Aj keď všetci ľudia súhlasili a kňazi a ten kráľ bol v poriadku, “Oni potrebovali truhlu naspäť do mesta. Potrebovali prítomnosť Božiu. Potrebovali prebudenie.” Ale Boh nezasľúbil, že zjaví svoje Slovo v tom čase ľuďom. On nezasľúbil, že ho zjaví kráľovi, v tom čase. Boh sa nemení ani trochu. On nezasľúbil, že to urobí.
Bez ohľadu akí ste úprimní a aké dobré máte motívy, a aké dobré sú vaše ciele, a ako ľudia chcú tieto veci a vidia, že to potrebujú, ide o vôľu Božiu, ktorá má byť zrealizovaná v týchto veciach.
Bez ohľadu na to, ako je to potrebné, ako veľmi každý súhlasí, že je to potrebné, ako veľmi je to pravda, ešte je jedna vec, ktorú treba zistiť. Či je to vôľa Božia?
1Zostaňme teraz chvíľu stáť, kým sa pomodlíme. Skloňme svoje hlavy.
Pane, sme šťastní dnes ráno, že sme znovu v dome Božom, na ďalšom zhromaždení. A modlíme sa, Bože, aby si nás napravil dnes ráno zo všetkých našich chýb. Ukáž nám cesty, ktoré si určil, aby sme po nich chodiť. A daj nám tvoju milosť a lásku aby sme mohli nasledovať tie cesty a inštrukcie s celým svojím srdcom, aby sme mohli byť nájdení, ten deň, v Kristovi, bezúhonní, lebo veríme, Pane, že On sa zanedlho zjavi.
2Vidíme všetky znamenia, o ktorých povedal, že sa stanú tesne pred Jeho príchodom, a teraz sa vyplnili. A s radosťou očakávame na ten moment. Ako voľakedy Abrahám očakával na zasľúbeného syna a keď videl tie posledné znaky Božie, ako prišiel dole na zem, potom vedel, že to už nebude dlho, kým ten syn príde. A my teraz vidíme, že sa to znovu opakuje. Ježiš nám povedal, že “Keď sa tieto veci budú diať,” aby sme zodvihli naše hlavy, že naše vykúpenie sa priblížilo, “zmätenosť času, tieseň medzi národmi, zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, hučanie mora, ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu.”
3Uvedomujeme si, že sme v tej hodine, keď národy nevedia čo robiť. Ďalšia vojna nadchádza, tak to vyzerá. Čo za strašná vec by to bola! Zem sa trhá, vedci hovoria, že niečo strašné je na blízku. Vidíme, že Biblia o tom hovorí. Potom, Pane, pomôž nám dnes aby sme stáli v tomto dome naprávania a prijali rozkazy od nášho Boha, aby sme išli dopredu v tejto temnej hodine, aby sme svietili Svetlom, lebo to môže byť naša posledná príležitosť robiť to. Lebo prosíme o to v Ježišovom mene a pre Neho. Amen. Sadnite si.
4Skutočne toto pokladám za veľké privilégium, že som tu dnes ráno v modlitebni. Prepáčte, že nemáme pre vás dosť miesta na sedenie. A je to tu preplnené a stojíte všade vonku.
Vy, ktorí ste vonku, počujete ma cez rádio. Zabudol som ... [Niekto hovorí, „55-57"] 55-57. Vy, ktorí ste vonku na parkoviskách a na uliciach môžete toto počúvať cez rádio, medzi 55 a 57 na stupnici vášho rádia.
5Snažili sme sa ... lepšie povedané, keď som sem išiel, usiloval som o to, aby som mal okolo desať dňové zhromaždenia a hovoril na tému siedmich posledných čiaš. Lebo, medzi tými čašami sú tie trúby. A hovoril som vám v ... keď som išiel kázať o tých siedmich trúbach, že ich prinesiem s tými čašami a pliagami. A myslel som, že by to bol dobrý čas. Práve som sa vrátil z Afriky a deti nemali prázdniny.
Môj malý chlapec, Jozef, mal tak trochu ... potreboval sa poučiť niekoľko týždňov čítanie. Zložil to, v poriadku, ale nedosiahol potrebný priemer. Tak bol v Tucsone, kým som bol v Afrike, a pokračoval v čítaní a spravil to, strávil nejaký deň v škole.
A potom sme išli sem. A myslel som si, že kým deti budú mať prázdniny, že by som tu mal malé zhromaždenie s ľuďmi a kázal na tieto témy. Ale keď sme sem prišli, zistili sme, že nemôžeme prenajať to školské auditórium.
6A vedel som, že modlitebňa nie je dostatočná, aby sme usadili ľudí, aby sa cítili pohodlne, tak ako by sa mali, keď budú ... keď budem kázať toto posolstvo, a tak sme to museli zariadiť inak. A namiesto desiatich večerov, ako sme plánovali, že to budeme mať, no, urobil som len dve zhromaždenia v nedeľu; Túto nedeľu, ďalšiu nedeľu a tú ďalšiu nedeľu, po dve zhromaždenia. A neoznamovali sme to.
A potom, ak niekto, kto nejako počul, že zhromaždenia začnú 28. v školskom auditóriu, ak Pán dá, dobre, ak máte nejakých priateľov a urobili ste si rezerváciu v moteloch, ja by som to zrušil, viete, pretože to nemôžeme dostať. Nemôžu vybaviť to školské auditórium.
7A teraz chcem hovoriť, v nedeľu ráno budeme mať len evanjelizačné zhromaždenia a v nedeľu večer chcem mať modlitby za chorých. A veríme, že Boh sa stretne s vami, ktorí ste chorí. Neviem ako sa Billy o vás postará; myslím, že rozdá modlitebné karty alebo akokoľvek, nejako bude riadiť zhromaždenie. Ale budeme robiť všetko čo môžeme, aby sme sa pomodlili za každého v týchto ďalších troch týždňoch, v ktorých chceme mať zhromaždenia, ak bude vôľa Pánova.
8A potom veľakrát máme osobné rozhovory, niekto chce proste prísť za vami na chvíľu s niečím alebo niečo také. A budeme ... Koľkí tu chcete prísť na osobný rozhovor. Nech vidím vaše ruky. Ó“ Kto nechce? Tak potom sme ...
9To bude trochu ťažko, tak napíšte svoju žiadosť a pošlite ich, dajte ich Billymu a ja si ich odtiaľ vezmem. A teraz, myslím, že oznámi kedy bude rozdávať modlitebné karty.
10Koľkí z našich bratov kazateľov sú tu dnes ráno? Nemali sme možnosť, nemyslím ... Poznáte niektorého z nich? Koľko kazateľov je tu dnes ráno, zodvihli by ste ruky? Alebo povstaňte. Nech vidíme koľko kazateľov je na zhromaždení dnes ráno. Dobre, v poriadku! Vďaka Pánovi za týchto mužov. Prajem si, aby sme mali čas poznať každého z nich, ale som si istý, že ich vidíte. A my ... Boh ich pozná v ich službe, a modlíme sa, aby ich Boh bohato žehnal. A určite mnohí z nich zavreli svoje zhromaždenia, aby tu mohli byť. Brat Junior Jackson a hádam brat Don Ruddell, do ich zborov ide toto vysielanie. A potom tiež do New Yorku a na iné miesta po celom národe, toto ide skrze súkromný telefón do každého zboru dnes ráno.
11Som rád, že tu vidím sedieť brata Richarda Blaira. Práve som čítal list o veľkej veci, ktorú Boh vykonal tam medzi tými ľuďmi. Jedného dňa, ak som to dobre porozumel ... Ak to zle poviem, brat Blair; Ak sa pomýlim, oprav ma. On pracoval, pomáhal niekomu zapojiť elektrinu v karavane alebo v niečom takom, myslím, že tak to bolo. Čítal som ten list. A niečo prehodili a nejako to pustilo prúd do vody, kde bol malý chlapec, jeden ... komu patril ten trailer, jeho malý chlapec, ešte len chlapec, a to ho zabilo. Spuchol mu žalúdok. Vieme, keď je niekto zasiahnutý elektrinou a zomrie to je to, čo sa deje. Očká mu stuhli a zuby sa mu zaťali.
12To veľmi vystrašilo tých bratov. Brat Blair povedal, že myslel, že ma niekde zoženie, aby som sa za to pomodlil, ale spomenul si, že je povedané, “Kdekoľvek sa dvaja alebo traja zídete v mojom mene, tam som ja vo vašom strede.“ A ten otec si odrel prsty, keď sa snažil chlapcovi otvoriť ústa. Kľakli si a začali sa modliť nad tým chlapcom, a on znovu ožil.
13Je to pravda, brat Blair? Jeden z našich verných bratov tu. Ó, ten chlapec je tu. Vďaka Pánovi. To je dobre. Boli by sme radi keby si vstal, chlapče. Ďakujeme za toto drahému Pánovi. To je otec toho chlapca? Ty si jeho otec? To je dobre. A tu je brat Richard Blair. Náš Boh je schopný urobiť všetko. Tak veru. On to zasľúbil. Žijeme v Božskej Prítomnosti toho veľkého, slávneho, Nebeského Otca. A všetko, čo ... je možné, ak len tomu môžeme veriť.
14Vidíte čo to robí, ako sa vyplatilo tomu veriť za ten ľudský život? Zachránilo to jeho chlapca. Boh tu mal svojich verných sluhov, ktorí ... Brata Blaira a ich, aby sa pomodlili za toho chlapca, keď bol v takom stave. Áno, keď sa čokoľvek deje, pamätajte, vy ste deti živého Boha.
“Kdekoľvek sa dvaja alebo viacerí zhromaždia v mojom mene, Ja som tam.” A znovu je napísané. “On je prítomnou pomocou v čase potreby.” A ak bola kedy aká potreba, to bol ten chlapec, ktorý tam ležal, mŕtvy, na zemi, od zásahu elektrikou, ktorá prešla cez neho. Tak ďakujeme Bohu dnes ráno, z celého srdca, za tieto veci, ktoré pre nás urobil.
15Nech Boh tiež požehná týchto verných mužov. V čase naliehavej potreby, to je čas hľadieť na Boha. A hľadieť na Neho a byť s Ním v priateľstve skôr, ako nastane taká potreba. To vieme. Ak máme priazeň u Boha, môžeme Ho prosiť o čokoľvek, ako by ste prosili ktoréhokoľvek priateľa a On je tou prítomnou pomocou v čase problému.
16Práve včera som stretol na ulici sestru brata Johna Martina. Bol som ... Niekto ma zastavil na ulici a niekto prechádzal okolo a zakýval mi. Keď prichádzate domov, viete, všade vidíte ľudí, zastavujete sa a podávate si ruky a tak ďalej. A táto dáma, pamätám sa pred nedávnom ma volali, keď niekto do nej narazil zo zadu autom a popraskala jej celá chrbtica. Mala byť ochrnutá do konca života. A dnes ráno je tu na zhromaždení a teší sa z prítomnosti Božej. Práve som sa s ňou rozprával v tej miestnosti. Chcem sa za ňu znovu pomodliť. A bola ... Je tu niekde. Hádam sa nemohla dostať naspäť dovnútra.
Ale, tu je, ozaj, sedí rovno tu pri nás. To je dobre. Postavila by si sa na chvíľu, sestra, aby ľudia mohli ... Tu je pani, o ktorej doktor povedal, pred pár dňami, že nikdy nebude chodiť, mala popraskanú chrbticu a všetko možné z toho nárazu. A tu stojí, zdravá.
Viete, Biblia povedala. „A oni nemohli nič proti tomu povedať, pretože ten muž tam stál v ich strede.“ Je to tak. Tu je malý chlapec prinesený naspäť z mŕtvych a tu je žena s popraskanou chrbticou, stojí tu medzi nami. To sa práve stalo, tak On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Nech je požehnané meno Pánove! Aký šťastní máme byť, že žijeme teraz v Jeho Prítomnosti a vieme, že On je touto práve prítomnou pomocou v čase potreby.
Som rád, že vidím brata Vayleho, brata Martina, toľkých dnes ráno. Nech vás Pán bohate žehná, bratia. No to je ...
17Viem, nie je tu príliš chladno, keď sme tu tak natlačení, ale predsa, keď som predvčerom odchádzal z Tucsonu bolo okolo 41 alebo 42 stupňov. A okolo polnoci bolo 30, a tak toto sa mi zdá celkom dobre. A hovorili že v Parker bolo 60, v piatok pred naším odchodom. A môžete si predstaviť, ako je to horúco. Samozrejme, to je na púšti.
18A teraz, tieto ďalšie tri nedele. Dnes, pätnásteho, myslím, je to dobre alebo šestnásteho; Pätnásteho, či nie? Osemnásteho a dvadsiateho ôsmeho a prvého augusta (dobre to hovorím?) Dvadsiateho-piateho ... Osemnásteho, dvadsiateho-piateho a prvého budú zhromaždenia tu v modlitebni. Viete, príliš veľa je vonku, pretože vidíte, nemôžeme ich popratať do vnútra, čo je tu teraz, vo vnútri, viete a je to horšie. Príďte ak môžete.
19A potom som tu, aby som zhromaždil členov dozornej rady. Začínam byť tak trochu otrávený zo všetkého tohoto odmietania ohľadne miesta na zhromaždenia, keď sa cítim byť vedený do toho. Tak myslím, že sa opýtam, či by sme si nemohli zaobstarať stan a rozložiť ho, a zostať proste tam, viete. Postavili by sme ho tu na ihrisku, alebo na nejakej farme a prenášali by sme ho z miesta na miesto, tak ako nás Pán bude viesť. A cítim, že to je to, čo On bude robiť. Viete, ohľadne toho je videnie. A myslím, možno dôvod, že toto sa deje ... No, viete veľakrát sme si mysleli, že to je strašné, pretože sa dejú určité veci, ale viete, to môže byť Boh, ktorý vás vedie do tohoto. Keď to povedal, On to vykoná.
20Pred niekoľkými dňami, asi mesiac pred tým, ako som išiel do Afriky, mnohí z vás možno máte tú pásku, vy ktorí počúvate pásky, na tému “Voľba Nevesty”, kázal som to v Kalifornii. Posledných niekoľko minút na tej páske, vôbec si nepamätám, že som tam bol. Ale Duch Pánov prišiel takým spôsobom. Odsudzoval som ich za to, ako žijú a čo robia a potom, keď evanjelium bolo kázané a vyhlásené tak mocne pred nimi a zrazu Duch Svätý prehovoril a riekol, “Kafarnaum,” viete, “ty mesto, ktoré sa nazývaš menom anjelov,” to je Los Angeles, “ktoré si sa vyvýšilo do neba, ale budeš zvrhnuté do pekla.” Vidíte? A potom keď bolo zakončené zhromaždenie, bol som vonku a brat Mosley a Billy boli so mnou. A povedali ... Išli naspäť a pozreli sa a všade na podlahe ležalo plno ľudí, kazateľov a plakali.
21A zobral som Písmo. Povedal som si, “O tom je niečo v Biblii.”
A bol to Ježiš, ktorý karhal Kafarnaum, všetky tie pobrežné mestá, ktoré navštívil. Povedal, “Kafarnaum, ktoré si sa vyvýšilo do neba, budeš zvrhnuté do pekla.” Povedal, “Lebo keby sa v Sodome a Gomore stali tie skutky, ktoré sa stali v tebe, stáli by do dnešného dňa.” A v tom čase Sodoma a Gomora boli na dne mora.
A hneď potom, možno po nejakých sto rokoch potom ako to Ježiš prorokoval, Kafarnaum, jediné pobrežné mesto, ktoré navštívil, zemetrasenie ho potopilo do mora. A viete to bola priama odpoveď pre Kaliforniu, pre Los Angeles.
22A potom v Tucsone na druhý deň, hneď keď som sa vrátil, bolo tam veľké zemetrasenie. A vedci to v televízii rozoberali. Bolo to v novinách. Že zem sa jedného dňa oddelí od Aleutských ostrovov, či od Aljašky, okolo Aleutských ostrovov, okolo dvesto míľ do mora, naspäť do San Diega, okolo Los Angeles a ku San Diegu. A je to uvolnené niekoľko cóľov. Domy sa zvalili. Zariadili Motely.
A opýtali sa tých vedcov na tom grémiu. “No, môže to jedného dňa spadnúť?”
23Povedali, “Či môže? To spadne!” A použili vedecké názvy ako láva ... To čo spôsobí tieto zemetrasenia po celej tej dĺžke, okolo San Diega a tam ďalej. To je to duté miesto. A teraz sa to všetko začína lámať, prepadáva sa ako piesok, a teraz je to len kôra. A je to uvolnené niekoľko cóľov. Mohli zobrať radar a také zariadenia a sledovať tú trhlinu a poznačiť to. Videl som kde to bolo.
A to sa odtiahlo ešte o niekoľko cóľov, možno o dva či tri cóle toho dňa, znovu, presne vtedy, keď bolo dané to proroctvo.
A tí, ktorí sa pýtali tých vedcov povedali, “No, možno sa to nestane v našom čase.”
24On povedal, “To sa môže stať za päť minút alebo za päť rokov ale to spadne.”
25Pani Simpsonová. Myslím, že nie je tu dnes s nami. Alebo je, vidím tu sedieť brata Freda ale neviem kde je Pani Simpsonová. Ona išla a doniesla proroctvo, ktoré som povedal asi v 1935 alebo niekedy v tom čase a povedal som, “Príde čas,” je to niekde zapísané v knihe, “že more si nájde cestu a presiakne na púšť.”
Pozrite čo sa stane. Ak tie tisíce štvorcových míľ spadnú do zemskej lávy, a zošmyknú sa tam, v jednej chvíli zomrie milióny ľudí. A to spôsobí takú prívalovú vlnu! Pamätajte, rovno až do jazera Salton, to je sto alebo dvesto stôp nižšie ako hladina mora. Tá voda príde pravdepodobne takmer po Tucson, s tou prívalovou vlnou, ktorá prejde cez to. „A more si preroní cestu na púšť.“
Národy sa rozlamujú, Izrael sa budí,
znaky, ktoré predpovedali naši proroci;
Dni pohanov sú zrátané strachom zaťažené;
Vráťte sa rozptýlení do svojho vlastného.
26Sme v čase konca. No, nech vás Pán bohate žehná. Začal som s týmto a zabudol som na čas. No aj tak rýchlo zmizneme, veľmi rýchlo, do Večnosti.
27A teraz v ev. Marka, siedma kapitola a siedmy verš, aby som priniesol text ku tejto téme, ktorý sme práve čítali v Prvej Knihe Kroník 13. Aby sme ku tomuto podali text, chcem čítať Marek 7:7.
Lež nadarmo ma uctievajú, učiac učenia, ktoré sú nariadeniami ľudí.
28No, ja neviem nič okrem Posolstva, ktoré mi dal Pán a to je všetko o čom môžem hovoriť. A teraz, budem hovoriť dnes ráno na tému, čo myslím, že bude dobré. A dnes večer chcem hovoriť na tému, “Jedlo na daný čas.” Ak Pán dá: Duchovný pokrm na daný čas, a ako ho získať. No, teraz ráno: Snažiť sa robiť Bohu službu, bez toho, aby to bola vôľa Božia.
29Boh je suverénny. A vidíme tu čo Dávid urobil, v Písme, ktoré sme čítali v 1. Knihe Kroník v 13. kapitole. A on bol ... Jeho úmysly boli dobré. Ale Boh nás nehodnotí na základe dobrých úmyslov. Je len jeden spôsob ako slúžiť Bohu, to je tak, že činíme Jeho vôľu a Jeho prikázanie. A Boh, pretože je suverénny, nie je nikto, kto by mu povedal čo má robiť alebo ako to má robiť. On to robí a pozná ten správny spôsob, ako to urobiť. A to mi dáva dobrý pocit. A to má nám všetkým dať dobrý pocit, a som si istý, že dáva. Lebo, niekto by mal za to, že to ide takto a niekto, že takto a iný zase inak.
30Ale znovu jedna veľká vec o Bohu, On nás teraz nenechal, aby sme nevedeli, čo je pravda a ako to urobiť. Nebol by spravodlivý, keby nás trestal za niečo čo robíme, čo sme nevedeli, ako to treba robiť a potom by nás nechal potknúť sa na niečom. On nie je taký Boh. On je Boh, ktorý hovorí Slovo a očakáva, že jeho deti budú tomu veriť. A preto, On vie čo je najlepšie a kedy to urobiť a ako to urobiť. My máme na to svoje názory, ale On vie.
31A potom, keď On pripravil nejaký systém, na to čo ide urobiť a nepovedal nám, čo sa stane a ako sa to stane, potom my, keď sa na tom potkýname, budeme ospravedlnení v našich zakopnutiach; Alebo v snahe niečo robiť, každý bude ospravedlnený. Ale je len jeden spôsob a to je Jeho Slovo.
32A ďalšia vec, Dávid tu, vidíme, že v srdci chcel urobiť niečo, čo bolo dobré. On nemal zlý motýv ani zlý cieľ. Ale, ten dom, či vlastne truhla Pánova, bola preč od ľudí a on chcel priniesť truhlu Božiu naspäť na jej miesto, aby sa ľudia mohli poradiť Boha ohľadne toho, čo chceli.
33Namiesto toho, aby to len tak nechali ... Čo keby brat Blair a otec tohoto malého chlapca povedali, “No, to je príliš zlé, dieťa utrpelo, zabilo ho to. Hádam, no proste sa to stalo.” Ale oni išli rýchle ku Bohu.
34Čo keby tá pani a jej manžel, kazateľ evanjelia, pred niekoľkými dňami, keď tá pani mala popraskanú chrbticu, že len sa postaviť ... Doktor povedal, “Bude ochrnutá celý život.” Čo keby jej manžel a ona boli povedali, “No, drahá, musíme sa s tým uspokojiť”? Ale rýchlo s tým niečo urobili; Išli ku Bohu. Na koľko vecí z Biblie by sme sa mohli odvolať, ako tí ľudia, keď sa dostali do problému, išli ku Bohu!
35No, potom v tých dňoch, oni mali len jedno miesto stretnutia, kde mohli stretnúť Boha, a to bolo pri truhle, pod krvou. To je doteraz jediné miesto stretnutia, pod Krvou. Trón milosti bol pokropený, aby dal milosť tomu ctiteľovi alebo tomu kto prosí, keď prichádza, aby poprosil Boha o niečo. A Boh mal zvláštne pravidlo, spôsob ako musíte ísť, tiež, pri tom, a neprijme nič iné. On neuzná žiadne iné opatrenie; Len tak, ako to On určil.
36Nedávno som kázal posolstvo, mnohí z vás viete o tom, že je len jedno pripravené miesto, kde Boh stretáva veriaceho, miesto, o ktorom povedal, “Položím tam svoje meno.” Ak môžeme nájsť tú cirkev, do ktorej On položil svoje meno, potom máme to miesto. On povedal, “Nebudem vás žehnať vo všetkých vašich bránach; Len v bránach, do ktorých položím moje meno. Položím ho na jedno miesto a vy sa tam musíte so mnou stretnúť; A to je jediné miesto, kde sa s vami stretnem.” A zistili sme, cez to, kde On položil svoje meno, a to je to jediné miesto, kde sa stretáva s veriacim. A jeho meno bolo Ježiš Kristus. Božie meno je Ježiš Kristus.
37Ježiš povedal, “Prichádzam v mene svojho otca.” Každý syn prichádza v mene svojho otca. A On prišiel v mene svojho Otca.
“A nie je iného mena pod nebom daného medzi ľuďmi,” či sú nazvaní Metodisti, Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, cirkev Kristova, akokoľvek sa to môže nazývať. Je len jedno miesto na stretnutie, kde Boh stretáva človeka a to je vtedy, keď je v Ježišovi Kristovi, jediné miesto. A všetky tieto staré veci tu pod Starým Zákonom to znázorňovali. Chcem, aby ste to jasne rozumeli. No, to je lekcia nedeľnej školy. Mám tu zapísané nejaké miesta Písma a poznámky. Myslím, že toto vám pomôže rozumieť ako sa všetky tie staré veci stali pre nás príkladom.
38No, nachádzame, že Boh mal spôsob ako robiť dané veci. Ale Dávid, ktorého Boh žehnal a stal sa kráľom, on si myslel, že akýmkoľvek spôsobom urobí niečo pre Boha. A nepristúpil ku tomu správnym spôsobom.
39Všímame si, že Boh zjavuje Svoje Slovo vo svojej vlastnej predurčenej sezóne. No, ako by Martin Luther mohol vedieť niečo o Posolstve na dnes? Ako by to mohli vedieť Presbyteriáni? Ako by mohol Martin ... či Katolícka cirkev poznať posolstvo Martina Luthera? Akoby Wesley mohol poznať Lutherove posolstvo? Akoby Wesley mohol poznať posolstvo Letničných? Alebo ako by mohli letniční poznať toto posolstvo? Vidíte? On ho zjavuje vo svojich sezónach, pretože to je semeno. A ako ono rastie a dozrieva, On sa zjavuje.
40Ako teplo slnka, aby otvorilo, keď je to semeno slabé a mladé, privádza ho zo zeme; Potom mu dáva listy v ďalšom stupni slnka. Horúce slnko by ho zabilo, keď to dozrievajúce semeno ... v čase dozrievania. Tak On reguluje slnko a reguluje prírodu, aby vyhovela jeho Slovu.
