Semeno rozporu



Zisťujeme teraz, že keď Boh zasial Svoje semeno v záhrade Eden, zisťujeme, že to splodilo Ábela. Ale keď Satan zasial svoje semeno rozporu, to splodilo Kaina. Jeden splodil spravodlivého a druhý splodil nespravodlivého. Pretože Eva počúvala na slovo rozporu, v protiklade k Božiemu Slovu, a to rovno tam začalo kotúľať tú guľu hriechu, a odvtedy sa ona kotúľa. A my to nikdy nedostaneme von, kým neprídu Anjeli a neoddelia tú vec a Boh vezme Svoje deti do Kráľovstva a kúkoľ bude spálený. Všimnite si tie dve révy.

Ale nakoniec museli vyrásť, až kým obe tie semená, Semeno rozporu a semeno Božie, ukázali svoje skutočné hlavy, a to vyvrcholilo v Judášovi Iškariotskom a v Ježišovi Kristovi. Pretože On bol semenom Božím, on bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho, on nebol nič menej ako Boh. Judáš Iškariotský sa narodil ako syn zatratenia, vyšiel z pekla a vrátil sa do pekla. Ježiš Kristus bol Synom Božím, prejaveným Slovom Božím. Judáš Iškariotský, vo svojom rozpore, bol semenom diabla. Prišiel na svet a kvôli zvedeniu, presne tak, akým bol na počiatku Kain, jeho praotec.

Judáš sa iba hral na cirkev. On nebol v skutočnosti úprimný. On v podstate nemal vieru, to by nebol zradil Ježiša. Ale vidíte, on zasial to semeno rozporu. On si myslel, že sa môže priateliť so svetom a mamonou, a zároveň sa priateliť aj s Ježišom, ale potom bolo pre neho príliš neskoro, aby s tým niečo urobil. Keď prišla tá hodina smrti, keď urobil túto zlú vec, on prekročil tú deliacu líniu medzi pokračovaním vpred a vrátením sa späť. On musel ísť ďalej po tej ceste, po ktorej išiel ako zvoditeľ. On zasial semeno rozporu, snažil sa nájsť priazeň s tými veľkými organizáciami toho dňa, s Farizejmi a Sadúcejmi, a pomyslel si, že by si mohol zarobiť trochu peňazí a že bude medzi ľuďmi populárny. Či to len nespôsobuje, že tak mnohí ľudia sa dostávajú do toho rozporu, snažia sa nájsť priazeň u človeka! Nájdime priazeň u Boha, nie u človeka. Ale to je to, čo Judáš urobil, keď v ňom tieto rozpory vyvrcholili.

1        Na dnes večer som vybral krátky text, krátke čítanie. Ak bude Pán chcieť, tak nám z toho dá kontext, je to Matúš 13:24-30. A tiež chcem potom čítať od verša 26 po 40, bude to len chvíľa. Takže, teraz Matúš, 13. kapitola a začneme veršom 24 z 13. kapitoly svätého Matúša. Počúvajte pozorne toto čítanie Slova. Moje slová sklamú, ale Jeho nie.

Predložil im aj iné podobenstvo povediac: Nebeské kráľovstvo je podobné človekovi, ktorý zasial dobré semeno na svojom poli.

Ale kým ľudia spali, prišiel jeho nepriateľ a nasial kúkoľa medzi pšenicu vonkoncom po poli a odišiel.

Keď potom vzrástla bylina a doniesla plod, vtedy sa ukázal i kúkoľ.

A pristúpili sluhovia hospodárovi a povedali mu: Pane, či si ty nenasial dobrého semena na svojom poli? Zkadiaľže má tedy kúkoľ?

A on im povedal: Človek nepriateľ to urobil. A sluhovia mu riekli: Či chceš tedy, aby sme išli a zozbierali ho?

A on povedal: Nie, aby ste snáď zbierajúc kúkoľ nejako spolu s ním nevytrhali aj pšenice.

Nechajte oboje spolu rásť až do žatvy, a v čas žatvy poviem žencom: Zoberte najprv kúkoľ a poviažte ho do snopov na spálenie, ale pšenicu zvezte do mojej stodoly.

2 Všimli ste si to, „Zhromaždite najprv kúkoľ a zviažte ho”? No, ako som toto čítal, prišlo ku mne niečo zvláštne. Bol som toho večera na modlitbe na vrchu Hôr Katalina. A potom som si pomyslel, že kde by som mohol nájsť slovo, ktoré by som mohol použiť dnes večer ku kázaniu na túto tému?

3 A skúmal som to a našiel som slovo „rozpor”, tak som vzal slovník a pozrel som sa, čo slovo „rozpor” znamená. Znamená to „rozsievať nezhodu” alebo „byť v protiklade”, ako hovorí Webster, „rozsievať nezhodu, niečo odlišné” alebo „byť v protiklade s tým, čím to už je.” Tak som si pomyslel, že by som ten text na dnes večer nazval „Semeno rozporu.” A dôverujem Pánovi, že ako pristupujeme ku Jeho Slovu, On ho požehná.

4 A tiež vieme, že On to vo veršoch 36 až 43 vyložil, to, ako toto semeno dozrelo. A kým sme pri tom, prečítajme to tiež, verše 36 až 43.

Vtedy zanechajúc Ježiš zástupy, išiel do domu. A pristúpili k nemu jeho učeníci a povedali mu: Vylož nám podobenstvo o tom kúkoli toho poľa.

A on odpovedal a riekol im: Ten, kto rozsieva dobré semeno, je Syn človeka,

a pole je svet, a dobré semeno sú synovia kráľovstva; kúkoľ sú synovia toho zlého;

nepriateľ, ktorý ich nasial, je diabol; žatva je skonanie sveta, a ženci sú anjeli.

A tedy ako sa zberá kúkoľ a páli ohňom, tak bude aj pri skonaní tohoto sveta:

Syn človeka pošle svojich anjelov, a vyberú z jeho kráľovstva všetky pohoršenia i tých, ktorí páchajú neprávosť,

a uvrhnú ich do ohnivej pece. Tam bude plač a škrípanie zubami.

Vtedy sa budú spravodliví skvieť ako slnce v kráľovstve svojho Otca. Kto má uši nato, aby počul, nech počuje!

5 Tu dáva Sám Ježiš výklad toho podobenstva, preto vieme, čo to podobenstvo znamená. A teraz, ako ku tomuto pristupujeme, ku tomu siatiu semena a jeho zberu, On nám to teraz vykladá. Verím, že Ježiš hovoril toto podobenstvo v Jeho dni, ale On to mienil na koniec sveta alebo na koniec veku, čo je tento deň. A verím, že tento krátky text dnes večer je veľmi vhodný na hodinu, v ktorej žijeme, pretože Ježiš priamo povedal, že to „zhromaždenie sa bude pri konci sveta,” to je to, kedy bude koniec, zhromaždenie pšenice a tiež zhromaždenie kúkoľa a jeho spálenie a vzatie pšenice do Kráľovstva. A takto tomu verím.

6  A ďalšie miesto Písma ma vedie ku tomu, aby som to takto veril, zapísal som si to, je to Matúš 24:24, kde je povedané, keď hovorí o semene rozporu. Ježiš povedal, že tí dvaja budú tak blízko seba, až by to zviedlo i samých vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. Takmer to isté.

7 Na inom mieste Písma je napísané, že dážď padá na spravodlivých i nespravodlivých.

8 Pamätám si svoje prvé prežitie, keď som prišiel medzi letničných ľudí. Bol som v Mishawaka, v Indiáne. A bol som na veľkom zhromaždení, sála bola asi takáto, kde sa sever a juh spolu schádzali. Pretože v tých dňoch bola segregácia, museli sa tam schádzať. Boli to dve veľké vetvy letničných bratov. Nikdy som o nich nepočul, ani som ich nikdy nestretol. Tam som po prvýkrát počul hovorenie v jazykoch. A na konci radu na tom zhromaždení. Tým, že ja som medzi nimi nebol členom, bol som len mladým baptistickým kazateľom, sedel som úplne vzadu. A pamätám si, že som po prvýkrát počul niekoho hovoriť v jazykoch, ani som nevedel, o čom to vlastne všetko je. A potom títo dvaja muži, boli tam hlavní, sedeli vpredu, jeden hovoril v jazykoch a ten druhý vykladal, čo ten druhý hovoril.

 No začal som študovať Bibliu tak rýchlo, ako som len mohol, a potom som zistil, že to bolo podľa Písma. To je presne to, čo Písmo hovorilo, že Duch Svätý bude robiť.

9 Tak asi deň potom… ten večer bolo moje srdce také rozochvené. Spal som na kukuričnom poli. Nemal som dostatok peňazí, aby som si zaobstaral posteľ, mal som len dosť peňazí na to, aby som sa dostal domov. Zohnal som si zopár šišiek, boli pár dní staré, alebo to boli rožky, a to som mal na raňajky. A oni ma volali, aby som išiel jesť s nimi, ale ja som nemal žiadne peniaze, aby som im tam venoval. V tých dňoch bola hospodárska kríza, bolo to v roku 1933, takže to bolo vtedy veľmi ťažké. A tak som si pomyslel. „Dobre, ja budem… ja s nimi nechcem jesť, ale chcem vedieť, čo majú. Oni majú niečo, čo ja nemám.“

10 Tak, v to ráno som bol… opýtali sa ma, povedali, „Všetci kazatelia príďte na pódium a predstavte sa, kto ste a odkiaľ ste.”

11 No, ja som povedal, „William Branham, evanjelista, Jeffersonville,” a sadol som si. Tak, v tom čase som bol na pódiu najmladším kazateľom. Na ďalší deň ma zavolali na pódium, aby som hovoril. A potom, ako som hovoril, no, mali sme ohromný čas, a potom som začal stretávať rozličných ľudí, ktorí ma pozývali do svojich cirkví. Potom, ako oni…

12 Po tomto som si pomyslel, „Ak by som sa len mohol dostať ku tým dvom mužom, ktorí hovorili v jazykoch a vykladali!” To v mojom srdci horelo, tak veľmi som to chcel. No, ako som vám povedal na začiatku, to je určitý malý dar, ktorý je vám daný. Viete, dary a povolania sú bez pokánia, vy ich máte celý svoj život. Rozumiete, narodili ste sa s nimi, ak sú to Božie dary. Tak ja vždy, odkedy som malým dieťaťom, vždy sa mi to stávalo, ľudia, ktorí poznajú celý môj život, vedia, že je to pravda. No, ak som si pomyslel… vtedy som nevedel, čo to je, a nazýval som to videním, ja som jednoducho nevedel, čo to je. Ale pomyslel som si, „ak by som len s nimi mohol niekedy hovoriť!” No a ten Duch, ktorý bol v budove, bolo cítiť, akoby to naozaj bol Duch Boží.

13 Tak sa mi podarilo hovoriť s jedným z nich a opýtal som sa ho zopár otázok a on bol skutočným Kresťanom. Nebolo o tom pochýb, že ten muž je skutočne veriaci. A ten ďalší muž, keď som s ním hovoril, ak som kedy stretol pokrytca, tak to bol jeden z nich. Ten muž bol v skutočnosti… jeho manželka bola blondína a on mal deti, dve deti mal s brunetkou. Aj ja som si pomyslel, „No a teraz čo? Tu to je a ja v tom mám zmätok. Som fundamentalista, to musí byť Slovo, inak to nie je správne. Tu je ten duch, pri jednom to zazvonilo, podľa všetkého, čo poznám, on bol skutočným pravdivým a ten druhý nebol vôbec dobrý; a Duch padol na nich oboch. Tak ako toto môže byť?” To ma úplne zmiatlo.

14 O dva roky neskôr som sa modlil v jaskyni, kde som sa chodil modliť. V jaskyni som sa celkom zaprášil a jedného popoludnia som vyšiel von, položil som si svoju Bibliu na zvalený strom, zavial vietor a otvoril to v liste Židom, 6. kapitole. Tam bolo povedané, že v posledných dňoch, ako to bude, ak odpadneme od Pravdy a obnovíme sa znovu ku pokániu, že tam nie je už viac obeti za hriech. A ako to tŕnie a bodľač, ktoré sú blízko k odvrhnutiu, ktorých koniec je, aby boli spálené, ale dážď prichádza často na zem, aby ju zavlažil, odial; ale tŕnie a bodliaky budú odmietnuté, ale pšenica bude zhromaždená. A ja som si pomyslel, „No, to len náhodou vietor otvoril.” No a tak som tú Bibliu znovu položil. A pomyslel som si, „No, ja teraz len…” A tu znovu prišiel vietor a znovu to otvoril. To sa stalo trikrát. A pomyslel som si, „No to je zvláštne.”

15 A potom, ako som sa zodvihol a pomyslel som si, „Pane, kvôli čomu si mi otvoril Bibliu, aby som to čítal, Ja… keď som sa dostal ku tomu slovu, 'tŕne a bodliaky, ktoré sú blízke odvrhnutiu, ktorých koniec je, aby boli spálené'?” Pomyslel som si, „No, kvôli čomu si mi to otvoril?” Ako som sa díval naprieč…

16 Viete, tieto skutočné videnia prichádzajú bez toho, že by ste sa do toho nejako dotláčali. To je jednoducho Boh. Rozumiete? Pozrel som sa a videl som zem, ako sa predo mnou otáča, a videl som, že bola celá skyprená. Bol tam Muž v bielom, prechádzal a sial pšenicu. A potom, ako prešiel až za obzor zeme, prichádza nejaký človek, vyzeral hrozne a bol oblečený v čiernom a všade naokolo rozhadzoval semeno buriny. Obe semená vzišli spolu. A keď vzišli, obe boli smädné, pretože bol potrebný dážď. A každé jedno z nich vyzeralo, akoby sa modlilo so svojou malou sklonenou hlávkou, „Pane, pošli dážď, pošli dážď.” A prišli mohutné mraky a dážď začal padať na obe. Keď sa to stalo, tá malá pšenica vyskočila a začala hovoriť, „Chvála Pánovi! Chvála Pánovi!” Táto malá burina vyskočila presne tak a povedala, „Chvála Pánovi! Chvála Pánovi!”

17 A potom bolo to videnie prerušené. Dážď padá na spravodlivých a na nespravodlivých. Ten istý Duch môže padnúť na zhromaždení a každý sa v tom bude radovať: pokrytci, Kresťania a všetci spolu, ale čo je to? Podľa ich ovocia budú poznané. Rozumiete? To je ten jediný spôsob, ako to môže byť kedy poznané.

18 Potom to môžete vidieť, ako ten divý ovos alebo divá pšenica a zrno niekedy napodobňujú práve to domáce zrno, je to tak blízke, že by to zviedlo i samých vyvolených. Myslím si, že žijeme v príhodnom veku, keď by tieto veci mali byť kázané a malo by sa o nich hovoriť.

19 Všimnite si v 41. verši, tí dvaja budú tak veľmi blízko, budú tak blízko v tých posledných dňoch, až to On neurobil… On nemohol spoliehať na nejakú určitú cirkev, aby ich rozdelila, povedzme metodisti alebo baptisti alebo letniční, aby ich oddelili. On povedal, „On posiela Svojich anjelov aby ich oddelili.” Anjel prichádza, aby priniesol oddelenie, rozdelenie medzi tým správnym a nesprávnym. A nikto to nedokáže urobiť okrem Anjela Pánovho. On je ten, ktorý povie, čo je správne a čo je nesprávne. Boh povedal, že v tých posledných časoch pošle Svojich anjelov. Nie anjelov počas tohoto, ale anjelov v tom poslednom čase A oni to spolu zhromaždia. My vieme, že toto je teraz čas príchodu žatvy. Anjel v skutočnosti znamená „posol”. A my vidíme, že sú siedmi anjeli siedmich zborov. A teraz… nie, počas cirkevných vekov.

20 Všimnite si, čo On povedal, že tí rozsievači sú, a takisto, čím bolo to semeno. Tým Rozsievačom bol On, Syn Boží, ktorý vyšiel, aby rozsieval Semeno. A nepriateľ prišiel za ním, čo bol diabol, a zasial semeno rozporu, po zasiatí toho pravého Semena. Takže, priatelia, to sa dialo počas každého veku, odkedy je svet. Presne tak. Po celý čas už od počiatku, to začalo presne tú istú vec.

21 On povedal, „Semeno Božie, Slovo Božie.” Ježiš povedal na určitom mieste, že „Slovo je Semeno.” A každé semeno prinesie svoj druh. A teraz, ak sa Kresťania, deti Božie, deti Kráľovstva stávajú semenom Božím, potom oni musia byť Slovom Božím, Slovom Božím zamanifestovaným vo veku, v ktorom žijú, pre to zasľúbené Semeno toho veku. Boh dal na počiatku Svoje Slovo a každý vek mal svoje semeno, svoj čas, svoje zasľúbenia.

22 Tak, keď prišiel na scénu Noe, on bol semenom Božím, Božím Slovom na ten vek.

23 Keď prišiel Mojžiš, on nemohol prísť s posolstvom Noeho, to by nefungovalo, pretože on bol semenom Božím v tom čase.

24 Potom, keď prišiel Kristus, On nemohol prísť s vekom Noeho alebo Mojžiša; to bol Jeho čas, aby panna počala a priviedla Syna, ktorý by bol Mesiášom.

25 Prešli sme cez Lutherov vek, Wesleyov vek (metodistický vek), cez všetky tie veky, cez letničný vek a každému veku je dané zasľúbenie Slova. Ľudia toho veku, ktorí manifestujú to zasľúbené Slovo, podľa toho, čo presne tu povedal Ježiš, „Oni sú deťmi Kráľovstva.” To je pravda. Manifestácia pôsobenia Ducha Svätého cez Jeho deti, oni sú tým Semenom Kráľovstva v tom veku.

26 Všimnite si, kúkoľ bol ten nepriateľ, Satan, ktorý zasiela rôznice alebo semeno rozporu, on bol ten, ktorý bol vinný tejto hroznej veci. Satan zasial svoje semeno od počiatku, keď Boh umiestnil Svoju prvú žatvu ľudských bytostí na zemi. Adam, samozrejme, ešte vedel, že existuje poznanie pravdy a toho správneho a nesprávneho a on ešte k tomu zatiaľ neprišiel.

27 Ale zisťujeme, že Boh dal Svojim deťom Svoje Slovo ako Obranu. Ich… nemáme žiadnu inú Obranu okrem Božieho Slova. To je našou Obranou. Neexistujú žiadne bomby, žiadne prístrešky, žiadne miesta ukrytia, žiadne Arizony alebo Kalifornie, alebo čokoľvek to je; existuje len jedna Obrana, ktorú máme, a to je Slovo. A to Slovo bolo učinené telom a prebývalo medzi nami, ktoré je Kristus Ježiš, On je našou jedinou Obranou. Tým, že sme v Ňom, sme v bezpečí.

28 Dokonca ani hriech nie je skutočnému veriacemu pripočítaný. Vedeli ste to? Ten, kto je narodený z Boha, nepácha hriech, nemôže hrešiť. Rozumiete? Nie je mu to ani pripočítané. David povedal, „Požehnaný človek, ktorému Boh nepočíta hriechu.” Keď si v Kristovi, nemáš žiadnu túžbu hrešiť. „Ctiteľ, raz očistený, nemá už žiadneho svedomia hriechu,” ty po tom netúžiš. No, pre svet môžeš byť hriešnikom, ale pre Boha nie si, pretože si v Kristovi. Ako môžeš byť hriešnikom, keď si v tom Nevinnom a Boh vidí iba Toho, v ktorom si?

29 Toto je čas žatvy. Na počiatku, keď Boh zasial na zemi Svoje Semeno a dal to do sŕdc Svojich detí, Svojej rodiny, aby to Slovo zachovali, to bola ich jediná Obrana, zachovať to Slovo! A tu prichádza nepriateľ a láme tú ohradu, tým, že seje semeno rozporu, v protiklade ku Slovu Božiemu. Ak to bol rozpor na počiatku, tak je to stále. Čokoľvek, čo niečo pridá ku Božiemu Slovu, je stále semenom rozporu! Nestarám sa o to, odkiaľ to prichádza, či je to z organizácie alebo z vojenských zdrojov, ak je to z politických mocí, čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade ku Slovu Božiemu, je semenom rozporu.

30 Ak povstane nejaký muž a hovorí, že je kazateľom Evanjelia, a hovorí, že „dni zázrakov pominuli,” to je semeno rozporu. Ak povstane nejaký muž a hovorí, že je kazateľom, pastorom nejakej cirkvi niekde, a neverí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý v každom detaile (okrem fyzického tela), ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, to je semeno rozporu. Ak hovorí, že „Zázraky a apoštolský vek pominuli,” to je semeno rozporu. Keď povedia, „Neexistuje niečo také, ako je božské uzdravenie,” to je semeno rozporu. A svet je toho plný. To zaplavuje davmi a dusí pšenicu.

31 Všimnite si, že ten prvý rozsievač semena rozporu bol označený ako „diabol,” a vieme, že to bolo v Genezis 1. Teraz zisťujeme, tu, v knihe Matúša, v 13. kapitole, že Ježiš stále označuje akýkoľvek rozpor s Božím Slovom „diablom.” A v tomto roku 1956 [1965], čokoľvek, čo seje rozpor, v protiklade ku napísanému Božiemu Slovu, alebo kladie do toho akýkoľvek súkromný výklad, je semeno rozporu. Boh to neuctí. Nemôže. To sa nezmieša. Istotne nie. Je to ako horčičné zrno, to sa nezmieša s niečím iným, nemôžete to skrížiť, musí to byť tá pravá vec. Semeno rozporu!

32 Zisťujeme teraz, že keď Boh zasial Svoje semeno v záhrade Eden, zisťujeme, že to splodilo Ábela. Ale keď Satan zasial svoje semeno rozporu, to splodilo Kaina. Jeden splodil spravodlivého a druhý splodil nespravodlivého. Pretože Eva počúvala na slovo rozporu, v protiklade k Božiemu Slovu, a to rovno tam začalo kotúľať tú guľu hriechu, a odvtedy sa ona kotúľa. A my to nikdy nedostaneme von, kým neprídu Anjeli a neoddelia tú vec a Boh vezme Svoje deti do Kráľovstva a kúkoľ bude spálený. Všimnite si tie dve révy.

33 Ak by sme len mali na túto tému viac času, ale dotýkame sa len vrcholových budov, aby sme sa tak mohli za pár minút modliť za chorých.

34 Všimnite si, ich semená rástli spolu presne tak, ako Boh povedal tiež tu, v 13. kapitole Matúša nášho textu dnes večer „Nechajte ich rásť spolu.” Takže, Kain išiel do zeme Nód, našiel si tam ženu a oženil sa a Ábel bol zabitý a Boh vzbudil na jeho mieste Seta. A tie generácie postupovali dopredu, správne a nesprávne. Tak, všimnite si, že oni sa zhromažďovali, každé jedno z nich, čas po čase a Boh musel… stalo sa to takým bezbožným, až to Boh musel zničiť.

35 Ale nakoniec museli vyrásť, až kým obe tie semená, Semeno rozporu a semeno Božie, ukázali svoje skutočné hlavy, a to vyvrcholilo v Judášovi Iškariotskom a v Ježišovi Kristovi. Pretože On bol semenom Božím, on bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho, on nebol nič menej ako Boh. Judáš Iškariotský sa narodil ako syn zatratenia, vyšiel z pekla a vrátil sa do pekla. Ježiš Kristus bol Synom Božím, prejaveným Slovom Božím. Judáš Iškariotský, vo svojom rozpore, bol semenom diabla. Prišiel na svet a kvôli zvedeniu, presne tak, akým bol na počiatku Kain, jeho praotec.

36 Judáš sa iba hral na cirkev. On nebol v skutočnosti úprimný. On v podstate nemal vieru, to by nebol zradil Ježiša. Ale vidíte, on zasial to semeno rozporu. On si myslel, že sa môže priateliť so svetom a mamonou, a zároveň sa priateliť aj s Ježišom, ale potom bolo pre neho príliš neskoro, aby s tým niečo urobil. Keď prišla tá hodina smrti, keď urobil túto zlú vec, on prekročil tú deliacu líniu medzi pokračovaním vpred a vrátením sa späť. On musel ísť ďalej po tej ceste, po ktorej išiel ako zvoditeľ. On zasial semeno rozporu, snažil sa nájsť priazeň s tými veľkými organizáciami toho dňa, s Farizejmi a Sadúcejmi, a pomyslel si, že by si mohol zarobiť trochu peňazí a že bude medzi ľuďmi populárny. Či to len nespôsobuje, že tak mnohí ľudia sa dostávajú do toho rozporu, snažia sa nájsť priazeň u človeka! Nájdime priazeň u Boha, nie u človeka. Ale to je to, čo Judáš urobil, keď v ňom tieto rozpory vyvrcholili.

37 A my vieme, že Ježiš bol Slovom, Svätý Ján 1 hovorí, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo s Bohom a to Slovo bolo Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.” Potom, to Slovo je Semeno, potom sa to Semeno stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.

38 Ak bol Judáš semenom nepriateľa a rozporu, to sa tiež stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami v osobe Judáša Iškariotského. On nemal nikdy žiadnu skutočnú pravdivú vieru. On mal to, o čom si myslel, že je viera. Existuje dvoje: mať vieru a vytvorená (takzvaná) viera.

39 A pravdivá viera Božia bude veriť v Boha a Boh je Slovo, to k tomu nikdy nič nepridá. Biblia nám hovorí, že ak pridáme jedno slovo alebo odnímeme preč jedno Slovo, náš diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života, Zjavenie 22:18, posledná uzatváracia kapitola.

40 Celkom na počiatku, v prvej knihe Biblie, Boh im povedal, aby neporušili z toho ani jedno Slovo, „Musí byť zachované každé Slovo,” musia tým Slovom žiť. Ježiš prichádza uprostred tej Knihy, povedal v Jeho veku, „Človek nebude žiť len na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.” V ukončovacom veku Zjavenia nám predpovedal, že, „Ktokoľvek odníme z tej knihy jedno Slovo alebo ku Tomu jedno slovo pridá, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života.”

41 Preto tam nemôže byť nič tienisté, ale len pravdivé, nescudzoložené Božie Slovo! To sú synovia Boží, dcéry Božie, ktorí nie sú narodení z vôle človeka alebo potrasením ruky alebo cez nejakú formu krstu; ale sú zrodení v Duchu Božom, skrze Svätého Ducha a Slovo samo sa cez nich prejavuje. To je skutočne semeno Božie!

42 Nepriateľ sa pripája do cirkvi a stáva sa veľmi ortodoxným vo vyznaniach alebo v niečom. Ale to nie je… to je rozpor, čokoľvek, čo narúša tú líniu skutočnej pravdy Božieho Slova.

43 A ako to vieme? Povieme, „No, počkaj, ty máš právo to vykladať?” Nie veru! Žiadny človek nemá právo vykladať Božie Slovo. On je Svojím vlastným Vykladačom. On to zasľubuje, potom to On robí a to je výklad toho. Čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade ku Božiemu Slovu, je rozpor! Absolútne!

44 Tak, ako som už povedal, Judáš nemal žiadnu skutočnú vieru. On mal iba vytvorenú vieru. On mal vieru, že on si myslel, že to bol Syn Boží, ale on nevedel, že to bol Syn Boží. Nebol by to urobil. Ako človek, ktorý bude robiť kompromis s týmto Slovom Božím, ktoré je pravdou, on má len vytvorenú vieru. Pravdivý Boží sluha bude na tom Slove visieť.

45 Pred pár dňami, jeden kazateľ z Arizony, z jednej veľkej známej školy, ktorá je v tomto meste, prišiel ku mne a povedal, „Chcel by som ťa ohľadne niečoho napraviť.” (povedal som…) „Keď budeš mať príležitosť.”

 Povedal som, „Toto je tá najlepšia príležitosť, o akej viem. Poď do toho.”

46 A tak prišiel a povedal, „Pán Branham, vy sa snažíte… verím, že ste úprimný a že ste čestný, ale vy sa snažíte predstaviť svetu apoštolskú náuku.” A povedal, „Apoštolský vek pominul s apoštolmi.”

47 Povedal som, „Prvé, čo by som sa ťa chcel opýtať, môj brat: veríš, že každé Slovo Božie je inšpirované?”

 On povedal, „Áno, samozrejme, verím.”

48 Povedal, som, „Ukázal by si mi potom v Slove, kde apoštolský vek pominul? Ukáž mi, kde to je, a ja ti uverím.” Aj ja som povedal, „Pisateľ apoštolov, ten, ktorý mal kľúče do Kráľovstva, na deň Letníc, keď bol uvedený apoštolský vek, povedal, 'Mužovia a bratia, čo máme robiť, aby sme boli spasení?' On povedal, 'Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista, na odpustenie svojich hriechov a prijmete dar Svätého Ducha, lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a vaše deti a pre tých, ktorí sú široko-ďaleko, koľkýchkoľvek si Pán náš Boh povolá.' Tak, môže si Slovo protirečiť?”

 Ten človek povedal, „Som dnes večer hrozne nachladnutý.”

 Povedal som, „Tiež si to myslím.” Vidíte?

49 Teraz mi povedzte, povoláva stále Boh? Ak Boh stále povolával, potom stále existuje apoštolský vek. Istotne! Všetkých, koľkých si Pán náš Boh povolá, ktorých si kedy povolá, koľkých si On kedy v budúcnosti povolá, to bude stále apoštolský vek, lebo Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

50 Takže zisťujeme dnes, že tento rozpor bol siaty počas každého veku. Ak by to bolo možné prejsť behom ďalších desať alebo pätnásť minút, tak by som to urobil, ale to sa nedá. Počas vekov… my všetci, väčšina z nás číta Bibliu. A teraz tak, ako keď prišiel Ježiš, On našiel tento rozpor, protiklad. On bol Božím zamanifestovaným Slovom, On bol Božím výkladom Slova, pretože povedal „Skúmajte Písma, lebo v nich si myslíte, že máte večný život, a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne.” Tu to máte. On bol výkladom Slova. Každý znovuzrodený syn a dcéra Božia tohto veku sú výkladom Slova.” Ste písanými epištolami čítanými všetkými ľuďmi. Áno.

51 Všimnite si, On povedal, „Nadarmo Ma uctievajú učiac rozporné náuky. Nadarmo Ma uctievajú učiac náuky rozporu, náuky vyznania ľudí a učia, že to je Slovo Božie, keď pritom to nemá nič do činenia so Slovom Božím.”

52 Pozrite, každý vek vyprodukoval takú úrodu, každý vek to mal a s naším to nie je inak. Máme to isté a je to väčší vek, ako boli všetky tie ostatné veky dohromady, lebo toto je zakončenie histórie sveta. Toto je ten veľký rozpor, ktorý kedy bol na zemi, na tvári zeme, to je dnes. Ten rozpor v iných vekoch ich odtiahol od pravého a živého Boha ku modlám. Dnes, Ježiš povedal v Matúšovi 24:24, že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. Hovoríte o rozpore! Je to také prefíkané. Satan je medzi ľuďmi a je takým veľkým teológom, takým doktorom teológie, až môže takmer dokonale učiť Slovo. Ježiš tak povedal. Ale len ho pozorujte, on tam niekde bude. Povedal, „No, to nebolo pre tento [vek].” Ó, áno, tiež je, lebo Boh povedal, že je.

53 Pozrite, čo urobil. Ten istý rozpor priviedol Boží hnev za dní Noeho, keď Boh vyslal Svojho proroka a kázal plamenný oheň a volal ľudí ku pokániu a ten rozpor bol utopený. Čo potom urobil Satan? Išiel rovno cez to poza nich v Chámovi a znovu začal siať. To je presne tak.

54 Potom prišiel Mojžiš, veľký prorok, aby vyviedol deti Izraela z púšte. Čo sa stalo? Mojžiš, ten veľký prorok Boží, im priniesol absolútnu pravdu, potvrdenú pravdu, On stretol Boha. Boh dokázal, že ho stretol. A ako tamtí ľudia, tí kňazi, ktorí mali svoje rituály, svoje práva a všetko, ale Mojžiš tam stál ako potvrdenie výkladu Slova. Nezabudnite to! Mojžiš bol Božím výkladom Jeho zasľúbenia. On povedal, že to urobí, a on bol Božím výkladom.

55 Čo sa stalo? Cirkev práve vyštartovala z Egypta a pár dní bola na nohách a čo sa stalo? Satan tam prišiel s rozporom v osobe, v druhom Kainovi, bol to Balám a zasial medzi nich rozpor. Vieme, že je to tak. Balám, tá náuka Baláma, že „my sme všetci jedno, že slúžime tomu istému Bohu ako vy,” fundamentálne mal pravdu, pretože on obetoval obeť, ktorú Boh obetoval, sedem baranov, sedem býkov na siedmich oltároch a modlil sa ku tomu istému Bohu práve tak ako Mojžiš tam na púšti, presne tak isto. Ale oni neboli tým istým. To bol tieň pre nás, tieň toho, čo sa má stať. Tam bol znovu Kain zamanifestovaný v osobe Baláma. A bol tam Boh zamanifestovaný v osobe Mojžiša, vykladajúci Svoje Slovo cez ľudskú bytosť, dával sa poznávať, Svoje zasľúbenie, cez ľudskú bytosť. A povstal rozpor.

56 Takisto sa to stalo v osobe Judáša, keď on prišiel so svojím rozporom.

57 A pamätajte, tento hriech, ktorému ľudia uverili, že „My sme všetci rovnakí. My uctievame toho istého Boha, mali by sme patriť do tej istej cirkvi, mali by sme byť tým istým ľudom.” Ten hriech nebol Izraelu nikdy odpustený! Ježiš povedal, On Sám povedal, „Oni sú všetci mŕtvi!”

58 Oni zahynuli, všetci, okrem troch z nich, a to boli tí, ktorí sa držali a verili zasľúbeniu. Kedy ten slaboch povedal, „My tú zem nedokážeme zaujať. Je to na nás príliš veľa, atď,” tak Kálef a Jozua tíšili ľudí a hovorili, „My sme viac ako schopní ju zaujať, pretože Boh nám to zasľúbil! Je mi jedno, aká je opozícia!”

59 A my stále môžeme kázať Božské uzdravenie a krst Duchom Svätým a stále mať moc Božiu, aby nás oddelila od vecí tohto sveta. Boh tak povedal! Apoštolský vek nikdy neskončil a nikdy neskončí, on pokračuje ďalej.

60 Tak nachádzame toho istého rozsievača rozporu. A pamätajte, ten hriech nebol nikdy odpustený. Tak, brat, ak to nebolo nikdy odpustené vtedy, čo potom teraz, keď sa to skutočné Semeno všetkých vekov zhromažďuje?

