Súdny proces



Tak pán Neveriaci predstupuje a zastáva svoju pozíciu aby svedčil proti Slovu Božiemu, aby vydal svedectvo proti nemu. A teraz keď on ... on má byť prvý svedok, ktorý má byť predvolaný. Tak vidíme, potom keď zložil prísahu, toto je teraz jeho žaloba, že „zasľúbenia Božieho Slova nie sú vôbec pravda." No, všetci títo svedkovia, ktorých žalobca predvoláva, tvrdia, že sú veriaci. Oni všetci tvrdia, že sú veriaci, čiže podávajú o tomto dôkaz: „Nikdy by sme nenavštevovali také zhromaždenia, keby sme neboli veriaci." Tak oni hovoria, že sú veriaci.

A sťažnosť, ktorú pán Neveriaci prináša proti Slovu Božiemu, on tvrdí, že Marek 16 nie je pravda, že to proste nemôže byť pravda. Lebo on povedal, že bol raz chorý a teraz podáva svedectvo, že bol raz chorý a išiel na tak zvané zhromaždenie Ducha Svätého, kde ľudia kládli ruky na chorých a tvrdili, že budú uzdravení. Tak išiel, aby sa za neho modlili a keď to urobil ... On bol raz veľmi chorý a táto skupina ľudí Ducha Svätého (takzvané Ducha Svätého) sa za neho modlili, vykrikovali a robili hluk a tvrdili, že sú uzdravení. A pán Neveriaci prešiel v tom zástupe, za ktorých sa modlili, položili na neho ruky a odvtedy prešlo už viac ako dva mesiace a zatiaľ sa neprejavil ani jeden náznak uzdravenia. Tak on povedal, že Slovo Božie, že tá časť nie je pravda...

1 Chcem čítať z evanjelia sv. Marka, 16. kapitola, začneme od 9. verša. Taký slávny text. To je o vzkriesení.

A keď Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych v nedeľu skoro ráno, ukázal sa najprv Márii Magdaléne, z ktorej bol vyhnal sedem démonov.

Tá išla a zvestovala to iným, ktorí bývali s ním, žalostiacim a plačúcim.

Ale oni, keď počuli, že žije, a že ho videla, neverili.

Potom z nich dvom, kráčajúcim cestou, zjavil sa v inej podobe, idúcim na vidiek.

Aj tí odišli a zvestovali to ostatným, ale ani tým neverili.

Naposledy sa ukázal tým jedenástim, keď sedeli za stolom, a karhal ich neveru a tvrdosť ich srdca, že neverili tým, ktorí ho videli vstalého z mŕvych.

A povedal im: Iďte po celom svete a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu!

Ten, kto uverí a pokrstí sa, bude spasený; a kto neuverí, bude odsúdený.

A uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia: v mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov, budú hovoriť novými jazyky,

hadov budú brať, a keby vypili niečo smrťonosné, neuškodí im; na chorých budú vzkladať ruky, a budú sa mať dobre. A tak Pán Ježiš, keď dohovoril s nimi, vzatý bol hore do neba, a sadol si po pravici Božej.

A oni vyšli a kázali všade a Pán spoluúčinkoval a potvrdzoval slovo tým, že ho sprevádzaly divy. Amen.

2 Modlime sa. Pane Ježišu, hovoríme teraz, keď pristupujeme ku Otcovmu Trónu, v tvojom mene, veríme, že toto je tvoje slovo. Veríme, že toto sú posledné slová, ktoré vyšli z tvojich úst, predtým ako si vystúpil hore. Prosíme, aby si nám ich dnes popoludní požehnal v našich srdciach, kvôli tým, ktorí sú chorí. Ďakujeme, že minulý večer si povolal taký veľký počet ku tvojmu trónu. Vidíme tie veľké zástupy tých ľudí, mužov, žien, otcov, detí, matiek ako prichádzajú v rade a idú do tej miestnosti, kde sa modlia. Ďakujeme ti za to, Otče. A teraz sa modlíme, aby si im dal bohatstvá tvojho kráľovstva. Nech je dnes popoludní medzi nami viera, ktorá spraví pre nás Slovo Božie skutočným. A Ty si ten jediný, ktorý to môže urobiť, Otče, tak o to prosíme v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

3 Moja téma dnes popoludní, na ktorú chcem hovoriť znie trochu divne. Chcem o tom hovoriť, pretože včera pri raňajkách som stretol jedného človeka, ktorý je najlepším príkladom, sedí teraz za mnou, je to advokát. Rozprávali sme sa o súdnom procese a to viac menej bol súdny proces na výsmech, alebo niečo také, na ktorom vyšetrovali nášho Pána. A ja samozrejme verím, že ten muž by bol kompetentnejší postaviť sa tu a predstaviť to na príklade súdov v kraji, pretože som sa s ním rozprával odvtedy ako som ho stretol a on ... počul som, že je výborný advokát, tak viem, že on by Ho súdil čestne. A keďže s Ježišom nebol vykonaný ten správny druh súdneho procesu ... a On je Slovo, všetci s tým súhlasíme. On je Slovo. Tak ja som čítal jeho Slovo a dnes popoludní ideme vykonať so Slovom súdny proces.

Slovo stojí pred súdom.

4 Prípadom vyšetrovania je spor medzi Slovom Božích zasľúbení a svetom. Príčinou obžaloby je nedodržovanie zasľúbenia. A ... Myslím, že prokurátor obžaloby stále zastupuje štát. Myslím, že je to tak. A ... Satan je prokurátor obžaloby, on v tomto súdnom procese zastupuje svet. A obžalovaný je Boh. A obhajcom je Duch Svätý. Chcem aby zbor, zhromaždenie zastupovalo oboje, porotu aj sudcu. A teraz počúvajme ten súdny proces, keď na scéne dvíhame opony a vidíme kde sa nachádzame.

5 Nezabudnite teraz, že ... to, čo tu vidíme je prípad tohto súdneho procesu a to je Slovo Božie kontra svet. Príčina tejto obžaloby je nedodržanie zasľúbenia. To znamená, že svet tvrdí, že Boh dal zasľúbenia, ktoré nie sú pravda. To je nedodržanie zasľúbenia. „On nedodržuje svoje zasľúbenie." Žalobcom je v tomto prípade Satan, ktorý zastupuje svet. Obžalovaným je sám Boh. A obhajcom je Duch Svätý.

A teraz zvolávame súd.

6 A teraz žalobca ide zavolať svojho prvého svedka, aby sa postavil a zložil prísahu. A teraz, on má dnes popoludní troch svedkov, ktorých chce použiť v tomto súdnom procese. A títo svedkovia sú: pán Neveriaci, ďalším je pán Pochybovač a ďalším svedkom, ktorý bude zavolaný je pán Netrpezlivý. Toto sú svedkovia, ktorí svedčia proti, v tomto procese, že „Boh nedodržuje svoje Slovo, že Jeho Slovo nie je pravda."

7 A môžeme vidieť, prv ako začneme tento súdny proces, že tak mnoho ľudí na svete sa snaží povedať, že Božie Slovo nie je pravda. Napríklad, toto, čo som práve prečítal. Čítal som Scofieldovu poznámku a rozmýšľal som o jednom príbehu, ktorý som raz počul. Zdá sa mi ... myslím, že som to ešte necitoval, zvlášť u vás na zhromaždení. Je to o jednej žene, ktorá mala milého mladého chlapca a on chcel byť kazateľ. Ona bola taká chudobná žena a chcela, aby jej chlapec mohol získať všetko dobré vzdelanie a vycvičenie, ktoré by mohol (čo by chcela každá matka pre svojho chlapca, ak je povolaný do niečoho takého), aby mal to najlepšie vyškolenie, ktoré možno mať, ona chcela aby to mal. A tak ho poslala na najlepšiu biblickú školu, o ktorej vedela.

8 No, on tam bol asi rok a jedného dňa jeho matka veľmi vážne ochorela, bola na tom skutočne veľmi zle. A oni stále volali a posielali telegramy (Ona žila sama.), aby ho zavolali domov pretože ona vážne prechladla a z toho dostala obojstranný zápal pľúc a nával krvi do pľúc a zdalo sa že zomrie. Srdce jej už bilo veľmi slabo. Tak ten svedomitý lekár robil všetko čo vedel, aby tej žene zachránil život a ona bola na tom stále horšie. Tak ten lekár poslal telegram tomu mladému chlapcovi a napísal: „Hneď sa zober. Zaisti si lietadlo, ktorým by si mohol prísť čím skorej ku mame, pretože sa zdá, že je veľmi blízko smrti." A potom ten chlapec, celý rozrušený, pripravil si šaty a bol rozhodnutý nasadnúť do lietadla. A znovu dostal telegram rovno od svojej matky: „Synu, neprichádzaj. Som v poriadku."

9 Tak potom asi za rok, alebo za šesť mesiacov, tak sa mi zdá, on sa vrátil domov. A keď sa pozdravil s matkou a mali spolu obecenstvo, opýtal sa: „Mama, nerozumiem jednej veci a stále o tom rozmýšľam." Povedal: „Keď si bola taká chorá, nikdy si mi o tom nenapísala a nepovedala si mi tie podrobnosti. Len si napísala, že si zdravá a nikdy si mi nehovorila podrobnosti, ako to bolo."

10 Ona povedala: „Synu, poznáš tu tú ulicu, tam na tom mieste kde býval ten obchod."

11 „Tam je skupina ľudí, ktorí tam mávajú zhromaždenia v malej budove."

12 Povedala: „Áno, je to tak." Povedala: „Keď som bola na tom najhoršie, prišla ku mne jedna milá pani a povedala: - Sestra, mali sme tam dole modlitebné zhromaždenie a bolo nám oznámené, že si veľmi chorá a že máš chlapca na biblickej škole, aby bol kazateľom. A kým sme sa modlili, Pán nám zjavil, aby sme sem prišli a pomodlili sa za teba. A povedala: Dobre, to bude dobre. Povedala: „Myslíš, že náš pastor by sem mohol prísť a pomodliť sa?" Povedala: „Samozrejme, pani. Budem rada. Tak oni priviedli ... Doktor povedal, že to bude dobre. Tak prišiel ten pastor a čítal tu toto miesto Písma v Markovi, 16. kapitola. A povedal: „Toto hovorí Biblia." Tak on položil ruky na tú ženu a pomodlil sa a odišli. A ona povedala, že zostala uzdravená.

„Ó, Mama," povedal jej.

Ona povedala: „Či to nie je ohromné, synu? Predstav si to."

13 „Ó," povedal, „Mama, samozrejme to nemá nič spoločného s tým, že si ozdravela." Povedal: „Možno nejaké lieky, ktoré ti predtým lekár predpísal, oni proste vtedy nezabrali."

14 A povedala: „Ó!" Ona povedala: „Nie synu. Lekár mi už dva dni nedával žiadne lieky, povedal, že už nič nemôže urobiť. Len ma dal pod kyslík a povedal, že mi už nemá ako pomôcť. A ja som bola stále horšie a horšie."

15 „Och," povedal: „Mama, to nebolo to. Vieš, to sú nevzdelaní ľudia. Oni tomu vôbec nerozumejú. Oni len čítajú Bibliu. Rozumieš?

Ona povedala: „No dobre a či nemáme veriť Biblii, synu?"

16 „Ó, samozrejme." Povedal: „Mama, máme jej veriť, ale vieš, v škole sme sa učili, že to čo on čítal z Marka 16, od 9. verša a ďalej, že to nie je ani inšpirované."

17 On povedal: „Mama, správaš sa ako tí ľudia. Čo je to za nezmysel."

Ona povedala: „No, môj milý, rozmýšľala som práve."

„Čo si rozmýšľala?"

18 „Ak ma mohol Boh uzdraviť s tou časťou Slova, ktoré nie je inšpirované, čo urobí s tým, ktoré je skutočne inšpirované?" Tak my veríme, že je to inšpirované.

19 Tak, teraz toto, necháme aby žalobca zavolal svojich svedkov. Prvý, ktorý predstúpi, aby svedčil proti.

20 Povedal som to pred chvíľou, pretože som to práve čítal, keď som čítal tento text, pán Scofield povedal, že niektoré z rukopisov nemajú túto časť. Z toho pravdepodobne pochádza ten príbeh. Ale je to tak.

21 Tak pán Neveriaci predstupuje a zastáva svoju pozíciu aby svedčil proti Slovu Božiemu, aby vydal svedectvo proti nemu. A teraz keď on ... on má byť prvý svedok, ktorý má byť predvolaný. Tak vidíme, potom keď zložil prísahu, toto je teraz jeho žaloba, že „zasľúbenia Božieho Slova nie sú vôbec pravda."

22 No, všetci títo svedkovia, ktorých žalobca predvoláva, tvrdia, že sú veriaci. Oni všetci tvrdia, že sú veriaci, čiže podávajú o tomto dôkaz: „Nikdy by sme nenavštevovali také zhromaždenia, keby sme neboli veriaci." Tak oni hovoria, že sú veriaci.

23 A sťažnosť, ktorú pán Neveriaci prináša proti Slovu Božiemu, on tvrdí, že Marek 16 nie je pravda, že to proste nemôže byť pravda. Lebo on povedal, že bol raz chorý a teraz podáva svedectvo, že bol raz chorý a išiel na takzvané zhromaždenie Ducha Svätého, kde ľudia kládli ruky na chorých a tvrdili, že budú uzdravení. Tak išiel, aby sa za neho modlili a keď to urobil ... On bol raz veľmi chorý a táto skupina ľudí Ducha Svätého (takzvaného Ducha Svätého) sa za neho modlili, vykrikovali a robili hluk a tvrdili, že sú uzdravení. A pán Neveriaci prešiel v tom zástupe, za ktorých sa modlili, položili na neho ruky a odvtedy prešlo už viac ako dva mesiace a zatiaľ sa neprejavil ani jeden náznak uzdravenia. Tak on povedal, že Slovo Božie, že tá časť nie je pravda.

24 No, tak žalobca dáva usadnúť svojmu prvému svedkovi a privádza svojho ďalšieho svedka, aby predstúpil. Je ním pán Pochybovač. Skladá prísahu a predstupuje. On tvrdí, že je veriaci a počul, že v meste je zbor, kde majú verného pastora, tak zvaného muža Božieho, tak hovorili ľudia z toho zboru. A tento človek veril Písmam, tak vravel. Modlil sa za chorých a pomazával ich olejom. A čítal o tomto kapitolu v Biblii, v liste Jakoba 5. kapitolu, 14. verš. „Je niekto nemocný medzi vami? Nech si zavolá starších zboru a nech sa modlia nad ním, pomažúc ho olejom a modlitba viery uzdraví chorého a Pán ho pozdvihne." Tak on povedal, že tam išiel, bol chorý, obracal sa kde len mohol, aby sa zbavil tejto brucelózy, ktorú mal. A doktor povedal, že sa toho nemôže zbaviť, že nemá žiadnej šance. Tak zobral Boha za Slovo a vyhľadal tohto tak zvaného zbožného pastora, kde všetci ľudia zo zhromaždenia vydávali všetky rôzne svedectvá, že boli uzdravení a tak ďalej. A tento zbožný pastor sa za neho modlil, pomazal ho olejom, podľa Slova Božieho. Nepochyboval o tom, že ten človek je úprimný, nepochyboval o úprimnosti toho zhromaždenia; ale ten pastor to urobil presne podľa poriadku, ako to hovorí Biblia, pomazal ho a pomodlil sa za neho. A to bolo už viac ako pred šiestymi mesiacmi a on neuvidel ani jeden znak polepšenia. Tak on skladá toto svedectvo. Tak, ten druhý svedok odchádza.

25 Žalobca potom predvádza svojho ďalšieho svedka, ktorým je pán Netrpezlivý. Predstupuje a skladá prísahu, aby vydal svedectvo proti Slovu Božiemu, že nie je pravdou. Tento muž predstupuje a tvrdí, že je veriaci a že jedného dňa čítal v Markovi, v 16. kapitole, alebo vlastne v 11. kapitole Marka a začnúc od 22. verša, kde sám Ježiš ... Hovorí, že mal Bibliu s červeným písmom a že to červené písmo sú presne slová, ktoré povedal sám Ježiš. A tak v tejto Biblii s červeným písmom, v Markovi, v 11. kapitole, kde Ježiš hovoril, On povedal tento citát: „Majte vieru v Boha. Lebo amen, amen vám hovorím, ak poviete tomuto vrchu: vrhni sa do mora a nebudete pochybovať, ale budete veriť tomu, čo ste povedali, stane sa, môžete mať, čo ste povedali." On tu hovorí, že mnoho rokov bol chromý. Odkedy bol chlapec. Bol chromý na nohy. Musel chodiť s barlami. Tak on to prijal, keď je Slovo Božie spoľahlivé a on povedal vo svojom srdci, ako to tvrdí, aby teraz svedčil, povedal: „Budem chodiť." A prijal Slovo Ježiša Krista, povedal, že bude chodiť, pretože Ježiš tak povedal. „Ak poviete tomuto vrchu presuň sa a keď sa modlíte, verte, že dostanete to, o čo ste prosili a budete to mať." A on o to prosil, modlil sa za to, povedal, že to bude mať a od vtedy je už päť rokov. A stále je chromý na svoje nohy, ani trochu sa mu nepolepšilo.

26 A teraz predstupuje žalobca, po tom keď jeho svedkovia priniesli tri rôzne citáty Písma, čo podľa židovského súdu je svedectvo na troch svedkoch Písma, ktoré je napísané v Božej Biblii, údajne že to povedal Ježiš Kristus, ktorý je Syn Boží, Boh, ktorý sa stal telom, prebýval v človeku, neomylnosť. A teraz predstupuje žalobca, aby vám zdôraznil okolnosti tohto prípadu.

No, pamätajte, vy ste porota a ste sudcovia.

27 Tak ten žalobca chce aby ste teraz vedeli, keď znovu zdôrazňuje okolnosti tohto prípadu, že títo ľudia tvrdia, že sú veriaci, tak ako to tvrdia aj ostatní. Tak on tiež tvrdí ... Žalobca chce aby ste vedeli, že Boh nemá právo dávať vo svojom Slove takéto nerozvážne zasľúbenia, keď za nimi nestojí, lebo ich dal svojim veriacim deťom aby tvrdili, že je to tak. A tým, že to tvrdia, prichádzajú do hanby a robia si z nich posmech. Tým, že vyhlasujú Slová, ktoré nie sú pravda. To teraz hovorí žalobca. „Lebo On nedodržal tie zasľúbenia pri týchto troch svedkoch, ktorí postupovali presne podľa Slova Božieho." A on chce, ten žalobca chce, aby ste vedeli, že Boh sklamal vo všetkých troch prípadoch a nijako neprejavil, že dodržuje svoje Slovo. To vám chce zdôrazniť. Aj títo, ktorí tvrdia, že sú veriaci.

28 Potom znovu, ten žalobca chce obrátiť vašu pozornosť na niečo ďalšie. „On, ktorý je Boh, zasľúbil, že všetky veci sú možné, tým ktorí veria. On to zasľúbil." Žalobca chce, aby ste to vedeli. „A títo tak zvaní veriaci sa snažili držať tohto Slova a On ho nedodržal, preto je na Neho podaná žaloba, že nedodržal zasľúbenie."

29 Znovu ešte, žalobca chce obrátiť vašu pozornosť na ďalšie Slovo Božie. „On tvrdí, že je živý, po svojej smrti. Ježiš tvrdí, že je živý po svojej smrti." A žalobca chce aby ste vedeli, že nevidel žiadneho človeka, ktorý by mal na rukách stopy po klincoch a po celom tele jazvy od bičovania a na nohách stopy prebodnutia. Ani nevidel žiadnu tŕňovú korunu na hlave nejakého človeka. „A On pri tom tvrdí, že po svojej smrti žije. Tiež to tvrdí, v Liste Židom 13:8, že žije. A nie je to tak. Tiež tvrdí, v ev. Lukáša v 17. kapitole, v 30. verši, že v týchto dňoch, v ktorých teraz žijeme, že On sa zjaví; aký bol vtedy, že taký bude. On tiež tvrdí ... (Žalobca vám teraz podáva jasné usvedčenie tohto prípadu.) ... že v Zjavení 10, ten siedmy anjel, keď on začína trúbiť (to je anjel pre Laodicejskú cirkev, ktorý má zavolať cirkev naspäť do viery otcov), že keď tento anjel trúbi, že všetky tajomstvá Božie majú byť v tom dni zjavené. On tiež tvrdí, že v Malachiášovi 4, že tí svätí proroci prorokovali, že v tom čase povstane prorok, aby ukázal, že to čo sa tu tvrdí je pravda. A nič z toho tak nie je! On tiež tvrdí, že nebo i zem pominú, ale jeho Slovo nikdy nepominie."

30 Žalobca dostal ten prípad sem. Vyvodil z toho jasné uzávery. Teraz to odovzdáva vám, publiku, vám, ktorí ste aj sudcami aj porotou. No, počuli sme jeho stranu, počuli sme svedkov. Počujeme, čo oni o tom hovoria. Počujeme čo do Slova vlieva žalobca a ako to definitívne predstavuje z obidvoch strán. Všetky zasľúbenia, ktoré Boh dal a on nemohol vidieť ani jedno, ktoré by bolo pravdou. Tak sa snaží podať na Boha žalobu a na Neho, že dáva také nerozvážne zasľúbenia, pretože „zasľúbenia, ktoré Boh dal sú úplne nerozvážne. Zasľúbenia, ktoré On dal na tento deň sú úplne nerozvážne. A On ich nedodržuje!" Tak počuli sme jeho stranu, a tak teraz vyzvime svedkov obžaloby a žalobcu, aby odišli.

31 A teraz zavoláme obhajcu obžalovaného. A obhajcom je teraz Duch Svätý. On teraz prichádza a zastáva stranu obžalovaného. Prvá vec na ktorú chce upozorniť tento súd, (Halaleluja), že žalobca nesprávne vykladá ľuďom Slovo, tak ako to urobil Eve na začiatku. Pamätajte, on bol jej vykladačom. Boh im povedal, čo majú robiť a nikdy by nebola smrť, žiaľ ani nič také a on prišiel a nesprávne vyložil Slovo. Preto keď sa človek dostal mimo Božieho Slova, čo to potom spôsobilo? Boh ho neobhájil. Ale vidíte? Satan vykladal Eve Slovo. Ona nepočúvala svojho muža a Boha, ale prijala žalobcov výklad Slova. A on nemá žiadne právo dávať tomu výklad, a ani žiadny človek nemá na to právo. Boh sám vykladá svoje Slovo. On nepotrebuje nás; On dodržuje svoje Slovo, veríme tomu. A teraz on chce obrátiť vašu pozornosť na to, že ten istý vykladač, tých prvých Božích Slov, ktoré boli povedané, je žalobcom, ktorý sa snaží dnes popoludní uvaliť žalobu pred týmto súdom, ten istý a on nesprávne vykladá Slovo. To je prvá vec, ktorú obhajca chce povedať. No, On chce, aby ste si toto všimli, že on bol Evin vykladač a on nesprávne vyložil Slovo.

32 Po prvé, on vám chce podať túto myšlienku, že to zasľúbenie je len pre veriacich; nie pre tých, ktorí sa robia veriacimi, nie pre pochybovačov, ani pre neveriacich. To je len pre tých, ktorí veria! On chce, aby tento súd ... obhajca, Duch Svätý chce, aby si tento súd uvedomil, že tieto zasľúbenia sú len pre veriacich.

Potom v krížovej otázke on povedal: „Títo sú veriaci!"

33 A teraz sám obhajca by mal vedieť, či sú veriaci alebo nie, pretože On je ten, ktorý oživuje zasľúbenie. Ako toto prekročíte? Prebieha skutočne horúci súdny proces. Ako sa cez toto dostanete? To má vedieť Duch Svätý, lebo On je život, ktorý je v Slove, On je ten, ktorý oživuje Slovo. Tak ako váš duch oživuje vaše telo a telo je oživené skrze ducha; bez ducha je telo neúčinné, telo je mŕtve. A Slovo bez Ducha je mŕtve. Je potrebný Duch, aby priviedol Slovo do života, aby ho oživil. A On je oživovateľ toho Slova a On je obhajca obžalovaného. Amen. Ako potom toto obídete? Chcem aby to tento súd veľmi dobre porozumel, že On je oživovateľ, On by to mal vedieť. On oživuje Slovo.

34 Znovu, On chce obrátiť pozornosť tohto súdu na Slovo zasľúbenia, ktoré je spochybňované. On im neudal žiadny určitý čas, kedy budú uzdravení. On povedal: „Modlitba viery uzdraví chorého a Boh ich pozdvihne." On nepovedal: „Hneď v tej chvíli." „Na chorých budú klásť ruky a budú uzdravení." On nepovedal: „V ten deň, za mesiac, za rok." On len povedal: „Oni budú!" Svedok obhajoby chce aby ste to vedeli, že On nepovedal, že sa stane zázrak. On len povedal: „Budú uzdravení." Vykladajte správne Slovo. „Budú uzdravení." On nepovedal žiadny určitý čas. A to je vtedy, ak sú veriaci! Ak sú veriaci, budú uzdravení. „Na chorých budú klásť ruky a oni budú uzdravení." Či to bude teraz, za týždeň, za mesiac, za rok, za desať rokov, za dvadsať rokov, za päťdesiat rokov. „Oni budú uzdravení." On tak povedal! To je, ak sa môžu držať svojej viery. No, to je svedok obhajoby.

35 Ďalšia vec, na ktorú chce svedok obhajoby tiež upozorniť tento súd dnes popoludní, že Slovo je semeno a aby semeno mohlo byť oživené musí spadnúť do úrodnej pôdy. Semeno nebude rásť na skale. Semeno musí mať úrodnosť. A Slovo musí spadnúť do viery, ktorá je úrodnosťou, ktorá spôsobuje, že Slovo sa vyplňuje. Teraz svedok obhajoby ...

36 Mohli by sme obrátiť pozornosť na oveľa viacej vecí, ktoré by sa mohli povedať, ale nechceme vás držať príliš dlho, máme veľa ľudí, za ktorých sa chceme modliť. Chcem, aby ste vy, súd, počúvali.

37 Obhajca bude teraz predvádzať svojich svedkov. Viete. Obhajca má právo predviesť svedka, pretože žalobca predviedol svedka. A teraz obhajca predvoláva svedka. A obhajca chce predstaviť tomuto súdu, dnes popoludní, proroka Noeho. „Predstúp, Noe a postav sa sem. Dozvedel som sa, že máš svedectvo ohľadne Slova Božieho, ktoré ti bolo dané."

38 Svedok chce dnes povedať tomuto súdu, že bol len obyčajný človek a veril Bohu. A žil vo vedeckom veku, kde ľudia verili, že dni zázrakov nikdy neboli. Nikdy nebol na zemi dážď, ale jedného dňa on stretol Boha. A Boh mu povedal, aby pripravil koráb na záchranu ľudí a všetci, ktorí vojdu do toho korábu sa zachránia. A svedok chce povedať, že on vážne, z celého svojho srdca tomu veril. A išiel a kázal o tom. Išiel a nie len to kázal, ale jeho skutky svedčili o jeho viere, začal stavať ten koráb.

39 A svedok chce ukázať prstom na pána Neveriaceho a na pána Pochybovača a na pána Netrpezlivého. „Chodili za mnou a obťažovali ma vodne aj v noci. Kedy bude pršať? Hovoril si to už pred rokom a tam hore nie je žiaden dážď. Išli sme za vedcami a oni potvrdili, že tam hore nie je žiaden dážď. A tvrdili o mne, že som blázon. Vysmievali sa zo mňa a povedali mi, že som úplne hlúpy a obmedzený, keď verím takéto nerozvážne zasľúbenia, nezhodné s vedeckým výskumom." Ale on povedal: „Ja som ďalej pracoval na tom programe, pretože, pevne som sa toho držal, pretože som vedel, že to je Božie Slovo a ono nemôže sklamať. Staval som koráb."

40 A potom keď koráb bol dokončený, potom tí posmievači každý deň chodili okolo archy, keď som stál vo dverách a kázal som im a oni stále hovorili: „No, už je odvtedy 120 rokov, kde je tvoj dážď? Tak, vidíš, všetka tvoja práca je zbytočná, vraveli. Naši vedci majú pravdu, také niečo nie je. Ty si úplne obmedzený starý človek, keď veríš takému nezmyselnému zasľúbeniu."

