


Jozue tu, to je kniha; Je to vlastne kniha vykúpenia Starého Zákona. Budeme to musieť jasne zobrať pod úvahu, že je to tak, kniha vykúpenia. Vykúpenie má dve časti. Kdekoľvek sa deje vykúpenie ono má dve časti. To je „vyjdenie" a „vojdenie". Teda sú potrebné dve časti aby sa odohralo vykúpenie, „vyjdenie" a „vojdenie". Mojžiš reprezentoval zákon, ktorý ich vyviedol z Egypta, zatiaľčo Jozua predstavoval milosť, a tá ich voviedla do zasľúbenej zeme. Inak povedané, zákon a milosť sú dva rozdielne aspekty Božieho prikázania. A tak, zákon ich vyviedol von, Mojžiš a Jozua ich voviedol dovnútra.

To tiež znázorňuje niečo pre náš deň. To znázorňuje, keď oni boli na ceste, vychádzali z Egypta a išli do zasľúbenej zeme, tak aj my vychádzame zo sveta, z Egypta, z chaosu a ideme cestou do zasľúbenej zeme. "V dome môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov. Keby nebolo tak, povedal by som vám to." Ján 14. Vychádzanie von a vchádzanie dovnútra.

1 Môžete si sadnúť. Čakal som veľmi dlho, aby som sa dostal späť sem do Phoenixu. Som skutočne šťastný, že môžem byť dnes popoludní tu. Keď som vo Phoenixe, je tu niečo, čo spôsobuje, že sa cítim byť medzi ľuďmi, ktorí sú mojimi priateľmi a majú ma radi. A to je nádherné ... Odtiaľto sú modlitební bojovníci, ktorí sa za mňa modlia už roky. Nikdy nezabudnem na prvé zhromaždenie, ktoré som mal tu, s bratom Outlawom, bratom Garciom a pastormi z mesta. Ako ho Boh požehnal, hoci vtedy moje zhromaždenia len začínali.

2 Odvtedy to vo Phoenixe boli veľké ... V mojom srdci je niečo, čo sa dá ťažko vyjadriť. Ako malý chlapec som vždy chcel ísť do Phoenixu. Stále som čítal o púšti, keď som bol ešte malý, zložil som o nej, o Arizone, básničky.

3 Som tak rád, že som teraz domáci. Myslím, že mám tak okolo roka alebo trochu viac. Ale až tak o mnoho veľa starších sa nenájde. Každého, na koho narazím, sa pýtam: "Pochádzaš odtiaľto?"

"Nuž, tak nejako som. Som tu už tak dlho"

4 A možno by som musel ísť do rezervácie Apačov alebo inde, aby som našiel skutočných rodákov. Nedávno mi niekto povedal: "Brat Branham, ako sa ti páči Arizona?" Povedal som: "Nuž, to bola jedna z vecí na ktorú som v živote očakával, že budem žiť v Arizone. A Boh mi to vyplnil."

5 Teraz sme tu pred začatím Konferencie obchodníkov, ktorá sa stala pre nás každoročným podujatím. A dnes popoludní sme sa tu zhromaždili na takom predstretnutí pred konferenciou, ktorá začína, myslím, v utorok večer.

Za posledných pár rokov je to mojim privilégiom, prísť a mať pri tej príležitosti malé zhromaždenie, skôr ako začne skutočné zhromaždenie, či vlastne konferencia. Brat Williams je taký drahý priateľ, on a sestra Williamsová. Skutočne mám v srdci teplé miesto pre týchto ľudí. Stále znovu ma pozývajú. A tak sme šťastný, že môžeme dnes popoludní toto pozvanie vyplniť.

6 A tiež na pódiu, brat Fuller, brat Jewel Rose a brat Tony Stromi z Tusconu, brat Borders, manažér našej kampane a dobrý, starý, vzácny brat Arganbright. Boli sme spolu v mnohých ťažkých bojoch. Očakávam, že raz na druhej strane tej rieky budem bývať s ním - na druhom brehu tej veľkej rieky.

7 Nemôžem si spomenúť na bratovo meno. Snažil som sa ... "Ako sa voláš, brat?" (Brat odpovedá "Al Bore.") Bore. Brat Bore. Jeho tvár je mi známa a nie si ty ten brat, čo tiež tlmočí ... (Brat hovorí: "Tlmočí nepočujúcim.") Nepočujúcim. To je ... Tak sme veľmi šťastní, že vás tu všetkých máme.

8 Práve som sa pozeral dolu predo mňa a vidím tu niektorých mojich priateľov z Arkansasu. Keď som tu bol prvý krát, hovoril som vám, že kdekoľvek som bol, našiel som niekoho z Arkansasu. Som si istý, ak kedy prídem do neba, nájdem tam nejakých ľudí z Arkansasu, pretože oni určite boli verní, horliví.

9 A teraz, obyčajne hovorím dlho. Ale snažil som sa ako najlepšie, zoradiť moje miesta Písma a poznámky, aby som nehovoril príliš dlho. A chcem sa modliť za chorých, zatiaľ čo som vo Phoenixe.

10 No, posolstvo, ktorým ma Pán poveril, niekedy to je, viete, tieto veci sa stávajú dosť citlivé. V každom veku to tak bolo. Vždy som sa snažil ako som najlepšie vedel, držať s tým krok. Je to niečo ... Ak som nehovoril to, čo mi Boh povedal a ak to nebolo od Boha, potom by to nebolo v Slove. Ale ak je to v Slove a je to zasľúbenie na túto hodinu, vtedy cítim, že robím to, čo je správne, pretože sa len snažím držať toho, čo On zasľúbil na túto hodinu.

11 A mnohokrát, keď človek naruší niečiu teológiu, okamžite sa s ním rozídu. Ale tak by to nemalo byť. Ja sa snažím ... Mám priateľov vo všetkých denominačných cirkvách a podobne, a nikdy som sa nerozišiel s tými bratmi. Idem do ich zborov, všade, kam mi dovolia prísť a hovorím. Ale nemali by sme sa rozchádzať kvôli drobným pojmom.

12 Ale viete, keby som povedal niečo iné, ako je v mojom srdci, bol by som pokrytec. A ja ... v žiadnom prípade. Možno by som sa musel stretnúť s Ním ako hriešnik, ale určite sa nechcem s Ním stretnúť ako pokrytec. Chcem byť úprimný. A ak som rovno povedal: "No, toto proste vynechám, pretože, ak ostatní z nich veria toto a tamto ..." čo by som bol za človeka? Nemohli by ste mi vôbec dôverovať. A ja by som nemohol dôverovať Bohu alebo sebe, ak tak ľahko robím kompromisy. Každý musí mať niečo, v čom si je istý. A vtedy môžeš spočinúť vo viere, keď máš istotu. Ale pokiaľ si si nie istý, ak je tam nejaká otázka, nechaj to tak, až kým nebudeš mať istotu.

13 Billy už asi rozdal nejaké modlitebné karty, myslím, že ... Áno, povedal som mu. A myslím, že mi pred chvíľou povedal, že to urobil.

14 Za chvíľu budem niekoľkých volať do modlitebného radu, aby som sa za nich modlil. A ak bude vyvolaná vaša karta a vy ste si nie istý, že Boh je uzdravovateľ a že vás uzdraví, nič z toho nebudete mať, že sem prídete, pretože ak máte nejakú pochybnosť, nebudete uzdravení. Ak je nejaká pochybnosť... Keby ste povedali: „No, v mojom živote je niečo, toto musím dať skutočne do poriadku", choďte a dajte to najprv do poriadku, a potom príďte späť do modlitebnej rady, vidíte.

15 Pretože uzdravovanie je chlieb pre deti. Uvedomujeme si to. Je to vo vykúpení a vykúpenie sa týka prv našej duše. A uzdravenie vždy predchádzalo každé posolstvo a tiež to bol prostriedok ako zhromaždiť ľudí. A to je ... Mnoho ľudí bude sponzorovať zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním, mnohí prídu na zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním alebo na festival piesní. Ale ak ide o úbohé stratené duše, aby boli spasené, to mnohých ľudí nezaujíma. Oni proste ... Ale to je to hlavné.

16 Božské uzdravovanie a festivaly piesní a podobne sú iba ... Ako zvykol hovoriť brat Bosworth, "To je len návnada na háčiku; a rybe ukážete len návnadu, nie háčik." A to je vlastne to, ako zaujať ľudí, aby na chvíľu počúvali, kým im skutočne prednesiete svoje posolstvo. Boh tak robil v každom veku. Uzdravovacie kampane boli vždy v každom veku. A ak je to pravá uzdravovacia kampaň, za ňou je vždy posolstvo. Znamenie nie je dané len pre znamenie. Je to predzvesť posolstva.

17 A ja verím, že to isté je ... Pred sedemnástimi rokmi, alebo je to teraz osemnásť rokov, ako ma Pán vyslal, aby som sa začal modliť za chorých, to spôsobilo medzi ľuďmi veľké prebudenie. Mnoho veľkých Božích služobníkov vystúpilo s uzdravovacími kampaniami a ... Ale uzdravovacia kampaň ako taká, ak stále zostávate v tom istom starom trende, ako ste vždy boli, tam je niečo nesprávne. Tá uzdravovacia kampaň nebola poslaná od Boha. Ona mala prv upútať pozornosť, (rozumiete?) upútava pozornosť, a potom prichádza posolstvo.

18 Ježiš, keď On vystúpil, uzdravoval nemocných, a tak ďalej, bol pre nich všetkých veľkým prorokom. Ale keď im začal hovoriť pravdu Evanjelia, to kto On je a odkiaľ pochádza, potom bol ... Potom nebol populárnym. A takto to bolo stále v každom veku. A takto to bude pokračovať.

19 No, dnes popoludní sme tu, a potom zajtra popoludní v tejto istej sále. Vždy o siedmej. Je to tak, brat? O sedem tridsať zajtra popoludní, lepšie povedané večer a potom v utorok večer a myslím tiež v stredu večer. (Brat hovorí: "Hostinec Ramada, streda.") V Hostinci Ramada, v stredu. A potom vo štvrtok (to je správne) začína konferencia. A ak Pán dovolí, chcel by som tu byť až do konca.

20 Som tu vašim bratom, pomocníkom v Božom kráľovstve, aby som vám pomohol vo všetkom v čom môžem, aby som odpovedal na vaše otázky; možno to nebudem schopný urobiť, ale v častých modlitbách, možno porozumieme, keď sa budeme za to modliť a pôjdeme s tým k Bohu, a nebudeme vyjadrovať svoju mienku.

21 Ak ste chorí, želám si, aby som vás mohol uzdraviť, ale to nemôže vykonať žiadny človek. To už je vykonané. Uzdravenie spočíva v tebe. To je tvoja viera v to dokončené dielo, ktoré Boh vykonal na Golgote s Ježišom Kristom. A pomimo toho nieto uzdravenia.

22 Pomimo toho nieto spasenia. Žiadna cirkev, žiadna denominácia, žiadny rituál, nič z toho nemá v sebe spasenie. Jedine Ježiš Kristus. "On bol ranený pre naše neprávosti, jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení." Bol ranený pre naše neprávosti, jeho sinavicou sme boli (všetko v minulom čase) sme boli uzdravení. No, na tom ...

23 Mám len krátky čas na to, aby som k vám dnes popoludní hovoril, možno dvadsať, tridsať minút, potom začneme s modlitebným radom. Každý deň, ako obyčajne, prichádzajú noví ľudia, takže budeme vydávať nové modlitebné karty. Ale budeme robiť všetko, čo bude v našej moci, ak nám to Boh dovolí - budeme sa modliť za každú chorú osobu, ktorá príde a bude chcieť, aby sme sa za ňu modlili.

24 Ak je taký prípad, možno že niekoho priviezli lietadlom, kto umiera, naliehavý prípad a podobne, nuž, vyhľadajte brata Williamsa, Billyho Paula alebo niekoho z nich, aby ich dopravili do vedľajšej miestnosti. Oni nechcú ... Nemôžu sedieť, umierajú. Musíme im hneď poslúžiť. Tak, položte ich tam, aby som sa mohol hneď k nim dostať.

25 Ale je oveľa lepšie, ak nie ste v tak naliehavej potrebe, aby ste - aby ste jednoducho vzali svoje vyznania a svoje predstavy a odtisli ich od seba na niekoľko minút - dosť dlho na to, aby ste počúvali, čo hovorí Písmo a potom čo Boh robí s tým, čo zasľúbil. A to bude budovať vieru. A nebudete musieť ísť ani do modlitebného radu, ani aby sa niekto za vás modlil. Už ste uzdravení, ak tomu môžete proste veriť. Vidíte?

26 A to je účelom, aby ste mali čas uvedomiť si, čo Ježiš pre vás urobil. Nie je nutné prísť sem a kľaknúť si a modliť sa až - až budete spasení. Vy už ste spasení. Ale musíte to prijať. Vaša modlitba to neurobí. Je to vaša viera, ktorou ste spasení. Nie modlitbou, ale vierou ste spasení.

27 Tak isto je to s uzdravením. Som si istý, že všetci tomu rozumieme. Ak je medzi nami niekto, kto nás nepozná, chcem, aby ste vedeli, že tak, ako ja, alebo táto skupina ľudí, s ktorými som tu - Obchodníci plného Evanjelia - nikto z nás nereprezentuje žiadnu denomináciu alebo organizáciu. Reprezentujeme len veriacich kresťanov, vo všetkých denomináciách. Každý je vítaný. Sme radi, že vás tu máme.

28 Poviete: "Nuž, ja patrím do určitej cirkvi. Môžete sa za mňa modliť?" Nemusíte ani patriť do cirkvi, nemusíte robiť nič, len poďte sem a verte Bohu. To je všetko, čo musíte urobiť. Boh urobí ostatné.

29 No, zodral som jednu Bibliu, odvtedy, ako som začal s uzdravovacími zhromaždeniami alebo lepšie povedané, s modlitbami za chorých. Pred rokmi, je to okolo osemnásť rokov, mi brat Kidson a jeho skupina v Hustone, Texas, darovali Bibliu. A ja som ju používal, keď som chodil krížom krážom po svete, až kým sa celkom nerozpadla. Vypadli z nej strany. Práve som dostal novú.

30 A zvláštna vec - nie som poverčivý. Dúfam, že si to o mne nemyslíte. Keď mi dali túto Bibliu, boli v nej dve tenké záložky, úzke stužky. To je Biblia, akú som mal ... Brat Kidson mi dal jednu, bola to Scofieldova Biblia.

31 No, nie preto, že súhlasím s pánom Scofieldom, čo sa týka jeho poznámok. Niektorí z vás možno áno, niektorí nie. Ale ja ... dovoľte mi povedať, že nepoužívam Scofieldovu Bibliu pretože tomu verím. Pretože on má všetko tak rozdelené do odstavcov, a bola to jedna z mojich prvých Biblií a ja som sa ju proste naučil tak čítať. Proste mám stále takú istú Bibliu. Ak by som mal Thompson Chain, to by bolo omnoho lepšie. V odvolávkach Thompson Chain by som mohol nájsť môj text omnoho rýchlejšie.

32 Ale keď som otvoril túto Bibliu, prvá úzka stužka v Biblii bola na veľmi zvláštnom mieste. Bolo to keď Šalamún zasväcoval Boží chrám a Božia sláva bola taká veľká, tá sláva Shekinah v tej budove, že kňazi nemohli ani slúžiť. A potom nasledujúca stužka bola tam, kde sa Ezdráš vrátil a zasvätil Chrám. A tretia malá záložka, na ktorej bolo moje meno a tak ďalej, tú mi dala moja manželka a vsunula ju do Biblie, tá bola u Marka 11:22. Ona ju len tak zasunula do Biblie, a tak bola na tom mieste. To je, "Ak povieš tejto hore: pohni sa ..." A vy všetci viete, kedy som rozmýšľal o tomto mieste Písma. Vy ľudia, ktorí počúvate pásky, bolo to vtedy, keď boli stvorené tie veveričky. Tak presne.

33 A potom, to zvláštne na tom bolo, že na tej záložke bol obrázok môjho obľúbeného vtáka, červienky obecnej, vtáčika s červenou hruďou. Ako hovorí legenda, voľakedy bol hnedý. Ale raz zomieral na kríži jeden muž. A vtáčikovi bolo muža tak ľúto, že priletel a snažil sa vytiahnuť klince. A zakrvavil si celú svoju malú hruď. A odvtedy má hruď červenú. Ja tiež chcem takto stretnúť svojho Spasiteľa, s jeho krvou na sebe, vo vnútri mojej hrude, na mojom srdci.

34 A potom moje prvé zhromaždenie, posolstvo, ktoré mám tu kázať, je vo Phoenixe, v Arizone. Phoenix znamená niečo, čo môže vyrásť z ničoho. To je to, čo robí Boh. Berie nič a vytvorí z toho niečo. A moje posolstvo dnes popoludní, na nasledujúcich tridsať - štyridsať minút, má názov Paradox. A chcem čítať z Písma, ktoré ...

35 Pred niekoľkými rokmi, keď ... zobral som Bibliu, alebo že ste mi podali Bibliu, keď som prv začínal svoju službu a len som zobral vašu Bibliu a mnohí z vás ste videli, keď som to robil; jednoducho som ju takto chytil a povedal: "Pane, kde je posolstvo pre mňa." Otvorila sa v Jozuovi, 1. kapitola. Každá Biblia, ktorú ste mi podali. Až raz v noci prišlo videnie, ktoré dobre poznáte, a videl som, že z neba prichádza Biblia. Ruka s golie- rikom, s takouto manžetkou, podala dolu prvých deväť veršov z Jozuu. To je to, čo budem čítať dnes popoludní, moje miesto Písma, ktoré budem čítať. Môj text sa nachádza v 10. verši, chcem povedať v 10. kapitole a v 12. verši.

36 Ale skôr ako otvoríme Bibliu, skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Teraz so sklonenými hlavami a srdciami poďme myslieť takto - nech to nie je iba obyčajné zhromaždenie. Také máme stále. Ale modlime sa k Bohu, každý jeden z nás, aby toto bolo neobyčajné ... až tak neobyčajné, že Božia prítomnosť bude s nami stále počas celého zhromaždenia.

37 Nebeský Otče, sme vďační za toto nádherné a vzácne privilégium byť tu vo Phoenixe dnes popoludní, zhromaždení tu v tomto krásnom auditóriu, medzi týmito ľuďmi. A teraz chceme pristúpiť k Slovu. "A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami!" A nech je to znovu, Pane, aby sa Slovo stalo telom. Ono bude prúdiť cez tvoju cirkev a cez tvojich ľudí, aby vyplnilo zasľúbenia tejto hodiny. Keď si uvedomujeme, že sme na konci času, že čas dobieha do konca. Splýva s večnosťou. A my sme na západnom pobreží. A tak ako civilizácia postupovala z východu na západ, tak sa aj Evanjelium pohybovalo s ňou. A teraz už nie je miesto kde by išlo, jedine že pôjde znovu späť na východ. Ono je dokončené.

38 Nebeský Otče, modlíme sa, aby toto bola pre nás všetkých veľká hodina; aby sme mohli vnímať prítomnosť Ducha Svätého, Autora tohoto Slova, vzadu v budove chrámu tela, ako sa pred nami prejavuje v ospravedlňovaní našich hriechov, odpúšťaní naších neprávostí a s uistením, že veriacemu nebude počítať hriech, s týmto uistením. A bude tiež uzdravovať naše choroby, dvíhať ľudí z invalidných vozíkov, oslobodzovať od barlí, dávať zrak tým, ktorí sú slepí a predĺženie dní tým, ktorí umierajú na strašné choroby, ako je rakovina a tuberkulóza, choroby v pokročilom štádiu, ktoré naši lekári nemôžu vyliečiť. Lebo je to mimo ich dosahu. Ale ty, Bože, predstihuješ všetok vedecký výskum. Si ďaleko nad všetkou ľudskou logikou. Udeľ svojim sluhom dnes popoludní, nech hovoria a počúvajú Tvoje Slovo na tému Paradox. Lebo prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

39 Teraz v Biblii, Jozue 1. kapitola a Jozue 10. kapitola. 1. kapitola od 1. verša.

"A stalo sa po smrti Mojžiša, služobníka Hospodinovho, že takto povedal Hospodin Jozuovi, synovi Núnovmu, sluhovi Mojžišovmu:

Mojžiš, môj služobník, zomrel; preto teraz vstaň a prejdi cez tento Jordán, ty i všetok tento ľud, do zeme, ktorú im ja dám, synom Izraelovým.

Každé miesto, na ktoré šľapí vaša noha, dal som vám, tak ako som hovoril Mojžišovi,

všetko od púšte a od tohoto Libanona až po veľkú rieku, po rieku Eufrates; celá zem Hetejov až po Veľké more, na západe slnka, bude vašim územím.

Nikto neostojí pred tebou po všetky dni tvojho života. Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem s tebou; nezanechám ťa ani ťa neopustím.

Buď silný a pevný, lebo ty rozdelíš tomuto ľudu do dedičstva zem, o ktorej som prisahal ich otcom, že im ju dám.

Len buď silný a pevný veľmi ostríhať, aby si činil všetko podľa celého zákona, ktorý ti prikázal Mojžiš, môj služobník. Neuchýľ sa ani na pravo ani na ľavo, aby si múdre a rozumne robil vo všetkom a všade, kamkoľvek pôjdeš.

Neuhne táto kniha zákona od tvojich úst, ale budeš rozmýšľať o nej vodne i vnoci, aby si ostríhal a činil všetko podľa všetkého toho, čo je napísané v nej, lebo vtedy sa ti podarí tvoja cesta a vtedy budeš robiť múdre a rozumne.

Lebo veď či som ti neprikázal: Buď silný a pevný! Netras sa ani sa nestrachuj!? Lebo s tebou je Hospodin, tvoj Boh, vo všetkom a všade, kamkoľvek pôjdeš."

"Vtedy hovoril Jozua Hospodinovi, v deň, v ktorý vydal Hospodin Amoreja pred synmi Izraelovými, a riekol pred očami Izraela: Slnce v Gibeone, stoj ticho, a mesiac v údolí Ajalon!

A slnce stálo ticho a mesiac stál, dokiaľ sa nepomstil národ na svojich nepriateľoch. Či nie je to napísané v knihe Spravedlivého? A slnce stálo naprostred nebi a neponáhľalo zapadnúť tak asi za jeden celý deň.

A nebolo takého dňa predtým ani potom, aby bol Hospodin takto počul na hlas človeka, lebo Hospodin bojoval za Izraela."

Nech Pán pridá požehnanie ku čítaniu Jeho Slova.

40 Takže téma dnešného popoludnia, Paradox. Slovo "paradox", ako som si ho práve vyhľadal aby som si bol istý, že to dobre rozumiem, slovo paradox znamená, podľa Websterovho slovníka, že to je niečo neuveriteľné, ale je to pravda. Viete, počuli sme staré príslovie, že „Pravda je oveľa (Ako sa to hovorí?) oveľa nezvyklejšia ako výmysel. To je pravda. Pretože keď niekto hovorí pravdu, niekedy je to veľmi zvláštne.

41 Poznám jedného svojho priateľa, ktorý - hore v Colorade. Mali tam urobiť prieskum, išli zistiť koľko je tam losov. A v jednom stáde bolo dvadsaťjeden losov. A môj priateľ, keď ... on tam hore poľoval, keď tam prišli dozorcovia. A oni zaplatili veľkú sumu, tá rezervácia, za jedny tie motorové sane, aby tam mohil ísť a urobiť prieskum. On povedal: "Nemuseli ste vydať všetky tie peniaze. Ja vám môžem povedať, koľko je tam losov!"

A oni sa mu len smiali. Povedali: "No, koľko?"

A on povedal: "Je ich tam devätnásť." Povedal: "Bolo ich tam dvadsaťjeden a ja som zastrelil dvoch."

A strážca sa mu smial. Dovolené je zastreliť len jedného, viete. Povedal: „Viem, že si to urobil."

On povedal: "Áno, to som urobil. Bolo ich dvadsaťjeden a zastrelil som dvoch."

Ale strážca sa len smial a odišiel. A toľko ich tam bolo, devätnásť losov. Vidíte? Obrátil sa ku mne a poznamenal: "Vidíš, pastor? Len povedz pravdu a ľudia ti neuveria!" Vidíte, len povedzte pravdu, tak to je určite nezvyklejšie ako povedať výmysel.

42 Jozue tu, to je kniha; Je to vlastne kniha vykúpenia Starého Zákona. Jozue ... Budeme to musieť jasne zobrať pod úvahu, že je to tak, kniha vykúpenia. Pretože to je ... Vykúpenie má dve časti. Kdekoľvek sa deje vykúpenie ono má dve časti. To je „vyjdenie" a „vojdenie". Teda sú potrebné dve časti aby sa odohralo vykúpenie, „vyjdenie" a „vojdenie".

43 Mojžiš reprezentoval zákon, ktorý ich vyviedol z Egypta, zatiaľčo Jozua predstavoval milosť, a tá ich voviedla do zasľúbenej zeme. Inak povedané, zákon a milosť sú dva rozdielne aspekty Božieho prikázania. A tak, zákon ich vyviedol von, Mojžiš a Jozua ich voviedol dovnútra.

44 To tiež znázorňuje niečo pre náš deň. To znázorňuje, keď oni boli na ceste, vychádzali z Egypta a išli do zasľúbenej zeme, tak aj my vychádzame zo sveta, z Egypta, z chaosu a ideme cestou do zasľúbenej zeme. "V dome môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov. Keby nebolo tak, povedal by som vám to." Ján 14. Vychádzanie von a vchádzanie dovnútra.

45 Je to zákon, ktorý nám dáva poznávať, že sme zlí, ale to je milosť, ktorá nám odpúšťa. V zákone nieto nádej na vykúpenie, pretože to ... A aby to bolo dokončené ... V ňom nieto milosť, pretože zákon len ukazuje, že ste hriešni. Ale milosť vám hovorí, ako sa z toho dostať. Zákon je policajt, ktorý vás zatvára do väzenia, milosť je to, čo prichádza a platí vašu pokutu. A vyjsť a vojsť dovnútra, do milosti.

46 V Efeze ... Nachádzame to isté. Stará Zmluva ... Myslím, že táto kniha Jozuu pasuje, vhodný názov pre ňu by bol Kniha Efežanom Starej Zmluvy. List Efežanom Starej Zmluvy by bol vhodným titulom pre knihu Jozue, pretože jej obsah to vystihuje.

47 Takže už vieme, že Jozue predstavuje milosť alebo nejaké zmierenie, ktoré nemohlo existovať v tom istom čase, keď vládol zákon.

48 Ani žiadne posolstvo, ktoré ďalej vedie ľudí sa nikdy nezhoduje s tým predchádzajúcim posolstvom. Ono to nevykoná. S tým majú ľudia dnes problém. Ježiš povedal: "Či prišíva niekto záplatu zo surového súkna na staré rúcho, alebo či vlievajú nové víno do starých kožíc?" To by sa zničilo. Ono by ich potrhalo. Nevydržali by. A Jozua nemohol vôbec nastúpiť do svojej služby, jedine potom keď odišiel Mojžiš. Tak vidíte, že hneď prvý verš tu hovorí: "Mojžiš, môj služobník, zomrel. Teraz vstaň a zober týchto ľudí do zasľúbenej zeme."

49 Mojžiš, ktorý reprezentuje zákon, poslúžil vo svojom čase. Zákon poslúžil vo svojom čase. Oni v skutočnosti hneď na začiatku začali s milosťou. Lebo skôr, ako dostali zákon, dostali milosť. Zatiaľ kým boli v Egypte, boli bez zákona, boli len kňazi, a tak ďalej, ale nemali žiadny zákon. Vtedy zákon ešte nebol daný.

50 Z milosti dostali proroka a tiež milosť zaobstarala zmierenie, obetného baránka. Dostávame sa do toho tento týždeň ku obeti, krvi, lebo len pod ňou sa nachádza naše uzdravenie. Takže ... Zmierenie bolo zaobstarané skôr ako akýkoľvek zákon. Milosť bola pred zákonom, počas zákona a po zákone. Takže tam bol ... Jozua, ktorý predstavuje milosť, tam bol súčasne so zákonom, ale nemohol sa uplatniť skôr, kým bol zákon na jeho náležitom mieste.

51 A tak je to aj v cirkevnom svete v týchto posledných dňoch. Ide to spolu, odohráva to svoju časť. Ale prichádza čas, keď to musí zaniknúť. Musí sa tak stať. Táto cesta tiež musí mať Efežanov, práve tak ako mali tie iné cesty. Musia sa objaviť nejakí Efezskí, nejaký Efez, Efežania na tejto ceste. Dávajte pozor. Lebo ako som zdôraznil, zákon nikdy nemôže spasiť hriešnika. Nemôže.

52 Teda, zasľúbená zem predstavovala čas milosti. Vidíte, on ich tam nemohol voviesť, na tej ceste. A ak ste si všimli, na tej ceste, ich cesta mala tri etapy. Prvou bola príprava vo viere dolu v Egypte pod obetným baránkom.

53 Potom prekročili Červené more a vošli na púšť, do oddelenia. To predstavovalo ďalšiu etapu ich cesty. Pretože počas prípravy, keď sa všetci pripravovali, potom, keď prišli k Červenému moru, tam znovu bolo sklamanie. Ľudia neverili. Potom, ako videli mnohé veci, ktoré Boh urobil, stále ešte neverili. A Boh otvoril Červené more a zobral ich ďalej, z čoho sme naučení, že všetci ľudia boli pokrstení v Mojžiša pod oblakom a v mori.

54 A tak boli pokrstení, činili pokánie, a boli pokrstení a vyšli, aby kráčali v novom živote, v novej zemi, po novej ceste, medzi novými ľuďmi a Božia ruka bola nad nimi. Ale nakoniec na tejto svojej ceste prišli na miesto, že neboli spokojní so svojím chodením v milosti. Museli prísť na niečo, čo by mohli robili sami.

55 A to si ľudia myslia aj dnes, pri Božom uzdravovaní, alebo pri ... nech sa čokoľvek deje z Božej milosti, oni si myslia, že je tam niečo, čo vy musíte robiť. Nemusíme urobiť nič, len veriť! Len veriť Bohu. A keby boli pokračovali v ... Zasľúbenie nedostali pod zákonom, zasľúbenie im bolo dané prv, ako bol zákon, a nespájalo sa s nijakými podmienkami. "Dal som vám túto zem. Vojdite do nej." Ale prv ako sa dostali do toho zasľúbenia, rozhodli sa, že je niečo, čo musia urobiť sami.

56 Stále to nachádzame medzi ľuďmi. Máme k tomu sklony. Stále musíme niečo robiť. A cítime sa tak, že musíme tiež na tom niečo mať. Vy máte na tom niečo urobiť, a to je vydať svoju vlastnú vôľu, vydať svoje vlastné predstavy do vôli a plánu Všemohúceho Boha a je to dokonané. Len o to ide. Zober proste jeho zasľúbenie, nemysli na nič iné. Kráčaj podľa neho a Boh urobí to ostatné.

57 Vtedy oni chceli zákon. A Boh nám vždy dáva túžbu nášho srdca. On to zasľúbil. Ale vidíme, že keď odbočili jeden krok zo smeru, ktorý im Boh pôvodne zasľúbil, potom to bol tŕň v tele, až kým zákon nebol odstránený, až kým neprišiel Ježiš Kristus a bol ukrižovaný, aby odstránil zákon. Bol to tŕň v tele.

58 A čokoľvek, čo by ste sa snažili robiť zo seba, vždy vám to bude na hanbu. Spôsobí vám to škodu. Jednoducho len verme Bohu a tým to bude vybavené. Čo Boh zasľúbil: "Lebo Ja som Pán, tvoj Boh, ktorý uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci." Vidíte? "Je niekto nemocný medzi vami? Nech si zavolá starších zboru." On sľúbil, že skutky, ktoré On robil, sa budú diať v Jeho cirkvi.

59 Prečo by sme mali akceptovať organizácie a všetko podobné, to bude vyškrtnuté z tej Knihy. Také veci sa vždy stávajú tŕňom v tele. A tu, v poslednom čase, sa s tým stretávame opäť, tvárou v tvár. Týka sa to Metodistov, Baptistov, Presbyteriánov a iných. Vidíte? Nemôžete ísť ďalej. Musíte sa vrátiť naspäť k celému úplnému Evanjeliu. Ono bolo dané pre úplného človeka skrze dokonalého Boha, ktorý sa stal telom a prebýval medzi nami. A my vieme, že tieto veci sú pravda.

60 No, ak si potom všimneme, na ich ceste po púšti, tam spravili najväčšou chybou, akú Izrael kedy urobil až po Golgotu. To bolo vtedy (v 19. kapitole Exodusu), keď prijali zákon namiesto milosti. Oni mali milosť. Mali proroka. Mali obetného baránka. Mali vykúpenie. Boli prevedení cez Červené more. Boli uzdravovaní zo svojich nemocí. Mali vodu z udretej skaly. Mali mannu z neba. Všetko, čo potrebovali, dostali, ale stále chceli niečo inšie.

61 No a to je dokonalý predobraz našich dnešných Efežanov, presne. Vyšli sme za času Luthera, išli sme cez posvätenie za času Metodistov a prišli sme do obnovenia za času Letničných, presne tak ako to bolo na ceste púšťou. Keď nás Boh vyviedol, bolo to veľmi dobre. Ale čo sme urobili? Chceli sme byť ako ostatní.

62 No, zisťujeme, že milosť je to jediné, čo nás dovedie do cieľa. Nikdy nie zákon. Jozua je tu typom služby v posledných dňoch. Vidíte? Pamätajte si, tie tri etapy cesty, to všetko ustalo. Najprv zákon a všetko muselo ustať, aby Jozua ... a Jozua znamená to isté ako Ježiš, Jehova - Spasiteľ, ktorý ich vyviedol z ich púšte do zasľúbenej zeme.

63 Nechcem nesúhlasiť s učenými, ale mnohí sú presvedčení, že zasľúbená zem predstavuje nebo. Nemohla by predstavovať nebo. Nemohla, pretože oni tam mali vojny a problémy a zmätok a všetko možné, v zasľúbenej zemi. To nepredstavuje tá zasľúbená zem.

64 Ale všimnite si, tesne predtým ako vstúpili do zasľúbenej zeme, všetky tie rozdiely, ktoré povstali medzi nimi ... Oni mali ... Jedným z najväčších problémov bol Kórach. On nechcel vodcovstvo tohoto jedného muža. Dátan, a ako oni vystúpili pred Mojžišom a snažili sa mu povedať, že „posolstvo musí znamenať toto," a dávali mu iný výklad, svoje vlastné názory, že čo to znamená. A oni všetci zahynuli. Všetci. Ježiš povedal: "Oni všetci zahynuli."

Oni povedali: "Naši otcovia štyridsať rokov jedli mannu na púšti."

65 Ev. Jána 6. Ježiš povedal: "A oni všetci pomreli." Zomrieť, znamená byť večne oddelený. Oni všetci sú mŕtvi, hoci radi počúvali posolstvo, hoci sa tešili z manny, ktorá padala. Nie z nejakej inej manny, ale z pravej manny.

66 A keď prišiel čas, keď Balám vystúpil so svojim falošným učením a povedal: „Všetci sme jedno. Prečo by sme sa nespojili, nech sa naše deti spolu ženia a vydávajú. My sme veľký národ. A vy budete veľkí spolu s nami."

67 A každý, kto má bežné duchovné porozumenie môže vidieť aj dnes presne to isté, všetci sa spolu ženia a vydávajú. A to bol neodpustiteľní hriech. Izraelu to nikdy nebolo odpustené. Ale potom povstal Jozua aby nastal exodus.

68 A teraz, sme naučení, v 6. kapitole Zjavenia o (verím, áno, 6. kapitola) o siedmich pečatiach. Ktoré majú byť ... Tá kniha je zapečatená siedmimi tajomstvami, alebo siedmimi pečaťami. A v posledných dňoch, Zjavenie 10, v Zjavení 10 nachádzame, že Laodicea, posledný posol pre posledný vek, že počas jeho prorokovania má byť otvorených sedem pečatí, sedem tajomstiev, sedemnásobné tajomstvo, ktoré bolo zanechané.

69 V každom veku oni niečo z toho zanechali. Reformátori nemali čas venovať sa tomu. Vo dňoch Luthera, on kázal len ospravedlnenie z viery. Keď odišiel, oni utvorili cirkev. Potom prišiel Wesley. On kázal posvätenie. Tak to bolo. A potom prichádzajú letniční.

70 Ale je nám zasľúbené podľa Zjavenia 10, a podľa Malachiáša 4 a v ev. Lukáša 22:17 a tak ďalej, že do tohoto majú prísť nejakí Efežania. Je to zasľúbené, priatelia. Musia prísť Efezskí, lebo tieto sedemkrát zapečatené tajomstvá Božieho Slova musia byť odhalené. A to sa deje v tomto Laodicejskom veku.

71 Verím, že sa v ňom nachádzame. Verím, že sme práve v tieni príchodu Božieho Syna. A tak ako povstal Jozue, práve predtým ako povstali tí Efežania, tak povstal Ján Krstiteľ, práve pred tými ďalšími Efežanmi a máme prisľúbené ďalších, ďalších Efežanov. Je to predpovedané tu v Písme, tak tedy, myslím, že znovu žijeme v Efezskom veku. Znovu späť do ... Máme zasľúbenie, že to čo bolo vynechané v priebehu tých siedmich vekov ...

72 Nemôžeme nič pridať do Biblie, ani nič z nej odňať. Tak je to povedané v Zjavení 22:18. "Keby ktokoľvek pridal jedno slovo alebo odňal jedno slovo, jeho diel z knihy života bude odňatý." Nemôžeme teda pridať ani odňať.

73 Takže vieme, že Luther sa k tomu nemohol dostať. Wesley a ďalší, reformátori, Knox, Finney, Calvin a ďalší, podobne, oni to nedostali všetko. Ale to čo oni mali, to bola pravda Evanjelia. Ale teraz, v posledných dňoch je nám dané porozumenie zo Slova, že tomu budeme rozumieť, lebo príde do toho Efezský vek. A my sme tu. No, paradox ... No, skončím s týmto, pretože mám už len okolo desať minút a potom sa budeme modliť za chorých.