61 Všimnite si túto veľkú vec, ktorú urobil Balám, to išlo ďalej a ďalej a napokon to vyvrcholilo v príchode Judáša Iškariotského a Ježiša. Čo to bolo? Judáš a Ježiš boli presne obraz Kaina a Ábela. Lebo tak, ako bol Judáš nábožný, tak bol i Kain nábožný. Kain postavil oltár, urobil obeť a uctieval Boha a bol v tom práve tak úprimný ako ten druhý. Ale vidíte, on nemal zjavenie toho, čo bolo Slovo. On si myslel, že Adam a Eva jedli nejaké jablká alebo nejaké ovocie. A Kain… Ábel skrze zjavenie vedel, že to tak nebolo, to bola krv, ktorá ich vyhnala von, a obetoval baránka a Boh svedčil o jeho obeti, že bola správna. Potom začal Kain žiarliť a snažil sa zabiť svojho brata. A ako zabil svojho brata na tom istom oltári, na ktorom bola zabitá jeho obeť, ten baránok zomrel na tom istom oltári, tak isto Judáš Iškariotský zradil Ježiša Krista na Božom oltári a zabil Ho práve tak, ako Kain zabil Ábela. Pretože Kain bol semenom rozporu.

62 A takisto bol Balám, najatý prorok, človek, ktorý mal vedieť lepšie. A Boh ho varoval cez tieto znamenia a divy a dokonca mulica prehovorila v neznámych jazykoch a on stále išiel ďalej a robil to isté. On sa narodil ako rozsievač rozporu.

63 A ak Ježiš predpovedal, že tento vek zakončí v najväčšom rozpore, aký kedy bol. Laodicejský cirkevný vek, vlažný, oni Ho vystrčili von z cirkvi, ako to môže byť niečo iné ako ten rozpor?! Isteže to je. To zakončuje v tom veku.

 A to bol Kain a Ábel znovu, na Golgote.

64 Všimnite si teraz, akonáhle Ježiš odišiel, odišiel do neba, Duch Svätý sa navrátil späť. To bolo to Semeno, Darca života, ku Slovu, ako sme o tom hovorili minulý večer. To je Ten, ktorý oživuje Slovo. Slovo „oživiť” znamená „priviesť do života.” Pravdivý Duch Svätý prináša život jedine Slovu, ktorým On je. To neprivedie do života vyznania, nemôže, pretože to nie sú nič viac, len vyznania. To je život Slova Božieho, pretože to je Boh. Vidíte? A to oživuje to telo.

65 Všimnite si teraz, ako to tam urobili. Potom, ako hovorí Biblia, a Ján hovoril ku svojim deťom a povedal, „Maličkí, počuli ste, že antikrist mal prísť na svet,” povedal, „ktorý už aj je na svete a pôsobí v deťoch neposlušnosti.”

 No, to bolo asi tridsať rokov po príchode Ducha Svätého. Nachádzame, že keď prišiel Duch Svätý, to skutočné Semeno, ten skutočný Darca života pre to Semeno, tak tu znovu prichádza ten rozpor. A všimnite si, išlo to ďalej. To malo…

66 Skutočné Slovo bolo potvrdené a tí dávni proroci potvrdili Božie Slovo, že Ono je pravdou, ako išli ďalej. Ak niekto niekedy čítal Nicejský koncil alebo prednicejský koncil, tých pätnásť dní krvavej politiky, keď tá skupina Rimanov tam dolu chcela voviesť a urobiť z tej cirkvi denomináciu. Prišli tam proroci, obalení v ovčích kožiach, jedli tam byliny a postavili sa za to Slovo! Ale čo to urobilo? To muselo byť ako Kain, to muselo byť ako Ábel, jeden musel zomrieť. Istotne zomrel. A Slovo stratilo medzi ľuďmi svoj vplyv a oni odhlasovali a zrušili pravdivé Slovo, prijali dogmy a rozpory tej ranej katolíckej cirkvi. Pridali pápeža, pridali biskupa, pridali toto, to a tamto. Zobrali preč ten skutočný pravý význam Petra a Márie a všetkých ostatných a spravili modly a neurobili nič iné, len pohanskú ceremóniu z toho takzvaného kresťanského náboženstva. Čo to bolo? Semeno rozporu! A po prvýkrát zorganizovali a zorganizovali cirkev. Čo to bolo? Semeno rozporu, ktoré začalo siať, začalo niečo pridávať a niečo odoberať preč.

67 Kto kedy počul v Biblii, že sa v piatok nemá jesť mäso? Kto kedy v Biblii počul o niečom, ako je pofŕkanie namiesto ponorenia? Kto kedy počul niečo z tých vecí ako „Zdravas Mária” alebo niečo také? Kto kedy počul niečo z týchto zhnitých vecí, ktoré majú tiež protestanti? „Hrniec nemôže volať na kotlík, že je mastný.“ [„Aká matka, taká Katka” - pozn.prekl.] Správne! To je tak, že kto je vinný v malom, je vinný v tom celom. Kto kedy počul, že by Boh niekedy konal s organizáciou? Ukážte mi jeden jediný krát, kde sa niekto kedy zorganizoval a zostal nažive. Oni ihneď zomreli a nikdy viac nepovstali. Je čas, aby sa niečo udialo. Je čas pre Boha, aby sa pohol. Vy zabíjate vplyv medzi ľuďmi.

68 Tú istú vec urobili dnes. Zabíjajú ten vplyv, tým, že hovoria, „Ó, tá banda náboženských fanatikov, na tom nič nie je.” A to je rozpor! Stretnite sa Slovom tvárou v tvár a vidzte, čím ono je, vidzte, či bude Boh vykladať Svoje vlastné Slovo. Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi. Amen.

69 Slovo bolo plne potvrdené cez tých raných Kresťanov, ako ich Boh zo všetkého vyslobodzoval, z nemocí, a oni mali prorokov a hovorili v jazykoch a vykladali a vydávali posolstvá, ktoré zakaždým dokázali, že sú pravdivé. Ale pritom pred tvárou všetkého toho potvrdeného Slova, ľudia to odhlasovali a zvolili si denomináciu. To je matka všetkých organizácií.

70 Obe sú teraz plne dozreté. Oni začali znovu siať semeno. To zomrelo, ale to znovu vykvitlo vo dňoch Luthera, ako to poznáme z toho skoršieho posolstva tu dnes ráno pri raňajkách. To vykvitlo v Lutherovom dni. A čo oni urobili? Ihneď potom, ako ten veľký človek zomrel, oni urobili organizáciu.

71 To vykvitlo. A znovu vo dňoch Johna Wesleya tí anglikáni so všetkou svojou „večnou bezpečnosťou” a všetkým to celkom zviazali až do miesta, kde je to takmer univerzalizmus, a čo sa stalo? Boh vzbudil človeka menom John Wesley a udrel do celej tej veci. A akonáhle zomrel, on a Asbury, čo sa stalo? Zorganizovali sa a teraz tam máte všetky možné druhy metodistov. Potom prišiel na scénu ďalší a ďalší, Alexander Campbell, John Smith a ďalší atď.

72 Nakoniec sa to prelomilo ku letničným, ktorí vyšli z toho všetkého. Čo sa stalo potom? Oni bežali dobre, čo vám prekazilo? Vošli ste späť do toho istého bahna, z ktorého ste vyšli, vrátili ste sa do tej istej mláky, išli ste späť do rozporu, aby ste vytvorili organizácie, a museli ste urobiť kompromis na Slove. A zakaždým, ako Boh poslal niečo nové, nedokázali ste to prijať. To je pravda! Znovu rozpor! A všimnite si, ako som jedného dňa povedal, že tá prvá malá šupka prichádza až do listov a hore do klasu, a potom sa vracia späť hore do stonky a vychádza. Tá malá šupka pšenice vyzerá takmer ako samotné zrno a my sme si mysleli, že ona ním bola, ale keď to otvoríte, nie je v nej vôbec žiadne zrno. To je iba podporovateľ pre zrno, aby rástlo, a ona tiež zomrie a ten život ide z nej rovno von a ona ide do zrna. Všimnite si, takže nazývajú tie cirkvi, ktoré oni zasiali…

73 Zisťujeme, že dnes tie naše takzvané cirkvi, dokonca naši letniční, my sme vybehli a nedokážeme byť uspokojení, museli sme si vytvoriť naše vlastné skupiny. Čokoľvek povstáva, my sme museli mať toto, museli sme mať tamto, museli sme mať inú skupinu. A nejaká osoba povstáva a hovorí, „On prichádza na bielom oblaku.” Iný povie, „Ha, On prichádza na bielom koni.” „V poriadku, urobíme potom dve skupiny.” Vidíte, čo to je? Rozsievanie rozporu. Keď On prichádza, čokoľvek to je, On vyloží Svoje vlastné Slovo, keď príde. Čakajme do toho času. Uchopte… hovoríte o tom, a potom sa ani nedostávate ku posolstvu tohto dňa. Vždy ukazujú, čo Boh urobil, čo ide urobiť, a ignorujú to, čo On robí. To je to, ako do toho dostávame rozpory.

74  Tak, všímame si, že dnes naše cirkvi, všetky naše cirkvi zasiali do vetra a žneme víchricu. Nemáme modlitebné zhromaždenia, nemáme tie služby, aké sme zvykli mať. Čo sa deje? Na všetko sme spustili závory. Pozrite, dokonca naše letničné cirkvi, sedí tam mnoho ostrihaných žien. To nezvyklo byť dovolené. Vymaľované tváre, nosia vymaľované nechty a všetky takéto možné veci. Postavia tam človeka s… nejakého Rikiho atď, ktorý bol ženatý tri alebo štyrikrát a je diakonom, ó, čo za rozpor! Je to špina! Ako to robia? Boh to vo Svojej cirkvi nebude mať, tak oni musia ísť do nejakej organizácie, aby sa do toho dostali. Niekto sa na to bojí niečo povedať, pretože by bol vykopnutý z organizácie. Bože, daj nám človeka, ktorý nie je spojený s ničím iným, len s Bohom a Jeho Slovom, ktorý o tom povie pravdu. To je presne to, čo potrebujeme. Čo sme urobili? Zasiali rozpor. Zasiali sme do vetra a teraz žneme víchricu.

75 Všimnite si, že oni sa teraz zhromažďujú ku spáleniu. Všimli ste si, že Ježiš povedal, „Najprv ich zhromaždite spolu, zviažte ich, a potom všetky tie zväzky hoďte na jednu kopu a Ja to spálim.” Existuje malý zväzok nazvaný metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, luteráni, oni sa všetci zhromažďujú vo Svetovej rade cirkví. Čo je to? „Najprv ich zhromaždi.” Haleluja! Či ste si všimli, že On najprv zhromažďuje kúkoľ, dáva ich preč od pšenice, oddeľuje ich, „Zhromaždite ich spolu a spáľte ich.” Oni majú byť všetci zhromaždení pod súdmi Božími kvôli siatiu rozporu medzi ľuďmi, veci, ktoré oni… majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci jej moc, zapierajúci Slovo, len aby si udržali nejaké nábožné právo nejakej dogmy, ktorú do toho niekto naštepil, snažia sa to vložiť do Božieho Slova. To nebude fungovať, to je rozpor.

76 Kričím dnes takpovediac tak ako dávno ten veľký prorok Ámos, keď prišiel dolu do mesta a povedal, „Ja nie som prorok, ani syn proroka. Ale ak lev zareve, kto by sa nebál?” On povedal, „Keď Boh hovorí, kto by neprorokoval?” On predpovedal na tú generáciu súd, povedal, „Práve ten Boh, o ktorom tvrdíte, že Mu slúžite, ten vás zničí.”

77 Toto je na páske a budete si to pamätať. Práve ten Boh… Títo ľudia teraz, ktorí sa zhromažďujú v tejto veľkej žatve Svetovej rady cirkví. A vy do toho budete musieť ísť. Nemôžete byť mimo toho. Buď individuálne z toho vyjdete, alebo do toho vojdete. Nebude žiadne neutrálne miesto. To bude znamenie šelmy. Žiaden človek nebude môcť kupovať alebo predávať, jedine, že má to znamenie, jedine, že má ten rozpor. Tak buďte mimo toho! Vyjdite z toho von! Utečte od toho! Držte sa od toho preč! Ten Boh, o ktorom tvrdia, že Mu slúžia, ich zničí. Veľký Boh lásky, ktorý ne…

 Povedali, „No, Ježiš sa modlil, aby boli všetci jedno.”

78 Potom On tiež povedal, „Ako môžu dvaja kráčať spolu, ak sa nezhodnú?” On povedal, „Byť jedno,” tak, ako On a Otec sú jedno. A Otec bol Slovom a On bol Božím Slovom zamanifestovaným. On bol „jedno s Otcom,” pretože On bol manifestáciou Božieho zasľúbeného Slova. A takisto je to dnes alebo v akomkoľvek inom dni. Tak veru. Ten Boh je jeden, On chce, aby sme boli jedno.

79 Ako tento môže byť jedno, a tento zapiera panenské narodenie, a tento zase nezapiera. Iný zapiera Božské uzdravenie a toto, tamto a všetci z nich sú v takomto zmätku? Niektorí z nich dokonca ani neveria v Boha, neveria, že On bol Syn Boží, veria, že On bol synom Jozefa, ktorý je „nazývaný Synom Božím.” Istotne. Ten brat z dvojičiek, luteránov, od Zwingliho, verí, že On bol výhradne len dobrým človekom. Kresťanská veda hovorí, že On bol prorokom, iba obyčajným človekom, že nebol Božský. No, ak On nebol Božským, tak je najväčším zvodcom, akého kedy svet mal. On bol Bohom, alebo nebol ničím. On bol Božským! On bol Božstvo, Sám, učinené telom v osobe Syna človeka. Istotne, to je to, čím On bol.

80 Tak vidíme, že vstúpil rozpor. Vidíme, že je to tu a nikto to nemôže poprieť. Ó! Všimnite si len. On zničí tú skupinu, ktorá tvrdí, že slúži Bohu. Pozorujte to.

81 Boh zasial Svoje semeno. Končím teraz, pretože je čas na modlitebný rad. Boh zasial Svoje Semeno a Jeho Semeno je Kristus. Budem na to o pár dní kázať (ak bude Pán chcieť), o tom, kde sa Boh rozhodol položiť Svoje Meno. Možno na jednych z tých raňajok, kde budem mať trocha viac času. Pozrite, On je jedinou cestou úniku. On je jediný pravdivý Mocnár. On jediný pravý Boh, neexistuje žiaden pomimo Neho. „Ja som Boh a jedine Ja som Boh.” Ježiš povedal, „Toto je to prikázanie, 'Čuj, ó, Izraelu, Ja som Pán, tvoj Boh, len jeden Boh. Ja som On.' Prečo hľadáte iného? Príde… iný príde… Ja prichádzam v Mene Svojho Otca a vy Ma neprijímate. Ale iný príde vo svojom vlastnom mene, a toho príjmete.” A oni to urobili v Nicei.

 „Si Kresťan?”

 „Som baptista.”

 „Si Kresťan?”

 „Som letničný.”

 „Si Kresťan?”

 „Som metodista.” Ďalšie meno.

82 Ale keď to prichádza ku tomu Menu Ježiš Kristus, oni od toho odchádzajú tak ďaleko, ako len môžu, nechcú s tým mať nič do činenia, pretože On je Slovo, a to Slovo vyhlasuje Samé Seba. Všimnite si, jediná cesta úniku! On je Ružou Sárona, Biblia hovorí, že je. Každý titul Boha patrí Ježišovi Kristovi. On je Alfa a Omega; Počiatok a Koniec; Ten, ktorý bol, ktorý je a ktorý príde; Koreň a Rod Dávidov, oboje, Koreň a tiež Rod Dávidov; Ranná Hviezda; Ruža Sárona, Ľalia z údolia; Alfa; Omega; Otec; Syn; Duch Svätý; všetko v Ježišovi Kristovi! On bol plnou manifestáciou Boha Jahveho učineného telom, to je presne to, čím bol!

83 On bol Ružou Sárona. Čo urobili s Ružou Sárona? Odtrhli, rozdrvili a vytlačili a dostali z nej parfém. Nádherná ruža musela byť rozmačkaná, aby z tej ruže vyšiel parfém. A to bol ten nádherný život, nikdy nebol taký život ako to, ale to muselo byť rozmačkané na Golgote.

84 Vidíte, oni vzali to pomazanie Ruže Sárona a dali to na Árona a on tým musel byť pomazaný, aby išiel pred Pána, do toho svätého miesta, za svätú oponu. Musel byť pomazaný Ružou Sárona, aby išiel každý rok pokropiť Trón milosti (Zľutovnicu). A to pomazanie muselo byť na ňom, tá sladká príjemná vôňa pre Pána, a on niesol krv baránka pred sebou potom, čo sám musel byť pokropený baránkom. Granátové jablká a zvončeky boli dookola jeho rúcha a on musel kráčať v určitom kroku, aby to hralo „Svätý, svätý, svätý Pánovi.”

85 Všimnite si, On je Ružou Sárona, tá sladká príjemná vôňa, to pomazanie na Jeho ľuďoch. Nemôžeš pred Neho prísť s nejakým vyznaním, s nejakou inou vecou, ale jedine s pomazaním Ruže Sárona, Slova. On je takisto Ľaliou z údolia.

86 Tak, ako získate ópium? Ópium získate tak, že vezmete ľaliu, rozmačkáte ju a dostanete z nej ópium. Lekári to používajú v laboratóriu. Keď je nejaký muž, ktorý je celý nervózny a frustrovaný, alebo žena, a cíti sa, že by sa zbláznila, ona chodí hore dolu a vykrikuje a je hysterická. Lekár vezme trochu z toho ópia z ľalie a strekne jej to niekde do ruky alebo niekde do žily (alebo jemu) a utíši sa. Na chvíľu to prestane. Ale akonáhle ten účinok ópia zanikne, oni sú znovu v tom a je to horšie, ako to bolo pred tým.

87 Ale poviem vám, priatelia, to je len typom na to skutočné ópium Ľalie z údolia, o ktorom viem. On je Ľaliou z údolia. On bol vytlačený na Golgote. On bol zranený pre naše prestúpenia a Jeho ranami sme boli uzdravení. A v tom vytlačení tých kvetov, On bol tým Kvetom. On bol tým najväčším Kvetom, aký kedy narástol, to bola táto Ľalia z údolia, táto Ruža Sárona. A On teraz dnes večer visí roztiahnutý medzi nebom a zemou, verím... vlastne teda, že On visel v tom čase, aby vzal hriech zo sveta a priniesol na svet uzdravenie. A Biblia hovorí, že On je ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky.

88 Priatelia, keď Boh povedal Mojžišovi na púšti, ktorý bol len Jeho typom, aby vyzdvihol medeného hada. A meď reprezentuje hriech už odsúdený, ten had reprezentuje, ten medený had reprezentuje už odsúdený hriech. Tak, ako meď znamená „Božský súd”, tak ako ten medený oltár, kde boli kladené obete. A takisto Eliáš sa pozrel a videl nebo ako meď, to bol Božský súd na ten neveriaci národ, ktorý odpadol od Boha. Meď reprezentuje súd, Božský súd. A had reprezentuje už odsúdený hriech a Ježiš sa stal hriechom, hadom pre nás a vzal Božské súdy na seba. On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti a kázeň nášho pokoja bola na Ňom a Jeho ranami sme uzdravení.

89 Ó, Boh má dnes večer pre teba Svoju zásobáreň plnú ópia. Kresťanský priateľu, si chorý a trpíš. Si unavený a je to pre teba také ťažké, nedokážeš to ďalej vydržať, v tomto modernom svete by si sa ďalej zbláznil.

90 Počuli ste to dnes večer v Life Line, kde povedali, že Rusko, že oni v roku 1955 „absolútne prevezmú kontrolu nad celým svetom”? Predtým, ako sa to môže stať, musí prísť vytrhnutie. Tak, ako blízko sme, priateľu? Je to rovno tu za dverami.

91 Či Ho dnes večer nebudeš hľadať z celého srdca? On je Ľaliou z údolia a On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On je dnes večer tu, aby bol vyzdvihnutý medzi ľuďmi práve tak, ako Mojžiš vyzdvihol to znamenie hriechu, ktorý je už odsúdený. A nielen hriech, ale tiež choroba. Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, „Ako Mojžiš vyzdvihol medeného hada, takisto musí byť vyzdvihnutý Syn človeka.” Kvôli čomu to Mojžiš vyzdvihol? Pre hriech, neveru a nemoc. Ježiš bol vyzdvihnutý tiež kvôli hriechu, chorobe a nevere. Pre tie isté veci.

92 Tak, dnes večer, v týchto dňoch, kedy dostávame tento veľký rozpor. Ježiš Kristus zasľúbil v Lukášovi, že za týchto dní… pred Príchodom Pánovým, že to bude ako za dní Sodomy, a keď sa zjaví Syn človeka, tak, ako sa Syn človeka zjavil Abrahámovi tam dolu, Elohim, Boh, učinený telom medzi ľuďmi a prebýval tam s Abrahámom a ukázal mu, povedal mu, čo si Sára myslela, (keď sedela v stane za ním), to, čo on nikdy nevidel. Povedal jej, čo bude… A nazval jej meno „Sára.” Jeho nazval „Abrahám,” nie jeho menom Abram, on s tým začal, ale Abrahám. Nie Sáraj, S-á-r-a-j, ale S-á-r-a, kde je tvoja žena Sára?”

 Povedal, „Je v stane za tebou.”

93 Povedal, „Navštívim ťa podľa času života.” A ona sa zasmiala. On povedal, „Prečo sa smiala?”

94 Tak Ježiš povedal, „Práve pred týmto veľkým zhromaždením a spálením tohto veľkého rozporu bude, že Syn človeka sa Sám zjaví v tom istom spôsobe, ako to urobil tam vtedy.” A to je… čo je to? To je vyzdvihnutie čerstvo pred vami, že „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.” Veríte tomu? Skloňme potom svoje hlavy k modlitbe.

95 Drahý Bože, milujeme Ťa. Tvoje Slovo je pre nás plné pokrmu, Pane! My to jednoducho milujeme, žijeme tým. Zdá sa, že naša kapacita nie je nikdy dostatočná. My to jednoducho milujeme sedieť pri Tvojom stole okolo Tvojho Slova a radovať sa z týchto požehnaní, keď sa takto schádzame ako bratia a sestry, ktorí boli kúpení Krvou skrze Syna Božieho, ktorí sú kúpnou cenou Tvojej Krvi. A my tu dnes večer prichádzame, aby sme zasvätili tieto večery modleniu sa za chorých. A podľa Písem si povedal, „Skrze Jeho rany sme boli uzdravení.” Potom to nie je potrebné sa za nich modliť, jedine vyznať svoje hriechy, lebo Tvojimi ranami sme boli uzdravení. Ó, čo za deň spasenia! Ó, čo za zasľúbenie skrze Emanuela. To je skutočne pravda.

96 Ty si povedal, „Malú chvíľu a svet ma viac neuvidí, ale vy ma uvidíte, lebo Ja…” (osobné zámeno „Ja”), „Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, až do konca sveta.” A na konci času pri tomto veľkom zakončení, Ty si povedal, že predtým, ako sa to stane, bude to práve tak, ako to bolo predtým, keď padol oheň na Sodomu a spálil ten pohanský svet, že príde znovu zjavenie Syna človeka, práve tak, ako to bolo pri Sodome. Otče, nech to tí ľudia neminú.

97 Je to taká drsná malá vec (ak som to povedal nesprávne, odpusti mi), hádžem teraz rýchlosť. Ja ich milujem, Pane. Modlím sa, aby to neminuli. Nech by toto bol jeden z tých veľkých večerov. Chorí, postihnutí, slepí, akýkoľvek tu sú, Pane, nech by boli uzdravení. Nech by bol každý hriešnik spasený. Rovno teraz v ich srdciach, ak sú neveriacimi, nech v tejto chvíli príjmu Krista. Udeľ to, Otče. Je to všetko v Tvojich rukách. Porúčame sa Tebe, aby sme videli, ako prichádzaš medzi nás.

98 A Ty si povedal, v svätom Jánovi 14:12 „Ten, kto verí vo mňa, skutky, ktoré ja činím, on tiež bude činiť,” ako vieme, že Ty si sa dal Sám poznať ľuďom, tak, že Ty si bol prorokom, o ktorom Mojžiš hovoril, že bude vzbudený. Oni nemali prorokov stovky rokov a ten rozpor bol na každom kroku, ale jednako, Slovo Božie sa muselo vyplniť, a tak sa Slovo stalo telom a takisto aj ten rozpor. A, Otče, my to dnes znovu vidíme, že rozpor sa stáva jedným veľkým, obrovským zväzkom a my vidíme, že takisto Slovo prichádza. Požehnaj nás dnes večer, Otče. Porúčame sa Ti s Tvojím Slovom. Čokoľvek nám Ty potrebuješ urobiť, urob s nami, Pane. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

99 [Nejaká sestra hovorí v neznámom jazyku. Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.] Buďte skutočne úctiví. Nevieme, čo On povedal. Možno nám chce niečo povedať, tak buďte chvíľu skutočne úctiví. [Prázdne miesto na páske. Nejaký brat dáva výklad - pozn.prekl. ]

100 Amen. Či ste to niekedy čítali v Písme, kedy prichádza nepriateľ a oni boli všetci spolu zhromaždení a oni... Nepriateľ bol takou veľkou mocou. A Duch Boží padol na človeka a povedal mu a On prorokoval, a povedal, kam majú ísť a kde striehnuť, a oni nepriateľa zničili. Tu to znovu prichádza. To je to miesto, kde máme zničiť nepriateľa, vidíte? Vziať ruku Božiu. Ruka Božia je Kristus, samozrejme, Slovo, tak vezmite Ho dnes večer do svojho srdca, zatiaľ čo zvoláme modlitebný rad.

101 Verím, že Billy dnes znovu rozdal modlitebné lístky. B, béčka, vezmime B 85. Minulý večer, mali sme ich minulý večer pätnásť. Obyčajne sa snažíme vziať asi pätnástich za večer. A tak potom držte svoje lístky a dostaneme ich teraz. Skúsme asi pätnásť. 85 B ako Branham, viete. B 85 po 100. A my... pozrime, kto má B 85, zodvihnite svoju ruku. Iste ste... Ó, tam vzadu, v poriadku, 85, príď sem.

102 Tak, môj syn... ak by tu boli nejakí cudzí a nevedia, ako sa toto deje. Môj syn sem prichádza alebo niekto, ak on nemôže prísť, tak brat Borders alebo niekto druhý. Niektorý príde sem, vezme tieto karty, stovku z nich, a stojí pred ľuďmi a zamieša ich spolu. Tak on vám potom dáva kartu a on vám nemôže povedať, že budete tu na pódiu, on to nevie. A ani ja to neviem. Ja prichádzam večer, vytiahnem ich desať alebo pätnásť, tak nejako, z tých kariet. To s tvojím uzdravením nemá nič dočinenia. Môžeš sedieť rovno tam. Pozrite minulý večer. Koľkí z vás tu boli minulý večer, nech vidíme vaše ruky, ako boli ľudia uzdravení po celom obecenstve.

103 Tak to bolo 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90. Nech teraz hneď prídu B 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90. To bolo jedno... Iste potrebujeme niekoho... Tu je ďalší, áno, to bude v poriadku. 90, 90 po 100 teraz. 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99.

104 Ak sa nedokážete hýbať, ak ste... Vidím, že tam máme dva, tri invalidné vozíky, sú tu teraz štyri. Myslím, že ich vidím. Ak máte modlitebnú kartu a vaše číslo je zavolané a nedokážete sa hýbať, len zodvihnite svoju ruku, my vás sem privedieme.

105 Ak nemáš žiadnu modlitebnú kartu, len tam seď a modli sa a povedz, „Pane Ježišu, nech, nech, nech som to dnes večer ja.“ Koľkí z vás tu nemajú modlitebnú kartu, nech zodvihnú svoju ruku. Ó, v poriadku, dovoľte, že teraz poviem toto, dúfam, že to nebude znieť svätokrádežne. Ale bola raz jedna malá žena, ktorá nemala modlitebnú kartu, ako by sme povedali. Ona išla, pretláčala sa cez zástup a povedala (počúvajte teraz pozorne), „Ak sa dokážem dotknúť rúcha toho Muža, budem uzdravená“. Koľkí z vás poznajú ten príbeh, v poriadku, a čo ona urobila, ona sa Ho dotkla a išla naspäť a sadla si. A Ježiš sa otočil a On vedel, kde bola. Je to pravda? On vedel, aký bol jej problém, je to pravda? On poznal jej problém, a tak jej povedal, čo bol jej problém. A ona na svojom tele pocítila, že ten krvotok sa zastavil. Je to pravda? Prečo? Ona sa ho dotkla.

106 Teraz, koľkí Kresťania sú dnes večer tu, ktorí vedia, že podľa knihy Židom, že Ježiš je práve teraz Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať pocitmi našich slabostí? Je Ním? V poriadku, ak On je tým istým Veľkňazom, v tom istom úrade Veľkňaz, ako potom bude konať? On bude potom konať tak isto, ako konal vtedy. Veríte tomu? On by konal presne tak isto, ako konal vtedy, ak tomu môžete veriť. V poriadku, koľkí v to veria, zodvihnite svoju ruku a povedzte, „Ja v to naozaj verím.“

107 V poriadku, pred tým, ako vyformujú modlitebný rad, máme tu modlitebný rad. A ja viem, že On je tu, cítim Jeho prítomnosť a viem, že On je tu. Príďte! Je modlitebný rad pripravený? Chcel som to tu zavolať. Modlite sa len, dívajte sa len týmto smerom a modlite sa a len Mu verte.

108 Sedí tu jedna pani, ktorá sa díva rovno na mňa, sedí vedľa tej pani, ktorá má okuliare. Môžete to vidieť, ako to nad tou ženou visí? Pozrite sem! Vidíte? Ona trpí, má srdcové problémy. Ty veríš, že ťa Boh uzdraví. Ak veríš, zodvihni svoju ruku. To je to, čo je tvoj problém. To je pravda. Ak to bol tvoj problém, zodvihni svoju ruku, aby to tak mohli ľudia vidieť, zodvihni takto svoju ruku. Tak, už to teraz viac nemáš. Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila.

109 On je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Ó, existuje rozpor, ale Ježiš Kristus je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Je toto... Len sa ďalej modlite, vidíte, nemusíte byť tu hore, aby ste to mohli vedieť.

110 Tak, táto pani tu, pokiaľ viem, nikdy vo svojom živote som ju nevidel, to je len nejaká žena, ktorá tu stojí a má modlitebnú kartu, a ona nevedela, či bude vyvolaná alebo nie. Niekto ti dal modlitebnú kartu a tvoje číslo bolo vyvolané, a tak ty si sem prišla. Je to pravda? A ja nemám žiaden spôsob, ako by som vedel, čím si, kto si, odkiaľ prichádzaš, čo chceš, vôbec nič. Ja som len človek a ty si len žena. To je pravda, tento istý obraz sa raz stal v Biblii v svätom Jánovi v štvrtej kapitole.

111 Poviete, „Čo si to urobil, brat Branham, vtedy pred chvíľou?“ Len som zaradil trochu rýchlosť. Vidíte. Ja neviem. On to musí urobiť. Ja neviem. Čo s tou ženou tam? Nikdy vo svojom živote som tú ženu nevidel. Ona je pre mňa úplne cudzia. Myslím, že to bola tá žena... Kto je tá osoba, ktorá bola práve teraz uzdravená v tom publiku? Zodvihnite... Áno, my sme si úplne cudzí, že? Ak je to pravda, zamávaj takto svojou rukou. Vidíte? Nikdy predtým som tú ženu nevidel. Ale ona tu sedela a verila. Tak ona sa niečoho dotkla, že? Neurobilo by to nič dobré dotknúť sa mňa.

112 Ale teraz, či nemôžete vidieť, že Biblia je presne Slovo Božie? On je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. My sa stávame stánkom Svätého Ducha, ktorým je Kristus. Vidíte? To je skutočné Semeno. Potom, ak sa ten skutočný Svätý Duch dostáva do toho skutočného semena Slova, nie... To nevezme len časť z toho, (pretože diabol to používa), vy to musíte vziať celé, vidíte? Každé Slovo z toho, pretože On nie je polovičný Boh, On je kompletne Boh. Vidíte? A to je to, čo sa deje.

113 Tak, tu je teraz nejaká žena, nikdy predtým som ju nevidel. Ježiš raz takto našiel jednu ženu, možno nie v tom istom stave, ja neviem. A On sedel pri studni. A On mal potrebu ísť dolu do Samárie. A zisťujeme, že Samária bola pod kopcom. A On vlastne išiel do Jericha a išiel okolo Samárie a prišiel do mesta Sichar. A sadol si tam na studňu a poslal učeníkov preč, aby zohnali jedlo.

114 Koľko rás ľudí je na svete? Tri: Chám, Šem a Jafetovi ľudia. My všetci pochádzame z Noeho. A ten ostatný svet bol v tom čase zničený. Sú len tri rasy ľudí: židia, pohania a samaritáni (čo boli napoly židia a pohania). A to sú všetky rasy, ktoré na svete existujú, len tri.

115 Všetko v Bohu je dokonalé v troch. Práve ako tie trojky, o ktorých som hovoril dnes večer: tri stupne rozporu, tri stupne Slova, ktoré sa stalo telom, a tak ďalej, rozumiete?

116  Tak On, ktorý hovoril ku Židom, povedal Filipovi, keď priviedol hore Natanaela, že kde bol, a povedal, „Videl som ho, keď bol pod tým stromom.“ On povedal... Andrej priviedol Petra hore a On povedal, „Voláš sa Šimon a odteraz sa budeš nazývať Peter.“ Povedal, „Si syn Jonášov.“ Vidíte? No, to boli všetko Židia.

117 Ale tu On ide k pohanke. Nie k pohanke, ale k samaritánke.

118  Teraz je čas pohanov. On to ani jedenkrát neurobil pred pohanmi. Skúmajte Písma, nikdy, ale On zasľúbil v Lukášovi 22.

119 Ale On sa tam posadil a tu prichádza polovičná židovka a pohanka, žena. A On jej povedal, „Žena, prines mi piť.“

120 A ona povedala, „Ty by si sa nemal takto pýtať. My sme ... Tu je segregácia. Ty si žid a ja som samaritánka.“

121 On povedal, „Ale keby si vedela, kto ku tebe hovorí, ty by si Mňa žiadala o pitie.“ Čo On robil? Kontaktoval sa s jej duchom. A akonáhle zistil, aký bol jej problém, povedal jej, aby priviedla svojho manžela. Ona povedala, že nemá žiadneho. On povedal, „To je pravda, mala si piatich.“

122 Pozrite sa teraz na to, keď Ho to tí farizejovia uvideli robiť. Tak je to, ten rozpor bol rovno tam pomedzi Slovom. Čo oni povedali? Oni povedali, „Tento človek je belzebub, predpovedač myšlienok.“ Vidíte?

123  A Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek by to povedal na Svätého Ducha, keď On príde, aby robil to isté, nikdy mu nebude odpustené.“ Tam máte ten rozpor. Vidíte? Ale keď On povedal, že im to odpustí, to bolo preto, že Duch Svätý ešte neprišiel, tá obeť, Baránok ešte vtedy nezomrel.