41 „A potom prišiel ten deň, keď som chcel raz ráno vyjsť von z môjho korábu. A zrazu, bez pričinenia ľudskej ruky, dvere sa zavreli rovno pred mojou tvárou a ja som bol zapečatený vo vnútri. Čo sa stalo? Potom som vyšiel hore na vrch po rebríkoch, ktoré som postavil a otvoril som okno. A mohol som počuť čo rozprávali tam vonku; Sedel tam pán Neveriaci, pán Pochybovač a pán Netrpezlivý, hovorili: „No, čo sa stalo? Sám sa chytil do pasce!" A ja som si pomyslel, že určite teraz začne pršať. Keď som tam vošiel dovnútra, to bolo 27. ... či vlastne 17. mája. Dvere sa predo mnou zavreli. Zvolal som svojich ľudí a povedal som im: „Buďte pripravení, za niekoľko minút začne pršať." A celý dlhý deň pán Neveriaci a pán Pochybovač, pán Netrpezlivý chodili okolo môjho korábu, kritizovali ma a hovorili o mne všetko zlé. Ale ja som povedal svojmu zhromaždeniu: „Buďte ticho. Boh nám dal toto zasľúbenie!"

42 Na druhý deň, slnko vyšlo, bolo jasno; žiadny dážď, žiadne hrmenie, žiadne blýskanie. Na tretí deň, to isté, na štvrtý, piaty, šiesty. Ale ráno 24. mája, po 120 rokoch, prišiel z neba silný príval. A všetci tí, ktorí boli pomazaní od pána Pochybovača, Neveriaceho a Netrpezlivého, tam vonku zahynuli."

43 Obhajca povedal: „Zostup dole Noe. Chcem zavolať ďalšieho svedka. Poď sem, pán Abrahám, chcem aby si povedal svedectvo."

44 Prichádza pán Abrahám a hovorí: „Pracoval som na svojej farme neďaleko Ur, v zemi Chaldejov. Oženil som sa s mojou polovičnou sestrou, nazývala sa Sarai a ja som sa nazýval Abram. Stretol som Boha a Boh mi povedal, že budem mať so Sarou dieťa. Sarah, v tom čase mala 65 rokov a ja som mal 75. A Boh mi povedal, že so Sarah budem mať dieťa a že cez to dieťa bude požehnaný celý svet a ja budem otcom mnohých národov. Rýchlo som sa vrátil, pre túto radosť, ktorú som mal v srdci. Stále som miloval deti a myslel som si, že nikdy nijaké nebudem mať. Ale keď Boh povedal, že ho budem mať, uveril som Mu. Išiel som ku doktorovi urobiť prípravy. On ma vyhodil z ordinácie, sedel tam pán Nevriaci. Vyšiel som na ulicu a vládne orgány ma chceli zavrieť, že som nenormálny. A potom, keď roky prechádzali pán Netrpezlivý ma mučil dňom i nocou."

45 „Prvý mesiac som povedal svojej žene, Sáre. Viete, ona mala po prechodoch, prestalo to byť s ňou ako to býva so ženami. A ja som povedal Sáre: „Drahá, máme všetky tie malé topánočky, a detské oblečenia a všetky drobnosti? Sme pripravení, či nie?" „Áno, všetko je pripravené." „Teraz sa to stane, dávaj pozor." A po tých dvadsiatych ôsmych dňoch na konci som sa opýtal: Ako sa cítiš, drahá?" „Nič sa nezmenilo, Abrahám." Dobre, povedal „Povedal som, Chvála Bohu! Sárah, nepochybuj. Boh tak povedal, v každom prípade ho budeme mať!" Takto to trvalo roky."

46 „A potom, keď prechádzal rok za rokom, pán Pochybovač, pán Nevriaci a oni všetci si zo mňa robili posmech. Ale po dvadsiatych piatych rokoch sa to dieťa narodilo, keď som mal sto rokov. Boh mi nepovedal, že to dieťa budem mať na druhý deň. On povedal, že ho budem mať! A ja sa nestarám ako dlho to trvalo, Boh to zasľúbil! Čakal som dvadsať päť rokov. Oni si mysleli, že tak zostarnem až zomriem, ale ja som povedal: „Ja nemôžem zomrieť, to zasľúbenie je pre mňa. Boh tak povedal"

47 „Ako pán Vysmievač a pán Neveriaci, pán Pochybovač, pán Netrpezlivý ustavične chodili, mali pomazaných ľudí a hovorili: „Abrahám, otec národov, koľko máš teraz detí?" Ale ja som sa toho pevne držal, pretože som nikdy nezapochyboval o Slove Božom v nevere. Vedel som, že Boh je schopný dodržať každé slovo, ktoré zasľúbil. Nehľadel som na svoje telo, skoro umŕtvené, ani na umŕtvenie Sárinho lona. Ale veril som Bohu. Oni vraveli: „No, zdá sa mi, že pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi si hovoril, že budeš mať dieťa?" „Povedal som to pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi." Ale pán Netrpezlivý tam povedal: „No, prešlo dvadsať päť rokov. Pozri sa teraz na seba! Fúzy ti visia skoro po kolená. Pozri sa, si starý." Dal som mu vedieť, že Boh mi nepovedal, kedy budem mať to dieťa. On povedal: „Budeš ho mať so Sárou." A tým to bolo vybavené! Pevne som sa toho držal. Slovo nikdy nepovedalo kedy. Ono povedalo, že to sa stane!"

48 Zavolajme rýchlo ďalšieho svedka, nemáme veľa času. Mohli by sme ich zavolať stovky. Zavolajme ešte ďalšieho svedka, Mojžiša, nech povie svedectvo.

49 „Aha," on povedal, „bol som vyučený všetkej múdrosti Egypťanov. Bol som profesor akého nebolo. Ale jedného dňa tam ďaleko na púšti, keď som mal osemdesiat rokov, stretol som Boha. Bol vo forme znaku, bol horiacim ohňom v kríku. Povedal mi, že počul vzdychanie svojho ľudu a rozpomenul sa na svoje zasľúbenie o ich vyslobodení. A povedal mi: „Posielam ťa." Ja som povedal: „Kto som ja? Ja neviem dobre hovoriť. Nie som teológ. Nemôžem ísť." On povedal: „Budú ti dané dva znaky. Jeden z nich bude v tvojej ruke, ten druhý sa bude diať cez palicu. A ak oni nebudú počúvať na hlas tohto znamenia, potom vylej na zem vodu, premení sa na krv, to potom zakončí tú vec."

50 „Keď som zobral môj znak, ktorý mi dal Boh a išiel som pred faraóna, pred pastora faraóna, on sa snažil spraviť aby môj znak vyzeral nespoľahlivý. Povedal: „To dokáže skoro každý lacný veštec alebo Egypťan. Skoro každý obyčajný kúzelník dokáže urobiť tieto triky." A zavolal dvoch, ktorí sa nazývali Jambres a Janes a oni skutočne napodobnili všetko, čo som urobil. Ale to ma nezastavilo, pretože ten hlas, ktorý ma poslal bol hlas Písma a ja som s ním zostal. To bolo Slovo Božie.

51 To bol Biblický znak, Biblický hlas, Lebo pamätám na svoje zasľúbenie a čas sa priblížil. Oni nemali v Izraelovi už stovky rokov žiadnych prorokov, 440 rokov nemali v Izraelovi žiadnych prorokov. Ale On povedal: „Ale Ja ťa posielam, aby si bol prorokom." A on išiel. „A On mi toto povedal, ako znak, že prídem naspäť a privediem tie deti ku tomuto vrchu. Trvalo to dlhý čas, ale vykonal som to. Stál som verne na Slove. A keď Janes a tí telesní napodobovatelia, ktorí sa z toho chceli vysmiať, aj tak som vedel, bez ohľadu na to koľko sa vysmievali a koľko mohli robiť ..."

52 Viete že to sa má v posledných dňoch znovu zopakovať? Ježiš tak povedal. Biblia povedala: „Ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tak to budú robiť aj títo v posledných dňoch." Napodobovatelia, ktorí sa snažia činiť podobne, robia potom kópie.

53 Ale on povedal: „Ja som stál nepohnute pretože som vedel, že ten hlas bol hlasom Písma." Hoci boli dvaja a on len jeden. Ale on išiel dole a urobil to, čo ... a to potvrdilo, že to je pravda. On prišiel presne naspäť ku tomu vrchu, kde mu Boh povedal.

54 „Zostúp Mojžiš. Zavolajme rýchlo ďalšieho svedka. Józuu."

55 Jozue povedal: „Keď sme boli blízko zeme, prišli sme do Kádeš barnei. A Mojžiš, sluha Boží, išiel a zobral všetkých ... jedného z každého pokolenia, jedného z každej denominácie a povedal: Prejdime a prešpehujme zem. A my sme to prešli, dvaja z nás a priniesli sme naspäť dôkaz, že to je dobrá zem." Oni mali o tom dôkaz. To boli ozajstní letniční. „Tak oni sa vrátili s tým dôkazom, že to je dobrá zem. Ale keď prišli ku tomu aby sme zabrali celú tú zem, oni povedali: „My to nedokážeme. My to nedokážeme, nie sme schopní." A ľudia boli celí roztrhaní, nevedeli čo robiť, do ktorej organizácie ísť. A ja som ich upokojoval. Povedal som: „Pamätajte to je zasľúbenie Božie! Boh povedal: Ja som vám dal túto zem." A čo Boh zasľubuje, On to vyplní! Utišoval som tých ľudí. Na druhý deň povedali: Ideme? Na druhý deň: Ideme? Stalo sa to za štyridsať rokov, ale zabrali sme tú zem!"

56 Ďalší svedok, rýchlo. Môžem zavolať Izaiáša, aby sem predstúpil? „Izaiáš, budeš svedčiť ako svedok obhajoby a povieš nám svedectvo na obranu obžalovaných, obžalovaného?"

57 „Áno. Ja som bol prorok. Bol som potvrdený prorok. Čo som povedal, nebolo ... nevedel som čo hovorím, ale Boh spravil, že to čo som povedal, to sa stalo. Každý tomu začal veriť. Celá cirkev, oni tomu začali veriť. Jedného dňa sa stala zvláštna vec. Pán Boh mi povedal: Izrael vyhľadáva znamenia, tak chcem aby ho mali, ale Ja im dám super znamenie. A ono bude pre super vek, keď budú mať supermarkety a super nadzvukové lietadlá a super, všetko super. Ja im dám super znak. Panna počne! A ja som bol potvrdený prorok, tak každá panna si pripravila topánočky a všetko ďalšie, pripravovala sa na to, že bude mať dieťa. Tak veru, ona bola tou, ktorú Jehova zavolal. Odohrali sa všetky rôzne veci. Tak veru. No, očakávame, že ona, moja dcéra, počne. Táto, táto, každé dievča na to očakávalo. Prešli roky. Niektorí si škrabali hlavu a vraveli: Ten starý falošný prorok. Ale to sa vyplnilo za osemsto rokov. On nepovedal, kedy ona počne. On povedal, že počne! Za osemsto rokov potom, panna počala."

58 A teraz, ako posledný svedok, ak mi prepáčite, môžem byť ten posledný svedok? Toto sa nestalo voľakedy dávno v Biblii, to sa deje teraz. Dovoľte, že budem ďalším svedkom, ešte za niekoľko minút, predtým ako sa začneme modliť za chorých. Dobre počúvajte. Ja by som rád vydal svedectvo na Jeho podporu. Chcel by som byť predvolaný a postaviť sa, zodvihnúť ruku a povedať pravdu, nič iné len pravdu.

59Rád by som povedal, ako som sa vôbec stal kresťanom. Môj otec a matka, starý otec a stará matka po oboch stranách, všetci boli hriešnici. Mojou povahou bol kúkoľ ... a ako budem pšeničným zrnom. Ale raz ráno v starej drevenej chatrči tam v Kentucky, tak povedala moja matka a tá pôrodná baba, 6. apríla, o piatej ráno v 1909 roku, keď ma Pán Boh priviedol na zem, tam v tom malom okne zastalo svetlo. A keď okno otvorili, matka ležala na posteli vypchatej kukuričným šúštím, aby sa presvedčila aké má dieťa, krúžiac vošlo dovnútra svetlo. Tí ľudia, ktorí bývali v tých horách nevedeli, čo si o tom majú myslieť. Ja som bol príliš malý, aby som toto vedel.

60 A ako chlapec, okolo osem ročný, sedem alebo osem ročný, niesol som vodu do destilačného prístroja, ktorým môj otec na čierno pálil pálenku. Jedno teplé septembrové popoludnie, sedel som a plakal, chcel som ísť s chlapcami na rybník chytať ryby a oni ... Nemohol som tam ísť lebo som musel nosiť túto vodu. Počul som v strome akoby vír, keď som bol asi v polovici cesty. Všade bolo ticho, v septembri je v Indiáne všetko potichu, bolo hrobové ticho. A tento vír v kríku, vyšiel z tade hlas a povedal: „Nikdy nefajči, nepi, neznečisťuj svoje telo (To znamená behať so ženami), ani nerob nič také, pretože máš vykonať prácu, keď budeš starší." Matka zavolala doktora, myslela si, že som nejaký nervózny.

61 Za týždeň potom som videl ten Municipalský most, v tranze, ako som to nazýval. Videl som, ako stavajú cez rieku Ohio ten Municipalský most a zahynulo na ňom šestnásť mužov. Za dvadsať dva rokov od toho dňa na tom istom mieste postavili ten Municipalský most a pri jeho stavbe zahynulo šestnásť mužov.

62 Jednej noci v Green Mill, nevedel som, čo toto všetko znamená ... Neskoršie som sa stal kazateľom, aby som slúžil Pánovi. Jednej noci v Green Mill ... Môj pastor mi práve povedal, povedal som mu, že pôjdem a budem mať ... že môžem vidieť veci a oni mi povedali, že to je diabol. A ja kresťan, nechcel som mať nič spoločného s diablom, ani trochu. Tak som tam išiel a povedal som: „Pane, nemôžem ďalej takto žiť." A bol som tam na takom mieste v rybárskom tábore, modlil som sa tam jednej noci. Pán ku mne prehovoril v strome, ako ku Mojžišovi. Potom tu v tomto Green Mill, tam prišiel muž a povedal mi, aby som sa nepokúšal a neprosil o to, aby som sa tohto zbavil, ale že to je dar poslaný od Boha, ktorý má byť prinesený ľuďom na svete a dal mi poznať cez Písma, že všetky tieto veci, ktoré boli zasľúbené podľa Biblie sa musia vyplniť, že čas je na blízku.

63 Vrátil som sa a povedal som to svojmu pastorovi. Išiel som a povedal som mu to a on povedal: Billy, čo si jedol? Mal si sen a to bola nočná mora?" Ale pre mňa, to bol Malachiáš 4. On povedal: „Ako to urobíš?" To bol Lukáš 17:30. To tiež bolo Zjavenie 10. To boli tiež všetky tieto miesta Písma, ktoré boli zasľúbené na posledné dni. Nevidel som hneď vtedy, že sa to stalo. Ľudia sa divili: „Kedy sa toto stane?" Ale ja som sa toho ďalej držal.

64 Jedného dňa pri rieke, krstil som v rieke päťsto ľudí, keď zrazu toto isté svetlo, ktoré tam vošlo keď som bol malý chlapec ... A ja som povedal ľuďom, že som to videl. Oni povedali, že sa mi snívalo a že to je nejaký druh duševnej predstavy, ktorý som mal. Ale pred viac ako päť tisíc ľuďmi o druhej popoludní v 1933, z oblohy prichádza dole tento oblak a hovorí tieto slová: „Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poverený, aby predchádzal prvý Kristov príchod, tvoja služba bude predchádzať druhý Kristov príchod." Kde to počulo tisíce a tisíce ľudí a noviny priniesli o tom svedectvo.

65 Chcem povedať a chcem na toto obrátiť pozornosť toho slepého žalobcu, ktorý sa obzerá, aby uvidel nejakého muža s jazvami od tŕňov a klincov a všetky takéto veci. Písmo toto nehovorí! Nedáva takéto zasľúbenie.

66 Čítame tu v Lukášovi v 17. kapitole a v 30. verši, Ježiš hovorí: „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka." Keď sa zjaví! Chcem obrátiť vašu pozornosť na toto len na niekoľko minút, ak ma znesiete ešte niekoľko minút. Buďte teraz niekoľko minút skutočne pozorní.

67 Všimnite si, Ježiš niesol tri mená; Syn človeka, Syn Dávidov, Syn Boží. On mal tri mená. Vždy je to tá istá osoba ale s tromi menami. Tak ako Otec, Syn a Svätý Duch; stále je to ten istý Boh, tri atribúty.

68 Tak ako ja. Moja žena mi hovorí manžel. Moje deti nemajú so mnou nič dočinenia skrze meno manžel, ja som ich otec. Môj malý vnuk, ktorý tam sedí, nemá so mnou nič pod menom otec, nič pod menom manžel, on je môj vnuk. A to je stále tá istá osoba.

69 A my vidíme, keď Ježiš prichádza a snaží sa zjaviť seba ako Syna človeka (Neprehliadnite toto!), keď sa On zjavil a hovoril o sebe, stále „Syn človeka," Izrael bol slepý. Oni nevedeli nič o tom čo znamená Syn človeka. Ale oni hovorili „Syn Dávidov," keď tam vybehol slepý Bartimeus a rozpoznal Ho. Dávid, to znamenalo „Kráľ." Pamätajte, Syn človeka, Syn Dávidov, Syn Boží (čo znamená Pán). Tento žid dostal to, o čo prosil, pretože pristúpil ku Nemu v mene Syna Dávidovho, Kráľa; On nebol spasiteľ, ale Kráľ.

70 Ale keď tá grékyňa, tá síroféničanka pristúpila ku Nemu v mene Syna Dávidovho, On vôbec ani trochu nezodvihol hlavu. Ona nemala na Neho žiadne právo v mene Syna Dávidovho. On pre tú síroféničanku nebol Syn Dávidov. Ale keď povedala „Pane", vtedy sa obrátil. On bol Pán. Pán, On bol pre ňu Pán, nie žiadny Syn Dávidov.

71 No, prečo Ho nepoznali ako Syna človeka? Syn človeka bolo duchovné zjavenie, prorok. Syn človeka znamená prorok.

72 Ak si otvoríte Biblie v Ezechielovi, 2. kapitola 1. verš, zistíte, že Ezechiel bol prorok, Slovo Božie na ten deň. A sám Jehova ho nazýva Syn človeka. Jehova nazýva jeho, človeka, Syn človeka, tak isto ako Ježiš zjavil seba ako Syna človeka. Čo to bolo? Zasľúbené Slovo na tú hodinu sa zamanifestovalo, ten istý Boh! Boh v čase Ezechiela, Boh v čase Ježiša, Syn človeka! On nebol v tom čase ...

73 On bol Syn človeka, pretože On sa prišiel zjaviť Izraelovi ako prorok a oni to odmietli. A to bolo proroctvo, že oni Ho majú prijať v mene Syna človeka, proroka, pretože to bolo podľa Slova. 5. kniha Mojžišova 18:15, „Pán tvoj Boh ti vzbudí proroka ako som ja." A keď On prišiel, On sa zidentifikoval vo svojej službe ako človek, nie ako Syn Boží, ako Syn človeka! Boh je Duch. A On sa zjavil ako Syn človeka, čo On tvrdil že je, a oni boli slepí a nemohli to vidieť.

74 Ale teraz, pre pohanov sa On teraz zjavuje ako Syn Boží, čo je Duch Svätý. No, Ježiš povedal: „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy!"

75 Chcem, aby ten slepý žalobca toto videl. On je stále slepý vykladač Slova. Berie svoje organizačné predstavy o tom a viac už nič o tom nevie. On to robí, aby zviedol, pretože je od začiatku zvoditeľ.

76 Ježiš povedal: „Ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, keď sa zjavil Syn človeka!" Vo dňoch Sodomy sa Syn ... sa Boh zjavil v ľudskom tele, ktorý bol raz nazvaný Melchisedek, Otec. Melchisedek v tom čase nemal otca ani matky, nemal začiatok dní ani koniec života; ktokoľvek On bol, On zostáva ten istý. Ježiš mal otca a matku; ale tento muž nemal ani otca ani matku. A On sa zjavil Abrahámovi vo forme Syna človeka, Elohim, Jehova. Cirkev teraz v tomto období počas cirkevného veku konala službu v krste Duchom svätým, ale Ježiš tu povedal, aby vám urobil Malachiáša 4 a ostatné miesta Písma skutočnými (Vidíte?), že „V posledných dňoch, tesne pred príchodom, svetové uloženie bude ako bolo v Sodome a Syn človeka sa zjaví ako Syn človeka, ako to urobil vo dňoch Sodomy."

77 Slepý žalobca, či to nevidíš? Jeho Slová sú pravda. Nie jazvy po klincoch a otlačky po tŕňoch.

78 To je Syn Boží zosobnený vo svojej cirkvi ako Syn človeka. To musí vyplniť Malachiáša 4 a ostatné miesta Písma. Upozorňujem súd, poriadne sa na to pozrite, „Syn človeka"! Ako Boh Otec, Boh Syn, Boh Duch Svätý; to je ten istý Boh, tri rôzne atribúty toho istého Boha. Teraz toto je Syn Dávidov ... Syn človeka zjavený potom ako Prorok. Syn Dávidov, Kráľ. A teraz Syn Boží pre vek cirkvi, ako Boh nie je človek, Boh je Duch a Duch, Syn je Duch Svätý, ktorý je zjavený v cirkevnom veku. Ale tu je zasľúbené, že v posledných dňoch sa zjaví Syn človeka.

79 Slepý žalobca, rozumieš tomu? A chcem, aby si vedel slepý žalobca, my to vidíme, veríme tomu, tieto slová sa vyplnili pred nami a my vieme, že je to pravda.

80 Pre Židov On bol Syn Dávidov. Pre Grékov On bol Pán, pre nás je On Pán, pre Pohanov. A teraz v posledných dňoch sa On znovu vráti naspäť ako Syn človeka, pretože Malachiáš nám zasľúbil, že v posledných dňoch povstane prorok, ktorý navráti srdcia ľudí naspäť do (preč od tých organizácií) naspäť do originálneho Slova, do viery otcov, do originálnych letníc. A keď to On robil, ev. Jána 14:12, skutky ktoré On činil sa tiež budú diať. Zjavenie 10 zasľúbilo celé tajomstvo. Ako zjavíte tie tajomstvá? Vidíte čo vynechal Luther, vidíte čo vynechal Wesley, vidíte čo vynechali letniční a potom zjaví tajomstvo srdca, aby to ukázalo, že to je ten istý Boh v každom veku, a to nie je nič iné ako Božie Slovo, ktoré sa manifestuje znovu ako Syn človeka. My neočakávame na jazvy po klincoch; očakávame na zamanifestované Slovo. Všimnite si, Boh zasľúbil teraz tieto veci a On to robí presne tak, ako to povedal. Mohol by som povedať viacej, ale, skončíme tú tému, je neskoro.

81 Pán žalobca, chcem aby si vedel, že by som mohol tu dnes popoludní zavolať tisíc svedkov. Chcem, aby si vedel, že to čo On povedal to urobil, my sme svedkovia, že On dodržuje svoje Slovo! Existuje skutočné zhromaždenie Ducha Svätého! Existuje skutočná moc Božia! A je skutočné zasľúbenie, že oni budú uzdravení, keď na chorých položia ruky. Chcem aby ste to vedeli. Chcem, aby ste vedeli, že On povedal: „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka."

82 Ja som cudzí a ja len svedčím, že to čo hovorí Biblia je pravda. Ak si všimnete, anjel Pánov, ktorý prišiel vo forme človeka, bol obrátený chrbtom ku stanu a On povedal Abrahámovi čo si Sára myslí. Ježiš povedal, že to sa zopakuje. No, ak som povedal pravdu, nech Boh potvrdí, že to je pravda. Nech to On zjaví. Potom, to nie je tajomstvo, potom to vieme. Rozpustím dnes popoludní tento súd s týmto rozsudkom, aby ste to sami rozhodli vo svojej vlastnej mysli. Nech Boh, ktorý dal zasľúbenie ... Nie vtedy dávno v tých dňoch; oni boli potvrdené. Nech Boh, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie, nech ho dnes potvrdí, nech povie to isté. Niektorí z vás si myslia v srdci ... Modlite sa Bohu za svoju chorobu alebo nemoc a budete vidieť či Boh zjaví tajomstvo srdca. Vyzývam vás, aby ste to urobili, od jednej strany na druhú. No, či by som sa odvážil robiť niečo také, keby som nestál presne na tom, čo hovorí Písmo? Chcem, aby tento súd videl, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, že On dodržuje svoje zasľúbenie. A On zasľúbil, že Ježiš Kristus sa zjaví v posledných dňoch, ako Syn človeka.

83 Tu sedí muž trpí na hemoroidy. V živote som ho nevidel. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni ruku. Veríš mi, že vydávam svedectvo o Božom Slove? To je tvoja žena, ktorá sedí vedľa teba. Ona tiež trpí, má cystu na hlave. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni ruku. Veríte, že mi Boh môže povedať kto ste. Ak je On stále Slovom, Slovo pozná tajomstvá srdca. Vy ste pán a pani Huntoví. Ak je to tak, zodvihnite ruku. Prečo tomu neveríte?

84 Tu, tu sedí muž, sedí rovno tu, má dole hlavu, plače, modlí sa za seba a tiež za svoju ženu. Ona nie je tu. Ona dnes popoludní nie je s tebou. Ona trpí. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, čo jej je? Ona tu nie je. Veríš? Veríš. Ja som ti cudzí, je to tak? Tvoja žena má ženské problémy. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni ruku, vysoko, aby to ľudia mohli vidieť. A tvoje meno je Smith. Veríš, že Boh ju uzdraví? Ak je to tak, zamávaj takto rukou. Vyzývam vás, aby ste verili, že Ježiš Kristus je zjavený vo forme Syna človeka v ľudskom tele v tele nevesty ...?...

85 Tu je žena, sedí tu a díva sa na mňa, trpí na vysoký tlak. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať kto si? Nazývajú ťa Daisy. Ak ... Je to pravda? Zodvihni ruku. Ver teraz z celého srdca, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví - dá ti to, o čo prosíš. Vidíte? On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Veríte tomu?

86 Tu sedí muž, rovno tu vzadu, díva sa na mňa, na srdci má bremeno. Za svojho syna. Syn má cukrovku. Veríš? To je tvoja žena hneď vedľa teba, ktorá začala plakať, ona má na srdci bremeno. To je za jej sestru. Jej sestra je chorá na srdce, komplikácie. Vy ste pán a pani Sickles. Je to pravda? Zamávajte takto rukami. Vstaňte ak som vám úplne cudzí. Vstaňte, ak som vám cudzí a nepoznám vás.

87 Čo to je? Vyplňovanie sa Božieho Slova v posledných dňoch! Žalobca, chcem, aby si vedel, že Slovo Božie je pravda. Boh mi to povedal pred tridsiatimi tromi rokmi. Čakal som celý tento čas, ale to sa vyplnilo rovno tu dnes popoludní. Boh dodržuje svoje Slovo! On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Nech vás Boh žehná; choďte teraz a vezmite si to po čom túžite.

88 Váš názor reprezentuje porotu. Porota musí rozhodnúť. A spôsob ako sa budete odteraz správať bude vyjadrovať alebo ukazovať ľuďom aký ste vyniesli rozsudok. Je On vinný, alebo nie je vinný? Veríte, že nie je vinný, že dodržuje svoje Slovo? To je na nás ... Počúvame starého Netrpezlivého, Neveriaceho a Pochybovača. Ale veríte teraz, že Boh dodržuje svoje Slovo? Váš názor predstavuje porotu. A spôsob ako sa odteraz budete správať dokáže ľuďom aký ste vyniesli rozsudok. Vidíte to? Skloňme potom hlavy.

89 Povedal som vám skutočnú pravdu. Keby sme mali čas zostať tu, nie je v Biblii miesto písma, ktoré by svedčilo niečo iné než toto. Som úprimný. Ale viete, niekedy, byť úprimným nie je tak ľahko. Ale keď tam stojí Boh! Nebolo to ľahko Lutherovi, Wesleyovi ani tým ostatným. Nie je to ľahko vám ani nikomu ďalšiemu, kto za tým stojí. Ale dnes popoludní musíte zaujať svoj postoj. On nikdy nepovedal ... On povedal: „Na chorých budú klásť ruky a oni budú uzdravení." Ak tomu veríte, potom sa nestarám, či sa to stane hneď teraz, či sa to stane na budúci týždeň, či sa to stane za dvadsať rokov odo dneška; ak absolútne tomu veríte, musí sa to stať. Ja ..