74 Paradox ... Niektorí ľudia dnes neveria v zázraky. Oni hovoria, že v dnešnej modernej dobe veriť v niečo také, ako sú zázraky, sa nedá. No, nechcem povedať nič zlé o tej osobe, ale oni sú duchovne otupení. Oni sú duchovne slepí. Nemajú žiadny duchovný zrak ani vôbec žiadne duchovné cítenie. Pretože nikto nemôže sedieť v dave ľudí, medzi ktorých zostupuje Duch Svätý, bez ohľadu na to, či ten človek je úplný hriešnik, alebo hriešnica, ale oni sú obmezení aby vnímali prítomnosť Božiu, keď vidíte že sa vyplnilo Slovo, ktoré On zasľúbil. Potom musíte byť otupení; a keď na vlastné oči vidíte, že sa to deje, potom musíte byť slepí, duchovne. Nehovorím, že telesne. Ale môžete byť určite duchovne slepí, hoci váš telesný zrak môže byť v poriadku – 20:20.

75 Pamätáte sa na Eliáša tam dolu v Dotáne, keď ranil slepotou celú armádu? Biblia hovorí, že to urobil. A viedol ich rovno do pasce, keď nevedeli kto to je. A pritom mali jeho ... presne tak ako má vyzerať a tak ďalej a on vyšiel rovno ku nim. Ale oni boli slepí.

76 A môžete stáť v prítomnosti živého Boha, môže byť pod pomazaním Ducha, vidieť ho, ako sa pohybuje a predsa sa vás to nedotkne. Môže vidieť, čo Boh povedal, bolo vám to kázané, dokonale a potom zamanifestované, ale stále do toho nevojdete, neveríte tomu, potom, ste mimo dosahu. Už ste mŕtvi, otupení, slepí, hotoví. Oni boli úplne ...

77 Svet. Chcel by som vedieť, ak tá istá osoba, ktorá neverí v zázraky, chcel by som vedieť ... a oni hovoria, že existovať môžu len tie veci, ktoré možno ... skutočné je to, čo je vedecky dokázané. Chcel by som vedieť, keby ste mali nejakého vedca alebo hocikoho, kto neverí v zázraky, aby mi vysvetlil, ako sa tento svet drží na svojej obežnej dráhe. Ako je možné, že sa s takou úžasnou presnosťou otáča okolo svojej osi? Nemáme žiadny prístroj ani hodiny ani nič iné, čo by mohlo fungovať s takou presnosťou, za mesiac bude mať odchýlku niekoľko minút. Ale Slnko je absolútne presné. Za tisíce rokov, ako beží čas, sa nikdy nepohlo. Určite, dokonale.

78 Ako môže mesiac na milióny míľ vzdialený od Zeme - ako môže stále kontrolovať príliv a odliv? Len mi povedzte, ako môže Mesiac, v tejto galaxii, v ktorej žijeme, mať taký vplyv na vodu na Zemi? Podložte mi to vedecky. Ale to sa nedá, lebo veda nemá spôsob, ako to vysvetliť.

79 Ale Boh postavil Mesiac, aby pozoroval more. A keď sa Mesiac začne obracať chrbtom, keď sa Zem odvracia, nastáva príliv. Ale keď sa prebúdza na druhý deň ráno a pozerá sa späť na svoju dráhu, prílivové vlny bežia znovu na svoje miesto. To je strážca.

Možno poviete: "Dobre, ale to je len na pobreží."

80 Nie, to je rovno tu v Arizone, priamo až v štáte Kentucky, kdekoľvek by ste kopali dosť hlboko, aby ste našli slanú vodu, zistíte, že keď nastáva odliv, voda v sonde klesá. A keď prichádza príliv, voda v sonde vystupuje hore - stovky míľ od pobrežia.

81 Mohli by sme o tom kázať. Ako ten Boh, bez ohľadu ... On je v sláve, ale jeho nariadenia majú tú istú moc na celom svete a na každom kto sa drží toho zasľúbenia. Jeho poriadok je daný. On má zákony prírody. A oni budú fungovať úplne presne od Letníc alebo od ktoréhokoľvek času. Stále keď Boh niečo zasľúbil, On stále bude stáť za tým zasľúbením bez ohľadu na to kde sú ľudia, alebo koľko tisícročí prešlo. A Jeho zákony zostávajú stále také isté.

82 Ako semeno, keď padne do zeme, zhnije, aby znovu zrodilo život. Vyzerá tak isto, ak má priniesť život, bude to vtedy keď bude mať svoj dokonalý tvar. Ak bol vôbec v ňom život, prečo by potom nevystúpil? Len ho dajte do zeme, život vyraší. Prečo všetko, čo je okolo toho života, okolo toho zárodku, ktorý nikto nemôže nájsť, ako to, že všetok materiál okolo toho zárodku musí zomrieť, aby to mohlo vyrásť do nového života? Ale všetko naokolo musí najprv zomrieť a zhniť, prv ako to môže vydať život.

83 Tak je to s človekom. Pokiaľ sú v ňom akékoľvek ľudské očkovania, ľudské predstavy, dovtedy Boží zárodok života, Duch Svätý nemôže pôsobiť. Nemôžete byť uzdravení, pokiaľ je tam niekde hoci len úlomok toho, to ešte nezhnilo; má to všetky ľudské zložky, všetky vedecké nápady, všetky tie "dni zázrakov pominuli" a všetko podobné. Všetko to musí, všetko to musí nielen zomrieť, ale zhniť. Potom z toho rastie zárodok života do nového života. To je jediný spôsob ako to môže rásť. To je dôvod, prečo nedostávame to, o čo prosíme. Snažíme sa zobrať so sebou príliš mnoho svojich vlastných názorov.

84 Tu je príčina, prečo luteránska cirkev nemohla postúpiť ďalej, než ako postúpila, aj Letniční a ostatní, pretože naočkovali skrze množstvo teológov: "Toto nemôže byť takto, toto je na iný deň, toto bolo pre tamto ..." Tam to stojí. Nemôže to rásť do tej dokonalej postavy Krista až kým nie je vo vás prijaté každé Slovo Božie, a potom sa stanete tým Slovom, ako semeno, ktoré vošlo do zeme.

85 Rád by som im trochu vysvetlil Židom 11:3. Najväčší vedec, akého sme kedy mali, pokiaľ viem, bol Einstein. Keď tu, nie je to dávno, v New Yorku, počúval som čo hovoril. Hovoril o galaxii, aká je rozľahlá, a dokázal, že existuje večnosť. Ako človek, ktorý by sa pohyboval rýchlosťou mnoho miliónov míľ za hodinu, potreboval by tak mnoho - alebo milión svetelných rokov za hodinu - a trvalo by mu to toľko rokov, asi 300,000 alebo tak nejako, aby ju preletel a potom 300,000 aby sa vrátil späť - a potom skrze to nejako dokázal, že ten človek bol preč zo Zemi iba nejakých 50 rokov. Večnosť. A bola to len malá galaxia spomedzi tých, keď ich Boh vypustil zo Svojich rúk.

86 Biblia hovorí a Einstein nakoniec prišiel ku tomuto: „Je len jediný spôsob, ako človek môže vysvetliť pôvod tohoto sveta. Je to v liste Židom 11:3. -- Vierou rozumieme, že sú svety ustrojené slovom Božím." Je to presne tak. Veda nemá o tom ani poňatia. A potom hovoríte, že neveríte v zázraky? Ako by ste to mohli povedať?

87 Ako mohol nejaký vedec vysvetliť Noachov dážď, keď dovtedy nepadla na zem ani kvapka dažďa? Ale Noach povedal, že bude pršať. A keď Noachov dážď prišiel, navzdory všetkým vedeckým predpokladom, nebolo na oblohe ani mráčka - nikdy tam nebolo dažďa. Oni mohli dokázať, že tam hore nie je žiadny dážď. A potom keď Boh otvoril nebesia a lial prúdy vody, ktorá zaplavila celú Zem, bol to paradox! Akože ... Je to určite absurdné, nevysvetliteľné; ale my vieme, že Boh to urobil, lebo Biblia tak hovorí. A máme dnes na Zemi dôkazy, že to tak bolo. Boh to urobil. Bol to paradox.

88 Keď si Boh vybral starého muža, menom Abrahám, sedemdesiatpäť ročného a jeho žena mala šesťdesiatpäť rokov, mnoho rokov po čase života, po prechodoch; a keď zobral tohoto muža a dal mu zasľúbenie, keď mal sedemdesiat päť rokov pre túto ženu s ktorou bol ženatý, ktorá bola napoly jeho sestrou ... Žil s ňou od jej dievčenských rokov. Zobrali sa, keď ona bola možno veľmi mladá, a teraz mala šesťdesiatpäť. A povedal: "Budeš mať dieťa s touto ženou."

89 A čo keby bol Abrahám povedal: "Ja neverím v paradoxy. Ja to jednoducho nemôžem prijať." Nikdy by sa to nestalo. Ale viete, keď poviete, že niečomu veríte, potom to musíte uviesť do chodu. Potom bolo Abrahámovi prikázané, aby sa oddelil od všetkej neviery a chodil jedine s Bohom. A namiesto toho, aby slabol, stávala sa silnejší. A keď mal sto rokov a Sára deväťdesiat, prišlo to dieťa.

90 Ako mohol Abrahám zobrať svojho syna, cestou, ktorá trvala tri dni, na miesto vzdialené možno deväťdesiat míľ od akejkoľvek civilizácie, na vrchol hory, tam kde mu Pán ukázal, aby tam išiel a obetoval svojho vlastného syna, Izáka? Izák, ktorý niesol hore drevo, ako vieme, čo je predobrazom na Krista. A hore na tomto vrchu mal obetovať Izáka ako obeť.

91 A keď vyplnil všetko, čo mu Boh prikázal, chcel prepichnúť hrdlo svojho syna a tak ho usmrtiť. Keď vytiahol svoj nôž z pošvy a zdvihol ruku, aby doslovne poslúchol Boha, pretože Biblia hovorí, že on vedel, že Boh nemohol dať zasľúbenie, ktoré by nevyplnil. A on ho prijal ako z mŕtvych, tak On je schopný vzkriesiť chlapca z mŕtvych a znovu mu ho dať; a keď bol pripravený poslúchnuť Boha úplne vo všetkom, Boh chytil jeho ruku a povedal: "Zadrž svoju ruku, Abrahám."

92 A bol tam baran zachytený v kroví za rohy, v pustatine, na vrchole tej hory, kde sú levy, vlci, hyeny, šakali a veľké dravé zvery, ktoré sa živia ovcami. A bolo to celkom hore, na vrchole hory, kde niet vody. Odkiaľ sa ten baran tam vzal? Abrahám zbieral všade okolo kamene aby postavil oltár. Ale ten baran tam jednako bol. To bol paradox.

93 A ktokoľvek, kto verí Bohu a berie Ho za slovo, nezávisle od toho, aké sú okolnosti, Boh vykoná ďalší paradox, aby splnil Svoje Slovo. Lebo Abrahám pomenoval to miesto Jehova - Jireh, "Pán si opatril obeť pre Seba." On stále môže spôsobiť aby sa stal paradox. Môže to urobiť dnes popoludní, ak Ho len vezmeš za Slovo.

94 Daniel v jame plnej hladných levov! Ako je možné, že ten muž - ako je možné, že ten muž medzi hromadou hladných levov, vydržal s nimi v tej jaskyni celú noc a zostal nedotknutý? Stál tam anjel Pána, ktorého nikto iný nevidel. To bol paradox. Niečo tie levy muselo držať, aby sa na neho nevrhli.

95 Keď boli tie židovské deti vhodené do rozpálenej pece, to bolo proti všetkému vedeckému porozumeniu v tom veľkom veku. To bolo nevedecké, že by človek, ktorý je hodený do ohnivej pece ... Muži, ktorí ich tam dopravili, zahynuli, a oni padli do tej pece a zostali nažive celý čas, čo tam boli. A jediná vec, čo sa stala, bolo, že ich to uvoľnilo od pút. To je paradox. To je nevysvetliteľné, absurdné, ale jednako je to pravda.

96 A je tu Jozua, o ktorom sme hovorili. Ako ten muž, taký celkom obyčajný muž, ktorý prešiel cez mnoho vierovyznaní, ktoré vytvorili tí ľudia, a cez zákony a ceremónie, v ktorých nebolo nič, čo by hovorilo niečo o tom, ako môže človek získať silu na to, aby zastavil Slnko.

97 Ale tu s poverením od Boha. "Každé miesto, na ktoré stupí vaša noha, dal som vám. Ja budem tam." A nepriateľ bol rozohnaný. Slnko sa klonilo k západu. Ak by tí králi mali dosť času znovu sa zorganizovať, na druhý deň by Jozua určite stratil mnoho mužov. Ale Jozue vedel, že potrebuje svetlo. Pozrel hore na Slnko a povedal: "Stoj ticho, Slnko v Gibeone a Mesiac v údolí Ajalon." A Slnko stálo ticho a Mesiac stál ticho asi tak dlho ako celý deň, bolo to počas celej noci. To je paradox. Muž, ktorý kráčal vo vôli Božej, mohol urobiť takú vec, pretože bol v ... bol znovu v Efeze, bol v Efezskom veku, s Evanjeliom. Skutočne, bol to paradox.

98 Mojžiš s palicou vo svojej ruke, ktorý išiel tam dole a vyslobodil deti Izraela, to bol paradox. A Egypt mal všetky svoje armády a dobre trénovaných mužov - to bol paradox.

99 Narodenie z panny, bol paradox. Ako mohla panna - a to sa nedalo nijako vedecky zdôvodniť - žena, ktorá nepoznala muža, ako mohla porodiť dieťa; a to nie iba obyčajné dieťa, ale Imanuela a On dokázal, že bol presne tým, kým mal byť. Ako sa to mohlo stať? Bol to paradox. Pretože Boh to povedal Svojmu prorokovi stáročia predtým a prorok poslúchol Slovo Boha. A to Slovo bolo vypovedané a Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami. A my tomu veríme. Samozrejme, že to paradox.

100 Ako to, že On mohol chodiť po vode, to bol paradox. Ľudská bytosť, podľa veľkosti svojich chodidiel by to nemohla dokázať. Ale On to urobil. Čo to bolo? Nedá sa to vysvetliť, ale jednako to bol paradox. Boh to urobil. Veríme tomu.

101 Nakŕmiť päť tisíc ľudí dvomi rybami a piatimi chlebmi? Ale On to urobil. Rozmnožil nie len živé ryby, ale pečené ryby; nie len surový chlieb, ale upečený chlieb. Ako mohol premeniť vodu na víno? Samý paradox.

102 Uzdravil chorých na lepru - s tou si do dnešných dní veda nevie poradiť, nevie ju vyliečiť. Ale Ježiš to urobil Svojim Slovom. Bol to paradox. A On je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Jeho Slovo stále uzdravuje chorých. Je to paradox. Áno.

103 On vzkriesil mŕtvych, potom keď z nich vyšiel ten smrteľný život. Lazara, syna vdovy z mesta Nain, Jairovu dcéru. On kriesil mŕtvych Svojim Slovom. Lebo On je to Slovo.

104 A ďalšia veľká vec, na záver, na dôkaz, že On bol Mesiáš. Dôkaz toho, kým On bol, že musel prísť podľa poriadku tak, ako odpoveď na Slovo. A Slovo povedalo, keď On hovoril k prorokom: "Pán, váš Boh, vzbudí proroka ako som ja." Povstalo mnoho mužov. A prešli stáročia, a oni nemali žiadneho proroka.

105 Och, oni mali kňazov a veľkých mužov. A ako si čítame dejiny od Malachiáša po Matúša, to je štyristo rokov, oni mali slávnych mužov. Ale nemali proroka.

106 A potom, keď On prišiel na scénu, aby dokázal, že On je ten Efežan, ktorý sa zamanifestoval, Ján to ohlásil. Ale Ježiš tým bol. On bol to Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, On sám.

107 Keď raz Peter prišiel k Nemu s Andrejom, on sa volal Šimon. A keď Ježiš tam stál, On nikdy v živote nevidel toho muža (Počúvajte pozorne), keď tam stál a pozeral na toho muža, a povedal: "Tvoje meno je Šimon a si synom Jonáša" - to bol paradox. Skutočne bol. To bol určite paradox.

108 A keď to Filip, ktorý tam stál, počul, a vedel, že všetko preukazuje, že toto je Mesiáš, on si bol istý. On tomu veril. Nebol necitlivý a nebol ani slepý. Bežal popri brehu niekoľko míľ a našiel svojho priateľa Natanaela. A keď on prichádza a pristupuje ... Viera toho muža, ktorý mohol priviesť iného človeka na zhromaždenie, aby videl ... Keď prišiel pred Ježiša, Ježiš povedal: "Hľa, opravdivý Izraelita, v ktorom niet ľsti!"

109 To naplnilo úžasom toho muža. On povedal: "Odkiaľ ma poznáš?" Teraz dávajte pozor; to je nezmysel. To sa nedá pochopiť. On povedal: "A ako si ma vôbec poznal." On povedal: "Prv, ako ťa zavolal Filip, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa." Paradox!

110 Ježiš potreboval ísť cez Samáriu, a keď tam prišiel, do mesta Sychar, sedel tam vonku a čakal na svojich učeníkov, ktorí išli do mesta kúpiť jedlo. A všimnite si, nejaká žena prišla tam ku studni, žena zlej povesti. A On jej povedal: "Žena, daj sa mi napiť, alebo, dones mi vody."

A ona povedala: „Nie je zvykom pre vás, takto hovoriť. My sme ... Ja som Samaritánka a ty si Žid. My sa s vami nestýkame."

On povedal: „Ale keby si vedela, s kým sa rozprávaš ..." Pozorujte tento paradox, ktorý sa ide odohrať. Nech vám to neujde.

Ona povedala: "Ako môžeš toto povedať? Ja som žena zo Samárie, a ty si Žid. My nemáme s vami nič."

On povedal: "Ale keby si vedela, s kým sa rozprávaš, alebo kto sa rozpráva s tebou, ty by si prosila mňa, aby som sa ti dal napiť. "A posúval sa ďalej, až kým nezistil, v čom bol jej problém. A povedal: "Choď, zavolaj svojho muža a prídi sem."

Ona povedala: "Nemám muža!"

On povedal: "To je pravda. Nemáš muža, lebo si mala piatich, a ten, s ktorým teraz žiješ, nie je tvoj manžel. Takže si povedala pravdu."

Ona povedala: "Pane, vidím, že ty si prorok." Oni nevideli proroka už stovky rokov. Ona povedala: "My vieme, že príde Mesiáš, a keď On príde, On nám bude hovoriť tieto veci."

A On povedal: "To som Ja!"

111 To bol potvrdený paradox! Bola to pravda Evanjelia! Evanjelium, ktoré toto zasľúbilo, a tu sa to stalo a potvrdilo, že čo to je.

112 No, dovoľte mi, že vám tu predložím veľký, vzácny paradox, len minútku. V Jánovi 14:12 Ježiš povedal, zasľúbil, že ten, kto verí v neho, bude robiť tie isté veci. Je to pravda? Boh, ktorý tvorí zákon alebo dáva sľub, musí ten sľub dodržať, aby bol Bohom. On to dodržuje. Rozmýšľajte, Boh ... Aha, to samo o sebe je paradox, pretože Boh, ktorý dáva zasľúbenie a nemôže zrušiť to zasľúbenie, dáva zasľúbenie o tých veciach, ktoré dal svojim ľuďom aby sa tým riadili po celý ten čas až kým sa znovu nevráti.

113 "Choďte do celého sveta a kážte Evanjelium každému stvoreniu. (Každému stvoreniu, po celom svete). Ten, kto uverí a pokrstí sa, bude spasený; a kto neuverí, bude odsúdený. A tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tých, ktorí uveria."

114 On musí dodržať to Slovo. A pretože to povedal, vyšlo to z Jeho úst, musí sa to vyplniť. Celé Písmo sa musí vyplniť. Takže už to je paradox, počuť Ježiša, Božieho Syna, povedať vetu, ako je táto. "Veci, ktoré ja robím, aj vy budete robiť."

115 No, Biblia v liste Židom 13:8 hovorí: "On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky." To je paradox, lebo to sa musí stať. "Nebesia a Zem pominú, ale ani jedno Slovo, ktoré som kedy povedal, nepominie", povedal. A tak sa to musí stať.

116 No, priatelia, ja verím, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Ja verím, že On je schopný dnes popoludní v tejto budove spôsobiť paradox, lebo On zasľúbil, že sa to stane. A o čo viacej On zasľúbil, o čo viacej je zanechané v Biblii práve do tohoto veku, v ktorom my žijeme, znovu ten Efezský vek z tých cirkevných vekov.

117 Máme sedem cirkevných vekov a je nám zasľúbené, že v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku nastane ďalší Efezský vek. To je pravda. A sme tu. Verím z celého svojho srdca, že Ježiš Kristus, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie ...

118 Ako som hovoril v mojom poslednom posolstve, keď som stál tamto oproti tej strane pred pár týždňami, stále keď pohnete svojim prstom, ide to ďalej okolo sveta, nikdy sa to nezastaví. Každý náš pohyb, ktorý urobíte, budete vidieť na súde. Televízia dokazuje, že je to tu, štvrtá dimenzia. Pretože televízia nevyrába ten obraz; ona len dopravuje cez kanál tie vlny do elektrónky a vy vidíte obraz. Farba, všetko, každý pohybujúci sa predmet, to čo sa deje na svete ide okolo sveta, prechádza teraz tu, vytvára záznam.

119 Jedného dňa sa zakončí nahrávanie vášho záznamu a vy sa budete zodpovedať za to, čo bolo nahraté. To je pravda. Bože, daj aby som bol tak zahrabaný, daj aby som bol tak mŕtvy sebe samému a všetkému naokolo mňa, aby som si bol vedomí Božieho Slova, ktoré prebýva dnes medzi nami? Modlime sa.

120 Pane Ježišu, Ty si paradox, keď sa Boh stal telom. Prosím, Nebeský Otče, aby si sa prejavil dnes popoludní, aby si sa nám tu dnes dokázal. Nielen aby si sa dokázal nám ... Predpokladám, že tu sedí 90 % alebo aj viac ľudí, ktorí tomu veria, každému Slovu. Ale aby sme Ťa mohli znovu uvidieť. A aby sme vedeli, že toto Slovo, ktoré si hovoril, že sa stále pohybuje dookola, okolo sveta, ako záznam. Dovoľ nám dnes vojsť do toho záznamu, Pane. Dovoľ nám vniknúť do neho, a nie ho len počúvať, tak ako reprodukované vychádza z ľudských úst. Ale dovoľ, aby tie ústa, tá osoba a ľudia, všetci, ktorí tu sedia, sa stali Tvojim Slovom.

121 Pane, sme pripravení zomrieť svojim vlastným myšlienkam, len aby sme videli, ako Ty dodržuješ Svoje zasľúbenie: "Skutky, ktoré ja činím, aj vy budete činiť." Modlím sa, aby si to udelil v Mene Ježiš. Amen.

122 Prv, ako vyvoláme modlitebný rad ... Sedel som raz trochu na zmrzline s jedným svojim starým priateľom lekárom. On povedal: "Chce sa ťa niečo spýtať, Billy."

Povedal som: "Dobre."

Povedal: "Veríš v ..." (Tam som prišiel na túto myšlienku: paradox). Povedal: "Veríš v paradox?"

Povedal som: "Samozrejme."

Povedal: "Viem, že veríš." Povedal: ... - rozprával mi o jednej osobe, ktorá bola po modlitbe uzdravená, ktorej dlhé roky predával lieky na epilepsiu. Niekedy mávala sedem alebo osem záchvatov denne. Boli to silné lieky.

123 A on povedal: "Oni už nikdy viac neprišli po žiadne ďalšie. Vídavam ich celý čas; nikdy viacej to nemal. A tak by som ti niečo chcel povedať, len aby si vedel, že verím tomu, o čom hovoríš."

124 Povedal: "V čase krízy, môj syn pracoval v lekárni." Povedal: "Tam pred okienkom čakal, taký mladý muž, mohol ...Poslali ho tam, stál v rade na lieky." A povedal: "Vošiel tam muž a s ním jeho manželka - drobná žena. Ona bola, keď sa na ňu človek pozrel, hneď videl, že každú chvíľu porodí." A povedal: "Už nemohla stáť v tom rade." A povedal: "On ju priviedol do dverí, ako sa opierala o jeho plece." A povedal: "Môj chlapec vyšiel a povedal: Môžem vám pomôcť?"

125 Povedal: "Áno. Tu je predpis od lekára, ale musím vám ešte niečo povedať. Povedal: "My nemáme na to ešte peniaze. Dostaneme ich pri pokladni. Ale moja manželka už nevydrží dlhšie stáť. Lekár povedal, že má liek užiť okamžite. A povedal: "Pôjdem - ak jej dáte okamžite liek, ja si hneď pôjdem stať do radu a počkám pred pokladňou na peniaze. A chlapec povedal: "Pane, ľutujem, je to proti našim pravidlám vydať liek bez peňazí Viete, aké boli vtedy časy. Povedal: "Je mi vás ľúto, ale nemôžem to urobiť."

On povedal: "Sedel som tam vzadu, čítal som noviny. Zdvihol som hlavu." A povedal: "V srdci som pocítil zvláštne teplo. Tak som vyšiel ... povedal som: ´Počkaj chvíľu, syn môj, počkaj chvíľu." Ten muž už začal odchádzať. Povedal som: "No, v poriadku, synu ..." On otváral dvere.

Povedal som: "Chvíľku prosím." Povedal som: "Čo to bolo?"

On odpovedal: "No ..." Muž vysvetlil, o čo išlo. On povedal: "Ukážte mi, prosím ten predpis. Počkaj, chvíľku, synu, urobím vám ten liek." Povedal: "Išiel som dozadu a namiešal som liek podľa lekárovho predpisu. Ten muž povedal: "Ja idem pre tie peniaze." Povedal: "Keď som mu podával ten liek, nevedel som, či ich dostanem alebo nie, len som si myslel, že by som mal. Ale cítil som, že to mám urobiť."

126 A povedal som: "Keď som dal ten liek tej žene do ruky", povedal: "bol to Pán Ježiš." Povedal: "Videl som tam stáť muža." A povedal: "Neskoršie som čítal v Písme, kde stálo: "Nakoľko ste to učinili jednému z mojich najmenších, mne ste učinili!" Povedal: " Billy, čo sa stalo s mojimi očami? Skutočne som to videl?"

127 Povedal som: "Áno! Verím tomu. Verím, že si tak splnil svoju povinnosť ako lekárnik v urgentnom prípade, preto ... Ježiš povedal: "Čo ste urobili týmto iným, mne ste urobili." Verím tomu.

128 A ja verím v to isté dnes, rovno tu v prítomnosti týchto ľudí, že Ježiš Kristus môže manifestovať Samého Seba, môže byť Slovom v tele medzi nami dnes popoludní. Veríte tomu? Nech vás Pán požehná.

129 Teraz ideme volať ľudí podľa modlitebných lístkov, aby sem prišli. Ale nemôžeme vyvolať príliš mnohých, lebo ako pozerám na hodinky, za dvadsaťpäť minút budeme musieť skončiť aby sme o štvrtej zakončili, ako je to dohodnuté. Ale budeme pokračovať. Začneme od modlitebného lístka ... Myslím, že je to "A". Dobre? Poďme od A - 1. Kto má lístok A - 1? Volám vás raz, ak ste nevládny, môžeme vás priniesť. V poriadku. Modlitebný lístok A - 1, kto ho má? Zodvihnite ruku. Niekde v budove - kde? Vzadu. Prišli by ste sem, pani, ak môžete? Jeden, dva. Kto má kartu číslo dva, A - 2? Zdvihli by ste ruku, ak ... Môžete chodiť? V poriadku, poďte sem, na túto stranu. Tri. Ak zdvihnete ruku hneď, môžem vás vziať; nemôžeme čakať veľmi dlho. Modlitebná karta číslo tri. Zdvihli by ste ruku? V poriadku, pán tam dolu. Dobre, poďte sem hore, pane.

Modlitebná karta číslo štyri. Zdvihli by ste ruku? Rýchlo, prosím, tak rýchlo, ako môžete. Karta číslo štyri. Dobre. Číslo päť. Prosím, postavte sa, číslo päť. Dobre. Číslo šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať, desať. Ja ... desať. Dobre. Jedenásť, dvanásť, trinásť, štrnásť. Idete, pane? Štrnásť. Dobre. Pätnásť.

Nuž, to ... To bude dosť nateraz, bude to dosť na dnešné popoludnie, lebo nemáme mnoho času.

130 Pozrite, chcel by som, aby ste ma pozorne počúvali. No, Ježiš dal zasľúbenie, že "Ešte krátku chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy ma uvidíte." Veríte tomu? Svet, svet, to je poriadok tohoto sveta, vidíte? Oni len ... On vedel, že oni odídu do svojich spôsobov a do takých vecí. Ale: "Oni ma viacej neuvidia, ale vy ma uvidíte."

131 Lebo On zasľúbil: "Ja budem s vami po všetky dni až do skonania sveta." Je to tak? A Biblia v liste Židom 13:8 hovorí: "On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky." Veríte tomu? To je zasľúbenie. No, vy nepotrebujete byť tu hore, aby ste boli uzdravení. Jediné čo musíte robiť, je veriť, že to Slovo je pravda. A teraz vás chcem požiadať, ak môžem, budete chvíľku úctiví a pokojní. Prišli sem všetci, Billy? Dvojka je tu, tri - čo hovoríš? Tri chýba. Číslo tri. Modlitebná karta číslo tri. (Ako, ako sa povie po mexicky tri? Vie to niekto povedať? Dobre. Určite to počuli.) Čo, ten, kto má tú modlitebnú kartu, poďte do radu, dobre? V poriadku. Myslím, že niekto ju mal a nevedel o tom a vrátil sa späť. Dobre.

Teraz, teraz, ako ... Všetci veríte z celého svojho srdca? No, modlime sa ešte.

132 Pane Ježišu, teraz si uvedomujeme, že môžeme čítať Slovo ako najlepšie vieme, vysvetliť ho. Ale, Pane, Ty si jediný, kto ho môže potvrdiť. Ty si jediný, kto môže povedať, či je to dobre alebo zle. A Otče, ja dnes prosím, sprav, aby oči ľudí boli otvorené. Nech vidíme paradox dnes popoludní, dosť na to Pane, aby to dalo ľuďom vidieť, že si tu prítomný, že nie si mimo existencie a že Tvoje Slovo je to isté včera, dnes a naveky. Pretože Ty si to Slovo.

133 Pre nemocných, Pane, pre tých, čo trpia. Mnohí z nich prišli možno z rôznych častí krajiny, z rôznych častí národa, oni musia - oni tak trpia, a nemohli by sa tešiť zo zhromaždení, ak nebudú uzdravení. A tak prosím, aby si ich uzdravil. Daruj to, Pane. No, my sme len telesné ľudské bytosti a môžeme Slovo len kázať a povedať, že to, čo si povedal, je pravda. Ale Ty si ten, kto to môže uskutočniť. A modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene, aby si to dal, Pane. Amen. A teraz by som bol rád, aby ste ma na chvíľu pozorne počúvali. A keby si každý teraz na pár minút sadol. No, pokiaľ viem - pretože nepoznám nikoho tu v budove, nikoho som nestretol predtým nikde inde. No, nemusíte tu byť kvôli uzdraveniu. Každý to vie, vidíte?

134 Bola raz jedna drobná žena, ktorá nemohla dostať modlitebnú kartu, mohli by sme to tak povedať, a dotkla sa Jeho rúcha. A On sa obrátil, pozrel a povedal: "Kto sa ma dotkol?" A nikto sa nepriznal. Pozeral sa dookola a videl tú ženu. Nemohla sa skryť, pretože, viete, Boží Duch, ktorý bol v Ňom, ho viedol. On bol to Slovo a viedol Ho priamo k nej. A On jej povedal, čo ju trápilo - mala krvotok - a bola uzdravená. Verila tomu a okamžite vo vnútri svojho tela cítila, že krvotok prestal. Je to pravda? Zastavil sa práve vtedy.

135 No, On je ten istý aj dnes. Nemusíte byť ani tu. Biblia hovorí, v Novej Zmluve, že Ježiš Kristus je náš najvyšší Kňaz. Veríte tomu? Jediným najvyšším kňazom, ktorého máme, jediným prostredníkom medzi Bohom a človekom je človek Ježiš Kristus. Veríte tomu? A Biblia hovorí: "Lebo nemáme veľkňaza, ktorý by nemohol súcitiť s našimi slabosťami." Je to pravda? Kto z vás vie, že je to pravda? Zdvihnite ruky. Dobre. Nie som medzi tými, ktorí nepoznajú Slovo.

136 No, čo On urobí, ak sa Ho dotknete? To isté, čo urobil, keď bol tu, lebo On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Je to pravda? No, len verte. Len povedzte: "Pane, teraz som na zhromaždení. Som ... Teraz chcem veriť. Nechcem mať žiadnu svoju myšlienku. Chcem veriť celým svojim srdcom, že Ty si tu. Potrebujem Ťa a Ty práve ... Pomôž mi, Pane." Vidíte? No, teraz to urobte. Neznervózňujte sa - len pokojne, s vierou ...

137 Dar viery nie je niečo, čo vy zoberiete a niečo s tým robíte. Dar viery je to, že sa proste odstúpite z cesty. Ten dar odstraňuje z cesty tvoje vlastné ja.

138 No, tu stojí žena. Boh Otec vie tak, že pokiaľ viem, že som v živote nevidel túto ženu. Je mi úplne neznáma. Ale, a ... Sú tu len dvaja alebo traja ľudia, ktorých poznám. Myslím, že je tu pani Vaylová, manželka brata Lee. Nie som si istý. A poznám týchto troch alebo štyroch chlapcov, čo sedia vedľa. Pokiaľ viem, to sú asi všetci ktorých poznám. Myslím, že to je brat Antony Milano z New Yorku, brat Pat Tyler z Kentucky. Pomimo toho ... Viem, že niekde tam je Fred Sothmann. Počul som ho nahlas kričať "Amen?" pred chvíľou. To je asi všetko. Nebeský Otec to vie.

139 A táto žena, ktorá tu stojí, nikdy som ju nevidel a nemám ani poňatia, prečo je tu. Je to len žena, ktorá prišla sem hore na pódium, taká istá, ako vy tam dolu. Ak táto žena niečo potrebuje, nuž, keby som jej mohol pomôcť, určite by som to urobil. Ale ja ... to záleží od toho, čo potrebuje. Ak sú to peniaze, môžem narýchlo pozháňať päť alebo desať dolárov. Mimo toho, neviem, iba ak by som jej dal šek s neskorším dátumom, kedy budúci mesiac dostanem peniaze.

140 No, ak má problémy v rodine? Vtedy by som povedal: "Doveď sem svojho manžela. Porozprávame sa. Možno ti môžem pomôcť."

"Nemám sa ako dostať domov." Nuž, spýtam sa niekoho, či by ťa nevzali, keď pôjdu tým istým smerom. A čokoľvek iné, ja neviem.

141 Ale ak je to choroba, tak neviem. Vidíte? Ale ja nepoznám tú ženu. Ale niekto je tu, toto Slovo, ono zasľúbilo "veci, ktoré ja robím, vy tiež budete robiť." No, možno, čo ak je tá žena chorá. Možno má rakovinu, možno TBC alebo niečo iné, čo medicína v tomto štádiu nemôže vyliečiť. Nuž, ja tiež, v žiadnom prípade, nemôžem ju vyliečiť.

142 Ale ak mi On môže zjaviť, čo ona chce, tak ako to bolo v prípade ženy pri studni alebo čo povedal Natanaelovi, alebo keď povedal Šimonovi: "Voláš sa Šimon a si synom Jonáša a odteraz sa budeš volať Peter", čo znamená "malý kameň" ... No, ak by tu urobil niečo také za prítomnosti vás všetkých, tak by vlastne ukázal, že to Slovo je pravda. No, koľkí z vás tomu veria? Poznáte niekto túto ženu? Zdvihnite ruky. Niekto v budove? Ach, mnohí ju poznáte. Dobre. Otec vie, že ja nie.

143 No, teraz, pozrime sa len čo On povie. Mohol by to byť paradox? Ja neviem, čo je s ňou. Neviem, prečo je tu, neviem o nej nič. Ale Boh to vie.

144 Budem hovoriť tej žene. Po troch mesiacoch je to prvá osoba, ktorá takto predo mnou stojí. Chcem sa chvíľu s tou paňou rozprávať. A čo to je? Kontaktovať sa s jej duchom. Tak ako to Ježiš robil pri studni, so ženou pri studni. Kontaktoval sa s jej duchom.

145 No, pani, ak mi Pán Ježiš môže zjaviť, čo ti je alebo prečo si tu alebo niečo o tebe, čo ty vieš, ale ja nie, niečo na ten spôsob, budeš veriť, že to je On? To musí byť On, či nie? (Áno, pane.) To musí byť On. Ak to urobí, všetci budeme vďační, lebo budeme vedieť, že Jeho Slovo je správne. Potom tomu môžeme dôverovať.

146 No, ak mi On zjaví, čo ťa trápi, mne, ktorý ťa nepozná (a ty to vieš), ak mi zjaví, čo ťa trápi alebo hocičo o tebe, to bude znamenať, že niekde tu je Duch, ktorý ťa pozná. Ty vieš, že ťa nepoznám ja. Tak to by nebol ten človek, to je Duch. A to je to čo Boh zasľúbil v tomto čase Efežanov. Veríš, že je to pravda? Nech to On udelí.

147 Vidím jedno. Trápi ju niečo ako sinusitída, tu hore, v hlave. Je to pravda, však? Zdvihni ruku, sestra. Ale sinus by nemal spôsobovať to, že kýchaš a iné príznaky, máš tiež vysokú teplotu. Správne. Nie si z Phoenixu. Tam, odkiaľ si, je mnoho kopcov, stromov. Si z Flagstafu. Áno? Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať, kto si? Si pani Earlová. Je to pravda, však? A teraz choď a ver. To všetko prejde.

148 No, je On ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? Nebeský Otec vie, že som len teraz videl tú ženu. Vidíte, Slovo je potvrdené. To nie som ja. Ja som len človek - niečo ako tento mikrofón. On je nemý, ak do neho nikto nehovorí. A taký je aj človek, proste nemý. Ale to je Duch, a ten Duch je práve tu, medzi vami. Vidíte? On je uzdravovateľ, nie ja.