On reguluje cirkev, tú predurčenú, Nevestu, aby zvládli sezónu, v ktorej žijú.
41Dokonca sama príroda nám dnes hovorí, keď vidíme ako sa národy rozlamujú, zem sa topí, nápis je na stene. Vidíme cirkev a tie situácie, ktoré sú v nej.
Vidíme Nevestu a stav, v ktorom je. A vieme, z prírody, že Cirkev sa pripravuje odísť. Čo za slávny čas! To je čas, ktorý všetci proroci túžili vidieť, túto hodinu.
42No, On zjavuje svoje Slovo len v danej sezóne. Martin Luther čítal tú istú Bibliu, ktorú my. Wesley čítal tú istú Bibliu, ktorú Martin Luther. Letniční čítali tú istú Bibliu, ktorú my čítame. Ježiš čítal tú istú Bibliu, ktorú čítali Farizejovia, ale oni mali ... Snažili sa držať to zrno v predošlom stave, keď ono dozrievalo, nedokázali uvidieť svoju hodinu.
A teraz Dávid tu urobil to isté.
43Boh zjavuje toto Slovo v danej sezóne a tomu, koho On vyberá aby mu to zjavil. Boh si vyberá komu to zjavi. On to vybral pred založením sveta. Všetko čo robí, dopredu vedel a skryl to pred človekom. Zjavuje im to, ako On chce. To je jeho vybraná sezóna. Jeho vybraná osoba. A On nikdy nevybral nejakú stranu alebo sektu; To je vybraná osoba, ako to On robí.
44Kto to je, kto sa Ho opováži napraviť a povie, “No, Pane, urobil si chybu, že si tohoto človeka postavil do služby. Tento človek neverí tak ako my.” Kto povie Bohu, že to robí zle. To by musel byť niekto, kto je trochu väčší priestupník ako ja, aby Mu to povedal. On vie čo robí. On vie, koho vybrať a koho nie, čo robiť a kedy to robiť. Bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi si my myslíme, že určitá osoba je kvalifikovaná do určitej práci, Boh vie kto je kvalifikovaný do toho času a sezóny, alebo času a vie presne kedy to má vykonať.
45A skutočný, skutočný kresťan; Skutočný, pravý veriaci v Boha, očakáva na Pána v týchto veciach. Čakaj na svoju službu. Ak cítiš povolanie, buď si istý, že to je Boh. Buď si istý, že to je to pravé. Buď si istý, že to čo hovoríš, je na daný čas. Biblia hovorí, “Tí, ktorí očakávajú na Pána obnovia svoje sily, vznesú sa na krídlach ako orol. Budú bežať a neunavia sa, pôjdu a nestratia odvahu.”
46Všimnite si Dávida, Izraelského kráľa, práve pomazaného. Samuel vylial na neho olej a bol vybraný od Boha, aby bol Izraelským kráľom. A Dávid mal toto zjavenie, priniesť truhlu Pánovu do mesta Dávidovho. No, na tom nie je nič zlé, ale, vidíte, Dávid pri tom postupoval zle.
47No, To vyzerá tak, že ak takýto človek dostane zjavenie, veľký muž, ako Boží vybraný kráľ, ten najväčší kráľ, ktorý kedy žil na zemi, okrem Krista, myslím, že to bol Dávid, pretože Kristus je Syn Dávidov. No. Ten najväčší muž, čerstvo pomazaný, prichádza zo samej Prítomnosti Božej, má zjavenie urobiť niečo pre Boha a chce to urobiť pre Boha; Ale to zjavenie bolo zlé. No, to je veľká vec. To bude hovoriť o našej téme: Snažiť sa robiť Bohu službu a nebyť povolaný do toho.
48Všimnite si, Dávid mal to zjavenie. A všimnite si, to nebol prorok Natanael, ktorý dostal to zjavenie. To bol Dávid, kráľ, ktorý dostal to zjavenie. S Natanaelom sa o tom ani neporadili. On sa vôbec neopýtal Natanaela. Ale videli ste tu? V Prvej Kroník, on sa poradil s kapitánmi nad tisícimi a s kapitánmi nad stami. On sa neporadil s Natanaelom. On sa poradil s ľuďmi a tiež sa poradil s kňazmi a s teológmi tam toho dňa, s učenými v Písme a s teológmi. Dávid sa prv poradil, povedal, “Ak je toto od Boha, poďme a prinesme truhlu zmluvy nášho Boha do mesta a raďme sa s Bohom prv ako budeme niečo robiť.”
49Ale povedal, vo dňoch Saula, “Oni sa prestali radiť Boha, skrze truhlu, Urím Thumím. Oni to prestali.”
Dávid povedal, “Navráťme sa k Bohu, všetci! Navráťme sa do tej správnej veci. Poďme a zoberme truhlu a prinesme ju sem, prinesme Prítomnosť Božiu,” inými slovami, “do mesta. Majme prebudenie. Priveďme ľudí naspäť.” Ale on mal zjavenie, ktoré vyzeralo, že je dobré, ale to nebola vôľa Božia.
50Namiesto toho, aby sa opýtal toho zdroja, ktorého sa mal, poradil sa so svojimi kapitánmi, pretože sa práve stal kráľom. A nasledoval tú líniu myslenia, ktorú mali jeho hlavní kapitáni a jeho veľkí ľudia.
51Potom išiel do nominálneho zboru a opýtal sa, či chcú mať prebudenie. Kňazi, učení v Písme, kapitáni nad tisícami, kapitáni nad stami a on sa poradil ich. “Je toto vôľa Božia?” A oni povedali, že je. Ale, vidíte, on sa zabudol opýtať toho hlavného zdroja, cez ktorý Boh stále konal. Vidíte? On to zabudol urobiť.
52Jeho zámer bol dobrý. Jeho motýv bol dobrý. Jeho cieľ bol dobrý, priniesť prebudenie do mesta, priviesť ľudí naspäť ku Bohu. Ale vôbec sa neporadil tak, ako mu to Boh povedal. Vidíte?
53Aj keď všetci ľudia súhlasili a kňazi a ten kráľ bol v poriadku, “Oni potrebovali truhlu naspäť do mesta. Potrebovali prítomnosť Božiu. Potrebovali prebudenie.” Ale Boh nezasľúbil, že zjavi svoje Slovo v tom čase ľuďom. On nezasľúbil, že ho zjavi kráľovi, v tom čase. Boh sa nemení ani trochu. On nezasľúbil, že to urobí.
54Bez ohľadu akí ste úprimní a aké dobré máte motívy, a aké dobré sú vaše ciele, a ako ľudia chcú tieto veci a vidia, že to potrebujú, ide o vôľu Božiu, ktorá má byť zrealizovaná v týchto veciach. To je to, čo chcem mocne zafixovať, lebo to chcem tak predstaviť, že to musíte uvidieť, ak Duch Boží prebýva vo vás. A preto sa tu s tým tak dlho zaoberám. Nie aby som zaberal váš čas pri telefóne a pri tom pripojení, ale chcem, aby ste to videli. Ak vám vyprší váš čas, potom si vezmite pásku.
55Bez ohľadu na to, ako je to potrebné, ako veľmi každý súhlasí, že je to potrebné, ako veľmi je to pravda, ešte je jedna vec, ktorú treba zistiť. Či je to vôľa Božia?
No, Boh nikdy nezasľúbil, že zjaví svoje tajomstvá svojim kráľom, alebo že zjaví svoje tajomstvá svojmu ľudu.
56Podobne ako v čase Micheáša, syna Jimlu. Keď opúšťame, nie text, ale iný čas, aby sme to priniesli a ukázali vám, že je to pravda, skutočnosť, aby ste to neprehliadli.
57To sa stalo vo dňoch Micheáša ... On bol biedny človek a tiež pochádzal z biednej rodiny. Ale Achab, Izraelský kráľ, ako národ, ktorý je pre Boha, on zaviedol školu a priviedol vybraných, pozbieraných prorokov a mal ich v škole štyristo. A to boli veľkí ľudia. To neboli falošní proroci. To boli hebrejskí proroci, praví muži. A oni sa radili Boha cez týchto mužov. A oni prorokovali. Ale vidíte. Keď prišlo skutočné odhalenie, oni boli všetci pomimo Božieho slova a vôli.
58Lebo prišiel tam Jozafat z Jeruzalema, navštíviť kráľa Achaba a obliekli si svoje rúcha a posadili sa tam do brány a priviedli tam pred ních tých prorokov. Prv Achab povedal, “Máme tu také miesto v Rámot Gileád, ktoré v skutočnosti patrí nám.” No, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Jozue to rozdelil pre ľudí a dal im to, ale Filištíni to zabrali.
A povedal, “Tu naše deti potrebujú chlieb a my nemáme dosť zeme, aby sme vypestovali chlieb. A náš nepriateľ, Filištíni, chovajú svoje deti, pohanov, z tej zeme, ktorú Jehova Boh dal nám.“ To je veľmi jasné. A povedal, “My tu, ľud Boží, sme tu so svojimi deťmi, v potrebe a náš nepriateľ chová svoje deti na pôde, ktorú Boh, keď nás vyvolal z Egyptu dal nám.” To by podnietilo teológa, či nie? On povedal, “Či pôjdeme tam a vezmeme si našu zem, ktorú nám Boh dal?”
59Jozafat povedal, “Áno, pomôžem ti. Sme bratia. Ty si v Judsku a ja som v Jeruzaleme.” Alebo naopak? Myslím ... Nie, dobre. Myslím, že to ... Jozafat.
Jednako, Jozafat bol dobrý človek, kráľ, spravodlivý muž, ktorý miloval Pána. Achab bol vlažný veriaci. Tak ich priviedli a Jozafat povedal, “Počúvaj, poraďme sa najprv Pána. Potrebujeme vedieť čo s týmto.” Vidíte, keby Dávid bol urobil to, čo Jozafat! On povedal, “Máme toto robiť?”
A rýchlo, lebo bol Izraelita, Achab povedal, “Samozrejme. Mám štyristo Hebrejov, takých ako my, Hebrejských prorokov z našej vlastnej organizácie. Poradím sa ich. To sú proroci.” No, vidíte, presne ...
60Poviete, “Na tom sa potkýnam, brat Branham. Prorok?” Samozrejme. Bol taký v čase Jeremiáša, ktorý povedal, že tam budú len dva roky. Pán povedal Jeremiášovi “sedemdesiat.” Dal si na krk jarmo a ten prorok ho zlámal, Chananiáš. Ale viete čo sa mu stalo. Ó, áno. Musíte zostať pri Slove.
Tak títo proroci prišli a prorokovali, povedali, “Choď! Pán je s tebou.”
61A jeden z nich, myslím, (zabudol som teraz ako sa volal) ten hlavný, myslí, že Sedekiáš, povedal, založil si dva železné rohy a povedal, “Tak hovorí Pán. Týmto,” ten človek bol úprimný, “vytlačíš svojho nepriateľa rovno naspäť do jeho kraju a vezmeš to čo patrí Bohu. Je ti to dané.” Neverím, že to bol pokrytec. Verím, že to bol dobrý človek. Verím, že všetci tí proroci boli takí.
62Poviete, „Proroci?“ Áno! Pamätajte, práve ten človek, ktorý dal radu aby zabili Ježiša Krista, prorokoval, pretože to bol jeho úrad. On bol toho roku najvyšším kňazom. A pretože ním bol, mal ten úrad, a zastával ten úrad, Duch Boží prišiel na neho. To neznamená, že bol spasený, ani nič také. A on prorokoval, Kajfáš, pretože to bol jeho úrad, aby to robil.
63A títo proroci, tým, že boli proroci, mali úrad proroka, prorokovali. A duch Boží prišiel na nich, ľudia s darmi Ducha.
64Uvedomujem si, že to čo hovorím sa týka deväťdesiat deväť percent letničných. Ale človek často, človek, Boh sa môže s nimi zaoberať, dať im dary a ľudia budú tlačiť na ních. Ak nie sú dokonale povolaní a poslaní od Boha, to spraví, že taký muž alebo žena povie niečo, čo nie je Božia vôľa, pretože ľudia ich donútili, aby to robili.
65Ako som musel tu na tom prichytiť nášho vlastného pastora. Bol som tu v lesoch raz ráno, okolo tretej ráno, povedal, “Choď povedz bratovi Nevillemu!” Prišiel som ku tebe, či nie, brat Neville?
66Každý, “Brat Neville, prorokuj nado mnou. Povedz mi toto alebo tamto.” Vidíte, spravili ste, že hovoril veci, ktoré sa potom nevyplnili.
“Tí, ktorí očakávajú,” aby poznali, čo chce Pán robiť.
67Tak títo ľudia sa dívali na to tým prirodzeným zmyslom, “To patrí nám.” Ale vidíte, oni nenašli Slovo a vôľu Božiu.
68Potom tam prišiel Micheáš a on mal videnie. On to najprv preskúmal. Vidíte to? Povedal, “Počkaj. Daj mi tento večer. Nechaj ma nech to zistím a možno zajtra ti budem môcť povedať.” On nebol rýchly hneď povedať, “Tak hovorí Pán,” aby sa zhodoval s tými inými prorokmi. On povedal, “Poviem len to, čo mi povie Boh.”
A na druhý deň, vidíme, Boh mu povedal čo sa stane. A to bolo úplne v protiklade s tým, čo hovorili tí ostatní. S celou školou to bolo v protiklade. Dokonca jeden z nich vystúpil a dal mu zaucho. Ale, vidíte, on čakal. Potom keď to urobil, porovnal svoje proroctvo, svoje videnie, s napísaným Slovom a to bolo presne podľa Slova.
69Keď niektorí hovoria, že “majú zjavenie krstiť ľudí vo meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého,” to je nezhodné so Slovom. Nikto z tých ostatných to tak nikdy nerobil. Keď hovoria, že, “Ó, my budeme stáť a toto, to, či tamto,” a tak ďalej, to je nezhodné so Slovom. Keď hovoria, že “neveria v semeno hada,” to je nezhodné so Slovom. Všetky tieto ďalšie veci, čo je nezhodné so Slovom. To musí pasovať so Slovom a byť v danom čase.
70No, keby to len Dávid urobil. Truhla mala prísť, ale nie v tom čase; Nebolo pre ňu miesto.
71Všimnite si teraz keď tam išli, aby zobrali tú truhlu, všetci hodnostári povedali, “To je to, čo treba urobiť, Dávid. Sláva Bohu! Potrebujeme prebudenie.” To boli skutoční dnešní Letniční; Baptisti, Presbyteriáni. “Dávid, ty si náš kráľ! Ty ... Kapitán, taký a taký a major, taký a taký, a generál taký a taký bude na tvojom zhromaždení. Prečo, oni hovoria, že to je presne to, čo treba urobiť, Dávid. Celá krajina je s tebou.”
Toto sa deje dnes. Ja nechcem krajinu. Chcem Boha, keď aj nikto ďalší nestojí so mnou.
72Dávid mal všetkých kapitánov. Mal spoluprácu s vojenskou silou. Mal spoluprácu so všetkými denomináciami, so všetkými teológmi, so všetkými, každý s ním súhlasil. Tak isto Achab a iní v Písme; Ale nemal Boha; Pretože bol pomimo vôli Božej. Dúfam, že to rozumieme.
73Všimnite si, urobili každú nábožnú vec, ktorú mohli. Možno urobili reklamu a všetko, “Veľké prebudenie! Truhla bude prinesená naspäť. My budeme mať prebudenie. My urobíme toto.”
74Všimnite si, on poslal spevákov. Poslal ľudí s harfami, s trúbami, a urobili každú nábožnú vec, o ktorej vedeli ako to urobiť; A stále v tom nebol Boh.
Vidíme, že niečo sa znovu opakuje, či nie?
75Oni zobrali všetkých spevákov. Zobrali hráčov na harfách, trubačov; Ženy, mužov a ktokoľvek tam bol, kto spieval. Všetkých ich tam zobrali a prešli cez každé náboženské hnutie.
Nechcem toto povedať, ale musím to povedať. Tak to robia tieto denominácie dnes, Letniční a všetci, prechádzajú cez každé náboženské hnutie, pri čom spievajú a vykrikujú od radosti.
76Všimnite si, Dávid vykrikoval z celej sily, kričal a vyskakoval a prešiel cez každé náboženské hnutie, ktoré mohlo byť; A stále v tom nebol Boh. A jeho motív a jeho cieľ a všetko bolo v poriadku; ale išiel s tým po nesprávnej ceste. Vidíte? Vykonal všetky náboženské aktivity; Vykrikoval, spieval, mal neobyčajných spevákov, špeciálnych pokrikovačov a všetko iné. Tancovali v duchu. Robili všetko, čo bolo nábožné.
77To je niečo, ako naše veľké kampane v našom čase. Oni chcú získať svet pre Krista. Neexistuje niečo také. Veľké celokrajové prebudenia, veľké veci sa dejú; Keby si len mohli uvedomiť, že ten deň pominul. Ona je odsúdená. Ale oni stavajú, majú kampane, organizácie a všetko. Ale ten výsledok je práve taký, ako bol v čase Dávida, nefungovalo to.
78Ideme a máme prebudenie. Náš veľký, niektorí naši veľkí evanjelisti dnes, oni hovoria, že majú tridsať tisíc obrátených, za šesť týždňov; A za rok po tom, idú naspäť a nemôžu nájsťani tridsiatich. Niečo nie je v poriadku. Čo to je, to je presne to isté čo urobil Dávid. Vysoko postavení, veľkí ľudia, veľkí kazatelia, väčšie školy, veľké autority ale stále sa radia so starou denomináciou namiesto toho, aby sa pozreli do tváre Božieho Slova a uvideli kedy sa sezóna posunula. Nemôžete vypestovať určitú potravu jedine v určitej sezóne roku.
79No, pozrime sa, čo sa stalo. Tiež ich ... Ich náboženské pohnutie a všetko čo robili bolo veľké, ich zámery boli úžasné, ich ťaženie bolo úžasné, ich spevy boli úžasné, ich tance boli úžasné, ich vykrikovanie bolo úžasné, ich hudba bola úžasná a mali truhlu. Čo pomôže truhla bez Boha? To je len drevená škatuľa, pár kamenných dosiek.
To je ako prijímať večeru Pánovu, dať sa pokrstiť. Čo to pomôže byť pokrstený, ak si prv neučinil pokánie? Čo to pomôže, prijímať večeru Pánovu a stať sa pokrytcom, ak nežiješ život a neveríš ostatné zo Slova Božieho? Berieš len časť z neho a nie to ostatné, to ukazuje, že niekde je niečo zle.
80No, keď sa všetko toto deje, pozrime sa teraz, čo sa deje keď ľudia nezvažujú na Boha a jeho vek a jeho čas, len na ľudské názory.
81Veľa ľudí mi povedalo, “Prečo neprídeš sem a nemáš tu zhromaždenia? No, voláme ti. Podpíš toto, to alebo tamto.”
Počkajte! Vy to možno chcete ale čo o tom hovorí Boh? Veľa ľudí mi povedalo ... Mal som pozvanie. Mal som rozhovory, osobné rozhovory a také veci, čakali rok. Počkaj! Ako budem vedieť čo mám povedať, až kým mi Boh nepovie, čo povedať? Vidíte, musím čakať! Preto som povedal, “Zapíšte si to. Počkajte, nech viem čo On povie.” Rozumiete? Čakajte! “Tí, ktorí očakávajú na Pána obnovujú svoju silu.” Je to tak?
82Všimnite si, oni sa poradili len s kňazmi tam toho dňa, s teológmi, s denomináciami. A všimnite si, tým, že to tak urobili, poradili sa s kňazmi a poradili sa so zhromaždením, poradili sa s ľuďmi, urobili zle.
83Všimnite si, archou bolo Slovo. Vieme, že je to tak. Pretože, archa je Kristus a Kristus je Slovo. Rozumiete? Archa, alebo Slovo nebolo postavené na jeho prvú, určenú, pôvodne určenú pozíciu. Ó, neprehliadnite toto, cirkev!
Všetko bolo dokonalé a všetko vyzeralo dobre, akoby prichádzalo veľké prebudenie; Ale pretože zanedbali poradiť sa o tom s tou správnou osobou! Poradili sa s kňazmi, poradili sa s hodnostármi, poradili sa s teológmi, poradili sa so spevákmi a dali všetko dokopy v zhode, a veľká vojenská organizácia a tiež národné sily. Všetko bolo v harmónii na veľké zhromaždenie ale zanedbali sa poradiť s Bohom. Tak urobil tiež Achab, tak urobili tiež ostatní. Čo za chvíľa!
84Neprehliadnite toto. Oni to nedosiahli, pretože sa neporadili. A tým, že to takto urobili ... Dávajte pozor. Tým, že išli ku kňazom, že išli ku teológom a ku vojenským silám a vôbec sa neporadili s ich Bohom poslaným poslom na tú hodinu, s Nátanom, urobili to zle. Odišli a zobrali archu a položili ju na nový voz, alebo, “do novej denominácii, ktorú rozpočali,” a neniesli ju Bohom daným určeným spôsobom. Ona sa mala nosiť na pleciach Levitov. Ale, vidíte, keď začnete zle, budete ďalej postupovať zle.
85Ak strela má byť nasmerovaná do terča a vy tu myknete hlavňou o jednu tisícinu, na začiatku, po sto metroch sa to odchýli o štyri alebo päť cólov. Začali ste zle.
86Ó Bože pomôž nám rozpoznať tieto veci, ktoré zle začali, tieto veľké kampane v tejto hodine, oni sú tak nazvané. Neporadili sa s Bohom o tom. Poradili sa s kňazmi a s nábožnými ľuďmi. Poradili sa s organizáciami. “No, budete mať to a to? Veríme, keby sme mohli dostať všetkých spolu!” Nedávajte všetkých dokopy. Vezmite len to, čo o tom hovorí Slovo.
87Potom nachádzame, že keď toto robia, čo robia? Oni stále chcú ísť ďalej s tým istým starým náboženským programom, ktorý je pomimo Slova Božieho a vôli Božej. Tá vec zomrela, pred rokmi, ich staré vyschnuté veci, pred rokmi.
88To vyschlo vo dňoch Pána Ježiša. Oni to nevedeli. Povedal, “Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste mňa, lebo Mojžiš hovoril, že Ja prídem.”
Povedali, “Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti.”
89Povedal im, “Oni sú všetci mŕtvi!” “Slepí.” On ich tak nazval, tých Farizejov, náboženských vodcov. “Ak neuveríte, že Ja som, zomriete vo svojich hriechoch.” Ale oni tomu neuverili. Tak boli zakorenení vo svojich zvykoch. Museli to mať po svojom.
90Tak to urobil Dávid. On to urobil po svojom, tak len povedal, “Viete čo urobím? Ideme do toho.” On mal zjavenie. “Ideme teraz do toho, urobíme to novým spôsobom. Dni zázrakov pominuli, tak si urobíme inú organizáciu. Postavíme nový voz, ukážeme, že začala nová vec.” Čo za falošné proroctvo!
91Musíte ísť naspäť a robiť to tak, ako to Boh povedal. Oni to kládli na ramená Levitov, a to je nad srdcom. Archa, Slovo nemá byť položené na novú denomináciu, na teórie nejakého človeka, ale do srdca. Slovo Božie nie je na to, aby ním manipulovali denominácie; Ono má byť nesené na srdci človeka, do ktorého Boh môže prísť a zjaviť sa mu. A ako to zjavuje podľa Slova, to je Boh; Ak nie, nie je to Boh.
A potom, Slovo na danú sezónu! Skutočne, Farizej mohol povedať, “Kto povedal, že my nemôžeme robiť toto alebo tamto? Mojžiš nám dal tieto nariadenia.”
“Ale Mojžiš tiež povedal ...”
Satan povedal, “Veď je napísané - On pošle svojich anjelov ...”
92“Ale tiež je napísané,” povedal Ježiš.
Sezóna, čas! “Keby ste poznali Mojžiša! Jesto kto na vás žaluje, Mojžiš. Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste mňa,” povedal, “lebo Možiš písal o mne. - Pán váš Boh vzbudí proroka medzi vami, spomedzi vašich bratov; Jeho budú počúvať.” Keby poznali Mojžiša, poznali by Jeho.
93Končím, počúvajte, neprehliadnite teraz toto. Vidíte, po prvé, keď sa poradili s kňazmi, poradili sa s hodnostármi, poradili sa s vojskom, poradili sa so zhromaždením, so susedstvom, aby sa dali dokopy na toto veľké zhromaždenie, ktoré prichádzalo, neurobili to správne. Neporadili sa s Bohom. A preto, že to tak urobili, neišli naspäť a nevideli aký to bol čas!
94Ó, brat, počúvaj. V akom čase žijeme? Aký je toto vek? V akej hodine žijeme? To nie je čas na tieto veci, o ktorých oni hovoria. To už prešlo. Teraz je na blízku súd. Môžete vidieť ako sa prelamuje. Pamätáte sa na tú skalu na tom vrchu? Hodina súdu! Pamätáte si to zjavenie, či videnie Nevesty? Len ju držať v kroku. Nedovoliť jej, aby vyšla z kroku.