124 Ale tá žena si to tak nemyslela. Tá žena povedala „Pane, vidím, že si prorok.“ Oni nemali vtedy proroka už niekoľko stoviek rokov. Povedala, „Vidím, že si prorok. My vieme, že keď príde Mesiáš, ktorý sa nazýva Kristus, to je to, čo On bude robiť.“

125 Tak ak je to to, čo On urobil, potom On je tým istým včera i dnes. To je to, ako sa dal vtedy poznať, či to nie je to isté dnes? Musí to tak byť, tak tu je žena a muž, ktorí sa znova, tí dvaja sa stretávajú. Ona nie je tá žena a ja som nie ten Muž. Ale pritom, ten istý Svätý Duch je tu a dal to zasľúbenie, že tie skutky, ktoré On činil, že my budeme robiť tú istú vec vo dňoch, keď bude zjavený Syn človeka.

126 My sa nepoznáme (a ty vieš, že je to pravda), sme si úplne cudzí a ty tu stojíš. Je niečo... Môže to byť niečo zlé s tebou, možno nie, ja neviem. Ale ak mi to Pán Ježiš zjaví skrze Svojho Svätého Ducha, čo je tvojím problémom, budeš potom veriť, že to je Syn Boží a nie ľudská bytosť? Toto je len miesto, tento stánok, čo Boh používa, ktorýchkoľvek, ktorých On vybral. On to robí skrze Svoju suverénnu milosť a vyvolenie. A tak ver. Budeš? [Tá žena hovorí, „Amen.“]

127 Koľkí v obecenstve tomu budú veriť? My tu obaja stojíme rovno pred týmito svetlami a my sme sa predtým nikdy v živote nestretli, nemám vôbec žiadnu potuchu o tom, kto je tá žena, čím je, odkiaľ prichádza a čo chce. Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel o nič viac, ako som nevidel tamtú ženu v mojom živote. Ale vidíte, toto je to, čo sa snažím do vás dostať: Odhoďte teraz od seba ten rozpor a verte Slovu, keď Slovo je učinené telom rovno tu medzi nami. Slovo sa stáva živým v našom vlastnom tele, a to ukazuje prítomnosť Božiu.

128 Tak nech jej to On teraz udelí. Ona chce vec, ktorá je hodná. Je bez dieťaťa a ona chce dieťa. Má asi štyridsať rokov. To istotne nie je nemožné.

129 Tamto sedia teraz ženy, ktoré boli v celom svojom živote neplodné, a prišli takto na pódium a Pán im dal deti. Zodvihnete niektoré z vás ruku, ktoré o tom vedia. Vidíte? Jedného dňa, v nedeľu, ako som odtiaľto odišiel, som viezol jedno dievča, v nedeľu popoludní, a jej matka bola neplodná a Pán prehovoril. A to malé dievčatko, ona bola taká milá, je tu? Kde je? Áno, tu ona je, sedí rovno tu... A myslím, že tá matka tu sedí tiež. Tu je to malé dievčatko, ona sama. Vidíte ju? Ona bola vypovedaným Slovom od Boha.

130 Tak budeš Mu veriť z celého svojho srdca? Či veríš, že to požehnanie, ktoré máš, ktoré teraz na sebe cítiš, že to Boh odpovedá? Ak mi Boh povie, ako sa voláš, aby si tak mohla dať meno dieťaťu, budeš mi veriť? Potom, pani Thompsonová, môžeš ísť domov a mať svoje dieťa, ak budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca.

131 Či veríte z celého svojho srdca? Majte len vieru, nepochybujte, len verte Bohu. Boh je Bohom.

132 Dobrý deň, pane, myslím, že sme si tiež cudzí. Ten jediný krát, kedy som ťa vo svojom živote videl, pokiaľ viem, je to, keď si tu prichádzal. A ja som si pomyslel, že ty si strýko brata Shakariana alebo niekto... Mashagian, brat Mashagian, ten spevák, keď si prichádzal. A potom som ťa videl, ako si išiel do modlitebného radu. Tak tým, že si mi cudzí a ja tebe a sme si jeden druhému cudzí. Tak, ak mi Pán Ježiš povie niečo, čím si, možno to, čo chceš, povedzme to tak, povedať mi, ak mi povie to, čo chceš. Tak On ti to už dal. Jediná vec je mať len dostatok viery, aby si tomu veril.

133 Koľkí tomu rozumejú? Mať len dostatok viery, aby ste verili, že dostanete to, o čo žiadate. Rozumiete?

134 Tak, ak si ty tu teraz a niečo chceš a On mi môže povedať, čo je tvojou túžbou, potom budeš vedieť, že ja nepoznám tvoju túžbu, potom to musí byť niečo tu, čo to robí. Tak podľa Slova to On zasľúbil robiť. On poznal myšlienky, ktoré boli v srdciach. Je to pravda? V poriadku.

135 Ty máš veľkú túžbu byť uzdravený. Jedna vec je, že ty trpíš na nervové problémy, si skutočne nervózny. To je pravda, ďalšia vec je, ty máš problémy s chrbticou a nejaký čas je to už s tvojou chrbticou dosť zlé, dokonca si mal operáciu. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je pravda. Vidíte? Je to pravda a tu je ďalšia vec, tvojou hlbokou túžbou je, že ty chceš prijať krst Duchom Svätým, to je presne tak. Poď sem.

136 Drahý Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista nech je tento muž naplnený Svätým Duchom, nech sú mu udelené potreby v Ježišovom Mene, Amen.

 Teraz to prijmi, môj brat. Len maj vieru, nepochybuj.

137  Dobrý deň, nazdávam sa, pokiaľ viem, sme si jeden druhému cudzí. Ak je to pravda, tak, aby to mohli ľudia vedieť, zodvihni ruku, aby tak mohli vedieť, že sme si cudzí. Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel, aspoň o tom neviem. A hádam, ona nikdy nevidela mňa, jedine, že bola v publiku. Pretože nebeský Otec vie a tu leží Jeho Slovo, že som túto ženu nikdy nevidel, neviem o tom, nikdy v živote. Preto ja neviem, kvôli čomu tu ona je, nemám ani potuchu, kým ona je, čím je, ani nič o nej. Nevedel by som ti povedať ani jednu vec.

138 Ta jediná vec je, toto je len dar. Ak môžem... Ako ste ma to pred chvíľou počuli vysvetliť, to prichádza a ja počujem, čo On hovorí, keď to vidím, môžem to vypovedať. To, čo On nepovie, ja nedokážem povedať. Ak by som to povedal sám zo seba, tak by som sa mýlil. Rozumiete, bolo by to nesprávne. Ale ak to On hovorí, je to absolútne správne. To nikdy, nikdy nebolo nesprávne. A to ani nikdy nebude nesprávne, pokiaľ to bude stále Boh. Rozumiete, pretože Boh sa nemôže mýliť.

139 Ale ak mi Boh môže povedať, čo ty chceš, čo je tvojou túžbou alebo kvôli čomu si tu, niečo, čo si urobila alebo niečo také, alebo čím si, odkiaľ prichádzaš, alebo čokoľvek mi On chce povedať, budeš veriť? Ďakujem.

140  Jedna vec, ty máš ťažkosť s chodidlami. Trápia ťa tvoje chodidlá. [Tá žena hovorí, „Áno.“] To je pravda. Zodvihni svoju... Máš tiež ženské problémy, máš, niečo nie je v poriadku so ženskými orgánmi. [Áno.]. A máš vo svojom srdci veľkú túžbu, pretože ty si niekoho stratila alebo niečo. Je to chlapec a tvoj chlapec odišiel z domu, utiekol a ty chceš, aby som sa modlil, aby sa on vrátil späť [Áno.].

141 Bože v nebesiach, pošli ku nej jej dieťa. Nech Duch Svätý zastaví toho mladého muža dnes večer na ceste, Pane, a pošli ho späť k jeho matke. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

142 Ten, ktorý pozná, ho pošle späť ku tebe. Neboj sa. Ver teraz a nepochybuj. Maj len vieru z celého svojho srdca. Ver a Boh ti všetko to ostatné udelí.

143 Tak len tieto tri alebo štyri rozpoznania, čokoľvek to je, rozumiete, išiel som v tom, až som hotový. Nedokážem to vysvetliť, nie je spôsob, ako to vysvetliť. Poviete, „Chceš povedať, že je to ťažšie, ako keby si kázal štyridsaťpäť minút alebo viac, myslíš si.“ Veru tak. Ak by to boli tri hodiny, to by nebolo také ťažké.

144 Jedna žena sa raz dotkla rúcha Pána Ježiša. A tí ľudia sa nedotýkajú mňa. No, táto žena tu, pozrite, ona by mohla... [Brat Branham hovorí tej žene, „Polož na mňa svoje ruky.“ - pozn.prekl.] Ona sa ma tu dotkla, ale to by nič neurobilo, ja som len človek. Ale ona sa musí dotknúť Jeho. A ja skrze dar, ja len... To len ide, ja dávam preč samého seba, ja len hovorím, čo vidím. A to je všetko. Keď sa ma ona dotýka, to nie je nič, ale ona sa dotýka Ježiša cezo mňa. To je to, ako sa tá žena dotkla Boha skrze Ježiša, keď On nevedel, čo s ňou je. Ona sa len dotkla Jeho rúcha, išla a sadla si. A On povedal, „Kto sa Ma dotkol?“

145 A  apoštoli povedali, „No, veď každý sa Ťa dotýka, prečo to hovoríš?“

 On povedal, „Ale vidím, že odo mňa vyšla cnosť.“

146 Tak viete, čo je to cnosť? Sila, On zoslabol od jedného dotyku jednej ženy a On bol Synom Božím. Čo potom ja, hriešnik, spasený skrze Jeho milosť. Viete, prečo je to viac? Pretože On povedal, „Tieto veci, ktoré ja robím, vy tiež budete robiť. Viac ako tieto budete robiť, pretože Ja idem ku Svojmu otcovi.“ „Väčšie,“ tu je povedané, ale ten správny grécky výklad je, „Viac ako tieto budete robiť.“

147 Tak ja tú pani nepoznám. Neviem o nej nič. Ona je mi tak cudzia, ako mi boli títo ostatní ľudia. Sme si jeden druhému cudzí. Len aby to mohli ľudia vedieť, môžeš zodvihnúť svoju ruku a povedať, „Sme si cudzí.“ Tak Syn Boží, keď On raz stretol jednu ženu v takom jednom obraze, ako je aj tento, tam pri studni, a On ku nej len chvíľu hovoril a On spoznal, aký bol jej problém, a povedal jej, aký bol jej problém, a tak ona podľa toho spoznala, že to bol Mesiáš. Tak to, že som... Ty si sa dotkla mňa, ja som sa dotkol teba a nič sa nestalo. Ale ak moja viera (skrze dar), ale ak tvoja viera (skrze to, že v Neho veríš) sa môže dotknúť Jeho a On môže ku nám povedať cez... Môže cezo mňa tebe povedať, potom budeš vedieť, že On je tu tak, ako bol vtedy pri tej studni v Sichar. On je Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Veríš tomu?

148 Máš tak mnoho problémov, tak mnoho komplikácií,  jedna z tých vecí, za ktoré chceš, aby som sa modlil, je artritída. To je pravda. Je to pravda? Si stuhnutá artritídou. Keď uvidia, že zodvihneš svoju ruku...

149A ty si vykročila tak pomaly, ak si len viem dobre spomenúť. Možno, počkaj len chvíľku, možno niečo ďalšie môže byť povedané, čo vezme... Tu to je, vy cítite také veci, ľudia, viete, to je ako taký dych, ktorý prichádza proti tomu. Ľudia hovoria, „No, on to len hádal,” alebo niečo také, viete.

150Ale ty vyzeráš byť milou osobou, len ku mne chvíľu hovor. Stojme tu ešte chvíľu, pretože ja si myslím, že je ešte niečo ďalšie, čo je v tvojom srdci, čo chceš od Boha. Tak ja by som nevedel odpovedať na tvoju modlitbu... Pretože ak tomu budeš veriť, je to už zodpovedané. Ale ak len chceš veriť, donútiť sa, aby si verila. Tak poviem ti, že to sa týka niekoho z tvojich milovaných, ktorý tu nie je, a to je brat, a ten brat ani nie je v tomto kraji. On je v nejakom kraji, ktorý je vlhký a je tam mnoho jazier. Povedal by som, že je to niečo ako Michigan alebo niektoré... Áno, Michigan je to, kde je. A on trpí na smrteľnú nemoc, a to je nevyliečiteľná obličková ťažkosť, ktorou je on zaťažený. To je pravda, že? To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Tak tá vreckovka, ktorú máš vo svojej ruke, ktorú si zodvihla ku Bohu, pošli to svojmu bratovi a povedz mu, aby nepochyboval, ale aby veril, a že on bude teraz uzdravený, ak budeš veriť.

151 Veríš z celého svojho srdca? Vidíte, potom, ak veríte, je potom len jedna vec, a to je absolútne to akceptovať. Je to pravda?

152 Poviete, „On sa len na tých ľudí díva, to je to, čo robí, díva sa na nich.” Tak často to vidíte.

153 Ale aby ste mohli toto vedieť... Táto pani tu, ona prišla tadeto, táto pani tu, pacientka, ktokoľvek si. Ja sa na ňu nedívam, či veríš, že Boh mi môže zjaviť, čo je tvoja ťažkosť? Zodvihni svoje ruky, ak to urobíš, táto pani tu, táto pani tu, pacientka. Áno, áno, v poriadku, potom, ak to budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca, ten astmatický problém ťa už viac nebude obťažovať. V poriadku, choď domov a ver teraz vo svoje uzdravenie.

154 Pozrite len, tu to je. Vidíte, On... Pozrite sa týmto smerom, to videnie tam, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje. Amen, môžete to vidieť? To je tak dokonalé, ako Boh môže byť dokonalý.

155 Ty veríš tiež? Astma ťa tiež môže opustiť, že? Veríš, že môže? V poriadku, choď a povedz Pánu Ježišovi, že Mu veríš.

156 Jedného dňa by si musel vziať so sebou takú maličkú paličku, ak ťa tá artritída urobí chromým, ale to neurobí. Ty neveríš, že to urobí, že? Ty veríš, že budeš v poriadku, choď po svojej ceste a Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

157 Srdcové problémy zabíjajú ľudí, ale to ťa nemusí zabiť. Veríš, že Boh to pre teba uzdraví a celkom ťa uzdraví? Choď a ver z celého srdca a povedz, „Bolo za mňa už pomodlené.”

158 Hovoríš anglicky, rozumieš anglicky [Brat Branham hovorí, „Príďte niekto,“ prichádza tlmočník – pozn.prekl.] Áno, v poriadku. Povieš jej to, čo jej ja poviem, povedz jej, že ak bude veriť, tak ten žalúdočný problém ju opustí. Bude tomu veriť? Opustí ťa aj ten problém s chrbtom, a tak môžeš teraz ísť domov a byť uzdravená.

 Dobrý deň, veríš? [Ona hovorí, „Áno, verím.“ - pozn.prekl.]

159 Ten muž, ktorý tam sedí s problémami chrbta, díva sa na mňa, práve, ako som to povedal. On môže byť tiež uzdravený, ak tomu môžeš veriť, pane. V poriadku, pane.

160 Tá pani, ktorá sedí rovno tam vedľa teba, ty máš problémy s krkom, že, pani? Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Ty chceš, aby na tvojho malého chlapca, kvôli jeho kolenám, boli na neho položené ruky a aby bol tiež uzdravený. Veríš tomu? Ty si mala ženské problémy a už ich teraz nemáš. Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila a celkom ťa uzdravila.

161 Veríte, že Ježiš Kristus je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? Položme potom jeden na druhého ruky a modlime sa túto modlitbu viery, každý jeden z nás, modlíme sa modlitbu viery.

162 Drahý Bože, zatiaľ čo sme prikrytí v Tvojej Božskej prítomnosti, aby sme videli, ako sa Ty pohybuješ cez obecenstvo a ako uzdravuješ všade nemocných. Ty si Bohom. Modlím sa, aby si uzdravil celé toto obecenstvo. Nech ten dych Boží padne na nich čerstvo, do ich sŕdc a nech, nech vedia, že čas dobieha do konca. My tu budeme už len chvíľku dlhšie, a potom budeme s Tým, ktorého milujeme. A nech teraz Jeho prítomnosť prinesie každému uzdravenie.

163 Odsudzujeme ťa, satan, odsudzujeme všetky jeho skutky. V Mene Ježiša Krista, satan, vyjdi z tých ľudí.

164 Všetci, ktorí Mu budú teraz veriť a akceptujú svoje uzdravenie, postavte sa na svoje nohy a povedzte, „Teraz sa staviam na znak akceptovania môjho uzdravenia. Verím tomu.” Bez ohľadu na tvoj stav, ak skutočne veríš, postav sa na svoje nohy. Zodvihni teraz svoje ruky a povedz, „Ďakujem Ti, Pane Ježišu, za to, že si ma uzdravil.” Nech je Boh s vami.

1 I have chosen tonight for a short text, or short reading, the Lord willing, to give us the context of it, out of Saint Matthew 13:24 to 30. And then also I--I want to read from 36 to 40, just in a few moments. Now Saint Matthew, the 13th chapter, and beginning with the 24th verse of the 13th chapter of Saint Matthew. Listen close to the reading of the Word. My words will fail, but His will not.

Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened to a man which sowed good seed in his field:

But while he slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

But when the blades was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.

So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?

And he said unto them, An enemy has done this. And the servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go... gather them up?

But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, you root up also the wheat with them.

Let them both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of the harvest I will send forth the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into the garner.

2 Did you notice, "Gather the tares first, and bundle them"? Now, reading this, there was something strange come to me while I was sitting up on top of the Catalina Mountains the other night, in prayer. And then I thought, where could I gather a word that I could use for this that I wanted to speak on tonight?

3And I went down and found the word of discrepancy, so I got the dictionary and looked what the word discrepancy means. And it means it's "sowing discord," or--or, "being contrary," as Webster says, "sowing a discord, something different," or, "being contrary to what's already been." So I thought, the text tonight, I'd call it: The Seed Of Discrepancy. And trust that the Lord will bless His Word now as we approach It.

4 And we also know He interpreted, in verse 36 and--and to 43, how that this seed matured. And while we're at it, let's just read that also, verse 36 now unto 43.

And when Jesus had sent the multitude away, He went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.

And He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;

And the field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

The enemy that soweth them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.

The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;

And shall cast them into a fire, a furnace of fire: and there shall be weeping, or be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who has an ear... let him hear.

5 That's Jesus giving the interpretation of the parable, Himself, therefore we know then what the interpretation means. And now as we approach this, of this sowing of the seed and--and the reaping, now He interprets it. And then I believe that Jesus was speaking this parable in His day, but was meaning it to be at the end of the world, or, the end of the age, which is this day. And I believe this little text tonight is a very appropriate for the hour that we're living in, because Jesus distinctly said here that "the gathering would be at the end of this world," that that's when the end would be; the gathering of the wheat, and also the gathering of the tares and burning them, and to take in the wheat into the Kingdom. And I believe it was this way.

6And another Scripture leads me to believe this way, I have written down here, is Matthew 24:24, where it said that, talking about the--the seat, the seed of discrepancy. Jesus said that the two would be so close together till it would deceive the very Elected if it were possible. Almost exactly the same.

7 Another place in the Scripture where it's written, that the rain falls on the just and the unjust.

8I remember my first experience of ever coming amongst the Pentecostal people. I was at Mishawaka, Indiana. And I was at a great convention, a hall about like this, where the North and the South had come together. Because of them days, of the segregation, they had to meet up there. They were two great orders of the Pentecostal brethren. I had never heard of them or met them before. The first time I ever heard speaking in tongues. And at the end of the row, of the convention... Me being not a member among them, I was just a young Baptist minister, I set way back in the back. And I remember the first time I heard anyone speak in tongues, I didn't even know what--what it was all about. And then these two men, mainly, set up in the front, one would speak in tongues and the other would interpret what the man said. Well, I just started studying my Bible as hard as I could, there then, and found out that that was Scriptural. That's exactly what the Scripture, the Holy Spirit would do.

9 Well, about a day after that... That night my heart was so stirred. I slept in a cornfield. I didn't have enough money to get me a--a--a bed, so I just had enough money to get home on, and I got me some doughnuts, couple days old, or rolls, it was, and for my breakfast. And I was welcome to eat with them, but I didn't have no money to put in. In them days, that was in the depression, 1933, so it was--it was pretty hard going. And so I thought, "Well, I'll... I don't want to eat with them, but I want to know what they got. They've got something that I haven't."

10So that morning I was... they asked me, "All ministers come to the platform and just identify yourself, who you are, where you're from."

11Well, I--I just said, "William Branham, evangelist, Jeffersonville," set down. Well, at that time I was the youngest minister on the platform. And the next day they called me to the platform to speak. And then after I spoke, why, we had a great time, and then I begin to meet different people inviting me to their churches. Then after they...

12 After that, why, I thought, "If I could only get where these two main men was that spoke in tongues and interpreted!" That was burning me up in my heart, I wanted it so bad. Well, as I've told you at the beginning, a little gift that you pull over. You know, gifts and callings are without repentance, you have them all your life, see, you're born with them, if they're gifts of God. So I always, since a little bitty baby, it always happened to me, people who knows me all my life, they know that's true. Well, if I thought... I didn't know what it was then, and call it a vision, I just didn't know what it was. But I thought, "If I could ever talk to them!" Well, and the spirit that was in the building felt like it's really the Spirit of God.

13So I--I got to talk to one of them, and I asked him a few questions, and he was a real genuine Christian. There was no doubt about that, that man was a real believer. And the next man, when I talked to him, if I ever met a hypocrite, that was one of them. That man was actually... His wife was a blond-headed woman, and he had children by... two children by a black-headed woman. And I thought, "Well, now what? Here it is, I'm--I'm all mixed up. I'm a fundamentalist; it must be the Word, or it isn't right. And here's that Spirit, one rang out, according to all I know, genuine; and the other one was no good at all; and the Spirit falling on both of them. Now, how can that be?" I'd, it had me puzzled.

14 Two years later, I had been praying in a cave where I would go to pray. Got dusty in the cave, and one afternoon I walked out, laid my Bible on a log, and the wind blowed It open to Hebrews, the 6th chapter. Which said, that in the last days, how it would be if we fell away from the Truth and renewed ourselves again unto repentance, there was no more sacrifice for sin, and how that thorns and thistles, which was nigh unto rejection, whose end is to be burned; but the rain cometh upon the earth, often, to water it, to dress it; but the thorns and thistles would be rejected, but the wheat would be gathered. And I thought, "Well, it just the wind happened to blow that open." Well, I just laid the Bible down again. And I thought, "Well, now I'll just..." And here come the wind and blowed It open. That happened three times. And I thought, "Well, now, that's strange."

15And then as I raised up, and I thought, "Lord, why would You open that Bible for me to read that, I... when I get down to that, where 'thorns and thistles, which is nigh unto rejection, whose end is to be burned'?" I thought, "Why, would You open that to me there?" And as looking out across...

16 Now, these real visions come without pulling into any gear. That's just God. See? I looked and I seen an earth that was turning out in front of me, and I seen it was all disked up. There was a man dressed in white, went around sowing wheat. And after he went around the curvature of the earth; around come a man, looked horrible, and he was dressed in black, and he was throwing weed seeds all over it. They both come up together. And when they did, they both was thirsty, because a rain was needed. And each one looked like was praying, with his little head bent over, "Lord, send the rain, send the rain." And the great clouds come up, and the rain fell upon both of them. When it did, the little wheat jumped up and begin to say, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" And the little weed jumped up right at the same side, and said, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!"

17And then the vision was interpreted. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. The same Spirit can fall in a meeting, and everybody rejoice in it: hypocrites, Christians, and all together. Exactly right. But what is it? By their fruits they are known. See? That's the only way it can ever be known.

18Then you see that now, since wild oats, or wild wheat and grain sometimes impersonates a genuine, domestic grain, so close that it would deceive the very Elected. I think we're living in a timely age, when these things should be preached on and talked about.

19 Notice in verse 41, the two also very close, so close in the last days till He didn't do... He could not depend on some certain church to separate them, say, the Methodist or the Baptist, or the Pentecostals, to separate them. He said, "He sends His angels to separate them." An angel is coming to bring the separation, the segregation between the right and the wrong. And no one can do that but the Angel of the Lord. He's the One that is going to tell which is right and which is wrong. God said He will send His angels at the last times. Not angels down through here, but angels at the last time, and would gather together. We know that this is the coming harvest time now. Now, an angel is actually interpreted a "messenger." And we see that there is seven angels of the seven churches, and now... no, through the church ages.

20Notice who He said that the sowers were, and also what the seed was. One, the sower was He, the Son of God, Who went forth sowing Seed. And an enemy came behind Him, which was the Devil, and sowed the seed of discrepancy, behind the sowing of the right Seed. Now, friends, that has happened through every age since we've had a world. Exactly. All the way from the beginning, it started the very same thing.

21 Now He said, "The Seed of God, the Word of God." Jesus said, in a certain place, that "The Word is a Seed." And every seed will bring forth of its kind. And now if the Christian, the children of God, the children of the Kingdom has become the Seed of God, then they must be the Word of God, the Word of God manifested in the age that they're living in, for the promised Seed of that age. God gave His Word at the beginning, and each age has had its Seed, its time, its promises.

22Now, when Noah came on the scene, and he was the Seed of God, the Word of God for that age.

23When Moses came, he could not come with Noah's message, it wouldn't work, because he was the Seed of God at that time.

24Then when Christ come, He could not come with Noah or Moses' age; it was His time, for a virgin to conceive and to bring forth a Son, and He would be the Messiah.

25 Now, we've lived through Luther's age, Wesley's age (Methodist's age), all down through the ages, and the Pentecostal age, and each age is given a promise of the Word. And the people of that age, that manifest that promised Word, is the Seed of that age, according to what Jesus said right here, "They are the children of the Kingdom." That's right. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit operating through His children is those Seed of the Kingdom at that age.

26Notice, the tares was the one, the enemy, Satan, who sowed discord, or the--or the seed of discrepancy, he was the one guilty of doing this horrible thing. Satan sowed his seed from the beginning, when God placed His first harvest of human beings upon the earth. Adam, of course, as yet knew that there was a--a knowledge of truth, and of right and wrong, and he had never come to that as yet.

27 But we find out, God gave His children His Word for their Defense. Their... We have no other Defense than the Word of God. That is our Defense. There's no bombs, no shelters, no hiding places, no Arizona's or California's, or wherever it is; there's only one Defense we have, and that is the Word. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, which is Christ Jesus, He is our only Defense. Being in Him, we are safe.

28Not even sin is imputed to a genuine believer. Did you know that? He that's born of God, does not commit sin, he cannot sin. See? It's not even imputed. Why, David said, "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin." When you're in Christ, you have no desire to sin. "The worshipper, once purged, has no more conscience of sin," you don't desire it. Now, to the world, you might be a sinner; but, to God, you're not, because you're in Christ. How can you be in a sinner when you're in the sinless One, and God only sees Him Who you are in?

29 Now this harvest time. At the beginning, when God sowed His Seed upon the earth and gave it in the hearts of His children, His family, to keep that Word, that was their only defense, keep that Word! Here come the enemy in and broke that barrier, by sowing the seed of discrepancy, contrary to the Word of God. If that was discrepancy in the beginning, it's still. Anything that'll add anything to the Word of God, is still the seed of discrepancy! I don't care where it comes from, if it's from organization, if it's from military sources, if it's from political powers, anything that's contrary to the Word of God, is the seed of discrepancy.

30When a man stands and says he's a Gospel preacher, and says that "the days of miracles is past," that's the seed of discrepancy. When a man stands and says that he's a minister, a pastor of a church of somewhere, and he does not believe that Jesus Christ is the same in every detail (except the physical body), same yesterday, today, and forever, that's the seed of discrepancy. When he says that "miracles and apostolic age passed," that's seed of discrepancy. When they say, "There's no such a thing as Divine healing," that's seed of discrepancy. And the world is full of it. It crowds out and chokes out the wheat.

31 We notice that the first sower of the seed of discrepancy was branded "the Devil," and we know it was, in Genesis 1. Now we find out, and over here in--in the Book of Matthew, the 13th chapter, Jesus still brands any discrepancy to His Word as being "the Devil." And this 1956, anything that sows discrepancy, contrary to the written Word of God, or puts any private interpretation to It, is the seed of discrepancy. God will not honor it. He can't. It won't mix. It certainly will not. It's like mustard seed; it won't mix with anything else, you can't hybreed it, it's got to be the genuine thing. Seed of discrepancy!

32 Now we find, when God sowed His Seed in the Garden of Eden, we find out that it brought forth an Abel. But when Satan sowed his seed of discrepancy, it brought forth a Cain. One brought forth a righteous one; one brought forth an unrighteous one. Because that Eve listened to the word of discrepancy, contrary to the Word of God, and it started the ball of sin rolling right there, and has rolled ever since. And we'll never get it all out until the angels comes and segregates the thing, and God takes His children to the Kingdom, and the tares will be burned. Notice those two vines.

33If we just had more time on this subject, but just to hit the high spots, so we can go right into praying for the sick in the next few minutes.

34 Notice, their seeds grew together just exactly like God said over here also in the 13th chapter, of our text tonight, of Matthew, "Let them grow together." Now, Cain went to the land of Nod, found himself a wife, and married; and Abel was slew, and God raised up Seth to take his place. And the generations started moving on, between right and wrong. Now, we notice they gathered, each one of them, time after time, and God had to... It got so wicked till God had to destroy it.

35But they finally came forth until both of those seeds, the seed of discrepancy and the Seed of God, put forth their genuine heads, and that wound up in Judas Iscariot and in Jesus Christ. For, He was the Seed of God, He was the beginning of the creation of God, He was nothing less than God. And Judas Iscariot was borned the son of perdition, come from hell, returned to hell. Jesus Christ was the Son of God, the Word of God made manifest. Judas Iscariot, in his discrepancy, was the seed of the Devil, come to the world, and for deceit; just like he was at the beginning, Cain, his former father.

36 Judas only played church. He wasn't really sincere. He didn't actually have faith; he'd have never betrayed Jesus. But, see, he sowed that seed of discrepancy. He thought that he could make friends with the world, mammon, and also have friendship with Jesus, but it was too late for him to do anything about it. When the dead hour came, when he did this evil thing, he crossed the separating line between going forward and returning back. He had to go on in the way that he went, as a deceiver. He sowed the seed of discrepancy, he tried to find favor with those great organizations of that day, with the Pharisees and Sadducees. And thought he'd make hisself a piece of money, and would be popular among the people. If that doesn't cause so many people to get in that discrepancy, trying to find favor with man! Let's find favor with God, not with man. But that's what Judas done when this discrepancies headed up in him.

37 And we know that Jesus was the Word, Saint John 1, said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt here among us." Then, the Word is a Seed, then the Seed become flesh and dwelt among us.

38If Judas was the seed of the enemy and the discrepancy, it also become flesh and dwelt among us in the person of Judas Iscariot. He never had no real, real faith. He had what he thought was a faith. There's such a thing as having faith; and a make-believe faith.

39And a genuine faith of God will believe in God, and God is the Word, it'll never add nothing to It. The Bible tells us if we add one word, or take one Word away, our part will be taken from the Book of Life, Revelation 22:18, the last closing chapter.

40 In the first beginning, the first Book of the Bible, God told them not to break one Word of That, "every Word must be kept," they must live by that Word. Jesus, in the middle of the Book, come along and said that in His age, and said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that--that comes out of the mouth of God." And in the closing age of Revelation, foretold to us, that "Whosoever shall take one Word out of the Book, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."

41Therefore there can be nothing shadowy, just a genuine, unadulterated Word of God! That's sons of God, daughters of God, who's not born by the will of man, or by shaking a hand, or some form of baptism; but borned in the Spirit of God, by the Holy Ghost, and the Word manifesting Itself through them. That's genuine Seed of God!

42 The enemy joins church and becomes very orthodox in a creed or something. But that's not... That's discrepancy, anything that interferes with that strain of genuine Truth of God's Word.

43And how do we know? We say, "Well, they, you've got a right to interpret It?" No, sir! No man has a right to interpret God's Word. He's His Own interpreter. He promises it, then He does it, that's the interpretation thereof. When He promised It, then He fulfills It, that's the interpretation of It. Anything contrary to God's Word is a discrepancy! Absolutely!

44Now, as I've said, Judas had no real faith. He had a make-believe faith. He had a--a faith that he thought that that was the Son of God, but he didn't know that was the Son of God. He wouldn't have done it. And a man who will compromise on this Word of God being the Truth, he's got a make-believe faith. Genuine servant of God will hang on that Word.

45 A few nights ago, a certain minister, of Arizona, of a great, famous school here in this city, came to me and said, "I--I want to straighten you out on something" (I said...) "when you get a chance."

I said, "This is the best chance I know of. Come on over."

46And so he came over, he said, "Mr. Branham, you are trying... I believe you're sincere and you're honest, but you're trying to introduce to a world an apostolic Doctrine." And said, "The apostolic age ceased with the apostles."

47I said, "The first thing I'd like to ask you, my brother, do you believe that every Word of God is inspired?"

He said, "Yes, sir, I certainly do."

48I said, "Then, would you show me in the Word where the apostolic age ceased? Now, you show me where it is, I'll believe with you." And I said, "The writer of the apostolic, the one that had the keys to the Kingdom, on the day of Pentecost when the apostolic age was introduced, they said, 'Men and brethren, what can we do to be saved?' He said, 'Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is unto you and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.' Now, how can the Word contradict Itself?"

The man said, "I have an awful cold tonight."

I said, "I think so, too." See?

49Now you tell me, is God still calling? If God's still calling, then the apostolic age is still in existence. Certainly! As many as the Lord our God shall call, ever call, ever will call, as many as He shall call, it will still be the apostolic age, for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

50 Now, we find today that this discrepancy has been sowed through every age. If it was possible to get it in the next ten or fifteen minutes, I would do it, but you can't. Down through the ages... We are all, most all of us read the Bible. And now like when Jesus come, and He found that discrepancy, contrary. He was the Word made manifest, He was God's interpretation of the Word, because He said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Me." There you are. He--He was the interpretation of the Word. And every borned-again son and daughter of God of this age is the interpretation of the Word. You are written epistles, read of all men. Yes.

51Notice, He said, "In vain they do worship Me, teaching discrepancy for Doctrine. In vain do they worship Me, teaching for Doctrine the discrepancy, doctrine of man, creeds of man, teaching that to be the Word of God, when it has nothing to do with the Word of God."

52 Look, each age produce such a crop, every age has did it, and ours is no excuse. We have the same thing, and a greater age of it than all the other ages put together, for this is the ending of world's history. This is the great discrepancy that's ever been upon the earth, is on the face of the earth today. Discrepancy in other ages pulled them away from the true and living God, to idols. Today, Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 that it would be so close, it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible. Talk about discrepancy! Oh, it's so cunning. Satan is among the people, and just such a theologian, such a Doctor of Divinity, can teach that Word almost perfectly. Jesus said so. But just watch him, there'll be somewhere. Said, "Well, now, that wasn't for this." Oh, yes, it is, too, see, because God said it was.

53 Look what it did. Them same discrepancy brought God's wrath upon the days of Noah, when God sent His prophet out and preached as a flaming fire, called repentance to the people, and the discrepancy drowned out. Then what did Satan do? Come right behind, in Ham, and started sowing it again. That's exactly right.

