




Dnes ráno je to nazvané “Obžaloba.” Chcem to predstaviť trochu tak ako by to bolo v súdnej sieni, tam kde sú ... A nakoniec kazateľňa a zbor je súdna sieň. Biblia povedala, že to je súdna stolica - že súd musí začať od domu Pánovho. A toto je ako trón a porota a svedkovia a tak ďalej. A dnes mám, mojim svedkom je Božie Slovo a moja obžaloba je proti dnešným cirkvám. No, neprivádzam do tohoto hriešnika; Hovorím toto len cirkvi. A má to byť teraz na páskach a budem sa to snažiť prebrať tak rýchlo ako len budem môcť. Obžalúvam túto generáciu, že druhý krát ukrižovala Ježiša Krista.

A teraz, aby som toto urobil v tomto veku, v ktorom žijeme ... V tomto musím ukázať dôkaz. Keď mám priniesť obžalobu, musíte predložiť dôkaz, že bol spáchaný trestný čin. Aby som ich obžaloval musím priniesť dôkaz a dokázať to, že to tak je - aby to, čo hovorím, obstálo pred hlavným Sudcom, ktorý ... A ja sa postavím ako obhajca v tejto obžalobe.

A Slovo Božie je mojím Svedkom, ja obžalúvam túto generáciu za ukrižovanie. Musím ukázať a ukážem, že ten istý duch je dnes na ľuďoch, ktorý spôsobil to prvé ukrižovanie a robí to isté. Musím to ukázať, ak to má byť ukrižovanie, že oni ukrižovali. Musím ukázať ľuďom, že dnes ten istý postoj v ľuďoch robí duchovne to isté, čo oni urobili vtedy telesne. Oni telesne ukrižovali Ježiša Krista Syna Božieho.

1Ďakujem, brat Neville.. Zostaňme teraz na chvíľu stáť a pomodlime sa. Skloňme svoje hlavy. Je nejaká vyslovená prosba, ak by ste to dali najavo tým, že zodvihnete ruku, povedzte len Bohu, “Ja - ja ...?” Držte teraz vo svojej mysli čo - o čo Ho chcete prosiť a verte tomu z celého srdca, zatiaľ čo ja sa tiež budem za vás modliť.

2 Nebeský Otče, považujeme toto za také privilégium, prísť do domu Pánovho, v tomto pochmúrnom dni a nájsť svietiť svetlo Božie a počuť Ducha Svätého ako spieva cez ľudí a hovorí cez ľudí, proste tam, kde svieti malý hlúčik svetla. Ďakujeme Ti za toto, nebeské svetlo okolo našich sŕdc. Ako sme Ti za to vďační!

3Oni teraz ... Tvoji ľudia práve zodvihli ruky v tomto zhromaždení, že majú prosby, že by chceli aby si na ne odpovedal dnes ráno. A ja prosím, Otče aby si odpovedal na každú ich prosbu. Je ich tak veľa nahromadených na stole a tak veľa prosieb všade, ohľadne chorých, trpiacich; telefonáty, z veľkej diaľky asi päťdesiat na deň. Ó Bože, čo máme robiť? Veď nás len, Pane. Nevieme ktorou cestou ísť alebo čo robiť ale Ty môžeš týmto nasmerovať. Prosíme ťa, aby si nám to udelil, pretože to je náš úmysel, Pane. Život, ktorý máme na tejto zemi, je nám daný od Teba a my ho chceme využiť na Tvoju chválu. A tak veď nás teraz v týchto veciach, Otče.

4Požehnaj nás dnes, keď sme sa spolu zhromaždili, aby sme počuli Slovo Pánove, spievali piesne, priniesli modlitbu. Vypočuj naše modlitby. Raduj sa s nami v našich piesňach a hovor ku nám cez Slovo lebo o to prosíme v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Môžete si sadnúť.

5Nepoznám žiadne miesto, na ktorom by som mohol stáť a pokladal to za väčšie privilégium, než ako je stáť za kazateľňou, lámať chlieb života pre očakávajúcich, hladných a smädných ľudí. A toto je veľké privilégium.

6Prv by som sa chcel opýtať, či je tu niekto z rodiny Wrightov, Hattie alebo Orville alebo niekto - Hattie. Je s tebou Orville, Hatie? Dobre, opýtaj sa ho či by sa mohol zastaviť u mňa, ihneď, ohľadne toho čo som mu povedal, vieš. Nech sa u mňa zastaví, ak môže. Zabudol som to priniesť dnes ráno, niečo pre ich malého psa, ktorého tam majú. Tak ja len ... Ak budete náhodou prechádzať okolo nich, keď budete odchádzať po zhromaždení.

7A teraz, Edith, Hattina sestra, ktorú poznáme ako to mladé dievča, ktoré bolo chromé od malička. Ona je teraz žena a je vo veľmi zlom stave. Asi pred rokom som tam išiel, keď mala svoju prvú periódu a s pomocou a milosťou Božou som hneď zistil v čom spočíva jej problém. No, skutočne, aký problém je s tým dieťaťom. Ona je v polohe, kde sú jej údy zrazené spolu, sotva ich môže pohnúť od seba. To je kvôli obrovskému tlaku na nervový systém. Ale, čo to je, fyzicky s tým dieťaťom nie je nič zlého, okrem toho, že utrpela detskú obrnu, keď mala okolo šesť mesiacov. Ona kričala a plakala takmer celý svoj život, až keď sme sa za ňu modlili pred mnohými rokmi a odvtedy bola stále šťastná, až doteraz, asi pred rokom. A teraz sú to v skutočnosti prechody. Inými slovami, zmena jej tela a jej nervy sú v takom strašnom stave. A tá malá dáma si myslí, že zomiera, že nebude žiť, proste z jednej hodiny na druhú.

8A viete, zdravé, silné ženy majú strašný čas, niekedy musia dostať hormonálnu injekciu a ísť do ústavu a podrobiť sa terapii s elektrickými šokmi a všetkým možným, v takom čase.

9Človek prechádza v živote dvomi zmenami. Sú to premena z chlapca na muža; zo ženy ... z dievčaťa na ženu. Keď majú okolo šestnásť, sedemnásť stávajú sa trochu problematickí. A ak to s nimi dokážete vydržať počas toho veku ... Ja mám práve teraz dcéru v tom veku, Rebeku. Modlite sa za ňu. A Billy ... Ó, každý jeden z nás, prechádzame cez ten bláznivý vek. A tak to s nimi musíme vydržať, uvedomujeme si, že to je niečo, cez čo oni musia prejsť.

10A teraz, Edith pri tejto zmene po siedmych rokoch ... Každých sedem rokov sa váš život mení. Tak sedem krát sedem, vidíte, a to spôsobuje, že je to trochu ťažké. To je kompletná zmena a to trápi ženy. Muži sa obyčajne začnú smiešne správať v tom čase a niekedy opúšťajú svoje ženy. Ale ženy sú potom neplodné. Všetci cez to prechádzame a musíme pamätať, že to sú veci, v ktorých musíme znášať jeden druhého a rozumieť tieto veci.

11A malá Editha sa dostala do tohoto stavu a veľa stratila na váhe a vyzerá zle. A poviem vám, niekedy večer, nie všetci naraz, ale len malá návšteva ... Oni sú pri nej dňom i nocou. Malá návšteva z tohoto zboru a z iných zborov, sesterských zborov, ktoré sú tu, niekto z vás choďte tam a navštívte rodinu Wrightovu. Som si istý, že si to budú ceniť. Len tam zájdite, poseďte s nimi a porozprávajte sa s nimi, potraste si ruky a - ak nič viac len malá priateľská návšteva. My to tak ľahko zabúdame, viete. A keď to príde do nášho vlastného domu, potom si to ceníme. A musíme pamätať, iní si to tiež cenia. A rodina Wrightov, som si istý, že si to bude ceniť. Viem, že by ste to urobili, keby ste poznali aká je tam situácia. Ale vy ste to nevedeli, tak preto som vám to teraz hovoril.

12Choďte a navštívte rodinu Wrightovu a snažte sa povzbudiť Editu. Nehovorte jej, že vyzerá zle. Povedzte jej, že vyzerá dobre, že bude v poriadku. A ona bude v poriadku, ak budeme na ňu pamätať. Kvôli tomu sme tu. Ona je naša sestra a my sme tu, aby sme v takýchto chvíľach pamätali na to dieťa. Práve tak ako ja chcem aby niekto stál za mnou a modlil sa za mňa, keď ja prechádzam cez svoje skúšky a vy chcete, aby niekto pamätal na vás.

13A rodina Wrightov je dlho - sú to jedni z najstarších členov, ktorí prichádzajú do tohoto zhromaždenia; Myslím, že oni a brat Roy Slaughter a sestra Slaughterová. Videl som ich práve pred chvíľou, zakýval som na nich, keď vchádzali, myslel som si, keď som prechádzal okolo rohu: “Koľko rokov už vidím brata a sestru Slaughter sedieť na svojom mieste v zbore, cez vzlety a úpadky a stále sa brodia ďalej.” A rodina Wrightov a ako to ... Ceníte si tých ľudí. Vidíte? Preukážme im, že si ich ceníme.

14No, dnes mám dlhé posolstvo. Na tému obžaloba. A potom večer, počul som, že je večera Pánova a umývanie nôh a tak ďalej. Tak pastor bude hovoriť a my prídeme ... A ako ste nablízku, príďte a tešte sa s nami z posolstva od pastora, od Pána. A potom tiež, z umývania nôh a z večery Pánovej, to bude skutočne nahustený, plný večer. Tak budeme sa tešiť keď prídete, ak nemáte iné miesto kde chodíte.

15Chceme vyjadriť uznanie Donovi Ruddelovi, nášmu bratovi a bratovi Jacksonovi (a týmto bratom, sú to bratské, sesterské zbory s ktorými máme obecenstvo), bratovi Jack Palmerovi tam, ktorý má skupinu tam v Georgii. A chceme vyjadriť uznanie týmto mužom z celého nášho srdca, za čas, keď mávame zhromaždenia, keď sem prídem, oni nás prichádzajú navštíviť. Ceníme si to.

16Vidím dnes ráno môjho dobrého priateľa, dr. Lee Vayle a jeho ženu. Prv som tam uvidel sestru Vayle a stále som sa díval okolo, aby som uvidel kde je brat Lee. A mám (starý južanský výraz), “ vrana zobe s ním.” Rozumiete? Kedykoľvek idem ... Díval som sa každý deň na tej konferencii, či ho uvidím, či je tam, aby mi pomohol. Povedal som, “No, ak Lee príde, dajte mu kázať a ja sa budem len modliť za chorých.” A vyvolávali sme ho a všetko možné a nemohli sme ho nájsť; Tak mám - vrana, ktorá zobe s ním, keď budem hovoriť ... Sme radi, že tu máme dnes ráno brata a sestru Vayle.

17A možno sú tu mnohí ďalší, o ktorých nevieme. Vidím tu nejakú sestru, myslím, že je z Chicaga. Poznám tú skupinu tu ale nepoznám ich presne po mene. Tak ceníme si vás zovšade, odkiaľkoľvek ste.

18Vidím tu tých bratov, dvoch mladých mužov, ktorí majú byť ordinovaní (prinajmenej mladých v službe) dnes ráno. Dvaja naši farební bratia z New Yorku, ktorí boli práve akreditovaní cez Philadelphskú cirkev a podali túto cirkev, že odtiaľ pochádzajú. A my na nich položíme ruky, aby Boh požehnal ich službu v New Yorku. Máme tam dva alebo tri malé zbory. Myslím brat Milano má jednu z tých malých skupín tam a my si ich ceníme. A tu sú ďalší dvaja, ktorí teraz vyjdú, aby tam slúžili ľuďom. Ceníme si tieto veci. Nech vás Pán bohate žehná.

19Tak veľa, dívam sa okolo a vidím mnohých z vás; Len nedokážem ich všetkých nazvať po mene ale viem, že On to rozumie.

20No, myslím, že ak naša sestra, pianistka alebo niekto z nich by sem prišla a zahrala nám:

Keď sa žeravý uhlík dotkol proroka

učinil ho čistým, tak čistým ako len mohol byť

a keď hlas Boží povedal, „Kto nám pôjde“?

Potom odpovedal, „tu som, pošli mňa!“

21Keď ordinujeme týchto kazateľov, tým, že kladieme na nich ruky ... No, uvedomujeme si, že biblický spôsob ordinovania kazateľov je kladenie rúk. Myslím, že tam naši bratia Pozdného Dažďa alebo ľudia z Battleford a tak ďalej sa poplietli - keď videli, že kladenie rúk je na udeľovanie duchovných darov. No, my neveríme, že dary prichádzajú cez kladenie rúk. My veríme, že kladenie rúk je uznanie toho, čo sme už videli. Rozumiete? To je “amen.” Rozumiete?

22Keď položili ruky na Timoteja a na tých bratov, oni si všimli, že v tých mužoch je dar. Pamätaj, “roznecuj ten dar, ktorý je v tebe, ktorý pochádza od tvojej starej mamy Lois.” A oni toto videli v Timotejovi a preto tí starší položili na neho ruky, ordinovali ho, nekládli ruky na ľudí, ktorí nikdy nič nepreukázali. Vidíte? A oni len prosili o požehnanie a tomu všetci veríme. Tak my neudeľujeme duchovné dary; My ich len uznávame a kladieme na nich ruky, že súhlasíme s nimi, že veríme, že Boh urobil také veci pre tých ľudí.

23Všimol som si dnes ráno tam v zadu brata McKinney z (Myslím, že to je Kinney či McKinney.) - metodistický kazateľ, sedí tam vzadu, nedávno tu bol tiež ordinovaný (myslím, že to bolo priamo z pódia.) aby kázal tam v Ohio s bratom Dauchom a sestrou Dauchovou a s tou skupinou z Ohio. Ó, keď sa všetci zídeme spolu, tieto malé miesta prichádzajú spolu, je to nádherné. Žiadna denominácia, žiadne zväzky, jedine ku Ježišovi Kristovi, to je všetko (Vidíte?), proste sedíme spolu v ponebeských miestach.

24Dobre, sestra, keby si nám zahrala ... Zaspievajme len tento jeden verš toho „Keď sa žeravý uhlík dotkol proroka.“ Zaspievajme to teraz spolu.

Keď sa žeravý uhlík dotkol proroka,

očistil ho, že bol tak čistý ako len mohol byť,

Keď hlas Boží povedal, „Kto pôjde pre nás?“

Vtedy odpovedal, “Tu som, pošli mňa!”

Hovor, môj Pane, hovor, môj Pane; (No, bratia prídete sem?)

... rýchlo odpoviem ...

Nech iní brata, kazatelia prídu, položíme ruky ... Blízki tu tomuto zboru: brat Ruddell, brat Lamb a oni. Rovno sem, ak ...

A odpoviem, “Pane pošli mňa.”

Milióny zomierajú teraz v hriechu a hanbe;

Počúvaj ich smutný a horký plač;

Ponáhľaj sa brat, ponáhľaj sa im na pomoc;

Rýchlo odpovedz, „Majstre, tu som!“

Hovor, môj Pane; Hovor, môj Pane;

Hovor a ja Ti rýchlo odpoviem.

Hovor, môj Pane; Hovor, môj Pane;

Hovor a ja odpoviem, “Pane, pošli mňa!”

Ako sa voláš brat? (Orlando Hunt.) Brat Orlando Hunt z New yorku, je to tak? Brat ... (Joseph Coleman.) Joseph Coleman.

25No, keby ste sa obrátili k publiku, moji bratia. Brat Hunt a brat Coleman, povolanie Božie je na ich srdciach. A ako sme práve spievali tú pieseň, “Milióny teraz zomierajú v hriechu a hanbe,” oni počuli ten smutný a horký plač. A my ich prosíme. “Ponáhľaj sa brat, ponáhľaj sa im na pomoc.” Vidíte? Rýchlo odpovedz, “Majstre, tu som!” Tak oni dnes ráno odpovedajú.

26A my ako bratia tohoto zboru a tejto skupiny to potvrdzujeme, tým že kladieme na nich svoje ruky a podávame im pravicu spoločenstva, aby boli svedkami Ježiša Krista tu s našou podporou: že budeme stáť za nimi vo všetkom čo je chválebné a správne v evanjeliu. Budeme sa stále modliť za týmito mužmi aby ich Boh použil na Svoju chválu. A nech ich služba môže byť bohatá a veľká v New Yorku. Nech je ich život plný služby pre Neho, aby prinášali vzácne snopy do Kráľovstva. Nech žijú dlhý, šťastný život. Nech ich Pán Boh opáše svojou trvalou prítomnosťou a dá im zdravie a silu a zachová ich vo svojej službe, až kým ich Ježiš Kristus nezavolá do večného domova v nebeskom odpočinku.

27Nech teraz zhromaždenie, keď skloníme svoje hlavy a my kazatelia vystúpime, aby sme položili na nich svoje ruky ... [brat Branham odchádza od mikrofónu. – pozn.prekl.]

28Náš nebeský Otče, kladieme svoje ruky na brata - v mene Pána Ježiša Krista, ako sme sa dozvedeli, Pane, že je spravodlivý. Ďakujeme Ti za toto povolanie do služby v jeho živote. Pane, hovor cez tohoto brata, dobíjaj duše, prinášaj vyslobodenie, Pane, pre tých, ktorí sú v zajatí, v nemoci či duševne, telesne alebo duchovne. Pane, daj mu skutočnú službu, aby sa mohol na konci svojej cesty pozrieť naspäť na tú dlhú cestu a aby videl, že bol schopný z milosti Božej zajať každého nepriateľa. Prosíme to skrze Ježiša Krista nášho Pána. Amen.

29Na brata Colemana tiež kladieme naše ruky ako svedkovia, Pane, uznávajúc tým jeho povolanie, že my, tento zbor, táto skupina ľudí, veríme v neho, že je sluhom Kristovým. A prosíme, aby si ho žehnal a dal mu veľkú, mocnú službu aby dobýval duše pre Teba, Pane, a vyslobodzoval zajatých a lámal moci Satana, ktoré sú okolo životov ľudí s ktorými sa stýka. Daj mu, Pane, ovocný život, dobré zdravie a silu. A tiež, keď príde na koniec tej cesty, Bože, daj aby sa mohol pozrieť naspäť na ten dlhý úsek a aby mohol vidieť, kde skrze milosť Ježiša Krista bol schopný zlámať každé puto nepriateľa na slávu Božiu.

30Nebeský Otče, nech títo muži teraz tak žijú a pracujú v žatve Božej. Nech spočinú na nich Tvoje požehnania a buď s nimi až do času až sa všetci zídeme pri nohách nášho veľkého Majstra. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

31Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Hunt a nech ti dá úrodnú službu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat, a nech ti tiež dá úrodnú službu, brat. Nech vás Boh žehná. Znovu.

Keď sa žeravý uhlík dotkol proroka

očistil ho, že bol tak čistý ako len mohol byť,

Keď hlas Boží povedal, „Kto pôjde pre nás?“

Vtedy odpovedal, “Tu som, pošli mňa!”

Hovor, môj (Nech On hovorí do mnohých mladých sŕdc.)

Hovor, môj Pane, hovor, môj Pane; (...?...povolaný Boží.)

... a rýchlo ti odpoviem.

Hovor môj Pane; Hovor môj Pane.

Hovor a ja odpoviem, “Pane pošli mňa!”

32Ako ďakujeme Pánovi dnes ráno za túto veľkú česť v zbore, že sme svedkami vysielania kazateľov na misijné pole v týchto posledných dňoch. Nech milosť Božia ide s vami, moji bratia. Dúfam, že On vás pošle na polia do zahraničia a po celom svete, aby ste kázali toto nevystihnuteľné bohatstvo Ježiša Krista, kde je to tak potrebné, svet to dnes tak potrebuje.

33No, tak veľa týchto dobrých vecí, musíme zobrať len trochu tu a trochu tam po poriadku, aby sme to všetko stihli v tomto zhromaždení dnes ráno. No, dnes sme ... Hovorím na tému, ktorú som ... Niekedy nerád pristupujem ku týmto skutočne veľkým chvíľam.

34No, minulú nedeľu, ak tu niekto z vás nebol a nedostal posolstvo “Tretí Exodus,” a ak radi počúvate tie pásky, verím, že sa budete z tejto tešiť: “Tretí Exodus.”

35Čo tu máme, chorého chlapca, či niečo také? Ó, malý chromý chlapec. Áno. Nech ho Boh požehná; To je to. Dobre. Na konci zhromaždenia sa aj tak budeme modliť za chorých. Vidíte? Tak my ...

36Prosíme vás, ak môžete, aby ste si zohnali to posolstvo Tretí Exodus. Keď tretí krát to Svetlo, Anjel Pánov, zavolal ľudí na exodus, ukázal sa viditeľne na zemi v exoduse. Vidíte? Myslím, že pre mňa je to skutočne mimoriadne: Tretí Exodus.

37Nebude vám vadiť ak si vyzlečiem kabát? Dnes ráno je tu v modlitebni strašne teplo a jediná klimatizácia, ktorú máme je, že sa môžete ovievať. Musíte vydávať svoju vlastnú silu. Plánujeme tu dať niekedy chladiaci systém, len čo to budeme môcť namontovať.

38No, budeme si ceniť, ak budete chcieť počuť to posolstvo. Tretí Exodus ... Mali sme veľa exodusov ale môžeme celkom iste položiť svoju ruku na to miesto, na čas troch exodusov, kde Boh vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa prišiel dole, aby zavolal a oddelil ľudí. A teraz to je oddeľovanie ľudí.

39A zistili sme, že keď On zavolal svoj prvý exodus, išiel pred nimi v Ohnivom Stĺpe a viedol ich do zeme, kde sa neskoršie zjavil pred nimi vo forme Muža, ktorý sa nazýval Ježiš Kristus. (On prišiel od Boha a išiel ku Bohu.) A potom bol odmietnutý. A potom prišiel, aby vyvolal ľudí z formálneho stavu, do ktorého sa dostali, tak ako tam v Egypte: odišli do hriechu a na cesty Egypťanov. A Boh ich vyvolal.

40A teraz, nachádzame, že druhý krát sú vydaní do zajatia Rímskeho Impéria. A dostali sa pomimo, do vyznaní a preč od skutočného úprimného uctievania a Boh znovu poslal ďalší exodus. A zjavil sa vo forme Muža, ktorý viedol ľudí.

41V prvom exoduse On bol Ohnivým Stĺpom. Potom, keď prišiel na zem v Baránkovi, kde ich viedol ... Čo za nádherný obraz to bude v miléniu, kde vedie cirkev teraz. Budeme Ho vidieť takého aký je. Budem mať telo ako jeho vlastné oslávené telo.

42A dnes, skrze svetlo evanjelia, ktoré odzrkadľuje Svetlo, Ohnivý Stĺp viditeľne medzi nami ... Veda to videla; Je to v časopisoch a po celom svete; A je to uznané aj vedecky aj duchovne, ako ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp skrze tie isté znamenia a tie isté veci, ktoré On stále robil.

43A teraz, uprostred dní, keď je množstvo fanatizmu a rôznych vecí, jednako, Boh sa stále identifikuje. No, nachádzame toto, a aké je to chválebné vedieť, že tento zemský príbytok, jedného dňa, toto staré slabé telo, v ktorom bývame chorí a postihnutí, bude premenené a urobené, ako je jeho vlastné oslávené telo. Potom Ho budeme vidieť takého aký je a budeme s Ním v zemi, do ktorej dnes putujeme. Ó, to robí, že sa takmer cítime akoby sme stáli a spievali, “Putujem do Zasľúbenej Zemi.” Oni to asi aj tak budú spievať pri krste, pretože to je naša pieseň pri krste.

44A teraz, pre tých bratov, aj tých tu aj pre tých kde idú tieto pásky (a oni idú po celom svete.), tieto posolstvá nie sú smerované na žiadnu určitú osobu. A nechceli by sme, aby si ľudia mysleli, že my sme nejaký druh klanu alebo banda fanatikov, ktorá sa spolu zhromaždila, aby sa oddelila, podľa všetkého nemajúc vieru, alebo aby sa oddelila proti niekomu, alebo proti Bohu, alebo proti cirkvi. My sme za cirkev, ale snažíme sa len ukázať skrze Ducha Svätého a jeho pomoc, dôvod pre toto oddelenie, ktoré dnes máme. My v to neveríme. Veríme, že všetky cirkvi majú mať spolu obecenstvo, nebyť oddelené od seba, Metodisti do svojej skupiny a Baptisti do svojej a jednotári a trojičiari a čo máme, všetky oddelené. Veríme, že to má byť spolu, ako jedna veľká zjednotená skupina tela Ježiša Krista čakajúca na ten slávny príchod. Vôbec nemajú byť oddelené.

45A čo to oddeľuje, musí byť nejaký základný dôvod, že nie sme spolu. Keď to skúmame, uvedomujem si, keď to skúmam, že to nie je farba kože; Pretože žltí, čierni, hnedí a bieli všetci sa delia v rôznych organizáciách. Nie je to druh stravy, ktorú jeme; Všetci jeme tú istú stravu; Nosíme taký istý druh oblečenia a tak ďalej. Ale vidím v čom to v podstate je; To sú ľudia, ktorí sa dostali pomimo tej vyšliapanej cesty učenia evanjelia. Každý človek ... A má byť nejaká cesta, ktorá jasne ukazuje, čo je dobré a čo zlé. A ten jediný spôsob, ako to uvidíte, to nie je dať Slovu nejaký výklad, čítajte ho len tak ako je a tak mu verte. Každý človek, ktorý dáva svoj vlastný výklad, spôsobuje, že ono hovorí niečo iné.

46Privádza to naspäť do tej pôvodnej organizácii Katolíckej cirkvi, pri čom Katolícka cirkev verí, že Boh je vo svojej cirkvi a Slovo s tým nemá nič spoločného a Boh je vo svojej cirkvi. A my Protestanti, ako to nachádzame v Zjavení 17, že všetci sa nahromadili spolu a Katolícka cirkev je matkou všetkých organizácií. A vidíme, že Protestantská organizácia slepo, slepo, má tú istú povahu ako Katolícka cirkev. Biblia nazýva Katolícku cirkev smilnicou a protestantské cirkvi nazýva smilnicami: je povedané, že tá smilnica bola mater smilníc. A to sú ľudia, to je žena zlej povesti, ktorá nežije verne svojim manželským sľubom. A my všetci tvrdíme, že sme Nevestou Kristovou a predsa tak neverní. Čo spôsobuje tú nevernosť? Život nezhodný s disciplínou, ktorú Boh predložil pre svoju Nevestu aby podľa nej žila (To je môj vlastný názor.), Bibliu. A to je neomylné Božie Slovo, verím. A preto, nachádzame, že protestantská cirkev, aby mala organizáciu sa oddeľuje dokonca od Písma, aby spravila svoju organizáciu.

47Kazatelia, ordinovaní, budú sa držať veci aby ... Ako prichádzajú do mojej pracovni a na tie miesta, stovkami a hovoria mi, “brat Branham, ty vyzývaš tých ľudí. Nikto sa tam proti tomu nepostaví. Oni vedia, že to je pravda.”

“Prečo,” hovorím, “prečo to nerobíte?”

„No vieš, keby som to robil, žobral by som o chlieb. Nikto ... Ja mám službu, musím sa dostať ku Pánovi. A musím sa dostať ku ľuďom. A nikto by za mnou nestál.“

48Či si len uvedomujete, že Kristus stojí za nami, Biblia stojí za nami. Vidíte? Ale to je ... Vidíte? Potom to vrhá protestantskú cirkev presne do toho istého v čom je Katolícka cirkev.

49“Katolícka cirkev sa nestará ...” No, nehovorím ... Nepredstavujem to tak hrubo, aby som povedal, že sa nestarajú o to, čo hovorí Biblia. Oni veria Biblii, ale (Viete?) Oni majú ... Apoštolskú následnosť, to je to na čom je založená katolícka cirkev; To je následnosť pápežov a Petra nazývajú prvým pápežom a tak ďalej. No, oni tomu veria; oni dôrazne tomu veria.

50A Protestanti (Vidíte?), oni sa zhromažďujú spolu a majú organizáciu, presne tak ako tí urobili v Nicei, v Ríme, kde zorganizovali katolícku cirkev na Nicejskom koncile. A nachádzame, že obaja sú takí istí; Obidvoje je rovnaké: oni opustili Božie Slovo aby urobili organizáciu. Vidíte? A potom keď to prichádza do mnohých veľkých právd, oni dnes vyzerajú divne, pre nich je to cudzie, pretože sú učení len skrze rituál. My nemáme žiadny rituál okrem Biblie. Nemáme nič okrem Božieho svätého Slova, a to je to na čom stojíme.

51A teraz, dnes chcem čítať nejaké miesto Písma, len chvíľu, z toho svätého, posvätného Slova Božieho, ktoré nachádzame v knihe svätého Lukáša, v 23. kapitole svätého Lukáša aby sme založili - získali platformu - chcem povedať, základnú myšlienku ku tej veci, o ktorej chcem hovoriť. A otvorte si teraz 23. kapitolu svätého Lukáša. A chcem prečítať jeden verš; To je všetko čo potrebujem pre tento základ dnes ráno aby som to na tom postavil. Čítame teraz z 23. kapitoly, 33. verš tej 23. kapitoly:

A keď prišli na miesto, zvané Lebka, tam ho ukrižovali, aj tých zločincov, jedného po pravej a druhého po ľavej strane.

52No, chcem z toho zobrať štyri slová, z toho čo sme prečítali aby som na tom založil to čo chcem povedať: oni ho tam ukrižovali: štyri slová. A moja téma sa nazýva ... Prinášam obžalobu na dnešné denominačné cirkvi a tiež na mnohé nezávislé, za to, že znovu dnes križujú Ježiša Krista: obžalúvam ich.

53Dnes ráno je to nazvané “Obžaloba.” Chcem to predstaviť trochu tak ako by to bolo v súdnej sieni, tam kde sú ... A nakoniec kazateľňa a zbor je súdna sieň. Biblia povedala, že to je súdna stolica - že súd musí začať od domu Pánovho. A toto je ako trón a porota a svedkovia a tak ďalej.

54A dnes mám, mojim svedkom je Božie Slovo a moja obžaloba je proti dnešným cirkvám. No, neprivádzam do tohoto hriešnika; Hovorím toto len cirkvi. A má to byť teraz na páskach a budem sa to snažiť prebrať tak rýchlo ako len budem môcť.

55Obžalúvam túto generáciu, že druhý krát ukrižovala Ježiša Krista.

56A teraz, aby som toto urobil v tomto veku, v ktorom žijeme ... V tomto musím ukázať dôkaz. Keď mám priniesť obžalobu, musíte predložiť dôkaz, že bol spáchaný trestný čin. Aby som ich obžaloval musím priniesť dôkaz a dokázať to, že to tak je - aby to, čo hovorím obstálo pred hlavným Sudcom, ktorý ... A ja sa postavím ako obhajca v tejto obžalobe.

57A Slovo Božie je mojím Svedkom, ja obžalúvam túto generáciu za ukrižovanie. Musím ukázať a ukážem, že ten istý duch je dnes na ľuďoch, ktorý spôsobil to prvé ukrižovanie a robí to isté. Musím to ukázať, ak to má byť ukrižovanie, že oni ukrižovali. Musím ukázať ľuďom, že dnes ten istý postoj v ľuďoch robí duchovne to isté, čo oni urobili vtedy telesne. Oni telesne ukrižovali Ježiša Krista Syna Božieho.

58A teraz, dnes pomocou toho istého Slova a skrze toho istého Ducha Svätého a toho istého Slova, chcem ukázať cirkvám kde stoja: že dnes robia to isté (A Biblia hovorí, že to urobia.), a dokázať, že toto je ten deň, v ktorom žijeme.

59To nemohlo byť spáchané pred niekoľkými rokmi. Povedzme pred päťdesiatimi rokmi to nemohli spáchať. Ale dnes je presne ten čas. Nemohlo sa to stať, možno pred desiatimi rokmi ale mohlo sa to stať dnes, pretože ten čas prišiel. Sme v čase konca. Verím, ako Jeho sluha, že sme práve v čase aby sme prešli z tejto zeme do inej.

60Preto, čas na pokánie pre národ skončil. Verím, že tento národ nemôže učiniť pokánie. Verím, že prekročil líniu medzi milosťou a súdom. Verím, že sa nachádza na váhach.

61“Brat Branham, prv ako začneš svoj proces, ako to dokážeš?” Proste takto: že sme vinní tých istých hriechov za ktoré Boh zničil svet v tom predpotopnom svete. Sme vinní tých istých hriechov, za ktoré On zničil svet v Sodome a Gomore. A teraz ... A máme úplne ten istý duchovný dôkaz, ktorý tu leží pred nami, presne ten istý duchovný dôkaz, známy po celom svete, ktorý priviedol dole milosrdenstvá Božie na tieto generácie a ich odmietnutie tiež priviedlo súd. Tak ak táto generácia odmietla to isté milosrdenstvo, ktorým opovrhli v tých dňoch, Boh by bol nespravodlivý keby ich nechal prejsť bez súdu.

62Ako Jack More, môj priateľ, raz povedal, „Ak tento národ prejde bez trestu od Boha, potom by Boh musel vzbudiť Sodomu a Gomoru a ospravedlniť sa im za to, že ich spálil.“

63No, vieme, že duchovne oni robia dnes to isté, lebo oni to robia aby - kvôli tomu istému a tak isto, ako to tí urobili pri ukrižovaní Pána, telesne. Oni to robia zo závisti, pretože sú duchovne slepí, lebo nechcú vidieť; Nechcú to počúvať. Ježiš, na svojej ceste tu na zemi, On povedal, “Dobre o vás povedal Izaiáš; Máte oči a nemôžete vidieť a uši a nemôžete počuť.” Vidíte?

64Ten istý dôvod, ten istý účel a tie isté argumenty, oni privádzajú znovu ukrižovanie Krista, znovu (ako sa za chvíľu ku tomu dostaneme), z tých istých dôvodov, ktoré oni mali vtedy. Oni nemôžu nájsť nič proti tomu; Neodvážia sa to napadnúť. A vedia, že tam je dôkaz; A vedia, že Biblia tak hovorí; A jediné čo sú schopní robiť je, že sa tomu rúhajú. Presne tak. Tak ... A všetko toto, tie isté dôvody ...

65A teraz, na základe tohoto napádam túto generáciu z ukrižovania Ježiša Krista, za ukrižovanie a obviňujem ich. So špinavými, zlými, sebeckými, denominačnými rukami križujú Knieža Života, ktorý sa chcel predstaviť ľuďom.

Poviete, “Či je to tá istá Osoba?”

66“Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom” a zjavilo sa. Slovo sa prejavilo v tele a oni odsúdili to telo a vydali ho na smrť; Pretože Slovo sa prejavilo. Židom 13:8 hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. To je to isté Slovo. Vidíte? A oni sa snažia z toho istého dôvodu ukrižovať to Slovo.

67No, idem ku svojmu textu, aby som sa vrátil naspäť ku téme, ktorú chcem vziať: “Tam” ...tie štyri slová. Vysvetlime to “Tam.” Tam, v tom najsvätejšom meste na svete, v Jeruzaleme, tam, v najnábožnejšom meste na svete ... “Tam oni,” najnábožnejší ľudia na svete, na náboženskom sviatku, na sviatku Veľkej noci. “Tam,” na najnábožnejšom mieste, v najnábožnejšom meste, tá najväčšia zo všetkých organizácií, hlava toho všetkého, tam oni, tí najnábožnejší ľudia na celom svete sa zhromaždili z celého sveta. Oni ukrižovali, to je tá najhanebnejšia smrť, aká mohla byť - akou človek mohol byť zabitý - nahý, zvliekli z Neho šaty. On opovrhol hanbou. Na krucifixe je ovinutý handrou, ale oni Mu vyzliekli šaty. Najhanebnejšia ... “Tam” (V tom najnábožnejšom meste) “oni” (tí najnábožnejší ľudia) “ukrižovali” (to je tá najhanebnejšia smrť) “Jeho” (tú najvzácnejšiu osobu).

68Či to nie je dosť na odsúdenie tej generácii ... “Tam,” tá najnábožnejšia organizácia, najväčšia zo všetkých cirkví sa zhromaždila na jednom mieste; “Oni,” tí najnábožnejší ľudia zo všetkých rás, ľudia, ktorí mali byť skutoční ctitelia Boha ... Oni sa zhromaždili na tom najväčšom sviatku aký mali, Veľkonočné očisťovanie, keď boli privedení z otroctva na slobodu. A tam v tom čase, “oni,” v tom čase, tí najnábožnejší ľudia, na tom najnábožnejšom sviatku, na tom najnábožnejšom mieste priviedli na Knieža Života tú najhanebnejšiu vec, ktorá mohla byť vykonaná: vyzliecť človeka a zavesiť ho na drevo; Pretože “Zlorečený ten ...” Povedal zákon, skrze ktorý ctili Boha, “Zlorečený ten, kto visí na dreve.” A On sa stal za nás zlorečenstvom. Vyzliekli Mu šaty, bili Ho a vysmievali sa Mu, samému Bohu neba, zobrali Mu šaty a pribili Ho na kríž ... “Jeho,” tam Ho oni ukrižovali rímskym trestom smrti.

69Najhanebnejšia smrť dnes by nebolo zastrelenie. Najhanebnejšia smrť dnes by nebolo, keby niekoho zrazilo auto a zabilo, alebo by sa utopil vo vode, alebo by zhorel; Ale najhanebnejšia smrť dnes je verejný trest smrti, kde vás celý svet odsudzuje a nazýva vás vinným. A celý svet položil svoje ruky na tohoto Muža a nazval Ho vinným, keď On bol nevinný. A On zomrel vydaný nepriateľom, nie svojim priateľom, nie jeho zákonom, ale vydaný nepriateľskému ukrižovaniu: Knieža Života, tá najvzácnejšia osoba, ktorá kedy žila alebo bude žiť, Ježiš Kristus, Jeho vydali, tú najvzácnejšiu Osobu. Zachovajte to teraz vo svojej mysli, keď pripravujeme priestor na vyjadrenie toho, čo sa deje dnes.

70Mohli by ste si predstaviť, že na mieste, ako je Jeruzalem, kde za dvetisíc päťsto rokov alebo viac, tí ľudia -- alebo stovky rokov ... to som možno povedal trochu veľa. To mohlo byť okolo osemsto alebo deväťsto rokov alebo tak nejako. Neviem presne koľko - koľko to bolo odvtedy keď postavili Šalamúnov chrám. Predpokladám, okolo osemsto rokov, tak nejako. A oni očakávali na príchod Mesiáša. Oni sa tam zhromaždili, aby si uctili Veľkú Noc. Len si to teraz predstavte: hlava všetkých Farizejov, Sadúceov a čo máte, jedno veľké zhromaždenie, aby ctili Boha ... Najsvätejšie miesto, Jeruzalem, chrám Pánov, a tí ľudia Pánovi zobrali Samého Pána a ukrižovali Ho, odsúdili na smrť. Niečo také.

71A teraz, tie štyri slová: “Oni - Tam Ho oni ukrižovali.” No, vy stále ukazujete Bibliu. Vidíte, to sú len štyri slová ale Biblia kondenzuje svoju pravdu. No, čo sa mňa týka, ja musím ísť okolo a vysvetliť to, o čom hovorím, ale Biblia nemusí nič vysvetľovať. To je proste všetko pravda. Tak oni - Biblia nemusí nič vysvetľovať. Ona to nemusí vysvetľovať, pretože to je všetko pravda.

72Tu sú štyri slová z jej veľkej reťazi pravdy. Pokúsim sa to vysvetliť. A snažiť sa to jasne vysvetliť, z toho by vznikla celá knižnica. Ja nijako nedokážem vysvetliť tieto štyri slová. Ale teraz, pokúsme sa s pomocou toho, ktorý spravil, aby to bolo zapísané, skúsme vysvetliť tieto štyri slová a prinesme to tak, že tomu ľudia budú rozumieť.

73Čo máme teraz pred sebou? Máme tu prvé ukrižovanie, ktoré leží pred nami na tom najsvätejšom mieste, tých najnábožnejších ľudí, najhanebnejšiu smrť, spáchanú na tej najvzácnejšej Osobe. Ó, taký protiklad. Ó, to je nehanebné.

74No, zoberme prv to prvé slovo: “Tam.” Hovorme o ňom za chvíľu, prv ako prinesieme obžalobu. Rozoberieme toto a ukážeme vám čo oni robili, potom zistíme, či je moja obžaloba správna alebo nie. “Tam,” V Jeruzaleme, na najsvätejšom chráme - mieste, pretože tam bol chrám; To najsvätejšie miesto, pretože to - tam bol chrám a židia z celého sveta sa schádzali na toto jediné miesto, ktoré bolo miestom stretnutia, kde sa klaňali Bohu. To najdôležitejšie miesto na bohoslužbu aké bolo, bol Jeruzalem. Tam bol chrám. A je napísané, že všetci ľudia sa majú klaňať Bohu v Jeruzaleme. Je to tak, pretože to je centrum uctievania Boha.

75A dnes ich počujete ... Jeden z nich chce povedať, že oni, “Ó, prichádzame na tieto veľké konferencie,” tam kde to tieto denominácie majú. A potom máme otvorenie vo Vatikáne, a tieto ordinácie pápežov a tak ďalej. Oni, každý hovorí, “Všetci máme ísť do tábora metodistov, alebo na baptististickú konferenciu,” alebo, “Všetci máme ísť do Ríma.” A tam je to veľké centrum kresťanstva, oni to tak nazývajú ...

76Počas tej poslednej vojny, keď Rím padol, títo nemeckí vojaci (mnohí z vás chlapcov viete o tom.), tí nemeckí vojaci sa dostali tam do Vatikánu a strieľali na Američanov, ako tam oni postupovali. Brat Funk a brat Roberson a mnohí z vás, brat Beeler a mnohí z týchto bratov, ktorí boli v tej vojne to vedia. A viete čo? Vydali sme rozkazy, aby nestrieľali na to mesto: Američania. Stáli ste tam a boli ste pre nich terčom; Ale pri Westmister Abbey v Anglicku, tam ste mohli strieľať. Tam sa zhromaždili protestanti, tak to bolo v poriadku strieľať tam, ale nestrieľať na Vatikán; Pretože ako prezident Roosevelt ... Počul som jeho reč, keď hovoril v rádiu ten večer, nazvali to “neformálna reč.” On povedal, “Keď Rím padol,” povedal, “taká hanba, pretože Rím je hlavou všetkého kresťanstva.” Môžete si predstaviť, že protestant hovorí niečo také?

77Tak to veľké centrum kresťanského náboženstva ... No, ideme to umiestniť tak ako Jeruzalem, ak chcete. Keby ste chceli, umiestnime to do Jeruzalema. To bola hlava všetkých týchto ďalších, Sanhedrinu a Farizejov a Sadúceov, oni všetci išli do Jeruzalema. To bolo skutočne hlavné sídlo.

78A v tom organizačnom živote, musíte pripustiť, že rímsko- katolícka cirkev je matkou tých všetkých. Skutočne je. A to začalo od Letníc, pretože to je spôsob ako sa tam dostali, keď sa zorganizovali. No, my, Protestanti sme len malé sestry tej cirkvi.

79A tak, povedzme, že by to bolo dnes tam vo Vatikáne, alebo tam v Jeruzaleme, ako to bolo v tom dni, keď sa všetci ľudia mali prísť do Jeruzalema pokloniť Bohu. Prečo to tak robili vo dňoch Ježiša? Prečo hovorili, že sa všetci majú prísť pokloniť Bohu do Jeruzalema? Pretože je len jedno miesto, na ktorom Boh bude mať obecenstvo s človekom; To je pod krvou obeti. Preto oni museli prísť do Jeruzalema. Boh sa nestretne s človekom nikde inde, len pod krvou. Keď odmietnete krv, potom vaše miesto stretnutia s Bohom je odstránené. Boh urobil svoje prvé rozhodnutie v záhrade Eden, že človek Ho bude uctievať jedine pod preliatou krvou obeti. A to je jediné miesto na ktorom sa Boh stretol vtedy s človekom; A to je jediné miesto na ktorom sa Boh vôbec kedy stretol s človekom; A to je jediné miesto na ktorom sa On stretáva s človekom dnes, to je pod preliatou krvou obeti. Rozumiete?

80Nestarám sa či si metodista, baptista, presbyterián, ak môžete zabudnúť na svoje rozdiely (rímsky katolík, čokoľvek ste) a prídete pod preliatu krv, Boh sa s nami oboma tam stretne. Tam sa všetci môžeme stretnúť a mať obecenstvo na tých istých zásadách. Ale inak, On sa s vami nestretne len preto, že ste metodisti. On sa s vami nestretne preto, že ste letniční. On sa s vami stretne pod jednou podmienkou; To je pod preliatou krvou, keď vaše hriechy boli vyznané a vyhnané z Jeho prítomnosti. Potom skrze krv ... A tá krv je stále pred ním; A preto, On vás môže vidieť len cez tú preliatu krv. A vy ste biely ako sneh (Vidíte?) keď ste vyznali svoje hriechy; Inak sa tam nedostanete. Nemôžete mať obecenstvo.

81To je dôvod, že nevidíte diať sa veci v cirkvách; Oni vyznávajú, že veria v krv ale odmietajú práve ten plán ako sa dostať do krvi, do Slova. Vidíte? Je len jeden spôsob ako Boh uzná to Slovo. Vy nedáte uznanie tomu Slovu, keď prídete a poviete, “Ja som rímsky katolík; Žiadam aby sa toto stalo.” Vy to nemôžete. metodista, baptista alebo letniční, nemôžete to urobiť. Jediný spôsob ako to môžete urobiť je pod milosrdenstvom Božím cez jeho milosť, to znamená prísť skrze preliatu krv Ježiša Krista; Poviete, “Pane, dožadujem sa toho zasľúbenia.” Vidíte? A potom, ak ste skutočne pod krvou, Boh je zaviazaný voči tomu Slovu. Ale prv musíte byť pod tou krvou. Vidíte to teraz?

82Nie divu, že ľudia nemôžu veriť zázrakom. Nie divu, že nemôžete veriť v nadprirodzené. Nie divu, že oni to odsudzujú. Dôvod, pre čo to odsúdili tam vtedy je ten istý, pre čo to odsudzujú dnes. Ste vinní tak ako len môžete byť, pretože len pod preliatou krvou ... A tí, ktorí by sa odvážili ... Nejaký obyčajný brat, ktorý sa odvažuje v pokore zobrať Boha za Jeho Slovo a vystúpiť tam a vyznať svoje hriechy a zabudnúť všetky tieto dogmy a všetko a postaviť sa tam pod krvou a veriť tomu, potom ľudia ho chcú nazvať fanatikom. Chcú ho klasifikovať ako by sme to povedali (Nie je to dobré slovo, aby sa používalo spoza kazateľni ale - tak to porozumiete.), je čudák. Nakoniec, či nie sme všetci čudáci? Vidíte? Veriaci je čudákom pre neveriaceho a neveriaci je čudákom pre veriaceho. Tak kto je ten čudák? Vidíte? Farmár je čudákom pre obchodníka; Obchodník je čudákom pre farmára. Vidíte? Tak kto ním vlastne je?

83Hovorím vám; Spasenie je individuálna záležitosť výlučne medzi človekom a Bohom: s jednotlivcom; s bázňou a trasením skúmame svoje spasenie. A nepoznám dnes ráno žiadny iný princíp, ako učiteľ alebo ako sluha od Krista, než ako to položiť na Slovo. Nemôžem to umiestniť na nič inšie.

84No, nachádzame tam potom, že len pod krvou sa Boh stretol so svojim ctiteľom, tak sa oni stretávali v Jeruzaleme. A Kristus je Božím pripraveným obetným baránkom. A dnes je len jedno miesto, na ktorom sa Boh stretne s človekom a to je pod krvou Ježiša Krista. Kdekoľvek inde je to odmietnuté. Boh to vôbec nebude počuť. Môžete robiť všetky možné emócie a všetky možné izmy a triasť sa a vyskakovať a mať krv a oheň a dym a všetko možné; Ale pokiaľ sa ten život nezhoduje so Slovom a Boh jasne neidentifikuje ten život, potom nie je potrebné pokúšať sa o to, pretože ste vonku. A Boh sa s tým nikdy nestretne, až kým to nepríde pod starostlivosť tej krvi. Je to tak.

85Tak vidíte, v Písme máme Jeruzalem (cirkev má); To je v nebi, nebeský Jeruzalem, kde Boh je Bohom. A dnes, to nie je pod nejakým vyznaním alebo niečím z čoho sa my snažíme urobiť Jeruzalem. My by sme radi ... Metodisti by radi - by radi urobili metodistické hlavné sídlo v Jeruzaleme; katolíci by radi urobili Rím. A tie rôzne miesta kde máme svoje hlavné sídla, chceli by sme to urobiť naším Jeruzalemom. Ale Biblia hovorí, že náš Jeruzalem je ten z hora, ktorý je matkou všetkých veriacich.

86No, a Kristus je Božím pripraveným baránkom. Všimnite si ako to teraz pasovalo, to ukazovalo, že ten Jeruzalem mal pominúť. Kedy? On bol efektívny až do tej hodiny; krv baránka bola v poriadku, až do toho dňa. Ale teraz, pri ukrižovaní sa to mení. Ten starý systém skončil. Bol nový a ten baránok mal byť obetovaný. Ten baránok, obetný baránok bol na zemi. Oni ho odsudzovali a robili presne to, čo mali urobiť. Je to tak.

87Nech je požehnaný Boh, že vidíme toto nádherné, nebeské svetlo v tomto poslednom dni, pretože cirkvi robia dnes presne to isté. Až do hodiny, keď organizované náboženstvo odsúdilo a preukázalo, že obetúva Kristove Slovo, odvtedy ďalej nastupuje Slovo a jedine Slovo. Od ... ten starý veľkonočný baránok pominul a Kristus sa stal našim baránkom v deň ukrižovania. A v ten deň, keď denominácie ukrižovali Slovo Božie a prijali vyznanie namiesto Slova, to je deň keď Slovo prichádza do plného efektu. To sa stalo práve nedávno.

88Všimnite si zadruhé: prv, “Tam,” v Jeruzaleme; Za druhé, “Oni.” Kto oni? Židia, ctitelia. Predstavte si to. Sami ctitelia zabíjali práve toho, o ktorom tvrdili, že ho ctia. Dokážete si predstaviť niečo také ako inteligentní ľudia, ktorí boli kňazmi, ktorí boli vyučení, ktorí mali doktorské tituly, že až možno ... Museli pochádzať z určitej generácii, či pokolenia, prv ako vôbec mohli byť kňazmi. Museli byť Leviti. Ich otcovia boli kňazi; Ich starí otcovia boli kňazi; Ich pra, pra, pra, pra, pra, prastarí otcovia boli kňazi. A museli žiť takým zasväteným životom, že ak by jedna jota bola proti nim, boli by ukameňovaní. Nebola udelená žiadna milosť. Svätí? Samozrejme, ale ich vlastná svätosť, museli sa tak správať aby ukázali svoju tvár pred svojou cirkvou. Vo vnútri, Ježiš povedal, “ste plní umrlčích kostí.”

89Hneď tam by som mohol podať obžalobu. Ľudia, ktorí vedia, že to je pravda, že toto Slovo je pravda a budú s ním činiť kompromis, aby ukázali tvár pred nejakou organizáciou. Vidíte? Mám právo obžalovať ich (Je to tak.) Na základe Božieho Slova.

90Všimnite si, “Oni,” tí ctitelia, ľudia, ktorí mali očakávať na to zasľúbenie, ľudia, ktorí na to mali očakávať roky a veky a nemali nič iné do roboty len ustavičné semináre; Ale oni rozdelili Slovo podľa učenia zo seminárov a prehliadli práve tú pravdu Slova. “Oni,” tí kňazi, kazatelia toho dňa; “Tam,” v ich hlavnom sídle, “oni,” kazatelia toho dňa zabíjali práve toho Boha, práve toho Baránka. Práve Toho, o ktorom tvrdili, že Ho uctievajú, oni Ho zabíjali.

91A dnes obžalúvam túto skupinu ordinovaných kazateľov. V ich vyznaniach a denomináciách križujú ľuďom práve toho Boha, o ktorom tvrdia, že Ho milujú a že Mu slúžia. Obžalúvam týchto kazateľov v mene Pána Ježiša na základe ich náuky, keď tvrdia, že dni zázrakov pominuli a že vodný krst v mene Ježiša Krista je nedostačujúci a nesprávny. Na základe každého z týchto slov, ktoré nahradili za vyznania, obžalúvam ich, že sú vinní, a že krv Ježiša Krista je na ich rukách, za to, že znovu križujú Pána Ježiša druhý krát. Oni verejnosti križujú Krista, berú ľuďom to, čo im majú dať a nahrádzajú to niečím iným namiesto toho: cirkevným vyznaním za popularitu.

92Tam “Oni, oni,” ktorí to mali vedieť lepšie ... Ak to mal niekto lepšie vedieť, tak to mali byť tí kazatelia. Ak by to mal niekto lepšie vedieť, mali by to byť tí duchovní tohoto dňa. Ak to niekto má vedieť, biskupi a arcibiskupi a kazatelia a doktori teológii by to mali vedieť lepšie. Ale prečo to nemôžu vedieť? Ó, čo za rozpor. Ó, čo tu máme pred sebou ak nie rozpor? Oni tvrdia, že ctia Boha a zabíjajú Knieža Života.

93Oni ... Tam Ho oni ukrižovali, a tu “oni” znovu robia to isté, pretože On je Slovo. To je to, čo ... On je len vyjadrením Slova. A to je On dnes, vyjadrením Slova, snaží sa nájsť niekoho, cez koho by sa vyjadril.

94A títo ľudia držia zhromaždenie preč od Boha. A ak sa čokoľvek deje a je to povedané v zhromaždení, oni to odsúdia z pódia, z poza kazateľni a povedali, “To je fanatizmus; Stráňte sa toho.” Tým, že to tak robia, ukrižovali Ježiša Krista v 1963 a sú tak vinní, ako tamtí vtedy. To je strašný výrok, ale je to pravda.

95Na ... To je presne to, čo oni dnes robia. A na základe tohoto, na základe toho, že križujú Krista, preto že berú Slovo a odoberajú ho ľuďom, to je presne to čo oni robili tam. Práve to Slovo, cez ktoré Boh vyjadroval svojho vlastného Syna aby dokázal, že to je to a Ten, o ktorom oni tvrdili, že ho milujú, Jehova, ktorý sa zamanifestoval cez Písma, urobil presne to čo povedal, že bude robiť, presne čo Boh povedal, že bude robiť a vyjadril to pred nimi. Preto, že milovali svoje cirkevné skupiny a také veci, odsúdili Knieža Života. A ja odsudzujem dnes tú istú skupinu a obžalúvam ich, že sú vinní pred Bohom, skrze Slovo Božie, že robia to isté. Táto generácia je obžalovaná.

96Pamätajte Židom 13:8. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

97Ako ho obžalovali? Pretože ich vyznania ho neprijali. A dole vo svojom srdci vedeli, že je to inak. Či to Nikodém v 3. kapitole Ev. Jána dôkladne nevyjadril? “Rabbi, my, Farizeovia, kazaelia, učitelia, my vieme, že si učiteľ poslaný od Boha, lebo žiadny človek by nemohol robiť tieto veci, ktoré ty robíš, ak by nebol s ním Boh.” Vidíte? Oni verejne vydali o tom svedectvo cez jedného svojho dobre známeho muža. A ...? ... kvôli svojim vyznaniam ukrižovali Krista. A dnes nieto čitateľa, ktorý by nevedel prečítať Skutky 2:38 tak isto, ako to ja čítam a to ostatné presne tak isto, ako to ja čítam. Ale kvôli svojim vyznaniam a kvôli svojim denominačným preukazom, ktoré majú vo svojich vreckách. (Znamenia šelmy, ktoré nosia ako preukazy spoločenstva) A berú tieto veci, križujú znovu Ježiša Krista a križujú Ho pred verejnosťou a rúhajú sa samému Bohu, ktorý zasľúbil, že bude toto robiť, prinášajú zatratenie na celú rasu.

98No, “Tam oni,” nie hriešnik, “Oni,” to je, cirkev toho dňa, oni našli vinu na človeku, ktorý bol Slovom. Je to tak? Našli vinu na človeku, ktorý bol Slovom. Teraz našli vinu na Slove, ktoré účinkuje cez človeka (Vidíte, oni to proste obrátili), ktoré je v tej osobe, cez ktorú účinkuje Duch Svätý, čo je Božím potvrdením. Ako vedeli, že On je Kristus? Pretože jeho skutky dokazovali, kto je. On povedal, “Kto z vás ma môže usvedčiť o hriechu? Ak som nevykonal presne to, čo Písmo povedalo, že budem robiť. A kto ... Nech mi niekto povie kde som sklamal, či som neukázal každý znak, že som Mesiáš, že som práve ten, ktorý vám bol zasľúbený...”

99Oni povedali, “My máme Mojžiša. My veríme Mojžišovi.”

Povedal, “Keby ste verili Mojžišovi, verili by ste mne. Mojžiš videl môj deň a mal túžbu žiť v tomto dni. Mojžiš to videl ďaleko v prorokoch. A vy tu žijete rovno pri tom a odsudzujete to.” Povedal, “Vy pokrytci, tvárnosť oblohy dokážete rozoznať ale znak času nedokážete.” Tu to je, znak času.

100Za čo ho oni pokladali? Za fanatika, blázna. Oni našli chybu na človeku, ktorý bol Slovom. On bol Slovo. Ev. Jána 1. kapitola to dokazuje. “Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.”

101On bol živým Božím Slovom, pretože vyjadroval Boha. On bol tak úplne vydaný Božiemu Slovu, že On a Slovo, to bolo to isté. A to je presne to, čím má byť dnes cirkev, že Slovo Božie je to isté. Ako môžete byť časťou toho Slova, keď prakticky zapierate všetko z neho? A príčinou, že sa to tak stalo nie sú tí ľudia. Preto si myslím, že mi Boh hovoril ohľadne toho, že som nazýval tých ľudí “Riki a Rikety.” To je preto, že tieto sebecké denominácie majú tých ľudí, ktorí tam žijú tak ako žijú. Oni ukrižovali pravdu a ľudia to nazývajú rúhanie, lepšie povedané rúhajú sa tomu. Nazývajú to fanatizmom a tak ďalej a nevedia, že sa rúhajú práve tomu Bohu, ktorému chodia do cirkvi slúžiť.

102Preto obžalúvam túto skupinu duchovných dnes. Obžalúvam túto generáciu v mene Ježiša Krista, z autority Božieho Slova: Vy Ho znovu križujete.

103Všimnite si, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, Božie Slovo potvrdené v človeku.

104Porovnajte tie dve Golgoty a ich obvinenie. Pamätajte, „Pretože on sa robil Bohom, nechceme aby tento vládol nad nami.“ Aké bolo to obvinenie, ktoré mohli nájsť to ráno na tom koncile, keď ukrižovali Ježiša? Že on sa robil Bohom - On bol Boh. A nedodržiaval Sabat - a On bol Pánom Sabatu. Oni Ho odsúdili pretože sa robil Bohom. „Toto nemáš právo robiť. Nemáš žiadne právo. Naši najvyšší kňazi ... Ak čokoľvek prichádza, to príde cez našich kňazov.“

105No, porovnajte to s Golgotou dnes. Keď Boh (to sa tak zaľúbilo Otcovi, Bohu, Duchu, aby vzbudil svojho vlastného Syna) zatienil Máriu Svätým Duchom a zrodila telo, ktoré Mu mohlo slúžiť a slúžiť Jeho účelu aby ... On ... Boh bol v Kristovi, Plnosť Božstva telesne, v Ňom vyjadroval ľuďom čo Boh je - dával poznať celému svetu čo Boh chcel aby každý jednotlivec bol: syn a dcéra. On zobral jedného človeka a urobil to. A preto, že On sa nepripojil ku ich organizáciám, oni Ho odsúdili a ukrižovali.

106No, porovnajte tú Golgotu s dneškom. Kvôli organizačnej zaujatosti, kvôli ľahostajnosti medzi učenými, ktorí majú poznať Božie Slovo a plán; Kvôli tomuto, Boh môže zobrať malú skupinu ľudí, cez ktorých môže niekde účinkovať a vyjadrovať sa, ktorí sa pokoria Slovu. A nemôžu povedať, že to nie je tak. Nemohli povedať, že to On neurobil lebo ich zhromaždenie bolo svedkom toho. Bolo to pred nimi. Nemohli to zaprieť. Nemohli zaprieť to, čo On tvrdil, pretože práve to slovo, o ktorom povedali, že mu veria, bolo tým, čo potvrdilo, že to je On, pretože Boh zobral Slovo, ktoré malo byť Mesiášom a ukázal ho cez človeka. A oni sa Ho museli zbaviť. Jediný spôsob ako mohli ísť ďalej bolo zbaviť sa Mesiáša. A oni to urobili skrze slepotu a neznalosť, bez ohľadu na svoje vzdelanie. Oni boli chytrí, múdri, svetsky hovoriac, ako sme to porovnali raz večer. Keď to svetlo zasiahlo toho bohatého mládenca, pozrite sa čo urobil. On to odmietol - chytrý človek. Pavel, iný chytrý človek, svetlo ho zasiahlo. Čo urobil? On to prijal. Zabudol všetko, čo kedy vedel, aby mohol poznať Krista. To urobilo jeho život hodný evanjelia. (Posolstvo z minulej nedele večer.)

107Tam to je dnes. To raní, možno, nejaký malý človek, ktorý odišiel, cítil, že má povolanie Božie, odišiel do nejakého seminára a naučil sa nejaké vyznanie. Musí žiť podľa toho vyznania alebo odovzdať svoju členskú kartu. Ak to urobí, je čiernou ovcou. Nikto ho nebude mať, pretože raz patril do niečoho a teraz do toho nepatrí. Oni zistili, že s tým človekom je niečo zlé a nebudú ho mať vo svojom zhromaždení, keď to zhromaždenie sa díva len na jeden znak a to je: ak verí to čo oni veria. Ak má členskú kartu, ak je Metodista ... Ak má kartu - patrí do iného obecenstva, alebo jednotár, alebo trojičiar alebo čokoľvek môže byť, Cirkev Božia, alebo v letničných kruhoch, všetky tie kruhy ... A nosí kartu, zdá sa im, že to ústredie ho prezrelo a otestovali mu myseľ a dali mu psychiatrický test a zistili či jeho IQ je dostatočne vysoké, že môže hovoriť pred nimi. Ak nie, dajú ho preč. Je to tak.

108Ale vidíte, zhromaždenie má pozorovať ruku Pánovu: či ho Boh ordinoval alebo nie. To je to na čo majú hľadieť. Ale dnes znovu križujú Syna Božieho. Keď je niekto schopný z milosti Božej, Boh ho povolal, nechá aby sa sám Boh cez neho prejavoval ... “Skutky ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť,” On povedal.

109Všimnite si, čo za deň v ktorom žijeme. Oni berú - oni berú práve tú Golgotu (môžeme dnes ráno) a ten istý dôvod ... No, oni vedeli, že to bola pravda, ale zo závisti, zaujatosti ... Čo im Ježiš povedal, “Ak ja prstom Božím vyháňam démonov, potom čím ich vy vyháňate? Nech sú oni vaši sudcovia. (Vidíte?) To ja prstom Božím vyháňam démonov ...”

Akoby ste ich počuli povedať, “Môžeš dokázať, že je to prst Boží?” Rád by som počul, keď sa ho to opýtali. Oni boli na to príliš chytrí.

110Všimnite si. Pretože On sa robil Bohom (A On bol Boh.) ... “Nechceme, aby tento vládol nad nami.” Ale teraz, tá vec. Ten istý starý krik znovu prichádza. Oni hovoria, “Bibliu napísali ľudia, nemusíme podľa nej žiť.” To je Božie Slovo; To je sám Boh.

Rozprával som sa včera s jedným mužom, povedal, “No, tú Bibliu mohol napísať nejaký človek.”

111Povedal som, “Áno. Jeho meno ... Poznáme ho ako Boha.” Bola písaná takmer za štyritisíc rokov, Písma, od Jóba, až do Nového zákona a bola písaná za stovky a stovky rokov a skrze rôznych ľudí, ktorí nepoznali jeden druhého, v rôznych častiach krajiny a ani jedno Slovo z Nej nevylučuje druhé. Vyzývam každého aby prišiel pod krv Ježiša Krista a dožadoval sa ktoréhokoľvek zasľúbenia v Nej. Boh je zaviazaný postarať sa o to. Ale oni to nechcú urobiť. Oni prídu, povedia, “Ó, Pane, chcem niečo robiť. Daj mi veľký dar. Haleluja, Pane. Sláva Bohu. Verím, že to mám. Haleluja.” To nikdy nebude fungovať. Môžete priniesť veľa psychológie ale to nebude fungovať. Boh musí uznať to pokánie; To musí urobiť Boh. Mohli by sme veľa o tom povedať, ale dúfam že rozumiete.

112Pozrite sa. Ale teraz oni nechcú, aby Slovo vládlo nad nimi. Ja hovorím, “Vráťte sa naspäť každý jeden; zle ste pokrstení. Vy ste pokrstení do katolíckej cirkvi.”

113“Kto si, že nám to hovoríš?” To nie ja; To hovorí Slovo. “Ale ja ti hovorím; My veríme ...” Nestarám sa o to čomu veríte; ide o to čo hovorí Biblia. “No, my nemusíme podľa toho žiť.” Musíte, inak ste pod súdom tejto Biblii, lebo, “Ktokoľvek odníme jedno Slovo z toho alebo pridá ku tomu jedno slovo, tomu bude odňatý diel z Knihy života;” Nech je to kazateľ, duchovný alebo ktokoľvek. Musíte prísť pod vládu tohoto Slova, lebo to je Boh. Biblia hovorí, že to je Boh. “Nechceme aby Ono vládlo nad nami.” Berú svoje vyznania a denominácie a svoje drobné obľúbené veci, v ktoré veria a ktoré boli prijaté na konciloch ľudí a to prijímajú namiesto Slova.

114Čo oni urobili? Zobrali Barabáša, vraha, namiesto Syna Božieho v ten deň prvého ukrižovania. A dnes berú slová nejakého človeka, ktoré sú klamstvom a cestou smrti a odmietajú cestu života, Božie Slovo. Odsudzujem túto generáciu, obžalúvam ju v Slove Pánovom, že sú zlí. Sú vinní ukrižovania, alebo snahy ukrižovať. Križujú Ducha ...

115Dožadujú sa prebudenia. Všade. Ako chcete mať prebudenie keď samo Slovo nemôže účinkovať medzi ľuďmi? Chcem aby mi niekto na to odpovedal. Ako to môže byť, keď zapierate samo prebudenie? Dobre o nich hovoril prorok, „forma pobožnosti.“ Ich vlastné formy tam vtedy zapierali Slovo Života. Ich vlastné formy dnes zapierajú to, čo im môže priniesť prebudenie. Ich vyznania a formy ... Tak veru. Oni berú denomináciu a svoje vierovyznania namiesto Slova a to križuje Jeho Slovo a zbavuje Slovo Božie moci nad ľuďmi. Keď vidia Slovo Božie tak živo v - ono sa proste samo vyplňuje, Boh dal zasľúbenie, že bude toto robiť a tu to On robí a oni si z toho robia žarty a odchádzajú od toho, to je rúhanie. A oni sa snažia ukrižovať samo Slovo. Prečo ho križujú? Nemôžu ukrižovať Slovo, tak ako ani nemôžu ukrižovať Boha. Mohli ukrižovať telo, ktoré skrývalo v sebe Boha, Syna Božieho, to mohli ukrižovať, ale nemôžu ukrižovať Boha. On musel byť vtedy braný ako Obeť aby priviedol mnohých synov, ktorí sú predurčení do Večného Života. Oni to vtedy museli urobiť, ale nemôžu to robiť teraz. Nemôžu to robiť lebo Slovo samo bude žiť ďalej. Ale oni ...