Všimnite si, “Na pleciach kňazov!”
95A Dávid a všetci kňazi, ktorí to mali naozaj vedieť lepšie ale čo to bolo? Tí kňazi to mali lepšie vedieť. Učení v Písme, teológovia, oni to mali lepšie vedieť, pretože Slovo hovorilo aby to nerobili.
96A dnes keď chcú povedať, “Ó, Ježiš Kristus nie je ten istý včera dnes a naveky. To je psychická telepatia. To je toto, to alebo tamto.” Oni nevidia zasľúbené Slovo. “Ó, to bolo voľakedy.”
Dávid povedal, “No dobre, počkajte - Na pleciach kňazov. - To bolo vtedy keď Mojžiš vyšiel. Skutočne, my to dnes položíme na nový voz. Mám na to zjavenie.”
97Kňazi povedali, “Amen, Dávid!” Vidíte? Ovplyvnení svojou novou ekumenickou radou, že oni všetci majú byť spolu a robiť toto takto a takto, to spôsobilo, že tí kňazi sa potkýnajú. Neporadili sa s tou správnou osobou. Neurobili to správne, preto sa dostali do problému. Áno.
98Obávam sa, v mnohých tých veciach dnes ... Keď nejaký veľký učiteľ, jeden najväčší z Letničných, stál pred náboženskou skupinou raz večer v Chicagu. Ja som mal mať to zhromaždenie s Obchodníkmi; Ale myslel som, že budem vtedy v Afrike, ale vrátil som sa práve deň pred tým, ako to začalo. A oni vybrali veľkého letničného duchovného a on sa tam postavil a povedal im, že toto ekumenické hnutie je od Boha. A povedal im, že všetci sa vracajú naspäť, dokonca aj Katolícka cirkev príde naspäť do svojho originálneho stavu, všetci hovoria v jazykoch, čo je dôkaz a tak ďalej. A nevedia, že to je diablova pasca!
99A človek, ktorého som nepoznal ... Niekedy sadíte semeno; Neviete čo sa stane. Ale predseda Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia, len čo sa tento veľký rečník posadil, on povedal, “Nemám sklon ku tomu, aby som hovoril niečo proti našim rečníkom, ale to nie je tak ako brat Branham povedal, že sa to stane. Ale on povedal, že to dovedie do znamenia šelmy.”
On povedal, “Ale brat Branham nevie o čom hovorí.”
Povedal, “Ale my veríme, že vie.” Vidíte?
100A v Chicagu povedal, “Koľkí by ste chceli aby som prišiel a podal o tom moju verziu?” Začali volať a vykrikovať.
Vidíte, sadíte semená; Neviete čo sa bude diať. Len ďalej rozsievajte to Semeno. Keď príde tá hodina, niektorí z nich ...
101Ako Tomáš, on bol asi posledný, ktorý videl Pána. Ale on Ho musel vidieť, aby Mu uveril. Vidíte? Keď uvidia, že to sa stalo. Ó, Tomáš vošiel, ale trochu neskoršie.
102No keď uvidia, že sa dejú tie veci, ktoré boli predpovedané a povedané TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, potom povedia. “Dajte nám z vášho Oleja.” Vidíte?
103Ale všimnite si teraz, vplyv. Niekedy sa dajú dokopy veľkí ľudia. Počujete ich ako hovoria, “Veľký ten a ten a veľký ten a ten, náš veľký ...” Nikdy to nerobte.
Nieto medzi nami žiadni veľkí ľudia. Je len Jeden, ktorý je veľký a to je Boh. My sme bratia a sestry. Nestarám sa o to či si pastor zboru, v ktorom je päť ľudí, to ťa nerobí malým; to ťa robí bratom, vidíte, ak si verný Božiemu Slovu. Nestarám sa čo, ako; nestávaš sa malým. Boh nemá malé deti a veľké deti. On má proste deti. Oni sú všetky rovnaké.
104Všimnite si, sám Boh prišiel zo Slávy, z palácov zo slonoviny, aby sa stal jedným z nás. Tak kto je ten veľký? Zobral ... Neprišiel sem dole, aby zobral na seba formu kňaza ale sluhu. Umyl tú hlinu, ktorú stvoril, nohy svojim apoštolom a iným. Kto je potom veľký?
105Ale títo ľudia boli ovplyvnení. Nerozumeli. Nie, mysleli si, že sa stane niečo nové, že sa stane niečo, čo Boh nepovedal. Pustili sa do toho zle.
Vlastne všetko toto nadšenie, keď ... začalo tam vtedy, dávno tomu, každá denominácia musela mať božského uzdravovateľa; každá denominácia musela mať toto alebo tamto. Každá denominácia musela mať malého Dávida. Každá musela mať toto, to, či tamto. Vidíte čo sa stalo? To urobilo to isté, čo to urobilo tu. To isté. Vplyv!
106Slovo na tú sezónu, na čas v ktorom žili, bolo ignorované.
107Všimnite si, “plecia Levitov,” to bol ten originálny, pripravený Boží spôsob, ako sa to malo nosiť. “Noste archu na pleciach Levitov.” Všetko pomimo toho bolo naopak. Čo On povedal, to aj myslel. Boh sa nemôže meniť. Preto stojí na svojom Slove! Áno, mám miesto Písma, prvá Kroník 15:15, ak si to chcete zapísať. Všimnite si.
108No všimnite si, keď nasledujeme Boha. Chcem aby ste si to teraz nejako zapísali vo svojich mysliach. Zachovávať Božie prikázania, robiť čokoľvek správne pre Boha, aby sme správne slúžili Bohu, pri tom je päť musíš, ktoré musíme dodržať, aby sme slúžili Bohu správne.
109Dávid robil Bohu službu. On robil všetko čo vedel, až na to, že obišiel Boha. Vidíte? On robil niečo, čo bolo správne, niečo čo bolo dobré pre ľudí, niečo dobré pre cirkev.
110Ale je päť musíš. Chcem aby ste si ich zapamätali. Nezáleží na tom aký môže byť pri tom človek úprimný, keď robí Bohu službu, toto, týchto päť tam musí byť.
Za prvé, na to musí byť Jeho čas.
111Čo keby Mojžiš prišiel a povedal, “Poviem vám čo urobíme. Postavíme archu a odplávame po Níle, ako to urobil Noe”? V noeho čase to bolo v poriadku postaviť archu, ale nie v jeho.
112Čo ak by Ježiš prišiel a povedal, “Poviem vám čo urobíme. Vyjdeme len na tú horu, ako to urobil Mojžiš a prinesieme novú deklaráciu zákonov?” Vidíte? Nie. On bol zákon. Vidíte?
113Musíte byť v Jeho čase. To musí byť v jeho sezóne. Rozumiete to teraz? Musí to byť v jeho čase. To musí byť v jeho sezóne, v čase a v sezóne.
114A musí to byť podľa jeho Slova, ktoré bolo vypovedané. Musí. Nestarám sa o to, ako dobre hovoríte, že toto má byť, alebo tamto má byť alebo toto má byť. To musí byť podľa jeho Slova; podľa jeho času a jeho sezóny.
A to musí byť dané človekovi, ktorého On vybral, aby to cez neho vykonal.
115Nestarám sa o to, koľko veľkých osobností tam je. Je kráľ Dávid, práve taký veľký, ako každý z nich. On bol kráľ nad národom. Ale On mal spôsob, ako to urobiť a povedal im, ako to bude robiť. Ale oni to nebrali do úvahy.
116To musí byť podľa Jeho Slova; podľa Jeho času, podľa Jeho programu.
117A to musí byť skrze tú osobu, ktorú On vybral, aby jej to dal a aby to vykonala. Mojžiš sa snažil od toho utiecť, “Zober niekoho iného.” Ale Boh vybral Mojžiša, aby to urobil. Mnohí z nich; Pavol sa snažil odísť od toho; mnohí ďalší. Ale to musí byť cez toho, ktorého On vybral, aby to urobil.
A to musí prísť prv ku jeho prorokom. Slovo Božie musí najprv prísť ku jeho prorokom. Ámos 3:7, Pán Boh nebude robiť nič, kým to prv nezjaví svojmu sluhovi prorokovi.” Z štvrté.
118A ten prorok musí byť potvrdený Slovom Božím.
119Tu je vašich päť musíš. To tak musí byť. Jeho čas, jeho sezóna, keď On povedal, že to bude; a človek, ktorého On vybral; a to musí prísť ku prorokovi; a ten prorok musí byť potvrdeným prorokom. Nachádzame, mnohí z nich v Biblii, to prišlo ku prorokom a nebolo to potvrdené. Naším prorokom je Ježiš Kristus.
120Tak teraz si všimnite, vidíte, Boh im nezjavil túto vec cez jeho pripravený spôsob, akým to robí. Oni prijali Dávidov spôsob. Oni prijali spôsob kňazov. Prijali spôsob učených v Písme; teológov, ale nie Boží spôsob. Natanael bol, on bol prorok na ten deň. Neskoršie im Natanael povedal ako to majú urobiť. Ale, vidíte, oni to urobili bez toho, aby sa poradili s Natanaelom. Všetok ten vplyv, deje sa veľká vec! A, och, myslím na tú pieseň. “Nech, zostáva ...”
Pomôž mi Pane, keď sú srdcia v ohni,
Nech pokorím svoju pýchu (ísť s tými ostatnými)
len volám tvoje meno,
Uč ma, aby som nespoliehal na tom, čo robia iní,
A len čakal v modlitbe na odpoveď od Teba.
Vidíte, tak to je. Daj mi vidieť, že to sa stalo tým správnym spôsobom, potom sa tomu verí.
121No, Boh im to zjavil skrze Dávida, a skrze kazateľov, a skrze ľudí a skrze kapitánov nad tisícmi a kapitánov nad stami, ale nie skrze Nátana, ktorý mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. A Pán povedal, že On nerobí nič, až kým to prv nezjavi prorokovi toho veku, čo robiť. Vidíte čo oni urobili? Odišli rovno od Slova Božieho, išli a položili archu na nový voz. Vidíte? Tak to išli robiť pomimo Božích prikázaní a Božej pripravenej cesty.
A to je to čo sa stalo dnes, priatelia. Preto máme toľko veľkých kampaní a takých vecí, a žiadne výsledky. Viac nevery, viac hriechu, viac ... Hovorím vám, tento národ zomrel; nie len tento národ, ale iné národy. Tento národ, ako Anglicko v inom veku, je prostitútkou pre tie ostatné národy.
122Tam v Mozambiku, štyristo osemdesiat míľ od civilizácie, v džungli, deti používajú Elvisa Prestleyho, mikajú hlavami a skackajú tak hore dole, cez celú noc, s ... Alebo, takéto malé zariadenia potiahnu tisíce míľ, rovno do Rhodézie, aby mohli počúvať Elvisa Presleyho. A pritom hovoria, “On je veľmi nábožný, on a Pat Boone, a ostatní.” Čo, to sú Judášovia tejto hodiny, a nevedia o tom. To je tá zlá časť, oni veria, že sú v poriadku.
Či nepovedal Ježiš tomuto Laodicejskému cirkevnému veku, “Si nahý, mizerný, biedny, slepý a nevieš o tom?” Nevedia o tom!
123Letničné deti tam v Afrike a okolo, hovoria, “No, Elvis Prestley, on spieva najkrajšie, ako si kedy počul.” Nepochybujem ale čo robil Dávid, tiež; Nieto pochýb ale čo urobili tí speváci, to spôsobilo, že smrť udrela do tábora. Vidíte kde sú, kde sme dnes, priatelia?
124“Ramená Levitov” to bol originálny Boží spôsob na to. A oni ju položili na nový voz. To nebude nikdy fungovať. Neporadili sa správne. Vidíte? A tak sa dostali mimo, ohľadne toho, a postupovali pri tom zle.
125A to isté sa stalo dnes. Keď človek, bez ohľadu, aký je úprimný, keď sa snaží robiť Bohu službu pomimo Jeho ustanoveného spôsobu, ktorý to zjavuje, stále to zamieša. Boh to uložil svojím spôsobom. Človek, bez ohľadu, aký si úprimný, snažíš sa to robiť pomimo toho, spravíš v tom chaos.
126Niečo ako bol Balám, v čase Baláma. Boh povedal Balámovi, tomu prorokovi. On bol prorok, prorok Balám. On bol prorok a Slovo prišlo jasne ku nemu, povedal, “Nechoď tam, to je moja vôľa. To je moje rozhodnutie.”
A Balám sa stretol s tými vysoko postavenými, s mužmi v armáde, s kazateľmi, vplyvnými ľuďmi a povedal, “No, poviem vám, kráľ bude ...”
Vidíte, porovnajte to s Dávidom, porovnajte to s dneškom. Zoberte všetko z toho príkladu a budete to vidieť. Vidíte to? Povedzte, “Amen.” [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.”] Vidíte, presne tak, ako je to teraz.
127Ale tí duchovní povedali, tí kňazi povedali, učení v Písme povedali, teológovia povedali, “Takto to treba urobiť.” Ale to nebolo to a ukázalo sa, že to nebolo to.
128A Boh povedal Balámovi a on bol prorok, prv mu povedal, “Nechoď tam.”
129Ale vplyv týchto ostatných ľudí spôsobil, že to urobil opačne, než ako mu to povedal Boh a to sa stalo kliatbou namiesto prebudenia. Ó, samozrejme, on tam išiel a učil tých ľudí, povedal, “Počkajte teraz! Viete čo?” Povedal, “My sme Moábiti. Pamätáte sa, Lótova dcéra je naša kráľovná. My pochádzame z nej. My sme všetci z jednej krvi. Všetci sme ... My všetci, denominácie, my sme rovnakí.” Nemiešajte sa s tým. Stojte preč od toho. Vidíte? Tak on povedal, “My sme všetci rovnakí. Aha, tvoji ľudia sú takí, ako moji ľudia. Môžeme uzatvárať manželstvá jedni s druhými, tak môžeme mať skutočnú ekumenickú radu. Vidíte? Všetci sa môžeme dať dokopy a vrátiť sa znovu naspäť do originálu.”
Boh preklial tú vec. Ten hriech nebol Izraelovi nikdy odpustený. To zostalo s nimi do konca ich dní. To nikdy nebolo odpustené. Oni zahynuli s tým na púšti. Je to tak. Pretože neprijali Božiu pripravenú cestu, ktorú potvrdil a ukázal, ako sa to má robiť.
130Všimnite si, toto čo urobili spôsobilo, že Izrael zomrel smrťou na púšti. A Ježiš povedal, “Oni všetci zahynuli a pomreli.” Sledujte, kto tam stál s Mojžišom, Jozue a Káleb, v tom programe.
131Všimnite si znovu, tu je Dávid, čo on urobil. A keď to urobil čo to spôsobilo? To spôsobilo, že smrť zasiahla úprimného človeka.
No, hádam sme ešte stále zapojení a chcem aby ste toto počuli po celej krajine.
Toto čo Dávid urobil, bez toho aby sa poradil s Nátanom a dostal na to Slovo od Pána, to spôsobilo, že smrť zasiahla úprimných ľudí. Tak veru. On vystrel ruku, a pritom žil v prítomnosti tej archy; vychádzala z jeho domu. A voly sa potkli a archa padala.
132Oni už urobili jednu vec zle, dve veci zle. Prv, vôbec sa neporadili s Natanaelom. To ďalšie čo urobili, išli tam bez toho, aby si zobrali radu z Božieho Slova. A to ... Samuel bol Slovom v tých dňoch ... A on si vôbec nezobral radu zo Slova Pánovho. Potom, čo urobili, postupovali nezhodne s Božím Slovom.
A tu tento dobrý človek, ktorý bol správcom, on bol biskup, pomyslel si, “No, nechcem aby Boh tu v tomto neuspel,” tak položil ruku na archu. A pritom nebol Levita a zomrel. Tri veci!
133Zamyslite sa teraz poriadne a sledujte, čo urobili dnes denominácie. Vidíte, oni to odmietli, nazvali to “falošnou náukou.” Vidíte? Pozrite sa kde sú. Oni dostanú svoju ekumenickú radu, dobre. Nazvali to, “mentálna telepatia,” keď sám Boh potvrdzuje, že je to pravda a dokazuje, že je to pravda. “Ó, to je tam len banda hlupákov, nevedia o čom hovoria.”
To je v poriadku, nevieme. Ale len hovoríme jeho Slová, a On vie o čom hovorí. Vidíte? Ja to neviem vysvetliť, nikto to nevie, ale On to potvrdzuje.
134Všimnite si, mnohí úprimní veriaci dnes, ktorí prichádzajú ku Kristovi, chcú prísť z celého svojho srdca, sú duchovne zabití takým istým spôsobom. Mnohí úprimní ľudia idú do Katolíckej cirkvi a chcú sa stať kresťanmi, idú do Metodistickej, Baptistickej, do cirkvi Kristovej a dokonca do Letničnej a chcú sa stať kresťanmi, kladú na to svoju ruku, pridávajú sa ku nim.
135A keď Dávid uvidel, že toto sa stalo, to ho zobudilo. Nezobuď sa tam príliš neskoro, brat. On videl, že smrť udrela.
Ukáž mi tie výsledky. Čo toto, tak zvané prebudenie, získavanie ľudí do cirkví, urobilo pre tento národ, pre telo veriacich? Nič, len nové organizácie a denominácie, po celý čas, viac členov a tak ďalej. Či ten národ je lepší? Povedali, že budú ...
136“Amerika. Bože žehnaj Ameriku. To je národ, kresťanská krajina.”
Ona je milión míľ od toho, aby bola kresťanskou krajinou. Ja sa ani za ňu nemodlím. Ako sa môžem za ňu modliť a ona nebude činiť pokánie a pri tom sa pred ňou demonštrovali veľké moci Božie; a zapiera, a zatvára dvere pred tým a odchádza preč? Porúčam ju Bohu. A ona odchádza ešte viac od toho. A teraz sa potopí. Len pozorujte čo sa deje.
137Mnoho úprimných ľudí ide a pripája sa do nejakej organizácie, alebo skupiny alebo do nejakého kultu a tam duchovne zomierajú. Nič im nemôžete povedať. Oni to do nich natĺkli, “Aha, títo biskupi povedali toto. A tento povedal toto, tento povedal toto.” Ukážete im rovno tu v Slove Božom, kde to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. “Ale náš pastor ...”
Nestarám sa o to čo hovorí tvoj pastor, nejde o to čo ja hovorím alebo ktokoľvek iný. Ak je to nezhodné s Božím potvrdeným Slovom, hodinou, časom, Posolstvom a tak ďalej, zabudnite na to. Stojte preč od toho. A ja sa musím postaviť pred každým jedným z vás v Súdny Deň a vy to viete. A trochu to hovorím, vediac, že som teraz starý človek. Budem ... To nie je to, že ja niečo viem, ale On vie. Ja len nasledujem to, čo On povedal.
138Pozrite sa dnes na tie veľké kampane, ktoré máme po celej krajine. To dokázalo, že to bolo nadarmo. A či nepovedal Ježiš teraz tu; Lukáš 7:7, “Nadarmo ma ctia”? Nadarmo tam vyniesol Dávid tú truhlu. Nadarmo trénoval Achab svojich prorokov. Nadarmo zobral Balám tie peniaze. “Učiac učenia, ktoré sú nariadeniami ľudí.” To čo sa ráta, to sú prikázania Božie, bez ohľadu na to ako ...
139“Tí ľudia sú skutočne úprimní.” Počujete to tak často, “Oni sú úprimní.” To nič neznamená. Svedkovia Jehovovi, Adventisti siedmeho dňa a všetky tie kulty, idú tu na ulicu a robia veci, ktoré by nikto z nás nerobil. Katolíci stoja na rohu a žobrú a tak ďalej, činia takto tie prikázania a vlastnia miliardy krát miliardy krát miliardy dolárov a stále o ne žobrú. Úprimní, bez pochyby. Cirkvi idú a kážu a tak ďalej a kazatelia stoja za kazateľňou a robia všetko čo len môžu, aby získali nových členov do svojej cirkvi; ale to je nová truhla.
Je len jedna truhla, ktorú treba nasledovať a to je Slovo Božie. Všetko čo je nezhodné s touto truhlou, nestojte pri tom! To je na novom voze a nie na pleciach Božích. Skutočne. Nestojte pri niečom takom. Nemajte s tým nič spoločné.
140Naše veľké kampane, miliardy a miliardy urobili vyznanie. A pochybujem či ich bude sto, zo všetkého toho. Vidíte, to nebolo to.
Pozrite sa potom čo zasľubuje Slovo.
141Budete si myslieť, že to sklamalo a vieme, že to sklamalo. Jeden z našich najväčších buditeľov v kraji dnes povedal, že to úplne sklamalo. Cirkev vie, že to sklamalo. Každý vie, že to sklamalo. No, prečo to tak je? Prečo to sklamalo?
To malo dobrý cieľ. To bolo na to, aby priviedli ľudí do prítomnosti Božej, veľké kampane. A milióny ľudí minuli na to svoje peniaze a vložili ich do veľkých kampaní. A všetky cirkvi išli spolu, veľké auditóriá a veľké veci a diali sa veľké veci. Prečo to sklamalo? Preto, lebo vôbec nepoznali hodinu v ktorej žijú.
Nie divu, že Ježiš tam stál a v srdci plakal. Slzy mu tiekli po lícach a povedal, “Ó Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť, ako sliepka svoje kurence. Ukameňovali ste každého proroka, ktorého som ku vám poslal. Ale ste nechceli prísť. Ale teraz prišla vaša hodina.”
142Či nemôžete cítiť Ducha Svätého, ktorý z vás volá? “Ó, Spojené Štáty a svet, ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť, ale vy ste nechceli. Teraz prišla vaša hodina. Váš boh rozkoši, váš boh nečistoty, váš Sodomský a Gomorský boh prišiel medzi vás.” Dokonca naše malé deti chodia ostrihané ako Beatles s ofinou cez celú tvár a začínajú robiť malé zvrátenosti. Naše ženy odpadli. Prekročilo to hranice vykúpenia. Z našich mužov sa stali slaboši, chodia v krátkych nohaviciach, správajú sa ako dievčence a vlasy im visia na krk. Sme Sodomiti, čaká na nás oheň a hnev Boží.
143Viete ako to On zabije, ako to zničí? Tak ako to stále robil. Keď prostitútka urobila niečo zlé, bola ukameňovaná na smrť; zobrali kamene, aby zabili takú ženu, ktorá bola prostitútkou. Takto On zabije cirkev. Biblia hovorí, že z neba príde krupobitie, kamene, ktoré budú vážiť päťdesiat kilo jeden a On ich ukameňuje. Kto Ho zastaví? Čo povie veda, že to sa nemôže stať? On to urobí.
Tak isto, ako pripravil archu a odplavil Noeho do bezpečia, On to znovu urobí pre svoju cirkev.
A podľa svojich vlastných zákonov a svojich vlastných spôsobov, ukameňuje tú prostitútku, ktorá páchala cudzoložstvo s kráľmi a kapitánmi nad stami a tisícimi. Ukameňuje ju na smrť, podľa svojich vlastných zákonov, ktoré ustanovil. Kto Mu povie, že nemôže zoslať krupobitie?
144Opýtajte sa niekoho, kto vie ako začínajú kvapky dažďa. Tvorí sa kolobeh a prechádza to naspäť cez turbo; zbiera sa toho viac a viac a viac, až to nadobudne určitú váhu a potom to padá.
On, Boh, ktorý ... zemská príťažlivosť Ho nedokázala ani udržať na zemi a On sa zodvihol hore do neba. Boh, ktorý stvoril ženskú príťažlivosť môže tiež urobiť dostatočne veľké turbo, aby namotal kamene, ktoré budú vážiť päťdesiat kilo. On povedal, že to urobí a On to urobí. Kto Mu povie, aby to nerobil? On to urobí, pretože povedal, že to urobí.
145Sme v posledných dňoch. Stojíme blízko súdu. Prečo? Oni sa snažia jesť starú mannu, ktorá padala pred päťdesiatimi rokmi, letničná cirkev. Cirkev svätosti sa snaží jesť to, čo bolo pred viac ako dvesto rokmi. Lutheráni pred tristo rokmi alebo viac, mnohí to, čo bolo pred stovkami rokov. Snažia sa jesť starú mannu. Ó, brat, to je skazené. To je zhnité. To bude ... sú v tom ... Stále som hovoril, že sú v tom krútiace sa chvosty, červíky. To vás zabije, keď to budete jesť.
146Zistite si či sa Dávid, alebo či sa niekto iný z nich, poradil s Chlebom na tú hodinu. Či tí kňazi a proroci, a kazatelia, a teológovia, a školy, a denominácie, či len prekonzultovali tú hodinu! Ale teraz im to už nič nepomôže. To sa pohlo ďalej. To už nič nepomôže. Teraz je s ňou koniec. Prekročila tú líniu pred piatimi rokmi, medzi pokáním, súdom a milosťou.
147Všimnite si, čo je potom? Čo sa môže stať? Čo sa má stať? Poraďme sa proroka, Biblii, kde nemôžeme pridať, ani odobrať z toho. Ak to urobíme, Boh nás odstráni z Knihy Života.
