Bez ohľadu na to, ako blízko ste pri Jordáne, bez ohľadu na to, v akých okolnostiach sa nachádzate, ak len môžete držať to zasľúbenie Božie vo svojom srdci, Boh to potvrdí, že je to tak. Uprostred všetkej nevery, On vždy potvrdí, že je to tak. Áno, On to robí. A okolnosti Ho nezastavia, On vždy urobí to isté, ako to robil tam vtedy. Všimnite si, bolo to cez Jeho veriacich, skrze čo On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. On môže potvrdiť Svoje Slovo jedine... nie skrze neveriacich, je to len skrze veriacich, to, ako On môže potvrdiť Svoje Slovo. Bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi tí ostatní tvrdili, čím sú, „Ó, ja verím, brat!“ Vidíš, ak veríš, Boh potvrdí, že je to tak, pretože my sa dívame a vidíme iných. Ako to potom môžeme povedať? Vidíte, to je skrze pravých veriacich, skrze ktorých On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo; nie skrze tých, ktorí hovoria, že veria, ale skrze tých, ktorí skutočne veria. To je skrze Jeho veriace deti, cez ktoré On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo.
No, on mal veriacich. Tá stará úroda vymrela, tí neveriaci, ktorí povedali, „Nedokážeme ju zabrať,“ On nechal každého jedného z nich zahynúť (prečo?), každého jedného z nich, okrem tých veriacich. Kto zostal? Mojžiš bol vzatý do Slávy. A tí neveriaci pohynuli na púšti a toto boli ich deti. Boli tam len dvaja, ktorí prešli na druhú stranu, a to boli tí veriaci, Józua a Kálef. Oni boli tí veriaci, oni boli tí, ktorí prešli na druhú stranu. To je ten jediný spôsob, ako to Boh môže urobiť, skrze Svoje veriace deti. Veríte tomu? V poriadku. Jeho veriaci boli tí jediní, ktorí to vykonali. On ich použil na to prejdenie na druhú stranu.
1Zostaňme stáť a skloňme naše hlavy. Pane Ježišu, sme Ti dnes ráno vďační za tú výsadu, že môžeme prísť do Tvojej prítomnosti v Tvojom dome, kde je Tvoj ľud zhromaždený v Tvojom Mene. A všetko je Tvoje, Pane. A my sa teraz porúčame Tebe kvôli očakávaniu, ktoré máme v našich srdciach do služby za tých, ktorí sú bez Boha a bez Krista, aby boli spasení a aby chorí boli uzdravení a aby svätí boli požehnaní. Udeľ to, Pane. A potom na konci, skloníme v pokore svoje hlavy a oddáme Ti chválu za všetko, čo Ty dnes skrze nás činíš. Pretože sme to prosili v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.
2Som skutočne vďačný za výsadu, že tu dnes môžem byť, a za vás ľudí, ktorí ste cestovali tak ďaleko, aby ste prišli kvôli tomuto posolstvu, na dnešné raňajšie zhromaždenie. Ja viem, že ste neprišli, aby ste ma videli alebo počuli, prišli ste, aby ste stretli Pána Ježiša. A tak dôverujem, že On vám dá túžbu vášho srdca.
3Teraz som sa vrátil, prišiel som nazad, vzal som rodinu do Tucsonu a vrátil som sa späť. Som unavený a strhaný. Cestoval som celé leto, od januára, a teraz som prišiel, aby som tento týždeň išiel do Kentucky s niekoľkými priateľmi na poľovačku, pokúsiť sa trochu si odpočinúť. Robí ma to tak veľmi nervóznym, viete, tak ja som... Billy a ja sme pripravení na odchod, tak sa modlíme, aby nám Boh pomohol tento týždeň si odpočinúť.
4Ak Pán dovolí, chcem byť na budúcu nedeľu znova naspäť tu, ak bude Pán chcieť. A chcel by som, aby sme mali na budúcu nedeľu špeciálne zhromaždenie. Chcem urobiť niečo trochu odlišne ako obvykle. No, oznamujem to preto, aby tí ľudia, ktorí by sa o to nezaujímali, aby nemuseli prísť, ale my sa vždy modlíme za chorých, ak to Pán dovolí, keď tí ľudia prídu. A na budúcu nedeľu chcem zistiť, čo všetko máte na svojich srdciach. Chcel by som, aby ste to napísali, dnes, keď budete odchádzať, a položili to na stôl a brat Neville to dá Billy Paulovi a on to dá mne, to, čo je na vašich srdciach. Len povedzte... ak je to biblická otázka, obyčajne to takto mávam. Otvorím to teraz trochu viac, možno je vo vašom srdci nejaký problém, že cez to nejako nemôžete prejsť, napríklad, že máte nejaký problém v rodine. Nemusíte sa pod to podpísať, ale len, „Môj manžel robí to a to, a to mi prekáža.“ Moja manželka robí to a to.“ A je určitá vec, ktorá sa v živote deje,“ alebo niečo, viete, jednoducho to, čo máte na srdci, niečo, čo vám robí problémy. Myslím, že by to bolo dobré. Čo vy na to? Potom to tam treba len zistiť a možno položíte tú otázku a ja to možno odpoviem pre niekoho iného. Vidíte, oni majú možno ten istý problém. A jednoducho to, čo je na vašom srdci, napíšte to stručne, ako je to len možné, napr. „Mám dieťa, pri ktorom sa mi zdá, že postupuje zle, čo mám robiť?“ „Mám manžela, ktorý so mnou nechce chodiť do cirkvi. Je ku mne arogantný, čo mám robiť?“ Alebo, manželka, takisto. Alebo viete, „Biblia toto hovorí na jednom mieste a toto na druhom mieste, ja tomu nerozumiem. Rád by som vedel, čo to znamená.“ A či by som mal v prípade nejakého kresťana, keď pracujem v úrade, a šéf povie takú a takú vec a poprosí ma, aby som s ním išiel na nejakú párty, a na tejto párty oni pijú, čo by som mal robiť?“ Viete, skrátka veci, ktoré sú v ľudskej mysli. Chceme, aby ste to urobili.
5A preto potom musím ísť naspäť do Arizony. A myslel som, že by som dostal príležitosť vám to tak trochu pomôcť porozumieť a najlepšie, ako viem. Rád by som ich mal dnes na kazateľni, pred tým, ako odídete, toľko, koľko je len možné. Len to napíšte a položte sem a brat Neville alebo niekto z nich ich dá mne. A tento týždeň, dolu v horách, budem mať príležitosť to študovať a modliť sa nad tým a dostať biblickú odpoveď pre vás na všetko, čo môžem, aby som vám pomohol. Pretože to je to, prečo sme tu zhromaždení, to je pomôcť jeden druhému. Vy mi pomáhate, keď sa za mňa modlíte, a ja dúfam, že vám môžem pomôcť. No, potom, nezabudnite, bude to na budúcu nedeľu ráno.
6A tak, dnes, my sme... sú tu s nami, ako obyčajne, návštevníci. A koľkí sú zo vzdialenosti viac ako sto míľ [asi 161km - pozn.prekl.], zodvihnete svoju ruku? Je to deväťdesiat deväť percent zhromaždenia. Niekoľko nedieľ dozadu, som povedal, „Koľkí sú z veľkej diaľky,“ alebo tak nejako a nezodvihla sa žiadna ruka z Jeffersonville. Aha! Na druhý deň som to dostal, hoci oni povedali, „Brat Branham, všetci návštevníci sú vo vnútri,“ a povedali, „my im prenechávame naše miesto v cirkvi.“ Tak povedali, že oni prišli, prišli stovky a nemohli sa dostať dovnútra, povedali, „Pretože sme videli tých hostí, vidíte.“ No, to je pekné od ľudí z Jeffersonville, tu z okolia. Sme za to vďační, Jeffersonville a New Albany a ľudia z okolia. Sme za to vďační. Koľkí sú zo vzdialenosti tisíc míľ? Ó! Koľkí sú z viac ako tisíc, zodvihnete svoje ruky? Ó! To je výborné. To je...
7Minulú nedeľu, bolo to minulý týždeň, som hovoril na tému, Budúci domov Nevesty a Ženícha a myslím, že sme tu boli z okolia tisíc päťsto štvorcových míľ. A stalo sa, že to bola presne miera toho mesta, o ktorom som hovoril, tisíc päťsto štvorcových míľ. Odvtedy sa na tom hostím, vediac to, že keď sa zakončí tento pozemský život, ja idem do toho mesta. Som s tým mestom zviazaný a na ničom inom nezáleží. Čo ak by dnes nezasvietilo slnko, alebo nepríde zajtrajšok, aký to robí rozdiel? My máme Domov, miesto odpočinutia. Unavený alebo neunavený, my máme stále miesto odpočinutia. Poviete, „To je sen starého človeka.“ Nie, to nie je. To nie je. To je biblická pravda.
8Raz večer, potom, ako som tu hovoril, bol tu človek, ktorý tu prebehol poza pódium, ako som vychádzal dverami, snažil som sa dostať von do auta. A ten mladý človek povedal, „Chcem ti povedať len jedno slovo.“ Billy a niektorí bratia sa ma snažili dostať do auta. On povedal, „Môžem povedať len to jedno slovo?“ Povedal som, „Povedz.“
9A on povedal, „Dnes večer si na ženy riadne nakričal, kvôli tomu spôsobu, akým sa obliekajú, keď nosia tie rôzne šaty.“ Povedal, „Človek v tvojom veku by tak rozmýšľal, ale ak by si bol taký starý ako ja, rozmýšľal by si inak.“
Povedal som, „Koľko máš rokov?“
On povedal, „Mám dvadsaťsedem.“
10A ja som povedal, „Bol som o desať, pätnásť rokov mladší ako ty a kázal som tú istú vec. Vidíš?“ Povedal som, „To je to čo je v tvojom srdci, chlapče. Tvoje oči vidia skrze tvoje srdce.“ A on len zvesil hlavu a odišiel. Myslím, že na to nie je viac čo povedať. Vidíte, to závisí na tom, čo je tu, čo vyjde tadiaľto a tadiaľto. Vidíte, Ježiš povedal, „Ak hovoríš odlišne od toho, čo je tu, potom sa stávaš pokrytcom.“
11Som dnes ráno rád, že niekde v zhromaždení mám svojho veľmi drahého priateľa, brata, reverenda Eddieho Byskala a jeho manželku a deti. Myslím, že oni prišli dnes ráno na zhromaždenie. Eddie, si tu? Myslel som, že si... No, možno, že neprišiel. Brat, ó, áno, tam... No, to nie je kút „amen“, Eddie. Si vítaný tu s nami na pódiu, s kazateľmi, ak chceš prísť. A potom sme boli na...
12Brat Eddie bol s nami, keď mi Pán dal to videnie o tom medveďovi a tom karibu. Koľkí si to pamätáte, keď som vám to hovoril? V poriadku, on tam bol. On bol tým mladým človekom, ktorý mal tú károvanú košeľu, brat Eddie Byskal. A on tam stál, kde... a ja som sa opýtal... Spýtal som sa ich, či majú károvanú košeľu, každý jeden z nich. „Nie,“ nikto ju nemal. Povedal som, „Dobre, to je možno... Musí tam byť károvaná košeľa. Bude tam veľký strieborný grizzly a nejaký druh zvieraťa, ktorý ma štyridsaťdva palcové parohy, takéto, vyzeralo to ako jeleň.“ A to bolo asi pred šiestimi mesiacmi, povedal som to tu, viete, pred tým, ako sa to stalo; dávno, o tom, ó, bolo to skôr ako začiatkom roka.
13Potom ma tento muž pozval na poľovačku. Nikdy som v tom kraji nebol, tam, kde sme išli, a ja som to povedal. Ale tá malá cesta, to je cesta hore na Aljašskú diaľnicu, kde nie je nič, len lesy a hory a zvieratá. A ten večer, pri tom prívese, keď som to tam hovoril bratovi Byskalovi a bratovi Southwickovi, on povedal, „No ja... Ideme do kraju oviec,“ povedal, „to nebude tam hore.“
14A ja som povedal, „Áno,“ a povedal som, „to bol jeden z tých, ktorí boli so mnou, ktorý mal oblečenú károvanú košeľu.“ Nikto nemal károvanú košeľu, brat Byskal nemal tiež, nikto z nás nemal žiadnu.
15Druhého večera sme zazreli, zahliadli sme nad kosodrevinou barana. No, to je tam hore, kde kosodrevina dokonca ani nerastie, kde nie je nič, len karibu a ovce, a my sme v diaľke jednu zazreli. A cestou dolu, v to popoludnie, sa brat Byskal potkol a spadol do vody a zamokril sa.
16Nasledujúce ráno sme skoro vstali a začali hľadať tých baranov, o ktorých sme si mysleli, že ich dostaneme. A na jeho... Vyšli sme tam a boli sme... zjedli sme svoj obed a nemohli sme tých baranov nájsť a brat Byskal práve zastrelil jedného karibu. Tak potom ja, díval som sa dookola a išli sme hore, brat Southwick mi povedal, povedal, „Verím, že... ak sa chceš dobre prejsť, brat Branham, prejdeme cez túto horu, dolu na také pekné miesto, možno, že tie barany išli tam,“ čo je dlhá prechádzka. Ale možno sa nezotmie, až kým nebude skutočne neskoro, čo býva niekedy okolo desiatej, alebo jedenástej.
17A to je dobrá, dlhá túra cez tie Skalisté hory. Tak, mám rád túry a tak sme tam stáli, objali sme jeden druhého, obe naše brady šedivé, objali sme jeden druhého, plakali sme a vedeli... povedal som, „Brat Bud, dúfam, že jedného dňa, v Miléniu, budem môcť prejsť všetky tie vrchy, ktoré sú tam.“
18On povedal, „Dúfam, že ja s tebou, brat Branham.“ A stáli sme tam a jednoducho sme sa radovali v Pánovi. A ja tak veľmi milujem hory!
19A potom sme zostúpili dolu. To bolo vtedy, keď brat Byskal zastrelil toho karibu. On je misionárom Indiánov a on ním chcel nakŕmiť svojich Indiánov. Tak sme zišli dolu, zjedli sme si obed a stiahli sme toho karibu z kože a vrátili sme sa späť.
20Bud a ja sme išli hore cez tie vrchy a keď sme pozreli cez ne do diaľky, s mojím ďalekohľadom, zazrel som to zviera, ktoré som videl, v panoráme, ako som vám to tu povedal. Brat Byskal tam stál rovno pri nás. A tak som povedal, „Tam je to zviera.“
21A on sa pozrel cez ďalekohľad a povedal, „Je to veľký, starý, obrovský samec karibu.“
22A ja som povedal, „Nikdy som takého nevidel, myslel som, že oni majú ploché parožie.“ Ale tento ich má špicaté, vyzeral, že je starý, práve ako som ho videl v tom videní. Nikdy pred tým som nezastrelil jeleňa karibu.
23„Tak dobre,“ on povedal, „ak ti ho Pán dá,“ on povedal, „tam je len...“
24Povedal som, „Áno, to tak musí byť. Tá jediná vec, ktorá mi je divná, je tá károvaná košeľa.“ A ja som sa poobzeral dookola a brat Eddie, jeho manželka ju musela pribaliť, ona tam bola s ním, musela ju pribaliť do jeho námorníckeho vreca. Keď sa deň pred tým zamokril, on si dal druhú košeľu, a to bola károvaná košeľa. Povedal som, „Toto je to.“
25Keď som sa tam dostal a dostal som toho karibu, on, Bud mi povedal, povedal, „No, brat Branham, ty hovoríš, že tieto parohy majú štyridsaťdva palcov?“
Povedal som, „Toľko budú mať.“
On povedal, „Mne to pripadá, že majú asi deväťdesiat dva.“
Povedal som, „Nie, ony majú štyridsaťdva palcov.“
26On povedal, „No, podľa toho, čo si mi povedal, pred tým ako sa dostaneme ku tomu chlapcovi tam dolu s tou károvanou košeľou, Eddiemu,“ (kde nás oni majú stretnúť tam pod horou, niekoľko míľ), povedal, „ty zabiješ medveďa grizlyho.“ Povedal som, „To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“
27On povedal, „Brat Branham, odkiaľ on príde? Môžem vidieť na päťdesiat míľ dookola.“
28Povedal som, „On je stále Jehova-Jireh. Pán, ktorý si opatrí, rozumieš. On môže priviesť do existencie veveričky. Ak On môže priviesť do existencie barana, ak On to vypovedal o tom medveďovi, medveď môže prísť do existencie.“
29Snažili sme sa zniesť toho ťažkého karibu dolu, tú trofej, dolu z hôr a nejaký čas som niesol pušku a potom on niesol tú pušku a naopak. A potom sme sa dostali až takmer ku takému veľkému ľadovcu, tam pod neho. Bolo horúco, prišli sme na ten ľadovec a na chvíľu sme si tam sadli, aby sme sa ochladili. On povedal, „Vieš, brat Branham, my nie sme viac ako jednu míľu od miesta, kde je Eddie a Blaine, kde sa tí dvaja chlapci nachádzajú. Bolo by lepšie, keby sa ten starý medveď ukázal.“ Povedal som, „Bud, ja myslím, že ty o tom pochybuješ.“
30On povedal, „Brat Branham, môj brat mával veľa rokov epileptické záchvaty. A ty si mi raz povedal, tu prvýkrát, keď sme išli na to iné miesto, ty si mi povedal, ako ten chlapec vyzerá.“ A Eddie išiel rovno vedľa mňa na koni, keď dal Pán to videnie. A ja som im povedal, čo s tým chlapcom majú urobiť a tie záchvaty prestali. A teraz povedal, „Ja nemôžem pochybovať.“
31Povedal som, „Bud, ja neviem odkiaľ ten medveď príde.“ Ale, mal som asi päťdesiat, teraz mám päťdesiatpäť, tak to bolo asi pred tromi rokmi. Mal som asi päťdesiatdva alebo päťdesiattri. Povedal som, „Nikdy som to nevidel zlyhať. Boh mi dá toho grizlyho pred tým, ako sa dostanem ku tým chlapcom.“ A boli sme už takmer tam dolu, kde začínali tie malé jedle a kosodrevina.
32Trochu nižšie dolu tým kopcom, boli sme takmer v tej kosodrevine, on si sadol. On bol práve vtedy tým, kto niesol tú trofej, ja som mal pušku. A on povedal, „Bolo by lepšie, keby sa ten starý medveď ukázal, či nie?“
Povedal som, „On tam bude. Netráp sa.“
On povedal, „Môžem vidieť každý kopec.“
33Povedal som, „Ja... Ale ja vidím zasľúbenie!“ Vidíte? Rozumiete, On zasľúbil. Povedal som, „Vždy, keď On...“ Povedal som, „Bud, čo je to tam?“
34On sa pozrel, povedal, „To je veľký strieborný grizly.“ Povedal, „To je on.“ Keď sme dostali toho grizlyho a prišli sme nazad... Pamätal som si v tom videní, o ktorom som vám povedal, bol som vystrašený ohľadne tej pušky. Bola to malá .270, malé náboje, viete. Je to na páske. A ja som dostal toho medveďa, na vzdialenosť asi päťsto yardov [asi 457,2 metrov — pozn.prekl.], tak, ako to povedalo. Bud povedal, „Bude lepšie, ak strelíš toho medveďa do chrbta.“ On povedal, „Zastrelil si niekedy predtým grizlyho?“
Povedal som, „Nie.“
35On povedal, „Ó, oni nevedia, čo je to smrť!“ Ja som sa to naučil trochu neskôr. Tak on povedal, „Oni sa zo šoku nezrútia,“ povedal, „radšej ho zastreľ.“
Povedal som, „Podľa toho videnia som ho strelil do srdca.“
36On povedal, „No, ak to videnie povedalo to, budem stáť pri tebe.“
37A ja som povedal, „Tu to máme.“ A dostali sme sa trochu bližšie a keď som sa postavil, ten medveď ma zbadal. To bolo to, čo on chcel, aby mohol zaútočiť. A ja som do toho medveďa strelil, zdalo sa, že ho to ani nezranilo. A teraz sa rútil na nás! A pred tým, ako som mohol zasunúť do pušky ďalší náboj, ten medveď zomrel asi päťdesiat yardov [asi 45,7 metrov — pozn.prekl.] od nás.
38Budovi celkom zbeleli ústa, povedal, „Brat Branham, nechcel by som ho mať na pleci.“ Povedal som, „Ani ja.“
39Povedal, „Som rád, že to videnie povedalo, že ho dostaneš.“ On povedal, „No, ak je to tak, ak sú tie parohy štyridsaťdva palcov, ja budem mať...“ Poviem to tak, ako to on povedal, „Dostanem záchvat kričania.“
40Povedal som, „No, môžeš ho mať hneď teraz, pretože toľko budú mať.“
41Keď sme sa dostali ku bratovi Eddiemu... Odviazali sme kone, oni sa boja medveďa. A, ó, oni ho museli zacítiť. Nemohli sme ho stiahnuť z kože, bolo príliš neskoro; museli sme sa vrátiť na druhý deň. A potom sa nám asi desaťkrát pretrhol povraz a kone všade pobehovali. Tak, potom sme zišli tam dolu, on povedal... Išiel, zobral zo svojej sedlovej tašky meracie pásmo, povedal, „Blaine.“
42Povedal som bratovi Eddiemu, povedal som, „Pozoruj teraz tú malú ruku, podľa...“ Myslel som, že to mohol byť Billy Paul, malá ruka držala to meracie pásmo na tom paroží. Povedal som, „Pozoruj tú malú ruku,“ šťuchol som brata Eddieho. Urobili sme krok nazad. On ho položil až takto, presne na špičku, štyridsaťdva palcov. Vidíte, presne. Ježiš nikdy nezlyháva! To Slovo nikdy nezlyhá, ak ono prichádza od Boha.
43Práve som zazrel v našom strede brata a sestru Jacksonových z Južnej Afriky. Myslím, že boli predstavení. Boli ste, brat Jackson? Dnes ráno, postavte sa, ty a sestra Jacksonová. Som rád, že ich môžete vidieť. Môj brat Eddie, je tu tiež starý lovecký spoločník z Južnej Afriky, tam dolu. Nech vás Pán žehná, brat Jackson a sestra Jacksonová, som rád, že ste tu s nami. A všetci kazatelia tu v budove, zodvihnite svoju ruku, všetci, ktorí sú v tej službe. No, to je úžasné a pekné, dobre. Nech vás Pán žehná. Sme radi, že vás tu všetkých máme. Za chvíľu budem mať modlitebný rad, tak ja ne... Želám si, aby ste mohli povstať a prísť sem a kázať pre mňa. Sme tak radi, že vás tu máme, každého jedného z vás.
44Keď premýšľam o vašej vernosti, a ako prichádzate z celého národa a tak ďalej, aby ste ma počuli hovoriť o drahom Ježišovi Kristovi, o vašej dôvere, ktorú máte, že On počuje moje modlitby. Práve pred chvíľou som hovoril v súkromnom rozhovore s jednou členkou tohto zboru, nie viac ako pred štyridsiatimi minútami, matka so zlomeným srdcom. A práve, ako som začal tej žene niečo hovoriť, (neviem, či ona chce, aby som povedal, kto to bol, alebo nie), tam prišlo to isté Svetlo, ktoré vidíte na tom obrázku. S tou vecou bol koniec, ona odišla šťastná. Sme tak radi, dnes, v tomto pohnutom veku, v ktorom žijeme, kde sotva môžete niečomu dôverovať, my máme Kráľovstvo, ktoré sa nemôže pohnúť. Nepohnuteľné! Nie Gibraltarskú skalu, ale naša viera môže spokojne odpočinúť na Skale Vekov, na Ježišovi Kristovi, tej nepohnuteľnej Skale Spasenia.
45Chcem poďakovať tej sestre, ktorá priniesla mojej manželke, ktorá je tu, tú trojitú krabicu s Bibliou. Ona urobila dohodu s Pánom ohľadne tejto malej krabice. Ona ju mala rada. Ona mala nejaké... ako nejaké fotky zo starých čias, ktoré tam na tom boli. A ona sa pýtala Pána... Mala tú krabicu až tak trochu príliš rada, zrejme. Len bežná malá krabička v tvare pyramídy. A ona to priniesla s jednou Bibliou mojej manželke. Vďaka ti, sestra. Každý jeden z vašich malých darov a vecí, ktoré dávate Billy Paulovi a ostatným, oni ich dávajú mne. Som vďačný za všetko. Nech je Boh s vami.
46Nezabudnite teraz, na budúcu nedeľu ráno. Hneď, ako dnes skončí zhromaždenie, napíšte svoju otázku. Ak nemôžete, prineste ju na budúcu nedeľu ráno. Prídem trochu skôr, potom nech ich prinesú do tej miestnosti, tak budem mať čas, aby som tomu dal pozadie z Biblie. A my na tie otázky odpovieme na budúcu nedeľu ráno, ak Pán dá.
47No, leží tu veľa vreckoviek. A ja ich potlačím dozadu, aby som si sem dolu mohol položiť svoje poznámky a svoju... vlastne tiež svoju Bibliu a svoje poznámky, tak aby som mohol mať trochu priestoru. Ale ja som... Pomodlím sa za každú jednu.
48Zapíšem si svoje poznámky, mám len málo času. Nezdržím vás tak, ako som vás zdržal naposledy, čo som tu bol, okolo štyroch hodín. Sľúbil som samému sebe, ak by som ešte niekedy nahrával niečo také, nahrám to tu sám, alebo tak nejako, tak, aby som vás nemusel držať tak dlho.
49Je tu dnes ráno Dr. Lee Vayle? Chcel som sa spýtať, či je Dr. Lee Vayle... Si tu, brat Vayle? Zodvihni svoju ruku, ak si tu. Je tam vzadu? V poriadku, vďaka, brat Roy. A brat Vayle, ja chcem, aby si tieto poznámky skontroloval. Ty si niekde tam vzadu medzi ostatnými, takže ťa nemôžem vidieť, alebo niekde v hale. Musíme dávať pozor, nemôžeme nechať mnohých stáť, ten šerif hasičov nám to nedovolí takto robiť, vidíte, a takto sme. Chcem, aby si skontroloval moje zjavenie ohľadne semena hada, aby to bolo vložené do prvého, Efezského cirkevného veku, o ktorom on píše, upravuje tam pre mňa gramatiku. Nádherne spracované! A ja chcem, aby si skontroloval a nech teraz niekto povie niečo proti semenu hada (či je to správne, alebo nie)! Tak Pán mi to dal práve včera, vidíte. Ó, je to o toľko väčšie! Ako dostávam posolstvo, idem ďalej a Niečo ma zasiahne. Potom... A ak viem, že to je Boh, zoberiem to a nachádzam to v Písme. Potom mám... To nikdy nezlyhalo, ale od Genezis do Zjavenia to ide správne, bez ohľadu na to, čo si o tom ľudia myslia. A od času tých Siedmych Pečatí je to ešte väčšie než kedykoľvek pred tým. Vidíte, tým sa to stalo od toho času. Tak, nech vás teraz Pán požehná, ako to budeme študovať. No, s rešpektom ku Slovu...
50A myslím, že niekto, ten inžinier, ktorý je vždy pri tom, tá akustika tu robí trochu odraz. No, môžete tam vzadu počuť v poriadku? Zodvihnite svoje ruky, ak môžete. Výborne!
51Obráťme sa teraz do Biblie, do dvoch miest v Písme, a ja sa pokúsim z toho dostať to posolstvo a zakončiť na čas, ak Pán dovolí. A teraz, obráťme sa do Marka 5. kapitoly a do 1. Kráľov 10. kapitoly, Marek 5. kapitola; 1. Kráľov 10. kapitola.
52No, ale pre cudzích, ktorí môžu byť v našich bránach, toto, našu nedeľnú školu umiestňujeme v jednej veľkej triede. A to je táto trieda tu, pretože všetky miestnosti sú plné ľudí a my nemôžeme mať riadne oddelené triedy a my študujeme trochu ohľadne Slova, ako máme spolu obecenstvo. My nie... Nie sme žiadna denominácia. Nemáme žiadnu denomináciu. Sme jednoducho slobodní v Pánovi a nemáme v úmysle byť nejakou skupinou fanatikov. Jednoducho vyučujeme Bibliu a Ju samotnú. A Pán je ku nám taký dobrý, až to On podporuje a ukazuje, že je to pravda. A to nám dáva veľkú útechu.
53A teraz, ste kedykoľvek v našom strede vítaní. No, nie som tu po celý čas, ale máme tu skvelých pastorov; Brata Nevilleho, jedného z našich pastorov; Brata Cappsa, ďalšieho z našich pastorov; a brata Collinsa, Wilbura Collinsa, ďalšieho, naši pastori. A potom, máme ďalších z iných miest, naše pridružené zbory. Ak ste z okolia Texasu, bratia Martinovci tu, a brat... Čo je to za brata, ktorý sem prišiel s vami? Nevidím dnes ráno brata Blaira. Ó, brat Blair, nevidel som ťa, brat Blair. Brat Ruddell, hneď tu vzadu, jeden z našich zborov na 62. ulici, jeden z našich sesterských zborov tu. Brat Junior Jackson, ktorý sedí rovno tu pri bratovi Blairovi, teraz ho vidím, ďalší z našich sesterských zborov. A my máme zbory všade po krajine.
54Brat Jack Palmer, na svojej ceste hore, myslím, že sa trochu ponáhľali, s tým novým autom jeho syna, tak trochu, trochu nad povolenú rýchlosť a mali nehodu. On si poranil sánku a nebol schopný prísť, išiel nazad domov. Tak, má sa dobre. A tu, brat Ben, ďalší z našich bratov tu hore v Kentucky, on mu dnes ráno zavolal, aby videl, či potrebujú nejaké peniaze, alebo čokoľvek, s čím by im cirkev mohla pomôcť, on povedal, že je všetko v poriadku. A on prechádzal zákrutu vo veľkej rýchlosti a narazil na nejaký štrk, a to pomliaždilo jeho čeľusť alebo niečo. A oni odtiaľ zavolali, keď prišli autom na nejakú poštu alebo niečo, a zavolali, aby sme sa za nich modlili.
55Brat Billy Collins tiež, my vieme, že si vážne pomliaždil svoj prst, zlomil si v ňom kosť, počul som o tom a oni ho museli narovnať. Tak, chceme na neho pamätať v modlitbe.
56A teraz, ten dôvod, že stojíme. Keď sľubujeme vernosť, ako vystupuje vlajka alebo niečo, vždy stojíme v pozore, alebo salutujeme, alebo stojíme, prinajmenej, aby sme vyjadrili rešpekt nášmu národu, čo by sme mali robiť, a našej zástave. A čo potom náš Pán, keď čítame Jeho Slovo? Postavme sa teraz, ako budeme čítať Svätého Marka 5 a počnúc od 21. verša. Dávajte teraz pozor, ako to čítame.
A keď sa preplavil Ježiš na lodi zase na druhú stranu, sišiel sa k nemu veliký zástup, a bol pri mori.
A hľa, prišiel jeden z predstavených synagógy, menom Jairus, a keď ho videl, padol k jeho nohám
a veľmi ho prosil a hovoril: Moja dcéruška skonáva: prosím, žeby si prišiel a vzložil na ňu ruky, že by bola uzdravená a žila.
A odišiel s ním. A išiel za ním veliký zástup, a tlačili ho zo všetkých strán.
Vtedy nejaká žena, ktorá bola v nemoci toku krvi dvanásť rokov
a mnoho vytrpela od mnohých lekárov a potrovila všetko svoje imanie, a nič jej to nebolo pomohlo, lež ešte bola prišla do horšieho;
tá, keď počula o Ježišovi, prišla v zástupe odzadu a dotkla sa jeho rúcha,
lebo si bola povedala: Ak sa len jeho rúcha dotknem, budem uzdravená.
A hneď vyschol prameň jej krvi, a pocítila na tele, že je uzdravená od svojej choroby.
A Ježiš hneď poznal v sebe, že vyšla z neho moc, a obrátiac sa v zástupe vravel: Kto sa dotknul mojeho rúcha?
A jeho učeníci mu vraveli: Vidíš, že ťa zástup tlačí zo všetkých strán, a hovoríš: Kto sa ma dotknul?
Ale on sa ohliadal dookola, aby videl tú, ktorá to urobila.
A žena bojac a trasúc sa, lebo vedela, čo sa pri nej stalo, prišla a padla pred ním a povedala mu celú pravdu.
A on jej povedal: Dcéro, tvoja viera ťa uzdravila. Iď v pokoji a buď zdravá a prostá svojej choroby.
A kým on ešte hovoril, tu prišli od predstaveného synagógy a vraveli: Tvoja dcéra už zomrela, načo ešte unúvaš Učiteľa?
Ale Ježiš počujúc slovo, ktoré hovorili, hneď povedal predstavenému synagógy: Neboj sa, len ver!
A nedal nikomu ísť za sebou, iba Petrovi, Jakobovi a Jánovi, Jakobovmu bratovi.
A prišli do domu predstaveného synagógy, a videl tam nepokojný ruch, plačúcich a kvíliacich veľmi,
a vojdúc povedal im: Čo robíte krik a plačete? Dieťa nezomrelo, ale spí.
A vysmievali ho. No, on vyženúc všetkých pojal otca i matku dieťaťa i tých, ktorí boli s ním, a vošiel ta, kde ležalo dieťa.
A povedal dieťaťu a On... (prepáčte)...A uchopiac ruku dieťaťa povedal mu: Talitha kúmi! čo je preložené toľko jako: Dievčatko, tebe hovorím, vstaň!
A dievčatko hneď vstalo a chodilo, lebo malo dvanásť rokov. A žasli prenáramne.
A veľmi im prikázal, aby sa toho nikto nedozvedel. A povedal, aby jej dali jesť.
57V Prvej Knihe Kráľov, 10. kapitole, čítame tieto tri verše.
A kráľovná zo Šeby slýchala povesť o Šalamúnovi dotyčne mena Hospodinovho a prišla, aby ho zkúsila rôznymi záhadami.
A tak prišla do Jeruzalema s veľmi velikým sprievodom a bohatstvom, s veľblúdmi, ktoré niesly voňavé veci a zlata veľmi mnoho i drahé kamene. A keď prišla k Šalamúnovi, hovorila s ním o všetkom, čo mala vo svojom srdci.
A Šalamún jej odpovedal na všetky jej slová, a nebolo veci, ktorá by bola bývala skrytá pred kráľom, na ktorú by jej nebol dal odpovede.
58Modlime sa. Pane Ježišu, ako čítame tieto príbehy z Biblie, naše srdcia poskakujú radosťou. Pretože vieme, že Ty Si Boh a Ty sa nikdy nemeníš. Nikdy nemeníš Svoje metódy, nikdy nemeníš Svoje spôsoby, Ty zostávaš navždy Bohom. A my sa modlíme, Bože, aby si nám dnes ráno dal výklad týchto Písem, aby si nám ich dal poznať, aby mohli byť naše srdcia rozpoznávané, aby veľký Duch Svätý dnes prišiel medzi nás a rozpoznal naše myšlienky a naše srdcia. A nech nie je nič zanechané, aby boli naše srdcia tak plné radosti, keď budeme odtiaľto odchádzať, aby sme povedali, ako tí, ktorí išli toho večera z Emaus, „Či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia, ako On hovoril ku nám na ceste?“ Ty vždy zostávaš Bohom a my sme Tvoje hladné deti, zhromaždené dnes ráno. Pretože je napísané, „Človek bude žiť skrze každé Slovo, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“ Požehnaj nás, v našom spoločnom zhromaždení a všetkých týchto ľudí, Pane, ktorí prišli zo stoviek a áno, tisícov míľ. Modlíme sa, aby, keď oni pôjdu domov, boli ich srdcia uspokojené dobrými vecami milosrdenstva a milosti Božej. Pretože to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
59Veľmi zvláštny krátky text, tri slová, na ktoré chcem hovoriť z celého tohto čítania. Možno poviete, „To je veľmi malá vec, tri slová z toho všetkého, čo si čítal, z porcie dvoch kapitol Biblie.“ Ale ja som to urobil kvôli takému pozadiu, aby som zobral tieto tri slová: Dokazovanie Jeho Slova [a zároveň „skúšanie“ Jeho Slova – angl. „Proving His Word“ - pozn.prekl.].
60Vy viete, že je miesto v Biblii, v 1. Tesaloničanom 5:21, kde je napísané, „Všetko skúšajte; držte to, čo je dobré.“ Keď je čokoľvek skúšané, bude to dokázané ako „správne“ alebo „nesprávne.“ A keď je nejaká pochybnosť, malo by to byť skúsené, až kým nezistíte, čo je správne. A potom, keď zistíte, čo je správne, je tam povedané, „Drž pevne.“ Inými slovami, „Uchop to, nepusti to. Drž to pevne!“ Inými slovami, „Drž to pevne tak, aby sa to nevyšmyklo.“ Drž pevne to, čo je dobré, potom, čo to bolo dokázané ako „správne.“ A čokoľvek, čo je dokázané, ako „nesprávne,“ pusti to tak rýchlo, ako len môžeš, choď od toho preč. Nikdy sa nedrž zlej veci.
61No, je možné, že vytrvalí Kresťania, dobrí ľudia, sa niekedy držia zlej veci a myslia si, že je to správne. Ale potom, tieto veci by mali byť dokázané či sú „správne“ alebo „nesprávne.“ A to je povinnosť nás všetkých, zatiaľ čo očakávame, že pôjdeme do neba, keď Ježiš prichádza. A to je práca kazateľa, keď povstáva nejaká otázka, že on to vyrieši a potom to osvedčí pred ľuďmi, aby mohli porozumieť, pretože nikto nechce byť nájdený na „omyle,“ že sa drží zlej veci.
62Tak my máme Bibliu (a Ježiš povedal, „všetky Písma sa musia vyplniť“) aby sme mohli dokázať všetky veci. A potom, „drž silno,“ alebo, „drž pevne, chop sa toho smrteľne vážne. A nepusti to, drž sa pevne toho, čo je dobré.“
63Pamätám sa v škole, niečo som sa naučil a mnohí z vás sa naučili tú istú lekciu. Keď ste vyriešili nejaký problém, vypracovali ho, mohli ste vziať tú odpoveď a dokázať ju pomocou toho problému. Koľkí ste to kedy urobili? Každý z vás, pravdaže. Vtedy sa nemusíte obávať, či je vaša odpoveď správna alebo nie, odpoveď na ten problém bola dokázaná pomocou toho problému. Preto viete, že máte správnu odpoveď. Ak každá jedna z nich, na vašej tabuľke alebo papieri bola dokázaná, ten problém dokázaný pomocou... tá odpoveď bola dokázaná skrze ten problém, potom to máte. Nikto nemôže povedať, že to je zle, musíte dostať... A ak robíte svoju prácu úhľadne a správne a tak, ako má byť vyhotovená, a vaša odpoveď bola dokázaná, môžete si sadnúť dozadu a odpočívať s tou istotou, že za to dostanete jednotku, na ten list papiera, ktorý odovzdávate, pretože to je dokázané pomocou toho problému.
64No, je staré príslovie, ktoré hovorí, „Dokáž to a ja tomu budem veriť.“ Nuž, oni majú v jednom našom štáte, v jednom z našich štátov v tomto národe, oni majú slogan, „Ja som z Missouri, ukáž mi.“ Rozumiete, inými slovami, „Dokáž mi to, ja som z Missouri.“ Ale toto vždy nefunguje, pretože Boh v každom veku vyplnil a potvrdil to dielo, ktoré On ustanovil pre ten-ktorý vek a povedal to vo Svojom Slove. A zakaždým, ako bolo Božie Slovo v tom veku potvrdené, väčšina To odmietla. Tak, „Dokáž to a ja tomu uverím,“ nie je to tak. Vy môžete mať vieru len vtedy, keď vám ju Boh dá. Viera je dar Boží. Bez ohľadu na to, akí nábožní môžete byť, jednako to vyžaduje... musíte mať vieru. A vaša viera môže odpočívať jedine, ak ste Kresťanom, na potvrdenom Slove Božom.
65No, pamätajte, Boh nadelil Svoje Slovo do každého veku a predpovedal, čo sa stane v tomto určitom veku, o ktorom On hovoril. Nuž, ak by Mojžiš prišiel s posolstvom Noeho, to by nefungovalo. Ak by Ježiš prišiel s Mojžišovým posolstvom, to by nefungovalo. Alebo ak by jeden prorok prišiel s posolstvom iného proroka, to nefungovalo. Ale skrze Svojich prorokov, On zjavil úplne všetko o Sebe a svojom pláne. Preto nemôže byť do Biblie pridané jedno slovo alebo jedno Slovo z nej vzaté.
66Tak, ak dokážete svoj problém pomocou vášho... vašu odpoveď pomocou vášho problému, potom prečo nedokázať tú odpoveď, ktorú my teraz dostávame pomocou Slova na tento vek? Ak Biblia hovorí, že určitá vec sa má v tomto veku stať, je to v Biblii a to sa stane. Potom, ak vaša odpoveď, ktorú sa snažíte povedať ľuďom, ak je ona potvrdená skrze túto Knihu, potom je to pravda, je to pravda. V opačnom prípade nie je.
67No, vidíme ďalšie, potom vy, bezpochyby, ste ich počuli povedať, „Vidieť je veriť.“ To je ďalšie staré príslovie, ktoré tu máme, ale ono tiež nefunguje. Ono nefunguje, pretože človek môže sedieť a dívať sa rovno na niečo a nevidieť to. To slovo „vidieť,“ anglické slovo „vidieť“ [„see“ - pozn.prekl.] má tak veľa významov. More [„sea“ - pozn.prekl.] môže znamenať „masa vody.“ A „vidieť“ môže znamenať „rozumieť.“ „Vidieť“ môže znamenať „pozerať na to.“ A, ó, jednoducho je tak veľa slov, ktoré môžete použiť. Ale keď poviete, „vidieť je veriť,“ mýlite sa.
68Keď tomu rozumiete, veríte tomu. Ježiš povedal, „Ak sa človek neznovuzrodí, nemôže vidieť to Kráľovstvo,“ inými slovami, „rozumieť to Kráľovstvo,“ pretože to Kráľovstvo je Duch Svätý vo vás. Tak, musíte rozumieť, čo je to, čo je vo vás. A jediný spôsob, ako to porozumiete, je porovnať, čo spôsobuje to, že robíte to, čo robíte s tým, čo Biblia povedala, že budete robiť. Vtedy je váš problém vyriešený, vidíte. A potom, On je tým Duchom Svätým.
69Tak, vidieť neznamená veriť. Môžem to dokázať pomocou telesných zmyslov, vidíte, že vidieť neznamená veriť. Ja nemôžem vidieť túto fľašu s olejom. Nemohol by som ju vidieť, pretože ona je za mnou, jednako mám zmysel, pocit, ktorý mi hovorí, že ju mám vo svojej ruke. Vidíte? No, nemohol som ju vidieť, je to nemožné. A teraz ju nemôžem dočiahnuť, je to nemožné a jednako tomu verím. Toto, vidieť je veriť; toto, cítiť je veriť. Teraz zatvorím svoje oči, nemôžem ju vidieť ani cítiť, ale ak by som ju dostal bližšie, mohol by som ju zacítiť, ja by som stále veril, že ona je tam. Tak, „Viera je podstatou vecí, na ktoré sa nadejeme, tým dôkazom,“ nie zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch, alebo sluch. Vy tomu veríte! A viera musí mať miesto odpočinutia. A čokoľvek je v protiklade ku Slovu Božiemu, viera v Boha nemôže mať miesto odpočinutia, iba ak je to zasľúbenie Božie. A tam ona dostáva svoje večné miesto.
70Ale pred tvárou všetkých týchto vekov pochybností a vecí, cez ktoré sme prešli a žijeme v tomto dni, najhoršom zo všetkých, pred tvárou všetkej tejto pochybnosti, Boh ide rovno ďalej, dokazujúc Svoje Slovo, že je správne, ako to On robil v každom veku. On... Nevera nezastaví Boha, ona Mu neprekáža. Nestarám sa o to, koľko tento svet neverí, to sa vyplní. Nevera neurobí nič, okrem toho, že odsúdi neveriaceho. Nevera pošle neveriaceho do pekla. Ona ho okradne o každé požehnanie, ktoré mu Boh zasľúbil, ale ona neprekáža Bohu v tom, aby On išiel rovno ďalej s tým veriacim. Vidíte, nevera nezastaví Boha, ona len zastavuje neveriaceho.
71Poviete, „Ja... Slnko zajtra nebude svietiť, ja ho zastavím.“ Skúste to. Vidíte? V poriadku, nemôžete to urobiť. Boh ho postavil do poriadku a povedal, že bude svietiť, a ono bude svietiť, to je všetko, On povedal, že bude. Môžu byť pod ním nejaké mraky, ale ono svieti stále rovnako. A nemôžete tým zastaviť Boha. On, čo...
72Ako On dáva poznávať Svoje Slovo ľuďom? Najprv, Boh vedel, že budú neveriaci... No, pozorujte tú múdrosť Božiu; vediac, že budú neveriaci a ako väčšina bude neveriacich. No, skrze predzvedenie predurčil semeno na každý vek, ktoré tomu bude veriť. No, ak si tam všimnete, každý vek ide rovno ďalej s Jeho Slovom, všetko presne na čas, Bohu nič nebráni. On ide rovno ďalej a každý „tik“ sa hýbe presne podľa poriadku. My si niekedy myslíme, že to nebude správne fungovať. Ale nebojte sa, Jeho hodiny sú načasované presne na zlomok okamihu a všetko funguje presne podľa poriadku.
73Keď sa niekedy dívam naokolo a vidím týchto Rikiov a Rikety, ktoré dnes máme, a na uliciach a toto všetko sa deje, rozmýšľam, „Ó, Bože!“
74„Počkaj chvíľu,“ On hovorí, pozrite, „Moje hodiny odbíjajú presne podľa poriadku. Ja ťa musím postaviť na ten istý základ, na ktorý som postavil toho prvého muža v tamtých dňoch. A ja som ťa postavil na ten istý základ, ako som postavil Luthera, a na ten istý základ, ako som postavil Wesleya.“ Pretože, vidíte, hriech nebol vtedy tak známy, ako je teraz. A keď máme teraz viacej známosti, než ako sme mali vtedy, a keď nepriateľ prichádza ako potopa, Duch Boží pozdvihuje proti nemu prápor. Vidíte? A teraz, dnes máme viacej poznania, viac znalosti, tak tie rieky nevery tečú silným prúdom, ale Boh proti tomu pozdvihuje prápor. Ale pamätajte, On je vždy... Ten dôvod je, že On tieto veci predurčil, aby sa stali. On ich predpovedal skrze Svojich prorokov, že oni sa stanú. A keď spravodliví vidia tieto veci potvrdené, potom oni vedia, že to je pravda. Bez ohľadu na to, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí, oni vedia, že je to pravda.
75Nachádzame tu, verím, že to je v 1. Tesaloničanom, On povedal, „On nás predurčil ku adopcii za deti skrze Ježiša Krista.“ Boh nehovorí, „Vás si vyberiem a vás nevyberiem,“ ale skrze Svoje predzvedenie vedel, čo urobíte. Tak, skrze predzvedenie On môže ustanoviť a On spôsobil, aby všetko pracovalo pre Jeho dobro a pre vaše dobro.
76V Genesis Boh povedal Adamovi a Eve, čo sa stane, keby neverili Jeho Slovu. No, On postavil pred nich dobré a zlé a On povedal, „Toho dňa, v ktorom by ste z neho jedli, toho dňa zomriete.“ A Boh mal na mysli presne to, čo povedal. On to vždy robí, On to, čo hovorí, aj tak myslí.
77Satan ju doviedol do toho, aby tomu neverila, pretože sám Satan tomu nikdy neveril. On tomu neverí, tak on ju doviedol do toho, aby tomu uverila. A on stále robí tú istú vec a iných učí to isté, a oni tomu neveria, ako tomu neverila ona. Boh ohradil Svoj ľud Svojím Slovom, to je vaša jediná obrana. Nie vaša denominácia, nie váš otec alebo vaša matka, to je všetko v poriadku, ale byť za Božím Slovom. To je miesto, kde je veriaci ochránený, za Slovom. Keď tá malá cesta tam bola porušená s malým „som zvedavý, či je to správne alebo nie? To by ne...“, vchádza tam rozumovanie a zaberá miesto viery, oni prelamujú tie závory. A Boh dodržal Svoje Slovo, On ho uskutočnil. Satan sa ju snažil doviesť do toho, aby verila... aby tomu neverila.
78Alebo, rozumovanie... nerozumujte nad Tým! Poviete, „Dobre, ja verím...“ Nemáš žiadne právo. Keď Boh niečo hovorí, práve tak, ako to povedal, to je tá vec, ktorú treba vykonať. Poviete, „No, ja myslím...“ Ale ty nemáš žiadnu myšlienku. Nech tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás. A Kristus je Slovo! Nech to Slovo je vo vás. Všetky ostatné slová sú nesprávne, Kristove Slovo je pravdou! Iní mu veria i všetkému jeho rozumovaniu, tak, ako ona uverila, uvažovala, „No, prečo by toto Boh urobil? No, či to nie je rovnako dobré?“ Ak je to proti Slovu, tak nie je! Tak, čokoľvek, ktorýkoľvek učiteľ, každý vykladač Biblie, čokoľvek iné, čo by vás vyučovalo, alebo sa snažilo dostať vás do toho, aby ste verili akejkoľvek malej čiarke odlišnej od toho, čo tá Biblia hovorí, že to je, je to falošné učenie. Je to znovu Satan, presne, ako to bolo s Evou. Boh ide rovno ďalej, bez ohľadu na to, čo on robí, čo Satan robí, Boh ide rovno ďalej a dokazuje, že je to tak.
79No, pozrite, čo povedal Eve, „Istotne nezomriete. Budete múdri.“ To je to, čo ten svet dnes hľadá, vedecký dôkaz, nejaké ľudské poznanie. A on povedal, „Istotne nezomriete.“
80Ale Boh povedal, „zomriete,“ a Boh dokázal, že je to tak. A my to môžeme vidieť, On mienil to, čo povedal. Choďte tu hore na cintorín, spoznáte, či to On mienil, alebo nie. „Toho dňa, ktorého by ste z neho zjedli, v tom dni zomriete.“ A keď pôjdete sem hore a skontrolujete hociktorého človeka, ktorého chcete, z každého veku, nikdy nebol žiaden človek, ktorý by žil tisíc rokov. Boh tak potvrdil Svoje Slovo, On to urobí zakaždým.
81Ale pamätajte, tak, ako On dodržuje všetky Svoje zasľúbenia ohľadne požehnaní, On tak isto dodržuje Svoje prekliatia. Pretože oni z neho jedli, v tom dni zomreli; a On vám to dokazuje, že oni zomierajú v ten deň, v ktorom z neho jedia. On tiež dodržuje každé Slovo, ktoré On o Svojich požehnaniach povedal. Boh dodržuje každé zasľúbenie! Ó, ja to milujem. Musíte si vybrať to, ktoré chcete: Jeho požehnania, skrze vieru; alebo Jeho prekliatia, skrze To, že to prevrátite. Ak To prevrátite a veríte tej prevrátenej strane Toho, potom ste prekliaty. Ak tomu veríte, jednoducho tým spôsobom, ako to On napísal, a držíte sa toho, potom ste požehnaní. A To je vždy v protiklade ku vede, vždy v protiklade k ľudskému vedeckému spôsobu ukázania vecí. Pretože on dodržuje každé Slovo, oboje, Jeho požehnania a Jeho prekliatia.
82Keď muž a žena tak hrešili v tom predpotopnom svete, on... proti Jeho pravdivému Slovu, Adam a Eva zhrešili proti pravdivému Slovu. Ale... a všetky generácie, ktoré ich nasledovali, urobili tú istú vec, On nad nimi prehlásil smrť a nakoniec to prišlo ku totálnemu, úplnému zničeniu všetkého, čo bolo na zemi, bolo to zakryté vodou, úplne zmyté vodou.
83No, ten istý Boh, ktorý priviedol totálne zničenie na všetko, čo bolo na zemi, každú rastlinu, každé stvorenie, okrem toho, čo rezervoval a vzal ponad tú zem, všetko, čo zasľúbil, že urobí, On to urobil. A ten istý Boh, ktorý zasľúbil tú vodu a dodržal Svoje Slovo, ten istý Boh zasľubuje oheň a On dodrží Svoje Slovo. On Svoje Slovo dodrží.
84No, čo On teraz urobil? Ako oni poznali Jeho Slovo? Pretože každý spôsob Jeho konania, dokázania Jeho samého pred tým, ako On robí nejaké zničenie, alebo vykonáva nejaký súd, On vždy ľuďom posiela Slovo a vždy ľudí varuje. Ó, ja to milujem! Potom môžeme presne vidieť, kde sme.
85Vo dňoch Noeho, tam boli všetky druhy kazateľov a združení a boli tam všetky možné druhy náboženstiev, vo dňoch Noeho, pretože Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Ale tam prišiel na scénu prorok a on začal niečo robiť, začal stavať archu. A Boh poslal Svojho proroka, Noeho, aby dokázal, že On poslal Svoje Slovo, a povedal im, že prichádza zničenie, pretože On nemohol zniesť ten spôsob, ako ľudia postupovali, tak že On musel zničiť človeka, ktorého raz stvoril.
86No, Slovo prišlo ku prorokovi, zakaždým, On to nikdy nemení. Malachiáš 3 povedal, „Ja som Boh a Ja sa nemením.“
87Noe bol poslaný do vedeckého veku s nevedeckým posolstvom. Noe bol poslaný do intelektuálneho veku s neintelektuálnym posolstvom. On bol poslaný do veku vedy, keď mal posolstvo viery a zasľúbenie do vedeckého veku. Tak, mohli by ste veriť, že vedecký vek by veril nevedeckému posolstvu? Veľký intelektuálny vek a potom by ste verili, že oni by mali vieru v niečo, čo sa zdalo byť úplne hlúpe pre ľudskú myseľ? Ale Boh to vždy takto robí. Noe bol potvrdeným prorokom Pánovým a Božím posolstvom tej hodiny. On tomu musel veriť, ľudia museli veriť jeho Posolstvu potom, ako bol potvrdený Pánom, že to bolo Božie Slovo a Boh dodržoval Svoje Slovo.
88No, dnes je to tá istá vec. Sme na konci času. Tí ľudia to mali vedieť, vidíte. No, všimli ste si, Noe bol typom tých Židov, ktorí budú prenesení cez to súženie. Enoch bol typom skutočného Posolstva... prenesenia Cirkvi, pretože Enoch bol vzatý hore a potom prišla potopa. A obaja z nich... Ten prvý prorok, Enoch, bol vzatý preč, tak Noe mohol ísť ďalej so svojím... Boh mohol ísť ďalej s Noem. A teraz bude vzatá cirkev, takže Boh môže konať znovu so Židmi, tým zostatkom Židov, s tými stoštyridsať štyri tisíc, ako sme cez to prechádzali tu v Písme.
89Ale pred tvárou celého vedeckého, neveriaceho veku Boh potvrdil Svoje Slovo zasľúbenia, že je pravdou, tak, že poslal potopu. No, pamätajte, vo dňoch Noeho, nikdy predtým nepršalo. Boh mal paru, ktorá vychádzala zo zeme na jej zavlažovanie, ale nikdy tam nepršalo. Ale Noe povedal, „Bude pršať.“ No, to bolo...
90Oni mohli zobrať nejaký prístroj a vystreliť to do oblakov a povedať, „Nie je tam žiadna vlhkosť. Nie je tam žiaden dážď. Môžeme dokázať, že tam nie je žiaden dážď.“
91Bez ohľadu na to, čo povedala veda, Boh povedal, „Bude pršať,“ tak, to to vykonalo. No, čo urobil Boh? Podľa môjho názoru, keď niektorí z nich otriasli trochu svetom a odklonili ho z jeho poriadku, potom sa to otočilo chrbtom týmto smerom, teplota zeme klesla a to priviedlo vlhkosť. A svet bol na začiatku úplne pokrytý a tá atmosféra, tá vlhkosť vzduchu jednoducho prišla dokopy vo forme oblaku a spustilo sa to dolu, to bolo všetko.
92No, my dnes vieme, že je tam oheň, pretože tie plyny sú v zemi. A Biblia povedala, „Nebesia a zem pominú s rachotom a zem sa od veľkej horúčavy roztaví“ Tak my vieme, že je to tam hore, tak isto, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho.
93A teraz pamätajte, posolstvo Noeho času bolo len skrze vieru a nie skrze vedecký dôkaz. Ale dnes je to posolstvo podľa Slova Božieho a vedecky dokázané. Eliáš prichádza najprv, robí zázraky, nekáže; len chodí z miesta na miesto, činiac zázraky. Ten ďalší raz prichádza vo forme Jána Krstiteľa, prichádza a nečiní žiadne zázraky, len káže. A tretíkrát on prichádza a je tam oboje, zázraky a kázanie. Vidíte? Vidíte, ako to je? Pozorujte, v akej kontinuite idú Písma. Mohli by sme na tom stráviť veľa času, ale my sa tomu vyhneme, pretože verím, že to porozumievate.
94On konal v tom veku presne tak, ako On konal vo všetkých vekoch a ako On bude konať, ako zasľúbil, že bude konať. Čokoľvek, čo Boh zasľubuje, potom On prichádza dolu a potvrdzuje, že Jeho Slovo je pravdou. Všetci, ktorí veria, všetci, ktorí veria Posolstvu na ten vek, vošli a boli spasení. Tak to bude v každom veku. Všetci, ktorí neverili tomu Posolstvu a tomu poslovi, zahynuli.
95A všetci, ktorí dnes skutočne veria Slovu Božiemu, budú vzatí. Všetci, ktorí neveria Slovu Božiemu, zahynú s tým svetom, pretože oni sú zo sveta a všetko, čo je vo svete, musí s tým svetom zahynúť. A všetko, čo je spasené v Bohu, musí byť v Bohu a nemôže zahynúť, „Ja im dám Večný Život a vzbudím ich v ten posledný deň.“ No, aká je to útecha pre každého veriaceho, keď vie, že keď ste v Kristovi, že práve s takou istotou, že Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo a ten svet zahynie, On dodržuje Svoje Slovo a kriesi Svoj ľud a zachraňuje ich. On to dokazuje.
96On potvrdil Svoje Slovo zasľúbenia, že je pravdou, Abrahámovi v jeho veku. Všimnite si, bolo to nevedecké, v Abrahámovom veku, pre človeka, ktorý mal sto rokov a ženu, ktorá mala deväťdesiat, aby mali dieťa, už dávno minuli ten vek. Ale Abrahám to nemohol vysvetliť. On mohol ísť k doktorovi a povedať, „Doktor, je to možné?“
97„To je nemožné!“ Ísť do nemocnice a urobiť prípravu pre tú matku, aby mala dieťa, alebo čokoľvek by to bolo, ak to chcete porovnať s týmto vekom, oni by ho nazvali duševne chorým, „On sa zbláznil.“
98Ale Boh povedal! A on... Biblia povedala v Rimanom, 4 kapitole, že, „Abrahám sa nezapotácal na zasľúbení Božom, skrze neveru, ale bol silný, dajúc chválu Bohu. Pretože on vytrval, vidiac Toho, ktorý je neviditeľný, a bol uspokojený, vytrval.“ Pevne sa držal, pretože bol plne presvedčený, že to, čo Boh zasľúbil, Boh bol schopný urobiť! A my sme považovaní za jeho deti. Amen! Cítim sa teraz nábožne, povzbudený, len o tom rozmýšľajte! Ó, On to dokázal, po všetkých tých rokoch, On obrátil Abraháma a Sáru znovu na mladú ženu, a mali dieťa. A Abrahám a Sára žili... štyridsať päť rokov neskôr, Sára zomrela a Abrahám sa znovu oženil potom, čo mal stoštyridsaťpäť rokov a mal sedem ďalších, okrem dcér. Keď on prešiel plodný vek, bol sterilný, nemal semeno, nezostal v ňom žiaden život, takmer ďalších sto rokov pred tým. Amen! On nebral do úvahy svoje vlastné telo, on nebral do úvahy Sárine mŕtve lono. On bral do úvahy len to, čo Boh povedal, a vedel, že Boh potvrdí to, čo On povedal. Amen! Boh potvrdzuje, že to, čo On hovorí i vykoná. Uprostred toho, čo bolo nevedecké a vedecké, a medzi čímkoľvek, čokoľvek to je, Boh dokazuje, že On má pravdu, vždy dokazuje Svoje Slovo. On má pravdu, všetci ostatní sú na omyle.
99On to tiež potvrdil Lótovi, keď povedal, „Ak nevyjdeš z tohto mesta, Ja ho spálim.“ A On povedal Abrahámovi, ak by mohol „nájsť desiatich“, ušetril by to mesto. A On nemohol nájsť tých desiatich, tak dokázal, že Jeho Slovo bola pravda.
100„Odkiaľ prichádza ten oheň? Na týchto pláňach nie je žiaden, tu vonku pri týchto bahnitých jamách.“ Ale Boh tak povedal a Abrahám vedel, že sa to stane. Lót vedel, že je to tak, a utiekol do hôr.
101On zasľúbil jeho semenu, že bude cudzincom v cudzej zemi a ľuďmi bude zle posudzované a budú putovať, Abrahámovo semeno, počas štyristo rokov medzi cudzincami, cudzími ľuďmi. A On vyplnil Svoje Slovo presne tak, ako povedal, že vyplní. Abrahámovo semeno prebývalo v Egypte štyristo rokov. On tiež zasľúbil, že ich vyslobodí mocnou rukou. On vyslobodí tých ľudí z Egyptského otroctva silnou rukou. A On Svoje Slovo dodržal. Pozrite, čo musel urobiť, aby dostal tie deti tam dolu v Egypte. Vyzeralo to, ako by sa tam prihodila pohroma a všetko také.
102Vyzeralo to ako... pre Jozefa to bolo hrozné, keď bol považovaný za mŕtveho, a biedny Izák... alebo Jákob, jeho otec. Alebo Izák, jeho otec... vlastne pre Jákoba, ktorý bol, Izák bol jeho starým otcom. Jákob, jeho otec, aby uveril, že jeho vlastný syn bol zabitý zvieratami. Aké ťažké to bolo pre malého Jozefa: vedieť, že tento biedny človek, ďaleko preč od svojho ľudu, zradený svojimi bratmi, hodený do jamy, mysleli si, že je mŕtvy, na jeho plášť dali ovčiu krv, tam, kde zabili baránka, aby ho zjedli, dali na to tú krv a zobrali to ku ich otcovi a ako toto všetko vedel. Ale Jozef si uvedomoval jednu vec, že ruka Pánova bola na ňom. On vedel, že bol veriaci. Bez ohľadu na to, ako ho jeho bratia odmietli, ako veľmi tam nebola žiadna spolupráca alebo niečo iné, Jozef vedel, že Boh dodrží Svoje Slovo. Keď videl to videnie, ako sa oni všetci pred ním klaňali, on vedel, že sa to musí stať, pretože to bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Amen. Nestaral sa, akým nerozumným sa to zdalo byť, Jozef vedel, že to bola pravda. Bez ohľadu na to, aká bola tá úloha ťažká, cez čo musel prejsť, on vedel, že jedného dňa sa každý jeden z nich pokloní pred jeho nohami. Ako to urobí, keď ho oni nenávideli? Ale on vedel, že Boh tak zakaždým Svoje Slovo potvrdí.
103Tak to On urobí dnes! Boh tak potvrdí Svoje Slovo, bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorí veda, „To sa nemôže stať.“ Bez ohľadu na to, ako sme vzdelaní a intelektuálni, ako cirkvi zašli do formality a tak ďalej, Boh stále dokazuje Svoje Slovo, že je správne. Odpočiň rovno v tom Slove.
104Áno, Jozef mal toho veľa, cez čo musel prejsť, ísť dolu do Egypta, ale Boh ho vyviedol presne tak, ako On povedal; veľmi pekný obraz dneška, ak by sme mali čas, aby sme do toho vošli. Myslím, že sme to tu v modlitebni pred tým mali, prechádzali sme cez to. Boh dodržal Svoje Slovo, pretože oni tam museli zostať. Pre tie Hebrejské deti tam dolu v Egyptskom otroctve to bolo ťažké. Hebrejské deti, ktoré boli požehnané a bolo im dané ovocie zeme, to najlepšie miesto, Gózen, keď zistili, že sa musia stať otrokmi; a tie matky, že museli do rúk Egyptských vojakov vydať ovocie svojho lona, svoje milované bábätko, a vidieť ich tam stáť, ako vzali veľký nôž a rozrezali ho a hodili na zem, hodili ho aligátorom. No, bola to pre nich ťažká vec, keď cez to museli prejsť.
105Ale jedného dňa sa narodilo to predurčené semeno, dieťa, ktoré bolo tým správnym dieťaťom. Niečo sa ohľadne neho zdalo byť zvláštnym. Tam na zadnej strane púšte jedného dňa zostúpil Duch Svätý vo forme ohnivého stĺpa a usadil sa na kríku a povedal, „Počul som vzdychania Môjho ľudu a rozpamätal som sa na Svoje zasľúbenie. A čas vyslobodenia sa priblížil a Ja ťa posielam tam dolu, aby si to vykonal.“ S palicou vo svojej ruke, jeho žena na mulici, dieťa na jej kolenách, on to vykonal mocou Všemohúceho Boha. Tá najkomickejšia vec: čo bola krivá palica proti desaťtisíc kopijám? Ale, vidíte, Boh bol v tom. To záleží na tom, kde je Jeho Slovo. Mojžiš mal Jeho Slovo, faraón mal kopije. Mojžiš mal to Slovo.
106Všetko, čo on potreboval, bolo to Slovo. To je všetko, čo ty dnes potrebuješ. To nie sú poverovacie listiny z nejakej cirkvi. Ty nepotrebuješ nejakú denomináciu, aby ťa podporovala. Ty potrebuješ to Slovo, aby si skrze neho dosiahol vytrhnutie. Nepotrebuješ nejaké poverovacie listiny. Nepotrebuješ nejakú dlhú históriu z nejakej školy, aby si bol dnes ráno uzdravený. Potrebuješ prijať to Slovo, ktoré to činí!
107Nepotrebuješ slovo doktora. Ak doktor hovorí, že urobil všetko, čo mohol urobiť, to je všetko, čo on môže urobiť. Ak on hovorí, že si dostal rakovinu, nádor, že oslepneš, si hluchý, nemý, čokoľvek to je, na tom nezáleží. Ak môžeš zobrať to Slovo tam ku tomu horiacemu zasľúbeniu toho kra, amen, niečo sa stane! Boh potvrdí Svoje Slovo, že je pravdou, zakaždým, kedy je prijaté na tom správnom druhu pôdy. To je to, čo potrebuješ, Jeho Slovo. On ho dokazuje, On ho dodržuje. Môžeš bezpečne odpočívať na tom, že Ono je pravdou.
108On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo v každom veku, tým najneobyčajnejším spôsobom, ale On to vždy robí tým istým spôsobom. Vidíte? Čo On urobil vo dňoch Noeho, keď sa chystal vyslobodiť ten ostatok? On im poslal proroka Noeho. On poslal Noeho, znak.
109A teraz si všimnite, keď On prichádza, aby vyslobodil deti Izraela, čo On robí? On postupuje rovnako, posiela Svojho proroka. Jeho prorok má to Slovo. Tie znamenia a zázraky toho zasľúbeného Slova to podopierajú, že ono je presne pravdou. Izrael putoval do zasľúbenej zeme, pretože oni tomu uverili.
110A na tej púti po púšti sa udialo to, že oni tomu prorokovi neverili, potom, ako videli to Slovo potvrdené, tá nevesta vyšla z kroku (viete, o čom hovorím, v tom videní, vidíte, „vyšla z kroku“). Bol tam jeden, ktorý sa postavil, volal sa Józua a Kálef, a veril, že to zasľúbené Slovo je pravdou, bez ohľadu na to, aké boli tie okolnosti.
111Pozorujte, keď sa dostali do Kádeš Barney. V Kádeš Barney, vyslal Mojžiš jedného z každého kmeňa, aby išli a prešpehovali zem, aby videli, ktorou cestou tam vojsť. A on poslal svojho generála, Józuu, ktorý bol prorokom, tak on poslal menšieho proroka od Mojžiša. A Józua počúval Mojžiša. A oni ho vyslali, tak on povedal, „Choďte tam a prešpehujte tú zem.“
112A ten generál vyšiel a vybral z každého kmeňa jedného muža a oni išli. On vzal Kálefa, svojho blízkeho priateľa, pretože on vedel, že Kálef veril. Oni išli tam do zasľúbenej zeme a vrátili sa s kopou hrozna, ktorú niesli dvaja muži. On teraz povedal, „Tak, aby Izrael mal dôkaz, dokonca pred tým, ako sa dostane do toho zasľúbenia. Vidíte, Oni budú mať dôkaz toho, o čom Boh povedal, že je to dobrá zem a oplýva mliekom a medom. Je to veľkolepá zem. Je to dobrá zem. No, vaša... ó, všetok tento starý cesnak, pór a čokoľvek máte tu v Egypte. Tak, my vás vezmeme do zeme mlieka a medu. Zrejme ste nikdy neochutnali ani jedno z toho, mlieko alebo med, počas tých rokov tam dolu v Egypte. Oni vám dávajú len otrocký prídel. Ale teraz idete do zasľúbenej zeme.“ Tak práve v tom čase, oni začali asi jednodňovú púť, kde bola Kádeš Barnea, tá veľká sudcovská stolica sveta, oni sa zastavili tam pod tými veľkými palmami, pri tých prameňoch a utáborili sa. On povedal, „No, nech ten ľud vie...“ Pozorujte, aký dokonalý, aký skutočný, dokonalý dôkaz to je, ako Boh koná práve tak, ako koná dnes. On povedal, „No, Boh povedal, 'Tá zem je ohromná'. Pred tým ako tam pôjdete, chcem, aby ste videli, že tá zem je ohromná. Tak choďte a prineste mi o tej zemi nejaký dôkaz a ukážte to tým ľuďom.“
113Tak, oni tam prišli. A teraz, vždy keď prichádzate, aby ste priniesli nejaký dôkaz, nepriateľ je tam na ceste. Keď sa tam niektorí z tých ľudí pozreli a videli tých veľkých obrov Kanaánu, ó, oni povedali, „My to nedokážeme.“ Ale oni priniesli naspäť ten dôkaz, že tá zem tam je. Oni neboli falošne vedení. Boh im dokazoval Svoje Slovo, dokonca ešte pred tým, ako vošli do tej zeme.
114Či to nemôžete vidieť, dnes, že ak cestujete tisíc míľ, aby ste počuli Slovo, a pozorovali ho, ako je ono dokázané a potvrdené, že to je dôkaz, že to je ohromná Zem? Môžete vidieť tieň muža, ktorý leží a zomiera na rakovinu, „Buď uzdravený.“ A my vidíme Slová Božie, o ktorých On povedal, že sa stanú v tomto dni, že sa potvrdzujú, to je dôkaz, že On dodržuje Svoje Slovo. Je to ohromná Zem. Keď môj život prichádza ku koncu a Boh zostupuje a znova ho ušetrí, to ukazuje, že existuje dôkaz Večného Života. Pričom voľakedy by ste do cirkvi neprišli, teraz stojíte v rade, aby ste sa tam dostali. To je dôkaz. Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo a potvrdzuje vám ho, že je pravdou.
115Cestujete tisícky míľ; ako som sem ráno prichádzal a pozrel som tam a videl tých ľudí, ako kŕmia svoje deti z fľaše od kokakoly, trochu cereálií, asi o piatej ráno, sedeli na tom pozemku. Pomyslel som si, „Bože, bol by som najhorší pokrytec na svete, keby som nechal tých ľudí, aby prešli celú tú vzdialenosť, a povedal by som im niečo, čo by nebolo pravdou. Pretože mám nad nimi ľútosť, moje srdce ide za nimi. Oni sú hladní a smädní po Bohu. Pomôž mi, Pane, povedať im Pravdu, alebo ma vezmi z tohto sveta. Dovoľ mi povedať tým ľuďom Pravdu, tak pomôž mi, Bože.“ Povedal som, „Drž moju ruku a dovoľ mi poznať Pravdu a potom to podopri potvrdením toho, že čo som povedal, je Pravda, aby oni poznali, že to je Pravda. Nedovoľ, aby tí ľudia boli zvedení. Nie.“ Ako ide moje srdce ku niečomu takému, aby som videl verných ľudí!
116Predstavujem si, ako Józua rozmýšľal o tej istej veci, v tom dni, keď ich zhromaždil, vidiac ich, ako si perú svoje šaty a pripravujú sa na ten tretí deň. Áno, On to potvrdil. No, čo povedal Józua? Čo oni povedali, „Ó, my to nedokážeme. Ty to jednoducho nedokážeš. Musíme vystúpiť z našej organizácie. Sme na konci. Vidíte, nemôžeme to teraz urobiť. Jednoducho to nemôžeme urobiť, pretože to je nerozumné.“ A keď ich tam Józua viedol, bolo to v mesiaci apríl, keď bola vysoká voda a Jordán bol široký, takmer ako rieka Ohio. Vyzeralo to, ako by Boh urobil strašnú chybu.
117Viete, niekedy ochoriete a poviete, „No, som Kresťanom. Boh, On urobil chybu, nechal ma ochorieť a ja som Kresťan.“ Či si neuvedomujete, že Biblia povedala, že všetko bude spolu pôsobiť na dobré tým, ktorí milujú Boha?
118Tam, kde ich Józua viedol, teraz, Jordán býva skutočne klesnutý. Môžete sa cez neho prebrodiť takmer všade naokolo, jedine, že narazíte na jamu vo vode, kde to je pomerne hlboké; môže sa to stať, a so všetkými týmito malými brodmi a vecami rovno tam pri brehoch Jericha. Môžete to prebrodiť, nie je tam oveľa hlbšie ako po členok, prejdete to s džípom, prejdete cez neho, prejdete ho pešo, alebo akokoľvek. Ale on ich tam viedol v apríli, keď tam bola krajina zaplavená takmer na míľu ďaleko. Tá voda bola zrejme tridsať alebo štyridsať stôp hlboká. A on povedal, „Na tretí deň prejdeme na druhú stranu. Boh tak povedal! Zvolaj ľudí a posväť ich, pretože na tretí deň prejdete cez Jordán.“ Vidíte, ako Boh necháva veci, aby sa diali? Len aby to vykonal, spôsobuje, že ľudia... jednoducho vyťahuje Svoj zástup. Čo oni robili? Oni sa posvätili a pripravili, bez ohľadu na to, aká bola tá voda hlboká a aká bola kalná a aký rýchly bol ten prúd. Vidíte, oni vedeli, že Boh potvrdí Svoje Slovo.
119Bez ohľadu na to, ako blízko ste pri Jordáne, bez ohľadu na to, v akých okolnostiach sa nachádzate, ak len môžete držať to zasľúbenie Božie vo svojom srdci, Boh to potvrdí, že je to tak. Uprostred všetkej nevery, On vždy potvrdí, že je to tak. Áno, On to robí. A okolnosti Ho nezastavia, On vždy urobí to isté, ako to robil tam vtedy.
120Všimnite si, bolo to cez Jeho veriacich, skrze čo On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. On môže potvrdiť Svoje Slovo jedine... nie skrze neveriacich, je to len skrze veriacich, to, ako On môže potvrdiť Svoje Slovo. Bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi tí ostatní tvrdili, čím sú, „Ó, ja verím, brat!“ Vidíš, ak veríš, Boh potvrdí, že je to tak, pretože my sa dívame a vidíme iných. Ako to potom môžeme povedať? Vidíte, to je skrze pravých veriacich, skrze ktorých On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo; nie skrze tých, ktorí hovoria, že veria, ale skrze tých, ktorí skutočne veria. To je skrze Jeho veriace deti, cez ktoré On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo.
