Pozri sa na to. Nie len tu, ale po celom svete. Tá vec je poškvrnená, a svet, príroda ... Bože buď milostivý! Celý svet je vo svojich pôrodných bolestiach. Svet sa snaží ... Ona sa zvíja, povedal Izaiáš. Čo sa deje? Ona sa snaží porodiť nový svet pre Milénium, kde je očistený všetok hriech, snaží sa porodiť nový svet pre nových ľudí, ktorí nebudú hrešiť a neznečistia ho. Je to tak. Ona je v bolestiach.
Preto to ... Sme v pôrodných bolestiach - aby zrodiť Nevestu pre Krista. Všetko je v pôrodných bolestiach, vzdychá. Vidíte, niečo sa má stať. A táto šiesta pliaga jej dá porodiť!
Brat, vypuknú zemetrasenia a zem sa bude otvárať a hviezdy sa budú triasť, vybuchnú sopky a zem sa obnoví. Zo stredu zeme sa vyvalí nová láva a rozleje sa všade dookola ďalej a ďalej pri tom, ako sa tam otáča.
Hovorím vám, jedno ráno, keď Ježiš a Jeho Nevesta prídu na zem, bude tam Raj Boží, kde ... Ó! Budú tam prechádzať tí starí bojovníci z toho boja zo svojimi priateľmi a s milovanými. Chválospevy budú napĺňať ovzdušie, s anjelskými duchmi. "Och, dobre si to urobil, môj dobrý a verný sluha, vojdi do radosti svojho Pána, ktorá ti bola pripravená, akú si mal mať tam, prv ako Eva začala v hriechu." Amen!
Áno, šiesta Pečať urobí niečo. Tak veru! Skutočne celý svet žalostí a bolestí za tým vekom milénia. No, tento je teraz tak presiaknutý špinou.
1Skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Pane, znovu sme zhromaždení ku bohoslužbe. A predstavujeme si ten čas v tých dávnych dňoch, keď oni všetci chodili hore do šilo, pre požehnanie Pánovo.
A teraz, dnes večer, sme sa tu zhromaždili, aby sme počúvali Tvoje Slovo. A ako sme sa zahĺbali v týchto určitých častiach tohoto Písma, že Baránok bol tej Jediný, ktorý mohol otvoriť Pečate, alebo ich uvoľniť. A modlíme sa, aby dnes večer, pri tom, keď uvažujeme o tejto veľkej šiestej Pečati, modlíme sa, Nebeský Otče, aby nám to Baránok dnes večer otvoril, aby ... Sme tu na to, aby sme tomu rozumeli. A žiadny človek ani na zemi, ani na Nebi nebol dostatočný, jedine Baránok bol nájdený dostatočný.
Tak nech ten plne dostatočný príde a otvorí nám tú Pečať dnes večer, aby sme sa mohli pozrieť za Oponu Času. To nám pomôže, veríme, Otče, v tomto veľkom temnom hriešnom čase, v ktorom žijeme - pomôže nám to a dá nám to odvahu. Porúčame sa Ti s týmto Slovom, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
2Dobrý večer, priatelia. Je to privilégium, byť tu znovu dnes večer, byť v službe Pánovej. Trošku som sa oneskoril. Odišiel som len do ... ku naliehavej potrebe zomierajúceho muža, člena tohoto zboru. Jeho matka sem chodí. A oni povedali, že ten chlapec práve zomiera. A tak som tam išiel, aby som videl len tieň muža, ktorý ležal na posteli, zomieral - muža približne v mojom veku. A v krátkej chvíli, som videl toho muža, ako sa postavil na nohy a chválil Pána.
A tak Boh, ak my budeme ochotní vyznať naše hriechy a robiť to, čo je správne a prosiť o milosť - volať ku Nemu - Boh je ochotný a čaká, aby nám to dal.
A teraz, viem, že je tu dnes večer teplo, (Nie, hádam kúrenie je úplne zastavené) a my sme ... Všimol som si minulý večer, či dnes ... Toto je môj siedmy deň v miestnosti bez svetla, (len elektrické svetlá, viete) študujem a modlím sa ku Bohu, aby otvoril tieto Pečate.
A bolo tak veľa tých, ktorí napísali v tej hromade otázok minulý večer, bolo viac či menej ... Nie ani toľko otázok, to bola túžba mať jednako službu s uzdravovaním - chceli, aby sme tu zostali deň navyše a v pondelok mali ešte službu s uzdravovaním. A tak by som ... V skutočnosti by som to mohol urobiť, ak by si to tak ľudia priali, že by si to oni priali. Môžete si to premyslieť a dáte mi vedieť, ale ... ak budete len chcieť zostať a modliť sa za chorých, pretože ja som vyznačil všetok tento čas úplne na tieto Pečate, držal som sa stranou kvôli týmto Pečatiam. Tak môžete si to premyslieť a modliť sa za to, a potom mi dajte vedieť.
A budem, ak Pán dá, môžem ... Môj ďalší dohodnutý termín je v Albuquerque, v New Mexico, a dovtedy je ešte niekoľko dní; a musím ísť domov, kvôli určitým veciam a pripraviť ďalšie zhromaždenie v Arizone. A tak potom, ak to bude vôľa Pánova, modlite sa za to, a ja sa tiež budem modliť, a potom budeme vedieť o tom trochu viac, trochu neskoršie.
A práve zisťujem, teraz ... Vidíte, začínate hovoriť o nemociach a tu to prichádza, vidíte. Táto pani, ktorá sedí rovno tu, ak jej niečo nepomôže, zostane tu už iba na chvíľu. Tak potom, modlíme sa len, aby Boh ... Kvôli tomu ste tu. Prichádzate z ďaleka ... tak vidíte, Duch Svätý vie proste o všetkom. Ale ja som sa snažil vyznačiť tento čas pre tieto Pečate, pretože, kvôli tomu sme ho vyznačili, viete. Ale ak je nejaká ...
Koľkí sú nemocní, je tu niekto, kto prišiel, aby sme sa za neho modlili? Nech vidíme vaše ruky - všade dokola. Ó! Dobre, koľkí z vás by si mysleli, že by to bolo dobre, vôľa Pánova, zostať a mať ... vziať pondelok večer a modliť sa len za chorých? Mať pondelok večer službu s uzdravovaním? Chceli by ste to tak? Mohli by ste to urobiť? Dobre, keď Pán dá, urobíme to potom. Budeme mať službu s modlitbou za nemocných v pondelok večer a budeme sa modliť za chorých.
No, dúfam, že to nenaruší tú skupinu s ktorou pôjdem naspäť do Arizony. Brat Norman. Je tu niekde? Naruší to tvoj program, brat Norman, alebo nie? Brat Fred a vy ostatní, je to v poriadku? No dobre. V poriadku, potom, keď Pán dá, v pondelok večer sa budem modliť za chorých. Proste jeden večer oddelíme na to všetko, budeme sa len modliť za chorých. No, tam nebude žiadna z týchto Pečatí. Pán práve otvára tieto Pečate, a potom, v pondelok večer sa budeme modliť za chorých.
Teraz ... Ó, skutočne sa tomuto ohromne radujem, službe Pánovej pod týmito ... Tešíte sa z nich? Teraz sme ... teraz, hovoriť z tejto Piatej Pečati ... či vlastne šiestej Pečati, a to zachádza dole teraz od 12. verša šiestej kapitoly do 17. verša. Toto je jedna z tých dlhých pečatí, lebo tu sa deje dosť vecí.
A teraz malý prehľad minulého večera - trochu také zopakovanie, ako zakaždým. A hovorím, chcem povedať tiež niečo. Našiel som v tej skrinke štyri alebo päť, pre mňa veľmi dôležitých vecí. Chcel som povedať, že ... A skutočne chcem ospravedlniť (je zapnuté nahrávanie?) Chcem sa ospravedlniť svojím bratom kazateľom a vám ľuďom tu.
3Oni hovoria, že minulý večer, keď som hovoril o Eliášovi, v tej hodine, keď oni boli ... on si myslel, že on bol len jediný, ktorý bude vytrhnutý, alebo jediný, ktorý bude spasený, a ja som povedal sedem sto, namiesto sedem tisíc. Je to tak? No, skutočne sa za to ospravedlňujem, ľudia. Ja som to vedel. To bolo proste zamumlanie v reči, pretože ja viem, že ich bolo sedem tisíc. Ja som to proste nepovedal správne. Ďakujem vám.
A to znamená ... Som rád, že dávate pozor na to, čo hovorím, pretože to je sedem tisíc. Mám o tom dve alebo tri poznámky. Tam stojí: "Brat Branham, verím, že si sa pomýlil"; Tam stojí: "Nebolo ich tam sedem tisíc namiesto sedem sto?"
A myslel som si: "Veď ja som nepovedal sedem sto." A potom Billy ... A hneď potom som vzal ďalšiu poznámku a tam stálo: "Brat Branham, myslím, že si povedal sedem sto." A jedna osoba povedala: "Brat Branham, bolo to nejaké duchovné videnie, že to tam bude len ... nejaký typ a ty to zobrazuješ s tými sem...?" Vedie to ľudí do krajností, keď začínate rozmýšľať o týchto veciach, a toho je dosť. Som z toho nervózny.
4Niečo sa dnes stalo, keď bola zjavená táto Pečať, že som sa musel ísť poprechádzať úplne von na dvor, proste pochodiť si za chvíľu vonku po dvore. Tak veru. Vyrazilo mi to skoro dych. Vidíte? Také napätie, ó! A ďalšia vec, vy spočívate presne na tom, čo ja hovorím, a Boh ma bude brať na zodpovednosť za to, čo vám hovorím. A tak si musím byť absolútne istý týchto vecí, pretože toto je ohromný čas, v ktorom žijeme.
Rozmýšľal som o službe s uzdravovaním na pondelok večer. Nebude ti to prekážať, brat Neville? Vzácny brat Neville. Hovorím vám ... oni urobili len jedného. Myslím, že oni stratili ten model. On je skutočne môj kamarát a priateľ, hovorím vám.
5Modlitebňa je teraz prestavaná a má miestnosti na nedeľnú školu a všetko je tu pripravené v poriadku. A niektorí z vás ľudí, ktorí ste tu okolo, rovno v Jeffersonville, ktorí chcete prichádzať do zboru, máte pekné miesto a miesto, prísť do nedeľnej školy a dobrých učiteľov a brata Nevilleho tu pre tú dospelú triedu, a skutočného pastora. Nehovorím to, aby mu dať kyticu, ale radšej mu dám teraz malú ružu, než celý veniec potom, keď ho tu už nebude. A brat Neville - poznám ho od vtedy, ako som bol chlapcom, a on sa ani trochu nezmenil. On je stále Orman Neville, tak ako vždy bol.
6Vzpomínam si návštevy ... Dokonca on mal toľko milosti, že ma požiadal kázať spoza jeho kazateľni, keď bol metodistický kazateľ tu dole v meste. A mali sme pekné zhromaždenie tam dole v Clarksville. Myslím, že sa to nazývalo Howard Park ... Harrison Avenue Metodist Church. Myslím, že tam ťa on musel nájsť, tam dole, sestra Neville. Tam dole, pretože ona bola metodistka.
7Vrátil som sa sem a povedal som tu v zbore, povedal som: "To je jeden z najlepších ľudí, a v jednom z týchto dní ho pokrstím vo meno Pána Ježiša." Stalo sa to. On je tu, a teraz je on môj kamarát, rovno po mojom boku a taký ctený, vážený muž. On stále stál vedľa mňa tak, ako ... tak blízko, ako len mohol stáť. Čokoľvek poviem, on len zostáva so mnou a drží sa toho. Keď sem prvý krát prišiel ... On vtedy nerozumel to posolstvo, ale on tomu veril, a on zostal pri ňom. To je česť. To je úcta. Pre takéhoto brata, neviem sa dostatočne o ňom vypovedať. A teraz ho Pán žehná.
No dobre, teraz, taký malý prehľad z minulého večera, z lámania tej Piatej Pečati. Nechceme to znovu rozoberať dnes večer, len aby sme sa dostali ku Piatej Pečati.
8No, nachádzame, že tam bol antikrist, ktorý jazdil a išiel stále ďalej a rozvinul sa z týchto troch mocí, všetko vošlo do jednej moci a jazdiac išiel na plavom koni, Smrť, do bezodnej priepasti, do zatratenia, odkiaľ prišiel. A potom sme zistili, že keď ... Písma hovorili, že keď nepriateľ prichádza ako potopa, Duch Boží povstáva a stavia sa proti tomu.
9A videli sme to dokonale potvrdené v Slove minulý večer. Pretože tam boli štyri živé bytosti, ktoré odpovedali štyri krát na tohoto jazdca, ktorý jazdil, a on jazdil za každým na inom koni - na bielom koni a potom na červenom koni a na čiernom koni a potom na plavom koni. A zistili sme, že tieto farby a čo oni boli, a čo oni robili; potom sme to zobrali rovno späť do cirkevných vekov a bolo to presne to, čo oni urobili, tak dokonale.
A tak vidíte, že keď Slovo Božie zapasúva dokopy, to znamená, že to je správne. Vidíte, ja verím, že všetko, čo sa spája so Slovom Božím je stále "amen!"
10Ako nejaká osoba povedala, že oni mali videnie, a oni povedali, že to bolo ... Och, oni vedia, že to dal Pán, pretože to prišlo s veľkou mocou.. Dobre, to videnie môže byť v poriadku, ale ak sa to nezhoduje so Slovom a je to proti Slovu, ne je to správne.
11Teraz možno, že sú tu prítomní, nejakí Mormonskí bratia a sestry, a možno sa im dostane niektorá z týchto pások, teraz, a ja nechcem povedať, že ... Niektorí z tých najlepších ľudí, ktorých som ... ktorých by ste chceli stretnúť sú mormonskí ľudia - veľmi fajn druh ľudí; a potom ich prorok, Jozef Smith, ktorého metodisti zabili tu v Illinois, na ich ceste po ... a tak potom tento fajn muž. A to videnie, ja vôbec nepochybujem, že on mal to videnie. Ja verím, že on bol úprimný človek, ale to videnie, ktoré on mal bolo v protiklade s Písmom. Preto, oni museli mať Mormonskú Bibliu, aby to dopasovať. Toto je to tu, pre mňa. Preto ... Toto je Slovo - to je to.
12Raz tu prišiel nejaký kazateľ z cudzej krajiny, a ja som ho videl vonku s ... jazdiť na aute s ... čo nebolo ... s nejakou paňou. A oni prišli na zhromaždenie. A ja som zistil, že oni išli na aute dva alebo tri dni (len on a ona na zhromaždenie), aby prišli spolu na zhromaždenie; a tá žena bola tri alebo štyri krát vydatá. A tento kazateľ prechádzal v hoteli cez vestibul, kde som bol a prechádzal okolo a potriasol si so mnou ruku, a ja som mu potriasol rukou, a vstal som, a rozprával som sa s ním.
Opýtal som sa ho; povedal som: "Keď budeš mať čas, mohol by som sa s tebou na chvíľu porozprávať vo svojej izbe?"
On povedal: "Samozrejme, brat Branham." Vzal som ho na izbu a povedal som tomu kazateľovi. Povedal som: "Reverend, pane, ty si cudzí v tejto krajine," povedal som, "ale táto pani je dosť známa." Povedal som: "Ty si prišiel celou cestou z toho a z toho miesta sem na toto a toto miesto?"
On povedal: "Áno, pane."
A ja som povedal: "Nebojíš sa, že to bude určitým ... Nepochybujem o tebe, ale nemyslíš si, že to bude na teba vrhať nie dobrú povesť, ako na kazateľa? Nemyslíš, že by sme mali predkladať lepší príklad, ako toto?"
A on povedal: "Och, táto pani je svätá." Povedal som: "Ja o tom nepochybujem," ale povedal som, "ale brat, to spôsobuje, že každý sa díva na ňu, že nie je svätá. Oni sa dívajú na to, čo vy robíte." A povedal som: "Myslím, že by si mal byť opatrnejší. Hovorím ti to, ako brat bratovi." Povedal som: "Tá pani bola vydatá už štyri alebo päť krát."
On povedal: "Áno, ja to viem." Povedal som: "Ty toto predsa neučíš vo svojom zbore doma, či áno, brat?
Povedal: "Nie, ale vieš, ja som mal o tom videnie, brat Branham."
Povedal som: "Dobre, to je v poriadku."
On povedal: "Môžem ti niečo povedať? Verím, že by som ťa mohol trochu napraviť v tvojom učení o tom."
A ja som povedal: "V poriadku." A povedal som: "Rád sa to dozviem, pane."
On povedal: "No, vieš, v tom videní," on povedal, "Ja som spal."
A ja som povedal: "Áno." (poznal som, že to bol sen.)
13A on povedal: "Moja žena," povedal, "moja žena žila s iným mužom a podvádzala ma." A povedal: "Potom ona prišla ku mne a povedala mi, 'Och, drahý, odpusť mi; odpusť mi.' Povedala: 'Ľutujem, že som to urobila. Od teraz budem verná.' " On povedal: "Samozrejme, miloval som ju tak, že som jej proste odpustil a povedal som, 'no dobre.' " A povedal: "A potom vieš čo? Potom som dostal výklad toho videnia." Povedal: "To bola tá žena." Povedal: "To je pravda, ona bola vydatá, a zase znovu, po všetky tie razy," a povedal: "to je v poriadku, že sa ona vydáva, pretože Pán ju tak veľmi miluje, že sa môže vydať, toľko krát koľko chce."
Povedal som: "Tvoje videnie bolo veľmi sladké, ale je mimo tu tej vyšľapanej cesty." Povedal som: "To je zlé, vidíš. Nemal by si to robiť."
14Tak to je ... Vidíte ... Ale keď vidíte Písmo zapadať do Písma, ako vytvára trvalú súvislosť, kde sa oni stretávajú ... Tie Písma, keď toto jedno končí tu, prichádza toto druhé tu a zapadá do toho a vykresľuje celý obraz. Tak ako vypĺňanie krížovky. Nájdete ten kúsok, ktorý tam pasuje. Nič inšie tam nemôže pasovať. Potom dostávate ten obraz správny. A je len Jeden, ktorý to môže robiť; to je Baránok, a tak my hľadíme na Neho.
15Ale sme zistili, že keď títo ... tento jazdec ... To bol jeden jazdec, ktorý jazdil na týchto koňoch, a keď sme ho sledovali a videli, čo on robí a všetko, a našli sme spätne v cirkevných vekoch, že to je presne to, čo on robil. Potom, keď on vyšiel na určitom zvierati a robil určitú vec, našli sme, že bol niekto poslaný, aby bojoval proti tomu, čo on robil.
16Tam bol niekto poslaný v prvom veku, lev. To bolo Slovo, samozrejme - Kristus. Ďalší bol vôl, počas tých temných vekov, keď sa cirkev zorganizovala a prijala dogmy namiesto Slova.
17A pamätajte, celá tá vec je založená na dvoch veciach: jednou je antikrist a tou druhou je Kristus. Dnes je to stále to isté. Neexistuje polovičný kresťan. Neexistuje opilo-triezvy človek, nie sú čierno-biele vtáky. Nie, nie! - Nie je hriešnik-svätý. Nie, ty si buď hriešnik alebo svätý. Nie je niečo medzi tým.
18Vy ste buď znovuzrodení alebo nie ste znovuzrodení. Vy ste buď naplnení Duchom Svätým, alebo nie ste naplnení Duchom Svätým. Nezáleží na tom koľko ste mali senzácií, ak ste nie naplnení Duchom Svätým, nie ste Ním naplnení. A ak ste Ním boli naplnení, váš život to ukazuje. Idete rovno do toho. Nikto nemusí nikomu o tom hovoriť. Oni to vidia, pretože to je pečať.
19No, našli sme tieto zvieratá, ako oni jazdili v každom čase. Jedna poslaná do jeho služby v politickej moci, spájajúc náboženskú moc a politickú moc spolu. Zistili sme, že Boh poslal Svoju moc, aby proti tomu bojovala. Išli sme rovno naspäť a videli sme, aký to bol cirkevný vek a pozreli sme sa naspäť, a bolo to tam presne tak.
20A potom sme videli nastupovať ďalší vek, a ten nepriateľ poslal antikrista pod menom náboženstva, pod menom Krista, pod menom cirkvi. Tak veru! Vyšiel pod menom cirkvi. "To bola tá skutočná Cirkev," on povedal. Antikrist nie je Rusko. Antikrist nie je toto. Antikrist je tak blízko skutočného Kresťanstva, že až Biblia povedala, že to oklame každého, kto nebol predurčený.
21Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch všetko, čo nebolo predurčené, vyvolené ... Hovorí: "vyvolení ..." A každý môže vziať to slovo a prečítať si ho tam pod čiarou a uvidíte, čo ono znamená. Tam stojí vyvolení, predurčení. To oklame každého z nich, ktorých mená neboli napísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života od založenia sveta.
22Keď ten Baránok bol zabitý, tie mená boli vložené do tej Knihy. On stojí dnes večer na tom Svätom mieste vo Chvále, ako Prostredník, vykonávajúci prímluvu za každú z týchto duší, ktorých mená sú v tej Knihe. A nikto nepozná to meno okrem Neho. On je ten Jediný, ktorý má tú Knihu vo svojej ruke. A On vie, že keď ten posledný vojde, dni Jeho prímluvy sa skončili. On potom vystupuje dopredu, aby si nárokoval to, za čo sa primlúval. On teraz vykonáva prácu Príbuzenského Vykupiteľa a prichádza, aby prijal Svoje vlastníctvo.
23Ó! To má postaviť každého kresťana, aby skúmal samého seba a držal svoje ruky pred Bohom a hovoril: "Očisti ma, ó Pane. Pozri sa do môjho života a daj mi vidieť, kde je moja zlá časť, a daj mi to čím skôr dostať z tej cesty. 'Pretože, keď spravodlivý sotva býva zachránený, bezbožný a hriešnik kde sa ukáže?'" To je čas kontrolovania sa.
24A ak by ste to umiestnili, a chceli dostať toto Slovo ... (Nechcem aby ste sa ma pýtali ohľadne tohoto, pretože by ste ma dostali rovno od jedného ku druhému ... Mám na mysli písanie vašich otázok. Myslím si, že tieto otázky aj tak budú postavené.) Toto je čas prešetrovacieho súdu. Je to tak. (No, dostaneme sa ku tomu pri trúbách, keď prídeme ku tomu, keď nám to Pán umožní, alebo pri čašiach.) A nájdeme, že pri tom prešetrovacom súde, tesne predtým, ako vyšli tie bedy, a vidíme, že je to pravda. A tí traja anjeli, ktorí udreli zem kričiac, viete: "Beda, beda, beda, obyvateľom zeme."
25A my žijeme v strašnom čase. V čase kedy ... Vidíte, tieto veci, v ktorých sme teraz, ktoré práve teraz preberáme, sú po tom, keď Cirkev je odídená. Tieto veci sú obdobím súženia. A verím, že to má byť správne postavené v srdci každého veriaceho, že táto Cirkev nezachádza do obdobia súženia. Nemôžete umiestniť, nikde, Cirkev v súžení. Vy tam môžete umiestniť cirkev, ale nie Nevestu.
26Nevesta odišla, pretože, vidíte, Ona nemala žiadny hriech - nič proti nej. Milosť Božia ju cele prikryla, a to bielidlo odstránilo ďaleko preč od nej každý hriech, nezostala naň ani len spomienka. Nič okrem čistosti - dokonalá v prítomnosti Božej. Ó, to má spôsobiť, že Nevesta ukľakne na svoje kolená a volá ku Bohu.
27Mám na mysli malý príbeh, ak nezaberám príliš veľa z vášho času, teraz v tomto úvode. Robím to za určitým účelom - aby som začal hneď, len čo pocítim Ducha. Toto je tajomná vec. Vidíte, kto pozná tam tie veci? Nikto okrem Boha, a oni nemali byť zjavené, a je potvrdené Bibliou, že oni nemajú byť zjavené až do tohoto dňa. Je to presne tak. Oni to hádali, ale teraz my máme dostať presne tú Pravdu - potvrdenú Pravdu.
28Všimnite si, no, bolo prosté dievča na západe, ktoré .. ako sa ona zamilovala do muža, ktorý sa zamiloval do nej. On bol kupcom dobytku, pochádzal tam z Armourovej spoločnosti, a oni mali veľký ... Ten šéf prišiel jedného dňa, syn toho šéfa z Chicago. A samozrejme, oni im predviedli, ako je zvykom "západné predstavenie". Tie dievčatá tam, oni sa vyobliekali. Každá jedna z nich chcela skutočne dostať tohoto chlapca, viete, pretože to bol syn toho hlavného muža. Tak oni oblečené vo svojich západniarskych šatách a ..
29Oni to robia tam na západe. Oni práve prešli cez jednu z týchto epizód, a brat Maguire (Myslím, že je teraz tu), oni ho chytili v centre mesta, že nemal oblečené západniarske šaty a hodili ho do vezenia. A urobili s ním krátky proces a musel za to zaplatiť a potom musel ísť a kúpiť si západnú výstroj. A videl som tých ostatných, ako chodili okolo s pištoľami, asi takto dlhými, ako viseli na nich. Oni tam proste chodia, ako domorodci. Snažia sa žiť v niečom, ako voľakedy - v tom čo pominulo.
30A potom v Kentucky, oni sa snažia žiť podľa toho, ako to bolo voľakedy tu na východe. Idú naspäť do údolia Refro a tak ďalej. Vy sa chcete vrátiť naspäť a žiť v tých starých dňoch. Je niečo, čo to spôsobuje, ale keď to prichádza naspäť, aby ísť naspäť do evanjelia do originálu, nechcete to robiť. Chcete niečo moderné. Idete, aby ste ukázali ...
31Čo spôsobuje, že človek robí zle? Čo spôsobuje, že on pije a zachováva sa tak, alebo že žena robí zle? - to je preto, že ona sa snaží ... V nej je nejaký smäd - v ňom je nejaký smäd. A oni sa snažia uhasiť ten svätý smäd vecami sveta, zatiaľ čo to má byť uhasené Bohom. On spôsobil to, aby ste boli smädní. To je ten dôvod, že sme smädní po niečom. Boh vás urobil takých, aby ste sa obrátili s tým svätým smädom ku Nemu. Ale keď sa vy snažíte uhasiť ten smäd ... Ako sa to opováži niekto robiť! Nemáte právo to robiť: snažiť sa uhasiť ten svätý smäd, že ... Ste smädní po niečom, potom to obraciate do sveta, snažíte sa to uspokojiť svetom. Nemôžete to robiť. Je len jediná vec, ktorá to môže naplniť, a to je Boh. A On vás takých urobil.
Tak tieto mladé dievčatá sa kvôli tomu chlapcovi, keď on prišiel, obliekli do voľakedajšieho západného oblečenia. A každá jedna z nich si bola istá, že oni dostanú tohoto chlapca.
32Tam na ranči bola obyčajná sesternica a ona bola sirota. A tak ona za ne proste robila všetku tú prácu, pretože oni museli mať pekné svoje nechty, viete. A oni nemohli umývať riad kvôli svojím rukám a tak ďalej. A ona robila všetku tú ozajstnú ťažkú robotu.
A potom nakoniec, keď ten chlapec prišiel, oni vyšli von a vzali ho v tom starom západniarskom štýle ... na koči, a oni prichádzali strieľali z pištoľou a vystrájali, viete, a tak sa zachovávali.
V ten večer mali tam veľkú tancovačku, tých starodávnych tancov, a všetci farmári z okolia prichádzali so svojimi tancami a tak ďalej. A ako viete, aha, toto prebiehalo, táto slávnosť, dva alebo tri dni.
33Potom, jedného večera tento chlapec odišiel z toho miesta, aby si za chvíľu oddýchol od toho tancu, a dostal sa preč od týchto dievčeniec. A náhodou sa išiel pozrieť dole ku dobytčím ohradám. Tam vyšlo jednoduché dievča, vyzeralo trochu otrhane, mala vedro plné vody - čo umyla riad. A on rozmýšľal: "Ja som ju predtým nevidel. Som zvedavý odkiaľ prišla?" A tak si zaumienil, že prejde okolo zo strany rančovej nocľahárni a prejde tam dole a vráti sa naspäť okolo ohrady a stretne sa s ňou.
34Ona bola bosá. Zastavila sa. Sklonila hlavu. Vedela kto to je, a bola veľmi hanblivá v blízkosti tej veľkej osoby. Ona bola len nejakou sesternicou tým ostatným dievčatám. Ich otec bol vedúcim na tomto veľkom Armourovom vybavení, tak oni ... Ona držala sklopený svoj zrak. Hanbila sa, že bola bosá.
On povedal: "Ako sa voláš?" Ona mu povedala. Povedala: "Prečo ste nie tam kde sú ostatní?" Ona sa chcela nejako ospravedlniť.
A tak na ďalší večer si ju znovu vystriehol. Nakoniec, on sedel tam vonku, a oni všetky sa tam tak predvádzali a robili všetko možné, a on sedel tam pri tej ohrade na dobytok a striehol na ňu, keď príde vyliať vodu, čo umývala riad. A on ju vystriehol. A povedal jej, povedal: "Vieš kvôli čomu som vlastne tu?"
Ona povedala: "Nie pane, neviem."
35On povedal: "Som tu kvôli tomu, aby som si našiel ženu." On povedal: "Našiel som v tebe charakter, ktorý oni nemajú." (Rozmýšľal som o cirkvi, rozumiete.) Povedal: "Vydáš sa za mňa?"
Ona povedala: "Ja? Ja? Ja nemôžem pomyslieť na také niečo. Ja?" Vidíte, to je syn toho hlavného šéfa. On vlastnil všetky tieto spoločnosti a ranče po krajine, a všetko, viete.
Povedal: "Áno, nemohol som nájsť žiadnu v Chicago. Chcem opravdivú ženu. Chcem ženu s charakterom. A tie veci, ktoré hľadám, vidím v tebe." Povedal: "Vydáš sa za mňa?"
Ona povedala: "Dobre ..." To ju prekvapilo. Ona povedala: "Áno."
A on povedal: "Dobre ..." Povedal jej, že sa vráti. Povedal: "No, ty sa len priprav, a za rok odo dneška prídem naspäť, a vezmem si ťa, a vezmem ťa odtiaľto. Nebudeš musieť viac takto pracovať. Vezmem ťa, a pôjdem do Chicago, a postavím ti dom, aký si ešte nikdy nevidela."
Ona povedala: "Nikdy som nemala dom. Ja som sirota."
On povedal: "Ja ti postavím dom - opravdivý dom." Povedal: "Vrátim sa naspäť." Stále na to pamätala počas toho roku. Robila všetko, čo mohla, aby ušetrila dostatok peňazí, pri jej doláre na deň, či koľko mala pri svojej strave, aby si kúpila svadobné šaty - dokonalý typ Cirkvi. Ona si pripravila svoje šaty. Viete, keď ona ukázala tie svadobné šaty, jej sesternice povedali: "Och, ty biedne hlúpe dieťa. Ty si myslíš, že muž ako on bude mať niečo s tebou?"
Ona povedala: "Ale on mi to sľúbil." Ona povedala: "On mi to sľúbil, a ja verím jeho slovu."
"Och, on si len robil z teba blázna." Povedali: "Ak by si mal zobrať niektorú, zobral by si niektorú z nich."
Ona povedala: "Ale on sľúbil mne. Ja na neho čakám." (Ja tiež.)
Čím ďalej tým viac sa to približovalo. Nakoniec prišiel ten deň. Určitá hodina, v ktorej on tam mal byť; a tak ona sa obliekla do svojich šiat. A ona ani nepočula od neho, ale ona vedela, že tam bude. A tak sa obliekla do svojich svadobných šiat a všetko pripravila. Tak, potom sa oni naozaj smiali, pretože ten hlavný šéf bol u toho vedúceho, či ... a žiadna z tých dievčat nepočula nič o tom. Tak to bolo pre nich úplné tajomstvo.
To je, tiež. Skutočne je. Ale toto dievča sa spoľahlo na to, na základe jeho slova, že on sa pre ňu vráti. A tak oni sa začali smiať, a pochytali sa jedna druhej a tancovali dookola a hovorili: "Ahhá ahhá," (vysmievali sa takto, viete) a hovorili: "Úbohé, biedne, hlúpe dieťa."
36A ona tam len stála - ani trochu sa nečervenala. Držala svoje kvety a svoje svadobné šaty všetko na mieste. Ona zápasila, viete. (Jeho Nevesta sa pripravila.) Ona držala svoje kvety, čakala. Oni povedali: "No, povedala som ti, že to bolo zle. Vidíš, on neprichádza."
Povedala: "Ešte mám päť minút." Povedala, "On tu bude."
Och, oni sa len smiali. A keď tie staré hodiny odtikali päť minút, oni počuli cválať kone a prach sa víril spod kolies. Ten starý kočiar zastavil.
37Ona vyskočila z pomedzi nich a vybehla von dvermi, a on vyskočil z toho koča, a ona padla do jeho náruče, a on povedal: "Teraz je po všetkom, Drahá." Nechala tam sedieť a hľadieť svoje sesternice, denominácie a išla do Chicago do svojho domu.
38Tiež poznám iné veľké zasľúbenie podobné tomuto: "Odišiel som aby som vám pripravil miesto, a prídem naspäť aby som vás vzal." Oni môžu hovoriť, že sme sa zbláznili, ale brat, pre mňa práve teraz, a tieto Pečate takto lámané pod touto nadprirodzenou vecou, môžem takmer počuť ten zvuk, ako tie hodiny času odtikávajú tam do večnosti.
39Môžem takmer vidieť toho Anjela, ako tam hovorí pri konci toho siedmeho anjelského posolstva: "Času viacej nebude." Tá malá kráľovská Nevesta odletí do náručia Ježiša v jednom z týchto dní, keď ju On vezme do Otcovho Domu. Rozmýšľajte len o týchto veciach, ako ideme teraz ďalej.
Všimnite si tú službu toho leva - Slova; vola - pracujúca obeť; chytrosť reformátorov; potom prichádza do toho vek orla, aby zjavil a zodvihol tieto veci a ukázal ich.
Nuž, nachádzame tiež v službe minulý večer, to veľké tajomstvo, ktoré je otvorené s touto Pečaťou, ktoré bolo absolútne v protiklade s mojím predchádzajúcim zrozumením - len som sa domnieval, že to bolo správne.
40Stále som pripúšťal, že tie duše pod oltárom sú prvotní kresťanskí mučeníci, ale minulý večer sme zistili, keď nám Pán Boh zlámal tú Pečať, že je to absolútne nemožné. To neboli oni. Oni už odišli do chvály, rovno na druhej strane. A tam oni boli ...
41Zistili sme, že to boli Židia, ktorí povstanú v priebehu času, kde ... od vyvolania tých 144 000, ku čomu sa dostaneme dnes večer a zajtra - a medzi šiestou a Siedmou Pečaťou je vyvolaných tých 144 000. A potom sme zistili, že to boli mučeníci, ktorí boli zabití a ešte neboli ... nemali biele rúcha, ale ich mená boli v Baránkovej Knihe Života, a boli im dané biele rúcha, každému jednému.
42A vzali sme to ... A nie je nič na svete, čo by to mohlo byť, neverím, okrem tej skupiny Židov, ktorí išli cez obdobie predbežného súženia. Keď počas tejto poslednej vojny, oni boli ... oni museli byť od každého nenávidení. A Eichman ich zabil milióny v Nemecku, (práve ste počuli o tom súdnom procese), zavraždil milióny nevinných ľudí. Židov, len preto, že boli Židia, pre nič iné.
43Biblia tu hovorí, že oni boli zabití kvôli svedectvu ... kvôli Slovu Božiemu a svedectvu, ktoré mali. Nuž, zisťujeme, že Nevesta bola Slovom Božím a svedectvom Ježiša Krista. Títo nemali svedectvo Ježiša Krista.
A zistili sme, že Biblia hovorí, že celý Izrael, ten predurčený Izrael, bude spasený - Rimanom 11. Nuž, vieme to. A tam sme videli tie duše ...
No pozrite ako blízko. Prečo toto nemohlo byť predtým? Pretože to sa nestalo predtým. Teraz to môžete vidieť. Vidíte? Vidíte toho veľkého Ducha Svätého, ktorý vidí tieto veci prichádzať cez veky a časy, a teraz je to zjavené, a potom sa tam pozriete a vidíte, že je to Pravda. Tam to je.
44No, to boli mučeníci v súžení tých predbežných súženiach za Eichmana. No, oni len symbolizovali mučeníkov, tých 144 000, do čoho vchádzame teraz medzi šiestou a Siedmou Pečaťou. A Siedma Pečať je len jedno. To je všetko. "A bolo ticho na Nebi, ako na pol hodiny." A teraz len Boh to môže zjaviť. To nie je nikde ani v symboloch. To je zajtra večer. Modlite sa za mňa.
No. Pozorujeme teraz, pri tom čo vchádzame do tej šiestej Pečati ... No, Nebeský Otec nech nám pomôže, ako sme usadli teraz ku tejto šiestej Pečati. Teraz, 12. verš šiestej kapitoly.
A videl som, keď otvoril šiestu pečať a hľa, povstalo veľké zemetrasenie, a slnce sčernelo ako srstnaté vrece, a mesiac bol celý ako krv,
a nebeské hviezdy padali na zem, ako keď fík zo seba mece svoje pozdné nedozrelky, trasený od veľkého vetra.
A nebo ta pošlo ako zvíjajúci sa knižní zvitok. A každý vrch a ostrov sa pohli zo svojho miesta.
A kráľovia zeme, veľmoži, boháči, vojvodcovia a mocní i každý sluha i každý slobodný skryli sa do jaskýň a do skál vrchov,
Všimnite si tam. Pozrite sa na tých mocných mužov. Čo oni urobili? Oni dostali víno hnevu smilstva tej smilnici. To je presne tá kategória, ktorá pila jej víno.
a vraveli vrchom a skalám: Padnite na nás a prikryte nás pred tvárou toho, ktorý sedí na tróne a pred hnevom Baránka,
lebo prišiel ten veľký deň jeho hnevu, a kto môže obstáť?
45Čo za uvedenie do ... Vidíte tí jazdci teraz - tí jazdci, zviera, a tá odpovedajúca živá bytosť to ustalo. Potom sme vzatí hore. Vidíme tých mučeníkov pod Trónom. Teraz, toto ... od toho času ... Títo mučeníci sú tí opravdiví ortodoxní Židia, ktorí zomreli v kresťanskej viere ... v náboženskej viere, pretože oni nemohli byť kresťania. Pamätajte, Boh zaslepil ich oči. A oni budú zaslepení na dlhý čas, až kým Nevesta z pohanov nebude vzatá z cesty. Pretože Boh nejedná s tými dvomi ľuďmi v tom istom čase, pretože to je úplne proti Jeho Slovu.
46Pamätajte, On jedná stále s Izraelom, ako s národom. To je Izraelský národ. Pohania sú jednotlivci - ľudia vzatí z pohanov. A to musí ... Pohania musia byť vybraní zo všetkých ľudí na svete, tak teraz a potom prichádzajú do toho Židia, vidíte. Ako Arabi a Írovia a Indiáni a ďalší. To sú všetci ľudia sveta, ktorí tvoria túto kyticu Nevesty.
47Ale teraz, keď to potom prichádza do jednania s Izraelom, v tejto poslednej časti sedemdesiatych týždňov, On jedná s nimi, ako s národom. Pohania sú skončení. Tá hodina sa rýchlo približuje, a možno ešte v tento večer, že Boh sa celkom odvráti od pohanov. Skutočne! On tak povedal! "Oni budú šliapať múry Jeruzalema, až kým sa nevyplní čas pohanov." Tie časy prešli. Tak veru! A potom: "Nech ten, kto je špinavý zostane špinavý. Nech ten, kto je spravodlivý zostane spravodlivý."
48Krv už viac nie ja na tróne ... už viac nie je vo svätyni. Krv už viac nie je na oltári. Tá obeť zostala odstránená; a nie je tam nič okrem dymu a blýskania a súdu. A to je presne to, čo je tu vyliate dnes večer!
49Baránok opustil Svoju prácu Prostredníka. Práca Prostredníka sa skončila na tom Tróne. A obeť, (ako sme Ho presne stvárnili - Príbuzný Vykupiteľ, krvavý Baránok, ktorý vystúpil dopredu, Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý, ten krvavý, ktorý bol zabitý, dotlčený) - vychádza dopredu a berie tú Knihu z Jeho ruky. To je ... Tie dni sa skončili. Teraz, On prichádza, aby si nárokoval to, čo vykúpil! Amen! To ma preniká naskrz!
50Teraz zisťujeme, že Ján povedal: "A videl som, keď otvoril šiestu Pečať, že povstalo veľké zemetrasenie." Potom celá príroda bola narušená. Boh činil veľké veci, ako uzdravovanie nemocných a otváranie oči slepých a robil veľké veci, ale tu sme našli, že príroda sa zmietala. Áno, celá príroda.
51Dívajte sa, čo sa dialo - zemetrasenie, slnko sčernelo a mesiac nedal svojho svetla, a hviezdy sa triasli a padali. Ó, všetko sa stalo (vidíte?) rovno v čase otvorenia šiestej Pečati. Vtedy sa to deje - hneď potom, akonáhle boli ohlásení títo mučeníci. Mučeníci boli doplnení.
52No, vidíte my sme teraz tesne pri tejto hodine. To môže byť v ktorejkoľvek chvíli, pretože Cirkev je skoro pripravená odletieť. Ale pamätajte, keď sa tieto veci stanú, Nevesta tu nebude. Pamätajte len, Nevesta je preč. Ona nemusí prechádzať cez nič z toho! Toto je čas súženia, očisťovania cirkvi. To je položené na ňu, kvôli nej, aby išla cez to. Nie Nevesta; On berie Svoju milú z toho preč. Tak veru! On ju vykúpil. To je tak trochu ... To je Jeho vlastný výber, Jeho vlastná voľba, ako každý muž si berie svoju nevestu.
No, zemetrasenie ... porovnajme teraz tieto Písma. Chcem ... Máte tužku a papier? Chcem aby ste niečo pre mňa urobili. Ak si to chcete zapísať, zapíšte si to pretože to je ... až kým nedostanete tie pásky.
No, chcem aby ste to so mnou čítali, ako si to značíte. Porovnajte Písma o tej veľkej udalosti, ktorú budeme vidieť, že táto veľká tajnosť alebo tajomstvo, ktorá bola pod šiestou Pečaťou v Knihe Vykúpenia ... Pamätajte teraz, toto sú skryté tajomstvá. A týchto šesť pečatí je všetko spolu jedna veľká kniha - proste šesť zvitkov zrolovaných dokopy. A to odvíja celú Knihu Vykúpenia. To, ako celá zem bola vykúpená.
53To je dôvod prečo Ján plakal, pretože ak nikto nemohol vziať tú Knihu - celé stvorenie, všetko je stratené. Ona by sa proste musela premeniť naspäť na atómy a molekuly a tak ďalej a na kozmické svetlo, a nebolo by ani stvorenia - osoby, ničoho ďalšieho, pretože Adam stratil práva na tú Knihu. On to utratil, keď počúval na svoju ženu, a ona počúvala na Satanove odôvodňovania namiesto na Slovo Božie.
54To bolo utratené. Potom to nemohlo prísť naspäť do špinavých rúk Satana, ktorý ju pokúšal aby opustila cestu, a tak preto, to sa navrátilo naspäť ku svojmu originálnemu Majiteľovi, ako každá právna listina - išla rovno naspäť ku svojmu originálnemu Majiteľovi, a to bol Boh Stvoriteľ, ktorý to stvoril, a On to drží.
A je cena, a to je vykúpenie. Bola určitá cena za vykúpenie a nebol nikto, kto by to mohol zaplatiť. Tak On povedal ... Vydal Svoje zákony - Svoje vlastné zákony o Príbuznom Vykupiteľovi.
55Potom oni nemohli nikoho nájsť. Každý človek sa narodil zo sexu - narodil sa zo sexuálnej žiadosti. Nachádzal sa v prvotnom hriechu - Satana a Evy. Tak on to nemohol urobiť. Nič v ňom nie je. Žiadny svätý pápež, kňaz, doktor teológie, alebo čokoľvek on mohol byť, on bol ... nikto nebol hodný. A to nemohol byť nejaký anjel, pretože to musel byť príbuzný. To musel byť človek. Potom sám Boh sa stal Príbuzným, tým že zobral na seba ľudské telo skrze panenské narodenie sa.
56A On prelial Svoju krv. To nebola krv nejakého Žida, to nebola krv nejakého pohana. To bola Krv Božia. Biblia hovorí, že sme spasení skrze Krv Božiu. Dieťa prijíma otcovu krv. Vieme to. Všetko mužského pohlavia produkuje hemoglobín. Tak zisťujeme ...
57Ako sliepka sedí na vajciach - ona môže sedieť na vajciach, ale ak kohút, to mužské pohlavie, nebol s ňou, to sa nevyliahne. Nie je to plodné. Žena je len inkubátorom, ktorý nosí to vajíčko, ale to vajíčko pochádza ... ten gén pochádza od muža, a v tomto prípade, tým mužom bol sám Boh!
58To je ako hovorím, že hore znamená dole a väčšie znamená menšie. Boh bol tak veľký, až sa stal ... dokonca sa uformoval v takej drobnej veci, v malom drobnom zárodku v lone panny. A okolo toho On rozvíjal bunky a krv. A narodil sa a povstal na zemi. A z takého začiatku - nepoškvrnený, nebola v tom žiadna sexuálna túžba ...
59A potom On dal tú Krv, pretože On sa stal našim príbuzným, a On bol Príbuzenský Vykupiteľ! A On dobrovoľne prelial tú Krv. On to nemusel. On to dal dobrovoľne, aby vykúpil. Potom On išiel na oltár Boží a čaká tam, zatiaľ čo Boh drží tú Knihu Vykúpenia vo Svojej ruke, a ten krvavý Baránok zostáva na obetnom oltári. Tam je Baránok aby vykúpil, vykonávajúci prímluvu.
60Potom, ako sa niekto odvažuje povedať, že Mária, alebo Jozef, alebo ktorýkoľvek iný smrteľník môže byť prostredníkom! Vy sa nemôžete prihovárať bez toho, že by tam bola krv! Áno, je len jeden Prostredník medzi Bohom a človekom, a to je Kristus Ježiš. To je to, čo hovorí Písmo. Tam On stojí, až kým nebude vykúpená tá posledná duša, a potom On predstúpi, aby si nárokoval to, čo vykúpil.
61Och, aký je On veľký Otec. Nuž, pamätajte ... No, ja som stále učil, "že na ústach dvoch alebo troch svedkov, nech je postavené každé slovo," a Písmo ... Tak isto, nemôžete zobrať jedno miesto Písma a dokazovať ním niečo, až kým tam nie je niečo ďalšie, čo s tým súhlasí. Vidíte. Ja môžem zobrať jedno miesto Písma a povedať: "Judáš išiel a obesil sa," a vziať iné a povedať: "Choď a urob tak isto." Ale vidíte, to nebude pasovať s tým ostatným.
A myslel som ... Pod touto šiestou Pečaťou, keď ju Duch Svätý tam zlámal, potom som uvidel čo to bolo. Potom som myslel, že by bolo dobre podať tú vyučovaciu hodinu dnes večer trochu inak; pretože to môže byť únavné počúvať ma len, ako po celý čas hovorím. A tak som myslel, že by sme to urobili trochu inak.
62Všimnite si teraz. Táto veľká udalosť bola zapečatená v Knihe tajomstiev vykúpenia. No, Baránok to má vo Svojej ruke a je pripravený zlámať to. No, pozrime sa do Matúša do 24. kapitoly, sám Baránok hovorí. No, každý vie, že Kristus je autor celej tejto Knihy, čo sa toho týka, ale toto tu je Jeho reč, alebo Jeho kázanie ku ľuďom, ku Židom.
63No, chcem aby ste takto držali svoju Knihu: Matúš 24 a Zjavenie 6, takto, a niečo tu trochu porovnali. Tak sledujte teraz toto, a budete môcť vidieť, ako to je. Vidíte, čo ... Baránok tu ukazuje presne v symboloch to, čo povedal tu v Slove - presne to pasuje. To znamená, že je to správne. To všetko tam sa vzťahuje do toho. Tu je jedno - On hovorí o tom, a tu sa to deje. To je proste dokonalé potvrdenie.
64Teraz, pozrime sa do 24. kapitoly Ev. Matúša a do Zjavenia 6 a porovnajme 24. kapitolu Matúša. Všetci vieme, že to bola kapitola, do ktorej zachádza každý učený, každá osoba, aby hovorili o období súženia. To vychádza z 24. kapitoly Matúša. A teraz, ... Ak je to tak, teraz ...
65Pretože my vieme, že táto šiesta Pečať je Pečaťou súdu. To je Pečať súdu - to je presne to, čo ona je. No, vidíte, mali sme jazdu antikrista, videli sme odísť Cirkev. Teraz je ona dokončená, odišla hore. Potom tam pod tým oltárom vidíme tých mučeníkov z tých Židov. Teraz, tu je vypuknutie súdov na ľudí, ktorí sú ... Z tohoto veľkého súženia súdu vyjde 144 000 vykúpených Židov. Dokážem vám, že to sú Židia a nie pohania. Oni nemajú nič dočinenia s Nevestou, nie nič. Nevesta ... Videli sme, že Nevesta odišla. Nemôžete toto umiestniť nikde inde. Neprichádza naspäť až v 19 kapitole knihy skutkov.
66Všimnite si teraz, šiesta Pečať je v Slove Pečaťou súdu. Teraz. Tu, začnime teraz a čítajme Ev. Matúša 24. kapitolu. No, rád by som vám tu niečo dal, čo som práve vyhľadal. No, ev. Matúša od 1 do 3, no, tu budeme čítať najprv.
Potom vyšiel Ježiš z chrámu a išiel. A pristúpili jeho učeníci, aby mu ukázali stavby chrámu.
Ale Ježiš odpovedal a riekol im: Či nevidíte všetkého tohoto? Amen vám hovorím, že tu nebude ponechaný kameň na kameni, ktorý by nebol zborený.
(Teraz 3. verš.)A keď sedel na Olivovom vrchu, pristúpili k nemu učeníci osobitne a riekli: Povedz nám, kedy to bude, a čo bude znamením tvojho príchodu a skonania sveta?
67Zastavme sa tu. Tieto tri verše, to sa vlastne stalo v utorok popoludní, 4. apríla roku 30 (nášho letopočtu). A tie prvé dva verše sa odohrali popoludní 4. apríla roku 30, a ten tretí verš sa odohral v utorok večer toho istého dňa.
68Oni prišli do chrámu, a opýtali sa Ho na tieto veci: "Čo toto a čo toto? Pozri sa na tento veľký chrám; nie je nádherný?"
On povedal: "Nezostane ani kameň na kameni."
Potom On vyšiel na vrch a sadol si. To tam, On začína ... to bolo popoludní. A potom keď tam prišli, pýtali sa Ho tam, povedali: "Chceme vedieť o niektorých veciach."
69Teraz si všimnite, tu sú tri otázky, ktoré sú položené od tých Židov, Jeho učeníkov. Postavené sú tri otázky. A hľaďte: Prvá, "Kedy sa tieto veci budú diať?" - Keď tam nebude kameň na kameni. "Čo bude znamením Tvojho príchodu?" Druhá otázka. "A konca sveta?" Vidíte to?
Tam sú tri otázky, a tu veľa ľudí robí chybu. Oni vzťahujú tieto veci tu na nejaký vek potom, keď vidíte, že On odpovedá na tri otázky. Pozorujte teraz, aké je to nádherné.
Tretí verš, vidíte. No, posledná časť tam toho tretieho verša: "A čo bude ..." Prv Ho oni zavolali tu osobitne na Olivový vrch. "Povedz nám, kedy to bude?" - otázka číslo jedna; "... a čo bude znamením Tvojho príchodu?" - otázka číslo dva; "... a skonania sveta?" - otázka číslo tri. Vidíte, to sú tri rozdielne otázky, na ktoré sa pýtali.
No, chcem aby ste si to otvorili a pozorovali, ako im tu Ježiš hovorí o týchto troch veciach. Och, to je tak nádherné! To proste vo mne spôsobuje ... Dostávam sa do ... Aké to bolo slovo, ktoré sme použili raz večer? - Povzbudenie zo zjavenia!
Všimnite si. Otvorme si teraz do Prvej Pečati z Pečatí tej Knihy a porovnajme túto Prvú Pečať s prvou otázkou a každou otázkou - porovnajme to až do konca a dívajme sa, či to nejde ruka v ruke, tak ako sme to urobili pri všetkých týchto ostatných - otvoreniach pozerajúc do cirkevných vekov a všetko bolo presne tak isto. Potom je tá Pečať dokonale otvorená.
70Všimnite si teraz. Budeme čítať, najprv ... "Potom im On odpovedal ..." A tak On im teraz začína odpovedať, a my to chceme porovnať s Pečatiami. Hľaďte teraz, tá Prvá Pečať je Zjavenie 6: 1 a 2. No čítajme 6: 1 a 2.
A videl som, keď otvoril Baránok jednu zo siedmych pečatí, a počul som jednu zo štyroch živých bytostí, ktorá hovorila ako hlasom hromu: Poď a vidz!
A videl som a hľa, biely kôň, a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, mal lučište, a dala sa mu koruna. a vyšiel víťaziac, aj aby zvíťazil.
(Čo sme zistili, že kto to bol? Antikrist. Matúš 24. teraz, 4 a 5.)
A Ježiš odpovedal a riekol im: Hľaďte aby vás niekto nezviedol!
Lebo mnohí prídu pod mojím menom a budú hovoriť: Ja som Kristus, a zvedú mnohých.
Vidíte to? Antikrist. Tu máte tú Pečať, vidíte. On to tu povedal; a tu On otvoril tú Pečať, a tu on bol - tak dokonale.
71Teraz, Druhá Pečať: Matúš 24:6, Zjavenie 6:3 a 4. Hľaďte teraz. Matúš 24 a 6. No, počkajte, čo je tu povedané.
A budete slýchať o vojnách a chýry o vojnách; Hľaďte aby ste sa nestrachovali, lebo to všetko sa musí stať, ale ešte nie je koniec.
No dobre. Vezmime Druhú Pečať - Zjavenie 6: 3 a ... Druhú. Hľaďte, čo On teraz hovorí.
A keď otvoril druhú pečať, počul som druhú živú bytosť, ktorá vravela: Poď a vidz!
A vyšiel iný kôň červený, a tomu, ktorý sedel na ňom. dalo sa, aby vzal pokoj zo zeme, a aby sa ľudia navzájom zabíjali, a dal sa mu veliký meč.
Dokonale - tak presne. Och, to sa mi páči, keď si Písmo samo odpovedá, či vám nie? Duch Svätý to všetko napísal, ale On to môže zjaviť.
72No, všimnime si tú Tretiu Pečať. Teraz, toto je hlad. No, Matúš 24:7 a 8. Vezmime 7 a 8 Matúša ...
Lebo povstane národ proti národu a kráľovstvo proti kráľovstvu, a bude bývať hlad a mor, a zemetrasenia budú miestami.
A to všetko je počiatkom predpôrodných bolestí sveta.
Vidíte, prichádzate teraz rovno ďalej. Teraz, Zjavenie 6. Teraz ideme otvoriť Tretiu Pečať. Ona sa nachádza v Zjavení 6:5 a 6.
A keď otvoril tretiu pečať, počul som tretiu živú bytosť, ktorá vravela: Poď a vidz! A videl som a hľa, čierny kôň, a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, mal váhu vo svojej ruke.
A počul som hlas prostred štyroch živých bytostí, ktorý hovoril: Chonix pšenice za denár a tri chonixi jačmeňa za denár, a oleju a vínu neškoď!
(Hlad, vidíte? Presne tá istá Pečať - to isté, čo Ježiš povedal.)
73No dobre, štvrtá Pečať - mor a smrť. Všimnite si, Matúš 24, budeme čítať ôsmy verš; 7. a 8. Myslím, že to je na tú štvrtú Pečať, mám to tu. No dobre. Teraz ... Čo som to tam čítal? Prečítal som niečo zle? Áno, mal som to poznačené. Áno, tam sme teraz. Teraz tam ideme. V poriadku.
No, začnime tu v siedmom na túto štvrtú Pečať, a na šiesty a siedmy a ôsmy tú ďalšiu, v Zjavení. Teraz, pozrime sa, siedmy a ôsmy verš Matúša 24. No dobre.
Lebo povstane národ proti národu a kráľovstvo proti kráľovstvu, a bude bývať hlad a mor, a zemetrasenia budú miestami.
A to všetko je počiatkom predpôrodných bolestí sveta.
Teraz tá štvrtá Pečať, ako sme to tam čítali bola ... Tá štvrtá Pečať bola ... začína v siedmom a ôsmom v tomto inom teraz.
A keď otvoril štvrtú Pečať, počul som hlas štvrtej živej bytosti, ktorý hovoril: Poď a vidz!
A videl som a hľa, plavý kôň, ...
Počkajte teraz, zle som si to tu poznačil. Počkajte chvíľku - siedmy a ôsmy verš, pozrime sa teraz. Matúš 24:7 a 8, pozrime sa teraz. Dostaneme to. To je otvorenie tretej, však? - Matúš 24:7 a 8. Prepáčte. Teraz, toto otvára ten dážď ... alebo hlad, otvára to ten hlad.
No dobre, teraz mor a smrť ... Áno, teraz ideme do toho; siedmy a ôsmy verš - teraz, to bude štvrtá Pečať. Pozrime sa kde dostávame tú štvrtú Pečať. "A keď otvoril štvrtú pečať ..." Áno, to je jazdec na plavom koni, Smrť, vidíte?
A videl som a hľa, plavý kôň, a tomu, ktorý sedel na ňom, bolo meno smrť, a peklo išlo spolu za ním. A bola mu daná moc nad štvrtinou zeme, zabíjať mečom, hladom a smrťou, a aby hynuli ľudia od zemskej zveri.
(No vidíte, to bola smrť!)
74Teraz, Piata Pečať - Matúš 24: 9-13. Pozrime sa či to tu mám znovu teraz správne, vidíte.
Vtedy vás vydajú v súženie a budú vás zabíjať,
... (tu to máte!) ...a budete nenávidení od všetkých národov pre moje meno.
A vtedy sa pohoršia mnohí a budú jedni druhých zrádzať a jedni druhých nenávidieť,
a povstanú aj mnohí falošní proroci a zvedú mnohých.
A preto, že bude rozmnožená neprávosť, ochladne láska mnohých;
ale ten kto zotrvá až do konca, ten bude spasený.
No, teraz sme v Piatej Pečati, a to bolo minulý večer. Vidíte? Budú vás vydávať - zrádzať jeden druhého a tak ďalej. No, hľaďte tu na šiestu Pečať, 6: 9 do 11. No, vezmime toto. Zjavenie 6: od 9 do 11.
A keď otvoril piatu pečať, videl som pod oltárom duše zabitých pre slovo Božie a pre svedectvo, ktoré mali.
A kričali veľkým hlasom a vraveli: Až dokedy, Samovládca, svätý a pravdivý, nesúdiš a nepomstíš našej krvi na tých, ktorí bývajú na zemi?
A bolo dané jednému každému dlhé biele rúcho, a bolo im rečené, aby odpočívali ešte krátky čas, až sa doplní počet aj ich spoluslužobníkov a ich bratov, ktorí majú tiež byť zabití ako aj oni.
Teraz vidíte, tu pod Piatou Pečaťou sme našli mučeníkov. A tam pod 24:9 až do 13, sme tiež našli, že to bolo mučeníctvo - "vydajú vás v súženie a budú vás zabíjať" a tak ďalej - vidíte, tam je otvorená tá istá Pečať.
Teraz, v tej šiestej Pečati, to je tá ku ktorej pristupujeme teraz. Matúš 24:29 a 30 ... 24 a vezmime 29. a 30. verš. Tu sme. Teraz, vezmeme tak isto Zjavenie 6: 12-17. To je presne to, čo sme práve čítali.
A teraz, počúvajte toto. Teraz, toto je to, čo Ježiš hovorí v Matúšovi 24:29 a 30.
A hneď po súžení tých dní
... (čo ... to je súženie tohoto ...amatérske súženie cez ktorí oni tu išli,
vidíte.) ...zatmie sa slnce, a mesiac nedá svojej žiare, a hviezdy budú padať z neba, a nebeské moci sa budú pohybovať.
A vtedy sa ukáže znamenie Syna človeka na nebi, a vtedy budú plakať všetky pokolenia zeme a uvidia Syna človeka, prichádzajúceho na nebeských oblakoch s mocou a slávou velikou.
No, čítajme znovu tu teraz v Zjavení, šiesta Pečať - tá, pri ktorej sme práve teraz.
A videl som, keď otvoril šiestu pečať a hľa, povstalo veľké zemetrasenie, a slnce sčernelo ako srstnaté vrece, a mesiac bol celý ako krv,
a nebeské hviezdy padali na zem, ako keď fík zo seba mece svoje pozdné nedozrelky, trasený od veľkého vetra.
A nebo ta pošlo ako zvíjajúci sa knižný zvitok. A každý vrch a ostrov sa pohli zo svojho miesta.
A kráľovia zeme, veľmoži, boháči, vojvodcovia a mocní i každý sluha i každý slobodný skryli sa do jaskýň a do skál vrchov
a vraveli vrchom a skalám: Padnite na nás a prikryte nás pred tvárou toho, ktorý sedí na tróne a pred hnevom Baránka,
lebo prišiel ten veliký deň jeho hnevu, a kto môže obstáť?
Dokonale. Otvorte si naspäť a pozrite sa, čo Ježiš povedal teraz tu v Matúšovi 24:29. Počúvajte (po tejto Eichmanovej udalosti a tak ďalej)
A hneď po súžení tých dní zatmie sa slnce, a mesiac nedá svojej žiare, a hviezdy budú padať z neba a nebeské moci sa budú pohybovať.
A vtedy sa ukáže znamenie Syna človeka na nebi, a vtedy budú plakať všetky pokolenia zeme a uvidia Syna človeka, prichádzajúceho na nebeských oblakoch s mocou a slávou velikou.
A pošle svojich anjelov s trúbou veľkého zvuku, a zhromaždia jeho vyvolených od štyroch vetrov, od jedných končín nebies až po ich druhé končiny.
Vidíte, ako presne sa zhoduje to, čo povedal Ježiš v Matúšovi 24, a čo tu ten zjavovateľ otvoril v šiestej Pečati, to je presne ... A Ježiš hovoril o období súženia. Vidíte?
75Prv sa oni opýtali, kedy sa tieto veci budú diať, keď chrám bude zničený. On im odpovedal. Ďalšia vec, ktorú sa opýtali: kedy oni budú ... príde čas - tam príde mučenícky vek; a kedy toto bude, kedy povstane antikrist, a kedy antikrist zničí chrám.
76Daniel - ako môžeme ísť naspäť a vziať tam Daniela, keď on povedal, že toto knieža, ktoré príde ... Vy čitatelia to poznáte. A čo on má robiť? On odstráni dennú obeť a čo všetko sa stane v priebehu toho času.
77Ježiš, dokonca hovorí o tom tu, zdôrazňuje to. Povedal: "Keď uvidíte ohavnosť, ktorá spôsobuje spustošenie, opísanú skrze proroka Daniela, že stojí na svätom mieste ..." Čo to je? Omarova mešita stojí na mieste chrámu, keď ho oni podpálili. Povedal: "Nech tí, ktorí sú na vrchoch ... nech tí, ktorí sú na podstreší, nezostupujú dole, aby vzali niečo zo svojho domu. Nech tí, ktorí sú na poliach, nech sa nevracajú späť, pretože to bude čas súženia." Vidíte? A všetky tieto veci sa mali stať - sa teraz stali a potvrdili, spätne do tohoto otvorenia šiestej Pečati.
78Teraz, chcem aby ste si všimli, Ježiš ... (o tomto budeme hovoriť asi zajtra večer), Ježiš vynechal učenie o Siedmej Pečati. Ono tu nie je. Hľaďte, On hneď potom hovorí tie podobenstvá. A Ján vynechal Siedmu Pečať, siedmu, poslednú ... tú Siedmu Pečať. To bude veľká vec. To nie je ani napísané - vynechal túto Siedmu Pečať, obaja ju vynechali. A zjavovateľ, keď ... Boh len povedal ... Ján povedal: "... nastalo mlčanie na nebi ..." Ježiš nepovedal o tom ani slovo.
79Všimnite si teraz, poďme naspäť do 12. verša. Všimnite si, žiadna živá bytosť - to je 12. verš rozpočínajúci našu Pečať, aby sme ju videli otvorenú. Neboli tu vôbec zastúpené žiadne živé bytosti, ako to bolo v Piatej Pečati. Prečo? Toto sa stalo na druhej strane veku Evanjelia, v období súženia.