90 Sedí tu teraz doktor, ako mi povedali. Chcem mu poďakovať. Bol som pri jednom pacientovi, navštívil som pred chvíľou v nemocnici jeho pacienta, dnes včas ráno, ktorý má zakrátko zomrieť, tak si to myslia. Tak je rozožratá rakovinou. A táto drobná žena mi povedala: „Môj lekár navštívil tvoje zhromaždenie a súhlasí s tebou. A nie len to, brat Branham, ale chcem aby si vedel, že sa tiež s tebou za mňa modlí." Keby som niekedy potreboval nejakú lekársku starostlivosť, chcel by som aby mi ju on poskytol, muž ktorý môže takto veriť Bohu! Áno. Oni sú vo všetkých odvetviach života a vo všetkých profesiách.

Pamätajme, ten rozsudok je teraz na vás.

91 Pane Ježišu, snažil som sa práve vysvetliť Slovo. Ty si vydal svedectvo, že to je pravda. Tvoji svedkovia, mohli by sme ich zavolať stovky ale nemáme čas. Ležia tu tiež vreckovky, sú tu položené, ktoré pôjdu ku chorým a postihnutým, hneď stadeto kde Duch Svätý vydáva svedectvo, že Ježiš stále žije. My ho poznáme podľa jeho života, podľa života ktorý žil, podľa vecí, ktoré robil. A modlíme sa, Bože, teraz keď kladieme svoje ruky na tieto vreckovky, aby ktokoľvek, koho sa dotknú mohol byť uzdravený. Prinášam svoju modlitbu, s vierou, spolu s týmito ďalšími veriacimi, za týchto, ktorí tu nemôžu byť. Nech sa môžu radovať z veľkosti Božej. Možno že sú chorí a nemohli sem prísť. Nejaký starý otec sedí dnes popoludní niekde v nejakej izbe, klepká s bielou paličkou, čaká na túto vreckovku. To dieťa leží tam v nemocnici, celé v horúčke a niekto čaká na túto vreckovku, aby ju zaniesol ... Nech moc Všemohúceho Boha ide s nimi, pomaž ich tým istým pomazaním, ktoré bolo na tomto zhromaždení dnes popoludní. A nech oni znovu objavia Pána. Prinášame túto modlitbu za nich, pretože oni neboli prítomní. Ale Ty si všadeprítomný. Nech by si bol tam a potvrdil svoje Slovo, skrze meno Ježiša Krista.

92 A teraz nech skutočne Duch Svätý, nie emócia, nie len nejaká polovičná nádej, ale nech môže byť vynesený jasný rozsudok na toto, kvôli čomu bol dnes popoludní zvolaný tento súd. Nech každý jeden vydá to isté svedectvo, keď berú svoju modlitebnú kartu a držia ju v rukách, keď budú prechádzať cez pódium. Nech, keď im bude poslúžené podľa Marka 16. kapitoly, „Na chorých budú klásť ruky a budú uzdravení." Keď sa tu postavia tvoji vyvolení sluhovia a budeme klásť na ľudí svoje ruky, Pane, nech je to tým naveky vybavené. Nech môžu stadeto vyjsť šťastní a nech môžu zabudnúť, že mali niekedy nejaké ťažkosti, pretože majú istotu, ako Abrahám, že Boh je schopný vyplniť zasľúbenia, ktoré dal. Prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie

na kríži, na Golgote.

93 Koľký ste vyniesli rozsudok? Zodvihnite ruky. „Ja som vyniesol svoj rozsudok." Dobre, súd, bude vám poslúžené podľa Božieho svätého Slova: „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Nenechám vás tu sedieť, aby ste si nemysleli, že pre tento dar, že to robí niekoho niečím väčším od druhého. Máte tu bohabojných pastorov. Sú tu, požiadam ich, aby sa postavili so mnou na pódiu. Oni budú klásť ruky tak isto ako ja. Oni chceli, aby sme sem prišli, a oni sú tu ako vaše ... ako svedkovia Boží. Oni nesú svedectvo o pravde. Tak, nemôžete povedať: „brat Branham polož ruky," pretože moje ruky nie sú nič viacej ako ich alebo kohokoľvek iného. To je vaša viera, váš rozsudok, ktorý ste vyniesli na Slovo Božie. Boh dodržuje ... A keď Boh môže dodržať tú časť Slova a dokázať vám to, potom ste už uzdravení, pretože skrze jeho rany ste boli uzdravení.

94 No, chcem aby všetci, ktorí sú tu v tejto časti, ktorí majú modlitebné karty, vstaňte a postavte sa tu ku stene. No, všetci, ktorí sú tu v tejto časti, ktorí majú modlitebné karty, postavte sa do stredu tejto uličky a obráťte sa tam. A všetci, ktorí sú tu v tejto časti, ktorí máte modlitebné karty ... No, tu v tejto časti, neobracajte sa teraz na tú stranu, poďte tu takto. Obráťte sa na druhú stranu, pretože chcem rovný rad. Všetci, ktorí ste v tejto časti, vystúpte na túto stranu, obráťte sa tým smerom, a všetci v tejto časti poďte sem hore, ktorí máte modlitebné karty, vystúpte na túto stranu a obráťte sa týmto smerom a modlitebný rad a môže takto tiahnuť. Všetci na balkóne, s modlitebnými kartami, ktorí chcete aby sme sa za vás modlili, poďte dole a postavte sa hneď za touto ďalšou časťou ako oni prichádzajú. Kým oni prichádzajú, ja ...

95 [Brat Branham sa rozpráva s kazateľmi na pódiu. - pozn.prekl.] Chcete aby som zavolal ďalších kazateľov? Je to v poriadku, aby vydali svedectvo? Dobre, súhlasíte s tým všetci? Aký je tvoj rozsudok v tomto súdnom procese? [ten brat odpovedá: „Viem, že tieto veci sú pravda." - pozn.prekl.] Dobre.

96 Títo pastori chcú vedieť, chcú mať obecenstvo s inými kazateľmi. Chcú, aby každý kazateľ, ktorý je tu, ktorý verí v Boha a verí, že kladenie rúk na chorých, ak ich uznesenie dnes popoludní je, že to je pravda, oni vás pozývajú ako svojich kolegov, aby ste sem prišli a postavili sa s nami na pódiu keď sa budeme modliť. Všetci pastori, ktorí sú naplnení Božím Duchom a vaše uznesenie teraz je, že veríte, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, že veríte, že Marek 16 je pravda, títo pastori tu vás chcú teraz pozvať sem hore ako svojich kolegov v evanjeliu. Poďte sem hore a postavte sa s nami na pódiu, keď ukladáme tieto zástupy, aby sme sa za nich modlili. Rovno sem, priveďte ich stadeto sem. Všetci pastori v tejto budove, bez ohľadu na to z akej ste denominácie. Oni mi proste povedali, aby som vás zavolal. Poďte sem hore ak chcete teraz prísť a vytvorte tento rad, aby sme sa modlili, modlili za chorých, aby sme kládli ruky na chorých.

97 Koľkí tu nepotrebujú ... ste zdraví a nepotrebujete, aby sme sa za vás modlili ale ste veriaci? Zodvihnite ruky. Sľúbite mi, že tiež sa budete s nami modliť za týchto ľudí? Čo keby tu v tom rade stála tvoja matka? Čo keby tu stála tvoja žena? Čo keby to bol tvoj brat alebo sestra? Pamätajte, to je niečia matka, to je niečí brat, to je niečia sestra, to je chlapec alebo dievča niektorej matky, to je niekto. A my budeme robiť iným to, čo by sme chceli aby iní robili nám. No, chcem aby ste sa každý jeden úctivo modlili.

98 A zatiaľ kým sa oni stavajú do radu, cez čo môžu prejsť, chcem aby kazatelia teraz prišli sem hore a vytvorili dvojitý rad tu okolo pódia. Tu takto hore dole, aby vytvorili dvojitý rad, aby ľudia mohli cezeň prechádzať. Ja odovzdám mikrofón pánovi Bordersovi, ktorý tu bude stáť a viesť piesne. To je dobre, dvojitý rad hore a dole a takto, aby ľudia ...

99 A teraz, všetci, ktorí stojíte v rade, aby ste to dvojnásobne satanovi potvrdili, žalobcovi, že máte jasné rozhodnutie. Vyniesli ste rozsudok, že veríte, že Marek 16 je Božie Slovo a že je to pravda a vy prechádzate cez tento modlitebný rad, aby kládli na vás ruky. A od teraz ďalej vaše správanie bude dokazovať aké je vaše uznesenie. Zodvihnite ruky a povedzte: „Sľubujem to Bohu." Všetci, ktorí ste v tom rade.

100 Modlime sa teraz. Náš nebeský Otče, títo ľudia dnes popoludní, keď sme to predstavili ako súd. Cítim Pane, mal si skutočný súdny proces. Pilát ti neurobil ten správny, on mal falošných svedkov. Ale Ty si premohol tých falošných svedkov. Obhajca, Duch Svätý prišiel aby potvrdil Slovo pred ľuďmi. Mal si čestný súdny proces. A ľudia sa rozhodli, vyniesli dnes konečné rozhodnutie oni tu prechádzajú, aby dokázali svetu, že veria, že tvoje Slovo je tak. To bolo nesprávne vyložené, niektorí hovorili: „Nech ťa vidím toto robiť, nech vidím, že toto robíš." To nie je podľa Slova. Slovo hovorí „Oni budú uzdravení." A my sme priviedli svedkov na pódium aby sme dokázali, že to je to, čo si Ty povedal. Ty robíš tie veci svojím vlastným spôsobom.

101 No, prosím, Otče, aby si udelil tieto požehnania dnes popoludní týmto ľuďom. Ako tvoj sluha a so všetkými ostatnými tvojimi sluhami, sú ich tu stovky, prinášame svoju modlitbu za týchto ľudí. Pomaž týchto fajných pastorov, Pane. A ak bude prechádzať okolo nejaký pochybovač, alebo neveriaci alebo pán Netrpezlivý alebo ktokoľvek z týchto kritikov, posmievačov, ktorí boli v každom veku, keby išli okolo týchto ľudí, nech tento súd dnes popoludní zaznie proti tomu. Ich svedectvo, kde bez ohľadu na to, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, oboje bolo zničené. Ako sa im vysmievali a robili si žarty, ale to nič na tom nemenilo, veriaci sa držali presne Slova. A my sme pripravení dnes popoludní držať sa Slova, Otče. Pripájam sa tu s tvojimi ďalšími pastormi aby sme kládli ruky na týchto ľudí, nech moc všemohúceho Boha, o ktorej vieme, že je teraz prítomná potvrdzuje tvoje Slovo, nech je každý z nich uzdravený skrze Ježiša Krista nášho Pána. Amen.

102 Brat Roy, keby si prišiel sem na pódium. Skloňte teraz všetci hlavy, všetci sa modlite a spievajte. Ak sa nemodlíte, spievajte „Len ver". Keď tu budete prechádzať, keď prejdete stadeto, bez ohľadu čo budete hovoriť alebo robiť, to je na vás. Keď chcete kričať, kričte. A ak chcete prejsť ... Bez ohľadu čo to je, len verte Bohu. Prejdite a povedzte: „V mojom srdci je to vybavené." Tak ako keď ste išli do bazénu, aby ste boli pokrstení. Tým je to vybavené, ak tomu veríte. Vy ste kresťania pokiaľ veríte. Je to tak. A budete uzdravení pokiaľ veríte. A teraz sa všetci modlime. Dobre. brat Borders. [Brat Branham sa modlí za chorých. Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]

Len ver!

Až sa stretneme! Až sa stretneme!

Až sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša;

Až sa stretneme! Až sa stretneme!

Nech je Boh s vami až sa znovu stretneme!

103 Slúžim vám Božím Slovom. V mene Ježiša Krista, nech každý z vás prijme to, o čo ste prosili. „Keď poviete tomuto vrchu, presuň sa a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť tomu čo ste povedali stane sa, môžete mať to čo ste povedali." Keď sa modlíte, verte, že dostanete to, o čo ste prosili a bude vám to dané. Slúžim v mene Ježiša Krista. Verím, že náš výrok bol vynesený a prešiel a naše správanie teraz dokazuje, že veríme, a že vieme, že On uzdravuje. Keby som vás už viac nevidel po tejto strane rieky, stretnem vás na druhej strane. Potom ten veľký Duch Svätý, ktorý bol tento týždeň naším hosťom, tu s nami a slúžil nám, On vám bude potom svedčiť, že som vám povedal pravdu. Až do toho času.

Až sa stretneme! Až sa stretneme!

Nech je Boh s vami až sa znovu stretneme!

104 Skloňme teraz hlavy. Skutočne v utíšení, milo. [Brat Branham začína hmkať pieseň „Až sa stretneme." - pozn.prekl.] Nech, len tu očakávame pred tebou. Nech Nebeský Boh, v ktorého prítomnosti sa nachádzame, vás stále zachováva verných až kým sa znovu nestretneme. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Vážim si ťa.

1 In Mark, the 16th chapter, beginning with the 9th verse, I wish to read. Such a glorious text, it's about the resurrection.

Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.

And she went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept.

And they, when they... heard that he was alive, and had seen... been seen of her, believed not.

After that he appeared in other form unto two of them, as they walked, and went unto the country.

And they went and told it to the residue: neither believed they them.

After, he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.

And they went forth,... preaching every where, the Lord working with them,... confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

2 Let us pray. Lord Jesus, we say now, as we approach the Father's Throne. And in Your Name, we believe this to be Your Word. We believe this to be the last Words that come from Your lips before You ascended up. And we ask that You will bless them to our hearts this afternoon, for the sake of those that are sick. We thank You for calling a great number to Your Throne last night, and we seen those great lines of those people, man, women, fathers, children, mothers, coming down the row and moving into that prayer room. We thank You for that, Father. And now we pray that You'll give to them the riches of Your Kingdom, and may there be faith among us this afternoon to make the Word of God to be a reality to us. And You're the only one Who can do this, Father, so we ask it in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

You may be seated.

3 Now my text this afternoon, I want to take it, and it sounds a little strange. And I want to take it because of yesterday, at the breakfast, I met one of the finest type of man, and he's sitting behind me now, an attorney. And we were talking about the trial, and it more or less was a mock trial, or something, that was given our Lord. And I--I certainly believe that that man would be a better man to stand here and typify it with the courts of the land, because I spoke of him since I met him, and he... They tell me he's a wonderful attorney, so I know that he would give Him a fair trial. And being that Jesus never got the right kind of a trial... And He is the Word. We all agree upon that. He is the Word. So I have read His Word, and we're going to put the Word on trial this afternoon.

The Word is on trial.

4 The case is, the Word of God's promises versus the world. And the cause for the indictment, is, a breach of promise. And the... I think the prosecuting attorney always represents state. I think that's right. And the... Satan is the prosecuting attorney, he represents the world, in this trial. And the Defendant is God. And the Defense Witness is the Holy Ghost. So I want to make the church, the congregation, both jury and judge. And let's hear the trial now, as we raise the curtains on the scene and see where we're sitting.

5Now, don't forget now, that the--the... what we're seeing here is the cause for this trial, is, the Word of God versus the world. The cause for the indictment, is, a breach of promise, that is, that the world claims that God made a promise that's not true. That's a breach of promise, "He don't keep His promise." And the prosecuting attorney in this case is Satan, that represents the world. And the Defendant is God Himself. And the Defense Witness is the Holy Ghost.

And now we call the court to order.

6 And now the prosecuting attorney is going to call his first witness to the stand and swear him in. And, now, he has three witnesses this afternoon I want to use, he wants to use, rather, in this trial. And these witnesses are Mr. Unbeliever, the next is Mr. Skeptic, and the next one will be called will be Mr. Impatience. Now, these are the witnesses against the case, that, "God doesn't keep His Word. His Word isn't true."

7 And we can see, before we start the trial, that--that so many of the world tries to say that God's Word is not true. For instance, this I just read, I was reading the footnotes on Scofield. And I was thinking of a story that was told me one time. I think... don't think I have ever quoted it, especially in this meeting. But, that a--a woman one time had a fine young boy, he wanted to be a minister. So she was kind of a poor sort of a woman, and she wanted her boy to get all the good schooling and training he could (which, any mother would want her boy, if he was called to such as that), would be the very best training that could be gotten, why, she wanted him to have it. So she sent him away to the very best religious seminary that she knowed where to send him.

8 Well, he had been there about a year, and one day his mother took violent sick, she was real bad off. And--and they kept calling and sending telegrams. She was living by herself. That he might have to be called home because she took a real serious cold, and it run into double pneumonia, and had congestion in... of the lungs, and she looked for to die. Her heart was showing up too bad. So the faithful physician was doing all that he knowed how to do, to save the woman's life, and she constantly got worse. So the--the physician sent a telegram to the young fellow, and said, "Stand by at once. Get your airplane reservations, where you may have to come to your mother at any time, because she looks like she's pretty close to the point of death." And then the boy, all upset, got his clothes ready and was fixing to catch a plane. And--and a telegram come straight back from his mother, "Don't come, son. I got all right."

9 So then about a year later, or six months later, I believe it was, that he returned to his home. And after greeting his mother, and they was having fellowship together, he said, "Mother, there's one question that still lingers in my mind." Said, "When you were so sick," and said, "you never did write and tell me the details. You just said you got well, and you never did tell me the details of how this come about."

10She said, "Son, you know down the street here, right where that old grocery store used to stay on a certain place?"


11There's a bunch of people down there that worships in that little building."

"Yes," said, "I remember them, they're the Pentecostals."

12 Said, "Yes, that's right." Said, "When I was at my very worse," said, "there was a fine lady come up here to me. And she said, 'Sister, we were down there in prayer meeting, and we understood that you were very sick, and you had a boy away in--in the seminary school, and to be a minister. And while we were praying, the Lord revealed to us that we should come pray for you.' And said, 'Well,'" she said, "'that, that'll be fine.' Said, 'Do you mind if our pastor comes and prays?' Said, 'Why, certainly not, lady. I'll be glad,' said. So they brought the... The doctor said that we would be fine. So the pastor come up, and he read this Scripture here in Mark, 16th chapter. And he said, 'This is what the Bible said.'" So he laid his hands upon the woman and prayed, went out. And said, she "got well," she said.

"Oh," he said, "Mother!"

She said, "Isn't that wonderful, son? Think of that!"

13 "Oh," he said, "Mother, of course that had nothing to do with your getting well." Says, "Perhaps some of the medicine that the physician had give you before, it just didn't take effect at time."

14And said, "Oh!" She said, "No, son. The physician had quit giving me medicine two days, said there was nothing he could do. He just put me under oxygen and said there was nothing he could do. And I was constantly getting worse."

15"Oh," he said, "Mother, it--it wasn't that." Said, "You see, those are illiterate people." Said, "They really don't understand. They just read the Bible." And said, "You see?"

She said, "Well, aren't we supposed to believe the Bible, son?"

16"Oh, sure." Said, "Mother, we're supposed to believe It, but," said, "you know, in the school," said, "we learned that That where he read there from Mark 16, from the 9th verse on, It's not even inspired."

"Well," she said, "glory to God!"

17He said, "Mother, you're acting like them people." And said, "Why, the very idea!"

She said, "Well, honey, I was just thinking."

Said, "What you thinking?"

18Said, "If God could heal me with that part of the Word that's not inspired, what would He do with that really is inspired?" So, That, That's... [Congregation applauds--Ed.] So we believe It is inspired.

19 So, now this, we're going to let the prosecutor call his witnesses, the first one to the stand, to witness against.

20I just said that a few minutes ago, because I was just reading, when I was reading this text, Mr. Scofield says that some of the manuscripts don't pack That. That's probably where that story come from. But It is so.

21So Mr. Unbelief comes to the stand, and takes his stand now to testify against the Word of God, to witness against It. And now when he... He is to be the first witness to stand by. Now we find out that after he's sworn in, now his complaint is this, that "the Word of God's promises are not altogether true."

22Now, all these witnesses that the prosecutor's bringing up, claims to be believers. They all claim to be believers, or, they give an evidence of this, "We would have never attended such meetings if we wasn't believers." So they--they say that they are believers.

23 And the complaint that Mr. Unbeliever gives against the Word of God, he claims that "Mark 16 isn't true, It just can't be true." For he said that he had been sick for some time, and he's giving his testimony now that he was sick for some time, and he "went to a so-called Holy Ghost meeting where people were laying hands upon the sick, and they claimed that they were being healed." So he went into this prayer line, and when he did... He had been very sick for some time, and he "was prayed for by this Holy Ghost (so-called Holy Ghost) bunch of people that were shouting and making noises, and claiming that they were healed." And Mr. Unbeliever walked through this line, had hands laid upon him, "And that was over two months ago, and there hasn't been one sign of recovery." So he says that "The Word of God, that part, is not true."

24 Now, so the prosecutor takes down his first witness, he brings up his next witness to the stand. And the next witness comes up, is Mr. Skeptic. He's sworn in, he takes the stand. Now, he claims that he is a believer, and he "heard in the city that they had a church where they had a faithful pastor, so-called godly man, so the congregation says. And this man believed the Scripture, so he says. And he prayed for the sick and anointed them with oil. And he read the chapter of this in the Bible, in James the 5th chapter, the 14th verse, 'Any among you sick? Let them call for the elders of the church, and let them anoint them in oil, pray over them; the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and God shall raise them up.'" So he said that he goes in, being a sick man, been turned down of ever being able to get over this undulant fever that he had. And the doctor said that he could not get over it, there's no way for him to. So he "taken God at His Word," and he "found this so-called godly pastor," that all the congregation had all kinds of testimonies that they had been healed, and so forth. And this godly pastor prayed over him, anointing him with oil, according to the Word of God. He did not doubt the man's sincerity, he did not doubt the sincerity of the congregation; but the pastor carried out the order just as the Bible says, anointed him and prayed for him. "And that was better than six months ago," and he "hasn't showed one sign of recovery." So he gives that testimony. Now the second witness steps down.

25 The prosecutor then brings up his next witness, which is Mr. Impatient. He brings up and he's sworn in, to give testimony against the Word of God, not being true. This man comes forth and he claims that he is a believer, and he was reading one day in Mark, the 16th chapter, or the 11th chapter of Mark, rather, and beginning with the 22nd verse, where Jesus Himself... He claims that he "had a red letter Bible, and the red letters was the exact Words that Jesus said, Himself. And that in this red letter Bible, in Mark, the 11th chapter, where Jesus was speaking, He made this quotation, 'Have faith in God. For verily, verily, I say unto you, if you say unto this mountain "be ye cast into the sea," and don't doubt, but believe that what you have said shall come to pass, you can have what you've said.'" And he "had been a cripple," he says here, "for--for many years," since he was a boy. He had been lame in his feet. He had to walk with crutches. So he accepted that as being the infallible Word of God, and he said within his heart, as he claims, to testify now, he said, "I will walk." And accepted the Word of Jesus Christ, he said that he would walk because Jesus said so. "If you'll say to this mountain 'be moved,' and when you accept, when you pray, believe that you receive what you asked for, and you shall have it." And he asked for it, prayed for it, said he "would have it, and that's five years ago." And he's still lame in his feet, he hasn't gotten any better.

26 Now the prosecutor comes forth after his witnesses has given three different quotations of the Scripture (which is a, in the Jewish courts, is a witness), gives three witnesses of Scripture that was wrote in God's Bible, "supposingly that Jesus Christ said It," which is the Son of God, God made flesh, dwelling in a Man, infallibility. And the prosecutor comes forth now to nail down the case to you people.

Now, you remember, you are the jury and you are the judge.

27 So the prosecutor wants you to know now, as he nails down the case again, these people claim that they are believers just as the rest of them claim. So he claims also, the prosecutor wants you to know that "God is not justified in putting such rashel promises in His Word, when He does not back it up, for He is giving this to His believing children to claim. And by them claiming it, they are brought to shame and are disgraced, by claiming the Words which are not true." The prosecutor now, "For He has failed to make the promises of these three witnesses, which is being carried out exactly according to the Word of God." And he wants, the prosecutor wants you to know that "God has failed, in all three cases, to make any manifestation of keeping His Word" (he's nailing it down for you), "and to these claimed believers."

28 Then again, the prosecutor wants to turn, call your attention to something else. "He, that is God, promised that all things were possible to them that believed. He promised that." The prosecutor wants you to know that. "And these so-called believers has tried to keep this Word, and He failed to keep It, therefore He's sued for breach of promise."

29Yet again, the prosecutor wants to call your attention to another Word of God. "He claims to be alive after His death. Jesus claims to be alive after His death." And the prosecutor wants you to know that he has "seen no Man with nail prints in His hands, and scars all over His body from the lashes, and prints of the spikes in His feet." Neither has he "seen any crown of thorns upon any Man's head. And yet He claims to be alive after His death. Also He claims, that in Hebrews 13:8, that He lives. And it is not so. He claims also, in the chapter of Luke, the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, that in these days that we live in now, that He would reveal Himself; as He was then, so would He be. He claims also," the prosecutor now giving you the nailed down case, "that in Revelation 10, that the seventh angel, when he begins to sound" (that's the--the angel to the Laodicea church, that's supposed to call the church back to the Faith of the fathers), "that when this angel sounds, that all the mysteries of God should be revealed in that day. He also claims, that in Malachi 4, that the holy prophets prophesied that there would be a prophet rise in that day, to make these claims true. And there's none of It so! He also claims that heavens and earth will fail, but His Word shall never pass away."

30 Now the prosecutor's got a case here. He's nailing it right down. Now he gives it over to you audience, to you who are both judge and jury. Now we've heard his side, we've heard the witnesses. We hear what they say about It. We hear what the prosecutor pours in, the Word, and nails it down from both sides, "All the promises that God made, and there isn't any of it" that he can see "that's the Truth." So he's trying to get an indictment against God, and against "Him making such rashel promises, because the promises that God has made is absolutely rashel. The promises that He made for this day is absolutely rashel. And he doesn't keep Them!" Now we've heard his side, so now let us call the prosecutor's witness to step down, and the prosecutor.

31 And now we will call the Defense Witness to the Defendant. And the Defense Witness now is the Holy Spirit, now He comes and takes the stand for the Defendant. Now, the first thing He wants to call to the attention of this court, hallelujah, that the prosecutor is misinterpreting the Word to the people, just like he did to Eve at the beginning. Remember, he was her interpreter. God told what they should do, and there'd never be death, sorrow or nothing, and he come around and misinterpreted the Word. Therefore when man got from behind the Word of God, what does it make them? He is not defended by God. But, you see, Satan was the interpreter of the Word to Eve. She wouldn't listen to her husband and to God, but she took the prosecutor's interpretation of the Word. And he has no right to give an interpretation, and neither does any man have a right. God's His Own Interpreter. He doesn't need us; He keeps His Word, we believe. Now He wants to call your attention to that, that the same interpreter to the first Words of God that was spoke, is the prosecutor who's trying to--to bring indictment before this court this afternoon, of the same one, and he's misinterpreted the Word. That's the first thing the Defense Witness wants to say. Now, He wanted to bring this to your attention, that he was Eve's interpreter and he misinterpreted the Word.

32 First place, He wants to give you this idea, that the promise is only to believers; not make-believers, skeptics, or unbelievers. It's only for those that believe! Now He wants this court... the Defense Witness (the Holy Spirit) wants this court to realize that these promises are only for believers.

Then the cross-question, he said, "These are believers!"

33And now the Defense Witness Himself should know whether they are believers or not, because He is the One that quickens the promise. Now how you going to get a-past that? Got a lot... hot trial going on. How you going to get a-past that? The Holy Spirit should know, for He is the Life that's in the Word, He's the One that quickens the Word. Just like your spirit quickens your body, and the body is quickened by the spirit; without the spirit, the body is of no effect, the body's dead. And the Word is dead without the Spirit. It takes the Spirit to bring forth the Word, to make It live. And He is the Quickener of that Word, and He is the Defense Witness of the Defendant. Amen. How you going to get a-past that? I want this court to understand that very well, that He is the Quickener, He should know. He quickens the Word.

34 Again, He wants to call the attention of this court to the Word of promise that's in question. He never set any certain time for them to recover. He said, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and God shall raise them up." He didn't say "right then." "They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." He never said, "a day, month, year." He just said, "They shall!" The Defense Witness wants you to know that, that He didn't say there'd be a miracle performed. He just said, "They shall recover!" Interpret the Word right. "They shall recover." He never set any certain time. And, that is, if they are believers! If they are believers, it shall recover. "They'll lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover," whether it's now, a week, month, year, ten years, twenty years, fifty years. "They will recover," He said so! That is, if they can hold onto their believing. Now, that's the Defense Witness.

35Another thing, the Defense Witness wants to call to this courts attention this afternoon that, also, the Word is a Seed, and the Seed has to fall in fertile soil in order to quicken it. The Seed will not grow on a rock. The Seed has to have fertility. And the Word has to fall in faith, which is the fertility that brings the Word to pass. Now the Defense Witness at this time...