149 Ako sa máte, pane? Ďalšou osobou je muž, ktorý mi je cudzí. Nepoznám ho. Nakoľko viem, nikdy v živote som ho nevidel. Ale teraz, ten Duch, Svätý Duch, Svätý Duch a Ježiš Kristus, to je ten istý Duch. Ten Pomazaný, Ježiš, ten človek, bol Synom Božím. Ale Duch Svätý na ňom bol Boh. "Môj Otec prebýva vo mne." Vidíte. To je Duch Svätý. Tak to je stále je to Boh.

150 No, keď sa ja proste dokážem odstúpiť, ten muž sa dokáže odstupiť z cesty, potom je tá časť mŕtva, nech potom začne účinkovať Duch Života. Vidíte? Preto chvíľku čakám, aby som videl čo sa deje, kým začne pôsobiť pomazanie.

151 Ak Pán Boh, v prítomnosti ktorého sme, mi zjaví, pane, čo ťa trápi alebo čo si urobil, alebo niečo o tebe - alebo len niečo ... lebo čím viacej by sme hovorili, tým dlhšie by to trvalo. Ale ak mi On proste povie čo ti je, budeš veriť, že som Jeho sluha, budeš veriť, že On je tu prítomný? Kýla. Je to tak?

152 Teraz možno poviete: "Ako je to možné?" Chcel by som to vedieť. Ale to nikto nemôže vysvetliť, lebo je to paradox, vidíte. Ale tu, ty možno vieš, videl som ešte niečo - vyšetrenie. Máš aj problémy so srdcom. Zdvihni ruku. Pán Anderson, môžeš ísť domov. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil. To je pravda. Len ver, zostaň vo viere.

153 Ako sa máte, pane? Nepoznáme sa. Ja vás nepoznám. Nakoľko viem, vidíme sa dnes po prvý krát. To je pravda. Ale On nás pozná oboch. A viete, prečo sa toto tu deje? Je to Jeho milosť, ktorá dovoľuje, aby si takto títo ľudia mohli uvedomiť, že to je Boh.

154 No, neviem o vás nič, vôbec nič, ste pre mňa len neznámy muž, ktorý prišiel sem ... a tak by to bol absolútny paradox, keby sa niečo stalo, napríklad keby som vedel, čo vás trápi, alebo niečo, čo ste urobili, alebo čo ste nemali urobiť, alebo čo ste mali urobiť, alebo kto ste, alebo niečo o vás - to by bol paradox, lebo to nikto nemôže vedieť, len ak by mu to bolo zjavené to neviditeľné. To je pravda. A ak to On pre vás urobí, medzi vami a mnou, tak že obecenstvo ... Nie nejaké divadlo, ale že budú môcť vidieť, že ten Efezský vek je tu, že toto je tá vec, ktorá kladie premostenie medzi denomináciami a tou slávnou zemou. On to zasľúbil, aby si ľudia mohli byť istí, že to, čo im hovoríme, je pravda ... A teraz či vás poznám, vy viete, že nie. Zdvihnite ruku, aby ľudia videli. Nikdy v živote som toho muža nevidel. Je to len muž, ktorý tu stojí. Ale trápi vás kýla. A máte aj hemeroidy. To je pravda.

155 Prišli ste sem zďaleka. Dokonca nie ste ani Američan, ste Kanaďan. Priviedli ste so sebou syna, ktorý je mentálne poškodený. Chcete, aby som vám povedal, odkiaľ ste? Ste z provincie Saskachewan - z mesta Saskatoon. Verte z celého svojho srdca a Boh vás pošle domov zdravých s vašim synom. Veríte tomu? Nech vás Boh požehná. Veríte? Pán Boh stále zostáva Bohom. Vidíte? Nieto iného okrem Neho.

156 Ako sa máte? Tu je pani, nepoznám ju, je možno trochu staršia. Nikdy som ju nevidel, je to len žena, ktorá tu stojí. Budem sa musieť trochu poponáhľať, lebo mám už len sedem alebo osem minút. Pozri sem, prosím. Veríš, že tieto veci sú pravda? Celým svojim srdcom? Vieš, že je pre mňa nemožné vedieť, čo ti je a čokoľvek o tebe. Ale pre Boha to nie je nemožné, lebo On to vedel ešte skôr ako bol svet. Je to tak? Koľkí veríte, že je to pravda? Skutočne.

157 On pozná každé mrknutie tvojho oka. On je nekonečný. A len si pomysli, zo Svojej milosti On nám daroval so svojím Evanjeliom tie isté veci, ktoré zasľúbil, že bude robiť. Tak teda, existuje nebo a my ideme do neho. A práve teraz sme v tomto Efezkom veku. Sme v tomto, vychádzame z jedného a vchádzame do druhého.

158 Ty máš mnoho problémov, komplikácií, tak mnoho vecí v zlom stave. A nie si odtiaľto. Si zo západu, z Kalifornie. Je to tak. A tiež máš chorého syna. Je to tak. Ty si ... Je tu niečo, stále vidím vodu alebo veľké jazero .... Ó, to je ... Máš ... Máš niekoho veľmi blízkeho, kto býva v Chicagu, kto ma pozná. Je to tak. To je pravda. A ty vieš, že ja ťa nepoznám. Ale veríš, že Boh vie, kto si? pani Maguire, máš, o čo si prosila, choď domov a ďakuj Bohu.

159 Ako sa máš? Mohutná mladá osoba - ale nemoci a ochorenia neberú ohľad na nikoho. Koľkí to viete? My len vieme, že sa nezastavia pred nikým. Ak môžeš veriť celým svojim srdcom, celou svojou dušou, tá astma ťa opustí, ak budeš veriť celým svojim srdcom.

160 Problémy v hrudníku. Veríš, sestra, že ťa to opustí a že budeš uzdravená? Koho si sa dotkla? Ona je dvadsať stôp odo mňa alebo viac. Ona sa dotkla Majstra. To je preťaženie nervov. Budeš v poriadku.

161 Dôvod, prečo tu táto mladá žena stojí, je veľmi ušľachtilý. Je úplne neznáma. Nikdy som ju nevidel. Ale niekto ju sem priviedol a priviedol ju preto, lebo počúvala kazetu, ktorú som nahral. A túži po krste Duchom Svätým. To je presne, prečo je ona tu. Je to pravda, mladá dáma. Je to tak. Poď sem. Drahý Bože, nech toto dieťa, ktoré tu stojí, ktoré sa prelamuje z temnosti do svetla, nech prijme Ducha Svätého, choď do jej domu a k jej milovaným, ukáž im tie veľké veci, ktoré Ježiš pre ňu urobil. Amen. Boh ťa žehnaj. Nemaj pochybnosti, len ver.

162 Boh môže uzdraviť všetky druhy neurózy, veríš tomu? Všetky astmatické stavy a uzdraviť ťa. Veríš tomu? Tak choď a ver celým svojim srdcom. Boh ťa žehnaj, brat. Koľko máš rokov? Musíš vyjsť z tej neurózy, ktorú máš taký dlhý čas, či nie? Všetky druhy tých vyčerpávajúcich recidív a všetko, čo sa ti prihodilo. Ale to ťa teraz opustilo. Len choď. Ver. Boh uzdravuje z neuróz, a zo žalúdočných ochorení. Veríš tomu? A tak choď a jedz všetko čo chceš. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil.

163 Veríte vy tam ďalej - každý jeden z vás? Tam sedí muž v košeli a pozerá na mňa. Och, práve teraz pozrel na svoju košeľu. Och .Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ochorenie žliaz, že ťa môže uzdraviť? Ty si vtedy veril, či nie, v tom istom čase, keď bol ten malý chlapec uzdravený z astmy, však? Choď domov, tiež budeš zdravý. Rozumieš? Ver celým svojim srdcom.

164 Vedľa tvojej manželky sedí malá pani. Mohla by si uveriť, že tvoje oči tiež budú zdravé? Veríš, že Boh uzdraví tie problémy s očami? Zdvihni ruku, ak je to to, za čo si sa modlila. Vidíte? Koho sa oni dotkli? Ježiša Krista, Božieho Syna.

165 Veríš? Veríš, mladý muž? Boh môže uzdraviť to ochorenie krvi, že to budeš v poriadku (Budeš tomu veriť?), že odstráni tie problémy s cukrovkou a uzdraví ťa? Veríš tomu? Choď, povedz Mu, že tomu veríš a choď.

Poďte pane. Máte problémy so žalúdkom. Veríte, že Boh to môže odstrániť a uzdraviť vás? Choďte, verte a budete zdravý, budete v poriadku.

166 Poďte, prineste toho malého chlapca. Pozri sa sem, synku. Išli ste dlhými cestami. Astmatické ochorenie sa niekedy vylieči za pobytu vo vysokých nadmorských polohách alebo zmenou klímy. Ale je jedno skutočné uzdravenie, to dokonáva Ježiš Kristus, Boží Syn. On dal Svojho Syna, aby si mohol byť uzdravený. Veríš tomu? Ver celým svojim srdcom a to ho opustí. Bude znovu normálny, zdravý. Nech ťa Pán žehná, sestra.

167 Veríte? Či robí Boh stále paradoxy? Nevysvetliteľné, neodôvodniteľné veci, ktoré ľudia normálne nemôžu rozumieť, ako sa to môže stať, ale stále je to pravda, či nie? No, koľkí z vás vnímajú a rozumejú vo svojom duchu, že tu musí byť niečo, čo ďaleko prevyšuje hladinu ľudského porozumenia? Myslím, že do tohoto radu sme vyvolali najmenej pätnásť ľudí. Každý z nich a štyria, piati alebo šiesti mimo nich, mimo radu - bez modlitebných kariet alebo čokoľvek to bolo - mimo radu, mimo audiencie tu.

168 No, máme teraz práve len jednu minútu do zakončenia. Robil to On všetko takým spôsobom, ako zasľúbil, že bude? No, koľkí z vás veria, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? Vnímame Jeho prítomnosť. Vidíme Jeho prítomnosť. Teraz vaše oči vidia. Vaše uši porozumeli. A Boh potvrdil pred vašimi očami Svoju prítomnosť. A to, čo cítite po celý čas, čo vás usvedčuje, keď konáte nesprávne, a hovorí vám, aby ste to nerobili, ten istý Boh sa stal pre vás viditeľným, tu, dnes popoludní, vo svojich skutkoch. Koľkí na to povedia "Amen"? Áno, to je to. On je tu.

169 Je tu niekto medzi nami, kto nikdy nebol kresťanom, kto nikdy nemal žiadne náboženské presvedčenie, ani nikdy nechodil do cirkvi? Nechceli by ste vstať a povedať: "Ja chcem vstať - nie kvôli tebe, pastor - ale chcem vstať, kým som v prítomnosti Tejto Osoby, Ježiša Krista, Ktorý je tým Svätým Duchom teraz nad nami. Chcem vstať a povedať: ´Chcem, aby si ma zachránil z mojich hriechov."

170 To je všetko, čo chcem, aby ste urobili, aby ste vstali, a to bude svedectvom. To je všetko, na čo máme čas, aby sme urobili. Povedzte: "Chcem byť kresťanom", postavte sa a potom si znovu sadnite. Je tu niekto taký v budove? Koľkí ste tu? Ja nemôžem povedať: "je tu jeden", pretože ich je možno viac ako jeden.

171 Koľkí v tejto budove teraz vstanú a povedia: "Žil som zle, Bože. Odpusť mi. Vstanem, aby som dosvedčil, že som žil zle. A sadnem si, pokiaľ som tu v Tvojej prítomnosti. Potom si sadnem." Vstáva niekto? Je tu jeden? Je ich tu viac ako jeden? Jedna ruka. Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladý muž. Ešte niekto? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Ešte? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Je tam ... Nech ťa Boh žehná, tam vzadu. Ešte niekto? "Bol som zlý, Bože, odpusť mi." Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. "Bol som zlý, ľutujem, Pane." Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

172 Je tu niekto, kto pochyboval o tejto službe, ale teraz je presvedčený, že je pravá? Zdvihni svoju ruku a povedz: "Bože, odpusť mi." Len zdvihnite ruku a povedzte: "Brat Branham, ja som tomu celkom neveril. Ale už je to všetko preč." Zdvihni svoju ruku. Nikto? Ďakujem.

173 Koľkí z vás veria, že som to nemohol byť ja; ale to je Kristus, Syn Boží? Ďakujem. Ak budete veriť, uvidíte väčšie veci, ako tie, čo sa teraz stali. Len zostaňte s Kristom. Ja sám budem robiť čo len môžem aby som zostal s Ním.

174 No, koľkí ste tu chorí a v potrebe? Zdvihnite ruky. "Som chorý, brat Branham, potrebujem ..." Vidíte! Len sa pozrite na tých ľudí. Urobíte teraz toto a budete len toľkoto veriť mojim slovám? Položte ruky jeden na druhého, zatiaľ čo ja vystriem svoje ruky smerom k vám.

175 Modlime sa. Drahý Bože, prinášam Ti toto malé spoločenstvo dnes popoludní, kde sme počuli a čítali Božie Slovo. My vieme, že každý kúsok z toho je pravda, pretože to je Tvoje Slovo. Nielen že teraz veríme, že je to pravda, vieme že je to pravda.

176 Videli sme ťa, Pane, robiť niečo, čo spôsobuje, že ľudia vedia, že stále je ... Pomimo nejakého paradoxu vo svete, či vo vesmíre, či v tých prirodzených Božích zákonoch, môžeme vidieť tu, kde zákon smrti pracuje v ľudskom tele a kde veda zlyhala, aby to vyliečila pomocou svojich výskumov.

177 A Pane, sme vďační za tých ľudí. V žiadnom prípade ich nepodceňujeme. Sme za nich vďační. Ale Pane, keď je situácia taká, že oni už nemôžu nič robiť, vtedy vidíme prichádzať Tvoju úžasnú ruku, vediac, že ich žiadny človek nemôže uzdraviť, tým že by bol lekár, alebo by musel zobrať nejaký liek. Ale vidieť prichádzať Božieho Syna, a že sa vyplnilo zasľúbenie, čomu my všetci veríme ... Každá osoba zodvihla svoju ruku, kto nebol spasený - a chce byť spasený. Bože, niečo varovalo ich srdcia. Niektorí z nich povedali, že žili zle, možno odpadli a chcú sa navrátiť späť. Modlím sa, aby si každého z nich priviedol späť, pretože oni vedia, Pane, a poznali ... Mnohí z nich ma možno poznajú, alebo počuli o mne, po tieto roky, a vedia, že v človeku nie je nič dobrého, a zvlášť vo mne. Ako by aj mohlo byť? Ale jednako oni videli, že Slovo, ktoré Boh zasľúbil, sa zamanifestovalo. Sú presvedčení, že je to pravda. Oni to prijali.

178 Mnohých som tu nemohol vyvolať na pódium. A Otče, Ty si mi svedkom, že som nikdy nepovedal, že je to niečo, čo by som ja mohol urobiť - nič viacej okrem toho, že som sa Ti vydal, a nechal Ťa aby si ma odložil z cesty a aby si tam postavil Svojho Ducha, aby konal.

179 A teraz, Otče, keď vidím, že to môže urobiť jeden, ďalší to môže urobiť, prosím, aby všetci, ktorí majú vzájomne na sebe položené ruky, ktorí sú chorí a skľúčení, aby boli práve teraz uzdravení. Nech ten veľký Svätý Duch prechádza teraz cez túto budovu a nech všetkých uzdraví.

180 Spas každého, Pane. Daj im také prežitie. Vylej Svätého Ducha, Pane, na toto obecenstvo. Ó, očakávame na Teba, že budeš robiť veľké veci v tomto nadchádzajúcom týždni. Nech sa tak stane, Pane, hneď teraz, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

181 A teraz sa všetci postavme. Veríte celým svojim srdcom? Možno sestra, ktorá hrá na piano, by nám mohla zahrať malý akord toho: "Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť." Počuli ste to? No, zaspievajme to spolu. Dúfame, že sa stretneme zajtra večer. No, oni za chvíľu oficiálne rozpustia zhromaždenie. Ale chcem zaspievať s vami túto pieseň.

Budem Ho chváliť (zdvihnime ruky),

budem Ho chváliť,

velebiť Baránka zabitého za hriešnikov,

zvelebujte Ho, všetci ľudia,

pretože Jeho krv umyla každú škvrnu.

182 Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy k modlitbe na zakončenie. Dobre. Brat Jewel Rose nás rozpustí. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Rose.

1 You may be seated. I been waiting a long time to get back up here to Phoenix. I'm certainly happy this afternoon to be here. When I'm at Phoenix, there is something about it, always makes me feel that I am sitting among people who are my friends, that love me. And--and it's a great prayer warriors come from here to pray for me, for years. I always remember the first meeting that I had here with Brother Outlaw, Brother Garcia, and the ministers here of the city. How the Lord did bless when I was just in the youth of my meetings! Since then, Phoenix has held great... Something is in my heart, that's hard to explain.

2As a little boy, I always wanted to come to Phoenix. I always read about the desert. I had a little poems that I made up about it, when I was just a little boy, about Arizona.

3I'm so glad to be a--a native now. I guess I'm just about a year old, and maybe a little more. But you don't find too many much older than that. Everybody I run into, I say, "Are you a native?"

"Well, as much as there is. I've been here so long."

4And--and I suppose I'd have to go up to the Apache reservation, or somewhere, to find a real native.

5And someone said, not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, how do you like Arizona?"

6I said, "Well, it's been one of my great lifetime anticipations, to--to live in Arizona, and God has granted that to me."

7 We're here just in prior of the Business Men's convention, which has become an annual thing for us. And this afternoon, as we've gathered here for a pre-gettogether before the convention which starts Thursday night, I believe. It has been my privilege, for the past--past few years, to come and have this little meetings around, before the real meeting starts at the... or the convention, rather, starts.

8And Brother Williams is such a very dear friend, he and Sister Williams. I certainly got a warm place in my heart for those people. They constantly invite me back, and so we're happy to fulfill that invitation this afternoon.

9Also on the platform, Brother Fuller, Brother Jewel Rose, and Brother Tony Stromei from Tucson, and Brother Borders our campaign manager. And a--a good old precious brother, Arganbright, we've been together in many hard battles. On the other side of the river; I expect to dwell with him on the other side of the big river someday.

10 I can't think of the brother's name, I've tried. What is your name, brother? [A brother says, "Al Booher."--Ed.] Booher, Brother Booher. I--I know his face. And aren't you the one also interprets sometime for the... ["Interpret for the deaf."] for the deaf. That's...

And we're so happy to have all of you here.

11I was just looking down here in front of me, and I see some of my friends all the way from Arkansas, here. When I was here the first time, I told you that everywhere I went, I found somebody from Arkansas. I'm sure, if I ever get to Heaven, I'll find some there from Arkansas, 'cause they certainly have been a faithful, loyal people.

12 And now, usually I speak a long time, but I've tried my best to kind of make my Scriptures and note so I wouldn't speak too long. And I want to pray for the sick while I'm in Phoenix.

13Now, the Message that I... the Lord has lotted to me, it's sometimes, you know, these things get pretty touchy. And it's been that way in every age. And I have tried my best to stay with It. It's something. And If I did not speak that thing that God told me, and if it was--wasn't of God, then He... it wouldn't be in the Word. But if it's in the Word, and a promise for this hour, then I feel that I'm doing what's right, because I'm only trying to keep what He promised for this hour.

14And many times when you cross up someone in their theology, they'll fall out with you, right quick. But that shouldn't be. I try to... I find friends of mine that's of all different denominational churches, and so forth, I never fall out with them brethren. My, I go to their churches, everywhere they let me come, and speak. But we shouldn't fall out, over little ideas.

15 But, you know, if I said anything different than what's in my heart, I would be a hypocrite. And I--I... Far be it! I might have to meet Him someday, as a sinner, but I certainly don't want to meet Him as a hypocrite. But I want to be true. And if I just said, "Well, I'll just omit This because that the rest of them believes this, that," then what kind of a person? You couldn't have no confidence in me, and I couldn't have confidence in God or in myself, when I just so easily compromise.

16Anyone has got to have something that they're sure of. And that's when you can base your faith, is when you're sure. But until you're sure, if there is a question, leave it alone until you're sure.

17 Now Billy has probably give out some prayer cards, which I think he... Yeah, I told him to. And I believe he told me, a while ago, that he had. Somewhere along there, I'll call a few to the prayer line, after a while, to be prayed for. And if your card is not called... If--if... And it is called, rather, and you're not sure that God is the healer and He is going to heal you, it won't do no good to come up here, because you won't be healed. You, if there is one question, you say, "Well, now, if there is something in my life, I really ought to straighten this up," you go make that right, first, and then come back to the prayer line, see.

18Because, healing is the children's bread. We realize that. It's in the atonement, and the atonement first is applied to our souls. And healing has always forerun every message, and it's also been a means to gather people together. And it's a...

19Many people will sponsor a healing meeting, many will come to a healing meeting, or to a song festival, but when it comes to a poor lost soul to get saved, there is not many people interested in that. They just... But that's the main thing. Divine healing and singing festivals, and so forth, is just... As Brother Bosworth used to say, "It's the bait on the hook." And you show the fish the bait, not the hook.

20 And that's just the thing, to get the people to listen a while, till you can really present to them your message. God has did that in every age, through every age, there's always been a healing campaign. And if it's a genuine healing campaign, behind that campaign, always, is a message. There never is a sign given just for a sign; it's forerunning a message.

21And I believe the same thing is, seventeen years ago, or eighteen years now, that the Lord sent me out to start praying for the sick. It made a great revival among the people. Many great servants of God has went forth in healing campaigns, and, but the healing campaign, in itself, if you still stay in the same old trend of what you've always was, there is something wrong, that healing campaign wasn't sent from God. It's got to attract attention first, see, get the attention, and then there's a message.

22Jesus, when He came forth, healing the sick, and so forth, He was a great Prophet to all of them. But when He begin to tell them the Truth, of the Gospel, Who He was and what He come for, then He was--He was not popular after that. And that's the way it's always been through every age, and it will continue that way.

23 Now we're here this afternoon, and then tomorrow afternoon in this same auditorium. All is at seven o'clock. Is that right, brother? [A brother says, "Seven-thirty."--Ed.] Seven-thirty, tomorrow afternoon, or evening, and then Tuesday evening. And I think Wednesday evening, also. ["No, at the Ramada Inn, Wednesday."] At the Ramada Inn, Wednesday. And then Thursday, that's right, starts the--the convention. And if the Lord willing, I want to be here through all of it.

24I'm here, your brother, a helper in God's Kingdom, to help you to anything that I can. To answer your question, I might not be able to do it. But, prayerfully, we'd probably understand if we would pray over it and went to God about it, and not draw our own opinions.

25 If you're sick, I wish I could heal you, but no man can do that. It's already done. Healing lies in you. It's your faith in the finished works that God did on Calvary, with Jesus Christ. And outside of that, there is no healing; and outside of that, there is no salvation; no church, no denomination, no ritual, nothing packs salvation. Jesus Christ, "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed. He was wounded for our transgression, transgressions," excuse me, "by His stripes we were," all in past tense, "we were healed." Now, upon that!

26I don't have but just a few moments to speak, this afternoon, to you, probably twenty, thirty minutes, and then we're going to run a prayer line. Each day, as usual, new people comes in, so there'll be new prayer cards given out. But we will do all that's in our power, all that God will permit us to do, to pray for every sick person that comes, that wants to be prayed for.

27If there is such a thing as a person flying in, dying, emergency or something, why, you might see Brother Williams, Billy Paul, or some of them to get them in a room, that they don't want to... They can't sit, they're dying, they must be ministered to right now, well, put them in a room so I can get to them right away.

28 But it's much better, if you're not in that emergency state, that you--that you will just take your creeds and--and your beliefs, and just push them aside a few minutes, just long enough to listen to what the Scripture says, and then what God does about what He promised. And that will build faith. And you won't even need to be in a prayer line, or no one pray for you. You're already healed, if you can just believe it. See? And that's the purpose of it, is to let you, is to bring in conscious, to you, that what Jesus has done for you.

29It isn't necessary to come up here and kneel down, and pray through, until you--until you're saved. You're saved already, but you have to accept it. Your praying doesn't do it. Your faith is what you're saved by, not by prayer. But, "By faith are you saved." Same thing by healing. I'm sure we all understand that.

30 And if there be strangers in our gates, we want you to know that, as for myself, or this group that I am here with, the Full Gospel Business Men, we represent no certain denomination organization. We only represent Christian believers in all denominations. Everybody is welcome. We're just glad to have you. You say, "Well, I belong to a certain church, could I be prayed for?" You don't even have to belong to a church, don't have to do nothing but come up here and believe God. That's all you have to do. God does the rest of it.

31 Now, I'm--I'm... wore out one Bible, since I started in the healing campaigns, or praying for the sick, rather. At Houston, Texas, was given me a Bible, years ago, some eighteen years ago, by Brother Kidson and his group. And I wore that Bible, back and forth, around the world, until it just completely wore out, pages come out of it.

32And I was just given a new Bible. And the strange thing... I am not superstitious; I hope you people don't think me to be superstitious. When this Bible was given to me, they had a little... two little markers in it, little ribbons. It's a Bible like I had.

33 Brother Kidson gave me one was a Scofield Bible, now, not because that I agree with Mr. Scofield in his notes. Now, probably some of you do, some of you don't, but I just let you know that I just don't take Scofield Bible because I believe that. Because he's got it so paragraphed off till I'm... That was one of my first Bibles, and I just learned to read it like that. And I just keep the same Bible. Which, if I would have had the Thompson Chain, it would have been much better. I could have found my text much faster on a Thompson Chain Reference.

34But when I opened the Bible, the first little ribbon in the Bible was a very strange thing, where it was. Was when Solomon dedicated the temple of God, and the Glory of God was so great, the Shekinah glory in the building, till the priests couldn't even minister.

35And then the next string was laying where Ezra returned and dedicated the temple.

36And the third little marker, that my wife had gotten me and put in the Bible, not knowing, with my name on it, and so forth, was laying to Mark 11:22. She just stuck it in the Bible, and that's where it was at, that, "If you say to this mountain, 'be moved.'" And all of you know when that Scripture was in my mind, you tape people, that's when those squirrels come right in, into the--the... That's exactly.

37 And then the strange thing of it was, my favorite bird, robin, picture was on the marker, the little bird with the red breast. As the legend goes, that one time he was a brown bird; but there was a Man dying, one day, on a cross, and he felt so sorry for the Man till he flew in to try to pull the nails out himself, and he got Blood all over his little chest, and since then he's been a red breast. That's the way I--I want to meet my Saviour, too, with His Blood on my... inside my chest, on my heart.

38And then my first meeting, Message I'm to preach in here, is at Phoenix, Arizona. Phoenix is something that can raise up out of nothing. That's what God does. He takes nothing, raises up something out of it.

39And my Message this afternoon, is titled, for the next thirty or forty minutes, "paradox." And I want to read from a Scripture that...

40 Few years ago, that, I would take a Bible, and let you hand me the Bible, when I first started my ministry; and just take your Bible, and many of you have seen me do it, just hold it open like that, and say, "Lord, where is the Message to me?" It opened to Joshua, the 1st chapter, any Bible that you would hand me.

41Until one night a vision came, which you are familiar, and I seen that Bible come down from Heaven, and a hand with a collar on a cuff, like this went down the first nine verses of Joshua.

42That's where I'm reading from, this afternoon, for my reading, or my Scripture reading. My text is found in the 10th verse and the--the... I mean the 10th chapter and the 12th verse.

43Before we open the Bible, let's bow our heads just a moment. Now with our heads and our hearts bowed, let's think this. Let's not just this be an ordinary meeting; we have those all the time. But let's pray God, each one of us, for this to be an extraordinary, insomuch that the Presence of God will be with us continually through the meeting.

44 Heavenly Father, we are thankful for this grand and noble privilege to be here in Phoenix this afternoon, assembled in this great auditorium here, among these people. And now we are just about to approach the Word. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And may it be again, Lord, that the Word will become flesh, It'll pour through Thy church and Thy people, to fulfill the promises of the hour.

45As we realize that we're--we're closing the time, time is running out. It's blending in with Eternity. And we're at the West Coast. And as civilization has traveled, East to the West, so has the Gospel traveled with it. And now there is no place to go but back East again. It's completed.

46And we pray, Heavenly Father, that this will be a great hour for all of us, that we might sense the Presence of the Holy Spirit, the Writer of this Word, back in the building of the tabernacle of flesh; manifesting Himself to us, in the pardoning of our sins, the forgiving of our iniquity, and with the assurance that He will not impute sin to the believer, with the assurance of that. And also that He would heal our infirmities, and take the--the people out of the wheel chairs and off of the crutches; and give them sight, them who are blind; and--and extension of days, of those who are dying with horrible diseases like cancer and tubercular, advanced, and diseases that our physicians cannot curb. It's beyond that, but, God, You go beyond all scientific research. You go beyond all reasoning. Grant to Your servants, this afternoon, the speaking and hearing of Thy Word, on the subject: A Paradox. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

47 Now in the Bible, Joshua the 1st chapter, and Joshua the 10th chapter. The 1st chapter and 1st verse.

Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying,

Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, and go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.

Every place that the sole of thy foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.

From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to... the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.

There shall not be any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shall thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.

Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which my... which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper wherever thou goest.

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that's written therein: for then thou shall make thy ways prosperous, and then thou shall have good success.

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee wheresoever thou goest.

48[Brother Branham now reads Joshua 10:12-14--Ed.]

Then spake Joshua unto the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Stand still upon... Sun, stand... still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hastened not to go down about a whole day.

And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.

49 May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Words. Now the subject this afternoon: A Paradox.

50Now, the word paradox, as I have just been looking it up and be sure that--that I was right, the word paradox means, according to Webster, that it's "something incredible, but it's true." Now, you know, we've heard the old saying, that--that, "Truth is more" (what do they call that?) "more strange than fiction," truth is. Because, when a person tells the truth, sometimes it's very strange.

51 I know a friend of mine, that, up in Colorado. They had a survey on, going to have a survey on elk. And there were twenty-one head of elk in the herd. And my friend, when, had been back there hunting, and when the wardens come up. And they had paid a great price, the conservation had, for one of these snowmobiles, to go back and have an elk survey. He said, "You shouldn't have spent all that money. I can tell you how many elks back there." And they just laughed at him. Said, "How many?"

52He said, "There is nineteen." Said, "There was twenty-one, and I killed two of them."

53And the warden laughed at him. You're only allowed to kill one, you know. And he said, he said, "Yeah, I know you did."

54"Well," said, "that's what I done. There was twenty-one elk, and I killed two."

55And the warden just laughed and went on back. And that's what there was, nineteen elk. See?

56He turned around to me, said, "You see, parson, just tell the truth, the people won't believe it." See, just tell the truth, so it certainly is more stranger than fiction.

57 Joshua here is a Book, actually, it's a Book of redemption, of the Old Testament. Joshua, we would have to consider it to be that, the Book of redemption. Because, it's, redemption has two parts. Redemption, anywhere, has two parts. That is, it's "out of" and "into." It takes two parts to make redemption, "out of," "into."

58Moses represented the law which brought them out of Egypt, and, whereas, Joshua represented grace that took them into the promised land. Another way, was, the--the law and grace were two different aspects of God's command. Now, the law brought them out, Moses, and Joshua took them in.

59It also represents something for our day. Now it represents, as they were in the journey, coming from--from Egypt into a promised land, so have we come out of a world of Egypt, chaos, on our road to a promised Land. "In My Father's house are many mansions; if it wasn't so, I would have told you," John 14. Coming "out of," going "into."

60 It's law that brings us to recognize we're wrong, but it's grace that forgives us. The law has no hope of--of redemption, because that... and to complete it. It has no grace in it, because law only points that you are a sinner, but grace tells you how to get out of it. Law is the policeman that put you in jail, but redemption is the One Who come paid your fine; and "out of," and "into," into grace.

61The Ephesus. Now we find the same thing, the Old Testament, I think this Book of Joshua fits. A fitting word for it, would be, the Book of Ephesus of the Old Testament. The Book of Ephesians of the Old Testament, would be a good thing to title this Book of Joshua, because it's certainly fitting to this.

62 Now we find Joshua representing grace, or some propitiation, that it could not exist in the same time that law was in existence.

63Neither does any message, that forwards the people on, ever coincide with a past message. It will not do it. That's where you have trouble today. Jesus said, "Does any person take a--a new piece of garment and put it into an old? Or put the new wine into old bottles? They perish. It bursts them open." They can't stand it.

64And Joshua could not at all become into his ministry until after Moses was gone. So you see the very first verse here, "Moses My servant is dead; now arise and take this people to the promised land." Moses, representing the law, had served its time. It's, the law had served its time.

65 They started out, really, with grace, to begin with. Before they had law, they had grace. While they were in Egypt, without law; no one down there, was just the priests, and so forth, but they didn't have any laws. The law had not yet been given. Grace provided them a prophet. And, also, grace provided an atonement, the sacrificial lamb. We're getting into that this week, on the sacrifice, the blood, because there lays your healing. So on... The atonement had been provided before there was any law. Grace was before law, during law, and after law.

66So there was Joshua, representing grace, was right along with law, but could not be enforced as long as law was in its proper place.

67And so has the church world in this last day! It's come along, it's played its part, but there is coming a time where it must cease. It must do it. There has got to be an Ephesians, also, of this journey, just as there was of other journeys. There has to come an Ephesians, an Ephesus, an Ephesian of this journey. Watch.

68Wherein that law could never save a sinner, as I have pointed out. It could not. Therefore the promised land represented a day of grace. See, he could not take them in, into that journey.

69 And if you noticed, in that journey, they had three stages of their journey. First was the preparation by faith, down in Egypt, under the sacrificial lamb. Then they crossed the Red Sea, into the--the wilderness, a separation, which represented another stage of the journey.

70Cause, under the preparation, when they all got ready, then when they come to the--to the Red Sea, there was a failure again. The people did not believe, after seeing many things that God had did. They still did not believe. And God opened up the Red Sea and took them forth, which we're taught that all the people were baptized unto Moses, under the Cloud and the sea.

71 Now they were baptized, repented and were baptized, and come out to walk in a new life, in a new land, in a newness journey, amongst new people, and the hand of God upon them. But it finally come to a place, in this walk that they had, that they was not satisfied with their walk of grace. They had to come to something that they could do themselves.

72Now that's where people think, today, of Divine healing, or some any other work of grace, of God, that there is something that you have to do. You, there is nothing you have to do but believe, just believe God.

73And, they, if they would have continued on! The promise wasn't given them under the law. The promise was given before the law, without any conditions to it, "I have given you this land, go on over into it!" But before they got to that promise, they decided there was something they must do themselves.

74And, that, we still find that among human beings. We're prone to be that way, "There is something we've got to do." We feel that, that we've got to have something into it also.

75You do have something into it, that's your surrender of your own will, your own idea, to the will and idea of Almighty God, and it's finished. That's all there is. Just take His promise, don't think of nothing else. Walk by It, and God does the rest of it.

76 Then they wanted a law. And God always gives you the desire of your heart; He promised to. But we find out, when they turned one step from the side of what God originally promised them, then that was a thorn in the flesh until the law was taken away, until Jesus Christ came and was crucified to take away the law. It was a thorn in the flesh.

77And anything that you try to do within yourself, it'll always work to your dishonor. It'll work to your disadvantage. Just simply believe God, and that settles it. What God promised, "I'm the Lord Thy God Who heals all thy diseases." See? "If there is any among you, sick, let them call the elders of the church." He promised, "The works that He did, would be done in His church."

78 Why do we have to accept organizations, and so forth, that will write that off of the Book? See, it--it becomes a thorn in the flesh. And here at the end time, we meet the thing again, face to face, it's up to the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, and whatmore, see. You, you can't go on; you've got to come back to the entire full Gospel. It was made for the full man, by a complete God Who was made flesh and dwelt among us. And we know that those things are true.

79 Now if we notice, then, their journey in the wilderness is where they got their greatest mistake that Israel ever made, until Calvary, was when (in the Exodus 19) they accepted law instead of grace. They had grace. They had a prophet. They had--they had a sacrificial lamb. They had redemption. They had been brought through the Red Sea. They had been healed of their diseases. They had had water from a smitten rock. They had--they had manna out of heaven. Everything they had need of had been supplied, and still they wanted something else.

80Now that's a perfect type of our Ephesians today, exactly. We come out under Luther; we went through sanctification, under Methodist; and came into the restoration, under Pentecost. Exactly like it was, the wilderness journey. And when God brought us out, we did very well. But what did we do? Wanted to be like the rest of them. Now we find out that grace is the only thing that takes us through, never law.

81 Joshua here is a type of the last-day ministry. See? Now remember those three stages of the journey. All of it ceased, first the law and everything had to cease, so that Joshua... And Joshua is the same word as Jesus, "Jehovah-saviour," that took them from their wilderness into the promised land. Now I know many hold...

82And I don't want to disagree with the scholars, but many hold that the promised land represents Heaven. It could not represent Heaven. It could not, because they had wars, and troubles, and flustration, and everything, in the promised land. It does not represent the promised Land.

83 But you notice, just before they entered the promised land, all of the--the differences that--that had rose up among them. They... One of the great things was Korah. He didn't want this one-man leadership. Dathan, and how they come up before Moses and tried to tell him that "the--the message had to mean this," and put a different interpretation to it, their own ideas of what it was. And they every one perished! Every one!

Jesus said, "There wasn't none of them but what perished."

84They said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness, for the space of forty years," Saint John 6.

Jesus said, "And they are every one dead."

85Dead means "Eternally separated." They're all dead, yet they enjoyed hearing the message, yet they enjoyed the manna that fell. Not another manna; the genuine manna!

86 But when it come to the time of when Balaam come out with his false doctrine, and said, "We're all one. Why don't we just go together and let our children marry one another? We're a great nation. We'll make you great with us." Now anybody with common spiritual understanding can see exactly that same thing even today, marrying all of them together. And it was an unforgiveable sin. It was never forgiven Israel.

But then Joshua raised up for the exodus.