Biblia povedala v Malachiášovi 4, čo sa stane dnes. Zjavenie 10, ako bude otvorených sedem pečatí a budú zjavené všetky tie tajomstvá, ktoré boli skryté počas tých reformátorov! On povedal ako sa to stane. Je to v Biblii, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Boh to úplne, dokonale dokázal; potvrdil, že je to pravda, skrze znamenia, zázraky na nebi, na oblakoch, a všetkým ďalším za tridsať tri rokov.
Myslíte si, že budú na to počúvať? Nie. Oni sú mŕtvi. Položili svoju ruku do niečoho, a to zabilo celú tú vec. Nie, to nebude, to nebude, nikdy viac.
148Keď sa toto stalo, vtedy to Dávid uvidel. Ó Bože, pošli nám Dávida, ktorý môže vidieť kde stojí, ktorý sa môže pozrieť a vidieť, že Boh dal zasľúbenie ako to dnes bude robiť. Boh to povedal rovno tu vo svojom Slove, ako to bude robiť.
149Boh povedal Micheášovi. Micheáš skontroloval svoje videnie pred štyristo dôstojnými prorokmi. Prekontroloval svoje videnie, aby zistil, či je v poriadku. Pozrel sa naspäť na to, čo povedal prorok pred ním, aby videl čo sa stalo. Pozrel sa naspäť a videl, že tam stál Eliáš a povedal, “Achab, psy budú lízať tiež tvoju krv.” Tak potom uvidel, že to videnie bolo presne podľa Slova Božieho a tak to povedal. A mal pravdu. Skutočne. Bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorili tí ostatní, on stál rovno s tým Slovom.
150No pozrime sa na videnie, ktoré máme dnes. Či je to stavanie cirkví; či sú to nové veci; či sú to veľké veci, ktoré sa budú diať? Alebo je to súd? Pozrime sa naspäť, aby sme videli zasľúbenie na dnes, aby sme videli sezónu v ktorej žijeme.
151Hovoríte, “Dobre, chvála Bohu, brat, ja som úprimný. Vstúpil som do cirkvi. Mám hodnosť bakalár umenia. Urobil som toto.” To je v poriadku, to je pekne, nič proti tomu; to mal aj Dávid, to mali tí kňazi tam v tom dni, to mali teológovia. Ale to bolo nezhodné so Slovom.
152Boh povedal ako to dnes bude robiť, ako navráti všetky veci, čo znovu bude robiť. On zasľúbil navrátiť. To je presne tak. V Joelovi 2:28, zasľúbil, že navráti. “Ja nahradím,” povedal Pán, “všetky tie roky, ktoré požrala húsenica.” Oni mali ... Vidíte, to je ten istý červ; on je v rôznych štádiách života. A keď Katolicizmus začal žrať, potom Lutheráni a Metodisti a Letniční a všetci, ďalej; On povedal, “Ja navrátim všetko naspäť do cirkvi presne tak, ako to bolo v tej na začiatku.”
153Sledujte to videnie vtedy večer. Presne tá istá nevesta prichádza z tejto strany, prichádza z tejto strany. Potom keď prešla tá prostitútka vo svojich šatách, takto hore a tancovala rock-and-roll, a hovorila o sebe, že je cirkev.
Hovoríte, “No, my to nerobíme.”
Takto vás vidí Boh. To nie je to, čo vy sami vidíte. Tak vás vidí Boh. Nikto sa nevidí zle. Keď sa pozriete do zrkadla Božieho Slova, ono vám hovorí, či ste na tom zle alebo nie. Keby to bol Dávid urobil, uvidel by čo robí zle. Keby to bol Achab urobil, alebo keby to tí proroci boli urobili, uvideli by, že nie sú v poriadku.
154Potvrdený prorok povedal, “Achab zomrie a psy budú lízať jeho krv.” A jeho proroctvo bolo presne podľa toho. Potom vedel, že je v poriadku. Ešte aj Jozafat to mal uvidieť a poznať to. Keď Micheáš videl to videnie, on nebol veľmi s tými ľuďmi v tom čase ale mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. On mal pravdu.
155Všimnite si, my prinášame túto vec teraz v tomto dni, keď vidíme tú veľkú hodinu do ktorej prichádzame.
Všimnite si, čo sa tiež Dávid snažil robiť. Mám tu o tom niečo poznačené. On sa snažil priniesť tú truhlu do mesta Dávidovho, do svojej vlastnej denominácii.
156Pozrite sa naspäť tam kde Pán prv prehovoril tu dole nad riekou, “Ako bol poslaný Ján Krstiteľ, aby predišiel prvý príchod ...”
Brat, Zbory [Názov letničnej denominácie. - poz. Prekl.] sa za tým nemôžu postaviť, ani Zjednotení, nikto z nich. Oni musia mať niekde niekoho. Och, oni všetci to musia robiť, vidíte, presne tak. Oni všetci to chceli priniesť do svojho vlastného domu.
157Chcel to priniesť do mesta Dávidovho. Prečo? Nebolo pre ňu pripravené žiadne miesto.
A to je dôvod, že nemôžete to Posolstvo priniesť do nejakej denominácie. Slovo, truhlu, Krista, ktorý je “ten istý včera, dnes i naveky,” a všetku jeho identifikáciu, nemôžete to priniesť do svojej organizácii. Oni tomu nikdy nebudú veriť, pretože tam nie je na to miesto. Či nehovorí Biblia, že v Laodicejskom veku On bol von z cirkvi a snažil sa dostať dovnútra?
Nebolo miesto v meste Dávidovom, bez ohľadu aké to bolo oddané a aké veľké a tak ďalej. To stále nebolo to miesto. To malo byť v Jeruzaleme. Tam ona neskoršie vošla, keď im prorok povedal, čo majú s ňou robiť. Vidíte? Tak Dávid ju chcel priniesť do svojho vlastného mesta. Nebolo pripravené pre ňu žiadne miesto.
158Kristus je našou truhlou a oni to nechcú prijať. Kristus je Slovo; oni ho nechcú prijať. Oni chcú svoje vyznanie, svoje denominácie, novú truhlu, alebo nový prostriedok na prenášanie. Oni chcú, aby ju niesla denominácia; novú truhlu. Och!
Pamätajte, Kristus je naša truhla! Veríte, že Kristus je Slovo? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.”] To je potom truhla. Je to tak? Dobre. Kristus nemôže byť nesený, do jeho správnej pozícii na žiadnom denominačnom voze. On sa zaoberá s jednou osobou a nie so skupinou. On sa nikdy nezaoberal s nejakou skupinou; s jednou osobou. Keď povedal, že sa nebude. Keby to robil, bol by proti svojmu Slovu, Ámos 3:7. Nemôžete spraviť, aby Slovo klamalo. Nie veru. Ono má pravdu.
159Ale vidíte, oni sa to snažia. Tú Truhlu nemôže niesť nejaká organizácia. V nej je príliš veľa hláv. Vidíte? To sa nemôže stať. On zasľúbil, že to tak nebude robiť a nebude to tak robiť. On povedal ... keď zasľúbil - keď zasľúbil, že to urobí inak. Preto zasľúbil, že to nebude tak robiť. Nemajte také myšlienky. Ja ich môžem cítiť. Vidíte?
160Tak On zasľúbil, že to urobí určitým spôsobom a všetko, čo sa s tým nezhoduje On nebude robiť. Vidíte? Ale Jeho originálny spôsob, podľa toho, čo povedal v Ámosovi 3:7, to je spôsob, ako to urobí. A to musí byť potvrdené a dokázané, že je to správne.
No, viete čo On zasľúbil na dnes, potom to dnes robí. To je presne to, čo povedal, že bude robiť. Otvori tých Sedem Pečatí a čo všetko bude robiť; zjavi tie tajomstvá, ako tie krsty a všetko bolo pomiešané. A tu to je, v Jeho samotnej prítomnosti. Veda to potvrdzuje. Nebesia to vyhlasujú. Človek stojí, díva sa rovno na to a vidí, že sa to deje. Všetko čo povedal ukázal, že je pravdou. Tu to máte. Tak aby ste vedeli kde sme dnes.
161No, každý človek, ktorý má jeho Ducha, to vie, na kom je Duch Boží vie, že toto je pravda, pretože Duch Boží nebude hovoriť nezhodne so Slovom. Nie, nie. To bude presne podľa Slova.
Hovoríte, “Ja mám Ducha Svätého. Vykrikoval som; hovoril som v jazykoch. Tancoval som v Duchu.” To nič pre Boha neznamená. Vidíte?
Dávid robil to isté, prakticky to isté, tam vtedy. Spievali z celej sily a on vykrikoval z celej sily. Všetci ostatní to robili a išli rovno na smrť. Je to tak. To nemá s tým nič spoločného.
162Dôležité je Slovo, Slovo Pánove. “Tí, ktorí očakávajú na Pána.” Tak veru. Vidíte, tí, ktorí majú v sebe Ducha Božieho, dívajú sa na to, čo je zasľúbené na dnes a dávajú pozor a očakávajú, až kým to neuvidia. Potom hovoria, “To je to.” Boh im to zjavuje.
163Ako Natanael. Filip išiel a našiel Natanaela. Natanael povedal, “No, počkaj chvíľu. Ja viem, že je to zasľúbené ale počkaj nech to uvidím.” A keď to videl, povedal, “To je to.”
Tá žena povedala, “No, ja viem, počula som všetkých rôznych teológov. Urobila som toto aj tamto. A čítam si Bibliu a viem, že sme ... Príde Mesiáš a On bude robiť tieto veci, tak Ty musíš byť jeho prorok.”
On povedal, “Ja som On.”
164Povedala, “Poďte a vidzte človeka, toto je to.” Ona čakala až uvidela toho Mesiáša identifikovaného Slovom Božím, potom povedala, “To je to na čo sme čakali štyristo rokov. Nemali sme proroka ani nič. Tu je a On sám hovorí, že to je On.” [Prázdne miesto na páske.] ... poďte vidieť človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko čo som urobila.”
Ale kňazi Ho chceli zabiť a nakoniec to urobili. Vidíte? Ale dnes nemôžu zabiť Jeho Ducha. Je to tak. Nie, nemôžu ho zabiť. On je tu, aby nás voviedol, tak sme vďační. Všimnite si aký veľký je Boh, aké veľké sú Jeho skutky, ako to nikdy nemôže sklamať!
165No, Boh má pripravený a originálny spôsob ako robí dané vecí a nikdy to nebude robiť inak.
166On zasľúbil v posledných dňoch, že čo bude robiť. A to nám poslalo Posolstvo; a toto posolstvo bude mať tú istú identifikáciu, ako mal Eliáš, ako mal Elizeus, ako mal Ján Krstiteľ. A to obráti srdcia ľudí, nie do denominácie, ale naspäť do originálu, ku apoštolským otcom, naspäť do Slova. Ako tieto veci boli potvrdené. Že pri znení hlasu toho posledného anjela, Zjavenie 10, “Vo dňoch siedmeho anjela, tieto tajomstvá, ktoré boli všetky ...”
“Prečo Metodisti robili toto a Baptisti a cirkev Kristova a Svedkovia Jehovovi, všetci robili tamto?
“Tie tajomstvá budú zjavené v tom poslednom dni, keď siedmy anjel ... Posolstvo siedmeho anjela, keď on ...” Nie keď začne toto robiť, ale “Keď začne hlásiť svoje Posolstvo.” Vidíte? Nie v tých rokoch pripravovania, ale, “Keď začne hlásiť to Posolstvo, tieto tajomstvá potom budú zjavené.” A tu ich máme; nepoznali sme ich, a vy ľudia ste toho svedkami.
167A potom v tom veľkom observatóriu, tak že svet bude bez ... oni sa stále divia, čo sa stalo. V Tucsone, tie veľké observatóriá urobili snímok hore tam toho; stále sa divia, čo sa stalo. Čo to je? Stále to dávajú do novín, “Viete niekto niečo, čo a ako sa to mohlo stať?” Tam nie je žiadna hmla, nie je tam žiadny vzduch, nie je tam vlhkosť; tridsať míľ vysoko vo vzduchu. Ó!
“Budú znaky hore na nebi. A keď sa tieto veci budú diať, zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, potom sa ukáže znak z neba, Syna človeka.” “V ten deň,” v Lukášovi, “Syn človeka sa znovu zjavi; zjavi sa.” A svet bude vyzerať ako Sodoma a Gomora. Ó!
Bratia, nebuďte nevedomí tých duchovných vecí, vidíte. “Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte Večný Život; a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Slove.” Oni sú to ktoré svedčia o pravde, o veciach, ktoré Boh robí v tejto hodine.
168A čo teraz? Tí ktorí majú Ducha Božieho, čakajú na tieto veci. A keď vidia tieto veci, veria týmto veciam. Ježiš povedal, “Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, ak ho nepotiahne môj otec. A všetci ktorých mi dal Otec, “On je Slovo, “prídu ku mne. Prídu ku mne.”
169Dnes ráno som bol trochu drsný, vidíte. Oni očakávajú na Pána, čakajú; a keď to robia a vidia to zasľúbenie na dnes, že je potvrdené, to obnoví ich vieru v Jeho Slovo. Pretože, On zasľúbil, že to urobí, a tu to robí. Potom nie je žiadna pochybnosť. Boh hovorí. Jeho Slovo, prv, hovorí. A potom Duch, ktorý to prináša, robí tie veci, o ktorých Slovo povedalo, že ich vykoná.
Ó, máme veľa napodobovateľov. Stále ich budeme mať, človek s úprimným srdcom sa snaží robiť veci takto a takto, ale sledujte, čo sa stalo. Ľudia položia na to svoje ruky a potom zomrú. Vidíte, všimnite si to.
170Žiadna ľudská schéma denominácie nebude nikdy fungovať, získavanie členov pre ich denominačné truhly, ktoré si sami vyrobili. Boh nemal nikdy denomináciu. On nikdy nebude mať denomináciu. To je ľuďmi vyrobená vec.
171A som zvedavý, či dnes, všetky naše tiahnutia a veľké kampane a prebudenia, či sme nenaplňovali metodistickú truhlu, baptistickú truhlu, presbyteriánsku truhlu! Ale čo s Kristovou truhlou, so Slovom?
A ak nevesta má byť Slovom, potom musí byť z Krista, musí byť časťou Ženícha. Musí byť Slovom; Slovom nie na Jeho deň; Slovom na tento deň, ktoré On zasľúbil, že bude dnes, že pošle svoje Slovo, aby sformoval Svoju Nevestu a stvoril ju. Dúfam, že to vidíme! Nerobte si teraz nejaké svoje vlastné predstavy a neprijímajte predstavy niekoho iného. Zoberte to potvrdené Slovo tu, Bibliu. Čo ono hovorí.
Boh zasľúbil vo svojom Slove, ako si vyberie svoju Nevestu v tomto poslednom dni. Vedeli ste to? On to zasľúbil, ako to bude robiť a to podľa svojho originálneho plánu, podľa ktorého vybral Krista, vybral časy, vybral sezóny, ako ... On to nemôže premeškať pri svojej Neveste, pretože Ona je časťou toho Slova.
On to nemôže vybrať pomocou denominácie, keď Krista nevybral pomocou denominácie. Či prišiel Kristus do nejakej denominácie? Či prišiel cez denomináciu? Nie. Oni Ho odmietli. No, to vlastne urobili denominácie vtedy. Potom, keď vyberá Nevestu, či to môže urobiť nejako inak?
Ako tu priviedol Krista? Skrze Slovo prorokov. Je to tak? Ako sem privedie svoju Nevestu? Skrze Slovo prorokov.
Ako Ho identifikoval, keď On prišiel? Skrze muža, na ktorom bol duch Eliáša, ktorý prišiel z púšte. Ako bude identifikovať svoju Nevestu? On zasľúbil v Malachiášovi 4 to isté, prv ako zničí zem, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy.
172Pamätajte, Sodoma zhorela. Je to tak? No, tento svet má zhorieť. Ježiš tak povedal. A to bude čas, že, tak ako hovorí Lukáš 17. kapitola a 30. verš, “V tých dňoch to bude, ako vo dňoch Sodomy a Gomory, vtedy sa zjavi Syn človeka.”
A čo sa potom stane? Podľa Malachiáša, On znovu spáli zem a spravodliví (do Milénia) vyjdú po popole bezbožných. Je to tak? Vidíte?
Tak sme práve v čase konca. Sedíme tu teraz pri dverách, čakáme na Neho, aby prišiel.
173Všimnite si, Boh zasľúbil vo svojom Slove , že si vyberie svoju Nevestu svojim originálnym spôsobom. Ako vybral Jeho. Ženícha! On to predpovedal skrze prorokov a poslal proroka, aby to identifikoval.
Ten prorok povedal, keď stál na brehu Jordánu, “Ajhľa!”
Oni povedali, “Ty si Mesiáš, či nie?”
On povedal, “Nie, nie som Mesiáš.”
“Ty musíš byť Mesiáš.”
174“Ale ja nie som On. Ale On stojí medzi vami. A jeho sandále nie som hodný rozviazať. Keď On príde, dá sa poznať ...”
A dnes On stojí medzi nami, v osobe Ducha Svätého, manifestuje sa viac a viac, prichádza do svojej cirkvi, dáva sa poznávať; pretože, On, a Nevesta a Ženích budú totožní, dáva sa poznávať. A jedného dňa uvidíte, že Ten, ktorého ste cítili vo svojom srdci a videli ste Jeho identifikáciu, sa zosobní pred vami, potom vy a On ste jedno.
Zjednotili ste sa cez Slovo. A Slovo, bolo na začiatku, pôjde naspäť na začiatok, a to je Boh. “A v ten deň poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, Otec vo Mne; Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne.” Haleluja! Sme tu. Haleluja! Som tak rád, že Ho vidím, ako sa zosobňuje rovno medzi nami a vidím, čo zasľúbil pre Slovo; nie že niekto má nejakú emóciu spieva, vyskakuje a tancuje. Ale skrze Jeho Slovo, amen, On sa dáva poznávať.
175Pozrite sa, keď oni postavili chrám a vniesli do neho truhlu, Boh tam vošiel s Ohnivým Stĺpom. Amen. To bol Dávid, ktorý vyskakoval a vykrikoval, to boli všetci tí speváci a kňazi, ktorí sa tak správali, keď boli mimo vôli Božej. Ale keď Boh identifikoval truhlu na Jeho mieste a pozícii, prv ako tam mohli doniesť tú truhlu, tu prichádza Ohnivý Stĺp a ide pred ňou a ukazuje cestu; rovno dole ponad krídla cherubínov a rovno tam za záclonu Svätyni Svätých, na Jeho miesto odpočinku; Ohnivý Stĺp! A sláva Božia tam bola, že až ľudia ... oni ani nemohli vidieť, ako slúžiť. Amen.
To zavrie oči každému teológovi, keď On príde pre svoju nevestu. Ona bude vzatá v prostred noci, tak to pre nich bolo. Oni ju ani nebudú vidieť odchádzať. Ó, chvála Bohu!
176Všimnite si, Boh zasľúbil, že predstaví svoju Nevestu a čo On bude robiť. Bude tu Semeno. Bude Svetlo v čase večera, ako bude robiť všetky tieto veci, presne, takým spôsobom, ako to pôvodne naplánoval v Starom Testamente a v Novom Testamente.
A to nie je cez denomináciu. To nie je cez naše systémy, ktoré my dnes používame. My len spôsobujeme smrť. Nech len ľudia položia na To svoje ruky a zomrú od toho. Vidíte?
177Slovo, večerné Posolstvo, musí priniesť večerné výsledky. Večerné Posolstvo musí zasiať večerné Semeno, nie raňajšie semeno. Večerné Semeno! Je to tak? Poludňajšia scéna, jej semená tam vtedy, to bola denominácia; to zomrelo, zahynulo. Ale Posolstvo večerného času ukáže Svetlo večerného času, ukáže výsledky večerného času; Posolstvo večerného času!
Ježišov čas, posolstvo poludnia, ukázalo výsledky poludnia. To počiatočné posolstvo ukázalo počiatočné výsledky, urobilo stvorenie. On stvoril Svojho Syna na Svoj vlastný obraz, v polovici dňa. V čase večera On tvori Nevestu pre To. Vidíte? Pomocou čoho? Svojho Slova.
Ako formoval zem? Ako ju vypovedal do existencie? Svojím Slovom!
Kto bol Jeho Syn? Slovo! “Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo s Bohom. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.”
Ako On vezme svoju Nevestu? Pomocou Slova; nie pomocou nového voza, nie pomocou nejakej teologickej idei. Ale On ju bude identifikovať podľa svojho Slova. Nedodaj nič ku nemu, ani nič z neho teraz neodober. Nechaj ho takým, akým je. Vidíte?
178V čase večera, On zasľúbil, že zjavi, otvori týchto sedem pečatí a ukáže, čo tie cirkvi tam vtedy prehliadli. Zjavenie 10 a Malachiáš 4, Lukáš 17:30, On povedal, že to urobí. Nepomiešajme to. Zachovajme to presne tak.
179Dovoľte mi, na záver ... Už je skoro trištvrte na dvanásť. Dovoľte mi na záver povedať toto.
Priatelia, počúvajte, v mene Pána Ježiša! Tieto veci sú príliš jasné pre vás, nedá sa im neveriť. Je to príliš jasné pre vás, nedá sa to nevidieť. Skutočne to môžete vidieť! Skutočne svet to mohol vidieť! Ale len vaše ...
Nebuďte ovplyvnení týmito novými nadšenými hnutiami a vecami, ktoré dnes majú; nestarám sa o to, akí dobrí sú tí ľudia, akí sú úprimní. “Ak nehovoria podľa zákona a prorokov,” Biblia povedala, “nie je v nich život.” Vidíte?
180Dávid si myslel, že postupuje správne. On bol úprimný. Tí kňazi si mysleli, že postupujú správne. Oni boli úprimní. Ale zabudli sa poradiť s Pánom o tom. A ako to mohli urobiť? Možno, že si povedali, “My sme sa premodlili.” Ale to nie je spôsob ako to Boh robí. On povedal, že nebude robiť nič, až kým to prv nezjaví svojím sluhom prorokom. A tam stál Natanael rovno medzi nimi a oni sa s ním vôbec neporadili.
181Čítajte tam niekoľko tých ďalších kapitol z knihy Kroník a uvidíte to. Keď bol Dávid v dome a povedal, “Či je to správne,” a Natanael bol tam s ním, “že ja bývam v cedrovom dome a truhla Božia býva tu pod pokrovcami?” A Natanael našiel, od Pána, čo mu má povedať, že čo má robiť.
182A povedal mu to zle, tak potom Boh povedal, “Povedz môjmu sluhovi Dávidovi, že ho milujem. Urobil som mu meno, ako majú veľkí ľudia na zemi, ale nemôžem ho nechať, aby toto robil,” vidíte, “on ma sklamal. Nemôžem mu dovoliť, aby to robil. Ja privediem muža, jeho syna, ktorý postaví večný Boží dom.” A to bol Dávid, samozrejme. Šalamún to znázornil, ale potom upadol. Každý človek musel upadnúť. Každá ľudská bytosť musela upadnúť.
Boh je jediný, ktorý nemôže upadnúť. On nemôže sklamať. To je jediná vec, ktorú Boh nemôže, sklamať. A Boh je Slovo. A Slovo, nezáleží na tom ako to vyzerá, že sa to stane nejako inak, to sa stane presne tak, ako hovorí Slovo.
183Pamätajte, musíte dávať pozor na obdobie, na čas. Rozumiete? V akom období sa nachádzate, v akom čase a je to potvrdené, aby ste videli, že je to presne Pravda.
184No zoberte všetky tieto musíš, celé Slovo, všetky príklady a tie veci a hľaďte kde sa nachádzate. Pomyslite na hodinu, v ktorej žijeme.
Pozrite sa tam, takmer jedna desatina zeme je hotová prepadnúť sa. Veda to hovorí. Oni sa dívajú na hodiny. Pred pár rokmi povedali, “teraz sú len tri minúty do polnoci.” A teraz to môže byť minúta alebo pol minúty.
Povedali, “To sa nestane v našej generácii.”
185“To sa môže stáť za päť minút.” A všimnite si to ďalšie, čo povedal. “Päť rokov.” Ja by som to teraz nepovedal. On to povedal, ten vedec. Ľudia, ako roje múch odchádzajú z Kalifornie. Vidíte? No, ten deň, keď Lot odišiel zo Sodomy, v ten deň padal oheň z neba na zem.
V jednom z týchto dní Boh zoberie naše posolstvo a my to tu opustíme. Niečo sa stane, skutočne dosť, potom, keď cirkev bude preč, Jeho Telo, Jeho Nevesta.
186No, chcem vám prečítať Písmo a chcem, aby ste to čítali so mnou. Chcem, aby ste si otvorili Deuternomium 4, na záver. Myslím, že už hádam bolo dosť povedané, že budete rozumieť. Deuternomium 4. Budem tu čítať dve miesta.
A vy v tomto zbore a vy pri páskach, a vy na iných miestach po krajine, ktorí ste pripojení, chcem aby ste toto dobre počúvali a neodchádzajte. Toto je to čo ...