80Táto šiesta Pečať je obdobím súženia. To je to, čo sa deje. Nevesta odišla! Vidíte? Tam nie je žiadna živá bytosť, nie je tam nič, čo by povedalo ... To je len ... Teraz, Boh už viacej nejedná s Cirkvou. Ona je preč. On jedná s Izraelom. Toto je druhá strana. Toto je vtedy, keď Izrael prijíma Posolstvo Kráľovstva skrze dvoch prorokov zo Zjavenia 11.
81Pamätajte, Izrael je národ - národ, ako Boží sluha. A keď bude Izrael privedený, to bude národná udalosť. Izrael, kráľovský vek, tam Dávid ... Syn Dávidov sedí na tróne.
82Preto tá žena kričala: "Synu Dávidov." A Dávid je ... Syn Dávidov, Boh prisahal skrze neho, Dávidovi, že On vzbudí jeho syna, ktorý prevezme jeho trón a to bude večný trón. To nebude mať konca. Šalamún to ukazuje v predobraze - v chráme. A Ježiš im tu práve povedal, že tam nezostane kameň na kameni. Ale čo sa im tu On snaží povedať? - On prichádza naspäť.
"Kedy prídeš naspäť?"
"Tieto veci sa budú diať predtým, ako Ja prídem naspäť." A tu ich máte!
83Teraz bol čas súženia. Pamätajte, keď je to kráľovstvo ustanovené na zemi ... No, toto môže byť trochu šokujúce, a ak povstáva nejaká otázka, stále sa ma môžete opýtať, ak chcete postaviť tú otázku, po ... (pretože som sa toho len dotkol), ak to ešte neviete. V čase Milénia, to je Izrael, ktorý je národom. Tých dvanásť pokolení je národ, ale Nevesta je v Paláci. Ona je teraz Kráľovná. Ona je vydatá. A všetci obyvatelia zeme prídu do tohoto mesta, Jeruzalema, a prinesú tam svoju slávu. A brány sa nebudú zatvárať cez noc, pretože tam nebude žiadna noc. Tie brány budú stále otvorené; a králi zeme, (Zjavenie 22) prinesú svoju česť a slávu do tohoto mesta. Ale Nevesta je tam vo vnútri s Baránkom.
Ó! Vidíte to? Vo vnútri. Nie ... Nevesta nebude tu vonku pracovať vo vinici. Nie veru! Ona je Nevesta! Ona je Kráľovná tomu Kráľovi. To sú iní, ktorí tam vonku pracujú - ten národ, nie Nevesta. Amen.
84No dobre. Všimnite si títo poslovia teraz ... títo poslovia zo Zjavenia 12, títo dvaja proroci, oni budú kázať: "Priblížilo sa Kráľovstvo!" Má byť ustanovené Nebeské Kráľovstvo. Ten čas - posledného tri a pol roku Danielovho sedemdesiateho týždňa zasľúbeného Židom, jeho ľudu.
85Pamätajte teraz, aby dokázať, že toto je posledná časť Danielovho sedemdesiateho týždňa ... Na zajtra mám na to otázku. No, bolo zasľúbené sedemdesiat týždňov, čo bolo sedem rokov. A v polovici toho siedmeho týždňa, mal byť Mesiáš vyťatý, aby sa stal obeťou. On prorokoval tri a pol roka, a potom bol vyťatý na obeť za ľudí, a stále zostáva vyznačené tých tri a pol roka, je to stále vyznačené pre Izrael.
86Potom, keď Mesiáš bol vyťatý ... Žid bol zaslepený, tak on nemohol vidieť, že to bol Mesiáš. A potom, keď Mesiáš bol vyťatý, potom pre pohanov nastal vek Evanjelia a milosti. A oni prichádzajú a Boh potiahol jedného z tadeto a z tade a tu a tam, a berie ich odtiaľ preč skrze službu tých poslov; a tu a tam a tu a tam, a berie ich odtiaľ preč skrze službu tých poslov. A On poslal prvého posla, a ten kázal a tá trúba trúbila (ako na to za chvíľu narazíme); a potom tá trúba vyhlasovala vojnu.
87Trúba stále znamenala vojnu. Ten posol, ten anjel, prišiel na zem - ten posol danej hodiny - ako Luther, ako každý z tých poslov, o ktorých sme hovorili. Čo on robí? On povstáva, a Pečať sa otvára, je zjavená; zneje trúba, a je vyhlásená vojna, a oni idú preč. A potom ten posol zomiera. On pečatí a oddeľuje túto skupinu. Oni sú vo vnútri, a pliaga padá na tých, ktorí to odmietli! A potom to ide ďalej, potom oni organizujú a zakladajú ďalšiu organizáciu. (Práve sme cez to prešli.)
88Potom tu oni vychádzajú s ďalšou mocou - ďalšia moc, ďalší cirkevný vek, ďalšia služba. A potom, keď on to robí, popri tom prichádza Boh so Svojou službou, keď antikrist prichádza so svojou. Vidíte, anti znamená proti. Oni bežia jeden vedľa druhého.
89Chcem, aby ste si trochu niečo všimli. Práve v tom čase, keď prišiel na zem Kain, prišiel na zem Ábel. Chcem aby ste si všimli, že práve v tom čase, keď prišiel na zem Kristus, prišiel na zem Judáš. V tom čase, keď Kristus odišiel zo zeme, Judáš odišiel zo zeme. Práve v tom čase, keď padol Duch Svätý, padol duch antikrista. Práve v tom čase, keď sa tu v týchto posledných dňoch zjavuje Duch Svätý, ten antikrist zjavuje svoje farby, prichádza cez túto politiku a všetko; a práve v čase, keď antikrist presúva samého seba v plnosti na scénu, Boh presúva Samého Seba v plnosti ďalej, aby nás vykúpil. Bežia celkom spolu, a oni sú jeden vedľa druhého. Kain a Ábel, vrana a holubica v korábe, Judáš a Ježiš, a tak ďalej. Môžete to vziať rovno ...
90Tu bol Moáb a Izrael, obaja. Moáb nebol pohanský národ. Nie veru! Oni obetúvali tú istú obeť, ktorú obetoval Izrael. Oni sa modlili ku tomu istému Bohu. Presne tak! Moáb bol ... jedna z Lotových dcér, ktorá sa vyspala so svojím otcom a mala dieťa, a to dieťa sa nazývalo Moáb. A z neho sa rozšírila Moábska rasa, krajina Moába. A keď oni videli Izraela, svojho vykúpeného brata, prišli ...
91Oni boli fundamentalisti. Boli veľkou denomináciou. Izrael nemal žiadnu denomináciu. Oni bývali len v stanoch, kdekoľvek išli. Ale Moáb mal hodnostárov, kráľov, a tak ďalej. A mali tam Baláma, falošného proroka. Oni mali všetko toto, a potom prišli tam dole, aby prekliali svojho malého brata, ktorý bol na ceste do zasľúbenej zemi, idúceho do svojho zasľúbenia.
A on išiel a opýtal sa ich: "Môžem prejsť cez tvoju zem? Keď moje kravy budú piť vodu, zaplatím za to. Keď spasú trávu, zaplatíme za to."
On povedal: "Nie, vy tu nebudete robiť žiadnu takúto evanjelizáciu." Je to tak. "Nebudete tu v okolí robiť nič takéto."
92A potom dávajte pozor, čo on urobil. On prichádza rovno naspäť v Jezábelinej forme. A on prichádza dole cez toho falošného proroka a spôsobil, že deti Božie urobili chybu; a brali si do Izraela za ženy Moábitky a spôsobili cudzoložstvo.
A on urobil tú istú vec v tom istom veku na tej ceste do zasľúbenej zemi, na ktorej sa nachádzame. Čo on urobil? Ten falošný prorok prišiel rovno tam a sobášil, a volal do protestantskej cirkvi a zapríčinil vznik denominácií - presne to, čo oni robili tam.
93Ale malý starý Izrael sa tak isto hýbal rovno ďalej. On putoval po púšti dlhý čas, a všetci tí starí bojovníci museli vymrieť. Ale on išiel rovno ďalej do zasľúbenej zemi. Áno. Pozorujte ich všetkých v zbroji predtým, ako prekročili Jordán. Páči sa mi to. A práve teraz sa dostávame dole do toho veku, teraz tu.
94Všimnite si teraz, zistili sme že tento čas trval ... Povedal som, tri a pol roka Danielových sedemdesiatych týždňov. Dovoľte mi to teraz vysvetliť trochu jasnejšie, pretože tu vidím niekoho, kto to stále pozoroval - učiteľa, a chcem sa pokúsiť vyjadriť sa jasne. Všimnite si, keď týchto sedemdesiat týždňov prichádza ... Keď Daniel videl to videnie o prichádzajúcom čase a o zakončení Židovského ... ale on povedal, že bolo vyznačených sedemdesiat týždňov (to je sedem rokov). V polovici toho, aha, bude tam Mesiáš, a bude vyťatý ako obeť.
95No, to je presne to, čo sa stalo. Potom Boh jednal s pohanmi až kým nevzal ľudí pre Svoje meno. A akonáhle je tá pohanská cirkev vzatá ... On vzal hore Cirkev. A keď ju On vzal, spiaca panna, cirkev samotná ... Nevesta odišla hore, a cirkev samotná bola postavená do vonkajšej tmy, kde bol plač a nárek a škrípanie zubov.
96A v tom istom čase padá na ľudí to súženie. A zatiaľ čo padá súženie, tam prichádzajú tí dvaja proroci zo Zjavenia 11, aby pre nich kázali Evanjelium. A oni kážu tisíc dvesto šesťdesiat dní. Vidíte? No, to je presne, s tridsiatymi dňami na mesiac, tak ako má skutočný kalendár, to je presne tri a pol roka. To je Danielov sedemdesiaty ... posledná polovica sedemdesiateho týždňa.
97Vidíte, Boh nejedná s Izraelom tu. Nie veru! Pred nedávnom sa ma opýtal nejaký brat: "Mám ísť do ..." Jeden brat tu v zbore, vzácny, milý brat povedal: "Chcem ísť do Izraela. Verím, že tam je prebudenie."
Niekto mi povedal: "Brat Branham, mal by si ísť do Izraela hneď teraz. Oni to uvidia." Viete, vy to nemôžete robiť. Stál som rovno tam, a rozmýšľal som ...
98Tí Židia povedali: "Ak toto je ... Ježiš je Mesiáš," povedal: "dobre, nech Ho vidím urobiť znak proroka. My budeme veriť našim prorokom - pretože to je to, čo oni majú byť."
99"Čo za predsavzatie," pomyslel som si. "Tu idem." Keď som bol rovno tam, celkom blízko, aby to ... rovno ... Bol som ... no, bol som v Káhire, a držal som v ruke letenku do Izraela. A povedal som: "Pôjdem a uvidím, či sa oni po tom pýtajú, keď oni budú môcť vidieť znak proroka; budeme vidieť, či oni prijmú Krista."
100Lewi Pethrus zo Stockholmskej Cirkvi im poslal milión Biblií. A títo Židia prichádzajúci tam ... Videli ste ten obraz. Mám to na tom kotúči práve teraz tu: "Tri minúty do polnoci." A tí Židia prišli z celého sveta, zovšadiaľ - začínajú sa tam zhromažďovať.
101Potom, čo Anglicko tam vošlo za času Generála Allenby ...(myslím, že je to v druhom Diele: "Koniec Svetovej Vojny.") a oni kapitulovali - Turci kapitulovali. A potom oni to dali naspäť Izraelu, a on začal rásť ako národ. Teraz je on dokonalým národom - jeho vlastné peniaze, mena, zástava, armáda, a všetko ďalšie.
102A títo Židia prichádzajú naspäť do domoviny, oni boli ... Zaprvé, keď oni odišli dole do Iránu a tam dole, aby ich vzali, oni sa opýtali ... oni povedali, že ich chcú vziať naspäť do Izraelu, aby im tam dali ... vziať ich naspäť do ich zemi, Palestíny, kde oni maju byť. A pamätajte, tak dlho, ako Izrael je pomimo tej zemi, je pomimo vôli Božej. Ako Abrahám, ktorému to bolo dané. Oni nechceli ísť do lietadla. Oni nikdy nič také nevideli. A vystúpil tam nejaký starý rabbi a povedal: "Náš prorok nám povedal, že keď Izrael pôjde domov, to bude na krídlach orla." - na lietadle, domov.
Tam je on teraz, stavia, figový strom sa obnovuje. Amen! Veje stará šesťcípa hviezda Dávidova.
"Dni pohanov sú zrátané, Hrôzami obťažené ..."
Obdobie súženia je práve na dosah, stojí rovno tu; a Pečate sú otvorené, a Cirkev je pripravená dať sa na svoj let do povetria; a nastane súženie. Potom Boh príde dole a potiahne odtiaľ tých 144 000. Amen!
103Och, to je dokonalé! Vidíte ako to teraz tie Pečate prinášajú na svetlo, ako to otvárajú? No, toto sú posledné tri a pol roka pre tých ľudí. Tak isto, ak si všimnete, to je čas, keď Boh bude volať tých 144 000 Židov v týchto posledných tri a pol roka.
Vidíte, On s nimi vôbec nezaoberal. Oni nemali proroka. Oni nebudú veriť ničomu jedine prorokovi. Nemôžete ich oklamať. Tak, oni budú počúvať proroka. Tak veru. A hotovo. Boh im to povedal tam na začiatku a oni sa toho držia.
104On povedal: "Pán váš Boh vzbudí proroka pomedzi vami, tak ako mňa." Mojžiš to povedal. Povedal: "Jeho budete počúvať. A každý, kto nebude počúvať toho proroka bude vyťatý z ľudu." Je to tak. A vidíte, ich oči museli byť zaslepené, inak by Ho boli rozpoznali. Namiesto toho, súc zaslepení, boli ... To umožnilo Satanovi dostať ich. A hovorili: "On je veštec - Belzebub. Nech je jeho krv na nás. My vieme, že to s ním nemá nič spoločného." Vidíte? A tí biedni ľudia boli zaslepení.
105Preto Eichmanova skupina a všetky tie skupiny, ktorí tam boli zabití mali právo vojsť. Ich vlastný Otec musel zaslepiť ich oči, aby On mohol zobrať nás - skoro najdojímavejšia vec v Písme. Len si predstavte ... Tam tí Židia sa dožadovali krvi svojho vlastného Otca - svojho vlastného Boha, ktorý tam visel, krvácajúci ...
106Pozrite: "Tam Ho oni ukrižovali," Biblia hovorí. To sú štyri najväčšie slová ... Pozrite. Tam - v Jeruzaleme, v najsvätejšom meste na svete. Oni - najsvätejší ľudia na svete. Ukrižovali - najbrutálnejšia smrť na svete. Jeho - najdôležitejšiu Osobu na svete.
107Prečo? Tí nábožní ľudia - najväčšie náboženstvo na svete - to jediné pravdivé náboženstvo na svete - stálo tam a pribíjalo na kríž práve toho Boha, o ktorom hovorila ich Biblia, že príde. Prečo to oni nevideli? Biblia nám hovorí, že Boh ich zaslepil, tak to oni nemohli vidieť.
108On povedal, "Kto z vás ma usvedčí o hriechu?" Inými slovami, "Ak som neurobil presne to, čo bolo predpovedané o Mne, že mám urobiť, potom Mi to povedzte." Hriech je nevera. On urobil presne čo Mu Boh povedal, ale oni to nemohli vidieť.
109Teraz, keď hovoríte ľuďom, je to tak, ako liať vodu kačici na chrbát. Rozumiete čo myslím? To je žalostná vec. Keď vidíte tento národ, a tých ľudí, ako sa zachovávajú, tak naškrobene a nábožne ... Ale, či nám Duch Svätý nehovorí, že oni budú unáhlení, vysokomyseľní, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha, zradní, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, nemilujúci dobrého? ... majú formu pobožnosti ale budú zapierať moc Evanjelia. Povedal: "Od takých sa stráň.
110Tu to máme, tieto denominačné skomoleniny. Oni berú všetku slávu a moc a umiestňujú to naspäť na apoštolov a to ostatné z toho umiestňujú na druhú stranu do Milénia. S človekom je to presne tak, ako som predtým povedal. Človek stále chváli Boha za to, čo On urobil, hľadí do budúcnosti, na to, čo On bude robiť a ignoruje to, čo On práve teraz robí. Je to presne tak. Človek je stále taký istý.
Tam stáli títo Židia a hovorili: "Sláva Bohu. Ó (ako hovorí 6. kapitola ev. Jána,) Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti." A Ježiš povedal: "Oni všetci pomreli."
111Oni pili vodu zo skaly na púšti a potom On povedal: "Ja som tá Skala." On povedal: "Ale Ja som Chlieb Života, ktorý prišiel od Boha z neba - ten Strom Života, ktorý bol tam v záhrade Eden. Keď niekto bude jesť z tohoto chleba, nezomrie. Ja ho znovu vzkriesim v posledných dňoch." Je to tak.
112Stál tam sám Mesiáš a hovoril myšlienky ich srdca, a takéto veci - ukazoval, že On je Mesiáš, robil presne to, čo Mesiáš mal robiť. A oni tam stáli s rukami za chrbtom: "Och, to nemôže byť On. Nie, nie. On neprišiel v tom správnom trende. Vidíte, On prichádza z Betlehema. A tento nie je nič iné, ako nemanželské dieťa, a to diabol v ňom činí tie veci. Vieme, že je nenormálny. On je blázon a má diabla."
Vidíte, ich oči boli na to skutočne zaslepené. No, ale oni očakávajú na toho proroka; a oni ho prijmú. Prijmú dvoch. Je to tak.
113No, všimnite si znovu. No, takisto, keď títo Židia ... Dám vám ďalší malý symbol, a tak môžete jasne vidieť, že toto sú teraz Židia tu na tejto strane vytrhnutia. Hľaďte čo sa deje. Je to tiež znázornené, (nechceme zaberať čas a hovoriť o tom, pretože vybehneme z tohoto) ... Tiež znázornené v tom, čo bolo nazvané Jakobovým problémom.
Hľaďte teraz, títo Židia tu majú ... Všimnite si! Ó, zaberiem tu trochu času. Som z toho nervózny, keď to takto začínam preskakovať.
114Všimnite si. Chcem aby ste to videli. No, ja ... Dobre, Boh vám to ukáže, som si istý. Hľaďte! Jakob mal prvorodenstvo. Je to tak? Ale on skutočne bol pri tom tak trochu podvodník. Vidíte? On tam išiel a oklamal svojho otca, oklamal svojho brata, on urobil toto všetko. Ale on ho jednako mal legálne hneď vtedy; pretože Ezav ho predal.
Ale on tam potom odišiel, aby pracoval pre svojho svokra, kládol tam do vody tie topoľové prúty, aby spôsobil, aby ten dobytok a všetko rodilo fľakaté mláďatá. A viete, čo všetko takto robil, len aby získal peniaze.
115Hľaďte teraz. On bol vyhnaný od svojho ľudu. No, to je predobraz na terajších Židov. On stále zo všetkého chce vytĺcť peniaze. Nestarám sa o to, ako on ku tomu príde, on to dostane. On ťa zaživa oderie, aby to dostal. No, poznáte to. On je trochu podvodník, to je všetko. Chlapče, nejednaj sa sním. On ťa dostane, chlapče. Tak veru! Prečo? On taký musí byť. To je ten druh ducha, ktorý vládne.
116Presne tak, ako tí reformátori nemohli porozumieť toto Slovo, pretože to bol duch človeka, ktorý im bol poslaný. To je vek orla, ktorý dostáva Slovo a zjavenie. Všetci, ktorí to rozumejú, zodvihnite ruky, aby ... To je dobre. To je fajn. To je dobre.
No, vidíte, ak sa môžete dostať sem pod tieto Pečate, ak oni kedy dostanú ... Keď sú otvorené, môžete vidieť presne, čo Boh robí, čo On robil, čo On bude robiť. Tu je to presne. A preto sa ľudia takto zachovávajú, pretože to je duch, ktorý je predpovedaný na ten vek, aby bol na nich. Oni nemohli robiť nič iné. Nič nemohlo ...
117Myslím o Jánovi, Pavlovi a tých ostatných, o tom Duchu leva tam, stál tam ten lev, samo Slovo. Pavol stál rovno na tom Slove a povedal: "Ja viem toto, že povstanú medzi vami falošní bratia, idúci popri tom a čo urobia (denominácie a všetko ďalšie medzi vami), a čo budú robiť. A oni pôjdu ďalej do posledných dní a nastanú nebezpečné časy." Prečo? On bol prorok. Tam v ňom stálo to Slovo. On už vtedy povedal ako sa to skončí: "Povstanú medzi vami falošní ľudia a hovoriaci rôzne veci a budú odťahovať preč bratov, ktorí sú učeníci. To je presne antikrist. On to presne tak robil.
118Všimnite si, potom keď to vošlo do temného veku súžení, čo to bolo? Oni tam nemohli nič robiť. Rím vlastnil - on mal náboženskú i politickú moc. Oni tam nemohli nič robiť, okrem toho, že pracovali aby zostali nažive a dávali samých seba ako obeť. To bol vôl. To bolo všetko, čo oni mohli robiť. To je ten Druh ducha, ktorého oni mali. Duch Boží - Vôl.
119Potom tu prichádzajú reformátori, hlava človeka, chytrosť, múdrosť - Martin Luther, John Wesley, a tak ďalej; Kalvín, Finey, Knox, a tí ostatní. Tu oni idú ďalej, a keď to urobili, oni boli reformátori. Oni vyšli reformovať - vyvádzajúc ľudí von. A obrátili sa rovno naspäť, presne tak, ako to urobili tí tam predtým a hneď sa s ňou znovu oženili na tom denominačnom systéme. Je to presne tak. Biblia tak povedala. Ona bola smilnica a mala dcéry smilnice. Presne tak.
120A Boh povedal: "Dal som jej čas aby činila pokánie a neurobila ho, a tak vezmem ju i jej deti a hodím ich tam, kde patria." Je to presne tak. A to je ... Boh to povedal tam pod tou Pečaťou. No, tam ona bola. Nachádzame, že On to robí, a On to urobí. A oni všetci tam smerujú.
121Ale ... všetkých, ktorí majú svoje mená v Knihe Života, Boh zavolá a oni budú počuť. "Moje ovce počujú Môj hlas," povedal Ježiš. Jediná vec, ktorú musíme robiť je vydávať ovčie volanie. Kozly to nevedia!
122Všimnite si. Ale vy poznáte ovčie volanie. "Moje ovce počujú môj hlas." Prečo? Čo je to za hlas? Chcem vám povedať, čo je to za hlas. Hlas je duchovné znamenie.
123On povedal Mojžišovi: "Ak nebudú počúvať na hlas prvého znamenia, budú počúvať na hlas druhého znamenia. Moje ovce počujú môj hlas."
124Keď tieto veci sa majú diať v posledných dňoch, ovce Božie to rozpoznajú. Oni to rozpoznajú. "Moje ovce Ma poznajú." Vidíte? "A za cudzím nepôjdu." Oni nebudú nasledovať tých cudzích. To musí byť potvrdené znamenie na ten deň, a oni ho vidia.
125No všimnite si. Jakob, keď on teraz prichádza, prvé čo viete, on má túžbu ísť kde? - naspäť do domoviny. Ó, to je presne to, čo urobil Izrael! To je Izrael. Jakob je Izrael. On mal len zmenené meno, viete. Vidíte? A on sa dostal tam von, a získal všetky tie peniaze, ktoré tam ten mal a ktoré mohol získať. Bral ich všetkým možným spôsobom, ako len mohol, od svojich príbuzných, či od kohokoľvek iného. Tak, podvádzal a kradol, klamal a robil všetko by ich získal, on ich získal. Vidíte? Získal ich.
126A potom, keď sa začal vracať domov, on musel cítiť vo svojom srdci túžbu po domove. Ale keď sa začal vracať naspäť, na svojej ceste späť, stretol Boha. Vtedy jeho meno bolo zmenené. Ale v tomto čase on bol tak ustarostený, pretože sa bál Ezava, ktorý mu prichádzal oproti. A pozorujte tie peniaze, tú peňažnú ponuku. Práve tak sa Židia budú snažiť uzavrieť túto zmluvu s Rímom, cez ich peňažnú ponuku.
Všimnite si to. Vtedy Ezav nepotreboval jeho peniaze; ani Rím nepotrebuje - má bohatstvo sveta vo svojich rukách, vidíte? Ale to nefungovalo. Ale my sme teraz zistili, že Izrael v tom čase problémov, keď on bol Jakob, on zápasil s ... chytil sa niečoho, čo bolo skutočné.
127Prišiel tam nejaký muž. Jakob ovinul okolo neho svoje ramená a zostal tam. A tento muž povedal: "Musím teraz odísť. Začína svitať." Och, ten úsvit toho dňa! "Nastáva deň."
128Ale Jakob povedal: "Ja ťa nepustím. Ty nemôžeš odísť. Ja tu zostanem s tebou. Ja chcem, aby tieto veci tu boli zmenené." To je 144 000, táto skupina, ktorá robí peňažné intrigy a tomu podobné veci, keď oni uvidia tú opravdivú skutočnú vec chytia sa toho. Tam stojí Mojžiš, a tam stojí Eliáš. Amen! Oni budú zápasiť s Bohom, až kým tam nebude vyvolaných 144 000 z Izraelových pokolení.
129To je tesne pred obdobím súženia. Ó, aké nádherné! Tak isto Jakobov problém. Tu je vyvolaných tých 144 000. Oni ... tí kazatelia, tí dvaja proroci, oni kážu ako Ján Krstiteľ: "Kráľovstvo Božie sa priblížilo. Čiň pokánie Izrael!" Pokánie z čoho? "Čiň pokánie zo svojich hriechov, z tvojej nevery, a obráť sa naspäť k Bohu."
130No, zapamätajme si tu niečo. Tieto veľké udalosti v prírode sa stali pred tým. Tu v 12. verši, vidíte? Slnce sčernelo ako srstnaté vrece. No, porovnajte toto ... Zapamätajte si teraz, to sa nedeje pri pohanoch. To je Izrael!
Dovoľte, aby som vám to ukázal. No, zapamätajte si, povedal som, že to je vyvolanie tých 144 000. Vidíte? Tento čas teraz to je keď On ... súženia, ktoré to majú robiť. A toto hovorí, čo sa deje v tom súžení.
131No, otvorme si Exodus 10: 21-23, a sledujme tu, keď ... Exodus je keď, samozrejme, keď Izrael vychádzal von - keď mal byť vedený. Exodus 10. kapitola a od 21. do 23. verša. Bol som tak vzrušený a vykrikoval som, keď som si písal tieto poznámky, že niekedy som ich možno pomiešal. No dobre, Exodus 10: 21-23. No dobre, ideme tu - 21. a 23.
A Hospodin riekol Mojžišovi: Vystri svoju ruku k nebesiam, A bude taká tma na Egyptskej zemi, že ju budú môcť nahmatať.
Vtedy vystrel Mojžiš svoju ruku k nebesiam, a povstala hustá tma po celej zemi Egyptskej, ktorá trvala tri dni.
Nevideli jeden druhého, ani nepovstal nikto zo svojho miesta ani sa nepohol za tri dni, ale všetci synovia Izraelovi mali svetlo vo svojich bydliskách.
Všimnite si, presne ako ... Prejdime sem: " ... a slnce sčernelo, ako srstnaté vrece ..." Vidíte? Tá istá vec, tieto udalosti v prírode. Čo to bolo? Čo to bolo, keď sa takéto niečo dialo v prírode? Boh povoláva Izrael. Vidíte? Boh vyvoláva Izrael. No: "Slnko sčernelo ako srstnaté ..." Boh sa tam chystal vyslobodiť Izrael, (no dobre) zobrať ich von z rúk nepriateľa, ktorým v tom čase bol Egypt. Teraz ich tu On berie z Rímskych rúk, kde oni uzavreli svoju zmluvu.
132Stala sa tá istá vec. To sú pliagy. Čas, keď budú padať tieto pliagy. Oni budú padať na túto skupinu pohanov. Ak by sme mali čas, mohol by som vám ukázať, čo sa bude diať tej pohanskej cirkvi. Biblia povedala, že drak, Satan, bol rozhnevaný na túto ženu (na Židov, Izrael), a vypustil vodu zo svojich úst (množstvo a zástupy ľudí) a odišiel bojovať s ostatnými zo ženinho semena. Zjavenie 13. No, vidíte to? Máme to. A to je vtedy, keď Rím posiela svoju armádu za tým zbytkom, za zbytkom semena tej ženy.
133No, dávajte pozor. Keď ich On prvý krát vyslobodil z rúk ich nepriateľov, slnce sa obrátilo na srstnaté vrece, alebo sčernelo ako srstnaté vrece. Teraz, toto je po druhý krát, koniec obdobia súženia.
Teraz, v Danielovi, ak by sme mali čas, mohli by sme to čítať. V Danielovi v 12. kapitole, Daniel povedal: "Každý kto bol nájdený zapísaný v tej Knihe bude vyslobodený."
134No pamätajte, Daniel teraz hovorí o tom období, keď sa tieto veci majú stať, keď Izrael má byť vyslobodený, keď koniec toho sedemdesiateho týždňa ... A to je vtedy keď oni majú byť vyslobodení. No, poďme na chvíľu tu do Daniela 12.
V tom čase povstane Michael, veľké knieža, ktorý stojí nad synami tvojho ľudu,
... (vidíte, to sú Židia) ...a bude čas súženia, akého nebolo, odkedy len je národom až do toho času. ...
No, porovnajte, to je presne to, čo povedal Ježiš v Matúšovi 24. Bude čas súženia, akého nebolo, odkedy len je národom. Pozrite sa na šiestu Pečať. Vidíte? To isté, čas súženia. Všimnite si.
...odkedy len je národom až do tohoto času. A v tom čase
...(teraz v tomto sedemdesiatom, v poslednej časti toho siedmeho roku) ...bude vyslobodený tvoj ľud, každý, kto bude nájdený zapísaný v knihe.
Tí predurčení, vidíte, ktorí sú zapísaní v Baránkovej Knihe Života budú v tom čase vyslobodení.
A mnohí z tých, ktorí spia v zeme prachu, sa zobudia, a to jedni na večný život a druhí na potupu a na večný hnus.
Ale rozumní sa budú skvieť ako jas oblohy, a tí, ktorí privodia mnohých k spravodlivosti, ako hviezdy na večné veky.
Potom On povedal Danielovi, aby zavrel tú Knihu, pretože bude odpočívať vo svojom lose až do toho času. No, vidíte, to na tom nič nemení, či žijete alebo či zomriete; vy jednako prídete. Vidíte? Zomieranie pre kresťana nie je nič. On aj tak nezomrie. Vidíte?
135No, Daniel 12 hovorí, že každý, kto bude nájdený zapísaný v Knihe, bude vyslobodený. Niekde tu Boh vyslobodí Svojho druhého syna, Izrael, po tých súženiach. Vidíte, druhý krát Izrael ... Izrael je Jeho syn, to viete. Izrael je Boží syn. Tak On sa ho tu chystá vyslobodiť v tomto období súženia, presne takým spôsobom, ako to On urobil dole v Egypte.
136No, zastavme sa tu znovu a vezmime niečo ďalšie, kde ich On privádza domov. No, pozorujte tu týchto dvoch prorokov. Hľaďte, čo oni teraz budú robiť - presne to, čo robil Mojžiš a oni tam dole. "A bola mi daná trstina..." 3. verš, 11. kapitola. [Zjavenie 11: 3-5. – pozn.prekl.]
A dám svojim dvom svedkom, a budú prorokovať tisíc dvesto šesťdesiat dní, oblečení v smútočných vreciach.
Toto sú tie dve olivy
... (pamätáte na to - Zorobábel, a tak ďalej a znovu vybuduje chrám) ...a dva svietniky, ktoré stoja pred Bohom, Pánom zeme.
A keby im chcel niekto ublížiť, vyjde oheň z ich úst
... (Spomínate si, že z úst Krista vychádza meč - Slovo) ...a zožerie ich nepriateľov. A keby im chcel niekto ublížiť, musí byť tak zabitý.
137No, my vieme o tom ohni, v 19. kapitole - príchod Kristov, z Jeho úst vychádzal meč, ktorým bolo Slovo. Je to tak? - Slovo. Ó, keď vezmete teraz tento materiál na tú Pečať zajtra večer. Slovo je tá vec, ktorou Boh zabíja Svojich nepriateľov.
No, pozrite sa sem. Keď títo proroci prorokujú, ak ktokoľvek špatne s nimi nakladá, škodí im, oheň vychádza z ich úst, oheň Ducha Svätého - Slovo. Slovo je Boh. Slovo je Oheň. Slovo je Duch. "Vychádza z ich úst."
138Pozrite sa na Mojžiša. Vidzme čo vychádza z jeho úst. Izrael musel ... spôsob, akým oni tam pracovali ... Mám na mysli Egypt. Oni trápili týchto Židov. Mojžiš ... Oni im nechceli dovoliť odísť; Faraón nechcel. Boh dal slová do Mojžišových úst. To sú Božie myšlienky idúce do Mojžišovho srdca. On teraz ide aby ich vyjadril, a potom sa to stáva Slovom. Vystrel svoju ruku a povedal: "Nech sa zjavia muchy!" a tu prichádzajú muchy. Pozrite sa sem: "A keby im chcel niekto ublížiť, vyjde oheň z ich úst a zožerie ich nepriateľov." Tu to je. Oni môžu hovoriť čo chcú, a to sa stane. Amen! A keď im ktokoľvek ublíži, musí takto byť zabitý.
139Brat, Boh tu jazdí na scéne. Oni majú moc zavrieť nebesia, aby nepršalo vo dňoch ich proroctva - Eliáš! Oni vedia ako to robiť. Oni to robili predtým. Preto oni tam boli zachovaní. Amen!
140Mohol by som práve tu povedať niečo hrozne dobré, ale hádam to radšej zadržím až do zajtra večera. Vidíte? No dobre. "A majú moc nad vodami obrátiť ich na krv a udrieť zem pliagami, tak často ako chcú." Čo to je? Čo okrem Slova môže priniesť tieto veci? Oni môžu narábať s prírodou tak, ako chcú.
141Tu to je. Oni sú tí, ktorí prinášajú túto šiestu Pečať. Oni ju odkrývajú a otvárajú. To je moc Božia, ktorá môže prerušiť chod prírody. Vidíte, šiesta Pečať je kompletné prerušenie prírody.
142Rozumiete tomu teraz? Tam je vaša Pečať. Kto to robí? To sú tí proroci po druhej strane vytrhnutia. S mocou Božou, so Slovom Božím, oni proste zastavujú prírodu. Oni môžu poslať zemetrasenia, obrátiť mesiac na krv, slnko môže zájsť alebo čokoľvek, na ich rozkaz. Amen!
143Tu to máte. Tu to máte, vidíte. Vidíte, ako sú tie Pečate otvorené tam v tom cirkevnom veku? Ako to ukazuje tých mučeníkov? A teraz tu stoja títo dvaja proroci so Slovom Božím, aby robili čokoľvek prírode, čo chcú, a oni trasú zemou. To ukazuje presne kto to robí. To je Mojžiš a Eliáš, pretože to je znovu stelesnená ich služba - oboch tých mužov. Ó! Vidíte to teraz? Vidíte, čo je táto šiesta Pečať? To sú títo proroci.
144Všimnite si teraz. Nech vás to neudusí, ale hľaďte čo otvorilo túto Pečať - proroci. Amen! No prosím. Och, žijeme tu v dni orla! A je to teraz medzi nami! Oni otvorili tú šiestu Pečať. Oni majú moc to robiť! Amen! Tam sa otvára vaša šiesta Pečať. Vidíte?
145No, vraciame sa naspäť rovno tam a Ježiš povedal, že to sa bude diať: Dávno v Starom Zákone, tam v Ezechielovi. Tam v tých starých prorokoch, oni hovorili, že to sa bude diať. A tu je otvorená šiesta Pečať a oni hovoria: "No, to je tajomná vec. Čo to urobilo?" Tu je to tajomstvo toho - tí proroci, pretože Biblia to tu tak povedala. Oni to môžu otvoriť, kedykoľvek oni ... Oni môžu robiť prírode čokoľvek chcú. A oni robia tie isté veci, ktoré robili oni, pretože oni vedia, ako to bolo urobené. Amen! Sláva!
Keď som to uvidel, hneď som vstal zo stoličky a začal som chodiť hore dole. Rozmýšľal som: "Pane, ako Ti ďakujem, Nebeský Otče." Tam to je. To je ono. Oni otvorili túto šiestu Pečať. Amen!
Pozorujte ich. Ak im ktokoľvek ublíži, oheň vyjde z ich úst - Slovo. Duch Svätý prichádza na apoštolov, vidíte. Oheň vyšiel z ich úst.
146No, všimnite si tu v Zjavení 19 vidíme to isté. A veľký meč vychádza z Jeho úst - Slovo. Vidíte to? Kristov príchod. A On s ním zabíjal Svojich nepriateľov. Je to tak? Teraz je On na Svojej ceste. Pozorujte Ho teraz. No dobre.
147Títo mali moc zavrieť nebesia, aby nepršalo vo dňoch ich proroctva. Chlapče, to je prerušovanie prírody! No, na ako dlho to urobil, tento muž, Eliáš, na ako dlho zavrel nebesia? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: "na tri a pol roka." – pozn.prekl.] Tu to máte, presne! Ako dlho v Danielovom sedemdesiatom ... poslednej časti tých sedemdesiatych týždňoch? ["tri a pol roka." – pozn.prekl.] Tu to máte, presne!
148Čo robil Mojžiš? On premenil vodu na krv a robil všetky tieto druhy zázrakov, presne to, čo je predpovedané tu pod touto šiestou Pečaťou. A oni sú tu v Zjavení 11, a robia presne to isté! Amen! Sú tri rozdielne miesta v Písme, rovno tam, ktoré ladia tú vec rovno dokopy. To je otvorenie šiestej Pečati. Je to rovno tam. Amen! Sláva!
149Všimnite si teraz. Títo majú moc zavrieť nebesia vo dňoch svojho proroctva aby nepršalo; a moc nad vodami, aby ich obrátili na krv, udrieť zem pliagami tak často, ako chcú. Ó! Tu to máte. No, obráťme sa rovno tu do tých pliag. Celá príroda je narušená v tejto šiestej Pliage, či ... Šiestej Pečati - otvorenej. To je presne to čo sa stalo.
150No pozrite sa. Vidíte, tu niekde Boh má vyslobodiť Svojho syna, Izrael, po tom istom druhu súžení, ktoré On urobil tam dole. On tam dole poslal Mojžiša a vyslobodil Izrael. Je to tak? A on urobil tieto isté veci.
151 On poslal Eliáša ku Achabovi, a sedem tisíc vyšlo. Je to tak? On ich tu v čase súženia znovu posiela naspäť a vyvoláva 144 000. Teraz vidíte, všimnite si, medzi šiestou a Siedmou Pečaťou, tá 7. kapitola Zjavenia matematicky presne pasuje spolu.
152Práve ako Amerika je číslo trinásť. Trinásť štátov s ktorými ona začala, 13 hviezd na zástave, 13 kolónií, 13 pruhov - všetko, 13, 13, a objavuje sa tam rovno v 13. kapitole Zjavenia. Je to tak. Ona je trinástka a žena.
153No, keď sa On chystal vyslobodiť Svojho jednorodeného Syna, (ktorý bol Jeho jednorodený - Jakob je Jeho syn, ale toto je Jeho jednorodený Syn.) Matúš 27, pozrime sa, čo On tam robil. Matúš 27. kapitola. Zapamätajte si teraz, Jeho Syn bol bitý, a bol sužovaný, a oni si robili z Neho posmech, a On teraz visel na kríži o tretej hodine popoludní na Veľký Piatok - asi vtedy sa to odohrávalo. Matúš, 27. kapitola Matúša a 45. verš. Myslím, že to je ono.
A od šiestej hodiny povstala tma na celej zemi až do deviatej hodiny.
No, všimnite si, to je presne to, čo On urobil teraz tu v tomto predtým.
A videl som, keď otvoril šiestu pečať a hľa, povstalo veľké zemetrasenie, a slnce sčernelo ako srstnaté vrece, a mesiac bol celý ako krv.
154Temnosť, tma, Egypt. Temnosť, tma, Boh vyslobodzuje Ježiša na kríži, tesne pred tým, ako Ho zobral hore zo vzkriesenia. Prv, temnosť - slnko zašlo v polovici dňa, a hviezdy nesvietili. Dva dni po tom Ho On vzbudil s mocným triumfom. Po tom čo slnko, a mesiac, a hviezdy a všetko v Egypte - všetko toto sa dialo, On vyslobodil Izraela do Zasľúbenej Zemi.
Tu je to v období súženia, a tu stoja tí proroci aby ... ktorí vládnu Slovom, ktoré im Boh dáva. Oni môžu hovoriť len keď im Boh dáva Slovo.
No, oni nie sú bohovia. Prechodne, amatérsky sú, pretože Ježiš povedal, že sú. Povedal: "Vy ich nazývate bohmi, tých ku ktorým prichádza Slovo Božie."
155Dobre, pozrite. To je ten, ku komu Boh prináša Slovo. A keď to on hovorí, to sa deje. To je to. A tu je on s poverením od Boha, aby udrel zem kdekoľvek chce. Ó! Zastavil nebesia, a on to robí. Čo sa deje? On je rozhodnutý vziať tých 144 000 do vykúpenia - tých z Knihy Vykúpenia. A to je pod Pečaťou vykúpenia, v tejto šiestej Pečati. To je to, moji drahí priatelia. To je šiesta Pečať, ktorá bola tak tajomná.
Vezmime len ... Máme ešte desať minút. Vezmime ešte trochu. Mám ešte dve alebo tri strany. No, mám ... Môžete to práve vidieť. Myslím, že to je asi ... o tejto Pečati, myslím že som vynechal okolo 15 strán, do ktorých by som mohol zájsť.
Och, je toho tak mnoho o tom. Ó, mohli by ste stále prechádzať z jedného miesta do druhého, ale obávam sa, že by som vás poplietol, keby som príliš mnoho o tom hovoril. A nie som ... A nemôžem to udržať pokope, ako by som mal.
156V Izaiášovi ... vezmime toto. Izaiáš, prorok, videl otvorenú túto šiestu Pečať a hovoril o nej. A to je skutočne dôležité, vidíte. No, celý plán vykúpenia leží pod týmito Pečatiami - celá Kniha.
No pamätajte, videli sme, že Ježiš to videl. Je to tak? Vidíte? Ježiš to videl. A teraz sme našli iných, ktorí to videli. Našli sme to zobrazené v Jakobovi. Našli sme to zobrazené na príklade Egypta. Vidíme to predstavené na kríži.
No, poďme naspäť do Izaiáša. Mám tu tiež vypísaných mnohých ďalších prorokov. Vezmime len ... Páči sa mi toto v Izaiášovi. Poďme sem naspäť do Izaiáša, trinásta kapitola Izaiáša.. Páči sa mi ...
157Izaiáš sám o sebe je kompletnou Bibliou, viete. Vedeli ste to? Vidíte? Izaiáš začína hovoriť o stvorení; v strede knihy predstavuje Jána a na konci predstavuje Milénium. A v Biblii je 66 kníh, a v Izaiášovi je 66 kapitol. Ona je sama o sebe kompletnou encyklopédiou.
158Dávajte pozor, čítame teraz 13. kapitolu Izaiáša. Začnime tu pri šiestom verši.
Kvíľte, lebo je blízko deň Hospodinov. Príde ako záhuba od Všemohúceho.
Pozorujte túto šiestu Pečať, ako sa tu teraz otvára - Tam vtedy 713 rokov predtým, ako prišiel Kristus. On tu bol pred 2000 rokmi; to by bolo asi pred 2 700 rokmi, keď tam Izaiáš videl visieť túto Pečať. No dobre.
Preto ochabnúc klesnú všetky ruky, a každé srdce človeka sa rozplynie.
159Čo povedal Ježiš: "A preto, že sa rozmôže neprávosť, ochladne láska mnohých ... a ľudské srdci zmŕtvejú od strachu"; more bude hučať, vidíte? Ľudské srdcia budú zlyhávať.
Predesia sa; kŕče a bolesti ich pochytia; budú sa zvíjať ako žena, ktorá ide porodiť; každý bude s desením a v rozpakoch hľadieť na svojho blížneho; ich tváre budú zahanbené
Všimnite si to tu. Och, ich tváre, zahanbené. Za chvíľu sa musíme ku tomu dostať. Budeme sa toho držať, vidíte.
Hľa, deň Hospodinov prichádza, ukrutný, prchlivosť a páľa hnevu, aby obrátil zem na púšť, a jej hriešnikov zahladí v nej.
(Zem - to je celá zem. Vidíte? Hľaďte.)Lebo hviezdy nebies, ani ich najjasnejšie súhviezdia nedajú svietiť svojmu svetlu; slnce sa zatmie vtedy, keď bude vychádzať, a mesiac nedá svietiť svojmu svetlu.
A navštívim zlosť na okruhu sveta a na bezbožných ich neprávosť. A spôsobím to, že prestane hrdosť pyšných a vysokomyseľnosť tyranov ponížim.
160Vidíte to tam, úplne presne. Izaiáš videl to isté, o čom Ježiš hovoril. To, čo zjavilo Sedem Pečatí. Keď On súženiami očisťuje zem. To je obdobie súženia - táto šiesta Pečať. Áno, on bol prorok, a bolo mu oznámené Slovo Božie. To bolo pred 2 700 rokmi.
161Skutočne, chcem len povedať toto: Celý svet - ako to videl tu Izaiáš: "ako žena v pôrodných bolestiach ..." celé stvorenie sa zvíja v pôrodných bolestiach. Prečo všetko toto zvíjanie a žalostenie? Ako žena, ktorá má byť matkou, samotná zem - príroda ...?
162Aha, toto mesto tu ... Vezmime naše vlastné mesto. Keď výčapy piva a prostitúcia a špina a bahno, ako každé iné mesto ... No, verím, že Boh by sa radšej díval na to, tak ako to mal pred tisíc rokmi. Keď Ohio spokojne pretekala, nemali žiadne spätné prúdy ani záplavy. Nemali v tom údolí žiadny hriech. Potuloval sa tam bizón, a ten starý Cherokee poľoval na neho a viedol slušný život. Tam neboli žiadne problémy. Ale prichádza človek a s ním prichádza hriech. Keď sa človek začal množiť na tvári zeme, vtedy začína hriech a násilie. Je to tak. Stále je príčinou človek. Ó, myslím, že je to hanba.
163Stál som jedného dňa v mojom domácom kraji, tam teraz v Arizone ... A všetko, čo som čítal, ako dieťa o Geronimovi a Cochise, a o tých starých Apačoch ... Pretože som im tam kázal - sú to fajn ľudia. Ak chcete stretnúť tých najlepších ľudí, sú títo Apačskí Indiáni. A potom som išiel tam do Tombstone, kde majú všetky tie staré pamiatky a veci od vojny. A díval som sa ... Oni stále ... Viete oni stále rátajú Geronima, ako odpadlíka. Pre mňa to bol ozajstný Američan. Skutočne! On bojoval len za svoje práva, ako by robil každý. On nechcel toto poškvrnenie vo svojej zemi. A pozrite, čo je to teraz - navádzajú jeho deti ... a jeho dcéry do prostitúcii a do všetkého možného - a prichádza tam biely človek. Ten biely človek je darebák!
164Indián sa držal svojich pevných zásad. On bol konzervatívny. On išiel a zabil bizóna a celý kmeň jedol z neho, kým ho celého nezjedol. Oni používali kožu na oblečenie a na stany a na všetko možné. A prichádza biely človek a strieľa do nich, ako do terča. Ó, to je taká hanba!
165Čítal som v novinách článok o Afrike, o tom veľkom kraji plnom divokej lovnej zveri, tam majú týchto chlapov, Artúra Bodfreya a tých, ktorí tam idú a takto z helikoptéry strieľajú slony a všetko. Bol tam obrázok nejakej slonici, ktorá zomierala, a slzy jej stekali po tvári a dvaja veľkí samci sa ju snažili udržať na nohách ... Ó, to je hriech! To nie je šport!!
166Keď som stál tam vonku na poli, kde som poľoval i tak ďalej, a videl som tam prichádzať tých bielych poľovníkov a strieľať tie lane a odsekávať zadnú štvrťku z nich a niekedy zabili osem, alebo desať malých laní a nechali ich tam ležať a ich mláďatá pobehávali okolo, snažiac sa nájsť svoju mamu - a vy si myslíte, že to je šport? To je podľa mojej knihy krutá vražda!
167Dúfam, že Kanada tam nikdy neurobí žiadne cesty, pokiaľ ja žijem, aby dovolila tam prísť týmto odpadlíckymi Američanom. Je to tak. Oni sú najbiednejší športovci, akých som kedy v živote videl. No, nie všetci z nich. Sú niektorí skutoční opravdiví ľudia, ale to nájdete len jedného z tisíca. Strieľajú na všetko, čo môžu vidieť, akýmkoľvek spôsobom ako chcú. Je to tak. To je vrah! Je to tak. On nemá srdce. On bude strieľať mimo sezónu.
168Keď som bol tam na Aljaške, bol som tam s jedným s tých sprievodcov. On povedal: "Zbieral som ... Išiel som tam teraz a našiel som celú čriedu tých veľkých jeleňov ... či nie jeleňov, losov, ležiacich tam pozabíjaných s 50 kalibrovým kulometom, cez parohy, títo americkí piloti tam na Aljašky ich postrieľali kulometom z lietadla - čriedu losov. To je číra vražda!
169Oni tam veľmi dobre vedeli, že keby pozabíjali bizónov, môžu indiánov na smrť vyhladovať. Preto Cochise musel kapitulovať - všetky jeho kniežatá a všetci z nich, jeho deti, a všetci jeho ľudia boli vyhladovaní na smrť. Oni tam išli s veľkou masou tých. Buffalo Bill a tí zálesáci a oni vystrieľali všetkých tých bizónov - štyridsať alebo päťdesiat za popoludnie. Oni vedeli, že keď vystrieľajú bizóny, zbavia sa Indiánov. Ó, to je škvrna na zástave, ten spôsob ako oni zachádzali s tými Indiánmi. Tu to máte. Ale pamätajte, Biblia povedala: "Prichádza hodina, že Boh zničí tých, ktorí ničia zem." A celý svet ...!
170Pozrite sa na tieto údolia. Stál som tam jedného dňa a díval som sa dole do údolia Phonixu. Vyšiel som hore na South Mountain. Sedeli sme so ženou tam hore a dívali sme sa na Phonix, a ja som povedal: "Nie je to hrozné?"
A ona povedala: "Hrozné? Čo máš na mysli?"
171Povedal som: "Ten hriech. Koľko je tam v tom údolí cudzoložstva a pitia a preklínania a brania mena Pánovho nadarmo, kde je okolo 140000 alebo 150 000 alebo možno 200 000 ľudí, v tom údolí?" A povedal som: "Pred päťsto, alebo pred tisíc rokmi, tam nebolo nič okrem kaktusov, stromov a starých kojotov pobehujúcich hore dole po piesku okolo rieky, tí čističi." A povedal som: "Tak to stvoril Boh, ale prišiel sem človek a čo urobil? Zaplnil zem špinou. Ulice sú plné žlči; kanáli a rieky sú znečistené špinou." Oni nemôžu ... Och chlapče, radšej nepi tú vodu. Mohol by si dostať všetko možné.
172Pozri sa na to. Nie len tu, ale po celom svete. Tá vec je poškvrnená, a svet, príroda ... Bože buď milostivý! Celý svet je vo svojich pôrodných bolestiach. Svet sa snaží ... Ona sa zvíja, povedal Izaiáš. Čo sa deje? Ona sa snaží porodiť nový svet pre Milénium, kde je očistený všetok hriech, snaží sa porodiť nový svet pre nových ľudí, ktorí nebudú hrešiť a neznečistia ho. Je to tak. Ona je v bolestiach.
173Preto to ... Sme v pôrodných bolestiach - aby zrodiť Nevestu pre Krista. Všetko je v pôrodných bolestiach, vzdychá. Vidíte, niečo sa má stať. A táto šiesta pliaga jej dá porodiť!
174Brat, vypuknú zemetrasenia a zem sa bude otvárať a hviezdy sa budú triasť, vybuchnú sopky a zem sa obnoví. Zo stredu zeme sa vyvalí nová láva a rozleje sa všade dookola ďalej a ďalej pri tom, ako sa tam otáča.
175Hovorím vám, jedno ráno, keď Ježiš a Jeho Nevesta prídu na zem, bude tam Raj Boží, kde ... Ó! Budú tam prechádzať tí starí bojovníci z toho boja zo svojimi priateľmi a s milovanými. Chválospevy budú napĺňať ovzdušie, s anjelskými duchmi. "Och, dobre si to urobil, môj dobrý a verný sluha, vojdi do radosti svojho Pána, ktorá ti bola pripravená, akú si mal mať tam, prv ako Eva začala v hriechu." Amen!
Áno, šiesta Pečať urobí niečo. Tak veru! Skutočne celý svet žalostí a bolestí za tým vekom milénia. No, tento je teraz tak presiaknutý špinou.
176Ako som tu kázal nedávno - Myslím, že som kázal tu v modlitebni: "Svet sa rozpadá." To je presne to. Pozrite, čo sa rozpadá vo svete. Všetko v ňom sa rozpadá. Skutočne. On sa musí rozpadnúť. Tak veru. Pozrite sa, jeho štruktúra ... Dovoľte mi ukázať vám dôvod, že svet sa musí rozpadnúť. Štruktúra tohoto sveta: železo a mosadz a materiály tejto zeme boli vytiahnuté z jej kostry na vojnu a na priemysel, až je to skoro hotové ...
177No, nikdy sme v tejto časti krajiny nemali zemetrasenia, až nedávno, nedávno tu, viete v St. Louis a tam dole. Ona sa stáva tak tenká. Oni z nej všetko vytiahli. Vidíte?
Jej politici sú tak skazení, že sotva je nejaký čestný ... medzi nimi - jej systém. Jej morálka je tak nízko, že oni proste nemajú žiadnu. To je všetko. Jej náboženstvo je rozožrané. Tak veru.
178Je čas na šiestu Pečať, veľmi skoro, aby bola otvorená. A keď sa otvorí, och - je koniec! Nevesta odišla. Kráľovná odišla, aby zaujala svoje miesto. Ona bola teraz vydatá za Kráľa, zatiaľ čo toto prebieha. A zbytok Izraela je zapečatený a pripravení odísť, a potom pôjde príroda. Ó, čo za čas!
179Všimnite si ten posledný verš pri otváraní šiestej Pečati. Tí, ktorí sa smiali z kázania Slova - potvrdeného Slova Živého Boha. Keď títo proroci, ktorí tam stáli a činili zázraky, a zatmeli slnko, a činili všetky ďalšie veci za celý ten vek ... Oni kričali na skaly a na vrchy, aby ich ukryli pred Slovom z ktorého sa smiali, pretože oni Ho môžu vidieť prichádzať. "Ukryte nás pred hnevom Baránka" - On je Slovo, vidíte.
180Oni sa smiali zo Slova, a tu sa to Slovo stelesnilo. A oni si robili z neho žarty, smiali sa z nich, robili si z nich žarty; a to stelesnené Slovo prišlo dole. Prečo oni nečinili pokánie? Nemohli - pre nich bolo príliš neskoro. Tak oni vedeli, že trest ... Oni to počuli. Oni sedeli v zhromaždeniach ako toto a vedeli o tom, a oni vedeli, že tieto veci, ktoré títo proroci predpovedali, im hľadia rovno do tváre. Vec, ktorú odmietli, oni posledný krát odstrčili milosť. A keď odstrčíte milosť, neostáva nič iné než súd. Keď odvrhnete milosť - pomyslite len o tom.
181A tam oni boli. Oni nemali miesto kde ísť, žiadnu skrýšu. A Biblia tu hovorí: "Oni kričali na skaly a na vrchy padnite na nás a skryte nás pred tvárou a pred hnevom Baránka." Oni sa snažili činiť pokánie, ale Baránok prišiel, aby si vyžiadal Svojich vlastných. A oni kričali na skaly a na vrchy - modlili sa, ale na ich modlitby bolo príliš neskoro.
Moji bratia, sestry, dobrota a milosť Božia vystreté ku ľuďom. Zatiaľ, čo Izrael bol zaslepený za toto ... za tu skoro okolo dvetisíc rokov - aby nám dal možnosť činiť pokánie. Odstrčili ste tú milosť? Odmietli ste ju? Kto vlastne ste? Odkiaľ ste prišli, a kde idete? Nemôžete sa to opýtať doktora. Nemôžete sa to opýtať nikoho na svete, a nie je kniha, ktorú by ste mohli čítať, ktorá by vám mohla povedať, kto ste a odkiaľ ste prišli a kde idete, okrem tejto Biblii.
No vy viete, keby ste nemali Krv Baránka, aby ona zastala na vašom mieste, vidíte kde ste boli nasmerovaní. Tak ak Boh toto pre vás urobil, to najmenšie čo by sme my mohli urobiť, je prijať to čo On urobil. To je všetko, čo On od nás chce. A na základe tohoto ...
Ak pôjdem ešte ďalej, budem musieť prísť rovno do tej pliagy. To je služba na zajtra večer, a ja to nemôžem robiť. Nemôžem ísť ďalej. Poznačil som si to tu, krížik - zastav sa tu. Tak potom, musím čakať až do zajtra.
No, skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Ak ste, moji vzácny priatelia, ak ste neprijali lásky tohoto Boha, to o čom hovorím ... Ak ste ... Počúvate toto teraz pozorne. Ak ste neprijali Jeho lásku a milosť, budete sa musieť postaviť pred Jeho súdom a hnevom.
182No, vy, dnes večer, ste na tom istom mieste, ako boli Adam a Eva v Záhrade Eden. Máte právo; máte slobodné morálne rozhodnutie. Môžete ísť ku Stromu Života, alebo môžete vziať ten plán súdu. Ale dnes, zatiaľ čo ste schopní rozmýšľať, vo svojom zdravom rozume, a ste natoľko zdraví, aby ste sa pozdvihli a prijali to, prečo to neurobíte, ak ste to ešte neurobili?
Sú tu ľudia, ktorí to ešte neurobili, či nie? Ak je to tak, zodvihli by ste len ruku a povedali: "Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham. Ja to teraz chcem urobiť. Nechcem aby toto na mňa prišlo."
No pamätajte, priatelia ... (Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je dobre.) Toto nie sú moje predstavy o tom; toto nie je to, čo som si ja myslel. Toto je všetko mimo mňa. Skutočne, Duch Svätý to vie.
183A počkajte, ak Pán dá, zajtra večer vám chcem ukázať tajomstvo, ktoré sa dialo po celý čas rovno tu v tomto zhromaždení. Veľmi pochybujem, či ste to vôbec videli alebo nie, to čo sa dialo. Bolo to niečo, čo ležalo rovno tu pred vami, a ja som každý večer sledoval, že niekto vstane a povie: "Vidím to." Neodstrkujte to, prosím. Žiadam ťa, ak nie si kresťan, ak nie si pod Krvou, ak nie si znovu zrodený, naplnený Duchom Svätým, ak si nikdy verejne nevyznal Ježiša Krista, tým že si sa dal pokrstiť v Jeho Meno, aby si vydal svedectvo o Jeho smrti, pochovaní a zmŕtvychvstaní, že si to prijal, voda je pripravená. Oni čakajú. Oblečenie je tam, a všetko je pripravené. Kristus stojí pripravený s vystretými rukami, aby ťa prijal.
Za jednu hodinu od teraz, ti tá milosť možno nebude ponúknutá. Ty ju môžeš odstrčiť posledný krát, a ona sa už nikdy viac nedotkne tvojho srdca. Zatiaľ čo môžeš, zatiaľ čo môžeš, prečo to neurobíš? Zatiaľ ...
Viem, že obyčajne je zvykom privádzať ľudí ku oltáru. My to robíme, a je to úplne v poriadku. Ale teraz sme tu tak natiskaní, rovno okolo oltáru, že to nemôžem urobiť. Ale rád by som povedal toto: V apoštolských dňoch, oni hovorili: "Všetci tí, ktorí uverili boli pokrstení." Len ak môžete skutočne vo svojom srdci ...
184To je vlastne to. To nie je emócia, hoci emócie to sprevádzajú. Práve ako to, čo som povedal: Fajčenie a pitie nie je hriech, to sú vlastnosti hriechu. To ukazuje, že neveríte. Ale keď vo svojom srdci opravdu veríte a viete to na tom základe, tam kde sedíte, prijmite to z celého svojho srdca, niečo sa stane, hneď tam. To sa stane. Potom sa môžeš postaviť ako svedok toho, že niečo sa stalo.
Potom poď ku vode a povedz: "Chcem ukázať zhromaždeniu, chcem dokázať, chcem vydať svoje svedectvo stojac tu, že zaujmem svoje miesto v Neveste. Stojím tu teraz, aby som bol pokrstený."
Viem, že dnes večer je vo svete veľa žien, dobrých žien, ale ja strašne túžim vidieť jednu. To je jedna z nich, to je moja žena. Ona ide so mnou domov. Ona od počiatku nebola mojou ženou, ale ako sa stala mojou ženou - ona prijala moje meno.
185On prichádza. Je mnoho žien - cirkví - vo svete, ale On prichádza pre svoju ženu. Ona je nazvaná Jeho menom. Tých, ktorí sú v Kristovi, Boh privedie s Ním. Ako sa dostaneme do toho? "Skrze jedného Ducha, my sme všetci pokrstení v jedno telo."
Teraz, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme, vy sa tiež modlite - vo vnútri či vonku. Je veľa ľudí v miestnostiach, stoja vonku dookola, vonku na uliciach, ale teraz, zatiaľ čo ste ... Nemôžeme vás volať ku tomuto oltáru, ale vaše srdce - urobte ho oltárom. A rovno vo svojom srdci povedzte: "Pane Ježišu, ja tomuto verím. Stál som tu vonku v tomto nočnom vzduchu. Dusil som sa v tejto malej miestnosti. Sedím tu medzi týmito ľuďmi. Ja nechcem byť ... Nemôžem sa minúť; nemôžem si to dovoliť."
Všetko ... ako som vám povedal minulý večer, skutočne, Pán vie, že som vám povedal Pravdu. "Neklamem," ako Pavel povedal. To videnie, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, stál som tam a díval som sa a dotýkal som sa tých ľudí, ktorí tam išli. To je tak skutočné, ako teraz tu stojím.
Nedaj si to ujsť, môj biedny brat a sestra; nedaj. Viem, že ste počuli kázanie, počuli ste toto, tamto, a príbehy, všetko to, ale počúvajte len čo hovorím. Toto je ... Ja viem, že je to Pravda! Vy len ... Nemôžem to podať jasnejšie. Nedajte si to ujsť! Je to všetko vaše. No, modlime sa.
186Pane Ježišu, tu predo mnou je krabica s vreckovkami, ktoré reprezentujú nemocných ľudí. Ako sa modlím nad nimi, kladiem na ne ruky, ako povedala Biblia: "Oni brali z tela Pavlovho vreckovky a zástery, a nečistý duchovia odchádzali od tých ľudí." A diali sa veľké znaky, pretože oni videli Pavla a vedeli, že Duch Boží je v ňom. Oni vedeli, že on bol podivný človek, že tie veci, ktoré on hovoril o Slove ...
On išiel, vzal to staré Hebrejské Slovo, tej Hebrejskej cirkvi a priniesol to do života, a umiestnil to v Kristovi. Oni vedeli, že Boh bol v tom človeku. Oni videli Boha činiť cez neho predivné a mocné skutky, predpovedal veci a to sa tak stalo, oni vedeli, že on bol Boží sluha.
187Pane, modlím sa, aby si uctil týchto ľudí za ich úctu ku Slovu, a uzdravil ich vzhľadom na Ježiša. Tu v publiku, Pane, sedia tu ľudia, tak ako tí, ktorí na Letnice počúvali apoštola Petra, ako sa on obrátil naspäť do Slova a zobral to Slovo, a povedal: "Joel povedal, že v posledných dňoch sa tieto veci budú diať, a toto je to." A tých tri tisíc ľudí tomu uverilo a boli pokrstení.
