dodržiavaním prikázaní, že to nám stále nedá večný život. A ak to tak nebolo vtedy, nie je to tak ani dnes. Je tam niečo, čo musíš urobiť ty.

35 No, zisťujeme, že to nebolo preto, žeby nebol členom cirkvi, ani preto, že by nebol morálne v poriadku. On bol. Ale mohol byť členom cirkvi a morálne v poriadku a stále neobdržať večný život. Nepoznať Slovo… Niektorí z nich sú teológovia a učenci a učitelia nedeľnej školy, výskumníci Biblie. Ale to nič neznamená. Satan pozná Bibliu lepšie ako ktokoľvek z nás. Biblia hovorí, že poznať Jeho je život, nie poznať Slovo; poznať Jeho je život. Satan tiež verí a trasie sa. Ale my musíme mať prežitie smrti, pochovania a vzkriesenia z nášho starého života do toho nového, ktorý pochádza od Krista, ktorý prichádza len skrze Ducha Svätého, ten nový život. No, preskúmajme niektorých týchto ľudí naprieč vekmi, ktorí túto vec dodržiavali, a pozrime sa, či sa im to vyplatilo alebo nie. Potom by som vám rád priniesol, ako som to už na začiatku spomenul, že by ste to mali s niekým najprv prediskutovať, predtým, ako urobíte nejakú investíciu. Zistíme, čo sa stane, či… či sa to vyplatí alebo nie? Tak by ste to mali robiť vo svojom obchode. Chcem hovoriť o niektorých, ktorí tento systém dodržiavali.

36 Chcem vašu pozornosť dnes večer obrátiť späť do Genesis, na proroka menom Noe. Hoci bol veľmi skúšaný, akokoľvek len mohol… Satan skúšal každý možný spôsob, aby ho donútil vzdať sa toho poistenia; ale Noe držal zasľúbenie Božie - poistenie života - lebo Boh mu povedal, že všetko mimo tej archy bude zničené. A hoci sa to zdalo byť pre to moderné myslenie ľudí toho dňa nezvyčajné...

37 To je dôvod, prečo je Evanjelium dnes tým, čím je. Je to tá nezvyčajnosť, lebo Boh je nezvyčajný. Jeho Slovo je vykladané nezvyčajným spôsobom v porovnaní s tým, čo si my často vykladáme. Ale ako som už povedal, Boh nepotrebuje nikoho, kto by vykladal Jeho Slovo. On vykladá Svoje vlastné Slovo tým, že vypĺňa veci, o ktorých povedal, že ich urobí. On nepotrebuje náš výklad. Je to… náš výklad sú naše človekom vytvorené myšlienky, ktoré do toho vložíme.

38 Keď Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a bolo svetlo, to nepotrebuje žiaden výklad. Boh povedal, „Panna počne,“ a ona počala. To nepotrebuje žiaden výklad. Ježiš povedal, „Syn človeka pôjde hore do Jeruzalema a bude vydaný do rúk hriešnych ľudí. Ukrižujú Ho; a na tretí deň On vstane z mŕtvych.“ To si nevyžaduje žiadne vykladanie. On povedal, „Už len chvíľu a svet ma viac neuvidí; ale vy ma uvidíte: lebo Ja som s vami, vo vás a budem tak až do konca veku, do zničenia.“ On tu je. To si nevyžaduje žiaden výklad. Je to Jeho zasľúbenie.

 „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, budete aj vy činiť. Ten, ktorý verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude aj on činiť.“ To sa nachádza v sv. Jánovi 14:12 a vieme, že to je pravda. Takže to nepotrebuje žiaden výklad.

39 Noe, so Slovom Božím, sa toho držal, lebo bol držiteľom poistenia istoty života - uistenia života. On držal to svoje poistenie. A on bol agentom tejto poistky a chodieval, kde sa dalo. Ale preto, že to nebolo populárne, nedokázal spôsobiť, aby sa toho uchopil každý, iba jeho rodina. On bol… jeho poistenie sa zdalo, že je pre ľudí úplne staromódne. Zdalo sa, že to je proti vedeckému uvažovaniu toho dňa. Dážď padal z neba. Nikdy predtým nepršalo na zem, pamätajte na to. Svet bol rovný. Môžeme to dnes dokázať, že raz to tak bolo. A Boh zavlažil vegetáciu a dával na zem pramene.

40 No, vedci toho dňa boli pravdepodobne oveľa chytrejší ako tí, ktorých máme dnes, lebo boli založení na Sfinge a na pyramídach, a tak ďalej – veciach, o ktorých by sme dnes ani nemohli pomyslieť. Nemáme žiadne moci, aby sme niečo také urobili. Ale oni to postavili. A predpokladám, že možno vedeli s radarom vystreliť na mesiac alebo čokoľvek to v tom dni mali. Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho (ďalšia civilizácia, ktorá je k tomu prirovnaná), tak bude aj vo dňoch príchodu Syna človeka.“ Vidíte, tu nedávno, kde tu vykopali starú vodu, tu v Starom Mexiku. Nemajú o tom žiadnu históriu. Možno to bolo v nejakom dávnom veku. Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo v tom dni,“ chytrí ľudia, inteligentní… Ale ak to tak bolo, potom bola ľuďom ponúknutá záruka života. On to tak povedal.

41 Noe – on to nemusel vedieť vysvetliť. Ako veda hovorí, „Môžeme vziať nástroje a dokázať, že tam nie je žiaden dážď. Pane, vy ste úplne zmyslov zbavený.“ Ale jednako on vedel, že ten Hlas, ktorý ku nemu hovoril, bol Boh. A tak, ak Boh povedal, že odtiaľ bude padať voda, aj keď tam žiadna nebola… Boh je Elohim, Ten samo-existujúci, On je Ten všedostačujúci. Ak On povedal, že tam hore môže byť voda, tak On je schopný ju tam dať, aby dodržal Svoje Slovo.

42 Náš otec Abrahám, ktorý je otcom mnohých národov… Ak tu sedia nejakí židovskí ľudia a čudujú sa, ako boli privedení pohania, Abrahám bol otcom mnohých národov. A On sa nezapotácal na zasľúbení Božom skrze neveru. On mal tiež svoju poistnú zmluvu. Boh mu dal zasľúbenie, že bude otcom mnohých národov; nie len hebrejských národov, ale ostatných národov, ktorých bude otcom.

43 Všimnite si. Ako to urobil, to zasľúbenie, ktoré mu Boh dal, bolo drsné, radikálne. Mal sedemdesiatpäť rokov a Sára mala šesťdesiatpäť predtým, ako obdržali zasľúbenie. Ale on sa oddelil od neveriacich, lebo vedel, že bol dedičstvom spravodlivosti skrze vôľu Božiu. A bez ohľadu na to, ako dlho to bude trvať…

 Možno ubehol prvý mesiac a on povedal Sáre,

 „Ako sa cítiš?“

 „Všetko po starom.“

 On povedal, „Jednako to dieťa budeme mať. Boh tak povedal. Choď, zožeň topánočky, prichystaj všetko, čo treba. Boh povedal, že ho budeme mať. Tým to je vybavené.“

 Ubehol prvý rok. „Drahá, ako sa cítiš?“

 „Stále všetko po starom.“

 „Nuž, potom to bude ešte väčší zázrak, ako by to bol, keby to bolo v prvom mesiaci.“ Vidíte, ona bola už asi desať rokov po menopauze, keď bolo dané to zasľúbenie. Oni nemali žiadne deti. Ona bola neplodná, on bol neplodný, takže… Ale on stále držal tie podmienky zmluvy, lebo to bolo Slovo Božie, zasľúbenie. Nikdy sa od toho neoddelil.

44 A Biblia hovorí, že Abrahám sa nezapotácal na zasľúbení Božom skrze neveru; ale bol silný, a vzdával Bohu chválu, vediac toto: že On bol schopný vykonať to, čo zasľúbil. A tak sa to dieťa narodilo, lebo on držal tie podmienky zmluvy.

 Noe držal svoje podmienky zmluvy, a to mu zachránilo život. To bola výplata – nie len jeho život, ale zachránilo to aj životy jeho rodiny.

45 Pohovorme si ešte o ďalšom investorovi v poistenie tohto večného života. Prorok Daniel, keď, ako by sme to nazvali (ak mi odpustíte ten svetský výraz, hádam by som to tu nemal povedať za kazateľňou. Ale je to jediný spôsob, ako to môžem vyjadriť.), keď je všetko na dne…

 Kráľ Nabuchodonozor prišiel a vzal deti Izraela, lebo sa odvrátili od Boha. Mali… stále robili všetky svoje obete, keď im Boh povedal, aby obetovali baránky, voly, a tak ďalej. Človek, milý Žid, išiel dolu cestou s vykŕmeným volom a malým baránkom v náručí na deň zmierenia – išiel, aby to obetoval za svoj hriech. Bol úprimný, keď zabil toho baránka a ten kňaz ho prebodol; a mal na tom svoje ruky, vediac, že bol odobratý nejaký život, aby bol ten jeho zachránený. On v tom bol úprimný. A pokiaľ sme aj my úprimní, je to v poriadku.

46 Ale prišiel čas, kedy to začala byť už len rodinná tradícia. Potom Boh povedal… Poslal na scénu proroka menom Izaiáš. Povedal, „Vaše obete a hostiny môjmu nosu smrdia.“ To je to, kam sme sa my, ľudia, dostali. Pridáme sa do cirkvi, čo je v poriadku. Robíme tieto veci. Ale poviete, „Si kresťan?“

 „Som metodista.“

 „Som baptista.“

 „Som presbyterián.“

 „Letničný,“ alebo niečo iné.

47 Je to tradícia. Už to nie je žiadna úprimnosť. Oni sa nebudú riadiť podľa Písem a podobne. Oni len žijú, ako sa im zachce. Ak majú pastora, ktorý sa ich snaží napraviť, tak ho vyhodia. Potom s ním nemajú nič spoločné, ak nedokáže priniesť Hollywood na cirkevné párty, zábavy, večere a všetko podobné. Nech sa ženy správajú, ako sa im chce, obliekajú sa, ako sa im chce, nemorálne a všetko možné. Sexuálna príťažlivosť sa stáva moderným trendom. Je to hanba!

48 Ježiš tej žene povedal, „Môžeš byť tak cnostná, ako len chceš; ale budeš sa zodpovedať za cudzoložstvo v deň súdu za to, že nosíš také oblečenie.“ Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek sa pozrie na ženu s túžbou vo svojom srdci, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo.“ Bez ohľadu na to, aká si nevinná, ten hriešnik sa bude zodpovedať za cudzoložstvo a ty si tá, ktorá to spôsobila! Vy, kresťania, či sa nehanbíte? Mali by ste sa správať ako dcéry Božie.

49 A vy, muži, členovia cirkvi, diakoni, dokonca aj kazatelia – dovoľujete svojim ženám robiť také veci! Mali by ste byť synovia Boží. To nevyzerá ako správanie syna Božieho s náturou svojho Otca v sebe. Bojíte sa niečo povedať, lebo organizácia by vás vylúčila. Tak veru!

50 Daniel si vo svojom srdci zaumienil, že nebude poškvrňovať svoju investíciu. Zaumienil si, „Bez ohľadu na to, čo svet… ako sú králi bohatí a ako sa ma snažia stiahnuť do vecí tohto sveta, ja to nebudem robiť. Nebudem svoju investíciu poškvrňovať.“

 Ó, kresťanský svet! Nepoškvrňujte svoju investíciu, ktorú ste si dali vo večný život. Znečistíte to. Daniel si zaumienil, že to neurobí. Vyplatilo sa mu to tým, že mu to zachránilo život, keď bol vrhnutý do jamy levov. Jeho investícia mu to vyplatila. Židovské deti boli odhodlané, že nebudú uctievať tú modlu. A vyplatilo sa im to tým, že im to zachránilo život z ohnivej pece.

51 Potom prišiel Šimon Peter, milý farizeus, ktorý bol učený svojím otcom, že jedného dňa príde Mesiáš. Židia to hľadali cez všetky veky. A bezpochyby mu jeho otec hovoril, „Synu...“ (Raz som o tom čítal jeden krátky príbeh. Mohla to byť fikcia. Nehovorím, že to tak skutočne bolo.) Ale on povedal, „Vyhliadal som čas príchodu Mesiáša.“ A povedal, „Viem, že ešte predtým, ako príde ten čas, bude veľa rôznych druhov izmov a budú sa diať falošné veci. Ale, Syn, ako Hebrej, oni boli ako Hebreji učení veriť vo svojich prorokov – lebo Slovo Božie prichádza ku prorokom a jedine ku nim.

 „Pán povedal, ‘Nerobím nič, pokiaľ to prv nezjavím svojim prorokom.‘ A tento Mesiáš… Podľa Mojžiša, ‘Pán, váš Boh, medzi vami vzbudí proroka, spomedzi vašich bratov, podobného mne.‘ A ten Mesiáš nebude vzdelávateľ, nebude patriť do denominácie, bude prorokom. A Slovo Pánovo bude s ním.“

52 Andrej počul, ako Ján hovoril o takom, ktorý bude krstiť. Ale potom, jedného dňa, sám Šimon prišiel do prítomnosti tohto Ježiša z Nazaretu. A len čo sa na Neho pozrel, On povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon a si syn Jonáša.“ V tej chvíli sa tej poistky chopil. Vedel, že to bol Mesiáš. To bolo potvrdené Písmo na ten deň, ten Mesiáš. Ako to tí ostatní neboli schopní uvidieť?

53 Bol tam jeden, ktorý tam stál, menom Filip, ktorý išiel asi pätnásť míľ okolo tej hory za mužom menom Natanael. Oni mali spolu štúdia Biblie. Možno ich rozhovory boli niečo takéto, ako ho našiel, ako sa modlí pod stromom. Povedal, „Natanael...“ (Samozrejme, keďže to bol človek, ktorý nasledoval Ježiša… Ktokoľvek, kto bude nasledovať Ježiša, bude gentleman.) A tak ho tam našiel, ako sa modlí, a chvíľu počkal. Ale všimnite si, on s ním nikdy nehovoril o jeho olivových hájoch, a tak ďalej. Išiel priamo k téme, „Poď a vidz, našli sme toho Ježiša z Nazaretu, syna Jozefovho.“

 On povedal, „Môže vôbec z Nazaretu prísť niečo dobré?“

 On povedal, „Poď a vidz.“ To je tá najlepšia odpoveď, ktorú môže jeden človek dať druhému. „Poď a vidz sám; neseď doma a nekritizuj. Poď a sám si to prever.“

 Na ceste tam mohol ich rozhovor byť taký… mohlo to byť niečo takéto. Možno Natanael povedal, „Vieš, už roky hľadáme Mesiáša. Dobre vieš, Filip, ako sme to študovali. No, ja verím, že keď Mesiáš príde, Boh otvorí koridory neba a zostúpia veľké schody, priamo dolu, do nejakého chrámového dvoru, kde… Bude tam Kaifáš, náš najvyšší kňaz. A On povie, ‘Tak som tu.‘“

 Ale to nebol ten spôsob, ako Biblia hovorila, že príde. On príde len tým spôsobom, ako povedalo Písmo. Tu prichádza prorok, presne ako Mojžiš, on bol obyčajný človek, pastier.

54 Všimnite si. A keď on prichádza do prítomnosti Mesiáša a bol v línii (alebo sa modlil za chorých alebo čokoľvek robil), zisťujeme, že Mesiáš sa na neho zahľadí a povie, „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nieto lesti.“ No, možno si pomyslíte, že to bolo preto, ako bol oblečený. Ale pamätajte, všetci ľudia z Východu mali turban a bradu, a tak ďalej. Pamätajte, Ježiš s nimi kráčal po ceste do Emauz celý deň, po Svojom vzkriesení, a oni Ho ani nespoznali. On bol tak isto oblečený.

55 A tak zisťujeme, že v tejto Jeho veľkej prítomnosti, on povedal, „Rabbi,“ tento mladý Žid povedal, „Rabbi, odkiaľ ma poznáš… Kedy si ma kedy poznal? Ako môžeš vedieť, že som Izraelita a že som čestný a mám tú reputáciu, ktorú mám? Nikdy si ma nevidel. Ako ma poznáš?“

 A On povedal, „Predtým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa.“

 On hneď pristúpil na podmienky tejto poistnej zmluvy. On padol k Nemu, tento mladý chlapík. Povedal, „Rabbi, si Syn Boží. Si kráľ Izraela.“ Jeho meno je dnes nesmrteľné.

56 Bola tam jedna žena. Možno o nej budem hovoriť kvôli dámam, ktoré tu stoja. Táto mladá dáma nebola ako vy. Pred cirkvou čelila obvineniu ohľadom morálky. Možno ju na ulici nejaký mladík doviedol do zlého. Možno sa o ňu rodičia dostatočne nestarali. Bola napoly Židovka a napoly pohanka: bola Samaritánka.

57 Pamätajte, sú len tri rasy ľudí, ak má naše Písmo pravdu. Nech mi Boh odpustí za ten výraz, „ak má pravdu.“ Istotne má pravdu. Je to Boh Sám. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh… A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami… Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ A tak sa ukázalo, že tá žena...

58 Najprv to asi vysvetlím, že máme ľudí Chama, Sema a Jafeta. No, my, pohania, v tých dňoch sme boli pohania. Uctievali sme modly; ale Židia a pohania vyhliadali Mesiáša. A On prichádza len ku tým, ktorí Ho hľadajú. Niekedy dnes hovoríme, že ho hľadáme, a vrážame milióny a miliardy dolárov a vecí na budovanie inštitúcií a podobne. Divím sa tomu. A misionári na poli hladujú. Viem o takých, ktorí dnes večer kážu bez topánok na nohách. Vkladáme milióny a milióny dolárov do nezmyslov. Potom… jasné, že naše vlastné skutky odsudzujú naše svedectvo.

59 Ale tu je táto mladá žena, ako ju poznáme, ona bola Samaritánka. Ježiš bol na ceste do Jericha, ktoré bolo pod Jeruzalemom. Ale išiel okolo do Samárie a prišiel do mesta nazývaného Sichar a poslal učeníkov, aby kúpili potravu, nejaké jedlo. A zatiaľ čo boli preč, táto žena si prišla pre vodu. A On jej povedal, „Daj mi napiť.“

 A ona sa na Neho pozrela, videla, že bol Žid. Povedala, „Nie je vo zvyku, aby si sa ma to pýtal.“ Povedala, „Si Žid.“

 On povedal, „Ale ak by si vedela, kto ku tebe hovorí, ty by si ma prosila, aby som ti dal napiť. Ja by som ti dal vodu, pre ktorú by si nemusela chodiť.“

 A tak rozhovor pokračoval o náboženstve. A nakoniec sa Mu podarilo skontaktovať sa s jej životom. Povedal, „Choď, priveď sem svojho muža.“

 Povedala, „Nemám muža.“

 On povedal, „Povedala si pravdu. Mala si päť; a ten, s ktorým žiješ, nie je tvojím mužom.“

60 No, pár dní pred tým tí učitelia a rabíni toho dňa – ľudia, ktorí by v tom mali mať jasno – hovorili, „Je to Belzebub. Robí to skrze zlého ducha.“ Museli dať svojmu zhromaždeniu nejakú odpoveď. A tak si to vymysleli a povedali, „Je to zlý duch.“

 A Ježiš povedal, „Toto vám bude odpustené. Obeť zmierenia ešte nebola prinesená. Ale keď príde Duch Svätý a bude činiť to isté a ak proti tomu budete hovoriť, to vám nikdy nebude odpustené.“ A vieme, že to sa aj stalo, keď Títus… Potom, ako zavrhli Ducha Svätého, Títus dal spáliť chrám a Židia sa rozpŕchli do celého sveta; a teraz sa opäť snažia zhromaždiť. Je to len vypĺňanie Písma. Všimnite si teraz. No, táto mladá žena… Keď tí Židia uvideli, ako sa to robí, a nazvali to zlým duchom, nečistým duchom… Biblia povedala, že nazvali Ducha Božieho, ktorý činil tie skutky, zlým duchom, veštcom z diabla alebo ako nejaká zlá osoba.

 A potom, táto žena hneď vedela, že toto bolo niečo iné. Keď On povedal, „Choď a priveď svojho muža,“ ona povedala, „Žiadneho nemám.“ On povedal, „Povedala si pravdu, lebo si ich mala päť. A ten, s ktorým žiješ, nie je tvoj muž.“

 Pozrite sa na toto. Ona rýchlo povedala, „Pane, vidím, že si prorok.“ Pamätajte na to, že už päťsto rokov predtým nemali proroka. Malachiáš bol posledný hebrejský prorok.

 „Vieme, že má prísť Mesiáš a toto bude identifikácia Mesiáša. Vieme, že keď príde, toto bude to, čo bude robiť.“

 Ježiš povedal, „Ja som Ten, kto s tebou hovorí.“

61 A ona prijala túto poistku. Išla do mesta, aby rozšírila dobrú novinu, že našla Mesiáša. Obdržala večný život, lebo v Neho uverila. Ako to vedela? Uvidela identifikáciu Písma, ktorá bola zamanifestovaná v Ňom.

 „Vieme, že keď príde Mesiáš… Štyristo rokov nemali proroka. A keď On príde, to bude ten ďalší muž na scéne. A keď príde, budeme Ho poznať. A bude robiť to isté.“ On povedal, „Ja som to.“ Dala sa poistiť. Mala o to záujem.

62 Nikodém (za chvíľu budem končiť), Nikodém, Rabbi, ktorý mal asi osemdesiat rokov – on bol presvedčený, že na tom Ježišovi bolo niečo iné ako u ostatných ľudí. A tak chcel to poistenie. Prišiel si pre to poistenie v noci; a banku našiel otvorenú. Ona je vždy otvorená. Je otvorená na bankete, je otvorená na ulici, je otvorená, kdekoľvek je niekto, kto potrebuje začať obchodovať – toto poistenie a ten, ktorý ho drží. On našiel banku otvorenú. Dal sa poistiť.

63 No, vieme, že v Lukášovi 24:49, potom, ako si Ježiš vybral učeníkov, oni boli držiteľmi večného poistenia. A tak viete, v bežnej poistnej zmluve sa platia dividendy. A tak oni už boli prijatí a vyvolení Ježišom. A tak išli hore do Jeruzalema a čakali na deň Letníc, aby mali svoje dividendy. A vyplatilo sa im to krstom Duchom Svätým a mocou manifestácie Ježiša Krista.

64 Metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, ortodoxní, ktokoľvek ste a nazývate sa kresťanmi, prečo neurobíte to isté? Veríte v Ježiša Krista a stávate sa členom cirkvi. Prečo nejdete na Letnice pre svoje dividendy, moc Ducha Svätého? Tí poistenci sa ku tomu dostali; a vy môžete tiež, pokiaľ tomu veríte – naozaj veríte.

65 Peter ku nim všetkým hovoril a povedal, „Toto zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a všetkých široko-ďaleko, koľko ich Pán, náš Boh zavolá.“ Oni chceli vedieť, čo treba robiť. On povedal, „Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás, a buďte pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista pre odpustenie vašich hriechov a príjmete dar Ducha Svätého.“ Bolo to zasľúbenie.

66 A tak, ak si dnes večer len vyznávačom a nezískal si ešte svoje dividendy, prečo sem dnes večer neprídeš pre svoje poistenie? Dovoľ mi trochu si s tebou pohovoriť. Kľakni si so mnou na kolená a zisti, či to tak naozaj je. Buď ohľadom toho úprimný; vyplatí sa ti to, urob to hneď teraz. Ak máš naozaj to poistenie, On to poistenie rozpozná (tvoju vieru), ak povieš, že to je v Bohu. Ak to je v Bohu a v Jeho Slove a nie v nejakej cirkvi alebo denominačnom vyznaní – ale len veríš v Ježiša Krista – hneď sa to vyplatí. On pozná Svoje poistenie.

 Vezmime na chvíľu inú postavu: bol jeden bohatý Hebrej, ktorý jedného dňa stretol Ježiša, po jeho smrti, pochovaní a vzkriesení. Ak tu je dnes večer nejaký Hebrej, alebo ktokoľvek si, keďže bol On ukrižovaný… Bez nejakej výhovorky, môžeš Ho stretnúť priamo tu, rovnako, ako ho stretol ten bohatý mládenec. Ak potrebuješ poistenie, On je pripravený ti ho vybaviť.

67 Bol jeden muž menom Saul. A ten bol vyučovaný vo všetkých veľkých náukach a tradíciách svojich ľudí. Gamaliel bol jeho učiteľom – jeden z najšpičkovejších hebrejských učiteľov všetkých čias. A Saul v tom bol tak horlivý, až dal ukameňovať Štefana, alebo bol svedkom… schválil to – držal kabáty tých, ktorí to vykonali. Mal autoritu od veľkňaza, aby uvrhol všetkých ľudí s tým poistením do väzenia, lebo jeho starší mu povedali, že „tento človek nebol žiaden prorok. Tento človek nie je nič iné ako extrémista.“

68 Ako išiel, mal vo vreckách poverovacie listiny, lebo počul, že dolu v Damašku boli nejakí s tým poistením. A zaujalo to jeho pozornosť, lebo tam skutočne niečo robili. A veľkňaz mu povedal, „Saul, si horlivý muž. Vezmi si odo mňa túto autoritu, zájdi tam a zatkni každého jedného z nich, lebo sú to len fanatici. Nič na nich nie je. Choď tam, zviaž ich a uvrhni do väzenia. Ak ich budeš musieť zabiť, tak ich zabi. Je to v poriadku. Jednoducho sa ich zmocni.“

 Saul povedal, „Rozkaz, pane, svätý otče, pôjdem.“

69 A tak išiel dolu. Na ceste tam asi o jedenástej hodine cez deň, ako sa približoval k mestu, náhle z neba zostúpil Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý ho zrazil na zem. Vstal, aby sa na to pozrel. A pred ním bol Ohnivý Stĺp.