116“Čo oni robia? Ako to robia? Čo potom hovoríš, kazateľ? Ako tu staviaš svoje pódium, že oni Ho potom križujú?” Oni skrze svoje vierovyznania križujú efekty Evanjelia na ľuďoch. To je to ukrižovanie, kde ten verejný postoj v týchto veľkých márniciach, ktoré sa nazývajú cirkvi, denominácie a stanovené medze vyznania; a to má ... a tak Slovo Božie nemôže mať účinok na nich, pretože odsúdili práve to čo Kristus povedal, že sa bude diať. To proste neprichádza podľa ich vyznania a ani Ježiš neprišiel podľa toho ako oni rozumeli, že príde. On prišiel tak ako Ho Boh poslal a prišiel presne podľa Slova. Nie divu, že povedal, že to skryl pred múdrymi a rozumnými a zjavil to nemluvňatám, ktoré sa budú učiť. Rozumiete? Ó, oni ukrižovali účinky Slova.

117Mám tu veľa miest Písma. Možno budem citovať dve alebo tri z nich. Oni ukrižovali ... Vy hovoríte, “Ako oni ukrižovali Slovo?” Keď Ježiš povedal, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, Židom 13:8, oni hovoria, “Určitým spôsobom je.” Vidíte? No dobre. A ak Ježiš povedal, jeho posledné prikázanie pre cirkev, “Choďte do celého sveta (Marek 16) ... Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium; Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí uverili,” ... do celého sveta, každému stvoreniu, ešte to nedosiahlo ani polovicu. A každý rok milióny zomierajú, ktorí vôbec ani nepočuli meno Ježiš. Tak to je stále všeobecné nariadenie, to je stále prikázanie Božie. “Do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu. Ten kto uverí a pokrstí sa bude spasený; Kto neuverí bude odsúdený. A uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia: V mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov; Budú hovoriť novými jazykmi, ak budú hadov brať alebo piť niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im: ak na chorých budú klásť ruky, budú uzdravení.” A oni hovoria, že to bolo pre tamtú generáciu a na tom zbavujú prikázanie Božie moci. A križujú efekt slova pre ľudí. Amen.

118Peter povedal v deň letníc (s kľúčmi kráľovstva, ktoré mu Ježiš práve dal, “Čokoľvek poviete tu, Ja to poviem tam hore.”) ... A v deň letníc sa pýtali čo majú robiť aby prijali Ducha Svätého, keď sa oni z toho tak tešili, pozorovali na iných ako sa správali, čo ľudia nazvali hlúpym: potácali sa, vyskakovali, padali a správali sa akoby boli opilí. A oni hovorili, “Títo ľudia sú naplnení novým vínom.”

119Ale vystúpil tam muž, ktorý sa nazýval Peter, ktorý mal kľúče kráľovstva; On povedal, “Títo nie sú opití (Skutky 2) ako sa vy domnievate, vidíte, že je len tretia hodina dňa. Ale toto je to čo bolo povedané.” Vidíte? Znovu rovno naspäť do Slova, ukazuje že Duch je Stále Slovo a Slovo je stále Duch, Slovo Božie. “A stane sa (ako je povedané cez proroka Joela, Joel 2:38), a stane sa v posledných dňoch, povedal Boh, vylejem svojho Ducha na každé telo.” Počúvajte toho proroka, ktorý tam stojí. Pozrite sa na neho, nebojácny, stojí tam pred tou skupinou ľudí a odsudzuje ich, obžalúva ich. Povedal, “Toto je Písmo. Toto je to čo povedal prorok, - Ja vylejem svojho Ducha na každé telo. Vaši synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať. A na svoje dievky a služobníkov vylejem svojho Ducha. A dám vidieť znamenia na nebi hore a na zemi, oheň a stĺpy dymu a paru.” Dokazoval to Slovom, že to je Slovo a oni sa smiali a robili si žarty z toho a odišli na súd; A mesto bolo spálené a oni jedli deti jeden druhého. A dnes sú oni ľuďmi rozprášenými po celom svete, ukazujúc, že Duch Svätý je stále Slovom Božím aby priniesol toto Slovo, aby Ho oživil.

120Ježiš Kristus bol tou Osobou, Človekom, Bohom. Haleluja. On bol manifestáciou Boha. On bol Boh vo forme tela, aby vyjadril Slovo Božie na ten vek, aby dal vidieť tomu veku Božie zasľúbenie na ten vek. A Duch Svätý je dnes tým istým; To je Duch Boží na tom napísanom Slove, snaží sa nájsť niekoho, aby sa vyjadril v tomto veku, aby dokázal, že je ten istý včera dnes i naveky; Ján 14:12: “Skutky ktoré ja činím aj vy budete činiť.” Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera dnes i naveky. Vidíte? Stále sa snaží nájsť svoj spôsob, aby sa vyjadril ...

121A oni to nemohli vidieť. Ľudia tak veľmi mysleli o svojich denomináciách, o svojich malých hniezdach, ktoré mali a takých veciach, čo nazývali svojimi cirkvami, tak, že to nepočúvali. Tak isto to robia dnes, to je to isté, znovu križujú.

122Peter, v deň letníc on povedal, “Vy mužovia, ktorí bývate v Jeruzaleme, v Júdei, počúvajte na moje slová. Títo nie sú opilí. Ak sa upokojíte, ukážem vám čo to je.” A pokračoval a vysvetlil im to. Keď ich srdcia boli prebodnuté, keď to počuli, povedali, “Čo máme robiť, aby sme boli spasení? Čo máme robiť, aby sme Toto prijali? Sme presvedčení, že tvoje slová sú pravda.”

123On povedal, “Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť jeden každý z vás na meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého. Lebo toto je pre vás a pre vaše deti, pre tých, ktorí sú široko-ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh.” Toto je to čo oni mali robiť: učiniť pokánie a dať sa pokrstiť na meno Ježiša Krista.

124A dnes rímsko-katolícka cirkev prijala “Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý,” aby to tým nahradili. Namiesto večery Pánovej, vyplazia jazyk a dostanú oblátku a kňaz vypije víno a spolu ste jedno. Večera Pánova, namiesto osoby Ducha Svätého to nazvali “Svätá sviatosť oltárna.” A “Otec, Syna a Duch Svätý,” trojičný krst, keď v Biblii to nie je ani povedané ... Meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého je Pán Ježiš Kristus. A keď toto ukážete tomuto krivolakému pokoleniu, ako povedal Peter, “Zachráňte sa od tohoto pokolenia krivolakého,” keď im to ukážete, čo robia? Robia si z toho žarty a hovoria, “Naša cirkev to tak neučí.” Potom ste vinní; Ste vinní za ukrižovanie Ježiša Krista tým, že odstraňujete moc Božiu od ľudí. Križujete práve to Slovo pre nich, a odsudzujete sa so svojím zhromaždením a vediete ich do osídla smrti.

125Ako som minulú nedeľu povedal o tom kazateľovi, to bol Martin Luther King tam s tými vzácnymi ľuďmi, vedie ich rovno do osídla smrti. Ó, keby sa len niekto mohol porozprávať s tým človekom. Prial by som si to. Len kvôli nejakému malému povstaniu ohľadne školskej záležitosti, alebo nejakej ... Aký je v tom rozdiel. Och joj, ak ľudia nemajú srdce dostatočné na stotožnenie sa s človekom pre jeho farbu, sú aj tak odsúdení a mŕtvi. Tento národ im dáva právo ... Nebojujte proti tomu. Ne ...

126Čo keby niekto povedal, že všetci Íri alebo niekto, všetci Nemci alebo niekto ďalší sa musí dištancovať. To by kresťanov vôbec netrápilo, oni by išli rovno ďalej. A ten človek je kresťan. Ako kazateľ, on by nemal viesť tých ľudí do vzbury proti tomu. A oni spôsobia, že zomrú milióny. To začne ďalšiu revolučnosť. To je hanba robiť to.

127Tá istá vec sa deje práve tu. Znovu presne to isté. Je to tak. Vidíte? Ľudia, keby sa len pozreli na Pravdu a videli čo je Pravda ... “Naša cirkev tomu neverí. My máme iný spôsob.“ No, to nie je ten správny spôsob. To nie je to.

128On povedal, “Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť na meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov.” No, oni to nechcú robiť. Ó, čo potom urobili? No, to je len jedna vec zo stoviek ku ktorým sa dostaneme, možno, tak rýchlo ako len môžeme.

129No, to druhé ukrižovanie potom ... Ak človek prijíma “Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý,” vyznanie namiesto Slova, tituly namiesto mena, čo tým robí ľuďom? Križuje Slovo, že nemá na nich efekt. Keď hovorí, že Marek 16 bolo len pre tú generáciu a Sám Boh povedal rovno tu, Ježiš im hovorí, povedal, “Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu. Ten kto uverí a pokrstí sa bude spasený; Kto neuverí bude odsúdený. A tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých ...” Ako ďaleko? Do každého národa, každého vyznania, každého jazyka, každej rasy, všetkých ľudí, to isté evanjelium. „A tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí uveria.“ A keď sa to snaží niekto z Biblii odstrániť, ukrižúva efekty evanjelia na zhromaždení. Tak obžalúvam vás v mene Ježiša Krista: Ste vinní vraždenia Pána.

130Cirkev Ho nenávidela. Prečo? On bol práve ich Boh. Oni Ho nenávideli a zapreli, že je ich Mesiášom. Nie, oni nechceli takého Mesiáša. A dnes cirkev robí to isté; Zapiera Slovo. Oni Ho nechcú; Ono sa nezhoduje s tým čomu boli naučení vo svojich vyznaniach veriť. A Slovo je Mesiášom. Veríte tomu? No, vyjadrenie Slova je potom čo? Odzrkadľovanie Mesiáša, to je Duch Svätý medzi nami. On vyjadruje seba samého, snaží sa, kdekoľvek môže nájsť nejakú lampu cez ktorú sa môže dívať, ktorá nie je začmudená vyznaniami a takými vecami. On môže cez ňu dať svetlo.

131Pamätáte sa oni povstali a ozdobili svoje lampy a umyli tie cylindre, ale je príliš neskoro. Tak keď niekto vidí týchto Luteránov, Presbyteriánov, Metodistov, ktorí sa snažia prísť v týchto posledných dňoch a dostať Ducha Svätého, no, viete, že ho nedostanú. No, oni môžu hovoriť v jazykoch a vyskakovať hore dole ale pozorujte čo sa deje. Oni úplne ... To je znak času, že je s ňou koniec. Sme na konci. Kedykoľvek cirkev môže počuť vyzvanie, aby vystúpila vyššie. Amen. Presne tak, je dávaná do poriadku. Duch Svätý tu činí Ježiša Krista realitou, cez tých, cez ktorých On môže pracovať, dokazovať sa; Prichádza dole, robia mu fotografiu, ukazujú to, spôsobuje, že veda o tom hovorí a všetko ďalšie, dokazuje presne to, čo povedal, že bude robiť. Robí presne tie veci, ktoré povedal, že bude robiť, podľa Písma. Nie podľa nejakého vyznania, ani nie podľa nejakého vypracovaného ľudského názoru: množstvo krvi, ohňa a dymu a takých vecí; Ale Biblický dôkaz Mesiáša.

132Povstalo množstvo napodobenín a napodobovateľov a tak ďalej ale to len spôsobuje, že to skutočné Slovo vydáva svoje najlepšie svetlo. Je to tak. Nech ľudia, ktorí sú duchovní a ktorí môžu rozsúdiť medzi dobrým a zlým ... Rozumiete?

133Zapierajú Ho. Zapreli svojho Mesiáša. “My Ho nechceme.” To isté robia dnes. “No, ak mám tam ísť a správať sa ako tá banda, tak to vôbec nechcem.” Dobre, potom to vôbec nemáš; To je všetko. Vidíte? To isté je dnes.

134Hoci bol náležite zidentifikovaný, oni Ho nechceli. Nenávideli Ho. Prečo to bolo? On nazval ich pastorov hadmi. On povedal, “Vy vybielené steny, nie ste ničím iným ako cintorínom. Váš vonkajšok je vyleštený rúchami a goliermi a vo vnútri sú umrlčie kosti.” On nerobil žiadne okolky. Jeden obyčajný prostý Galilejčan, tesárov syn ale On nerobil žiadne okolky; On im povedal.

135“Nemyslite si ...” Povedal Ján, Jeho predchodca, (On je ďalší, ktorý nerobil žiadne okolky.) On povedal, “Neprichádzajte sem a nehovorte, že máte otca Abraháma. Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi.” Tak veru. “Sekera je priložená na koreň stromu a každý strom, ktorý neprináša ovocie bude vyseknutý a hodený na oheň.” Tak veru. Boh je prísny, tvrdý a striktný so svojím Slovom. Tak veru.

136Všimnite si, Ježiš, dokázaný skrze Písmo ... Počujete ma? Ježiša zidentifikoval Boh skrze Písma, že je Mesiáš. Je to tak? Za chvíľu prídeme ku Petrovej obžalobe a budete vidieť, či je to tak alebo nie. On bol jasne zidentifikovaný, že On je Boh zamanifestovaný v človeku nazvanom Syn Boží. Je to tak. Tiež bol jasne zidentifikovaný a potvrdil zasľúbené Slovo, že je Mesiáš ... Mojžiš povedal, “Tento Mesiáš, keď príde On bude prorok,” a všetko toto sa stane. Tá žena, ktorá stála pri studni a celý ten jej špinavý stav, v ktorom sa nachádzala, čo to symbolizovalo? Že Boh v týchto posledných dňoch potiahne odvrhnutých.

137Pamätáte sa minulý večer na tú svadobnú - alebo to bolo inokedy, kázal som tu na tému “Svadobná večera,” On povedal - Ako On povedal, “Urobil som veľkú hostinu a tak ďalej a všetci títo ľudia, ponúkol som im; A každý sa vyhováral?”

138“Nemôžem prísť, pretože to by zničilo naše vyznanie.” “Nemôžem prísť, pretože mám ... oženil som sa; Žena nechce aby som prišiel.”

139“Oženil som sa tu do zboru. Moja mama bola metodistka, alebo baptistka alebo katolíčka, ja sa proste nemôžem za tým postaviť.”

140On povedal, “Vy neprídete a neokoštujete moju večeru. Vyjdite a prinúťte prostitútky a smilnice a opilcov a ktokoľvek tam je. Priveďte ich a Ja ich napravím. Pripravil som moju večeru a moji hostia - stoly sú ustavené; A niekto tam bude.” Oni neprišli; To odsudzovalo tých židov. A čo dnes?

“Ja patrím ku presbyteriánom.”

“Ja nemôžem ... ku luteránom.”

“Ja som jednotár.”

“Ja som dvojičiar.”

“Ja som toto; Ja nemôžem ...”

141Tu to máte. “Potom tam nebudeš.” To je presne to, čo On povedal. Je to tak.

142Náležite potvrdený Mesiáš, náležite potvrdené Slovo, zasľúbené Slovo ... Boh, ktorý zasľúbil to Slovo, že toto je to, čo Mesiáš bude, On tu prichádza a obstál presne; a povedal im, “No, kde som sklamal? Ak nemôžete veriť mne ako človekovi, verte tým skutkom, ktoré činím, lebo oni hovoria kto som. Tie skutky hovoria, že som Mesiáš. Vy mi nechcete veriť, pretože si myslíte, že Jozef tam ... A ja som sa tam narodil v malej chatrči a tu môj - pestún je tam tesárom. A vy ...”

143Keď prišiel tam do Galilei, ľudia - a išiel niečo urobiť - povedali, “Hej, kto je toto? Kto je to? No, tento človek, či Jozes a oni všetci, jeho bratia, nie sú tu? Či nie sú jeho sestry s nami? Či sa jeho matka nenazýva Mária a jeho otec Jozef? Kde ste zobrali takéhoto človeka? Z akej školy vyšiel? On nemá žiadnu kartu obecenstva; Nemá žiadne odporúčajúce listy. Prečo takýto človek ... Odkiaľ si to vôbec zobral?” A Biblia hovorí, že sa urážali na Ňom. Hovorí, že tam nemohol urobiť mocné skutky a len sa otočil a odišiel od nich. Povedal, “Prorok nie je bezo cti iba medzi svojimi vlastnými ľuďmi (Vidíte?), vo svojom vlastnom kraji.”

144Tu ho máme, náležite potvrdeného Mesiáša, nepripisoval si žiadnu chválu; On povedal, “Ja nemôžem nič činiť len to, čo vidím činiť Otca.” A On ich vyzval aby sa pýtali, či to nie je Mesiáš.

145A pozrite sa na tú ženu zlej povesti; Ona to rozpoznala. Ona nemala dobrú povesť. Jej lampa bola ... Ona bola morálne skazená, samozrejme, nikto by to nepodporil. Zákony Božie to odsudzovali. Ona bola morálne zlá, ale ona ... Vidíte? Boh vás nesúdi podľa vášho - čo ste. On vás nesúdi podľa toho akí ste veľkí alebo malí. On súdi vaše srdce, čím chcete byť. A ona nechcela žiadnu z tých vecí - to sa proste zablysklo pred ňou, to bolo to čo ona chcela. Bez ohľadu na to čo bola vtedy, ona bola hotová prísť. Boh súdi srdce. Človek súdi podľa vonkajšieho výzoru. Boh sa díva na srdce. Bez ohľadu na to čo bola, to Svetlo sa zablysklo a tým to bolo vybavené. Ona uvidela podstatu Večného života.

146Ó, aké je to pre mňa bohaté, vidieť a vedieť, že to je pravda. Budem stáť s tým. Boh nebies povstane a môj hlas bude tam na magnetofónovej páske Božieho veľkého času. A to odsúdi túto generáciu v tom poslednom dni. Pretože to je potom na magnetofónovej páske; To bude potom na večnej páske. Je to tak. To odsúdi túto generáciu kazateľov, ktorí majú formu pobožnosti a zapierajú moc Slova a Jeho manifestáciu, keď je ono náležite overené, že On je stále Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Obžalúvam ich podľa Slova Božieho.

147Musím ísť rýchlo do ďalšieho zasľúbenia pretože máme len okolo pätnásť minút.

148“Tam oni ... Tam oni ...” Čo? Ó. Golgota. A oni Ho ukrižovali. Zatretie: Oni Ho ukrižovali lebo nerozpoznali zasľúbené Božie Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. A prečo ukrižovali toho človeka? Môžete si to vôbec predstaviť? Dovoľte, že na chvíľu sa ku tomu vrátim. Prečo tí ľudia ukrižovali takého človeka?

149Ako Mária ... Keď som raz čítal jednu knihu, ktorá sa volala “Knieža z domu Dávidovho” ... to napísal Ingraham, Dr. Ingraham. Výborná kniha, to je dráma. Údajne je to čiastočne pravda z nejakých starých rukopisov od nejakej ženy, ktorá sa nazývala Adena. Ona išla myslím do Palestíny z Egypta, z Káhiry, aby dokončila vzdelanie. A ona tam bola v čase Krista. A ona to údajne písala domov svojmu otcovi. Bolo by to dobre, keby ste si to zobrali a prečítali, je to skutočne dobré. “Knieža z domu Dávidovho.” Ten istý napísal Ohnivý Stĺp ... A z toho ten Cecil De Mille zobral “Desať prikázaní.”

150No, v tejto knihe sme videli, že táto Adena odpisovala a povedala, že v deň ukrižovania Mária Magdaléna, z ktorej On vyhnal sedem démonov, bežala pred zástupom a hovorila, “Čo On urobil? Čo urobil? Len uzdravoval chorých a snažil sa vyslobodiť tých, ktorí boli uväznení. Čo zlého urobil? Nech to niekto povie!”

151A nejaký chlap jej dal facku, že preletela skoro na druhú stranu dvora a povedal, “Či budete veriť tej hlúpej žene viac, ako vášmu kňazovi?” Vidíte, vidíte?

152Tu to máte. Vidíte? Čo urobil? Nič neurobil. Prečo Ho ukrižovali? Prečo? Prečo? Pretože nerozpoznali kto On je. A to isté je dnes. Kazatelia a ľudia v týchto dňoch a naši moderní učitelia tak poplietli ľudí, aby verili, že toto je čarodejníctvo alebo diabol alebo telepatia alebo nejaký podvod alebo nejaký trik, že až ľudia nerozpoznávajú, že to je potvrdené Božie Slovo na tento deň. To je znak posledného dňa.

153Cirkvi, ak nepatríte do ich organizácie, oni povedia, “Ó, no, to je niečo vymyslené. To je podvod. Aha, pozrite sa tu na toho a toho a na toho a toho.” Ale nech raz dokážu, že tá skutočná vec je podvod. Och. Nech raz dokážu, že to bolo zlé. Nemôžu to dokázať. Nikdy sa neukázalo, že by to bolo zlé a ani to nikdy nebude, pretože to je Boh. Vidíte? Ale oni radi poukazujú; Oni si myslia, “Ó, keby to bol človek s nejakým veľkým menom ...” Pretože to je malá skupina, malá skupina, ktorá je odstrčená. “Vylúčili sme tých ľudí z nášho zboru. Vidíte? Oni ... Oni zvykli chodiť do našej skupiny, ale vyšli s týmto a vyšli s tamtým a teraz (Vidíte), skončili s ... No, pozrite sa čo to je, kto to je.” To ma nezaujíma. To isté mohli povedať o Petrovi, Jakobovi a Jánovi. Povedali “Nevzdelaní a neučení ľudia.” Ale museli si všimnúť; Niečo sa stalo od toho času. Oni bývali s Ježišom. To bol ten rozdiel. Vidíte?

154Urobili to, pretože nevedeli kto On je. Oni nevedeli, že potvrdenie Božieho Slova nestálo tam vtedy ... No, to bolo na jeden deň a to bolo dobre. To bolo na jeden deň, aby dodržiavali zákony a také veci. Ale tie isté zákony, ktoré boli - ktoré mali zachovávať, im ukazovali na čas, že On príde a bude týmto mužom, ktorým mal byť. Oni mali túto časť ale neprijali tú ďalšiu.

155A to je to isté, čo ľudia robia teraz. Majú cirkev a veria v Ježiša Krista a hovoria, že veria a všetko také, ale zapierajú hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Stále to privádza naspäť to staré príslovie: Človek stále chváli Boha za to čo učinil, očakáva na to čo má činiť - alebo bude činiť a ignoruje to, čo práve činí a skrze to je odsúdený. Vidíte? Oni si myslia, že Boh je výborný, aký je veľký. Čo bude robiť. Príde a jedného dňa bude vytrhnutie a pôjdeme domov; A zapierajú práve tie znamenia a zázraky rovno tu, v tomto čase, o čom Písmo hovorí, že On to bude robiť; Všetko to prehliadajú. “Ak slepý vedie slepého,” Ježiš povedal, “oni všetci spadnú do jamy.” Prosme len Boha, aby otvoril naše oči v týchto posledných dňoch. Dobre.

156Teraz, to isté, oni robia dnes to isté; zapierajú a križujú dnes toho istého Boha, lebo Ho nepoznajú. To isté, skrze to, že Ho zapierajú a robia ... Tým, že zapierajú tie veci, tým, čo dnes robia, nekrižujú znovu presne Krista ale sa rúhajú Svätému Duchu. A keď to robia, tak sú ... Ako sa rúhajú Duchu Svätému? Ako sa mu rúhali tam, vtedy? No, oni sa mu vtedy nemohli rúhať; On ešte neprišiel. Oni nazývali Ježiša Belzebúbom, nazývali Ho Belzebúbom, pretože mohol poznať tajnosti ich srdca a také veci. Povedali, “Toto je diabol.” Inými slovami, “On je veštec. Preto toto robí, veštením. On nie je nič iné ako diabol.” Vidíte? Oni štyristo rokov nemali proroka a vyrástli z toho. Vidíte? Mali len svoj zákon. Hovorili, “Toto je Belzebúb.”

157A Ježiš povedal, “Ja vám to odpúšťam, ale keď príde Duch Svätý (Vidíte? Teraz.), poviete jedno slovo proti Nemu a nikdy vám to nebude odpustené.” Pamätajte, to nebude môcť byť, za žiadnych okolností, žiadne zmilovanie ... Keď sa rúhate a nazývate Ducha Božieho, Slovo Božie, ktoré je potvrdené skrze Ducha ... Vidíte? Slovo tak hovorí; Duch ho potvrdzuje a vy to nazývate nečistým, prestúpili ste líniu medzi milosťou a súdom a to nikdy nemôže byť odpustené. Preto obžalúvam túto generáciu lebo sú vinní za križovanie, rúhanie sa zamanifestovanému Synovi Božiemu. To je jeho zasľúbenie, lebo všetci proroci, a sám Kristus zasľuboval, že v posledných dňoch bude tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho a vo dňoch Sodomy.

158Ich rúhanie, ktorým znovu križujú ľuďom Syna Božieho. On je to zasľúbené Slovo. Jedno slovo proti Tomu nikdy nemôže byť odpustené. No, čo budete potom robiť? Kde sa postavíte? Oni sú odsúdení, čakajú len na hodinu Božieho hnevu, aby bol vyliaty. On ich rozmrví.

159Viac milujú ľudské náuky a denominácie a dogmy, než ako potvrdené Slovo Božie, táto generácia ľudí ... Ó. Prajem si, aby som mal na toto viac času. Vidíte? Táto generácia ľudí, “táto generácia pohŕda Božím zjavením ale my ideme tam kde apoštolovia.” Je to tak. Boh ...

Vy vravíte, “To hovoria tiež aj iní.” Boh to potvrdzuje.

160Ježiš povedal, “Ak tie skutky nesvedčia o Mne, potom choďte a povedzte, že to len ja sám hovorím. Ale ak to tie skutky dokazujú, verte radšej tým skutkom (Vidíte?), pretože to je tá hodina.” Povedal, “Viete, že zajtra bude svietiť slnko alebo bude zlé počasie, podľa toho, že je červená obloha a zamračené; Zajtra bude pekne.” Povedal, “Tvárnosť oblohy viete rozoznať ale o znakoch času neviete nič. Keby ste poznali Boha, poznali by ste môj deň.”

161A oni povedali, “Ty berieš príliš veľa na seba, robíš sa Bohom.” A dali Ho na kríž.

162A Duch Svätý dnes nie je žiadna tretia osoba; To je sám Boh zamanifestovaný v ľudskom tele, aby skrze Krv Ježiša Krista posvätil život, aby sa sám mohol cezeň prejaviť. A oni križujú to isté Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. Rozumiete? Ukrižovanie Krista dnes, to sú ľudia, ktorí zaprú potvrdeného a zamanifestovaného Syna Božieho medzi ľuďmi skrze Jeho veci, ktoré On povedal, že sa budú diať v tomto dni skrze Jeho Slovo. Vidíte?

163No, to isté potvrdenie bude musieť byť to isté ak je On ten istý Syn Boží, pretože On teraz povedal v Ev. Jána 14:12, že “Skutky, ktoré Ja činím vy tiež budete činiť.” Židom 13:8 “On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.” “Ak zostanete vo mne ... (Ján 15) Ak zostanete vo mne a moje slová zostanú vo vás, proste si čo chcete a bude vám to dané.” Tak veru.

164Pamätajte, to boli veľmi nábožní ľudia, ktorí to urobili. To neboli cudzí. To boli tí nábožní ľudia toho dňa. A to sú tí, ktorí to robia dnes, nábožní ľudia: to isté ukrižovanie, to isté sa deje dnes.

165Rýchlo. Tam Ho potom ukrižovali. Potom? Áno. Potom odmietli Božie Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, prijali svoje vyznania namiesto Slova. Či to je to, čo robia dnes? To je presne to, dnes robia to isté. On bol Slovo a oni odmietli Slovo. To je jedna vec, ktorú chcem, aby ste neprehliadli, chcem, aby ste to neprehliadli. On bol Slovo a keď Ho odmietli, odmietli Slovo. A keď Ho odmietli, nakoniec Ho ukrižovali. A to je to, čo urobili dnes: odmietajú Slovo Božie a prijali svoje vyznania a verejne pred svojimi zhromaždeniami ukrižovali účinkovanie Ducha Svätého. A sú vinní a ja ich obžalúvam v mene Ježiša Krista.

166Už pätnásť rokov Ho vidím ako sa pohybuje po krajine a oni sa stále držia svojich vyznaní. Sú vinní. Zobrali Slovo, ktoré by priviedlo cirkev, všetky cirkvi spolu a urobilo by veľké bratské zjednotenie medzi letničnými a všetkými ostatnými ... Namiesto toho to odmietli a odstrčili to, urobili si z toho žart a nazvali to teraz všetkým možným.; A teraz skrze federáciu cirkví, cez diablov plán sa snažia vojsť a hovoria, “No prídeme si kúpiť nejaký olej.” Oni sú odmietnutí a sú vinní, že križujú Ježiša Krista. Vezmite to z Božieho pohľadu ... Z vášho pohľadu to nefunguje. Rozumiete?

167Oni odmietli Božie Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, kvôli svojim vyznaniam a dnes robia to isté. On bol Slovo, Ev. Jána 1. Židom 13:8 hovorí, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky.

168No. Oni Ho znovu križujú. Viete o tom, že Biblia hovorí, že to môžeme urobiť? Koľkí by ste chceli prečítať malý kúsok? Dáte mi ešte ďalších pätnásť minút? Dobre. Otvorme si na chvíľu ... Znovu ukrižovali ... Poďme od listu Židom do 6. kapitoly a prečítajme kúsok. Židom 6. a pozrime sa, či znovu križujeme Syna Božieho, pozrime sa, či sa to môže stať. Vy poviete, “Nemôžeš Ho ukrižovať druhý krát.” Nájdeme, či to môžeme alebo nie. Božie Slovo je pravda. Je to tak? Židom 6:1.

Preto zanechajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu nesme sa k dokonalosti a neklaďme zase základu pokánia z mŕtvych skutkov a viery na Boha,

učenia o umývaniach, o vskladaní rúk, o vzmŕtvychvstaní mŕtvych a o večnom súde.

A urobíme aj to keď len dovolí Boh.

169Vidíte? Pavel chce, aby sme vedeli, že tieto veci tu sú úplne reálne: krst, vzkladanie rúk, vzkriesenie, druhý príchod. Všetky tieto veci sú večné; Sú absolútne pravdou. No, všimnite si.

Lebo je nemožné

... (Čítajte to so mnou, len jeden verš. Chcem, aby ste to teraz čítali so mnou, štvrtý verš.)

Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení a ochutnali nebeského daru a stali sa účastnými Svätého Ducha,

a ochutnali dobré Slovo Božie a rôzne moci budúceho veku,

keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu, ktorí sebe znova križujú Syna Božieho a vystavujú ho potupne na odiv.

170No, je to moje slovo alebo Jeho? Ak človek, ktorý prichádza do poznania ... Pamätajte, oni to nikdy nemali; To boli hraniční veriaci. Potom čo sme prijali poznanie Slova Božieho (Vy to dostávate z poznania, z čítania v ňom, vidíte To.) a potom to odmietnete, potom vy - je nemožné pre vás, aby ste boli spasení. Čítali ste to teraz? Vidíte? Prijali poznanie pravdy ... Len ste tomu porozumeli; Nikdy ste to nedostali.

171To je ako s tými veriacimi, ktorí vyšli ... To je presný príklad tej cesty. Tento tretí exodus je proste príkladom tých ostatných.

172Pozrite. Pozrite sa tam na to. Dovoľte, že vám teraz niečo za chvíľu ukážem. Prepáčte mi ten výraz. Pozrite. Izrael vybral dvanástych mužov, jedného z každého pokolenia, denominačnú hlavu, a zobrali ich tam na okraj hranice, do zasľúbenej zemi a ukázal im tie dobré veci, ktoré mali prísť, čo mali. A oni prišli naspäť a sťažovali si na to. “My nie sme schopní to dosiahnuť.” Ale boli dvaja z tých dvanástych; Jozue a Káleb, ktorí povedali (oni sa dívali na Slovo), “Boh povedal, že je to naše a my sme viac ako schopní zaujať to.” Je to tak?

173Čo to bolo? Hraniční veriaci. Vidíte? Oni sa v skutočnosti narodili v zbore. Boli vodcami ľudí; Boli povedzme ako biskupi. Išli rovno tam, kde sa Slovo Božie malo ukázať, že je pravdou. Tam je zem; Oni tam nikdy neboli. Nevedeli, že je to tam. Ale tam prišli aby sa pozreli, že to tam je. Tam to bolo. A Káleb a Jozue tam išli a priniesli strapec hrozna a dali im z neho jesť a oni ochutnali z tej dobrej zeme a potom išli naspäť a povedali, “My to nedokážeme. (Vidíte?) My to proste nedokážeme.”

174Tu je tá istá skupina v čase Ježiša Krista: “Rabi, my vieme, že ty si učiteľ od Boha.” Vidíte? Hraniční ... “My vieme, že ty si učiteľ od Boha. Nikto nemôže robiť tie veci, ktoré ty robíš. My uznávame, že tam musí byť Boh.” Prečo to neprijali? Prečo to neprijali? Hraniční, hraniční.

175Tu sú v tomto treťom exoduse: ten istý znak, tá istá manifestácia, ten istý Kristus, ten istý Duch Svätý, tie isté skutky, ten istý Boh, to isté Posolstvo a oni to nemôžu prijať. Museli by sa vzdať svojho členského preukazu. Čo to je? Oni majú poznanie pravdy. Oni sa pozreli a videli, že to je úplná pravda. Nemôžu to zaprieť. Časopisy musia vydávať svedectvo, že to videli. Fotografie, noviny, dôkazy, vzkriesenie z mŕtvych, lekárske vyjadrenie o chorobe: oni musia povedať, že to je On. A predpovede, ani jedna z nich nikdy nesklamala za tie roky, každá jedna z nich pasovala presne do bodky, oni nemôžu povedať nič iné, iba že to je Boh. Ale oni to nemôžu prijať.

176Tá skupina kazateľov v Chicagu, tristo a niečo ich sem malo prísť a dať sa pokrstiť na meno Ježiša Krista. Kde sú? Tá cena je príliš veľká. Oni to nemôžu. Čo to je? Biblia hovorí, že keď to robia ... Čo robia? Oddeľujú sa od milosti do súdu, “Lebo je nemožné pre tých, ktorí raz boli osvietení (Oni boli privedení, aby sa pozreli na to.) A mali poznanie pravdy a ochutnali dobré Slovo Božie; ak sa od toho odvrátia, aby boli znovu obnovení,” hovoria, “Dobre, ja budem. Áno.”

177Vy Presbyteriáni, vy Metodisti a Baptisti a Luteráni a títo Obchodníci Plného Evanjelia, oni hovoria, že vchádzajú, odstrčili posolstvo. Vaša cirkev bude ... Ak sú tam jednotlivci, skutočne, ale nie cirkev. Musíte vyjsť z tej cirkvi, aby ste sa dostali do toho. Rozumiete? Je to tak. Jednotlivec, to je v poriadku.

178Ale ak si myslíte, že Presbyteriánska cirkev prijme Ducha Svätého a oni všetci zložia svoje dokumenty a ... Nikdy si to tak nemyslite. A vy si myslíte, že vy Metodisti to dosiahnete? Nikdy to nedosiahnete. Myslíte si, že vy trojičiari prijmete niekedy meno Ježiša Krista a dáte sa pokrstiť každý jeden na ... Ó, vy to nikdy neurobíte; Vy to nikdy neurobíte. Ale jednotlivci vyjdú a urobia to. Je to tak. A to je znak Jeho príchodu. Ale tie cirkvi, ktoré videli pravdu a odmietli ju na svojich konciloch, je nemožné ... Potom oni sú vinní za ukrižovanie Ježiša Krista. A ja ich obžalúvam na základe Božieho Slova, ktoré Boh ...

179“Ako ich obžalúvaš, brat Branham?” Obžalúvam ich, že Boh sa jasne zidentifikoval vo Svojom Slove v týchto posledných dňoch a dal sa poznať, že On je stále ten istý včera, dnes i naveky a oni to chladne odstrčili. A ste vinní za ukrižovanie Ježiša Krista, skrze rúhanie sa Duchu Svätému. Je to tak.

180Vezmeme vás znovu do Židom 10, kde je nám znovu povedané v Písmach, nie len že to je nemožné ale nikdy nemôžete ... To vás naveky oddeľuje od Boha. Nikdy nemôžete prísť znovu do prítomnosti Božej, keď ste odstrčili Ducha Svätého a robíte si z neho žarty.

181No. Vidíte? Ochutnali ste Slovo (Vidíte?), hraniční veriaci. “Ó,” hovoríte, “tí ľudia neboli veriaci?” Oni boli veriaci alebo vyznávali, že sú ale keď to prišlo do Slova ... Oni boli Izrael; Vyšli pod krvou. Vyšli pod znakmi Mojžiša; Oni videli ako sa dejú tie znaky.

Boh povedal, “Ja vás tam zavediem.”

182A keď prišlo rovno ku princípu toho zasľúbeného Slova, ktoré sa malo vyplniť, čo povedali? “Ó, my to nedokážeme.” Vidíte? A tu prišli naspäť s hroznom a so všetkým aby dokázali, že tá zem je dobrá. Božie Slovo je pravda.

183Boh povedal, “Ja vám to dávam,” ale tie okolnosti ...

“Ó,” povedali, “my vedľa nich vyzeráme ako kobylky. My to nedokážeme.” Nezáleží na tom čo ...

184Pred pár rokmi, keď tu stál tento trup ako modlitebňa, niekto prišiel, vyšiel tam a rozprával sa so mnou, povedal, “Billy, nakoniec s takýmto posolstvom budeš kázať tým štyrom stĺpom.”

185Povedal som, “Budem kázať tým štyrom stĺpom, pretože Boh je schopný z tých stĺpov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi.” To je to; To je pravda. Povedal som, “Ak máš niečo, čím to môžeš vyvrátiť, nech to vidíme.” Vystatovať sa je jedna vec ale keď príde ku tomu aby to ukázal, vtedy je to inak. Áno. To robí rozdiel. No dobre.

186Áno, svojimi vyznaniami Ho znovu križujú. No, Židom 6. kapitola a pôjdeme ďalej. Mohli by sme to čítať ďalej, ďalej cez toto. Máme dosť času. Poznačil som si tu miesta Písma, kde to bude (Židom 6. kapitola, len - myslím, vezmeme to všetko) nemožné pre tých, ktorí boli osvietení a stali sa účastníkmi Ducha Svätého ... Nemáme dosť času, aby sme išli príliš ďaleko, pretože mám ďalšie miesto Písma a chcem, aby ste to za chvíľu prečítali.

187Všimnite si toto. Oni si znovu križujú Syna Božieho. Čo robia? Čo? Tým, že ochutnali a vedia, že to je pravda a potom sa odvrátia a zapierajú to. Čo robia? Je nemožné.

188To urobil tento národ. To urobili títo ľudia. To urobili tieto cirkvi. Oni to odstrčili a ukrižovali to Posolstvo; Oni ukrižovali tú pravdu ľuďom. Ako ukrižovali Ježiša? Vystavili Ho na hanbu, vyzliekli Mu šaty, zavesili Ho na kríž a pribili Ho tam, Knieža Života. To isté oni urobili dnes svojimi vyznaniami. Oni urobili to isté. Obnažili tie veci; Obnažili dobrotu a odiatie evanjelia tým, že sa to snažia umiestniť niekde inde a zavesili Ho na kríž. Ó. Prečo?

189“Tam oni - tam ukrižovali ...” No, posledný citát: “Jeho, Jeho,” túto najvzácnejšiu osobu. Prečo to urobili? Oni Ho nepoznali. Prečo to robia dnes? Nevedia, že toto je pravda. Sú na to nemí a slepí. Oni to nevedia; To je ten dôvod. Ich vyznania a tradície ich odviedli preč od Slova Božieho.

190No, pre vás tu, teraz na záver, dávajte dobrý pozor. Vidíte? Viem, že je teplo; Mne je tiež. Ale, ó, brat, toto Slovo, To je Život, ak sa toho držíš. Pozri sa. To nie je niečo, o čom hovoríme, čo sa môže stáť niekedy v budúcnosti. To je niečo, čo sa už stalo tu pri nás a deje sa teraz, nie niečo čo bude, niečo čo už je. My nesvedčíme, “My vieme, čo On urobil; Vieme čo, bude robiť,” ale teraz hovoríme, čo On robí teraz. Rozumiete? Toto je naša hodina. Možno nebudeme žiť, aby sme videli vytrhnutie. Ja môžem dnes zomrieť; Ty môžeš dnes zomrieť. Ja neviem. Ale vytrhnutie prichádza; To je ... Keď to príde, budeme tam; Nestarajte sa, tiež všetci tí ostatní tam budú, z tých vekov, ktorí tomu verili a očakávali na to. Oni chodili vo svetle svojho dňa a tu je to svetlo: Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Opusti svoje vyznania a ver tomuto Slovu. Toto je Pravda; Slovo je Pravda. Ježiš povedal, “Moje Slovo je Duch a moje Slovo je Život.” Ako prijmeš život keď odmietaš Život? Ako prijmeš dogmu, ktorá je smrťou a čo so Slovom Života? Odstrčíš Slovo Života, aby si prijal smrť? Ako prijmeš tie dve veci v tom istom čase? To sa nedá. Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom, každá dogma je klamstvom. Božie Slovo je pravda.

191Vyzývam kohokoľvek, aby mi ukázal niekoho, (A viem, že táto páska pôjde okolo celého sveta.) nech je to ktokoľvek, akýkoľvek biskup, nech príde do mojej pracovni alebo pred týmto zhromaždením a ukáže prstom na jediné miesto, kde bol niekto niekedy pokrstený v Novom Zákone na meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého. Ja vám ukážem ako bol pokrstený každý, kto bol kedy pokrstený a tí ktorí boli pokrstení inak, museli prísť a dať sa znovu pokrstiť, aby dostali Ducha Svätého. Čo s tým urobíte? Zostanete tam vo svojich vyznaniach? Zostaňte tam vo svojich dogmách a zomriete. Ste vinní. Hriešnymi rukami ste zobrali Knieža Života, Slovo Života a ukrižovali ste Ho ľuďom.

192No, čo urobili? Oni to nevedeli. Dnes ľudia chodia v nevedomosti; Nevedia, že to je Pravda. Myslia, že to je nejaký izmus. Nekopú dostatočne hlboko, aby sa dostali do ducha zjavenia. Nemodlia sa dostatočne; nevolajú dostatočne k Bohu. Berú to len na ľahko, “No, dobre, ja verím, že to je Boh. Samozrejme.” Diabol verí to isté. Diabol tomu verí viac, než ako niektorí ľudia, ktorí tvrdia, že tomu veria. Diabol tomu verí a trasie sa. Ľudia tomu len veria a idú ďalej ale diabol sa trasie, vie že jeho súd prichádza. A ľudia tomu veria a nevenujú žiadnu pozornosť, že prichádza súd.

193Vinní za jeho ukrižovanie. Skutočne. Obžalúvam túto generáciu, nachádzam ich vinných na základe toho istého Slova, ktoré našlo ich vinných tam na začiatku. Je to tak. Ježiš povedal, “Kto ma môže odsúdiť?” On bol Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom. A dnes to isté Slovo sa stalo telom.

194Peter povedal v jeho obžalobe v skutkoch ... Prečítajme to. Peter, keď videl, že toto sa deje, čo oni urobili, Duch ... Pozrite sa, Peter hájil Krista, čo oni urobili. Ja hájim to, čím sú Evanjeliá. Peter ich obžaloval, že zabili človeka, Krista, ktorý bol Slovom. Ja obžalúvam túto generáciu za to, že sa snažia zabiť Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo v človeku. Pozrite sa, čo povedal Peter. Jeho spravodlivý hnev sa musel vzniesť veľmi vysoko. Počúvajte ho tu v Skutkoch v druhej kapitole a začneme od 22 verša.

Mužovia Izraeliti, počujte tieto slová: Ježiša Nazarejského, muža, od Boha pred vami presláveného mocami a zázraky a znameniami, ktoré skrze neho činil Boh medzi vami, jako aj sami viete

- (Ó. Predstavte si ako sa cítili. Počúvajte to.)

195“Mužovia Izraela (to knieža, vy cirkevní ľudia, vy svätí ľudia, vy kňazi, vy ľudia, ktorí máte byť ľudom Božím,) počúvajte tieto slová: Ježiš Nazaretský bol potvrdený od Boha medzi vami.”

196A ja hovorím vám kazateľom a vám ľuďom; Ježiš Nazaretský, Duch Svätý, On je tu v Osobe Ducha Svätého, to je Život, ktorý bol v Ňom. On tu účinkuje cez ľudí a vyjadruje sa skrze znamenia a zázraky, ktoré činí. A oni tu vyvesili na steny vedeckú identifikáciu. A sedia tu ľudia, ktorí boli mŕtvi a dnes žijú. Zožratí rakovinou a dnes sú zdraví. Slepí dnes vidia a chromí a dnes chodia ... On je Ježiš Nazaretský.

toho určenou radou a predzvedením Božím vydaného

... (Predurčený na svoju prácu) ...

ste vzali a rukami bezbožných ... zavraždili.

197A ak to môže ... Je to obžaloba? Čo on obžalúva? Radu Sanhedrinu. A ja obžalúvam, dnes ráno združenie cirkví; Obžalúvam Letničných; Obžalúvam Presbiteriánov, Babtistov a každú denomináciu na svete. Zlou, sebeckou chamtivosťou ste zobrali Slovo Života a ukrižovali ste ho pred ľuďmi a rúhali ste sa mu a nazývali ste to fanatizmom, to čo Boh vzkriesil v našom strede, aby dokázal, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A ja obžalúvam túto generáciu.

198Boh sa dokázal, že je živý. Boh dokázal, že toto je jeho Slovo. Čo máte okrem hromady dogiem a vyznaní? Kde môžete ukázať Živého Boha? Pretože ste odstrčili Slovo Života, ktoré by vám dalo tieto veci. Tak veru. Ó, čo za hodina, v ktorej teraz žijeme. Och. To isté ...

199Ó, vyhlasujem ... Peter povedal, “Vy ste Ho zobrali rukami bezbožných a ukrižovali a zavraždili”:

ktorého Boh vzkriesil oprostiac bolestí smrti, jako aj nebolo možné, aby ňou bol držaný.

200A skrze svoje vyznania, vaše organizácie a vaše denominácie s vašou formou pobožnosti ...?...hovoríte ... Vaša forma pobožnosti, zapreli ste moc Jeho vzkriesenia. Ale prišla hodina, posledné dni sú tu, keď Boh zasľúbil podľa Malachiáša 4, že On povstane v posledných dňoch a obráti srdcia ľudí naspäť do originálnych požehnaní a letničnej viery otcov. Nemôžete to zaprieť a nemôžete sa tomu ubrániť. A teraz, ja vás odsudzujem, ste vinní, a vyzývam vás a obžalúvam vás pred Bohom, že zlými, sebeckými rukami denominácie ste ukrižovali Slovo Božie pred ľuďmi. Vyhlasujem, že ste vinní a pripravení na súd. Amen. Tak veru.

201Volám to isté, čo Peter. On volal, aby tá generácia činila pokánie. Ja volám, aby táto generácia činila pokánie, pokánie voči Bohu a aby prišli naspäť do originálnej pravdy Slova. Poďte naspäť do viery našich otcov. Poďte naspäť do Ducha Svätého, pretože Boh to nemôže zmeniť. Keď Boh povedal, “Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria,” On musí stáť na tom cez celú večnosť; To je Jeho Slovo.

202Keď hovoríte, “Potriasť si ruky,” alebo “Prijať večeru Pánovu,” alebo niečo také, alebo niečo na tom vyznaní alebo niečo na tom názore, čo každý človek, každý opilec, každý neveriaci to môže urobiť; Každý napodobňovateľ, každá prostitútka to môže urobiť: ísť na prijímanie, mať formy a takéto veci, to dokážete urobiť. Ale Ježiš povedal, že toto bude identifikácia: „Tieto znamenia budú (nie možno, oni budú) ... vo všetkých pokoleniach, tých ktorí veria: V mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov a budú hovoriť inými jazykmi, hovoriť novými jazykmi a hadov budú brať, piť smrtonosné veci, to im neuškodí, na chorých budú klásť ruky a budú uzdravení. Uzdravujte chorých; Krieste mŕtvych, vyháňajte démonov; Darmo ste dostali darmo dajte.“

203Všetky tie veľké plány na získavanie peňazí a také veci sa dnes do toho zapojili. Nie divu, že sú tak plní súdu. Tak veru. Ó.

204Pozrime sa teraz. Tak veru. Volám ku pokániu ... A moje obžalúvanie teraz ... Na tejto novej Golgote je - v cirkvi, na tak zvaných najsvätejších miestach, za veľkými kazateľňami, na oltári katolicizmu, na katolíckom oltári, za ich kazateľňou ... za kazateľňou Metodistou, Baptistou, Presbiteriánou, Luteránou, Letničných, na tých najsvätejších miestach, tam On dostáva tie najostrejšie bodnutia: To je nová Golgota. Kde sa nachádza? Na svätých miestach v cirkvách. Kde je On ukrižovaný? Od pastorov. Vy pokrytci, vy ste to mali vedieť. Nie som nahnevaný ale niečo vo mne sa vzrušuje. Boh sa úplne zidentifikoval medzi vami.

205Kde utŕžil tú ranu na svojom boku? Kde utŕžil svoje rany? Na Golgote. Odkiaľ dostáva rany dnes? Spoza kazateľni. Odkiaľ to pochádza? Z Jeruzalema. Odkiaľ to prichádza? Z denominácií, od tých, ktorí tvrdia, že Ho milujú, to oni urobili. To sú tí, ktorí to robia dnes. Jeho druhá Golgota, tam kde dostáva svoje rany proti Slovu ... To Ho prebodáva. Kto je On? On je Slovo. On je Slovo. Odkiaľ Ho najviacej prebodávajú? Spoza kazateľni na svätých miestach, práve tak ako to bolo vtedy.

206Mám právo obžalovať túto generáciu. Mám právo to urobiť, ako kazateľ evanjelia Ježiša Krista s jeho znakmi a potvrdením, že On je Boh. Mám právo podať obžalobu na túto generáciu, pretože Jeho najťažšia rana po bodnutí bola rovno spoza kazateľni, kde to kritizovali a povedali, “Nechoďte počúvať niečo také. To je diabol.” Práve na tom mieste, kde Ho mali milovať ...

207A práve tie znamenia, ktoré Ježiš povedal, že sa budú diať ... Slovo Božie je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč (Slovo), rozpoznáva myšlienky a zámery srdca, a oni to nazývajú diablom. Kde? Za kazateľňami, na svätých miestach. Ó, Bože, ako On môže hľadieť dole? To je len milosť, nič inšie, len milosť. Nemôže urobiť nič inšie len prísť na súd. Už sme tam.

208Uvažujte o tom. Jeho najťažšie rany mu boli zadané spoza kazateľni. Tam je Jeho nová Golgota. Oni križujú Jeho, Slovo, z poza kazateľni. Je to tak. Ako? Ako to robia? Svojimi formami pobožnosti. Presne tak.

209Posmievači v publiku Ho korunovali; Dali mu novú tŕňovú korunu. Posmievači, prepichli Ho z kazateľni, posmievačmi Ho korunovali ... Či je On znovu ukrižovaný? Zbičovaný ľudskými vyznaniami, učitelia denominácií proti Jeho Slovu. Oni Ho bičujú, v hanbe Ho odsudzujú.

210Ježiš povedal, “Nadarmo ma ctia.” Nadarmo ... Nerobia nič dobré. Koho ctia? Oni ctia toho istého Boha. Oni ctili toho istého Boha pri jeho prvom ukrižovaní a to uctievanie bolo nadarmo. Tak isto je to dnes. Nadarmo stavajú tieto denominácie. Nadarmo stavajú tieto semináre. Nadarmo majú tieto vyznania, učiac učenia, ktoré sú nariadeniami ľudí a zapierajú Slovo Božie. Oni sú vinní, že križujú Knieža Života, učiac ľudské náuky namiesto Jeho Slova. “Nadarmo ma ctia”: zbičovali, prebodli, korunovali.

211Keď vidíte ako idú po ulici ... A niektoré z vás dámy s dlhými vlasmi ... Vravia, „Ona je staromódna, či nie?“ Pamätajte. To sú posmievači. To je koruna, ktorú nosíte. Boh povedal, že to je na vašu slávu. Noste to s hrdosťou. Haleluja. Noste to s hrdosťou, ako by ste nosili tŕňovú korunu za svojho Pána; Noste to s hrdosťou. Nehanbite sa. On tak povedal. Bez ohľadu na to, čo tieto Jezábele dnes hovoria, čo títo podvodníci, ktorí stoja za kazateľňou, križujú Krista, nezáleží čo oni hovoria, noste to s hrdosťou. Boh tak povedal. Len sa toho držte.

212Znovu Ho posmievači korunovali, tŕňmi, prepichli Ho spoza kazateľni vyznaniami.

213On má novú Golgotu. Kde Ho doviedli? Tieto odiate spevácke súbory, ženy v krátkych šatách, s ostrihanými vlasmi, s namaľovanými tvárami, spievajú v súbore ako anjeli s talentami, to je Jeho nová Golgota: moderný striptíz, chránený zákonom, ako v Sodome a Gomore.

214Keď vidíte bežať po ulici fenu, v určitom čase, nieto psa, ktorý by nešiel tam kde je ona. Nech sa stane určitá vec a každý jeden bude za ňou bežať. Niečo sa s ňou stalo, viete prečo. Nech ... Prečo si tieto ženy vyzliekajú šaty a idú po ulici? Nehovorte mi, že to nie je to isté. To je identifikácia. Neodsudzujte tých mužov. Ale oni sú chránené zákonom Sodomy. Ten zákon má povedať, že to je pre ne nezákonné byť tak vonku. A kazatelia za kazateľňou by mali mať spodničku namiesto kazateľského plášťa, keď tam stoja a dovolia to a hanbia sa proti tomu hovoriť, pretože ich denominácia by ich odstránila, vy križujete tomu zhromaždeniu Slovo Božie, ktoré hovorí, že je ohavnosť pre ženu nosiť oblečenie, ktoré prináleží mužovi. Ja odsudzujem tú vec. Obviňujem vás za križovanie Slova Božieho pred ľuďmi. Ostrihané ženy v krátkych šatách v zástupe, stoja v chóre ...

215Niekto mi raz povedal; Nejaká žena sa ma opýtala, povedala, “No, kde myslíš, že ich nájdeš?”

216Povedal som, “Keby mi Pán povedal, aby som zobral zo sveta dvanástich, bol by som prestrašený na smrť.” Keď skrze Duchovné rozpoznanie tam stojím a pozorujem ich, oni tam tak stoja a vidím nad nimi tie veci, špinavé, nečisté, podlé s cigaretami v ústach a takto sa správajú a potom stoja tam v slávnostne oblečenom chóre a v takom stave spievajú a dovolia, že publikum sa na nich díva a hovoria si, “No, keď to ona môže robiť, tak ja tiež.”

217Kresťanský život je život svätosti a čistoty vo ... Obžalúvam ich v mene Ježiša Krista za ich špinu a nečistotu. Oni priviedli evanjelium na hanbu. A tí, ktorí sa ho snažia držať sú nazvaní fanatikmi, nazvaní, “To je staromódne.” Nezmysel. Obžalúvam ich v mene Ježiša Krista.

218Proste moderný striptíz na ulici, spievajú v chóroch, fajčia, rozprávajú nečisté vtipy, majú troch alebo štyroch mužov a po šiestom ešte spievajú v chóre pretože majú hlas ... Ty biedny intelektuálny, duchovne zanedbaný, odmietnutý na tvojej vlastnej pôde, čítaš tú istú Bibliu, ktorú môže čítať každý ale ty si odstrčil Ducha Božieho, že až Biblia povedala, že ti bude dané mocné pôsobenie bludu, aby si uveril lži a skrze to budeš zatratený. Ty si v skutočnosti myslíš, že si v poriadku a Biblia hovorí, že tomu budeš veriť a budeš zatratený skrze to isté klamstvo, o ktorom veríš, že je pravdou. A preto ťa obžalúvam skrze Slovo Božie. Ty učíš ľudí klamstvu a križuješ Kristove zásady, svätosť a Život z hora, ako môže niekto kráčať po ulici a byť inou osobou.

219Kazatelia chodia na zábavy, fajčia: sú kameňmi úrazu ... Všetky tie ďalšie nezmysly, ktoré tolerujú. Ženy v ich chóroch, nosia šortky, ostrihané vlasy a takto sa správajú, majú namaľované tváre a potom to nazývajú “sestra taká a taká” a Biblia odsudzuje niečo také. Je to tak. Chodia na večierky a tak sa správajú a stále sú členmi nejakej cirkvi, zastávajte si svoje svedectvo a žite ako len chcete ...

220Nemyslite si, že to hovorím o Presbyteriánoch. Hovorím o vás Letniční. Je to tak. Vy ste raz poznali pravdu ale ste si mysleli, že by ste to nemohli prijať. Nemohli by ste podporovať svojho pastora. Váš pastor, keby to odsúdil by nemohol mať tú veľkú prácu s toľkými stovkami dolárov na týždeň a veľký pekný zbor, v ktorom káže a jazdí a správa sa ako oni. Tá organizácia by ho vyhodila, tak s tým musí držať, musí to hovoriť. A takto predal svoje práva prvorodenstva za misku šošovice Ezavových svetských pomyjí. A čo za to dostane? Obidvaja spadnú do jamy odsúdenia a budú ... Obžalúvam ich ako prostitútky evanjelia.

Nedávno som videl chór, jeden z najznámejších, veľké miesta, jeden z najvyšších Letničných kruhov, a stalo sa, že som sedel v pracovni toho brata, keď štyri alebo päť chórov sa zišlo spolu a to je jedna z najlepších letničných organizácií. A oni nevedeli, že som v pracovni kazateľa v Oklahome. Sedel som tam dole, kde sa ten kazateľ pripravuje, predtým ako vystúpi na svoje pódium; A keď som tam bol, tam boli tí mladí Riki a Rikety, namaľované ... Ani jedna z nich nemala dlhé vlasy, každá jedna ostrihaná, každá jedna s make-upom, všetci v rovnošate. A tí mladí Riki tam stáli, takto tam prechádzali. Jeden muž vyberal oferu na misiu. Správal sa, akoby bol slepý s hrnčekom a chodil okolo a hovoril všetky možné rúhavé veci o vyberaní tej ofery a o takých veciach; Ale vystúpil tam a snažil sa spievať „Mesiáš“ (Och.) A mohol by urobiť pri tom celkom dobrú robotu ale to nemalo ten správny tón. Nie, to bolo mŕtve. Vidíte? Ó. Tu to máte. To je Jeho nová Golgota.

221Čo myslíte keby tam nejaké dievča alebo nejaká žena ... Aha, keby ona tam prišla oblečená tak, ako má byť, s dlhými vlasmi a bez namaľovania a takých vecí, oni by si z nej robili žarty. Keby povstala a - keď on to tam robil ... Tá skupina mladých ľudí, okolo tridsať alebo štyridsať ľudí - tá vybraná časť letničných a robia takéto veci ... Keby tá pani niečo o tom povedala, oni by ju vylúčili z chóru. Nech by sa kazateľ evanjelia postavil za kazateľňu a niečo o tom povedal, vylúčili by ho z tej organizácie. Vy znovu križujete Syna Božieho a vystavujete Ho na hanbu. Jeho evanjelium, o ktorom tvrdíte, že ho kážete, križujete Ho. Obžalúvam túto generáciu, ktorá odmieta Krista, skrze Slovo Božie a skrze jeho moc v týchto posledných dňoch, v ktorých sa potvrdil, že On je stále živý.

222Áno, oni sú proti tomu jasnému, potvrdenému Slovu Božiemu. Ich organizácie sa nemôžu za tým postaviť.

223Veľké cirkvi a denominácie sú Jeho novou Golgotou; Znovu to hovorím. Tento moderný striptíz, to sú ich chóry. Och. Najvyšší kňaz každej denominácie vykrikuje tak isto, ako ten najvyšší kňaz v ten deň, “Zostúp a ukáž nám zázrak.” To bolo prvé ukrižovanie. To isté je dnes. Povedali mi, “Tak dobre, ty kriesiš mŕtvych, či nie? Prečo nejdeš tam? Tam na cintoríne máš ženu a dieťa.”

224Oni povedali Jemu, “Počuli sme, že kriesiš mŕtvych. Tu ich máme plný cintorín. Poď zobuď ich ...” Ó, neznalosť bude rodiť neznalosť. Vidíte?

225Veľké cirkvi, veľké chóry, najvyšší kňazi tohoto dňa: “Zostúp. Ukáž nám zázrak, ktorý naša denominácia nedokáže učiniť.”

226Stretol som sa nedávno s človekom, ktorý urobil poznámku, po krátkom vysielaní, ktoré som mal v Jonesboro, v Arkansase, kde som hovoril o jednej žene, že bola uzdravená. Tento človek patril do určitej denominačnej cirkvi a on sa tam vzadu postavil a povedal, “Vyzývam každého človeka, aby mi prišiel ukázať zázrak.” Išiel som a zobral som doktora, muža, ktorý bol uzdravený z rakoviny. Išiel som a zobral som ženu, ktorá bola na invalidnom vozíku okolo dvadsať rokov, bola uzdravená z artretismu, bola predtým na invalidnom vozíku. Zobral som ich tam a povedal, “No, chcem tie peniaze, tých tisíc dolárov.”

On povedal, “No, ah... hm... To nie je tu. To je vo Waco, v Texase, kde máme naše centrum.”

227Povedal som, “Dobre, pôjdeme tam pre ne. Zariaď to a zajtra pôjdeme.” Vidíte? Povedal som, “Tu je doktor, aby potvrdil, že títo ľudia mali naozaj rakovinu. Tu je to na rengenovom snímku. Tu je táto žena, o ktorej všetci susedia vedia, že dvadsať rokov bola na invalidnom kresle a teraz normálne chodí. A doktori ... Tu je doktor za doktorm a všetko a tu je ona dnes živá. No, ty si povedal, že dáš tisíc dolárov, ja ich chcem dať na misijnú prácu. Ja ich chcem.” Vidíte, vidíte?

On povedal, “No, to je tam vo Waco, v Texase.”

Povedal som, “Zajtra tam pôjdeme.”

228On povedal, “Počkaj chvíľu. Dovoľ, že ti niečo poviem. Zoberiem zo sebou malé dievča. A nech zoberiem britvu a odrežem jej ruku a potom ju ty, pred všetkými našimi bratmi uzdravíš a oni ti dajú tie peniaze.”

Povedal som, “Ty diabol.”

“Ak si Syn Boží zostúp z kríža. Povedz nám kto ťa udrel.” S handrou na hlave, bili Ho a vraveli, “No, ak si prorok, povedz nám kto ...”

“Ak si Syn Boží zostúp z kríža.”

229Slepí vodcovia slepých. Potrebujú duševné uzdravenie, človek, ktorý robí niečo také alebo má také poznámky. Samozrejme.

230To je starý známy krik, “Nech ťa vidíme urobiť zázrak. Majstre, chceli by sme vidieť od teba zázrak,” keď každý deň, každú hodinu sa to okolo dialo, tak ako Boh viedol, aby sa to stalo. Ale oni neboli prítomní. Keby boli, nazvali by to Belzebúbom, diablom. Vidíte? “Majstre, chceme aby si to urobil tak, ako my chceme (To je to.), urob to čo my chceme.” Ó, tak veru. Nemôžu s Ním nijako narábať. Nie veru. Preto Ho vylúčili zo svojho stredu. Tak veru. Dnes sa snažia robiť to isté. A cez združenie cirkví to nakoniec dosiahnu (Och), všetci vchádzajú do toho. Ten starý známy krik.

231Tu znovu vidíme to najnábožnejšie miesto, najlepších, vyučených teológov, ktorí znovu volajú proti Nemu, vyvolávajú ... Tí najlepší teológovia, ktorí to mali poznať inak, tie najlepšie zbory a najlepšie vyučení teológovia Ho vyhnali zo svojho stredu. Nechcú to. Hovoríte, „To nie je tak, brat Branham.“ Potom si tu nebol a nevidel “Cirkevné veky” alebo si to nepočul, keď to bolo kázané. Nebol si tu, keď tento Laodicejský cirkevný vek je ten jediný, kde Ho vyhnali z cirkvi; A On je vonku, klepe, snaží sa dostať naspäť dovnútra. Oni Ho vyhnali, pretože Ho na nič nepotrebovali. Znovu Ho ukrižovali. Amen. Ako dlho môžeme ísť?

232Pamätajte, prorok Božieho Slova nám predpovedal v 2. Timotejovi 3 (ak si to zapisujete, nemáme čas, aby sme to čítali ale povedal), že v posledných dňoch prídu posmievači. Budú náhli, vysokomyseľní, milujúci rozkoše viacej ako milujúci Boha, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, divokí, opovrhujúci dobrým, zradní, náhli, nadutí, učení, ktorí majú formu pobožnosti ale zapierajú jej moc. Od takých sa vzdiaľ, lebo z tých sú tí, ktorí zajímajú hlúpe, ostrihané ženy, ktoré nosia šortky, maľujú sa, chodia z miesta na miesto, vedú ich do zajatia. To je presne tak. On povedal, “Odvráť sa od toho v posledných dňoch.”

233Poslúchajme proroka. Odvráťte sa od tých vecí v posledných dňoch. Oni sú tu. (Teraz volám na cirkev.) Áno. Vzdiaľ sa od toho.

234Oni majú - oni ...Kazatelia v týchto dňoch by mali vedieť o týchto veciach. Oni mali poznať Ježiša v Jeho dňoch. Oni to mali poznať a teraz by to mali poznať, ale nepoznajú.

235Presne tak, ako tí židovskí učitelia v Jeho dňoch Ho mali poznať podľa Jeho dňa, tak je to potom dnes s Božím jasne potvrdeným Slovom. On bol Slovo a On dokázal, že je Slovom. On dokázal, že bol Slovom na ten deň. A Boh dnes dokázal, že je Slovom tohoto dňa, Svetlom tejto hodiny. A tak to mali poznať a majú to poznať teraz. Vtedy Ho ukrižovali a križujú Ho teraz. Obžalúvam ich z toho. Tak veru. To sa proste páli vo mne. Obžalúvam ich, pretože Boh spraví, že za to zaplatia.

236Tí židia vo svojom čase ... Boh znovu v tých dňoch na zemi, Ježiš povedal, “Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť do jednej veľkej skupiny, ale vy ste nechceli.” Ako sa Boh snažil v týchto posledných dňoch zjednotiť spolu svojich ľudí, ale vy ste nechceli. Vy ste túžili po svojich vyznaniach, tak teraz, ste vydaní na zničenie. To je to, čo postihlo Jeruzalem. Bol zrútený, spálený, nebolo ho viac. A to je presne to, čo sa stane v jednom z týchto dní všetkým týmto veľkým veciam tu. Vaše veľké vyznania a denominácie zomrú a zahynú ale Slovo Božie bude večne a bude žiť naveky.

237Jeho najhlbšie rany pochádzajú z domu tak zvaných priateľov. Predstavte si. Predstavte si to. Predstavte si to. Zastavte sa. Čakám chvíľu. Kazatelia, predstavte si to. Odkiaľ pochádzajú Jeho rany? Z domu Jeho tak zvaných priateľov. Ako to bolo, tak to je. Predstavte si to. Na Golgote On nebol obkľúčený divými barbarmi ale kazateľmi, ktorí tvrdili, že Ho milujú. A dnes, keď je Evanjelium jasne zidentifikované, keď veľké znamenia Jeho vzmŕtvychvstania sú dokázané medzi nami, to nie sú tí ľudia vonku na ulici, ktorí na vás útočia, to sú tak zvaní kazatelia. Tí, ktorí by Ho mali milovať, oni Ho dnes obkľúčili. “Nebudeme mať toto medzi nami. Nechceme tohoto človeka, aby vládol nad nami. Nebudeme to podporovať, nebudeme s tým spolupracovať v tomto meste, ak toto takto ide. To nie je nič iné ako špiritizmus. To je diabol.” Nepoznajúc Slovo Božie, slepí vedú slepých. Ako to bolo vtedy ... Zamyslite sa. Tak je to teraz. Presne tak ako to bolo vtedy, tak je to teraz. Zamyslite sa.