87 Now we're taught, in Revelation the 6th chapter, I believe, yeah, 6th chapter, of the Seven Seals. That's supposed... The Book to be sealed up with seven mysteries, or Seven Seals, Revelation 6. And in the last day, Revelation 10, in Revelation 10, we find out that the Laodicea, last messenger of the last age, and during the time of his prophecy, that the Seven Seals would be opened, the seven mysteries, sevenfold mysteries that had been left off.

88In every age there had been some of It left off. The reformer didn't have time to take care of It. In the days of Luther, he only preached justification by faith. He was gone, they made a church. After that come Wesley, he preached sanctification. There it was. And along come the Pentecostals.

89 But we're promised, according to Revelation 10, and according to Malachi 4, and Saint Luke 22:17, and so forth, that there is got to come a--an Ephesians to this. There is promised it, friends. There must come an Ephesians, that these sevenfold mysteries of the Word of God must be unfolded. And it's in the Laodicean age that this takes place. I believe that we're--we're there.

90I believe we're right in the shadows of the Coming of the Son of God. And as Joshua, just before the Ephesians raised up, so did John the Baptist raise up just before the next Ephesian. And we're promised another, another Ephesians. It's predicted here in the Scripture, therefore I think that we are living in the Ephesians again. Back again to... We are promised that what was left off during those seven ages.

91 Now you cannot add nothing to the Book, or take nothing from It. Revelation 22:18 says so, "Who will ever, will add one Word, or take one Word, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." Now we cannot add or take.

92So therefore we know that Luther could not get to It; Wesley, and so forth, the reformers, Knox, Finney, Calvin, on down, so forth, they didn't get It all, but what they had was the Gospel Truth.

93But now in the last days, we are given the understanding, by the Word, that we are going to understand It, because it'll come an Ephesian age to it. And we're here! Now, paradox! I'll leave that hang, because I just got about ten more minutes and then we'll have the prayer line. Paradox!

94 There is some people, of today, that do not believe in miracles. They say they just "can't believe that there is such a thing as miracles in this modern age." Well, I don't mean to say anything bad about that person, but they are spiritually numb. They, they, they're--they're spiritually blind. They have no spiritual sight or spiritual feelings, at all. Cause, no man can sit in a crowd of people, wherein the Holy Spirit is falling, no matter if he is absolutely a sinner, or she, but what they're bound to sense the Presence of God, when you see the Word He promised being fulfilled. Then you would have to be numb; and when you see it with your own eyes, happening, then you'll have to be blind, spiritually, I'm not speaking physically. But you can certainly be spiritually blind, and have twenty-twenties, physical sight.

95 You remember Elijah down at--at Dothan, when he went out and smote that whole army blind? The Bible said he did. And led them right into ambush, when they didn't know who he was. And yet had his just exactly what he was supposed to look like, and so forth, and he went right out to them. But they were blind.

96And you can stand in the Presence of the living God, you can stand under the anointing of the Spirit and see It moving, and still It won't touch you. You can see what God said, preached to you perfectly and then manifested, and still won't go in, "don't believe It," then, there, you are beyond reach. You're already dead, numb, blinded, gone on. They were completely.

97 The world. I wonder, if that same person who doesn't believe in a miracle, I wonder and if they can only be the things that can, that's real, is those which are scientifically proven? I wonder if you could have any scientist, or anybody that doesn't believe in a miracle, to explain to me how this world stands in its orbit. How does it keep its perfect time, around the equator and the way it goes, and just perfect? We haven't got a machinery, a watch, or any kind, that can keep time like that; it'll vary a few minutes every month. But that sun is exactly on time. Thousands of years rolls on, she never moves; certainly, perfectly.

98 How the moon can, billions of miles off the earth, can still control the tide. Tell me how that in this galaxy that we live in, how could the moon have any effect upon the water on the earth? Scientifically, tell me how it's done. It could not be done, because there is no scientific way of telling it. But God set the moon to watch the sea. And when the moon begins to turn its back, when the earth turns away, here comes the tide in. But when he wakes up, the next morning, looks back this a way, the tide runs back to its place again. It's a watchman.

"Oh," you say, "that's just on the seashore." No.

99That's right up here in Arizona, plumb back over in the state of Kentucky, wherever you dig a hole down in the ground far enough to find salt water. You'll find out, when that tide goes out, that salt water goes down in the pipe. And when the tide comes in, it also raises, hundreds of miles from the seashore.

100We could preach a sermon on that. How that God, no matter, He is in Glory but His orders there is just the same effect on the whole world and anybody that takes the promise. His order is given. He has laws of nature, and--and they--they will absolutely carry themself true, from Pentecost or any other time. Any time that God made the promise, He will still stay with that promise regardless of where the people is at, how many thousands of years off. His laws ever remain the same.

101 How the seed falls into the ground, and it rots, and to bring forth life again. Looks like, if it was ever going to bring forth life, it'd be when it's in its perfect shape. If life was ever in it, then why wouldn't it just come forth? Put it in the ground, the life spring forth. Why does all that's around that life, all that's around that germ that no man can find, how is it that everything material around that germ has to die? So it can spring forth in a new life. But everything around it must also die and rot, before it can spring forth life.

102 So is it with an individual. As long as there is any human injections, human ideas, then God's germ of life, the Holy Spirit, cannot work. You cannot be healed as long as there is just a--a fraction somewhere, that it's not rotten yet; it's got all the human elements, all the scientific ideas, all the "days of miracles is passed," so-called. All that has to, all, not only die, but rot, then from there grows the germ of Life unto a new life. That's the only way it can grow.

103That's the reason we don't get what we ask for. We try to take, with us, so much of our own ideas.

104That's the reason the Lutheran church couldn't advance no farther than it did, the Pentecostals and the rest; 'cause they inject, by a bunch of theologians, "This oughtn't to be this way. This is for another day. And This was for that." There it stays. It cannot grow to that perfect image of Christ until every Word of God is received into you, and then you become that Word. It's like the seed that went in the ground.

105 I'd like for them to explain Hebrews 11:3. The greatest scientist we've ever had, as far as I know, was Einstein. When here not long ago, in New York, I was listening to what he had said. And he was talking about the galaxy, and how far out it was, and he proved that there was an Eternity. How the man, going so many million miles an hour, would take him so many, or a million light years an hour, would take him so many years to get over there, one, three hundred thousand or something like that, and then three hundred thousand to come back. And then prove by it, somehow, that the man had only been gone from the earth fifty years. Eternity!

106 And that's just a little galaxy, when God blew them off His hand! The Bible said! And Einstein finally wound up with this, "There is only one way that any man can explain the origin of this world, that's found in Hebrews 11:3. 'We understand that the worlds were framed together by the Word of God.'" That's exactly right. Science cannot even touch it. And then you say you don't believe in a miracle? How could you do it?

107How could any scientist ever explain Noah's rain, when there never fallen a drop of rain upon the earth until that day? But Noah said there would be a rain! And when Noah's rain come, contrary to all science; there was no clouds up there, never had been no rain up there. They could prove that there was no rain up there. And then when God opened up the heavens and poured out a--a gusher that washed the earth away, that was a paradox; how that it's certainly unreasonable, unexplainable. But we know that God did it, because the Bible said so. And we have evidence on the earth, today, that it was so. God did it. That was a paradox.

108 When God took an old man, by the name of Abraham, at the age of seventy-five years old; and his wife, sixty-five, many years a past the time of life, a menopause. And when He took that man and gave him a promise, at seventy-five years old; to this woman that he was married to, his--his half sister. And he had lived with her since she was a girl; they had married when she was probably a--a teen-age girl, and here she was sixty-five years old. And said, "You're going to have a baby by this woman."

109And what if Abraham would have said, "I--I--I don't believe in paradoxes. I--I just can't accept that"? It'd have never happened.

110But, you see, when you say you believe anything, then you've got to put it in action. Then Abraham was commanded to separate himself from all unbelief, and walk with God alone. And instead of getting weaker, he got stronger. And when he was a hundred years old, and Sarah was ninety, the baby come.

111 How could Abraham take his son, way back three-days' journey, probably ninety miles from any civilization, up on top of a mountain where the Lord had showed him, go offer his own son, Isaac? Isaac packing the wood up, as we know, which is a type of Christ. And up on this mountain he was to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, and when he fulfilled everything that God told him but stabbing his own son to death, through his throat, when he pulled the knife out of the sheath and raised his hand to obey God, to the word! For the Bible said, that, "He knew that God could not make a promise 'less He kept it. And he received him as one from the dead, that He was able to raise him up from the dead and give him to him again."

112 And when he was ready to obey God, to its fullness, He caught his hand and said, "Stay your hand, Abraham." And there was a ram hooked in the wilderness, around the vines, with his horns, on top of that mountain, where there is lions, wolves, hyenas, jackals, and the great ferocious beasts that eat sheep. And then he was way up on top of the mountain where there is no water. How did that ram get there? Abraham had picked up stones all around, to build a--an altar. But there was the ram, anyhow. It was a paradox.

113And any man that believes God and takes Him at His Word, no matter what the situation is, God will perform another paradox, to keep His Word. For, Abraham called the place Jehovah-jireh, "the Lord has provided for Himself a sacrifice." He still can cause a paradox to happen. He can do that this afternoon, if you'll just take Him at His Word.

114 Daniel, from a den--den full of hungry lions, how could it be that that man... How could it be that that man, on a group of hungry lions, stayed in the cave with them, all night, without any harm? The Angel of the Lord, unseen to anyone else, was standing there. It was a paradox. Something had to keep that lion from getting to him.

115When the Hebrew children went into the fiery furnace, that's against all scientific understanding, in that great age. It was unscientifically for a man to be throwed into a furnace, that was, that the men taking them up there perished, and they fell into the furnace and lived in that furnace a while, and the only thing it did was loose them from their shackles. That's a paradox. It was unexplainable, unreasonable, but yet it's the truth.

116 Here is Joshua, that we're speaking of. How that that man, just an ordinary man that just come through a--a--a group of creeds that the men had formed, and laws and ceremony, with nothing in them that says anything about giving man power to stop the sun. But here, with a commission from God, "I'll give you every piece of ground the soles of your foot sets upon. I'll be there." And the enemy was routed.

117The sun was going down. If them kings had time to get theirself together again the next day, he would surely lose men. But Joshua knew he needed sunlight. And he looked up to the sun, and said, "Stand still over Gibeon. And, moon, stay there over Ajalon." And for the space of a whole day, that was all night long, the sun stood still and the moon stood there. That's a paradox. A man walking in the will of God could do such a thing, for he was in a... he was again in a--an Ephesus, in a--an Ephesian with--with the Gospel. Sure, it was a paradox.

118Moses with a stick in his hand, to go down and deliver the children of Israel, was a paradox, when Egypt had all the armies and their well-trained men. It was a paradox.

119 The virgin birth was a paradox. How could a virgin, against all scientific understanding, a woman that knowed no man, could bring forth a child; and not only a child, but Emmanuel, Who proved to be exactly what it said it would be. How could that happen? It was a paradox. Because, God spoke to His prophet, hundreds of years before, and the prophet obeyed the Word of God, and the Word was spoken. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And we believe that. Certainly, it was a paradox.

120How that He could walk on water, that was a paradox. A human being, according to the size of your feet, couldn't do that. But He did. What was it? Unexplainable, but it was yet a paradox. God did it. We believe it.

121Feed five thousand people, with two fish and five biscuits? But He did it. Multiplied not only fish, but cooked fish; not only bread, but cooked bread. How could He turn water to wine? All a paradox!

122 He healed the sick, which, with leprosy. Which, they don't have anything, to this day, science don't, to cure leprosy, but Jesus healed it with His Word. It was a paradox.

123And He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His Word still heals the sick. It's a paradox, certainly.

124He raised the dead, after mortal life had gone from them; Lazarus, the woman's son at Nain, and Jairus' daughter. He raised the dead, with His Word, because He is the Word.

125And then another great thing, in closing, to prove that He was Messiah. To prove what He was, He had to come in order, and answer, to the Word. And the Word said, when He spoke to the prophet. "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet like me."

126 There had been many men raised up. And there had been, for hundreds and hundreds of years, they had no prophet. Oh, they had had priests and great men, and as we read the history between the time of Malachi and Matthew, four hundred years, there had been great men. But there was no prophet.

127And then when He come on the scene, to prove that He was that Ephesians made manifest, John announced it. But Jesus was That, He was the Word manifested, Himself.

128When Peter came to Him one day, with Andrew, his name was Simon. And when Jesus standing there, never seen the man in His life, (listen close) when He stood there and looked at the man, and said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." That's a paradox. Sure was. Certainly was a paradox.

129 And when Philip, standing there, heard this and knew that all identity that this was the Messiah, he was certainly. He believed it. He wasn't numb, neither was he blind. He run around the bank, for a few miles, and got his friend, called Nathanael. And when he come walking up... The faith of that man, that could bring another one to the meeting, to see!

130When he walked up before Jesus, Jesus said, "Behold, there is an Israelite, in whom there is no guile."

131It astonished the man. He said, "When did You ever know me?" Now watch, this is unreasonable. It's--it's unexplainable. He said, "How did You ever know me?"

132Said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." A paradox!

133 He had need, go by Samaria. And when He went by Samaria, a city of Sychar, He was sitting out there waiting for His disciples to go in to buy food. And, notice, a woman come out to the well, of ill fame. And He said to her, "Woman, go get Me a drink, or bring Me a drink."

134And she said, "It's not customary for You to ask that. We're, I'm a Jew... or a Samaritan, and You're a Jew. We have no--no dealings with You."

135He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to!" Watch this paradox fixing to happen. Don't miss it. Said, "How--how can you do, say this? I, I'm a woman of Samaria, and You're a Jew. We have no dealing."

136He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, or Who was talking to you, you--you would ask Me for a drink." And He went ahead till He found where her trouble was. And He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

And she said, "I don't have any husband."

137He said, "That's the truth. You don't have a husband, because you've had five, and the one you're now living with is not your husband. Therefore, you've said the truth."

138She said, "Sir, I perceive that Thou art a prophet." They hadn't seen one for hundreds of years. Said, "We know the--the Messiah is coming, and, when He comes, He'll tell us these things."

He said, "I am He."

139 [] Was a paradox vindicated, and it's found to be Gospel Truth; a Gospel that had promised this, and here it happened and vindicated what it was.

140Now let me give you a great noble paradox here, just a minute. In John 14:12, Jesus said, promised that, "The believer that believed on Him, would do the same works." Is that right? God, Who makes a law or a promise, must keep that promise, to be God. He does keep it. To think, the God... Why, It's a paradox, Itself; for God, Who makes a promise and cannot break that promise, to give that promise of the things that He did, to His people, to follow throughout the age until He returned again. "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature; every creature, all the world. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned; and these signs shall follow them that believe." He has got to keep that Word. And because He said it, it went from His mouth, it's got to be fulfilled.

141All Scripture has got to be fulfilled. So it's a paradox, alone, to hear Jesus, the Son of God, make such a statement as that, "The things that I do will you do also." Now the Bible said, in Hebrews 13:8, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." That's a paradox, 'cause it has to be done. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but not one Word that I've ever said will ever fail," He said. It has to be done.

142 Now, friends, I believe that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I believe He is just as able this afternoon to cause, in this building, a paradox, because that He promised it would happen.

143And how much more has He promised, how much more is it leaving in the Bible, to this very age that we're living, the Ephesians again, of the church ages. We've got seven church ages, and we're promised that at the Laodicea Church Age there would be another Ephesian. That's right. And we're here. I believe, with all my heart, that Jesus Christ Who made the promise.

144As I said in my last message, standing over there against that wall, when I was here a few weeks ago. Every time you move your finger, that goes around and around the world, never will stop. Every move you make, you'll see it at the Judgment. Television proves that it's here, the fourth dimension. Cause, television doesn't manufacture that picture, it only channels that wave into a tube, and you see a picture. Color, everything, every moving object that's happening in the world, is going right around through here now, making a record. Someday, your record is going to be closed, and you're going to answer to that record. That's right.

145God, let me so be blended, let me be so dead to myself and anything around me, but be conscious of the Word of God living among us today!

Let's pray.

146 Lord Jesus, Thou art a paradox, when God was made flesh. I pray, Heavenly Father, that You will manifest Yourself this afternoon, proving to us here today. Not only proving to us... There is, I suppose, ninety percent, or more, of the people set here, believe that, every Word. But that we might see You again, and let know that this Word that You spoke, that's still traveling around and around the world, just like a record, let us move into that record, today, Lord. Let us move in and not hear it just like it was coming secondly, from a man's mouth; but let that mouth, and person and people, all sitting here, become Your Word. We are ready to die, Lord, of our own ideas, just to see You keep Your promise, "The things that I do shall you do also." I pray that You'll grant this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

147 Just before we call the prayer line. I was having a little bite of ice cream one day, with an old doctor friend of mine. He said, "I want to ask you something, Billy."

I said, "All right."

148Said, "Do you believe in..." That's where I got this thought, paradox. Said, "Do you believe in a paradox?"

I said, "Sure."

149He said, "I--I know you do." He said, told me about a certain person that had been healed, had been prayed for; that he had sold epilepsy drugs to, for years, sometimes they would have seven or eight seizures a day; strong medicines. And he said, "They never did come back for no more. And I see them all the time; never had it no more." Said, "I want to tell you something, just to let you know I--I believe what you're talking about."

150 He said, "During the time of the depression, my son here now was over the store." Said, "He was--he was waiting on kind of a young fellow, just said he... They was standing down in line, for medicine." And said, "A man come up here, and he had his wife," said, "a little woman, she was... You could look at her and see she was just about to be delivered at any time, of a child." And said, "She just couldn't stand in that line no more, so he--he brought his wife into the door, and just leaning on his shoulder."

151And said, "My boy went up, said, 'Can I help you?' Said, 'Yes,' said, 'here is the prescription from the doctor. But,' said, 'I want to make it clear to you.' Said, 'I... we haven't got the money yet.' Said, 'We'll get it from the county, but my wife just can't stand it no longer. Doctor said she'd have the medicine right away.' And said, 'If you'll just give her the medicine, I'll go right there and stand in line till I--I get the money from the county.'"

152"And the boy said, 'Sir, I'm sorry.' Said, 'It's against our--our rules here, to give out the medicine without having the money.' You know how the times was in them days. And said, 'I--I feel sorry for her, but I can't do it.'"

153 Said, "I was sitting back here reading the paper. And I looked up, and," said, "something strangely warmed my heart." Said, "I walked up, I said, 'Wait a minute, son, wait a minute.' The man started out the door, he said, 'Well, all right, son,' started out the door." And said, "I said, 'Just a minute,' said, 'what was that?' He said, 'Well, this man... ' He explained it to him."

154He said, "'Let me see the prescription.' Said, 'Just wait a minute, son, I'll get you the medicine.'"

155Said, "I went on back and mixed up the prescription the doctor had prescribed on his paper." And said, "I went up there, and had that money." Said, "Hand it to him, not knowing whether I'd get it or not, but I just thought I would." Said, "I just felt that I should do it." And said, "Billy, when I put that--that medicine in that woman's hand," said, "it was the Lord Jesus." Said, "I seen a Man standing there." And he said, "I read later on, that the Scripture said, 'Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these, My little ones, you have done it unto Me.'" He said, "Billy, what happened to my eyes? Did I actually see it?"

156I said, "Yes, sir. I believe it. I believe that you so fulfilled your duty as a druggist, in the emergency needing for that. Jesus said, 'What you have done unto these others, you have done unto Me.' I believe it."

157 And I believe that same thing today, right here present with this people, that Jesus Christ can manifest Himself, make Himself the Word made flesh among us this afternoon. Will you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Lord bless you.

158Now we're going to call for prayer cards, for the people to come. And we can't get too many, because I think now, if I'm looking at the watch right, I got twenty-five minutes till we have to close just at four o'clock, on time, but we'll continue on. Now let's start from prayer card, I believe was A. Was it? A, let's go from A, one.

159Who has prayer card A, one? Just call you one at a time, so if you're crippled we can pack you. All right. Prayer card A, one. Who has it, raise up your hand, somewhere in the building? Card, way back in the back. Would you come, lady, if you can. One, two, who has prayer card two? A, two, would you raise up your hand if you... Can you walk? All right, come right over here, get on this side. Three. If you'll raise your hand right away, I--I can get you, we won't have to wait very long. Prayer card number three, would you raise up your hand. All right, a man down there. All right, come over here, sir.

160Prayer card number four, would you raise your hand quickly now, just as quick as you possibly can. Prayer card number four. All right. Number five. Just as I call, you stand up, number five. All right. Number six, number seven, number eight, number nine, ten--ten. Now, one, two, three, four... Ten, all right. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen. Was you coming, sir, fourteen? All right. Fourteen, fifteen. Well, that, that'll be... That will be enough right now, that will be enough for this afternoon, 'cause we haven't got too much time.

161 Now look. I want you to give me your undivided attention. Now, Jesus made this promise, that, "A little while, and the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me." Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The "world," the world, is "the order of the world." See, that, He knowed they'd go on off in fashions and things. "But they won't see Me no more, yet you'll see Me." For He promised, "I'll be with you, even to the end of the world." Is that right? ["Amen."] And the Bible said, Hebrews 13:8, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." You believe that? ["Amen."] That's a promise.

162Now, you don't have to be up here, to be healed. Only thing you have to do is believe that Word to be the Truth. Now I'm going to ask you, if you will, just to be reverent and quiet for a few moments.

163 Did all of them come in, Billy? Got two out, three out? What say? [A brother says, "Three more."--Ed.] Three more? Number three, prayer card number three. What, how, what is the Mexican word for that, three? Anybody can say it? [Someone says, "tres."] All right, surely they heard it. What, that, ever who has got that prayer card, come into the line, will you? Oh, yeah. Oh, I think it was somebody had it, and didn't know it, and they moved back. All right. Now, now how about...

164Does everybody believe now with all your--with all your heart? Well, let's pray again then.

165 Lord Jesus, now we realize that we can read the Word, with our best of our knowledge, explain It. But, Lord, You're the only One can confirm It. You're the only One can say that It's right or wrong. And, Father, I pray today that You will let the eyes of the people be opened. May we see a paradox this afternoon, just, Lord, enough to let the people see that You are present, that You are not--not out of existence, that Your Word is the same yesterday, today, and forever. For, You are that Word. For the sake of the sick, Lord, for the sake of those who are suffering; many probably are here from different parts of the country, parts of the nation, they must... they're suffering so, they couldn't enjoy the meetings, otherwise, if they wasn't healed. I pray that You'll heal them. Grant it, Lord. And now we are only physical human beings, and can only preach the Word and say what You said to be the Truth, now Thou art the One to make it real. I pray that You'll grant it, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

166 Now I'd just like for your undivided attention, just for a moment, and if everyone will just be seated now for a few minutes. Now, as far as I know, course, I don't know anyone that I can see in the--in the building, that I would know out there. Now, you don't have to be here to be healed, anyone knows that. See?

167There was a little woman, one time, she couldn't get a prayer card, we'd say, and she touched His garment. And He turned around and looked, and said, "Who touched Me?" And they all denied it. And He looked around and seen this little woman. She couldn't hide herself, 'cause, see, the Spirit of God, that was in Him, led Him. He was the Word. And It led right to her, and He told her what her trouble was. She had a blood issue, and she was healed. She believed it. And immediately, in her body, she felt that the blood issue had stanched, (is that right?) had stopped right there.

168 Now He is just the same today. You don't have to be here. Now, the Bible said that in the New Testament now, that, "Jesus Christ is our High Priest." Do we believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The only High Priest we have, the only Intercessor we have between God and man, is the Man, Christ Jesus. Do you believe that? ["Amen."] And the Bible said, "He is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Is that right? ["Amen."] How many know that true? Raise your hand so they... All right. I'm not among strangers, on this Word.

169Now how would He act if You touched Him? He would act the same that He did when He was here, because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

170Now you just believe. You just say, "Now, Lord, I've been in meetings I've been, but I'm just going to believe, today. I--I'm not even going to take no thought of myself. I'm just going to believe with all my heart, that You're here. And I have a need, and You just... You help me, Lord." See? Now you do that. Don't get nervous; just--just calmly faithful.

171 A gift of faith is not something you take and do something with. A gift of faith is you just get yourself out of the way. The gift is getting your ownself out of the way.

172Now here stands a woman. Father God knows, as far as I ever knowed, I never seen the woman in my life. She is a total stranger to me. But, and there isn't about two or three people I can see out there, I do.

173I think this is Mrs. Vayle sitting here, Brother Lee's wife. I'm not sure. Then I know these three or four boys sitting right along here. Far as I know, that's all that I see in the meeting at this time, that I know. I believe that's Brother Anthony Milano sitting there, from New York. Brother Pat Tyler from Kentucky. Outside of that... I know Fred Sothmann is in there somewhere, I heard him holler "amen" a while ago. That, that's about the limit, and Heavenly Father knows that.

174 And this woman standing here, and I never seen her. I have no idea what she is here for. She is just a woman come up here on the platform, the same as you are sitting out there.

175Now, if this woman is in need, well, then I--I, if I could help her, I--I'd sure do it. But now I--I... That depends on what she needs. If it was money, I--I might rake up five or ten dollars. Outside of that, I don't know, see, lest I'd give her a postdated check, till I get my pay next month. But now what if she has got domestic trouble? Then I'd say, "Go get your husband, let's talk together, maybe I can help you. 'I have no way of getting home'? Well, I'll ask somebody if they'd take you, take you home, going your way. You live down on what street down here?" Or whatever it is, I don't know. But if it's sickness, then I--I don't know. See? But I don't know the woman.

176But there is Someone here, this Word, that promised, "The things that I do shall you also."

177 Now, perhaps, what if this woman is sick, maybe she has got cancer, maybe she has TB, and, or something that medicine can't help at this--at this stage? Well, now, I couldn't, I by no means could heal the woman.

178But now if He can reveal to me what she wants, just like He did the woman at the well, or like He told Nathanael, or--or told Simon what his name was. Said, "Your name is Simon. You're the son of Jonas. Henceforth you'll be called Peter, which means 'a little stone.'"

179Well, now, if He would do something like that here in the presence of all of you, that goes to show that that Word is Truth. Now, how many will believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Is there anybody here knows the woman, raise your hand, any peoples in the building? Yeah, many of you know her. All right. And Father knows that I don't. Well, now, let's just see what He would say. And that, would that be a paradox? ["Amen."] I don't know what's wrong with her. Don't know what she is here for, or nothing about her. But God knows that.

180 I'm going to speak to the woman. Now this is the first person I've had before me, for about three months. Now I just want to talk to the lady, just a moment. And that is what? Contact her spirit. Just like Jesus did the woman at the well, contact her spirit.

181Now, if the Lord Jesus, lady, can reveal to me what's wrong with you, or what you're here for, or something about it, that you know that I don't know nothing about, or something on that order, would you believe it was Him? It would have to be Him, wouldn't it? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] It would have to be Him. If He will do it, then we'll all be thankful that we know we're... that His Word is right, then we can put confidence in that.

182Now, if He can reveal what your trouble is, to me, and me not knowing you, and you know that; but now if He can reveal to me what your trouble is, or something about you, then that shows that there is a Spirit here, somewhere, that knows you, and you know that I don't. So it wouldn't be the man, it would be the Spirit. And that's what God promised at this time of Ephesus. Do you believe that to be the Truth? [The sister says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] May He grant it.

183 I see one thing, she is suffering with something like a sinus troubles up here in her head. That is true. Is it? Raise up your hand if that's it. But sinus wouldn't cause you to sneeze and carry on like that, so you have hay fever, also. That's right. You're not from Phoenix. You're from where there--there is lots of hills, trees. You're from Flagstaff. That's right. You believe God can tell me who you are? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] You're Mrs. Earl. Yeah. ["Right."] Is right, is it? Now go, believing, it'll all be over.

184Now is He the same yesterday, today, and forever? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, the Heavenly Father knows I just seen the woman. See the Word vindicated. Now, it isn't me, I'm just a man. Just like this microphone, it's a mute without me speaking through it, or somebody. And so is a man just a mute. But it's the Spirit, and that Spirit is right out there among you. See? He is the healer, not me.

185 How do you do, sir? Another man that's a person who is a stranger to me. I don't know the man. Now, as far as I know, I've never seen him in my life.

186But now the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ is the same-self Spirit. The anointed One, Jesus, the Man, was the Son of God, but the Holy Spirit was on Him was God. "My Father dwells in Me." See, It's the Holy Spirit, so it's still God.

187Now if I can just get myself, that man can get hisself, out of the way, then that part is dead, then let the Spirit of Life go to work. See? That's why I wait just a minute, to see what happens till the anointing gets started.

188 If the Lord God, Whose Presence we are in, will reveal to me, sir, what your trouble is, or something you've done, or--or something about you, just something. Course, more we would talk, more it would go. But, see, there is others standing in the line. But if He'll just tell me what your trouble is, will you believe me to be His servant, and believe He is present? [The brother says, "Yes."--Ed] A rupture. That right? ["Sure is. Yes."] Right.

189Now you say, "How was that done?" I wish I knowed. There is nobody can explain that. That's a paradox. See?

190Here, that you might know, I seen something else, an examination; got heart trouble, too. Raise your hand. Mr. Anderson, you can go home now, Jesus Christ will make you well. That's right. Just believe, have faith. Don't doubt.

191 How do you do, sir? We are strangers to each other. I don't know you. Far as I know, it's the first time I ever seen you, for me to know you. That's right. But He knows us, both of us.

192Now you know why this is taking place? It's His grace permitting it, that it would bring these people conscious of God. Now, not knowing nothing about you, not even knowing you no way, just a strange man that come here. Now it would be absolutely a paradox for something to happen, to--to know what was wrong with you, or something you had done, or something you ought not have done, or something you should have done, or who you are or something about you. It would have to be a paradox, 'cause there is no way for anybody to know that, outside of some revelation of the unseen. That's right. Now if He'll do that for you, between you and I, so that the audience... not a show, but that they might see the--the Ephesus is here, that this is the thing that bridges between denomination and the Glory Land. He promised it, that they might be assured that what we're telling is the Truth.

193Now to know you, you know I don't. That's, raise up your hand so the people see that you... I, I've never seen the man in my life. He's just a man standing here. Ask any of the others. But you're suffering with a rupture. You also have hemorrhoids. That's right. You've come a long ways, to get here. You're not even an American. You're a Canadian. You brought with you a son that has mental affliction. That's true. You want me to tell you where you're from? You're from the province of Sasketchewan, Saskatoon the city. Believe with all your heart, and God will send you back home well, with your son, if you believe. You believe it? God bless you.

194Do you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Lord God still remains God. See? There is none other but Him.

195 How do you do? Here is a lady, a stranger to me, perhaps a little older. I've never seen her; but she is--she is just a woman standing here. I'm going to have to hurry, 'cause I just got seven or eight minutes now, see. Just look here. Do you believe that these things are true? With all your heart? You know it's impossible for me to know what's wrong with you, or anything about you. But it isn't impossible for God to know, because He knowed even before there was a world. Isn't that right? [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.]

196How many believe that to be true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure. He knowed every time you would bat your eye. He is infinite. And just think; by His grace He has presented, with His Gospel, the same thing He promised to do. Then there is a Heaven, and we're going to it. And we're in this Ephesus right now. We're in this, coming out of one, into another.

197You have so many things wrong with you, complications, so many things wrong. And you're not from here. You are from west of here. You're from California. That's right. You also have a son that's afflicted. That's right. You... There is something, I keep seeing water or a great big lake. Oh, it's, you have--you have someone that's close to you, that lives in Chicago, that knows me. That's right. That is true. Now, you know I don't know you, but do you believe God knows who you are? Mrs. McGuire. You got your request. Go home thanking God.

How do you do? You're a mighty young person.

198 But sickness and disease is no respect of person. How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We just know that it's no respect of person.

199"If thou canst believe with all thine heart and all thy soul!" That asthma would leave you if you would believe it with all your heart.

200The chest trouble, do you believe it would leave you, too, sister, and you would be made well? What did you touch? She is twenty feet from me, or more. She touched the Master. It's congestion, of nerves. You'll be all right.

201This is a noble thing this young woman stands here for. She straightly is a stranger. I've never seen the woman. But she has been brought here by somebody else. And what brings her here, was because she heard a tape that I made. And she is here seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's exactly what she is here for. That is true, young lady. That's right. Come here.

202Dear God, may this child standing here, that's breaking forth from darkness into Light, may she receive the Holy Spirit; go to her home and her loved ones, show them what great things Jesus has did for her. Amen.

God bless you. Don't doubt. Believe.

203 God can heal all kinds of nervousness and (do you believe that?) asthmatic conditions, and make you well. Do you believe that? Then go, believe with all your heart. May God bless you, brother.

204How old are you? [The sister says, "Thirty-eight."--Ed.] You have to come out of that nervousness before too long, don't you? Having all kind of weary spells, and everything happening to you. But it's left you now. Yes, sir.

205God heals nervousness, stomach trouble, too. Do you believe that? Then go eat what you wish to. Jesus Christ healed you.

206Do you believe out there, every one of you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

207There is a man sitting with a--a shirt, looking to me, yeah, he looked down at his shirt just then. Yeah. Do you believe God can heal gland trouble, can make you well? You was believing then (wasn't you?), that same time this little boy got cured of that asthmatic condition.

Go home, honey, you're going to be a well girl, see. Believe with all your heart.

208Little lady sitting next to, your wife there, could you believe your eyes will get well, too? You believe that God will heal that eye trouble? Raise up your hand if that's what you was praying for. See?

What did they touch? Jesus Christ the Son of God.

209 Do you believe? Do you believe, young man? God can heal that blood condition, make it right, (will you believe that?) take that diabetes stuff away and make you well. Do you believe that? Go tell Him you believe it, and go.

210Come, sir. Got stomach trouble. Do you believe God can heal it, make it well? [The brother says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] Go, believe it; you'll be well, be made whole.

211Come, bring this little boy. Look here, son. Come a long ways. Sometimes change in altitudes, change in climates, will do it, to heal asthmatic condition. But there is one sure healing, Jesus Christ the Son of God. He gave His Son, that yours might be healed. Do you believe that? Believe it with all your heart, and it'll leave him. He'll be normal, well man. God bless you, sister.

212Do you believe? Is God still performing paradoxes? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The unexplainable, unreasonable, things that people wouldn't understand how it would be, but it's still true, isn't it? ["Amen."] Now how many is sensing, and knowing in your spirit, that there has got to be Something here that's beyond human understanding?

213 Now, I think we called at least fifteen people in that line, every one of them; and four or five, six, out there in the line, without prayer cards, or whatever they was out in the line there, out in the audience there. But we're right now just one minute of time, of closing.

214Did He do it just exactly the way He said He would do it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now how many believes He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, sensing His Presence? ["Amen."] Now you seen His Presence. Now your eye has seen, your ears have understood, and God has confirmed, before your eyes, His Presence. And that what you feel all the time, that condemns you when you're wrong, and tells you not to do that, that same God has become visible to you here this afternoon, in His works. How many says "amen" to that? ["Amen."] Sure, it is. Now He is here.

215 Is there one here in the midst of us, that's never been a Christian; never had any confession, you just never did go to church? Would you stand up, and say, "I want to stand, not to you, minister; but I want to stand while I'm in the Presence of this Person, Jesus Christ, Who is the Holy Spirit over us now. I want to stand and say, 'I want You to save me from my sins'"? That's all I want you to do, just stand up, and that will witness. That's all we have time to do. Say, "I want to be a Christian." Stand to your feet, and then sit right back down.

216Is there one in the building? How many is in the building? I oughtn't to say, "Is there one?" 'cause there might be more than one. How many in the building will stand right now, and say, "I have been wrong, God. Forgive me. I'll raise up to give You testimony that I've been wrong. I'll sit down while I'm here in Your Presence. I'll sit down"? Just stand up.

217Is there one, is there more than one? One hand. God bless you, young man. Is there another? God bless you. Is there another? God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, brother. Is there? God bless you, back there. Is there another, "I have been wrong. God, forgive me"? God bless you, sir. "I've been wrong. I--I'm sorry, Lord." God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.

218 Has there been anybody that's been suspicious of this ministry, and you're convinced now that it's true? Raise up your hand, say, "God, forgive me." Just raise up your hand, say, "I--I was a little suspicious, Brother Branham; it's all gone now." Raise your hand. Not a one? Thank you.

219How many believes This? Couldn't be me; but it's the Christ, the Son of God. Thank you. Then you shall see greater things than this done, as long as you'll believe. Just stay with Christ. I'll do my best to stay right with Him, myself.

220Now how many here that's sick and needy, raise up your hand, "I'm--I'm sick, Brother Branham, I'm needy"? See, just look at the people. Now will you do this and just believe my word this much? Let's put our hands on one another, while I just hold my hands out towards you.

Let's pray.

221 Dear God, I bring to You this little audience, this afternoon, where we have heard and read the Word of God. We know that it's every bit the Truth, because it's Your Word. We've not only now believe it to be true; we know that it's true. We have seen You, Lord, do something that will make people know that there is still... Besides a paradox of--of the world, and space, and the natural laws of God, we can see here where that the law of death working in a human's body, where that science has failed to--to cure by their research. And, Lord, we're grateful for those people. We by no means belittle them. We're grateful for them. But, Lord, when it comes to a place that they can do no more, now we see Your great hand come in; knowing that there is no man could heal them, because he would be a doctor, or have to take some remedy. But to see the Son of God come down, and that made the promise, that we all believe in it.

222 And every person held their hand up, that wasn't saved, and--and wanted to be saved. God, something warned their heart. Some of them said they "had been wrong," maybe backslid and wanted to come back. I pray that You'll take each one back. For they know, Lord, and knowed... Many of them may have known me, or of me, for these years, and know that there is no good thing in a man, and especially me. How could there be any good thing? But yet they seen that Word, that God promised, made manifest. They are convinced that It's the Truth. They've accepted It.

223Many here I could not bring to the platform. And, Father, Thou bear me record, never have I said that it would be something that I could do, no more than yield myself to You, and let You take me out of the way and put Your Spirit in there to work. Now, Father, seeing that one person can do that, other can do it, I pray that each one that has their hands laying on each other, that's sick and afflicted, will be healed just at this time.