70 No a teraz, aby som vám to dokázal: on bol Hebrej a nikdy by neuctieval alebo nenazýval „Pánom“ niekoho, ak by nevedel, že to bol naozaj Pán. A on, ako učenec pod Gamalielom, vedel, že anjel Pánov, (ktorý bol Logos, ktoré vyšlo z Boha, čo bol Kristus), ktorý ich previedol cez púšť a ktorý sa zjavoval vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa. A keď ho to zasiahlo a pozrel sa hore a videl to, povedal, „Pane.“ No, on by nikdy nič iné nenazval, „Pán.“

71 Ale tým, že bol Hebrej, vedel, že to bol Jehova. To je ten dôvod, prečo mal zjavenie a mohol povedať, že Ježiš Nového Zákona bol Jehova Starého. To bolo jeho zjavenie, lebo videl Jehovu. A povedal, „Pane, kto si?“

 On povedal, „Som Ježiš. Ťažko sa ti bude kopať do ostňov.“ A získal svoje poistenie.

72 Porovnajte spolu tých dvoch mužov: jeden bohatý mladý Hebrej, ktorý chcel striktne dodržiavať tradície; a ďalší, ktorý bol presvedčený. Jeden z nich Ho videl ako človeka – že Boh bol telom, ktoré bolo stvorené, aby zomrelo, aby vzalo preč všetok hriech. Krv baránkov a podobne, ten život tam bol a nemohol prísť na veriaceho, pretože to bol život baránka. Nemá to v sebe dušu, je to zvierací život. Ale toto bol Sám Boh.

73 A potom sa stávame zrodení z toho Ducha. Sme synmi a dcérami Božími, ten život, ktorý bol na našej obeti. Porovnajte tých dvoch ľudí. Videli, ako to bolo potvrdené, že Boh bol v Kristovi – ten istý Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý ten ľud previedol cez púšť a priviedol ich do ich… živil ich celý deň.

74 Pamätajte, keď bol Ježiš na zemi, On povedal, „Ja pochádzam z Boha; a idem k Bohu.“ On bol Stĺpom Ohňa, ktorý previedol Jeho deti cez púšť. Biblia hovorí, že Mojžiš povážil bohatstvá Kristove ako väčší poklad než ten, ktorý mal Egypt. Opustil Egypt, aby nasledoval Krista.

75 Keď tu On bol, ten Ohnivý Stĺp bol reprezentovaný v Ňom, v Bohu. On povedal, „Ak nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, neverte mi. Ale ak tie skutky, ktoré mám činiť, činím… Ak to nerobím, tak mi neverte. Ale ak mi nemôžete veriť...“

 Oni povedali, „Ty si človek a robíš sa Bohom.“

 On povedal, „Ak mi nemôžete veriť ako človeku, tak aspoň verte tým skutkom. Oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne.“

76 No, keď bol mŕtvy, pochovaný, povstal a vystúpil hore, tu Ho opäť nachádzame v Ohnivom Stĺpe. On prišiel od Boha; a išiel k Bohu. Je stále ten istý. Ten istý. Všimnite si. Istotne, je ten istý, ktorým bol vtedy.

77 A keď Pavol, alebo v tom čase ešte Saul, rozpoznal Boha, Jehovu (Ohnivý Stĺp Starého Zákona), On sa predstavil ako Ježiš, vtedy si vybavil svoje poistenie. V tom čase bol na to pripravený.

78 Čo za radikálne rozhodnutie pre toho bohatého mládenca! Čo za… ako musel… ako to mohol urobiť? Čo by ste dali za to, aby ste vymenili svoju dušu? Všetky svoje budovy, ktoré máte – nechali by ste to svojim príbuzným, aby o to bojovali a tak – ale čo s tou dušou, kde bude tá? Majte na pamäti, niekde budete tisíc rokov od teraz. Toto môže byť čas pre teba, aby si urobil svoje rozhodnutie. Čo za zásadnú chybu urobil ten obch… aký to bol len biedny obchodník, že sa snažil dodržiavať tradíciu, pričom mu to bolo dokázané, potvrdené, že to bol večný život. A bol svedkom toho istého, keď sa ho to Ježiš opýtal.

79 Pavol to prijal. Vieme, ako dopadol. Ako ľudia dnes. Oni majú radi všeobecne populárny názor – chválu od ľudí namiesto chvály od Boha. Pavla nezaujímala chvála od človeka; on chcel schválenie od Boha. Sledujme tohto mladého chlapca ešte chvíľu predtým, ako zakončíme. Nasledujme ho.

80 Nachádzame nasledujúce miesto, kde tento mladý chlapec… Viete, čo sa mu stalo? Za to, že toto urobil, sa z neho nestal bedár. Nikdy z neho nebol žobrák na ulici. Práveže mu majetok narástol. Ale on odmietol tú príležitosť. Mnohokrát sa budú dnes ľudia smiať a robiť si žarty z Ducha Svätého; a potom idú a narastú im ešte väčšie majetky.

81 Viete, odpusťte tento výraz. Ale keď sa smejú a hovoria, „Ha, pozri sa na mňa. Ak by na tom niečo bolo, tak by sa mi niečo stalo. Niečo by sa mi stalo.“ Viete, existuje také príslovie, že blázni chodia v okovaných topánkach tam, kde sa anjeli boja chodiť po špičkách. Tento bohatý mládenec je toho typickým príkladom. Urobil hroznú chybu. A zisťujeme, že to vôbec nezabránilo jeho majetkom; bol stále bohatší. Bol populárnejší, mal viacej majetku. Po chvíli zisťujeme, že sa mal tak skvele, že musel postaviť ešte ďalšie stodoly, aby sa mu tam zmestili jeho veci.

82 A pretože cirkev odmietla v posledných dňoch Ducha Svätého, je ešte väčšia. Viete, a teraz idete do ekumenickej rady – presne, ako Biblia povedala, že to tak bude. No, ste skutočná Laodicea, bohatá a majúca väčší majetok – presne, ako bol ten bohatý mládenec. Bol typom cirkvi – odmietnuť Jeho. Pavol bol typom toho, ktorý Ho prijal. Obaja mali tú príležitosť, ako máme aj my dnes večer a ako mám aj ja. On mal stále väčší majetok. Tak isto má aj cirkev, Laodicejský vek, má stále väčší majetok.

83 A pamätajte, bol na tom až tak dobre, až sa stal populárnym, že k nemu začali prichádzať aj monarchovia a veľkí ľudia. Jedného dňa usporiadal veľkú hostinu, pričom v jeho obchodíku sa nachádzal držiteľ poistenia večného života. A zisťujeme, že bol priamo pri jeho dverách. Ó, možno mu tam len zosypával nejaké omrvinky.

84 Mal príležitosť byť svedkom, Lazar mu svedčil. Ale on len zosypával omrvinky. „Ó, nuž. Vyskúšam to. Vezmi si túto štvrtinu,“ alebo čokoľvek, viete. To je prístup ľudí v roku 1964. „Ó, trochu pomôžem. To je v poriadku. Len ho nechajte,“ vidíte. Ale on mal poistenie. Chudobní v duchu (Matúš 5 nám to hovorí), to sú tí. Ich je kráľovstvo nebeské.

85 On išiel ďalej a majetok mu rástol a bol stále lepší a populárnejší, bol to skvelý človek. Ale nakoniec prišla jeho výplata. Nakoniec prišla. Na zemi mal veľkú výplatu: mal veľkú pohrebnú bohoslužbu, o tom niet pochýb; istotne prišiel nejaký veľký denominačný kazateľ a pravdepodobne nad ním prehovoril nejaké veľkolepé slová; mohol mať vlajku na pol žrde; veľké osobnosti ho niesli na pohreb. Ale Biblia povedala, že v pekle prišla jeho výplata za to, že odmietol poistenie večného života. V pekle pozdvihol svoje oči, bol v mukách. A pozrel sa na tú veľkú priepasť, o ktorej Ježiš povedal, že žiaden človek ju nikdy neprekročil a nikdy neprekročí. A na druhej strane uvidel držiteľa večného života, ako je potešený.

86 Boli tu obaja. Jeden to prijal. Obaja dostali svoju výplatu. Ten, ktorý zosypával omrvinky, dostal svoju výplatu; a teraz sa ten bohatý človek stal žobrákom. „Nech ten držiteľ poistenia príde a dotkne sa mojich pier s trochou vody, lebo tieto plamene ma mučia.“ Neurob tú istú chybu, obchodník. Si smrteľník ako oni. Musíš urobiť rozhodnutie. Urob svoju investíciu teraz, v tejto chvíli. Dobre sa uisti. „Nech je vaša voľba a povolanie isté.“ Vezmi si nejaké z tých poistení.

87 Pozrite, (len na minútu alebo dve, ak môžete). Keď Mojžiš, ktorý zanechal to, aby bol kráľom Egypta – faraónom – uvážil pohanenie Kristovo… Faraón sa na tých ľudí pozeral ako na skupinu miesičov blata; ale Mojžiš na nich hľadel ako na ľudí so zasľúbením. Ako sa ty pozeráš na ľud Boží?

88 Mojžiš dostal svoju výplatu. Sledujte tých, ktorí niesli jeho rakvu. Biblia hovorí, že to boli Anjeli. Prečo? Nikto iný ho nemohol vziať tam, kam on išiel. Oni niesli jeho rakvu.

89 V čase, keď si všetky ženy strihali vlasy ako pani Kennedyová a maľovali si tváre, Jezábele tohto dňa, v tom čase tam bol Eliáš. Kráľ a všetci ostatní išli do sveta; rovnako ako cirkev. A Boh im poslal proroka menom Eliáš, aby tú vec odsúdil. A ako zostarol a bol vyčerpaný, bol pripravený ísť Domov, nemusel dokonca ani zomrieť. Jeho výplata prišla takisto. Boh mu dolu poslal voz s koňmi a vyniesol ho do Neba.

90 Štefan, ktorý stál pred Sanhedrinom, prehovoril k nim a povedal, „Ó, vy tvrdohlaví a neobrezaní v srdciach a ušiach (odmietali to poistenie), vždy odporujete Duchu Svätému. Presne, ako robili vaši otcovia, to isté robíte aj vy.“ Pri jeho smrti, on dostal svoju výplatu. Pozrel sa hore a nebesia sa otvorili, Ježiš tam stál na druhej strane.

91 Moody (v týchto posledných dňoch, asi pred sto rokmi), malý obuvník z Chicaga, ledva sa vedel podpísať… Novinári raz urobili rozhovor s Moodym. Jeho služba bola tak pozoruhodná, že chceli vidieť a dať to do novín, v čom to bolo, čo to na tom Moodym bolo, čo za kazateľa bol. Musel to byť dynamický kazateľ. A tak s ním urobili rozhovor, aby to napísali do svojho redakčného článku. Moody to dokonca ani nevedel prečítať po tom, čo to napísali. A tak mu to jeho manažér musel prečítať za neho.

 A oni povedali… takto znel ten redakčný článok. Hovorilo sa tam, „Prečo by niekto išiel počúvať kázanie Dwighta Moodyho je viac, ako môžem pochopiť. Po prvé, je to ten najškaredší muž, akého som kedy videl, plešatý a visia mu bokombrady.“ A hovorilo sa tam, „Do šírky je taký ako do výšky.“ Ďalej, „Keď sa snaží kázať, nevie čítať a vzdychá, keď rozpráva, hovorí cez nos a šušle.“ Keď to dočítal, pán Moody len pokrčil ramenami a povedal, „Istotne nie. Oni prichádzajú, aby videli Krista.“ Nuž, to bolo to. Bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorili kritici, on držal svoje poistenie. A keď zomieral, doktor povedal, „Smrť zasiahla pána Moodyho,“ a on vstal a povedal, „Tomuto hovoríte smrť? Toto je deň mojej korunovácie.“ Bol držiteľom toho poistenia.

92 Môj dobrý priateľ Paul Rader… Keď som bol mladý chlapec a bol som ordinovaný do misionárskej baptistickej cirkvi a Paul Rader bol takisto misionárskym baptistom. A tak vo Fort Wayne… Keď som zvykol chodievať a počúvať ho kázať. Neskôr prišiel na Západne pobrežie a dostal sa do mnohých problémov; a veľa finančných problémov, až mu to prinieslo chorobu – nakoniec to viedlo k rakovine a zomieral. On a Luke išli spolu po celé životy, patrili k sebe ako môj syn a ja.

93 A tak, keď Paul zomieral, Biblická inštitúcia Moodyho tam poslal kvarteto a oni tam stáli. Paul mal zmysel pre humor. A ten malý spevácky zbor z Biblického inštitútu Moodyho tam bol vo štvorici – spievali, „Bližšie ku Tebe, môj Bože.“

 Paul sa obrátil, zhodil zo seba pokrývku a povedal, „Kto tu zomiera, ja alebo vy?“ Povedal, „Vytiahnite tie rolety a zaspievajte mi nejaké svižné veselé piesne.“

 A začali spievať, „Tam dolu pod krížom, kde zomieral môj Spasiteľ; tam, kde som prosil o očistenie svojich hriechov. Tam bola tá Krv uplatnená na moje srdce; sláva Jeho Menu.“

 Paul povedal, „Kde je môj brat Luke?“ Luke bol vo vedľajšej miestnosti – nechcel vidieť, ako jeho brat zomiera. Povedal, „Povedz mu, aby sem prišiel.“ A tak Luke tam vstúpil (mnohí z vás ho tu poznáte – veľký stavaný chlap), vstúpil do miestnosti. Paul sa načiahol rukou, ako ležal na posteli, a vzal Luka za ruku, pozrel sa mu do tváre a povedal, „Luke, išli sme spolu dlhú cestu. Ale pomysli na to, Luke. Za päť minút od teraz budem stáť v prítomnosti Ježiša Krista, odiaty v jeho spravodlivosti.“ Ako držal ruky svojho brata, jeho poistenie bolo vyplatené.

94 Starý Dr. Bosworth, ktorý tu bol naposledy so mnou (predposlednýkrát), osemdesiatštyriročný… Ako sa vracal z Afriky, dostal som hovor, aby som prišiel do Miami. Takmer som kompletne zodral pneumatiky na aute, ako som tam išiel. Povedali, že zomrie. Ponáhľal som sa tam. Vedel som, že bol držiteľom toho poistenia. Išiel som tam… Vstúpil som do tej miestnosti, malý plešatý chlapík s rukami hore, jeho malé chudé ruky… Bežal som k nemu, padol som na tvár a zakričal, „Môj otče, môj otče, hľa, vozy Izraela a jeho jazdcovia.“ Vzložil na mňa svoje ruky a požehnal ma. Povedal som, „Brat Bosworth, môžem sa za teba pomodliť?“

 On povedal, „Nie.“ Povedal, „Nie som chorý.“

 Povedal som, „Čo sa deje, brat Bosworth?“

 Povedal, „Iba idem Domov.“

95 Povedal som, „Vedel som to.“ A povedal som, „Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať, brat Bosworth.“ Povedal som, „Čo bola najväčšia chvíľa tvojho života v tvojej službe? Slúžil si Bohu predtým, ako som sa narodil. Boli sme spolu na misijných poliach. Prešli sme cez búrky, vo vzduchu a po mori. Stál si pri mne, keď som po každej strane videl diablov a čarodejníkov. Bol to veľkolepý pocit, keď sme videli, ako ich Boh ochromuje, ako sme tam stáli. Čo bol najvzrušujúcejší pocit tvojho života?“

 Povedal, „Práve teraz.“ Chystal sa využiť svoje poistenie.

 Povedal, „Všetko, pre čo som žil, brat Branham, je Ježiš Kristus. A každú chvíľu mi bude klopať na dvere, aby ma vzal Domov.“

 Tak veru, to boli tí držitelia poistenia, ktorí dali všetko, čo mali, a investovali do tej perly veľkej ceny. Či nechcete i vy dnes večer investovať, zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy?

 Nevidím cez publikum. Neviem, čo… koľko alebo kto sa pozerá, kto to dnes pozerá v televízii. Spýtam sa ťa, priateľu, nech toto nie sú prázdne slová. Si smrteľník; všetci musíme zomrieť. Viete to. A ten čas môže prísť skôr ako zajtra ráno.

96 Nie som človek, čo by… nie som veľmi do presviedčania, lebo Ježiš povedal, „Všetci, ktorých mi Otec dal, ku Mne prídu.“ Ak je v tvojom srdci priestor na to poistenie, či to len nepríjmeš? To poistenie je Kristus, Božia ponuka lásky pre teba, Jeho Slovo, ktoré sa stáva živým v tvojom srdci a robí ťa časťou Neho. On je Slovo. Príjmi Ho do svojho života. Či to neurobíš, či neurobíš túto veľkú investíciu? Pokiaľ vidím… Nevidím ďalej ako osem metrov pred seba alebo desať. Poprosím vás, aby ste zodvihli svoje ruky, ak by ste chceli prijať to poistenie do večného života. Povedzte, „Chcem to, brat Branham. Len na mňa pamätaj vo svojej modlitbe. Ty nevidíš moju ruku; ale Boh áno.“

 Náš Nebeský Otče, tento jednoduchý, drsný, no jednako pravdivý príbeh života… Takto som to vypovedal, Pane, lebo tí ľudia, obchodníci, by to viac porozumeli v spojení s niečím, čo je na tejto zemi. To je ten dôvod, prečo som to nazval poistná zmluva. Odpusť mi, ak som to tak zle nazval. Lebo teraz sme naozaj v tej svätej chvíli, kde je bezpochyby mnoho ľudí, ktorí vážne premýšľajú, vedia, čo chcú urobiť, musia mať výplatu za všetko, čo tu na zemi majú. A vedia, čo to znamená, keď sa niečo také odmietne…

 No, ten mladý muž, pokiaľ viem… Možno tým, že bol medzi ľuďmi tak populárny, zostal v cirkvi. Dodržiaval prikázania. Nespáchal cudzoložstvo, nekradol, nerobil tieto veci, ale vnútri vo svojom srdci vedel, že nemá večný život. Spôsob, Pane, aby tí, ktorí sa Ťa snažia stretnúť pre večný život len s týmito morálnymi náznakmi – nech tí dnes večer príjmu to pozvanie a zostanú na nohách a povedia, „Pane, urobím, čokoľvek odo mňa budeš chcieť.“ Udeľ to, Pane. Všetci sú teraz Tvoji. Všetko porúčam do Tvojich rúk. A ak to semeno niekam padlo, Pane, do akejkoľvek zeme, akékoľvek predurčené semeno… Mnoho rokov hladovali a prahli. Možno to niekde dnes večer padlo. Nech príjmu život, Otče, lebo o to prosím v Mene Ježiša Krista.

        So sklonenými hlavami poprosím brata Pearryho, ak bude môcť, aby sem prišiel a postaral sa o zvyšok bohoslužby.

1 ... to have these few minutes with you people. And I am grateful to Brother Pearry for this invitation of being here, and for all your cooperation.

2I think this is our third visit to your fine city. We've always found the people here friendly, and always speak, hand out, whether they know you, or not. I've visited some of the business places, and how nice. Always seems different than it is up in the cold north; they see me come in, they wait on you and go out, and that's all of it. But you very seldom visit a place 'less somebody says, "Thank you! Come back and see us again!" I like that.

3 Then, I think that Brother Pearry here, as I would call him that, just... I'm older than his father, so I guess I can call him Brother Pearry. We hardly knew the boy, just on the introduction of my son, Billy Paul, who went to school with him. But if there is anybody in this city, or around about, within the reach of television, that'll be lost at the last day, it won't be because that Brother Pearry didn't put forth every effort to try to get people to Christ. He certainly not left one rock uncovered. And I deem this a grand privilege of being here.

4When Brother Pearry said to me, would I "speak at a little banquet" he was having, that some of his business colleagues would be here. Well, I am certainly not a speaker. I--I don't claim to be that, but I thought I would. It would be an honor for me, after having an invitation like that, to speak to the--the... his business colleagues.

5 I have the privilege of traveling internationally, around the world. And I speak much for the Full Gospel Business Men's Chapters. And I know this is just a little time of fellowship, so I'd like to express something that was cute one time. There was a man, after I got through speaking... It was all businessmen. And, so, outside there was a fellow come to me, and he said, "You're a preacher, aren't you?"

And I said, "Yes, sir."

6He said, "What are you hanging around these businessmen for?"

I said, "I'm a businessman."

So he said, "Oh, you are?"

And I said, "Yes, I'm--I'm a businessman."

Said, "What kind of a business are you in, sir?"

And I said, "Eternal Life Assurance."

7And he didn't get me just right. I said it fast. He said, "Oh, the--the Eternal Life Insurance." I never said insurance; I said assurance, and he... But I never told him. And he said, "The Eternal Life," said, "I don't know. I don't believe I've ever heard of it before."

I said, "That's too bad."

Said, "Well," he said, "where is the headquarters?"

I said, "Heaven."

8I'm still in that business. I'd like to talk a policy over with any of you, after the service is over, tonight. I'm very enthused with my job. And, so, and I never said now, "insurance," I said, "assurance."

9 Insurance is all right, understand. I remember... Course, I don't at this time have any.

10I remember, after I was married, my wife and I was sitting in the house, one day. And a good friend of mine... My brother is an insurance salesman, Western-Southern. This boy was a salesman for the Prudential. I went to school with him, very fine boy. His--his brother writes The Upper Room, for, I believe he's a Baptist minister, and he writes articles in the little paper called The Upper Room. Very fine people. So he come up to see me, one day, and he said, he said, "Billy, I--I hear that you got a little sting one time on insurance."

And I said, "Yes."

11He said, "It kind of give you a little sour feeling towards them?"

I said, "No, not exactly."

He said, "I thought I'd come and talk a policy with you, Billy."

12And I said, "Well," I said, "Wilmer, thanks," I said, "but I--I got assurance."

And he said, "Oh, I'm sorry."

13And my wife looked around at me, as if I was a hypocrite. She knowed I didn't have any. She looked at me just astounded. I said...

14"Oh," he said, "I'm sorry, Billy." He must have thought I had it with my brother, Jesse. And I said...

My wife looked at me. And he... I said, "Yes, I have assurance."

And he said, "What company you with?"

And I told him the same thing, "The Eternal Life."

And he said, "Oh," said, "is that it?"

15And I said, "Yeah. I have: Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory Divine! I'm an heir of salvation, purchased of God, Borned of His Spirit, washed in His Blood.

16He said, "Billy, that's very nice. I appreciate that. But that won't put you up here in the graveyard."

17"But," I said, "it'll get me out. I'm not worried..." Uh-huh. Yeah. I'm not worried about getting in; it's getting out.

18I'd still like to talk a policy over with you, after the service, if... I'm sure It's right.

19 Now, I usually have the people to stand when we read the Word, but, tonight, I'll try to omit that because it's so--so hard for you to stand. But just before we read the Word, let's just bow our heads for a few moments, as we speak to the Author of the Word. As we been kind of jesting with each other, and kind of letting down, or, as we call it, "letting down our hair." So let's get on the sacred side now, and the sincerity, and turn our hearts towards Heaven as we open the Word. Now any man that's able to move his hands can open the Bible, but there is no one really can open the understanding but the great Holy Spirit, so let us speak to Him.

20 Our Heavenly Father, we are certainly elated, tonight, to be assembled here with this group of people, this side of Eternity, and have this fine fellowship. And as we sit around these tables, tonight, looking across at each other, and business colleagues and--and Christians, we are aware that there is coming another time that we'll meet. We trust that we'll all be There, everybody present at that great wedding Supper in the air, when the King will come out, wipe all tears from our eyes, and say, "It's well done, My good and faithful servants, enter into the joys of the Lord, that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world."

21If there should be some, Lord, that doesn't know You in that way, and I pray tonight that something will be done or said that'll cause them to change their way of thinking, turn to Thee; whether it's here present, or by the--the medium of television, or by the tapes that will be going out from this.

22Bless us together now, and bless the reading of Thy Word. Turn our hearts and thoughts towards the ending of this life, and what will be out state at that time. For we are sure, Father, that all of us have to leave this world. We're mortals, and let us look to the Eternal One, the only One that can give us Life beyond this. Through the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ, we ask it. Amen.

23 I would like to call your attention, for a few moments now, to the reading of God's Word. I'd like to begin reading from Saint Mark's Gospel, I think the 10th chapter, and begin with the 17th verse.

And when he was gone forth into the way, there came unto him one running, and kneeling down... and asking him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

... Jesus said unto him, "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, and that is, God.

Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.

And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these things I have observed since my youth.

Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasures in heaven: and come, and take up thy cross, and follow me.

And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.

24 May the Lord add His blessings to the Word as we endeavor to pull from this a text and context. Now thinking on the subject of being with business people, and always I think that business people is always interested in--in good investments, so that I call a text now for the next few moments: The Investments.

25A good businessman is always looking for a--a good, sound investment. If he isn't, then he isn't a good businessman. He must look for something that's real.

26And I'd like to talk to you on the invitation that I give to you a few moments ago, on this Eternal Life policy, as I introduced myself as a--a businessman. And I have a business, and I'd like to talk to you a few moments about it. And a few Scriptures I have written down here, and text, I'd like to use these for a few moments, these notes.

27It's not a--a good business to gamble. Any man knows that, that gambling is not a good business, because it's taking a chance. You never, or seldom see a gambler... One day he's a rich man, and the next day he is begging. So you take too much of a chance, to--to gamble. I think a--a--a gambler is--is just simply living on the spare of the moment, and not looking forward to the future, or he wouldn't be gambling.

28 And I do not believe in some of these get-rich-over-night investments, either, by some unidentified business. Now, any good businessman wouldn't take a chance like that, maybe on your--your life's savings, your earnings; and you would invest in it in some get-nigh, get-rich-right-quick. And it's unidentified. Someone run in with some kind of an idea, that, "Here we--we got a certain firm here," there is no background to it. I think a good, sound thinking man would be foolish to try to make an investment in such a--a company as that.

29Because, I had a friend, one time, that--that tried such a thing. And, when he did, he--he lost everything he had, and he lost all of his life's earnings. About ready to retire, and he thought, "Well, I'll--I'll take this chance," because the man seemed to be he knew what he was talking about. But, come to find out, the--the company was just a make-belief company, and no stocks or nothing, so the poor fellow lost everything he had.

30So I think, if a man wants to make a good investment, he should first check his company, or whatever he's making his investment in, and find out what he's going to do. I think any sensible-thinking person would do that.

31 And then again, before I go on, I'd like to say, it's not a good idea to keep your money in your pocket. Many people say, "I'll--I'll just put it in my pocket, and I--I... and I got it." But, you know, you businessmen and women, you don't think in those terms. And it's not a good thing, because it can be stolen.