238Táto moc uzdraviť a oslobodiť muža a ženu od lásky ku tomuto prítomnému svetu, od ostrihaných, vymaľovaných Jezábelí, ktoré si hovoria, že sú kresťanky a nesú taký život ... Fajčia, rozprávajú neslušné vtipy, sadnú si a majú misijné spoločenstvo a spolok šitia a hovoria a klebetia a idú na ulicu a nosia šortky a všetko také a potom pred inými ženami hovoria, že sú kresťanky.

239Pamätáte sa na môj príbeh o tom otrokovi, ktorý vedel, že je synom kráľa, aký mal charakter. Čo my máme byť. Muži a ženy ... A zapierajú ... Títo duchovní, tieto kazateľne, kde Ho prebodávajú, oni pozdvihli a schválili taký druh života medzi ľuďmi, kde Ho prebodávajú. Oni zapreli moc, ktorá by ich z toho vyslobodila a schvaľujú, aby to tak bolo, keď je to nezhodné s Božím Slovom, aby si žena strihala vlasy alebo maľovala tvár alebo nosila šortky. To je nezhodné s Božím Slovom, ale oni to schvaľujú, robia ďalšiu Golgotu. Kde? Na ulici? V bare? Za kazateľňou, za kazateľňou.

240A znovu, čo oni kričali? “On sa robí Bohom.” Oni zapreli Jeho Božskosť. Oni sa Ho snažia rozštiepiť a spraviť z Neho troch alebo štyroch Bohov, keď On je Boh; On bol Boh; On je stále Bohom. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Keď im hovoríte o jednom Bohu oni sa vám smejú. “My veríme vo svätú trojicu.” Ja verím v jedného Svätého Boha. Áno. V jeho moc, ktorá uzdravuje, vyslobodzuje, berie ľudí preč od lásky ku tomuto svetu, oslobodzuje ich, ako oslobodil Máriu Magdalénu.

241Pamätajte, ona tiež bola vymaľovanou Jezábeľou. Mala v sebe sedem démonov. Bola striptérkou, presne tak ako tie moderné ženy dnes na ulici. Choďte kde chcete a dívajte sa. Ak neveríte, že ľudia sa klaňajú pri svätyni nahých žien, pozrite sa dnes von na ulicu. Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak to bude. Pozrite sa von, ak tomu neveríte. Len choďte kdekoľvek. Otvorte noviny, otvorte časopisy; Pozrite sa na reklamy. Čo vidíte? Pamätáte čo je povedané? Keď synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry, že sú pekné, brali si z nich za ženy.

242Pozrite sa na škandál v Anglicku. Pozrite sa na škandál tu. Pozrite, všetko to sa stáva domom prostitúcii. Prečo to je? Prečo sa Rusko stalo komunistickým? Kvôli vulgarite a špinavosti a bezmocnosti katolíckej cirkvi. To je presne to, prečo tento národ preberá komunizmus vo federácii cirkví a spája sa s katolíckou cirkvou, pri čom komunizmus a katolicizmus sa spolu zjednotia, viete. A tu to oni robia. Prečo? Pretože odmietli evanjelium, ktoré ich oddeľuje a robí ich inými ľuďmi. Nezmysel. To je presne ten dôvod. A kazatelia za kazateľňou to akceptujú kvôli lístkom na obed, kvôli sociálnemu postoju nejakého vyznania, hovoria, “Ja patrím to toho a toho,” vzdelaním nahradzujú moc Božiu.

243Ktorá oslobodzuje ľudí od tejto pomätenej rasy, ako Máriu Magdalénu ... Práve tá moc, ktorá mohla zobrať tú striptérku na ulici a spraviť, že sa obliekla a začala sa správať ako dáma, urobila z nej kresťanku, oni odsúdili tú moc a ukrižovali toho Muža, ktorý ju mal, na Golgote.

244A dnes, to evanjelium a Duch Svätý, ktorý vezme striptérku a spraví, že sa bude obliekať ako dáma a správať ako kresťanka, oni to nazývajú fanatizmom a nechcú, aby sa to dostalo do ich zhromaždenia, aby to vošlo medzi nich a spôsobilo, že by to urobili aj iné ženy. Čo to robia? Vypudili to von presne tak, ako to urobili vtedy. A teraz ukrižovali práve to Slovo a hovoria, že to bolo na iný vek. Znovu ich obžalúvam (Tak veru). Presne tak, ako boli obžalovaní vtedy.

245Ten znak, ktorý spravil, že ten starý Legion sa obliekol ... Pamätajte, človek, ktorý si vyzlieka šaty je blázon. Vidíte? A čo potom žena? Legion bol blázon; on vyzliekol z neho šaty. Boh zobral svoju moc a spravil, že sa obliekol, oblečený pri zdravom rozume sedel pri nohách Ježiša. Pozrite sa na tú moc, ktorá spravila, že ten slepý Bartimeus videl, rovno medzi ich vyznaniami. On bol na zemi, keď bolo toľko nevery ako je aj dnes ale to Ho nikdy nezastavilo; On išiel ďalej. On ich nijako nešetril. Povedal im, “Vy ste z vášho otca diabla.” On odsúdil celú tú vec.

246Tá moc, ktorá mohla vyvolať Lazára z hrobu a dať žene z Nain späť jej syna (ó, Bože), tá moc, ktorá mohla robiť tieto veci, ktorá mohla predpovedať veci, ktoré sa stali: “Tam sú dve - žriebä uviazané pri dvoch cestách,” a všetky tieto veci, ktoré predpovedal; Ten Muž, ktorý mal tú moc, “Preč s ním. My Ho nechceme medzi našimi ľuďmi. On znečisťuje naše učenie.” A ukrižovali Ho.

247Presne to isté je dnes. “Preč s Duchom Svätým.” Oni s Tým nič nechcú mať. “To odsudzuje a robí tieto veci a hovorí našim ľuďom tieto veci, nechceme aby sa to zmiešalo s našou organizáciou. To je proti naším vyznaniam.” Oni Ho znovu križujú. Ó.

248Všimnite si teraz, keď končíme, musíme zakončiť. A znovu, oni to nazývajú fanatizmus. A oni Jeho nazvali fanatikom. Povedali, že je blázon. Každý vie, že Biblia hovorí, že Ježiš bol - že tí farizejovia povedali, “tento človek je Samaritán, on je duševne chorý.” No, čo znamená slovo “duševne chorý”? “Blázon.” “Ten človek je blázon. Tí ktorí Ho nasledujú sú blázni. On je Belzebúb.”

249A znovu, hovoria to isté: “To je nejaké čarodejníctvo. To je veštenie,” znovu Ho dávajú na hanebný kríž. Aký kríž, aká hanba? On je potvrdeným Slovom, robia si z toho žarty, hovoria ľuďom, že to je diabol, robia niečo a nazývajú ...

250On povedal, “Oni nazývajú tie sväté skutky Božie, že to robí nečistý duch.” To nikdy nebude odpustené, robia hanbu Jeho Slovu, snažia sa Ho obnažiť a nazývajú to podvrhom alebo fanatizmom.

251“Nechoďte do toho. Nenavštevujte ich zhromaždenia.” Čo pri tom robia? Berú klince svojho denominačného vyznania. Je to tak. Títo učitelia, ktorí hľadajú rozkoše, svetskí, bezbožní, denominačne nepríčetní, berú denominačné klince a znovu s nimi križujú Syna Božieho spoza svojich kazateľní. Prečo to robia? Milujú chválu od ľudí, hodnosti, ktoré im môže dať cirkev, viac než lásku ku Božiemu Slovu. Odsudzujem ich. Oni sa nemôžu prispôsobiť Slovu, pretože sa už prispôsobili svetu. Oni už ... Pokrytecký deň, v ktorom žijeme ...

252Či toto nie ... Či nestačí jedna Golgota pre môjho Pána? Prečo toto chcete robiť? Vy, ktorí by ste Ho mali milovať, vy ktorí viete, že toto je Jeho Slovo, vy ktorí môžete čítať Zjavenie 22 a hovoríte, “Ktokoľvek by odňal jedno Slovo alebo pridal jedno Slovo,” prečo to robíte? Či nestačí jedna Golgota pre Neho? Ja stojím v Jeho obrane. Som Jeho obhajca. A obžalúvam vás skrze Slovo Božie. Zmeňte svoje cesty lebo pôjdete do pekla; Vaše denominácie sa rozpadnú. Obžalúvam vás v prítomnosti Sudcu. Áno. Vy, s vašimi formami pobožnosti, pokrytectvami ... Ako to nazývate? Či nestačí jedna Golgota?

253Ako povedal Peter, “Vaši denominační otcovia ...” Peter vás tým obžaloval - povedal, “Kto z vašich otcov to nevykonal?” Štefan povedal to isté. “Rukami bezbožných ste ukrižovali Knieža života.”

254Či sám Ježiš nepovedal, “Ktorý z vašich otcov nepriviedli tých prorokov do hrobu? A vy ich teraz ozdobujete.” Tak to robili tým spravodlivým ľuďom počas tých vekov. Tak obžalúvam túto vysoko-uhladenú, do zboru chodiacu skupinu ľudí, ktorí odmietajú Krista tohoto dňa. Vy so svojimi formami pobožnosti križujete môjho Krista druhý krát, tým, že hovoríte ľuďom, že tieto slová sú na nejaký iný deň a že to nie je na tento deň. Obžalúvam vás. Ste vinní toho istého zločinu, ktorého sa dopustili oni v deň ukrižovania. Čiňte pokánie a obráťte sa ku Bohu lebo inak zahyniete.

255A znovu hovorím: “Tu,” v cirkvách, “oni” tí učitelia, “križujú,” tým, že sa rúhajú, “Jeho” Slovo. Bože buď milostivý. Dovoľte, že to znovu poviem; Aby to nebolo nejasné na páske. “Tu” v cirkvách, “Oni” duchovenstvo, “Križujú,” rúhaním sa “Jeho,” Slovo. Nie divu, že to je znovu,

Medzi vyčnievajúcimi skalami a temniacou sa oblohou;

Môj Spasiteľ sklonil hlavu a zomrel;

Ale to otvorenie záclony zjavilo cestu

do nebeskej radosti a nekonečného dňa.

256Hovorím to na tejto páske a pre toto publikum; Hovorím to pod inšpiráciou Ducha Svätého, “Kto je po strane Pána? Nech príde pod toto Slovo.” Boh určite privedie túto zlú generáciu, ktorá zapiera Krista, odmieta Krista, na súd za rúhanie, za ukrižovanie Jeho potvrdeného Slova. Idete na súd. Ja to odsudzujem. “Kto je po strane Pána?” Povedal Mojžiš, “Nech príde ku mne,” keď tam visel ten Ohnivý Stĺp ako dôkaz. Kto je po strane Pána? Nech vezme to Slovo, zaprie svoje vyznanie a nasleduje Ježiša Krista každý deň. A ja sa s tebou stretnem to ráno.

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy a pomodlime sa.

257Ó Pane Bože, Darca Večného Života a Autor tohoto Slova, ktorý si znovu priviedol z mŕtvych Pána Ježiša a náležite si to zidentifikoval pred generáciou neveriacich ľudí; Bolo to dlho dnes ráno. Mnohí tu sedia, zbor je plný; Ľudia stoja okolo a pásky sú nahrané, aby išli po svete, na rôzne miesta. Kazatelia budú toto počuť vo svojich pracovniach. Modlím sa za nich, Pane. Nech tieto slová padnú hlboko do ich srdca, nech seknú hlboko, nech odseknú celý svet, aby mohli povedať, ako tento mladý metodistický kazateľ z Kentucky prišiel raz ku mne a povedal, “Keď som počúval tých sedem cirkevných vekov, počul som volanie, - ’Vyjdi z tých múrov Babylona.’“ Zanechal som to a odišiel som. Neviem ktorou cestou ísť alebo čo robiť, ale odišiel som.” Nech je požehnaná odvaha toho mladého muža so ženou a s tromi deťmi.

258Bože, nech mnohí nájdu svoju cestu do Slova Božieho, jedinú cestu života, lebo On je Slovo. Modlím sa za každého jedného, Otče. Niekedy, keď sa hovoria tieto veci, to nie je v krutosti; To je v láske; Pretože láska napráva. A modlím sa, Bože, aby to tí ľudia rozumeli, že je to tak: že je to určené, aby to napravilo.

259Ty, ktorý si ich musel napraviť, modlil si sa za nich na kríži, “Otče, odpusť im. Oni sú slepí, nerozumejú čo robia.” Modlím sa za tých kazateľov dnes, ktorí znovu križujú Slovo, tým, že berú svoje vyznania a denominácie a dogmy a nahrádzajú nimi Slovo života. A potom, pred ľuďmi kritizujú skutočnú pravdu, ktorú Boh potvrdzuje, že to je Jeho Pravda. Modlíme sa za nich, Otče, aby si ich znovu pozval na svadobnú hostinu. A nech by teraz prišli a nenašli výhovorky lebo si uvedomujem, že posledné zavolanie už mohlo zaznieť. Teraz môže byť príliš neskoro. Verím, že nie je.

260Požehnaj toto malé zhromaždenie prítomné tu, týchto niekoľko sto ľudí, ktorí sa tu zhromaždili dnes ráno, tento horúci deň, sedeli tu na zdĺhavom, možno dvoj hodinovom alebo dlhšom zhromaždení a počúvali. Neodišli, sedeli ticho a počúvali. Mnohí z nich čakajú na obed a ženy stoja so svojimi deťmi a čakajú, držia sa každého slova.

261Pane, uvedomujem si, čo sa mi stane v deň súdu, keby som zle informoval týchto ľudí. Som si vedomý, Pane, tak vedomý, že môžem cítiť, že sa ich snažím doviezť do Slova a nech žijú tým Slovom, hovorím im, že Ty si ten istý včera dnes i naveky, že ten veľký Duch Svätý je Ježiš Kristus len vo forme Ducha Svätého, ten istý Muž. Ty si tak povedal, “Krátku chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte, lebo Ja budem s vami i vo vás.” A ja viem že toto si Ty, Pane. A my Ti veríme, pretože ťa vidíme robiť medzi nami to isté.

262Vydávame sa Ti dnes, triezvo, my tu v tomto zhromaždení. A na páskach, Pane, práve v tejto minúte, nech každý muž a žena, chlapec alebo dievča - ktorí sú tu prítomní alebo stoja vonku, alebo počúvajú toto z pásky, nech môžeme v tejto chvíli urobiť hlboké zasvätenie a vydanie sa úplne do služby Bohu.

263Pohybuj sa pomedzi ľuďmi, Pane, v moci a uzdrav chorých. Oni vraveli, že tu majú malého chromého chlapca. Nech ten veľký Svätý Duch ... Vieme, že len byť takto v Jeho prítomnosti je ... Ona to vykoná. Ak môžeš účinkovať cez rádio a televíziu po krajine a uzdraviť chorého (Ty si poslal svoje Slovo a Ono ich uzdravilo.), Ty v tejto chvíli môžeš urobiť to isté. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si uzdravil každú chorú osobu, každého chromého, každého postihnutého tu a toho kto počuje tieto slová. Bože, udeľ to. Moja modlitba je za nich. S láskou Kristovou vo svojom srdci a cítim s tou potrebou, predkladám ich Tebe, Pane, Tebe na obetnom oltári, kde leží krvavé telo baránka, ako zmierenie za naše hriechy a nemoci, leží tam. Úpenlivo prosím o milosť pre ľudí. Chcem stáť tak ako stál Mojžiš v trhline za nich, Pane, a hovorím, “Bože, buď im milostivý ešte trochu a daj im ďalšiu príležitosť.” Nerob to hneď teraz, Pane. Nech to evanjelium ide ešte trochu ďalej.

264Oni sú odsúdení, Pane. Modlím sa aby Tvoje veľké milosrdenstvo a zľutovanie dosiahlo až po tú poslednú osobu, ktorá má svoje meno v Knihe. A viem, že dosiahne. Nie je ťažké modliť sa proti tvojmu Božskému Slovu a proti - chcem povedať zhodne s tvojím Božským Slovom, Pane, so Slovom, ktoré je zasľúbené, Slovo, ktoré je potvrdené, Slovo, ktoré predurčilo týchto ľudí tam pred založením sveta. Nie je to ťažko modliť sa, aby si spasil tých, ktorých mená sú v Knihe, pretože viem, že to urobíš, Ježiš tak povedal: “Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec prídu.” A nikto nemôže prísť ak nebol daný.

265A tak, modlím sa, Bože aby všade, kde padnú tieto slová, na páske aj teraz tu, aby Duch Svätý zavolal hneď teraz každú predurčenú osobu, od založenia sveta, keď ich mená boli zapísané do Baránkovej knihy života. Nech počujú hlas Boží, ktorý dnes hovorí a ten malý, tichý, nepatrný hlas dole v ich srdci povie, “Toto je tá cesta, kráčaj po nej.” Udeľ to, Otče. Prosím o to v mene Ježiša.

266A zatiaľ čo teraz máme sklonené svoje hlavy tu v obecenstve, vy veríte, že toto je pravda a vy ... (Ja kladiem svoje ruky na tieto vreckovky, ktoré tu ležia a balíčky pre chorých a postihnutých.) Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať, úprimne teraz. Neprišiel som sem len preto, aby ste ma počuli. Som unavený; Som vyčerpaný. Nie som taký mladý ako som bol a viem, že naše dni sú zrátané. A viem, že musím vynaložiť každú malú vec, ktorú môžem, pre kráľovstvo Božie. Musím kázať stále, keď môžem mať príležitosť. Musím - musím ísť, či to tak cítim alebo nie. Prichádzam sem pretože cítim, aby som to robil; chcem to robiť. Milujem vás. Nehovorím tie veci ostro a tvrdo, aby - pretože chcem; Je vo mne pulz. Práve táto vec, ktorá bola potvrdená, je to, čo ma tlačí do toho aby som to tak robil. Hovorím to dobrosrdečne s láskou. Nemám v úmysle nadávať našim ženám alebo mužom. Nemám to v úmysle, brat, sestra; Ja vás len chcem priviesť na zreteľné miesto, kde môžete vidieť nápravu a bič Pánov, že musíte vojsť teraz. Neodkladajte to; Mohli by ste čakať príliš dlho.

267A vy, ktorí máte túžbu prísť na Pánovu stranu s úplným vydaním sa vo svojom srdci v prítomnosti v obecenstve teraz a tiež aj tam kde budú tieto pásky. Či so svojimi sklonenými hlavami ... Nedvíhajte ruky ak to tak nemyslíte. No, ak to tak skutočne myslíte, že chcete prísť ku Pánovi s viac posväteným životom, chcem aby ste hneď teraz zodvihli ruku. Vy ... Nech vás Pán žehná. Zasväcujete sa nanovo Kristovi, aby ste sa snažili niesť to pohanenie. Povedzte, “Ja som ochotný dnes zobrať to pohanenie.” Ja som tiež zodvihol obidve ruky. “Chcem zobrať na seba pohanenie Ježiša Krista. Ochotne niesť tento znak - byť nazvaný fanatikom alebo akokoľvek to chcete nazývať. Nesiem to s hrdosťou, pretože to je pre Pána. Nesiem to s hrdosťou.”

Či vy všetci nechcete niesť to isté? Zodvihnite ruky a povedzte, “Z milosti Božej chcem ...”

268Učeníci sa vrátili a pokladali to za veľkú česť niesť pohanenie pre Jeho meno. Alebo chcete niesť pohanenie kvôli nejakej Hollywoodskej hviezde, alebo nejakej televíznej, alebo nejakému členovi cirkvi alebo niečomu takému, alebo chcete niesť pohanenie Slova Ježiša Krista. Daj mi niesť pohanenie Slova, Pane. Viem, On niesol pohanenie Božieho Slova. Daj mi ho tiež niesť, Pane.

A tento posvätený kríž budem niesť

Až kým ma smrť nevyslobodí,

Potom pôjdem domov, niesť korunu ...

Jedného dňa dostaneme korunu. Teraz je hotová. Keď sa tento zemský život skončí, potom budeme vedieť, že za chvíľu.

269No, nie je tu miesto, aby sme priviedli ľudí ku oltáru. Nech vaše miesto tam, kde ste, je oltárom: “Všetci, ktorí uverili ...” Kým sa pomodlíme.

270Nebeský Otče, zdá sa mi akoby sa zodvihla takmer každá ruka mladého i starého v tomto obecenstve. A modlím sa, aby zakaždým, keď sa bude púšťať táto páska, aby dali ľudia svoje ruky hore a kolená dole v tej izbe. Otec a matka nech idú a objímu jeden druhého a nech povedia, “Drahá, dlho sme boli členmi zboru. Poďme ku Kristovi.” Udeľ to, Pane.

271Požehnaj tu týchto ľudí. Prosím Pane, aby si im dal zasvätený život. Mnohí z nich, Pane, sú dobrí ľudia. Oni sú tvoji ľudia; Oni len nepoznali pravdu. A modlím sa, aby si im ukázal tvoju pravdu, Pane. “Tvoje Slovo je Pravda.”

272Ako si povedal v Jánovi, myslím asi v 17. kapitole, povedal si, “Posväť ich, Otče, v pravde. Tvoje Slovo je pravda.” A to - znovu, Tvoje Slovo je stále pravda. Ono je stále pravda, pretože to je Boh. A modlím sa, Bože, aby si ich posvätil v pravde; To je, posvätil, očistil ich od všetkých vyznaní a denominácií; Očistil ich od všetkých svetských vecí do posväteného života Slova. Udeľ to Pane. Oni sú teraz Tvoji. Ty si zasľúbil, že to urobíš. A ako tvoj sluha, prinášam svoju modlitbu za nich. V mene Ježiša Krista.

A teraz so sklonenými hlavami, zaspievajme túto pieseň, kým sa budeme ďalej modliť.

Ježiš všetko zaplatil,

Jemu som všetko dlžný

Hriech zanechal červenú škvrnu,

On to umyl, je to biele ako sneh.

Včera som bol na jednom mieste, a ten človek mi bral miery na oblek, ktorý mi tu brat v zbore kúpil. On povedal, “Tvoj oblek vyzerá teplý a ja ti kúpim chladnejší.”

273A ja som si ho tam odišiel skrátiť a on povedal, “Aha, pravé rameno máš ovisnuté. Voľakedy si musel nosiť ťažké bremená.”

274Pomyslel som si, “Áno, bremeno hriechu, ale Ježiš to všetko zaplatil.” Počúvajte keď to spievame.

Ježiš všetko zaplatil,

Potom všetko (celý svoj život) dlžím Jemu;

(Čo hriech urobil?)

Hriech zanechal červenú škvrnu,

On to umyl, je to biele ako sneh.

275Bože, buď nám milostivý v tomto hlbokom čase rozjímania. Nech Slovo vsiakne hlboko, Pane, do srdca. Nech ľudia, hoci budú neskoršie na obede ale Pane, toto je viacej než jedlo; Toto je Život. “Moje Slová sú pokrm,” Ty si povedal. A to je to, čím sa sýtia naše hladné duše.

A teraz, Pane, zober nás, formuj nás. Pane, zober ma s nimi. Ja chcem ísť s nimi. Idem teraz na Golgotu, Pane, vierou. Idem s týmto zhromaždením. Preformuj ma, Pane. Urobil som zle. Mnohokrát keď som ... Tu nedávno, chcel som prestať kázať. Ľudia ma nepočúvali. Oni ďalej robili to isté a ja som bol z toho znechutený. Vytvoril sa vo mne komplex. Ó, Bože, pred pár týždňami, keď si mi dal tam ten znak, a nie - keď som čítal Bibliu a videl som, že si povedal Mojžišovi, tak ako bol ten sen, že tam tiež bola hora, ktorá bola znakom pre neho. A potom hneď na konci toho, aby som to vedel, že by som opustil veľa chorých ľudí, službu, ktorá nie je len prorocká ale zahrnuje vyučovanie Slova a modlenie sa za chorých. Ty si dovolil, že rovno tu padol na podlahu človek a bol mŕtvy a potom si ho priviedol naspäť do života, na potvrdenie, že to je pravda. Ty stále potvrdzuješ svoje Slovo.

276A teraz, Pane, potvrď to hneď teraz, kým som pred tvojím trónom. Vezmi každého jedného z týchto ľudí, Pane, odstráň od nás svet. Vezmi mňa, Pane, kým sme v Tvojej Prítomnosti. Zober proste Slovo; Vyžmýkaj naše srdcia. Bože, hneď teraz, vytiahni z nás svet a starosti tohoto sveta. Daj nám byť zasvätenými kresťanmi, ó Bože, aby sme boli milí, láskaví, a príjemní, aby sme niesli ovocie Ducha. Urobíš to, Pane? Sme pred Tvojím Trónom. Hriech zanechal červenú škvrnu na každom jednom z nás ale tvoja krv to môže zahladiť, Pane, a učiniť to bielym ako sneh. Udeľ to, kým očakávame na Teba. Vezmi nás, sme Tvoji, zasvätili sme Ti svoje životy. V mene Ježiša Krista. Udeľ to Pane, každému jednému z nás.

277Vyžmýkaj moje srdce, Pane. Vidím všetky moje chyby, vidím svoje omyly. Bože, od teraz sa snažím žiť najlepšie ako môžem, aby som Ti pomohol. Chcem ísť ... Chcem tu dnes ráno znovu posvätiť svoj život pre Teba. Po prinesení obžaloby, tam proti mojim duchovným priateľom a musel som povedať tieto tvrdé veci, ale Pane, urobil som to cez Tvoju inšpiráciu. Cítim, že Ty si mi povedal, aby som to urobil. A teraz som to zložil zo svojich pliec, Pane. Som rád, že som to zložil. Daj im s tým urobiť čokoľvek chcú, Otče. Prosím, aby to prijali.

278Prosím aby si spasil každého jedného, Pane. Nech povstane prebudenie spravodlivých a veľká moc nech príde do cirkvi pred jej odchodom. Nie je ťažko modliť sa o to, pretože si to zasľúbil.

279A my očakávame, Pane, na to tretie potiahnutie, o ktorom vieme, že vykoná pre nás veľké veci v našom strede.

280Som tvoj, Pane. Kladiem sa na tento oltár, tak posvätený ako len viem. Odstráň odo mňa svet, Pane. Odstráň odo mňa veci, ktoré podliehajú skazeniu. Daj mi neskaziteľné veci: Slovo Božie. Aby som bol schopný žiť to Slovo tak blízko, až Slovo bude vo mne a ja v Slove. Udeľ to, Pane. Aby som sa nikdy od toho neodvrátil. Aby som držal ten Kráľovský meč tak pevne, zovrel ho tak pevne. Udeľ to, Pane.

281Požehnaj nás spolu. Sme tvoji sluhovia, keď sa Ti zasväcujeme dnes ráno, znovu vo svojich srdciach. Sme tvoji v mene Ježiša Krista do služby. Ježiš ... (Nech vás Boh žehná. Brat Neville.)

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. Let's remain standing just a moment now for prayer. Let's bow our heads. Is there any spoken requests, if it would be known by an uplifted hand, just to God, say, "I--I..."? Hold in your mind now what--what you want to ask Him, and believe it with all your heart, while I offer my prayer for you, too.

2 Heavenly Father, we are... count this such a privilege, to come to the house of the Lord, upon this gloomy day, and--and find the Son-Light of God shining, and hear the Holy Spirit singing through the people, and speaking through the people, just a--a little cluster of Son-shine within. We thank Thee for this, the Heavenly Son-shine around our hearts. How we thank Thee for it! Now they're...

3Thy people has just lifted their hands in this congregation, that they have requests, that they would desire that You would answer them this morning. And I pray, Father, that You will grant each of their requests. There is so many, piled upon the desk, and so many requests everywhere, of people sick, suffering; phone call, long distance, about fifty a day. O God, what shall we do? Just lead us, Lord. We--we don't know which a way to go or what to do, but Thou can direct these things, and we pray that You will grant it to us. Because, it's--it's our intention, Lord, what life that we have on earth is given to us by Thee, and we want to use it to honor Thee by. Now You guide us in those things, Father.

4Bless us today as we've assembled together to hear the Word of the Lord, to sing the songs, to offer prayer. Hear our prayers. Joy with us in our songs, and speak to us through the Word, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

May be seated.

5 I just don't know any place that I would deem to be a greater privilege to stand, than it would be to stand in the--in the pulpit, to break the Bread of Life to a waiting, hungry, thirsting people. And this is a great privilege.

6First, I'd like to ask if--if any of the Wright family is here, Hattie or Orville, or any? Hattie. Is Orville with you, Hattie? Well, ask him if he would come by the house, immediately, of what I told him, you know. Drop by the house, if he can. I forgot to bring it down with me, this morning, something for their little doggy they got down there. So I--I just... If you will, just drive right by the house as you leave out for--for your ser-... after service.

7 And now, Edith, Hattie's sister, that we know as the little girl that's been crippled up since she was a--a baby. And she is a woman now, and she is in very bad shape. Now I, about a year ago, I went down there when she had her first spell, and immediately I found what her trouble was, by the help and grace of God. Now, really, what's the trouble with the child...

8She is setting, her limbs hit together, and she can't even move them apart, it's because of the tremendous pressure on the--the nerve system. But, what it is, there is nothing physically wrong with the child, outside of the affliction of infantile paralysis when she was about six months old. She screamed and cried all of her life, nearly, till... We prayed for her many years ago, and--and she's been happy ever since, until about a year ago.

9 And now it's really menopause. In other words, the changing of her life, and her nerves are in such a tremendous condition. And the little lady has got on her mind that she is dying, she's--she's just not going to live, just from one hour to the other. And you know. And healthy, strong women have terrible time, sometime have to take shots of hormone, and--and go into the institutions, and take shock treatments and everything, during that time.

The human being has two changes of life.

10They have the change from a boy to a--a man; from a woman... from a girl to a woman. About sixteen, seventeen years old, they get like a bunch of just fly-by-nights. And--and if you can just suffer with them during that age. I got a daughter in that age right now, Rebekah. Pray for her. And Billy, oh, every one of us, we come through that little frantic age. And--and so we must suffer with them, realizing it's something that--that they--they have to go through.

11 And now, Edith, with this just changing of--of the--of the seven years. Every seven years, your life changes. So the seven times seven, you see, and--and it's makes it kind of hard, and that's a complete change. And it--it bothers the women. Men usually get a kind of a funny carrying-on during that time, and sometimes leave their wives. But women are--are unfertile after that. And we all go through that, and we must remember that it's things that we must bear with one another, and understand those things.

12And little Edith has got in this condition, and she's lost much weight, and she looks bad. And--and--and I tell you, some night, not all of you together, but just a little trip down... They set up with her, day and night. And a--a little trip down there from this tabernacle and--and the different tabernacles, the--the sister tabernacles here, some of you people go down and see the Wright family. I'm sure they would appreciate it. Just go down, set with them a little while, and talk to them, shake their hand, and if no more than a little friendly visit.

13We--we forget that so easy, you know. And when it comes to our own home, then we appreciate it. And we must remember, others appreciate it, too. And the Wright family, I'm sure, would appreciate that. I--I know you would have done it if you had knowed this condition existed. But you didn't know it, so there--therefore I was telling you this morning, for it.

14 Go and visit the Wright family, and try to cheer Edith up. Now, don't tell her she looks bad. Tell her she "looks good," she "going to be fine." Which, she'll be all right if we just keep holding on for her. That's what we're here for. She is our sister, and--and we're here to hold on in these times for that child. Just like I want somebody to hold for me and pray while I was going through my trials, and you want somebody for yours.

15And--and the Wright family has been a--a long... one of the oldest members that comes to this gathering. Them, I guess, and Brother Roy Slaughter and Sister Slaughter. I seen them just a few moments ago, waved at them when they come in. Thought, myself, as I drove around the corner, "How many years have I seen Brother and Sister Slaughter take their place in this church, through the ups-and-downs, and still wading on?" And the Wright family, and like that, you appreciate those people, you see. And let's--let's show our appreciations to them.

16 Now, today, I got a long Message. It's on an indictment.

17And--and then, tonight, I hear there is communion and footwashing, so forth. So the pastor will speak, and we'll have... we'll come down. And if you--if you're around, come and enjoy the--the message from the pastor, from the Lord, and then also from the footwashing and the--and the communion, tonight. It's be a--a real heavy packed night, so we'd be glad to have you, if you have no other place to go.

18And we want to appreciate Don Ruddell, and--and our brother, and Brother Jackson. And--and these brethren are our brother, sister churches that's associated. Brother Jack Palmer over here, who keeps the--the group down in Georgia. And we--we--we want to appreciate these man with all of our heart. For, times when we have services, when I come in, and they--they come to visit us, and we appreciate it.

19 I see, this morning, my good friend, Doctor Lee Vayle and his wife. I recognized Sister Vayle there, first, and I kept looking around to see where Brother Lee was. And I got a, what the old Southern expression, "a crow to pick with him," see, whenever I got him. I looked for him every day, at that convention, to be down there to help me out. And I said, "Well, if Lee comes, have him preach, and I'll just make prayer for the sick." And we paged him, and everything else, and never could find him. So, I'm--I'm, I got it, the crow to pick with him, when I get to talk. And we're glad to have Brother and Sister Vayle in, this morning.

20And maybe there is many more here that we don't understand. I see a sister here, I believe, from Chicago. I can't... I know the group here, but I just can't call their names exactly. So we--we appreciate them from everywhere, wherever you are.

21 I see the brethren here, two young fellows that's to be ordained (young in the ministry, at least) this morning. Two, our colored brethren from up in New York, has just received their credentials through the Philadelphian church, and given this church as where they come from. And we're going to lay hands upon them, that God will bless their ministry in New York. We got two or three little churches up there, I believe. Brother Milano has one of the little groups there, and we're... we appreciate them. And--and here is two more going out now to make, have services for the people there. And we--we appreciate these things.

22 The Lord bless you richly. So many; I look around and see different ones, and you just can't call all their names, but I know that He understands.

23Now, I believe, if our sister, the pianist, or one of them will come here and play for us.

When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet,

Making him as pure as pure can be,

And when the word of... voice of God said, "Who will go for us?"

Then he answered, "Here am I, send me."

24When, we ordain these ministers by laying on of hands. Now, we realize that the Scriptural way of ordaining a minister is laying on of hands. I think that's where our Latter Rain brethren, or the Battleford people, and so forth, got mixed up; and when they seen that, laying on of hands, to impart spiritual gifts. Now, we do not believe that gifts comes by laying on of hands. We believe that a... laying on of hands is a sanction to what we've already seen. See? It's a "amen." See?

25 Now, when they laid hands upon Timothy, and upon those brethren, they had noticed in them men was the gift. Remember, "Stir up that gift which was in you, come from your grandmother Lois." And they seen this in Timothy, and therefore the elders laid hands upon him and ordaining him. Not put hands upon a man that nothing has ever been showed forth, you see. And they just asked the blessings. And we all believe that. So we don't impart spiritual gifts; we only recognize them, and lay hands upon them, to sanction them, that we believe that God has done such things for the people.

26I noticed, this morning, way back in the back, Brother McKinney from... I believe it's Kinney or McKinney, the Methodist minister setting back there, that's just recently been ordained here, too, I believe that was right, from the platform; for to hold forth up in Ohio, with Brother Dauch and Sister Dauch, and the group from up in Ohio.

27Oh, when we all gather together, these little places coming together, it's wonderful. No denomination; no ties of nothing, but only to Jesus Christ, that's all, see, just "setting together in Heavenly places."

28 All right, sister, if you'll give us... Let's just sing this one verse of that, "When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet." Let's sing it together now.

When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet,

Making him as pure as pure could be,

When the voice of God said, "Who will go for us?"

Then he answered, "Here am I, send me."

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Now brethren will come forth, if you will.

... and I'll be quick to an-...

29Let the other minister brothers come forth, if they will, that's going to lay hands upon them."... my Lord..." Associates of the tabernacle here, Brother Ruddell, Brother Lamb, and them. Right here, if you will.

... and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

Slowly now, please.

Oh, millions now in sin and shame are dying;

Listen to their sad and bitter cry;

Hasten, brethren, hasten to their rescue;

Quickly answer, "Master, here am I."

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I'll be quick to answer Thee;

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

30What is your name, brother? [The brother says, "Orlando Hunt."--Ed.] Brother Orlando Hunt, from New York City. Is that right? And Brother... [The other brother then says, "Joseph Coleman."] Joseph Coleman.

Now if you will just turn to the audience, my brethren.

31 The Brother Hunt and Brother Coleman, a call of God upon their hearts. And as we have just sang the song, "There is millions now in sin and shame, are dying." They have heard that sad and bitter cry. And we ask them: hasten, brothers, hasten to their rescue! See, quickly answer, "Master, here am I." That's the way they're answering, this morning.

32And as we, as brethren of this church, and this group, sanction this, by laying our hands upon them and giving them the right hand of fellowship, as to be witnesses of Jesus Christ, with our support here, that we will back them up in everything that's honorable and right, in the Gospel. Our prayers will constantly be for these men, that God will use them to honor Him. And may their ministries be rich and great in New York. May their--their life be full of service for Him, bringing in precious sheaves to the Kingdom. May they live long, happy lives. May the Lord God undergird them with His everlasting Presence, and give to them health and strength, and keep them in His service until Jesus Christ shall call them to their Eternal Home in the Heaven of rest.

33 Let this congregation now... as we bow our heads, and we ministers go forward to lay our hands upon them.

34Our Heavenly Father, we lay our hands upon Brother Hunt, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as what we have known of him, Lord, has been righteous. And we thank Thee for this call in his life, of the ministry. Lord, speak through this brother, win souls, bring deliverance, Lord, to those that are in captive, both sickness and--and mentally, and physically and spiritually. Lord, give him a real ministry, that he might, at the end of his road, look back down through that long trail and see that he's been able, by the grace of God, to capture every enemy. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, we ask it. Amen.

35 Upon Brother Coleman we also lay our hands, as witnesses, Lord, to give sanction to his call, that we, this church, this group of people, believe in him as a servant of Christ. And we ask that You bless him and give him a great, mighty ministry, that he will win souls for You, Lord, and deliver the captive, and--and break the powers of Satan, around the lives of the people that he associates with. Give to him, Lord, a fruitful life, good health and strengthness. And, too, when he comes to the end of the road, God, grant that he can look down a long trail and see where, by the grace of Jesus Christ, he's been able to break every fetter of the enemy, to the honor of God.

36Heavenly Father, may these men now so live and work in the harvest of God. May Your blessings rest upon them and be with them until the time that we all gather at the feet of our great Master. In Jesus Christ's Name we ask it. Amen.

37God bless you, Brother Hunt, give you a fruitful ministry. God bless you, brother, and give you a--a fruitful ministry, too, Brother Coleman. God bless you. Again:

When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet,

Making him as pure as pure can be,

When the voice of God said, "Who will go for us?"

Then he answered, "Here am I, send me."

Oh, speak, my... (May He speak to many a young hearts.)... speak, my Lord, (Called of God!)

... and I'll be quick to answer Thee;

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

38 How we thank the Lord this morning for this great honor, of the church witnessing the sending out of ministers in the field in this last day. Grace of God go with you, my brethren! I hope He sends you to the foreign fields and across the world, preaching this unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, where it's so needy. So needy, the world is today.

39Now, so much of these good things, we just have to take a little here and a little there, in order to get it all in the service this morning. Now today we are... I'm speaking upon a subject that I... I sometimes don't like to approach these real terrific times.

40Now, last Sunday, if some of you wasn't here and--and didn't get the Message of The Third Exodus; and if you like the tapes, I believe you'll enjoy that one, The Third Exodus.

41 What have we got, a sick boy here, or something? Oh, a little, crippled boy. Yeah. May God bless him. That's it. All right. Just at the end of the service, we go pray for the sick, anyhow, you see. So we, now, we are...

42We ask you, maybe if you can, to get the Message, on The Third Exodus, the third time that the Light, the Angel of the Lord that has called the people to an exodus, has visibly showed Itself on earth, in an exodus. See? I think that's real outstanding, to me: the third exodus!

43Would you care if I took off my coat? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] It's awfully warm in the tabernacle this morning, and the only air conditioning we have is--is what you can fan. You have to generate your own power. So we are planning on, someday, putting a cool system in here, as soon as we can get things fixed.

44 Now, we would appreciate, if you--if you like to--to hear the Message, The Third Exodus. Now, we've had many exoduses, but we can definitely put our hand on the place, time, of three exoduses that God, in the form of a Pillar of Fire, has come down to call and separate people. And now it's separating a people.

45And we find out that, when He called His first exodus, He went before them in a Pillar of Fire, and led them to... leading them to a land where later He appeared before them, in the form of a Man called Jesus Christ. He come from God, and went to God. And the... then He was rejected. And He come then to call a people out of a--out of a formal condition that they had got into, like they had down in Egypt, had give away to sin and to the--the ways of the Egyptians. And God called them out.

46And now we find, the second time, they'd give away under captivity to a--a Roman Empire. And they got off in the creeds and got away from the real sincerity of the worship, and God again sent another exodus. And the... He appeared in the form of a Man that led man.

47 In the first exodus, He was a Pillar of Fire. Then, when He came on earth, in the land to where He led them. What a beautiful type it will be in the Millennium, where He is leading the Church now. "We shall see Him as He is, and we'll have a body like His Own glorious body."

48And today, by the Light of the Gospel reflecting from a Light, a Pillar of Fire visibly among us! Science has seen It. It's in the magazines, and across the world. And It's, both scientifically and spiritually, recognized as the same Pillar of Fire, by the same signs and same things It did always. And now in the midst of days when there's a lot of fanaticism and things, yet, God always identifies Himself. Now we find this.

49And what a glorious thing it is to know that, "This earthly tabernacle, someday," this old frail body that we're sick and afflicted in, "will be changed and made like unto His Own glorious body; then we shall see Him as He is," and be with Him in the Land that we're bound for today. Oh, I'd... almost make us feel like standing and singing I Am Bound For The Promised Land. They'll probably be singing that at the baptismal service, anyhow, 'cause that's our baptismal song.

50 Now to the brethren, both here and in the land of where the tapes go, and that's world around. This Messages are not directed to any certain individual. And we wouldn't want people to think that we are some sort of a clan, or a bunch of fanatics that's been gathered ourselves together, "to separate ourself, seemingly, not having the Faith," or separate ourself against anybody, or--or against God, or against the Church. We are for the Church. But we're only trying to point out, by the Holy Spirit and His help, the reason for this segregation that we have today. We, we do not believe in it.

51We believe that all churches ought to be fellowshipping together, not segregated away; the Methodists to their group, and the Baptists to theirs, and the Oneness, and the Trinitarians, and what we have, all separated out. We believe that it should be together, as one great united group of the Body of Jesus Christ, waiting for that glorious Coming. They should not be separated, at all.

52 And what separates it, there is bound to be some basic reason that we're not together. In studying it, I realize, in studying it, it's not the colors of our skin; because, yellow, black, brown, and white, all separate in different organizations. It's not the kind of food we eat; we all eat the same food. We wear the same kind of clothes, and so forth. But I see where basically it's at, is man who has got off the beaten path of the teaching of the Gospel, each man.

53And there ought to be some way to definitely show which is right and wrong. And the only way you'll ever do it, is not put any interpretation to the Word, just read It the way It is and believe It that way.

54 Each man putting his only, own interpretation, it makes It say something different, brings it back to the original organization of the Catholic church. Which, the Catholic church believes that God is in His church, "And the Word has nothing to do with it; and God is in His church."

55And we Protestants, as we find, and as Revelation 17, that all of them heaped up together, and that the Catholic church was "the mother" of all organizations. And we see that the Protestant organization, yet blindly, blindly, has the same nature of the Catholic church. The Bible calls the Catholic church a "whore," and calls the Protestant church "harlots," said that the whore was "the mother of harlots." And that is people, that's a ill-famed woman who doesn't live true to her marriage vows.

56And we all claim to be the Bride of Christ, and yet so untrue. What would make the untrueness? By living contrary to the--the discipline that God has laid out for His Bride to live by. That's my own opinion, the Bible, and It is the infallible Word of God, I believe.

57 And, therefore, we find out that the Protestant church, in order to have a organization, separates itself even from the Scriptures, to make its organization. Ministers, ordained, will hold to things that they...

58Now, they come to my study and in the rooms, by the hundreds, and tell me, "Brother Branham, you make those challenges to people. Nobody is going to stand out there against That. They know it's the Truth."

Why, I say, "Why, why don't you do it?"

59"Well, you see, if I do, I'll be begging my bread. Not nobody... I've got a ministry. I've got to get to the Lord, and I got to get to the people. And I'll have no backing up."

60Do you only realize that Christ is our backing up! The Bible is our backing. See?

61But, it, see, then that throws the--the Protestant church exactly the very same thing the Catholic church is.

62 The Catholic church doesn't care... Well, I don't say... I don't make it that rude, to say they don't care what the Bible says. They--they believe the Bible, but, see, they got a... Apostolic succession is what the Catholic church is based upon. That's a succession of popes, and call Peter the first pope, and on down. Now, they, they believe that. They, they emphatically believe that.

63And the Protestant, see, they--they gather together and have an organization just exactly like they did at Nicaea, Rome, where they organized the--the Catholic church by the... at the Nicaea Council. And we find that they're both the same. They're both the same. They leave the Word of God, to make a organization. See? And then when it comes to many great Truths that seem strange today, It's foreign to them, because they've only been taught by a ritual.

64We have no ritual but the Bible. We have nothing but God's Holy Word, and That's where we stand.

65 And now, today, I want to read some Scripture, just a minute, from the holy, sacred Word of God, found in the Book of Saint Luke. The 23rd chapter of Saint Luke, to base, get a--a platform of what I--I want to say, a basic thought on the thing that I want to speak on. And you are turning now to Saint Luke, the 23rd chapter, and I want to read one verse. That's all I need for this basis this morning, to place it upon. Now we read the 20th... the 23rd chapter, the 33rd verse of the 23rd chapter.

And when they... came to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.

66Now I want to take four words out of there, out of that reading, to base what I want to say, "there they crucified Him," four words. And now my subject is called... I--I'm a bringing an indictment to the denominational churches of this day, and also many of the independents, for crucifying Jesus Christ afresh in this day. Indicting them! This morning, it's called: The Indictment.

67 And I want to kind of use it more like if it was like a room of a courtroom, where there was... And after all, the pulpit and the church is a courtroom. The Bible said, "It's a judgment seat, that--that it must begin at the house of the Lord." And this is like the--the throne and the--and the jury, and the witnesses, and so forth. And I have, today, for my witness, is God's Word.

68And my indictment is against the churches of today. Now I--I'm not bringing the sinner into this. I'm just speaking this to the church. And it's--it's to be in the--the--the tapes now, and I--I'll try to get through as quick as I can. I indict this generation for the second crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

69 And now to do this in this age that we live in, I--I do this, I must show an evidence. If I have to bring an indictment, you have to show an evidence of the criminal offense that has been done. I--I have, to indict them, I--I have to bring the--the evidence to prove it, that it is, that what I'm saying will stand up before the main Judge. Which, and I take myself as an attorney to... on this indictment. That, the Word of God, being my witness, I indict this generation for the crucifixion.

70 I must show, and will show, that the same spirit is on the people today that brought the first crucifixion, and doing the same thing. I--I must do that, if it's going to be a crucifixion, that they've crucified. I must show to the--the people that the same attitude in the people today is doing the same thing, spiritually, that they did physically then. They crucified, physically, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And now, today, by the same Word, and by the--the same Holy Spirit and the same Word, I--I wish to show the churches there--there where they stand, that they are doing the same thing today, and the Bible said they would do it, and prove that this is the day that we're living in.

71It could not been done a few years ago. I say, fifty years ago it could not a-been done, but today this is very timely. And it could not have been done, maybe, ten years ago, but it can be done today because the--the time is run out. We are--we are at the end time. And I believe, as His servant, that we are--we are just about to cross from this land, to Another.

72Therefore, the time for repentance, for a nation, it's gone. I believe that this nation cannot repent. I believe that it's crossed the line between mercy and judgment. I believe she is toddling in the balance.

73 "Brother Branham, before you start your case, how you going to prove that?"

74Just this, that we are guilty of the same sins that God destroyed the world by, in the antediluvian world. We're guilty of the same sins that He destroyed the world in Sodom and Gomorrah. And, now, and we got all the same spiritual evidence laying here before us, all the same spiritual evidence, worldwide known, that brought down the mercies of God upon those generations. That, also, to reject, brought judgment. So if this generation has rejected the same mercy that was spurned in them days, God would be unjust to let them get by without judgment.

75As Jack Moore, a friend of mine, once said, "If this nation gets by without a punishment from God, then God would be obligated to raise up Sodom and Gomorrah and apologize for burning them up."

76 Now, we know that spiritually they're doing the same thing today, for they are doing it, too, for the same purpose, and in the same way that they did in the crucifixion of the Lord, physically. They are doing it because of jealousy, because of spiritual blindness. That, they don't want to see. They won't listen to It.

77Jesus, in His journey here on earth, He said, "Well did Isaiah speak of you, 'You got eyes and can't see, and ears and can't hear.'" See?

78The same reason, the same--the same purpose and the same reasonings, they're bringing the crucifixion of Christ anew, afresh, (as we'll get to it after a while), for the same reasons that they did then.

79They cannot find nothing against It. They are daresn't to try to challenge It. And they know the evidence is there. And they know the Bible says so. And the only thing they can do is blaspheme It. That's exactly. So, and all this, the same reasons.

80 And now, upon this basis, I challenge this generation of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ; for a crucifying, and guilty; with dirty, wicked, selfish, denominational hands has crucifying the Prince of Life that wanted to present Itself to the people.

You say, "The same Person?"

81"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and manifested Itself." The Word was manifested in flesh, and they condemned the flesh and put it to death, because the Word was manifested. Hebrews 13:8, said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." It's the same Word. See? And, for the same reason, they are trying to crucify the Word.

82 Now, to my text, to break back upon the subject that I want to take. "There," the four words, let's explain, "there." "There," the most holy city in the world, Jerusalem. "There," the most religious city in the world. There, "they," the most religious people in the world, at a religious feast, the feast of the Passover. "There," the most religious spot, the most religious city, the--the greatest of all the organizations, the head of all of it. There, "they," the most religious people in all the world, had gathered from all over the world. They "crucified," the most shameful death that could be, kill, a person could be killed; naked, stripped the clothes from Him. "He--He despised the reproach." They... The crucifix has a--a--a rag wrapped around Him; but they stripped His clothes from Him. The most shameful!

83 "There," the greatest religious city, "they," the most religious people, "crucified," the most shameful death, "Him," the most precious Person. If that ain't enough to condemn this generation!

84"There," the most religious organization, the biggest of all the churches gathered together in one place. "They," the most religious people of all the races, the people who are supposed to be the very worshippers of God. They gathered at the greatest holy feast they got, the cleansing of the... the Passover, when they was brought from bondage into liberty. And "there" in that time, "they" at that time, the most religious people, in the most religious feast, at the most religious place, brought upon the Prince of Life the most shameful thing that could be done, to strip a Man and to hang Him on a tree. Because, "Cursed is he," said the law that they worshipped by, "cursed is he that hangs upon a tree." "And He was made a curse for us." Stripping His clothes, beating Him, and mocking Him, the very God of Heaven; taking His clothes from Him, and nailed Him to a cross. Him! "There they crucified Him," under Roman capital punishment.

85 The most shameful death today would not be shot. The most shameful death today would not be to be run over by a car and killed, drowned by water, burned by fire. But the most shameful death today is public capital punishment, where that the whole world condemns you and calls you guilty.

86And the whole world put their hands upon this Man and called Him guilty, when He was innocent. And He died under the enemy's, (not His friends, not His laws), but under the enemy's crucifixion. The Prince of Life, the most precious Person that there ever lived, or ever will live, Jesus Christ. "Him," the most precious Person! Keep that in mind now as we build that platform around today.

87 Could you imagine, at a place like Jerusalem, where for twenty-five hundred years, or more, that the people... or hundreds of years. I may be a little long in that. Might have been about eight or nine hundred years, or something. I don't know just how, what the distance, from the time Solomon built the temple. I imagine, about eight hundred years, something like that.

88And they had looked for a coming Messiah. They had gathered there for the worship of the Passover. Just think of it now! The head of all of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and what have you, in one great gathering, to worship God. The most holy place, Jerusalem, the temple of the Lord, and the people of the Lord, took the Lord Himself and crucified Him, with capital punishment. Such a thing!

89 Now them four words, they, "There they crucified Him." Now, you still show the Bible, you see. It's just four words, but the Bible condenses Its Truths.

90Now, me, I have to go way around, explain what I'm talking about, but the Bible don't have to explain nothing. It just is all Truth, so the--the--the Bible don't have to explain anything. It--It doesn't have to explain it, because It is all the Truth.

91Here is four words of Its great chain of Truth. I'll try to explain It. And to try to explain It, clearly, would make a library. There is no way for me to explain those four words. But now let us, by the help of Him Who caused It to be written, try to explain these four words, to bring it in such a way that people would understand it.

92What we got before us now, we got the first crucifixion laying before us; at the most holy place, the most religious people, the most shameful death, to the most precious Person. Oh, it's such a contradictory. My, oh, my, it's disgraceful!

93 Now let's take, first, the first word, "there." Let's talk on it a few minutes before we bring the indictment. We'll break this down and show you what they was doing, then we'll find out if my indictment is correct or not. "There," Jerusalem, most holy simple place, 'cause the temple was there; the most holy place, because, it, the temple, was there. And Jews from all over the world gathered to this one place, a meeting grounds for worship. The most... greatest place for worship that there was, was at Jerusalem. The temple was there. That's, "It's written, 'All men ought to worship at Jerusalem,'" all right, because it's a center of worship.

94And today you hear them, one of them wants to say, they, "Oh, we come to these great conventions," where these denominations have it. And--and then we have the--the opening of the... at the Vatican City, and--and these ordinations of popes, and so forth. They, everybody says, "We all ought to go to the campgrounds of the Methodists, or the--the Bible Baptist convention." Or--or, "We all ought to go to--to Rome, and there where the great center," they call, "of Christianity."

95 During the time of the last war, when Rome fell, these German soldiers... Many of you boys know about this. Them German soldiers got back up into the Vatican City there, and firing out at the Americans as they were advancing. Brother Funk, and Brother Roberson, and many, and Brother Beeler, and many of those brethren who was in that war, knows. And you know what? We issued orders that they could not fire on that city. Americans, you stood there, and you was a target to them. But at the West-... the Westminster Abbey at the... in England, you could fire on that all right; that's where the Protestants gathered. So it was all right to fire on that, but not to fire on the Vatican. Because, as President Roosevelt... I heard his speech when he--when he broadcast it that night, called, A Fireside Talk. He said, "When Rome fell," he said, "such a shame, because Rome is the head of all Christianity." Could you imagine a Protestant saying that?

96 So the great center of Christian religion, well, we're going to--we're going to place that like Jerusalem, if you wish to. If you'd like to do that, let's put that at Jerusalem. The head of all these other, the--the--the Sanhedrins, and--and of the Pharisees, and of the Sadducees, all of them went up to Jerusalem. That was really the headquarters.

97And in the organizational life, you've got to admit that Roman Catholic Church is the mother of all of it. She sure is. And it started from Pentecost. That's where they got to when they organized. Now we, the Protestants, are just little sisters off of that church. And now let's say it would be there at the Vatican, today.

98 Or, there at Jerusalem, as it was at that day, "When all men ought to come to Jerusalem to work... worship." Why did they do it in the days of--of Jesus? Why did they say all men should worship at Jerusalem? For, there is only one place that God will fellowship with man, that is under the blood of the sacrifice. That's the reason they had to come to Jerusalem.

99God will never meet with man nowhere else but under the Blood. When you turn the Blood down, then your meeting place with God has been taken away. God made His first decision in the garden of Eden, that man would only worship Him under the shed blood of the sacrifice. And that's the only place that God met with man then, and that's the only place that God ever did meet with man.

100 And that's the only place He meets with man today, is under the shed Blood of the Sacrifice. See? I don't care if you're a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian; if you can forget your differences, Roman Catholic, whatever you might be, and will come under the shed Blood, God will meet with both of us there. That's where we can all meet and fellowship on the same grounds. But, otherwise, He will not meet just because you're a Methodist; He'll not meet just because you're Pentecostals. He'll meet with you under one condition, that's, under the shed Blood, when your sins has been confessed and expelled in His Presence, then, by the Blood. And the Blood is always before Him, and therefore He only can see you through that shed Blood. And you're white as snow, see, when you've confessed your sins. Otherwise, you're not there, you cannot fellowship.

101 That's the reason that you don't see things happening in the churches. They confess that they believe the Blood, but they reject the very plan to get to the Blood; the Word. See? There is only one way God will honor that Word. You'll never honor that Word, come and say, "I'm a Roman Catholic. I demand this to be done." You can't do it. Methodist, Baptist, or Pentecostals, you can't do it.

102The only way you can do it is under the mercies of God, through His grace, is to come through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ, say, "Lord, I claim the promise." See? And then if you really are under that Blood, God is obligated to that Word. But, first, you've got to be under that Blood. You see it now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

103 No wonder they can't believe in miracles. No wonder you can't believe in the supernatural. No wonder they condemn it. The same reason they condemned it back there, is the same reason they condemn it today. They are guilty as guilty can be. Cause, only under the shed Blood!

104And those who would dare, some little brother who dares, under humility, to take God at His Word, and walk out there and confess his sins, and forget all these dogmas and things, and stand there under the Blood and believe It, then they want to call him "a fanatic." They want to class him an... as we would say it; it's not a good word to use at the pulpit, but so that you'll understand, he's a "oddball."

105After all, aren't we all oddballs? See, the believer is an oddball to the unbeliever, and the unbeliever is an oddball to the believer, so who is the oddball? See? The farmer is an oddball to the businessman; the businessman is an oddball to the farmer, see, so who is he, anyhow?

106I tell you, salvation is an individual affair with man and God, alone, one individual, "searching out our own salvation with fear and trembling." And I know no other basis, as a teacher, this morning, or as a minister from Christ, than to lay it down upon the Word. I cannot place it on anything else.

107 Now we find there, then, that only under the blood, that God met the worshipper, so they met at Jerusalem.

108And Christ is God's provided Lamb of Sacrifice. And today there is only one place that God will meet man, and that's under the Blood of Jesus Christ. Anywhere else, it is condemned; God will never hear it. You might do all kind of a emotions, and all kind of isms, and shake, and jump, and have blood and fire and smoke, and everything else; but as long as that life isn't compared with the Word, and God thoroughly identifying that life, then there is no need of trying it, because you're out. And God will never meet it till it comes under the care of that Blood. That's right.

109 So, you see, in the Scripture, we've got a Jerusalem, the Church has; it's in Heaven, a Heavenly Jerusalem, where God is God. And, today, it's not under some creed or something, that we try to make it a Jerusalem. We'd like, the Methodists, would like to, now, like to make the--the Methodist headquarters a Jerusalem. The Catholic would like to make Rome. And--and the different places where we have our headquarters, we'd like to make that our... a Jerusalem. But the Bible says, that, "Our Jerusalem is from Above, which is mother of all the believers."

110 Now, and Christ is God's provided Lamb. Notice how appropriate it was now, showing that that Jerusalem was ceasing. When? It was in effect until that hour. The blood of the lamb was all right until that day, but now at the crucifixion it changes. The old system is done. There was a new one, and the--the Lamb was at the Sacrifice. The Lamb, the sacrificial Lamb, was on the grounds. They were condemning and doing the very thing there that they had to do. That's right.

111God be blessed, for seeing this wonderful Heavenly Light in this last day! Because, the churches is doing the same thing today. Until the hour that organization religion is condemned and proved to be sacrificing Christ's Word, from then on comes the Word, and the Word only. From, the old paschal lamb passed away and Christ become our Lamb, at the day of the crucifixion. And the day that the denomination crucified the Word of God and accepted a creed in the stead of the Word, that's the day the Word come into full effect. That's just been recently.

112 Notice, secondly. First, "there," Jerusalem. Secondly, "they," they. Who? The Jews, the worshipers. Think of it! The worshipers themselves was killing the very One that they claimed to be worshipping. Could you imagine such a thing, as intelligent men that were priests, that were trained, that had doctors' degree till they'd probably... They, they had to come out of a certain generation before they... or--or a tribe, before they could even be a priest. They had to be Levites. Their fathers was priests. Their grandfathers was priests. Their great-great-great-great-great-grandfathers was priests. And they had to live such a consecrated life, till, one iota against them, they would be stoned. No mercy was granted. Holy? Certainly, but self-made holiness. Had to act like that, to show their face for their church. "Inside of them," Jesus said, "you're full of dead men's bones."

113How I could bring an indictment right there! And man who know That to be the Truth, this Word to be the Truth, and will compromise on It, to show a face before some organization, uh-huh, I have a right to indict them, right, upon God's Word.

114 Notice, "they," the worshipers, the men who had looked for the promise, the men who had looked for it, through years and ages, and with nothing to do but in that constant seminary. But they had divided the Word according to the teaching of the seminary, and they had missed the very Truth of It. "They," the priests, the ministry of that day! "There," at their headquarters, "they," the ministry of that day, was killing the very God, the very Lamb. The very One that they claimed they were worshipping, they were killing.

115And, today, I indict this bunch of ordained ministers; in their creeds and denominations, they are crucifying, to the people, the very God that they claim that they love and serve. I indict these ministers, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, upon their doctrine, that claim that "the days of miracles is past," and that "the water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ is not sufficient and not right." Upon any of these Words, that they have substituted creeds for, I indict them, as guilty, and the Blood of Jesus Christ upon their hands, for crucifying afresh the Lord Jesus, the second time. They are crucifying Christ, to the public, taking from them the thing that they're supposed to be giving to them. And they substituted something else in Its place; a church creed, for popularity.

116 There they, "they," the ones who ought to have knowed better. If anybody should have knowed better, it should have been them ministers. If anybody should know better, it should be the clergy of this day. If anybody ought to know, the--the--the bishops, and archbishops, and--and ministers, and doctors of divinity, ought to know different. But why can't they? Uh! What a contradiction! What have we got before us here but a--a contradiction! They claim that they worship God, and they are killing the Prince of Life. They, "there they crucified Him," and here they again do the same thing, for He is the Word.

117That's what He is, only a reflection of the Word. And that's what He is today, a reflection of the Word, trying to find somebody to reflect Himself through.

118 And these people keep the congregation away from God. And--and if there is anything happens, and it's spoke of in the congregation, they condemn it from the platform, from the pulpit, and say, "It's fanaticism. Stay away from it!" In doing so, they crucify Jesus Christ in 1963, and are just as guilty as those guys at the... at that day. That's an awful statement, but it's the truth. Upon... That's exactly what they do today.

119And upon this grounds, upon the grounds of crucifying Christ, upon the grounds of taking the Word and taking It away from the people; is exactly what they were doing there. The very Word that God was reflecting through His Own Son, to prove It was, and the One that they claimed that they loved, the Jehovah that had manifested Himself by the Scriptures, done exactly what He said He would do, exactly what God said He would do, and reflected It before them. Because the love of their church groups, and things like that, they condemned the Prince of Life.

120 And I condemn the same group today, and indict them, as guilty before the God, by the Word of God, that they're doing the same thing. This generation is indicted. Remember Hebrews 13:8, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

121How did they indict Him? Because that their creeds would not accept Him, and down in their heart they knowed different. Did not Nicodemus, in the 3rd chapter of Saint John, well express it? "Rabbi, we, the Pharisees," the preachers, the teachers, "we know You're a teacher sent from God, for no man could do the things that You do unless God was with him." See? They publicly witnessed it by one of their renown men, and stew... because of their creeds, they crucified Christ.

122And today there is not a reader that cannot read Acts 2:38 the same as I can read It, and the rest of It, just the same as I can read It. But because of their creeds, and because of their denominational tickets that they got in their pocket, the marks of the beast that they're packing around as fellowship cards; and taking those things, they crucify to themselves Jesus Christ afresh, and crucify Him before the public, and blaspheme the very God that promised to do This, bringing damnation upon the race.

123 Now, there, "they," not the sinner. "They," that is, the church of that day, they found fault with the Man Who was the Word. Is that right? They found fault with the Man Who was the Word. Now they find fault with the Word working through the man. See, they just vice versa it. Which, is in the person, This, the Holy Spirit is working through, is God's vindication.

124How did they know He was Christ? Because His works proved what He was. He said, "Which one of you can condemn Me of sin? If I haven't done just exactly what the Scripture said I would do! And which... Somebody tell Me where I failed somewhere, if I haven't showed every sign that I am the Messiah, that I'm the very One that you promised."

Said, they said, "Well, we have Moses. We believe Moses."

125Said, "If you would have believed Moses, you'd believe Me. If you... Moses seen My day and desired to--to live in this day. Moses seen afar off, and the prophets. And here you are, living right by It, and condemn." Said, "You hypocrites," said, "you can discern the face of the skies, but the sign of the time you can't discern."

126 There it is, the sign of the time. What did it class Him? "A fanatic, a crazy man." Yeah, they found fault with the Man Who was the Word.

127He was the Word. Saint John, 1st chapter, proves it, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." He was the living Word of God, because He was expressing God through Himself. He was so completely to surrendered to the--to the Word of God, till He and the Word was the same. And that's exactly what the Church ought to be today, that the Word of God is the same.

128How can you be part of that Word when you deny practically all of It? And the reason it's done, is not because the people; that's the reason I think God spoke to me about calling His people the "Rickys" and "Rickettas." It's because of these selfish denominations, has got those people living out there in the way they're living. They've crucified the Truth. And the people call It a blasphemy, and they make It blasphemy, rather. They call It fanaticism, and so forth, and not knowing that they're blaspheming the very God that they go to church to serve.

129Therefore, I indict this bunch of clergy today. I indict this generation, in the Name of Jesus Christ, under the authority of God's Word. You are crucifying Him again.

130Notice, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever," God's Word a vindicated in a man.

131 Compare the two Calvarys and their accusation. Remember, "Because He made Himself God, we will not have this Man rule over us." What was the accusation that they could find, in the council that morning, when they crucified Jesus? That, "He made Himself God." He was God. "And He broke the Sabbath." And He was the Lord of the Sabbath. They condemned Him because that He made Himself God. "You have no right to do this. You have no right. Our high priests, if anything is coming, come through our priests." Now compare that with the Calvary today.

132When, God, it so pleased the Father, God, the Spirit, to raise up His Own Son; overshadowed the Mary, by the Holy Spirit, and brought forth a body that could serve Him and serve His purpose to He. "The God was in Christ, the fullness of the Godhead bodily, in Him," reflecting what God was, to the people, letting the--letting the whole world know what God wanted each individual to be: a son, and daughter. He took one Man and did it. And because that He didn't join with their organizational ranks, they condemned Him and crucified Him.

133 Now compare that Calvary with today. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Because of organizational prejudice, because of indifference between scholars who ought to know God's Word and plan; because of this, God can take a little group of people that He can work through, somewhere, and reflect Hisself, who will humble themselves to the Word. And they cannot say it isn't so.

134They could not say He didn't do it, for their congregation was witness of it. It was before them. They couldn't deny it. They couldn't deny His claims, because, the very Word that they said they believed, was the One Who had proved that He was. Because, God took the Word that was supposed to be the Messiah and show It through a Man, and they had to get rid of Him. It's the only way they could go on, was get rid of the Messiah. And they did it through blindness and ignorance, regardless of their education. They were smart, intelligent; worldly speaking.

135As we compared the other night, when the Light struck the rich young ruler, look what he did. He rejected; a smart man. Paul, another smart man, the Light struck him. What'd he do? He accepted It. He forgot it, all he ever knowed, that he might know Christ. That made his life worthy of the Gospel. (Last Sunday night's Message.)