A, Otče, dnes tu stojíme z Tvojej milosti, a to nie preto, že toto sú zvláštni ľudia, ale preto, že ... tak ako vo dňoch leva, alebo vola, alebo človeka, toto je čas orla. To je pomazanie na túto hodinu. Toto je čas v ktorom žijeme. To je práca Ducha Svätého v tomto danom čase, aby dokázal, že Ježiš nie je mŕtvy - tie veci, ktoré On povedal, že ich bude robiť tesne pred tým, ako vyjdú večerné svetlá. A tu Ho to po celý čas vidíme robiť.
188Videli sme to zostupovať, urobili Jeho fotografiu a veda to skúmala, ten veľký Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraela, ktorý stretol Pavla na ceste ... A my poznáme tento istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol Mojžiša tam dole na púšti - skrze ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp on napísal niekoľko kníh Biblii, pretože bol pomazaný Slovom.
Tento istý Ohnivý Stĺp prichádza na Pavla na ceste do Damašku - on napísal mnoho kníh Biblii, ktoré sú nazvané Slovom Božím. A teraz, Pane, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, skrze dôkaz potvrdeného Slova a skrze vedecký výskum, vidíme ho tu, ako zjavuje Slovo Pánovo.
Bože, nech sa tí ľudia rýchlo prebudia, Pane, rýchlo! Tí, ktorých mená sú zapísané v Knihe Života, keď toto svieti krížom cez ich chodník, nech môžu vidieť, ako toho dňa pri studni tá prostá žena, nedobrej povesti. Ona to rýchlo rozpoznala, a ona vedela, že to bolo Písmo.
A teraz, Otče, modlím sa, aby všetci, ktorí Ťa teraz prijmú vo svojich srdciach, mali teraz naveky zafixované, že skončili s hriechom; že vstanú a urobia teraz prípravy na verejné vyznanie krstu vo mene Ježiša Krista, na odpustenie ich hriechov, aby ukázali, že veria, že Boh im odpustil, a berú na seba meno Ježiša Krista.
Potom, Otče, zlej na nich olej Ducha Svätého, aby mohli byť umiestnení do služby Pána Boha, aby mohli byť pracovníci v tomto poslednom zlom dni. Pretože si uvedomujeme, že máme len krátky čas, a Cirkev môže kedykoľvek odísť.
189Baránok môže v každej chvíli tam hore opustiť svätyňu, alebo obetný trón (oltár), vystúpiť z trónu Božieho, kde leží tá obeť. A potom je koniec. Nie je viac nádeji pre svet. Je s ním koniec. Dostáva sa potom do chaosu, do veľkých kŕčov zemetrasení a veľkého trasenia, ako to bolo pri vzkriesení.
A ako Kristus povstal z hrobu, keď povstanú tí svätí, bude sa diať to isté. Pane, to by sa mohlo stať v ktorejkoľvek minúte. Čakáme príchod toho šťastného dňa. Vezmi teraz Svoje deti pod Svoje ramená, Otče. Pritúľ Svoje malé jahniatka na Svoju hruď. Udeľ to, a kŕm ich na Slove, až kým nebudú mať silu do služby.
190Porúčame ich teraz Tebe, Pane. Odpovedz na túto modlitbu. Ty si povedal, Otče, tam v Markovi v 11. kapitole: "Keď sa modlíte, stojíte modliac sa, verte, že dostanete to o čo prosíte a budete to mať." A verím s celého svojho srdca Jemu, ktorý zjavuje tieto veci po tie roky a tieto Pečate tu v tento posledný týždeň. Verím Ti, Pane Bože, že tá hodina je teraz blízko, bližšie, než si skutočne myslíme, hodina Tvojho príchodu.
Prosím, nech je vypočutá moja modlitba. A nech každé zavolané dieťa Božie, ktoré je tu v počuteľnej vzdialenosti, či tiež pri počúvaní tých pások, nech v tom čase ... Žiadam ich pre Kráľovstvo Božie, na základe poznania, že toto je Slovo, ktoré zostalo zjavené. Nech svietia večerné svetlá, Otče. Ja ich porúčam Tebe v mene Ježiša. Amen.
Teraz, všetci vo vnútri i vonku, ktorí veríte a nikdy ste neurobili svoje verejné vyznanie, že ste skončili s hriechom, a že chcete milosti Božie, a že prijali ste ich v Ježišovi Kristovi, bazén ... Oni sú pripravení pokrstiť každého, kto chce byť pokrstený - dnes alebo zajtra alebo hneď teraz, môže to byť kedykoľvek.
Radovali ste sa z tej šiestej Pečati? Vidíte kde je to teraz otvorené? Verili ste tomu? Tam stojí: "Kto uveril našej zvesti, a rameno Pánovo komu zostalo zjavené?" Ak veríte tej zvesti, potom je vám zjavené rameno Pánovo - rameno, Slovo Božie je zjavené.
Keď Pán teraz dá, zajtra ráno, budem sa snažiť, ako najlepšie budem môcť, odpovedať na tie otázky. Strávim možno zbytok noci, alebo väčšiu jej časť, na modlitbe nad nimi. Spím asi od jednej do tretej - minulej noci som sa nedostal do posteli až do jednej hodiny a o tretej som znovu študoval. Vidíte, budem musieť niesť za to zodpovednosť. To je v poriadku. Sme príliš blízko, za všetko ... za každú hlúposť, či každú trúfalosť, alebo polovičatosť. Ja to prv musím vidieť. A potom, keď to vidím, musí to byť tiež v Slove. A zatiaľ, skrze milosť Božiu, oni dokonale ... Preberal som to cez celú Bibliu, viete, a to presne spolu pasuje.
191A to musí byť, "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN," nie len preto, že to ja hovorím, pretože to viem, ale Slovo Pánovo je, "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." A tu je Slovo, ktoré berie to, čo mi On dal a dáva to spolu a ukazuje to, tak že sami budete vedieť, že to je, "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN."
Tu takto hovorí Slovo, a potom zjavenie, ktoré mi On dáva, ktoré je v protiklade s tým, čo si ktorýkoľvek z nás kedy myslel ... Aha, v protiklade s tým, čo som si ja myslel, pretože ja som do toho nikdy takto nevošiel. Ale teraz zisťujeme, že to ide rovno spolu, a čo je to? To je "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." To je presne to. Bolo nejaké miesto, ktoré malo byť otvorené, ktoré tam bolo držané do tejto hodiny, a potom prichádza Pán a dáva to takto na svoje miesto. Tak vidíte, tam to je. To je Pán. Och, ja Ho milujem. Milujem Ho s celého svojho srdca.
192Zapamätajte si teraz, čo sa týka vás, nemôžeme sa dostať ku oltáru, niekoľkí držia zodvihnuté svoje ruky, no pozrite, to je vaša individuálna záležitosť. To záleží na tom, čo chcete robiť. Tá hodina je tak blízko na dosah, vy sa máte tak tlačiť, ako len môžete - nie aby vás bolo treba ťahať. Proste tlačiť sa, snažiac sa dostať dovnútra. "Pane, nenechaj ma vonku. Nenechaj ma vonku, Pane. Dvere sa zatvárajú. Keď sa len budem môcť dostať dovnútra ..."
193Boh jedného dňa zavrie dvere. On to urobil vo dňoch Noeho, a oni búchali na tie dvere. Je to pravda? Pamätajte, Biblia povedala, že pri siedmej stráži - či tak? Niektorí pospali pri prvej stráži, druhej, tretej, štvrtej, piatej, šiestej, siedmej; ale pri siedmej stráži tam povstalo oznámenie - krik: "Ženích ide; vyjdite mu oproti."
Tie spiace panny povedali: "No, rád by som mal teraz toho oleja."
Nevesta povedala: "Ja mám akurát len pre seba. Len akurát. Ak ho chceš, choď a vymodli si ho."
194Či nevidíte teraz tie spiace panny? Pozrite sa na Episkopálnych, Prezbiteriánov, Luteránov, a na všetkých, ako sa snažia ... a problém je ten, že namiesto toho, aby sa snažili dostať Ducha Svätého, oni sa snažia hovoriť v jazykoch. A mnohí z nich hovoria v jazykoch a hanbia sa prísť do tohoto zboru, a aby sa za nich modlilo - chcú, aby som prišiel do ich domu a modlil sa za nich. A vy to nazývate Duch Svätý? To je hovorenie v jazykoch bez Ducha Svätého.
195No, ja verím, že Duch Svätý hovorí v jazykoch. Vy viete, že tomu verím, vidíte, ale tiež existuje napodobenina toho. Tak veru! Ovocie Ducha, ktoré dokazuje, čo to je. Ovocie stromu dokazuje, aký je to druh stromu - nie kôra, ovocie.
No všimnite si. Potom keď ona príde, tá posledná hodina, a tam, potom keď oni vošli, oni odišli a povedali: "No, ja verím, že to teraz mám. Verím, že to mám. Áno, my to dostávame."
Radšej by som to nehovoril, pretože to môže spôsobiť zamiešanie. Keď som raz povedal, že Vytrhnutie, ako ono príde ... No, ak hovoríte, že to prijmete, no dobre. Dobre, to je na vás. Keď tá spiaca panna, ktorá si myslela, že sa premodlila, že sa môže vrátiť ... Nevesta bola odídená.
196Ona odišla a táto to nevedela - ako zlodej v noci. Potom oni začali búchať na dvere, a čo sa stalo? Čo sa stalo? Oni boli vyhodení do obdobia súženia. Biblia hovorí: "Tam bude plač a nárek a škrípanie zubov." Je to tak?
197Kedy to bude, brat, sestra? Ja neviem. Ale ... to môže byť práve tu, teraz vidíte. Toto je moja myšlienka. Rozumiete? Ja verím, že je to tak blízko ... Každý deň chcem ... Snažím sa chodiť tak vyrovnane, ako len môžem. A viete, niečo sa dnes stalo, a videl som niečo prichádzať. Ja len ... Nemohol som viac nabrať dych. On tam bol, stál tam a to Svetlo stálo rovno tam, a bolo to tu. Viem, že je to Pravda.
Myslel som: "Bože, ja to nemôžem povedať. Nemôžem to povedať. Nemôžem." Vyšiel som len von z tej miestnosti a išiel som von a chodil som hore dole. Myslel som si: "Ó, čo môžem robiť?" Musel som ísť na ryby, či niečo, alebo ... Pane, Ty ... Nemôžem vám povedať!
Máme krásne chvíle, či nie? Chvála Pánovi! Amen. Sme v strašnom čase, vidíte, pre ... Moje srdce preteká šťastím a radosťou! Ale keď myslím o tomto svete a tých tisícoch, o ktorých viem, že sú zatratení - čierne tiene - potom vaše srdce proste krváca. Čo môžete robiť? Čo môže... ?
198Môžete len cítiť Ducha Svätého, ako kričí vo vašom srdci. Tak ako to muselo byť pri našom Pánovi, keď sa pozeral na Jeruzalem, na Svoj vlastný ľud, a povedal: "Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často som ťa chcel zhromaždiť ako sliepka zhromažďuje svoje mláďatá, ale vy ste nechceli." Vy cítite Ducha Svätého, ako hovorí: "Ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť, ale vy ste nechceli."
199Sme práve tu pri niečom, priatelia. Čokoľvek to je, Boh vie. Nikto, nikto nevie kedy sa to stane. To je tajomstvo. Nikto nevie kedy sa to stane, ale Ježiš nám povedal: "Keď budete vidieť tieto veci ..." Všetky tieto veci, práve tak, ako to ... išlo, porovnávajúc so šiestou Pečaťou to, čo On povedal v Matúšovi 24. Zapamätajte si, čo On povedal: "Keď budete vidieť, že sa začínajú diať tieto veci, potom čas je predo dvermi."
200Sledujte ten ďalší verš - 30. a 31. verš, ako to pokračuje - 32. a 33. verš. On povedal: "A pošle Svojich anjelov do štyroch kútov nebies, štyroch vetrov, aby zhromaždil Svojich vyvolených." Je to tak? Povedal, "Teraz sa učte ..."
Pamätajte, On sa zastavil rovno tam. On nikdy neišiel ďalej poza túto šiestu Pečať. On nikdy nepovedal nič o Siedmej. On povedal Prvú, Druhú, Tretiu, štvrtú, Piatu a šiestu, ale tam zastal - nezmienil sa nič o ...
201Pozorujte tú ďalšiu vec, ktorú On povedal. "Teraz sa učte podobenstvo." Vidíte? Potom On začína s podobenstvami. On povedal: "Tieto veci budú." On im odpovedá na tri otázky: "Aké budú tieto znamenia, a aké bude znamenie Tvojho príchodu, aké bude znamenie konca sveta?" A tá šiesta Pečať bol koniec sveta. A trúbenie siedmeho anjela ... "Zodvihol ruky a prisahal na Toho, ktorý žije naveky, že času viacej nebude."
Zem rodí novú zem. Je po všetkom, a tu sme, rovno tu pri dverách. Ó, trasiem sa! A čo ja musím robiť, Pane? Čo môžem ešte urobiť? A potom, pomyslite len, že som videl to miesto a tých vzácnych ľudí.
202Stál som tam a díval som sa na seba, a rozmýšľal som: "Ó, Bože, čo ... Nemôže im to uniknúť. Mám ich potisnúť - mám sa len načiahnuť do obecenstva a zobrať ich a potisnúť ..." Nemôžete to robiť! "A nikto nemôže prísť, ak ho nepotiahne Môj Otec."
203Ale tu je jedna útecha, ktorú máme - "Všetkých, ktorých Mi dal Otec prídu." Ale tí ostatní z nich, ktorí takto spoliehali na svojich organizáciách, vidíte? A "on zviedol všetkých, ktorí žili ... bývali na zemi, ktorých mená neboli napísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života, zabitého od založenia sveta."
Tak vidíte, to je smutná vec, a jediné, čo môžete robiť je len zostávať presne v Slove a počúvať všetko, čo On káže robiť a potom to robiť. Všetko čo On káže robiť, robte. Pozriete sa tam a poviete: "Ó!" Oni robia toto a potom, "Oh!" To je len ... Vy si neuvedomujete čo za napätie!
204No, chcem povedať toto. Myslím, že pásky sú zastavené. Mnoho ľudí hovorí: "brat Branham, so službou tohoto typu ..." (Musím dávať pozor, pretože ľudia zoberú tie pásky a snažia sa ich prešpárať do posledného slova, viete. Tak keď oni povedia: "brat Branham, chceme mať službu ..." Neviete čo hovoríte. Úprimne povedané, vy neviete čo s tým ide, bratia a sestry. Ó, a tá zodpovednosť, keď máte ľudí, ktorí visia na tom, čo poviete. Pamätajte, ak im poviete niečo zle, Boh bude požadovať ich krv z vašich rúk. Predstavte si to potom. To je strašná vec.
205Tak buďte milí. Milujte Ježiša s celého svojho srdca. Buďte len jednoduchí. Nesnažte sa nikdy nič vypočítať; buďte len pred Bohom jednoduchí, pretože čím viac sa budete snažiť vypočítať to, tým ďalej sa dostanete od Neho. Len Mu jednoducho verte.
Povedzte: "No, kedy On príde? Ak On príde dnes, v poriadku. Ak príde za dvadsať rokov od teraz, to je stále v poriadku. Ja pôjdem len tou cestou, ako idem teraz - nasledujúc Ho. Pane, ak ma môžeš kdekoľvek použiť, tu som, Pane. Ak to bude za sto rokov odo dneška, ak moje pra, pra, pra, pra vnúčence budú stále žiť, aby videli Jeho príchod, Pane, ja neviem kedy to bude, ale daj mi len dnes chodiť tak ako treba, len s Tebou. Ja nebudem ... pretože ja vstanem v ten deň práve tak, ako keby som si trochu niekde zdriemol."
206Tam zostupuje ten slávny palác, to Kráľovstvo Božie, kde všetci starí budú mladí, kde majú už oblečené tie biele rúcha, mužovia i ženy sú premenení - sú pekní, tí skutoční pekní mužovia a milé ženy; stoja tam vo všetkej kráse a postave mladej ženy a mladého muža, stoja tam a nikdy nemôžu zostarnúť, nikdy nemôžu byť hriešny, nikdy nemôžu vôbec žiarliť, alebo nenávidieť ani nič. Ó!
Myslím, že pásky sú teraz vypnuté, chcem ku vám hovoriť ešte okolo tri alebo štyri minúty. Súhlasíte?
207Toto teraz je len osobne, rozumiete. Pretože zajtra - to bude tak ohromné, myslím, že by som to mal radšej povedať teraz, to čo idem povedať. Toto je len pre nás. Bol som len ... Viete mám ženu, ktorú milujem, a to je Méda. A ja by som sa s ňou ani nebol oženil, kvôli láske ku svojej prvej žene. A hoci mi tak veľmi na nej záležalo, nebol by som sa s ňou oženil, ak by mi Boh nebol povedal, aby som to urobil.
A vy poznáte ten príbeh o tom, ako sa ona išla modliť a ako som sa ja modlil, a potom mi On presne povedal čo mám robiť, aby som išiel a vzal si ju a ustanovil čas, aby som to urobil. Ona je milá žena, a ona sa dnes večer za mňa modlí. A tak, teraz je u nás doma osem hodín, a ona sa pravdepodobne teraz modlí.
No pozrite. Jedného dňa mi ona povedala; riekla: "Bill, chcem sa ťa opýtať niečo o Nebi."
A ja som povedal: "V poriadku, Méda, čo to je?"
Ona povedala: "Ty vieš, že ťa milujem."
A ja som povedal: "Viem." To bolo práve po tom, čo sa stalo toto tu.
Ona povedala: "Vieš, že Hope ťa tiež milovala."
A ja som povedal: "Viem."
A ona povedala: "No," ona povedala: "Ja nemyslím, že ja budem žiarlivá, ale Hope bola." A ona povedala: "No keď sa dostaneme do neba ... a ty si povedal, že si ju tam videl."
208A ja som povedal: "Ona tam bola; videl som ju. Videl so ju tam dvakrát. Ona tam je. Čaká na mňa, že prídem. Šáron tak isto. Videl som ju tak, ako sa dívam na teba. Videl som ju tam." A povedal som ...
Ona povedala: "Dobre, teraz keď sa tam dostaneme, ktorá bude tvojou ženou?"
A ja som povedal: "Vy obe. Tam nebude žiadna; jednako vy obidve budete."
Ona povedala: "Nemôžem tomu rozumieť."
A ja som povedal: "No, drahá, sadni si a dovoľ, že ti niečo vysvetlím." Povedal som: "No, ja viem, že ma miluješ, a ty vieš, že ja ťa milujem, vážim si ťa a ctím. Teraz napríklad, čo keby som sa obliekol a išiel po meste a nejaká prostitútka, naozaj pekná, by prišla a ovinula okolo mňa svoje ramená a povedala: "Ó, brat Branham, ja ťa skutočne milujem." A začala by klásť svoje ruka okolo mňa a objímať ma. Čo by si si myslela?"
Ona povedala: "Nemyslím, že by sa mi to veľmi páčilo."
209A ja som povedal: "Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Koho miluješ najviac, keby to muselo vyjsť najavo - mňa, alebo Pána Ježiša?" (Toto je teraz rodinný rozhovor.)
A ona povedala: "Pána Ježiša." Povedala: "Áno, Bill tak veľmi ťa milujem, ale skôr by som sa vzdala teba, ako Jeho."
Povedal som: "Ďakujem ti, Drahá. Som rád, že ťa to počujem teraz povedať." A povedal som: "No, čo ak by tá istá žena prišla ku Ježišovi a ovinula Ho svojimi ramenami a povedala: 'Ježišu, milujem Ťa'; čo by si si o tom myslela?"
Ona povedala: "Radovala by som sa z toho."
210Vidíte, to sa mení z fileo na agape. To je vyššia láska. A tam nie je niečo také, ako muž a žena, aby vychovávali deti - to všetko pominulo.
211To ženské a mužské pohlavie, tie žľazy sú všetky ... Oni sú všetci rovnakí. Nič z toho už viac nie je. Tam už nie sú žiadne pohlavné žľazy - vôbec. Vy ste len ... Predstavte si len seba bez pohlavných žliaz. Dôvod, že oni boli dané do nás, bol zaľudniť zem, rozumiete. Ale tam, tam nebudú žiadne. Tam nebudú ani mužské ani ženské žľazy - oni pominuli. Ale tam bude postava na obraz Boží. Je to presne tak. Ale my budeme opravdu skutoční. Žiadne fileo ani trochu - všetko agape.
Preto, žena nebude potom už len nejaká milá osoba, niekto kto je tvoj a ona ... vy patríte jeden druhému. Nie je viac niečo také ako manžel ... Nie, nie je ani ...
212Vidíte, tá fileo časť tam už vôbec nie je. Vidíte, tam nemôže byť nič také, ako žiarlivosť. Tam nie je nič, na čo by sa žiarlilo. Tam nie je žiadna taká vec. Nikdy nebudete poznať niečo také - len milých mladých mužov a mladé ženy, aby žiť ...
A tam potom, ona povedala: "Rozumiem teraz tomu, Bill."
Povedal som: "Áno."
Chcem vám povedať jednu malú vec, ktorá sa stala. Toto bol sen, a ja som spal. No nikdy som toto predtým verejne nepovedal. Povedal som to niekoľkým ľuďom, ale nikdy nie verejne pred nami, pokiaľ viem.
Asi mesiac po tom sa mi snívalo, že som jedného dňa stál a pozoroval tú veľkú udalosť, kde ... Nejednalo sa teraz o súd. Ja neverím, že cirkev kedy príde na ... Mám na mysli Nevestu, že príde na súd. Ale bol som tam, keď boli rozdávané tie koruny.
A stál tam ten veľký Trón, a Ježiš a zaznamenávajúci anjel a všetci tam stáli. A boli tam schody z bielej slonoviny, ako schádzali takto dole. Viedli dole v kruhu a vytvárali takto panorámu a vychádzali von, že tak každý tento veľký duch, ktorý tam stál mohol vidieť, čo sa dialo.
213A ja som stál tam vzadu, vzadu na jednej strane. A ja som tam len stál, ani som nepomyslel, že budem musieť kráčať po tých schodoch. Stál som tam, a videl som zaznamenávajúceho anjela, ako vyvolal určité meno, a poznal som - poznal som to meno. A pozrel som sa tam, a tu kráča ten brat, alebo tá sestra, kráča tam takto hore, a zaznamenávajúci anjel tam takto stojí vedľa Krista - to je teraz len sen - a dával pozor, či tam boli ich mená - či sa nachádzali v Knihe Života; On sa pozrel na nich a povedal: "Dobre si konal, môj dobrý a verný sluha. Teraz vojdi."
Pozrel som sa tam kde oni išli, a tam bol nový svet a radosť. Povedal: "Vojdi do radosti Pánovej, ktorá bola pre ... tvoja od založenia sveta."
A, ó, pomyslel som si: "Oni tam prechádzajú a stretávajú jeden druhého a radujú sa a idú cez vrchy a veľké miesta." A pomyslel som si: "Ó, nie je to nádherné! Sláva! Haleluja! a vyskakoval som hore dole.
A potom som počul vyvolať ďalšie meno, a povedal som: "Ó, poznám ho. Poznám ho. ... Tam on ide. Pozoroval som ho takto.
"Vojdi do radosti Pánovej, môj dobrý a ..."
"Ó," povedal som, "chvála Bohu! Chvála Bohu!"
Práve ako keby povedali: "Orman Neville," vidíte. A potom by som povedal: "Ó, brat Neville, tam on je," a tu on vychádza zo zástupu a ide hore.
214A počul som Ho povedať: "Vojdi do radosti Pánovej, ktorá ti bola pripravená z pred založenia sveta. Vojdi." A viete, brat Neville premenený, tam začal vykrikovať a volať. Chlapče, vykríkol som a povedal: "Sláva Bohu!" Stál som tam sám, prežívajúc nádherné chvíle, dívajúc sa ako moji bratia vchádzajú.
A zaznamenávajúci anjel zastal a povedal: "William Branham."
215Nikdy som nepomyslel, že tam budem musieť ísť. A tak som bol prestrašený. Pomyslel som si: "Ó, budem tam musieť ísť?" A tak som vyšiel, kráčajúc tam, a každý ma len potľapkával po pleciach a hovoril, "Hej, brat Branham." "Nech ťa Boh žehná brat Branham," potľapkávajúc ma, ako som prechádzal cez ten veľký zástup ľudí. A všetci sa načahovali a takto ma potľapkávali. "Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat." "Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat."
A ja som prechádzal ďalej a hovoril som: "Ďakujem, ďakujem, ďakujem," ako som išiel z toho zhromaždenia, či čo to bolo; viete, a musel som kráčať po tých veľkých schodoch zo slonoviny.
216A začal som vystupovať hore, a len čo som urobil prvý krok, zastal som a pomyslel som si ... a pozrel som sa do Jeho tvári, a pomyslel som si: "Chcem sa dobre takto na Neho pozrieť," a zastal som. Mal som takto ruky, a pocítil som niečo, ako sa vkĺzlo tu do môjho ramena. To bola niečia ruka. A pozrel som sa, a tam stála Hope, tie veľké čierne oči a tie tmavé vlasy jej viseli dole na chrbát - v bielom rúchu, dívala sa takto na mňa.
217A ja som povedal: "Hope!" A pocítil som, ako sa mi niečo dotklo tejto ruky, pozrel som sa a tam bola Méda - tie tmavé oči sa pozerali, a jej čierne vlasy viseli dole a v bielom rúchu. A ja som povedal: "Méda!" A oni sa pozreli jedna na druhú, viete, takto. Držali sa ma za ramená a kráčali sme tam.
Ó, zobudil som sa. Zobudil som sa, vstal som a sadol som si na stoličku a plakal, viete. Rozmýšľal som: "Ó Bože, dúfam, že to takto príde." Obidve spojené so mnou v živote a rodili deti a všetko takto, a tu kráčame do nového sveta, ó, kde je dokonalosť a všetko. Žiadne ...
Ó, to bude niečo nádherné. Nezmeškajte to; nezmeškajte to! Skrze milosť Božiu, robte všetko, čo môžete robiť, a potom to bude na Bohu, aby sa postaral o to ostatné. Potom:
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
Pretože On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
Spievajme to teraz znovu z celého svojho srdca. Zodvihnite ruky ku Bohu:
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
Pretože On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
Pretože On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
[Brat Branham odchádza z pódia a ide medzi ľudí modliť sa za nejakú ženu v invalidnom kresle. – pozn.prekl.]
218No dobre teraz. Ona neočakávala, že prežije toto zhromaždenie. Je to tak, a teraz tam má zdvihnuté obe ruky a chváli Boha. Preto som tu tak dlho otáľal. Poviem vám čo som robil. Hovoril som o Méde a o nich. A dával som pozor, aby som videl, čo ... Stále som pozoroval to Svetlo, ako krúžilo tam a späť a išlo a zastalo nad ňou. A pomyslel som si. "To je to." Ó, či nie je On nádherný.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
Pretože On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
A teraz, zo svojich sŕdc: [Brat Branham hmká "Milujem Ho" – pozn.prekl.] Pomyslite len o Jeho dobrote a milosti.
Amen! Teraz, vidíš o čo lepšie to je? Amen! Pomysli len On ťa uzdravil. Milosť Božia sa ti zjavila. Ó, sláva Bohu! No dobre, váš pastor.
1 Let's bow our heads just a moment now. Lord, we are again gathering for the service. And we think of the time in the early days when they all come up to Shiloh for the blessings of the Lord.
And now, tonight we have assembled here to hear Your Word. And as we have been studying in this certain portion of the Scripture, that the Lamb was the only One that could open the Seals or to loose them... And we pray that tonight as we have under consideration this great Sixth Seal, we pray, heavenly Father, that the Lamb will open it to us tonight, that we are here to understand it. And when no man on earth or in heaven was sufficient, only the Lamb was found sufficient. So may the all sufficient One come and open the Seal for us tonight that we might just look a past the curtain of time. It would help us, we believe, Father, this great dark sinful day that we're living--would help us and give us courage. We trust now that we find grace in Your sight. We commit ourselves with the Word to You, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
3 Good evening, friends. It's a privilege to be here again tonight, to be in the service of the Lord. I just a bit late. I just went to--on an emergency of a dying man of--a member of this church. His mother is--or comes here. And they said the boy's dying right then, so I went down to see just a--a shadow of a man laying on a bed, dying, a man about my age. And in just a moment's time, I seen the man rise to his feet, giving praise to the Lord.
And so God, if we will be willing to confess our sins, and do that which is right, and ask for mercy, call upon Him, God is willing and waiting to grant it to us.
And now, I know it's warm in here tonight, and--and it's... (No, I guess the heat's altogether shut off.) and--and we're... I noticed last night, or today this is my seventh day in a room without light (just electric light. See?) studying and praying for God to open these Seals.
6 And there was so many that's wrote in that group of questionnaires last, or questions last night, was more or less not as much as questions, it was wanting to have a healing service anyhow, wanted to stay an extra day to have a--to have healing service on a Monday. So I--I--I would--could... I actually could do it if that was the--the will of the people that they would do that. You could think it over, let me know, but if you just want to stay and have--pray for the sick, because I've designated all this time completely to these Seals and just kept myself away for the Seals. So you can think it over and pray over it, and then let me know.
8 And I'll, if the Lord willing, I can... My next appointment is at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and that'll be a few days yet, and I have to go home for some business on making another convention ready in Arizona. And so then if it be the will of the Lord, you pray over it and I'll do the same, and then we'll know more about it a little later.
And I just detect now... You see... You go to talking about sickness, there it comes. See? See this lady setting right here, if something don't help her, she ain't going to stay here but a little bit. So then, see, we--we just pray that God will... That's what you're here for. Come way away... So see, the--the Holy Spirit knows just everything (You see?), so He... But see, I've tried to designate this time for these Seals 'cause we set it for that. You see? But if there's a...
11 How many is sick is here anyhow that come to be prayed for? Let's see your hands, all around everywhere. Oh, my. Well, how many would think that that would be right, the will of the Lord to stay and have a--take Monday night just pray for the sick, have a healing service Monday night? Would you like to do that? Could you do it? Well, Lord willing, we'll do it then. See? We'll--we'll have prayer service for the sick Wednesday, or Sunday night, or Monday night and pray for the sick.
Now, I hope that don't interrupt that group that I'm going back with, going back to Arizona. Brother Norman, is he here anywhere? Does that interrupt your program, Brother Norman, anything? Brother Fred and the rest of you, is that all right? See? That's okay. All right, then the Lord willing, Monday night we pray for the sick. Just one night set aside for that altogether, just praying for the sick. Now, won't be any more of the Seals. The Lord has opened these Seals, and then we pray for the sick Monday night.
14 Now... Oh, I been really enjoying this tremendously, of serving the Lord under these... Have you enjoyed this...? Now, we are now, speaking from the Fifth Seal--or the Sixth Seal, rather, and that takes down now from the--the 12th verse of the 6th chapter down to the 17th. It's one of the long Seals, that a quite a bit of things happen here.
16 And now the a... Tell a little review of last night, kindly back up a little each time. And say, I--I want to say something too. I found in that box four or five very important things to me. I was told that... And I certainly want to apologize... Is the tapes on? Tape's on? I want to apologize to my minister brethren and to you people here.
They say the other night when I was speaking of--of Elijah, that hour of--when they was... He thought he was the only one was going to be in the rapture, or he--only one going to be saved; and I said seven hundred instead of seven thousand. Is that right? Well, I'm sure sorry of that, folks. I--I--I knowed better than that. It was just simply a mumble of speech, because I knowed it was seven thousand. I just didn't say it right. I--I... And I--I thank you and I... That means that...
18 I'm glad that you are watching what I say, and you see then, that's... 'Cause it's--it's--it's seven thousand. I got two or three notes on it. It said, "Brother Branham, I believe you were mistaken," It said, "Wasn't there seven thousand instead of seven hundred?"
I thought, "Surely I didn't say seven hundred." See? That a... And then I... Billy... And then first thing you know, I picked up another note and it said, "Brother Branham, you--I believe you said seven hundred." And one person said, "Brother Branham, was that a spiritual vision that--that there's--there's just going to be a type and you're typing it with the seven..." It puts people on edge when you go to thinking these things (See?), and it's enough to. It puts me on the edge.
Something happened today when this Seal was revealed, till I had to walk completely out in the yard, just walk around out in the yard a little while. That's right. It just simply almost took my breath right away from me. See? So it's all... A tension, oh, my... See? And another thing (See?), you're laying right on to what I say, and God's going to hold me responsible for what I tell you. See? And so I--I must absolutely be as sure as all sure can be sure (See?), of--of these things, because this is a--a tremendous time that we're living in now.
24 I was thinking about the healing service for Monday night. That wouldn't interfere with you, Brother Neville, or anything?
Precious Brother Neville, I tell you what. They just--they just made one, I think, then lost the pattern. It's a... He certainly has been a--a real chum and friend to me; I'll tell you.
The Tabernacle now built and got the Sunday school rooms and everything ready and in order here. And some of you people that's around here, right in Jeffersonville, want to come to the church, you got a nice place and a place to come--Sunday school rooms, fine teacher and Brother Neville here for the adult class, and a real pastor. I don't say that to put a bouquet to him, but I'd rather give him a little rose now than a whole wreath after he's gone. And Brother--Brother Neville, I've knowed him since I was just a boy, and now, he hasn't changed one bit. He's still Orman Neville, just like he always was.
28 I remember visiting... Even he had grace enough to ask me to his pulpit when he was a Methodist preacher down here in the city. And we had a nice congregation down there in Clarksville. Or, I guess that's called Howard Park... Harrison Avenue Methodist Church. I think that's where he must've found you down there, Sister Neville. Down there, because she was from there.
I come back up, and I said to the church here; I said "That was--that's one of the nicest men, and one of these days I'm going to baptize him in the Name of the Lord Jesus." And it happened. Here he is, and now he's my chum, right along my side, and such an honorable, respectable man. He's always stood by me just like--just as close as he could stand. Whatever I say, he just lays right with me and hangs right along. Even when he first come in, he didn't understand the message then, but he believed it, and he stayed right with it. That's a honor; that's respect to a brother like that. I can't say enough for him, and now the Lord bless him.
31 All right. Now, a little preview of last evening in the breaking of the Fifth Seal. We won't go all the way back tonight, just back far enough to get the--the Fifth Seal.
Now, we find out that there was the antichrist that rode on, and wound himself up from three powers, all went into one power and rode the pale horse, death, into a bottomless pit into perdition where it come from. And then we find out when the--the Scriptures says when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God raises up a standard against it. And we seen it perfectly vindicated in the Word last night.
For there was four beasts that--that answered to the--the four times that this rider rode, and he rode a different horse each time--a white horse, and then a red horse, and a black horse, and then a pale horse. And we found out those colors and what they were and what they did; then take it right back into the ages of the churches and exactly that's what it done, just perfectly.
Therefore you see, when the Word of God blends together, that mean It's correct. You see? You... I believe anything that hooks with the Word of God is always, "Amen." See?
36 Now, like a person said they had a vision, and said, that--that it was... Oh, they know the Lord give it because it come with great power. Well, the vision might be all right, but if it isn't with the Word and contrary to the Word, it isn't right.
Now, they may be present, some Mormon brethren or sisters, and they may be some get these tapes now. And I don't want to say that... Some of the finest people I--you would want to meet would be--be in the Mormon people, very fine type of people; and then their--their prophet, Joseph Smith, that the Methodist people killed here in Illinois, on their journey over... And so then that--that fine man... And the vision, I don't doubt at all but what he had the vision. I believe he's a sincere man, but the vision he had was contrary to the Scripture; therefore, they had to have a Mormon Bible to--to make it. (See?) This is It here, to me. This is... That's the reason. Just the Word; that's it. See?
39 One time a--a--a m--a minister came here from a foreign country, and he--and I seen him out with a--or riding around in a car with (which is not), with a--a lady. And they come to a meeting. And I found out they drove two or three days (just he and she in the meeting), to come to the meeting together; and the woman had been married three or four different times. And this minister walked up in the hotel lobby where I was and run over and shook hands with me, and I shook his hand, raised up and was talking to him.
I asked him; I said, "When you're free, could I speak to you in my room just a moment?"
He said, "Certainly, Brother Branham." I took him to the room, and I said to the minister; I said, "Reverend, sir, you're a stranger in this land," I said, "but this lady has a quite a name." I said, "You come all the way from Such-and-such a place down to this Such-and-such a place?"
Said, "Yes, sir."
And I said, "Aren't you afraid that that'll kinda... I--I don't... I'm not doubting you, but don't you think that'll reflect on your reputation as a minister? Don't you think we should put a--a little better example than that?"
And he said, "Oh, this lady's a saint." I said, "I--I don't doubt that," but I said, "but, brother, the thing of it is that everybody that looks at her is not a saint. (You see?), that looks at what you're doing." And I said, "I believe you better be careful. That's just one brother to another." And he said... I said, "The lady's been married four or five times now."
And he said, "Yes, I know that." Said, "You know..."
I--I--I said, "You don't teach that in your church at home, do you, brother?"
So said, "No, but" said, "you know, I had a vision of it, Brother Branham."
I said, "Well, that's fine." I said... He said, "Do you mind?" Said, "I believe I could straighten you out a little bit on your teaching about that."
And I said, "All right." And--and he--I said, "I'd be glad to know it, sir."
He said, "Well," said, "you know, in this vision," he said, "I was asleep."
And I said, "Yeah." (I seen then it was a dream, see.)
49 And he said, "My--my wife," said, "she had been living with another man," and said, "and running around on me." And said, "Then she come to me, and she said to me, 'Oh, darling, forgive me; forgive me.' Said, 'I--I--I--I'm sorry I did it. I'll be true from now on.'" Said, "Of course I loved her so much I just forgive her, said, 'All right.'" And said, "Then," and said, "Do you know what? Then I got the interpretation of this vision." Said, "That was the woman." Said, "Sure, she's been married and--and so forth and all these times," and said that, "it's all right for her to marry because the Lord loved her so much she can marry as many times as she wants to far as it was."
I said, "Your vision was mighty sweet, but it's way off the beaten path here." I said, "That's--that's wrong. You see? You shouldn't do that."
52 So that's... See?.. But when you see Scripture dovetailing with Scripture, making it a constant continuity where they come together, the Scriptures, where this one leaves off here, this other one over here comes and dovetails in and draws the whole picture out... Like putting a crossword puzzle together like. You find the piece that fits in. There's nothing else can fit it; then you're getting the picture fixed. And there's only One can do that; that's the Lamb, and so we're looking to Him.
But we find that when these--this rider... He was one rider that rode these horses, and then we chased him right down, seen what he done and everything, and found out back in the church ages that's exactly what he did. Then when he went out on a certain beast and does certain things, we find out that there was one sent to combat what he did.
57 There was one sent for the first age, of lamb--of lion. That was the Word, of course, Christ. And next was the ox, during the time of the dark age, when--when the--the church had organized and--and had accepted dogmas instead of the Word. And you remember the whole thing is based on two things, one an antichrist, the other one a Christ.
It's still the same thing today. There is no halfway Christians. There's no drunk-sober man, no black-white birds, no, no, no sinner-saints. No, you're either a sinner or a saint. See? There's just no in-between. You're either born again or you're not borned again. You're either filled with the Holy Spirit or you're not filled with the Holy Spirit. No matter how many sensations you had, if you ain't filled with the Holy Spirit, you're not filled with It. See? And if you had been filled with It, your life shows It. Goes right up to it. See? Nobody has to tell anybody about it; they see it (See?), 'cause it's a seal.
61 Now, and we find those beasts, how they rode each time. One sent out on his ministry in political powers, uniting religious powers and--and political powers together. We find out God sent out His power to combat it. We go right back and see what the church age was and look back, and there it was just exactly that way.
Then we find out another age come along, and the enemy sent out the antichrist under the name of religion, under the Name of Christ, under the name of the church (Yes, sir.), went out under the name of the church even. "That was the real Church," she said. See? Antichrist is not Russia. Antichrist is not that. Antichrist is so close like real Christianity till the Bible said it would fool everything that wasn't predestinated. That's right.
63 The Bible said that in the last days, everything that wasn't predestinated, the Elect. It says, The Elect!" Now, anybody take that word and run it back in your margin reading, see what it means. It says the elected, predestinated. See? It'll fool every one of them whose names were not on the Lambs Book of Life from the foundation of the world.
When the Lamb was slain, the names were put on the Book. He's standing in the holy place tonight in glory as an Intercessor, making intercessions for every one of those souls whose name is on that Book. And nobody knows that name but Him. He's the One that's got the Book in His hand. And He knows when that last one comes in, then His intercessing days is over. He comes forth then to claim what He's interceded for. He's--He's doing the Kinsman Redeemer work now and comes forth to receive His own.
65 Oh, my. That ought to set every Christian to--to searching himself and holding his hands before God and saying, "Cleanse me, oh, Lord; look into my life and--and let me--let me see where my bad part is, let me get it out of the way right quick." See? For if the righteous be scarcely saved, where will the sinner and the ungodly appear? It's checking-up time.
66 And if you would place it, and want to give this Word... (Now, I don't want to--you to ask me question on this, 'cause you get me plumb over on another in... I mean in--in writing your questions. I think the questions is done in anyhow.)
This is the time of the investigation judgment. That's right. (Now, we'll get that on the--on the trumpets when we come to that, whenever the Lord provides, or the vials.) And we'll find out on that investigating judgment, when that--just before the woes went forth, and--and we see that that is true. And the three angels that struck the earth crying, you know, "Woe, woe, woe, unto the inhabitants of the earth."...
67 And we're living in a terrific time, the time that--that... You see, these things that we're in now, that we're studying right now, is after the Church is done gone. See? These things are the tribulation period. And I think it ought to be truly settled in every believer's heart that this Church never takes the tribulation period. You cannot put nowhere the Church in tribulation. I... You put the church there, but not the Bride. See, see? The Bride's gone on, 'cause (See?) She--she has not one sin, not a thing against Her. The grace of God has covered her over, and the Bleach has took every sin so far away, there's not even a--ever a remembrance of it, not a thing but purity, perfect in the Presence of God. Oh, it--it ought to make the Bride get down on her knees and cry out to God.
69 I think of a--a little story, if I'm not taking too much of your time now in--in this preliminary. I--I do this for a purpose, to feel--till I feel the Spirit just right to start. This is a--this is a sacred thing. See, see? See, who knows them things there? Nobody but God, and they're not supposed to be revealed, and proved by the Bible that they would not be revealed till this day. That's exactly right. See? They was--they was guessed at, but now we're supposed to get it exactly the truth, vindicated truth. See?
71 Notice now, it was a--a little girl in the west that how she'd--she'd fell in love with a--a man had fell in love with her. As a buyer of the cattle, come out there for the Armour Company, and--and they had a--a great... The boss come one day (the boss's son from Chicago), and 'course they put them on a regular western frontier. The--the girls there, they dressed up. Each one was going to get this boy, sure, you know, 'cause that was the main man's boy. So they dressed in their western frontier. And--and they do that out west.
73 They just got through one of those episodes, and Brother Maguire (I think he's here now), they caught him downtown without his western clothes on and they throwed him in the--in the jail, and put him in a Kangaroo Court, and made him pay for it, and then made him go buy a western outfit. I seen the rest of them walking around with guns about that long hanging on them. They just go native out there. They're trying to live in something in the back gone days, bygone. See?
And then in Kentucky, you're trying to live in a bygone days of the east here. Get back in Renfro Valley and things. You like to go back to the old days. There's something causing that, but when it comes back to go back to a Gospel in the original, you don't want to do that. You want something modern. See? Goes to show that... See, you--you... There's a...
76 And what makes a--a man do wrong? What makes him drink and carry on, or a woman do wrong? Is because she's trying to... There's something in her thirsting, and something in him thirsting. And they're trying to quench that holy thirst with the things of the world when God ought to be that quench. He made you that way to thirst. That's the reason you thirst for something. God made you that way so you'd turn that holy thirst to Him. See? But when you try to quench that thirst... How dare anybody to do that. You have no right to do that: to try to quench that holy thirst that you thirst for something... And--and then--and you turn it into the world, try to satisfy it with the world; you can't do it. There's only one thing that'll fill that up, and that's God. And He made you that way.
77 So this--this... The young girls put on a--a regular western, a "carry-on" for this boy when he--he come out. And each one of them was sure they was going to get this boy.
There was a little cousin there on the ranch, and she was an orphan. And so she just done all the--the work for these, 'cause they had to have their fingernails fixed, you know, and they couldn't wash the dishes for their hands and things; and she done all the real hard work.
And then finally when the boy came, they went out and got him in an old western style, the buckboard, and they come in shooting their guns and carrying on, you know, and--and acting up.
And that night they had a great big dance out there, on an old fashion dance, and all the ranchers around about and coming in with their dancing and so forth. And the first thing you know, why, this went on, this jubilee, for two or three days.
80 Then one night this boy stepped out to--of the place just to rest awhile from the dance, and got away from these girls, and he happened to look going down towards the corral. There went a little girl kind of ragged looking, and she had a dish pan full of water. She had washed the dishes. And he thought, "I never seen her before. I wonder where she come from?" So he just puts it in his way to go around by the side of the--the bunkhouse and go down there and come back side of the corral and met her.
She was bare-footed. She stopped. She held her head down. She seen who it was, and she was very shy. She knew this great person. And she was just a cousin to these other girls. Their--their father was foreman on this big Armour outfit, so they... kept... She kept looking down. She was ashamed of being bare-footed.
He said, "What's your name?" She told him. Said, "Well, why ain't you out there to the--where the rest of them is?" She kinda made excuses.
83 And so the next night he watched for her again. Finally, he was setting out there, and they all got to carrying on and everything, he--he set on the corral fence and watched for her to come, throw the dishwater out. And he watched her, and he said to her; he said, "You know my real purpose of being here?"
She said, "No, sir, I don't."
He said, "My purpose of being here is hunting a wife." He said, "I find a character in you that they don't have." (I was thinking of the Church. You see?) Said, "Will you marry me?"
She said, "Me? Me? I--I can't think of such a thing." Said, "Me?" See, that's the main boss's son. He owned all the companies and ranches throughout the country, and everything. You see?
Said--said, "Yes," said, "I--I couldn't find one in Chicago. I--I want a real wife. I want a wife with character. And the things that I'm looking for, I see it in you." Said, "Will you marry me?"
She said, "Well..." (It startled her.) She said, "Yes."
And he said, "Well," told her he would be back, said, "Now, you just make yourself ready, and a year from today I'll be back. Well... And I'll get you, and I'll take you away from here. You won't have to work like this no more. I'll take you, and I'll go to Chicago, and I'll build you a home like you've never seen."
She said, "I don't never--never had a home, I'm an orphan." She said...
He said, "I'll build you a home, a real one"; said, "I'll be back."
89 He kept in track with her through the time of the year. She worked everything that she could do to save enough money at her dollar a day or whatever she had with her board to buy her wedding dress: perfect type of the Church. See? She got her garments ready. You know, when she displayed this wedding garment, her--her cousins said, "Why, you poor silly kid. You mean to think that a man like that would have anything to do with you?"
She said, "But he promised me." She said, "He promised"; said, "I believe his word."
"Oh, he was just making a fool out of you." Said, "If he'd of got somebody he'd got one of the them."
Said, "But he promised me. I'm looking for him." Amen. I am too.
So it kept getting later and later. The day finally arrived. A certain hour he was to be there; so she dressed in her garment. And she hadn't even heard from him, but she knowed he'd be there. So she dressed up in her wedding clothes, got things ready. So then they really did laugh, there, 'cause the main boss had sent up to the--to the foreman, or--or to--and none of the girls had heard nothing about it. So it was just all a mysterious thing to them.
96 That is too; sure it is. But this girl just in face it all of it upon the basis of his word that he'd be back for her. So they got to laughing, and put their hands around one another, dancing around there, said, "Ahhh," (laughing, you know, like that), said, "Poor little silly kid."
She just stood there--not a bit of blushing. She was holding her flowers, her wedding garment all fixed. She was struggling, you know. (His Bride has made herself ready.) She kept holding her flowers, waiting. They said, "Now, I told you it was wrong. See, he ain't coming."
Said, "I got five more minutes." Said, "He will be here." Oh, they just laughed. And just about the time the old clock ticked up to five minutes, they heard the horses a-galloping, sand rolling under the wheels. The old buckboard stopped. She jumped from between them and out the door, and he jumped out of the carriage, and she fell into his arms; he said, "It's all over now, honey"; left her little old cousins (denominations) setting there looking. She--she went to Chicago to her home.
102 I know of another great promise like that too. It... "I've gone to prepare a place for you; coming back to receive you." They might be saying we're crazy, but, brother, to me right now and these Seals breaking like this under this supernatural thing, I can almost hear the sound as that clock of time ticks away into eternity there.
I can almost see that Angel standing there and saying at the last of that seventh angel's message, "Time shall be no more." That little loyal Bride will fly away into the arms of Jesus one of these days when He takes her to Father's house. Let's think of these things as we go along now.
103 Notice the ministry of the Lion, the Word; the Ox, the laboring sacrifice; the cunningness of the reformers; and the--the eagle age coming in that's to reveal and pick up these things and show them.
Now, we find out in last night's service also, the great mystery opened with this Seal, which was absolutely contrary to my former understanding--just a--presuming that it was right.
104 I always allowed them souls under the altar to be the early Christian martyrs, but we found out last night, when the Lord God broke that Seal for us, it absolutely is impossible. It wasn't them. They were gone on to glory, plumb on the other side. And there they was...
We found out that they were Jews that would come up during the time where the--from the calling now of the hundred and forty-four thousand, which we get into tonight and tomorrow and--and between the Sixth and Seventh Seal, the hundred and forty-four thousand is called. And then we find out that they were martyrs that had been killed, and--and yet had not been--had white robes on, but their names had been on the Lamb's Book of Life, and they were given white robes, each one of them.
106 And we took that, and there's nothing in the world, I don't believe, but that bunch of--of--a--the--the Jews has went through a pre-tribulation period. When during the time of this last wars, they were--they--they're got to be hated by everybody. And Eichmann killed millions of them in Germany (You just heard the trial.), millions of innocent people slain, Jews, just because they were Jews, no other reason.
The Bible said here that they was slain for their testimony of God--or for the--the Word of God and the testimony they held. Now, we find out that the Bride was the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. These had no testimony of Jesus Christ.
And we find out that the Bible says that all of Israel, the predestinated Israel, will be saved. (Romans 11) Now, we know that. And there we seen them souls...
109 Now, look how close. Why couldn't this be before? Because it hadn't happened before. Now you can see it. You see? See the great Holy Spirit seeing those things coming down through the--the ages and times, and now, it's being revealed, and then you look there and see that's the truth. There's where it's at.
Now, it was a--it was a--the martyrs in the tribulation of the pre-tribulation of Eichmann. Now, they only type the martyrs of the hundred and forty-four thousand, which we're entering into between the Sixth and Seventh Seal (See?); and the Seventh Seal is just one thing; that's all; and this--it was silence in heaven for a space of a half hour. And now, only God can reveal that. It's not even symbolized nowhere. That's tomorrow night. Pray for me. See?
112 Now, we notice now as we go into the Sixth Seal... Now, may the heavenly Father help us as we settle down now to this Sixth Seal. Now, the 12th verse of the 6th chapter...
And I beheld when he... opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
And the stars of heaven fell unto... earth, even as a fig tree cast her untimely figs, when she's shaken of a mighty wind.
And the heavens departed as a scroll when it's rolled together; and every mountain and every island were moved out of their places.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bond, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
113 You notice there? Look at them mighty men. See? What have they done? They'd received the wine of the wrath of the fornication of the harlot. See? That's exactly the same class that drank of her wine. See?
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that setteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
114 What an introduction to a--to see the riders now, the riders, beasts, and the answering beasts has ceased. Then we taken up. We see the martyrs under the throne. Now, this... from the time... These martyrs are the true orthodox Jews that died in Christian faith, or in--in religious faith, because they could not be Christians.
Remember, God blinded their eyes. And they're going to be blind for a long time until the Gentile Church is taken out of the way. 'Cause God doesn't deal with them two people at the same time, because it's very contrary to His Word.
116 Remember, He deals with Israel as a nation always. It's the nation of Israel. The Gentiles as individuals--people taken from the Gentile. And it had to... The Gentile had to be made up of all the people of the world, so now and then there's a Jew comes into that. See? Just like--like Arabian and Irish and Indian and whatmore. It's all the people of the world make up this bouquet Bride. See?
But now, when it comes to dealing then with Israel, in this last part of the seventy weeks, He deals with them as a nation. The Gentiles are finished. The hour's soon arriving (and maybe yet this--this very night) that God will completely turn from the Gentiles altogether. Exactly. He said so. "They shall tread down the walls of Jerusalem until the Gentile dispensation be finished." The times are over. Yes, sir. And then, "Let him that's filthy, stay filthy. Let him that's righteous be righteous." See?
120 There's no more Blood on the seat of the--of the--of the--in the sanctuary at all. There's no more Blood on the altar. The sacrifice has been removed; and there's nothing but smoke and lightning and judgment in there. And that's just exactly what's poured out here tonight. (See?)
The Lamb's done left the--His mediatorial work. The mediatorial work has been finished from over on the throne, and the Sacrifice, as we've typed Him perfectly, the Kinsman Redeemer, the bloody Lamb that come forth, the Lamb that had been slain (a bloody One, been killed, bruised), come forth and took the Book out of His hand. That's... The day's are finished. Now, He's coming to claim what He has redeemed. Amen. That just sends something through me.
121 We find out now, John said, "I beheld when He had opened the Sixth Seal, there was a great earthquake." Then all nature was interrupted. See? God's been doing great things, like healing the sick, and open the eyes of the blind, and doing great works, but we find out here that nature took a tumble. Yes, all nature...
Look what taken place, the--the earth quaked; the sun went black; and the moon wouldn't give its light; and the stars shook and fell; and, why, everything happened (See?) right at the time of the opening of this Sixth Seal. That's when it takes place, right immediately after the announcing of those martyrs. See? The martyrs had been finished.
124 Now, you see, we're right close into that hour now. It could be at any time (See?), because the Church is just about ready to take its flight. But remember, when these things happen, the Bride won't be here. Just remember, the Bride's gone. She don't have to go through any of it. This is a time of tribulation of purification of the--of the church. It's put upon her for her to go through it, not the Bride; He takes His sweetheart out of the way. Yes, sir. She's... done redeemed Her. See it's kind of a... That's His own selection, His own choice, like any man takes his bride. See?
125 Now, the earthquake... Let us compare Scriptures now. I--I want... Have you got pencil and paper with you? I want you to do something for me. If you want to write, write this 'cause it's... 'less you're going to take the tape.
Now, we... I want you to read with me as you do. Compare Scriptures of this great event that we will see that this great secret or mystery that was under the Sixth Seal of the Book of Redemption.
Now, remember, these are hidden mysteries. And the Sixth Seals altogether is one great big book, just six scrolls rolled together; and it unwinds the whole Book of Redemption. That's how the whole earth was redeemed.
127 That's the reason John wept, because if no one could get that Book, all creation, everything was gone. She'd just simply turn back to--to--to atoms and molecules and so forth and cosmic light, and not even be creation, person, nothing else, 'cause Adam lost the rights of that Book. He forfeited it when he listened to his wife, and she listened to Satan's reasoning in the stead of the Word of God. See?
It was forfeited. Then it couldn't go back into the dirty hands of Satan who tempted her out of the way; so therefore, it went back to its original Owner like any abstract deed would do (See?), goes right back to its original Owner, and that was God the Creator Who made it, and He holds it.
129 And there's a price, and that's redemption. There's some price for redemption, and there was nobody could do it. So He said... Made His laws--His own laws of a Kinsman Redeemer; then they could find nobody.
Every man was borned of sex, borned after sexual desire. He was in the original sin: Satan and Eve, so he could not do it. There's nothing in him, no holy pope, priest, doctor divinity, of--or whoever he might be; he was nobody worthy. And he couldn't be an Angel, because it had to be a kinsman. He had to be a man. Then God Himself become a Kinsman by taking on a human flesh through the virgin birth, and He shed His Blood.
130 That wasn't the blood of a Jew; it wasn't the blood of a Gentile. It was the Blood of God. See? The Bible says we're saved through the Blood of God. The child takes the father's blood. We know it. Anything in the male sex produces the hemoglobin. So we find out like the hen laying the egg, she can lay an egg, but if the rooster, the mate, hasn't been with her, it won't hatch. It's not fertile. The woman's only an incubator that carries the egg, but the egg come... The germ comes from the male, and in this case, the Male was God Himself.
132 That's how I say how up is down and--and big is little. God was so great until He become... He even formed Himself in such a teeny thing to a little teeny germ into the womb of a virgin. And around there He developed the cells, and the Blood, and was born and raised on earth, and from that kind of a start, unadulterated, no sex desire to it at all...
And then He gave that Blood because He become a kinsfolks to us, and He was the Kinsman Redeemer. And He shed that Blood freely. He didn't have to. He give it freely to redeem. Then He goes upon the altar of God and waits there, while God holds the Book of Redemption in His hand, and the bloody Lamb stands on the altar of sacrifice. There's the Lamb to make redemption, making intercession.
135 Then how dare anybody to say that Mary, or Joseph, or any other mortal could be--be an intercessor. You cannot intercess unless there's Blood there. Yes sir, there's one Mediator between God and man, and that's Christ Jesus. That's what the Scriptures says. There He stands, and until the last soul has been redeemed, and then He comes forth to claim what He has redeemed... Oh, what a--what a great Father He is.
Now, remember... Now, I've always taught that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established, and the Scripture...
Just like, you can't take one Scripture and prove nothing 'less there's something else goes with it. See? See, I can take one Scripture and say, "Judas went and hung himself," take another one and say, "You go do the same." See? But you see, it won't blend in with the rest of it.
138 And I thought under this Sixth Seal, when the Holy Spirit broke it forth there, I seen what it was, then I thought it'd be a good thing to give the class a little something different tonight (See?), 'cause it might be tiring you just listen to me talking all the time. So I thought that we'd do something different.
139 Now, notice. This great event was sealed under the Book of mystery of the redemption. Now, the Lamb has it in His hand and is going to break it.
Now, let's look to Matthew the 24th chapter, the Lamb Himself speaking. Now, anyone knows that Christ is the Author of the whole Book as far as that concerned, but this is His--His speech here or His--His sermon to the--the people (All right.) and to the Jews.
141 Now, I want you to hold your Book like this: Matthew 24 and Revelations 6, like this, and let's compare something here just a little bit. So watch this now, and you can find out just how--how it is. See, what the Lamb here is showing exactly in symbol what He said over here in Word, doing exactly. So that makes it right. Now, that's--that's all there is to it. Here's--here's one; He's talking of it, and here's where it happens. See? It's just a perfect vindication.
Now, now, let's look at the 24th chapter of Saint Matthew and Revelations 6 and compare the 24th chapter of Matthew. We all know that that was the chapter that every scholar, every person goes to, to--to talk about the tribulation period. It comes out of the 24th chapter of Matthew. And now, let's...
144 If that is so... Now... We... For we know that this Sixth Seal is the judgment Seal. It's the judgment Seal: exactly what it is. Now, see, we've had the--the antichrist ride, seen the Church go, now it's finished, goes up. Then we see the martyrs of them Jews back there under the altar. Now, here is the breaking forth of the judgment upon the people where out of this tribulation judgment will come forth the hundred and forty-four thousand redeemed Jews. I'll prove to you they are Jews and not Gentiles. They have nothing to do with the Bride, not a thing. The Bride... We done see the Bride's gone. You can't place that anywhere else: don't come back again until the 19th chapter of the Book of the Acts.
146 Now, notice, for the Sixth Seal is the judgment Seal of the Word. Now, here, let's start out now and let's read Saint Matthew the 24th chapter. Now, I'd just like to give you something here I've just looked up to find. Now, Saint Matthew from 1 to 3, well, is where we're going to read first.
And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the building of the temple.
And He said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be one--be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
(Now)... and... (3rd verse)... as he set upon... mount... Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, Tell us, when these things shall be?... what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
148 Now, let's stop there. These three verses, it took place actually on Tuesday afternoon, April the 4th, AD 30. And the first two verses took place on the afternoon of the--of April the 4th, at AD 30, and the 3rd verse taken place on Tuesday evening of the same day. See?
They come to the temple, and they asked Him these things: "What about this and what about this? Look at this great temple; isn't it wonderful?"
He said, "There won't be one stone left on another one."
Then He went up on the mountain and set down. See? That there--there He starts it's in the afternoon. And then when they did, they asked Him up there, said, "We want to know about some things."
151 Now, notice, here is--here is three questions are asked by the Jews, His disciples. Three questions are asked. And watch: "What..." First--first, "What--when shall these things be (when there won't be one stone left upon another one)? What shall be the sign of Thy coming?" (second question) "and of the end of the world?" See it?
There's three questions, and there's where many men make their mistake. They apply these things here to some age then, when you see He's answering three questions. They... Watch now how--how beautiful it is.
Third verse (See?), now, last phrase there in the 3rd verse, "And what shall be..." First they called Him to Mount of Olives here privately: "Tell us when shall these things be?" (Question number one), "What shall be the sign of thy coming?" (Question number two), "... and of the end of the world?" (Question number three). See, there's three different questions asked.
154 Now, now, I want you to turn over and watch how Jesus here tells them about these things. Oh, it's so beautiful, I--I... It just makes me... I--I get to... What was that word we used the other night? The stimulation from revelation.
Notice, now, let's turn now to the First Seal of the--the Seals of this Book and compare this First Seal with this first question, and each question compare it right down and see if it don't run hand in hand just like we've done in all these others opening up to the church ages and everything exactly the same. There's the Seal perfectly open then.
156 Notice now, now, we're going to read, first for the... "Then He answered them..." And--and then He's--He's going to start to answering now, and we want to compare it with the Seals. Now, watch, the First Seal is Revelations 6:1-2; now we read 6:1-2.
And I saw... the Lamb when He had opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it was the noise of a thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that set on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Who did we find this fellow was? Antichrist. Matthew 24 now, 4 and 5.
And Jesus answered and said unto them--unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
159 See it? Antichrist. There's your Seal. See, see? He spoke it here, and here they opened the Seal, and here He was, just perfect. Now, the Second Seal: Matthew 24:6, Revelation 6:3 and 4. Now, watch. Matthew 24:6, now, let me see what it says.
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
All right. Let's take the Second Seal, Revelation 6:3-2; watch what He says now.
And when he had opened the second seal, and I heard the second beast say, Come... see.
And there went forth another horse that was red: and power was given to him that set thereon to take peace from the earth, and... they should kill one another: and there was given to him a great sword.
162 Perfectly--just exactly. Oh, I like to make the Scripture answer Itself, don't you? The Holy Spirit wrote It all, but He's able to reveal it. Now, let's notice the Third Seal. Now, this is famine. Now, Matthew 24:7 and 8. Let's get 7 and 8 in Matthew...
And nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines,... pestilences,... earthquakes, in divers places. All these things are the beginning of sorrows.
See, you're coming right on up now. Now, Revelation and the 6th... Now, we're going to open the Third Seal. It's found in Revelations 6:5 and 6.
And when he had opened the third seal, I--I beheld the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that set on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts saying, A measure of... penny--a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and... wine.
Famine, see? Exactly the same Seal, same thing Jesus said. All right.
Fourth Seal, pestilence and death. Notice, Matthew 24, we'll read the--the 8th verse, 7th and 8th, I believe it is on this Fourth Seal, I got here. All right. Now... What did I read back here? Did I read something wrong? Yeah, I've had that marked. Yes, there we are now. Now, we're going, now we go. All right, sir.
168 Now, let's start here at the 7th on this the--the Fourth seal, and on the 6 and 7 and 8 on the other one, on the Revelations. Now, let's see, the 7th and 8th of Matthew 24. All right, now.
And nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines,... pestilences,... earthquakes, in divers places.
All these things are the beginning of sorrow.
Now, the Fourth Seal, as we read it over here was... The Fourth Seal was... Begin 7th and 8th on this other now.
And when he had opened the fourth seal, and lo, the fourth beast said, Come and see.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse:...
171 Now, wait, I got this wrote down wrong. Now, now, just a minute now, 7 and 8, now let's see, Matthew 24:7 and 8, now let's see. We'll get that. That's the third opening, isn't it? Matthew 24:7 and 8. I'm sorry. Now, that opens up the rain... or the famine, opens up the famine.
All right, now the pestilences and death... Yes, sir, now we're going to it; 7 and 8, now, that would be the Fourth Seal. Let's see where we get the Fourth Seal.
And when he had opened the fourth seal... (Yeah, it's the pale horse rider, death. See?)
And--and I looked, and behold a pale horse: and he--pale horse: and his name that set on him was called Death, and Hell followed... him. And power was given unto him over the four parts of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. (Now, see, that was death.)