32It's best to have it in circulation. Like the Lord said, one time, He give so many talents to so many, and such, and then he... they made an investment with it. And those who made a good, sound investment, He give them the dividends. But when the one man said, "I--I just kept it. I--I didn't want to take any chances on it. I--I--I put it in my pocket. Or, I buried it somewhere." Then He taken that what He had gave to him, and give it to the one that had drawed more dividends, that put it to a good investment. And that's our Lord's way of doing things.

33 Now, but if you were going to invest in something that you wanted to be sure in, you'd find some good, reliable firm that has been proven that it'll pay off right. Now, that's a good, sound investment. After you've tested the firm, you know its backgrounds, talked with somebody who has done business with this firm, and hear the testimony of everyone, "It's a hundred percent. They're always right on the dot with their dividends. And--and there is a great resource capital behind it, that the company is not going broke." And that's a good, sound investment. And now, all through life, people has been taught that.

34 Now we're speaking tonight on the Scripture, of a young Hebrew boy, that was a--a wealthy type of a lad. He might have come from a real good home, no doubt. His testimony showed that he had come from a--a good home. He was called, in the Bible, "the rich young ruler." I'm going to change it tonight, just a little bit, say, "a rich young businessman," because he had a business, and he was interested in--in business. And no doubt his father had been a great successful businessman, or he probably wouldn't have had what he had. But he was brought up to--to be a businessman.

35And he seen something in this young Fellow of Galilee, this young Prophet by the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. No doubt he had heard his priest speak about Him, and maybe against Him. But when he got his first glimpse at the Lord Jesus, there was something about Him that was different from any other man.

36And I say this, as a Christian, it is truly hasn't changed. We have great theologians in the land, throughout the world, we've had them for thousands of years, that can introduce to us a--a creed. And they're schooled in those creeds, and a church that's--that's a well-established church. But that still isn't my--my policy tonight I'm speaking of. I'm talking about Eternal Life.

37 And this young fellow, knowing that he was a member of the church, but seeing in Jesus something different. So he was given the opportunity to make an investment, when he found Jesus and seen what He was doing. And had read his Bible, and seen in Jesus that the thing that he's heard his prophets read in his church, and what they were. And he had no doubt studied that. And then when he saw in this Jesus of Nazareth, which was supposingly to be among the people, the Prophet, he saw something in this Man that identified Him with the Scriptures.

38And I think, today, it hasn't changed too much. Bible readers and Bible lovers, when we really get a glimpse in our intellectuals, of what Jesus was and what He is, it changes our entire attitude. There is no one like Him, no matter how fine. We said we understand that He... We suppose He had no much schooling, and He talked like a common man, and dressed like a common man, and lived with common man. But yet there was something outstanding about this Man, and it attracted the attention of this young fellow. Insomuch, that, he had all the wealth of the world, perhaps, that he needed and would use in his lifetime, and he was well satisfied with that. But he seen that this Man looked into the future and told them the things that were coming, and identified Himself in the Scripture, and God identified Himself in the Man.

39 Now there is not a man that lives, that's in his right mind, but what's always wondering where he come from, who is he, and where is he going? There has been many books written, philosophers has raised and fell. But there is only one Book that'll tell you who you are, where you come from, and where you are going, and that's the Bible. That's the only Book. Of all the fine books we have, you could trash them, every one. This is the Truth. Anything contrary to This is not right. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail. Every man's word shall be a lie; God's shall be true."

40And when you see something so definitely before you, and the Scriptures promised for that day, what that Messiah was to be. And this young man seen that identified by God, then that made Jesus altogether different from any other man he had ever seen. So, he was given the opportunity.

41When he found the Lord Jesus, and perhaps seen Him in His meetings and His service, he run to Him and fell down at His feet, showing his attitude of approach was correctly.

42And he said, "Good Master, what could I do to have Eternal Life?" Now that's the thing that's in question. Not his money, or not, "Could I join Your church, Sir? Or could I belong to Your organization?" But, "What must I do to have Eternal Life?" That was the question.

43And he was given the opportunity to receive It, but he made a rashel decision. He was... turned it down. He wasn't interested, when he found out what went with it. He realized, that in order to do this, he had to give up his popularity. Because, Jesus was unpopular, unbelieved among, I would rashelly say, ninety percent of the people, or maybe ninety-five percent was. He was disbelieved, as some "evil-spirited person," and was called, by many, "Beelzebub," a devil.

44And, yet, the Scriptures perfectly identifying Him. He had referred back to them, saying, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life. And They are They which testify of Me, or tell Who I am."

45 This Hebrew lad, being raised up in a home, and knowing that the Bible had--had clearly told them, the scrolls. God Jehovah had said that, "If there raise up one among you, who is spiritual, or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known to him in visions. And if what he says comes to pass, then hear that prophet, for I'm with him. But if it doesn't come to pass, then do not hear it."

46That's plain language. It's only sound thinking. If he said it, and it doesn't happen, then it's a lie; God did not say it. But if he says, and it--it does happen, that's truth; and nothing is more, more truer than truth.

47So this young man had seen this in the Lord Jesus, and knowed that He held the keys to this Eternal Life, and he wanted this Eternal Life, but he turned down the opportunity to make his investment. He wasn't interested in such an investment. Although the...

48He was well identified that He was the Son of God. Is perfectly identified. The virgin had conceived, brought forth the Son. He had done every sign that Messiah was supposed to do.

49But in order to accept Him, he had to get away from his tradition. He had to turn away from it.

50 We would like to contribute that only to the... this Jewish boy, but it's too bad we have to also notice it, today, the same way. It's a great price. We can contribute to the churches of today. And many times, people who call themselves believers, and are unwilling to separate themselves and to depart from the things of the world, as this young ruler was asked to do, to have the policy of Eternal Life. Yet, after, we too see It well identified by the Scripture, that the Policies are still being given to whosoever wants to receive It.

51As I said, he saw something in Jesus, no man had, but the price was so great that he didn't want to pay the price.

52It's the same thing today. As I believe, tonight, I might be speaking to different denominations, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Orthodox Jew, Buddha, whatevermore, that's the business people of the cities. But there is, really, when you see something with your own eyes, that the Scriptures identify to be the truth; we would be most unreasonable people, that, if we're interested in Eternal Life, to turn It down. It would be a--a rashel decision like this young man made. Many times, even our clergy today makes this same rashel mistake, though polished scholars in creeds, that know it A to Z. But, remember, those priests in that day knowed the scrolls, from A to Z, too, but they failed to see what this young man saw.

53And he was interested in--in Jesus giving him Eternal Life. But when he found out what it was going to cost him, then he wasn't interested.

54 You know, the Bible tells us, in this age that we're living. As our most gracious Brother Pearry here has expounded to us, that he believed that it was in the last days. I certainly, firmly believe that with all my heart. I believe the Scripture identifies it.

55I believe that--that--that science identifies it. Scientists says, "It's three minutes till midnight." The--the... Our programs that we see on television and--and on radio, and--and how our people are acting, it's...

56As I made a remark here or somewhere else, that it reminds me, of all the carrying on that they do, it reminds me of a little boy going through a graveyard at nighttime, whistling, try to make hisself think he's not afraid, but he is.

57That's what's the matter with all of our turning to all we're doing today, of all our popular carrying on. We are trying to make people think that we don't know that the hour is at hand, but we know it is. Our scientists know it. Our... The pentagon knows. All, we all know that there's something fixing to happen. You, you can feel it right in the atmosphere, and we know it's at hand.

58 And our Bible tells us, in Revelation the 3rd chapter, that the church in this age is going to be identified just like this rich, young, Hebrew boy, "rich, have need of nothing," this Laodicea Age. If there happens to be ministers here, or Bible readers. This is the Laodicea Age. And it said, "Because I am rich, set as a queen, have need of nothing." Said, "Knowest thou not that you are wretched, poor, blind, miserable, naked, and don't know it." The sad thing of this Scriptural quotation is...

59If we seen a man or a person on the street, that was blind and naked and miserable and poor, that would be a--a horrible sight. There is no one but what would run to them as quick as they could, and say, "Friend, you're naked. You must--you must... You're exposed. Come in, quickly, and--and--and let me give you some clothing. And I'll take you to somewhere to see if I can get a physician, that they can restore your sight," or try to do something for the person.

60 What if you met such a person as that, and they would turn around to you and tell you to tend to your own business? They don't even know they're in that condition. Now if you're that way, and know it, it's not too bad. But when you are that way, and don't know it, that's the bad part. You can't tell them.

61And this Scripture must be fulfilled, as all Scriptures must be fulfilled. The Bible said that this would be the estate in the last days. And they've turned down Jesus, and He was on the outside of the church, trying to get in. Turned it down, just as plain as this young Hebrew did. And this was the Gentile church, the Bride church, called out, called "the Christian church" in the last days, but they put Him out for the same reason that this young Hebrew businessman turned Him out. The price was too great. They couldn't receive It.

62 The Bible said here that they were "rich," said they "had need of nothing." This young boy was rich, had need of nothing. "We're a fine denomination who has got great orders built. We've got the brotherhood. We got all this, that, or the other. We've had our creeds for the hundreds of years. We set. We have need of nothing. Don't tell us anything about It!"

63Well, that's more of an arrogant attitude than this young fellow took. He didn't take that type of an attitude. The Bible said, that, "Jesus looked upon him and loved him."

64I wonder today, if in the midst of all of our confusion and our worldliness, and yet trying to hold our Christian profession, if it isn't the love of God that constrains the ministry to stay on the field. I wonder if it isn't the same thing, as here we find Him knocking at the door, trying to get in. Now we find these things, they all through the ages, it's been this a way.

65 Now, to save time, talking of the policy again, and just temporarily outlining it for you.

66Now this rich boy, he didn't ask to join His church. He--he belonged to church. It proved it.

67Jesus said to him, "Keep the commandments. Thou knowest them. Do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not lie, defraud. And--and do, and--and then honour your father and mother."

68And this young fellow proved that he was a--a fine, cultured boy, not just some what we'd call today, a--a hoodlum. He was a fine type of boy, been raised up in a good home. He said, "Master, I've done these since I was a boy, all my life." See, it showed that his parents was nice parents. His went to a church that believed in keeping the commandments. But yet, in the church, keeping the commandments, still didn't answer what he saw in Jesus. He knowed.

69With our creed and with our church, and keeping the commandments, still doesn't give us Eternal Life. It did not then, neither does it do it today. There is something you've got to do.

70 Now, we find that it wasn't because that he wasn't a church member. It wasn't because he wasn't morally right. He was.

71But we can be a church member, and morally right, still not obtained Eternal Life. Not to know the Word; some of them are theologians, and scholars, and Sunday school teachers, Bible expositors, but that doesn't mean anything. Satan knows that Bible better than any of us. The Bible said, "To know Him is Life," not know the Word. "Know Him is Life." Satan also believes and trembles. But we've got to have an experience of a death, burial, and resurrection, from our old life, to the new Life which comes in Christ. It comes only by the Holy Spirit, the new Life.

72 Now let us investigate some of these people down through the ages, that's held this policy, and see whether it pays off or not. Then I'd just like to bring you, as I told you in the beginning, that you should consult somebody when you're going to make an investment; find out what happens, what, does it pay off right. You should do that in your business. I want to speak of some of the holders of this policy.

73I bring to your attention, tonight, back in Genesis, to a prophet by the name of Noah. Though he was tried in every way he could, to every way Satan could try him, to make him give up that policy; but Noah held the promise of God, the policy of Life, 'cause God told him that everything outside of that ark would be destroyed, and though it seemed kind of unusual to the modern-thinking people of his day.

74 That's what makes the Gospel today. It's the unusualness, because God is unusual. His Word is interpreted unusual to what we sometimes have It interpret.

75But, as I have said before, God needs nobody to interpret His Word. He does His Own interpretation by--by bringing to pass the things that He said He would do. He interprets His Own Word. He doesn't need our interpretation. It's, our interpretation is our own man-made thoughts that we put with It.

76When God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. That needs no interpretation.

77God said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. That doesn't need any interpretation.

78Jesus said, "The Son of man goes up to Jerusalem and be given into the hands of sinful man. They'll crucify Him, and on the third He'll raise up again." That needs no interpretation.

79He said, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the age, to the consummation." He is here. It doesn't need any interpretation. It's His promise.

80"The works that I do shall he do also. He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also." That's found in Saint John 14:12. And we know that that's true, so it doesn't need any interpretation.

81 Noah, with the Word of God, held onto It, because he was a policyholder of Life insurance, Life assurance. He held the policy. And he was an agent for the policy, and he went forth everywhere. But because it was unpopular, he couldn't get anybody to take a hold of it, just his own family. He was... His--his policy seemed to be all out of date, for the people. It seemed to be against the scientific reasoning of the day. "Rains coming down from heaven."

82It had never rained upon the earth, you remember. The world stood up straight. We can prove that today, that it once stood that way. And God watered vegetation through irrigation, from springs in the earth.

83 Now science, in that day, were probably much smarter than they are now, because they built the sphinxes and the pyramids, and--and so forth, things that we couldn't attempt to do today. We have no powers that could--could do it, but they built it. And I suppose maybe they shot the moon with radar or whatever they had in that day.

84Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah," another civilization likened unto that, "so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

85We see here recently where they dug up a modern waterworks here in old Mexico, have no history of it, at all. See, it might have been from some other age gone by.

86Jesus said, "As it was in that day," smart man, intelligent. But if it was, then there will be a Life policy offered to the people. He said so.

87 And, Noah, he might not be able to explain. As science said, "We can take the instruments and prove there is no rain up there. Sir, you are out of your mind." But still he knowed the Voice that spoke to him was God.

88So if God had said, "There was water coming from up," though there was no water, God is Elohim, the self-existing One. He is the all-sufficient One. If He said, "There can be water up there," He is able to put water up there, to keep His Word.

89 Our father Abraham, which in the father of many nations. If there happened to be Jewish people sitting near, wonder how the Gentiles was brought in, Abraham was the father of many nations. "And he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief." He held a policy also. God had made him a promise, to be father of many nations; not only the Hebrew nations, but other nations, that he would be father of.

90Notice, as he did, the promise God give him was rashel, radical. He was seventy-five years old, and Sarah was sixty-five, before he got the promise. But he separated himself from the unbelievers, because he knowed he was the heir of righteousness by the will of God, and no matter how long it taken!

91Perhaps the first month passed by and he said to Sarah, "How do you feel?"

"There is no difference."

92Said "We'll have the baby, anyhow. God said so. Go ahead and make the booties. Get everything ready. God said we'd have it. That settles it."

The first year passed. "Dear, how do you feeling?"

"No different."

93"Well, it's going to be a greater miracle than it was if it happened the first month."

94 See, she was about ten years passed menopause when the promise was given. They had no children. She was barren, and he was sterile. So they... But he still held that policy, because it was the Word of God, a promise. He wasn't going to part with it. And the Bible said, that, "Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong, giving praise to God; knowing this, that, He is able to do that which He's promised to do." So the child was born, because that he held the--the policy.

95Noah held his policy, and it saved his life. That was the pay off. Not only his life, but his family's life; paid off, by saving them.

96Let's talk to another investor in this Eternal Life insurance. Daniel the prophet, when as we would call it... If you'd excuse it, as a worldly expression; I shouldn't make it, I suppose, here at the pulpit. It's the only way that I know to make it, "when the chips are down." King Nebuchadnezzar had come in and taken the children of Israel because they had went away from God. They had; still doing all their sacrifices.

97 When God asked them to offer lambs and bullocks, and so forth. A man, a fine Jew, walked down the road, with a fatted bullock or--or--or a little lamb under his arm. On the day of the atonement, went down to offer it for his sin. He was sincere when he killed that lamb, and the priest stabbed it. And he held his hands upon it, knowing that life was taken to save his life. He was sincere in it. And as long as he was sincere, it was all right. But the time come when it become a family tradition. Then God said, He sent a prophet on the scene, by the name of Isaiah, He said, "Your sacrifices, solemn feasts, stink in My nose."

98That's where we people have got. We've joined church. Which, is all right, we do those things. But, you say, are you a Christian? "I'm Methodist. I'm Baptist. I'm Presbyterian, Pentecostal, or something else." It's a tradition. There is no entering, in sincerity, anymore. They won't move up, cope up with the Scriptures and things. They just live any way they want to. If they got a pastor tries to correct them, they out him. They have nothing to do with him if he can't bring Hollywood in the church; parties, bunco parties, soup suppers, and everything else; let the women act any way they want to, and dress any way they want to, immorally, anything. Sex appeal becomes a--a modern trend. It's a disgrace.

99 Jesus said, to that woman. You may be as virtuous as you can be, but you'll answer for adultery at the day of judgment, you wearing those clothes. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman, to lust after her, has committed adultery with her already in his heart." And no matter how innocent you are, that sinner will answer for adultery, and you're the one presented it. You Christians, aren't you ashamed? You should act like daughters of God.

100And you man, members of the church, deacons, even to ministers, that'll permit your wives to do that, you should be sons of God. That don't sound like the behavior of a son of God with the nature of his Father in him. Afraid to say something because the organization would turn you out. That's right.

101 Daniel purposed in his heart that he wasn't going to defile his investment. He purposed, "No matter what the world, how rich the king gets, and how much he tries to get me off in the things of the world, I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to defile my investment."

102O Christian world, don't defile your investment that you've made in Eternal Life. You'll pollute it.

103Daniel purposed that he wouldn't do it. It paid off, by saving his life when he was throwed into a lions' den. His investment really paid off.

104The Hebrew children were determined that they would not worship an idol. And it paid off, by saving their life in a fiery furnace.

105 Then comes Simon Peter, a fine Pharisee who had been taught by his father, that the day would come that--that there would come the Messiah. All through the ages, the Jewish people had looked for it. And no doubt that his father had told him, "Son..." I--I read a little story one time, about it, might have been fiction. I don't say it was authentic.

106But he said, "I've looked for the time of the coming Messiah." And said, "I--I--I know that before that time comes, there'll be all kinds of isms, false things going on. But, son, as a Hebrew, we are taught, as Hebrews, to believe our prophets, for the Word of the Lord comes to the prophets, and him only. The Lord said, 'I do nothing except I reveal it to my prophets first.' And this Messiah, according to Moses, 'The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet among you, of your brethren, likened unto me.' And the Messiah will not be an educator. He will not be a denomination. He will be a prophet, and the Word of the Lord will be with Him."

Andrew had heard John speak of such a one coming, "the Baptizer."

107 But then, one day, Simon himself walked up into the Presence of this Jesus of Nazareth. And as soon as He looked upon him, He said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." He took out a policy right quick. He knew that was the Messiah. That was the vindicated Scripture of his day, the Messiah. How did the others fail to see it?

108There was one standing, the name of Philip, who went about fifteen miles around the mountain, to a fellow named Nathanael. They had had Bible studies together. Maybe their conversation was something like this, as he found him under a tree, praying. He said, "Nathanael." Course, being a gentleman that followed Jesus; any man that follows Jesus will be a gentleman. So he found him praying; he--he waited a while. But you notice, he never talked to him about his olive groves or so forth. He went straight to the mark, "Come, see Who we found: Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."

Said, "Now, could there be anything good come out of Nazareth?"

He said, "Come, see."

109That's the best answer any man could give another. "Come, find out for yourself. Don't sit home and criticize. Come, investigate it yourself."

110 On the road around, their conversation might have been like this. Maybe Nathanael said, "You know, we've been looking for a Messiah, for years. You know, Philip, how we've studied this. Why, I believe if the Messiah come, God will pull the corridors in Heaven and let the great corridors come down, the stairway right on (our) the great temple yard where the Caiaphas our high priest is, and He'll say, 'I'm here.'" See? But that's not the way the Scripture said He would come.

111He'll only come the way the Scripture said. He was come in a prophet just like Moses was, an ordinary man, a sheepherder.

112Notice, and when he come up into the Presence of the Messiah, and He was in the line or praying for the sick, or whatever He was doing. We find that the Messiah looks over at him, and said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile."

113Now you might think it was because he was dressed that way. But, remember, all the Eastern people dressed alike, turban and beard, so forth. You remember, Jesus walked with them, too, on the road to Emmaus, all day long, after His resurrection, and they didn't even know Him. He was dressed the same way.

114So we find that in this great Presence of Him, he said, "Rabbi." This fine young Hebrew said, "Rabbi, when did You know me? When did You ever know me, know me to be a--an Israelite, and honest, the reputation that I have? You've never seen me before. How did You know me?"

115And He said, "Before Philip call you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."

116He took out a policy. Fell at His feet like this other young fellow did, said, "Rabbi, you're the Son of God. You're the King of Israel." His name is immortal today.

117 There's a little woman, I might speak of her because of the ladies standing near. This little lady wasn't like you. She had a--a moral charge against her, with the church. Maybe some young kid had been turned out on the street, wrong. Maybe her parents hadn't taken care of her. She was a half Jew and Gentile; she was a Samaritan.

118Remember, there is only three races of people, if our Scripture is right.

119And God forgive me for even mentioning "if" It's right. It is right. It's God Himself. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among." "The same yesterday, today, and forever."

So this young lady being turned out.

120 First, I might explain Ham, Shem and Japheth's people. Now we, the Gentile, we were heathens in them days, we were worshiping idols, but the Jew and Gentile were looking for a Messiah. And He only comes to those who are looking for Him.

121Sometimes today, we say we're looking for Him, and put millions and billions of dollars in things, and building institutions and things. I wonder. And missionaries starving on the field, I know them, out there tonight preaching, without a pair of shoes on. We put millions and millions of dollars to nonsense, and then, why, our own acts condemn our testimony.

122 But here this young woman, as we know her, she was a Samaritan. Jesus was on His road to Jericho, which is below Jerusalem. But He went around to Samaria and came to a city called Sychar, and sent the disciples in to buy victuals, foods. And while they were gone, this young woman come up to get water, and He--He said to her, "Bring me a drink."

123And she looked around, seeing Him being a Jew, she said, "It's not customary that You would ask me that." Said, "You're a Jew."

124He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink. I give you water you don't come here to draw."

125So the conversation went on, about religion, finally He contacted her life. He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I have no husband."

126Said, "You've told the truth. You've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband."

127 Now a few days before there, the teachers and rabbis of that day, the men that ought to have knowed better, said, "He is Beelzebub. He does that by an evil spirit." They had to answer their congregation. So they made up, said, "It's an evil spirit."

128And Jesus said, "I'll forgive you for that," the atonement hadn't been made. "But when the Holy Ghost is come to do the same thing, to speak against It will never be forgiven," and we know it happened when Titus, after they had rejected the Holy Spirit, Titus burnt the temple and scattered the Jews to all over the world. And they're just now gathering again, is fulfilling Scripture.

Now, notice, now this young woman.

129When, those Jews seen that done, and called It, "a evil spirit, an unclean spirit," the Bible said, "calling the Spirit of God, doing the work, an unclean Spirit, a devil," like a fortuneteller or some evil person.

130 And then, quickly, this woman knowed different. When He said, "Go get your husband."

She said, "I have none."

131He said, "You've said truth, 'cause you have five, and the one you're living with, not your husband."

132Look at this. Quickly she said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." Remember, they had had no prophets for nearly five hundred years. Malachi was the last Hebrew prophet. "We, we know that Messiah is coming, and this will be the identification of Messiah. We know, when He comes, this is what He'll do."

Jesus said, "I am He that speaks with you."

133And she took a policy. Uh-huh. And into the city she went, to scatter the good News, that she had found the Messiah. She had Eternal Life because she had believed on Him. How did she know? She seen the identification of the Scripture manifested by Him.

134"We know that, when the Messiah coming. Four hundred years we haven't had a prophet, and, when He comes, that'll be the next man on the scene. Now when He comes, we'll know Him, and He is to do that same thing."

135Said, "I am He." She took a policy. She was interested in it.

136 Nicodemus. Few moments, in closing now. Nicodemus, a rabbi, man of about eighty years old. He had been convinced that there was something about Jesus that was different than other man, so he wanted a policy. So he came by night, for the policy, and he found the bank open for business. Uh-huh.

137It's always open. It's open at a banquet. It's open out there on the street. It's open anywhere there is anybody ready to do business, this policy and the one who holds it.

He found the bank is open. He took a policy.

138 Now we know, in Luke 24:49, after Jesus had chose His disciples, they were holders of the Eternal Life policy. So now, you know, in a regular insurance policy, they always pay dividends. So they had already been accepted and chosen by Jesus, so they went up to Jerusalem, waiting till the Day of Pentecost, to get their dividends. And it paid off, with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and power to manifest Jesus Christ.

139 Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Orthodox, whoever you are, that claim to be Christians, why don't you do the same? You believe on Jesus Christ and become a member of the church, why don't you go up to Pentecost, get your dividends, the power of the Holy Spirit! Them policyholders drawed it. You can, too, if you believe it and really believe it.

140Peter speaking to them, said, "The promise is unto you and your children, to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." They wanted to know what to do. He said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of the Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." It was a promise.

141So if you're just a confessor, tonight, and have never drawed your dividends, why don't you bring your policy, tonight, let me talk it with you a little while. Kneel with me for a few minutes and find out if it isn't so. Be sincere about it. It'll pay off right now, if you're really holding a policy. He'll recognize the policy, your faith, if you say it's in God. If it's in God and in His Word, and not in some church or a denominational creed, but just believe in Jesus Christ, it'll pay off. He knows His Own policy.

142 Bringing another character in, just for a few moments. There was another rich Hebrew that met Jesus one day after His death, burial, and resurrection.

143If there should be a Hebrew here, tonight, or whoever you are, Him being crucified is not any excuse but what you can meet Him right here, just the same as--as the rich young ruler met Him. If you want a policy, He is here to do business.

144There was a man by the name of Saul, and he was taught in all the great teachings and traditions of his people. Gamaliel was his teacher, one of the finest Hebrew teachers of the time. And Saul was so zealous of this, until he stoned Stephens, or witnessing Stephen, or sanctioned it. Held the coats of those, while he sanctioned, having authority from the high priest to throw all them people, of that policy, in jail, because he had been told by his elders, that, "This Man was no prophet. There was nothing to this Man but a radic." And he had letters in his pockets, going down, because he heard there was some down at Damascus, holding that policy. And they had drawed interest on it, and they were really doing things.

145And the high priest told him, "Saul, you're a zealous man. Take this authority, from me, go down there and arrest every one of them, because they're nothing but radics, there nothing to them. Go down and bind them, and throw them in jail. You have to kill them, kill them, it's all right. Go get them!"