224Let the great Holy Spirit pass through the building just now and make everyone well. Save everyone, Lord. Give such an experience. Pour out the Holy Ghost, Lord, upon this audience. Oh, we're looking for You to do great things this coming week. Just let it be so, Lord, right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

225 Now let us all stand to our feet. Do you believe with all your heart? Now I wonder if our sister, at the piano there, would give us a--a--a little chord of this, "I Will Praise Him. I Will Praise Him." You've heard that? Now let's sing it, together. Now we'll hope to meet you tomorrow evening. Now we'll dismiss officially, just in a moment, but I want to sing this song with you. All right, let's go.

I will praise Him, (let's raise our hands) I will praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

226Let us bow our heads now for the dismissing prayer. All right, Brother Jewel Rose is going to dismiss us. God bless you, Brother Rose, while we have our...

1 Môžete si sadnúť. Čakal som veľmi dlho, aby som sa dostal späť sem do Phoenixu. Som skutočne šťastný, že môžem byť dnes popoludní tu. Keď som vo Phoenixe, je tu niečo, čo spôsobuje, že sa cítim byť medzi ľuďmi, ktorí sú mojimi priateľmi a majú ma radi. A to je nádherné ... Odtiaľto sú modlitební bojovníci, ktorí sa za mňa modlia už roky. Nikdy nezabudnem na prvé zhromaždenie, ktoré som mal tu, s bratom Outlawom, bratom Garciom a pastormi z mesta. Ako ho Boh požehnal, hoci vtedy moje zhromaždenia len začínali.

2 Odvtedy to vo Phoenixe boli veľké ... V mojom srdci je niečo, čo sa dá ťažko vyjadriť. Ako malý chlapec som vždy chcel ísť do Phoenixu. Stále som čítal o púšti, keď som bol ešte malý, zložil som o nej, o Arizone, básničky.

3 Som tak rád, že som teraz domáci. Myslím, že mám tak okolo roka alebo trochu viac. Ale až tak o mnoho veľa starších sa nenájde. Každého, na koho narazím, sa pýtam: "Pochádzaš odtiaľto?"

"Nuž, tak nejako som. Som tu už tak dlho"

4 A možno by som musel ísť do rezervácie Apačov alebo inde, aby som našiel skutočných rodákov. Nedávno mi niekto povedal: "Brat Branham, ako sa ti páči Arizona?" Povedal som: "Nuž, to bola jedna z vecí na ktorú som v živote očakával, že budem žiť v Arizone. A Boh mi to vyplnil."

5 Teraz sme tu pred začatím Konferencie obchodníkov, ktorá sa stala pre nás každoročným podujatím. A dnes popoludní sme sa tu zhromaždili na takom predstretnutí pred konferenciou, ktorá začína, myslím, v utorok večer.

Za posledných pár rokov je to mojim privilégiom, prísť a mať pri tej príležitosti malé zhromaždenie, skôr ako začne skutočné zhromaždenie, či vlastne konferencia. Brat Williams je taký drahý priateľ, on a sestra Williamsová. Skutočne mám v srdci teplé miesto pre týchto ľudí. Stále znovu ma pozývajú. A tak sme šťastný, že môžeme dnes popoludní toto pozvanie vyplniť.

6 A tiež na pódiu, brat Fuller, brat Jewel Rose a brat Tony Stromi z Tusconu, brat Borders, manažér našej kampane a dobrý, starý, vzácny brat Arganbright. Boli sme spolu v mnohých ťažkých bojoch. Očakávam, že raz na druhej strane tej rieky budem bývať s ním - na druhom brehu tej veľkej rieky.

7 Nemôžem si spomenúť na bratovo meno. Snažil som sa ... "Ako sa voláš, brat?" (Brat odpovedá "Al Bore.") Bore. Brat Bore. Jeho tvár je mi známa a nie si ty ten brat, čo tiež tlmočí ... (Brat hovorí: "Tlmočí nepočujúcim.") Nepočujúcim. To je ... Tak sme veľmi šťastní, že vás tu všetkých máme.

8 Práve som sa pozeral dolu predo mňa a vidím tu niektorých mojich priateľov z Arkansasu. Keď som tu bol prvý krát, hovoril som vám, že kdekoľvek som bol, našiel som niekoho z Arkansasu. Som si istý, ak kedy prídem do neba, nájdem tam nejakých ľudí z Arkansasu, pretože oni určite boli verní, horliví.

9 A teraz, obyčajne hovorím dlho. Ale snažil som sa ako najlepšie, zoradiť moje miesta Písma a poznámky, aby som nehovoril príliš dlho. A chcem sa modliť za chorých, zatiaľ čo som vo Phoenixe.

10 No, posolstvo, ktorým ma Pán poveril, niekedy to je, viete, tieto veci sa stávajú dosť citlivé. V každom veku to tak bolo. Vždy som sa snažil ako som najlepšie vedel, držať s tým krok. Je to niečo ... Ak som nehovoril to, čo mi Boh povedal a ak to nebolo od Boha, potom by to nebolo v Slove. Ale ak je to v Slove a je to zasľúbenie na túto hodinu, vtedy cítim, že robím to, čo je správne, pretože sa len snažím držať toho, čo On zasľúbil na túto hodinu.

11 A mnohokrát, keď človek naruší niečiu teológiu, okamžite sa s ním rozídu. Ale tak by to nemalo byť. Ja sa snažím ... Mám priateľov vo všetkých denominačných cirkvách a podobne, a nikdy som sa nerozišiel s tými bratmi. Idem do ich zborov, všade, kam mi dovolia prísť a hovorím. Ale nemali by sme sa rozchádzať kvôli drobným pojmom.

12 Ale viete, keby som povedal niečo iné, ako je v mojom srdci, bol by som pokrytec. A ja ... v žiadnom prípade. Možno by som sa musel stretnúť s Ním ako hriešnik, ale určite sa nechcem s Ním stretnúť ako pokrytec. Chcem byť úprimný. A ak som rovno povedal: "No, toto proste vynechám, pretože, ak ostatní z nich veria toto a tamto ..." čo by som bol za človeka? Nemohli by ste mi vôbec dôverovať. A ja by som nemohol dôverovať Bohu alebo sebe, ak tak ľahko robím kompromisy. Každý musí mať niečo, v čom si je istý. A vtedy môžeš spočinúť vo viere, keď máš istotu. Ale pokiaľ si si nie istý, ak je tam nejaká otázka, nechaj to tak, až kým nebudeš mať istotu.

13 Billy už asi rozdal nejaké modlitebné karty, myslím, že ... Áno, povedal som mu. A myslím, že mi pred chvíľou povedal, že to urobil.

14 Za chvíľu budem niekoľkých volať do modlitebného radu, aby som sa za nich modlil. A ak bude vyvolaná vaša karta a vy ste si nie istý, že Boh je uzdravovateľ a že vás uzdraví, nič z toho nebudete mať, že sem prídete, pretože ak máte nejakú pochybnosť, nebudete uzdravení. Ak je nejaká pochybnosť... Keby ste povedali: „No, v mojom živote je niečo, toto musím dať skutočne do poriadku", choďte a dajte to najprv do poriadku, a potom príďte späť do modlitebnej rady, vidíte.

15 Pretože uzdravovanie je chlieb pre deti. Uvedomujeme si to. Je to vo vykúpení a vykúpenie sa týka prv našej duše. A uzdravenie vždy predchádzalo každé posolstvo a tiež to bol prostriedok ako zhromaždiť ľudí. A to je ... Mnoho ľudí bude sponzorovať zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním, mnohí prídu na zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním alebo na festival piesní. Ale ak ide o úbohé stratené duše, aby boli spasené, to mnohých ľudí nezaujíma. Oni proste ... Ale to je to hlavné.

16 Božské uzdravovanie a festivaly piesní a podobne sú iba ... Ako zvykol hovoriť brat Bosworth, "To je len návnada na háčiku; a rybe ukážete len návnadu, nie háčik." A to je vlastne to, ako zaujať ľudí, aby na chvíľu počúvali, kým im skutočne prednesiete svoje posolstvo. Boh tak robil v každom veku. Uzdravovacie kampane boli vždy v každom veku. A ak je to pravá uzdravovacia kampaň, za ňou je vždy posolstvo. Znamenie nie je dané len pre znamenie. Je to predzvesť posolstva.

17 A ja verím, že to isté je ... Pred sedemnástimi rokmi, alebo je to teraz osemnásť rokov, ako ma Pán vyslal, aby som sa začal modliť za chorých, to spôsobilo medzi ľuďmi veľké prebudenie. Mnoho veľkých Božích služobníkov vystúpilo s uzdravovacími kampaniami a ... Ale uzdravovacia kampaň ako taká, ak stále zostávate v tom istom starom trende, ako ste vždy boli, tam je niečo nesprávne. Tá uzdravovacia kampaň nebola poslaná od Boha. Ona mala prv upútať pozornosť, (rozumiete?) upútava pozornosť, a potom prichádza posolstvo.

18 Ježiš, keď On vystúpil, uzdravoval nemocných, a tak ďalej, bol pre nich všetkých veľkým prorokom. Ale keď im začal hovoriť pravdu Evanjelia, to kto On je a odkiaľ pochádza, potom bol ... Potom nebol populárnym. A takto to bolo stále v každom veku. A takto to bude pokračovať.

19 No, dnes popoludní sme tu, a potom zajtra popoludní v tejto istej sále. Vždy o siedmej. Je to tak, brat? O sedem tridsať zajtra popoludní, lepšie povedané večer a potom v utorok večer a myslím tiež v stredu večer. (Brat hovorí: "Hostinec Ramada, streda.") V Hostinci Ramada, v stredu. A potom vo štvrtok (to je správne) začína konferencia. A ak Pán dovolí, chcel by som tu byť až do konca.

20 Som tu vašim bratom, pomocníkom v Božom kráľovstve, aby som vám pomohol vo všetkom v čom môžem, aby som odpovedal na vaše otázky; možno to nebudem schopný urobiť, ale v častých modlitbách, možno porozumieme, keď sa budeme za to modliť a pôjdeme s tým k Bohu, a nebudeme vyjadrovať svoju mienku.

21 Ak ste chorí, želám si, aby som vás mohol uzdraviť, ale to nemôže vykonať žiadny človek. To už je vykonané. Uzdravenie spočíva v tebe. To je tvoja viera v to dokončené dielo, ktoré Boh vykonal na Golgote s Ježišom Kristom. A pomimo toho nieto uzdravenia.

22 Pomimo toho nieto spasenia. Žiadna cirkev, žiadna denominácia, žiadny rituál, nič z toho nemá v sebe spasenie. Jedine Ježiš Kristus. "On bol ranený pre naše neprávosti, jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení." Bol ranený pre naše neprávosti, jeho sinavicou sme boli (všetko v minulom čase) sme boli uzdravení. No, na tom ...

23 Mám len krátky čas na to, aby som k vám dnes popoludní hovoril, možno dvadsať, tridsať minút, potom začneme s modlitebným radom. Každý deň, ako obyčajne, prichádzajú noví ľudia, takže budeme vydávať nové modlitebné karty. Ale budeme robiť všetko, čo bude v našej moci, ak nám to Boh dovolí - budeme sa modliť za každú chorú osobu, ktorá príde a bude chcieť, aby sme sa za ňu modlili.

24 Ak je taký prípad, možno že niekoho priviezli lietadlom, kto umiera, naliehavý prípad a podobne, nuž, vyhľadajte brata Williamsa, Billyho Paula alebo niekoho z nich, aby ich dopravili do vedľajšej miestnosti. Oni nechcú ... Nemôžu sedieť, umierajú. Musíme im hneď poslúžiť. Tak, položte ich tam, aby som sa mohol hneď k nim dostať.

25 Ale je oveľa lepšie, ak nie ste v tak naliehavej potrebe, aby ste - aby ste jednoducho vzali svoje vyznania a svoje predstavy a odtisli ich od seba na niekoľko minút - dosť dlho na to, aby ste počúvali, čo hovorí Písmo a potom čo Boh robí s tým, čo zasľúbil. A to bude budovať vieru. A nebudete musieť ísť ani do modlitebného radu, ani aby sa niekto za vás modlil. Už ste uzdravení, ak tomu môžete proste veriť. Vidíte?

26 A to je účelom, aby ste mali čas uvedomiť si, čo Ježiš pre vás urobil. Nie je nutné prísť sem a kľaknúť si a modliť sa až - až budete spasení. Vy už ste spasení. Ale musíte to prijať. Vaša modlitba to neurobí. Je to vaša viera, ktorou ste spasení. Nie modlitbou, ale vierou ste spasení.

27 Tak isto je to s uzdravením. Som si istý, že všetci tomu rozumieme. Ak je medzi nami niekto, kto nás nepozná, chcem, aby ste vedeli, že tak, ako ja, alebo táto skupina ľudí, s ktorými som tu - Obchodníci plného Evanjelia - nikto z nás nereprezentuje žiadnu denomináciu alebo organizáciu. Reprezentujeme len veriacich kresťanov, vo všetkých denomináciách. Každý je vítaný. Sme radi, že vás tu máme.

28 Poviete: "Nuž, ja patrím do určitej cirkvi. Môžete sa za mňa modliť?" Nemusíte ani patriť do cirkvi, nemusíte robiť nič, len poďte sem a verte Bohu. To je všetko, čo musíte urobiť. Boh urobí ostatné.

29 No, zodral som jednu Bibliu, odvtedy, ako som začal s uzdravovacími zhromaždeniami alebo lepšie povedané, s modlitbami za chorých. Pred rokmi, je to okolo osemnásť rokov, mi brat Kidson a jeho skupina v Hustone, Texas, darovali Bibliu. A ja som ju používal, keď som chodil krížom krážom po svete, až kým sa celkom nerozpadla. Vypadli z nej strany. Práve som dostal novú.

30 A zvláštna vec - nie som poverčivý. Dúfam, že si to o mne nemyslíte. Keď mi dali túto Bibliu, boli v nej dve tenké záložky, úzke stužky. To je Biblia, akú som mal ... Brat Kidson mi dal jednu, bola to Scofieldova Biblia.

31 No, nie preto, že súhlasím s pánom Scofieldom, čo sa týka jeho poznámok. Niektorí z vás možno áno, niektorí nie. Ale ja ... dovoľte mi povedať, že nepoužívam Scofieldovu Bibliu pretože tomu verím. Pretože on má všetko tak rozdelené do odstavcov, a bola to jedna z mojich prvých Biblií a ja som sa ju proste naučil tak čítať. Proste mám stále takú istú Bibliu. Ak by som mal Thompson Chain, to by bolo omnoho lepšie. V odvolávkach Thompson Chain by som mohol nájsť môj text omnoho rýchlejšie.

32 Ale keď som otvoril túto Bibliu, prvá úzka stužka v Biblii bola na veľmi zvláštnom mieste. Bolo to keď Šalamún zasväcoval Boží chrám a Božia sláva bola taká veľká, tá sláva Shekinah v tej budove, že kňazi nemohli ani slúžiť. A potom nasledujúca stužka bola tam, kde sa Ezdráš vrátil a zasvätil Chrám. A tretia malá záložka, na ktorej bolo moje meno a tak ďalej, tú mi dala moja manželka a vsunula ju do Biblie, tá bola u Marka 11:22. Ona ju len tak zasunula do Biblie, a tak bola na tom mieste. To je, "Ak povieš tejto hore: pohni sa ..." A vy všetci viete, kedy som rozmýšľal o tomto mieste Písma. Vy ľudia, ktorí počúvate pásky, bolo to vtedy, keď boli stvorené tie veveričky. Tak presne.

33 A potom, to zvláštne na tom bolo, že na tej záložke bol obrázok môjho obľúbeného vtáka, červienky obecnej, vtáčika s červenou hruďou. Ako hovorí legenda, voľakedy bol hnedý. Ale raz zomieral na kríži jeden muž. A vtáčikovi bolo muža tak ľúto, že priletel a snažil sa vytiahnuť klince. A zakrvavil si celú svoju malú hruď. A odvtedy má hruď červenú. Ja tiež chcem takto stretnúť svojho Spasiteľa, s jeho krvou na sebe, vo vnútri mojej hrude, na mojom srdci.

34 A potom moje prvé zhromaždenie, posolstvo, ktoré mám tu kázať, je vo Phoenixe, v Arizone. Phoenix znamená niečo, čo môže vyrásť z ničoho. To je to, čo robí Boh. Berie nič a vytvorí z toho niečo. A moje posolstvo dnes popoludní, na nasledujúcich tridsať - štyridsať minút, má názov Paradox. A chcem čítať z Písma, ktoré ...

35 Pred niekoľkými rokmi, keď ... zobral som Bibliu, alebo že ste mi podali Bibliu, keď som prv začínal svoju službu a len som zobral vašu Bibliu a mnohí z vás ste videli, keď som to robil; jednoducho som ju takto chytil a povedal: "Pane, kde je posolstvo pre mňa." Otvorila sa v Jozuovi, 1. kapitola. Každá Biblia, ktorú ste mi podali. Až raz v noci prišlo videnie, ktoré dobre poznáte, a videl som, že z neba prichádza Biblia. Ruka s golie- rikom, s takouto manžetkou, podala dolu prvých deväť veršov z Jozuu. To je to, čo budem čítať dnes popoludní, moje miesto Písma, ktoré budem čítať. Môj text sa nachádza v 10. verši, chcem povedať v 10. kapitole a v 12. verši.

36 Ale skôr ako otvoríme Bibliu, skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Teraz so sklonenými hlavami a srdciami poďme myslieť takto - nech to nie je iba obyčajné zhromaždenie. Také máme stále. Ale modlime sa k Bohu, každý jeden z nás, aby toto bolo neobyčajné ... až tak neobyčajné, že Božia prítomnosť bude s nami stále počas celého zhromaždenia.

37 Nebeský Otče, sme vďační za toto nádherné a vzácne privilégium byť tu vo Phoenixe dnes popoludní, zhromaždení tu v tomto krásnom auditóriu, medzi týmito ľuďmi. A teraz chceme pristúpiť k Slovu. "A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami!" A nech je to znovu, Pane, aby sa Slovo stalo telom. Ono bude prúdiť cez tvoju cirkev a cez tvojich ľudí, aby vyplnilo zasľúbenia tejto hodiny. Keď si uvedomujeme, že sme na konci času, že čas dobieha do konca. Splýva s večnosťou. A my sme na západnom pobreží. A tak ako civilizácia postupovala z východu na západ, tak sa aj Evanjelium pohybovalo s ňou. A teraz už nie je miesto kde by išlo, jedine že pôjde znovu späť na východ. Ono je dokončené.

38 Nebeský Otče, modlíme sa, aby toto bola pre nás všetkých veľká hodina; aby sme mohli vnímať prítomnosť Ducha Svätého, Autora tohoto Slova, vzadu v budove chrámu tela, ako sa pred nami prejavuje v ospravedlňovaní našich hriechov, odpúšťaní naších neprávostí a s uistením, že veriacemu nebude počítať hriech, s týmto uistením. A bude tiež uzdravovať naše choroby, dvíhať ľudí z invalidných vozíkov, oslobodzovať od barlí, dávať zrak tým, ktorí sú slepí a predĺženie dní tým, ktorí umierajú na strašné choroby, ako je rakovina a tuberkulóza, choroby v pokročilom štádiu, ktoré naši lekári nemôžu vyliečiť. Lebo je to mimo ich dosahu. Ale ty, Bože, predstihuješ všetok vedecký výskum. Si ďaleko nad všetkou ľudskou logikou. Udeľ svojim sluhom dnes popoludní, nech hovoria a počúvajú Tvoje Slovo na tému Paradox. Lebo prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

39 Teraz v Biblii, Jozue 1. kapitola a Jozue 10. kapitola. 1. kapitola od 1. verša.

"A stalo sa po smrti Mojžiša, služobníka Hospodinovho, že takto povedal Hospodin Jozuovi, synovi Núnovmu, sluhovi Mojžišovmu:

Mojžiš, môj služobník, zomrel; preto teraz vstaň a prejdi cez tento Jordán, ty i všetok tento ľud, do zeme, ktorú im ja dám, synom Izraelovým.

Každé miesto, na ktoré šľapí vaša noha, dal som vám, tak ako som hovoril Mojžišovi,

všetko od púšte a od tohoto Libanona až po veľkú rieku, po rieku Eufrates; celá zem Hetejov až po Veľké more, na západe slnka, bude vašim územím.

Nikto neostojí pred tebou po všetky dni tvojho života. Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem s tebou; nezanechám ťa ani ťa neopustím.

Buď silný a pevný, lebo ty rozdelíš tomuto ľudu do dedičstva zem, o ktorej som prisahal ich otcom, že im ju dám.

Len buď silný a pevný veľmi ostríhať, aby si činil všetko podľa celého zákona, ktorý ti prikázal Mojžiš, môj služobník. Neuchýľ sa ani na pravo ani na ľavo, aby si múdre a rozumne robil vo všetkom a všade, kamkoľvek pôjdeš.

Neuhne táto kniha zákona od tvojich úst, ale budeš rozmýšľať o nej vodne i vnoci, aby si ostríhal a činil všetko podľa všetkého toho, čo je napísané v nej, lebo vtedy sa ti podarí tvoja cesta a vtedy budeš robiť múdre a rozumne.

Lebo veď či som ti neprikázal: Buď silný a pevný! Netras sa ani sa nestrachuj!? Lebo s tebou je Hospodin, tvoj Boh, vo všetkom a všade, kamkoľvek pôjdeš."

"Vtedy hovoril Jozua Hospodinovi, v deň, v ktorý vydal Hospodin Amoreja pred synmi Izraelovými, a riekol pred očami Izraela: Slnce v Gibeone, stoj ticho, a mesiac v údolí Ajalon!

A slnce stálo ticho a mesiac stál, dokiaľ sa nepomstil národ na svojich nepriateľoch. Či nie je to napísané v knihe Spravedlivého? A slnce stálo naprostred nebi a neponáhľalo zapadnúť tak asi za jeden celý deň.

A nebolo takého dňa predtým ani potom, aby bol Hospodin takto počul na hlas človeka, lebo Hospodin bojoval za Izraela."

Nech Pán pridá požehnanie ku čítaniu Jeho Slova.

40 Takže téma dnešného popoludnia, Paradox. Slovo "paradox", ako som si ho práve vyhľadal aby som si bol istý, že to dobre rozumiem, slovo paradox znamená, podľa Websterovho slovníka, že to je niečo neuveriteľné, ale je to pravda. Viete, počuli sme staré príslovie, že „Pravda je oveľa (Ako sa to hovorí?) oveľa nezvyklejšia ako výmysel. To je pravda. Pretože keď niekto hovorí pravdu, niekedy je to veľmi zvláštne.

41 Poznám jedného svojho priateľa, ktorý - hore v Colorade. Mali tam urobiť prieskum, išli zistiť koľko je tam losov. A v jednom stáde bolo dvadsaťjeden losov. A môj priateľ, keď ... on tam hore poľoval, keď tam prišli dozorcovia. A oni zaplatili veľkú sumu, tá rezervácia, za jedny tie motorové sane, aby tam mohil ísť a urobiť prieskum. On povedal: "Nemuseli ste vydať všetky tie peniaze. Ja vám môžem povedať, koľko je tam losov!"

A oni sa mu len smiali. Povedali: "No, koľko?"

A on povedal: "Je ich tam devätnásť." Povedal: "Bolo ich tam dvadsaťjeden a ja som zastrelil dvoch."

A strážca sa mu smial. Dovolené je zastreliť len jedného, viete. Povedal: „Viem, že si to urobil."

On povedal: "Áno, to som urobil. Bolo ich dvadsaťjeden a zastrelil som dvoch."

Ale strážca sa len smial a odišiel. A toľko ich tam bolo, devätnásť losov. Vidíte? Obrátil sa ku mne a poznamenal: "Vidíš, pastor? Len povedz pravdu a ľudia ti neuveria!" Vidíte, len povedzte pravdu, tak to je určite nezvyklejšie ako povedať výmysel.

42 Jozue tu, to je kniha; Je to vlastne kniha vykúpenia Starého Zákona. Jozue ... Budeme to musieť jasne zobrať pod úvahu, že je to tak, kniha vykúpenia. Pretože to je ... Vykúpenie má dve časti. Kdekoľvek sa deje vykúpenie ono má dve časti. To je „vyjdenie" a „vojdenie". Teda sú potrebné dve časti aby sa odohralo vykúpenie, „vyjdenie" a „vojdenie".

43 Mojžiš reprezentoval zákon, ktorý ich vyviedol z Egypta, zatiaľčo Jozua predstavoval milosť, a tá ich voviedla do zasľúbenej zeme. Inak povedané, zákon a milosť sú dva rozdielne aspekty Božieho prikázania. A tak, zákon ich vyviedol von, Mojžiš a Jozua ich voviedol dovnútra.

44 To tiež znázorňuje niečo pre náš deň. To znázorňuje, keď oni boli na ceste, vychádzali z Egypta a išli do zasľúbenej zeme, tak aj my vychádzame zo sveta, z Egypta, z chaosu a ideme cestou do zasľúbenej zeme. "V dome môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov. Keby nebolo tak, povedal by som vám to." Ján 14. Vychádzanie von a vchádzanie dovnútra.

45 Je to zákon, ktorý nám dáva poznávať, že sme zlí, ale to je milosť, ktorá nám odpúšťa. V zákone nieto nádej na vykúpenie, pretože to ... A aby to bolo dokončené ... V ňom nieto milosť, pretože zákon len ukazuje, že ste hriešni. Ale milosť vám hovorí, ako sa z toho dostať. Zákon je policajt, ktorý vás zatvára do väzenia, milosť je to, čo prichádza a platí vašu pokutu. A vyjsť a vojsť dovnútra, do milosti.

46 V Efeze ... Nachádzame to isté. Stará Zmluva ... Myslím, že táto kniha Jozuu pasuje, vhodný názov pre ňu by bol Kniha Efežanom Starej Zmluvy. List Efežanom Starej Zmluvy by bol vhodným titulom pre knihu Jozue, pretože jej obsah to vystihuje.

47 Takže už vieme, že Jozue predstavuje milosť alebo nejaké zmierenie, ktoré nemohlo existovať v tom istom čase, keď vládol zákon.

48 Ani žiadne posolstvo, ktoré ďalej vedie ľudí sa nikdy nezhoduje s tým predchádzajúcim posolstvom. Ono to nevykoná. S tým majú ľudia dnes problém. Ježiš povedal: "Či prišíva niekto záplatu zo surového súkna na staré rúcho, alebo či vlievajú nové víno do starých kožíc?" To by sa zničilo. Ono by ich potrhalo. Nevydržali by. A Jozua nemohol vôbec nastúpiť do svojej služby, jedine potom keď odišiel Mojžiš. Tak vidíte, že hneď prvý verš tu hovorí: "Mojžiš, môj služobník, zomrel. Teraz vstaň a zober týchto ľudí do zasľúbenej zeme."

49 Mojžiš, ktorý reprezentuje zákon, poslúžil vo svojom čase. Zákon poslúžil vo svojom čase. Oni v skutočnosti hneď na začiatku začali s milosťou. Lebo skôr, ako dostali zákon, dostali milosť. Zatiaľ kým boli v Egypte, boli bez zákona, boli len kňazi, a tak ďalej, ale nemali žiadny zákon. Vtedy zákon ešte nebol daný.

50 Z milosti dostali proroka a tiež milosť zaobstarala zmierenie, obetného baránka. Dostávame sa do toho tento týždeň ku obeti, krvi, lebo len pod ňou sa nachádza naše uzdravenie. Takže ... Zmierenie bolo zaobstarané skôr ako akýkoľvek zákon. Milosť bola pred zákonom, počas zákona a po zákone. Takže tam bol ... Jozua, ktorý predstavuje milosť, tam bol súčasne so zákonom, ale nemohol sa uplatniť skôr, kým bol zákon na jeho náležitom mieste.

51 A tak je to aj v cirkevnom svete v týchto posledných dňoch. Ide to spolu, odohráva to svoju časť. Ale prichádza čas, keď to musí zaniknúť. Musí sa tak stať. Táto cesta tiež musí mať Efežanov, práve tak ako mali tie iné cesty. Musia sa objaviť nejakí Efezskí, nejaký Efez, Efežania na tejto ceste. Dávajte pozor. Lebo ako som zdôraznil, zákon nikdy nemôže spasiť hriešnika. Nemôže.

52 Teda, zasľúbená zem predstavovala čas milosti. Vidíte, on ich tam nemohol voviesť, na tej ceste. A ak ste si všimli, na tej ceste, ich cesta mala tri etapy. Prvou bola príprava vo viere dolu v Egypte pod obetným baránkom.

53 Potom prekročili Červené more a vošli na púšť, do oddelenia. To predstavovalo ďalšiu etapu ich cesty. Pretože počas prípravy, keď sa všetci pripravovali, potom, keď prišli k Červenému moru, tam znovu bolo sklamanie. Ľudia neverili. Potom, ako videli mnohé veci, ktoré Boh urobil, stále ešte neverili. A Boh otvoril Červené more a zobral ich ďalej, z čoho sme naučení, že všetci ľudia boli pokrstení v Mojžiša pod oblakom a v mori.

54 A tak boli pokrstení, činili pokánie, a boli pokrstení a vyšli, aby kráčali v novom živote, v novej zemi, po novej ceste, medzi novými ľuďmi a Božia ruka bola nad nimi. Ale nakoniec na tejto svojej ceste prišli na miesto, že neboli spokojní so svojím chodením v milosti. Museli prísť na niečo, čo by mohli robili sami.

55 A to si ľudia myslia aj dnes, pri Božom uzdravovaní, alebo pri ... nech sa čokoľvek deje z Božej milosti, oni si myslia, že je tam niečo, čo vy musíte robiť. Nemusíme urobiť nič, len veriť! Len veriť Bohu. A keby boli pokračovali v ... Zasľúbenie nedostali pod zákonom, zasľúbenie im bolo dané prv, ako bol zákon, a nespájalo sa s nijakými podmienkami. "Dal som vám túto zem. Vojdite do nej." Ale prv ako sa dostali do toho zasľúbenia, rozhodli sa, že je niečo, čo musia urobiť sami.

56 Stále to nachádzame medzi ľuďmi. Máme k tomu sklony. Stále musíme niečo robiť. A cítime sa tak, že musíme tiež na tom niečo mať. Vy máte na tom niečo urobiť, a to je vydať svoju vlastnú vôľu, vydať svoje vlastné predstavy do vôli a plánu Všemohúceho Boha a je to dokonané. Len o to ide. Zober proste jeho zasľúbenie, nemysli na nič iné. Kráčaj podľa neho a Boh urobí to ostatné.

57 Vtedy oni chceli zákon. A Boh nám vždy dáva túžbu nášho srdca. On to zasľúbil. Ale vidíme, že keď odbočili jeden krok zo smeru, ktorý im Boh pôvodne zasľúbil, potom to bol tŕň v tele, až kým zákon nebol odstránený, až kým neprišiel Ježiš Kristus a bol ukrižovaný, aby odstránil zákon. Bol to tŕň v tele.

58 A čokoľvek, čo by ste sa snažili robiť zo seba, vždy vám to bude na hanbu. Spôsobí vám to škodu. Jednoducho len verme Bohu a tým to bude vybavené. Čo Boh zasľúbil: "Lebo Ja som Pán, tvoj Boh, ktorý uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci." Vidíte? "Je niekto nemocný medzi vami? Nech si zavolá starších zboru." On sľúbil, že skutky, ktoré On robil, sa budú diať v Jeho cirkvi.

59 Prečo by sme mali akceptovať organizácie a všetko podobné, to bude vyškrtnuté z tej Knihy. Také veci sa vždy stávajú tŕňom v tele. A tu, v poslednom čase, sa s tým stretávame opäť, tvárou v tvár. Týka sa to Metodistov, Baptistov, Presbyteriánov a iných. Vidíte? Nemôžete ísť ďalej. Musíte sa vrátiť naspäť k celému úplnému Evanjeliu. Ono bolo dané pre úplného človeka skrze dokonalého Boha, ktorý sa stal telom a prebýval medzi nami. A my vieme, že tieto veci sú pravda.

60 No, ak si potom všimneme, na ich ceste po púšti, tam spravili najväčšou chybou, akú Izrael kedy urobil až po Golgotu. To bolo vtedy (v 19. kapitole Exodusu), keď prijali zákon namiesto milosti. Oni mali milosť. Mali proroka. Mali obetného baránka. Mali vykúpenie. Boli prevedení cez Červené more. Boli uzdravovaní zo svojich nemocí. Mali vodu z udretej skaly. Mali mannu z neba. Všetko, čo potrebovali, dostali, ale stále chceli niečo inšie.

61 No a to je dokonalý predobraz našich dnešných Efežanov, presne. Vyšli sme za času Luthera, išli sme cez posvätenie za času Metodistov a prišli sme do obnovenia za času Letničných, presne tak ako to bolo na ceste púšťou. Keď nás Boh vyviedol, bolo to veľmi dobre. Ale čo sme urobili? Chceli sme byť ako ostatní.

62 No, zisťujeme, že milosť je to jediné, čo nás dovedie do cieľa. Nikdy nie zákon. Jozua je tu typom služby v posledných dňoch. Vidíte? Pamätajte si, tie tri etapy cesty, to všetko ustalo. Najprv zákon a všetko muselo ustať, aby Jozua ... a Jozua znamená to isté ako Ježiš, Jehova - Spasiteľ, ktorý ich vyviedol z ich púšte do zasľúbenej zeme.

63 Nechcem nesúhlasiť s učenými, ale mnohí sú presvedčení, že zasľúbená zem predstavuje nebo. Nemohla by predstavovať nebo. Nemohla, pretože oni tam mali vojny a problémy a zmätok a všetko možné, v zasľúbenej zemi. To nepredstavuje tá zasľúbená zem.

64 Ale všimnite si, tesne predtým ako vstúpili do zasľúbenej zeme, všetky tie rozdiely, ktoré povstali medzi nimi ... Oni mali ... Jedným z najväčších problémov bol Kórach. On nechcel vodcovstvo tohoto jedného muža. Dátan, a ako oni vystúpili pred Mojžišom a snažili sa mu povedať, že „posolstvo musí znamenať toto," a dávali mu iný výklad, svoje vlastné názory, že čo to znamená. A oni všetci zahynuli. Všetci. Ježiš povedal: "Oni všetci zahynuli."

Oni povedali: "Naši otcovia štyridsať rokov jedli mannu na púšti."

65 Ev. Jána 6. Ježiš povedal: "A oni všetci pomreli." Zomrieť, znamená byť večne oddelený. Oni všetci sú mŕtvi, hoci radi počúvali posolstvo, hoci sa tešili z manny, ktorá padala. Nie z nejakej inej manny, ale z pravej manny.

66 A keď prišiel čas, keď Balám vystúpil so svojim falošným učením a povedal: „Všetci sme jedno. Prečo by sme sa nespojili, nech sa naše deti spolu ženia a vydávajú. My sme veľký národ. A vy budete veľkí spolu s nami."

67 A každý, kto má bežné duchovné porozumenie môže vidieť aj dnes presne to isté, všetci sa spolu ženia a vydávajú. A to bol neodpustiteľní hriech. Izraelu to nikdy nebolo odpustené. Ale potom povstal Jozua aby nastal exodus.

68 A teraz, sme naučení, v 6. kapitole Zjavenia o (verím, áno, 6. kapitola) o siedmich pečatiach. Ktoré majú byť ... Tá kniha je zapečatená siedmimi tajomstvami, alebo siedmimi pečaťami. A v posledných dňoch, Zjavenie 10, v Zjavení 10 nachádzame, že Laodicea, posledný posol pre posledný vek, že počas jeho prorokovania má byť otvorených sedem pečatí, sedem tajomstiev, sedemnásobné tajomstvo, ktoré bolo zanechané.

69 V každom veku oni niečo z toho zanechali. Reformátori nemali čas venovať sa tomu. Vo dňoch Luthera, on kázal len ospravedlnenie z viery. Keď odišiel, oni utvorili cirkev. Potom prišiel Wesley. On kázal posvätenie. Tak to bolo. A potom prichádzajú letniční.

70 Ale je nám zasľúbené podľa Zjavenia 10, a podľa Malachiáša 4 a v ev. Lukáša 22:17 a tak ďalej, že do tohoto majú prísť nejakí Efežania. Je to zasľúbené, priatelia. Musia prísť Efezskí, lebo tieto sedemkrát zapečatené tajomstvá Božieho Slova musia byť odhalené. A to sa deje v tomto Laodicejskom veku.

71 Verím, že sa v ňom nachádzame. Verím, že sme práve v tieni príchodu Božieho Syna. A tak ako povstal Jozue, práve predtým ako povstali tí Efežania, tak povstal Ján Krstiteľ, práve pred tými ďalšími Efežanmi a máme prisľúbené ďalších, ďalších Efežanov. Je to predpovedané tu v Písme, tak tedy, myslím, že znovu žijeme v Efezskom veku. Znovu späť do ... Máme zasľúbenie, že to čo bolo vynechané v priebehu tých siedmich vekov ...

72 Nemôžeme nič pridať do Biblie, ani nič z nej odňať. Tak je to povedané v Zjavení 22:18. "Keby ktokoľvek pridal jedno slovo alebo odňal jedno slovo, jeho diel z knihy života bude odňatý." Nemôžeme teda pridať ani odňať.

73 Takže vieme, že Luther sa k tomu nemohol dostať. Wesley a ďalší, reformátori, Knox, Finney, Calvin a ďalší, podobne, oni to nedostali všetko. Ale to čo oni mali, to bola pravda Evanjelia. Ale teraz, v posledných dňoch je nám dané porozumenie zo Slova, že tomu budeme rozumieť, lebo príde do toho Efezský vek. A my sme tu. No, paradox ... No, skončím s týmto, pretože mám už len okolo desať minút a potom sa budeme modliť za chorých.

74 Paradox ... Niektorí ľudia dnes neveria v zázraky. Oni hovoria, že v dnešnej modernej dobe veriť v niečo také, ako sú zázraky, sa nedá. No, nechcem povedať nič zlé o tej osobe, ale oni sú duchovne otupení. Oni sú duchovne slepí. Nemajú žiadny duchovný zrak ani vôbec žiadne duchovné cítenie. Pretože nikto nemôže sedieť v dave ľudí, medzi ktorých zostupuje Duch Svätý, bez ohľadu na to, či ten človek je úplný hriešnik, alebo hriešnica, ale oni sú obmezení aby vnímali prítomnosť Božiu, keď vidíte že sa vyplnilo Slovo, ktoré On zasľúbil. Potom musíte byť otupení; a keď na vlastné oči vidíte, že sa to deje, potom musíte byť slepí, duchovne. Nehovorím, že telesne. Ale môžete byť určite duchovne slepí, hoci váš telesný zrak môže byť v poriadku – 20:20.