121No, on mal veriacich. Tá stará úroda vymrela, tí neveriaci, ktorí povedali, „Nedokážeme ju zabrať,“ On nechal každého jedného z nich zahynúť (prečo?), každého jedného z nich, okrem tých veriacich. Kto zostal? Mojžiš bol vzatý do Slávy. A tí neveriaci pohynuli na púšti a toto boli ich deti. Boli tam len dvaja, ktorí prešli na druhú stranu, a to boli tí veriaci, Józua a Kálef. Oni boli tí veriaci, oni boli tí, ktorí prešli na druhú stranu. To je ten jediný spôsob, ako to Boh môže urobiť, skrze Svoje veriace deti. Veríte tomu? V poriadku. Jeho veriaci boli tí jediní, ktorí to vykonali. On ich použil na to prejdenie na druhú stranu. Vidíte?
122No, chcem aby ste si všimli, že On to tak robí v každom veku. On to robí zakaždým tým istým spôsobom, On musí zobrať veriacich. A potom, na to, aby mal veriacich, aby sa stretli s tým Slovom, On ho musí predurčiť na ten vek. Rozumiete tomu? On musí túto vec predurčiť, aby tam bola, aby vyhovela výzve toho veku. Porozumeli ste to? Cítili ste to? Uvideli ste to? Rozumiete tomu? To je to, čo sa deje dnes, On to predurčil ku tomuto, skrze Svoje predzvedenie. Keď to On predurčil, v Malachiášovi 4, to sa musí stať. Keď On prichádza a čokoľvek predurčuje, čo sa má stať, vo Svojom Slove, On musel potvrdiť Svoje Slovo, že je pravdou. Keď On čokoľvek predurčuje, že sa to stane, a hovorí, že sa to stane, On vie, že to semeno tam bude práve v tom čase. On predurčil Nevestu a ona tam bude! Bude vytrhnutie a ona tam bude! On ju predurčuje skrze Svoje predzvedenie. Vidíte, nič to nezastaví.
123Keď im Boh povedal, „No, dávam vám zasľúbenie o zasľúbenej zemi. Povedal som vášmu otcovi, Abrahámovi, že jeho deti budú bývať tu dolu štyristo rokov.“
124Mojžiš povedal, „Ja som prorok Pánov. Pozorujte a hľaďte na to, čo prorokujem. Ak sa to stane, potom budete vedieť, že som poslaný od Pána, pretože vy viete, že Boh vám to už povedal. No, teraz, ak prorokujem toto, a to sa deje a toto sa deje, zakaždým tak isto, tak teraz viete, že som poslaný od Pána, aby som vám to povedal. No, je zasľúbená zem, ktorú zasľúbil Boh. Vidíte? A Boh zasľúbil túto zem. Je to dobrá zem, ona oplýva mliekom a medom. Nasledujte ma.“
125A ako oni išli na púšť, kde on mal putovať, aby ich zobral na tú púšť, kde mu Boh povedal, aby ich priviedol naspäť na vrch Sinaj, potom Boh zostúpil pred celým Izraelom, so Stĺpom Ohňa, a potvrdil, že to, čo Mojžiš povedal, bolo tam, potvrdil, že to bola pravda, potvrdil tam Mojžiša, „Mojžiš povedal, že ten JA SOM bol na tomto vrchu, JA SOM sa mu zjavil vo forme horiaceho kríku. A teraz ten JA SOM spôsobil, že horí celý ten vrch.“
126Oni povedali, „Nech Boh nehovorí, nech Mojžiš hovorí. Zahynieme.“
127On povedal, „Ja to viac neurobím. Ja im vzbudím proroka, on ku nim bude hovoriť v Mojom Mene.“ Tak, to je to, čo On robí, presne tak On vyplňuje Svoje Slovo.
128Všimnite si, potom tí, ktorí neverili, potom, čo sa dostali tak blízko ku tej zemi, že oni neverili. No, vy, ktorí si zapisujete, zapíšte si Židom 6, rovno tu, kde je povedané, „ Tí, ktorí boli raz osvietení, učinení účastnými Ducha Svätého; keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu; ktorí sebe znova križujú Syna Božieho a vystavujú Ho otvorenej hanbe; pre tých je nemožné, aby boli spasení.“ Vidíte, práve tak nemožné, ako pre tamtých prejsť do tej zasľúbenej zeme.
129Ľudia prichádzajú rovno ku krstu Duchom Svätým, oni prídu rovno ku Slovu, oni prídu cez všetky denominácie a všetky cirkvi a všetky katechizmy a všetko, ale keď to prichádza ku tomu Slovu, tej hraničnej línii, oni hovoria, „Ó, ja o tom nič neviem, moja cirkev to tak neučí.“ Nestarám sa, čo učí tvoja cirkev, Biblia hovorí, že je to tak. Potom poviete, „Ako viem, že je to správne?“ On to potvrdzuje a dokazuje to!
130No, Biblia na ten deň povedala, „Je tam dobrá zem a je plná mlieka a medu a výborného hrozna a granátových jabĺk a, ó, je to nádherné miesto.“
131No, oni povedali, „No, niektorí z vás, prešmyknite sa tam a obzrite ju a vráťte sa späť, tak môžeme potešiť tento ľud. Chystáme sa prejsť hneď teraz na druhú stranu, ak tomu len budete veriť. No, oni tam išli.
132A tu sa oni vracajú, ó, dvaja z nich, pokrikovali, „Chvála Bohu! Videli sme ju! Videli sme ju! Ó, ona je nádherná, nie je nič také ako to!“ Tí ostatní, tí desiati tam stáli a hovorili, „Ó, nie, nie, nie, nie, my to nedokážeme.“ Koľkí prešli na druhú stranu? Tí dvaja! Je to tak. Tí dvaja, pretože oni vedeli, že Boh potvrdí Svoje Slovo, že je pravdou. Všimnite si, žiaden vylievajúci sa Jordán, nie veru, žiadne zatopené brehy Jordánu, alebo žiadni Kanaánski obri ich nemohli zastaviť. Boh potvrdil Svoje Slovo, že je pravdou, On ich vzal rovno do tej zeme.
133On urobí tú istú vec znova, áno, tak veru, v tých zasľúbeniach na dnes. On Svoje Slovo potvrdzuje. Bez ohľadu na čokoľvek, On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo.
134 On jedného dňa zatvoril ústa hladných ľudožrútskych levov, aby dokázal prorokovi Danielovi, že Jeho Slovo je pravda, že On môže vyslobodiť. A oni kŕmili týchto levov ľudským mäsom. A držali tých levov, aby boli hladní, takže, keď tam spadol človek, alebo dieťa, čokoľvek, čo tam oni hodili, to bol trest smrti, ten lev ich roztrhal na kusy, táto svorka hladných levov. A oni dostali tohto proroka, so Slovom Pánovým pre deti Izraela, ktorý prorokoval, čo sa s nimi stane. A on tam bol s nimi. Ale Boh to tak nenechal, On chcel potvrdiť Svoje Slovo, že On môže vyslobodiť. A oni nechali tých levov vyhladovať a hodili tam toho proroka a oni ku nemu takto pribehli. Stál tam Ohnivý Stĺp, (a každé zviera sa bojí ohňa), ten Ohnivý Stĺp tam stál, tie levy si ľahli. On dodržal Svoje Slovo. On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo, On ho potvrdzuje, On potvrdzuje, že je pravdou.
135No, On vzal tú páľavu z plameňov ohnivej pece, aby dokázal, že Jeho slovo je pravdou, že On môže vyslobodiť z ohňa. Rovno medzi tými plameňmi, kde boli hodené tie deti a zostali tam dlhý čas, keď dokonca ten človek, ktorý ich do toho hodil, tá veľká páľava tej pece zabila tých veľkých vojakov, ktorí ich tam viedli. A Boh dovolil, aby ten oheň horel ďalej, ale On zobral z toho tú páľavu. On potvrdzuje! Ak stojíte pri Ňom, On stojí pri vás. Stojí pri vás? Isteže! O hodinu neskôr oni otvorili dvere a povedali, „Povedzte, koľkých ste tam hodili?“ Povedali, „Vieme, že sme tam hodili troch.“ On povedal, „Sú tam štyria a jeden z nich vyzerá ako Syn Boží.“ Vidíte, On ukazuje! Prečo? On je tým Slovom.
136A oni povedali, „Boh je schopný vyslobodiť nás z tej ohnivej pece, ale, jednako, my sa nepokloníme žiadnemu obrazu, pretože my stojíme so Slovom.“ Akýkoľvek obraz, forma náboženstva, choďte od toho preč. Boh bude stáť pri vás. On vezme tú páľavu z toho prenasledovania. On zoberie preč život tej rakoviny. On vezme... On urobí čokoľvek; On je Boh. Stojte pri Ňom; On bude stáť pri vás. On potvrdí, že Jeho Slovo je pravda, zakaždým. On vzal páľavu z tých plameňov, zatvoril ústa levom a tak ďalej.
137Tu je ďalšia vec, ktorú Boh urobil, aby ukázal, že On je Bohom. Ľudia, potom, ako boli tam na púšti, nadobudli vzdelanie, urobili sa veľkými ľuďmi. Mali organizácie zvané Farizejovia, Sadúcejovia, Herodiáni a podobne. Boli veľkými ľuďmi. Urobili jeden z druhého kňazov. Konali rôzne veľké veci, urobili najvyšších kňazov a veľkých ľudí a hodnostárov a tak ďalej.
138Ale Boh, v strede toho všetkého, On vzbudil proroka, syna kňaza. On odišiel na púšť, keď mal deväť rokov. Nevedel prečítať svoje meno, ak by aj bolo napísané vo veľkosti nákladného auta. Prečo, prečo to on urobil? On bol prorok. Ak by bol trénovaný vo vzdelaní svojho otca, on by bol pravdepodobne farizejom alebo sadúcejom, alebo jedným z ich skupín. Ale on mal dôležitú prácu, to bolo ohlásiť Mesiáša. Prečo? Boh dodržal Svoje Slovo a potvrdil ho. „Hlas volajúceho zo seminára, 'Hľa, mám svoj doktorát'“? To môže byť v narodeninovom almanachu starých dám, ale nie v Slove Božom. On povedal, „Hlas volajúceho na púšti, 'Pripravte cestu Pánovu a urovnajte Jeho chodníky!'“ Či On vtedy pripravoval cestu Slova, aby sa Slovo mohlo manifestovať? Halleluja!
139Či to nevidíte v tých tieňoch? Zastavme sa tu na minútu. V tých posledných dňoch, musí byť pripravené miesto pre Slovo, aby sa zamanifestovalo a my teraz žijeme skrze dôkaz tej novej Zeme, amen, Syna človeka.
140Jánovo poverenie, bez vzdelania, bez čohokoľvek, zostával na púšti. Jeho kázne boli v typoch. „Sekera je priložená ku koreňom stromu,“ to je to, čo on videl. Rúbanie sekerou, aby si spravil nejakú chatrč, zapáliť oheň, aby spálil svoje drevo. „Ó, vy plemä vreteníc,“ to je to, čo on videl. Najošklivejšia vec v tej džungli, pre neho, v tých kríkoch, to bol had. Povedal, „Vy plemä hadov, kto vás varoval, aby ste unikli od nadchádzajúceho hnevu? Nezačnite hovoriť, 'My máme toto a patríme do tohto a patríme do tamtoho,' Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi. Sekera je priložená ku koreňu stromu a každý strom, ktorý neprináša dobré ovocie...“ Čo on robí na púšti, keď to nie... chytá si kobylky a také veci, zotína a páli to. Vidíte? „On zhromaždí pšenicu do stodoly, ale plevy bude páliť neuhasiteľným ohňom.“ Takýto človek, dokonca bez plášťa, aký majú cirkevní hodnostári, dokonca bez kňazskej čiapky. Vidíte? On prišiel s kusom ovčej vlny, ovinutej okolo seba, s kusom otrhanej kože z ťavieho chrbta a vyšiel tam zarastený a so strapatými vlasmi, povedal, „Sekera je priložená ku koreňom stromu.“ Amen. On prišiel smelo. Prečo? To bolo potvrdené Božie Slovo, „Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov!“ Boh to zasľúbil, „Hľa, Ja pošlem posla pred Mojou tvárou.“ Nie veľmi nábožný, žiaden vedecký alebo náboženský dôkaz, ale Božie Slovo je dôkaz. Boh dodržal Svoje Slovo, vidíte. Nie učený, vôbec nie, ale prorok, poslaný v Mene Pánovom. On to učinil, prečo? Aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo.
141No, tí kňazi povedali, „My vieme, že tam v posledných dňoch príde niekto, tak my školíme každého chlapca, ktorého máme, a pripravujeme sa na to. Každý jeden z vás chlapcov musí mať vysokoškolské vzdelanie. Vy sem musíte prísť. Bezpochyby, ale čo to bude v tej rodovej línii, on príde na spôsob Levitov, pretože to je to, odkiaľ prišlo kňazstvo.“ Ale on nebol kňaz, on bol prorok! A to je podľa Božieho výberu. On nemusí prísť z určitej denominácie alebo rodovej línie. To je Božia voľba skrze predurčenie, predzvedenie. On prichádza Božím vybraným spôsobom. Tak oni mu neverili, pretože On neprišiel tým spôsobom, ktorý oni ustanovili, o ktorom si mysleli, že On tak príde. To by sa mohlo znovu zopakovať, viete, obyčajne sa to tak deje. Ale my nachádzame, že on prichádza tak, ako to Boh určil, aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo.
142Všimnite si, On spôsobil, aby panna počala, aby dokázal Svoje Slovo. Izaiáš 9:6 a my to nachádzame, „Syn sa nám narodil, dieťa nám je dané.“ No, zisťujeme, že On povedal, že panna počne. A Boh spôsobil, že panna počala. Kvôli čomu? Aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo. Počúvajte teraz, len zopár minút, budeme končiť. On spôsobil, že panna počala, aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo. To bolo úplne... To poplietlo všetkých vedcov. [Prázdne miesto na páske — pozn.prekl.].
143Porozumeli ste tomu, však? Vidíte, tá zem je prekliata. Celá zem je prekliata, kvôli Adamovmu hriechu. Ale keď toto malé semeno... No, žena nemá semeno. Ona má pole, v ktorom to semeno leží, nie semeno, pretože tam nie je žiadny zárodok, zárodok musí... semeno musí mať v sebe život. Ak tam nie je, je len hmotou, nie je tam život. Tak, to semeno je v tom mužovi. To je ten dôvod, že semeno hada muselo byť v žene, vidíte, pretože to nebolo semeno Božie. My to vieme. Choďte ďalej, počkajte, až dostanete tú knihu, a čítajte ju a potom uvidíte, alebo vám to ukážem pomocou Písma, jednoducho to otvára celú tú vec tak isto, ako vodný krst v Jeho Meno, rozumiete, ako to je. Boh sa nikdy nemýli, On má vždy pravdu. Hoci to nemôžete porozumieť, jednako tomu verte. Je to presne Pravda.
144A teraz zisťujeme, že On povedal toto, On spôsobil, aby sa toto stalo. No, keď toto malé semeno, ktoré On stvoril bez muža, prišlo do malého vajíčka, do toho poľa, ktoré On stvoril, potom to malé semeno, ten malý zárodok sa plazí do toho vajíčka a ten malý chvost sa z neho strasie a začína rozvíjať bunku za bunkou, žijúc z matkinho života, jej tela, a tam ho ona vyživuje prostredníctvom svojho krvného riečišťa. A my teraz zisťujeme, že ona ho vyživuje; to nie je jeho krv; to je jej krv. Nie, on nemá ani štipku matkinej krvi. Ale on je vyživovaný z vitamínov matky, ale nemá jej krv. Je to všetko zviazané v zväzku jej krvi, aby ho to držalo preč od otrasov a takýchto vecí a tej vody, ale on nemá ani trošku z matkinej krvi. Tá matka môže zomierať na tuberkulózu a porodiť dieťa; ono ju nemôže zdediť, pretože ten gén tuberkulózy, prichádza cez to krvné riečište. Tuberkulóza sa nededí; slabosť áno, ale nie tuberkulóza, pretože on by musel nabrať matkin dych a prijať ten zárodok, pred tým, ako môže dýchať. To dieťa je od toho dokonale voľné, pretože to nie je nič z matkinej krvi.
145No, nachádzame, že Boh prišiel do tejto malej bunky, vidíte, a začal rozvíjať bunky, čerpajúc vitamíny a veci zo Svojej matky, tak ako ich ona prijímala. Potom, keď už bol dosť starý na to, aby začal jesť Sám, On začal jesť. A čo to je? Je to prach zeme, z ktorého ste vy vyšli, a rastlinný život a zvierací život a tak ďalej, a ako On začal jesť ryby a chlieb a tak ďalej, to začalo rozvíjať bunky. A potom, keď bol úplne dospelý, keď mal tridsať, On bol v poslušnosti pokrstený Jánom tam dolu, v poslušnosti Bohu, vo vode, a vyšiel odtiaľ von. A čo sa stalo? Tá Holubica, ktorou bol Boh, ktorý zostupoval z neba, s hlasom hovoriacim, „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo prebývať.“ Čo prišiel urobiť? Vykúpiť tú časť zeme. On bol počiatok stvorenia Božieho. Pretože Boh nie je stvorenie, len v Kristovi je On stvorením, pretože Boh je večný a je Duchom a Duch nie je stvorený. On bol počiatok stvorenia Božieho a Boh to telo vykúpil. Vidíte, keď On zostupuje, „Toto je Môj milovaný syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať.“
146Tak On, Boh, zostúpil potom, ako cez toto prešiel a teraz každý syn, ktorého vy vyživujete a je narodený skrze prirodzené sexuálne narodenie, tým spôsobom, ktorým ste prišli; potom, keď to prichádza do miesta, kam idete cez vodný krst, potom krst Duchom Svätým, potom Duch Svätý zostupuje v krste Ohňom a nárokuje si toto stvorenie, tak isto si nárokoval Jeho. Duch Svätý a Boh je ten istý Duch. Vidíte? On zostupuje a nárokuje si toto telo pre vzkriesenie. A On povstal na naše ospravedlnenie, „Všetkých, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu ku mne, nikto z nich nezahynie. Ja ich vzkriesim v ten posledný deň. Dokonca ani jeden vlas na hlave nezhynie.“ To je počiatok stvorenia Božieho. Toto je pokračovanie stvorenia Božieho. Potom, celá zem musí mať krst. A potom Duch Svätý zostupuje do toho mesta, aby prebýval na zemi a ten stánok Boží je s človekom, ľuďmi, a prebýva s nimi, Boh si urobil príbytok tu na zemi. Celý tento plán vykúpenia, ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým, je to tak isto.
147No, všimnite si, On spôsobil, aby táto panna počala, a to je v tom, že ona porodila syna bez toho, aby poznala muža. Toto miatlo vedu počas tých vekov. A stále mätie. Oni sa zrejme na Izaiášovi smiali, keď hovoril a povedal, že táto panna počne, „No, ako by to mohlo byť?“
148Predstavujem si Izaiáša, ako bol zaskočený, keď počul Boha povedať, „Ja im dám super znak, dám im večný znak, panna počne.“ No, on, známy medzi ľuďmi, jeho ľudom, ako prorok, potvrdený Bohom. No, keď on prišiel pred tých doktorov a tak ďalej, s týmto prehlásením, „Panna počne.“ Vidíte, to sa nikdy nestalo, od počiatku času, ide to naspäť, kde Boh stvoril Svojho prvého človeka. Ale tu, teraz, žena, ktorá je tu na zemi, ide počať. Rozmýšľajte o tom v racionálnej sfére, čo ak by bol ten prorok zaskočený? Ale on vedel, že Boh Svoje Slovo dodrží, On ho potvrdí. Predstavujem si, že každá židovská rodina pripravovala svoju malú dcéru na to, že bude mať toto dieťa, vidíte, kúpili mu topánočky, alebo čokoľvek oni nosili a vzorované oblečenie, a pripravili sa na to, že to dieťa príde. Prešli generácie, ale Boh potvrdil Svoje Slovo! Panna počala a porodila dieťa, potvrdil, že Slovo Jeho proroka bolo Pravdou. On vždy stojí pri nich.
149Tento Syn z panny bol zamanifestovaným Slovom. Svätý Ján 1, ak si to chcete prečítať. Svätý Ján 1, tento prorok, tento prorok, tiež. Ale tento Syn z panny bol zamanifestovaným Slovom, počiatok stvorenia Božieho. No, celá zem je Božím stvorením, ale ono je stratené. Vidíte? Potom On vykupuje túto zem. A vy ste časťou tej zeme a On vás vykupuje tým istým spôsobom, akým vykupuje celú zem. Vidíte? No, tento panenský Syn bol zamanifestovaným Slovom, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“
150Satan skúšal všetku možnú taktiku, aby Ho priviedol do toho, aby to zdiskreditoval. Satan sa všemožne snažil, aby Ho priviedol do toho, aby to On zdiskreditoval, snažil sa priviesť Ho do toho, aby zabral to kráľovstvo bez utrpenia, snažil sa priviesť Ho do toho, aby si to vzal bez vykúpenia (zatiaľ čo to bol Boží plán v záhrade Eden, keď On zabil baránka, tak, aby si to mohol vziať len skrze krv), dokonca Mu sľúbil všetky kráľovstvá toho sveta, ak by On na to pristúpil. Pomyslite, aké zasľúbenie!
151Či si neuvedomujete, moji drahí vzácni priatelia, v tejto minúte, že Satan vám dáva zasľúbenie na... on ťa učiní jedným z ich najlepších kazateľov v tom združení. On ti dá predné sedadlo v každej cirkvi a urobí ťa diakonom. On urobí čokoľvek, ak by ťa len dostal preč od tohto Slova.
152Teraz si všimnite, urobí každú... dá Mu ten svet a všetky tie kráľovstvá, ktoré by On mohol mať. On sa Ho snažil doviesť do toho, aby porušil to Slovo, pretože vedel, že by Ho mohol mať rovno tam, ak by mohol. On spôsobil, že to Mojžiš porušil, on spôsobil, že Eva to porušila, ale tentokrát narazil na nesprávneho Človeka. Prečo? On bol Slovom, a on to nevedel. On bol samotným Slovom.
153Môžem ho vidieť. Chceme to zobraziť takým trochu detským obrazom. Môžem vidieť tie veľké staré čierne krídla, ako nimi máva oproti Eve a hovorí, „No, poviem ti niečo, je to príjemné. Mala by si to skúsiť.“
„Ale Boh povedal, že ak to spravíme, potom zomrieme.“
154„Ó, dobre, istotne nezomriete. Ó, to je nezmysel. To je nejaká stará pochmúrna predstava. Vôbec tomu never.“ Ale Boh tak povedal! Boh potvrdil, že je to pravda. A On to potvrdzuje práve teraz, ľudia zomierajú v tejto minúte. On stále potvrdzuje, že je to pravda.
155Všimnite si, a keď on prichádza ku Mojžišovi, on povedal, „Mojžiš, ty si horúca hlava, ty si výbušný. Pozri, čo tá banda odpadlíkov urobila, vidíte. Prečo len nezídeš tam dolu a naozaj im o tom nepovieš?“ A on to urobil.
156Ale keď narazil na ten vodič s desaťtisícimi voltami, to jeho perie popálilo, keď proti Nemu vybehol. On povedal, „Ó, počuj,“ povedal, „Dám Ti všetky tieto kráľovstvá.“
„Je napísané!“ Vidíte? „Je napísané!“
157On teraz povedal, „Ak si Syn Boží.“ Vidíte, on o tom vždy pochyboval. On stále učí iných, aby o tom pochybovali. On učil Evu, aby o tom pochybovala, učil Mojžiša, on učil každého z nich, aby vyskúšali o tom zapochybovať.
158On učí vás, aby ste vyskúšali o tom zapochybovať. A vy, ktorí tu práve teraz sedíte, ak chcete, aby som povedal vaše mená, to bol Satan, ktorý sa už dlhý čas snaží doviesť vás do toho, aby ste o mne pochybovali. Nerobte to. Sestra, ak to budeš robiť, dobre, ty... alebo, nie ja, ale len pochybnosť. Len ver tomuto Slovu. Nemusíš veriť mne, ale ver Tomuto. Vidíte? Ak ja hovorím toto Slovo, ono nie je moje, ono je Jeho. Moje slovo sa môže líšiť, ale Toto je Jeho. Vidíte? Všimnite si teraz, všimnite. Nechcem teraz ísť do tohto.
159Všimnite si, zasľúbenie, všetky Jeho Slová sú absolútne pravdou. On ich dokázal. On ich dokázal, pretože On dokázal, že On bol pravdivým Slovom. „Človek nebude žiť len na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“
160Ako on žije? Skrze, „No, ak len zoberiete niečo z Božieho Slova, on bude žiť“? Tak, to nikdy nebolo to, čo On povedal. Všimli ste si, k-a-ž-d-... „každom Slove“? Ako on žije? „Ó, on sa tam kŕmi“? Nie, on rýchlo zomiera. To je telo. „No, on, ó, on patrí do cirkvi. On verí všetkému okrem Toho“? On je stále mŕtvy. Rozumiete tomu? „On môže žiť iba každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst...“ Veľkňaza, biskupa, kardinála, pastora? „Z úst Boha! Každé Slovo, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“ Ako vieme, že je to Slovo Božie? On tak hovorí, potom to On potvrdzuje. On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. Všimnite si potom, ak je to tak, vaše vyznanie nespôsobí, že budete žiť. Vaša príslušnosť k cirkvi nespôsobí, že budete žiť.
Všimnite si, len skrze Jeho Slovo, ani jedno Slovo zle uložené. Nikto nebude... Jedno slovo zabilo ľudskú rasu. V Biblii, v Zjavení 22, jedno slovo vždy usmrtí celú tú vec, jeho meno bude vzaté z Knihy Života. „Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo, alebo vezme jedno Slovo.“ Ani jedno slovo! Nie... Nie, mám na mysli, nie dve slová, len jedno slovo! Nie jednu vetu; jedno slovo! Jedno slovo! Ó, ľudia, rozumiete tomu?
161No, ja nehovorím len ku tomuto zhromaždeniu. Toto sa nahráva, viete a ide to do celého sveta. Či rozumiete, vy ľudia vo svete, že jedno Slovo, jedno Slovo, nie jedna veta, nie jeden paragraf, jedno Slovo, to je všetko, čomu Eva neverila. Priviedol... Boh to potvrdil. „Ale potom, ak zachovávate každé Slovo, budete žiť.“ Oni pochybovali v jedno Slovo, to priviedlo smrť ľudskej rase. Ale človek nebude žiť len na samom chlebe, kvôli jeho fyzickej sile, ale na každom Slove, na každom Slove, práve tak, ako je Ono napísané. Biblia hovorí, „Ono nepodlieha súkromnému výkladu.“ Žiaden človek sa nemá snažiť nejako vykladať ani jedno Slovo Božie. Boh je Svojím vlastným vykladačom.
162Keď On zasľúbil, On povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a bolo svetlo. On povedal, „Panna počne,“ a ona počala. Vidíte, čokoľvek Boh hovorí, Boh to dokazuje.
163Bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi sa snažíte rozmýšľať o tom, že to fyzické vzkriesenie nemôže byť, a o tých ľuďoch, tam dávno, ktorí sú len prachom zeme, a prestali byť prachom, stali sa kyselinami a plynmi, z ktorých boli učinené ich telá. Ich duša stále žije. Boh povedal, „Ja to vzbudím.“ Jób povedal, „Hoci červy zničia toto telo, jednako v mojom tele uvidím Boha.“ Vidíte, bez ohľadu na to, každé Slovo musí byť zachované a človek bude žiť skrze to Slovo. On vzkriesil človeka z mŕtvych, potom čo bol mŕtvy štyri dni, aby dokázal, že On bol vzkriesenie a Život. Keď človek bol mŕtvy štyri dni a páchol, jeho nos vpadol do vnútra počas štyroch dní. Je to tak. Tá prvá vec, ktorá sa v ľudskej bytosti zborí, je nos, vpadne do mŕtvoly, stane sa hladkým a prepadne sa. Potom koža, tie chrobáky, vy... Položia vás do zapečatenej truhly, čokoľvek to môže byť, ale jednako tie kožné červy nemusia prísť zo zeme, ony sú vo vás. Všimli ste si, ako Jób povedal, „Hoci ma zničia moje kožné červy.“ Nie tie červy zo zeme, tam nebudú žiadne. Tie červy sú vo vás, pripravené, aby vás zničili, smrť, ktorá pracuje vo vašom smrteľnom tele. Ale keď máte Krista, potom Život pracuje vo vašom smrteľnom tele, aby vás znova vzkriesil. Vidíte? On vzkriesil človeka zo smrti, potom čo bol štyri dni mŕtvy, „on páchne,“ aby potvrdil to, čo On povedal, „Ja som vzkriesenie a Život.“ No, kto by to mohol povedať okrem Boha, vidíte, „Ja som vzkriesenie a Život. Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, hoci by zomrel, jednako bude žiť.“ Veríte tomu? A on vzkriesil toho človeka, aby dokázal, že Jeho Slovo je pravdou. Správne!
164Všimnite si, On bol Slovom. Židom 4:12, ak si to chcete poznačiť. Židom 4:12, je tam povedané, „Slovo Božie je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč, rozoznáva myšlienky a úmysly srdca.“ Je to tak? „Rozoznávateľ.“ Aby dokázal, že On bol Slovom, čo On urobil? Peter prišiel k Nemu, jeho meno bolo Šimon. A on prišiel k Ježišovi a On povedal... sadol si tam a Ježiš, hneď, ako on prišiel k nemu, On povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon a ty si syn Jonáša.“ Nevzdelaný, nemal žiaden titul, nemal nič, bol len obyčajným rybárom, žiadne vzdelanie, Biblia povedala, že on bol „nevzdelaný a neučený,“ ale on sa stal biskupom Jeruzalemskej cirkvi. Prečo? Prečo? Ježiš mu povedal, kým je, aké bolo jeho meno a aké bolo meno jeho otca. A on vedel, že to bolo Slovo, pretože Biblia povedala, „Pán, váš Boh, vám vzbudí proroka ako som ja,“ a to bude musieť byť ten Prorok a po Malachiášovi neboli zasľúbení žiadni proroci až po Mesiáša, štyristo rokov bez proroka. A tu bol Muž, ktorý tam stál, potvrdzoval, alebo dokazoval Svoje Slovo, tomuto mužovi, ktorý bol predurčený do Života, povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon, odteraz... Ty si syn Jonášov, odteraz sa budeš volať 'Peter.'“ Rozmýšľajte o tom! Komu to On potvrdil? Prečo On nepotvrdil to Slovo ku... Prečo On nepotvrdil to Slovo Kajfášovi? On bol Boh, On vedel, že Kajfáš by tomu nikdy neuveril. Ale tento človek bol určený do Života, On to vedel hneď tam vtedy.
165Raz, ako tam stál uprostred, kde išiel ďalší človek o niekoľko dní neskôr a doviedol kamaráta z okolia toho vrchu, asi pätnásť míľ od miesta, kde oni kázali, priviedol ho tam nasledujúci deň. On tam stál uprostred a prišiel tam, kde bol Ježiš. Ježiš sa rozhliadol, On bol Boh, vidíte, On mal rozpoznanie. To ukázalo, vidíte, On to Slovo spečatil, On to Slovo potvrdil. No, niektorí z nich povedia, „Viete, ten človek je Slovo.“
166„Nezmysel,“ tí kňazi povedali, „ten človek nie je. Nie. To nie je Slovo.“
167Povedal, „Viete, čo hovorí Písmo, 'Pán, náš Boh, vzbudí proroka, ako bol Mojžiš.' A to je On. Počúvajte Ho.“
168No, On povedal, „Ty si, hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nie je lesti.“ Tento človek povedal, „Rabi, odkiaľ ma poznáš?“
169On povedal, „Predtým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, Ja som ťa videl.“ On vedel, kto tomu bude veriť.
170On povedal, „Rabi, Ty si Syn Boží. Ty si to Slovo.“ Ježiš dokázal, že On bol tým Slovom, skrze to Slovo.
171Všimnite si tú ženu pri studni. Ona očakávala Mesiáša. Ona nemala nič spoločné s ich veľkými zástupmi a denomináciami a tak ďalej, ktoré mali v tých dňoch. Ona očakávala na to Slovo. Tak, raz tam sedel jeden Človek, obyčajný Človek, sedel tam oproti tej ceste, povedal, „Žena, daj sa mi napiť.“
172Ona povedala, „No, počkaj chvíľu, On sa zrejme chce so mnou len zabaviť,“ ona si to možno myslela v srdci, 'pretože ona bola známa ako žena zlej povesti. Povedala, „Prečo Ty... Prečo mi dávaš takúto otázku? My tu máme segregáciu. Ty si jednoducho... Ty si Žid, my sme Samaritáni, nie... to nie je zvykom, to sa nehodí, aby si sa ma takto pýtal.“ Vidíte?
173On povedal, „Žena, ak by si vedela, kto s tebou hovorí, ty by si Mňa prosila, aby som ti dal napiť.“
174Ona povedala, „Teba, aby si mi dal napiť? Ja dokonca nevidím ani vedro alebo lano. Ako by si mi dal vodu z tejto studne?“ On povedal, „Toto nie je studňa, o ktorej som hovoril.“ Vidíte?
175Po chvíli povedala, „Toto je čudný Človek.“ Tak začala ťahať to vedro s vodou.
176Povedal, „No, tá Voda, ktorú ja dávam, sa stane Prameňmi Vody, Gejzírom, ktorý vyviera do Večného Života a do tvojej duši.“
177„No,“ ona povedala, „počkaj chvíľu, ja rozumiem, že Ty si Žid.“ Povedala, „Vy, Židia,“ povedala, „Chceš mi povedať, že Ty si väčší ako náš otec Jákob, ktorý vykopal túto studňu?“ On bol Bohom Jákoba. Vidíte? Povedala, „Chceš mi povedať, že Ty si väčší než Jákob, ktorý vykopal túto studňu?“ Obyčajný Človek, vidíte, vyzeral tak. To je všetko, čo ste videli, obyčajného človeka. Povedala, „Ty vravíš, že si väčší než náš otec Jákob, ktorý vykopal túto studňu a pil z nej on i jeho dobytok? No, my sme tak požehnaní, skrze to, že pijeme z tejto studne, ktorú vykopal ten prorok.“ On povedal, „Och-och,“ povedal. „A my uctievame na tomto vrchu. Vy vravíte 'v Jeruzaleme.'“
178On povedal, „Spása je zo Židov, žena, my vieme, o čom hovoríme.“ On povedal, „Vy uctievate a neviete, čo uctievate.“ O Židovi sa predpokladá, že pozná Slovo, vidíte, tak, ako by ho mal poznať. Ale vidíte, On teraz pozoroval. Prečo? On ide... Čo On ide urobiť? Potvrdiť Svoje Slovo. Vidíte? No, ona povedala... On povedal, „Okrem iného, choď, zavolaj svojho manžela a príďte sem..“ A ona povedala, „Ja nemám žiadneho manžela.“
179On povedal, „Ty si povedala pravdu, pretože si mala piatich a ten, ktorého máš teraz, nie je tvojím manželom.“ Vidíte? Dívajte sa! Niečo sa stalo, vidíte, niečo zachytilo Život. No, ak by to tam nebolo od samého začiatku, ak by ona nemala reprezentáciu z predurčenia, nikdy by sa to neuchytilo.
180Stál tam kňaz, ktorý povedal, „Tento človek je Belzebub.“ Vidíte, bez reprezentácie.
181Večný Život, „vy ste vždy boli.“ Vidíte, máte Večný Život, je len jedna forma toho, to je Boh. Boli ste Jeho atribútom, On o vás rozmýšľal a poznal vás pred založením sveta, vo Svojej mysli. Vidíte?
182Ona sa pozrela okolo seba. Pozrite, v akom bola hriešnom stave. Ale vidíte, On nemohol získať toho kňaza, pretože ten kňaz bol študovaným vzdelancom, teológom Slova, ale bez reprezentácie v nebi, vidíte, vôbec nebol v Božej mysli. Ale táto žena bola. Ona povedala, „Pane, poznávam, že Ty si prorok.“ To je všetko, čo On chcel, aby uvidela. Vidíte? Povedala, „My veríme, že Ty si, ja verím, že Ty si prorok. Teraz vieme. My teraz nerozumieme ohľadne prorokov, pretože je skutočne neskoro, my vieme, že prichádza Mesiáš. A keď Mesiáš príde, On bude Slovom. Vidíte, On bude poznať tajomstvá sŕdc, On urobí tú istú vec, ktorú si Ty urobil.“ Povedala, „Ty musíš byť jeden z Jeho prorokov, aby si predišiel Jeho príchod.“
On povedal, „Ja som On.“
183Čo on urobil? On dokazoval Svoje Slovo, dokazoval Svoju pozíciu, dokazoval, kým On bol. Boh bol v Kristovi, mieriac svet so Sebou. A Boh je Slovo. V poriadku. On utíšil vetry a vlny, aby potvrdil Izaiášovo proroctvo, „Bude sa nazývať 'Mocný Boh, Otec večnosti.'“ Vidíte? On tiež rozmnožil chlieb a ryby, tento panensky narodený Syn. Čo to bolo? Aby potvrdil to Slovo. Všetky Písma sa musia vyplniť. On potvrdil to Slovo skrze to, že povedal, že On bol zamanifestovaným Jehovom. On bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho. Boh v stvorení, Boh s malou časťou stvorenia tu, v ktorej žil sám Boh, On bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho, „Z Neho sa rodí mnoho synov.“ Všimnite si, On tiež rozmnožil tie ryby. On je tým Slovom a dôkazom toho Slova.
184Počúvajte teraz pozorne, ako sa blížime ku koncu. Toho dňa, o ktorom som čítal pred chvíľou, no, keď On prišiel do Jairovho domu. On vošiel, potom, ako tam prišiel. No, pamätajte, Jairus bol kňazom, hraničným veriacim. On chcel veriť Ježišovi, ale bolo mu ľúto opustiť svoju cirkev, pretože oni povedali, „Každý, kto v neho verí, bude vylúčený z cirkvi.“ Počúvajte teraz pozorne, ako zakončujeme, dávajte veľmi dobrý pozor. Pozorujte toto. Ja verím, že Ježiš to vedel, keď sa preplavil cez to more, 'pretože On vedel všetko. A keď sa On preplavil cez more, zastavil sa tam a tu dolu prichádza tento malý kňaz. Jeho dievča vážne ochorelo, doktori sa jej vzdali, povedali „Je blízko smrti.“ No, prišiel čas konať.
185Možno je to pre teba dnes ráno, čas pre teba, aby si konal. Vidíte? Možno si vážne chorý. Možno si presvedčený, že si na omyle. Môže to byť. Boh nalieha, prichádza čas konať.
186Teraz pozorne. A on prichádza, on sa nestaral, čo tí ostatní povedali, rovno tam verejne a prišiel a padol ku nohám Ježiša. Čo za krok pre študovaného vzdelanca, prísť ku Tomu, o ktorom nemáme záznam, že by kedy chodil do školy. Ako prišiel človek, o ktorom sa predpokladalo, že je zbehlý vo všetkej teológii, prišiel ku Človeku, ktorý mal byť „zavrhnutý, divoch, blázon, pomätený na mysli, ktorý to nemal v poriadku vo svojej mysli.“ Prepáčte ten výraz, ale „On je úplným šialencom tohto dňa,“ každý si to o Ňom myslel. Ako by sme dnes povedali tým pouličným vyjadrovaním, „cvoknutý“. Ako som raz kázal o matici a skrutke, viete. Vidíte, to je to, čím On bol pre verejnosť, len obyčajný každodenný... Povedali, „Ty si sa zbláznil! Si Blázon! Si šialený!“ No, tu bol človek, ktorý mal všetko vzdelanie, ktorý prichádzal ku Tomu, o ktorom sa predpokladalo, že sa zbláznil. On bol do toho donútený.
187Pozorujte ju teraz. Trochu to pichne, ale bude to pre vás dobré. Vidíte, niekedy vás zatrasenie zobudí.
188Všimnite si, On prišiel a vošiel do vnútra ku tejto malej, mŕtvej dievčine, ktorá zomrela pred niekoľkými hodinami, a oni ju vyložili von a potreli ju balzamovacou tekutinou a dali ju na pohovku. To je ten spôsob, akým to oni robili v tých dňoch, jednoducho ich vyniesli a na doske ich položili do jamy. Ležala na pohovke, okolo nej kvety.
189A, ó, ten dobrý pastor, malý Jairus, predstavujem si, že on bol milý, malý pastor, každý ho miloval. Pretože vidíte, môžem to dokázať, pretože on vo svojom srdci veril v Ježiša. Ale on sotva mohol učiniť to rozhodnutie, pretože on si to neoveril, tak, že by prišiel každú sobotu alebo každý pondelok ráno. Vidíte? On sotva mohol urobiť to rozhodnutie. A ďalšia vec, tí ľudia, tá veľká prestíž, ktorú on mal medzi tými ľuďmi, oni povedali, „Vieš čo, Jairus sa stal fanatikom. Vidíte, išiel tam s tým falošným prorokom. To je presne to, čo on urobil, kde oni všetci očakávali, že tam budú znamenia a veci, ten Prorok z Galiley, viete, Ježiš z Nazareta.“
190My tomu teraz neveríme, znie to svätokrádežne, ale tak to vtedy bolo. Vidíte? „A voľakedy, tak ako je to teraz, to bolo vtedy.“ Vidíte, tá istá vec!
191Všimnite si, on tam išiel. A on to takmer nemohol urobiť, ale prišiel čas, že on to bol prinútený urobiť. On to musel urobiť. A tu on išiel a priviedol Ježiša, rovno pred nimi všetkými a padol pri Jeho nohách a povedal, „Pane! Pane!“ Viete, čo to je? Panstvo, vlastníctvo. Je to tak.
192Vidíte, veľa ľudí chce, aby bol Ježiš ich Spasiteľ, ale nie ich Pán. Vidíte, Pán je „vládca.“ Áno. Vy poviete, „Ježiš, spas ma a nechaj ma stáť rovno tu a to je v poriadku a ja si budem robiť svoje vlastné veci. No, nechoď mi do mojich záležitostí. Môžeš byť mojím Spasiteľom, ale nie mojím Pánom.“ On chce byť Pánom, vidíte, potom On je vaším Spasiteľom.
193Ale teraz, on povedal, „Pane, Spasiteľu!“ Vidíte? „Ja... moje malé dievča, moje jediné dieťa, ona má dvanásť rokov, doktori sa jej vzdali.“ Bez pochyby, ten kňaz to mohol povedať, „Vieš, oni všetci o Tebe hovorili, že si fanatik, ale vieš, Pane, ja Ti verím. Ja verím. Ja viem, že Ty máš rozpoznanie. A tá jediná vec, ktorú Ti chcem povedať, je, len poď a polož na ňu Svoje ruky. A potom mi povedz, čo mám urobiť, ja to urobím.“ Ó, teraz sa niekam dostávate! Povedal, „Ja pôjdem. Ja pôjdem.“ A On začal.
194Potom, čo bol preč niekoľko hodín, tu prichádza bežiaci muž, ako bolo vtedy zvykom, s popolom na svojej hlave, povedal, „Neobťažuj toho Človeka, tvoja dcéra zomrela. On je už mŕtva, už ju pripravili a vyložili von.“
195Ó, jeho malé srdce! Ježiš sa obrátil a pozrel sa na neho, on povedal, „Och! Och! Och!“
196On povedal, „Či som ti nepovedal?“ No, to, čo tam On urobil, On dal zasľúbenie Jairovi. Teraz to On musí dokázať. Amen. „Povedal som ti. Len ver a uvidíš slávu Božiu.“ No, On vedel, čo robí. On povedal, že nečiní nič, kým Mu to najprv Otec neukáže. Svätý Ján 5:19, „Ja robím len to, čo mi Otec ukáže,“ tak On mu ukázal, čo sa stane.
197Tak, keď On vošiel do toho domu a postavil sa po boku tej malej, studenej, tuhej formy, ktorá tam ležala, ktorá bola niekoľko týždňov chorá. A jej malé, bledá telo, žiadny pokrm nevošiel do jej tela a horúčky a také veci a ona zomrela. Oni ju postriekali tým balzamovacím korením a takými vecami. A ležala tam, viete, na pohovke, chystali sa ju zabaliť a položiť do hrobu a oni položili... mali svoj malý obrad s kvetmi okolo nej. Ježiš tam prišiel. A každý, „Ó, Jairus, tvoje malé dievčatko je mŕtve! Ó, otec Jairus, ó! Je nám ťa tak ľúto,“ a podobne.
198On povedal, „Buďte ticho, robíte príliš veľa hluku.“ On povedal, „Prečo tu robíte všetok tento rozruch?“ Vidíte? „Tento rozruch, vy len... hulákate a vykrikujete. To dievča nie je mŕtve. Ona spí. Šššš.“
199Čo potom urobili? Keď Ho počuli povedať, že ona nie je mŕtva, oni... Povedali, vysmiali sa Mu. Inými slovami, oni Ho vypískali. „Ú! Nóó, Ty jeden! No, ty falošný prorok! Ty zvodca ľudí! To dievča je mŕtve. Doktor povedal, že je mŕtva. Zabalzamovali sme ju a vyložili von. Tam leží, je mŕtva.“ Oni povedali, „Ha, ha, ha! No, Jairus, ty si o Ňom hovoril, čo s tým teraz?“
200Viete, čo On urobil? On povedal, „Odíďte všetci odtiaľto.“ To nemôže fungovať okolo takejto nevery. No, čo On povedal? On povedal, „Jairus, ak len budeš veriť, uvidíš slávu Božiu.“ No, to je Jeho Slovo. On to musí potvrdiť. V poriadku.
201Potom, keď vošiel do toho domu, kde oni všetci nariekali, On povedal, „Ona zaspala.“ To bolo v protiklade s vedou. To bolo v protiklade k bežnému chápaniu. Ona bola mŕtva, zabalzamovaná.
202Hneď, keď oni zomreli, oni ich hneď vtedy balzamovali, hneď, ako z nich vyšiel život, vyliali na nich tie koreniny a tie veci a zabalili ich a vyniesli preč. Vidíte, pochovali ich, oni ich jednoducho pochovali, no, niekedy to dokonca tým ľuďom ani neoznámili. Viete, Ananiáš a Zafíra; oni pochovali Ananiáša, keď Zafíra... Ananiáš, keď vošla Zafíra, vidíte; vyniesli ho von a pochovali, vidíte. Oni len, zakrátko, ako oni zomreli, oni ich poliali tými vecami a vyniesli ich a zaniesli preč. Vidíte?
203Tak, ona už bola pripravená ísť do hrobu, ale oni chceli počkať na ocka, aby ju videl pred tým, ako ju tam položia. A keď On prichádza a ona je v tom stave a On povedal, „Ona len spí.“ No, oni povedali, „No, či tento človek naozaj nie je blázon?!“
204Tak, čo On teraz urobil? On už povedal, že ona zaspala, On musel dokázať Svoje Slovo. On to nemohol urobiť pred tou skupinou, tak On povedal, „Pošlite ich všetkých von.“ A môžem Ho vidieť, ako sa obzrie ku Jairovi a hovorí, „Stále veríš?“ „Áno, Pane.“
205„Ty s manželkou, poďte sem. Peter, Jakub a Ján, vy poďte so Mnou.“ Oni tam vošli a On povedal toto slovo, „Talitha kumi“, čo znamená, „Dievčatko, vstaň!“ A On potvrdil Svoje Slovo, ona len zaspala. Je to tak? On tu potvrdil, že Jeho Slovo bolo správne. Bez ohľadu na ich neveru, On stále potvrdzoval, že Jeho Slovo bolo pravdou, skrze to, že ju vzkriesil, pretože On povedal, že ona zaspala. Ona zaspala.
206On urobí dnes to isté, každému skutočnému veriacemu, pretože Jeho Slovo to zasľúbilo. „Tých, ktorí sú v Kristovi, Boh privedie s Ním.“ Vidíte, „Tí, ktorí sú v Kristovi.“
207Čo urobilo toto malé židovské dievča? Práve som začal obchádzať toto miesto Písma tu, ale budem sa ho držať. Viem, že je možno trochu neskoro a o pár minút začneme modlitebný rad. Možno vás ďalší týždeň neuvidím, ale počkajme chvíľu. „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe.“ Vidíte? Všimnite si, dovoľte mi teraz toto zatlačiť, aby som vám to ukázal. Prečo Ježiš zobudil toto malé židovské dievča? Pretože ona vedela, že nebola mŕtva? Predurčenie. Práve tak isto, ako to On urobil s Lazarom. Vidíte? Možno tam bolo veľa malých dievčat, ktoré v ten deň zomreli, On ku nim nepovedal žiadne slovo. On vedel, že táto mala Večný Život. Vidíte, On tie ostatné nezobudil.
208Pozrite, keď On vyšiel z Jericha, oni povedali, „Tu, tento chlapík tu!“ Bezpochyby povedali, „Ty zobúdzaš mŕtvych? Ty mi vravíš, že môžeš kriesiť mŕtvych, máme ich tu plný cintorín, poď, zobuď týchto.“ Vidíte, On na nich dokonca ani nebral ohľad. Vidíte, nikdy to nerobil, pretože On vedel, že On bol Slovom.
209Všimnite si, ona len zaspala. On vedel, že ten otec príde. No, toto malé dievča, vidíte, On vedel, že toto malé dievča len zaspalo. Vidíte, Spravodlivý nezomiera. Ježiš prišiel, aby vykúpil spravodlivého. A vykúpiť znamená „byť privedený naspäť na miesto, kde ste raz boli.“ Vidíte? On nemohol vykúpiť neveriacich, bez ohľadu na to, ako boli vzdelaní a koľko mali doktorských titulov. On ich nemohol vykúpiť, pretože oni neboli vykupiteľní; oni museli ísť na svoje miesto určenia. Ale vo Svojom predzvedení On vedel, že Lazar vyjde z hrobu. On tiež vedel, že toto malé dievča malo Večný Život. Tak ona nebola mŕtva, ona len zaspala. A keď sa skončí naša práca na zemi, ak nebudeme žiť až do Jeho Príchodu, my nemôžeme zomrieť, my len zaspíme. On to tu dokázal. On to znovu dokáže. „Hoci tie kožné červy zničia toto telo, ja jednako povstanem podobný Jemu.“
210On dokazuje všetky Svoje Slová, všetky Svoje Slová. Len premýšľajte o tom, všetky Jeho Slová! A vy ste Jeho Slovom. On bol to Slovo a vy ste boli časťou Jeho Slova. A to je ten dôvod, že ste tu poslaní, aby ste potvrdili vaše miesto v živote. Ja si nemyslím, že ste to porozumeli. Vidíte, On je to Slovo. Teraz tomu rozumiete?
211On bol v chodidlách v čase Luthera; v stehnách v čase Wesleya; v pleciach v čase Letničných. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? On je Hlava. Máte to, čo to spája dokopy v tejto hodine, v ktorej teraz žijeme; nie čas chodidiel, nie čas stehien, nie čas pliec, ale čas krku. Je to tak? To sa napája na hlavu. To je časť tela. Tí, ktorí zosnuli v Ježišovi, tých Boh privedie s Ním. Trúba Božia zaznie a mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv. Je to tak? Vidíte, stávate sa časťou Slova, stávate sa časťou Neho. A beriete Jeho Meno, aby ste to rozpoznali, vidíte, ste tam umiestnení, pokrstení do Jeho Mena, do Jeho Tela, „Skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela,“ tu do toho, presne, ako tá istá pozícia. On nikdy Svoj spôsob nemení. Ak... Koľkí veria, že tá ranná cirkev je v Ňom? Nech vidíme, koľkí tomu veria? Ako boli oni pokrstení? V poriadku. Vidíte, On je nemenný Boh. My sme to dokázali. Mohli by sme tu byť dnes až do polnoci, dokazujúc to a stále ísť ďalej a ďalej a ďalej. Vidíte, nemenný! Vidíte? Vy ste v Ňom a ste časťou Neho, pretože ste boli časťou Jeho myšlienok. Pred založením sveta, On vás povolal!
212Biblia povedala, že tá šelma na zemi... To je denominačný antikrist, ktorý prichádza na zem, formujúci tú šelmu v Ríme, čo bola prvá denominácia. A táto Svetová Rada Cirkví formuje obraz šelme, presne, ako sme to jedného dňa umiestnili do tej knihy. Všimnite si, ona to formuje, vidíte, antikrist. A Biblia povedala, „Všetci, ktorých mená nie sú zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života,“ (kedy, pri prebudení?) „zabitého pred založením sveta“ (vaše meno tam bolo zapísané), tento antikrist vás zvedie.“ Matúš 24:24, hovorí, že „Ten antikrist bude tak blízko, ako tá skutočná vec v tých posledných dňoch, že by to zviedlo tých vyvolených, alebo predurčených...“ To je tá istá vec, vyvolenie a predurčenie je tá istá vec, Boh vás vyvolil alebo predurčil pred založením sveta. „Zvedie všetkých, ktorých mená neboli predurčené v Knihe Života.“
213Daniel o tom hovoril, ako budú tí múdri v tom dni a ako nemúdri a tak ďalej. V poriadku, tak veľmi, ale ja sa dostávam príliš ďaleko, hodiny pre mňa idú príliš rýchlo. Všimnite si, teraz dávajte pozor, On si potom všimol... Teraz dávajte pozor, čo sa tu stalo. „Všetkých, ktorých predzvedel, On povolal. Všetkých, ktorých On povolal, On ospravedlnil. Všetkých, ktorých ospravedlnil, On oslávil.“ Vaša púť sa skončila, žijete svoju časť. Milosť je to, čo Boh urobil pre vás. Skutky sú to, čo vy robíte z vďačnosti.
214Dokázaný skrze tú istú Jeho vec, že On vedel všetko, tento panensky narodený Syn. On vedel, kde bola vo vode ryba, kde Peter a oni tam hádzali siete a nič nechytili. To potvrdilo Jeho Slovo. Je to tak? On vedel všetko.
215A keď bol On pripravený zaplatiť Svoje dane, to ukázalo, že On vlastnil všetky veci. On vedel, kde bola ryba, ktorá mala vo svojich ústach dosť mincí, aby zaplatil za... Niekto ich tam hodil a tá ryba ich jednoducho pozbierala. A On povedal, „Peter, choď tam dolu a nahoď tam tú udicu, (vidíte?), a zober tú rybu a vyber z jej úst tú mincu. A choď a uspokoj ich, zaplať tie dane.“ Ó, áno!
216 Líšky majú diery a vtáctvo nebeské má hniezda, ale On mal to Slovo, On bol Slovom a potvrdil ho, že je pravdou. On vždy potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. To isté On urobí teraz, v každej generácii ho On potvrdzuje tak isto.
217Po treťom dni, po Jeho smrti, pohrebe, na tretí deň, On znova vstal, aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo, pretože prorok povedal, „Nedovolím, aby Môj Svätý videl porušenie, ani nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle,“ na tretí deň, predtým, ako mohlo vojsť porušenie, po dobu sedemdesiatdva hodín. Vidíte, to nešlo úplne tri dni, pretože porušenie vstupuje v tých sedemdesiatdva hodinách. Vidíte, tak On nenaplnil ten plný čas, pretože prorok povedal, vidíte, prorok povedal, „Nedovolím, aby Môj Svätý videl porušenie.“ On dokázal Svoje Slovo.
218On uzdravil chorého, chromého, aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo, ktoré Izaiáš a tí ostatní proroci povedali.
219On poslal Ducha Svätého na deň letníc, aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo. Chcete teraz dostať niektoré z tých Písem, Joel 2:28, On povedal, „Stane sa v tých posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh, že vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo a na Mojich služobníkov a služobnice vylejem Svojho Ducha. Vaši mládenci budú vídať videnia, vašim starcom sa budú snívať sny a tak ďalej.“ On to potvrdil, skrze vyliatie! Tiež, On povedal pred týmto časom, v Lukášovi 24:49, ak si to chcete zapísať, On povedal, „Hľa, Ja pošlem na vás zasľúbenie Môjho Otca. Ale zostávajte v meste Jeruzaleme, až kým nebudete odiati mocou z Výsosti.“ Tu to je, On to vykonal, On poslal toho Ducha, aby pokračoval v potvrdzovaní Svojho Slova. Ale pozorujte, čo On povedal. Či to urobil? V poriadku.
220Marek 16, On povedal, “Choďte do celého sveta, kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu.“ Ako ďaleko? Po celom svete. Komu? Každému stvoreniu. „Ten, kto uverí a pokrstí sa, bude zachránený. Ten kto neuverí, bude zatratený a tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ On povedal v Marekovi 4, On povedal v Jánovi 14:12, tiež povedal, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa,“ nie ten, kto sa robí, že verí, ale, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude on tiež činiť.“ To vyžaduje toho istého Ducha, ktorý bol v Ňom, aby konal tie isté skutky. Prečo? Ten Duch prišiel, aby zamanifestoval to zasľúbené Slovo v budúcnosti. Vidíte, On urobil opatrenie, pretože vedel, že tieto veci sa stanú.
221No, po tisíc deväťsto rokoch, s uplynulými cirkevnými vekmi a všetkým, čo On prorokoval ohľadne Luthera, Wesleyho, prešli sme práve cez to a videli to nakreslené a mesiac zostúpil a znázornil to a Pán to pre nás nakreslil tu na tabuli a ukázal to a Sám zostúpil a potvrdil, že je to správne. Po tisíc deväťsto rokoch a my sme na konci Laodicejského cirkevného veku, On zasľúbil v Lukášovi 17:30, že tento istý Syn človeka (On to zasľúbil) sa zjaví v tých dňoch, ako to bolo v Sodome, na zemi. Či to On urobil? Musí sa to stať? Je to nemožné... No, pamätajte, On prichádza pod tromi menami: Syn človeka, prorok; Syn Boží, Duch; Syn Dávidov, pre Milénium. Ale pomedzi, táto spojnica, teraz podľa Jeho vlastných Slov, v tom dni, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka, zjaví Samého seba (ako čo? Nie Syn Boží), Syn človeka. Zjaví Samého Seba odlišným spôsobom. No, čo to produkuje? Malachiáša 4, presne tak. Vidíte, Syn človeka zjaví Samého Seba, nie v tých veľkých denomináciách a veciach, ako sme to mali počas vekov, ale On sa zamanifestuje znovu ako Syn človeka, aby zamanifestoval Malachiáša 4. „A v tom dni vám pošlem proroka Eliáša a on obráti srdcia detí do viery apoštolských otcov, preč od všetkého denominacionalizmu a prídu naspäť, znovu do originálneho Slova,“ aby znázornil ten Strom Nevesty posledného dňa, ktorý On zasľúbil. „Bude svetlo v čase večera,“ nie cez ten hmlistý deň, to bude svetlo; bude to deň, ktorý nebude môcť byť nazvaný dňom ani nocou. Vidíte, to tvorí to Telo. Ale tá istá Hlava, ktorá bola tu na východe, je znovu tu na západe, „Bude Svetlo v čase večera.“ Ó, cítim, že by som zaspieval pieseň!
Bude svetlo v čase večera;
Cestu do slávy istotne nájdete;
Vo vodnej ceste je dnes Svetlo;
Pochovaní v Jeho drahom Mene.
Mladí a starí, čiňte pokánie zo všetkých svojich hriechov;
Potom Duch Svätý istotne vojde;
Tie večerné Svetlá prišli;
Je to jasné a je to fakt, že Boh a Kristus sú jeden.
222 A Syn Človeka zjavuje Samého seba v tej istej moci, ako On bol, (nie počas cirkevných vekov, cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, cez všetky tieto veci tu) ale ako Syn človeka. Kto je ten Syn človeka? Slovo! A to Slovo je rýchlejšie než, mocnejšie než obojstranný meč a rozoznáva myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci. Čo On musel urobiť? On musí potvrdiť to Slovo. Čo On urobí? Všimnite si to, ako to vidíme, že sa to deje, pozrite sa na To v tej istej forme, v ktorej bol On na počiatku, ten Stĺp Ohňa! Potvrdzujúc, že On je Židom 13:8, kde je povedané, „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ Čo to bolo? Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, ktorý bol Kristom na púšti s Mojžišom. Koľkí vedia, že Biblia to povedala? Včera! To bol Kristus, keď tu Pavol hovorí, dnes (veríte tomu?) v Novej Zmluve. Potom ten Syn človeka, ten istý Kristus, v tom poslednom dni. Vidíte? V poriadku.
223Všimnite si tiež Jána 14:12, On povedal, „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy budete činiť.“ Všetky tieto ďalšie miesta Písma, čo On robí? On je teraz tu a potvrdzuje (nie Lutherov vek, nie Wesleyov vek, nie vek Letničných, nie vek Baptistov, nie vek Presbyteriánov, prešli sme rovno cez to a dokázali sme to pomocou histórie v tej Biblii; ale čo?) ten vek Syna človeka, ktorý sa zjavil, aby priniesol tieto veci, aby vyplnil Slovo, keď všetko musí byť vyplnené. Rozumiete? Vidíme to, a je to pravda!
224A premýšľajte, pomocou tých metód, ktoré On tam najprv použil, to nie je potvrdené len medzi nami, ale je to dokázané vedou. Oni musia priznať, že je to tak. George J.Lacy, vedúci FBI pre otlačky a dokumenty, povedal, „To Svetlo na ten objektív zasvietilo. Ja sám som to nazýval psychológiou, ale...“ povedal, „pán Branham, tento fotoaparát nezachytí psychológiu. Je to tam.“
225Čo je to? Svedectvo, že dávno, keď Ohnivý Stĺp stál tam v tom kríku ako vzdušný vír, hovoriaci, On povedal, „Nikdy nefajči alebo nepi, je pre teba práca, ktorú máš vykonať, keď budeš starší.“
226Ľudia povedali, „Ten chlapec sa zbláznil.“ Mama chcela zavolať doktora, bol som nervózny.
227Ale čo to bolo? On zostúpil rovno tu dolu tam na tú rieku, na rieku Ohio a povedal, „Ako bol Ján Krstiteľ poslaný, aby pripravil ľudí na to Slovo, aby sa zamanifestovalo, tak bude s tvojím Posolstvom.“
228Ako ma doktor Davis a oni nazvali, že som „pobláznený,“ chceli ma vylúčiť z cirkvi, pretože som s ním nesúhlasil ohľadne žien kazateliek a všetkých tých vecí, ktoré neboli podľa Písma. On povedal, „A ty hovoríš, že pôjdeš kázať a spôsobíš prebudenie, ktoré zasiahne ten svet?“ Ja som povedal, „Nie ja, ale On tak povedal.“ On povedal, „Billy, ty si mal nočnú moru.“ Povedal som, „Hneď teraz sa vzdávam svojej členskej karty, viac ku vám nepatrím.“
229On to povedal, ja tomu verím a On to potvrdil. To je tá dobrá časť, že On to potvrdil, potvrdil Svoje Slovo pomocou Slova, pretože On je to Slovo. Vidíte? A čo robí to Slovo? Pozná tajomstvá srdca. Je to tak? V poriadku, potvrdzuje Židom 13:8.
230A On bude mať cirkev-nevestu pripravenú v tých posledných dňoch. „Ako to On urobí, brat Branham?“ Ja neviem. Ale On povedal, že ju bude mať. On to potvrdí. A vyvolanú zo všetkých tých ostatných, je to tak, ten pokropený vták, ktorý je pokropený Jeho Krvou. Vidíte? Vyvolaní, všetci ostatní z toho stáda sú proti nej. Ona je opovrhnutá a odmietnutá.
231Ale ten pokropený vták, teraz, ja sa nestarám, ako veľmi chcel ten autor s tým nesúhlasiť, on sa mýli. Pamätajte, čo to spravilo tomu vtákovi, čím bol ten pokropený vták? Oni vzali dvoch, jeden bol zabitý, ten druh bol vyliaty na toho druhého vtáka, a to bolo na očistenie z malomocenstva a tie krvavé škvrny a volal, „Svätý, svätý, svätý Pánovi.“ A to bol náš Druh, Ježiš Kristus, ktorý bol zabitý a Jeho Krv je na nás, volajúc, „Svätý, svätý, svätý Pánovi.“ Všetci tí ostatní vtáci... Som rád, že moje meno je v tej Knihe; nie tu na zemi, ale tam hore; nie na kozľacej koži, ale na koži Baránka. Je to tak.
232Bude vzkriesenie z mŕtvych. On to potvrdí. Je to tak. On to potvrdí. Bude vytrhnutie cirkvi. „Ako to bude?“ Ja neviem, ale On to potvrdí. Jeho Slovo je pravda. Bude Milénium. On to potvrdí, to je Jeho Slovo. Bude nové nebo a nová zem. On to potvrdí, pretože Jeho Slovo tak povedalo. A budú tam len spravodliví. On to tiež potvrdí. Je to tak. Len tí, ktorí boli časťou tohto Slova (vidíte, to bude ich časť a ich pozícia v tomto Slove na ich vek), to budú tí jediní, ktorí tam budú. Pretože, to je to, čo to je, On je Slovom. A čím je žena? Obrazom muža. A čím je—čím je cirkev? Obrazom Slova. Vidíte, je to presne tak. Vidíte? Tak to bude tam, presne tak. Len tí praví veriaci v Jeho Slovo toto poznajú a môžu tomu veriť. A Boh im to pomáha potvrdiť, správne, je to pravda.
233Veríte tomu teraz? Veríte tomu? Ak áno, vystrite sa a dotknite sa Jeho rúcha, pretože On prechádza touto cestou. On potvrdí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, Židom 13:8. „Hľa, Ja som vždy s vami, do konca sveta,“ Matúš. A On je Veľkňaz, podľa Židom, knihy Židom, štvrtá kapitola a 15. verš, „On je tým Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotknúť našimi slabosťami.“ Veríte tomu? Vystrite svoju ruku a dotknite sa Pána. On je vždy prítomný, „Hľa, Ja som vždy s vami.“ Pozrite dolu, cez tie veky. „Všetko skúšajte. Dobré podržte.“
234No, ak patríte do cirkvi, ktorá neverí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, ten istý v tom istom spôsobe, choďte od toho preč. Dôkaz!
235No, my hovoríme, že On vstal z mŕtvych. Ja som to nepovedal, to Slovo tu to povedalo. Oni povedali, „On vstal z mŕtvych.“ On hovorí, že je ten istý včera a naveky. Veríte tomu? On zasľúbil, že sa tieto veci stanú v tom poslednom dni, že sa zamanifestuje ten istý Syn človeka.
236No, pamätajte, to nebol Ježiš, ktorý tam hovoril ku Abrahámovi, ktorý mohol rozpoznávať myšlienky v mysli Sáry, ktorá bola za ním. To nebol Ježiš, On sa ešte nenarodil. Ale to bol človek v ľudskom tele, ktorého Abrahám nazýval „Elohim, ten veľký Všemohúci.“ Ukazujúc... A Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy,“ no, dávajte pozor, „vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď je zjavený Syn človeka.“ Už nie ako cirkev, rozumiete, už nie tak; Nevesta je povolaná, vidíte. „V dni Syna človeka, keď sa zjaví.“ Čo? Aby spojil cirkev s Hlavou, zjednotil, sobáš Nevesty. Ženíchovo zavolanie príde rovno cez toto, keď Syn človeka zostúpi a príde v ľudskom tele, aby zjednotil tých dvoch spolu. Cirkev musí byť Slovom, On je Slovom a tí dvaja sa zjednocujú spolu, a aby to urobili, to bude vyžadovať manifestáciu zjavenia Syna človeka. Nie nejakého kňaza. Ja neviem, ja... Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Rozumiete, to je Syn človeka, Ježiš Kristus zostúpi v ľudskom tele medzi nami a urobí Svoje Slovo tak skutočným, že to zjednotí cirkev a Jeho ako jedno, Nevestu, a potom ona pôjde Domov na svadobnú večeru. Amen. Ona je už zjednotená, rozumiete, my ideme na svadobnú večeru, nie na sobáš. „...aby ste jedli všetky telá silných, pretože prišla svadba Baránkova.“ Ale, vytrhnutie, to bude odchod na svadobnú večeru. Keď sa tu Slovo jednotí s tou osobou a oni dvaja sa stávajú jedno. A potom, čo im to spôsobuje? To znovu manifestuje Syna človeka, nie cirkevných teológov. Syna človeka! To Slovo a cirkev sa stávajú jedno. Čokoľvek, čo Syn človeka vykonal, On bol Slovom, cirkev robí tú istú vec.
237Ako On potvrdil Samého Seba cez tie veky? Skrze prorokov, ktorí mohli hovoriť Slovo, poznali ich myšlienky. To je to, ako bol On poznaný, tak. Zasľúbil v tom cirkevnom veku, že to nebude „ani noc, ani deň,“ ale bude to v čase večera, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka. To znova príde.“ „Bude svetlo v čas večera.“ Vidíte? Čo On robí? Dokazuje Svoje Slovo.
238No, obzrite sa späť, či On prišiel ako panna, či On prišiel tak, ako oni povedali, vlastne cez pannu? Či On prišiel práve tak, ako povedal? Pozorujte dnes, On dokázal Svoje Slovo, bez ohľadu na to, koľko ateistov, neveriacich, ľahostajných, On ide stále ďalej, dokázal Svoje Slovo. Tu to máme, prešli sme cez tento vek všetkých cirkví a vecí, vzdialili sme sa tak, ako to oni urobili od Malachiáša do príchodu Krista. Všetci proroci a tie veci prestali a oni sa dostali do toho, že mali hodnostárov a tak ďalej, ale práve tak, pozrite, aký druh charakteru On poslal. Presne taký, ako Eliáš, ten, ktorý nenávidel nemorálne ženy a ktoré sa maľovali, pudrovali a robili si mejkap a všetko také. A tých hodnostárov, on ich rovno pozabíjal a odišiel. Vyšiel z púšte, neťahal za jeden povraz so žiadnym z nich a povedal, „Mesiáš je na ceste. Ja Ho spoznám, keď príde, ja Ho predstavím. Amen. Nezačnite rozmýšľať, že patríte do tohto alebo toho.“ Tak isto, ako to robil Eliáš!
239„A v tých posledných dňoch sa stane, pred tým, ako príde ten veľký a strašný deň Pánov, že Ja vám pošlem..., pred tým, ako príde ten veľký a strašný deň Pánov, že Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša a on prinavráti vieru detí na vieru otcov.“ A dávajte pozor, vieru otcov na vieru detí, tých Židov. Rozumiete? Ich zasľúbenie Písma, tých pohanov a od čoho oni odpadnú. Pozrite, ako to oboje ide dokonale, presne. A tu to vidíme, Boh potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo.
240Skloňme na chvíľu naše hlavy. Drahý Bože, ktorý si znovu vzkriesil nášho Pána Ježiša z mŕtvych, aby si potvrdil Svoje Slovo a On je dnes živý, potvrdzuje Tvoje Slovo. „Hľa, Ja som vždy s vami, až do skončenia,“ potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. „Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ (Ak by to nebolo „navždy,“ možno by ste sa na niektorom z nich potkli.) Ja som to, Pane, neprestal vysvetľovať. Ale, navždy, oni vedia, že je len „úsek času.“ A teraz po tomto veku, tam nebude nikdy viac navždy, to bude večnosť. Tak, On bol ten istý Boh, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi a v prorokoch. Potom On prichádza po určitom čase a stelesňuje sa, zamanifestoval sa ako Boh-prorok. A potom sme mali úsek času a On prichádza znova. „Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“
241Rozmýšľame o tomto Šalamúnovi, v tom veľkom miléniu Židov, keď sa ich žiaden z národov neopovážil dotknúť a ten veľký dar Boží bol v tom prorokovi až tak, že dal poznať tej kráľovnej všetky tajomstvá jej srdca, nič nebolo zadržané. Ten veľký vek, ktorý ukazoval a naznačoval, že prichádza veľký Vek.
242A teraz, Otče, to si bol Ty, nie Šalamún. To si bol Ty v Ježišovi, pretože On povedal, „Boh bol v Kristovi, mieriac so Sebou svet. On bol ten počiatok stvorenia.“ Jeho telo bolo to vykúpené stvorenie. A teraz, cez tie cirkevné veky, ktoré stratili svoju prvú lásku, a teraz v týchto posledných dňoch, Ty si zasľúbil povolať malú menšinu, malé stádečko, v tých posledných dňoch.
243Otče, naše srdcia podskakujú a moje srdce búši, keď o tom rozmýšľam a viem, že Tvoje Slová sú pravda, žiadne z nich nemôžu zlyhať. Nech tomu dnes títo ľudia porozumejú a nech Ťa hriešnik hľadá v tejto hodine, pred tým, ako sa brány zatvoria a času viacej nebude. Nech Nevesta, ako ona začína vychádzať z kroku z tohto a tohto, nech sa vráti naspäť do kroku, ako ukázalo to videnie spred pár týždňov.
244Prosím Ťa, Otče, aby si nás teraz požehnal a uzdravil chorých. Sú tu látky, ktoré tu ležia, vreckovky z... ktoré prichádzajú z rôznych miest. A teraz, v Písme, Ono povedalo, „Boli vzaté zástery a ručníky, vreckovky z tela Pavlovho a oni išli ku chorým a Boh ich uzdravil.“ No, my vieme, že nie sme svätým Pavlom, ale vieme, že to nebol svätý Pavol, bola to viera ľudí v neho, ktorý bol Tvojím služobníkom. Pane, títo ľudia by nejazdili tieto stovky míľ, ak by neverili. Odmeň ich vieru, Pane, ako ja... nie, pomaž tie vreckovky (Pavol ich nikdy nepomazal, oni odnášali z jeho tela), ako držím tieto vreckovky, Pane, nie že moje telo (pretože ono nie je dobré), ale to je Tvoje vykúpené vlastníctvo, tak sa modlím, Bože, aby si uctil ich vieru. Nech je každý jeden z nich uzdravený, pre Božie Kráľovstvo. No, Pane, dlhé posolstvo, nemal som v úmysle, aby to bolo dlhšie ako pár minút, ale prešlo to do dvoch hodín, alebo viac. No, nech sú chorí uzdravení, Pane, nech tí ľudia vidia, že Ty si tu, že som toto nepovedal sám od seba. To si Ty, Pane. A ja sa modlím v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
245No, asi len desať minút. Ja neviem... (dali ste tu nejaké, čo to bolo?) Billy povedal, že ich niekoľko vydal. Poprosil som ho, aby to urobil dnes ráno. A ja som prišiel, len pred pár minútami, tam dozadu a nemal som príležitosť opýtať sa ho, pretože som sa zhováral s bratom Benom a s nimi tam. Nemal som príležitosť s ním hovoriť. On mi len povedal, že vydal modlitebné lístky. Modlitebný lístok B, sto... (Od jedna do sto?) B. No, ja verím, modlitebný lístok číslo jedna, B. Kto má B? Môžete... Ak sa môžete postaviť, zodvihnite svoju ruku, ak môžete chodiť. Nejaká žena vzadu. V poriadku, B, číslo jedna, číslo dva, tri, štyri, päť, poďte tadiaľto. A ja poprosím tieto malé deti, či by len prešli poza pódium a sadli si teraz sem. V poriadku. No, teraz vám poviem, pošlite ich, choďte rovno tam tou uličkou, vy ľudia od jedna do päť, choďte tadiaľto a príďte rovno dolu. Nech tí, ktorí sú tam v tej uličke, ak oni môžu, poďte rovno zozadu sem ku ich sedadlám. No, tie malé deti, ktoré tu sedia, poďte sem, tu, poza pódium. A chcem, aby prešli tadiaľto tu, tí ľudia tak, aby som sa za nich mohol pomodliť.