146Saul said, "Your honor, sir, holy father, I'll go." Down he went.

147On his road down, he was going about eleven o'clock in the day, nearing the city. All of a sudden, out of the heavens come the Pillar of Fire, struck him down. And he raised up to look, and there was that pillar of Fire before him.

148 Now to prove that to you. He was a Hebrew, and he would have never worshiped anything or called anything Lord, 'less he knowed it was Lord. And he knew, as a teacher under Gamaliel, that the Angel of the Lord, which was the Logos that went out of God, which was Christ that led them through the wilderness, was in the form of a Light, a Pillar of Fire. And when It struck him down, and he looked up and seen It there, he said, "Lord." Now, he would have never called nothing but That, Lord. But, being a Hebrew, he knowed that That was Jehovah. That's the reason he had the revelation, could say that Jesus of the New Testament was Jehovah of the Old. That was his revelation, 'cause he had seen Jehovah. And he said, "Lord, Who are You?"

149He said, "I am Jesus, and it's hard for you to kick against the pricks." And he took out a policy.

150Compare the two man together. One rich young Hebrew that wanted to hold to their traditions; another one that was convinced. One of them seen Him as a man, that God was made flesh in order to die and take away the sin.

151 The blood of lambs and things, the life was in there, couldn't come on the believer, because it's a lamb's life, it has no soul in it, a animal life. But this was God Himself, and, then we become born of that Spirit, we are sons and daughters of God, the Life that was on our Sacrifice.

Compare the two men together.

152Seen It vindicated, that God was in Christ. The same Pillar of Fire that had brought His people through the wilderness, and brought them to there, nourished them all the day. Remember, when Jesus was on earth, He said, "I come from God, and I go to God." He was the Pillar of Fire that took the children through the wilderness.

153The Bible said, that, "Moses esteemed the riches of Christ greater treasures than that of Egypt." He forsook Egypt, to follow Christ.

154When He was here, that Pillar of Fire was represented in Him, God. He said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not. The works tell you what I'm supposed to do. If I don't do that, then don't believe it. But if you can't believe Me..."

They said, "You're--You're a man making Yourself God."

155Said, "If you can't believe Me, as a Man, believe the works. They testify of Me." See?

156Now, when He was dead, buried, rose, ascended, here we find Him again in that Pillar of Fire. He had come from God, and went to God.

157He is still the same One, same One now. Notice, sure, same One that He was.

158And when Paul, or Saul then, recognized that God Jehovah, the Pillar of Fire of the Old Testament, had called Hisself Jesus, he took out his policy. He was ready for it then.

159 What a rashel decision for that young ruler! What a... How he must have... What, how could he do it? []

160What would you give in exchange for your soul? After all your buildings, and you--you leave it for your relatives to fight over, and everything, what about that soul and where you going to be? Remember, you'll be somewhere, thousands of years from tonight. This might be a time for you to make your decision.

161Notice what a rashel mistake this busi-... What a--what a poor businessman he was, to try to hold to a tradition, when it been proven to him and a vindicated that Here was Eternal Life, and he witnessed the same by asking Jesus about it.

162 Paul accepted it. We know how he come out. Like the people of the day, they like the popular opinion, and man's praise instead of the honor of God. Paul didn't care for the praise of man. He wanted the honor of God.

163Let's follow this young boy just a moment before we close. Let's follow him. We find the next place, that, this young fellow, you know what happened to him? He never become a pauper, for doing this. He never become a beggar on the street. He increased in goods. He had turned down the opportunity.

164Many times, people today will laugh and make fun of the Holy Spirit, then go on and increase in their business. You know, excuse this expression... But when they laughing, say, "Why, look, me! If there's anything to It, see, why, it'd happened to me, something would happened to me."

165You know, there is a--a--a proverb, that, "Fools will walk with hobnailed shoes where Angels fear to trod."

166This young ruler practically did that. See? He made a--a horrible mistake, and we find out that it never hindered his business. He increased. He got more popular, got more goods. We find out, after a while, that he had got so great till even he had to build new barns to put his stuff in.

167 And because that the church has turned down the Holy Spirit, in this last days, it's increased. And now you're going into the Ecumenical Council, just exactly what the Bible said you would do. Now you're really Laodicea, "rich and increased in goods," just exactly like that young man was.

168He was a type of the church, rejecting. Paul was a type of the one receiving. Both of them had the opportunity, as you have tonight, and I have.

169He increased in goods. So has the church, the Laodicean Age, increased in goods. And remember, he got so great, till he become so popular, till even the monarchs, the great people, begin to come. And he set a great banquet, one time.

170 And there was a holder of the Eternal Life policy at his bazaar, and we find out that he was laying down at the door. Oh, he might sweep some crumbs off to him. He had the opportunity again, a witness, Lazarus testifying to him. But he just swept the crumbs off, "Oh, well, I'll try this, take this quarter, or whatever," you know. That's about the attitude of 1964. "Oh, I'll help a little. That's all right, just let him go, see."

171But he held the policy. "The poor in spirit," Matthew 5 tells us that's the one, "theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

172He went on increasing in goods, and getting greater and more popular, and a great man, but his pay off finally come. It finally come. On earth he had a great pay off. He had a great funeral service, no doubt. The great denominational preacher come, probably spoke great words over him. They might have half-masted the flag. Fine businessmen packed him to his burial. But the Bible said, "in hell," his pay off come for rejecting the Eternal Life policy.

173 "In hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torment." And he looked off across the great chasm, that Jesus said no man has ever crossed or ever will, and he found the policyholder of Eternal Life, comforted, on the other side. Both of them. One had received It. Both had their pay off. The crumb-sweeper had the pay off. And now the rich man becomes the beggar, "Let the policyholder come back and touch my lips with a--a little water, for these flames are tormenting me."

174Don't make the same mistake, businessman. You are mortal just like they were. You've got to make a decision. Make your investment now. Make it sure. "Make your election, calling sure." Take out one of the policies.

175Look just--just a moment or two more, if you can. When Moses, who forsook, being a king of Egypt, a Pharaoh, esteeming the reproach of Christ. Pharaoh looked out upon them people as a bunch of mud dubbers, but Moses looked upon them as the people with a promise.

How do you look on them, God's people?

176Moses had his pay off. Watch his pallbearers. The Bible said they were "Angels." Why? Nobody else could take him where he was going. They were his pallbearers.

177 There was Elijah in the time that all the women cut their hair, like Mrs. Kennedy and them does today. Painted their faces, a Jezebel. A king and all the people went worldly; the church did, too. And God sent in a prophet, by the name of Elijah, to condemn that thing. After he had got old and tired, he was ready to go Home, he didn't even have to die. His pay off come, also, God just sent him down a chariot and some horses, and packed him on up into the Heavens.

178Stephens, who stood at the Sanhedrin, spoke out to them and said, "Oh, you stiffnecks, uncircumcised in heart and ears, rejecting the policy, you always resist the Holy Ghost. Like your fathers did, so do you." At his death, he had a pay off. He looked up and saw Heavens opened, Jesus standing on the right side.

179 Moody, the last days, about a hundred years ago, a little Chicago shoe cobbler, could hardly write his name. Paper sent to interview Moody, one time. His ministry was so outstanding, they wanted to see him put in the paper what made it; what was about Moody, what kind of a preacher he must be, and a dynamic preacher. So they sent for an interview, to write in their editorial. And Moody couldn't even read it after they wrote it, so his manager had to read it for him. And he said...

180Here is the way the editorial read. It said, "Why anybody would go to hear Dwight Moody preach, it's more than I can say." Said, "The first thing, he is the ugliest man I ever seen, baldheaded and whiskers hanging down." And said, "He's as--he's as big around as he is tall." And said, "When he tries to preach, he can't read. And he whines when he preaches, talks through his nose, and lisps."

181When he got through, Mr. Moody just shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Sure not. They come to see Christ." So that was it. No matter what the critics was, he held a policy.

182And when he was dying, and the doctor said, "That's death that struck, Mr. Moody."

183He raised up, he said, "You call this death? This is my coronation day." See? He held the policy.

184 My good friend, Paul Rader. When I was a little boy, I was--I was ordained in the Missionary Baptist church, and Paul Rader was a Missionary Baptist also, so, Fort Wayne, when I used to go hear him preach. Later, got over here on the West Coast and got so much trouble, and finance trouble till he got sick, finally led to cancer, and he was dying. Him and Luke had went together all their life, stuck together like my son and I.

185So when Paul was dying, the Moody Bible Institute sent down a quartet, and they were standing there. Paul had a sense of humor. And he was... The little mighty... little Moody Bible Institute, with this choir, had sent down there, or a quartet, and they were singing, "Nearer, My God, To Thee."

186Paul turned over and throwed the sheet off of him. He said, "Who is dying, me or you?" See? He said, "Raise up them shades, and sing me some good snappy Gospel songs." And they begin to sing:

Down at the cross where my Saviour died,

Down there for cleansing from sin I cried;

There to my heart was the Blood applied;

Glory to His Name!

187Paul said, "Where is my brother, Luke?" Luke was in the next room. He didn't want to see his brother die. Said, "Tell him to come here."

188So Luke walked in. Many of you knew him, big heavyset fellow. He walked in. Paul reached out his hand, laying on the bed, and took Luke by the hand and looked up in his face, said, "Luke, we've come a long ways together. But think of it, Luke; in five minutes from now I'll be standing in the Presence of Jesus Christ, clothed in His righteousness." Holding his brother's hands, his policy paid off.

189 Old Doctor Bosworth, that was here the last time, with me, next to the last time, eighty-four years old, just returning from Africa. I had a call to "come to Miami." I tore the tires off my car, nearly, to get there. Said, "He was dying." I rushed to him. I knowed he was a policyholder. I went down.

190I went in the room there. The little baldheaded fellow with his arms up, his little skinny arms. I run to him and fell on my face, and cried, "My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof!" Put his hands upon me and blessed me.

I said, "Brother Bosworth, can I pray for you?"

Said, "No." Said, "I'm not sick."

I said, "What's the matter, Brother Bosworth?"

Said, "I'm just going Home."

191I said, "I knew that." And I said, "I want to ask you something, Brother Bosworth." I said, "When was the greatest time of your life and your ministry? You been serving God before I was born. We've been on the mission fields together. We've been in storms, in the air and on the sea. You stood by me when I seen devils on every side, and witchdoctors. And was great thrills when we seen God paralyze them standing there. What was the greatest thrill of your life?"

192He said, "Right now." He was fixing to cash in his policy. He said, "All I've lived for, Brother Branham, has been Jesus Christ, and any minute He'll walk in the door to take me Home."

193 Yes, those were policyholders that give everything they had, and invested it in the Pearl of great price. Won't you invest, tonight, too, while we bow our heads?

194I cannot see across the audience. I do not know what's... how many, or who is looking in, in the closed-circuit television tonight. I'm going to ask you, friend, let not this be idle words. You're a mortal. You must die. You know it. And it may be before morning your time will come. I'm not... a person not much on persuading; and, because Jesus said, "All the Father has given Me will come." If there is a room in the heart for that policy, tonight, won't you accept It? That policy is Christ, God's love-offer policy for you, His Word to become alive in your heart, making you part of Him. He is the Word. Accept Him into your life. Won't you do it, and make this great investment?

195As far as I can see, I can't see but about ten feet from me, or fifteen. I'm going to ask you to raise up your hands if you'd like to receive one the Eternal Life policies. Say, "I want it, Brother Branham. Just remember me in your prayers. You don't see my hand, but God does."

196 Our Heavenly Father, this simple, rude, yet true story of life. I spoke it this way, Lord, because that people, business people, would understand it more in the way of being something represented here on earth. That's the reason I call it a policy. Forgive me if I was wrong in calling it that. For, we are now in a--a real sacred moment, where no doubt that there is many thinking seriously now, knowing that they too have to have a pay off on whatever they have here, and they see what it means to turn down.

197Now, that young man, as I know, perhaps being so popular amongst the people, he remained in church, he kept the commandments, he did not commit adultery, or steal, or do those things, but in his own heart he knew that he didn't have Eternal Life. Make those, Lord, who are trying to meet You, for Eternal Life, with just those moral traits, may they tonight receive the invitation, and just stay at their feet, and say, "Lord, I'll do anything that You ask me to do." Grant it, Lord.

198They're all Yours now. I commit everything to You. And if the seed has fallen anywhere, Lord, upon any ground, any predestinated seed, for many years has been hungering and thirsting, it might have fell on some somewhere tonight. May they receive Life, Father, for I ask it in Jesus Christ's Name.

199And with our heads bowed continually, I'm going to ask Brother Pearry, if he will, to come here and remain, take the remaining of the service.

1 ...mať týchto pár minút s vami ľuďmi. A vďačím bratovi Pearrymu za pozvanie na toto miesto a za všetku vašu spoluprácu. Zdá sa mi, že toto je naša tretia návšteva tohto krásneho mesta. Vždy sme tu natrafili na priateľských ľudí, ktorí rozprávajú, pomáhajú bez ohľadu na to, či vás poznajú alebo nie. Navštevujem niektoré miesta obchodníkov. Ako krásne… vždy sa to tu zdá byť iné ako tam hore na studenom severe. Vidia, ako tam prídete, čakajú na vás, počúvajú a odídu a to je všetko; ale zriedka sa vám podarí dostať sa na miesto, kde nájdete niekoho, kto povie, „Ďakujem. Príď nás ešte niekedy navštíviť.“ Mám to rád.

2 No, myslím, že tu brat Pearry (tak ho volám, je to… Som starší ako jeho otec, takže myslím, že ho môžem volať brat Pearry)… Ledva sme toho chlapca poznali, len potom, ako predstavili môjho syna, Billyho Paula, ktorý s ním chodil do školy. Ak je niekto v okolí tohto mesta, kto má na dosah televíziu, to bude v poslednom dni všetko zničené a nebude to preto, že brat Pearry nevynaložil všetko úsilie, ktoré mohol, aby priviedol ľudí ku Kristovi. Istotne nenechal kameň na kameni ohľadom týchto vecí. Takže považujem to za veľkú výsadu, že tu môžem byť.

 Keď sa ma brat Pearry pýtal, či budem hovoriť na jednom malom bankete, ktorý tam mal, že tam budú aj nejakí jeho obchodní kolegovia… Ja istotne nie som žiaden rečník. Netvrdím, že som niečo také. Ale myslel som si, že by som… že by to bola pre mňa česť, potom, čo som dostal také pozvanie, aby som hovoril pred jeho obchodnými kolegami.

 Mám to privilégium, že môžem cestovať medzinárodne okolo celého sveta a hovoriť na väčšine zhromaždení obchodníkov plného Evanjelia. Viem, že toto je len taký krátky čas obecenstva, takže rád by som vyjadril niečo, čo bolo veľmi milé.

 Raz bol jeden človek, potom, čo som skončil s hovorením, boli tam všetko obchodníci, takže potom za mnou prišiel jeden chlapík a povedal, „Ty si kazateľ, že?“

 Povedal som, „Tak veru.“

 On povedal, „Čo tu potom robíš s týmito obchodníkmi?“

 Povedal som, „Ja sám som obchodník.“

 On povedal, „Ó, naozaj?“

 „Áno,“ odvetil som.

 On povedal, „Čo za obchodníka to teda si?“

 Nato som povedal, „Uistenie večného života.“ A nerozumel ma len tak ľahko. Povedal som to rýchlo.

 On povedal, „Ó, poistenie večného života?“ Ja som nepovedal, „poistenie“; povedal som, „uistenie.“ Ale to som mu nepovedal. A on povedal, „Večný Život.“ Povedal, „Neviem o tom, nemyslím, že by som o tom niekedy počul.“

 Povedal som, „To je zlé.“

 „No,“ odpovedal, „kde majú stredisko?“

 Povedal som, „V nebi.“ Stále som v tom obchodníkom. Nemám problém potom, ako sa skončí toto večerné zhromaždenie, rozprávať o podmienkach tejto poistnej zmluvy. Svoju prácu robím s nadšením. A tak ja som vôbec nepovedal, „poistenie“; povedal som, „uistenie.“ Poistenie je v poriadku, tomu rozumiem.

3 Pamätám sa… samozrejme, teraz nemám žiadne. Pamätám sa, po tom, ako som sa oženil, moja žena a ja sme sedeli jedného dňa v dome a jeden môj dobrý priateľ… Môj brat je poisťovací agent na juhozápade. Tento chlapec bol obchodným zástupcom pre Prudential. Chodil som s ním do školy, veľmi milý chlapec. Jeho brat napísal, „Horná komnata“ na… Myslím, že je baptistický kazateľ a píše články pre jedny noviny, ktoré sa volajú „Horná sieň“ - veľmi milí ľudia.

 A tak jedného dňa ku mne prišiel a povedal, „Billy, počujem, že máš nejaké problémy s poistením.“

 Povedal som, „Áno.“

 On povedal, „Spôsobilo to v tebe nejaké nevrlé pocity voči nemu?“

 „Nie, nie moc,“ odpovedal som.

 On povedal, „Myslel som si, že k tebe pôjdem a porozprávame sa o poistnej zmluve.“

 Povedal som, „Nuž,“ povedal som, „Wilmer, vďaka.“ Povedal som, „Ja už mám uistenie.“

 A on povedal, „Ó, je mi ľúto.“

 A moja žena sa na mňa pozrela, akoby som bol pokrytec.

 Ona vedela, že som žiadne nemal. Trochu šokovaná sa na mňa pozrela. Povedal som…

 „Ó,“ on povedal, „je mi ľúto, Billy.“ Musel si myslieť, že som to mal so svojím bratom Jessem.

 A povedal som… Moja žena sa na mňa pozrela a ja som povedal, „Áno, mám uistenie.“

 A on povedal, „S akou spoločnosťou ho máš?“

 A povedal som mu to isté, „Večný Život.“

 On povedal, „Ó,“ povedal, „to je všetko?“

 „Áno,“ povedal som, „Mám požehnané uistenie, Ježiš je môj. Ó, čo za predchuť Božskej slávy! Som dedičom spasenia, kúpený Bohom; zrodený z Ducha, obmytý v Jeho Krvi.“

 On povedal, „Billy, to je veľmi milé. Cením si to. Ale to ti nezabezpečí miesto na cintoríne.“

 „Ale,“ povedal som, „ono ma to odtiaľ dostane! Neobávam sa… Nestarám sa o to, že tam pôjdem, ale o to, že odtiaľ odídem.“ Rád by som sa s vami rozprával o poistnej zmluve potom, ako sa skončí zhromaždenie. Som si istý, že je to správne.

 No, zvyčajne to robím tak, že ľudia stoja, keď sa číta Slovo. Ale dnes večer sa to pokúsim vynechať, lebo je to pre vás ťažké tak stáť. Ale ešte predtým, ako prečítame Slovo, skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy, ako sme tu doteraz tak trochu žartovali a nechali to trochu voľne ísť.

 Poďme teraz k tej svätej stránke a úprimnosti a obráťme svoje srdcia k nebu, ako otvoríme Slovo. No, každý človek, ktorý je schopný hýbať rukami, dokáže otvoriť Bibliu. Ale nie je nikto, kto dokáže otvoriť porozumenie, jedine veľký Duch Svätý. A tak hovorme ku Nemu.

4 Náš Nebeský Otče, sme dnes večer istotne nadšení, že môžeme byť tu zhromaždení s touto skupinou ľudí po tejto strane večnosti a že môžeme mať toto príjemné obecenstvo, ako tu sedíme dnes večer okolo týchto stolov a pozeráme sa jeden na druhého – na obchodných kolegov a kresťanov – sme si vedomí toho, že príde iný čas, kedy sa všetci spolu stretneme. Veríme, že všetci tam budeme, každý bude prítomný na tej veľkej svadobnej večeri tam v povetrí, kde príde ten veľký Kráľ, zotrie všetky slzy z našich očí a povie, „Konali ste správne, moji dobrí a verní sluhovia. Vstúpte do radostí svojho Pána, ktoré vám pripravil pred založením sveta.“

 ...ak sú tu nejakí, Pane, ktorí Ťa takým spôsobom nepoznajú, a modlím sa dnes večer, aby bolo niečo povedané alebo povedané, čo spôsobí, že zmenia svoje spôsoby myslenia a obrátia sa k Tebe: či to je priamo tu alebo prostredníctvom vysielania alebo cez pásky, tí, ktorí to budú počúvať. Požehnaj nás teraz spolu a požehnaj čítanie Tvojho Slova. Obráť naše srdcia a myšlienky ku koncu tohto života a v akom stave v tom čase budeme. Lebo sme si istí, Otče, že všetci z nás musia tento svet opustiť. Sme smrteľníci. A tak nech hľadíme na toho Večného, toho Jediného, ktorý nám môže dať život, ktorý siaha poza toto. V Mene Ježiša Krista o to prosíme. Amen.

5 Rád by som na chvíľu teraz zaujal vašu pozornosť na čítanie Božieho Slova. Chcel by som začať čítať od Evanjelia sv. Marka, myslím, že to je 10. kapitola, od 17. verša.

A keď vychádzal na cestu, pribehol nejaký mladý človek, ktorý padol pred ním na kolená a pýtal sa ho: Dobrý Učiteľu, čo mám učiniť, aby som dedične obdržal večný život?

A Ježiš mu povedal: Prečo ma nazývaš dobrým? Nikto nie je dobrý, iba jeden, Bôh.

A prikázania vieš: Nescudzoložíš, nezabiješ, neukradneš, nepovieš falošného svedectva, neolúpiš nikoho, cti svojho otca i svoju mať!

A on mu povedal: Učiteľu, to všetko som zachoval od svojej mladosti.

Vtedy Ježiš pozrúc na neho zamiloval si ho a povedal mu: Jedno ti chýba: iď, predaj všetko, čo máš, a daj chudobným a budeš mať poklad v nebi a vezmi kríž, poď a nasleduj ma!

Ale on sa zarmútil nad tým slovom a odišiel smutný, lebo mal mnoho majetku.

 Nech Boh pridá požehnania do tohto Slova, ako sa pokúsime z tohto textu vyvodiť kontext.

6 No, keď teraz o tom rozmýšľam, keďže som s obchodníkmi a vždy… Myslím, že obchodníci majú vždy záujem o dobré investície, takže to chcem teraz vziať ako svoj text na túto chvíľu, „Investície.“ Dobrý obchodník vždy hľadá dobrú rozumnú investíciu. Ak nie, potom nie je dobrým obchodníkom. Musí hľadať niečo, čo je reálne. A rád by som s vami hovoril o pozvaní, ktoré som vám pred chvíľou dal ohľadom toho zaistenia večného života, keďže som sa uviedol ako obchodník. A ja mám svoj biznis a rád by som s vami o ňom trochu hovoril. A mám tu zapísaných pár miest Písma a textov – rád by som tieto poznámky teraz použil.

7 Hazardovať nie je dobrý biznis. Každý človek vie, že hazardovanie nie je dobrý obchod, lebo je to risk. Nikdy alebo aspoň zriedka vidíte hazardného hráča… Jedného dňa je boháč; a na druhý deň je z neho žobrák. Takže je to veľký risk, keď hazardujete. Myslím si, že hazardný hráč koná bez rozmýšľania a nevyhliada do budúcnosti, lebo ináč by nehazardoval.

8 A ja neverím v žiadne investície typu „zbohatni zo dňa na deň,“ ktoré majú nejaké neidentifikované podniky. No, každý poriadny obchodník by nič takto neriskoval, už vôbec nie zárobky, úspory svojho života, ktoré získal. A vy by ste to investovali do nejakého „zbohatni rýchlo a ľahko.“ Je to nestotožnené – niekto behá s takýmito nápadmi. Myslím, že tu máme jedno uistenie. Nie je k tomu žiaden podklad. Myslím, že správny zdravo zmýšľajúci človek by bol blázon, ak by robil takú investíciu v takej spoločnosti, pretože…

9 Raz som mal jedného priateľa, ktorý také niečo skúšal. A keď to skúsil, stratil všetko, čo mal. Prišiel o všetky svoje zárobky (už bol na pokraji dôchodku). A pomyslel si, „Nuž, trošku si zahazardujem, veď sa zdá, že ten človek vie, o čom hovorí.“ Ale čoskoro zistil, že tá spoločnosť bola podvodnícka, nemala k tomu žiadne papiere. A tak ten chudák chlap prišiel o všetko, čo mal. Takže ja si myslím, že keď chce človek urobiť tú správnu investíciu, mal by si prv overiť firmu alebo spoločnosť, s ktorou má tú investíciu, aby zistil, do čoho sa púšťa. Myslím, že každý rozumný zdravo zmýšľajúci človek by to tak urobil.

10 Ešte predtým, ako sa od tohto pohneme, tak by som rád povedal, že to nie je dobrý nápad držať si peniaze vo vrecku. Mnohí ľudia povedia, „Dám si to do vrecka a hotovo.“ Ale viete, vy, obchodníci a obchodníčky, vy nemyslíte v týchto sférach. A to nie je dobré, lebo to môže byť ukradnuté. Najlepšie je udržiavať to v obehu.

11 Ako raz Pán povedal… Dal toľkým ľuďom talenty a každý z nich s tým urobil investíciu. A tí, ktorí investovali rozumne, tým dal ich podiel.

 Ale keď mu jeden povedal, „Ja som si to len nechal. Nechcel som to riskovať. Nechal som si ich vo vrecku,“ alebo, „niekde som to zakopal.“ Potom mu On vzal to, čo mu dal, a dal to tomu, ktorý z toho dostal viac talentov, ktorý urobil tú správnu investíciu. A to je spôsob, ako náš Pán robí veci.

12 Ale ak by ste chceli investovať do niečoho, v čom by ste si chceli byť istí, našli by ste nejakú spoľahlivú firmu, ktorá je overená, že vám všetko správne vráti. A to je tá správna rozumná investícia, potom, čo ste si overili firmu. Keď poznáte jej minulosť a rozprávali ste s niekým, kto s touto spoločnosťou mal v minulosti nejaké obchody a počujete svedectvo každého jedného. Správne, na sto percent majú všetky svoje financie do bodky. A to je skvelý finančný kapitál za tým – tá firma nekrachuje. A to je tá správna rozumná investícia. Ľudia sa toto učia celý život.