54Along come Moses, the great prophet, to bring the children of Israel up out of the wilderness. What happened? Moses, the great prophet of God, bringing them the absolutely Truth, vindicated Truth. He had met God. God proved that he had met Him. How those people back there, those priests, and they had their religions, their rituals, their rites and everything, but Moses stood as a vindication of the interpretation of the Word. Don't forget that! Moses was God's interpretation of His promise. He said he would do it; he was God's interpretation.

55 What happened? The church just got started out of Egypt, on its feet a few days, and what happened? Satan come along with his discrepancy in the person, the second Cain, which was Balaam, and he sowed discrepancy amongst them. We know that's right. That Balaam, the teaching of Balaam, that "we're all the same, we serve the same God you do," fundamentally, he was right, because he offered a sacrifice that God offered; seven rams, seven bullocks on seven altars, and prayed to the same God just as perfect as Moses did down in the wilderness, just exactly the same. But they were not the same! Foreshadowing to us what would come to pass. There was, again, Cain manifested in the--the person of Balaam. And there was God manifested in the person of Moses, interpreting His Words through a human being, making Hisself known, His promise, through a human being. And the discrepancy raised up.

56So did it do it in the time of Judas, there he come with his discrepancy.

57 And, remember, this sin that those people believed, that "we're all the same, we worship the same God, we should all belong to the same church, we should be the same people," that sin was never forgiven Israel! Jesus said, Himself, "They all are dead!"

58They perished, all but three of them. That was the ones who held on and believed the promise. When the weakling said, "We cannot take the land, and it's too much for us," and so forth; Caleb and Joshua stilled the people, and said, "We're more than able to take it, because God promised it to us! I don't care what the opposition is!"

59And we still can preach Divine healing, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and still have the power of God to separate us from the things of the world. God said so! The apostolic age has never ceased, and it will not cease, it goes on.

60So, we find the same old sower of discrepancy. And remember, that sin was never forgiven. Now, brother, if it was never forgiven then, what about now when the--the real seed of all the ages is coming together?

61 Notice this great thing that Balaam did, it went on and on, and finally ended in the coming of--of Judas Iscariot, and Jesus. What was it? Judas and Jesus was just exactly a figure of Cain and Abel. For, as Judas was religious, so was Cain religious. Cain built an altar, he made a sacrifice, he worshipped God, he was just as sincere in it as the other one was. But, you see, he didn't have the revelation of what the Word was. He thought it was Adam and Eve had eat some apples or some fruit. And Cain... Abel, by revelation, knowed that it was wrong; it was the blood that brought them out, and he offered a lamb. And God testified his offering was right. Then he got jealous and tried to kill his brother. And as he killed his brother upon the same altar that his sacrifice died on, the lamb died upon the altar, so did Judas Iscariot betray Jesus Christ upon the altar of God, and killed Him just as Cain killed Abel. Because, Cain was the seed of discrepancy.

62And so was Balaam, the hireling prophet, a man who ought to knowed better. And God warned him through signs and wonders, and even a mule speaking in unknown tongues, and still he went right on just the same. He was born to be a--a sower of the discrepancy.

63 And if Jesus predicted this age to end up in the greatest discrepancy that ever was, the Laodicea church age, lukewarm, that put Him out of the church, how can it be anything else but that discrepancy! Certainly, it is. It ends in that age.

And it was Cain and Abel again on Calvary.

64Now notice, as ever, as soon as Jesus went away, went into Heaven, the Holy Spirit was sent back. That was the Seed, the Life-giver unto the Word, as we spoke last night. It's the One that quickens the Word. Quicken means "brings to Life." The genuine Holy Spirit only brings to Life the Word that It is. It won't bring a creed to Life, It can't, because It's nothing of the creed. It is the Life of the Word of God, for It is God. See? And It quickens that Body.

65 Now notice, as they did. Then, and the Bible said, and--and John spoke to his children and said, "Little children, you have heard of the antichrist which was to come into the world," said, "which already is in the world, and it working in the children of disobedience." Now, that was along about thirty years after the coming of the Holy Ghost. We find, when the Holy Ghost come, the real Seed, real Life-Giver to the Seed, then here comes that discrepancy in again. And notice, on it went. It had...

66The real Word had been vindicated, them prophets of old had vindicated the Word of God to be the Truth as they went down. If anybody ever read the Nicaea Council, or the Pre-Nicaea Council, them fifteen days of bloody politics, when them bunch of Romans down there wanted to bring in and make a denomination out of that church. Prophets came in, wrapped in sheepskin, eating herbs, and stood for that Word! But what did it do? It had to be like Cain, it had to be like Abel, one had to die. Certainly, it did. And the Word lost Its influence amongst the people, and they all voted out the true Word and took in dogmas of discrepancy of the early Catholic church. They added a pope, they added a bishop, they added this, that, the other. They taken away the real true meaning of Peter, and of--of--of Mary, and--and all the rest of it; and made idols, and made nothing but just a pagan ceremony out of so-called Christian religion. What was it? Seed of discrepancy! And organized, organized, for the first time on earth, a church. What was it? That seed of discrepancy which started sowing, something adding to, taking away.

67 Who ever heard, in the Bible, not eating meat on Friday? Who ever heard, in the Bible, of anything of sprinkling instead of baptizing, immersing? Who ever heard of those things, a "Hail, Mary" or something? Who ever heard of some of this rotten tommyrot of these Protestants, too? Pot can't call kettle greasy. Right! Just, guilty of the least is guilty of the whole! Who ever heard of God ever dealing in an organization? Show me one time that one ever organized and ever stayed alive. They died immediately, and never did rise again! It's time that something takes place, it's time for God to move. It killed the influence amongst the people.

68Same thing has been done today. They kill the influence, say, "Oh, that bunch of holy-rollers, there's nothing to them." And, why, it's discrepancy! Meet the Word face to face and see what It is, see if God interprets His Own Word. God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham. Amen.

69 The Word had been thoroughly vindicated by them early Christians, how God delivered them from everything, and diseases, and they had prophets, and they spoke in tongues, interpreted, and gave messages that's proved to be exactly the truth every time. But in the face of all that vindicated Word, the people voted It out, and voted a denomination. That's the mother of all organizations.

70Both are fully matured now. They started seeding again. It died out, but it bloomed again in the days of Luther, as we know from the former message here on the morning of the breakfast. It bloomed out in the day of Luther. Now what did they do? Immediately after that great man died, they made an organization.

71It bloomed out. And again in the days of John Wesley, when them Anglicans, with all their eternal securities and everything had bound it up into a place to what's almost universalism, and what happened? God raised up a man named John Wesley, and slayed the whole thing. And as soon as he died, him and Asbury and them, what happened? They organized, and now you got all kinds of Methodists. Then along come one or the other, Alexander Campbell, John Smith, and whatmore.

72 Finally, out broke the Pentecost, coming out of all of it. What happened then? They did run well, what did hinder you? You went right back in the same mud you come out of, right back in the same slop, went back to discrepancy and to make organizations, you had to compromise on the Word. And every time God would send something new, you couldn't receive it. That's right! Discrepancy again! And, notice, as I said the other day, that first little husk that come forth from this root, comes up into the leaves and up into the tassel, then back into the stalk again, and comes out. That little husk of wheat almost looks like the grain itself, and we thought it was, but when you open it up, there's no grain there at all. It's only a supporter for the grain to grow by, and it dies also, and the life goes right out of it and goes into the grain. Notice, so they call the churches that sowed...

73 We find out today that our so-called churches, even to our Pentecostals, we went out, we couldn't be satisfied, we had to make groups of our own. Everything come up, we had to have this, we had to have this, we had to have another group. And this fellow raised up, said, "He's coming on a white cloud." Another one say, "Uh-huh, He's coming on a white horse." "All right, we'll make two groups." See, what is it? Sowing of discrepancy! When He comes, whatever it is, He'll interpret His Own Word when He comes. Let's wait till that time. Catch the... Talking about that, you don't even get the Message of the day. Always pointing to what God's going to do, or what He has done, and ignoring what He's doing. That's the way we get discrepancies in it.

74 Now we notice that today our churches, all--all of our churches has sowed to the winds, and are reaping the whirlwind. We don't have the prayer meetings, we don't have the services we used to have. What's the matter? We've let down the bars on everything. Look, even to our Pentecostal churches, setting full of bobbed-haired women. That used to not be permitted. Painted faces, wearing fingernail polishes, all kinds of stuff; get a man out here with... like Rickies and so forth; married three or four times, and deacons; oh, what a discrepancy! It's filth! How do they do it? God wouldn't have it in His Church, they have to go to an organization to get into it. Somebody afraid to say something about it, 'cause they'd be kicked out of the organization. God, give us men who's not connected with nothing but God and His Word, that'll tell the Truth about it. That's exactly what we need. What have we done? Sowed discrepancy. We've sowed to the winds, and now we're reaping the whirlwind.

75 Notice that they're now being gathered together for the burning. Did you notice, Jesus said, "First, gather them together, bundle them, and then put all the bundles in one pile, and I'll burn them." There's a little bundle called Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, they're all gathering together in the World Council of Churches. What is it? "Gather them first!" Hallelujah! Did you notice, He gathers the tares first, gets them away from the wheat, separates them, "Gather them together and burn them." They're all to be burned with the judgments of God, for sowing discrepancy among the people, things that they... Having a form of godliness, and denying the Power thereof, denying the Word, just to hold up some religious rites, of some dogma that somebody's injected in, trying to put in the Word of God. It won't work. It's a discrepancy.

76 I scream today, as it was, the great prophet of long ago, Amos, when he come down into that city, said, "I'm not a prophet, nor a son of a prophet. But if the lion roars, who can but fear!" He said, "When God speaks, who can but prophecy." He predicted judgment upon that generation, said, "The very God that you claim to serve will destroy you."

77You put this, it's on tape, and you remember. The very God that... These people now that's gathering all this great big harvest of--of World Council of Churches, and you're going to have to go into it. You can't stay out of it. You're either going to be individually get out of it, or you're going into it. There ain't going to be no middle grounds. It'll be the mark of the beast. No man could buy or sell, except he that has the mark, or has got the discrepancy. Now, stay out of it! Get out of it! Flee it! Stay away from it! The God that they claim they're serving will destroy them. The great God of love who won't...

Said, "Well, Jesus prayed that we should all be one."

78 Then He also said, "How can you walk together, two walk together, 'less they be agreed?" He said "one," like He and the Father are One. And the Father was the Word, and He was the Word made manifest. He was "One" with the Father, because He was the manifestation of God's promised Word. And so is it today, or any other day. Yes, sir. The God is One. He wants us to be one.

79How can this be one, this one denying the virgin birth, and this don't, deny Divine healing, and this, that, all of them in a mess like that? Some of them even don't even believe in God, believe He was the Son of God; believe He was the son of Joseph, called the Son of God. Certainly. The twin brother to the Lutherans, Zwinglies, believe that, that He was absolutely just a good man. The Christian Science said He was a prophet, just an ordinary man, He wasn't Divine. Why, if He wasn't Divine, He's the greatest deceiver the world ever had. He was God or He was nothing. He was Divine! He was Deity, Himself, made flesh among us, in the person of the Son of God. Certainly, that's what He was.

80 Now we see the discrepancy has come in. We know that it's here, nobody can deny it. Oh, my! Just notice. He will destroy that group that claim they're serving God. You watch it.

81God planted His Seed. I'm closing, 'cause it's time to start the prayer line. God planted His Seed, and His Seed is Christ. I'm going to preach on that in a few night, where God decided to put His Name, the Lord willing, maybe at one of the breakfasts when I have a little more time. Look, He is the only Way of escape. He is the only true Potentate. He's the only true God, none other besides Him. "I am God, and God alone," He said. Jesus said, "This is the commandment: Hear ye, O Israel, I am the Lord your God, just one God. I am He. Why do you look for another? Another will come... I come in My Father's Name, and you receive Me not. But another will come in his own name, and him you will receive." And they did it at Nicaea.

"Are you a Christian?"

"I'm Baptist."

"Are you a Christian?"

"I'm Pentecost."

"Are you a Christian?"

"I'm Methodist," another name.

82 But when it comes to that Name of "Jesus Christ," they walk just as far from It as they can, they don't want nothing to do with It, for He is the Word and the Word declares Itself. Notice, the only Way of escape! He is the Rose of Sharon, the Bible said He was. Every title (in the Bible) of God belongs to Jesus Christ. He was Alpha, Omega, the Beginning and the End; He that Was, which Is, and Shall Come; the Root and Offspring of David, both Root and Offspring of David; the Morning Star, the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, the Alpha, Omega, Father, Son, Holy Ghost, all in Jesus Christ! He was the full manifestation of Jehovah God made flesh to dwell among us. Exactly what He was.

83He was the Rose of Sharon. What did they do with the Rose of Sharon? They squeezed It out, mashed It out, to get the perfume out of It. A beautiful rose has to be squeezed down to get the perfume from the rose. That was a beautiful Life, there never was a life lived like It, but It had to be squeezed out on Calvary.

84 See, they took the--the anointing of the Rose of Sharon and put it upon Aaron, he had to be anointed with that for to go in before the Lord in the holy place, in the holy veil. He had to be anointed with the Rose of Sharon, to go in to sprinkle the mercy seat each year. And that anointing must be upon him, a sweet-smelling savour unto the Lord, packing the blood of the lamb before him, after he had also been sprinkled by the lamb. Pomegranates and bells around his garments, he had to walk a certain step, playing "holy, holy, holy unto the Lord."

85 Notice, He is that Rose of Sharon, that sweet-smelling Savour, the Anointing upon His people. You cannot come before Him with any creed, any other thing, but anointed with that Rose of Sharon, the Word. He also is the Lily of the Valley.

86Now, how do you get opium? You get opium when you take a lily and squeeze it out, you get the opium. Doctors use it in their laboratories. Take a man that's nervous and flusterated, or a woman, she feels like she's going to go crazy, she's walking the floor and screaming, she's in hysterics, a doctor will take a little of his lily opium and push it into her arm or vein somewhere, or his, and they quieten down. It's all over for a while. But just as soon as that opium dies out, here they come again, worse than they ever was.

87 But I'll tell you, friends, that's only a type of the genuine Opium from the Lily of the Valley that I know of. He is the Lily of the Valley. He was squeezed out on Calvary. He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed. In that, that squeezing out of the flowers, He was a Flower. He was the greatest Flower that ever growed, was this Lily of the Valley, and this great Rose of Sharon. Now He hangs tonight, suspended between Heavens and earth, I believe, He was that time, rather, to--to take away the sin of the world and to bring healing back to the world. And the Bible said that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

88 Friend, when God told Moses, in the wilderness, which was a--a type of Him, to lift up a brass serpent. And brass represents sin judged, the serpent represents, the brass serpent represents "sin already judged." As, brass is "Divine judgment," like the brazen altar where the sacrifices was laid. And also Elijah looked up and he said the skies was like brass, Divine judgment upon an unbelieving nation that had backslid from God. Brass represents judgment, Divine judgment. And the serpent represented sin already judged; and Jesus was that serpent made sin for us, and took the judgments of God upon Him. He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed.

89Oh, God's got His cabinet full of Opium, tonight, for you. Christian friend, you are sick and suffering. Oh, you're weary, it's just too hard for you. You can't stand it much longer, you'll--you'll go wild in this modern day that we're living.

90 Did you just hear Life Line tonight, that what they said, that--that Russia says, in '55, that they'll "absolutely take full control of the whole world"? Before that can happen, the Rapture has to come. So how close is it, friend? It's right here close now at hand.

91Won't you seek Him tonight with all your heart? He is the Lily of the Valley, and He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's here tonight to lift Himself up among His people, just like Moses lifted up the--the sin sign, judged. And not only sin, but sickness. Remember, Jesus said, "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent, so must the Son of man be lifted up." What did Moses lift it up for? For sin, unbelief, and for sickness. Jesus was lifted up, also, for sin, sickness, and unbelief. He was the same thing.

92 Now, tonight, in the days when we got this great discrepancy, Jesus Christ promised in Luke, that in the days of the... before the Coming of the Lord, would be like it was in the days of Sodom, and when the Son of man would reveal Himself, like the Son of man revealed Himself to Abraham down there; Elohim, God, made flesh among people, and dwelt there with Abraham and showed him, told him what Sarah was thinking of (setting behind Him) in the tent, that He had never seen. Told her what she... And called her name, "Sarah." "Abraham," not his--not his name Abram, he started out with, but Abraham. Not Sarai, S-a-r-a-i; but S-a-r-a-h, "Where is thy wife, Sarah?"

Said, "She's in the tent behind You."

93Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time of life." And she laughed. He said, "Why did she laugh?"

94Now, Jesus said, "Just before this great discrepancy is gathered and burned, that the Son of man will reveal Himself in the same manner as He did then." And that's... What is it? It's a lifting up, afresh, before you, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe it? Let us bow our heads then for prayer.

95 Dear God, we love You. Your Word is so--so Food-full with us, Lord. We just love It! We live by It, Lord. It seems that our capacity is never sufficient. We just love to set at Your table, around Your Word, and enjoy the blessings, Lord, when we come together like this, brothers and sisters who's been Blood-bought by the Son of God, who is the purchase of Your Blood. And we come here tonight, Lord, we've dedicated these nights for praying for the sick. And according to the Scriptures, You said that "by the stripes we were healed." It isn't necessary to pray then (only confess our sins), for by Your stripes we were (past tense) healed. Oh, what a day of salvation! What a--what a promise by Emmanuel! That It's certainly Truth.

96You said, "A little while, and the world won't see Me no more, yet you'll see Me, for I" (the personal pronoun of "I") "I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." And at the end of the time, this great consummation, You said, just before it happens, it'll be just like before the fire fell in Sodom and burnt up the Gentile world, that there would come a revelation again of the Son of man just like it was at Sodom. Father, may the people not miss it.

97 And I pray, God, as a crude little thing, (if I said wrong, forgive me), pulling into a gear. I love them, Lord. I--I pray that they won't miss it. Let this be one of the great nights, Lord. May every sick, afflicted, blind, whatever it is in here, Lord, be healed tonight. May every sinner be saved. Right in their hearts now, if they're an unbeliever, and may they accept Christ at this moment. Grant it, Father. It's all in Your hands. We commit ourselves to You, to see You come among us.

98And You said, in Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also." How we know that You made Yourself known to the people, for You was that Prophet that Moses said that would raise up. They hadn't had prophets for hundreds of years, discrepancy was on every hand, but yet the Word of God had to be fulfilled; so the Word become flesh, and so did the discrepancy. And, Father, we see it again today, the discrepancy becoming one great big bundle; and we see the Word coming the same way. Bless us tonight, Father. We commit ourselves to You, with Your Word. Whatever You have need for us to do, do with us, Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

99 [A sister speaks in another tongue.] We don't know what He said. He may be wanting to tell us something, so just be real reverent just a moment. [ A brother gives an interpretation--Ed.]

100Amen. Did you ever read [] Scripture where the enemy was coming, and they were all gathered together, and they... the enemy was such a great force. And the Spirit of God fell upon a man, and told him, and he prophesied, and said where to go and lay in wait, and they destroyed their enemy. There it comes again. There's the place to destroy your enemy, see, take the hand of God. The hand of God is Christ, of course, the Word, so take That in your hearts tonight while we call the prayer line.

101 I believe Billy give out prayer cards again today. B, B's, let's take B, eighty-five. Last night, we had fifteen last night. We usually try to get about fifteen a night. And then hold your cards, we'll get them, now. Let's try about fifteen. Eighty-five. B, like Branham, you know. B, eighty-five to a hundred. And we... Let's see, who has B, eighty-five, raise up your hand. You're sure... Oh, in the back, all right, eighty-five come up.

102Now, my son... So that there might be strangers here, wouldn't know how this was done. My son comes down here, or someone; if he isn't able to come, Brother Borders, somebody else. Some man will come down, and take these cards, a hundred of them, and standing before the people and mix them up together. So therefore he gives you a card, he can't tell you you're going to be up here on the platform, he don't know that. And neither do I know. I come at night, just pull out about ten or fifteen, somewhere along, in the cards. That doesn't have one thing to do with your healing. You can sit right there. Look, last night. How many was here last night, let's see your hand? How the people was just healed all out through the meeting!

103 Now, that was eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven, eighty-eight, eighty-nine, ninety. Let's have them come right now. B, eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven, eighty-eight, eighty-nine, ninety. That'd been one... Surely, we need... And if somebody's... Here's another one, yes, that'd make it right. Ninety, ninety to a hundred now. Ninety, ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, -nine.

104If you can't move, if you're... I see we got a couple, three wheelchairs here now, four of them, I believe, I can see. If you got a prayer card, that's--that's your number's called, and can't move, just raise your hand, we'll wheel it up here.

105 And if you haven't got no prayer card, just set there and pray, and say, "Lord Jesus, let--let--let it be me tonight." How many in here doesn't have a prayer card, raise up your hand. Oh, my! All right, now let's just say this, I hope it don't sound sacrilegious. But there's a little woman one time that didn't have a prayer card, we'd say. She went pressing through the crowd, she said (now listen close), "If I can touch that Man's garments, I'll be made well." How many knows the story? All right. And what did she do? She touched Him, and went over and sat down. And Jesus turned around, He knew where she was at. Is that right? He knew what her trouble was. Is that right? He knew what her trouble was, so He told her what her trouble was. And she felt in her body that the blood issue had stopped. Is that right? Because why? She had touched Him.

106 Now, how many Christians here tonight that know, according to Hebrews, the Book of Hebrews, that Jesus right now is a High Priest, the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity? Is He? All right, if He is the same High Priest, the same office, High Priest, how would He act then? He would act just the same as He did then. Do you believe that? He would act just the same as He did then, if you can believe that. All right. How many believe that, raise up your hand, say, "I actually believe it"?

107All right, before they form the prayer line, let's have a prayer line out there. I know He's here. I--I--I feel His Presence, and I--I know that He's here. Come. Prayer line ready? I was going to call out there. You just--just pray, just look this way and pray, just believe.

108 A little lady sitting here looking right at me, sitting next to a lady that's got glasses on. Can't you see That hanging over that woman? Look here. See? She's suffering with heart trouble. You believe that God will heal you? If you do, raise up your hand. That's what your trouble was. That's right. Now if that was your trouble, raise up your hand so the people can see, raise up your hand like that. Now, you don't have it no more now. Your faith made you well.

109He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh, there is a discrepancy; but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is this... Now just keep praying, see, you don't have to be up here, that you might know.

110 Now, this is a lady. As far as I know, I never seen her in my life, she's just a woman standing here, and got a prayer card, and didn't know whether you was going to be called or not. Somebody just give you a prayer card, and you--your number's called, so you just come up here. Is that right? And I have no way of knowing what you are, who you are, where you come from, what you want, nothing about it. I'm just a man, you're the woman. That's right. This same picture come one time in the Bible, Saint John, the 4th chapter.

111Now you say, "What did you do, Brother Branham, just then, a while ago?" Just pulled over in that little gear, see. I don't know, see. He has to do it. I don't know. How did that woman out there? I never seen that woman in my life. She's a total stranger to me. I believe it was a woman. Who is the person that was healed just now out there in the audience? Will you... Yeah. We're strangers to one another. If that's right, wave your hand like this. See? I never seen the woman. But she was sitting there, believing. Now, she touched Something, didn't she? It wouldn't do no good to touch me.

112 But now can't you see that the Bible is exactly the Word of God? He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. We become tabernacles of that Holy Spirit which is Christ. See? That's the real Seed. Then if that real Holy Spirit gets into the real Seed of the Word, not... It just won't take part of It (because, the Devil uses That), you've got to take It all, see, every Word of It; 'cause, He's not half God, He's all God. See? And that's what takes place.

113Now, here's a woman, I've never seen her. Jesus found a woman like this one time, maybe not the same condition, I don't know. And He was sitting at a well. He--He had need to go down to Samaria. And we find out, Samaria was under the hill. And--and He was going to Jericho, rather, and He went around by Samaria, and come to a city of Sychar. And He sat down on the well, and sent His disciples away for food.

114 How many races of people are there in the world? Three. Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people. We all come from Noah. And the rest of the world was destroyed at that time. Only three races of people, that Jew, Gentile, and Samaritan (which was half Jew and Gentile). And that's all the races that's in the world, see, just three.

115Everything in God is perfect in three. Just like these three I was talking of tonight: three stages of discrepancy, three stages the Word made flesh, so forth. See?

116Now, and He--He that talked to the Jews, told Philip, when he brought Nathanael up, that where he was, and said, "I seen him when he was under the tree." He told... Andrew had brought Peter up, He said, "Your name is Simon, and you shall be called 'Peter' from now on." Said, "You're the son of Jonas." See? Now, them was all Jews.

117But here He goes to a Gentile... not a Gentile, but a Samaritan.

118Now is the Gentile's time. He never performed that one time to Gentiles. Search the Scriptures. Never. But He promised, in Luke 22, that He would do it just before the Coming.

119But He sat down there, and here come a half Jew and Gentile out, a woman. And He said to her, "Woman, bring Me a drink."

120She said, "Why, you shouldn't ask that, so much. We are... There's a segregation here. You're a Jew, and--and I'm a Samaritan."

121He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink." What was He doing? Contacting her spirit. And as soon as He found what her trouble was, well, He told her to go get her husband. She said she didn't have any. He said, "That's right, you've had five."

122 Now, look, when the Pharisees seen Him do that. Right, that discrepancy right amongst the Word, what did they say? They said, "This Man is Beelzebub, a fortune-teller." See?

123And Jesus said, "Whoever spoke that on the Holy Ghost when It come to do the same, would never be forgiven." There's your discrepancy. See? But He said He would forgive them then, because the Holy Spirit hadn't come; the Sacrifice, the Lamb hadn't died.

124But then the woman didn't think that. The woman said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." They hadn't had a prophet for hundreds of years. Said, "I perceive You're a prophet. Now, we know that Messiah, which is called the Christ, when He comes, that's what He's going to do."

125Well, if that's what He did, then He's the same yesterday, today. That's how He made Hisself known then, isn't it the same thing today? Has to be! Now, here is a woman and a man meets again. She's not that woman, I'm not that Man. But yet the same Holy Spirit is here, and made the promise that the works that He did, we'd do the same thing in the days that Son of man would be revealed.

126 Now, not knowing you (and you know that's true), we're total strangers, and you are standing here. There's some... May be something wrong with you, maybe there's not, I don't know. But if the Lord Jesus will reveal to me, by His Holy Spirit, what is your trouble, will you believe then that It is the Son of God, and not a human being? This is just a hull, this tabernacle that--that God uses, any who He has chosen. He--He does that by sovereign grace and election. So, but you believe. You will? [The woman says, "Amen"--Ed.]

127How many in the audience will believe it? Here we both stand right here before the Light, that we've never met in this life, have no more idea who that woman is, what she is, where she come from, what she wants. I've never seen her in my life, no more than I ever seen that woman down there in my life. But, see, here's what I'm trying to get you to do: get that discrepancy away from you now, and believe the Word when the Word is made flesh right here among us. The Word becomes alive in our own flesh, that shows the Presence of God.

128 Now may He grant it to her. She's wanting a worthy cause. She's childless, she wants a baby. She's about forty years old. That's certainly not impossible.

129They're setting right out there now, women who were barren all their life, and come to the platform like this, and the Lord give them children. Some of you raise your hand out there that know. See? See? I picked up a little darling girl the other day, Sunday, after I left here, Sunday afternoon; that her mother was barren, the Lord spoke. And the little girl, the sweetest little thing, is she here? Where she at? Yeah. Here she is, right here, setting right down here. The mother setting there. Here's the little girl, herself. See her? She was a spoken Word from God.

130Now, will you believe Him with all your heart? Do you believe that that blessing that you have, that you feel in you now, has been God answering? If God would tell me what your name is, so you could name the baby, would you believe? Then, Mrs. Thompson, you can go home and have your baby, if you'll believe it with all heart.

131 Do you believe with all your heart? Just have faith, don't doubt, just believe God. God is God.

132How do you do, sir? I suppose we're strangers, too. The only time I ever seen you in my life, as I know of, is when you was coming there. And I thought you were Brother Shakarian's uncle, or who it... Mashagian, Brother Mashagian, the singer, when you come by. And then I seen you was going to the prayer line. Now, being a stranger with you, and, or to you, and I a stranger, each way. Now, if the Lord Jesus will tell me something that you--that you're, maybe what you're wanting, let's just say that; tell you what, tell me what you're wanting. Now, He's already give it to you. Only thing is just enough faith to believe it.

133Now, how many understands that? Just enough faith to believe that you get what you ask for! See?

134 Now, now, if you're up here wanting something, and He can tell me what your desire is, then you know I don't know your desire, then it has to be Something here that's doing it. Now, according to the Word, He promised to do that. He knowed the thoughts within their hearts. Is that right? All right.

135You have a great desire to be healed. One thing, you're suffering with a nervous condition, real nervous. That's right. Another thing, you got a back trouble, and that back has been very bad for some time, you've even had an operation on it. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's true. See. That's right. And here's another thing, your deep desire, is, you want to receive the baptism of the Spirit. That exactly right. Come here.

136Dear God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may this man be filled with the Holy Ghost, before he leaves these grounds, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Now receive It, my brother. Just have faith, don't doubt.

137 How do you do? I suppose, as far as I know, that we're strangers one to the other. If that's right, why, so that people will know, just raise up your hand so they see that we're strangers. I never seen her in my life, knowingly. And I guess she never seen me, 'less it was out in the audience. Because the Heavenly Father knows, and here's His Word laying here, that I have never seen the woman, knowingly, in my life. Therefore, I wouldn't know what you're here for, have no idea who you are, what, or nothing about you. I couldn't tell you one thing.

138Only thing, it's just a gift. If I can... As you heard me explain that a while ago. Just move over, hear what He says; what I see, I can say it. What He doesn't say, I cannot say. I'd say that in myself, and it'd be wrong. See? It'd be wrong. But if He says it, it's absolutely right. It can never, it never has been wrong. It never will be wrong as long it remain God. See? See, because God cannot be wrong.

139 But if God can tell me what you want, what your desire is, or--or what you're here for, something you've done, or something, something like that, or who you are, where you come from, or whatever He wants to tell me, you'd believe? Thank you.

140One thing, you have trouble with your feet. Your feet bothers you. [The woman says, "Yes"--Ed.] That's right. Raise your... You have a lady's trouble, female disorder. ["Yes."] And you've got a great desire in your heart, because you've just lost somebody or something. It's a boy, and your boy has left home, run away, and you want me to pray that he'll return back. ["Yes."]

141God in Heaven, send her child to her, and healing. Let the Holy Spirit stop that young man on the road tonight, send him back to his mother. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

142He Who knows will send him back to you. Don't worry. Believe now, don't doubt. Just have faith, all your heart. You believe, and God will grant the rest of it.

143 Now, just those three or four discernings, whatever it was, see, I--I just went till it gets blind to me. I can't explain that, there's no way to explain it. You say, "You mean, just that was worse than you preached there for forty-five minutes or more, you think?" Yes, sir. If it was three hours, it wouldn't be that much.

144A woman touched the garment of our Lord Jesus. And them people are not touching me. Why, this woman here, just look here, she could... [Brother Branham tells the woman, "Put your hands on me, see."--Ed.] She just touched me all around, wouldn't do a thing, I'm just a man. But she has to touch Him. And I, by a gift, just--just... it just go, all my self goes away, and I just say what I see. See? And that's all. See, touching me doesn't mean a thing, but she touches Jesus through me. That's how that woman touched God through Jesus, when He didn't know what was the matter with her. She just touched His garment, went and sat down. And He said--and He said, "Who touched Me?"

145And the apostles said, "Why, everyone is touching You. Why do You say that?"

He said, "But I perceive that virtue has gone from Me."

146Now, you know what virtue is? Strength. He got weak on one woman touching Him, and He was the Son of God. What about me, a sinner saved by His grace. You know why it's more? Because He said, "These things that I do, shall you do also. More than this shall you do, for I go unto My Father." "Greater," It said there, but the right Greek interpretation is, "More than this shall you do."

147 Now, the lady I know not. I have known nothing about her. She's just as total stranger to me as the other people were. We're strangers to one another. Just so that the people know it, you might raise your hand, say "we are stranger." Now, the Son of God, if He one time met a woman in a little panoramic like this, by a well, and He talked to her just a moment, and He knowed where her trouble was, and He told her what her trouble was. And so she knew by that, that that was the Messiah. Now that--that I've... You've touched me, I've touched you, and nothing happened. But if my faith (by a gift) and your faith (by believing in it) can touch Him, and He can speak through us to... through me to you, then you know that He's here like He was at that--that well at Sychar. See? He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. You believe that?

148You have so many troubles, so many afflictions, complications! One of the main things that you want to be prayed for is arthritis. That's right. That right? You're stiffening up by arthritis. When you see you raise your arm...

149 And you did walk out kind of slow, the best of my remembrance. Maybe just wait just a minute, maybe something else can be said that'll take the... Or, you know, you feel things; people, you know, like a breath coming against It. They say, "Why, he guessed that," or, you know, like that.

150But, you seem to be a fine person, just talk to me just a moment. Let's stand here just a bit, because I do think there's something else that's in your heart that you're wanting from God. Now, I could not answer your prayer, but He can re-... Because, if you believe it, it's already answered. But if you just want to believe; to make you believe. Now, I tell you, it's concerning a loved one that's not here, and that is a brother, and that brother is not even in this country. He's in kind of a wet country, a lot of lakes. I'd say like something like in Michigan or some... Yeah, Michigan is where it's at. And he is suffering with a deadly killer, and that is an uncurable kidney trouble that he's bothered with it. That is right, isn't it? That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, the handkerchief that you got in your hand, that you raised to God, send that to your brother and tell him not to doubt, but to believe, and that'll, he'll be healed now if you'll believe it.

151 You believe with all your heart? See, then, if you believe, there's only one thing to do, that's, absolutely accept it. Is that right?

152Now you say, "He's looking at that, them people. That's what he's doing, looking at them." You see that so much!

153But that you might not know this... This lady here, come up this a-way, lady, here, the patient, ever who you are. I'm not looking at her. Do you believe that God can reveal to me what's your trouble? Raise your hands, if you do, this lady here, this lady here, the patient. Yeah. Yeah. All right, then if you'll believe that with all your heart, that asthmatic trouble won't bother you anymore. All right, go home and believe it!...?...

154 Didn't look at her, did It? See, He... You look this way, the vision is there no matter what takes place. Amen! Can't you see it? Just perfectly as God can be perfect!

155You believe, too? Asthma can leave you, too, couldn't it? You believe it would? All right, go tell the Lord Jesus that you--you believe Him.

156Someday you'd have to pack a--a little cane around if that arthritis cripples you up, but it ain't going to do it. You ain't, you don't believe it is, do you? You believe you're going to be all right? Go on your road, and Jesus Christ makes you well.

157Heart trouble kills people, but it don't have to kill you. You believe that God will heal it for you, and make you well? Go believing it with all your heart, say, "I truly believe for it."

158 You speak English? You understand English? [Brother Branham asks for an interpreter--Ed.] (Somebody come.) Yeah, all right. Will you speak to her what I tell her? Tell her if she'll believe, the stomach trouble will leave her. She--she will believe it? Your back trouble will leave you, too, so now you can go on your road and be healed.

How do you do? You believe? [She says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.]