246No, pozrime sa teraz. Rozumiem. Čo som vyvolal, od jedna do päť, či nie? Jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť. Jeden... Každý, kto má modlitebný lístok, od jedna do päť, zodvihnite svoju ruku, aby bolo vidieť, či oni všetci stoja na svojich nohách. Tam je jeden, dva, tri, štyri. Jeden mi chýba. Jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť, B. Ste všetci jeden, dva, tri, štyri? Jeden, dva, tri, štyri, B? Päť, choď tadeto dozadu, pani. V poriadku, pane, choď tadeto okolo. Dobre. Choď rovno okolo a vráť sa, päť. Šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať. V poriadku, B, modlitebný lístok šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať. Vidíte, keď to robíme, potom nemáte žiadne rušenie. Šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať. No, ja mám... myslím. Máš lístok, pane, ty, ktorý tu stojíš? Sedem? V poriadku, choď rovno tam, choď s nimi. Ja mám len dva, myslím, že tam. Dobre, šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať, modlitebný lístok šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať. Mám len dva, tu je... Aj ty máš jeden, pane? Tu ste. Tam sú. Desať, jedenásť, dvanásť, trinásť, štrnásť, pätnásť. No, to by bol jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť. Dobre, šestnásť, sedemnásť, osemnásť, devätnásť, dvadsať. Jeden, dva, tri, štyri. Dobre, dvadsať, dvadsaťjeden, dvadsaťdva, dvadsaťtri, dvadsaťštyri, dvadsaťpäť. Jeden, dva, tri, choď tadeto okolo, pane, choď okolo, zaraď sa do radu, dvadsaťpäť, dvadsaťpäť. Pomôžte mu tam, nech ide kade potrebuje. Tu si brat, rovno tu, oni pre teba uvoľnili cestu. Ľudia ti tu uvoľnili cestu. Pomôžte mu tam niekto, ak môžete. Nech tade prejde a zaradí sa tam do radu. Poviem vám, posaďte ho rovno tam, a keď bude zavolané jeho číslo, priveďte ho tam. Rozumiete? Keď príde na rad, priveďte ho do toho radu. Dobre, myslím, že to sú asi toľkí, koľkí teraz mohli ísť.
247No, koľkí tu nemajú modlitebný lístok a dôverujete, ste si absolútne istí, že Boh môže uzdraviť chorého? Zodvihnite svoju ruku. Veríte tomu? Koľkí z vás sú tu z... ktorí vedia, že ja o vás nič neviem, neviem o žiadnej vašej chorobe? Sú tu teraz ľudia, moje zhromaždenie, na jedného z vás cudzích, sotva môžem niekoho vidieť, okrem týchto kazateľov. Len tam dolu vidím osobu, ktorú spoznávam. Nebývam tu toľko, viete, a oni sú jednoducho ľudia, ktorí sem prichádzajú zovšadiaľ. Koľkí tu... Dovoľte, aby som vám to dokázal. Koľkí tu vedia, že ja o vás nič neviem? Zodvihnite tu svoje ruky. Vidíte, to je vaša ruka pred Bohom, rozumiete. Ja o nich nič neviem. No, ja neviem, či by som mohol takto zavolať niekoho do modlitebného radu, koho by som poznal, ale ja by som nevedel, kvôli čomu tu oni sú. Rozumiete, nevedel by som, kvôli čomu tu oni sú.
248No, to, čo sa snažím robiť, je doviesť vás do toho, aby ste toto videli, dávajte teraz pozor, „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť.“ Veríte tomu? Veríte, že On potvrdí to Slovo? V poriadku. Či On povedal, že zjaví samého Seba ako Syna človeka na konci toho cirkevného veku? Koľkí tomu veria? A ten svet, že bude vyzerať, bude v stave Sodomy a Gomory? Veríte tomu?
249No, Billy, čo takto nechať ich, aby prišli tadeto? Áno, dobre. Dobre, v poriadku, dobre.
250Na konci toho veku, On zjaví Seba Samého. No, pozrite sa, či si to uvedomujete, potom, že to je absolútne nemožné? No, sú tu ľudia, ktorí stoja v tomto rade, ktorých som nikdy vo svojom živote nevidel. Sú tu ľudia, ktorí tu sedia, ktorých som nikdy nevidel. Ale pamätajte, Židom 4:15, verím, že to je to, čo povedalo, že „On je teraz Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotknúť našimi slabosťami.“ Je to pravda? No, ak je On Veľkňazom, potom je On Židom 13:8, potom, „Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ Je to tak? No, ako On zjaví Seba Samého? Ako som vám povedal, On vždy hovorí cez Svojich prorokov. On vždy posiela posolstvo pred súdom. Všetky tie veci, On nikdy nemení Svoj spôsob.
251On sa v záhrade Eden rozhodol, ako zachráni človeka, skrze preliatu krv nevinného. On to nikdy nezmenil. My sa to snažíme zmeniť, skrze vzdelanie, skrze babylonské veže, skrze veľké mestá a všetko také. My sa to snažíme zmeniť, ale to nefunguje. Snažíme sa to zmeniť, vzdelaním sveta do Neho. Snažíme sa to zmeniť skrze denomináciu ľudí. To nikdy nefungovalo. Je len jedno miesto, kde môže človek náležite uctievať, pod tou Krvou. Vaša denominácia vás rozdelí, ale pod tou Krvou ste si rovní. On sa nikdy nemení.
252No, ak je On nemenným Veľkňazom a tým istým včera, dnes a naveky, potom On musí dodržať to Slovo. Nie pretože my sme povedali, že On to urobil, pretože On povedal, že to urobí. Rozumiete? No, teraz, ak to On urobí... No, zastavte sa na chvíľu, porozmýšľajte. No, koľkí z vás v tomto modlitebnom rade vedia, že ja o vás neviem ani jednu vec, vašu nemoc? Potom zodvihnite svoju ruku, vy viete, čo som ja... Koľkí v tom modlitebnom rade vedia, že vás dokonca ani nepoznám? Zodvihnite svoje ruky.
253Pozrite sa na to publikum, vidíte. No, vy tam, vy tu nemusíte byť, len sa dotknite Jeho rúcha. Len prehovorte, povedzte, „Pane Ježišu, ja Ti verím.“ Povedzte teraz, „Verím tomu. A ja verím, že Ty môžeš bratovi Branhamovi zjaviť, pretože...“
254No, nie, pretože to je brat Branham, on je len obyčajný človek. A zrejme, ak vytrhnutie príde dnes ráno... Premýšľate o vytrhnutí? Ak vytrhnutie príde dnes ráno, toto hovorím v pokore, že bezpochyby polovica tohto zhromaždenia, ak by sme išli podľa hodnosti, podľa toho, kde by sme mali byť, polovica z vás by išla predo mnou. Je to tak. Ja nie som... Pozrite sa na tú zodpovednosť, ktorú mám, a ako voľne to nesiem. Som neužitočný sluha Kristov, vedieť to, čo ja o Ňom viem, a potom žijem tým spôsobom, ktorým žijem; nie nemorálnym, nie nečistým, nič také, Boh vie, že to je pravda. Vidíte? Snažím sa žiť správne, ale ja vyzerám, že nedokážem, aby tá vec prešla. Možno je to niekto iný, možno niekto vysoko vzdelaný alebo niečo, oni by to mohli tým ľuďom dať. Ale potom si niektorí myslia... všetci ľudia to jednako neporozumejú. Vidíte? Vidíte? Vidíte, On vie, čo urobí. Tak ja len porúčam samého seba Jemu a hovorím, „Pane, som v Tvojich rukách, konaj so mnou, ako sa Ti to vidí za správne.“ No, ak je Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera a naveky...
255No, verím, že poznám túto ženu. Nemôžem si spomenúť, kto ona je, ale poznám ju. Nejako ju poznám. Ale, ja som videl jej tvár, ale práve teraz neviem, kto ona je. Ale poznám ju, nejako. Či ma poznáš? Aha. Pomyslel som si, ako som sa díval na jej tvár, myslel som, že ju poznám, ale nemôžem povedať, kto ona je. Ale verím, že ona... Či nie je tvoj manžel... Nie si ty tá žena, ktorá pracuje v... Jej manžel pracuje v Sedem—Sedem—Sedem... alebo Sedem-Jedenásť, alebo niečo také, dole v New Albany. Pani Aganová, je to tak. No, bola si tu a prišla si do cirkvi. Roy, je to tá, ku ktorej sme raz išli na... Je to—je to tá, z toho vrchu? Ako? Jej sestra. To bolo, to je ako, vidíte. Pamätám sa, Roy a ja sme prechádzali autom okolo a on spomenul to meno a Pán ma tam hore poslal a uzdravil tú ženu rovno tam. Áno, tak veru a práve som si spomenul.
256No, ale vedieť, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku, ja neviem. Ty to vieš. Ale ak jej Pán Ježiš môže povedať niečo, čo ona urobila. Alebo má nejaké finančné problémy. Možno ona a jej manžel mali nejaký problém, možno jej deti, možno jedno z jej detí, ak ona má deti, ja neviem. Ale ak ona má, možno niektoré z jej detí utekajú preč. Možno tu ona stojí, aby sa dozvedela niečo ohľadne toho. Ja neviem. Nemám žiadny spôsob, ako by som to vedel. Nemôžem vám povedať. Ale On vie. Vidíte? Tak, rozumiete. Však?
257Počúvajte, dávajte teraz skutočne pozor. Nikdy predtým som toto nepovedal medzi poslucháčstvom, ale cítim sa byť vedený povedať to teraz. Čo je slovo? Je to vyjadrená myšlienka. No, ako môžem vyjadriť jej myšlienku, alebo ako jej môžem vyjadriť, čo je jej myšlienka? Bude to musieť byť nejaká myšlienka, ktorá je predstavená, a ona to nemôže urobiť. Tak ja musím vyjadriť Jeho myšlienku a ak je to správne... Ak je to Božia myšlienka, to bude správne; ak to nie je Božia myšlienka, potom to nebude správne; ona to bude vedieť, ty to budeš vedieť, všetci to budú vedieť. Rozumiete, nie je spôsob, ako to obísť. To musí byť buď Boh, alebo to nie je Boh. Jeho milosť je dostatočná. Teraz ver, každý teraz.
258A koľkí budú veriť? Dobre, možno ste nikdy predtým nevideli jedno z týchto zhromaždení, ale budete veriť, ak Boh niečo urobí? A potom, vy tam vonku teraz, vy, ktorí nebudete v modlitebnom rade, modlite sa tiež, vidíte. Alebo tiež, ak prichádzate v modlitbe, nestarám sa, kto ste, len sa modlite.
259Pane Ježišu, zabral som teraz veľa času, ale je to Tvoja služba, Pane. A po ľudsky som to všetko urobil tak, ako som len mohol urobiť, ale Ty si Boh, teraz je ten zvyšok v Tvojich rukách, Otče. Nech je známe, že Ty si Boh a Tvoje Slovo je pravda. Dokáž Svoje Slovo, Pane, tohto posledného dňa, keď Syn človeka bude zjavený. Ako On dal poznať Seba samého? On bol Slovom. Čím je Slovo? Rozpoznávateľom myšlienok a úmyslov srdca. On poznal ich myšlienky, povedal Petrovi, Filipovi, Natanaelovi, žene pri studni, tým všetkým tam, to, kedy oni prídu, vedel, že to malé dievča zaspalo, nebolo mŕtve. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si dnes použil naše pokorné stánky, tohto zemského prebývania, aby Si sa mohol dať poznať. Skrze Meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.
260No uzdraviť, ja nemôžem, vy to viete. „Čo je dar, brat Branham, niečo, čo ty vezmeš?“ Nie, to je niečo, že vy viete, ako sa odstúpiť z cesty. Rozumiete? Tak dlho, ako ste tam, to nikdy nebude fungovať. William Branham je ten najväčší nepriateľ, ktorého mám. Rozumiete? Ale keď ho dostanem preč z cesty, vidíte, potom Ježiš Kristus môže použiť to telo. Rozumiete? Vidíte, teraz, prišiel som ku tej žene. Čo teraz? Povedz teraz, či bola chorá.
261Je tu pani, ktorá má svoju končatinu vyloženú na stoličke. No, ak ja... ak by bol Ježiš tu a zišiel by dolu a položil Svoje ruky na tú ženu, tá končatina by vyzdravela. Nie je o tom žiadna pochybnosť. Ale, viete, my sme ľudské bytosti so špinavými rukami. Jeho ruky sú sväté, Boh Ho potvrdil. On bol Slovom. Veríte tomu? Iste, On nemal žiadnu pochybnosť. On by na ňu položil Svoje ruky a povedal, „Dcéra, buď zdravá,“ a ona by vyzdravela. Ale potom On poveril nás, aby sme robili tú istú vec. Myslím, že On to jasne identifikoval.
262No, čo ak by mi On dal videnie a povedal tejto žene niečo, čo má urobiť? Dobre, ja potom verím, ak by som na ňu položil svoje ruky, ona by vyzdravela. Veríte tomu? Ale čo ak by On nedal to videnie? Čo by to videnie urobilo? Len by mi dalo vieru. Vyšlúc moju vieru, tú neviditeľnú moc Božiu. Rozumiete? Tak, ak vy, každý jeden z vás by zomrel rovno v tejto minúte, nikdy by ste nevideli vaše, ako opúšťate svoje telo. Všetky vaše duševné schopnosti, všetko to, čo ste, by odišlo, ale vy by ste to nikdy nevideli, ako to odchádza. Rozumiete? Bolo by to... Tá sila, ktorá spôsobuje pohyb mojich rúk, to je určitá sila, či nie? Tá sila, ktorá spôsobuje, že rozmýšľam, sila, ktorá spôsobuje, že kážem, tá sila, ktorá spôsobuje, že žijem, konám, tá istá, ktorá motivuje toto telo, ho opustí, a vy neuvidíte, že tá sila odchádza. To je neviditeľná sila. Tak je to s vierou! Nezmeškajte to. Viera! A Ježiš povedal, „Budú klásť ruky na chorých.“ No, vidíte, ak by som išiel a mal videnie a položil na ňu ruky, verím, že ona vyzdravie, pretože som videl videnie, moja dôvera je v tom videní. Ale čo so Slovom? Kladiem na ňu ruky s tou istou vierou. To videnie je dané len na to, aby to motivovalo moju vieru a vašu vieru. S tou istou vierou bez videnia, to funguje práve tak isto. Niektorým ľuďom je daná veľká viera. Niektorí nemajú taký druh viery, sú im dané videnia, aby im dali takú vieru. Rozumiete? No, vidíte, to stále budú tie isté špinavé ruky, bude to tá istá osoba, ale len kladie na ňu ruky.
263No, nech Duch Svätý potvrdí Svoju prítomnosť, potvrdí Svoje Slovo, ktoré On zasľúbil. No, zabudol som, ako sa voláš. Ako sa voláš? Aganová. No, On by mi to mohol povedať, ak by On chcel, vieš, ale ja to len hovorím, ja viem, že ťa poznám. No, práve prichádzaš rovno sem, len na chvíľu, trochu bližšie, sú tu ľudia, ktorí tu stoja a modlia sa, rozumiete. To je... No, pani Aganová, ak ja som Kristov sluha a kázal som to Slovo, o ktorom verím, že je pravdou, veríš tomu? [Pani Aganová hovorí „Áno.“ - pozn.prekl.] Veríš tomu. No, ak máš na niečo potrebu, ja by som ti to nemohol dať, pretože ja to nemám, aby som ti to dal; možno je to trocha peňazí alebo niečo, alebo by som mohol ísť a hovoriť s tvojím manželom alebo deťmi alebo tvojimi milovanými alebo niečo, mohol by som. Ale ak by si potrebovala uzdravenie, ja by som ti to nemohol dať, to je už vykúpené. Ale skrze dar by som mohol spôsobiť, že by si to rozpoznala, ak by si mala vieru, že je to už vykúpené, pretože Ten, ktorý to vykúpil, ten Jediný, v ktorého môžeš mať vieru, je Syn Boží. Ten Vykupiteľ stojí tu. Rozumieš? Je to správne? Ten Vykupiteľ je tu.
264No, ty ma poznáš ako brata, kazateľa, a ja ťa poznám ako sestru. My poznáme Jeho ako Boha. No, ak tá neviditeľná Osoba, skrze ten dar, ktorý mám, spôsobí, že sa odstúpim z cesty, mi môže povedať, povedať tebe skrze mňa, moje ústa, rozumieš. No, keď sa modlím, Boh ma nevidí, On počuje môj hlas skrze Ježišovu Krv. Vieš, On nevidí mňa, On počuje môj hlas. A tá Krv je tam na to, aby reprezentovala to, za čo prosím. Rozumieš? Potom On počuje môj hlas, ale On vidí len tú Krv. Vieš, On nevidí mňa, tak ja nemôžem byť špinavý, ak som pod tou Krvou. Tá Krv očisťuje. Vidíte, On je tým nárazníkom medzi mnou a Bohom a On zasľúbil, „Proste Otca o čokoľvek, Ja to urobím.“ Veríš, že to je pravda?
265No, ak každý... vyzerá to... Môžete vidieť to, čo sa deje? Pozrite, prichádza sem, vidíte, to je Svetlo, jantárové, pohybuje sa dookola.
266No, ona by to nemohla skryť, ak by musela. Nie, nie. Ty si tu kvôli niečomu, čo sa ti stalo. Mala si zápal pľúc a bola si v nemocnici. Bola si pod kyslíkovým stanom. A trpíš na následky toho. Budeš v poriadku. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví, vidíš, a buď zdravá. Choď napred, ver tomu, sestra Aganová. Položím na teba svoje ruky v Ježišovom Mene. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Choď, buď teraz šťastná, nepochybuj o tom, čo On povedal.
267Ako sa máš, sestra? Nemyslím, že ťa poznám. My sme si cudzí. No, to je žena, ktorú nepoznám. Nepoznám ťa. Nemám žiaden spôsob, ako by som ťa poznal. Ale veríš, že Boh by mi to mohol zjaviť skrze Svoje Slovo, rozumieš, pretože On to zasľúbil? Veríš, že On by mi mohol povedať niečo o tebe? A to by spôsobilo, že by si to prijala, je to tak, vediac, že to by som nebol ja, tvoj brat, to by bol On, tvoj Spasiteľ. Veríš tomu? Ty čakáš na operáciu. Bolo ti povedané, že musíš ísť na operáciu. Veríš, že On mi môže povedať, kvôli čomu je tá operácia? Je to v žalúdku a v črevách. Je to presne tak. Ty tomu chceš uniknúť. Veríš teraz, s týmto Duchom tu, Duchom Kristovým všade okolo nás a ktorý je na mne. Vieš, niečo ti to muselo povedať, pretože ja ťa nepoznám. Veríš, skrze položenie rúk, to prenesie tú vieru, ktorou ja verím s tebou, s tvojou vierou a pred Bohom, naším Otcom, že budeš uzdravená? Potom, Pane Ježišu, ja poslúcham Tvoje príkazy, keď si Ty povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak položia ruky na chorých, budú uzdravení,“ nech je naša sestra uzdravená na Slávu Božiu; v Ježišovom Mene, amen. Choď domov, zabudni na to, rozumieš, choď ďalej a ver tomu z celého svojho srdca.
268Ako sa máš? Hovorím to len na to, aby som sa skontaktoval s tvojím duchom, pani. Tak, ako to urobil Ježiš pri tej studni, povedal, „Daj sa Mi napiť.“ No, ja verím... Ja neverím, že by som ťa niekedy videl, verím, že si mi cudzia. Je to tak? Ak je to tak, zodvihni svoju ruku, tak, aby to obecenstvo mohlo vidieť. Ja nepoznám tú pani.
269 Toto je skutočné uzdravenie, je to skutočná viera, skutočné Písmo, nezcudzoložené Slovo Božie zamanifestované a dokázané, že On nie je mŕtvy. On žije navždy. „A ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré ja robím, on bude tiež, a tento veriaci položí svoje ruky na chorých a oni vyzdravejú.“ Ó, ako o tom môžete pochybovať? Vidíte? No, On vedel kto bude a kto nie, ja to neviem. To je na Ňom.
270Ale teraz, ak je táto pani cudzia... Ja ju nepoznám, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Ona je mladá žena, oveľa mladšia než ja. Ale ja som ju nikdy nevidel. A ona tu je za určitým účelom. Veríš, že tieto veci, ktoré som vyučoval z tej Biblie, pani, sú Pravdou? Veríš, že oni sú Pravdou. A prijmeš to, nie pretože som to ja povedal, pretože Boh to povedal?
271Veríš, že žijeme v posledných dňoch, keď má byť zamanifestovaný Syn človeka? To bude celé to Slovo, ktoré je zhromažďované cez Luthera, Wesleya, Baptistov a tých všetkých a Letničných, všetko zhromaždené do zjavenia toho, čo to všetko bolo. Ten siedmy anjel mal otvoriť to tajomstvo šiestich pečatí. To všetko je zhromaždené v tom Synovi človeka, plnosť Jeho času prišla do plnosti Jeho Slova, aby zamanifestoval plnosť Jeho Tela. To je to Slovo, potom, to je vypovedané Slovo, zamanifestované skrze Slovo, zjavené Slovo.
272No, ak mi Boh môže povedať, aký je tvoj problém... On ťa utvoril, On vie o tebe všetko. A ak to On môže zjaviť... Ty vyzeráš ako zdravá osoba. Ale ak mi to On môže zjaviť, budeš vedieť, či je to pravda alebo nie. Prijmeš to? No, pozri sa rovno na mňa. Pravdaže, ty nosíš okuliare, musela si ich nosiť. To skutočne nie je to, kvôli čomu si tu. Môžem vidieť, že sa to pohlo rovno dozadu, vidíte. Ty si tu kvôli krvným zrazeninám. Vidíš? Vidíš? Veríš, že On mi môže povedať, kde oni sú? V tvojich nohách. Či veríš, že to je Boh, ktorý to robí? Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať o tebe viac? Hmm? Ak zhromaždenie... Ty si cudzia a ja len... hovorím chvíľu s tebou. Veríš, že On môže, veríš, že On mi môže povedať, odkiaľ si? Ty si z Gary, Indiana. Veríš, že On mi môže povedať, kto si? Pani Ogdenová. Je to pravda. Choď teraz domov a buď zdravá, v Mene Ježiša Krista.
273Ako sa máš? Sme tiež jeden pre druhého cudzí. Ja ťa nepoznám, vidíš. Ale veríš, že Pán Ježiš mi môže zjaviť tvoj problém? [Tá sestra hovorí, „Ja to viem.“ -- pozn.prekl.] Ty to vieš. Ďakujem ti, sestra. To je veľmi dobré. V poriadku, že to vieš, potom ten pruh bude v poriadku. A ty máš nádor na svojom boku. Je to pravda, či nie? Chceš, aby som ti povedal, na ktorom boku? On je na pravej strane. Je to presne tak. Choď svojou cestou a ver tomu a vyzdravieš.
274Či veríte? Absolútne, to je Pravda. Veríte, že Syn Boží, Syn človeka zostúpil dolu cez tie veky, tak, ako On zasľúbil? Ale, len, veríte, že svet je v stave Sodomy, pripravený, aby bol zničený ohňom, ako Sodoma? Sodomania boli pohania, pamätajte. Ale tam dolu, v Sodome, boli nejakí spravodliví ľudia, Boh poslal posla, aby ich vyvolal; niektorí z nich vyšli, niektorí nie, väčšina z nich tam zostala. Ale bola tam skupina, ktorá tam sedela na tom vrchu, Abrahám, a tam bol Posol, ktorý k nemu prišiel, aby mu ukázal, čo sa malo stať. On v tom jednako nemal byť. Ale potom, ten svet je dnes v tom istom stave a Ježiš Kristus je Syn Boží, Syn človeka, Syn Dávidov, a On prišiel, aby zamanifestoval Seba samého.
275Všimol som si práve, ako sa s tou ženou niečo deje. On tu je kvôli veľkému dôvodu. On tu nie je kvôli chorobe. Viete, čo sa ma chce spýtať? „Polož na ňu svoje ruky, ona prijme krst Duchom Svätým.“ Vidíte? Vidíte? Či to nie je tak? Zodvihni svoju ruku, ak je to tak. Vidíte? Vidíte, ona má veľkú vec. Drahý Nebeský Otče, daj tomuto Tvojmu dieťaťu túžbu jej srdca, nech ona prijme krst Duchom Svätým. Tak ona ho prijme. Amen. Ty ho prijmeš. Nech ťa Boh žehná.
276Veríš? Čo ty tam, či veríš, tiež? Ak môžeš veriť, všetko je možné. Vyzeráš ohľadne toho veľmi úprimne, veríš, že tá krvná zrazenina ťa môže opustiť, tiež? Ty, čo sedíš rovno tam s tou zelenou košeľou. Zodvihni svoju ruku, ak veríš, že ťa to opustí, to ťa opustí. Nikdy vo svojom živote som toho človeka nevidel, je mi úplne, absolútne cudzí. Nikdy som ho nevidel.
277Či tomu veríte, vy ostatní, obecenstvo? No, či nevidíte, že to musí byť On?
278Rakovina nie je pre Boha ťažká vec, aby ju uzdravil. On to môže uzdraviť, či môže? Veríš, že On môže? V poriadku, potom choď, prijmi to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Len ver z celého svojho srdca.
279Ahoj, drahá. Vieš, Ježiš prelial Svoju Krv, aby tvoja krv mohla byť v poriadku. Veríš tomu? Drahý Bože, žehnám tomuto dieťaťu a nech má ona transfúziu krvi z Golgoty. Zober preč všetok ten cukor, Pane, a nech je zdravá v Ježišovom Mene. Nech ťa Boh žehná.
280Ako sa máš? Veríš, že On môže uzdraviť ten chrbát a dať ho do poriadku? [Ten brat hovorí, „Viem, že On môže.“ -- pozn.prekl.] V poriadku, choď, ver tomu, maj vieru. Len položme na teba svoje ruky, tak, ako si to žiadaš. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.
281Či veríš? On stvoril potravu na jedenie, On stvoril žalúdok, aby to strávil. A keď niečo nie je v tom žalúdku v poriadku, On je jeho Uzdraviteľom. Veríš tomu? V poriadku, to je všetko, čo musíš vedieť, ver z celého svojho srdca.
282Ty si mala to isté, len choď ďalej a ver tiež z celého svojho srdca.
283Je to v poriadku, priveďte tú dámu. Ako sa máš? Pekné malé dievča, ona ja veľmi malá na to, aby mala ženské problémy. Veríš, že Ježiš ťa z toho uzdraví? Drahý Bože, toto malé dievča, preklínam tohto nepriateľa v prítomnosti Ježiša Krista, nech ju to opustí, nech je zdravá. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Buď požehnaná, drahá, budeš v poriadku.
284Veríš? No, tmavý tieň sa hýbe nahor, smrť. Rakovina nie je... Boh môže uzdraviť rakovinu a dať to do poriadku. Veríš tomu z celého svojho srdca? Veríš, že On ťa z toho uzdraví? V Mene Ježiša Krista, karhám túto prekliatu vec pod tými prekríženými rybami, nech to Kristov Kríž vezme preč. Nech to odíde v Mene Ježiša Krista. Nepochybuj, choď, ver z celého svojho srdca. Amen. Ak môžeš veriť, všetko je možné.
285Ako sa máš? Pravdaže, tvoja artritída ťa opustí a ty zostaneš uzdravená, ak veríš. Veríš že budeš, tak, že budeš môcť znovu chodiť a že všetko bude v poriadku? Nech Pán žehná túto drahú sestru a uzdraví ju v Ježišovom Mene. Choď, ver z celého svojho srdca.
286Veríš, že tá istá vec sa môže stať tebe? No, ja verím, že môže. Ak veríš, že si uzdravený práve teraz. Ja sám verím, že ťa to opustilo. V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech náš brat ide a je normálny a zdravý, na slávu Božiu. Amen.
287Nakoniec sa to stalo. Ty, ktorý tam sedíš, plačeš, či veríš, že tie hemoroidy ťa opustia? On zostal rovno tu až do poslednej polhodiny, vyzeralo to tak, rovno predo mnou, On stojí rovno za týmto mužom. Ty si veril, však? Ty veríš z celého svojho srdca a môžeš ísť nazad dolu do Texasu a byť zdravý. Nikdy vo svojom živote som toho človeka nevidel.
288Veríš, že ten chrbátik bude v poriadku, a ty budeš pripravená, aby si bola uzdravená? Pane Ježišu, dotkni sa tejto maličkej a uzdrav ju v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Ver tomu z celého svojho srdca.
289No, ten Duch sa približuje, je nad celou budovou. Ťažko povedať, odkiaľ to mohlo prísť, si nervózna. Dovoľ mi niečo ti ukázať. Koľkí sú tu nervózni, zodvihnite svoje ruky. Vidíte, je ťažko povedať, ktorý je ktorý. Ale Boh vie o tom všetko, všetky vaše túžby. Skúšala si všetko, z celej sily, aby si ich premohla. Snažila si sa v živote vzdať mnohých vecí a chceš slúžiť Bohu so všetkým, čo je v tebe. Vyzerá to, že vždy je niečo, čo ťa od toho drží preč. Veríš, že sa to stane hneď teraz, dnes ráno, že budeš z týchto vecí vyslobodená? Budeš tomu veriť?
290Náš Nebeský Otče, tak, aby títo ostatní mohli vidieť, že Ty si Kristus, Syn Boží, uzdrav túto drahú ženu, ktorá tu stojí, Otče, utíš ju. My všetci vieme, čím trpí, Pane, a my sa modlíme, aby si ju Ty uzdravil. Ako na ňu kladiem svoje ruky s celou vierou, ja, tiež, mám práve teraz útok, únavu, Satan, som prepracovaný, podráždené nervy. Satan, opusti ju. Kladiem na ňu svoje ruky so všetkou vierou, ktorú mám, opusti ju, v Ježišovom Mene. Choď, a ver v Neho. To je to, čo si chcela, aby som urobil.
291Ja ťa nepoznám, si mi cudzí. Ten pruh bude uzdravený, ak budeš veriť. A ďalšia vec, ty máš artritídu. Ak veríš, budeš zdravý. Tvoj problém s chrbtom ťa opustil. Choď a ver.
292Veríš z celého svojho srdca? Tu, to... koľkí... To sú už všetci v tom rade? Je ešte niekto, kto ešte má ísť do toho radu? Vy všetci prejdite tadeto tak, aby som mohol klásť ruky na chorých. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy, je už po jednej hodine. Drahý Bože, kladiem svoje ruky na moju sestru, zatiaľ čo je tu pomazanie Ducha Svätého. Uzdrav ju v Ježišovom Mene. Drahý Nebeský Otče, kladiem svoje ruky na môjho brata... [Prázdne miesto na páske. Brat Branham pokračuje v modlitbe za chorých — pozn.prekl.]... či veríte?
293Ó, za teba nebolo modlené, brat? [Prázdne miesto na páske — pozn. prekl.]... brat, viete čo on urobil? On je starý poľovník jeleňov. On povedal, že mal pušku, s ktorou vždy poľoval na jelene, povedal, že teraz je už príliš starý na to, aby išiel poľovať. On chcel priniesť tú pušku a dať ju mne. Amen. Povedzme „Chvála Pánovi.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Chvála Pánovi.“ -- pozn.prekl.]
Milujem Ho,
Nezabudnite svoje malé otázky, ktoré chcete položiť. Ak ich nemáte dnes, prineste ich v stredu alebo v nedeľu.
Pretože On ma prv miloval;
A vykúpil...
Boli ste všetci v modlitebnom rade, modlitebnom rade?
… spasenie;
Na Golgotskom kríži.
294Pomyslite, aký je On pre nás sladký, teraz. Len pomyslite, On dokazuje Svoje Slovo! Rozumiete? No, pozrite, ak by som ja mohol uzdraviť, to by bolo iné, rozumiete, ale On je ten, ktorý to už urobil. Rozumiete? Tak On len potvrdzuje Svoju prítomnosť tu, „Ja som ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy a žijem naveky.“ Nikdy nebol taký človek ako On. On bol úplne Človekom. On bol Boh. Rozumiete? Nikdy nebol taký človek, ktorý žil tak, ako žil On. Nikdy sa človek nenarodil tak, ako sa On narodil. Nikdy nebol taký človek, ktorý by mohol urobiť to, čo... ako čo On urobil. Nikdy nebol taký človek, ktorý zomrel tak, ako On zomrel. Nikdy nebol taký človek, ktorý vstal tak z mŕtvych, ako On vstal. „Ó,“ poviete, „počkaj brat Branham, iní boli vzkriesení z mŕtvych.“ Áno, ale oni znova zomreli. Ale On je živý navždy. Rozumiete? Nikdy človek nevstal tak, ako On vstal. On vstal z mŕtvych, navždy.
295[Brat Branham hmká „Milujem Ho“ -- pozn.prekl.] Spievajme Mu to teraz.
Ó, milujem Ho, milujem Ho;
Pretože On prv miloval mňa;
A vykúpil mi spasenie;
Na Golgote.
296Skloňme len naše hlavy. Pane Ježišu, ja milujem týchto ľudí. A ja ich tu dlho držím, Pane, nemal som to v úmysle. Ale tu, mnohí z nich čakajú s malými deťmi, ony sú hladné, ony nerozumejú. Ale len sedia rovno tu, pretože vedia, že človek nemôže žiť, iba skrze Slovo Božie. A potom, keď je to Slovo vypovedané a potom dané na známosť, zamanifestované, dokázané, potom oni vedia, že to môžeš byť jedine Ty. Modlím sa za každého jedného. Požehnaj ich, Otče. Nech sú zdraví a silní na tú cestu, ktorá leží pred nami. Požehnaj ich počas týždňa. A ak je to Tvoja vôľa, Pane, aby sme sa tu mohli stretnúť znovu na budúcu nedeľu, budúci Sabat, prísť sem a uctievať, modlím sa, Bože, aby si ich Ty posilnil. Niektorí z nich možno nie, niektorí budú musieť ísť do svojich domovov v rôznych častiach krajiny, možno cez more, alebo mimo Spojených štátov. Modlíme sa, aby si bol s nimi a pomohol im. Nech by sme sa stretli jedného dňa pri Ježišových nohách. Udeľ to, Otče. Pomôž nám teraz, ako milujeme jeden druhého a veríme v Teba a dúfame, že jedného dňa to puto, ktoré teraz zväzuje naše srdcia spolu, bude tým večným povrazom, dovoľ nám žiť v tom meste, ktoré je štvoruhlasté, po celú večnosť. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen. V poriadku.
Vezmi to Meno Ježiš so sebou;
Dieťa... (Potraste si teraz jeden z druhým ruky)... smútku;
Dá ti radosť...
(Obráťte sa dookola a potraste si ruky s niekým, povedzte, „Som šťastný, že som tu dnes ráno s tebou.“)
Vezmi ho všade, kam ideš.
Vzácne Meno, ó, aké sladké! (Nech vás Boh žehná...)
Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;
Vzácne Meno, ó, aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.
(Teraz, počúvajte teraz toto, spievajte to teraz takto:)
Vezmi to Meno Ježiš so sebou;
Ako štít pred každou pascou;
(Počúvajte teraz pozorne.)
Keď ťa obklopí pokušenie.
(Čo robiť?) Vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.
Vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno), ó, aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;
Vzácne Meno!
1 Let us remain standing and bow our heads. Lord Jesus, we are grateful to Thee this morning for the privilege of coming into Thy Presence in Thy house, where Thy people are gathered in Thy Name. And all is Thine, Lord. And we commit ourselves to Thee now for the expectation we have in our hearts for a--a service for those who are without God and without Christ, that they'll be saved, and the sick will be healed, and the saints will be blessed. Grant it, Lord. And then at the end, we will bow our heads in humility and give Thee praise for all that You do through us this day. For it's in Jesus' Name we asked it. Amen. You may be seated.
2 I'm indeed grateful for the privilege of being here again today, and for you people that's traveled so far to come for the Message, for the service this morning. I know you didn't come just to see or hear me, you come to meet the Lord Jesus. And so I'm trusting that He will give to you the desire of your heart.
3Now I'm--am back, come back, taking the family to Tucson and returned. I'm tired and wore out. And I'm been going all summer, since last January, and now I've come to go down in Kentucky this week, to go hunting with some friends, to try to relax a little. It makes me nervous so much, you know, so I'm... Billy and I both are just about gone, so we--we pray that God will help us this week to relax.
4 The Lord willing, I want to be back here again next Sunday if the Lord willing. And I want a special service next Sunday. I want to do something a little different than ordinarily. Now, I give this out so that the people who would... might not be interested wouldn't have to come, but we always pray for the sick, the Lord willing, when the people come. And next Sunday I want to find out what's on all your hearts. I--I want you to write out, today, when you leave, and lay it upon the desk, and Brother Neville will give them to Billy Paul, and he to me, what's on your heart. Just say... if it's a Bible question, usually I have it that way. I'm going to open it a little further now, maybe there's some problem on your heart that--that you--you can't get it through somehow, like that you got, oh, maybe a domestic trouble. You don't have to sign your name to it, but just, "My husband does so-and-so and it hinders me." "My wife does so-and-so." "And--and there--there's a certain thing takes place in life," or--or something, you know, just what's on your heart, something that's troubling you. I think that would be good. Do you? Then just find out there, and maybe you ask the question and I might answer for somebody else. See, they may have the same trouble. And just what's on your heart, make it just as brief as possible, like, "I have a child that seems to be going wrong, what must I do?" "I have a--a husband that won't come to church with me. He gets arrogant with me, what must I do?" Or, a wife, the same way. Or--or, you know, "The Bible says this in one place and this in another place, I don't understand it. These, I'd like to know what It means." "And should I, in the case of a Christian, when I'm working at the office and the boss says such-and-such a things, and he asks me to go with him to a party, and in this party they drink, what should I do?" See, just, you know, things like is on the human mind. We want you to.
5 And, therefore, then I--I got to go back then, after that, to Arizona. And I thought I'd--would get a chance to kind of help you to understand, and the best that I can. I'd like to have as many as I could put on the pulpit today before you leave. Just write it and lay it up here, and--and Brother Neville or one of them will give them to me. And this week, down in the mountain, I'll have a--a chance to study it and--and pray over it, and get the Scriptural answer for you to everything that I can, to help you. For that's why we are assembled here, is to help one another. See? You help me as you pray for me, and I hope I can help you. Now, then, don't forget, that'll be next Sunday morning.
6 And now, today, we're... are visitors with us, as usually. And how many's from over a hundred miles away, raise your hand? That's ninety-nine percent of the congregation. A few Sundays ago, I said, "How many's from so-far away," or something, and I couldn't get no hands from Jeffersonville. Huh! Next day I got it, though, they said, "Brother Branham, all the visitors come in," and said, "we just let them take our place in the church." So said they come, hundreds come by and couldn't get in, said, "Because we seen the visitors, see." Now, that's nice of the Jeffersonville people around here. We--we're--we're grateful for that, Jeffersonville and New Albany, and the people around about. We're grateful for that. How many's from a thousand miles away? My! How many's from over a thousand away, raise your hands? Oh, goodness! That's fine. That's...
7 Last Sunday, was a week ago, I spoke on the subject, The Future Home Of The Bride And Groom, and I think we were from fifteen hundred square miles around. And, it happened to be, that was exactly the measure of the City I was speaking about, fifteen hundred square miles. I've been feasting on That ever since, knowing that when this life is over, I'm going to that City. I'm bound for that City, and nothing else matters. What if the sun doesn't shine today, or tomorrow never comes, what difference does it make? We got a Home, a resting Place. Tired or not tired, we still have that resting Place. You say, "That's an old man's dream." No, it isn't. It isn't. It's the Bible Truth.
8 One night after speaking here, there was a man rushed around behind the platform here, as I went out the door, was trying to get me out to the car. And this young fellow said, "I want to just say one word to you." Billy and some of the brethren trying to take me on to the car. He said, "Can I just say the one word?"
I said, "Say on, sir."
9And he said, "You was talking tonight, about bawling them women out, the way they were dressing, wearing them clothes." Said, "A man of your age would think that, but if you was my age you'd think different."
I said, "How old are you?"
He said, "I'm twenty-seven."
10And I said, "I was ten, fifteen years younger than you, I was preaching the same thing. See?" I said, "It's what's in your heart, boy. Your eyes see through your heart." And he just dropped his head and walked away. I guess there's no more answer to that. See, it depends on what's in here is what's going to come out through here and here. See, Jesus said, "If you say different from what's in here, then you become a hypocrite."
11 I'm glad this morning, somewhere in the congregation, to have a--a very precious friend of mine, brother, Reverend Eddie Byskal and his wife and children. I suppose they got into the meeting this morning. Eddie, are you here? I--I thought you... Well, maybe he didn't get to come. Brother, oh, yes, way... Now, that's not the "amen" corner, Eddie. You're welcome up here on the platform with us, the ministers, if you want to come. And then we've been on...
12 Brother Eddie was along when the Lord gave me the vision about the bear and the caribou. The... How many remembers that when I told you? All right, he was there. He was the young fellow had on the checkered shirt, Brother Eddie Byskal. And he stood there where... and asked... I--I asked them if they had a checkered shirt, any of them. "Nope," no one had it. I said, "Well, it might... It's got to be a checkered shirt. There's going to be a--a big silver-tip grizzly, and--and some kind of an animal that's got forty-two inches over its horns, like this, looked like a deer." And that was about six months, I said here, you know, before it happened; long, about this, oh, earlier than this in the year.
13Then I was invited up there to this man, to go hunting. I never been back in that country, back there where we went, and I said it. But the little trail, that's way up on the Alaskan highway, where there's nothing but woods and mountains and animals. And that night at the trailer when I was telling Brother Byskal back there and--and Brother Southwick, he said, "Well I--I... We're going up in sheep country," said, "it won't be up there."
14And I said, "Yes," and I said, "it was one of the little fellows was with me had a checkered shirt on." Nobody had a checkered shirt, Brother Byskal didn't have one, none of the rest of us had one.
15 The second night up, we had seen, spotted a ram way up above timber line. Now, that's way up where timber don't even grow, where's there's nothing but caribou and sheep, and we had spotted some way away. And on the road down that afternoon, Brother Byskal had stumbled into some water and gotten wet.
16The next morning we got up early and started after the rams that we thought we were going to get. And on his... We got up there and we was... had eaten our dinner, and we couldn't find the rams, and Brother Byskal had just shot a caribou. So then I, looking around, and we went up, Brother Southwick said to me, said, "I believe we'll... if you want to walk right good, Brother Branham, we'll go over this mountain, down in that draw, them rams might have went over there," which is a long walk. But it don't get dark maybe till real late, it's maybe ten or eleven o'clock sometimes.
17 And it's a good long walk over them rocky mountains. So I like to walk, and so we just standing there with our arms around one another, both of our beards turning gray, with our arms around each other, crying and knowing, I said, "Brother Bud, I hope someday, in the Millennium, I can walk all them mountains there."
18He said, "I hope I'm with you, Brother Branham." And we was standing there, just rejoicing in the Lord. And I love the mountains so well!
19And then we went down. That's when Brother Byskal there shot the--the--the caribou. That, he's a missionary to the Indians, and he wanted to feed this to his Indians. So we went down, ate our dinner, and dressed the caribou out and come back.
20 Bud and I were going up across the mountain, and when we happened to look over, and in the distance, with my glasses, I spotted this animal that I had saw, just in a panoramic, like I told you here. Brother Byskal there, standing right by our side. And so I said, "There is that animal."
21And he put the glasses on, and said, "It's a great big, old, mammoth bull caribou."
22And I said, "I never seen, I thought they had panel horns." But this one had spikes, he was an odd-looking fellow, just like I saw in the vision. I never shot caribou before.
23"So, well," he said, "if the Lord's give him to you," he said, "there just..."
24 I said, "Yes, that's bound to be it. The only thing I'm wondering about is that checkered shirt." And I looked around, and Brother Eddie, his wife must have put it, she was there with him, must have put it in his duffel bag. When he got wet the day before, he had changed shirts, and there was the checkered shirt. I said, "This is it."
25When I got over and got the caribou, he, Bud, said to me, said, "Now, Brother Branham, you say these horns are forty-two inches?"
I said, "That's what they'll be."
He said, "Looked to me like about ninety-two."
I said, "No. They're forty-two inches."
26He said, "Now, according to what you told me, before we get back to that boy down there with the checkered shirt on, Eddie," (where they was going to meet us down below the mountain, couple miles), said, "you're going to kill a grizzly bear."
I said, "That's THUS SAITH THE LORD."
27He said, "Brother Branham, where is he coming from? I can see for fifty miles around."
28I said, "He's still Jehovah-jireh. The Lord can provide for Himself, see. He can make squirrels come into existence. If He can make a ram come into existence, if He has spoke it about a bear, a bear can come into existence."
29 Us trying to pack this heavy caribou down, the trophy, down the mountain, and I packed the rifle part of the time, and then he would pack the rifle, and vice versa. And when we got almost to a big glacier, why, we got under there. It was kind of hot, we get in the glacier of ice, and sit down there a while to cool off. He said, "You know, Brother Branham, we're not over about a mile from where Eddie and Blaine, them two boys, be standing. That old bear better be showing up."
I said, "Bud, I believe you're doubting it."
30He said, "Brother Branham, my brother had epileptic fits for so many years. And you told me once, the first time up here, when we went down to another place, told me what that boy looked like." And Eddie was riding right by my side there, on a horse, when the Lord gave the vision. And I told them what to do with the boy, the fits stopped. And now he said, "I can't doubt it."
31 I said, "Bud, I don't know where the bear is coming from." But I was about fifty, I'm fifty-five now, so that's been about three years ago. I was about fifty-two or fifty-three. I said, "I've never seen It fail. God will give me that grizzly bear before I get to them boys." And we was almost down to where the small spruce and timber started in.
32A little lower down the hill, we was almost into the timber, he sat down. He was the one that was packing the trophy then, I had the rifle. And he said, "That old bear better be showing up, hadn't he?"
I said, "He'll be there. Don't you worry."
He said, "I can see every hill."
33I said, "I... But I see the promise!" See? See, He promised. I said, "Ever what He..." I said, "Bud, what is that setting right there?"
34He looked, said, "It's a big silver-tip grizzly." Said, "That's him." When we got the grizzly and come back... I remembered in the vision I told you, I was scared about the rifle. It was a little bitty .270, small bullets, you see. It's on tape. And I got the bear, just about five hundred yards, like It said. Bud said, "You better shoot that bear in the back." He said, "Did you ever shoot a grizzly before?"
I said, "Nope."
35 He said, "Oh, they don't know what death is!" I learned that a little later. So he said, "They don't break up from shock," said, "you better shoot him."
I said, "According to the vision, I shot it in the heart."
36He said, "Well, if that vision said so, I'm going to stand by you."
37And I said, "Here we go." And we got a little closer, and when I raised up, the bear saw me. That was what he wanted, to make a charge. And I--I shot the bear, it didn't seem like it even hurt him. Here he come! And before I could get another bullet in the gun, the bear died about fifty yards from him.
38Bud was white around the mouth, he said, "Brother Branham, I didn't want him on my lap."
I said, "I didn't either."
39Said, "I'm glad that vision said you got him." He said, "Now, if that, if them horns are forty-two inches, I'm going to have a..." I'll say it the way he did, said, "I'm going to have a screaming fit."
40I said, "Well, you just have it right now, because that's what it's going to be."
41 When we got down to Brother Eddie, I said to Brother Eddie... We tied the horses off, they're scared of a bear. And, oh, my, they'd a-had to smell it. We couldn't skin him out, it was too late; had to come back the next day. And then we broke up the string about ten times, and horses running everywhere. So then when we got down there, he said... Went and got the tape measure out of his saddle bag, said, "Blaine."
42I said to Brother Eddie, I said, "Watch that little hand now, according..." I thought it might have been Billy Paul, little bitty hand hold the tape measure around the horn. I said, "Watch that little hand," punched Brother Eddie. We stepped back. He put it right up like that, exactly on the nose, forty-two inches. See, just exactly. Jesus never fails! That Word will never fail as long as it comes from God.
43 I just spotted in our midst, Brother and Sister Jackson from South Africa. I guess they had been introduced. And--and have you, Brother Jackson? This morning, stand up, you and Sister Jackson. I'd just like for them to see. My brother, Eddie, here is an old hunting partner from South Africa, too, way down. The Lord bless you, Brother Jackson and Sister Jackson, so glad to have you here with us. And all of the ministers in the building raise up your hand, all that's in the ministry. Well, that's fine and dandy, good. The Lord bless you. We're glad to have you all here. I'm going to have a prayer line in a few minutes, so I--I don't... I wish I could have you all to stand up and come up and preach for me. We're so glad to have you, every one of you.
44 When, I think of your loyalty, and--and coming across the nation, and so forth, to hear me speak about that lovely Lord Jesus, your confidence that you have that He hears my prayers. I was talking just a few moments ago on private interview to a certain member of this church, not over forty-five minutes ago, brokenhearted mother. And just as I started to say something to the woman, (I don't know whether she'd want me to say who she was or not), there came that same Light that you see in that picture. It was all over, she went happy. We're so glad, today, in this shifting age that we're living in, where you can hardly put confidence in anything, we have a Kingdom that cannot shift, cannot move. The Unmovable! Not the rock of Gibraltar, but our faith can rest solemnly upon the Rock of Ages, upon Jesus Christ, the unmovable Rock of salvation.
45 I want to thank the sister that brought the little triune box with a Bible in it for my wife that's here. She had made a covenant to the Lord about this little box. She had cherished it. It's got some... like pictures of old times on it. And she asked the Lord... She had cherished the box a little too much, perhaps. Just an ordinary little box in the shape of a pyramid. And she brought it with a Bible to my wife. Thank you, sister. Every one of your little gifts and things that you give Billy Paul and those, they get to me. I'm grateful for everything. God be with you.
46 Don't forget now, next Sunday morning. As soon as service is over today, write out your question. If you can't, bring it next Sunday morning. I'll come a little early, then let them bring it to the room, so I can have time to give it a Scriptural background. And we'll answer the questions next Sunday morning, the Lord willing.
47Now, there's many handkerchiefs laying here. And I push them back, just in order to get my--my notes down here, and my... also my Bible, so, or my Bible and my notes, rather, so that I can have a little room. But I'm... I pray for each one.
48 I'll scripture my notes down, I have just a short time. I won't keep you like I did the last time I was here, around four hours. I made myself a promise, if I taped anymore like that, I'd tape them by myself here, or something other, so I wouldn't have to hold you so long.
49 Is Dr. Lee Vayle in this morning? I wanted to ask if Dr. Lee Vayle... Are you here, Brother Vayle? Raise up your hand if you are. Is he in the back? All right, thank you, Brother Roy. And I want you to be sure to check those notes, Brother Vayle. You're somewhere in the crowds back there that I can't see, or in the hall. We have to watch, can't let too many stand, the fire marshal won't let us do that, you see, and so we are. I want you to check my revelation on Serpent's Seed, to be injected into the first, Ephesian Church Age that he's writing, regrammarizing it for me. Beautifully done! And I want you to check that and let somebody say something against the Serpent's Seed now (whether it was right, or not)! So the Lord just gave it to me yesterday, see. Oh, it's beyond! How I get a message, I'll be going along and Something strikes me. Then... And if I know it's God, I'll take it over and find it in the Scripture. Then I have... It's never failed, but, from Genesis to Revelation, run true, no matter what people think about It. And it's been more so than ever since those Seven Seals. See, that did it that time. So the Lord bless you now as we study. Now in respects to the Word...
50 And I believe somebody, the engineer, ever who it is on, it's getting a little rebound here on the acoustics. Now can you hear in the back, all right? Raise up your hands if you can. Fine!
51Now let us turn in the Bible, to two places in the Scripture, and I'll try to get the message out and get out on time, if the Lord willing. And now let's turn to Mark, the 5th chapter, and to the First Kings, the 10th chapter; Mark, the 5th chapter; First Kings, the 10th chapter.
52Now, but for the stranger that might be within our gates, this, we put our Sunday School in one great class. And that's this class here, because the rooms are all packed out with the people and we can't have regular separate classes, and we study a little on the Word, have fellowship together. We don't... We are not any denomination. We have no denomination. We are just free in the Lord, and we not mean a bunch of fanaticism. We just teach the Bible, and That alone. And the Lord is so good to us, till He backs it up and shows that that is true. And It gives us great consolation.
53 And now you are--you are welcome to be in our midst at any time. Now, I'm not here all the time, but we have some fine pastors here; Brother Neville, one of our pastors; Brother Capps, another of our pastors; and Brother--and Brother Collins, Wilbur Collins, another, our pastors. And then we have different ones from different parts, our little associated churches. If you're around in--in Texas, the Martin brothers here, and Brother... What's the brother that comes with you out here? I can't see Brother Blair this morning. Oh, Brother Blair, I didn't see you, Brother Blair. Brother Ruddell, right back here, one of the churches on 62, one of the sister churches here. Brother Junior Jackson, sitting right here by Brother Blair, I see him now, another one of our sister churches. And we got churches around over the country from everywhere.
54 Brother Jack Palmer, on his road up, I think they were speeding a little, with the new car of his boy, kind of, you know, kind of getting a little out of the speed limits, and had an accident. He hurt his jaw, and he wasn't able to come, he went back home. So he's doing all right. And Brother Ben, here, another one of our brethren up in Kentucky here, he called him this morning to see if they needed any money or anything that the church could help them with, he said everything was fine. And he was turning a bend with too much speed, and hit some gravel, and it mashed his jaw or something. And they called from down there, when he turned his car into a post or something, and--and called for to be prayed for.
55Brother Billy Collins also, we know, mashed his thumb real bad, broke the bone in it, I hear, and they had to set it. So we want to remember him in prayer.
56 And now the reason that we stand. When we pledge allegiance, flags passing by, or anything, we always stand at attention, or salute, or stand, at least, to show respects to our nation, which we should do it, and to our flag. And then what about our Lord, when we're reading His Word? Let us stand now as we read Saint Mark 5, and beginning with the 21st verse. Notice closely now as we read.
And when Jesus was passed over again by ship unto the other side, much people gathered unto him: and he was nigh... the sea.
And, behold, there came one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name; and when he saw him, he fell at his feet,
And besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hand--hands on her, and she may be healed; and... shall live.
... Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him.
And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,
... had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing better, but rather grew worse,
When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.
For she said, If I may but touch his clothes, I shall be whole.
And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of the plague.
And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about the... in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?
And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest... Who touched me?
And he looked around about to see her that had done this thing.
But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.
And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith has made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.
And while he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said, Thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Master any further?
As soon as Jesus heard the words that was spoken, he said unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid only believe.
And he suffered no man to follow him, save Peter,... James,... John the brother of James.
And he came, cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the tumult, and when... and that wept and wailed greatly.
And when he was come in, said unto them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth.
And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he took the father and the mother and the damsel, of the damsel (rather), and then them that were with him, and entered in where the damsel was laying.
And He said to the damsel, and He... (pardon me)... he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.
And straightway the damsel rose up, and walked; for she was... the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment.
And he charged them saying that no man should know it; and He commanded that something should be given her to eat.
57 In the Book of First Kings, 10th chapter, we read these three verses.
And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the LORD, she came to prove him with hard questions.
And she came to Jerusalem with a very great train, with camels that bare spices,... very much gold, and precious stones: and when she was come to Solomon, he... she communed with him of all that was in her heart.
And Solomon told her--her all her questions: there was not any thing hid from the king, which he told her not.
58 Let us pray.
Lord Jesus, as we read these stories of the Bible, our hearts jump for joy. For we know that Thou art God, and You never change. You never change Your methods, You never change Your ways, You remain God forever. And we pray, God, that You will bring the interpretation to us this morning, of these Scriptures that You would have us to know, that our hearts might be discerned, the great Holy Spirit would come among us today and discern our thoughts and our hearts. And may there be nothing left, that our hearts will not... be so full of joy when we leave here that we'll say like those who came from Emmaus that night, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the way?" Thou ever remains God, and we are Thy hungry children gathered this morning. For, it's written, "Man shall live by every Word that proceedeth from the mouth of God." Bless us in our gathering together and all these people, Lord, that's come for hundreds and, yes, thousands of miles. We pray, that as they go home, their hearts will be satisfied with the good things of the mercy and grace of God. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
59 A very odd little text, three words that I want to speak from out of all this reading. You might say, "That's a very small thing, three words out of all that you read, a portion of two chapters of the Bible." But I--I did that for a background to take these three words: Proving His Word.
60You know, there's a Scripture in the Bible, in First Thessalonians 5:21, where it is written, "Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good." When anything is proven, it will either be proven "right" or "wrong." And when there's anything in question, it should be proven until you find out what is right. And then as you find what is right, It said, "Hold fast." In other words, "Grip it, don't turn it loose. Hold it fast!" In other words, "Hold it tight, so that it will not slip." Hold fast to that which is good, after it's been proven "right." And anything that's proven "not right," then turn it loose as quick as you can, get away from it. Don't never hold onto the wrong thing.
61 Now, it is possible that staunch Christians, fine people, hold sometimes, hold to the wrong thing, thinking it is right. But then these things should be proven, whether they are "right" or "wrong." And it's the duty of all of us, as we are expecting to go to Heaven when Jesus comes. And it's the minister's duty, when any question is brought up, that he solves this out, and then proves it before the people, that they might understand, because no one wants to be found "wrong," holding to the wrong thing.
62So we have a Scripture (and Jesus said, "all Scriptures must be fulfilled") that we should prove all things. And then, "hold fast," or, "hold tight, get a death-grip on it. And don't turn it loose, hold fast to that which is good."
63 I remember in school, I learned something, and many of you learned the same lesson. When you have solved a problem, worked it out, you can take the answer and prove it by the problem. How many ever did that? All of you, of course. Then--then you don't have to worry whether your answer is right or not, the problem's answer has been proved by the problem. Therefore, you know you got the right answer. If every one of yours on your slate or sheet has been proven, the problem proved by... the answer proved by the problem, then you got it. No one can say it's wrong, you've got to get... And if you do your work neatly and correctly, and the way it should be done, and your answer has been proved, you can sit back and rest with the assurance that you're going to get an A on that, on that sheet of paper that you turn in, because it's been proven, proven by the problem.
64 Now, there is also an old proverb that says, "Prove it, and I'll believe it." Now, they got one of our state, one of our states in the nation, they have a slogan, "I'm from Missouri, show me." See, in other words, "Prove it to me, I'm from Missouri." But this doesn't work always, because God has, in every age, fulfilled and proved the work that He has set out for that age, and spoke it in His Word. And every time that God's Word has been proven in the age, the majority has turned It down. So, "Prove it, and I'll believe it," is not so. You can only have faith as God gives you faith. Faith is a gift of God. Ever how religious you may be, yet it must take the... you must have faith. And your faith can only rest, if you're a Christian, upon the proven Word of God.
65 Now, remember, God lotted His Word to each age, and foretold what would happen in this certain age that He was speaking of. Now, if Moses would have come with the message of Noah, it would not have worked. If Jesus would have come with Moses' message, it would not have worked. Or one prophet came with the other prophet's message, it not have worked. But through His prophets, He has revealed the entirety of all of Himself and His plan. Therefore the Bible cannot be one word added to It or one Word taken from It.
66So if you prove your problem by your... your answer by your problem, then why not prove the--the answer that we're now getting by the Word of this age? If the Bible speaks that a certain thing is to happen in this age, it's in the Bible and it will happen. Then if your answer that you're trying to tell the people, if it's proven by the Book, then it is true, it's true. Otherwise, it isn't.
67 Now we see another one, then you, no doubt, have heard them say, "Seeing is believing." That's another old proverb we have here, but that doesn't work either. It doesn't work, 'cause man can sit and look right straight at anything and they'll not see it. The word "see," the English word "see" has so many different meanings to it. Sea might mean "a body of water." And see might mean "to understand." See might mean "to look at it." And, oh, there's just all kinds of words you can use. But when you say, "seeing is believing," you're mistaken.
68When you understand it, you believe it. Jesus said, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom," in other words, "understand the Kingdom," because the Kingdom is the Holy Spirit in you. So you have to understand what this is in you. And the only way you'll understand it, is compare what it makes you do with what the Bible said it would make you do. Then your problem's solved, see. And, then, He is that Holy Spirit.
69 So, seeing is not believing. I can prove that by the senses of the body, see, that seeing is not believing. I cannot see this bottle of oil. I could not see it because it's behind me, yet I have a sense of--of feeling that tells me I've got it in my hand. See? Now, I couldn't see it, it's impossible. And now I cannot reach it, it's impossible, and yet I believe it. This, seeing is believing; this, feeling is believing. Now I close my eyes, I neither could see it or feel it, but if I get it close and could smell it, I still believe it's there. So, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence," not seen, taste, felt, smell, or heard. You believe it! And faith must have a resting place. And anything that's contrary to the Word of God, faith in God can have no resting place unless it's a promise of God. And there it takes its Eternal stand.
70 But in the face of all these un-... doubting ages and things that we have went through and live in today, the worst of all, in the face of all this doubt, God does go right on proving His Words to be right, as He has in every age. He... Unbelief doesn't stop God, it doesn't hinder Him. I don't care how much the world unbelieves, It's still going to happen. Unbelief doesn't do nothing but condemns the unbeliever. The unbelief will send the unbeliever to Hell. It'll rob him of every blessing God promised to him, but it doesn't hinder God from going right on with the believer. See, unbelief doesn't stop God, it only stops the unbeliever.
71You say, "I... The sun ain't going to shine tomorrow, I'm going to stop it." You try it. See? All right, you can't do it. God has set it in order and said it would shine, and it's going to shine, that's all, He said it would. There might be some clouds under it, but it's still shining just the same. And you can't stop God with that. He, what...
72 How does He make His Word known to the people? First, God knowing that there would be unbelievers... Now watch the wisdom of God; knowing there would be unbelievers, and how the majority would be unbelievers. He, by foreknowledge, predestinated a seed for every age, that would believe It. Now if you'll notice in there, for, each age goes right on with His Word, everything right on time, nothing hinders God. He goes right on, and every click is moving just exactly right. We think, sometimes, it's not going to work right. But don't you worry, His clock is timed just exactly to the split instant, and everything's working just exactly right.
73 When I look around sometime and see these Rickys and Rickettas that we got today, and on the streets, and how everything's going on, I think, "O God!"
74"Wait a minute," He says, see, "My timepiece is turning just exactly right. I've got to put you upon the same basis I did the first man, them days. And I put you on the same basis of Luther, and on the same basis of Wesley." Because, you see, sin wasn't known then like it is now. And when we got more knowledge now than we had then, and when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God raises a standard against it. See? And now today, we've got more knowledge, more understanding, so the rivers of unbelief is flowing in hard, but God raises a standard against it. But, remember, He's always... The reason that He--He predestinated these things to happen. He foretold them by His prophets they would happen. And when the righteous see these things confirmed, then they know It's right. Regardless of what anyone else says, they know It's right.
75 We find out over there in--in--in, I believe, it's in First Thessalonians, He said, "He has predestinated us to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ." God, not saying, "I'll choose you, and don't choose you," but His foreknowledge knowed what you would do. So by foreknowledge He can set in order, and He's made everything to work for His good, and for your good.
76 In Genesis, God told Adam and Eve what would happen when they disbelieved His Word. Now, He put right and wrong before them, and He said, "The day you eat thereof, that day you'll die." And God meant just exactly what He said. He always does, He means what He says.
77Satan led her to disbelieve It, for Satan himself never did believe It. He don't believe It, so he led her to believe it. And he still does the same thing, and teaches others the same, and they disbelieve It like she did. God fortified His people behind His Word, that's your only defense. Not your denomination, not your father or your mother, it's all right, but behind God's Word. That's the place that the believer is protected, behind the Word. When that little avenue was broken there, with a little "wonder if It's right or not? It wouldn't," reasoning come in and took the place of faith, they broke the bars. And God kept His Word, He performed It. Satan tried to get her to believe... disbelieve It.
78 Or, reason, don't reason with It! You--you say, "Well, I believe..." You ain't got no right. When God says anything, just--just the way He said, that's the thing to do. You say, "Well, I think..." But you ain't got no thought coming. Let the mind that was in Christ be in you. And Christ is the Word! Let the Word be in you. All other words be wrong, Christ's Words is right! Others believe him and all of his reasons, like she did, reason, "Well, why would God do this? Now, isn't this just as good as That?" If it's contrary to the Word, it's not! So, anything, any teacher, any Bible expositor, anything else would teach you or try to get you to believe anything one little iota different from what this Bible says it, it's a false teaching. It's Satan, again, just exactly like it was to Eve. God goes right on, no matter what he does, what Satan does, God goes right on proving It to be so.
79 Now look what he said to Eve, "Surely you will not die. You'll be wise." That's what the world's looking for today, scientific proof, some knowledge of a man. And he said, "Surely you'll not die."
80But God had said, "you will die," and God proved it so. And we can see it, He meant what He said. Go up here at the graveyard, you'll know whether He meant it or not. "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." And when you go up here and check any man you want to, of any age, there was never a man lived a thousand years. God proved His Word so, He'll do it every time.
81 But, remember, He keeps all of His promises of blessing as well as He does His cursings. Because they eat thereof, that day they died; and He proves it to you, that they do die that day they eat thereof. He also keeps every Word He said about His blessings. Every promise, God keeps! Oh, I love that. You have to choose which one you want: His blessings, by believing; or His cursings, by perverting It. If you pervert It and believe the perversion side of It, then you're cursed. If you believe It just the way He wrote It, and hold onto It, then you're blessed. And It's always contrary to science, always contrary to--to people's scientific way of showing things. For He keeps every Word, both of His blessings and His cursings.
82 When man and women so sinned in the antediluvian world, he... against His true Word, Adam and Eve sinned against the true Word. But, and all generations that followed them begin to do the same thing, He pronounced death upon them, and finally it come to a total, completely annihilation of everything on the earth, was covered over by the water, washed it completely off with water.
83Now, the same God that brought a total annihilation to everything upon the earth, every herb, every creature but what He reserved and took above the earth, everything that He promised that He would do, that He done. And the same God that promised the water, and kept His Word, the same God promises the fire, and He'll keep His Word. He'll keep His Word.
84 Now, now what did He do? How did they know His Word? Because His every way of doing, of proving Himself before He does any damage, or does any judgment, He always sends people the Word, and always warns the people. Oh, I love that! Then we can see exactly where we're at.
85There were all kinds of ministers and associations in the days of Noah, and there were all kinds of religions in the day of Noah, for Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man." But there came on the scene, a prophet, and he started to do something, started to building an ark. And God sent His prophet, Noah, to prove that He had send His Word, and tell them that there was coming a destruction, that He could not stand the way that--that the people were doing, that He had to destroy man that He had once created.
86 Now, the Word came to the prophet, always, He never changes. Malachi 3, said, "I'm God, and I change not."
87Noah was sent to a scientific age, with an unscientific Message. Noah was sent to an intellectual age, with an unintellectual Message. He was sent to an age of science, when he had a Message of faith and promise to a scientific age. So could you believe that a scientific age would believe an unscientific Message? An age of great intellectual, and then would you believe that they would have faith in something that seemed absolutely silly to the human mind? But God always does it in that way. Noah was a confirmed prophet of the Lord, and is God's Message of the hour. He had to believe that, the people had to believe his Message after he had been confirmed of the Lord, that it was God's Word, and God was going to keep His Word.
88 Now it's the same thing today. We're at the end time. Now, those people ought to have known, see. Now, you noticed, Noah was a type of the Jews that'll be carried over through the Tribulation. Enoch was a type of the--of the real Message, of translation of the Church, for Enoch was taken up and then the flood came. And both of them... The first prophet, Enoch, was taken out of the way so Noah could go on with his--with his... God could go on with Noah. And now the Church will be taken away so that God can deal again with the Jews, the remnant of the Jews, the hundred and forty-four thousand, as we've been through it in the Scriptures here.
89 But in the face of all the scientific, unbelieving age, God proved His Word of promise true, by sending them the flood. Now, remember, in the days of Noah, it had never rained upon the earth. God had a mist to come up out of the earth and to irrigate, but it never rained. But Noah said, "It's going to rain." Now that was...
90They could take an instrument and shoot up into the skies, and say, "There is no moisture up there. There's no rain there. We can prove there's no rain there."
91Regardless of what science said, God said, "It was going to rain," so that does it. Now, what did God do? To my opinion, when some of them shook the world a little and throwed it out of its cater, then it threw the back this a way, the heat of the earth into the cold, only brought the--the moisture. And the world was covered over, first, and the atmospheres up there, the humidity in the air, just come together in a form of cloud and let it down, that was all.
92Now we know today, that there's fire up there, 'cause the gases are in the earth. And the Bible said, "The heavens and earth will pass away with a great noise, and the earth shall melt with fervent heat." So we know that it's up there, so just the same as it was in the days of Noah.
93 And now remember, the Message of Noah's time was only by faith, and not scientific proven. But, today, the Message is according to the Word of God, and scientifically proven. Elijah come first, doing miracles, not doing any preaching; just going from place to place, doing miracles. The next time, he come in the form of John the Baptist, he come doing no miracles, just preaching. And the third time he comes, there's both miracles and preaching. See? See how it is? Watch how in continuity the Scriptures run. We could just spend plenty of time on that, but we won't, we'll omit it, because I believe you get the idea.
94 He did in that age just as He did in all ages, and like He will do, just as He promised to do. God promises anything, then He comes down and proves His Word to be right. All that believe, all that believe the Message of that age, come in and was saved. So will it be in any age. All who did not believe the Message and the messenger, perished.
95And all who truly believe the Word of God today, will be taken out. All that does not believe the Word of God, will perish with the world, 'cause they are of the world, and everything that's in the world must perish with the world. And everything that's saved in God, must be in God, and cannot perish, "I'll give them Eternal Life, and raise them up at the last day." Now, what a consolation to every believer, to know, when you're in Christ, that just as sure as God keeps His Word and perishes the world, He keeps His Word and raises up His people and saves them. He proves it.
96 He proves His Word of promise true to Abraham in his age. Notice, it was unscientific, in Abraham's age, for a man of a hundred years old, and a woman at ninety, for them to have a baby, way past the age. But Abraham could not explain it. He'd go to the doctor, and say, "Doctor, is it possible?"
97"It's impossible!" Go to the hospital and make ready for the mother to have the baby, or whatever it would be if you want to compare it with this age, they'd call him insane, "He's out of his mind."
98But God said! And he... The Bible said in Romans, 4th chapter, that "Abraham staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God. For he endured as seeing Him Who is invisible, and was satisfied, held on." Holding fast, for he was fully persuaded that what God promised, God was able to do! And we're suppose to be his children. Amen! Now I feel religious, stimulated, just think of that! Oh, He proved it, after all those years, He turned Abraham, and Sarah back to a young woman, and had the baby. And Abraham and Sarah lived... Forty-five years later, Sarah died, and Abraham remarried again after being a hundred and forty-five years old, and had seven other sons besides his daughters. When, he was past bearing, he was sterile, he--he had no seed, no life left in him, almost another hundred years before that. Amen! Why? He considered not his own body, he considered not the deadness of Sarah's womb. He considered only what God said, and knowed God would prove what He said. Amen! God proves what He says He'll do. In the midst of unscientifics and scientifics, and--and amongst anything, whatever it is, God proves that He's right, always proves His Word. He's right, all others are wrong.
99 Also He proved It to Lot, when He said, "If you don't get out of this city, I'm going to burn her." And He told Abraham, if He could "find ten man," He'd spare the city. And He couldn't find the ten man, so He proved His Word was right.
100"Where's the fire coming from? There's none out here on these plains, out here at these slime pits." But God said so, and Abraham knew it was going to happen. Lot knew It was so, and he escaped to the mountain.
101 He promised his seed to be a stranger in a strange land, and be misjudged by the people, and they would sojourn, Abraham's seed, for four hundred years amongst strangers, strange people. And He fulfilled His Word just exactly what He said He would do. Abraham's seed did sojourn in Egypt four hundred years. He promised, also, to deliver them with a mighty hand. A strong hand, He would deliver the people out of the Egyptian bondage. And He kept His Word. Look what He had to do to get them children down in Egypt. It looked like disaster had befall, was befalling, and everything.
102Looked like that it... it was horrible for Joseph to be considered dead, and poor Isaac... or Jacob, his father. Or Isaac, his father... rather, to Jacob, that was, Isaac was his grandfather. Jacob, his father, to believe that his own son had been killed by animals. How hard it was on little Joseph to know that the poor little fellow, away from his people, betrayed by his brethren, throwed into a ditch, supposingly to be dead, sheep blood put upon his coat, where, they had slayed a lamb to eat it, put the blood upon it and took it to his father, and knowing all this. But Joseph could remember one thing, that the hand of the Lord was upon him. He knew that he was a believer. No matter how much his brothers turned him out, how much there was no cooperation or nothing else, Joseph knew God would keep His Word. When he saw that vision of all of them bowing before him, he knowed that had to come to pass because it was THUS SAITH THE LORD. Amen. Don't care how unreasonable it seemed, Joseph knew it was the truth. No matter how hard the task was, and what he had to go through with, he knowed someday every one of them would bow before his feet. How is he going to do it when they hated him? But he knowed God would prove His Word so, every time.
103 So will He do it today! God will prove His Word so, no matter what science says, "It can't be done." How educated, intellectual we get, how the churches have gone off into a--a bunch of formality and so forth, God will still prove His Word "right." Rest yourself right in that Word.
104 Yes, Joseph had much to go through, but, to go down into Egypt, but God brought him out just exactly like He said; a very beautiful type of today, if we had time to go into it. I believe we have, before, here at the tabernacle, went through it. But God kept His Word, 'cause, they had to stay down there. It was hard for those Hebrew children down there in Egyptian bondage, which had been blessed and given the fruit of the land, the best place, Goshen, to find out that they had to become slaves; and those mothers to have to give into the hands of an Egyptian soldier, the fruit of their womb, their darling little baby, and see him stand there, take a big knife and just cut it open and throw it over on the ground, feed it to the gators. Now, it was a hard thing to them, to have to go through that.
105But one day the predestinated seed was born, a child that was a proper child. There was something about him seemed strange. Out on the back side of the desert, one day, the Holy Ghost came down in the form of a Pillar of Fire and settled in a bush, and said, "I have heard the groans of My people, and I remember My promise. And the time of deliverance is at hand, and I'm sending you down there to do it." With a stick in his hand, his wife on a mule, a baby in her lap, he did it by the power of Almighty God. The most ridiculous thing, what would--what would a crooked stick be to ten thousand spears? But, you see, God is in it. It depends on where His Word is. Moses had His Word, Pharaoh had spears. Moses had the Word.
106 That's all he needed, was the Word. That's all you need today. It's not a credential from some church. You don't need a denomination to back you up. You need the Word, to take the Rapture with It. You don't need some credential. You don't need some long history of some school, to be healed this morning. You need to accept the Word, that does it!
107You don't need the doctor's word. If the doctor says he's done all he can do, that's all he can do. If he says you got cancer, tumor, you're going blind, you're deaf, dumb, whatever it is, that doesn't matter. If you could take that Word to that burning promise of the bush yonder, amen, something's going to happen! God will prove His Word to be so, every time that It's received on the right kind of ground. That's what you're needing, His Word. He proves It, He keeps It. You can rest assure that It's right.