175 Now, the Fifth Seal, Matthew 24:9-13. Let's see if I got this right now again. See?
And then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you:... (There you are.)... and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And when--and then... many shall betray--many shall be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
And many false prophets shall rise, and... deceive many.
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
But he that... endureth to the end, the same shall be saved.
Now, we are on the Fifth Seal now, and that was last night. See? They would deliver you up, betray one another and so forth.
177 Now, watch here on the Sixth Seal, 6:9 to 11. Now, let's get that one: Revelations 6:9 to 11.
And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long,... Lord, holy... true, does thou... judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? (Now...)
And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren,... should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
178 Now, you see, under the Fifth Seal we find--we find here martyrdom. And under the 24:9 over here we--to 13, we find also that it was martyred: "They shall deliver you up and kill you" and--and so forth (See?), the same Seal being opened.
Now, in the Sixth Seal is the one we're coming to now. Matthew 24:29 and 30--24, let's get 29 and--and 30. Here we are. Now, now, we're going to get also Revelations 6:12-17. That's exactly what we just read.
Now, listen at this. Now, it's what Jesus said in Matthew 29--24:29 and 30.
Immediately after the tribulation of those days... (What... When this--this tribulation, this amateur tribulation they've went through here. See?)... the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of... heaven shall be shaken:
And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall be all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
183 Now, read over here in Revelations now, the--the Sixth Seal the one we are on right now.
And... behold when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth (See?) of hair, and the moon became as blood;
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
And the heavens departed as a scroll as it is rolled together; and every mountain and every island... moved out of their place.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondsman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens... in the rocks of the mountain;
And said unto the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sets upon the throne, and from the wrath--wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come;... who shall be able to stand?
184 It's perfectly. Turned right back over--see what Jesus said here now in Matthew 24:29. Listen. After this--this Eichmann case and so forth.
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened,... the moon shall not--shall not give her light,... stars shall fall from heaven,... the powers of... heaven shall be shaken: (Now, watch.)
And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and they shall see--and they sh--and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with great power and... glory.
And... send forth his angels... (and so forth)... and with a... sound of a trumpet, and... shall gather them together... the four winds,... drove together.
185 See, just exactly comparing what Jesus said in Matthew 24, and what the revelator here opened up in the Sixth Seal, is just exactly, and Jesus was speaking of the tribulation period. See?
First he asked when these things would be, when the temple would be taken away. He answered that. Next thing he asked: when they were to come time, there come the martyr age; and when this would be, when the antichrist would rise, and when the antichrist would take away the temple.
187 Daniel, how we could go back and pick up Daniel there, when he said that this prince that would come... You readers know that. And what should he do? He would take away the daily sacrifice and what all would take place during the time. Said...
Jesus, even speaking of it here, underlined it, said, "When you see the abomination that maketh desolation spoken by the prophet, Daniel, standing in the holy place..." What is that? The Mosque of Omar stood in the place of the temple when they burned it down. Said, "Let them that's in the mountains, let them that's on the housetop don't come down to take things out of the house. Or him that's in the field, return back, for there'll be a time of trouble." You see? And all these things would take place... Moved them on down now and vindicated it, back to this opening of the Sixth Seal.
189 Now, I want you to notice, Jesus... (Now, about tomorrow night on this.) Jesus omitted the teaching of the Seventh Seal. It's not here. Watch, He goes right on with parables now, after that. And John omitted the Seventh Seal--the Seven last--the Seventh Seal. That's going to be a great thing. It's not even written (See?), omitted the Seventh Seal, both of them did. And the revelator, when... God just said there was... John said there's just silence in heaven. Jesus never said a word about it.
Notice, now, back to the 12th verse. Notice, no beast... That's the 12th verse starting off on our Seal to see it open. No beast-like living creatures was represented here either, like it was on the Fifth Seal. Why? This happened the other side of the Gospel age, in the tribulation period.
190 This Sixth Seal is the tribulation period. That's what takes place. The Bride has gone. See? There's no living creature, nothing there to say it. It's just... Now, God is not dealing with the Church no more. It's been gone. He's dealing with Israel. See, see? This is the other side. This is when Israel receives the message of the Kingdom by the two prophets of Revelations 11.
Remember, Israel is a nation, God's servant nation. And when--when--when Israel is brought in, it'll be a national affair. Israel, the Kingdom age, is where David, the Son of David sets on the throne.
192 That's the reason that woman cried, "Thou Son of David." And David is the... Son of David, God swore by him, to David that He'd raise up his son that would take his throne; it would be a everlasting throne. See? It'd have no end. Solomon give it in a type in the temple. And Jesus just told them here, that's--there won't be a rock left on one of them, but He's trying to tell them here what? He's coming back.
"When are you coming back?"
"These things will take place before I come back." And here they are.
Now, we're at the time of the tribulation. Remember, when the Kingdom is set up on the earth... Now, this may be a little shocking, and if there's a question, and you--you still ask me, if--if you want to put the question up afterwards, 'cause I just hit it, if you didn't--if you don't already know it. In the time of the Millennium, it's Israel that's a nation. The twelve tribes is a nation, but the Bride is in the palace. She's a Queen now. She's married. And all of the earth shall come into this city, Jerusalem, and shall bring the glory of it in there. And the gates will not be shut by--by--by night 'cause there won't be any night. See? The gates will always be open; and the kings of the earth (Revelations 22) bring their honor and glory into this city, but the Bride is in there with the Lamb.
196 Oh, my. Do you see that? In there--Not the Bride, isn't going to be out here laboring in the vineyards. No, sir. She's the Bride. She's the Queen to the King. It's the others that labor out there, the nation, not the Bride. Amen.
All right, notice these messengers now... These messengers of the Revelations 12, these two prophets, they're going to preach, "The Kingdom is at hand." See? The Kingdom of heaven's to be set up. The time, last three and one-half years of Daniel's seventieth week promised to the Jews, His people...
Remember now, that to prove that, that this is Daniel's last part of the seventieth week... I got a question on that for tomorrow. See? Now, seventy weeks was promised, which was seven years. And in the midst of the seven weeks, the Messiah was to be cut off to be made a Sacrifice. He would prophesy three and one-half years, and then He'd be cut off for a sacrifice for the people, and there is still a determination, that three and one-half years is still determined for Israel.
199 Then when Messiah was cut off, the Jew was blinded so he couldn't see that was Messiah. And then when Messiah was cut off, then the Gospel and grace age come to the Gentile. And they come down, and God pulled one from here and there and here and there, and put them away under the messengers, and here and there and here and there, put them away under the messengers; and He sent forth the first messenger, and he preached, and the trumpet sounded (as we pick it up after while); and then the trumpet was declaring war.
Trumpet always denotes war. The messenger, the angel come on earth, the messenger of the hour, like Luther's, like any of the messengers that we've talked of. What does he do? He arrives, and a Seal opened, reveals; a trumpet sounds, war declared, and away they go. And then the messenger dies. He seals away this group; they're put in; and a plague falls upon those who rejected it. See? And then it goes on, then they organize, get another organization. (We've just come through it.)
201 Then here they come out with another power (See?), another power, another age of the church, another ministry. Then when he does that, along comes God with His ministry, when the antichrist comes with his. See, anti is against. They run side by side.
I want you to notice a little something. Just about the time that--that Cain come on earth, Abel came on earth. I want you to notice just about the time that--that Christ came on earth, Judas came on earth. About the time that Christ went off of earth, Judas went off the earth. Just about the time that the--the Holy Spirit fell, the antichrist spirit fell. Just about the time the Holy Ghost is revealing Himself here in the last days, the antichrist is showing his colors, coming up through these politics and things; and just about time the antichrist moves hisself fully on the stree--on the scene, God moves Hisself fully on to redeem His own (See?), just runs just right together, and they're both side by side.
Cain and Abel, the crow and the dove on the ark, Judas and Jesus, and just on down... You can take it just...
203 Here was Moab and Israel, both of them. Moab was not a heathen nation. No, sir. They offered the same sacrifice that Israel was offering. They prayed to the same God. Exactly. Moab was call--was one of Lot's daughters that slept with her father and had a child, and that child was called Moab and from him sprang the Moab race, the country of Moab. And when they seen Israel, their redeemed brother, come...
They were fundamentalists. They were a big denomination. Israel had no denomination; she just dwelt in tents and wherever you go. But Moab had the dignitaries, kings, and so forth. And they had Balaam up there, a--a false prophet. And they had all this, then they come down there to curse their little brother that was on the road to the promised land, going to his promise.
And he went and asked them, "Can I pass through your land? If my cows drink water, I'll pay for it. If they lick up grass, we'll pay for it."
He said, "No, you're not holding no revival like that around here." That's right. "You're not holding anything like that around here."
207 And then watch what he done. He come right back in the Jezebel form, and come down through a--that false prophet and caused the children of God to err, and married Moabite women into--into Israel and caused adultery. And he did the same thing in that same age on the journey on the road to the promised land we are on.
What did he do? The false prophet come right around and married and called into the Protestant church and caused denominations, just exactly what they did back there. But little old Israel moved right on the same. She railed in the wilderness for a long time, and all them old fighters had to die off, but she went right on into the promised land. Yes. Watch them all in arm just before they crossed the Jordan. I like that. Now, we're getting down to that age right now, here now.
210 Notice now, we find out that the time lasts, I said three and one-half years of Daniel's seventy weeks. Let me explain that a little closer now, 'cause I see somebody here that's always watched that now; I want to try to make myself clear: a teacher. Notice, when the seventy weeks come in... When Daniel seen the vision of the time coming and the ending up of the Jews... But he said there was determined seventy weeks (That's seven years), in the midst of it, why the Messiah would be here--or--and would be cut off for a sacrifice.
Now, that's exactly what taken place. Then God dealt with the Gentiles till He took out a people for His Name. As soon as the Gentile church is taken out, He taken up the Church. And when He did, the sleeping virgin, the church itself (The Bride went up.), and the church itself was put into outer darkness, where there's weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, and the same time the tribulation falls upon that people.
215 And while the tribulation's falling, in there comes these two prophets of Revelations 11 to preach the Gospel to them. And they preach a thousand, one hundred and three score days. See? Well, that's exactly, with thirty days in the month, like the real calendar has, is exactly three and one-half years. That's Daniel's seventieth part--last part of the seventieth week.
See, God hasn't deal with Israel in here. No, sir. A brother asked me not long ago, "Should I go to..." A--A brother here in the church, a precious, dear brother said, "I--I want to go to Israel. I believe there's an awakening."
Someone said to me, "Brother Branham, you ought to go to Israel right now. They'd see it." See, you can't do it. I stood right there, and I thought... Them Jews said, "If I... Well, if this be Jesus, be--be the Messiah," said, "let me see Him do the sign of the prophet. We'll believe our prophets," 'cause that's what they're--they're supposed to be.
"What a setup," I thought. "Here I go." When I got right there, right close to it, right... I was... Well, I was at Cairo, and I had my ticket in my hand for Israel. And I said, "I--I'll go see if they ask that, if they can see a sign of a prophet; we'll see if they'll accept Christ."
220 Lewi Pethrus of the Stockholm Church sent them a million Bibles, and those Jews coming in there... You've seen the picture; I've got it on the reel right back here now: "Three Minutes To Midnight." And them Jews coming in from all over the world, everywhere, begin gathering in over there.
After England had went in there during the time of General Allenby in the "Decline of the Worlds War," in second volume I think it is, and they surrendered--the Turks surrendered. Then they give it back to Israel, and she's been growing as a nation. And now, she is a perfect nation, her own money, currency, flag, army, and everything else. See?
223 And these Jews coming back to the homeland, they were... First thing, when they went down in Iran and down in there to get them, they asked--they said... He... The--they wanted to take them back to Israel, give them their--take them back to their land, Palestine, where they was supposed to be. And remember, as long as Israel is out of that land, she's out of the will of God. Like Abraham, who it was give to. And when... They wouldn't get on that plane. They didn't never seen anything like that. There was an old rabbi stepped down there and said, "Our Prophet told us that when Israel went home, it'd be on the wings of an eagle." On the plane away home...
There she is now, building, the fig tree restoring. Amen. The old six-point Star of David flying.
The Gentile days numbered,
With horrors encumbered...
227 The tribulation period's right at hand, standing right here, and the Seals being opened, the Church ready to take her flight in the air, and the tribulation set in. Then God comes down and pulls the hundred and forty-four thousand out of there. Amen. There...
Oh, it's perfect. You see where the Seals bring it out now (See?), open it up. Now, this is the last three and a half years to the people. Also, if you notice, it's the time that God will call that one hundred and forty-four thousand Jews in this last three and a half years.
See, He hasn't dealt with them at all. They haven't had a prophet. They won't believe nothing else but a prophet. You ain't fooling them. So they're going to hear a prophet (Yes, sir.); and that's all. The God told them that in the beginning, and they stay right with it.
231 He said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet among you like me." Moses said that. And said, "Him shall you hear. And ever who will not hear that prophet will be cut off from the people." That's right. And see, their eyes had to be blinded or they'd have recognized Him. Instead of that being blinded, they were--that let Satan get on them, and they say, "He's a fortune teller, Beelzebub. Let his blood be upon us; we know there's nothing to him." See? And the poor people was blinded.
That's the reason the Eichmann group, and all that group was slain back there, had a right to come in; their own Father had to blind their eyes so He could take us. That's the most pathetic thing in the Scriptures nearly. Just think of their, the Jews were calling the blood of their own Father, their own God hanging there, bleeding.
234 Look, "There they crucified Him," the Bible said. That's a four of the greatest words... Look. There, Jerusalem, the most holy city in the world; they, the most holy people in the world; crucified, the most brutal death in the world; Him, the most important Person in the world.
Why? The religious people, the greatest religion in the world, the only true religion in the world was standing there crucifying the very God that their Bible said would come. Why didn't they see it? The Bible tells us that God blinded them so they couldn't see it. They...
He said, "Which one of you can accuse Me of sin?" In other words, "If I hadn't done exactly what's predicted for Me to do, then you tell Me." Sin's unbelief. He done exactly what God told Him, but they couldn't see it.
236 Now, when you talk to people, it's just like pouring water on a duck's back. Do you see what I mean? It's a pitiful thing. When you see this nation, and people the way they do, so starch, they, religion... But don't the Holy Spirit tell us that they'll be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are good. "They'd have a form of godliness but would deny the power of the Gospel." Said, "From such turn away from them."
237 Here we are; these denominationals twist it up. They take all the glory and power, place it back with the apostles and the rest of it over in the Millennium.
It's just like a man, as I have said before: A man is always giving God praise for what He has done, looking forward to what He will do, and ignoring what He's doing right now. Exactly. Man's still the same thing.
There were them Jews standing there saying, "Glory to God." Why, as the 6th chapter of Saint John said, "Our Fathers eat manna in the wilderness."
And Jesus said, "They are everyone dead."
239 They drank water from the rock in the wilderness and...?... He said, "I am that Rock." That's right. Amen. He said, "But I'm the Bread of Life that come from God's out of heaven--that Tree of Life from Eden back yonder. If a man eats this Bread he shall not die. I'll raise him up again at the last days." Oh, oh, they couldn't see it. That's right.
The very Messiah standing there speaking the very words of their heart, and things like that, showing that He was Messiah, just what Messiah was supposed to do. And them standing there with their hands behind them, and, "Hah, it can't be. No, no. He--he--he didn't come in the right trend. See, he come out of Bethlehem, and he--he's nothing but an illegitimate child, and that's the devil working on him. We--we know he's mad. He's crazy; he's got a devil."
See, their eyes were actually blinded to that. Now, but they're looking for their prophet; and they're going to receive it, going to receive two of them. That's right.
244 Now, notice again. Now, also when these Jews... I'll give you another little symbol so you can realize that it's Jews over here now on this side of the rapture. Watch what takes place. It's also symbolized (We won't take time to do it, 'cause we run--run out here.)--also symbolized in the--in what was called Jacob's trouble.
Now, look, these Jews here has... Notice. Oh, it's a... I--I'm going to take just a little bit time here. It makes me nervous when it starts getting around like that then. See?
Notice. I want you to see it. And I--I... And this... Well, God will show it to you, I'm sure. Look. Jacob had the birthright. Is that right? But he sure was a little shyster with it. See? He went down and he deceived his daddy; he deceived his brother; he done everything; but yet legally right down, he had it; because Esau had sold out.
But then, when he goes down there to work for his father-in-law, he put those poplar sticks in the water to make those pregnated cattle and things bring forth speckled calves, and, oh, you know everything he done like that, just to--to gain money.
247 Now, watch. Now, he was ousted from his people. Now, it's a type of the Jew now. He's a money snatcher. I don't care how he gets it; he will get it. He will skin you alive to get it. You know that. He's a little shyster; that's all. Boy, don't deal with him. He--he will get you, boy. Yes, sir. Why? He's got to be that. That's the kind of a spirit that's dominating.
Just exactly like them reformers could not understand this Word, because that was the spirit of the man sent to them. It's the eagle age that gets the Word and the revelation. All that understands that, raise up your hands, so I... See? That's good. That's fine. See, that's good.
249 Now, see, if you can get back here under these Seals, if they can ever get... When they're opened, you can see exactly what God is a-doing, what He has done, what He is going to do. Here it is exactly, and that's the reason men acts that way, because that's the spirit that's predicted for that age to be on them. They couldn't do nothing else. Nothing could...
John, Paul, and them, that Lion spirit there, the--the L-i-o-n standing there, the Word Itself... Paul stood right with that Word and said, "I know this, that there'll be false brethren rise up among you. Go around and what they'll make--denominations and everything else among you. And what they'll do, they'll go on to the last days and horrible time." Why? He was a prophet. There stood that Word in Him, how it would end up way over there.
Said, "false men among yourselves will rise up and speaking things, and draw away brethren who are disciples. That's exactly the antichrist." It did just exactly that.
253 Notice, after it went in the dark age of the tribulation, what was it? There was nothing they could do. Rome owned the--he had the religious power and he had the political power. Wasn't nothing they could do, but just labor to stay alive and give theirselves for sacrifice. It was an ox. That's all they could do. That's the kind of spirit they had, the Spirit of God, the ox.
Then here come the reformers, the head of a man, shrewd, wise: Martin Luther, John Wesley, and so forth; Calvin, Finney, Knox, the rest of them. Here they come forth, and when they did, they were reformers. They come forth reforming--bringing the people out. And turned right back around exactly like they did back there and married right straight back into her again on the denominational system. That's exactly. The Bible said so. She was a whore, and then she had harlot daughters. Just exactly.
256 And God said, "I--I give her space to repent, and she didn't do it, so I'm going to take her and her offsprings, cast them over yonder where they belong." That's exactly. Now, that's... God said that down under this Seal--under the Seal. Now, there she was. We find out that He does that, and He will do it. And they're everyone headed that way. But the, all that's got their names on the Book of Life, God will call; they'll hear it. "My sheep hear My voice," Jesus said. Only thing we got to do is make a sheep call. Goats don't know it.
257 Notice. But you see the sheep call... "My sheep hear My voice." Why? What is a voice? I want to tell you what a voice is. A voice is a--is a spiritual sign.
He said to Moses, "If they won't hear the voice of the first sign, they will hear the voice of the second sign. My sheep hear My voice."
When these things are supposed to be taking place in the last days, sheep of God recognize that. See, see? They--they recognize it. "My sheep know Me"; (See?) "stranger they won't follow." They won't follow them strangers. It's got to be a vindicated sign for the day, and they see it.
260 Now, now, notice. Now, Jacob, as he come up now, the first thing you know, he got a longing to go where? Back to the homeland. Oh, that's exactly what Israel done. That's--that's--that's Israel. Jacob is Israel. He just had his name changed, you know. See? And he's--he got out there, and he got all the money he had and he could get, and took it any way he could from his kinsfolks or anybody else. So cheating, and stealing, lying--any way he could get it, he got it. See? He did.
And then when he starts back to home, he got to get a homesick feeling in his heart. But as he started back, on his road going back he met God. Then his name was changed. See? But in this time he was so wearied, because he was afraid Esau was coming after him. See? And He and w--watch--watch the money--the money proposition. Just like the Jew will try making this covenant with--with Rome (See?), and their money proposition.
264 Notice it. Then Esau didn't need his money; neither does Rome; she's got the wealth of the world in her hands. See? But it didn't work. But we find out now that Israel in that time of trouble, when he was Jacob, he wrestled with the--that... He got a hold of Something that was real.
There was a Man come down. Jacob got his arms around Him, and he stayed there. And the--the Fellow said, "I must be going now. It's coming daylight." Oh, that breaking of the day... See? "It's fixing to come day."
But Jacob said, "I'm not going to leave You. You--You can't go. I'm going to stay right with You. I want things changed here." That's that hundred and forty-four thousand, that money-scheming bunch and things like that. When they see the true genuine thing to get a hold of, there stands Moses, and there stands Elijah. Amen. They'll wrestle with God until one hundred and forty-four thousand of the tribes of Israel are called out right there.
That's just before the tribulation period. See? Oh, how wonderful. Also Jacob's trouble. Here is when the hundred and forty-four thousand is called out. They, the--the preachers, them two prophets, they preach like John the Baptist, "The Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Repent, Israel." Repent what? Repent from your sins and your unbelief, and turn back to God.
270 Now, let us remember something here. These great happenings to nature, has happened before, in this 12th verse here. See? The sun became as black as sackcloth of hair. Now, compare this... Now, remember, that does not happen in the Gentile. It's Israel.
Let me show you. Now, remember, I said it's calling out the hundred and forty-four thousand. See? This time now it's when the--the tribulation which is to do it. And this is telling what happens in this tribulation.
272 Now, let's turn to Exodus 10:21-23, and watch here, when Exodus is when, 'course Israel was coming out--going to be taken out: Exodus the 10th chapter and the 21st-23rd verse. I'm so excited and shouting when I write these notes down that sometimes I might get them mixed up. All right, Exodus 10:21-23. All right, here we go--21 and 23.
And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch forth thine hand towards heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt.
And Moses stretched forth his hand towards heaven; and there came a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: (See?)
Now, they saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but... the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.
273 Notice, just exactly like come over there: "And the sun became as black as sackcloth..." See? Same thing, these happenings of nature. What was it? What, when nature happens like this, has been? God calling Israel. (See?) God's calling out Israel. Now, "sun as black as hair..." Now, God was about to deliver Israel there (All right.), bring them out of their enemy's hand, which was Egypt at that time. Now, here He is bringing them out of the Roman hands, where they'd made their covenant. Same thing happens. That's the plagues.
The--the time that this plague will call, they'll plague this group of Gentiles. If we had time, I could show what's going to happen to that Gentile church. The Bible said that the--the dragon, Satan, was wroth (That's angry.) with the woman (the Jew, Israel); and he spurted water from his mouth (thickness and multitudes of people) that went to make war with the remnant of the woman's seed (Revelations 13). Now, see there? We have that. And that's when Israel sends her, I mean, Rome sends her army after the remnant, the remnant of the woman's seed.
276 Now, watch. The first time their enemy's hands, when He's delivered them out, the sun turned to sack--black as sackcloth. Now, this is the second time, the end of the tribulation period.
Now, in Daniel 12, if we had time, we could read it. In Daniel the 12th--the 12th verse--12th chapter, rather, Daniel said, "Every one that was found written in the Book would be delivered."
Now, remember, Daniel is now speaking of this period, when these--this thing is supposed to happen, when Israel is to be delivered, when the--the end of the seventieth week... And that's when they're supposed to be delivered. Now, look. Let's... We get to Daniel 12 here just a minute.
And at that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince which stood for the children--for--for the children of thy people:... (See? That's Jews.)... and there shall be a... trouble, such... never was since there was a nation even to that same time:...
Now, compare that exactly with what Jesus said, Matthew 24. There shall be a time of trouble that's never been since there was a nation. Look at the Sixth Seal. See? The same thing, a time of trouble. Notice.
.. since there was a nation even to the same time: and at that time thy people... (Now, in this seven--last part of the seventh year.)... thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. (The predestinated, you see, that's written in the Lamb's Book of Life shall be delivered at that time.)
And many of those that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, and some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting shame and... contemptment. (Now)
And then shall the wise... shine as the brightness of the firmament; and--and they that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars for ever and ever.
280 That, and when He had told Daniel to shut up the Book, for he'd be resting in his lot until that time. Now, see, it don't make any difference whether you live or die; you come forth anyhow. See? Don't... that... Dying isn't nothing to a Christian. He don't die anyhow. See?
Now, Daniel 12 said that everyone that was found written in the Book would be delivered. Here God is about to deliver His second son, Israel, after the tribulation. See, the second time Israel is... Israel is His son; you know that. Israel is God's son. So He's going to deliver him here in the tribulation period just exactly the way He did down in Egypt.
284 Now, let's stop here again and--and get something else, so 'fore we bring it into home. Now, watch here these two prophets, look what they're going to do now: just like Moses and them did down there. "And there was given me a reed, and..." (The 3rd verse of the 11th chapter.)
And I will give power unto my two witnesses, that they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
These are the two olive trees,... (You remember that Zerubbabel and so forth and was to rebuild the temple)... and the two candlesticks that stand before the God of the earth.
.. if any man... hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth,... (You remember, out of the mouth of Christ come the sword, Word)... devour their enemies: and if any man shall hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
287 Now, we know the fire in the 19th chapter, of the coming of Christ, proceeded His Sword from His mouth, which was the Word (Is that right?), the Word. Oh, if you'll get this material now for that Seal tomorrow night... See? The Word is the thing that God slays His enemy by. See?
Now, look here. When these prophets are prophesying, they're, they... If any man mistreats them, harms them, fire proceeds from their mouth, Holy Ghost Fire, the Word. The Word is God. Word is Fire. Word is the Spirit (See?), proceeds from their mouth.
289 Look at Moses. Let's see what come from his mouth. They... Israel got to--way they were doing there, and the--the... I mean Egypt. They were mistreating these Jews. Moses... They wouldn't let them go; Pharaoh wouldn't. God put the words in Moses' mouth. See, it's God's thoughts going into Moses' heart; he goes over now to express it, then it becomes the Word. Stretched his hand forth, said, "Let there be flies." and here come flies. Look here.
And if any man hurts them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devour their enemy:...
See? There it is. They can speak what they want to, and there it happens. Amen.
And if any man... hurt them, they must in this manner be killed.
Brother, God rides on the scene here.
They have power to--power to shut the heavens that it rain not in the days of their prophecy:...
Elijah, he knows how to do it; he's done it before. Amen. Moses knows how to do it. He's done it before. That's the reason they was kept back. Now... Amen.
293 I could say something awful good right here, but I guess I'll hold it till tomorrow night. See? All right.
.. and have power over the waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with plagues as oft as they will.
What is it? What can bring these things but the Word? They can do nature any way they want to. Here it is. They're the one who brings on this Sixth Seal. They uncover and open it up. It's the power of God to interrupt nature. See, the Sixth Seal, is completely an interruption of nature.
Do you get it now? There's your Seal. Who does it? It's the prophets the other side of the rapture. With the power of God, the Word of God, they just condemn nature. They can send earthquakes, turn the moon into blood, the sun can go down or anything at their command. Amen.
295 There you are. There you are. See? See how the Seals opened down there in the church age, how it showed the martyrs? And now here's these two prophets standing here with the Word of God to do anything to nature they want to, and they shake the earth. And it shows exactly who does it. It's Moses and Elijah, 'cause there's their ministry re-impersonated again: both men. Oh, my. Do you see it now? See what the Sixth Seal is? It's those prophets.
Now, notice. Don't let it choke you, but watch what opened that Seal: prophets. See? Amen. There you are. Oh, we're living in the eagle day, brother, head up among the clouds. They opened that Sixth Seal. They have power to do it. Amen. There's your Sixth Seal coming open. See?
299 Now, we drop right back back here to Jesus spoke it would take place: way back yonder in the Old Testament, back in Ezekiel, back in the old prophets, they spoke it would take place. And here the Sixth Seal opened, and they say, "Well, that's a mysterious thing. What did it?" Here's the secret of it, the prophets, 'cause the Bible said so here. They can open it any time they... They can do anything to nature they want to. And they do the same thing they did do (Amen.), 'cause they know how it's done. Amen. Glory.
When I seen that, I just raised out of the chair and started walking up and down the floor. I thought, "Lord, how I thank You, heavenly Father." There it is. That's it. They opened that Sixth Seal. Amen.
Watch them. If any man hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, the Word. Holy Ghost come upon the apostles. You see? Fire proceeded out of their mouth.
304 Now, notice over in Revelations 19, we see the same thing, and a great Sword proceed from His mouth: Word. See it? Christ coming, and He slayed enemies with It. Is that right? Now, He's on His road. Watch Him now. All right.
These have power to shut the heaven that it rained not in the days of their prophecy...
Boy, that's interrupting nature. Now, how long did--did this man Elijah close the heavens for? [Congregation replies: three and one-half years--Ed.] There you are, exactly. How longs Daniel's seventieth, last part of the seventy weeks? [Congregation replies: three and one-half years--Ed.] There you are, exactly.
306 What did Moses do? He--he--he turned the--the waters into blood; he done all these kinds of miracles, just exactly what's predicted here under this Sixth Seal. And here they are in Revelations 11, doing the very same things. Amen. There's three different places in the Scriptures right there blending the thing right together. That's the opening of the Sixth Seal. Right there it is. Amen. Glory.
Now, notice.
These have power to shut the heavens in the days of their prophecy, that it won't rain; and... power over the waters to turn them to blood,... to smite the earth with plagues as oft as they will.
Oh, my. There you are. Now, turn right over here to the plagues. See? All nature is interrupted in this Sixth Plague--or Sixth Seal open. That's exactly what happened.
309 Now, look. See, here God is about to deliver His son Israel, after the same manner of the tribulation that He did down there. He sent Moses down there and delivered Israel. Is that right? And he done these very same things.
He sent Elijah to Ahab, and seven thousand come out. Is that right? He sends them right back over here again in the time of the tribulation and calls out the hundred and forty-four thousand. Now, see, you notice, between Revela--or between the 6th chapter, or the 6th plague, Seal (Pardon me)--the Sixth Seal and the Seventh Seal, the 7th chapter of Revelation mathematically set together right...
311 Just like America is number thirteen: thirteen states it started with, thirteen stars in the flag, thirteen colonies, thirteen stripes; everything's thirteen, thirteen, and appears right here in the 13th chapter of Revelations. That's right. She's thirteen and a woman.
Now, when He was about to deliver His only begotten Son, which was His only begotten. Jacob is His son, but this is His only begotten Son.
312 Matthew 27, let's see what He did there. Matthew the 27th chapter. Now, remember, His Son had been beaten, and had been troubled, and they had made fun of Him, and He was now hanging on the cross at three o'clock on Good Friday afternoon--just about to take place. Matthew, 27th chapter of Matthew and the--the 45th verse, I believe it is.
Now, from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour.
Now, notice just exactly what He did back here now in this. See?
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal,... lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon--and the moon became as blood;
Blackness, darkness: Egypt--blackness, darkness, God delivering Jesus at the cross, just 'fore He brought Him up from the resurrection... First, darkness: sun went down in the middle of the day, and stars wouldn't shine. Two days from then, He was going to raise Him up with a mighty triumph. After the sun, and moon, and stars, and everything in Egypt, all these taken place, He delivered Israel to the promised land.
317 Here it is in the tribulation period, and here stands them prophets to who has the control of the Word that God gives them. They can only speak as God gives them the Word.
Now, they're not gods. They're, temporarily the--amateurly they are, 'cause Jesus said they were. Said, "You call them gods who the Word of God came."
Well, look. That's the one that God brings the Word to. And when he speaks it, it happens. That's all. And here he is with a commission from God to smite the earth whatever he wants to. Oh, my. Stop the heavens, and he does. What's the matter? He's fixing to take the hundred and forty-four thousand out for redemption, out of the Book of Redemption. And that's under the Seal of redemption, in the Sixth Seal. That's it, my dear friends. That's that Sixth Seal, been so mysteriously...
320 Let's just take... We got ten more minutes. Let's just take a little bit. I got about two or three pages. Well, I got... You can just see here; I think it's about... On that one, I think I had about fifteen pages yet left I could get to.
Oh, there's so much on that. My, you can just keep going from place to place, but I'm afraid I confuse you when I--I scatter too much of it. And I'm not... I can't hold it together like I should.
321 In Isaiah, let's take this. Isaiah the prophet seen this Sixth Seal open and spoke of it. That's whether it's important or not. See? Well, the whole thing--whole plan of redemption lays under these Seals, the whole Book.
Now, remember, we seen Jesus saw it. Is that right? See? Jesus saw it. And now, we find others that saw it. We find it typed out in--in Jacob. We find it typed out in Egypt. We see it typed out at the cross.
Now, let's go back to Isaiah. I've got a whole lot more prophets wrote down here too. Let's just... I like this--this of Isaiah. Let's go back here to Isaiah, the 13th chapter of Isaiah. I like...
325 Isaiah is the--the complete Bible in itself, you know. Did you know that? See? Isaiah starts out with creation, in the middle of the book he brings John, and at the end he brings the Millennium. And there's sixty-six books in the Bible, and sixty-six chapters in Isaiah. It's a complete encyclopedia itself.
Notice, 13th chapter now, of--of Isaiah. Let's begin here at the 6th verse.
Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.
327 Watch this Sixth Seal opening up here now, plumb back here seven hundred and thirteen years before Christ come. He's been two thousand years; that'd be about seven--about twenty-seven hundred years ago Isaiah seen this Seal hanging there. All right.
Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt:
What did Jesus say, "And because iniquity shall abound the--the love of many shall wax then, and man's heart will be failing for fear; sea a-roaring." See? Man's heart will faint.
And they shall be afraid: pangs of sorrow shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be ashamed.
Notice of it here. Oh, their faces ashamed... We got to get to that just a minute. We'll hold that. See?
330 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. (The land, that's all of it, brethren. See? Notice.)
For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her lights to shine.
And I will punish the world for their evil, and the iniquity--and the wickedness of their iniquity; and I will cause the--the (I don't... I--I don't know how it's spelled.) [Congregation says, "arrogancy."--Ed.] (I can't say it. See?)... of--of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of--of the terrible--terrible
See there, just exactly, Isaiah saw the same thing that Jesus spoke of, that the Seventh Seal reveals, when He's cleansing the land with tribulations. That's the tribulation period, this Sixth Seal. Yes, he was a prophet, and the Word of God was made known to him. That's twenty-seven hundred years ago.
333 Truly, I just want to say this: The whole world as Isaiah here... as a woman travaileth, all creation is travailing. What's all this groaning and travailing about, like a--a woman that's to be mother, the earth itself, nature... Why, this city here... Let's take our own city, when beer joints, and prostitution, and filth, and scum, like any other city... Why, I believe God would be better off looking at it the way He had it thousand years ago. When the Ohio traveled down, they had no backwaters and floods. They had no sin in the valley. The buffalo roamed through here, and--and the old Cherokee hunted him and made a decent living. There was no trouble at all. But man come in, and there's where sin comes in. When man begin to multiply upon the face of the earth, then sin and violence set in. That's right, always man. Why, I think it's a disgrace.
337 I was standing the other day in my home country there now in Arizona. And I--I read when I was a kid about Geronimo and--and Cochise and those old Apaches, 'cause I preached to them up there: fine people, and some of the finest people you want to meet are those Apache Indians. And then I went over there to--to Tombstone, where they have all the old relics and things from the war. And I looked at... They always... You know they always classed Geronimo as--as a renegade. To me he was a red-blooded American. Absolutely. He was only fighting for his rights like anyone would do. He wanted not that pollution in his land, and look what it is now, turning his children, his daughters into prostitutes and everything else, and white man coming there. The white man's a rascal.
The Indian was a conservative; he was--he was a--a conservationist. He would go out and kill a buffalo; the whole tribe eat everything was left of it. They used the hide for clothes and tents and everything else. And the white man comes and shoot it for a target. Why, it's such a disgrace.
340 I read a article in the paper where in Africa, that great place full of wild game, they got these guys, Arthur Godfrey and them, going over there shooting these elephants and things out of helicopters and things like that. A picture of an old female elephant trying to die, and the tears, like, pulling down her face and two big males trying to hold her up to keep... Why, it's a sin. That's not sport.
When I was standing out on the field out yonder, in where I hunt and things like that, and see where them white hunters come out there and shoot them deer and cut a hindquarters off of it and sometimes kill eight or ten little does and leave them laying there, and their fawns running around trying to find their mammy, and you mean that's sportsmanship? That's pure murder in my book.
342 I hope Canada never gets any roads in it as long as I live, to keep them renegade Americans out of there. That's right. They're the poorest sports I ever seen in my life. Now, not all of them, there's some real genuine men, but that's--that's one out of a thousand you find. Shoot anything they can see, any way they want to (That's right.); that's a murderer. That's right. He's heartless. He will shoot out of season.
While up there in Alaska there, I was up there with one of them guides. He said, "I picked up... I'd go out there now and find whole herds of them great big elk--or not elk, but the moose laying there with fifty caliber machine gun bullets through their horns where these American pilots out there in--in Alaska machine gunned them out of that plane--a herd of moose. That's pure murder..
346 They knowed in there if they'd kill the buffalo, they could get the Indian, he'd starve to death. That's the reason that Cochise had to surrender, his--all of his princes and all the rest of them, his children, and all of his people were starving to death. They went out there with big--great big loads of them, Buffalo Bill and them plainsmen had shot off all them buffaloes, forty, fifty in an afternoon. They know when they ridded that, they got rid of the Indian. Oh, my, a stain on the flag the way they treated them Indians. There you are. But remember, the Bible said, "The hour's come that God will destroy them that destroys the earth." And the whole world...
348 Look at them valleys. I was standing up there the other day looking down on the valley at Phoenix. Went up on South Mountain, wife and I was setting up there and looked down at Phoenix, and I--I said, "Isn't that awful?"
She said, "Awful? What do you mean?"
I said, "The sin. And how much adultery and drinking and cursing and the Lord's Name used in vain in that valley there, was about a hundred and--and forty thousand or fifty thousand people, or maybe two hundred thousand people in that valley?" And I said, "Five hundred years ago or a thousand, there wasn't nothing but cactus, mesquite, and the old coyotes running up and down the sand river there, the--the washes." And I said, "That's the way God made it, but man come in; what did he do? He saturated the ground with filth. The streets are full of gall; the sewers, the--and the rivers are polluted with--with filth." They couldn't... Why, you'd better not drink a drop--of some of that water; you'd get anything. See?
352 Look at it. Not only here, but the world over, the thing is polluted, and the world, the nature... God, have mercy. The whole world in its birth pains, the world is trying; she's travailing, Isaiah said. What's the matter? She's in--trying to bring forth a new world for the Millennium where all the...?... trying to birth a new world for a new people that won't sin and pollute her. That's right. She's in travail.
That's the reason the--the--we are in travail. Christ, to bring forth the Bride... Everything is travailing and groaning. See, there's something fixing to happen. And this sixth plague lets her go.
353 Brother, the earthquake burst open, and the stars shake; volcanics will come forth, and the earth will renew itself. New lava will break forth from the center of the earth, and she'll crumble all around and around and around when she spins out in yonder.
And I tell you, one morning when Jesus and His Bride comes back to the earth, there'll be a paradise of God there that... Oh, my. Them old warriors of the battle walk down through there with their friends and loved ones; the anthems will fill the air, of an Angelic host. "Oh, it was well done, my good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of the Lord that's been prepared for you like you should've had back yonder before Eve started the ball to rolling in sin." Amen. Whew.
Yes, Sixth Seal's going to do something. Yes, sir. Truly the whole world is groaning and paining for the Millennium age.
356 Now, the one now is so soaked up with filth. As I preached here not long ago, I believe, preached in the Tabernacle, "The World Falling Apart..." That's exact. Look what's falling apart in the world. The... Everything's falling of it. Certainly it is. It's--it's got to fall apart. Yes, sir. Look, its frame. Let me show you the reason the world's got to do it. The frame of this world: the iron and the brass and the materials of this earth has been pulled out of it, its framework, for war and industry until it's just about ready...
Well, we never had an earthquake till the other day over here in this part of the country, till just the other day here (You see?), St. Louis and down through there. She's getting so thin. They've pulled everything out of it. See?
Its politics are so polluted there's hardly a honest, among them. See? Its systems... Its morals is so low, they just don't have any. That's all. See? Sure. Its religion is cankered. Yes, sir.
359 It's time for the Sixth Seal, pretty soon, to be opening up, and when she does, oh, my. The end... The Bride has done gone forth. She's done... The Queen's done went to take her place. She's being married now to the King, while this was going on. And Israel's remnant is sealed and ready to go, and then nature lets go. Oh, what a time.
360 Notice, the last verse of the Sixth Seal opened. Those who had laughed at the preaching of the Word, of the vindicated Word of the living God... When them prophets that stood there and performed miracles, closed the sun, and everything else, and all down through the age... See? They cried for the rocks and the mountains to hide them (See?), to hide them from the Word that they'd laughed at, 'cause they seen Him coming. "Hide us from the wrath of the Lamb." He is the Word. See?
They'd laughed at the Word, and here the Word was incarnate; and they'd made fun of It, laughed at them, made fun of them, and the incarnate Word had dropped forth. Why didn't they repent? They couldn't: too far then. So they knowed that the punishment... They hear it. They've set in meetings like this and knowed about it, and they know that the things that those prophets had predicted was looking them right in the face.
362 The thing that they had rejected, they'd spurned mercy for the last time. And when you spurn mercy, there's nothing left but judgment. When you spurn mercy... Just think of it.
And there they was. They had no place to go, no retreat. And the Bible said here, "They called for the--cried to the rocks and the mountains to fall on us, and hide us from the--from the face of the--of--and the wrath of the Lamb." They'd tried to repent, but the Lamb had come to claim His own. See? And they cried to the rocks and the mountains, prayed, but their prayers were too late.
364 My brother, sister, the goodness and mercies of God extended to the people... While Israel was blinded for this--for here just about two thousand years to give us a chance to repent... Have you turned that mercy down? Have you--have you rejected that...
Who are you anyhow? Where did you come from, and where are you going? You could not ask the doctor. You could not ask anybody in the world, and there's no book you could read that could tell you who you are, where you come from, and what you're going but this Book.
366 Now, you know without... You have the Blood of the Lamb to act in your place; you see where you're headed for. So if--if God did that for you, the least thing we could do would be accept what He's done. That's all He asked us to do. And on the basis of this...
If I go any farther, I'll have to come right into that plague, oh, that's tomorrow night's service, and I--I can't do it, can't go any farther. I got it marked down here, a cross: stop here. See? So then, I--I got to wait until tomorrow.
368 Now, let us bow our heads just a moment. If you haven't, my precious friend, hadn't--haven't accepted the love of this God, that I'm talking about... If you have... (Listen to this close now.) If you haven't accepted His love and mercy, you'll have to stand His judgment and wrath.
Now, you tonight are at the same place that Adam and Eve was in the garden of Eden. You have a right; you're a free moral agent. You can go to the Tree of Life, or you can take the plan of the judgment. But today while you're sensible, in your right mind, and you're healthy enough to--to rise and accept it, why don't you do that if you haven't done it?
Is there them people in here that hasn't, as yet, did that? If that be so, would you just raise up your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham. I now want to do it. I don't want this to come."
371 Now, remember, friends... (God bless you. That's good.) I have... These are not my ideas of this; I--I... This is not what I been thinking. This is altogether from me. So help me, the Holy Spirit knows it.
And you wait, if the Lord willing, tomorrow night, I want to show you a mystery that's been going all the time right here in this meeting. I doubt very much whether you've ever seen it or not (See?), what's--what's took place. It's been something that's laid right here before you, and I've watched each night for us--for it to rise, or somebody to say, "I see it." See? Don't turn it away, please. I ask you if you're not a Christian, if you're--you're not under the Blood, if you're not borned again, filled with the Holy Spirit, if you've never made a public confession of--of Jesus Christ by being baptized in His Name to witness His death, burial, and resurrection, that you have accepted, the water's ready. They're waiting. Robes are furnished in here, and everything is ready. Christ stands ready with outstretched arms to receive you.
374 In one hour from now, that mercy might not be extended to you. You might turn it away for the last time, it'll never touch your heart again. While you can, while you can, why don't you do it? Now, while...
I know the regular customary way is bring people up to the altar. We do that, and that's perfectly all right. At this time we're such crowded in here, right around the altar, till I couldn't do that, but I'd like to say this: In the apostolic day, they say, "As many as believed were baptized." See? Just if you can really down in your heart...
376 Here's all it is. It isn't--it isn't emotion, though emotion accompanies it. Just like what I said: Smoking and drinking isn't sin; it's the attribute of sin. It shows you don't believe. See? But when you truly believe in your heart, and you know that, on the basis of where you are setting there you accept it with all your heart, something's going to happen, right there. It's going to happen. Then you can stand as a witness to it, that something happened.
377 Then walk to the water and say, "I want to show to the congregation; I want to prove. I want to make my testimony stand that I'll take my place with the Bride. I stand here now to be baptized."
I know that there's many women in the world tonight, fine women, but I'm awful lonesome to see one. There's one of them that's my wife. She goes home with me. She wasn't my wife to begin with, but how she become my wife, she took my name.
He's coming. There's a lot of women, churches, in the world, but He's coming for His wife. She's called by His Name. Them that are in Christ will God bring with Him. How do we get into it? "By one Spirit we're all baptized into one body."
380 Now, while we pray, you pray too--inside or out. There's great groups of people in the rooms, outside standing around, out in the streets, but now while--while you are... We can't call you up here to this altar, but your heart, make it the altar. And right in your heart say, "Lord Jesus, I believe this. I've stood out here in this night air. I been smothered up in this little room, I'm setting in here amongst these people. I--I--I don't want to be... I can't miss; I can't afford it."
Everything, as I told you last night... And so help me, the Lord knows I tell Truth. "I lie not," as Paul said. That vision or whatever it was, I stood there, looked and handled those people that's gone on. It's just as real as I'm standing right here.
Don't miss it, my poor brother, sister; don't do it. I know you've heard preaching; you've heard this, that, and stories, all that, but let... just listen from me. This is... I know it's the Truth. See? You just... I--I can't make it any clearer. See? Don't miss it. It's all yours. Now, let's pray.
382 Lord Jesus, here before me is a box of handkerchiefs that represents the sick people. And as I pray over them, laying hands upon them, as the Bible said, "They took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs and aprons; unclean spirits went out of the people," and great signs were done, because they seen Paul, that they knowed the Spirit of God was in him. They knowed that he was--he was a strange man, that the things that he talked about, about the Word...
He'd go, take the old Hebrew Word, of the Hebrew church, and bring it to life, and place it in Christ. They knowed God was in the man. Then they seen God working strange and mighty works by him, foretelling things, and it would happen that way, and they knowed that he was God's servant.
384 Lord, I pray that You'll honor these people for their respects of the Word, and heal them for Jesus' sake. Out here in the audience, Lord, there's setting, people just like it was who listened to the apostle Peter at the day of Pentecost, how he went back in the Word and got the Word, and he said, "Joel said in the last days these things will take place, and this is that." And the three thousand believed it and were baptized.
And, Father, today we stand here by Your grace, and it's not because that it's--that it's a special people, but it's because... Just like the day of the Lion, or the Ox, or the Man, it's the Eagle time. It's the anointing of the hour; it's the time that we're living in. It's the working of the Holy Spirit for this particular time to prove that Jesus is not dead--the things that He said that He would do just before the evening lights went out...
385 And here we have been seeing Him do that right down along the road. We seen it come down in the scientific research and had His picture taken, the great Pillar of Fire, Who led the children of Israel, Who met Paul on the road. And we know this same Pillar of Fire that led Moses down there in the wilderness, by that same Pillar of Fire he wrote several books of the Bible, for he was anointed with the Word.
This same Pillar of Fire coming upon Paul on the road to Damascus, he wrote many books of the Bible, called the Word of God. And now, Lord, that same Pillar of Fire by the evidence of the proof of the Word and by scientific research, we see It here, revealing the Word of the Lord.
389 God, let the people be quickly awakened, Lord, quickly. Those who have their names put on the Book of Life, when this flashes across their path, may they see, like the little ill-famed woman at the well that day. She recognized quickly, and she knew it was the Scripture.
And now, Father, I pray that all that will receive You at this time in their hearts will settle it forever at this hour that they're finished with sin, that will arise and make preparations now for public confession of baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of their sins, to show that they believe that God has forgiven them, and they take on the Name of Jesus Christ.
391 Then, Father, pour down the Holy Spirit of Oil upon them, that they might be placed into the service of the Lord God, that they might be workers in this last evil day. For we realize we have just a short time, and the Church might go at any time.
The Lamb might at any time leave the sanctuary up there or--or the throne of sacrifice, come forth from the throne of God where the sacrifice laid, and then it's over. There's no more hopes for the world; she's finished. Then she goes into flusterations of great spasms of earthquakes and--and great shakings like it was at--at the resurrection.
And--and the--the--as Christ rose from the grave, when the saints rise, the same thing will take place. Lord, it could be at any minute. We're watching for that glad day to arrive. Take Your children under Your arm, Father, now. Draw Your little lambs to Your bosom. Grant it, and feed them on the Word till they're in strength for service.
395 We commit them to You now, Lord. All... Answer this prayer. You said, Father, over in Mark the 11th chapter, "When you pray, stand praying, believe that you receive what you ask for (Lord), and you shall have it." And with all my heart to Him that's been revealing these things down through the years and these Seals here in these last week, I believe You, Lord God, that it is the hour, close now, closer than we're really thinking of Your approaching.
Please let my prayer be answered. And may every called child of God that's in hearing distance of here, or either the tapes shall strike, may at that time I claim them for the Kingdom of God, upon the basis of knowing this is the Word that's being revealed. Let the evening Light shine, Father. I commit them to You in Jesus' Name. Amen.
398 Now, all inside or outside that believes and has never made your--your public confession that you're finished with sin, and you--you want the mercies of God and you've accepted them in Jesus Christ, the pool... They'll be ready to baptize anybody who wants to be baptized today, or tomorrow, right now, or whenever it may be.
Do you enjoy the Sixth Seal? You see where it's opened at now? Have you believed it? It said, "Who has believed our report, and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" See? Believe the report, then the arm of the Lord is revealed, the Arm, the Word of God is revealed.
401 The Lord willing now, tomorrow morning, I'll try my best to answer those questions. I'll spend probably the rest of the night in, or most of it, in prayer over them. I'm getting about from one to three hours a night; I never got to bed last night till going on one, and at three o'clock I was in study. See? See, I--I'm going to have to answer for this. That's right. We're too close for anything, any foolishness, or any presuming, or halfway believe. I've got to see it first. And then when I see it, it's got to be in the Word too. And so far, by the grace of God, they perfectly... I've took it from all the way through; you know that; it's--it's just blended right together.
It's got to be, THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'cause it's not only as to say it from me knowing it myself, but the Word of the Lord is THUS SAITH THE LORD. And here is the Word taking what He has give to me and blending it together and showing you, so you know yourself it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. See?
404 Here's the Word says so, and then the revelation that He gives me, which is contrary to what any of us has ever thought... Why, contrary to what I thought, 'cause I never went into it like that. But now, we find it slides right together, and what is it? It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. See, it's exactly. It's been a place opened up, holding there to this hour, and then the Lord comes and pushes it right in like that. So you see, there it is. It's--it's--it's the Lord. Oh, I love Him. I love Him with all my heart.
Now, remember, you--we couldn't get to the altar. Several held their hands up. Now, see, it's an individual affair with you. It's whatever you want to do. See? The hour's so close at hand, you ought to be pressing as hard as you could, not have to be pulled (See?), just pressing, trying to get in. "Lord, don't let me out. Don't leave me out, Lord. The doors are closing. If I can just get in..." See?
407 God will close the door one day. He did in the day of Noah, and they beat on the door. Is that right? Now, remember, the Bible said that in the seventh watch... That right? Some fell asleep in the first watch, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh; but in the seventh watch there come forth a proclamation or cry: "The Bridegroom cometh; go out to meet Him."
The sleeping virgins said, "Say, I'd like to have some of that oil now."
The Bride said, "I just got enough for myself, just got enough. You want, you go pray it up."
Don't you see the sleeping virgins now? Look at the Episcopalian, and Presbyterian, Lutheran, and everything trying to... And the trouble of it is, instead of trying to get the Holy Ghost, they're trying to speak in tongues. And lot of them speak in tongues and is ashamed to come to this church to be prayed for--wants me to come to their house and pray for them. You call that the Holy Ghost? That's speaking in tongues without the Holy Ghost. (See?)
413 Now, I believe the Holy Ghost speaks in tongues. You know I believe that (See?), but there's a counterfeit to it too. Yes, sir. The--the fruits of the Spirit what proves what it is. The fruits of a tree proves what kind of a tree it is, not the bark, the fruit.
Now, notice. Then when she come, that--that last hour, and there when they come in then, they went and said, "Well, I believe I've got it now. I believe I got it. Yeah, we're getting it."
415 I--I--I better not say this (See?), 'cause it--it might cause a confusion. When I said the other day, the rapture, how it would come... Now, now, if you say you--you'll take it, all right. Watch--watch. All right, that's up to you.
When the sleeping virgin (See?), that thought she was prayed up to come back, the Bride was done gone.
It went and she didn't know it, like a thief in the night. Then they begin to bang on the door, and what happened? What taken place? They were cast into the tribulation period. The Bible said, "There will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth." Is that right?
417 When it's going to be, brother and sister? I don't know. But I--I--me... It may be just me here, now. See? This--this is what... This is my thought. See? I--I--I believe it's so close, till I'm... Each day I--I want... I'm just trying to walk as softly as I can. See? And I... Do... When... You know, when... There's something happened today, and I seen something's come up. I just... I couldn't get my breath any more. See? There He was standing there, that little Light standing right there, and here it was. I know it's the Truth.
I thought, "God, I couldn't say that. I--I can't say it. I can't." I just walked out of the room, went out, walked up and down there. I thought, "My, what can I do?" Oh... See? And I--I have to go fishing or something and I... Boy, you--you... I can't tell you. See? So...
420 Well, we have a good time, don't we? Praise the Lord. Amen. See? We're in a--we're in a--a tremendous time (See?), for my heart is overflowed with happiness and joy. But when I think of this world and the thousands that I know that's lost, black shadowed (Yeah.), then your heart just bleeds. What can you do? What can you...
You just feel the Holy Spirit crying out in your heart. Like it must've been in our Lord when He looked over Jerusalem, His own people (See?), said, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen would her brood, but you would not." You just feel the Holy Spirit say, "How often I would've gathered you (See?), but you would not." See?
422 We're--we're right here at something, friends. Whatever it is, God knows. Nobody, nobody knows when it's going to happen. That's a secret. Nobody knows when it's going to happen, but Jesus told us, "When you see these things..." (all these things). Just like what I went, comparing with the Sixth Seal to what He said in Matthew 24. Now, remember what He said. "When you see these things come to--begin to come to pass, then the time's at the door."
Watch the very next verse--the 30--the 30 and 31st verses as it went on down, 32nd, 33rd verses. He said, "And He shall send forth His Angels to the four corners of the heavens, the four winds, to gather His elected." Is that right? Said, "Now, learn..."
425 Now, remember, He stopped right there. He never went ahead after that Sixth Seal. He never said anything about the Seventh. He said the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth, but He stopped there--never mentioned about anything about...
Watch the next thing He said, "Now, learn a parable." See? Then He starts on parables. He said, "These things will be." He's answering them three questions: "What will be the--these signs, and what will be the sign of Your coming, what will be the sign of the end of the world?" And the sixth one there was the end of the world. And the sounding of the seventh angel raised up the hands and swore by Him that lives forever and ever that time shall be no more.
429 The earth is giving birth to a new one. It's over, and here we are right here at the door. Oh, I tremble. And what must I do, Lord? What--what else can I do? See? And then, just think of it, seeing that place and those precious people.
I stood there looking at myself, and I thought, "Oh, God, what... They--they can't miss this. I--I ought to pushed them; I ought to just reached down in the audience and got them and pushed them." You can't do that. You... "And no man can come except My Father draws him." But here's one consolation we have: "All the Father has given Me will come." There's the...?..., friend. But the rest of them, with those organizations depending on them like that... See? And "He deceived all that lived upon--dwelt upon the earth whose names were not written in that Lamb's Book of Life, slain from the foundation of the world." (See?)
432 So you see, it's a sad thing, the only thing you can do is just--just--just--just stay right with the Word, watch just whatever He says do and then do that. See? Whatever He says do, do that, and you look out there and say, "Oh, my." They do this and then... Oh, it's just... You don't realize what a strain.
Now, I want to say this; I suppose the tapes are off. Lot of people say, "Brother Branham, with a ministry of that type..." I have to watch, 'cause people just take them tapes and just try to pick them to pieces, you know. So when they say, "Brother Branham, wish we had a ministry..." You don't know what you're saying. You... Honest, you don't know what goes with it, brothers, sisters. Oh, my, and the responsibility, when you got people that hangs to what you say...
435 Remember, if you tell them wrong, God will require their blood at your hands. Then you think of that. It's a terrific thing; so be lovely. Love Jesus with all your heart. Just...?... Be simple. Don't never try--try to figure out anything; just be simple before God, 'cause the more you try to figure it out, the farther you get away from Him. See? Just simply believe Him.
Say, "Now, well, when will He come? If He comes today, all right. If He comes twenty years from now, it's still all right. I'm going to go just the way I'm going now--following Him. Lord, if You can use me anywhere, here I am, Lord. If it's a hundred years from today, if my great, great, great, great grandchildren still live to see Him coming, Lord, I don't know when it's going to be, but let me just walk right today, just with You. (See?) I--I want... 'Cause I--I'll rise at that day just the same as I took a little nap somewhere."
437 Coming down there, that glorious palace yonder, that Kingdom of God there, where all the old will be young, where the white robes are already on them, the men and women has changed in the beauty, the very art of a--of a--a handsome man and a--a lovely woman, standing there in all the beauty and stature of a young woman and a young man standing there and never can get old, never can be sinful, never can be anything of jealousy, or hatred, or anything... Oh, my.
438 I think the tapes is off now, and I just got about three or four minutes I want to talk to you. Is that all right?
Now, this is just personal. See? 'Cause tomorrow, that's--that's going to be so tremendous, I think I had just better say it now (See?), what I'm going to say. I... This is just for us now. I was just... You know I--I've got a wife that I love, and that's Meda. And I--I would not of even have married her because of my love for my first wife. And yet as much as I cared for her, I wouldn't have married her if it hadn't been God told me to do it.
And you know the story of it, how she went to pray, and how I did, and then He told me exactly what to do, and go marry her, and set the time to do it. She's a lovely woman, and she's praying for me tonight. And so now it's eight o'clock at home; she's probably praying now.
440 Now, notice. One day she said to me; she said, "Bill," she said, "I just want to ask you a question about heaven."
I said, "All right, Meda, what is it?"
She said, "You know I love you." I said, "Yeah." It was right after this happened up here.
She said, "You know that Hope loved you too."
And I said, "Yeah."
And she said, "Now," she said, "I don't think I would be jealous," she said, "but Hope was." And she said, "Now, when we get to heaven... And you said you seen her there."
I said, "She was there; I seen her. I seen her twice there. She's there; she's waiting for me to come; so's the--so's Sharon. I seen her just the same I'm looking at you. I seen her there." And I said...
She said, "Well, now, when we get over there," said, "which one is going to be your wife?"
I said, "Both of you. There won't be any (See?), yet both of you'd be."
She said, "I can't understand it."
And I said, "Now, honey, set down, let me explain something to you." I said, "Now, I know you love me, and you know how I love you, in respects and honor. Now, for instance, what if I dressed up, went downtown and some little prostitute, real pretty, and, come and throw her arms around me and say, "Oh, Brother Branham, I sure love you." Started putting her arms around me, hugging me. What'd you think?"
She said, "I don't think I'd like that very well."
And I said, "I want to ask you something. Do you... Who do you love the best, if it had to be a showdown: me or the Lord Jesus?" (Now, this is family talking.)
And she said, "The Lord Jesus." Said, "Yes, Bill, as much as I love you, but before I would give Him up, I'd give you up."
I said, "Thank you, honey. I'm glad to hear you say that now." I said, "Now, what if that same little woman would come up to Jesus and throw her arms around Him, say, 'Jesus, I love You'; what would you think about that?"
She said, "I'd enjoy that."
See, it changes from phileo to agapao. See? It's a higher love. See? And there's no such thing as husband and wife as--as to raise children; it's all gone.
450 The--the female and male sex, the--the glands are all... They're all the same there. See? There's none of it no more. See? There's no sex glands at all, not at all. See? You're just... Just--just think of yourself without a sex gland. The reason they were put in us is to repopulate the earth. You see? But there, there won't be any there. There won't be neither male nor female glands; it's gone. But the statue of the art of God will be there. That's exactly right. But we'll be truly genuine, no--no phileo at all, all agapao. See?
Therefore, a wife would be no more than just some lovely something that's--that's yours and she--and you belong to each other. There's no such thing as husband... No, no, there's not even...
See, the phileo part's not even there at all. See, there can't be anything like a jealousy. There's nothing to be jealous about. There ain't no such a thing there. You never know such a thing as that (See?), and just a lovely young men and young women to live.
And then after, I--she said, "I see it now, Bill."
I said, "Yes."
452 I want to tell you a little thing happened. This was a dream. I was asleep. And now, I've never told this publicly before. I told it to a couple of people but never publicly before as I know of.
I--I dreamed about a month after that that I was standing one day, and I was watching the great time that... Not the judgment now. I don't believe the church ever comes to the--I mean the Bride goes to a judgment. But I was there when the crowns was being given out. See?
And the great--great big throne set up here, and Jesus and the recording Angel and all was standing there. And there was a stairsteps-like coming down this way of white ivory (run down in a circle and made a panoramic like this and went out), so that all this great host standing out there could see what was happening.
454 And I was standing back over to--way back to one side. And I was just standing there, never an idea I had to walk them steps. I was standing there, and I'd see a recording Angel would call a certain name, and I know--recognized that name. I looked and way back out there, here come the brother walking, or the sister, walk up here like that, the recording Angel standing there by the side of Christ (just a dream now), and was watching, and their names was on there. It was found in the Book of Life; He'd look out over them and say, "It was well done, my good and faithful servant. Now, enter in."
I looked back where they was going, there was a new world and the joys. And said, "Enter into the joys of the Lord that's been--that's been for--yours since the foundation of the world." See?
456 And oh, I thought, "They go through there and meet one another and just rejoicing and going over mountains and great big places." I thought, "Oh, isn't that wonderful. Glory. Hallelujah," just jumping up and down.
Then I'd hear another name called, I would say, "Oh, I know him. I know him. I--I... There--there he goes. There... Watch him right up..."
"Enter into the joys of the Lord, my good and..."
"Oh," I said, "praise God. Praise God."
Just think, just like they would say, "Orman Neville." See? And then," I'd say, "that's old Brother Neville; there he is," and here he come out of the crowd, goes up. I hear Him say, "Enter into the joys of the Lord that's been prepared for you since before the foundation of the world. Enter in." And old Brother Neville just changed and just start back in there just screaming and hollering. Boy, I'd just shout and say, "Glory to God." Standing over here by myself, having a wonderful time, watching my brethren go in.
And a recording Angel stood and said, "William Branham."
I never thought I'd have to walk that. So then I was scared. I thought, "Oh, my, will I have to do that?" So I went walking down there and just everybody patting me on the, like that, "Hi, Brother Branham." "God bless you, Brother Branham," patting me as I go along through a great big crowd of people. And all of them reaching over and patting me like that. "God bless you, brother." "God bless you, brother."
464 I was going; I said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you," like coming out of a meeting or something; you know, and I was going to have to walk these great big ivory steps.
I started walking up through there and just as I made the first step, I stopped, and I thought... I looked at His face, and I thought, "I want to get a good look at Him this way," and I stopped. I had my hands like this; I felt something slip in my arm here. It was somebody else's arm. I looked around, and there stood Hope, those big black eyes and that dark hair hanging down her back, white robe on, looking up at me like that.
467 I said, "Hope." I felt something hit this arm, looked around and there was Meda, that dark eyes looking up, and that black hair hanging down, a white robe on. And I said, "Meda." And they looked at one another, you know, like that. They... I got them in my arms and here we went...?... home.
I woke... Oh. I woke up, and I--I got up and set down in a chair and cried, you know. I thought, "Oh, God, I hope that comes like that." Both associated with me in life and bringing children and things like that, and here we are walking into the new world, oh, my, where perfection and everything. No nothing...
Why, it's going to be a wonderful thing. Don't miss it; don't miss it. By the grace of God, do all you can do, and then it'll be up to God to take care of the rest of it. Then...
I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's...
471 Let's sing it again with all of our heart now. Lift up our eyes to God:
I love Him...