159That man setting there with back trouble, looking at me when I said that. He can be healed, too, if you believe it, sir. All right, sir.

160The lady setting right next to you there, you got neck trouble, haven't you, lady? You believe that God will heal you? You want to lay hands on the little boy for his knees, and he'll get well, too. Do you believe it? You had female trouble, lady's trouble, you don't have it now. Your faith healed you and made you whole.

161 Do you believe Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever? Then let's put our hands on one another and pray this prayer of faith, each one of us, pray the prayer of faith.

162Dear God, while we're so covered in Your Divine Presence, to see You moving out through the audience, healing the sick everywhere. Thou art God. I pray that You'll heal this entire audience. Let the Breath of God fall fresh into their hearts, and let them know that time is running out. We're just a little while longer to be here, then we're going to be with Him Who we love. And may now His Presence bring healing to everyone.

163We condemn Satan, we condemn all of his acts. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Satan, come from the people.

164All that will believe Him now, and accept your healing, stand up on your feet, say, "I now stand up to accept my healing. I believe it." Regardless of your condition, if you really believe it, stand up to your feet. Now raise up your hands, and say, "Thank you, Lord Jesus, for healing me." God be with you.

1        Na dnes večer som vybral krátky text, krátke čítanie. Ak bude Pán chcieť, tak nám z toho dá kontext, je to Matúš 13:24-30. A tiež chcem potom čítať od verša 26 po 40, bude to len chvíľa. Takže, teraz Matúš, 13. kapitola a začneme veršom 24 z 13. kapitoly svätého Matúša. Počúvajte pozorne toto čítanie Slova. Moje slová sklamú, ale Jeho nie.

Predložil im aj iné podobenstvo povediac: Nebeské kráľovstvo je podobné človekovi, ktorý zasial dobré semeno na svojom poli.

Ale kým ľudia spali, prišiel jeho nepriateľ a nasial kúkoľa medzi pšenicu vonkoncom po poli a odišiel.

Keď potom vzrástla bylina a doniesla plod, vtedy sa ukázal i kúkoľ.

A pristúpili sluhovia hospodárovi a povedali mu: Pane, či si ty nenasial dobrého semena na svojom poli? Zkadiaľže má tedy kúkoľ?

A on im povedal: Človek nepriateľ to urobil. A sluhovia mu riekli: Či chceš tedy, aby sme išli a zozbierali ho?

A on povedal: Nie, aby ste snáď zbierajúc kúkoľ nejako spolu s ním nevytrhali aj pšenice.

Nechajte oboje spolu rásť až do žatvy, a v čas žatvy poviem žencom: Zoberte najprv kúkoľ a poviažte ho do snopov na spálenie, ale pšenicu zvezte do mojej stodoly.

2 Všimli ste si to, „Zhromaždite najprv kúkoľ a zviažte ho”? No, ako som toto čítal, prišlo ku mne niečo zvláštne. Bol som toho večera na modlitbe na vrchu Hôr Katalina. A potom som si pomyslel, že kde by som mohol nájsť slovo, ktoré by som mohol použiť dnes večer ku kázaniu na túto tému?

3 A skúmal som to a našiel som slovo „rozpor”, tak som vzal slovník a pozrel som sa, čo slovo „rozpor” znamená. Znamená to „rozsievať nezhodu” alebo „byť v protiklade”, ako hovorí Webster, „rozsievať nezhodu, niečo odlišné” alebo „byť v protiklade s tým, čím to už je.” Tak som si pomyslel, že by som ten text na dnes večer nazval „Semeno rozporu.” A dôverujem Pánovi, že ako pristupujeme ku Jeho Slovu, On ho požehná.

4 A tiež vieme, že On to vo veršoch 36 až 43 vyložil, to, ako toto semeno dozrelo. A kým sme pri tom, prečítajme to tiež, verše 36 až 43.

Vtedy zanechajúc Ježiš zástupy, išiel do domu. A pristúpili k nemu jeho učeníci a povedali mu: Vylož nám podobenstvo o tom kúkoli toho poľa.

A on odpovedal a riekol im: Ten, kto rozsieva dobré semeno, je Syn človeka,

a pole je svet, a dobré semeno sú synovia kráľovstva; kúkoľ sú synovia toho zlého;

nepriateľ, ktorý ich nasial, je diabol; žatva je skonanie sveta, a ženci sú anjeli.

A tedy ako sa zberá kúkoľ a páli ohňom, tak bude aj pri skonaní tohoto sveta:

Syn človeka pošle svojich anjelov, a vyberú z jeho kráľovstva všetky pohoršenia i tých, ktorí páchajú neprávosť,

a uvrhnú ich do ohnivej pece. Tam bude plač a škrípanie zubami.

Vtedy sa budú spravodliví skvieť ako slnce v kráľovstve svojho Otca. Kto má uši nato, aby počul, nech počuje!

5 Tu dáva Sám Ježiš výklad toho podobenstva, preto vieme, čo to podobenstvo znamená. A teraz, ako ku tomuto pristupujeme, ku tomu siatiu semena a jeho zberu, On nám to teraz vykladá. Verím, že Ježiš hovoril toto podobenstvo v Jeho dni, ale On to mienil na koniec sveta alebo na koniec veku, čo je tento deň. A verím, že tento krátky text dnes večer je veľmi vhodný na hodinu, v ktorej žijeme, pretože Ježiš priamo povedal, že to „zhromaždenie sa bude pri konci sveta,” to je to, kedy bude koniec, zhromaždenie pšenice a tiež zhromaždenie kúkoľa a jeho spálenie a vzatie pšenice do Kráľovstva. A takto tomu verím.

6  A ďalšie miesto Písma ma vedie ku tomu, aby som to takto veril, zapísal som si to, je to Matúš 24:24, kde je povedané, keď hovorí o semene rozporu. Ježiš povedal, že tí dvaja budú tak blízko seba, až by to zviedlo i samých vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. Takmer to isté.

7 Na inom mieste Písma je napísané, že dážď padá na spravodlivých i nespravodlivých.

8 Pamätám si svoje prvé prežitie, keď som prišiel medzi letničných ľudí. Bol som v Mishawaka, v Indiáne. A bol som na veľkom zhromaždení, sála bola asi takáto, kde sa sever a juh spolu schádzali. Pretože v tých dňoch bola segregácia, museli sa tam schádzať. Boli to dve veľké vetvy letničných bratov. Nikdy som o nich nepočul, ani som ich nikdy nestretol. Tam som po prvýkrát počul hovorenie v jazykoch. A na konci radu na tom zhromaždení. Tým, že ja som medzi nimi nebol členom, bol som len mladým baptistickým kazateľom, sedel som úplne vzadu. A pamätám si, že som po prvýkrát počul niekoho hovoriť v jazykoch, ani som nevedel, o čom to vlastne všetko je. A potom títo dvaja muži, boli tam hlavní, sedeli vpredu, jeden hovoril v jazykoch a ten druhý vykladal, čo ten druhý hovoril.

 No začal som študovať Bibliu tak rýchlo, ako som len mohol, a potom som zistil, že to bolo podľa Písma. To je presne to, čo Písmo hovorilo, že Duch Svätý bude robiť.

9 Tak asi deň potom… ten večer bolo moje srdce také rozochvené. Spal som na kukuričnom poli. Nemal som dostatok peňazí, aby som si zaobstaral posteľ, mal som len dosť peňazí na to, aby som sa dostal domov. Zohnal som si zopár šišiek, boli pár dní staré, alebo to boli rožky, a to som mal na raňajky. A oni ma volali, aby som išiel jesť s nimi, ale ja som nemal žiadne peniaze, aby som im tam venoval. V tých dňoch bola hospodárska kríza, bolo to v roku 1933, takže to bolo vtedy veľmi ťažké. A tak som si pomyslel. „Dobre, ja budem… ja s nimi nechcem jesť, ale chcem vedieť, čo majú. Oni majú niečo, čo ja nemám.“

10 Tak, v to ráno som bol… opýtali sa ma, povedali, „Všetci kazatelia príďte na pódium a predstavte sa, kto ste a odkiaľ ste.”

11 No, ja som povedal, „William Branham, evanjelista, Jeffersonville,” a sadol som si. Tak, v tom čase som bol na pódiu najmladším kazateľom. Na ďalší deň ma zavolali na pódium, aby som hovoril. A potom, ako som hovoril, no, mali sme ohromný čas, a potom som začal stretávať rozličných ľudí, ktorí ma pozývali do svojich cirkví. Potom, ako oni…

12 Po tomto som si pomyslel, „Ak by som sa len mohol dostať ku tým dvom mužom, ktorí hovorili v jazykoch a vykladali!” To v mojom srdci horelo, tak veľmi som to chcel. No, ako som vám povedal na začiatku, to je určitý malý dar, ktorý je vám daný. Viete, dary a povolania sú bez pokánia, vy ich máte celý svoj život. Rozumiete, narodili ste sa s nimi, ak sú to Božie dary. Tak ja vždy, odkedy som malým dieťaťom, vždy sa mi to stávalo, ľudia, ktorí poznajú celý môj život, vedia, že je to pravda. No, ak som si pomyslel… vtedy som nevedel, čo to je, a nazýval som to videním, ja som jednoducho nevedel, čo to je. Ale pomyslel som si, „ak by som len s nimi mohol niekedy hovoriť!” No a ten Duch, ktorý bol v budove, bolo cítiť, akoby to naozaj bol Duch Boží.

13 Tak sa mi podarilo hovoriť s jedným z nich a opýtal som sa ho zopár otázok a on bol skutočným Kresťanom. Nebolo o tom pochýb, že ten muž je skutočne veriaci. A ten ďalší muž, keď som s ním hovoril, ak som kedy stretol pokrytca, tak to bol jeden z nich. Ten muž bol v skutočnosti… jeho manželka bola blondína a on mal deti, dve deti mal s brunetkou. Aj ja som si pomyslel, „No a teraz čo? Tu to je a ja v tom mám zmätok. Som fundamentalista, to musí byť Slovo, inak to nie je správne. Tu je ten duch, pri jednom to zazvonilo, podľa všetkého, čo poznám, on bol skutočným pravdivým a ten druhý nebol vôbec dobrý; a Duch padol na nich oboch. Tak ako toto môže byť?” To ma úplne zmiatlo.

14 O dva roky neskôr som sa modlil v jaskyni, kde som sa chodil modliť. V jaskyni som sa celkom zaprášil a jedného popoludnia som vyšiel von, položil som si svoju Bibliu na zvalený strom, zavial vietor a otvoril to v liste Židom, 6. kapitole. Tam bolo povedané, že v posledných dňoch, ako to bude, ak odpadneme od Pravdy a obnovíme sa znovu ku pokániu, že tam nie je už viac obeti za hriech. A ako to tŕnie a bodľač, ktoré sú blízko k odvrhnutiu, ktorých koniec je, aby boli spálené, ale dážď prichádza často na zem, aby ju zavlažil, odial; ale tŕnie a bodliaky budú odmietnuté, ale pšenica bude zhromaždená. A ja som si pomyslel, „No, to len náhodou vietor otvoril.” No a tak som tú Bibliu znovu položil. A pomyslel som si, „No, ja teraz len…” A tu znovu prišiel vietor a znovu to otvoril. To sa stalo trikrát. A pomyslel som si, „No to je zvláštne.”

15 A potom, ako som sa zodvihol a pomyslel som si, „Pane, kvôli čomu si mi otvoril Bibliu, aby som to čítal, Ja… keď som sa dostal ku tomu slovu, 'tŕne a bodliaky, ktoré sú blízke odvrhnutiu, ktorých koniec je, aby boli spálené'?” Pomyslel som si, „No, kvôli čomu si mi to otvoril?” Ako som sa díval naprieč…

16 Viete, tieto skutočné videnia prichádzajú bez toho, že by ste sa do toho nejako dotláčali. To je jednoducho Boh. Rozumiete? Pozrel som sa a videl som zem, ako sa predo mnou otáča, a videl som, že bola celá skyprená. Bol tam Muž v bielom, prechádzal a sial pšenicu. A potom, ako prešiel až za obzor zeme, prichádza nejaký človek, vyzeral hrozne a bol oblečený v čiernom a všade naokolo rozhadzoval semeno buriny. Obe semená vzišli spolu. A keď vzišli, obe boli smädné, pretože bol potrebný dážď. A každé jedno z nich vyzeralo, akoby sa modlilo so svojou malou sklonenou hlávkou, „Pane, pošli dážď, pošli dážď.” A prišli mohutné mraky a dážď začal padať na obe. Keď sa to stalo, tá malá pšenica vyskočila a začala hovoriť, „Chvála Pánovi! Chvála Pánovi!” Táto malá burina vyskočila presne tak a povedala, „Chvála Pánovi! Chvála Pánovi!”

17 A potom bolo to videnie prerušené. Dážď padá na spravodlivých a na nespravodlivých. Ten istý Duch môže padnúť na zhromaždení a každý sa v tom bude radovať: pokrytci, Kresťania a všetci spolu, ale čo je to? Podľa ich ovocia budú poznané. Rozumiete? To je ten jediný spôsob, ako to môže byť kedy poznané.

18 Potom to môžete vidieť, ako ten divý ovos alebo divá pšenica a zrno niekedy napodobňujú práve to domáce zrno, je to tak blízke, že by to zviedlo i samých vyvolených. Myslím si, že žijeme v príhodnom veku, keď by tieto veci mali byť kázané a malo by sa o nich hovoriť.

19 Všimnite si v 41. verši, tí dvaja budú tak veľmi blízko, budú tak blízko v tých posledných dňoch, až to On neurobil… On nemohol spoliehať na nejakú určitú cirkev, aby ich rozdelila, povedzme metodisti alebo baptisti alebo letniční, aby ich oddelili. On povedal, „On posiela Svojich anjelov aby ich oddelili.” Anjel prichádza, aby priniesol oddelenie, rozdelenie medzi tým správnym a nesprávnym. A nikto to nedokáže urobiť okrem Anjela Pánovho. On je ten, ktorý povie, čo je správne a čo je nesprávne. Boh povedal, že v tých posledných časoch pošle Svojich anjelov. Nie anjelov počas tohoto, ale anjelov v tom poslednom čase A oni to spolu zhromaždia. My vieme, že toto je teraz čas príchodu žatvy. Anjel v skutočnosti znamená „posol”. A my vidíme, že sú siedmi anjeli siedmich zborov. A teraz… nie, počas cirkevných vekov.

20 Všimnite si, čo On povedal, že tí rozsievači sú, a takisto, čím bolo to semeno. Tým Rozsievačom bol On, Syn Boží, ktorý vyšiel, aby rozsieval Semeno. A nepriateľ prišiel za ním, čo bol diabol, a zasial semeno rozporu, po zasiatí toho pravého Semena. Takže, priatelia, to sa dialo počas každého veku, odkedy je svet. Presne tak. Po celý čas už od počiatku, to začalo presne tú istú vec.

21 On povedal, „Semeno Božie, Slovo Božie.” Ježiš povedal na určitom mieste, že „Slovo je Semeno.” A každé semeno prinesie svoj druh. A teraz, ak sa Kresťania, deti Božie, deti Kráľovstva stávajú semenom Božím, potom oni musia byť Slovom Božím, Slovom Božím zamanifestovaným vo veku, v ktorom žijú, pre to zasľúbené Semeno toho veku. Boh dal na počiatku Svoje Slovo a každý vek mal svoje semeno, svoj čas, svoje zasľúbenia.

22 Tak, keď prišiel na scénu Noe, on bol semenom Božím, Božím Slovom na ten vek.

23 Keď prišiel Mojžiš, on nemohol prísť s posolstvom Noeho, to by nefungovalo, pretože on bol semenom Božím v tom čase.

24 Potom, keď prišiel Kristus, On nemohol prísť s vekom Noeho alebo Mojžiša; to bol Jeho čas, aby panna počala a priviedla Syna, ktorý by bol Mesiášom.

25 Prešli sme cez Lutherov vek, Wesleyov vek (metodistický vek), cez všetky tie veky, cez letničný vek a každému veku je dané zasľúbenie Slova. Ľudia toho veku, ktorí manifestujú to zasľúbené Slovo, podľa toho, čo presne tu povedal Ježiš, „Oni sú deťmi Kráľovstva.” To je pravda. Manifestácia pôsobenia Ducha Svätého cez Jeho deti, oni sú tým Semenom Kráľovstva v tom veku.

26 Všimnite si, kúkoľ bol ten nepriateľ, Satan, ktorý zasiela rôznice alebo semeno rozporu, on bol ten, ktorý bol vinný tejto hroznej veci. Satan zasial svoje semeno od počiatku, keď Boh umiestnil Svoju prvú žatvu ľudských bytostí na zemi. Adam, samozrejme, ešte vedel, že existuje poznanie pravdy a toho správneho a nesprávneho a on ešte k tomu zatiaľ neprišiel.

27 Ale zisťujeme, že Boh dal Svojim deťom Svoje Slovo ako Obranu. Ich… nemáme žiadnu inú Obranu okrem Božieho Slova. To je našou Obranou. Neexistujú žiadne bomby, žiadne prístrešky, žiadne miesta ukrytia, žiadne Arizony alebo Kalifornie, alebo čokoľvek to je; existuje len jedna Obrana, ktorú máme, a to je Slovo. A to Slovo bolo učinené telom a prebývalo medzi nami, ktoré je Kristus Ježiš, On je našou jedinou Obranou. Tým, že sme v Ňom, sme v bezpečí.

28 Dokonca ani hriech nie je skutočnému veriacemu pripočítaný. Vedeli ste to? Ten, kto je narodený z Boha, nepácha hriech, nemôže hrešiť. Rozumiete? Nie je mu to ani pripočítané. David povedal, „Požehnaný človek, ktorému Boh nepočíta hriechu.” Keď si v Kristovi, nemáš žiadnu túžbu hrešiť. „Ctiteľ, raz očistený, nemá už žiadneho svedomia hriechu,” ty po tom netúžiš. No, pre svet môžeš byť hriešnikom, ale pre Boha nie si, pretože si v Kristovi. Ako môžeš byť hriešnikom, keď si v tom Nevinnom a Boh vidí iba Toho, v ktorom si?

29 Toto je čas žatvy. Na počiatku, keď Boh zasial na zemi Svoje Semeno a dal to do sŕdc Svojich detí, Svojej rodiny, aby to Slovo zachovali, to bola ich jediná Obrana, zachovať to Slovo! A tu prichádza nepriateľ a láme tú ohradu, tým, že seje semeno rozporu, v protiklade ku Slovu Božiemu. Ak to bol rozpor na počiatku, tak je to stále. Čokoľvek, čo niečo pridá ku Božiemu Slovu, je stále semenom rozporu! Nestarám sa o to, odkiaľ to prichádza, či je to z organizácie alebo z vojenských zdrojov, ak je to z politických mocí, čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade ku Slovu Božiemu, je semenom rozporu.

30 Ak povstane nejaký muž a hovorí, že je kazateľom Evanjelia, a hovorí, že „dni zázrakov pominuli,” to je semeno rozporu. Ak povstane nejaký muž a hovorí, že je kazateľom, pastorom nejakej cirkvi niekde, a neverí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý v každom detaile (okrem fyzického tela), ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, to je semeno rozporu. Ak hovorí, že „Zázraky a apoštolský vek pominuli,” to je semeno rozporu. Keď povedia, „Neexistuje niečo také, ako je božské uzdravenie,” to je semeno rozporu. A svet je toho plný. To zaplavuje davmi a dusí pšenicu.

31 Všimnite si, že ten prvý rozsievač semena rozporu bol označený ako „diabol,” a vieme, že to bolo v Genezis 1. Teraz zisťujeme, tu, v knihe Matúša, v 13. kapitole, že Ježiš stále označuje akýkoľvek rozpor s Božím Slovom „diablom.” A v tomto roku 1956 [1965], čokoľvek, čo seje rozpor, v protiklade ku napísanému Božiemu Slovu, alebo kladie do toho akýkoľvek súkromný výklad, je semeno rozporu. Boh to neuctí. Nemôže. To sa nezmieša. Istotne nie. Je to ako horčičné zrno, to sa nezmieša s niečím iným, nemôžete to skrížiť, musí to byť tá pravá vec. Semeno rozporu!

32 Zisťujeme teraz, že keď Boh zasial Svoje semeno v záhrade Eden, zisťujeme, že to splodilo Ábela. Ale keď Satan zasial svoje semeno rozporu, to splodilo Kaina. Jeden splodil spravodlivého a druhý splodil nespravodlivého. Pretože Eva počúvala na slovo rozporu, v protiklade k Božiemu Slovu, a to rovno tam začalo kotúľať tú guľu hriechu, a odvtedy sa ona kotúľa. A my to nikdy nedostaneme von, kým neprídu Anjeli a neoddelia tú vec a Boh vezme Svoje deti do Kráľovstva a kúkoľ bude spálený. Všimnite si tie dve révy.

33 Ak by sme len mali na túto tému viac času, ale dotýkame sa len vrcholových budov, aby sme sa tak mohli za pár minút modliť za chorých.

34 Všimnite si, ich semená rástli spolu presne tak, ako Boh povedal tiež tu, v 13. kapitole Matúša nášho textu dnes večer „Nechajte ich rásť spolu.” Takže, Kain išiel do zeme Nód, našiel si tam ženu a oženil sa a Ábel bol zabitý a Boh vzbudil na jeho mieste Seta. A tie generácie postupovali dopredu, správne a nesprávne. Tak, všimnite si, že oni sa zhromažďovali, každé jedno z nich, čas po čase a Boh musel… stalo sa to takým bezbožným, až to Boh musel zničiť.

35 Ale nakoniec museli vyrásť, až kým obe tie semená, Semeno rozporu a semeno Božie, ukázali svoje skutočné hlavy, a to vyvrcholilo v Judášovi Iškariotskom a v Ježišovi Kristovi. Pretože On bol semenom Božím, on bol počiatkom stvorenia Božieho, on nebol nič menej ako Boh. Judáš Iškariotský sa narodil ako syn zatratenia, vyšiel z pekla a vrátil sa do pekla. Ježiš Kristus bol Synom Božím, prejaveným Slovom Božím. Judáš Iškariotský, vo svojom rozpore, bol semenom diabla. Prišiel na svet a kvôli zvedeniu, presne tak, akým bol na počiatku Kain, jeho praotec.

36 Judáš sa iba hral na cirkev. On nebol v skutočnosti úprimný. On v podstate nemal vieru, to by nebol zradil Ježiša. Ale vidíte, on zasial to semeno rozporu. On si myslel, že sa môže priateliť so svetom a mamonou, a zároveň sa priateliť aj s Ježišom, ale potom bolo pre neho príliš neskoro, aby s tým niečo urobil. Keď prišla tá hodina smrti, keď urobil túto zlú vec, on prekročil tú deliacu líniu medzi pokračovaním vpred a vrátením sa späť. On musel ísť ďalej po tej ceste, po ktorej išiel ako zvoditeľ. On zasial semeno rozporu, snažil sa nájsť priazeň s tými veľkými organizáciami toho dňa, s Farizejmi a Sadúcejmi, a pomyslel si, že by si mohol zarobiť trochu peňazí a že bude medzi ľuďmi populárny. Či to len nespôsobuje, že tak mnohí ľudia sa dostávajú do toho rozporu, snažia sa nájsť priazeň u človeka! Nájdime priazeň u Boha, nie u človeka. Ale to je to, čo Judáš urobil, keď v ňom tieto rozpory vyvrcholili.

37 A my vieme, že Ježiš bol Slovom, Svätý Ján 1 hovorí, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo s Bohom a to Slovo bolo Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.” Potom, to Slovo je Semeno, potom sa to Semeno stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.

38 Ak bol Judáš semenom nepriateľa a rozporu, to sa tiež stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami v osobe Judáša Iškariotského. On nemal nikdy žiadnu skutočnú pravdivú vieru. On mal to, o čom si myslel, že je viera. Existuje dvoje: mať vieru a vytvorená (takzvaná) viera.

39 A pravdivá viera Božia bude veriť v Boha a Boh je Slovo, to k tomu nikdy nič nepridá. Biblia nám hovorí, že ak pridáme jedno slovo alebo odnímeme preč jedno Slovo, náš diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života, Zjavenie 22:18, posledná uzatváracia kapitola.

40 Celkom na počiatku, v prvej knihe Biblie, Boh im povedal, aby neporušili z toho ani jedno Slovo, „Musí byť zachované každé Slovo,” musia tým Slovom žiť. Ježiš prichádza uprostred tej Knihy, povedal v Jeho veku, „Človek nebude žiť len na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.” V ukončovacom veku Zjavenia nám predpovedal, že, „Ktokoľvek odníme z tej knihy jedno Slovo alebo ku Tomu jedno slovo pridá, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života.”

41 Preto tam nemôže byť nič tienisté, ale len pravdivé, nescudzoložené Božie Slovo! To sú synovia Boží, dcéry Božie, ktorí nie sú narodení z vôle človeka alebo potrasením ruky alebo cez nejakú formu krstu; ale sú zrodení v Duchu Božom, skrze Svätého Ducha a Slovo samo sa cez nich prejavuje. To je skutočne semeno Božie!

42 Nepriateľ sa pripája do cirkvi a stáva sa veľmi ortodoxným vo vyznaniach alebo v niečom. Ale to nie je… to je rozpor, čokoľvek, čo narúša tú líniu skutočnej pravdy Božieho Slova.

43 A ako to vieme? Povieme, „No, počkaj, ty máš právo to vykladať?” Nie veru! Žiadny človek nemá právo vykladať Božie Slovo. On je Svojím vlastným Vykladačom. On to zasľubuje, potom to On robí a to je výklad toho. Čokoľvek, čo je v protiklade ku Božiemu Slovu, je rozpor! Absolútne!

44 Tak, ako som už povedal, Judáš nemal žiadnu skutočnú vieru. On mal iba vytvorenú vieru. On mal vieru, že on si myslel, že to bol Syn Boží, ale on nevedel, že to bol Syn Boží. Nebol by to urobil. Ako človek, ktorý bude robiť kompromis s týmto Slovom Božím, ktoré je pravdou, on má len vytvorenú vieru. Pravdivý Boží sluha bude na tom Slove visieť.

45 Pred pár dňami, jeden kazateľ z Arizony, z jednej veľkej známej školy, ktorá je v tomto meste, prišiel ku mne a povedal, „Chcel by som ťa ohľadne niečoho napraviť.” (povedal som…) „Keď budeš mať príležitosť.”

 Povedal som, „Toto je tá najlepšia príležitosť, o akej viem. Poď do toho.”

46 A tak prišiel a povedal, „Pán Branham, vy sa snažíte… verím, že ste úprimný a že ste čestný, ale vy sa snažíte predstaviť svetu apoštolskú náuku.” A povedal, „Apoštolský vek pominul s apoštolmi.”

47 Povedal som, „Prvé, čo by som sa ťa chcel opýtať, môj brat: veríš, že každé Slovo Božie je inšpirované?”

 On povedal, „Áno, samozrejme, verím.”

48 Povedal, som, „Ukázal by si mi potom v Slove, kde apoštolský vek pominul? Ukáž mi, kde to je, a ja ti uverím.” Aj ja som povedal, „Pisateľ apoštolov, ten, ktorý mal kľúče do Kráľovstva, na deň Letníc, keď bol uvedený apoštolský vek, povedal, 'Mužovia a bratia, čo máme robiť, aby sme boli spasení?' On povedal, 'Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista, na odpustenie svojich hriechov a prijmete dar Svätého Ducha, lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a vaše deti a pre tých, ktorí sú široko-ďaleko, koľkýchkoľvek si Pán náš Boh povolá.' Tak, môže si Slovo protirečiť?”

 Ten človek povedal, „Som dnes večer hrozne nachladnutý.”

 Povedal som, „Tiež si to myslím.” Vidíte?

49 Teraz mi povedzte, povoláva stále Boh? Ak Boh stále povolával, potom stále existuje apoštolský vek. Istotne! Všetkých, koľkých si Pán náš Boh povolá, ktorých si kedy povolá, koľkých si On kedy v budúcnosti povolá, to bude stále apoštolský vek, lebo Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

50 Takže zisťujeme dnes, že tento rozpor bol siaty počas každého veku. Ak by to bolo možné prejsť behom ďalších desať alebo pätnásť minút, tak by som to urobil, ale to sa nedá. Počas vekov… my všetci, väčšina z nás číta Bibliu. A teraz tak, ako keď prišiel Ježiš, On našiel tento rozpor, protiklad. On bol Božím zamanifestovaným Slovom, On bol Božím výkladom Slova, pretože povedal „Skúmajte Písma, lebo v nich si myslíte, že máte večný život, a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne.” Tu to máte. On bol výkladom Slova. Každý znovuzrodený syn a dcéra Božia tohto veku sú výkladom Slova.” Ste písanými epištolami čítanými všetkými ľuďmi. Áno.

51 Všimnite si, On povedal, „Nadarmo Ma uctievajú učiac rozporné náuky. Nadarmo Ma uctievajú učiac náuky rozporu, náuky vyznania ľudí a učia, že to je Slovo Božie, keď pritom to nemá nič do činenia so Slovom Božím.”

52 Pozrite, každý vek vyprodukoval takú úrodu, každý vek to mal a s naším to nie je inak. Máme to isté a je to väčší vek, ako boli všetky tie ostatné veky dohromady, lebo toto je zakončenie histórie sveta. Toto je ten veľký rozpor, ktorý kedy bol na zemi, na tvári zeme, to je dnes. Ten rozpor v iných vekoch ich odtiahol od pravého a živého Boha ku modlám. Dnes, Ježiš povedal v Matúšovi 24:24, že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. Hovoríte o rozpore! Je to také prefíkané. Satan je medzi ľuďmi a je takým veľkým teológom, takým doktorom teológie, až môže takmer dokonale učiť Slovo. Ježiš tak povedal. Ale len ho pozorujte, on tam niekde bude. Povedal, „No, to nebolo pre tento [vek].” Ó, áno, tiež je, lebo Boh povedal, že je.

53 Pozrite, čo urobil. Ten istý rozpor priviedol Boží hnev za dní Noeho, keď Boh vyslal Svojho proroka a kázal plamenný oheň a volal ľudí ku pokániu a ten rozpor bol utopený. Čo potom urobil Satan? Išiel rovno cez to poza nich v Chámovi a znovu začal siať. To je presne tak.

54 Potom prišiel Mojžiš, veľký prorok, aby vyviedol deti Izraela z púšte. Čo sa stalo? Mojžiš, ten veľký prorok Boží, im priniesol absolútnu pravdu, potvrdenú pravdu, On stretol Boha. Boh dokázal, že ho stretol. A ako tamtí ľudia, tí kňazi, ktorí mali svoje rituály, svoje práva a všetko, ale Mojžiš tam stál ako potvrdenie výkladu Slova. Nezabudnite to! Mojžiš bol Božím výkladom Jeho zasľúbenia. On povedal, že to urobí, a on bol Božím výkladom.

55 Čo sa stalo? Cirkev práve vyštartovala z Egypta a pár dní bola na nohách a čo sa stalo? Satan tam prišiel s rozporom v osobe, v druhom Kainovi, bol to Balám a zasial medzi nich rozpor. Vieme, že je to tak. Balám, tá náuka Baláma, že „my sme všetci jedno, že slúžime tomu istému Bohu ako vy,” fundamentálne mal pravdu, pretože on obetoval obeť, ktorú Boh obetoval, sedem baranov, sedem býkov na siedmich oltároch a modlil sa ku tomu istému Bohu práve tak ako Mojžiš tam na púšti, presne tak isto. Ale oni neboli tým istým. To bol tieň pre nás, tieň toho, čo sa má stať. Tam bol znovu Kain zamanifestovaný v osobe Baláma. A bol tam Boh zamanifestovaný v osobe Mojžiša, vykladajúci Svoje Slovo cez ľudskú bytosť, dával sa poznávať, Svoje zasľúbenie, cez ľudskú bytosť. A povstal rozpor.

56 Takisto sa to stalo v osobe Judáša, keď on prišiel so svojím rozporom.

57 A pamätajte, tento hriech, ktorému ľudia uverili, že „My sme všetci rovnakí. My uctievame toho istého Boha, mali by sme patriť do tej istej cirkvi, mali by sme byť tým istým ľudom.” Ten hriech nebol Izraelu nikdy odpustený! Ježiš povedal, On Sám povedal, „Oni sú všetci mŕtvi!”

58 Oni zahynuli, všetci, okrem troch z nich, a to boli tí, ktorí sa držali a verili zasľúbeniu. Kedy ten slaboch povedal, „My tú zem nedokážeme zaujať. Je to na nás príliš veľa, atď,” tak Kálef a Jozua tíšili ľudí a hovorili, „My sme viac ako schopní ju zaujať, pretože Boh nám to zasľúbil! Je mi jedno, aká je opozícia!”

59 A my stále môžeme kázať Božské uzdravenie a krst Duchom Svätým a stále mať moc Božiu, aby nás oddelila od vecí tohto sveta. Boh tak povedal! Apoštolský vek nikdy neskončil a nikdy neskončí, on pokračuje ďalej.

60 Tak nachádzame toho istého rozsievača rozporu. A pamätajte, ten hriech nebol nikdy odpustený. Tak, brat, ak to nebolo nikdy odpustené vtedy, čo potom teraz, keď sa to skutočné Semeno všetkých vekov zhromažďuje?

61 Všimnite si túto veľkú vec, ktorú urobil Balám, to išlo ďalej a ďalej a napokon to vyvrcholilo v príchode Judáša Iškariotského a Ježiša. Čo to bolo? Judáš a Ježiš boli presne obraz Kaina a Ábela. Lebo tak, ako bol Judáš nábožný, tak bol i Kain nábožný. Kain postavil oltár, urobil obeť a uctieval Boha a bol v tom práve tak úprimný ako ten druhý. Ale vidíte, on nemal zjavenie toho, čo bolo Slovo. On si myslel, že Adam a Eva jedli nejaké jablká alebo nejaké ovocie. A Kain… Ábel skrze zjavenie vedel, že to tak nebolo, to bola krv, ktorá ich vyhnala von, a obetoval baránka a Boh svedčil o jeho obeti, že bola správna. Potom začal Kain žiarliť a snažil sa zabiť svojho brata. A ako zabil svojho brata na tom istom oltári, na ktorom bola zabitá jeho obeť, ten baránok zomrel na tom istom oltári, tak isto Judáš Iškariotský zradil Ježiša Krista na Božom oltári a zabil Ho práve tak, ako Kain zabil Ábela. Pretože Kain bol semenom rozporu.

62 A takisto bol Balám, najatý prorok, človek, ktorý mal vedieť lepšie. A Boh ho varoval cez tieto znamenia a divy a dokonca mulica prehovorila v neznámych jazykoch a on stále išiel ďalej a robil to isté. On sa narodil ako rozsievač rozporu.

63 A ak Ježiš predpovedal, že tento vek zakončí v najväčšom rozpore, aký kedy bol. Laodicejský cirkevný vek, vlažný, oni Ho vystrčili von z cirkvi, ako to môže byť niečo iné ako ten rozpor?! Isteže to je. To zakončuje v tom veku.

 A to bol Kain a Ábel znovu, na Golgote.