13 No, dnes večer hovoríme z miesta Písma o jednom mladom židovskom chlapcovi, ktorý bol bohatým typom mladého človeka. Možno pochádzal z ozaj dobrého domu. Bezpochyby jeho svedectvo ukázalo, že pochádzal z dobrého domu. V Biblii je nazvaný „bohatý mládenec.“ [v Biblii KJV „bohatý mladý panovník“ – pozn.prekl.] Dnes večer to trochu zmením a nazvem ho „bohatý mladý obchodník“ lebo on mal svoj obchod, biznis, a mal o ten biznis záujem.

14 Jeho otec bol bezpochyby veľký úspešný obchodník, ináč by pravdepodobne nemal to, čo mal. Ale on bol vychovaný ako obchodník. A videl niečo v tomto mladom chlapíkovi z Galiley, tento mladý prorok menom Ježiš z Nazaretu. Určite už počul svojho kňaza hovoriť o Ňom a možno aj proti Nemu. Ale keď prvýkrát zazrel Pána Ježiša, bolo na ňom niečo, čo bolo iné od akéhokoľvek iného človeka.

 A poviem toto, ako kresťan, je to skutočne… nezmenilo sa to. V zemi máme veľkých teológov, po celom svete (máme ich už tisíce rokov), ktorí nám môžu predstaviť nejaké vyznanie (oni sú v tých vyznaniach vyškolení) a cirkev, ktorá je pevne založená. Ale to stále nie sú podmienky poistnej zmluvy, o ktorej dnes večer hovorím. Hovorím o večnom živote.

15 A tento mladý chlapík, vediac, že bol členom cirkvi, ale keď v Ježišovi videl niečo iné… Bola mu daná príležitosť urobiť investíciu, keď našiel Ježiša a videl, čo On robil; a čítal Bibliu a v Ježišovi mohol vidieť, že práve to, čo… Počul svojich prorokov, ako to čítali v cirkvi a čím boli, a bezpochyby to mal všetko preštudované. A potom, keď uvidel toho Ježiša z Nazaretu, ktorý bol údajne medzi ľuďmi prorokom, videl v tomto človeku niečo, čo Ho identifikovalo s Písmami.

16 A myslím, že dnes sa to veľmi nezmenilo. Čitatelia Biblie a milovníci Biblie – keď skutočne zachytíme záblesk v našej intelektualite, čím Ježiš bol a kým On je, to mení celý náš prístup. Nie je nikto ako On. Bez ohľadu na to, ako pekne sme povedali… Rozumieme, že… predpokladáme, že On nemal žiadne alebo aspoň veľmi málo školenia, a hovoril ako úplne bežný človek, bol oblečený ako bežný človek a žil s bežnými ľuďmi; ale jednako bolo na tomto človeku niečo pozoruhodné. A priťahovalo to pozornosť tohto mladého muža natoľko, že… On mal snáď všetko bohatstvo sveta, ktoré potreboval a ktoré by kedy v živote použil, a bol s tým spokojný. Ale uvidel, že tento človek hľadel na budúcnosť a povedal mu veci, ktoré mali prísť a identifikoval Samého Seba v Písme. A Boh zidentifikoval Samého Seba v tomto človeku.

17 No, každý človek, ktorý žije a ktorý je duševne zdravý, sa vždy zaujíma o to, odkiaľ je, kým je a kam smeruje. Bolo napísaných veľa kníh. Filozofovia povstali a upadli. Ale je len jedna jediná kniha, ktorá ti povie, kým si, odkiaľ pochádzaš a kam ideš. A to je Biblia. To je tá jediná kniha. Zo všetkých tých pekných kníh, ktoré máme, všetky z nich by ste mohli zahodiť do koša. Toto tu je pravda. Všetko, čo je v protiklade s týmto, nie je pravda.

 „Nebo a zem pominú; ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie. Každé slovo človeka bude lžou; každé Božie bude pravda.“ A keď uvidíte pred sebou niečo tak jednoznačné… A Písma zasľúbili na ten deň, kým bude Mesiáš, a tento mladý muž to videl, ako to bolo identifikované Bohom; a to robilo Ježiša úplne odlišného od akéhokoľvek iného človeka, ktorého predtým videl.

18 Takže jemu bola daná príležitosť. Keď našiel Pána Ježiša a pravdepodobne Ho videl na svojich zhromaždeniach a v bohoslužbách, bežal k Nemu a padol Mu k nohám, ukázal, že jeho prístup bol ten správny. A povedal, „Dobrý Majster, čo by som mal robiť, aby som mal večný život?“ A to bola tá otázka – nie jeho peniaze; nie, „Mohol by som sa stať členom vašej cirkvi, pane?“; alebo, „Mohol by som patriť do vašej organizácie?“; ale, „Čo mám urobiť, aby som mal večný život?“ To bola tá otázka.

19 A jemu bola daná tá príležitosť, aby to prijal, ale on urobil unáhlené rozhodnutie. Zavrhol to. Nemal o to záujem, keď zistil, čo s tým išlo. Uvedomil si, že aby to urobil, musel by sa vzdať svojej popularity, lebo Ježiš bol nepopulárny – neverilo sa mu medzi (povedal by som, že zhruba) 90% ľuďmi, alebo možno 95%… Neverilo sa mu, bol považovaný za nejakú osobu so zlým duchom a mnohí Ho nazývali Belzebubom, diablom. A jednako Písma Ho identifikovali presne do bodky. On sa na Ne odvolával hovoriac, „Skúmate Písma; hovoríte, že v nich máte večný život: a sú to Ony, čo svedčia o Mne (o tom, kým Som).“

20 Tento židovský chlapec bol vychovávaný v dome a vedel, že Biblia im jasne hovorila (tie zvitky), že Boh, Jehova, povedal, že, „Ak by medzi vami povstal niekto, kto je duchovný alebo prorok, Ja, Pán, sa mu dám poznať vo videniach. A ak sa to, čo hovorí, stane, potom toho proroka počúvajte, lebo Ja Som s ním. Ale ak sa to nestane, potom ho nepočúvajte.“ To je jasná reč. Je to rozumné myslenie. Ak to povedal a nestane sa to, potom to je lož. Boh to nepovedal. Ale ak to on hovorí a stane sa to, je to pravda. A nič nie je pravdivejšie ako pravda.

21 A tak tento mladý muž toto videl v Pánovi Ježišovi a vedel, že On držal kľúče do večného života a on chcel tento večný život. Ale odmietol tú príležitosť urobiť túto investíciu. On nemal záujem o takú investíciu, hoci On bol jasne potvrdený, že je Syn Boží – bol dokonale identifikovaný. Panna počala a porodila Syna. On splnil každé znamenie, ktoré mal Mesiáš mať. Ale na to, aby Ho prijal, musel sa odvrátiť od svojej tradície. Musel sa od toho odvrátiť.

22 Chceli by sme to tomuto židovskému chlapcovi pripísať. Ale je to ozaj zlé, že takisto si to musíme všimnúť i dnes. Je to veľká cena. Môžeme prispievať dnešným cirkvám. A mnohí ľudia, ktorí sa nazývajú veriaci a nie sú ochotní oddeliť sa a opustiť veci tohto sveta, ako sa to vyžadovalo aj od tohto bohatého mládenca, aby mohol mať večný život. Ale my, potom, ako to vidíme identifikované skrze Písmo, že tie poistné podmienky sú darované komukoľvek, kto to chce prijať...

23 Ako som už povedal, on videl v Ježišovi niečo, čo nikto iný nevidel. Ale tá cena bola tak veľká, že ju nechcel zaplatiť. Dnes je to to isté, verím, že možno dnes večer hovorím k rôznym denomináciám: metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, rímski katolíci, ortodoxní, židia, budhisti, to sú obchodníci v týchto mestách. Ale existuje...

24 Skutočne, keď vidíte vlastnými očami niečo, čo Písmo identifikuje, že je pravda, boli by sme tými najnerozumnejšími ľuďmi, ak máme o večný život záujem, keby sme To odmietli. Bolo by to unáhlené rozhodnutie, ako to, ktoré urobil tento mladý muž. Mnohokrát, dokonca aj naši kňazi robia túto istú náhlivú chybu, aj napriek tomu, že sú vyučení študenti vo vyznaniach, ktoré poznajú od A po Z. Ale pamätajte, tí kňazi v tom dni tiež poznali tie zvitky od A po Z; ale nedokázali uvidieť, čo tento mladý človek videl. A on mal záujem o to, aby mu Ježiš dal večný život. Ale keď zistil, čo ho to má stáť, potom ten záujem stratil.

25 Viete, Biblia nám hovorí, že v tomto veku, v ktorom žijeme, a ako aj náš drahý brat Pearry tu, ako nám to vysvetlil, že on veril, že v týchto posledných dňoch… Istotne tomu pevne verím z celého srdca. Verím, že Písmo to identifikuje; verím, že veda to identifikuje. Vedci hovoria, že sú tri minúty do polnoci. Naše programy, ktoré vidíme v televízii a v rádiu a ako sa ľudia správajú… Ako som tu už poznamenal, alebo niekde inde, že mi to pripomína (všetko to ich správanie), pripomína mi to malého chlapca, ktorý sa prechádza po cintoríne o polnoci a píska si, snaží sa presvedčiť samého seba, že sa nebojí. Ale on sa bojí.

26 To je to, čo sa dnes deje so všetkým tým, ku čomu sa obraciame, všetko to naše populárne správanie. Snažíme sa ľudí presvedčiť, že nevieme, že tá hodina je nablízku. Ale vieme, že je. Naši vedci to vedia, naši… Pentagon to vie, všetci to vieme, že niečo sa chystá stať. Môžete to cítiť v povetrí, vieme, že to je nablízku.

27 A naša Biblia nám hovorí v Zjavení, v 3. kapitole, že cirkev v tomto veku bude identifikovaná presne ako ten mladý židovský chlapec: bohatá, nemajúca nedostatku, tento Laodicejský vek (ak tu niekedy budú kazatelia alebo čitatelia Biblie). Toto je Laodicejský vek. A hovorí to tu, „…lebo som bohatá, sedím ako kráľovná a nič nepotrebujem.“

 Povedal, „Či nevieš, že si biedny, chudobný, slepý, mizerný a nahý, a nevieš o tom?“

28 Smutná stránka tohto citátu z Písma je, že ak vidíme človeka alebo osobu na ulici, ktorý je slepý a nahý a mizerný a biedny, bol by to hrozný pohľad. Každý by sa k nim hneď rozbehol a povedal by, „Priateľu, si nahý. Musíš… si odhalený. Poď rýchlo dovnútra, dám ti nejaké šaty. A niekam ťa vezmem a pokúsim sa zohnať lekára alebo niečo, aby ti prinavrátil zrak,“ alebo, že by sa snažil pre tú osobu niečo urobiť.

29 Čo ak by ste stretli takého človeka a on by sa k vám obrátil a povedal vám, aby ste sa starali o seba? On ani nevie, že je v takom stave. No, ak ste na tom tak a viete o tom, to ešte nie je také zlé. Ale keď ste na tom tak a neviete o tom, to je ten horší prípad. Nedokážete ich presvedčiť. A toto Písmo sa musí vyplniť, lebo všetky Písma sa musia vyplniť.

30 Biblia povedala, že toto bude jej stav v týchto posledných dňoch. A oni zavrhnú Ježiša; a On bol von pred cirkvou a snažil sa dostať dnu a oni ho odmietli, tak jasne ako tento židovský chlapec. A toto bola pohanská cirkev, cirkev nevesty, tí vyvolaní, ktorí sú nazývaní kresťanská cirkev v týchto dňoch. Ale oni Ho vylúčili z toho istého dôvodu, z akého Ho aj tento židovský obchodník odmietol. Tá cena bola príliš vysoká. Nemohli to prijať.

31 Biblia tu hovorí, že sú bohatí, hovorí, že nepotrebujú ničoho. Tento mladý chlapec bol bohatý, nič mu nechýbalo. „Sme slušná denominácia. Máme tu vybudovaný poriadok. Máme tu bratstvo. Máme všetko toto a tamto. Máme naše vyznania už vyše stovky rokov. Nič nám nechýba. Nič nám o tom nehovorte.“ Toto je ešte arogantnejší prístup, ako mal tento mladý muž. On nezaujal až takýto postoj. Biblia hovorí, že Ježiš sa na neho pozrel a zamiloval si ho.

32 Zaujíma ma, či dnes, v strede všetkého nášho zmiešania a svetskosti, a napriek tomu sa snažíme držať naše kresťanské vyznania, či to nie je láska Božia, ktorá núti tú službu, aby zostávala na svojom poli? Zaujíma ma, či to nie je to isté, ako keď Ho tu nachádzame, ako klope na dvere a snaží sa dostať dnu. Nachádzame tieto veci, že ony… Po celé veky to takto bolo.

33 No, aby som teraz ušetril čas a nehovoril len o tých podmienkach poistnej zmluvy, a len aby som to tak dočasne objasnil… Tento bohatý mládenec, on neprosil o to, či by sa mohol pridať do cirkvi; on už patril do cirkvi. Dokázal to. Ježiš mu povedal, „Dodržiavaj prikázania. Poznáš ich. Nečiň cudzoložstvo, nekradni, neklam, nepodvádzaj. A cti svojho otca i svoju mať.“

 A tento mladý muž potvrdil, že bol správnym kultúrnym chlapcom; nie nejaký, ako tomu dnes hovoríme, chuligán. On bol správnym typom chlapca, bol vychovaný v dobrom dome. On povedal, „Učiteľu, tieto veci robím odmalička, celý svoj život.“ Vidíte, on potvrdil, že jeho rodičia boli správnymi rodičmi. Chodieval do cirkvi, ktorá verila v dodržiavanie prikázaní.

34 Ale jednako v tej cirkvi, aj keď tam dodržiavali prikázania, stále nedokázal odpovedať na to, čo videl v Ježišovi. On vedel, že so svojím vyznaním a so svojou cirkvou a s dodržiavaním prikázaní, že to nám stále nedá večný život. A ak to tak nebolo vtedy, nie je to tak ani dnes. Je tam niečo, čo musíš urobiť ty.

35 No, zisťujeme, že to nebolo preto, žeby nebol členom cirkvi, ani preto, že by nebol morálne v poriadku. On bol. Ale mohol byť členom cirkvi a morálne v poriadku a stále neobdržať večný život. Nepoznať Slovo… Niektorí z nich sú teológovia a učenci a učitelia nedeľnej školy, výskumníci Biblie. Ale to nič neznamená. Satan pozná Bibliu lepšie ako ktokoľvek z nás. Biblia hovorí, že poznať Jeho je život, nie poznať Slovo; poznať Jeho je život. Satan tiež verí a trasie sa. Ale my musíme mať prežitie smrti, pochovania a vzkriesenia z nášho starého života do toho nového, ktorý pochádza od Krista, ktorý prichádza len skrze Ducha Svätého, ten nový život. No, preskúmajme niektorých týchto ľudí naprieč vekmi, ktorí túto vec dodržiavali, a pozrime sa, či sa im to vyplatilo alebo nie. Potom by som vám rád priniesol, ako som to už na začiatku spomenul, že by ste to mali s niekým najprv prediskutovať, predtým, ako urobíte nejakú investíciu. Zistíme, čo sa stane, či… či sa to vyplatí alebo nie? Tak by ste to mali robiť vo svojom obchode. Chcem hovoriť o niektorých, ktorí tento systém dodržiavali.

36 Chcem vašu pozornosť dnes večer obrátiť späť do Genesis, na proroka menom Noe. Hoci bol veľmi skúšaný, akokoľvek len mohol… Satan skúšal každý možný spôsob, aby ho donútil vzdať sa toho poistenia; ale Noe držal zasľúbenie Božie - poistenie života - lebo Boh mu povedal, že všetko mimo tej archy bude zničené. A hoci sa to zdalo byť pre to moderné myslenie ľudí toho dňa nezvyčajné...

37 To je dôvod, prečo je Evanjelium dnes tým, čím je. Je to tá nezvyčajnosť, lebo Boh je nezvyčajný. Jeho Slovo je vykladané nezvyčajným spôsobom v porovnaní s tým, čo si my často vykladáme. Ale ako som už povedal, Boh nepotrebuje nikoho, kto by vykladal Jeho Slovo. On vykladá Svoje vlastné Slovo tým, že vypĺňa veci, o ktorých povedal, že ich urobí. On nepotrebuje náš výklad. Je to… náš výklad sú naše človekom vytvorené myšlienky, ktoré do toho vložíme.

38 Keď Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a bolo svetlo, to nepotrebuje žiaden výklad. Boh povedal, „Panna počne,“ a ona počala. To nepotrebuje žiaden výklad. Ježiš povedal, „Syn človeka pôjde hore do Jeruzalema a bude vydaný do rúk hriešnych ľudí. Ukrižujú Ho; a na tretí deň On vstane z mŕtvych.“ To si nevyžaduje žiadne vykladanie. On povedal, „Už len chvíľu a svet ma viac neuvidí; ale vy ma uvidíte: lebo Ja som s vami, vo vás a budem tak až do konca veku, do zničenia.“ On tu je. To si nevyžaduje žiaden výklad. Je to Jeho zasľúbenie.

 „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, budete aj vy činiť. Ten, ktorý verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude aj on činiť.“ To sa nachádza v sv. Jánovi 14:12 a vieme, že to je pravda. Takže to nepotrebuje žiaden výklad.

39 Noe, so Slovom Božím, sa toho držal, lebo bol držiteľom poistenia istoty života - uistenia života. On držal to svoje poistenie. A on bol agentom tejto poistky a chodieval, kde sa dalo. Ale preto, že to nebolo populárne, nedokázal spôsobiť, aby sa toho uchopil každý, iba jeho rodina. On bol… jeho poistenie sa zdalo, že je pre ľudí úplne staromódne. Zdalo sa, že to je proti vedeckému uvažovaniu toho dňa. Dážď padal z neba. Nikdy predtým nepršalo na zem, pamätajte na to. Svet bol rovný. Môžeme to dnes dokázať, že raz to tak bolo. A Boh zavlažil vegetáciu a dával na zem pramene.

40 No, vedci toho dňa boli pravdepodobne oveľa chytrejší ako tí, ktorých máme dnes, lebo boli založení na Sfinge a na pyramídach, a tak ďalej – veciach, o ktorých by sme dnes ani nemohli pomyslieť. Nemáme žiadne moci, aby sme niečo také urobili. Ale oni to postavili. A predpokladám, že možno vedeli s radarom vystreliť na mesiac alebo čokoľvek to v tom dni mali. Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho (ďalšia civilizácia, ktorá je k tomu prirovnaná), tak bude aj vo dňoch príchodu Syna človeka.“ Vidíte, tu nedávno, kde tu vykopali starú vodu, tu v Starom Mexiku. Nemajú o tom žiadnu históriu. Možno to bolo v nejakom dávnom veku. Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo v tom dni,“ chytrí ľudia, inteligentní… Ale ak to tak bolo, potom bola ľuďom ponúknutá záruka života. On to tak povedal.

41 Noe – on to nemusel vedieť vysvetliť. Ako veda hovorí, „Môžeme vziať nástroje a dokázať, že tam nie je žiaden dážď. Pane, vy ste úplne zmyslov zbavený.“ Ale jednako on vedel, že ten Hlas, ktorý ku nemu hovoril, bol Boh. A tak, ak Boh povedal, že odtiaľ bude padať voda, aj keď tam žiadna nebola… Boh je Elohim, Ten samo-existujúci, On je Ten všedostačujúci. Ak On povedal, že tam hore môže byť voda, tak On je schopný ju tam dať, aby dodržal Svoje Slovo.

42 Náš otec Abrahám, ktorý je otcom mnohých národov… Ak tu sedia nejakí židovskí ľudia a čudujú sa, ako boli privedení pohania, Abrahám bol otcom mnohých národov. A On sa nezapotácal na zasľúbení Božom skrze neveru. On mal tiež svoju poistnú zmluvu. Boh mu dal zasľúbenie, že bude otcom mnohých národov; nie len hebrejských národov, ale ostatných národov, ktorých bude otcom.

43 Všimnite si. Ako to urobil, to zasľúbenie, ktoré mu Boh dal, bolo drsné, radikálne. Mal sedemdesiatpäť rokov a Sára mala šesťdesiatpäť predtým, ako obdržali zasľúbenie. Ale on sa oddelil od neveriacich, lebo vedel, že bol dedičstvom spravodlivosti skrze vôľu Božiu. A bez ohľadu na to, ako dlho to bude trvať…

 Možno ubehol prvý mesiac a on povedal Sáre,

 „Ako sa cítiš?“

 „Všetko po starom.“

 On povedal, „Jednako to dieťa budeme mať. Boh tak povedal. Choď, zožeň topánočky, prichystaj všetko, čo treba. Boh povedal, že ho budeme mať. Tým to je vybavené.“

 Ubehol prvý rok. „Drahá, ako sa cítiš?“

 „Stále všetko po starom.“

 „Nuž, potom to bude ešte väčší zázrak, ako by to bol, keby to bolo v prvom mesiaci.“ Vidíte, ona bola už asi desať rokov po menopauze, keď bolo dané to zasľúbenie. Oni nemali žiadne deti. Ona bola neplodná, on bol neplodný, takže… Ale on stále držal tie podmienky zmluvy, lebo to bolo Slovo Božie, zasľúbenie. Nikdy sa od toho neoddelil.

44 A Biblia hovorí, že Abrahám sa nezapotácal na zasľúbení Božom skrze neveru; ale bol silný, a vzdával Bohu chválu, vediac toto: že On bol schopný vykonať to, čo zasľúbil. A tak sa to dieťa narodilo, lebo on držal tie podmienky zmluvy.

 Noe držal svoje podmienky zmluvy, a to mu zachránilo život. To bola výplata – nie len jeho život, ale zachránilo to aj životy jeho rodiny.

45 Pohovorme si ešte o ďalšom investorovi v poistenie tohto večného života. Prorok Daniel, keď, ako by sme to nazvali (ak mi odpustíte ten svetský výraz, hádam by som to tu nemal povedať za kazateľňou. Ale je to jediný spôsob, ako to môžem vyjadriť.), keď je všetko na dne…

 Kráľ Nabuchodonozor prišiel a vzal deti Izraela, lebo sa odvrátili od Boha. Mali… stále robili všetky svoje obete, keď im Boh povedal, aby obetovali baránky, voly, a tak ďalej. Človek, milý Žid, išiel dolu cestou s vykŕmeným volom a malým baránkom v náručí na deň zmierenia – išiel, aby to obetoval za svoj hriech. Bol úprimný, keď zabil toho baránka a ten kňaz ho prebodol; a mal na tom svoje ruky, vediac, že bol odobratý nejaký život, aby bol ten jeho zachránený. On v tom bol úprimný. A pokiaľ sme aj my úprimní, je to v poriadku.

46 Ale prišiel čas, kedy to začala byť už len rodinná tradícia. Potom Boh povedal… Poslal na scénu proroka menom Izaiáš. Povedal, „Vaše obete a hostiny môjmu nosu smrdia.“ To je to, kam sme sa my, ľudia, dostali. Pridáme sa do cirkvi, čo je v poriadku. Robíme tieto veci. Ale poviete, „Si kresťan?“

 „Som metodista.“

 „Som baptista.“

 „Som presbyterián.“

 „Letničný,“ alebo niečo iné.

47 Je to tradícia. Už to nie je žiadna úprimnosť. Oni sa nebudú riadiť podľa Písem a podobne. Oni len žijú, ako sa im zachce. Ak majú pastora, ktorý sa ich snaží napraviť, tak ho vyhodia. Potom s ním nemajú nič spoločné, ak nedokáže priniesť Hollywood na cirkevné párty, zábavy, večere a všetko podobné. Nech sa ženy správajú, ako sa im chce, obliekajú sa, ako sa im chce, nemorálne a všetko možné. Sexuálna príťažlivosť sa stáva moderným trendom. Je to hanba!

48 Ježiš tej žene povedal, „Môžeš byť tak cnostná, ako len chceš; ale budeš sa zodpovedať za cudzoložstvo v deň súdu za to, že nosíš také oblečenie.“ Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek sa pozrie na ženu s túžbou vo svojom srdci, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo.“ Bez ohľadu na to, aká si nevinná, ten hriešnik sa bude zodpovedať za cudzoložstvo a ty si tá, ktorá to spôsobila! Vy, kresťania, či sa nehanbíte? Mali by ste sa správať ako dcéry Božie.

49 A vy, muži, členovia cirkvi, diakoni, dokonca aj kazatelia – dovoľujete svojim ženám robiť také veci! Mali by ste byť synovia Boží. To nevyzerá ako správanie syna Božieho s náturou svojho Otca v sebe. Bojíte sa niečo povedať, lebo organizácia by vás vylúčila. Tak veru!

50 Daniel si vo svojom srdci zaumienil, že nebude poškvrňovať svoju investíciu. Zaumienil si, „Bez ohľadu na to, čo svet… ako sú králi bohatí a ako sa ma snažia stiahnuť do vecí tohto sveta, ja to nebudem robiť. Nebudem svoju investíciu poškvrňovať.“

 Ó, kresťanský svet! Nepoškvrňujte svoju investíciu, ktorú ste si dali vo večný život. Znečistíte to. Daniel si zaumienil, že to neurobí. Vyplatilo sa mu to tým, že mu to zachránilo život, keď bol vrhnutý do jamy levov. Jeho investícia mu to vyplatila. Židovské deti boli odhodlané, že nebudú uctievať tú modlu. A vyplatilo sa im to tým, že im to zachránilo život z ohnivej pece.

51 Potom prišiel Šimon Peter, milý farizeus, ktorý bol učený svojím otcom, že jedného dňa príde Mesiáš. Židia to hľadali cez všetky veky. A bezpochyby mu jeho otec hovoril, „Synu...“ (Raz som o tom čítal jeden krátky príbeh. Mohla to byť fikcia. Nehovorím, že to tak skutočne bolo.) Ale on povedal, „Vyhliadal som čas príchodu Mesiáša.“ A povedal, „Viem, že ešte predtým, ako príde ten čas, bude veľa rôznych druhov izmov a budú sa diať falošné veci. Ale, Syn, ako Hebrej, oni boli ako Hebreji učení veriť vo svojich prorokov – lebo Slovo Božie prichádza ku prorokom a jedine ku nim.