[Brother Branham leaves the platform to pray for a woman in a wheelchair--Ed.]
.. I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
473 All right. She wasn't expected to live through the meeting. And that's right. There she has with both hands up in the air, praising God. That's the reason I was lingering here a long time, not tell you what I doing, talking about Meda and them. And that... I was watching to see what... I kept noticing that Light circling back and forth and went and hung over her. I thought, "That's it." Oh, isn't He wonderful.
I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
474 Now, with our hearts: [Brother Branham hums "I love Him"--Ed.] Just think of His goodness and mercy.
.. I love Him, (Amen.)
Because He first loved...
Now, you see how much better it is? Amen. That's it. Now...?... it's go and be well. The grace of God has appeared to you to make you well. Amen.
On Calvary's tree.
Oh, glory to God.
I love Him... (All right, your pastor.) I...
Now, it's nine-thirty, nine o'clock... nine-thirty?
1Skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Pane, znovu sme zhromaždení ku bohoslužbe. A predstavujeme si ten čas v tých dávnych dňoch, keď oni všetci chodili hore do šilo, pre požehnanie Pánovo.
A teraz, dnes večer, sme sa tu zhromaždili, aby sme počúvali Tvoje Slovo. A ako sme sa zahĺbali v týchto určitých častiach tohoto Písma, že Baránok bol tej Jediný, ktorý mohol otvoriť Pečate, alebo ich uvoľniť. A modlíme sa, aby dnes večer, pri tom, keď uvažujeme o tejto veľkej šiestej Pečati, modlíme sa, Nebeský Otče, aby nám to Baránok dnes večer otvoril, aby ... Sme tu na to, aby sme tomu rozumeli. A žiadny človek ani na zemi, ani na Nebi nebol dostatočný, jedine Baránok bol nájdený dostatočný.
Tak nech ten plne dostatočný príde a otvorí nám tú Pečať dnes večer, aby sme sa mohli pozrieť za Oponu Času. To nám pomôže, veríme, Otče, v tomto veľkom temnom hriešnom čase, v ktorom žijeme - pomôže nám to a dá nám to odvahu. Porúčame sa Ti s týmto Slovom, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
2Dobrý večer, priatelia. Je to privilégium, byť tu znovu dnes večer, byť v službe Pánovej. Trošku som sa oneskoril. Odišiel som len do ... ku naliehavej potrebe zomierajúceho muža, člena tohoto zboru. Jeho matka sem chodí. A oni povedali, že ten chlapec práve zomiera. A tak som tam išiel, aby som videl len tieň muža, ktorý ležal na posteli, zomieral - muža približne v mojom veku. A v krátkej chvíli, som videl toho muža, ako sa postavil na nohy a chválil Pána.
A tak Boh, ak my budeme ochotní vyznať naše hriechy a robiť to, čo je správne a prosiť o milosť - volať ku Nemu - Boh je ochotný a čaká, aby nám to dal.
A teraz, viem, že je tu dnes večer teplo, (Nie, hádam kúrenie je úplne zastavené) a my sme ... Všimol som si minulý večer, či dnes ... Toto je môj siedmy deň v miestnosti bez svetla, (len elektrické svetlá, viete) študujem a modlím sa ku Bohu, aby otvoril tieto Pečate.
A bolo tak veľa tých, ktorí napísali v tej hromade otázok minulý večer, bolo viac či menej ... Nie ani toľko otázok, to bola túžba mať jednako službu s uzdravovaním - chceli, aby sme tu zostali deň navyše a v pondelok mali ešte službu s uzdravovaním. A tak by som ... V skutočnosti by som to mohol urobiť, ak by si to tak ľudia priali, že by si to oni priali. Môžete si to premyslieť a dáte mi vedieť, ale ... ak budete len chcieť zostať a modliť sa za chorých, pretože ja som vyznačil všetok tento čas úplne na tieto Pečate, držal som sa stranou kvôli týmto Pečatiam. Tak môžete si to premyslieť a modliť sa za to, a potom mi dajte vedieť.
A budem, ak Pán dá, môžem ... Môj ďalší dohodnutý termín je v Albuquerque, v New Mexico, a dovtedy je ešte niekoľko dní; a musím ísť domov, kvôli určitým veciam a pripraviť ďalšie zhromaždenie v Arizone. A tak potom, ak to bude vôľa Pánova, modlite sa za to, a ja sa tiež budem modliť, a potom budeme vedieť o tom trochu viac, trochu neskoršie.
A práve zisťujem, teraz ... Vidíte, začínate hovoriť o nemociach a tu to prichádza, vidíte. Táto pani, ktorá sedí rovno tu, ak jej niečo nepomôže, zostane tu už iba na chvíľu. Tak potom, modlíme sa len, aby Boh ... Kvôli tomu ste tu. Prichádzate z ďaleka ... tak vidíte, Duch Svätý vie proste o všetkom. Ale ja som sa snažil vyznačiť tento čas pre tieto Pečate, pretože, kvôli tomu sme ho vyznačili, viete. Ale ak je nejaká ...
Koľkí sú nemocní, je tu niekto, kto prišiel, aby sme sa za neho modlili? Nech vidíme vaše ruky - všade dokola. Ó! Dobre, koľkí z vás by si mysleli, že by to bolo dobre, vôľa Pánova, zostať a mať ... vziať pondelok večer a modliť sa len za chorých? Mať pondelok večer službu s uzdravovaním? Chceli by ste to tak? Mohli by ste to urobiť? Dobre, keď Pán dá, urobíme to potom. Budeme mať službu s modlitbou za nemocných v pondelok večer a budeme sa modliť za chorých.
No, dúfam, že to nenaruší tú skupinu s ktorou pôjdem naspäť do Arizony. Brat Norman. Je tu niekde? Naruší to tvoj program, brat Norman, alebo nie? Brat Fred a vy ostatní, je to v poriadku? No dobre. V poriadku, potom, keď Pán dá, v pondelok večer sa budem modliť za chorých. Proste jeden večer oddelíme na to všetko, budeme sa len modliť za chorých. No, tam nebude žiadna z týchto Pečatí. Pán práve otvára tieto Pečate, a potom, v pondelok večer sa budeme modliť za chorých.
Teraz ... Ó, skutočne sa tomuto ohromne radujem, službe Pánovej pod týmito ... Tešíte sa z nich? Teraz sme ... teraz, hovoriť z tejto Piatej Pečati ... či vlastne šiestej Pečati, a to zachádza dole teraz od 12. verša šiestej kapitoly do 17. verša. Toto je jedna z tých dlhých pečatí, lebo tu sa deje dosť vecí.
A teraz malý prehľad minulého večera - trochu také zopakovanie, ako zakaždým. A hovorím, chcem povedať tiež niečo. Našiel som v tej skrinke štyri alebo päť, pre mňa veľmi dôležitých vecí. Chcel som povedať, že ... A skutočne chcem ospravedlniť (je zapnuté nahrávanie?) Chcem sa ospravedlniť svojím bratom kazateľom a vám ľuďom tu.
3Oni hovoria, že minulý večer, keď som hovoril o Eliášovi, v tej hodine, keď oni boli ... on si myslel, že on bol len jediný, ktorý bude vytrhnutý, alebo jediný, ktorý bude spasený, a ja som povedal sedem sto, namiesto sedem tisíc. Je to tak? No, skutočne sa za to ospravedlňujem, ľudia. Ja som to vedel. To bolo proste zamumlanie v reči, pretože ja viem, že ich bolo sedem tisíc. Ja som to proste nepovedal správne. Ďakujem vám.
A to znamená ... Som rád, že dávate pozor na to, čo hovorím, pretože to je sedem tisíc. Mám o tom dve alebo tri poznámky. Tam stojí: "Brat Branham, verím, že si sa pomýlil"; Tam stojí: "Nebolo ich tam sedem tisíc namiesto sedem sto?"
A myslel som si: "Veď ja som nepovedal sedem sto." A potom Billy ... A hneď potom som vzal ďalšiu poznámku a tam stálo: "Brat Branham, myslím, že si povedal sedem sto." A jedna osoba povedala: "Brat Branham, bolo to nejaké duchovné videnie, že to tam bude len ... nejaký typ a ty to zobrazuješ s tými sem...?" Vedie to ľudí do krajností, keď začínate rozmýšľať o týchto veciach, a toho je dosť. Som z toho nervózny.
4Niečo sa dnes stalo, keď bola zjavená táto Pečať, že som sa musel ísť poprechádzať úplne von na dvor, proste pochodiť si za chvíľu vonku po dvore. Tak veru. Vyrazilo mi to skoro dych. Vidíte? Také napätie, ó! A ďalšia vec, vy spočívate presne na tom, čo ja hovorím, a Boh ma bude brať na zodpovednosť za to, čo vám hovorím. A tak si musím byť absolútne istý týchto vecí, pretože toto je ohromný čas, v ktorom žijeme.
Rozmýšľal som o službe s uzdravovaním na pondelok večer. Nebude ti to prekážať, brat Neville? Vzácny brat Neville. Hovorím vám ... oni urobili len jedného. Myslím, že oni stratili ten model. On je skutočne môj kamarát a priateľ, hovorím vám.
5Modlitebňa je teraz prestavaná a má miestnosti na nedeľnú školu a všetko je tu pripravené v poriadku. A niektorí z vás ľudí, ktorí ste tu okolo, rovno v Jeffersonville, ktorí chcete prichádzať do zboru, máte pekné miesto a miesto, prísť do nedeľnej školy a dobrých učiteľov a brata Nevilleho tu pre tú dospelú triedu, a skutočného pastora. Nehovorím to, aby mu dať kyticu, ale radšej mu dám teraz malú ružu, než celý veniec potom, keď ho tu už nebude. A brat Neville - poznám ho od vtedy, ako som bol chlapcom, a on sa ani trochu nezmenil. On je stále Orman Neville, tak ako vždy bol.
6Vzpomínam si návštevy ... Dokonca on mal toľko milosti, že ma požiadal kázať spoza jeho kazateľni, keď bol metodistický kazateľ tu dole v meste. A mali sme pekné zhromaždenie tam dole v Clarksville. Myslím, že sa to nazývalo Howard Park ... Harrison Avenue Metodist Church. Myslím, že tam ťa on musel nájsť, tam dole, sestra Neville. Tam dole, pretože ona bola metodistka.
7Vrátil som sa sem a povedal som tu v zbore, povedal som: "To je jeden z najlepších ľudí, a v jednom z týchto dní ho pokrstím vo meno Pána Ježiša." Stalo sa to. On je tu, a teraz je on môj kamarát, rovno po mojom boku a taký ctený, vážený muž. On stále stál vedľa mňa tak, ako ... tak blízko, ako len mohol stáť. Čokoľvek poviem, on len zostáva so mnou a drží sa toho. Keď sem prvý krát prišiel ... On vtedy nerozumel to posolstvo, ale on tomu veril, a on zostal pri ňom. To je česť. To je úcta. Pre takéhoto brata, neviem sa dostatočne o ňom vypovedať. A teraz ho Pán žehná.
No dobre, teraz, taký malý prehľad z minulého večera, z lámania tej Piatej Pečati. Nechceme to znovu rozoberať dnes večer, len aby sme sa dostali ku Piatej Pečati.
8No, nachádzame, že tam bol antikrist, ktorý jazdil a išiel stále ďalej a rozvinul sa z týchto troch mocí, všetko vošlo do jednej moci a jazdiac išiel na plavom koni, Smrť, do bezodnej priepasti, do zatratenia, odkiaľ prišiel. A potom sme zistili, že keď ... Písma hovorili, že keď nepriateľ prichádza ako potopa, Duch Boží povstáva a stavia sa proti tomu.
9A videli sme to dokonale potvrdené v Slove minulý večer. Pretože tam boli štyri živé bytosti, ktoré odpovedali štyri krát na tohoto jazdca, ktorý jazdil, a on jazdil za každým na inom koni - na bielom koni a potom na červenom koni a na čiernom koni a potom na plavom koni. A zistili sme, že tieto farby a čo oni boli, a čo oni robili; potom sme to zobrali rovno späť do cirkevných vekov a bolo to presne to, čo oni urobili, tak dokonale.
A tak vidíte, že keď Slovo Božie zapasúva dokopy, to znamená, že to je správne. Vidíte, ja verím, že všetko, čo sa spája so Slovom Božím je stále "amen!"
10Ako nejaká osoba povedala, že oni mali videnie, a oni povedali, že to bolo ... Och, oni vedia, že to dal Pán, pretože to prišlo s veľkou mocou.. Dobre, to videnie môže byť v poriadku, ale ak sa to nezhoduje so Slovom a je to proti Slovu, ne je to správne.
11Teraz možno, že sú tu prítomní, nejakí Mormonskí bratia a sestry, a možno sa im dostane niektorá z týchto pások, teraz, a ja nechcem povedať, že ... Niektorí z tých najlepších ľudí, ktorých som ... ktorých by ste chceli stretnúť sú mormonskí ľudia - veľmi fajn druh ľudí; a potom ich prorok, Jozef Smith, ktorého metodisti zabili tu v Illinois, na ich ceste po ... a tak potom tento fajn muž. A to videnie, ja vôbec nepochybujem, že on mal to videnie. Ja verím, že on bol úprimný človek, ale to videnie, ktoré on mal bolo v protiklade s Písmom. Preto, oni museli mať Mormonskú Bibliu, aby to dopasovať. Toto je to tu, pre mňa. Preto ... Toto je Slovo - to je to.
12Raz tu prišiel nejaký kazateľ z cudzej krajiny, a ja som ho videl vonku s ... jazdiť na aute s ... čo nebolo ... s nejakou paňou. A oni prišli na zhromaždenie. A ja som zistil, že oni išli na aute dva alebo tri dni (len on a ona na zhromaždenie), aby prišli spolu na zhromaždenie; a tá žena bola tri alebo štyri krát vydatá. A tento kazateľ prechádzal v hoteli cez vestibul, kde som bol a prechádzal okolo a potriasol si so mnou ruku, a ja som mu potriasol rukou, a vstal som, a rozprával som sa s ním.
Opýtal som sa ho; povedal som: "Keď budeš mať čas, mohol by som sa s tebou na chvíľu porozprávať vo svojej izbe?"
On povedal: "Samozrejme, brat Branham." Vzal som ho na izbu a povedal som tomu kazateľovi. Povedal som: "Reverend, pane, ty si cudzí v tejto krajine," povedal som, "ale táto pani je dosť známa." Povedal som: "Ty si prišiel celou cestou z toho a z toho miesta sem na toto a toto miesto?"
On povedal: "Áno, pane."
A ja som povedal: "Nebojíš sa, že to bude určitým ... Nepochybujem o tebe, ale nemyslíš si, že to bude na teba vrhať nie dobrú povesť, ako na kazateľa? Nemyslíš, že by sme mali predkladať lepší príklad, ako toto?"
A on povedal: "Och, táto pani je svätá." Povedal som: "Ja o tom nepochybujem," ale povedal som, "ale brat, to spôsobuje, že každý sa díva na ňu, že nie je svätá. Oni sa dívajú na to, čo vy robíte." A povedal som: "Myslím, že by si mal byť opatrnejší. Hovorím ti to, ako brat bratovi." Povedal som: "Tá pani bola vydatá už štyri alebo päť krát."
On povedal: "Áno, ja to viem." Povedal som: "Ty toto predsa neučíš vo svojom zbore doma, či áno, brat?
Povedal: "Nie, ale vieš, ja som mal o tom videnie, brat Branham."
Povedal som: "Dobre, to je v poriadku."
On povedal: "Môžem ti niečo povedať? Verím, že by som ťa mohol trochu napraviť v tvojom učení o tom."
A ja som povedal: "V poriadku." A povedal som: "Rád sa to dozviem, pane."
On povedal: "No, vieš, v tom videní," on povedal, "Ja som spal."
A ja som povedal: "Áno." (poznal som, že to bol sen.)
13A on povedal: "Moja žena," povedal, "moja žena žila s iným mužom a podvádzala ma." A povedal: "Potom ona prišla ku mne a povedala mi, 'Och, drahý, odpusť mi; odpusť mi.' Povedala: 'Ľutujem, že som to urobila. Od teraz budem verná.' " On povedal: "Samozrejme, miloval som ju tak, že som jej proste odpustil a povedal som, 'no dobre.' " A povedal: "A potom vieš čo? Potom som dostal výklad toho videnia." Povedal: "To bola tá žena." Povedal: "To je pravda, ona bola vydatá, a zase znovu, po všetky tie razy," a povedal: "to je v poriadku, že sa ona vydáva, pretože Pán ju tak veľmi miluje, že sa môže vydať, toľko krát koľko chce."
Povedal som: "Tvoje videnie bolo veľmi sladké, ale je mimo tu tej vyšľapanej cesty." Povedal som: "To je zlé, vidíš. Nemal by si to robiť."
14Tak to je ... Vidíte ... Ale keď vidíte Písmo zapadať do Písma, ako vytvára trvalú súvislosť, kde sa oni stretávajú ... Tie Písma, keď toto jedno končí tu, prichádza toto druhé tu a zapadá do toho a vykresľuje celý obraz. Tak ako vypĺňanie krížovky. Nájdete ten kúsok, ktorý tam pasuje. Nič inšie tam nemôže pasovať. Potom dostávate ten obraz správny. A je len Jeden, ktorý to môže robiť; to je Baránok, a tak my hľadíme na Neho.
15Ale sme zistili, že keď títo ... tento jazdec ... To bol jeden jazdec, ktorý jazdil na týchto koňoch, a keď sme ho sledovali a videli, čo on robí a všetko, a našli sme spätne v cirkevných vekoch, že to je presne to, čo on robil. Potom, keď on vyšiel na určitom zvierati a robil určitú vec, našli sme, že bol niekto poslaný, aby bojoval proti tomu, čo on robil.
16Tam bol niekto poslaný v prvom veku, lev. To bolo Slovo, samozrejme - Kristus. Ďalší bol vôl, počas tých temných vekov, keď sa cirkev zorganizovala a prijala dogmy namiesto Slova.
17A pamätajte, celá tá vec je založená na dvoch veciach: jednou je antikrist a tou druhou je Kristus. Dnes je to stále to isté. Neexistuje polovičný kresťan. Neexistuje opilo-triezvy človek, nie sú čierno-biele vtáky. Nie, nie! - Nie je hriešnik-svätý. Nie, ty si buď hriešnik alebo svätý. Nie je niečo medzi tým.
18Vy ste buď znovuzrodení alebo nie ste znovuzrodení. Vy ste buď naplnení Duchom Svätým, alebo nie ste naplnení Duchom Svätým. Nezáleží na tom koľko ste mali senzácií, ak ste nie naplnení Duchom Svätým, nie ste Ním naplnení. A ak ste Ním boli naplnení, váš život to ukazuje. Idete rovno do toho. Nikto nemusí nikomu o tom hovoriť. Oni to vidia, pretože to je pečať.
19No, našli sme tieto zvieratá, ako oni jazdili v každom čase. Jedna poslaná do jeho služby v politickej moci, spájajúc náboženskú moc a politickú moc spolu. Zistili sme, že Boh poslal Svoju moc, aby proti tomu bojovala. Išli sme rovno naspäť a videli sme, aký to bol cirkevný vek a pozreli sme sa naspäť, a bolo to tam presne tak.
20A potom sme videli nastupovať ďalší vek, a ten nepriateľ poslal antikrista pod menom náboženstva, pod menom Krista, pod menom cirkvi. Tak veru! Vyšiel pod menom cirkvi. "To bola tá skutočná Cirkev," on povedal. Antikrist nie je Rusko. Antikrist nie je toto. Antikrist je tak blízko skutočného Kresťanstva, že až Biblia povedala, že to oklame každého, kto nebol predurčený.
21Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch všetko, čo nebolo predurčené, vyvolené ... Hovorí: "vyvolení ..." A každý môže vziať to slovo a prečítať si ho tam pod čiarou a uvidíte, čo ono znamená. Tam stojí vyvolení, predurčení. To oklame každého z nich, ktorých mená neboli napísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života od založenia sveta.
22Keď ten Baránok bol zabitý, tie mená boli vložené do tej Knihy. On stojí dnes večer na tom Svätom mieste vo Chvále, ako Prostredník, vykonávajúci prímluvu za každú z týchto duší, ktorých mená sú v tej Knihe. A nikto nepozná to meno okrem Neho. On je ten Jediný, ktorý má tú Knihu vo svojej ruke. A On vie, že keď ten posledný vojde, dni Jeho prímluvy sa skončili. On potom vystupuje dopredu, aby si nárokoval to, za čo sa primlúval. On teraz vykonáva prácu Príbuzenského Vykupiteľa a prichádza, aby prijal Svoje vlastníctvo.
23Ó! To má postaviť každého kresťana, aby skúmal samého seba a držal svoje ruky pred Bohom a hovoril: "Očisti ma, ó Pane. Pozri sa do môjho života a daj mi vidieť, kde je moja zlá časť, a daj mi to čím skôr dostať z tej cesty. 'Pretože, keď spravodlivý sotva býva zachránený, bezbožný a hriešnik kde sa ukáže?'" To je čas kontrolovania sa.
24A ak by ste to umiestnili, a chceli dostať toto Slovo ... (Nechcem aby ste sa ma pýtali ohľadne tohoto, pretože by ste ma dostali rovno od jedného ku druhému ... Mám na mysli písanie vašich otázok. Myslím si, že tieto otázky aj tak budú postavené.) Toto je čas prešetrovacieho súdu. Je to tak. (No, dostaneme sa ku tomu pri trúbách, keď prídeme ku tomu, keď nám to Pán umožní, alebo pri čašiach.) A nájdeme, že pri tom prešetrovacom súde, tesne predtým, ako vyšli tie bedy, a vidíme, že je to pravda. A tí traja anjeli, ktorí udreli zem kričiac, viete: "Beda, beda, beda, obyvateľom zeme."
25A my žijeme v strašnom čase. V čase kedy ... Vidíte, tieto veci, v ktorých sme teraz, ktoré práve teraz preberáme, sú po tom, keď Cirkev je odídená. Tieto veci sú obdobím súženia. A verím, že to má byť správne postavené v srdci každého veriaceho, že táto Cirkev nezachádza do obdobia súženia. Nemôžete umiestniť, nikde, Cirkev v súžení. Vy tam môžete umiestniť cirkev, ale nie Nevestu.
26Nevesta odišla, pretože, vidíte, Ona nemala žiadny hriech - nič proti nej. Milosť Božia ju cele prikryla, a to bielidlo odstránilo ďaleko preč od nej každý hriech, nezostala naň ani len spomienka. Nič okrem čistosti - dokonalá v prítomnosti Božej. Ó, to má spôsobiť, že Nevesta ukľakne na svoje kolená a volá ku Bohu.
27Mám na mysli malý príbeh, ak nezaberám príliš veľa z vášho času, teraz v tomto úvode. Robím to za určitým účelom - aby som začal hneď, len čo pocítim Ducha. Toto je tajomná vec. Vidíte, kto pozná tam tie veci? Nikto okrem Boha, a oni nemali byť zjavené, a je potvrdené Bibliou, že oni nemajú byť zjavené až do tohoto dňa. Je to presne tak. Oni to hádali, ale teraz my máme dostať presne tú Pravdu - potvrdenú Pravdu.
28Všimnite si, no, bolo prosté dievča na západe, ktoré .. ako sa ona zamilovala do muža, ktorý sa zamiloval do nej. On bol kupcom dobytku, pochádzal tam z Armourovej spoločnosti, a oni mali veľký ... Ten šéf prišiel jedného dňa, syn toho šéfa z Chicago. A samozrejme, oni im predviedli, ako je zvykom "západné predstavenie". Tie dievčatá tam, oni sa vyobliekali. Každá jedna z nich chcela skutočne dostať tohoto chlapca, viete, pretože to bol syn toho hlavného muža. Tak oni oblečené vo svojich západniarskych šatách a ..
29Oni to robia tam na západe. Oni práve prešli cez jednu z týchto epizód, a brat Maguire (Myslím, že je teraz tu), oni ho chytili v centre mesta, že nemal oblečené západniarske šaty a hodili ho do vezenia. A urobili s ním krátky proces a musel za to zaplatiť a potom musel ísť a kúpiť si západnú výstroj. A videl som tých ostatných, ako chodili okolo s pištoľami, asi takto dlhými, ako viseli na nich. Oni tam proste chodia, ako domorodci. Snažia sa žiť v niečom, ako voľakedy - v tom čo pominulo.
30A potom v Kentucky, oni sa snažia žiť podľa toho, ako to bolo voľakedy tu na východe. Idú naspäť do údolia Refro a tak ďalej. Vy sa chcete vrátiť naspäť a žiť v tých starých dňoch. Je niečo, čo to spôsobuje, ale keď to prichádza naspäť, aby ísť naspäť do evanjelia do originálu, nechcete to robiť. Chcete niečo moderné. Idete, aby ste ukázali ...
31Čo spôsobuje, že človek robí zle? Čo spôsobuje, že on pije a zachováva sa tak, alebo že žena robí zle? - to je preto, že ona sa snaží ... V nej je nejaký smäd - v ňom je nejaký smäd. A oni sa snažia uhasiť ten svätý smäd vecami sveta, zatiaľ čo to má byť uhasené Bohom. On spôsobil to, aby ste boli smädní. To je ten dôvod, že sme smädní po niečom. Boh vás urobil takých, aby ste sa obrátili s tým svätým smädom ku Nemu. Ale keď sa vy snažíte uhasiť ten smäd ... Ako sa to opováži niekto robiť! Nemáte právo to robiť: snažiť sa uhasiť ten svätý smäd, že ... Ste smädní po niečom, potom to obraciate do sveta, snažíte sa to uspokojiť svetom. Nemôžete to robiť. Je len jediná vec, ktorá to môže naplniť, a to je Boh. A On vás takých urobil.
Tak tieto mladé dievčatá sa kvôli tomu chlapcovi, keď on prišiel, obliekli do voľakedajšieho západného oblečenia. A každá jedna z nich si bola istá, že oni dostanú tohoto chlapca.
32Tam na ranči bola obyčajná sesternica a ona bola sirota. A tak ona za ne proste robila všetku tú prácu, pretože oni museli mať pekné svoje nechty, viete. A oni nemohli umývať riad kvôli svojím rukám a tak ďalej. A ona robila všetku tú ozajstnú ťažkú robotu.
A potom nakoniec, keď ten chlapec prišiel, oni vyšli von a vzali ho v tom starom západniarskom štýle ... na koči, a oni prichádzali strieľali z pištoľou a vystrájali, viete, a tak sa zachovávali.
V ten večer mali tam veľkú tancovačku, tých starodávnych tancov, a všetci farmári z okolia prichádzali so svojimi tancami a tak ďalej. A ako viete, aha, toto prebiehalo, táto slávnosť, dva alebo tri dni.
33Potom, jedného večera tento chlapec odišiel z toho miesta, aby si za chvíľu oddýchol od toho tancu, a dostal sa preč od týchto dievčeniec. A náhodou sa išiel pozrieť dole ku dobytčím ohradám. Tam vyšlo jednoduché dievča, vyzeralo trochu otrhane, mala vedro plné vody - čo umyla riad. A on rozmýšľal: "Ja som ju predtým nevidel. Som zvedavý odkiaľ prišla?" A tak si zaumienil, že prejde okolo zo strany rančovej nocľahárni a prejde tam dole a vráti sa naspäť okolo ohrady a stretne sa s ňou.
34Ona bola bosá. Zastavila sa. Sklonila hlavu. Vedela kto to je, a bola veľmi hanblivá v blízkosti tej veľkej osoby. Ona bola len nejakou sesternicou tým ostatným dievčatám. Ich otec bol vedúcim na tomto veľkom Armourovom vybavení, tak oni ... Ona držala sklopený svoj zrak. Hanbila sa, že bola bosá.
On povedal: "Ako sa voláš?" Ona mu povedala. Povedala: "Prečo ste nie tam kde sú ostatní?" Ona sa chcela nejako ospravedlniť.
A tak na ďalší večer si ju znovu vystriehol. Nakoniec, on sedel tam vonku, a oni všetky sa tam tak predvádzali a robili všetko možné, a on sedel tam pri tej ohrade na dobytok a striehol na ňu, keď príde vyliať vodu, čo umývala riad. A on ju vystriehol. A povedal jej, povedal: "Vieš kvôli čomu som vlastne tu?"
Ona povedala: "Nie pane, neviem."
35On povedal: "Som tu kvôli tomu, aby som si našiel ženu." On povedal: "Našiel som v tebe charakter, ktorý oni nemajú." (Rozmýšľal som o cirkvi, rozumiete.) Povedal: "Vydáš sa za mňa?"
Ona povedala: "Ja? Ja? Ja nemôžem pomyslieť na také niečo. Ja?" Vidíte, to je syn toho hlavného šéfa. On vlastnil všetky tieto spoločnosti a ranče po krajine, a všetko, viete.
Povedal: "Áno, nemohol som nájsť žiadnu v Chicago. Chcem opravdivú ženu. Chcem ženu s charakterom. A tie veci, ktoré hľadám, vidím v tebe." Povedal: "Vydáš sa za mňa?"
Ona povedala: "Dobre ..." To ju prekvapilo. Ona povedala: "Áno."
A on povedal: "Dobre ..." Povedal jej, že sa vráti. Povedal: "No, ty sa len priprav, a za rok odo dneška prídem naspäť, a vezmem si ťa, a vezmem ťa odtiaľto. Nebudeš musieť viac takto pracovať. Vezmem ťa, a pôjdem do Chicago, a postavím ti dom, aký si ešte nikdy nevidela."
Ona povedala: "Nikdy som nemala dom. Ja som sirota."
On povedal: "Ja ti postavím dom - opravdivý dom." Povedal: "Vrátim sa naspäť." Stále na to pamätala počas toho roku. Robila všetko, čo mohla, aby ušetrila dostatok peňazí, pri jej doláre na deň, či koľko mala pri svojej strave, aby si kúpila svadobné šaty - dokonalý typ Cirkvi. Ona si pripravila svoje šaty. Viete, keď ona ukázala tie svadobné šaty, jej sesternice povedali: "Och, ty biedne hlúpe dieťa. Ty si myslíš, že muž ako on bude mať niečo s tebou?"
Ona povedala: "Ale on mi to sľúbil." Ona povedala: "On mi to sľúbil, a ja verím jeho slovu."
"Och, on si len robil z teba blázna." Povedali: "Ak by si mal zobrať niektorú, zobral by si niektorú z nich."
Ona povedala: "Ale on sľúbil mne. Ja na neho čakám." (Ja tiež.)
Čím ďalej tým viac sa to približovalo. Nakoniec prišiel ten deň. Určitá hodina, v ktorej on tam mal byť; a tak ona sa obliekla do svojich šiat. A ona ani nepočula od neho, ale ona vedela, že tam bude. A tak sa obliekla do svojich svadobných šiat a všetko pripravila. Tak, potom sa oni naozaj smiali, pretože ten hlavný šéf bol u toho vedúceho, či ... a žiadna z tých dievčat nepočula nič o tom. Tak to bolo pre nich úplné tajomstvo.
To je, tiež. Skutočne je. Ale toto dievča sa spoľahlo na to, na základe jeho slova, že on sa pre ňu vráti. A tak oni sa začali smiať, a pochytali sa jedna druhej a tancovali dookola a hovorili: "Ahhá ahhá," (vysmievali sa takto, viete) a hovorili: "Úbohé, biedne, hlúpe dieťa."
36A ona tam len stála - ani trochu sa nečervenala. Držala svoje kvety a svoje svadobné šaty všetko na mieste. Ona zápasila, viete. (Jeho Nevesta sa pripravila.) Ona držala svoje kvety, čakala. Oni povedali: "No, povedala som ti, že to bolo zle. Vidíš, on neprichádza."
Povedala: "Ešte mám päť minút." Povedala, "On tu bude."
Och, oni sa len smiali. A keď tie staré hodiny odtikali päť minút, oni počuli cválať kone a prach sa víril spod kolies. Ten starý kočiar zastavil.
37Ona vyskočila z pomedzi nich a vybehla von dvermi, a on vyskočil z toho koča, a ona padla do jeho náruče, a on povedal: "Teraz je po všetkom, Drahá." Nechala tam sedieť a hľadieť svoje sesternice, denominácie a išla do Chicago do svojho domu.
38Tiež poznám iné veľké zasľúbenie podobné tomuto: "Odišiel som aby som vám pripravil miesto, a prídem naspäť aby som vás vzal." Oni môžu hovoriť, že sme sa zbláznili, ale brat, pre mňa práve teraz, a tieto Pečate takto lámané pod touto nadprirodzenou vecou, môžem takmer počuť ten zvuk, ako tie hodiny času odtikávajú tam do večnosti.
39Môžem takmer vidieť toho Anjela, ako tam hovorí pri konci toho siedmeho anjelského posolstva: "Času viacej nebude." Tá malá kráľovská Nevesta odletí do náručia Ježiša v jednom z týchto dní, keď ju On vezme do Otcovho Domu. Rozmýšľajte len o týchto veciach, ako ideme teraz ďalej.
Všimnite si tú službu toho leva - Slova; vola - pracujúca obeť; chytrosť reformátorov; potom prichádza do toho vek orla, aby zjavil a zodvihol tieto veci a ukázal ich.
Nuž, nachádzame tiež v službe minulý večer, to veľké tajomstvo, ktoré je otvorené s touto Pečaťou, ktoré bolo absolútne v protiklade s mojím predchádzajúcim zrozumením - len som sa domnieval, že to bolo správne.
40Stále som pripúšťal, že tie duše pod oltárom sú prvotní kresťanskí mučeníci, ale minulý večer sme zistili, keď nám Pán Boh zlámal tú Pečať, že je to absolútne nemožné. To neboli oni. Oni už odišli do chvály, rovno na druhej strane. A tam oni boli ...
41Zistili sme, že to boli Židia, ktorí povstanú v priebehu času, kde ... od vyvolania tých 144 000, ku čomu sa dostaneme dnes večer a zajtra - a medzi šiestou a Siedmou Pečaťou je vyvolaných tých 144 000. A potom sme zistili, že to boli mučeníci, ktorí boli zabití a ešte neboli ... nemali biele rúcha, ale ich mená boli v Baránkovej Knihe Života, a boli im dané biele rúcha, každému jednému.
42A vzali sme to ... A nie je nič na svete, čo by to mohlo byť, neverím, okrem tej skupiny Židov, ktorí išli cez obdobie predbežného súženia. Keď počas tejto poslednej vojny, oni boli ... oni museli byť od každého nenávidení. A Eichman ich zabil milióny v Nemecku, (práve ste počuli o tom súdnom procese), zavraždil milióny nevinných ľudí. Židov, len preto, že boli Židia, pre nič iné.
43Biblia tu hovorí, že oni boli zabití kvôli svedectvu ... kvôli Slovu Božiemu a svedectvu, ktoré mali. Nuž, zisťujeme, že Nevesta bola Slovom Božím a svedectvom Ježiša Krista. Títo nemali svedectvo Ježiša Krista.
A zistili sme, že Biblia hovorí, že celý Izrael, ten predurčený Izrael, bude spasený - Rimanom 11. Nuž, vieme to. A tam sme videli tie duše ...
No pozrite ako blízko. Prečo toto nemohlo byť predtým? Pretože to sa nestalo predtým. Teraz to môžete vidieť. Vidíte? Vidíte toho veľkého Ducha Svätého, ktorý vidí tieto veci prichádzať cez veky a časy, a teraz je to zjavené, a potom sa tam pozriete a vidíte, že je to Pravda. Tam to je.
44No, to boli mučeníci v súžení tých predbežných súženiach za Eichmana. No, oni len symbolizovali mučeníkov, tých 144 000, do čoho vchádzame teraz medzi šiestou a Siedmou Pečaťou. A Siedma Pečať je len jedno. To je všetko. "A bolo ticho na Nebi, ako na pol hodiny." A teraz len Boh to môže zjaviť. To nie je nikde ani v symboloch. To je zajtra večer. Modlite sa za mňa.
No. Pozorujeme teraz, pri tom čo vchádzame do tej šiestej Pečati ... No, Nebeský Otec nech nám pomôže, ako sme usadli teraz ku tejto šiestej Pečati. Teraz, 12. verš šiestej kapitoly.
A videl som, keď otvoril šiestu pečať a hľa, povstalo veľké zemetrasenie, a slnce sčernelo ako srstnaté vrece, a mesiac bol celý ako krv,
a nebeské hviezdy padali na zem, ako keď fík zo seba mece svoje pozdné nedozrelky, trasený od veľkého vetra.
A nebo ta pošlo ako zvíjajúci sa knižní zvitok. A každý vrch a ostrov sa pohli zo svojho miesta.
A kráľovia zeme, veľmoži, boháči, vojvodcovia a mocní i každý sluha i každý slobodný skryli sa do jaskýň a do skál vrchov,
Všimnite si tam. Pozrite sa na tých mocných mužov. Čo oni urobili? Oni dostali víno hnevu smilstva tej smilnici. To je presne tá kategória, ktorá pila jej víno.
a vraveli vrchom a skalám: Padnite na nás a prikryte nás pred tvárou toho, ktorý sedí na tróne a pred hnevom Baránka,
lebo prišiel ten veľký deň jeho hnevu, a kto môže obstáť?
45Čo za uvedenie do ... Vidíte tí jazdci teraz - tí jazdci, zviera, a tá odpovedajúca živá bytosť to ustalo. Potom sme vzatí hore. Vidíme tých mučeníkov pod Trónom. Teraz, toto ... od toho času ... Títo mučeníci sú tí opravdiví ortodoxní Židia, ktorí zomreli v kresťanskej viere ... v náboženskej viere, pretože oni nemohli byť kresťania. Pamätajte, Boh zaslepil ich oči. A oni budú zaslepení na dlhý čas, až kým Nevesta z pohanov nebude vzatá z cesty. Pretože Boh nejedná s tými dvomi ľuďmi v tom istom čase, pretože to je úplne proti Jeho Slovu.
46Pamätajte, On jedná stále s Izraelom, ako s národom. To je Izraelský národ. Pohania sú jednotlivci - ľudia vzatí z pohanov. A to musí ... Pohania musia byť vybraní zo všetkých ľudí na svete, tak teraz a potom prichádzajú do toho Židia, vidíte. Ako Arabi a Írovia a Indiáni a ďalší. To sú všetci ľudia sveta, ktorí tvoria túto kyticu Nevesty.
47Ale teraz, keď to potom prichádza do jednania s Izraelom, v tejto poslednej časti sedemdesiatych týždňov, On jedná s nimi, ako s národom. Pohania sú skončení. Tá hodina sa rýchlo približuje, a možno ešte v tento večer, že Boh sa celkom odvráti od pohanov. Skutočne! On tak povedal! "Oni budú šliapať múry Jeruzalema, až kým sa nevyplní čas pohanov." Tie časy prešli. Tak veru! A potom: "Nech ten, kto je špinavý zostane špinavý. Nech ten, kto je spravodlivý zostane spravodlivý."
48Krv už viac nie ja na tróne ... už viac nie je vo svätyni. Krv už viac nie je na oltári. Tá obeť zostala odstránená; a nie je tam nič okrem dymu a blýskania a súdu. A to je presne to, čo je tu vyliate dnes večer!
49Baránok opustil Svoju prácu Prostredníka. Práca Prostredníka sa skončila na tom Tróne. A obeť, (ako sme Ho presne stvárnili - Príbuzný Vykupiteľ, krvavý Baránok, ktorý vystúpil dopredu, Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý, ten krvavý, ktorý bol zabitý, dotlčený) - vychádza dopredu a berie tú Knihu z Jeho ruky. To je ... Tie dni sa skončili. Teraz, On prichádza, aby si nárokoval to, čo vykúpil! Amen! To ma preniká naskrz!
50Teraz zisťujeme, že Ján povedal: "A videl som, keď otvoril šiestu Pečať, že povstalo veľké zemetrasenie." Potom celá príroda bola narušená. Boh činil veľké veci, ako uzdravovanie nemocných a otváranie oči slepých a robil veľké veci, ale tu sme našli, že príroda sa zmietala. Áno, celá príroda.
51Dívajte sa, čo sa dialo - zemetrasenie, slnko sčernelo a mesiac nedal svojho svetla, a hviezdy sa triasli a padali. Ó, všetko sa stalo (vidíte?) rovno v čase otvorenia šiestej Pečati. Vtedy sa to deje - hneď potom, akonáhle boli ohlásení títo mučeníci. Mučeníci boli doplnení.
52No, vidíte my sme teraz tesne pri tejto hodine. To môže byť v ktorejkoľvek chvíli, pretože Cirkev je skoro pripravená odletieť. Ale pamätajte, keď sa tieto veci stanú, Nevesta tu nebude. Pamätajte len, Nevesta je preč. Ona nemusí prechádzať cez nič z toho! Toto je čas súženia, očisťovania cirkvi. To je položené na ňu, kvôli nej, aby išla cez to. Nie Nevesta; On berie Svoju milú z toho preč. Tak veru! On ju vykúpil. To je tak trochu ... To je Jeho vlastný výber, Jeho vlastná voľba, ako každý muž si berie svoju nevestu.
No, zemetrasenie ... porovnajme teraz tieto Písma. Chcem ... Máte tužku a papier? Chcem aby ste niečo pre mňa urobili. Ak si to chcete zapísať, zapíšte si to pretože to je ... až kým nedostanete tie pásky.
No, chcem aby ste to so mnou čítali, ako si to značíte. Porovnajte Písma o tej veľkej udalosti, ktorú budeme vidieť, že táto veľká tajnosť alebo tajomstvo, ktorá bola pod šiestou Pečaťou v Knihe Vykúpenia ... Pamätajte teraz, toto sú skryté tajomstvá. A týchto šesť pečatí je všetko spolu jedna veľká kniha - proste šesť zvitkov zrolovaných dokopy. A to odvíja celú Knihu Vykúpenia. To, ako celá zem bola vykúpená.
53To je dôvod prečo Ján plakal, pretože ak nikto nemohol vziať tú Knihu - celé stvorenie, všetko je stratené. Ona by sa proste musela premeniť naspäť na atómy a molekuly a tak ďalej a na kozmické svetlo, a nebolo by ani stvorenia - osoby, ničoho ďalšieho, pretože Adam stratil práva na tú Knihu. On to utratil, keď počúval na svoju ženu, a ona počúvala na Satanove odôvodňovania namiesto na Slovo Božie.
54To bolo utratené. Potom to nemohlo prísť naspäť do špinavých rúk Satana, ktorý ju pokúšal aby opustila cestu, a tak preto, to sa navrátilo naspäť ku svojmu originálnemu Majiteľovi, ako každá právna listina - išla rovno naspäť ku svojmu originálnemu Majiteľovi, a to bol Boh Stvoriteľ, ktorý to stvoril, a On to drží.
A je cena, a to je vykúpenie. Bola určitá cena za vykúpenie a nebol nikto, kto by to mohol zaplatiť. Tak On povedal ... Vydal Svoje zákony - Svoje vlastné zákony o Príbuznom Vykupiteľovi.
55Potom oni nemohli nikoho nájsť. Každý človek sa narodil zo sexu - narodil sa zo sexuálnej žiadosti. Nachádzal sa v prvotnom hriechu - Satana a Evy. Tak on to nemohol urobiť. Nič v ňom nie je. Žiadny svätý pápež, kňaz, doktor teológie, alebo čokoľvek on mohol byť, on bol ... nikto nebol hodný. A to nemohol byť nejaký anjel, pretože to musel byť príbuzný. To musel byť človek. Potom sám Boh sa stal Príbuzným, tým že zobral na seba ľudské telo skrze panenské narodenie sa.
56A On prelial Svoju krv. To nebola krv nejakého Žida, to nebola krv nejakého pohana. To bola Krv Božia. Biblia hovorí, že sme spasení skrze Krv Božiu. Dieťa prijíma otcovu krv. Vieme to. Všetko mužského pohlavia produkuje hemoglobín. Tak zisťujeme ...
57Ako sliepka sedí na vajciach - ona môže sedieť na vajciach, ale ak kohút, to mužské pohlavie, nebol s ňou, to sa nevyliahne. Nie je to plodné. Žena je len inkubátorom, ktorý nosí to vajíčko, ale to vajíčko pochádza ... ten gén pochádza od muža, a v tomto prípade, tým mužom bol sám Boh!
58To je ako hovorím, že hore znamená dole a väčšie znamená menšie. Boh bol tak veľký, až sa stal ... dokonca sa uformoval v takej drobnej veci, v malom drobnom zárodku v lone panny. A okolo toho On rozvíjal bunky a krv. A narodil sa a povstal na zemi. A z takého začiatku - nepoškvrnený, nebola v tom žiadna sexuálna túžba ...
59A potom On dal tú Krv, pretože On sa stal našim príbuzným, a On bol Príbuzenský Vykupiteľ! A On dobrovoľne prelial tú Krv. On to nemusel. On to dal dobrovoľne, aby vykúpil. Potom On išiel na oltár Boží a čaká tam, zatiaľ čo Boh drží tú Knihu Vykúpenia vo Svojej ruke, a ten krvavý Baránok zostáva na obetnom oltári. Tam je Baránok aby vykúpil, vykonávajúci prímluvu.
60Potom, ako sa niekto odvažuje povedať, že Mária, alebo Jozef, alebo ktorýkoľvek iný smrteľník môže byť prostredníkom! Vy sa nemôžete prihovárať bez toho, že by tam bola krv! Áno, je len jeden Prostredník medzi Bohom a človekom, a to je Kristus Ježiš. To je to, čo hovorí Písmo. Tam On stojí, až kým nebude vykúpená tá posledná duša, a potom On predstúpi, aby si nárokoval to, čo vykúpil.
61Och, aký je On veľký Otec. Nuž, pamätajte ... No, ja som stále učil, "že na ústach dvoch alebo troch svedkov, nech je postavené každé slovo," a Písmo ... Tak isto, nemôžete zobrať jedno miesto Písma a dokazovať ním niečo, až kým tam nie je niečo ďalšie, čo s tým súhlasí. Vidíte. Ja môžem zobrať jedno miesto Písma a povedať: "Judáš išiel a obesil sa," a vziať iné a povedať: "Choď a urob tak isto." Ale vidíte, to nebude pasovať s tým ostatným.
A myslel som ... Pod touto šiestou Pečaťou, keď ju Duch Svätý tam zlámal, potom som uvidel čo to bolo. Potom som myslel, že by bolo dobre podať tú vyučovaciu hodinu dnes večer trochu inak; pretože to môže byť únavné počúvať ma len, ako po celý čas hovorím. A tak som myslel, že by sme to urobili trochu inak.
62Všimnite si teraz. Táto veľká udalosť bola zapečatená v Knihe tajomstiev vykúpenia. No, Baránok to má vo Svojej ruke a je pripravený zlámať to. No, pozrime sa do Matúša do 24. kapitoly, sám Baránok hovorí. No, každý vie, že Kristus je autor celej tejto Knihy, čo sa toho týka, ale toto tu je Jeho reč, alebo Jeho kázanie ku ľuďom, ku Židom.
63No, chcem aby ste takto držali svoju Knihu: Matúš 24 a Zjavenie 6, takto, a niečo tu trochu porovnali. Tak sledujte teraz toto, a budete môcť vidieť, ako to je. Vidíte, čo ... Baránok tu ukazuje presne v symboloch to, čo povedal tu v Slove - presne to pasuje. To znamená, že je to správne. To všetko tam sa vzťahuje do toho. Tu je jedno - On hovorí o tom, a tu sa to deje. To je proste dokonalé potvrdenie.
64Teraz, pozrime sa do 24. kapitoly Ev. Matúša a do Zjavenia 6 a porovnajme 24. kapitolu Matúša. Všetci vieme, že to bola kapitola, do ktorej zachádza každý učený, každá osoba, aby hovorili o období súženia. To vychádza z 24. kapitoly Matúša. A teraz, ... Ak je to tak, teraz ...
65Pretože my vieme, že táto šiesta Pečať je Pečaťou súdu. To je Pečať súdu - to je presne to, čo ona je. No, vidíte, mali sme jazdu antikrista, videli sme odísť Cirkev. Teraz je ona dokončená, odišla hore. Potom tam pod tým oltárom vidíme tých mučeníkov z tých Židov. Teraz, tu je vypuknutie súdov na ľudí, ktorí sú ... Z tohoto veľkého súženia súdu vyjde 144 000 vykúpených Židov. Dokážem vám, že to sú Židia a nie pohania. Oni nemajú nič dočinenia s Nevestou, nie nič. Nevesta ... Videli sme, že Nevesta odišla. Nemôžete toto umiestniť nikde inde. Neprichádza naspäť až v 19 kapitole knihy skutkov.
66Všimnite si teraz, šiesta Pečať je v Slove Pečaťou súdu. Teraz. Tu, začnime teraz a čítajme Ev. Matúša 24. kapitolu. No, rád by som vám tu niečo dal, čo som práve vyhľadal. No, ev. Matúša od 1 do 3, no, tu budeme čítať najprv.
Potom vyšiel Ježiš z chrámu a išiel. A pristúpili jeho učeníci, aby mu ukázali stavby chrámu.
Ale Ježiš odpovedal a riekol im: Či nevidíte všetkého tohoto? Amen vám hovorím, že tu nebude ponechaný kameň na kameni, ktorý by nebol zborený.
(Teraz 3. verš.)A keď sedel na Olivovom vrchu, pristúpili k nemu učeníci osobitne a riekli: Povedz nám, kedy to bude, a čo bude znamením tvojho príchodu a skonania sveta?
67Zastavme sa tu. Tieto tri verše, to sa vlastne stalo v utorok popoludní, 4. apríla roku 30 (nášho letopočtu). A tie prvé dva verše sa odohrali popoludní 4. apríla roku 30, a ten tretí verš sa odohral v utorok večer toho istého dňa.
68Oni prišli do chrámu, a opýtali sa Ho na tieto veci: "Čo toto a čo toto? Pozri sa na tento veľký chrám; nie je nádherný?"
On povedal: "Nezostane ani kameň na kameni."
Potom On vyšiel na vrch a sadol si. To tam, On začína ... to bolo popoludní. A potom keď tam prišli, pýtali sa Ho tam, povedali: "Chceme vedieť o niektorých veciach."
69Teraz si všimnite, tu sú tri otázky, ktoré sú položené od tých Židov, Jeho učeníkov. Postavené sú tri otázky. A hľaďte: Prvá, "Kedy sa tieto veci budú diať?" - Keď tam nebude kameň na kameni. "Čo bude znamením Tvojho príchodu?" Druhá otázka. "A konca sveta?" Vidíte to?
Tam sú tri otázky, a tu veľa ľudí robí chybu. Oni vzťahujú tieto veci tu na nejaký vek potom, keď vidíte, že On odpovedá na tri otázky. Pozorujte teraz, aké je to nádherné.
Tretí verš, vidíte. No, posledná časť tam toho tretieho verša: "A čo bude ..." Prv Ho oni zavolali tu osobitne na Olivový vrch. "Povedz nám, kedy to bude?" - otázka číslo jedna; "... a čo bude znamením Tvojho príchodu?" - otázka číslo dva; "... a skonania sveta?" - otázka číslo tri. Vidíte, to sú tri rozdielne otázky, na ktoré sa pýtali.
No, chcem aby ste si to otvorili a pozorovali, ako im tu Ježiš hovorí o týchto troch veciach. Och, to je tak nádherné! To proste vo mne spôsobuje ... Dostávam sa do ... Aké to bolo slovo, ktoré sme použili raz večer? - Povzbudenie zo zjavenia!
Všimnite si. Otvorme si teraz do Prvej Pečati z Pečatí tej Knihy a porovnajme túto Prvú Pečať s prvou otázkou a každou otázkou - porovnajme to až do konca a dívajme sa, či to nejde ruka v ruke, tak ako sme to urobili pri všetkých týchto ostatných - otvoreniach pozerajúc do cirkevných vekov a všetko bolo presne tak isto. Potom je tá Pečať dokonale otvorená.
70Všimnite si teraz. Budeme čítať, najprv ... "Potom im On odpovedal ..." A tak On im teraz začína odpovedať, a my to chceme porovnať s Pečatiami. Hľaďte teraz, tá Prvá Pečať je Zjavenie 6: 1 a 2. No čítajme 6: 1 a 2.
A videl som, keď otvoril Baránok jednu zo siedmych pečatí, a počul som jednu zo štyroch živých bytostí, ktorá hovorila ako hlasom hromu: Poď a vidz!
A videl som a hľa, biely kôň, a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, mal lučište, a dala sa mu koruna. a vyšiel víťaziac, aj aby zvíťazil.
(Čo sme zistili, že kto to bol? Antikrist. Matúš 24. teraz, 4 a 5.)
A Ježiš odpovedal a riekol im: Hľaďte aby vás niekto nezviedol!
Lebo mnohí prídu pod mojím menom a budú hovoriť: Ja som Kristus, a zvedú mnohých.
Vidíte to? Antikrist. Tu máte tú Pečať, vidíte. On to tu povedal; a tu On otvoril tú Pečať, a tu on bol - tak dokonale.
71Teraz, Druhá Pečať: Matúš 24:6, Zjavenie 6:3 a 4. Hľaďte teraz. Matúš 24 a 6. No, počkajte, čo je tu povedané.
A budete slýchať o vojnách a chýry o vojnách; Hľaďte aby ste sa nestrachovali, lebo to všetko sa musí stať, ale ešte nie je koniec.
No dobre. Vezmime Druhú Pečať - Zjavenie 6: 3 a ... Druhú. Hľaďte, čo On teraz hovorí.
A keď otvoril druhú pečať, počul som druhú živú bytosť, ktorá vravela: Poď a vidz!
A vyšiel iný kôň červený, a tomu, ktorý sedel na ňom. dalo sa, aby vzal pokoj zo zeme, a aby sa ľudia navzájom zabíjali, a dal sa mu veliký meč.
Dokonale - tak presne. Och, to sa mi páči, keď si Písmo samo odpovedá, či vám nie? Duch Svätý to všetko napísal, ale On to môže zjaviť.
72No, všimnime si tú Tretiu Pečať. Teraz, toto je hlad. No, Matúš 24:7 a 8. Vezmime 7 a 8 Matúša ...
Lebo povstane národ proti národu a kráľovstvo proti kráľovstvu, a bude bývať hlad a mor, a zemetrasenia budú miestami.
A to všetko je počiatkom predpôrodných bolestí sveta.
Vidíte, prichádzate teraz rovno ďalej. Teraz, Zjavenie 6. Teraz ideme otvoriť Tretiu Pečať. Ona sa nachádza v Zjavení 6:5 a 6.
A keď otvoril tretiu pečať, počul som tretiu živú bytosť, ktorá vravela: Poď a vidz! A videl som a hľa, čierny kôň, a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, mal váhu vo svojej ruke.
A počul som hlas prostred štyroch živých bytostí, ktorý hovoril: Chonix pšenice za denár a tri chonixi jačmeňa za denár, a oleju a vínu neškoď!
(Hlad, vidíte? Presne tá istá Pečať - to isté, čo Ježiš povedal.)
73No dobre, štvrtá Pečať - mor a smrť. Všimnite si, Matúš 24, budeme čítať ôsmy verš; 7. a 8. Myslím, že to je na tú štvrtú Pečať, mám to tu. No dobre. Teraz ... Čo som to tam čítal? Prečítal som niečo zle? Áno, mal som to poznačené. Áno, tam sme teraz. Teraz tam ideme. V poriadku.
No, začnime tu v siedmom na túto štvrtú Pečať, a na šiesty a siedmy a ôsmy tú ďalšiu, v Zjavení. Teraz, pozrime sa, siedmy a ôsmy verš Matúša 24. No dobre.
Lebo povstane národ proti národu a kráľovstvo proti kráľovstvu, a bude bývať hlad a mor, a zemetrasenia budú miestami.
A to všetko je počiatkom predpôrodných bolestí sveta.
Teraz tá štvrtá Pečať, ako sme to tam čítali bola ... Tá štvrtá Pečať bola ... začína v siedmom a ôsmom v tomto inom teraz.
A keď otvoril štvrtú Pečať, počul som hlas štvrtej živej bytosti, ktorý hovoril: Poď a vidz!
A videl som a hľa, plavý kôň, ...
Počkajte teraz, zle som si to tu poznačil. Počkajte chvíľku - siedmy a ôsmy verš, pozrime sa teraz. Matúš 24:7 a 8, pozrime sa teraz. Dostaneme to. To je otvorenie tretej, však? - Matúš 24:7 a 8. Prepáčte. Teraz, toto otvára ten dážď ... alebo hlad, otvára to ten hlad.
No dobre, teraz mor a smrť ... Áno, teraz ideme do toho; siedmy a ôsmy verš - teraz, to bude štvrtá Pečať. Pozrime sa kde dostávame tú štvrtú Pečať. "A keď otvoril štvrtú pečať ..." Áno, to je jazdec na plavom koni, Smrť, vidíte?
A videl som a hľa, plavý kôň, a tomu, ktorý sedel na ňom, bolo meno smrť, a peklo išlo spolu za ním. A bola mu daná moc nad štvrtinou zeme, zabíjať mečom, hladom a smrťou, a aby hynuli ľudia od zemskej zveri.
(No vidíte, to bola smrť!)
74Teraz, Piata Pečať - Matúš 24: 9-13. Pozrime sa či to tu mám znovu teraz správne, vidíte.
Vtedy vás vydajú v súženie a budú vás zabíjať,
... (tu to máte!) ...a budete nenávidení od všetkých národov pre moje meno.
A vtedy sa pohoršia mnohí a budú jedni druhých zrádzať a jedni druhých nenávidieť,
a povstanú aj mnohí falošní proroci a zvedú mnohých.
A preto, že bude rozmnožená neprávosť, ochladne láska mnohých;
ale ten kto zotrvá až do konca, ten bude spasený.
No, teraz sme v Piatej Pečati, a to bolo minulý večer. Vidíte? Budú vás vydávať - zrádzať jeden druhého a tak ďalej. No, hľaďte tu na šiestu Pečať, 6: 9 do 11. No, vezmime toto. Zjavenie 6: od 9 do 11.
A keď otvoril piatu pečať, videl som pod oltárom duše zabitých pre slovo Božie a pre svedectvo, ktoré mali.
A kričali veľkým hlasom a vraveli: Až dokedy, Samovládca, svätý a pravdivý, nesúdiš a nepomstíš našej krvi na tých, ktorí bývajú na zemi?
A bolo dané jednému každému dlhé biele rúcho, a bolo im rečené, aby odpočívali ešte krátky čas, až sa doplní počet aj ich spoluslužobníkov a ich bratov, ktorí majú tiež byť zabití ako aj oni.
Teraz vidíte, tu pod Piatou Pečaťou sme našli mučeníkov. A tam pod 24:9 až do 13, sme tiež našli, že to bolo mučeníctvo - "vydajú vás v súženie a budú vás zabíjať" a tak ďalej - vidíte, tam je otvorená tá istá Pečať.
Teraz, v tej šiestej Pečati, to je tá ku ktorej pristupujeme teraz. Matúš 24:29 a 30 ... 24 a vezmime 29. a 30. verš. Tu sme. Teraz, vezmeme tak isto Zjavenie 6: 12-17. To je presne to, čo sme práve čítali.
A teraz, počúvajte toto. Teraz, toto je to, čo Ježiš hovorí v Matúšovi 24:29 a 30.
A hneď po súžení tých dní
... (čo ... to je súženie tohoto ...amatérske súženie cez ktorí oni tu išli,
vidíte.) ...zatmie sa slnce, a mesiac nedá svojej žiare, a hviezdy budú padať z neba, a nebeské moci sa budú pohybovať.
A vtedy sa ukáže znamenie Syna človeka na nebi, a vtedy budú plakať všetky pokolenia zeme a uvidia Syna človeka, prichádzajúceho na nebeských oblakoch s mocou a slávou velikou.
No, čítajme znovu tu teraz v Zjavení, šiesta Pečať - tá, pri ktorej sme práve teraz.
A videl som, keď otvoril šiestu pečať a hľa, povstalo veľké zemetrasenie, a slnce sčernelo ako srstnaté vrece, a mesiac bol celý ako krv,
a nebeské hviezdy padali na zem, ako keď fík zo seba mece svoje pozdné nedozrelky, trasený od veľkého vetra.
A nebo ta pošlo ako zvíjajúci sa knižný zvitok. A každý vrch a ostrov sa pohli zo svojho miesta.
A kráľovia zeme, veľmoži, boháči, vojvodcovia a mocní i každý sluha i každý slobodný skryli sa do jaskýň a do skál vrchov
a vraveli vrchom a skalám: Padnite na nás a prikryte nás pred tvárou toho, ktorý sedí na tróne a pred hnevom Baránka,
lebo prišiel ten veliký deň jeho hnevu, a kto môže obstáť?
Dokonale. Otvorte si naspäť a pozrite sa, čo Ježiš povedal teraz tu v Matúšovi 24:29. Počúvajte (po tejto Eichmanovej udalosti a tak ďalej)
A hneď po súžení tých dní zatmie sa slnce, a mesiac nedá svojej žiare, a hviezdy budú padať z neba a nebeské moci sa budú pohybovať.
A vtedy sa ukáže znamenie Syna človeka na nebi, a vtedy budú plakať všetky pokolenia zeme a uvidia Syna človeka, prichádzajúceho na nebeských oblakoch s mocou a slávou velikou.
A pošle svojich anjelov s trúbou veľkého zvuku, a zhromaždia jeho vyvolených od štyroch vetrov, od jedných končín nebies až po ich druhé končiny.
Vidíte, ako presne sa zhoduje to, čo povedal Ježiš v Matúšovi 24, a čo tu ten zjavovateľ otvoril v šiestej Pečati, to je presne ... A Ježiš hovoril o období súženia. Vidíte?
75Prv sa oni opýtali, kedy sa tieto veci budú diať, keď chrám bude zničený. On im odpovedal. Ďalšia vec, ktorú sa opýtali: kedy oni budú ... príde čas - tam príde mučenícky vek; a kedy toto bude, kedy povstane antikrist, a kedy antikrist zničí chrám.
76Daniel - ako môžeme ísť naspäť a vziať tam Daniela, keď on povedal, že toto knieža, ktoré príde ... Vy čitatelia to poznáte. A čo on má robiť? On odstráni dennú obeť a čo všetko sa stane v priebehu toho času.
77Ježiš, dokonca hovorí o tom tu, zdôrazňuje to. Povedal: "Keď uvidíte ohavnosť, ktorá spôsobuje spustošenie, opísanú skrze proroka Daniela, že stojí na svätom mieste ..." Čo to je? Omarova mešita stojí na mieste chrámu, keď ho oni podpálili. Povedal: "Nech tí, ktorí sú na vrchoch ... nech tí, ktorí sú na podstreší, nezostupujú dole, aby vzali niečo zo svojho domu. Nech tí, ktorí sú na poliach, nech sa nevracajú späť, pretože to bude čas súženia." Vidíte? A všetky tieto veci sa mali stať - sa teraz stali a potvrdili, spätne do tohoto otvorenia šiestej Pečati.
78Teraz, chcem aby ste si všimli, Ježiš ... (o tomto budeme hovoriť asi zajtra večer), Ježiš vynechal učenie o Siedmej Pečati. Ono tu nie je. Hľaďte, On hneď potom hovorí tie podobenstvá. A Ján vynechal Siedmu Pečať, siedmu, poslednú ... tú Siedmu Pečať. To bude veľká vec. To nie je ani napísané - vynechal túto Siedmu Pečať, obaja ju vynechali. A zjavovateľ, keď ... Boh len povedal ... Ján povedal: "... nastalo mlčanie na nebi ..." Ježiš nepovedal o tom ani slovo.
79Všimnite si teraz, poďme naspäť do 12. verša. Všimnite si, žiadna živá bytosť - to je 12. verš rozpočínajúci našu Pečať, aby sme ju videli otvorenú. Neboli tu vôbec zastúpené žiadne živé bytosti, ako to bolo v Piatej Pečati. Prečo? Toto sa stalo na druhej strane veku Evanjelia, v období súženia.
80Táto šiesta Pečať je obdobím súženia. To je to, čo sa deje. Nevesta odišla! Vidíte? Tam nie je žiadna živá bytosť, nie je tam nič, čo by povedalo ... To je len ... Teraz, Boh už viacej nejedná s Cirkvou. Ona je preč. On jedná s Izraelom. Toto je druhá strana. Toto je vtedy, keď Izrael prijíma Posolstvo Kráľovstva skrze dvoch prorokov zo Zjavenia 11.
81Pamätajte, Izrael je národ - národ, ako Boží sluha. A keď bude Izrael privedený, to bude národná udalosť. Izrael, kráľovský vek, tam Dávid ... Syn Dávidov sedí na tróne.