Deuternomium, 4. kapitola, budem čítač prvý verš. Chcem čítať prvý verš a potom budem čítať 25. a 26. verš. Môžete si to prečítať celé, keď prídete domov; ale len, aby sme ušetrili čas, aby sme zakončili na čas, pretože dnes večer musím prísť znovu, ak Pán dá. Počúvajte čo hovorí tento prorok. On bol v prítomnosti Božej. On vedel o čom hovorí. Počúvajte.
A teraz, Izraelu, počúvaj na ustanovenia a na súdy, ktoré vás ja učím činiť, aby ste žili a vošli a dedične zaujali zem, ktorú vám dáva Hospodin, Boh vašich otcov.
(To je príkladom na naše Milénium.)Nepridáte k slovu, ktoré vám ja prikazujem, ani neujmete ničoho z neho,
(“Nepridajte ani jednu vec do neho a neodstráňte ani jednu vec z neho. Stojte, hovorte len to, čo ono hovorí!”)ostríhajúc prikázania Hospodina, svojho Boha, koré vám ja prikazujem.
Vaše vlastné oči videli to, čo učinil Hospodin ... pre Bál-peora, že každého človeka, ktorý išiel za Bál-peorom, zahladil Hospodin tvoj Boh, z tvojho stredu.
(“Teraz ste oddeleným ľudom, von z tých denominácií.” Vidíte? Vidíte?)A vy, ktorí ste sa pridŕžali, svojho Boha, ste všetci živí dnes.
(“Nezomreli ste so svojou denomináciou. Vy ste teraz živí a v prítomnosti Božej.”)Končím, neprehliadnite toto. 25. verš, teraz, keď vchádzajú do zeme, dávajte pozor čo sa stalo.
Keď splodíš synov a vnukov, a zostariete sa v zemi, a skazíte sa
(To je to čo sa stalo.)a učiníte si rytinu nejakej podoby čohokoľvek, a budete robiť to zlé v očiach Hospodina, tvojho Boha, aby ste ho popudzovali k hnevu,
(Počúvajte!)Už dnes volám nebesia i zem za svedkov proti vám vyhlasujúc vám, že istotne rýchle zahyniete z povrchu zeme, do ktorej pôjdete cez Jordán, aby ste ju zaujali dedične. Nebudete dlho žiť na nej, lebo istotne budete vyhladení.
187Toto hovoril Mojžiš Izraelovi, potom keď ho Boh potvrdil Ohnivým Stĺpom a vedel, že bol dokázaný, ako Boží sluha, aby ich vyviedol. A ešte predtým ako vošli do tej zeme, prv ako vošli, Mojžiš povedal, “Slová, ktoré som vám hovoril, volám nebesia i zem za svedkov proti vám. Ak pridáte ku tomu jednu vec, alebo odoberiete z toho jedno slovo, nezostanete v zemi, ktorú ti dáva Pán Boh.”
Tak ja hovorím, v mene Ježiša Krista! Nepridajte ani jednu vec. Nevezmite, nedávajte do toho svoje vlastné názory. Zostaňte pri tom, čo je povedané na páskach. Zostaňte pri tom, čo vám Pán Boh prikázal robiť. Nepridávajte ku tomu.
188On stále dodržuje svoje zasľúbenie pre nás. Každé zasľúbenie, ktoré dal, dodržal. Či vám nepovedal, čo sa má stať a či sa tak nestalo? Privádzam dnes pred vás nebesia a zem, vyzývam vás. Či Boh povedal niekedy niečo, čo by nevyplnil a neurobil presne to, čo povedal, že pre nás urobí? Presne tak to urobil. Tak On to ďalej bude robiť. Len ku tomu nepridajte. Neodoberte od toho. Len tomu verte a choďte pokorne pred Pánom svojím Bohom, lebo sa približujeme ku vojdeniu do tej Zeme.
Potom, nevrátite sa, nevrátite sa znovu do tohoto typu života. Vrátite sa, ako nesmrteľná bytosť. Prídete, keď s hriechom bude koniec, keď Satan bude zviazaný a tisíc rokov, budete žiť na tejto zemi, ktorú vám dal Pán váš Boh. “Lebo pokorní zdedia zem.” “Požehnaný, ktorý činí všetky Jeho prikázania, aby mal právo vojsť do mesta.” “Lebo vonku budú čarodejníci, klamári, smilníci a psi. Oni tam nevojdu.” to je len pre vykúpených a pre tých, ktorí chodia v jeho prikázaniach.
189Neberte nejaké nové veci. Oni všade lietajú a príde ich ešte viacej. Ale neberte tieto nové veci.
Pán tvoj Boh ti oznámil, čo je pravda. Pán tvoj Boh ti potvrdil, čo je pravda, skrze svoje Slovo a svojho Ducha. “Nie silou ani mocou, ale mojím Duchom.” A Duch, “Boh hľadá takých, ktorí Ho ctia v Duchu i v Pravde.” “Tvoje Slovo je pravda.” A On jasne potvrdil, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On vám ukázal tie večerné Semená. On vám to zjavil, v Slove. On vám to dokázal, skrze svojho Ducha.
190Nikdy nezačnite organizáciu, ani sa o to nepokúšajte. Nesnažte sa stavať na ničom inom.
Ale zostaňte pokorní pred Pánom svojím Bohom, lebo sa zdá, že brány do Zasľúbenej zeme sa zakrátko môžu otvoriť. Potom vojdime so skutočným spevom a s radosťou, keď Nevesta a Ženích zaujmú svoje miesto na tróne.
191Žite pokorne. Žite v láske. Milujte jeden druhého. Nikdy nevpustite nič medzi seba. Ak uvidíte, že vám v srdci povstáva niečo proti niekomu, hneď to dajte preč. Nenechajte ...
A Satan bude robiť čo len môže, aby sa dostal medzi vás. Vidíte? Nenechajte, aby sa to stalo. Môže prísť niekto s úlisným jazykom a bude sa vás snažiť odviesť od toho. Myslíte si, že by mohli nahovoriť Mojžiša, aby vyšiel z prítomnosti Božej, keď tam stál a videl To? Nie veru. Nie. My neodoberáme, ani nepridávame ku Tomu. Zachovajte to tak, ako to Pán povedal. Nechceme žiadnu denomináciu. Nechceme žiadne organizácie. Nechceme žiadnu zlomyseľnosť. Nechcem žiadny konflikt. Chceme Boha a On je Slovo.
Skloňme teraz hlavy.
192Ó, Bože, dívam sa okolo duchovným okom, snažím sa vidieť čo sa deje. Vidím tvoje Slovo, to ako je potvrdené, ako je dokázané; po celý čas už tridsať tri rokov, tu dole pri rieke, čo si povedal. A tu to je, po tridsiatych troch rokoch a Ty robíš presne to, čo si povedal. A vykonal si presne to, čo si povedal. Pane, ďaleko je to od nás, aby sme sa to snažili urobiť niečím menším alebo, aby sme sa to snažili urobiť niečím väčším; proste zachovať to tak, ako si to dal, len pokorne kráčať a nasledovať Ťa.
193Toto sú tí, Pane, ktorých si dal do služby, okrem toho všetci tí, ktorí spia po celom národe, okolo sveta. Cintoríny tu držia mnohých tých, ktorí čakajú, požehnaných svätých. Ale to je tak, ako bolo povedané, “My ktorí sme nažive a pozostávame nezadržíme tých, ktorí zosnuli. Trúba zaznie, mŕtvi vstanú najprv, potom budeme vychvátení s nimi.” Keď sláva Božia bude na zemi, ona skryje cirkev zo sveta. Svet ju ani nebude vidieť, keď bude odchádzať.
194Otče Bože, zachovaj týchto v tvojich rukách. Oni sú Tvoji. Modlím sa, Bože, aby sme stále chodili pokorne pred tebou. Nevieme ako dlho. Netúžime vedieť ako dlho; to nie je naša vec. To je tvoja vec. Nie o to nám ide, aby sme vedeli kedy prídeš. Ide nám o to, Pane, aby sme zostali pokorní, až kým neprídeš a chodili s tebou. Naša túžba je po tebe, aby si sa medzi nami dal sem tam poznať, Otče, aby sme mohli vidieť, že stále chodíme s tebou.
195Odpusť nám naše minulé hriechy. Veď nás a ochraňuj od každej nástrahy diablovej, do budúcna. Veď nás a sprevádzaj, ó Bože náš Otče. Odpusť nám naše hriechy a pomôž nám, aby sme boli tvojimi deťmi. Sme biednou skupinou ľudí. Sme odvrhnutí, spoločnosťami tohoto sveta, denomináciami cirkví.
Vidíme koniec. A ďakujeme ti za duchovný zrak do tvojho Slova, že vidíme koniec, lebo všetky tieto veci musia prísť na to veľké kameňovanie z neba. Pomôž nám, Pane, aby sme tu neboli v ten deň, ale aby sme boli preč, v tvojej prítomnosti, aby sme odleteli do tvojej náruče.
196Uzdrav chorých a postihnutých, Pane. Modlíme sa, aby si nám dnes dal také veľké zhromaždenie, aby v našom strede nebola žiadna slabá osoba, z dôvodu Tvojej prítomnosti, Pane. Aby naše srdcia boli ustavične nastavené na Teba. A vieme, Pane, že peniaze, majetok, veci tohoto sveta nemajú žiadny význam, to je len dočasné. To všetko musí pominúť. Naša práca, naše miesta, naši priatelia, všetko musí pominúť. Nezáleží akí bohatí, akí biedni, akí populárni alebo nepopulárni sme, to všetko musí pominúť. Ale je len jedna vec, okolo ktorej je tu sústredená naša bytosť a to je Ježiš Kristus. Tak, Bože, daj nám, aby sme vedeli odložiť všetko ako druhoradé a držali sa Jeho. A On je Slovo. Daj nám to, Pane.
197Potvrdené Slovo na túto hodinu! Potvrdené Slovo vo dňoch Mojžiša bol Ježiš. Potvrdené Slovo vo dňoch Izaiáša, Eliáša, Jána, všetkých, bol Ježiš. A potvrdené Slovo dnes je Ježiš, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Pomôž nám Pane, aby sme tomu verili, videli to a chodili v tom. Prosíme v mene Ježiša.
198So sklonenými hlavami, rád by som vedel či je tu niekto, kto nikdy skutočne neurobil to veľké, plne dostačujúce ... Veríte tomu, ale len veriť tomu, to nestačí.
Verím, že moja žena bola dobré dievča. Poznal som jej otca, jej matku. Poznal som ju roky a roky. Viedla poctivý život. Veril som, že bude z nej dobrá žena, ale to ju neurobilo mojou ženou. Stala sa mojou až vtedy, keď som ju prijal a ona prijala mňa.
Teraz Ježiš chce prijať teba, či ho chceš prijať a stať sa časťou jeho Slova? Ak si to neurobil, so sklonenými hlavami, verím ...
199Nie je tu miesto na výzvu ku oltáru. Ja aj tak nie som veľmi za tým. Verím, že Boh ťa stretne rovno tam kde si. Zodvihli by ste ruky, povedzte, “Brat Branham, spomeň ma v modlitbe. Chcem to urobiť.” Nech ťa Boh žehná. “Ja ...” Nech ťa Boh žehná. Ó, všade vidím zodvihnuté ruky! “Chcem byť taký.” Nech ťa Boh žehná brat, všetkých vás okolo. “Chcem byť taký.” Nech ťa Boh žehná. “Skutočne chcem byť taký. Vidím to.”
No, pozri sa, priateľ môže byť niečo malé ... Ak nie si taký, potom je niečo iné, okolo čoho si sa skoncentroval, namiesto toho. Si tak blízko pri tom, že sa dívaš na to. Vidíš to. Už roky to vidíš, ako sa to pohybuje. Vidíš, ako to teraz dozrieva. Ak toto znamená pre nás všetko a nič iné nebude pretrvávať okrem toho, prečo nie, len odvráť hlavu od toho, na čo si sa díval a sústreď sa na Neho. Ktorý, to centrum všetkého života, všetkej budúcnosti, je On. Urobíš to, zatiaľ čo sa budeme spoločne modliť?
200Drahý Bože, keď ruky mužov i žien, chlapcov, dievčat, ešte aj kazatelia zodvihli ruky. Oni chceli povedať, že chcú byť sústredení rovno okolo Pána Ježiša a pri tom sa zdá, ako by to nedokázali urobiť. Niečo ich ťahá na túto stranu alebo na tamtú stranu. To môže byť denominácia, môže to byť nejaká osoba, môže to byť hriech, môže to byť niečo, čo skrývajú vo svojom srdci. Ja neviem, Pane. Ty vieš. Čokoľvek to je, nech by hneď teraz, Pane, keď iných si zavolal ... Ty si ich zavolal. Oni sú Tvoji.
A keď ich voláš, nech sú od toho oslobodení, od toho stále obkľučujúceho hriechu, ako hovorí Biblia. “Odvráťte sa od hriechu, ktorý nás tak ľahko obkľučuje, aby sme mohli s trpezlivosťou bežať beh, ktorý je pred nami, hľadiac na ...” Na čo? Na našu prácu, na našu denomináciu, na naše pripojenie, na rady? “Na Krista, pôvodcu a dokonávateľa viery, ktorú máme v ňom.” Urob to, Otče, pre nás dnes, lebo to prosíme v Jeho mene a pre Jeho chválu.
201A teraz sú tvoji, Pane. Postupuj s nimi, ako pokladáš za vhodné. Postupuj s nami, ako pokladáš za vhodné. Sme tvoji. V mene Ježiša. Amen.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho
lebo On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
202Zabudli ste na večeru? Zabudli ste na to, či sú deti v poriadku, vonku v aute, či nie? Zabudli ste na všetko, čo bolo a uvedomili ste si, čo je to, čo práve teraz cítite? Uskutočňuje sa to teraz pred vami, deň za dňom. Vidíte? Nech je to centrom všetkého. Nech tie ostatné veci odstúpia nabok; oni aj tak pominú.
Ó, len ďalej kráčajte za Ním! Rozumiete? Ako Elizeus nasledoval Eliáša, nasledujme Jeho. Lebo jedného dňa, tiež musíme byť zobratí hore. Videli sme ten Ohnivý voz, ktorý Jeho zodvihol z hrobu. Cítime to teraz medzi nami. Jedného dňa odopne tie kone z toho kríku. Pôjdeme hore. Milujete Ho?
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote
Ó, či môžete zavrieť oči a takmer Ho tam vidieť?
Milujem Ho, (koho iného by som mohol milovať?)
milujem Ho, pretože On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
203Zakaždým, keď sa vrátim domov niekto chýba. Nebol som tu niekoľko mesiacov, prichádzam a niekto chýba. Som smutný stále keď prichádzam. Raz, jeden chlapec s ktorým som chodil do školy, išiel po ulici a volá, “Ahoj Billy.”
204Pozrel som sa na neho, voľakedy dobre vyzeral. Mával čierne lesklé vlasy, učesané dozadu; a teraz je biely, ako sneh. Býval rovný, takýto zavalitý. Odpovedal som, “Ahoj, Jim.” Pozrel som sa na neho.
Pocítil som v srdci, pomyslel som si, “Bože, ten chlapec a ja, ten muž a ja, sme v tom istom veku.”
Potom, viem moje dni sú zrátané. Viem, už to nemôže trvať príliš dlho. Poobzeral som sa a pomyslel som si, “Čo môžem robiť, Pane? Pomôž mi. Nechcem odísť od teba. Chcem stáť tesne za tebou. Ty ukazuj cestu.” Pozrel som sa a pomyslel som si, “Päťdesiat šesť rokov, ó, to nemôže byť dlhšie!”
205A pozrel som sa a vidím tam sedieť môjho dobrého priateľa Billyho Daucha, sedemdesiat dva či sedemdesiat tri ročný. Dívam sa a vidím tie deti, oni si myslia, “No, počkám až budem taký starý, ako brat Branham, potom budem tak rozmýšľať.” Drahí, nikdy to nemusíte vidieť. Veľmi pochybujem, či to vidíte. Rozumiete? Ale, len si predstavte, keď brat Dauch bude žiť ďalej v týchto dňoch, prežije stovky pätnásť - šestnásť ročných. Taký zomierajú každú hodinu.
Tak, aký je v tom rozdiel, koľko máte rokov. Čo robíš s hodinou, v ktorej žiješ? Čo robíš pre Ježiša v tomto čase? Vidíš? Ó, ja Ho chcem vidieť. Chcem vidieť tú hodinu, keď sa pozriem a uvidím všetky tieto staré telá premenené, vidieť ich “premenených v momente, v okamihu.” Ak to tak nie je, potom sme najhlúpejší ľudia; jedzme, pime a veseľme sa, lebo zajtra zomrieme; vidíte, ste ako zvieratá, zomriete a idete do prachu a to je všetko. Ale brat, v tebe žije nesmrteľná duša. Počuli sme z neba. Videli sme to dokázané. Vieme, že On je a odmeňuje tých, ktorí Ho usilovne hľadajú.
No, členovia Tela Kristovho, keď znovu budeme spievať, chcem aby ste si potriasli ruky jeden s druhým na svojich miestach.
Milujem ... (pozdrav svojho brata, sestru) milujem Ho
lebo ... (Richard!) ... mňa
a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
206Milujete Ho? Povedzte, “Amen.” [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.”] Milujete Jeho Slovo? Povedzte, “Amen.” [Amen.] Milujete Jeho Telo? Povedzte, “Amen!” [Amen.] Potom milujte jeden druhého. Amen! Je to tak. “Takto budú všetci vedieť, že ste moji učeníci, keď milujete jeden druhého.”
Teraz kladiem svoje ruky na tieto vreckovky, ak ich potrebujete zobrať pred večerom.
207Chcem zavolať brata Richarda Blaira ... Boh odpovedal na jeho modlitbu, jeho a tohoto brata tu, keď sa vtedy modlili, aby priviedol naspäť tohoto chlapca, ktorý je tu dnes medzi nami, živý, pretože mali vieru v Boha. A teraz, chcem ho poprosiť, aby nás rozpustil slovami modlitby, na krátky čas, aby sme dnes večer sem znovu mohli prísť.
Na hodinách je asi päť minút po dvanástej. A chcem, aby ste dnes večer znovu prišli, ak môžete, ak ste na blízku. Ak musíte ísť domov, nech vás Boh zachová na ceste a pomôže vám a chráni vás. Ak môžete zostať a chcete zostať, ste pozvaní, aby ste zostali. Nech je teraz Boh s vami.
Až sa stretneme!
Až (zodvihnime ku Nemu ruky) ...
Pri nohách Ježiša;
Až sa stretneme! Až sa stretneme!
Nech je Boh s vami až sa znovu stretneme.
[Brat Branham začína hmkať Nech je Boh s vami]
To je spôsob ako máme opúšťať dom Boží, v modlitbe, pokorne, spoliehajúc, že sa dnes večer znovu stretneme. Ak nie, “Nech je Boh s vami, až sa znovu stretneme!”
Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy. Brat Blair.
1 Let us remain standing now for a moment while we have prayer. Let's bow our heads.
Lord, we are happy this morning to be back in the house of God, in another service. And we pray, God, that You will correct us this morning of all of our errors. Show us the paths that You have ordained that we should walk. And give us of Thy grace and love, that we might follow those paths and instructions with all of our hearts, that we might be found, that day, in Christ, blameless, for we believe, Lord, that His appearing is soon.
2We see all the signs that He said would take place just ere His Coming, now being fulfilled. And with joy we look for that moment. As Abraham of old looked for the promised son, and seeing those last signs of God come down on the earth, then he knew that it wouldn't be long until the son would arrive. And now we see it repeat again. Jesus told us that, "When these things begin to come to pass," to lift up our heads, that our--our redemption was drawing nigh, "perplexity of the time, distress between nations, earthquakes in divers places, the sea roaring, man's heart failing for fear."
3We realize that we're in that hour, when the nations don't know what to do. Another war coming up, looks like. What a horrible thing that would be! The earth pulling apart, scientists saying that something terrible is near. We see the Bible speaking of this. Then, Lord, help us today to stand in this house of correction, and take orders from our God, to go forward in this hour of darkness, to shine Light, for it may be our last opportunity to do so. For we ask this in Jesus' Name and for His sake. Amen.
Be seated.
4 I certainly deem this a grand privilege, to be here in the tabernacle this morning. And sorry that we don't have seating room, around, for you. And the place is packed out, and standing everywhere outside.
You people outside now, you can hear this on your radio. I forget... [Someone says, "Fifty-five to fifty-seven." --Ed.] Fifty-five to fifty-seven. You people outside, and out in the parking lots, and on the streets, can hear this on your radio, between fifty-five and fifty-seven on your radio dial. So we tried...
5I was coming back, rather, to here, to try to have about a ten-day meeting, to speak on the subject of The Seven Last Vials. For, in between those Vials is the Trumpets. And I was telling you in the... when I was going to preach on the Seven Trumpets, that I would bring them in with the Vials and the Plagues. And I thought it'd be a good time. I just returned from Africa, and--and the children hadn't had their vacation.
My little boy, Joseph, had--had kind of went a little... need a little few weeks of study on his reading. He passed, all right, but he wasn't up to par. So we kept him in Tucson, so, while I was in Africa, and went on his reading and catch up on it, with some day school.
And then we come back. And I thought, while the kiddies was having their vacation, I'd have a little meeting here with the people, and preach these subjects. But when we got here, we found that we could not get the school auditorium.
6 And I knew the tabernacle wasn't sufficient to seat the people, and make them comfortable the way they should be when they... when I have this Message, therefore we had to--to make a different arrangement. And instead of having the--the ten nights that we were planning on having, well, I made it just two services a Sunday; this Sunday, next Sunday, and the following Sunday, two services. So, and we never advertised it.
And, then, if anyone who heard some way that the meetings was going to begin on the twenty-eighth, at the school auditorium, if God permitted, well, if you have any friends and got any reservations in the motels, I--I'd--would cancel it, see, because that--that they, we can't get the convenience to have it. They can't get the--the school auditoriums.
7 And now I want to speak, on just evangelistic services on Sunday morning. And Sunday night I want to have prayer for the sick. And we are trusting that God will meet with you people who are sick. I don't know how Billy is going to take care of you; I suppose, give out prayer cards, or however, ways to control the congregation. But we will do all we can to pray for every person in these next three weeks that we intend to have services, if it be the will of the Lord.
8And then many times there is personal interviews, somebody just wants to see you a minute on something or something like that. And we're going to... How many here wants a personal interview, let's see your hand. Wow! Who doesn't? So then we are...
9It's kind of going to be hard to get them, so write out your request and send them, put them in with Billy, then I can get them from there. And, now, he'll announce about, I guess, prayer cards, whenever they're to be given out.
10 How many of our ministering brethren is there here this morning? We haven't had a chance to, I don't guess... Have you recognized any of them? How many ministers are here this morning, would you just raise your hands? Or, stand up. Let's see how many ministers are in the congregation this morning. Well, fine! Thank the Lord for these man. Wish we had time to recognize every one of them, but I'm sure you see them. And we... God knows them in their service, and we pray that God will bless them richly. And, no doubts, many of them has closed their services, to be here. Brother Junior Jackson and, I guess, Brother Don Ruddell, and there this broadcast is coming into their churches. And then, also, up in New York and other places across the nation, this is by a private telephone into each church this morning.
11 I'm glad to see Brother Richard Blair setting here. I just read a letter of a great thing that God did among the people there. The other day, as I understand... I may be wrong, Brother Blair; if I am, correct me. He was working, helping a man wire a trailer or something, I believe it was. I read the letter. And they reversed something, and, however, it run the current into a water where a little boy was, one... the--the man that the trailer belonged to, his little boy, just a little lad, and it killed the little boy. And his stomach swollen. We know electrical shock, that's, when they die, that's what happens. The little eyes set; his teeth went together.
12It alarmed the brethren so bad. Brother Blair said he thought he could get a hold of me somewhere, to pray for it, but remembered that it was that, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst." And the father skinned his fingers trying to get his fingers in the little boy's mouth, to break it open. And they knelt down and started praying over the little boy, and he come back to life again.
13 Was that true, Brother Blair? One of our loyal brothers here. Oh, the little boy is here. Well, thank the Lord. That's fine. We'd like for you to stand up, sonny boy. Now, we thank the dear Lord for this. That the father of the little boy? Are you the father? That's right. And here is Brother Richard Blair. Our God is able to do anything. Yes, sir. He promised it. We are living in the Divine Presence of the great, glorious, Heavenly Father. And all things that we... are possible if we can just believe it.
14You see what that does, what it paid off for that man's life to believe that? Saved his little boy. Now, God had his loyal servants there, to... Brother Blair and them, to pray for the little boy when he was in that condition. Yes, when anything happens, remember, you are children of the living God.
"Wherever two or more are gathered in My Name, there I am." And again it's written, "He's a very present help in time of trouble." And if there ever was trouble, was that little boy laying there, dead, on the ground, from a shock of electricity that went through him. So we're thanking God this morning, with all of our hearts, for these, for these things that He has done for us.
15God bless these faithful man, too. In a time of emergency that's the time to look to God. And look to Him, and be on friendship with Him before the emergency arrives. We know this. If we have favor with God, we can ask Him anything, like you would any other friend, and He is a very present help in time of trouble.