36 We could call lots more, things could be said. But, we don't want to keep you too long, got a big prayer line. I want you, court, to listen.

37The Defense Witness now will call His witness. See, the Defense Witness has a right to call a witness, because the prosecutor turn, called a witness. Now the Defense Witness is going to call a witness. And the Defense Witness wish to present to this court, this afternoon, the prophet Noah. "Come forward, Noah, and take the stand. Now, I understand that you have a testimony concerning a Word of God that was given to you."


38The Witness today wants to say, to this court, that he was just an ordinary man and he believed God. And he lived in a scientific age, where they believed that the days of miracles never was. There had never been rain upon the earth, but one day he met God. And God told him to prepare an ark for the saving of the people, and all would come in this ark would be saved. And the Witness wants to say that he solemnly, with all his heart, believed It. And he went to preaching It. And he went, not only preached it, but, to make his--his works testify of his faith, he started building the ark.

39 And the witness wants to point a finger to Mr. Unbeliever, and to Mr. Skeptic, and Mr. Impatient. "They haunted me day and night. 'When is that rain going to fall? Ah, you said that a year ago, and there's no rain up there. We have went to the scientists and they proved there's no rain up there.' And they claimed that I was crazy. And they scoffed at me and told me that I was altogether 'foolish and simple' to believe such a rashel promise as that, against scientific research." But he said, "I worked on on the program, because, I held steady because I knowed It was God's Word and It can't fail. I built the ark.

40"And after the ark was completed, then the scoffers run around and around the ark, daily, as I stood in the, door preaching to them. And they still said, 'Now, that's been a hundred and twenty years ago, now where's your rain? So, you see, your labor's all in vain,' they said. 'Our scientists are right, and there is no such a thing. And you're altogether a simple old man for believing in such a rashel promise as that.'"

41 "And then the day come when I started to walk out one morning, out of my ark. And, all of a sudden, without a hand on it, the door closed right in my face, and I was sealed on the inside. 'Now what's happened?' Then I climbed the ladders that I had built, and got up in the top, and pulled back the window. And I could hear them on the outside; Mr. Unbeliever sitting over there, Mr. Skeptic, and Mr. Impatient; saying, 'Now what's happened? He trapped his ownself!' And I thought surely the rain would fall then. And the day that I went in was on the 27th... or the 17th day of May. The door shut in my face. I called my people together, and said, 'Get ready, the rain will be falling in the next few minutes.' And, all day long, Mr. Unbeliever and Mr. Skeptic and Mr. Impatient walked around and around my ark, criticizing me, saying all kinds of evil about me. But I told my congregation, 'Be quiet. God made the promise!'"

42"The second day, the sun come up, bright; no rain, no thunder, and no lightning. The third day, the same, the fourth, fifth, sixth. But on the morning of the 24th day of May (one hundred and twenty years later), there come a gusher coming down from Heaven. And all the anointed by Mr. Skeptic, Unbeliever, and Mr. -patient perished on the outside."

43 Defense Witness said, "Step down, Noah. I want to call another witness. Come up, Mr. Abraham, I want you to give testimony."

44Mr. Abraham comes up, and said, "I was working on my farm just outside of Ur, the land of the Chaldean. And I had married my half sister, her name was Sarai and my name was Abram. And I met God, and God told me that I was going to have a baby by Sarah. And Sarah, at this time, was sixty-five years old, and I was seventy-five years old. And God told me that I would have a baby through Sarah, and through that child the whole world would be blessed, and I would be the father of nations. Quickly I returned, for this joy that was in my heart. I had always loved children, and thought I never would have any. But when God said I was going to have it, I believed Him. I went to a doctor to make arrangements. He run me out of the office, Mr. Unbeliever was sitting there. And I went out into the street, and the authorities wanted to arrest me up for a mental case. And then as the years went by, Mr. Impatient tormented me day and night.

45 "The first month, I said to my wife, Sarah. See, she was way past menopause, it ceased to be with her as it is with women. And I said to Sarah, 'Honey, we got all the little booties and all the bird-eye, and the--the--the pins? We all ready, are we? 'Yeah, all ready.' 'It's going to happen now, you watch.' And at the end of the twenty-eight days, I said, 'How do you feel, honey? 'There's no difference, Abraham.'" Well, he said, "I said, 'Bless God! Sarah, don't you doubt it. God said so, we're going to have it anyhow!' This went on through the years.

46"And after year after year of passing, Mr. Skeptic, Mr. Unbeliever, all of them made fun of me. But in twenty-five years later, the baby was born when I was a hundred years old. God didn't tell me I'd have the baby the next day. He said I would have it! And I don't care how long it took, God promised it! I waited twenty-five years. They thought I was going to get so old I'd die, but I said, 'I can't die, the promise is to me. God said so!'"

47 "How Mr. Scoffer and Mr. Unbeliever, Mr. Skeptic, Mr. Impatient, constantly come by, had man anointed, said, 'Abraham, how many children now, father of nations, do you have?' But I held steady, because I never staggered at the Word of God by unbelief. I knowed God was able to keep every Word He promised. I didn't consider my own body, even dead, and the deadness of Sarah's womb. But I believed in God. They said, 'Well, I thought you said twenty-five years ago you was going to have the baby?' 'I did say it twenty-five years ago.' But Mr. Impatient there, said, "Well, twenty-five years has lapsed. Look at you now! The whiskers way down to your knees, almost. Look, you're an old man.' I let him know that God didn't tell me when I was going to have this baby. He said, 'You'll have it by Sarah,' and that settled it! I held steady. Now the Word never said when, It said it would!"

48 Let's call another witness right quick, we ain't got much time. We can call hundreds of them. Let's call another witness yet, Moses, have him to testify.

49"Why," he said, "I was trained in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. I was a professor to who wouldn't have it. But one day on the backside of the desert, after I was eighty years old, I met God. And He was in the form of a--of a sign, and He was a burning fire back in a bush. And He--He told me that He had heard the groans of His people, and He remembered His promise to deliver them. And He said, 'I'm sending you.' And I said, 'Who am I? I can't speak well. I--I--I'm not--I'm not a--I'm not a theologian. I--I can't go.' He said, 'You'll be given two signs. One of them will be in your hand, the other one be by a stick. And if they won't hear the voices of this sign, then pour some water upon the ground, it'll turn to blood, then that finishes it.'"

50 "When I took my sign that God give me and went down before Pharaoh, Pastor Pharaoh, he tried to make my gift look kind of shady. He said, 'Most any cheap fortune teller or Egyptian can do that. Most any cheap magic man can turn these tricks.' And he got out two fellows by the name of Jambres and Jannes, and actually they impersonated everything that I done. But that didn't stop me, because the Voice that sent me was a Scriptural Voice, and I stayed with it. It was the Word of God.

51"It was a Scriptural sign and a Scriptural Voice, 'For I remember My promise, and the time is at hand.' They hadn't had no prophets in Israel for hundreds of years, four hundred and forty years, they'd had no prophets in Israel. But He said, 'I'm sending you to be one.'" And he went. "And He told me that, for a sign, I'd 'come back and bring the children to this mountain.' It took a long time, but I did. I stayed right true to the Word. And when Jambres and those carnal impersonators that tried to mock it, yet I knowed no matter how much mock they could give..."

52Do you know that's to repeat again in the last days? Jesus said so. The Bible said, "As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so will these man in the last days," impersonators trying to act like, copy after.

53But he said, "I stood still because I knowed the Voice was a Scriptural Voice." Yet there was two of them, and only one of him. But he went down and did what he... and he, it proved out to be true, he come right back to the mountain where God told him.

54 "Step down, Moses. Let's call another witness right quick. Joshua."

55Joshua said, "When we was nearing the land, we come up to Kadesh-barnea. And Moses, the servant of God, went and took all of the... one out of every tribe, one out of every denomination, and he said, 'Let's go over and spy out the land.' And we went over, two of us, and brought back the evidence that the land was good." They had the evidence of it. Them were real Pentecostals. "So they come back with the evidence that the land was good. But when it come to taking the full land, they said, 'We can't do it. We can't do it. We're not able.' And the people was all tore up, didn't know what to do, which organization to go to. And I stilled them, said, 'Remember, it's a promise of God! God said, "I have given you this land." And what God promises, He'll do!' I got the people quiet. The next day, you say, 'Are we going to leave?' The next day, 'We going to leave?' It was forty years later, but we took the land!"

56 One more witness, right quick, may I call Isaiah to the stand. "Isaiah, would you testify for the Defense Witness, and give us a defense for the defendants, Defendant?"

57"I will. I was a prophet. I was a vindicated prophet. What I said, it wasn't... I--I didn't know what I was saying, but God made what I said come to pass. Everybody begin to believe it, all the church, they begin to believe it. And one day a strange thing happened. The Lord God said to me, 'Israel's seeking signs, so I want them to do that, but I'm going to give them a super Sign. And that's going to be for a super age, when they have supermarkets and super jets and super, everything super. I'm going to give them a super Sign, a virgin shall conceive!' And me being a vindicated prophet, every little virgin got her booties ready, and everything else, she was 'going to have the baby,' yes, sir, she was 'the one Jehovah called.' All kinds of things went on. Yes, sir. 'Well, now, we're expecting her, my daughter, to conceive.' This one thought this one, every girl was looking for it. Years passed. Some of them scratched their head, said, 'That old false prophet.' But it was eight hundred years later. He didn't say when she would conceive, He said she would conceive! Eight hundred years later a virgin conceived."

58 Now for the last witness, if you'll pardon me, can I be the last witness? That ain't back in the Bible, that's now. Let me be the next witness, just for a few minutes before we start the prayer line. And listen closely. I'd like to give a testimony for Him. I'd like to be called to the stand, and raise my hand to tell the Truth, nothing but the Truth.

59I'd like to say, how did I ever become a Christian? My father and mother, grandfather, grandmother, on both sides, was all sinners. And my nature was a cocklebur... then if I going to be a grain of wheat. But one morning in a little log cabin down in Kentucky, so said my mother and the midwife, on April the 6th, five o'clock in the morning, 1909, when the Lord God brought me into the earth, there was a Light standing at the little window. And when they opened the window back, mother laying on a little shuck bed, to find out what kind of a baby she had, a Light come whirling in. And the people of the mountains didn't know what to think about It. I was too little to know this.

60 And as a child, about eight years old, seven or eight years old, I was packing water to a moonshine still that my father owned. And while one warm September afternoon, sitting down, crying, going fishing out to the pond with the boys, and they... couldn't go on account of I had to pack this water. I heard like a Whirlwind in the tree, about half way up. Still, everywhere else, September in Indiana, everything's real still, dying, quiet. And this Whirlwind in a bush, there come a Voice out of there, and said, "Never smoke, drink, defile your body (that's run with women), anything like that, for there's a work for you to do when you get older." And my mother called the doctor, she thought I was so nervous.

61A week after that, I seen the Municipal Bridge, in a trance, as I called it, seen the Municipal Bridge cross the Ohio River, seen sixteen man lose their life on it. Twenty-two years from that day, the Municipal Bridge crosses the same place, and sixteen man lost their life in it.

62 At Green's Mill one night, not knowing what this all was about... Later I become a minister to serve the Lord. At Green's Mill one night... My pastors had just told me... I'd tell them about going, having a... being able to see things, and they told me it was the Devil. And me being a Christian, I didn't want nothing to do with the Devil, not at all. So I went up there, said, "Lord, I can't let... go through life like this." And I set up there in a little place way back at a fishing camp, praying. And one night there, as Lord had spoke to me, and at a tree, like He did to Moses. Then here on this Green's Mill, there come a Man in and told me that, not to try to ask to get rid of This, but It was a gift sent from God, that was to be taken to the peoples of the world, and to let me know by the Scriptures that all these things that had been promised according to the Bible must be fulfilled, that the time was at hand.

63And I went back and told my pastor. I went down and told him, and he said, "Billy, what have you eat? Did you have a dream, was that a nightmare?" But, to me, it was Malachi 4. He said, "How you going to do it?" It was Luke 17:30. It was also Revelation 10. It was also all these Scriptures that's been promised for the last days. I didn't see it done right then. People wondered, "When's this going to happen?" But I just held on.

64 One day at the river, I was baptizing five hundred people at the river, when, all of a sudden, this same Light that come in when I was a little boy. And I had told the people I had been seeing It. They said I was dreaming and it was some kind of a mental conception that I had. But before better than five thousand people, at two o'clock in the afternoon, in 1933, out of the skies come this Cloud coming down, speaking these Words, "As John the Baptist was commissioned to forerun the first coming of Christ, your ministry will forerun the second coming of Christ," where thousands times thousands of people heard it, and newspapers give witness of it.

65I want to say, and I want to call this to the attention of that blind prosecutor that's looking around for some man to have thorn prints and nails, and everything like that. It doesn't say that! It doesn't give such a promise.

66 We read here in Luke, the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, Jesus speaking, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be when the Son of man will be revealed." When He's being revealed! I want to draw your attention to this just for a few minutes, if you'll bear with me just a few minutes longer now. Be real reverent for just a few minutes.

67Notice, Jesus packed three names; Son of man, Son of David, Son of God. He had three names. All the same person, but with three names. Just like Father, Son, Holy Ghost; all the same God, three attributes.

68Just like me. My wife calls me husband. My children has nothing to do with me by the name of husband, I am their daddy. My little grandson sitting over there, has nothing to do with me in the name of daddy, nothing in the name of husband, he is my grandchild. And it's all the same person.

69 And we notice when Jesus come and tried to reveal Himself as Son of man (don't miss this), when He revealed Himself and called Himself, constantly, "the Son of man," Israel was blinded. They knowed nothing about what Son of man meant. But they said, "Son of David," when Blind Bartimaeus run out and recognized Him. David meant "King." Remember, Son of man, Son of David, Son of God (which was Lord). This Jew got what he asked for 'cause he approached Him in the Name of the Son of David, the King; He wasn't Saviour, but He was King.

70But when the Greek woman, the Syrophenician approached Him in the name of Son of David, He never even as much as raised His head. She had no claims on Him in the name of Son of David. He wasn't Son of David to that Syrophenician woman. But when she said, "Lord," then He turned around. He was the Lord. See? Lord, He was Lord! No Son of David to her.

71 Now, why wasn't He recognized as Son of man? The Son of man was the spiritual revelation, a prophet. Son of man means "prophet."

72Now if you'll turn over in your Bibles to Ezekiel, the 2nd chapter and the 1st verse, you'll find out that Ezekiel was the prophet, the Word of God for that day. And Jehovah Himself called him the son of man. Jehovah called him a man, the son of man, the same as Jesus revealed Himself as Son of man. What was it? The promised Word of that hour being made manifest, same God! God of Ezekiel's time, God of Jesus' time, Son of man! He was not at that time...

73He was the Son of man because He had come to reveal Himself to Israel as a Prophet, and they rejected it. And that was the prophecy that they should receive Him in, in the name of the Son of man, a Prophet, because it was according to the Word. Deuteronomy 18:15, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me." And when He come, He identified Himself in His ministry as a man, not a Son of God, Son of man! God is a Spirit. And He revealed Himself as Son of man, what He claimed to be. And they was blinded and couldn't see it.

74 But now unto the Gentiles He reveals Hisself, and now the Son of God which is the Holy Ghost. Now, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom!"

75I want this blind prosecutor to see this. He's a blind interpreter of the Word, always. He takes his organizational ideas of It, and knows no more about It than nothing. He does it to deceive, because he is a deceiver at the beginning.

76Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, when the Son of man is being revealed!" In the days of Sodom was the Son (that was God) revealed in human flesh, which was one time called Melchisedec, the Father. Melchisedec at that time had no father and no mother, and no beginning of days or no ending of life; ever Who He was, He remains the same. Jesus had father and mother; but this Man had neither father nor mother. And He appeared to Abraham in the form of a Son of man, Elohim, Jehovah. The church now has served the term through the church age, in the baptism of the Holy Ghost. But Jesus said here, to make Malachi 4 and the rest of these Scriptures real to you, see, that "In the last days, just before the Coming, the world setting will be like the Sodom, and the Son of man will reveal Hisself as the Son of man like He did in the days of Sodom."

77Blind prosecutor, can't you see that? His Words are true. Not nail scars and prints and thorns.

78 It's the Son of God impersonated in His Church, as Son of man. It has to fulfill Malachi 4 and the rest of the Scriptures. I call to the court's attention, look at that real good, "Son of man"! Like God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost; it's the same God, three different attributes of the same God. Now, this is Son of David... Son of man revealed then as a Prophet. Son of David, the King. And now the Son of God to the church age, as, God isn't man, God is a Spirit, and the Spirit's Son is the Holy Ghost, which is revealing the church age. But promised here, "In the last days, that the Son of man would be revealed"!

79Blind prosecutor, do you get that? And I want you to know, blind prosecutor, we see It, we believe It, these Words fulfilled before us and we know that they are Truth.

80 To the Jews He was the Son of David. To the Greeks He was Lord, to us He's Lord, to the Gentiles. And now in the last days, He would return back again as Son of man, because Malachi promises that there would be a prophet rise up in the last days that would return the hearts of people back to (away from them organizations) back to the original Word, the Faith of the fathers, the original Pentecost. And when He did it, Saint John 14:12, the works that He did would be done also. Revelation 10 promised the whole mystery. How you going to reveal the mysteries? See what Luther left off, see what Wesley left off, see what Pentecost left off, and reveal the secret of the heart, to make it the same God through every age, which is nothing but God's Word being made manifest back to the Son of man again. We don't look for nail scars; we look for the Word made manifest. Notice, God promised these things now, and He does it just as He said. I could say more, but, we'll leave the subject, it's getting late.

81 Mr. Prosecutor, I want you to know that I could call thousands of witnesses here this afternoon. I want you to know that the things that He said that He did, we are witnesses that "He keeps His Word!" There is a genuine Holy Ghost meeting! There is a genuine power of God! And there is a genuine promise that they shall recover, when they lay hands on the sick. I want you to know that. I want you to know He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

82 I am a stranger, and I'm only bearing record of what the Bible says to be Truth. If you notice, the Angel of the Lord that come in the form of a man, had His back turned to the tent, and He told Abraham what Sarah was thinking. Jesus said it would repeat. Now, if I have told the Truth, let God confirm that to be the Truth. Let Him reveal it. Then, it's no secret, we know then. The... I'll leave this court this afternoon with this verdict, to make in your own mind. Let the God that made the promise... Not back in them days; they were vindicated. Let the God that made the promise vindicate it today, say the same. Some of you think in your heart, pray to God for your sickness or your affliction, and see if God will reveal the secret of the heart. I challenge you to do it, from one side to the other. Now, would I dare to do a thing like that if I wasn't standing exactly on what the Scripture says? I want this court to see that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, that He keeps His promise. And He promised that Jesus Christ would be revealed in the last days, as the Son of man. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

83 A man sitting here suffering with hemorrhoids. I never seen you in my life. If that's right, raise up your hand. You believe me to give witness of the Word of God? That's your wife sitting next to you. She's suffering also, cyst on her head. That's right, raise up your hand. Do you believe God can tell me who you are? If He's still the Word, the Word knows the secret of the heart. You are Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. If that's right, raise up your hand. Why don't you believe It?

[A sister begins speaking in another tongue. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

84Here, here sits a man sitting right here, his head down, crying, praying for himself and also for his wife. She isn't here. She's not with you this afternoon. She's suffering. You think God could tell me what her trouble is, and her not here? You believe it? You do? I'm a stranger to you, is that right? Your wife has a female trouble. If that's right, raise up your hand, high, so they'll see it. And your name is Mr. Smith. Do you believe that God will make her well? If that's right, wave your hand up-and-down, like this.

I challenge you to believe that Jesus Christ is revealed in the form of Son of man, in human flesh, through the Bride's Body. Accept His call.

85 Here is a woman sitting here looking at me. She suffers with high blood pressure. Do you believe that God could tell me who you are? They call you Daisy. If you... Is that right? Raise up your hand. Believe now with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make you... give you your desire. You see, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe it?

86Here's a man sitting right back here looking at me, he's got a burden on his heart. It's for his son, son has diabetes. Do you believe? That was your wife that started weeping right next to you there, she's got a burden on her heart. That's for her sister. Her sister has heart trouble, complication. You are Mr. and Mrs. Sickles. If that right, wave your hand up and down like this. If I'm a total stranger to you, stand up on your feet. Stand up, if I'm a stranger to you and don't know you.

87What is it? The fulfilling of the Word of God in the last days! Prosecutor, I want you to know that the Word of God is true. God told me that thirty-three years ago. I've waited all this time, but it's fulfilled right here this afternoon. God keeps His Word! He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. God bless you; go and get your desire now.

88 Your mind is the jury. The jury has to make up its mind. And the way you act from now on will pronounce or show to the people what your verdict is. Is He guilty or is He not guilty? Do you believe that He's not guilty, that He does keep His Word? It's us that has the... We're listening to old man Impatient, Mr. Unbeliever, and Mr. Skeptic. But now you'll believe that God keeps His Word? Your mind is the jury. And the way you act from hereafter will prove to the people what your verdict is. You believe that? Let us bow our heads then.

89I've told you the honest Truth. If we had time to stay here, there ain't a Scripture in the Bible but what'll testify to the same thing. I've been honest. You know, sometimes, to be honest it's not an easy task. But as long as God stands there! It wasn't easy for Luther, Wesley, or none of the rest. It isn't easy for you or anybody else that takes a stand. But this afternoon you've got to make your stand. He never said... He said, "They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." If you believe it, then I don't care if it happens right here, if it happens next week, it happens twenty years from today; if you absolutely believe it, it's got to happen. I...

90 There's a doctor sitting present now, as I understand. I want to thank him. I was at a patient, to see his patient, a while ago, early this morning in a hospital, who's bound to die, so they think. She's so eaten with cancer. And this little woman said to me, said, "My surgeon has been attending your meeting, and he agrees with you. And not only that, but, Brother Branham, I want you to know he's standing with you in prayer for me." If I needed any medical attention, I'd want him to give it to me, a man that can trust God like that! Yes. They're in all walks of life, in all professions.

Let's remember, the verdict is yours now.

91 Lord Jesus, I've just tried to explain the Word. You've testified that It's the Truth. Your witnesses, we could have called hundreds, and yet we haven't the time. Here also lays handkerchiefs, laying here, that's going to the sick and the afflicted, right here where the Holy Spirit gives witness that Jesus is still alive. We know Him by His Life, the life that He lived, the things that He did. And we pray, God, now as laying hands upon these handkerchiefs, that whosoever they touch may they be healed. I offer my prayer, with faith, along with this other bunch of believers, for these who are not able to be here. May they enjoy the greatness of God. They may be sick and can't come. Some poor old father sitting back there in a room, pecking on a little white cane, this afternoon, waiting for this handkerchief to return. That baby laying there in the hospital, burning up with a fever, and someone waiting to bring it the handkerchief. Let the power of Almighty God go with them, anoint them with the same anointing that's been upon the meeting this afternoon. And may they recover, Lord. We offer this prayer in their behalf, because they wasn't present. But You're omnipresent. May You be there to confirm Your Word, through Jesus Christ's Name.

92 Now let the Holy Spirit truly, not emotion, not some kind of just a halfway hope, but a genuine verdict may be passed for this, what I call this afternoon, "the court." May each one of them give testimony the same, as they take their prayer card and hold in their hands, as they cross the platform. May, when they have... being ministered to according to the 16th chapter of Saint Mark, "They shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they shall recover." As Your elected servant stands here and we lay our hands upon them, Lord, may it settle it forever. May they go out of here just as happy, and forget about they ever had any troubles, because they're sure, like Abraham was, that God is able to perform the promises that He made. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

93 How many's got your verdict? Raise your hand, "I've got my verdict." All right, court, you will be ministered to according to God's Holy Word, "These signs shall follow them that believe." I'm not going to leave you sitting here, thinking that just because this gift, that that makes anybody any more than anybody else. You've got godly pastors here. They're here, were going to ask them to stand with me on the platform. They'll lay their hands on the same as I do. They had us to come here, and they're here as your... as witnesses of God. They're bearing witnesses to the Truth. Now, can't say, "Brother Branham laid hands," 'cause my hands is no more than theirs or anybody else's. It's your faith, your verdict that you passed on the Word of God. God keeps! And if God can keep that part of the Word and prove it to you, then you're already healed, because by His stripes you were healed.

94 Now, I want all that's in this section over here, that's got prayer cards, stand up on that side around the wall. Now, all that's in this section here, that has prayer cards, stand up in the middle of the aisles and face back that way. And all that's in this section here, that has prayer cards... Now, on this--this section here, now turn back the other way now, go back this a-way. Turn the other way, 'cause I want a straight line. All that's in this section, come out this way, face back that way. And all that's in this section up here, that's got prayer cards, come out this way and face back that way, and the prayer line will be running. All that's in the balcony, with prayer cards, wants to be prayed for, come right down and fall right in behind this next section as they come. While they're coming, I...

95 [Brother Branham speaks with the ministers on the platform--Ed.] You want me to call other ministers? Is it all right to give witness? All, is it all right with you all? What's your verdict in the trial? [The brother answers, "I know that them things is the Truth."] All right.

96The pastors wants to know, wants the fellowship with other ministers. They want any minister in here that believes in God, and believes that laying hands on the sick, if their verdict this afternoon, that it's the "Truth," they invite you as their colleagues to come here and stand on the platform with us while we pray. All pastors that's filled with God's Spirit, and your verdict now is that you believe that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, you believe that Mark 16 is the Truth, these pastors here wants to invite you up here now as their colleagues to the Gospel. Come up here and stand on the platform with us as we form these prayer lines, to pray. Right here, bring them up this way. All pastors in the building, no matter what denomination. They just told me to ask you. Come on up here if you wish to come at this time, and form this prayer line to be prayed, pray for the sick, to lay hands on the sick.

97 How many in here that isn't... is well, now, and you don't have to be prayed for, but you are believers, raise up your hand. Will you promise me also that your prayers will be going up with we pastors while we're praying for these people? What if that was your mother standing over there? What if that was your wife? What if that was your brother or sister? Remember, it's somebody's mother, it's somebody's brother, it's somebody's sister, it's some mother's boy or girl, it's somebody's. And we will do to others as we'd have others do to us. Now, I want you, everyone to be reverent and in prayer.

98And while they have got their lines formed about now, to where they can come through, I want the ministers now to come here and form a double line right around the side of the platform here, right up and down this way, form a double line so that the people passing by. I'll set this microphone back, Mr. Borders will be standing here leading in song. That's right, double line up and down this a-way, so the people...

99 Now, to each one of you that's standing in line, to make it double sure to Satan, the prosecutor, that your decision is made up. The very fact that you believe that what you need is God's Word, and It's the Truth, and you're coming through this line to have hands laid upon you. And from this time on, your action is going to prove what your verdict was. Raise up your hand, and say, "I promise God that." All that's in that line.

100 Now let us pray. Our Heavenly Father, the... this people, this afternoon, has been treated like a court. I feel, Lord, You've had a--a real trial. Pilate didn't give You the right kind. He got false witnesses. But You overrode the false witness. The--the Defense Witness, the Holy Spirit come to confirm the Word before the people. You've had a fair trial. And the people has made up their mind, they passed their verdict, they say, and they're coming through to prove to the world that they believe Your Word is so. It's been misinterpreted. Some of them saying, "Let me see you do this, let me see you do that." It ain't according to Your Word. The Word said, "They shall recover." And we've brought witnesses to the platform, to prove that that's what You said. You do things Your Own way.

101Now, I pray, Father, that You will grant these blessings this afternoon to the people. As Your servant, and with all Your other servants, hundreds of them here, we offer our prayer for these people. Anoint these fine pastors, Lord. The skeptic ever comes by, or unbeliever, or Mr. Impatient, or any of those critics, scoffers that's been through every age, if they come by these people, may this court this afternoon ring out against it, their testimony. That, no matter what they say, so as it was in the day of Sodom, goes into destruction. How they scoffed and made fun! But it didn't make any different, the believers held right to the Word. And we're ready to hold to the Word this afternoon, Father. I join myself with Your other pastors here, to lay hands upon these people, may the power of Almighty God, Which we know is present now vindicating the Word, make each one of them well. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

102 Brother Roy, if you'll come to the platform. Every head bowed now, everybody praying and singing. If you don't pray, sing Only Believe. As you pass through, just believe, pass through. Just no matter what you say or do, that's up to you. If you want to shout, shout. And if you want to walk off... No matter what it is, just believe God. Walk off and say, "It's settled in my heart." Just like if you went to the pool to be baptized. That settles it, if you believe it. You're a Christian as long as you believe. Is that right? And you'll be healed as long as you believe. Let's all pray now. All right, Brother Borders. [Brother Branham prays for the sick. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Only believe!