108 He proves His Word in every age, by the most unusual way, but He always does it in the same way. See? What did He do in the days of Noah, when He's fixing to deliver the remnant? He sent them Noah, the prophet. He sent Noah, a sign.
109And now notice, when He comes to deliver the children of Israel, what does He do? His same way, He sends His prophet. His prophet's got the Word. The signs and wonders of the Word promised backs it up, that it's exactly the Truth. Israel made her march to the promised land, because they believed it.
110 And in the wilderness journey, it came to pass that they disbelieved this prophet, after seeing the Word being so confirmed, the Bride got out of step (you know what I'm speaking about, in the vision, see, "got out of step"). There was one standing up, by the name of Joshua, and Caleb, and believed the Word of promised true, regardless of what the circumstances was.
111Watch when they got to Kadesh-barnea. At Kadesh-barnea, Moses sent out one out of each tribe, to go spy out the land, see which way they was to enter. And he sent his general, Joshua, which was a prophet, so he sent a minor prophet under Moses. And Joshua listened to Moses. And they sent him out, so he said, "Go over and spy that land out."
112 And the general went out and picked him out a man out of each tribe, and they took off. He took Caleb, his side buddy, because he knowed Caleb believed. They went over into the promised land, and came back with a bunch of grapes that taken two man to pack. Say, he said now, "So that Israel will have the evidence before they even get into the promise. See, they'll have the evidence that God said it's a good land, and it's filled with milk and honey. It's a grand land. It's a good land. Now your... oh, all this old garlic, leek, and whatever you got here in Egypt. Now we're taking you to a land with milk and honey. You probably never tasted either one, milk or honey, down there in Egypt all these years. They just give you the slaves' rationing. But now you're going to this land." So just at the time they got in about one day's journey, where Kadesh-barnea, the great judgment seat of the world was, they stopped under these--these great palms out there, the springs, and camped. He said, "Now, to let the people know..." Watch what a perfect, what a real, perfect evidence it is, how God does that just as He does today. He said, "Now, God said, 'The land is great.' Now, before you go over, I want you to see the land is great. So go bring me back some evidence of the land and show it to the people."
113 So they got up there. And, now, always when you come to bring back an evidence, there the enemy lays in the road. When some of them fellows looked over and seen those great giants of Canaan, oh, my, they said, "We can't do it." But they brought back the evidence that the land was there. They had not been falsely led. God was proving to them His Word, even before they entered the land.
114Can't you see, today, that if you'll drive a thousand miles to hear the Word, and watch It being proved and confirmed, it's the evidence that it's a great Land? You can see a shadow of a man laying, dying with a cancer, "Be made whole." And we see the Words of God that He spoke would happen in the day, being confirmed, it's the evidence that He keeps His Word. There's a great Land. If my life is just about gone, and God comes down and spares it again, that shows that there's an evidence of an Eternal Life. Where, you once wouldn't have darkened the door of that church, now you stand in line to get into it. It's an evidence. God keeps His Word and proves It to you, that It's true.
115 Drive for thousands of miles; come out here in the morning and looked out there and seen them people feeding their babies out of a Coca-cola bottle, a little cereal, about five o'clock in the morning, setting on that lot. I thought, "God, I'd be the lowest hypocrite in the world, to let them people come all that distance, and tell them something that was wrong. For I feel sorry for them, my heart goes for them. They're hungering and thirsting for God. Help me, Lord, to tell them the Truth, or take me away from this world. Let me tell them people the Truth, so help me, God." I said, "You hold my hand, and let me know what's Truth, and then back that up by a confirmation of what I said to be the Truth, that they'll know that It is the Truth. Don't let them poor people be deceived. No." How my heart goes to something like that, to see faithful people!
116 I imagine Joshua thought the same thing, that day when he gathered them around, seen them wash their clothes out and get ready against the third day. Yes, He proved it. Now Joshua said what? When they said, "Oh, we can't do it. You just can't do it. We'll have to get out of our organization. We're--we're--we're finished. See, we couldn't do it now. We just can't do this, because it's not reasonable." And when Joshua led them up there, it was in the month of April, when the waters was high, and Jordan was pretty near as wide as the Ohio River. Looked like God made an awful mistake.
117You know, sometimes you get sick, and you say, "Well, I'm a Christian. God, He--He made a mistake, He let me get sick, and I'm a Christian." Don't you realize that the Bible said that everything would work together for good to them that loves God?
118 Where Joshua led them there, now, Jordan gets real low. You can wade across it 'most anywhere around, unless you hit a hole of water where it's pretty deep; you can, and with all the little fords and things right there at the--at the banks where Jericho was at. Why, it's, why you can wade across it, isn't much over an ankle deep, just drive across it in a jeep, drive, ride across it, walk across it, or anything. But he led them there at the time of April, when the flooded country was flooded there for almost a mile. The water was probably thirty or forty feet deep in there. And he said, "The third day, we're going over. God said so! Call the people together and sanctify them, for, the third day, you're passing over Jordan." See how God lets that thing happen? Just to make it, make people... just to pull out His crowd. What'd they do? They sanctified themselves and got ready, regardless of how deep the water was, and how muddy it was, and how swift the current was. See, they knowed God would prove His Word.
119No matter what, how close you are to Jordan, no matter what your circumstances is, if you could only hold that promise of God in your heart, God will prove it, that It's so. In the midst of all unbelief, He'll still prove It to be so. Yes, He does it. And circumstances doesn't stop Him, He still will do the same as He did then.
120 Notice, it was by His believers that He proves His Word by. He can only prove His Word... not by unbelievers, it's only by the believers that He can prove His Word. No matter how much the rest of them claimed to be, "Oh, I believe, brother!" See, if you do, God will prove it so, 'cause we look and see the others. How can we say, then? See, it's by true believers that He proves His Word; not by those who say they believe, but those who really believe. It's by His believing children that He proves His Word.
121Now, he had the believers. The old crop had died off, the unbelievers who said, "We couldn't take it," He let every one of them perish (why?), every one of them but the believers. Who was left? Moses had been taken to Glory. And the unbelievers had perished in the wilderness, and this was their children. There were only two that crossed over, and that was the believers, Joshua and Caleb. They was the believers, they was the one who crossed over. It's the only way God can do it, is by His believing children. You believe that? All right. His believers was the one that done it. He used them to cross over with. See?
122 Now I want you to notice, He does it that way in every age. He does it every time by the same method, He has to take believers. And then, in order to have believers to meet that Word, He's got to predestinate it to that age. You see it? He's got to predestinate this thing to be there to meet the challenge of the age. Did it get you? Did you feel it? Did you see it? Do you understand it? That's what's happening today, He predestinated it to this, by His foreknowledge. When He predestinated, in Malachi 4, it's got to happen. When He come over and predestinates anything to happen in His Word, He had to prove His Word to be so. When He predestinates anything to happen and says it will happen, He knows that seed will be there just at that time. He predestinated a Bride, She's going to be there! Going to be a Rapture, She's going to be there! He predestinates it by His foreknowledge. See, there's nothing going to stop it.
123 When God told them, "Now, I give you a promise of a promised land. I told your father, Abraham, that his children would sojourn down here for four hundred years."
124Now, Moses said, "I am the prophet of the Lord. Now watch and see that what I prophesy. If it comes to pass, then you'll know I'm sent of the Lord, for you know that God's already told you that. Now, now if I prophesy this and it happens, and that and it happens, and this and it happens, every time just the same, now you know I'm sent of the Lord to tell you. Now, there is a promised land, that God promised it. See? And God promised this land. Now, it's a good land, it's flowing with milk and honey. Follow me."
125And as they went out into the wilderness where he was to journey, to take them in the wilderness, where, God told him to bring them back to Mount Sinai, then God came down before all Israel, with a Pillar of Fire, and confirmed that what Moses had said, it was there, proving that it was right, confirming Moses there, "Moses said that I was on this mountain, I appeared to him in the form of a burning bush. And now I got the whole mountain burning."
126They said, "That! Don't let God speak, let Moses speak. We'll perish."
127He said, "I--I--I won't do this no more. I'll raise them up a prophet, he'll--he'll speak to them in My Name." So that's what He does, exactly the way He works His Word.
128 Notice, then, those who disbelieved, after they got so close to the land that they disbelieved. Now, you that's taking notes, put down Hebrews 6, right here where it said, "Those which were once enlightened, made partakers of the Holy Ghost; seeing, they shall fall away, to renew themselves again to repentance; seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame; it's impossible for those to be saved." See, just as impossible for those to cross over in that promised land.
129People come right up to the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, they'll come right up to the Word, they'll come up through all denominations, and all churches, and all catachisms, and everything, but when it comes to that Word, that crossing line, they say, "Oh, I don't know about That, my church doesn't teach It that way." I don't care what your church teaches, the Bible says It's that way. Then you say, "How do I know It's right?" He confirms it, and proves it!
130 Now, the Bible that day, said, "There's a good land over there, and it's just full of milk and honey, and fine grapes and pomegranates, and, oh, it's a beautiful place."
131Well, they said, "Now, some of you slip over and take a look at it, and come back, so we can console these people. We're going to cross over right away now, if you all just believe it." Well, away they went.
132And here they come back, oh, two of them, just a-shouting, "Well, praise God! We seen it! We seen it! Oh, it's wonderful, there's nothing like it!" The rest, of the ten standing around, saying, "Oh, no, no, no, no, we can't do it." How many went over? Them two! That's right. Them two, because they knowed that God would prove His Word right. Notice, no swelling Jordan, no sir, no flooded banks of Jordan, or no giants of Canaan could stop them. God proved His Word to be so, He took them right into the land.
133He'll do the same thing again, yes, sir, in the promises of today. He proves His Word. Regardless, He proves His Word.
134 He stopped the mouth of hungry human-eating lions one day, to prove His Word was true, that He could deliver, to Daniel the prophet. And they kept those lions fed on human flesh. And they kept those lions up to be hungry, so that when a man fell in there, or a child, whatever they throwed in there, it was capitol punishment, that lion would rip them to pieces, this bunch of hungry lions. And they get this prophet, with the Word of the Lord to the children of Israel, which had prophesied they'd take that place. And there he was with them. But God wasn't through with it, He wanted to prove His Word, He could deliver. And they starved those lions, and throwed that prophet in there, and they rushed towards him like that. That Pillar of Fire standing there, (and any animal is scared of fire), that Pillar of Fire standing there, the lions laid down. He kept His Word. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. God keeps His Word, He proves it, He proves It so.
135 Now, He took the heat right out of the blaze of the fiery furnace, to prove that His Word was so, that He could deliver from the fire. Right in among those blazes, where those children was throwed in there, and stayed in there a long time, when even the man that throwed them into it, the intense heat of the--of the furnace killed the great soldiers that was leading them up there. And God let the fire burn right on, but He took the heat out of it. He proves! If you stand by Him, He'll stand by you. Stand by you? Well, sure! An hour later, they opened the door, and said, "Say, how many did you put in there, anyhow?" Said, "We see three we put in there." He said, "There's four in there, and one of them looks like the Son of God." See, He shows! Cause why? He is the Word.
136And they said, "God is able to deliver us from that fiery furnace, but, nevertheless, we're not bowing to any image, because we're standing by the Word." Any image, form of religion, get away from it. God will stand by you. He will take the heat out of the persecution. He will take the--the life out of the cancer. He will take the... He will do anything; He is God. You stand by Him; He will stand by you. He proves His Word true, every time. Took the heat out of the blaze, stopped the lions' mouth, and so forth.
137 Here's another thing God did, to show that He was God. Man got so, after in the wilderness there, that they were getting themselves scholarships, making themselves great man. They had some organizations called Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, and whatever more. And they were great man. They made priests out of one another. And they done great things like that, make high priests and big man, and dignitaries and so forth.
138But God, in the midst of all of it, He raised up a prophet, a son of a priest. Never... went into the wilderness at nine years old. Couldn't read his name, if it was in letter the size of a box car. Why, why did he do it? He was a prophet. If he had been trained in the education of his father, he'd a-probably been a Pharisee or a Sadducee, or one of their groups. But he had an important job, that was to announce the Messiah. Cause why? God kept His Word, and proved it. "A voice of one crying from the seminary, 'Behold I've got my doctor's degree'"? That--that might be in the Old Ladies Birthday Almanac, but not in God's Word. He said, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord, and make His paths straight!'" Was He preparing the way of the Word then, that the Word could be made manifest? Hallelujah!
139 Don't you see, in shadows? Stop here a minute. In the last days, there's got to be a place prepared for the Word to be made manifest, and we're now living by the evidence of the new Land, amen, the Son of man.
140John's commission, without education, without anything, stayed in the wilderness. His sermons was in types. "Ax is laid to the root of the tree," that's what he saw. Cut with the ax, make his shack, make some fire to burn his wood. "Oh, you generation of snakes," that's what he saw. The nastiest thing in the jungle, to him, in the bush, was a snake. Said, "You generation of snakes, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Don't begin to say, 'We've got this, and we belong to this, and we belong to that,' God's able of these stones to raise up Children to Abraham. The ax is laid to the root of the tree, and every tree that don't bring forth good fruit..." What does he do in the wilderness when it won't... bring up some locusts and things for him, he cuts it down and burns it up. See? "He'll gather the wheat into the garner, but the chaff he'll burn with an unquenchable fire." A man like that, not even with his clergy coat on, not even his priest's bonnet. See? He come with a piece of sheepskin draped around him, with a piece of leather cut off of a camel's back, ragged around him, and come out there with his whiskers and hair bushed out like that, said, "The ax is laid to the root of the tree." Amen. He come, daring. Why? It was God's Word being proven, "God's able of these stones!" God promised it, "Behold, I send my messenger before My face." Not a very religious, not a scientific or a religious proof, but God's Word's proof. God was keeping His Word, see. Not a scholar at all, but a prophet, sent in the Name of the Lord. He did that, why? To confirm His Word.
141 Now, them priests said, "Now, we know there's coming one in the last days, so we'll school every boy we got, and get ready for it. Every one of you boys must have a college education. You must come in here. No doubt but what it will be in the lineage, he'll come in the way of the Levites, because there's where the priesthood come from." But he wasn't a priest, he was a prophet! And that's of God's choosing. He don't have to come from a certain denomination or certain lineage. It's God's choosing, by predestination, foreknowledge. He comes by God's way of choosing. So they wouldn't believe him, because he didn't come the way that they had made, thought he was coming. That could repeat again, you know, usually does. But we find that he come the way that God did, to prove His Word.
142 Notice, He caused the virgin to conceive, to prove His Word. Isaiah 9:6, and we find out that, "Unto us a son is born, a child is given." Now, we find out that He had said that a virgin should conceive. And God caused a virgin to conceive. What? To prove His Word. Now listen just a few minutes, we'll be closing. He caused a virgin to conceive, to prove His Word. That was absolutely... It stumped all scientists. []... to go.
143 You understood that, did you? See, the earth is cursed. The whole earth is cursed, because of Adam's sin. But when this little seed... Now, the woman doesn't have a seed. She has a field that the seed lays in, not a seed, 'cause there's not no germ, germ has to... a seed has to have life in it. If it isn't, it's just a material, the life isn't there. So the seed is in the man. That's the reason the serpent's seed had to be in the woman, see, because it wasn't the seed of God. We know that. Go ahead, wait till you get this book and read it, and then you'll--you'll see, or just show you by the Scripture, just open the whole thing up just the same as the water baptism in His Name, see how it is. God never is wrong, He's always right. Though you can't understand It, believe It anyhow. It's just exactly the Truth.
144 And now we find out that He--He said this, He caused this to happen. Now, when this little seed, without a man, came into a little egg in the field that He had created, then that little seed, the little germ crawls into the egg, and the little tail wiggles off here and it starts developing a cell after cell, living off of the mother's life, her body, and in there she feeds it through her blood stream. And we find out, now, she feeds it; not its blood; it's her blood. No, not has one speck of the mother's blood. But it feeds from the vitamin stuff from the mother, but not her blood. It's all bound in the bundle of her blood, to keep it from shock and things like that, and the water, but it isn't one speck of the mother's blood. The mother can be dying with TB, and born from the baby; it can't inherit it, because TB's a germ, comes through the blood stream. But she can... he can... Tuberculosis is not inherited; weaknesses is, but not TB, because it has to catch the mother's breath and get the germ, you see, before it can. The baby's perfectly free when it's born, because it's none of the mother's blood.
145 Now, we find that God came into this little cell, see, and He begin to develop cells, drew from His mother's vitamins and things, as she. Then when He become old enough to eat Himself, He begin to eat. And what is that? It's the--it's the dust of the earth, which you come up and plant life and animal life and so forth, and as He begin to eat the fish and the bread and the so forth, it begin to develop cells. And then when it's fully matured at thirty years old, He was baptized in obedience to John down here, or to God, in the water, and went out. And what happened? The Dove, which was God, descending from Heaven, with a voice saying, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am pleased to dwell." What did He come to do? To redeem that part of the earth. He was the beginning of the creation of God. Because, God is not a creation, only in Christ He is a creation, because God is Eternal and a Spirit, and a Spirit is not created. He was the beginning of the creation of God, and God redeemed that body. See, when He come down, "This is My beloved Son, I'm well pleased in Him."
146 So He, God, came down after going through this, and now every son, that you eat and born of a natural sexual birth, the way you come; then when it comes to a place to where you go through water baptism, then Holy Ghost baptism, then the Holy Ghost comes down at the Fire baptism and claims this creation, the same as it did Him. The Holy Ghost and God is the same Spirit. See? It comes down and claims this body for the resurrection. And He was raised for our justification, "All the Father has given Me will come, not one will be lost. I'll raise it up at the last day. Not one hair of the head will even perish." That is the beginning of the creation of God. This is the continuation of the creation of God. Then the whole earth has to have a baptism. And then the Holy Ghost comes down in a city to dwell upon the earth, and the tabernacle of God is with man, and dwells with them, God has tabernacled here on earth. This whole redemption plan, justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, the same as it is then.
147 Now notice, He caused this virgin to conceive, and it's in this she brought forth a Son without knowing a man. This has stumped science through the ages. It still does. They perhaps laughed at Isaiah when he spoke and said this virgin would conceive, "Now, how could that be?"
148I imagine, Isaiah, the embarrassment, when he heard God say, "I'll give them a super sign, I'll give them an everlasting sign, a virgin shall conceive." Now, him, noted amongst the people, his people, a prophet, vindicated of God. Now when he come out before the doctors and so forth, with this statement, "A virgin shall conceive." See, it had never been, since the beginning of time, goes way on back to where God created His first man. But here, now, that, a woman that's here on earth is going to conceive. Think of it in a sensible realm, what if that prophet was embarrassed? But he knowed God would keep His Word, He would prove it. I imagine, every Hebrew family got their little daughter ready to have this baby, see, bought it shoes and boots, or whatever they wear, and little bird-eye, and got ready for--for the baby to come. Generations passed, but God proved His Word! A virgin did conceive, and she brought forth the Baby, proved that His prophet's Word was the Truth. He always stands by them.
149 This Son of the virgin was the Word made manifest. Now Saint John 1, if you want to read that. Saint John 1, this prophet, this prophet, too. But this Son of the virgin was the Word made manifest, the beginning of the creation of God. Now, the whole earth is God's creation, but it's lost. See? Then He redeems this earth. And you're a part of the earth, and He redeems you by the same way He redeems the whole earth. See? Now, this Son of the virgin was the Word made manifest, "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."
150Satan tried every scheme to make Him discredit this. Satan tried everything that he could to--to make Him discredit it, tried to get Him to take the kingdom without suffering, tried to get Him to take it without redemption (when it was Gods plan in the garden of Eden when He killed the lamb, that only by blood would He take it), even promised Him all the kingdoms of the world if He would take it. Just think of what a promise!
151 Don't you realize, my dear precious friends, at this minute, that Satan makes you a promise for... he'll make you one of their best ministers in the association. He'll give you the front seat in every church and make you a deacon. He'll do anything, if you'll just get away from this Word.
152Now notice, make every... give Him the world and all the kingdoms, He could take them. He was trying to get Him to break that Word, 'cause he knowed he had Him right there if he could. He made Moses break It, He made Eve break It, but he hit the wrong Guy this time. Why? He was the Word, and he didn't know it. He was that Word, Himself.
153 I can see him. We want to picture him kind of a kid's picture. I can see that big old black wings flock up against Eve, and say, "Now, I tell you what, it's pleasant. You should try it."
"But God said, if we did, we would die."
154"Oh, well, surely you won't die. See? Oh, that's nonsense. That's some old fogy idea. Don't you believe none." But God had said so! God proved it's right. And He's proving it right now, people are dying at this minute. He still proves it's right.
155Notice, and when he come to Moses, he said, "Moses, you know you got a hothead, you're high-tempered. Look what that bunch of renegades has done, see. Why don't you just go down there and really tell them about it?" And he did.
156 But when he hit this ten-thousand-volt line, it singed his feathers when he run up against Him. He said, "Oh, listen," said, "I'll give You all the kingdoms."
"It is written!" See? "It is written!"
157He said now, "If Thou be the Son of God." See, he's always doubted It. He still teaches others to doubt It. He taught Eve to doubt It, taught Moses, he taught all of them to try to doubt It.
158He's teaching you to try to doubt It. And you that's sitting right here now, if you want me to call your names, it's been, Satan's been trying a long time to get you to doubt me. Don't you do that. Sister, if you do that, well, you... or, not me, but just doubt. Just believe this Word. You don't have to believe me, but you believe This. See? If I say this Word, it's not mine, it's His. My word's different, but This is His. See? Notice now, notice. I don't want to get into that right now.
159 Notice, promise, all of His Words, absolutely is true. He proved Them. He proved, because He proved that He was the true Word. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
160What, how does he live? By, "Well, if you'll just take some of God's Word, he'll live"? Now, never was what He said. Did you notice, e-v-e-r-... "every Word"? How does he live? "Oh, he eats in there"? No, he's dying fast. That's flesh. "Well, he, oh, he belongs to church. He believes everything but That"? He's still dead. Do you get it?
"He can only live by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of..." The high priest, the bishop, the cardinal, the pastor? "God! Every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." How do we know it's God's Word? He says so, then He proves It. He proves His Word. Notice then, if that be so, your confession will not make you live. Your church membership will not make you live.
Notice, by His Word only, not just one Word misplaced. No one shall... One word killed the human race. In the Bible, in Revelation 22, one word will still kill the whole thing, his name will be taken from the Book of Life. "Whosoever shall add one word, or take one Word." Not one word! Not... No, I mean, not--not two words, just one word! Not one sentence; one word! One word! Oh, people, do you understand?
161 Now, I'm not just exactly talking to this audience. This is taped, you see, and It goes all over the world. Do you understand, people of the world, that one Word, one Word, not one sentence, not one paragraph, one Word, that's all Eve disbelieved. Brought... God proved it. "But then if you keep every Word, ye shall live." They doubted one Word, brought death to the human race. But man shall not live by bread alone, for his physical strength, but by every Word, every Word just the way It's written. The Bible says, "It is of no private interpretation." No man has anywhere, any at all, to try to anything interpret the Word of God. God is His Own Interpreter.
162When He promised, He said, "Let there be light," and there was light. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. See, whatever God says, God proves it.
163 No matter how much you try to think the physical resurrection couldn't be, and them people's back there, and just dust of the earth, and past dust now, they're just into the acids and gases that their body was made out of. Their soul is still living. God said, "I'll raise it up." Job said, "Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh I'll see God." See, no matter, every Word has got to be kept, and man shall live by that Word. He raised a man from the dead, after being dead four days, to prove that He was the resurrection and the Life. When a man had been dead four days and stinking, his nose had already fell in in four days. That's right. The first thing that falls in, in a human being, is the nose, drops in on the corpse, get's slick and drops in. Then the skin, the bugs, you... Put you in a sealed-up coffin, whatever it might be, but yet the skin worms don't have to come from the ground, they're in you. Did you notice Job said, "Though my--my skin worms destroys me." Not the worms of the earth, there wouldn't be any. The worms is in you, ready to destroy you, death working in your mortal body. But when you got Christ, then Life is working in your mortal body, to raise you up again. See? He raised a man from the dead, after being dead four days, "he stinketh," to prove when He said, "I am the resurrection and Life." Now, who could say that but God, see, "I am the resurrection and Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." You believe that? And He raised that man up, to prove that His Word was right. Right!
164 Notice, He was the Word. Hebrews 4:12, if you want to put this down. Hebrews 4:12, it said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart." Is that right? "A discerner." To prove that He was the Word, what did He do? Peter came to Him, his name was Simon. And he came to Jesus, and He said... set down out there, and Jesus, as soon as he come to him, He said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." Uneducated, no degree behind him, he had nothing but just a common fisherman, no education, the Bible said he was "ignorant and unlearned," but he became the bishop of the church of--of Jerusalem. Why? Why? Jesus told him who he was, what his name was, and what his father's name was. And he knew that that was the Word, because the Bible said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet like unto Me," and that had to be the Prophet, and there was no prophets promised after Malachi to the Messiah, four hundred years without a prophet. And here was a Man standing there, confirming, or proving His Word, to this man was predestinated to Life, said, "Your name is Simon, from hence... You're the son of Jonas, from henceforth you'll be called 'Peter.'" Think of it! Who did He prove it to? Why didn't He prove that Word to... Why didn't He prove that Word to Caiaphas? He was God, He knew Caiaphas would never believe it. But this man was ordained to Life, he knew It right then.
165 One time standing in the midst, where another man a few days later went and got a buddy around the mountain, about fifteen miles from where they was preaching, brought him back the next day. He was standing there amongst, and come up to where Jesus was. Jesus looked around, He was God, see, He had discernment. That showed that, see, making the Word right, He proved the Word.
Now, some of them say, "You know, that Man's the Word."
166"Nonsense," them priests said, "that guy ain't. No. That ain't the Word."
167Said, "You know what the Scripture says, 'The Lord our God shall raise up a prophet like unto Moses.' And that's Him. Listen at Him."
168Well, He said, "You're, behold, an Israelite, in whom there's no guile."
This fellow said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"
169He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." He knowed who would believe It.
170He said, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God. You are the Word." Jesus proved He was the Word, by the Word.
171 Notice the little woman at the well. She was looking for a Messiah. She had nothing to do with their big crowds and denominations, and so forth, they had in them days. She was looking for the Word. So a Man, one time, sitting over there, an ordinary Man, sitting over against the way, said--said, "Woman, bring Me a drink."
172She said, "Now, wait a minute, He's probably trying to get fresh with me," she might have thought in heart, 'cause she was marked a woman of ill fame. Said, "Why, You have... Why do You ask me a question like that? We got segregation here. You're--You're--You're just a... You're a Jew, we're Samaritans, not... it's not custom, it's not right for You to ask me like that." See?
173He said, "Woman, if you knew who were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink."
174She said, "You, for a drink? I don't even see a bucket or a rope. How would You ever give me any water from this well?"
He said, "That's not the well I was talking about." See?
175After a while, she said, "This is a strange Fellow." So she started letting the water pot up, pulling.
176Said, "Well, the water that I give would be springs of water, geysers, gushing up into Eternal Life, and in your soul."
177 "Well," she said, "now, wait a minute, I--I understand, You being a Jew." Said, "Now, you Jews," said, "You mean to tell me that You're greater than our father, Jacob, who dug this well?" He was the God of Jacob. See? Said, "Do You mean that You are greater than--than Jacob, that dug this well?" An ordinary Man, see, looked like. That's all you seen, an ordinary man. Said, "You say You're greater than our father, Jacob, who dug the well, and he drank from it himself, and his cattle? Well, we are just blessed by drinking this well where that prophet digged."
He said, "Uh-huh," He said.
"And we worship in this mountain. You say 'at Jerusalem.'"
178He said, "Salvation is of the Jew, woman, we know what we're talking about." He said, "You worship you don't know what." A Jew's suppose to know the Word, see, how It was suppose to be. But, see, He was watching now. Why? He's going to... What is He going to do? Prove His Word. See? Why, she said... He said, "By the way, go get your husband and come here."
And she said, "I don't have any husband."
179"Why," He said, "you've told the truth, see, because you've had five, and the one you now have is not your husband." See? Watch! Something happened, see, something took Life. Now, if it hadn't a-been in there to begin with, if she hadn't a-had representation from predestination, it'd a-never took hold.
180 There stood priests there, said, "This man is Beelzebub." See, no representation.
181Eternal Life, "you always was." See, you have Eternal Life, there's only one form of it, that's God. You were His attribute, He thought of you and knowed you before the foundation of the world, in His mind. See?
182She looked around. Look what a--what a sinful shape she was in. But, see, He couldn't--He couldn't get that priest, because the priest was an educated scholar, a theologian in the Word, but no representation in Heaven, see, wasn't in God's thinking at all. But this woman was. She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." That's just all He wanted her to see. See? Said, "We believe that You are, I believe You're a prophet. Now, we know. We don't understand about the prophets now, because it's real late, we know that there's a Messiah coming. And when that Messiah comes, He's going to be the Word. See, He's going to know the secrets of the heart, He's going to do the same thing that--that You did there." Said, "You must be one of His prophets, to forerun Him or something."
He said, "I am He."
183 What would He do? He was proving His Word, proving His position, proving what He was. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. And God is the Word. All right. He calmed the winds and the waves, to prove Isaiah's prophecy, "He shall be called 'The mighty God, the everlasting Father.'" See? He also multiplied bread and fishes, this virgin-born Son. What was it? To prove the Word. All Scripture has to be fulfilled. He proved the Word, by saying He was Jehovah made manifest. He was the beginning of the creation of God. God in creation, God with a little part of the creation here that God was living in Himself, He was the beginning of that creation of God, "From Him begets many sons." Note, He also multiplied the fishes. He is the Word and the proof of the Word.
184 Now listen close, as we come down towards the end. That day, that I read about a few minutes ago, now, when He come to the house of Jairus. He walked in, when he got there. Now, remember, Jairus was a--a priest, a borderline believer. He wanted to believe Jesus, but he hated to turn loose his church, 'cause they had said, "Anybody that believes on Him is going to be put out of the church." Now listen closely now, in closing, give me very close attention. Watch this. I believe that Jesus knew that when He crossed the sea, 'cause He knew all things. And when He crossed the sea, stopped down there, and here come this little priest down. His girl got real sick, the doctors had give her up, said "She's laying at the point of death." Now, time come for action.
185 Maybe that's to you this morning, time has come for you to act. See? Maybe you're real sick. Maybe you're convinced that you're wrong. It might. God forces the issue, time comes for action.
186Now closely. And he come, he didn't care what the rest of them said, right out publicly, and come and fell down by Jesus' feet. What a step for--for an educated scholar, to come to One that we don't have record of ever going to school. How a man come, was suppose to be in all the theology, come to a Man that was suppose to be "a reprobate, a wild man, crazy man, out of His mind, didn't even have his right mind." Pardon the expression, but "He's just a common crank of the day," everybody thought Him that. As we'd say today, in the street expression, "Nut!" As I preached the other day on the nut and the bolt, you know. See, that's what He was to the public, just a common everyday... Say, "Why, You're out of your mind! You're crazy! You're a madman!" Now, here was a man who had all the scholarships, coming to the One that was supposed to be out of His mind. He was forced to it.
187 Watch her now. It's going to sting just a little bit, but it'll be good for you. See, sometimes a shock wakes you up.
188Notice, He come and went in to the side of this little, dead girl, that died probably hours before, and they had done laid her out, and put the embalming fluid on her, and put it around the couch. That's the way they did in them days, just packed them off and put them in a hole, on a board. She laid out on the couch, the flowers around her.
189And, oh, that fine little pastor, little Jairus, I imagine he was a nice little pastor, everybody loved him. Because, you see, I can prove that, because he did, in his heart, believe Jesus. But he just couldn't hardly make the decision, 'cause he wouldn't have a check coming in every Saturday or every Monday morning. See? He just couldn't hardly make the--the decision. And another thing, the people, the great fine prestige that he had amongst the people, they'd said, "You know what, Jairus has went fanatically. See, he went over there with that false prophet. That's just exactly what he did, where all them suppose-to-be signs and things, that Prophet of Galilee, you know, Jesus of Nazareth."
190We don't believe it now, it sounds sacrilegious, but that's the way it was then. See? "And, someday, as it is now, it's going to be then." See, same thing!
191 Now notice, he went over there. And he couldn't hardly do that, but the time come where he was forced to do it. He had to do it. And here he went and got Jesus, right out before all of them, and fell down at His feet, and said, "Master! Master!" You know what that is? Rulership, ownership. That's right.
192See, a lot of people want Jesus to be their Saviour, but not their Lord. See, Lord is "ruler." Yeah. You say, "Jesus, You save me and let me stand right here, and that's all right, and I'll do my own business. Now, You don't get in my business. But You can be my Saviour, but not my Lord." He wants to be Lord, you see, then He's your Saviour.
193 But now, he said, "Master, Saviour!" See? "I... my little girl, my only child, she's twelve years old, the doctors has give her up." No doubt the priest might have said this, "You know, they've all talked about You being a fanatic, but, you know, Master, I--I--I believe You. I believe. I know You have discernment. And the only thing I want You to say, is, just come lay Your hands upon her. And then tell me what to do, I'll do it." Oh, now you're getting somewhere!
Said, "I'll go. I'll go." And He started on.
194After he had been gone for several hours, here come a man running as the custom was then, ashes on top of his head, said, "Don't trouble the Man, your daughter died. She's already dead, they've already fixed her and laid her out."
195Oh, his little heart! Jesus turned around and looked at him, he said, "Oh! Oh! Oh!"
196He said, "Didn't I tell you?" Now, what He done there, He had promised Jairus. Now He's got to prove that. Amen. "I told you. Just only believe and you'll see the glory of God." Now, He knowed what He was doing. He said He done nothing till the Father showed Him first. Saint John--Saint John 5:19, "I only do what the Father shows Me," so He showed Him what was going to happen.
197 So when He got into the house, and stood up there aside that little, cold stiff form laying there, been sick for weeks. And her little, pale body, no food had went into her body, and fevers and things, and she had--she had died. They had her all sprayed over with this embalming spice and stuff. And laying there, you know, on the couch and things, fixing to wrap her up and put her in a grave, and they put... had their little ceremony of having the flowers around her. Jesus come over. And everybody, "Oh, Jairus, your little girl's dead! Oh, father Jairus, oh! We're so sorry for you, and everything."
198He said, "Oh, keep still, you make too much noise." He said, "Why all this tumult around here you're doing?" You see? "This tumult, you just... you're--you're hollering and screaming. The girl's not dead. She's asleep. Shhh."
199 Then what did they do? When they heard Him say that she wasn't dead, they... Said, "They laughed Him to scorn." In other words, they boo-ed Him. "Boo! Why, You! Why, You false prophet! Why, You deceiver of man! The girl's dead. The doctor said she was. We've embalmed her, we've laid her out. She's laying there, she's dead." They said, "Ha, ha, ha! Now, Jairus, you've been talking about Him, now what about it?"
200You know what He done? He said, "All of you get out of here." Around such unbelief like that, it can't work. Now, what had He said? He said, "Jairus, if you will only believe, you'll see the glory of God." Now, that's His Word. He's got to prove that. All right.
201 Then when He got into the house where they was all crying, He said, "She's asleep." That was contrary to science. That was contrary to common sense. She was dead, embalmed.
202As soon as they died, they embalmed them right then, just as soon as the life went out of them, they poured that spices and stuff on them and wrapped them up and got them to go away. See, bury them, they bury them just, well, sometimes didn't even notify the people. You know, Ananias and Sapphira; they done buried Ananias, when Sapphira... Ananias, when Sapphira had come in, you see; done took him out and buried him, you see. They just, soon as they'd die, they'd pour that stuff on them and take them out there and put them away. See?
203 So she was already ready to go in the grave, but they wanted to wait for papa to see her before they put her away. And when He comes in, and her in that condition, and He said, "She's just taking a nap."
Well, they said, "Now, if that Fellow isn't truly crazy!"
204So now what did He do? He had already said she was asleep, He had to prove His Word. He couldn't do it before that bunch, so He said, "Put them all out." And I can see Him look around to Jairus and say, "You still believe?"
"Yes, Lord."
205"You and the wife come here. Peter, James and John, you come with Me." They walked over there and called this word, talitha cumi, which means, "Little girl, rise up." And He proved His Word, she was only asleep. Is that right? He proved here, His Word was right. Regardless of their unbelief, He still proved His Word was right, by waking her up, because He said she was asleep. She was asleep.
206 He'll do the same someday, to every true believer, for His Word promised to. "They that are in Christ, will God bring with Him." See, "They that are in Christ."
207What did this little Jewish girl do? I just started to bypass this Scripture here, but I--I'm going to--going to keep it. I know it may be a little late, and we'll get to the prayer line in a few minutes. I won't see you for another week maybe, but let's wait a minute. "Man shall not live by bread alone." See? Notice, let me just push this in now, to show you. Why did Jesus wake this little Hebrew maid up? Cause she knowed she wasn't dead? Predestination. Just the same as He did Lazarus. See? Perhaps there was many little maids died that same day, He never said a word to them. He knew this one had Eternal Life. See, He didn't wake the rest of them up.
208Look, when He come out of Jericho, they say, "Here, this guy here!" No doubt they said, "You wake up the dead? You tell me that You can raise the dead, we got a graveyard full of them up here, come, wake these up." See, He never even paid a bit of attention to them. See, never did it, because He knew He was the Word.
209 Notice, she was only asleep. He knew the father would come. Now, this little girl, see, He knew that that little Jewish maid was only asleep. See, the--the righteous does not die. Jesus came to redeem the righteous. And, to redeem, means "to be brought back from where you once was." See? He could not redeem the unbelievers, no matter how educated and how much doctors of degree they had. He could not redeem them, because they were not redeemable; they had to go to their destination. But, in His foreknowledge, knowed that Lazarus was coming out of the grave. He also knew this little girl had Eternal Life. So she was not dead, she was only asleep. And when our work is over on earth, if we don't live until His Coming, we cannot die, we're only asleep. He proved it here. He'll prove it again. "Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet I'll awake in His likeness."
210 He proves all of His Words, all of His Words. Just think of it, all of His Words! And you were His Word. He was the Word, and you were part of His Word. And, that's the reason you're sent here, to confirm your place in life. I--I--I don't think you got that. See, He is the Word. Now you get it?
211He was in the feet, in Luther; in the thighs, in Wesley; in the shoulders, in Pentecost. See what I mean? He is the Head. You have a part that joins that together, this hour that we're living now; not the feet part, not the thigh part, not the shoulder part, but the neck part. Is that right? It joins to the head. That's the part of the body. Those that are asleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. The trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Is that right? See, you become a part of that Word, you become a part of Him. And you take His Name to recognize it, see, you're placed in there, baptized into His Name, into His Body, "By one Spirit we're all baptized in one Body," into here, just exactly like the same position. He never changes His way. If... How many believes the early church is in Him? Let's see, how many believes it? How were they baptized? All right. See, He's unchangeable God. We proved that. We could stay here till midnight tonight, proving that, and still go on and on and on. See, unchangeable! See? You are in Him and a part of Him, because you were a part of the thinking of Him. Before the foundation of the world, He called you!
212 The Bible said that the beast upon the earth... That's the denominational antichrist coming on the earth, forming the beast at Rome, which was the first denomination. And this World Council of Churches forms an image unto the beast, just exactly what we just put in the book there the other day. Notice, it forms that, see, the antichrist. And the Bible said, "All whose names were not written on the Lamb's Book of Life," (when, at the revival?) "slain before the foundation of the world" (your name was put on there), this antichrist will deceive you." Matthew 24:24, says that--that "The antichrist would be so close like the real thing in the last days, it would deceive the very elected, or predestinated..." It's the same thing, election and predestination is the same thing, God elected you or predestinated you before the foundation of the world. "Will deceive all whose names were not predestinated on the Book of Life."
213 Daniel spoke of it, how the wise will be in that day, and how the unwise, and so forth. All right, so much, but I just keep getting too--too far away, the clock's moving too fast for me. Notice, now watch, He noticed after... Now watch what taken place here. "All He foreknew, He called. All He called, He has justified. All that He has justified, He hath glorified." Your journey's finished, you're living out your part. Grace is what God did for you. Works is what you do in appreciation.
214Proved by His same thing, that He knowed all things, this virgin-born Son. He knowed where there was some fish in the water, that Peter and them had seined right over and caught nothing. That proved His Word. Is that right? He knowed all things.
215And when He got ready to pay His taxes, it showed that He owned all things. He knowed where a fish was that had just enough coin in his mouth to pay for the... Somebody had dropped it out there, and that fish just picked it up. And He said, "Peter, go down and cast the line in, see, and take up that fish and get that coin out of his mouth. And go on and satisfy them, pay the taxes." Oh, yes!
216 The foxes has dens and the birds of the air have nests, but He had the Word, He was the Word, and proved it so. He always proves His Word. Same will He do it now, in every generation He proves the same.
217After the third day, after His death, burial, on the third day, He rose up again, to prove His Word, because the prophet said, "I will not suffer My Holy One to see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell," the third day, before corruption could set in in seventy-two hours. See, it didn't go the complete three days, 'cause corruption does set in in seventy-two hours. See, so He didn't go the full time, because the prophet said, see, the prophet said, "I will not suffer My Holy One to see corruption." He proved His Word.
218 He healed the sick, the lame, to prove His Word that Isaiah and the rest of the prophets said.
219He sent the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, to prove His Word. You want to get some of these Scriptures now, Joel 2:28, He said, "It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, and upon My handsmaids and maidservant will I pour out of My Spirit. Your young man shall see visions, your old man shall dream dreams, and so forth." He proved it by pouring out! Also, He had said before this time, in Luke 24:49, if you want to put it down, He said, "Behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you. But tarry ye, in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on High." There it is, He done it, He sent the Spirit to continue to prove His Word. But watch what He said. Did He do it? All right.
220 Mark 16, He said, "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature." How far? All the world. Who? Every creature. "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. He that believeth not shall be damned, and these signs shall follow them that believe." He said in Mark 4, He said in John 14:12, also He said, "He that believeth on Me," not make-believeth, but, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." It taken the same Spirit that was in Him to do that same work. Because what? The Spirit was coming to manifest the promised Word in the future. See, He made a provision, for He knowed these things would happen.
221 Now, after nineteen hundred years, with the church ages past, and all the things that He prophesied of Luther, Wesley, we just went through and seen it drawed out, and the moon come down and drawed it out, and the Lord drawed it on the board here for us, and showed it, and come down Himself and confirmed it to be right. After nineteen hundred years, and we're at the end of the Laodicea church age, He promised, in Luke 17:30, that this same Son of man (He promised it) would be revealed in the days like it was in Sodom, upon the earth. Did He do it? Does it have to come to pass? It's impossible... Now, remember, He come in three names: the Son of man, a prophet; the Son of God, the Spirit; the Son of David, for the Millennium. But in between, this conjunction, now according to His own Words, in the day when the Son of man shall be revealed, reveal Himself as (what? not Son of God) Son of man. Will reveal Hisself in a different way. Now, what does that make? Malachi 4, exactly right. See, the Son of man will reveal Himself, not in a whole big denominations and things, as we've had through the ages, but He would manifest Himself as Son of man again, to make manifest Malachi 4. "And in that day, I will send to you Elijah the prophet, and he shall turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith of the apostolic fathers, away from all this denominationalism, and come back to the original Word again," to draw out that last-day Bride-Tree that He promised. "In the evening time it shall be Light," not through the misty day, it shall be light; it'll be a day can't be called day nor night. See, it's making up the Body. But the same Head that was here in the East, is here in the West again, "There shall be Light in the evening time." Oh, my, I feel like singing a song!
It shall be Light about the evening time,
The path of glory you will surely find;
In the water way, is the Light today,
Buried in His precious Name.
Young and old, repent of all your sins,
Then the Holy Ghost will surely enter in;
The evening Lights have come,
It's being known and made a fact that God and Christ are one.
222 And the Son of man is revealing Himself in the same power that He was, (not down through the church age, through justification, sanctification, all these things here) but the Son of man. Who is the Son of man? The Word! And the Word is quicker than, powerful than a two-edged sword, and discerns the thoughts that's in the heart. What did He have to do? He has to prove that Word. What would He do? Notice of it when we see it happening, look at It in the same form that He was here in the beginning, the Pillar of Fire. My! Proving that He's Hebrews 13:8, said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." What was it? Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, that was Christ that was in the wilderness with Moses. How many knows the Bible said that? Yesterday! That was Christ when Paul was speaking here today (you believe that?) in the New Testament. Then the Son of man, the same Christ, in the last day. See? All right.
223Notice also John 14:12, He said, "The works that I do shall you do." All these other Scriptures, what does He do? He's here now proving (not Luther's age, not Wesley age, not Pentecostal age, not Baptist age, not Presbyterian age, we've went right down through it and proved it by history in the Bible; but what?) the age of the Son of man being revealed, to bring these things in to fulfill the Word when all must be fulfilled. See? We see it, and it's true!
224 And, think, by the same methods He did in the first place, is not only confirmed among us, but it's confirmed by science. They have to admit It's right. George J. Lacy, the head of the FBI, for fingerprint and documents, said, "The Light struck the lens. I called it psychology myself, but," said, "Mr. Branham, this camera won't take psychology. It's there."
225What is it? A testimony, that long years ago when that Pillar of Fire was standing there in that bush like a whirlwind, speaking, He said, "Don't you never smoke or drink, there's a work for you to do when you get older."
226The people said, "That boy's gone out of his mind." Mother wanted to call a doctor, I was nervous.
227But what was it? He settled right down here at the bottom of that river there, at the Ohio River, and said, "As John the Baptist was sent to get a people ready for the Word to be made manifest, so will your Message."
228 How Doctor Davis and them called me "out of" my "mind," wanted to turn me out of the church, because I had disagreed with him on women preachers and all those things that was unscriptural. He said, "And you say you're going to preach and cause a revival to strike the world?"
I said, "Not me, but He said so."
He said, "Billy, you had a nightmare."
I said, "I'll give up my card right now, I'm no more of you."
229He said It, I believe It, and He's proved It. That's the good part, He's proved It, proved His Word by the Word, for He is the Word. See? And the Word does what? Knows the secret of the heart. Is that right? All right, proves it in Hebrews 13:8.
230 And He will have a Bride-Church ready in the last days. "How is He going to do it, Brother Branham?" I don't know. But He said He would. He'll prove it. A Called-out from all the others, that's right, the speckled bird that's speckled by His Blood. See? Called-out, all the rest of the flock's against Her. She's despised and rejected.
231But, the speckled bird, now, I don't care how much the author wanted to disagree with That, he's mistaken. Remember, what did to the bird, the speckled bird was? They taken two of them, one was killed, the mate, was poured upon the other bird, and it was for cleansing of leprosy, and the specks of blood, and cried, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord." And that was our Mate, Jesus Christ, that was killed, and His Blood's upon us, crying, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord." All the rest the birds... I'm glad my name's on her Book; not here on earth, but up there; not on a goatskin, but on the Lamb's skin. That's right.
232 There will be a resurrection of the dead. He'll confirm it. That's right. He'll prove it. There'll be a Rapture of the Church. "How's it going to be?" I don't know, but He'll prove it. His Word's true. There'll be a Millennium. He'll prove it, It's His Word. There'll be a new heavens and a new earth. He'll prove it, because His Word said so. And only the righteous will be there. He'll prove it, too. That's right. Only the ones that's been made part of this Word (see, will be their part and their position in this Word for their age) will be the only one will be there. Cause, that's just what it is, He is the Word. And what is a woman? The image of a man. And what is--what is the Church? The image of the Word. See, that's exactly. See? So it'll be there, just exactly. Only the true believers in His Word know This and can believe It. And God helps them to prove it, that's right, that it is true.
233 Do you now believe It? Do you believe It? If so, reach out by faith and touch His garment, because He's passing this way. He will prove He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, Hebrews 13:8. "Lo, I am with you always, to the end of the world," Matthew. And He is a High Priest, according to Hebrews, the Book of Hebrews, 4th chapter and the 15th verse, "He is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Do you believe that? Reach out and touch the Lord. He's ever present, "Lo, I am with you always." Look down through the ages. "Prove all things. Hold fast to that what's good."
234Now, if you belong to a church that don't believe that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, the same in every way, get away from it. Prove!
235 Now, we say He's raised from the dead. I didn't say it, the Word here said it. They said, "He raised from the dead." He says He's the same yesterday, and forever. You believe that? He promised these things to happen in the last day, that the same Son of man will be made manifest.
236Now, remember, that was not Jesus talking to Abraham there, that could discern the thoughts in Sarah's mind behind him. That was not Jesus, He had not yet been born. But it was a man in human flesh, that Abraham called "Elohim, the great Almighty." Showing... And Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom," now watch close, "in the days of Sodom, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed." Not no more as a church, see, not no more; the Bride is called, see. "In that day the Son of man will be revealed." What? To join the Church to the Head, unite, the marriage of the Bride. The Bridegroom call will come right through this, when the Son of man will come down and come in human flesh to unite the two together. The Church has to be the Word, He is the Word, and the two unites together, and, to do that, it'll take the manifestation of the revealing of the Son of man. Not a clergyman. I--I don't know, I... Do you see what I mean? See, it's Son of man, Jesus Christ, will come down in human flesh among us, and will make His Word so real that it'll unite the Church and Him as one, the Bride, and then she'll go Home to the Wedding Supper. Amen. She's already united, see, we go to the Wedding Supper, not to the marriage. "... fill your flesh... self, of all the flesh of mighty men, 'cause the marriage of the Lamb has come." But, the rapture, is going to the Wedding Supper. When, the Word here unites with the person, and they two become one. And then what does it do then? It manifests the Son of man again, not the church theologians. The Son of man! The Word and the Church becomes one. Whatever the Son of man done, He was the Word, the Church does the same thing.
237 How did He prove Himself through the ages? Through the prophets, which could speak the Word, know their thoughts. That's how He was known, that. Promised at the church age, come through with "not even night or day," but in the evening time when the Son of man would be revealed. It would come again. "It shall be Light at the evening time." See? What does He do? Prove His Word.
238Now look back, did He come as a virgin, did He come as they said, through the virgin, rather? Did He come just exactly the way He said? Watch today, He proved His Word regardless of how many athiests, infidels, indifference, He still come right on, proved His Word. Here we are, come through this age of all churches and things, got away like they did from Malachi up to the coming of Christ. All the prophets and things had ceased, and they had got into dignitaries and so forth, but, just exactly, look what kind of a character He sent. Just exactly the Elijah, a hater of immoral women, and put on a lot of paint, powders and makeups and all that stuff there. And clergymen, he slayed them right and left. Coming out of the wilderness, pulled no strings with none of them, and said, "The Messiah's on the road. I'll know Him when He come, I'll introduce Him. Amen. Don't you begin to think you belong to this or that." Just the same as Elijah did!
239 "And in the last days, it shall come to pass, before the great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, that I will send to you before that great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, I will send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will restore the Faith of the children back to the fathers." And watch, the Faith of the fathers to the children, the Jews. See? Their promise of the Scripture, the Gentiles and where they had fell from. Look at that dual just as perfectly, exactly. And here we see it, God proving His Word.
240 Let us bow our heads a moment. Dear God, Who brought again our Lord Jesus from the dead, to prove Your Word, and He's alive today, proves Your Word. "Lo, I am with you always, even to the consummation," proves His Word. "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever." (If it wasn't "forever," maybe you might--might stumble at some of them.) I didn't stop to explain it, Lord. But, forever, they know, is just "a--a space of time." And now after this age, there won't be no more forever, it'll be Eternity. So He was the same God that was in Moses and in the prophets. Then He come after a space of time, and maned Himself, manifested Himself as the God-prophet. And then we had a space of time, and He comes again. "Same yesterday, today, and forever."
241 We think of this, Solomon, in that great millennium of the Jews, that when no nations dared to touch them, and that great gift of God was in the prophet till he made known to the queen all of her secrets of her heart, nothing was withheld. The great age, showing and typing that there was a great Age coming.
242And now, Father, that was You, not Solomon. That was You in Jesus, for He said, "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. He was the beginning of the creation." His body was the redeemed creation. And now through the ages the church lost its first love, and now in the last days You promised to call a little minority, the little Flock, at the last days.
243Father, our hearts are jumping, and my heart's pounding, when I think of that and know that Your Words are true, none of Them can fail. Let these people today understand that, and let the sinner seek You at this hour, before the gates close and there will be no more time. Let the Bride, as she starts getting out of step from this and that, may she come back into the step as the vision showed a few weeks ago.
244 I pray Thee, Father, to bless now, and heal the sick. Here are cloths laying here, handkerchiefs from... coming from different parts. And now, in the Scripture, It said, "It was taken cloths and aprons, handkerchiefs, from the body of Paul, and they went to the sick, and God healed them." Now, we know that we're not Saint Paul, but we know that it wasn't Saint Paul, it was the people's faith in him being Your servant. Lord, these people wouldn't drive these hundreds of miles if they didn't believe. Reward their faith, Lord, as I... not anoint the handkerchief (Paul never anointed them, he took from his body), as I hold these handkerchiefs, Lord, not that my body (because it's no good), but it is Your redeemed property, so I pray, God, that You'll honor their faith. May each one of them be healed, for the Kingdom of God's sake. Now, Lord, a lengthy Message, not meaning it to be over a few minutes, but it's passed into two hours or more. Now let the sick be healed, Lord, let the people see that You're here, that I haven't just said this in myself. It's You, Lord. And I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.
245 Now, just about ten minutes. I don't know... (Did--did you give any here, what was it?) Billy said he had give out some. I asked him to do it this morning. And I just come in a few minutes ago back there, and I didn't have a chance to ask him, 'cause I was talking to Brother Ben and them around there. I didn't get a chance to tell him. He just told me he give out prayer cards. Prayer card B, a hundred... (One to a hundred?) B. Well, let's, I believe, prayer card number one, B. Who's got B? Can you... If you can stand up, raise your hand, if you can walk. Some woman in the back. All right, B, number one, number two, three, four, five, come this way. And I'm going to ask these little children if they would just come right around behind the platform and sit down here now. All right. Now, now I tell you, send them, you go right through that aisle there, you people from one to five, go right through that way and come right down. Let the ones that's in the aisle there, if they can, come right back around here towards their seats. Now, the little children that's sitting here, come right around behind the platform here. And I want them to walk right by here, the people, so I can pray for them.
246 Now, let's see now. I see. What did I call, one to five, wasn't it? One, two, three, four, five. One... Everybody that's got a prayer card there, one to five, raise up your hand, see if they're all up on their feet. There's one, two, three, four. I lack one. One, two, three, four, five, in B. Are you all one, two, three, four? One, two, three, four? Where's five at, B? Five, go back that way, lady. All right, sir, go around that way. That's it. Go right around and come back, five. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. All right, B, prayer card six, seven, eight, nine, ten. See, we do this, then you don't get any disturbance then. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Now I got... I think. Do you have a card, sir, standing up here? Seven? All right, go right over there, you go right with them. I only got two, I think, there. All right, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, prayer card six, seven, eight, nine, ten. I've only got two, here's... You got one, sir? There you are. There they are. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Now that'd be one, two, three, four, five. All right, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. One, two, three, four, that. All right, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five. One, two, three, go around that way, sir, go right around, fall in line, twenty-five, twenty-five. Help him there, let him go out through either way he wants to. Here you are, brother, right here, they opened a way here for you. The people's opened you a way here. Somebody help him right along there, if you can. Let him get right around and get in the line there. I tell you, sit him down right there, and when his number's called, put him right up there. See? When he comes in a number, put him right in the line. All right, I think that's just about as many could--could go now.
247 Now, how many here that does not have a prayer card, and you are confident, you are--you're absolutely sure that God can heal the sick? Raise up your hand. Do you believe it? How many of you here is from... that knows that I know nothing about you, don't know none of your diseases? There's--there's people here now, my Tabernacle, to one of you strangers, there hardly is anybody I can see, 'less these ministers. Just down there I see a person I recognize. I'm not here enough, see, and they're just people that come in from everywhere. How many in here... Let me prove it to you. How many here knows I know nothing of you? Raise up your hands up here. See, that's your hand before God, you see. I know nothing of them. Now, I don't know that I might get somebody called in the prayer line like this, that I did know, but I wouldn't know what they were here for. See, I wouldn't know what they were here for.
248 Now what I'm trying to do is to get you to see this, now watch, "The works that I do shall you do also." Do you believe that? Do you believe He'll prove that Word? All right. Did He say He would reveal Himself as Son of man at the end of the church age? How many? And the world would look, be in the shape of Sodom and Gomorrah? Do you believe that?
249Now, Billy, why don't you just let them come right by here? Yeah, all right. Well, okay, all right.
250At--at the end of the age, He would reveal Himself. Now, look, do you realize that, then, here's a total impossibility? Now, here's people standing in this line, that I never seen in my life. There's people sitting out there, that I never seen. But, remember, Hebrews 4:15, I believe it is, that said that "He's the High Priest now that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Is that true? Now, if He is the High Priest, then He is Hebrews 13:8, then, "The same yesterday, today, and forever." Is that right? Now, how would He reveal Hisself? As I told you, He always speaks through His prophets. He always sends a--a--a--a message before judgment. All the things, He never changes His way.
251 He decided in the garden of Eden, how He would save man, through the shed blood of an innocent one. He's never changed it. We try to change it, through education, through towers of Babel, through great cities, and everything like that. We try to change it, but it don't work. We try to change it, by educating the world to Him. We try to change it, by denomination of people. It never worked. Only one place man can meet to worship, under the Blood. Your denominations will split you up, but under the Blood you're the same. He never changes.
252Now, if He is the unchangeable High Priest, and the same yesterday, today, and forever, then He's got to keep that Word. Not because we said He did, because He said He would. See? Now, now, if He will do that... Now, just stop a minute, think. Now, how many of you in this prayer line know that I know not one thing about you, your sickness? Then raise up your hand, you know what I... How many in that prayer line knows I don't even know you? Raise up your hands.
253 Look in the audience, see. Now, you out there, you don't have to be here, you just touch His garment. You just speak, say, "Lord Jesus, I believe You." Now you say, "I believe That. And I--I believe that--that You can reveal to Brother Branham, because..."
254Now, not because it's Brother Branham, he's just an ordinary man. And probably if the Rapture come this morning... You think about the Rapture? If the Rapture come this morning, I say this in humility, there's no doubt that half of this congregation, if we went according to--to degrees, according to where we should be, half of you would go before me. That's right. I'm not... Look at the responsibility I got, and how--how loosely I carry it. I'm an unprofitable servant to Christ, to know what I know about Him and then live the way I do; not immoral, not unclean, nothing like that, God knows that's true. See? I try to live right, but I--I--I just look like I can't get the thing to go over. Maybe it been somebody else, maybe highly educated or something, they could have got it to the people. But then some's to think, it's not all the people is going to get it, anyhow. See? See? See, He knows what He's going to do. So I just commit myself to Him and say, "Lord, I'm in Your hands, do with me as you see fit." Now, if Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and forever...
255 Now, I believe I know this woman. I can't think of who she is, but I know her. I know her, somehow. But I've seen her face, but I--I don't know who she is right at this time. But I--I--I know her, somehow. Don't you know me? Uh-huh. I--I thought, I looking at her face, I thought I knew her, but I can't call who she is. But I believe she... Don't your husband... Ain't you the woman that works at the... Her husband works at Seven--Seven--Seven... or Seven-Eleven, or something like that, down in New Albany. Mrs. Agan, that's right. Now, you been here and come to church. Roy, is that the one we went to one day on... Is that--is that the one up on the mountain? What say? Her sister. That was, that's how, see. I remember Roy and I were driving along, and he mentioned that name, and the Lord sent me up there and healed the woman right there. Yes, sir, and I just remembered.
256 Now, but to know what's wrong with you, I have no idea. You know that. But if the Lord Jesus can tell her something that she's done. Or if maybe she's--she's got some financial trouble. Maybe her and her husband had got some trouble, maybe her and her children, maybe one of her children, if she's got children, I don't know. But if she has, maybe some of her children are--are running out. Maybe she's standing here to know something about that. I don't know. I have no way of knowing. I--I--I can't tell you. But He knows. See? So, you see. Do you?
257Listen, now catch this real close. I've never said this in an audience before, but I feel led to say it now. What is a word? Is a thought expressed. Now, how can I express her thought, or how can I express to her what her thought is? It'll have to be some of the thought that's presented, and she can't do it. So I have to express His thought, and if it's right... If it's God's thought, it'll be right; if it isn't God's thought, then it won't be right; she'll know it, you'll know it, all will know it. See, there's just no way around it. It's either got to be God or not God. His grace is sufficient. Now you believe, now, everybody.
258And how many's going to believe? Well, maybe you never seen one of the meetings before, but you're going to believe if God does that? And then you out there now, you that won't be in the prayer line, you--you pray, too, see. Or either if you're coming in the prayer, I don't care who you are, you just pray.
259 Lord Jesus, now I've took lots of time, but it's Your service, Lord. And I've done all that humanly I can do, but Thou art God, now the rest is in Your hands, Father. Let it be known that You're God, and Your Word is true. Prove Your Word, Lord, of this last day when the Son of man will be revealed. How did He make Hisself known? He was the Word. What is the Word? A discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. He perceived their thoughts, told Peter, Philip, Nathaniel, the woman at the well, all the rest there, that when they would come, knowed the little girl was asleep, not dead. I pray, God, that You'll use our humble tabernacles today, of this earthly dwelling, that You might make Yourself known. Through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
260 Now to heal, I cannot, you know that. "What is a gift, Brother Branham, something that you take?" No. It's something you know how to get yourself out of the way. See? As long as you are there, it'll never work. William Branham is the greatest enemy I got. See? But when I get him out of the way, see, then Jesus Christ can use the body. See? See, now, I come to that woman. Now what? Now say if--if she--if she was sick.
261Here's a lady here that's got her limb laying up on a--on a chair. Now, if I... if Jesus was here, and go down and lay His hands upon that woman, that limb would get well. There's no doubt about that. But, you see, we are human beings with dirty hands. His hands is holy, God a-vindicated Him. He was the Word. You believe that? Sure, He had no doubt. He would lay His hands upon her, say, "Daughter, be well," and she'd get well. But then He commissioned us to do the same thing. I think He's clearly identified it.
262 Now, what if He would give me a vision, and tell this woman something to do? That, well, I believe then if I laid my hands upon her, she'd get well. Do you believe that? But what if He didn't give the vision? What would the vision do? Only give me faith. Transmitting my faith, the unseen power of God. See? Now, if you, every one of you die right this minute, you'd never see your you leave your body. All your mental faculties, all that you are would leave, but you'd never see it go. See? It'd be an un-... The force that makes me move my hands, that's a force, isn't it? The force that could make me think, the force that makes me preach, the force that makes me live, act, that same force that can motivate this body would leave it and you wouldn't see the force leave. It's an unseen force. So is faith! Don't miss this. Faith! And Jesus said, "They shall lay hands on the sick." Now, see, if I went and had a vision and laid hands on her, I believe that she's going to get well, 'cause I saw the vision, my confidence is in the vision. But what about the Word? Lay hands on her with the same faith. The vision's only given to motivate my faith and your faith. With the same faith without the vision, it'll work just the same. Some people are given great faith. Some don't have that kind of faith, they're given visions to give them that faith. See? Now, see, it'd still be the same dirty hands, be the same person, but just laying hands upon her.
263 Now, let the Holy Spirit confirm His Presence, confirm His Word that He promised. Now, I forgot what your name was. What is your name, now? Agan. Well, He could have told me that if He had wanted to, see, but I just saying that I--I know I know you. Now, you just come right here just a minute, a little closer, there's people standing there praying, you see. That's... Now, Mrs. Agan, if I--if I be the servant of Christ, and I have preached the Word which I believe to be the Truth, do you believe that? [Mrs. Agan says, "Yes."--Ed.] You believe it. Now, if you have a need of something, I could not give it to you, because I don't have it to give; 'less it's maybe a little money or something, or I could go talk to your husband or children or loved ones or something, I could. But if you needed healing, I couldn't give it to you, that's already purchased. But through a gift, I can make you recognize, if you have faith, that that's already purchased, because the One Who purchased it, the only One you could have faith in, is the Son of God. The Purchaser is standing here. See? Is that right? The Purchaser's here.
264 Now, you know me as a brother, a minister, and I know you as a sister. We know Him as God. Now, if that unseen Person, by a gift that I have to make myself get out of the way, can tell me, tell you through me, my lips, see. Now, when I'm praying, God don't see me, He just hears my voice through the Blood of Jesus. See, He don't see me, He hears my voice. And that Blood there is to represent what I ask. See? Then He hears my voice, but He sees only the Blood. See, He don't see me, so I can't be dirty when I'm under the Blood. The Blood cleanses. See, He's the bumper between me and God, and promised, "Ask the Father anything, I'll do it." Do you believe that to be true?
265Now, if everybody... look like... Can you see that what's happening? Look, coming in here, see, it's a Light, amber, moving right around.
266Now she couldn't hide it if she had to. No, no. You're here from the results of something that's happened to you. You've had pneumonia, and you've been in the hospital. You've been under an oxygen tent. And you're suffering from the results of it. You're going to be well. Jesus Christ is going to make you well, see, and be made well. Go on, believing it, Sister Agan. I'm going to lay my hands upon you, in Jesus' Name. God bless you, sister. Go, be happy now, don't doubt at what He said.
267 How do you do, sister? I--I don't believe I know you. We're strangers. Now, here's a woman that I don't know. I don't know you. I have no way of knowing you. But do you believe that God could reveal to me, by His Word, see, because He promised it? Do you believe He could tell me something about you? And that would make you accept it, is that right, knowing that it wouldn't be me, your brother, it would be He, your Saviour. Do you believe that? You're pending an operation. You've been told you have to have an operation. Do you believe He can tell me what the operation is for? It's in the stomach, and in the bowels. That's exactly right. You want to escape it. Do you believe now, with this Spirit here, the Spirit of Christ all around us and standing upon me. You know something had to tell you, 'cause I don't know you. Do you believe, by laying hands, that would transmit the faith that I believe in, with you with your faith, and before God, our Father, you'd be healed? Then, Lord Jesus, I obey Your commands, when You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover," let our sister be made well for the glory of God; in Jesus' Name, amen. Go on home, just forget about it, see, go on believing it with all your heart.
268 How do you do? I say that just to contact your spirit, lady. Just like Jesus did at the well, said, "Bring Me a drink." Now, I believe... I don't believe I ever seen you, I believe you're a stranger to me. Is that right? If that's right, raise up your hand so the audience can see. I don't know the lady.
269This is genuine healing, it's genuine faith, genuine Scripture, the unadulterated Word of God made manifest and proved that He's not dead. He's alive forevermore. "And he that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also, and this believer will lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover." Oh, how can you doubt it? See? Now, He knowed who would and who would not, I don't. That's up to Him.
270 But now if this lady be a stranger... I don't know her, never seen her in my life. She's a young woman, much younger than--than me. But I--I have never seen her. And she's here for some purpose. Do you believe that these things that I've taught in the Bible, lady, to be the Truth? You believe they are the Truth. And do you accept It, not because I said It, because God said It?
271Do you believe we're living in the last days when the Son of man was to be manifested? That would be all the Word that's gathered up through Luther, Wesley, Baptist, and all that, and the Pentecostal, all gathered up to the revelation of what it's all been. The seventh angel was to open the six-seal mystery. It's all to be gathered up in the Son of man, His fullness of time has come to the fullness of His Word, to manifest the fullness of His Body. That's the Word, then, that's the spoken Word made manifest by the Word, reveal the Word.
272 Now, if God can tell me what your trouble are, is, rather... He made you, He knows all about you. And if He can reveal it... You look like a healthy person. But if He can reveal it to me, you'll know whether it's the truth or not. Will you accept it? Now look right at me. Of course, you're wearing glasses, you've had--had to wear them. That really isn't what you're here for. I can see that It moved right back, see. Now, you're here because a blood clot. See? See? Do you--do you believe He can tell me where they're at? Your legs. Do you believe that to be God doing that? Do you believe God can tell me more about you? Huh? If the audience... You're a stranger, and I just... talk to you a minute. Do you believe He can, do you believe He can tell me where you're from? You're from Gary, Indiana. Do you believe He can tell me who you are? Mrs. Ogden. That's true. Now you go back home and get well, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
273 How do you do? We are strangers to each other, too. I don't know you, see. But you believe that the Lord Jesus can reveal to me your trouble? [The sister says, "I know it."--Ed.] You know it. Thank you, sister. That's very fine. All right, being that you know that, then, that hernia will get all right. And you got--and you got a--a growth in your side. That's right, isn't it? You want me to tell you what side it's in? It's in your right side. That's exactly right. Now go on your road and believe it, and you'll get well.
274You believe? Absolutely, it's the Truth. Do you believe that the Son of God, Son of man, has come down through the ages as He promised? But, just, do you believe the world is in a Sodom condition, ready to be destroyed by the fire, like Sodom was? Sodomites were Gentiles, remember. But down in there, in Sodom, was some righteous people, God sent a messenger to call them out; some of them come, some didn't, most of them stayed in. But there was a group sitting up on the mountain, Abraham, and there was a Messenger came to him to show him what was going to happen. He wasn't going to be in it, anyhow. But then the world is in that same condition today, and Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Son of man, Son of David, and He come to manifest Himself.
275 I just noticing something happening to the woman. She's here for a great cause. She isn't here for sickness. You know what she wants to ask me? "Lay hands on" her, she'll "receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost." See? See? Isn't that right? Raise your hand up if that's right. See? See, she has a great thing. Dear Heavenly Father, give this child of Yours the desire of her heart, may she receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. So shall she receive It. Amen. You'll receive It. God bless you.
276Do you believe? What about you out there, do you believe, too? If thou canst believe, all things are possible. Looking very sincere about that, do you believe that blood clot can leave, too? Sitting right there with the green-looking shirt on. Raise up your hand if you believe it'll leave, it will. I never seen the man in my life, a total, absolute stranger to me. I've never seen him.
277 Do you believe it, the rest of you, audience? Now, don't you see, it's got to be Him?
278Cancer is no bad thing for God to heal. He can make it well, can't He? Do you believe He will? All right, then go, receive it, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Just believe with all your heart.
279Hi, honey. You know, Jesus shed His Blood, that--that your blood could be right. Do you believe that? Dear God, I bless this child, and may she have a blood transfusion from Calvary. Take all the sugar away, Lord, and let her be well, in Jesus' Name. God bless you.
280How do you do? Do you believe He can heal that back and make it well? [The brother says, "I know He can."--Ed.] All right, go, believe it, have faith. Let's just lay hands on you so you request it. God bless you, brother.
281Do you believe? He made food to eat, He made a stomach to digest it. And when something gets wrong in that stomach, He's the Healer of it. Do you believe that? All right, that's all you have to know, believe with all your heart.
282Being that you had the same thing, just go on and believe with all your heart, too.
283 It's okay, bring the lady on. How do you do? Pretty little girl, she's awful little to have female trouble. Do you believe Jesus will make you well of that? Dear God, this little girl, I curse this enemy while in the Presence of Jesus Christ, may it leave her, may she be well. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Bless you honey, you'll be all right.
284Do you believe? Now a dark shadow moves up, death. A cancer is not... God can heal cancer and make it well. Do you believe that with all your heart? Do you believe He's going to make you well of it? In the Name of Jesus Christ, I curse this cursed thing under that crossed fishes, may the Cross of Christ take it away. Make it go, in Jesus' Name. Don't doubt, go, believe with all your heart. Amen. If thou canst believe, all things are possible.
285How do you do? Of course, your arthritis will go, and you'll be made well if you believe. Do you believe that you'll be so you can walk around again and be all right? The Lord bless this dear sister, and make her well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Go, believing with all your heart.
286 Do you believe the same thing can happen to you? Well, I believe it has. You're going... If you believe that you're healed right now. I believe it's gone from you, myself. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother go and be normal and well, for the glory of God. Amen.
287It finally happened. You that's sitting there, crying, do you believe them hemorrhoids are going to leave you? He stayed right here till the last half hour, looked like, right before me, He's standing right beside this man. You've been believing, haven't you? You believe with all your heart, and you can go back down to Texas and be well. I never seen the man in my life.
288Do you believe that little back's going to get well and you're going to be ready to be healed? Lord Jesus, touch the little thing and heal it, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Believe it with all your heart.
289 Now that Spirit draws near, It's all over the building. Hard to tell where that may have come from, nervous. Let me show you something. How many's nervous, out there, raise your hand. See, it's hard to say which is which. But God knows all about it, all your desires. You've tried all, hard, to overcome them. Many things in life you try to give up, and you want to serve God with everything that's in you. Looks like it's always been something holds you back. Do you believe it's going to happen right now, this morning, you're going to be made free from these things? Will you believe it?
290Our Heavenly Father, so that these others might see that Thou art the Christ, the Son of God, heal this dear woman standing here, Father, quieten her. We all know what she suffers, Lord, and we pray that You'll make her well. As I lay my hands on her with all the faith, I, too, have an attack right now, weary, Satan, overworked, nerves going bad. Leave her, Satan. I lay my hands upon her with all the faith that I got, leave her, in Jesus' Name. You go, believing in Him. That's what you wanted me to do.
291 I don't know you, you're a stranger to me. That hernia, if you'll believe, it'll get well. And another thing, you got arthritis. If you believe, you'll be well. Your back trouble's left you. Go, believing.
292Do you believe with all your heart? Here, that... how many... Is that all of them in the line? Is there any much the rest of the line? You all pass right by here so I can lay hands upon the sick. Let's bow our heads just a minute, it's after one o'clock. Dear God, I lay hands upon my sister, while the anointing of the Holy Ghost is here. Make her well, in Jesus' Name. Dear Heavenly Father, I lay hands upon my brother... [ Brother Branham continues praying for the sick--Ed.]... believe.
293 Oh, you didn't get prayed for, brother? [ Ed.]... brother, you know what he did? He's an old deer hunter. He said he had a rifle he always hunted deer with, said he was too old now to go hunting. He wanted to bring the rifle and give it to me. Amen. Let's say, "Praise the Lord." [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord."]
I love Him,
Don't forget your little question, lay it up. If you don't get it today, bring it Wednesday or Sunday.
Cause He first loved me
And purchased...
Was you all in the prayer line, prayer line?
... salvation
On Calvary's tree.
294 Think how sweet He is to us, now. Just think, He proves His Word! See? Now see, if I could heal, it would be different, see, but He's the One that's already done it. See? So He just proves His Presence here, "I am He that was dead, and alive forevermore." There was no man ever like Him. He was a Man all to Himself. He was God. See? There was never a man that lived like He lived. There was never a man born like He was born. There was never a man that could do what... like He did. There was never a man that died like He died. There was never a man that raised from the dead like He did. "Oh," you say, "wait a minute, Brother Branham, others was raised from the dead." Yeah, but they died again. But He's alive forevermore. See? Never a man raised like He did. He rose from the dead, forevermore.
295[Brother Branham hums "I Love Him"--Ed.] Let's just sing it to Him now.
Oh, I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary.
296 Let's just bow our heads. Lord Jesus, I love this people. And I just hold them Lord, it wasn't my intention of doing this. But here, many of them with little children waiting, they're hungry, they don't understand. But they just set right here, because they know that man cannot live, only by the Word of God. And then when the Word is being spoken, and then made known, made manifest, proven, then they know it can only be You. I pray for each one. Bless them, Father. May they be healthy and strong for the journey that lays before us. Bless them through the week. And if it so be Your will, Lord, that we can meet here again next Sunday, next Sabbath, to come here and worship, I pray, God, that You'll strengthen them. Some of them may not, some will have to go to their homes in different parts of the country, maybe across the sea, or out of the States. We pray that You'll be with them and help them. May we meet at Jesus' feet, someday. Grant it, Father. Help us now, as we love one another, and believe in You, and hoping someday that the tie that binds our hearts together now will be the Eternal cord, let us live in that City that's foursquare, for all Eternity. In Jesus' Name. Amen. All right.