 „Pán povedal, ‘Nerobím nič, pokiaľ to prv nezjavím svojim prorokom.‘ A tento Mesiáš… Podľa Mojžiša, ‘Pán, váš Boh, medzi vami vzbudí proroka, spomedzi vašich bratov, podobného mne.‘ A ten Mesiáš nebude vzdelávateľ, nebude patriť do denominácie, bude prorokom. A Slovo Pánovo bude s ním.“

52 Andrej počul, ako Ján hovoril o takom, ktorý bude krstiť. Ale potom, jedného dňa, sám Šimon prišiel do prítomnosti tohto Ježiša z Nazaretu. A len čo sa na Neho pozrel, On povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon a si syn Jonáša.“ V tej chvíli sa tej poistky chopil. Vedel, že to bol Mesiáš. To bolo potvrdené Písmo na ten deň, ten Mesiáš. Ako to tí ostatní neboli schopní uvidieť?

53 Bol tam jeden, ktorý tam stál, menom Filip, ktorý išiel asi pätnásť míľ okolo tej hory za mužom menom Natanael. Oni mali spolu štúdia Biblie. Možno ich rozhovory boli niečo takéto, ako ho našiel, ako sa modlí pod stromom. Povedal, „Natanael...“ (Samozrejme, keďže to bol človek, ktorý nasledoval Ježiša… Ktokoľvek, kto bude nasledovať Ježiša, bude gentleman.) A tak ho tam našiel, ako sa modlí, a chvíľu počkal. Ale všimnite si, on s ním nikdy nehovoril o jeho olivových hájoch, a tak ďalej. Išiel priamo k téme, „Poď a vidz, našli sme toho Ježiša z Nazaretu, syna Jozefovho.“

 On povedal, „Môže vôbec z Nazaretu prísť niečo dobré?“

 On povedal, „Poď a vidz.“ To je tá najlepšia odpoveď, ktorú môže jeden človek dať druhému. „Poď a vidz sám; neseď doma a nekritizuj. Poď a sám si to prever.“

 Na ceste tam mohol ich rozhovor byť taký… mohlo to byť niečo takéto. Možno Natanael povedal, „Vieš, už roky hľadáme Mesiáša. Dobre vieš, Filip, ako sme to študovali. No, ja verím, že keď Mesiáš príde, Boh otvorí koridory neba a zostúpia veľké schody, priamo dolu, do nejakého chrámového dvoru, kde… Bude tam Kaifáš, náš najvyšší kňaz. A On povie, ‘Tak som tu.‘“

 Ale to nebol ten spôsob, ako Biblia hovorila, že príde. On príde len tým spôsobom, ako povedalo Písmo. Tu prichádza prorok, presne ako Mojžiš, on bol obyčajný človek, pastier.

54 Všimnite si. A keď on prichádza do prítomnosti Mesiáša a bol v línii (alebo sa modlil za chorých alebo čokoľvek robil), zisťujeme, že Mesiáš sa na neho zahľadí a povie, „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nieto lesti.“ No, možno si pomyslíte, že to bolo preto, ako bol oblečený. Ale pamätajte, všetci ľudia z Východu mali turban a bradu, a tak ďalej. Pamätajte, Ježiš s nimi kráčal po ceste do Emauz celý deň, po Svojom vzkriesení, a oni Ho ani nespoznali. On bol tak isto oblečený.

55 A tak zisťujeme, že v tejto Jeho veľkej prítomnosti, on povedal, „Rabbi,“ tento mladý Žid povedal, „Rabbi, odkiaľ ma poznáš… Kedy si ma kedy poznal? Ako môžeš vedieť, že som Izraelita a že som čestný a mám tú reputáciu, ktorú mám? Nikdy si ma nevidel. Ako ma poznáš?“

 A On povedal, „Predtým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa.“

 On hneď pristúpil na podmienky tejto poistnej zmluvy. On padol k Nemu, tento mladý chlapík. Povedal, „Rabbi, si Syn Boží. Si kráľ Izraela.“ Jeho meno je dnes nesmrteľné.

56 Bola tam jedna žena. Možno o nej budem hovoriť kvôli dámam, ktoré tu stoja. Táto mladá dáma nebola ako vy. Pred cirkvou čelila obvineniu ohľadom morálky. Možno ju na ulici nejaký mladík doviedol do zlého. Možno sa o ňu rodičia dostatočne nestarali. Bola napoly Židovka a napoly pohanka: bola Samaritánka.

57 Pamätajte, sú len tri rasy ľudí, ak má naše Písmo pravdu. Nech mi Boh odpustí za ten výraz, „ak má pravdu.“ Istotne má pravdu. Je to Boh Sám. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh… A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami… Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ A tak sa ukázalo, že tá žena...

58 Najprv to asi vysvetlím, že máme ľudí Chama, Sema a Jafeta. No, my, pohania, v tých dňoch sme boli pohania. Uctievali sme modly; ale Židia a pohania vyhliadali Mesiáša. A On prichádza len ku tým, ktorí Ho hľadajú. Niekedy dnes hovoríme, že ho hľadáme, a vrážame milióny a miliardy dolárov a vecí na budovanie inštitúcií a podobne. Divím sa tomu. A misionári na poli hladujú. Viem o takých, ktorí dnes večer kážu bez topánok na nohách. Vkladáme milióny a milióny dolárov do nezmyslov. Potom… jasné, že naše vlastné skutky odsudzujú naše svedectvo.

59 Ale tu je táto mladá žena, ako ju poznáme, ona bola Samaritánka. Ježiš bol na ceste do Jericha, ktoré bolo pod Jeruzalemom. Ale išiel okolo do Samárie a prišiel do mesta nazývaného Sichar a poslal učeníkov, aby kúpili potravu, nejaké jedlo. A zatiaľ čo boli preč, táto žena si prišla pre vodu. A On jej povedal, „Daj mi napiť.“

 A ona sa na Neho pozrela, videla, že bol Žid. Povedala, „Nie je vo zvyku, aby si sa ma to pýtal.“ Povedala, „Si Žid.“

 On povedal, „Ale ak by si vedela, kto ku tebe hovorí, ty by si ma prosila, aby som ti dal napiť. Ja by som ti dal vodu, pre ktorú by si nemusela chodiť.“

 A tak rozhovor pokračoval o náboženstve. A nakoniec sa Mu podarilo skontaktovať sa s jej životom. Povedal, „Choď, priveď sem svojho muža.“

 Povedala, „Nemám muža.“

 On povedal, „Povedala si pravdu. Mala si päť; a ten, s ktorým žiješ, nie je tvojím mužom.“

60 No, pár dní pred tým tí učitelia a rabíni toho dňa – ľudia, ktorí by v tom mali mať jasno – hovorili, „Je to Belzebub. Robí to skrze zlého ducha.“ Museli dať svojmu zhromaždeniu nejakú odpoveď. A tak si to vymysleli a povedali, „Je to zlý duch.“

 A Ježiš povedal, „Toto vám bude odpustené. Obeť zmierenia ešte nebola prinesená. Ale keď príde Duch Svätý a bude činiť to isté a ak proti tomu budete hovoriť, to vám nikdy nebude odpustené.“ A vieme, že to sa aj stalo, keď Títus… Potom, ako zavrhli Ducha Svätého, Títus dal spáliť chrám a Židia sa rozpŕchli do celého sveta; a teraz sa opäť snažia zhromaždiť. Je to len vypĺňanie Písma. Všimnite si teraz. No, táto mladá žena… Keď tí Židia uvideli, ako sa to robí, a nazvali to zlým duchom, nečistým duchom… Biblia povedala, že nazvali Ducha Božieho, ktorý činil tie skutky, zlým duchom, veštcom z diabla alebo ako nejaká zlá osoba.

 A potom, táto žena hneď vedela, že toto bolo niečo iné. Keď On povedal, „Choď a priveď svojho muža,“ ona povedala, „Žiadneho nemám.“ On povedal, „Povedala si pravdu, lebo si ich mala päť. A ten, s ktorým žiješ, nie je tvoj muž.“

 Pozrite sa na toto. Ona rýchlo povedala, „Pane, vidím, že si prorok.“ Pamätajte na to, že už päťsto rokov predtým nemali proroka. Malachiáš bol posledný hebrejský prorok.

 „Vieme, že má prísť Mesiáš a toto bude identifikácia Mesiáša. Vieme, že keď príde, toto bude to, čo bude robiť.“

 Ježiš povedal, „Ja som Ten, kto s tebou hovorí.“

61 A ona prijala túto poistku. Išla do mesta, aby rozšírila dobrú novinu, že našla Mesiáša. Obdržala večný život, lebo v Neho uverila. Ako to vedela? Uvidela identifikáciu Písma, ktorá bola zamanifestovaná v Ňom.

 „Vieme, že keď príde Mesiáš… Štyristo rokov nemali proroka. A keď On príde, to bude ten ďalší muž na scéne. A keď príde, budeme Ho poznať. A bude robiť to isté.“ On povedal, „Ja som to.“ Dala sa poistiť. Mala o to záujem.

62 Nikodém (za chvíľu budem končiť), Nikodém, Rabbi, ktorý mal asi osemdesiat rokov – on bol presvedčený, že na tom Ježišovi bolo niečo iné ako u ostatných ľudí. A tak chcel to poistenie. Prišiel si pre to poistenie v noci; a banku našiel otvorenú. Ona je vždy otvorená. Je otvorená na bankete, je otvorená na ulici, je otvorená, kdekoľvek je niekto, kto potrebuje začať obchodovať – toto poistenie a ten, ktorý ho drží. On našiel banku otvorenú. Dal sa poistiť.

63 No, vieme, že v Lukášovi 24:49, potom, ako si Ježiš vybral učeníkov, oni boli držiteľmi večného poistenia. A tak viete, v bežnej poistnej zmluve sa platia dividendy. A tak oni už boli prijatí a vyvolení Ježišom. A tak išli hore do Jeruzalema a čakali na deň Letníc, aby mali svoje dividendy. A vyplatilo sa im to krstom Duchom Svätým a mocou manifestácie Ježiša Krista.

64 Metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, ortodoxní, ktokoľvek ste a nazývate sa kresťanmi, prečo neurobíte to isté? Veríte v Ježiša Krista a stávate sa členom cirkvi. Prečo nejdete na Letnice pre svoje dividendy, moc Ducha Svätého? Tí poistenci sa ku tomu dostali; a vy môžete tiež, pokiaľ tomu veríte – naozaj veríte.

65 Peter ku nim všetkým hovoril a povedal, „Toto zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a všetkých široko-ďaleko, koľko ich Pán, náš Boh zavolá.“ Oni chceli vedieť, čo treba robiť. On povedal, „Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás, a buďte pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista pre odpustenie vašich hriechov a príjmete dar Ducha Svätého.“ Bolo to zasľúbenie.

66 A tak, ak si dnes večer len vyznávačom a nezískal si ešte svoje dividendy, prečo sem dnes večer neprídeš pre svoje poistenie? Dovoľ mi trochu si s tebou pohovoriť. Kľakni si so mnou na kolená a zisti, či to tak naozaj je. Buď ohľadom toho úprimný; vyplatí sa ti to, urob to hneď teraz. Ak máš naozaj to poistenie, On to poistenie rozpozná (tvoju vieru), ak povieš, že to je v Bohu. Ak to je v Bohu a v Jeho Slove a nie v nejakej cirkvi alebo denominačnom vyznaní – ale len veríš v Ježiša Krista – hneď sa to vyplatí. On pozná Svoje poistenie.

 Vezmime na chvíľu inú postavu: bol jeden bohatý Hebrej, ktorý jedného dňa stretol Ježiša, po jeho smrti, pochovaní a vzkriesení. Ak tu je dnes večer nejaký Hebrej, alebo ktokoľvek si, keďže bol On ukrižovaný… Bez nejakej výhovorky, môžeš Ho stretnúť priamo tu, rovnako, ako ho stretol ten bohatý mládenec. Ak potrebuješ poistenie, On je pripravený ti ho vybaviť.

67 Bol jeden muž menom Saul. A ten bol vyučovaný vo všetkých veľkých náukach a tradíciách svojich ľudí. Gamaliel bol jeho učiteľom – jeden z najšpičkovejších hebrejských učiteľov všetkých čias. A Saul v tom bol tak horlivý, až dal ukameňovať Štefana, alebo bol svedkom… schválil to – držal kabáty tých, ktorí to vykonali. Mal autoritu od veľkňaza, aby uvrhol všetkých ľudí s tým poistením do väzenia, lebo jeho starší mu povedali, že „tento človek nebol žiaden prorok. Tento človek nie je nič iné ako extrémista.“

68 Ako išiel, mal vo vreckách poverovacie listiny, lebo počul, že dolu v Damašku boli nejakí s tým poistením. A zaujalo to jeho pozornosť, lebo tam skutočne niečo robili. A veľkňaz mu povedal, „Saul, si horlivý muž. Vezmi si odo mňa túto autoritu, zájdi tam a zatkni každého jedného z nich, lebo sú to len fanatici. Nič na nich nie je. Choď tam, zviaž ich a uvrhni do väzenia. Ak ich budeš musieť zabiť, tak ich zabi. Je to v poriadku. Jednoducho sa ich zmocni.“

 Saul povedal, „Rozkaz, pane, svätý otče, pôjdem.“

69 A tak išiel dolu. Na ceste tam asi o jedenástej hodine cez deň, ako sa približoval k mestu, náhle z neba zostúpil Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý ho zrazil na zem. Vstal, aby sa na to pozrel. A pred ním bol Ohnivý Stĺp.

70 No a teraz, aby som vám to dokázal: on bol Hebrej a nikdy by neuctieval alebo nenazýval „Pánom“ niekoho, ak by nevedel, že to bol naozaj Pán. A on, ako učenec pod Gamalielom, vedel, že anjel Pánov, (ktorý bol Logos, ktoré vyšlo z Boha, čo bol Kristus), ktorý ich previedol cez púšť a ktorý sa zjavoval vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa. A keď ho to zasiahlo a pozrel sa hore a videl to, povedal, „Pane.“ No, on by nikdy nič iné nenazval, „Pán.“

71 Ale tým, že bol Hebrej, vedel, že to bol Jehova. To je ten dôvod, prečo mal zjavenie a mohol povedať, že Ježiš Nového Zákona bol Jehova Starého. To bolo jeho zjavenie, lebo videl Jehovu. A povedal, „Pane, kto si?“

 On povedal, „Som Ježiš. Ťažko sa ti bude kopať do ostňov.“ A získal svoje poistenie.

72 Porovnajte spolu tých dvoch mužov: jeden bohatý mladý Hebrej, ktorý chcel striktne dodržiavať tradície; a ďalší, ktorý bol presvedčený. Jeden z nich Ho videl ako človeka – že Boh bol telom, ktoré bolo stvorené, aby zomrelo, aby vzalo preč všetok hriech. Krv baránkov a podobne, ten život tam bol a nemohol prísť na veriaceho, pretože to bol život baránka. Nemá to v sebe dušu, je to zvierací život. Ale toto bol Sám Boh.

73 A potom sa stávame zrodení z toho Ducha. Sme synmi a dcérami Božími, ten život, ktorý bol na našej obeti. Porovnajte tých dvoch ľudí. Videli, ako to bolo potvrdené, že Boh bol v Kristovi – ten istý Stĺp Ohňa, ktorý ten ľud previedol cez púšť a priviedol ich do ich… živil ich celý deň.

74 Pamätajte, keď bol Ježiš na zemi, On povedal, „Ja pochádzam z Boha; a idem k Bohu.“ On bol Stĺpom Ohňa, ktorý previedol Jeho deti cez púšť. Biblia hovorí, že Mojžiš povážil bohatstvá Kristove ako väčší poklad než ten, ktorý mal Egypt. Opustil Egypt, aby nasledoval Krista.

75 Keď tu On bol, ten Ohnivý Stĺp bol reprezentovaný v Ňom, v Bohu. On povedal, „Ak nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, neverte mi. Ale ak tie skutky, ktoré mám činiť, činím… Ak to nerobím, tak mi neverte. Ale ak mi nemôžete veriť...“

 Oni povedali, „Ty si človek a robíš sa Bohom.“

 On povedal, „Ak mi nemôžete veriť ako človeku, tak aspoň verte tým skutkom. Oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne.“

76 No, keď bol mŕtvy, pochovaný, povstal a vystúpil hore, tu Ho opäť nachádzame v Ohnivom Stĺpe. On prišiel od Boha; a išiel k Bohu. Je stále ten istý. Ten istý. Všimnite si. Istotne, je ten istý, ktorým bol vtedy.

77 A keď Pavol, alebo v tom čase ešte Saul, rozpoznal Boha, Jehovu (Ohnivý Stĺp Starého Zákona), On sa predstavil ako Ježiš, vtedy si vybavil svoje poistenie. V tom čase bol na to pripravený.

78 Čo za radikálne rozhodnutie pre toho bohatého mládenca! Čo za… ako musel… ako to mohol urobiť? Čo by ste dali za to, aby ste vymenili svoju dušu? Všetky svoje budovy, ktoré máte – nechali by ste to svojim príbuzným, aby o to bojovali a tak – ale čo s tou dušou, kde bude tá? Majte na pamäti, niekde budete tisíc rokov od teraz. Toto môže byť čas pre teba, aby si urobil svoje rozhodnutie. Čo za zásadnú chybu urobil ten obch… aký to bol len biedny obchodník, že sa snažil dodržiavať tradíciu, pričom mu to bolo dokázané, potvrdené, že to bol večný život. A bol svedkom toho istého, keď sa ho to Ježiš opýtal.

79 Pavol to prijal. Vieme, ako dopadol. Ako ľudia dnes. Oni majú radi všeobecne populárny názor – chválu od ľudí namiesto chvály od Boha. Pavla nezaujímala chvála od človeka; on chcel schválenie od Boha. Sledujme tohto mladého chlapca ešte chvíľu predtým, ako zakončíme. Nasledujme ho.

80 Nachádzame nasledujúce miesto, kde tento mladý chlapec… Viete, čo sa mu stalo? Za to, že toto urobil, sa z neho nestal bedár. Nikdy z neho nebol žobrák na ulici. Práveže mu majetok narástol. Ale on odmietol tú príležitosť. Mnohokrát sa budú dnes ľudia smiať a robiť si žarty z Ducha Svätého; a potom idú a narastú im ešte väčšie majetky.

81 Viete, odpusťte tento výraz. Ale keď sa smejú a hovoria, „Ha, pozri sa na mňa. Ak by na tom niečo bolo, tak by sa mi niečo stalo. Niečo by sa mi stalo.“ Viete, existuje také príslovie, že blázni chodia v okovaných topánkach tam, kde sa anjeli boja chodiť po špičkách. Tento bohatý mládenec je toho typickým príkladom. Urobil hroznú chybu. A zisťujeme, že to vôbec nezabránilo jeho majetkom; bol stále bohatší. Bol populárnejší, mal viacej majetku. Po chvíli zisťujeme, že sa mal tak skvele, že musel postaviť ešte ďalšie stodoly, aby sa mu tam zmestili jeho veci.

82 A pretože cirkev odmietla v posledných dňoch Ducha Svätého, je ešte väčšia. Viete, a teraz idete do ekumenickej rady – presne, ako Biblia povedala, že to tak bude. No, ste skutočná Laodicea, bohatá a majúca väčší majetok – presne, ako bol ten bohatý mládenec. Bol typom cirkvi – odmietnuť Jeho. Pavol bol typom toho, ktorý Ho prijal. Obaja mali tú príležitosť, ako máme aj my dnes večer a ako mám aj ja. On mal stále väčší majetok. Tak isto má aj cirkev, Laodicejský vek, má stále väčší majetok.

83 A pamätajte, bol na tom až tak dobre, až sa stal populárnym, že k nemu začali prichádzať aj monarchovia a veľkí ľudia. Jedného dňa usporiadal veľkú hostinu, pričom v jeho obchodíku sa nachádzal držiteľ poistenia večného života. A zisťujeme, že bol priamo pri jeho dverách. Ó, možno mu tam len zosypával nejaké omrvinky.

84 Mal príležitosť byť svedkom, Lazar mu svedčil. Ale on len zosypával omrvinky. „Ó, nuž. Vyskúšam to. Vezmi si túto štvrtinu,“ alebo čokoľvek, viete. To je prístup ľudí v roku 1964. „Ó, trochu pomôžem. To je v poriadku. Len ho nechajte,“ vidíte. Ale on mal poistenie. Chudobní v duchu (Matúš 5 nám to hovorí), to sú tí. Ich je kráľovstvo nebeské.

85 On išiel ďalej a majetok mu rástol a bol stále lepší a populárnejší, bol to skvelý človek. Ale nakoniec prišla jeho výplata. Nakoniec prišla. Na zemi mal veľkú výplatu: mal veľkú pohrebnú bohoslužbu, o tom niet pochýb; istotne prišiel nejaký veľký denominačný kazateľ a pravdepodobne nad ním prehovoril nejaké veľkolepé slová; mohol mať vlajku na pol žrde; veľké osobnosti ho niesli na pohreb. Ale Biblia povedala, že v pekle prišla jeho výplata za to, že odmietol poistenie večného života. V pekle pozdvihol svoje oči, bol v mukách. A pozrel sa na tú veľkú priepasť, o ktorej Ježiš povedal, že žiaden človek ju nikdy neprekročil a nikdy neprekročí. A na druhej strane uvidel držiteľa večného života, ako je potešený.

86 Boli tu obaja. Jeden to prijal. Obaja dostali svoju výplatu. Ten, ktorý zosypával omrvinky, dostal svoju výplatu; a teraz sa ten bohatý človek stal žobrákom. „Nech ten držiteľ poistenia príde a dotkne sa mojich pier s trochou vody, lebo tieto plamene ma mučia.“ Neurob tú istú chybu, obchodník. Si smrteľník ako oni. Musíš urobiť rozhodnutie. Urob svoju investíciu teraz, v tejto chvíli. Dobre sa uisti. „Nech je vaša voľba a povolanie isté.“ Vezmi si nejaké z tých poistení.

87 Pozrite, (len na minútu alebo dve, ak môžete). Keď Mojžiš, ktorý zanechal to, aby bol kráľom Egypta – faraónom – uvážil pohanenie Kristovo… Faraón sa na tých ľudí pozeral ako na skupinu miesičov blata; ale Mojžiš na nich hľadel ako na ľudí so zasľúbením. Ako sa ty pozeráš na ľud Boží?

88 Mojžiš dostal svoju výplatu. Sledujte tých, ktorí niesli jeho rakvu. Biblia hovorí, že to boli Anjeli. Prečo? Nikto iný ho nemohol vziať tam, kam on išiel. Oni niesli jeho rakvu.

89 V čase, keď si všetky ženy strihali vlasy ako pani Kennedyová a maľovali si tváre, Jezábele tohto dňa, v tom čase tam bol Eliáš. Kráľ a všetci ostatní išli do sveta; rovnako ako cirkev. A Boh im poslal proroka menom Eliáš, aby tú vec odsúdil. A ako zostarol a bol vyčerpaný, bol pripravený ísť Domov, nemusel dokonca ani zomrieť. Jeho výplata prišla takisto. Boh mu dolu poslal voz s koňmi a vyniesol ho do Neba.

90 Štefan, ktorý stál pred Sanhedrinom, prehovoril k nim a povedal, „Ó, vy tvrdohlaví a neobrezaní v srdciach a ušiach (odmietali to poistenie), vždy odporujete Duchu Svätému. Presne, ako robili vaši otcovia, to isté robíte aj vy.“ Pri jeho smrti, on dostal svoju výplatu. Pozrel sa hore a nebesia sa otvorili, Ježiš tam stál na druhej strane.

91 Moody (v týchto posledných dňoch, asi pred sto rokmi), malý obuvník z Chicaga, ledva sa vedel podpísať… Novinári raz urobili rozhovor s Moodym. Jeho služba bola tak pozoruhodná, že chceli vidieť a dať to do novín, v čom to bolo, čo to na tom Moodym bolo, čo za kazateľa bol. Musel to byť dynamický kazateľ. A tak s ním urobili rozhovor, aby to napísali do svojho redakčného článku. Moody to dokonca ani nevedel prečítať po tom, čo to napísali. A tak mu to jeho manažér musel prečítať za neho.

 A oni povedali… takto znel ten redakčný článok. Hovorilo sa tam, „Prečo by niekto išiel počúvať kázanie Dwighta Moodyho je viac, ako môžem pochopiť. Po prvé, je to ten najškaredší muž, akého som kedy videl, plešatý a visia mu bokombrady.“ A hovorilo sa tam, „Do šírky je taký ako do výšky.“ Ďalej, „Keď sa snaží kázať, nevie čítať a vzdychá, keď rozpráva, hovorí cez nos a šušle.“ Keď to dočítal, pán Moody len pokrčil ramenami a povedal, „Istotne nie. Oni prichádzajú, aby videli Krista.“ Nuž, to bolo to. Bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorili kritici, on držal svoje poistenie. A keď zomieral, doktor povedal, „Smrť zasiahla pána Moodyho,“ a on vstal a povedal, „Tomuto hovoríte smrť? Toto je deň mojej korunovácie.“ Bol držiteľom toho poistenia.

92 Môj dobrý priateľ Paul Rader… Keď som bol mladý chlapec a bol som ordinovaný do misionárskej baptistickej cirkvi a Paul Rader bol takisto misionárskym baptistom. A tak vo Fort Wayne… Keď som zvykol chodievať a počúvať ho kázať. Neskôr prišiel na Západne pobrežie a dostal sa do mnohých problémov; a veľa finančných problémov, až mu to prinieslo chorobu – nakoniec to viedlo k rakovine a zomieral. On a Luke išli spolu po celé životy, patrili k sebe ako môj syn a ja.

93 A tak, keď Paul zomieral, Biblická inštitúcia Moodyho tam poslal kvarteto a oni tam stáli. Paul mal zmysel pre humor. A ten malý spevácky zbor z Biblického inštitútu Moodyho tam bol vo štvorici – spievali, „Bližšie ku Tebe, môj Bože.“

 Paul sa obrátil, zhodil zo seba pokrývku a povedal, „Kto tu zomiera, ja alebo vy?“ Povedal, „Vytiahnite tie rolety a zaspievajte mi nejaké svižné veselé piesne.“

 A začali spievať, „Tam dolu pod krížom, kde zomieral môj Spasiteľ; tam, kde som prosil o očistenie svojich hriechov. Tam bola tá Krv uplatnená na moje srdce; sláva Jeho Menu.“

 Paul povedal, „Kde je môj brat Luke?“ Luke bol vo vedľajšej miestnosti – nechcel vidieť, ako jeho brat zomiera. Povedal, „Povedz mu, aby sem prišiel.“ A tak Luke tam vstúpil (mnohí z vás ho tu poznáte – veľký stavaný chlap), vstúpil do miestnosti. Paul sa načiahol rukou, ako ležal na posteli, a vzal Luka za ruku, pozrel sa mu do tváre a povedal, „Luke, išli sme spolu dlhú cestu. Ale pomysli na to, Luke. Za päť minút od teraz budem stáť v prítomnosti Ježiša Krista, odiaty v jeho spravodlivosti.“ Ako držal ruky svojho brata, jeho poistenie bolo vyplatené.