75 Pamätáte sa na Eliáša tam dolu v Dotáne, keď ranil slepotou celú armádu? Biblia hovorí, že to urobil. A viedol ich rovno do pasce, keď nevedeli kto to je. A pritom mali jeho ... presne tak ako má vyzerať a tak ďalej a on vyšiel rovno ku nim. Ale oni boli slepí.

76 A môžete stáť v prítomnosti živého Boha, môže byť pod pomazaním Ducha, vidieť ho, ako sa pohybuje a predsa sa vás to nedotkne. Môže vidieť, čo Boh povedal, bolo vám to kázané, dokonale a potom zamanifestované, ale stále do toho nevojdete, neveríte tomu, potom, ste mimo dosahu. Už ste mŕtvi, otupení, slepí, hotoví. Oni boli úplne ...

77 Svet. Chcel by som vedieť, ak tá istá osoba, ktorá neverí v zázraky, chcel by som vedieť ... a oni hovoria, že existovať môžu len tie veci, ktoré možno ... skutočné je to, čo je vedecky dokázané. Chcel by som vedieť, keby ste mali nejakého vedca alebo hocikoho, kto neverí v zázraky, aby mi vysvetlil, ako sa tento svet drží na svojej obežnej dráhe. Ako je možné, že sa s takou úžasnou presnosťou otáča okolo svojej osi? Nemáme žiadny prístroj ani hodiny ani nič iné, čo by mohlo fungovať s takou presnosťou, za mesiac bude mať odchýlku niekoľko minút. Ale Slnko je absolútne presné. Za tisíce rokov, ako beží čas, sa nikdy nepohlo. Určite, dokonale.

78 Ako môže mesiac na milióny míľ vzdialený od Zeme - ako môže stále kontrolovať príliv a odliv? Len mi povedzte, ako môže Mesiac, v tejto galaxii, v ktorej žijeme, mať taký vplyv na vodu na Zemi? Podložte mi to vedecky. Ale to sa nedá, lebo veda nemá spôsob, ako to vysvetliť.

79 Ale Boh postavil Mesiac, aby pozoroval more. A keď sa Mesiac začne obracať chrbtom, keď sa Zem odvracia, nastáva príliv. Ale keď sa prebúdza na druhý deň ráno a pozerá sa späť na svoju dráhu, prílivové vlny bežia znovu na svoje miesto. To je strážca.

Možno poviete: "Dobre, ale to je len na pobreží."

80 Nie, to je rovno tu v Arizone, priamo až v štáte Kentucky, kdekoľvek by ste kopali dosť hlboko, aby ste našli slanú vodu, zistíte, že keď nastáva odliv, voda v sonde klesá. A keď prichádza príliv, voda v sonde vystupuje hore - stovky míľ od pobrežia.

81 Mohli by sme o tom kázať. Ako ten Boh, bez ohľadu ... On je v sláve, ale jeho nariadenia majú tú istú moc na celom svete a na každom kto sa drží toho zasľúbenia. Jeho poriadok je daný. On má zákony prírody. A oni budú fungovať úplne presne od Letníc alebo od ktoréhokoľvek času. Stále keď Boh niečo zasľúbil, On stále bude stáť za tým zasľúbením bez ohľadu na to kde sú ľudia, alebo koľko tisícročí prešlo. A Jeho zákony zostávajú stále také isté.

82 Ako semeno, keď padne do zeme, zhnije, aby znovu zrodilo život. Vyzerá tak isto, ak má priniesť život, bude to vtedy keď bude mať svoj dokonalý tvar. Ak bol vôbec v ňom život, prečo by potom nevystúpil? Len ho dajte do zeme, život vyraší. Prečo všetko, čo je okolo toho života, okolo toho zárodku, ktorý nikto nemôže nájsť, ako to, že všetok materiál okolo toho zárodku musí zomrieť, aby to mohlo vyrásť do nového života? Ale všetko naokolo musí najprv zomrieť a zhniť, prv ako to môže vydať život.

83 Tak je to s človekom. Pokiaľ sú v ňom akékoľvek ľudské očkovania, ľudské predstavy, dovtedy Boží zárodok života, Duch Svätý nemôže pôsobiť. Nemôžete byť uzdravení, pokiaľ je tam niekde hoci len úlomok toho, to ešte nezhnilo; má to všetky ľudské zložky, všetky vedecké nápady, všetky tie "dni zázrakov pominuli" a všetko podobné. Všetko to musí, všetko to musí nielen zomrieť, ale zhniť. Potom z toho rastie zárodok života do nového života. To je jediný spôsob ako to môže rásť. To je dôvod, prečo nedostávame to, o čo prosíme. Snažíme sa zobrať so sebou príliš mnoho svojich vlastných názorov.

84 Tu je príčina, prečo luteránska cirkev nemohla postúpiť ďalej, než ako postúpila, aj Letniční a ostatní, pretože naočkovali skrze množstvo teológov: "Toto nemôže byť takto, toto je na iný deň, toto bolo pre tamto ..." Tam to stojí. Nemôže to rásť do tej dokonalej postavy Krista až kým nie je vo vás prijaté každé Slovo Božie, a potom sa stanete tým Slovom, ako semeno, ktoré vošlo do zeme.

85 Rád by som im trochu vysvetlil Židom 11:3. Najväčší vedec, akého sme kedy mali, pokiaľ viem, bol Einstein. Keď tu, nie je to dávno, v New Yorku, počúval som čo hovoril. Hovoril o galaxii, aká je rozľahlá, a dokázal, že existuje večnosť. Ako človek, ktorý by sa pohyboval rýchlosťou mnoho miliónov míľ za hodinu, potreboval by tak mnoho - alebo milión svetelných rokov za hodinu - a trvalo by mu to toľko rokov, asi 300,000 alebo tak nejako, aby ju preletel a potom 300,000 aby sa vrátil späť - a potom skrze to nejako dokázal, že ten človek bol preč zo Zemi iba nejakých 50 rokov. Večnosť. A bola to len malá galaxia spomedzi tých, keď ich Boh vypustil zo Svojich rúk.

86 Biblia hovorí a Einstein nakoniec prišiel ku tomuto: „Je len jediný spôsob, ako človek môže vysvetliť pôvod tohoto sveta. Je to v liste Židom 11:3. -- Vierou rozumieme, že sú svety ustrojené slovom Božím." Je to presne tak. Veda nemá o tom ani poňatia. A potom hovoríte, že neveríte v zázraky? Ako by ste to mohli povedať?

87 Ako mohol nejaký vedec vysvetliť Noachov dážď, keď dovtedy nepadla na zem ani kvapka dažďa? Ale Noach povedal, že bude pršať. A keď Noachov dážď prišiel, navzdory všetkým vedeckým predpokladom, nebolo na oblohe ani mráčka - nikdy tam nebolo dažďa. Oni mohli dokázať, že tam hore nie je žiadny dážď. A potom keď Boh otvoril nebesia a lial prúdy vody, ktorá zaplavila celú Zem, bol to paradox! Akože ... Je to určite absurdné, nevysvetliteľné; ale my vieme, že Boh to urobil, lebo Biblia tak hovorí. A máme dnes na Zemi dôkazy, že to tak bolo. Boh to urobil. Bol to paradox.

88 Keď si Boh vybral starého muža, menom Abrahám, sedemdesiatpäť ročného a jeho žena mala šesťdesiatpäť rokov, mnoho rokov po čase života, po prechodoch; a keď zobral tohoto muža a dal mu zasľúbenie, keď mal sedemdesiat päť rokov pre túto ženu s ktorou bol ženatý, ktorá bola napoly jeho sestrou ... Žil s ňou od jej dievčenských rokov. Zobrali sa, keď ona bola možno veľmi mladá, a teraz mala šesťdesiatpäť. A povedal: "Budeš mať dieťa s touto ženou."

89 A čo keby bol Abrahám povedal: "Ja neverím v paradoxy. Ja to jednoducho nemôžem prijať." Nikdy by sa to nestalo. Ale viete, keď poviete, že niečomu veríte, potom to musíte uviesť do chodu. Potom bolo Abrahámovi prikázané, aby sa oddelil od všetkej neviery a chodil jedine s Bohom. A namiesto toho, aby slabol, stávala sa silnejší. A keď mal sto rokov a Sára deväťdesiat, prišlo to dieťa.

90 Ako mohol Abrahám zobrať svojho syna, cestou, ktorá trvala tri dni, na miesto vzdialené možno deväťdesiat míľ od akejkoľvek civilizácie, na vrchol hory, tam kde mu Pán ukázal, aby tam išiel a obetoval svojho vlastného syna, Izáka? Izák, ktorý niesol hore drevo, ako vieme, čo je predobrazom na Krista. A hore na tomto vrchu mal obetovať Izáka ako obeť.

91 A keď vyplnil všetko, čo mu Boh prikázal, chcel prepichnúť hrdlo svojho syna a tak ho usmrtiť. Keď vytiahol svoj nôž z pošvy a zdvihol ruku, aby doslovne poslúchol Boha, pretože Biblia hovorí, že on vedel, že Boh nemohol dať zasľúbenie, ktoré by nevyplnil. A on ho prijal ako z mŕtvych, tak On je schopný vzkriesiť chlapca z mŕtvych a znovu mu ho dať; a keď bol pripravený poslúchnuť Boha úplne vo všetkom, Boh chytil jeho ruku a povedal: "Zadrž svoju ruku, Abrahám."

92 A bol tam baran zachytený v kroví za rohy, v pustatine, na vrchole tej hory, kde sú levy, vlci, hyeny, šakali a veľké dravé zvery, ktoré sa živia ovcami. A bolo to celkom hore, na vrchole hory, kde niet vody. Odkiaľ sa ten baran tam vzal? Abrahám zbieral všade okolo kamene aby postavil oltár. Ale ten baran tam jednako bol. To bol paradox.

93 A ktokoľvek, kto verí Bohu a berie Ho za slovo, nezávisle od toho, aké sú okolnosti, Boh vykoná ďalší paradox, aby splnil Svoje Slovo. Lebo Abrahám pomenoval to miesto Jehova - Jireh, "Pán si opatril obeť pre Seba." On stále môže spôsobiť aby sa stal paradox. Môže to urobiť dnes popoludní, ak Ho len vezmeš za Slovo.

94 Daniel v jame plnej hladných levov! Ako je možné, že ten muž - ako je možné, že ten muž medzi hromadou hladných levov, vydržal s nimi v tej jaskyni celú noc a zostal nedotknutý? Stál tam anjel Pána, ktorého nikto iný nevidel. To bol paradox. Niečo tie levy muselo držať, aby sa na neho nevrhli.

95 Keď boli tie židovské deti vhodené do rozpálenej pece, to bolo proti všetkému vedeckému porozumeniu v tom veľkom veku. To bolo nevedecké, že by človek, ktorý je hodený do ohnivej pece ... Muži, ktorí ich tam dopravili, zahynuli, a oni padli do tej pece a zostali nažive celý čas, čo tam boli. A jediná vec, čo sa stala, bolo, že ich to uvoľnilo od pút. To je paradox. To je nevysvetliteľné, absurdné, ale jednako je to pravda.

96 A je tu Jozua, o ktorom sme hovorili. Ako ten muž, taký celkom obyčajný muž, ktorý prešiel cez mnoho vierovyznaní, ktoré vytvorili tí ľudia, a cez zákony a ceremónie, v ktorých nebolo nič, čo by hovorilo niečo o tom, ako môže človek získať silu na to, aby zastavil Slnko.

97 Ale tu s poverením od Boha. "Každé miesto, na ktoré stupí vaša noha, dal som vám. Ja budem tam." A nepriateľ bol rozohnaný. Slnko sa klonilo k západu. Ak by tí králi mali dosť času znovu sa zorganizovať, na druhý deň by Jozua určite stratil mnoho mužov. Ale Jozue vedel, že potrebuje svetlo. Pozrel hore na Slnko a povedal: "Stoj ticho, Slnko v Gibeone a Mesiac v údolí Ajalon." A Slnko stálo ticho a Mesiac stál ticho asi tak dlho ako celý deň, bolo to počas celej noci. To je paradox. Muž, ktorý kráčal vo vôli Božej, mohol urobiť takú vec, pretože bol v ... bol znovu v Efeze, bol v Efezskom veku, s Evanjeliom. Skutočne, bol to paradox.

98 Mojžiš s palicou vo svojej ruke, ktorý išiel tam dole a vyslobodil deti Izraela, to bol paradox. A Egypt mal všetky svoje armády a dobre trénovaných mužov - to bol paradox.

99 Narodenie z panny, bol paradox. Ako mohla panna - a to sa nedalo nijako vedecky zdôvodniť - žena, ktorá nepoznala muža, ako mohla porodiť dieťa; a to nie iba obyčajné dieťa, ale Imanuela a On dokázal, že bol presne tým, kým mal byť. Ako sa to mohlo stať? Bol to paradox. Pretože Boh to povedal Svojmu prorokovi stáročia predtým a prorok poslúchol Slovo Boha. A to Slovo bolo vypovedané a Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami. A my tomu veríme. Samozrejme, že to paradox.

100 Ako to, že On mohol chodiť po vode, to bol paradox. Ľudská bytosť, podľa veľkosti svojich chodidiel by to nemohla dokázať. Ale On to urobil. Čo to bolo? Nedá sa to vysvetliť, ale jednako to bol paradox. Boh to urobil. Veríme tomu.

101 Nakŕmiť päť tisíc ľudí dvomi rybami a piatimi chlebmi? Ale On to urobil. Rozmnožil nie len živé ryby, ale pečené ryby; nie len surový chlieb, ale upečený chlieb. Ako mohol premeniť vodu na víno? Samý paradox.

102 Uzdravil chorých na lepru - s tou si do dnešných dní veda nevie poradiť, nevie ju vyliečiť. Ale Ježiš to urobil Svojim Slovom. Bol to paradox. A On je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Jeho Slovo stále uzdravuje chorých. Je to paradox. Áno.

103 On vzkriesil mŕtvych, potom keď z nich vyšiel ten smrteľný život. Lazara, syna vdovy z mesta Nain, Jairovu dcéru. On kriesil mŕtvych Svojim Slovom. Lebo On je to Slovo.

104 A ďalšia veľká vec, na záver, na dôkaz, že On bol Mesiáš. Dôkaz toho, kým On bol, že musel prísť podľa poriadku tak, ako odpoveď na Slovo. A Slovo povedalo, keď On hovoril k prorokom: "Pán, váš Boh, vzbudí proroka ako som ja." Povstalo mnoho mužov. A prešli stáročia, a oni nemali žiadneho proroka.

105 Och, oni mali kňazov a veľkých mužov. A ako si čítame dejiny od Malachiáša po Matúša, to je štyristo rokov, oni mali slávnych mužov. Ale nemali proroka.

106 A potom, keď On prišiel na scénu, aby dokázal, že On je ten Efežan, ktorý sa zamanifestoval, Ján to ohlásil. Ale Ježiš tým bol. On bol to Slovo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, On sám.

107 Keď raz Peter prišiel k Nemu s Andrejom, on sa volal Šimon. A keď Ježiš tam stál, On nikdy v živote nevidel toho muža (Počúvajte pozorne), keď tam stál a pozeral na toho muža, a povedal: "Tvoje meno je Šimon a si synom Jonáša" - to bol paradox. Skutočne bol. To bol určite paradox.

108 A keď to Filip, ktorý tam stál, počul, a vedel, že všetko preukazuje, že toto je Mesiáš, on si bol istý. On tomu veril. Nebol necitlivý a nebol ani slepý. Bežal popri brehu niekoľko míľ a našiel svojho priateľa Natanaela. A keď on prichádza a pristupuje ... Viera toho muža, ktorý mohol priviesť iného človeka na zhromaždenie, aby videl ... Keď prišiel pred Ježiša, Ježiš povedal: "Hľa, opravdivý Izraelita, v ktorom niet ľsti!"

109 To naplnilo úžasom toho muža. On povedal: "Odkiaľ ma poznáš?" Teraz dávajte pozor; to je nezmysel. To sa nedá pochopiť. On povedal: "A ako si ma vôbec poznal." On povedal: "Prv, ako ťa zavolal Filip, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa." Paradox!

110 Ježiš potreboval ísť cez Samáriu, a keď tam prišiel, do mesta Sychar, sedel tam vonku a čakal na svojich učeníkov, ktorí išli do mesta kúpiť jedlo. A všimnite si, nejaká žena prišla tam ku studni, žena zlej povesti. A On jej povedal: "Žena, daj sa mi napiť, alebo, dones mi vody."

A ona povedala: „Nie je zvykom pre vás, takto hovoriť. My sme ... Ja som Samaritánka a ty si Žid. My sa s vami nestýkame."

On povedal: „Ale keby si vedela, s kým sa rozprávaš ..." Pozorujte tento paradox, ktorý sa ide odohrať. Nech vám to neujde.

Ona povedala: "Ako môžeš toto povedať? Ja som žena zo Samárie, a ty si Žid. My nemáme s vami nič."

On povedal: "Ale keby si vedela, s kým sa rozprávaš, alebo kto sa rozpráva s tebou, ty by si prosila mňa, aby som sa ti dal napiť. "A posúval sa ďalej, až kým nezistil, v čom bol jej problém. A povedal: "Choď, zavolaj svojho muža a prídi sem."

Ona povedala: "Nemám muža!"

On povedal: "To je pravda. Nemáš muža, lebo si mala piatich, a ten, s ktorým teraz žiješ, nie je tvoj manžel. Takže si povedala pravdu."

Ona povedala: "Pane, vidím, že ty si prorok." Oni nevideli proroka už stovky rokov. Ona povedala: "My vieme, že príde Mesiáš, a keď On príde, On nám bude hovoriť tieto veci."

A On povedal: "To som Ja!"

111 To bol potvrdený paradox! Bola to pravda Evanjelia! Evanjelium, ktoré toto zasľúbilo, a tu sa to stalo a potvrdilo, že čo to je.

112 No, dovoľte mi, že vám tu predložím veľký, vzácny paradox, len minútku. V Jánovi 14:12 Ježiš povedal, zasľúbil, že ten, kto verí v neho, bude robiť tie isté veci. Je to pravda? Boh, ktorý tvorí zákon alebo dáva sľub, musí ten sľub dodržať, aby bol Bohom. On to dodržuje. Rozmýšľajte, Boh ... Aha, to samo o sebe je paradox, pretože Boh, ktorý dáva zasľúbenie a nemôže zrušiť to zasľúbenie, dáva zasľúbenie o tých veciach, ktoré dal svojim ľuďom aby sa tým riadili po celý ten čas až kým sa znovu nevráti.

113 "Choďte do celého sveta a kážte Evanjelium každému stvoreniu. (Každému stvoreniu, po celom svete). Ten, kto uverí a pokrstí sa, bude spasený; a kto neuverí, bude odsúdený. A tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tých, ktorí uveria."

114 On musí dodržať to Slovo. A pretože to povedal, vyšlo to z Jeho úst, musí sa to vyplniť. Celé Písmo sa musí vyplniť. Takže už to je paradox, počuť Ježiša, Božieho Syna, povedať vetu, ako je táto. "Veci, ktoré ja robím, aj vy budete robiť."

115 No, Biblia v liste Židom 13:8 hovorí: "On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky." To je paradox, lebo to sa musí stať. "Nebesia a Zem pominú, ale ani jedno Slovo, ktoré som kedy povedal, nepominie", povedal. A tak sa to musí stať.

116 No, priatelia, ja verím, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Ja verím, že On je schopný dnes popoludní v tejto budove spôsobiť paradox, lebo On zasľúbil, že sa to stane. A o čo viacej On zasľúbil, o čo viacej je zanechané v Biblii práve do tohoto veku, v ktorom my žijeme, znovu ten Efezský vek z tých cirkevných vekov.

117 Máme sedem cirkevných vekov a je nám zasľúbené, že v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku nastane ďalší Efezský vek. To je pravda. A sme tu. Verím z celého svojho srdca, že Ježiš Kristus, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie ...

118 Ako som hovoril v mojom poslednom posolstve, keď som stál tamto oproti tej strane pred pár týždňami, stále keď pohnete svojim prstom, ide to ďalej okolo sveta, nikdy sa to nezastaví. Každý náš pohyb, ktorý urobíte, budete vidieť na súde. Televízia dokazuje, že je to tu, štvrtá dimenzia. Pretože televízia nevyrába ten obraz; ona len dopravuje cez kanál tie vlny do elektrónky a vy vidíte obraz. Farba, všetko, každý pohybujúci sa predmet, to čo sa deje na svete ide okolo sveta, prechádza teraz tu, vytvára záznam.

119 Jedného dňa sa zakončí nahrávanie vášho záznamu a vy sa budete zodpovedať za to, čo bolo nahraté. To je pravda. Bože, daj aby som bol tak zahrabaný, daj aby som bol tak mŕtvy sebe samému a všetkému naokolo mňa, aby som si bol vedomí Božieho Slova, ktoré prebýva dnes medzi nami? Modlime sa.

120 Pane Ježišu, Ty si paradox, keď sa Boh stal telom. Prosím, Nebeský Otče, aby si sa prejavil dnes popoludní, aby si sa nám tu dnes dokázal. Nielen aby si sa dokázal nám ... Predpokladám, že tu sedí 90 % alebo aj viac ľudí, ktorí tomu veria, každému Slovu. Ale aby sme Ťa mohli znovu uvidieť. A aby sme vedeli, že toto Slovo, ktoré si hovoril, že sa stále pohybuje dookola, okolo sveta, ako záznam. Dovoľ nám dnes vojsť do toho záznamu, Pane. Dovoľ nám vniknúť do neho, a nie ho len počúvať, tak ako reprodukované vychádza z ľudských úst. Ale dovoľ, aby tie ústa, tá osoba a ľudia, všetci, ktorí tu sedia, sa stali Tvojim Slovom.

121 Pane, sme pripravení zomrieť svojim vlastným myšlienkam, len aby sme videli, ako Ty dodržuješ Svoje zasľúbenie: "Skutky, ktoré ja činím, aj vy budete činiť." Modlím sa, aby si to udelil v Mene Ježiš. Amen.

122 Prv, ako vyvoláme modlitebný rad ... Sedel som raz trochu na zmrzline s jedným svojim starým priateľom lekárom. On povedal: "Chce sa ťa niečo spýtať, Billy."

Povedal som: "Dobre."

Povedal: "Veríš v ..." (Tam som prišiel na túto myšlienku: paradox). Povedal: "Veríš v paradox?"

Povedal som: "Samozrejme."

Povedal: "Viem, že veríš." Povedal: ... - rozprával mi o jednej osobe, ktorá bola po modlitbe uzdravená, ktorej dlhé roky predával lieky na epilepsiu. Niekedy mávala sedem alebo osem záchvatov denne. Boli to silné lieky.

123 A on povedal: "Oni už nikdy viac neprišli po žiadne ďalšie. Vídavam ich celý čas; nikdy viacej to nemal. A tak by som ti niečo chcel povedať, len aby si vedel, že verím tomu, o čom hovoríš."

124 Povedal: "V čase krízy, môj syn pracoval v lekárni." Povedal: "Tam pred okienkom čakal, taký mladý muž, mohol ...Poslali ho tam, stál v rade na lieky." A povedal: "Vošiel tam muž a s ním jeho manželka - drobná žena. Ona bola, keď sa na ňu človek pozrel, hneď videl, že každú chvíľu porodí." A povedal: "Už nemohla stáť v tom rade." A povedal: "On ju priviedol do dverí, ako sa opierala o jeho plece." A povedal: "Môj chlapec vyšiel a povedal: Môžem vám pomôcť?"

125 Povedal: "Áno. Tu je predpis od lekára, ale musím vám ešte niečo povedať. Povedal: "My nemáme na to ešte peniaze. Dostaneme ich pri pokladni. Ale moja manželka už nevydrží dlhšie stáť. Lekár povedal, že má liek užiť okamžite. A povedal: "Pôjdem - ak jej dáte okamžite liek, ja si hneď pôjdem stať do radu a počkám pred pokladňou na peniaze. A chlapec povedal: "Pane, ľutujem, je to proti našim pravidlám vydať liek bez peňazí Viete, aké boli vtedy časy. Povedal: "Je mi vás ľúto, ale nemôžem to urobiť."

On povedal: "Sedel som tam vzadu, čítal som noviny. Zdvihol som hlavu." A povedal: "V srdci som pocítil zvláštne teplo. Tak som vyšiel ... povedal som: ´Počkaj chvíľu, syn môj, počkaj chvíľu." Ten muž už začal odchádzať. Povedal som: "No, v poriadku, synu ..." On otváral dvere.

Povedal som: "Chvíľku prosím." Povedal som: "Čo to bolo?"

On odpovedal: "No ..." Muž vysvetlil, o čo išlo. On povedal: "Ukážte mi, prosím ten predpis. Počkaj, chvíľku, synu, urobím vám ten liek." Povedal: "Išiel som dozadu a namiešal som liek podľa lekárovho predpisu. Ten muž povedal: "Ja idem pre tie peniaze." Povedal: "Keď som mu podával ten liek, nevedel som, či ich dostanem alebo nie, len som si myslel, že by som mal. Ale cítil som, že to mám urobiť."

126 A povedal som: "Keď som dal ten liek tej žene do ruky", povedal: "bol to Pán Ježiš." Povedal: "Videl som tam stáť muža." A povedal: "Neskoršie som čítal v Písme, kde stálo: "Nakoľko ste to učinili jednému z mojich najmenších, mne ste učinili!" Povedal: " Billy, čo sa stalo s mojimi očami? Skutočne som to videl?"

127 Povedal som: "Áno! Verím tomu. Verím, že si tak splnil svoju povinnosť ako lekárnik v urgentnom prípade, preto ... Ježiš povedal: "Čo ste urobili týmto iným, mne ste urobili." Verím tomu.

128 A ja verím v to isté dnes, rovno tu v prítomnosti týchto ľudí, že Ježiš Kristus môže manifestovať Samého Seba, môže byť Slovom v tele medzi nami dnes popoludní. Veríte tomu? Nech vás Pán požehná.

129 Teraz ideme volať ľudí podľa modlitebných lístkov, aby sem prišli. Ale nemôžeme vyvolať príliš mnohých, lebo ako pozerám na hodinky, za dvadsaťpäť minút budeme musieť skončiť aby sme o štvrtej zakončili, ako je to dohodnuté. Ale budeme pokračovať. Začneme od modlitebného lístka ... Myslím, že je to "A". Dobre? Poďme od A - 1. Kto má lístok A - 1? Volám vás raz, ak ste nevládny, môžeme vás priniesť. V poriadku. Modlitebný lístok A - 1, kto ho má? Zodvihnite ruku. Niekde v budove - kde? Vzadu. Prišli by ste sem, pani, ak môžete? Jeden, dva. Kto má kartu číslo dva, A - 2? Zdvihli by ste ruku, ak ... Môžete chodiť? V poriadku, poďte sem, na túto stranu. Tri. Ak zdvihnete ruku hneď, môžem vás vziať; nemôžeme čakať veľmi dlho. Modlitebná karta číslo tri. Zdvihli by ste ruku? V poriadku, pán tam dolu. Dobre, poďte sem hore, pane.

Modlitebná karta číslo štyri. Zdvihli by ste ruku? Rýchlo, prosím, tak rýchlo, ako môžete. Karta číslo štyri. Dobre. Číslo päť. Prosím, postavte sa, číslo päť. Dobre. Číslo šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať, desať. Ja ... desať. Dobre. Jedenásť, dvanásť, trinásť, štrnásť. Idete, pane? Štrnásť. Dobre. Pätnásť.

Nuž, to ... To bude dosť nateraz, bude to dosť na dnešné popoludnie, lebo nemáme mnoho času.

130 Pozrite, chcel by som, aby ste ma pozorne počúvali. No, Ježiš dal zasľúbenie, že "Ešte krátku chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy ma uvidíte." Veríte tomu? Svet, svet, to je poriadok tohoto sveta, vidíte? Oni len ... On vedel, že oni odídu do svojich spôsobov a do takých vecí. Ale: "Oni ma viacej neuvidia, ale vy ma uvidíte."

131 Lebo On zasľúbil: "Ja budem s vami po všetky dni až do skonania sveta." Je to tak? A Biblia v liste Židom 13:8 hovorí: "On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky." Veríte tomu? To je zasľúbenie. No, vy nepotrebujete byť tu hore, aby ste boli uzdravení. Jediné čo musíte robiť, je veriť, že to Slovo je pravda. A teraz vás chcem požiadať, ak môžem, budete chvíľku úctiví a pokojní. Prišli sem všetci, Billy? Dvojka je tu, tri - čo hovoríš? Tri chýba. Číslo tri. Modlitebná karta číslo tri. (Ako, ako sa povie po mexicky tri? Vie to niekto povedať? Dobre. Určite to počuli.) Čo, ten, kto má tú modlitebnú kartu, poďte do radu, dobre? V poriadku. Myslím, že niekto ju mal a nevedel o tom a vrátil sa späť. Dobre.

Teraz, teraz, ako ... Všetci veríte z celého svojho srdca? No, modlime sa ešte.

132 Pane Ježišu, teraz si uvedomujeme, že môžeme čítať Slovo ako najlepšie vieme, vysvetliť ho. Ale, Pane, Ty si jediný, kto ho môže potvrdiť. Ty si jediný, kto môže povedať, či je to dobre alebo zle. A Otče, ja dnes prosím, sprav, aby oči ľudí boli otvorené. Nech vidíme paradox dnes popoludní, dosť na to Pane, aby to dalo ľuďom vidieť, že si tu prítomný, že nie si mimo existencie a že Tvoje Slovo je to isté včera, dnes a naveky. Pretože Ty si to Slovo.

133 Pre nemocných, Pane, pre tých, čo trpia. Mnohí z nich prišli možno z rôznych častí krajiny, z rôznych častí národa, oni musia - oni tak trpia, a nemohli by sa tešiť zo zhromaždení, ak nebudú uzdravení. A tak prosím, aby si ich uzdravil. Daruj to, Pane. No, my sme len telesné ľudské bytosti a môžeme Slovo len kázať a povedať, že to, čo si povedal, je pravda. Ale Ty si ten, kto to môže uskutočniť. A modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene, aby si to dal, Pane. Amen. A teraz by som bol rád, aby ste ma na chvíľu pozorne počúvali. A keby si každý teraz na pár minút sadol. No, pokiaľ viem - pretože nepoznám nikoho tu v budove, nikoho som nestretol predtým nikde inde. No, nemusíte tu byť kvôli uzdraveniu. Každý to vie, vidíte?

134 Bola raz jedna drobná žena, ktorá nemohla dostať modlitebnú kartu, mohli by sme to tak povedať, a dotkla sa Jeho rúcha. A On sa obrátil, pozrel a povedal: "Kto sa ma dotkol?" A nikto sa nepriznal. Pozeral sa dookola a videl tú ženu. Nemohla sa skryť, pretože, viete, Boží Duch, ktorý bol v Ňom, ho viedol. On bol to Slovo a viedol Ho priamo k nej. A On jej povedal, čo ju trápilo - mala krvotok - a bola uzdravená. Verila tomu a okamžite vo vnútri svojho tela cítila, že krvotok prestal. Je to pravda? Zastavil sa práve vtedy.

135 No, On je ten istý aj dnes. Nemusíte byť ani tu. Biblia hovorí, v Novej Zmluve, že Ježiš Kristus je náš najvyšší Kňaz. Veríte tomu? Jediným najvyšším kňazom, ktorého máme, jediným prostredníkom medzi Bohom a človekom je človek Ježiš Kristus. Veríte tomu? A Biblia hovorí: "Lebo nemáme veľkňaza, ktorý by nemohol súcitiť s našimi slabosťami." Je to pravda? Kto z vás vie, že je to pravda? Zdvihnite ruky. Dobre. Nie som medzi tými, ktorí nepoznajú Slovo.

136 No, čo On urobí, ak sa Ho dotknete? To isté, čo urobil, keď bol tu, lebo On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Je to pravda? No, len verte. Len povedzte: "Pane, teraz som na zhromaždení. Som ... Teraz chcem veriť. Nechcem mať žiadnu svoju myšlienku. Chcem veriť celým svojim srdcom, že Ty si tu. Potrebujem Ťa a Ty práve ... Pomôž mi, Pane." Vidíte? No, teraz to urobte. Neznervózňujte sa - len pokojne, s vierou ...

137 Dar viery nie je niečo, čo vy zoberiete a niečo s tým robíte. Dar viery je to, že sa proste odstúpite z cesty. Ten dar odstraňuje z cesty tvoje vlastné ja.

138 No, tu stojí žena. Boh Otec vie tak, že pokiaľ viem, že som v živote nevidel túto ženu. Je mi úplne neznáma. Ale, a ... Sú tu len dvaja alebo traja ľudia, ktorých poznám. Myslím, že je tu pani Vaylová, manželka brata Lee. Nie som si istý. A poznám týchto troch alebo štyroch chlapcov, čo sedia vedľa. Pokiaľ viem, to sú asi všetci ktorých poznám. Myslím, že to je brat Antony Milano z New Yorku, brat Pat Tyler z Kentucky. Pomimo toho ... Viem, že niekde tam je Fred Sothmann. Počul som ho nahlas kričať "Amen?" pred chvíľou. To je asi všetko. Nebeský Otec to vie.

139 A táto žena, ktorá tu stojí, nikdy som ju nevidel a nemám ani poňatia, prečo je tu. Je to len žena, ktorá prišla sem hore na pódium, taká istá, ako vy tam dolu. Ak táto žena niečo potrebuje, nuž, keby som jej mohol pomôcť, určite by som to urobil. Ale ja ... to záleží od toho, čo potrebuje. Ak sú to peniaze, môžem narýchlo pozháňať päť alebo desať dolárov. Mimo toho, neviem, iba ak by som jej dal šek s neskorším dátumom, kedy budúci mesiac dostanem peniaze.

140 No, ak má problémy v rodine? Vtedy by som povedal: "Doveď sem svojho manžela. Porozprávame sa. Možno ti môžem pomôcť."

"Nemám sa ako dostať domov." Nuž, spýtam sa niekoho, či by ťa nevzali, keď pôjdu tým istým smerom. A čokoľvek iné, ja neviem.

141 Ale ak je to choroba, tak neviem. Vidíte? Ale ja nepoznám tú ženu. Ale niekto je tu, toto Slovo, ono zasľúbilo "veci, ktoré ja robím, vy tiež budete robiť." No, možno, čo ak je tá žena chorá. Možno má rakovinu, možno TBC alebo niečo iné, čo medicína v tomto štádiu nemôže vyliečiť. Nuž, ja tiež, v žiadnom prípade, nemôžem ju vyliečiť.

142 Ale ak mi On môže zjaviť, čo ona chce, tak ako to bolo v prípade ženy pri studni alebo čo povedal Natanaelovi, alebo keď povedal Šimonovi: "Voláš sa Šimon a si synom Jonáša a odteraz sa budeš volať Peter", čo znamená "malý kameň" ... No, ak by tu urobil niečo také za prítomnosti vás všetkých, tak by vlastne ukázal, že to Slovo je pravda. No, koľkí z vás tomu veria? Poznáte niekto túto ženu? Zdvihnite ruky. Niekto v budove? Ach, mnohí ju poznáte. Dobre. Otec vie, že ja nie.

143 No, teraz, pozrime sa len čo On povie. Mohol by to byť paradox? Ja neviem, čo je s ňou. Neviem, prečo je tu, neviem o nej nič. Ale Boh to vie.

144 Budem hovoriť tej žene. Po troch mesiacoch je to prvá osoba, ktorá takto predo mnou stojí. Chcem sa chvíľu s tou paňou rozprávať. A čo to je? Kontaktovať sa s jej duchom. Tak ako to Ježiš robil pri studni, so ženou pri studni. Kontaktoval sa s jej duchom.

145 No, pani, ak mi Pán Ježiš môže zjaviť, čo ti je alebo prečo si tu alebo niečo o tebe, čo ty vieš, ale ja nie, niečo na ten spôsob, budeš veriť, že to je On? To musí byť On, či nie? (Áno, pane.) To musí byť On. Ak to urobí, všetci budeme vďační, lebo budeme vedieť, že Jeho Slovo je správne. Potom tomu môžeme dôverovať.

146 No, ak mi On zjaví, čo ťa trápi, mne, ktorý ťa nepozná (a ty to vieš), ak mi zjaví, čo ťa trápi alebo hocičo o tebe, to bude znamenať, že niekde tu je Duch, ktorý ťa pozná. Ty vieš, že ťa nepoznám ja. Tak to by nebol ten človek, to je Duch. A to je to čo Boh zasľúbil v tomto čase Efežanov. Veríš, že je to pravda? Nech to On udelí.

147 Vidím jedno. Trápi ju niečo ako sinusitída, tu hore, v hlave. Je to pravda, však? Zdvihni ruku, sestra. Ale sinus by nemal spôsobovať to, že kýchaš a iné príznaky, máš tiež vysokú teplotu. Správne. Nie si z Phoenixu. Tam, odkiaľ si, je mnoho kopcov, stromov. Si z Flagstafu. Áno? Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať, kto si? Si pani Earlová. Je to pravda, však? A teraz choď a ver. To všetko prejde.

148 No, je On ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? Nebeský Otec vie, že som len teraz videl tú ženu. Vidíte, Slovo je potvrdené. To nie som ja. Ja som len človek - niečo ako tento mikrofón. On je nemý, ak do neho nikto nehovorí. A taký je aj človek, proste nemý. Ale to je Duch, a ten Duch je práve tu, medzi vami. Vidíte? On je uzdravovateľ, nie ja.

149 Ako sa máte, pane? Ďalšou osobou je muž, ktorý mi je cudzí. Nepoznám ho. Nakoľko viem, nikdy v živote som ho nevidel. Ale teraz, ten Duch, Svätý Duch, Svätý Duch a Ježiš Kristus, to je ten istý Duch. Ten Pomazaný, Ježiš, ten človek, bol Synom Božím. Ale Duch Svätý na ňom bol Boh. "Môj Otec prebýva vo mne." Vidíte. To je Duch Svätý. Tak to je stále je to Boh.