136 There It is today. It strikes maybe some little man, that's went off, had a call of God, he felt, went to some seminary and learned some creed. He must live by that creed or give up his fellowship card. If he does, he's black-marked, nobody else will have him, because once he belonged to something else and now he don't belong to it. They figure there is something wrong with that man, and they will not have him in their congregation. When, the congregation only looking for one sign, that is, if he believes what they believe.

137If he's got a card, if he's a Methodist, if he's a card... he belongs to another fellowship, or a Oneness, or a Trinitarian, or whatever it might be, church of God, or in the Pentecostal ranks, and all those ranks. If he packs a card, they feel that the headquarters has looked him over, and tested his mind, and give him a psychiatrist's test, and see if his I.Q. was high enough that he could speak before them. If he don't, they turn him down. That's right.

138 But, you see, the congregation ought to be watching the hand of the Lord, see whether God has give him his ordination or not. That's what we ought to be looking at. But today they crucify the--the--the Son of God afresh. When, a man is able, by the grace of God, be called of God, to let God reflect Hisself through him. "The works that I do shall you do also," He said. Notice what a day that we're living in!

139They, they take, they--they take the--the very Calvary, we can this morning, and the very reason. Now, they knowed that was Truth; but because of jealousy, prejudice. What did Jesus say to them? "If I cast out devils by the finger of God, then who--who do you cast them out by? Let them be your judge, see, if I by the finger of God cast out devils."

140Now, just like you heard them say, "Can you prove it's the finger of God?" I'd like to see, I'd like to heard that question asked Him. They were too smart for that.

141Notice, "Because that He made Himself God," and He was God. "And we will not have Him rule over us."

142 But now the thing, the same old cry comes again, "That Bible was written by man," they say. "We don't have to live by That." That's God's. That's God's Word. It's God, Himself.

I was talking to a man yesterday, said, "Well, some man might have wrote that Bible."

I said, "Yes, there was. His Name, we know Him as God."

143It was wrote in four thousand years apart, almost, the Scriptures, back from Job, all the way to the New Testament, and wrote by hundreds by--by... and hundreds of years apart; and was wrote by different man, and them not knowing the other, in different parts of the country, and not one Word of It will condemn the other. I dare anybody to come under the Blood of Jesus Christ and claim any promise in There! God is obligated to take care of It.

144But they won't do it. They'll come, say, "O Lord, I want to do something. Give me a great gift. Hallelujah, Lord! Glory to God, I believe I got it. Hallelujah!" It'll never work. You might bring forth a lot of psychology, but it won't work.

145God has got to recognize that repentance. God has got to do that. We could say a lot along that line, but I hope you're--you're understanding.

146 Look, but now they won't have the Word rule over them. I say, "Every one of you return back. You're baptized wrong. You're baptized in the Catholic church."

147"Who are you to tell us that?" It's not me; it's the Word. "But I tell you, we--we believe..." I don't care what you believe; it's what the Bible says. "But we don't have to live by That."

148You do do it, or you're under the judgment of this Bible. For, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of It, or add one to It, the same will be taken out of, part, of the Book of Life," let him be minister, clergyman, or whoever he is. You've got to come under the rulership of this Word, for It is God. The Bible says It's God.

149"We won't have It rule over us." They take their creeds, and denominations, and their--their little petty things that they believe in, and has been adopted by councils of man, and take it instead of God's Word.

150 What did they do? They took a Barabbas, a murderer, instead of the Son of God, at the day of the first crucifixion.

151And today they are taking some man's word, which is a lie and the way of death, and refusing to take the way of Life, God's Word. I condemn this generation, indict it, in the Word of the Lord, that they're wrong. They're guilty of crucifixion, or trying to crucify the Spirit.

152 They call for a revival, everywhere. How you going to have a revival when the Word Itself can't work through the people? I'd like for somebody to answer that for me. How can it do, when you deny the very Revival Itself? Well did the prophet speak of them, "forms of godliness." Their own forms, back there, denied the Word of Life. Their own forms, today, deny the thing that can bring them a revival; their creeds and forms. Yes, sir.

153They take the denomination and their creeds instead of the--the Word, and that crucifies His Word and makes His Word of no effect to the people. When they see the Word of God so vividly and just place Itself, that God made the promise He would do this, and here He is doing it, and they make fun of It and get away from It, it's blasphemy. And they try to crucify the Word Itself.

154Why do they crucify It? They can't crucify the Word no more than they could crucify God. They could crucify the body that held God, the Son of God. They could crucify that, but they can't crucify God. He had to be, that time, on account of being the Sacrifice, to bring in many sons that's predestinated to Eternal Life. They had to do it then, but they can't do it now. They can't do it, for the Word Itself will live on. But they...

155 "What do they do? How do they form? What are you saying then, preacher? How you building your platform here, that they crucify Him, then?"

156They are crucifying the effects of the Gospel upon the people, by their creeds. That's the crucifixion. That where the public set in these big morgues, called churches, denominations, and draw a line of creed, and that had... The Word of God can't have an effect upon them, because they--they condemn the very things that Christ said would take place. It just don't come according to their creed.

157And neither did Jesus come according to their understanding of Him coming. He come in the way that God sent Him, and He come exactly with the Word. No wonder He said He had "hid It from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and revealed It to babes such as would learn." Do you understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

158 Oh, they have crucified the effects of the Word. I got a bunch of Scriptures here. I might just quote two or three of them. They crucify It.

You say, "How do they crucify the Word?"

159When Jesus said that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, Hebrews 13:8; they say, "In such a way He is." See? All right.

160And Jesus said, His last commandment to the Church, "Go ye into all the world," Mark 16, "go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel. These signs shall follow them that believe. All the world; to every creature!" And it ain't half reached yet. And there is millions die, every year, that don't, never even heard the Name of Jesus. So, it's still the general orders. It's still a commandment of God. "All the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe: in My Name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; if they take up serpents, or drink deadly things, it shall not harm them; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

161And they say, "That was for that generation," and they make the commandment of God of none effect to This, and they crucify the effect of the Word to the people. Amen.

162 Peter said, on the Day of Pentecost, with the keys to the Kingdom; that Jesus had just given him, "Whatever you say here, I'll say it up There."

163And on the Day of Pentecost they asked what they might do to receive the Holy Spirit, that they was so enjoying It; watching others acting what they would call silly; stagger, and jump, and fall, and acting like they were drunk.

And they, saying, "These man are full of new wine."

164 But there was a man stood up, by the name of Peter, who had the keys to the Kingdom, and said, "These are not drunken," Acts 2, "as you suppose, seeing it's the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken of." See, right back to the Word again, showing that the Spirit is still Word, and the Word is still Spirit, the Word of God. "And it shall come, as spoken by the prophet Joel, Joel 2:38. 'And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'"

165Listen at that prophet standing there. Look at him, fearless, standing there upon that bunch, and condemning them, indicting them. Said, "This is the Scripture! This is that that was spoke of by the prophet! 'I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy. On My handmaids and maidservant I'll pour out of My Spirit; and I'll show signs in the heavens above, and on earth; fire, and pillars of smoke, and vapor.'" Proving It by the Word, that It was the Word.

166And they laughed and made fun of It, and they went to judgment. And the city was burned, and they eat one anothers' children. And today they're a scattered people throughout all the world, showing the Holy Spirit still remains the Word of God, to bring this Word to make It live.

167 Jesus Christ was the Person, Man, God. Hallelujah. He was the manifestation of God. He was God in a body form, to reflect the Word of God for that age, to make that age see God's promise for that age.

168And the Holy Ghost is the same thing today. It's the Spirit of God upon the written Word, trying to find somebody to reflect Itself to this age, to prove that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Saint John 14:12, "The works that I do shall you also." "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." See, constantly trying to find Its way to reflect Itself.

169And they could not do it. The people thought so much of their denominations, their little nests that they had, and so forth, called their "churches," so they wouldn't listen to it. So do they do it today, same thing, crucify afresh.

170 Peter, on the Day of Pentecost, he said, "You man that dwell in Jerusalem, in Judaea, hearken to my words. These are not drunk. If you'll stand still, I'll show you what it is." And he goes ahead and explains to them.

171When their hearts was pricked, when they heard This, said, "What can we do to be saved? What can we do to receive This? We're convinced that your word is right."

172He said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For this is to you and your children, them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. This is what they got to do. Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ."

173 And, today, the Roman Catholic church adopted, "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," to take That's place. Instead of That, a communion. "Lick out a tongue and take up a wafer, and the priest drink the wine, and you're one together." The "communion," in the stead of being the Holy Ghost, called, "holy Eucharist." And a "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," a trinitarian baptism, when it's not even spoke of in the Bible. The Name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost is the Lord Jesus Christ. And when you show that to this onward generation...

174As Peter said, "Save yourselves from this onward generation."

175When you show It to them, what do they do? Make fun of It, and say, "Our church don't teach It that way." Then you're guilty, you're guilty of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, by taking the power of God away from the people. You crucify the very Word to them, and you condemn yourself with your congregation, lead them into a death trap.

176 As I said about that minister last Sunday, was Martin Luther King down there with them precious people, leading them right into a death trap. Oh, if somebody could only talk to that man! Wish I could. Just for a little uprising of the school proposition, see, or some... What difference? My, goodness! If the people ain't got heart enough to associate with a man because of his color, they're condemned and dead, anyhow. The nation gives them right. Don't fight against it. Don't. What if somebody said all the Irish or somebody, all the German, or somebody else, had to disassociate? That would never bother Christians. They would move right on. And that man's a Christian. As--as a minister, he shouldn't lead them people into a revolt against that. They're going to cause millions to die. It'll start another revolutionary. And it's a shame to do that.

177 The same thing happens right here, exactly the same thing again. That's right. See? The people, how if they'd only look at Truth and see what Truth is. "Our church don't believe that. We got some other way." Well, it ain't the right way. It ain't the thing.

178He said, "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins." Now they won't do it. Oh, then what did they do? Now that's just one thing, upon hundreds. We'll get to, maybe, as fast as we can.

179 Now the second crucifixion, then. If a man accepts "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit," a--a creed in the stead of the Word, titles instead of the Name, what does he do to the people? He crucifies the effects of the Word to the people, when he says, that, "Mark 16 was just for that generation."

180And God said, Himself right there, Jesus talking to them, said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them..." How far? Every nation, every creed, every tongue, every race, every people, the same Gospel. "And these signs shall follow them that believe." And when a man tries to cut That out of the Bible, he crucifies the effects of the Gospel to that congregation. So I indict you, in the Name of Jesus Christ! You are guilty of murdering the Lord!

181 The church hated Him. Why? He was their very God. They hated Him, and denied Him to be their Messiah. No, sir, they didn't want such a Messiah as that.

182And today the church does the same thing. It denies the Word. They don't want It. It's contradictory to what they've been taught to believe by their creeds.

183And the Word is the Messiah. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, the reflection of the Word then is what? A reflecting a Messiah, which is the Holy Ghost among us. He is reflecting Himself, tries to, wherever He can find a lamp that He can look through, that ain't smoked up with creeds and things, He can give Light through.

184 Remember, "they rose and trimmed their lamps," and washed out the chimneys, but it's too late. So when a man sees these Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodists, trying to come in in these last days to receive the Holy Ghost, why, you know they don't get It. Well, they might speak in tongues and jump up-and-down, but watch what happens. They absolutely... It's a time sign that she's over. We're at the end.

185Most any time, the--the Church could hear the challenge, to, "Come on High!" Amen.

186Just exactly setting just in order. The Holy Spirit here making Jesus Christ a reality through the ones that He can work through, proving Hisself; come down, takes His picture, shows it, makes science take, talk about it, and everything else, proving just exactly what He said He would do. Doing exactly the things He said He would do, Scripturally. Now, not some creed, or some man's worked-up idea, a lot of blood, fire, and smoke, and stuff; but a Scriptural's Messiahic evidence. Got a lot of impersonations, and impersonators, and--and so forth; but that only makes the real Word shine Its best, that's right, lets people who are spiritual, who can judge between right and wrong. See?

187 Denies Him! Denied their Messiah, "We didn't want Him." And the same thing they do today, "Well, if I had to go down there and act like that bunch, I don't want It at all." All right, then you don't have It, at all. That's all. See? Same now.

188Although He was properly identified, they didn't want Him. They hated Him. Why was it? We call their pastors a bunch of "snakes." He said, "You bunch of whited walls. You're nothing but a graveyard. The outside of you is polished with robes and turned around-collars, and the inside is dead men's bones." See? He didn't pull no punches. One little bitty Galilean, a carpenter's son, but He didn't pull no punches. He told them.

189"Don't think," John said, the forerunner of Him, said... He's another didn't pull any punches. He said, "Don't come around here saying how you got Abraham to our father. God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." Yes, sir. "The axe is laid to the root of the tree, and every tree that don't bring forth fruit is hewed down and cast into the fire." Yes, sir. God is strict, is firm and stern with His Word. Yes, sir.

190 Notice, Jesus, proven by the Scripture! Do you hear me? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Jesus was identified by God, through the Scriptures, that He was Messiah. Is that right? ["Amen."] We'll get to Peter's indictment, in a few minutes, and you'll find out whether it was or not. He was thoroughly identified, that He was God manifested in a Man, called the Son of God. That's right. Although, He was properly identified and vindicated the promised Word, that He was Messiah. Moses said, "This Messiah, when He comes, He'll be a prophet," and all these things will take place.

191The little woman with the... standing at the well, and all that dirty condition that she was, what did that symbolize? That God in these last days would pull out outcasts.

192 Remember last night, at the wedding... Or, the other time I preached here. At the wedding supper, they said how they said. "I've made a great feast, and so forth. And all these men, I've bid them, and each one had an excuse. 'I can't do it, because it would ruin our creeds. I can't come, because I have my... I've married a wife; she won't let me come. My, I--I got married to a church down here. My mother was Methodist, or Baptist, or a Catholic, or Prote-... I just can't stand for That.'"

193He said, "And you won't come. And you won't taste My supper! But get out there and compel prostitutes and harlots, and drunkards, and whatever there is. Bring them in, and I'll straighten them up. I've made My supper, and My--My guests... My table is set, and there is going to be somebody there." They didn't come. He was condemning them Jews.

194What about today? "I--I--I belong to the Presbyterian. I--I can't. I'm Methodist, Lutheran. I'm a oneness. I'm a twoness. I'm a this. I can't. I can't." There you are. You won't be there then! That's exactly what He said. All right.

195 Properly a vindicated, Messiah. Properly a vindicated, the Word, the promised Word. The God that promised the Word, that this what the Messiah would be, here He come and stood exactly. He said to them, "Now, where have I failed? If you can't believe Me as a Man, believe the works that I do; for they are the things that tell Who I am. They're the ones that says I'm Messiah. You don't want to believe Me, because you think that--that Joseph over there... And I was born over there in that little hut, and--and My foster father here is a--a carpenter down there. And--and you..."

196 When He come into Galilee there, they, and was going to make... He said, "Hey, Who is this Fellow? Who is This? Well, this Man, isn't that... Isn't Joses and all them His brothers here? Isn't His sisters with us? Isn't His mother called Mary, and His daddy called Joseph? Where, where did you get a Guy like that? What school did He come from? He has no fellowship card. He, He don't have any credentials. Where did a Guy like that... Where did you get this at, anyhow?"

197And the Bible said He was--He was offended. He said... Many mighty works He could not do; and just turned His back and walked away from them. He said, "A prophet is not without honor except he's among his own people, see, in his own county," watch, "or his own country."

198There He is, properly a vindicated, the Messiah. Took no credit of His own. He said, "I can do nothing but what I see the Father doing." And He challenged them to ask if that was the Messiah.

199 And look at that little old ill-famed woman; she recognized it. She, she wasn't indocumated. The lamp wasn't... She was morally wrong, of course. No one would endorse that. The laws of God condemn that. She was morally wrong. But she...

200See, God don't judge you upon your... what you are. He enjoy... He judges not how big you are or how little you are. He judges your heart, what you want to be.

201And she didn't want none of that stuff. And when This flashed before her, That's what she wanted. No matter what she was then, she was ready to come. See? God judges the heart. Man judges the outward appearance. God looks upon the heart. No matter what she was; that Light flashed, and that settled it. She caught the--the--the--the essence of Eternal Life.

202 Oh, my, how rich this is, to me, see, to see and know that it's the Truth. I'll--I'll stand by This. I'll let... The God of Heaven will raise up, and my voice will be on the magnetic tape of God's great time yonder, and it will condemn this generation in the last day. Cause, it's--it's on magnetic tape, then it'll be on the Eternal tape then. That's right. Condemn this generation of preachers who has a form of godliness, and denying the Power of the Word and Its manifestation when It's properly identified that He is still Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. I indict them, by the Word of God.

203I'll have to get to another promise, quickly, 'cause we only got about fifteen minutes.

204 "There they--there they..." What? Oh, my! Calvary! And they "crucified" Him, thirdly. They crucified Him, not by recognizing God's promised Word made manifest. And why did they crucify that Man? Could you just imagine? Let me go back a minute. Why would them people crucify a Man like that? As Mary...

205As I read a book one time, called The Prince of the House of David. It was wrote by Ingraham, Doctor Ingraham. Wonderful book! It's a drama, supposed to be partly true, of some old manuscript was taken off of a woman named Adina, that her... She went over to Palestine, from--from down in Egypt, to Cairo, I believe it was, to finish her education. And she was there during the time of--of Christ, and she was supposed to write back to her father. It would be good if you picked it up and read it. It, it's really good, The Prince of the House of David. The same man that wrote The Pillar of Fire; and, out of that, Cecil DeMilles took The Ten Commandments.

206 Now we find that, in this book, this Adina wrote back. And she said, on the day of the crucifixion, that Mary Magdalene, from who He cast out seven devils, run out before the crowd, said, "What has He done? What has He done? Only heal the sick and try to deliver those that were in prisons! What has He done but good? Somebody say it!"

207And a man slapped her plumb across the yard, almost, and said, "Would you believe that silly woman, before your priests?"

208There you are. See? What had He done? He done nothing. Why'd they crucify Him? Why? Why? Because they didn't recognize Who He was.

209That's the same thing today. The preachers, and people of this days, and our modern teachers, has so indocumated the people to believe that This is "witchcraft, or the devil, or a mental telepathy, or some hoax, or some kind of a trick," until the people don't recognize that it's the vindication of God's Word for this day. It's the last-day signs.

210 The churches, if you don't belong to their organization, they'll say, "Ah, well, that's some make up. That's--that's a hoax. Well, look down here at So-and-so and So-and-so." But let them one time prove the real Thing to be a hoax. Uh-huh. Let them one time prove that It's wrong. They can't do it. It's never been known to be wrong, and It never will be, because It's God. See? But they like to point.

211They think, "Oh, well, if it was some man with a great name!" Because it's a little group, a little bunch that's kind of outcast, "Well, we turned that person out of our church." See? "They, they used to come to our group, see, but they went over with this, and they went over with that, and now, you see, they wind up... Well, look what it is, who it is."

212I don't care. They could said the same thing about Peter, James, and John. "A ignorant and unlearned man," they said. But they had to take notice, something had happened since that time. They had been with Jesus. That's what made the difference. See?

213 They did it because they didn't know Who He was. They didn't know that the vindication of God's Word wasn't standing up there in that day... Now, it was at one day, and that was right; it was, at one day, just keep them laws and things. But the same laws that was, they was keeping, pointed them to a time that when He would come and be this Man that He was supposed to be. They had this part, but didn't take the other part.

214And that's the same thing they're doing now. They got a church, and they "believe in Jesus Christ," and say they do, and things, but deny the hour we're living in! Still brings the old proverb back again: man always praising God for what He has done, looking forward for what He would do, and, or will do, and ignoring what He's doing, and being condemned by it. See? They think, "God is wonderful. How great He is! What He's going to do: He is going to come, and be a Rapture, someday, and go Home," and denying the very signs and wonders right here at the time that the Scripture says that He'll be doing it. Miss the whole Thing!

215"If the blind lead the blind," Jesus said, "they'll all fall in the ditch." Just pray God to open our eyes in this last days. All right.

216 Now, the same, they do the same today. They deny and crucify the same God, today, by not knowing Him. The same, by denying Him. And doing, by denying, the things that they're doing today, they don't crucify Christ again, exactly, but they blaspheme the Holy Ghost. And by doing it, they are. How do they blaspheme the Holy Ghost? How?

217How did they blaspheme It there, back there? Why, they couldn't blaspheme It then; It hadn't come yet. They called Jesus, "Beelzebub," called Him "Beelzebub," because He could know the secrets of their hearts, and things. They said, "This is a devil." In other words, "He's a fortuneteller. That's how He does this, is by fortune-telling. He's nothing but a devil." See, they hadn't had a prophet in four hundred years, and they done growed out of it. See? They just had their laws. They said, "This is Beelzebub."

218 And Jesus said, "I'll forgive you for that, but when the Holy Ghost is come," see, now, "you speak a word against It, and it'll never be forgiven you."

219Remember, it will, and cannot, by no means, no mercy, when you blaspheme, and call the Spirit of God, the Word of God that's being vindicated by the Spirit... See, the Word says so, the Spirit is a vindicating It, and you call It an "unclean thing," you've crossed the line between mercy and judgment, and can never be forgiven for it.

220That's the reason I indict this generation, of guilty, of crucifying, blaspheming the manifested Son of God as was promised by all the prophets, and Christ Himself, to be in the last days; like it was in the days of Noah, in the days of Sodom. Blasphemy! Which, they crucify, to the people, the Son of God afresh, His a vindicated Word. One word against It can never be forgiven.

221Now what are you going to do then? What you going to stand? They are condemned, just waiting the hour of God's wrath to be poured out. They'll crumb them.

222 Loving doctrine of man-made denominations and dogmas better than they do the a vindicated Word of God; this generation of people. Oh! I--I just wish I had a long time for this. See? This generation of people, this generation spurns God's revelation. But we're walking where the apostles have trod. That's right.

"'God,' you say? Well, others say that too." God vindicates It.

223Jesus said, "If--if--if the works don't speak of Me, then just go ahead and say I'm saying it Myself. But if the works speaks, you better believe the works, see, 'cause it's the hour." Said, "You know tomorrow the sun is going to shine, or it's going to be foul weather; by the sky is red and lowering, tomorrow it'll be fair." Said, "You can discern the face of the skies; but the signs of the time, you know nothing about. If you would have known God, you'd have known My day."

224And they said, "You take so much upon Yourself; You make yourself God." And they put Him on the cross.

225 And the Holy Ghost, today, is not no third Person. It's God, Himself, manifested in human flesh, by the Blood of Jesus Christ, to sanctify a life that He might reflect Himself through. And they crucify that same Word made manifest. You understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The crucifixion of Christ, today, is the people who will deny the vindicated and manifested Son of God among the people, by His--His things that He said would take place in this day by His Word. See?

226Now, the same vindication, would have to be the same, if He's the same Son of God, 'cause He said in Saint John 14:12, now, that, "The works that I do shall you do also." Hebrews 13:8, "He's same yesterday, today, and forever." "If ye abide in Me," John 15, "if ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, just ask what you will and it'll be given to you." Yes, sir!

227 Remember, they were very religious people that did that. They wasn't outsiders. They were religious people of that day. And that's what's doing it today, is the religious people; same crucifixion, same thing today. Quickly...

228"There they crucified Him," then, then. Sure. Then they were rejecting God's Word made manifest, accepting their creeds instead of the Word.

229Is that what they're doing today? That's exactly, doing the same today. He was the Word; and they rejected the Word. That's one point I want you not to miss, see, I want you not to miss. He was the Word, and, when they rejected Him, they rejected the Word. And when they did reject Him, they finally crucified Him. And that's what they've done today: reject the Word of God, and accepted their creeds; and has crucified, publicly, before their congregation, the working of the Holy Spirit. And they're guilty, and I indict them in the Name of Jesus Christ.

230 Fifteen years I've seen Him move across the land, and still they hold their creeds. They're guilty! They took the Word that would have brought the church, all the churches together, and made a great big union brotherhood amongst Pentecostals and all the rest of them; instead of doing so, they rejected It, and turned It down, has made fun of It, and called It everything now.

231And now, by a federation of church, through the devil's plan, trying to come in and say, "Now we'll come, buy some Oil." They are rejected. And they've... They are guilty of crucifying Jesus Christ. You take it on God's terms, or your terms won't work. See?

232 They rejected God's Word made manifest, for their creeds, and they're doing the same today. "He was the Word," John, Saint John 1. Hebrews 13:8 says, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." Now they are crucifying Him afresh.

233Did you know the Bible said we could do that? How many would like to read just a little bit? Will you give me another fifteen minutes of it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Let's turn over now, just a minute, a "crucified afresh." Let's go over to Hebrews, the 6th chapter, and read just a little bit. Hebrews the 6th, and see if we "crucify the Son of God afresh," see if it can be done.

You say, "You can't crucify Him the second time."

234We'll find out whether we can or not. God's Word is true. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It's Hebrews 6:1.

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection; not unto the laying a foundation of repentance and dead works, and of faith towards God,

And of doctrine of baptism,... laying on of hands, and of the resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.

... this we will do, if God permits.

235 See, Paul wants to know that these things here are absolutely essential; baptisms, laying on of hands, the resurrection, second Coming. All these things are Eternal. They are absolutely the Truth.

236Now notice, "For it is impossible." Read it with me, this one verse. I want you to read it with me now, the 4th verse. [Brother Branham and the congregation reads the following three verses in unison--Ed.]

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

And have tasted of the good word of God, and the power of the world to come,

If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

237Is that my word, or His? "The man who comes to a knowledge." Remember, they never got It. They were borderline believers. "After we have received the knowledge of the Word of God," you get it from a knowledge, from reading and seeing It, "and then reject It, then, you, it's impossible for you to ever be saved." Did you read that now? See, "Have received a knowledge of the Truth," just, you understand it. You never got It.

238 It's like them believers that went out. It's a very type of the journey. This, this third, this third exodus, is just a type of the rest of them. Look, look back there. Let me show you something now, just a minute. Pardon the expression. Look.

239Israel pulled out twelve man, one out of each tribe, denominational head, and took them over to the edge of the border, the promised land, and showed them the good things to come, what they had. And they come back, complaining, that, "We wasn't able to do it."

240But there was two out of the twelve, Joshua and Caleb, said they looked at the Word. "God said it's ours, and we are more than able to take it." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

241 What was that? Borderline believers. See, they were actually born in the church. They were heads of the people. They were bishops, as to say, that walked right down to where the Word of God was shown to be the Truth. "There is the land!" They had never been there. They didn't know it was there. But they come down to see it was there. "There it was!" And Caleb and Joshua went over, and brought back a--a--a bunch of grapes and let them eat some of it. And they tasted of the good land, and then went back and said, "We can't do it. See? We just can't do it."

242Here is the same group, in the time of Jesus Christ. "Rabbi, we know Thou art a teacher come from God." See? Borderline! "We know Thou art a teacher come from God. No man could do the things that You do. We recognize that God has to be there." Why didn't they accept it? Why didn't they take it? Borderline! Borderline!

243 Here they are on this third exodus; same sign, same manifestation, same Christ, same Holy Ghost, same works, same God, same Message, and they can't take It. They'd have to give up their fellowship card. What is it? "They've had a knowledge of the Truth." They looked and seen that it's absolutely the Truth. They can't deny It. The magazines has to testify they seen It. The pictures, the papers, the evidence, the resurrection of the dead, the doctors' statements of the sick, they have to say that it's Him. And the predictions, not one of them ever failing down through the years, every one of them just exactly on the dot, they can't say but what it's God. But they can't accept It.

244 That bunch of ministers in Chicago, three hundred and something of them, was going to come down and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. Where they at? The price is too great. They can't do it. What is it? The Bible said, when they do that, what do they do? They separate themselves between mercy and judgment. "For it is impossible for those that were once enlightened," has been brought to look at It, "and had a knowledge of the Truth, and have tasted of the good Word of God, if they return away from It, where they'd have to renew themselves again, say, 'Well, now, I will, yes,... '"

245 You Presbyterians, you Methodists, and Baptists, and Lutherans, and this Full Gospel Business Men's stuff, saying they're "coming in," turned away the Message. Your church will. There'll be individuals in there, sure. But, not the church; you have to come out of the church, to get It. See? That's right. Individuals is all right.

246But when you think the Presbyterian church is going to receive the Holy Ghost, and all of them take their documents down, and, don't you never think that. And you think you Methodists is going to do it? You'll never do it. Do you think you Trinitarians will ever receive the Name of Jesus Christ and be baptized every one of you in the... You'll never do it. You'll never do it. But individuals will come out and do it, that's right, and that's the sign of His Coming. But them churches who has seen the Truth, and rejected It in their councils, "it's impossible."

247 Then, they're guilty of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. And I indict them by the Word of God, that God has... "How do you indict them, Brother Branham?" I indict them, that God has clearly identified Himself in His Word, in the last days, and made Hisself to know that He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever, and they've coldly turned It down. And you're guilty of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, by blaspheming the Holy Ghost. That's right.

248We take you on to Hebrews 10, again, where it tells us again in the Scriptures, not only being "impossible," but you can never. It separates you from God, Eternally. You can never come in the Presence of God again, when you turn down the Holy Ghost and make fun of It.

249Now, see, "have tasted of the Word." See, borderline believers!

"Oh, you say them guys wasn't believers?"

250They was believers, or professed believers, but when it come to the Word... They were Israel. They come out under the blood. They come out under the signs of Moses. They had seen those signs working.

God said, "I'll take you over yonder."

251And when it come right down to the principle of the promised Word that was to come, what'd they say? "Oh, we can't do it." See?

252And here they come back, with grapes and everything, to prove the land was right. God's Word is right. God said, "I give it to you."

253But the circumstances, "My," said, "we look like grasshoppers, up aside of them. We can't do it, no matter what."

254 A few years ago when this old hull stood here as a tabernacle, somebody come in, and walked out there and talked to me, said, "Billy, you're going to preach to four posts, one of these days, with Messages like that."

255I said, "I'll be preaching to four posts, 'cause God's able of them posts to rise children unto Abraham." Yes, sir. It's the Truth. I said, "If you've got something that you can disprove It, let's have it." Just love to crow, but when it comes to a place to show it, that's different. Yes, that's what makes the difference. All right.

256Yeah, with their creeds they crucify Him afresh. Now Hebrews the 6th chapter, and we go on down. And we could just read on down, on down in through here. We got plenty of time. I marked out a Scripture here where it will be, Hebrews the 6th chapter. Just, I guess, take it all. "Impossible for those who were once enlightened, made partakers of the Holy Ghost..." We haven't got time to go too far, 'cause I got another Scripture I want you to read just in a moment. Notice this, "They crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh." What'd they do? What? By having a taste, and knowing that It's the Truth, and then turn around and denying It. What'd it do? "It's impossible..."

257 So that's what this nation has done. That's what this people has done. That's what these churches has done. They've turned It down, and they've crucified the Message. They've crucified the Truth, to the people. How'd they do Jesus? They put Him to shame, stripped His clothes off of Him, hung Him up on a cross and nailed Him up there, the Prince of Life. The same thing they've done today with their creeds! They've done the same thing. They stripped the things, they've stripped the--the goodness and the clothing of the Gospel, by trying to place It somewhere else, and hung Him on a cross. Oh, my! Why?

258 "There they--there they crucified," now the last quotation, "Him," Him, this most precious Person. Why did they do it? They didn't know Him. Why they doing it today? They don't know this is the Truth. They're--they're dumb and blind of It. They don't know It. That's the reason. Their creeds and traditions has gotten them away from the Word of God.

259Now to you here, just in closing now, pay close attention. See? I know it's hot. I'm hot, too.

260But, oh, brother, this Word is Life if you'll hold to It. Look, It's not something we talk about, that may happen here and after; It's something that's already here with us and happening now. Not something will be; something that's already. We're not testifying, "We know what He has done; we know what He's going to do," but now we're telling what He is doing. See? This is our hour.

261We may not live to see the Rapture. I may die today; you may die today. I don't know. But the Rapture is coming. That's--that's, when that comes, we'll be there, don't worry; uh-huh, so will all the rest of them back through the ages, that's believed it and looked for it. They walked in the Light of their day.

262And here is the Light, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Forsake your creeds and believe this Word. This is the Truth. The Word is Truth. Jesus said, "My Word are Spirit, My Word is Life." How you going to receive Life when you reject Life? How you going to take in a dogma, which is death, and a Word of Life? Turn out the Word of Life, to take death, how you going to accept the two at the same time? You can't do it. "Let every man's word be a lie, every dogma a lie." God's Word is the Truth.

263 I challenge any man to show me, anybody... And I know this tape goes around the world. Any man, any bishop, that will come to my study, or before this congregation, and point their finger to one place anybody was ever baptized in the Name of the "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," in the New Testament. I'll show you where every person that ever was baptized... And those who were baptized different, had to come and be rebaptized, to get the Holy Ghost.

264What are you going to do about it? Stay out there in your creeds? Stay out there in your dogmas and die? You're guilty! With wicked hands, you've took the Prince of Life, the Word of Life, and crucified It to the people.

265 Now what did they do? They didn't know it. Today men walk ignorantly. They don't know that's the Truth. They think it's some kind of a ism. They don't dig down deep enough to get into the Spirit of revelation. They don't pray enough. They don't call upon God enough.

266They just lightly take It, "Oh, well, I believe there's a God. Sure!" The devil believes the same thing. The devil believes it more than some people claim to believe it. The devil believes it and trembles. People just believe it and go on. But the devil trembles, knowing his Judgment is coming, and people believe it and don't pay no attention the Judgment is coming.

267Guilty of crucifying Him! Sure! I indict this generation, finding them guilty, by the same Word that found them guilty at the beginning. That's right. Jesus said, "Who can condemn Me?" He was the Word made flesh. And today the same Word is made flesh.

268 Peter said in his indictment, in Acts. Let's just read it. Peter, when he saw this taking place, what they had done, the Spirit... Look, Peter was defending Christ, what they had done. I'm defending what the Gospels are. I... Peter was indicting them for killing the Man, Christ, Who was the Word. I'm indicting this generation for trying to kill the Word which is made manifest in men. Watch what Peter said. His righteous indignation must have rose up pretty highly. Listen at him here in Acts the 2nd chapter, and begin with the 22nd verse.

Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, approved, a man proved of God among you by miracles,... signs, which God did by him in the midst as... of you, as ye yourselves also know:

269Whew! Imagine how they felt! Listen to that.

Ye men of Israel, the prince, ye churchmen, you holy men, you priests, you men that's supposed to be men of God, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth was approved of God among you...

270 Now I say to you clergymen, and to you people. Jesus of Nazareth, the Holy Ghost, He is here in the Person of the Holy Ghost, which was the Life that was in Him. He is here working through people, and declaring Himself by signs and wonders which He does. And here they hang around on the walls, scientific identification. And people setting here, that was dead, is a living today; and cancer-eaten, are well today; blind, are seeing today; and cripples, that are walking today. He is Jesus of Nazareth.

Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and the foreknowledge of God, predestinated for His job, ye have taken, and by wicked hands you have... slain:

271 Is that--is that indictment? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He is indicting what? That Sanhedrin Council.

272And I'm indicting, this morning, the federation of churches. I'm indicting the Pentecostals. I'm indicting the Presbyterians, the Baptists, and every denomination in the world. By wicked, selfish greed you've took the Word of Life and crucified It before the people, and blasphemed It, and called It "fanaticism," which God has raised up in our midst to prove that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. I indict this generation!

273 God has proved Himself alive. God has proved that This is His Word. What have you got but a bunch of dogma and creeds! Where can you show the living God? Because you've turned down the Word of Life that would have give you these thing. Yes, sir! Oh, what a hour that we're now living in. Whew! Same! Oh, I call...

Peter said... you've took, by wicked hands and have crucified and slain:

Whom God... raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.

274And through your creeds, and your organizations, and your denominations, with your form of godliness, still talking. Your forms of godliness, you've denied the power of His resurrection.

275But the hour has arrived, the last days are here, when God promised, according to Malachi 4, that He would raise up in the last days, "and would turn the hearts of the people back to the original blessings and the pentecostal Faith of the fathers." And you can't deny it, and you can't withstand it.

276Now I condemn you, guilty, and challenge you, and indict you before God, that with wicked, selfish, denominational hands you've crucified the Word of God before the people. And I call you guilty and ready for the Judgment. Amen. Yes, sir!

277I call the same thing that Peter did. He called repentance of that generation. I call repentance to this generation, repentance towards God, and come back to the original Truth of the Word. Come back to the Faith of our fathers. Come back to the Holy Ghost, 'cause God cannot change It.

278When God said, "These signs shall follow them that believe," He has to stay with that all through Eternity. It's His Word.

279 When you say, "Shake hands, or take communion," or something like that, or some on that creed, or something on that idea; that any man, any drunkard, any unbeliever can do it. Any impersonator, any prostitute--prostitute can do that. Take communion, have forms and things like that, you could do it.

280But Jesus said this will be the identification, "These signs shall," not they may be, "they will, in all generations, to them that believe! In My Name they'll cast out devils; they'll speak with other tongues, speak with new tongues; and take up serpents; drink deadly things, it won't harm them; lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils; as freely as you receive, freely give."

281All this big money-making schemes and things, and hooked up into things today, no wonder they're so full of the judgment. Yes, sir! Oh, my!

282 Let's see now. Yes, sir. Call to repentance, and my indicting now.

283This new Calvary is the--the church, so-called, most holy places, great pulpits, Catholicism altar, Catholic altar, called their pulpit. The Methodist, the Baptist, the Presbyterian, the Lutheran, the Pentecostals, the most holy places, there He receives His hardest pierces. A new Calvary! Where is it found at? In the holy places, the church.

284Where is He crucified at? From the pastors. You hypocrites, you know better than that! I'm not angry, but something inside of me is stirring. God has been thoroughly identified among you.

285Where did He get His spears at, in His side? Where did He get His pierces? On Calvary. Where does He get it today? In the pulpit. Where did they come from? Jerusalem. Where do they come from? The denomination. The ones who claimed to love Him, that's who did it. That's who does it today. His second Calvary, where He receives His pierces against the Word, that's what pierces Him. Who is He? He's the Word. He is the Word. Where is He pierced the hardest from? The pulpit in the holy places, just like it was then.

286 I've got a right to indict this generation. I've got a right to do it, as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with His signs, and proving that He is God. I got a right to bring indictment against this generation. Cause, His hardest spear points has been right from the pulpits, where they've criticized and said, "Don't go out to hear that stuff. That's of the devil." Right in the place that's supposed to love Him!

287And the very signs that Jesus said would take place, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword; the Word, a discerner of the thoughts, of the intents of the heart." And It's called the devil, where from? The pulpits, the holy places.

288Oh, God, how can He look down? Just--just mercy, that's all, grace. We can't do nothing else but head for judgment. We're already there. Uh-huh.

289 Think of it. His hardest pierces comes from the pulpit. That's where His new Calvary is at. They crucify Him, the Word, at the pulpit. That's right. How, how'd they do it? By their forms of godliness. That's exactly!

290Crowned from the audience, by scoffers! He's got a new crown of thorns, scoffers! Pierced from the pulpit; crowned by the scoffers. Is He crucified again, afresh? Striped by man-made creeds, teachers of denomination against His Word. They stripe It, in shame, condemn It.

291Jesus said, "In vain they worship Me." In vain, "don't do no good." Who they worship? They worship that same God. They was worshipping that same God at His first crucifixion, and it was vain worship. It's the same thing today. In vain they build these denominations. In vain they build these seminaries. In vain they have these creeds, teaching for doctrine the commandments of man, and denying the Word of God. They're guilty of crucifying the Prince of Life, teaching man's doctrines for His Word. "In vain they worship Me," striped, pierced, crowned.

292 When you see that go down the street, and some of you ladies with long hair; say, "She is old-fashion, isn't she?" Remember, that's scoffers, that's the crown that you're wearing. God said it was your glory; wear it with pride. Hallelujah! Wear it with pride, as you would wear a crown of thorns for your Lord. Wear it with pride. Don't be ashamed. He said so, no matter what these Jezebels says today. What these impostors stand in the pulpit, crucifiers of Christ, no matter what they say, you wear it with pride. God said so. You keep it.

293Crowned, with scoffers again, thorns. Pierced from the pulpit, with creeds.

294He got a new Golgotha, where they take Him to: these robed choirs, short-wearing women, bobbed-haired, painted-face, singing in the choir like Angels, with talents. That's His new Golgotha, just modern stripteases protected by a law, like at Sodom and Gomorrah.

295 You see a little female dog go down the street. At certain times there's not a male dog will even go out to where she's at. Let a certain thing happen, and every one of them will run after her. There is something happened to her. You know why. Let...

296What's these women take off their clothes for, and go down the street? Don't tell me it ain't the same thing. It's an identification. Don't condemn the man. But they're protected by a Sodom law. That law ought to say it's unlawful for them to be out there.

297And preachers in the pulpit ought to have petticoats instead of the clergy coat; standing out there and will permit it, and ashamed to speak against it, because their denomination will put them out. You crucify, to the--the congregation, the Word of God which says, "It's an abomination for a woman to wear a garment that pertains to the man."

298I--I condemn the thing. I--I--I--I--I--I accuse it of crucifying the Word of God before the people. Bobbed-haired women, short-wearing, and the crown... standing up in the choir!

299 Somebody said to me, the other day, some woman asked me, said, "Well, where do you think you'd find?"

300I said, "If the Lord asked me to pick a dozen out, over the world, I'd be--I'd be scared to death."

301When, by the discernment of the Spirit, stand there and watch them, and stand like that and see them things over them; the dirty, filthy, low-down, cigarette-suckers, out there carrying on like that, and stand in a robed choir and sing in that condition, and let the audience see them. They'll say, "Well, if she can do it, I can too." A Christian life is a life of holiness and purity, innocent!

302I indict them, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for their filth and dirt. They have brought the Gospel to a disgrace. And those who try to hold It, are called "fanatics," calling, "That's old-fashioned nonsense." I indict them, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

303 Just modern stripteases on the street, sing in choirs, cigarette-smoking, tell dirty jokes, three or four husband, and after the sixth one, and then sing in the choir because they got a voice. You poor intellectual, spiritual deprived, rejected upon your own grounds. You read the same Bible that any other man can read, but you've turned down the Spirit of God, till the Bible said you'd "be given over to a strong delusion, to believe a lie and be damned by it." You actually believe that you're right, and the Bible says that you would believe it and be damned by the same lie that you believe to be the Truth.

304Therefore, I indict you by the Word of God. You are teaching the people a error, and crucifying the principles of Christ, of holiness and Life above, that the person might walk out on the street and be a different person.

305 Preachers standing on ball grounds, smoking cigarettes; stumbling blocks; all the other tommyrot that they put up with. Women in their choir, wearing shorts, bobbed hair, and carrying on like that, painted faces, and then call it, "Sister, this and that," and the Bible condemns that stuff. That's right. Go to parties and carry on, still a member of the church; maintain your testimony, and live any way you want to.

306Don't think I'm talking altogether about Presbyterians. I'm talking about you Pentecostals. That's right. You once knew the Truth, but you thought you couldn't take It. You couldn't support your pastor. Your--your pastor couldn't have that big job with so many hundred dollars a week, and a big fine church to preach in, and ride and carry on the way they do. If he condemned that, the organization would throw him out; so he has to keep it, he has to say it. Therefore, he sold his birthrights, for a mess of pottage of the world, of Esau's slop. And what's he going to get for it? Both fall into the ditch of condemnation, and be condemned. I indict them, as prostitutes of the Gospel.

307 I was at a choir, one of the famous, big places, not long ago, one of the highest ranks of Pentecost that there is. And I happened to be setting in this brother's study when four or five choirs got together. And it's at one of the... some of the finest organizations of the Pentecostals. And they didn't know I was in this minister's study, at Oklahoma. I was setting down there, below, where this minister studies before he comes to his platform. And when I did...

308There was them little Rickies out there; and Rickettas, paint, not a one of them had long hair, every one of them with bobbed hair, every one of them with makeup on, every one of them with robes on. And a little Ricky standing around there, going along like that, (and another man was taking up a missionary offering), he acted like he was a blind man with a cup, and going around saying all kind of blasphemy things about taking up the offering, and things like that. But got out there and tried to sing the--The Messiah, oh, my, and--and could do a pretty good job at it, but it didn't have the ring. No, it was dead, see. Oh, my! There you are. That's His new Golgotha.

309 What do you think at some little girl, or some little woman in there? Why, if she'd come in there, dressed like she should have been, with long hair, and paint all off, and things like that, they'd have made fun of her; if she'd have stood up, and when they was making that to-do there, that bunch of young people, about thirty or forty of them. The selected part of Pentecost, and doing things like that! And if that little lady would have said something about it, they'd have put her out of the choir.

312Let the Gospel preacher stand in the pulpit and say something about it, they'd put him out of the organization. You crucify the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame. His Gospel that you claim to preach, you crucify Him. I indict this Christ-rejecting generation, by the Word of God, and by Its power of this last-days a vindication that He is still alive. Yes. They are against the clean-cut, vindicated Word of God. Their organizations can't stand up to It.

311 Big churches and denominations is His new Calvary. I say it again. This, their modern stripteases, are their choirs.

312The high priest of each denomination cries out like the high priest of that day, "Now come down and show us a miracle." Uh-huh. That was the first crucifixion.

313It's the same today. I've had them say, "Well, now, you raise the dead, do you? Why don't you go up there? You got a wife in the graveyard. You got a baby up there."

314They said to Him, "We heard You raised the dead. We got a graveyard full of them up here. Come raise them." Oh, ignorance will breed ignorance. See? Uh-huh.

315Big churches, big choirs, high priests of this day, "Come down, show us a miracle that our denomination can't do."

316 I had a man, not long ago, that made a remark on a... after a little broadcast I had in Jonesboro, Arkansas, telling about some woman being healed. This fellow belonged to a certain denomination of church, and he got up behind there and said, "I challenge any man to bring me and show me a miracle."

317I went and got a doctor. A man had been cured, with cancer. I went and got a woman that had been in a wheel chair for about twenty years; she was healed of arthritis, been in a wheel chair. I took it over and said, "Now I want the money, a thousand dollars."

318He said, "Well, uh, uh, uh, uh, it isn't here. It's over in Waco, Texas, where our headquarters is."

319 I said, "All right, we'll just go over there and get it." Said, I said, "You make arrangements and we'll go tomorrow." See? I said, "We'll mail..." I said, "Here is the doctor to say that these people absolutely had cancer. Here it is on the list, x-ray. Here is this woman that the whole neighborhood knows she sat in that wheel chair for twenty years, and she is walking right now. And the doctors, has been doctor after doctor after doctor after doctor, and everything, and here she is alive today. Now, you said you'd 'give a thousand dollars.' I want to put it in a missionary fund. I want it." See? See?

He said, "Well, it's over at Waco, Texas."

I said, "We'll go tomorrow."

320He said, "Wait a minute. Let me tell you something. I'll take a little girl with me. And let me take a razor and cut her arm, and then you heal it, before our brethren. And they'll give you the money."

I said, "You devil!"

321"If Thou be the Son of God, come off of this cross." "Tell us who hit You," with a rag around His head. Hit Him on it, said, "Now, if You're a prophet, tell us who proph-..." "If Thou be the Son of God, come down off the cross."

322Blind leaders of the blind! They need mental healing, a man that do a thing like that, or make a remark like that. Certainly.

323 The familiar old cry, though, "Let us see You do a miracle. Master, we would desire a miracle from You." When, every day, every hour, it was happening right along, just as God would lead it to be done. But they wasn't present. If they was, they called it "Beelzebub, the devil." See? "Master, we'd desire if You'd do it the way we want You to do it." That's it. "Go where we want You to go, do what we want." Oh, yes. Uh-huh. They had no strings on Him. No, sir. That's the reason they had to get Him out of their midst. Yes, sir. They're trying to do the same thing today. And through the federation of churches, they'll finally accomplish to do it, see, all of them going together. The familiar old cry.

324 Here we see, again, the most religious place, the best, polished theologians, calling out again, and against Him, calling out. The very best theologians, which ought to know different; the very highest churches, and best trained theologians, cast Him out of their midst. They don't want It.

You say, "That's wrong, Brother Branham."

325Then you wasn't here to see The Church Ages, or hear it preached. You wasn't here, when, this Laodicean Church Age was the only one that they cast Him out of the church. And He was out, the outside, knocking, trying to get back in. They cast Him out because they haven't got no use for Him. They crucify Him afresh. Amen! How long could we go?

326 Remember, the prophet of God's Word foretold us, in Second Timothy 3, if you're writing it down. We haven't got time to read it. But said, that, "In the last days, scoffers would come. They would be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; false accusers, incontinent, fierce, and despisers of those that are good, traity, heady, high-minded, scholarly; having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof: from such turn away! For this is the sort that takes silly, bobbed-haired women," short-wearing, painted-faces, "from place to place, and lead them captive." That's exactly.

327He said, "Turn away from it, in the last days." Let's obey the prophet. Turn away from those things in the last days. They're here. I'm calling to the Church now. Yes, sir. Get away from it!

328 They have, they, the--the ministers of this day, should know these things. They should have knowed Jesus in His days. They should have knowed. And now they should know it, but they don't know it. Just as the Jewish teachers of His days should have known Him by His day, so is it today, of God's clearly a vindicated Word then. He was the Word, and He proved He was the Word. He proved He was the Word for that day. And God has proven today that He's the Word of this day, the Light of the hour. And they should have knowed it then, and they should know it now.

329They crucified Him then, and they crucify Him now. I indict them of it! Right. It just keeps flashing through me, "Indict them, 'cause God is going to make them pay for it!"

330 The Jews of their day. God again, in the days on earth, Jesus said, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have gathered you in one great big group, but you would not."

331How God has tried, in this last days, to unite His people together, but you would not. You've desired your creed, so now you're given over to destruction. That's what Jerusalem received; she was tore down, burned down, she is no more. And that's exactly what will be, some of these days, to all these big things here. Your big creeds and denominations will die and perish, but the Word of God will be Eternal and live forever. See?

332 His deepest wounds come from the house of so-called friends. Think, think of it. Think of it! Stop! I'm waiting a minute. Ministers, think of it! Where did His wounds come from? The house of His so-called friends. As it was, so is it. Think of it! At Calvary He wasn't surrounded by--by savages, barbarians, but of ministers who claimed to love Him. And today, when the Gospel is thoroughly identified, when the great signs of His resurrection is proven among us, it isn't the street out there that jumps on you, it's the so-called ministers.

333Them that's supposed to love Him, is what He is surrounded by today. "We'll not have that Thing among us. We'll not have this Man rule over us. We'll not support. We'll have no co-operation about That, in this city, if that Thing comes this away. It's nothing but spiritualism. It's the devil." Not knowing the Word of God, the blind leading the blind. As it was then, think, so is it now. Just as it was then, so is it now. Think!

334 His Power to heal and to set men and women free from the love of this present world, from the bobbed-haired, painted-facey Jezebels that calls themselves Christians; and producing such a life as that, cigarette-smoking, dirty joke-telling. Set down and have a missionary society, and stitch and sew, and talk, and scandal, and--and get out on the street and wear shorts, and everything like that; and then call themselves Christians, before other women. You remember my story about the slave knowing he was a son of a king, his character. What ought we to be? Men and women, and deny...

335 These clergymen, these pulpits where He gets His pierces, they have put up and endorsed that kind of living amongst the people, where they pierce Him. They deny the Power to--to set them free from it, and they endorse it to be so. When, it's contrary to the Word of God, for a woman to bob her hair, or to paint her face, or to wear shorts. It's contrary to the Word of God, but they endorse it, making another Calvary (from where? from the street? from the barroom?) from the pulpit, from the pulpit.

336 And, again, what was the cry? "He makes Hisself God." They deny His Deity. They try to split Him up and make three or four Gods out of Him. When, He is God; He was God; He'll always be God, the same yesterday, today, and forever. When you talk about one God, to them, they laugh at you. "We believe in a holy trinity."

337I believe in one holy God, yes, sir, His Power to heal, to set free, and take these people out of the love of the world, to free them like He did Mary Magdalene. Remember, she was a little painted-up Jezebel, too. She had seven devils in her. She was a striptease.

338Just like the modern woman on the street today; go anywhere you want to and look. If you don't believe people bows at the shrine of naked women, look out on the street today. As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be. Look out, if you don't believe it, just go anywhere. Open up a paper, open up a magazine, look at a billboard, what do you find? Remember what it said, "When the sons of God saw the daughters of man was fair, they taken unto them women." Look at the scandal in England, look at the scandal here, look at the whole thing, has become a house of prostitution.

339 Why is it? Why did Russia become communism? Because of vulgar and dirtiness, and the non-Power of the Catholic church. And that's exactly why this nation is taken over, communism and the federation of churches, and joining itself up with the Catholic church. Which, communism and Catholicism will unite together, you know, and here they are doing it. Why? Because they have rejected the Gospel that separates them and makes them a different people!...?... That's exactly the reason.

340 And ministers in the pulpit is putting up with it, for a meal ticket, for a social standing of some creed, say, "I belong to So-and-so," swapping education for the Power of God; free them from this mad race, like Mary Magdalene.

341The very Power that could take that little striptease on the street, and make her put on clothes and act like a lady, make a Christian out of her, they condemned that Power, and crucified the Man that had It, at Calvary.

342And today, the very Gospel and the Holy Ghost that will take that little striptease and make her dress like a lady and act like a Christian, they call It "fanaticism." They don't want It mixed among their congregation, get It stirred up among them, cause other women to do it. What do they do? They oust It out, just like they did then. And now they crucify the very Word and say It was for another age. I indict them again, yes, sir, just the same as they was indicted then.

343 The sign that made old Legion put on his clothes. Remember, a person that takes off their clothes are crazy. See? How about a woman? Legion was crazy; he stripped his clothes off of him. God took His Power and made him put his clothes on. He was clothed, in his right mind, setting down at the feet of Jesus.

344Look at the Power that made old blind Bartimaeus to see, right among their creeds. He was on the earth when there was just as much unbelief as there is today, but it never stopped Him. He went on. He didn't pull no punches for them. He told them, "You are of your father, the devil." He condemned the whole thing.

345 The Power that could raise Lazarus out of the grave, and gave the woman of Nain back her son! O God! The Power that could do those things, that could foretell the things that happened. "There is two... Colt, there is a colt tied at two ways," and all these things that He foretold. The very Man that possessed that Power, "Away with Him. We won't have Him among our people. He pollutes our teachings," and they crucified Him.

346The very same thing today, "Away with the Holy Ghost," they don't want nothing to do with It. "It condemns and does these things, and tells our people these things we don't want to get mixed amongst our organizations. It's against our creeds." They crucify Him again. Oh, my!

Notice now as we're closing. Got to close.

And, again, they call It "fanaticism."

347 And they called Him a "fanatic." They said, "He was crazy." Anybody knows that the Bible said that, "Jesus was," them Pharisees said, "this Man is a Samaritan, and He's mad." Now what does the word mad mean? "Crazy." "The Man is crazy. They're a bunch of crazy people follow Him. He is Beelzebub."

348And, again, they say the same thing, "It's a sort of witchcraft. It's fortune-telling," placing Him again on the cross of shame. What cross? What shame? He's a vindicated Word; making fun of It, telling the people It's the devil. Making something, and call...

349 He said, "They calling the holy works of God 'an unclean spirit doing it,' no forgiveness for it."

350Making shame of His Word, trying to expose It and call It a fake or fanaticism, "Don't go to it. Don't attend them meetings." Uh-huh.

351What do they do by doing that? They take their denominational creed nails. That's right. These pleasure-hunting teachers, worldly, ungodly, denominational mad, take the denominational nails and crucify the Son of God with it, afresh, from their pulpits.

352Why do they do this? "They love the praises of man," the degrees that the church can give them, "more than the love of the Word of God." I condemn them. They can't conform to the world, because they're... Can't conform to the Word, because they're already conformed to the world. They've already done it. The hypocritical day that we live in! Is not this...

353 Is not one Calvary enough for my Lord? Why will you do this? You that's supposed to love Him, you that knows This is His Word, you that can read Revelation the 22nd chapter, say, "Whoever will take one Word or add one word," why do you do it? Isn't one Calvary enough for Him?

354I stand in His defense. I'm His attorney, and I indict you by the Word of God. Change your ways or you'll go to hell. Your denominations will crumble. I indict you in the Presence of the Judge, right, you, with your forms of godliness, hypocrisies. And why do you call It... Ain't one Calvary enough?

355 As Peter said, "Your denominational fathers," Peter indicted you by the... Said, "Which of your fathers hasn't done this?" Stephen done the same thing: "With wicked hands you've crucified the Prince of Life." Didn't Jesus say, Hisself, "Which one of your fathers didn't put the prophets in the tombs? And you garnish them afterwards"? So has it been to the righteous man down through the ages!

356So do I indict this high-polished, church-going bunch of Christ-rejecting people of this day. You, with your forms of godliness, crucify my Christ the second time, by telling the people, that, "These Words are for some other day, and It isn't for this day." I indict you. You're guilty of the same crime that they was, on the day of the crucifixion. Repent and turn to God, or perish.

357 And again I say, "Here," the churches, "they," the teachers, "crucify," by blasphemy, "Him," the Word. God be merciful! Let me say that again. It might have been mixed up on the tape. "Here," the churches, "they," the clergy, "crucify," by blasphemy, "Him," the Word. No wonder it's again:

Mid rending rocks and darkening skies

My Saviour bowed His head and died,

But the opening veil revealed the way

To Heaven's joys and endless day.

358I say it on this tape, and for this audience. I say this under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Who is on the Lord's side, let him come under this Word! God will surely bring this wicked, Christ-denying, Christ-rejecting generation into judgment, for blasphemy, the crucifixion of His identified Word. They are coming to the Judgment. I indict it! "Who is on the Lord's side," said Moses, "let him come unto me," when the Pillar of Fire hanging there as an evidence. Who is on the Lord's side, let him take up the Word, deny his creed, and follow Jesus Christ daily. And I'll meet you in the morning.

Let us bow our heads now for a word of prayer.

359 O Lord God, the Giver of Eternal Life and the Author of this Word, Who brought again from the dead the Lord Jesus, Who properly identified it before a--a generation of unbelieving people. It's been long, this morning. Many has set here. The church is packed. People are standing around. And the tapes are being made, to go out across the world, into different places. Ministers will hear this in their study. I pray for them, Lord. Let these Words fall deep into the heart, cut deep, cut away all the world. That they might say like...

360This little Methodist minister down in Kentucky, came to me the other day, and said, "When I was hearing those Seven Church Ages, I heard it cry out, 'Get away from them walls of Babylon,'" said, "I give it up and left. I don't know which way to go or what to do, but I left." Blessed be the courage of that young man, and a wife, and two or three children.

361 God, may many find their way to the Word of God, the only way of Life, for He is the Word. I pray for each one, Father. Sometimes in saying these things, it's not in cruelty; it's in love, because love is corrective. And I pray, God, that the people will understand it to be that way, that it is meant to be corrective. You Who had to correct, and prayed for them at the cross, saying, "Father, forgive them. They, they're blind, they--they just don't understand what they're doing."

362I pray for them ministers today who is crucifying the Word again, by taking their creeds and denominations and dogmas, and substituting it for the Word of Life. And then, before the people, they--they criticize the real Truth that God is vindicating to be His Truth. We pray for them, Father, that You'll call them to the Marriage Supper again. And may they come this time, and not find excuses, for I realize the last call may have already gone. It may be too late now. I trust that it's not.

363 Bless this little congregation present here, these few hundred people that's gathered in here this morning, this hot day, set here for a lengthy, maybe two hours or more, service, and listened. They haven't left. They set still and listened. Many of them waiting their dinners, and the women standing with their babies, and they're waiting. They're holding onto every Word.

364Lord, I realize what will happen to me at the Day of the Judgment if I mislead those people. I'm conscious, Lord, as conscious that I can feel. That, I'm trying to take them to the Word, and let them live by the Word, telling them that You're "the same yesterday, today, and forever," that the great Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ, just in the form of the Holy Ghost, the same Man. You said so. "A little while and the world sees Me no more; yet you'll see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you." And I know that this is You, Lord. And we believe You, 'cause we see You do the same thing among us.

365 We yield ourselves today, soberly, we do here in this congregation and on the tapes. Lord, just at this minute, may every man and woman, boy or girl, who is--who is here present, or standing outside, or hear it on the tape, may we at this moment make a deep consecration and yield our complete self to the service of God.

366Move upon the audience, Lord, in Power, and heal the sick. They said they had a little cripple boy setting over here. Let that great Holy Spirit... We know, just to sit in His Presence like this is, It'll do it. If You can go through radio and television, out through the lands, and heal the sick, "You sent Your Word and It healed them," You can do the same thing at this minute. I pray, God, that You'll heal every sick person, every cripple, every afflicted, here and that hears these Words. God, grant it. My prayer is for them.

367With a--with a love of Christ in my heart and a feeling for the needy, I present them, Lord, to You, upon the altar of sacrifice, where the Bloody body of that Lamb lays as a propitiation for our sins and sickness, laying there. I plead for mercy for the people. I want to stand as Moses did, in the breach for them, Lord, and say, "God, be merciful for them, to them, a little longer, and give them another chance." Don't--don't do it right now, Lord. Let--let the Gospel go just a little further.

368 They're--they're condemned, Lord. I pray that Your great mercy and grace will--will extend to the last person that's got their name on the Book. And I know they will. It's not hard to pray against your Divine Word, or against--or against the... with the Divine Word, I mean to say, Lord; the Word that's promised, the Word that's been vindicated, the Word that predestinated these people back there before the foundation of the world. It's not--it's not hard to--to pray that You will save those whose names are on the Book, because I know You'll do it. Jesus said so, "All the Father has given Me will come." And no man can come unless he has been given.

369Now I pray, God, that everywhere these Words fall, both on tape and present here, that the Holy Spirit will call every predestinated person just now, from the foundation of the world when their name was put on the Lamb's Book of Life. May they hear the Voice of God speaking today, in that little, still, small Voice down in their heart, saying, "This is the Way, walk in It." Grant it, Father. I ask it in Jesus' Name.

370 And while presently we have our heads bowed here in the audience. If you believe this to be Truth, and you--you... I've placed, put my hand upon these handkerchiefs laying here, and packages for the sick and the afflicted. I want to ask you a question, sincerely now.

371I don't come down here just to be heard. I--I--I'm tired. I'm wore out. I'm not as young as I used to be, and I--and I know our days are numbered. And I know I got to put in every little thing that I can, for the Kingdom of God. I got to preach every time I can get a chance. I got to, I got to go whether I feel like it or not.

372I come here because I--I feel to do it. I--I want to do it. I love you. And I don't say things harsh and hard, to--to... because I want to. There--there is a pulsation inside of me. This very thing that's been vindicated is the thing that presses me to do these things. I say it kindly, with love. I don't mean to scold our women or our men. I don't mean to do that, brother, sister. I only mean to bring you to a--a sharp place, to where you can see the correction and the whip of the Lord, that you must come in now. Don't put it off; you might wait too long.

373 And you who desire to come on the Lord's side, with a full surrender in your heart, in the presence in the audience now, or either in the land where the tapes will be; would you, with your heads bowed... Don't raise your hands if you don't mean it. Now if you really mean it, you want to come to the Lord, with a more consecrated life, won't you raise your hand right now. You, the Lord bless you. You're consecrating yourself anew to Christ, to try to bear the reproach. You say, "I'm willing today to take the reproach."

374I got both of my hands up, too. I, I want to take the reproach of Jesus Christ upon me. I gladly wear this mark called "holy roller," whatever you might want to call it. I wear it with pride, because it's for the Lord's sake. I wear it with pride.

375 Don't you all want to do the same? Raise your hands, and say, "By the grace of God, I--I--I want... I'm..." The disciples returned, thought it was a great honor to bear the reproach of His Name. Or, you want to bear the reproach of some Hollywood star, or some television something, or some church member, or something? Or, do you want the reproach of the Word of Jesus Christ? "Give me the reproach of the Word, Lord. I know He bore the reproach of God's Word. Let me bear it, too, Lord."

And this consecrated cross I'll bear

Till death shall set me free,

Then go home, a crown to wear.

376There'll be a crown someday for us. It's being made now. When this earthly life is run, then we know that it'll be right.

377Now there is no room to bring people around an altar. Let your seat, where you're at, be an altar. "As many as believed..." While we pray.

378 Heavenly Father, it looked to me like that most every hand of young and old, was up, in this audience. And I pray that, every time that the tape will be played, that the people will put their hands up, and kneel down in the room; father and mother go over and get a hold of each others hands, and say, "Honey, we've been church members long enough. Let's come to Christ." Grant it, Lord.

379Bless these people here. I pray that You will give them, Lord, a consecrated life. Many of them, Lord, are good people. They're--they're Your people; they just haven't knowed Truth. And I pray that You will show them Thy Truth, Lord. "Thy Word is Truth."

380As You said in John, I think about the 17th chapter, You said, "Sanctify them, Father, through the Truth. Thy Word is Truth."

381And It again, Thy Word, is still Truth. It always is Truth, because It's God. And I pray, God, that You'll sanctify them through the Truth. That is, sanctify, purify them from all creeds and denominations. Purify them from all worldly things, to a consecrated life of the Word. Grant it, Lord. They are Yours now. You promised to do it. And as Your servant, I offer my prayer in their behalf. In the Name of Jesus Christ.

382 Now with our heads bowed, let's sing this hymn while we continue praying.

Jesus paid it all,

All to Him... (Think of it!)


383Yesterday I was in a--a place, and a man was measuring me for a suit that a brother here in the church bought me. He said, "Your suit looked hot, and I bought you a cool one."

384And I went over to get it cut, and he said, "Say, your right shoulder is drooping down. You must have carried a heavy load someday."

385And I thought, "Yes, a load of sin. But Jesus paid it all." Listen as we sing it.

Jesus paid... all,

Then all, all my life, to Him I...

What had sin done?

Sin had left a crimson stain,

He washed it white as snow.

386 God, be merciful to us. As this deep time of meditation, let the Word soak in deep, Lord, to the heart. Let the people, though they be late for their dinner... But, Lord, This is more than meat. This is Life. "My Word is meat," You said. And That's what our hungry souls are feasting on.

387Now take us, Lord, mold us. Lord, take me with them. I want to go with them. I'm going up to Calvary now, Lord, by faith. I'm going with this congregation. Now just mold me over, Lord. I've did wrong. Many times that I...

388Here recently I was going to just quit preaching. The people wouldn't hear me. They just kept on doing the same thing, and I--I got discouraged. I built a complex. O God! A couple Sundays ago, when You give me that sign out there, and reading a Bible, and see You told Moses, just as that dream was, that there was a mountain, too, and would be a sign to him. And then right at the end of it, to know that I--I had left a lot of sick people; a ministry not only in the prophetic, but in teaching the Word, and--and for praying for the sick. You let a man drop dead right here in the floor, then brought him back to life, for confirmation that it was true. You always confirm Your Word.

389 Now, Lord, confirm It right now while I'm before Your Throne. Take every one of these people, Lord, take the world out of us. Take me, Lord, while we're in Your Presence. Just take the world, wring our hearts, God, right now. Pull the world and the care of the world away from us. Let us be consecrated Christians, O God, to be loving and kind and sweet, bearing the fruit of the Spirit. Won't you, Lord? We're before Your Throne. Sin has left a crimson stain on every one of us, but Your Blood can remit it, Lord, and make it white as snow. Grant it, while we're waiting upon Thee. Take us; we are Yours; consecrated our lives to You. In Jesus Christ's Name, grant it, Lord, to each one of us.

390Wring my heart, Lord. I see all my errors. I see my mistakes. God, from this time, I'm trying to live the best that I can, to help You. I want to go, I want to consecrate my life anew to You, across here this morning.

391After bringing this indictment against my--my clergymen friends out there, and have to say these hard things, but, Lord, I did it by Your inspiration. I feel that You told me to do it. Now it's off my shoulders, Lord. I--I'm glad that it's off. Let them do with it whatever they will, Father. I pray that they'll accept it. I pray that You will save every one, Lord.