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
Child of... (Now shake hands with one another)... woe;
It will joy...
Turn around and shake hands with somebody, say, "I'm happy to be here with you, this morning."
Take It everywhere you go.
Precious Name, O how sweet! (God bless you...?...)
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
Now, listen to this now, now sing this way:
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
As a shield from every snare;
Now listen close.
When temptations around you gather.
(What do?) Breathe that holy Name in prayer.
Precious Name (precious Name), O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name!
1Zostaňme stáť a skloňme naše hlavy. Pane Ježišu, sme Ti dnes ráno vďační za tú výsadu, že môžeme prísť do Tvojej prítomnosti v Tvojom dome, kde je Tvoj ľud zhromaždený v Tvojom Mene. A všetko je Tvoje, Pane. A my sa teraz porúčame Tebe kvôli očakávaniu, ktoré máme v našich srdciach do služby za tých, ktorí sú bez Boha a bez Krista, aby boli spasení a aby chorí boli uzdravení a aby svätí boli požehnaní. Udeľ to, Pane. A potom na konci, skloníme v pokore svoje hlavy a oddáme Ti chválu za všetko, čo Ty dnes skrze nás činíš. Pretože sme to prosili v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.
2Som skutočne vďačný za výsadu, že tu dnes môžem byť, a za vás ľudí, ktorí ste cestovali tak ďaleko, aby ste prišli kvôli tomuto posolstvu, na dnešné raňajšie zhromaždenie. Ja viem, že ste neprišli, aby ste ma videli alebo počuli, prišli ste, aby ste stretli Pána Ježiša. A tak dôverujem, že On vám dá túžbu vášho srdca.
3Teraz som sa vrátil, prišiel som nazad, vzal som rodinu do Tucsonu a vrátil som sa späť. Som unavený a strhaný. Cestoval som celé leto, od januára, a teraz som prišiel, aby som tento týždeň išiel do Kentucky s niekoľkými priateľmi na poľovačku, pokúsiť sa trochu si odpočinúť. Robí ma to tak veľmi nervóznym, viete, tak ja som... Billy a ja sme pripravení na odchod, tak sa modlíme, aby nám Boh pomohol tento týždeň si odpočinúť.
4Ak Pán dovolí, chcem byť na budúcu nedeľu znova naspäť tu, ak bude Pán chcieť. A chcel by som, aby sme mali na budúcu nedeľu špeciálne zhromaždenie. Chcem urobiť niečo trochu odlišne ako obvykle. No, oznamujem to preto, aby tí ľudia, ktorí by sa o to nezaujímali, aby nemuseli prísť, ale my sa vždy modlíme za chorých, ak to Pán dovolí, keď tí ľudia prídu. A na budúcu nedeľu chcem zistiť, čo všetko máte na svojich srdciach. Chcel by som, aby ste to napísali, dnes, keď budete odchádzať, a položili to na stôl a brat Neville to dá Billy Paulovi a on to dá mne, to, čo je na vašich srdciach. Len povedzte... ak je to biblická otázka, obyčajne to takto mávam. Otvorím to teraz trochu viac, možno je vo vašom srdci nejaký problém, že cez to nejako nemôžete prejsť, napríklad, že máte nejaký problém v rodine. Nemusíte sa pod to podpísať, ale len, „Môj manžel robí to a to, a to mi prekáža.“ Moja manželka robí to a to.“ A je určitá vec, ktorá sa v živote deje,“ alebo niečo, viete, jednoducho to, čo máte na srdci, niečo, čo vám robí problémy. Myslím, že by to bolo dobré. Čo vy na to? Potom to tam treba len zistiť a možno položíte tú otázku a ja to možno odpoviem pre niekoho iného. Vidíte, oni majú možno ten istý problém. A jednoducho to, čo je na vašom srdci, napíšte to stručne, ako je to len možné, napr. „Mám dieťa, pri ktorom sa mi zdá, že postupuje zle, čo mám robiť?“ „Mám manžela, ktorý so mnou nechce chodiť do cirkvi. Je ku mne arogantný, čo mám robiť?“ Alebo, manželka, takisto. Alebo viete, „Biblia toto hovorí na jednom mieste a toto na druhom mieste, ja tomu nerozumiem. Rád by som vedel, čo to znamená.“ A či by som mal v prípade nejakého kresťana, keď pracujem v úrade, a šéf povie takú a takú vec a poprosí ma, aby som s ním išiel na nejakú párty, a na tejto párty oni pijú, čo by som mal robiť?“ Viete, skrátka veci, ktoré sú v ľudskej mysli. Chceme, aby ste to urobili.
5A preto potom musím ísť naspäť do Arizony. A myslel som, že by som dostal príležitosť vám to tak trochu pomôcť porozumieť a najlepšie, ako viem. Rád by som ich mal dnes na kazateľni, pred tým, ako odídete, toľko, koľko je len možné. Len to napíšte a položte sem a brat Neville alebo niekto z nich ich dá mne. A tento týždeň, dolu v horách, budem mať príležitosť to študovať a modliť sa nad tým a dostať biblickú odpoveď pre vás na všetko, čo môžem, aby som vám pomohol. Pretože to je to, prečo sme tu zhromaždení, to je pomôcť jeden druhému. Vy mi pomáhate, keď sa za mňa modlíte, a ja dúfam, že vám môžem pomôcť. No, potom, nezabudnite, bude to na budúcu nedeľu ráno.
6A tak, dnes, my sme... sú tu s nami, ako obyčajne, návštevníci. A koľkí sú zo vzdialenosti viac ako sto míľ [asi 161km - pozn.prekl.], zodvihnete svoju ruku? Je to deväťdesiat deväť percent zhromaždenia. Niekoľko nedieľ dozadu, som povedal, „Koľkí sú z veľkej diaľky,“ alebo tak nejako a nezodvihla sa žiadna ruka z Jeffersonville. Aha! Na druhý deň som to dostal, hoci oni povedali, „Brat Branham, všetci návštevníci sú vo vnútri,“ a povedali, „my im prenechávame naše miesto v cirkvi.“ Tak povedali, že oni prišli, prišli stovky a nemohli sa dostať dovnútra, povedali, „Pretože sme videli tých hostí, vidíte.“ No, to je pekné od ľudí z Jeffersonville, tu z okolia. Sme za to vďační, Jeffersonville a New Albany a ľudia z okolia. Sme za to vďační. Koľkí sú zo vzdialenosti tisíc míľ? Ó! Koľkí sú z viac ako tisíc, zodvihnete svoje ruky? Ó! To je výborné. To je...
7Minulú nedeľu, bolo to minulý týždeň, som hovoril na tému, Budúci domov Nevesty a Ženícha a myslím, že sme tu boli z okolia tisíc päťsto štvorcových míľ. A stalo sa, že to bola presne miera toho mesta, o ktorom som hovoril, tisíc päťsto štvorcových míľ. Odvtedy sa na tom hostím, vediac to, že keď sa zakončí tento pozemský život, ja idem do toho mesta. Som s tým mestom zviazaný a na ničom inom nezáleží. Čo ak by dnes nezasvietilo slnko, alebo nepríde zajtrajšok, aký to robí rozdiel? My máme Domov, miesto odpočinutia. Unavený alebo neunavený, my máme stále miesto odpočinutia. Poviete, „To je sen starého človeka.“ Nie, to nie je. To nie je. To je biblická pravda.
8Raz večer, potom, ako som tu hovoril, bol tu človek, ktorý tu prebehol poza pódium, ako som vychádzal dverami, snažil som sa dostať von do auta. A ten mladý človek povedal, „Chcem ti povedať len jedno slovo.“ Billy a niektorí bratia sa ma snažili dostať do auta. On povedal, „Môžem povedať len to jedno slovo?“ Povedal som, „Povedz.“
9A on povedal, „Dnes večer si na ženy riadne nakričal, kvôli tomu spôsobu, akým sa obliekajú, keď nosia tie rôzne šaty.“ Povedal, „Človek v tvojom veku by tak rozmýšľal, ale ak by si bol taký starý ako ja, rozmýšľal by si inak.“
Povedal som, „Koľko máš rokov?“
On povedal, „Mám dvadsaťsedem.“
10A ja som povedal, „Bol som o desať, pätnásť rokov mladší ako ty a kázal som tú istú vec. Vidíš?“ Povedal som, „To je to čo je v tvojom srdci, chlapče. Tvoje oči vidia skrze tvoje srdce.“ A on len zvesil hlavu a odišiel. Myslím, že na to nie je viac čo povedať. Vidíte, to závisí na tom, čo je tu, čo vyjde tadiaľto a tadiaľto. Vidíte, Ježiš povedal, „Ak hovoríš odlišne od toho, čo je tu, potom sa stávaš pokrytcom.“
11Som dnes ráno rád, že niekde v zhromaždení mám svojho veľmi drahého priateľa, brata, reverenda Eddieho Byskala a jeho manželku a deti. Myslím, že oni prišli dnes ráno na zhromaždenie. Eddie, si tu? Myslel som, že si... No, možno, že neprišiel. Brat, ó, áno, tam... No, to nie je kút „amen“, Eddie. Si vítaný tu s nami na pódiu, s kazateľmi, ak chceš prísť. A potom sme boli na...
12Brat Eddie bol s nami, keď mi Pán dal to videnie o tom medveďovi a tom karibu. Koľkí si to pamätáte, keď som vám to hovoril? V poriadku, on tam bol. On bol tým mladým človekom, ktorý mal tú károvanú košeľu, brat Eddie Byskal. A on tam stál, kde... a ja som sa opýtal... Spýtal som sa ich, či majú károvanú košeľu, každý jeden z nich. „Nie,“ nikto ju nemal. Povedal som, „Dobre, to je možno... Musí tam byť károvaná košeľa. Bude tam veľký strieborný grizzly a nejaký druh zvieraťa, ktorý ma štyridsaťdva palcové parohy, takéto, vyzeralo to ako jeleň.“ A to bolo asi pred šiestimi mesiacmi, povedal som to tu, viete, pred tým, ako sa to stalo; dávno, o tom, ó, bolo to skôr ako začiatkom roka.
13Potom ma tento muž pozval na poľovačku. Nikdy som v tom kraji nebol, tam, kde sme išli, a ja som to povedal. Ale tá malá cesta, to je cesta hore na Aljašskú diaľnicu, kde nie je nič, len lesy a hory a zvieratá. A ten večer, pri tom prívese, keď som to tam hovoril bratovi Byskalovi a bratovi Southwickovi, on povedal, „No ja... Ideme do kraju oviec,“ povedal, „to nebude tam hore.“
14A ja som povedal, „Áno,“ a povedal som, „to bol jeden z tých, ktorí boli so mnou, ktorý mal oblečenú károvanú košeľu.“ Nikto nemal károvanú košeľu, brat Byskal nemal tiež, nikto z nás nemal žiadnu.
15Druhého večera sme zazreli, zahliadli sme nad kosodrevinou barana. No, to je tam hore, kde kosodrevina dokonca ani nerastie, kde nie je nič, len karibu a ovce, a my sme v diaľke jednu zazreli. A cestou dolu, v to popoludnie, sa brat Byskal potkol a spadol do vody a zamokril sa.
16Nasledujúce ráno sme skoro vstali a začali hľadať tých baranov, o ktorých sme si mysleli, že ich dostaneme. A na jeho... Vyšli sme tam a boli sme... zjedli sme svoj obed a nemohli sme tých baranov nájsť a brat Byskal práve zastrelil jedného karibu. Tak potom ja, díval som sa dookola a išli sme hore, brat Southwick mi povedal, povedal, „Verím, že... ak sa chceš dobre prejsť, brat Branham, prejdeme cez túto horu, dolu na také pekné miesto, možno, že tie barany išli tam,“ čo je dlhá prechádzka. Ale možno sa nezotmie, až kým nebude skutočne neskoro, čo býva niekedy okolo desiatej, alebo jedenástej.
17A to je dobrá, dlhá túra cez tie Skalisté hory. Tak, mám rád túry a tak sme tam stáli, objali sme jeden druhého, obe naše brady šedivé, objali sme jeden druhého, plakali sme a vedeli... povedal som, „Brat Bud, dúfam, že jedného dňa, v Miléniu, budem môcť prejsť všetky tie vrchy, ktoré sú tam.“
18On povedal, „Dúfam, že ja s tebou, brat Branham.“ A stáli sme tam a jednoducho sme sa radovali v Pánovi. A ja tak veľmi milujem hory!
19A potom sme zostúpili dolu. To bolo vtedy, keď brat Byskal zastrelil toho karibu. On je misionárom Indiánov a on ním chcel nakŕmiť svojich Indiánov. Tak sme zišli dolu, zjedli sme si obed a stiahli sme toho karibu z kože a vrátili sme sa späť.
20Bud a ja sme išli hore cez tie vrchy a keď sme pozreli cez ne do diaľky, s mojím ďalekohľadom, zazrel som to zviera, ktoré som videl, v panoráme, ako som vám to tu povedal. Brat Byskal tam stál rovno pri nás. A tak som povedal, „Tam je to zviera.“
21A on sa pozrel cez ďalekohľad a povedal, „Je to veľký, starý, obrovský samec karibu.“
22A ja som povedal, „Nikdy som takého nevidel, myslel som, že oni majú ploché parožie.“ Ale tento ich má špicaté, vyzeral, že je starý, práve ako som ho videl v tom videní. Nikdy pred tým som nezastrelil jeleňa karibu.
23„Tak dobre,“ on povedal, „ak ti ho Pán dá,“ on povedal, „tam je len...“
24Povedal som, „Áno, to tak musí byť. Tá jediná vec, ktorá mi je divná, je tá károvaná košeľa.“ A ja som sa poobzeral dookola a brat Eddie, jeho manželka ju musela pribaliť, ona tam bola s ním, musela ju pribaliť do jeho námorníckeho vreca. Keď sa deň pred tým zamokril, on si dal druhú košeľu, a to bola károvaná košeľa. Povedal som, „Toto je to.“
25Keď som sa tam dostal a dostal som toho karibu, on, Bud mi povedal, povedal, „No, brat Branham, ty hovoríš, že tieto parohy majú štyridsaťdva palcov?“
Povedal som, „Toľko budú mať.“
On povedal, „Mne to pripadá, že majú asi deväťdesiat dva.“
Povedal som, „Nie, ony majú štyridsaťdva palcov.“
26On povedal, „No, podľa toho, čo si mi povedal, pred tým ako sa dostaneme ku tomu chlapcovi tam dolu s tou károvanou košeľou, Eddiemu,“ (kde nás oni majú stretnúť tam pod horou, niekoľko míľ), povedal, „ty zabiješ medveďa grizlyho.“ Povedal som, „To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“
27On povedal, „Brat Branham, odkiaľ on príde? Môžem vidieť na päťdesiat míľ dookola.“
28Povedal som, „On je stále Jehova-Jireh. Pán, ktorý si opatrí, rozumieš. On môže priviesť do existencie veveričky. Ak On môže priviesť do existencie barana, ak On to vypovedal o tom medveďovi, medveď môže prísť do existencie.“
29Snažili sme sa zniesť toho ťažkého karibu dolu, tú trofej, dolu z hôr a nejaký čas som niesol pušku a potom on niesol tú pušku a naopak. A potom sme sa dostali až takmer ku takému veľkému ľadovcu, tam pod neho. Bolo horúco, prišli sme na ten ľadovec a na chvíľu sme si tam sadli, aby sme sa ochladili. On povedal, „Vieš, brat Branham, my nie sme viac ako jednu míľu od miesta, kde je Eddie a Blaine, kde sa tí dvaja chlapci nachádzajú. Bolo by lepšie, keby sa ten starý medveď ukázal.“ Povedal som, „Bud, ja myslím, že ty o tom pochybuješ.“
30On povedal, „Brat Branham, môj brat mával veľa rokov epileptické záchvaty. A ty si mi raz povedal, tu prvýkrát, keď sme išli na to iné miesto, ty si mi povedal, ako ten chlapec vyzerá.“ A Eddie išiel rovno vedľa mňa na koni, keď dal Pán to videnie. A ja som im povedal, čo s tým chlapcom majú urobiť a tie záchvaty prestali. A teraz povedal, „Ja nemôžem pochybovať.“
31Povedal som, „Bud, ja neviem odkiaľ ten medveď príde.“ Ale, mal som asi päťdesiat, teraz mám päťdesiatpäť, tak to bolo asi pred tromi rokmi. Mal som asi päťdesiatdva alebo päťdesiattri. Povedal som, „Nikdy som to nevidel zlyhať. Boh mi dá toho grizlyho pred tým, ako sa dostanem ku tým chlapcom.“ A boli sme už takmer tam dolu, kde začínali tie malé jedle a kosodrevina.
32Trochu nižšie dolu tým kopcom, boli sme takmer v tej kosodrevine, on si sadol. On bol práve vtedy tým, kto niesol tú trofej, ja som mal pušku. A on povedal, „Bolo by lepšie, keby sa ten starý medveď ukázal, či nie?“
Povedal som, „On tam bude. Netráp sa.“
On povedal, „Môžem vidieť každý kopec.“
33Povedal som, „Ja... Ale ja vidím zasľúbenie!“ Vidíte? Rozumiete, On zasľúbil. Povedal som, „Vždy, keď On...“ Povedal som, „Bud, čo je to tam?“
34On sa pozrel, povedal, „To je veľký strieborný grizly.“ Povedal, „To je on.“ Keď sme dostali toho grizlyho a prišli sme nazad... Pamätal som si v tom videní, o ktorom som vám povedal, bol som vystrašený ohľadne tej pušky. Bola to malá .270, malé náboje, viete. Je to na páske. A ja som dostal toho medveďa, na vzdialenosť asi päťsto yardov [asi 457,2 metrov — pozn.prekl.], tak, ako to povedalo. Bud povedal, „Bude lepšie, ak strelíš toho medveďa do chrbta.“ On povedal, „Zastrelil si niekedy predtým grizlyho?“
Povedal som, „Nie.“
35On povedal, „Ó, oni nevedia, čo je to smrť!“ Ja som sa to naučil trochu neskôr. Tak on povedal, „Oni sa zo šoku nezrútia,“ povedal, „radšej ho zastreľ.“
Povedal som, „Podľa toho videnia som ho strelil do srdca.“
36On povedal, „No, ak to videnie povedalo to, budem stáť pri tebe.“
37A ja som povedal, „Tu to máme.“ A dostali sme sa trochu bližšie a keď som sa postavil, ten medveď ma zbadal. To bolo to, čo on chcel, aby mohol zaútočiť. A ja som do toho medveďa strelil, zdalo sa, že ho to ani nezranilo. A teraz sa rútil na nás! A pred tým, ako som mohol zasunúť do pušky ďalší náboj, ten medveď zomrel asi päťdesiat yardov [asi 45,7 metrov — pozn.prekl.] od nás.
38Budovi celkom zbeleli ústa, povedal, „Brat Branham, nechcel by som ho mať na pleci.“ Povedal som, „Ani ja.“
39Povedal, „Som rád, že to videnie povedalo, že ho dostaneš.“ On povedal, „No, ak je to tak, ak sú tie parohy štyridsaťdva palcov, ja budem mať...“ Poviem to tak, ako to on povedal, „Dostanem záchvat kričania.“
40Povedal som, „No, môžeš ho mať hneď teraz, pretože toľko budú mať.“
41Keď sme sa dostali ku bratovi Eddiemu... Odviazali sme kone, oni sa boja medveďa. A, ó, oni ho museli zacítiť. Nemohli sme ho stiahnuť z kože, bolo príliš neskoro; museli sme sa vrátiť na druhý deň. A potom sa nám asi desaťkrát pretrhol povraz a kone všade pobehovali. Tak, potom sme zišli tam dolu, on povedal... Išiel, zobral zo svojej sedlovej tašky meracie pásmo, povedal, „Blaine.“
42Povedal som bratovi Eddiemu, povedal som, „Pozoruj teraz tú malú ruku, podľa...“ Myslel som, že to mohol byť Billy Paul, malá ruka držala to meracie pásmo na tom paroží. Povedal som, „Pozoruj tú malú ruku,“ šťuchol som brata Eddieho. Urobili sme krok nazad. On ho položil až takto, presne na špičku, štyridsaťdva palcov. Vidíte, presne. Ježiš nikdy nezlyháva! To Slovo nikdy nezlyhá, ak ono prichádza od Boha.
43Práve som zazrel v našom strede brata a sestru Jacksonových z Južnej Afriky. Myslím, že boli predstavení. Boli ste, brat Jackson? Dnes ráno, postavte sa, ty a sestra Jacksonová. Som rád, že ich môžete vidieť. Môj brat Eddie, je tu tiež starý lovecký spoločník z Južnej Afriky, tam dolu. Nech vás Pán žehná, brat Jackson a sestra Jacksonová, som rád, že ste tu s nami. A všetci kazatelia tu v budove, zodvihnite svoju ruku, všetci, ktorí sú v tej službe. No, to je úžasné a pekné, dobre. Nech vás Pán žehná. Sme radi, že vás tu všetkých máme. Za chvíľu budem mať modlitebný rad, tak ja ne... Želám si, aby ste mohli povstať a prísť sem a kázať pre mňa. Sme tak radi, že vás tu máme, každého jedného z vás.
44Keď premýšľam o vašej vernosti, a ako prichádzate z celého národa a tak ďalej, aby ste ma počuli hovoriť o drahom Ježišovi Kristovi, o vašej dôvere, ktorú máte, že On počuje moje modlitby. Práve pred chvíľou som hovoril v súkromnom rozhovore s jednou členkou tohto zboru, nie viac ako pred štyridsiatimi minútami, matka so zlomeným srdcom. A práve, ako som začal tej žene niečo hovoriť, (neviem, či ona chce, aby som povedal, kto to bol, alebo nie), tam prišlo to isté Svetlo, ktoré vidíte na tom obrázku. S tou vecou bol koniec, ona odišla šťastná. Sme tak radi, dnes, v tomto pohnutom veku, v ktorom žijeme, kde sotva môžete niečomu dôverovať, my máme Kráľovstvo, ktoré sa nemôže pohnúť. Nepohnuteľné! Nie Gibraltarskú skalu, ale naša viera môže spokojne odpočinúť na Skale Vekov, na Ježišovi Kristovi, tej nepohnuteľnej Skale Spasenia.
45Chcem poďakovať tej sestre, ktorá priniesla mojej manželke, ktorá je tu, tú trojitú krabicu s Bibliou. Ona urobila dohodu s Pánom ohľadne tejto malej krabice. Ona ju mala rada. Ona mala nejaké... ako nejaké fotky zo starých čias, ktoré tam na tom boli. A ona sa pýtala Pána... Mala tú krabicu až tak trochu príliš rada, zrejme. Len bežná malá krabička v tvare pyramídy. A ona to priniesla s jednou Bibliou mojej manželke. Vďaka ti, sestra. Každý jeden z vašich malých darov a vecí, ktoré dávate Billy Paulovi a ostatným, oni ich dávajú mne. Som vďačný za všetko. Nech je Boh s vami.
46Nezabudnite teraz, na budúcu nedeľu ráno. Hneď, ako dnes skončí zhromaždenie, napíšte svoju otázku. Ak nemôžete, prineste ju na budúcu nedeľu ráno. Prídem trochu skôr, potom nech ich prinesú do tej miestnosti, tak budem mať čas, aby som tomu dal pozadie z Biblie. A my na tie otázky odpovieme na budúcu nedeľu ráno, ak Pán dá.
47No, leží tu veľa vreckoviek. A ja ich potlačím dozadu, aby som si sem dolu mohol položiť svoje poznámky a svoju... vlastne tiež svoju Bibliu a svoje poznámky, tak aby som mohol mať trochu priestoru. Ale ja som... Pomodlím sa za každú jednu.
48Zapíšem si svoje poznámky, mám len málo času. Nezdržím vás tak, ako som vás zdržal naposledy, čo som tu bol, okolo štyroch hodín. Sľúbil som samému sebe, ak by som ešte niekedy nahrával niečo také, nahrám to tu sám, alebo tak nejako, tak, aby som vás nemusel držať tak dlho.
49Je tu dnes ráno Dr. Lee Vayle? Chcel som sa spýtať, či je Dr. Lee Vayle... Si tu, brat Vayle? Zodvihni svoju ruku, ak si tu. Je tam vzadu? V poriadku, vďaka, brat Roy. A brat Vayle, ja chcem, aby si tieto poznámky skontroloval. Ty si niekde tam vzadu medzi ostatnými, takže ťa nemôžem vidieť, alebo niekde v hale. Musíme dávať pozor, nemôžeme nechať mnohých stáť, ten šerif hasičov nám to nedovolí takto robiť, vidíte, a takto sme. Chcem, aby si skontroloval moje zjavenie ohľadne semena hada, aby to bolo vložené do prvého, Efezského cirkevného veku, o ktorom on píše, upravuje tam pre mňa gramatiku. Nádherne spracované! A ja chcem, aby si skontroloval a nech teraz niekto povie niečo proti semenu hada (či je to správne, alebo nie)! Tak Pán mi to dal práve včera, vidíte. Ó, je to o toľko väčšie! Ako dostávam posolstvo, idem ďalej a Niečo ma zasiahne. Potom... A ak viem, že to je Boh, zoberiem to a nachádzam to v Písme. Potom mám... To nikdy nezlyhalo, ale od Genezis do Zjavenia to ide správne, bez ohľadu na to, čo si o tom ľudia myslia. A od času tých Siedmych Pečatí je to ešte väčšie než kedykoľvek pred tým. Vidíte, tým sa to stalo od toho času. Tak, nech vás teraz Pán požehná, ako to budeme študovať. No, s rešpektom ku Slovu...
50A myslím, že niekto, ten inžinier, ktorý je vždy pri tom, tá akustika tu robí trochu odraz. No, môžete tam vzadu počuť v poriadku? Zodvihnite svoje ruky, ak môžete. Výborne!
51Obráťme sa teraz do Biblie, do dvoch miest v Písme, a ja sa pokúsim z toho dostať to posolstvo a zakončiť na čas, ak Pán dovolí. A teraz, obráťme sa do Marka 5. kapitoly a do 1. Kráľov 10. kapitoly, Marek 5. kapitola; 1. Kráľov 10. kapitola.
52No, ale pre cudzích, ktorí môžu byť v našich bránach, toto, našu nedeľnú školu umiestňujeme v jednej veľkej triede. A to je táto trieda tu, pretože všetky miestnosti sú plné ľudí a my nemôžeme mať riadne oddelené triedy a my študujeme trochu ohľadne Slova, ako máme spolu obecenstvo. My nie... Nie sme žiadna denominácia. Nemáme žiadnu denomináciu. Sme jednoducho slobodní v Pánovi a nemáme v úmysle byť nejakou skupinou fanatikov. Jednoducho vyučujeme Bibliu a Ju samotnú. A Pán je ku nám taký dobrý, až to On podporuje a ukazuje, že je to pravda. A to nám dáva veľkú útechu.
53A teraz, ste kedykoľvek v našom strede vítaní. No, nie som tu po celý čas, ale máme tu skvelých pastorov; Brata Nevilleho, jedného z našich pastorov; Brata Cappsa, ďalšieho z našich pastorov; a brata Collinsa, Wilbura Collinsa, ďalšieho, naši pastori. A potom, máme ďalších z iných miest, naše pridružené zbory. Ak ste z okolia Texasu, bratia Martinovci tu, a brat... Čo je to za brata, ktorý sem prišiel s vami? Nevidím dnes ráno brata Blaira. Ó, brat Blair, nevidel som ťa, brat Blair. Brat Ruddell, hneď tu vzadu, jeden z našich zborov na 62. ulici, jeden z našich sesterských zborov tu. Brat Junior Jackson, ktorý sedí rovno tu pri bratovi Blairovi, teraz ho vidím, ďalší z našich sesterských zborov. A my máme zbory všade po krajine.
54Brat Jack Palmer, na svojej ceste hore, myslím, že sa trochu ponáhľali, s tým novým autom jeho syna, tak trochu, trochu nad povolenú rýchlosť a mali nehodu. On si poranil sánku a nebol schopný prísť, išiel nazad domov. Tak, má sa dobre. A tu, brat Ben, ďalší z našich bratov tu hore v Kentucky, on mu dnes ráno zavolal, aby videl, či potrebujú nejaké peniaze, alebo čokoľvek, s čím by im cirkev mohla pomôcť, on povedal, že je všetko v poriadku. A on prechádzal zákrutu vo veľkej rýchlosti a narazil na nejaký štrk, a to pomliaždilo jeho čeľusť alebo niečo. A oni odtiaľ zavolali, keď prišli autom na nejakú poštu alebo niečo, a zavolali, aby sme sa za nich modlili.
55Brat Billy Collins tiež, my vieme, že si vážne pomliaždil svoj prst, zlomil si v ňom kosť, počul som o tom a oni ho museli narovnať. Tak, chceme na neho pamätať v modlitbe.
56A teraz, ten dôvod, že stojíme. Keď sľubujeme vernosť, ako vystupuje vlajka alebo niečo, vždy stojíme v pozore, alebo salutujeme, alebo stojíme, prinajmenej, aby sme vyjadrili rešpekt nášmu národu, čo by sme mali robiť, a našej zástave. A čo potom náš Pán, keď čítame Jeho Slovo? Postavme sa teraz, ako budeme čítať Svätého Marka 5 a počnúc od 21. verša. Dávajte teraz pozor, ako to čítame.
A keď sa preplavil Ježiš na lodi zase na druhú stranu, sišiel sa k nemu veliký zástup, a bol pri mori.
A hľa, prišiel jeden z predstavených synagógy, menom Jairus, a keď ho videl, padol k jeho nohám
a veľmi ho prosil a hovoril: Moja dcéruška skonáva: prosím, žeby si prišiel a vzložil na ňu ruky, že by bola uzdravená a žila.
A odišiel s ním. A išiel za ním veliký zástup, a tlačili ho zo všetkých strán.
Vtedy nejaká žena, ktorá bola v nemoci toku krvi dvanásť rokov
a mnoho vytrpela od mnohých lekárov a potrovila všetko svoje imanie, a nič jej to nebolo pomohlo, lež ešte bola prišla do horšieho;
tá, keď počula o Ježišovi, prišla v zástupe odzadu a dotkla sa jeho rúcha,
lebo si bola povedala: Ak sa len jeho rúcha dotknem, budem uzdravená.
A hneď vyschol prameň jej krvi, a pocítila na tele, že je uzdravená od svojej choroby.
A Ježiš hneď poznal v sebe, že vyšla z neho moc, a obrátiac sa v zástupe vravel: Kto sa dotknul mojeho rúcha?
A jeho učeníci mu vraveli: Vidíš, že ťa zástup tlačí zo všetkých strán, a hovoríš: Kto sa ma dotknul?
Ale on sa ohliadal dookola, aby videl tú, ktorá to urobila.
A žena bojac a trasúc sa, lebo vedela, čo sa pri nej stalo, prišla a padla pred ním a povedala mu celú pravdu.
A on jej povedal: Dcéro, tvoja viera ťa uzdravila. Iď v pokoji a buď zdravá a prostá svojej choroby.
A kým on ešte hovoril, tu prišli od predstaveného synagógy a vraveli: Tvoja dcéra už zomrela, načo ešte unúvaš Učiteľa?
Ale Ježiš počujúc slovo, ktoré hovorili, hneď povedal predstavenému synagógy: Neboj sa, len ver!
A nedal nikomu ísť za sebou, iba Petrovi, Jakobovi a Jánovi, Jakobovmu bratovi.
A prišli do domu predstaveného synagógy, a videl tam nepokojný ruch, plačúcich a kvíliacich veľmi,
a vojdúc povedal im: Čo robíte krik a plačete? Dieťa nezomrelo, ale spí.
A vysmievali ho. No, on vyženúc všetkých pojal otca i matku dieťaťa i tých, ktorí boli s ním, a vošiel ta, kde ležalo dieťa.
A povedal dieťaťu a On... (prepáčte)...A uchopiac ruku dieťaťa povedal mu: Talitha kúmi! čo je preložené toľko jako: Dievčatko, tebe hovorím, vstaň!
A dievčatko hneď vstalo a chodilo, lebo malo dvanásť rokov. A žasli prenáramne.
A veľmi im prikázal, aby sa toho nikto nedozvedel. A povedal, aby jej dali jesť.
57V Prvej Knihe Kráľov, 10. kapitole, čítame tieto tri verše.
A kráľovná zo Šeby slýchala povesť o Šalamúnovi dotyčne mena Hospodinovho a prišla, aby ho zkúsila rôznymi záhadami.
A tak prišla do Jeruzalema s veľmi velikým sprievodom a bohatstvom, s veľblúdmi, ktoré niesly voňavé veci a zlata veľmi mnoho i drahé kamene. A keď prišla k Šalamúnovi, hovorila s ním o všetkom, čo mala vo svojom srdci.
A Šalamún jej odpovedal na všetky jej slová, a nebolo veci, ktorá by bola bývala skrytá pred kráľom, na ktorú by jej nebol dal odpovede.
58Modlime sa. Pane Ježišu, ako čítame tieto príbehy z Biblie, naše srdcia poskakujú radosťou. Pretože vieme, že Ty Si Boh a Ty sa nikdy nemeníš. Nikdy nemeníš Svoje metódy, nikdy nemeníš Svoje spôsoby, Ty zostávaš navždy Bohom. A my sa modlíme, Bože, aby si nám dnes ráno dal výklad týchto Písem, aby si nám ich dal poznať, aby mohli byť naše srdcia rozpoznávané, aby veľký Duch Svätý dnes prišiel medzi nás a rozpoznal naše myšlienky a naše srdcia. A nech nie je nič zanechané, aby boli naše srdcia tak plné radosti, keď budeme odtiaľto odchádzať, aby sme povedali, ako tí, ktorí išli toho večera z Emaus, „Či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia, ako On hovoril ku nám na ceste?“ Ty vždy zostávaš Bohom a my sme Tvoje hladné deti, zhromaždené dnes ráno. Pretože je napísané, „Človek bude žiť skrze každé Slovo, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“ Požehnaj nás, v našom spoločnom zhromaždení a všetkých týchto ľudí, Pane, ktorí prišli zo stoviek a áno, tisícov míľ. Modlíme sa, aby, keď oni pôjdu domov, boli ich srdcia uspokojené dobrými vecami milosrdenstva a milosti Božej. Pretože to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
59Veľmi zvláštny krátky text, tri slová, na ktoré chcem hovoriť z celého tohto čítania. Možno poviete, „To je veľmi malá vec, tri slová z toho všetkého, čo si čítal, z porcie dvoch kapitol Biblie.“ Ale ja som to urobil kvôli takému pozadiu, aby som zobral tieto tri slová: Dokazovanie Jeho Slova [a zároveň „skúšanie“ Jeho Slova – angl. „Proving His Word“ - pozn.prekl.].
60Vy viete, že je miesto v Biblii, v 1. Tesaloničanom 5:21, kde je napísané, „Všetko skúšajte; držte to, čo je dobré.“ Keď je čokoľvek skúšané, bude to dokázané ako „správne“ alebo „nesprávne.“ A keď je nejaká pochybnosť, malo by to byť skúsené, až kým nezistíte, čo je správne. A potom, keď zistíte, čo je správne, je tam povedané, „Drž pevne.“ Inými slovami, „Uchop to, nepusti to. Drž to pevne!“ Inými slovami, „Drž to pevne tak, aby sa to nevyšmyklo.“ Drž pevne to, čo je dobré, potom, čo to bolo dokázané ako „správne.“ A čokoľvek, čo je dokázané, ako „nesprávne,“ pusti to tak rýchlo, ako len môžeš, choď od toho preč. Nikdy sa nedrž zlej veci.
61No, je možné, že vytrvalí Kresťania, dobrí ľudia, sa niekedy držia zlej veci a myslia si, že je to správne. Ale potom, tieto veci by mali byť dokázané či sú „správne“ alebo „nesprávne.“ A to je povinnosť nás všetkých, zatiaľ čo očakávame, že pôjdeme do neba, keď Ježiš prichádza. A to je práca kazateľa, keď povstáva nejaká otázka, že on to vyrieši a potom to osvedčí pred ľuďmi, aby mohli porozumieť, pretože nikto nechce byť nájdený na „omyle,“ že sa drží zlej veci.
62Tak my máme Bibliu (a Ježiš povedal, „všetky Písma sa musia vyplniť“) aby sme mohli dokázať všetky veci. A potom, „drž silno,“ alebo, „drž pevne, chop sa toho smrteľne vážne. A nepusti to, drž sa pevne toho, čo je dobré.“
63Pamätám sa v škole, niečo som sa naučil a mnohí z vás sa naučili tú istú lekciu. Keď ste vyriešili nejaký problém, vypracovali ho, mohli ste vziať tú odpoveď a dokázať ju pomocou toho problému. Koľkí ste to kedy urobili? Každý z vás, pravdaže. Vtedy sa nemusíte obávať, či je vaša odpoveď správna alebo nie, odpoveď na ten problém bola dokázaná pomocou toho problému. Preto viete, že máte správnu odpoveď. Ak každá jedna z nich, na vašej tabuľke alebo papieri bola dokázaná, ten problém dokázaný pomocou... tá odpoveď bola dokázaná skrze ten problém, potom to máte. Nikto nemôže povedať, že to je zle, musíte dostať... A ak robíte svoju prácu úhľadne a správne a tak, ako má byť vyhotovená, a vaša odpoveď bola dokázaná, môžete si sadnúť dozadu a odpočívať s tou istotou, že za to dostanete jednotku, na ten list papiera, ktorý odovzdávate, pretože to je dokázané pomocou toho problému.
64No, je staré príslovie, ktoré hovorí, „Dokáž to a ja tomu budem veriť.“ Nuž, oni majú v jednom našom štáte, v jednom z našich štátov v tomto národe, oni majú slogan, „Ja som z Missouri, ukáž mi.“ Rozumiete, inými slovami, „Dokáž mi to, ja som z Missouri.“ Ale toto vždy nefunguje, pretože Boh v každom veku vyplnil a potvrdil to dielo, ktoré On ustanovil pre ten-ktorý vek a povedal to vo Svojom Slove. A zakaždým, ako bolo Božie Slovo v tom veku potvrdené, väčšina To odmietla. Tak, „Dokáž to a ja tomu uverím,“ nie je to tak. Vy môžete mať vieru len vtedy, keď vám ju Boh dá. Viera je dar Boží. Bez ohľadu na to, akí nábožní môžete byť, jednako to vyžaduje... musíte mať vieru. A vaša viera môže odpočívať jedine, ak ste Kresťanom, na potvrdenom Slove Božom.
65No, pamätajte, Boh nadelil Svoje Slovo do každého veku a predpovedal, čo sa stane v tomto určitom veku, o ktorom On hovoril. Nuž, ak by Mojžiš prišiel s posolstvom Noeho, to by nefungovalo. Ak by Ježiš prišiel s Mojžišovým posolstvom, to by nefungovalo. Alebo ak by jeden prorok prišiel s posolstvom iného proroka, to nefungovalo. Ale skrze Svojich prorokov, On zjavil úplne všetko o Sebe a svojom pláne. Preto nemôže byť do Biblie pridané jedno slovo alebo jedno Slovo z nej vzaté.
66Tak, ak dokážete svoj problém pomocou vášho... vašu odpoveď pomocou vášho problému, potom prečo nedokázať tú odpoveď, ktorú my teraz dostávame pomocou Slova na tento vek? Ak Biblia hovorí, že určitá vec sa má v tomto veku stať, je to v Biblii a to sa stane. Potom, ak vaša odpoveď, ktorú sa snažíte povedať ľuďom, ak je ona potvrdená skrze túto Knihu, potom je to pravda, je to pravda. V opačnom prípade nie je.
67No, vidíme ďalšie, potom vy, bezpochyby, ste ich počuli povedať, „Vidieť je veriť.“ To je ďalšie staré príslovie, ktoré tu máme, ale ono tiež nefunguje. Ono nefunguje, pretože človek môže sedieť a dívať sa rovno na niečo a nevidieť to. To slovo „vidieť,“ anglické slovo „vidieť“ [„see“ - pozn.prekl.] má tak veľa významov. More [„sea“ - pozn.prekl.] môže znamenať „masa vody.“ A „vidieť“ môže znamenať „rozumieť.“ „Vidieť“ môže znamenať „pozerať na to.“ A, ó, jednoducho je tak veľa slov, ktoré môžete použiť. Ale keď poviete, „vidieť je veriť,“ mýlite sa.
68Keď tomu rozumiete, veríte tomu. Ježiš povedal, „Ak sa človek neznovuzrodí, nemôže vidieť to Kráľovstvo,“ inými slovami, „rozumieť to Kráľovstvo,“ pretože to Kráľovstvo je Duch Svätý vo vás. Tak, musíte rozumieť, čo je to, čo je vo vás. A jediný spôsob, ako to porozumiete, je porovnať, čo spôsobuje to, že robíte to, čo robíte s tým, čo Biblia povedala, že budete robiť. Vtedy je váš problém vyriešený, vidíte. A potom, On je tým Duchom Svätým.
69Tak, vidieť neznamená veriť. Môžem to dokázať pomocou telesných zmyslov, vidíte, že vidieť neznamená veriť. Ja nemôžem vidieť túto fľašu s olejom. Nemohol by som ju vidieť, pretože ona je za mnou, jednako mám zmysel, pocit, ktorý mi hovorí, že ju mám vo svojej ruke. Vidíte? No, nemohol som ju vidieť, je to nemožné. A teraz ju nemôžem dočiahnuť, je to nemožné a jednako tomu verím. Toto, vidieť je veriť; toto, cítiť je veriť. Teraz zatvorím svoje oči, nemôžem ju vidieť ani cítiť, ale ak by som ju dostal bližšie, mohol by som ju zacítiť, ja by som stále veril, že ona je tam. Tak, „Viera je podstatou vecí, na ktoré sa nadejeme, tým dôkazom,“ nie zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch, alebo sluch. Vy tomu veríte! A viera musí mať miesto odpočinutia. A čokoľvek je v protiklade ku Slovu Božiemu, viera v Boha nemôže mať miesto odpočinutia, iba ak je to zasľúbenie Božie. A tam ona dostáva svoje večné miesto.
70Ale pred tvárou všetkých týchto vekov pochybností a vecí, cez ktoré sme prešli a žijeme v tomto dni, najhoršom zo všetkých, pred tvárou všetkej tejto pochybnosti, Boh ide rovno ďalej, dokazujúc Svoje Slovo, že je správne, ako to On robil v každom veku. On... Nevera nezastaví Boha, ona Mu neprekáža. Nestarám sa o to, koľko tento svet neverí, to sa vyplní. Nevera neurobí nič, okrem toho, že odsúdi neveriaceho. Nevera pošle neveriaceho do pekla. Ona ho okradne o každé požehnanie, ktoré mu Boh zasľúbil, ale ona neprekáža Bohu v tom, aby On išiel rovno ďalej s tým veriacim. Vidíte, nevera nezastaví Boha, ona len zastavuje neveriaceho.
71Poviete, „Ja... Slnko zajtra nebude svietiť, ja ho zastavím.“ Skúste to. Vidíte? V poriadku, nemôžete to urobiť. Boh ho postavil do poriadku a povedal, že bude svietiť, a ono bude svietiť, to je všetko, On povedal, že bude. Môžu byť pod ním nejaké mraky, ale ono svieti stále rovnako. A nemôžete tým zastaviť Boha. On, čo...
72Ako On dáva poznávať Svoje Slovo ľuďom? Najprv, Boh vedel, že budú neveriaci... No, pozorujte tú múdrosť Božiu; vediac, že budú neveriaci a ako väčšina bude neveriacich. No, skrze predzvedenie predurčil semeno na každý vek, ktoré tomu bude veriť. No, ak si tam všimnete, každý vek ide rovno ďalej s Jeho Slovom, všetko presne na čas, Bohu nič nebráni. On ide rovno ďalej a každý „tik“ sa hýbe presne podľa poriadku. My si niekedy myslíme, že to nebude správne fungovať. Ale nebojte sa, Jeho hodiny sú načasované presne na zlomok okamihu a všetko funguje presne podľa poriadku.
73Keď sa niekedy dívam naokolo a vidím týchto Rikiov a Rikety, ktoré dnes máme, a na uliciach a toto všetko sa deje, rozmýšľam, „Ó, Bože!“
74„Počkaj chvíľu,“ On hovorí, pozrite, „Moje hodiny odbíjajú presne podľa poriadku. Ja ťa musím postaviť na ten istý základ, na ktorý som postavil toho prvého muža v tamtých dňoch. A ja som ťa postavil na ten istý základ, ako som postavil Luthera, a na ten istý základ, ako som postavil Wesleya.“ Pretože, vidíte, hriech nebol vtedy tak známy, ako je teraz. A keď máme teraz viacej známosti, než ako sme mali vtedy, a keď nepriateľ prichádza ako potopa, Duch Boží pozdvihuje proti nemu prápor. Vidíte? A teraz, dnes máme viacej poznania, viac znalosti, tak tie rieky nevery tečú silným prúdom, ale Boh proti tomu pozdvihuje prápor. Ale pamätajte, On je vždy... Ten dôvod je, že On tieto veci predurčil, aby sa stali. On ich predpovedal skrze Svojich prorokov, že oni sa stanú. A keď spravodliví vidia tieto veci potvrdené, potom oni vedia, že to je pravda. Bez ohľadu na to, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí, oni vedia, že je to pravda.
75Nachádzame tu, verím, že to je v 1. Tesaloničanom, On povedal, „On nás predurčil ku adopcii za deti skrze Ježiša Krista.“ Boh nehovorí, „Vás si vyberiem a vás nevyberiem,“ ale skrze Svoje predzvedenie vedel, čo urobíte. Tak, skrze predzvedenie On môže ustanoviť a On spôsobil, aby všetko pracovalo pre Jeho dobro a pre vaše dobro.
76V Genesis Boh povedal Adamovi a Eve, čo sa stane, keby neverili Jeho Slovu. No, On postavil pred nich dobré a zlé a On povedal, „Toho dňa, v ktorom by ste z neho jedli, toho dňa zomriete.“ A Boh mal na mysli presne to, čo povedal. On to vždy robí, On to, čo hovorí, aj tak myslí.
77Satan ju doviedol do toho, aby tomu neverila, pretože sám Satan tomu nikdy neveril. On tomu neverí, tak on ju doviedol do toho, aby tomu uverila. A on stále robí tú istú vec a iných učí to isté, a oni tomu neveria, ako tomu neverila ona. Boh ohradil Svoj ľud Svojím Slovom, to je vaša jediná obrana. Nie vaša denominácia, nie váš otec alebo vaša matka, to je všetko v poriadku, ale byť za Božím Slovom. To je miesto, kde je veriaci ochránený, za Slovom. Keď tá malá cesta tam bola porušená s malým „som zvedavý, či je to správne alebo nie? To by ne...“, vchádza tam rozumovanie a zaberá miesto viery, oni prelamujú tie závory. A Boh dodržal Svoje Slovo, On ho uskutočnil. Satan sa ju snažil doviesť do toho, aby verila... aby tomu neverila.
78Alebo, rozumovanie... nerozumujte nad Tým! Poviete, „Dobre, ja verím...“ Nemáš žiadne právo. Keď Boh niečo hovorí, práve tak, ako to povedal, to je tá vec, ktorú treba vykonať. Poviete, „No, ja myslím...“ Ale ty nemáš žiadnu myšlienku. Nech tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, je vo vás. A Kristus je Slovo! Nech to Slovo je vo vás. Všetky ostatné slová sú nesprávne, Kristove Slovo je pravdou! Iní mu veria i všetkému jeho rozumovaniu, tak, ako ona uverila, uvažovala, „No, prečo by toto Boh urobil? No, či to nie je rovnako dobré?“ Ak je to proti Slovu, tak nie je! Tak, čokoľvek, ktorýkoľvek učiteľ, každý vykladač Biblie, čokoľvek iné, čo by vás vyučovalo, alebo sa snažilo dostať vás do toho, aby ste verili akejkoľvek malej čiarke odlišnej od toho, čo tá Biblia hovorí, že to je, je to falošné učenie. Je to znovu Satan, presne, ako to bolo s Evou. Boh ide rovno ďalej, bez ohľadu na to, čo on robí, čo Satan robí, Boh ide rovno ďalej a dokazuje, že je to tak.
79No, pozrite, čo povedal Eve, „Istotne nezomriete. Budete múdri.“ To je to, čo ten svet dnes hľadá, vedecký dôkaz, nejaké ľudské poznanie. A on povedal, „Istotne nezomriete.“
80Ale Boh povedal, „zomriete,“ a Boh dokázal, že je to tak. A my to môžeme vidieť, On mienil to, čo povedal. Choďte tu hore na cintorín, spoznáte, či to On mienil, alebo nie. „Toho dňa, ktorého by ste z neho zjedli, v tom dni zomriete.“ A keď pôjdete sem hore a skontrolujete hociktorého človeka, ktorého chcete, z každého veku, nikdy nebol žiaden človek, ktorý by žil tisíc rokov. Boh tak potvrdil Svoje Slovo, On to urobí zakaždým.
81Ale pamätajte, tak, ako On dodržuje všetky Svoje zasľúbenia ohľadne požehnaní, On tak isto dodržuje Svoje prekliatia. Pretože oni z neho jedli, v tom dni zomreli; a On vám to dokazuje, že oni zomierajú v ten deň, v ktorom z neho jedia. On tiež dodržuje každé Slovo, ktoré On o Svojich požehnaniach povedal. Boh dodržuje každé zasľúbenie! Ó, ja to milujem. Musíte si vybrať to, ktoré chcete: Jeho požehnania, skrze vieru; alebo Jeho prekliatia, skrze To, že to prevrátite. Ak To prevrátite a veríte tej prevrátenej strane Toho, potom ste prekliaty. Ak tomu veríte, jednoducho tým spôsobom, ako to On napísal, a držíte sa toho, potom ste požehnaní. A To je vždy v protiklade ku vede, vždy v protiklade k ľudskému vedeckému spôsobu ukázania vecí. Pretože on dodržuje každé Slovo, oboje, Jeho požehnania a Jeho prekliatia.
82Keď muž a žena tak hrešili v tom predpotopnom svete, on... proti Jeho pravdivému Slovu, Adam a Eva zhrešili proti pravdivému Slovu. Ale... a všetky generácie, ktoré ich nasledovali, urobili tú istú vec, On nad nimi prehlásil smrť a nakoniec to prišlo ku totálnemu, úplnému zničeniu všetkého, čo bolo na zemi, bolo to zakryté vodou, úplne zmyté vodou.
83No, ten istý Boh, ktorý priviedol totálne zničenie na všetko, čo bolo na zemi, každú rastlinu, každé stvorenie, okrem toho, čo rezervoval a vzal ponad tú zem, všetko, čo zasľúbil, že urobí, On to urobil. A ten istý Boh, ktorý zasľúbil tú vodu a dodržal Svoje Slovo, ten istý Boh zasľubuje oheň a On dodrží Svoje Slovo. On Svoje Slovo dodrží.
84No, čo On teraz urobil? Ako oni poznali Jeho Slovo? Pretože každý spôsob Jeho konania, dokázania Jeho samého pred tým, ako On robí nejaké zničenie, alebo vykonáva nejaký súd, On vždy ľuďom posiela Slovo a vždy ľudí varuje. Ó, ja to milujem! Potom môžeme presne vidieť, kde sme.
85Vo dňoch Noeho, tam boli všetky druhy kazateľov a združení a boli tam všetky možné druhy náboženstiev, vo dňoch Noeho, pretože Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Ale tam prišiel na scénu prorok a on začal niečo robiť, začal stavať archu. A Boh poslal Svojho proroka, Noeho, aby dokázal, že On poslal Svoje Slovo, a povedal im, že prichádza zničenie, pretože On nemohol zniesť ten spôsob, ako ľudia postupovali, tak že On musel zničiť človeka, ktorého raz stvoril.
86No, Slovo prišlo ku prorokovi, zakaždým, On to nikdy nemení. Malachiáš 3 povedal, „Ja som Boh a Ja sa nemením.“
87Noe bol poslaný do vedeckého veku s nevedeckým posolstvom. Noe bol poslaný do intelektuálneho veku s neintelektuálnym posolstvom. On bol poslaný do veku vedy, keď mal posolstvo viery a zasľúbenie do vedeckého veku. Tak, mohli by ste veriť, že vedecký vek by veril nevedeckému posolstvu? Veľký intelektuálny vek a potom by ste verili, že oni by mali vieru v niečo, čo sa zdalo byť úplne hlúpe pre ľudskú myseľ? Ale Boh to vždy takto robí. Noe bol potvrdeným prorokom Pánovým a Božím posolstvom tej hodiny. On tomu musel veriť, ľudia museli veriť jeho Posolstvu potom, ako bol potvrdený Pánom, že to bolo Božie Slovo a Boh dodržoval Svoje Slovo.
88No, dnes je to tá istá vec. Sme na konci času. Tí ľudia to mali vedieť, vidíte. No, všimli ste si, Noe bol typom tých Židov, ktorí budú prenesení cez to súženie. Enoch bol typom skutočného Posolstva... prenesenia Cirkvi, pretože Enoch bol vzatý hore a potom prišla potopa. A obaja z nich... Ten prvý prorok, Enoch, bol vzatý preč, tak Noe mohol ísť ďalej so svojím... Boh mohol ísť ďalej s Noem. A teraz bude vzatá cirkev, takže Boh môže konať znovu so Židmi, tým zostatkom Židov, s tými stoštyridsať štyri tisíc, ako sme cez to prechádzali tu v Písme.
89Ale pred tvárou celého vedeckého, neveriaceho veku Boh potvrdil Svoje Slovo zasľúbenia, že je pravdou, tak, že poslal potopu. No, pamätajte, vo dňoch Noeho, nikdy predtým nepršalo. Boh mal paru, ktorá vychádzala zo zeme na jej zavlažovanie, ale nikdy tam nepršalo. Ale Noe povedal, „Bude pršať.“ No, to bolo...
90Oni mohli zobrať nejaký prístroj a vystreliť to do oblakov a povedať, „Nie je tam žiadna vlhkosť. Nie je tam žiaden dážď. Môžeme dokázať, že tam nie je žiaden dážď.“
91Bez ohľadu na to, čo povedala veda, Boh povedal, „Bude pršať,“ tak, to to vykonalo. No, čo urobil Boh? Podľa môjho názoru, keď niektorí z nich otriasli trochu svetom a odklonili ho z jeho poriadku, potom sa to otočilo chrbtom týmto smerom, teplota zeme klesla a to priviedlo vlhkosť. A svet bol na začiatku úplne pokrytý a tá atmosféra, tá vlhkosť vzduchu jednoducho prišla dokopy vo forme oblaku a spustilo sa to dolu, to bolo všetko.
92No, my dnes vieme, že je tam oheň, pretože tie plyny sú v zemi. A Biblia povedala, „Nebesia a zem pominú s rachotom a zem sa od veľkej horúčavy roztaví“ Tak my vieme, že je to tam hore, tak isto, ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho.
93A teraz pamätajte, posolstvo Noeho času bolo len skrze vieru a nie skrze vedecký dôkaz. Ale dnes je to posolstvo podľa Slova Božieho a vedecky dokázané. Eliáš prichádza najprv, robí zázraky, nekáže; len chodí z miesta na miesto, činiac zázraky. Ten ďalší raz prichádza vo forme Jána Krstiteľa, prichádza a nečiní žiadne zázraky, len káže. A tretíkrát on prichádza a je tam oboje, zázraky a kázanie. Vidíte? Vidíte, ako to je? Pozorujte, v akej kontinuite idú Písma. Mohli by sme na tom stráviť veľa času, ale my sa tomu vyhneme, pretože verím, že to porozumievate.
94On konal v tom veku presne tak, ako On konal vo všetkých vekoch a ako On bude konať, ako zasľúbil, že bude konať. Čokoľvek, čo Boh zasľubuje, potom On prichádza dolu a potvrdzuje, že Jeho Slovo je pravdou. Všetci, ktorí veria, všetci, ktorí veria Posolstvu na ten vek, vošli a boli spasení. Tak to bude v každom veku. Všetci, ktorí neverili tomu Posolstvu a tomu poslovi, zahynuli.
95A všetci, ktorí dnes skutočne veria Slovu Božiemu, budú vzatí. Všetci, ktorí neveria Slovu Božiemu, zahynú s tým svetom, pretože oni sú zo sveta a všetko, čo je vo svete, musí s tým svetom zahynúť. A všetko, čo je spasené v Bohu, musí byť v Bohu a nemôže zahynúť, „Ja im dám Večný Život a vzbudím ich v ten posledný deň.“ No, aká je to útecha pre každého veriaceho, keď vie, že keď ste v Kristovi, že práve s takou istotou, že Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo a ten svet zahynie, On dodržuje Svoje Slovo a kriesi Svoj ľud a zachraňuje ich. On to dokazuje.
96On potvrdil Svoje Slovo zasľúbenia, že je pravdou, Abrahámovi v jeho veku. Všimnite si, bolo to nevedecké, v Abrahámovom veku, pre človeka, ktorý mal sto rokov a ženu, ktorá mala deväťdesiat, aby mali dieťa, už dávno minuli ten vek. Ale Abrahám to nemohol vysvetliť. On mohol ísť k doktorovi a povedať, „Doktor, je to možné?“
97„To je nemožné!“ Ísť do nemocnice a urobiť prípravu pre tú matku, aby mala dieťa, alebo čokoľvek by to bolo, ak to chcete porovnať s týmto vekom, oni by ho nazvali duševne chorým, „On sa zbláznil.“
98Ale Boh povedal! A on... Biblia povedala v Rimanom, 4 kapitole, že, „Abrahám sa nezapotácal na zasľúbení Božom, skrze neveru, ale bol silný, dajúc chválu Bohu. Pretože on vytrval, vidiac Toho, ktorý je neviditeľný, a bol uspokojený, vytrval.“ Pevne sa držal, pretože bol plne presvedčený, že to, čo Boh zasľúbil, Boh bol schopný urobiť! A my sme považovaní za jeho deti. Amen! Cítim sa teraz nábožne, povzbudený, len o tom rozmýšľajte! Ó, On to dokázal, po všetkých tých rokoch, On obrátil Abraháma a Sáru znovu na mladú ženu, a mali dieťa. A Abrahám a Sára žili... štyridsať päť rokov neskôr, Sára zomrela a Abrahám sa znovu oženil potom, čo mal stoštyridsaťpäť rokov a mal sedem ďalších, okrem dcér. Keď on prešiel plodný vek, bol sterilný, nemal semeno, nezostal v ňom žiaden život, takmer ďalších sto rokov pred tým. Amen! On nebral do úvahy svoje vlastné telo, on nebral do úvahy Sárine mŕtve lono. On bral do úvahy len to, čo Boh povedal, a vedel, že Boh potvrdí to, čo On povedal. Amen! Boh potvrdzuje, že to, čo On hovorí i vykoná. Uprostred toho, čo bolo nevedecké a vedecké, a medzi čímkoľvek, čokoľvek to je, Boh dokazuje, že On má pravdu, vždy dokazuje Svoje Slovo. On má pravdu, všetci ostatní sú na omyle.
99On to tiež potvrdil Lótovi, keď povedal, „Ak nevyjdeš z tohto mesta, Ja ho spálim.“ A On povedal Abrahámovi, ak by mohol „nájsť desiatich“, ušetril by to mesto. A On nemohol nájsť tých desiatich, tak dokázal, že Jeho Slovo bola pravda.
100„Odkiaľ prichádza ten oheň? Na týchto pláňach nie je žiaden, tu vonku pri týchto bahnitých jamách.“ Ale Boh tak povedal a Abrahám vedel, že sa to stane. Lót vedel, že je to tak, a utiekol do hôr.
101On zasľúbil jeho semenu, že bude cudzincom v cudzej zemi a ľuďmi bude zle posudzované a budú putovať, Abrahámovo semeno, počas štyristo rokov medzi cudzincami, cudzími ľuďmi. A On vyplnil Svoje Slovo presne tak, ako povedal, že vyplní. Abrahámovo semeno prebývalo v Egypte štyristo rokov. On tiež zasľúbil, že ich vyslobodí mocnou rukou. On vyslobodí tých ľudí z Egyptského otroctva silnou rukou. A On Svoje Slovo dodržal. Pozrite, čo musel urobiť, aby dostal tie deti tam dolu v Egypte. Vyzeralo to, ako by sa tam prihodila pohroma a všetko také.
102Vyzeralo to ako... pre Jozefa to bolo hrozné, keď bol považovaný za mŕtveho, a biedny Izák... alebo Jákob, jeho otec. Alebo Izák, jeho otec... vlastne pre Jákoba, ktorý bol, Izák bol jeho starým otcom. Jákob, jeho otec, aby uveril, že jeho vlastný syn bol zabitý zvieratami. Aké ťažké to bolo pre malého Jozefa: vedieť, že tento biedny človek, ďaleko preč od svojho ľudu, zradený svojimi bratmi, hodený do jamy, mysleli si, že je mŕtvy, na jeho plášť dali ovčiu krv, tam, kde zabili baránka, aby ho zjedli, dali na to tú krv a zobrali to ku ich otcovi a ako toto všetko vedel. Ale Jozef si uvedomoval jednu vec, že ruka Pánova bola na ňom. On vedel, že bol veriaci. Bez ohľadu na to, ako ho jeho bratia odmietli, ako veľmi tam nebola žiadna spolupráca alebo niečo iné, Jozef vedel, že Boh dodrží Svoje Slovo. Keď videl to videnie, ako sa oni všetci pred ním klaňali, on vedel, že sa to musí stať, pretože to bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Amen. Nestaral sa, akým nerozumným sa to zdalo byť, Jozef vedel, že to bola pravda. Bez ohľadu na to, aká bola tá úloha ťažká, cez čo musel prejsť, on vedel, že jedného dňa sa každý jeden z nich pokloní pred jeho nohami. Ako to urobí, keď ho oni nenávideli? Ale on vedel, že Boh tak zakaždým Svoje Slovo potvrdí.
103Tak to On urobí dnes! Boh tak potvrdí Svoje Slovo, bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorí veda, „To sa nemôže stať.“ Bez ohľadu na to, ako sme vzdelaní a intelektuálni, ako cirkvi zašli do formality a tak ďalej, Boh stále dokazuje Svoje Slovo, že je správne. Odpočiň rovno v tom Slove.
104Áno, Jozef mal toho veľa, cez čo musel prejsť, ísť dolu do Egypta, ale Boh ho vyviedol presne tak, ako On povedal; veľmi pekný obraz dneška, ak by sme mali čas, aby sme do toho vošli. Myslím, že sme to tu v modlitebni pred tým mali, prechádzali sme cez to. Boh dodržal Svoje Slovo, pretože oni tam museli zostať. Pre tie Hebrejské deti tam dolu v Egyptskom otroctve to bolo ťažké. Hebrejské deti, ktoré boli požehnané a bolo im dané ovocie zeme, to najlepšie miesto, Gózen, keď zistili, že sa musia stať otrokmi; a tie matky, že museli do rúk Egyptských vojakov vydať ovocie svojho lona, svoje milované bábätko, a vidieť ich tam stáť, ako vzali veľký nôž a rozrezali ho a hodili na zem, hodili ho aligátorom. No, bola to pre nich ťažká vec, keď cez to museli prejsť.
105Ale jedného dňa sa narodilo to predurčené semeno, dieťa, ktoré bolo tým správnym dieťaťom. Niečo sa ohľadne neho zdalo byť zvláštnym. Tam na zadnej strane púšte jedného dňa zostúpil Duch Svätý vo forme ohnivého stĺpa a usadil sa na kríku a povedal, „Počul som vzdychania Môjho ľudu a rozpamätal som sa na Svoje zasľúbenie. A čas vyslobodenia sa priblížil a Ja ťa posielam tam dolu, aby si to vykonal.“ S palicou vo svojej ruke, jeho žena na mulici, dieťa na jej kolenách, on to vykonal mocou Všemohúceho Boha. Tá najkomickejšia vec: čo bola krivá palica proti desaťtisíc kopijám? Ale, vidíte, Boh bol v tom. To záleží na tom, kde je Jeho Slovo. Mojžiš mal Jeho Slovo, faraón mal kopije. Mojžiš mal to Slovo.
106Všetko, čo on potreboval, bolo to Slovo. To je všetko, čo ty dnes potrebuješ. To nie sú poverovacie listiny z nejakej cirkvi. Ty nepotrebuješ nejakú denomináciu, aby ťa podporovala. Ty potrebuješ to Slovo, aby si skrze neho dosiahol vytrhnutie. Nepotrebuješ nejaké poverovacie listiny. Nepotrebuješ nejakú dlhú históriu z nejakej školy, aby si bol dnes ráno uzdravený. Potrebuješ prijať to Slovo, ktoré to činí!
107Nepotrebuješ slovo doktora. Ak doktor hovorí, že urobil všetko, čo mohol urobiť, to je všetko, čo on môže urobiť. Ak on hovorí, že si dostal rakovinu, nádor, že oslepneš, si hluchý, nemý, čokoľvek to je, na tom nezáleží. Ak môžeš zobrať to Slovo tam ku tomu horiacemu zasľúbeniu toho kra, amen, niečo sa stane! Boh potvrdí Svoje Slovo, že je pravdou, zakaždým, kedy je prijaté na tom správnom druhu pôdy. To je to, čo potrebuješ, Jeho Slovo. On ho dokazuje, On ho dodržuje. Môžeš bezpečne odpočívať na tom, že Ono je pravdou.
108On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo v každom veku, tým najneobyčajnejším spôsobom, ale On to vždy robí tým istým spôsobom. Vidíte? Čo On urobil vo dňoch Noeho, keď sa chystal vyslobodiť ten ostatok? On im poslal proroka Noeho. On poslal Noeho, znak.
109A teraz si všimnite, keď On prichádza, aby vyslobodil deti Izraela, čo On robí? On postupuje rovnako, posiela Svojho proroka. Jeho prorok má to Slovo. Tie znamenia a zázraky toho zasľúbeného Slova to podopierajú, že ono je presne pravdou. Izrael putoval do zasľúbenej zeme, pretože oni tomu uverili.
110A na tej púti po púšti sa udialo to, že oni tomu prorokovi neverili, potom, ako videli to Slovo potvrdené, tá nevesta vyšla z kroku (viete, o čom hovorím, v tom videní, vidíte, „vyšla z kroku“). Bol tam jeden, ktorý sa postavil, volal sa Józua a Kálef, a veril, že to zasľúbené Slovo je pravdou, bez ohľadu na to, aké boli tie okolnosti.
111Pozorujte, keď sa dostali do Kádeš Barney. V Kádeš Barney, vyslal Mojžiš jedného z každého kmeňa, aby išli a prešpehovali zem, aby videli, ktorou cestou tam vojsť. A on poslal svojho generála, Józuu, ktorý bol prorokom, tak on poslal menšieho proroka od Mojžiša. A Józua počúval Mojžiša. A oni ho vyslali, tak on povedal, „Choďte tam a prešpehujte tú zem.“
112A ten generál vyšiel a vybral z každého kmeňa jedného muža a oni išli. On vzal Kálefa, svojho blízkeho priateľa, pretože on vedel, že Kálef veril. Oni išli tam do zasľúbenej zeme a vrátili sa s kopou hrozna, ktorú niesli dvaja muži. On teraz povedal, „Tak, aby Izrael mal dôkaz, dokonca pred tým, ako sa dostane do toho zasľúbenia. Vidíte, Oni budú mať dôkaz toho, o čom Boh povedal, že je to dobrá zem a oplýva mliekom a medom. Je to veľkolepá zem. Je to dobrá zem. No, vaša... ó, všetok tento starý cesnak, pór a čokoľvek máte tu v Egypte. Tak, my vás vezmeme do zeme mlieka a medu. Zrejme ste nikdy neochutnali ani jedno z toho, mlieko alebo med, počas tých rokov tam dolu v Egypte. Oni vám dávajú len otrocký prídel. Ale teraz idete do zasľúbenej zeme.“ Tak práve v tom čase, oni začali asi jednodňovú púť, kde bola Kádeš Barnea, tá veľká sudcovská stolica sveta, oni sa zastavili tam pod tými veľkými palmami, pri tých prameňoch a utáborili sa. On povedal, „No, nech ten ľud vie...“ Pozorujte, aký dokonalý, aký skutočný, dokonalý dôkaz to je, ako Boh koná práve tak, ako koná dnes. On povedal, „No, Boh povedal, 'Tá zem je ohromná'. Pred tým ako tam pôjdete, chcem, aby ste videli, že tá zem je ohromná. Tak choďte a prineste mi o tej zemi nejaký dôkaz a ukážte to tým ľuďom.“
113Tak, oni tam prišli. A teraz, vždy keď prichádzate, aby ste priniesli nejaký dôkaz, nepriateľ je tam na ceste. Keď sa tam niektorí z tých ľudí pozreli a videli tých veľkých obrov Kanaánu, ó, oni povedali, „My to nedokážeme.“ Ale oni priniesli naspäť ten dôkaz, že tá zem tam je. Oni neboli falošne vedení. Boh im dokazoval Svoje Slovo, dokonca ešte pred tým, ako vošli do tej zeme.
114Či to nemôžete vidieť, dnes, že ak cestujete tisíc míľ, aby ste počuli Slovo, a pozorovali ho, ako je ono dokázané a potvrdené, že to je dôkaz, že to je ohromná Zem? Môžete vidieť tieň muža, ktorý leží a zomiera na rakovinu, „Buď uzdravený.“ A my vidíme Slová Božie, o ktorých On povedal, že sa stanú v tomto dni, že sa potvrdzujú, to je dôkaz, že On dodržuje Svoje Slovo. Je to ohromná Zem. Keď môj život prichádza ku koncu a Boh zostupuje a znova ho ušetrí, to ukazuje, že existuje dôkaz Večného Života. Pričom voľakedy by ste do cirkvi neprišli, teraz stojíte v rade, aby ste sa tam dostali. To je dôkaz. Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo a potvrdzuje vám ho, že je pravdou.
115Cestujete tisícky míľ; ako som sem ráno prichádzal a pozrel som tam a videl tých ľudí, ako kŕmia svoje deti z fľaše od kokakoly, trochu cereálií, asi o piatej ráno, sedeli na tom pozemku. Pomyslel som si, „Bože, bol by som najhorší pokrytec na svete, keby som nechal tých ľudí, aby prešli celú tú vzdialenosť, a povedal by som im niečo, čo by nebolo pravdou. Pretože mám nad nimi ľútosť, moje srdce ide za nimi. Oni sú hladní a smädní po Bohu. Pomôž mi, Pane, povedať im Pravdu, alebo ma vezmi z tohto sveta. Dovoľ mi povedať tým ľuďom Pravdu, tak pomôž mi, Bože.“ Povedal som, „Drž moju ruku a dovoľ mi poznať Pravdu a potom to podopri potvrdením toho, že čo som povedal, je Pravda, aby oni poznali, že to je Pravda. Nedovoľ, aby tí ľudia boli zvedení. Nie.“ Ako ide moje srdce ku niečomu takému, aby som videl verných ľudí!
116Predstavujem si, ako Józua rozmýšľal o tej istej veci, v tom dni, keď ich zhromaždil, vidiac ich, ako si perú svoje šaty a pripravujú sa na ten tretí deň. Áno, On to potvrdil. No, čo povedal Józua? Čo oni povedali, „Ó, my to nedokážeme. Ty to jednoducho nedokážeš. Musíme vystúpiť z našej organizácie. Sme na konci. Vidíte, nemôžeme to teraz urobiť. Jednoducho to nemôžeme urobiť, pretože to je nerozumné.“ A keď ich tam Józua viedol, bolo to v mesiaci apríl, keď bola vysoká voda a Jordán bol široký, takmer ako rieka Ohio. Vyzeralo to, ako by Boh urobil strašnú chybu.
117Viete, niekedy ochoriete a poviete, „No, som Kresťanom. Boh, On urobil chybu, nechal ma ochorieť a ja som Kresťan.“ Či si neuvedomujete, že Biblia povedala, že všetko bude spolu pôsobiť na dobré tým, ktorí milujú Boha?
118Tam, kde ich Józua viedol, teraz, Jordán býva skutočne klesnutý. Môžete sa cez neho prebrodiť takmer všade naokolo, jedine, že narazíte na jamu vo vode, kde to je pomerne hlboké; môže sa to stať, a so všetkými týmito malými brodmi a vecami rovno tam pri brehoch Jericha. Môžete to prebrodiť, nie je tam oveľa hlbšie ako po členok, prejdete to s džípom, prejdete cez neho, prejdete ho pešo, alebo akokoľvek. Ale on ich tam viedol v apríli, keď tam bola krajina zaplavená takmer na míľu ďaleko. Tá voda bola zrejme tridsať alebo štyridsať stôp hlboká. A on povedal, „Na tretí deň prejdeme na druhú stranu. Boh tak povedal! Zvolaj ľudí a posväť ich, pretože na tretí deň prejdete cez Jordán.“ Vidíte, ako Boh necháva veci, aby sa diali? Len aby to vykonal, spôsobuje, že ľudia... jednoducho vyťahuje Svoj zástup. Čo oni robili? Oni sa posvätili a pripravili, bez ohľadu na to, aká bola tá voda hlboká a aká bola kalná a aký rýchly bol ten prúd. Vidíte, oni vedeli, že Boh potvrdí Svoje Slovo.
119Bez ohľadu na to, ako blízko ste pri Jordáne, bez ohľadu na to, v akých okolnostiach sa nachádzate, ak len môžete držať to zasľúbenie Božie vo svojom srdci, Boh to potvrdí, že je to tak. Uprostred všetkej nevery, On vždy potvrdí, že je to tak. Áno, On to robí. A okolnosti Ho nezastavia, On vždy urobí to isté, ako to robil tam vtedy.
120Všimnite si, bolo to cez Jeho veriacich, skrze čo On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. On môže potvrdiť Svoje Slovo jedine... nie skrze neveriacich, je to len skrze veriacich, to, ako On môže potvrdiť Svoje Slovo. Bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi tí ostatní tvrdili, čím sú, „Ó, ja verím, brat!“ Vidíš, ak veríš, Boh potvrdí, že je to tak, pretože my sa dívame a vidíme iných. Ako to potom môžeme povedať? Vidíte, to je skrze pravých veriacich, skrze ktorých On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo; nie skrze tých, ktorí hovoria, že veria, ale skrze tých, ktorí skutočne veria. To je skrze Jeho veriace deti, cez ktoré On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo.
121No, on mal veriacich. Tá stará úroda vymrela, tí neveriaci, ktorí povedali, „Nedokážeme ju zabrať,“ On nechal každého jedného z nich zahynúť (prečo?), každého jedného z nich, okrem tých veriacich. Kto zostal? Mojžiš bol vzatý do Slávy. A tí neveriaci pohynuli na púšti a toto boli ich deti. Boli tam len dvaja, ktorí prešli na druhú stranu, a to boli tí veriaci, Józua a Kálef. Oni boli tí veriaci, oni boli tí, ktorí prešli na druhú stranu. To je ten jediný spôsob, ako to Boh môže urobiť, skrze Svoje veriace deti. Veríte tomu? V poriadku. Jeho veriaci boli tí jediní, ktorí to vykonali. On ich použil na to prejdenie na druhú stranu. Vidíte?