16 I just met on the street, yesterday, Brother John Martin's sister. I was... Someone had stopped me down on the street, and someone went by and waved their hand. Coming back home, you know, you see the people everywhere, stopping and shaking hands, and so forth. And this lady, I remember they called me recently, where someone hit her in the back, in a car, bursted her spine and all up-and-down. She was to be paralyzed the rest of her life. She is setting in the meeting this morning, enjoying the Presence of God. I was just talking with her in the room. I want to pray with her, again. And she was... She is here somewhere. I guess she couldn't get back in.
But, here, sure, she is setting right here by us. That's right. Would you stand up just a minute, sister, that people might... Here's a lady the doctor said, a few days ago, would never walk, a busted spine and everything, from a wreck--wreck. And there she stands, whole.
You know, the Bible said, "And they could say nothing against it, 'cause the man was standing in the midst of them." That's right. Here's a little boy brought back from the dead, and here's the woman with the bursted spine, standing in the midst of us. It's just been done, so He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! How happy we should be to be living now in His Presence, and know that He's this very present help in time of trouble.
Glad to see Brother Vayle, Brother Martin, so many in this morning. The Lord bless you brethren, richly. Now it's...
17 I know it's not too cool in here, with all this crowd, but yet, when I left Tucson the other day, it was about a hundred and four or five. And almost midnight, it was ninety-three, and so this feels pretty good to me. And at Parker they said it was a hundred and forty, Friday before we left. And you can imagine how hot that is. Course, that's in the desert.
18And, now, these next three Sundays. Today, the fifteenth, I believe, is that right, or sixteenth; fifteenth, isn't it? Eighteenth, and the twenty-eighth, and the August the first, (is that right?) August. The twenty-fifth... The eighteenth, twenty-fifth, and first, there'll be services at tabernacle. Don't, you know, get too much of it out, 'cause, you see, we can't get what's in, what's here now, inside, you know, and it just gets worse. Just come back if you can.
19 And then I'm here to get the trustees together. I'm kind of getting put out of all this turning me down on place to hold a meeting, when I'm feeling led to do it. So I think I'm going to ask if we just can't get our tent and--and put it up, and just stay there, you know. Get out here in the ballpark, or out on a farm, and move it from place to place, just as the Lord will lead. And I feel that that's what He's going to do. You know, there's a vision concerning that. And I think that maybe the reason this happens... Now, you know, a lot of times we think it's horrible because certain things happen, but, you know, that might be God, see, driving you into these things. When, He said it, He'll do it.
20 A few nights ago, many of you, just in about a month before going over to Africa, many of you perhaps has the tape, of you people that get the tapes, on, Choosing A Bride, was preached in California. The last few minutes of that tape, I don't remember of ever being there. But the Spirit of the Lord came in such a way. I had been condemning them the way they were living and doing, and after the Gospel had been preached and declared before them so much. And all of a sudden the Holy Spirit spoke out and said, "Capernaum," see, "the city that calls yourself by the name of the angels," that's Los Angeles, "thou are exalted into Heaven, but be brought down to hell." See? And then after it was over, why, I was outside, and Brother Moseley and Billy was with me. And they said... Went back and looked, and the whole floor was just laying full of people, ministers sobbing.
21 And I went and got the Scripture. I said, "There is something about that in the Bible."
And it was Jesus rebuking Capernaum, all those coastal cities that He had visit. Why, He said, "Capernaum, thou art exalted into Heaven, will be brought down into hell." He said, "For if the works had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah that's been done in you, it'd been standing today." And at that time, Sodom and Gomorrah was in the bottom of the sea.
And just after that, maybe a hundred years or something, after Jesus' prophecy, Capernaum, the only coastal city that He had visit, a earthquake sunk it in the sea. And you know that was a direct answer to California, to Los Angeles.
22 And then in Tucson the other day, just as I got back, a great earthquake had happened out there. And the scientists was on the television drawing it out. It was in the papers. That, the earth, the other day, split from the Aleutian Islands, or from Alaska, around the Aleutian Islands, about two hundred miles out into the sea, come back in at San Diego, went around Los Angeles, and come out at San Diego. And it's pulled loose several inches. Houses has toppled down. Motels has went in.
And the scientists on this panel was--was asked. Said, "Well, that could fall in someday?"
23Said, "Could? It will!" And he used the scientific names of how the lava has... That's what's caused these earthquakes all along, around San Diego and down in there. It's been that hollow place. And now all of it's begin to break in, like sand falling in, and now it's just a crust. And it's pulled loose, several inches. They could take radar and stuff, and follow that crack, and mark it. I see where it was at.
And it pulled loose, several inches more, maybe two or three inches the other day, again, right after that prophecy was given.
And the ones that was interviewing the scientists, said, "Well, it probably won't be in our age."
24He said, "It could be in five minutes or in five years; but it's going to fall in."
25 Mrs. Simpson, I don't think she is with us today. Or, I see Brother Fred setting here, but I don't know where Mrs. Simpson is. She went and got a prophecy that I made, about 1935 or something like that, and said, "The time would come," it's written in a book somewhere, "that the sea would weep its way into the desert."
Look what'll take place. If that thousands of square miles falls down into the lava of the earth, and slides in, there will be millions die at one time. And that'll cause such a tidal wave! Remember, plumb up into the Salton Sea, is a hundred or two hundred feet lower than the sea level. That water will probably come almost to Tucson, with that tidal wave coming across there. "And the sea shall weep its way into the desert."
Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,
The signs that our prophets foretold;
The Gentile days are numbered, with horrors encumbered;
Return, O dispersed, to your own.
26We're in the end time. Now, the Lord bless you richly. I get started on that and forget about time. We're going to fade quick, pretty quickly, into Eternity, anyhow.
27 And now in Saint Mark, the 7th chapter and the 7th verse, to bring a text to this subject that was just read in First Chronicles 13. To make a text for this, I want Mark 7:7.
... in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men.
28Now, I know nothing but the Message the Lord has given me, and that's all I can speak on. And now, I'm going to speak on a subject this morning which I thought would be good. And tonight I want to speak on, "meat in due season," if the Lord willing: Spiritual Food In Due Season, and how to receive It. Now, this morning: Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God.
29God is sovereign. And we see here what David done, in the Scripture reading of First Chronicles 13. And he was... His intentions were good. But God does not give us merits on good intentions. There is only one way to serve God, that's by doing His will at His command. And God, being sovereign, there is no one to tell Him what to do or how to do it. He does it the way, He knows the right way to do it. And that makes me feel good. And it ought to make all of us feel good, and I'm sure it does. For, one would have It coming this way, and one have It going that way, and one the other way.
30 But one great thing, again, about God, He has not left us, now, without knowing what's the Truth and how to do it. He wouldn't be just, to punish us for doing something that we didn't know how it was going to be done, and then let us stumble into something. He is not that kind of a God. He's a God that speaks the Word and expects His children to believe It. And, therefore, He knows what's best, and when to do it, and how to do it. We have our ideas of it, but He knows.
31And then if He set up a system, that what He's going to do, and didn't tell us what was going to happen and how it was going to happen, then we, stumbling at it, would be--would be justified in--in our stumblings; or, trying to do something, each one would be justified. But there's only one way, and that is His Word.
32 And another thing, David here, we see that in his heart he wanted to do something that was good. He had no bad motive, or no bad objective. But, the house, or the ark of the Lord, was away from the--the people, and he wanted to bring the ark of God back to its place, so the people would consult God about the things that they wanted.
33Instead of--of just letting it go, we... What if Brother Blair and the father of this little boy said, "Well, it's too bad, child just got hurt, killed. I guess, just something that happened"? But they went quickly to God.
34What if the little lady, and her husband, a minister of the Gospel, a few nights ago, or days, when that little lady had that bursted spine, that just stood up... The doctor said, "She'll be paralyzed all of her life." What if the husband and she had said, "Well, honey, we'll just console ourselves to that"? But quickly they done something about it; they went to God. How many things in the Bible could we refer to, of how when people get in trouble, get to God!
35 Well, then, in them days, they had only one meeting place where they could meet God, and that was at the ark, under the blood. That's the only meeting place yet, under the Blood. Mercy seat was sprinkled, to give mercy to the worshiper, or the asker, when he come to ask the petition of God. And God had a special routine, the way you had to go, too, about that, and He wouldn't accept anything else. He wouldn't accept any other provision; just the way He fixed it.
36Recently I just preached on a Message, many of you know about It, that, only one provided place that God meets the worshiper, the place that He said, "I'll put My Name." If we can find the church that He put His Name in, then we got the place. He said, "I will not bless you in all the gates; just the gates that I put My Name in. I'll put it in one place, and you've got to meet Me there; and that's the only place I'll meet you." And we found out, through there, where He put His Name, and that's the only place that He meets the worshiper. And His Name was Jesus Christ. God's Name is Jesus Christ.
37 Jesus said, "I come in My Father's Name." Every son comes in his father's name. And He came in the Name of the Father.
"And there is not another Name under Heaven given among men," whether it's called Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, church of Christ, whatever it might be done. There's only one meeting place that God meets man, and that's when he's in Jesus Christ, only place. And all these old things back here under the Old Testament, typed that. I want you to clearly understand it. Now, it's a Sunday school lesson. I've got some Scriptures and notes written down here. I thought that this would help you to understand, as all the old things happen for examples to us.
38 Now, we find that God had a way of doing things. But David, just being blessed of God, like he had, and become king, he just thought that he would just do something for God, anyhow. And he never went about it in the right way.
39We notice, God reveals His Word in His Own predestinated season. Now, how could Martin Luther a knowed about the Message today? How could the Presbyterians? How could Martin... or the Catholic church know Martin Luther's message? How could John Wesley a knowed Luther's message? How could Wesley a knowed the Pentecostal message? Or how could the Pentecostals know this Message? See? He reveals It in His seasons, because It is a Seed. And as It grows and matures, He reveals Himself.
40 Like the heat of the sun, to open up. When it's tender and young, bring it out of the ground, the seed; then give it its leaves, in another stage of the sun. Hot sun will kill it if it's the ripening seed... or ripening time. So, He regulates the sun and regulates nature, to meet His Word.
He regulates the Church, the predestinated, the Bride, to meet the season that they are living in.
41Even nature itself tells us today, as we see the nations breaking, the earth sinking in, the handwriting is on the wall. We see the church and the states it's in.
We see the Bride and the state She is in. And we know, by nature, that the Church is getting ready to leave. What a glorious time! It's a time that all the prophets longed to see, this hour.
42 Now, He reveals His Word only in Its season. Martin Luther read the same Bible we did. Wesley read the same Bible Martin Luther did. Pentecostals read the same Bible we read. Jesus read the same Bible that the Pharisees read, but they had... Trying to keep the corn in a early stage, when it was ripening, they fail to see their hour.
Now David has done the same thing here.
43God reveals this Word in the season, and to whom He chooses to reveal It to. God chooses who He reveals It to. He chose that before the foundation of the world. All of His doings were foreknown by Him, hidden from man. He just reveals them as He will. It is His chosen season, His chosen person. And He never did choose a party or sect; it's a chosen person, how He does it.
44 Who is it that will dare to correct Him, and say, "Now, Lord, You made a mistake by putting this man in the ministry. This man doesn't believe like we believe"? Who is going to tell God He is wrong in it? It would take somebody that's a little more of a delinquent than I am, to tell Him that. He knows what He is doing. He knows who to choose and who not to choose, what to do and when to do it. No matter how much we think that a certain person is qualified to do a certain job, God knows who is qualified for the time and the season, or the time and the right time to do it.
45And the real, true Christian; the real, true believer in God, waits upon the Lord for these things. Wait on your ministry. If you feel a call, be sure that it's God. Be sure that it's right. Be sure that it's timely of what you're saying. The Bible said, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with the wings like an eagle. They shall run and not be weary. If they walk, they'll not faint."
46 Notice David, king of Israel, just anointed. Samuel poured the oil upon him, and he was chosen of God, to be king of Israel. And David got this revelation, to bring the ark of the Lord up to the city of David. Now, there is nothing wrong, but, you see, David went at it wrong.
47Now, it looks like if a man like that would get a revelation, a great man like God's chosen king, the greatest king that ever lived on earth, outside of Christ, I guess, was David, 'cause Christ is a Son of David. Now, the greatest man, freshly anointed, coming from the very Presence of God, got a revelation to do something for God, and wanted to do it for God; but the revelation was wrong. Now, that's a great thing. It'll deal with our subject: Trying To Do God A Service Without Being Called To Do It.
48 Notice, David got the revelation. And notice, it was not the prophet, Nathan-ael, that got the revelation. It was David, the king, that got the revelation. Neither was Nathan-ael consulted about it. He never asked Nathan-ael. But did you see here, in First Chronicles, he consulted captains of thousands, and captains of hundreds? He never consulted Nathan-ael. He consulted the people, and he consulted also the priests and the theologians of that day, the scribes and the theologians. David consulted first, said, "If it, this, be of God, let us go down and bring the ark of the covenant of our God, up into the city, and let us consult God before we do things."
49 But said, in the days of Saul, "They left off consulting God, by the--the--the ark, the Urim, Urim Thummim. They left off doing that."
David said, "Now let's get back to God, all of us! Let's get back to the right thing. Let's go down and get the ark and bring it here, bring the Presence of God," in other words, "into the city. Let's hold a revival. Let's bring the people back." But he got the revelation, which seemed to be good, but it wasn't the will of God.
50Instead of asking the source that he should have asked, he consulted his captains, because he had just become king. And he followed that line of thinking, that, his chief captains and his great man.
51Then he went into the church nominal and asked if they could have the revival. The priests, the scribes, the captains of thousands, the captains of hundreds, and he consulted them. "Was this the will of the Lord?" And they said it was. But, you see, he failed to ask the main resource that God always deals through. See, he failed to get it.
52 Now his intention was good. His motive was good. His objective was good, and to bring a revival in the city, bring the people back to God. But he never consulted the way God told him to do it. See?
53Even all the people agreed, and the priests, and that the king was right, "They needed the ark back in the city. Now, they needed the Presence of God. They needed a revival." But God had not promised to reveal His Word, in Its season, to the peoples. He never promised to reveal It to the king, in the season. God doesn't change, a bit. He didn't promise to do that.
54 No matter how sincere, and what good motives, and what good objectives, and how people want those things and see the need of it, there is a will of God to be carried out in these things. That's what I want to drive down tight, for I want to make this so that you have to see it if--if the Spirit of God dwells in you. And that's the reason I'm lingering so long here. Not taking you people's time on the telephone, and on the hookup, but I--I want you to see it. If you run out of time, then get the tape. That there...
55No matter how much it's needed, how much everybody agrees that it's needed, how much that that is the Truth, there is yet one thing to find out. Is that the will of God?
Now, God never promised that He would reveal His secrets to His kings, He would reveal His secrets to His people.
56 Something like the time of Micaiah, the son of Imlah. As we leave, not the text, but another time, to bring this in and make it true to you, real to you, so you won't miss it.
57There was, in the days of Micaiah... He was a poor man, and he also come from a poor family. But, Ahab, king of Israel, as a nation being under God, he had set aside a school and had brought up selected, hand-picked prophets, and had four hundred of them in a school. And they were great man. They wasn't just false prophets. They were Hebrew prophets, genuine man. And they consulted the Lord by these man. And they did prophesy. But, you see, when the real showdown came, they were every one out of God's Word and will. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
58 For Jehoshaphat came down from Jerusalem to meet the--the king Ahab, and they put on their garments, and set out in the--in the gateways, and brought the prophets up before them. First, Ahab said, "We got a place up here at Ramoth-Gilead that actually belongs to us." Now, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Joshua divided it for the people and give that to them, but the Philistines had taken it over.
And said, "Here our children need bread, and we ain't got enough land to raise the bread on. And our enemy, the Philistines, feed their children, the heathens, off of the very ground that Jehovah God gave us." That's very straight. And said, "Here, we, the people of God, set here with our children, needy, and our enemy feeds their children on the ground that God called us out of Egypt and give it to us." That would raise a theologian, wouldn't it? He said, "Shall we go up and take our grounds that God gave to us?"
59Jehoshaphat said, "Yes, I'll help you. We are brothers. You're in Judah, and I'm in--I'm in Jerusalem." Or--or, was it vice versa? I believe... No, that's right. I think it... Jehoshaphat.
However, Jehoshaphat was a good man, a king, a righteous man who loved the Lord. Ahab was a lukewarm believer. So they brought them down, and Jehoshaphat said, "Listen, let us consult the Lord, first. We ought to find out about this." See, if David would have done what Jehoshaphat did! He said, "Shouldn't we do this?"
And quickly, being an Israelite, Ahab said, "Certainly. I've got four hundred Hebrews, like we are, Hebrew prophets of our own organization. And I'll consult them. They are prophets." Now, you see, just...
60 You say, "That stumbles me, Brother Branham. A prophet?" Oh, yeah. There was one in the time of Jeremiah, who said they would only be down there two years. The Lord told Jeremiah, "seventy." Put a yoke around his neck, and the prophet broke it, Hananiah. But you know what happened to him. Oh, yeah. You got to stay with the Word.
So these prophets came up and prophesied, and said, "Go on up! The Lord is with you."
61And one of them, I believe (forget his name now) the chief, Zedekiah, I believe, said, he put two iron horns and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. By this," now that man was sincere, "you will push your enemy plumb back into their lands, and take what belongs to God. It's give to you." I don't believe he was a hypocrite. I believe he was a good man. I believe all them prophets were.
62 You say, "Prophets?" Yep! Remember, the very man that consented to kill Jesus Christ, prophesied, because it was his office. He was high priest that year. And being that he had that office, and held that office, the Spirit of God came to him. That didn't mean he was saved or anything about it. And he prophesied, Caiaphas, because it was his office that did it.
63And these prophets, being prophets, of office prophet, prophesied. And the Spirit of God came on them, man with gifts of the Spirit.
64 I realize I'm talking to ninety-nine percent Pentecostals. But man many times, a man, God can deal with them, give them a gift, and the people will squeeze in on those people. If they're not perfectly called and sent of God, he'll cause that man or woman to say something that isn't His will, because the people constrains them to do it.
65How I had to catch our own little pastor here on it. Out here in the woods one morning, about three o'clock in the morning, said, "Go tell Brother Neville!" I come to you, didn't I, Brother Neville?
66Everybody, "Brother Neville, prophesy over me. Tell me this or that." See, you would have him saying things then that wouldn't come to pass.
"They that wait," to find out what the Lord wants to do.
67 So these man looked upon it in a natural sense, "It belongs to us." But, you see, they didn't find the Word and will of God.
68Then Micaiah come down, and he had a vision. He examined, first, you notice. Said, "Wait. Give me tonight. Let me find out, and tomorrow maybe I can answer you." He wasn't right quick, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," like, in agreeing with the other prophets. He said, "I'll only speak what God says."
And the next day, we find out, God told him what would happen. And it was absolutely contrary to the others. The whole school, it was contrary. And even one of them walked up and smacked him in the face, for it. But, see, he waited. Then when he did that, he compared his prophecy, his vision, with the written Word, and it was right with the Word.
69 When somebody says they "got a revelation to baptize people in the Name of the 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost,'" that's contrary to the Word. None of the rest of them ever did. When they say, that, "Oh, we're going to stand, and this, that, and the other," and so forth, that's contrary to the Word. When they say they "don't believe the serpent's seed," that's contrary to the Word. All these other things, that's contrary to the Word. It must be with the Word and at the season.
70 Now, if David would a only done that. The ark was coming, but not at that time; was no place for it.
71Notice now when they went down to get the ark, all the dignitaries said, "That's the thing to do, David. Glory to God! We need a revival." That was real Pentecost, today; Baptist, Presbyterian. "David, you're our king! You all... Captain So-and-so, and Major So-and-so, and General So-and-so, will be at your meeting. Why, they say that's just the thing to do, David. You got the whole country with you."
That's what's the matter today. I don't want the country. I want God, if there is nobody else stand.
72David had all the captains. He had co-operation with the military forces. He had co-operation with all the denominations, with all the theologians, with all, everybody agreeing with him. So did Ahab, and others in the Scripture; but he didn't have God, because he was out of the will of God. I hope we get this.
73 Notice, they done every religious thing they could. They probably put out advertisements and everything, "Great revival! The ark is going to be brought back. We're going to have a revival. We're going to do this."
74Notice, he sent singers. He sent people with harps, with trumpets, and they done every religious thing that they knowed how to do; and still God was not in it.
Somewhat see it repeating again, don't we?
75They took all the singers. They took the harp players, the trumpet blowers; the women, the man, and whoever it was that sing. They took them all down there, and they went through every religious motion.
I don't want to say this, but I got to say it. So is these denominations today, Pentecostal and all, is going through every religious motion, of singing and shouting.
76Notice, David shouted with all of his might, and he screamed, and he jumped, and he went through every religious motion that there could be; and still God was not in it. And his motive, and his objective, and everything was right; but he went the wrong way with it. See? He done all the religious movements; shouted, sang, had special singers, special shouters, everything else. They danced in the spirit. They done everything that was religious.
77 It's something like our great crusades of our time. They want to win the world to Christ. There is no such a thing. Great landslide revivals, great things happening; if they could only realize, that day has passed. She is doomed. But they are building, crusades, organizations, and everything. But, the results is just about like it was in David's time, it didn't work.
78We go and have a revival. Our great, some of our great evangelists today, they say they have thirty thousand converts, in six week's time; and a year from there, go back, they can't find thirty. There is something wrong. What it is, it's just the same thing David done. Great dignitaries, great man, great preachers, greater schools, great authority, but still they are consulting an old denomination instead of looking in the face of God's Word and see when the season's on. You can't raise certain foods but just certain times of the year.
79 Now let us see what happened. Although their... Their religious emotion and stuff was great, their intentions was great, their crusade was great, their singing was great, their dancing was great, their shouting was great, their music was great, and they had the ark. What good is the ark without God? It's just a wooden box, couple tables of stone.
That's like taking communion, being baptized. What good does it do to be baptized if you're not first repented? What good does it, take communion, become a hypocrite, if you don't live the life and believe the rest of God's Word? Take part of It, and not the rest of It, it shows there is something wrong.
80 Now, when all this happens, let us now see what happens when God, and His age and His time, is not considered; just the people's idea.
81Many people has said to me, "Why don't you come over here and hold a meeting? Well, we call for you. Sign this, that, or the other."
Wait! You might want it, but what does God say about it? Many people has said to me... I've had invitation, I've had interviews, personal interviews and things, waited for a year. Wait! How will I know what to say until God tells me what to say? See, got to wait! That's the reason I said, "Write that out. Let me see what He said." See? Wait! "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." That right?
82 Notice, they consulted only the priests of that day, the theologians, the denominations. And notice, by doing that, consulting the priests and consulting the congregation, consulting the people, they did it wrong.
83Notice, the ark was the Word. We know that's right. Cause, the ark is Christ, and Christ is the Word. See? The ark, or the Word, was not put in its first, ordained, original ordained position. Oh, don't fail to get this, church!
Everything was perfect, and everything looked good, like a great revival was coming; but because they failed to consult the right person about it! They consulted the priests, consulted the dignitaries, consulted the theologians, consulted the singers, and got everything together with one accord, and a great organization of the military, and also the--the--the forces of the nation. Everything was in harmony for a great meeting, but they failed to consult God. So had Ahab, so had others. What a moment!
84 Now don't miss this. They failed to get it, because they hadn't consulted. And by doing that... Watch. By going to the priests, by going to the theologians, and by going to the military forces, and not even considering their God-sent messenger of the hour, Nathan, they did it wrong. They went and picked up the ark and put it upon a new cart, put it upon a new cart, or, "a new denomination is going to start up," and not upon the God-given, ordained way to pack it. It was supposed to be packed on the shoulders of the Levites. But, you see, when you start wrong, you'll keep on going wrong.
85 If a bullet is supposed to be directed to a target, and you jerk the barrel one thousandths off here, to begin with, at a hundred yards you're four or five inches off. You start wrong.
86O God, help us to know this thing has started wrong, this great crusades of the hour, and they're so called. God is not consulted about it. Priests and religious man is consulted. Organizations is consulted. "Well, will you have such-and-such? I believe, if we could get everybody together!" Don't get everybody together. Just get God's Word about it.
87 Then we find that, when they do that, what do they do? They continually to go right on with their same old religious program, which is out of the Word of God and the will of God. That thing died, years ago, them old dried up things of years ago.
88It had dried up in the days of Lord Jesus. They didn't know it. Said, "If you'd a knowed Moses, you'd a knowed Me, for Moses said I was coming."
Said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness."
89Said, "They're all dead!" "Blind," He called them, Pharisees, religious leaders. "Except you believe that I am He, you'll die in your sins." But they didn't do it. They was so set in their ways. They had to have it their way.
90 That's the way David did it. He had it in his way, so he just said, "You know what I'll do? We're moving." He had a revelation. "We're moving now, so we'll do it a new way. The days of miracles is passed, so we'll just make us another organization. We'll build a new cart, showing a new thing has started." What a false prophecy!
91You've got to go back the way God said do it. They put it upon the shoulders of the Levites, and that was over the heart. The ark, the Word, is not to be packed upon a new denomination, upon the theories of some man, but in the heart. The Word of God is not to be handled by denominations; It's to be handled by the heart of a man, where God can come in there and reveal Himself. And if he reveals it according to the Word, it's God; if it isn't, it's not.