392May there come forth a revival of the just, and a great Power come among the Church just before Its going. It's not hard to pray that, because You promised it. And we're looking, Lord, for that third pull that we know that will do great things for us in our midst.

393 I am Yours, Lord. I lay myself on this altar, just as consecrated as I know how to make myself. Take the world from me, Lord. Take the things from me that's perishable; give me the imperishable things, the Word of God. May I be able to live that Word so closely, till the Word will be in me, and I in the Word. Grant it, Lord. May I never turn from It. May I hold that King's Sword so tightly, and grip It so closely. Grant it, Lord.

394Bless us together. We're Your servants, as we consecrate ourselves to You this morning, afresh, in our hearts. We are Yours, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for service.


God bless you! Brother Neville.

1Ďakujem, brat Neville.. Zostaňme teraz na chvíľu stáť a pomodlime sa. Skloňme svoje hlavy. Je nejaká vyslovená prosba, ak by ste to dali najavo tým, že zodvihnete ruku, povedzte len Bohu, “Ja - ja ...?” Držte teraz vo svojej mysli čo - o čo Ho chcete prosiť a verte tomu z celého srdca, zatiaľ čo ja sa tiež budem za vás modliť.

2 Nebeský Otče, považujeme toto za také privilégium, prísť do domu Pánovho, v tomto pochmúrnom dni a nájsť svietiť svetlo Božie a počuť Ducha Svätého ako spieva cez ľudí a hovorí cez ľudí, proste tam, kde svieti malý hlúčik svetla. Ďakujeme Ti za toto, nebeské svetlo okolo našich sŕdc. Ako sme Ti za to vďační!

3Oni teraz ... Tvoji ľudia práve zodvihli ruky v tomto zhromaždení, že majú prosby, že by chceli aby si na ne odpovedal dnes ráno. A ja prosím, Otče aby si odpovedal na každú ich prosbu. Je ich tak veľa nahromadených na stole a tak veľa prosieb všade, ohľadne chorých, trpiacich; telefonáty, z veľkej diaľky asi päťdesiat na deň. Ó Bože, čo máme robiť? Veď nás len, Pane. Nevieme ktorou cestou ísť alebo čo robiť ale Ty môžeš týmto nasmerovať. Prosíme ťa, aby si nám to udelil, pretože to je náš úmysel, Pane. Život, ktorý máme na tejto zemi, je nám daný od Teba a my ho chceme využiť na Tvoju chválu. A tak veď nás teraz v týchto veciach, Otče.

4Požehnaj nás dnes, keď sme sa spolu zhromaždili, aby sme počuli Slovo Pánove, spievali piesne, priniesli modlitbu. Vypočuj naše modlitby. Raduj sa s nami v našich piesňach a hovor ku nám cez Slovo lebo o to prosíme v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Môžete si sadnúť.

5Nepoznám žiadne miesto, na ktorom by som mohol stáť a pokladal to za väčšie privilégium, než ako je stáť za kazateľňou, lámať chlieb života pre očakávajúcich, hladných a smädných ľudí. A toto je veľké privilégium.

6Prv by som sa chcel opýtať, či je tu niekto z rodiny Wrightov, Hattie alebo Orville alebo niekto - Hattie. Je s tebou Orville, Hatie? Dobre, opýtaj sa ho či by sa mohol zastaviť u mňa, ihneď, ohľadne toho čo som mu povedal, vieš. Nech sa u mňa zastaví, ak môže. Zabudol som to priniesť dnes ráno, niečo pre ich malého psa, ktorého tam majú. Tak ja len ... Ak budete náhodou prechádzať okolo nich, keď budete odchádzať po zhromaždení.

7A teraz, Edith, Hattina sestra, ktorú poznáme ako to mladé dievča, ktoré bolo chromé od malička. Ona je teraz žena a je vo veľmi zlom stave. Asi pred rokom som tam išiel, keď mala svoju prvú periódu a s pomocou a milosťou Božou som hneď zistil v čom spočíva jej problém. No, skutočne, aký problém je s tým dieťaťom. Ona je v polohe, kde sú jej údy zrazené spolu, sotva ich môže pohnúť od seba. To je kvôli obrovskému tlaku na nervový systém. Ale, čo to je, fyzicky s tým dieťaťom nie je nič zlého, okrem toho, že utrpela detskú obrnu, keď mala okolo šesť mesiacov. Ona kričala a plakala takmer celý svoj život, až keď sme sa za ňu modlili pred mnohými rokmi a odvtedy bola stále šťastná, až doteraz, asi pred rokom. A teraz sú to v skutočnosti prechody. Inými slovami, zmena jej tela a jej nervy sú v takom strašnom stave. A tá malá dáma si myslí, že zomiera, že nebude žiť, proste z jednej hodiny na druhú.

8A viete, zdravé, silné ženy majú strašný čas, niekedy musia dostať hormonálnu injekciu a ísť do ústavu a podrobiť sa terapii s elektrickými šokmi a všetkým možným, v takom čase.

9Človek prechádza v živote dvomi zmenami. Sú to premena z chlapca na muža; zo ženy ... z dievčaťa na ženu. Keď majú okolo šestnásť, sedemnásť stávajú sa trochu problematickí. A ak to s nimi dokážete vydržať počas toho veku ... Ja mám práve teraz dcéru v tom veku, Rebeku. Modlite sa za ňu. A Billy ... Ó, každý jeden z nás, prechádzame cez ten bláznivý vek. A tak to s nimi musíme vydržať, uvedomujeme si, že to je niečo, cez čo oni musia prejsť.

10A teraz, Edith pri tejto zmene po siedmych rokoch ... Každých sedem rokov sa váš život mení. Tak sedem krát sedem, vidíte, a to spôsobuje, že je to trochu ťažké. To je kompletná zmena a to trápi ženy. Muži sa obyčajne začnú smiešne správať v tom čase a niekedy opúšťajú svoje ženy. Ale ženy sú potom neplodné. Všetci cez to prechádzame a musíme pamätať, že to sú veci, v ktorých musíme znášať jeden druhého a rozumieť tieto veci.

11A malá Editha sa dostala do tohoto stavu a veľa stratila na váhe a vyzerá zle. A poviem vám, niekedy večer, nie všetci naraz, ale len malá návšteva ... Oni sú pri nej dňom i nocou. Malá návšteva z tohoto zboru a z iných zborov, sesterských zborov, ktoré sú tu, niekto z vás choďte tam a navštívte rodinu Wrightovu. Som si istý, že si to budú ceniť. Len tam zájdite, poseďte s nimi a porozprávajte sa s nimi, potraste si ruky a - ak nič viac len malá priateľská návšteva. My to tak ľahko zabúdame, viete. A keď to príde do nášho vlastného domu, potom si to ceníme. A musíme pamätať, iní si to tiež cenia. A rodina Wrightov, som si istý, že si to bude ceniť. Viem, že by ste to urobili, keby ste poznali aká je tam situácia. Ale vy ste to nevedeli, tak preto som vám to teraz hovoril.

12Choďte a navštívte rodinu Wrightovu a snažte sa povzbudiť Editu. Nehovorte jej, že vyzerá zle. Povedzte jej, že vyzerá dobre, že bude v poriadku. A ona bude v poriadku, ak budeme na ňu pamätať. Kvôli tomu sme tu. Ona je naša sestra a my sme tu, aby sme v takýchto chvíľach pamätali na to dieťa. Práve tak ako ja chcem aby niekto stál za mnou a modlil sa za mňa, keď ja prechádzam cez svoje skúšky a vy chcete, aby niekto pamätal na vás.

13A rodina Wrightov je dlho - sú to jedni z najstarších členov, ktorí prichádzajú do tohoto zhromaždenia; Myslím, že oni a brat Roy Slaughter a sestra Slaughterová. Videl som ich práve pred chvíľou, zakýval som na nich, keď vchádzali, myslel som si, keď som prechádzal okolo rohu: “Koľko rokov už vidím brata a sestru Slaughter sedieť na svojom mieste v zbore, cez vzlety a úpadky a stále sa brodia ďalej.” A rodina Wrightov a ako to ... Ceníte si tých ľudí. Vidíte? Preukážme im, že si ich ceníme.

14No, dnes mám dlhé posolstvo. Na tému obžaloba. A potom večer, počul som, že je večera Pánova a umývanie nôh a tak ďalej. Tak pastor bude hovoriť a my prídeme ... A ako ste nablízku, príďte a tešte sa s nami z posolstva od pastora, od Pána. A potom tiež, z umývania nôh a z večery Pánovej, to bude skutočne nahustený, plný večer. Tak budeme sa tešiť keď prídete, ak nemáte iné miesto kde chodíte.

15Chceme vyjadriť uznanie Donovi Ruddelovi, nášmu bratovi a bratovi Jacksonovi (a týmto bratom, sú to bratské, sesterské zbory s ktorými máme obecenstvo), bratovi Jack Palmerovi tam, ktorý má skupinu tam v Georgii. A chceme vyjadriť uznanie týmto mužom z celého nášho srdca, za čas, keď mávame zhromaždenia, keď sem prídem, oni nás prichádzajú navštíviť. Ceníme si to.

16Vidím dnes ráno môjho dobrého priateľa, dr. Lee Vayle a jeho ženu. Prv som tam uvidel sestru Vayle a stále som sa díval okolo, aby som uvidel kde je brat Lee. A mám (starý južanský výraz), “ vrana zobe s ním.” Rozumiete? Kedykoľvek idem ... Díval som sa každý deň na tej konferencii, či ho uvidím, či je tam, aby mi pomohol. Povedal som, “No, ak Lee príde, dajte mu kázať a ja sa budem len modliť za chorých.” A vyvolávali sme ho a všetko možné a nemohli sme ho nájsť; Tak mám - vrana, ktorá zobe s ním, keď budem hovoriť ... Sme radi, že tu máme dnes ráno brata a sestru Vayle.

17A možno sú tu mnohí ďalší, o ktorých nevieme. Vidím tu nejakú sestru, myslím, že je z Chicaga. Poznám tú skupinu tu ale nepoznám ich presne po mene. Tak ceníme si vás zovšade, odkiaľkoľvek ste.

18Vidím tu tých bratov, dvoch mladých mužov, ktorí majú byť ordinovaní (prinajmenej mladých v službe) dnes ráno. Dvaja naši farební bratia z New Yorku, ktorí boli práve akreditovaní cez Philadelphskú cirkev a podali túto cirkev, že odtiaľ pochádzajú. A my na nich položíme ruky, aby Boh požehnal ich službu v New Yorku. Máme tam dva alebo tri malé zbory. Myslím brat Milano má jednu z tých malých skupín tam a my si ich ceníme. A tu sú ďalší dvaja, ktorí teraz vyjdú, aby tam slúžili ľuďom. Ceníme si tieto veci. Nech vás Pán bohate žehná.

19Tak veľa, dívam sa okolo a vidím mnohých z vás; Len nedokážem ich všetkých nazvať po mene ale viem, že On to rozumie.

20No, myslím, že ak naša sestra, pianistka alebo niekto z nich by sem prišla a zahrala nám:

Keď sa žeravý uhlík dotkol proroka

učinil ho čistým, tak čistým ako len mohol byť

a keď hlas Boží povedal, „Kto nám pôjde“?

Potom odpovedal, „tu som, pošli mňa!“

21Keď ordinujeme týchto kazateľov, tým, že kladieme na nich ruky ... No, uvedomujeme si, že biblický spôsob ordinovania kazateľov je kladenie rúk. Myslím, že tam naši bratia Pozdného Dažďa alebo ľudia z Battleford a tak ďalej sa poplietli - keď videli, že kladenie rúk je na udeľovanie duchovných darov. No, my neveríme, že dary prichádzajú cez kladenie rúk. My veríme, že kladenie rúk je uznanie toho, čo sme už videli. Rozumiete? To je “amen.” Rozumiete?

22Keď položili ruky na Timoteja a na tých bratov, oni si všimli, že v tých mužoch je dar. Pamätaj, “roznecuj ten dar, ktorý je v tebe, ktorý pochádza od tvojej starej mamy Lois.” A oni toto videli v Timotejovi a preto tí starší položili na neho ruky, ordinovali ho, nekládli ruky na ľudí, ktorí nikdy nič nepreukázali. Vidíte? A oni len prosili o požehnanie a tomu všetci veríme. Tak my neudeľujeme duchovné dary; My ich len uznávame a kladieme na nich ruky, že súhlasíme s nimi, že veríme, že Boh urobil také veci pre tých ľudí.

23Všimol som si dnes ráno tam v zadu brata McKinney z (Myslím, že to je Kinney či McKinney.) - metodistický kazateľ, sedí tam vzadu, nedávno tu bol tiež ordinovaný (myslím, že to bolo priamo z pódia.) aby kázal tam v Ohio s bratom Dauchom a sestrou Dauchovou a s tou skupinou z Ohio. Ó, keď sa všetci zídeme spolu, tieto malé miesta prichádzajú spolu, je to nádherné. Žiadna denominácia, žiadne zväzky, jedine ku Ježišovi Kristovi, to je všetko (Vidíte?), proste sedíme spolu v ponebeských miestach.

24Dobre, sestra, keby si nám zahrala ... Zaspievajme len tento jeden verš toho „Keď sa žeravý uhlík dotkol proroka.“ Zaspievajme to teraz spolu.

Keď sa žeravý uhlík dotkol proroka,

očistil ho, že bol tak čistý ako len mohol byť,

Keď hlas Boží povedal, „Kto pôjde pre nás?“

Vtedy odpovedal, “Tu som, pošli mňa!”

Hovor, môj Pane, hovor, môj Pane; (No, bratia prídete sem?)

... rýchlo odpoviem ...

Nech iní brata, kazatelia prídu, položíme ruky ... Blízki tu tomuto zboru: brat Ruddell, brat Lamb a oni. Rovno sem, ak ...

A odpoviem, “Pane pošli mňa.”

Milióny zomierajú teraz v hriechu a hanbe;

Počúvaj ich smutný a horký plač;

Ponáhľaj sa brat, ponáhľaj sa im na pomoc;

Rýchlo odpovedz, „Majstre, tu som!“

Hovor, môj Pane; Hovor, môj Pane;

Hovor a ja Ti rýchlo odpoviem.

Hovor, môj Pane; Hovor, môj Pane;

Hovor a ja odpoviem, “Pane, pošli mňa!”

Ako sa voláš brat? (Orlando Hunt.) Brat Orlando Hunt z New yorku, je to tak? Brat ... (Joseph Coleman.) Joseph Coleman.

25No, keby ste sa obrátili k publiku, moji bratia. Brat Hunt a brat Coleman, povolanie Božie je na ich srdciach. A ako sme práve spievali tú pieseň, “Milióny teraz zomierajú v hriechu a hanbe,” oni počuli ten smutný a horký plač. A my ich prosíme. “Ponáhľaj sa brat, ponáhľaj sa im na pomoc.” Vidíte? Rýchlo odpovedz, “Majstre, tu som!” Tak oni dnes ráno odpovedajú.

26A my ako bratia tohoto zboru a tejto skupiny to potvrdzujeme, tým že kladieme na nich svoje ruky a podávame im pravicu spoločenstva, aby boli svedkami Ježiša Krista tu s našou podporou: že budeme stáť za nimi vo všetkom čo je chválebné a správne v evanjeliu. Budeme sa stále modliť za týmito mužmi aby ich Boh použil na Svoju chválu. A nech ich služba môže byť bohatá a veľká v New Yorku. Nech je ich život plný služby pre Neho, aby prinášali vzácne snopy do Kráľovstva. Nech žijú dlhý, šťastný život. Nech ich Pán Boh opáše svojou trvalou prítomnosťou a dá im zdravie a silu a zachová ich vo svojej službe, až kým ich Ježiš Kristus nezavolá do večného domova v nebeskom odpočinku.

27Nech teraz zhromaždenie, keď skloníme svoje hlavy a my kazatelia vystúpime, aby sme položili na nich svoje ruky ... [brat Branham odchádza od mikrofónu. – pozn.prekl.]

28Náš nebeský Otče, kladieme svoje ruky na brata - v mene Pána Ježiša Krista, ako sme sa dozvedeli, Pane, že je spravodlivý. Ďakujeme Ti za toto povolanie do služby v jeho živote. Pane, hovor cez tohoto brata, dobíjaj duše, prinášaj vyslobodenie, Pane, pre tých, ktorí sú v zajatí, v nemoci či duševne, telesne alebo duchovne. Pane, daj mu skutočnú službu, aby sa mohol na konci svojej cesty pozrieť naspäť na tú dlhú cestu a aby videl, že bol schopný z milosti Božej zajať každého nepriateľa. Prosíme to skrze Ježiša Krista nášho Pána. Amen.

29Na brata Colemana tiež kladieme naše ruky ako svedkovia, Pane, uznávajúc tým jeho povolanie, že my, tento zbor, táto skupina ľudí, veríme v neho, že je sluhom Kristovým. A prosíme, aby si ho žehnal a dal mu veľkú, mocnú službu aby dobýval duše pre Teba, Pane, a vyslobodzoval zajatých a lámal moci Satana, ktoré sú okolo životov ľudí s ktorými sa stýka. Daj mu, Pane, ovocný život, dobré zdravie a silu. A tiež, keď príde na koniec tej cesty, Bože, daj aby sa mohol pozrieť naspäť na ten dlhý úsek a aby mohol vidieť, kde skrze milosť Ježiša Krista bol schopný zlámať každé puto nepriateľa na slávu Božiu.

30Nebeský Otče, nech títo muži teraz tak žijú a pracujú v žatve Božej. Nech spočinú na nich Tvoje požehnania a buď s nimi až do času až sa všetci zídeme pri nohách nášho veľkého Majstra. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

31Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Hunt a nech ti dá úrodnú službu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat, a nech ti tiež dá úrodnú službu, brat. Nech vás Boh žehná. Znovu.

Keď sa žeravý uhlík dotkol proroka

očistil ho, že bol tak čistý ako len mohol byť,

Keď hlas Boží povedal, „Kto pôjde pre nás?“

Vtedy odpovedal, “Tu som, pošli mňa!”

Hovor, môj (Nech On hovorí do mnohých mladých sŕdc.)

Hovor, môj Pane, hovor, môj Pane; (...?...povolaný Boží.)

... a rýchlo ti odpoviem.

Hovor môj Pane; Hovor môj Pane.

Hovor a ja odpoviem, “Pane pošli mňa!”

32Ako ďakujeme Pánovi dnes ráno za túto veľkú česť v zbore, že sme svedkami vysielania kazateľov na misijné pole v týchto posledných dňoch. Nech milosť Božia ide s vami, moji bratia. Dúfam, že On vás pošle na polia do zahraničia a po celom svete, aby ste kázali toto nevystihnuteľné bohatstvo Ježiša Krista, kde je to tak potrebné, svet to dnes tak potrebuje.

33No, tak veľa týchto dobrých vecí, musíme zobrať len trochu tu a trochu tam po poriadku, aby sme to všetko stihli v tomto zhromaždení dnes ráno. No, dnes sme ... Hovorím na tému, ktorú som ... Niekedy nerád pristupujem ku týmto skutočne veľkým chvíľam.

34No, minulú nedeľu, ak tu niekto z vás nebol a nedostal posolstvo “Tretí Exodus,” a ak radi počúvate tie pásky, verím, že sa budete z tejto tešiť: “Tretí Exodus.”

35Čo tu máme, chorého chlapca, či niečo také? Ó, malý chromý chlapec. Áno. Nech ho Boh požehná; To je to. Dobre. Na konci zhromaždenia sa aj tak budeme modliť za chorých. Vidíte? Tak my ...

36Prosíme vás, ak môžete, aby ste si zohnali to posolstvo Tretí Exodus. Keď tretí krát to Svetlo, Anjel Pánov, zavolal ľudí na exodus, ukázal sa viditeľne na zemi v exoduse. Vidíte? Myslím, že pre mňa je to skutočne mimoriadne: Tretí Exodus.

37Nebude vám vadiť ak si vyzlečiem kabát? Dnes ráno je tu v modlitebni strašne teplo a jediná klimatizácia, ktorú máme je, že sa môžete ovievať. Musíte vydávať svoju vlastnú silu. Plánujeme tu dať niekedy chladiaci systém, len čo to budeme môcť namontovať.

38No, budeme si ceniť, ak budete chcieť počuť to posolstvo. Tretí Exodus ... Mali sme veľa exodusov ale môžeme celkom iste položiť svoju ruku na to miesto, na čas troch exodusov, kde Boh vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa prišiel dole, aby zavolal a oddelil ľudí. A teraz to je oddeľovanie ľudí.

39A zistili sme, že keď On zavolal svoj prvý exodus, išiel pred nimi v Ohnivom Stĺpe a viedol ich do zeme, kde sa neskoršie zjavil pred nimi vo forme Muža, ktorý sa nazýval Ježiš Kristus. (On prišiel od Boha a išiel ku Bohu.) A potom bol odmietnutý. A potom prišiel, aby vyvolal ľudí z formálneho stavu, do ktorého sa dostali, tak ako tam v Egypte: odišli do hriechu a na cesty Egypťanov. A Boh ich vyvolal.

40A teraz, nachádzame, že druhý krát sú vydaní do zajatia Rímskeho Impéria. A dostali sa pomimo, do vyznaní a preč od skutočného úprimného uctievania a Boh znovu poslal ďalší exodus. A zjavil sa vo forme Muža, ktorý viedol ľudí.

41V prvom exoduse On bol Ohnivým Stĺpom. Potom, keď prišiel na zem v Baránkovi, kde ich viedol ... Čo za nádherný obraz to bude v miléniu, kde vedie cirkev teraz. Budeme Ho vidieť takého aký je. Budem mať telo ako jeho vlastné oslávené telo.

42A dnes, skrze svetlo evanjelia, ktoré odzrkadľuje Svetlo, Ohnivý Stĺp viditeľne medzi nami ... Veda to videla; Je to v časopisoch a po celom svete; A je to uznané aj vedecky aj duchovne, ako ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp skrze tie isté znamenia a tie isté veci, ktoré On stále robil.

43A teraz, uprostred dní, keď je množstvo fanatizmu a rôznych vecí, jednako, Boh sa stále identifikuje. No, nachádzame toto, a aké je to chválebné vedieť, že tento zemský príbytok, jedného dňa, toto staré slabé telo, v ktorom bývame chorí a postihnutí, bude premenené a urobené, ako je jeho vlastné oslávené telo. Potom Ho budeme vidieť takého aký je a budeme s Ním v zemi, do ktorej dnes putujeme. Ó, to robí, že sa takmer cítime akoby sme stáli a spievali, “Putujem do Zasľúbenej Zemi.” Oni to asi aj tak budú spievať pri krste, pretože to je naša pieseň pri krste.

44A teraz, pre tých bratov, aj tých tu aj pre tých kde idú tieto pásky (a oni idú po celom svete.), tieto posolstvá nie sú smerované na žiadnu určitú osobu. A nechceli by sme, aby si ľudia mysleli, že my sme nejaký druh klanu alebo banda fanatikov, ktorá sa spolu zhromaždila, aby sa oddelila, podľa všetkého nemajúc vieru, alebo aby sa oddelila proti niekomu, alebo proti Bohu, alebo proti cirkvi. My sme za cirkev, ale snažíme sa len ukázať skrze Ducha Svätého a jeho pomoc, dôvod pre toto oddelenie, ktoré dnes máme. My v to neveríme. Veríme, že všetky cirkvi majú mať spolu obecenstvo, nebyť oddelené od seba, Metodisti do svojej skupiny a Baptisti do svojej a jednotári a trojičiari a čo máme, všetky oddelené. Veríme, že to má byť spolu, ako jedna veľká zjednotená skupina tela Ježiša Krista čakajúca na ten slávny príchod. Vôbec nemajú byť oddelené.

45A čo to oddeľuje, musí byť nejaký základný dôvod, že nie sme spolu. Keď to skúmame, uvedomujem si, keď to skúmam, že to nie je farba kože; Pretože žltí, čierni, hnedí a bieli všetci sa delia v rôznych organizáciách. Nie je to druh stravy, ktorú jeme; Všetci jeme tú istú stravu; Nosíme taký istý druh oblečenia a tak ďalej. Ale vidím v čom to v podstate je; To sú ľudia, ktorí sa dostali pomimo tej vyšliapanej cesty učenia evanjelia. Každý človek ... A má byť nejaká cesta, ktorá jasne ukazuje, čo je dobré a čo zlé. A ten jediný spôsob, ako to uvidíte, to nie je dať Slovu nejaký výklad, čítajte ho len tak ako je a tak mu verte. Každý človek, ktorý dáva svoj vlastný výklad, spôsobuje, že ono hovorí niečo iné.

46Privádza to naspäť do tej pôvodnej organizácii Katolíckej cirkvi, pri čom Katolícka cirkev verí, že Boh je vo svojej cirkvi a Slovo s tým nemá nič spoločného a Boh je vo svojej cirkvi. A my Protestanti, ako to nachádzame v Zjavení 17, že všetci sa nahromadili spolu a Katolícka cirkev je matkou všetkých organizácií. A vidíme, že Protestantská organizácia slepo, slepo, má tú istú povahu ako Katolícka cirkev. Biblia nazýva Katolícku cirkev smilnicou a protestantské cirkvi nazýva smilnicami: je povedané, že tá smilnica bola mater smilníc. A to sú ľudia, to je žena zlej povesti, ktorá nežije verne svojim manželským sľubom. A my všetci tvrdíme, že sme Nevestou Kristovou a predsa tak neverní. Čo spôsobuje tú nevernosť? Život nezhodný s disciplínou, ktorú Boh predložil pre svoju Nevestu aby podľa nej žila (To je môj vlastný názor.), Bibliu. A to je neomylné Božie Slovo, verím. A preto, nachádzame, že protestantská cirkev, aby mala organizáciu sa oddeľuje dokonca od Písma, aby spravila svoju organizáciu.

47Kazatelia, ordinovaní, budú sa držať veci aby ... Ako prichádzajú do mojej pracovni a na tie miesta, stovkami a hovoria mi, “brat Branham, ty vyzývaš tých ľudí. Nikto sa tam proti tomu nepostaví. Oni vedia, že to je pravda.”

“Prečo,” hovorím, “prečo to nerobíte?”

„No vieš, keby som to robil, žobral by som o chlieb. Nikto ... Ja mám službu, musím sa dostať ku Pánovi. A musím sa dostať ku ľuďom. A nikto by za mnou nestál.“

48Či si len uvedomujete, že Kristus stojí za nami, Biblia stojí za nami. Vidíte? Ale to je ... Vidíte? Potom to vrhá protestantskú cirkev presne do toho istého v čom je Katolícka cirkev.

49“Katolícka cirkev sa nestará ...” No, nehovorím ... Nepredstavujem to tak hrubo, aby som povedal, že sa nestarajú o to, čo hovorí Biblia. Oni veria Biblii, ale (Viete?) Oni majú ... Apoštolskú následnosť, to je to na čom je založená katolícka cirkev; To je následnosť pápežov a Petra nazývajú prvým pápežom a tak ďalej. No, oni tomu veria; oni dôrazne tomu veria.

50A Protestanti (Vidíte?), oni sa zhromažďujú spolu a majú organizáciu, presne tak ako tí urobili v Nicei, v Ríme, kde zorganizovali katolícku cirkev na Nicejskom koncile. A nachádzame, že obaja sú takí istí; Obidvoje je rovnaké: oni opustili Božie Slovo aby urobili organizáciu. Vidíte? A potom keď to prichádza do mnohých veľkých právd, oni dnes vyzerajú divne, pre nich je to cudzie, pretože sú učení len skrze rituál. My nemáme žiadny rituál okrem Biblie. Nemáme nič okrem Božieho svätého Slova, a to je to na čom stojíme.

51A teraz, dnes chcem čítať nejaké miesto Písma, len chvíľu, z toho svätého, posvätného Slova Božieho, ktoré nachádzame v knihe svätého Lukáša, v 23. kapitole svätého Lukáša aby sme založili - získali platformu - chcem povedať, základnú myšlienku ku tej veci, o ktorej chcem hovoriť. A otvorte si teraz 23. kapitolu svätého Lukáša. A chcem prečítať jeden verš; To je všetko čo potrebujem pre tento základ dnes ráno aby som to na tom postavil. Čítame teraz z 23. kapitoly, 33. verš tej 23. kapitoly:

A keď prišli na miesto, zvané Lebka, tam ho ukrižovali, aj tých zločincov, jedného po pravej a druhého po ľavej strane.

52No, chcem z toho zobrať štyri slová, z toho čo sme prečítali aby som na tom založil to čo chcem povedať: oni ho tam ukrižovali: štyri slová. A moja téma sa nazýva ... Prinášam obžalobu na dnešné denominačné cirkvi a tiež na mnohé nezávislé, za to, že znovu dnes križujú Ježiša Krista: obžalúvam ich.

53Dnes ráno je to nazvané “Obžaloba.” Chcem to predstaviť trochu tak ako by to bolo v súdnej sieni, tam kde sú ... A nakoniec kazateľňa a zbor je súdna sieň. Biblia povedala, že to je súdna stolica - že súd musí začať od domu Pánovho. A toto je ako trón a porota a svedkovia a tak ďalej.

54A dnes mám, mojim svedkom je Božie Slovo a moja obžaloba je proti dnešným cirkvám. No, neprivádzam do tohoto hriešnika; Hovorím toto len cirkvi. A má to byť teraz na páskach a budem sa to snažiť prebrať tak rýchlo ako len budem môcť.

55Obžalúvam túto generáciu, že druhý krát ukrižovala Ježiša Krista.

56A teraz, aby som toto urobil v tomto veku, v ktorom žijeme ... V tomto musím ukázať dôkaz. Keď mám priniesť obžalobu, musíte predložiť dôkaz, že bol spáchaný trestný čin. Aby som ich obžaloval musím priniesť dôkaz a dokázať to, že to tak je - aby to, čo hovorím obstálo pred hlavným Sudcom, ktorý ... A ja sa postavím ako obhajca v tejto obžalobe.

57A Slovo Božie je mojím Svedkom, ja obžalúvam túto generáciu za ukrižovanie. Musím ukázať a ukážem, že ten istý duch je dnes na ľuďoch, ktorý spôsobil to prvé ukrižovanie a robí to isté. Musím to ukázať, ak to má byť ukrižovanie, že oni ukrižovali. Musím ukázať ľuďom, že dnes ten istý postoj v ľuďoch robí duchovne to isté, čo oni urobili vtedy telesne. Oni telesne ukrižovali Ježiša Krista Syna Božieho.

58A teraz, dnes pomocou toho istého Slova a skrze toho istého Ducha Svätého a toho istého Slova, chcem ukázať cirkvám kde stoja: že dnes robia to isté (A Biblia hovorí, že to urobia.), a dokázať, že toto je ten deň, v ktorom žijeme.

59To nemohlo byť spáchané pred niekoľkými rokmi. Povedzme pred päťdesiatimi rokmi to nemohli spáchať. Ale dnes je presne ten čas. Nemohlo sa to stať, možno pred desiatimi rokmi ale mohlo sa to stať dnes, pretože ten čas prišiel. Sme v čase konca. Verím, ako Jeho sluha, že sme práve v čase aby sme prešli z tejto zeme do inej.

60Preto, čas na pokánie pre národ skončil. Verím, že tento národ nemôže učiniť pokánie. Verím, že prekročil líniu medzi milosťou a súdom. Verím, že sa nachádza na váhach.

61“Brat Branham, prv ako začneš svoj proces, ako to dokážeš?” Proste takto: že sme vinní tých istých hriechov za ktoré Boh zničil svet v tom predpotopnom svete. Sme vinní tých istých hriechov, za ktoré On zničil svet v Sodome a Gomore. A teraz ... A máme úplne ten istý duchovný dôkaz, ktorý tu leží pred nami, presne ten istý duchovný dôkaz, známy po celom svete, ktorý priviedol dole milosrdenstvá Božie na tieto generácie a ich odmietnutie tiež priviedlo súd. Tak ak táto generácia odmietla to isté milosrdenstvo, ktorým opovrhli v tých dňoch, Boh by bol nespravodlivý keby ich nechal prejsť bez súdu.

62Ako Jack More, môj priateľ, raz povedal, „Ak tento národ prejde bez trestu od Boha, potom by Boh musel vzbudiť Sodomu a Gomoru a ospravedlniť sa im za to, že ich spálil.“

63No, vieme, že duchovne oni robia dnes to isté, lebo oni to robia aby - kvôli tomu istému a tak isto, ako to tí urobili pri ukrižovaní Pána, telesne. Oni to robia zo závisti, pretože sú duchovne slepí, lebo nechcú vidieť; Nechcú to počúvať. Ježiš, na svojej ceste tu na zemi, On povedal, “Dobre o vás povedal Izaiáš; Máte oči a nemôžete vidieť a uši a nemôžete počuť.” Vidíte?

64Ten istý dôvod, ten istý účel a tie isté argumenty, oni privádzajú znovu ukrižovanie Krista, znovu (ako sa za chvíľu ku tomu dostaneme), z tých istých dôvodov, ktoré oni mali vtedy. Oni nemôžu nájsť nič proti tomu; Neodvážia sa to napadnúť. A vedia, že tam je dôkaz; A vedia, že Biblia tak hovorí; A jediné čo sú schopní robiť je, že sa tomu rúhajú. Presne tak. Tak ... A všetko toto, tie isté dôvody ...

65A teraz, na základe tohoto napádam túto generáciu z ukrižovania Ježiša Krista, za ukrižovanie a obviňujem ich. So špinavými, zlými, sebeckými, denominačnými rukami križujú Knieža Života, ktorý sa chcel predstaviť ľuďom.

Poviete, “Či je to tá istá Osoba?”

66“Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom” a zjavilo sa. Slovo sa prejavilo v tele a oni odsúdili to telo a vydali ho na smrť; Pretože Slovo sa prejavilo. Židom 13:8 hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. To je to isté Slovo. Vidíte? A oni sa snažia z toho istého dôvodu ukrižovať to Slovo.

67No, idem ku svojmu textu, aby som sa vrátil naspäť ku téme, ktorú chcem vziať: “Tam” ...tie štyri slová. Vysvetlime to “Tam.” Tam, v tom najsvätejšom meste na svete, v Jeruzaleme, tam, v najnábožnejšom meste na svete ... “Tam oni,” najnábožnejší ľudia na svete, na náboženskom sviatku, na sviatku Veľkej noci. “Tam,” na najnábožnejšom mieste, v najnábožnejšom meste, tá najväčšia zo všetkých organizácií, hlava toho všetkého, tam oni, tí najnábožnejší ľudia na celom svete sa zhromaždili z celého sveta. Oni ukrižovali, to je tá najhanebnejšia smrť, aká mohla byť - akou človek mohol byť zabitý - nahý, zvliekli z Neho šaty. On opovrhol hanbou. Na krucifixe je ovinutý handrou, ale oni Mu vyzliekli šaty. Najhanebnejšia ... “Tam” (V tom najnábožnejšom meste) “oni” (tí najnábožnejší ľudia) “ukrižovali” (to je tá najhanebnejšia smrť) “Jeho” (tú najvzácnejšiu osobu).

68Či to nie je dosť na odsúdenie tej generácii ... “Tam,” tá najnábožnejšia organizácia, najväčšia zo všetkých cirkví sa zhromaždila na jednom mieste; “Oni,” tí najnábožnejší ľudia zo všetkých rás, ľudia, ktorí mali byť skutoční ctitelia Boha ... Oni sa zhromaždili na tom najväčšom sviatku aký mali, Veľkonočné očisťovanie, keď boli privedení z otroctva na slobodu. A tam v tom čase, “oni,” v tom čase, tí najnábožnejší ľudia, na tom najnábožnejšom sviatku, na tom najnábožnejšom mieste priviedli na Knieža Života tú najhanebnejšiu vec, ktorá mohla byť vykonaná: vyzliecť človeka a zavesiť ho na drevo; Pretože “Zlorečený ten ...” Povedal zákon, skrze ktorý ctili Boha, “Zlorečený ten, kto visí na dreve.” A On sa stal za nás zlorečenstvom. Vyzliekli Mu šaty, bili Ho a vysmievali sa Mu, samému Bohu neba, zobrali Mu šaty a pribili Ho na kríž ... “Jeho,” tam Ho oni ukrižovali rímskym trestom smrti.

69Najhanebnejšia smrť dnes by nebolo zastrelenie. Najhanebnejšia smrť dnes by nebolo, keby niekoho zrazilo auto a zabilo, alebo by sa utopil vo vode, alebo by zhorel; Ale najhanebnejšia smrť dnes je verejný trest smrti, kde vás celý svet odsudzuje a nazýva vás vinným. A celý svet položil svoje ruky na tohoto Muža a nazval Ho vinným, keď On bol nevinný. A On zomrel vydaný nepriateľom, nie svojim priateľom, nie jeho zákonom, ale vydaný nepriateľskému ukrižovaniu: Knieža Života, tá najvzácnejšia osoba, ktorá kedy žila alebo bude žiť, Ježiš Kristus, Jeho vydali, tú najvzácnejšiu Osobu. Zachovajte to teraz vo svojej mysli, keď pripravujeme priestor na vyjadrenie toho, čo sa deje dnes.

70Mohli by ste si predstaviť, že na mieste, ako je Jeruzalem, kde za dvetisíc päťsto rokov alebo viac, tí ľudia -- alebo stovky rokov ... to som možno povedal trochu veľa. To mohlo byť okolo osemsto alebo deväťsto rokov alebo tak nejako. Neviem presne koľko - koľko to bolo odvtedy keď postavili Šalamúnov chrám. Predpokladám, okolo osemsto rokov, tak nejako. A oni očakávali na príchod Mesiáša. Oni sa tam zhromaždili, aby si uctili Veľkú Noc. Len si to teraz predstavte: hlava všetkých Farizejov, Sadúceov a čo máte, jedno veľké zhromaždenie, aby ctili Boha ... Najsvätejšie miesto, Jeruzalem, chrám Pánov, a tí ľudia Pánovi zobrali Samého Pána a ukrižovali Ho, odsúdili na smrť. Niečo také.

71A teraz, tie štyri slová: “Oni - Tam Ho oni ukrižovali.” No, vy stále ukazujete Bibliu. Vidíte, to sú len štyri slová ale Biblia kondenzuje svoju pravdu. No, čo sa mňa týka, ja musím ísť okolo a vysvetliť to, o čom hovorím, ale Biblia nemusí nič vysvetľovať. To je proste všetko pravda. Tak oni - Biblia nemusí nič vysvetľovať. Ona to nemusí vysvetľovať, pretože to je všetko pravda.

72Tu sú štyri slová z jej veľkej reťazi pravdy. Pokúsim sa to vysvetliť. A snažiť sa to jasne vysvetliť, z toho by vznikla celá knižnica. Ja nijako nedokážem vysvetliť tieto štyri slová. Ale teraz, pokúsme sa s pomocou toho, ktorý spravil, aby to bolo zapísané, skúsme vysvetliť tieto štyri slová a prinesme to tak, že tomu ľudia budú rozumieť.

73Čo máme teraz pred sebou? Máme tu prvé ukrižovanie, ktoré leží pred nami na tom najsvätejšom mieste, tých najnábožnejších ľudí, najhanebnejšiu smrť, spáchanú na tej najvzácnejšej Osobe. Ó, taký protiklad. Ó, to je nehanebné.

74No, zoberme prv to prvé slovo: “Tam.” Hovorme o ňom za chvíľu, prv ako prinesieme obžalobu. Rozoberieme toto a ukážeme vám čo oni robili, potom zistíme, či je moja obžaloba správna alebo nie. “Tam,” V Jeruzaleme, na najsvätejšom chráme - mieste, pretože tam bol chrám; To najsvätejšie miesto, pretože to - tam bol chrám a židia z celého sveta sa schádzali na toto jediné miesto, ktoré bolo miestom stretnutia, kde sa klaňali Bohu. To najdôležitejšie miesto na bohoslužbu aké bolo, bol Jeruzalem. Tam bol chrám. A je napísané, že všetci ľudia sa majú klaňať Bohu v Jeruzaleme. Je to tak, pretože to je centrum uctievania Boha.

75A dnes ich počujete ... Jeden z nich chce povedať, že oni, “Ó, prichádzame na tieto veľké konferencie,” tam kde to tieto denominácie majú. A potom máme otvorenie vo Vatikáne, a tieto ordinácie pápežov a tak ďalej. Oni, každý hovorí, “Všetci máme ísť do tábora metodistov, alebo na baptististickú konferenciu,” alebo, “Všetci máme ísť do Ríma.” A tam je to veľké centrum kresťanstva, oni to tak nazývajú ...

76Počas tej poslednej vojny, keď Rím padol, títo nemeckí vojaci (mnohí z vás chlapcov viete o tom.), tí nemeckí vojaci sa dostali tam do Vatikánu a strieľali na Američanov, ako tam oni postupovali. Brat Funk a brat Roberson a mnohí z vás, brat Beeler a mnohí z týchto bratov, ktorí boli v tej vojne to vedia. A viete čo? Vydali sme rozkazy, aby nestrieľali na to mesto: Američania. Stáli ste tam a boli ste pre nich terčom; Ale pri Westmister Abbey v Anglicku, tam ste mohli strieľať. Tam sa zhromaždili protestanti, tak to bolo v poriadku strieľať tam, ale nestrieľať na Vatikán; Pretože ako prezident Roosevelt ... Počul som jeho reč, keď hovoril v rádiu ten večer, nazvali to “neformálna reč.” On povedal, “Keď Rím padol,” povedal, “taká hanba, pretože Rím je hlavou všetkého kresťanstva.” Môžete si predstaviť, že protestant hovorí niečo také?

77Tak to veľké centrum kresťanského náboženstva ... No, ideme to umiestniť tak ako Jeruzalem, ak chcete. Keby ste chceli, umiestnime to do Jeruzalema. To bola hlava všetkých týchto ďalších, Sanhedrinu a Farizejov a Sadúceov, oni všetci išli do Jeruzalema. To bolo skutočne hlavné sídlo.

78A v tom organizačnom živote, musíte pripustiť, že rímsko- katolícka cirkev je matkou tých všetkých. Skutočne je. A to začalo od Letníc, pretože to je spôsob ako sa tam dostali, keď sa zorganizovali. No, my, Protestanti sme len malé sestry tej cirkvi.

79A tak, povedzme, že by to bolo dnes tam vo Vatikáne, alebo tam v Jeruzaleme, ako to bolo v tom dni, keď sa všetci ľudia mali prísť do Jeruzalema pokloniť Bohu. Prečo to tak robili vo dňoch Ježiša? Prečo hovorili, že sa všetci majú prísť pokloniť Bohu do Jeruzalema? Pretože je len jedno miesto, na ktorom Boh bude mať obecenstvo s človekom; To je pod krvou obeti. Preto oni museli prísť do Jeruzalema. Boh sa nestretne s človekom nikde inde, len pod krvou. Keď odmietnete krv, potom vaše miesto stretnutia s Bohom je odstránené. Boh urobil svoje prvé rozhodnutie v záhrade Eden, že človek Ho bude uctievať jedine pod preliatou krvou obeti. A to je jediné miesto na ktorom sa Boh stretol vtedy s človekom; A to je jediné miesto na ktorom sa Boh vôbec kedy stretol s človekom; A to je jediné miesto na ktorom sa On stretáva s človekom dnes, to je pod preliatou krvou obeti. Rozumiete?

80Nestarám sa či si metodista, baptista, presbyterián, ak môžete zabudnúť na svoje rozdiely (rímsky katolík, čokoľvek ste) a prídete pod preliatu krv, Boh sa s nami oboma tam stretne. Tam sa všetci môžeme stretnúť a mať obecenstvo na tých istých zásadách. Ale inak, On sa s vami nestretne len preto, že ste metodisti. On sa s vami nestretne preto, že ste letniční. On sa s vami stretne pod jednou podmienkou; To je pod preliatou krvou, keď vaše hriechy boli vyznané a vyhnané z Jeho prítomnosti. Potom skrze krv ... A tá krv je stále pred ním; A preto, On vás môže vidieť len cez tú preliatu krv. A vy ste biely ako sneh (Vidíte?) keď ste vyznali svoje hriechy; Inak sa tam nedostanete. Nemôžete mať obecenstvo.

81To je dôvod, že nevidíte diať sa veci v cirkvách; Oni vyznávajú, že veria v krv ale odmietajú práve ten plán ako sa dostať do krvi, do Slova. Vidíte? Je len jeden spôsob ako Boh uzná to Slovo. Vy nedáte uznanie tomu Slovu, keď prídete a poviete, “Ja som rímsky katolík; Žiadam aby sa toto stalo.” Vy to nemôžete. metodista, baptista alebo letniční, nemôžete to urobiť. Jediný spôsob ako to môžete urobiť je pod milosrdenstvom Božím cez jeho milosť, to znamená prísť skrze preliatu krv Ježiša Krista; Poviete, “Pane, dožadujem sa toho zasľúbenia.” Vidíte? A potom, ak ste skutočne pod krvou, Boh je zaviazaný voči tomu Slovu. Ale prv musíte byť pod tou krvou. Vidíte to teraz?

82Nie divu, že ľudia nemôžu veriť zázrakom. Nie divu, že nemôžete veriť v nadprirodzené. Nie divu, že oni to odsudzujú. Dôvod, pre čo to odsúdili tam vtedy je ten istý, pre čo to odsudzujú dnes. Ste vinní tak ako len môžete byť, pretože len pod preliatou krvou ... A tí, ktorí by sa odvážili ... Nejaký obyčajný brat, ktorý sa odvažuje v pokore zobrať Boha za Jeho Slovo a vystúpiť tam a vyznať svoje hriechy a zabudnúť všetky tieto dogmy a všetko a postaviť sa tam pod krvou a veriť tomu, potom ľudia ho chcú nazvať fanatikom. Chcú ho klasifikovať ako by sme to povedali (Nie je to dobré slovo, aby sa používalo spoza kazateľni ale - tak to porozumiete.), je čudák. Nakoniec, či nie sme všetci čudáci? Vidíte? Veriaci je čudákom pre neveriaceho a neveriaci je čudákom pre veriaceho. Tak kto je ten čudák? Vidíte? Farmár je čudákom pre obchodníka; Obchodník je čudákom pre farmára. Vidíte? Tak kto ním vlastne je?

83Hovorím vám; Spasenie je individuálna záležitosť výlučne medzi človekom a Bohom: s jednotlivcom; s bázňou a trasením skúmame svoje spasenie. A nepoznám dnes ráno žiadny iný princíp, ako učiteľ alebo ako sluha od Krista, než ako to položiť na Slovo. Nemôžem to umiestniť na nič inšie.

84No, nachádzame tam potom, že len pod krvou sa Boh stretol so svojim ctiteľom, tak sa oni stretávali v Jeruzaleme. A Kristus je Božím pripraveným obetným baránkom. A dnes je len jedno miesto, na ktorom sa Boh stretne s človekom a to je pod krvou Ježiša Krista. Kdekoľvek inde je to odmietnuté. Boh to vôbec nebude počuť. Môžete robiť všetky možné emócie a všetky možné izmy a triasť sa a vyskakovať a mať krv a oheň a dym a všetko možné; Ale pokiaľ sa ten život nezhoduje so Slovom a Boh jasne neidentifikuje ten život, potom nie je potrebné pokúšať sa o to, pretože ste vonku. A Boh sa s tým nikdy nestretne, až kým to nepríde pod starostlivosť tej krvi. Je to tak.

85Tak vidíte, v Písme máme Jeruzalem (cirkev má); To je v nebi, nebeský Jeruzalem, kde Boh je Bohom. A dnes, to nie je pod nejakým vyznaním alebo niečím z čoho sa my snažíme urobiť Jeruzalem. My by sme radi ... Metodisti by radi - by radi urobili metodistické hlavné sídlo v Jeruzaleme; katolíci by radi urobili Rím. A tie rôzne miesta kde máme svoje hlavné sídla, chceli by sme to urobiť naším Jeruzalemom. Ale Biblia hovorí, že náš Jeruzalem je ten z hora, ktorý je matkou všetkých veriacich.

86No, a Kristus je Božím pripraveným baránkom. Všimnite si ako to teraz pasovalo, to ukazovalo, že ten Jeruzalem mal pominúť. Kedy? On bol efektívny až do tej hodiny; krv baránka bola v poriadku, až do toho dňa. Ale teraz, pri ukrižovaní sa to mení. Ten starý systém skončil. Bol nový a ten baránok mal byť obetovaný. Ten baránok, obetný baránok bol na zemi. Oni ho odsudzovali a robili presne to, čo mali urobiť. Je to tak.

87Nech je požehnaný Boh, že vidíme toto nádherné, nebeské svetlo v tomto poslednom dni, pretože cirkvi robia dnes presne to isté. Až do hodiny, keď organizované náboženstvo odsúdilo a preukázalo, že obetúva Kristove Slovo, odvtedy ďalej nastupuje Slovo a jedine Slovo. Od ... ten starý veľkonočný baránok pominul a Kristus sa stal našim baránkom v deň ukrižovania. A v ten deň, keď denominácie ukrižovali Slovo Božie a prijali vyznanie namiesto Slova, to je deň keď Slovo prichádza do plného efektu. To sa stalo práve nedávno.

88Všimnite si zadruhé: prv, “Tam,” v Jeruzaleme; Za druhé, “Oni.” Kto oni? Židia, ctitelia. Predstavte si to. Sami ctitelia zabíjali práve toho, o ktorom tvrdili, že ho ctia. Dokážete si predstaviť niečo také ako inteligentní ľudia, ktorí boli kňazmi, ktorí boli vyučení, ktorí mali doktorské tituly, že až možno ... Museli pochádzať z určitej generácii, či pokolenia, prv ako vôbec mohli byť kňazmi. Museli byť Leviti. Ich otcovia boli kňazi; Ich starí otcovia boli kňazi; Ich pra, pra, pra, pra, pra, prastarí otcovia boli kňazi. A museli žiť takým zasväteným životom, že ak by jedna jota bola proti nim, boli by ukameňovaní. Nebola udelená žiadna milosť. Svätí? Samozrejme, ale ich vlastná svätosť, museli sa tak správať aby ukázali svoju tvár pred svojou cirkvou. Vo vnútri, Ježiš povedal, “ste plní umrlčích kostí.”

89Hneď tam by som mohol podať obžalobu. Ľudia, ktorí vedia, že to je pravda, že toto Slovo je pravda a budú s ním činiť kompromis, aby ukázali tvár pred nejakou organizáciou. Vidíte? Mám právo obžalovať ich (Je to tak.) Na základe Božieho Slova.

90Všimnite si, “Oni,” tí ctitelia, ľudia, ktorí mali očakávať na to zasľúbenie, ľudia, ktorí na to mali očakávať roky a veky a nemali nič iné do roboty len ustavičné semináre; Ale oni rozdelili Slovo podľa učenia zo seminárov a prehliadli práve tú pravdu Slova. “Oni,” tí kňazi, kazatelia toho dňa; “Tam,” v ich hlavnom sídle, “oni,” kazatelia toho dňa zabíjali práve toho Boha, práve toho Baránka. Práve Toho, o ktorom tvrdili, že Ho uctievajú, oni Ho zabíjali.

91A dnes obžalúvam túto skupinu ordinovaných kazateľov. V ich vyznaniach a denomináciách križujú ľuďom práve toho Boha, o ktorom tvrdia, že Ho milujú a že Mu slúžia. Obžalúvam týchto kazateľov v mene Pána Ježiša na základe ich náuky, keď tvrdia, že dni zázrakov pominuli a že vodný krst v mene Ježiša Krista je nedostačujúci a nesprávny. Na základe každého z týchto slov, ktoré nahradili za vyznania, obžalúvam ich, že sú vinní, a že krv Ježiša Krista je na ich rukách, za to, že znovu križujú Pána Ježiša druhý krát. Oni verejnosti križujú Krista, berú ľuďom to, čo im majú dať a nahrádzajú to niečím iným namiesto toho: cirkevným vyznaním za popularitu.

92Tam “Oni, oni,” ktorí to mali vedieť lepšie ... Ak to mal niekto lepšie vedieť, tak to mali byť tí kazatelia. Ak by to mal niekto lepšie vedieť, mali by to byť tí duchovní tohoto dňa. Ak to niekto má vedieť, biskupi a arcibiskupi a kazatelia a doktori teológii by to mali vedieť lepšie. Ale prečo to nemôžu vedieť? Ó, čo za rozpor. Ó, čo tu máme pred sebou ak nie rozpor? Oni tvrdia, že ctia Boha a zabíjajú Knieža Života.

93Oni ... Tam Ho oni ukrižovali, a tu “oni” znovu robia to isté, pretože On je Slovo. To je to, čo ... On je len vyjadrením Slova. A to je On dnes, vyjadrením Slova, snaží sa nájsť niekoho, cez koho by sa vyjadril.

94A títo ľudia držia zhromaždenie preč od Boha. A ak sa čokoľvek deje a je to povedané v zhromaždení, oni to odsúdia z pódia, z poza kazateľni a povedali, “To je fanatizmus; Stráňte sa toho.” Tým, že to tak robia, ukrižovali Ježiša Krista v 1963 a sú tak vinní, ako tamtí vtedy. To je strašný výrok, ale je to pravda.

95Na ... To je presne to, čo oni dnes robia. A na základe tohoto, na základe toho, že križujú Krista, preto že berú Slovo a odoberajú ho ľuďom, to je presne to čo oni robili tam. Práve to Slovo, cez ktoré Boh vyjadroval svojho vlastného Syna aby dokázal, že to je to a Ten, o ktorom oni tvrdili, že ho milujú, Jehova, ktorý sa zamanifestoval cez Písma, urobil presne to čo povedal, že bude robiť, presne čo Boh povedal, že bude robiť a vyjadril to pred nimi. Preto, že milovali svoje cirkevné skupiny a také veci, odsúdili Knieža Života. A ja odsudzujem dnes tú istú skupinu a obžalúvam ich, že sú vinní pred Bohom, skrze Slovo Božie, že robia to isté. Táto generácia je obžalovaná.

96Pamätajte Židom 13:8. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

97Ako ho obžalovali? Pretože ich vyznania ho neprijali. A dole vo svojom srdci vedeli, že je to inak. Či to Nikodém v 3. kapitole Ev. Jána dôkladne nevyjadril? “Rabbi, my, Farizeovia, kazaelia, učitelia, my vieme, že si učiteľ poslaný od Boha, lebo žiadny človek by nemohol robiť tieto veci, ktoré ty robíš, ak by nebol s ním Boh.” Vidíte? Oni verejne vydali o tom svedectvo cez jedného svojho dobre známeho muža. A ...? ... kvôli svojim vyznaniam ukrižovali Krista. A dnes nieto čitateľa, ktorý by nevedel prečítať Skutky 2:38 tak isto, ako to ja čítam a to ostatné presne tak isto, ako to ja čítam. Ale kvôli svojim vyznaniam a kvôli svojim denominačným preukazom, ktoré majú vo svojich vreckách. (Znamenia šelmy, ktoré nosia ako preukazy spoločenstva) A berú tieto veci, križujú znovu Ježiša Krista a križujú Ho pred verejnosťou a rúhajú sa samému Bohu, ktorý zasľúbil, že bude toto robiť, prinášajú zatratenie na celú rasu.

98No, “Tam oni,” nie hriešnik, “Oni,” to je, cirkev toho dňa, oni našli vinu na človeku, ktorý bol Slovom. Je to tak? Našli vinu na človeku, ktorý bol Slovom. Teraz našli vinu na Slove, ktoré účinkuje cez človeka (Vidíte, oni to proste obrátili), ktoré je v tej osobe, cez ktorú účinkuje Duch Svätý, čo je Božím potvrdením. Ako vedeli, že On je Kristus? Pretože jeho skutky dokazovali, kto je. On povedal, “Kto z vás ma môže usvedčiť o hriechu? Ak som nevykonal presne to, čo Písmo povedalo, že budem robiť. A kto ... Nech mi niekto povie kde som sklamal, či som neukázal každý znak, že som Mesiáš, že som práve ten, ktorý vám bol zasľúbený...”

99Oni povedali, “My máme Mojžiša. My veríme Mojžišovi.”

Povedal, “Keby ste verili Mojžišovi, verili by ste mne. Mojžiš videl môj deň a mal túžbu žiť v tomto dni. Mojžiš to videl ďaleko v prorokoch. A vy tu žijete rovno pri tom a odsudzujete to.” Povedal, “Vy pokrytci, tvárnosť oblohy dokážete rozoznať ale znak času nedokážete.” Tu to je, znak času.

100Za čo ho oni pokladali? Za fanatika, blázna. Oni našli chybu na človeku, ktorý bol Slovom. On bol Slovo. Ev. Jána 1. kapitola to dokazuje. “Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.”

101On bol živým Božím Slovom, pretože vyjadroval Boha. On bol tak úplne vydaný Božiemu Slovu, že On a Slovo, to bolo to isté. A to je presne to, čím má byť dnes cirkev, že Slovo Božie je to isté. Ako môžete byť časťou toho Slova, keď prakticky zapierate všetko z neho? A príčinou, že sa to tak stalo nie sú tí ľudia. Preto si myslím, že mi Boh hovoril ohľadne toho, že som nazýval tých ľudí “Riki a Rikety.” To je preto, že tieto sebecké denominácie majú tých ľudí, ktorí tam žijú tak ako žijú. Oni ukrižovali pravdu a ľudia to nazývajú rúhanie, lepšie povedané rúhajú sa tomu. Nazývajú to fanatizmom a tak ďalej a nevedia, že sa rúhajú práve tomu Bohu, ktorému chodia do cirkvi slúžiť.

102Preto obžalúvam túto skupinu duchovných dnes. Obžalúvam túto generáciu v mene Ježiša Krista, z autority Božieho Slova: Vy Ho znovu križujete.

103Všimnite si, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, Božie Slovo potvrdené v človeku.

104Porovnajte tie dve Golgoty a ich obvinenie. Pamätajte, „Pretože on sa robil Bohom, nechceme aby tento vládol nad nami.“ Aké bolo to obvinenie, ktoré mohli nájsť to ráno na tom koncile, keď ukrižovali Ježiša? Že on sa robil Bohom - On bol Boh. A nedodržiaval Sabat - a On bol Pánom Sabatu. Oni Ho odsúdili pretože sa robil Bohom. „Toto nemáš právo robiť. Nemáš žiadne právo. Naši najvyšší kňazi ... Ak čokoľvek prichádza, to príde cez našich kňazov.“

105No, porovnajte to s Golgotou dnes. Keď Boh (to sa tak zaľúbilo Otcovi, Bohu, Duchu, aby vzbudil svojho vlastného Syna) zatienil Máriu Svätým Duchom a zrodila telo, ktoré Mu mohlo slúžiť a slúžiť Jeho účelu aby ... On ... Boh bol v Kristovi, Plnosť Božstva telesne, v Ňom vyjadroval ľuďom čo Boh je - dával poznať celému svetu čo Boh chcel aby každý jednotlivec bol: syn a dcéra. On zobral jedného človeka a urobil to. A preto, že On sa nepripojil ku ich organizáciám, oni Ho odsúdili a ukrižovali.

106No, porovnajte tú Golgotu s dneškom. Kvôli organizačnej zaujatosti, kvôli ľahostajnosti medzi učenými, ktorí majú poznať Božie Slovo a plán; Kvôli tomuto, Boh môže zobrať malú skupinu ľudí, cez ktorých môže niekde účinkovať a vyjadrovať sa, ktorí sa pokoria Slovu. A nemôžu povedať, že to nie je tak. Nemohli povedať, že to On neurobil lebo ich zhromaždenie bolo svedkom toho. Bolo to pred nimi. Nemohli to zaprieť. Nemohli zaprieť to, čo On tvrdil, pretože práve to slovo, o ktorom povedali, že mu veria, bolo tým, čo potvrdilo, že to je On, pretože Boh zobral Slovo, ktoré malo byť Mesiášom a ukázal ho cez človeka. A oni sa Ho museli zbaviť. Jediný spôsob ako mohli ísť ďalej bolo zbaviť sa Mesiáša. A oni to urobili skrze slepotu a neznalosť, bez ohľadu na svoje vzdelanie. Oni boli chytrí, múdri, svetsky hovoriac, ako sme to porovnali raz večer. Keď to svetlo zasiahlo toho bohatého mládenca, pozrite sa čo urobil. On to odmietol - chytrý človek. Pavel, iný chytrý človek, svetlo ho zasiahlo. Čo urobil? On to prijal. Zabudol všetko, čo kedy vedel, aby mohol poznať Krista. To urobilo jeho život hodný evanjelia. (Posolstvo z minulej nedele večer.)

107Tam to je dnes. To raní, možno, nejaký malý človek, ktorý odišiel, cítil, že má povolanie Božie, odišiel do nejakého seminára a naučil sa nejaké vyznanie. Musí žiť podľa toho vyznania alebo odovzdať svoju členskú kartu. Ak to urobí, je čiernou ovcou. Nikto ho nebude mať, pretože raz patril do niečoho a teraz do toho nepatrí. Oni zistili, že s tým človekom je niečo zlé a nebudú ho mať vo svojom zhromaždení, keď to zhromaždenie sa díva len na jeden znak a to je: ak verí to čo oni veria. Ak má členskú kartu, ak je Metodista ... Ak má kartu - patrí do iného obecenstva, alebo jednotár, alebo trojičiar alebo čokoľvek môže byť, Cirkev Božia, alebo v letničných kruhoch, všetky tie kruhy ... A nosí kartu, zdá sa im, že to ústredie ho prezrelo a otestovali mu myseľ a dali mu psychiatrický test a zistili či jeho IQ je dostatočne vysoké, že môže hovoriť pred nimi. Ak nie, dajú ho preč. Je to tak.

108Ale vidíte, zhromaždenie má pozorovať ruku Pánovu: či ho Boh ordinoval alebo nie. To je to na čo majú hľadieť. Ale dnes znovu križujú Syna Božieho. Keď je niekto schopný z milosti Božej, Boh ho povolal, nechá aby sa sám Boh cez neho prejavoval ... “Skutky ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť,” On povedal.

109Všimnite si, čo za deň v ktorom žijeme. Oni berú - oni berú práve tú Golgotu (môžeme dnes ráno) a ten istý dôvod ... No, oni vedeli, že to bola pravda, ale zo závisti, zaujatosti ... Čo im Ježiš povedal, “Ak ja prstom Božím vyháňam démonov, potom čím ich vy vyháňate? Nech sú oni vaši sudcovia. (Vidíte?) To ja prstom Božím vyháňam démonov ...”

Akoby ste ich počuli povedať, “Môžeš dokázať, že je to prst Boží?” Rád by som počul, keď sa ho to opýtali. Oni boli na to príliš chytrí.

110Všimnite si. Pretože On sa robil Bohom (A On bol Boh.) ... “Nechceme, aby tento vládol nad nami.” Ale teraz, tá vec. Ten istý starý krik znovu prichádza. Oni hovoria, “Bibliu napísali ľudia, nemusíme podľa nej žiť.” To je Božie Slovo; To je sám Boh.

Rozprával som sa včera s jedným mužom, povedal, “No, tú Bibliu mohol napísať nejaký človek.”

111Povedal som, “Áno. Jeho meno ... Poznáme ho ako Boha.” Bola písaná takmer za štyritisíc rokov, Písma, od Jóba, až do Nového zákona a bola písaná za stovky a stovky rokov a skrze rôznych ľudí, ktorí nepoznali jeden druhého, v rôznych častiach krajiny a ani jedno Slovo z Nej nevylučuje druhé. Vyzývam každého aby prišiel pod krv Ježiša Krista a dožadoval sa ktoréhokoľvek zasľúbenia v Nej. Boh je zaviazaný postarať sa o to. Ale oni to nechcú urobiť. Oni prídu, povedia, “Ó, Pane, chcem niečo robiť. Daj mi veľký dar. Haleluja, Pane. Sláva Bohu. Verím, že to mám. Haleluja.” To nikdy nebude fungovať. Môžete priniesť veľa psychológie ale to nebude fungovať. Boh musí uznať to pokánie; To musí urobiť Boh. Mohli by sme veľa o tom povedať, ale dúfam že rozumiete.

112Pozrite sa. Ale teraz oni nechcú, aby Slovo vládlo nad nimi. Ja hovorím, “Vráťte sa naspäť každý jeden; zle ste pokrstení. Vy ste pokrstení do katolíckej cirkvi.”

113“Kto si, že nám to hovoríš?” To nie ja; To hovorí Slovo. “Ale ja ti hovorím; My veríme ...” Nestarám sa o to čomu veríte; ide o to čo hovorí Biblia. “No, my nemusíme podľa toho žiť.” Musíte, inak ste pod súdom tejto Biblii, lebo, “Ktokoľvek odníme jedno Slovo z toho alebo pridá ku tomu jedno slovo, tomu bude odňatý diel z Knihy života;” Nech je to kazateľ, duchovný alebo ktokoľvek. Musíte prísť pod vládu tohoto Slova, lebo to je Boh. Biblia hovorí, že to je Boh. “Nechceme aby Ono vládlo nad nami.” Berú svoje vyznania a denominácie a svoje drobné obľúbené veci, v ktoré veria a ktoré boli prijaté na konciloch ľudí a to prijímajú namiesto Slova.

114Čo oni urobili? Zobrali Barabáša, vraha, namiesto Syna Božieho v ten deň prvého ukrižovania. A dnes berú slová nejakého človeka, ktoré sú klamstvom a cestou smrti a odmietajú cestu života, Božie Slovo. Odsudzujem túto generáciu, obžalúvam ju v Slove Pánovom, že sú zlí. Sú vinní ukrižovania, alebo snahy ukrižovať. Križujú Ducha ...

115Dožadujú sa prebudenia. Všade. Ako chcete mať prebudenie keď samo Slovo nemôže účinkovať medzi ľuďmi? Chcem aby mi niekto na to odpovedal. Ako to môže byť, keď zapierate samo prebudenie? Dobre o nich hovoril prorok, „forma pobožnosti.“ Ich vlastné formy tam vtedy zapierali Slovo Života. Ich vlastné formy dnes zapierajú to, čo im môže priniesť prebudenie. Ich vyznania a formy ... Tak veru. Oni berú denomináciu a svoje vierovyznania namiesto Slova a to križuje Jeho Slovo a zbavuje Slovo Božie moci nad ľuďmi. Keď vidia Slovo Božie tak živo v - ono sa proste samo vyplňuje, Boh dal zasľúbenie, že bude toto robiť a tu to On robí a oni si z toho robia žarty a odchádzajú od toho, to je rúhanie. A oni sa snažia ukrižovať samo Slovo. Prečo ho križujú? Nemôžu ukrižovať Slovo, tak ako ani nemôžu ukrižovať Boha. Mohli ukrižovať telo, ktoré skrývalo v sebe Boha, Syna Božieho, to mohli ukrižovať, ale nemôžu ukrižovať Boha. On musel byť vtedy braný ako Obeť aby priviedol mnohých synov, ktorí sú predurčení do Večného Života. Oni to vtedy museli urobiť, ale nemôžu to robiť teraz. Nemôžu to robiť lebo Slovo samo bude žiť ďalej. Ale oni ...

116“Čo oni robia? Ako to robia? Čo potom hovoríš, kazateľ? Ako tu staviaš svoje pódium, že oni Ho potom križujú?” Oni skrze svoje vierovyznania križujú efekty Evanjelia na ľuďoch. To je to ukrižovanie, kde ten verejný postoj v týchto veľkých márniciach, ktoré sa nazývajú cirkvi, denominácie a stanovené medze vyznania; a to má ... a tak Slovo Božie nemôže mať účinok na nich, pretože odsúdili práve to čo Kristus povedal, že sa bude diať. To proste neprichádza podľa ich vyznania a ani Ježiš neprišiel podľa toho ako oni rozumeli, že príde. On prišiel tak ako Ho Boh poslal a prišiel presne podľa Slova. Nie divu, že povedal, že to skryl pred múdrymi a rozumnými a zjavil to nemluvňatám, ktoré sa budú učiť. Rozumiete? Ó, oni ukrižovali účinky Slova.