82Preto tá žena kričala: "Synu Dávidov." A Dávid je ... Syn Dávidov, Boh prisahal skrze neho, Dávidovi, že On vzbudí jeho syna, ktorý prevezme jeho trón a to bude večný trón. To nebude mať konca. Šalamún to ukazuje v predobraze - v chráme. A Ježiš im tu práve povedal, že tam nezostane kameň na kameni. Ale čo sa im tu On snaží povedať? - On prichádza naspäť.
"Kedy prídeš naspäť?"
"Tieto veci sa budú diať predtým, ako Ja prídem naspäť." A tu ich máte!
83Teraz bol čas súženia. Pamätajte, keď je to kráľovstvo ustanovené na zemi ... No, toto môže byť trochu šokujúce, a ak povstáva nejaká otázka, stále sa ma môžete opýtať, ak chcete postaviť tú otázku, po ... (pretože som sa toho len dotkol), ak to ešte neviete. V čase Milénia, to je Izrael, ktorý je národom. Tých dvanásť pokolení je národ, ale Nevesta je v Paláci. Ona je teraz Kráľovná. Ona je vydatá. A všetci obyvatelia zeme prídu do tohoto mesta, Jeruzalema, a prinesú tam svoju slávu. A brány sa nebudú zatvárať cez noc, pretože tam nebude žiadna noc. Tie brány budú stále otvorené; a králi zeme, (Zjavenie 22) prinesú svoju česť a slávu do tohoto mesta. Ale Nevesta je tam vo vnútri s Baránkom.
Ó! Vidíte to? Vo vnútri. Nie ... Nevesta nebude tu vonku pracovať vo vinici. Nie veru! Ona je Nevesta! Ona je Kráľovná tomu Kráľovi. To sú iní, ktorí tam vonku pracujú - ten národ, nie Nevesta. Amen.
84No dobre. Všimnite si títo poslovia teraz ... títo poslovia zo Zjavenia 12, títo dvaja proroci, oni budú kázať: "Priblížilo sa Kráľovstvo!" Má byť ustanovené Nebeské Kráľovstvo. Ten čas - posledného tri a pol roku Danielovho sedemdesiateho týždňa zasľúbeného Židom, jeho ľudu.
85Pamätajte teraz, aby dokázať, že toto je posledná časť Danielovho sedemdesiateho týždňa ... Na zajtra mám na to otázku. No, bolo zasľúbené sedemdesiat týždňov, čo bolo sedem rokov. A v polovici toho siedmeho týždňa, mal byť Mesiáš vyťatý, aby sa stal obeťou. On prorokoval tri a pol roka, a potom bol vyťatý na obeť za ľudí, a stále zostáva vyznačené tých tri a pol roka, je to stále vyznačené pre Izrael.
86Potom, keď Mesiáš bol vyťatý ... Žid bol zaslepený, tak on nemohol vidieť, že to bol Mesiáš. A potom, keď Mesiáš bol vyťatý, potom pre pohanov nastal vek Evanjelia a milosti. A oni prichádzajú a Boh potiahol jedného z tadeto a z tade a tu a tam, a berie ich odtiaľ preč skrze službu tých poslov; a tu a tam a tu a tam, a berie ich odtiaľ preč skrze službu tých poslov. A On poslal prvého posla, a ten kázal a tá trúba trúbila (ako na to za chvíľu narazíme); a potom tá trúba vyhlasovala vojnu.
87Trúba stále znamenala vojnu. Ten posol, ten anjel, prišiel na zem - ten posol danej hodiny - ako Luther, ako každý z tých poslov, o ktorých sme hovorili. Čo on robí? On povstáva, a Pečať sa otvára, je zjavená; zneje trúba, a je vyhlásená vojna, a oni idú preč. A potom ten posol zomiera. On pečatí a oddeľuje túto skupinu. Oni sú vo vnútri, a pliaga padá na tých, ktorí to odmietli! A potom to ide ďalej, potom oni organizujú a zakladajú ďalšiu organizáciu. (Práve sme cez to prešli.)
88Potom tu oni vychádzajú s ďalšou mocou - ďalšia moc, ďalší cirkevný vek, ďalšia služba. A potom, keď on to robí, popri tom prichádza Boh so Svojou službou, keď antikrist prichádza so svojou. Vidíte, anti znamená proti. Oni bežia jeden vedľa druhého.
89Chcem, aby ste si trochu niečo všimli. Práve v tom čase, keď prišiel na zem Kain, prišiel na zem Ábel. Chcem aby ste si všimli, že práve v tom čase, keď prišiel na zem Kristus, prišiel na zem Judáš. V tom čase, keď Kristus odišiel zo zeme, Judáš odišiel zo zeme. Práve v tom čase, keď padol Duch Svätý, padol duch antikrista. Práve v tom čase, keď sa tu v týchto posledných dňoch zjavuje Duch Svätý, ten antikrist zjavuje svoje farby, prichádza cez túto politiku a všetko; a práve v čase, keď antikrist presúva samého seba v plnosti na scénu, Boh presúva Samého Seba v plnosti ďalej, aby nás vykúpil. Bežia celkom spolu, a oni sú jeden vedľa druhého. Kain a Ábel, vrana a holubica v korábe, Judáš a Ježiš, a tak ďalej. Môžete to vziať rovno ...
90Tu bol Moáb a Izrael, obaja. Moáb nebol pohanský národ. Nie veru! Oni obetúvali tú istú obeť, ktorú obetoval Izrael. Oni sa modlili ku tomu istému Bohu. Presne tak! Moáb bol ... jedna z Lotových dcér, ktorá sa vyspala so svojím otcom a mala dieťa, a to dieťa sa nazývalo Moáb. A z neho sa rozšírila Moábska rasa, krajina Moába. A keď oni videli Izraela, svojho vykúpeného brata, prišli ...
91Oni boli fundamentalisti. Boli veľkou denomináciou. Izrael nemal žiadnu denomináciu. Oni bývali len v stanoch, kdekoľvek išli. Ale Moáb mal hodnostárov, kráľov, a tak ďalej. A mali tam Baláma, falošného proroka. Oni mali všetko toto, a potom prišli tam dole, aby prekliali svojho malého brata, ktorý bol na ceste do zasľúbenej zemi, idúceho do svojho zasľúbenia.
A on išiel a opýtal sa ich: "Môžem prejsť cez tvoju zem? Keď moje kravy budú piť vodu, zaplatím za to. Keď spasú trávu, zaplatíme za to."
On povedal: "Nie, vy tu nebudete robiť žiadnu takúto evanjelizáciu." Je to tak. "Nebudete tu v okolí robiť nič takéto."
92A potom dávajte pozor, čo on urobil. On prichádza rovno naspäť v Jezábelinej forme. A on prichádza dole cez toho falošného proroka a spôsobil, že deti Božie urobili chybu; a brali si do Izraela za ženy Moábitky a spôsobili cudzoložstvo.
A on urobil tú istú vec v tom istom veku na tej ceste do zasľúbenej zemi, na ktorej sa nachádzame. Čo on urobil? Ten falošný prorok prišiel rovno tam a sobášil, a volal do protestantskej cirkvi a zapríčinil vznik denominácií - presne to, čo oni robili tam.
93Ale malý starý Izrael sa tak isto hýbal rovno ďalej. On putoval po púšti dlhý čas, a všetci tí starí bojovníci museli vymrieť. Ale on išiel rovno ďalej do zasľúbenej zemi. Áno. Pozorujte ich všetkých v zbroji predtým, ako prekročili Jordán. Páči sa mi to. A práve teraz sa dostávame dole do toho veku, teraz tu.
94Všimnite si teraz, zistili sme že tento čas trval ... Povedal som, tri a pol roka Danielových sedemdesiatych týždňov. Dovoľte mi to teraz vysvetliť trochu jasnejšie, pretože tu vidím niekoho, kto to stále pozoroval - učiteľa, a chcem sa pokúsiť vyjadriť sa jasne. Všimnite si, keď týchto sedemdesiat týždňov prichádza ... Keď Daniel videl to videnie o prichádzajúcom čase a o zakončení Židovského ... ale on povedal, že bolo vyznačených sedemdesiat týždňov (to je sedem rokov). V polovici toho, aha, bude tam Mesiáš, a bude vyťatý ako obeť.
95No, to je presne to, čo sa stalo. Potom Boh jednal s pohanmi až kým nevzal ľudí pre Svoje meno. A akonáhle je tá pohanská cirkev vzatá ... On vzal hore Cirkev. A keď ju On vzal, spiaca panna, cirkev samotná ... Nevesta odišla hore, a cirkev samotná bola postavená do vonkajšej tmy, kde bol plač a nárek a škrípanie zubov.
96A v tom istom čase padá na ľudí to súženie. A zatiaľ čo padá súženie, tam prichádzajú tí dvaja proroci zo Zjavenia 11, aby pre nich kázali Evanjelium. A oni kážu tisíc dvesto šesťdesiat dní. Vidíte? No, to je presne, s tridsiatymi dňami na mesiac, tak ako má skutočný kalendár, to je presne tri a pol roka. To je Danielov sedemdesiaty ... posledná polovica sedemdesiateho týždňa.
97Vidíte, Boh nejedná s Izraelom tu. Nie veru! Pred nedávnom sa ma opýtal nejaký brat: "Mám ísť do ..." Jeden brat tu v zbore, vzácny, milý brat povedal: "Chcem ísť do Izraela. Verím, že tam je prebudenie."
Niekto mi povedal: "Brat Branham, mal by si ísť do Izraela hneď teraz. Oni to uvidia." Viete, vy to nemôžete robiť. Stál som rovno tam, a rozmýšľal som ...
98Tí Židia povedali: "Ak toto je ... Ježiš je Mesiáš," povedal: "dobre, nech Ho vidím urobiť znak proroka. My budeme veriť našim prorokom - pretože to je to, čo oni majú byť."
99"Čo za predsavzatie," pomyslel som si. "Tu idem." Keď som bol rovno tam, celkom blízko, aby to ... rovno ... Bol som ... no, bol som v Káhire, a držal som v ruke letenku do Izraela. A povedal som: "Pôjdem a uvidím, či sa oni po tom pýtajú, keď oni budú môcť vidieť znak proroka; budeme vidieť, či oni prijmú Krista."
100Lewi Pethrus zo Stockholmskej Cirkvi im poslal milión Biblií. A títo Židia prichádzajúci tam ... Videli ste ten obraz. Mám to na tom kotúči práve teraz tu: "Tri minúty do polnoci." A tí Židia prišli z celého sveta, zovšadiaľ - začínajú sa tam zhromažďovať.
101Potom, čo Anglicko tam vošlo za času Generála Allenby ...(myslím, že je to v druhom Diele: "Koniec Svetovej Vojny.") a oni kapitulovali - Turci kapitulovali. A potom oni to dali naspäť Izraelu, a on začal rásť ako národ. Teraz je on dokonalým národom - jeho vlastné peniaze, mena, zástava, armáda, a všetko ďalšie.
102A títo Židia prichádzajú naspäť do domoviny, oni boli ... Zaprvé, keď oni odišli dole do Iránu a tam dole, aby ich vzali, oni sa opýtali ... oni povedali, že ich chcú vziať naspäť do Izraelu, aby im tam dali ... vziať ich naspäť do ich zemi, Palestíny, kde oni maju byť. A pamätajte, tak dlho, ako Izrael je pomimo tej zemi, je pomimo vôli Božej. Ako Abrahám, ktorému to bolo dané. Oni nechceli ísť do lietadla. Oni nikdy nič také nevideli. A vystúpil tam nejaký starý rabbi a povedal: "Náš prorok nám povedal, že keď Izrael pôjde domov, to bude na krídlach orla." - na lietadle, domov.
Tam je on teraz, stavia, figový strom sa obnovuje. Amen! Veje stará šesťcípa hviezda Dávidova.
"Dni pohanov sú zrátané, Hrôzami obťažené ..."
Obdobie súženia je práve na dosah, stojí rovno tu; a Pečate sú otvorené, a Cirkev je pripravená dať sa na svoj let do povetria; a nastane súženie. Potom Boh príde dole a potiahne odtiaľ tých 144 000. Amen!
103Och, to je dokonalé! Vidíte ako to teraz tie Pečate prinášajú na svetlo, ako to otvárajú? No, toto sú posledné tri a pol roka pre tých ľudí. Tak isto, ak si všimnete, to je čas, keď Boh bude volať tých 144 000 Židov v týchto posledných tri a pol roka.
Vidíte, On s nimi vôbec nezaoberal. Oni nemali proroka. Oni nebudú veriť ničomu jedine prorokovi. Nemôžete ich oklamať. Tak, oni budú počúvať proroka. Tak veru. A hotovo. Boh im to povedal tam na začiatku a oni sa toho držia.
104On povedal: "Pán váš Boh vzbudí proroka pomedzi vami, tak ako mňa." Mojžiš to povedal. Povedal: "Jeho budete počúvať. A každý, kto nebude počúvať toho proroka bude vyťatý z ľudu." Je to tak. A vidíte, ich oči museli byť zaslepené, inak by Ho boli rozpoznali. Namiesto toho, súc zaslepení, boli ... To umožnilo Satanovi dostať ich. A hovorili: "On je veštec - Belzebub. Nech je jeho krv na nás. My vieme, že to s ním nemá nič spoločného." Vidíte? A tí biedni ľudia boli zaslepení.
105Preto Eichmanova skupina a všetky tie skupiny, ktorí tam boli zabití mali právo vojsť. Ich vlastný Otec musel zaslepiť ich oči, aby On mohol zobrať nás - skoro najdojímavejšia vec v Písme. Len si predstavte ... Tam tí Židia sa dožadovali krvi svojho vlastného Otca - svojho vlastného Boha, ktorý tam visel, krvácajúci ...
106Pozrite: "Tam Ho oni ukrižovali," Biblia hovorí. To sú štyri najväčšie slová ... Pozrite. Tam - v Jeruzaleme, v najsvätejšom meste na svete. Oni - najsvätejší ľudia na svete. Ukrižovali - najbrutálnejšia smrť na svete. Jeho - najdôležitejšiu Osobu na svete.
107Prečo? Tí nábožní ľudia - najväčšie náboženstvo na svete - to jediné pravdivé náboženstvo na svete - stálo tam a pribíjalo na kríž práve toho Boha, o ktorom hovorila ich Biblia, že príde. Prečo to oni nevideli? Biblia nám hovorí, že Boh ich zaslepil, tak to oni nemohli vidieť.
108On povedal, "Kto z vás ma usvedčí o hriechu?" Inými slovami, "Ak som neurobil presne to, čo bolo predpovedané o Mne, že mám urobiť, potom Mi to povedzte." Hriech je nevera. On urobil presne čo Mu Boh povedal, ale oni to nemohli vidieť.
109Teraz, keď hovoríte ľuďom, je to tak, ako liať vodu kačici na chrbát. Rozumiete čo myslím? To je žalostná vec. Keď vidíte tento národ, a tých ľudí, ako sa zachovávajú, tak naškrobene a nábožne ... Ale, či nám Duch Svätý nehovorí, že oni budú unáhlení, vysokomyseľní, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha, zradní, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, nemilujúci dobrého? ... majú formu pobožnosti ale budú zapierať moc Evanjelia. Povedal: "Od takých sa stráň.
110Tu to máme, tieto denominačné skomoleniny. Oni berú všetku slávu a moc a umiestňujú to naspäť na apoštolov a to ostatné z toho umiestňujú na druhú stranu do Milénia. S človekom je to presne tak, ako som predtým povedal. Človek stále chváli Boha za to, čo On urobil, hľadí do budúcnosti, na to, čo On bude robiť a ignoruje to, čo On práve teraz robí. Je to presne tak. Človek je stále taký istý.
Tam stáli títo Židia a hovorili: "Sláva Bohu. Ó (ako hovorí 6. kapitola ev. Jána,) Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti." A Ježiš povedal: "Oni všetci pomreli."
111Oni pili vodu zo skaly na púšti a potom On povedal: "Ja som tá Skala." On povedal: "Ale Ja som Chlieb Života, ktorý prišiel od Boha z neba - ten Strom Života, ktorý bol tam v záhrade Eden. Keď niekto bude jesť z tohoto chleba, nezomrie. Ja ho znovu vzkriesim v posledných dňoch." Je to tak.
112Stál tam sám Mesiáš a hovoril myšlienky ich srdca, a takéto veci - ukazoval, že On je Mesiáš, robil presne to, čo Mesiáš mal robiť. A oni tam stáli s rukami za chrbtom: "Och, to nemôže byť On. Nie, nie. On neprišiel v tom správnom trende. Vidíte, On prichádza z Betlehema. A tento nie je nič iné, ako nemanželské dieťa, a to diabol v ňom činí tie veci. Vieme, že je nenormálny. On je blázon a má diabla."
Vidíte, ich oči boli na to skutočne zaslepené. No, ale oni očakávajú na toho proroka; a oni ho prijmú. Prijmú dvoch. Je to tak.
113No, všimnite si znovu. No, takisto, keď títo Židia ... Dám vám ďalší malý symbol, a tak môžete jasne vidieť, že toto sú teraz Židia tu na tejto strane vytrhnutia. Hľaďte čo sa deje. Je to tiež znázornené, (nechceme zaberať čas a hovoriť o tom, pretože vybehneme z tohoto) ... Tiež znázornené v tom, čo bolo nazvané Jakobovým problémom.
Hľaďte teraz, títo Židia tu majú ... Všimnite si! Ó, zaberiem tu trochu času. Som z toho nervózny, keď to takto začínam preskakovať.
114Všimnite si. Chcem aby ste to videli. No, ja ... Dobre, Boh vám to ukáže, som si istý. Hľaďte! Jakob mal prvorodenstvo. Je to tak? Ale on skutočne bol pri tom tak trochu podvodník. Vidíte? On tam išiel a oklamal svojho otca, oklamal svojho brata, on urobil toto všetko. Ale on ho jednako mal legálne hneď vtedy; pretože Ezav ho predal.
Ale on tam potom odišiel, aby pracoval pre svojho svokra, kládol tam do vody tie topoľové prúty, aby spôsobil, aby ten dobytok a všetko rodilo fľakaté mláďatá. A viete, čo všetko takto robil, len aby získal peniaze.
115Hľaďte teraz. On bol vyhnaný od svojho ľudu. No, to je predobraz na terajších Židov. On stále zo všetkého chce vytĺcť peniaze. Nestarám sa o to, ako on ku tomu príde, on to dostane. On ťa zaživa oderie, aby to dostal. No, poznáte to. On je trochu podvodník, to je všetko. Chlapče, nejednaj sa sním. On ťa dostane, chlapče. Tak veru! Prečo? On taký musí byť. To je ten druh ducha, ktorý vládne.
116Presne tak, ako tí reformátori nemohli porozumieť toto Slovo, pretože to bol duch človeka, ktorý im bol poslaný. To je vek orla, ktorý dostáva Slovo a zjavenie. Všetci, ktorí to rozumejú, zodvihnite ruky, aby ... To je dobre. To je fajn. To je dobre.
No, vidíte, ak sa môžete dostať sem pod tieto Pečate, ak oni kedy dostanú ... Keď sú otvorené, môžete vidieť presne, čo Boh robí, čo On robil, čo On bude robiť. Tu je to presne. A preto sa ľudia takto zachovávajú, pretože to je duch, ktorý je predpovedaný na ten vek, aby bol na nich. Oni nemohli robiť nič iné. Nič nemohlo ...
117Myslím o Jánovi, Pavlovi a tých ostatných, o tom Duchu leva tam, stál tam ten lev, samo Slovo. Pavol stál rovno na tom Slove a povedal: "Ja viem toto, že povstanú medzi vami falošní bratia, idúci popri tom a čo urobia (denominácie a všetko ďalšie medzi vami), a čo budú robiť. A oni pôjdu ďalej do posledných dní a nastanú nebezpečné časy." Prečo? On bol prorok. Tam v ňom stálo to Slovo. On už vtedy povedal ako sa to skončí: "Povstanú medzi vami falošní ľudia a hovoriaci rôzne veci a budú odťahovať preč bratov, ktorí sú učeníci. To je presne antikrist. On to presne tak robil.
118Všimnite si, potom keď to vošlo do temného veku súžení, čo to bolo? Oni tam nemohli nič robiť. Rím vlastnil - on mal náboženskú i politickú moc. Oni tam nemohli nič robiť, okrem toho, že pracovali aby zostali nažive a dávali samých seba ako obeť. To bol vôl. To bolo všetko, čo oni mohli robiť. To je ten Druh ducha, ktorého oni mali. Duch Boží - Vôl.
119Potom tu prichádzajú reformátori, hlava človeka, chytrosť, múdrosť - Martin Luther, John Wesley, a tak ďalej; Kalvín, Finey, Knox, a tí ostatní. Tu oni idú ďalej, a keď to urobili, oni boli reformátori. Oni vyšli reformovať - vyvádzajúc ľudí von. A obrátili sa rovno naspäť, presne tak, ako to urobili tí tam predtým a hneď sa s ňou znovu oženili na tom denominačnom systéme. Je to presne tak. Biblia tak povedala. Ona bola smilnica a mala dcéry smilnice. Presne tak.
120A Boh povedal: "Dal som jej čas aby činila pokánie a neurobila ho, a tak vezmem ju i jej deti a hodím ich tam, kde patria." Je to presne tak. A to je ... Boh to povedal tam pod tou Pečaťou. No, tam ona bola. Nachádzame, že On to robí, a On to urobí. A oni všetci tam smerujú.
121Ale ... všetkých, ktorí majú svoje mená v Knihe Života, Boh zavolá a oni budú počuť. "Moje ovce počujú Môj hlas," povedal Ježiš. Jediná vec, ktorú musíme robiť je vydávať ovčie volanie. Kozly to nevedia!
122Všimnite si. Ale vy poznáte ovčie volanie. "Moje ovce počujú môj hlas." Prečo? Čo je to za hlas? Chcem vám povedať, čo je to za hlas. Hlas je duchovné znamenie.
123On povedal Mojžišovi: "Ak nebudú počúvať na hlas prvého znamenia, budú počúvať na hlas druhého znamenia. Moje ovce počujú môj hlas."
124Keď tieto veci sa majú diať v posledných dňoch, ovce Božie to rozpoznajú. Oni to rozpoznajú. "Moje ovce Ma poznajú." Vidíte? "A za cudzím nepôjdu." Oni nebudú nasledovať tých cudzích. To musí byť potvrdené znamenie na ten deň, a oni ho vidia.
125No všimnite si. Jakob, keď on teraz prichádza, prvé čo viete, on má túžbu ísť kde? - naspäť do domoviny. Ó, to je presne to, čo urobil Izrael! To je Izrael. Jakob je Izrael. On mal len zmenené meno, viete. Vidíte? A on sa dostal tam von, a získal všetky tie peniaze, ktoré tam ten mal a ktoré mohol získať. Bral ich všetkým možným spôsobom, ako len mohol, od svojich príbuzných, či od kohokoľvek iného. Tak, podvádzal a kradol, klamal a robil všetko by ich získal, on ich získal. Vidíte? Získal ich.
126A potom, keď sa začal vracať domov, on musel cítiť vo svojom srdci túžbu po domove. Ale keď sa začal vracať naspäť, na svojej ceste späť, stretol Boha. Vtedy jeho meno bolo zmenené. Ale v tomto čase on bol tak ustarostený, pretože sa bál Ezava, ktorý mu prichádzal oproti. A pozorujte tie peniaze, tú peňažnú ponuku. Práve tak sa Židia budú snažiť uzavrieť túto zmluvu s Rímom, cez ich peňažnú ponuku.
Všimnite si to. Vtedy Ezav nepotreboval jeho peniaze; ani Rím nepotrebuje - má bohatstvo sveta vo svojich rukách, vidíte? Ale to nefungovalo. Ale my sme teraz zistili, že Izrael v tom čase problémov, keď on bol Jakob, on zápasil s ... chytil sa niečoho, čo bolo skutočné.
127Prišiel tam nejaký muž. Jakob ovinul okolo neho svoje ramená a zostal tam. A tento muž povedal: "Musím teraz odísť. Začína svitať." Och, ten úsvit toho dňa! "Nastáva deň."
128Ale Jakob povedal: "Ja ťa nepustím. Ty nemôžeš odísť. Ja tu zostanem s tebou. Ja chcem, aby tieto veci tu boli zmenené." To je 144 000, táto skupina, ktorá robí peňažné intrigy a tomu podobné veci, keď oni uvidia tú opravdivú skutočnú vec chytia sa toho. Tam stojí Mojžiš, a tam stojí Eliáš. Amen! Oni budú zápasiť s Bohom, až kým tam nebude vyvolaných 144 000 z Izraelových pokolení.
129To je tesne pred obdobím súženia. Ó, aké nádherné! Tak isto Jakobov problém. Tu je vyvolaných tých 144 000. Oni ... tí kazatelia, tí dvaja proroci, oni kážu ako Ján Krstiteľ: "Kráľovstvo Božie sa priblížilo. Čiň pokánie Izrael!" Pokánie z čoho? "Čiň pokánie zo svojich hriechov, z tvojej nevery, a obráť sa naspäť k Bohu."
130No, zapamätajme si tu niečo. Tieto veľké udalosti v prírode sa stali pred tým. Tu v 12. verši, vidíte? Slnce sčernelo ako srstnaté vrece. No, porovnajte toto ... Zapamätajte si teraz, to sa nedeje pri pohanoch. To je Izrael!
Dovoľte, aby som vám to ukázal. No, zapamätajte si, povedal som, že to je vyvolanie tých 144 000. Vidíte? Tento čas teraz to je keď On ... súženia, ktoré to majú robiť. A toto hovorí, čo sa deje v tom súžení.
131No, otvorme si Exodus 10: 21-23, a sledujme tu, keď ... Exodus je keď, samozrejme, keď Izrael vychádzal von - keď mal byť vedený. Exodus 10. kapitola a od 21. do 23. verša. Bol som tak vzrušený a vykrikoval som, keď som si písal tieto poznámky, že niekedy som ich možno pomiešal. No dobre, Exodus 10: 21-23. No dobre, ideme tu - 21. a 23.
A Hospodin riekol Mojžišovi: Vystri svoju ruku k nebesiam, A bude taká tma na Egyptskej zemi, že ju budú môcť nahmatať.
Vtedy vystrel Mojžiš svoju ruku k nebesiam, a povstala hustá tma po celej zemi Egyptskej, ktorá trvala tri dni.
Nevideli jeden druhého, ani nepovstal nikto zo svojho miesta ani sa nepohol za tri dni, ale všetci synovia Izraelovi mali svetlo vo svojich bydliskách.
Všimnite si, presne ako ... Prejdime sem: " ... a slnce sčernelo, ako srstnaté vrece ..." Vidíte? Tá istá vec, tieto udalosti v prírode. Čo to bolo? Čo to bolo, keď sa takéto niečo dialo v prírode? Boh povoláva Izrael. Vidíte? Boh vyvoláva Izrael. No: "Slnko sčernelo ako srstnaté ..." Boh sa tam chystal vyslobodiť Izrael, (no dobre) zobrať ich von z rúk nepriateľa, ktorým v tom čase bol Egypt. Teraz ich tu On berie z Rímskych rúk, kde oni uzavreli svoju zmluvu.
132Stala sa tá istá vec. To sú pliagy. Čas, keď budú padať tieto pliagy. Oni budú padať na túto skupinu pohanov. Ak by sme mali čas, mohol by som vám ukázať, čo sa bude diať tej pohanskej cirkvi. Biblia povedala, že drak, Satan, bol rozhnevaný na túto ženu (na Židov, Izrael), a vypustil vodu zo svojich úst (množstvo a zástupy ľudí) a odišiel bojovať s ostatnými zo ženinho semena. Zjavenie 13. No, vidíte to? Máme to. A to je vtedy, keď Rím posiela svoju armádu za tým zbytkom, za zbytkom semena tej ženy.
133No, dávajte pozor. Keď ich On prvý krát vyslobodil z rúk ich nepriateľov, slnce sa obrátilo na srstnaté vrece, alebo sčernelo ako srstnaté vrece. Teraz, toto je po druhý krát, koniec obdobia súženia.
Teraz, v Danielovi, ak by sme mali čas, mohli by sme to čítať. V Danielovi v 12. kapitole, Daniel povedal: "Každý kto bol nájdený zapísaný v tej Knihe bude vyslobodený."
134No pamätajte, Daniel teraz hovorí o tom období, keď sa tieto veci majú stať, keď Izrael má byť vyslobodený, keď koniec toho sedemdesiateho týždňa ... A to je vtedy keď oni majú byť vyslobodení. No, poďme na chvíľu tu do Daniela 12.
V tom čase povstane Michael, veľké knieža, ktorý stojí nad synami tvojho ľudu,
... (vidíte, to sú Židia) ...a bude čas súženia, akého nebolo, odkedy len je národom až do toho času. ...
No, porovnajte, to je presne to, čo povedal Ježiš v Matúšovi 24. Bude čas súženia, akého nebolo, odkedy len je národom. Pozrite sa na šiestu Pečať. Vidíte? To isté, čas súženia. Všimnite si.
...odkedy len je národom až do tohoto času. A v tom čase
...(teraz v tomto sedemdesiatom, v poslednej časti toho siedmeho roku) ...bude vyslobodený tvoj ľud, každý, kto bude nájdený zapísaný v knihe.
Tí predurčení, vidíte, ktorí sú zapísaní v Baránkovej Knihe Života budú v tom čase vyslobodení.
A mnohí z tých, ktorí spia v zeme prachu, sa zobudia, a to jedni na večný život a druhí na potupu a na večný hnus.
Ale rozumní sa budú skvieť ako jas oblohy, a tí, ktorí privodia mnohých k spravodlivosti, ako hviezdy na večné veky.
Potom On povedal Danielovi, aby zavrel tú Knihu, pretože bude odpočívať vo svojom lose až do toho času. No, vidíte, to na tom nič nemení, či žijete alebo či zomriete; vy jednako prídete. Vidíte? Zomieranie pre kresťana nie je nič. On aj tak nezomrie. Vidíte?
135No, Daniel 12 hovorí, že každý, kto bude nájdený zapísaný v Knihe, bude vyslobodený. Niekde tu Boh vyslobodí Svojho druhého syna, Izrael, po tých súženiach. Vidíte, druhý krát Izrael ... Izrael je Jeho syn, to viete. Izrael je Boží syn. Tak On sa ho tu chystá vyslobodiť v tomto období súženia, presne takým spôsobom, ako to On urobil dole v Egypte.
136No, zastavme sa tu znovu a vezmime niečo ďalšie, kde ich On privádza domov. No, pozorujte tu týchto dvoch prorokov. Hľaďte, čo oni teraz budú robiť - presne to, čo robil Mojžiš a oni tam dole. "A bola mi daná trstina..." 3. verš, 11. kapitola. [Zjavenie 11: 3-5. – pozn.prekl.]
A dám svojim dvom svedkom, a budú prorokovať tisíc dvesto šesťdesiat dní, oblečení v smútočných vreciach.
Toto sú tie dve olivy
... (pamätáte na to - Zorobábel, a tak ďalej a znovu vybuduje chrám) ...a dva svietniky, ktoré stoja pred Bohom, Pánom zeme.
A keby im chcel niekto ublížiť, vyjde oheň z ich úst
... (Spomínate si, že z úst Krista vychádza meč - Slovo) ...a zožerie ich nepriateľov. A keby im chcel niekto ublížiť, musí byť tak zabitý.
137No, my vieme o tom ohni, v 19. kapitole - príchod Kristov, z Jeho úst vychádzal meč, ktorým bolo Slovo. Je to tak? - Slovo. Ó, keď vezmete teraz tento materiál na tú Pečať zajtra večer. Slovo je tá vec, ktorou Boh zabíja Svojich nepriateľov.
No, pozrite sa sem. Keď títo proroci prorokujú, ak ktokoľvek špatne s nimi nakladá, škodí im, oheň vychádza z ich úst, oheň Ducha Svätého - Slovo. Slovo je Boh. Slovo je Oheň. Slovo je Duch. "Vychádza z ich úst."
138Pozrite sa na Mojžiša. Vidzme čo vychádza z jeho úst. Izrael musel ... spôsob, akým oni tam pracovali ... Mám na mysli Egypt. Oni trápili týchto Židov. Mojžiš ... Oni im nechceli dovoliť odísť; Faraón nechcel. Boh dal slová do Mojžišových úst. To sú Božie myšlienky idúce do Mojžišovho srdca. On teraz ide aby ich vyjadril, a potom sa to stáva Slovom. Vystrel svoju ruku a povedal: "Nech sa zjavia muchy!" a tu prichádzajú muchy. Pozrite sa sem: "A keby im chcel niekto ublížiť, vyjde oheň z ich úst a zožerie ich nepriateľov." Tu to je. Oni môžu hovoriť čo chcú, a to sa stane. Amen! A keď im ktokoľvek ublíži, musí takto byť zabitý.
139Brat, Boh tu jazdí na scéne. Oni majú moc zavrieť nebesia, aby nepršalo vo dňoch ich proroctva - Eliáš! Oni vedia ako to robiť. Oni to robili predtým. Preto oni tam boli zachovaní. Amen!
140Mohol by som práve tu povedať niečo hrozne dobré, ale hádam to radšej zadržím až do zajtra večera. Vidíte? No dobre. "A majú moc nad vodami obrátiť ich na krv a udrieť zem pliagami, tak často ako chcú." Čo to je? Čo okrem Slova môže priniesť tieto veci? Oni môžu narábať s prírodou tak, ako chcú.
141Tu to je. Oni sú tí, ktorí prinášajú túto šiestu Pečať. Oni ju odkrývajú a otvárajú. To je moc Božia, ktorá môže prerušiť chod prírody. Vidíte, šiesta Pečať je kompletné prerušenie prírody.
142Rozumiete tomu teraz? Tam je vaša Pečať. Kto to robí? To sú tí proroci po druhej strane vytrhnutia. S mocou Božou, so Slovom Božím, oni proste zastavujú prírodu. Oni môžu poslať zemetrasenia, obrátiť mesiac na krv, slnko môže zájsť alebo čokoľvek, na ich rozkaz. Amen!
143Tu to máte. Tu to máte, vidíte. Vidíte, ako sú tie Pečate otvorené tam v tom cirkevnom veku? Ako to ukazuje tých mučeníkov? A teraz tu stoja títo dvaja proroci so Slovom Božím, aby robili čokoľvek prírode, čo chcú, a oni trasú zemou. To ukazuje presne kto to robí. To je Mojžiš a Eliáš, pretože to je znovu stelesnená ich služba - oboch tých mužov. Ó! Vidíte to teraz? Vidíte, čo je táto šiesta Pečať? To sú títo proroci.
144Všimnite si teraz. Nech vás to neudusí, ale hľaďte čo otvorilo túto Pečať - proroci. Amen! No prosím. Och, žijeme tu v dni orla! A je to teraz medzi nami! Oni otvorili tú šiestu Pečať. Oni majú moc to robiť! Amen! Tam sa otvára vaša šiesta Pečať. Vidíte?
145No, vraciame sa naspäť rovno tam a Ježiš povedal, že to sa bude diať: Dávno v Starom Zákone, tam v Ezechielovi. Tam v tých starých prorokoch, oni hovorili, že to sa bude diať. A tu je otvorená šiesta Pečať a oni hovoria: "No, to je tajomná vec. Čo to urobilo?" Tu je to tajomstvo toho - tí proroci, pretože Biblia to tu tak povedala. Oni to môžu otvoriť, kedykoľvek oni ... Oni môžu robiť prírode čokoľvek chcú. A oni robia tie isté veci, ktoré robili oni, pretože oni vedia, ako to bolo urobené. Amen! Sláva!
Keď som to uvidel, hneď som vstal zo stoličky a začal som chodiť hore dole. Rozmýšľal som: "Pane, ako Ti ďakujem, Nebeský Otče." Tam to je. To je ono. Oni otvorili túto šiestu Pečať. Amen!
Pozorujte ich. Ak im ktokoľvek ublíži, oheň vyjde z ich úst - Slovo. Duch Svätý prichádza na apoštolov, vidíte. Oheň vyšiel z ich úst.
146No, všimnite si tu v Zjavení 19 vidíme to isté. A veľký meč vychádza z Jeho úst - Slovo. Vidíte to? Kristov príchod. A On s ním zabíjal Svojich nepriateľov. Je to tak? Teraz je On na Svojej ceste. Pozorujte Ho teraz. No dobre.
147Títo mali moc zavrieť nebesia, aby nepršalo vo dňoch ich proroctva. Chlapče, to je prerušovanie prírody! No, na ako dlho to urobil, tento muž, Eliáš, na ako dlho zavrel nebesia? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: "na tri a pol roka." – pozn.prekl.] Tu to máte, presne! Ako dlho v Danielovom sedemdesiatom ... poslednej časti tých sedemdesiatych týždňoch? ["tri a pol roka." – pozn.prekl.] Tu to máte, presne!
148Čo robil Mojžiš? On premenil vodu na krv a robil všetky tieto druhy zázrakov, presne to, čo je predpovedané tu pod touto šiestou Pečaťou. A oni sú tu v Zjavení 11, a robia presne to isté! Amen! Sú tri rozdielne miesta v Písme, rovno tam, ktoré ladia tú vec rovno dokopy. To je otvorenie šiestej Pečati. Je to rovno tam. Amen! Sláva!
149Všimnite si teraz. Títo majú moc zavrieť nebesia vo dňoch svojho proroctva aby nepršalo; a moc nad vodami, aby ich obrátili na krv, udrieť zem pliagami tak často, ako chcú. Ó! Tu to máte. No, obráťme sa rovno tu do tých pliag. Celá príroda je narušená v tejto šiestej Pliage, či ... Šiestej Pečati - otvorenej. To je presne to čo sa stalo.
150No pozrite sa. Vidíte, tu niekde Boh má vyslobodiť Svojho syna, Izrael, po tom istom druhu súžení, ktoré On urobil tam dole. On tam dole poslal Mojžiša a vyslobodil Izrael. Je to tak? A on urobil tieto isté veci.
151 On poslal Eliáša ku Achabovi, a sedem tisíc vyšlo. Je to tak? On ich tu v čase súženia znovu posiela naspäť a vyvoláva 144 000. Teraz vidíte, všimnite si, medzi šiestou a Siedmou Pečaťou, tá 7. kapitola Zjavenia matematicky presne pasuje spolu.
152Práve ako Amerika je číslo trinásť. Trinásť štátov s ktorými ona začala, 13 hviezd na zástave, 13 kolónií, 13 pruhov - všetko, 13, 13, a objavuje sa tam rovno v 13. kapitole Zjavenia. Je to tak. Ona je trinástka a žena.
153No, keď sa On chystal vyslobodiť Svojho jednorodeného Syna, (ktorý bol Jeho jednorodený - Jakob je Jeho syn, ale toto je Jeho jednorodený Syn.) Matúš 27, pozrime sa, čo On tam robil. Matúš 27. kapitola. Zapamätajte si teraz, Jeho Syn bol bitý, a bol sužovaný, a oni si robili z Neho posmech, a On teraz visel na kríži o tretej hodine popoludní na Veľký Piatok - asi vtedy sa to odohrávalo. Matúš, 27. kapitola Matúša a 45. verš. Myslím, že to je ono.
A od šiestej hodiny povstala tma na celej zemi až do deviatej hodiny.
No, všimnite si, to je presne to, čo On urobil teraz tu v tomto predtým.
A videl som, keď otvoril šiestu pečať a hľa, povstalo veľké zemetrasenie, a slnce sčernelo ako srstnaté vrece, a mesiac bol celý ako krv.
154Temnosť, tma, Egypt. Temnosť, tma, Boh vyslobodzuje Ježiša na kríži, tesne pred tým, ako Ho zobral hore zo vzkriesenia. Prv, temnosť - slnko zašlo v polovici dňa, a hviezdy nesvietili. Dva dni po tom Ho On vzbudil s mocným triumfom. Po tom čo slnko, a mesiac, a hviezdy a všetko v Egypte - všetko toto sa dialo, On vyslobodil Izraela do Zasľúbenej Zemi.
Tu je to v období súženia, a tu stoja tí proroci aby ... ktorí vládnu Slovom, ktoré im Boh dáva. Oni môžu hovoriť len keď im Boh dáva Slovo.
No, oni nie sú bohovia. Prechodne, amatérsky sú, pretože Ježiš povedal, že sú. Povedal: "Vy ich nazývate bohmi, tých ku ktorým prichádza Slovo Božie."
155Dobre, pozrite. To je ten, ku komu Boh prináša Slovo. A keď to on hovorí, to sa deje. To je to. A tu je on s poverením od Boha, aby udrel zem kdekoľvek chce. Ó! Zastavil nebesia, a on to robí. Čo sa deje? On je rozhodnutý vziať tých 144 000 do vykúpenia - tých z Knihy Vykúpenia. A to je pod Pečaťou vykúpenia, v tejto šiestej Pečati. To je to, moji drahí priatelia. To je šiesta Pečať, ktorá bola tak tajomná.
Vezmime len ... Máme ešte desať minút. Vezmime ešte trochu. Mám ešte dve alebo tri strany. No, mám ... Môžete to práve vidieť. Myslím, že to je asi ... o tejto Pečati, myslím že som vynechal okolo 15 strán, do ktorých by som mohol zájsť.
Och, je toho tak mnoho o tom. Ó, mohli by ste stále prechádzať z jedného miesta do druhého, ale obávam sa, že by som vás poplietol, keby som príliš mnoho o tom hovoril. A nie som ... A nemôžem to udržať pokope, ako by som mal.
156V Izaiášovi ... vezmime toto. Izaiáš, prorok, videl otvorenú túto šiestu Pečať a hovoril o nej. A to je skutočne dôležité, vidíte. No, celý plán vykúpenia leží pod týmito Pečatiami - celá Kniha.
No pamätajte, videli sme, že Ježiš to videl. Je to tak? Vidíte? Ježiš to videl. A teraz sme našli iných, ktorí to videli. Našli sme to zobrazené v Jakobovi. Našli sme to zobrazené na príklade Egypta. Vidíme to predstavené na kríži.
No, poďme naspäť do Izaiáša. Mám tu tiež vypísaných mnohých ďalších prorokov. Vezmime len ... Páči sa mi toto v Izaiášovi. Poďme sem naspäť do Izaiáša, trinásta kapitola Izaiáša.. Páči sa mi ...
157Izaiáš sám o sebe je kompletnou Bibliou, viete. Vedeli ste to? Vidíte? Izaiáš začína hovoriť o stvorení; v strede knihy predstavuje Jána a na konci predstavuje Milénium. A v Biblii je 66 kníh, a v Izaiášovi je 66 kapitol. Ona je sama o sebe kompletnou encyklopédiou.
158Dávajte pozor, čítame teraz 13. kapitolu Izaiáša. Začnime tu pri šiestom verši.
Kvíľte, lebo je blízko deň Hospodinov. Príde ako záhuba od Všemohúceho.
Pozorujte túto šiestu Pečať, ako sa tu teraz otvára - Tam vtedy 713 rokov predtým, ako prišiel Kristus. On tu bol pred 2000 rokmi; to by bolo asi pred 2 700 rokmi, keď tam Izaiáš videl visieť túto Pečať. No dobre.
Preto ochabnúc klesnú všetky ruky, a každé srdce človeka sa rozplynie.
159Čo povedal Ježiš: "A preto, že sa rozmôže neprávosť, ochladne láska mnohých ... a ľudské srdci zmŕtvejú od strachu"; more bude hučať, vidíte? Ľudské srdcia budú zlyhávať.
Predesia sa; kŕče a bolesti ich pochytia; budú sa zvíjať ako žena, ktorá ide porodiť; každý bude s desením a v rozpakoch hľadieť na svojho blížneho; ich tváre budú zahanbené
Všimnite si to tu. Och, ich tváre, zahanbené. Za chvíľu sa musíme ku tomu dostať. Budeme sa toho držať, vidíte.
Hľa, deň Hospodinov prichádza, ukrutný, prchlivosť a páľa hnevu, aby obrátil zem na púšť, a jej hriešnikov zahladí v nej.
(Zem - to je celá zem. Vidíte? Hľaďte.)Lebo hviezdy nebies, ani ich najjasnejšie súhviezdia nedajú svietiť svojmu svetlu; slnce sa zatmie vtedy, keď bude vychádzať, a mesiac nedá svietiť svojmu svetlu.
A navštívim zlosť na okruhu sveta a na bezbožných ich neprávosť. A spôsobím to, že prestane hrdosť pyšných a vysokomyseľnosť tyranov ponížim.
160Vidíte to tam, úplne presne. Izaiáš videl to isté, o čom Ježiš hovoril. To, čo zjavilo Sedem Pečatí. Keď On súženiami očisťuje zem. To je obdobie súženia - táto šiesta Pečať. Áno, on bol prorok, a bolo mu oznámené Slovo Božie. To bolo pred 2 700 rokmi.
161Skutočne, chcem len povedať toto: Celý svet - ako to videl tu Izaiáš: "ako žena v pôrodných bolestiach ..." celé stvorenie sa zvíja v pôrodných bolestiach. Prečo všetko toto zvíjanie a žalostenie? Ako žena, ktorá má byť matkou, samotná zem - príroda ...?
162Aha, toto mesto tu ... Vezmime naše vlastné mesto. Keď výčapy piva a prostitúcia a špina a bahno, ako každé iné mesto ... No, verím, že Boh by sa radšej díval na to, tak ako to mal pred tisíc rokmi. Keď Ohio spokojne pretekala, nemali žiadne spätné prúdy ani záplavy. Nemali v tom údolí žiadny hriech. Potuloval sa tam bizón, a ten starý Cherokee poľoval na neho a viedol slušný život. Tam neboli žiadne problémy. Ale prichádza človek a s ním prichádza hriech. Keď sa človek začal množiť na tvári zeme, vtedy začína hriech a násilie. Je to tak. Stále je príčinou človek. Ó, myslím, že je to hanba.
163Stál som jedného dňa v mojom domácom kraji, tam teraz v Arizone ... A všetko, čo som čítal, ako dieťa o Geronimovi a Cochise, a o tých starých Apačoch ... Pretože som im tam kázal - sú to fajn ľudia. Ak chcete stretnúť tých najlepších ľudí, sú títo Apačskí Indiáni. A potom som išiel tam do Tombstone, kde majú všetky tie staré pamiatky a veci od vojny. A díval som sa ... Oni stále ... Viete oni stále rátajú Geronima, ako odpadlíka. Pre mňa to bol ozajstný Američan. Skutočne! On bojoval len za svoje práva, ako by robil každý. On nechcel toto poškvrnenie vo svojej zemi. A pozrite, čo je to teraz - navádzajú jeho deti ... a jeho dcéry do prostitúcii a do všetkého možného - a prichádza tam biely človek. Ten biely človek je darebák!
164Indián sa držal svojich pevných zásad. On bol konzervatívny. On išiel a zabil bizóna a celý kmeň jedol z neho, kým ho celého nezjedol. Oni používali kožu na oblečenie a na stany a na všetko možné. A prichádza biely človek a strieľa do nich, ako do terča. Ó, to je taká hanba!
165Čítal som v novinách článok o Afrike, o tom veľkom kraji plnom divokej lovnej zveri, tam majú týchto chlapov, Artúra Bodfreya a tých, ktorí tam idú a takto z helikoptéry strieľajú slony a všetko. Bol tam obrázok nejakej slonici, ktorá zomierala, a slzy jej stekali po tvári a dvaja veľkí samci sa ju snažili udržať na nohách ... Ó, to je hriech! To nie je šport!!
166Keď som stál tam vonku na poli, kde som poľoval i tak ďalej, a videl som tam prichádzať tých bielych poľovníkov a strieľať tie lane a odsekávať zadnú štvrťku z nich a niekedy zabili osem, alebo desať malých laní a nechali ich tam ležať a ich mláďatá pobehávali okolo, snažiac sa nájsť svoju mamu - a vy si myslíte, že to je šport? To je podľa mojej knihy krutá vražda!
167Dúfam, že Kanada tam nikdy neurobí žiadne cesty, pokiaľ ja žijem, aby dovolila tam prísť týmto odpadlíckymi Američanom. Je to tak. Oni sú najbiednejší športovci, akých som kedy v živote videl. No, nie všetci z nich. Sú niektorí skutoční opravdiví ľudia, ale to nájdete len jedného z tisíca. Strieľajú na všetko, čo môžu vidieť, akýmkoľvek spôsobom ako chcú. Je to tak. To je vrah! Je to tak. On nemá srdce. On bude strieľať mimo sezónu.
168Keď som bol tam na Aljaške, bol som tam s jedným s tých sprievodcov. On povedal: "Zbieral som ... Išiel som tam teraz a našiel som celú čriedu tých veľkých jeleňov ... či nie jeleňov, losov, ležiacich tam pozabíjaných s 50 kalibrovým kulometom, cez parohy, títo americkí piloti tam na Aljašky ich postrieľali kulometom z lietadla - čriedu losov. To je číra vražda!
169Oni tam veľmi dobre vedeli, že keby pozabíjali bizónov, môžu indiánov na smrť vyhladovať. Preto Cochise musel kapitulovať - všetky jeho kniežatá a všetci z nich, jeho deti, a všetci jeho ľudia boli vyhladovaní na smrť. Oni tam išli s veľkou masou tých. Buffalo Bill a tí zálesáci a oni vystrieľali všetkých tých bizónov - štyridsať alebo päťdesiat za popoludnie. Oni vedeli, že keď vystrieľajú bizóny, zbavia sa Indiánov. Ó, to je škvrna na zástave, ten spôsob ako oni zachádzali s tými Indiánmi. Tu to máte. Ale pamätajte, Biblia povedala: "Prichádza hodina, že Boh zničí tých, ktorí ničia zem." A celý svet ...!
170Pozrite sa na tieto údolia. Stál som tam jedného dňa a díval som sa dole do údolia Phonixu. Vyšiel som hore na South Mountain. Sedeli sme so ženou tam hore a dívali sme sa na Phonix, a ja som povedal: "Nie je to hrozné?"
A ona povedala: "Hrozné? Čo máš na mysli?"
171Povedal som: "Ten hriech. Koľko je tam v tom údolí cudzoložstva a pitia a preklínania a brania mena Pánovho nadarmo, kde je okolo 140000 alebo 150 000 alebo možno 200 000 ľudí, v tom údolí?" A povedal som: "Pred päťsto, alebo pred tisíc rokmi, tam nebolo nič okrem kaktusov, stromov a starých kojotov pobehujúcich hore dole po piesku okolo rieky, tí čističi." A povedal som: "Tak to stvoril Boh, ale prišiel sem človek a čo urobil? Zaplnil zem špinou. Ulice sú plné žlči; kanáli a rieky sú znečistené špinou." Oni nemôžu ... Och chlapče, radšej nepi tú vodu. Mohol by si dostať všetko možné.
172Pozri sa na to. Nie len tu, ale po celom svete. Tá vec je poškvrnená, a svet, príroda ... Bože buď milostivý! Celý svet je vo svojich pôrodných bolestiach. Svet sa snaží ... Ona sa zvíja, povedal Izaiáš. Čo sa deje? Ona sa snaží porodiť nový svet pre Milénium, kde je očistený všetok hriech, snaží sa porodiť nový svet pre nových ľudí, ktorí nebudú hrešiť a neznečistia ho. Je to tak. Ona je v bolestiach.
173Preto to ... Sme v pôrodných bolestiach - aby zrodiť Nevestu pre Krista. Všetko je v pôrodných bolestiach, vzdychá. Vidíte, niečo sa má stať. A táto šiesta pliaga jej dá porodiť!
174Brat, vypuknú zemetrasenia a zem sa bude otvárať a hviezdy sa budú triasť, vybuchnú sopky a zem sa obnoví. Zo stredu zeme sa vyvalí nová láva a rozleje sa všade dookola ďalej a ďalej pri tom, ako sa tam otáča.
175Hovorím vám, jedno ráno, keď Ježiš a Jeho Nevesta prídu na zem, bude tam Raj Boží, kde ... Ó! Budú tam prechádzať tí starí bojovníci z toho boja zo svojimi priateľmi a s milovanými. Chválospevy budú napĺňať ovzdušie, s anjelskými duchmi. "Och, dobre si to urobil, môj dobrý a verný sluha, vojdi do radosti svojho Pána, ktorá ti bola pripravená, akú si mal mať tam, prv ako Eva začala v hriechu." Amen!
Áno, šiesta Pečať urobí niečo. Tak veru! Skutočne celý svet žalostí a bolestí za tým vekom milénia. No, tento je teraz tak presiaknutý špinou.
176Ako som tu kázal nedávno - Myslím, že som kázal tu v modlitebni: "Svet sa rozpadá." To je presne to. Pozrite, čo sa rozpadá vo svete. Všetko v ňom sa rozpadá. Skutočne. On sa musí rozpadnúť. Tak veru. Pozrite sa, jeho štruktúra ... Dovoľte mi ukázať vám dôvod, že svet sa musí rozpadnúť. Štruktúra tohoto sveta: železo a mosadz a materiály tejto zeme boli vytiahnuté z jej kostry na vojnu a na priemysel, až je to skoro hotové ...
177No, nikdy sme v tejto časti krajiny nemali zemetrasenia, až nedávno, nedávno tu, viete v St. Louis a tam dole. Ona sa stáva tak tenká. Oni z nej všetko vytiahli. Vidíte?
Jej politici sú tak skazení, že sotva je nejaký čestný ... medzi nimi - jej systém. Jej morálka je tak nízko, že oni proste nemajú žiadnu. To je všetko. Jej náboženstvo je rozožrané. Tak veru.
178Je čas na šiestu Pečať, veľmi skoro, aby bola otvorená. A keď sa otvorí, och - je koniec! Nevesta odišla. Kráľovná odišla, aby zaujala svoje miesto. Ona bola teraz vydatá za Kráľa, zatiaľ čo toto prebieha. A zbytok Izraela je zapečatený a pripravení odísť, a potom pôjde príroda. Ó, čo za čas!
179Všimnite si ten posledný verš pri otváraní šiestej Pečati. Tí, ktorí sa smiali z kázania Slova - potvrdeného Slova Živého Boha. Keď títo proroci, ktorí tam stáli a činili zázraky, a zatmeli slnko, a činili všetky ďalšie veci za celý ten vek ... Oni kričali na skaly a na vrchy, aby ich ukryli pred Slovom z ktorého sa smiali, pretože oni Ho môžu vidieť prichádzať. "Ukryte nás pred hnevom Baránka" - On je Slovo, vidíte.
180Oni sa smiali zo Slova, a tu sa to Slovo stelesnilo. A oni si robili z neho žarty, smiali sa z nich, robili si z nich žarty; a to stelesnené Slovo prišlo dole. Prečo oni nečinili pokánie? Nemohli - pre nich bolo príliš neskoro. Tak oni vedeli, že trest ... Oni to počuli. Oni sedeli v zhromaždeniach ako toto a vedeli o tom, a oni vedeli, že tieto veci, ktoré títo proroci predpovedali, im hľadia rovno do tváre. Vec, ktorú odmietli, oni posledný krát odstrčili milosť. A keď odstrčíte milosť, neostáva nič iné než súd. Keď odvrhnete milosť - pomyslite len o tom.
181A tam oni boli. Oni nemali miesto kde ísť, žiadnu skrýšu. A Biblia tu hovorí: "Oni kričali na skaly a na vrchy padnite na nás a skryte nás pred tvárou a pred hnevom Baránka." Oni sa snažili činiť pokánie, ale Baránok prišiel, aby si vyžiadal Svojich vlastných. A oni kričali na skaly a na vrchy - modlili sa, ale na ich modlitby bolo príliš neskoro.
Moji bratia, sestry, dobrota a milosť Božia vystreté ku ľuďom. Zatiaľ, čo Izrael bol zaslepený za toto ... za tu skoro okolo dvetisíc rokov - aby nám dal možnosť činiť pokánie. Odstrčili ste tú milosť? Odmietli ste ju? Kto vlastne ste? Odkiaľ ste prišli, a kde idete? Nemôžete sa to opýtať doktora. Nemôžete sa to opýtať nikoho na svete, a nie je kniha, ktorú by ste mohli čítať, ktorá by vám mohla povedať, kto ste a odkiaľ ste prišli a kde idete, okrem tejto Biblii.
No vy viete, keby ste nemali Krv Baránka, aby ona zastala na vašom mieste, vidíte kde ste boli nasmerovaní. Tak ak Boh toto pre vás urobil, to najmenšie čo by sme my mohli urobiť, je prijať to čo On urobil. To je všetko, čo On od nás chce. A na základe tohoto ...
Ak pôjdem ešte ďalej, budem musieť prísť rovno do tej pliagy. To je služba na zajtra večer, a ja to nemôžem robiť. Nemôžem ísť ďalej. Poznačil som si to tu, krížik - zastav sa tu. Tak potom, musím čakať až do zajtra.
No, skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Ak ste, moji vzácny priatelia, ak ste neprijali lásky tohoto Boha, to o čom hovorím ... Ak ste ... Počúvate toto teraz pozorne. Ak ste neprijali Jeho lásku a milosť, budete sa musieť postaviť pred Jeho súdom a hnevom.
182No, vy, dnes večer, ste na tom istom mieste, ako boli Adam a Eva v Záhrade Eden. Máte právo; máte slobodné morálne rozhodnutie. Môžete ísť ku Stromu Života, alebo môžete vziať ten plán súdu. Ale dnes, zatiaľ čo ste schopní rozmýšľať, vo svojom zdravom rozume, a ste natoľko zdraví, aby ste sa pozdvihli a prijali to, prečo to neurobíte, ak ste to ešte neurobili?
Sú tu ľudia, ktorí to ešte neurobili, či nie? Ak je to tak, zodvihli by ste len ruku a povedali: "Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham. Ja to teraz chcem urobiť. Nechcem aby toto na mňa prišlo."
No pamätajte, priatelia ... (Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je dobre.) Toto nie sú moje predstavy o tom; toto nie je to, čo som si ja myslel. Toto je všetko mimo mňa. Skutočne, Duch Svätý to vie.
183A počkajte, ak Pán dá, zajtra večer vám chcem ukázať tajomstvo, ktoré sa dialo po celý čas rovno tu v tomto zhromaždení. Veľmi pochybujem, či ste to vôbec videli alebo nie, to čo sa dialo. Bolo to niečo, čo ležalo rovno tu pred vami, a ja som každý večer sledoval, že niekto vstane a povie: "Vidím to." Neodstrkujte to, prosím. Žiadam ťa, ak nie si kresťan, ak nie si pod Krvou, ak nie si znovu zrodený, naplnený Duchom Svätým, ak si nikdy verejne nevyznal Ježiša Krista, tým že si sa dal pokrstiť v Jeho Meno, aby si vydal svedectvo o Jeho smrti, pochovaní a zmŕtvychvstaní, že si to prijal, voda je pripravená. Oni čakajú. Oblečenie je tam, a všetko je pripravené. Kristus stojí pripravený s vystretými rukami, aby ťa prijal.
Za jednu hodinu od teraz, ti tá milosť možno nebude ponúknutá. Ty ju môžeš odstrčiť posledný krát, a ona sa už nikdy viac nedotkne tvojho srdca. Zatiaľ čo môžeš, zatiaľ čo môžeš, prečo to neurobíš? Zatiaľ ...
Viem, že obyčajne je zvykom privádzať ľudí ku oltáru. My to robíme, a je to úplne v poriadku. Ale teraz sme tu tak natiskaní, rovno okolo oltáru, že to nemôžem urobiť. Ale rád by som povedal toto: V apoštolských dňoch, oni hovorili: "Všetci tí, ktorí uverili boli pokrstení." Len ak môžete skutočne vo svojom srdci ...
184To je vlastne to. To nie je emócia, hoci emócie to sprevádzajú. Práve ako to, čo som povedal: Fajčenie a pitie nie je hriech, to sú vlastnosti hriechu. To ukazuje, že neveríte. Ale keď vo svojom srdci opravdu veríte a viete to na tom základe, tam kde sedíte, prijmite to z celého svojho srdca, niečo sa stane, hneď tam. To sa stane. Potom sa môžeš postaviť ako svedok toho, že niečo sa stalo.
Potom poď ku vode a povedz: "Chcem ukázať zhromaždeniu, chcem dokázať, chcem vydať svoje svedectvo stojac tu, že zaujmem svoje miesto v Neveste. Stojím tu teraz, aby som bol pokrstený."
Viem, že dnes večer je vo svete veľa žien, dobrých žien, ale ja strašne túžim vidieť jednu. To je jedna z nich, to je moja žena. Ona ide so mnou domov. Ona od počiatku nebola mojou ženou, ale ako sa stala mojou ženou - ona prijala moje meno.
185On prichádza. Je mnoho žien - cirkví - vo svete, ale On prichádza pre svoju ženu. Ona je nazvaná Jeho menom. Tých, ktorí sú v Kristovi, Boh privedie s Ním. Ako sa dostaneme do toho? "Skrze jedného Ducha, my sme všetci pokrstení v jedno telo."
Teraz, zatiaľ čo sa modlíme, vy sa tiež modlite - vo vnútri či vonku. Je veľa ľudí v miestnostiach, stoja vonku dookola, vonku na uliciach, ale teraz, zatiaľ čo ste ... Nemôžeme vás volať ku tomuto oltáru, ale vaše srdce - urobte ho oltárom. A rovno vo svojom srdci povedzte: "Pane Ježišu, ja tomuto verím. Stál som tu vonku v tomto nočnom vzduchu. Dusil som sa v tejto malej miestnosti. Sedím tu medzi týmito ľuďmi. Ja nechcem byť ... Nemôžem sa minúť; nemôžem si to dovoliť."
Všetko ... ako som vám povedal minulý večer, skutočne, Pán vie, že som vám povedal Pravdu. "Neklamem," ako Pavel povedal. To videnie, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, stál som tam a díval som sa a dotýkal som sa tých ľudí, ktorí tam išli. To je tak skutočné, ako teraz tu stojím.
Nedaj si to ujsť, môj biedny brat a sestra; nedaj. Viem, že ste počuli kázanie, počuli ste toto, tamto, a príbehy, všetko to, ale počúvajte len čo hovorím. Toto je ... Ja viem, že je to Pravda! Vy len ... Nemôžem to podať jasnejšie. Nedajte si to ujsť! Je to všetko vaše. No, modlime sa.
186Pane Ježišu, tu predo mnou je krabica s vreckovkami, ktoré reprezentujú nemocných ľudí. Ako sa modlím nad nimi, kladiem na ne ruky, ako povedala Biblia: "Oni brali z tela Pavlovho vreckovky a zástery, a nečistý duchovia odchádzali od tých ľudí." A diali sa veľké znaky, pretože oni videli Pavla a vedeli, že Duch Boží je v ňom. Oni vedeli, že on bol podivný človek, že tie veci, ktoré on hovoril o Slove ...
On išiel, vzal to staré Hebrejské Slovo, tej Hebrejskej cirkvi a priniesol to do života, a umiestnil to v Kristovi. Oni vedeli, že Boh bol v tom človeku. Oni videli Boha činiť cez neho predivné a mocné skutky, predpovedal veci a to sa tak stalo, oni vedeli, že on bol Boží sluha.
187Pane, modlím sa, aby si uctil týchto ľudí za ich úctu ku Slovu, a uzdravil ich vzhľadom na Ježiša. Tu v publiku, Pane, sedia tu ľudia, tak ako tí, ktorí na Letnice počúvali apoštola Petra, ako sa on obrátil naspäť do Slova a zobral to Slovo, a povedal: "Joel povedal, že v posledných dňoch sa tieto veci budú diať, a toto je to." A tých tri tisíc ľudí tomu uverilo a boli pokrstení.
A, Otče, dnes tu stojíme z Tvojej milosti, a to nie preto, že toto sú zvláštni ľudia, ale preto, že ... tak ako vo dňoch leva, alebo vola, alebo človeka, toto je čas orla. To je pomazanie na túto hodinu. Toto je čas v ktorom žijeme. To je práca Ducha Svätého v tomto danom čase, aby dokázal, že Ježiš nie je mŕtvy - tie veci, ktoré On povedal, že ich bude robiť tesne pred tým, ako vyjdú večerné svetlá. A tu Ho to po celý čas vidíme robiť.
188Videli sme to zostupovať, urobili Jeho fotografiu a veda to skúmala, ten veľký Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraela, ktorý stretol Pavla na ceste ... A my poznáme tento istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol Mojžiša tam dole na púšti - skrze ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp on napísal niekoľko kníh Biblii, pretože bol pomazaný Slovom.
Tento istý Ohnivý Stĺp prichádza na Pavla na ceste do Damašku - on napísal mnoho kníh Biblii, ktoré sú nazvané Slovom Božím. A teraz, Pane, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, skrze dôkaz potvrdeného Slova a skrze vedecký výskum, vidíme ho tu, ako zjavuje Slovo Pánovo.