94 Starý Dr. Bosworth, ktorý tu bol naposledy so mnou (predposlednýkrát), osemdesiatštyriročný… Ako sa vracal z Afriky, dostal som hovor, aby som prišiel do Miami. Takmer som kompletne zodral pneumatiky na aute, ako som tam išiel. Povedali, že zomrie. Ponáhľal som sa tam. Vedel som, že bol držiteľom toho poistenia. Išiel som tam… Vstúpil som do tej miestnosti, malý plešatý chlapík s rukami hore, jeho malé chudé ruky… Bežal som k nemu, padol som na tvár a zakričal, „Môj otče, môj otče, hľa, vozy Izraela a jeho jazdcovia.“ Vzložil na mňa svoje ruky a požehnal ma. Povedal som, „Brat Bosworth, môžem sa za teba pomodliť?“

 On povedal, „Nie.“ Povedal, „Nie som chorý.“

 Povedal som, „Čo sa deje, brat Bosworth?“

 Povedal, „Iba idem Domov.“

95 Povedal som, „Vedel som to.“ A povedal som, „Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať, brat Bosworth.“ Povedal som, „Čo bola najväčšia chvíľa tvojho života v tvojej službe? Slúžil si Bohu predtým, ako som sa narodil. Boli sme spolu na misijných poliach. Prešli sme cez búrky, vo vzduchu a po mori. Stál si pri mne, keď som po každej strane videl diablov a čarodejníkov. Bol to veľkolepý pocit, keď sme videli, ako ich Boh ochromuje, ako sme tam stáli. Čo bol najvzrušujúcejší pocit tvojho života?“

 Povedal, „Práve teraz.“ Chystal sa využiť svoje poistenie.

 Povedal, „Všetko, pre čo som žil, brat Branham, je Ježiš Kristus. A každú chvíľu mi bude klopať na dvere, aby ma vzal Domov.“

 Tak veru, to boli tí držitelia poistenia, ktorí dali všetko, čo mali, a investovali do tej perly veľkej ceny. Či nechcete i vy dnes večer investovať, zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy?

 Nevidím cez publikum. Neviem, čo… koľko alebo kto sa pozerá, kto to dnes pozerá v televízii. Spýtam sa ťa, priateľu, nech toto nie sú prázdne slová. Si smrteľník; všetci musíme zomrieť. Viete to. A ten čas môže prísť skôr ako zajtra ráno.

96 Nie som človek, čo by… nie som veľmi do presviedčania, lebo Ježiš povedal, „Všetci, ktorých mi Otec dal, ku Mne prídu.“ Ak je v tvojom srdci priestor na to poistenie, či to len nepríjmeš? To poistenie je Kristus, Božia ponuka lásky pre teba, Jeho Slovo, ktoré sa stáva živým v tvojom srdci a robí ťa časťou Neho. On je Slovo. Príjmi Ho do svojho života. Či to neurobíš, či neurobíš túto veľkú investíciu? Pokiaľ vidím… Nevidím ďalej ako osem metrov pred seba alebo desať. Poprosím vás, aby ste zodvihli svoje ruky, ak by ste chceli prijať to poistenie do večného života. Povedzte, „Chcem to, brat Branham. Len na mňa pamätaj vo svojej modlitbe. Ty nevidíš moju ruku; ale Boh áno.“

 Náš Nebeský Otče, tento jednoduchý, drsný, no jednako pravdivý príbeh života… Takto som to vypovedal, Pane, lebo tí ľudia, obchodníci, by to viac porozumeli v spojení s niečím, čo je na tejto zemi. To je ten dôvod, prečo som to nazval poistná zmluva. Odpusť mi, ak som to tak zle nazval. Lebo teraz sme naozaj v tej svätej chvíli, kde je bezpochyby mnoho ľudí, ktorí vážne premýšľajú, vedia, čo chcú urobiť, musia mať výplatu za všetko, čo tu na zemi majú. A vedia, čo to znamená, keď sa niečo také odmietne…

 No, ten mladý muž, pokiaľ viem… Možno tým, že bol medzi ľuďmi tak populárny, zostal v cirkvi. Dodržiaval prikázania. Nespáchal cudzoložstvo, nekradol, nerobil tieto veci, ale vnútri vo svojom srdci vedel, že nemá večný život. Spôsob, Pane, aby tí, ktorí sa Ťa snažia stretnúť pre večný život len s týmito morálnymi náznakmi – nech tí dnes večer príjmu to pozvanie a zostanú na nohách a povedia, „Pane, urobím, čokoľvek odo mňa budeš chcieť.“ Udeľ to, Pane. Všetci sú teraz Tvoji. Všetko porúčam do Tvojich rúk. A ak to semeno niekam padlo, Pane, do akejkoľvek zeme, akékoľvek predurčené semeno… Mnoho rokov hladovali a prahli. Možno to niekde dnes večer padlo. Nech príjmu život, Otče, lebo o to prosím v Mene Ježiša Krista.

        So sklonenými hlavami poprosím brata Pearryho, ak bude môcť, aby sem prišiel a postaral sa o zvyšok bohoslužby.

THE INVESTMENTS, 64-0314, Beaumont Hotel, Beaumont Hotel, Beaumont, TX, 75 min

1 ... to have these few minutes with you people. And I am grateful to Brother Pearry for this invitation of being here, and for all your cooperation.

2I think this is our third visit to your fine city. We've always found the people here friendly, and always speak, hand out, whether they know you, or not. I've visited some of the business places, and how nice. Always seems different than it is up in the cold north; they see me come in, they wait on you and go out, and that's all of it. But you very seldom visit a place 'less somebody says, "Thank you! Come back and see us again!" I like that.

3 Then, I think that Brother Pearry here, as I would call him that, just... I'm older than his father, so I guess I can call him Brother Pearry. We hardly knew the boy, just on the introduction of my son, Billy Paul, who went to school with him. But if there is anybody in this city, or around about, within the reach of television, that'll be lost at the last day, it won't be because that Brother Pearry didn't put forth every effort to try to get people to Christ. He certainly not left one rock uncovered. And I deem this a grand privilege of being here.

4When Brother Pearry said to me, would I "speak at a little banquet" he was having, that some of his business colleagues would be here. Well, I am certainly not a speaker. I--I don't claim to be that, but I thought I would. It would be an honor for me, after having an invitation like that, to speak to the--the... his business colleagues.

5 I have the privilege of traveling internationally, around the world. And I speak much for the Full Gospel Business Men's Chapters. And I know this is just a little time of fellowship, so I'd like to express something that was cute one time. There was a man, after I got through speaking... It was all businessmen. And, so, outside there was a fellow come to me, and he said, "You're a preacher, aren't you?"

And I said, "Yes, sir."

6He said, "What are you hanging around these businessmen for?"

I said, "I'm a businessman."

So he said, "Oh, you are?"

And I said, "Yes, I'm--I'm a businessman."

Said, "What kind of a business are you in, sir?"

And I said, "Eternal Life Assurance."

7And he didn't get me just right. I said it fast. He said, "Oh, the--the Eternal Life Insurance." I never said insurance; I said assurance, and he... But I never told him. And he said, "The Eternal Life," said, "I don't know. I don't believe I've ever heard of it before."

I said, "That's too bad."

Said, "Well," he said, "where is the headquarters?"

I said, "Heaven."

8I'm still in that business. I'd like to talk a policy over with any of you, after the service is over, tonight. I'm very enthused with my job. And, so, and I never said now, "insurance," I said, "assurance."

9 Insurance is all right, understand. I remember... Course, I don't at this time have any.

10I remember, after I was married, my wife and I was sitting in the house, one day. And a good friend of mine... My brother is an insurance salesman, Western-Southern. This boy was a salesman for the Prudential. I went to school with him, very fine boy. His--his brother writes The Upper Room, for, I believe he's a Baptist minister, and he writes articles in the little paper called The Upper Room. Very fine people. So he come up to see me, one day, and he said, he said, "Billy, I--I hear that you got a little sting one time on insurance."

And I said, "Yes."

11He said, "It kind of give you a little sour feeling towards them?"

I said, "No, not exactly."

He said, "I thought I'd come and talk a policy with you, Billy."

12And I said, "Well," I said, "Wilmer, thanks," I said, "but I--I got assurance."

And he said, "Oh, I'm sorry."

13And my wife looked around at me, as if I was a hypocrite. She knowed I didn't have any. She looked at me just astounded. I said...

14"Oh," he said, "I'm sorry, Billy." He must have thought I had it with my brother, Jesse. And I said...

My wife looked at me. And he... I said, "Yes, I have assurance."

And he said, "What company you with?"

And I told him the same thing, "The Eternal Life."

And he said, "Oh," said, "is that it?"

15And I said, "Yeah. I have: Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory Divine! I'm an heir of salvation, purchased of God, Borned of His Spirit, washed in His Blood.

16He said, "Billy, that's very nice. I appreciate that. But that won't put you up here in the graveyard."

17"But," I said, "it'll get me out. I'm not worried..." Uh-huh. Yeah. I'm not worried about getting in; it's getting out.

18I'd still like to talk a policy over with you, after the service, if... I'm sure It's right.

19 Now, I usually have the people to stand when we read the Word, but, tonight, I'll try to omit that because it's so--so hard for you to stand. But just before we read the Word, let's just bow our heads for a few moments, as we speak to the Author of the Word. As we been kind of jesting with each other, and kind of letting down, or, as we call it, "letting down our hair." So let's get on the sacred side now, and the sincerity, and turn our hearts towards Heaven as we open the Word. Now any man that's able to move his hands can open the Bible, but there is no one really can open the understanding but the great Holy Spirit, so let us speak to Him.

20 Our Heavenly Father, we are certainly elated, tonight, to be assembled here with this group of people, this side of Eternity, and have this fine fellowship. And as we sit around these tables, tonight, looking across at each other, and business colleagues and--and Christians, we are aware that there is coming another time that we'll meet. We trust that we'll all be There, everybody present at that great wedding Supper in the air, when the King will come out, wipe all tears from our eyes, and say, "It's well done, My good and faithful servants, enter into the joys of the Lord, that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world."

21If there should be some, Lord, that doesn't know You in that way, and I pray tonight that something will be done or said that'll cause them to change their way of thinking, turn to Thee; whether it's here present, or by the--the medium of television, or by the tapes that will be going out from this.

22Bless us together now, and bless the reading of Thy Word. Turn our hearts and thoughts towards the ending of this life, and what will be out state at that time. For we are sure, Father, that all of us have to leave this world. We're mortals, and let us look to the Eternal One, the only One that can give us Life beyond this. Through the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ, we ask it. Amen.

23 I would like to call your attention, for a few moments now, to the reading of God's Word. I'd like to begin reading from Saint Mark's Gospel, I think the 10th chapter, and begin with the 17th verse.

And when he was gone forth into the way, there came unto him one running, and kneeling down... and asking him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

... Jesus said unto him, "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, and that is, God.

Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.

And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these things I have observed since my youth.

Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasures in heaven: and come, and take up thy cross, and follow me.

And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.

24 May the Lord add His blessings to the Word as we endeavor to pull from this a text and context. Now thinking on the subject of being with business people, and always I think that business people is always interested in--in good investments, so that I call a text now for the next few moments: The Investments.

25A good businessman is always looking for a--a good, sound investment. If he isn't, then he isn't a good businessman. He must look for something that's real.

26And I'd like to talk to you on the invitation that I give to you a few moments ago, on this Eternal Life policy, as I introduced myself as a--a businessman. And I have a business, and I'd like to talk to you a few moments about it. And a few Scriptures I have written down here, and text, I'd like to use these for a few moments, these notes.

27It's not a--a good business to gamble. Any man knows that, that gambling is not a good business, because it's taking a chance. You never, or seldom see a gambler... One day he's a rich man, and the next day he is begging. So you take too much of a chance, to--to gamble. I think a--a--a gambler is--is just simply living on the spare of the moment, and not looking forward to the future, or he wouldn't be gambling.

28 And I do not believe in some of these get-rich-over-night investments, either, by some unidentified business. Now, any good businessman wouldn't take a chance like that, maybe on your--your life's savings, your earnings; and you would invest in it in some get-nigh, get-rich-right-quick. And it's unidentified. Someone run in with some kind of an idea, that, "Here we--we got a certain firm here," there is no background to it. I think a good, sound thinking man would be foolish to try to make an investment in such a--a company as that.

29Because, I had a friend, one time, that--that tried such a thing. And, when he did, he--he lost everything he had, and he lost all of his life's earnings. About ready to retire, and he thought, "Well, I'll--I'll take this chance," because the man seemed to be he knew what he was talking about. But, come to find out, the--the company was just a make-belief company, and no stocks or nothing, so the poor fellow lost everything he had.

30So I think, if a man wants to make a good investment, he should first check his company, or whatever he's making his investment in, and find out what he's going to do. I think any sensible-thinking person would do that.

31 And then again, before I go on, I'd like to say, it's not a good idea to keep your money in your pocket. Many people say, "I'll--I'll just put it in my pocket, and I--I... and I got it." But, you know, you businessmen and women, you don't think in those terms. And it's not a good thing, because it can be stolen.

32It's best to have it in circulation. Like the Lord said, one time, He give so many talents to so many, and such, and then he... they made an investment with it. And those who made a good, sound investment, He give them the dividends. But when the one man said, "I--I just kept it. I--I didn't want to take any chances on it. I--I--I put it in my pocket. Or, I buried it somewhere." Then He taken that what He had gave to him, and give it to the one that had drawed more dividends, that put it to a good investment. And that's our Lord's way of doing things.

33 Now, but if you were going to invest in something that you wanted to be sure in, you'd find some good, reliable firm that has been proven that it'll pay off right. Now, that's a good, sound investment. After you've tested the firm, you know its backgrounds, talked with somebody who has done business with this firm, and hear the testimony of everyone, "It's a hundred percent. They're always right on the dot with their dividends. And--and there is a great resource capital behind it, that the company is not going broke." And that's a good, sound investment. And now, all through life, people has been taught that.

34 Now we're speaking tonight on the Scripture, of a young Hebrew boy, that was a--a wealthy type of a lad. He might have come from a real good home, no doubt. His testimony showed that he had come from a--a good home. He was called, in the Bible, "the rich young ruler." I'm going to change it tonight, just a little bit, say, "a rich young businessman," because he had a business, and he was interested in--in business. And no doubt his father had been a great successful businessman, or he probably wouldn't have had what he had. But he was brought up to--to be a businessman.

35And he seen something in this young Fellow of Galilee, this young Prophet by the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. No doubt he had heard his priest speak about Him, and maybe against Him. But when he got his first glimpse at the Lord Jesus, there was something about Him that was different from any other man.

36And I say this, as a Christian, it is truly hasn't changed. We have great theologians in the land, throughout the world, we've had them for thousands of years, that can introduce to us a--a creed. And they're schooled in those creeds, and a church that's--that's a well-established church. But that still isn't my--my policy tonight I'm speaking of. I'm talking about Eternal Life.

37 And this young fellow, knowing that he was a member of the church, but seeing in Jesus something different. So he was given the opportunity to make an investment, when he found Jesus and seen what He was doing. And had read his Bible, and seen in Jesus that the thing that he's heard his prophets read in his church, and what they were. And he had no doubt studied that. And then when he saw in this Jesus of Nazareth, which was supposingly to be among the people, the Prophet, he saw something in this Man that identified Him with the Scriptures.

38And I think, today, it hasn't changed too much. Bible readers and Bible lovers, when we really get a glimpse in our intellectuals, of what Jesus was and what He is, it changes our entire attitude. There is no one like Him, no matter how fine. We said we understand that He... We suppose He had no much schooling, and He talked like a common man, and dressed like a common man, and lived with common man. But yet there was something outstanding about this Man, and it attracted the attention of this young fellow. Insomuch, that, he had all the wealth of the world, perhaps, that he needed and would use in his lifetime, and he was well satisfied with that. But he seen that this Man looked into the future and told them the things that were coming, and identified Himself in the Scripture, and God identified Himself in the Man.

39 Now there is not a man that lives, that's in his right mind, but what's always wondering where he come from, who is he, and where is he going? There has been many books written, philosophers has raised and fell. But there is only one Book that'll tell you who you are, where you come from, and where you are going, and that's the Bible. That's the only Book. Of all the fine books we have, you could trash them, every one. This is the Truth. Anything contrary to This is not right. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail. Every man's word shall be a lie; God's shall be true."

40And when you see something so definitely before you, and the Scriptures promised for that day, what that Messiah was to be. And this young man seen that identified by God, then that made Jesus altogether different from any other man he had ever seen. So, he was given the opportunity.

41When he found the Lord Jesus, and perhaps seen Him in His meetings and His service, he run to Him and fell down at His feet, showing his attitude of approach was correctly.

42And he said, "Good Master, what could I do to have Eternal Life?" Now that's the thing that's in question. Not his money, or not, "Could I join Your church, Sir? Or could I belong to Your organization?" But, "What must I do to have Eternal Life?" That was the question.

43And he was given the opportunity to receive It, but he made a rashel decision. He was... turned it down. He wasn't interested, when he found out what went with it. He realized, that in order to do this, he had to give up his popularity. Because, Jesus was unpopular, unbelieved among, I would rashelly say, ninety percent of the people, or maybe ninety-five percent was. He was disbelieved, as some "evil-spirited person," and was called, by many, "Beelzebub," a devil.

44And, yet, the Scriptures perfectly identifying Him. He had referred back to them, saying, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life. And They are They which testify of Me, or tell Who I am."

45 This Hebrew lad, being raised up in a home, and knowing that the Bible had--had clearly told them, the scrolls. God Jehovah had said that, "If there raise up one among you, who is spiritual, or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known to him in visions. And if what he says comes to pass, then hear that prophet, for I'm with him. But if it doesn't come to pass, then do not hear it."

46That's plain language. It's only sound thinking. If he said it, and it doesn't happen, then it's a lie; God did not say it. But if he says, and it--it does happen, that's truth; and nothing is more, more truer than truth.

47So this young man had seen this in the Lord Jesus, and knowed that He held the keys to this Eternal Life, and he wanted this Eternal Life, but he turned down the opportunity to make his investment. He wasn't interested in such an investment. Although the...

48He was well identified that He was the Son of God. Is perfectly identified. The virgin had conceived, brought forth the Son. He had done every sign that Messiah was supposed to do.

49But in order to accept Him, he had to get away from his tradition. He had to turn away from it.

50 We would like to contribute that only to the... this Jewish boy, but it's too bad we have to also notice it, today, the same way. It's a great price. We can contribute to the churches of today. And many times, people who call themselves believers, and are unwilling to separate themselves and to depart from the things of the world, as this young ruler was asked to do, to have the policy of Eternal Life. Yet, after, we too see It well identified by the Scripture, that the Policies are still being given to whosoever wants to receive It.

51As I said, he saw something in Jesus, no man had, but the price was so great that he didn't want to pay the price.

52It's the same thing today. As I believe, tonight, I might be speaking to different denominations, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Orthodox Jew, Buddha, whatevermore, that's the business people of the cities. But there is, really, when you see something with your own eyes, that the Scriptures identify to be the truth; we would be most unreasonable people, that, if we're interested in Eternal Life, to turn It down. It would be a--a rashel decision like this young man made. Many times, even our clergy today makes this same rashel mistake, though polished scholars in creeds, that know it A to Z. But, remember, those priests in that day knowed the scrolls, from A to Z, too, but they failed to see what this young man saw.

53And he was interested in--in Jesus giving him Eternal Life. But when he found out what it was going to cost him, then he wasn't interested.

54 You know, the Bible tells us, in this age that we're living. As our most gracious Brother Pearry here has expounded to us, that he believed that it was in the last days. I certainly, firmly believe that with all my heart. I believe the Scripture identifies it.

55I believe that--that--that science identifies it. Scientists says, "It's three minutes till midnight." The--the... Our programs that we see on television and--and on radio, and--and how our people are acting, it's...

56As I made a remark here or somewhere else, that it reminds me, of all the carrying on that they do, it reminds me of a little boy going through a graveyard at nighttime, whistling, try to make hisself think he's not afraid, but he is.

57That's what's the matter with all of our turning to all we're doing today, of all our popular carrying on. We are trying to make people think that we don't know that the hour is at hand, but we know it is. Our scientists know it. Our... The pentagon knows. All, we all know that there's something fixing to happen. You, you can feel it right in the atmosphere, and we know it's at hand.

58 And our Bible tells us, in Revelation the 3rd chapter, that the church in this age is going to be identified just like this rich, young, Hebrew boy, "rich, have need of nothing," this Laodicea Age. If there happens to be ministers here, or Bible readers. This is the Laodicea Age. And it said, "Because I am rich, set as a queen, have need of nothing." Said, "Knowest thou not that you are wretched, poor, blind, miserable, naked, and don't know it." The sad thing of this Scriptural quotation is...

59If we seen a man or a person on the street, that was blind and naked and miserable and poor, that would be a--a horrible sight. There is no one but what would run to them as quick as they could, and say, "Friend, you're naked. You must--you must... You're exposed. Come in, quickly, and--and--and let me give you some clothing. And I'll take you to somewhere to see if I can get a physician, that they can restore your sight," or try to do something for the person.

60 What if you met such a person as that, and they would turn around to you and tell you to tend to your own business? They don't even know they're in that condition. Now if you're that way, and know it, it's not too bad. But when you are that way, and don't know it, that's the bad part. You can't tell them.

61And this Scripture must be fulfilled, as all Scriptures must be fulfilled. The Bible said that this would be the estate in the last days. And they've turned down Jesus, and He was on the outside of the church, trying to get in. Turned it down, just as plain as this young Hebrew did. And this was the Gentile church, the Bride church, called out, called "the Christian church" in the last days, but they put Him out for the same reason that this young Hebrew businessman turned Him out. The price was too great. They couldn't receive It.

62 The Bible said here that they were "rich," said they "had need of nothing." This young boy was rich, had need of nothing. "We're a fine denomination who has got great orders built. We've got the brotherhood. We got all this, that, or the other. We've had our creeds for the hundreds of years. We set. We have need of nothing. Don't tell us anything about It!"

63Well, that's more of an arrogant attitude than this young fellow took. He didn't take that type of an attitude. The Bible said, that, "Jesus looked upon him and loved him."

64I wonder today, if in the midst of all of our confusion and our worldliness, and yet trying to hold our Christian profession, if it isn't the love of God that constrains the ministry to stay on the field. I wonder if it isn't the same thing, as here we find Him knocking at the door, trying to get in. Now we find these things, they all through the ages, it's been this a way.

65 Now, to save time, talking of the policy again, and just temporarily outlining it for you.

66Now this rich boy, he didn't ask to join His church. He--he belonged to church. It proved it.

67Jesus said to him, "Keep the commandments. Thou knowest them. Do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not lie, defraud. And--and do, and--and then honour your father and mother."

68And this young fellow proved that he was a--a fine, cultured boy, not just some what we'd call today, a--a hoodlum. He was a fine type of boy, been raised up in a good home. He said, "Master, I've done these since I was a boy, all my life." See, it showed that his parents was nice parents. His went to a church that believed in keeping the commandments. But yet, in the church, keeping the commandments, still didn't answer what he saw in Jesus. He knowed.

69With our creed and with our church, and keeping the commandments, still doesn't give us Eternal Life. It did not then, neither does it do it today. There is something you've got to do.

70 Now, we find that it wasn't because that he wasn't a church member. It wasn't because he wasn't morally right. He was.

71But we can be a church member, and morally right, still not obtained Eternal Life. Not to know the Word; some of them are theologians, and scholars, and Sunday school teachers, Bible expositors, but that doesn't mean anything. Satan knows that Bible better than any of us. The Bible said, "To know Him is Life," not know the Word. "Know Him is Life." Satan also believes and trembles. But we've got to have an experience of a death, burial, and resurrection, from our old life, to the new Life which comes in Christ. It comes only by the Holy Spirit, the new Life.

72 Now let us investigate some of these people down through the ages, that's held this policy, and see whether it pays off or not. Then I'd just like to bring you, as I told you in the beginning, that you should consult somebody when you're going to make an investment; find out what happens, what, does it pay off right. You should do that in your business. I want to speak of some of the holders of this policy.

73I bring to your attention, tonight, back in Genesis, to a prophet by the name of Noah. Though he was tried in every way he could, to every way Satan could try him, to make him give up that policy; but Noah held the promise of God, the policy of Life, 'cause God told him that everything outside of that ark would be destroyed, and though it seemed kind of unusual to the modern-thinking people of his day.

74 That's what makes the Gospel today. It's the unusualness, because God is unusual. His Word is interpreted unusual to what we sometimes have It interpret.

75But, as I have said before, God needs nobody to interpret His Word. He does His Own interpretation by--by bringing to pass the things that He said He would do. He interprets His Own Word. He doesn't need our interpretation. It's, our interpretation is our own man-made thoughts that we put with It.

76When God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. That needs no interpretation.

77God said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. That doesn't need any interpretation.

78Jesus said, "The Son of man goes up to Jerusalem and be given into the hands of sinful man. They'll crucify Him, and on the third He'll raise up again." That needs no interpretation.

79He said, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the age, to the consummation." He is here. It doesn't need any interpretation. It's His promise.

80"The works that I do shall he do also. He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also." That's found in Saint John 14:12. And we know that that's true, so it doesn't need any interpretation.

81 Noah, with the Word of God, held onto It, because he was a policyholder of Life insurance, Life assurance. He held the policy. And he was an agent for the policy, and he went forth everywhere. But because it was unpopular, he couldn't get anybody to take a hold of it, just his own family. He was... His--his policy seemed to be all out of date, for the people. It seemed to be against the scientific reasoning of the day. "Rains coming down from heaven."