117Mám tu veľa miest Písma. Možno budem citovať dve alebo tri z nich. Oni ukrižovali ... Vy hovoríte, “Ako oni ukrižovali Slovo?” Keď Ježiš povedal, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, Židom 13:8, oni hovoria, “Určitým spôsobom je.” Vidíte? No dobre. A ak Ježiš povedal, jeho posledné prikázanie pre cirkev, “Choďte do celého sveta (Marek 16) ... Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium; Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí uverili,” ... do celého sveta, každému stvoreniu, ešte to nedosiahlo ani polovicu. A každý rok milióny zomierajú, ktorí vôbec ani nepočuli meno Ježiš. Tak to je stále všeobecné nariadenie, to je stále prikázanie Božie. “Do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu. Ten kto uverí a pokrstí sa bude spasený; Kto neuverí bude odsúdený. A uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia: V mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov; Budú hovoriť novými jazykmi, ak budú hadov brať alebo piť niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im: ak na chorých budú klásť ruky, budú uzdravení.” A oni hovoria, že to bolo pre tamtú generáciu a na tom zbavujú prikázanie Božie moci. A križujú efekt slova pre ľudí. Amen.

118Peter povedal v deň letníc (s kľúčmi kráľovstva, ktoré mu Ježiš práve dal, “Čokoľvek poviete tu, Ja to poviem tam hore.”) ... A v deň letníc sa pýtali čo majú robiť aby prijali Ducha Svätého, keď sa oni z toho tak tešili, pozorovali na iných ako sa správali, čo ľudia nazvali hlúpym: potácali sa, vyskakovali, padali a správali sa akoby boli opilí. A oni hovorili, “Títo ľudia sú naplnení novým vínom.”

119Ale vystúpil tam muž, ktorý sa nazýval Peter, ktorý mal kľúče kráľovstva; On povedal, “Títo nie sú opití (Skutky 2) ako sa vy domnievate, vidíte, že je len tretia hodina dňa. Ale toto je to čo bolo povedané.” Vidíte? Znovu rovno naspäť do Slova, ukazuje že Duch je Stále Slovo a Slovo je stále Duch, Slovo Božie. “A stane sa (ako je povedané cez proroka Joela, Joel 2:38), a stane sa v posledných dňoch, povedal Boh, vylejem svojho Ducha na každé telo.” Počúvajte toho proroka, ktorý tam stojí. Pozrite sa na neho, nebojácny, stojí tam pred tou skupinou ľudí a odsudzuje ich, obžalúva ich. Povedal, “Toto je Písmo. Toto je to čo povedal prorok, - Ja vylejem svojho Ducha na každé telo. Vaši synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať. A na svoje dievky a služobníkov vylejem svojho Ducha. A dám vidieť znamenia na nebi hore a na zemi, oheň a stĺpy dymu a paru.” Dokazoval to Slovom, že to je Slovo a oni sa smiali a robili si žarty z toho a odišli na súd; A mesto bolo spálené a oni jedli deti jeden druhého. A dnes sú oni ľuďmi rozprášenými po celom svete, ukazujúc, že Duch Svätý je stále Slovom Božím aby priniesol toto Slovo, aby Ho oživil.

120Ježiš Kristus bol tou Osobou, Človekom, Bohom. Haleluja. On bol manifestáciou Boha. On bol Boh vo forme tela, aby vyjadril Slovo Božie na ten vek, aby dal vidieť tomu veku Božie zasľúbenie na ten vek. A Duch Svätý je dnes tým istým; To je Duch Boží na tom napísanom Slove, snaží sa nájsť niekoho, aby sa vyjadril v tomto veku, aby dokázal, že je ten istý včera dnes i naveky; Ján 14:12: “Skutky ktoré ja činím aj vy budete činiť.” Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera dnes i naveky. Vidíte? Stále sa snaží nájsť svoj spôsob, aby sa vyjadril ...

121A oni to nemohli vidieť. Ľudia tak veľmi mysleli o svojich denomináciách, o svojich malých hniezdach, ktoré mali a takých veciach, čo nazývali svojimi cirkvami, tak, že to nepočúvali. Tak isto to robia dnes, to je to isté, znovu križujú.

122Peter, v deň letníc on povedal, “Vy mužovia, ktorí bývate v Jeruzaleme, v Júdei, počúvajte na moje slová. Títo nie sú opilí. Ak sa upokojíte, ukážem vám čo to je.” A pokračoval a vysvetlil im to. Keď ich srdcia boli prebodnuté, keď to počuli, povedali, “Čo máme robiť, aby sme boli spasení? Čo máme robiť, aby sme Toto prijali? Sme presvedčení, že tvoje slová sú pravda.”

123On povedal, “Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť jeden každý z vás na meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého. Lebo toto je pre vás a pre vaše deti, pre tých, ktorí sú široko-ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh.” Toto je to čo oni mali robiť: učiniť pokánie a dať sa pokrstiť na meno Ježiša Krista.

124A dnes rímsko-katolícka cirkev prijala “Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý,” aby to tým nahradili. Namiesto večery Pánovej, vyplazia jazyk a dostanú oblátku a kňaz vypije víno a spolu ste jedno. Večera Pánova, namiesto osoby Ducha Svätého to nazvali “Svätá sviatosť oltárna.” A “Otec, Syna a Duch Svätý,” trojičný krst, keď v Biblii to nie je ani povedané ... Meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého je Pán Ježiš Kristus. A keď toto ukážete tomuto krivolakému pokoleniu, ako povedal Peter, “Zachráňte sa od tohoto pokolenia krivolakého,” keď im to ukážete, čo robia? Robia si z toho žarty a hovoria, “Naša cirkev to tak neučí.” Potom ste vinní; Ste vinní za ukrižovanie Ježiša Krista tým, že odstraňujete moc Božiu od ľudí. Križujete práve to Slovo pre nich, a odsudzujete sa so svojím zhromaždením a vediete ich do osídla smrti.

125Ako som minulú nedeľu povedal o tom kazateľovi, to bol Martin Luther King tam s tými vzácnymi ľuďmi, vedie ich rovno do osídla smrti. Ó, keby sa len niekto mohol porozprávať s tým človekom. Prial by som si to. Len kvôli nejakému malému povstaniu ohľadne školskej záležitosti, alebo nejakej ... Aký je v tom rozdiel. Och joj, ak ľudia nemajú srdce dostatočné na stotožnenie sa s človekom pre jeho farbu, sú aj tak odsúdení a mŕtvi. Tento národ im dáva právo ... Nebojujte proti tomu. Ne ...

126Čo keby niekto povedal, že všetci Íri alebo niekto, všetci Nemci alebo niekto ďalší sa musí dištancovať. To by kresťanov vôbec netrápilo, oni by išli rovno ďalej. A ten človek je kresťan. Ako kazateľ, on by nemal viesť tých ľudí do vzbury proti tomu. A oni spôsobia, že zomrú milióny. To začne ďalšiu revolučnosť. To je hanba robiť to.

127Tá istá vec sa deje práve tu. Znovu presne to isté. Je to tak. Vidíte? Ľudia, keby sa len pozreli na Pravdu a videli čo je Pravda ... “Naša cirkev tomu neverí. My máme iný spôsob.“ No, to nie je ten správny spôsob. To nie je to.

128On povedal, “Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť na meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov.” No, oni to nechcú robiť. Ó, čo potom urobili? No, to je len jedna vec zo stoviek ku ktorým sa dostaneme, možno, tak rýchlo ako len môžeme.

129No, to druhé ukrižovanie potom ... Ak človek prijíma “Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý,” vyznanie namiesto Slova, tituly namiesto mena, čo tým robí ľuďom? Križuje Slovo, že nemá na nich efekt. Keď hovorí, že Marek 16 bolo len pre tú generáciu a Sám Boh povedal rovno tu, Ježiš im hovorí, povedal, “Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu. Ten kto uverí a pokrstí sa bude spasený; Kto neuverí bude odsúdený. A tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých ...” Ako ďaleko? Do každého národa, každého vyznania, každého jazyka, každej rasy, všetkých ľudí, to isté evanjelium. „A tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí uveria.“ A keď sa to snaží niekto z Biblii odstrániť, ukrižúva efekty evanjelia na zhromaždení. Tak obžalúvam vás v mene Ježiša Krista: Ste vinní vraždenia Pána.

130Cirkev Ho nenávidela. Prečo? On bol práve ich Boh. Oni Ho nenávideli a zapreli, že je ich Mesiášom. Nie, oni nechceli takého Mesiáša. A dnes cirkev robí to isté; Zapiera Slovo. Oni Ho nechcú; Ono sa nezhoduje s tým čomu boli naučení vo svojich vyznaniach veriť. A Slovo je Mesiášom. Veríte tomu? No, vyjadrenie Slova je potom čo? Odzrkadľovanie Mesiáša, to je Duch Svätý medzi nami. On vyjadruje seba samého, snaží sa, kdekoľvek môže nájsť nejakú lampu cez ktorú sa môže dívať, ktorá nie je začmudená vyznaniami a takými vecami. On môže cez ňu dať svetlo.

131Pamätáte sa oni povstali a ozdobili svoje lampy a umyli tie cylindre, ale je príliš neskoro. Tak keď niekto vidí týchto Luteránov, Presbyteriánov, Metodistov, ktorí sa snažia prísť v týchto posledných dňoch a dostať Ducha Svätého, no, viete, že ho nedostanú. No, oni môžu hovoriť v jazykoch a vyskakovať hore dole ale pozorujte čo sa deje. Oni úplne ... To je znak času, že je s ňou koniec. Sme na konci. Kedykoľvek cirkev môže počuť vyzvanie, aby vystúpila vyššie. Amen. Presne tak, je dávaná do poriadku. Duch Svätý tu činí Ježiša Krista realitou, cez tých, cez ktorých On môže pracovať, dokazovať sa; Prichádza dole, robia mu fotografiu, ukazujú to, spôsobuje, že veda o tom hovorí a všetko ďalšie, dokazuje presne to, čo povedal, že bude robiť. Robí presne tie veci, ktoré povedal, že bude robiť, podľa Písma. Nie podľa nejakého vyznania, ani nie podľa nejakého vypracovaného ľudského názoru: množstvo krvi, ohňa a dymu a takých vecí; Ale Biblický dôkaz Mesiáša.

132Povstalo množstvo napodobenín a napodobovateľov a tak ďalej ale to len spôsobuje, že to skutočné Slovo vydáva svoje najlepšie svetlo. Je to tak. Nech ľudia, ktorí sú duchovní a ktorí môžu rozsúdiť medzi dobrým a zlým ... Rozumiete?

133Zapierajú Ho. Zapreli svojho Mesiáša. “My Ho nechceme.” To isté robia dnes. “No, ak mám tam ísť a správať sa ako tá banda, tak to vôbec nechcem.” Dobre, potom to vôbec nemáš; To je všetko. Vidíte? To isté je dnes.

134Hoci bol náležite zidentifikovaný, oni Ho nechceli. Nenávideli Ho. Prečo to bolo? On nazval ich pastorov hadmi. On povedal, “Vy vybielené steny, nie ste ničím iným ako cintorínom. Váš vonkajšok je vyleštený rúchami a goliermi a vo vnútri sú umrlčie kosti.” On nerobil žiadne okolky. Jeden obyčajný prostý Galilejčan, tesárov syn ale On nerobil žiadne okolky; On im povedal.

135“Nemyslite si ...” Povedal Ján, Jeho predchodca, (On je ďalší, ktorý nerobil žiadne okolky.) On povedal, “Neprichádzajte sem a nehovorte, že máte otca Abraháma. Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi.” Tak veru. “Sekera je priložená na koreň stromu a každý strom, ktorý neprináša ovocie bude vyseknutý a hodený na oheň.” Tak veru. Boh je prísny, tvrdý a striktný so svojím Slovom. Tak veru.

136Všimnite si, Ježiš, dokázaný skrze Písmo ... Počujete ma? Ježiša zidentifikoval Boh skrze Písma, že je Mesiáš. Je to tak? Za chvíľu prídeme ku Petrovej obžalobe a budete vidieť, či je to tak alebo nie. On bol jasne zidentifikovaný, že On je Boh zamanifestovaný v človeku nazvanom Syn Boží. Je to tak. Tiež bol jasne zidentifikovaný a potvrdil zasľúbené Slovo, že je Mesiáš ... Mojžiš povedal, “Tento Mesiáš, keď príde On bude prorok,” a všetko toto sa stane. Tá žena, ktorá stála pri studni a celý ten jej špinavý stav, v ktorom sa nachádzala, čo to symbolizovalo? Že Boh v týchto posledných dňoch potiahne odvrhnutých.

137Pamätáte sa minulý večer na tú svadobnú - alebo to bolo inokedy, kázal som tu na tému “Svadobná večera,” On povedal - Ako On povedal, “Urobil som veľkú hostinu a tak ďalej a všetci títo ľudia, ponúkol som im; A každý sa vyhováral?”

138“Nemôžem prísť, pretože to by zničilo naše vyznanie.” “Nemôžem prísť, pretože mám ... oženil som sa; Žena nechce aby som prišiel.”

139“Oženil som sa tu do zboru. Moja mama bola metodistka, alebo baptistka alebo katolíčka, ja sa proste nemôžem za tým postaviť.”

140On povedal, “Vy neprídete a neokoštujete moju večeru. Vyjdite a prinúťte prostitútky a smilnice a opilcov a ktokoľvek tam je. Priveďte ich a Ja ich napravím. Pripravil som moju večeru a moji hostia - stoly sú ustavené; A niekto tam bude.” Oni neprišli; To odsudzovalo tých židov. A čo dnes?

“Ja patrím ku presbyteriánom.”

“Ja nemôžem ... ku luteránom.”

“Ja som jednotár.”

“Ja som dvojičiar.”

“Ja som toto; Ja nemôžem ...”

141Tu to máte. “Potom tam nebudeš.” To je presne to, čo On povedal. Je to tak.

142Náležite potvrdený Mesiáš, náležite potvrdené Slovo, zasľúbené Slovo ... Boh, ktorý zasľúbil to Slovo, že toto je to, čo Mesiáš bude, On tu prichádza a obstál presne; a povedal im, “No, kde som sklamal? Ak nemôžete veriť mne ako človekovi, verte tým skutkom, ktoré činím, lebo oni hovoria kto som. Tie skutky hovoria, že som Mesiáš. Vy mi nechcete veriť, pretože si myslíte, že Jozef tam ... A ja som sa tam narodil v malej chatrči a tu môj - pestún je tam tesárom. A vy ...”

143Keď prišiel tam do Galilei, ľudia - a išiel niečo urobiť - povedali, “Hej, kto je toto? Kto je to? No, tento človek, či Jozes a oni všetci, jeho bratia, nie sú tu? Či nie sú jeho sestry s nami? Či sa jeho matka nenazýva Mária a jeho otec Jozef? Kde ste zobrali takéhoto človeka? Z akej školy vyšiel? On nemá žiadnu kartu obecenstva; Nemá žiadne odporúčajúce listy. Prečo takýto človek ... Odkiaľ si to vôbec zobral?” A Biblia hovorí, že sa urážali na Ňom. Hovorí, že tam nemohol urobiť mocné skutky a len sa otočil a odišiel od nich. Povedal, “Prorok nie je bezo cti iba medzi svojimi vlastnými ľuďmi (Vidíte?), vo svojom vlastnom kraji.”

144Tu ho máme, náležite potvrdeného Mesiáša, nepripisoval si žiadnu chválu; On povedal, “Ja nemôžem nič činiť len to, čo vidím činiť Otca.” A On ich vyzval aby sa pýtali, či to nie je Mesiáš.

145A pozrite sa na tú ženu zlej povesti; Ona to rozpoznala. Ona nemala dobrú povesť. Jej lampa bola ... Ona bola morálne skazená, samozrejme, nikto by to nepodporil. Zákony Božie to odsudzovali. Ona bola morálne zlá, ale ona ... Vidíte? Boh vás nesúdi podľa vášho - čo ste. On vás nesúdi podľa toho akí ste veľkí alebo malí. On súdi vaše srdce, čím chcete byť. A ona nechcela žiadnu z tých vecí - to sa proste zablysklo pred ňou, to bolo to čo ona chcela. Bez ohľadu na to čo bola vtedy, ona bola hotová prísť. Boh súdi srdce. Človek súdi podľa vonkajšieho výzoru. Boh sa díva na srdce. Bez ohľadu na to čo bola, to Svetlo sa zablysklo a tým to bolo vybavené. Ona uvidela podstatu Večného života.

146Ó, aké je to pre mňa bohaté, vidieť a vedieť, že to je pravda. Budem stáť s tým. Boh nebies povstane a môj hlas bude tam na magnetofónovej páske Božieho veľkého času. A to odsúdi túto generáciu v tom poslednom dni. Pretože to je potom na magnetofónovej páske; To bude potom na večnej páske. Je to tak. To odsúdi túto generáciu kazateľov, ktorí majú formu pobožnosti a zapierajú moc Slova a Jeho manifestáciu, keď je ono náležite overené, že On je stále Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Obžalúvam ich podľa Slova Božieho.

147Musím ísť rýchlo do ďalšieho zasľúbenia pretože máme len okolo pätnásť minút.

148“Tam oni ... Tam oni ...” Čo? Ó. Golgota. A oni Ho ukrižovali. Zatretie: Oni Ho ukrižovali lebo nerozpoznali zasľúbené Božie Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. A prečo ukrižovali toho človeka? Môžete si to vôbec predstaviť? Dovoľte, že na chvíľu sa ku tomu vrátim. Prečo tí ľudia ukrižovali takého človeka?

149Ako Mária ... Keď som raz čítal jednu knihu, ktorá sa volala “Knieža z domu Dávidovho” ... to napísal Ingraham, Dr. Ingraham. Výborná kniha, to je dráma. Údajne je to čiastočne pravda z nejakých starých rukopisov od nejakej ženy, ktorá sa nazývala Adena. Ona išla myslím do Palestíny z Egypta, z Káhiry, aby dokončila vzdelanie. A ona tam bola v čase Krista. A ona to údajne písala domov svojmu otcovi. Bolo by to dobre, keby ste si to zobrali a prečítali, je to skutočne dobré. “Knieža z domu Dávidovho.” Ten istý napísal Ohnivý Stĺp ... A z toho ten Cecil De Mille zobral “Desať prikázaní.”

150No, v tejto knihe sme videli, že táto Adena odpisovala a povedala, že v deň ukrižovania Mária Magdaléna, z ktorej On vyhnal sedem démonov, bežala pred zástupom a hovorila, “Čo On urobil? Čo urobil? Len uzdravoval chorých a snažil sa vyslobodiť tých, ktorí boli uväznení. Čo zlého urobil? Nech to niekto povie!”

151A nejaký chlap jej dal facku, že preletela skoro na druhú stranu dvora a povedal, “Či budete veriť tej hlúpej žene viac, ako vášmu kňazovi?” Vidíte, vidíte?

152Tu to máte. Vidíte? Čo urobil? Nič neurobil. Prečo Ho ukrižovali? Prečo? Prečo? Pretože nerozpoznali kto On je. A to isté je dnes. Kazatelia a ľudia v týchto dňoch a naši moderní učitelia tak poplietli ľudí, aby verili, že toto je čarodejníctvo alebo diabol alebo telepatia alebo nejaký podvod alebo nejaký trik, že až ľudia nerozpoznávajú, že to je potvrdené Božie Slovo na tento deň. To je znak posledného dňa.

153Cirkvi, ak nepatríte do ich organizácie, oni povedia, “Ó, no, to je niečo vymyslené. To je podvod. Aha, pozrite sa tu na toho a toho a na toho a toho.” Ale nech raz dokážu, že tá skutočná vec je podvod. Och. Nech raz dokážu, že to bolo zlé. Nemôžu to dokázať. Nikdy sa neukázalo, že by to bolo zlé a ani to nikdy nebude, pretože to je Boh. Vidíte? Ale oni radi poukazujú; Oni si myslia, “Ó, keby to bol človek s nejakým veľkým menom ...” Pretože to je malá skupina, malá skupina, ktorá je odstrčená. “Vylúčili sme tých ľudí z nášho zboru. Vidíte? Oni ... Oni zvykli chodiť do našej skupiny, ale vyšli s týmto a vyšli s tamtým a teraz (Vidíte), skončili s ... No, pozrite sa čo to je, kto to je.” To ma nezaujíma. To isté mohli povedať o Petrovi, Jakobovi a Jánovi. Povedali “Nevzdelaní a neučení ľudia.” Ale museli si všimnúť; Niečo sa stalo od toho času. Oni bývali s Ježišom. To bol ten rozdiel. Vidíte?

154Urobili to, pretože nevedeli kto On je. Oni nevedeli, že potvrdenie Božieho Slova nestálo tam vtedy ... No, to bolo na jeden deň a to bolo dobre. To bolo na jeden deň, aby dodržiavali zákony a také veci. Ale tie isté zákony, ktoré boli - ktoré mali zachovávať, im ukazovali na čas, že On príde a bude týmto mužom, ktorým mal byť. Oni mali túto časť ale neprijali tú ďalšiu.

155A to je to isté, čo ľudia robia teraz. Majú cirkev a veria v Ježiša Krista a hovoria, že veria a všetko také, ale zapierajú hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Stále to privádza naspäť to staré príslovie: Človek stále chváli Boha za to čo učinil, očakáva na to čo má činiť - alebo bude činiť a ignoruje to, čo práve činí a skrze to je odsúdený. Vidíte? Oni si myslia, že Boh je výborný, aký je veľký. Čo bude robiť. Príde a jedného dňa bude vytrhnutie a pôjdeme domov; A zapierajú práve tie znamenia a zázraky rovno tu, v tomto čase, o čom Písmo hovorí, že On to bude robiť; Všetko to prehliadajú. “Ak slepý vedie slepého,” Ježiš povedal, “oni všetci spadnú do jamy.” Prosme len Boha, aby otvoril naše oči v týchto posledných dňoch. Dobre.

156Teraz, to isté, oni robia dnes to isté; zapierajú a križujú dnes toho istého Boha, lebo Ho nepoznajú. To isté, skrze to, že Ho zapierajú a robia ... Tým, že zapierajú tie veci, tým, čo dnes robia, nekrižujú znovu presne Krista ale sa rúhajú Svätému Duchu. A keď to robia, tak sú ... Ako sa rúhajú Duchu Svätému? Ako sa mu rúhali tam, vtedy? No, oni sa mu vtedy nemohli rúhať; On ešte neprišiel. Oni nazývali Ježiša Belzebúbom, nazývali Ho Belzebúbom, pretože mohol poznať tajnosti ich srdca a také veci. Povedali, “Toto je diabol.” Inými slovami, “On je veštec. Preto toto robí, veštením. On nie je nič iné ako diabol.” Vidíte? Oni štyristo rokov nemali proroka a vyrástli z toho. Vidíte? Mali len svoj zákon. Hovorili, “Toto je Belzebúb.”

157A Ježiš povedal, “Ja vám to odpúšťam, ale keď príde Duch Svätý (Vidíte? Teraz.), poviete jedno slovo proti Nemu a nikdy vám to nebude odpustené.” Pamätajte, to nebude môcť byť, za žiadnych okolností, žiadne zmilovanie ... Keď sa rúhate a nazývate Ducha Božieho, Slovo Božie, ktoré je potvrdené skrze Ducha ... Vidíte? Slovo tak hovorí; Duch ho potvrdzuje a vy to nazývate nečistým, prestúpili ste líniu medzi milosťou a súdom a to nikdy nemôže byť odpustené. Preto obžalúvam túto generáciu lebo sú vinní za križovanie, rúhanie sa zamanifestovanému Synovi Božiemu. To je jeho zasľúbenie, lebo všetci proroci, a sám Kristus zasľuboval, že v posledných dňoch bude tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho a vo dňoch Sodomy.

158Ich rúhanie, ktorým znovu križujú ľuďom Syna Božieho. On je to zasľúbené Slovo. Jedno slovo proti Tomu nikdy nemôže byť odpustené. No, čo budete potom robiť? Kde sa postavíte? Oni sú odsúdení, čakajú len na hodinu Božieho hnevu, aby bol vyliaty. On ich rozmrví.

159Viac milujú ľudské náuky a denominácie a dogmy, než ako potvrdené Slovo Božie, táto generácia ľudí ... Ó. Prajem si, aby som mal na toto viac času. Vidíte? Táto generácia ľudí, “táto generácia pohŕda Božím zjavením ale my ideme tam kde apoštolovia.” Je to tak. Boh ...

Vy vravíte, “To hovoria tiež aj iní.” Boh to potvrdzuje.

160Ježiš povedal, “Ak tie skutky nesvedčia o Mne, potom choďte a povedzte, že to len ja sám hovorím. Ale ak to tie skutky dokazujú, verte radšej tým skutkom (Vidíte?), pretože to je tá hodina.” Povedal, “Viete, že zajtra bude svietiť slnko alebo bude zlé počasie, podľa toho, že je červená obloha a zamračené; Zajtra bude pekne.” Povedal, “Tvárnosť oblohy viete rozoznať ale o znakoch času neviete nič. Keby ste poznali Boha, poznali by ste môj deň.”

161A oni povedali, “Ty berieš príliš veľa na seba, robíš sa Bohom.” A dali Ho na kríž.

162A Duch Svätý dnes nie je žiadna tretia osoba; To je sám Boh zamanifestovaný v ľudskom tele, aby skrze Krv Ježiša Krista posvätil život, aby sa sám mohol cezeň prejaviť. A oni križujú to isté Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. Rozumiete? Ukrižovanie Krista dnes, to sú ľudia, ktorí zaprú potvrdeného a zamanifestovaného Syna Božieho medzi ľuďmi skrze Jeho veci, ktoré On povedal, že sa budú diať v tomto dni skrze Jeho Slovo. Vidíte?

163No, to isté potvrdenie bude musieť byť to isté ak je On ten istý Syn Boží, pretože On teraz povedal v Ev. Jána 14:12, že “Skutky, ktoré Ja činím vy tiež budete činiť.” Židom 13:8 “On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.” “Ak zostanete vo mne ... (Ján 15) Ak zostanete vo mne a moje slová zostanú vo vás, proste si čo chcete a bude vám to dané.” Tak veru.

164Pamätajte, to boli veľmi nábožní ľudia, ktorí to urobili. To neboli cudzí. To boli tí nábožní ľudia toho dňa. A to sú tí, ktorí to robia dnes, nábožní ľudia: to isté ukrižovanie, to isté sa deje dnes.

165Rýchlo. Tam Ho potom ukrižovali. Potom? Áno. Potom odmietli Božie Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, prijali svoje vyznania namiesto Slova. Či to je to, čo robia dnes? To je presne to, dnes robia to isté. On bol Slovo a oni odmietli Slovo. To je jedna vec, ktorú chcem, aby ste neprehliadli, chcem, aby ste to neprehliadli. On bol Slovo a keď Ho odmietli, odmietli Slovo. A keď Ho odmietli, nakoniec Ho ukrižovali. A to je to, čo urobili dnes: odmietajú Slovo Božie a prijali svoje vyznania a verejne pred svojimi zhromaždeniami ukrižovali účinkovanie Ducha Svätého. A sú vinní a ja ich obžalúvam v mene Ježiša Krista.

166Už pätnásť rokov Ho vidím ako sa pohybuje po krajine a oni sa stále držia svojich vyznaní. Sú vinní. Zobrali Slovo, ktoré by priviedlo cirkev, všetky cirkvi spolu a urobilo by veľké bratské zjednotenie medzi letničnými a všetkými ostatnými ... Namiesto toho to odmietli a odstrčili to, urobili si z toho žart a nazvali to teraz všetkým možným.; A teraz skrze federáciu cirkví, cez diablov plán sa snažia vojsť a hovoria, “No prídeme si kúpiť nejaký olej.” Oni sú odmietnutí a sú vinní, že križujú Ježiša Krista. Vezmite to z Božieho pohľadu ... Z vášho pohľadu to nefunguje. Rozumiete?

167Oni odmietli Božie Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, kvôli svojim vyznaniam a dnes robia to isté. On bol Slovo, Ev. Jána 1. Židom 13:8 hovorí, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky.

168No. Oni Ho znovu križujú. Viete o tom, že Biblia hovorí, že to môžeme urobiť? Koľkí by ste chceli prečítať malý kúsok? Dáte mi ešte ďalších pätnásť minút? Dobre. Otvorme si na chvíľu ... Znovu ukrižovali ... Poďme od listu Židom do 6. kapitoly a prečítajme kúsok. Židom 6. a pozrime sa, či znovu križujeme Syna Božieho, pozrime sa, či sa to môže stať. Vy poviete, “Nemôžeš Ho ukrižovať druhý krát.” Nájdeme, či to môžeme alebo nie. Božie Slovo je pravda. Je to tak? Židom 6:1.

Preto zanechajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu nesme sa k dokonalosti a neklaďme zase základu pokánia z mŕtvych skutkov a viery na Boha,

učenia o umývaniach, o vskladaní rúk, o vzmŕtvychvstaní mŕtvych a o večnom súde.

A urobíme aj to keď len dovolí Boh.

169Vidíte? Pavel chce, aby sme vedeli, že tieto veci tu sú úplne reálne: krst, vzkladanie rúk, vzkriesenie, druhý príchod. Všetky tieto veci sú večné; Sú absolútne pravdou. No, všimnite si.

Lebo je nemožné

... (Čítajte to so mnou, len jeden verš. Chcem, aby ste to teraz čítali so mnou, štvrtý verš.)

Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení a ochutnali nebeského daru a stali sa účastnými Svätého Ducha,

a ochutnali dobré Slovo Božie a rôzne moci budúceho veku,

keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu, ktorí sebe znova križujú Syna Božieho a vystavujú ho potupne na odiv.

170No, je to moje slovo alebo Jeho? Ak človek, ktorý prichádza do poznania ... Pamätajte, oni to nikdy nemali; To boli hraniční veriaci. Potom čo sme prijali poznanie Slova Božieho (Vy to dostávate z poznania, z čítania v ňom, vidíte To.) a potom to odmietnete, potom vy - je nemožné pre vás, aby ste boli spasení. Čítali ste to teraz? Vidíte? Prijali poznanie pravdy ... Len ste tomu porozumeli; Nikdy ste to nedostali.

171To je ako s tými veriacimi, ktorí vyšli ... To je presný príklad tej cesty. Tento tretí exodus je proste príkladom tých ostatných.

172Pozrite. Pozrite sa tam na to. Dovoľte, že vám teraz niečo za chvíľu ukážem. Prepáčte mi ten výraz. Pozrite. Izrael vybral dvanástych mužov, jedného z každého pokolenia, denominačnú hlavu, a zobrali ich tam na okraj hranice, do zasľúbenej zemi a ukázal im tie dobré veci, ktoré mali prísť, čo mali. A oni prišli naspäť a sťažovali si na to. “My nie sme schopní to dosiahnuť.” Ale boli dvaja z tých dvanástych; Jozue a Káleb, ktorí povedali (oni sa dívali na Slovo), “Boh povedal, že je to naše a my sme viac ako schopní zaujať to.” Je to tak?

173Čo to bolo? Hraniční veriaci. Vidíte? Oni sa v skutočnosti narodili v zbore. Boli vodcami ľudí; Boli povedzme ako biskupi. Išli rovno tam, kde sa Slovo Božie malo ukázať, že je pravdou. Tam je zem; Oni tam nikdy neboli. Nevedeli, že je to tam. Ale tam prišli aby sa pozreli, že to tam je. Tam to bolo. A Káleb a Jozue tam išli a priniesli strapec hrozna a dali im z neho jesť a oni ochutnali z tej dobrej zeme a potom išli naspäť a povedali, “My to nedokážeme. (Vidíte?) My to proste nedokážeme.”

174Tu je tá istá skupina v čase Ježiša Krista: “Rabi, my vieme, že ty si učiteľ od Boha.” Vidíte? Hraniční ... “My vieme, že ty si učiteľ od Boha. Nikto nemôže robiť tie veci, ktoré ty robíš. My uznávame, že tam musí byť Boh.” Prečo to neprijali? Prečo to neprijali? Hraniční, hraniční.

175Tu sú v tomto treťom exoduse: ten istý znak, tá istá manifestácia, ten istý Kristus, ten istý Duch Svätý, tie isté skutky, ten istý Boh, to isté Posolstvo a oni to nemôžu prijať. Museli by sa vzdať svojho členského preukazu. Čo to je? Oni majú poznanie pravdy. Oni sa pozreli a videli, že to je úplná pravda. Nemôžu to zaprieť. Časopisy musia vydávať svedectvo, že to videli. Fotografie, noviny, dôkazy, vzkriesenie z mŕtvych, lekárske vyjadrenie o chorobe: oni musia povedať, že to je On. A predpovede, ani jedna z nich nikdy nesklamala za tie roky, každá jedna z nich pasovala presne do bodky, oni nemôžu povedať nič iné, iba že to je Boh. Ale oni to nemôžu prijať.

176Tá skupina kazateľov v Chicagu, tristo a niečo ich sem malo prísť a dať sa pokrstiť na meno Ježiša Krista. Kde sú? Tá cena je príliš veľká. Oni to nemôžu. Čo to je? Biblia hovorí, že keď to robia ... Čo robia? Oddeľujú sa od milosti do súdu, “Lebo je nemožné pre tých, ktorí raz boli osvietení (Oni boli privedení, aby sa pozreli na to.) A mali poznanie pravdy a ochutnali dobré Slovo Božie; ak sa od toho odvrátia, aby boli znovu obnovení,” hovoria, “Dobre, ja budem. Áno.”

177Vy Presbyteriáni, vy Metodisti a Baptisti a Luteráni a títo Obchodníci Plného Evanjelia, oni hovoria, že vchádzajú, odstrčili posolstvo. Vaša cirkev bude ... Ak sú tam jednotlivci, skutočne, ale nie cirkev. Musíte vyjsť z tej cirkvi, aby ste sa dostali do toho. Rozumiete? Je to tak. Jednotlivec, to je v poriadku.

178Ale ak si myslíte, že Presbyteriánska cirkev prijme Ducha Svätého a oni všetci zložia svoje dokumenty a ... Nikdy si to tak nemyslite. A vy si myslíte, že vy Metodisti to dosiahnete? Nikdy to nedosiahnete. Myslíte si, že vy trojičiari prijmete niekedy meno Ježiša Krista a dáte sa pokrstiť každý jeden na ... Ó, vy to nikdy neurobíte; Vy to nikdy neurobíte. Ale jednotlivci vyjdú a urobia to. Je to tak. A to je znak Jeho príchodu. Ale tie cirkvi, ktoré videli pravdu a odmietli ju na svojich konciloch, je nemožné ... Potom oni sú vinní za ukrižovanie Ježiša Krista. A ja ich obžalúvam na základe Božieho Slova, ktoré Boh ...

179“Ako ich obžalúvaš, brat Branham?” Obžalúvam ich, že Boh sa jasne zidentifikoval vo Svojom Slove v týchto posledných dňoch a dal sa poznať, že On je stále ten istý včera, dnes i naveky a oni to chladne odstrčili. A ste vinní za ukrižovanie Ježiša Krista, skrze rúhanie sa Duchu Svätému. Je to tak.

180Vezmeme vás znovu do Židom 10, kde je nám znovu povedané v Písmach, nie len že to je nemožné ale nikdy nemôžete ... To vás naveky oddeľuje od Boha. Nikdy nemôžete prísť znovu do prítomnosti Božej, keď ste odstrčili Ducha Svätého a robíte si z neho žarty.

181No. Vidíte? Ochutnali ste Slovo (Vidíte?), hraniční veriaci. “Ó,” hovoríte, “tí ľudia neboli veriaci?” Oni boli veriaci alebo vyznávali, že sú ale keď to prišlo do Slova ... Oni boli Izrael; Vyšli pod krvou. Vyšli pod znakmi Mojžiša; Oni videli ako sa dejú tie znaky.

Boh povedal, “Ja vás tam zavediem.”

182A keď prišlo rovno ku princípu toho zasľúbeného Slova, ktoré sa malo vyplniť, čo povedali? “Ó, my to nedokážeme.” Vidíte? A tu prišli naspäť s hroznom a so všetkým aby dokázali, že tá zem je dobrá. Božie Slovo je pravda.

183Boh povedal, “Ja vám to dávam,” ale tie okolnosti ...

“Ó,” povedali, “my vedľa nich vyzeráme ako kobylky. My to nedokážeme.” Nezáleží na tom čo ...

184Pred pár rokmi, keď tu stál tento trup ako modlitebňa, niekto prišiel, vyšiel tam a rozprával sa so mnou, povedal, “Billy, nakoniec s takýmto posolstvom budeš kázať tým štyrom stĺpom.”

185Povedal som, “Budem kázať tým štyrom stĺpom, pretože Boh je schopný z tých stĺpov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi.” To je to; To je pravda. Povedal som, “Ak máš niečo, čím to môžeš vyvrátiť, nech to vidíme.” Vystatovať sa je jedna vec ale keď príde ku tomu aby to ukázal, vtedy je to inak. Áno. To robí rozdiel. No dobre.

186Áno, svojimi vyznaniami Ho znovu križujú. No, Židom 6. kapitola a pôjdeme ďalej. Mohli by sme to čítať ďalej, ďalej cez toto. Máme dosť času. Poznačil som si tu miesta Písma, kde to bude (Židom 6. kapitola, len - myslím, vezmeme to všetko) nemožné pre tých, ktorí boli osvietení a stali sa účastníkmi Ducha Svätého ... Nemáme dosť času, aby sme išli príliš ďaleko, pretože mám ďalšie miesto Písma a chcem, aby ste to za chvíľu prečítali.

187Všimnite si toto. Oni si znovu križujú Syna Božieho. Čo robia? Čo? Tým, že ochutnali a vedia, že to je pravda a potom sa odvrátia a zapierajú to. Čo robia? Je nemožné.

188To urobil tento národ. To urobili títo ľudia. To urobili tieto cirkvi. Oni to odstrčili a ukrižovali to Posolstvo; Oni ukrižovali tú pravdu ľuďom. Ako ukrižovali Ježiša? Vystavili Ho na hanbu, vyzliekli Mu šaty, zavesili Ho na kríž a pribili Ho tam, Knieža Života. To isté oni urobili dnes svojimi vyznaniami. Oni urobili to isté. Obnažili tie veci; Obnažili dobrotu a odiatie evanjelia tým, že sa to snažia umiestniť niekde inde a zavesili Ho na kríž. Ó. Prečo?

189“Tam oni - tam ukrižovali ...” No, posledný citát: “Jeho, Jeho,” túto najvzácnejšiu osobu. Prečo to urobili? Oni Ho nepoznali. Prečo to robia dnes? Nevedia, že toto je pravda. Sú na to nemí a slepí. Oni to nevedia; To je ten dôvod. Ich vyznania a tradície ich odviedli preč od Slova Božieho.

190No, pre vás tu, teraz na záver, dávajte dobrý pozor. Vidíte? Viem, že je teplo; Mne je tiež. Ale, ó, brat, toto Slovo, To je Život, ak sa toho držíš. Pozri sa. To nie je niečo, o čom hovoríme, čo sa môže stáť niekedy v budúcnosti. To je niečo, čo sa už stalo tu pri nás a deje sa teraz, nie niečo čo bude, niečo čo už je. My nesvedčíme, “My vieme, čo On urobil; Vieme čo, bude robiť,” ale teraz hovoríme, čo On robí teraz. Rozumiete? Toto je naša hodina. Možno nebudeme žiť, aby sme videli vytrhnutie. Ja môžem dnes zomrieť; Ty môžeš dnes zomrieť. Ja neviem. Ale vytrhnutie prichádza; To je ... Keď to príde, budeme tam; Nestarajte sa, tiež všetci tí ostatní tam budú, z tých vekov, ktorí tomu verili a očakávali na to. Oni chodili vo svetle svojho dňa a tu je to svetlo: Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Opusti svoje vyznania a ver tomuto Slovu. Toto je Pravda; Slovo je Pravda. Ježiš povedal, “Moje Slovo je Duch a moje Slovo je Život.” Ako prijmeš život keď odmietaš Život? Ako prijmeš dogmu, ktorá je smrťou a čo so Slovom Života? Odstrčíš Slovo Života, aby si prijal smrť? Ako prijmeš tie dve veci v tom istom čase? To sa nedá. Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom, každá dogma je klamstvom. Božie Slovo je pravda.

191Vyzývam kohokoľvek, aby mi ukázal niekoho, (A viem, že táto páska pôjde okolo celého sveta.) nech je to ktokoľvek, akýkoľvek biskup, nech príde do mojej pracovni alebo pred týmto zhromaždením a ukáže prstom na jediné miesto, kde bol niekto niekedy pokrstený v Novom Zákone na meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého. Ja vám ukážem ako bol pokrstený každý, kto bol kedy pokrstený a tí ktorí boli pokrstení inak, museli prísť a dať sa znovu pokrstiť, aby dostali Ducha Svätého. Čo s tým urobíte? Zostanete tam vo svojich vyznaniach? Zostaňte tam vo svojich dogmách a zomriete. Ste vinní. Hriešnymi rukami ste zobrali Knieža Života, Slovo Života a ukrižovali ste Ho ľuďom.

192No, čo urobili? Oni to nevedeli. Dnes ľudia chodia v nevedomosti; Nevedia, že to je Pravda. Myslia, že to je nejaký izmus. Nekopú dostatočne hlboko, aby sa dostali do ducha zjavenia. Nemodlia sa dostatočne; nevolajú dostatočne k Bohu. Berú to len na ľahko, “No, dobre, ja verím, že to je Boh. Samozrejme.” Diabol verí to isté. Diabol tomu verí viac, než ako niektorí ľudia, ktorí tvrdia, že tomu veria. Diabol tomu verí a trasie sa. Ľudia tomu len veria a idú ďalej ale diabol sa trasie, vie že jeho súd prichádza. A ľudia tomu veria a nevenujú žiadnu pozornosť, že prichádza súd.

193Vinní za jeho ukrižovanie. Skutočne. Obžalúvam túto generáciu, nachádzam ich vinných na základe toho istého Slova, ktoré našlo ich vinných tam na začiatku. Je to tak. Ježiš povedal, “Kto ma môže odsúdiť?” On bol Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom. A dnes to isté Slovo sa stalo telom.

194Peter povedal v jeho obžalobe v skutkoch ... Prečítajme to. Peter, keď videl, že toto sa deje, čo oni urobili, Duch ... Pozrite sa, Peter hájil Krista, čo oni urobili. Ja hájim to, čím sú Evanjeliá. Peter ich obžaloval, že zabili človeka, Krista, ktorý bol Slovom. Ja obžalúvam túto generáciu za to, že sa snažia zabiť Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo v človeku. Pozrite sa, čo povedal Peter. Jeho spravodlivý hnev sa musel vzniesť veľmi vysoko. Počúvajte ho tu v Skutkoch v druhej kapitole a začneme od 22 verša.

Mužovia Izraeliti, počujte tieto slová: Ježiša Nazarejského, muža, od Boha pred vami presláveného mocami a zázraky a znameniami, ktoré skrze neho činil Boh medzi vami, jako aj sami viete

- (Ó. Predstavte si ako sa cítili. Počúvajte to.)

195“Mužovia Izraela (to knieža, vy cirkevní ľudia, vy svätí ľudia, vy kňazi, vy ľudia, ktorí máte byť ľudom Božím,) počúvajte tieto slová: Ježiš Nazaretský bol potvrdený od Boha medzi vami.”

196A ja hovorím vám kazateľom a vám ľuďom; Ježiš Nazaretský, Duch Svätý, On je tu v Osobe Ducha Svätého, to je Život, ktorý bol v Ňom. On tu účinkuje cez ľudí a vyjadruje sa skrze znamenia a zázraky, ktoré činí. A oni tu vyvesili na steny vedeckú identifikáciu. A sedia tu ľudia, ktorí boli mŕtvi a dnes žijú. Zožratí rakovinou a dnes sú zdraví. Slepí dnes vidia a chromí a dnes chodia ... On je Ježiš Nazaretský.

toho určenou radou a predzvedením Božím vydaného

... (Predurčený na svoju prácu) ...

ste vzali a rukami bezbožných ... zavraždili.

197A ak to môže ... Je to obžaloba? Čo on obžalúva? Radu Sanhedrinu. A ja obžalúvam, dnes ráno združenie cirkví; Obžalúvam Letničných; Obžalúvam Presbiteriánov, Babtistov a každú denomináciu na svete. Zlou, sebeckou chamtivosťou ste zobrali Slovo Života a ukrižovali ste ho pred ľuďmi a rúhali ste sa mu a nazývali ste to fanatizmom, to čo Boh vzkriesil v našom strede, aby dokázal, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A ja obžalúvam túto generáciu.

198Boh sa dokázal, že je živý. Boh dokázal, že toto je jeho Slovo. Čo máte okrem hromady dogiem a vyznaní? Kde môžete ukázať Živého Boha? Pretože ste odstrčili Slovo Života, ktoré by vám dalo tieto veci. Tak veru. Ó, čo za hodina, v ktorej teraz žijeme. Och. To isté ...

199Ó, vyhlasujem ... Peter povedal, “Vy ste Ho zobrali rukami bezbožných a ukrižovali a zavraždili”:

ktorého Boh vzkriesil oprostiac bolestí smrti, jako aj nebolo možné, aby ňou bol držaný.

200A skrze svoje vyznania, vaše organizácie a vaše denominácie s vašou formou pobožnosti ...?...hovoríte ... Vaša forma pobožnosti, zapreli ste moc Jeho vzkriesenia. Ale prišla hodina, posledné dni sú tu, keď Boh zasľúbil podľa Malachiáša 4, že On povstane v posledných dňoch a obráti srdcia ľudí naspäť do originálnych požehnaní a letničnej viery otcov. Nemôžete to zaprieť a nemôžete sa tomu ubrániť. A teraz, ja vás odsudzujem, ste vinní, a vyzývam vás a obžalúvam vás pred Bohom, že zlými, sebeckými rukami denominácie ste ukrižovali Slovo Božie pred ľuďmi. Vyhlasujem, že ste vinní a pripravení na súd. Amen. Tak veru.

201Volám to isté, čo Peter. On volal, aby tá generácia činila pokánie. Ja volám, aby táto generácia činila pokánie, pokánie voči Bohu a aby prišli naspäť do originálnej pravdy Slova. Poďte naspäť do viery našich otcov. Poďte naspäť do Ducha Svätého, pretože Boh to nemôže zmeniť. Keď Boh povedal, “Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria,” On musí stáť na tom cez celú večnosť; To je Jeho Slovo.

202Keď hovoríte, “Potriasť si ruky,” alebo “Prijať večeru Pánovu,” alebo niečo také, alebo niečo na tom vyznaní alebo niečo na tom názore, čo každý človek, každý opilec, každý neveriaci to môže urobiť; Každý napodobňovateľ, každá prostitútka to môže urobiť: ísť na prijímanie, mať formy a takéto veci, to dokážete urobiť. Ale Ježiš povedal, že toto bude identifikácia: „Tieto znamenia budú (nie možno, oni budú) ... vo všetkých pokoleniach, tých ktorí veria: V mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov a budú hovoriť inými jazykmi, hovoriť novými jazykmi a hadov budú brať, piť smrtonosné veci, to im neuškodí, na chorých budú klásť ruky a budú uzdravení. Uzdravujte chorých; Krieste mŕtvych, vyháňajte démonov; Darmo ste dostali darmo dajte.“

203Všetky tie veľké plány na získavanie peňazí a také veci sa dnes do toho zapojili. Nie divu, že sú tak plní súdu. Tak veru. Ó.

204Pozrime sa teraz. Tak veru. Volám ku pokániu ... A moje obžalúvanie teraz ... Na tejto novej Golgote je - v cirkvi, na tak zvaných najsvätejších miestach, za veľkými kazateľňami, na oltári katolicizmu, na katolíckom oltári, za ich kazateľňou ... za kazateľňou Metodistou, Baptistou, Presbiteriánou, Luteránou, Letničných, na tých najsvätejších miestach, tam On dostáva tie najostrejšie bodnutia: To je nová Golgota. Kde sa nachádza? Na svätých miestach v cirkvách. Kde je On ukrižovaný? Od pastorov. Vy pokrytci, vy ste to mali vedieť. Nie som nahnevaný ale niečo vo mne sa vzrušuje. Boh sa úplne zidentifikoval medzi vami.

205Kde utŕžil tú ranu na svojom boku? Kde utŕžil svoje rany? Na Golgote. Odkiaľ dostáva rany dnes? Spoza kazateľni. Odkiaľ to pochádza? Z Jeruzalema. Odkiaľ to prichádza? Z denominácií, od tých, ktorí tvrdia, že Ho milujú, to oni urobili. To sú tí, ktorí to robia dnes. Jeho druhá Golgota, tam kde dostáva svoje rany proti Slovu ... To Ho prebodáva. Kto je On? On je Slovo. On je Slovo. Odkiaľ Ho najviacej prebodávajú? Spoza kazateľni na svätých miestach, práve tak ako to bolo vtedy.

206Mám právo obžalovať túto generáciu. Mám právo to urobiť, ako kazateľ evanjelia Ježiša Krista s jeho znakmi a potvrdením, že On je Boh. Mám právo podať obžalobu na túto generáciu, pretože Jeho najťažšia rana po bodnutí bola rovno spoza kazateľni, kde to kritizovali a povedali, “Nechoďte počúvať niečo také. To je diabol.” Práve na tom mieste, kde Ho mali milovať ...

207A práve tie znamenia, ktoré Ježiš povedal, že sa budú diať ... Slovo Božie je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč (Slovo), rozpoznáva myšlienky a zámery srdca, a oni to nazývajú diablom. Kde? Za kazateľňami, na svätých miestach. Ó, Bože, ako On môže hľadieť dole? To je len milosť, nič inšie, len milosť. Nemôže urobiť nič inšie len prísť na súd. Už sme tam.

208Uvažujte o tom. Jeho najťažšie rany mu boli zadané spoza kazateľni. Tam je Jeho nová Golgota. Oni križujú Jeho, Slovo, z poza kazateľni. Je to tak. Ako? Ako to robia? Svojimi formami pobožnosti. Presne tak.

209Posmievači v publiku Ho korunovali; Dali mu novú tŕňovú korunu. Posmievači, prepichli Ho z kazateľni, posmievačmi Ho korunovali ... Či je On znovu ukrižovaný? Zbičovaný ľudskými vyznaniami, učitelia denominácií proti Jeho Slovu. Oni Ho bičujú, v hanbe Ho odsudzujú.

210Ježiš povedal, “Nadarmo ma ctia.” Nadarmo ... Nerobia nič dobré. Koho ctia? Oni ctia toho istého Boha. Oni ctili toho istého Boha pri jeho prvom ukrižovaní a to uctievanie bolo nadarmo. Tak isto je to dnes. Nadarmo stavajú tieto denominácie. Nadarmo stavajú tieto semináre. Nadarmo majú tieto vyznania, učiac učenia, ktoré sú nariadeniami ľudí a zapierajú Slovo Božie. Oni sú vinní, že križujú Knieža Života, učiac ľudské náuky namiesto Jeho Slova. “Nadarmo ma ctia”: zbičovali, prebodli, korunovali.

211Keď vidíte ako idú po ulici ... A niektoré z vás dámy s dlhými vlasmi ... Vravia, „Ona je staromódna, či nie?“ Pamätajte. To sú posmievači. To je koruna, ktorú nosíte. Boh povedal, že to je na vašu slávu. Noste to s hrdosťou. Haleluja. Noste to s hrdosťou, ako by ste nosili tŕňovú korunu za svojho Pána; Noste to s hrdosťou. Nehanbite sa. On tak povedal. Bez ohľadu na to, čo tieto Jezábele dnes hovoria, čo títo podvodníci, ktorí stoja za kazateľňou, križujú Krista, nezáleží čo oni hovoria, noste to s hrdosťou. Boh tak povedal. Len sa toho držte.

212Znovu Ho posmievači korunovali, tŕňmi, prepichli Ho spoza kazateľni vyznaniami.

213On má novú Golgotu. Kde Ho doviedli? Tieto odiate spevácke súbory, ženy v krátkych šatách, s ostrihanými vlasmi, s namaľovanými tvárami, spievajú v súbore ako anjeli s talentami, to je Jeho nová Golgota: moderný striptíz, chránený zákonom, ako v Sodome a Gomore.

214Keď vidíte bežať po ulici fenu, v určitom čase, nieto psa, ktorý by nešiel tam kde je ona. Nech sa stane určitá vec a každý jeden bude za ňou bežať. Niečo sa s ňou stalo, viete prečo. Nech ... Prečo si tieto ženy vyzliekajú šaty a idú po ulici? Nehovorte mi, že to nie je to isté. To je identifikácia. Neodsudzujte tých mužov. Ale oni sú chránené zákonom Sodomy. Ten zákon má povedať, že to je pre ne nezákonné byť tak vonku. A kazatelia za kazateľňou by mali mať spodničku namiesto kazateľského plášťa, keď tam stoja a dovolia to a hanbia sa proti tomu hovoriť, pretože ich denominácia by ich odstránila, vy križujete tomu zhromaždeniu Slovo Božie, ktoré hovorí, že je ohavnosť pre ženu nosiť oblečenie, ktoré prináleží mužovi. Ja odsudzujem tú vec. Obviňujem vás za križovanie Slova Božieho pred ľuďmi. Ostrihané ženy v krátkych šatách v zástupe, stoja v chóre ...

215Niekto mi raz povedal; Nejaká žena sa ma opýtala, povedala, “No, kde myslíš, že ich nájdeš?”

216Povedal som, “Keby mi Pán povedal, aby som zobral zo sveta dvanástich, bol by som prestrašený na smrť.” Keď skrze Duchovné rozpoznanie tam stojím a pozorujem ich, oni tam tak stoja a vidím nad nimi tie veci, špinavé, nečisté, podlé s cigaretami v ústach a takto sa správajú a potom stoja tam v slávnostne oblečenom chóre a v takom stave spievajú a dovolia, že publikum sa na nich díva a hovoria si, “No, keď to ona môže robiť, tak ja tiež.”

217Kresťanský život je život svätosti a čistoty vo ... Obžalúvam ich v mene Ježiša Krista za ich špinu a nečistotu. Oni priviedli evanjelium na hanbu. A tí, ktorí sa ho snažia držať sú nazvaní fanatikmi, nazvaní, “To je staromódne.” Nezmysel. Obžalúvam ich v mene Ježiša Krista.

218Proste moderný striptíz na ulici, spievajú v chóroch, fajčia, rozprávajú nečisté vtipy, majú troch alebo štyroch mužov a po šiestom ešte spievajú v chóre pretože majú hlas ... Ty biedny intelektuálny, duchovne zanedbaný, odmietnutý na tvojej vlastnej pôde, čítaš tú istú Bibliu, ktorú môže čítať každý ale ty si odstrčil Ducha Božieho, že až Biblia povedala, že ti bude dané mocné pôsobenie bludu, aby si uveril lži a skrze to budeš zatratený. Ty si v skutočnosti myslíš, že si v poriadku a Biblia hovorí, že tomu budeš veriť a budeš zatratený skrze to isté klamstvo, o ktorom veríš, že je pravdou. A preto ťa obžalúvam skrze Slovo Božie. Ty učíš ľudí klamstvu a križuješ Kristove zásady, svätosť a Život z hora, ako môže niekto kráčať po ulici a byť inou osobou.

219Kazatelia chodia na zábavy, fajčia: sú kameňmi úrazu ... Všetky tie ďalšie nezmysly, ktoré tolerujú. Ženy v ich chóroch, nosia šortky, ostrihané vlasy a takto sa správajú, majú namaľované tváre a potom to nazývajú “sestra taká a taká” a Biblia odsudzuje niečo také. Je to tak. Chodia na večierky a tak sa správajú a stále sú členmi nejakej cirkvi, zastávajte si svoje svedectvo a žite ako len chcete ...

220Nemyslite si, že to hovorím o Presbyteriánoch. Hovorím o vás Letniční. Je to tak. Vy ste raz poznali pravdu ale ste si mysleli, že by ste to nemohli prijať. Nemohli by ste podporovať svojho pastora. Váš pastor, keby to odsúdil by nemohol mať tú veľkú prácu s toľkými stovkami dolárov na týždeň a veľký pekný zbor, v ktorom káže a jazdí a správa sa ako oni. Tá organizácia by ho vyhodila, tak s tým musí držať, musí to hovoriť. A takto predal svoje práva prvorodenstva za misku šošovice Ezavových svetských pomyjí. A čo za to dostane? Obidvaja spadnú do jamy odsúdenia a budú ... Obžalúvam ich ako prostitútky evanjelia.

Nedávno som videl chór, jeden z najznámejších, veľké miesta, jeden z najvyšších Letničných kruhov, a stalo sa, že som sedel v pracovni toho brata, keď štyri alebo päť chórov sa zišlo spolu a to je jedna z najlepších letničných organizácií. A oni nevedeli, že som v pracovni kazateľa v Oklahome. Sedel som tam dole, kde sa ten kazateľ pripravuje, predtým ako vystúpi na svoje pódium; A keď som tam bol, tam boli tí mladí Riki a Rikety, namaľované ... Ani jedna z nich nemala dlhé vlasy, každá jedna ostrihaná, každá jedna s make-upom, všetci v rovnošate. A tí mladí Riki tam stáli, takto tam prechádzali. Jeden muž vyberal oferu na misiu. Správal sa, akoby bol slepý s hrnčekom a chodil okolo a hovoril všetky možné rúhavé veci o vyberaní tej ofery a o takých veciach; Ale vystúpil tam a snažil sa spievať „Mesiáš“ (Och.) A mohol by urobiť pri tom celkom dobrú robotu ale to nemalo ten správny tón. Nie, to bolo mŕtve. Vidíte? Ó. Tu to máte. To je Jeho nová Golgota.

221Čo myslíte keby tam nejaké dievča alebo nejaká žena ... Aha, keby ona tam prišla oblečená tak, ako má byť, s dlhými vlasmi a bez namaľovania a takých vecí, oni by si z nej robili žarty. Keby povstala a - keď on to tam robil ... Tá skupina mladých ľudí, okolo tridsať alebo štyridsať ľudí - tá vybraná časť letničných a robia takéto veci ... Keby tá pani niečo o tom povedala, oni by ju vylúčili z chóru. Nech by sa kazateľ evanjelia postavil za kazateľňu a niečo o tom povedal, vylúčili by ho z tej organizácie. Vy znovu križujete Syna Božieho a vystavujete Ho na hanbu. Jeho evanjelium, o ktorom tvrdíte, že ho kážete, križujete Ho. Obžalúvam túto generáciu, ktorá odmieta Krista, skrze Slovo Božie a skrze jeho moc v týchto posledných dňoch, v ktorých sa potvrdil, že On je stále živý.

222Áno, oni sú proti tomu jasnému, potvrdenému Slovu Božiemu. Ich organizácie sa nemôžu za tým postaviť.

223Veľké cirkvi a denominácie sú Jeho novou Golgotou; Znovu to hovorím. Tento moderný striptíz, to sú ich chóry. Och. Najvyšší kňaz každej denominácie vykrikuje tak isto, ako ten najvyšší kňaz v ten deň, “Zostúp a ukáž nám zázrak.” To bolo prvé ukrižovanie. To isté je dnes. Povedali mi, “Tak dobre, ty kriesiš mŕtvych, či nie? Prečo nejdeš tam? Tam na cintoríne máš ženu a dieťa.”

224Oni povedali Jemu, “Počuli sme, že kriesiš mŕtvych. Tu ich máme plný cintorín. Poď zobuď ich ...” Ó, neznalosť bude rodiť neznalosť. Vidíte?

225Veľké cirkvi, veľké chóry, najvyšší kňazi tohoto dňa: “Zostúp. Ukáž nám zázrak, ktorý naša denominácia nedokáže učiniť.”

226Stretol som sa nedávno s človekom, ktorý urobil poznámku, po krátkom vysielaní, ktoré som mal v Jonesboro, v Arkansase, kde som hovoril o jednej žene, že bola uzdravená. Tento človek patril do určitej denominačnej cirkvi a on sa tam vzadu postavil a povedal, “Vyzývam každého človeka, aby mi prišiel ukázať zázrak.” Išiel som a zobral som doktora, muža, ktorý bol uzdravený z rakoviny. Išiel som a zobral som ženu, ktorá bola na invalidnom vozíku okolo dvadsať rokov, bola uzdravená z artretismu, bola predtým na invalidnom vozíku. Zobral som ich tam a povedal, “No, chcem tie peniaze, tých tisíc dolárov.”

On povedal, “No, ah... hm... To nie je tu. To je vo Waco, v Texase, kde máme naše centrum.”

227Povedal som, “Dobre, pôjdeme tam pre ne. Zariaď to a zajtra pôjdeme.” Vidíte? Povedal som, “Tu je doktor, aby potvrdil, že títo ľudia mali naozaj rakovinu. Tu je to na rengenovom snímku. Tu je táto žena, o ktorej všetci susedia vedia, že dvadsať rokov bola na invalidnom kresle a teraz normálne chodí. A doktori ... Tu je doktor za doktorm a všetko a tu je ona dnes živá. No, ty si povedal, že dáš tisíc dolárov, ja ich chcem dať na misijnú prácu. Ja ich chcem.” Vidíte, vidíte?

On povedal, “No, to je tam vo Waco, v Texase.”

Povedal som, “Zajtra tam pôjdeme.”

228On povedal, “Počkaj chvíľu. Dovoľ, že ti niečo poviem. Zoberiem zo sebou malé dievča. A nech zoberiem britvu a odrežem jej ruku a potom ju ty, pred všetkými našimi bratmi uzdravíš a oni ti dajú tie peniaze.”

Povedal som, “Ty diabol.”

“Ak si Syn Boží zostúp z kríža. Povedz nám kto ťa udrel.” S handrou na hlave, bili Ho a vraveli, “No, ak si prorok, povedz nám kto ...”

“Ak si Syn Boží zostúp z kríža.”

229Slepí vodcovia slepých. Potrebujú duševné uzdravenie, človek, ktorý robí niečo také alebo má také poznámky. Samozrejme.

230To je starý známy krik, “Nech ťa vidíme urobiť zázrak. Majstre, chceli by sme vidieť od teba zázrak,” keď každý deň, každú hodinu sa to okolo dialo, tak ako Boh viedol, aby sa to stalo. Ale oni neboli prítomní. Keby boli, nazvali by to Belzebúbom, diablom. Vidíte? “Majstre, chceme aby si to urobil tak, ako my chceme (To je to.), urob to čo my chceme.” Ó, tak veru. Nemôžu s Ním nijako narábať. Nie veru. Preto Ho vylúčili zo svojho stredu. Tak veru. Dnes sa snažia robiť to isté. A cez združenie cirkví to nakoniec dosiahnu (Och), všetci vchádzajú do toho. Ten starý známy krik.

231Tu znovu vidíme to najnábožnejšie miesto, najlepších, vyučených teológov, ktorí znovu volajú proti Nemu, vyvolávajú ... Tí najlepší teológovia, ktorí to mali poznať inak, tie najlepšie zbory a najlepšie vyučení teológovia Ho vyhnali zo svojho stredu. Nechcú to. Hovoríte, „To nie je tak, brat Branham.“ Potom si tu nebol a nevidel “Cirkevné veky” alebo si to nepočul, keď to bolo kázané. Nebol si tu, keď tento Laodicejský cirkevný vek je ten jediný, kde Ho vyhnali z cirkvi; A On je vonku, klepe, snaží sa dostať naspäť dovnútra. Oni Ho vyhnali, pretože Ho na nič nepotrebovali. Znovu Ho ukrižovali. Amen. Ako dlho môžeme ísť?

232Pamätajte, prorok Božieho Slova nám predpovedal v 2. Timotejovi 3 (ak si to zapisujete, nemáme čas, aby sme to čítali ale povedal), že v posledných dňoch prídu posmievači. Budú náhli, vysokomyseľní, milujúci rozkoše viacej ako milujúci Boha, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, divokí, opovrhujúci dobrým, zradní, náhli, nadutí, učení, ktorí majú formu pobožnosti ale zapierajú jej moc. Od takých sa vzdiaľ, lebo z tých sú tí, ktorí zajímajú hlúpe, ostrihané ženy, ktoré nosia šortky, maľujú sa, chodia z miesta na miesto, vedú ich do zajatia. To je presne tak. On povedal, “Odvráť sa od toho v posledných dňoch.”

233Poslúchajme proroka. Odvráťte sa od tých vecí v posledných dňoch. Oni sú tu. (Teraz volám na cirkev.) Áno. Vzdiaľ sa od toho.

234Oni majú - oni ...Kazatelia v týchto dňoch by mali vedieť o týchto veciach. Oni mali poznať Ježiša v Jeho dňoch. Oni to mali poznať a teraz by to mali poznať, ale nepoznajú.

235Presne tak, ako tí židovskí učitelia v Jeho dňoch Ho mali poznať podľa Jeho dňa, tak je to potom dnes s Božím jasne potvrdeným Slovom. On bol Slovo a On dokázal, že je Slovom. On dokázal, že bol Slovom na ten deň. A Boh dnes dokázal, že je Slovom tohoto dňa, Svetlom tejto hodiny. A tak to mali poznať a majú to poznať teraz. Vtedy Ho ukrižovali a križujú Ho teraz. Obžalúvam ich z toho. Tak veru. To sa proste páli vo mne. Obžalúvam ich, pretože Boh spraví, že za to zaplatia.

236Tí židia vo svojom čase ... Boh znovu v tých dňoch na zemi, Ježiš povedal, “Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť do jednej veľkej skupiny, ale vy ste nechceli.” Ako sa Boh snažil v týchto posledných dňoch zjednotiť spolu svojich ľudí, ale vy ste nechceli. Vy ste túžili po svojich vyznaniach, tak teraz, ste vydaní na zničenie. To je to, čo postihlo Jeruzalem. Bol zrútený, spálený, nebolo ho viac. A to je presne to, čo sa stane v jednom z týchto dní všetkým týmto veľkým veciam tu. Vaše veľké vyznania a denominácie zomrú a zahynú ale Slovo Božie bude večne a bude žiť naveky.

237Jeho najhlbšie rany pochádzajú z domu tak zvaných priateľov. Predstavte si. Predstavte si to. Predstavte si to. Zastavte sa. Čakám chvíľu. Kazatelia, predstavte si to. Odkiaľ pochádzajú Jeho rany? Z domu Jeho tak zvaných priateľov. Ako to bolo, tak to je. Predstavte si to. Na Golgote On nebol obkľúčený divými barbarmi ale kazateľmi, ktorí tvrdili, že Ho milujú. A dnes, keď je Evanjelium jasne zidentifikované, keď veľké znamenia Jeho vzmŕtvychvstania sú dokázané medzi nami, to nie sú tí ľudia vonku na ulici, ktorí na vás útočia, to sú tak zvaní kazatelia. Tí, ktorí by Ho mali milovať, oni Ho dnes obkľúčili. “Nebudeme mať toto medzi nami. Nechceme tohoto človeka, aby vládol nad nami. Nebudeme to podporovať, nebudeme s tým spolupracovať v tomto meste, ak toto takto ide. To nie je nič iné ako špiritizmus. To je diabol.” Nepoznajúc Slovo Božie, slepí vedú slepých. Ako to bolo vtedy ... Zamyslite sa. Tak je to teraz. Presne tak ako to bolo vtedy, tak je to teraz. Zamyslite sa.

238Táto moc uzdraviť a oslobodiť muža a ženu od lásky ku tomuto prítomnému svetu, od ostrihaných, vymaľovaných Jezábelí, ktoré si hovoria, že sú kresťanky a nesú taký život ... Fajčia, rozprávajú neslušné vtipy, sadnú si a majú misijné spoločenstvo a spolok šitia a hovoria a klebetia a idú na ulicu a nosia šortky a všetko také a potom pred inými ženami hovoria, že sú kresťanky.