And, then, the Word of that season! Sure, a Pharisee could say, "Who told us that we can't do this and do that? Moses give us these orders."
"But Moses also said..."
Satan said, "Why, it is written, 'He'll give His Ang-... '"
92"And it's also written," said Jesus.
The season, the time! "If you'd have knowed Moses! You have one accuse you, Moses. If you'd a knowed Moses, you'd a knowed Me," He said, "for Moses wrote of Me. 'The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet among you, of your brethren; Him shall they hear.'" If they'd have knowed Moses, they'd have knowed Him.
93 Now close, listen, don't miss this now. See, first thing, when they consulted the priests, consulted the dignitaries, consulted the military, consulted all the congregation, the neighborhood, to get together for this great meeting to come, they failed to do it right. They didn't consult God. And, by doing so, not going back and see what time it was!
94Oh, brother, listen. What time are we living in? What's the age? What's the hour that we're in? It's not time for these things that they're talking about. That's passed. Judgment is on hand now. You can see it breaking. You remember the rock up on the mountain? Judgment hour! You remember the revelation, or the vision of the Bride? Just keep Her in step. Don't let Her get out of step.
Notice, "Upon the shoulders of the priests!"
95 And David and all the priests, that really ought to have knowed better, but what was it? The priests should a knowed better. The scribes, theologians, should a knowed better, because the Word said not to do that.
96And today when they want to say, "Oh, Jesus Christ isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's mental telepathy. That's this, that, or the other." They fail to see the promised Word. "Oh, that was a day gone by."
David said, "Oh, well, now wait a minute. 'Upon the shoulders of--of the priests,' that was back when Moses come out. Sure, we, we'll put it on a new cart today. I got a revelation of it."
97The priests said, "Amen, David!" See, influenced by their new ecumenical council, that they should all be together and do this this way and that way, that's what caused the priests to stumble. They never consulted the right person. They didn't do it right, therefore they got in trouble. Yeah.
98 I'm afraid, in a lot of things today... When a great teacher, one of Pentecostal's greatest, stood before the religious group the other night in Chicago. I was supposed to have that meeting with the Business Men; but I thought I'd be in Africa that time, but just got back the day before it started. And they chose a great Pentecostal intellectual, and he got up and told them that this ecumenical move was a thing of God. And said that all of them is coming back, even the Catholic church is going to come back to its original condition, all speaking in tongues for the evidence, and so forth. And not knowing that's a trap of the devil!
99And a man that I didn't know... Sometimes you plant seed; you don't know what's going to happen. But the president of the Full Gospel Business Men, as soon as the great speaker set down, he said, "I am prone not to say things against our speakers, but that ain't the way Brother Branham said would happen. But he said that would lead to the mark of the beast."
He said, "But Brother Branham don't know what he's talking about."
Said, "We are... believe he does." See?
100 And in Chicago, said, "How many here would like for me to come up and give my version of it?" Begin screaming and shouting.
See, you're planting seeds; you don't know what's going to happen. Just keep laying out the Seed. When that hour comes, some of them is...
101Like Thomas, he was about the last one to see the Lord. But, he had to see Him, to believe Him. See, when they see it happen. Oh, Thomas come in, but he was a little late.
102Now when they see the things that's predicted, and saying THUS SAITH THE LORD, happens, then they say, "Give us some of your Oil." See?
103 But now notice, influence. Sometimes great guys get together. You hear them say, "Great So-and-so, and great So-and-so, our great..." Don't never do that.
There is no great ones among us. There's only one great One, and that's God. We are brothers, sisters. I don't care if you're pastoring a church that's got five people in it, that don't make you little; that makes you a brother, see, if you're true to God's Word. Don't care what, how; you don't get little. God don't have little children and big children. He just has children. They're all the same.
104Notice, God Himself come from the ivory palaces of Glory, to become one of us. Now who is the big one? Took... Not come down here to take the form of a priest, but a servant. Washed the very clay that He created, the feet of His apostles and others. Now who is great?
105 But influenced, these man were. They didn't understand. They thought something new was going to happen, no, something that God didn't say was going to happen. They went at it the wrong way.
That's what all this enthusiasm, when the... started back yonder, a long time ago, each denomination had to have a Divine healer; each denomination had to have this, that, or the other. Each denomination had to have a little David. Each one had to have this, that, or the other. See what happened? It done the same thing it did here. Same thing. Influence!
106The Word for the season, the time that they were living in, was ignored.
107Notice, "the Levites' shoulders," was the original, provided way of God to do these things. "Pack that ark on the Levites' shoulders." Anything outside of that was contrary. What He said, that's what He meant. God cannot change. That's the reason, stay with His Word! I've got Script, yeah, First Chronicles 15:15, if you want to put that down. Notice.
108 Now notice, there, in following God. Now I want you to kind of jot this in your mind. To keep God's commandments, to do anything right for God, to do--do God a service correctly, there is five musts, to do God's service correctly.
109Now David was doing God a service. He was doing everything he knowed to do, except leaving off God. See? He was doing something was right, something good for the people, something good for the church.
110But there is five musts. I want you to remember these. No matter how sincere a man may be in doing it, doing God a service, this, these five must be there.
First, it must be His time to do it.
111What if--if Moses would come, say, "We'll build an ark and float up the Nile, like Noah did"? Noah's time was all right for an ark, but not his time.
112What if Jesus would come, said, "Now I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll just go up on the mount, like Moses did, and get a new declaration of laws"? See? Huh-uh! He was that law. See?
113You must be in His time. It must be in His season. You got that now? Must be in His time. It must be in His season, time and season.
114 And it must be according to His Word that has been spoken. It must. I don't care how well you say this ought to be, or that ought to be, or this ought to be. It's got to be according to His Word; according to His time and His season.
And it must be given according, to the person He has chosen to do it by.
115I don't care how much dignitaries. There is king David, just as great as any of them. He was king over the nation. But He had a way of doing it, and He had told them how He would do it. But they failed to do it.
116It must be according to His Word; according to His time, according to His program.
117 And it must be by the person He has chose to give it and to do it. Moses tried to run from it, "Take somebody else." But God chose Moses to do it. Many of them; Paul tried to get out of it; many others. But it's got to be by the one He chooses to do it.
And it must come, first, to His prophets. The Word of God must come to His prophets. Amos 3:7, "The Lord God will do nothing until first He reveals It to His servant the prophet." Four.
118And the prophet must be a vindicated by the Word of God.
119There is your five musts. It's got to be that way. His time, His season, when He said it would be; and the man that He chose; and it must come to the prophet; and the prophet must be a vindicated prophet. We find out, many of them in the Bible, it come to the prophets and it wasn't vindicated. Our Prophet is Jesus Christ.
120 So now notice, see, God had not revealed the thing to them by His provided way of doing it. They had accepted David's way. They had accepted the priests' way. They had accepted the scribes' way, the theologians', but not God's way. Nathan-ael, was, he was a prophet of that day. Later on, Nathan-ael told them how to do it. But, see, they done it without consulting Nathan-ael. Not a word says that Nathan-ael was consulted. All the influence, the great thing going on! And, my, I think of that song, "Let, keep..."
Help me, Lord, when hearts are aflame,
Let me humble my pride (to go with the rest of them), just call on your Name;
Teach me not to rely on what others do,
Just wait in prayer for an answer from You.
See, that's the way it is. Let me see it happen in the right way, then it's believed.
121 Now, God revealed the thing to them by David, and by the ministers, and by the people, and by the captains of thousands, and captains of hundreds, but not by Nathan-ael who had THUS SAITH THE LORD. And the Lord said He would do nothing until He showed that prophet of the age, first, what to do. See what they did? They went straight out of the Word of God, went and put the ark upon a new cart. See? So they went about to do it apart from God's commandment and God's provided way.
And that's what's happened today, friends. That's why we've had so many great crusades, and so forth, and no results. More infidelity, more sin, more... I tell you, this nation is gone; not only this nation, but other nations. This nation, like England of another age, has been the prostitute of all the rest the nations.
122 Way down in Mozambique, four hundred and eighty miles from civilization, in the jungle, beatnik kids listen to Elvis Presley, jerking their head and bouncing up-and-down like that, all night long, with stay... Or, little sets like that will pull for a thousand miles, plumb over in Rhodesia, to get Elvis Presley. And yet they say, "He is very religious, him and Pat Boone, and them." Why, it's the Judas of the hour, and don't know it. That's the bad part, they believe they're--they're right.
Didn't Jesus say to this Laodicean Church Age, "Thou art naked, miserable, wretched, blind, and don't know it"? Don't know it!
123Well, the Pentecostal kids down in Africa and around, say, "Well, Elvis Presley, he sings the prettiest you ever heard." No doubt but what David did, too; no doubt but what the singers did, but it caused death to strike the camp. See where they're, where we're at today, friends?
124 "The Levites' shoulders," was God's original way to do it. And they had put it on a new cart. Now, it'll never work. They didn't consult the right way. See? So they got out, about it, and went about it in the wrong way.
125And that's what's happened today. When men, no matter how sincere, try to do Him a service outside of His provided way of revealing it, they always mess it up. God sets it in His way. Men, no matter how sincere, you try to do it outside of that, you--you'll mess it up.
126 Something like Balaam was, in Balaam's day. God told Balaam, that prophet. He was a prophet, the prophet Balaam. He was a prophet, and the Word come to him exactly, said, "Don't go down there. That's My selected. That's My choice."
And Balaam got with the dignitaries, the military men, preachers, influenced men, and said, "Well, I'll--I'll tell you, the king will..."
See, just pattern with David, pattern with today. Just take everything in a type, and you'll see it. You see it? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See, see, just like it is now.
127But the clergymen said, the--the--the priests said, the scribes said, the theologians said, "This is the way it's supposed to be done." But, it wasn't, and it proved it wasn't.
128 And God told Balaam, and he was a prophet, first, He told him, "Don't go down."
129But the influence of these other men caused him to do it contrary to what God said do it, and it become a curse instead of revival. Oh, sure, he got down there and taught the people, say, "Now wait! You know what?" Said, "We are--we are Moabites. You remember, Lot's daughter is our queen. She is our origination. We're all of one blood. We're all... All of us denominations are the same." Don't you mix with that thing. Stay away from there. See? So he said, "We're all the same. Why, your peoples is like my people. We can intermarry, one among another, so we can have a real ecumenical council. See? All of us can get together and come back to the original thing again."
God cursed the thing. That sin never was forgiven Israel. It stayed with them the rest of their days. It never was forgiven. They perished in the wilderness with it. That's right. Because they didn't take God's provided way by His a vindicated way of doing it.
130Notice, this thing that they did caused Israel to die the death, in the wilderness. And Jesus said, "They're every one perished and gone." Watch who it was stood with Moses back there, Joshua and Caleb, in the--in the program.
131 Notice again, here is David, what he done. And when he did, what did it do? It caused death to strike a sincere person.
Now, I guess we're still hooked up, and I want you to hear across the lands.
This thing that David done, without consulting Nathan-ael and getting the Word of the Lord for it, it caused death to strike sincere people. Yes, sir. He put his hand forth, which had been living in the presence of the ark; it come out of his--his house. And the ox stumbled, and the ark was falling.
132They had already done one thing wrong, two things wrong. First, they never consulted Nathan-ael. The next thing they did, they went down there by not consulting the Word of God. Which, the... Samuel was the Word in that day... And he never consulted the Word of the Lord. Then, when they did, they went contrary to the Word of God.
And here this good man, that had been caretaker, he was a bishop, thought, "Well, here, I don't want God to be let down," so he put his hand on the ark. Where, he wasn't a Levite, and he died. Three things!
133 Now think real hard, and watch what the denominations has done today. See, they've turned It down, called It "false doctrine." See? Look where they're at. They'll get their ecumenical council, all right. Called It "mental telepathy," when God Himself vindicating It to be the Truth, and proving It's the Truth. "Oh, they're just a little bunch of nitwits up there," they say, "don't know what they're talking about."
That's right, we don't. But we just say His Words, and He knows what He's talking about, see. I can't explain It, nobody else can, but He--He--He proves It.
134Now notice. A many a sincere believer today, that comes to Christ, wants to come with all of his heart, is killed spiritually the same way. Many sincere man go to the Catholic church and wants to become a Christian, go to the Methodist, the Baptist, church of Christ, and even the Pentecostals, see, and wants to become a Christian, put his hand on it, join up with them.
135 And when David saw this thing happen, it woke him up. Don't wake up too late out there, brother. He seen that death had hit.
Show me the results. What has this so-called revival, getting people back in the churches, done to the nation, to the--to the body of believers? It's nothing but made new organizations and denominations, all the way along, more members and so forth. Is the nation better? They said they was going to...
136"America. God bless America. It's--it's a nation, it's a Christian country."
It's a million miles from being a Christian country. I don't even pray for it. How can I pray for it, and it won't repent under the mighty powers of God demonstrated before it; and denying, and closing the doors to It, and walking away? I commit it to God. And she is going further away. And now she is going to sink. Just watch what happens.
137 Many sincere person go join an organization, or a group, or a cult of some sort, and there they die, spiritually. You can't tell them nothing. They get that stuff drilled into them, "Why, these bishops said this. And this said this, this said this." You show them right here in the Word of God where it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. "But our pastor..."
I don't care what your pastor says, don't care what I say, or anybody else says. If it's contrary to God's vindicated Word, the hour, the time, the Message, and so forth, forget it. Stay away from it. And I've got to stand before every one of you in the Day of Judgment, and you know that. And little would I say that, knowing I'm an old man now. I'll... It ain't that I know something, but He knows. I just follow what He said.
138 Look today at the big crusades that we've had across the land. It's proven that it's been in vain. And didn't Jesus say here now, Luke 7:7, "In vain do they worship Me"? In vain did David bring the ark up. In vain did Ahab train them prophets. In vain did Balaam take that money. "Teaching for Doctrine the commandments of man." It's the commandments of God that counts, no matter how sin-...
139"Them people are really sincere." You hear that so much, "They are so sincere." That don't mean nothing. Jehovah Witness, Seventh-day Adventist, and all those cults, get out here on the street and do things that one of us wouldn't do. Catholics stand on the corner and beg, and so forth, those orders of it like that, and worth billions times billions times billions of dollars, still beg for it. Sincere, no doubt. Churches go and--and preach, and so forth, and ministers stand in the pulpit and do everything they can to get new members into their church; but it's a new ark.
There is only one Ark to follow, that's, the Word of God. Anything contrary to that Ark, stay away from it! It's on a new cart, and not on the shoulders of God. Right. Stay away from the thing. Don't have nothing to do with it.
140 Our big crusades, billions and millions has made confessions. And I doubt whether there would be a hundred of them, of all of it. See, hasn't been a thing.
Then look at the Word promise.
141You'll think that that's failed, and we know it's failed. Some of our greatest of--of revivalists in the land today say that it's utterly failed. The church knows it's failed. Everybody knows it's failed. Well, why is it? Why did it fail?
It was for a good purpose. It was to bring people in the Presence of God, great crusades. And millions of people spent their money, and put in great crusades. And churches all went together, great auditoriums, and great things, and great things taken place. Why did it fail? Is because they never knowed the hour they were living.
No wonder Jesus stood, and in His heart He wept. Tears run down His cheeks, and He said, "Jerusalem, O Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen would her brood. You've stoned every prophet I sent to you. But you would not. But now your hour has come."
142 Can't you feel the Holy Spirit screaming out from you? "Oh, United States and the world, how oft I would have gathered you, but you would not. Now your hour has come. Your god of pleasure, your god of filth, your Sodom and Gomorrah god, has come among you." Even our little kids, beatle haircuts and bangs across their faces, and little perverts starting out. Our women is gone. It's beyond redemption. Our men has become big sissies, walking around with little, short pants on, and acting like a girl, and hair hanging down their necks. And we are Sodomites, and the fire and the wrath of God waits for us.
143You know how He'll kill, how He'll destroy it? The way He always did. When a prostitute did anything wrong, she was stoned to death; they picked up stones to kill the woman that was a prostitute. That's how He'll kill the church. The Bible said He'll rain hailstones out of the heavens, that'll weigh a hundred pounds apiece, and He'll stone them. Who is going to stop Him? What science is going to say it can't be done? He'll do it.
The same as He made a ark and floated Noah to safety, He'll do it again for His Church.
And by His Own laws and His Own way, He'll stone that prostitute who has committed adultery with the kings and captains of hundreds and thousands. He'll stone her to death, by His Own laws that He set in order. Who is going to tell Him He can't make a hailstone?
144 Ask someone who knows how a raindrop starts. And it makes a circle, and goes back through a turbo; picks up more and more and more, till it gets a certain weight, and then it falls down.
He, God, Who... gravitation could not even hold Him on the earth, and He lifted up into Heaven. God, Who made gravitation, can also make a turbo big enough to swing a stone till it'll weigh a hundred pound. He said He would do it, and He'll do it. Who is going to tell Him not to do it? He'll do it, because He said He would.
145 We're in the last days. We're standing near the judgment. Why? They're trying to eat old manna that fell back yonder fifty years ago, the Pentecostal church. The Holiness church is trying to, over two hundred years ago. The Lutherans, about three hundred, or more, years ago, many hundreds of years ago. They're trying to eat old manna. Oh, brother, that stuff is stagnated. It's contaminated. It'll... It's got--it's got... Why, I always said, wiggle-tails in it, maggots. It'll kill you, to eat it.
146Find out if David or if any of the rest of them would only consulted the Bread of that hour.
If the priests, and prophets, and preachers, and theologians, and schools, and denominations, would've only consulted the hour! But now it won't do them no good. It done moved out. It won't help a bit. She is gone now. She crossed that line about five years ago, between repentance, judgment and mercy.
147 Notice, what is then? What can be done? What is to be done? Let's consult the prophet, the Bible, where we cannot add to or take from It. If we do, God takes us from the Book of Life.
The Bible said, in Malachi 4, what would happen today. Revelations 10, how the Seven Seals would be opened and reveal all these mysteries that's been hid through these reformers! He said how it would be done. It's in the Bible, THUS SAITH THE LORD. God has completely, perfectly identified that; and vindicate It to be Truth, by signs, wonders in the heavens, in the skies, and everything else, for thirty-three years.
You think they'll listen to It? No. They are dead. They've put their hand into something that's killed the whole thing. No, it won't; it won't, never no more.
148 It was when this thing happened, that David saw. O God, send us a David that can see where he's standing, that can look out and see God made a promise what, how He's going to do it today. God said it right here in His Word, how He would do it.
149God told Micaiah. Micaiah examined his vision before four hundred dignified prophets. He examined his vision to see if it was right. He looked back to what the prophet said before him, to see what happened. He looked back, and he saw that Elijah standing there, said, "Ahab, the dogs will lick your blood, too." Now, he seen then that that vision was just exactly according to the Word of God, so he pronounced it. And he was right. Right. No matter what the rest of them said, he stayed right with that Word.
150 Now let's look at the vision we have today. Is it building churches; is it new things; is it great things that's going to happen? Or, is it judgment? Look back and see the promise of today, see what season we are living in.
151You say, "Well, bless God, brother, I'm sincere. I joined church. I got my bachelors of art. I done this." That's alright, that's fine, nothing against it; so had David, so had the priests of that day, so had the theologians. But it was contrary to the Word.
152God said how He would do it today, how He would restore all things, what He would do again. He promised to restore. That's exactly right. In Joel 2:28, He promised He would restore. "I will restore," saith the Lord, "all the years that the cankerworm's eat." They got a di-... See, that's the same worm; it's in a different stage of life. And when Catholicism started eating, then Lutheran, and Methodist, and Pentecostals, and all, down; He said, "I will restore everything back to a Church exactly like that one was at the first place."
153 Watch the vision the other night. Exactly the same Bride come this side, come this side. After that prostitutes passed with their gowns on, their old things up this a way, and dancing by rock-and-roll, and calling themselves the Church.
You say, "Well, we don't do that."
That's the way God sees you. It ain't what you see your own self. It's the way God sees you. No man sees hisself wrong. When you look in the mirror of God's Word, It tells you whether you're wrong or not. If David would have done that, he'd seen his wrong. If Ahab would have done that, or them prophets would have done that, they would seen themselves wrong.
154A vindicated prophet said, "Ahab will die, and the dogs will lick his blood." And his prophecy was exactly with It. Then he knowed he was right. Even Jehoshaphat should have seen that and knowed it. When Micaiah saw the vision, he wasn't much with the people in them days, but he had THUS SAITH THE LORD. He was right.
155 Notice, we are bringing this thing now in this day, when we see the great hour that we're coming.
Notice what David was trying to do, too. I had a little note here on that. He was trying to bring the ark to the city of David, his own denomination.
156Look back yonder when the Lord first spoke down here on the river, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming..."
Brother, the Assemblies couldn't stand for that, neither could the United, all of them. They had to have one somewhere. Ah, they all had to do it, see, just exactly. All of them had to bring it to their own house.
157Wanted to bring it to the city of David. Why? There was no place ready for it.
And that's the reason you can't bring the Message to a denomination. The Word, the Ark, Christ, "the same yesterday, today, and forever," and all His identification, you can't bring It to your organization. They'll never believe It, because there is no room for It. Don't the Bible say He was outside the church of the Laodicean Age, trying to get in?
There was no place in the city of David, no matter how loyal it was, and how great it was, and--and so forth. It still wasn't the place. It was going to be at Jerusalem. That's where it went later, when the prophet told them what to do with it. See? So David had to bring it to his own city. No place ready for it.
158 Christ is our Ark, and they won't receive It. Christ is the Word; they won't receive It. They want their creed, their denomination, a new ark, or--or a new carrier. They want the denomination to carry It; a new ark. Huh!
Remember, Christ our Ark! You believe Christ is the Word? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's the Ark, then. Is that right? All right. Christ cannot be carried, to His correct position, by any denominational cart. He deals with one person, and not with a group. He never did deal with a group; one person. When, He said He'll not. If He did, He contrary-ed His Word, Amos 3:7. You can't make It lie. No, sir. It's Truth.
159But, see, they try. The Ark cannot be carried by an organization. There is too many heads in it. See? It cannot be done. He promised He would not do it, and He won't do it. He said... when He promised--when He promised to do it some other way? That's the reason He promised He wouldn't do it.
Don't think them thoughts. I can feel it. See?
160 So He--He promised He would do it a certain way, and anything contrary to that He won't do it. See? But by His original way, according what He said in Amos 3:7, that's the way He'll do it. And that must be a vindicated and proved to be right.
Now, you know what He promised today, then He's doing it today. That's just what He said He would do. He would open those Seven Seals, and what all He'd do; reveal the mysteries back there, how these baptisms and all things had been all messed up. And here it is, in His very Presence. Science proves it. The heavens has declared it. Man standing, looking right at it, and see it happen. Not one thing has He said but what He made true. There you are. Just so that you would see where we're at today.
161 Now, any man that has His Spirit's, knows that; has God's Spirit upon him, knows This is the Truth, because God's Spirit won't speak contrary to the Word. No, no. It'll be right with the Word.
You say, "I got the Holy Ghost. I shouted; I spoke in tongues. I danced in the Spirit." That don't mean one thing to God. See?
David did the same, practically the same thing, back there. They sang with all of his might, and he shouted with all of his might. All the rest of them did, and they was walking right into death. That's right. That don't have anything to do with it.
162 It's the Word that counts, the Word of the Lord. "They that wait upon the Lord." Yes, sir. See, they that have God's Spirit in them, look at the promise for today, and watch and wait until they see It. Then they say, "That's It." God reveals It to them.
163Like Nathanael. Philip went and found Nathanael. Nathanael said, "Now wait a minute. I know that's promised, but let me see It." And when he saw It, he said, "That's It."
The woman said, "Now, I know, I've heard all kinds of theologians. I've done this and that. And I've read the Bible, myself, and I know that we're... There is a Messiah coming, that will do these things, so You must be His prophet."
He said, "I am He."
164She said, "Come on, see a Man, this is It." She waited until she seen that Messiah identified by the Word of God, then she said, "That's what we've waited on, four hundred years. We haven't had a prophet or nothing. Here He is, and He Himself says that He is He." [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]"... on out and see a Man Who told me the things I've done."
But the priests wanted to kill Him, and they finally done it. See?
But they can't kill His Spirit today. That's right. No, they can't kill It. It was here to bring us in, so we're thankful. Notice how great God is, how great His works are, how it can never fail!
165 Now, God has a provided and original way to do things, and He'll never do it contrary to that.
166Now He promised in the last days that what He would do. And It sent them, us the Message; and this Message would have the same identification as Elijah had, as Elisha had, as John the Baptist had. And It would turn the hearts of the people, not to the denomination, but back to the original, apostolic fathers, back to the Word. How these things have been a vindicated. How that in the sounding of the last angel, Revelations 10, "In the days of the seventh angel, these mysteries that's all been..."
"Why did the Methodist do this, and the Baptist, and the church of Christ, and the Jehovah Witness, all do that?"
"Them mysteries will be revealed in the last day, when the seven angel's... seventh angel's Message, when he..." Not when he starts out doing this, but, "When he begins to sound his Message." See? Not the years in preparation, but, "When he begins to sound the Message, these mysteries then will be revealed." And here they are; not knowing them, and you people are a witness of that.