64 Všimnite si teraz, akonáhle Ježiš odišiel, odišiel do neba, Duch Svätý sa navrátil späť. To bolo to Semeno, Darca života, ku Slovu, ako sme o tom hovorili minulý večer. To je Ten, ktorý oživuje Slovo. Slovo „oživiť” znamená „priviesť do života.” Pravdivý Duch Svätý prináša život jedine Slovu, ktorým On je. To neprivedie do života vyznania, nemôže, pretože to nie sú nič viac, len vyznania. To je život Slova Božieho, pretože to je Boh. Vidíte? A to oživuje to telo.

65 Všimnite si teraz, ako to tam urobili. Potom, ako hovorí Biblia, a Ján hovoril ku svojim deťom a povedal, „Maličkí, počuli ste, že antikrist mal prísť na svet,” povedal, „ktorý už aj je na svete a pôsobí v deťoch neposlušnosti.”

 No, to bolo asi tridsať rokov po príchode Ducha Svätého. Nachádzame, že keď prišiel Duch Svätý, to skutočné Semeno, ten skutočný Darca života pre to Semeno, tak tu znovu prichádza ten rozpor. A všimnite si, išlo to ďalej. To malo…

66 Skutočné Slovo bolo potvrdené a tí dávni proroci potvrdili Božie Slovo, že Ono je pravdou, ako išli ďalej. Ak niekto niekedy čítal Nicejský koncil alebo prednicejský koncil, tých pätnásť dní krvavej politiky, keď tá skupina Rimanov tam dolu chcela voviesť a urobiť z tej cirkvi denomináciu. Prišli tam proroci, obalení v ovčích kožiach, jedli tam byliny a postavili sa za to Slovo! Ale čo to urobilo? To muselo byť ako Kain, to muselo byť ako Ábel, jeden musel zomrieť. Istotne zomrel. A Slovo stratilo medzi ľuďmi svoj vplyv a oni odhlasovali a zrušili pravdivé Slovo, prijali dogmy a rozpory tej ranej katolíckej cirkvi. Pridali pápeža, pridali biskupa, pridali toto, to a tamto. Zobrali preč ten skutočný pravý význam Petra a Márie a všetkých ostatných a spravili modly a neurobili nič iné, len pohanskú ceremóniu z toho takzvaného kresťanského náboženstva. Čo to bolo? Semeno rozporu! A po prvýkrát zorganizovali a zorganizovali cirkev. Čo to bolo? Semeno rozporu, ktoré začalo siať, začalo niečo pridávať a niečo odoberať preč.

67 Kto kedy počul v Biblii, že sa v piatok nemá jesť mäso? Kto kedy v Biblii počul o niečom, ako je pofŕkanie namiesto ponorenia? Kto kedy počul niečo z tých vecí ako „Zdravas Mária” alebo niečo také? Kto kedy počul niečo z týchto zhnitých vecí, ktoré majú tiež protestanti? „Hrniec nemôže volať na kotlík, že je mastný.“ [„Aká matka, taká Katka” - pozn.prekl.] Správne! To je tak, že kto je vinný v malom, je vinný v tom celom. Kto kedy počul, že by Boh niekedy konal s organizáciou? Ukážte mi jeden jediný krát, kde sa niekto kedy zorganizoval a zostal nažive. Oni ihneď zomreli a nikdy viac nepovstali. Je čas, aby sa niečo udialo. Je čas pre Boha, aby sa pohol. Vy zabíjate vplyv medzi ľuďmi.

68 Tú istú vec urobili dnes. Zabíjajú ten vplyv, tým, že hovoria, „Ó, tá banda náboženských fanatikov, na tom nič nie je.” A to je rozpor! Stretnite sa Slovom tvárou v tvár a vidzte, čím ono je, vidzte, či bude Boh vykladať Svoje vlastné Slovo. Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi. Amen.

69 Slovo bolo plne potvrdené cez tých raných Kresťanov, ako ich Boh zo všetkého vyslobodzoval, z nemocí, a oni mali prorokov a hovorili v jazykoch a vykladali a vydávali posolstvá, ktoré zakaždým dokázali, že sú pravdivé. Ale pritom pred tvárou všetkého toho potvrdeného Slova, ľudia to odhlasovali a zvolili si denomináciu. To je matka všetkých organizácií.

70 Obe sú teraz plne dozreté. Oni začali znovu siať semeno. To zomrelo, ale to znovu vykvitlo vo dňoch Luthera, ako to poznáme z toho skoršieho posolstva tu dnes ráno pri raňajkách. To vykvitlo v Lutherovom dni. A čo oni urobili? Ihneď potom, ako ten veľký človek zomrel, oni urobili organizáciu.

71 To vykvitlo. A znovu vo dňoch Johna Wesleya tí anglikáni so všetkou svojou „večnou bezpečnosťou” a všetkým to celkom zviazali až do miesta, kde je to takmer univerzalizmus, a čo sa stalo? Boh vzbudil človeka menom John Wesley a udrel do celej tej veci. A akonáhle zomrel, on a Asbury, čo sa stalo? Zorganizovali sa a teraz tam máte všetky možné druhy metodistov. Potom prišiel na scénu ďalší a ďalší, Alexander Campbell, John Smith a ďalší atď.

72 Nakoniec sa to prelomilo ku letničným, ktorí vyšli z toho všetkého. Čo sa stalo potom? Oni bežali dobre, čo vám prekazilo? Vošli ste späť do toho istého bahna, z ktorého ste vyšli, vrátili ste sa do tej istej mláky, išli ste späť do rozporu, aby ste vytvorili organizácie, a museli ste urobiť kompromis na Slove. A zakaždým, ako Boh poslal niečo nové, nedokázali ste to prijať. To je pravda! Znovu rozpor! A všimnite si, ako som jedného dňa povedal, že tá prvá malá šupka prichádza až do listov a hore do klasu, a potom sa vracia späť hore do stonky a vychádza. Tá malá šupka pšenice vyzerá takmer ako samotné zrno a my sme si mysleli, že ona ním bola, ale keď to otvoríte, nie je v nej vôbec žiadne zrno. To je iba podporovateľ pre zrno, aby rástlo, a ona tiež zomrie a ten život ide z nej rovno von a ona ide do zrna. Všimnite si, takže nazývajú tie cirkvi, ktoré oni zasiali…

73 Zisťujeme, že dnes tie naše takzvané cirkvi, dokonca naši letniční, my sme vybehli a nedokážeme byť uspokojení, museli sme si vytvoriť naše vlastné skupiny. Čokoľvek povstáva, my sme museli mať toto, museli sme mať tamto, museli sme mať inú skupinu. A nejaká osoba povstáva a hovorí, „On prichádza na bielom oblaku.” Iný povie, „Ha, On prichádza na bielom koni.” „V poriadku, urobíme potom dve skupiny.” Vidíte, čo to je? Rozsievanie rozporu. Keď On prichádza, čokoľvek to je, On vyloží Svoje vlastné Slovo, keď príde. Čakajme do toho času. Uchopte… hovoríte o tom, a potom sa ani nedostávate ku posolstvu tohto dňa. Vždy ukazujú, čo Boh urobil, čo ide urobiť, a ignorujú to, čo On robí. To je to, ako do toho dostávame rozpory.

74  Tak, všímame si, že dnes naše cirkvi, všetky naše cirkvi zasiali do vetra a žneme víchricu. Nemáme modlitebné zhromaždenia, nemáme tie služby, aké sme zvykli mať. Čo sa deje? Na všetko sme spustili závory. Pozrite, dokonca naše letničné cirkvi, sedí tam mnoho ostrihaných žien. To nezvyklo byť dovolené. Vymaľované tváre, nosia vymaľované nechty a všetky takéto možné veci. Postavia tam človeka s… nejakého Rikiho atď, ktorý bol ženatý tri alebo štyrikrát a je diakonom, ó, čo za rozpor! Je to špina! Ako to robia? Boh to vo Svojej cirkvi nebude mať, tak oni musia ísť do nejakej organizácie, aby sa do toho dostali. Niekto sa na to bojí niečo povedať, pretože by bol vykopnutý z organizácie. Bože, daj nám človeka, ktorý nie je spojený s ničím iným, len s Bohom a Jeho Slovom, ktorý o tom povie pravdu. To je presne to, čo potrebujeme. Čo sme urobili? Zasiali rozpor. Zasiali sme do vetra a teraz žneme víchricu.

75 Všimnite si, že oni sa teraz zhromažďujú ku spáleniu. Všimli ste si, že Ježiš povedal, „Najprv ich zhromaždite spolu, zviažte ich, a potom všetky tie zväzky hoďte na jednu kopu a Ja to spálim.” Existuje malý zväzok nazvaný metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, luteráni, oni sa všetci zhromažďujú vo Svetovej rade cirkví. Čo je to? „Najprv ich zhromaždi.” Haleluja! Či ste si všimli, že On najprv zhromažďuje kúkoľ, dáva ich preč od pšenice, oddeľuje ich, „Zhromaždite ich spolu a spáľte ich.” Oni majú byť všetci zhromaždení pod súdmi Božími kvôli siatiu rozporu medzi ľuďmi, veci, ktoré oni… majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci jej moc, zapierajúci Slovo, len aby si udržali nejaké nábožné právo nejakej dogmy, ktorú do toho niekto naštepil, snažia sa to vložiť do Božieho Slova. To nebude fungovať, to je rozpor.

76 Kričím dnes takpovediac tak ako dávno ten veľký prorok Ámos, keď prišiel dolu do mesta a povedal, „Ja nie som prorok, ani syn proroka. Ale ak lev zareve, kto by sa nebál?” On povedal, „Keď Boh hovorí, kto by neprorokoval?” On predpovedal na tú generáciu súd, povedal, „Práve ten Boh, o ktorom tvrdíte, že Mu slúžite, ten vás zničí.”

77 Toto je na páske a budete si to pamätať. Práve ten Boh… Títo ľudia teraz, ktorí sa zhromažďujú v tejto veľkej žatve Svetovej rady cirkví. A vy do toho budete musieť ísť. Nemôžete byť mimo toho. Buď individuálne z toho vyjdete, alebo do toho vojdete. Nebude žiadne neutrálne miesto. To bude znamenie šelmy. Žiaden človek nebude môcť kupovať alebo predávať, jedine, že má to znamenie, jedine, že má ten rozpor. Tak buďte mimo toho! Vyjdite z toho von! Utečte od toho! Držte sa od toho preč! Ten Boh, o ktorom tvrdia, že Mu slúžia, ich zničí. Veľký Boh lásky, ktorý ne…

 Povedali, „No, Ježiš sa modlil, aby boli všetci jedno.”

78 Potom On tiež povedal, „Ako môžu dvaja kráčať spolu, ak sa nezhodnú?” On povedal, „Byť jedno,” tak, ako On a Otec sú jedno. A Otec bol Slovom a On bol Božím Slovom zamanifestovaným. On bol „jedno s Otcom,” pretože On bol manifestáciou Božieho zasľúbeného Slova. A takisto je to dnes alebo v akomkoľvek inom dni. Tak veru. Ten Boh je jeden, On chce, aby sme boli jedno.

79 Ako tento môže byť jedno, a tento zapiera panenské narodenie, a tento zase nezapiera. Iný zapiera Božské uzdravenie a toto, tamto a všetci z nich sú v takomto zmätku? Niektorí z nich dokonca ani neveria v Boha, neveria, že On bol Syn Boží, veria, že On bol synom Jozefa, ktorý je „nazývaný Synom Božím.” Istotne. Ten brat z dvojičiek, luteránov, od Zwingliho, verí, že On bol výhradne len dobrým človekom. Kresťanská veda hovorí, že On bol prorokom, iba obyčajným človekom, že nebol Božský. No, ak On nebol Božským, tak je najväčším zvodcom, akého kedy svet mal. On bol Bohom, alebo nebol ničím. On bol Božským! On bol Božstvo, Sám, učinené telom v osobe Syna človeka. Istotne, to je to, čím On bol.

80 Tak vidíme, že vstúpil rozpor. Vidíme, že je to tu a nikto to nemôže poprieť. Ó! Všimnite si len. On zničí tú skupinu, ktorá tvrdí, že slúži Bohu. Pozorujte to.

81 Boh zasial Svoje semeno. Končím teraz, pretože je čas na modlitebný rad. Boh zasial Svoje Semeno a Jeho Semeno je Kristus. Budem na to o pár dní kázať (ak bude Pán chcieť), o tom, kde sa Boh rozhodol položiť Svoje Meno. Možno na jednych z tých raňajok, kde budem mať trocha viac času. Pozrite, On je jedinou cestou úniku. On je jediný pravdivý Mocnár. On jediný pravý Boh, neexistuje žiaden pomimo Neho. „Ja som Boh a jedine Ja som Boh.” Ježiš povedal, „Toto je to prikázanie, 'Čuj, ó, Izraelu, Ja som Pán, tvoj Boh, len jeden Boh. Ja som On.' Prečo hľadáte iného? Príde… iný príde… Ja prichádzam v Mene Svojho Otca a vy Ma neprijímate. Ale iný príde vo svojom vlastnom mene, a toho príjmete.” A oni to urobili v Nicei.

 „Si Kresťan?”

 „Som baptista.”

 „Si Kresťan?”

 „Som letničný.”

 „Si Kresťan?”

 „Som metodista.” Ďalšie meno.

82 Ale keď to prichádza ku tomu Menu Ježiš Kristus, oni od toho odchádzajú tak ďaleko, ako len môžu, nechcú s tým mať nič do činenia, pretože On je Slovo, a to Slovo vyhlasuje Samé Seba. Všimnite si, jediná cesta úniku! On je Ružou Sárona, Biblia hovorí, že je. Každý titul Boha patrí Ježišovi Kristovi. On je Alfa a Omega; Počiatok a Koniec; Ten, ktorý bol, ktorý je a ktorý príde; Koreň a Rod Dávidov, oboje, Koreň a tiež Rod Dávidov; Ranná Hviezda; Ruža Sárona, Ľalia z údolia; Alfa; Omega; Otec; Syn; Duch Svätý; všetko v Ježišovi Kristovi! On bol plnou manifestáciou Boha Jahveho učineného telom, to je presne to, čím bol!

83 On bol Ružou Sárona. Čo urobili s Ružou Sárona? Odtrhli, rozdrvili a vytlačili a dostali z nej parfém. Nádherná ruža musela byť rozmačkaná, aby z tej ruže vyšiel parfém. A to bol ten nádherný život, nikdy nebol taký život ako to, ale to muselo byť rozmačkané na Golgote.

84 Vidíte, oni vzali to pomazanie Ruže Sárona a dali to na Árona a on tým musel byť pomazaný, aby išiel pred Pána, do toho svätého miesta, za svätú oponu. Musel byť pomazaný Ružou Sárona, aby išiel každý rok pokropiť Trón milosti (Zľutovnicu). A to pomazanie muselo byť na ňom, tá sladká príjemná vôňa pre Pána, a on niesol krv baránka pred sebou potom, čo sám musel byť pokropený baránkom. Granátové jablká a zvončeky boli dookola jeho rúcha a on musel kráčať v určitom kroku, aby to hralo „Svätý, svätý, svätý Pánovi.”

85 Všimnite si, On je Ružou Sárona, tá sladká príjemná vôňa, to pomazanie na Jeho ľuďoch. Nemôžeš pred Neho prísť s nejakým vyznaním, s nejakou inou vecou, ale jedine s pomazaním Ruže Sárona, Slova. On je takisto Ľaliou z údolia.

86 Tak, ako získate ópium? Ópium získate tak, že vezmete ľaliu, rozmačkáte ju a dostanete z nej ópium. Lekári to používajú v laboratóriu. Keď je nejaký muž, ktorý je celý nervózny a frustrovaný, alebo žena, a cíti sa, že by sa zbláznila, ona chodí hore dolu a vykrikuje a je hysterická. Lekár vezme trochu z toho ópia z ľalie a strekne jej to niekde do ruky alebo niekde do žily (alebo jemu) a utíši sa. Na chvíľu to prestane. Ale akonáhle ten účinok ópia zanikne, oni sú znovu v tom a je to horšie, ako to bolo pred tým.

87 Ale poviem vám, priatelia, to je len typom na to skutočné ópium Ľalie z údolia, o ktorom viem. On je Ľaliou z údolia. On bol vytlačený na Golgote. On bol zranený pre naše prestúpenia a Jeho ranami sme boli uzdravení. A v tom vytlačení tých kvetov, On bol tým Kvetom. On bol tým najväčším Kvetom, aký kedy narástol, to bola táto Ľalia z údolia, táto Ruža Sárona. A On teraz dnes večer visí roztiahnutý medzi nebom a zemou, verím... vlastne teda, že On visel v tom čase, aby vzal hriech zo sveta a priniesol na svet uzdravenie. A Biblia hovorí, že On je ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky.

88 Priatelia, keď Boh povedal Mojžišovi na púšti, ktorý bol len Jeho typom, aby vyzdvihol medeného hada. A meď reprezentuje hriech už odsúdený, ten had reprezentuje, ten medený had reprezentuje už odsúdený hriech. Tak, ako meď znamená „Božský súd”, tak ako ten medený oltár, kde boli kladené obete. A takisto Eliáš sa pozrel a videl nebo ako meď, to bol Božský súd na ten neveriaci národ, ktorý odpadol od Boha. Meď reprezentuje súd, Božský súd. A had reprezentuje už odsúdený hriech a Ježiš sa stal hriechom, hadom pre nás a vzal Božské súdy na seba. On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti a kázeň nášho pokoja bola na Ňom a Jeho ranami sme uzdravení.

89 Ó, Boh má dnes večer pre teba Svoju zásobáreň plnú ópia. Kresťanský priateľu, si chorý a trpíš. Si unavený a je to pre teba také ťažké, nedokážeš to ďalej vydržať, v tomto modernom svete by si sa ďalej zbláznil.

90 Počuli ste to dnes večer v Life Line, kde povedali, že Rusko, že oni v roku 1955 „absolútne prevezmú kontrolu nad celým svetom”? Predtým, ako sa to môže stať, musí prísť vytrhnutie. Tak, ako blízko sme, priateľu? Je to rovno tu za dverami.

91 Či Ho dnes večer nebudeš hľadať z celého srdca? On je Ľaliou z údolia a On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On je dnes večer tu, aby bol vyzdvihnutý medzi ľuďmi práve tak, ako Mojžiš vyzdvihol to znamenie hriechu, ktorý je už odsúdený. A nielen hriech, ale tiež choroba. Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, „Ako Mojžiš vyzdvihol medeného hada, takisto musí byť vyzdvihnutý Syn človeka.” Kvôli čomu to Mojžiš vyzdvihol? Pre hriech, neveru a nemoc. Ježiš bol vyzdvihnutý tiež kvôli hriechu, chorobe a nevere. Pre tie isté veci.

92 Tak, dnes večer, v týchto dňoch, kedy dostávame tento veľký rozpor. Ježiš Kristus zasľúbil v Lukášovi, že za týchto dní… pred Príchodom Pánovým, že to bude ako za dní Sodomy, a keď sa zjaví Syn človeka, tak, ako sa Syn človeka zjavil Abrahámovi tam dolu, Elohim, Boh, učinený telom medzi ľuďmi a prebýval tam s Abrahámom a ukázal mu, povedal mu, čo si Sára myslela, (keď sedela v stane za ním), to, čo on nikdy nevidel. Povedal jej, čo bude… A nazval jej meno „Sára.” Jeho nazval „Abrahám,” nie jeho menom Abram, on s tým začal, ale Abrahám. Nie Sáraj, S-á-r-a-j, ale S-á-r-a, kde je tvoja žena Sára?”

 Povedal, „Je v stane za tebou.”

93 Povedal, „Navštívim ťa podľa času života.” A ona sa zasmiala. On povedal, „Prečo sa smiala?”

94 Tak Ježiš povedal, „Práve pred týmto veľkým zhromaždením a spálením tohto veľkého rozporu bude, že Syn človeka sa Sám zjaví v tom istom spôsobe, ako to urobil tam vtedy.” A to je… čo je to? To je vyzdvihnutie čerstvo pred vami, že „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.” Veríte tomu? Skloňme potom svoje hlavy k modlitbe.

95 Drahý Bože, milujeme Ťa. Tvoje Slovo je pre nás plné pokrmu, Pane! My to jednoducho milujeme, žijeme tým. Zdá sa, že naša kapacita nie je nikdy dostatočná. My to jednoducho milujeme sedieť pri Tvojom stole okolo Tvojho Slova a radovať sa z týchto požehnaní, keď sa takto schádzame ako bratia a sestry, ktorí boli kúpení Krvou skrze Syna Božieho, ktorí sú kúpnou cenou Tvojej Krvi. A my tu dnes večer prichádzame, aby sme zasvätili tieto večery modleniu sa za chorých. A podľa Písem si povedal, „Skrze Jeho rany sme boli uzdravení.” Potom to nie je potrebné sa za nich modliť, jedine vyznať svoje hriechy, lebo Tvojimi ranami sme boli uzdravení. Ó, čo za deň spasenia! Ó, čo za zasľúbenie skrze Emanuela. To je skutočne pravda.

96 Ty si povedal, „Malú chvíľu a svet ma viac neuvidí, ale vy ma uvidíte, lebo Ja…” (osobné zámeno „Ja”), „Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, až do konca sveta.” A na konci času pri tomto veľkom zakončení, Ty si povedal, že predtým, ako sa to stane, bude to práve tak, ako to bolo predtým, keď padol oheň na Sodomu a spálil ten pohanský svet, že príde znovu zjavenie Syna človeka, práve tak, ako to bolo pri Sodome. Otče, nech to tí ľudia neminú.

97 Je to taká drsná malá vec (ak som to povedal nesprávne, odpusti mi), hádžem teraz rýchlosť. Ja ich milujem, Pane. Modlím sa, aby to neminuli. Nech by toto bol jeden z tých veľkých večerov. Chorí, postihnutí, slepí, akýkoľvek tu sú, Pane, nech by boli uzdravení. Nech by bol každý hriešnik spasený. Rovno teraz v ich srdciach, ak sú neveriacimi, nech v tejto chvíli príjmu Krista. Udeľ to, Otče. Je to všetko v Tvojich rukách. Porúčame sa Tebe, aby sme videli, ako prichádzaš medzi nás.

98 A Ty si povedal, v svätom Jánovi 14:12 „Ten, kto verí vo mňa, skutky, ktoré ja činím, on tiež bude činiť,” ako vieme, že Ty si sa dal Sám poznať ľuďom, tak, že Ty si bol prorokom, o ktorom Mojžiš hovoril, že bude vzbudený. Oni nemali prorokov stovky rokov a ten rozpor bol na každom kroku, ale jednako, Slovo Božie sa muselo vyplniť, a tak sa Slovo stalo telom a takisto aj ten rozpor. A, Otče, my to dnes znovu vidíme, že rozpor sa stáva jedným veľkým, obrovským zväzkom a my vidíme, že takisto Slovo prichádza. Požehnaj nás dnes večer, Otče. Porúčame sa Ti s Tvojím Slovom. Čokoľvek nám Ty potrebuješ urobiť, urob s nami, Pane. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

99 [Nejaká sestra hovorí v neznámom jazyku. Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.] Buďte skutočne úctiví. Nevieme, čo On povedal. Možno nám chce niečo povedať, tak buďte chvíľu skutočne úctiví. [Prázdne miesto na páske. Nejaký brat dáva výklad - pozn.prekl. ]

100 Amen. Či ste to niekedy čítali v Písme, kedy prichádza nepriateľ a oni boli všetci spolu zhromaždení a oni... Nepriateľ bol takou veľkou mocou. A Duch Boží padol na človeka a povedal mu a On prorokoval, a povedal, kam majú ísť a kde striehnuť, a oni nepriateľa zničili. Tu to znovu prichádza. To je to miesto, kde máme zničiť nepriateľa, vidíte? Vziať ruku Božiu. Ruka Božia je Kristus, samozrejme, Slovo, tak vezmite Ho dnes večer do svojho srdca, zatiaľ čo zvoláme modlitebný rad.

101 Verím, že Billy dnes znovu rozdal modlitebné lístky. B, béčka, vezmime B 85. Minulý večer, mali sme ich minulý večer pätnásť. Obyčajne sa snažíme vziať asi pätnástich za večer. A tak potom držte svoje lístky a dostaneme ich teraz. Skúsme asi pätnásť. 85 B ako Branham, viete. B 85 po 100. A my... pozrime, kto má B 85, zodvihnite svoju ruku. Iste ste... Ó, tam vzadu, v poriadku, 85, príď sem.

102 Tak, môj syn... ak by tu boli nejakí cudzí a nevedia, ako sa toto deje. Môj syn sem prichádza alebo niekto, ak on nemôže prísť, tak brat Borders alebo niekto druhý. Niektorý príde sem, vezme tieto karty, stovku z nich, a stojí pred ľuďmi a zamieša ich spolu. Tak on vám potom dáva kartu a on vám nemôže povedať, že budete tu na pódiu, on to nevie. A ani ja to neviem. Ja prichádzam večer, vytiahnem ich desať alebo pätnásť, tak nejako, z tých kariet. To s tvojím uzdravením nemá nič dočinenia. Môžeš sedieť rovno tam. Pozrite minulý večer. Koľkí z vás tu boli minulý večer, nech vidíme vaše ruky, ako boli ľudia uzdravení po celom obecenstve.

103 Tak to bolo 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90. Nech teraz hneď prídu B 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90. To bolo jedno... Iste potrebujeme niekoho... Tu je ďalší, áno, to bude v poriadku. 90, 90 po 100 teraz. 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99.

104 Ak sa nedokážete hýbať, ak ste... Vidím, že tam máme dva, tri invalidné vozíky, sú tu teraz štyri. Myslím, že ich vidím. Ak máte modlitebnú kartu a vaše číslo je zavolané a nedokážete sa hýbať, len zodvihnite svoju ruku, my vás sem privedieme.

105 Ak nemáš žiadnu modlitebnú kartu, len tam seď a modli sa a povedz, „Pane Ježišu, nech, nech, nech som to dnes večer ja.“ Koľkí z vás tu nemajú modlitebnú kartu, nech zodvihnú svoju ruku. Ó, v poriadku, dovoľte, že teraz poviem toto, dúfam, že to nebude znieť svätokrádežne. Ale bola raz jedna malá žena, ktorá nemala modlitebnú kartu, ako by sme povedali. Ona išla, pretláčala sa cez zástup a povedala (počúvajte teraz pozorne), „Ak sa dokážem dotknúť rúcha toho Muža, budem uzdravená“. Koľkí z vás poznajú ten príbeh, v poriadku, a čo ona urobila, ona sa Ho dotkla a išla naspäť a sadla si. A Ježiš sa otočil a On vedel, kde bola. Je to pravda? On vedel, aký bol jej problém, je to pravda? On poznal jej problém, a tak jej povedal, čo bol jej problém. A ona na svojom tele pocítila, že ten krvotok sa zastavil. Je to pravda? Prečo? Ona sa ho dotkla.

106 Teraz, koľkí Kresťania sú dnes večer tu, ktorí vedia, že podľa knihy Židom, že Ježiš je práve teraz Veľkňazom, ktorého sa môžeme dotýkať pocitmi našich slabostí? Je Ním? V poriadku, ak On je tým istým Veľkňazom, v tom istom úrade Veľkňaz, ako potom bude konať? On bude potom konať tak isto, ako konal vtedy. Veríte tomu? On by konal presne tak isto, ako konal vtedy, ak tomu môžete veriť. V poriadku, koľkí v to veria, zodvihnite svoju ruku a povedzte, „Ja v to naozaj verím.“

107 V poriadku, pred tým, ako vyformujú modlitebný rad, máme tu modlitebný rad. A ja viem, že On je tu, cítim Jeho prítomnosť a viem, že On je tu. Príďte! Je modlitebný rad pripravený? Chcel som to tu zavolať. Modlite sa len, dívajte sa len týmto smerom a modlite sa a len Mu verte.

108 Sedí tu jedna pani, ktorá sa díva rovno na mňa, sedí vedľa tej pani, ktorá má okuliare. Môžete to vidieť, ako to nad tou ženou visí? Pozrite sem! Vidíte? Ona trpí, má srdcové problémy. Ty veríš, že ťa Boh uzdraví. Ak veríš, zodvihni svoju ruku. To je to, čo je tvoj problém. To je pravda. Ak to bol tvoj problém, zodvihni svoju ruku, aby to tak mohli ľudia vidieť, zodvihni takto svoju ruku. Tak, už to teraz viac nemáš. Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila.

109 On je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Ó, existuje rozpor, ale Ježiš Kristus je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Je toto... Len sa ďalej modlite, vidíte, nemusíte byť tu hore, aby ste to mohli vedieť.

110 Tak, táto pani tu, pokiaľ viem, nikdy vo svojom živote som ju nevidel, to je len nejaká žena, ktorá tu stojí a má modlitebnú kartu, a ona nevedela, či bude vyvolaná alebo nie. Niekto ti dal modlitebnú kartu a tvoje číslo bolo vyvolané, a tak ty si sem prišla. Je to pravda? A ja nemám žiaden spôsob, ako by som vedel, čím si, kto si, odkiaľ prichádzaš, čo chceš, vôbec nič. Ja som len človek a ty si len žena. To je pravda, tento istý obraz sa raz stal v Biblii v svätom Jánovi v štvrtej kapitole.

111 Poviete, „Čo si to urobil, brat Branham, vtedy pred chvíľou?“ Len som zaradil trochu rýchlosť. Vidíte. Ja neviem. On to musí urobiť. Ja neviem. Čo s tou ženou tam? Nikdy vo svojom živote som tú ženu nevidel. Ona je pre mňa úplne cudzia. Myslím, že to bola tá žena... Kto je tá osoba, ktorá bola práve teraz uzdravená v tom publiku? Zodvihnite... Áno, my sme si úplne cudzí, že? Ak je to pravda, zamávaj takto svojou rukou. Vidíte? Nikdy predtým som tú ženu nevidel. Ale ona tu sedela a verila. Tak ona sa niečoho dotkla, že? Neurobilo by to nič dobré dotknúť sa mňa.

112 Ale teraz, či nemôžete vidieť, že Biblia je presne Slovo Božie? On je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. My sa stávame stánkom Svätého Ducha, ktorým je Kristus. Vidíte? To je skutočné Semeno. Potom, ak sa ten skutočný Svätý Duch dostáva do toho skutočného semena Slova, nie... To nevezme len časť z toho, (pretože diabol to používa), vy to musíte vziať celé, vidíte? Každé Slovo z toho, pretože On nie je polovičný Boh, On je kompletne Boh. Vidíte? A to je to, čo sa deje.

113 Tak, tu je teraz nejaká žena, nikdy predtým som ju nevidel. Ježiš raz takto našiel jednu ženu, možno nie v tom istom stave, ja neviem. A On sedel pri studni. A On mal potrebu ísť dolu do Samárie. A zisťujeme, že Samária bola pod kopcom. A On vlastne išiel do Jericha a išiel okolo Samárie a prišiel do mesta Sichar. A sadol si tam na studňu a poslal učeníkov preč, aby zohnali jedlo.

114 Koľko rás ľudí je na svete? Tri: Chám, Šem a Jafetovi ľudia. My všetci pochádzame z Noeho. A ten ostatný svet bol v tom čase zničený. Sú len tri rasy ľudí: židia, pohania a samaritáni (čo boli napoly židia a pohania). A to sú všetky rasy, ktoré na svete existujú, len tri.

115 Všetko v Bohu je dokonalé v troch. Práve ako tie trojky, o ktorých som hovoril dnes večer: tri stupne rozporu, tri stupne Slova, ktoré sa stalo telom, a tak ďalej, rozumiete?

116  Tak On, ktorý hovoril ku Židom, povedal Filipovi, keď priviedol hore Natanaela, že kde bol, a povedal, „Videl som ho, keď bol pod tým stromom.“ On povedal... Andrej priviedol Petra hore a On povedal, „Voláš sa Šimon a odteraz sa budeš nazývať Peter.“ Povedal, „Si syn Jonášov.“ Vidíte? No, to boli všetko Židia.

117 Ale tu On ide k pohanke. Nie k pohanke, ale k samaritánke.

118  Teraz je čas pohanov. On to ani jedenkrát neurobil pred pohanmi. Skúmajte Písma, nikdy, ale On zasľúbil v Lukášovi 22.

119 Ale On sa tam posadil a tu prichádza polovičná židovka a pohanka, žena. A On jej povedal, „Žena, prines mi piť.“

120 A ona povedala, „Ty by si sa nemal takto pýtať. My sme ... Tu je segregácia. Ty si žid a ja som samaritánka.“

121 On povedal, „Ale keby si vedela, kto ku tebe hovorí, ty by si Mňa žiadala o pitie.“ Čo On robil? Kontaktoval sa s jej duchom. A akonáhle zistil, aký bol jej problém, povedal jej, aby priviedla svojho manžela. Ona povedala, že nemá žiadneho. On povedal, „To je pravda, mala si piatich.“

122 Pozrite sa teraz na to, keď Ho to tí farizejovia uvideli robiť. Tak je to, ten rozpor bol rovno tam pomedzi Slovom. Čo oni povedali? Oni povedali, „Tento človek je belzebub, predpovedač myšlienok.“ Vidíte?

123  A Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek by to povedal na Svätého Ducha, keď On príde, aby robil to isté, nikdy mu nebude odpustené.“ Tam máte ten rozpor. Vidíte? Ale keď On povedal, že im to odpustí, to bolo preto, že Duch Svätý ešte neprišiel, tá obeť, Baránok ešte vtedy nezomrel.

124 Ale tá žena si to tak nemyslela. Tá žena povedala „Pane, vidím, že si prorok.“ Oni nemali vtedy proroka už niekoľko stoviek rokov. Povedala, „Vidím, že si prorok. My vieme, že keď príde Mesiáš, ktorý sa nazýva Kristus, to je to, čo On bude robiť.“

125 Tak ak je to to, čo On urobil, potom On je tým istým včera i dnes. To je to, ako sa dal vtedy poznať, či to nie je to isté dnes? Musí to tak byť, tak tu je žena a muž, ktorí sa znova, tí dvaja sa stretávajú. Ona nie je tá žena a ja som nie ten Muž. Ale pritom, ten istý Svätý Duch je tu a dal to zasľúbenie, že tie skutky, ktoré On činil, že my budeme robiť tú istú vec vo dňoch, keď bude zjavený Syn človeka.

126 My sa nepoznáme (a ty vieš, že je to pravda), sme si úplne cudzí a ty tu stojíš. Je niečo... Môže to byť niečo zlé s tebou, možno nie, ja neviem. Ale ak mi to Pán Ježiš zjaví skrze Svojho Svätého Ducha, čo je tvojím problémom, budeš potom veriť, že to je Syn Boží a nie ľudská bytosť? Toto je len miesto, tento stánok, čo Boh používa, ktorýchkoľvek, ktorých On vybral. On to robí skrze Svoju suverénnu milosť a vyvolenie. A tak ver. Budeš? [Tá žena hovorí, „Amen.“]

127 Koľkí v obecenstve tomu budú veriť? My tu obaja stojíme rovno pred týmito svetlami a my sme sa predtým nikdy v živote nestretli, nemám vôbec žiadnu potuchu o tom, kto je tá žena, čím je, odkiaľ prichádza a čo chce. Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel o nič viac, ako som nevidel tamtú ženu v mojom živote. Ale vidíte, toto je to, čo sa snažím do vás dostať: Odhoďte teraz od seba ten rozpor a verte Slovu, keď Slovo je učinené telom rovno tu medzi nami. Slovo sa stáva živým v našom vlastnom tele, a to ukazuje prítomnosť Božiu.