82It had never rained upon the earth, you remember. The world stood up straight. We can prove that today, that it once stood that way. And God watered vegetation through irrigation, from springs in the earth.

83 Now science, in that day, were probably much smarter than they are now, because they built the sphinxes and the pyramids, and--and so forth, things that we couldn't attempt to do today. We have no powers that could--could do it, but they built it. And I suppose maybe they shot the moon with radar or whatever they had in that day.

84Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah," another civilization likened unto that, "so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

85We see here recently where they dug up a modern waterworks here in old Mexico, have no history of it, at all. See, it might have been from some other age gone by.

86Jesus said, "As it was in that day," smart man, intelligent. But if it was, then there will be a Life policy offered to the people. He said so.

87 And, Noah, he might not be able to explain. As science said, "We can take the instruments and prove there is no rain up there. Sir, you are out of your mind." But still he knowed the Voice that spoke to him was God.

88So if God had said, "There was water coming from up," though there was no water, God is Elohim, the self-existing One. He is the all-sufficient One. If He said, "There can be water up there," He is able to put water up there, to keep His Word.

89 Our father Abraham, which in the father of many nations. If there happened to be Jewish people sitting near, wonder how the Gentiles was brought in, Abraham was the father of many nations. "And he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief." He held a policy also. God had made him a promise, to be father of many nations; not only the Hebrew nations, but other nations, that he would be father of.

90Notice, as he did, the promise God give him was rashel, radical. He was seventy-five years old, and Sarah was sixty-five, before he got the promise. But he separated himself from the unbelievers, because he knowed he was the heir of righteousness by the will of God, and no matter how long it taken!

91Perhaps the first month passed by and he said to Sarah, "How do you feel?"

"There is no difference."

92Said "We'll have the baby, anyhow. God said so. Go ahead and make the booties. Get everything ready. God said we'd have it. That settles it."

The first year passed. "Dear, how do you feeling?"

"No different."

93"Well, it's going to be a greater miracle than it was if it happened the first month."

94 See, she was about ten years passed menopause when the promise was given. They had no children. She was barren, and he was sterile. So they... But he still held that policy, because it was the Word of God, a promise. He wasn't going to part with it. And the Bible said, that, "Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong, giving praise to God; knowing this, that, He is able to do that which He's promised to do." So the child was born, because that he held the--the policy.

95Noah held his policy, and it saved his life. That was the pay off. Not only his life, but his family's life; paid off, by saving them.

96Let's talk to another investor in this Eternal Life insurance. Daniel the prophet, when as we would call it... If you'd excuse it, as a worldly expression; I shouldn't make it, I suppose, here at the pulpit. It's the only way that I know to make it, "when the chips are down." King Nebuchadnezzar had come in and taken the children of Israel because they had went away from God. They had; still doing all their sacrifices.

97 When God asked them to offer lambs and bullocks, and so forth. A man, a fine Jew, walked down the road, with a fatted bullock or--or--or a little lamb under his arm. On the day of the atonement, went down to offer it for his sin. He was sincere when he killed that lamb, and the priest stabbed it. And he held his hands upon it, knowing that life was taken to save his life. He was sincere in it. And as long as he was sincere, it was all right. But the time come when it become a family tradition. Then God said, He sent a prophet on the scene, by the name of Isaiah, He said, "Your sacrifices, solemn feasts, stink in My nose."

98That's where we people have got. We've joined church. Which, is all right, we do those things. But, you say, are you a Christian? "I'm Methodist. I'm Baptist. I'm Presbyterian, Pentecostal, or something else." It's a tradition. There is no entering, in sincerity, anymore. They won't move up, cope up with the Scriptures and things. They just live any way they want to. If they got a pastor tries to correct them, they out him. They have nothing to do with him if he can't bring Hollywood in the church; parties, bunco parties, soup suppers, and everything else; let the women act any way they want to, and dress any way they want to, immorally, anything. Sex appeal becomes a--a modern trend. It's a disgrace.

99 Jesus said, to that woman. You may be as virtuous as you can be, but you'll answer for adultery at the day of judgment, you wearing those clothes. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman, to lust after her, has committed adultery with her already in his heart." And no matter how innocent you are, that sinner will answer for adultery, and you're the one presented it. You Christians, aren't you ashamed? You should act like daughters of God.

100And you man, members of the church, deacons, even to ministers, that'll permit your wives to do that, you should be sons of God. That don't sound like the behavior of a son of God with the nature of his Father in him. Afraid to say something because the organization would turn you out. That's right.

101 Daniel purposed in his heart that he wasn't going to defile his investment. He purposed, "No matter what the world, how rich the king gets, and how much he tries to get me off in the things of the world, I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to defile my investment."

102O Christian world, don't defile your investment that you've made in Eternal Life. You'll pollute it.

103Daniel purposed that he wouldn't do it. It paid off, by saving his life when he was throwed into a lions' den. His investment really paid off.

104The Hebrew children were determined that they would not worship an idol. And it paid off, by saving their life in a fiery furnace.

105 Then comes Simon Peter, a fine Pharisee who had been taught by his father, that the day would come that--that there would come the Messiah. All through the ages, the Jewish people had looked for it. And no doubt that his father had told him, "Son..." I--I read a little story one time, about it, might have been fiction. I don't say it was authentic.

106But he said, "I've looked for the time of the coming Messiah." And said, "I--I--I know that before that time comes, there'll be all kinds of isms, false things going on. But, son, as a Hebrew, we are taught, as Hebrews, to believe our prophets, for the Word of the Lord comes to the prophets, and him only. The Lord said, 'I do nothing except I reveal it to my prophets first.' And this Messiah, according to Moses, 'The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet among you, of your brethren, likened unto me.' And the Messiah will not be an educator. He will not be a denomination. He will be a prophet, and the Word of the Lord will be with Him."

Andrew had heard John speak of such a one coming, "the Baptizer."

107 But then, one day, Simon himself walked up into the Presence of this Jesus of Nazareth. And as soon as He looked upon him, He said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." He took out a policy right quick. He knew that was the Messiah. That was the vindicated Scripture of his day, the Messiah. How did the others fail to see it?

108There was one standing, the name of Philip, who went about fifteen miles around the mountain, to a fellow named Nathanael. They had had Bible studies together. Maybe their conversation was something like this, as he found him under a tree, praying. He said, "Nathanael." Course, being a gentleman that followed Jesus; any man that follows Jesus will be a gentleman. So he found him praying; he--he waited a while. But you notice, he never talked to him about his olive groves or so forth. He went straight to the mark, "Come, see Who we found: Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."

Said, "Now, could there be anything good come out of Nazareth?"

He said, "Come, see."

109That's the best answer any man could give another. "Come, find out for yourself. Don't sit home and criticize. Come, investigate it yourself."

110 On the road around, their conversation might have been like this. Maybe Nathanael said, "You know, we've been looking for a Messiah, for years. You know, Philip, how we've studied this. Why, I believe if the Messiah come, God will pull the corridors in Heaven and let the great corridors come down, the stairway right on (our) the great temple yard where the Caiaphas our high priest is, and He'll say, 'I'm here.'" See? But that's not the way the Scripture said He would come.

111He'll only come the way the Scripture said. He was come in a prophet just like Moses was, an ordinary man, a sheepherder.

112Notice, and when he come up into the Presence of the Messiah, and He was in the line or praying for the sick, or whatever He was doing. We find that the Messiah looks over at him, and said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile."

113Now you might think it was because he was dressed that way. But, remember, all the Eastern people dressed alike, turban and beard, so forth. You remember, Jesus walked with them, too, on the road to Emmaus, all day long, after His resurrection, and they didn't even know Him. He was dressed the same way.

114So we find that in this great Presence of Him, he said, "Rabbi." This fine young Hebrew said, "Rabbi, when did You know me? When did You ever know me, know me to be a--an Israelite, and honest, the reputation that I have? You've never seen me before. How did You know me?"

115And He said, "Before Philip call you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."

116He took out a policy. Fell at His feet like this other young fellow did, said, "Rabbi, you're the Son of God. You're the King of Israel." His name is immortal today.

117 There's a little woman, I might speak of her because of the ladies standing near. This little lady wasn't like you. She had a--a moral charge against her, with the church. Maybe some young kid had been turned out on the street, wrong. Maybe her parents hadn't taken care of her. She was a half Jew and Gentile; she was a Samaritan.

118Remember, there is only three races of people, if our Scripture is right.

119And God forgive me for even mentioning "if" It's right. It is right. It's God Himself. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among." "The same yesterday, today, and forever."

So this young lady being turned out.

120 First, I might explain Ham, Shem and Japheth's people. Now we, the Gentile, we were heathens in them days, we were worshiping idols, but the Jew and Gentile were looking for a Messiah. And He only comes to those who are looking for Him.

121Sometimes today, we say we're looking for Him, and put millions and billions of dollars in things, and building institutions and things. I wonder. And missionaries starving on the field, I know them, out there tonight preaching, without a pair of shoes on. We put millions and millions of dollars to nonsense, and then, why, our own acts condemn our testimony.

122 But here this young woman, as we know her, she was a Samaritan. Jesus was on His road to Jericho, which is below Jerusalem. But He went around to Samaria and came to a city called Sychar, and sent the disciples in to buy victuals, foods. And while they were gone, this young woman come up to get water, and He--He said to her, "Bring me a drink."

123And she looked around, seeing Him being a Jew, she said, "It's not customary that You would ask me that." Said, "You're a Jew."

124He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink. I give you water you don't come here to draw."

125So the conversation went on, about religion, finally He contacted her life. He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I have no husband."

126Said, "You've told the truth. You've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband."

127 Now a few days before there, the teachers and rabbis of that day, the men that ought to have knowed better, said, "He is Beelzebub. He does that by an evil spirit." They had to answer their congregation. So they made up, said, "It's an evil spirit."

128And Jesus said, "I'll forgive you for that," the atonement hadn't been made. "But when the Holy Ghost is come to do the same thing, to speak against It will never be forgiven," and we know it happened when Titus, after they had rejected the Holy Spirit, Titus burnt the temple and scattered the Jews to all over the world. And they're just now gathering again, is fulfilling Scripture.

Now, notice, now this young woman.

129When, those Jews seen that done, and called It, "a evil spirit, an unclean spirit," the Bible said, "calling the Spirit of God, doing the work, an unclean Spirit, a devil," like a fortuneteller or some evil person.

130 And then, quickly, this woman knowed different. When He said, "Go get your husband."

She said, "I have none."

131He said, "You've said truth, 'cause you have five, and the one you're living with, not your husband."

132Look at this. Quickly she said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." Remember, they had had no prophets for nearly five hundred years. Malachi was the last Hebrew prophet. "We, we know that Messiah is coming, and this will be the identification of Messiah. We know, when He comes, this is what He'll do."

Jesus said, "I am He that speaks with you."

133And she took a policy. Uh-huh. And into the city she went, to scatter the good News, that she had found the Messiah. She had Eternal Life because she had believed on Him. How did she know? She seen the identification of the Scripture manifested by Him.

134"We know that, when the Messiah coming. Four hundred years we haven't had a prophet, and, when He comes, that'll be the next man on the scene. Now when He comes, we'll know Him, and He is to do that same thing."

135Said, "I am He." She took a policy. She was interested in it.

136 Nicodemus. Few moments, in closing now. Nicodemus, a rabbi, man of about eighty years old. He had been convinced that there was something about Jesus that was different than other man, so he wanted a policy. So he came by night, for the policy, and he found the bank open for business. Uh-huh.

137It's always open. It's open at a banquet. It's open out there on the street. It's open anywhere there is anybody ready to do business, this policy and the one who holds it.

He found the bank is open. He took a policy.

138 Now we know, in Luke 24:49, after Jesus had chose His disciples, they were holders of the Eternal Life policy. So now, you know, in a regular insurance policy, they always pay dividends. So they had already been accepted and chosen by Jesus, so they went up to Jerusalem, waiting till the Day of Pentecost, to get their dividends. And it paid off, with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and power to manifest Jesus Christ.

139 Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Orthodox, whoever you are, that claim to be Christians, why don't you do the same? You believe on Jesus Christ and become a member of the church, why don't you go up to Pentecost, get your dividends, the power of the Holy Spirit! Them policyholders drawed it. You can, too, if you believe it and really believe it.

140Peter speaking to them, said, "The promise is unto you and your children, to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." They wanted to know what to do. He said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of the Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." It was a promise.

141So if you're just a confessor, tonight, and have never drawed your dividends, why don't you bring your policy, tonight, let me talk it with you a little while. Kneel with me for a few minutes and find out if it isn't so. Be sincere about it. It'll pay off right now, if you're really holding a policy. He'll recognize the policy, your faith, if you say it's in God. If it's in God and in His Word, and not in some church or a denominational creed, but just believe in Jesus Christ, it'll pay off. He knows His Own policy.

142 Bringing another character in, just for a few moments. There was another rich Hebrew that met Jesus one day after His death, burial, and resurrection.

143If there should be a Hebrew here, tonight, or whoever you are, Him being crucified is not any excuse but what you can meet Him right here, just the same as--as the rich young ruler met Him. If you want a policy, He is here to do business.

144There was a man by the name of Saul, and he was taught in all the great teachings and traditions of his people. Gamaliel was his teacher, one of the finest Hebrew teachers of the time. And Saul was so zealous of this, until he stoned Stephens, or witnessing Stephen, or sanctioned it. Held the coats of those, while he sanctioned, having authority from the high priest to throw all them people, of that policy, in jail, because he had been told by his elders, that, "This Man was no prophet. There was nothing to this Man but a radic." And he had letters in his pockets, going down, because he heard there was some down at Damascus, holding that policy. And they had drawed interest on it, and they were really doing things.

145And the high priest told him, "Saul, you're a zealous man. Take this authority, from me, go down there and arrest every one of them, because they're nothing but radics, there nothing to them. Go down and bind them, and throw them in jail. You have to kill them, kill them, it's all right. Go get them!"

146Saul said, "Your honor, sir, holy father, I'll go." Down he went.

147On his road down, he was going about eleven o'clock in the day, nearing the city. All of a sudden, out of the heavens come the Pillar of Fire, struck him down. And he raised up to look, and there was that pillar of Fire before him.

148 Now to prove that to you. He was a Hebrew, and he would have never worshiped anything or called anything Lord, 'less he knowed it was Lord. And he knew, as a teacher under Gamaliel, that the Angel of the Lord, which was the Logos that went out of God, which was Christ that led them through the wilderness, was in the form of a Light, a Pillar of Fire. And when It struck him down, and he looked up and seen It there, he said, "Lord." Now, he would have never called nothing but That, Lord. But, being a Hebrew, he knowed that That was Jehovah. That's the reason he had the revelation, could say that Jesus of the New Testament was Jehovah of the Old. That was his revelation, 'cause he had seen Jehovah. And he said, "Lord, Who are You?"

149He said, "I am Jesus, and it's hard for you to kick against the pricks." And he took out a policy.

150Compare the two man together. One rich young Hebrew that wanted to hold to their traditions; another one that was convinced. One of them seen Him as a man, that God was made flesh in order to die and take away the sin.

151 The blood of lambs and things, the life was in there, couldn't come on the believer, because it's a lamb's life, it has no soul in it, a animal life. But this was God Himself, and, then we become born of that Spirit, we are sons and daughters of God, the Life that was on our Sacrifice.

Compare the two men together.

152Seen It vindicated, that God was in Christ. The same Pillar of Fire that had brought His people through the wilderness, and brought them to there, nourished them all the day. Remember, when Jesus was on earth, He said, "I come from God, and I go to God." He was the Pillar of Fire that took the children through the wilderness.

153The Bible said, that, "Moses esteemed the riches of Christ greater treasures than that of Egypt." He forsook Egypt, to follow Christ.

154When He was here, that Pillar of Fire was represented in Him, God. He said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not. The works tell you what I'm supposed to do. If I don't do that, then don't believe it. But if you can't believe Me..."

They said, "You're--You're a man making Yourself God."

155Said, "If you can't believe Me, as a Man, believe the works. They testify of Me." See?

156Now, when He was dead, buried, rose, ascended, here we find Him again in that Pillar of Fire. He had come from God, and went to God.

157He is still the same One, same One now. Notice, sure, same One that He was.

158And when Paul, or Saul then, recognized that God Jehovah, the Pillar of Fire of the Old Testament, had called Hisself Jesus, he took out his policy. He was ready for it then.

159 What a rashel decision for that young ruler! What a... How he must have... What, how could he do it? []

160What would you give in exchange for your soul? After all your buildings, and you--you leave it for your relatives to fight over, and everything, what about that soul and where you going to be? Remember, you'll be somewhere, thousands of years from tonight. This might be a time for you to make your decision.

161Notice what a rashel mistake this busi-... What a--what a poor businessman he was, to try to hold to a tradition, when it been proven to him and a vindicated that Here was Eternal Life, and he witnessed the same by asking Jesus about it.

162 Paul accepted it. We know how he come out. Like the people of the day, they like the popular opinion, and man's praise instead of the honor of God. Paul didn't care for the praise of man. He wanted the honor of God.

163Let's follow this young boy just a moment before we close. Let's follow him. We find the next place, that, this young fellow, you know what happened to him? He never become a pauper, for doing this. He never become a beggar on the street. He increased in goods. He had turned down the opportunity.

164Many times, people today will laugh and make fun of the Holy Spirit, then go on and increase in their business. You know, excuse this expression... But when they laughing, say, "Why, look, me! If there's anything to It, see, why, it'd happened to me, something would happened to me."

165You know, there is a--a--a proverb, that, "Fools will walk with hobnailed shoes where Angels fear to trod."

166This young ruler practically did that. See? He made a--a horrible mistake, and we find out that it never hindered his business. He increased. He got more popular, got more goods. We find out, after a while, that he had got so great till even he had to build new barns to put his stuff in.

167 And because that the church has turned down the Holy Spirit, in this last days, it's increased. And now you're going into the Ecumenical Council, just exactly what the Bible said you would do. Now you're really Laodicea, "rich and increased in goods," just exactly like that young man was.

168He was a type of the church, rejecting. Paul was a type of the one receiving. Both of them had the opportunity, as you have tonight, and I have.

169He increased in goods. So has the church, the Laodicean Age, increased in goods. And remember, he got so great, till he become so popular, till even the monarchs, the great people, begin to come. And he set a great banquet, one time.

170 And there was a holder of the Eternal Life policy at his bazaar, and we find out that he was laying down at the door. Oh, he might sweep some crumbs off to him. He had the opportunity again, a witness, Lazarus testifying to him. But he just swept the crumbs off, "Oh, well, I'll try this, take this quarter, or whatever," you know. That's about the attitude of 1964. "Oh, I'll help a little. That's all right, just let him go, see."

171But he held the policy. "The poor in spirit," Matthew 5 tells us that's the one, "theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

172He went on increasing in goods, and getting greater and more popular, and a great man, but his pay off finally come. It finally come. On earth he had a great pay off. He had a great funeral service, no doubt. The great denominational preacher come, probably spoke great words over him. They might have half-masted the flag. Fine businessmen packed him to his burial. But the Bible said, "in hell," his pay off come for rejecting the Eternal Life policy.

173 "In hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torment." And he looked off across the great chasm, that Jesus said no man has ever crossed or ever will, and he found the policyholder of Eternal Life, comforted, on the other side. Both of them. One had received It. Both had their pay off. The crumb-sweeper had the pay off. And now the rich man becomes the beggar, "Let the policyholder come back and touch my lips with a--a little water, for these flames are tormenting me."

174Don't make the same mistake, businessman. You are mortal just like they were. You've got to make a decision. Make your investment now. Make it sure. "Make your election, calling sure." Take out one of the policies.

175Look just--just a moment or two more, if you can. When Moses, who forsook, being a king of Egypt, a Pharaoh, esteeming the reproach of Christ. Pharaoh looked out upon them people as a bunch of mud dubbers, but Moses looked upon them as the people with a promise.

How do you look on them, God's people?

176Moses had his pay off. Watch his pallbearers. The Bible said they were "Angels." Why? Nobody else could take him where he was going. They were his pallbearers.

177 There was Elijah in the time that all the women cut their hair, like Mrs. Kennedy and them does today. Painted their faces, a Jezebel. A king and all the people went worldly; the church did, too. And God sent in a prophet, by the name of Elijah, to condemn that thing. After he had got old and tired, he was ready to go Home, he didn't even have to die. His pay off come, also, God just sent him down a chariot and some horses, and packed him on up into the Heavens.

178Stephens, who stood at the Sanhedrin, spoke out to them and said, "Oh, you stiffnecks, uncircumcised in heart and ears, rejecting the policy, you always resist the Holy Ghost. Like your fathers did, so do you." At his death, he had a pay off. He looked up and saw Heavens opened, Jesus standing on the right side.

179 Moody, the last days, about a hundred years ago, a little Chicago shoe cobbler, could hardly write his name. Paper sent to interview Moody, one time. His ministry was so outstanding, they wanted to see him put in the paper what made it; what was about Moody, what kind of a preacher he must be, and a dynamic preacher. So they sent for an interview, to write in their editorial. And Moody couldn't even read it after they wrote it, so his manager had to read it for him. And he said...

180Here is the way the editorial read. It said, "Why anybody would go to hear Dwight Moody preach, it's more than I can say." Said, "The first thing, he is the ugliest man I ever seen, baldheaded and whiskers hanging down." And said, "He's as--he's as big around as he is tall." And said, "When he tries to preach, he can't read. And he whines when he preaches, talks through his nose, and lisps."

181When he got through, Mr. Moody just shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Sure not. They come to see Christ." So that was it. No matter what the critics was, he held a policy.

182And when he was dying, and the doctor said, "That's death that struck, Mr. Moody."

183He raised up, he said, "You call this death? This is my coronation day." See? He held the policy.

184 My good friend, Paul Rader. When I was a little boy, I was--I was ordained in the Missionary Baptist church, and Paul Rader was a Missionary Baptist also, so, Fort Wayne, when I used to go hear him preach. Later, got over here on the West Coast and got so much trouble, and finance trouble till he got sick, finally led to cancer, and he was dying. Him and Luke had went together all their life, stuck together like my son and I.

185So when Paul was dying, the Moody Bible Institute sent down a quartet, and they were standing there. Paul had a sense of humor. And he was... The little mighty... little Moody Bible Institute, with this choir, had sent down there, or a quartet, and they were singing, "Nearer, My God, To Thee."

186Paul turned over and throwed the sheet off of him. He said, "Who is dying, me or you?" See? He said, "Raise up them shades, and sing me some good snappy Gospel songs." And they begin to sing:

Down at the cross where my Saviour died,

Down there for cleansing from sin I cried;

There to my heart was the Blood applied;

Glory to His Name!

187Paul said, "Where is my brother, Luke?" Luke was in the next room. He didn't want to see his brother die. Said, "Tell him to come here."

188So Luke walked in. Many of you knew him, big heavyset fellow. He walked in. Paul reached out his hand, laying on the bed, and took Luke by the hand and looked up in his face, said, "Luke, we've come a long ways together. But think of it, Luke; in five minutes from now I'll be standing in the Presence of Jesus Christ, clothed in His righteousness." Holding his brother's hands, his policy paid off.

189 Old Doctor Bosworth, that was here the last time, with me, next to the last time, eighty-four years old, just returning from Africa. I had a call to "come to Miami." I tore the tires off my car, nearly, to get there. Said, "He was dying." I rushed to him. I knowed he was a policyholder. I went down.

190I went in the room there. The little baldheaded fellow with his arms up, his little skinny arms. I run to him and fell on my face, and cried, "My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof!" Put his hands upon me and blessed me.

I said, "Brother Bosworth, can I pray for you?"

Said, "No." Said, "I'm not sick."

I said, "What's the matter, Brother Bosworth?"

Said, "I'm just going Home."

191I said, "I knew that." And I said, "I want to ask you something, Brother Bosworth." I said, "When was the greatest time of your life and your ministry? You been serving God before I was born. We've been on the mission fields together. We've been in storms, in the air and on the sea. You stood by me when I seen devils on every side, and witchdoctors. And was great thrills when we seen God paralyze them standing there. What was the greatest thrill of your life?"

192He said, "Right now." He was fixing to cash in his policy. He said, "All I've lived for, Brother Branham, has been Jesus Christ, and any minute He'll walk in the door to take me Home."

193 Yes, those were policyholders that give everything they had, and invested it in the Pearl of great price. Won't you invest, tonight, too, while we bow our heads?

194I cannot see across the audience. I do not know what's... how many, or who is looking in, in the closed-circuit television tonight. I'm going to ask you, friend, let not this be idle words. You're a mortal. You must die. You know it. And it may be before morning your time will come. I'm not... a person not much on persuading; and, because Jesus said, "All the Father has given Me will come." If there is a room in the heart for that policy, tonight, won't you accept It? That policy is Christ, God's love-offer policy for you, His Word to become alive in your heart, making you part of Him. He is the Word. Accept Him into your life. Won't you do it, and make this great investment?

195As far as I can see, I can't see but about ten feet from me, or fifteen. I'm going to ask you to raise up your hands if you'd like to receive one the Eternal Life policies. Say, "I want it, Brother Branham. Just remember me in your prayers. You don't see my hand, but God does."

196 Our Heavenly Father, this simple, rude, yet true story of life. I spoke it this way, Lord, because that people, business people, would understand it more in the way of being something represented here on earth. That's the reason I call it a policy. Forgive me if I was wrong in calling it that. For, we are now in a--a real sacred moment, where no doubt that there is many thinking seriously now, knowing that they too have to have a pay off on whatever they have here, and they see what it means to turn down.

197Now, that young man, as I know, perhaps being so popular amongst the people, he remained in church, he kept the commandments, he did not commit adultery, or steal, or do those things, but in his own heart he knew that he didn't have Eternal Life. Make those, Lord, who are trying to meet You, for Eternal Life, with just those moral traits, may they tonight receive the invitation, and just stay at their feet, and say, "Lord, I'll do anything that You ask me to do." Grant it, Lord.

198They're all Yours now. I commit everything to You. And if the seed has fallen anywhere, Lord, upon any ground, any predestinated seed, for many years has been hungering and thirsting, it might have fell on some somewhere tonight. May they receive Life, Father, for I ask it in Jesus Christ's Name.

199And with our heads bowed continually, I'm going to ask Brother Pearry, if he will, to come here and remain, take the remaining of the service.