150 No, keď sa ja proste dokážem odstúpiť, ten muž sa dokáže odstupiť z cesty, potom je tá časť mŕtva, nech potom začne účinkovať Duch Života. Vidíte? Preto chvíľku čakám, aby som videl čo sa deje, kým začne pôsobiť pomazanie.

151 Ak Pán Boh, v prítomnosti ktorého sme, mi zjaví, pane, čo ťa trápi alebo čo si urobil, alebo niečo o tebe - alebo len niečo ... lebo čím viacej by sme hovorili, tým dlhšie by to trvalo. Ale ak mi On proste povie čo ti je, budeš veriť, že som Jeho sluha, budeš veriť, že On je tu prítomný? Kýla. Je to tak?

152 Teraz možno poviete: "Ako je to možné?" Chcel by som to vedieť. Ale to nikto nemôže vysvetliť, lebo je to paradox, vidíte. Ale tu, ty možno vieš, videl som ešte niečo - vyšetrenie. Máš aj problémy so srdcom. Zdvihni ruku. Pán Anderson, môžeš ísť domov. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil. To je pravda. Len ver, zostaň vo viere.

153 Ako sa máte, pane? Nepoznáme sa. Ja vás nepoznám. Nakoľko viem, vidíme sa dnes po prvý krát. To je pravda. Ale On nás pozná oboch. A viete, prečo sa toto tu deje? Je to Jeho milosť, ktorá dovoľuje, aby si takto títo ľudia mohli uvedomiť, že to je Boh.

154 No, neviem o vás nič, vôbec nič, ste pre mňa len neznámy muž, ktorý prišiel sem ... a tak by to bol absolútny paradox, keby sa niečo stalo, napríklad keby som vedel, čo vás trápi, alebo niečo, čo ste urobili, alebo čo ste nemali urobiť, alebo čo ste mali urobiť, alebo kto ste, alebo niečo o vás - to by bol paradox, lebo to nikto nemôže vedieť, len ak by mu to bolo zjavené to neviditeľné. To je pravda. A ak to On pre vás urobí, medzi vami a mnou, tak že obecenstvo ... Nie nejaké divadlo, ale že budú môcť vidieť, že ten Efezský vek je tu, že toto je tá vec, ktorá kladie premostenie medzi denomináciami a tou slávnou zemou. On to zasľúbil, aby si ľudia mohli byť istí, že to, čo im hovoríme, je pravda ... A teraz či vás poznám, vy viete, že nie. Zdvihnite ruku, aby ľudia videli. Nikdy v živote som toho muža nevidel. Je to len muž, ktorý tu stojí. Ale trápi vás kýla. A máte aj hemeroidy. To je pravda.

155 Prišli ste sem zďaleka. Dokonca nie ste ani Američan, ste Kanaďan. Priviedli ste so sebou syna, ktorý je mentálne poškodený. Chcete, aby som vám povedal, odkiaľ ste? Ste z provincie Saskachewan - z mesta Saskatoon. Verte z celého svojho srdca a Boh vás pošle domov zdravých s vašim synom. Veríte tomu? Nech vás Boh požehná. Veríte? Pán Boh stále zostáva Bohom. Vidíte? Nieto iného okrem Neho.

156 Ako sa máte? Tu je pani, nepoznám ju, je možno trochu staršia. Nikdy som ju nevidel, je to len žena, ktorá tu stojí. Budem sa musieť trochu poponáhľať, lebo mám už len sedem alebo osem minút. Pozri sem, prosím. Veríš, že tieto veci sú pravda? Celým svojim srdcom? Vieš, že je pre mňa nemožné vedieť, čo ti je a čokoľvek o tebe. Ale pre Boha to nie je nemožné, lebo On to vedel ešte skôr ako bol svet. Je to tak? Koľkí veríte, že je to pravda? Skutočne.

157 On pozná každé mrknutie tvojho oka. On je nekonečný. A len si pomysli, zo Svojej milosti On nám daroval so svojím Evanjeliom tie isté veci, ktoré zasľúbil, že bude robiť. Tak teda, existuje nebo a my ideme do neho. A práve teraz sme v tomto Efezkom veku. Sme v tomto, vychádzame z jedného a vchádzame do druhého.

158 Ty máš mnoho problémov, komplikácií, tak mnoho vecí v zlom stave. A nie si odtiaľto. Si zo západu, z Kalifornie. Je to tak. A tiež máš chorého syna. Je to tak. Ty si ... Je tu niečo, stále vidím vodu alebo veľké jazero .... Ó, to je ... Máš ... Máš niekoho veľmi blízkeho, kto býva v Chicagu, kto ma pozná. Je to tak. To je pravda. A ty vieš, že ja ťa nepoznám. Ale veríš, že Boh vie, kto si? pani Maguire, máš, o čo si prosila, choď domov a ďakuj Bohu.

159 Ako sa máš? Mohutná mladá osoba - ale nemoci a ochorenia neberú ohľad na nikoho. Koľkí to viete? My len vieme, že sa nezastavia pred nikým. Ak môžeš veriť celým svojim srdcom, celou svojou dušou, tá astma ťa opustí, ak budeš veriť celým svojim srdcom.

160 Problémy v hrudníku. Veríš, sestra, že ťa to opustí a že budeš uzdravená? Koho si sa dotkla? Ona je dvadsať stôp odo mňa alebo viac. Ona sa dotkla Majstra. To je preťaženie nervov. Budeš v poriadku.

161 Dôvod, prečo tu táto mladá žena stojí, je veľmi ušľachtilý. Je úplne neznáma. Nikdy som ju nevidel. Ale niekto ju sem priviedol a priviedol ju preto, lebo počúvala kazetu, ktorú som nahral. A túži po krste Duchom Svätým. To je presne, prečo je ona tu. Je to pravda, mladá dáma. Je to tak. Poď sem. Drahý Bože, nech toto dieťa, ktoré tu stojí, ktoré sa prelamuje z temnosti do svetla, nech prijme Ducha Svätého, choď do jej domu a k jej milovaným, ukáž im tie veľké veci, ktoré Ježiš pre ňu urobil. Amen. Boh ťa žehnaj. Nemaj pochybnosti, len ver.

162 Boh môže uzdraviť všetky druhy neurózy, veríš tomu? Všetky astmatické stavy a uzdraviť ťa. Veríš tomu? Tak choď a ver celým svojim srdcom. Boh ťa žehnaj, brat. Koľko máš rokov? Musíš vyjsť z tej neurózy, ktorú máš taký dlhý čas, či nie? Všetky druhy tých vyčerpávajúcich recidív a všetko, čo sa ti prihodilo. Ale to ťa teraz opustilo. Len choď. Ver. Boh uzdravuje z neuróz, a zo žalúdočných ochorení. Veríš tomu? A tak choď a jedz všetko čo chceš. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil.

163 Veríte vy tam ďalej - každý jeden z vás? Tam sedí muž v košeli a pozerá na mňa. Och, práve teraz pozrel na svoju košeľu. Och .Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ochorenie žliaz, že ťa môže uzdraviť? Ty si vtedy veril, či nie, v tom istom čase, keď bol ten malý chlapec uzdravený z astmy, však? Choď domov, tiež budeš zdravý. Rozumieš? Ver celým svojim srdcom.

164 Vedľa tvojej manželky sedí malá pani. Mohla by si uveriť, že tvoje oči tiež budú zdravé? Veríš, že Boh uzdraví tie problémy s očami? Zdvihni ruku, ak je to to, za čo si sa modlila. Vidíte? Koho sa oni dotkli? Ježiša Krista, Božieho Syna.

165 Veríš? Veríš, mladý muž? Boh môže uzdraviť to ochorenie krvi, že to budeš v poriadku (Budeš tomu veriť?), že odstráni tie problémy s cukrovkou a uzdraví ťa? Veríš tomu? Choď, povedz Mu, že tomu veríš a choď.

Poďte pane. Máte problémy so žalúdkom. Veríte, že Boh to môže odstrániť a uzdraviť vás? Choďte, verte a budete zdravý, budete v poriadku.

166 Poďte, prineste toho malého chlapca. Pozri sa sem, synku. Išli ste dlhými cestami. Astmatické ochorenie sa niekedy vylieči za pobytu vo vysokých nadmorských polohách alebo zmenou klímy. Ale je jedno skutočné uzdravenie, to dokonáva Ježiš Kristus, Boží Syn. On dal Svojho Syna, aby si mohol byť uzdravený. Veríš tomu? Ver celým svojim srdcom a to ho opustí. Bude znovu normálny, zdravý. Nech ťa Pán žehná, sestra.

167 Veríte? Či robí Boh stále paradoxy? Nevysvetliteľné, neodôvodniteľné veci, ktoré ľudia normálne nemôžu rozumieť, ako sa to môže stať, ale stále je to pravda, či nie? No, koľkí z vás vnímajú a rozumejú vo svojom duchu, že tu musí byť niečo, čo ďaleko prevyšuje hladinu ľudského porozumenia? Myslím, že do tohoto radu sme vyvolali najmenej pätnásť ľudí. Každý z nich a štyria, piati alebo šiesti mimo nich, mimo radu - bez modlitebných kariet alebo čokoľvek to bolo - mimo radu, mimo audiencie tu.

168 No, máme teraz práve len jednu minútu do zakončenia. Robil to On všetko takým spôsobom, ako zasľúbil, že bude? No, koľkí z vás veria, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? Vnímame Jeho prítomnosť. Vidíme Jeho prítomnosť. Teraz vaše oči vidia. Vaše uši porozumeli. A Boh potvrdil pred vašimi očami Svoju prítomnosť. A to, čo cítite po celý čas, čo vás usvedčuje, keď konáte nesprávne, a hovorí vám, aby ste to nerobili, ten istý Boh sa stal pre vás viditeľným, tu, dnes popoludní, vo svojich skutkoch. Koľkí na to povedia "Amen"? Áno, to je to. On je tu.

169 Je tu niekto medzi nami, kto nikdy nebol kresťanom, kto nikdy nemal žiadne náboženské presvedčenie, ani nikdy nechodil do cirkvi? Nechceli by ste vstať a povedať: "Ja chcem vstať - nie kvôli tebe, pastor - ale chcem vstať, kým som v prítomnosti Tejto Osoby, Ježiša Krista, Ktorý je tým Svätým Duchom teraz nad nami. Chcem vstať a povedať: ´Chcem, aby si ma zachránil z mojich hriechov."

170 To je všetko, čo chcem, aby ste urobili, aby ste vstali, a to bude svedectvom. To je všetko, na čo máme čas, aby sme urobili. Povedzte: "Chcem byť kresťanom", postavte sa a potom si znovu sadnite. Je tu niekto taký v budove? Koľkí ste tu? Ja nemôžem povedať: "je tu jeden", pretože ich je možno viac ako jeden.

171 Koľkí v tejto budove teraz vstanú a povedia: "Žil som zle, Bože. Odpusť mi. Vstanem, aby som dosvedčil, že som žil zle. A sadnem si, pokiaľ som tu v Tvojej prítomnosti. Potom si sadnem." Vstáva niekto? Je tu jeden? Je ich tu viac ako jeden? Jedna ruka. Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladý muž. Ešte niekto? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Ešte? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Je tam ... Nech ťa Boh žehná, tam vzadu. Ešte niekto? "Bol som zlý, Bože, odpusť mi." Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. "Bol som zlý, ľutujem, Pane." Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

172 Je tu niekto, kto pochyboval o tejto službe, ale teraz je presvedčený, že je pravá? Zdvihni svoju ruku a povedz: "Bože, odpusť mi." Len zdvihnite ruku a povedzte: "Brat Branham, ja som tomu celkom neveril. Ale už je to všetko preč." Zdvihni svoju ruku. Nikto? Ďakujem.

173 Koľkí z vás veria, že som to nemohol byť ja; ale to je Kristus, Syn Boží? Ďakujem. Ak budete veriť, uvidíte väčšie veci, ako tie, čo sa teraz stali. Len zostaňte s Kristom. Ja sám budem robiť čo len môžem aby som zostal s Ním.

174 No, koľkí ste tu chorí a v potrebe? Zdvihnite ruky. "Som chorý, brat Branham, potrebujem ..." Vidíte! Len sa pozrite na tých ľudí. Urobíte teraz toto a budete len toľkoto veriť mojim slovám? Položte ruky jeden na druhého, zatiaľ čo ja vystriem svoje ruky smerom k vám.

175 Modlime sa. Drahý Bože, prinášam Ti toto malé spoločenstvo dnes popoludní, kde sme počuli a čítali Božie Slovo. My vieme, že každý kúsok z toho je pravda, pretože to je Tvoje Slovo. Nielen že teraz veríme, že je to pravda, vieme že je to pravda.

176 Videli sme ťa, Pane, robiť niečo, čo spôsobuje, že ľudia vedia, že stále je ... Pomimo nejakého paradoxu vo svete, či vo vesmíre, či v tých prirodzených Božích zákonoch, môžeme vidieť tu, kde zákon smrti pracuje v ľudskom tele a kde veda zlyhala, aby to vyliečila pomocou svojich výskumov.

177 A Pane, sme vďační za tých ľudí. V žiadnom prípade ich nepodceňujeme. Sme za nich vďační. Ale Pane, keď je situácia taká, že oni už nemôžu nič robiť, vtedy vidíme prichádzať Tvoju úžasnú ruku, vediac, že ich žiadny človek nemôže uzdraviť, tým že by bol lekár, alebo by musel zobrať nejaký liek. Ale vidieť prichádzať Božieho Syna, a že sa vyplnilo zasľúbenie, čomu my všetci veríme ... Každá osoba zodvihla svoju ruku, kto nebol spasený - a chce byť spasený. Bože, niečo varovalo ich srdcia. Niektorí z nich povedali, že žili zle, možno odpadli a chcú sa navrátiť späť. Modlím sa, aby si každého z nich priviedol späť, pretože oni vedia, Pane, a poznali ... Mnohí z nich ma možno poznajú, alebo počuli o mne, po tieto roky, a vedia, že v človeku nie je nič dobrého, a zvlášť vo mne. Ako by aj mohlo byť? Ale jednako oni videli, že Slovo, ktoré Boh zasľúbil, sa zamanifestovalo. Sú presvedčení, že je to pravda. Oni to prijali.

178 Mnohých som tu nemohol vyvolať na pódium. A Otče, Ty si mi svedkom, že som nikdy nepovedal, že je to niečo, čo by som ja mohol urobiť - nič viacej okrem toho, že som sa Ti vydal, a nechal Ťa aby si ma odložil z cesty a aby si tam postavil Svojho Ducha, aby konal.

179 A teraz, Otče, keď vidím, že to môže urobiť jeden, ďalší to môže urobiť, prosím, aby všetci, ktorí majú vzájomne na sebe položené ruky, ktorí sú chorí a skľúčení, aby boli práve teraz uzdravení. Nech ten veľký Svätý Duch prechádza teraz cez túto budovu a nech všetkých uzdraví.

180 Spas každého, Pane. Daj im také prežitie. Vylej Svätého Ducha, Pane, na toto obecenstvo. Ó, očakávame na Teba, že budeš robiť veľké veci v tomto nadchádzajúcom týždni. Nech sa tak stane, Pane, hneď teraz, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

181 A teraz sa všetci postavme. Veríte celým svojim srdcom? Možno sestra, ktorá hrá na piano, by nám mohla zahrať malý akord toho: "Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť." Počuli ste to? No, zaspievajme to spolu. Dúfame, že sa stretneme zajtra večer. No, oni za chvíľu oficiálne rozpustia zhromaždenie. Ale chcem zaspievať s vami túto pieseň.

Budem Ho chváliť (zdvihnime ruky),

budem Ho chváliť,

velebiť Baránka zabitého za hriešnikov,

zvelebujte Ho, všetci ľudia,

pretože Jeho krv umyla každú škvrnu.

182 Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy k modlitbe na zakončenie. Dobre. Brat Jewel Rose nás rozpustí. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Rose.

A PARADOX, 65-0117, Westward Ho Hotel, Westward Ho Hotel, Phoenix, AZ, 95 min

1 You may be seated. I been waiting a long time to get back up here to Phoenix. I'm certainly happy this afternoon to be here. When I'm at Phoenix, there is something about it, always makes me feel that I am sitting among people who are my friends, that love me. And--and it's a great prayer warriors come from here to pray for me, for years. I always remember the first meeting that I had here with Brother Outlaw, Brother Garcia, and the ministers here of the city. How the Lord did bless when I was just in the youth of my meetings! Since then, Phoenix has held great... Something is in my heart, that's hard to explain.

2As a little boy, I always wanted to come to Phoenix. I always read about the desert. I had a little poems that I made up about it, when I was just a little boy, about Arizona.

3I'm so glad to be a--a native now. I guess I'm just about a year old, and maybe a little more. But you don't find too many much older than that. Everybody I run into, I say, "Are you a native?"

"Well, as much as there is. I've been here so long."

4And--and I suppose I'd have to go up to the Apache reservation, or somewhere, to find a real native.

5And someone said, not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, how do you like Arizona?"

6I said, "Well, it's been one of my great lifetime anticipations, to--to live in Arizona, and God has granted that to me."

7 We're here just in prior of the Business Men's convention, which has become an annual thing for us. And this afternoon, as we've gathered here for a pre-gettogether before the convention which starts Thursday night, I believe. It has been my privilege, for the past--past few years, to come and have this little meetings around, before the real meeting starts at the... or the convention, rather, starts.

8And Brother Williams is such a very dear friend, he and Sister Williams. I certainly got a warm place in my heart for those people. They constantly invite me back, and so we're happy to fulfill that invitation this afternoon.

9Also on the platform, Brother Fuller, Brother Jewel Rose, and Brother Tony Stromei from Tucson, and Brother Borders our campaign manager. And a--a good old precious brother, Arganbright, we've been together in many hard battles. On the other side of the river; I expect to dwell with him on the other side of the big river someday.

10 I can't think of the brother's name, I've tried. What is your name, brother? [A brother says, "Al Booher."--Ed.] Booher, Brother Booher. I--I know his face. And aren't you the one also interprets sometime for the... ["Interpret for the deaf."] for the deaf. That's...

And we're so happy to have all of you here.

11I was just looking down here in front of me, and I see some of my friends all the way from Arkansas, here. When I was here the first time, I told you that everywhere I went, I found somebody from Arkansas. I'm sure, if I ever get to Heaven, I'll find some there from Arkansas, 'cause they certainly have been a faithful, loyal people.

12 And now, usually I speak a long time, but I've tried my best to kind of make my Scriptures and note so I wouldn't speak too long. And I want to pray for the sick while I'm in Phoenix.

13Now, the Message that I... the Lord has lotted to me, it's sometimes, you know, these things get pretty touchy. And it's been that way in every age. And I have tried my best to stay with It. It's something. And If I did not speak that thing that God told me, and if it was--wasn't of God, then He... it wouldn't be in the Word. But if it's in the Word, and a promise for this hour, then I feel that I'm doing what's right, because I'm only trying to keep what He promised for this hour.

14And many times when you cross up someone in their theology, they'll fall out with you, right quick. But that shouldn't be. I try to... I find friends of mine that's of all different denominational churches, and so forth, I never fall out with them brethren. My, I go to their churches, everywhere they let me come, and speak. But we shouldn't fall out, over little ideas.

15 But, you know, if I said anything different than what's in my heart, I would be a hypocrite. And I--I... Far be it! I might have to meet Him someday, as a sinner, but I certainly don't want to meet Him as a hypocrite. But I want to be true. And if I just said, "Well, I'll just omit This because that the rest of them believes this, that," then what kind of a person? You couldn't have no confidence in me, and I couldn't have confidence in God or in myself, when I just so easily compromise.

16Anyone has got to have something that they're sure of. And that's when you can base your faith, is when you're sure. But until you're sure, if there is a question, leave it alone until you're sure.

17 Now Billy has probably give out some prayer cards, which I think he... Yeah, I told him to. And I believe he told me, a while ago, that he had. Somewhere along there, I'll call a few to the prayer line, after a while, to be prayed for. And if your card is not called... If--if... And it is called, rather, and you're not sure that God is the healer and He is going to heal you, it won't do no good to come up here, because you won't be healed. You, if there is one question, you say, "Well, now, if there is something in my life, I really ought to straighten this up," you go make that right, first, and then come back to the prayer line, see.

18Because, healing is the children's bread. We realize that. It's in the atonement, and the atonement first is applied to our souls. And healing has always forerun every message, and it's also been a means to gather people together. And it's a...

19Many people will sponsor a healing meeting, many will come to a healing meeting, or to a song festival, but when it comes to a poor lost soul to get saved, there is not many people interested in that. They just... But that's the main thing. Divine healing and singing festivals, and so forth, is just... As Brother Bosworth used to say, "It's the bait on the hook." And you show the fish the bait, not the hook.

20 And that's just the thing, to get the people to listen a while, till you can really present to them your message. God has did that in every age, through every age, there's always been a healing campaign. And if it's a genuine healing campaign, behind that campaign, always, is a message. There never is a sign given just for a sign; it's forerunning a message.

21And I believe the same thing is, seventeen years ago, or eighteen years now, that the Lord sent me out to start praying for the sick. It made a great revival among the people. Many great servants of God has went forth in healing campaigns, and, but the healing campaign, in itself, if you still stay in the same old trend of what you've always was, there is something wrong, that healing campaign wasn't sent from God. It's got to attract attention first, see, get the attention, and then there's a message.

22Jesus, when He came forth, healing the sick, and so forth, He was a great Prophet to all of them. But when He begin to tell them the Truth, of the Gospel, Who He was and what He come for, then He was--He was not popular after that. And that's the way it's always been through every age, and it will continue that way.

23 Now we're here this afternoon, and then tomorrow afternoon in this same auditorium. All is at seven o'clock. Is that right, brother? [A brother says, "Seven-thirty."--Ed.] Seven-thirty, tomorrow afternoon, or evening, and then Tuesday evening. And I think Wednesday evening, also. ["No, at the Ramada Inn, Wednesday."] At the Ramada Inn, Wednesday. And then Thursday, that's right, starts the--the convention. And if the Lord willing, I want to be here through all of it.

24I'm here, your brother, a helper in God's Kingdom, to help you to anything that I can. To answer your question, I might not be able to do it. But, prayerfully, we'd probably understand if we would pray over it and went to God about it, and not draw our own opinions.

25 If you're sick, I wish I could heal you, but no man can do that. It's already done. Healing lies in you. It's your faith in the finished works that God did on Calvary, with Jesus Christ. And outside of that, there is no healing; and outside of that, there is no salvation; no church, no denomination, no ritual, nothing packs salvation. Jesus Christ, "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed. He was wounded for our transgression, transgressions," excuse me, "by His stripes we were," all in past tense, "we were healed." Now, upon that!

26I don't have but just a few moments to speak, this afternoon, to you, probably twenty, thirty minutes, and then we're going to run a prayer line. Each day, as usual, new people comes in, so there'll be new prayer cards given out. But we will do all that's in our power, all that God will permit us to do, to pray for every sick person that comes, that wants to be prayed for.

27If there is such a thing as a person flying in, dying, emergency or something, why, you might see Brother Williams, Billy Paul, or some of them to get them in a room, that they don't want to... They can't sit, they're dying, they must be ministered to right now, well, put them in a room so I can get to them right away.

28 But it's much better, if you're not in that emergency state, that you--that you will just take your creeds and--and your beliefs, and just push them aside a few minutes, just long enough to listen to what the Scripture says, and then what God does about what He promised. And that will build faith. And you won't even need to be in a prayer line, or no one pray for you. You're already healed, if you can just believe it. See? And that's the purpose of it, is to let you, is to bring in conscious, to you, that what Jesus has done for you.

29It isn't necessary to come up here and kneel down, and pray through, until you--until you're saved. You're saved already, but you have to accept it. Your praying doesn't do it. Your faith is what you're saved by, not by prayer. But, "By faith are you saved." Same thing by healing. I'm sure we all understand that.

30 And if there be strangers in our gates, we want you to know that, as for myself, or this group that I am here with, the Full Gospel Business Men, we represent no certain denomination organization. We only represent Christian believers in all denominations. Everybody is welcome. We're just glad to have you. You say, "Well, I belong to a certain church, could I be prayed for?" You don't even have to belong to a church, don't have to do nothing but come up here and believe God. That's all you have to do. God does the rest of it.

31 Now, I'm--I'm... wore out one Bible, since I started in the healing campaigns, or praying for the sick, rather. At Houston, Texas, was given me a Bible, years ago, some eighteen years ago, by Brother Kidson and his group. And I wore that Bible, back and forth, around the world, until it just completely wore out, pages come out of it.

32And I was just given a new Bible. And the strange thing... I am not superstitious; I hope you people don't think me to be superstitious. When this Bible was given to me, they had a little... two little markers in it, little ribbons. It's a Bible like I had.

33 Brother Kidson gave me one was a Scofield Bible, now, not because that I agree with Mr. Scofield in his notes. Now, probably some of you do, some of you don't, but I just let you know that I just don't take Scofield Bible because I believe that. Because he's got it so paragraphed off till I'm... That was one of my first Bibles, and I just learned to read it like that. And I just keep the same Bible. Which, if I would have had the Thompson Chain, it would have been much better. I could have found my text much faster on a Thompson Chain Reference.

34But when I opened the Bible, the first little ribbon in the Bible was a very strange thing, where it was. Was when Solomon dedicated the temple of God, and the Glory of God was so great, the Shekinah glory in the building, till the priests couldn't even minister.

35And then the next string was laying where Ezra returned and dedicated the temple.

36And the third little marker, that my wife had gotten me and put in the Bible, not knowing, with my name on it, and so forth, was laying to Mark 11:22. She just stuck it in the Bible, and that's where it was at, that, "If you say to this mountain, 'be moved.'" And all of you know when that Scripture was in my mind, you tape people, that's when those squirrels come right in, into the--the... That's exactly.

37 And then the strange thing of it was, my favorite bird, robin, picture was on the marker, the little bird with the red breast. As the legend goes, that one time he was a brown bird; but there was a Man dying, one day, on a cross, and he felt so sorry for the Man till he flew in to try to pull the nails out himself, and he got Blood all over his little chest, and since then he's been a red breast. That's the way I--I want to meet my Saviour, too, with His Blood on my... inside my chest, on my heart.

38And then my first meeting, Message I'm to preach in here, is at Phoenix, Arizona. Phoenix is something that can raise up out of nothing. That's what God does. He takes nothing, raises up something out of it.

39And my Message this afternoon, is titled, for the next thirty or forty minutes, "paradox." And I want to read from a Scripture that...

40 Few years ago, that, I would take a Bible, and let you hand me the Bible, when I first started my ministry; and just take your Bible, and many of you have seen me do it, just hold it open like that, and say, "Lord, where is the Message to me?" It opened to Joshua, the 1st chapter, any Bible that you would hand me.

41Until one night a vision came, which you are familiar, and I seen that Bible come down from Heaven, and a hand with a collar on a cuff, like this went down the first nine verses of Joshua.

42That's where I'm reading from, this afternoon, for my reading, or my Scripture reading. My text is found in the 10th verse and the--the... I mean the 10th chapter and the 12th verse.

43Before we open the Bible, let's bow our heads just a moment. Now with our heads and our hearts bowed, let's think this. Let's not just this be an ordinary meeting; we have those all the time. But let's pray God, each one of us, for this to be an extraordinary, insomuch that the Presence of God will be with us continually through the meeting.

44 Heavenly Father, we are thankful for this grand and noble privilege to be here in Phoenix this afternoon, assembled in this great auditorium here, among these people. And now we are just about to approach the Word. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And may it be again, Lord, that the Word will become flesh, It'll pour through Thy church and Thy people, to fulfill the promises of the hour.

45As we realize that we're--we're closing the time, time is running out. It's blending in with Eternity. And we're at the West Coast. And as civilization has traveled, East to the West, so has the Gospel traveled with it. And now there is no place to go but back East again. It's completed.

46And we pray, Heavenly Father, that this will be a great hour for all of us, that we might sense the Presence of the Holy Spirit, the Writer of this Word, back in the building of the tabernacle of flesh; manifesting Himself to us, in the pardoning of our sins, the forgiving of our iniquity, and with the assurance that He will not impute sin to the believer, with the assurance of that. And also that He would heal our infirmities, and take the--the people out of the wheel chairs and off of the crutches; and give them sight, them who are blind; and--and extension of days, of those who are dying with horrible diseases like cancer and tubercular, advanced, and diseases that our physicians cannot curb. It's beyond that, but, God, You go beyond all scientific research. You go beyond all reasoning. Grant to Your servants, this afternoon, the speaking and hearing of Thy Word, on the subject: A Paradox. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

47 Now in the Bible, Joshua the 1st chapter, and Joshua the 10th chapter. The 1st chapter and 1st verse.

Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying,

Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, and go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.

Every place that the sole of thy foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.

From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to... the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.

There shall not be any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shall thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.

Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which my... which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper wherever thou goest.

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that's written therein: for then thou shall make thy ways prosperous, and then thou shall have good success.

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee wheresoever thou goest.

48[Brother Branham now reads Joshua 10:12-14--Ed.]

Then spake Joshua unto the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Stand still upon... Sun, stand... still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hastened not to go down about a whole day.

And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.

49 May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Words. Now the subject this afternoon: A Paradox.

50Now, the word paradox, as I have just been looking it up and be sure that--that I was right, the word paradox means, according to Webster, that it's "something incredible, but it's true." Now, you know, we've heard the old saying, that--that, "Truth is more" (what do they call that?) "more strange than fiction," truth is. Because, when a person tells the truth, sometimes it's very strange.

51 I know a friend of mine, that, up in Colorado. They had a survey on, going to have a survey on elk. And there were twenty-one head of elk in the herd. And my friend, when, had been back there hunting, and when the wardens come up. And they had paid a great price, the conservation had, for one of these snowmobiles, to go back and have an elk survey. He said, "You shouldn't have spent all that money. I can tell you how many elks back there." And they just laughed at him. Said, "How many?"

52He said, "There is nineteen." Said, "There was twenty-one, and I killed two of them."

53And the warden laughed at him. You're only allowed to kill one, you know. And he said, he said, "Yeah, I know you did."

54"Well," said, "that's what I done. There was twenty-one elk, and I killed two."

55And the warden just laughed and went on back. And that's what there was, nineteen elk. See?

56He turned around to me, said, "You see, parson, just tell the truth, the people won't believe it." See, just tell the truth, so it certainly is more stranger than fiction.

57 Joshua here is a Book, actually, it's a Book of redemption, of the Old Testament. Joshua, we would have to consider it to be that, the Book of redemption. Because, it's, redemption has two parts. Redemption, anywhere, has two parts. That is, it's "out of" and "into." It takes two parts to make redemption, "out of," "into."

58Moses represented the law which brought them out of Egypt, and, whereas, Joshua represented grace that took them into the promised land. Another way, was, the--the law and grace were two different aspects of God's command. Now, the law brought them out, Moses, and Joshua took them in.

59It also represents something for our day. Now it represents, as they were in the journey, coming from--from Egypt into a promised land, so have we come out of a world of Egypt, chaos, on our road to a promised Land. "In My Father's house are many mansions; if it wasn't so, I would have told you," John 14. Coming "out of," going "into."

60 It's law that brings us to recognize we're wrong, but it's grace that forgives us. The law has no hope of--of redemption, because that... and to complete it. It has no grace in it, because law only points that you are a sinner, but grace tells you how to get out of it. Law is the policeman that put you in jail, but redemption is the One Who come paid your fine; and "out of," and "into," into grace.

61The Ephesus. Now we find the same thing, the Old Testament, I think this Book of Joshua fits. A fitting word for it, would be, the Book of Ephesus of the Old Testament. The Book of Ephesians of the Old Testament, would be a good thing to title this Book of Joshua, because it's certainly fitting to this.

62 Now we find Joshua representing grace, or some propitiation, that it could not exist in the same time that law was in existence.

63Neither does any message, that forwards the people on, ever coincide with a past message. It will not do it. That's where you have trouble today. Jesus said, "Does any person take a--a new piece of garment and put it into an old? Or put the new wine into old bottles? They perish. It bursts them open." They can't stand it.

64And Joshua could not at all become into his ministry until after Moses was gone. So you see the very first verse here, "Moses My servant is dead; now arise and take this people to the promised land." Moses, representing the law, had served its time. It's, the law had served its time.

65 They started out, really, with grace, to begin with. Before they had law, they had grace. While they were in Egypt, without law; no one down there, was just the priests, and so forth, but they didn't have any laws. The law had not yet been given. Grace provided them a prophet. And, also, grace provided an atonement, the sacrificial lamb. We're getting into that this week, on the sacrifice, the blood, because there lays your healing. So on... The atonement had been provided before there was any law. Grace was before law, during law, and after law.

66So there was Joshua, representing grace, was right along with law, but could not be enforced as long as law was in its proper place.

67And so has the church world in this last day! It's come along, it's played its part, but there is coming a time where it must cease. It must do it. There has got to be an Ephesians, also, of this journey, just as there was of other journeys. There has to come an Ephesians, an Ephesus, an Ephesian of this journey. Watch.

68Wherein that law could never save a sinner, as I have pointed out. It could not. Therefore the promised land represented a day of grace. See, he could not take them in, into that journey.

69 And if you noticed, in that journey, they had three stages of their journey. First was the preparation by faith, down in Egypt, under the sacrificial lamb. Then they crossed the Red Sea, into the--the wilderness, a separation, which represented another stage of the journey.

70Cause, under the preparation, when they all got ready, then when they come to the--to the Red Sea, there was a failure again. The people did not believe, after seeing many things that God had did. They still did not believe. And God opened up the Red Sea and took them forth, which we're taught that all the people were baptized unto Moses, under the Cloud and the sea.

71 Now they were baptized, repented and were baptized, and come out to walk in a new life, in a new land, in a newness journey, amongst new people, and the hand of God upon them. But it finally come to a place, in this walk that they had, that they was not satisfied with their walk of grace. They had to come to something that they could do themselves.

72Now that's where people think, today, of Divine healing, or some any other work of grace, of God, that there is something that you have to do. You, there is nothing you have to do but believe, just believe God.

73And, they, if they would have continued on! The promise wasn't given them under the law. The promise was given before the law, without any conditions to it, "I have given you this land, go on over into it!" But before they got to that promise, they decided there was something they must do themselves.

74And, that, we still find that among human beings. We're prone to be that way, "There is something we've got to do." We feel that, that we've got to have something into it also.

75You do have something into it, that's your surrender of your own will, your own idea, to the will and idea of Almighty God, and it's finished. That's all there is. Just take His promise, don't think of nothing else. Walk by It, and God does the rest of it.

76 Then they wanted a law. And God always gives you the desire of your heart; He promised to. But we find out, when they turned one step from the side of what God originally promised them, then that was a thorn in the flesh until the law was taken away, until Jesus Christ came and was crucified to take away the law. It was a thorn in the flesh.

77And anything that you try to do within yourself, it'll always work to your dishonor. It'll work to your disadvantage. Just simply believe God, and that settles it. What God promised, "I'm the Lord Thy God Who heals all thy diseases." See? "If there is any among you, sick, let them call the elders of the church." He promised, "The works that He did, would be done in His church."

78 Why do we have to accept organizations, and so forth, that will write that off of the Book? See, it--it becomes a thorn in the flesh. And here at the end time, we meet the thing again, face to face, it's up to the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, and whatmore, see. You, you can't go on; you've got to come back to the entire full Gospel. It was made for the full man, by a complete God Who was made flesh and dwelt among us. And we know that those things are true.

79 Now if we notice, then, their journey in the wilderness is where they got their greatest mistake that Israel ever made, until Calvary, was when (in the Exodus 19) they accepted law instead of grace. They had grace. They had a prophet. They had--they had a sacrificial lamb. They had redemption. They had been brought through the Red Sea. They had been healed of their diseases. They had had water from a smitten rock. They had--they had manna out of heaven. Everything they had need of had been supplied, and still they wanted something else.

80Now that's a perfect type of our Ephesians today, exactly. We come out under Luther; we went through sanctification, under Methodist; and came into the restoration, under Pentecost. Exactly like it was, the wilderness journey. And when God brought us out, we did very well. But what did we do? Wanted to be like the rest of them. Now we find out that grace is the only thing that takes us through, never law.

81 Joshua here is a type of the last-day ministry. See? Now remember those three stages of the journey. All of it ceased, first the law and everything had to cease, so that Joshua... And Joshua is the same word as Jesus, "Jehovah-saviour," that took them from their wilderness into the promised land. Now I know many hold...

82And I don't want to disagree with the scholars, but many hold that the promised land represents Heaven. It could not represent Heaven. It could not, because they had wars, and troubles, and flustration, and everything, in the promised land. It does not represent the promised Land.

83 But you notice, just before they entered the promised land, all of the--the differences that--that had rose up among them. They... One of the great things was Korah. He didn't want this one-man leadership. Dathan, and how they come up before Moses and tried to tell him that "the--the message had to mean this," and put a different interpretation to it, their own ideas of what it was. And they every one perished! Every one!

Jesus said, "There wasn't none of them but what perished."

84They said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness, for the space of forty years," Saint John 6.

Jesus said, "And they are every one dead."

85Dead means "Eternally separated." They're all dead, yet they enjoyed hearing the message, yet they enjoyed the manna that fell. Not another manna; the genuine manna!

86 But when it come to the time of when Balaam come out with his false doctrine, and said, "We're all one. Why don't we just go together and let our children marry one another? We're a great nation. We'll make you great with us." Now anybody with common spiritual understanding can see exactly that same thing even today, marrying all of them together. And it was an unforgiveable sin. It was never forgiven Israel.

But then Joshua raised up for the exodus.

87 Now we're taught, in Revelation the 6th chapter, I believe, yeah, 6th chapter, of the Seven Seals. That's supposed... The Book to be sealed up with seven mysteries, or Seven Seals, Revelation 6. And in the last day, Revelation 10, in Revelation 10, we find out that the Laodicea, last messenger of the last age, and during the time of his prophecy, that the Seven Seals would be opened, the seven mysteries, sevenfold mysteries that had been left off.

88In every age there had been some of It left off. The reformer didn't have time to take care of It. In the days of Luther, he only preached justification by faith. He was gone, they made a church. After that come Wesley, he preached sanctification. There it was. And along come the Pentecostals.