Bože, nech sa tí ľudia rýchlo prebudia, Pane, rýchlo! Tí, ktorých mená sú zapísané v Knihe Života, keď toto svieti krížom cez ich chodník, nech môžu vidieť, ako toho dňa pri studni tá prostá žena, nedobrej povesti. Ona to rýchlo rozpoznala, a ona vedela, že to bolo Písmo.
A teraz, Otče, modlím sa, aby všetci, ktorí Ťa teraz prijmú vo svojich srdciach, mali teraz naveky zafixované, že skončili s hriechom; že vstanú a urobia teraz prípravy na verejné vyznanie krstu vo mene Ježiša Krista, na odpustenie ich hriechov, aby ukázali, že veria, že Boh im odpustil, a berú na seba meno Ježiša Krista.
Potom, Otče, zlej na nich olej Ducha Svätého, aby mohli byť umiestnení do služby Pána Boha, aby mohli byť pracovníci v tomto poslednom zlom dni. Pretože si uvedomujeme, že máme len krátky čas, a Cirkev môže kedykoľvek odísť.
189Baránok môže v každej chvíli tam hore opustiť svätyňu, alebo obetný trón (oltár), vystúpiť z trónu Božieho, kde leží tá obeť. A potom je koniec. Nie je viac nádeji pre svet. Je s ním koniec. Dostáva sa potom do chaosu, do veľkých kŕčov zemetrasení a veľkého trasenia, ako to bolo pri vzkriesení.
A ako Kristus povstal z hrobu, keď povstanú tí svätí, bude sa diať to isté. Pane, to by sa mohlo stať v ktorejkoľvek minúte. Čakáme príchod toho šťastného dňa. Vezmi teraz Svoje deti pod Svoje ramená, Otče. Pritúľ Svoje malé jahniatka na Svoju hruď. Udeľ to, a kŕm ich na Slove, až kým nebudú mať silu do služby.
190Porúčame ich teraz Tebe, Pane. Odpovedz na túto modlitbu. Ty si povedal, Otče, tam v Markovi v 11. kapitole: "Keď sa modlíte, stojíte modliac sa, verte, že dostanete to o čo prosíte a budete to mať." A verím s celého svojho srdca Jemu, ktorý zjavuje tieto veci po tie roky a tieto Pečate tu v tento posledný týždeň. Verím Ti, Pane Bože, že tá hodina je teraz blízko, bližšie, než si skutočne myslíme, hodina Tvojho príchodu.
Prosím, nech je vypočutá moja modlitba. A nech každé zavolané dieťa Božie, ktoré je tu v počuteľnej vzdialenosti, či tiež pri počúvaní tých pások, nech v tom čase ... Žiadam ich pre Kráľovstvo Božie, na základe poznania, že toto je Slovo, ktoré zostalo zjavené. Nech svietia večerné svetlá, Otče. Ja ich porúčam Tebe v mene Ježiša. Amen.
Teraz, všetci vo vnútri i vonku, ktorí veríte a nikdy ste neurobili svoje verejné vyznanie, že ste skončili s hriechom, a že chcete milosti Božie, a že prijali ste ich v Ježišovi Kristovi, bazén ... Oni sú pripravení pokrstiť každého, kto chce byť pokrstený - dnes alebo zajtra alebo hneď teraz, môže to byť kedykoľvek.
Radovali ste sa z tej šiestej Pečati? Vidíte kde je to teraz otvorené? Verili ste tomu? Tam stojí: "Kto uveril našej zvesti, a rameno Pánovo komu zostalo zjavené?" Ak veríte tej zvesti, potom je vám zjavené rameno Pánovo - rameno, Slovo Božie je zjavené.
Keď Pán teraz dá, zajtra ráno, budem sa snažiť, ako najlepšie budem môcť, odpovedať na tie otázky. Strávim možno zbytok noci, alebo väčšiu jej časť, na modlitbe nad nimi. Spím asi od jednej do tretej - minulej noci som sa nedostal do posteli až do jednej hodiny a o tretej som znovu študoval. Vidíte, budem musieť niesť za to zodpovednosť. To je v poriadku. Sme príliš blízko, za všetko ... za každú hlúposť, či každú trúfalosť, alebo polovičatosť. Ja to prv musím vidieť. A potom, keď to vidím, musí to byť tiež v Slove. A zatiaľ, skrze milosť Božiu, oni dokonale ... Preberal som to cez celú Bibliu, viete, a to presne spolu pasuje.
191A to musí byť, "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN," nie len preto, že to ja hovorím, pretože to viem, ale Slovo Pánovo je, "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." A tu je Slovo, ktoré berie to, čo mi On dal a dáva to spolu a ukazuje to, tak že sami budete vedieť, že to je, "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN."
Tu takto hovorí Slovo, a potom zjavenie, ktoré mi On dáva, ktoré je v protiklade s tým, čo si ktorýkoľvek z nás kedy myslel ... Aha, v protiklade s tým, čo som si ja myslel, pretože ja som do toho nikdy takto nevošiel. Ale teraz zisťujeme, že to ide rovno spolu, a čo je to? To je "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." To je presne to. Bolo nejaké miesto, ktoré malo byť otvorené, ktoré tam bolo držané do tejto hodiny, a potom prichádza Pán a dáva to takto na svoje miesto. Tak vidíte, tam to je. To je Pán. Och, ja Ho milujem. Milujem Ho s celého svojho srdca.
192Zapamätajte si teraz, čo sa týka vás, nemôžeme sa dostať ku oltáru, niekoľkí držia zodvihnuté svoje ruky, no pozrite, to je vaša individuálna záležitosť. To záleží na tom, čo chcete robiť. Tá hodina je tak blízko na dosah, vy sa máte tak tlačiť, ako len môžete - nie aby vás bolo treba ťahať. Proste tlačiť sa, snažiac sa dostať dovnútra. "Pane, nenechaj ma vonku. Nenechaj ma vonku, Pane. Dvere sa zatvárajú. Keď sa len budem môcť dostať dovnútra ..."
193Boh jedného dňa zavrie dvere. On to urobil vo dňoch Noeho, a oni búchali na tie dvere. Je to pravda? Pamätajte, Biblia povedala, že pri siedmej stráži - či tak? Niektorí pospali pri prvej stráži, druhej, tretej, štvrtej, piatej, šiestej, siedmej; ale pri siedmej stráži tam povstalo oznámenie - krik: "Ženích ide; vyjdite mu oproti."
Tie spiace panny povedali: "No, rád by som mal teraz toho oleja."
Nevesta povedala: "Ja mám akurát len pre seba. Len akurát. Ak ho chceš, choď a vymodli si ho."
194Či nevidíte teraz tie spiace panny? Pozrite sa na Episkopálnych, Prezbiteriánov, Luteránov, a na všetkých, ako sa snažia ... a problém je ten, že namiesto toho, aby sa snažili dostať Ducha Svätého, oni sa snažia hovoriť v jazykoch. A mnohí z nich hovoria v jazykoch a hanbia sa prísť do tohoto zboru, a aby sa za nich modlilo - chcú, aby som prišiel do ich domu a modlil sa za nich. A vy to nazývate Duch Svätý? To je hovorenie v jazykoch bez Ducha Svätého.
195No, ja verím, že Duch Svätý hovorí v jazykoch. Vy viete, že tomu verím, vidíte, ale tiež existuje napodobenina toho. Tak veru! Ovocie Ducha, ktoré dokazuje, čo to je. Ovocie stromu dokazuje, aký je to druh stromu - nie kôra, ovocie.
No všimnite si. Potom keď ona príde, tá posledná hodina, a tam, potom keď oni vošli, oni odišli a povedali: "No, ja verím, že to teraz mám. Verím, že to mám. Áno, my to dostávame."
Radšej by som to nehovoril, pretože to môže spôsobiť zamiešanie. Keď som raz povedal, že Vytrhnutie, ako ono príde ... No, ak hovoríte, že to prijmete, no dobre. Dobre, to je na vás. Keď tá spiaca panna, ktorá si myslela, že sa premodlila, že sa môže vrátiť ... Nevesta bola odídená.
196Ona odišla a táto to nevedela - ako zlodej v noci. Potom oni začali búchať na dvere, a čo sa stalo? Čo sa stalo? Oni boli vyhodení do obdobia súženia. Biblia hovorí: "Tam bude plač a nárek a škrípanie zubov." Je to tak?
197Kedy to bude, brat, sestra? Ja neviem. Ale ... to môže byť práve tu, teraz vidíte. Toto je moja myšlienka. Rozumiete? Ja verím, že je to tak blízko ... Každý deň chcem ... Snažím sa chodiť tak vyrovnane, ako len môžem. A viete, niečo sa dnes stalo, a videl som niečo prichádzať. Ja len ... Nemohol som viac nabrať dych. On tam bol, stál tam a to Svetlo stálo rovno tam, a bolo to tu. Viem, že je to Pravda.
Myslel som: "Bože, ja to nemôžem povedať. Nemôžem to povedať. Nemôžem." Vyšiel som len von z tej miestnosti a išiel som von a chodil som hore dole. Myslel som si: "Ó, čo môžem robiť?" Musel som ísť na ryby, či niečo, alebo ... Pane, Ty ... Nemôžem vám povedať!
Máme krásne chvíle, či nie? Chvála Pánovi! Amen. Sme v strašnom čase, vidíte, pre ... Moje srdce preteká šťastím a radosťou! Ale keď myslím o tomto svete a tých tisícoch, o ktorých viem, že sú zatratení - čierne tiene - potom vaše srdce proste krváca. Čo môžete robiť? Čo môže... ?
198Môžete len cítiť Ducha Svätého, ako kričí vo vašom srdci. Tak ako to muselo byť pri našom Pánovi, keď sa pozeral na Jeruzalem, na Svoj vlastný ľud, a povedal: "Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často som ťa chcel zhromaždiť ako sliepka zhromažďuje svoje mláďatá, ale vy ste nechceli." Vy cítite Ducha Svätého, ako hovorí: "Ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť, ale vy ste nechceli."
199Sme práve tu pri niečom, priatelia. Čokoľvek to je, Boh vie. Nikto, nikto nevie kedy sa to stane. To je tajomstvo. Nikto nevie kedy sa to stane, ale Ježiš nám povedal: "Keď budete vidieť tieto veci ..." Všetky tieto veci, práve tak, ako to ... išlo, porovnávajúc so šiestou Pečaťou to, čo On povedal v Matúšovi 24. Zapamätajte si, čo On povedal: "Keď budete vidieť, že sa začínajú diať tieto veci, potom čas je predo dvermi."
200Sledujte ten ďalší verš - 30. a 31. verš, ako to pokračuje - 32. a 33. verš. On povedal: "A pošle Svojich anjelov do štyroch kútov nebies, štyroch vetrov, aby zhromaždil Svojich vyvolených." Je to tak? Povedal, "Teraz sa učte ..."
Pamätajte, On sa zastavil rovno tam. On nikdy neišiel ďalej poza túto šiestu Pečať. On nikdy nepovedal nič o Siedmej. On povedal Prvú, Druhú, Tretiu, štvrtú, Piatu a šiestu, ale tam zastal - nezmienil sa nič o ...
201Pozorujte tú ďalšiu vec, ktorú On povedal. "Teraz sa učte podobenstvo." Vidíte? Potom On začína s podobenstvami. On povedal: "Tieto veci budú." On im odpovedá na tri otázky: "Aké budú tieto znamenia, a aké bude znamenie Tvojho príchodu, aké bude znamenie konca sveta?" A tá šiesta Pečať bol koniec sveta. A trúbenie siedmeho anjela ... "Zodvihol ruky a prisahal na Toho, ktorý žije naveky, že času viacej nebude."
Zem rodí novú zem. Je po všetkom, a tu sme, rovno tu pri dverách. Ó, trasiem sa! A čo ja musím robiť, Pane? Čo môžem ešte urobiť? A potom, pomyslite len, že som videl to miesto a tých vzácnych ľudí.
202Stál som tam a díval som sa na seba, a rozmýšľal som: "Ó, Bože, čo ... Nemôže im to uniknúť. Mám ich potisnúť - mám sa len načiahnuť do obecenstva a zobrať ich a potisnúť ..." Nemôžete to robiť! "A nikto nemôže prísť, ak ho nepotiahne Môj Otec."
203Ale tu je jedna útecha, ktorú máme - "Všetkých, ktorých Mi dal Otec prídu." Ale tí ostatní z nich, ktorí takto spoliehali na svojich organizáciách, vidíte? A "on zviedol všetkých, ktorí žili ... bývali na zemi, ktorých mená neboli napísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života, zabitého od založenia sveta."
Tak vidíte, to je smutná vec, a jediné, čo môžete robiť je len zostávať presne v Slove a počúvať všetko, čo On káže robiť a potom to robiť. Všetko čo On káže robiť, robte. Pozriete sa tam a poviete: "Ó!" Oni robia toto a potom, "Oh!" To je len ... Vy si neuvedomujete čo za napätie!
204No, chcem povedať toto. Myslím, že pásky sú zastavené. Mnoho ľudí hovorí: "brat Branham, so službou tohoto typu ..." (Musím dávať pozor, pretože ľudia zoberú tie pásky a snažia sa ich prešpárať do posledného slova, viete. Tak keď oni povedia: "brat Branham, chceme mať službu ..." Neviete čo hovoríte. Úprimne povedané, vy neviete čo s tým ide, bratia a sestry. Ó, a tá zodpovednosť, keď máte ľudí, ktorí visia na tom, čo poviete. Pamätajte, ak im poviete niečo zle, Boh bude požadovať ich krv z vašich rúk. Predstavte si to potom. To je strašná vec.
205Tak buďte milí. Milujte Ježiša s celého svojho srdca. Buďte len jednoduchí. Nesnažte sa nikdy nič vypočítať; buďte len pred Bohom jednoduchí, pretože čím viac sa budete snažiť vypočítať to, tým ďalej sa dostanete od Neho. Len Mu jednoducho verte.
Povedzte: "No, kedy On príde? Ak On príde dnes, v poriadku. Ak príde za dvadsať rokov od teraz, to je stále v poriadku. Ja pôjdem len tou cestou, ako idem teraz - nasledujúc Ho. Pane, ak ma môžeš kdekoľvek použiť, tu som, Pane. Ak to bude za sto rokov odo dneška, ak moje pra, pra, pra, pra vnúčence budú stále žiť, aby videli Jeho príchod, Pane, ja neviem kedy to bude, ale daj mi len dnes chodiť tak ako treba, len s Tebou. Ja nebudem ... pretože ja vstanem v ten deň práve tak, ako keby som si trochu niekde zdriemol."
206Tam zostupuje ten slávny palác, to Kráľovstvo Božie, kde všetci starí budú mladí, kde majú už oblečené tie biele rúcha, mužovia i ženy sú premenení - sú pekní, tí skutoční pekní mužovia a milé ženy; stoja tam vo všetkej kráse a postave mladej ženy a mladého muža, stoja tam a nikdy nemôžu zostarnúť, nikdy nemôžu byť hriešny, nikdy nemôžu vôbec žiarliť, alebo nenávidieť ani nič. Ó!
Myslím, že pásky sú teraz vypnuté, chcem ku vám hovoriť ešte okolo tri alebo štyri minúty. Súhlasíte?
207Toto teraz je len osobne, rozumiete. Pretože zajtra - to bude tak ohromné, myslím, že by som to mal radšej povedať teraz, to čo idem povedať. Toto je len pre nás. Bol som len ... Viete mám ženu, ktorú milujem, a to je Méda. A ja by som sa s ňou ani nebol oženil, kvôli láske ku svojej prvej žene. A hoci mi tak veľmi na nej záležalo, nebol by som sa s ňou oženil, ak by mi Boh nebol povedal, aby som to urobil.
A vy poznáte ten príbeh o tom, ako sa ona išla modliť a ako som sa ja modlil, a potom mi On presne povedal čo mám robiť, aby som išiel a vzal si ju a ustanovil čas, aby som to urobil. Ona je milá žena, a ona sa dnes večer za mňa modlí. A tak, teraz je u nás doma osem hodín, a ona sa pravdepodobne teraz modlí.
No pozrite. Jedného dňa mi ona povedala; riekla: "Bill, chcem sa ťa opýtať niečo o Nebi."
A ja som povedal: "V poriadku, Méda, čo to je?"
Ona povedala: "Ty vieš, že ťa milujem."
A ja som povedal: "Viem." To bolo práve po tom, čo sa stalo toto tu.
Ona povedala: "Vieš, že Hope ťa tiež milovala."
A ja som povedal: "Viem."
A ona povedala: "No," ona povedala: "Ja nemyslím, že ja budem žiarlivá, ale Hope bola." A ona povedala: "No keď sa dostaneme do neba ... a ty si povedal, že si ju tam videl."
208A ja som povedal: "Ona tam bola; videl som ju. Videl so ju tam dvakrát. Ona tam je. Čaká na mňa, že prídem. Šáron tak isto. Videl som ju tak, ako sa dívam na teba. Videl som ju tam." A povedal som ...
Ona povedala: "Dobre, teraz keď sa tam dostaneme, ktorá bude tvojou ženou?"
A ja som povedal: "Vy obe. Tam nebude žiadna; jednako vy obidve budete."
Ona povedala: "Nemôžem tomu rozumieť."
A ja som povedal: "No, drahá, sadni si a dovoľ, že ti niečo vysvetlím." Povedal som: "No, ja viem, že ma miluješ, a ty vieš, že ja ťa milujem, vážim si ťa a ctím. Teraz napríklad, čo keby som sa obliekol a išiel po meste a nejaká prostitútka, naozaj pekná, by prišla a ovinula okolo mňa svoje ramená a povedala: "Ó, brat Branham, ja ťa skutočne milujem." A začala by klásť svoje ruka okolo mňa a objímať ma. Čo by si si myslela?"
Ona povedala: "Nemyslím, že by sa mi to veľmi páčilo."
209A ja som povedal: "Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Koho miluješ najviac, keby to muselo vyjsť najavo - mňa, alebo Pána Ježiša?" (Toto je teraz rodinný rozhovor.)
A ona povedala: "Pána Ježiša." Povedala: "Áno, Bill tak veľmi ťa milujem, ale skôr by som sa vzdala teba, ako Jeho."
Povedal som: "Ďakujem ti, Drahá. Som rád, že ťa to počujem teraz povedať." A povedal som: "No, čo ak by tá istá žena prišla ku Ježišovi a ovinula Ho svojimi ramenami a povedala: 'Ježišu, milujem Ťa'; čo by si si o tom myslela?"
Ona povedala: "Radovala by som sa z toho."
210Vidíte, to sa mení z fileo na agape. To je vyššia láska. A tam nie je niečo také, ako muž a žena, aby vychovávali deti - to všetko pominulo.
211To ženské a mužské pohlavie, tie žľazy sú všetky ... Oni sú všetci rovnakí. Nič z toho už viac nie je. Tam už nie sú žiadne pohlavné žľazy - vôbec. Vy ste len ... Predstavte si len seba bez pohlavných žliaz. Dôvod, že oni boli dané do nás, bol zaľudniť zem, rozumiete. Ale tam, tam nebudú žiadne. Tam nebudú ani mužské ani ženské žľazy - oni pominuli. Ale tam bude postava na obraz Boží. Je to presne tak. Ale my budeme opravdu skutoční. Žiadne fileo ani trochu - všetko agape.
Preto, žena nebude potom už len nejaká milá osoba, niekto kto je tvoj a ona ... vy patríte jeden druhému. Nie je viac niečo také ako manžel ... Nie, nie je ani ...
212Vidíte, tá fileo časť tam už vôbec nie je. Vidíte, tam nemôže byť nič také, ako žiarlivosť. Tam nie je nič, na čo by sa žiarlilo. Tam nie je žiadna taká vec. Nikdy nebudete poznať niečo také - len milých mladých mužov a mladé ženy, aby žiť ...
A tam potom, ona povedala: "Rozumiem teraz tomu, Bill."
Povedal som: "Áno."
Chcem vám povedať jednu malú vec, ktorá sa stala. Toto bol sen, a ja som spal. No nikdy som toto predtým verejne nepovedal. Povedal som to niekoľkým ľuďom, ale nikdy nie verejne pred nami, pokiaľ viem.
Asi mesiac po tom sa mi snívalo, že som jedného dňa stál a pozoroval tú veľkú udalosť, kde ... Nejednalo sa teraz o súd. Ja neverím, že cirkev kedy príde na ... Mám na mysli Nevestu, že príde na súd. Ale bol som tam, keď boli rozdávané tie koruny.
A stál tam ten veľký Trón, a Ježiš a zaznamenávajúci anjel a všetci tam stáli. A boli tam schody z bielej slonoviny, ako schádzali takto dole. Viedli dole v kruhu a vytvárali takto panorámu a vychádzali von, že tak každý tento veľký duch, ktorý tam stál mohol vidieť, čo sa dialo.
213A ja som stál tam vzadu, vzadu na jednej strane. A ja som tam len stál, ani som nepomyslel, že budem musieť kráčať po tých schodoch. Stál som tam, a videl som zaznamenávajúceho anjela, ako vyvolal určité meno, a poznal som - poznal som to meno. A pozrel som sa tam, a tu kráča ten brat, alebo tá sestra, kráča tam takto hore, a zaznamenávajúci anjel tam takto stojí vedľa Krista - to je teraz len sen - a dával pozor, či tam boli ich mená - či sa nachádzali v Knihe Života; On sa pozrel na nich a povedal: "Dobre si konal, môj dobrý a verný sluha. Teraz vojdi."
Pozrel som sa tam kde oni išli, a tam bol nový svet a radosť. Povedal: "Vojdi do radosti Pánovej, ktorá bola pre ... tvoja od založenia sveta."
A, ó, pomyslel som si: "Oni tam prechádzajú a stretávajú jeden druhého a radujú sa a idú cez vrchy a veľké miesta." A pomyslel som si: "Ó, nie je to nádherné! Sláva! Haleluja! a vyskakoval som hore dole.
A potom som počul vyvolať ďalšie meno, a povedal som: "Ó, poznám ho. Poznám ho. ... Tam on ide. Pozoroval som ho takto.
"Vojdi do radosti Pánovej, môj dobrý a ..."
"Ó," povedal som, "chvála Bohu! Chvála Bohu!"
Práve ako keby povedali: "Orman Neville," vidíte. A potom by som povedal: "Ó, brat Neville, tam on je," a tu on vychádza zo zástupu a ide hore.
214A počul som Ho povedať: "Vojdi do radosti Pánovej, ktorá ti bola pripravená z pred založenia sveta. Vojdi." A viete, brat Neville premenený, tam začal vykrikovať a volať. Chlapče, vykríkol som a povedal: "Sláva Bohu!" Stál som tam sám, prežívajúc nádherné chvíle, dívajúc sa ako moji bratia vchádzajú.
A zaznamenávajúci anjel zastal a povedal: "William Branham."
215Nikdy som nepomyslel, že tam budem musieť ísť. A tak som bol prestrašený. Pomyslel som si: "Ó, budem tam musieť ísť?" A tak som vyšiel, kráčajúc tam, a každý ma len potľapkával po pleciach a hovoril, "Hej, brat Branham." "Nech ťa Boh žehná brat Branham," potľapkávajúc ma, ako som prechádzal cez ten veľký zástup ľudí. A všetci sa načahovali a takto ma potľapkávali. "Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat." "Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat."
A ja som prechádzal ďalej a hovoril som: "Ďakujem, ďakujem, ďakujem," ako som išiel z toho zhromaždenia, či čo to bolo; viete, a musel som kráčať po tých veľkých schodoch zo slonoviny.
216A začal som vystupovať hore, a len čo som urobil prvý krok, zastal som a pomyslel som si ... a pozrel som sa do Jeho tvári, a pomyslel som si: "Chcem sa dobre takto na Neho pozrieť," a zastal som. Mal som takto ruky, a pocítil som niečo, ako sa vkĺzlo tu do môjho ramena. To bola niečia ruka. A pozrel som sa, a tam stála Hope, tie veľké čierne oči a tie tmavé vlasy jej viseli dole na chrbát - v bielom rúchu, dívala sa takto na mňa.
217A ja som povedal: "Hope!" A pocítil som, ako sa mi niečo dotklo tejto ruky, pozrel som sa a tam bola Méda - tie tmavé oči sa pozerali, a jej čierne vlasy viseli dole a v bielom rúchu. A ja som povedal: "Méda!" A oni sa pozreli jedna na druhú, viete, takto. Držali sa ma za ramená a kráčali sme tam.
Ó, zobudil som sa. Zobudil som sa, vstal som a sadol som si na stoličku a plakal, viete. Rozmýšľal som: "Ó Bože, dúfam, že to takto príde." Obidve spojené so mnou v živote a rodili deti a všetko takto, a tu kráčame do nového sveta, ó, kde je dokonalosť a všetko. Žiadne ...
Ó, to bude niečo nádherné. Nezmeškajte to; nezmeškajte to! Skrze milosť Božiu, robte všetko, čo môžete robiť, a potom to bude na Bohu, aby sa postaral o to ostatné. Potom:
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
Pretože On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
Spievajme to teraz znovu z celého svojho srdca. Zodvihnite ruky ku Bohu:
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
Pretože On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
Pretože On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
[Brat Branham odchádza z pódia a ide medzi ľudí modliť sa za nejakú ženu v invalidnom kresle. – pozn.prekl.]
218No dobre teraz. Ona neočakávala, že prežije toto zhromaždenie. Je to tak, a teraz tam má zdvihnuté obe ruky a chváli Boha. Preto som tu tak dlho otáľal. Poviem vám čo som robil. Hovoril som o Méde a o nich. A dával som pozor, aby som videl, čo ... Stále som pozoroval to Svetlo, ako krúžilo tam a späť a išlo a zastalo nad ňou. A pomyslel som si. "To je to." Ó, či nie je On nádherný.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
Pretože On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
A teraz, zo svojich sŕdc: [Brat Branham hmká "Milujem Ho" – pozn.prekl.] Pomyslite len o Jeho dobrote a milosti.
Amen! Teraz, vidíš o čo lepšie to je? Amen! Pomysli len On ťa uzdravil. Milosť Božia sa ti zjavila. Ó, sláva Bohu! No dobre, váš pastor.
1 Let's bow our heads just a moment now. Lord, we are again gathering for the service. And we think of the time in the early days when they all come up to Shiloh for the blessings of the Lord.
And now, tonight we have assembled here to hear Your Word. And as we have been studying in this certain portion of the Scripture, that the Lamb was the only One that could open the Seals or to loose them... And we pray that tonight as we have under consideration this great Sixth Seal, we pray, heavenly Father, that the Lamb will open it to us tonight, that we are here to understand it. And when no man on earth or in heaven was sufficient, only the Lamb was found sufficient. So may the all sufficient One come and open the Seal for us tonight that we might just look a past the curtain of time. It would help us, we believe, Father, this great dark sinful day that we're living--would help us and give us courage. We trust now that we find grace in Your sight. We commit ourselves with the Word to You, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
3 Good evening, friends. It's a privilege to be here again tonight, to be in the service of the Lord. I just a bit late. I just went to--on an emergency of a dying man of--a member of this church. His mother is--or comes here. And they said the boy's dying right then, so I went down to see just a--a shadow of a man laying on a bed, dying, a man about my age. And in just a moment's time, I seen the man rise to his feet, giving praise to the Lord.
And so God, if we will be willing to confess our sins, and do that which is right, and ask for mercy, call upon Him, God is willing and waiting to grant it to us.
And now, I know it's warm in here tonight, and--and it's... (No, I guess the heat's altogether shut off.) and--and we're... I noticed last night, or today this is my seventh day in a room without light (just electric light. See?) studying and praying for God to open these Seals.
6 And there was so many that's wrote in that group of questionnaires last, or questions last night, was more or less not as much as questions, it was wanting to have a healing service anyhow, wanted to stay an extra day to have a--to have healing service on a Monday. So I--I--I would--could... I actually could do it if that was the--the will of the people that they would do that. You could think it over, let me know, but if you just want to stay and have--pray for the sick, because I've designated all this time completely to these Seals and just kept myself away for the Seals. So you can think it over and pray over it, and then let me know.
8 And I'll, if the Lord willing, I can... My next appointment is at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and that'll be a few days yet, and I have to go home for some business on making another convention ready in Arizona. And so then if it be the will of the Lord, you pray over it and I'll do the same, and then we'll know more about it a little later.
And I just detect now... You see... You go to talking about sickness, there it comes. See? See this lady setting right here, if something don't help her, she ain't going to stay here but a little bit. So then, see, we--we just pray that God will... That's what you're here for. Come way away... So see, the--the Holy Spirit knows just everything (You see?), so He... But see, I've tried to designate this time for these Seals 'cause we set it for that. You see? But if there's a...
11 How many is sick is here anyhow that come to be prayed for? Let's see your hands, all around everywhere. Oh, my. Well, how many would think that that would be right, the will of the Lord to stay and have a--take Monday night just pray for the sick, have a healing service Monday night? Would you like to do that? Could you do it? Well, Lord willing, we'll do it then. See? We'll--we'll have prayer service for the sick Wednesday, or Sunday night, or Monday night and pray for the sick.
Now, I hope that don't interrupt that group that I'm going back with, going back to Arizona. Brother Norman, is he here anywhere? Does that interrupt your program, Brother Norman, anything? Brother Fred and the rest of you, is that all right? See? That's okay. All right, then the Lord willing, Monday night we pray for the sick. Just one night set aside for that altogether, just praying for the sick. Now, won't be any more of the Seals. The Lord has opened these Seals, and then we pray for the sick Monday night.
14 Now... Oh, I been really enjoying this tremendously, of serving the Lord under these... Have you enjoyed this...? Now, we are now, speaking from the Fifth Seal--or the Sixth Seal, rather, and that takes down now from the--the 12th verse of the 6th chapter down to the 17th. It's one of the long Seals, that a quite a bit of things happen here.
16 And now the a... Tell a little review of last night, kindly back up a little each time. And say, I--I want to say something too. I found in that box four or five very important things to me. I was told that... And I certainly want to apologize... Is the tapes on? Tape's on? I want to apologize to my minister brethren and to you people here.
They say the other night when I was speaking of--of Elijah, that hour of--when they was... He thought he was the only one was going to be in the rapture, or he--only one going to be saved; and I said seven hundred instead of seven thousand. Is that right? Well, I'm sure sorry of that, folks. I--I--I knowed better than that. It was just simply a mumble of speech, because I knowed it was seven thousand. I just didn't say it right. I--I... And I--I thank you and I... That means that...
18 I'm glad that you are watching what I say, and you see then, that's... 'Cause it's--it's--it's seven thousand. I got two or three notes on it. It said, "Brother Branham, I believe you were mistaken," It said, "Wasn't there seven thousand instead of seven hundred?"
I thought, "Surely I didn't say seven hundred." See? That a... And then I... Billy... And then first thing you know, I picked up another note and it said, "Brother Branham, you--I believe you said seven hundred." And one person said, "Brother Branham, was that a spiritual vision that--that there's--there's just going to be a type and you're typing it with the seven..." It puts people on edge when you go to thinking these things (See?), and it's enough to. It puts me on the edge.
Something happened today when this Seal was revealed, till I had to walk completely out in the yard, just walk around out in the yard a little while. That's right. It just simply almost took my breath right away from me. See? So it's all... A tension, oh, my... See? And another thing (See?), you're laying right on to what I say, and God's going to hold me responsible for what I tell you. See? And so I--I must absolutely be as sure as all sure can be sure (See?), of--of these things, because this is a--a tremendous time that we're living in now.
24 I was thinking about the healing service for Monday night. That wouldn't interfere with you, Brother Neville, or anything?
Precious Brother Neville, I tell you what. They just--they just made one, I think, then lost the pattern. It's a... He certainly has been a--a real chum and friend to me; I'll tell you.
The Tabernacle now built and got the Sunday school rooms and everything ready and in order here. And some of you people that's around here, right in Jeffersonville, want to come to the church, you got a nice place and a place to come--Sunday school rooms, fine teacher and Brother Neville here for the adult class, and a real pastor. I don't say that to put a bouquet to him, but I'd rather give him a little rose now than a whole wreath after he's gone. And Brother--Brother Neville, I've knowed him since I was just a boy, and now, he hasn't changed one bit. He's still Orman Neville, just like he always was.
28 I remember visiting... Even he had grace enough to ask me to his pulpit when he was a Methodist preacher down here in the city. And we had a nice congregation down there in Clarksville. Or, I guess that's called Howard Park... Harrison Avenue Methodist Church. I think that's where he must've found you down there, Sister Neville. Down there, because she was from there.
I come back up, and I said to the church here; I said "That was--that's one of the nicest men, and one of these days I'm going to baptize him in the Name of the Lord Jesus." And it happened. Here he is, and now he's my chum, right along my side, and such an honorable, respectable man. He's always stood by me just like--just as close as he could stand. Whatever I say, he just lays right with me and hangs right along. Even when he first come in, he didn't understand the message then, but he believed it, and he stayed right with it. That's a honor; that's respect to a brother like that. I can't say enough for him, and now the Lord bless him.
31 All right. Now, a little preview of last evening in the breaking of the Fifth Seal. We won't go all the way back tonight, just back far enough to get the--the Fifth Seal.
Now, we find out that there was the antichrist that rode on, and wound himself up from three powers, all went into one power and rode the pale horse, death, into a bottomless pit into perdition where it come from. And then we find out when the--the Scriptures says when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God raises up a standard against it. And we seen it perfectly vindicated in the Word last night.
For there was four beasts that--that answered to the--the four times that this rider rode, and he rode a different horse each time--a white horse, and then a red horse, and a black horse, and then a pale horse. And we found out those colors and what they were and what they did; then take it right back into the ages of the churches and exactly that's what it done, just perfectly.
Therefore you see, when the Word of God blends together, that mean It's correct. You see? You... I believe anything that hooks with the Word of God is always, "Amen." See?
36 Now, like a person said they had a vision, and said, that--that it was... Oh, they know the Lord give it because it come with great power. Well, the vision might be all right, but if it isn't with the Word and contrary to the Word, it isn't right.
Now, they may be present, some Mormon brethren or sisters, and they may be some get these tapes now. And I don't want to say that... Some of the finest people I--you would want to meet would be--be in the Mormon people, very fine type of people; and then their--their prophet, Joseph Smith, that the Methodist people killed here in Illinois, on their journey over... And so then that--that fine man... And the vision, I don't doubt at all but what he had the vision. I believe he's a sincere man, but the vision he had was contrary to the Scripture; therefore, they had to have a Mormon Bible to--to make it. (See?) This is It here, to me. This is... That's the reason. Just the Word; that's it. See?
39 One time a--a--a m--a minister came here from a foreign country, and he--and I seen him out with a--or riding around in a car with (which is not), with a--a lady. And they come to a meeting. And I found out they drove two or three days (just he and she in the meeting), to come to the meeting together; and the woman had been married three or four different times. And this minister walked up in the hotel lobby where I was and run over and shook hands with me, and I shook his hand, raised up and was talking to him.
I asked him; I said, "When you're free, could I speak to you in my room just a moment?"
He said, "Certainly, Brother Branham." I took him to the room, and I said to the minister; I said, "Reverend, sir, you're a stranger in this land," I said, "but this lady has a quite a name." I said, "You come all the way from Such-and-such a place down to this Such-and-such a place?"
Said, "Yes, sir."
And I said, "Aren't you afraid that that'll kinda... I--I don't... I'm not doubting you, but don't you think that'll reflect on your reputation as a minister? Don't you think we should put a--a little better example than that?"
And he said, "Oh, this lady's a saint." I said, "I--I don't doubt that," but I said, "but, brother, the thing of it is that everybody that looks at her is not a saint. (You see?), that looks at what you're doing." And I said, "I believe you better be careful. That's just one brother to another." And he said... I said, "The lady's been married four or five times now."
And he said, "Yes, I know that." Said, "You know..."
I--I--I said, "You don't teach that in your church at home, do you, brother?"
So said, "No, but" said, "you know, I had a vision of it, Brother Branham."
I said, "Well, that's fine." I said... He said, "Do you mind?" Said, "I believe I could straighten you out a little bit on your teaching about that."
And I said, "All right." And--and he--I said, "I'd be glad to know it, sir."
He said, "Well," said, "you know, in this vision," he said, "I was asleep."
And I said, "Yeah." (I seen then it was a dream, see.)
49 And he said, "My--my wife," said, "she had been living with another man," and said, "and running around on me." And said, "Then she come to me, and she said to me, 'Oh, darling, forgive me; forgive me.' Said, 'I--I--I--I'm sorry I did it. I'll be true from now on.'" Said, "Of course I loved her so much I just forgive her, said, 'All right.'" And said, "Then," and said, "Do you know what? Then I got the interpretation of this vision." Said, "That was the woman." Said, "Sure, she's been married and--and so forth and all these times," and said that, "it's all right for her to marry because the Lord loved her so much she can marry as many times as she wants to far as it was."
I said, "Your vision was mighty sweet, but it's way off the beaten path here." I said, "That's--that's wrong. You see? You shouldn't do that."
52 So that's... See?.. But when you see Scripture dovetailing with Scripture, making it a constant continuity where they come together, the Scriptures, where this one leaves off here, this other one over here comes and dovetails in and draws the whole picture out... Like putting a crossword puzzle together like. You find the piece that fits in. There's nothing else can fit it; then you're getting the picture fixed. And there's only One can do that; that's the Lamb, and so we're looking to Him.
But we find that when these--this rider... He was one rider that rode these horses, and then we chased him right down, seen what he done and everything, and found out back in the church ages that's exactly what he did. Then when he went out on a certain beast and does certain things, we find out that there was one sent to combat what he did.
57 There was one sent for the first age, of lamb--of lion. That was the Word, of course, Christ. And next was the ox, during the time of the dark age, when--when the--the church had organized and--and had accepted dogmas instead of the Word. And you remember the whole thing is based on two things, one an antichrist, the other one a Christ.
It's still the same thing today. There is no halfway Christians. There's no drunk-sober man, no black-white birds, no, no, no sinner-saints. No, you're either a sinner or a saint. See? There's just no in-between. You're either born again or you're not borned again. You're either filled with the Holy Spirit or you're not filled with the Holy Spirit. No matter how many sensations you had, if you ain't filled with the Holy Spirit, you're not filled with It. See? And if you had been filled with It, your life shows It. Goes right up to it. See? Nobody has to tell anybody about it; they see it (See?), 'cause it's a seal.
61 Now, and we find those beasts, how they rode each time. One sent out on his ministry in political powers, uniting religious powers and--and political powers together. We find out God sent out His power to combat it. We go right back and see what the church age was and look back, and there it was just exactly that way.
Then we find out another age come along, and the enemy sent out the antichrist under the name of religion, under the Name of Christ, under the name of the church (Yes, sir.), went out under the name of the church even. "That was the real Church," she said. See? Antichrist is not Russia. Antichrist is not that. Antichrist is so close like real Christianity till the Bible said it would fool everything that wasn't predestinated. That's right.
63 The Bible said that in the last days, everything that wasn't predestinated, the Elect. It says, The Elect!" Now, anybody take that word and run it back in your margin reading, see what it means. It says the elected, predestinated. See? It'll fool every one of them whose names were not on the Lambs Book of Life from the foundation of the world.
When the Lamb was slain, the names were put on the Book. He's standing in the holy place tonight in glory as an Intercessor, making intercessions for every one of those souls whose name is on that Book. And nobody knows that name but Him. He's the One that's got the Book in His hand. And He knows when that last one comes in, then His intercessing days is over. He comes forth then to claim what He's interceded for. He's--He's doing the Kinsman Redeemer work now and comes forth to receive His own.
65 Oh, my. That ought to set every Christian to--to searching himself and holding his hands before God and saying, "Cleanse me, oh, Lord; look into my life and--and let me--let me see where my bad part is, let me get it out of the way right quick." See? For if the righteous be scarcely saved, where will the sinner and the ungodly appear? It's checking-up time.
66 And if you would place it, and want to give this Word... (Now, I don't want to--you to ask me question on this, 'cause you get me plumb over on another in... I mean in--in writing your questions. I think the questions is done in anyhow.)
This is the time of the investigation judgment. That's right. (Now, we'll get that on the--on the trumpets when we come to that, whenever the Lord provides, or the vials.) And we'll find out on that investigating judgment, when that--just before the woes went forth, and--and we see that that is true. And the three angels that struck the earth crying, you know, "Woe, woe, woe, unto the inhabitants of the earth."...
67 And we're living in a terrific time, the time that--that... You see, these things that we're in now, that we're studying right now, is after the Church is done gone. See? These things are the tribulation period. And I think it ought to be truly settled in every believer's heart that this Church never takes the tribulation period. You cannot put nowhere the Church in tribulation. I... You put the church there, but not the Bride. See, see? The Bride's gone on, 'cause (See?) She--she has not one sin, not a thing against Her. The grace of God has covered her over, and the Bleach has took every sin so far away, there's not even a--ever a remembrance of it, not a thing but purity, perfect in the Presence of God. Oh, it--it ought to make the Bride get down on her knees and cry out to God.
69 I think of a--a little story, if I'm not taking too much of your time now in--in this preliminary. I--I do this for a purpose, to feel--till I feel the Spirit just right to start. This is a--this is a sacred thing. See, see? See, who knows them things there? Nobody but God, and they're not supposed to be revealed, and proved by the Bible that they would not be revealed till this day. That's exactly right. See? They was--they was guessed at, but now we're supposed to get it exactly the truth, vindicated truth. See?
71 Notice now, it was a--a little girl in the west that how she'd--she'd fell in love with a--a man had fell in love with her. As a buyer of the cattle, come out there for the Armour Company, and--and they had a--a great... The boss come one day (the boss's son from Chicago), and 'course they put them on a regular western frontier. The--the girls there, they dressed up. Each one was going to get this boy, sure, you know, 'cause that was the main man's boy. So they dressed in their western frontier. And--and they do that out west.
73 They just got through one of those episodes, and Brother Maguire (I think he's here now), they caught him downtown without his western clothes on and they throwed him in the--in the jail, and put him in a Kangaroo Court, and made him pay for it, and then made him go buy a western outfit. I seen the rest of them walking around with guns about that long hanging on them. They just go native out there. They're trying to live in something in the back gone days, bygone. See?
And then in Kentucky, you're trying to live in a bygone days of the east here. Get back in Renfro Valley and things. You like to go back to the old days. There's something causing that, but when it comes back to go back to a Gospel in the original, you don't want to do that. You want something modern. See? Goes to show that... See, you--you... There's a...
76 And what makes a--a man do wrong? What makes him drink and carry on, or a woman do wrong? Is because she's trying to... There's something in her thirsting, and something in him thirsting. And they're trying to quench that holy thirst with the things of the world when God ought to be that quench. He made you that way to thirst. That's the reason you thirst for something. God made you that way so you'd turn that holy thirst to Him. See? But when you try to quench that thirst... How dare anybody to do that. You have no right to do that: to try to quench that holy thirst that you thirst for something... And--and then--and you turn it into the world, try to satisfy it with the world; you can't do it. There's only one thing that'll fill that up, and that's God. And He made you that way.
77 So this--this... The young girls put on a--a regular western, a "carry-on" for this boy when he--he come out. And each one of them was sure they was going to get this boy.
There was a little cousin there on the ranch, and she was an orphan. And so she just done all the--the work for these, 'cause they had to have their fingernails fixed, you know, and they couldn't wash the dishes for their hands and things; and she done all the real hard work.
And then finally when the boy came, they went out and got him in an old western style, the buckboard, and they come in shooting their guns and carrying on, you know, and--and acting up.
And that night they had a great big dance out there, on an old fashion dance, and all the ranchers around about and coming in with their dancing and so forth. And the first thing you know, why, this went on, this jubilee, for two or three days.
80 Then one night this boy stepped out to--of the place just to rest awhile from the dance, and got away from these girls, and he happened to look going down towards the corral. There went a little girl kind of ragged looking, and she had a dish pan full of water. She had washed the dishes. And he thought, "I never seen her before. I wonder where she come from?" So he just puts it in his way to go around by the side of the--the bunkhouse and go down there and come back side of the corral and met her.
She was bare-footed. She stopped. She held her head down. She seen who it was, and she was very shy. She knew this great person. And she was just a cousin to these other girls. Their--their father was foreman on this big Armour outfit, so they... kept... She kept looking down. She was ashamed of being bare-footed.
He said, "What's your name?" She told him. Said, "Well, why ain't you out there to the--where the rest of them is?" She kinda made excuses.
83 And so the next night he watched for her again. Finally, he was setting out there, and they all got to carrying on and everything, he--he set on the corral fence and watched for her to come, throw the dishwater out. And he watched her, and he said to her; he said, "You know my real purpose of being here?"
She said, "No, sir, I don't."
He said, "My purpose of being here is hunting a wife." He said, "I find a character in you that they don't have." (I was thinking of the Church. You see?) Said, "Will you marry me?"
She said, "Me? Me? I--I can't think of such a thing." Said, "Me?" See, that's the main boss's son. He owned all the companies and ranches throughout the country, and everything. You see?
Said--said, "Yes," said, "I--I couldn't find one in Chicago. I--I want a real wife. I want a wife with character. And the things that I'm looking for, I see it in you." Said, "Will you marry me?"
She said, "Well..." (It startled her.) She said, "Yes."
And he said, "Well," told her he would be back, said, "Now, you just make yourself ready, and a year from today I'll be back. Well... And I'll get you, and I'll take you away from here. You won't have to work like this no more. I'll take you, and I'll go to Chicago, and I'll build you a home like you've never seen."
She said, "I don't never--never had a home, I'm an orphan." She said...
He said, "I'll build you a home, a real one"; said, "I'll be back."
89 He kept in track with her through the time of the year. She worked everything that she could do to save enough money at her dollar a day or whatever she had with her board to buy her wedding dress: perfect type of the Church. See? She got her garments ready. You know, when she displayed this wedding garment, her--her cousins said, "Why, you poor silly kid. You mean to think that a man like that would have anything to do with you?"
She said, "But he promised me." She said, "He promised"; said, "I believe his word."
"Oh, he was just making a fool out of you." Said, "If he'd of got somebody he'd got one of the them."
Said, "But he promised me. I'm looking for him." Amen. I am too.
So it kept getting later and later. The day finally arrived. A certain hour he was to be there; so she dressed in her garment. And she hadn't even heard from him, but she knowed he'd be there. So she dressed up in her wedding clothes, got things ready. So then they really did laugh, there, 'cause the main boss had sent up to the--to the foreman, or--or to--and none of the girls had heard nothing about it. So it was just all a mysterious thing to them.
96 That is too; sure it is. But this girl just in face it all of it upon the basis of his word that he'd be back for her. So they got to laughing, and put their hands around one another, dancing around there, said, "Ahhh," (laughing, you know, like that), said, "Poor little silly kid."
She just stood there--not a bit of blushing. She was holding her flowers, her wedding garment all fixed. She was struggling, you know. (His Bride has made herself ready.) She kept holding her flowers, waiting. They said, "Now, I told you it was wrong. See, he ain't coming."
Said, "I got five more minutes." Said, "He will be here." Oh, they just laughed. And just about the time the old clock ticked up to five minutes, they heard the horses a-galloping, sand rolling under the wheels. The old buckboard stopped. She jumped from between them and out the door, and he jumped out of the carriage, and she fell into his arms; he said, "It's all over now, honey"; left her little old cousins (denominations) setting there looking. She--she went to Chicago to her home.
102 I know of another great promise like that too. It... "I've gone to prepare a place for you; coming back to receive you." They might be saying we're crazy, but, brother, to me right now and these Seals breaking like this under this supernatural thing, I can almost hear the sound as that clock of time ticks away into eternity there.
I can almost see that Angel standing there and saying at the last of that seventh angel's message, "Time shall be no more." That little loyal Bride will fly away into the arms of Jesus one of these days when He takes her to Father's house. Let's think of these things as we go along now.
103 Notice the ministry of the Lion, the Word; the Ox, the laboring sacrifice; the cunningness of the reformers; and the--the eagle age coming in that's to reveal and pick up these things and show them.
Now, we find out in last night's service also, the great mystery opened with this Seal, which was absolutely contrary to my former understanding--just a--presuming that it was right.
104 I always allowed them souls under the altar to be the early Christian martyrs, but we found out last night, when the Lord God broke that Seal for us, it absolutely is impossible. It wasn't them. They were gone on to glory, plumb on the other side. And there they was...
We found out that they were Jews that would come up during the time where the--from the calling now of the hundred and forty-four thousand, which we get into tonight and tomorrow and--and between the Sixth and Seventh Seal, the hundred and forty-four thousand is called. And then we find out that they were martyrs that had been killed, and--and yet had not been--had white robes on, but their names had been on the Lamb's Book of Life, and they were given white robes, each one of them.
106 And we took that, and there's nothing in the world, I don't believe, but that bunch of--of--a--the--the Jews has went through a pre-tribulation period. When during the time of this last wars, they were--they--they're got to be hated by everybody. And Eichmann killed millions of them in Germany (You just heard the trial.), millions of innocent people slain, Jews, just because they were Jews, no other reason.
The Bible said here that they was slain for their testimony of God--or for the--the Word of God and the testimony they held. Now, we find out that the Bride was the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. These had no testimony of Jesus Christ.
And we find out that the Bible says that all of Israel, the predestinated Israel, will be saved. (Romans 11) Now, we know that. And there we seen them souls...
109 Now, look how close. Why couldn't this be before? Because it hadn't happened before. Now you can see it. You see? See the great Holy Spirit seeing those things coming down through the--the ages and times, and now, it's being revealed, and then you look there and see that's the truth. There's where it's at.
Now, it was a--it was a--the martyrs in the tribulation of the pre-tribulation of Eichmann. Now, they only type the martyrs of the hundred and forty-four thousand, which we're entering into between the Sixth and Seventh Seal (See?); and the Seventh Seal is just one thing; that's all; and this--it was silence in heaven for a space of a half hour. And now, only God can reveal that. It's not even symbolized nowhere. That's tomorrow night. Pray for me. See?
112 Now, we notice now as we go into the Sixth Seal... Now, may the heavenly Father help us as we settle down now to this Sixth Seal. Now, the 12th verse of the 6th chapter...
And I beheld when he... opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
And the stars of heaven fell unto... earth, even as a fig tree cast her untimely figs, when she's shaken of a mighty wind.
And the heavens departed as a scroll when it's rolled together; and every mountain and every island were moved out of their places.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bond, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
113 You notice there? Look at them mighty men. See? What have they done? They'd received the wine of the wrath of the fornication of the harlot. See? That's exactly the same class that drank of her wine. See?
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that setteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
114 What an introduction to a--to see the riders now, the riders, beasts, and the answering beasts has ceased. Then we taken up. We see the martyrs under the throne. Now, this... from the time... These martyrs are the true orthodox Jews that died in Christian faith, or in--in religious faith, because they could not be Christians.
Remember, God blinded their eyes. And they're going to be blind for a long time until the Gentile Church is taken out of the way. 'Cause God doesn't deal with them two people at the same time, because it's very contrary to His Word.
116 Remember, He deals with Israel as a nation always. It's the nation of Israel. The Gentiles as individuals--people taken from the Gentile. And it had to... The Gentile had to be made up of all the people of the world, so now and then there's a Jew comes into that. See? Just like--like Arabian and Irish and Indian and whatmore. It's all the people of the world make up this bouquet Bride. See?
But now, when it comes to dealing then with Israel, in this last part of the seventy weeks, He deals with them as a nation. The Gentiles are finished. The hour's soon arriving (and maybe yet this--this very night) that God will completely turn from the Gentiles altogether. Exactly. He said so. "They shall tread down the walls of Jerusalem until the Gentile dispensation be finished." The times are over. Yes, sir. And then, "Let him that's filthy, stay filthy. Let him that's righteous be righteous." See?
120 There's no more Blood on the seat of the--of the--of the--in the sanctuary at all. There's no more Blood on the altar. The sacrifice has been removed; and there's nothing but smoke and lightning and judgment in there. And that's just exactly what's poured out here tonight. (See?)
The Lamb's done left the--His mediatorial work. The mediatorial work has been finished from over on the throne, and the Sacrifice, as we've typed Him perfectly, the Kinsman Redeemer, the bloody Lamb that come forth, the Lamb that had been slain (a bloody One, been killed, bruised), come forth and took the Book out of His hand. That's... The day's are finished. Now, He's coming to claim what He has redeemed. Amen. That just sends something through me.
121 We find out now, John said, "I beheld when He had opened the Sixth Seal, there was a great earthquake." Then all nature was interrupted. See? God's been doing great things, like healing the sick, and open the eyes of the blind, and doing great works, but we find out here that nature took a tumble. Yes, all nature...
Look what taken place, the--the earth quaked; the sun went black; and the moon wouldn't give its light; and the stars shook and fell; and, why, everything happened (See?) right at the time of the opening of this Sixth Seal. That's when it takes place, right immediately after the announcing of those martyrs. See? The martyrs had been finished.
124 Now, you see, we're right close into that hour now. It could be at any time (See?), because the Church is just about ready to take its flight. But remember, when these things happen, the Bride won't be here. Just remember, the Bride's gone. She don't have to go through any of it. This is a time of tribulation of purification of the--of the church. It's put upon her for her to go through it, not the Bride; He takes His sweetheart out of the way. Yes, sir. She's... done redeemed Her. See it's kind of a... That's His own selection, His own choice, like any man takes his bride. See?
125 Now, the earthquake... Let us compare Scriptures now. I--I want... Have you got pencil and paper with you? I want you to do something for me. If you want to write, write this 'cause it's... 'less you're going to take the tape.
Now, we... I want you to read with me as you do. Compare Scriptures of this great event that we will see that this great secret or mystery that was under the Sixth Seal of the Book of Redemption.
Now, remember, these are hidden mysteries. And the Sixth Seals altogether is one great big book, just six scrolls rolled together; and it unwinds the whole Book of Redemption. That's how the whole earth was redeemed.
127 That's the reason John wept, because if no one could get that Book, all creation, everything was gone. She'd just simply turn back to--to--to atoms and molecules and so forth and cosmic light, and not even be creation, person, nothing else, 'cause Adam lost the rights of that Book. He forfeited it when he listened to his wife, and she listened to Satan's reasoning in the stead of the Word of God. See?
It was forfeited. Then it couldn't go back into the dirty hands of Satan who tempted her out of the way; so therefore, it went back to its original Owner like any abstract deed would do (See?), goes right back to its original Owner, and that was God the Creator Who made it, and He holds it.
129 And there's a price, and that's redemption. There's some price for redemption, and there was nobody could do it. So He said... Made His laws--His own laws of a Kinsman Redeemer; then they could find nobody.
Every man was borned of sex, borned after sexual desire. He was in the original sin: Satan and Eve, so he could not do it. There's nothing in him, no holy pope, priest, doctor divinity, of--or whoever he might be; he was nobody worthy. And he couldn't be an Angel, because it had to be a kinsman. He had to be a man. Then God Himself become a Kinsman by taking on a human flesh through the virgin birth, and He shed His Blood.
130 That wasn't the blood of a Jew; it wasn't the blood of a Gentile. It was the Blood of God. See? The Bible says we're saved through the Blood of God. The child takes the father's blood. We know it. Anything in the male sex produces the hemoglobin. So we find out like the hen laying the egg, she can lay an egg, but if the rooster, the mate, hasn't been with her, it won't hatch. It's not fertile. The woman's only an incubator that carries the egg, but the egg come... The germ comes from the male, and in this case, the Male was God Himself.
132 That's how I say how up is down and--and big is little. God was so great until He become... He even formed Himself in such a teeny thing to a little teeny germ into the womb of a virgin. And around there He developed the cells, and the Blood, and was born and raised on earth, and from that kind of a start, unadulterated, no sex desire to it at all...
And then He gave that Blood because He become a kinsfolks to us, and He was the Kinsman Redeemer. And He shed that Blood freely. He didn't have to. He give it freely to redeem. Then He goes upon the altar of God and waits there, while God holds the Book of Redemption in His hand, and the bloody Lamb stands on the altar of sacrifice. There's the Lamb to make redemption, making intercession.
135 Then how dare anybody to say that Mary, or Joseph, or any other mortal could be--be an intercessor. You cannot intercess unless there's Blood there. Yes sir, there's one Mediator between God and man, and that's Christ Jesus. That's what the Scriptures says. There He stands, and until the last soul has been redeemed, and then He comes forth to claim what He has redeemed... Oh, what a--what a great Father He is.
Now, remember... Now, I've always taught that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established, and the Scripture...
Just like, you can't take one Scripture and prove nothing 'less there's something else goes with it. See? See, I can take one Scripture and say, "Judas went and hung himself," take another one and say, "You go do the same." See? But you see, it won't blend in with the rest of it.
138 And I thought under this Sixth Seal, when the Holy Spirit broke it forth there, I seen what it was, then I thought it'd be a good thing to give the class a little something different tonight (See?), 'cause it might be tiring you just listen to me talking all the time. So I thought that we'd do something different.
139 Now, notice. This great event was sealed under the Book of mystery of the redemption. Now, the Lamb has it in His hand and is going to break it.
Now, let's look to Matthew the 24th chapter, the Lamb Himself speaking. Now, anyone knows that Christ is the Author of the whole Book as far as that concerned, but this is His--His speech here or His--His sermon to the--the people (All right.) and to the Jews.
141 Now, I want you to hold your Book like this: Matthew 24 and Revelations 6, like this, and let's compare something here just a little bit. So watch this now, and you can find out just how--how it is. See, what the Lamb here is showing exactly in symbol what He said over here in Word, doing exactly. So that makes it right. Now, that's--that's all there is to it. Here's--here's one; He's talking of it, and here's where it happens. See? It's just a perfect vindication.
Now, now, let's look at the 24th chapter of Saint Matthew and Revelations 6 and compare the 24th chapter of Matthew. We all know that that was the chapter that every scholar, every person goes to, to--to talk about the tribulation period. It comes out of the 24th chapter of Matthew. And now, let's...
144 If that is so... Now... We... For we know that this Sixth Seal is the judgment Seal. It's the judgment Seal: exactly what it is. Now, see, we've had the--the antichrist ride, seen the Church go, now it's finished, goes up. Then we see the martyrs of them Jews back there under the altar. Now, here is the breaking forth of the judgment upon the people where out of this tribulation judgment will come forth the hundred and forty-four thousand redeemed Jews. I'll prove to you they are Jews and not Gentiles. They have nothing to do with the Bride, not a thing. The Bride... We done see the Bride's gone. You can't place that anywhere else: don't come back again until the 19th chapter of the Book of the Acts.
146 Now, notice, for the Sixth Seal is the judgment Seal of the Word. Now, here, let's start out now and let's read Saint Matthew the 24th chapter. Now, I'd just like to give you something here I've just looked up to find. Now, Saint Matthew from 1 to 3, well, is where we're going to read first.
And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the building of the temple.
And He said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be one--be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
(Now)... and... (3rd verse)... as he set upon... mount... Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, Tell us, when these things shall be?... what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
148 Now, let's stop there. These three verses, it took place actually on Tuesday afternoon, April the 4th, AD 30. And the first two verses took place on the afternoon of the--of April the 4th, at AD 30, and the 3rd verse taken place on Tuesday evening of the same day. See?
They come to the temple, and they asked Him these things: "What about this and what about this? Look at this great temple; isn't it wonderful?"
He said, "There won't be one stone left on another one."
Then He went up on the mountain and set down. See? That there--there He starts it's in the afternoon. And then when they did, they asked Him up there, said, "We want to know about some things."
151 Now, notice, here is--here is three questions are asked by the Jews, His disciples. Three questions are asked. And watch: "What..." First--first, "What--when shall these things be (when there won't be one stone left upon another one)? What shall be the sign of Thy coming?" (second question) "and of the end of the world?" See it?
There's three questions, and there's where many men make their mistake. They apply these things here to some age then, when you see He's answering three questions. They... Watch now how--how beautiful it is.
Third verse (See?), now, last phrase there in the 3rd verse, "And what shall be..." First they called Him to Mount of Olives here privately: "Tell us when shall these things be?" (Question number one), "What shall be the sign of thy coming?" (Question number two), "... and of the end of the world?" (Question number three). See, there's three different questions asked.
154 Now, now, I want you to turn over and watch how Jesus here tells them about these things. Oh, it's so beautiful, I--I... It just makes me... I--I get to... What was that word we used the other night? The stimulation from revelation.
Notice, now, let's turn now to the First Seal of the--the Seals of this Book and compare this First Seal with this first question, and each question compare it right down and see if it don't run hand in hand just like we've done in all these others opening up to the church ages and everything exactly the same. There's the Seal perfectly open then.
156 Notice now, now, we're going to read, first for the... "Then He answered them..." And--and then He's--He's going to start to answering now, and we want to compare it with the Seals. Now, watch, the First Seal is Revelations 6:1-2; now we read 6:1-2.
And I saw... the Lamb when He had opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it was the noise of a thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that set on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Who did we find this fellow was? Antichrist. Matthew 24 now, 4 and 5.
And Jesus answered and said unto them--unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
159 See it? Antichrist. There's your Seal. See, see? He spoke it here, and here they opened the Seal, and here He was, just perfect. Now, the Second Seal: Matthew 24:6, Revelation 6:3 and 4. Now, watch. Matthew 24:6, now, let me see what it says.
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
All right. Let's take the Second Seal, Revelation 6:3-2; watch what He says now.
And when he had opened the second seal, and I heard the second beast say, Come... see.
And there went forth another horse that was red: and power was given to him that set thereon to take peace from the earth, and... they should kill one another: and there was given to him a great sword.
162 Perfectly--just exactly. Oh, I like to make the Scripture answer Itself, don't you? The Holy Spirit wrote It all, but He's able to reveal it. Now, let's notice the Third Seal. Now, this is famine. Now, Matthew 24:7 and 8. Let's get 7 and 8 in Matthew...
And nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines,... pestilences,... earthquakes, in divers places. All these things are the beginning of sorrows.
See, you're coming right on up now. Now, Revelation and the 6th... Now, we're going to open the Third Seal. It's found in Revelations 6:5 and 6.
And when he had opened the third seal, I--I beheld the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that set on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts saying, A measure of... penny--a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and... wine.
Famine, see? Exactly the same Seal, same thing Jesus said. All right.
Fourth Seal, pestilence and death. Notice, Matthew 24, we'll read the--the 8th verse, 7th and 8th, I believe it is on this Fourth Seal, I got here. All right. Now... What did I read back here? Did I read something wrong? Yeah, I've had that marked. Yes, there we are now. Now, we're going, now we go. All right, sir.
168 Now, let's start here at the 7th on this the--the Fourth seal, and on the 6 and 7 and 8 on the other one, on the Revelations. Now, let's see, the 7th and 8th of Matthew 24. All right, now.
And nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines,... pestilences,... earthquakes, in divers places.
All these things are the beginning of sorrow.
Now, the Fourth Seal, as we read it over here was... The Fourth Seal was... Begin 7th and 8th on this other now.
And when he had opened the fourth seal, and lo, the fourth beast said, Come and see.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse:...
171 Now, wait, I got this wrote down wrong. Now, now, just a minute now, 7 and 8, now let's see, Matthew 24:7 and 8, now let's see. We'll get that. That's the third opening, isn't it? Matthew 24:7 and 8. I'm sorry. Now, that opens up the rain... or the famine, opens up the famine.
All right, now the pestilences and death... Yes, sir, now we're going to it; 7 and 8, now, that would be the Fourth Seal. Let's see where we get the Fourth Seal.
And when he had opened the fourth seal... (Yeah, it's the pale horse rider, death. See?)
And--and I looked, and behold a pale horse: and he--pale horse: and his name that set on him was called Death, and Hell followed... him. And power was given unto him over the four parts of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. (Now, see, that was death.)
175 Now, the Fifth Seal, Matthew 24:9-13. Let's see if I got this right now again. See?
And then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you:... (There you are.)... and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And when--and then... many shall betray--many shall be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
And many false prophets shall rise, and... deceive many.
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
But he that... endureth to the end, the same shall be saved.
Now, we are on the Fifth Seal now, and that was last night. See? They would deliver you up, betray one another and so forth.
177 Now, watch here on the Sixth Seal, 6:9 to 11. Now, let's get that one: Revelations 6:9 to 11.
And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long,... Lord, holy... true, does thou... judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? (Now...)
And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren,... should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
178 Now, you see, under the Fifth Seal we find--we find here martyrdom. And under the 24:9 over here we--to 13, we find also that it was martyred: "They shall deliver you up and kill you" and--and so forth (See?), the same Seal being opened.
Now, in the Sixth Seal is the one we're coming to now. Matthew 24:29 and 30--24, let's get 29 and--and 30. Here we are. Now, now, we're going to get also Revelations 6:12-17. That's exactly what we just read.