128 Tak nech jej to On teraz udelí. Ona chce vec, ktorá je hodná. Je bez dieťaťa a ona chce dieťa. Má asi štyridsať rokov. To istotne nie je nemožné.

129 Tamto sedia teraz ženy, ktoré boli v celom svojom živote neplodné, a prišli takto na pódium a Pán im dal deti. Zodvihnete niektoré z vás ruku, ktoré o tom vedia. Vidíte? Jedného dňa, v nedeľu, ako som odtiaľto odišiel, som viezol jedno dievča, v nedeľu popoludní, a jej matka bola neplodná a Pán prehovoril. A to malé dievčatko, ona bola taká milá, je tu? Kde je? Áno, tu ona je, sedí rovno tu... A myslím, že tá matka tu sedí tiež. Tu je to malé dievčatko, ona sama. Vidíte ju? Ona bola vypovedaným Slovom od Boha.

130 Tak budeš Mu veriť z celého svojho srdca? Či veríš, že to požehnanie, ktoré máš, ktoré teraz na sebe cítiš, že to Boh odpovedá? Ak mi Boh povie, ako sa voláš, aby si tak mohla dať meno dieťaťu, budeš mi veriť? Potom, pani Thompsonová, môžeš ísť domov a mať svoje dieťa, ak budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca.

131 Či veríte z celého svojho srdca? Majte len vieru, nepochybujte, len verte Bohu. Boh je Bohom.

132 Dobrý deň, pane, myslím, že sme si tiež cudzí. Ten jediný krát, kedy som ťa vo svojom živote videl, pokiaľ viem, je to, keď si tu prichádzal. A ja som si pomyslel, že ty si strýko brata Shakariana alebo niekto... Mashagian, brat Mashagian, ten spevák, keď si prichádzal. A potom som ťa videl, ako si išiel do modlitebného radu. Tak tým, že si mi cudzí a ja tebe a sme si jeden druhému cudzí. Tak, ak mi Pán Ježiš povie niečo, čím si, možno to, čo chceš, povedzme to tak, povedať mi, ak mi povie to, čo chceš. Tak On ti to už dal. Jediná vec je mať len dostatok viery, aby si tomu veril.

133 Koľkí tomu rozumejú? Mať len dostatok viery, aby ste verili, že dostanete to, o čo žiadate. Rozumiete?

134 Tak, ak si ty tu teraz a niečo chceš a On mi môže povedať, čo je tvojou túžbou, potom budeš vedieť, že ja nepoznám tvoju túžbu, potom to musí byť niečo tu, čo to robí. Tak podľa Slova to On zasľúbil robiť. On poznal myšlienky, ktoré boli v srdciach. Je to pravda? V poriadku.

135 Ty máš veľkú túžbu byť uzdravený. Jedna vec je, že ty trpíš na nervové problémy, si skutočne nervózny. To je pravda, ďalšia vec je, ty máš problémy s chrbticou a nejaký čas je to už s tvojou chrbticou dosť zlé, dokonca si mal operáciu. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je pravda. Vidíte? Je to pravda a tu je ďalšia vec, tvojou hlbokou túžbou je, že ty chceš prijať krst Duchom Svätým, to je presne tak. Poď sem.

136 Drahý Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista nech je tento muž naplnený Svätým Duchom, nech sú mu udelené potreby v Ježišovom Mene, Amen.

 Teraz to prijmi, môj brat. Len maj vieru, nepochybuj.

137  Dobrý deň, nazdávam sa, pokiaľ viem, sme si jeden druhému cudzí. Ak je to pravda, tak, aby to mohli ľudia vedieť, zodvihni ruku, aby tak mohli vedieť, že sme si cudzí. Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel, aspoň o tom neviem. A hádam, ona nikdy nevidela mňa, jedine, že bola v publiku. Pretože nebeský Otec vie a tu leží Jeho Slovo, že som túto ženu nikdy nevidel, neviem o tom, nikdy v živote. Preto ja neviem, kvôli čomu tu ona je, nemám ani potuchu, kým ona je, čím je, ani nič o nej. Nevedel by som ti povedať ani jednu vec.

138 Ta jediná vec je, toto je len dar. Ak môžem... Ako ste ma to pred chvíľou počuli vysvetliť, to prichádza a ja počujem, čo On hovorí, keď to vidím, môžem to vypovedať. To, čo On nepovie, ja nedokážem povedať. Ak by som to povedal sám zo seba, tak by som sa mýlil. Rozumiete, bolo by to nesprávne. Ale ak to On hovorí, je to absolútne správne. To nikdy, nikdy nebolo nesprávne. A to ani nikdy nebude nesprávne, pokiaľ to bude stále Boh. Rozumiete, pretože Boh sa nemôže mýliť.

139 Ale ak mi Boh môže povedať, čo ty chceš, čo je tvojou túžbou alebo kvôli čomu si tu, niečo, čo si urobila alebo niečo také, alebo čím si, odkiaľ prichádzaš, alebo čokoľvek mi On chce povedať, budeš veriť? Ďakujem.

140  Jedna vec, ty máš ťažkosť s chodidlami. Trápia ťa tvoje chodidlá. [Tá žena hovorí, „Áno.“] To je pravda. Zodvihni svoju... Máš tiež ženské problémy, máš, niečo nie je v poriadku so ženskými orgánmi. [Áno.]. A máš vo svojom srdci veľkú túžbu, pretože ty si niekoho stratila alebo niečo. Je to chlapec a tvoj chlapec odišiel z domu, utiekol a ty chceš, aby som sa modlil, aby sa on vrátil späť [Áno.].

141 Bože v nebesiach, pošli ku nej jej dieťa. Nech Duch Svätý zastaví toho mladého muža dnes večer na ceste, Pane, a pošli ho späť k jeho matke. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

142 Ten, ktorý pozná, ho pošle späť ku tebe. Neboj sa. Ver teraz a nepochybuj. Maj len vieru z celého svojho srdca. Ver a Boh ti všetko to ostatné udelí.

143 Tak len tieto tri alebo štyri rozpoznania, čokoľvek to je, rozumiete, išiel som v tom, až som hotový. Nedokážem to vysvetliť, nie je spôsob, ako to vysvetliť. Poviete, „Chceš povedať, že je to ťažšie, ako keby si kázal štyridsaťpäť minút alebo viac, myslíš si.“ Veru tak. Ak by to boli tri hodiny, to by nebolo také ťažké.

144 Jedna žena sa raz dotkla rúcha Pána Ježiša. A tí ľudia sa nedotýkajú mňa. No, táto žena tu, pozrite, ona by mohla... [Brat Branham hovorí tej žene, „Polož na mňa svoje ruky.“ - pozn.prekl.] Ona sa ma tu dotkla, ale to by nič neurobilo, ja som len človek. Ale ona sa musí dotknúť Jeho. A ja skrze dar, ja len... To len ide, ja dávam preč samého seba, ja len hovorím, čo vidím. A to je všetko. Keď sa ma ona dotýka, to nie je nič, ale ona sa dotýka Ježiša cezo mňa. To je to, ako sa tá žena dotkla Boha skrze Ježiša, keď On nevedel, čo s ňou je. Ona sa len dotkla Jeho rúcha, išla a sadla si. A On povedal, „Kto sa Ma dotkol?“

145 A  apoštoli povedali, „No, veď každý sa Ťa dotýka, prečo to hovoríš?“

 On povedal, „Ale vidím, že odo mňa vyšla cnosť.“

146 Tak viete, čo je to cnosť? Sila, On zoslabol od jedného dotyku jednej ženy a On bol Synom Božím. Čo potom ja, hriešnik, spasený skrze Jeho milosť. Viete, prečo je to viac? Pretože On povedal, „Tieto veci, ktoré ja robím, vy tiež budete robiť. Viac ako tieto budete robiť, pretože Ja idem ku Svojmu otcovi.“ „Väčšie,“ tu je povedané, ale ten správny grécky výklad je, „Viac ako tieto budete robiť.“

147 Tak ja tú pani nepoznám. Neviem o nej nič. Ona je mi tak cudzia, ako mi boli títo ostatní ľudia. Sme si jeden druhému cudzí. Len aby to mohli ľudia vedieť, môžeš zodvihnúť svoju ruku a povedať, „Sme si cudzí.“ Tak Syn Boží, keď On raz stretol jednu ženu v takom jednom obraze, ako je aj tento, tam pri studni, a On ku nej len chvíľu hovoril a On spoznal, aký bol jej problém, a povedal jej, aký bol jej problém, a tak ona podľa toho spoznala, že to bol Mesiáš. Tak to, že som... Ty si sa dotkla mňa, ja som sa dotkol teba a nič sa nestalo. Ale ak moja viera (skrze dar), ale ak tvoja viera (skrze to, že v Neho veríš) sa môže dotknúť Jeho a On môže ku nám povedať cez... Môže cezo mňa tebe povedať, potom budeš vedieť, že On je tu tak, ako bol vtedy pri tej studni v Sichar. On je Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Veríš tomu?

148 Máš tak mnoho problémov, tak mnoho komplikácií,  jedna z tých vecí, za ktoré chceš, aby som sa modlil, je artritída. To je pravda. Je to pravda? Si stuhnutá artritídou. Keď uvidia, že zodvihneš svoju ruku...

149A ty si vykročila tak pomaly, ak si len viem dobre spomenúť. Možno, počkaj len chvíľku, možno niečo ďalšie môže byť povedané, čo vezme... Tu to je, vy cítite také veci, ľudia, viete, to je ako taký dych, ktorý prichádza proti tomu. Ľudia hovoria, „No, on to len hádal,” alebo niečo také, viete.

150Ale ty vyzeráš byť milou osobou, len ku mne chvíľu hovor. Stojme tu ešte chvíľu, pretože ja si myslím, že je ešte niečo ďalšie, čo je v tvojom srdci, čo chceš od Boha. Tak ja by som nevedel odpovedať na tvoju modlitbu... Pretože ak tomu budeš veriť, je to už zodpovedané. Ale ak len chceš veriť, donútiť sa, aby si verila. Tak poviem ti, že to sa týka niekoho z tvojich milovaných, ktorý tu nie je, a to je brat, a ten brat ani nie je v tomto kraji. On je v nejakom kraji, ktorý je vlhký a je tam mnoho jazier. Povedal by som, že je to niečo ako Michigan alebo niektoré... Áno, Michigan je to, kde je. A on trpí na smrteľnú nemoc, a to je nevyliečiteľná obličková ťažkosť, ktorou je on zaťažený. To je pravda, že? To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Tak tá vreckovka, ktorú máš vo svojej ruke, ktorú si zodvihla ku Bohu, pošli to svojmu bratovi a povedz mu, aby nepochyboval, ale aby veril, a že on bude teraz uzdravený, ak budeš veriť.

151 Veríš z celého svojho srdca? Vidíte, potom, ak veríte, je potom len jedna vec, a to je absolútne to akceptovať. Je to pravda?

152 Poviete, „On sa len na tých ľudí díva, to je to, čo robí, díva sa na nich.” Tak často to vidíte.

153 Ale aby ste mohli toto vedieť... Táto pani tu, ona prišla tadeto, táto pani tu, pacientka, ktokoľvek si. Ja sa na ňu nedívam, či veríš, že Boh mi môže zjaviť, čo je tvoja ťažkosť? Zodvihni svoje ruky, ak to urobíš, táto pani tu, táto pani tu, pacientka. Áno, áno, v poriadku, potom, ak to budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca, ten astmatický problém ťa už viac nebude obťažovať. V poriadku, choď domov a ver teraz vo svoje uzdravenie.

154 Pozrite len, tu to je. Vidíte, On... Pozrite sa týmto smerom, to videnie tam, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje. Amen, môžete to vidieť? To je tak dokonalé, ako Boh môže byť dokonalý.

155 Ty veríš tiež? Astma ťa tiež môže opustiť, že? Veríš, že môže? V poriadku, choď a povedz Pánu Ježišovi, že Mu veríš.

156 Jedného dňa by si musel vziať so sebou takú maličkú paličku, ak ťa tá artritída urobí chromým, ale to neurobí. Ty neveríš, že to urobí, že? Ty veríš, že budeš v poriadku, choď po svojej ceste a Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

157 Srdcové problémy zabíjajú ľudí, ale to ťa nemusí zabiť. Veríš, že Boh to pre teba uzdraví a celkom ťa uzdraví? Choď a ver z celého srdca a povedz, „Bolo za mňa už pomodlené.”

158 Hovoríš anglicky, rozumieš anglicky [Brat Branham hovorí, „Príďte niekto,“ prichádza tlmočník – pozn.prekl.] Áno, v poriadku. Povieš jej to, čo jej ja poviem, povedz jej, že ak bude veriť, tak ten žalúdočný problém ju opustí. Bude tomu veriť? Opustí ťa aj ten problém s chrbtom, a tak môžeš teraz ísť domov a byť uzdravená.

 Dobrý deň, veríš? [Ona hovorí, „Áno, verím.“ - pozn.prekl.]

159 Ten muž, ktorý tam sedí s problémami chrbta, díva sa na mňa, práve, ako som to povedal. On môže byť tiež uzdravený, ak tomu môžeš veriť, pane. V poriadku, pane.

160 Tá pani, ktorá sedí rovno tam vedľa teba, ty máš problémy s krkom, že, pani? Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Ty chceš, aby na tvojho malého chlapca, kvôli jeho kolenám, boli na neho položené ruky a aby bol tiež uzdravený. Veríš tomu? Ty si mala ženské problémy a už ich teraz nemáš. Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila a celkom ťa uzdravila.

161 Veríte, že Ježiš Kristus je Ten istý včera, dnes a naveky? Položme potom jeden na druhého ruky a modlime sa túto modlitbu viery, každý jeden z nás, modlíme sa modlitbu viery.

162 Drahý Bože, zatiaľ čo sme prikrytí v Tvojej Božskej prítomnosti, aby sme videli, ako sa Ty pohybuješ cez obecenstvo a ako uzdravuješ všade nemocných. Ty si Bohom. Modlím sa, aby si uzdravil celé toto obecenstvo. Nech ten dych Boží padne na nich čerstvo, do ich sŕdc a nech, nech vedia, že čas dobieha do konca. My tu budeme už len chvíľku dlhšie, a potom budeme s Tým, ktorého milujeme. A nech teraz Jeho prítomnosť prinesie každému uzdravenie.

163 Odsudzujeme ťa, satan, odsudzujeme všetky jeho skutky. V Mene Ježiša Krista, satan, vyjdi z tých ľudí.

164 Všetci, ktorí Mu budú teraz veriť a akceptujú svoje uzdravenie, postavte sa na svoje nohy a povedzte, „Teraz sa staviam na znak akceptovania môjho uzdravenia. Verím tomu.” Bez ohľadu na tvoj stav, ak skutočne veríš, postav sa na svoje nohy. Zodvihni teraz svoje ruky a povedz, „Ďakujem Ti, Pane Ježišu, za to, že si ma uzdravil.” Nech je Boh s vami.

THE SEED OF DISCREPANCY, 65-0118, Westward Ho Hotel, Westward Ho Hotel, Phoenix, AZ, 77 min

1 I have chosen tonight for a short text, or short reading, the Lord willing, to give us the context of it, out of Saint Matthew 13:24 to 30. And then also I--I want to read from 36 to 40, just in a few moments. Now Saint Matthew, the 13th chapter, and beginning with the 24th verse of the 13th chapter of Saint Matthew. Listen close to the reading of the Word. My words will fail, but His will not.

Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened to a man which sowed good seed in his field:

But while he slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

But when the blades was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.

So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?

And he said unto them, An enemy has done this. And the servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go... gather them up?

But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, you root up also the wheat with them.

Let them both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of the harvest I will send forth the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into the garner.

2 Did you notice, "Gather the tares first, and bundle them"? Now, reading this, there was something strange come to me while I was sitting up on top of the Catalina Mountains the other night, in prayer. And then I thought, where could I gather a word that I could use for this that I wanted to speak on tonight?

3And I went down and found the word of discrepancy, so I got the dictionary and looked what the word discrepancy means. And it means it's "sowing discord," or--or, "being contrary," as Webster says, "sowing a discord, something different," or, "being contrary to what's already been." So I thought, the text tonight, I'd call it: The Seed Of Discrepancy. And trust that the Lord will bless His Word now as we approach It.

4 And we also know He interpreted, in verse 36 and--and to 43, how that this seed matured. And while we're at it, let's just read that also, verse 36 now unto 43.

And when Jesus had sent the multitude away, He went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.

And He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;

And the field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

The enemy that soweth them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.

The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;

And shall cast them into a fire, a furnace of fire: and there shall be weeping, or be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who has an ear... let him hear.

5 That's Jesus giving the interpretation of the parable, Himself, therefore we know then what the interpretation means. And now as we approach this, of this sowing of the seed and--and the reaping, now He interprets it. And then I believe that Jesus was speaking this parable in His day, but was meaning it to be at the end of the world, or, the end of the age, which is this day. And I believe this little text tonight is a very appropriate for the hour that we're living in, because Jesus distinctly said here that "the gathering would be at the end of this world," that that's when the end would be; the gathering of the wheat, and also the gathering of the tares and burning them, and to take in the wheat into the Kingdom. And I believe it was this way.

6And another Scripture leads me to believe this way, I have written down here, is Matthew 24:24, where it said that, talking about the--the seat, the seed of discrepancy. Jesus said that the two would be so close together till it would deceive the very Elected if it were possible. Almost exactly the same.

7 Another place in the Scripture where it's written, that the rain falls on the just and the unjust.

8I remember my first experience of ever coming amongst the Pentecostal people. I was at Mishawaka, Indiana. And I was at a great convention, a hall about like this, where the North and the South had come together. Because of them days, of the segregation, they had to meet up there. They were two great orders of the Pentecostal brethren. I had never heard of them or met them before. The first time I ever heard speaking in tongues. And at the end of the row, of the convention... Me being not a member among them, I was just a young Baptist minister, I set way back in the back. And I remember the first time I heard anyone speak in tongues, I didn't even know what--what it was all about. And then these two men, mainly, set up in the front, one would speak in tongues and the other would interpret what the man said. Well, I just started studying my Bible as hard as I could, there then, and found out that that was Scriptural. That's exactly what the Scripture, the Holy Spirit would do.

9 Well, about a day after that... That night my heart was so stirred. I slept in a cornfield. I didn't have enough money to get me a--a--a bed, so I just had enough money to get home on, and I got me some doughnuts, couple days old, or rolls, it was, and for my breakfast. And I was welcome to eat with them, but I didn't have no money to put in. In them days, that was in the depression, 1933, so it was--it was pretty hard going. And so I thought, "Well, I'll... I don't want to eat with them, but I want to know what they got. They've got something that I haven't."

10So that morning I was... they asked me, "All ministers come to the platform and just identify yourself, who you are, where you're from."

11Well, I--I just said, "William Branham, evangelist, Jeffersonville," set down. Well, at that time I was the youngest minister on the platform. And the next day they called me to the platform to speak. And then after I spoke, why, we had a great time, and then I begin to meet different people inviting me to their churches. Then after they...

12 After that, why, I thought, "If I could only get where these two main men was that spoke in tongues and interpreted!" That was burning me up in my heart, I wanted it so bad. Well, as I've told you at the beginning, a little gift that you pull over. You know, gifts and callings are without repentance, you have them all your life, see, you're born with them, if they're gifts of God. So I always, since a little bitty baby, it always happened to me, people who knows me all my life, they know that's true. Well, if I thought... I didn't know what it was then, and call it a vision, I just didn't know what it was. But I thought, "If I could ever talk to them!" Well, and the spirit that was in the building felt like it's really the Spirit of God.

13So I--I got to talk to one of them, and I asked him a few questions, and he was a real genuine Christian. There was no doubt about that, that man was a real believer. And the next man, when I talked to him, if I ever met a hypocrite, that was one of them. That man was actually... His wife was a blond-headed woman, and he had children by... two children by a black-headed woman. And I thought, "Well, now what? Here it is, I'm--I'm all mixed up. I'm a fundamentalist; it must be the Word, or it isn't right. And here's that Spirit, one rang out, according to all I know, genuine; and the other one was no good at all; and the Spirit falling on both of them. Now, how can that be?" I'd, it had me puzzled.

14 Two years later, I had been praying in a cave where I would go to pray. Got dusty in the cave, and one afternoon I walked out, laid my Bible on a log, and the wind blowed It open to Hebrews, the 6th chapter. Which said, that in the last days, how it would be if we fell away from the Truth and renewed ourselves again unto repentance, there was no more sacrifice for sin, and how that thorns and thistles, which was nigh unto rejection, whose end is to be burned; but the rain cometh upon the earth, often, to water it, to dress it; but the thorns and thistles would be rejected, but the wheat would be gathered. And I thought, "Well, it just the wind happened to blow that open." Well, I just laid the Bible down again. And I thought, "Well, now I'll just..." And here come the wind and blowed It open. That happened three times. And I thought, "Well, now, that's strange."

15And then as I raised up, and I thought, "Lord, why would You open that Bible for me to read that, I... when I get down to that, where 'thorns and thistles, which is nigh unto rejection, whose end is to be burned'?" I thought, "Why, would You open that to me there?" And as looking out across...

16 Now, these real visions come without pulling into any gear. That's just God. See? I looked and I seen an earth that was turning out in front of me, and I seen it was all disked up. There was a man dressed in white, went around sowing wheat. And after he went around the curvature of the earth; around come a man, looked horrible, and he was dressed in black, and he was throwing weed seeds all over it. They both come up together. And when they did, they both was thirsty, because a rain was needed. And each one looked like was praying, with his little head bent over, "Lord, send the rain, send the rain." And the great clouds come up, and the rain fell upon both of them. When it did, the little wheat jumped up and begin to say, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" And the little weed jumped up right at the same side, and said, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!"

17And then the vision was interpreted. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. The same Spirit can fall in a meeting, and everybody rejoice in it: hypocrites, Christians, and all together. Exactly right. But what is it? By their fruits they are known. See? That's the only way it can ever be known.

18Then you see that now, since wild oats, or wild wheat and grain sometimes impersonates a genuine, domestic grain, so close that it would deceive the very Elected. I think we're living in a timely age, when these things should be preached on and talked about.

19 Notice in verse 41, the two also very close, so close in the last days till He didn't do... He could not depend on some certain church to separate them, say, the Methodist or the Baptist, or the Pentecostals, to separate them. He said, "He sends His angels to separate them." An angel is coming to bring the separation, the segregation between the right and the wrong. And no one can do that but the Angel of the Lord. He's the One that is going to tell which is right and which is wrong. God said He will send His angels at the last times. Not angels down through here, but angels at the last time, and would gather together. We know that this is the coming harvest time now. Now, an angel is actually interpreted a "messenger." And we see that there is seven angels of the seven churches, and now... no, through the church ages.

20Notice who He said that the sowers were, and also what the seed was. One, the sower was He, the Son of God, Who went forth sowing Seed. And an enemy came behind Him, which was the Devil, and sowed the seed of discrepancy, behind the sowing of the right Seed. Now, friends, that has happened through every age since we've had a world. Exactly. All the way from the beginning, it started the very same thing.

21 Now He said, "The Seed of God, the Word of God." Jesus said, in a certain place, that "The Word is a Seed." And every seed will bring forth of its kind. And now if the Christian, the children of God, the children of the Kingdom has become the Seed of God, then they must be the Word of God, the Word of God manifested in the age that they're living in, for the promised Seed of that age. God gave His Word at the beginning, and each age has had its Seed, its time, its promises.

22Now, when Noah came on the scene, and he was the Seed of God, the Word of God for that age.

23When Moses came, he could not come with Noah's message, it wouldn't work, because he was the Seed of God at that time.

24Then when Christ come, He could not come with Noah or Moses' age; it was His time, for a virgin to conceive and to bring forth a Son, and He would be the Messiah.

25 Now, we've lived through Luther's age, Wesley's age (Methodist's age), all down through the ages, and the Pentecostal age, and each age is given a promise of the Word. And the people of that age, that manifest that promised Word, is the Seed of that age, according to what Jesus said right here, "They are the children of the Kingdom." That's right. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit operating through His children is those Seed of the Kingdom at that age.

26Notice, the tares was the one, the enemy, Satan, who sowed discord, or the--or the seed of discrepancy, he was the one guilty of doing this horrible thing. Satan sowed his seed from the beginning, when God placed His first harvest of human beings upon the earth. Adam, of course, as yet knew that there was a--a knowledge of truth, and of right and wrong, and he had never come to that as yet.

27 But we find out, God gave His children His Word for their Defense. Their... We have no other Defense than the Word of God. That is our Defense. There's no bombs, no shelters, no hiding places, no Arizona's or California's, or wherever it is; there's only one Defense we have, and that is the Word. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, which is Christ Jesus, He is our only Defense. Being in Him, we are safe.

28Not even sin is imputed to a genuine believer. Did you know that? He that's born of God, does not commit sin, he cannot sin. See? It's not even imputed. Why, David said, "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin." When you're in Christ, you have no desire to sin. "The worshipper, once purged, has no more conscience of sin," you don't desire it. Now, to the world, you might be a sinner; but, to God, you're not, because you're in Christ. How can you be in a sinner when you're in the sinless One, and God only sees Him Who you are in?

29 Now this harvest time. At the beginning, when God sowed His Seed upon the earth and gave it in the hearts of His children, His family, to keep that Word, that was their only defense, keep that Word! Here come the enemy in and broke that barrier, by sowing the seed of discrepancy, contrary to the Word of God. If that was discrepancy in the beginning, it's still. Anything that'll add anything to the Word of God, is still the seed of discrepancy! I don't care where it comes from, if it's from organization, if it's from military sources, if it's from political powers, anything that's contrary to the Word of God, is the seed of discrepancy.

30When a man stands and says he's a Gospel preacher, and says that "the days of miracles is past," that's the seed of discrepancy. When a man stands and says that he's a minister, a pastor of a church of somewhere, and he does not believe that Jesus Christ is the same in every detail (except the physical body), same yesterday, today, and forever, that's the seed of discrepancy. When he says that "miracles and apostolic age passed," that's seed of discrepancy. When they say, "There's no such a thing as Divine healing," that's seed of discrepancy. And the world is full of it. It crowds out and chokes out the wheat.

31 We notice that the first sower of the seed of discrepancy was branded "the Devil," and we know it was, in Genesis 1. Now we find out, and over here in--in the Book of Matthew, the 13th chapter, Jesus still brands any discrepancy to His Word as being "the Devil." And this 1956, anything that sows discrepancy, contrary to the written Word of God, or puts any private interpretation to It, is the seed of discrepancy. God will not honor it. He can't. It won't mix. It certainly will not. It's like mustard seed; it won't mix with anything else, you can't hybreed it, it's got to be the genuine thing. Seed of discrepancy!

32 Now we find, when God sowed His Seed in the Garden of Eden, we find out that it brought forth an Abel. But when Satan sowed his seed of discrepancy, it brought forth a Cain. One brought forth a righteous one; one brought forth an unrighteous one. Because that Eve listened to the word of discrepancy, contrary to the Word of God, and it started the ball of sin rolling right there, and has rolled ever since. And we'll never get it all out until the angels comes and segregates the thing, and God takes His children to the Kingdom, and the tares will be burned. Notice those two vines.

33If we just had more time on this subject, but just to hit the high spots, so we can go right into praying for the sick in the next few minutes.

34 Notice, their seeds grew together just exactly like God said over here also in the 13th chapter, of our text tonight, of Matthew, "Let them grow together." Now, Cain went to the land of Nod, found himself a wife, and married; and Abel was slew, and God raised up Seth to take his place. And the generations started moving on, between right and wrong. Now, we notice they gathered, each one of them, time after time, and God had to... It got so wicked till God had to destroy it.

35But they finally came forth until both of those seeds, the seed of discrepancy and the Seed of God, put forth their genuine heads, and that wound up in Judas Iscariot and in Jesus Christ. For, He was the Seed of God, He was the beginning of the creation of God, He was nothing less than God. And Judas Iscariot was borned the son of perdition, come from hell, returned to hell. Jesus Christ was the Son of God, the Word of God made manifest. Judas Iscariot, in his discrepancy, was the seed of the Devil, come to the world, and for deceit; just like he was at the beginning, Cain, his former father.

36 Judas only played church. He wasn't really sincere. He didn't actually have faith; he'd have never betrayed Jesus. But, see, he sowed that seed of discrepancy. He thought that he could make friends with the world, mammon, and also have friendship with Jesus, but it was too late for him to do anything about it. When the dead hour came, when he did this evil thing, he crossed the separating line between going forward and returning back. He had to go on in the way that he went, as a deceiver. He sowed the seed of discrepancy, he tried to find favor with those great organizations of that day, with the Pharisees and Sadducees. And thought he'd make hisself a piece of money, and would be popular among the people. If that doesn't cause so many people to get in that discrepancy, trying to find favor with man! Let's find favor with God, not with man. But that's what Judas done when this discrepancies headed up in him.

37 And we know that Jesus was the Word, Saint John 1, said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt here among us." Then, the Word is a Seed, then the Seed become flesh and dwelt among us.

38If Judas was the seed of the enemy and the discrepancy, it also become flesh and dwelt among us in the person of Judas Iscariot. He never had no real, real faith. He had what he thought was a faith. There's such a thing as having faith; and a make-believe faith.

39And a genuine faith of God will believe in God, and God is the Word, it'll never add nothing to It. The Bible tells us if we add one word, or take one Word away, our part will be taken from the Book of Life, Revelation 22:18, the last closing chapter.

40 In the first beginning, the first Book of the Bible, God told them not to break one Word of That, "every Word must be kept," they must live by that Word. Jesus, in the middle of the Book, come along and said that in His age, and said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that--that comes out of the mouth of God." And in the closing age of Revelation, foretold to us, that "Whosoever shall take one Word out of the Book, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."

41Therefore there can be nothing shadowy, just a genuine, unadulterated Word of God! That's sons of God, daughters of God, who's not born by the will of man, or by shaking a hand, or some form of baptism; but borned in the Spirit of God, by the Holy Ghost, and the Word manifesting Itself through them. That's genuine Seed of God!

42 The enemy joins church and becomes very orthodox in a creed or something. But that's not... That's discrepancy, anything that interferes with that strain of genuine Truth of God's Word.

43And how do we know? We say, "Well, they, you've got a right to interpret It?" No, sir! No man has a right to interpret God's Word. He's His Own interpreter. He promises it, then He does it, that's the interpretation thereof. When He promised It, then He fulfills It, that's the interpretation of It. Anything contrary to God's Word is a discrepancy! Absolutely!

44Now, as I've said, Judas had no real faith. He had a make-believe faith. He had a--a faith that he thought that that was the Son of God, but he didn't know that was the Son of God. He wouldn't have done it. And a man who will compromise on this Word of God being the Truth, he's got a make-believe faith. Genuine servant of God will hang on that Word.

45 A few nights ago, a certain minister, of Arizona, of a great, famous school here in this city, came to me and said, "I--I want to straighten you out on something" (I said...) "when you get a chance."

I said, "This is the best chance I know of. Come on over."

46And so he came over, he said, "Mr. Branham, you are trying... I believe you're sincere and you're honest, but you're trying to introduce to a world an apostolic Doctrine." And said, "The apostolic age ceased with the apostles."

47I said, "The first thing I'd like to ask you, my brother, do you believe that every Word of God is inspired?"

He said, "Yes, sir, I certainly do."

48I said, "Then, would you show me in the Word where the apostolic age ceased? Now, you show me where it is, I'll believe with you." And I said, "The writer of the apostolic, the one that had the keys to the Kingdom, on the day of Pentecost when the apostolic age was introduced, they said, 'Men and brethren, what can we do to be saved?' He said, 'Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is unto you and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.' Now, how can the Word contradict Itself?"

The man said, "I have an awful cold tonight."

I said, "I think so, too." See?

49Now you tell me, is God still calling? If God's still calling, then the apostolic age is still in existence. Certainly! As many as the Lord our God shall call, ever call, ever will call, as many as He shall call, it will still be the apostolic age, for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

50 Now, we find today that this discrepancy has been sowed through every age. If it was possible to get it in the next ten or fifteen minutes, I would do it, but you can't. Down through the ages... We are all, most all of us read the Bible. And now like when Jesus come, and He found that discrepancy, contrary. He was the Word made manifest, He was God's interpretation of the Word, because He said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Me." There you are. He--He was the interpretation of the Word. And every borned-again son and daughter of God of this age is the interpretation of the Word. You are written epistles, read of all men. Yes.

51Notice, He said, "In vain they do worship Me, teaching discrepancy for Doctrine. In vain do they worship Me, teaching for Doctrine the discrepancy, doctrine of man, creeds of man, teaching that to be the Word of God, when it has nothing to do with the Word of God."

52 Look, each age produce such a crop, every age has did it, and ours is no excuse. We have the same thing, and a greater age of it than all the other ages put together, for this is the ending of world's history. This is the great discrepancy that's ever been upon the earth, is on the face of the earth today. Discrepancy in other ages pulled them away from the true and living God, to idols. Today, Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 that it would be so close, it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible. Talk about discrepancy! Oh, it's so cunning. Satan is among the people, and just such a theologian, such a Doctor of Divinity, can teach that Word almost perfectly. Jesus said so. But just watch him, there'll be somewhere. Said, "Well, now, that wasn't for this." Oh, yes, it is, too, see, because God said it was.

53 Look what it did. Them same discrepancy brought God's wrath upon the days of Noah, when God sent His prophet out and preached as a flaming fire, called repentance to the people, and the discrepancy drowned out. Then what did Satan do? Come right behind, in Ham, and started sowing it again. That's exactly right.

54Along come Moses, the great prophet, to bring the children of Israel up out of the wilderness. What happened? Moses, the great prophet of God, bringing them the absolutely Truth, vindicated Truth. He had met God. God proved that he had met Him. How those people back there, those priests, and they had their religions, their rituals, their rites and everything, but Moses stood as a vindication of the interpretation of the Word. Don't forget that! Moses was God's interpretation of His promise. He said he would do it; he was God's interpretation.

55 What happened? The church just got started out of Egypt, on its feet a few days, and what happened? Satan come along with his discrepancy in the person, the second Cain, which was Balaam, and he sowed discrepancy amongst them. We know that's right. That Balaam, the teaching of Balaam, that "we're all the same, we serve the same God you do," fundamentally, he was right, because he offered a sacrifice that God offered; seven rams, seven bullocks on seven altars, and prayed to the same God just as perfect as Moses did down in the wilderness, just exactly the same. But they were not the same! Foreshadowing to us what would come to pass. There was, again, Cain manifested in the--the person of Balaam. And there was God manifested in the person of Moses, interpreting His Words through a human being, making Hisself known, His promise, through a human being. And the discrepancy raised up.

56So did it do it in the time of Judas, there he come with his discrepancy.