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

103 I minister the Word of God to you. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may every one of you receive what you've asked for. "If you say to this mountain, 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you have said." When you pray, believe that you receive what you asked for, and it shall be given unto you. I minister in the Name of Jesus Christ. I believe that our verdict has been made up and been passed and our actions proves now that we believe, and we know He healed. If I never see you again this side the river, I'll meet you on the other side. Then the great Holy Spirit Who has been our Guest this week, here with us and has ministered to us, He will witness to you then that I've told you the Truth. Until that time:

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

Let's bow our heads now.

104Real quietly and sweetly. [Brother Branham begins humming Till We Meet--Ed.]

105May death's waves be slipped before you. May the God of Heaven, Whose Presence we're in, ever keep you safe until we meet.

God bless you, brother. I appreciate you.

1 Chcem čítať z evanjelia sv. Marka, 16. kapitola, začneme od 9. verša. Taký slávny text. To je o vzkriesení.

A keď Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych v nedeľu skoro ráno, ukázal sa najprv Márii Magdaléne, z ktorej bol vyhnal sedem démonov.

Tá išla a zvestovala to iným, ktorí bývali s ním, žalostiacim a plačúcim.

Ale oni, keď počuli, že žije, a že ho videla, neverili.

Potom z nich dvom, kráčajúcim cestou, zjavil sa v inej podobe, idúcim na vidiek.

Aj tí odišli a zvestovali to ostatným, ale ani tým neverili.

Naposledy sa ukázal tým jedenástim, keď sedeli za stolom, a karhal ich neveru a tvrdosť ich srdca, že neverili tým, ktorí ho videli vstalého z mŕvych.

A povedal im: Iďte po celom svete a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu!

Ten, kto uverí a pokrstí sa, bude spasený; a kto neuverí, bude odsúdený.

A uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia: v mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov, budú hovoriť novými jazyky,

hadov budú brať, a keby vypili niečo smrťonosné, neuškodí im; na chorých budú vzkladať ruky, a budú sa mať dobre. A tak Pán Ježiš, keď dohovoril s nimi, vzatý bol hore do neba, a sadol si po pravici Božej.

A oni vyšli a kázali všade a Pán spoluúčinkoval a potvrdzoval slovo tým, že ho sprevádzaly divy. Amen.

2 Modlime sa. Pane Ježišu, hovoríme teraz, keď pristupujeme ku Otcovmu Trónu, v tvojom mene, veríme, že toto je tvoje slovo. Veríme, že toto sú posledné slová, ktoré vyšli z tvojich úst, predtým ako si vystúpil hore. Prosíme, aby si nám ich dnes popoludní požehnal v našich srdciach, kvôli tým, ktorí sú chorí. Ďakujeme, že minulý večer si povolal taký veľký počet ku tvojmu trónu. Vidíme tie veľké zástupy tých ľudí, mužov, žien, otcov, detí, matiek ako prichádzajú v rade a idú do tej miestnosti, kde sa modlia. Ďakujeme ti za to, Otče. A teraz sa modlíme, aby si im dal bohatstvá tvojho kráľovstva. Nech je dnes popoludní medzi nami viera, ktorá spraví pre nás Slovo Božie skutočným. A Ty si ten jediný, ktorý to môže urobiť, Otče, tak o to prosíme v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

3 Moja téma dnes popoludní, na ktorú chcem hovoriť znie trochu divne. Chcem o tom hovoriť, pretože včera pri raňajkách som stretol jedného človeka, ktorý je najlepším príkladom, sedí teraz za mnou, je to advokát. Rozprávali sme sa o súdnom procese a to viac menej bol súdny proces na výsmech, alebo niečo také, na ktorom vyšetrovali nášho Pána. A ja samozrejme verím, že ten muž by bol kompetentnejší postaviť sa tu a predstaviť to na príklade súdov v kraji, pretože som sa s ním rozprával odvtedy ako som ho stretol a on ... počul som, že je výborný advokát, tak viem, že on by Ho súdil čestne. A keďže s Ježišom nebol vykonaný ten správny druh súdneho procesu ... a On je Slovo, všetci s tým súhlasíme. On je Slovo. Tak ja som čítal jeho Slovo a dnes popoludní ideme vykonať so Slovom súdny proces.

Slovo stojí pred súdom.

4 Prípadom vyšetrovania je spor medzi Slovom Božích zasľúbení a svetom. Príčinou obžaloby je nedodržovanie zasľúbenia. A ... Myslím, že prokurátor obžaloby stále zastupuje štát. Myslím, že je to tak. A ... Satan je prokurátor obžaloby, on v tomto súdnom procese zastupuje svet. A obžalovaný je Boh. A obhajcom je Duch Svätý. Chcem aby zbor, zhromaždenie zastupovalo oboje, porotu aj sudcu. A teraz počúvajme ten súdny proces, keď na scéne dvíhame opony a vidíme kde sa nachádzame.

5 Nezabudnite teraz, že ... to, čo tu vidíme je prípad tohto súdneho procesu a to je Slovo Božie kontra svet. Príčina tejto obžaloby je nedodržanie zasľúbenia. To znamená, že svet tvrdí, že Boh dal zasľúbenia, ktoré nie sú pravda. To je nedodržanie zasľúbenia. „On nedodržuje svoje zasľúbenie." Žalobcom je v tomto prípade Satan, ktorý zastupuje svet. Obžalovaným je sám Boh. A obhajcom je Duch Svätý.

A teraz zvolávame súd.

6 A teraz žalobca ide zavolať svojho prvého svedka, aby sa postavil a zložil prísahu. A teraz, on má dnes popoludní troch svedkov, ktorých chce použiť v tomto súdnom procese. A títo svedkovia sú: pán Neveriaci, ďalším je pán Pochybovač a ďalším svedkom, ktorý bude zavolaný je pán Netrpezlivý. Toto sú svedkovia, ktorí svedčia proti, v tomto procese, že „Boh nedodržuje svoje Slovo, že Jeho Slovo nie je pravda."

7 A môžeme vidieť, prv ako začneme tento súdny proces, že tak mnoho ľudí na svete sa snaží povedať, že Božie Slovo nie je pravda. Napríklad, toto, čo som práve prečítal. Čítal som Scofieldovu poznámku a rozmýšľal som o jednom príbehu, ktorý som raz počul. Zdá sa mi ... myslím, že som to ešte necitoval, zvlášť u vás na zhromaždení. Je to o jednej žene, ktorá mala milého mladého chlapca a on chcel byť kazateľ. Ona bola taká chudobná žena a chcela, aby jej chlapec mohol získať všetko dobré vzdelanie a vycvičenie, ktoré by mohol (čo by chcela každá matka pre svojho chlapca, ak je povolaný do niečoho takého), aby mal to najlepšie vyškolenie, ktoré možno mať, ona chcela aby to mal. A tak ho poslala na najlepšiu biblickú školu, o ktorej vedela.

8 No, on tam bol asi rok a jedného dňa jeho matka veľmi vážne ochorela, bola na tom skutočne veľmi zle. A oni stále volali a posielali telegramy (Ona žila sama.), aby ho zavolali domov pretože ona vážne prechladla a z toho dostala obojstranný zápal pľúc a nával krvi do pľúc a zdalo sa že zomrie. Srdce jej už bilo veľmi slabo. Tak ten svedomitý lekár robil všetko čo vedel, aby tej žene zachránil život a ona bola na tom stále horšie. Tak ten lekár poslal telegram tomu mladému chlapcovi a napísal: „Hneď sa zober. Zaisti si lietadlo, ktorým by si mohol prísť čím skorej ku mame, pretože sa zdá, že je veľmi blízko smrti." A potom ten chlapec, celý rozrušený, pripravil si šaty a bol rozhodnutý nasadnúť do lietadla. A znovu dostal telegram rovno od svojej matky: „Synu, neprichádzaj. Som v poriadku."

9 Tak potom asi za rok, alebo za šesť mesiacov, tak sa mi zdá, on sa vrátil domov. A keď sa pozdravil s matkou a mali spolu obecenstvo, opýtal sa: „Mama, nerozumiem jednej veci a stále o tom rozmýšľam." Povedal: „Keď si bola taká chorá, nikdy si mi o tom nenapísala a nepovedala si mi tie podrobnosti. Len si napísala, že si zdravá a nikdy si mi nehovorila podrobnosti, ako to bolo."

10 Ona povedala: „Synu, poznáš tu tú ulicu, tam na tom mieste kde býval ten obchod."

11 „Tam je skupina ľudí, ktorí tam mávajú zhromaždenia v malej budove."

12 Povedala: „Áno, je to tak." Povedala: „Keď som bola na tom najhoršie, prišla ku mne jedna milá pani a povedala: - Sestra, mali sme tam dole modlitebné zhromaždenie a bolo nám oznámené, že si veľmi chorá a že máš chlapca na biblickej škole, aby bol kazateľom. A kým sme sa modlili, Pán nám zjavil, aby sme sem prišli a pomodlili sa za teba. A povedala: Dobre, to bude dobre. Povedala: „Myslíš, že náš pastor by sem mohol prísť a pomodliť sa?" Povedala: „Samozrejme, pani. Budem rada. Tak oni priviedli ... Doktor povedal, že to bude dobre. Tak prišiel ten pastor a čítal tu toto miesto Písma v Markovi, 16. kapitola. A povedal: „Toto hovorí Biblia." Tak on položil ruky na tú ženu a pomodlil sa a odišli. A ona povedala, že zostala uzdravená.

„Ó, Mama," povedal jej.

Ona povedala: „Či to nie je ohromné, synu? Predstav si to."

13 „Ó," povedal, „Mama, samozrejme to nemá nič spoločného s tým, že si ozdravela." Povedal: „Možno nejaké lieky, ktoré ti predtým lekár predpísal, oni proste vtedy nezabrali."

14 A povedala: „Ó!" Ona povedala: „Nie synu. Lekár mi už dva dni nedával žiadne lieky, povedal, že už nič nemôže urobiť. Len ma dal pod kyslík a povedal, že mi už nemá ako pomôcť. A ja som bola stále horšie a horšie."

15 „Och," povedal: „Mama, to nebolo to. Vieš, to sú nevzdelaní ľudia. Oni tomu vôbec nerozumejú. Oni len čítajú Bibliu. Rozumieš?

Ona povedala: „No dobre a či nemáme veriť Biblii, synu?"

16 „Ó, samozrejme." Povedal: „Mama, máme jej veriť, ale vieš, v škole sme sa učili, že to čo on čítal z Marka 16, od 9. verša a ďalej, že to nie je ani inšpirované."

17 On povedal: „Mama, správaš sa ako tí ľudia. Čo je to za nezmysel."

Ona povedala: „No, môj milý, rozmýšľala som práve."

„Čo si rozmýšľala?"

18 „Ak ma mohol Boh uzdraviť s tou časťou Slova, ktoré nie je inšpirované, čo urobí s tým, ktoré je skutočne inšpirované?" Tak my veríme, že je to inšpirované.

19 Tak, teraz toto, necháme aby žalobca zavolal svojich svedkov. Prvý, ktorý predstúpi, aby svedčil proti.

20 Povedal som to pred chvíľou, pretože som to práve čítal, keď som čítal tento text, pán Scofield povedal, že niektoré z rukopisov nemajú túto časť. Z toho pravdepodobne pochádza ten príbeh. Ale je to tak.

21 Tak pán Neveriaci predstupuje a zastáva svoju pozíciu aby svedčil proti Slovu Božiemu, aby vydal svedectvo proti nemu. A teraz keď on ... on má byť prvý svedok, ktorý má byť predvolaný. Tak vidíme, potom keď zložil prísahu, toto je teraz jeho žaloba, že „zasľúbenia Božieho Slova nie sú vôbec pravda."

22 No, všetci títo svedkovia, ktorých žalobca predvoláva, tvrdia, že sú veriaci. Oni všetci tvrdia, že sú veriaci, čiže podávajú o tomto dôkaz: „Nikdy by sme nenavštevovali také zhromaždenia, keby sme neboli veriaci." Tak oni hovoria, že sú veriaci.

23 A sťažnosť, ktorú pán Neveriaci prináša proti Slovu Božiemu, on tvrdí, že Marek 16 nie je pravda, že to proste nemôže byť pravda. Lebo on povedal, že bol raz chorý a teraz podáva svedectvo, že bol raz chorý a išiel na takzvané zhromaždenie Ducha Svätého, kde ľudia kládli ruky na chorých a tvrdili, že budú uzdravení. Tak išiel, aby sa za neho modlili a keď to urobil ... On bol raz veľmi chorý a táto skupina ľudí Ducha Svätého (takzvaného Ducha Svätého) sa za neho modlili, vykrikovali a robili hluk a tvrdili, že sú uzdravení. A pán Neveriaci prešiel v tom zástupe, za ktorých sa modlili, položili na neho ruky a odvtedy prešlo už viac ako dva mesiace a zatiaľ sa neprejavil ani jeden náznak uzdravenia. Tak on povedal, že Slovo Božie, že tá časť nie je pravda.

24 No, tak žalobca dáva usadnúť svojmu prvému svedkovi a privádza svojho ďalšieho svedka, aby predstúpil. Je ním pán Pochybovač. Skladá prísahu a predstupuje. On tvrdí, že je veriaci a počul, že v meste je zbor, kde majú verného pastora, tak zvaného muža Božieho, tak hovorili ľudia z toho zboru. A tento človek veril Písmam, tak vravel. Modlil sa za chorých a pomazával ich olejom. A čítal o tomto kapitolu v Biblii, v liste Jakoba 5. kapitolu, 14. verš. „Je niekto nemocný medzi vami? Nech si zavolá starších zboru a nech sa modlia nad ním, pomažúc ho olejom a modlitba viery uzdraví chorého a Pán ho pozdvihne." Tak on povedal, že tam išiel, bol chorý, obracal sa kde len mohol, aby sa zbavil tejto brucelózy, ktorú mal. A doktor povedal, že sa toho nemôže zbaviť, že nemá žiadnej šance. Tak zobral Boha za Slovo a vyhľadal tohto tak zvaného zbožného pastora, kde všetci ľudia zo zhromaždenia vydávali všetky rôzne svedectvá, že boli uzdravení a tak ďalej. A tento zbožný pastor sa za neho modlil, pomazal ho olejom, podľa Slova Božieho. Nepochyboval o tom, že ten človek je úprimný, nepochyboval o úprimnosti toho zhromaždenia; ale ten pastor to urobil presne podľa poriadku, ako to hovorí Biblia, pomazal ho a pomodlil sa za neho. A to bolo už viac ako pred šiestymi mesiacmi a on neuvidel ani jeden znak polepšenia. Tak on skladá toto svedectvo. Tak, ten druhý svedok odchádza.

25 Žalobca potom predvádza svojho ďalšieho svedka, ktorým je pán Netrpezlivý. Predstupuje a skladá prísahu, aby vydal svedectvo proti Slovu Božiemu, že nie je pravdou. Tento muž predstupuje a tvrdí, že je veriaci a že jedného dňa čítal v Markovi, v 16. kapitole, alebo vlastne v 11. kapitole Marka a začnúc od 22. verša, kde sám Ježiš ... Hovorí, že mal Bibliu s červeným písmom a že to červené písmo sú presne slová, ktoré povedal sám Ježiš. A tak v tejto Biblii s červeným písmom, v Markovi, v 11. kapitole, kde Ježiš hovoril, On povedal tento citát: „Majte vieru v Boha. Lebo amen, amen vám hovorím, ak poviete tomuto vrchu: vrhni sa do mora a nebudete pochybovať, ale budete veriť tomu, čo ste povedali, stane sa, môžete mať, čo ste povedali." On tu hovorí, že mnoho rokov bol chromý. Odkedy bol chlapec. Bol chromý na nohy. Musel chodiť s barlami. Tak on to prijal, keď je Slovo Božie spoľahlivé a on povedal vo svojom srdci, ako to tvrdí, aby teraz svedčil, povedal: „Budem chodiť." A prijal Slovo Ježiša Krista, povedal, že bude chodiť, pretože Ježiš tak povedal. „Ak poviete tomuto vrchu presuň sa a keď sa modlíte, verte, že dostanete to, o čo ste prosili a budete to mať." A on o to prosil, modlil sa za to, povedal, že to bude mať a od vtedy je už päť rokov. A stále je chromý na svoje nohy, ani trochu sa mu nepolepšilo.

26 A teraz predstupuje žalobca, po tom keď jeho svedkovia priniesli tri rôzne citáty Písma, čo podľa židovského súdu je svedectvo na troch svedkoch Písma, ktoré je napísané v Božej Biblii, údajne že to povedal Ježiš Kristus, ktorý je Syn Boží, Boh, ktorý sa stal telom, prebýval v človeku, neomylnosť. A teraz predstupuje žalobca, aby vám zdôraznil okolnosti tohto prípadu.

No, pamätajte, vy ste porota a ste sudcovia.

27 Tak ten žalobca chce aby ste teraz vedeli, keď znovu zdôrazňuje okolnosti tohto prípadu, že títo ľudia tvrdia, že sú veriaci, tak ako to tvrdia aj ostatní. Tak on tiež tvrdí ... Žalobca chce aby ste vedeli, že Boh nemá právo dávať vo svojom Slove takéto nerozvážne zasľúbenia, keď za nimi nestojí, lebo ich dal svojim veriacim deťom aby tvrdili, že je to tak. A tým, že to tvrdia, prichádzajú do hanby a robia si z nich posmech. Tým, že vyhlasujú Slová, ktoré nie sú pravda. To teraz hovorí žalobca. „Lebo On nedodržal tie zasľúbenia pri týchto troch svedkoch, ktorí postupovali presne podľa Slova Božieho." A on chce, ten žalobca chce, aby ste vedeli, že Boh sklamal vo všetkých troch prípadoch a nijako neprejavil, že dodržuje svoje Slovo. To vám chce zdôrazniť. Aj títo, ktorí tvrdia, že sú veriaci.

28 Potom znovu, ten žalobca chce obrátiť vašu pozornosť na niečo ďalšie. „On, ktorý je Boh, zasľúbil, že všetky veci sú možné, tým ktorí veria. On to zasľúbil." Žalobca chce, aby ste to vedeli. „A títo tak zvaní veriaci sa snažili držať tohto Slova a On ho nedodržal, preto je na Neho podaná žaloba, že nedodržal zasľúbenie."

29 Znovu ešte, žalobca chce obrátiť vašu pozornosť na ďalšie Slovo Božie. „On tvrdí, že je živý, po svojej smrti. Ježiš tvrdí, že je živý po svojej smrti." A žalobca chce aby ste vedeli, že nevidel žiadneho človeka, ktorý by mal na rukách stopy po klincoch a po celom tele jazvy od bičovania a na nohách stopy prebodnutia. Ani nevidel žiadnu tŕňovú korunu na hlave nejakého človeka. „A On pri tom tvrdí, že po svojej smrti žije. Tiež to tvrdí, v Liste Židom 13:8, že žije. A nie je to tak. Tiež tvrdí, v ev. Lukáša v 17. kapitole, v 30. verši, že v týchto dňoch, v ktorých teraz žijeme, že On sa zjaví; aký bol vtedy, že taký bude. On tiež tvrdí ... (Žalobca vám teraz podáva jasné usvedčenie tohto prípadu.) ... že v Zjavení 10, ten siedmy anjel, keď on začína trúbiť (to je anjel pre Laodicejskú cirkev, ktorý má zavolať cirkev naspäť do viery otcov), že keď tento anjel trúbi, že všetky tajomstvá Božie majú byť v tom dni zjavené. On tiež tvrdí, že v Malachiášovi 4, že tí svätí proroci prorokovali, že v tom čase povstane prorok, aby ukázal, že to čo sa tu tvrdí je pravda. A nič z toho tak nie je! On tiež tvrdí, že nebo i zem pominú, ale jeho Slovo nikdy nepominie."

30 Žalobca dostal ten prípad sem. Vyvodil z toho jasné uzávery. Teraz to odovzdáva vám, publiku, vám, ktorí ste aj sudcami aj porotou. No, počuli sme jeho stranu, počuli sme svedkov. Počujeme, čo oni o tom hovoria. Počujeme čo do Slova vlieva žalobca a ako to definitívne predstavuje z obidvoch strán. Všetky zasľúbenia, ktoré Boh dal a on nemohol vidieť ani jedno, ktoré by bolo pravdou. Tak sa snaží podať na Boha žalobu a na Neho, že dáva také nerozvážne zasľúbenia, pretože „zasľúbenia, ktoré Boh dal sú úplne nerozvážne. Zasľúbenia, ktoré On dal na tento deň sú úplne nerozvážne. A On ich nedodržuje!" Tak počuli sme jeho stranu, a tak teraz vyzvime svedkov obžaloby a žalobcu, aby odišli.

31 A teraz zavoláme obhajcu obžalovaného. A obhajcom je teraz Duch Svätý. On teraz prichádza a zastáva stranu obžalovaného. Prvá vec na ktorú chce upozorniť tento súd, (Halaleluja), že žalobca nesprávne vykladá ľuďom Slovo, tak ako to urobil Eve na začiatku. Pamätajte, on bol jej vykladačom. Boh im povedal, čo majú robiť a nikdy by nebola smrť, žiaľ ani nič také a on prišiel a nesprávne vyložil Slovo. Preto keď sa človek dostal mimo Božieho Slova, čo to potom spôsobilo? Boh ho neobhájil. Ale vidíte? Satan vykladal Eve Slovo. Ona nepočúvala svojho muža a Boha, ale prijala žalobcov výklad Slova. A on nemá žiadne právo dávať tomu výklad, a ani žiadny človek nemá na to právo. Boh sám vykladá svoje Slovo. On nepotrebuje nás; On dodržuje svoje Slovo, veríme tomu. A teraz on chce obrátiť vašu pozornosť na to, že ten istý vykladač, tých prvých Božích Slov, ktoré boli povedané, je žalobcom, ktorý sa snaží dnes popoludní uvaliť žalobu pred týmto súdom, ten istý a on nesprávne vykladá Slovo. To je prvá vec, ktorú obhajca chce povedať. No, On chce, aby ste si toto všimli, že on bol Evin vykladač a on nesprávne vyložil Slovo.

32 Po prvé, on vám chce podať túto myšlienku, že to zasľúbenie je len pre veriacich; nie pre tých, ktorí sa robia veriacimi, nie pre pochybovačov, ani pre neveriacich. To je len pre tých, ktorí veria! On chce, aby tento súd ... obhajca, Duch Svätý chce, aby si tento súd uvedomil, že tieto zasľúbenia sú len pre veriacich.

Potom v krížovej otázke on povedal: „Títo sú veriaci!"

33 A teraz sám obhajca by mal vedieť, či sú veriaci alebo nie, pretože On je ten, ktorý oživuje zasľúbenie. Ako toto prekročíte? Prebieha skutočne horúci súdny proces. Ako sa cez toto dostanete? To má vedieť Duch Svätý, lebo On je život, ktorý je v Slove, On je ten, ktorý oživuje Slovo. Tak ako váš duch oživuje vaše telo a telo je oživené skrze ducha; bez ducha je telo neúčinné, telo je mŕtve. A Slovo bez Ducha je mŕtve. Je potrebný Duch, aby priviedol Slovo do života, aby ho oživil. A On je oživovateľ toho Slova a On je obhajca obžalovaného. Amen. Ako potom toto obídete? Chcem aby to tento súd veľmi dobre porozumel, že On je oživovateľ, On by to mal vedieť. On oživuje Slovo.

34 Znovu, On chce obrátiť pozornosť tohto súdu na Slovo zasľúbenia, ktoré je spochybňované. On im neudal žiadny určitý čas, kedy budú uzdravení. On povedal: „Modlitba viery uzdraví chorého a Boh ich pozdvihne." On nepovedal: „Hneď v tej chvíli." „Na chorých budú klásť ruky a budú uzdravení." On nepovedal: „V ten deň, za mesiac, za rok." On len povedal: „Oni budú!" Svedok obhajoby chce aby ste to vedeli, že On nepovedal, že sa stane zázrak. On len povedal: „Budú uzdravení." Vykladajte správne Slovo. „Budú uzdravení." On nepovedal žiadny určitý čas. A to je vtedy, ak sú veriaci! Ak sú veriaci, budú uzdravení. „Na chorých budú klásť ruky a oni budú uzdravení." Či to bude teraz, za týždeň, za mesiac, za rok, za desať rokov, za dvadsať rokov, za päťdesiat rokov. „Oni budú uzdravení." On tak povedal! To je, ak sa môžu držať svojej viery. No, to je svedok obhajoby.

35 Ďalšia vec, na ktorú chce svedok obhajoby tiež upozorniť tento súd dnes popoludní, že Slovo je semeno a aby semeno mohlo byť oživené musí spadnúť do úrodnej pôdy. Semeno nebude rásť na skale. Semeno musí mať úrodnosť. A Slovo musí spadnúť do viery, ktorá je úrodnosťou, ktorá spôsobuje, že Slovo sa vyplňuje. Teraz svedok obhajoby ...

36 Mohli by sme obrátiť pozornosť na oveľa viacej vecí, ktoré by sa mohli povedať, ale nechceme vás držať príliš dlho, máme veľa ľudí, za ktorých sa chceme modliť. Chcem, aby ste vy, súd, počúvali.

37 Obhajca bude teraz predvádzať svojich svedkov. Viete. Obhajca má právo predviesť svedka, pretože žalobca predviedol svedka. A teraz obhajca predvoláva svedka. A obhajca chce predstaviť tomuto súdu, dnes popoludní, proroka Noeho. „Predstúp, Noe a postav sa sem. Dozvedel som sa, že máš svedectvo ohľadne Slova Božieho, ktoré ti bolo dané."

38 Svedok chce dnes povedať tomuto súdu, že bol len obyčajný človek a veril Bohu. A žil vo vedeckom veku, kde ľudia verili, že dni zázrakov nikdy neboli. Nikdy nebol na zemi dážď, ale jedného dňa on stretol Boha. A Boh mu povedal, aby pripravil koráb na záchranu ľudí a všetci, ktorí vojdu do toho korábu sa zachránia. A svedok chce povedať, že on vážne, z celého svojho srdca tomu veril. A išiel a kázal o tom. Išiel a nie len to kázal, ale jeho skutky svedčili o jeho viere, začal stavať ten koráb.

39 A svedok chce ukázať prstom na pána Neveriaceho a na pána Pochybovača a na pána Netrpezlivého. „Chodili za mnou a obťažovali ma vodne aj v noci. Kedy bude pršať? Hovoril si to už pred rokom a tam hore nie je žiaden dážď. Išli sme za vedcami a oni potvrdili, že tam hore nie je žiaden dážď. A tvrdili o mne, že som blázon. Vysmievali sa zo mňa a povedali mi, že som úplne hlúpy a obmedzený, keď verím takéto nerozvážne zasľúbenia, nezhodné s vedeckým výskumom." Ale on povedal: „Ja som ďalej pracoval na tom programe, pretože, pevne som sa toho držal, pretože som vedel, že to je Božie Slovo a ono nemôže sklamať. Staval som koráb."

40 A potom keď koráb bol dokončený, potom tí posmievači každý deň chodili okolo archy, keď som stál vo dverách a kázal som im a oni stále hovorili: „No, už je odvtedy 120 rokov, kde je tvoj dážď? Tak, vidíš, všetka tvoja práca je zbytočná, vraveli. Naši vedci majú pravdu, také niečo nie je. Ty si úplne obmedzený starý človek, keď veríš takému nezmyselnému zasľúbeniu."

41 „A potom prišiel ten deň, keď som chcel raz ráno vyjsť von z môjho korábu. A zrazu, bez pričinenia ľudskej ruky, dvere sa zavreli rovno pred mojou tvárou a ja som bol zapečatený vo vnútri. Čo sa stalo? Potom som vyšiel hore na vrch po rebríkoch, ktoré som postavil a otvoril som okno. A mohol som počuť čo rozprávali tam vonku; Sedel tam pán Neveriaci, pán Pochybovač a pán Netrpezlivý, hovorili: „No, čo sa stalo? Sám sa chytil do pasce!" A ja som si pomyslel, že určite teraz začne pršať. Keď som tam vošiel dovnútra, to bolo 27. ... či vlastne 17. mája. Dvere sa predo mnou zavreli. Zvolal som svojich ľudí a povedal som im: „Buďte pripravení, za niekoľko minút začne pršať." A celý dlhý deň pán Neveriaci a pán Pochybovač, pán Netrpezlivý chodili okolo môjho korábu, kritizovali ma a hovorili o mne všetko zlé. Ale ja som povedal svojmu zhromaždeniu: „Buďte ticho. Boh nám dal toto zasľúbenie!"