Now, listen at this. Now, it's what Jesus said in Matthew 29--24:29 and 30.
Immediately after the tribulation of those days... (What... When this--this tribulation, this amateur tribulation they've went through here. See?)... the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of... heaven shall be shaken:
And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall be all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
183 Now, read over here in Revelations now, the--the Sixth Seal the one we are on right now.
And... behold when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth (See?) of hair, and the moon became as blood;
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
And the heavens departed as a scroll as it is rolled together; and every mountain and every island... moved out of their place.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondsman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens... in the rocks of the mountain;
And said unto the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sets upon the throne, and from the wrath--wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come;... who shall be able to stand?
184 It's perfectly. Turned right back over--see what Jesus said here now in Matthew 24:29. Listen. After this--this Eichmann case and so forth.
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened,... the moon shall not--shall not give her light,... stars shall fall from heaven,... the powers of... heaven shall be shaken: (Now, watch.)
And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and they shall see--and they sh--and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with great power and... glory.
And... send forth his angels... (and so forth)... and with a... sound of a trumpet, and... shall gather them together... the four winds,... drove together.
185 See, just exactly comparing what Jesus said in Matthew 24, and what the revelator here opened up in the Sixth Seal, is just exactly, and Jesus was speaking of the tribulation period. See?
First he asked when these things would be, when the temple would be taken away. He answered that. Next thing he asked: when they were to come time, there come the martyr age; and when this would be, when the antichrist would rise, and when the antichrist would take away the temple.
187 Daniel, how we could go back and pick up Daniel there, when he said that this prince that would come... You readers know that. And what should he do? He would take away the daily sacrifice and what all would take place during the time. Said...
Jesus, even speaking of it here, underlined it, said, "When you see the abomination that maketh desolation spoken by the prophet, Daniel, standing in the holy place..." What is that? The Mosque of Omar stood in the place of the temple when they burned it down. Said, "Let them that's in the mountains, let them that's on the housetop don't come down to take things out of the house. Or him that's in the field, return back, for there'll be a time of trouble." You see? And all these things would take place... Moved them on down now and vindicated it, back to this opening of the Sixth Seal.
189 Now, I want you to notice, Jesus... (Now, about tomorrow night on this.) Jesus omitted the teaching of the Seventh Seal. It's not here. Watch, He goes right on with parables now, after that. And John omitted the Seventh Seal--the Seven last--the Seventh Seal. That's going to be a great thing. It's not even written (See?), omitted the Seventh Seal, both of them did. And the revelator, when... God just said there was... John said there's just silence in heaven. Jesus never said a word about it.
Notice, now, back to the 12th verse. Notice, no beast... That's the 12th verse starting off on our Seal to see it open. No beast-like living creatures was represented here either, like it was on the Fifth Seal. Why? This happened the other side of the Gospel age, in the tribulation period.
190 This Sixth Seal is the tribulation period. That's what takes place. The Bride has gone. See? There's no living creature, nothing there to say it. It's just... Now, God is not dealing with the Church no more. It's been gone. He's dealing with Israel. See, see? This is the other side. This is when Israel receives the message of the Kingdom by the two prophets of Revelations 11.
Remember, Israel is a nation, God's servant nation. And when--when--when Israel is brought in, it'll be a national affair. Israel, the Kingdom age, is where David, the Son of David sets on the throne.
192 That's the reason that woman cried, "Thou Son of David." And David is the... Son of David, God swore by him, to David that He'd raise up his son that would take his throne; it would be a everlasting throne. See? It'd have no end. Solomon give it in a type in the temple. And Jesus just told them here, that's--there won't be a rock left on one of them, but He's trying to tell them here what? He's coming back.
"When are you coming back?"
"These things will take place before I come back." And here they are.
Now, we're at the time of the tribulation. Remember, when the Kingdom is set up on the earth... Now, this may be a little shocking, and if there's a question, and you--you still ask me, if--if you want to put the question up afterwards, 'cause I just hit it, if you didn't--if you don't already know it. In the time of the Millennium, it's Israel that's a nation. The twelve tribes is a nation, but the Bride is in the palace. She's a Queen now. She's married. And all of the earth shall come into this city, Jerusalem, and shall bring the glory of it in there. And the gates will not be shut by--by--by night 'cause there won't be any night. See? The gates will always be open; and the kings of the earth (Revelations 22) bring their honor and glory into this city, but the Bride is in there with the Lamb.
196 Oh, my. Do you see that? In there--Not the Bride, isn't going to be out here laboring in the vineyards. No, sir. She's the Bride. She's the Queen to the King. It's the others that labor out there, the nation, not the Bride. Amen.
All right, notice these messengers now... These messengers of the Revelations 12, these two prophets, they're going to preach, "The Kingdom is at hand." See? The Kingdom of heaven's to be set up. The time, last three and one-half years of Daniel's seventieth week promised to the Jews, His people...
Remember now, that to prove that, that this is Daniel's last part of the seventieth week... I got a question on that for tomorrow. See? Now, seventy weeks was promised, which was seven years. And in the midst of the seven weeks, the Messiah was to be cut off to be made a Sacrifice. He would prophesy three and one-half years, and then He'd be cut off for a sacrifice for the people, and there is still a determination, that three and one-half years is still determined for Israel.
199 Then when Messiah was cut off, the Jew was blinded so he couldn't see that was Messiah. And then when Messiah was cut off, then the Gospel and grace age come to the Gentile. And they come down, and God pulled one from here and there and here and there, and put them away under the messengers, and here and there and here and there, put them away under the messengers; and He sent forth the first messenger, and he preached, and the trumpet sounded (as we pick it up after while); and then the trumpet was declaring war.
Trumpet always denotes war. The messenger, the angel come on earth, the messenger of the hour, like Luther's, like any of the messengers that we've talked of. What does he do? He arrives, and a Seal opened, reveals; a trumpet sounds, war declared, and away they go. And then the messenger dies. He seals away this group; they're put in; and a plague falls upon those who rejected it. See? And then it goes on, then they organize, get another organization. (We've just come through it.)
201 Then here they come out with another power (See?), another power, another age of the church, another ministry. Then when he does that, along comes God with His ministry, when the antichrist comes with his. See, anti is against. They run side by side.
I want you to notice a little something. Just about the time that--that Cain come on earth, Abel came on earth. I want you to notice just about the time that--that Christ came on earth, Judas came on earth. About the time that Christ went off of earth, Judas went off the earth. Just about the time that the--the Holy Spirit fell, the antichrist spirit fell. Just about the time the Holy Ghost is revealing Himself here in the last days, the antichrist is showing his colors, coming up through these politics and things; and just about time the antichrist moves hisself fully on the stree--on the scene, God moves Hisself fully on to redeem His own (See?), just runs just right together, and they're both side by side.
Cain and Abel, the crow and the dove on the ark, Judas and Jesus, and just on down... You can take it just...
203 Here was Moab and Israel, both of them. Moab was not a heathen nation. No, sir. They offered the same sacrifice that Israel was offering. They prayed to the same God. Exactly. Moab was call--was one of Lot's daughters that slept with her father and had a child, and that child was called Moab and from him sprang the Moab race, the country of Moab. And when they seen Israel, their redeemed brother, come...
They were fundamentalists. They were a big denomination. Israel had no denomination; she just dwelt in tents and wherever you go. But Moab had the dignitaries, kings, and so forth. And they had Balaam up there, a--a false prophet. And they had all this, then they come down there to curse their little brother that was on the road to the promised land, going to his promise.
And he went and asked them, "Can I pass through your land? If my cows drink water, I'll pay for it. If they lick up grass, we'll pay for it."
He said, "No, you're not holding no revival like that around here." That's right. "You're not holding anything like that around here."
207 And then watch what he done. He come right back in the Jezebel form, and come down through a--that false prophet and caused the children of God to err, and married Moabite women into--into Israel and caused adultery. And he did the same thing in that same age on the journey on the road to the promised land we are on.
What did he do? The false prophet come right around and married and called into the Protestant church and caused denominations, just exactly what they did back there. But little old Israel moved right on the same. She railed in the wilderness for a long time, and all them old fighters had to die off, but she went right on into the promised land. Yes. Watch them all in arm just before they crossed the Jordan. I like that. Now, we're getting down to that age right now, here now.
210 Notice now, we find out that the time lasts, I said three and one-half years of Daniel's seventy weeks. Let me explain that a little closer now, 'cause I see somebody here that's always watched that now; I want to try to make myself clear: a teacher. Notice, when the seventy weeks come in... When Daniel seen the vision of the time coming and the ending up of the Jews... But he said there was determined seventy weeks (That's seven years), in the midst of it, why the Messiah would be here--or--and would be cut off for a sacrifice.
Now, that's exactly what taken place. Then God dealt with the Gentiles till He took out a people for His Name. As soon as the Gentile church is taken out, He taken up the Church. And when He did, the sleeping virgin, the church itself (The Bride went up.), and the church itself was put into outer darkness, where there's weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, and the same time the tribulation falls upon that people.
215 And while the tribulation's falling, in there comes these two prophets of Revelations 11 to preach the Gospel to them. And they preach a thousand, one hundred and three score days. See? Well, that's exactly, with thirty days in the month, like the real calendar has, is exactly three and one-half years. That's Daniel's seventieth part--last part of the seventieth week.
See, God hasn't deal with Israel in here. No, sir. A brother asked me not long ago, "Should I go to..." A--A brother here in the church, a precious, dear brother said, "I--I want to go to Israel. I believe there's an awakening."
Someone said to me, "Brother Branham, you ought to go to Israel right now. They'd see it." See, you can't do it. I stood right there, and I thought... Them Jews said, "If I... Well, if this be Jesus, be--be the Messiah," said, "let me see Him do the sign of the prophet. We'll believe our prophets," 'cause that's what they're--they're supposed to be.
"What a setup," I thought. "Here I go." When I got right there, right close to it, right... I was... Well, I was at Cairo, and I had my ticket in my hand for Israel. And I said, "I--I'll go see if they ask that, if they can see a sign of a prophet; we'll see if they'll accept Christ."
220 Lewi Pethrus of the Stockholm Church sent them a million Bibles, and those Jews coming in there... You've seen the picture; I've got it on the reel right back here now: "Three Minutes To Midnight." And them Jews coming in from all over the world, everywhere, begin gathering in over there.
After England had went in there during the time of General Allenby in the "Decline of the Worlds War," in second volume I think it is, and they surrendered--the Turks surrendered. Then they give it back to Israel, and she's been growing as a nation. And now, she is a perfect nation, her own money, currency, flag, army, and everything else. See?
223 And these Jews coming back to the homeland, they were... First thing, when they went down in Iran and down in there to get them, they asked--they said... He... The--they wanted to take them back to Israel, give them their--take them back to their land, Palestine, where they was supposed to be. And remember, as long as Israel is out of that land, she's out of the will of God. Like Abraham, who it was give to. And when... They wouldn't get on that plane. They didn't never seen anything like that. There was an old rabbi stepped down there and said, "Our Prophet told us that when Israel went home, it'd be on the wings of an eagle." On the plane away home...
There she is now, building, the fig tree restoring. Amen. The old six-point Star of David flying.
The Gentile days numbered,
With horrors encumbered...
227 The tribulation period's right at hand, standing right here, and the Seals being opened, the Church ready to take her flight in the air, and the tribulation set in. Then God comes down and pulls the hundred and forty-four thousand out of there. Amen. There...
Oh, it's perfect. You see where the Seals bring it out now (See?), open it up. Now, this is the last three and a half years to the people. Also, if you notice, it's the time that God will call that one hundred and forty-four thousand Jews in this last three and a half years.
See, He hasn't dealt with them at all. They haven't had a prophet. They won't believe nothing else but a prophet. You ain't fooling them. So they're going to hear a prophet (Yes, sir.); and that's all. The God told them that in the beginning, and they stay right with it.
231 He said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet among you like me." Moses said that. And said, "Him shall you hear. And ever who will not hear that prophet will be cut off from the people." That's right. And see, their eyes had to be blinded or they'd have recognized Him. Instead of that being blinded, they were--that let Satan get on them, and they say, "He's a fortune teller, Beelzebub. Let his blood be upon us; we know there's nothing to him." See? And the poor people was blinded.
That's the reason the Eichmann group, and all that group was slain back there, had a right to come in; their own Father had to blind their eyes so He could take us. That's the most pathetic thing in the Scriptures nearly. Just think of their, the Jews were calling the blood of their own Father, their own God hanging there, bleeding.
234 Look, "There they crucified Him," the Bible said. That's a four of the greatest words... Look. There, Jerusalem, the most holy city in the world; they, the most holy people in the world; crucified, the most brutal death in the world; Him, the most important Person in the world.
Why? The religious people, the greatest religion in the world, the only true religion in the world was standing there crucifying the very God that their Bible said would come. Why didn't they see it? The Bible tells us that God blinded them so they couldn't see it. They...
He said, "Which one of you can accuse Me of sin?" In other words, "If I hadn't done exactly what's predicted for Me to do, then you tell Me." Sin's unbelief. He done exactly what God told Him, but they couldn't see it.
236 Now, when you talk to people, it's just like pouring water on a duck's back. Do you see what I mean? It's a pitiful thing. When you see this nation, and people the way they do, so starch, they, religion... But don't the Holy Spirit tell us that they'll be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are good. "They'd have a form of godliness but would deny the power of the Gospel." Said, "From such turn away from them."
237 Here we are; these denominationals twist it up. They take all the glory and power, place it back with the apostles and the rest of it over in the Millennium.
It's just like a man, as I have said before: A man is always giving God praise for what He has done, looking forward to what He will do, and ignoring what He's doing right now. Exactly. Man's still the same thing.
There were them Jews standing there saying, "Glory to God." Why, as the 6th chapter of Saint John said, "Our Fathers eat manna in the wilderness."
And Jesus said, "They are everyone dead."
239 They drank water from the rock in the wilderness and...?... He said, "I am that Rock." That's right. Amen. He said, "But I'm the Bread of Life that come from God's out of heaven--that Tree of Life from Eden back yonder. If a man eats this Bread he shall not die. I'll raise him up again at the last days." Oh, oh, they couldn't see it. That's right.
The very Messiah standing there speaking the very words of their heart, and things like that, showing that He was Messiah, just what Messiah was supposed to do. And them standing there with their hands behind them, and, "Hah, it can't be. No, no. He--he--he didn't come in the right trend. See, he come out of Bethlehem, and he--he's nothing but an illegitimate child, and that's the devil working on him. We--we know he's mad. He's crazy; he's got a devil."
See, their eyes were actually blinded to that. Now, but they're looking for their prophet; and they're going to receive it, going to receive two of them. That's right.
244 Now, notice again. Now, also when these Jews... I'll give you another little symbol so you can realize that it's Jews over here now on this side of the rapture. Watch what takes place. It's also symbolized (We won't take time to do it, 'cause we run--run out here.)--also symbolized in the--in what was called Jacob's trouble.
Now, look, these Jews here has... Notice. Oh, it's a... I--I'm going to take just a little bit time here. It makes me nervous when it starts getting around like that then. See?
Notice. I want you to see it. And I--I... And this... Well, God will show it to you, I'm sure. Look. Jacob had the birthright. Is that right? But he sure was a little shyster with it. See? He went down and he deceived his daddy; he deceived his brother; he done everything; but yet legally right down, he had it; because Esau had sold out.
But then, when he goes down there to work for his father-in-law, he put those poplar sticks in the water to make those pregnated cattle and things bring forth speckled calves, and, oh, you know everything he done like that, just to--to gain money.
247 Now, watch. Now, he was ousted from his people. Now, it's a type of the Jew now. He's a money snatcher. I don't care how he gets it; he will get it. He will skin you alive to get it. You know that. He's a little shyster; that's all. Boy, don't deal with him. He--he will get you, boy. Yes, sir. Why? He's got to be that. That's the kind of a spirit that's dominating.
Just exactly like them reformers could not understand this Word, because that was the spirit of the man sent to them. It's the eagle age that gets the Word and the revelation. All that understands that, raise up your hands, so I... See? That's good. That's fine. See, that's good.
249 Now, see, if you can get back here under these Seals, if they can ever get... When they're opened, you can see exactly what God is a-doing, what He has done, what He is going to do. Here it is exactly, and that's the reason men acts that way, because that's the spirit that's predicted for that age to be on them. They couldn't do nothing else. Nothing could...
John, Paul, and them, that Lion spirit there, the--the L-i-o-n standing there, the Word Itself... Paul stood right with that Word and said, "I know this, that there'll be false brethren rise up among you. Go around and what they'll make--denominations and everything else among you. And what they'll do, they'll go on to the last days and horrible time." Why? He was a prophet. There stood that Word in Him, how it would end up way over there.
Said, "false men among yourselves will rise up and speaking things, and draw away brethren who are disciples. That's exactly the antichrist." It did just exactly that.
253 Notice, after it went in the dark age of the tribulation, what was it? There was nothing they could do. Rome owned the--he had the religious power and he had the political power. Wasn't nothing they could do, but just labor to stay alive and give theirselves for sacrifice. It was an ox. That's all they could do. That's the kind of spirit they had, the Spirit of God, the ox.
Then here come the reformers, the head of a man, shrewd, wise: Martin Luther, John Wesley, and so forth; Calvin, Finney, Knox, the rest of them. Here they come forth, and when they did, they were reformers. They come forth reforming--bringing the people out. And turned right back around exactly like they did back there and married right straight back into her again on the denominational system. That's exactly. The Bible said so. She was a whore, and then she had harlot daughters. Just exactly.
256 And God said, "I--I give her space to repent, and she didn't do it, so I'm going to take her and her offsprings, cast them over yonder where they belong." That's exactly. Now, that's... God said that down under this Seal--under the Seal. Now, there she was. We find out that He does that, and He will do it. And they're everyone headed that way. But the, all that's got their names on the Book of Life, God will call; they'll hear it. "My sheep hear My voice," Jesus said. Only thing we got to do is make a sheep call. Goats don't know it.
257 Notice. But you see the sheep call... "My sheep hear My voice." Why? What is a voice? I want to tell you what a voice is. A voice is a--is a spiritual sign.
He said to Moses, "If they won't hear the voice of the first sign, they will hear the voice of the second sign. My sheep hear My voice."
When these things are supposed to be taking place in the last days, sheep of God recognize that. See, see? They--they recognize it. "My sheep know Me"; (See?) "stranger they won't follow." They won't follow them strangers. It's got to be a vindicated sign for the day, and they see it.
260 Now, now, notice. Now, Jacob, as he come up now, the first thing you know, he got a longing to go where? Back to the homeland. Oh, that's exactly what Israel done. That's--that's--that's Israel. Jacob is Israel. He just had his name changed, you know. See? And he's--he got out there, and he got all the money he had and he could get, and took it any way he could from his kinsfolks or anybody else. So cheating, and stealing, lying--any way he could get it, he got it. See? He did.
And then when he starts back to home, he got to get a homesick feeling in his heart. But as he started back, on his road going back he met God. Then his name was changed. See? But in this time he was so wearied, because he was afraid Esau was coming after him. See? And He and w--watch--watch the money--the money proposition. Just like the Jew will try making this covenant with--with Rome (See?), and their money proposition.
264 Notice it. Then Esau didn't need his money; neither does Rome; she's got the wealth of the world in her hands. See? But it didn't work. But we find out now that Israel in that time of trouble, when he was Jacob, he wrestled with the--that... He got a hold of Something that was real.
There was a Man come down. Jacob got his arms around Him, and he stayed there. And the--the Fellow said, "I must be going now. It's coming daylight." Oh, that breaking of the day... See? "It's fixing to come day."
But Jacob said, "I'm not going to leave You. You--You can't go. I'm going to stay right with You. I want things changed here." That's that hundred and forty-four thousand, that money-scheming bunch and things like that. When they see the true genuine thing to get a hold of, there stands Moses, and there stands Elijah. Amen. They'll wrestle with God until one hundred and forty-four thousand of the tribes of Israel are called out right there.
That's just before the tribulation period. See? Oh, how wonderful. Also Jacob's trouble. Here is when the hundred and forty-four thousand is called out. They, the--the preachers, them two prophets, they preach like John the Baptist, "The Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Repent, Israel." Repent what? Repent from your sins and your unbelief, and turn back to God.
270 Now, let us remember something here. These great happenings to nature, has happened before, in this 12th verse here. See? The sun became as black as sackcloth of hair. Now, compare this... Now, remember, that does not happen in the Gentile. It's Israel.
Let me show you. Now, remember, I said it's calling out the hundred and forty-four thousand. See? This time now it's when the--the tribulation which is to do it. And this is telling what happens in this tribulation.
272 Now, let's turn to Exodus 10:21-23, and watch here, when Exodus is when, 'course Israel was coming out--going to be taken out: Exodus the 10th chapter and the 21st-23rd verse. I'm so excited and shouting when I write these notes down that sometimes I might get them mixed up. All right, Exodus 10:21-23. All right, here we go--21 and 23.
And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch forth thine hand towards heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt.
And Moses stretched forth his hand towards heaven; and there came a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: (See?)
Now, they saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but... the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.
273 Notice, just exactly like come over there: "And the sun became as black as sackcloth..." See? Same thing, these happenings of nature. What was it? What, when nature happens like this, has been? God calling Israel. (See?) God's calling out Israel. Now, "sun as black as hair..." Now, God was about to deliver Israel there (All right.), bring them out of their enemy's hand, which was Egypt at that time. Now, here He is bringing them out of the Roman hands, where they'd made their covenant. Same thing happens. That's the plagues.
The--the time that this plague will call, they'll plague this group of Gentiles. If we had time, I could show what's going to happen to that Gentile church. The Bible said that the--the dragon, Satan, was wroth (That's angry.) with the woman (the Jew, Israel); and he spurted water from his mouth (thickness and multitudes of people) that went to make war with the remnant of the woman's seed (Revelations 13). Now, see there? We have that. And that's when Israel sends her, I mean, Rome sends her army after the remnant, the remnant of the woman's seed.
276 Now, watch. The first time their enemy's hands, when He's delivered them out, the sun turned to sack--black as sackcloth. Now, this is the second time, the end of the tribulation period.
Now, in Daniel 12, if we had time, we could read it. In Daniel the 12th--the 12th verse--12th chapter, rather, Daniel said, "Every one that was found written in the Book would be delivered."
Now, remember, Daniel is now speaking of this period, when these--this thing is supposed to happen, when Israel is to be delivered, when the--the end of the seventieth week... And that's when they're supposed to be delivered. Now, look. Let's... We get to Daniel 12 here just a minute.
And at that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince which stood for the children--for--for the children of thy people:... (See? That's Jews.)... and there shall be a... trouble, such... never was since there was a nation even to that same time:...
Now, compare that exactly with what Jesus said, Matthew 24. There shall be a time of trouble that's never been since there was a nation. Look at the Sixth Seal. See? The same thing, a time of trouble. Notice.
.. since there was a nation even to the same time: and at that time thy people... (Now, in this seven--last part of the seventh year.)... thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. (The predestinated, you see, that's written in the Lamb's Book of Life shall be delivered at that time.)
And many of those that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, and some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting shame and... contemptment. (Now)
And then shall the wise... shine as the brightness of the firmament; and--and they that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars for ever and ever.
280 That, and when He had told Daniel to shut up the Book, for he'd be resting in his lot until that time. Now, see, it don't make any difference whether you live or die; you come forth anyhow. See? Don't... that... Dying isn't nothing to a Christian. He don't die anyhow. See?
Now, Daniel 12 said that everyone that was found written in the Book would be delivered. Here God is about to deliver His second son, Israel, after the tribulation. See, the second time Israel is... Israel is His son; you know that. Israel is God's son. So He's going to deliver him here in the tribulation period just exactly the way He did down in Egypt.
284 Now, let's stop here again and--and get something else, so 'fore we bring it into home. Now, watch here these two prophets, look what they're going to do now: just like Moses and them did down there. "And there was given me a reed, and..." (The 3rd verse of the 11th chapter.)
And I will give power unto my two witnesses, that they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
These are the two olive trees,... (You remember that Zerubbabel and so forth and was to rebuild the temple)... and the two candlesticks that stand before the God of the earth.
.. if any man... hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth,... (You remember, out of the mouth of Christ come the sword, Word)... devour their enemies: and if any man shall hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
287 Now, we know the fire in the 19th chapter, of the coming of Christ, proceeded His Sword from His mouth, which was the Word (Is that right?), the Word. Oh, if you'll get this material now for that Seal tomorrow night... See? The Word is the thing that God slays His enemy by. See?
Now, look here. When these prophets are prophesying, they're, they... If any man mistreats them, harms them, fire proceeds from their mouth, Holy Ghost Fire, the Word. The Word is God. Word is Fire. Word is the Spirit (See?), proceeds from their mouth.
289 Look at Moses. Let's see what come from his mouth. They... Israel got to--way they were doing there, and the--the... I mean Egypt. They were mistreating these Jews. Moses... They wouldn't let them go; Pharaoh wouldn't. God put the words in Moses' mouth. See, it's God's thoughts going into Moses' heart; he goes over now to express it, then it becomes the Word. Stretched his hand forth, said, "Let there be flies." and here come flies. Look here.
And if any man hurts them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devour their enemy:...
See? There it is. They can speak what they want to, and there it happens. Amen.
And if any man... hurt them, they must in this manner be killed.
Brother, God rides on the scene here.
They have power to--power to shut the heavens that it rain not in the days of their prophecy:...
Elijah, he knows how to do it; he's done it before. Amen. Moses knows how to do it. He's done it before. That's the reason they was kept back. Now... Amen.
293 I could say something awful good right here, but I guess I'll hold it till tomorrow night. See? All right.
.. and have power over the waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with plagues as oft as they will.
What is it? What can bring these things but the Word? They can do nature any way they want to. Here it is. They're the one who brings on this Sixth Seal. They uncover and open it up. It's the power of God to interrupt nature. See, the Sixth Seal, is completely an interruption of nature.
Do you get it now? There's your Seal. Who does it? It's the prophets the other side of the rapture. With the power of God, the Word of God, they just condemn nature. They can send earthquakes, turn the moon into blood, the sun can go down or anything at their command. Amen.
295 There you are. There you are. See? See how the Seals opened down there in the church age, how it showed the martyrs? And now here's these two prophets standing here with the Word of God to do anything to nature they want to, and they shake the earth. And it shows exactly who does it. It's Moses and Elijah, 'cause there's their ministry re-impersonated again: both men. Oh, my. Do you see it now? See what the Sixth Seal is? It's those prophets.
Now, notice. Don't let it choke you, but watch what opened that Seal: prophets. See? Amen. There you are. Oh, we're living in the eagle day, brother, head up among the clouds. They opened that Sixth Seal. They have power to do it. Amen. There's your Sixth Seal coming open. See?
299 Now, we drop right back back here to Jesus spoke it would take place: way back yonder in the Old Testament, back in Ezekiel, back in the old prophets, they spoke it would take place. And here the Sixth Seal opened, and they say, "Well, that's a mysterious thing. What did it?" Here's the secret of it, the prophets, 'cause the Bible said so here. They can open it any time they... They can do anything to nature they want to. And they do the same thing they did do (Amen.), 'cause they know how it's done. Amen. Glory.
When I seen that, I just raised out of the chair and started walking up and down the floor. I thought, "Lord, how I thank You, heavenly Father." There it is. That's it. They opened that Sixth Seal. Amen.
Watch them. If any man hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, the Word. Holy Ghost come upon the apostles. You see? Fire proceeded out of their mouth.
304 Now, notice over in Revelations 19, we see the same thing, and a great Sword proceed from His mouth: Word. See it? Christ coming, and He slayed enemies with It. Is that right? Now, He's on His road. Watch Him now. All right.
These have power to shut the heaven that it rained not in the days of their prophecy...
Boy, that's interrupting nature. Now, how long did--did this man Elijah close the heavens for? [Congregation replies: three and one-half years--Ed.] There you are, exactly. How longs Daniel's seventieth, last part of the seventy weeks? [Congregation replies: three and one-half years--Ed.] There you are, exactly.
306 What did Moses do? He--he--he turned the--the waters into blood; he done all these kinds of miracles, just exactly what's predicted here under this Sixth Seal. And here they are in Revelations 11, doing the very same things. Amen. There's three different places in the Scriptures right there blending the thing right together. That's the opening of the Sixth Seal. Right there it is. Amen. Glory.
Now, notice.
These have power to shut the heavens in the days of their prophecy, that it won't rain; and... power over the waters to turn them to blood,... to smite the earth with plagues as oft as they will.
Oh, my. There you are. Now, turn right over here to the plagues. See? All nature is interrupted in this Sixth Plague--or Sixth Seal open. That's exactly what happened.
309 Now, look. See, here God is about to deliver His son Israel, after the same manner of the tribulation that He did down there. He sent Moses down there and delivered Israel. Is that right? And he done these very same things.
He sent Elijah to Ahab, and seven thousand come out. Is that right? He sends them right back over here again in the time of the tribulation and calls out the hundred and forty-four thousand. Now, see, you notice, between Revela--or between the 6th chapter, or the 6th plague, Seal (Pardon me)--the Sixth Seal and the Seventh Seal, the 7th chapter of Revelation mathematically set together right...
311 Just like America is number thirteen: thirteen states it started with, thirteen stars in the flag, thirteen colonies, thirteen stripes; everything's thirteen, thirteen, and appears right here in the 13th chapter of Revelations. That's right. She's thirteen and a woman.
Now, when He was about to deliver His only begotten Son, which was His only begotten. Jacob is His son, but this is His only begotten Son.
312 Matthew 27, let's see what He did there. Matthew the 27th chapter. Now, remember, His Son had been beaten, and had been troubled, and they had made fun of Him, and He was now hanging on the cross at three o'clock on Good Friday afternoon--just about to take place. Matthew, 27th chapter of Matthew and the--the 45th verse, I believe it is.
Now, from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour.
Now, notice just exactly what He did back here now in this. See?
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal,... lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon--and the moon became as blood;
Blackness, darkness: Egypt--blackness, darkness, God delivering Jesus at the cross, just 'fore He brought Him up from the resurrection... First, darkness: sun went down in the middle of the day, and stars wouldn't shine. Two days from then, He was going to raise Him up with a mighty triumph. After the sun, and moon, and stars, and everything in Egypt, all these taken place, He delivered Israel to the promised land.
317 Here it is in the tribulation period, and here stands them prophets to who has the control of the Word that God gives them. They can only speak as God gives them the Word.
Now, they're not gods. They're, temporarily the--amateurly they are, 'cause Jesus said they were. Said, "You call them gods who the Word of God came."
Well, look. That's the one that God brings the Word to. And when he speaks it, it happens. That's all. And here he is with a commission from God to smite the earth whatever he wants to. Oh, my. Stop the heavens, and he does. What's the matter? He's fixing to take the hundred and forty-four thousand out for redemption, out of the Book of Redemption. And that's under the Seal of redemption, in the Sixth Seal. That's it, my dear friends. That's that Sixth Seal, been so mysteriously...
320 Let's just take... We got ten more minutes. Let's just take a little bit. I got about two or three pages. Well, I got... You can just see here; I think it's about... On that one, I think I had about fifteen pages yet left I could get to.
Oh, there's so much on that. My, you can just keep going from place to place, but I'm afraid I confuse you when I--I scatter too much of it. And I'm not... I can't hold it together like I should.
321 In Isaiah, let's take this. Isaiah the prophet seen this Sixth Seal open and spoke of it. That's whether it's important or not. See? Well, the whole thing--whole plan of redemption lays under these Seals, the whole Book.
Now, remember, we seen Jesus saw it. Is that right? See? Jesus saw it. And now, we find others that saw it. We find it typed out in--in Jacob. We find it typed out in Egypt. We see it typed out at the cross.
Now, let's go back to Isaiah. I've got a whole lot more prophets wrote down here too. Let's just... I like this--this of Isaiah. Let's go back here to Isaiah, the 13th chapter of Isaiah. I like...
325 Isaiah is the--the complete Bible in itself, you know. Did you know that? See? Isaiah starts out with creation, in the middle of the book he brings John, and at the end he brings the Millennium. And there's sixty-six books in the Bible, and sixty-six chapters in Isaiah. It's a complete encyclopedia itself.
Notice, 13th chapter now, of--of Isaiah. Let's begin here at the 6th verse.
Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.
327 Watch this Sixth Seal opening up here now, plumb back here seven hundred and thirteen years before Christ come. He's been two thousand years; that'd be about seven--about twenty-seven hundred years ago Isaiah seen this Seal hanging there. All right.
Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt:
What did Jesus say, "And because iniquity shall abound the--the love of many shall wax then, and man's heart will be failing for fear; sea a-roaring." See? Man's heart will faint.
And they shall be afraid: pangs of sorrow shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be ashamed.
Notice of it here. Oh, their faces ashamed... We got to get to that just a minute. We'll hold that. See?
330 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. (The land, that's all of it, brethren. See? Notice.)
For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her lights to shine.
And I will punish the world for their evil, and the iniquity--and the wickedness of their iniquity; and I will cause the--the (I don't... I--I don't know how it's spelled.) [Congregation says, "arrogancy."--Ed.] (I can't say it. See?)... of--of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of--of the terrible--terrible
See there, just exactly, Isaiah saw the same thing that Jesus spoke of, that the Seventh Seal reveals, when He's cleansing the land with tribulations. That's the tribulation period, this Sixth Seal. Yes, he was a prophet, and the Word of God was made known to him. That's twenty-seven hundred years ago.
333 Truly, I just want to say this: The whole world as Isaiah here... as a woman travaileth, all creation is travailing. What's all this groaning and travailing about, like a--a woman that's to be mother, the earth itself, nature... Why, this city here... Let's take our own city, when beer joints, and prostitution, and filth, and scum, like any other city... Why, I believe God would be better off looking at it the way He had it thousand years ago. When the Ohio traveled down, they had no backwaters and floods. They had no sin in the valley. The buffalo roamed through here, and--and the old Cherokee hunted him and made a decent living. There was no trouble at all. But man come in, and there's where sin comes in. When man begin to multiply upon the face of the earth, then sin and violence set in. That's right, always man. Why, I think it's a disgrace.
337 I was standing the other day in my home country there now in Arizona. And I--I read when I was a kid about Geronimo and--and Cochise and those old Apaches, 'cause I preached to them up there: fine people, and some of the finest people you want to meet are those Apache Indians. And then I went over there to--to Tombstone, where they have all the old relics and things from the war. And I looked at... They always... You know they always classed Geronimo as--as a renegade. To me he was a red-blooded American. Absolutely. He was only fighting for his rights like anyone would do. He wanted not that pollution in his land, and look what it is now, turning his children, his daughters into prostitutes and everything else, and white man coming there. The white man's a rascal.
The Indian was a conservative; he was--he was a--a conservationist. He would go out and kill a buffalo; the whole tribe eat everything was left of it. They used the hide for clothes and tents and everything else. And the white man comes and shoot it for a target. Why, it's such a disgrace.
340 I read a article in the paper where in Africa, that great place full of wild game, they got these guys, Arthur Godfrey and them, going over there shooting these elephants and things out of helicopters and things like that. A picture of an old female elephant trying to die, and the tears, like, pulling down her face and two big males trying to hold her up to keep... Why, it's a sin. That's not sport.
When I was standing out on the field out yonder, in where I hunt and things like that, and see where them white hunters come out there and shoot them deer and cut a hindquarters off of it and sometimes kill eight or ten little does and leave them laying there, and their fawns running around trying to find their mammy, and you mean that's sportsmanship? That's pure murder in my book.
342 I hope Canada never gets any roads in it as long as I live, to keep them renegade Americans out of there. That's right. They're the poorest sports I ever seen in my life. Now, not all of them, there's some real genuine men, but that's--that's one out of a thousand you find. Shoot anything they can see, any way they want to (That's right.); that's a murderer. That's right. He's heartless. He will shoot out of season.
While up there in Alaska there, I was up there with one of them guides. He said, "I picked up... I'd go out there now and find whole herds of them great big elk--or not elk, but the moose laying there with fifty caliber machine gun bullets through their horns where these American pilots out there in--in Alaska machine gunned them out of that plane--a herd of moose. That's pure murder..
346 They knowed in there if they'd kill the buffalo, they could get the Indian, he'd starve to death. That's the reason that Cochise had to surrender, his--all of his princes and all the rest of them, his children, and all of his people were starving to death. They went out there with big--great big loads of them, Buffalo Bill and them plainsmen had shot off all them buffaloes, forty, fifty in an afternoon. They know when they ridded that, they got rid of the Indian. Oh, my, a stain on the flag the way they treated them Indians. There you are. But remember, the Bible said, "The hour's come that God will destroy them that destroys the earth." And the whole world...
348 Look at them valleys. I was standing up there the other day looking down on the valley at Phoenix. Went up on South Mountain, wife and I was setting up there and looked down at Phoenix, and I--I said, "Isn't that awful?"
She said, "Awful? What do you mean?"
I said, "The sin. And how much adultery and drinking and cursing and the Lord's Name used in vain in that valley there, was about a hundred and--and forty thousand or fifty thousand people, or maybe two hundred thousand people in that valley?" And I said, "Five hundred years ago or a thousand, there wasn't nothing but cactus, mesquite, and the old coyotes running up and down the sand river there, the--the washes." And I said, "That's the way God made it, but man come in; what did he do? He saturated the ground with filth. The streets are full of gall; the sewers, the--and the rivers are polluted with--with filth." They couldn't... Why, you'd better not drink a drop--of some of that water; you'd get anything. See?
352 Look at it. Not only here, but the world over, the thing is polluted, and the world, the nature... God, have mercy. The whole world in its birth pains, the world is trying; she's travailing, Isaiah said. What's the matter? She's in--trying to bring forth a new world for the Millennium where all the...?... trying to birth a new world for a new people that won't sin and pollute her. That's right. She's in travail.
That's the reason the--the--we are in travail. Christ, to bring forth the Bride... Everything is travailing and groaning. See, there's something fixing to happen. And this sixth plague lets her go.
353 Brother, the earthquake burst open, and the stars shake; volcanics will come forth, and the earth will renew itself. New lava will break forth from the center of the earth, and she'll crumble all around and around and around when she spins out in yonder.
And I tell you, one morning when Jesus and His Bride comes back to the earth, there'll be a paradise of God there that... Oh, my. Them old warriors of the battle walk down through there with their friends and loved ones; the anthems will fill the air, of an Angelic host. "Oh, it was well done, my good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of the Lord that's been prepared for you like you should've had back yonder before Eve started the ball to rolling in sin." Amen. Whew.
Yes, Sixth Seal's going to do something. Yes, sir. Truly the whole world is groaning and paining for the Millennium age.
356 Now, the one now is so soaked up with filth. As I preached here not long ago, I believe, preached in the Tabernacle, "The World Falling Apart..." That's exact. Look what's falling apart in the world. The... Everything's falling of it. Certainly it is. It's--it's got to fall apart. Yes, sir. Look, its frame. Let me show you the reason the world's got to do it. The frame of this world: the iron and the brass and the materials of this earth has been pulled out of it, its framework, for war and industry until it's just about ready...
Well, we never had an earthquake till the other day over here in this part of the country, till just the other day here (You see?), St. Louis and down through there. She's getting so thin. They've pulled everything out of it. See?
Its politics are so polluted there's hardly a honest, among them. See? Its systems... Its morals is so low, they just don't have any. That's all. See? Sure. Its religion is cankered. Yes, sir.
359 It's time for the Sixth Seal, pretty soon, to be opening up, and when she does, oh, my. The end... The Bride has done gone forth. She's done... The Queen's done went to take her place. She's being married now to the King, while this was going on. And Israel's remnant is sealed and ready to go, and then nature lets go. Oh, what a time.
360 Notice, the last verse of the Sixth Seal opened. Those who had laughed at the preaching of the Word, of the vindicated Word of the living God... When them prophets that stood there and performed miracles, closed the sun, and everything else, and all down through the age... See? They cried for the rocks and the mountains to hide them (See?), to hide them from the Word that they'd laughed at, 'cause they seen Him coming. "Hide us from the wrath of the Lamb." He is the Word. See?
They'd laughed at the Word, and here the Word was incarnate; and they'd made fun of It, laughed at them, made fun of them, and the incarnate Word had dropped forth. Why didn't they repent? They couldn't: too far then. So they knowed that the punishment... They hear it. They've set in meetings like this and knowed about it, and they know that the things that those prophets had predicted was looking them right in the face.
362 The thing that they had rejected, they'd spurned mercy for the last time. And when you spurn mercy, there's nothing left but judgment. When you spurn mercy... Just think of it.
And there they was. They had no place to go, no retreat. And the Bible said here, "They called for the--cried to the rocks and the mountains to fall on us, and hide us from the--from the face of the--of--and the wrath of the Lamb." They'd tried to repent, but the Lamb had come to claim His own. See? And they cried to the rocks and the mountains, prayed, but their prayers were too late.
364 My brother, sister, the goodness and mercies of God extended to the people... While Israel was blinded for this--for here just about two thousand years to give us a chance to repent... Have you turned that mercy down? Have you--have you rejected that...
Who are you anyhow? Where did you come from, and where are you going? You could not ask the doctor. You could not ask anybody in the world, and there's no book you could read that could tell you who you are, where you come from, and what you're going but this Book.
366 Now, you know without... You have the Blood of the Lamb to act in your place; you see where you're headed for. So if--if God did that for you, the least thing we could do would be accept what He's done. That's all He asked us to do. And on the basis of this...
If I go any farther, I'll have to come right into that plague, oh, that's tomorrow night's service, and I--I can't do it, can't go any farther. I got it marked down here, a cross: stop here. See? So then, I--I got to wait until tomorrow.
368 Now, let us bow our heads just a moment. If you haven't, my precious friend, hadn't--haven't accepted the love of this God, that I'm talking about... If you have... (Listen to this close now.) If you haven't accepted His love and mercy, you'll have to stand His judgment and wrath.
Now, you tonight are at the same place that Adam and Eve was in the garden of Eden. You have a right; you're a free moral agent. You can go to the Tree of Life, or you can take the plan of the judgment. But today while you're sensible, in your right mind, and you're healthy enough to--to rise and accept it, why don't you do that if you haven't done it?
Is there them people in here that hasn't, as yet, did that? If that be so, would you just raise up your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham. I now want to do it. I don't want this to come."
371 Now, remember, friends... (God bless you. That's good.) I have... These are not my ideas of this; I--I... This is not what I been thinking. This is altogether from me. So help me, the Holy Spirit knows it.
And you wait, if the Lord willing, tomorrow night, I want to show you a mystery that's been going all the time right here in this meeting. I doubt very much whether you've ever seen it or not (See?), what's--what's took place. It's been something that's laid right here before you, and I've watched each night for us--for it to rise, or somebody to say, "I see it." See? Don't turn it away, please. I ask you if you're not a Christian, if you're--you're not under the Blood, if you're not borned again, filled with the Holy Spirit, if you've never made a public confession of--of Jesus Christ by being baptized in His Name to witness His death, burial, and resurrection, that you have accepted, the water's ready. They're waiting. Robes are furnished in here, and everything is ready. Christ stands ready with outstretched arms to receive you.
374 In one hour from now, that mercy might not be extended to you. You might turn it away for the last time, it'll never touch your heart again. While you can, while you can, why don't you do it? Now, while...
I know the regular customary way is bring people up to the altar. We do that, and that's perfectly all right. At this time we're such crowded in here, right around the altar, till I couldn't do that, but I'd like to say this: In the apostolic day, they say, "As many as believed were baptized." See? Just if you can really down in your heart...
376 Here's all it is. It isn't--it isn't emotion, though emotion accompanies it. Just like what I said: Smoking and drinking isn't sin; it's the attribute of sin. It shows you don't believe. See? But when you truly believe in your heart, and you know that, on the basis of where you are setting there you accept it with all your heart, something's going to happen, right there. It's going to happen. Then you can stand as a witness to it, that something happened.
377 Then walk to the water and say, "I want to show to the congregation; I want to prove. I want to make my testimony stand that I'll take my place with the Bride. I stand here now to be baptized."
I know that there's many women in the world tonight, fine women, but I'm awful lonesome to see one. There's one of them that's my wife. She goes home with me. She wasn't my wife to begin with, but how she become my wife, she took my name.
He's coming. There's a lot of women, churches, in the world, but He's coming for His wife. She's called by His Name. Them that are in Christ will God bring with Him. How do we get into it? "By one Spirit we're all baptized into one body."
380 Now, while we pray, you pray too--inside or out. There's great groups of people in the rooms, outside standing around, out in the streets, but now while--while you are... We can't call you up here to this altar, but your heart, make it the altar. And right in your heart say, "Lord Jesus, I believe this. I've stood out here in this night air. I been smothered up in this little room, I'm setting in here amongst these people. I--I--I don't want to be... I can't miss; I can't afford it."
Everything, as I told you last night... And so help me, the Lord knows I tell Truth. "I lie not," as Paul said. That vision or whatever it was, I stood there, looked and handled those people that's gone on. It's just as real as I'm standing right here.
Don't miss it, my poor brother, sister; don't do it. I know you've heard preaching; you've heard this, that, and stories, all that, but let... just listen from me. This is... I know it's the Truth. See? You just... I--I can't make it any clearer. See? Don't miss it. It's all yours. Now, let's pray.
382 Lord Jesus, here before me is a box of handkerchiefs that represents the sick people. And as I pray over them, laying hands upon them, as the Bible said, "They took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs and aprons; unclean spirits went out of the people," and great signs were done, because they seen Paul, that they knowed the Spirit of God was in him. They knowed that he was--he was a strange man, that the things that he talked about, about the Word...
He'd go, take the old Hebrew Word, of the Hebrew church, and bring it to life, and place it in Christ. They knowed God was in the man. Then they seen God working strange and mighty works by him, foretelling things, and it would happen that way, and they knowed that he was God's servant.
384 Lord, I pray that You'll honor these people for their respects of the Word, and heal them for Jesus' sake. Out here in the audience, Lord, there's setting, people just like it was who listened to the apostle Peter at the day of Pentecost, how he went back in the Word and got the Word, and he said, "Joel said in the last days these things will take place, and this is that." And the three thousand believed it and were baptized.
And, Father, today we stand here by Your grace, and it's not because that it's--that it's a special people, but it's because... Just like the day of the Lion, or the Ox, or the Man, it's the Eagle time. It's the anointing of the hour; it's the time that we're living in. It's the working of the Holy Spirit for this particular time to prove that Jesus is not dead--the things that He said that He would do just before the evening lights went out...
385 And here we have been seeing Him do that right down along the road. We seen it come down in the scientific research and had His picture taken, the great Pillar of Fire, Who led the children of Israel, Who met Paul on the road. And we know this same Pillar of Fire that led Moses down there in the wilderness, by that same Pillar of Fire he wrote several books of the Bible, for he was anointed with the Word.
This same Pillar of Fire coming upon Paul on the road to Damascus, he wrote many books of the Bible, called the Word of God. And now, Lord, that same Pillar of Fire by the evidence of the proof of the Word and by scientific research, we see It here, revealing the Word of the Lord.
389 God, let the people be quickly awakened, Lord, quickly. Those who have their names put on the Book of Life, when this flashes across their path, may they see, like the little ill-famed woman at the well that day. She recognized quickly, and she knew it was the Scripture.
And now, Father, I pray that all that will receive You at this time in their hearts will settle it forever at this hour that they're finished with sin, that will arise and make preparations now for public confession of baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of their sins, to show that they believe that God has forgiven them, and they take on the Name of Jesus Christ.
391 Then, Father, pour down the Holy Spirit of Oil upon them, that they might be placed into the service of the Lord God, that they might be workers in this last evil day. For we realize we have just a short time, and the Church might go at any time.
The Lamb might at any time leave the sanctuary up there or--or the throne of sacrifice, come forth from the throne of God where the sacrifice laid, and then it's over. There's no more hopes for the world; she's finished. Then she goes into flusterations of great spasms of earthquakes and--and great shakings like it was at--at the resurrection.
And--and the--the--as Christ rose from the grave, when the saints rise, the same thing will take place. Lord, it could be at any minute. We're watching for that glad day to arrive. Take Your children under Your arm, Father, now. Draw Your little lambs to Your bosom. Grant it, and feed them on the Word till they're in strength for service.
395 We commit them to You now, Lord. All... Answer this prayer. You said, Father, over in Mark the 11th chapter, "When you pray, stand praying, believe that you receive what you ask for (Lord), and you shall have it." And with all my heart to Him that's been revealing these things down through the years and these Seals here in these last week, I believe You, Lord God, that it is the hour, close now, closer than we're really thinking of Your approaching.
Please let my prayer be answered. And may every called child of God that's in hearing distance of here, or either the tapes shall strike, may at that time I claim them for the Kingdom of God, upon the basis of knowing this is the Word that's being revealed. Let the evening Light shine, Father. I commit them to You in Jesus' Name. Amen.
398 Now, all inside or outside that believes and has never made your--your public confession that you're finished with sin, and you--you want the mercies of God and you've accepted them in Jesus Christ, the pool... They'll be ready to baptize anybody who wants to be baptized today, or tomorrow, right now, or whenever it may be.
Do you enjoy the Sixth Seal? You see where it's opened at now? Have you believed it? It said, "Who has believed our report, and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" See? Believe the report, then the arm of the Lord is revealed, the Arm, the Word of God is revealed.
401 The Lord willing now, tomorrow morning, I'll try my best to answer those questions. I'll spend probably the rest of the night in, or most of it, in prayer over them. I'm getting about from one to three hours a night; I never got to bed last night till going on one, and at three o'clock I was in study. See? See, I--I'm going to have to answer for this. That's right. We're too close for anything, any foolishness, or any presuming, or halfway believe. I've got to see it first. And then when I see it, it's got to be in the Word too. And so far, by the grace of God, they perfectly... I've took it from all the way through; you know that; it's--it's just blended right together.
It's got to be, THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'cause it's not only as to say it from me knowing it myself, but the Word of the Lord is THUS SAITH THE LORD. And here is the Word taking what He has give to me and blending it together and showing you, so you know yourself it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. See?
404 Here's the Word says so, and then the revelation that He gives me, which is contrary to what any of us has ever thought... Why, contrary to what I thought, 'cause I never went into it like that. But now, we find it slides right together, and what is it? It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. See, it's exactly. It's been a place opened up, holding there to this hour, and then the Lord comes and pushes it right in like that. So you see, there it is. It's--it's--it's the Lord. Oh, I love Him. I love Him with all my heart.
Now, remember, you--we couldn't get to the altar. Several held their hands up. Now, see, it's an individual affair with you. It's whatever you want to do. See? The hour's so close at hand, you ought to be pressing as hard as you could, not have to be pulled (See?), just pressing, trying to get in. "Lord, don't let me out. Don't leave me out, Lord. The doors are closing. If I can just get in..." See?
407 God will close the door one day. He did in the day of Noah, and they beat on the door. Is that right? Now, remember, the Bible said that in the seventh watch... That right? Some fell asleep in the first watch, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh; but in the seventh watch there come forth a proclamation or cry: "The Bridegroom cometh; go out to meet Him."
The sleeping virgins said, "Say, I'd like to have some of that oil now."
The Bride said, "I just got enough for myself, just got enough. You want, you go pray it up."
Don't you see the sleeping virgins now? Look at the Episcopalian, and Presbyterian, Lutheran, and everything trying to... And the trouble of it is, instead of trying to get the Holy Ghost, they're trying to speak in tongues. And lot of them speak in tongues and is ashamed to come to this church to be prayed for--wants me to come to their house and pray for them. You call that the Holy Ghost? That's speaking in tongues without the Holy Ghost. (See?)
413 Now, I believe the Holy Ghost speaks in tongues. You know I believe that (See?), but there's a counterfeit to it too. Yes, sir. The--the fruits of the Spirit what proves what it is. The fruits of a tree proves what kind of a tree it is, not the bark, the fruit.
Now, notice. Then when she come, that--that last hour, and there when they come in then, they went and said, "Well, I believe I've got it now. I believe I got it. Yeah, we're getting it."
415 I--I--I better not say this (See?), 'cause it--it might cause a confusion. When I said the other day, the rapture, how it would come... Now, now, if you say you--you'll take it, all right. Watch--watch. All right, that's up to you.
When the sleeping virgin (See?), that thought she was prayed up to come back, the Bride was done gone.
It went and she didn't know it, like a thief in the night. Then they begin to bang on the door, and what happened? What taken place? They were cast into the tribulation period. The Bible said, "There will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth." Is that right?
417 When it's going to be, brother and sister? I don't know. But I--I--me... It may be just me here, now. See? This--this is what... This is my thought. See? I--I--I believe it's so close, till I'm... Each day I--I want... I'm just trying to walk as softly as I can. See? And I... Do... When... You know, when... There's something happened today, and I seen something's come up. I just... I couldn't get my breath any more. See? There He was standing there, that little Light standing right there, and here it was. I know it's the Truth.
I thought, "God, I couldn't say that. I--I can't say it. I can't." I just walked out of the room, went out, walked up and down there. I thought, "My, what can I do?" Oh... See? And I--I have to go fishing or something and I... Boy, you--you... I can't tell you. See? So...
420 Well, we have a good time, don't we? Praise the Lord. Amen. See? We're in a--we're in a--a tremendous time (See?), for my heart is overflowed with happiness and joy. But when I think of this world and the thousands that I know that's lost, black shadowed (Yeah.), then your heart just bleeds. What can you do? What can you...
You just feel the Holy Spirit crying out in your heart. Like it must've been in our Lord when He looked over Jerusalem, His own people (See?), said, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen would her brood, but you would not." You just feel the Holy Spirit say, "How often I would've gathered you (See?), but you would not." See?
422 We're--we're right here at something, friends. Whatever it is, God knows. Nobody, nobody knows when it's going to happen. That's a secret. Nobody knows when it's going to happen, but Jesus told us, "When you see these things..." (all these things). Just like what I went, comparing with the Sixth Seal to what He said in Matthew 24. Now, remember what He said. "When you see these things come to--begin to come to pass, then the time's at the door."
Watch the very next verse--the 30--the 30 and 31st verses as it went on down, 32nd, 33rd verses. He said, "And He shall send forth His Angels to the four corners of the heavens, the four winds, to gather His elected." Is that right? Said, "Now, learn..."
425 Now, remember, He stopped right there. He never went ahead after that Sixth Seal. He never said anything about the Seventh. He said the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth, but He stopped there--never mentioned about anything about...
Watch the next thing He said, "Now, learn a parable." See? Then He starts on parables. He said, "These things will be." He's answering them three questions: "What will be the--these signs, and what will be the sign of Your coming, what will be the sign of the end of the world?" And the sixth one there was the end of the world. And the sounding of the seventh angel raised up the hands and swore by Him that lives forever and ever that time shall be no more.
429 The earth is giving birth to a new one. It's over, and here we are right here at the door. Oh, I tremble. And what must I do, Lord? What--what else can I do? See? And then, just think of it, seeing that place and those precious people.
I stood there looking at myself, and I thought, "Oh, God, what... They--they can't miss this. I--I ought to pushed them; I ought to just reached down in the audience and got them and pushed them." You can't do that. You... "And no man can come except My Father draws him." But here's one consolation we have: "All the Father has given Me will come." There's the...?..., friend. But the rest of them, with those organizations depending on them like that... See? And "He deceived all that lived upon--dwelt upon the earth whose names were not written in that Lamb's Book of Life, slain from the foundation of the world." (See?)
432 So you see, it's a sad thing, the only thing you can do is just--just--just--just stay right with the Word, watch just whatever He says do and then do that. See? Whatever He says do, do that, and you look out there and say, "Oh, my." They do this and then... Oh, it's just... You don't realize what a strain.
Now, I want to say this; I suppose the tapes are off. Lot of people say, "Brother Branham, with a ministry of that type..." I have to watch, 'cause people just take them tapes and just try to pick them to pieces, you know. So when they say, "Brother Branham, wish we had a ministry..." You don't know what you're saying. You... Honest, you don't know what goes with it, brothers, sisters. Oh, my, and the responsibility, when you got people that hangs to what you say...
435 Remember, if you tell them wrong, God will require their blood at your hands. Then you think of that. It's a terrific thing; so be lovely. Love Jesus with all your heart. Just...?... Be simple. Don't never try--try to figure out anything; just be simple before God, 'cause the more you try to figure it out, the farther you get away from Him. See? Just simply believe Him.
Say, "Now, well, when will He come? If He comes today, all right. If He comes twenty years from now, it's still all right. I'm going to go just the way I'm going now--following Him. Lord, if You can use me anywhere, here I am, Lord. If it's a hundred years from today, if my great, great, great, great grandchildren still live to see Him coming, Lord, I don't know when it's going to be, but let me just walk right today, just with You. (See?) I--I want... 'Cause I--I'll rise at that day just the same as I took a little nap somewhere."
437 Coming down there, that glorious palace yonder, that Kingdom of God there, where all the old will be young, where the white robes are already on them, the men and women has changed in the beauty, the very art of a--of a--a handsome man and a--a lovely woman, standing there in all the beauty and stature of a young woman and a young man standing there and never can get old, never can be sinful, never can be anything of jealousy, or hatred, or anything... Oh, my.
438 I think the tapes is off now, and I just got about three or four minutes I want to talk to you. Is that all right?
Now, this is just personal. See? 'Cause tomorrow, that's--that's going to be so tremendous, I think I had just better say it now (See?), what I'm going to say. I... This is just for us now. I was just... You know I--I've got a wife that I love, and that's Meda. And I--I would not of even have married her because of my love for my first wife. And yet as much as I cared for her, I wouldn't have married her if it hadn't been God told me to do it.
And you know the story of it, how she went to pray, and how I did, and then He told me exactly what to do, and go marry her, and set the time to do it. She's a lovely woman, and she's praying for me tonight. And so now it's eight o'clock at home; she's probably praying now.
440 Now, notice. One day she said to me; she said, "Bill," she said, "I just want to ask you a question about heaven."
I said, "All right, Meda, what is it?"
She said, "You know I love you." I said, "Yeah." It was right after this happened up here.
She said, "You know that Hope loved you too."
And I said, "Yeah."
And she said, "Now," she said, "I don't think I would be jealous," she said, "but Hope was." And she said, "Now, when we get to heaven... And you said you seen her there."
I said, "She was there; I seen her. I seen her twice there. She's there; she's waiting for me to come; so's the--so's Sharon. I seen her just the same I'm looking at you. I seen her there." And I said...
She said, "Well, now, when we get over there," said, "which one is going to be your wife?"
I said, "Both of you. There won't be any (See?), yet both of you'd be."
She said, "I can't understand it."
And I said, "Now, honey, set down, let me explain something to you." I said, "Now, I know you love me, and you know how I love you, in respects and honor. Now, for instance, what if I dressed up, went downtown and some little prostitute, real pretty, and, come and throw her arms around me and say, "Oh, Brother Branham, I sure love you." Started putting her arms around me, hugging me. What'd you think?"
She said, "I don't think I'd like that very well."
And I said, "I want to ask you something. Do you... Who do you love the best, if it had to be a showdown: me or the Lord Jesus?" (Now, this is family talking.)
And she said, "The Lord Jesus." Said, "Yes, Bill, as much as I love you, but before I would give Him up, I'd give you up."
I said, "Thank you, honey. I'm glad to hear you say that now." I said, "Now, what if that same little woman would come up to Jesus and throw her arms around Him, say, 'Jesus, I love You'; what would you think about that?"
She said, "I'd enjoy that."
See, it changes from phileo to agapao. See? It's a higher love. See? And there's no such thing as husband and wife as--as to raise children; it's all gone.
450 The--the female and male sex, the--the glands are all... They're all the same there. See? There's none of it no more. See? There's no sex glands at all, not at all. See? You're just... Just--just think of yourself without a sex gland. The reason they were put in us is to repopulate the earth. You see? But there, there won't be any there. There won't be neither male nor female glands; it's gone. But the statue of the art of God will be there. That's exactly right. But we'll be truly genuine, no--no phileo at all, all agapao. See?
Therefore, a wife would be no more than just some lovely something that's--that's yours and she--and you belong to each other. There's no such thing as husband... No, no, there's not even...
See, the phileo part's not even there at all. See, there can't be anything like a jealousy. There's nothing to be jealous about. There ain't no such a thing there. You never know such a thing as that (See?), and just a lovely young men and young women to live.
And then after, I--she said, "I see it now, Bill."
I said, "Yes."
452 I want to tell you a little thing happened. This was a dream. I was asleep. And now, I've never told this publicly before. I told it to a couple of people but never publicly before as I know of.
I--I dreamed about a month after that that I was standing one day, and I was watching the great time that... Not the judgment now. I don't believe the church ever comes to the--I mean the Bride goes to a judgment. But I was there when the crowns was being given out. See?
And the great--great big throne set up here, and Jesus and the recording Angel and all was standing there. And there was a stairsteps-like coming down this way of white ivory (run down in a circle and made a panoramic like this and went out), so that all this great host standing out there could see what was happening.
454 And I was standing back over to--way back to one side. And I was just standing there, never an idea I had to walk them steps. I was standing there, and I'd see a recording Angel would call a certain name, and I know--recognized that name. I looked and way back out there, here come the brother walking, or the sister, walk up here like that, the recording Angel standing there by the side of Christ (just a dream now), and was watching, and their names was on there. It was found in the Book of Life; He'd look out over them and say, "It was well done, my good and faithful servant. Now, enter in."
I looked back where they was going, there was a new world and the joys. And said, "Enter into the joys of the Lord that's been--that's been for--yours since the foundation of the world." See?
456 And oh, I thought, "They go through there and meet one another and just rejoicing and going over mountains and great big places." I thought, "Oh, isn't that wonderful. Glory. Hallelujah," just jumping up and down.
Then I'd hear another name called, I would say, "Oh, I know him. I know him. I--I... There--there he goes. There... Watch him right up..."
"Enter into the joys of the Lord, my good and..."
"Oh," I said, "praise God. Praise God."
Just think, just like they would say, "Orman Neville." See? And then," I'd say, "that's old Brother Neville; there he is," and here he come out of the crowd, goes up. I hear Him say, "Enter into the joys of the Lord that's been prepared for you since before the foundation of the world. Enter in." And old Brother Neville just changed and just start back in there just screaming and hollering. Boy, I'd just shout and say, "Glory to God." Standing over here by myself, having a wonderful time, watching my brethren go in.
And a recording Angel stood and said, "William Branham."
I never thought I'd have to walk that. So then I was scared. I thought, "Oh, my, will I have to do that?" So I went walking down there and just everybody patting me on the, like that, "Hi, Brother Branham." "God bless you, Brother Branham," patting me as I go along through a great big crowd of people. And all of them reaching over and patting me like that. "God bless you, brother." "God bless you, brother."
464 I was going; I said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you," like coming out of a meeting or something; you know, and I was going to have to walk these great big ivory steps.
I started walking up through there and just as I made the first step, I stopped, and I thought... I looked at His face, and I thought, "I want to get a good look at Him this way," and I stopped. I had my hands like this; I felt something slip in my arm here. It was somebody else's arm. I looked around, and there stood Hope, those big black eyes and that dark hair hanging down her back, white robe on, looking up at me like that.
467 I said, "Hope." I felt something hit this arm, looked around and there was Meda, that dark eyes looking up, and that black hair hanging down, a white robe on. And I said, "Meda." And they looked at one another, you know, like that. They... I got them in my arms and here we went...?... home.
I woke... Oh. I woke up, and I--I got up and set down in a chair and cried, you know. I thought, "Oh, God, I hope that comes like that." Both associated with me in life and bringing children and things like that, and here we are walking into the new world, oh, my, where perfection and everything. No nothing...
Why, it's going to be a wonderful thing. Don't miss it; don't miss it. By the grace of God, do all you can do, and then it'll be up to God to take care of the rest of it. Then...
I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's...
471 Let's sing it again with all of our heart now. Lift up our eyes to God:
I love Him...
[Brother Branham leaves the platform to pray for a woman in a wheelchair--Ed.]
.. I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
473 All right. She wasn't expected to live through the meeting. And that's right. There she has with both hands up in the air, praising God. That's the reason I was lingering here a long time, not tell you what I doing, talking about Meda and them. And that... I was watching to see what... I kept noticing that Light circling back and forth and went and hung over her. I thought, "That's it." Oh, isn't He wonderful.
I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
474 Now, with our hearts: [Brother Branham hums "I love Him"--Ed.] Just think of His goodness and mercy.
.. I love Him, (Amen.)
Because He first loved...
Now, you see how much better it is? Amen. That's it. Now...?... it's go and be well. The grace of God has appeared to you to make you well. Amen.
On Calvary's tree.
Oh, glory to God.
I love Him... (All right, your pastor.) I...
Now, it's nine-thirty, nine o'clock... nine-thirty?