239Pamätáte sa na môj príbeh o tom otrokovi, ktorý vedel, že je synom kráľa, aký mal charakter. Čo my máme byť. Muži a ženy ... A zapierajú ... Títo duchovní, tieto kazateľne, kde Ho prebodávajú, oni pozdvihli a schválili taký druh života medzi ľuďmi, kde Ho prebodávajú. Oni zapreli moc, ktorá by ich z toho vyslobodila a schvaľujú, aby to tak bolo, keď je to nezhodné s Božím Slovom, aby si žena strihala vlasy alebo maľovala tvár alebo nosila šortky. To je nezhodné s Božím Slovom, ale oni to schvaľujú, robia ďalšiu Golgotu. Kde? Na ulici? V bare? Za kazateľňou, za kazateľňou.

240A znovu, čo oni kričali? “On sa robí Bohom.” Oni zapreli Jeho Božskosť. Oni sa Ho snažia rozštiepiť a spraviť z Neho troch alebo štyroch Bohov, keď On je Boh; On bol Boh; On je stále Bohom. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Keď im hovoríte o jednom Bohu oni sa vám smejú. “My veríme vo svätú trojicu.” Ja verím v jedného Svätého Boha. Áno. V jeho moc, ktorá uzdravuje, vyslobodzuje, berie ľudí preč od lásky ku tomuto svetu, oslobodzuje ich, ako oslobodil Máriu Magdalénu.

241Pamätajte, ona tiež bola vymaľovanou Jezábeľou. Mala v sebe sedem démonov. Bola striptérkou, presne tak ako tie moderné ženy dnes na ulici. Choďte kde chcete a dívajte sa. Ak neveríte, že ľudia sa klaňajú pri svätyni nahých žien, pozrite sa dnes von na ulicu. Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak to bude. Pozrite sa von, ak tomu neveríte. Len choďte kdekoľvek. Otvorte noviny, otvorte časopisy; Pozrite sa na reklamy. Čo vidíte? Pamätáte čo je povedané? Keď synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry, že sú pekné, brali si z nich za ženy.

242Pozrite sa na škandál v Anglicku. Pozrite sa na škandál tu. Pozrite, všetko to sa stáva domom prostitúcii. Prečo to je? Prečo sa Rusko stalo komunistickým? Kvôli vulgarite a špinavosti a bezmocnosti katolíckej cirkvi. To je presne to, prečo tento národ preberá komunizmus vo federácii cirkví a spája sa s katolíckou cirkvou, pri čom komunizmus a katolicizmus sa spolu zjednotia, viete. A tu to oni robia. Prečo? Pretože odmietli evanjelium, ktoré ich oddeľuje a robí ich inými ľuďmi. Nezmysel. To je presne ten dôvod. A kazatelia za kazateľňou to akceptujú kvôli lístkom na obed, kvôli sociálnemu postoju nejakého vyznania, hovoria, “Ja patrím to toho a toho,” vzdelaním nahradzujú moc Božiu.

243Ktorá oslobodzuje ľudí od tejto pomätenej rasy, ako Máriu Magdalénu ... Práve tá moc, ktorá mohla zobrať tú striptérku na ulici a spraviť, že sa obliekla a začala sa správať ako dáma, urobila z nej kresťanku, oni odsúdili tú moc a ukrižovali toho Muža, ktorý ju mal, na Golgote.

244A dnes, to evanjelium a Duch Svätý, ktorý vezme striptérku a spraví, že sa bude obliekať ako dáma a správať ako kresťanka, oni to nazývajú fanatizmom a nechcú, aby sa to dostalo do ich zhromaždenia, aby to vošlo medzi nich a spôsobilo, že by to urobili aj iné ženy. Čo to robia? Vypudili to von presne tak, ako to urobili vtedy. A teraz ukrižovali práve to Slovo a hovoria, že to bolo na iný vek. Znovu ich obžalúvam (Tak veru). Presne tak, ako boli obžalovaní vtedy.

245Ten znak, ktorý spravil, že ten starý Legion sa obliekol ... Pamätajte, človek, ktorý si vyzlieka šaty je blázon. Vidíte? A čo potom žena? Legion bol blázon; on vyzliekol z neho šaty. Boh zobral svoju moc a spravil, že sa obliekol, oblečený pri zdravom rozume sedel pri nohách Ježiša. Pozrite sa na tú moc, ktorá spravila, že ten slepý Bartimeus videl, rovno medzi ich vyznaniami. On bol na zemi, keď bolo toľko nevery ako je aj dnes ale to Ho nikdy nezastavilo; On išiel ďalej. On ich nijako nešetril. Povedal im, “Vy ste z vášho otca diabla.” On odsúdil celú tú vec.

246Tá moc, ktorá mohla vyvolať Lazára z hrobu a dať žene z Nain späť jej syna (ó, Bože), tá moc, ktorá mohla robiť tieto veci, ktorá mohla predpovedať veci, ktoré sa stali: “Tam sú dve - žriebä uviazané pri dvoch cestách,” a všetky tieto veci, ktoré predpovedal; Ten Muž, ktorý mal tú moc, “Preč s ním. My Ho nechceme medzi našimi ľuďmi. On znečisťuje naše učenie.” A ukrižovali Ho.

247Presne to isté je dnes. “Preč s Duchom Svätým.” Oni s Tým nič nechcú mať. “To odsudzuje a robí tieto veci a hovorí našim ľuďom tieto veci, nechceme aby sa to zmiešalo s našou organizáciou. To je proti naším vyznaniam.” Oni Ho znovu križujú. Ó.

248Všimnite si teraz, keď končíme, musíme zakončiť. A znovu, oni to nazývajú fanatizmus. A oni Jeho nazvali fanatikom. Povedali, že je blázon. Každý vie, že Biblia hovorí, že Ježiš bol - že tí farizejovia povedali, “tento človek je Samaritán, on je duševne chorý.” No, čo znamená slovo “duševne chorý”? “Blázon.” “Ten človek je blázon. Tí ktorí Ho nasledujú sú blázni. On je Belzebúb.”

249A znovu, hovoria to isté: “To je nejaké čarodejníctvo. To je veštenie,” znovu Ho dávajú na hanebný kríž. Aký kríž, aká hanba? On je potvrdeným Slovom, robia si z toho žarty, hovoria ľuďom, že to je diabol, robia niečo a nazývajú ...

250On povedal, “Oni nazývajú tie sväté skutky Božie, že to robí nečistý duch.” To nikdy nebude odpustené, robia hanbu Jeho Slovu, snažia sa Ho obnažiť a nazývajú to podvrhom alebo fanatizmom.

251“Nechoďte do toho. Nenavštevujte ich zhromaždenia.” Čo pri tom robia? Berú klince svojho denominačného vyznania. Je to tak. Títo učitelia, ktorí hľadajú rozkoše, svetskí, bezbožní, denominačne nepríčetní, berú denominačné klince a znovu s nimi križujú Syna Božieho spoza svojich kazateľní. Prečo to robia? Milujú chválu od ľudí, hodnosti, ktoré im môže dať cirkev, viac než lásku ku Božiemu Slovu. Odsudzujem ich. Oni sa nemôžu prispôsobiť Slovu, pretože sa už prispôsobili svetu. Oni už ... Pokrytecký deň, v ktorom žijeme ...

252Či toto nie ... Či nestačí jedna Golgota pre môjho Pána? Prečo toto chcete robiť? Vy, ktorí by ste Ho mali milovať, vy ktorí viete, že toto je Jeho Slovo, vy ktorí môžete čítať Zjavenie 22 a hovoríte, “Ktokoľvek by odňal jedno Slovo alebo pridal jedno Slovo,” prečo to robíte? Či nestačí jedna Golgota pre Neho? Ja stojím v Jeho obrane. Som Jeho obhajca. A obžalúvam vás skrze Slovo Božie. Zmeňte svoje cesty lebo pôjdete do pekla; Vaše denominácie sa rozpadnú. Obžalúvam vás v prítomnosti Sudcu. Áno. Vy, s vašimi formami pobožnosti, pokrytectvami ... Ako to nazývate? Či nestačí jedna Golgota?

253Ako povedal Peter, “Vaši denominační otcovia ...” Peter vás tým obžaloval - povedal, “Kto z vašich otcov to nevykonal?” Štefan povedal to isté. “Rukami bezbožných ste ukrižovali Knieža života.”

254Či sám Ježiš nepovedal, “Ktorý z vašich otcov nepriviedli tých prorokov do hrobu? A vy ich teraz ozdobujete.” Tak to robili tým spravodlivým ľuďom počas tých vekov. Tak obžalúvam túto vysoko-uhladenú, do zboru chodiacu skupinu ľudí, ktorí odmietajú Krista tohoto dňa. Vy so svojimi formami pobožnosti križujete môjho Krista druhý krát, tým, že hovoríte ľuďom, že tieto slová sú na nejaký iný deň a že to nie je na tento deň. Obžalúvam vás. Ste vinní toho istého zločinu, ktorého sa dopustili oni v deň ukrižovania. Čiňte pokánie a obráťte sa ku Bohu lebo inak zahyniete.

255A znovu hovorím: “Tu,” v cirkvách, “oni” tí učitelia, “križujú,” tým, že sa rúhajú, “Jeho” Slovo. Bože buď milostivý. Dovoľte, že to znovu poviem; Aby to nebolo nejasné na páske. “Tu” v cirkvách, “Oni” duchovenstvo, “Križujú,” rúhaním sa “Jeho,” Slovo. Nie divu, že to je znovu,

Medzi vyčnievajúcimi skalami a temniacou sa oblohou;

Môj Spasiteľ sklonil hlavu a zomrel;

Ale to otvorenie záclony zjavilo cestu

do nebeskej radosti a nekonečného dňa.

256Hovorím to na tejto páske a pre toto publikum; Hovorím to pod inšpiráciou Ducha Svätého, “Kto je po strane Pána? Nech príde pod toto Slovo.” Boh určite privedie túto zlú generáciu, ktorá zapiera Krista, odmieta Krista, na súd za rúhanie, za ukrižovanie Jeho potvrdeného Slova. Idete na súd. Ja to odsudzujem. “Kto je po strane Pána?” Povedal Mojžiš, “Nech príde ku mne,” keď tam visel ten Ohnivý Stĺp ako dôkaz. Kto je po strane Pána? Nech vezme to Slovo, zaprie svoje vyznanie a nasleduje Ježiša Krista každý deň. A ja sa s tebou stretnem to ráno.

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy a pomodlime sa.

257Ó Pane Bože, Darca Večného Života a Autor tohoto Slova, ktorý si znovu priviedol z mŕtvych Pána Ježiša a náležite si to zidentifikoval pred generáciou neveriacich ľudí; Bolo to dlho dnes ráno. Mnohí tu sedia, zbor je plný; Ľudia stoja okolo a pásky sú nahrané, aby išli po svete, na rôzne miesta. Kazatelia budú toto počuť vo svojich pracovniach. Modlím sa za nich, Pane. Nech tieto slová padnú hlboko do ich srdca, nech seknú hlboko, nech odseknú celý svet, aby mohli povedať, ako tento mladý metodistický kazateľ z Kentucky prišiel raz ku mne a povedal, “Keď som počúval tých sedem cirkevných vekov, počul som volanie, - ’Vyjdi z tých múrov Babylona.’“ Zanechal som to a odišiel som. Neviem ktorou cestou ísť alebo čo robiť, ale odišiel som.” Nech je požehnaná odvaha toho mladého muža so ženou a s tromi deťmi.

258Bože, nech mnohí nájdu svoju cestu do Slova Božieho, jedinú cestu života, lebo On je Slovo. Modlím sa za každého jedného, Otče. Niekedy, keď sa hovoria tieto veci, to nie je v krutosti; To je v láske; Pretože láska napráva. A modlím sa, Bože, aby to tí ľudia rozumeli, že je to tak: že je to určené, aby to napravilo.

259Ty, ktorý si ich musel napraviť, modlil si sa za nich na kríži, “Otče, odpusť im. Oni sú slepí, nerozumejú čo robia.” Modlím sa za tých kazateľov dnes, ktorí znovu križujú Slovo, tým, že berú svoje vyznania a denominácie a dogmy a nahrádzajú nimi Slovo života. A potom, pred ľuďmi kritizujú skutočnú pravdu, ktorú Boh potvrdzuje, že to je Jeho Pravda. Modlíme sa za nich, Otče, aby si ich znovu pozval na svadobnú hostinu. A nech by teraz prišli a nenašli výhovorky lebo si uvedomujem, že posledné zavolanie už mohlo zaznieť. Teraz môže byť príliš neskoro. Verím, že nie je.

260Požehnaj toto malé zhromaždenie prítomné tu, týchto niekoľko sto ľudí, ktorí sa tu zhromaždili dnes ráno, tento horúci deň, sedeli tu na zdĺhavom, možno dvoj hodinovom alebo dlhšom zhromaždení a počúvali. Neodišli, sedeli ticho a počúvali. Mnohí z nich čakajú na obed a ženy stoja so svojimi deťmi a čakajú, držia sa každého slova.

261Pane, uvedomujem si, čo sa mi stane v deň súdu, keby som zle informoval týchto ľudí. Som si vedomý, Pane, tak vedomý, že môžem cítiť, že sa ich snažím doviezť do Slova a nech žijú tým Slovom, hovorím im, že Ty si ten istý včera dnes i naveky, že ten veľký Duch Svätý je Ježiš Kristus len vo forme Ducha Svätého, ten istý Muž. Ty si tak povedal, “Krátku chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte, lebo Ja budem s vami i vo vás.” A ja viem že toto si Ty, Pane. A my Ti veríme, pretože ťa vidíme robiť medzi nami to isté.

262Vydávame sa Ti dnes, triezvo, my tu v tomto zhromaždení. A na páskach, Pane, práve v tejto minúte, nech každý muž a žena, chlapec alebo dievča - ktorí sú tu prítomní alebo stoja vonku, alebo počúvajú toto z pásky, nech môžeme v tejto chvíli urobiť hlboké zasvätenie a vydanie sa úplne do služby Bohu.

263Pohybuj sa pomedzi ľuďmi, Pane, v moci a uzdrav chorých. Oni vraveli, že tu majú malého chromého chlapca. Nech ten veľký Svätý Duch ... Vieme, že len byť takto v Jeho prítomnosti je ... Ona to vykoná. Ak môžeš účinkovať cez rádio a televíziu po krajine a uzdraviť chorého (Ty si poslal svoje Slovo a Ono ich uzdravilo.), Ty v tejto chvíli môžeš urobiť to isté. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si uzdravil každú chorú osobu, každého chromého, každého postihnutého tu a toho kto počuje tieto slová. Bože, udeľ to. Moja modlitba je za nich. S láskou Kristovou vo svojom srdci a cítim s tou potrebou, predkladám ich Tebe, Pane, Tebe na obetnom oltári, kde leží krvavé telo baránka, ako zmierenie za naše hriechy a nemoci, leží tam. Úpenlivo prosím o milosť pre ľudí. Chcem stáť tak ako stál Mojžiš v trhline za nich, Pane, a hovorím, “Bože, buď im milostivý ešte trochu a daj im ďalšiu príležitosť.” Nerob to hneď teraz, Pane. Nech to evanjelium ide ešte trochu ďalej.

264Oni sú odsúdení, Pane. Modlím sa aby Tvoje veľké milosrdenstvo a zľutovanie dosiahlo až po tú poslednú osobu, ktorá má svoje meno v Knihe. A viem, že dosiahne. Nie je ťažké modliť sa proti tvojmu Božskému Slovu a proti - chcem povedať zhodne s tvojím Božským Slovom, Pane, so Slovom, ktoré je zasľúbené, Slovo, ktoré je potvrdené, Slovo, ktoré predurčilo týchto ľudí tam pred založením sveta. Nie je to ťažko modliť sa, aby si spasil tých, ktorých mená sú v Knihe, pretože viem, že to urobíš, Ježiš tak povedal: “Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec prídu.” A nikto nemôže prísť ak nebol daný.

265A tak, modlím sa, Bože aby všade, kde padnú tieto slová, na páske aj teraz tu, aby Duch Svätý zavolal hneď teraz každú predurčenú osobu, od založenia sveta, keď ich mená boli zapísané do Baránkovej knihy života. Nech počujú hlas Boží, ktorý dnes hovorí a ten malý, tichý, nepatrný hlas dole v ich srdci povie, “Toto je tá cesta, kráčaj po nej.” Udeľ to, Otče. Prosím o to v mene Ježiša.

266A zatiaľ čo teraz máme sklonené svoje hlavy tu v obecenstve, vy veríte, že toto je pravda a vy ... (Ja kladiem svoje ruky na tieto vreckovky, ktoré tu ležia a balíčky pre chorých a postihnutých.) Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať, úprimne teraz. Neprišiel som sem len preto, aby ste ma počuli. Som unavený; Som vyčerpaný. Nie som taký mladý ako som bol a viem, že naše dni sú zrátané. A viem, že musím vynaložiť každú malú vec, ktorú môžem, pre kráľovstvo Božie. Musím kázať stále, keď môžem mať príležitosť. Musím - musím ísť, či to tak cítim alebo nie. Prichádzam sem pretože cítim, aby som to robil; chcem to robiť. Milujem vás. Nehovorím tie veci ostro a tvrdo, aby - pretože chcem; Je vo mne pulz. Práve táto vec, ktorá bola potvrdená, je to, čo ma tlačí do toho aby som to tak robil. Hovorím to dobrosrdečne s láskou. Nemám v úmysle nadávať našim ženám alebo mužom. Nemám to v úmysle, brat, sestra; Ja vás len chcem priviesť na zreteľné miesto, kde môžete vidieť nápravu a bič Pánov, že musíte vojsť teraz. Neodkladajte to; Mohli by ste čakať príliš dlho.

267A vy, ktorí máte túžbu prísť na Pánovu stranu s úplným vydaním sa vo svojom srdci v prítomnosti v obecenstve teraz a tiež aj tam kde budú tieto pásky. Či so svojimi sklonenými hlavami ... Nedvíhajte ruky ak to tak nemyslíte. No, ak to tak skutočne myslíte, že chcete prísť ku Pánovi s viac posväteným životom, chcem aby ste hneď teraz zodvihli ruku. Vy ... Nech vás Pán žehná. Zasväcujete sa nanovo Kristovi, aby ste sa snažili niesť to pohanenie. Povedzte, “Ja som ochotný dnes zobrať to pohanenie.” Ja som tiež zodvihol obidve ruky. “Chcem zobrať na seba pohanenie Ježiša Krista. Ochotne niesť tento znak - byť nazvaný fanatikom alebo akokoľvek to chcete nazývať. Nesiem to s hrdosťou, pretože to je pre Pána. Nesiem to s hrdosťou.”

Či vy všetci nechcete niesť to isté? Zodvihnite ruky a povedzte, “Z milosti Božej chcem ...”

268Učeníci sa vrátili a pokladali to za veľkú česť niesť pohanenie pre Jeho meno. Alebo chcete niesť pohanenie kvôli nejakej Hollywoodskej hviezde, alebo nejakej televíznej, alebo nejakému členovi cirkvi alebo niečomu takému, alebo chcete niesť pohanenie Slova Ježiša Krista. Daj mi niesť pohanenie Slova, Pane. Viem, On niesol pohanenie Božieho Slova. Daj mi ho tiež niesť, Pane.

A tento posvätený kríž budem niesť

Až kým ma smrť nevyslobodí,

Potom pôjdem domov, niesť korunu ...

Jedného dňa dostaneme korunu. Teraz je hotová. Keď sa tento zemský život skončí, potom budeme vedieť, že za chvíľu.

269No, nie je tu miesto, aby sme priviedli ľudí ku oltáru. Nech vaše miesto tam, kde ste, je oltárom: “Všetci, ktorí uverili ...” Kým sa pomodlíme.

270Nebeský Otče, zdá sa mi akoby sa zodvihla takmer každá ruka mladého i starého v tomto obecenstve. A modlím sa, aby zakaždým, keď sa bude púšťať táto páska, aby dali ľudia svoje ruky hore a kolená dole v tej izbe. Otec a matka nech idú a objímu jeden druhého a nech povedia, “Drahá, dlho sme boli členmi zboru. Poďme ku Kristovi.” Udeľ to, Pane.

271Požehnaj tu týchto ľudí. Prosím Pane, aby si im dal zasvätený život. Mnohí z nich, Pane, sú dobrí ľudia. Oni sú tvoji ľudia; Oni len nepoznali pravdu. A modlím sa, aby si im ukázal tvoju pravdu, Pane. “Tvoje Slovo je Pravda.”

272Ako si povedal v Jánovi, myslím asi v 17. kapitole, povedal si, “Posväť ich, Otče, v pravde. Tvoje Slovo je pravda.” A to - znovu, Tvoje Slovo je stále pravda. Ono je stále pravda, pretože to je Boh. A modlím sa, Bože, aby si ich posvätil v pravde; To je, posvätil, očistil ich od všetkých vyznaní a denominácií; Očistil ich od všetkých svetských vecí do posväteného života Slova. Udeľ to Pane. Oni sú teraz Tvoji. Ty si zasľúbil, že to urobíš. A ako tvoj sluha, prinášam svoju modlitbu za nich. V mene Ježiša Krista.

A teraz so sklonenými hlavami, zaspievajme túto pieseň, kým sa budeme ďalej modliť.

Ježiš všetko zaplatil,

Jemu som všetko dlžný

Hriech zanechal červenú škvrnu,

On to umyl, je to biele ako sneh.

Včera som bol na jednom mieste, a ten človek mi bral miery na oblek, ktorý mi tu brat v zbore kúpil. On povedal, “Tvoj oblek vyzerá teplý a ja ti kúpim chladnejší.”

273A ja som si ho tam odišiel skrátiť a on povedal, “Aha, pravé rameno máš ovisnuté. Voľakedy si musel nosiť ťažké bremená.”

274Pomyslel som si, “Áno, bremeno hriechu, ale Ježiš to všetko zaplatil.” Počúvajte keď to spievame.

Ježiš všetko zaplatil,

Potom všetko (celý svoj život) dlžím Jemu;

(Čo hriech urobil?)

Hriech zanechal červenú škvrnu,

On to umyl, je to biele ako sneh.

275Bože, buď nám milostivý v tomto hlbokom čase rozjímania. Nech Slovo vsiakne hlboko, Pane, do srdca. Nech ľudia, hoci budú neskoršie na obede ale Pane, toto je viacej než jedlo; Toto je Život. “Moje Slová sú pokrm,” Ty si povedal. A to je to, čím sa sýtia naše hladné duše.

A teraz, Pane, zober nás, formuj nás. Pane, zober ma s nimi. Ja chcem ísť s nimi. Idem teraz na Golgotu, Pane, vierou. Idem s týmto zhromaždením. Preformuj ma, Pane. Urobil som zle. Mnohokrát keď som ... Tu nedávno, chcel som prestať kázať. Ľudia ma nepočúvali. Oni ďalej robili to isté a ja som bol z toho znechutený. Vytvoril sa vo mne komplex. Ó, Bože, pred pár týždňami, keď si mi dal tam ten znak, a nie - keď som čítal Bibliu a videl som, že si povedal Mojžišovi, tak ako bol ten sen, že tam tiež bola hora, ktorá bola znakom pre neho. A potom hneď na konci toho, aby som to vedel, že by som opustil veľa chorých ľudí, službu, ktorá nie je len prorocká ale zahrnuje vyučovanie Slova a modlenie sa za chorých. Ty si dovolil, že rovno tu padol na podlahu človek a bol mŕtvy a potom si ho priviedol naspäť do života, na potvrdenie, že to je pravda. Ty stále potvrdzuješ svoje Slovo.

276A teraz, Pane, potvrď to hneď teraz, kým som pred tvojím trónom. Vezmi každého jedného z týchto ľudí, Pane, odstráň od nás svet. Vezmi mňa, Pane, kým sme v Tvojej Prítomnosti. Zober proste Slovo; Vyžmýkaj naše srdcia. Bože, hneď teraz, vytiahni z nás svet a starosti tohoto sveta. Daj nám byť zasvätenými kresťanmi, ó Bože, aby sme boli milí, láskaví, a príjemní, aby sme niesli ovocie Ducha. Urobíš to, Pane? Sme pred Tvojím Trónom. Hriech zanechal červenú škvrnu na každom jednom z nás ale tvoja krv to môže zahladiť, Pane, a učiniť to bielym ako sneh. Udeľ to, kým očakávame na Teba. Vezmi nás, sme Tvoji, zasvätili sme Ti svoje životy. V mene Ježiša Krista. Udeľ to Pane, každému jednému z nás.

277Vyžmýkaj moje srdce, Pane. Vidím všetky moje chyby, vidím svoje omyly. Bože, od teraz sa snažím žiť najlepšie ako môžem, aby som Ti pomohol. Chcem ísť ... Chcem tu dnes ráno znovu posvätiť svoj život pre Teba. Po prinesení obžaloby, tam proti mojim duchovným priateľom a musel som povedať tieto tvrdé veci, ale Pane, urobil som to cez Tvoju inšpiráciu. Cítim, že Ty si mi povedal, aby som to urobil. A teraz som to zložil zo svojich pliec, Pane. Som rád, že som to zložil. Daj im s tým urobiť čokoľvek chcú, Otče. Prosím, aby to prijali.

278Prosím aby si spasil každého jedného, Pane. Nech povstane prebudenie spravodlivých a veľká moc nech príde do cirkvi pred jej odchodom. Nie je ťažko modliť sa o to, pretože si to zasľúbil.

279A my očakávame, Pane, na to tretie potiahnutie, o ktorom vieme, že vykoná pre nás veľké veci v našom strede.

280Som tvoj, Pane. Kladiem sa na tento oltár, tak posvätený ako len viem. Odstráň odo mňa svet, Pane. Odstráň odo mňa veci, ktoré podliehajú skazeniu. Daj mi neskaziteľné veci: Slovo Božie. Aby som bol schopný žiť to Slovo tak blízko, až Slovo bude vo mne a ja v Slove. Udeľ to, Pane. Aby som sa nikdy od toho neodvrátil. Aby som držal ten Kráľovský meč tak pevne, zovrel ho tak pevne. Udeľ to, Pane.

281Požehnaj nás spolu. Sme tvoji sluhovia, keď sa Ti zasväcujeme dnes ráno, znovu vo svojich srdciach. Sme tvoji v mene Ježiša Krista do služby. Ježiš ... (Nech vás Boh žehná. Brat Neville.)

THE INDICTMENT, 63-0707M, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 161 min

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. Let's remain standing just a moment now for prayer. Let's bow our heads. Is there any spoken requests, if it would be known by an uplifted hand, just to God, say, "I--I..."? Hold in your mind now what--what you want to ask Him, and believe it with all your heart, while I offer my prayer for you, too.

2 Heavenly Father, we are... count this such a privilege, to come to the house of the Lord, upon this gloomy day, and--and find the Son-Light of God shining, and hear the Holy Spirit singing through the people, and speaking through the people, just a--a little cluster of Son-shine within. We thank Thee for this, the Heavenly Son-shine around our hearts. How we thank Thee for it! Now they're...

3Thy people has just lifted their hands in this congregation, that they have requests, that they would desire that You would answer them this morning. And I pray, Father, that You will grant each of their requests. There is so many, piled upon the desk, and so many requests everywhere, of people sick, suffering; phone call, long distance, about fifty a day. O God, what shall we do? Just lead us, Lord. We--we don't know which a way to go or what to do, but Thou can direct these things, and we pray that You will grant it to us. Because, it's--it's our intention, Lord, what life that we have on earth is given to us by Thee, and we want to use it to honor Thee by. Now You guide us in those things, Father.

4Bless us today as we've assembled together to hear the Word of the Lord, to sing the songs, to offer prayer. Hear our prayers. Joy with us in our songs, and speak to us through the Word, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

May be seated.

5 I just don't know any place that I would deem to be a greater privilege to stand, than it would be to stand in the--in the pulpit, to break the Bread of Life to a waiting, hungry, thirsting people. And this is a great privilege.

6First, I'd like to ask if--if any of the Wright family is here, Hattie or Orville, or any? Hattie. Is Orville with you, Hattie? Well, ask him if he would come by the house, immediately, of what I told him, you know. Drop by the house, if he can. I forgot to bring it down with me, this morning, something for their little doggy they got down there. So I--I just... If you will, just drive right by the house as you leave out for--for your ser-... after service.

7 And now, Edith, Hattie's sister, that we know as the little girl that's been crippled up since she was a--a baby. And she is a woman now, and she is in very bad shape. Now I, about a year ago, I went down there when she had her first spell, and immediately I found what her trouble was, by the help and grace of God. Now, really, what's the trouble with the child...

8She is setting, her limbs hit together, and she can't even move them apart, it's because of the tremendous pressure on the--the nerve system. But, what it is, there is nothing physically wrong with the child, outside of the affliction of infantile paralysis when she was about six months old. She screamed and cried all of her life, nearly, till... We prayed for her many years ago, and--and she's been happy ever since, until about a year ago.

9 And now it's really menopause. In other words, the changing of her life, and her nerves are in such a tremendous condition. And the little lady has got on her mind that she is dying, she's--she's just not going to live, just from one hour to the other. And you know. And healthy, strong women have terrible time, sometime have to take shots of hormone, and--and go into the institutions, and take shock treatments and everything, during that time.

The human being has two changes of life.

10They have the change from a boy to a--a man; from a woman... from a girl to a woman. About sixteen, seventeen years old, they get like a bunch of just fly-by-nights. And--and if you can just suffer with them during that age. I got a daughter in that age right now, Rebekah. Pray for her. And Billy, oh, every one of us, we come through that little frantic age. And--and so we must suffer with them, realizing it's something that--that they--they have to go through.

11 And now, Edith, with this just changing of--of the--of the seven years. Every seven years, your life changes. So the seven times seven, you see, and--and it's makes it kind of hard, and that's a complete change. And it--it bothers the women. Men usually get a kind of a funny carrying-on during that time, and sometimes leave their wives. But women are--are unfertile after that. And we all go through that, and we must remember that it's things that we must bear with one another, and understand those things.

12And little Edith has got in this condition, and she's lost much weight, and she looks bad. And--and--and I tell you, some night, not all of you together, but just a little trip down... They set up with her, day and night. And a--a little trip down there from this tabernacle and--and the different tabernacles, the--the sister tabernacles here, some of you people go down and see the Wright family. I'm sure they would appreciate it. Just go down, set with them a little while, and talk to them, shake their hand, and if no more than a little friendly visit.

13We--we forget that so easy, you know. And when it comes to our own home, then we appreciate it. And we must remember, others appreciate it, too. And the Wright family, I'm sure, would appreciate that. I--I know you would have done it if you had knowed this condition existed. But you didn't know it, so there--therefore I was telling you this morning, for it.

14 Go and visit the Wright family, and try to cheer Edith up. Now, don't tell her she looks bad. Tell her she "looks good," she "going to be fine." Which, she'll be all right if we just keep holding on for her. That's what we're here for. She is our sister, and--and we're here to hold on in these times for that child. Just like I want somebody to hold for me and pray while I was going through my trials, and you want somebody for yours.

15And--and the Wright family has been a--a long... one of the oldest members that comes to this gathering. Them, I guess, and Brother Roy Slaughter and Sister Slaughter. I seen them just a few moments ago, waved at them when they come in. Thought, myself, as I drove around the corner, "How many years have I seen Brother and Sister Slaughter take their place in this church, through the ups-and-downs, and still wading on?" And the Wright family, and like that, you appreciate those people, you see. And let's--let's show our appreciations to them.

16 Now, today, I got a long Message. It's on an indictment.

17And--and then, tonight, I hear there is communion and footwashing, so forth. So the pastor will speak, and we'll have... we'll come down. And if you--if you're around, come and enjoy the--the message from the pastor, from the Lord, and then also from the footwashing and the--and the communion, tonight. It's be a--a real heavy packed night, so we'd be glad to have you, if you have no other place to go.

18And we want to appreciate Don Ruddell, and--and our brother, and Brother Jackson. And--and these brethren are our brother, sister churches that's associated. Brother Jack Palmer over here, who keeps the--the group down in Georgia. And we--we--we want to appreciate these man with all of our heart. For, times when we have services, when I come in, and they--they come to visit us, and we appreciate it.

19 I see, this morning, my good friend, Doctor Lee Vayle and his wife. I recognized Sister Vayle there, first, and I kept looking around to see where Brother Lee was. And I got a, what the old Southern expression, "a crow to pick with him," see, whenever I got him. I looked for him every day, at that convention, to be down there to help me out. And I said, "Well, if Lee comes, have him preach, and I'll just make prayer for the sick." And we paged him, and everything else, and never could find him. So, I'm--I'm, I got it, the crow to pick with him, when I get to talk. And we're glad to have Brother and Sister Vayle in, this morning.

20And maybe there is many more here that we don't understand. I see a sister here, I believe, from Chicago. I can't... I know the group here, but I just can't call their names exactly. So we--we appreciate them from everywhere, wherever you are.

21 I see the brethren here, two young fellows that's to be ordained (young in the ministry, at least) this morning. Two, our colored brethren from up in New York, has just received their credentials through the Philadelphian church, and given this church as where they come from. And we're going to lay hands upon them, that God will bless their ministry in New York. We got two or three little churches up there, I believe. Brother Milano has one of the little groups there, and we're... we appreciate them. And--and here is two more going out now to make, have services for the people there. And we--we appreciate these things.

22 The Lord bless you richly. So many; I look around and see different ones, and you just can't call all their names, but I know that He understands.

23Now, I believe, if our sister, the pianist, or one of them will come here and play for us.

When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet,

Making him as pure as pure can be,

And when the word of... voice of God said, "Who will go for us?"

Then he answered, "Here am I, send me."

24When, we ordain these ministers by laying on of hands. Now, we realize that the Scriptural way of ordaining a minister is laying on of hands. I think that's where our Latter Rain brethren, or the Battleford people, and so forth, got mixed up; and when they seen that, laying on of hands, to impart spiritual gifts. Now, we do not believe that gifts comes by laying on of hands. We believe that a... laying on of hands is a sanction to what we've already seen. See? It's a "amen." See?

25 Now, when they laid hands upon Timothy, and upon those brethren, they had noticed in them men was the gift. Remember, "Stir up that gift which was in you, come from your grandmother Lois." And they seen this in Timothy, and therefore the elders laid hands upon him and ordaining him. Not put hands upon a man that nothing has ever been showed forth, you see. And they just asked the blessings. And we all believe that. So we don't impart spiritual gifts; we only recognize them, and lay hands upon them, to sanction them, that we believe that God has done such things for the people.

26I noticed, this morning, way back in the back, Brother McKinney from... I believe it's Kinney or McKinney, the Methodist minister setting back there, that's just recently been ordained here, too, I believe that was right, from the platform; for to hold forth up in Ohio, with Brother Dauch and Sister Dauch, and the group from up in Ohio.

27Oh, when we all gather together, these little places coming together, it's wonderful. No denomination; no ties of nothing, but only to Jesus Christ, that's all, see, just "setting together in Heavenly places."

28 All right, sister, if you'll give us... Let's just sing this one verse of that, "When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet." Let's sing it together now.

When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet,

Making him as pure as pure could be,

When the voice of God said, "Who will go for us?"

Then he answered, "Here am I, send me."

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Now brethren will come forth, if you will.

... and I'll be quick to an-...

29Let the other minister brothers come forth, if they will, that's going to lay hands upon them."... my Lord..." Associates of the tabernacle here, Brother Ruddell, Brother Lamb, and them. Right here, if you will.

... and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

Slowly now, please.

Oh, millions now in sin and shame are dying;

Listen to their sad and bitter cry;

Hasten, brethren, hasten to their rescue;

Quickly answer, "Master, here am I."

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I'll be quick to answer Thee;

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

30What is your name, brother? [The brother says, "Orlando Hunt."--Ed.] Brother Orlando Hunt, from New York City. Is that right? And Brother... [The other brother then says, "Joseph Coleman."] Joseph Coleman.

Now if you will just turn to the audience, my brethren.

31 The Brother Hunt and Brother Coleman, a call of God upon their hearts. And as we have just sang the song, "There is millions now in sin and shame, are dying." They have heard that sad and bitter cry. And we ask them: hasten, brothers, hasten to their rescue! See, quickly answer, "Master, here am I." That's the way they're answering, this morning.

32And as we, as brethren of this church, and this group, sanction this, by laying our hands upon them and giving them the right hand of fellowship, as to be witnesses of Jesus Christ, with our support here, that we will back them up in everything that's honorable and right, in the Gospel. Our prayers will constantly be for these men, that God will use them to honor Him. And may their ministries be rich and great in New York. May their--their life be full of service for Him, bringing in precious sheaves to the Kingdom. May they live long, happy lives. May the Lord God undergird them with His everlasting Presence, and give to them health and strength, and keep them in His service until Jesus Christ shall call them to their Eternal Home in the Heaven of rest.

33 Let this congregation now... as we bow our heads, and we ministers go forward to lay our hands upon them.

34Our Heavenly Father, we lay our hands upon Brother Hunt, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as what we have known of him, Lord, has been righteous. And we thank Thee for this call in his life, of the ministry. Lord, speak through this brother, win souls, bring deliverance, Lord, to those that are in captive, both sickness and--and mentally, and physically and spiritually. Lord, give him a real ministry, that he might, at the end of his road, look back down through that long trail and see that he's been able, by the grace of God, to capture every enemy. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, we ask it. Amen.

35 Upon Brother Coleman we also lay our hands, as witnesses, Lord, to give sanction to his call, that we, this church, this group of people, believe in him as a servant of Christ. And we ask that You bless him and give him a great, mighty ministry, that he will win souls for You, Lord, and deliver the captive, and--and break the powers of Satan, around the lives of the people that he associates with. Give to him, Lord, a fruitful life, good health and strengthness. And, too, when he comes to the end of the road, God, grant that he can look down a long trail and see where, by the grace of Jesus Christ, he's been able to break every fetter of the enemy, to the honor of God.

36Heavenly Father, may these men now so live and work in the harvest of God. May Your blessings rest upon them and be with them until the time that we all gather at the feet of our great Master. In Jesus Christ's Name we ask it. Amen.

37God bless you, Brother Hunt, give you a fruitful ministry. God bless you, brother, and give you a--a fruitful ministry, too, Brother Coleman. God bless you. Again:

When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet,

Making him as pure as pure can be,

When the voice of God said, "Who will go for us?"

Then he answered, "Here am I, send me."

Oh, speak, my... (May He speak to many a young hearts.)... speak, my Lord, (Called of God!)

... and I'll be quick to answer Thee;

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

38 How we thank the Lord this morning for this great honor, of the church witnessing the sending out of ministers in the field in this last day. Grace of God go with you, my brethren! I hope He sends you to the foreign fields and across the world, preaching this unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, where it's so needy. So needy, the world is today.

39Now, so much of these good things, we just have to take a little here and a little there, in order to get it all in the service this morning. Now today we are... I'm speaking upon a subject that I... I sometimes don't like to approach these real terrific times.

40Now, last Sunday, if some of you wasn't here and--and didn't get the Message of The Third Exodus; and if you like the tapes, I believe you'll enjoy that one, The Third Exodus.

41 What have we got, a sick boy here, or something? Oh, a little, crippled boy. Yeah. May God bless him. That's it. All right. Just at the end of the service, we go pray for the sick, anyhow, you see. So we, now, we are...

42We ask you, maybe if you can, to get the Message, on The Third Exodus, the third time that the Light, the Angel of the Lord that has called the people to an exodus, has visibly showed Itself on earth, in an exodus. See? I think that's real outstanding, to me: the third exodus!

43Would you care if I took off my coat? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] It's awfully warm in the tabernacle this morning, and the only air conditioning we have is--is what you can fan. You have to generate your own power. So we are planning on, someday, putting a cool system in here, as soon as we can get things fixed.

44 Now, we would appreciate, if you--if you like to--to hear the Message, The Third Exodus. Now, we've had many exoduses, but we can definitely put our hand on the place, time, of three exoduses that God, in the form of a Pillar of Fire, has come down to call and separate people. And now it's separating a people.

45And we find out that, when He called His first exodus, He went before them in a Pillar of Fire, and led them to... leading them to a land where later He appeared before them, in the form of a Man called Jesus Christ. He come from God, and went to God. And the... then He was rejected. And He come then to call a people out of a--out of a formal condition that they had got into, like they had down in Egypt, had give away to sin and to the--the ways of the Egyptians. And God called them out.

46And now we find, the second time, they'd give away under captivity to a--a Roman Empire. And they got off in the creeds and got away from the real sincerity of the worship, and God again sent another exodus. And the... He appeared in the form of a Man that led man.

47 In the first exodus, He was a Pillar of Fire. Then, when He came on earth, in the land to where He led them. What a beautiful type it will be in the Millennium, where He is leading the Church now. "We shall see Him as He is, and we'll have a body like His Own glorious body."

48And today, by the Light of the Gospel reflecting from a Light, a Pillar of Fire visibly among us! Science has seen It. It's in the magazines, and across the world. And It's, both scientifically and spiritually, recognized as the same Pillar of Fire, by the same signs and same things It did always. And now in the midst of days when there's a lot of fanaticism and things, yet, God always identifies Himself. Now we find this.

49And what a glorious thing it is to know that, "This earthly tabernacle, someday," this old frail body that we're sick and afflicted in, "will be changed and made like unto His Own glorious body; then we shall see Him as He is," and be with Him in the Land that we're bound for today. Oh, I'd... almost make us feel like standing and singing I Am Bound For The Promised Land. They'll probably be singing that at the baptismal service, anyhow, 'cause that's our baptismal song.

50 Now to the brethren, both here and in the land of where the tapes go, and that's world around. This Messages are not directed to any certain individual. And we wouldn't want people to think that we are some sort of a clan, or a bunch of fanatics that's been gathered ourselves together, "to separate ourself, seemingly, not having the Faith," or separate ourself against anybody, or--or against God, or against the Church. We are for the Church. But we're only trying to point out, by the Holy Spirit and His help, the reason for this segregation that we have today. We, we do not believe in it.

51We believe that all churches ought to be fellowshipping together, not segregated away; the Methodists to their group, and the Baptists to theirs, and the Oneness, and the Trinitarians, and what we have, all separated out. We believe that it should be together, as one great united group of the Body of Jesus Christ, waiting for that glorious Coming. They should not be separated, at all.

52 And what separates it, there is bound to be some basic reason that we're not together. In studying it, I realize, in studying it, it's not the colors of our skin; because, yellow, black, brown, and white, all separate in different organizations. It's not the kind of food we eat; we all eat the same food. We wear the same kind of clothes, and so forth. But I see where basically it's at, is man who has got off the beaten path of the teaching of the Gospel, each man.

53And there ought to be some way to definitely show which is right and wrong. And the only way you'll ever do it, is not put any interpretation to the Word, just read It the way It is and believe It that way.

54 Each man putting his only, own interpretation, it makes It say something different, brings it back to the original organization of the Catholic church. Which, the Catholic church believes that God is in His church, "And the Word has nothing to do with it; and God is in His church."

55And we Protestants, as we find, and as Revelation 17, that all of them heaped up together, and that the Catholic church was "the mother" of all organizations. And we see that the Protestant organization, yet blindly, blindly, has the same nature of the Catholic church. The Bible calls the Catholic church a "whore," and calls the Protestant church "harlots," said that the whore was "the mother of harlots." And that is people, that's a ill-famed woman who doesn't live true to her marriage vows.

56And we all claim to be the Bride of Christ, and yet so untrue. What would make the untrueness? By living contrary to the--the discipline that God has laid out for His Bride to live by. That's my own opinion, the Bible, and It is the infallible Word of God, I believe.

57 And, therefore, we find out that the Protestant church, in order to have a organization, separates itself even from the Scriptures, to make its organization. Ministers, ordained, will hold to things that they...

58Now, they come to my study and in the rooms, by the hundreds, and tell me, "Brother Branham, you make those challenges to people. Nobody is going to stand out there against That. They know it's the Truth."

Why, I say, "Why, why don't you do it?"

59"Well, you see, if I do, I'll be begging my bread. Not nobody... I've got a ministry. I've got to get to the Lord, and I got to get to the people. And I'll have no backing up."

60Do you only realize that Christ is our backing up! The Bible is our backing. See?

61But, it, see, then that throws the--the Protestant church exactly the very same thing the Catholic church is.

62 The Catholic church doesn't care... Well, I don't say... I don't make it that rude, to say they don't care what the Bible says. They--they believe the Bible, but, see, they got a... Apostolic succession is what the Catholic church is based upon. That's a succession of popes, and call Peter the first pope, and on down. Now, they, they believe that. They, they emphatically believe that.

63And the Protestant, see, they--they gather together and have an organization just exactly like they did at Nicaea, Rome, where they organized the--the Catholic church by the... at the Nicaea Council. And we find that they're both the same. They're both the same. They leave the Word of God, to make a organization. See? And then when it comes to many great Truths that seem strange today, It's foreign to them, because they've only been taught by a ritual.

64We have no ritual but the Bible. We have nothing but God's Holy Word, and That's where we stand.

65 And now, today, I want to read some Scripture, just a minute, from the holy, sacred Word of God, found in the Book of Saint Luke. The 23rd chapter of Saint Luke, to base, get a--a platform of what I--I want to say, a basic thought on the thing that I want to speak on. And you are turning now to Saint Luke, the 23rd chapter, and I want to read one verse. That's all I need for this basis this morning, to place it upon. Now we read the 20th... the 23rd chapter, the 33rd verse of the 23rd chapter.

And when they... came to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.

66Now I want to take four words out of there, out of that reading, to base what I want to say, "there they crucified Him," four words. And now my subject is called... I--I'm a bringing an indictment to the denominational churches of this day, and also many of the independents, for crucifying Jesus Christ afresh in this day. Indicting them! This morning, it's called: The Indictment.

67 And I want to kind of use it more like if it was like a room of a courtroom, where there was... And after all, the pulpit and the church is a courtroom. The Bible said, "It's a judgment seat, that--that it must begin at the house of the Lord." And this is like the--the throne and the--and the jury, and the witnesses, and so forth. And I have, today, for my witness, is God's Word.

68And my indictment is against the churches of today. Now I--I'm not bringing the sinner into this. I'm just speaking this to the church. And it's--it's to be in the--the--the tapes now, and I--I'll try to get through as quick as I can. I indict this generation for the second crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

69 And now to do this in this age that we live in, I--I do this, I must show an evidence. If I have to bring an indictment, you have to show an evidence of the criminal offense that has been done. I--I have, to indict them, I--I have to bring the--the evidence to prove it, that it is, that what I'm saying will stand up before the main Judge. Which, and I take myself as an attorney to... on this indictment. That, the Word of God, being my witness, I indict this generation for the crucifixion.

70 I must show, and will show, that the same spirit is on the people today that brought the first crucifixion, and doing the same thing. I--I must do that, if it's going to be a crucifixion, that they've crucified. I must show to the--the people that the same attitude in the people today is doing the same thing, spiritually, that they did physically then. They crucified, physically, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And now, today, by the same Word, and by the--the same Holy Spirit and the same Word, I--I wish to show the churches there--there where they stand, that they are doing the same thing today, and the Bible said they would do it, and prove that this is the day that we're living in.

71It could not been done a few years ago. I say, fifty years ago it could not a-been done, but today this is very timely. And it could not have been done, maybe, ten years ago, but it can be done today because the--the time is run out. We are--we are at the end time. And I believe, as His servant, that we are--we are just about to cross from this land, to Another.

72Therefore, the time for repentance, for a nation, it's gone. I believe that this nation cannot repent. I believe that it's crossed the line between mercy and judgment. I believe she is toddling in the balance.

73 "Brother Branham, before you start your case, how you going to prove that?"

74Just this, that we are guilty of the same sins that God destroyed the world by, in the antediluvian world. We're guilty of the same sins that He destroyed the world in Sodom and Gomorrah. And, now, and we got all the same spiritual evidence laying here before us, all the same spiritual evidence, worldwide known, that brought down the mercies of God upon those generations. That, also, to reject, brought judgment. So if this generation has rejected the same mercy that was spurned in them days, God would be unjust to let them get by without judgment.

75As Jack Moore, a friend of mine, once said, "If this nation gets by without a punishment from God, then God would be obligated to raise up Sodom and Gomorrah and apologize for burning them up."

76 Now, we know that spiritually they're doing the same thing today, for they are doing it, too, for the same purpose, and in the same way that they did in the crucifixion of the Lord, physically. They are doing it because of jealousy, because of spiritual blindness. That, they don't want to see. They won't listen to It.

77Jesus, in His journey here on earth, He said, "Well did Isaiah speak of you, 'You got eyes and can't see, and ears and can't hear.'" See?

78The same reason, the same--the same purpose and the same reasonings, they're bringing the crucifixion of Christ anew, afresh, (as we'll get to it after a while), for the same reasons that they did then.

79They cannot find nothing against It. They are daresn't to try to challenge It. And they know the evidence is there. And they know the Bible says so. And the only thing they can do is blaspheme It. That's exactly. So, and all this, the same reasons.

80 And now, upon this basis, I challenge this generation of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ; for a crucifying, and guilty; with dirty, wicked, selfish, denominational hands has crucifying the Prince of Life that wanted to present Itself to the people.

You say, "The same Person?"

81"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and manifested Itself." The Word was manifested in flesh, and they condemned the flesh and put it to death, because the Word was manifested. Hebrews 13:8, said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." It's the same Word. See? And, for the same reason, they are trying to crucify the Word.

82 Now, to my text, to break back upon the subject that I want to take. "There," the four words, let's explain, "there." "There," the most holy city in the world, Jerusalem. "There," the most religious city in the world. There, "they," the most religious people in the world, at a religious feast, the feast of the Passover. "There," the most religious spot, the most religious city, the--the greatest of all the organizations, the head of all of it. There, "they," the most religious people in all the world, had gathered from all over the world. They "crucified," the most shameful death that could be, kill, a person could be killed; naked, stripped the clothes from Him. "He--He despised the reproach." They... The crucifix has a--a--a rag wrapped around Him; but they stripped His clothes from Him. The most shameful!

83 "There," the greatest religious city, "they," the most religious people, "crucified," the most shameful death, "Him," the most precious Person. If that ain't enough to condemn this generation!

84"There," the most religious organization, the biggest of all the churches gathered together in one place. "They," the most religious people of all the races, the people who are supposed to be the very worshippers of God. They gathered at the greatest holy feast they got, the cleansing of the... the Passover, when they was brought from bondage into liberty. And "there" in that time, "they" at that time, the most religious people, in the most religious feast, at the most religious place, brought upon the Prince of Life the most shameful thing that could be done, to strip a Man and to hang Him on a tree. Because, "Cursed is he," said the law that they worshipped by, "cursed is he that hangs upon a tree." "And He was made a curse for us." Stripping His clothes, beating Him, and mocking Him, the very God of Heaven; taking His clothes from Him, and nailed Him to a cross. Him! "There they crucified Him," under Roman capital punishment.

85 The most shameful death today would not be shot. The most shameful death today would not be to be run over by a car and killed, drowned by water, burned by fire. But the most shameful death today is public capital punishment, where that the whole world condemns you and calls you guilty.

86And the whole world put their hands upon this Man and called Him guilty, when He was innocent. And He died under the enemy's, (not His friends, not His laws), but under the enemy's crucifixion. The Prince of Life, the most precious Person that there ever lived, or ever will live, Jesus Christ. "Him," the most precious Person! Keep that in mind now as we build that platform around today.

87 Could you imagine, at a place like Jerusalem, where for twenty-five hundred years, or more, that the people... or hundreds of years. I may be a little long in that. Might have been about eight or nine hundred years, or something. I don't know just how, what the distance, from the time Solomon built the temple. I imagine, about eight hundred years, something like that.

88And they had looked for a coming Messiah. They had gathered there for the worship of the Passover. Just think of it now! The head of all of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and what have you, in one great gathering, to worship God. The most holy place, Jerusalem, the temple of the Lord, and the people of the Lord, took the Lord Himself and crucified Him, with capital punishment. Such a thing!

89 Now them four words, they, "There they crucified Him." Now, you still show the Bible, you see. It's just four words, but the Bible condenses Its Truths.

90Now, me, I have to go way around, explain what I'm talking about, but the Bible don't have to explain nothing. It just is all Truth, so the--the--the Bible don't have to explain anything. It--It doesn't have to explain it, because It is all the Truth.

91Here is four words of Its great chain of Truth. I'll try to explain It. And to try to explain It, clearly, would make a library. There is no way for me to explain those four words. But now let us, by the help of Him Who caused It to be written, try to explain these four words, to bring it in such a way that people would understand it.

92What we got before us now, we got the first crucifixion laying before us; at the most holy place, the most religious people, the most shameful death, to the most precious Person. Oh, it's such a contradictory. My, oh, my, it's disgraceful!

93 Now let's take, first, the first word, "there." Let's talk on it a few minutes before we bring the indictment. We'll break this down and show you what they was doing, then we'll find out if my indictment is correct or not. "There," Jerusalem, most holy simple place, 'cause the temple was there; the most holy place, because, it, the temple, was there. And Jews from all over the world gathered to this one place, a meeting grounds for worship. The most... greatest place for worship that there was, was at Jerusalem. The temple was there. That's, "It's written, 'All men ought to worship at Jerusalem,'" all right, because it's a center of worship.

94And today you hear them, one of them wants to say, they, "Oh, we come to these great conventions," where these denominations have it. And--and then we have the--the opening of the... at the Vatican City, and--and these ordinations of popes, and so forth. They, everybody says, "We all ought to go to the campgrounds of the Methodists, or the--the Bible Baptist convention." Or--or, "We all ought to go to--to Rome, and there where the great center," they call, "of Christianity."

95 During the time of the last war, when Rome fell, these German soldiers... Many of you boys know about this. Them German soldiers got back up into the Vatican City there, and firing out at the Americans as they were advancing. Brother Funk, and Brother Roberson, and many, and Brother Beeler, and many of those brethren who was in that war, knows. And you know what? We issued orders that they could not fire on that city. Americans, you stood there, and you was a target to them. But at the West-... the Westminster Abbey at the... in England, you could fire on that all right; that's where the Protestants gathered. So it was all right to fire on that, but not to fire on the Vatican. Because, as President Roosevelt... I heard his speech when he--when he broadcast it that night, called, A Fireside Talk. He said, "When Rome fell," he said, "such a shame, because Rome is the head of all Christianity." Could you imagine a Protestant saying that?

96 So the great center of Christian religion, well, we're going to--we're going to place that like Jerusalem, if you wish to. If you'd like to do that, let's put that at Jerusalem. The head of all these other, the--the--the Sanhedrins, and--and of the Pharisees, and of the Sadducees, all of them went up to Jerusalem. That was really the headquarters.

97And in the organizational life, you've got to admit that Roman Catholic Church is the mother of all of it. She sure is. And it started from Pentecost. That's where they got to when they organized. Now we, the Protestants, are just little sisters off of that church. And now let's say it would be there at the Vatican, today.

98 Or, there at Jerusalem, as it was at that day, "When all men ought to come to Jerusalem to work... worship." Why did they do it in the days of--of Jesus? Why did they say all men should worship at Jerusalem? For, there is only one place that God will fellowship with man, that is under the blood of the sacrifice. That's the reason they had to come to Jerusalem.

99God will never meet with man nowhere else but under the Blood. When you turn the Blood down, then your meeting place with God has been taken away. God made His first decision in the garden of Eden, that man would only worship Him under the shed blood of the sacrifice. And that's the only place that God met with man then, and that's the only place that God ever did meet with man.

100 And that's the only place He meets with man today, is under the shed Blood of the Sacrifice. See? I don't care if you're a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian; if you can forget your differences, Roman Catholic, whatever you might be, and will come under the shed Blood, God will meet with both of us there. That's where we can all meet and fellowship on the same grounds. But, otherwise, He will not meet just because you're a Methodist; He'll not meet just because you're Pentecostals. He'll meet with you under one condition, that's, under the shed Blood, when your sins has been confessed and expelled in His Presence, then, by the Blood. And the Blood is always before Him, and therefore He only can see you through that shed Blood. And you're white as snow, see, when you've confessed your sins. Otherwise, you're not there, you cannot fellowship.

101 That's the reason that you don't see things happening in the churches. They confess that they believe the Blood, but they reject the very plan to get to the Blood; the Word. See? There is only one way God will honor that Word. You'll never honor that Word, come and say, "I'm a Roman Catholic. I demand this to be done." You can't do it. Methodist, Baptist, or Pentecostals, you can't do it.

102The only way you can do it is under the mercies of God, through His grace, is to come through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ, say, "Lord, I claim the promise." See? And then if you really are under that Blood, God is obligated to that Word. But, first, you've got to be under that Blood. You see it now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

103 No wonder they can't believe in miracles. No wonder you can't believe in the supernatural. No wonder they condemn it. The same reason they condemned it back there, is the same reason they condemn it today. They are guilty as guilty can be. Cause, only under the shed Blood!

104And those who would dare, some little brother who dares, under humility, to take God at His Word, and walk out there and confess his sins, and forget all these dogmas and things, and stand there under the Blood and believe It, then they want to call him "a fanatic." They want to class him an... as we would say it; it's not a good word to use at the pulpit, but so that you'll understand, he's a "oddball."

105After all, aren't we all oddballs? See, the believer is an oddball to the unbeliever, and the unbeliever is an oddball to the believer, so who is the oddball? See? The farmer is an oddball to the businessman; the businessman is an oddball to the farmer, see, so who is he, anyhow?

106I tell you, salvation is an individual affair with man and God, alone, one individual, "searching out our own salvation with fear and trembling." And I know no other basis, as a teacher, this morning, or as a minister from Christ, than to lay it down upon the Word. I cannot place it on anything else.

107 Now we find there, then, that only under the blood, that God met the worshipper, so they met at Jerusalem.

108And Christ is God's provided Lamb of Sacrifice. And today there is only one place that God will meet man, and that's under the Blood of Jesus Christ. Anywhere else, it is condemned; God will never hear it. You might do all kind of a emotions, and all kind of isms, and shake, and jump, and have blood and fire and smoke, and everything else; but as long as that life isn't compared with the Word, and God thoroughly identifying that life, then there is no need of trying it, because you're out. And God will never meet it till it comes under the care of that Blood. That's right.

109 So, you see, in the Scripture, we've got a Jerusalem, the Church has; it's in Heaven, a Heavenly Jerusalem, where God is God. And, today, it's not under some creed or something, that we try to make it a Jerusalem. We'd like, the Methodists, would like to, now, like to make the--the Methodist headquarters a Jerusalem. The Catholic would like to make Rome. And--and the different places where we have our headquarters, we'd like to make that our... a Jerusalem. But the Bible says, that, "Our Jerusalem is from Above, which is mother of all the believers."

110 Now, and Christ is God's provided Lamb. Notice how appropriate it was now, showing that that Jerusalem was ceasing. When? It was in effect until that hour. The blood of the lamb was all right until that day, but now at the crucifixion it changes. The old system is done. There was a new one, and the--the Lamb was at the Sacrifice. The Lamb, the sacrificial Lamb, was on the grounds. They were condemning and doing the very thing there that they had to do. That's right.

111God be blessed, for seeing this wonderful Heavenly Light in this last day! Because, the churches is doing the same thing today. Until the hour that organization religion is condemned and proved to be sacrificing Christ's Word, from then on comes the Word, and the Word only. From, the old paschal lamb passed away and Christ become our Lamb, at the day of the crucifixion. And the day that the denomination crucified the Word of God and accepted a creed in the stead of the Word, that's the day the Word come into full effect. That's just been recently.

112 Notice, secondly. First, "there," Jerusalem. Secondly, "they," they. Who? The Jews, the worshipers. Think of it! The worshipers themselves was killing the very One that they claimed to be worshipping. Could you imagine such a thing, as intelligent men that were priests, that were trained, that had doctors' degree till they'd probably... They, they had to come out of a certain generation before they... or--or a tribe, before they could even be a priest. They had to be Levites. Their fathers was priests. Their grandfathers was priests. Their great-great-great-great-great-grandfathers was priests. And they had to live such a consecrated life, till, one iota against them, they would be stoned. No mercy was granted. Holy? Certainly, but self-made holiness. Had to act like that, to show their face for their church. "Inside of them," Jesus said, "you're full of dead men's bones."

113How I could bring an indictment right there! And man who know That to be the Truth, this Word to be the Truth, and will compromise on It, to show a face before some organization, uh-huh, I have a right to indict them, right, upon God's Word.

114 Notice, "they," the worshipers, the men who had looked for the promise, the men who had looked for it, through years and ages, and with nothing to do but in that constant seminary. But they had divided the Word according to the teaching of the seminary, and they had missed the very Truth of It. "They," the priests, the ministry of that day! "There," at their headquarters, "they," the ministry of that day, was killing the very God, the very Lamb. The very One that they claimed they were worshipping, they were killing.

115And, today, I indict this bunch of ordained ministers; in their creeds and denominations, they are crucifying, to the people, the very God that they claim that they love and serve. I indict these ministers, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, upon their doctrine, that claim that "the days of miracles is past," and that "the water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ is not sufficient and not right." Upon any of these Words, that they have substituted creeds for, I indict them, as guilty, and the Blood of Jesus Christ upon their hands, for crucifying afresh the Lord Jesus, the second time. They are crucifying Christ, to the public, taking from them the thing that they're supposed to be giving to them. And they substituted something else in Its place; a church creed, for popularity.

116 There they, "they," the ones who ought to have knowed better. If anybody should have knowed better, it should have been them ministers. If anybody should know better, it should be the clergy of this day. If anybody ought to know, the--the--the bishops, and archbishops, and--and ministers, and doctors of divinity, ought to know different. But why can't they? Uh! What a contradiction! What have we got before us here but a--a contradiction! They claim that they worship God, and they are killing the Prince of Life. They, "there they crucified Him," and here they again do the same thing, for He is the Word.

117That's what He is, only a reflection of the Word. And that's what He is today, a reflection of the Word, trying to find somebody to reflect Himself through.

118 And these people keep the congregation away from God. And--and if there is anything happens, and it's spoke of in the congregation, they condemn it from the platform, from the pulpit, and say, "It's fanaticism. Stay away from it!" In doing so, they crucify Jesus Christ in 1963, and are just as guilty as those guys at the... at that day. That's an awful statement, but it's the truth. Upon... That's exactly what they do today.

119And upon this grounds, upon the grounds of crucifying Christ, upon the grounds of taking the Word and taking It away from the people; is exactly what they were doing there. The very Word that God was reflecting through His Own Son, to prove It was, and the One that they claimed that they loved, the Jehovah that had manifested Himself by the Scriptures, done exactly what He said He would do, exactly what God said He would do, and reflected It before them. Because the love of their church groups, and things like that, they condemned the Prince of Life.

120 And I condemn the same group today, and indict them, as guilty before the God, by the Word of God, that they're doing the same thing. This generation is indicted. Remember Hebrews 13:8, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

121How did they indict Him? Because that their creeds would not accept Him, and down in their heart they knowed different. Did not Nicodemus, in the 3rd chapter of Saint John, well express it? "Rabbi, we, the Pharisees," the preachers, the teachers, "we know You're a teacher sent from God, for no man could do the things that You do unless God was with him." See? They publicly witnessed it by one of their renown men, and stew... because of their creeds, they crucified Christ.

122And today there is not a reader that cannot read Acts 2:38 the same as I can read It, and the rest of It, just the same as I can read It. But because of their creeds, and because of their denominational tickets that they got in their pocket, the marks of the beast that they're packing around as fellowship cards; and taking those things, they crucify to themselves Jesus Christ afresh, and crucify Him before the public, and blaspheme the very God that promised to do This, bringing damnation upon the race.

123 Now, there, "they," not the sinner. "They," that is, the church of that day, they found fault with the Man Who was the Word. Is that right? They found fault with the Man Who was the Word. Now they find fault with the Word working through the man. See, they just vice versa it. Which, is in the person, This, the Holy Spirit is working through, is God's vindication.

124How did they know He was Christ? Because His works proved what He was. He said, "Which one of you can condemn Me of sin? If I haven't done just exactly what the Scripture said I would do! And which... Somebody tell Me where I failed somewhere, if I haven't showed every sign that I am the Messiah, that I'm the very One that you promised."

Said, they said, "Well, we have Moses. We believe Moses."

125Said, "If you would have believed Moses, you'd believe Me. If you... Moses seen My day and desired to--to live in this day. Moses seen afar off, and the prophets. And here you are, living right by It, and condemn." Said, "You hypocrites," said, "you can discern the face of the skies, but the sign of the time you can't discern."

126 There it is, the sign of the time. What did it class Him? "A fanatic, a crazy man." Yeah, they found fault with the Man Who was the Word.

127He was the Word. Saint John, 1st chapter, proves it, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." He was the living Word of God, because He was expressing God through Himself. He was so completely to surrendered to the--to the Word of God, till He and the Word was the same. And that's exactly what the Church ought to be today, that the Word of God is the same.

128How can you be part of that Word when you deny practically all of It? And the reason it's done, is not because the people; that's the reason I think God spoke to me about calling His people the "Rickys" and "Rickettas." It's because of these selfish denominations, has got those people living out there in the way they're living. They've crucified the Truth. And the people call It a blasphemy, and they make It blasphemy, rather. They call It fanaticism, and so forth, and not knowing that they're blaspheming the very God that they go to church to serve.

129Therefore, I indict this bunch of clergy today. I indict this generation, in the Name of Jesus Christ, under the authority of God's Word. You are crucifying Him again.

130Notice, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever," God's Word a vindicated in a man.

131 Compare the two Calvarys and their accusation. Remember, "Because He made Himself God, we will not have this Man rule over us." What was the accusation that they could find, in the council that morning, when they crucified Jesus? That, "He made Himself God." He was God. "And He broke the Sabbath." And He was the Lord of the Sabbath. They condemned Him because that He made Himself God. "You have no right to do this. You have no right. Our high priests, if anything is coming, come through our priests." Now compare that with the Calvary today.

132When, God, it so pleased the Father, God, the Spirit, to raise up His Own Son; overshadowed the Mary, by the Holy Spirit, and brought forth a body that could serve Him and serve His purpose to He. "The God was in Christ, the fullness of the Godhead bodily, in Him," reflecting what God was, to the people, letting the--letting the whole world know what God wanted each individual to be: a son, and daughter. He took one Man and did it. And because that He didn't join with their organizational ranks, they condemned Him and crucified Him.

133 Now compare that Calvary with today. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Because of organizational prejudice, because of indifference between scholars who ought to know God's Word and plan; because of this, God can take a little group of people that He can work through, somewhere, and reflect Hisself, who will humble themselves to the Word. And they cannot say it isn't so.

134They could not say He didn't do it, for their congregation was witness of it. It was before them. They couldn't deny it. They couldn't deny His claims, because, the very Word that they said they believed, was the One Who had proved that He was. Because, God took the Word that was supposed to be the Messiah and show It through a Man, and they had to get rid of Him. It's the only way they could go on, was get rid of the Messiah. And they did it through blindness and ignorance, regardless of their education. They were smart, intelligent; worldly speaking.

135As we compared the other night, when the Light struck the rich young ruler, look what he did. He rejected; a smart man. Paul, another smart man, the Light struck him. What'd he do? He accepted It. He forgot it, all he ever knowed, that he might know Christ. That made his life worthy of the Gospel. (Last Sunday night's Message.)

136 There It is today. It strikes maybe some little man, that's went off, had a call of God, he felt, went to some seminary and learned some creed. He must live by that creed or give up his fellowship card. If he does, he's black-marked, nobody else will have him, because once he belonged to something else and now he don't belong to it. They figure there is something wrong with that man, and they will not have him in their congregation. When, the congregation only looking for one sign, that is, if he believes what they believe.

137If he's got a card, if he's a Methodist, if he's a card... he belongs to another fellowship, or a Oneness, or a Trinitarian, or whatever it might be, church of God, or in the Pentecostal ranks, and all those ranks. If he packs a card, they feel that the headquarters has looked him over, and tested his mind, and give him a psychiatrist's test, and see if his I.Q. was high enough that he could speak before them. If he don't, they turn him down. That's right.