42 Na druhý deň, slnko vyšlo, bolo jasno; žiadny dážď, žiadne hrmenie, žiadne blýskanie. Na tretí deň, to isté, na štvrtý, piaty, šiesty. Ale ráno 24. mája, po 120 rokoch, prišiel z neba silný príval. A všetci tí, ktorí boli pomazaní od pána Pochybovača, Neveriaceho a Netrpezlivého, tam vonku zahynuli."

43 Obhajca povedal: „Zostup dole Noe. Chcem zavolať ďalšieho svedka. Poď sem, pán Abrahám, chcem aby si povedal svedectvo."

44 Prichádza pán Abrahám a hovorí: „Pracoval som na svojej farme neďaleko Ur, v zemi Chaldejov. Oženil som sa s mojou polovičnou sestrou, nazývala sa Sarai a ja som sa nazýval Abram. Stretol som Boha a Boh mi povedal, že budem mať so Sarou dieťa. Sarah, v tom čase mala 65 rokov a ja som mal 75. A Boh mi povedal, že so Sarah budem mať dieťa a že cez to dieťa bude požehnaný celý svet a ja budem otcom mnohých národov. Rýchlo som sa vrátil, pre túto radosť, ktorú som mal v srdci. Stále som miloval deti a myslel som si, že nikdy nijaké nebudem mať. Ale keď Boh povedal, že ho budem mať, uveril som Mu. Išiel som ku doktorovi urobiť prípravy. On ma vyhodil z ordinácie, sedel tam pán Nevriaci. Vyšiel som na ulicu a vládne orgány ma chceli zavrieť, že som nenormálny. A potom, keď roky prechádzali pán Netrpezlivý ma mučil dňom i nocou."

45 „Prvý mesiac som povedal svojej žene, Sáre. Viete, ona mala po prechodoch, prestalo to byť s ňou ako to býva so ženami. A ja som povedal Sáre: „Drahá, máme všetky tie malé topánočky, a detské oblečenia a všetky drobnosti? Sme pripravení, či nie?" „Áno, všetko je pripravené." „Teraz sa to stane, dávaj pozor." A po tých dvadsiatych ôsmych dňoch na konci som sa opýtal: Ako sa cítiš, drahá?" „Nič sa nezmenilo, Abrahám." Dobre, povedal „Povedal som, Chvála Bohu! Sárah, nepochybuj. Boh tak povedal, v každom prípade ho budeme mať!" Takto to trvalo roky."

46 „A potom, keď prechádzal rok za rokom, pán Pochybovač, pán Nevriaci a oni všetci si zo mňa robili posmech. Ale po dvadsiatych piatych rokoch sa to dieťa narodilo, keď som mal sto rokov. Boh mi nepovedal, že to dieťa budem mať na druhý deň. On povedal, že ho budem mať! A ja sa nestarám ako dlho to trvalo, Boh to zasľúbil! Čakal som dvadsať päť rokov. Oni si mysleli, že tak zostarnem až zomriem, ale ja som povedal: „Ja nemôžem zomrieť, to zasľúbenie je pre mňa. Boh tak povedal"

47 „Ako pán Vysmievač a pán Neveriaci, pán Pochybovač, pán Netrpezlivý ustavične chodili, mali pomazaných ľudí a hovorili: „Abrahám, otec národov, koľko máš teraz detí?" Ale ja som sa toho pevne držal, pretože som nikdy nezapochyboval o Slove Božom v nevere. Vedel som, že Boh je schopný dodržať každé slovo, ktoré zasľúbil. Nehľadel som na svoje telo, skoro umŕtvené, ani na umŕtvenie Sárinho lona. Ale veril som Bohu. Oni vraveli: „No, zdá sa mi, že pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi si hovoril, že budeš mať dieťa?" „Povedal som to pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi." Ale pán Netrpezlivý tam povedal: „No, prešlo dvadsať päť rokov. Pozri sa teraz na seba! Fúzy ti visia skoro po kolená. Pozri sa, si starý." Dal som mu vedieť, že Boh mi nepovedal, kedy budem mať to dieťa. On povedal: „Budeš ho mať so Sárou." A tým to bolo vybavené! Pevne som sa toho držal. Slovo nikdy nepovedalo kedy. Ono povedalo, že to sa stane!"

48 Zavolajme rýchlo ďalšieho svedka, nemáme veľa času. Mohli by sme ich zavolať stovky. Zavolajme ešte ďalšieho svedka, Mojžiša, nech povie svedectvo.

49 „Aha," on povedal, „bol som vyučený všetkej múdrosti Egypťanov. Bol som profesor akého nebolo. Ale jedného dňa tam ďaleko na púšti, keď som mal osemdesiat rokov, stretol som Boha. Bol vo forme znaku, bol horiacim ohňom v kríku. Povedal mi, že počul vzdychanie svojho ľudu a rozpomenul sa na svoje zasľúbenie o ich vyslobodení. A povedal mi: „Posielam ťa." Ja som povedal: „Kto som ja? Ja neviem dobre hovoriť. Nie som teológ. Nemôžem ísť." On povedal: „Budú ti dané dva znaky. Jeden z nich bude v tvojej ruke, ten druhý sa bude diať cez palicu. A ak oni nebudú počúvať na hlas tohto znamenia, potom vylej na zem vodu, premení sa na krv, to potom zakončí tú vec."

50 „Keď som zobral môj znak, ktorý mi dal Boh a išiel som pred faraóna, pred pastora faraóna, on sa snažil spraviť aby môj znak vyzeral nespoľahlivý. Povedal: „To dokáže skoro každý lacný veštec alebo Egypťan. Skoro každý obyčajný kúzelník dokáže urobiť tieto triky." A zavolal dvoch, ktorí sa nazývali Jambres a Janes a oni skutočne napodobnili všetko, čo som urobil. Ale to ma nezastavilo, pretože ten hlas, ktorý ma poslal bol hlas Písma a ja som s ním zostal. To bolo Slovo Božie.

51 To bol Biblický znak, Biblický hlas, Lebo pamätám na svoje zasľúbenie a čas sa priblížil. Oni nemali v Izraelovi už stovky rokov žiadnych prorokov, 440 rokov nemali v Izraelovi žiadnych prorokov. Ale On povedal: „Ale Ja ťa posielam, aby si bol prorokom." A on išiel. „A On mi toto povedal, ako znak, že prídem naspäť a privediem tie deti ku tomuto vrchu. Trvalo to dlhý čas, ale vykonal som to. Stál som verne na Slove. A keď Janes a tí telesní napodobovatelia, ktorí sa z toho chceli vysmiať, aj tak som vedel, bez ohľadu na to koľko sa vysmievali a koľko mohli robiť ..."

52 Viete že to sa má v posledných dňoch znovu zopakovať? Ježiš tak povedal. Biblia povedala: „Ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tak to budú robiť aj títo v posledných dňoch." Napodobovatelia, ktorí sa snažia činiť podobne, robia potom kópie.

53 Ale on povedal: „Ja som stál nepohnute pretože som vedel, že ten hlas bol hlasom Písma." Hoci boli dvaja a on len jeden. Ale on išiel dole a urobil to, čo ... a to potvrdilo, že to je pravda. On prišiel presne naspäť ku tomu vrchu, kde mu Boh povedal.

54 „Zostúp Mojžiš. Zavolajme rýchlo ďalšieho svedka. Józuu."

55 Jozue povedal: „Keď sme boli blízko zeme, prišli sme do Kádeš barnei. A Mojžiš, sluha Boží, išiel a zobral všetkých ... jedného z každého pokolenia, jedného z každej denominácie a povedal: Prejdime a prešpehujme zem. A my sme to prešli, dvaja z nás a priniesli sme naspäť dôkaz, že to je dobrá zem." Oni mali o tom dôkaz. To boli ozajstní letniční. „Tak oni sa vrátili s tým dôkazom, že to je dobrá zem. Ale keď prišli ku tomu aby sme zabrali celú tú zem, oni povedali: „My to nedokážeme. My to nedokážeme, nie sme schopní." A ľudia boli celí roztrhaní, nevedeli čo robiť, do ktorej organizácie ísť. A ja som ich upokojoval. Povedal som: „Pamätajte to je zasľúbenie Božie! Boh povedal: Ja som vám dal túto zem." A čo Boh zasľubuje, On to vyplní! Utišoval som tých ľudí. Na druhý deň povedali: Ideme? Na druhý deň: Ideme? Stalo sa to za štyridsať rokov, ale zabrali sme tú zem!"

56 Ďalší svedok, rýchlo. Môžem zavolať Izaiáša, aby sem predstúpil? „Izaiáš, budeš svedčiť ako svedok obhajoby a povieš nám svedectvo na obranu obžalovaných, obžalovaného?"

57 „Áno. Ja som bol prorok. Bol som potvrdený prorok. Čo som povedal, nebolo ... nevedel som čo hovorím, ale Boh spravil, že to čo som povedal, to sa stalo. Každý tomu začal veriť. Celá cirkev, oni tomu začali veriť. Jedného dňa sa stala zvláštna vec. Pán Boh mi povedal: Izrael vyhľadáva znamenia, tak chcem aby ho mali, ale Ja im dám super znamenie. A ono bude pre super vek, keď budú mať supermarkety a super nadzvukové lietadlá a super, všetko super. Ja im dám super znak. Panna počne! A ja som bol potvrdený prorok, tak každá panna si pripravila topánočky a všetko ďalšie, pripravovala sa na to, že bude mať dieťa. Tak veru, ona bola tou, ktorú Jehova zavolal. Odohrali sa všetky rôzne veci. Tak veru. No, očakávame, že ona, moja dcéra, počne. Táto, táto, každé dievča na to očakávalo. Prešli roky. Niektorí si škrabali hlavu a vraveli: Ten starý falošný prorok. Ale to sa vyplnilo za osemsto rokov. On nepovedal, kedy ona počne. On povedal, že počne! Za osemsto rokov potom, panna počala."

58 A teraz, ako posledný svedok, ak mi prepáčite, môžem byť ten posledný svedok? Toto sa nestalo voľakedy dávno v Biblii, to sa deje teraz. Dovoľte, že budem ďalším svedkom, ešte za niekoľko minút, predtým ako sa začneme modliť za chorých. Dobre počúvajte. Ja by som rád vydal svedectvo na Jeho podporu. Chcel by som byť predvolaný a postaviť sa, zodvihnúť ruku a povedať pravdu, nič iné len pravdu.

59Rád by som povedal, ako som sa vôbec stal kresťanom. Môj otec a matka, starý otec a stará matka po oboch stranách, všetci boli hriešnici. Mojou povahou bol kúkoľ ... a ako budem pšeničným zrnom. Ale raz ráno v starej drevenej chatrči tam v Kentucky, tak povedala moja matka a tá pôrodná baba, 6. apríla, o piatej ráno v 1909 roku, keď ma Pán Boh priviedol na zem, tam v tom malom okne zastalo svetlo. A keď okno otvorili, matka ležala na posteli vypchatej kukuričným šúštím, aby sa presvedčila aké má dieťa, krúžiac vošlo dovnútra svetlo. Tí ľudia, ktorí bývali v tých horách nevedeli, čo si o tom majú myslieť. Ja som bol príliš malý, aby som toto vedel.

60 A ako chlapec, okolo osem ročný, sedem alebo osem ročný, niesol som vodu do destilačného prístroja, ktorým môj otec na čierno pálil pálenku. Jedno teplé septembrové popoludnie, sedel som a plakal, chcel som ísť s chlapcami na rybník chytať ryby a oni ... Nemohol som tam ísť lebo som musel nosiť túto vodu. Počul som v strome akoby vír, keď som bol asi v polovici cesty. Všade bolo ticho, v septembri je v Indiáne všetko potichu, bolo hrobové ticho. A tento vír v kríku, vyšiel z tade hlas a povedal: „Nikdy nefajči, nepi, neznečisťuj svoje telo (To znamená behať so ženami), ani nerob nič také, pretože máš vykonať prácu, keď budeš starší." Matka zavolala doktora, myslela si, že som nejaký nervózny.

61 Za týždeň potom som videl ten Municipalský most, v tranze, ako som to nazýval. Videl som, ako stavajú cez rieku Ohio ten Municipalský most a zahynulo na ňom šestnásť mužov. Za dvadsať dva rokov od toho dňa na tom istom mieste postavili ten Municipalský most a pri jeho stavbe zahynulo šestnásť mužov.

62 Jednej noci v Green Mill, nevedel som, čo toto všetko znamená ... Neskoršie som sa stal kazateľom, aby som slúžil Pánovi. Jednej noci v Green Mill ... Môj pastor mi práve povedal, povedal som mu, že pôjdem a budem mať ... že môžem vidieť veci a oni mi povedali, že to je diabol. A ja kresťan, nechcel som mať nič spoločného s diablom, ani trochu. Tak som tam išiel a povedal som: „Pane, nemôžem ďalej takto žiť." A bol som tam na takom mieste v rybárskom tábore, modlil som sa tam jednej noci. Pán ku mne prehovoril v strome, ako ku Mojžišovi. Potom tu v tomto Green Mill, tam prišiel muž a povedal mi, aby som sa nepokúšal a neprosil o to, aby som sa tohto zbavil, ale že to je dar poslaný od Boha, ktorý má byť prinesený ľuďom na svete a dal mi poznať cez Písma, že všetky tieto veci, ktoré boli zasľúbené podľa Biblie sa musia vyplniť, že čas je na blízku.

63 Vrátil som sa a povedal som to svojmu pastorovi. Išiel som a povedal som mu to a on povedal: Billy, čo si jedol? Mal si sen a to bola nočná mora?" Ale pre mňa, to bol Malachiáš 4. On povedal: „Ako to urobíš?" To bol Lukáš 17:30. To tiež bolo Zjavenie 10. To boli tiež všetky tieto miesta Písma, ktoré boli zasľúbené na posledné dni. Nevidel som hneď vtedy, že sa to stalo. Ľudia sa divili: „Kedy sa toto stane?" Ale ja som sa toho ďalej držal.

64 Jedného dňa pri rieke, krstil som v rieke päťsto ľudí, keď zrazu toto isté svetlo, ktoré tam vošlo keď som bol malý chlapec ... A ja som povedal ľuďom, že som to videl. Oni povedali, že sa mi snívalo a že to je nejaký druh duševnej predstavy, ktorý som mal. Ale pred viac ako päť tisíc ľuďmi o druhej popoludní v 1933, z oblohy prichádza dole tento oblak a hovorí tieto slová: „Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poverený, aby predchádzal prvý Kristov príchod, tvoja služba bude predchádzať druhý Kristov príchod." Kde to počulo tisíce a tisíce ľudí a noviny priniesli o tom svedectvo.

65 Chcem povedať a chcem na toto obrátiť pozornosť toho slepého žalobcu, ktorý sa obzerá, aby uvidel nejakého muža s jazvami od tŕňov a klincov a všetky takéto veci. Písmo toto nehovorí! Nedáva takéto zasľúbenie.

66 Čítame tu v Lukášovi v 17. kapitole a v 30. verši, Ježiš hovorí: „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka." Keď sa zjaví! Chcem obrátiť vašu pozornosť na toto len na niekoľko minút, ak ma znesiete ešte niekoľko minút. Buďte teraz niekoľko minút skutočne pozorní.

67 Všimnite si, Ježiš niesol tri mená; Syn človeka, Syn Dávidov, Syn Boží. On mal tri mená. Vždy je to tá istá osoba ale s tromi menami. Tak ako Otec, Syn a Svätý Duch; stále je to ten istý Boh, tri atribúty.

68 Tak ako ja. Moja žena mi hovorí manžel. Moje deti nemajú so mnou nič dočinenia skrze meno manžel, ja som ich otec. Môj malý vnuk, ktorý tam sedí, nemá so mnou nič pod menom otec, nič pod menom manžel, on je môj vnuk. A to je stále tá istá osoba.

69 A my vidíme, keď Ježiš prichádza a snaží sa zjaviť seba ako Syna človeka (Neprehliadnite toto!), keď sa On zjavil a hovoril o sebe, stále „Syn človeka," Izrael bol slepý. Oni nevedeli nič o tom čo znamená Syn človeka. Ale oni hovorili „Syn Dávidov," keď tam vybehol slepý Bartimeus a rozpoznal Ho. Dávid, to znamenalo „Kráľ." Pamätajte, Syn človeka, Syn Dávidov, Syn Boží (čo znamená Pán). Tento žid dostal to, o čo prosil, pretože pristúpil ku Nemu v mene Syna Dávidovho, Kráľa; On nebol spasiteľ, ale Kráľ.

70 Ale keď tá grékyňa, tá síroféničanka pristúpila ku Nemu v mene Syna Dávidovho, On vôbec ani trochu nezodvihol hlavu. Ona nemala na Neho žiadne právo v mene Syna Dávidovho. On pre tú síroféničanku nebol Syn Dávidov. Ale keď povedala „Pane", vtedy sa obrátil. On bol Pán. Pán, On bol pre ňu Pán, nie žiadny Syn Dávidov.

71 No, prečo Ho nepoznali ako Syna človeka? Syn človeka bolo duchovné zjavenie, prorok. Syn človeka znamená prorok.

72 Ak si otvoríte Biblie v Ezechielovi, 2. kapitola 1. verš, zistíte, že Ezechiel bol prorok, Slovo Božie na ten deň. A sám Jehova ho nazýva Syn človeka. Jehova nazýva jeho, človeka, Syn človeka, tak isto ako Ježiš zjavil seba ako Syna človeka. Čo to bolo? Zasľúbené Slovo na tú hodinu sa zamanifestovalo, ten istý Boh! Boh v čase Ezechiela, Boh v čase Ježiša, Syn človeka! On nebol v tom čase ...

73 On bol Syn človeka, pretože On sa prišiel zjaviť Izraelovi ako prorok a oni to odmietli. A to bolo proroctvo, že oni Ho majú prijať v mene Syna človeka, proroka, pretože to bolo podľa Slova. 5. kniha Mojžišova 18:15, „Pán tvoj Boh ti vzbudí proroka ako som ja." A keď On prišiel, On sa zidentifikoval vo svojej službe ako človek, nie ako Syn Boží, ako Syn človeka! Boh je Duch. A On sa zjavil ako Syn človeka, čo On tvrdil že je, a oni boli slepí a nemohli to vidieť.

74 Ale teraz, pre pohanov sa On teraz zjavuje ako Syn Boží, čo je Duch Svätý. No, Ježiš povedal: „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy!"

75 Chcem, aby ten slepý žalobca toto videl. On je stále slepý vykladač Slova. Berie svoje organizačné predstavy o tom a viac už nič o tom nevie. On to robí, aby zviedol, pretože je od začiatku zvoditeľ.

76 Ježiš povedal: „Ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, keď sa zjavil Syn človeka!" Vo dňoch Sodomy sa Syn ... sa Boh zjavil v ľudskom tele, ktorý bol raz nazvaný Melchisedek, Otec. Melchisedek v tom čase nemal otca ani matky, nemal začiatok dní ani koniec života; ktokoľvek On bol, On zostáva ten istý. Ježiš mal otca a matku; ale tento muž nemal ani otca ani matku. A On sa zjavil Abrahámovi vo forme Syna človeka, Elohim, Jehova. Cirkev teraz v tomto období počas cirkevného veku konala službu v krste Duchom svätým, ale Ježiš tu povedal, aby vám urobil Malachiáša 4 a ostatné miesta Písma skutočnými (Vidíte?), že „V posledných dňoch, tesne pred príchodom, svetové uloženie bude ako bolo v Sodome a Syn človeka sa zjaví ako Syn človeka, ako to urobil vo dňoch Sodomy."

77 Slepý žalobca, či to nevidíš? Jeho Slová sú pravda. Nie jazvy po klincoch a otlačky po tŕňoch.

78 To je Syn Boží zosobnený vo svojej cirkvi ako Syn človeka. To musí vyplniť Malachiáša 4 a ostatné miesta Písma. Upozorňujem súd, poriadne sa na to pozrite, „Syn človeka"! Ako Boh Otec, Boh Syn, Boh Duch Svätý; to je ten istý Boh, tri rôzne atribúty toho istého Boha. Teraz toto je Syn Dávidov ... Syn človeka zjavený potom ako Prorok. Syn Dávidov, Kráľ. A teraz Syn Boží pre vek cirkvi, ako Boh nie je človek, Boh je Duch a Duch, Syn je Duch Svätý, ktorý je zjavený v cirkevnom veku. Ale tu je zasľúbené, že v posledných dňoch sa zjaví Syn človeka.

79 Slepý žalobca, rozumieš tomu? A chcem, aby si vedel slepý žalobca, my to vidíme, veríme tomu, tieto slová sa vyplnili pred nami a my vieme, že je to pravda.

80 Pre Židov On bol Syn Dávidov. Pre Grékov On bol Pán, pre nás je On Pán, pre Pohanov. A teraz v posledných dňoch sa On znovu vráti naspäť ako Syn človeka, pretože Malachiáš nám zasľúbil, že v posledných dňoch povstane prorok, ktorý navráti srdcia ľudí naspäť do (preč od tých organizácií) naspäť do originálneho Slova, do viery otcov, do originálnych letníc. A keď to On robil, ev. Jána 14:12, skutky ktoré On činil sa tiež budú diať. Zjavenie 10 zasľúbilo celé tajomstvo. Ako zjavíte tie tajomstvá? Vidíte čo vynechal Luther, vidíte čo vynechal Wesley, vidíte čo vynechali letniční a potom zjaví tajomstvo srdca, aby to ukázalo, že to je ten istý Boh v každom veku, a to nie je nič iné ako Božie Slovo, ktoré sa manifestuje znovu ako Syn človeka. My neočakávame na jazvy po klincoch; očakávame na zamanifestované Slovo. Všimnite si, Boh zasľúbil teraz tieto veci a On to robí presne tak, ako to povedal. Mohol by som povedať viacej, ale, skončíme tú tému, je neskoro.

81 Pán žalobca, chcem aby si vedel, že by som mohol tu dnes popoludní zavolať tisíc svedkov. Chcem, aby si vedel, že to čo On povedal to urobil, my sme svedkovia, že On dodržuje svoje Slovo! Existuje skutočné zhromaždenie Ducha Svätého! Existuje skutočná moc Božia! A je skutočné zasľúbenie, že oni budú uzdravení, keď na chorých položia ruky. Chcem aby ste to vedeli. Chcem, aby ste vedeli, že On povedal: „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka."

82 Ja som cudzí a ja len svedčím, že to čo hovorí Biblia je pravda. Ak si všimnete, anjel Pánov, ktorý prišiel vo forme človeka, bol obrátený chrbtom ku stanu a On povedal Abrahámovi čo si Sára myslí. Ježiš povedal, že to sa zopakuje. No, ak som povedal pravdu, nech Boh potvrdí, že to je pravda. Nech to On zjaví. Potom, to nie je tajomstvo, potom to vieme. Rozpustím dnes popoludní tento súd s týmto rozsudkom, aby ste to sami rozhodli vo svojej vlastnej mysli. Nech Boh, ktorý dal zasľúbenie ... Nie vtedy dávno v tých dňoch; oni boli potvrdené. Nech Boh, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie, nech ho dnes potvrdí, nech povie to isté. Niektorí z vás si myslia v srdci ... Modlite sa Bohu za svoju chorobu alebo nemoc a budete vidieť či Boh zjaví tajomstvo srdca. Vyzývam vás, aby ste to urobili, od jednej strany na druhú. No, či by som sa odvážil robiť niečo také, keby som nestál presne na tom, čo hovorí Písmo? Chcem, aby tento súd videl, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, že On dodržuje svoje zasľúbenie. A On zasľúbil, že Ježiš Kristus sa zjaví v posledných dňoch, ako Syn človeka.

83 Tu sedí muž trpí na hemoroidy. V živote som ho nevidel. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni ruku. Veríš mi, že vydávam svedectvo o Božom Slove? To je tvoja žena, ktorá sedí vedľa teba. Ona tiež trpí, má cystu na hlave. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni ruku. Veríte, že mi Boh môže povedať kto ste. Ak je On stále Slovom, Slovo pozná tajomstvá srdca. Vy ste pán a pani Huntoví. Ak je to tak, zodvihnite ruku. Prečo tomu neveríte?

84 Tu, tu sedí muž, sedí rovno tu, má dole hlavu, plače, modlí sa za seba a tiež za svoju ženu. Ona nie je tu. Ona dnes popoludní nie je s tebou. Ona trpí. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, čo jej je? Ona tu nie je. Veríš? Veríš. Ja som ti cudzí, je to tak? Tvoja žena má ženské problémy. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni ruku, vysoko, aby to ľudia mohli vidieť. A tvoje meno je Smith. Veríš, že Boh ju uzdraví? Ak je to tak, zamávaj takto rukou. Vyzývam vás, aby ste verili, že Ježiš Kristus je zjavený vo forme Syna človeka v ľudskom tele v tele nevesty ...?...

85 Tu je žena, sedí tu a díva sa na mňa, trpí na vysoký tlak. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať kto si? Nazývajú ťa Daisy. Ak ... Je to pravda? Zodvihni ruku. Ver teraz z celého srdca, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví - dá ti to, o čo prosíš. Vidíte? On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Veríte tomu?

86 Tu sedí muž, rovno tu vzadu, díva sa na mňa, na srdci má bremeno. Za svojho syna. Syn má cukrovku. Veríš? To je tvoja žena hneď vedľa teba, ktorá začala plakať, ona má na srdci bremeno. To je za jej sestru. Jej sestra je chorá na srdce, komplikácie. Vy ste pán a pani Sickles. Je to pravda? Zamávajte takto rukami. Vstaňte ak som vám úplne cudzí. Vstaňte, ak som vám cudzí a nepoznám vás.

87 Čo to je? Vyplňovanie sa Božieho Slova v posledných dňoch! Žalobca, chcem, aby si vedel, že Slovo Božie je pravda. Boh mi to povedal pred tridsiatimi tromi rokmi. Čakal som celý tento čas, ale to sa vyplnilo rovno tu dnes popoludní. Boh dodržuje svoje Slovo! On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Nech vás Boh žehná; choďte teraz a vezmite si to po čom túžite.

88 Váš názor reprezentuje porotu. Porota musí rozhodnúť. A spôsob ako sa budete odteraz správať bude vyjadrovať alebo ukazovať ľuďom aký ste vyniesli rozsudok. Je On vinný, alebo nie je vinný? Veríte, že nie je vinný, že dodržuje svoje Slovo? To je na nás ... Počúvame starého Netrpezlivého, Neveriaceho a Pochybovača. Ale veríte teraz, že Boh dodržuje svoje Slovo? Váš názor predstavuje porotu. A spôsob ako sa odteraz budete správať dokáže ľuďom aký ste vyniesli rozsudok. Vidíte to? Skloňme potom hlavy.

89 Povedal som vám skutočnú pravdu. Keby sme mali čas zostať tu, nie je v Biblii miesto písma, ktoré by svedčilo niečo iné než toto. Som úprimný. Ale viete, niekedy, byť úprimným nie je tak ľahko. Ale keď tam stojí Boh! Nebolo to ľahko Lutherovi, Wesleyovi ani tým ostatným. Nie je to ľahko vám ani nikomu ďalšiemu, kto za tým stojí. Ale dnes popoludní musíte zaujať svoj postoj. On nikdy nepovedal ... On povedal: „Na chorých budú klásť ruky a oni budú uzdravení." Ak tomu veríte, potom sa nestarám, či sa to stane hneď teraz, či sa to stane na budúci týždeň, či sa to stane za dvadsať rokov odo dneška; ak absolútne tomu veríte, musí sa to stať. Ja ..

90 Sedí tu teraz doktor, ako mi povedali. Chcem mu poďakovať. Bol som pri jednom pacientovi, navštívil som pred chvíľou v nemocnici jeho pacienta, dnes včas ráno, ktorý má zakrátko zomrieť, tak si to myslia. Tak je rozožratá rakovinou. A táto drobná žena mi povedala: „Môj lekár navštívil tvoje zhromaždenie a súhlasí s tebou. A nie len to, brat Branham, ale chcem aby si vedel, že sa tiež s tebou za mňa modlí." Keby som niekedy potreboval nejakú lekársku starostlivosť, chcel by som aby mi ju on poskytol, muž ktorý môže takto veriť Bohu! Áno. Oni sú vo všetkých odvetviach života a vo všetkých profesiách.

Pamätajme, ten rozsudok je teraz na vás.