89 But we're promised, according to Revelation 10, and according to Malachi 4, and Saint Luke 22:17, and so forth, that there is got to come a--an Ephesians to this. There is promised it, friends. There must come an Ephesians, that these sevenfold mysteries of the Word of God must be unfolded. And it's in the Laodicean age that this takes place. I believe that we're--we're there.

90I believe we're right in the shadows of the Coming of the Son of God. And as Joshua, just before the Ephesians raised up, so did John the Baptist raise up just before the next Ephesian. And we're promised another, another Ephesians. It's predicted here in the Scripture, therefore I think that we are living in the Ephesians again. Back again to... We are promised that what was left off during those seven ages.

91 Now you cannot add nothing to the Book, or take nothing from It. Revelation 22:18 says so, "Who will ever, will add one Word, or take one Word, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." Now we cannot add or take.

92So therefore we know that Luther could not get to It; Wesley, and so forth, the reformers, Knox, Finney, Calvin, on down, so forth, they didn't get It all, but what they had was the Gospel Truth.

93But now in the last days, we are given the understanding, by the Word, that we are going to understand It, because it'll come an Ephesian age to it. And we're here! Now, paradox! I'll leave that hang, because I just got about ten more minutes and then we'll have the prayer line. Paradox!

94 There is some people, of today, that do not believe in miracles. They say they just "can't believe that there is such a thing as miracles in this modern age." Well, I don't mean to say anything bad about that person, but they are spiritually numb. They, they, they're--they're spiritually blind. They have no spiritual sight or spiritual feelings, at all. Cause, no man can sit in a crowd of people, wherein the Holy Spirit is falling, no matter if he is absolutely a sinner, or she, but what they're bound to sense the Presence of God, when you see the Word He promised being fulfilled. Then you would have to be numb; and when you see it with your own eyes, happening, then you'll have to be blind, spiritually, I'm not speaking physically. But you can certainly be spiritually blind, and have twenty-twenties, physical sight.

95 You remember Elijah down at--at Dothan, when he went out and smote that whole army blind? The Bible said he did. And led them right into ambush, when they didn't know who he was. And yet had his just exactly what he was supposed to look like, and so forth, and he went right out to them. But they were blind.

96And you can stand in the Presence of the living God, you can stand under the anointing of the Spirit and see It moving, and still It won't touch you. You can see what God said, preached to you perfectly and then manifested, and still won't go in, "don't believe It," then, there, you are beyond reach. You're already dead, numb, blinded, gone on. They were completely.

97 The world. I wonder, if that same person who doesn't believe in a miracle, I wonder and if they can only be the things that can, that's real, is those which are scientifically proven? I wonder if you could have any scientist, or anybody that doesn't believe in a miracle, to explain to me how this world stands in its orbit. How does it keep its perfect time, around the equator and the way it goes, and just perfect? We haven't got a machinery, a watch, or any kind, that can keep time like that; it'll vary a few minutes every month. But that sun is exactly on time. Thousands of years rolls on, she never moves; certainly, perfectly.

98 How the moon can, billions of miles off the earth, can still control the tide. Tell me how that in this galaxy that we live in, how could the moon have any effect upon the water on the earth? Scientifically, tell me how it's done. It could not be done, because there is no scientific way of telling it. But God set the moon to watch the sea. And when the moon begins to turn its back, when the earth turns away, here comes the tide in. But when he wakes up, the next morning, looks back this a way, the tide runs back to its place again. It's a watchman.

"Oh," you say, "that's just on the seashore." No.

99That's right up here in Arizona, plumb back over in the state of Kentucky, wherever you dig a hole down in the ground far enough to find salt water. You'll find out, when that tide goes out, that salt water goes down in the pipe. And when the tide comes in, it also raises, hundreds of miles from the seashore.

100We could preach a sermon on that. How that God, no matter, He is in Glory but His orders there is just the same effect on the whole world and anybody that takes the promise. His order is given. He has laws of nature, and--and they--they will absolutely carry themself true, from Pentecost or any other time. Any time that God made the promise, He will still stay with that promise regardless of where the people is at, how many thousands of years off. His laws ever remain the same.

101 How the seed falls into the ground, and it rots, and to bring forth life again. Looks like, if it was ever going to bring forth life, it'd be when it's in its perfect shape. If life was ever in it, then why wouldn't it just come forth? Put it in the ground, the life spring forth. Why does all that's around that life, all that's around that germ that no man can find, how is it that everything material around that germ has to die? So it can spring forth in a new life. But everything around it must also die and rot, before it can spring forth life.

102 So is it with an individual. As long as there is any human injections, human ideas, then God's germ of life, the Holy Spirit, cannot work. You cannot be healed as long as there is just a--a fraction somewhere, that it's not rotten yet; it's got all the human elements, all the scientific ideas, all the "days of miracles is passed," so-called. All that has to, all, not only die, but rot, then from there grows the germ of Life unto a new life. That's the only way it can grow.

103That's the reason we don't get what we ask for. We try to take, with us, so much of our own ideas.

104That's the reason the Lutheran church couldn't advance no farther than it did, the Pentecostals and the rest; 'cause they inject, by a bunch of theologians, "This oughtn't to be this way. This is for another day. And This was for that." There it stays. It cannot grow to that perfect image of Christ until every Word of God is received into you, and then you become that Word. It's like the seed that went in the ground.

105 I'd like for them to explain Hebrews 11:3. The greatest scientist we've ever had, as far as I know, was Einstein. When here not long ago, in New York, I was listening to what he had said. And he was talking about the galaxy, and how far out it was, and he proved that there was an Eternity. How the man, going so many million miles an hour, would take him so many, or a million light years an hour, would take him so many years to get over there, one, three hundred thousand or something like that, and then three hundred thousand to come back. And then prove by it, somehow, that the man had only been gone from the earth fifty years. Eternity!

106 And that's just a little galaxy, when God blew them off His hand! The Bible said! And Einstein finally wound up with this, "There is only one way that any man can explain the origin of this world, that's found in Hebrews 11:3. 'We understand that the worlds were framed together by the Word of God.'" That's exactly right. Science cannot even touch it. And then you say you don't believe in a miracle? How could you do it?

107How could any scientist ever explain Noah's rain, when there never fallen a drop of rain upon the earth until that day? But Noah said there would be a rain! And when Noah's rain come, contrary to all science; there was no clouds up there, never had been no rain up there. They could prove that there was no rain up there. And then when God opened up the heavens and poured out a--a gusher that washed the earth away, that was a paradox; how that it's certainly unreasonable, unexplainable. But we know that God did it, because the Bible said so. And we have evidence on the earth, today, that it was so. God did it. That was a paradox.

108 When God took an old man, by the name of Abraham, at the age of seventy-five years old; and his wife, sixty-five, many years a past the time of life, a menopause. And when He took that man and gave him a promise, at seventy-five years old; to this woman that he was married to, his--his half sister. And he had lived with her since she was a girl; they had married when she was probably a--a teen-age girl, and here she was sixty-five years old. And said, "You're going to have a baby by this woman."

109And what if Abraham would have said, "I--I--I don't believe in paradoxes. I--I just can't accept that"? It'd have never happened.

110But, you see, when you say you believe anything, then you've got to put it in action. Then Abraham was commanded to separate himself from all unbelief, and walk with God alone. And instead of getting weaker, he got stronger. And when he was a hundred years old, and Sarah was ninety, the baby come.

111 How could Abraham take his son, way back three-days' journey, probably ninety miles from any civilization, up on top of a mountain where the Lord had showed him, go offer his own son, Isaac? Isaac packing the wood up, as we know, which is a type of Christ. And up on this mountain he was to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, and when he fulfilled everything that God told him but stabbing his own son to death, through his throat, when he pulled the knife out of the sheath and raised his hand to obey God, to the word! For the Bible said, that, "He knew that God could not make a promise 'less He kept it. And he received him as one from the dead, that He was able to raise him up from the dead and give him to him again."

112 And when he was ready to obey God, to its fullness, He caught his hand and said, "Stay your hand, Abraham." And there was a ram hooked in the wilderness, around the vines, with his horns, on top of that mountain, where there is lions, wolves, hyenas, jackals, and the great ferocious beasts that eat sheep. And then he was way up on top of the mountain where there is no water. How did that ram get there? Abraham had picked up stones all around, to build a--an altar. But there was the ram, anyhow. It was a paradox.

113And any man that believes God and takes Him at His Word, no matter what the situation is, God will perform another paradox, to keep His Word. For, Abraham called the place Jehovah-jireh, "the Lord has provided for Himself a sacrifice." He still can cause a paradox to happen. He can do that this afternoon, if you'll just take Him at His Word.

114 Daniel, from a den--den full of hungry lions, how could it be that that man... How could it be that that man, on a group of hungry lions, stayed in the cave with them, all night, without any harm? The Angel of the Lord, unseen to anyone else, was standing there. It was a paradox. Something had to keep that lion from getting to him.

115When the Hebrew children went into the fiery furnace, that's against all scientific understanding, in that great age. It was unscientifically for a man to be throwed into a furnace, that was, that the men taking them up there perished, and they fell into the furnace and lived in that furnace a while, and the only thing it did was loose them from their shackles. That's a paradox. It was unexplainable, unreasonable, but yet it's the truth.

116 Here is Joshua, that we're speaking of. How that that man, just an ordinary man that just come through a--a--a group of creeds that the men had formed, and laws and ceremony, with nothing in them that says anything about giving man power to stop the sun. But here, with a commission from God, "I'll give you every piece of ground the soles of your foot sets upon. I'll be there." And the enemy was routed.

117The sun was going down. If them kings had time to get theirself together again the next day, he would surely lose men. But Joshua knew he needed sunlight. And he looked up to the sun, and said, "Stand still over Gibeon. And, moon, stay there over Ajalon." And for the space of a whole day, that was all night long, the sun stood still and the moon stood there. That's a paradox. A man walking in the will of God could do such a thing, for he was in a... he was again in a--an Ephesus, in a--an Ephesian with--with the Gospel. Sure, it was a paradox.

118Moses with a stick in his hand, to go down and deliver the children of Israel, was a paradox, when Egypt had all the armies and their well-trained men. It was a paradox.

119 The virgin birth was a paradox. How could a virgin, against all scientific understanding, a woman that knowed no man, could bring forth a child; and not only a child, but Emmanuel, Who proved to be exactly what it said it would be. How could that happen? It was a paradox. Because, God spoke to His prophet, hundreds of years before, and the prophet obeyed the Word of God, and the Word was spoken. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And we believe that. Certainly, it was a paradox.

120How that He could walk on water, that was a paradox. A human being, according to the size of your feet, couldn't do that. But He did. What was it? Unexplainable, but it was yet a paradox. God did it. We believe it.

121Feed five thousand people, with two fish and five biscuits? But He did it. Multiplied not only fish, but cooked fish; not only bread, but cooked bread. How could He turn water to wine? All a paradox!

122 He healed the sick, which, with leprosy. Which, they don't have anything, to this day, science don't, to cure leprosy, but Jesus healed it with His Word. It was a paradox.

123And He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His Word still heals the sick. It's a paradox, certainly.

124He raised the dead, after mortal life had gone from them; Lazarus, the woman's son at Nain, and Jairus' daughter. He raised the dead, with His Word, because He is the Word.

125And then another great thing, in closing, to prove that He was Messiah. To prove what He was, He had to come in order, and answer, to the Word. And the Word said, when He spoke to the prophet. "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet like me."

126 There had been many men raised up. And there had been, for hundreds and hundreds of years, they had no prophet. Oh, they had had priests and great men, and as we read the history between the time of Malachi and Matthew, four hundred years, there had been great men. But there was no prophet.

127And then when He come on the scene, to prove that He was that Ephesians made manifest, John announced it. But Jesus was That, He was the Word manifested, Himself.

128When Peter came to Him one day, with Andrew, his name was Simon. And when Jesus standing there, never seen the man in His life, (listen close) when He stood there and looked at the man, and said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." That's a paradox. Sure was. Certainly was a paradox.

129 And when Philip, standing there, heard this and knew that all identity that this was the Messiah, he was certainly. He believed it. He wasn't numb, neither was he blind. He run around the bank, for a few miles, and got his friend, called Nathanael. And when he come walking up... The faith of that man, that could bring another one to the meeting, to see!

130When he walked up before Jesus, Jesus said, "Behold, there is an Israelite, in whom there is no guile."

131It astonished the man. He said, "When did You ever know me?" Now watch, this is unreasonable. It's--it's unexplainable. He said, "How did You ever know me?"

132Said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." A paradox!

133 He had need, go by Samaria. And when He went by Samaria, a city of Sychar, He was sitting out there waiting for His disciples to go in to buy food. And, notice, a woman come out to the well, of ill fame. And He said to her, "Woman, go get Me a drink, or bring Me a drink."

134And she said, "It's not customary for You to ask that. We're, I'm a Jew... or a Samaritan, and You're a Jew. We have no--no dealings with You."

135He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to!" Watch this paradox fixing to happen. Don't miss it. Said, "How--how can you do, say this? I, I'm a woman of Samaria, and You're a Jew. We have no dealing."

136He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, or Who was talking to you, you--you would ask Me for a drink." And He went ahead till He found where her trouble was. And He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

And she said, "I don't have any husband."

137He said, "That's the truth. You don't have a husband, because you've had five, and the one you're now living with is not your husband. Therefore, you've said the truth."

138She said, "Sir, I perceive that Thou art a prophet." They hadn't seen one for hundreds of years. Said, "We know the--the Messiah is coming, and, when He comes, He'll tell us these things."

He said, "I am He."

139 [] Was a paradox vindicated, and it's found to be Gospel Truth; a Gospel that had promised this, and here it happened and vindicated what it was.

140Now let me give you a great noble paradox here, just a minute. In John 14:12, Jesus said, promised that, "The believer that believed on Him, would do the same works." Is that right? God, Who makes a law or a promise, must keep that promise, to be God. He does keep it. To think, the God... Why, It's a paradox, Itself; for God, Who makes a promise and cannot break that promise, to give that promise of the things that He did, to His people, to follow throughout the age until He returned again. "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature; every creature, all the world. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned; and these signs shall follow them that believe." He has got to keep that Word. And because He said it, it went from His mouth, it's got to be fulfilled.

141All Scripture has got to be fulfilled. So it's a paradox, alone, to hear Jesus, the Son of God, make such a statement as that, "The things that I do will you do also." Now the Bible said, in Hebrews 13:8, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." That's a paradox, 'cause it has to be done. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but not one Word that I've ever said will ever fail," He said. It has to be done.

142 Now, friends, I believe that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I believe He is just as able this afternoon to cause, in this building, a paradox, because that He promised it would happen.

143And how much more has He promised, how much more is it leaving in the Bible, to this very age that we're living, the Ephesians again, of the church ages. We've got seven church ages, and we're promised that at the Laodicea Church Age there would be another Ephesian. That's right. And we're here. I believe, with all my heart, that Jesus Christ Who made the promise.

144As I said in my last message, standing over there against that wall, when I was here a few weeks ago. Every time you move your finger, that goes around and around the world, never will stop. Every move you make, you'll see it at the Judgment. Television proves that it's here, the fourth dimension. Cause, television doesn't manufacture that picture, it only channels that wave into a tube, and you see a picture. Color, everything, every moving object that's happening in the world, is going right around through here now, making a record. Someday, your record is going to be closed, and you're going to answer to that record. That's right.

145God, let me so be blended, let me be so dead to myself and anything around me, but be conscious of the Word of God living among us today!

Let's pray.

146 Lord Jesus, Thou art a paradox, when God was made flesh. I pray, Heavenly Father, that You will manifest Yourself this afternoon, proving to us here today. Not only proving to us... There is, I suppose, ninety percent, or more, of the people set here, believe that, every Word. But that we might see You again, and let know that this Word that You spoke, that's still traveling around and around the world, just like a record, let us move into that record, today, Lord. Let us move in and not hear it just like it was coming secondly, from a man's mouth; but let that mouth, and person and people, all sitting here, become Your Word. We are ready to die, Lord, of our own ideas, just to see You keep Your promise, "The things that I do shall you do also." I pray that You'll grant this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

147 Just before we call the prayer line. I was having a little bite of ice cream one day, with an old doctor friend of mine. He said, "I want to ask you something, Billy."

I said, "All right."

148Said, "Do you believe in..." That's where I got this thought, paradox. Said, "Do you believe in a paradox?"

I said, "Sure."

149He said, "I--I know you do." He said, told me about a certain person that had been healed, had been prayed for; that he had sold epilepsy drugs to, for years, sometimes they would have seven or eight seizures a day; strong medicines. And he said, "They never did come back for no more. And I see them all the time; never had it no more." Said, "I want to tell you something, just to let you know I--I believe what you're talking about."

150 He said, "During the time of the depression, my son here now was over the store." Said, "He was--he was waiting on kind of a young fellow, just said he... They was standing down in line, for medicine." And said, "A man come up here, and he had his wife," said, "a little woman, she was... You could look at her and see she was just about to be delivered at any time, of a child." And said, "She just couldn't stand in that line no more, so he--he brought his wife into the door, and just leaning on his shoulder."

151And said, "My boy went up, said, 'Can I help you?' Said, 'Yes,' said, 'here is the prescription from the doctor. But,' said, 'I want to make it clear to you.' Said, 'I... we haven't got the money yet.' Said, 'We'll get it from the county, but my wife just can't stand it no longer. Doctor said she'd have the medicine right away.' And said, 'If you'll just give her the medicine, I'll go right there and stand in line till I--I get the money from the county.'"

152"And the boy said, 'Sir, I'm sorry.' Said, 'It's against our--our rules here, to give out the medicine without having the money.' You know how the times was in them days. And said, 'I--I feel sorry for her, but I can't do it.'"

153 Said, "I was sitting back here reading the paper. And I looked up, and," said, "something strangely warmed my heart." Said, "I walked up, I said, 'Wait a minute, son, wait a minute.' The man started out the door, he said, 'Well, all right, son,' started out the door." And said, "I said, 'Just a minute,' said, 'what was that?' He said, 'Well, this man... ' He explained it to him."

154He said, "'Let me see the prescription.' Said, 'Just wait a minute, son, I'll get you the medicine.'"

155Said, "I went on back and mixed up the prescription the doctor had prescribed on his paper." And said, "I went up there, and had that money." Said, "Hand it to him, not knowing whether I'd get it or not, but I just thought I would." Said, "I just felt that I should do it." And said, "Billy, when I put that--that medicine in that woman's hand," said, "it was the Lord Jesus." Said, "I seen a Man standing there." And he said, "I read later on, that the Scripture said, 'Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these, My little ones, you have done it unto Me.'" He said, "Billy, what happened to my eyes? Did I actually see it?"

156I said, "Yes, sir. I believe it. I believe that you so fulfilled your duty as a druggist, in the emergency needing for that. Jesus said, 'What you have done unto these others, you have done unto Me.' I believe it."

157 And I believe that same thing today, right here present with this people, that Jesus Christ can manifest Himself, make Himself the Word made flesh among us this afternoon. Will you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Lord bless you.

158Now we're going to call for prayer cards, for the people to come. And we can't get too many, because I think now, if I'm looking at the watch right, I got twenty-five minutes till we have to close just at four o'clock, on time, but we'll continue on. Now let's start from prayer card, I believe was A. Was it? A, let's go from A, one.

159Who has prayer card A, one? Just call you one at a time, so if you're crippled we can pack you. All right. Prayer card A, one. Who has it, raise up your hand, somewhere in the building? Card, way back in the back. Would you come, lady, if you can. One, two, who has prayer card two? A, two, would you raise up your hand if you... Can you walk? All right, come right over here, get on this side. Three. If you'll raise your hand right away, I--I can get you, we won't have to wait very long. Prayer card number three, would you raise up your hand. All right, a man down there. All right, come over here, sir.

160Prayer card number four, would you raise your hand quickly now, just as quick as you possibly can. Prayer card number four. All right. Number five. Just as I call, you stand up, number five. All right. Number six, number seven, number eight, number nine, ten--ten. Now, one, two, three, four... Ten, all right. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen. Was you coming, sir, fourteen? All right. Fourteen, fifteen. Well, that, that'll be... That will be enough right now, that will be enough for this afternoon, 'cause we haven't got too much time.

161 Now look. I want you to give me your undivided attention. Now, Jesus made this promise, that, "A little while, and the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me." Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The "world," the world, is "the order of the world." See, that, He knowed they'd go on off in fashions and things. "But they won't see Me no more, yet you'll see Me." For He promised, "I'll be with you, even to the end of the world." Is that right? ["Amen."] And the Bible said, Hebrews 13:8, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." You believe that? ["Amen."] That's a promise.

162Now, you don't have to be up here, to be healed. Only thing you have to do is believe that Word to be the Truth. Now I'm going to ask you, if you will, just to be reverent and quiet for a few moments.

163 Did all of them come in, Billy? Got two out, three out? What say? [A brother says, "Three more."--Ed.] Three more? Number three, prayer card number three. What, how, what is the Mexican word for that, three? Anybody can say it? [Someone says, "tres."] All right, surely they heard it. What, that, ever who has got that prayer card, come into the line, will you? Oh, yeah. Oh, I think it was somebody had it, and didn't know it, and they moved back. All right. Now, now how about...

164Does everybody believe now with all your--with all your heart? Well, let's pray again then.

165 Lord Jesus, now we realize that we can read the Word, with our best of our knowledge, explain It. But, Lord, You're the only One can confirm It. You're the only One can say that It's right or wrong. And, Father, I pray today that You will let the eyes of the people be opened. May we see a paradox this afternoon, just, Lord, enough to let the people see that You are present, that You are not--not out of existence, that Your Word is the same yesterday, today, and forever. For, You are that Word. For the sake of the sick, Lord, for the sake of those who are suffering; many probably are here from different parts of the country, parts of the nation, they must... they're suffering so, they couldn't enjoy the meetings, otherwise, if they wasn't healed. I pray that You'll heal them. Grant it, Lord. And now we are only physical human beings, and can only preach the Word and say what You said to be the Truth, now Thou art the One to make it real. I pray that You'll grant it, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

166 Now I'd just like for your undivided attention, just for a moment, and if everyone will just be seated now for a few minutes. Now, as far as I know, course, I don't know anyone that I can see in the--in the building, that I would know out there. Now, you don't have to be here to be healed, anyone knows that. See?

167There was a little woman, one time, she couldn't get a prayer card, we'd say, and she touched His garment. And He turned around and looked, and said, "Who touched Me?" And they all denied it. And He looked around and seen this little woman. She couldn't hide herself, 'cause, see, the Spirit of God, that was in Him, led Him. He was the Word. And It led right to her, and He told her what her trouble was. She had a blood issue, and she was healed. She believed it. And immediately, in her body, she felt that the blood issue had stanched, (is that right?) had stopped right there.

168 Now He is just the same today. You don't have to be here. Now, the Bible said that in the New Testament now, that, "Jesus Christ is our High Priest." Do we believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The only High Priest we have, the only Intercessor we have between God and man, is the Man, Christ Jesus. Do you believe that? ["Amen."] And the Bible said, "He is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Is that right? ["Amen."] How many know that true? Raise your hand so they... All right. I'm not among strangers, on this Word.

169Now how would He act if You touched Him? He would act the same that He did when He was here, because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

170Now you just believe. You just say, "Now, Lord, I've been in meetings I've been, but I'm just going to believe, today. I--I'm not even going to take no thought of myself. I'm just going to believe with all my heart, that You're here. And I have a need, and You just... You help me, Lord." See? Now you do that. Don't get nervous; just--just calmly faithful.

171 A gift of faith is not something you take and do something with. A gift of faith is you just get yourself out of the way. The gift is getting your ownself out of the way.

172Now here stands a woman. Father God knows, as far as I ever knowed, I never seen the woman in my life. She is a total stranger to me. But, and there isn't about two or three people I can see out there, I do.

173I think this is Mrs. Vayle sitting here, Brother Lee's wife. I'm not sure. Then I know these three or four boys sitting right along here. Far as I know, that's all that I see in the meeting at this time, that I know. I believe that's Brother Anthony Milano sitting there, from New York. Brother Pat Tyler from Kentucky. Outside of that... I know Fred Sothmann is in there somewhere, I heard him holler "amen" a while ago. That, that's about the limit, and Heavenly Father knows that.

174 And this woman standing here, and I never seen her. I have no idea what she is here for. She is just a woman come up here on the platform, the same as you are sitting out there.

175Now, if this woman is in need, well, then I--I, if I could help her, I--I'd sure do it. But now I--I... That depends on what she needs. If it was money, I--I might rake up five or ten dollars. Outside of that, I don't know, see, lest I'd give her a postdated check, till I get my pay next month. But now what if she has got domestic trouble? Then I'd say, "Go get your husband, let's talk together, maybe I can help you. 'I have no way of getting home'? Well, I'll ask somebody if they'd take you, take you home, going your way. You live down on what street down here?" Or whatever it is, I don't know. But if it's sickness, then I--I don't know. See? But I don't know the woman.

176But there is Someone here, this Word, that promised, "The things that I do shall you also."

177 Now, perhaps, what if this woman is sick, maybe she has got cancer, maybe she has TB, and, or something that medicine can't help at this--at this stage? Well, now, I couldn't, I by no means could heal the woman.

178But now if He can reveal to me what she wants, just like He did the woman at the well, or like He told Nathanael, or--or told Simon what his name was. Said, "Your name is Simon. You're the son of Jonas. Henceforth you'll be called Peter, which means 'a little stone.'"

179Well, now, if He would do something like that here in the presence of all of you, that goes to show that that Word is Truth. Now, how many will believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Is there anybody here knows the woman, raise your hand, any peoples in the building? Yeah, many of you know her. All right. And Father knows that I don't. Well, now, let's just see what He would say. And that, would that be a paradox? ["Amen."] I don't know what's wrong with her. Don't know what she is here for, or nothing about her. But God knows that.

180 I'm going to speak to the woman. Now this is the first person I've had before me, for about three months. Now I just want to talk to the lady, just a moment. And that is what? Contact her spirit. Just like Jesus did the woman at the well, contact her spirit.

181Now, if the Lord Jesus, lady, can reveal to me what's wrong with you, or what you're here for, or something about it, that you know that I don't know nothing about, or something on that order, would you believe it was Him? It would have to be Him, wouldn't it? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] It would have to be Him. If He will do it, then we'll all be thankful that we know we're... that His Word is right, then we can put confidence in that.

182Now, if He can reveal what your trouble is, to me, and me not knowing you, and you know that; but now if He can reveal to me what your trouble is, or something about you, then that shows that there is a Spirit here, somewhere, that knows you, and you know that I don't. So it wouldn't be the man, it would be the Spirit. And that's what God promised at this time of Ephesus. Do you believe that to be the Truth? [The sister says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] May He grant it.

183 I see one thing, she is suffering with something like a sinus troubles up here in her head. That is true. Is it? Raise up your hand if that's it. But sinus wouldn't cause you to sneeze and carry on like that, so you have hay fever, also. That's right. You're not from Phoenix. You're from where there--there is lots of hills, trees. You're from Flagstaff. That's right. You believe God can tell me who you are? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] You're Mrs. Earl. Yeah. ["Right."] Is right, is it? Now go, believing, it'll all be over.

184Now is He the same yesterday, today, and forever? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, the Heavenly Father knows I just seen the woman. See the Word vindicated. Now, it isn't me, I'm just a man. Just like this microphone, it's a mute without me speaking through it, or somebody. And so is a man just a mute. But it's the Spirit, and that Spirit is right out there among you. See? He is the healer, not me.

185 How do you do, sir? Another man that's a person who is a stranger to me. I don't know the man. Now, as far as I know, I've never seen him in my life.

186But now the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ is the same-self Spirit. The anointed One, Jesus, the Man, was the Son of God, but the Holy Spirit was on Him was God. "My Father dwells in Me." See, It's the Holy Spirit, so it's still God.

187Now if I can just get myself, that man can get hisself, out of the way, then that part is dead, then let the Spirit of Life go to work. See? That's why I wait just a minute, to see what happens till the anointing gets started.

188 If the Lord God, Whose Presence we are in, will reveal to me, sir, what your trouble is, or something you've done, or--or something about you, just something. Course, more we would talk, more it would go. But, see, there is others standing in the line. But if He'll just tell me what your trouble is, will you believe me to be His servant, and believe He is present? [The brother says, "Yes."--Ed] A rupture. That right? ["Sure is. Yes."] Right.

189Now you say, "How was that done?" I wish I knowed. There is nobody can explain that. That's a paradox. See?

190Here, that you might know, I seen something else, an examination; got heart trouble, too. Raise your hand. Mr. Anderson, you can go home now, Jesus Christ will make you well. That's right. Just believe, have faith. Don't doubt.

191 How do you do, sir? We are strangers to each other. I don't know you. Far as I know, it's the first time I ever seen you, for me to know you. That's right. But He knows us, both of us.

192Now you know why this is taking place? It's His grace permitting it, that it would bring these people conscious of God. Now, not knowing nothing about you, not even knowing you no way, just a strange man that come here. Now it would be absolutely a paradox for something to happen, to--to know what was wrong with you, or something you had done, or something you ought not have done, or something you should have done, or who you are or something about you. It would have to be a paradox, 'cause there is no way for anybody to know that, outside of some revelation of the unseen. That's right. Now if He'll do that for you, between you and I, so that the audience... not a show, but that they might see the--the Ephesus is here, that this is the thing that bridges between denomination and the Glory Land. He promised it, that they might be assured that what we're telling is the Truth.

193Now to know you, you know I don't. That's, raise up your hand so the people see that you... I, I've never seen the man in my life. He's just a man standing here. Ask any of the others. But you're suffering with a rupture. You also have hemorrhoids. That's right. You've come a long ways, to get here. You're not even an American. You're a Canadian. You brought with you a son that has mental affliction. That's true. You want me to tell you where you're from? You're from the province of Sasketchewan, Saskatoon the city. Believe with all your heart, and God will send you back home well, with your son, if you believe. You believe it? God bless you.

194Do you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Lord God still remains God. See? There is none other but Him.

195 How do you do? Here is a lady, a stranger to me, perhaps a little older. I've never seen her; but she is--she is just a woman standing here. I'm going to have to hurry, 'cause I just got seven or eight minutes now, see. Just look here. Do you believe that these things are true? With all your heart? You know it's impossible for me to know what's wrong with you, or anything about you. But it isn't impossible for God to know, because He knowed even before there was a world. Isn't that right? [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.]

196How many believe that to be true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure. He knowed every time you would bat your eye. He is infinite. And just think; by His grace He has presented, with His Gospel, the same thing He promised to do. Then there is a Heaven, and we're going to it. And we're in this Ephesus right now. We're in this, coming out of one, into another.

197You have so many things wrong with you, complications, so many things wrong. And you're not from here. You are from west of here. You're from California. That's right. You also have a son that's afflicted. That's right. You... There is something, I keep seeing water or a great big lake. Oh, it's, you have--you have someone that's close to you, that lives in Chicago, that knows me. That's right. That is true. Now, you know I don't know you, but do you believe God knows who you are? Mrs. McGuire. You got your request. Go home thanking God.

How do you do? You're a mighty young person.

198 But sickness and disease is no respect of person. How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We just know that it's no respect of person.

199"If thou canst believe with all thine heart and all thy soul!" That asthma would leave you if you would believe it with all your heart.

200The chest trouble, do you believe it would leave you, too, sister, and you would be made well? What did you touch? She is twenty feet from me, or more. She touched the Master. It's congestion, of nerves. You'll be all right.

201This is a noble thing this young woman stands here for. She straightly is a stranger. I've never seen the woman. But she has been brought here by somebody else. And what brings her here, was because she heard a tape that I made. And she is here seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's exactly what she is here for. That is true, young lady. That's right. Come here.

202Dear God, may this child standing here, that's breaking forth from darkness into Light, may she receive the Holy Spirit; go to her home and her loved ones, show them what great things Jesus has did for her. Amen.

God bless you. Don't doubt. Believe.

203 God can heal all kinds of nervousness and (do you believe that?) asthmatic conditions, and make you well. Do you believe that? Then go, believe with all your heart. May God bless you, brother.

204How old are you? [The sister says, "Thirty-eight."--Ed.] You have to come out of that nervousness before too long, don't you? Having all kind of weary spells, and everything happening to you. But it's left you now. Yes, sir.

205God heals nervousness, stomach trouble, too. Do you believe that? Then go eat what you wish to. Jesus Christ healed you.

206Do you believe out there, every one of you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

207There is a man sitting with a--a shirt, looking to me, yeah, he looked down at his shirt just then. Yeah. Do you believe God can heal gland trouble, can make you well? You was believing then (wasn't you?), that same time this little boy got cured of that asthmatic condition.

Go home, honey, you're going to be a well girl, see. Believe with all your heart.

208Little lady sitting next to, your wife there, could you believe your eyes will get well, too? You believe that God will heal that eye trouble? Raise up your hand if that's what you was praying for. See?

What did they touch? Jesus Christ the Son of God.

209 Do you believe? Do you believe, young man? God can heal that blood condition, make it right, (will you believe that?) take that diabetes stuff away and make you well. Do you believe that? Go tell Him you believe it, and go.

210Come, sir. Got stomach trouble. Do you believe God can heal it, make it well? [The brother says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] Go, believe it; you'll be well, be made whole.

211Come, bring this little boy. Look here, son. Come a long ways. Sometimes change in altitudes, change in climates, will do it, to heal asthmatic condition. But there is one sure healing, Jesus Christ the Son of God. He gave His Son, that yours might be healed. Do you believe that? Believe it with all your heart, and it'll leave him. He'll be normal, well man. God bless you, sister.

212Do you believe? Is God still performing paradoxes? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The unexplainable, unreasonable, things that people wouldn't understand how it would be, but it's still true, isn't it? ["Amen."] Now how many is sensing, and knowing in your spirit, that there has got to be Something here that's beyond human understanding?

213 Now, I think we called at least fifteen people in that line, every one of them; and four or five, six, out there in the line, without prayer cards, or whatever they was out in the line there, out in the audience there. But we're right now just one minute of time, of closing.

214Did He do it just exactly the way He said He would do it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now how many believes He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, sensing His Presence? ["Amen."] Now you seen His Presence. Now your eye has seen, your ears have understood, and God has confirmed, before your eyes, His Presence. And that what you feel all the time, that condemns you when you're wrong, and tells you not to do that, that same God has become visible to you here this afternoon, in His works. How many says "amen" to that? ["Amen."] Sure, it is. Now He is here.

215 Is there one here in the midst of us, that's never been a Christian; never had any confession, you just never did go to church? Would you stand up, and say, "I want to stand, not to you, minister; but I want to stand while I'm in the Presence of this Person, Jesus Christ, Who is the Holy Spirit over us now. I want to stand and say, 'I want You to save me from my sins'"? That's all I want you to do, just stand up, and that will witness. That's all we have time to do. Say, "I want to be a Christian." Stand to your feet, and then sit right back down.

216Is there one in the building? How many is in the building? I oughtn't to say, "Is there one?" 'cause there might be more than one. How many in the building will stand right now, and say, "I have been wrong, God. Forgive me. I'll raise up to give You testimony that I've been wrong. I'll sit down while I'm here in Your Presence. I'll sit down"? Just stand up.

217Is there one, is there more than one? One hand. God bless you, young man. Is there another? God bless you. Is there another? God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, brother. Is there? God bless you, back there. Is there another, "I have been wrong. God, forgive me"? God bless you, sir. "I've been wrong. I--I'm sorry, Lord." God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.

218 Has there been anybody that's been suspicious of this ministry, and you're convinced now that it's true? Raise up your hand, say, "God, forgive me." Just raise up your hand, say, "I--I was a little suspicious, Brother Branham; it's all gone now." Raise your hand. Not a one? Thank you.

219How many believes This? Couldn't be me; but it's the Christ, the Son of God. Thank you. Then you shall see greater things than this done, as long as you'll believe. Just stay with Christ. I'll do my best to stay right with Him, myself.

220Now how many here that's sick and needy, raise up your hand, "I'm--I'm sick, Brother Branham, I'm needy"? See, just look at the people. Now will you do this and just believe my word this much? Let's put our hands on one another, while I just hold my hands out towards you.

Let's pray.

221 Dear God, I bring to You this little audience, this afternoon, where we have heard and read the Word of God. We know that it's every bit the Truth, because it's Your Word. We've not only now believe it to be true; we know that it's true. We have seen You, Lord, do something that will make people know that there is still... Besides a paradox of--of the world, and space, and the natural laws of God, we can see here where that the law of death working in a human's body, where that science has failed to--to cure by their research. And, Lord, we're grateful for those people. We by no means belittle them. We're grateful for them. But, Lord, when it comes to a place that they can do no more, now we see Your great hand come in; knowing that there is no man could heal them, because he would be a doctor, or have to take some remedy. But to see the Son of God come down, and that made the promise, that we all believe in it.

222 And every person held their hand up, that wasn't saved, and--and wanted to be saved. God, something warned their heart. Some of them said they "had been wrong," maybe backslid and wanted to come back. I pray that You'll take each one back. For they know, Lord, and knowed... Many of them may have known me, or of me, for these years, and know that there is no good thing in a man, and especially me. How could there be any good thing? But yet they seen that Word, that God promised, made manifest. They are convinced that It's the Truth. They've accepted It.

223Many here I could not bring to the platform. And, Father, Thou bear me record, never have I said that it would be something that I could do, no more than yield myself to You, and let You take me out of the way and put Your Spirit in there to work. Now, Father, seeing that one person can do that, other can do it, I pray that each one that has their hands laying on each other, that's sick and afflicted, will be healed just at this time.

224Let the great Holy Spirit pass through the building just now and make everyone well. Save everyone, Lord. Give such an experience. Pour out the Holy Ghost, Lord, upon this audience. Oh, we're looking for You to do great things this coming week. Just let it be so, Lord, right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

225 Now let us all stand to our feet. Do you believe with all your heart? Now I wonder if our sister, at the piano there, would give us a--a--a little chord of this, "I Will Praise Him. I Will Praise Him." You've heard that? Now let's sing it, together. Now we'll hope to meet you tomorrow evening. Now we'll dismiss officially, just in a moment, but I want to sing this song with you. All right, let's go.

I will praise Him, (let's raise our hands) I will praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

226Let us bow our heads now for the dismissing prayer. All right, Brother Jewel Rose is going to dismiss us. God bless you, Brother Rose, while we have our...