57 And, remember, this sin that those people believed, that "we're all the same, we worship the same God, we should all belong to the same church, we should be the same people," that sin was never forgiven Israel! Jesus said, Himself, "They all are dead!"

58They perished, all but three of them. That was the ones who held on and believed the promise. When the weakling said, "We cannot take the land, and it's too much for us," and so forth; Caleb and Joshua stilled the people, and said, "We're more than able to take it, because God promised it to us! I don't care what the opposition is!"

59And we still can preach Divine healing, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and still have the power of God to separate us from the things of the world. God said so! The apostolic age has never ceased, and it will not cease, it goes on.

60So, we find the same old sower of discrepancy. And remember, that sin was never forgiven. Now, brother, if it was never forgiven then, what about now when the--the real seed of all the ages is coming together?

61 Notice this great thing that Balaam did, it went on and on, and finally ended in the coming of--of Judas Iscariot, and Jesus. What was it? Judas and Jesus was just exactly a figure of Cain and Abel. For, as Judas was religious, so was Cain religious. Cain built an altar, he made a sacrifice, he worshipped God, he was just as sincere in it as the other one was. But, you see, he didn't have the revelation of what the Word was. He thought it was Adam and Eve had eat some apples or some fruit. And Cain... Abel, by revelation, knowed that it was wrong; it was the blood that brought them out, and he offered a lamb. And God testified his offering was right. Then he got jealous and tried to kill his brother. And as he killed his brother upon the same altar that his sacrifice died on, the lamb died upon the altar, so did Judas Iscariot betray Jesus Christ upon the altar of God, and killed Him just as Cain killed Abel. Because, Cain was the seed of discrepancy.

62And so was Balaam, the hireling prophet, a man who ought to knowed better. And God warned him through signs and wonders, and even a mule speaking in unknown tongues, and still he went right on just the same. He was born to be a--a sower of the discrepancy.

63 And if Jesus predicted this age to end up in the greatest discrepancy that ever was, the Laodicea church age, lukewarm, that put Him out of the church, how can it be anything else but that discrepancy! Certainly, it is. It ends in that age.

And it was Cain and Abel again on Calvary.

64Now notice, as ever, as soon as Jesus went away, went into Heaven, the Holy Spirit was sent back. That was the Seed, the Life-giver unto the Word, as we spoke last night. It's the One that quickens the Word. Quicken means "brings to Life." The genuine Holy Spirit only brings to Life the Word that It is. It won't bring a creed to Life, It can't, because It's nothing of the creed. It is the Life of the Word of God, for It is God. See? And It quickens that Body.

65 Now notice, as they did. Then, and the Bible said, and--and John spoke to his children and said, "Little children, you have heard of the antichrist which was to come into the world," said, "which already is in the world, and it working in the children of disobedience." Now, that was along about thirty years after the coming of the Holy Ghost. We find, when the Holy Ghost come, the real Seed, real Life-Giver to the Seed, then here comes that discrepancy in again. And notice, on it went. It had...

66The real Word had been vindicated, them prophets of old had vindicated the Word of God to be the Truth as they went down. If anybody ever read the Nicaea Council, or the Pre-Nicaea Council, them fifteen days of bloody politics, when them bunch of Romans down there wanted to bring in and make a denomination out of that church. Prophets came in, wrapped in sheepskin, eating herbs, and stood for that Word! But what did it do? It had to be like Cain, it had to be like Abel, one had to die. Certainly, it did. And the Word lost Its influence amongst the people, and they all voted out the true Word and took in dogmas of discrepancy of the early Catholic church. They added a pope, they added a bishop, they added this, that, the other. They taken away the real true meaning of Peter, and of--of--of Mary, and--and all the rest of it; and made idols, and made nothing but just a pagan ceremony out of so-called Christian religion. What was it? Seed of discrepancy! And organized, organized, for the first time on earth, a church. What was it? That seed of discrepancy which started sowing, something adding to, taking away.

67 Who ever heard, in the Bible, not eating meat on Friday? Who ever heard, in the Bible, of anything of sprinkling instead of baptizing, immersing? Who ever heard of those things, a "Hail, Mary" or something? Who ever heard of some of this rotten tommyrot of these Protestants, too? Pot can't call kettle greasy. Right! Just, guilty of the least is guilty of the whole! Who ever heard of God ever dealing in an organization? Show me one time that one ever organized and ever stayed alive. They died immediately, and never did rise again! It's time that something takes place, it's time for God to move. It killed the influence amongst the people.

68Same thing has been done today. They kill the influence, say, "Oh, that bunch of holy-rollers, there's nothing to them." And, why, it's discrepancy! Meet the Word face to face and see what It is, see if God interprets His Own Word. God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham. Amen.

69 The Word had been thoroughly vindicated by them early Christians, how God delivered them from everything, and diseases, and they had prophets, and they spoke in tongues, interpreted, and gave messages that's proved to be exactly the truth every time. But in the face of all that vindicated Word, the people voted It out, and voted a denomination. That's the mother of all organizations.

70Both are fully matured now. They started seeding again. It died out, but it bloomed again in the days of Luther, as we know from the former message here on the morning of the breakfast. It bloomed out in the day of Luther. Now what did they do? Immediately after that great man died, they made an organization.

71It bloomed out. And again in the days of John Wesley, when them Anglicans, with all their eternal securities and everything had bound it up into a place to what's almost universalism, and what happened? God raised up a man named John Wesley, and slayed the whole thing. And as soon as he died, him and Asbury and them, what happened? They organized, and now you got all kinds of Methodists. Then along come one or the other, Alexander Campbell, John Smith, and whatmore.

72 Finally, out broke the Pentecost, coming out of all of it. What happened then? They did run well, what did hinder you? You went right back in the same mud you come out of, right back in the same slop, went back to discrepancy and to make organizations, you had to compromise on the Word. And every time God would send something new, you couldn't receive it. That's right! Discrepancy again! And, notice, as I said the other day, that first little husk that come forth from this root, comes up into the leaves and up into the tassel, then back into the stalk again, and comes out. That little husk of wheat almost looks like the grain itself, and we thought it was, but when you open it up, there's no grain there at all. It's only a supporter for the grain to grow by, and it dies also, and the life goes right out of it and goes into the grain. Notice, so they call the churches that sowed...

73 We find out today that our so-called churches, even to our Pentecostals, we went out, we couldn't be satisfied, we had to make groups of our own. Everything come up, we had to have this, we had to have this, we had to have another group. And this fellow raised up, said, "He's coming on a white cloud." Another one say, "Uh-huh, He's coming on a white horse." "All right, we'll make two groups." See, what is it? Sowing of discrepancy! When He comes, whatever it is, He'll interpret His Own Word when He comes. Let's wait till that time. Catch the... Talking about that, you don't even get the Message of the day. Always pointing to what God's going to do, or what He has done, and ignoring what He's doing. That's the way we get discrepancies in it.

74 Now we notice that today our churches, all--all of our churches has sowed to the winds, and are reaping the whirlwind. We don't have the prayer meetings, we don't have the services we used to have. What's the matter? We've let down the bars on everything. Look, even to our Pentecostal churches, setting full of bobbed-haired women. That used to not be permitted. Painted faces, wearing fingernail polishes, all kinds of stuff; get a man out here with... like Rickies and so forth; married three or four times, and deacons; oh, what a discrepancy! It's filth! How do they do it? God wouldn't have it in His Church, they have to go to an organization to get into it. Somebody afraid to say something about it, 'cause they'd be kicked out of the organization. God, give us men who's not connected with nothing but God and His Word, that'll tell the Truth about it. That's exactly what we need. What have we done? Sowed discrepancy. We've sowed to the winds, and now we're reaping the whirlwind.

75 Notice that they're now being gathered together for the burning. Did you notice, Jesus said, "First, gather them together, bundle them, and then put all the bundles in one pile, and I'll burn them." There's a little bundle called Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, they're all gathering together in the World Council of Churches. What is it? "Gather them first!" Hallelujah! Did you notice, He gathers the tares first, gets them away from the wheat, separates them, "Gather them together and burn them." They're all to be burned with the judgments of God, for sowing discrepancy among the people, things that they... Having a form of godliness, and denying the Power thereof, denying the Word, just to hold up some religious rites, of some dogma that somebody's injected in, trying to put in the Word of God. It won't work. It's a discrepancy.

76 I scream today, as it was, the great prophet of long ago, Amos, when he come down into that city, said, "I'm not a prophet, nor a son of a prophet. But if the lion roars, who can but fear!" He said, "When God speaks, who can but prophecy." He predicted judgment upon that generation, said, "The very God that you claim to serve will destroy you."

77You put this, it's on tape, and you remember. The very God that... These people now that's gathering all this great big harvest of--of World Council of Churches, and you're going to have to go into it. You can't stay out of it. You're either going to be individually get out of it, or you're going into it. There ain't going to be no middle grounds. It'll be the mark of the beast. No man could buy or sell, except he that has the mark, or has got the discrepancy. Now, stay out of it! Get out of it! Flee it! Stay away from it! The God that they claim they're serving will destroy them. The great God of love who won't...

Said, "Well, Jesus prayed that we should all be one."

78 Then He also said, "How can you walk together, two walk together, 'less they be agreed?" He said "one," like He and the Father are One. And the Father was the Word, and He was the Word made manifest. He was "One" with the Father, because He was the manifestation of God's promised Word. And so is it today, or any other day. Yes, sir. The God is One. He wants us to be one.

79How can this be one, this one denying the virgin birth, and this don't, deny Divine healing, and this, that, all of them in a mess like that? Some of them even don't even believe in God, believe He was the Son of God; believe He was the son of Joseph, called the Son of God. Certainly. The twin brother to the Lutherans, Zwinglies, believe that, that He was absolutely just a good man. The Christian Science said He was a prophet, just an ordinary man, He wasn't Divine. Why, if He wasn't Divine, He's the greatest deceiver the world ever had. He was God or He was nothing. He was Divine! He was Deity, Himself, made flesh among us, in the person of the Son of God. Certainly, that's what He was.

80 Now we see the discrepancy has come in. We know that it's here, nobody can deny it. Oh, my! Just notice. He will destroy that group that claim they're serving God. You watch it.

81God planted His Seed. I'm closing, 'cause it's time to start the prayer line. God planted His Seed, and His Seed is Christ. I'm going to preach on that in a few night, where God decided to put His Name, the Lord willing, maybe at one of the breakfasts when I have a little more time. Look, He is the only Way of escape. He is the only true Potentate. He's the only true God, none other besides Him. "I am God, and God alone," He said. Jesus said, "This is the commandment: Hear ye, O Israel, I am the Lord your God, just one God. I am He. Why do you look for another? Another will come... I come in My Father's Name, and you receive Me not. But another will come in his own name, and him you will receive." And they did it at Nicaea.

"Are you a Christian?"

"I'm Baptist."

"Are you a Christian?"

"I'm Pentecost."

"Are you a Christian?"

"I'm Methodist," another name.

82 But when it comes to that Name of "Jesus Christ," they walk just as far from It as they can, they don't want nothing to do with It, for He is the Word and the Word declares Itself. Notice, the only Way of escape! He is the Rose of Sharon, the Bible said He was. Every title (in the Bible) of God belongs to Jesus Christ. He was Alpha, Omega, the Beginning and the End; He that Was, which Is, and Shall Come; the Root and Offspring of David, both Root and Offspring of David; the Morning Star, the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, the Alpha, Omega, Father, Son, Holy Ghost, all in Jesus Christ! He was the full manifestation of Jehovah God made flesh to dwell among us. Exactly what He was.

83He was the Rose of Sharon. What did they do with the Rose of Sharon? They squeezed It out, mashed It out, to get the perfume out of It. A beautiful rose has to be squeezed down to get the perfume from the rose. That was a beautiful Life, there never was a life lived like It, but It had to be squeezed out on Calvary.

84 See, they took the--the anointing of the Rose of Sharon and put it upon Aaron, he had to be anointed with that for to go in before the Lord in the holy place, in the holy veil. He had to be anointed with the Rose of Sharon, to go in to sprinkle the mercy seat each year. And that anointing must be upon him, a sweet-smelling savour unto the Lord, packing the blood of the lamb before him, after he had also been sprinkled by the lamb. Pomegranates and bells around his garments, he had to walk a certain step, playing "holy, holy, holy unto the Lord."

85 Notice, He is that Rose of Sharon, that sweet-smelling Savour, the Anointing upon His people. You cannot come before Him with any creed, any other thing, but anointed with that Rose of Sharon, the Word. He also is the Lily of the Valley.

86Now, how do you get opium? You get opium when you take a lily and squeeze it out, you get the opium. Doctors use it in their laboratories. Take a man that's nervous and flusterated, or a woman, she feels like she's going to go crazy, she's walking the floor and screaming, she's in hysterics, a doctor will take a little of his lily opium and push it into her arm or vein somewhere, or his, and they quieten down. It's all over for a while. But just as soon as that opium dies out, here they come again, worse than they ever was.

87 But I'll tell you, friends, that's only a type of the genuine Opium from the Lily of the Valley that I know of. He is the Lily of the Valley. He was squeezed out on Calvary. He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed. In that, that squeezing out of the flowers, He was a Flower. He was the greatest Flower that ever growed, was this Lily of the Valley, and this great Rose of Sharon. Now He hangs tonight, suspended between Heavens and earth, I believe, He was that time, rather, to--to take away the sin of the world and to bring healing back to the world. And the Bible said that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

88 Friend, when God told Moses, in the wilderness, which was a--a type of Him, to lift up a brass serpent. And brass represents sin judged, the serpent represents, the brass serpent represents "sin already judged." As, brass is "Divine judgment," like the brazen altar where the sacrifices was laid. And also Elijah looked up and he said the skies was like brass, Divine judgment upon an unbelieving nation that had backslid from God. Brass represents judgment, Divine judgment. And the serpent represented sin already judged; and Jesus was that serpent made sin for us, and took the judgments of God upon Him. He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed.

89Oh, God's got His cabinet full of Opium, tonight, for you. Christian friend, you are sick and suffering. Oh, you're weary, it's just too hard for you. You can't stand it much longer, you'll--you'll go wild in this modern day that we're living.

90 Did you just hear Life Line tonight, that what they said, that--that Russia says, in '55, that they'll "absolutely take full control of the whole world"? Before that can happen, the Rapture has to come. So how close is it, friend? It's right here close now at hand.

91Won't you seek Him tonight with all your heart? He is the Lily of the Valley, and He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's here tonight to lift Himself up among His people, just like Moses lifted up the--the sin sign, judged. And not only sin, but sickness. Remember, Jesus said, "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent, so must the Son of man be lifted up." What did Moses lift it up for? For sin, unbelief, and for sickness. Jesus was lifted up, also, for sin, sickness, and unbelief. He was the same thing.

92 Now, tonight, in the days when we got this great discrepancy, Jesus Christ promised in Luke, that in the days of the... before the Coming of the Lord, would be like it was in the days of Sodom, and when the Son of man would reveal Himself, like the Son of man revealed Himself to Abraham down there; Elohim, God, made flesh among people, and dwelt there with Abraham and showed him, told him what Sarah was thinking of (setting behind Him) in the tent, that He had never seen. Told her what she... And called her name, "Sarah." "Abraham," not his--not his name Abram, he started out with, but Abraham. Not Sarai, S-a-r-a-i; but S-a-r-a-h, "Where is thy wife, Sarah?"

Said, "She's in the tent behind You."

93Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time of life." And she laughed. He said, "Why did she laugh?"

94Now, Jesus said, "Just before this great discrepancy is gathered and burned, that the Son of man will reveal Himself in the same manner as He did then." And that's... What is it? It's a lifting up, afresh, before you, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe it? Let us bow our heads then for prayer.

95 Dear God, we love You. Your Word is so--so Food-full with us, Lord. We just love It! We live by It, Lord. It seems that our capacity is never sufficient. We just love to set at Your table, around Your Word, and enjoy the blessings, Lord, when we come together like this, brothers and sisters who's been Blood-bought by the Son of God, who is the purchase of Your Blood. And we come here tonight, Lord, we've dedicated these nights for praying for the sick. And according to the Scriptures, You said that "by the stripes we were healed." It isn't necessary to pray then (only confess our sins), for by Your stripes we were (past tense) healed. Oh, what a day of salvation! What a--what a promise by Emmanuel! That It's certainly Truth.

96You said, "A little while, and the world won't see Me no more, yet you'll see Me, for I" (the personal pronoun of "I") "I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." And at the end of the time, this great consummation, You said, just before it happens, it'll be just like before the fire fell in Sodom and burnt up the Gentile world, that there would come a revelation again of the Son of man just like it was at Sodom. Father, may the people not miss it.

97 And I pray, God, as a crude little thing, (if I said wrong, forgive me), pulling into a gear. I love them, Lord. I--I pray that they won't miss it. Let this be one of the great nights, Lord. May every sick, afflicted, blind, whatever it is in here, Lord, be healed tonight. May every sinner be saved. Right in their hearts now, if they're an unbeliever, and may they accept Christ at this moment. Grant it, Father. It's all in Your hands. We commit ourselves to You, to see You come among us.

98And You said, in Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also." How we know that You made Yourself known to the people, for You was that Prophet that Moses said that would raise up. They hadn't had prophets for hundreds of years, discrepancy was on every hand, but yet the Word of God had to be fulfilled; so the Word become flesh, and so did the discrepancy. And, Father, we see it again today, the discrepancy becoming one great big bundle; and we see the Word coming the same way. Bless us tonight, Father. We commit ourselves to You, with Your Word. Whatever You have need for us to do, do with us, Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

99 [A sister speaks in another tongue.] We don't know what He said. He may be wanting to tell us something, so just be real reverent just a moment. [ A brother gives an interpretation--Ed.]

100Amen. Did you ever read [] Scripture where the enemy was coming, and they were all gathered together, and they... the enemy was such a great force. And the Spirit of God fell upon a man, and told him, and he prophesied, and said where to go and lay in wait, and they destroyed their enemy. There it comes again. There's the place to destroy your enemy, see, take the hand of God. The hand of God is Christ, of course, the Word, so take That in your hearts tonight while we call the prayer line.

101 I believe Billy give out prayer cards again today. B, B's, let's take B, eighty-five. Last night, we had fifteen last night. We usually try to get about fifteen a night. And then hold your cards, we'll get them, now. Let's try about fifteen. Eighty-five. B, like Branham, you know. B, eighty-five to a hundred. And we... Let's see, who has B, eighty-five, raise up your hand. You're sure... Oh, in the back, all right, eighty-five come up.

102Now, my son... So that there might be strangers here, wouldn't know how this was done. My son comes down here, or someone; if he isn't able to come, Brother Borders, somebody else. Some man will come down, and take these cards, a hundred of them, and standing before the people and mix them up together. So therefore he gives you a card, he can't tell you you're going to be up here on the platform, he don't know that. And neither do I know. I come at night, just pull out about ten or fifteen, somewhere along, in the cards. That doesn't have one thing to do with your healing. You can sit right there. Look, last night. How many was here last night, let's see your hand? How the people was just healed all out through the meeting!

103 Now, that was eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven, eighty-eight, eighty-nine, ninety. Let's have them come right now. B, eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven, eighty-eight, eighty-nine, ninety. That'd been one... Surely, we need... And if somebody's... Here's another one, yes, that'd make it right. Ninety, ninety to a hundred now. Ninety, ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, -nine.

104If you can't move, if you're... I see we got a couple, three wheelchairs here now, four of them, I believe, I can see. If you got a prayer card, that's--that's your number's called, and can't move, just raise your hand, we'll wheel it up here.

105 And if you haven't got no prayer card, just set there and pray, and say, "Lord Jesus, let--let--let it be me tonight." How many in here doesn't have a prayer card, raise up your hand. Oh, my! All right, now let's just say this, I hope it don't sound sacrilegious. But there's a little woman one time that didn't have a prayer card, we'd say. She went pressing through the crowd, she said (now listen close), "If I can touch that Man's garments, I'll be made well." How many knows the story? All right. And what did she do? She touched Him, and went over and sat down. And Jesus turned around, He knew where she was at. Is that right? He knew what her trouble was. Is that right? He knew what her trouble was, so He told her what her trouble was. And she felt in her body that the blood issue had stopped. Is that right? Because why? She had touched Him.

106 Now, how many Christians here tonight that know, according to Hebrews, the Book of Hebrews, that Jesus right now is a High Priest, the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity? Is He? All right, if He is the same High Priest, the same office, High Priest, how would He act then? He would act just the same as He did then. Do you believe that? He would act just the same as He did then, if you can believe that. All right. How many believe that, raise up your hand, say, "I actually believe it"?

107All right, before they form the prayer line, let's have a prayer line out there. I know He's here. I--I--I feel His Presence, and I--I know that He's here. Come. Prayer line ready? I was going to call out there. You just--just pray, just look this way and pray, just believe.

108 A little lady sitting here looking right at me, sitting next to a lady that's got glasses on. Can't you see That hanging over that woman? Look here. See? She's suffering with heart trouble. You believe that God will heal you? If you do, raise up your hand. That's what your trouble was. That's right. Now if that was your trouble, raise up your hand so the people can see, raise up your hand like that. Now, you don't have it no more now. Your faith made you well.

109He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh, there is a discrepancy; but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is this... Now just keep praying, see, you don't have to be up here, that you might know.

110 Now, this is a lady. As far as I know, I never seen her in my life, she's just a woman standing here, and got a prayer card, and didn't know whether you was going to be called or not. Somebody just give you a prayer card, and you--your number's called, so you just come up here. Is that right? And I have no way of knowing what you are, who you are, where you come from, what you want, nothing about it. I'm just a man, you're the woman. That's right. This same picture come one time in the Bible, Saint John, the 4th chapter.

111Now you say, "What did you do, Brother Branham, just then, a while ago?" Just pulled over in that little gear, see. I don't know, see. He has to do it. I don't know. How did that woman out there? I never seen that woman in my life. She's a total stranger to me. I believe it was a woman. Who is the person that was healed just now out there in the audience? Will you... Yeah. We're strangers to one another. If that's right, wave your hand like this. See? I never seen the woman. But she was sitting there, believing. Now, she touched Something, didn't she? It wouldn't do no good to touch me.

112 But now can't you see that the Bible is exactly the Word of God? He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. We become tabernacles of that Holy Spirit which is Christ. See? That's the real Seed. Then if that real Holy Spirit gets into the real Seed of the Word, not... It just won't take part of It (because, the Devil uses That), you've got to take It all, see, every Word of It; 'cause, He's not half God, He's all God. See? And that's what takes place.

113Now, here's a woman, I've never seen her. Jesus found a woman like this one time, maybe not the same condition, I don't know. And He was sitting at a well. He--He had need to go down to Samaria. And we find out, Samaria was under the hill. And--and He was going to Jericho, rather, and He went around by Samaria, and come to a city of Sychar. And He sat down on the well, and sent His disciples away for food.

114 How many races of people are there in the world? Three. Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people. We all come from Noah. And the rest of the world was destroyed at that time. Only three races of people, that Jew, Gentile, and Samaritan (which was half Jew and Gentile). And that's all the races that's in the world, see, just three.

115Everything in God is perfect in three. Just like these three I was talking of tonight: three stages of discrepancy, three stages the Word made flesh, so forth. See?

116Now, and He--He that talked to the Jews, told Philip, when he brought Nathanael up, that where he was, and said, "I seen him when he was under the tree." He told... Andrew had brought Peter up, He said, "Your name is Simon, and you shall be called 'Peter' from now on." Said, "You're the son of Jonas." See? Now, them was all Jews.

117But here He goes to a Gentile... not a Gentile, but a Samaritan.

118Now is the Gentile's time. He never performed that one time to Gentiles. Search the Scriptures. Never. But He promised, in Luke 22, that He would do it just before the Coming.

119But He sat down there, and here come a half Jew and Gentile out, a woman. And He said to her, "Woman, bring Me a drink."

120She said, "Why, you shouldn't ask that, so much. We are... There's a segregation here. You're a Jew, and--and I'm a Samaritan."

121He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink." What was He doing? Contacting her spirit. And as soon as He found what her trouble was, well, He told her to go get her husband. She said she didn't have any. He said, "That's right, you've had five."

122 Now, look, when the Pharisees seen Him do that. Right, that discrepancy right amongst the Word, what did they say? They said, "This Man is Beelzebub, a fortune-teller." See?

123And Jesus said, "Whoever spoke that on the Holy Ghost when It come to do the same, would never be forgiven." There's your discrepancy. See? But He said He would forgive them then, because the Holy Spirit hadn't come; the Sacrifice, the Lamb hadn't died.

124But then the woman didn't think that. The woman said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." They hadn't had a prophet for hundreds of years. Said, "I perceive You're a prophet. Now, we know that Messiah, which is called the Christ, when He comes, that's what He's going to do."

125Well, if that's what He did, then He's the same yesterday, today. That's how He made Hisself known then, isn't it the same thing today? Has to be! Now, here is a woman and a man meets again. She's not that woman, I'm not that Man. But yet the same Holy Spirit is here, and made the promise that the works that He did, we'd do the same thing in the days that Son of man would be revealed.

126 Now, not knowing you (and you know that's true), we're total strangers, and you are standing here. There's some... May be something wrong with you, maybe there's not, I don't know. But if the Lord Jesus will reveal to me, by His Holy Spirit, what is your trouble, will you believe then that It is the Son of God, and not a human being? This is just a hull, this tabernacle that--that God uses, any who He has chosen. He--He does that by sovereign grace and election. So, but you believe. You will? [The woman says, "Amen"--Ed.]

127How many in the audience will believe it? Here we both stand right here before the Light, that we've never met in this life, have no more idea who that woman is, what she is, where she come from, what she wants. I've never seen her in my life, no more than I ever seen that woman down there in my life. But, see, here's what I'm trying to get you to do: get that discrepancy away from you now, and believe the Word when the Word is made flesh right here among us. The Word becomes alive in our own flesh, that shows the Presence of God.

128 Now may He grant it to her. She's wanting a worthy cause. She's childless, she wants a baby. She's about forty years old. That's certainly not impossible.

129They're setting right out there now, women who were barren all their life, and come to the platform like this, and the Lord give them children. Some of you raise your hand out there that know. See? See? I picked up a little darling girl the other day, Sunday, after I left here, Sunday afternoon; that her mother was barren, the Lord spoke. And the little girl, the sweetest little thing, is she here? Where she at? Yeah. Here she is, right here, setting right down here. The mother setting there. Here's the little girl, herself. See her? She was a spoken Word from God.

130Now, will you believe Him with all your heart? Do you believe that that blessing that you have, that you feel in you now, has been God answering? If God would tell me what your name is, so you could name the baby, would you believe? Then, Mrs. Thompson, you can go home and have your baby, if you'll believe it with all heart.

131 Do you believe with all your heart? Just have faith, don't doubt, just believe God. God is God.

132How do you do, sir? I suppose we're strangers, too. The only time I ever seen you in my life, as I know of, is when you was coming there. And I thought you were Brother Shakarian's uncle, or who it... Mashagian, Brother Mashagian, the singer, when you come by. And then I seen you was going to the prayer line. Now, being a stranger with you, and, or to you, and I a stranger, each way. Now, if the Lord Jesus will tell me something that you--that you're, maybe what you're wanting, let's just say that; tell you what, tell me what you're wanting. Now, He's already give it to you. Only thing is just enough faith to believe it.

133Now, how many understands that? Just enough faith to believe that you get what you ask for! See?

134 Now, now, if you're up here wanting something, and He can tell me what your desire is, then you know I don't know your desire, then it has to be Something here that's doing it. Now, according to the Word, He promised to do that. He knowed the thoughts within their hearts. Is that right? All right.

135You have a great desire to be healed. One thing, you're suffering with a nervous condition, real nervous. That's right. Another thing, you got a back trouble, and that back has been very bad for some time, you've even had an operation on it. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's true. See. That's right. And here's another thing, your deep desire, is, you want to receive the baptism of the Spirit. That exactly right. Come here.

136Dear God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may this man be filled with the Holy Ghost, before he leaves these grounds, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Now receive It, my brother. Just have faith, don't doubt.

137 How do you do? I suppose, as far as I know, that we're strangers one to the other. If that's right, why, so that people will know, just raise up your hand so they see that we're strangers. I never seen her in my life, knowingly. And I guess she never seen me, 'less it was out in the audience. Because the Heavenly Father knows, and here's His Word laying here, that I have never seen the woman, knowingly, in my life. Therefore, I wouldn't know what you're here for, have no idea who you are, what, or nothing about you. I couldn't tell you one thing.

138Only thing, it's just a gift. If I can... As you heard me explain that a while ago. Just move over, hear what He says; what I see, I can say it. What He doesn't say, I cannot say. I'd say that in myself, and it'd be wrong. See? It'd be wrong. But if He says it, it's absolutely right. It can never, it never has been wrong. It never will be wrong as long it remain God. See? See, because God cannot be wrong.

139 But if God can tell me what you want, what your desire is, or--or what you're here for, something you've done, or something, something like that, or who you are, where you come from, or whatever He wants to tell me, you'd believe? Thank you.

140One thing, you have trouble with your feet. Your feet bothers you. [The woman says, "Yes"--Ed.] That's right. Raise your... You have a lady's trouble, female disorder. ["Yes."] And you've got a great desire in your heart, because you've just lost somebody or something. It's a boy, and your boy has left home, run away, and you want me to pray that he'll return back. ["Yes."]

141God in Heaven, send her child to her, and healing. Let the Holy Spirit stop that young man on the road tonight, send him back to his mother. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

142He Who knows will send him back to you. Don't worry. Believe now, don't doubt. Just have faith, all your heart. You believe, and God will grant the rest of it.

143 Now, just those three or four discernings, whatever it was, see, I--I just went till it gets blind to me. I can't explain that, there's no way to explain it. You say, "You mean, just that was worse than you preached there for forty-five minutes or more, you think?" Yes, sir. If it was three hours, it wouldn't be that much.

144A woman touched the garment of our Lord Jesus. And them people are not touching me. Why, this woman here, just look here, she could... [Brother Branham tells the woman, "Put your hands on me, see."--Ed.] She just touched me all around, wouldn't do a thing, I'm just a man. But she has to touch Him. And I, by a gift, just--just... it just go, all my self goes away, and I just say what I see. See? And that's all. See, touching me doesn't mean a thing, but she touches Jesus through me. That's how that woman touched God through Jesus, when He didn't know what was the matter with her. She just touched His garment, went and sat down. And He said--and He said, "Who touched Me?"

145And the apostles said, "Why, everyone is touching You. Why do You say that?"

He said, "But I perceive that virtue has gone from Me."

146Now, you know what virtue is? Strength. He got weak on one woman touching Him, and He was the Son of God. What about me, a sinner saved by His grace. You know why it's more? Because He said, "These things that I do, shall you do also. More than this shall you do, for I go unto My Father." "Greater," It said there, but the right Greek interpretation is, "More than this shall you do."

147 Now, the lady I know not. I have known nothing about her. She's just as total stranger to me as the other people were. We're strangers to one another. Just so that the people know it, you might raise your hand, say "we are stranger." Now, the Son of God, if He one time met a woman in a little panoramic like this, by a well, and He talked to her just a moment, and He knowed where her trouble was, and He told her what her trouble was. And so she knew by that, that that was the Messiah. Now that--that I've... You've touched me, I've touched you, and nothing happened. But if my faith (by a gift) and your faith (by believing in it) can touch Him, and He can speak through us to... through me to you, then you know that He's here like He was at that--that well at Sychar. See? He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. You believe that?

148You have so many troubles, so many afflictions, complications! One of the main things that you want to be prayed for is arthritis. That's right. That right? You're stiffening up by arthritis. When you see you raise your arm...

149 And you did walk out kind of slow, the best of my remembrance. Maybe just wait just a minute, maybe something else can be said that'll take the... Or, you know, you feel things; people, you know, like a breath coming against It. They say, "Why, he guessed that," or, you know, like that.

150But, you seem to be a fine person, just talk to me just a moment. Let's stand here just a bit, because I do think there's something else that's in your heart that you're wanting from God. Now, I could not answer your prayer, but He can re-... Because, if you believe it, it's already answered. But if you just want to believe; to make you believe. Now, I tell you, it's concerning a loved one that's not here, and that is a brother, and that brother is not even in this country. He's in kind of a wet country, a lot of lakes. I'd say like something like in Michigan or some... Yeah, Michigan is where it's at. And he is suffering with a deadly killer, and that is an uncurable kidney trouble that he's bothered with it. That is right, isn't it? That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, the handkerchief that you got in your hand, that you raised to God, send that to your brother and tell him not to doubt, but to believe, and that'll, he'll be healed now if you'll believe it.

151 You believe with all your heart? See, then, if you believe, there's only one thing to do, that's, absolutely accept it. Is that right?

152Now you say, "He's looking at that, them people. That's what he's doing, looking at them." You see that so much!

153But that you might not know this... This lady here, come up this a-way, lady, here, the patient, ever who you are. I'm not looking at her. Do you believe that God can reveal to me what's your trouble? Raise your hands, if you do, this lady here, this lady here, the patient. Yeah. Yeah. All right, then if you'll believe that with all your heart, that asthmatic trouble won't bother you anymore. All right, go home and believe it!...?...

154 Didn't look at her, did It? See, He... You look this way, the vision is there no matter what takes place. Amen! Can't you see it? Just perfectly as God can be perfect!

155You believe, too? Asthma can leave you, too, couldn't it? You believe it would? All right, go tell the Lord Jesus that you--you believe Him.

156Someday you'd have to pack a--a little cane around if that arthritis cripples you up, but it ain't going to do it. You ain't, you don't believe it is, do you? You believe you're going to be all right? Go on your road, and Jesus Christ makes you well.

157Heart trouble kills people, but it don't have to kill you. You believe that God will heal it for you, and make you well? Go believing it with all your heart, say, "I truly believe for it."

158 You speak English? You understand English? [Brother Branham asks for an interpreter--Ed.] (Somebody come.) Yeah, all right. Will you speak to her what I tell her? Tell her if she'll believe, the stomach trouble will leave her. She--she will believe it? Your back trouble will leave you, too, so now you can go on your road and be healed.

How do you do? You believe? [She says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.]

159That man setting there with back trouble, looking at me when I said that. He can be healed, too, if you believe it, sir. All right, sir.

160The lady setting right next to you there, you got neck trouble, haven't you, lady? You believe that God will heal you? You want to lay hands on the little boy for his knees, and he'll get well, too. Do you believe it? You had female trouble, lady's trouble, you don't have it now. Your faith healed you and made you whole.

161 Do you believe Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever? Then let's put our hands on one another and pray this prayer of faith, each one of us, pray the prayer of faith.

162Dear God, while we're so covered in Your Divine Presence, to see You moving out through the audience, healing the sick everywhere. Thou art God. I pray that You'll heal this entire audience. Let the Breath of God fall fresh into their hearts, and let them know that time is running out. We're just a little while longer to be here, then we're going to be with Him Who we love. And may now His Presence bring healing to everyone.

163We condemn Satan, we condemn all of his acts. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Satan, come from the people.

164All that will believe Him now, and accept your healing, stand up on your feet, say, "I now stand up to accept my healing. I believe it." Regardless of your condition, if you really believe it, stand up to your feet. Now raise up your hands, and say, "Thank you, Lord Jesus, for healing me." God be with you.