91 Pane Ježišu, snažil som sa práve vysvetliť Slovo. Ty si vydal svedectvo, že to je pravda. Tvoji svedkovia, mohli by sme ich zavolať stovky ale nemáme čas. Ležia tu tiež vreckovky, sú tu položené, ktoré pôjdu ku chorým a postihnutým, hneď stadeto kde Duch Svätý vydáva svedectvo, že Ježiš stále žije. My ho poznáme podľa jeho života, podľa života ktorý žil, podľa vecí, ktoré robil. A modlíme sa, Bože, teraz keď kladieme svoje ruky na tieto vreckovky, aby ktokoľvek, koho sa dotknú mohol byť uzdravený. Prinášam svoju modlitbu, s vierou, spolu s týmito ďalšími veriacimi, za týchto, ktorí tu nemôžu byť. Nech sa môžu radovať z veľkosti Božej. Možno že sú chorí a nemohli sem prísť. Nejaký starý otec sedí dnes popoludní niekde v nejakej izbe, klepká s bielou paličkou, čaká na túto vreckovku. To dieťa leží tam v nemocnici, celé v horúčke a niekto čaká na túto vreckovku, aby ju zaniesol ... Nech moc Všemohúceho Boha ide s nimi, pomaž ich tým istým pomazaním, ktoré bolo na tomto zhromaždení dnes popoludní. A nech oni znovu objavia Pána. Prinášame túto modlitbu za nich, pretože oni neboli prítomní. Ale Ty si všadeprítomný. Nech by si bol tam a potvrdil svoje Slovo, skrze meno Ježiša Krista.

92 A teraz nech skutočne Duch Svätý, nie emócia, nie len nejaká polovičná nádej, ale nech môže byť vynesený jasný rozsudok na toto, kvôli čomu bol dnes popoludní zvolaný tento súd. Nech každý jeden vydá to isté svedectvo, keď berú svoju modlitebnú kartu a držia ju v rukách, keď budú prechádzať cez pódium. Nech, keď im bude poslúžené podľa Marka 16. kapitoly, „Na chorých budú klásť ruky a budú uzdravení." Keď sa tu postavia tvoji vyvolení sluhovia a budeme klásť na ľudí svoje ruky, Pane, nech je to tým naveky vybavené. Nech môžu stadeto vyjsť šťastní a nech môžu zabudnúť, že mali niekedy nejaké ťažkosti, pretože majú istotu, ako Abrahám, že Boh je schopný vyplniť zasľúbenia, ktoré dal. Prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie

na kríži, na Golgote.

93 Koľký ste vyniesli rozsudok? Zodvihnite ruky. „Ja som vyniesol svoj rozsudok." Dobre, súd, bude vám poslúžené podľa Božieho svätého Slova: „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Nenechám vás tu sedieť, aby ste si nemysleli, že pre tento dar, že to robí niekoho niečím väčším od druhého. Máte tu bohabojných pastorov. Sú tu, požiadam ich, aby sa postavili so mnou na pódiu. Oni budú klásť ruky tak isto ako ja. Oni chceli, aby sme sem prišli, a oni sú tu ako vaše ... ako svedkovia Boží. Oni nesú svedectvo o pravde. Tak, nemôžete povedať: „brat Branham polož ruky," pretože moje ruky nie sú nič viacej ako ich alebo kohokoľvek iného. To je vaša viera, váš rozsudok, ktorý ste vyniesli na Slovo Božie. Boh dodržuje ... A keď Boh môže dodržať tú časť Slova a dokázať vám to, potom ste už uzdravení, pretože skrze jeho rany ste boli uzdravení.

94 No, chcem aby všetci, ktorí sú tu v tejto časti, ktorí majú modlitebné karty, vstaňte a postavte sa tu ku stene. No, všetci, ktorí sú tu v tejto časti, ktorí majú modlitebné karty, postavte sa do stredu tejto uličky a obráťte sa tam. A všetci, ktorí sú tu v tejto časti, ktorí máte modlitebné karty ... No, tu v tejto časti, neobracajte sa teraz na tú stranu, poďte tu takto. Obráťte sa na druhú stranu, pretože chcem rovný rad. Všetci, ktorí ste v tejto časti, vystúpte na túto stranu, obráťte sa tým smerom, a všetci v tejto časti poďte sem hore, ktorí máte modlitebné karty, vystúpte na túto stranu a obráťte sa týmto smerom a modlitebný rad a môže takto tiahnuť. Všetci na balkóne, s modlitebnými kartami, ktorí chcete aby sme sa za vás modlili, poďte dole a postavte sa hneď za touto ďalšou časťou ako oni prichádzajú. Kým oni prichádzajú, ja ...

95 [Brat Branham sa rozpráva s kazateľmi na pódiu. - pozn.prekl.] Chcete aby som zavolal ďalších kazateľov? Je to v poriadku, aby vydali svedectvo? Dobre, súhlasíte s tým všetci? Aký je tvoj rozsudok v tomto súdnom procese? [ten brat odpovedá: „Viem, že tieto veci sú pravda." - pozn.prekl.] Dobre.

96 Títo pastori chcú vedieť, chcú mať obecenstvo s inými kazateľmi. Chcú, aby každý kazateľ, ktorý je tu, ktorý verí v Boha a verí, že kladenie rúk na chorých, ak ich uznesenie dnes popoludní je, že to je pravda, oni vás pozývajú ako svojich kolegov, aby ste sem prišli a postavili sa s nami na pódiu keď sa budeme modliť. Všetci pastori, ktorí sú naplnení Božím Duchom a vaše uznesenie teraz je, že veríte, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, že veríte, že Marek 16 je pravda, títo pastori tu vás chcú teraz pozvať sem hore ako svojich kolegov v evanjeliu. Poďte sem hore a postavte sa s nami na pódiu, keď ukladáme tieto zástupy, aby sme sa za nich modlili. Rovno sem, priveďte ich stadeto sem. Všetci pastori v tejto budove, bez ohľadu na to z akej ste denominácie. Oni mi proste povedali, aby som vás zavolal. Poďte sem hore ak chcete teraz prísť a vytvorte tento rad, aby sme sa modlili, modlili za chorých, aby sme kládli ruky na chorých.

97 Koľkí tu nepotrebujú ... ste zdraví a nepotrebujete, aby sme sa za vás modlili ale ste veriaci? Zodvihnite ruky. Sľúbite mi, že tiež sa budete s nami modliť za týchto ľudí? Čo keby tu v tom rade stála tvoja matka? Čo keby tu stála tvoja žena? Čo keby to bol tvoj brat alebo sestra? Pamätajte, to je niečia matka, to je niečí brat, to je niečia sestra, to je chlapec alebo dievča niektorej matky, to je niekto. A my budeme robiť iným to, čo by sme chceli aby iní robili nám. No, chcem aby ste sa každý jeden úctivo modlili.

98 A zatiaľ kým sa oni stavajú do radu, cez čo môžu prejsť, chcem aby kazatelia teraz prišli sem hore a vytvorili dvojitý rad tu okolo pódia. Tu takto hore dole, aby vytvorili dvojitý rad, aby ľudia mohli cezeň prechádzať. Ja odovzdám mikrofón pánovi Bordersovi, ktorý tu bude stáť a viesť piesne. To je dobre, dvojitý rad hore a dole a takto, aby ľudia ...

99 A teraz, všetci, ktorí stojíte v rade, aby ste to dvojnásobne satanovi potvrdili, žalobcovi, že máte jasné rozhodnutie. Vyniesli ste rozsudok, že veríte, že Marek 16 je Božie Slovo a že je to pravda a vy prechádzate cez tento modlitebný rad, aby kládli na vás ruky. A od teraz ďalej vaše správanie bude dokazovať aké je vaše uznesenie. Zodvihnite ruky a povedzte: „Sľubujem to Bohu." Všetci, ktorí ste v tom rade.

100 Modlime sa teraz. Náš nebeský Otče, títo ľudia dnes popoludní, keď sme to predstavili ako súd. Cítim Pane, mal si skutočný súdny proces. Pilát ti neurobil ten správny, on mal falošných svedkov. Ale Ty si premohol tých falošných svedkov. Obhajca, Duch Svätý prišiel aby potvrdil Slovo pred ľuďmi. Mal si čestný súdny proces. A ľudia sa rozhodli, vyniesli dnes konečné rozhodnutie oni tu prechádzajú, aby dokázali svetu, že veria, že tvoje Slovo je tak. To bolo nesprávne vyložené, niektorí hovorili: „Nech ťa vidím toto robiť, nech vidím, že toto robíš." To nie je podľa Slova. Slovo hovorí „Oni budú uzdravení." A my sme priviedli svedkov na pódium aby sme dokázali, že to je to, čo si Ty povedal. Ty robíš tie veci svojím vlastným spôsobom.

101 No, prosím, Otče, aby si udelil tieto požehnania dnes popoludní týmto ľuďom. Ako tvoj sluha a so všetkými ostatnými tvojimi sluhami, sú ich tu stovky, prinášame svoju modlitbu za týchto ľudí. Pomaž týchto fajných pastorov, Pane. A ak bude prechádzať okolo nejaký pochybovač, alebo neveriaci alebo pán Netrpezlivý alebo ktokoľvek z týchto kritikov, posmievačov, ktorí boli v každom veku, keby išli okolo týchto ľudí, nech tento súd dnes popoludní zaznie proti tomu. Ich svedectvo, kde bez ohľadu na to, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, oboje bolo zničené. Ako sa im vysmievali a robili si žarty, ale to nič na tom nemenilo, veriaci sa držali presne Slova. A my sme pripravení dnes popoludní držať sa Slova, Otče. Pripájam sa tu s tvojimi ďalšími pastormi aby sme kládli ruky na týchto ľudí, nech moc všemohúceho Boha, o ktorej vieme, že je teraz prítomná potvrdzuje tvoje Slovo, nech je každý z nich uzdravený skrze Ježiša Krista nášho Pána. Amen.

102 Brat Roy, keby si prišiel sem na pódium. Skloňte teraz všetci hlavy, všetci sa modlite a spievajte. Ak sa nemodlíte, spievajte „Len ver". Keď tu budete prechádzať, keď prejdete stadeto, bez ohľadu čo budete hovoriť alebo robiť, to je na vás. Keď chcete kričať, kričte. A ak chcete prejsť ... Bez ohľadu čo to je, len verte Bohu. Prejdite a povedzte: „V mojom srdci je to vybavené." Tak ako keď ste išli do bazénu, aby ste boli pokrstení. Tým je to vybavené, ak tomu veríte. Vy ste kresťania pokiaľ veríte. Je to tak. A budete uzdravení pokiaľ veríte. A teraz sa všetci modlime. Dobre. brat Borders. [Brat Branham sa modlí za chorých. Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]

Len ver!

Až sa stretneme! Až sa stretneme!

Až sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša;

Až sa stretneme! Až sa stretneme!

Nech je Boh s vami až sa znovu stretneme!

103 Slúžim vám Božím Slovom. V mene Ježiša Krista, nech každý z vás prijme to, o čo ste prosili. „Keď poviete tomuto vrchu, presuň sa a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť tomu čo ste povedali stane sa, môžete mať to čo ste povedali." Keď sa modlíte, verte, že dostanete to, o čo ste prosili a bude vám to dané. Slúžim v mene Ježiša Krista. Verím, že náš výrok bol vynesený a prešiel a naše správanie teraz dokazuje, že veríme, a že vieme, že On uzdravuje. Keby som vás už viac nevidel po tejto strane rieky, stretnem vás na druhej strane. Potom ten veľký Duch Svätý, ktorý bol tento týždeň naším hosťom, tu s nami a slúžil nám, On vám bude potom svedčiť, že som vám povedal pravdu. Až do toho času.

Až sa stretneme! Až sa stretneme!

Nech je Boh s vami až sa znovu stretneme!

104 Skloňme teraz hlavy. Skutočne v utíšení, milo. [Brat Branham začína hmkať pieseň „Až sa stretneme." - pozn.prekl.] Nech, len tu očakávame pred tebou. Nech Nebeský Boh, v ktorého prítomnosti sa nachádzame, vás stále zachováva verných až kým sa znovu nestretneme. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Vážim si ťa.

THE TRIAL, 64-0419, Mckay Auditorium, Mckay Auditorium, Tampa, FL, 73 min

1 In Mark, the 16th chapter, beginning with the 9th verse, I wish to read. Such a glorious text, it's about the resurrection.

Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.

And she went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept.

And they, when they... heard that he was alive, and had seen... been seen of her, believed not.

After that he appeared in other form unto two of them, as they walked, and went unto the country.

And they went and told it to the residue: neither believed they them.

After, he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.

And they went forth,... preaching every where, the Lord working with them,... confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

2 Let us pray. Lord Jesus, we say now, as we approach the Father's Throne. And in Your Name, we believe this to be Your Word. We believe this to be the last Words that come from Your lips before You ascended up. And we ask that You will bless them to our hearts this afternoon, for the sake of those that are sick. We thank You for calling a great number to Your Throne last night, and we seen those great lines of those people, man, women, fathers, children, mothers, coming down the row and moving into that prayer room. We thank You for that, Father. And now we pray that You'll give to them the riches of Your Kingdom, and may there be faith among us this afternoon to make the Word of God to be a reality to us. And You're the only one Who can do this, Father, so we ask it in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

You may be seated.

3 Now my text this afternoon, I want to take it, and it sounds a little strange. And I want to take it because of yesterday, at the breakfast, I met one of the finest type of man, and he's sitting behind me now, an attorney. And we were talking about the trial, and it more or less was a mock trial, or something, that was given our Lord. And I--I certainly believe that that man would be a better man to stand here and typify it with the courts of the land, because I spoke of him since I met him, and he... They tell me he's a wonderful attorney, so I know that he would give Him a fair trial. And being that Jesus never got the right kind of a trial... And He is the Word. We all agree upon that. He is the Word. So I have read His Word, and we're going to put the Word on trial this afternoon.

The Word is on trial.

4 The case is, the Word of God's promises versus the world. And the cause for the indictment, is, a breach of promise. And the... I think the prosecuting attorney always represents state. I think that's right. And the... Satan is the prosecuting attorney, he represents the world, in this trial. And the Defendant is God. And the Defense Witness is the Holy Ghost. So I want to make the church, the congregation, both jury and judge. And let's hear the trial now, as we raise the curtains on the scene and see where we're sitting.

5Now, don't forget now, that the--the... what we're seeing here is the cause for this trial, is, the Word of God versus the world. The cause for the indictment, is, a breach of promise, that is, that the world claims that God made a promise that's not true. That's a breach of promise, "He don't keep His promise." And the prosecuting attorney in this case is Satan, that represents the world. And the Defendant is God Himself. And the Defense Witness is the Holy Ghost.

And now we call the court to order.

6 And now the prosecuting attorney is going to call his first witness to the stand and swear him in. And, now, he has three witnesses this afternoon I want to use, he wants to use, rather, in this trial. And these witnesses are Mr. Unbeliever, the next is Mr. Skeptic, and the next one will be called will be Mr. Impatience. Now, these are the witnesses against the case, that, "God doesn't keep His Word. His Word isn't true."

7 And we can see, before we start the trial, that--that so many of the world tries to say that God's Word is not true. For instance, this I just read, I was reading the footnotes on Scofield. And I was thinking of a story that was told me one time. I think... don't think I have ever quoted it, especially in this meeting. But, that a--a woman one time had a fine young boy, he wanted to be a minister. So she was kind of a poor sort of a woman, and she wanted her boy to get all the good schooling and training he could (which, any mother would want her boy, if he was called to such as that), would be the very best training that could be gotten, why, she wanted him to have it. So she sent him away to the very best religious seminary that she knowed where to send him.

8 Well, he had been there about a year, and one day his mother took violent sick, she was real bad off. And--and they kept calling and sending telegrams. She was living by herself. That he might have to be called home because she took a real serious cold, and it run into double pneumonia, and had congestion in... of the lungs, and she looked for to die. Her heart was showing up too bad. So the faithful physician was doing all that he knowed how to do, to save the woman's life, and she constantly got worse. So the--the physician sent a telegram to the young fellow, and said, "Stand by at once. Get your airplane reservations, where you may have to come to your mother at any time, because she looks like she's pretty close to the point of death." And then the boy, all upset, got his clothes ready and was fixing to catch a plane. And--and a telegram come straight back from his mother, "Don't come, son. I got all right."

9 So then about a year later, or six months later, I believe it was, that he returned to his home. And after greeting his mother, and they was having fellowship together, he said, "Mother, there's one question that still lingers in my mind." Said, "When you were so sick," and said, "you never did write and tell me the details. You just said you got well, and you never did tell me the details of how this come about."

10She said, "Son, you know down the street here, right where that old grocery store used to stay on a certain place?"


11There's a bunch of people down there that worships in that little building."

"Yes," said, "I remember them, they're the Pentecostals."

12 Said, "Yes, that's right." Said, "When I was at my very worse," said, "there was a fine lady come up here to me. And she said, 'Sister, we were down there in prayer meeting, and we understood that you were very sick, and you had a boy away in--in the seminary school, and to be a minister. And while we were praying, the Lord revealed to us that we should come pray for you.' And said, 'Well,'" she said, "'that, that'll be fine.' Said, 'Do you mind if our pastor comes and prays?' Said, 'Why, certainly not, lady. I'll be glad,' said. So they brought the... The doctor said that we would be fine. So the pastor come up, and he read this Scripture here in Mark, 16th chapter. And he said, 'This is what the Bible said.'" So he laid his hands upon the woman and prayed, went out. And said, she "got well," she said.

"Oh," he said, "Mother!"

She said, "Isn't that wonderful, son? Think of that!"

13 "Oh," he said, "Mother, of course that had nothing to do with your getting well." Says, "Perhaps some of the medicine that the physician had give you before, it just didn't take effect at time."

14And said, "Oh!" She said, "No, son. The physician had quit giving me medicine two days, said there was nothing he could do. He just put me under oxygen and said there was nothing he could do. And I was constantly getting worse."

15"Oh," he said, "Mother, it--it wasn't that." Said, "You see, those are illiterate people." Said, "They really don't understand. They just read the Bible." And said, "You see?"

She said, "Well, aren't we supposed to believe the Bible, son?"

16"Oh, sure." Said, "Mother, we're supposed to believe It, but," said, "you know, in the school," said, "we learned that That where he read there from Mark 16, from the 9th verse on, It's not even inspired."

"Well," she said, "glory to God!"

17He said, "Mother, you're acting like them people." And said, "Why, the very idea!"

She said, "Well, honey, I was just thinking."

Said, "What you thinking?"

18Said, "If God could heal me with that part of the Word that's not inspired, what would He do with that really is inspired?" So, That, That's... [Congregation applauds--Ed.] So we believe It is inspired.

19 So, now this, we're going to let the prosecutor call his witnesses, the first one to the stand, to witness against.

20I just said that a few minutes ago, because I was just reading, when I was reading this text, Mr. Scofield says that some of the manuscripts don't pack That. That's probably where that story come from. But It is so.

21So Mr. Unbelief comes to the stand, and takes his stand now to testify against the Word of God, to witness against It. And now when he... He is to be the first witness to stand by. Now we find out that after he's sworn in, now his complaint is this, that "the Word of God's promises are not altogether true."

22Now, all these witnesses that the prosecutor's bringing up, claims to be believers. They all claim to be believers, or, they give an evidence of this, "We would have never attended such meetings if we wasn't believers." So they--they say that they are believers.

23 And the complaint that Mr. Unbeliever gives against the Word of God, he claims that "Mark 16 isn't true, It just can't be true." For he said that he had been sick for some time, and he's giving his testimony now that he was sick for some time, and he "went to a so-called Holy Ghost meeting where people were laying hands upon the sick, and they claimed that they were being healed." So he went into this prayer line, and when he did... He had been very sick for some time, and he "was prayed for by this Holy Ghost (so-called Holy Ghost) bunch of people that were shouting and making noises, and claiming that they were healed." And Mr. Unbeliever walked through this line, had hands laid upon him, "And that was over two months ago, and there hasn't been one sign of recovery." So he says that "The Word of God, that part, is not true."

24 Now, so the prosecutor takes down his first witness, he brings up his next witness to the stand. And the next witness comes up, is Mr. Skeptic. He's sworn in, he takes the stand. Now, he claims that he is a believer, and he "heard in the city that they had a church where they had a faithful pastor, so-called godly man, so the congregation says. And this man believed the Scripture, so he says. And he prayed for the sick and anointed them with oil. And he read the chapter of this in the Bible, in James the 5th chapter, the 14th verse, 'Any among you sick? Let them call for the elders of the church, and let them anoint them in oil, pray over them; the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and God shall raise them up.'" So he said that he goes in, being a sick man, been turned down of ever being able to get over this undulant fever that he had. And the doctor said that he could not get over it, there's no way for him to. So he "taken God at His Word," and he "found this so-called godly pastor," that all the congregation had all kinds of testimonies that they had been healed, and so forth. And this godly pastor prayed over him, anointing him with oil, according to the Word of God. He did not doubt the man's sincerity, he did not doubt the sincerity of the congregation; but the pastor carried out the order just as the Bible says, anointed him and prayed for him. "And that was better than six months ago," and he "hasn't showed one sign of recovery." So he gives that testimony. Now the second witness steps down.

25 The prosecutor then brings up his next witness, which is Mr. Impatient. He brings up and he's sworn in, to give testimony against the Word of God, not being true. This man comes forth and he claims that he is a believer, and he was reading one day in Mark, the 16th chapter, or the 11th chapter of Mark, rather, and beginning with the 22nd verse, where Jesus Himself... He claims that he "had a red letter Bible, and the red letters was the exact Words that Jesus said, Himself. And that in this red letter Bible, in Mark, the 11th chapter, where Jesus was speaking, He made this quotation, 'Have faith in God. For verily, verily, I say unto you, if you say unto this mountain "be ye cast into the sea," and don't doubt, but believe that what you have said shall come to pass, you can have what you've said.'" And he "had been a cripple," he says here, "for--for many years," since he was a boy. He had been lame in his feet. He had to walk with crutches. So he accepted that as being the infallible Word of God, and he said within his heart, as he claims, to testify now, he said, "I will walk." And accepted the Word of Jesus Christ, he said that he would walk because Jesus said so. "If you'll say to this mountain 'be moved,' and when you accept, when you pray, believe that you receive what you asked for, and you shall have it." And he asked for it, prayed for it, said he "would have it, and that's five years ago." And he's still lame in his feet, he hasn't gotten any better.

26 Now the prosecutor comes forth after his witnesses has given three different quotations of the Scripture (which is a, in the Jewish courts, is a witness), gives three witnesses of Scripture that was wrote in God's Bible, "supposingly that Jesus Christ said It," which is the Son of God, God made flesh, dwelling in a Man, infallibility. And the prosecutor comes forth now to nail down the case to you people.

Now, you remember, you are the jury and you are the judge.

27 So the prosecutor wants you to know now, as he nails down the case again, these people claim that they are believers just as the rest of them claim. So he claims also, the prosecutor wants you to know that "God is not justified in putting such rashel promises in His Word, when He does not back it up, for He is giving this to His believing children to claim. And by them claiming it, they are brought to shame and are disgraced, by claiming the Words which are not true." The prosecutor now, "For He has failed to make the promises of these three witnesses, which is being carried out exactly according to the Word of God." And he wants, the prosecutor wants you to know that "God has failed, in all three cases, to make any manifestation of keeping His Word" (he's nailing it down for you), "and to these claimed believers."

28 Then again, the prosecutor wants to turn, call your attention to something else. "He, that is God, promised that all things were possible to them that believed. He promised that." The prosecutor wants you to know that. "And these so-called believers has tried to keep this Word, and He failed to keep It, therefore He's sued for breach of promise."

29Yet again, the prosecutor wants to call your attention to another Word of God. "He claims to be alive after His death. Jesus claims to be alive after His death." And the prosecutor wants you to know that he has "seen no Man with nail prints in His hands, and scars all over His body from the lashes, and prints of the spikes in His feet." Neither has he "seen any crown of thorns upon any Man's head. And yet He claims to be alive after His death. Also He claims, that in Hebrews 13:8, that He lives. And it is not so. He claims also, in the chapter of Luke, the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, that in these days that we live in now, that He would reveal Himself; as He was then, so would He be. He claims also," the prosecutor now giving you the nailed down case, "that in Revelation 10, that the seventh angel, when he begins to sound" (that's the--the angel to the Laodicea church, that's supposed to call the church back to the Faith of the fathers), "that when this angel sounds, that all the mysteries of God should be revealed in that day. He also claims, that in Malachi 4, that the holy prophets prophesied that there would be a prophet rise in that day, to make these claims true. And there's none of It so! He also claims that heavens and earth will fail, but His Word shall never pass away."

30 Now the prosecutor's got a case here. He's nailing it right down. Now he gives it over to you audience, to you who are both judge and jury. Now we've heard his side, we've heard the witnesses. We hear what they say about It. We hear what the prosecutor pours in, the Word, and nails it down from both sides, "All the promises that God made, and there isn't any of it" that he can see "that's the Truth." So he's trying to get an indictment against God, and against "Him making such rashel promises, because the promises that God has made is absolutely rashel. The promises that He made for this day is absolutely rashel. And he doesn't keep Them!" Now we've heard his side, so now let us call the prosecutor's witness to step down, and the prosecutor.

31 And now we will call the Defense Witness to the Defendant. And the Defense Witness now is the Holy Spirit, now He comes and takes the stand for the Defendant. Now, the first thing He wants to call to the attention of this court, hallelujah, that the prosecutor is misinterpreting the Word to the people, just like he did to Eve at the beginning. Remember, he was her interpreter. God told what they should do, and there'd never be death, sorrow or nothing, and he come around and misinterpreted the Word. Therefore when man got from behind the Word of God, what does it make them? He is not defended by God. But, you see, Satan was the interpreter of the Word to Eve. She wouldn't listen to her husband and to God, but she took the prosecutor's interpretation of the Word. And he has no right to give an interpretation, and neither does any man have a right. God's His Own Interpreter. He doesn't need us; He keeps His Word, we believe. Now He wants to call your attention to that, that the same interpreter to the first Words of God that was spoke, is the prosecutor who's trying to--to bring indictment before this court this afternoon, of the same one, and he's misinterpreted the Word. That's the first thing the Defense Witness wants to say. Now, He wanted to bring this to your attention, that he was Eve's interpreter and he misinterpreted the Word.

32 First place, He wants to give you this idea, that the promise is only to believers; not make-believers, skeptics, or unbelievers. It's only for those that believe! Now He wants this court... the Defense Witness (the Holy Spirit) wants this court to realize that these promises are only for believers.

Then the cross-question, he said, "These are believers!"

33And now the Defense Witness Himself should know whether they are believers or not, because He is the One that quickens the promise. Now how you going to get a-past that? Got a lot... hot trial going on. How you going to get a-past that? The Holy Spirit should know, for He is the Life that's in the Word, He's the One that quickens the Word. Just like your spirit quickens your body, and the body is quickened by the spirit; without the spirit, the body is of no effect, the body's dead. And the Word is dead without the Spirit. It takes the Spirit to bring forth the Word, to make It live. And He is the Quickener of that Word, and He is the Defense Witness of the Defendant. Amen. How you going to get a-past that? I want this court to understand that very well, that He is the Quickener, He should know. He quickens the Word.

34 Again, He wants to call the attention of this court to the Word of promise that's in question. He never set any certain time for them to recover. He said, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and God shall raise them up." He didn't say "right then." "They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." He never said, "a day, month, year." He just said, "They shall!" The Defense Witness wants you to know that, that He didn't say there'd be a miracle performed. He just said, "They shall recover!" Interpret the Word right. "They shall recover." He never set any certain time. And, that is, if they are believers! If they are believers, it shall recover. "They'll lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover," whether it's now, a week, month, year, ten years, twenty years, fifty years. "They will recover," He said so! That is, if they can hold onto their believing. Now, that's the Defense Witness.

35Another thing, the Defense Witness wants to call to this courts attention this afternoon that, also, the Word is a Seed, and the Seed has to fall in fertile soil in order to quicken it. The Seed will not grow on a rock. The Seed has to have fertility. And the Word has to fall in faith, which is the fertility that brings the Word to pass. Now the Defense Witness at this time...

36 We could call lots more, things could be said. But, we don't want to keep you too long, got a big prayer line. I want you, court, to listen.

37The Defense Witness now will call His witness. See, the Defense Witness has a right to call a witness, because the prosecutor turn, called a witness. Now the Defense Witness is going to call a witness. And the Defense Witness wish to present to this court, this afternoon, the prophet Noah. "Come forward, Noah, and take the stand. Now, I understand that you have a testimony concerning a Word of God that was given to you."


38The Witness today wants to say, to this court, that he was just an ordinary man and he believed God. And he lived in a scientific age, where they believed that the days of miracles never was. There had never been rain upon the earth, but one day he met God. And God told him to prepare an ark for the saving of the people, and all would come in this ark would be saved. And the Witness wants to say that he solemnly, with all his heart, believed It. And he went to preaching It. And he went, not only preached it, but, to make his--his works testify of his faith, he started building the ark.