138 But, you see, the congregation ought to be watching the hand of the Lord, see whether God has give him his ordination or not. That's what we ought to be looking at. But today they crucify the--the--the Son of God afresh. When, a man is able, by the grace of God, be called of God, to let God reflect Hisself through him. "The works that I do shall you do also," He said. Notice what a day that we're living in!

139They, they take, they--they take the--the very Calvary, we can this morning, and the very reason. Now, they knowed that was Truth; but because of jealousy, prejudice. What did Jesus say to them? "If I cast out devils by the finger of God, then who--who do you cast them out by? Let them be your judge, see, if I by the finger of God cast out devils."

140Now, just like you heard them say, "Can you prove it's the finger of God?" I'd like to see, I'd like to heard that question asked Him. They were too smart for that.

141Notice, "Because that He made Himself God," and He was God. "And we will not have Him rule over us."

142 But now the thing, the same old cry comes again, "That Bible was written by man," they say. "We don't have to live by That." That's God's. That's God's Word. It's God, Himself.

I was talking to a man yesterday, said, "Well, some man might have wrote that Bible."

I said, "Yes, there was. His Name, we know Him as God."

143It was wrote in four thousand years apart, almost, the Scriptures, back from Job, all the way to the New Testament, and wrote by hundreds by--by... and hundreds of years apart; and was wrote by different man, and them not knowing the other, in different parts of the country, and not one Word of It will condemn the other. I dare anybody to come under the Blood of Jesus Christ and claim any promise in There! God is obligated to take care of It.

144But they won't do it. They'll come, say, "O Lord, I want to do something. Give me a great gift. Hallelujah, Lord! Glory to God, I believe I got it. Hallelujah!" It'll never work. You might bring forth a lot of psychology, but it won't work.

145God has got to recognize that repentance. God has got to do that. We could say a lot along that line, but I hope you're--you're understanding.

146 Look, but now they won't have the Word rule over them. I say, "Every one of you return back. You're baptized wrong. You're baptized in the Catholic church."

147"Who are you to tell us that?" It's not me; it's the Word. "But I tell you, we--we believe..." I don't care what you believe; it's what the Bible says. "But we don't have to live by That."

148You do do it, or you're under the judgment of this Bible. For, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of It, or add one to It, the same will be taken out of, part, of the Book of Life," let him be minister, clergyman, or whoever he is. You've got to come under the rulership of this Word, for It is God. The Bible says It's God.

149"We won't have It rule over us." They take their creeds, and denominations, and their--their little petty things that they believe in, and has been adopted by councils of man, and take it instead of God's Word.

150 What did they do? They took a Barabbas, a murderer, instead of the Son of God, at the day of the first crucifixion.

151And today they are taking some man's word, which is a lie and the way of death, and refusing to take the way of Life, God's Word. I condemn this generation, indict it, in the Word of the Lord, that they're wrong. They're guilty of crucifixion, or trying to crucify the Spirit.

152 They call for a revival, everywhere. How you going to have a revival when the Word Itself can't work through the people? I'd like for somebody to answer that for me. How can it do, when you deny the very Revival Itself? Well did the prophet speak of them, "forms of godliness." Their own forms, back there, denied the Word of Life. Their own forms, today, deny the thing that can bring them a revival; their creeds and forms. Yes, sir.

153They take the denomination and their creeds instead of the--the Word, and that crucifies His Word and makes His Word of no effect to the people. When they see the Word of God so vividly and just place Itself, that God made the promise He would do this, and here He is doing it, and they make fun of It and get away from It, it's blasphemy. And they try to crucify the Word Itself.

154Why do they crucify It? They can't crucify the Word no more than they could crucify God. They could crucify the body that held God, the Son of God. They could crucify that, but they can't crucify God. He had to be, that time, on account of being the Sacrifice, to bring in many sons that's predestinated to Eternal Life. They had to do it then, but they can't do it now. They can't do it, for the Word Itself will live on. But they...

155 "What do they do? How do they form? What are you saying then, preacher? How you building your platform here, that they crucify Him, then?"

156They are crucifying the effects of the Gospel upon the people, by their creeds. That's the crucifixion. That where the public set in these big morgues, called churches, denominations, and draw a line of creed, and that had... The Word of God can't have an effect upon them, because they--they condemn the very things that Christ said would take place. It just don't come according to their creed.

157And neither did Jesus come according to their understanding of Him coming. He come in the way that God sent Him, and He come exactly with the Word. No wonder He said He had "hid It from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and revealed It to babes such as would learn." Do you understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

158 Oh, they have crucified the effects of the Word. I got a bunch of Scriptures here. I might just quote two or three of them. They crucify It.

You say, "How do they crucify the Word?"

159When Jesus said that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, Hebrews 13:8; they say, "In such a way He is." See? All right.

160And Jesus said, His last commandment to the Church, "Go ye into all the world," Mark 16, "go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel. These signs shall follow them that believe. All the world; to every creature!" And it ain't half reached yet. And there is millions die, every year, that don't, never even heard the Name of Jesus. So, it's still the general orders. It's still a commandment of God. "All the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe: in My Name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; if they take up serpents, or drink deadly things, it shall not harm them; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

161And they say, "That was for that generation," and they make the commandment of God of none effect to This, and they crucify the effect of the Word to the people. Amen.

162 Peter said, on the Day of Pentecost, with the keys to the Kingdom; that Jesus had just given him, "Whatever you say here, I'll say it up There."

163And on the Day of Pentecost they asked what they might do to receive the Holy Spirit, that they was so enjoying It; watching others acting what they would call silly; stagger, and jump, and fall, and acting like they were drunk.

And they, saying, "These man are full of new wine."

164 But there was a man stood up, by the name of Peter, who had the keys to the Kingdom, and said, "These are not drunken," Acts 2, "as you suppose, seeing it's the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken of." See, right back to the Word again, showing that the Spirit is still Word, and the Word is still Spirit, the Word of God. "And it shall come, as spoken by the prophet Joel, Joel 2:38. 'And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'"

165Listen at that prophet standing there. Look at him, fearless, standing there upon that bunch, and condemning them, indicting them. Said, "This is the Scripture! This is that that was spoke of by the prophet! 'I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy. On My handmaids and maidservant I'll pour out of My Spirit; and I'll show signs in the heavens above, and on earth; fire, and pillars of smoke, and vapor.'" Proving It by the Word, that It was the Word.

166And they laughed and made fun of It, and they went to judgment. And the city was burned, and they eat one anothers' children. And today they're a scattered people throughout all the world, showing the Holy Spirit still remains the Word of God, to bring this Word to make It live.

167 Jesus Christ was the Person, Man, God. Hallelujah. He was the manifestation of God. He was God in a body form, to reflect the Word of God for that age, to make that age see God's promise for that age.

168And the Holy Ghost is the same thing today. It's the Spirit of God upon the written Word, trying to find somebody to reflect Itself to this age, to prove that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Saint John 14:12, "The works that I do shall you also." "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." See, constantly trying to find Its way to reflect Itself.

169And they could not do it. The people thought so much of their denominations, their little nests that they had, and so forth, called their "churches," so they wouldn't listen to it. So do they do it today, same thing, crucify afresh.

170 Peter, on the Day of Pentecost, he said, "You man that dwell in Jerusalem, in Judaea, hearken to my words. These are not drunk. If you'll stand still, I'll show you what it is." And he goes ahead and explains to them.

171When their hearts was pricked, when they heard This, said, "What can we do to be saved? What can we do to receive This? We're convinced that your word is right."

172He said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For this is to you and your children, them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. This is what they got to do. Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ."

173 And, today, the Roman Catholic church adopted, "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," to take That's place. Instead of That, a communion. "Lick out a tongue and take up a wafer, and the priest drink the wine, and you're one together." The "communion," in the stead of being the Holy Ghost, called, "holy Eucharist." And a "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," a trinitarian baptism, when it's not even spoke of in the Bible. The Name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost is the Lord Jesus Christ. And when you show that to this onward generation...

174As Peter said, "Save yourselves from this onward generation."

175When you show It to them, what do they do? Make fun of It, and say, "Our church don't teach It that way." Then you're guilty, you're guilty of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, by taking the power of God away from the people. You crucify the very Word to them, and you condemn yourself with your congregation, lead them into a death trap.

176 As I said about that minister last Sunday, was Martin Luther King down there with them precious people, leading them right into a death trap. Oh, if somebody could only talk to that man! Wish I could. Just for a little uprising of the school proposition, see, or some... What difference? My, goodness! If the people ain't got heart enough to associate with a man because of his color, they're condemned and dead, anyhow. The nation gives them right. Don't fight against it. Don't. What if somebody said all the Irish or somebody, all the German, or somebody else, had to disassociate? That would never bother Christians. They would move right on. And that man's a Christian. As--as a minister, he shouldn't lead them people into a revolt against that. They're going to cause millions to die. It'll start another revolutionary. And it's a shame to do that.

177 The same thing happens right here, exactly the same thing again. That's right. See? The people, how if they'd only look at Truth and see what Truth is. "Our church don't believe that. We got some other way." Well, it ain't the right way. It ain't the thing.

178He said, "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins." Now they won't do it. Oh, then what did they do? Now that's just one thing, upon hundreds. We'll get to, maybe, as fast as we can.

179 Now the second crucifixion, then. If a man accepts "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit," a--a creed in the stead of the Word, titles instead of the Name, what does he do to the people? He crucifies the effects of the Word to the people, when he says, that, "Mark 16 was just for that generation."

180And God said, Himself right there, Jesus talking to them, said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them..." How far? Every nation, every creed, every tongue, every race, every people, the same Gospel. "And these signs shall follow them that believe." And when a man tries to cut That out of the Bible, he crucifies the effects of the Gospel to that congregation. So I indict you, in the Name of Jesus Christ! You are guilty of murdering the Lord!

181 The church hated Him. Why? He was their very God. They hated Him, and denied Him to be their Messiah. No, sir, they didn't want such a Messiah as that.

182And today the church does the same thing. It denies the Word. They don't want It. It's contradictory to what they've been taught to believe by their creeds.

183And the Word is the Messiah. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, the reflection of the Word then is what? A reflecting a Messiah, which is the Holy Ghost among us. He is reflecting Himself, tries to, wherever He can find a lamp that He can look through, that ain't smoked up with creeds and things, He can give Light through.

184 Remember, "they rose and trimmed their lamps," and washed out the chimneys, but it's too late. So when a man sees these Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodists, trying to come in in these last days to receive the Holy Ghost, why, you know they don't get It. Well, they might speak in tongues and jump up-and-down, but watch what happens. They absolutely... It's a time sign that she's over. We're at the end.

185Most any time, the--the Church could hear the challenge, to, "Come on High!" Amen.

186Just exactly setting just in order. The Holy Spirit here making Jesus Christ a reality through the ones that He can work through, proving Hisself; come down, takes His picture, shows it, makes science take, talk about it, and everything else, proving just exactly what He said He would do. Doing exactly the things He said He would do, Scripturally. Now, not some creed, or some man's worked-up idea, a lot of blood, fire, and smoke, and stuff; but a Scriptural's Messiahic evidence. Got a lot of impersonations, and impersonators, and--and so forth; but that only makes the real Word shine Its best, that's right, lets people who are spiritual, who can judge between right and wrong. See?

187 Denies Him! Denied their Messiah, "We didn't want Him." And the same thing they do today, "Well, if I had to go down there and act like that bunch, I don't want It at all." All right, then you don't have It, at all. That's all. See? Same now.

188Although He was properly identified, they didn't want Him. They hated Him. Why was it? We call their pastors a bunch of "snakes." He said, "You bunch of whited walls. You're nothing but a graveyard. The outside of you is polished with robes and turned around-collars, and the inside is dead men's bones." See? He didn't pull no punches. One little bitty Galilean, a carpenter's son, but He didn't pull no punches. He told them.

189"Don't think," John said, the forerunner of Him, said... He's another didn't pull any punches. He said, "Don't come around here saying how you got Abraham to our father. God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." Yes, sir. "The axe is laid to the root of the tree, and every tree that don't bring forth fruit is hewed down and cast into the fire." Yes, sir. God is strict, is firm and stern with His Word. Yes, sir.

190 Notice, Jesus, proven by the Scripture! Do you hear me? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Jesus was identified by God, through the Scriptures, that He was Messiah. Is that right? ["Amen."] We'll get to Peter's indictment, in a few minutes, and you'll find out whether it was or not. He was thoroughly identified, that He was God manifested in a Man, called the Son of God. That's right. Although, He was properly identified and vindicated the promised Word, that He was Messiah. Moses said, "This Messiah, when He comes, He'll be a prophet," and all these things will take place.

191The little woman with the... standing at the well, and all that dirty condition that she was, what did that symbolize? That God in these last days would pull out outcasts.

192 Remember last night, at the wedding... Or, the other time I preached here. At the wedding supper, they said how they said. "I've made a great feast, and so forth. And all these men, I've bid them, and each one had an excuse. 'I can't do it, because it would ruin our creeds. I can't come, because I have my... I've married a wife; she won't let me come. My, I--I got married to a church down here. My mother was Methodist, or Baptist, or a Catholic, or Prote-... I just can't stand for That.'"

193He said, "And you won't come. And you won't taste My supper! But get out there and compel prostitutes and harlots, and drunkards, and whatever there is. Bring them in, and I'll straighten them up. I've made My supper, and My--My guests... My table is set, and there is going to be somebody there." They didn't come. He was condemning them Jews.

194What about today? "I--I--I belong to the Presbyterian. I--I can't. I'm Methodist, Lutheran. I'm a oneness. I'm a twoness. I'm a this. I can't. I can't." There you are. You won't be there then! That's exactly what He said. All right.

195 Properly a vindicated, Messiah. Properly a vindicated, the Word, the promised Word. The God that promised the Word, that this what the Messiah would be, here He come and stood exactly. He said to them, "Now, where have I failed? If you can't believe Me as a Man, believe the works that I do; for they are the things that tell Who I am. They're the ones that says I'm Messiah. You don't want to believe Me, because you think that--that Joseph over there... And I was born over there in that little hut, and--and My foster father here is a--a carpenter down there. And--and you..."

196 When He come into Galilee there, they, and was going to make... He said, "Hey, Who is this Fellow? Who is This? Well, this Man, isn't that... Isn't Joses and all them His brothers here? Isn't His sisters with us? Isn't His mother called Mary, and His daddy called Joseph? Where, where did you get a Guy like that? What school did He come from? He has no fellowship card. He, He don't have any credentials. Where did a Guy like that... Where did you get this at, anyhow?"

197And the Bible said He was--He was offended. He said... Many mighty works He could not do; and just turned His back and walked away from them. He said, "A prophet is not without honor except he's among his own people, see, in his own county," watch, "or his own country."

198There He is, properly a vindicated, the Messiah. Took no credit of His own. He said, "I can do nothing but what I see the Father doing." And He challenged them to ask if that was the Messiah.

199 And look at that little old ill-famed woman; she recognized it. She, she wasn't indocumated. The lamp wasn't... She was morally wrong, of course. No one would endorse that. The laws of God condemn that. She was morally wrong. But she...

200See, God don't judge you upon your... what you are. He enjoy... He judges not how big you are or how little you are. He judges your heart, what you want to be.

201And she didn't want none of that stuff. And when This flashed before her, That's what she wanted. No matter what she was then, she was ready to come. See? God judges the heart. Man judges the outward appearance. God looks upon the heart. No matter what she was; that Light flashed, and that settled it. She caught the--the--the--the essence of Eternal Life.

202 Oh, my, how rich this is, to me, see, to see and know that it's the Truth. I'll--I'll stand by This. I'll let... The God of Heaven will raise up, and my voice will be on the magnetic tape of God's great time yonder, and it will condemn this generation in the last day. Cause, it's--it's on magnetic tape, then it'll be on the Eternal tape then. That's right. Condemn this generation of preachers who has a form of godliness, and denying the Power of the Word and Its manifestation when It's properly identified that He is still Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. I indict them, by the Word of God.

203I'll have to get to another promise, quickly, 'cause we only got about fifteen minutes.

204 "There they--there they..." What? Oh, my! Calvary! And they "crucified" Him, thirdly. They crucified Him, not by recognizing God's promised Word made manifest. And why did they crucify that Man? Could you just imagine? Let me go back a minute. Why would them people crucify a Man like that? As Mary...

205As I read a book one time, called The Prince of the House of David. It was wrote by Ingraham, Doctor Ingraham. Wonderful book! It's a drama, supposed to be partly true, of some old manuscript was taken off of a woman named Adina, that her... She went over to Palestine, from--from down in Egypt, to Cairo, I believe it was, to finish her education. And she was there during the time of--of Christ, and she was supposed to write back to her father. It would be good if you picked it up and read it. It, it's really good, The Prince of the House of David. The same man that wrote The Pillar of Fire; and, out of that, Cecil DeMilles took The Ten Commandments.

206 Now we find that, in this book, this Adina wrote back. And she said, on the day of the crucifixion, that Mary Magdalene, from who He cast out seven devils, run out before the crowd, said, "What has He done? What has He done? Only heal the sick and try to deliver those that were in prisons! What has He done but good? Somebody say it!"

207And a man slapped her plumb across the yard, almost, and said, "Would you believe that silly woman, before your priests?"

208There you are. See? What had He done? He done nothing. Why'd they crucify Him? Why? Why? Because they didn't recognize Who He was.

209That's the same thing today. The preachers, and people of this days, and our modern teachers, has so indocumated the people to believe that This is "witchcraft, or the devil, or a mental telepathy, or some hoax, or some kind of a trick," until the people don't recognize that it's the vindication of God's Word for this day. It's the last-day signs.

210 The churches, if you don't belong to their organization, they'll say, "Ah, well, that's some make up. That's--that's a hoax. Well, look down here at So-and-so and So-and-so." But let them one time prove the real Thing to be a hoax. Uh-huh. Let them one time prove that It's wrong. They can't do it. It's never been known to be wrong, and It never will be, because It's God. See? But they like to point.

211They think, "Oh, well, if it was some man with a great name!" Because it's a little group, a little bunch that's kind of outcast, "Well, we turned that person out of our church." See? "They, they used to come to our group, see, but they went over with this, and they went over with that, and now, you see, they wind up... Well, look what it is, who it is."

212I don't care. They could said the same thing about Peter, James, and John. "A ignorant and unlearned man," they said. But they had to take notice, something had happened since that time. They had been with Jesus. That's what made the difference. See?

213 They did it because they didn't know Who He was. They didn't know that the vindication of God's Word wasn't standing up there in that day... Now, it was at one day, and that was right; it was, at one day, just keep them laws and things. But the same laws that was, they was keeping, pointed them to a time that when He would come and be this Man that He was supposed to be. They had this part, but didn't take the other part.

214And that's the same thing they're doing now. They got a church, and they "believe in Jesus Christ," and say they do, and things, but deny the hour we're living in! Still brings the old proverb back again: man always praising God for what He has done, looking forward for what He would do, and, or will do, and ignoring what He's doing, and being condemned by it. See? They think, "God is wonderful. How great He is! What He's going to do: He is going to come, and be a Rapture, someday, and go Home," and denying the very signs and wonders right here at the time that the Scripture says that He'll be doing it. Miss the whole Thing!

215"If the blind lead the blind," Jesus said, "they'll all fall in the ditch." Just pray God to open our eyes in this last days. All right.

216 Now, the same, they do the same today. They deny and crucify the same God, today, by not knowing Him. The same, by denying Him. And doing, by denying, the things that they're doing today, they don't crucify Christ again, exactly, but they blaspheme the Holy Ghost. And by doing it, they are. How do they blaspheme the Holy Ghost? How?

217How did they blaspheme It there, back there? Why, they couldn't blaspheme It then; It hadn't come yet. They called Jesus, "Beelzebub," called Him "Beelzebub," because He could know the secrets of their hearts, and things. They said, "This is a devil." In other words, "He's a fortuneteller. That's how He does this, is by fortune-telling. He's nothing but a devil." See, they hadn't had a prophet in four hundred years, and they done growed out of it. See? They just had their laws. They said, "This is Beelzebub."

218 And Jesus said, "I'll forgive you for that, but when the Holy Ghost is come," see, now, "you speak a word against It, and it'll never be forgiven you."

219Remember, it will, and cannot, by no means, no mercy, when you blaspheme, and call the Spirit of God, the Word of God that's being vindicated by the Spirit... See, the Word says so, the Spirit is a vindicating It, and you call It an "unclean thing," you've crossed the line between mercy and judgment, and can never be forgiven for it.

220That's the reason I indict this generation, of guilty, of crucifying, blaspheming the manifested Son of God as was promised by all the prophets, and Christ Himself, to be in the last days; like it was in the days of Noah, in the days of Sodom. Blasphemy! Which, they crucify, to the people, the Son of God afresh, His a vindicated Word. One word against It can never be forgiven.

221Now what are you going to do then? What you going to stand? They are condemned, just waiting the hour of God's wrath to be poured out. They'll crumb them.

222 Loving doctrine of man-made denominations and dogmas better than they do the a vindicated Word of God; this generation of people. Oh! I--I just wish I had a long time for this. See? This generation of people, this generation spurns God's revelation. But we're walking where the apostles have trod. That's right.

"'God,' you say? Well, others say that too." God vindicates It.

223Jesus said, "If--if--if the works don't speak of Me, then just go ahead and say I'm saying it Myself. But if the works speaks, you better believe the works, see, 'cause it's the hour." Said, "You know tomorrow the sun is going to shine, or it's going to be foul weather; by the sky is red and lowering, tomorrow it'll be fair." Said, "You can discern the face of the skies; but the signs of the time, you know nothing about. If you would have known God, you'd have known My day."

224And they said, "You take so much upon Yourself; You make yourself God." And they put Him on the cross.

225 And the Holy Ghost, today, is not no third Person. It's God, Himself, manifested in human flesh, by the Blood of Jesus Christ, to sanctify a life that He might reflect Himself through. And they crucify that same Word made manifest. You understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The crucifixion of Christ, today, is the people who will deny the vindicated and manifested Son of God among the people, by His--His things that He said would take place in this day by His Word. See?

226Now, the same vindication, would have to be the same, if He's the same Son of God, 'cause He said in Saint John 14:12, now, that, "The works that I do shall you do also." Hebrews 13:8, "He's same yesterday, today, and forever." "If ye abide in Me," John 15, "if ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, just ask what you will and it'll be given to you." Yes, sir!

227 Remember, they were very religious people that did that. They wasn't outsiders. They were religious people of that day. And that's what's doing it today, is the religious people; same crucifixion, same thing today. Quickly...

228"There they crucified Him," then, then. Sure. Then they were rejecting God's Word made manifest, accepting their creeds instead of the Word.

229Is that what they're doing today? That's exactly, doing the same today. He was the Word; and they rejected the Word. That's one point I want you not to miss, see, I want you not to miss. He was the Word, and, when they rejected Him, they rejected the Word. And when they did reject Him, they finally crucified Him. And that's what they've done today: reject the Word of God, and accepted their creeds; and has crucified, publicly, before their congregation, the working of the Holy Spirit. And they're guilty, and I indict them in the Name of Jesus Christ.

230 Fifteen years I've seen Him move across the land, and still they hold their creeds. They're guilty! They took the Word that would have brought the church, all the churches together, and made a great big union brotherhood amongst Pentecostals and all the rest of them; instead of doing so, they rejected It, and turned It down, has made fun of It, and called It everything now.

231And now, by a federation of church, through the devil's plan, trying to come in and say, "Now we'll come, buy some Oil." They are rejected. And they've... They are guilty of crucifying Jesus Christ. You take it on God's terms, or your terms won't work. See?

232 They rejected God's Word made manifest, for their creeds, and they're doing the same today. "He was the Word," John, Saint John 1. Hebrews 13:8 says, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." Now they are crucifying Him afresh.

233Did you know the Bible said we could do that? How many would like to read just a little bit? Will you give me another fifteen minutes of it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Let's turn over now, just a minute, a "crucified afresh." Let's go over to Hebrews, the 6th chapter, and read just a little bit. Hebrews the 6th, and see if we "crucify the Son of God afresh," see if it can be done.

You say, "You can't crucify Him the second time."

234We'll find out whether we can or not. God's Word is true. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It's Hebrews 6:1.

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection; not unto the laying a foundation of repentance and dead works, and of faith towards God,

And of doctrine of baptism,... laying on of hands, and of the resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.

... this we will do, if God permits.

235 See, Paul wants to know that these things here are absolutely essential; baptisms, laying on of hands, the resurrection, second Coming. All these things are Eternal. They are absolutely the Truth.

236Now notice, "For it is impossible." Read it with me, this one verse. I want you to read it with me now, the 4th verse. [Brother Branham and the congregation reads the following three verses in unison--Ed.]

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

And have tasted of the good word of God, and the power of the world to come,

If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

237Is that my word, or His? "The man who comes to a knowledge." Remember, they never got It. They were borderline believers. "After we have received the knowledge of the Word of God," you get it from a knowledge, from reading and seeing It, "and then reject It, then, you, it's impossible for you to ever be saved." Did you read that now? See, "Have received a knowledge of the Truth," just, you understand it. You never got It.

238 It's like them believers that went out. It's a very type of the journey. This, this third, this third exodus, is just a type of the rest of them. Look, look back there. Let me show you something now, just a minute. Pardon the expression. Look.

239Israel pulled out twelve man, one out of each tribe, denominational head, and took them over to the edge of the border, the promised land, and showed them the good things to come, what they had. And they come back, complaining, that, "We wasn't able to do it."

240But there was two out of the twelve, Joshua and Caleb, said they looked at the Word. "God said it's ours, and we are more than able to take it." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

241 What was that? Borderline believers. See, they were actually born in the church. They were heads of the people. They were bishops, as to say, that walked right down to where the Word of God was shown to be the Truth. "There is the land!" They had never been there. They didn't know it was there. But they come down to see it was there. "There it was!" And Caleb and Joshua went over, and brought back a--a--a bunch of grapes and let them eat some of it. And they tasted of the good land, and then went back and said, "We can't do it. See? We just can't do it."

242Here is the same group, in the time of Jesus Christ. "Rabbi, we know Thou art a teacher come from God." See? Borderline! "We know Thou art a teacher come from God. No man could do the things that You do. We recognize that God has to be there." Why didn't they accept it? Why didn't they take it? Borderline! Borderline!

243 Here they are on this third exodus; same sign, same manifestation, same Christ, same Holy Ghost, same works, same God, same Message, and they can't take It. They'd have to give up their fellowship card. What is it? "They've had a knowledge of the Truth." They looked and seen that it's absolutely the Truth. They can't deny It. The magazines has to testify they seen It. The pictures, the papers, the evidence, the resurrection of the dead, the doctors' statements of the sick, they have to say that it's Him. And the predictions, not one of them ever failing down through the years, every one of them just exactly on the dot, they can't say but what it's God. But they can't accept It.

244 That bunch of ministers in Chicago, three hundred and something of them, was going to come down and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. Where they at? The price is too great. They can't do it. What is it? The Bible said, when they do that, what do they do? They separate themselves between mercy and judgment. "For it is impossible for those that were once enlightened," has been brought to look at It, "and had a knowledge of the Truth, and have tasted of the good Word of God, if they return away from It, where they'd have to renew themselves again, say, 'Well, now, I will, yes,... '"

245 You Presbyterians, you Methodists, and Baptists, and Lutherans, and this Full Gospel Business Men's stuff, saying they're "coming in," turned away the Message. Your church will. There'll be individuals in there, sure. But, not the church; you have to come out of the church, to get It. See? That's right. Individuals is all right.

246But when you think the Presbyterian church is going to receive the Holy Ghost, and all of them take their documents down, and, don't you never think that. And you think you Methodists is going to do it? You'll never do it. Do you think you Trinitarians will ever receive the Name of Jesus Christ and be baptized every one of you in the... You'll never do it. You'll never do it. But individuals will come out and do it, that's right, and that's the sign of His Coming. But them churches who has seen the Truth, and rejected It in their councils, "it's impossible."

247 Then, they're guilty of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. And I indict them by the Word of God, that God has... "How do you indict them, Brother Branham?" I indict them, that God has clearly identified Himself in His Word, in the last days, and made Hisself to know that He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever, and they've coldly turned It down. And you're guilty of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, by blaspheming the Holy Ghost. That's right.

248We take you on to Hebrews 10, again, where it tells us again in the Scriptures, not only being "impossible," but you can never. It separates you from God, Eternally. You can never come in the Presence of God again, when you turn down the Holy Ghost and make fun of It.

249Now, see, "have tasted of the Word." See, borderline believers!

"Oh, you say them guys wasn't believers?"

250They was believers, or professed believers, but when it come to the Word... They were Israel. They come out under the blood. They come out under the signs of Moses. They had seen those signs working.

God said, "I'll take you over yonder."

251And when it come right down to the principle of the promised Word that was to come, what'd they say? "Oh, we can't do it." See?

252And here they come back, with grapes and everything, to prove the land was right. God's Word is right. God said, "I give it to you."

253But the circumstances, "My," said, "we look like grasshoppers, up aside of them. We can't do it, no matter what."

254 A few years ago when this old hull stood here as a tabernacle, somebody come in, and walked out there and talked to me, said, "Billy, you're going to preach to four posts, one of these days, with Messages like that."

255I said, "I'll be preaching to four posts, 'cause God's able of them posts to rise children unto Abraham." Yes, sir. It's the Truth. I said, "If you've got something that you can disprove It, let's have it." Just love to crow, but when it comes to a place to show it, that's different. Yes, that's what makes the difference. All right.

256Yeah, with their creeds they crucify Him afresh. Now Hebrews the 6th chapter, and we go on down. And we could just read on down, on down in through here. We got plenty of time. I marked out a Scripture here where it will be, Hebrews the 6th chapter. Just, I guess, take it all. "Impossible for those who were once enlightened, made partakers of the Holy Ghost..." We haven't got time to go too far, 'cause I got another Scripture I want you to read just in a moment. Notice this, "They crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh." What'd they do? What? By having a taste, and knowing that It's the Truth, and then turn around and denying It. What'd it do? "It's impossible..."

257 So that's what this nation has done. That's what this people has done. That's what these churches has done. They've turned It down, and they've crucified the Message. They've crucified the Truth, to the people. How'd they do Jesus? They put Him to shame, stripped His clothes off of Him, hung Him up on a cross and nailed Him up there, the Prince of Life. The same thing they've done today with their creeds! They've done the same thing. They stripped the things, they've stripped the--the goodness and the clothing of the Gospel, by trying to place It somewhere else, and hung Him on a cross. Oh, my! Why?

258 "There they--there they crucified," now the last quotation, "Him," Him, this most precious Person. Why did they do it? They didn't know Him. Why they doing it today? They don't know this is the Truth. They're--they're dumb and blind of It. They don't know It. That's the reason. Their creeds and traditions has gotten them away from the Word of God.

259Now to you here, just in closing now, pay close attention. See? I know it's hot. I'm hot, too.

260But, oh, brother, this Word is Life if you'll hold to It. Look, It's not something we talk about, that may happen here and after; It's something that's already here with us and happening now. Not something will be; something that's already. We're not testifying, "We know what He has done; we know what He's going to do," but now we're telling what He is doing. See? This is our hour.

261We may not live to see the Rapture. I may die today; you may die today. I don't know. But the Rapture is coming. That's--that's, when that comes, we'll be there, don't worry; uh-huh, so will all the rest of them back through the ages, that's believed it and looked for it. They walked in the Light of their day.

262And here is the Light, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Forsake your creeds and believe this Word. This is the Truth. The Word is Truth. Jesus said, "My Word are Spirit, My Word is Life." How you going to receive Life when you reject Life? How you going to take in a dogma, which is death, and a Word of Life? Turn out the Word of Life, to take death, how you going to accept the two at the same time? You can't do it. "Let every man's word be a lie, every dogma a lie." God's Word is the Truth.

263 I challenge any man to show me, anybody... And I know this tape goes around the world. Any man, any bishop, that will come to my study, or before this congregation, and point their finger to one place anybody was ever baptized in the Name of the "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," in the New Testament. I'll show you where every person that ever was baptized... And those who were baptized different, had to come and be rebaptized, to get the Holy Ghost.

264What are you going to do about it? Stay out there in your creeds? Stay out there in your dogmas and die? You're guilty! With wicked hands, you've took the Prince of Life, the Word of Life, and crucified It to the people.

265 Now what did they do? They didn't know it. Today men walk ignorantly. They don't know that's the Truth. They think it's some kind of a ism. They don't dig down deep enough to get into the Spirit of revelation. They don't pray enough. They don't call upon God enough.

266They just lightly take It, "Oh, well, I believe there's a God. Sure!" The devil believes the same thing. The devil believes it more than some people claim to believe it. The devil believes it and trembles. People just believe it and go on. But the devil trembles, knowing his Judgment is coming, and people believe it and don't pay no attention the Judgment is coming.

267Guilty of crucifying Him! Sure! I indict this generation, finding them guilty, by the same Word that found them guilty at the beginning. That's right. Jesus said, "Who can condemn Me?" He was the Word made flesh. And today the same Word is made flesh.

268 Peter said in his indictment, in Acts. Let's just read it. Peter, when he saw this taking place, what they had done, the Spirit... Look, Peter was defending Christ, what they had done. I'm defending what the Gospels are. I... Peter was indicting them for killing the Man, Christ, Who was the Word. I'm indicting this generation for trying to kill the Word which is made manifest in men. Watch what Peter said. His righteous indignation must have rose up pretty highly. Listen at him here in Acts the 2nd chapter, and begin with the 22nd verse.

Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, approved, a man proved of God among you by miracles,... signs, which God did by him in the midst as... of you, as ye yourselves also know:

269Whew! Imagine how they felt! Listen to that.

Ye men of Israel, the prince, ye churchmen, you holy men, you priests, you men that's supposed to be men of God, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth was approved of God among you...

270 Now I say to you clergymen, and to you people. Jesus of Nazareth, the Holy Ghost, He is here in the Person of the Holy Ghost, which was the Life that was in Him. He is here working through people, and declaring Himself by signs and wonders which He does. And here they hang around on the walls, scientific identification. And people setting here, that was dead, is a living today; and cancer-eaten, are well today; blind, are seeing today; and cripples, that are walking today. He is Jesus of Nazareth.

Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and the foreknowledge of God, predestinated for His job, ye have taken, and by wicked hands you have... slain:

271 Is that--is that indictment? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He is indicting what? That Sanhedrin Council.

272And I'm indicting, this morning, the federation of churches. I'm indicting the Pentecostals. I'm indicting the Presbyterians, the Baptists, and every denomination in the world. By wicked, selfish greed you've took the Word of Life and crucified It before the people, and blasphemed It, and called It "fanaticism," which God has raised up in our midst to prove that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. I indict this generation!

273 God has proved Himself alive. God has proved that This is His Word. What have you got but a bunch of dogma and creeds! Where can you show the living God? Because you've turned down the Word of Life that would have give you these thing. Yes, sir! Oh, what a hour that we're now living in. Whew! Same! Oh, I call...

Peter said... you've took, by wicked hands and have crucified and slain:

Whom God... raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.

274And through your creeds, and your organizations, and your denominations, with your form of godliness, still talking. Your forms of godliness, you've denied the power of His resurrection.

275But the hour has arrived, the last days are here, when God promised, according to Malachi 4, that He would raise up in the last days, "and would turn the hearts of the people back to the original blessings and the pentecostal Faith of the fathers." And you can't deny it, and you can't withstand it.

276Now I condemn you, guilty, and challenge you, and indict you before God, that with wicked, selfish, denominational hands you've crucified the Word of God before the people. And I call you guilty and ready for the Judgment. Amen. Yes, sir!

277I call the same thing that Peter did. He called repentance of that generation. I call repentance to this generation, repentance towards God, and come back to the original Truth of the Word. Come back to the Faith of our fathers. Come back to the Holy Ghost, 'cause God cannot change It.

278When God said, "These signs shall follow them that believe," He has to stay with that all through Eternity. It's His Word.

279 When you say, "Shake hands, or take communion," or something like that, or some on that creed, or something on that idea; that any man, any drunkard, any unbeliever can do it. Any impersonator, any prostitute--prostitute can do that. Take communion, have forms and things like that, you could do it.

280But Jesus said this will be the identification, "These signs shall," not they may be, "they will, in all generations, to them that believe! In My Name they'll cast out devils; they'll speak with other tongues, speak with new tongues; and take up serpents; drink deadly things, it won't harm them; lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils; as freely as you receive, freely give."

281All this big money-making schemes and things, and hooked up into things today, no wonder they're so full of the judgment. Yes, sir! Oh, my!

282 Let's see now. Yes, sir. Call to repentance, and my indicting now.

283This new Calvary is the--the church, so-called, most holy places, great pulpits, Catholicism altar, Catholic altar, called their pulpit. The Methodist, the Baptist, the Presbyterian, the Lutheran, the Pentecostals, the most holy places, there He receives His hardest pierces. A new Calvary! Where is it found at? In the holy places, the church.

284Where is He crucified at? From the pastors. You hypocrites, you know better than that! I'm not angry, but something inside of me is stirring. God has been thoroughly identified among you.

285Where did He get His spears at, in His side? Where did He get His pierces? On Calvary. Where does He get it today? In the pulpit. Where did they come from? Jerusalem. Where do they come from? The denomination. The ones who claimed to love Him, that's who did it. That's who does it today. His second Calvary, where He receives His pierces against the Word, that's what pierces Him. Who is He? He's the Word. He is the Word. Where is He pierced the hardest from? The pulpit in the holy places, just like it was then.

286 I've got a right to indict this generation. I've got a right to do it, as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with His signs, and proving that He is God. I got a right to bring indictment against this generation. Cause, His hardest spear points has been right from the pulpits, where they've criticized and said, "Don't go out to hear that stuff. That's of the devil." Right in the place that's supposed to love Him!

287And the very signs that Jesus said would take place, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword; the Word, a discerner of the thoughts, of the intents of the heart." And It's called the devil, where from? The pulpits, the holy places.

288Oh, God, how can He look down? Just--just mercy, that's all, grace. We can't do nothing else but head for judgment. We're already there. Uh-huh.

289 Think of it. His hardest pierces comes from the pulpit. That's where His new Calvary is at. They crucify Him, the Word, at the pulpit. That's right. How, how'd they do it? By their forms of godliness. That's exactly!

290Crowned from the audience, by scoffers! He's got a new crown of thorns, scoffers! Pierced from the pulpit; crowned by the scoffers. Is He crucified again, afresh? Striped by man-made creeds, teachers of denomination against His Word. They stripe It, in shame, condemn It.

291Jesus said, "In vain they worship Me." In vain, "don't do no good." Who they worship? They worship that same God. They was worshipping that same God at His first crucifixion, and it was vain worship. It's the same thing today. In vain they build these denominations. In vain they build these seminaries. In vain they have these creeds, teaching for doctrine the commandments of man, and denying the Word of God. They're guilty of crucifying the Prince of Life, teaching man's doctrines for His Word. "In vain they worship Me," striped, pierced, crowned.

292 When you see that go down the street, and some of you ladies with long hair; say, "She is old-fashion, isn't she?" Remember, that's scoffers, that's the crown that you're wearing. God said it was your glory; wear it with pride. Hallelujah! Wear it with pride, as you would wear a crown of thorns for your Lord. Wear it with pride. Don't be ashamed. He said so, no matter what these Jezebels says today. What these impostors stand in the pulpit, crucifiers of Christ, no matter what they say, you wear it with pride. God said so. You keep it.

293Crowned, with scoffers again, thorns. Pierced from the pulpit, with creeds.

294He got a new Golgotha, where they take Him to: these robed choirs, short-wearing women, bobbed-haired, painted-face, singing in the choir like Angels, with talents. That's His new Golgotha, just modern stripteases protected by a law, like at Sodom and Gomorrah.

295 You see a little female dog go down the street. At certain times there's not a male dog will even go out to where she's at. Let a certain thing happen, and every one of them will run after her. There is something happened to her. You know why. Let...

296What's these women take off their clothes for, and go down the street? Don't tell me it ain't the same thing. It's an identification. Don't condemn the man. But they're protected by a Sodom law. That law ought to say it's unlawful for them to be out there.

297And preachers in the pulpit ought to have petticoats instead of the clergy coat; standing out there and will permit it, and ashamed to speak against it, because their denomination will put them out. You crucify, to the--the congregation, the Word of God which says, "It's an abomination for a woman to wear a garment that pertains to the man."

298I--I condemn the thing. I--I--I--I--I--I accuse it of crucifying the Word of God before the people. Bobbed-haired women, short-wearing, and the crown... standing up in the choir!

299 Somebody said to me, the other day, some woman asked me, said, "Well, where do you think you'd find?"

300I said, "If the Lord asked me to pick a dozen out, over the world, I'd be--I'd be scared to death."

301When, by the discernment of the Spirit, stand there and watch them, and stand like that and see them things over them; the dirty, filthy, low-down, cigarette-suckers, out there carrying on like that, and stand in a robed choir and sing in that condition, and let the audience see them. They'll say, "Well, if she can do it, I can too." A Christian life is a life of holiness and purity, innocent!

302I indict them, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for their filth and dirt. They have brought the Gospel to a disgrace. And those who try to hold It, are called "fanatics," calling, "That's old-fashioned nonsense." I indict them, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

303 Just modern stripteases on the street, sing in choirs, cigarette-smoking, tell dirty jokes, three or four husband, and after the sixth one, and then sing in the choir because they got a voice. You poor intellectual, spiritual deprived, rejected upon your own grounds. You read the same Bible that any other man can read, but you've turned down the Spirit of God, till the Bible said you'd "be given over to a strong delusion, to believe a lie and be damned by it." You actually believe that you're right, and the Bible says that you would believe it and be damned by the same lie that you believe to be the Truth.

304Therefore, I indict you by the Word of God. You are teaching the people a error, and crucifying the principles of Christ, of holiness and Life above, that the person might walk out on the street and be a different person.

305 Preachers standing on ball grounds, smoking cigarettes; stumbling blocks; all the other tommyrot that they put up with. Women in their choir, wearing shorts, bobbed hair, and carrying on like that, painted faces, and then call it, "Sister, this and that," and the Bible condemns that stuff. That's right. Go to parties and carry on, still a member of the church; maintain your testimony, and live any way you want to.

306Don't think I'm talking altogether about Presbyterians. I'm talking about you Pentecostals. That's right. You once knew the Truth, but you thought you couldn't take It. You couldn't support your pastor. Your--your pastor couldn't have that big job with so many hundred dollars a week, and a big fine church to preach in, and ride and carry on the way they do. If he condemned that, the organization would throw him out; so he has to keep it, he has to say it. Therefore, he sold his birthrights, for a mess of pottage of the world, of Esau's slop. And what's he going to get for it? Both fall into the ditch of condemnation, and be condemned. I indict them, as prostitutes of the Gospel.

307 I was at a choir, one of the famous, big places, not long ago, one of the highest ranks of Pentecost that there is. And I happened to be setting in this brother's study when four or five choirs got together. And it's at one of the... some of the finest organizations of the Pentecostals. And they didn't know I was in this minister's study, at Oklahoma. I was setting down there, below, where this minister studies before he comes to his platform. And when I did...

308There was them little Rickies out there; and Rickettas, paint, not a one of them had long hair, every one of them with bobbed hair, every one of them with makeup on, every one of them with robes on. And a little Ricky standing around there, going along like that, (and another man was taking up a missionary offering), he acted like he was a blind man with a cup, and going around saying all kind of blasphemy things about taking up the offering, and things like that. But got out there and tried to sing the--The Messiah, oh, my, and--and could do a pretty good job at it, but it didn't have the ring. No, it was dead, see. Oh, my! There you are. That's His new Golgotha.

309 What do you think at some little girl, or some little woman in there? Why, if she'd come in there, dressed like she should have been, with long hair, and paint all off, and things like that, they'd have made fun of her; if she'd have stood up, and when they was making that to-do there, that bunch of young people, about thirty or forty of them. The selected part of Pentecost, and doing things like that! And if that little lady would have said something about it, they'd have put her out of the choir.

312Let the Gospel preacher stand in the pulpit and say something about it, they'd put him out of the organization. You crucify the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame. His Gospel that you claim to preach, you crucify Him. I indict this Christ-rejecting generation, by the Word of God, and by Its power of this last-days a vindication that He is still alive. Yes. They are against the clean-cut, vindicated Word of God. Their organizations can't stand up to It.

311 Big churches and denominations is His new Calvary. I say it again. This, their modern stripteases, are their choirs.

312The high priest of each denomination cries out like the high priest of that day, "Now come down and show us a miracle." Uh-huh. That was the first crucifixion.

313It's the same today. I've had them say, "Well, now, you raise the dead, do you? Why don't you go up there? You got a wife in the graveyard. You got a baby up there."

314They said to Him, "We heard You raised the dead. We got a graveyard full of them up here. Come raise them." Oh, ignorance will breed ignorance. See? Uh-huh.

315Big churches, big choirs, high priests of this day, "Come down, show us a miracle that our denomination can't do."

316 I had a man, not long ago, that made a remark on a... after a little broadcast I had in Jonesboro, Arkansas, telling about some woman being healed. This fellow belonged to a certain denomination of church, and he got up behind there and said, "I challenge any man to bring me and show me a miracle."

317I went and got a doctor. A man had been cured, with cancer. I went and got a woman that had been in a wheel chair for about twenty years; she was healed of arthritis, been in a wheel chair. I took it over and said, "Now I want the money, a thousand dollars."

318He said, "Well, uh, uh, uh, uh, it isn't here. It's over in Waco, Texas, where our headquarters is."

319 I said, "All right, we'll just go over there and get it." Said, I said, "You make arrangements and we'll go tomorrow." See? I said, "We'll mail..." I said, "Here is the doctor to say that these people absolutely had cancer. Here it is on the list, x-ray. Here is this woman that the whole neighborhood knows she sat in that wheel chair for twenty years, and she is walking right now. And the doctors, has been doctor after doctor after doctor after doctor, and everything, and here she is alive today. Now, you said you'd 'give a thousand dollars.' I want to put it in a missionary fund. I want it." See? See?

He said, "Well, it's over at Waco, Texas."

I said, "We'll go tomorrow."

320He said, "Wait a minute. Let me tell you something. I'll take a little girl with me. And let me take a razor and cut her arm, and then you heal it, before our brethren. And they'll give you the money."

I said, "You devil!"

321"If Thou be the Son of God, come off of this cross." "Tell us who hit You," with a rag around His head. Hit Him on it, said, "Now, if You're a prophet, tell us who proph-..." "If Thou be the Son of God, come down off the cross."

322Blind leaders of the blind! They need mental healing, a man that do a thing like that, or make a remark like that. Certainly.

323 The familiar old cry, though, "Let us see You do a miracle. Master, we would desire a miracle from You." When, every day, every hour, it was happening right along, just as God would lead it to be done. But they wasn't present. If they was, they called it "Beelzebub, the devil." See? "Master, we'd desire if You'd do it the way we want You to do it." That's it. "Go where we want You to go, do what we want." Oh, yes. Uh-huh. They had no strings on Him. No, sir. That's the reason they had to get Him out of their midst. Yes, sir. They're trying to do the same thing today. And through the federation of churches, they'll finally accomplish to do it, see, all of them going together. The familiar old cry.

324 Here we see, again, the most religious place, the best, polished theologians, calling out again, and against Him, calling out. The very best theologians, which ought to know different; the very highest churches, and best trained theologians, cast Him out of their midst. They don't want It.

You say, "That's wrong, Brother Branham."

325Then you wasn't here to see The Church Ages, or hear it preached. You wasn't here, when, this Laodicean Church Age was the only one that they cast Him out of the church. And He was out, the outside, knocking, trying to get back in. They cast Him out because they haven't got no use for Him. They crucify Him afresh. Amen! How long could we go?

326 Remember, the prophet of God's Word foretold us, in Second Timothy 3, if you're writing it down. We haven't got time to read it. But said, that, "In the last days, scoffers would come. They would be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; false accusers, incontinent, fierce, and despisers of those that are good, traity, heady, high-minded, scholarly; having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof: from such turn away! For this is the sort that takes silly, bobbed-haired women," short-wearing, painted-faces, "from place to place, and lead them captive." That's exactly.

327He said, "Turn away from it, in the last days." Let's obey the prophet. Turn away from those things in the last days. They're here. I'm calling to the Church now. Yes, sir. Get away from it!

328 They have, they, the--the ministers of this day, should know these things. They should have knowed Jesus in His days. They should have knowed. And now they should know it, but they don't know it. Just as the Jewish teachers of His days should have known Him by His day, so is it today, of God's clearly a vindicated Word then. He was the Word, and He proved He was the Word. He proved He was the Word for that day. And God has proven today that He's the Word of this day, the Light of the hour. And they should have knowed it then, and they should know it now.

329They crucified Him then, and they crucify Him now. I indict them of it! Right. It just keeps flashing through me, "Indict them, 'cause God is going to make them pay for it!"

330 The Jews of their day. God again, in the days on earth, Jesus said, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have gathered you in one great big group, but you would not."

331How God has tried, in this last days, to unite His people together, but you would not. You've desired your creed, so now you're given over to destruction. That's what Jerusalem received; she was tore down, burned down, she is no more. And that's exactly what will be, some of these days, to all these big things here. Your big creeds and denominations will die and perish, but the Word of God will be Eternal and live forever. See?

332 His deepest wounds come from the house of so-called friends. Think, think of it. Think of it! Stop! I'm waiting a minute. Ministers, think of it! Where did His wounds come from? The house of His so-called friends. As it was, so is it. Think of it! At Calvary He wasn't surrounded by--by savages, barbarians, but of ministers who claimed to love Him. And today, when the Gospel is thoroughly identified, when the great signs of His resurrection is proven among us, it isn't the street out there that jumps on you, it's the so-called ministers.

333Them that's supposed to love Him, is what He is surrounded by today. "We'll not have that Thing among us. We'll not have this Man rule over us. We'll not support. We'll have no co-operation about That, in this city, if that Thing comes this away. It's nothing but spiritualism. It's the devil." Not knowing the Word of God, the blind leading the blind. As it was then, think, so is it now. Just as it was then, so is it now. Think!

334 His Power to heal and to set men and women free from the love of this present world, from the bobbed-haired, painted-facey Jezebels that calls themselves Christians; and producing such a life as that, cigarette-smoking, dirty joke-telling. Set down and have a missionary society, and stitch and sew, and talk, and scandal, and--and get out on the street and wear shorts, and everything like that; and then call themselves Christians, before other women. You remember my story about the slave knowing he was a son of a king, his character. What ought we to be? Men and women, and deny...

335 These clergymen, these pulpits where He gets His pierces, they have put up and endorsed that kind of living amongst the people, where they pierce Him. They deny the Power to--to set them free from it, and they endorse it to be so. When, it's contrary to the Word of God, for a woman to bob her hair, or to paint her face, or to wear shorts. It's contrary to the Word of God, but they endorse it, making another Calvary (from where? from the street? from the barroom?) from the pulpit, from the pulpit.

336 And, again, what was the cry? "He makes Hisself God." They deny His Deity. They try to split Him up and make three or four Gods out of Him. When, He is God; He was God; He'll always be God, the same yesterday, today, and forever. When you talk about one God, to them, they laugh at you. "We believe in a holy trinity."

337I believe in one holy God, yes, sir, His Power to heal, to set free, and take these people out of the love of the world, to free them like He did Mary Magdalene. Remember, she was a little painted-up Jezebel, too. She had seven devils in her. She was a striptease.

338Just like the modern woman on the street today; go anywhere you want to and look. If you don't believe people bows at the shrine of naked women, look out on the street today. As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be. Look out, if you don't believe it, just go anywhere. Open up a paper, open up a magazine, look at a billboard, what do you find? Remember what it said, "When the sons of God saw the daughters of man was fair, they taken unto them women." Look at the scandal in England, look at the scandal here, look at the whole thing, has become a house of prostitution.

339 Why is it? Why did Russia become communism? Because of vulgar and dirtiness, and the non-Power of the Catholic church. And that's exactly why this nation is taken over, communism and the federation of churches, and joining itself up with the Catholic church. Which, communism and Catholicism will unite together, you know, and here they are doing it. Why? Because they have rejected the Gospel that separates them and makes them a different people!...?... That's exactly the reason.

340 And ministers in the pulpit is putting up with it, for a meal ticket, for a social standing of some creed, say, "I belong to So-and-so," swapping education for the Power of God; free them from this mad race, like Mary Magdalene.

341The very Power that could take that little striptease on the street, and make her put on clothes and act like a lady, make a Christian out of her, they condemned that Power, and crucified the Man that had It, at Calvary.

342And today, the very Gospel and the Holy Ghost that will take that little striptease and make her dress like a lady and act like a Christian, they call It "fanaticism." They don't want It mixed among their congregation, get It stirred up among them, cause other women to do it. What do they do? They oust It out, just like they did then. And now they crucify the very Word and say It was for another age. I indict them again, yes, sir, just the same as they was indicted then.

343 The sign that made old Legion put on his clothes. Remember, a person that takes off their clothes are crazy. See? How about a woman? Legion was crazy; he stripped his clothes off of him. God took His Power and made him put his clothes on. He was clothed, in his right mind, setting down at the feet of Jesus.

344Look at the Power that made old blind Bartimaeus to see, right among their creeds. He was on the earth when there was just as much unbelief as there is today, but it never stopped Him. He went on. He didn't pull no punches for them. He told them, "You are of your father, the devil." He condemned the whole thing.

345 The Power that could raise Lazarus out of the grave, and gave the woman of Nain back her son! O God! The Power that could do those things, that could foretell the things that happened. "There is two... Colt, there is a colt tied at two ways," and all these things that He foretold. The very Man that possessed that Power, "Away with Him. We won't have Him among our people. He pollutes our teachings," and they crucified Him.

346The very same thing today, "Away with the Holy Ghost," they don't want nothing to do with It. "It condemns and does these things, and tells our people these things we don't want to get mixed amongst our organizations. It's against our creeds." They crucify Him again. Oh, my!

Notice now as we're closing. Got to close.

And, again, they call It "fanaticism."

347 And they called Him a "fanatic." They said, "He was crazy." Anybody knows that the Bible said that, "Jesus was," them Pharisees said, "this Man is a Samaritan, and He's mad." Now what does the word mad mean? "Crazy." "The Man is crazy. They're a bunch of crazy people follow Him. He is Beelzebub."

348And, again, they say the same thing, "It's a sort of witchcraft. It's fortune-telling," placing Him again on the cross of shame. What cross? What shame? He's a vindicated Word; making fun of It, telling the people It's the devil. Making something, and call...

349 He said, "They calling the holy works of God 'an unclean spirit doing it,' no forgiveness for it."

350Making shame of His Word, trying to expose It and call It a fake or fanaticism, "Don't go to it. Don't attend them meetings." Uh-huh.

351What do they do by doing that? They take their denominational creed nails. That's right. These pleasure-hunting teachers, worldly, ungodly, denominational mad, take the denominational nails and crucify the Son of God with it, afresh, from their pulpits.

352Why do they do this? "They love the praises of man," the degrees that the church can give them, "more than the love of the Word of God." I condemn them. They can't conform to the world, because they're... Can't conform to the Word, because they're already conformed to the world. They've already done it. The hypocritical day that we live in! Is not this...

353 Is not one Calvary enough for my Lord? Why will you do this? You that's supposed to love Him, you that knows This is His Word, you that can read Revelation the 22nd chapter, say, "Whoever will take one Word or add one word," why do you do it? Isn't one Calvary enough for Him?

354I stand in His defense. I'm His attorney, and I indict you by the Word of God. Change your ways or you'll go to hell. Your denominations will crumble. I indict you in the Presence of the Judge, right, you, with your forms of godliness, hypocrisies. And why do you call It... Ain't one Calvary enough?

355 As Peter said, "Your denominational fathers," Peter indicted you by the... Said, "Which of your fathers hasn't done this?" Stephen done the same thing: "With wicked hands you've crucified the Prince of Life." Didn't Jesus say, Hisself, "Which one of your fathers didn't put the prophets in the tombs? And you garnish them afterwards"? So has it been to the righteous man down through the ages!

356So do I indict this high-polished, church-going bunch of Christ-rejecting people of this day. You, with your forms of godliness, crucify my Christ the second time, by telling the people, that, "These Words are for some other day, and It isn't for this day." I indict you. You're guilty of the same crime that they was, on the day of the crucifixion. Repent and turn to God, or perish.

357 And again I say, "Here," the churches, "they," the teachers, "crucify," by blasphemy, "Him," the Word. God be merciful! Let me say that again. It might have been mixed up on the tape. "Here," the churches, "they," the clergy, "crucify," by blasphemy, "Him," the Word. No wonder it's again:

Mid rending rocks and darkening skies

My Saviour bowed His head and died,

But the opening veil revealed the way

To Heaven's joys and endless day.

358I say it on this tape, and for this audience. I say this under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Who is on the Lord's side, let him come under this Word! God will surely bring this wicked, Christ-denying, Christ-rejecting generation into judgment, for blasphemy, the crucifixion of His identified Word. They are coming to the Judgment. I indict it! "Who is on the Lord's side," said Moses, "let him come unto me," when the Pillar of Fire hanging there as an evidence. Who is on the Lord's side, let him take up the Word, deny his creed, and follow Jesus Christ daily. And I'll meet you in the morning.

Let us bow our heads now for a word of prayer.

359 O Lord God, the Giver of Eternal Life and the Author of this Word, Who brought again from the dead the Lord Jesus, Who properly identified it before a--a generation of unbelieving people. It's been long, this morning. Many has set here. The church is packed. People are standing around. And the tapes are being made, to go out across the world, into different places. Ministers will hear this in their study. I pray for them, Lord. Let these Words fall deep into the heart, cut deep, cut away all the world. That they might say like...

360This little Methodist minister down in Kentucky, came to me the other day, and said, "When I was hearing those Seven Church Ages, I heard it cry out, 'Get away from them walls of Babylon,'" said, "I give it up and left. I don't know which way to go or what to do, but I left." Blessed be the courage of that young man, and a wife, and two or three children.

361 God, may many find their way to the Word of God, the only way of Life, for He is the Word. I pray for each one, Father. Sometimes in saying these things, it's not in cruelty; it's in love, because love is corrective. And I pray, God, that the people will understand it to be that way, that it is meant to be corrective. You Who had to correct, and prayed for them at the cross, saying, "Father, forgive them. They, they're blind, they--they just don't understand what they're doing."

362I pray for them ministers today who is crucifying the Word again, by taking their creeds and denominations and dogmas, and substituting it for the Word of Life. And then, before the people, they--they criticize the real Truth that God is vindicating to be His Truth. We pray for them, Father, that You'll call them to the Marriage Supper again. And may they come this time, and not find excuses, for I realize the last call may have already gone. It may be too late now. I trust that it's not.

363 Bless this little congregation present here, these few hundred people that's gathered in here this morning, this hot day, set here for a lengthy, maybe two hours or more, service, and listened. They haven't left. They set still and listened. Many of them waiting their dinners, and the women standing with their babies, and they're waiting. They're holding onto every Word.

364Lord, I realize what will happen to me at the Day of the Judgment if I mislead those people. I'm conscious, Lord, as conscious that I can feel. That, I'm trying to take them to the Word, and let them live by the Word, telling them that You're "the same yesterday, today, and forever," that the great Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ, just in the form of the Holy Ghost, the same Man. You said so. "A little while and the world sees Me no more; yet you'll see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you." And I know that this is You, Lord. And we believe You, 'cause we see You do the same thing among us.

365 We yield ourselves today, soberly, we do here in this congregation and on the tapes. Lord, just at this minute, may every man and woman, boy or girl, who is--who is here present, or standing outside, or hear it on the tape, may we at this moment make a deep consecration and yield our complete self to the service of God.

366Move upon the audience, Lord, in Power, and heal the sick. They said they had a little cripple boy setting over here. Let that great Holy Spirit... We know, just to sit in His Presence like this is, It'll do it. If You can go through radio and television, out through the lands, and heal the sick, "You sent Your Word and It healed them," You can do the same thing at this minute. I pray, God, that You'll heal every sick person, every cripple, every afflicted, here and that hears these Words. God, grant it. My prayer is for them.

367With a--with a love of Christ in my heart and a feeling for the needy, I present them, Lord, to You, upon the altar of sacrifice, where the Bloody body of that Lamb lays as a propitiation for our sins and sickness, laying there. I plead for mercy for the people. I want to stand as Moses did, in the breach for them, Lord, and say, "God, be merciful for them, to them, a little longer, and give them another chance." Don't--don't do it right now, Lord. Let--let the Gospel go just a little further.

368 They're--they're condemned, Lord. I pray that Your great mercy and grace will--will extend to the last person that's got their name on the Book. And I know they will. It's not hard to pray against your Divine Word, or against--or against the... with the Divine Word, I mean to say, Lord; the Word that's promised, the Word that's been vindicated, the Word that predestinated these people back there before the foundation of the world. It's not--it's not hard to--to pray that You will save those whose names are on the Book, because I know You'll do it. Jesus said so, "All the Father has given Me will come." And no man can come unless he has been given.

369Now I pray, God, that everywhere these Words fall, both on tape and present here, that the Holy Spirit will call every predestinated person just now, from the foundation of the world when their name was put on the Lamb's Book of Life. May they hear the Voice of God speaking today, in that little, still, small Voice down in their heart, saying, "This is the Way, walk in It." Grant it, Father. I ask it in Jesus' Name.

370 And while presently we have our heads bowed here in the audience. If you believe this to be Truth, and you--you... I've placed, put my hand upon these handkerchiefs laying here, and packages for the sick and the afflicted. I want to ask you a question, sincerely now.

371I don't come down here just to be heard. I--I--I'm tired. I'm wore out. I'm not as young as I used to be, and I--and I know our days are numbered. And I know I got to put in every little thing that I can, for the Kingdom of God. I got to preach every time I can get a chance. I got to, I got to go whether I feel like it or not.

372I come here because I--I feel to do it. I--I want to do it. I love you. And I don't say things harsh and hard, to--to... because I want to. There--there is a pulsation inside of me. This very thing that's been vindicated is the thing that presses me to do these things. I say it kindly, with love. I don't mean to scold our women or our men. I don't mean to do that, brother, sister. I only mean to bring you to a--a sharp place, to where you can see the correction and the whip of the Lord, that you must come in now. Don't put it off; you might wait too long.

373 And you who desire to come on the Lord's side, with a full surrender in your heart, in the presence in the audience now, or either in the land where the tapes will be; would you, with your heads bowed... Don't raise your hands if you don't mean it. Now if you really mean it, you want to come to the Lord, with a more consecrated life, won't you raise your hand right now. You, the Lord bless you. You're consecrating yourself anew to Christ, to try to bear the reproach. You say, "I'm willing today to take the reproach."

374I got both of my hands up, too. I, I want to take the reproach of Jesus Christ upon me. I gladly wear this mark called "holy roller," whatever you might want to call it. I wear it with pride, because it's for the Lord's sake. I wear it with pride.

375 Don't you all want to do the same? Raise your hands, and say, "By the grace of God, I--I--I want... I'm..." The disciples returned, thought it was a great honor to bear the reproach of His Name. Or, you want to bear the reproach of some Hollywood star, or some television something, or some church member, or something? Or, do you want the reproach of the Word of Jesus Christ? "Give me the reproach of the Word, Lord. I know He bore the reproach of God's Word. Let me bear it, too, Lord."

And this consecrated cross I'll bear

Till death shall set me free,

Then go home, a crown to wear.

376There'll be a crown someday for us. It's being made now. When this earthly life is run, then we know that it'll be right.

377Now there is no room to bring people around an altar. Let your seat, where you're at, be an altar. "As many as believed..." While we pray.

378 Heavenly Father, it looked to me like that most every hand of young and old, was up, in this audience. And I pray that, every time that the tape will be played, that the people will put their hands up, and kneel down in the room; father and mother go over and get a hold of each others hands, and say, "Honey, we've been church members long enough. Let's come to Christ." Grant it, Lord.

379Bless these people here. I pray that You will give them, Lord, a consecrated life. Many of them, Lord, are good people. They're--they're Your people; they just haven't knowed Truth. And I pray that You will show them Thy Truth, Lord. "Thy Word is Truth."

380As You said in John, I think about the 17th chapter, You said, "Sanctify them, Father, through the Truth. Thy Word is Truth."

381And It again, Thy Word, is still Truth. It always is Truth, because It's God. And I pray, God, that You'll sanctify them through the Truth. That is, sanctify, purify them from all creeds and denominations. Purify them from all worldly things, to a consecrated life of the Word. Grant it, Lord. They are Yours now. You promised to do it. And as Your servant, I offer my prayer in their behalf. In the Name of Jesus Christ.

382 Now with our heads bowed, let's sing this hymn while we continue praying.

Jesus paid it all,

All to Him... (Think of it!)


383Yesterday I was in a--a place, and a man was measuring me for a suit that a brother here in the church bought me. He said, "Your suit looked hot, and I bought you a cool one."

384And I went over to get it cut, and he said, "Say, your right shoulder is drooping down. You must have carried a heavy load someday."

385And I thought, "Yes, a load of sin. But Jesus paid it all." Listen as we sing it.

Jesus paid... all,

Then all, all my life, to Him I...

What had sin done?

Sin had left a crimson stain,

He washed it white as snow.

386 God, be merciful to us. As this deep time of meditation, let the Word soak in deep, Lord, to the heart. Let the people, though they be late for their dinner... But, Lord, This is more than meat. This is Life. "My Word is meat," You said. And That's what our hungry souls are feasting on.

387Now take us, Lord, mold us. Lord, take me with them. I want to go with them. I'm going up to Calvary now, Lord, by faith. I'm going with this congregation. Now just mold me over, Lord. I've did wrong. Many times that I...

388Here recently I was going to just quit preaching. The people wouldn't hear me. They just kept on doing the same thing, and I--I got discouraged. I built a complex. O God! A couple Sundays ago, when You give me that sign out there, and reading a Bible, and see You told Moses, just as that dream was, that there was a mountain, too, and would be a sign to him. And then right at the end of it, to know that I--I had left a lot of sick people; a ministry not only in the prophetic, but in teaching the Word, and--and for praying for the sick. You let a man drop dead right here in the floor, then brought him back to life, for confirmation that it was true. You always confirm Your Word.

389 Now, Lord, confirm It right now while I'm before Your Throne. Take every one of these people, Lord, take the world out of us. Take me, Lord, while we're in Your Presence. Just take the world, wring our hearts, God, right now. Pull the world and the care of the world away from us. Let us be consecrated Christians, O God, to be loving and kind and sweet, bearing the fruit of the Spirit. Won't you, Lord? We're before Your Throne. Sin has left a crimson stain on every one of us, but Your Blood can remit it, Lord, and make it white as snow. Grant it, while we're waiting upon Thee. Take us; we are Yours; consecrated our lives to You. In Jesus Christ's Name, grant it, Lord, to each one of us.

390Wring my heart, Lord. I see all my errors. I see my mistakes. God, from this time, I'm trying to live the best that I can, to help You. I want to go, I want to consecrate my life anew to You, across here this morning.

391After bringing this indictment against my--my clergymen friends out there, and have to say these hard things, but, Lord, I did it by Your inspiration. I feel that You told me to do it. Now it's off my shoulders, Lord. I--I'm glad that it's off. Let them do with it whatever they will, Father. I pray that they'll accept it. I pray that You will save every one, Lord.

392May there come forth a revival of the just, and a great Power come among the Church just before Its going. It's not hard to pray that, because You promised it. And we're looking, Lord, for that third pull that we know that will do great things for us in our midst.

393 I am Yours, Lord. I lay myself on this altar, just as consecrated as I know how to make myself. Take the world from me, Lord. Take the things from me that's perishable; give me the imperishable things, the Word of God. May I be able to live that Word so closely, till the Word will be in me, and I in the Word. Grant it, Lord. May I never turn from It. May I hold that King's Sword so tightly, and grip It so closely. Grant it, Lord.

394Bless us together. We're Your servants, as we consecrate ourselves to You this morning, afresh, in our hearts. We are Yours, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for service.


God bless you! Brother Neville.