122No, chcem aby ste si všimli, že On to tak robí v každom veku. On to robí zakaždým tým istým spôsobom, On musí zobrať veriacich. A potom, na to, aby mal veriacich, aby sa stretli s tým Slovom, On ho musí predurčiť na ten vek. Rozumiete tomu? On musí túto vec predurčiť, aby tam bola, aby vyhovela výzve toho veku. Porozumeli ste to? Cítili ste to? Uvideli ste to? Rozumiete tomu? To je to, čo sa deje dnes, On to predurčil ku tomuto, skrze Svoje predzvedenie. Keď to On predurčil, v Malachiášovi 4, to sa musí stať. Keď On prichádza a čokoľvek predurčuje, čo sa má stať, vo Svojom Slove, On musel potvrdiť Svoje Slovo, že je pravdou. Keď On čokoľvek predurčuje, že sa to stane, a hovorí, že sa to stane, On vie, že to semeno tam bude práve v tom čase. On predurčil Nevestu a ona tam bude! Bude vytrhnutie a ona tam bude! On ju predurčuje skrze Svoje predzvedenie. Vidíte, nič to nezastaví.
123Keď im Boh povedal, „No, dávam vám zasľúbenie o zasľúbenej zemi. Povedal som vášmu otcovi, Abrahámovi, že jeho deti budú bývať tu dolu štyristo rokov.“
124Mojžiš povedal, „Ja som prorok Pánov. Pozorujte a hľaďte na to, čo prorokujem. Ak sa to stane, potom budete vedieť, že som poslaný od Pána, pretože vy viete, že Boh vám to už povedal. No, teraz, ak prorokujem toto, a to sa deje a toto sa deje, zakaždým tak isto, tak teraz viete, že som poslaný od Pána, aby som vám to povedal. No, je zasľúbená zem, ktorú zasľúbil Boh. Vidíte? A Boh zasľúbil túto zem. Je to dobrá zem, ona oplýva mliekom a medom. Nasledujte ma.“
125A ako oni išli na púšť, kde on mal putovať, aby ich zobral na tú púšť, kde mu Boh povedal, aby ich priviedol naspäť na vrch Sinaj, potom Boh zostúpil pred celým Izraelom, so Stĺpom Ohňa, a potvrdil, že to, čo Mojžiš povedal, bolo tam, potvrdil, že to bola pravda, potvrdil tam Mojžiša, „Mojžiš povedal, že ten JA SOM bol na tomto vrchu, JA SOM sa mu zjavil vo forme horiaceho kríku. A teraz ten JA SOM spôsobil, že horí celý ten vrch.“
126Oni povedali, „Nech Boh nehovorí, nech Mojžiš hovorí. Zahynieme.“
127On povedal, „Ja to viac neurobím. Ja im vzbudím proroka, on ku nim bude hovoriť v Mojom Mene.“ Tak, to je to, čo On robí, presne tak On vyplňuje Svoje Slovo.
128Všimnite si, potom tí, ktorí neverili, potom, čo sa dostali tak blízko ku tej zemi, že oni neverili. No, vy, ktorí si zapisujete, zapíšte si Židom 6, rovno tu, kde je povedané, „ Tí, ktorí boli raz osvietení, učinení účastnými Ducha Svätého; keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu; ktorí sebe znova križujú Syna Božieho a vystavujú Ho otvorenej hanbe; pre tých je nemožné, aby boli spasení.“ Vidíte, práve tak nemožné, ako pre tamtých prejsť do tej zasľúbenej zeme.
129Ľudia prichádzajú rovno ku krstu Duchom Svätým, oni prídu rovno ku Slovu, oni prídu cez všetky denominácie a všetky cirkvi a všetky katechizmy a všetko, ale keď to prichádza ku tomu Slovu, tej hraničnej línii, oni hovoria, „Ó, ja o tom nič neviem, moja cirkev to tak neučí.“ Nestarám sa, čo učí tvoja cirkev, Biblia hovorí, že je to tak. Potom poviete, „Ako viem, že je to správne?“ On to potvrdzuje a dokazuje to!
130No, Biblia na ten deň povedala, „Je tam dobrá zem a je plná mlieka a medu a výborného hrozna a granátových jabĺk a, ó, je to nádherné miesto.“
131No, oni povedali, „No, niektorí z vás, prešmyknite sa tam a obzrite ju a vráťte sa späť, tak môžeme potešiť tento ľud. Chystáme sa prejsť hneď teraz na druhú stranu, ak tomu len budete veriť. No, oni tam išli.
132A tu sa oni vracajú, ó, dvaja z nich, pokrikovali, „Chvála Bohu! Videli sme ju! Videli sme ju! Ó, ona je nádherná, nie je nič také ako to!“ Tí ostatní, tí desiati tam stáli a hovorili, „Ó, nie, nie, nie, nie, my to nedokážeme.“ Koľkí prešli na druhú stranu? Tí dvaja! Je to tak. Tí dvaja, pretože oni vedeli, že Boh potvrdí Svoje Slovo, že je pravdou. Všimnite si, žiaden vylievajúci sa Jordán, nie veru, žiadne zatopené brehy Jordánu, alebo žiadni Kanaánski obri ich nemohli zastaviť. Boh potvrdil Svoje Slovo, že je pravdou, On ich vzal rovno do tej zeme.
133On urobí tú istú vec znova, áno, tak veru, v tých zasľúbeniach na dnes. On Svoje Slovo potvrdzuje. Bez ohľadu na čokoľvek, On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo.
134 On jedného dňa zatvoril ústa hladných ľudožrútskych levov, aby dokázal prorokovi Danielovi, že Jeho Slovo je pravda, že On môže vyslobodiť. A oni kŕmili týchto levov ľudským mäsom. A držali tých levov, aby boli hladní, takže, keď tam spadol človek, alebo dieťa, čokoľvek, čo tam oni hodili, to bol trest smrti, ten lev ich roztrhal na kusy, táto svorka hladných levov. A oni dostali tohto proroka, so Slovom Pánovým pre deti Izraela, ktorý prorokoval, čo sa s nimi stane. A on tam bol s nimi. Ale Boh to tak nenechal, On chcel potvrdiť Svoje Slovo, že On môže vyslobodiť. A oni nechali tých levov vyhladovať a hodili tam toho proroka a oni ku nemu takto pribehli. Stál tam Ohnivý Stĺp, (a každé zviera sa bojí ohňa), ten Ohnivý Stĺp tam stál, tie levy si ľahli. On dodržal Svoje Slovo. On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo, On ho potvrdzuje, On potvrdzuje, že je pravdou.
135No, On vzal tú páľavu z plameňov ohnivej pece, aby dokázal, že Jeho slovo je pravdou, že On môže vyslobodiť z ohňa. Rovno medzi tými plameňmi, kde boli hodené tie deti a zostali tam dlhý čas, keď dokonca ten človek, ktorý ich do toho hodil, tá veľká páľava tej pece zabila tých veľkých vojakov, ktorí ich tam viedli. A Boh dovolil, aby ten oheň horel ďalej, ale On zobral z toho tú páľavu. On potvrdzuje! Ak stojíte pri Ňom, On stojí pri vás. Stojí pri vás? Isteže! O hodinu neskôr oni otvorili dvere a povedali, „Povedzte, koľkých ste tam hodili?“ Povedali, „Vieme, že sme tam hodili troch.“ On povedal, „Sú tam štyria a jeden z nich vyzerá ako Syn Boží.“ Vidíte, On ukazuje! Prečo? On je tým Slovom.
136A oni povedali, „Boh je schopný vyslobodiť nás z tej ohnivej pece, ale, jednako, my sa nepokloníme žiadnemu obrazu, pretože my stojíme so Slovom.“ Akýkoľvek obraz, forma náboženstva, choďte od toho preč. Boh bude stáť pri vás. On vezme tú páľavu z toho prenasledovania. On zoberie preč život tej rakoviny. On vezme... On urobí čokoľvek; On je Boh. Stojte pri Ňom; On bude stáť pri vás. On potvrdí, že Jeho Slovo je pravda, zakaždým. On vzal páľavu z tých plameňov, zatvoril ústa levom a tak ďalej.
137Tu je ďalšia vec, ktorú Boh urobil, aby ukázal, že On je Bohom. Ľudia, potom, ako boli tam na púšti, nadobudli vzdelanie, urobili sa veľkými ľuďmi. Mali organizácie zvané Farizejovia, Sadúcejovia, Herodiáni a podobne. Boli veľkými ľuďmi. Urobili jeden z druhého kňazov. Konali rôzne veľké veci, urobili najvyšších kňazov a veľkých ľudí a hodnostárov a tak ďalej.
138Ale Boh, v strede toho všetkého, On vzbudil proroka, syna kňaza. On odišiel na púšť, keď mal deväť rokov. Nevedel prečítať svoje meno, ak by aj bolo napísané vo veľkosti nákladného auta. Prečo, prečo to on urobil? On bol prorok. Ak by bol trénovaný vo vzdelaní svojho otca, on by bol pravdepodobne farizejom alebo sadúcejom, alebo jedným z ich skupín. Ale on mal dôležitú prácu, to bolo ohlásiť Mesiáša. Prečo? Boh dodržal Svoje Slovo a potvrdil ho. „Hlas volajúceho zo seminára, 'Hľa, mám svoj doktorát'“? To môže byť v narodeninovom almanachu starých dám, ale nie v Slove Božom. On povedal, „Hlas volajúceho na púšti, 'Pripravte cestu Pánovu a urovnajte Jeho chodníky!'“ Či On vtedy pripravoval cestu Slova, aby sa Slovo mohlo manifestovať? Halleluja!
139Či to nevidíte v tých tieňoch? Zastavme sa tu na minútu. V tých posledných dňoch, musí byť pripravené miesto pre Slovo, aby sa zamanifestovalo a my teraz žijeme skrze dôkaz tej novej Zeme, amen, Syna človeka.
140Jánovo poverenie, bez vzdelania, bez čohokoľvek, zostával na púšti. Jeho kázne boli v typoch. „Sekera je priložená ku koreňom stromu,“ to je to, čo on videl. Rúbanie sekerou, aby si spravil nejakú chatrč, zapáliť oheň, aby spálil svoje drevo. „Ó, vy plemä vreteníc,“ to je to, čo on videl. Najošklivejšia vec v tej džungli, pre neho, v tých kríkoch, to bol had. Povedal, „Vy plemä hadov, kto vás varoval, aby ste unikli od nadchádzajúceho hnevu? Nezačnite hovoriť, 'My máme toto a patríme do tohto a patríme do tamtoho,' Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi. Sekera je priložená ku koreňu stromu a každý strom, ktorý neprináša dobré ovocie...“ Čo on robí na púšti, keď to nie... chytá si kobylky a také veci, zotína a páli to. Vidíte? „On zhromaždí pšenicu do stodoly, ale plevy bude páliť neuhasiteľným ohňom.“ Takýto človek, dokonca bez plášťa, aký majú cirkevní hodnostári, dokonca bez kňazskej čiapky. Vidíte? On prišiel s kusom ovčej vlny, ovinutej okolo seba, s kusom otrhanej kože z ťavieho chrbta a vyšiel tam zarastený a so strapatými vlasmi, povedal, „Sekera je priložená ku koreňom stromu.“ Amen. On prišiel smelo. Prečo? To bolo potvrdené Božie Slovo, „Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov!“ Boh to zasľúbil, „Hľa, Ja pošlem posla pred Mojou tvárou.“ Nie veľmi nábožný, žiaden vedecký alebo náboženský dôkaz, ale Božie Slovo je dôkaz. Boh dodržal Svoje Slovo, vidíte. Nie učený, vôbec nie, ale prorok, poslaný v Mene Pánovom. On to učinil, prečo? Aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo.
141No, tí kňazi povedali, „My vieme, že tam v posledných dňoch príde niekto, tak my školíme každého chlapca, ktorého máme, a pripravujeme sa na to. Každý jeden z vás chlapcov musí mať vysokoškolské vzdelanie. Vy sem musíte prísť. Bezpochyby, ale čo to bude v tej rodovej línii, on príde na spôsob Levitov, pretože to je to, odkiaľ prišlo kňazstvo.“ Ale on nebol kňaz, on bol prorok! A to je podľa Božieho výberu. On nemusí prísť z určitej denominácie alebo rodovej línie. To je Božia voľba skrze predurčenie, predzvedenie. On prichádza Božím vybraným spôsobom. Tak oni mu neverili, pretože On neprišiel tým spôsobom, ktorý oni ustanovili, o ktorom si mysleli, že On tak príde. To by sa mohlo znovu zopakovať, viete, obyčajne sa to tak deje. Ale my nachádzame, že on prichádza tak, ako to Boh určil, aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo.
142Všimnite si, On spôsobil, aby panna počala, aby dokázal Svoje Slovo. Izaiáš 9:6 a my to nachádzame, „Syn sa nám narodil, dieťa nám je dané.“ No, zisťujeme, že On povedal, že panna počne. A Boh spôsobil, že panna počala. Kvôli čomu? Aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo. Počúvajte teraz, len zopár minút, budeme končiť. On spôsobil, že panna počala, aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo. To bolo úplne... To poplietlo všetkých vedcov. [Prázdne miesto na páske — pozn.prekl.].
143Porozumeli ste tomu, však? Vidíte, tá zem je prekliata. Celá zem je prekliata, kvôli Adamovmu hriechu. Ale keď toto malé semeno... No, žena nemá semeno. Ona má pole, v ktorom to semeno leží, nie semeno, pretože tam nie je žiadny zárodok, zárodok musí... semeno musí mať v sebe život. Ak tam nie je, je len hmotou, nie je tam život. Tak, to semeno je v tom mužovi. To je ten dôvod, že semeno hada muselo byť v žene, vidíte, pretože to nebolo semeno Božie. My to vieme. Choďte ďalej, počkajte, až dostanete tú knihu, a čítajte ju a potom uvidíte, alebo vám to ukážem pomocou Písma, jednoducho to otvára celú tú vec tak isto, ako vodný krst v Jeho Meno, rozumiete, ako to je. Boh sa nikdy nemýli, On má vždy pravdu. Hoci to nemôžete porozumieť, jednako tomu verte. Je to presne Pravda.
144A teraz zisťujeme, že On povedal toto, On spôsobil, aby sa toto stalo. No, keď toto malé semeno, ktoré On stvoril bez muža, prišlo do malého vajíčka, do toho poľa, ktoré On stvoril, potom to malé semeno, ten malý zárodok sa plazí do toho vajíčka a ten malý chvost sa z neho strasie a začína rozvíjať bunku za bunkou, žijúc z matkinho života, jej tela, a tam ho ona vyživuje prostredníctvom svojho krvného riečišťa. A my teraz zisťujeme, že ona ho vyživuje; to nie je jeho krv; to je jej krv. Nie, on nemá ani štipku matkinej krvi. Ale on je vyživovaný z vitamínov matky, ale nemá jej krv. Je to všetko zviazané v zväzku jej krvi, aby ho to držalo preč od otrasov a takýchto vecí a tej vody, ale on nemá ani trošku z matkinej krvi. Tá matka môže zomierať na tuberkulózu a porodiť dieťa; ono ju nemôže zdediť, pretože ten gén tuberkulózy, prichádza cez to krvné riečište. Tuberkulóza sa nededí; slabosť áno, ale nie tuberkulóza, pretože on by musel nabrať matkin dych a prijať ten zárodok, pred tým, ako môže dýchať. To dieťa je od toho dokonale voľné, pretože to nie je nič z matkinej krvi.
145No, nachádzame, že Boh prišiel do tejto malej bunky, vidíte, a začal rozvíjať bunky, čerpajúc vitamíny a veci zo Svojej matky, tak ako ich ona prijímala. Potom, keď už bol dosť starý na to, aby začal jesť Sám, On začal jesť. A čo to je? Je to prach zeme, z ktorého ste vy vyšli, a rastlinný život a zvierací život a tak ďalej, a ako On začal jesť ryby a chlieb a tak ďalej, to začalo rozvíjať bunky. A potom, keď bol úplne dospelý, keď mal tridsať, On bol v poslušnosti pokrstený Jánom tam dolu, v poslušnosti Bohu, vo vode, a vyšiel odtiaľ von. A čo sa stalo? Tá Holubica, ktorou bol Boh, ktorý zostupoval z neba, s hlasom hovoriacim, „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo prebývať.“ Čo prišiel urobiť? Vykúpiť tú časť zeme. On bol počiatok stvorenia Božieho. Pretože Boh nie je stvorenie, len v Kristovi je On stvorením, pretože Boh je večný a je Duchom a Duch nie je stvorený. On bol počiatok stvorenia Božieho a Boh to telo vykúpil. Vidíte, keď On zostupuje, „Toto je Môj milovaný syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať.“
146Tak On, Boh, zostúpil potom, ako cez toto prešiel a teraz každý syn, ktorého vy vyživujete a je narodený skrze prirodzené sexuálne narodenie, tým spôsobom, ktorým ste prišli; potom, keď to prichádza do miesta, kam idete cez vodný krst, potom krst Duchom Svätým, potom Duch Svätý zostupuje v krste Ohňom a nárokuje si toto stvorenie, tak isto si nárokoval Jeho. Duch Svätý a Boh je ten istý Duch. Vidíte? On zostupuje a nárokuje si toto telo pre vzkriesenie. A On povstal na naše ospravedlnenie, „Všetkých, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu ku mne, nikto z nich nezahynie. Ja ich vzkriesim v ten posledný deň. Dokonca ani jeden vlas na hlave nezhynie.“ To je počiatok stvorenia Božieho. Toto je pokračovanie stvorenia Božieho. Potom, celá zem musí mať krst. A potom Duch Svätý zostupuje do toho mesta, aby prebýval na zemi a ten stánok Boží je s človekom, ľuďmi, a prebýva s nimi, Boh si urobil príbytok tu na zemi. Celý tento plán vykúpenia, ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým, je to tak isto.
147No, všimnite si, On spôsobil, aby táto panna počala, a to je v tom, že ona porodila syna bez toho, aby poznala muža. Toto miatlo vedu počas tých vekov. A stále mätie. Oni sa zrejme na Izaiášovi smiali, keď hovoril a povedal, že táto panna počne, „No, ako by to mohlo byť?“
148Predstavujem si Izaiáša, ako bol zaskočený, keď počul Boha povedať, „Ja im dám super znak, dám im večný znak, panna počne.“ No, on, známy medzi ľuďmi, jeho ľudom, ako prorok, potvrdený Bohom. No, keď on prišiel pred tých doktorov a tak ďalej, s týmto prehlásením, „Panna počne.“ Vidíte, to sa nikdy nestalo, od počiatku času, ide to naspäť, kde Boh stvoril Svojho prvého človeka. Ale tu, teraz, žena, ktorá je tu na zemi, ide počať. Rozmýšľajte o tom v racionálnej sfére, čo ak by bol ten prorok zaskočený? Ale on vedel, že Boh Svoje Slovo dodrží, On ho potvrdí. Predstavujem si, že každá židovská rodina pripravovala svoju malú dcéru na to, že bude mať toto dieťa, vidíte, kúpili mu topánočky, alebo čokoľvek oni nosili a vzorované oblečenie, a pripravili sa na to, že to dieťa príde. Prešli generácie, ale Boh potvrdil Svoje Slovo! Panna počala a porodila dieťa, potvrdil, že Slovo Jeho proroka bolo Pravdou. On vždy stojí pri nich.
149Tento Syn z panny bol zamanifestovaným Slovom. Svätý Ján 1, ak si to chcete prečítať. Svätý Ján 1, tento prorok, tento prorok, tiež. Ale tento Syn z panny bol zamanifestovaným Slovom, počiatok stvorenia Božieho. No, celá zem je Božím stvorením, ale ono je stratené. Vidíte? Potom On vykupuje túto zem. A vy ste časťou tej zeme a On vás vykupuje tým istým spôsobom, akým vykupuje celú zem. Vidíte? No, tento panenský Syn bol zamanifestovaným Slovom, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“
150Satan skúšal všetku možnú taktiku, aby Ho priviedol do toho, aby to zdiskreditoval. Satan sa všemožne snažil, aby Ho priviedol do toho, aby to On zdiskreditoval, snažil sa priviesť Ho do toho, aby zabral to kráľovstvo bez utrpenia, snažil sa priviesť Ho do toho, aby si to vzal bez vykúpenia (zatiaľ čo to bol Boží plán v záhrade Eden, keď On zabil baránka, tak, aby si to mohol vziať len skrze krv), dokonca Mu sľúbil všetky kráľovstvá toho sveta, ak by On na to pristúpil. Pomyslite, aké zasľúbenie!
151Či si neuvedomujete, moji drahí vzácni priatelia, v tejto minúte, že Satan vám dáva zasľúbenie na... on ťa učiní jedným z ich najlepších kazateľov v tom združení. On ti dá predné sedadlo v každej cirkvi a urobí ťa diakonom. On urobí čokoľvek, ak by ťa len dostal preč od tohto Slova.
152Teraz si všimnite, urobí každú... dá Mu ten svet a všetky tie kráľovstvá, ktoré by On mohol mať. On sa Ho snažil doviesť do toho, aby porušil to Slovo, pretože vedel, že by Ho mohol mať rovno tam, ak by mohol. On spôsobil, že to Mojžiš porušil, on spôsobil, že Eva to porušila, ale tentokrát narazil na nesprávneho Človeka. Prečo? On bol Slovom, a on to nevedel. On bol samotným Slovom.
153Môžem ho vidieť. Chceme to zobraziť takým trochu detským obrazom. Môžem vidieť tie veľké staré čierne krídla, ako nimi máva oproti Eve a hovorí, „No, poviem ti niečo, je to príjemné. Mala by si to skúsiť.“
„Ale Boh povedal, že ak to spravíme, potom zomrieme.“
154„Ó, dobre, istotne nezomriete. Ó, to je nezmysel. To je nejaká stará pochmúrna predstava. Vôbec tomu never.“ Ale Boh tak povedal! Boh potvrdil, že je to pravda. A On to potvrdzuje práve teraz, ľudia zomierajú v tejto minúte. On stále potvrdzuje, že je to pravda.
155Všimnite si, a keď on prichádza ku Mojžišovi, on povedal, „Mojžiš, ty si horúca hlava, ty si výbušný. Pozri, čo tá banda odpadlíkov urobila, vidíte. Prečo len nezídeš tam dolu a naozaj im o tom nepovieš?“ A on to urobil.
156Ale keď narazil na ten vodič s desaťtisícimi voltami, to jeho perie popálilo, keď proti Nemu vybehol. On povedal, „Ó, počuj,“ povedal, „Dám Ti všetky tieto kráľovstvá.“
„Je napísané!“ Vidíte? „Je napísané!“
157On teraz povedal, „Ak si Syn Boží.“ Vidíte, on o tom vždy pochyboval. On stále učí iných, aby o tom pochybovali. On učil Evu, aby o tom pochybovala, učil Mojžiša, on učil každého z nich, aby vyskúšali o tom zapochybovať.
158On učí vás, aby ste vyskúšali o tom zapochybovať. A vy, ktorí tu práve teraz sedíte, ak chcete, aby som povedal vaše mená, to bol Satan, ktorý sa už dlhý čas snaží doviesť vás do toho, aby ste o mne pochybovali. Nerobte to. Sestra, ak to budeš robiť, dobre, ty... alebo, nie ja, ale len pochybnosť. Len ver tomuto Slovu. Nemusíš veriť mne, ale ver Tomuto. Vidíte? Ak ja hovorím toto Slovo, ono nie je moje, ono je Jeho. Moje slovo sa môže líšiť, ale Toto je Jeho. Vidíte? Všimnite si teraz, všimnite. Nechcem teraz ísť do tohto.
159Všimnite si, zasľúbenie, všetky Jeho Slová sú absolútne pravdou. On ich dokázal. On ich dokázal, pretože On dokázal, že On bol pravdivým Slovom. „Človek nebude žiť len na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“
160Ako on žije? Skrze, „No, ak len zoberiete niečo z Božieho Slova, on bude žiť“? Tak, to nikdy nebolo to, čo On povedal. Všimli ste si, k-a-ž-d-... „každom Slove“? Ako on žije? „Ó, on sa tam kŕmi“? Nie, on rýchlo zomiera. To je telo. „No, on, ó, on patrí do cirkvi. On verí všetkému okrem Toho“? On je stále mŕtvy. Rozumiete tomu? „On môže žiť iba každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst...“ Veľkňaza, biskupa, kardinála, pastora? „Z úst Boha! Každé Slovo, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“ Ako vieme, že je to Slovo Božie? On tak hovorí, potom to On potvrdzuje. On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. Všimnite si potom, ak je to tak, vaše vyznanie nespôsobí, že budete žiť. Vaša príslušnosť k cirkvi nespôsobí, že budete žiť.
Všimnite si, len skrze Jeho Slovo, ani jedno Slovo zle uložené. Nikto nebude... Jedno slovo zabilo ľudskú rasu. V Biblii, v Zjavení 22, jedno slovo vždy usmrtí celú tú vec, jeho meno bude vzaté z Knihy Života. „Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo, alebo vezme jedno Slovo.“ Ani jedno slovo! Nie... Nie, mám na mysli, nie dve slová, len jedno slovo! Nie jednu vetu; jedno slovo! Jedno slovo! Ó, ľudia, rozumiete tomu?
161No, ja nehovorím len ku tomuto zhromaždeniu. Toto sa nahráva, viete a ide to do celého sveta. Či rozumiete, vy ľudia vo svete, že jedno Slovo, jedno Slovo, nie jedna veta, nie jeden paragraf, jedno Slovo, to je všetko, čomu Eva neverila. Priviedol... Boh to potvrdil. „Ale potom, ak zachovávate každé Slovo, budete žiť.“ Oni pochybovali v jedno Slovo, to priviedlo smrť ľudskej rase. Ale človek nebude žiť len na samom chlebe, kvôli jeho fyzickej sile, ale na každom Slove, na každom Slove, práve tak, ako je Ono napísané. Biblia hovorí, „Ono nepodlieha súkromnému výkladu.“ Žiaden človek sa nemá snažiť nejako vykladať ani jedno Slovo Božie. Boh je Svojím vlastným vykladačom.
162Keď On zasľúbil, On povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a bolo svetlo. On povedal, „Panna počne,“ a ona počala. Vidíte, čokoľvek Boh hovorí, Boh to dokazuje.
163Bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi sa snažíte rozmýšľať o tom, že to fyzické vzkriesenie nemôže byť, a o tých ľuďoch, tam dávno, ktorí sú len prachom zeme, a prestali byť prachom, stali sa kyselinami a plynmi, z ktorých boli učinené ich telá. Ich duša stále žije. Boh povedal, „Ja to vzbudím.“ Jób povedal, „Hoci červy zničia toto telo, jednako v mojom tele uvidím Boha.“ Vidíte, bez ohľadu na to, každé Slovo musí byť zachované a človek bude žiť skrze to Slovo. On vzkriesil človeka z mŕtvych, potom čo bol mŕtvy štyri dni, aby dokázal, že On bol vzkriesenie a Život. Keď človek bol mŕtvy štyri dni a páchol, jeho nos vpadol do vnútra počas štyroch dní. Je to tak. Tá prvá vec, ktorá sa v ľudskej bytosti zborí, je nos, vpadne do mŕtvoly, stane sa hladkým a prepadne sa. Potom koža, tie chrobáky, vy... Položia vás do zapečatenej truhly, čokoľvek to môže byť, ale jednako tie kožné červy nemusia prísť zo zeme, ony sú vo vás. Všimli ste si, ako Jób povedal, „Hoci ma zničia moje kožné červy.“ Nie tie červy zo zeme, tam nebudú žiadne. Tie červy sú vo vás, pripravené, aby vás zničili, smrť, ktorá pracuje vo vašom smrteľnom tele. Ale keď máte Krista, potom Život pracuje vo vašom smrteľnom tele, aby vás znova vzkriesil. Vidíte? On vzkriesil človeka zo smrti, potom čo bol štyri dni mŕtvy, „on páchne,“ aby potvrdil to, čo On povedal, „Ja som vzkriesenie a Život.“ No, kto by to mohol povedať okrem Boha, vidíte, „Ja som vzkriesenie a Život. Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, hoci by zomrel, jednako bude žiť.“ Veríte tomu? A on vzkriesil toho človeka, aby dokázal, že Jeho Slovo je pravdou. Správne!
164Všimnite si, On bol Slovom. Židom 4:12, ak si to chcete poznačiť. Židom 4:12, je tam povedané, „Slovo Božie je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč, rozoznáva myšlienky a úmysly srdca.“ Je to tak? „Rozoznávateľ.“ Aby dokázal, že On bol Slovom, čo On urobil? Peter prišiel k Nemu, jeho meno bolo Šimon. A on prišiel k Ježišovi a On povedal... sadol si tam a Ježiš, hneď, ako on prišiel k nemu, On povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon a ty si syn Jonáša.“ Nevzdelaný, nemal žiaden titul, nemal nič, bol len obyčajným rybárom, žiadne vzdelanie, Biblia povedala, že on bol „nevzdelaný a neučený,“ ale on sa stal biskupom Jeruzalemskej cirkvi. Prečo? Prečo? Ježiš mu povedal, kým je, aké bolo jeho meno a aké bolo meno jeho otca. A on vedel, že to bolo Slovo, pretože Biblia povedala, „Pán, váš Boh, vám vzbudí proroka ako som ja,“ a to bude musieť byť ten Prorok a po Malachiášovi neboli zasľúbení žiadni proroci až po Mesiáša, štyristo rokov bez proroka. A tu bol Muž, ktorý tam stál, potvrdzoval, alebo dokazoval Svoje Slovo, tomuto mužovi, ktorý bol predurčený do Života, povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon, odteraz... Ty si syn Jonášov, odteraz sa budeš volať 'Peter.'“ Rozmýšľajte o tom! Komu to On potvrdil? Prečo On nepotvrdil to Slovo ku... Prečo On nepotvrdil to Slovo Kajfášovi? On bol Boh, On vedel, že Kajfáš by tomu nikdy neuveril. Ale tento človek bol určený do Života, On to vedel hneď tam vtedy.
165Raz, ako tam stál uprostred, kde išiel ďalší človek o niekoľko dní neskôr a doviedol kamaráta z okolia toho vrchu, asi pätnásť míľ od miesta, kde oni kázali, priviedol ho tam nasledujúci deň. On tam stál uprostred a prišiel tam, kde bol Ježiš. Ježiš sa rozhliadol, On bol Boh, vidíte, On mal rozpoznanie. To ukázalo, vidíte, On to Slovo spečatil, On to Slovo potvrdil. No, niektorí z nich povedia, „Viete, ten človek je Slovo.“
166„Nezmysel,“ tí kňazi povedali, „ten človek nie je. Nie. To nie je Slovo.“
167Povedal, „Viete, čo hovorí Písmo, 'Pán, náš Boh, vzbudí proroka, ako bol Mojžiš.' A to je On. Počúvajte Ho.“
168No, On povedal, „Ty si, hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nie je lesti.“ Tento človek povedal, „Rabi, odkiaľ ma poznáš?“
169On povedal, „Predtým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, Ja som ťa videl.“ On vedel, kto tomu bude veriť.
170On povedal, „Rabi, Ty si Syn Boží. Ty si to Slovo.“ Ježiš dokázal, že On bol tým Slovom, skrze to Slovo.
171Všimnite si tú ženu pri studni. Ona očakávala Mesiáša. Ona nemala nič spoločné s ich veľkými zástupmi a denomináciami a tak ďalej, ktoré mali v tých dňoch. Ona očakávala na to Slovo. Tak, raz tam sedel jeden Človek, obyčajný Človek, sedel tam oproti tej ceste, povedal, „Žena, daj sa mi napiť.“
172Ona povedala, „No, počkaj chvíľu, On sa zrejme chce so mnou len zabaviť,“ ona si to možno myslela v srdci, 'pretože ona bola známa ako žena zlej povesti. Povedala, „Prečo Ty... Prečo mi dávaš takúto otázku? My tu máme segregáciu. Ty si jednoducho... Ty si Žid, my sme Samaritáni, nie... to nie je zvykom, to sa nehodí, aby si sa ma takto pýtal.“ Vidíte?
173On povedal, „Žena, ak by si vedela, kto s tebou hovorí, ty by si Mňa prosila, aby som ti dal napiť.“
174Ona povedala, „Teba, aby si mi dal napiť? Ja dokonca nevidím ani vedro alebo lano. Ako by si mi dal vodu z tejto studne?“ On povedal, „Toto nie je studňa, o ktorej som hovoril.“ Vidíte?
175Po chvíli povedala, „Toto je čudný Človek.“ Tak začala ťahať to vedro s vodou.
176Povedal, „No, tá Voda, ktorú ja dávam, sa stane Prameňmi Vody, Gejzírom, ktorý vyviera do Večného Života a do tvojej duši.“
177„No,“ ona povedala, „počkaj chvíľu, ja rozumiem, že Ty si Žid.“ Povedala, „Vy, Židia,“ povedala, „Chceš mi povedať, že Ty si väčší ako náš otec Jákob, ktorý vykopal túto studňu?“ On bol Bohom Jákoba. Vidíte? Povedala, „Chceš mi povedať, že Ty si väčší než Jákob, ktorý vykopal túto studňu?“ Obyčajný Človek, vidíte, vyzeral tak. To je všetko, čo ste videli, obyčajného človeka. Povedala, „Ty vravíš, že si väčší než náš otec Jákob, ktorý vykopal túto studňu a pil z nej on i jeho dobytok? No, my sme tak požehnaní, skrze to, že pijeme z tejto studne, ktorú vykopal ten prorok.“ On povedal, „Och-och,“ povedal. „A my uctievame na tomto vrchu. Vy vravíte 'v Jeruzaleme.'“
178On povedal, „Spása je zo Židov, žena, my vieme, o čom hovoríme.“ On povedal, „Vy uctievate a neviete, čo uctievate.“ O Židovi sa predpokladá, že pozná Slovo, vidíte, tak, ako by ho mal poznať. Ale vidíte, On teraz pozoroval. Prečo? On ide... Čo On ide urobiť? Potvrdiť Svoje Slovo. Vidíte? No, ona povedala... On povedal, „Okrem iného, choď, zavolaj svojho manžela a príďte sem..“ A ona povedala, „Ja nemám žiadneho manžela.“
179On povedal, „Ty si povedala pravdu, pretože si mala piatich a ten, ktorého máš teraz, nie je tvojím manželom.“ Vidíte? Dívajte sa! Niečo sa stalo, vidíte, niečo zachytilo Život. No, ak by to tam nebolo od samého začiatku, ak by ona nemala reprezentáciu z predurčenia, nikdy by sa to neuchytilo.
180Stál tam kňaz, ktorý povedal, „Tento človek je Belzebub.“ Vidíte, bez reprezentácie.
181Večný Život, „vy ste vždy boli.“ Vidíte, máte Večný Život, je len jedna forma toho, to je Boh. Boli ste Jeho atribútom, On o vás rozmýšľal a poznal vás pred založením sveta, vo Svojej mysli. Vidíte?
182Ona sa pozrela okolo seba. Pozrite, v akom bola hriešnom stave. Ale vidíte, On nemohol získať toho kňaza, pretože ten kňaz bol študovaným vzdelancom, teológom Slova, ale bez reprezentácie v nebi, vidíte, vôbec nebol v Božej mysli. Ale táto žena bola. Ona povedala, „Pane, poznávam, že Ty si prorok.“ To je všetko, čo On chcel, aby uvidela. Vidíte? Povedala, „My veríme, že Ty si, ja verím, že Ty si prorok. Teraz vieme. My teraz nerozumieme ohľadne prorokov, pretože je skutočne neskoro, my vieme, že prichádza Mesiáš. A keď Mesiáš príde, On bude Slovom. Vidíte, On bude poznať tajomstvá sŕdc, On urobí tú istú vec, ktorú si Ty urobil.“ Povedala, „Ty musíš byť jeden z Jeho prorokov, aby si predišiel Jeho príchod.“
On povedal, „Ja som On.“
183Čo on urobil? On dokazoval Svoje Slovo, dokazoval Svoju pozíciu, dokazoval, kým On bol. Boh bol v Kristovi, mieriac svet so Sebou. A Boh je Slovo. V poriadku. On utíšil vetry a vlny, aby potvrdil Izaiášovo proroctvo, „Bude sa nazývať 'Mocný Boh, Otec večnosti.'“ Vidíte? On tiež rozmnožil chlieb a ryby, tento panensky narodený Syn. Čo to bolo? Aby potvrdil to Slovo. Všetky Písma sa musia vyplniť. On potvrdil to Slovo skrze to, že povedal, že On bol zamanifestovaným Jehovom. On bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho. Boh v stvorení, Boh s malou časťou stvorenia tu, v ktorej žil sám Boh, On bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho, „Z Neho sa rodí mnoho synov.“ Všimnite si, On tiež rozmnožil tie ryby. On je tým Slovom a dôkazom toho Slova.
184Počúvajte teraz pozorne, ako sa blížime ku koncu. Toho dňa, o ktorom som čítal pred chvíľou, no, keď On prišiel do Jairovho domu. On vošiel, potom, ako tam prišiel. No, pamätajte, Jairus bol kňazom, hraničným veriacim. On chcel veriť Ježišovi, ale bolo mu ľúto opustiť svoju cirkev, pretože oni povedali, „Každý, kto v neho verí, bude vylúčený z cirkvi.“ Počúvajte teraz pozorne, ako zakončujeme, dávajte veľmi dobrý pozor. Pozorujte toto. Ja verím, že Ježiš to vedel, keď sa preplavil cez to more, 'pretože On vedel všetko. A keď sa On preplavil cez more, zastavil sa tam a tu dolu prichádza tento malý kňaz. Jeho dievča vážne ochorelo, doktori sa jej vzdali, povedali „Je blízko smrti.“ No, prišiel čas konať.
185Možno je to pre teba dnes ráno, čas pre teba, aby si konal. Vidíte? Možno si vážne chorý. Možno si presvedčený, že si na omyle. Môže to byť. Boh nalieha, prichádza čas konať.
186Teraz pozorne. A on prichádza, on sa nestaral, čo tí ostatní povedali, rovno tam verejne a prišiel a padol ku nohám Ježiša. Čo za krok pre študovaného vzdelanca, prísť ku Tomu, o ktorom nemáme záznam, že by kedy chodil do školy. Ako prišiel človek, o ktorom sa predpokladalo, že je zbehlý vo všetkej teológii, prišiel ku Človeku, ktorý mal byť „zavrhnutý, divoch, blázon, pomätený na mysli, ktorý to nemal v poriadku vo svojej mysli.“ Prepáčte ten výraz, ale „On je úplným šialencom tohto dňa,“ každý si to o Ňom myslel. Ako by sme dnes povedali tým pouličným vyjadrovaním, „cvoknutý“. Ako som raz kázal o matici a skrutke, viete. Vidíte, to je to, čím On bol pre verejnosť, len obyčajný každodenný... Povedali, „Ty si sa zbláznil! Si Blázon! Si šialený!“ No, tu bol človek, ktorý mal všetko vzdelanie, ktorý prichádzal ku Tomu, o ktorom sa predpokladalo, že sa zbláznil. On bol do toho donútený.
187Pozorujte ju teraz. Trochu to pichne, ale bude to pre vás dobré. Vidíte, niekedy vás zatrasenie zobudí.
188Všimnite si, On prišiel a vošiel do vnútra ku tejto malej, mŕtvej dievčine, ktorá zomrela pred niekoľkými hodinami, a oni ju vyložili von a potreli ju balzamovacou tekutinou a dali ju na pohovku. To je ten spôsob, akým to oni robili v tých dňoch, jednoducho ich vyniesli a na doske ich položili do jamy. Ležala na pohovke, okolo nej kvety.
189A, ó, ten dobrý pastor, malý Jairus, predstavujem si, že on bol milý, malý pastor, každý ho miloval. Pretože vidíte, môžem to dokázať, pretože on vo svojom srdci veril v Ježiša. Ale on sotva mohol učiniť to rozhodnutie, pretože on si to neoveril, tak, že by prišiel každú sobotu alebo každý pondelok ráno. Vidíte? On sotva mohol urobiť to rozhodnutie. A ďalšia vec, tí ľudia, tá veľká prestíž, ktorú on mal medzi tými ľuďmi, oni povedali, „Vieš čo, Jairus sa stal fanatikom. Vidíte, išiel tam s tým falošným prorokom. To je presne to, čo on urobil, kde oni všetci očakávali, že tam budú znamenia a veci, ten Prorok z Galiley, viete, Ježiš z Nazareta.“
190My tomu teraz neveríme, znie to svätokrádežne, ale tak to vtedy bolo. Vidíte? „A voľakedy, tak ako je to teraz, to bolo vtedy.“ Vidíte, tá istá vec!
191Všimnite si, on tam išiel. A on to takmer nemohol urobiť, ale prišiel čas, že on to bol prinútený urobiť. On to musel urobiť. A tu on išiel a priviedol Ježiša, rovno pred nimi všetkými a padol pri Jeho nohách a povedal, „Pane! Pane!“ Viete, čo to je? Panstvo, vlastníctvo. Je to tak.
192Vidíte, veľa ľudí chce, aby bol Ježiš ich Spasiteľ, ale nie ich Pán. Vidíte, Pán je „vládca.“ Áno. Vy poviete, „Ježiš, spas ma a nechaj ma stáť rovno tu a to je v poriadku a ja si budem robiť svoje vlastné veci. No, nechoď mi do mojich záležitostí. Môžeš byť mojím Spasiteľom, ale nie mojím Pánom.“ On chce byť Pánom, vidíte, potom On je vaším Spasiteľom.
193Ale teraz, on povedal, „Pane, Spasiteľu!“ Vidíte? „Ja... moje malé dievča, moje jediné dieťa, ona má dvanásť rokov, doktori sa jej vzdali.“ Bez pochyby, ten kňaz to mohol povedať, „Vieš, oni všetci o Tebe hovorili, že si fanatik, ale vieš, Pane, ja Ti verím. Ja verím. Ja viem, že Ty máš rozpoznanie. A tá jediná vec, ktorú Ti chcem povedať, je, len poď a polož na ňu Svoje ruky. A potom mi povedz, čo mám urobiť, ja to urobím.“ Ó, teraz sa niekam dostávate! Povedal, „Ja pôjdem. Ja pôjdem.“ A On začal.
194Potom, čo bol preč niekoľko hodín, tu prichádza bežiaci muž, ako bolo vtedy zvykom, s popolom na svojej hlave, povedal, „Neobťažuj toho Človeka, tvoja dcéra zomrela. On je už mŕtva, už ju pripravili a vyložili von.“
195Ó, jeho malé srdce! Ježiš sa obrátil a pozrel sa na neho, on povedal, „Och! Och! Och!“
196On povedal, „Či som ti nepovedal?“ No, to, čo tam On urobil, On dal zasľúbenie Jairovi. Teraz to On musí dokázať. Amen. „Povedal som ti. Len ver a uvidíš slávu Božiu.“ No, On vedel, čo robí. On povedal, že nečiní nič, kým Mu to najprv Otec neukáže. Svätý Ján 5:19, „Ja robím len to, čo mi Otec ukáže,“ tak On mu ukázal, čo sa stane.
197Tak, keď On vošiel do toho domu a postavil sa po boku tej malej, studenej, tuhej formy, ktorá tam ležala, ktorá bola niekoľko týždňov chorá. A jej malé, bledá telo, žiadny pokrm nevošiel do jej tela a horúčky a také veci a ona zomrela. Oni ju postriekali tým balzamovacím korením a takými vecami. A ležala tam, viete, na pohovke, chystali sa ju zabaliť a položiť do hrobu a oni položili... mali svoj malý obrad s kvetmi okolo nej. Ježiš tam prišiel. A každý, „Ó, Jairus, tvoje malé dievčatko je mŕtve! Ó, otec Jairus, ó! Je nám ťa tak ľúto,“ a podobne.
198On povedal, „Buďte ticho, robíte príliš veľa hluku.“ On povedal, „Prečo tu robíte všetok tento rozruch?“ Vidíte? „Tento rozruch, vy len... hulákate a vykrikujete. To dievča nie je mŕtve. Ona spí. Šššš.“
199Čo potom urobili? Keď Ho počuli povedať, že ona nie je mŕtva, oni... Povedali, vysmiali sa Mu. Inými slovami, oni Ho vypískali. „Ú! Nóó, Ty jeden! No, ty falošný prorok! Ty zvodca ľudí! To dievča je mŕtve. Doktor povedal, že je mŕtva. Zabalzamovali sme ju a vyložili von. Tam leží, je mŕtva.“ Oni povedali, „Ha, ha, ha! No, Jairus, ty si o Ňom hovoril, čo s tým teraz?“
200Viete, čo On urobil? On povedal, „Odíďte všetci odtiaľto.“ To nemôže fungovať okolo takejto nevery. No, čo On povedal? On povedal, „Jairus, ak len budeš veriť, uvidíš slávu Božiu.“ No, to je Jeho Slovo. On to musí potvrdiť. V poriadku.
201Potom, keď vošiel do toho domu, kde oni všetci nariekali, On povedal, „Ona zaspala.“ To bolo v protiklade s vedou. To bolo v protiklade k bežnému chápaniu. Ona bola mŕtva, zabalzamovaná.
202Hneď, keď oni zomreli, oni ich hneď vtedy balzamovali, hneď, ako z nich vyšiel život, vyliali na nich tie koreniny a tie veci a zabalili ich a vyniesli preč. Vidíte, pochovali ich, oni ich jednoducho pochovali, no, niekedy to dokonca tým ľuďom ani neoznámili. Viete, Ananiáš a Zafíra; oni pochovali Ananiáša, keď Zafíra... Ananiáš, keď vošla Zafíra, vidíte; vyniesli ho von a pochovali, vidíte. Oni len, zakrátko, ako oni zomreli, oni ich poliali tými vecami a vyniesli ich a zaniesli preč. Vidíte?
203Tak, ona už bola pripravená ísť do hrobu, ale oni chceli počkať na ocka, aby ju videl pred tým, ako ju tam položia. A keď On prichádza a ona je v tom stave a On povedal, „Ona len spí.“ No, oni povedali, „No, či tento človek naozaj nie je blázon?!“
204Tak, čo On teraz urobil? On už povedal, že ona zaspala, On musel dokázať Svoje Slovo. On to nemohol urobiť pred tou skupinou, tak On povedal, „Pošlite ich všetkých von.“ A môžem Ho vidieť, ako sa obzrie ku Jairovi a hovorí, „Stále veríš?“ „Áno, Pane.“
205„Ty s manželkou, poďte sem. Peter, Jakub a Ján, vy poďte so Mnou.“ Oni tam vošli a On povedal toto slovo, „Talitha kumi“, čo znamená, „Dievčatko, vstaň!“ A On potvrdil Svoje Slovo, ona len zaspala. Je to tak? On tu potvrdil, že Jeho Slovo bolo správne. Bez ohľadu na ich neveru, On stále potvrdzoval, že Jeho Slovo bolo pravdou, skrze to, že ju vzkriesil, pretože On povedal, že ona zaspala. Ona zaspala.
206On urobí dnes to isté, každému skutočnému veriacemu, pretože Jeho Slovo to zasľúbilo. „Tých, ktorí sú v Kristovi, Boh privedie s Ním.“ Vidíte, „Tí, ktorí sú v Kristovi.“
207Čo urobilo toto malé židovské dievča? Práve som začal obchádzať toto miesto Písma tu, ale budem sa ho držať. Viem, že je možno trochu neskoro a o pár minút začneme modlitebný rad. Možno vás ďalší týždeň neuvidím, ale počkajme chvíľu. „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe.“ Vidíte? Všimnite si, dovoľte mi teraz toto zatlačiť, aby som vám to ukázal. Prečo Ježiš zobudil toto malé židovské dievča? Pretože ona vedela, že nebola mŕtva? Predurčenie. Práve tak isto, ako to On urobil s Lazarom. Vidíte? Možno tam bolo veľa malých dievčat, ktoré v ten deň zomreli, On ku nim nepovedal žiadne slovo. On vedel, že táto mala Večný Život. Vidíte, On tie ostatné nezobudil.
208Pozrite, keď On vyšiel z Jericha, oni povedali, „Tu, tento chlapík tu!“ Bezpochyby povedali, „Ty zobúdzaš mŕtvych? Ty mi vravíš, že môžeš kriesiť mŕtvych, máme ich tu plný cintorín, poď, zobuď týchto.“ Vidíte, On na nich dokonca ani nebral ohľad. Vidíte, nikdy to nerobil, pretože On vedel, že On bol Slovom.
209Všimnite si, ona len zaspala. On vedel, že ten otec príde. No, toto malé dievča, vidíte, On vedel, že toto malé dievča len zaspalo. Vidíte, Spravodlivý nezomiera. Ježiš prišiel, aby vykúpil spravodlivého. A vykúpiť znamená „byť privedený naspäť na miesto, kde ste raz boli.“ Vidíte? On nemohol vykúpiť neveriacich, bez ohľadu na to, ako boli vzdelaní a koľko mali doktorských titulov. On ich nemohol vykúpiť, pretože oni neboli vykupiteľní; oni museli ísť na svoje miesto určenia. Ale vo Svojom predzvedení On vedel, že Lazar vyjde z hrobu. On tiež vedel, že toto malé dievča malo Večný Život. Tak ona nebola mŕtva, ona len zaspala. A keď sa skončí naša práca na zemi, ak nebudeme žiť až do Jeho Príchodu, my nemôžeme zomrieť, my len zaspíme. On to tu dokázal. On to znovu dokáže. „Hoci tie kožné červy zničia toto telo, ja jednako povstanem podobný Jemu.“
210On dokazuje všetky Svoje Slová, všetky Svoje Slová. Len premýšľajte o tom, všetky Jeho Slová! A vy ste Jeho Slovom. On bol to Slovo a vy ste boli časťou Jeho Slova. A to je ten dôvod, že ste tu poslaní, aby ste potvrdili vaše miesto v živote. Ja si nemyslím, že ste to porozumeli. Vidíte, On je to Slovo. Teraz tomu rozumiete?
211On bol v chodidlách v čase Luthera; v stehnách v čase Wesleya; v pleciach v čase Letničných. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? On je Hlava. Máte to, čo to spája dokopy v tejto hodine, v ktorej teraz žijeme; nie čas chodidiel, nie čas stehien, nie čas pliec, ale čas krku. Je to tak? To sa napája na hlavu. To je časť tela. Tí, ktorí zosnuli v Ježišovi, tých Boh privedie s Ním. Trúba Božia zaznie a mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv. Je to tak? Vidíte, stávate sa časťou Slova, stávate sa časťou Neho. A beriete Jeho Meno, aby ste to rozpoznali, vidíte, ste tam umiestnení, pokrstení do Jeho Mena, do Jeho Tela, „Skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela,“ tu do toho, presne, ako tá istá pozícia. On nikdy Svoj spôsob nemení. Ak... Koľkí veria, že tá ranná cirkev je v Ňom? Nech vidíme, koľkí tomu veria? Ako boli oni pokrstení? V poriadku. Vidíte, On je nemenný Boh. My sme to dokázali. Mohli by sme tu byť dnes až do polnoci, dokazujúc to a stále ísť ďalej a ďalej a ďalej. Vidíte, nemenný! Vidíte? Vy ste v Ňom a ste časťou Neho, pretože ste boli časťou Jeho myšlienok. Pred založením sveta, On vás povolal!
212Biblia povedala, že tá šelma na zemi... To je denominačný antikrist, ktorý prichádza na zem, formujúci tú šelmu v Ríme, čo bola prvá denominácia. A táto Svetová Rada Cirkví formuje obraz šelme, presne, ako sme to jedného dňa umiestnili do tej knihy. Všimnite si, ona to formuje, vidíte, antikrist. A Biblia povedala, „Všetci, ktorých mená nie sú zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života,“ (kedy, pri prebudení?) „zabitého pred založením sveta“ (vaše meno tam bolo zapísané), tento antikrist vás zvedie.“ Matúš 24:24, hovorí, že „Ten antikrist bude tak blízko, ako tá skutočná vec v tých posledných dňoch, že by to zviedlo tých vyvolených, alebo predurčených...“ To je tá istá vec, vyvolenie a predurčenie je tá istá vec, Boh vás vyvolil alebo predurčil pred založením sveta. „Zvedie všetkých, ktorých mená neboli predurčené v Knihe Života.“
213Daniel o tom hovoril, ako budú tí múdri v tom dni a ako nemúdri a tak ďalej. V poriadku, tak veľmi, ale ja sa dostávam príliš ďaleko, hodiny pre mňa idú príliš rýchlo. Všimnite si, teraz dávajte pozor, On si potom všimol... Teraz dávajte pozor, čo sa tu stalo. „Všetkých, ktorých predzvedel, On povolal. Všetkých, ktorých On povolal, On ospravedlnil. Všetkých, ktorých ospravedlnil, On oslávil.“ Vaša púť sa skončila, žijete svoju časť. Milosť je to, čo Boh urobil pre vás. Skutky sú to, čo vy robíte z vďačnosti.
214Dokázaný skrze tú istú Jeho vec, že On vedel všetko, tento panensky narodený Syn. On vedel, kde bola vo vode ryba, kde Peter a oni tam hádzali siete a nič nechytili. To potvrdilo Jeho Slovo. Je to tak? On vedel všetko.
215A keď bol On pripravený zaplatiť Svoje dane, to ukázalo, že On vlastnil všetky veci. On vedel, kde bola ryba, ktorá mala vo svojich ústach dosť mincí, aby zaplatil za... Niekto ich tam hodil a tá ryba ich jednoducho pozbierala. A On povedal, „Peter, choď tam dolu a nahoď tam tú udicu, (vidíte?), a zober tú rybu a vyber z jej úst tú mincu. A choď a uspokoj ich, zaplať tie dane.“ Ó, áno!
216 Líšky majú diery a vtáctvo nebeské má hniezda, ale On mal to Slovo, On bol Slovom a potvrdil ho, že je pravdou. On vždy potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. To isté On urobí teraz, v každej generácii ho On potvrdzuje tak isto.
217Po treťom dni, po Jeho smrti, pohrebe, na tretí deň, On znova vstal, aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo, pretože prorok povedal, „Nedovolím, aby Môj Svätý videl porušenie, ani nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle,“ na tretí deň, predtým, ako mohlo vojsť porušenie, po dobu sedemdesiatdva hodín. Vidíte, to nešlo úplne tri dni, pretože porušenie vstupuje v tých sedemdesiatdva hodinách. Vidíte, tak On nenaplnil ten plný čas, pretože prorok povedal, vidíte, prorok povedal, „Nedovolím, aby Môj Svätý videl porušenie.“ On dokázal Svoje Slovo.
218On uzdravil chorého, chromého, aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo, ktoré Izaiáš a tí ostatní proroci povedali.
219On poslal Ducha Svätého na deň letníc, aby potvrdil Svoje Slovo. Chcete teraz dostať niektoré z tých Písem, Joel 2:28, On povedal, „Stane sa v tých posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh, že vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo a na Mojich služobníkov a služobnice vylejem Svojho Ducha. Vaši mládenci budú vídať videnia, vašim starcom sa budú snívať sny a tak ďalej.“ On to potvrdil, skrze vyliatie! Tiež, On povedal pred týmto časom, v Lukášovi 24:49, ak si to chcete zapísať, On povedal, „Hľa, Ja pošlem na vás zasľúbenie Môjho Otca. Ale zostávajte v meste Jeruzaleme, až kým nebudete odiati mocou z Výsosti.“ Tu to je, On to vykonal, On poslal toho Ducha, aby pokračoval v potvrdzovaní Svojho Slova. Ale pozorujte, čo On povedal. Či to urobil? V poriadku.
220Marek 16, On povedal, “Choďte do celého sveta, kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu.“ Ako ďaleko? Po celom svete. Komu? Každému stvoreniu. „Ten, kto uverí a pokrstí sa, bude zachránený. Ten kto neuverí, bude zatratený a tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ On povedal v Marekovi 4, On povedal v Jánovi 14:12, tiež povedal, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa,“ nie ten, kto sa robí, že verí, ale, „Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, bude on tiež činiť.“ To vyžaduje toho istého Ducha, ktorý bol v Ňom, aby konal tie isté skutky. Prečo? Ten Duch prišiel, aby zamanifestoval to zasľúbené Slovo v budúcnosti. Vidíte, On urobil opatrenie, pretože vedel, že tieto veci sa stanú.
221No, po tisíc deväťsto rokoch, s uplynulými cirkevnými vekmi a všetkým, čo On prorokoval ohľadne Luthera, Wesleyho, prešli sme práve cez to a videli to nakreslené a mesiac zostúpil a znázornil to a Pán to pre nás nakreslil tu na tabuli a ukázal to a Sám zostúpil a potvrdil, že je to správne. Po tisíc deväťsto rokoch a my sme na konci Laodicejského cirkevného veku, On zasľúbil v Lukášovi 17:30, že tento istý Syn človeka (On to zasľúbil) sa zjaví v tých dňoch, ako to bolo v Sodome, na zemi. Či to On urobil? Musí sa to stať? Je to nemožné... No, pamätajte, On prichádza pod tromi menami: Syn človeka, prorok; Syn Boží, Duch; Syn Dávidov, pre Milénium. Ale pomedzi, táto spojnica, teraz podľa Jeho vlastných Slov, v tom dni, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka, zjaví Samého seba (ako čo? Nie Syn Boží), Syn človeka. Zjaví Samého Seba odlišným spôsobom. No, čo to produkuje? Malachiáša 4, presne tak. Vidíte, Syn človeka zjaví Samého Seba, nie v tých veľkých denomináciách a veciach, ako sme to mali počas vekov, ale On sa zamanifestuje znovu ako Syn človeka, aby zamanifestoval Malachiáša 4. „A v tom dni vám pošlem proroka Eliáša a on obráti srdcia detí do viery apoštolských otcov, preč od všetkého denominacionalizmu a prídu naspäť, znovu do originálneho Slova,“ aby znázornil ten Strom Nevesty posledného dňa, ktorý On zasľúbil. „Bude svetlo v čase večera,“ nie cez ten hmlistý deň, to bude svetlo; bude to deň, ktorý nebude môcť byť nazvaný dňom ani nocou. Vidíte, to tvorí to Telo. Ale tá istá Hlava, ktorá bola tu na východe, je znovu tu na západe, „Bude Svetlo v čase večera.“ Ó, cítim, že by som zaspieval pieseň!
Bude svetlo v čase večera;
Cestu do slávy istotne nájdete;
Vo vodnej ceste je dnes Svetlo;
Pochovaní v Jeho drahom Mene.
Mladí a starí, čiňte pokánie zo všetkých svojich hriechov;
Potom Duch Svätý istotne vojde;
Tie večerné Svetlá prišli;
Je to jasné a je to fakt, že Boh a Kristus sú jeden.
222 A Syn Človeka zjavuje Samého seba v tej istej moci, ako On bol, (nie počas cirkevných vekov, cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, cez všetky tieto veci tu) ale ako Syn človeka. Kto je ten Syn človeka? Slovo! A to Slovo je rýchlejšie než, mocnejšie než obojstranný meč a rozoznáva myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci. Čo On musel urobiť? On musí potvrdiť to Slovo. Čo On urobí? Všimnite si to, ako to vidíme, že sa to deje, pozrite sa na To v tej istej forme, v ktorej bol On na počiatku, ten Stĺp Ohňa! Potvrdzujúc, že On je Židom 13:8, kde je povedané, „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ Čo to bolo? Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, ktorý bol Kristom na púšti s Mojžišom. Koľkí vedia, že Biblia to povedala? Včera! To bol Kristus, keď tu Pavol hovorí, dnes (veríte tomu?) v Novej Zmluve. Potom ten Syn človeka, ten istý Kristus, v tom poslednom dni. Vidíte? V poriadku.
223Všimnite si tiež Jána 14:12, On povedal, „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy budete činiť.“ Všetky tieto ďalšie miesta Písma, čo On robí? On je teraz tu a potvrdzuje (nie Lutherov vek, nie Wesleyov vek, nie vek Letničných, nie vek Baptistov, nie vek Presbyteriánov, prešli sme rovno cez to a dokázali sme to pomocou histórie v tej Biblii; ale čo?) ten vek Syna človeka, ktorý sa zjavil, aby priniesol tieto veci, aby vyplnil Slovo, keď všetko musí byť vyplnené. Rozumiete? Vidíme to, a je to pravda!
224A premýšľajte, pomocou tých metód, ktoré On tam najprv použil, to nie je potvrdené len medzi nami, ale je to dokázané vedou. Oni musia priznať, že je to tak. George J.Lacy, vedúci FBI pre otlačky a dokumenty, povedal, „To Svetlo na ten objektív zasvietilo. Ja sám som to nazýval psychológiou, ale...“ povedal, „pán Branham, tento fotoaparát nezachytí psychológiu. Je to tam.“
225Čo je to? Svedectvo, že dávno, keď Ohnivý Stĺp stál tam v tom kríku ako vzdušný vír, hovoriaci, On povedal, „Nikdy nefajči alebo nepi, je pre teba práca, ktorú máš vykonať, keď budeš starší.“
226Ľudia povedali, „Ten chlapec sa zbláznil.“ Mama chcela zavolať doktora, bol som nervózny.
227Ale čo to bolo? On zostúpil rovno tu dolu tam na tú rieku, na rieku Ohio a povedal, „Ako bol Ján Krstiteľ poslaný, aby pripravil ľudí na to Slovo, aby sa zamanifestovalo, tak bude s tvojím Posolstvom.“
228Ako ma doktor Davis a oni nazvali, že som „pobláznený,“ chceli ma vylúčiť z cirkvi, pretože som s ním nesúhlasil ohľadne žien kazateliek a všetkých tých vecí, ktoré neboli podľa Písma. On povedal, „A ty hovoríš, že pôjdeš kázať a spôsobíš prebudenie, ktoré zasiahne ten svet?“ Ja som povedal, „Nie ja, ale On tak povedal.“ On povedal, „Billy, ty si mal nočnú moru.“ Povedal som, „Hneď teraz sa vzdávam svojej členskej karty, viac ku vám nepatrím.“
229On to povedal, ja tomu verím a On to potvrdil. To je tá dobrá časť, že On to potvrdil, potvrdil Svoje Slovo pomocou Slova, pretože On je to Slovo. Vidíte? A čo robí to Slovo? Pozná tajomstvá srdca. Je to tak? V poriadku, potvrdzuje Židom 13:8.
230A On bude mať cirkev-nevestu pripravenú v tých posledných dňoch. „Ako to On urobí, brat Branham?“ Ja neviem. Ale On povedal, že ju bude mať. On to potvrdí. A vyvolanú zo všetkých tých ostatných, je to tak, ten pokropený vták, ktorý je pokropený Jeho Krvou. Vidíte? Vyvolaní, všetci ostatní z toho stáda sú proti nej. Ona je opovrhnutá a odmietnutá.
231Ale ten pokropený vták, teraz, ja sa nestarám, ako veľmi chcel ten autor s tým nesúhlasiť, on sa mýli. Pamätajte, čo to spravilo tomu vtákovi, čím bol ten pokropený vták? Oni vzali dvoch, jeden bol zabitý, ten druh bol vyliaty na toho druhého vtáka, a to bolo na očistenie z malomocenstva a tie krvavé škvrny a volal, „Svätý, svätý, svätý Pánovi.“ A to bol náš Druh, Ježiš Kristus, ktorý bol zabitý a Jeho Krv je na nás, volajúc, „Svätý, svätý, svätý Pánovi.“ Všetci tí ostatní vtáci... Som rád, že moje meno je v tej Knihe; nie tu na zemi, ale tam hore; nie na kozľacej koži, ale na koži Baránka. Je to tak.
232Bude vzkriesenie z mŕtvych. On to potvrdí. Je to tak. On to potvrdí. Bude vytrhnutie cirkvi. „Ako to bude?“ Ja neviem, ale On to potvrdí. Jeho Slovo je pravda. Bude Milénium. On to potvrdí, to je Jeho Slovo. Bude nové nebo a nová zem. On to potvrdí, pretože Jeho Slovo tak povedalo. A budú tam len spravodliví. On to tiež potvrdí. Je to tak. Len tí, ktorí boli časťou tohto Slova (vidíte, to bude ich časť a ich pozícia v tomto Slove na ich vek), to budú tí jediní, ktorí tam budú. Pretože, to je to, čo to je, On je Slovom. A čím je žena? Obrazom muža. A čím je—čím je cirkev? Obrazom Slova. Vidíte, je to presne tak. Vidíte? Tak to bude tam, presne tak. Len tí praví veriaci v Jeho Slovo toto poznajú a môžu tomu veriť. A Boh im to pomáha potvrdiť, správne, je to pravda.
233Veríte tomu teraz? Veríte tomu? Ak áno, vystrite sa a dotknite sa Jeho rúcha, pretože On prechádza touto cestou. On potvrdí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, Židom 13:8. „Hľa, Ja som vždy s vami, do konca sveta,“ Matúš. A On je Veľkňaz, podľa Židom, knihy Židom, štvrtá kapitola a 15. verš, „On je tým Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotknúť našimi slabosťami.“ Veríte tomu? Vystrite svoju ruku a dotknite sa Pána. On je vždy prítomný, „Hľa, Ja som vždy s vami.“ Pozrite dolu, cez tie veky. „Všetko skúšajte. Dobré podržte.“
234No, ak patríte do cirkvi, ktorá neverí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, ten istý v tom istom spôsobe, choďte od toho preč. Dôkaz!
235No, my hovoríme, že On vstal z mŕtvych. Ja som to nepovedal, to Slovo tu to povedalo. Oni povedali, „On vstal z mŕtvych.“ On hovorí, že je ten istý včera a naveky. Veríte tomu? On zasľúbil, že sa tieto veci stanú v tom poslednom dni, že sa zamanifestuje ten istý Syn človeka.
236No, pamätajte, to nebol Ježiš, ktorý tam hovoril ku Abrahámovi, ktorý mohol rozpoznávať myšlienky v mysli Sáry, ktorá bola za ním. To nebol Ježiš, On sa ešte nenarodil. Ale to bol človek v ľudskom tele, ktorého Abrahám nazýval „Elohim, ten veľký Všemohúci.“ Ukazujúc... A Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy,“ no, dávajte pozor, „vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď je zjavený Syn človeka.“ Už nie ako cirkev, rozumiete, už nie tak; Nevesta je povolaná, vidíte. „V dni Syna človeka, keď sa zjaví.“ Čo? Aby spojil cirkev s Hlavou, zjednotil, sobáš Nevesty. Ženíchovo zavolanie príde rovno cez toto, keď Syn človeka zostúpi a príde v ľudskom tele, aby zjednotil tých dvoch spolu. Cirkev musí byť Slovom, On je Slovom a tí dvaja sa zjednocujú spolu, a aby to urobili, to bude vyžadovať manifestáciu zjavenia Syna človeka. Nie nejakého kňaza. Ja neviem, ja... Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Rozumiete, to je Syn človeka, Ježiš Kristus zostúpi v ľudskom tele medzi nami a urobí Svoje Slovo tak skutočným, že to zjednotí cirkev a Jeho ako jedno, Nevestu, a potom ona pôjde Domov na svadobnú večeru. Amen. Ona je už zjednotená, rozumiete, my ideme na svadobnú večeru, nie na sobáš. „...aby ste jedli všetky telá silných, pretože prišla svadba Baránkova.“ Ale, vytrhnutie, to bude odchod na svadobnú večeru. Keď sa tu Slovo jednotí s tou osobou a oni dvaja sa stávajú jedno. A potom, čo im to spôsobuje? To znovu manifestuje Syna človeka, nie cirkevných teológov. Syna človeka! To Slovo a cirkev sa stávajú jedno. Čokoľvek, čo Syn človeka vykonal, On bol Slovom, cirkev robí tú istú vec.
237Ako On potvrdil Samého Seba cez tie veky? Skrze prorokov, ktorí mohli hovoriť Slovo, poznali ich myšlienky. To je to, ako bol On poznaný, tak. Zasľúbil v tom cirkevnom veku, že to nebude „ani noc, ani deň,“ ale bude to v čase večera, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka. To znova príde.“ „Bude svetlo v čas večera.“ Vidíte? Čo On robí? Dokazuje Svoje Slovo.
238No, obzrite sa späť, či On prišiel ako panna, či On prišiel tak, ako oni povedali, vlastne cez pannu? Či On prišiel práve tak, ako povedal? Pozorujte dnes, On dokázal Svoje Slovo, bez ohľadu na to, koľko ateistov, neveriacich, ľahostajných, On ide stále ďalej, dokázal Svoje Slovo. Tu to máme, prešli sme cez tento vek všetkých cirkví a vecí, vzdialili sme sa tak, ako to oni urobili od Malachiáša do príchodu Krista. Všetci proroci a tie veci prestali a oni sa dostali do toho, že mali hodnostárov a tak ďalej, ale práve tak, pozrite, aký druh charakteru On poslal. Presne taký, ako Eliáš, ten, ktorý nenávidel nemorálne ženy a ktoré sa maľovali, pudrovali a robili si mejkap a všetko také. A tých hodnostárov, on ich rovno pozabíjal a odišiel. Vyšiel z púšte, neťahal za jeden povraz so žiadnym z nich a povedal, „Mesiáš je na ceste. Ja Ho spoznám, keď príde, ja Ho predstavím. Amen. Nezačnite rozmýšľať, že patríte do tohto alebo toho.“ Tak isto, ako to robil Eliáš!
239„A v tých posledných dňoch sa stane, pred tým, ako príde ten veľký a strašný deň Pánov, že Ja vám pošlem..., pred tým, ako príde ten veľký a strašný deň Pánov, že Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša a on prinavráti vieru detí na vieru otcov.“ A dávajte pozor, vieru otcov na vieru detí, tých Židov. Rozumiete? Ich zasľúbenie Písma, tých pohanov a od čoho oni odpadnú. Pozrite, ako to oboje ide dokonale, presne. A tu to vidíme, Boh potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo.
240Skloňme na chvíľu naše hlavy. Drahý Bože, ktorý si znovu vzkriesil nášho Pána Ježiša z mŕtvych, aby si potvrdil Svoje Slovo a On je dnes živý, potvrdzuje Tvoje Slovo. „Hľa, Ja som vždy s vami, až do skončenia,“ potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. „Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ (Ak by to nebolo „navždy,“ možno by ste sa na niektorom z nich potkli.) Ja som to, Pane, neprestal vysvetľovať. Ale, navždy, oni vedia, že je len „úsek času.“ A teraz po tomto veku, tam nebude nikdy viac navždy, to bude večnosť. Tak, On bol ten istý Boh, ktorý bol v Mojžišovi a v prorokoch. Potom On prichádza po určitom čase a stelesňuje sa, zamanifestoval sa ako Boh-prorok. A potom sme mali úsek času a On prichádza znova. „Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“
241Rozmýšľame o tomto Šalamúnovi, v tom veľkom miléniu Židov, keď sa ich žiaden z národov neopovážil dotknúť a ten veľký dar Boží bol v tom prorokovi až tak, že dal poznať tej kráľovnej všetky tajomstvá jej srdca, nič nebolo zadržané. Ten veľký vek, ktorý ukazoval a naznačoval, že prichádza veľký Vek.
242A teraz, Otče, to si bol Ty, nie Šalamún. To si bol Ty v Ježišovi, pretože On povedal, „Boh bol v Kristovi, mieriac so Sebou svet. On bol ten počiatok stvorenia.“ Jeho telo bolo to vykúpené stvorenie. A teraz, cez tie cirkevné veky, ktoré stratili svoju prvú lásku, a teraz v týchto posledných dňoch, Ty si zasľúbil povolať malú menšinu, malé stádečko, v tých posledných dňoch.
243Otče, naše srdcia podskakujú a moje srdce búši, keď o tom rozmýšľam a viem, že Tvoje Slová sú pravda, žiadne z nich nemôžu zlyhať. Nech tomu dnes títo ľudia porozumejú a nech Ťa hriešnik hľadá v tejto hodine, pred tým, ako sa brány zatvoria a času viacej nebude. Nech Nevesta, ako ona začína vychádzať z kroku z tohto a tohto, nech sa vráti naspäť do kroku, ako ukázalo to videnie spred pár týždňov.
244Prosím Ťa, Otče, aby si nás teraz požehnal a uzdravil chorých. Sú tu látky, ktoré tu ležia, vreckovky z... ktoré prichádzajú z rôznych miest. A teraz, v Písme, Ono povedalo, „Boli vzaté zástery a ručníky, vreckovky z tela Pavlovho a oni išli ku chorým a Boh ich uzdravil.“ No, my vieme, že nie sme svätým Pavlom, ale vieme, že to nebol svätý Pavol, bola to viera ľudí v neho, ktorý bol Tvojím služobníkom. Pane, títo ľudia by nejazdili tieto stovky míľ, ak by neverili. Odmeň ich vieru, Pane, ako ja... nie, pomaž tie vreckovky (Pavol ich nikdy nepomazal, oni odnášali z jeho tela), ako držím tieto vreckovky, Pane, nie že moje telo (pretože ono nie je dobré), ale to je Tvoje vykúpené vlastníctvo, tak sa modlím, Bože, aby si uctil ich vieru. Nech je každý jeden z nich uzdravený, pre Božie Kráľovstvo. No, Pane, dlhé posolstvo, nemal som v úmysle, aby to bolo dlhšie ako pár minút, ale prešlo to do dvoch hodín, alebo viac. No, nech sú chorí uzdravení, Pane, nech tí ľudia vidia, že Ty si tu, že som toto nepovedal sám od seba. To si Ty, Pane. A ja sa modlím v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
245No, asi len desať minút. Ja neviem... (dali ste tu nejaké, čo to bolo?) Billy povedal, že ich niekoľko vydal. Poprosil som ho, aby to urobil dnes ráno. A ja som prišiel, len pred pár minútami, tam dozadu a nemal som príležitosť opýtať sa ho, pretože som sa zhováral s bratom Benom a s nimi tam. Nemal som príležitosť s ním hovoriť. On mi len povedal, že vydal modlitebné lístky. Modlitebný lístok B, sto... (Od jedna do sto?) B. No, ja verím, modlitebný lístok číslo jedna, B. Kto má B? Môžete... Ak sa môžete postaviť, zodvihnite svoju ruku, ak môžete chodiť. Nejaká žena vzadu. V poriadku, B, číslo jedna, číslo dva, tri, štyri, päť, poďte tadiaľto. A ja poprosím tieto malé deti, či by len prešli poza pódium a sadli si teraz sem. V poriadku. No, teraz vám poviem, pošlite ich, choďte rovno tam tou uličkou, vy ľudia od jedna do päť, choďte tadiaľto a príďte rovno dolu. Nech tí, ktorí sú tam v tej uličke, ak oni môžu, poďte rovno zozadu sem ku ich sedadlám. No, tie malé deti, ktoré tu sedia, poďte sem, tu, poza pódium. A chcem, aby prešli tadiaľto tu, tí ľudia tak, aby som sa za nich mohol pomodliť.