39 And the witness wants to point a finger to Mr. Unbeliever, and to Mr. Skeptic, and Mr. Impatient. "They haunted me day and night. 'When is that rain going to fall? Ah, you said that a year ago, and there's no rain up there. We have went to the scientists and they proved there's no rain up there.' And they claimed that I was crazy. And they scoffed at me and told me that I was altogether 'foolish and simple' to believe such a rashel promise as that, against scientific research." But he said, "I worked on on the program, because, I held steady because I knowed It was God's Word and It can't fail. I built the ark.

40"And after the ark was completed, then the scoffers run around and around the ark, daily, as I stood in the, door preaching to them. And they still said, 'Now, that's been a hundred and twenty years ago, now where's your rain? So, you see, your labor's all in vain,' they said. 'Our scientists are right, and there is no such a thing. And you're altogether a simple old man for believing in such a rashel promise as that.'"

41 "And then the day come when I started to walk out one morning, out of my ark. And, all of a sudden, without a hand on it, the door closed right in my face, and I was sealed on the inside. 'Now what's happened?' Then I climbed the ladders that I had built, and got up in the top, and pulled back the window. And I could hear them on the outside; Mr. Unbeliever sitting over there, Mr. Skeptic, and Mr. Impatient; saying, 'Now what's happened? He trapped his ownself!' And I thought surely the rain would fall then. And the day that I went in was on the 27th... or the 17th day of May. The door shut in my face. I called my people together, and said, 'Get ready, the rain will be falling in the next few minutes.' And, all day long, Mr. Unbeliever and Mr. Skeptic and Mr. Impatient walked around and around my ark, criticizing me, saying all kinds of evil about me. But I told my congregation, 'Be quiet. God made the promise!'"

42"The second day, the sun come up, bright; no rain, no thunder, and no lightning. The third day, the same, the fourth, fifth, sixth. But on the morning of the 24th day of May (one hundred and twenty years later), there come a gusher coming down from Heaven. And all the anointed by Mr. Skeptic, Unbeliever, and Mr. -patient perished on the outside."

43 Defense Witness said, "Step down, Noah. I want to call another witness. Come up, Mr. Abraham, I want you to give testimony."

44Mr. Abraham comes up, and said, "I was working on my farm just outside of Ur, the land of the Chaldean. And I had married my half sister, her name was Sarai and my name was Abram. And I met God, and God told me that I was going to have a baby by Sarah. And Sarah, at this time, was sixty-five years old, and I was seventy-five years old. And God told me that I would have a baby through Sarah, and through that child the whole world would be blessed, and I would be the father of nations. Quickly I returned, for this joy that was in my heart. I had always loved children, and thought I never would have any. But when God said I was going to have it, I believed Him. I went to a doctor to make arrangements. He run me out of the office, Mr. Unbeliever was sitting there. And I went out into the street, and the authorities wanted to arrest me up for a mental case. And then as the years went by, Mr. Impatient tormented me day and night.

45 "The first month, I said to my wife, Sarah. See, she was way past menopause, it ceased to be with her as it is with women. And I said to Sarah, 'Honey, we got all the little booties and all the bird-eye, and the--the--the pins? We all ready, are we? 'Yeah, all ready.' 'It's going to happen now, you watch.' And at the end of the twenty-eight days, I said, 'How do you feel, honey? 'There's no difference, Abraham.'" Well, he said, "I said, 'Bless God! Sarah, don't you doubt it. God said so, we're going to have it anyhow!' This went on through the years.

46"And after year after year of passing, Mr. Skeptic, Mr. Unbeliever, all of them made fun of me. But in twenty-five years later, the baby was born when I was a hundred years old. God didn't tell me I'd have the baby the next day. He said I would have it! And I don't care how long it took, God promised it! I waited twenty-five years. They thought I was going to get so old I'd die, but I said, 'I can't die, the promise is to me. God said so!'"

47 "How Mr. Scoffer and Mr. Unbeliever, Mr. Skeptic, Mr. Impatient, constantly come by, had man anointed, said, 'Abraham, how many children now, father of nations, do you have?' But I held steady, because I never staggered at the Word of God by unbelief. I knowed God was able to keep every Word He promised. I didn't consider my own body, even dead, and the deadness of Sarah's womb. But I believed in God. They said, 'Well, I thought you said twenty-five years ago you was going to have the baby?' 'I did say it twenty-five years ago.' But Mr. Impatient there, said, "Well, twenty-five years has lapsed. Look at you now! The whiskers way down to your knees, almost. Look, you're an old man.' I let him know that God didn't tell me when I was going to have this baby. He said, 'You'll have it by Sarah,' and that settled it! I held steady. Now the Word never said when, It said it would!"

48 Let's call another witness right quick, we ain't got much time. We can call hundreds of them. Let's call another witness yet, Moses, have him to testify.

49"Why," he said, "I was trained in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. I was a professor to who wouldn't have it. But one day on the backside of the desert, after I was eighty years old, I met God. And He was in the form of a--of a sign, and He was a burning fire back in a bush. And He--He told me that He had heard the groans of His people, and He remembered His promise to deliver them. And He said, 'I'm sending you.' And I said, 'Who am I? I can't speak well. I--I--I'm not--I'm not a--I'm not a theologian. I--I can't go.' He said, 'You'll be given two signs. One of them will be in your hand, the other one be by a stick. And if they won't hear the voices of this sign, then pour some water upon the ground, it'll turn to blood, then that finishes it.'"

50 "When I took my sign that God give me and went down before Pharaoh, Pastor Pharaoh, he tried to make my gift look kind of shady. He said, 'Most any cheap fortune teller or Egyptian can do that. Most any cheap magic man can turn these tricks.' And he got out two fellows by the name of Jambres and Jannes, and actually they impersonated everything that I done. But that didn't stop me, because the Voice that sent me was a Scriptural Voice, and I stayed with it. It was the Word of God.

51"It was a Scriptural sign and a Scriptural Voice, 'For I remember My promise, and the time is at hand.' They hadn't had no prophets in Israel for hundreds of years, four hundred and forty years, they'd had no prophets in Israel. But He said, 'I'm sending you to be one.'" And he went. "And He told me that, for a sign, I'd 'come back and bring the children to this mountain.' It took a long time, but I did. I stayed right true to the Word. And when Jambres and those carnal impersonators that tried to mock it, yet I knowed no matter how much mock they could give..."

52Do you know that's to repeat again in the last days? Jesus said so. The Bible said, "As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so will these man in the last days," impersonators trying to act like, copy after.

53But he said, "I stood still because I knowed the Voice was a Scriptural Voice." Yet there was two of them, and only one of him. But he went down and did what he... and he, it proved out to be true, he come right back to the mountain where God told him.

54 "Step down, Moses. Let's call another witness right quick. Joshua."

55Joshua said, "When we was nearing the land, we come up to Kadesh-barnea. And Moses, the servant of God, went and took all of the... one out of every tribe, one out of every denomination, and he said, 'Let's go over and spy out the land.' And we went over, two of us, and brought back the evidence that the land was good." They had the evidence of it. Them were real Pentecostals. "So they come back with the evidence that the land was good. But when it come to taking the full land, they said, 'We can't do it. We can't do it. We're not able.' And the people was all tore up, didn't know what to do, which organization to go to. And I stilled them, said, 'Remember, it's a promise of God! God said, "I have given you this land." And what God promises, He'll do!' I got the people quiet. The next day, you say, 'Are we going to leave?' The next day, 'We going to leave?' It was forty years later, but we took the land!"

56 One more witness, right quick, may I call Isaiah to the stand. "Isaiah, would you testify for the Defense Witness, and give us a defense for the defendants, Defendant?"

57"I will. I was a prophet. I was a vindicated prophet. What I said, it wasn't... I--I didn't know what I was saying, but God made what I said come to pass. Everybody begin to believe it, all the church, they begin to believe it. And one day a strange thing happened. The Lord God said to me, 'Israel's seeking signs, so I want them to do that, but I'm going to give them a super Sign. And that's going to be for a super age, when they have supermarkets and super jets and super, everything super. I'm going to give them a super Sign, a virgin shall conceive!' And me being a vindicated prophet, every little virgin got her booties ready, and everything else, she was 'going to have the baby,' yes, sir, she was 'the one Jehovah called.' All kinds of things went on. Yes, sir. 'Well, now, we're expecting her, my daughter, to conceive.' This one thought this one, every girl was looking for it. Years passed. Some of them scratched their head, said, 'That old false prophet.' But it was eight hundred years later. He didn't say when she would conceive, He said she would conceive! Eight hundred years later a virgin conceived."

58 Now for the last witness, if you'll pardon me, can I be the last witness? That ain't back in the Bible, that's now. Let me be the next witness, just for a few minutes before we start the prayer line. And listen closely. I'd like to give a testimony for Him. I'd like to be called to the stand, and raise my hand to tell the Truth, nothing but the Truth.

59I'd like to say, how did I ever become a Christian? My father and mother, grandfather, grandmother, on both sides, was all sinners. And my nature was a cocklebur... then if I going to be a grain of wheat. But one morning in a little log cabin down in Kentucky, so said my mother and the midwife, on April the 6th, five o'clock in the morning, 1909, when the Lord God brought me into the earth, there was a Light standing at the little window. And when they opened the window back, mother laying on a little shuck bed, to find out what kind of a baby she had, a Light come whirling in. And the people of the mountains didn't know what to think about It. I was too little to know this.

60 And as a child, about eight years old, seven or eight years old, I was packing water to a moonshine still that my father owned. And while one warm September afternoon, sitting down, crying, going fishing out to the pond with the boys, and they... couldn't go on account of I had to pack this water. I heard like a Whirlwind in the tree, about half way up. Still, everywhere else, September in Indiana, everything's real still, dying, quiet. And this Whirlwind in a bush, there come a Voice out of there, and said, "Never smoke, drink, defile your body (that's run with women), anything like that, for there's a work for you to do when you get older." And my mother called the doctor, she thought I was so nervous.

61A week after that, I seen the Municipal Bridge, in a trance, as I called it, seen the Municipal Bridge cross the Ohio River, seen sixteen man lose their life on it. Twenty-two years from that day, the Municipal Bridge crosses the same place, and sixteen man lost their life in it.

62 At Green's Mill one night, not knowing what this all was about... Later I become a minister to serve the Lord. At Green's Mill one night... My pastors had just told me... I'd tell them about going, having a... being able to see things, and they told me it was the Devil. And me being a Christian, I didn't want nothing to do with the Devil, not at all. So I went up there, said, "Lord, I can't let... go through life like this." And I set up there in a little place way back at a fishing camp, praying. And one night there, as Lord had spoke to me, and at a tree, like He did to Moses. Then here on this Green's Mill, there come a Man in and told me that, not to try to ask to get rid of This, but It was a gift sent from God, that was to be taken to the peoples of the world, and to let me know by the Scriptures that all these things that had been promised according to the Bible must be fulfilled, that the time was at hand.

63And I went back and told my pastor. I went down and told him, and he said, "Billy, what have you eat? Did you have a dream, was that a nightmare?" But, to me, it was Malachi 4. He said, "How you going to do it?" It was Luke 17:30. It was also Revelation 10. It was also all these Scriptures that's been promised for the last days. I didn't see it done right then. People wondered, "When's this going to happen?" But I just held on.

64 One day at the river, I was baptizing five hundred people at the river, when, all of a sudden, this same Light that come in when I was a little boy. And I had told the people I had been seeing It. They said I was dreaming and it was some kind of a mental conception that I had. But before better than five thousand people, at two o'clock in the afternoon, in 1933, out of the skies come this Cloud coming down, speaking these Words, "As John the Baptist was commissioned to forerun the first coming of Christ, your ministry will forerun the second coming of Christ," where thousands times thousands of people heard it, and newspapers give witness of it.

65I want to say, and I want to call this to the attention of that blind prosecutor that's looking around for some man to have thorn prints and nails, and everything like that. It doesn't say that! It doesn't give such a promise.

66 We read here in Luke, the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, Jesus speaking, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be when the Son of man will be revealed." When He's being revealed! I want to draw your attention to this just for a few minutes, if you'll bear with me just a few minutes longer now. Be real reverent for just a few minutes.

67Notice, Jesus packed three names; Son of man, Son of David, Son of God. He had three names. All the same person, but with three names. Just like Father, Son, Holy Ghost; all the same God, three attributes.

68Just like me. My wife calls me husband. My children has nothing to do with me by the name of husband, I am their daddy. My little grandson sitting over there, has nothing to do with me in the name of daddy, nothing in the name of husband, he is my grandchild. And it's all the same person.

69 And we notice when Jesus come and tried to reveal Himself as Son of man (don't miss this), when He revealed Himself and called Himself, constantly, "the Son of man," Israel was blinded. They knowed nothing about what Son of man meant. But they said, "Son of David," when Blind Bartimaeus run out and recognized Him. David meant "King." Remember, Son of man, Son of David, Son of God (which was Lord). This Jew got what he asked for 'cause he approached Him in the Name of the Son of David, the King; He wasn't Saviour, but He was King.

70But when the Greek woman, the Syrophenician approached Him in the name of Son of David, He never even as much as raised His head. She had no claims on Him in the name of Son of David. He wasn't Son of David to that Syrophenician woman. But when she said, "Lord," then He turned around. He was the Lord. See? Lord, He was Lord! No Son of David to her.

71 Now, why wasn't He recognized as Son of man? The Son of man was the spiritual revelation, a prophet. Son of man means "prophet."

72Now if you'll turn over in your Bibles to Ezekiel, the 2nd chapter and the 1st verse, you'll find out that Ezekiel was the prophet, the Word of God for that day. And Jehovah Himself called him the son of man. Jehovah called him a man, the son of man, the same as Jesus revealed Himself as Son of man. What was it? The promised Word of that hour being made manifest, same God! God of Ezekiel's time, God of Jesus' time, Son of man! He was not at that time...

73He was the Son of man because He had come to reveal Himself to Israel as a Prophet, and they rejected it. And that was the prophecy that they should receive Him in, in the name of the Son of man, a Prophet, because it was according to the Word. Deuteronomy 18:15, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me." And when He come, He identified Himself in His ministry as a man, not a Son of God, Son of man! God is a Spirit. And He revealed Himself as Son of man, what He claimed to be. And they was blinded and couldn't see it.

74 But now unto the Gentiles He reveals Hisself, and now the Son of God which is the Holy Ghost. Now, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom!"

75I want this blind prosecutor to see this. He's a blind interpreter of the Word, always. He takes his organizational ideas of It, and knows no more about It than nothing. He does it to deceive, because he is a deceiver at the beginning.

76Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, when the Son of man is being revealed!" In the days of Sodom was the Son (that was God) revealed in human flesh, which was one time called Melchisedec, the Father. Melchisedec at that time had no father and no mother, and no beginning of days or no ending of life; ever Who He was, He remains the same. Jesus had father and mother; but this Man had neither father nor mother. And He appeared to Abraham in the form of a Son of man, Elohim, Jehovah. The church now has served the term through the church age, in the baptism of the Holy Ghost. But Jesus said here, to make Malachi 4 and the rest of these Scriptures real to you, see, that "In the last days, just before the Coming, the world setting will be like the Sodom, and the Son of man will reveal Hisself as the Son of man like He did in the days of Sodom."

77Blind prosecutor, can't you see that? His Words are true. Not nail scars and prints and thorns.

78 It's the Son of God impersonated in His Church, as Son of man. It has to fulfill Malachi 4 and the rest of the Scriptures. I call to the court's attention, look at that real good, "Son of man"! Like God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost; it's the same God, three different attributes of the same God. Now, this is Son of David... Son of man revealed then as a Prophet. Son of David, the King. And now the Son of God to the church age, as, God isn't man, God is a Spirit, and the Spirit's Son is the Holy Ghost, which is revealing the church age. But promised here, "In the last days, that the Son of man would be revealed"!

79Blind prosecutor, do you get that? And I want you to know, blind prosecutor, we see It, we believe It, these Words fulfilled before us and we know that they are Truth.

80 To the Jews He was the Son of David. To the Greeks He was Lord, to us He's Lord, to the Gentiles. And now in the last days, He would return back again as Son of man, because Malachi promises that there would be a prophet rise up in the last days that would return the hearts of people back to (away from them organizations) back to the original Word, the Faith of the fathers, the original Pentecost. And when He did it, Saint John 14:12, the works that He did would be done also. Revelation 10 promised the whole mystery. How you going to reveal the mysteries? See what Luther left off, see what Wesley left off, see what Pentecost left off, and reveal the secret of the heart, to make it the same God through every age, which is nothing but God's Word being made manifest back to the Son of man again. We don't look for nail scars; we look for the Word made manifest. Notice, God promised these things now, and He does it just as He said. I could say more, but, we'll leave the subject, it's getting late.

81 Mr. Prosecutor, I want you to know that I could call thousands of witnesses here this afternoon. I want you to know that the things that He said that He did, we are witnesses that "He keeps His Word!" There is a genuine Holy Ghost meeting! There is a genuine power of God! And there is a genuine promise that they shall recover, when they lay hands on the sick. I want you to know that. I want you to know He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

82 I am a stranger, and I'm only bearing record of what the Bible says to be Truth. If you notice, the Angel of the Lord that come in the form of a man, had His back turned to the tent, and He told Abraham what Sarah was thinking. Jesus said it would repeat. Now, if I have told the Truth, let God confirm that to be the Truth. Let Him reveal it. Then, it's no secret, we know then. The... I'll leave this court this afternoon with this verdict, to make in your own mind. Let the God that made the promise... Not back in them days; they were vindicated. Let the God that made the promise vindicate it today, say the same. Some of you think in your heart, pray to God for your sickness or your affliction, and see if God will reveal the secret of the heart. I challenge you to do it, from one side to the other. Now, would I dare to do a thing like that if I wasn't standing exactly on what the Scripture says? I want this court to see that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, that He keeps His promise. And He promised that Jesus Christ would be revealed in the last days, as the Son of man. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

83 A man sitting here suffering with hemorrhoids. I never seen you in my life. If that's right, raise up your hand. You believe me to give witness of the Word of God? That's your wife sitting next to you. She's suffering also, cyst on her head. That's right, raise up your hand. Do you believe God can tell me who you are? If He's still the Word, the Word knows the secret of the heart. You are Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. If that's right, raise up your hand. Why don't you believe It?

[A sister begins speaking in another tongue. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

84Here, here sits a man sitting right here, his head down, crying, praying for himself and also for his wife. She isn't here. She's not with you this afternoon. She's suffering. You think God could tell me what her trouble is, and her not here? You believe it? You do? I'm a stranger to you, is that right? Your wife has a female trouble. If that's right, raise up your hand, high, so they'll see it. And your name is Mr. Smith. Do you believe that God will make her well? If that's right, wave your hand up-and-down, like this.

I challenge you to believe that Jesus Christ is revealed in the form of Son of man, in human flesh, through the Bride's Body. Accept His call.

85 Here is a woman sitting here looking at me. She suffers with high blood pressure. Do you believe that God could tell me who you are? They call you Daisy. If you... Is that right? Raise up your hand. Believe now with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make you... give you your desire. You see, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe it?

86Here's a man sitting right back here looking at me, he's got a burden on his heart. It's for his son, son has diabetes. Do you believe? That was your wife that started weeping right next to you there, she's got a burden on her heart. That's for her sister. Her sister has heart trouble, complication. You are Mr. and Mrs. Sickles. If that right, wave your hand up and down like this. If I'm a total stranger to you, stand up on your feet. Stand up, if I'm a stranger to you and don't know you.

87What is it? The fulfilling of the Word of God in the last days! Prosecutor, I want you to know that the Word of God is true. God told me that thirty-three years ago. I've waited all this time, but it's fulfilled right here this afternoon. God keeps His Word! He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. God bless you; go and get your desire now.

88 Your mind is the jury. The jury has to make up its mind. And the way you act from now on will pronounce or show to the people what your verdict is. Is He guilty or is He not guilty? Do you believe that He's not guilty, that He does keep His Word? It's us that has the... We're listening to old man Impatient, Mr. Unbeliever, and Mr. Skeptic. But now you'll believe that God keeps His Word? Your mind is the jury. And the way you act from hereafter will prove to the people what your verdict is. You believe that? Let us bow our heads then.

89I've told you the honest Truth. If we had time to stay here, there ain't a Scripture in the Bible but what'll testify to the same thing. I've been honest. You know, sometimes, to be honest it's not an easy task. But as long as God stands there! It wasn't easy for Luther, Wesley, or none of the rest. It isn't easy for you or anybody else that takes a stand. But this afternoon you've got to make your stand. He never said... He said, "They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." If you believe it, then I don't care if it happens right here, if it happens next week, it happens twenty years from today; if you absolutely believe it, it's got to happen. I...

90 There's a doctor sitting present now, as I understand. I want to thank him. I was at a patient, to see his patient, a while ago, early this morning in a hospital, who's bound to die, so they think. She's so eaten with cancer. And this little woman said to me, said, "My surgeon has been attending your meeting, and he agrees with you. And not only that, but, Brother Branham, I want you to know he's standing with you in prayer for me." If I needed any medical attention, I'd want him to give it to me, a man that can trust God like that! Yes. They're in all walks of life, in all professions.

Let's remember, the verdict is yours now.

91 Lord Jesus, I've just tried to explain the Word. You've testified that It's the Truth. Your witnesses, we could have called hundreds, and yet we haven't the time. Here also lays handkerchiefs, laying here, that's going to the sick and the afflicted, right here where the Holy Spirit gives witness that Jesus is still alive. We know Him by His Life, the life that He lived, the things that He did. And we pray, God, now as laying hands upon these handkerchiefs, that whosoever they touch may they be healed. I offer my prayer, with faith, along with this other bunch of believers, for these who are not able to be here. May they enjoy the greatness of God. They may be sick and can't come. Some poor old father sitting back there in a room, pecking on a little white cane, this afternoon, waiting for this handkerchief to return. That baby laying there in the hospital, burning up with a fever, and someone waiting to bring it the handkerchief. Let the power of Almighty God go with them, anoint them with the same anointing that's been upon the meeting this afternoon. And may they recover, Lord. We offer this prayer in their behalf, because they wasn't present. But You're omnipresent. May You be there to confirm Your Word, through Jesus Christ's Name.

92 Now let the Holy Spirit truly, not emotion, not some kind of just a halfway hope, but a genuine verdict may be passed for this, what I call this afternoon, "the court." May each one of them give testimony the same, as they take their prayer card and hold in their hands, as they cross the platform. May, when they have... being ministered to according to the 16th chapter of Saint Mark, "They shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they shall recover." As Your elected servant stands here and we lay our hands upon them, Lord, may it settle it forever. May they go out of here just as happy, and forget about they ever had any troubles, because they're sure, like Abraham was, that God is able to perform the promises that He made. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

93 How many's got your verdict? Raise your hand, "I've got my verdict." All right, court, you will be ministered to according to God's Holy Word, "These signs shall follow them that believe." I'm not going to leave you sitting here, thinking that just because this gift, that that makes anybody any more than anybody else. You've got godly pastors here. They're here, were going to ask them to stand with me on the platform. They'll lay their hands on the same as I do. They had us to come here, and they're here as your... as witnesses of God. They're bearing witnesses to the Truth. Now, can't say, "Brother Branham laid hands," 'cause my hands is no more than theirs or anybody else's. It's your faith, your verdict that you passed on the Word of God. God keeps! And if God can keep that part of the Word and prove it to you, then you're already healed, because by His stripes you were healed.

94 Now, I want all that's in this section over here, that's got prayer cards, stand up on that side around the wall. Now, all that's in this section here, that has prayer cards, stand up in the middle of the aisles and face back that way. And all that's in this section here, that has prayer cards... Now, on this--this section here, now turn back the other way now, go back this a-way. Turn the other way, 'cause I want a straight line. All that's in this section, come out this way, face back that way. And all that's in this section up here, that's got prayer cards, come out this way and face back that way, and the prayer line will be running. All that's in the balcony, with prayer cards, wants to be prayed for, come right down and fall right in behind this next section as they come. While they're coming, I...

95 [Brother Branham speaks with the ministers on the platform--Ed.] You want me to call other ministers? Is it all right to give witness? All, is it all right with you all? What's your verdict in the trial? [The brother answers, "I know that them things is the Truth."] All right.

96The pastors wants to know, wants the fellowship with other ministers. They want any minister in here that believes in God, and believes that laying hands on the sick, if their verdict this afternoon, that it's the "Truth," they invite you as their colleagues to come here and stand on the platform with us while we pray. All pastors that's filled with God's Spirit, and your verdict now is that you believe that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, you believe that Mark 16 is the Truth, these pastors here wants to invite you up here now as their colleagues to the Gospel. Come up here and stand on the platform with us as we form these prayer lines, to pray. Right here, bring them up this way. All pastors in the building, no matter what denomination. They just told me to ask you. Come on up here if you wish to come at this time, and form this prayer line to be prayed, pray for the sick, to lay hands on the sick.

97 How many in here that isn't... is well, now, and you don't have to be prayed for, but you are believers, raise up your hand. Will you promise me also that your prayers will be going up with we pastors while we're praying for these people? What if that was your mother standing over there? What if that was your wife? What if that was your brother or sister? Remember, it's somebody's mother, it's somebody's brother, it's somebody's sister, it's some mother's boy or girl, it's somebody's. And we will do to others as we'd have others do to us. Now, I want you, everyone to be reverent and in prayer.

98And while they have got their lines formed about now, to where they can come through, I want the ministers now to come here and form a double line right around the side of the platform here, right up and down this way, form a double line so that the people passing by. I'll set this microphone back, Mr. Borders will be standing here leading in song. That's right, double line up and down this a-way, so the people...

99 Now, to each one of you that's standing in line, to make it double sure to Satan, the prosecutor, that your decision is made up. The very fact that you believe that what you need is God's Word, and It's the Truth, and you're coming through this line to have hands laid upon you. And from this time on, your action is going to prove what your verdict was. Raise up your hand, and say, "I promise God that." All that's in that line.

100 Now let us pray. Our Heavenly Father, the... this people, this afternoon, has been treated like a court. I feel, Lord, You've had a--a real trial. Pilate didn't give You the right kind. He got false witnesses. But You overrode the false witness. The--the Defense Witness, the Holy Spirit come to confirm the Word before the people. You've had a fair trial. And the people has made up their mind, they passed their verdict, they say, and they're coming through to prove to the world that they believe Your Word is so. It's been misinterpreted. Some of them saying, "Let me see you do this, let me see you do that." It ain't according to Your Word. The Word said, "They shall recover." And we've brought witnesses to the platform, to prove that that's what You said. You do things Your Own way.

101Now, I pray, Father, that You will grant these blessings this afternoon to the people. As Your servant, and with all Your other servants, hundreds of them here, we offer our prayer for these people. Anoint these fine pastors, Lord. The skeptic ever comes by, or unbeliever, or Mr. Impatient, or any of those critics, scoffers that's been through every age, if they come by these people, may this court this afternoon ring out against it, their testimony. That, no matter what they say, so as it was in the day of Sodom, goes into destruction. How they scoffed and made fun! But it didn't make any different, the believers held right to the Word. And we're ready to hold to the Word this afternoon, Father. I join myself with Your other pastors here, to lay hands upon these people, may the power of Almighty God, Which we know is present now vindicating the Word, make each one of them well. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

102 Brother Roy, if you'll come to the platform. Every head bowed now, everybody praying and singing. If you don't pray, sing Only Believe. As you pass through, just believe, pass through. Just no matter what you say or do, that's up to you. If you want to shout, shout. And if you want to walk off... No matter what it is, just believe God. Walk off and say, "It's settled in my heart." Just like if you went to the pool to be baptized. That settles it, if you believe it. You're a Christian as long as you believe. Is that right? And you'll be healed as long as you believe. Let's all pray now. All right, Brother Borders. [Brother Branham prays for the sick. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Only believe!

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

103 I minister the Word of God to you. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may every one of you receive what you've asked for. "If you say to this mountain, 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you have said." When you pray, believe that you receive what you asked for, and it shall be given unto you. I minister in the Name of Jesus Christ. I believe that our verdict has been made up and been passed and our actions proves now that we believe, and we know He healed. If I never see you again this side the river, I'll meet you on the other side. Then the great Holy Spirit Who has been our Guest this week, here with us and has ministered to us, He will witness to you then that I've told you the Truth. Until that time:

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

Let's bow our heads now.

104Real quietly and sweetly. [Brother Branham begins humming Till We Meet--Ed.]

105May death's waves be slipped before you. May the God of Heaven, Whose Presence we're in, ever keep you safe until we meet.

God bless you, brother. I appreciate you.