246No, pozrime sa teraz. Rozumiem. Čo som vyvolal, od jedna do päť, či nie? Jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť. Jeden... Každý, kto má modlitebný lístok, od jedna do päť, zodvihnite svoju ruku, aby bolo vidieť, či oni všetci stoja na svojich nohách. Tam je jeden, dva, tri, štyri. Jeden mi chýba. Jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť, B. Ste všetci jeden, dva, tri, štyri? Jeden, dva, tri, štyri, B? Päť, choď tadeto dozadu, pani. V poriadku, pane, choď tadeto okolo. Dobre. Choď rovno okolo a vráť sa, päť. Šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať. V poriadku, B, modlitebný lístok šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať. Vidíte, keď to robíme, potom nemáte žiadne rušenie. Šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať. No, ja mám... myslím. Máš lístok, pane, ty, ktorý tu stojíš? Sedem? V poriadku, choď rovno tam, choď s nimi. Ja mám len dva, myslím, že tam. Dobre, šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať, modlitebný lístok šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať. Mám len dva, tu je... Aj ty máš jeden, pane? Tu ste. Tam sú. Desať, jedenásť, dvanásť, trinásť, štrnásť, pätnásť. No, to by bol jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť. Dobre, šestnásť, sedemnásť, osemnásť, devätnásť, dvadsať. Jeden, dva, tri, štyri. Dobre, dvadsať, dvadsaťjeden, dvadsaťdva, dvadsaťtri, dvadsaťštyri, dvadsaťpäť. Jeden, dva, tri, choď tadeto okolo, pane, choď okolo, zaraď sa do radu, dvadsaťpäť, dvadsaťpäť. Pomôžte mu tam, nech ide kade potrebuje. Tu si brat, rovno tu, oni pre teba uvoľnili cestu. Ľudia ti tu uvoľnili cestu. Pomôžte mu tam niekto, ak môžete. Nech tade prejde a zaradí sa tam do radu. Poviem vám, posaďte ho rovno tam, a keď bude zavolané jeho číslo, priveďte ho tam. Rozumiete? Keď príde na rad, priveďte ho do toho radu. Dobre, myslím, že to sú asi toľkí, koľkí teraz mohli ísť.
247No, koľkí tu nemajú modlitebný lístok a dôverujete, ste si absolútne istí, že Boh môže uzdraviť chorého? Zodvihnite svoju ruku. Veríte tomu? Koľkí z vás sú tu z... ktorí vedia, že ja o vás nič neviem, neviem o žiadnej vašej chorobe? Sú tu teraz ľudia, moje zhromaždenie, na jedného z vás cudzích, sotva môžem niekoho vidieť, okrem týchto kazateľov. Len tam dolu vidím osobu, ktorú spoznávam. Nebývam tu toľko, viete, a oni sú jednoducho ľudia, ktorí sem prichádzajú zovšadiaľ. Koľkí tu... Dovoľte, aby som vám to dokázal. Koľkí tu vedia, že ja o vás nič neviem? Zodvihnite tu svoje ruky. Vidíte, to je vaša ruka pred Bohom, rozumiete. Ja o nich nič neviem. No, ja neviem, či by som mohol takto zavolať niekoho do modlitebného radu, koho by som poznal, ale ja by som nevedel, kvôli čomu tu oni sú. Rozumiete, nevedel by som, kvôli čomu tu oni sú.
248No, to, čo sa snažím robiť, je doviesť vás do toho, aby ste toto videli, dávajte teraz pozor, „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť.“ Veríte tomu? Veríte, že On potvrdí to Slovo? V poriadku. Či On povedal, že zjaví samého Seba ako Syna človeka na konci toho cirkevného veku? Koľkí tomu veria? A ten svet, že bude vyzerať, bude v stave Sodomy a Gomory? Veríte tomu?
249No, Billy, čo takto nechať ich, aby prišli tadeto? Áno, dobre. Dobre, v poriadku, dobre.
250Na konci toho veku, On zjaví Seba Samého. No, pozrite sa, či si to uvedomujete, potom, že to je absolútne nemožné? No, sú tu ľudia, ktorí stoja v tomto rade, ktorých som nikdy vo svojom živote nevidel. Sú tu ľudia, ktorí tu sedia, ktorých som nikdy nevidel. Ale pamätajte, Židom 4:15, verím, že to je to, čo povedalo, že „On je teraz Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotknúť našimi slabosťami.“ Je to pravda? No, ak je On Veľkňazom, potom je On Židom 13:8, potom, „Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ Je to tak? No, ako On zjaví Seba Samého? Ako som vám povedal, On vždy hovorí cez Svojich prorokov. On vždy posiela posolstvo pred súdom. Všetky tie veci, On nikdy nemení Svoj spôsob.
251On sa v záhrade Eden rozhodol, ako zachráni človeka, skrze preliatu krv nevinného. On to nikdy nezmenil. My sa to snažíme zmeniť, skrze vzdelanie, skrze babylonské veže, skrze veľké mestá a všetko také. My sa to snažíme zmeniť, ale to nefunguje. Snažíme sa to zmeniť, vzdelaním sveta do Neho. Snažíme sa to zmeniť skrze denomináciu ľudí. To nikdy nefungovalo. Je len jedno miesto, kde môže človek náležite uctievať, pod tou Krvou. Vaša denominácia vás rozdelí, ale pod tou Krvou ste si rovní. On sa nikdy nemení.
252No, ak je On nemenným Veľkňazom a tým istým včera, dnes a naveky, potom On musí dodržať to Slovo. Nie pretože my sme povedali, že On to urobil, pretože On povedal, že to urobí. Rozumiete? No, teraz, ak to On urobí... No, zastavte sa na chvíľu, porozmýšľajte. No, koľkí z vás v tomto modlitebnom rade vedia, že ja o vás neviem ani jednu vec, vašu nemoc? Potom zodvihnite svoju ruku, vy viete, čo som ja... Koľkí v tom modlitebnom rade vedia, že vás dokonca ani nepoznám? Zodvihnite svoje ruky.
253Pozrite sa na to publikum, vidíte. No, vy tam, vy tu nemusíte byť, len sa dotknite Jeho rúcha. Len prehovorte, povedzte, „Pane Ježišu, ja Ti verím.“ Povedzte teraz, „Verím tomu. A ja verím, že Ty môžeš bratovi Branhamovi zjaviť, pretože...“
254No, nie, pretože to je brat Branham, on je len obyčajný človek. A zrejme, ak vytrhnutie príde dnes ráno... Premýšľate o vytrhnutí? Ak vytrhnutie príde dnes ráno, toto hovorím v pokore, že bezpochyby polovica tohto zhromaždenia, ak by sme išli podľa hodnosti, podľa toho, kde by sme mali byť, polovica z vás by išla predo mnou. Je to tak. Ja nie som... Pozrite sa na tú zodpovednosť, ktorú mám, a ako voľne to nesiem. Som neužitočný sluha Kristov, vedieť to, čo ja o Ňom viem, a potom žijem tým spôsobom, ktorým žijem; nie nemorálnym, nie nečistým, nič také, Boh vie, že to je pravda. Vidíte? Snažím sa žiť správne, ale ja vyzerám, že nedokážem, aby tá vec prešla. Možno je to niekto iný, možno niekto vysoko vzdelaný alebo niečo, oni by to mohli tým ľuďom dať. Ale potom si niektorí myslia... všetci ľudia to jednako neporozumejú. Vidíte? Vidíte? Vidíte, On vie, čo urobí. Tak ja len porúčam samého seba Jemu a hovorím, „Pane, som v Tvojich rukách, konaj so mnou, ako sa Ti to vidí za správne.“ No, ak je Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera a naveky...
255No, verím, že poznám túto ženu. Nemôžem si spomenúť, kto ona je, ale poznám ju. Nejako ju poznám. Ale, ja som videl jej tvár, ale práve teraz neviem, kto ona je. Ale poznám ju, nejako. Či ma poznáš? Aha. Pomyslel som si, ako som sa díval na jej tvár, myslel som, že ju poznám, ale nemôžem povedať, kto ona je. Ale verím, že ona... Či nie je tvoj manžel... Nie si ty tá žena, ktorá pracuje v... Jej manžel pracuje v Sedem—Sedem—Sedem... alebo Sedem-Jedenásť, alebo niečo také, dole v New Albany. Pani Aganová, je to tak. No, bola si tu a prišla si do cirkvi. Roy, je to tá, ku ktorej sme raz išli na... Je to—je to tá, z toho vrchu? Ako? Jej sestra. To bolo, to je ako, vidíte. Pamätám sa, Roy a ja sme prechádzali autom okolo a on spomenul to meno a Pán ma tam hore poslal a uzdravil tú ženu rovno tam. Áno, tak veru a práve som si spomenul.
256No, ale vedieť, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku, ja neviem. Ty to vieš. Ale ak jej Pán Ježiš môže povedať niečo, čo ona urobila. Alebo má nejaké finančné problémy. Možno ona a jej manžel mali nejaký problém, možno jej deti, možno jedno z jej detí, ak ona má deti, ja neviem. Ale ak ona má, možno niektoré z jej detí utekajú preč. Možno tu ona stojí, aby sa dozvedela niečo ohľadne toho. Ja neviem. Nemám žiadny spôsob, ako by som to vedel. Nemôžem vám povedať. Ale On vie. Vidíte? Tak, rozumiete. Však?
257Počúvajte, dávajte teraz skutočne pozor. Nikdy predtým som toto nepovedal medzi poslucháčstvom, ale cítim sa byť vedený povedať to teraz. Čo je slovo? Je to vyjadrená myšlienka. No, ako môžem vyjadriť jej myšlienku, alebo ako jej môžem vyjadriť, čo je jej myšlienka? Bude to musieť byť nejaká myšlienka, ktorá je predstavená, a ona to nemôže urobiť. Tak ja musím vyjadriť Jeho myšlienku a ak je to správne... Ak je to Božia myšlienka, to bude správne; ak to nie je Božia myšlienka, potom to nebude správne; ona to bude vedieť, ty to budeš vedieť, všetci to budú vedieť. Rozumiete, nie je spôsob, ako to obísť. To musí byť buď Boh, alebo to nie je Boh. Jeho milosť je dostatočná. Teraz ver, každý teraz.
258A koľkí budú veriť? Dobre, možno ste nikdy predtým nevideli jedno z týchto zhromaždení, ale budete veriť, ak Boh niečo urobí? A potom, vy tam vonku teraz, vy, ktorí nebudete v modlitebnom rade, modlite sa tiež, vidíte. Alebo tiež, ak prichádzate v modlitbe, nestarám sa, kto ste, len sa modlite.
259Pane Ježišu, zabral som teraz veľa času, ale je to Tvoja služba, Pane. A po ľudsky som to všetko urobil tak, ako som len mohol urobiť, ale Ty si Boh, teraz je ten zvyšok v Tvojich rukách, Otče. Nech je známe, že Ty si Boh a Tvoje Slovo je pravda. Dokáž Svoje Slovo, Pane, tohto posledného dňa, keď Syn človeka bude zjavený. Ako On dal poznať Seba samého? On bol Slovom. Čím je Slovo? Rozpoznávateľom myšlienok a úmyslov srdca. On poznal ich myšlienky, povedal Petrovi, Filipovi, Natanaelovi, žene pri studni, tým všetkým tam, to, kedy oni prídu, vedel, že to malé dievča zaspalo, nebolo mŕtve. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si dnes použil naše pokorné stánky, tohto zemského prebývania, aby Si sa mohol dať poznať. Skrze Meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.
260No uzdraviť, ja nemôžem, vy to viete. „Čo je dar, brat Branham, niečo, čo ty vezmeš?“ Nie, to je niečo, že vy viete, ako sa odstúpiť z cesty. Rozumiete? Tak dlho, ako ste tam, to nikdy nebude fungovať. William Branham je ten najväčší nepriateľ, ktorého mám. Rozumiete? Ale keď ho dostanem preč z cesty, vidíte, potom Ježiš Kristus môže použiť to telo. Rozumiete? Vidíte, teraz, prišiel som ku tej žene. Čo teraz? Povedz teraz, či bola chorá.
261Je tu pani, ktorá má svoju končatinu vyloženú na stoličke. No, ak ja... ak by bol Ježiš tu a zišiel by dolu a položil Svoje ruky na tú ženu, tá končatina by vyzdravela. Nie je o tom žiadna pochybnosť. Ale, viete, my sme ľudské bytosti so špinavými rukami. Jeho ruky sú sväté, Boh Ho potvrdil. On bol Slovom. Veríte tomu? Iste, On nemal žiadnu pochybnosť. On by na ňu položil Svoje ruky a povedal, „Dcéra, buď zdravá,“ a ona by vyzdravela. Ale potom On poveril nás, aby sme robili tú istú vec. Myslím, že On to jasne identifikoval.
262No, čo ak by mi On dal videnie a povedal tejto žene niečo, čo má urobiť? Dobre, ja potom verím, ak by som na ňu položil svoje ruky, ona by vyzdravela. Veríte tomu? Ale čo ak by On nedal to videnie? Čo by to videnie urobilo? Len by mi dalo vieru. Vyšlúc moju vieru, tú neviditeľnú moc Božiu. Rozumiete? Tak, ak vy, každý jeden z vás by zomrel rovno v tejto minúte, nikdy by ste nevideli vaše, ako opúšťate svoje telo. Všetky vaše duševné schopnosti, všetko to, čo ste, by odišlo, ale vy by ste to nikdy nevideli, ako to odchádza. Rozumiete? Bolo by to... Tá sila, ktorá spôsobuje pohyb mojich rúk, to je určitá sila, či nie? Tá sila, ktorá spôsobuje, že rozmýšľam, sila, ktorá spôsobuje, že kážem, tá sila, ktorá spôsobuje, že žijem, konám, tá istá, ktorá motivuje toto telo, ho opustí, a vy neuvidíte, že tá sila odchádza. To je neviditeľná sila. Tak je to s vierou! Nezmeškajte to. Viera! A Ježiš povedal, „Budú klásť ruky na chorých.“ No, vidíte, ak by som išiel a mal videnie a položil na ňu ruky, verím, že ona vyzdravie, pretože som videl videnie, moja dôvera je v tom videní. Ale čo so Slovom? Kladiem na ňu ruky s tou istou vierou. To videnie je dané len na to, aby to motivovalo moju vieru a vašu vieru. S tou istou vierou bez videnia, to funguje práve tak isto. Niektorým ľuďom je daná veľká viera. Niektorí nemajú taký druh viery, sú im dané videnia, aby im dali takú vieru. Rozumiete? No, vidíte, to stále budú tie isté špinavé ruky, bude to tá istá osoba, ale len kladie na ňu ruky.
263No, nech Duch Svätý potvrdí Svoju prítomnosť, potvrdí Svoje Slovo, ktoré On zasľúbil. No, zabudol som, ako sa voláš. Ako sa voláš? Aganová. No, On by mi to mohol povedať, ak by On chcel, vieš, ale ja to len hovorím, ja viem, že ťa poznám. No, práve prichádzaš rovno sem, len na chvíľu, trochu bližšie, sú tu ľudia, ktorí tu stoja a modlia sa, rozumiete. To je... No, pani Aganová, ak ja som Kristov sluha a kázal som to Slovo, o ktorom verím, že je pravdou, veríš tomu? [Pani Aganová hovorí „Áno.“ - pozn.prekl.] Veríš tomu. No, ak máš na niečo potrebu, ja by som ti to nemohol dať, pretože ja to nemám, aby som ti to dal; možno je to trocha peňazí alebo niečo, alebo by som mohol ísť a hovoriť s tvojím manželom alebo deťmi alebo tvojimi milovanými alebo niečo, mohol by som. Ale ak by si potrebovala uzdravenie, ja by som ti to nemohol dať, to je už vykúpené. Ale skrze dar by som mohol spôsobiť, že by si to rozpoznala, ak by si mala vieru, že je to už vykúpené, pretože Ten, ktorý to vykúpil, ten Jediný, v ktorého môžeš mať vieru, je Syn Boží. Ten Vykupiteľ stojí tu. Rozumieš? Je to správne? Ten Vykupiteľ je tu.
264No, ty ma poznáš ako brata, kazateľa, a ja ťa poznám ako sestru. My poznáme Jeho ako Boha. No, ak tá neviditeľná Osoba, skrze ten dar, ktorý mám, spôsobí, že sa odstúpim z cesty, mi môže povedať, povedať tebe skrze mňa, moje ústa, rozumieš. No, keď sa modlím, Boh ma nevidí, On počuje môj hlas skrze Ježišovu Krv. Vieš, On nevidí mňa, On počuje môj hlas. A tá Krv je tam na to, aby reprezentovala to, za čo prosím. Rozumieš? Potom On počuje môj hlas, ale On vidí len tú Krv. Vieš, On nevidí mňa, tak ja nemôžem byť špinavý, ak som pod tou Krvou. Tá Krv očisťuje. Vidíte, On je tým nárazníkom medzi mnou a Bohom a On zasľúbil, „Proste Otca o čokoľvek, Ja to urobím.“ Veríš, že to je pravda?
265No, ak každý... vyzerá to... Môžete vidieť to, čo sa deje? Pozrite, prichádza sem, vidíte, to je Svetlo, jantárové, pohybuje sa dookola.
266No, ona by to nemohla skryť, ak by musela. Nie, nie. Ty si tu kvôli niečomu, čo sa ti stalo. Mala si zápal pľúc a bola si v nemocnici. Bola si pod kyslíkovým stanom. A trpíš na následky toho. Budeš v poriadku. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví, vidíš, a buď zdravá. Choď napred, ver tomu, sestra Aganová. Položím na teba svoje ruky v Ježišovom Mene. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Choď, buď teraz šťastná, nepochybuj o tom, čo On povedal.
267Ako sa máš, sestra? Nemyslím, že ťa poznám. My sme si cudzí. No, to je žena, ktorú nepoznám. Nepoznám ťa. Nemám žiaden spôsob, ako by som ťa poznal. Ale veríš, že Boh by mi to mohol zjaviť skrze Svoje Slovo, rozumieš, pretože On to zasľúbil? Veríš, že On by mi mohol povedať niečo o tebe? A to by spôsobilo, že by si to prijala, je to tak, vediac, že to by som nebol ja, tvoj brat, to by bol On, tvoj Spasiteľ. Veríš tomu? Ty čakáš na operáciu. Bolo ti povedané, že musíš ísť na operáciu. Veríš, že On mi môže povedať, kvôli čomu je tá operácia? Je to v žalúdku a v črevách. Je to presne tak. Ty tomu chceš uniknúť. Veríš teraz, s týmto Duchom tu, Duchom Kristovým všade okolo nás a ktorý je na mne. Vieš, niečo ti to muselo povedať, pretože ja ťa nepoznám. Veríš, skrze položenie rúk, to prenesie tú vieru, ktorou ja verím s tebou, s tvojou vierou a pred Bohom, naším Otcom, že budeš uzdravená? Potom, Pane Ježišu, ja poslúcham Tvoje príkazy, keď si Ty povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak položia ruky na chorých, budú uzdravení,“ nech je naša sestra uzdravená na Slávu Božiu; v Ježišovom Mene, amen. Choď domov, zabudni na to, rozumieš, choď ďalej a ver tomu z celého svojho srdca.
268Ako sa máš? Hovorím to len na to, aby som sa skontaktoval s tvojím duchom, pani. Tak, ako to urobil Ježiš pri tej studni, povedal, „Daj sa Mi napiť.“ No, ja verím... Ja neverím, že by som ťa niekedy videl, verím, že si mi cudzia. Je to tak? Ak je to tak, zodvihni svoju ruku, tak, aby to obecenstvo mohlo vidieť. Ja nepoznám tú pani.
269 Toto je skutočné uzdravenie, je to skutočná viera, skutočné Písmo, nezcudzoložené Slovo Božie zamanifestované a dokázané, že On nie je mŕtvy. On žije navždy. „A ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré ja robím, on bude tiež, a tento veriaci položí svoje ruky na chorých a oni vyzdravejú.“ Ó, ako o tom môžete pochybovať? Vidíte? No, On vedel kto bude a kto nie, ja to neviem. To je na Ňom.
270Ale teraz, ak je táto pani cudzia... Ja ju nepoznám, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Ona je mladá žena, oveľa mladšia než ja. Ale ja som ju nikdy nevidel. A ona tu je za určitým účelom. Veríš, že tieto veci, ktoré som vyučoval z tej Biblie, pani, sú Pravdou? Veríš, že oni sú Pravdou. A prijmeš to, nie pretože som to ja povedal, pretože Boh to povedal?
271Veríš, že žijeme v posledných dňoch, keď má byť zamanifestovaný Syn človeka? To bude celé to Slovo, ktoré je zhromažďované cez Luthera, Wesleya, Baptistov a tých všetkých a Letničných, všetko zhromaždené do zjavenia toho, čo to všetko bolo. Ten siedmy anjel mal otvoriť to tajomstvo šiestich pečatí. To všetko je zhromaždené v tom Synovi človeka, plnosť Jeho času prišla do plnosti Jeho Slova, aby zamanifestoval plnosť Jeho Tela. To je to Slovo, potom, to je vypovedané Slovo, zamanifestované skrze Slovo, zjavené Slovo.
272No, ak mi Boh môže povedať, aký je tvoj problém... On ťa utvoril, On vie o tebe všetko. A ak to On môže zjaviť... Ty vyzeráš ako zdravá osoba. Ale ak mi to On môže zjaviť, budeš vedieť, či je to pravda alebo nie. Prijmeš to? No, pozri sa rovno na mňa. Pravdaže, ty nosíš okuliare, musela si ich nosiť. To skutočne nie je to, kvôli čomu si tu. Môžem vidieť, že sa to pohlo rovno dozadu, vidíte. Ty si tu kvôli krvným zrazeninám. Vidíš? Vidíš? Veríš, že On mi môže povedať, kde oni sú? V tvojich nohách. Či veríš, že to je Boh, ktorý to robí? Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať o tebe viac? Hmm? Ak zhromaždenie... Ty si cudzia a ja len... hovorím chvíľu s tebou. Veríš, že On môže, veríš, že On mi môže povedať, odkiaľ si? Ty si z Gary, Indiana. Veríš, že On mi môže povedať, kto si? Pani Ogdenová. Je to pravda. Choď teraz domov a buď zdravá, v Mene Ježiša Krista.
273Ako sa máš? Sme tiež jeden pre druhého cudzí. Ja ťa nepoznám, vidíš. Ale veríš, že Pán Ježiš mi môže zjaviť tvoj problém? [Tá sestra hovorí, „Ja to viem.“ -- pozn.prekl.] Ty to vieš. Ďakujem ti, sestra. To je veľmi dobré. V poriadku, že to vieš, potom ten pruh bude v poriadku. A ty máš nádor na svojom boku. Je to pravda, či nie? Chceš, aby som ti povedal, na ktorom boku? On je na pravej strane. Je to presne tak. Choď svojou cestou a ver tomu a vyzdravieš.
274Či veríte? Absolútne, to je Pravda. Veríte, že Syn Boží, Syn človeka zostúpil dolu cez tie veky, tak, ako On zasľúbil? Ale, len, veríte, že svet je v stave Sodomy, pripravený, aby bol zničený ohňom, ako Sodoma? Sodomania boli pohania, pamätajte. Ale tam dolu, v Sodome, boli nejakí spravodliví ľudia, Boh poslal posla, aby ich vyvolal; niektorí z nich vyšli, niektorí nie, väčšina z nich tam zostala. Ale bola tam skupina, ktorá tam sedela na tom vrchu, Abrahám, a tam bol Posol, ktorý k nemu prišiel, aby mu ukázal, čo sa malo stať. On v tom jednako nemal byť. Ale potom, ten svet je dnes v tom istom stave a Ježiš Kristus je Syn Boží, Syn človeka, Syn Dávidov, a On prišiel, aby zamanifestoval Seba samého.
275Všimol som si práve, ako sa s tou ženou niečo deje. On tu je kvôli veľkému dôvodu. On tu nie je kvôli chorobe. Viete, čo sa ma chce spýtať? „Polož na ňu svoje ruky, ona prijme krst Duchom Svätým.“ Vidíte? Vidíte? Či to nie je tak? Zodvihni svoju ruku, ak je to tak. Vidíte? Vidíte, ona má veľkú vec. Drahý Nebeský Otče, daj tomuto Tvojmu dieťaťu túžbu jej srdca, nech ona prijme krst Duchom Svätým. Tak ona ho prijme. Amen. Ty ho prijmeš. Nech ťa Boh žehná.
276Veríš? Čo ty tam, či veríš, tiež? Ak môžeš veriť, všetko je možné. Vyzeráš ohľadne toho veľmi úprimne, veríš, že tá krvná zrazenina ťa môže opustiť, tiež? Ty, čo sedíš rovno tam s tou zelenou košeľou. Zodvihni svoju ruku, ak veríš, že ťa to opustí, to ťa opustí. Nikdy vo svojom živote som toho človeka nevidel, je mi úplne, absolútne cudzí. Nikdy som ho nevidel.
277Či tomu veríte, vy ostatní, obecenstvo? No, či nevidíte, že to musí byť On?
278Rakovina nie je pre Boha ťažká vec, aby ju uzdravil. On to môže uzdraviť, či môže? Veríš, že On môže? V poriadku, potom choď, prijmi to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Len ver z celého svojho srdca.
279Ahoj, drahá. Vieš, Ježiš prelial Svoju Krv, aby tvoja krv mohla byť v poriadku. Veríš tomu? Drahý Bože, žehnám tomuto dieťaťu a nech má ona transfúziu krvi z Golgoty. Zober preč všetok ten cukor, Pane, a nech je zdravá v Ježišovom Mene. Nech ťa Boh žehná.
280Ako sa máš? Veríš, že On môže uzdraviť ten chrbát a dať ho do poriadku? [Ten brat hovorí, „Viem, že On môže.“ -- pozn.prekl.] V poriadku, choď, ver tomu, maj vieru. Len položme na teba svoje ruky, tak, ako si to žiadaš. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.
281Či veríš? On stvoril potravu na jedenie, On stvoril žalúdok, aby to strávil. A keď niečo nie je v tom žalúdku v poriadku, On je jeho Uzdraviteľom. Veríš tomu? V poriadku, to je všetko, čo musíš vedieť, ver z celého svojho srdca.
282Ty si mala to isté, len choď ďalej a ver tiež z celého svojho srdca.
283Je to v poriadku, priveďte tú dámu. Ako sa máš? Pekné malé dievča, ona ja veľmi malá na to, aby mala ženské problémy. Veríš, že Ježiš ťa z toho uzdraví? Drahý Bože, toto malé dievča, preklínam tohto nepriateľa v prítomnosti Ježiša Krista, nech ju to opustí, nech je zdravá. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Buď požehnaná, drahá, budeš v poriadku.
284Veríš? No, tmavý tieň sa hýbe nahor, smrť. Rakovina nie je... Boh môže uzdraviť rakovinu a dať to do poriadku. Veríš tomu z celého svojho srdca? Veríš, že On ťa z toho uzdraví? V Mene Ježiša Krista, karhám túto prekliatu vec pod tými prekríženými rybami, nech to Kristov Kríž vezme preč. Nech to odíde v Mene Ježiša Krista. Nepochybuj, choď, ver z celého svojho srdca. Amen. Ak môžeš veriť, všetko je možné.
285Ako sa máš? Pravdaže, tvoja artritída ťa opustí a ty zostaneš uzdravená, ak veríš. Veríš že budeš, tak, že budeš môcť znovu chodiť a že všetko bude v poriadku? Nech Pán žehná túto drahú sestru a uzdraví ju v Ježišovom Mene. Choď, ver z celého svojho srdca.
286Veríš, že tá istá vec sa môže stať tebe? No, ja verím, že môže. Ak veríš, že si uzdravený práve teraz. Ja sám verím, že ťa to opustilo. V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech náš brat ide a je normálny a zdravý, na slávu Božiu. Amen.
287Nakoniec sa to stalo. Ty, ktorý tam sedíš, plačeš, či veríš, že tie hemoroidy ťa opustia? On zostal rovno tu až do poslednej polhodiny, vyzeralo to tak, rovno predo mnou, On stojí rovno za týmto mužom. Ty si veril, však? Ty veríš z celého svojho srdca a môžeš ísť nazad dolu do Texasu a byť zdravý. Nikdy vo svojom živote som toho človeka nevidel.
288Veríš, že ten chrbátik bude v poriadku, a ty budeš pripravená, aby si bola uzdravená? Pane Ježišu, dotkni sa tejto maličkej a uzdrav ju v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Ver tomu z celého svojho srdca.
289No, ten Duch sa približuje, je nad celou budovou. Ťažko povedať, odkiaľ to mohlo prísť, si nervózna. Dovoľ mi niečo ti ukázať. Koľkí sú tu nervózni, zodvihnite svoje ruky. Vidíte, je ťažko povedať, ktorý je ktorý. Ale Boh vie o tom všetko, všetky vaše túžby. Skúšala si všetko, z celej sily, aby si ich premohla. Snažila si sa v živote vzdať mnohých vecí a chceš slúžiť Bohu so všetkým, čo je v tebe. Vyzerá to, že vždy je niečo, čo ťa od toho drží preč. Veríš, že sa to stane hneď teraz, dnes ráno, že budeš z týchto vecí vyslobodená? Budeš tomu veriť?
290Náš Nebeský Otče, tak, aby títo ostatní mohli vidieť, že Ty si Kristus, Syn Boží, uzdrav túto drahú ženu, ktorá tu stojí, Otče, utíš ju. My všetci vieme, čím trpí, Pane, a my sa modlíme, aby si ju Ty uzdravil. Ako na ňu kladiem svoje ruky s celou vierou, ja, tiež, mám práve teraz útok, únavu, Satan, som prepracovaný, podráždené nervy. Satan, opusti ju. Kladiem na ňu svoje ruky so všetkou vierou, ktorú mám, opusti ju, v Ježišovom Mene. Choď, a ver v Neho. To je to, čo si chcela, aby som urobil.
291Ja ťa nepoznám, si mi cudzí. Ten pruh bude uzdravený, ak budeš veriť. A ďalšia vec, ty máš artritídu. Ak veríš, budeš zdravý. Tvoj problém s chrbtom ťa opustil. Choď a ver.
292Veríš z celého svojho srdca? Tu, to... koľkí... To sú už všetci v tom rade? Je ešte niekto, kto ešte má ísť do toho radu? Vy všetci prejdite tadeto tak, aby som mohol klásť ruky na chorých. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy, je už po jednej hodine. Drahý Bože, kladiem svoje ruky na moju sestru, zatiaľ čo je tu pomazanie Ducha Svätého. Uzdrav ju v Ježišovom Mene. Drahý Nebeský Otče, kladiem svoje ruky na môjho brata... [Prázdne miesto na páske. Brat Branham pokračuje v modlitbe za chorých — pozn.prekl.]... či veríte?
293Ó, za teba nebolo modlené, brat? [Prázdne miesto na páske — pozn. prekl.]... brat, viete čo on urobil? On je starý poľovník jeleňov. On povedal, že mal pušku, s ktorou vždy poľoval na jelene, povedal, že teraz je už príliš starý na to, aby išiel poľovať. On chcel priniesť tú pušku a dať ju mne. Amen. Povedzme „Chvála Pánovi.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Chvála Pánovi.“ -- pozn.prekl.]
Milujem Ho,
Nezabudnite svoje malé otázky, ktoré chcete položiť. Ak ich nemáte dnes, prineste ich v stredu alebo v nedeľu.
Pretože On ma prv miloval;
A vykúpil...
Boli ste všetci v modlitebnom rade, modlitebnom rade?
… spasenie;
Na Golgotskom kríži.
294Pomyslite, aký je On pre nás sladký, teraz. Len pomyslite, On dokazuje Svoje Slovo! Rozumiete? No, pozrite, ak by som ja mohol uzdraviť, to by bolo iné, rozumiete, ale On je ten, ktorý to už urobil. Rozumiete? Tak On len potvrdzuje Svoju prítomnosť tu, „Ja som ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy a žijem naveky.“ Nikdy nebol taký človek ako On. On bol úplne Človekom. On bol Boh. Rozumiete? Nikdy nebol taký človek, ktorý žil tak, ako žil On. Nikdy sa človek nenarodil tak, ako sa On narodil. Nikdy nebol taký človek, ktorý by mohol urobiť to, čo... ako čo On urobil. Nikdy nebol taký človek, ktorý zomrel tak, ako On zomrel. Nikdy nebol taký človek, ktorý vstal tak z mŕtvych, ako On vstal. „Ó,“ poviete, „počkaj brat Branham, iní boli vzkriesení z mŕtvych.“ Áno, ale oni znova zomreli. Ale On je živý navždy. Rozumiete? Nikdy človek nevstal tak, ako On vstal. On vstal z mŕtvych, navždy.
295[Brat Branham hmká „Milujem Ho“ -- pozn.prekl.] Spievajme Mu to teraz.
Ó, milujem Ho, milujem Ho;
Pretože On prv miloval mňa;
A vykúpil mi spasenie;
Na Golgote.
296Skloňme len naše hlavy. Pane Ježišu, ja milujem týchto ľudí. A ja ich tu dlho držím, Pane, nemal som to v úmysle. Ale tu, mnohí z nich čakajú s malými deťmi, ony sú hladné, ony nerozumejú. Ale len sedia rovno tu, pretože vedia, že človek nemôže žiť, iba skrze Slovo Božie. A potom, keď je to Slovo vypovedané a potom dané na známosť, zamanifestované, dokázané, potom oni vedia, že to môžeš byť jedine Ty. Modlím sa za každého jedného. Požehnaj ich, Otče. Nech sú zdraví a silní na tú cestu, ktorá leží pred nami. Požehnaj ich počas týždňa. A ak je to Tvoja vôľa, Pane, aby sme sa tu mohli stretnúť znovu na budúcu nedeľu, budúci Sabat, prísť sem a uctievať, modlím sa, Bože, aby si ich Ty posilnil. Niektorí z nich možno nie, niektorí budú musieť ísť do svojich domovov v rôznych častiach krajiny, možno cez more, alebo mimo Spojených štátov. Modlíme sa, aby si bol s nimi a pomohol im. Nech by sme sa stretli jedného dňa pri Ježišových nohách. Udeľ to, Otče. Pomôž nám teraz, ako milujeme jeden druhého a veríme v Teba a dúfame, že jedného dňa to puto, ktoré teraz zväzuje naše srdcia spolu, bude tým večným povrazom, dovoľ nám žiť v tom meste, ktoré je štvoruhlasté, po celú večnosť. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen. V poriadku.
Vezmi to Meno Ježiš so sebou;
Dieťa... (Potraste si teraz jeden z druhým ruky)... smútku;
Dá ti radosť...
(Obráťte sa dookola a potraste si ruky s niekým, povedzte, „Som šťastný, že som tu dnes ráno s tebou.“)
Vezmi ho všade, kam ideš.
Vzácne Meno, ó, aké sladké! (Nech vás Boh žehná...)
Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;
Vzácne Meno, ó, aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.
(Teraz, počúvajte teraz toto, spievajte to teraz takto:)
Vezmi to Meno Ježiš so sebou;
Ako štít pred každou pascou;
(Počúvajte teraz pozorne.)
Keď ťa obklopí pokušenie.
(Čo robiť?) Vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.
Vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno), ó, aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;
Vzácne Meno!
1 Let us remain standing and bow our heads. Lord Jesus, we are grateful to Thee this morning for the privilege of coming into Thy Presence in Thy house, where Thy people are gathered in Thy Name. And all is Thine, Lord. And we commit ourselves to Thee now for the expectation we have in our hearts for a--a service for those who are without God and without Christ, that they'll be saved, and the sick will be healed, and the saints will be blessed. Grant it, Lord. And then at the end, we will bow our heads in humility and give Thee praise for all that You do through us this day. For it's in Jesus' Name we asked it. Amen. You may be seated.
2 I'm indeed grateful for the privilege of being here again today, and for you people that's traveled so far to come for the Message, for the service this morning. I know you didn't come just to see or hear me, you come to meet the Lord Jesus. And so I'm trusting that He will give to you the desire of your heart.
3Now I'm--am back, come back, taking the family to Tucson and returned. I'm tired and wore out. And I'm been going all summer, since last January, and now I've come to go down in Kentucky this week, to go hunting with some friends, to try to relax a little. It makes me nervous so much, you know, so I'm... Billy and I both are just about gone, so we--we pray that God will help us this week to relax.
4 The Lord willing, I want to be back here again next Sunday if the Lord willing. And I want a special service next Sunday. I want to do something a little different than ordinarily. Now, I give this out so that the people who would... might not be interested wouldn't have to come, but we always pray for the sick, the Lord willing, when the people come. And next Sunday I want to find out what's on all your hearts. I--I want you to write out, today, when you leave, and lay it upon the desk, and Brother Neville will give them to Billy Paul, and he to me, what's on your heart. Just say... if it's a Bible question, usually I have it that way. I'm going to open it a little further now, maybe there's some problem on your heart that--that you--you can't get it through somehow, like that you got, oh, maybe a domestic trouble. You don't have to sign your name to it, but just, "My husband does so-and-so and it hinders me." "My wife does so-and-so." "And--and there--there's a certain thing takes place in life," or--or something, you know, just what's on your heart, something that's troubling you. I think that would be good. Do you? Then just find out there, and maybe you ask the question and I might answer for somebody else. See, they may have the same trouble. And just what's on your heart, make it just as brief as possible, like, "I have a child that seems to be going wrong, what must I do?" "I have a--a husband that won't come to church with me. He gets arrogant with me, what must I do?" Or, a wife, the same way. Or--or, you know, "The Bible says this in one place and this in another place, I don't understand it. These, I'd like to know what It means." "And should I, in the case of a Christian, when I'm working at the office and the boss says such-and-such a things, and he asks me to go with him to a party, and in this party they drink, what should I do?" See, just, you know, things like is on the human mind. We want you to.
5 And, therefore, then I--I got to go back then, after that, to Arizona. And I thought I'd--would get a chance to kind of help you to understand, and the best that I can. I'd like to have as many as I could put on the pulpit today before you leave. Just write it and lay it up here, and--and Brother Neville or one of them will give them to me. And this week, down in the mountain, I'll have a--a chance to study it and--and pray over it, and get the Scriptural answer for you to everything that I can, to help you. For that's why we are assembled here, is to help one another. See? You help me as you pray for me, and I hope I can help you. Now, then, don't forget, that'll be next Sunday morning.
6 And now, today, we're... are visitors with us, as usually. And how many's from over a hundred miles away, raise your hand? That's ninety-nine percent of the congregation. A few Sundays ago, I said, "How many's from so-far away," or something, and I couldn't get no hands from Jeffersonville. Huh! Next day I got it, though, they said, "Brother Branham, all the visitors come in," and said, "we just let them take our place in the church." So said they come, hundreds come by and couldn't get in, said, "Because we seen the visitors, see." Now, that's nice of the Jeffersonville people around here. We--we're--we're grateful for that, Jeffersonville and New Albany, and the people around about. We're grateful for that. How many's from a thousand miles away? My! How many's from over a thousand away, raise your hands? Oh, goodness! That's fine. That's...
7 Last Sunday, was a week ago, I spoke on the subject, The Future Home Of The Bride And Groom, and I think we were from fifteen hundred square miles around. And, it happened to be, that was exactly the measure of the City I was speaking about, fifteen hundred square miles. I've been feasting on That ever since, knowing that when this life is over, I'm going to that City. I'm bound for that City, and nothing else matters. What if the sun doesn't shine today, or tomorrow never comes, what difference does it make? We got a Home, a resting Place. Tired or not tired, we still have that resting Place. You say, "That's an old man's dream." No, it isn't. It isn't. It's the Bible Truth.
8 One night after speaking here, there was a man rushed around behind the platform here, as I went out the door, was trying to get me out to the car. And this young fellow said, "I want to just say one word to you." Billy and some of the brethren trying to take me on to the car. He said, "Can I just say the one word?"
I said, "Say on, sir."
9And he said, "You was talking tonight, about bawling them women out, the way they were dressing, wearing them clothes." Said, "A man of your age would think that, but if you was my age you'd think different."
I said, "How old are you?"
He said, "I'm twenty-seven."
10And I said, "I was ten, fifteen years younger than you, I was preaching the same thing. See?" I said, "It's what's in your heart, boy. Your eyes see through your heart." And he just dropped his head and walked away. I guess there's no more answer to that. See, it depends on what's in here is what's going to come out through here and here. See, Jesus said, "If you say different from what's in here, then you become a hypocrite."
11 I'm glad this morning, somewhere in the congregation, to have a--a very precious friend of mine, brother, Reverend Eddie Byskal and his wife and children. I suppose they got into the meeting this morning. Eddie, are you here? I--I thought you... Well, maybe he didn't get to come. Brother, oh, yes, way... Now, that's not the "amen" corner, Eddie. You're welcome up here on the platform with us, the ministers, if you want to come. And then we've been on...
12 Brother Eddie was along when the Lord gave me the vision about the bear and the caribou. The... How many remembers that when I told you? All right, he was there. He was the young fellow had on the checkered shirt, Brother Eddie Byskal. And he stood there where... and asked... I--I asked them if they had a checkered shirt, any of them. "Nope," no one had it. I said, "Well, it might... It's got to be a checkered shirt. There's going to be a--a big silver-tip grizzly, and--and some kind of an animal that's got forty-two inches over its horns, like this, looked like a deer." And that was about six months, I said here, you know, before it happened; long, about this, oh, earlier than this in the year.
13Then I was invited up there to this man, to go hunting. I never been back in that country, back there where we went, and I said it. But the little trail, that's way up on the Alaskan highway, where there's nothing but woods and mountains and animals. And that night at the trailer when I was telling Brother Byskal back there and--and Brother Southwick, he said, "Well I--I... We're going up in sheep country," said, "it won't be up there."
14And I said, "Yes," and I said, "it was one of the little fellows was with me had a checkered shirt on." Nobody had a checkered shirt, Brother Byskal didn't have one, none of the rest of us had one.
15 The second night up, we had seen, spotted a ram way up above timber line. Now, that's way up where timber don't even grow, where's there's nothing but caribou and sheep, and we had spotted some way away. And on the road down that afternoon, Brother Byskal had stumbled into some water and gotten wet.
16The next morning we got up early and started after the rams that we thought we were going to get. And on his... We got up there and we was... had eaten our dinner, and we couldn't find the rams, and Brother Byskal had just shot a caribou. So then I, looking around, and we went up, Brother Southwick said to me, said, "I believe we'll... if you want to walk right good, Brother Branham, we'll go over this mountain, down in that draw, them rams might have went over there," which is a long walk. But it don't get dark maybe till real late, it's maybe ten or eleven o'clock sometimes.
17 And it's a good long walk over them rocky mountains. So I like to walk, and so we just standing there with our arms around one another, both of our beards turning gray, with our arms around each other, crying and knowing, I said, "Brother Bud, I hope someday, in the Millennium, I can walk all them mountains there."
18He said, "I hope I'm with you, Brother Branham." And we was standing there, just rejoicing in the Lord. And I love the mountains so well!
19And then we went down. That's when Brother Byskal there shot the--the--the caribou. That, he's a missionary to the Indians, and he wanted to feed this to his Indians. So we went down, ate our dinner, and dressed the caribou out and come back.
20 Bud and I were going up across the mountain, and when we happened to look over, and in the distance, with my glasses, I spotted this animal that I had saw, just in a panoramic, like I told you here. Brother Byskal there, standing right by our side. And so I said, "There is that animal."
21And he put the glasses on, and said, "It's a great big, old, mammoth bull caribou."
22And I said, "I never seen, I thought they had panel horns." But this one had spikes, he was an odd-looking fellow, just like I saw in the vision. I never shot caribou before.
23"So, well," he said, "if the Lord's give him to you," he said, "there just..."
24 I said, "Yes, that's bound to be it. The only thing I'm wondering about is that checkered shirt." And I looked around, and Brother Eddie, his wife must have put it, she was there with him, must have put it in his duffel bag. When he got wet the day before, he had changed shirts, and there was the checkered shirt. I said, "This is it."
25When I got over and got the caribou, he, Bud, said to me, said, "Now, Brother Branham, you say these horns are forty-two inches?"
I said, "That's what they'll be."
He said, "Looked to me like about ninety-two."
I said, "No. They're forty-two inches."
26He said, "Now, according to what you told me, before we get back to that boy down there with the checkered shirt on, Eddie," (where they was going to meet us down below the mountain, couple miles), said, "you're going to kill a grizzly bear."
I said, "That's THUS SAITH THE LORD."
27He said, "Brother Branham, where is he coming from? I can see for fifty miles around."
28I said, "He's still Jehovah-jireh. The Lord can provide for Himself, see. He can make squirrels come into existence. If He can make a ram come into existence, if He has spoke it about a bear, a bear can come into existence."
29 Us trying to pack this heavy caribou down, the trophy, down the mountain, and I packed the rifle part of the time, and then he would pack the rifle, and vice versa. And when we got almost to a big glacier, why, we got under there. It was kind of hot, we get in the glacier of ice, and sit down there a while to cool off. He said, "You know, Brother Branham, we're not over about a mile from where Eddie and Blaine, them two boys, be standing. That old bear better be showing up."
I said, "Bud, I believe you're doubting it."
30He said, "Brother Branham, my brother had epileptic fits for so many years. And you told me once, the first time up here, when we went down to another place, told me what that boy looked like." And Eddie was riding right by my side there, on a horse, when the Lord gave the vision. And I told them what to do with the boy, the fits stopped. And now he said, "I can't doubt it."
31 I said, "Bud, I don't know where the bear is coming from." But I was about fifty, I'm fifty-five now, so that's been about three years ago. I was about fifty-two or fifty-three. I said, "I've never seen It fail. God will give me that grizzly bear before I get to them boys." And we was almost down to where the small spruce and timber started in.
32A little lower down the hill, we was almost into the timber, he sat down. He was the one that was packing the trophy then, I had the rifle. And he said, "That old bear better be showing up, hadn't he?"
I said, "He'll be there. Don't you worry."
He said, "I can see every hill."
33I said, "I... But I see the promise!" See? See, He promised. I said, "Ever what He..." I said, "Bud, what is that setting right there?"
34He looked, said, "It's a big silver-tip grizzly." Said, "That's him." When we got the grizzly and come back... I remembered in the vision I told you, I was scared about the rifle. It was a little bitty .270, small bullets, you see. It's on tape. And I got the bear, just about five hundred yards, like It said. Bud said, "You better shoot that bear in the back." He said, "Did you ever shoot a grizzly before?"
I said, "Nope."
35 He said, "Oh, they don't know what death is!" I learned that a little later. So he said, "They don't break up from shock," said, "you better shoot him."
I said, "According to the vision, I shot it in the heart."
36He said, "Well, if that vision said so, I'm going to stand by you."
37And I said, "Here we go." And we got a little closer, and when I raised up, the bear saw me. That was what he wanted, to make a charge. And I--I shot the bear, it didn't seem like it even hurt him. Here he come! And before I could get another bullet in the gun, the bear died about fifty yards from him.
38Bud was white around the mouth, he said, "Brother Branham, I didn't want him on my lap."
I said, "I didn't either."
39Said, "I'm glad that vision said you got him." He said, "Now, if that, if them horns are forty-two inches, I'm going to have a..." I'll say it the way he did, said, "I'm going to have a screaming fit."
40I said, "Well, you just have it right now, because that's what it's going to be."
41 When we got down to Brother Eddie, I said to Brother Eddie... We tied the horses off, they're scared of a bear. And, oh, my, they'd a-had to smell it. We couldn't skin him out, it was too late; had to come back the next day. And then we broke up the string about ten times, and horses running everywhere. So then when we got down there, he said... Went and got the tape measure out of his saddle bag, said, "Blaine."
42I said to Brother Eddie, I said, "Watch that little hand now, according..." I thought it might have been Billy Paul, little bitty hand hold the tape measure around the horn. I said, "Watch that little hand," punched Brother Eddie. We stepped back. He put it right up like that, exactly on the nose, forty-two inches. See, just exactly. Jesus never fails! That Word will never fail as long as it comes from God.
43 I just spotted in our midst, Brother and Sister Jackson from South Africa. I guess they had been introduced. And--and have you, Brother Jackson? This morning, stand up, you and Sister Jackson. I'd just like for them to see. My brother, Eddie, here is an old hunting partner from South Africa, too, way down. The Lord bless you, Brother Jackson and Sister Jackson, so glad to have you here with us. And all of the ministers in the building raise up your hand, all that's in the ministry. Well, that's fine and dandy, good. The Lord bless you. We're glad to have you all here. I'm going to have a prayer line in a few minutes, so I--I don't... I wish I could have you all to stand up and come up and preach for me. We're so glad to have you, every one of you.
44 When, I think of your loyalty, and--and coming across the nation, and so forth, to hear me speak about that lovely Lord Jesus, your confidence that you have that He hears my prayers. I was talking just a few moments ago on private interview to a certain member of this church, not over forty-five minutes ago, brokenhearted mother. And just as I started to say something to the woman, (I don't know whether she'd want me to say who she was or not), there came that same Light that you see in that picture. It was all over, she went happy. We're so glad, today, in this shifting age that we're living in, where you can hardly put confidence in anything, we have a Kingdom that cannot shift, cannot move. The Unmovable! Not the rock of Gibraltar, but our faith can rest solemnly upon the Rock of Ages, upon Jesus Christ, the unmovable Rock of salvation.
45 I want to thank the sister that brought the little triune box with a Bible in it for my wife that's here. She had made a covenant to the Lord about this little box. She had cherished it. It's got some... like pictures of old times on it. And she asked the Lord... She had cherished the box a little too much, perhaps. Just an ordinary little box in the shape of a pyramid. And she brought it with a Bible to my wife. Thank you, sister. Every one of your little gifts and things that you give Billy Paul and those, they get to me. I'm grateful for everything. God be with you.
46 Don't forget now, next Sunday morning. As soon as service is over today, write out your question. If you can't, bring it next Sunday morning. I'll come a little early, then let them bring it to the room, so I can have time to give it a Scriptural background. And we'll answer the questions next Sunday morning, the Lord willing.
47Now, there's many handkerchiefs laying here. And I push them back, just in order to get my--my notes down here, and my... also my Bible, so, or my Bible and my notes, rather, so that I can have a little room. But I'm... I pray for each one.
48 I'll scripture my notes down, I have just a short time. I won't keep you like I did the last time I was here, around four hours. I made myself a promise, if I taped anymore like that, I'd tape them by myself here, or something other, so I wouldn't have to hold you so long.
49 Is Dr. Lee Vayle in this morning? I wanted to ask if Dr. Lee Vayle... Are you here, Brother Vayle? Raise up your hand if you are. Is he in the back? All right, thank you, Brother Roy. And I want you to be sure to check those notes, Brother Vayle. You're somewhere in the crowds back there that I can't see, or in the hall. We have to watch, can't let too many stand, the fire marshal won't let us do that, you see, and so we are. I want you to check my revelation on Serpent's Seed, to be injected into the first, Ephesian Church Age that he's writing, regrammarizing it for me. Beautifully done! And I want you to check that and let somebody say something against the Serpent's Seed now (whether it was right, or not)! So the Lord just gave it to me yesterday, see. Oh, it's beyond! How I get a message, I'll be going along and Something strikes me. Then... And if I know it's God, I'll take it over and find it in the Scripture. Then I have... It's never failed, but, from Genesis to Revelation, run true, no matter what people think about It. And it's been more so than ever since those Seven Seals. See, that did it that time. So the Lord bless you now as we study. Now in respects to the Word...
50 And I believe somebody, the engineer, ever who it is on, it's getting a little rebound here on the acoustics. Now can you hear in the back, all right? Raise up your hands if you can. Fine!
51Now let us turn in the Bible, to two places in the Scripture, and I'll try to get the message out and get out on time, if the Lord willing. And now let's turn to Mark, the 5th chapter, and to the First Kings, the 10th chapter; Mark, the 5th chapter; First Kings, the 10th chapter.
52Now, but for the stranger that might be within our gates, this, we put our Sunday School in one great class. And that's this class here, because the rooms are all packed out with the people and we can't have regular separate classes, and we study a little on the Word, have fellowship together. We don't... We are not any denomination. We have no denomination. We are just free in the Lord, and we not mean a bunch of fanaticism. We just teach the Bible, and That alone. And the Lord is so good to us, till He backs it up and shows that that is true. And It gives us great consolation.
53 And now you are--you are welcome to be in our midst at any time. Now, I'm not here all the time, but we have some fine pastors here; Brother Neville, one of our pastors; Brother Capps, another of our pastors; and Brother--and Brother Collins, Wilbur Collins, another, our pastors. And then we have different ones from different parts, our little associated churches. If you're around in--in Texas, the Martin brothers here, and Brother... What's the brother that comes with you out here? I can't see Brother Blair this morning. Oh, Brother Blair, I didn't see you, Brother Blair. Brother Ruddell, right back here, one of the churches on 62, one of the sister churches here. Brother Junior Jackson, sitting right here by Brother Blair, I see him now, another one of our sister churches. And we got churches around over the country from everywhere.
54 Brother Jack Palmer, on his road up, I think they were speeding a little, with the new car of his boy, kind of, you know, kind of getting a little out of the speed limits, and had an accident. He hurt his jaw, and he wasn't able to come, he went back home. So he's doing all right. And Brother Ben, here, another one of our brethren up in Kentucky here, he called him this morning to see if they needed any money or anything that the church could help them with, he said everything was fine. And he was turning a bend with too much speed, and hit some gravel, and it mashed his jaw or something. And they called from down there, when he turned his car into a post or something, and--and called for to be prayed for.
55Brother Billy Collins also, we know, mashed his thumb real bad, broke the bone in it, I hear, and they had to set it. So we want to remember him in prayer.
56 And now the reason that we stand. When we pledge allegiance, flags passing by, or anything, we always stand at attention, or salute, or stand, at least, to show respects to our nation, which we should do it, and to our flag. And then what about our Lord, when we're reading His Word? Let us stand now as we read Saint Mark 5, and beginning with the 21st verse. Notice closely now as we read.
And when Jesus was passed over again by ship unto the other side, much people gathered unto him: and he was nigh... the sea.
And, behold, there came one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name; and when he saw him, he fell at his feet,
And besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hand--hands on her, and she may be healed; and... shall live.
... Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him.
And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,
... had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing better, but rather grew worse,
When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.
For she said, If I may but touch his clothes, I shall be whole.
And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of the plague.
And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about the... in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?
And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest... Who touched me?
And he looked around about to see her that had done this thing.
But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.
And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith has made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.
And while he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said, Thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Master any further?
As soon as Jesus heard the words that was spoken, he said unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid only believe.
And he suffered no man to follow him, save Peter,... James,... John the brother of James.
And he came, cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the tumult, and when... and that wept and wailed greatly.
And when he was come in, said unto them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth.
And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he took the father and the mother and the damsel, of the damsel (rather), and then them that were with him, and entered in where the damsel was laying.
And He said to the damsel, and He... (pardon me)... he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.
And straightway the damsel rose up, and walked; for she was... the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment.
And he charged them saying that no man should know it; and He commanded that something should be given her to eat.
57 In the Book of First Kings, 10th chapter, we read these three verses.
And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the LORD, she came to prove him with hard questions.
And she came to Jerusalem with a very great train, with camels that bare spices,... very much gold, and precious stones: and when she was come to Solomon, he... she communed with him of all that was in her heart.
And Solomon told her--her all her questions: there was not any thing hid from the king, which he told her not.
58 Let us pray.
Lord Jesus, as we read these stories of the Bible, our hearts jump for joy. For we know that Thou art God, and You never change. You never change Your methods, You never change Your ways, You remain God forever. And we pray, God, that You will bring the interpretation to us this morning, of these Scriptures that You would have us to know, that our hearts might be discerned, the great Holy Spirit would come among us today and discern our thoughts and our hearts. And may there be nothing left, that our hearts will not... be so full of joy when we leave here that we'll say like those who came from Emmaus that night, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the way?" Thou ever remains God, and we are Thy hungry children gathered this morning. For, it's written, "Man shall live by every Word that proceedeth from the mouth of God." Bless us in our gathering together and all these people, Lord, that's come for hundreds and, yes, thousands of miles. We pray, that as they go home, their hearts will be satisfied with the good things of the mercy and grace of God. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
59 A very odd little text, three words that I want to speak from out of all this reading. You might say, "That's a very small thing, three words out of all that you read, a portion of two chapters of the Bible." But I--I did that for a background to take these three words: Proving His Word.
60You know, there's a Scripture in the Bible, in First Thessalonians 5:21, where it is written, "Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good." When anything is proven, it will either be proven "right" or "wrong." And when there's anything in question, it should be proven until you find out what is right. And then as you find what is right, It said, "Hold fast." In other words, "Grip it, don't turn it loose. Hold it fast!" In other words, "Hold it tight, so that it will not slip." Hold fast to that which is good, after it's been proven "right." And anything that's proven "not right," then turn it loose as quick as you can, get away from it. Don't never hold onto the wrong thing.
61 Now, it is possible that staunch Christians, fine people, hold sometimes, hold to the wrong thing, thinking it is right. But then these things should be proven, whether they are "right" or "wrong." And it's the duty of all of us, as we are expecting to go to Heaven when Jesus comes. And it's the minister's duty, when any question is brought up, that he solves this out, and then proves it before the people, that they might understand, because no one wants to be found "wrong," holding to the wrong thing.
62So we have a Scripture (and Jesus said, "all Scriptures must be fulfilled") that we should prove all things. And then, "hold fast," or, "hold tight, get a death-grip on it. And don't turn it loose, hold fast to that which is good."
63 I remember in school, I learned something, and many of you learned the same lesson. When you have solved a problem, worked it out, you can take the answer and prove it by the problem. How many ever did that? All of you, of course. Then--then you don't have to worry whether your answer is right or not, the problem's answer has been proved by the problem. Therefore, you know you got the right answer. If every one of yours on your slate or sheet has been proven, the problem proved by... the answer proved by the problem, then you got it. No one can say it's wrong, you've got to get... And if you do your work neatly and correctly, and the way it should be done, and your answer has been proved, you can sit back and rest with the assurance that you're going to get an A on that, on that sheet of paper that you turn in, because it's been proven, proven by the problem.
64 Now, there is also an old proverb that says, "Prove it, and I'll believe it." Now, they got one of our state, one of our states in the nation, they have a slogan, "I'm from Missouri, show me." See, in other words, "Prove it to me, I'm from Missouri." But this doesn't work always, because God has, in every age, fulfilled and proved the work that He has set out for that age, and spoke it in His Word. And every time that God's Word has been proven in the age, the majority has turned It down. So, "Prove it, and I'll believe it," is not so. You can only have faith as God gives you faith. Faith is a gift of God. Ever how religious you may be, yet it must take the... you must have faith. And your faith can only rest, if you're a Christian, upon the proven Word of God.
65 Now, remember, God lotted His Word to each age, and foretold what would happen in this certain age that He was speaking of. Now, if Moses would have come with the message of Noah, it would not have worked. If Jesus would have come with Moses' message, it would not have worked. Or one prophet came with the other prophet's message, it not have worked. But through His prophets, He has revealed the entirety of all of Himself and His plan. Therefore the Bible cannot be one word added to It or one Word taken from It.
66So if you prove your problem by your... your answer by your problem, then why not prove the--the answer that we're now getting by the Word of this age? If the Bible speaks that a certain thing is to happen in this age, it's in the Bible and it will happen. Then if your answer that you're trying to tell the people, if it's proven by the Book, then it is true, it's true. Otherwise, it isn't.
67 Now we see another one, then you, no doubt, have heard them say, "Seeing is believing." That's another old proverb we have here, but that doesn't work either. It doesn't work, 'cause man can sit and look right straight at anything and they'll not see it. The word "see," the English word "see" has so many different meanings to it. Sea might mean "a body of water." And see might mean "to understand." See might mean "to look at it." And, oh, there's just all kinds of words you can use. But when you say, "seeing is believing," you're mistaken.
68When you understand it, you believe it. Jesus said, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom," in other words, "understand the Kingdom," because the Kingdom is the Holy Spirit in you. So you have to understand what this is in you. And the only way you'll understand it, is compare what it makes you do with what the Bible said it would make you do. Then your problem's solved, see. And, then, He is that Holy Spirit.
69 So, seeing is not believing. I can prove that by the senses of the body, see, that seeing is not believing. I cannot see this bottle of oil. I could not see it because it's behind me, yet I have a sense of--of feeling that tells me I've got it in my hand. See? Now, I couldn't see it, it's impossible. And now I cannot reach it, it's impossible, and yet I believe it. This, seeing is believing; this, feeling is believing. Now I close my eyes, I neither could see it or feel it, but if I get it close and could smell it, I still believe it's there. So, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence," not seen, taste, felt, smell, or heard. You believe it! And faith must have a resting place. And anything that's contrary to the Word of God, faith in God can have no resting place unless it's a promise of God. And there it takes its Eternal stand.
70 But in the face of all these un-... doubting ages and things that we have went through and live in today, the worst of all, in the face of all this doubt, God does go right on proving His Words to be right, as He has in every age. He... Unbelief doesn't stop God, it doesn't hinder Him. I don't care how much the world unbelieves, It's still going to happen. Unbelief doesn't do nothing but condemns the unbeliever. The unbelief will send the unbeliever to Hell. It'll rob him of every blessing God promised to him, but it doesn't hinder God from going right on with the believer. See, unbelief doesn't stop God, it only stops the unbeliever.
71You say, "I... The sun ain't going to shine tomorrow, I'm going to stop it." You try it. See? All right, you can't do it. God has set it in order and said it would shine, and it's going to shine, that's all, He said it would. There might be some clouds under it, but it's still shining just the same. And you can't stop God with that. He, what...
72 How does He make His Word known to the people? First, God knowing that there would be unbelievers... Now watch the wisdom of God; knowing there would be unbelievers, and how the majority would be unbelievers. He, by foreknowledge, predestinated a seed for every age, that would believe It. Now if you'll notice in there, for, each age goes right on with His Word, everything right on time, nothing hinders God. He goes right on, and every click is moving just exactly right. We think, sometimes, it's not going to work right. But don't you worry, His clock is timed just exactly to the split instant, and everything's working just exactly right.
73 When I look around sometime and see these Rickys and Rickettas that we got today, and on the streets, and how everything's going on, I think, "O God!"
74"Wait a minute," He says, see, "My timepiece is turning just exactly right. I've got to put you upon the same basis I did the first man, them days. And I put you on the same basis of Luther, and on the same basis of Wesley." Because, you see, sin wasn't known then like it is now. And when we got more knowledge now than we had then, and when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God raises a standard against it. See? And now today, we've got more knowledge, more understanding, so the rivers of unbelief is flowing in hard, but God raises a standard against it. But, remember, He's always... The reason that He--He predestinated these things to happen. He foretold them by His prophets they would happen. And when the righteous see these things confirmed, then they know It's right. Regardless of what anyone else says, they know It's right.
75 We find out over there in--in--in, I believe, it's in First Thessalonians, He said, "He has predestinated us to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ." God, not saying, "I'll choose you, and don't choose you," but His foreknowledge knowed what you would do. So by foreknowledge He can set in order, and He's made everything to work for His good, and for your good.
76 In Genesis, God told Adam and Eve what would happen when they disbelieved His Word. Now, He put right and wrong before them, and He said, "The day you eat thereof, that day you'll die." And God meant just exactly what He said. He always does, He means what He says.
77Satan led her to disbelieve It, for Satan himself never did believe It. He don't believe It, so he led her to believe it. And he still does the same thing, and teaches others the same, and they disbelieve It like she did. God fortified His people behind His Word, that's your only defense. Not your denomination, not your father or your mother, it's all right, but behind God's Word. That's the place that the believer is protected, behind the Word. When that little avenue was broken there, with a little "wonder if It's right or not? It wouldn't," reasoning come in and took the place of faith, they broke the bars. And God kept His Word, He performed It. Satan tried to get her to believe... disbelieve It.
78 Or, reason, don't reason with It! You--you say, "Well, I believe..." You ain't got no right. When God says anything, just--just the way He said, that's the thing to do. You say, "Well, I think..." But you ain't got no thought coming. Let the mind that was in Christ be in you. And Christ is the Word! Let the Word be in you. All other words be wrong, Christ's Words is right! Others believe him and all of his reasons, like she did, reason, "Well, why would God do this? Now, isn't this just as good as That?" If it's contrary to the Word, it's not! So, anything, any teacher, any Bible expositor, anything else would teach you or try to get you to believe anything one little iota different from what this Bible says it, it's a false teaching. It's Satan, again, just exactly like it was to Eve. God goes right on, no matter what he does, what Satan does, God goes right on proving It to be so.
79 Now look what he said to Eve, "Surely you will not die. You'll be wise." That's what the world's looking for today, scientific proof, some knowledge of a man. And he said, "Surely you'll not die."
80But God had said, "you will die," and God proved it so. And we can see it, He meant what He said. Go up here at the graveyard, you'll know whether He meant it or not. "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." And when you go up here and check any man you want to, of any age, there was never a man lived a thousand years. God proved His Word so, He'll do it every time.
81 But, remember, He keeps all of His promises of blessing as well as He does His cursings. Because they eat thereof, that day they died; and He proves it to you, that they do die that day they eat thereof. He also keeps every Word He said about His blessings. Every promise, God keeps! Oh, I love that. You have to choose which one you want: His blessings, by believing; or His cursings, by perverting It. If you pervert It and believe the perversion side of It, then you're cursed. If you believe It just the way He wrote It, and hold onto It, then you're blessed. And It's always contrary to science, always contrary to--to people's scientific way of showing things. For He keeps every Word, both of His blessings and His cursings.
82 When man and women so sinned in the antediluvian world, he... against His true Word, Adam and Eve sinned against the true Word. But, and all generations that followed them begin to do the same thing, He pronounced death upon them, and finally it come to a total, completely annihilation of everything on the earth, was covered over by the water, washed it completely off with water.
83Now, the same God that brought a total annihilation to everything upon the earth, every herb, every creature but what He reserved and took above the earth, everything that He promised that He would do, that He done. And the same God that promised the water, and kept His Word, the same God promises the fire, and He'll keep His Word. He'll keep His Word.
84 Now, now what did He do? How did they know His Word? Because His every way of doing, of proving Himself before He does any damage, or does any judgment, He always sends people the Word, and always warns the people. Oh, I love that! Then we can see exactly where we're at.
85There were all kinds of ministers and associations in the days of Noah, and there were all kinds of religions in the day of Noah, for Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man." But there came on the scene, a prophet, and he started to do something, started to building an ark. And God sent His prophet, Noah, to prove that He had send His Word, and tell them that there was coming a destruction, that He could not stand the way that--that the people were doing, that He had to destroy man that He had once created.
86 Now, the Word came to the prophet, always, He never changes. Malachi 3, said, "I'm God, and I change not."
87Noah was sent to a scientific age, with an unscientific Message. Noah was sent to an intellectual age, with an unintellectual Message. He was sent to an age of science, when he had a Message of faith and promise to a scientific age. So could you believe that a scientific age would believe an unscientific Message? An age of great intellectual, and then would you believe that they would have faith in something that seemed absolutely silly to the human mind? But God always does it in that way. Noah was a confirmed prophet of the Lord, and is God's Message of the hour. He had to believe that, the people had to believe his Message after he had been confirmed of the Lord, that it was God's Word, and God was going to keep His Word.
88 Now it's the same thing today. We're at the end time. Now, those people ought to have known, see. Now, you noticed, Noah was a type of the Jews that'll be carried over through the Tribulation. Enoch was a type of the--of the real Message, of translation of the Church, for Enoch was taken up and then the flood came. And both of them... The first prophet, Enoch, was taken out of the way so Noah could go on with his--with his... God could go on with Noah. And now the Church will be taken away so that God can deal again with the Jews, the remnant of the Jews, the hundred and forty-four thousand, as we've been through it in the Scriptures here.
89 But in the face of all the scientific, unbelieving age, God proved His Word of promise true, by sending them the flood. Now, remember, in the days of Noah, it had never rained upon the earth. God had a mist to come up out of the earth and to irrigate, but it never rained. But Noah said, "It's going to rain." Now that was...
90They could take an instrument and shoot up into the skies, and say, "There is no moisture up there. There's no rain there. We can prove there's no rain there."
91Regardless of what science said, God said, "It was going to rain," so that does it. Now, what did God do? To my opinion, when some of them shook the world a little and throwed it out of its cater, then it threw the back this a way, the heat of the earth into the cold, only brought the--the moisture. And the world was covered over, first, and the atmospheres up there, the humidity in the air, just come together in a form of cloud and let it down, that was all.
92Now we know today, that there's fire up there, 'cause the gases are in the earth. And the Bible said, "The heavens and earth will pass away with a great noise, and the earth shall melt with fervent heat." So we know that it's up there, so just the same as it was in the days of Noah.
93 And now remember, the Message of Noah's time was only by faith, and not scientific proven. But, today, the Message is according to the Word of God, and scientifically proven. Elijah come first, doing miracles, not doing any preaching; just going from place to place, doing miracles. The next time, he come in the form of John the Baptist, he come doing no miracles, just preaching. And the third time he comes, there's both miracles and preaching. See? See how it is? Watch how in continuity the Scriptures run. We could just spend plenty of time on that, but we won't, we'll omit it, because I believe you get the idea.
94 He did in that age just as He did in all ages, and like He will do, just as He promised to do. God promises anything, then He comes down and proves His Word to be right. All that believe, all that believe the Message of that age, come in and was saved. So will it be in any age. All who did not believe the Message and the messenger, perished.
95And all who truly believe the Word of God today, will be taken out. All that does not believe the Word of God, will perish with the world, 'cause they are of the world, and everything that's in the world must perish with the world. And everything that's saved in God, must be in God, and cannot perish, "I'll give them Eternal Life, and raise them up at the last day." Now, what a consolation to every believer, to know, when you're in Christ, that just as sure as God keeps His Word and perishes the world, He keeps His Word and raises up His people and saves them. He proves it.
96 He proves His Word of promise true to Abraham in his age. Notice, it was unscientific, in Abraham's age, for a man of a hundred years old, and a woman at ninety, for them to have a baby, way past the age. But Abraham could not explain it. He'd go to the doctor, and say, "Doctor, is it possible?"
97"It's impossible!" Go to the hospital and make ready for the mother to have the baby, or whatever it would be if you want to compare it with this age, they'd call him insane, "He's out of his mind."
98But God said! And he... The Bible said in Romans, 4th chapter, that "Abraham staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God. For he endured as seeing Him Who is invisible, and was satisfied, held on." Holding fast, for he was fully persuaded that what God promised, God was able to do! And we're suppose to be his children. Amen! Now I feel religious, stimulated, just think of that! Oh, He proved it, after all those years, He turned Abraham, and Sarah back to a young woman, and had the baby. And Abraham and Sarah lived... Forty-five years later, Sarah died, and Abraham remarried again after being a hundred and forty-five years old, and had seven other sons besides his daughters. When, he was past bearing, he was sterile, he--he had no seed, no life left in him, almost another hundred years before that. Amen! Why? He considered not his own body, he considered not the deadness of Sarah's womb. He considered only what God said, and knowed God would prove what He said. Amen! God proves what He says He'll do. In the midst of unscientifics and scientifics, and--and amongst anything, whatever it is, God proves that He's right, always proves His Word. He's right, all others are wrong.
99 Also He proved It to Lot, when He said, "If you don't get out of this city, I'm going to burn her." And He told Abraham, if He could "find ten man," He'd spare the city. And He couldn't find the ten man, so He proved His Word was right.
100"Where's the fire coming from? There's none out here on these plains, out here at these slime pits." But God said so, and Abraham knew it was going to happen. Lot knew It was so, and he escaped to the mountain.
101 He promised his seed to be a stranger in a strange land, and be misjudged by the people, and they would sojourn, Abraham's seed, for four hundred years amongst strangers, strange people. And He fulfilled His Word just exactly what He said He would do. Abraham's seed did sojourn in Egypt four hundred years. He promised, also, to deliver them with a mighty hand. A strong hand, He would deliver the people out of the Egyptian bondage. And He kept His Word. Look what He had to do to get them children down in Egypt. It looked like disaster had befall, was befalling, and everything.
102Looked like that it... it was horrible for Joseph to be considered dead, and poor Isaac... or Jacob, his father. Or Isaac, his father... rather, to Jacob, that was, Isaac was his grandfather. Jacob, his father, to believe that his own son had been killed by animals. How hard it was on little Joseph to know that the poor little fellow, away from his people, betrayed by his brethren, throwed into a ditch, supposingly to be dead, sheep blood put upon his coat, where, they had slayed a lamb to eat it, put the blood upon it and took it to his father, and knowing all this. But Joseph could remember one thing, that the hand of the Lord was upon him. He knew that he was a believer. No matter how much his brothers turned him out, how much there was no cooperation or nothing else, Joseph knew God would keep His Word. When he saw that vision of all of them bowing before him, he knowed that had to come to pass because it was THUS SAITH THE LORD. Amen. Don't care how unreasonable it seemed, Joseph knew it was the truth. No matter how hard the task was, and what he had to go through with, he knowed someday every one of them would bow before his feet. How is he going to do it when they hated him? But he knowed God would prove His Word so, every time.
103 So will He do it today! God will prove His Word so, no matter what science says, "It can't be done." How educated, intellectual we get, how the churches have gone off into a--a bunch of formality and so forth, God will still prove His Word "right." Rest yourself right in that Word.
104 Yes, Joseph had much to go through, but, to go down into Egypt, but God brought him out just exactly like He said; a very beautiful type of today, if we had time to go into it. I believe we have, before, here at the tabernacle, went through it. But God kept His Word, 'cause, they had to stay down there. It was hard for those Hebrew children down there in Egyptian bondage, which had been blessed and given the fruit of the land, the best place, Goshen, to find out that they had to become slaves; and those mothers to have to give into the hands of an Egyptian soldier, the fruit of their womb, their darling little baby, and see him stand there, take a big knife and just cut it open and throw it over on the ground, feed it to the gators. Now, it was a hard thing to them, to have to go through that.
105But one day the predestinated seed was born, a child that was a proper child. There was something about him seemed strange. Out on the back side of the desert, one day, the Holy Ghost came down in the form of a Pillar of Fire and settled in a bush, and said, "I have heard the groans of My people, and I remember My promise. And the time of deliverance is at hand, and I'm sending you down there to do it." With a stick in his hand, his wife on a mule, a baby in her lap, he did it by the power of Almighty God. The most ridiculous thing, what would--what would a crooked stick be to ten thousand spears? But, you see, God is in it. It depends on where His Word is. Moses had His Word, Pharaoh had spears. Moses had the Word.
106 That's all he needed, was the Word. That's all you need today. It's not a credential from some church. You don't need a denomination to back you up. You need the Word, to take the Rapture with It. You don't need some credential. You don't need some long history of some school, to be healed this morning. You need to accept the Word, that does it!
107You don't need the doctor's word. If the doctor says he's done all he can do, that's all he can do. If he says you got cancer, tumor, you're going blind, you're deaf, dumb, whatever it is, that doesn't matter. If you could take that Word to that burning promise of the bush yonder, amen, something's going to happen! God will prove His Word to be so, every time that It's received on the right kind of ground. That's what you're needing, His Word. He proves It, He keeps It. You can rest assure that It's right.
108 He proves His Word in every age, by the most unusual way, but He always does it in the same way. See? What did He do in the days of Noah, when He's fixing to deliver the remnant? He sent them Noah, the prophet. He sent Noah, a sign.
109And now notice, when He comes to deliver the children of Israel, what does He do? His same way, He sends His prophet. His prophet's got the Word. The signs and wonders of the Word promised backs it up, that it's exactly the Truth. Israel made her march to the promised land, because they believed it.
110 And in the wilderness journey, it came to pass that they disbelieved this prophet, after seeing the Word being so confirmed, the Bride got out of step (you know what I'm speaking about, in the vision, see, "got out of step"). There was one standing up, by the name of Joshua, and Caleb, and believed the Word of promised true, regardless of what the circumstances was.
111Watch when they got to Kadesh-barnea. At Kadesh-barnea, Moses sent out one out of each tribe, to go spy out the land, see which way they was to enter. And he sent his general, Joshua, which was a prophet, so he sent a minor prophet under Moses. And Joshua listened to Moses. And they sent him out, so he said, "Go over and spy that land out."
112 And the general went out and picked him out a man out of each tribe, and they took off. He took Caleb, his side buddy, because he knowed Caleb believed. They went over into the promised land, and came back with a bunch of grapes that taken two man to pack. Say, he said now, "So that Israel will have the evidence before they even get into the promise. See, they'll have the evidence that God said it's a good land, and it's filled with milk and honey. It's a grand land. It's a good land. Now your... oh, all this old garlic, leek, and whatever you got here in Egypt. Now we're taking you to a land with milk and honey. You probably never tasted either one, milk or honey, down there in Egypt all these years. They just give you the slaves' rationing. But now you're going to this land." So just at the time they got in about one day's journey, where Kadesh-barnea, the great judgment seat of the world was, they stopped under these--these great palms out there, the springs, and camped. He said, "Now, to let the people know..." Watch what a perfect, what a real, perfect evidence it is, how God does that just as He does today. He said, "Now, God said, 'The land is great.' Now, before you go over, I want you to see the land is great. So go bring me back some evidence of the land and show it to the people."
113 So they got up there. And, now, always when you come to bring back an evidence, there the enemy lays in the road. When some of them fellows looked over and seen those great giants of Canaan, oh, my, they said, "We can't do it." But they brought back the evidence that the land was there. They had not been falsely led. God was proving to them His Word, even before they entered the land.
114Can't you see, today, that if you'll drive a thousand miles to hear the Word, and watch It being proved and confirmed, it's the evidence that it's a great Land? You can see a shadow of a man laying, dying with a cancer, "Be made whole." And we see the Words of God that He spoke would happen in the day, being confirmed, it's the evidence that He keeps His Word. There's a great Land. If my life is just about gone, and God comes down and spares it again, that shows that there's an evidence of an Eternal Life. Where, you once wouldn't have darkened the door of that church, now you stand in line to get into it. It's an evidence. God keeps His Word and proves It to you, that It's true.
115 Drive for thousands of miles; come out here in the morning and looked out there and seen them people feeding their babies out of a Coca-cola bottle, a little cereal, about five o'clock in the morning, setting on that lot. I thought, "God, I'd be the lowest hypocrite in the world, to let them people come all that distance, and tell them something that was wrong. For I feel sorry for them, my heart goes for them. They're hungering and thirsting for God. Help me, Lord, to tell them the Truth, or take me away from this world. Let me tell them people the Truth, so help me, God." I said, "You hold my hand, and let me know what's Truth, and then back that up by a confirmation of what I said to be the Truth, that they'll know that It is the Truth. Don't let them poor people be deceived. No." How my heart goes to something like that, to see faithful people!
116 I imagine Joshua thought the same thing, that day when he gathered them around, seen them wash their clothes out and get ready against the third day. Yes, He proved it. Now Joshua said what? When they said, "Oh, we can't do it. You just can't do it. We'll have to get out of our organization. We're--we're--we're finished. See, we couldn't do it now. We just can't do this, because it's not reasonable." And when Joshua led them up there, it was in the month of April, when the waters was high, and Jordan was pretty near as wide as the Ohio River. Looked like God made an awful mistake.
117You know, sometimes you get sick, and you say, "Well, I'm a Christian. God, He--He made a mistake, He let me get sick, and I'm a Christian." Don't you realize that the Bible said that everything would work together for good to them that loves God?
118 Where Joshua led them there, now, Jordan gets real low. You can wade across it 'most anywhere around, unless you hit a hole of water where it's pretty deep; you can, and with all the little fords and things right there at the--at the banks where Jericho was at. Why, it's, why you can wade across it, isn't much over an ankle deep, just drive across it in a jeep, drive, ride across it, walk across it, or anything. But he led them there at the time of April, when the flooded country was flooded there for almost a mile. The water was probably thirty or forty feet deep in there. And he said, "The third day, we're going over. God said so! Call the people together and sanctify them, for, the third day, you're passing over Jordan." See how God lets that thing happen? Just to make it, make people... just to pull out His crowd. What'd they do? They sanctified themselves and got ready, regardless of how deep the water was, and how muddy it was, and how swift the current was. See, they knowed God would prove His Word.
119No matter what, how close you are to Jordan, no matter what your circumstances is, if you could only hold that promise of God in your heart, God will prove it, that It's so. In the midst of all unbelief, He'll still prove It to be so. Yes, He does it. And circumstances doesn't stop Him, He still will do the same as He did then.
120 Notice, it was by His believers that He proves His Word by. He can only prove His Word... not by unbelievers, it's only by the believers that He can prove His Word. No matter how much the rest of them claimed to be, "Oh, I believe, brother!" See, if you do, God will prove it so, 'cause we look and see the others. How can we say, then? See, it's by true believers that He proves His Word; not by those who say they believe, but those who really believe. It's by His believing children that He proves His Word.
121Now, he had the believers. The old crop had died off, the unbelievers who said, "We couldn't take it," He let every one of them perish (why?), every one of them but the believers. Who was left? Moses had been taken to Glory. And the unbelievers had perished in the wilderness, and this was their children. There were only two that crossed over, and that was the believers, Joshua and Caleb. They was the believers, they was the one who crossed over. It's the only way God can do it, is by His believing children. You believe that? All right. His believers was the one that done it. He used them to cross over with. See?
122 Now I want you to notice, He does it that way in every age. He does it every time by the same method, He has to take believers. And then, in order to have believers to meet that Word, He's got to predestinate it to that age. You see it? He's got to predestinate this thing to be there to meet the challenge of the age. Did it get you? Did you feel it? Did you see it? Do you understand it? That's what's happening today, He predestinated it to this, by His foreknowledge. When He predestinated, in Malachi 4, it's got to happen. When He come over and predestinates anything to happen in His Word, He had to prove His Word to be so. When He predestinates anything to happen and says it will happen, He knows that seed will be there just at that time. He predestinated a Bride, She's going to be there! Going to be a Rapture, She's going to be there! He predestinates it by His foreknowledge. See, there's nothing going to stop it.
123 When God told them, "Now, I give you a promise of a promised land. I told your father, Abraham, that his children would sojourn down here for four hundred years."
124Now, Moses said, "I am the prophet of the Lord. Now watch and see that what I prophesy. If it comes to pass, then you'll know I'm sent of the Lord, for you know that God's already told you that. Now, now if I prophesy this and it happens, and that and it happens, and this and it happens, every time just the same, now you know I'm sent of the Lord to tell you. Now, there is a promised land, that God promised it. See? And God promised this land. Now, it's a good land, it's flowing with milk and honey. Follow me."
125And as they went out into the wilderness where he was to journey, to take them in the wilderness, where, God told him to bring them back to Mount Sinai, then God came down before all Israel, with a Pillar of Fire, and confirmed that what Moses had said, it was there, proving that it was right, confirming Moses there, "Moses said that I was on this mountain, I appeared to him in the form of a burning bush. And now I got the whole mountain burning."
126They said, "That! Don't let God speak, let Moses speak. We'll perish."
127He said, "I--I--I won't do this no more. I'll raise them up a prophet, he'll--he'll speak to them in My Name." So that's what He does, exactly the way He works His Word.
128 Notice, then, those who disbelieved, after they got so close to the land that they disbelieved. Now, you that's taking notes, put down Hebrews 6, right here where it said, "Those which were once enlightened, made partakers of the Holy Ghost; seeing, they shall fall away, to renew themselves again to repentance; seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame; it's impossible for those to be saved." See, just as impossible for those to cross over in that promised land.
129People come right up to the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, they'll come right up to the Word, they'll come up through all denominations, and all churches, and all catachisms, and everything, but when it comes to that Word, that crossing line, they say, "Oh, I don't know about That, my church doesn't teach It that way." I don't care what your church teaches, the Bible says It's that way. Then you say, "How do I know It's right?" He confirms it, and proves it!
130 Now, the Bible that day, said, "There's a good land over there, and it's just full of milk and honey, and fine grapes and pomegranates, and, oh, it's a beautiful place."
131Well, they said, "Now, some of you slip over and take a look at it, and come back, so we can console these people. We're going to cross over right away now, if you all just believe it." Well, away they went.
132And here they come back, oh, two of them, just a-shouting, "Well, praise God! We seen it! We seen it! Oh, it's wonderful, there's nothing like it!" The rest, of the ten standing around, saying, "Oh, no, no, no, no, we can't do it." How many went over? Them two! That's right. Them two, because they knowed that God would prove His Word right. Notice, no swelling Jordan, no sir, no flooded banks of Jordan, or no giants of Canaan could stop them. God proved His Word to be so, He took them right into the land.
133He'll do the same thing again, yes, sir, in the promises of today. He proves His Word. Regardless, He proves His Word.
134 He stopped the mouth of hungry human-eating lions one day, to prove His Word was true, that He could deliver, to Daniel the prophet. And they kept those lions fed on human flesh. And they kept those lions up to be hungry, so that when a man fell in there, or a child, whatever they throwed in there, it was capitol punishment, that lion would rip them to pieces, this bunch of hungry lions. And they get this prophet, with the Word of the Lord to the children of Israel, which had prophesied they'd take that place. And there he was with them. But God wasn't through with it, He wanted to prove His Word, He could deliver. And they starved those lions, and throwed that prophet in there, and they rushed towards him like that. That Pillar of Fire standing there, (and any animal is scared of fire), that Pillar of Fire standing there, the lions laid down. He kept His Word. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. God keeps His Word, He proves it, He proves It so.
135 Now, He took the heat right out of the blaze of the fiery furnace, to prove that His Word was so, that He could deliver from the fire. Right in among those blazes, where those children was throwed in there, and stayed in there a long time, when even the man that throwed them into it, the intense heat of the--of the furnace killed the great soldiers that was leading them up there. And God let the fire burn right on, but He took the heat out of it. He proves! If you stand by Him, He'll stand by you. Stand by you? Well, sure! An hour later, they opened the door, and said, "Say, how many did you put in there, anyhow?" Said, "We see three we put in there." He said, "There's four in there, and one of them looks like the Son of God." See, He shows! Cause why? He is the Word.
136And they said, "God is able to deliver us from that fiery furnace, but, nevertheless, we're not bowing to any image, because we're standing by the Word." Any image, form of religion, get away from it. God will stand by you. He will take the heat out of the persecution. He will take the--the life out of the cancer. He will take the... He will do anything; He is God. You stand by Him; He will stand by you. He proves His Word true, every time. Took the heat out of the blaze, stopped the lions' mouth, and so forth.
137 Here's another thing God did, to show that He was God. Man got so, after in the wilderness there, that they were getting themselves scholarships, making themselves great man. They had some organizations called Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, and whatever more. And they were great man. They made priests out of one another. And they done great things like that, make high priests and big man, and dignitaries and so forth.
138But God, in the midst of all of it, He raised up a prophet, a son of a priest. Never... went into the wilderness at nine years old. Couldn't read his name, if it was in letter the size of a box car. Why, why did he do it? He was a prophet. If he had been trained in the education of his father, he'd a-probably been a Pharisee or a Sadducee, or one of their groups. But he had an important job, that was to announce the Messiah. Cause why? God kept His Word, and proved it. "A voice of one crying from the seminary, 'Behold I've got my doctor's degree'"? That--that might be in the Old Ladies Birthday Almanac, but not in God's Word. He said, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord, and make His paths straight!'" Was He preparing the way of the Word then, that the Word could be made manifest? Hallelujah!
139 Don't you see, in shadows? Stop here a minute. In the last days, there's got to be a place prepared for the Word to be made manifest, and we're now living by the evidence of the new Land, amen, the Son of man.
140John's commission, without education, without anything, stayed in the wilderness. His sermons was in types. "Ax is laid to the root of the tree," that's what he saw. Cut with the ax, make his shack, make some fire to burn his wood. "Oh, you generation of snakes," that's what he saw. The nastiest thing in the jungle, to him, in the bush, was a snake. Said, "You generation of snakes, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Don't begin to say, 'We've got this, and we belong to this, and we belong to that,' God's able of these stones to raise up Children to Abraham. The ax is laid to the root of the tree, and every tree that don't bring forth good fruit..." What does he do in the wilderness when it won't... bring up some locusts and things for him, he cuts it down and burns it up. See? "He'll gather the wheat into the garner, but the chaff he'll burn with an unquenchable fire." A man like that, not even with his clergy coat on, not even his priest's bonnet. See? He come with a piece of sheepskin draped around him, with a piece of leather cut off of a camel's back, ragged around him, and come out there with his whiskers and hair bushed out like that, said, "The ax is laid to the root of the tree." Amen. He come, daring. Why? It was God's Word being proven, "God's able of these stones!" God promised it, "Behold, I send my messenger before My face." Not a very religious, not a scientific or a religious proof, but God's Word's proof. God was keeping His Word, see. Not a scholar at all, but a prophet, sent in the Name of the Lord. He did that, why? To confirm His Word.
141 Now, them priests said, "Now, we know there's coming one in the last days, so we'll school every boy we got, and get ready for it. Every one of you boys must have a college education. You must come in here. No doubt but what it will be in the lineage, he'll come in the way of the Levites, because there's where the priesthood come from." But he wasn't a priest, he was a prophet! And that's of God's choosing. He don't have to come from a certain denomination or certain lineage. It's God's choosing, by predestination, foreknowledge. He comes by God's way of choosing. So they wouldn't believe him, because he didn't come the way that they had made, thought he was coming. That could repeat again, you know, usually does. But we find that he come the way that God did, to prove His Word.
142 Notice, He caused the virgin to conceive, to prove His Word. Isaiah 9:6, and we find out that, "Unto us a son is born, a child is given." Now, we find out that He had said that a virgin should conceive. And God caused a virgin to conceive. What? To prove His Word. Now listen just a few minutes, we'll be closing. He caused a virgin to conceive, to prove His Word. That was absolutely... It stumped all scientists. []... to go.
143 You understood that, did you? See, the earth is cursed. The whole earth is cursed, because of Adam's sin. But when this little seed... Now, the woman doesn't have a seed. She has a field that the seed lays in, not a seed, 'cause there's not no germ, germ has to... a seed has to have life in it. If it isn't, it's just a material, the life isn't there. So the seed is in the man. That's the reason the serpent's seed had to be in the woman, see, because it wasn't the seed of God. We know that. Go ahead, wait till you get this book and read it, and then you'll--you'll see, or just show you by the Scripture, just open the whole thing up just the same as the water baptism in His Name, see how it is. God never is wrong, He's always right. Though you can't understand It, believe It anyhow. It's just exactly the Truth.
144 And now we find out that He--He said this, He caused this to happen. Now, when this little seed, without a man, came into a little egg in the field that He had created, then that little seed, the little germ crawls into the egg, and the little tail wiggles off here and it starts developing a cell after cell, living off of the mother's life, her body, and in there she feeds it through her blood stream. And we find out, now, she feeds it; not its blood; it's her blood. No, not has one speck of the mother's blood. But it feeds from the vitamin stuff from the mother, but not her blood. It's all bound in the bundle of her blood, to keep it from shock and things like that, and the water, but it isn't one speck of the mother's blood. The mother can be dying with TB, and born from the baby; it can't inherit it, because TB's a germ, comes through the blood stream. But she can... he can... Tuberculosis is not inherited; weaknesses is, but not TB, because it has to catch the mother's breath and get the germ, you see, before it can. The baby's perfectly free when it's born, because it's none of the mother's blood.
145 Now, we find that God came into this little cell, see, and He begin to develop cells, drew from His mother's vitamins and things, as she. Then when He become old enough to eat Himself, He begin to eat. And what is that? It's the--it's the dust of the earth, which you come up and plant life and animal life and so forth, and as He begin to eat the fish and the bread and the so forth, it begin to develop cells. And then when it's fully matured at thirty years old, He was baptized in obedience to John down here, or to God, in the water, and went out. And what happened? The Dove, which was God, descending from Heaven, with a voice saying, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am pleased to dwell." What did He come to do? To redeem that part of the earth. He was the beginning of the creation of God. Because, God is not a creation, only in Christ He is a creation, because God is Eternal and a Spirit, and a Spirit is not created. He was the beginning of the creation of God, and God redeemed that body. See, when He come down, "This is My beloved Son, I'm well pleased in Him."
146 So He, God, came down after going through this, and now every son, that you eat and born of a natural sexual birth, the way you come; then when it comes to a place to where you go through water baptism, then Holy Ghost baptism, then the Holy Ghost comes down at the Fire baptism and claims this creation, the same as it did Him. The Holy Ghost and God is the same Spirit. See? It comes down and claims this body for the resurrection. And He was raised for our justification, "All the Father has given Me will come, not one will be lost. I'll raise it up at the last day. Not one hair of the head will even perish." That is the beginning of the creation of God. This is the continuation of the creation of God. Then the whole earth has to have a baptism. And then the Holy Ghost comes down in a city to dwell upon the earth, and the tabernacle of God is with man, and dwells with them, God has tabernacled here on earth. This whole redemption plan, justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, the same as it is then.
147 Now notice, He caused this virgin to conceive, and it's in this she brought forth a Son without knowing a man. This has stumped science through the ages. It still does. They perhaps laughed at Isaiah when he spoke and said this virgin would conceive, "Now, how could that be?"
148I imagine, Isaiah, the embarrassment, when he heard God say, "I'll give them a super sign, I'll give them an everlasting sign, a virgin shall conceive." Now, him, noted amongst the people, his people, a prophet, vindicated of God. Now when he come out before the doctors and so forth, with this statement, "A virgin shall conceive." See, it had never been, since the beginning of time, goes way on back to where God created His first man. But here, now, that, a woman that's here on earth is going to conceive. Think of it in a sensible realm, what if that prophet was embarrassed? But he knowed God would keep His Word, He would prove it. I imagine, every Hebrew family got their little daughter ready to have this baby, see, bought it shoes and boots, or whatever they wear, and little bird-eye, and got ready for--for the baby to come. Generations passed, but God proved His Word! A virgin did conceive, and she brought forth the Baby, proved that His prophet's Word was the Truth. He always stands by them.
149 This Son of the virgin was the Word made manifest. Now Saint John 1, if you want to read that. Saint John 1, this prophet, this prophet, too. But this Son of the virgin was the Word made manifest, the beginning of the creation of God. Now, the whole earth is God's creation, but it's lost. See? Then He redeems this earth. And you're a part of the earth, and He redeems you by the same way He redeems the whole earth. See? Now, this Son of the virgin was the Word made manifest, "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."
150Satan tried every scheme to make Him discredit this. Satan tried everything that he could to--to make Him discredit it, tried to get Him to take the kingdom without suffering, tried to get Him to take it without redemption (when it was Gods plan in the garden of Eden when He killed the lamb, that only by blood would He take it), even promised Him all the kingdoms of the world if He would take it. Just think of what a promise!
151 Don't you realize, my dear precious friends, at this minute, that Satan makes you a promise for... he'll make you one of their best ministers in the association. He'll give you the front seat in every church and make you a deacon. He'll do anything, if you'll just get away from this Word.
152Now notice, make every... give Him the world and all the kingdoms, He could take them. He was trying to get Him to break that Word, 'cause he knowed he had Him right there if he could. He made Moses break It, He made Eve break It, but he hit the wrong Guy this time. Why? He was the Word, and he didn't know it. He was that Word, Himself.
153 I can see him. We want to picture him kind of a kid's picture. I can see that big old black wings flock up against Eve, and say, "Now, I tell you what, it's pleasant. You should try it."
"But God said, if we did, we would die."
154"Oh, well, surely you won't die. See? Oh, that's nonsense. That's some old fogy idea. Don't you believe none." But God had said so! God proved it's right. And He's proving it right now, people are dying at this minute. He still proves it's right.
155Notice, and when he come to Moses, he said, "Moses, you know you got a hothead, you're high-tempered. Look what that bunch of renegades has done, see. Why don't you just go down there and really tell them about it?" And he did.
156 But when he hit this ten-thousand-volt line, it singed his feathers when he run up against Him. He said, "Oh, listen," said, "I'll give You all the kingdoms."
"It is written!" See? "It is written!"
157He said now, "If Thou be the Son of God." See, he's always doubted It. He still teaches others to doubt It. He taught Eve to doubt It, taught Moses, he taught all of them to try to doubt It.
158He's teaching you to try to doubt It. And you that's sitting right here now, if you want me to call your names, it's been, Satan's been trying a long time to get you to doubt me. Don't you do that. Sister, if you do that, well, you... or, not me, but just doubt. Just believe this Word. You don't have to believe me, but you believe This. See? If I say this Word, it's not mine, it's His. My word's different, but This is His. See? Notice now, notice. I don't want to get into that right now.
159 Notice, promise, all of His Words, absolutely is true. He proved Them. He proved, because He proved that He was the true Word. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
160What, how does he live? By, "Well, if you'll just take some of God's Word, he'll live"? Now, never was what He said. Did you notice, e-v-e-r-... "every Word"? How does he live? "Oh, he eats in there"? No, he's dying fast. That's flesh. "Well, he, oh, he belongs to church. He believes everything but That"? He's still dead. Do you get it?
"He can only live by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of..." The high priest, the bishop, the cardinal, the pastor? "God! Every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." How do we know it's God's Word? He says so, then He proves It. He proves His Word. Notice then, if that be so, your confession will not make you live. Your church membership will not make you live.
Notice, by His Word only, not just one Word misplaced. No one shall... One word killed the human race. In the Bible, in Revelation 22, one word will still kill the whole thing, his name will be taken from the Book of Life. "Whosoever shall add one word, or take one Word." Not one word! Not... No, I mean, not--not two words, just one word! Not one sentence; one word! One word! Oh, people, do you understand?
161 Now, I'm not just exactly talking to this audience. This is taped, you see, and It goes all over the world. Do you understand, people of the world, that one Word, one Word, not one sentence, not one paragraph, one Word, that's all Eve disbelieved. Brought... God proved it. "But then if you keep every Word, ye shall live." They doubted one Word, brought death to the human race. But man shall not live by bread alone, for his physical strength, but by every Word, every Word just the way It's written. The Bible says, "It is of no private interpretation." No man has anywhere, any at all, to try to anything interpret the Word of God. God is His Own Interpreter.
162When He promised, He said, "Let there be light," and there was light. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. See, whatever God says, God proves it.
163 No matter how much you try to think the physical resurrection couldn't be, and them people's back there, and just dust of the earth, and past dust now, they're just into the acids and gases that their body was made out of. Their soul is still living. God said, "I'll raise it up." Job said, "Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh I'll see God." See, no matter, every Word has got to be kept, and man shall live by that Word. He raised a man from the dead, after being dead four days, to prove that He was the resurrection and the Life. When a man had been dead four days and stinking, his nose had already fell in in four days. That's right. The first thing that falls in, in a human being, is the nose, drops in on the corpse, get's slick and drops in. Then the skin, the bugs, you... Put you in a sealed-up coffin, whatever it might be, but yet the skin worms don't have to come from the ground, they're in you. Did you notice Job said, "Though my--my skin worms destroys me." Not the worms of the earth, there wouldn't be any. The worms is in you, ready to destroy you, death working in your mortal body. But when you got Christ, then Life is working in your mortal body, to raise you up again. See? He raised a man from the dead, after being dead four days, "he stinketh," to prove when He said, "I am the resurrection and Life." Now, who could say that but God, see, "I am the resurrection and Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." You believe that? And He raised that man up, to prove that His Word was right. Right!
164 Notice, He was the Word. Hebrews 4:12, if you want to put this down. Hebrews 4:12, it said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart." Is that right? "A discerner." To prove that He was the Word, what did He do? Peter came to Him, his name was Simon. And he came to Jesus, and He said... set down out there, and Jesus, as soon as he come to him, He said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." Uneducated, no degree behind him, he had nothing but just a common fisherman, no education, the Bible said he was "ignorant and unlearned," but he became the bishop of the church of--of Jerusalem. Why? Why? Jesus told him who he was, what his name was, and what his father's name was. And he knew that that was the Word, because the Bible said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet like unto Me," and that had to be the Prophet, and there was no prophets promised after Malachi to the Messiah, four hundred years without a prophet. And here was a Man standing there, confirming, or proving His Word, to this man was predestinated to Life, said, "Your name is Simon, from hence... You're the son of Jonas, from henceforth you'll be called 'Peter.'" Think of it! Who did He prove it to? Why didn't He prove that Word to... Why didn't He prove that Word to Caiaphas? He was God, He knew Caiaphas would never believe it. But this man was ordained to Life, he knew It right then.
165 One time standing in the midst, where another man a few days later went and got a buddy around the mountain, about fifteen miles from where they was preaching, brought him back the next day. He was standing there amongst, and come up to where Jesus was. Jesus looked around, He was God, see, He had discernment. That showed that, see, making the Word right, He proved the Word.
Now, some of them say, "You know, that Man's the Word."
166"Nonsense," them priests said, "that guy ain't. No. That ain't the Word."
167Said, "You know what the Scripture says, 'The Lord our God shall raise up a prophet like unto Moses.' And that's Him. Listen at Him."
168Well, He said, "You're, behold, an Israelite, in whom there's no guile."
This fellow said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"
169He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." He knowed who would believe It.
170He said, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God. You are the Word." Jesus proved He was the Word, by the Word.
171 Notice the little woman at the well. She was looking for a Messiah. She had nothing to do with their big crowds and denominations, and so forth, they had in them days. She was looking for the Word. So a Man, one time, sitting over there, an ordinary Man, sitting over against the way, said--said, "Woman, bring Me a drink."
172She said, "Now, wait a minute, He's probably trying to get fresh with me," she might have thought in heart, 'cause she was marked a woman of ill fame. Said, "Why, You have... Why do You ask me a question like that? We got segregation here. You're--You're--You're just a... You're a Jew, we're Samaritans, not... it's not custom, it's not right for You to ask me like that." See?
173He said, "Woman, if you knew who were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink."
174She said, "You, for a drink? I don't even see a bucket or a rope. How would You ever give me any water from this well?"
He said, "That's not the well I was talking about." See?
175After a while, she said, "This is a strange Fellow." So she started letting the water pot up, pulling.
176Said, "Well, the water that I give would be springs of water, geysers, gushing up into Eternal Life, and in your soul."
177 "Well," she said, "now, wait a minute, I--I understand, You being a Jew." Said, "Now, you Jews," said, "You mean to tell me that You're greater than our father, Jacob, who dug this well?" He was the God of Jacob. See? Said, "Do You mean that You are greater than--than Jacob, that dug this well?" An ordinary Man, see, looked like. That's all you seen, an ordinary man. Said, "You say You're greater than our father, Jacob, who dug the well, and he drank from it himself, and his cattle? Well, we are just blessed by drinking this well where that prophet digged."
He said, "Uh-huh," He said.
"And we worship in this mountain. You say 'at Jerusalem.'"
178He said, "Salvation is of the Jew, woman, we know what we're talking about." He said, "You worship you don't know what." A Jew's suppose to know the Word, see, how It was suppose to be. But, see, He was watching now. Why? He's going to... What is He going to do? Prove His Word. See? Why, she said... He said, "By the way, go get your husband and come here."
And she said, "I don't have any husband."
179"Why," He said, "you've told the truth, see, because you've had five, and the one you now have is not your husband." See? Watch! Something happened, see, something took Life. Now, if it hadn't a-been in there to begin with, if she hadn't a-had representation from predestination, it'd a-never took hold.
180 There stood priests there, said, "This man is Beelzebub." See, no representation.
181Eternal Life, "you always was." See, you have Eternal Life, there's only one form of it, that's God. You were His attribute, He thought of you and knowed you before the foundation of the world, in His mind. See?
182She looked around. Look what a--what a sinful shape she was in. But, see, He couldn't--He couldn't get that priest, because the priest was an educated scholar, a theologian in the Word, but no representation in Heaven, see, wasn't in God's thinking at all. But this woman was. She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." That's just all He wanted her to see. See? Said, "We believe that You are, I believe You're a prophet. Now, we know. We don't understand about the prophets now, because it's real late, we know that there's a Messiah coming. And when that Messiah comes, He's going to be the Word. See, He's going to know the secrets of the heart, He's going to do the same thing that--that You did there." Said, "You must be one of His prophets, to forerun Him or something."
He said, "I am He."
183 What would He do? He was proving His Word, proving His position, proving what He was. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. And God is the Word. All right. He calmed the winds and the waves, to prove Isaiah's prophecy, "He shall be called 'The mighty God, the everlasting Father.'" See? He also multiplied bread and fishes, this virgin-born Son. What was it? To prove the Word. All Scripture has to be fulfilled. He proved the Word, by saying He was Jehovah made manifest. He was the beginning of the creation of God. God in creation, God with a little part of the creation here that God was living in Himself, He was the beginning of that creation of God, "From Him begets many sons." Note, He also multiplied the fishes. He is the Word and the proof of the Word.
184 Now listen close, as we come down towards the end. That day, that I read about a few minutes ago, now, when He come to the house of Jairus. He walked in, when he got there. Now, remember, Jairus was a--a priest, a borderline believer. He wanted to believe Jesus, but he hated to turn loose his church, 'cause they had said, "Anybody that believes on Him is going to be put out of the church." Now listen closely now, in closing, give me very close attention. Watch this. I believe that Jesus knew that when He crossed the sea, 'cause He knew all things. And when He crossed the sea, stopped down there, and here come this little priest down. His girl got real sick, the doctors had give her up, said "She's laying at the point of death." Now, time come for action.
185 Maybe that's to you this morning, time has come for you to act. See? Maybe you're real sick. Maybe you're convinced that you're wrong. It might. God forces the issue, time comes for action.
186Now closely. And he come, he didn't care what the rest of them said, right out publicly, and come and fell down by Jesus' feet. What a step for--for an educated scholar, to come to One that we don't have record of ever going to school. How a man come, was suppose to be in all the theology, come to a Man that was suppose to be "a reprobate, a wild man, crazy man, out of His mind, didn't even have his right mind." Pardon the expression, but "He's just a common crank of the day," everybody thought Him that. As we'd say today, in the street expression, "Nut!" As I preached the other day on the nut and the bolt, you know. See, that's what He was to the public, just a common everyday... Say, "Why, You're out of your mind! You're crazy! You're a madman!" Now, here was a man who had all the scholarships, coming to the One that was supposed to be out of His mind. He was forced to it.
187 Watch her now. It's going to sting just a little bit, but it'll be good for you. See, sometimes a shock wakes you up.
188Notice, He come and went in to the side of this little, dead girl, that died probably hours before, and they had done laid her out, and put the embalming fluid on her, and put it around the couch. That's the way they did in them days, just packed them off and put them in a hole, on a board. She laid out on the couch, the flowers around her.
189And, oh, that fine little pastor, little Jairus, I imagine he was a nice little pastor, everybody loved him. Because, you see, I can prove that, because he did, in his heart, believe Jesus. But he just couldn't hardly make the decision, 'cause he wouldn't have a check coming in every Saturday or every Monday morning. See? He just couldn't hardly make the--the decision. And another thing, the people, the great fine prestige that he had amongst the people, they'd said, "You know what, Jairus has went fanatically. See, he went over there with that false prophet. That's just exactly what he did, where all them suppose-to-be signs and things, that Prophet of Galilee, you know, Jesus of Nazareth."
190We don't believe it now, it sounds sacrilegious, but that's the way it was then. See? "And, someday, as it is now, it's going to be then." See, same thing!
191 Now notice, he went over there. And he couldn't hardly do that, but the time come where he was forced to do it. He had to do it. And here he went and got Jesus, right out before all of them, and fell down at His feet, and said, "Master! Master!" You know what that is? Rulership, ownership. That's right.
192See, a lot of people want Jesus to be their Saviour, but not their Lord. See, Lord is "ruler." Yeah. You say, "Jesus, You save me and let me stand right here, and that's all right, and I'll do my own business. Now, You don't get in my business. But You can be my Saviour, but not my Lord." He wants to be Lord, you see, then He's your Saviour.
193 But now, he said, "Master, Saviour!" See? "I... my little girl, my only child, she's twelve years old, the doctors has give her up." No doubt the priest might have said this, "You know, they've all talked about You being a fanatic, but, you know, Master, I--I--I believe You. I believe. I know You have discernment. And the only thing I want You to say, is, just come lay Your hands upon her. And then tell me what to do, I'll do it." Oh, now you're getting somewhere!
Said, "I'll go. I'll go." And He started on.
194After he had been gone for several hours, here come a man running as the custom was then, ashes on top of his head, said, "Don't trouble the Man, your daughter died. She's already dead, they've already fixed her and laid her out."
195Oh, his little heart! Jesus turned around and looked at him, he said, "Oh! Oh! Oh!"
196He said, "Didn't I tell you?" Now, what He done there, He had promised Jairus. Now He's got to prove that. Amen. "I told you. Just only believe and you'll see the glory of God." Now, He knowed what He was doing. He said He done nothing till the Father showed Him first. Saint John--Saint John 5:19, "I only do what the Father shows Me," so He showed Him what was going to happen.
197 So when He got into the house, and stood up there aside that little, cold stiff form laying there, been sick for weeks. And her little, pale body, no food had went into her body, and fevers and things, and she had--she had died. They had her all sprayed over with this embalming spice and stuff. And laying there, you know, on the couch and things, fixing to wrap her up and put her in a grave, and they put... had their little ceremony of having the flowers around her. Jesus come over. And everybody, "Oh, Jairus, your little girl's dead! Oh, father Jairus, oh! We're so sorry for you, and everything."
198He said, "Oh, keep still, you make too much noise." He said, "Why all this tumult around here you're doing?" You see? "This tumult, you just... you're--you're hollering and screaming. The girl's not dead. She's asleep. Shhh."
199 Then what did they do? When they heard Him say that she wasn't dead, they... Said, "They laughed Him to scorn." In other words, they boo-ed Him. "Boo! Why, You! Why, You false prophet! Why, You deceiver of man! The girl's dead. The doctor said she was. We've embalmed her, we've laid her out. She's laying there, she's dead." They said, "Ha, ha, ha! Now, Jairus, you've been talking about Him, now what about it?"
200You know what He done? He said, "All of you get out of here." Around such unbelief like that, it can't work. Now, what had He said? He said, "Jairus, if you will only believe, you'll see the glory of God." Now, that's His Word. He's got to prove that. All right.
201 Then when He got into the house where they was all crying, He said, "She's asleep." That was contrary to science. That was contrary to common sense. She was dead, embalmed.
202As soon as they died, they embalmed them right then, just as soon as the life went out of them, they poured that spices and stuff on them and wrapped them up and got them to go away. See, bury them, they bury them just, well, sometimes didn't even notify the people. You know, Ananias and Sapphira; they done buried Ananias, when Sapphira... Ananias, when Sapphira had come in, you see; done took him out and buried him, you see. They just, soon as they'd die, they'd pour that stuff on them and take them out there and put them away. See?
203 So she was already ready to go in the grave, but they wanted to wait for papa to see her before they put her away. And when He comes in, and her in that condition, and He said, "She's just taking a nap."
Well, they said, "Now, if that Fellow isn't truly crazy!"
204So now what did He do? He had already said she was asleep, He had to prove His Word. He couldn't do it before that bunch, so He said, "Put them all out." And I can see Him look around to Jairus and say, "You still believe?"
"Yes, Lord."
205"You and the wife come here. Peter, James and John, you come with Me." They walked over there and called this word, talitha cumi, which means, "Little girl, rise up." And He proved His Word, she was only asleep. Is that right? He proved here, His Word was right. Regardless of their unbelief, He still proved His Word was right, by waking her up, because He said she was asleep. She was asleep.
206 He'll do the same someday, to every true believer, for His Word promised to. "They that are in Christ, will God bring with Him." See, "They that are in Christ."
207What did this little Jewish girl do? I just started to bypass this Scripture here, but I--I'm going to--going to keep it. I know it may be a little late, and we'll get to the prayer line in a few minutes. I won't see you for another week maybe, but let's wait a minute. "Man shall not live by bread alone." See? Notice, let me just push this in now, to show you. Why did Jesus wake this little Hebrew maid up? Cause she knowed she wasn't dead? Predestination. Just the same as He did Lazarus. See? Perhaps there was many little maids died that same day, He never said a word to them. He knew this one had Eternal Life. See, He didn't wake the rest of them up.
208Look, when He come out of Jericho, they say, "Here, this guy here!" No doubt they said, "You wake up the dead? You tell me that You can raise the dead, we got a graveyard full of them up here, come, wake these up." See, He never even paid a bit of attention to them. See, never did it, because He knew He was the Word.
209 Notice, she was only asleep. He knew the father would come. Now, this little girl, see, He knew that that little Jewish maid was only asleep. See, the--the righteous does not die. Jesus came to redeem the righteous. And, to redeem, means "to be brought back from where you once was." See? He could not redeem the unbelievers, no matter how educated and how much doctors of degree they had. He could not redeem them, because they were not redeemable; they had to go to their destination. But, in His foreknowledge, knowed that Lazarus was coming out of the grave. He also knew this little girl had Eternal Life. So she was not dead, she was only asleep. And when our work is over on earth, if we don't live until His Coming, we cannot die, we're only asleep. He proved it here. He'll prove it again. "Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet I'll awake in His likeness."
210 He proves all of His Words, all of His Words. Just think of it, all of His Words! And you were His Word. He was the Word, and you were part of His Word. And, that's the reason you're sent here, to confirm your place in life. I--I--I don't think you got that. See, He is the Word. Now you get it?
211He was in the feet, in Luther; in the thighs, in Wesley; in the shoulders, in Pentecost. See what I mean? He is the Head. You have a part that joins that together, this hour that we're living now; not the feet part, not the thigh part, not the shoulder part, but the neck part. Is that right? It joins to the head. That's the part of the body. Those that are asleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. The trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Is that right? See, you become a part of that Word, you become a part of Him. And you take His Name to recognize it, see, you're placed in there, baptized into His Name, into His Body, "By one Spirit we're all baptized in one Body," into here, just exactly like the same position. He never changes His way. If... How many believes the early church is in Him? Let's see, how many believes it? How were they baptized? All right. See, He's unchangeable God. We proved that. We could stay here till midnight tonight, proving that, and still go on and on and on. See, unchangeable! See? You are in Him and a part of Him, because you were a part of the thinking of Him. Before the foundation of the world, He called you!
212 The Bible said that the beast upon the earth... That's the denominational antichrist coming on the earth, forming the beast at Rome, which was the first denomination. And this World Council of Churches forms an image unto the beast, just exactly what we just put in the book there the other day. Notice, it forms that, see, the antichrist. And the Bible said, "All whose names were not written on the Lamb's Book of Life," (when, at the revival?) "slain before the foundation of the world" (your name was put on there), this antichrist will deceive you." Matthew 24:24, says that--that "The antichrist would be so close like the real thing in the last days, it would deceive the very elected, or predestinated..." It's the same thing, election and predestination is the same thing, God elected you or predestinated you before the foundation of the world. "Will deceive all whose names were not predestinated on the Book of Life."
213 Daniel spoke of it, how the wise will be in that day, and how the unwise, and so forth. All right, so much, but I just keep getting too--too far away, the clock's moving too fast for me. Notice, now watch, He noticed after... Now watch what taken place here. "All He foreknew, He called. All He called, He has justified. All that He has justified, He hath glorified." Your journey's finished, you're living out your part. Grace is what God did for you. Works is what you do in appreciation.
214Proved by His same thing, that He knowed all things, this virgin-born Son. He knowed where there was some fish in the water, that Peter and them had seined right over and caught nothing. That proved His Word. Is that right? He knowed all things.
215And when He got ready to pay His taxes, it showed that He owned all things. He knowed where a fish was that had just enough coin in his mouth to pay for the... Somebody had dropped it out there, and that fish just picked it up. And He said, "Peter, go down and cast the line in, see, and take up that fish and get that coin out of his mouth. And go on and satisfy them, pay the taxes." Oh, yes!
216 The foxes has dens and the birds of the air have nests, but He had the Word, He was the Word, and proved it so. He always proves His Word. Same will He do it now, in every generation He proves the same.
217After the third day, after His death, burial, on the third day, He rose up again, to prove His Word, because the prophet said, "I will not suffer My Holy One to see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell," the third day, before corruption could set in in seventy-two hours. See, it didn't go the complete three days, 'cause corruption does set in in seventy-two hours. See, so He didn't go the full time, because the prophet said, see, the prophet said, "I will not suffer My Holy One to see corruption." He proved His Word.
218 He healed the sick, the lame, to prove His Word that Isaiah and the rest of the prophets said.
219He sent the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, to prove His Word. You want to get some of these Scriptures now, Joel 2:28, He said, "It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, and upon My handsmaids and maidservant will I pour out of My Spirit. Your young man shall see visions, your old man shall dream dreams, and so forth." He proved it by pouring out! Also, He had said before this time, in Luke 24:49, if you want to put it down, He said, "Behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you. But tarry ye, in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on High." There it is, He done it, He sent the Spirit to continue to prove His Word. But watch what He said. Did He do it? All right.
220 Mark 16, He said, "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature." How far? All the world. Who? Every creature. "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. He that believeth not shall be damned, and these signs shall follow them that believe." He said in Mark 4, He said in John 14:12, also He said, "He that believeth on Me," not make-believeth, but, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." It taken the same Spirit that was in Him to do that same work. Because what? The Spirit was coming to manifest the promised Word in the future. See, He made a provision, for He knowed these things would happen.
221 Now, after nineteen hundred years, with the church ages past, and all the things that He prophesied of Luther, Wesley, we just went through and seen it drawed out, and the moon come down and drawed it out, and the Lord drawed it on the board here for us, and showed it, and come down Himself and confirmed it to be right. After nineteen hundred years, and we're at the end of the Laodicea church age, He promised, in Luke 17:30, that this same Son of man (He promised it) would be revealed in the days like it was in Sodom, upon the earth. Did He do it? Does it have to come to pass? It's impossible... Now, remember, He come in three names: the Son of man, a prophet; the Son of God, the Spirit; the Son of David, for the Millennium. But in between, this conjunction, now according to His own Words, in the day when the Son of man shall be revealed, reveal Himself as (what? not Son of God) Son of man. Will reveal Hisself in a different way. Now, what does that make? Malachi 4, exactly right. See, the Son of man will reveal Himself, not in a whole big denominations and things, as we've had through the ages, but He would manifest Himself as Son of man again, to make manifest Malachi 4. "And in that day, I will send to you Elijah the prophet, and he shall turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith of the apostolic fathers, away from all this denominationalism, and come back to the original Word again," to draw out that last-day Bride-Tree that He promised. "In the evening time it shall be Light," not through the misty day, it shall be light; it'll be a day can't be called day nor night. See, it's making up the Body. But the same Head that was here in the East, is here in the West again, "There shall be Light in the evening time." Oh, my, I feel like singing a song!
It shall be Light about the evening time,
The path of glory you will surely find;
In the water way, is the Light today,
Buried in His precious Name.
Young and old, repent of all your sins,
Then the Holy Ghost will surely enter in;
The evening Lights have come,
It's being known and made a fact that God and Christ are one.
222 And the Son of man is revealing Himself in the same power that He was, (not down through the church age, through justification, sanctification, all these things here) but the Son of man. Who is the Son of man? The Word! And the Word is quicker than, powerful than a two-edged sword, and discerns the thoughts that's in the heart. What did He have to do? He has to prove that Word. What would He do? Notice of it when we see it happening, look at It in the same form that He was here in the beginning, the Pillar of Fire. My! Proving that He's Hebrews 13:8, said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." What was it? Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, that was Christ that was in the wilderness with Moses. How many knows the Bible said that? Yesterday! That was Christ when Paul was speaking here today (you believe that?) in the New Testament. Then the Son of man, the same Christ, in the last day. See? All right.
223Notice also John 14:12, He said, "The works that I do shall you do." All these other Scriptures, what does He do? He's here now proving (not Luther's age, not Wesley age, not Pentecostal age, not Baptist age, not Presbyterian age, we've went right down through it and proved it by history in the Bible; but what?) the age of the Son of man being revealed, to bring these things in to fulfill the Word when all must be fulfilled. See? We see it, and it's true!
224 And, think, by the same methods He did in the first place, is not only confirmed among us, but it's confirmed by science. They have to admit It's right. George J. Lacy, the head of the FBI, for fingerprint and documents, said, "The Light struck the lens. I called it psychology myself, but," said, "Mr. Branham, this camera won't take psychology. It's there."
225What is it? A testimony, that long years ago when that Pillar of Fire was standing there in that bush like a whirlwind, speaking, He said, "Don't you never smoke or drink, there's a work for you to do when you get older."
226The people said, "That boy's gone out of his mind." Mother wanted to call a doctor, I was nervous.
227But what was it? He settled right down here at the bottom of that river there, at the Ohio River, and said, "As John the Baptist was sent to get a people ready for the Word to be made manifest, so will your Message."
228 How Doctor Davis and them called me "out of" my "mind," wanted to turn me out of the church, because I had disagreed with him on women preachers and all those things that was unscriptural. He said, "And you say you're going to preach and cause a revival to strike the world?"
I said, "Not me, but He said so."
He said, "Billy, you had a nightmare."
I said, "I'll give up my card right now, I'm no more of you."
229He said It, I believe It, and He's proved It. That's the good part, He's proved It, proved His Word by the Word, for He is the Word. See? And the Word does what? Knows the secret of the heart. Is that right? All right, proves it in Hebrews 13:8.
230 And He will have a Bride-Church ready in the last days. "How is He going to do it, Brother Branham?" I don't know. But He said He would. He'll prove it. A Called-out from all the others, that's right, the speckled bird that's speckled by His Blood. See? Called-out, all the rest of the flock's against Her. She's despised and rejected.
231But, the speckled bird, now, I don't care how much the author wanted to disagree with That, he's mistaken. Remember, what did to the bird, the speckled bird was? They taken two of them, one was killed, the mate, was poured upon the other bird, and it was for cleansing of leprosy, and the specks of blood, and cried, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord." And that was our Mate, Jesus Christ, that was killed, and His Blood's upon us, crying, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord." All the rest the birds... I'm glad my name's on her Book; not here on earth, but up there; not on a goatskin, but on the Lamb's skin. That's right.
232 There will be a resurrection of the dead. He'll confirm it. That's right. He'll prove it. There'll be a Rapture of the Church. "How's it going to be?" I don't know, but He'll prove it. His Word's true. There'll be a Millennium. He'll prove it, It's His Word. There'll be a new heavens and a new earth. He'll prove it, because His Word said so. And only the righteous will be there. He'll prove it, too. That's right. Only the ones that's been made part of this Word (see, will be their part and their position in this Word for their age) will be the only one will be there. Cause, that's just what it is, He is the Word. And what is a woman? The image of a man. And what is--what is the Church? The image of the Word. See, that's exactly. See? So it'll be there, just exactly. Only the true believers in His Word know This and can believe It. And God helps them to prove it, that's right, that it is true.
233 Do you now believe It? Do you believe It? If so, reach out by faith and touch His garment, because He's passing this way. He will prove He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, Hebrews 13:8. "Lo, I am with you always, to the end of the world," Matthew. And He is a High Priest, according to Hebrews, the Book of Hebrews, 4th chapter and the 15th verse, "He is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Do you believe that? Reach out and touch the Lord. He's ever present, "Lo, I am with you always." Look down through the ages. "Prove all things. Hold fast to that what's good."
234Now, if you belong to a church that don't believe that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, the same in every way, get away from it. Prove!
235 Now, we say He's raised from the dead. I didn't say it, the Word here said it. They said, "He raised from the dead." He says He's the same yesterday, and forever. You believe that? He promised these things to happen in the last day, that the same Son of man will be made manifest.
236Now, remember, that was not Jesus talking to Abraham there, that could discern the thoughts in Sarah's mind behind him. That was not Jesus, He had not yet been born. But it was a man in human flesh, that Abraham called "Elohim, the great Almighty." Showing... And Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom," now watch close, "in the days of Sodom, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed." Not no more as a church, see, not no more; the Bride is called, see. "In that day the Son of man will be revealed." What? To join the Church to the Head, unite, the marriage of the Bride. The Bridegroom call will come right through this, when the Son of man will come down and come in human flesh to unite the two together. The Church has to be the Word, He is the Word, and the two unites together, and, to do that, it'll take the manifestation of the revealing of the Son of man. Not a clergyman. I--I don't know, I... Do you see what I mean? See, it's Son of man, Jesus Christ, will come down in human flesh among us, and will make His Word so real that it'll unite the Church and Him as one, the Bride, and then she'll go Home to the Wedding Supper. Amen. She's already united, see, we go to the Wedding Supper, not to the marriage. "... fill your flesh... self, of all the flesh of mighty men, 'cause the marriage of the Lamb has come." But, the rapture, is going to the Wedding Supper. When, the Word here unites with the person, and they two become one. And then what does it do then? It manifests the Son of man again, not the church theologians. The Son of man! The Word and the Church becomes one. Whatever the Son of man done, He was the Word, the Church does the same thing.
237 How did He prove Himself through the ages? Through the prophets, which could speak the Word, know their thoughts. That's how He was known, that. Promised at the church age, come through with "not even night or day," but in the evening time when the Son of man would be revealed. It would come again. "It shall be Light at the evening time." See? What does He do? Prove His Word.
238Now look back, did He come as a virgin, did He come as they said, through the virgin, rather? Did He come just exactly the way He said? Watch today, He proved His Word regardless of how many athiests, infidels, indifference, He still come right on, proved His Word. Here we are, come through this age of all churches and things, got away like they did from Malachi up to the coming of Christ. All the prophets and things had ceased, and they had got into dignitaries and so forth, but, just exactly, look what kind of a character He sent. Just exactly the Elijah, a hater of immoral women, and put on a lot of paint, powders and makeups and all that stuff there. And clergymen, he slayed them right and left. Coming out of the wilderness, pulled no strings with none of them, and said, "The Messiah's on the road. I'll know Him when He come, I'll introduce Him. Amen. Don't you begin to think you belong to this or that." Just the same as Elijah did!
239 "And in the last days, it shall come to pass, before the great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, that I will send to you before that great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, I will send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will restore the Faith of the children back to the fathers." And watch, the Faith of the fathers to the children, the Jews. See? Their promise of the Scripture, the Gentiles and where they had fell from. Look at that dual just as perfectly, exactly. And here we see it, God proving His Word.
240 Let us bow our heads a moment. Dear God, Who brought again our Lord Jesus from the dead, to prove Your Word, and He's alive today, proves Your Word. "Lo, I am with you always, even to the consummation," proves His Word. "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever." (If it wasn't "forever," maybe you might--might stumble at some of them.) I didn't stop to explain it, Lord. But, forever, they know, is just "a--a space of time." And now after this age, there won't be no more forever, it'll be Eternity. So He was the same God that was in Moses and in the prophets. Then He come after a space of time, and maned Himself, manifested Himself as the God-prophet. And then we had a space of time, and He comes again. "Same yesterday, today, and forever."
241 We think of this, Solomon, in that great millennium of the Jews, that when no nations dared to touch them, and that great gift of God was in the prophet till he made known to the queen all of her secrets of her heart, nothing was withheld. The great age, showing and typing that there was a great Age coming.
242And now, Father, that was You, not Solomon. That was You in Jesus, for He said, "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. He was the beginning of the creation." His body was the redeemed creation. And now through the ages the church lost its first love, and now in the last days You promised to call a little minority, the little Flock, at the last days.
243Father, our hearts are jumping, and my heart's pounding, when I think of that and know that Your Words are true, none of Them can fail. Let these people today understand that, and let the sinner seek You at this hour, before the gates close and there will be no more time. Let the Bride, as she starts getting out of step from this and that, may she come back into the step as the vision showed a few weeks ago.
244 I pray Thee, Father, to bless now, and heal the sick. Here are cloths laying here, handkerchiefs from... coming from different parts. And now, in the Scripture, It said, "It was taken cloths and aprons, handkerchiefs, from the body of Paul, and they went to the sick, and God healed them." Now, we know that we're not Saint Paul, but we know that it wasn't Saint Paul, it was the people's faith in him being Your servant. Lord, these people wouldn't drive these hundreds of miles if they didn't believe. Reward their faith, Lord, as I... not anoint the handkerchief (Paul never anointed them, he took from his body), as I hold these handkerchiefs, Lord, not that my body (because it's no good), but it is Your redeemed property, so I pray, God, that You'll honor their faith. May each one of them be healed, for the Kingdom of God's sake. Now, Lord, a lengthy Message, not meaning it to be over a few minutes, but it's passed into two hours or more. Now let the sick be healed, Lord, let the people see that You're here, that I haven't just said this in myself. It's You, Lord. And I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.
245 Now, just about ten minutes. I don't know... (Did--did you give any here, what was it?) Billy said he had give out some. I asked him to do it this morning. And I just come in a few minutes ago back there, and I didn't have a chance to ask him, 'cause I was talking to Brother Ben and them around there. I didn't get a chance to tell him. He just told me he give out prayer cards. Prayer card B, a hundred... (One to a hundred?) B. Well, let's, I believe, prayer card number one, B. Who's got B? Can you... If you can stand up, raise your hand, if you can walk. Some woman in the back. All right, B, number one, number two, three, four, five, come this way. And I'm going to ask these little children if they would just come right around behind the platform and sit down here now. All right. Now, now I tell you, send them, you go right through that aisle there, you people from one to five, go right through that way and come right down. Let the ones that's in the aisle there, if they can, come right back around here towards their seats. Now, the little children that's sitting here, come right around behind the platform here. And I want them to walk right by here, the people, so I can pray for them.
246 Now, let's see now. I see. What did I call, one to five, wasn't it? One, two, three, four, five. One... Everybody that's got a prayer card there, one to five, raise up your hand, see if they're all up on their feet. There's one, two, three, four. I lack one. One, two, three, four, five, in B. Are you all one, two, three, four? One, two, three, four? Where's five at, B? Five, go back that way, lady. All right, sir, go around that way. That's it. Go right around and come back, five. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. All right, B, prayer card six, seven, eight, nine, ten. See, we do this, then you don't get any disturbance then. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Now I got... I think. Do you have a card, sir, standing up here? Seven? All right, go right over there, you go right with them. I only got two, I think, there. All right, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, prayer card six, seven, eight, nine, ten. I've only got two, here's... You got one, sir? There you are. There they are. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Now that'd be one, two, three, four, five. All right, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. One, two, three, four, that. All right, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five. One, two, three, go around that way, sir, go right around, fall in line, twenty-five, twenty-five. Help him there, let him go out through either way he wants to. Here you are, brother, right here, they opened a way here for you. The people's opened you a way here. Somebody help him right along there, if you can. Let him get right around and get in the line there. I tell you, sit him down right there, and when his number's called, put him right up there. See? When he comes in a number, put him right in the line. All right, I think that's just about as many could--could go now.
247 Now, how many here that does not have a prayer card, and you are confident, you are--you're absolutely sure that God can heal the sick? Raise up your hand. Do you believe it? How many of you here is from... that knows that I know nothing about you, don't know none of your diseases? There's--there's people here now, my Tabernacle, to one of you strangers, there hardly is anybody I can see, 'less these ministers. Just down there I see a person I recognize. I'm not here enough, see, and they're just people that come in from everywhere. How many in here... Let me prove it to you. How many here knows I know nothing of you? Raise up your hands up here. See, that's your hand before God, you see. I know nothing of them. Now, I don't know that I might get somebody called in the prayer line like this, that I did know, but I wouldn't know what they were here for. See, I wouldn't know what they were here for.
248 Now what I'm trying to do is to get you to see this, now watch, "The works that I do shall you do also." Do you believe that? Do you believe He'll prove that Word? All right. Did He say He would reveal Himself as Son of man at the end of the church age? How many? And the world would look, be in the shape of Sodom and Gomorrah? Do you believe that?
249Now, Billy, why don't you just let them come right by here? Yeah, all right. Well, okay, all right.
250At--at the end of the age, He would reveal Himself. Now, look, do you realize that, then, here's a total impossibility? Now, here's people standing in this line, that I never seen in my life. There's people sitting out there, that I never seen. But, remember, Hebrews 4:15, I believe it is, that said that "He's the High Priest now that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Is that true? Now, if He is the High Priest, then He is Hebrews 13:8, then, "The same yesterday, today, and forever." Is that right? Now, how would He reveal Hisself? As I told you, He always speaks through His prophets. He always sends a--a--a--a message before judgment. All the things, He never changes His way.
251 He decided in the garden of Eden, how He would save man, through the shed blood of an innocent one. He's never changed it. We try to change it, through education, through towers of Babel, through great cities, and everything like that. We try to change it, but it don't work. We try to change it, by educating the world to Him. We try to change it, by denomination of people. It never worked. Only one place man can meet to worship, under the Blood. Your denominations will split you up, but under the Blood you're the same. He never changes.
252Now, if He is the unchangeable High Priest, and the same yesterday, today, and forever, then He's got to keep that Word. Not because we said He did, because He said He would. See? Now, now, if He will do that... Now, just stop a minute, think. Now, how many of you in this prayer line know that I know not one thing about you, your sickness? Then raise up your hand, you know what I... How many in that prayer line knows I don't even know you? Raise up your hands.
253 Look in the audience, see. Now, you out there, you don't have to be here, you just touch His garment. You just speak, say, "Lord Jesus, I believe You." Now you say, "I believe That. And I--I believe that--that You can reveal to Brother Branham, because..."
254Now, not because it's Brother Branham, he's just an ordinary man. And probably if the Rapture come this morning... You think about the Rapture? If the Rapture come this morning, I say this in humility, there's no doubt that half of this congregation, if we went according to--to degrees, according to where we should be, half of you would go before me. That's right. I'm not... Look at the responsibility I got, and how--how loosely I carry it. I'm an unprofitable servant to Christ, to know what I know about Him and then live the way I do; not immoral, not unclean, nothing like that, God knows that's true. See? I try to live right, but I--I--I just look like I can't get the thing to go over. Maybe it been somebody else, maybe highly educated or something, they could have got it to the people. But then some's to think, it's not all the people is going to get it, anyhow. See? See? See, He knows what He's going to do. So I just commit myself to Him and say, "Lord, I'm in Your hands, do with me as you see fit." Now, if Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and forever...
255 Now, I believe I know this woman. I can't think of who she is, but I know her. I know her, somehow. But I've seen her face, but I--I don't know who she is right at this time. But I--I--I know her, somehow. Don't you know me? Uh-huh. I--I thought, I looking at her face, I thought I knew her, but I can't call who she is. But I believe she... Don't your husband... Ain't you the woman that works at the... Her husband works at Seven--Seven--Seven... or Seven-Eleven, or something like that, down in New Albany. Mrs. Agan, that's right. Now, you been here and come to church. Roy, is that the one we went to one day on... Is that--is that the one up on the mountain? What say? Her sister. That was, that's how, see. I remember Roy and I were driving along, and he mentioned that name, and the Lord sent me up there and healed the woman right there. Yes, sir, and I just remembered.
256 Now, but to know what's wrong with you, I have no idea. You know that. But if the Lord Jesus can tell her something that she's done. Or if maybe she's--she's got some financial trouble. Maybe her and her husband had got some trouble, maybe her and her children, maybe one of her children, if she's got children, I don't know. But if she has, maybe some of her children are--are running out. Maybe she's standing here to know something about that. I don't know. I have no way of knowing. I--I--I can't tell you. But He knows. See? So, you see. Do you?
257Listen, now catch this real close. I've never said this in an audience before, but I feel led to say it now. What is a word? Is a thought expressed. Now, how can I express her thought, or how can I express to her what her thought is? It'll have to be some of the thought that's presented, and she can't do it. So I have to express His thought, and if it's right... If it's God's thought, it'll be right; if it isn't God's thought, then it won't be right; she'll know it, you'll know it, all will know it. See, there's just no way around it. It's either got to be God or not God. His grace is sufficient. Now you believe, now, everybody.
258And how many's going to believe? Well, maybe you never seen one of the meetings before, but you're going to believe if God does that? And then you out there now, you that won't be in the prayer line, you--you pray, too, see. Or either if you're coming in the prayer, I don't care who you are, you just pray.
259 Lord Jesus, now I've took lots of time, but it's Your service, Lord. And I've done all that humanly I can do, but Thou art God, now the rest is in Your hands, Father. Let it be known that You're God, and Your Word is true. Prove Your Word, Lord, of this last day when the Son of man will be revealed. How did He make Hisself known? He was the Word. What is the Word? A discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. He perceived their thoughts, told Peter, Philip, Nathaniel, the woman at the well, all the rest there, that when they would come, knowed the little girl was asleep, not dead. I pray, God, that You'll use our humble tabernacles today, of this earthly dwelling, that You might make Yourself known. Through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
260 Now to heal, I cannot, you know that. "What is a gift, Brother Branham, something that you take?" No. It's something you know how to get yourself out of the way. See? As long as you are there, it'll never work. William Branham is the greatest enemy I got. See? But when I get him out of the way, see, then Jesus Christ can use the body. See? See, now, I come to that woman. Now what? Now say if--if she--if she was sick.
261Here's a lady here that's got her limb laying up on a--on a chair. Now, if I... if Jesus was here, and go down and lay His hands upon that woman, that limb would get well. There's no doubt about that. But, you see, we are human beings with dirty hands. His hands is holy, God a-vindicated Him. He was the Word. You believe that? Sure, He had no doubt. He would lay His hands upon her, say, "Daughter, be well," and she'd get well. But then He commissioned us to do the same thing. I think He's clearly identified it.
262 Now, what if He would give me a vision, and tell this woman something to do? That, well, I believe then if I laid my hands upon her, she'd get well. Do you believe that? But what if He didn't give the vision? What would the vision do? Only give me faith. Transmitting my faith, the unseen power of God. See? Now, if you, every one of you die right this minute, you'd never see your you leave your body. All your mental faculties, all that you are would leave, but you'd never see it go. See? It'd be an un-... The force that makes me move my hands, that's a force, isn't it? The force that could make me think, the force that makes me preach, the force that makes me live, act, that same force that can motivate this body would leave it and you wouldn't see the force leave. It's an unseen force. So is faith! Don't miss this. Faith! And Jesus said, "They shall lay hands on the sick." Now, see, if I went and had a vision and laid hands on her, I believe that she's going to get well, 'cause I saw the vision, my confidence is in the vision. But what about the Word? Lay hands on her with the same faith. The vision's only given to motivate my faith and your faith. With the same faith without the vision, it'll work just the same. Some people are given great faith. Some don't have that kind of faith, they're given visions to give them that faith. See? Now, see, it'd still be the same dirty hands, be the same person, but just laying hands upon her.
263 Now, let the Holy Spirit confirm His Presence, confirm His Word that He promised. Now, I forgot what your name was. What is your name, now? Agan. Well, He could have told me that if He had wanted to, see, but I just saying that I--I know I know you. Now, you just come right here just a minute, a little closer, there's people standing there praying, you see. That's... Now, Mrs. Agan, if I--if I be the servant of Christ, and I have preached the Word which I believe to be the Truth, do you believe that? [Mrs. Agan says, "Yes."--Ed.] You believe it. Now, if you have a need of something, I could not give it to you, because I don't have it to give; 'less it's maybe a little money or something, or I could go talk to your husband or children or loved ones or something, I could. But if you needed healing, I couldn't give it to you, that's already purchased. But through a gift, I can make you recognize, if you have faith, that that's already purchased, because the One Who purchased it, the only One you could have faith in, is the Son of God. The Purchaser is standing here. See? Is that right? The Purchaser's here.
264 Now, you know me as a brother, a minister, and I know you as a sister. We know Him as God. Now, if that unseen Person, by a gift that I have to make myself get out of the way, can tell me, tell you through me, my lips, see. Now, when I'm praying, God don't see me, He just hears my voice through the Blood of Jesus. See, He don't see me, He hears my voice. And that Blood there is to represent what I ask. See? Then He hears my voice, but He sees only the Blood. See, He don't see me, so I can't be dirty when I'm under the Blood. The Blood cleanses. See, He's the bumper between me and God, and promised, "Ask the Father anything, I'll do it." Do you believe that to be true?
265Now, if everybody... look like... Can you see that what's happening? Look, coming in here, see, it's a Light, amber, moving right around.
266Now she couldn't hide it if she had to. No, no. You're here from the results of something that's happened to you. You've had pneumonia, and you've been in the hospital. You've been under an oxygen tent. And you're suffering from the results of it. You're going to be well. Jesus Christ is going to make you well, see, and be made well. Go on, believing it, Sister Agan. I'm going to lay my hands upon you, in Jesus' Name. God bless you, sister. Go, be happy now, don't doubt at what He said.
267 How do you do, sister? I--I don't believe I know you. We're strangers. Now, here's a woman that I don't know. I don't know you. I have no way of knowing you. But do you believe that God could reveal to me, by His Word, see, because He promised it? Do you believe He could tell me something about you? And that would make you accept it, is that right, knowing that it wouldn't be me, your brother, it would be He, your Saviour. Do you believe that? You're pending an operation. You've been told you have to have an operation. Do you believe He can tell me what the operation is for? It's in the stomach, and in the bowels. That's exactly right. You want to escape it. Do you believe now, with this Spirit here, the Spirit of Christ all around us and standing upon me. You know something had to tell you, 'cause I don't know you. Do you believe, by laying hands, that would transmit the faith that I believe in, with you with your faith, and before God, our Father, you'd be healed? Then, Lord Jesus, I obey Your commands, when You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover," let our sister be made well for the glory of God; in Jesus' Name, amen. Go on home, just forget about it, see, go on believing it with all your heart.
268 How do you do? I say that just to contact your spirit, lady. Just like Jesus did at the well, said, "Bring Me a drink." Now, I believe... I don't believe I ever seen you, I believe you're a stranger to me. Is that right? If that's right, raise up your hand so the audience can see. I don't know the lady.
269This is genuine healing, it's genuine faith, genuine Scripture, the unadulterated Word of God made manifest and proved that He's not dead. He's alive forevermore. "And he that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also, and this believer will lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover." Oh, how can you doubt it? See? Now, He knowed who would and who would not, I don't. That's up to Him.
270 But now if this lady be a stranger... I don't know her, never seen her in my life. She's a young woman, much younger than--than me. But I--I have never seen her. And she's here for some purpose. Do you believe that these things that I've taught in the Bible, lady, to be the Truth? You believe they are the Truth. And do you accept It, not because I said It, because God said It?
271Do you believe we're living in the last days when the Son of man was to be manifested? That would be all the Word that's gathered up through Luther, Wesley, Baptist, and all that, and the Pentecostal, all gathered up to the revelation of what it's all been. The seventh angel was to open the six-seal mystery. It's all to be gathered up in the Son of man, His fullness of time has come to the fullness of His Word, to manifest the fullness of His Body. That's the Word, then, that's the spoken Word made manifest by the Word, reveal the Word.
272 Now, if God can tell me what your trouble are, is, rather... He made you, He knows all about you. And if He can reveal it... You look like a healthy person. But if He can reveal it to me, you'll know whether it's the truth or not. Will you accept it? Now look right at me. Of course, you're wearing glasses, you've had--had to wear them. That really isn't what you're here for. I can see that It moved right back, see. Now, you're here because a blood clot. See? See? Do you--do you believe He can tell me where they're at? Your legs. Do you believe that to be God doing that? Do you believe God can tell me more about you? Huh? If the audience... You're a stranger, and I just... talk to you a minute. Do you believe He can, do you believe He can tell me where you're from? You're from Gary, Indiana. Do you believe He can tell me who you are? Mrs. Ogden. That's true. Now you go back home and get well, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
273 How do you do? We are strangers to each other, too. I don't know you, see. But you believe that the Lord Jesus can reveal to me your trouble? [The sister says, "I know it."--Ed.] You know it. Thank you, sister. That's very fine. All right, being that you know that, then, that hernia will get all right. And you got--and you got a--a growth in your side. That's right, isn't it? You want me to tell you what side it's in? It's in your right side. That's exactly right. Now go on your road and believe it, and you'll get well.
274You believe? Absolutely, it's the Truth. Do you believe that the Son of God, Son of man, has come down through the ages as He promised? But, just, do you believe the world is in a Sodom condition, ready to be destroyed by the fire, like Sodom was? Sodomites were Gentiles, remember. But down in there, in Sodom, was some righteous people, God sent a messenger to call them out; some of them come, some didn't, most of them stayed in. But there was a group sitting up on the mountain, Abraham, and there was a Messenger came to him to show him what was going to happen. He wasn't going to be in it, anyhow. But then the world is in that same condition today, and Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Son of man, Son of David, and He come to manifest Himself.
275 I just noticing something happening to the woman. She's here for a great cause. She isn't here for sickness. You know what she wants to ask me? "Lay hands on" her, she'll "receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost." See? See? Isn't that right? Raise your hand up if that's right. See? See, she has a great thing. Dear Heavenly Father, give this child of Yours the desire of her heart, may she receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. So shall she receive It. Amen. You'll receive It. God bless you.
276Do you believe? What about you out there, do you believe, too? If thou canst believe, all things are possible. Looking very sincere about that, do you believe that blood clot can leave, too? Sitting right there with the green-looking shirt on. Raise up your hand if you believe it'll leave, it will. I never seen the man in my life, a total, absolute stranger to me. I've never seen him.
277 Do you believe it, the rest of you, audience? Now, don't you see, it's got to be Him?
278Cancer is no bad thing for God to heal. He can make it well, can't He? Do you believe He will? All right, then go, receive it, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Just believe with all your heart.
279Hi, honey. You know, Jesus shed His Blood, that--that your blood could be right. Do you believe that? Dear God, I bless this child, and may she have a blood transfusion from Calvary. Take all the sugar away, Lord, and let her be well, in Jesus' Name. God bless you.
280How do you do? Do you believe He can heal that back and make it well? [The brother says, "I know He can."--Ed.] All right, go, believe it, have faith. Let's just lay hands on you so you request it. God bless you, brother.
281Do you believe? He made food to eat, He made a stomach to digest it. And when something gets wrong in that stomach, He's the Healer of it. Do you believe that? All right, that's all you have to know, believe with all your heart.
282Being that you had the same thing, just go on and believe with all your heart, too.
283 It's okay, bring the lady on. How do you do? Pretty little girl, she's awful little to have female trouble. Do you believe Jesus will make you well of that? Dear God, this little girl, I curse this enemy while in the Presence of Jesus Christ, may it leave her, may she be well. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Bless you honey, you'll be all right.
284Do you believe? Now a dark shadow moves up, death. A cancer is not... God can heal cancer and make it well. Do you believe that with all your heart? Do you believe He's going to make you well of it? In the Name of Jesus Christ, I curse this cursed thing under that crossed fishes, may the Cross of Christ take it away. Make it go, in Jesus' Name. Don't doubt, go, believe with all your heart. Amen. If thou canst believe, all things are possible.
285How do you do? Of course, your arthritis will go, and you'll be made well if you believe. Do you believe that you'll be so you can walk around again and be all right? The Lord bless this dear sister, and make her well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Go, believing with all your heart.
286 Do you believe the same thing can happen to you? Well, I believe it has. You're going... If you believe that you're healed right now. I believe it's gone from you, myself. In the Name of Jesus Christ, let our brother go and be normal and well, for the glory of God. Amen.
287It finally happened. You that's sitting there, crying, do you believe them hemorrhoids are going to leave you? He stayed right here till the last half hour, looked like, right before me, He's standing right beside this man. You've been believing, haven't you? You believe with all your heart, and you can go back down to Texas and be well. I never seen the man in my life.
288Do you believe that little back's going to get well and you're going to be ready to be healed? Lord Jesus, touch the little thing and heal it, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Believe it with all your heart.
289 Now that Spirit draws near, It's all over the building. Hard to tell where that may have come from, nervous. Let me show you something. How many's nervous, out there, raise your hand. See, it's hard to say which is which. But God knows all about it, all your desires. You've tried all, hard, to overcome them. Many things in life you try to give up, and you want to serve God with everything that's in you. Looks like it's always been something holds you back. Do you believe it's going to happen right now, this morning, you're going to be made free from these things? Will you believe it?
290Our Heavenly Father, so that these others might see that Thou art the Christ, the Son of God, heal this dear woman standing here, Father, quieten her. We all know what she suffers, Lord, and we pray that You'll make her well. As I lay my hands on her with all the faith, I, too, have an attack right now, weary, Satan, overworked, nerves going bad. Leave her, Satan. I lay my hands upon her with all the faith that I got, leave her, in Jesus' Name. You go, believing in Him. That's what you wanted me to do.
291 I don't know you, you're a stranger to me. That hernia, if you'll believe, it'll get well. And another thing, you got arthritis. If you believe, you'll be well. Your back trouble's left you. Go, believing.
292Do you believe with all your heart? Here, that... how many... Is that all of them in the line? Is there any much the rest of the line? You all pass right by here so I can lay hands upon the sick. Let's bow our heads just a minute, it's after one o'clock. Dear God, I lay hands upon my sister, while the anointing of the Holy Ghost is here. Make her well, in Jesus' Name. Dear Heavenly Father, I lay hands upon my brother... [ Brother Branham continues praying for the sick--Ed.]... believe.
293 Oh, you didn't get prayed for, brother? [ Ed.]... brother, you know what he did? He's an old deer hunter. He said he had a rifle he always hunted deer with, said he was too old now to go hunting. He wanted to bring the rifle and give it to me. Amen. Let's say, "Praise the Lord." [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord."]
I love Him,
Don't forget your little question, lay it up. If you don't get it today, bring it Wednesday or Sunday.
Cause He first loved me
And purchased...
Was you all in the prayer line, prayer line?
... salvation
On Calvary's tree.
294 Think how sweet He is to us, now. Just think, He proves His Word! See? Now see, if I could heal, it would be different, see, but He's the One that's already done it. See? So He just proves His Presence here, "I am He that was dead, and alive forevermore." There was no man ever like Him. He was a Man all to Himself. He was God. See? There was never a man that lived like He lived. There was never a man born like He was born. There was never a man that could do what... like He did. There was never a man that died like He died. There was never a man that raised from the dead like He did. "Oh," you say, "wait a minute, Brother Branham, others was raised from the dead." Yeah, but they died again. But He's alive forevermore. See? Never a man raised like He did. He rose from the dead, forevermore.
295[Brother Branham hums "I Love Him"--Ed.] Let's just sing it to Him now.
Oh, I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary.
296 Let's just bow our heads. Lord Jesus, I love this people. And I just hold them Lord, it wasn't my intention of doing this. But here, many of them with little children waiting, they're hungry, they don't understand. But they just set right here, because they know that man cannot live, only by the Word of God. And then when the Word is being spoken, and then made known, made manifest, proven, then they know it can only be You. I pray for each one. Bless them, Father. May they be healthy and strong for the journey that lays before us. Bless them through the week. And if it so be Your will, Lord, that we can meet here again next Sunday, next Sabbath, to come here and worship, I pray, God, that You'll strengthen them. Some of them may not, some will have to go to their homes in different parts of the country, maybe across the sea, or out of the States. We pray that You'll be with them and help them. May we meet at Jesus' feet, someday. Grant it, Father. Help us now, as we love one another, and believe in You, and hoping someday that the tie that binds our hearts together now will be the Eternal cord, let us live in that City that's foursquare, for all Eternity. In Jesus' Name. Amen. All right.
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
Child of... (Now shake hands with one another)... woe;
It will joy...
Turn around and shake hands with somebody, say, "I'm happy to be here with you, this morning."
Take It everywhere you go.
Precious Name, O how sweet! (God bless you...?...)
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
Now, listen to this now, now sing this way:
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
As a shield from every snare;
Now listen close.
When temptations around you gather.
(What do?) Breathe that holy Name in prayer.
Precious Name (precious Name), O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name!