167 And then in that great observatory, so that the world will be without, they're still wondering what happened. In Tucson, them big observatories took the picture of it up there; still wondering what happened. What is it? They still put in the paper, "Does anybody know anything about what, how it could have happen?" There is no fog up there, there's no air, there's no moisture; thirty miles high in the air. Oh, my!
"There shall be signs in the heaven above. And when these things take place, earthquakes in divers places, then shall appear the sign in the heaven, of the Son of man." "That day," in Luke, "the Son of man will reveal Himself again; being revealed, Hisself." And the world will look like Sodom and Gomorrah. Oh, my!
Brethren, don't be ignorant of spiritual things, see. "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think Eternal, you have Eternal Life; and They are They that testify of the Word." They are They that testify of the Truth, the things that God is doing in this hour.
168 And now what? They that have the Spirit of God, wait for these things. And when they see those things, they believe those things. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that the Father has given Me," He is the Word, "they will come to Me. They will come to Me."
169I've been pretty rough this morning, see. They wait on the Lord, waiting; and when they do, and they see that promise of today, being vindicated, it renews their faith in His Word. Cause, He promised to do it, and here He is doing it. Then there's no doubt. God speaks. His Word, first, speaks. And then the Spirit that's a bringing It does the thing that the Word said It would do.
Oh, we have lots of impersonations. We'll still have a lot of them, man of sincere heart trying to do things this way and that way, but watch what happened. People will put their hands, and then--then die. See, notice.
170 No man's scheme of denomination will ever work, making members for their own self-made denominational arks. God never did have a denomination. He never will have a denomination. And it's a man-made thing.
171 And I wonder, today, if all of our drawing in and great crusades and revivals, we haven't been filling up the Methodist ark, the Baptist ark, the Presbyterian ark! But what about the Ark of Christ, the Word?
And if the Bride is to be the Word, then She's got to be of Christ, part of the Bridegroom. She's got to be the Word; the Word not for His day; the Word of this day, that He promised would be this day, that He sent His Word forth to mold His Bride and make Her. Hope we see it! Don't get some idea of your own now, and don't take somebody else's idea. Take the vindicated Word here, the Bible. It says.
God has promised in His Word how He would choose His Bride in this last day. Did you know that? He promised it, how He would do it, and that by His original plan of choosing Christ, of choosing the times, choosing the seasons, how he... He can't miss it, on His Bride, because She is part of that Word.
He can't choose It by a denomination, when He didn't choose Christ by a denomination. Did Christ come to a denomination? Did He come by a denomination? No. They rejected Him. Well, that's what the denomination done then. Then when He chooses a Bride, can He come any other way?
How did He bring Christ here? By the Word of the prophets. Is that right? How will He bring His Bride here? By the Word of the prophets.
How did He identify Him when He come? By a man with the spirit of Elijah upon him, come out of the wilderness. How will He identify His Bride? He promised in Malachi 4 the same thing, before He destroyed the earth, like it was in the days of Sodom.
172 Remember, Sodom burned. Is that right? Well, this world is to burn. Jesus said so. And it'll be the time, that, like Luke the 17th chapter and the 30th verse said, "In the days it'd be like Sodom and Gomorrah, then the Son of man would be revealed."
And then what would happen? According to Malachi, He will burn the earth again, and the righteous (in the Millennium) will walk out upon the ashes of the wicked. Is that right? See?
So we're right at the end time. We're setting here at the door now, waiting for Him to come.
173 Notice, God promised in His Word that He would choose His Bride by His original way. He chose His. The Bridegroom! He foretold it by the prophets, and sent a prophet to identify it.
The prophet said, standing on the banks of Jordan, "Behold!"
They said, "You're the Messiah, aren't you?"
He said, "No, I'm not the Messiah."
"You must be the Messiah."
174"But I'm not Him. But He is standing among you. And His shoes, I'm not worthy to loosen. When He comes, makes Hisself known..."
And today He is standing among us, in the person of the Holy Ghost, manifesting Hisself more and more, coming into His Church, making Hisself known; because, Him, and the Bride and the Groom will be the same, making Hisself known. And one day you'll see that the One that you feeled in your heart, and see His identification, will become personalized before you, then you and He are One.
You've united by the Word. And the Word, was in the beginning, will go back to the beginning, which is God. "And that day you'll know that I am in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." Hallelujah! We're here. Hallelujah! I'm so glad to see Him personifying Himself right among us, and see what He promised for the Word; not what's somebody's emotion, singing, and jumping, and dancing. But by His Word, amen, He is making Himself known.
175 Look, when they brought, built the temple and brought the ark into it, God went in there with a Pillar of Fire. Amen. It was David jumping and screaming, it was all the singers and the priests carrying on, when they was out of the will of God. But when God identified the ark in His place and position, before they could get the ark in there, here come the Pillar of Fire leading the way; right down over the Cherubims' wings, and right in behind the Holiest of holies, His resting place; the Pillar of Fire! And the glory of God was in there, till the pe-... they couldn't even see how to minister. Amen.
It'll close the eyes of every theologian, when He comes for His Bride. She'll be taken up in the--in the middle of the night, as it was, to them. They won't even see Her go. Oh, praise be to God!
176 Notice, God promised that He would bring His Bride out, what He would do. There would be a Seed. There would be a Light in the evening time, how He would do all these things, just exactly, and by the way that He original planned it in the Old Testament and the New Testament.
And it isn't through denomination. It isn't through our system we're using today. We're just causing death. Let people put their hands with It, and die from it. See?
177 The Word, the evening Message, must carry evening results. The evening Message must sow evening Seed, not morning seed. Evening Seed! Is that right? The midday scene, its seeds back there, was denomination; it died, perished. But evening-time Message will show evening-time Light, will show evening-time results; the evening-time Message!
Jesus' time, midday message, showed midday results. The beginning message showed the beginning results, made creation. He made His Son in His Own image, in the midday. In the evening time He makes a Bride for It. See? What by? His Word.
How did He form the earth? How did He speak it into existence? By His Word!
Who was His Son? The Word! "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among."
How will He take His Bride? By the Word; not by a new cart, not by some theologian's idea. But according to His Word He'll identify Her. Don't put one thing to It or take one thing from It now. Leave It the way It is. See?
178 The evening time, He promised He would reveal, though, open these Seven Seals and show what them churches had missed back there. Revelations 10, and Malachi 4, Luke 17:30, He said He would do it. Now let's not mix it up. Let's keep it right like that.
179Let me, in closing... It's about, pretty near fifteen minutes until twelve. Let me close, in saying this.
Friends, listen, in the Name of the Lord Jesus! These things are too plain for you not to believe It. It's too plain for you not to see It. Surely you can see That! Surely the world could see It! But just your...
Don't be influenced by these new fandangles and things they got today; I don't care how good a man they are, how sincere they are. "If they don't speak according to the law and the prophets," the Bible said, "there is no Life in them." See?
180 David thought he was right. He was sincere. Them priests thought they were right. They were sincere. But they just failed to consult the Lord about it. And how could they have done it? Maybe they said, "We prayed through." But that wasn't God's way of doing it. He promised that He would do nothing until first He revealed it to His servants the prophets. And there stood Nathan-ael right among them, and never consulted him at all.
181 Now read the next few chapters of Chronicles there, and you'll find out. When David set in the house, and said, "Is it right," and Nathan-ael was setting with him, "that I should have, live in the cedar, and--and the ark of God under the tents out here?" And Nathan-ael found, from the Lord, what to tell him to do.
182And he had done done wrong, so then God said, "Tell My servant David I love him. I made him a name like great men in the earth, but I can't let him do it," see, "he done failed Me. See, I can't let him do it. I'll bring a man along, his son, shall raise the everlasting house of God." And that was David, of course. Which, Solomon typed it, but then he failed. Every man has got to fail. Every human being has got to fail.
God is the only One that can't fail. He can't fail. That's one thing God cannot do, is fail. And God is the Word. And the Word, no matter how it looks like it's going to come this other way, it'll come just exactly the way the Word said.
183 Now remember, you've got to follow the season, the time. See? And what season you're in, what time, and make that a vindicated, to see that it's exactly the Truth.
184Now take all these musts, all the Word, all the types, and the things, and look where you're setting. Think of the hour we're living in.
Looky yonder, that nearly one-tenth of the earth is ready to fall in. Science says that. They're looking on the clock. Few years ago, said, "It's only three minutes now till midnight." Might be a minute, might be a half a minute now.
They said, "It won't happen in our generation."
185"It could happen in five minutes." And notice the next thing he said, "Five years." I never said that now. He said that, the scientist. They're swarming away from California like flies. See? Well, the day that Lot went out of Sodom, the same day it rained fire down upon the earth.
One of these days God is going to take our Message, and we're going to leave here. Something is going to happen, sure enough, then, when the Church is gone, His Body, His Bride.
186 Now I want to read you a Scripture, and I want you to read It with me. I want you to turn to Deuteronomy 4, in closing. I think enough probably has been said, that you'll understand. Deuteronomy 4. I'm going to read two places in here.
And to this church, and to the tapes, people on tapes, and people on the hookup across other parts of the nation, I want you to listen to this real close, and don't you fail. This is the thing that I...
Deuteronomy, the 4th chapter. I'm going to get the 1st verse. I want to read the 1st verse, then I'm going to read the 25th and the 26th verse. You can read it all when you get home; but just, save time, so we can get out on time, 'cause I've got to come back again tonight, the Lord willing. Listen to this prophet speak. He had been in the Presence of God. He knowed what he was talking about. Listen.
Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and to the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers giveth you. (That types our Millennium.)
Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish ought of it, ("Don't add one thing to It, and don't take one thing away from It. Stay, just say what It says!") that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
Your eyes have seen what the LORD did... to Baal-peor: for all the men that followed Baal-peor, the LORD thy God has destroyed them from among you. ("Now you're a separated people, out of them denominations." See? See?)
But ye that did cleave unto the LORD your God, ye are alive every one of you this day. ("Ye never died with your denomination. You're alive now, and in the Presence of God.")
Close, don't miss it. 25th verse, now, when they're going into the land, now watch what happened.
And when thou shall beget children, and children's children, and you... have remained long in the land, and shall corrupt yourselves (that's what happened), and make... graven images (something else), or the likeness of any thing, and shall do evil in the sight of the LORD thy God, to provoke him to anger: (Listen!)
I call heavens and earth to witness against you this day, see, that you shall soon utterly perish from off the land, or the place, where you go over Jordan to possess it; ye shall not prolong your days upon it, but ye shall utterly be destroyed.
187 This was Moses speaking to Israel, after he had been a vindicated by God, by a Pillar of Fire, and knowed he was proven to be God's servant to lead them out. And before they went into the land, before they entered, Moses said, "Now, the words that I have spoken to you, I call heaven and earth to witness against you. If you add one thing to It, or take one Word from It, you'll not stay in the land where the Lord God gives you."
So say I, in the Name of Jesus Christ! Don't you add one thing. Don't take, put your own ideas in It. You just say what is said on those tapes. You just do exactly what the Lord God has commanded to do. Don't add to It.
188 He has ever, keeps His promise to us. Every promise that He has made, He's kept it. Has He told you what would happen, and did it happen? I bring heavens and earth before you today, in a challenge. Has God ever said anything that He has not fulfilled and done exactly what He said He would do for us? Hasn't He done it just the way He said He would do it? That's exactly. So will He continue to do it. Just don't add to It. Don't take from It. Just believe It and walk humble before the Lord your God, for we're nearing the going into the Land.
Then, you won't return, you won't return to this type of a life again. You'll return as an immortal being. You'll turn, when sin is done away with, when Satan is bound, and for a thousand years you'll live upon this earth that the Lord thy God has given thee. "For the meek shall inherit the earth." "Blessed is he that doeth all of His commandments, that he might have the right to enter into the City." "For without are sorcerers, liars, whoremongers, and dogs. They shall not enter therein." They're only for the Redeemed, and to those who walk in His commandments.
189 Don't take some new thing. They're flying everywhere, and there'll be more than that come. But don't take these new things.
The Lord your God has declared to you what is Truth. The Lord your God has vindicated what is Truth, by His Word and by His Spirit. "Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit." And, the Spirit, "God seeks those who worship Him in the Spirit and Truth." "Thy Word is Truth." And He has thoroughly a vindicated that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He has showed the evening Seeds to you. He has revealed It to you, in the Word. He has proven It to you, by His Spirit.
190 Don't never start or try an organization. Don't try to build upon anything else.
But stay humble before the Lord your God, for it looks like the gates may open into the promised Land soon. Then let us go in with the true singing and rejoicing, when the Bride and Groom takes its place at the Throne.
191Live humble. Live loving. Love one another. Don't never get nothing among you. If you see something coming up in your heart against somebody, get it out of there right then. Don't let...
And Satan will do his best to get among you. See? Don't you let that happen. Some slicked-tongue fellow might come along and try to take you away from It. You think they could talk Moses out of the Presence of God, where he had stood there and seen It? No, sir. No. We don't take from It or add to It. Just keep It the way the Lord said. We don't want no denomination. We don't want no organizations. We don't want no malice. We don't want no strife. We want God, and He is the Word.
Now let us bow our head.
192 O God, I look around with spiritual eye, I try to see what's taking place. I see Your Word, the way It's been vindicated, the way It's been proven; all the way from thirty-three years ago, down here on the river, what You said. And here it is, thirty-three years later, and You are doing just what You said. And You done just what You said. Lord, far be it from us trying to make It any littler or try to make It any bigger; just keep It the way You've made It, just walk humble and follow You.
193These are they, Lord, that You have given to the ministry, besides all those who sleep across the nation, around the world. The cemeteries here holds many of those waiting, blessed saints. But it's as it said, "We which are alive and remain shall not hinder those that are asleep. The trumpet will sound, the dead shall rise first; then we'll be caught up with them." When the glory of God will be upon the earth, it'll hide the Church away from the world. It won't even see It when It goes.
194 Father God, keep these in Your hands. They are Yours. I pray, God, that we'll always walk humble before You. We don't know how long. We don't desire to know how long; it's not our business. That's Your business. It's not our wills to know when You will come. It's our will, Lord, to keep humble till You do come, and walk with You. It's our desire for You to just let Yourself be known, once in a while, Father, among us, that we can see that we're still walking with You.
195Forgive us of our past sins. Guide us and protect us from every snare of the devil, for the future. Lead us and guide us, O God our Father. Forgive our sins and help us to be Your children. We're a poor class of people. We're an outcast, by the societies of this world, by the denominations of the churches.
We see the end. And we thank Thee for spiritual eyesight into Thy Word, to see the end time, for all these things must come to that great stoning from Heaven. Help us, Lord, not to be here at that day, but to be gone into Your Presence, fly away into Your bosom.
196 Heal the sick and the afflicted, Lord. We pray that tonight You'll give us such a great service, may there not be a feeble person in our midst, because of Your Presence, Lord. May our hearts continually be set on Thee. And we know, Lord, that money, property, things of the world have no meanings, just so temporal. All of them must go. Our jobs, our places, our friends, everything must go. No matter how rich, how poor, how popular or unpopular we are, it all must go. But there is only one thing that our being here is centered around, and that's Jesus Christ. So, God, let us lay aside everything as secondarily, and hold to Him. And He is the Word. Grant it, Lord.
197The vindicated Word of the hour! The vindicated Word of the days of Moses was Jesus. The vindicated Word of the day of Isaiah, Elijah, John, all, was Jesus. And the vindicated Word today is Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Help us, Lord, to believe that, see that, and walk in it. We--we ask in Jesus' Name.
198 With our heads bowed, I wonder if there is some in here that has never truly made that one great, all-sufficient... You believe It, but just to believe It is not enough.
I believe that my wife was a good girl. I knowed her father, her mother. I knowed her for years and years. She walked a straight life. I believed she was a good woman, but that didn't make her mine. She never become mine until, she, I accepted her, she accepted me.
Now Jesus wants to accept you. Won't you accept Him and become part of His Word? If you haven't done that, with your heads bowed and your hearts bowed, I trust...
199 There is no room for an altar call here. I'm not too much on them, anyhow. I believe God visits you right where you are. Would you raise your hands, say, "Brother Branham, remember me in prayer. I want to do that." God bless you. "I..." God bless you. My, hands everywhere! "I want to be like that." God bless you, brother. Bless you, brother; all of you, around. "I want to be that." God bless... "I truly want to be that. I--I see it."
Well, now, look, friend, there may be a little something... If you're not that, then there is something you've centered around besides that. You're as close to it, you're looking at it. You see it. You've seen it for years, moving up. You see it coming matured now. If that means everything to us, and nothing else is going to last but That, why not just turn your head from that thing you've been looking at and center yourself on Him? Which, the center of all life, all hereafter, is Him. Won't you do it, while we pray together?
200 Dear God, as hands of men, women, boys, girls, even ministers, got their hands up. They--they wanted to--to say that they wanted to become centered right around the Lord Jesus, and yet looks like they can't do it. There is something pulls them this way, that way. It might be a denomination, it might be a person, it might be a sin, it might be something they're hiding in their heart. I don't know, Lord. Thou knowest. Whatever it is, may just now, Lord, while on others Thou art calling... You've done called them. They're Yours.
And while You call them, may they turn loose of that, that besetting sin, as the Bible said. "Turn away from that sin that so easily beset us, that we might run with patience the race that's set before us, looking to..." What, to our job, to our denomination, to our affiliation, to the councils? "To Christ the author and finisher of the faith that we have in Him." Do that, Father, for us today, for we ask it in His Name and for His glory.
201Now they're Yours, Lord. Do with them as You see fit. Do with us as You see fit. We are Yours. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
202 Have you forgotten about dinner? Have you forgotten whether the kids are all right, out in the car, or not? Have you forgotten all about the past, and realized what that is you're feeling right now? It's materializing before you, day by day. See? Let that be the center of whatever. Let the rest of the things go away; they're going to perish, anyhow.
Oh, just keep following after Him! See? As Elisha followed Elijah, let's follow Him. For we must be taken up, too, someday. We seen the chariot of Fire that lifted Him out of the grave. We feel It among us now. Someday He is going to unhook the horses from the bushes. We're going up. Don't you love Him?
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
Oh, can't you just almost just close your eyes and see Him hanging yonder?
I love Him, (who else could I love?) I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
203 Every time when I return home, somebody is gone. I'll be gone a few months, come back, somebody is gone. I get sad every time I come.
The other day, a boy I went to school with, coming down the street, he said, "Hello, Billy."
204I looked at him, he used to be a handsome little fellow, real black shiny hair combed back; now it's as white as snow. He used to be so straight; tummy way out like this. I said, "Hello, Jim." I looked at him.
I felt in my heart, I thought, "God, that boy and I, that man and I, are the same age."
Then, I know my days are numbered. I know it can't be too much longer. I look around, and think, "What can I do, Lord? Help me. I don't want to go ahead of You. I want to stay right--right behind You. You lead the way." I look, and think, "Fifty-six years old, oh, my, can't be much longer!"
205 And I look down, see my good friend Bill Dauch setting there, seventy-two or seventy-three years old. I look around, I see these kids, they think, "Well, I'll wait till I get as old as Brother Branham, I'll think that." Honey, you may never see that. I doubt very much you seeing it. See? But, just think, if Brother Bill Dauch lives through this day, he'll outlive hundreds of fifteen-, sixteen-year-old people. They're dying every hour.
So what difference does it make what age you are! What are you doing about the hour you're living in? What are you doing for Jesus at this time? See? Oh, I want to see Him. I want to see the hour I look and see all these old bodies transformed, see them "changed in a moment, in a twinkle." If that isn't so, then we're most foolish people; eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you die; see, you're just like a animal, you die and go to the dirt and that's all. But there's a mortal... immortal soul living in you, brother. We done heard from Heaven. We done seen it proven. We know that He is, and a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.
Now, members of the Body of Christ, while we sing that again, I want you just set in your seats and shake one another's hands while we sing that again.
I... (just greet your brother, sister) I love Him
Because... (Richard!)... me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
206 Do you love Him? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you love His Word? Say, "Amen." ["Amen!"] You love His cause? Say, "Amen." ["Amen!"] Do you love His Body? Say, "Amen!" ["Amen."] Then, you love one another. Amen! That's right. "This will all men know you're My disciples, when you have love one for the other."
Now I've laid my hands on these handkerchiefs, if you have to get them before night.
207 I'm going to have Brother Richard Blair... God answered his prayer, him and the brother here, praying the other day, for to bring back this little boy that sets among us today, that's living, because of their faith in God. And now I'm going to have him to dismiss us in a word of prayer, just in a few moments, so we can come back again tonight.
Just about five minutes after twelve, by that clock. And I want you come back tonight, if you can, if you're around. If you have to go home, may God speed you on your road, and help you, and protect you. If you can stay, and want to stay, you're welcome to stay. God be with you now.
Till we meet! till we meet!
Till... (let's raise our hands to Him)... meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet! till we meet!
God be with you till we meet again.
[Brother Branham begins to hum God Be With You--Ed.] That's the way to leave the house of God, prayerfully, humbly, trusting we'll meet again tonight. If we don't, "God be with you till we meet again!"
Let's bow our heads now. Brother Blair.
1Zostaňme teraz chvíľu stáť, kým sa pomodlíme. Skloňme svoje hlavy.
Pane, sme šťastní dnes ráno, že sme znovu v dome Božom, na ďalšom zhromaždení. A modlíme sa, Bože, aby si nás napravil dnes ráno zo všetkých našich chýb. Ukáž nám cesty, ktoré si určil, aby sme po nich chodiť. A daj nám tvoju milosť a lásku aby sme mohli nasledovať tie cesty a inštrukcie s celým svojím srdcom, aby sme mohli byť nájdení, ten deň, v Kristovi, bezúhonní, lebo veríme, Pane, že On sa zanedlho zjavi.
2Vidíme všetky znamenia, o ktorých povedal, že sa stanú tesne pred Jeho príchodom, a teraz sa vyplnili. A s radosťou očakávame na ten moment. Ako voľakedy Abrahám očakával na zasľúbeného syna a keď videl tie posledné znaky Božie, ako prišiel dole na zem, potom vedel, že to už nebude dlho, kým ten syn príde. A my teraz vidíme, že sa to znovu opakuje. Ježiš nám povedal, že “Keď sa tieto veci budú diať,” aby sme zodvihli naše hlavy, že naše vykúpenie sa priblížilo, “zmätenosť času, tieseň medzi národmi, zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, hučanie mora, ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu.”
3Uvedomujeme si, že sme v tej hodine, keď národy nevedia čo robiť. Ďalšia vojna nadchádza, tak to vyzerá. Čo za strašná vec by to bola! Zem sa trhá, vedci hovoria, že niečo strašné je na blízku. Vidíme, že Biblia o tom hovorí. Potom, Pane, pomôž nám dnes aby sme stáli v tomto dome naprávania a prijali rozkazy od nášho Boha, aby sme išli dopredu v tejto temnej hodine, aby sme svietili Svetlom, lebo to môže byť naša posledná príležitosť robiť to. Lebo prosíme o to v Ježišovom mene a pre Neho. Amen. Sadnite si.
4Skutočne toto pokladám za veľké privilégium, že som tu dnes ráno v modlitebni. Prepáčte, že nemáme pre vás dosť miesta na sedenie. A je to tu preplnené a stojíte všade vonku.
Vy, ktorí ste vonku, počujete ma cez rádio. Zabudol som ... [Niekto hovorí, „55-57"] 55-57. Vy, ktorí ste vonku na parkoviskách a na uliciach môžete toto počúvať cez rádio, medzi 55 a 57 na stupnici vášho rádia.
5Snažili sme sa ... lepšie povedané, keď som sem išiel, usiloval som o to, aby som mal okolo desať dňové zhromaždenia a hovoril na tému siedmich posledných čiaš. Lebo, medzi tými čašami sú tie trúby. A hovoril som vám v ... keď som išiel kázať o tých siedmich trúbach, že ich prinesiem s tými čašami a pliagami. A myslel som, že by to bol dobrý čas. Práve som sa vrátil z Afriky a deti nemali prázdniny.
Môj malý chlapec, Jozef, mal tak trochu ... potreboval sa poučiť niekoľko týždňov čítanie. Zložil to, v poriadku, ale nedosiahol potrebný priemer. Tak bol v Tucsone, kým som bol v Afrike, a pokračoval v čítaní a spravil to, strávil nejaký deň v škole.
A potom sme išli sem. A myslel som si, že kým deti budú mať prázdniny, že by som tu mal malé zhromaždenie s ľuďmi a kázal na tieto témy. Ale keď sme sem prišli, zistili sme, že nemôžeme prenajať to školské auditórium.
6A vedel som, že modlitebňa nie je dostatočná, aby sme usadili ľudí, aby sa cítili pohodlne, tak ako by sa mali, keď budú ... keď budem kázať toto posolstvo, a tak sme to museli zariadiť inak. A namiesto desiatich večerov, ako sme plánovali, že to budeme mať, no, urobil som len dve zhromaždenia v nedeľu; Túto nedeľu, ďalšiu nedeľu a tú ďalšiu nedeľu, po dve zhromaždenia. A neoznamovali sme to.
A potom, ak niekto, kto nejako počul, že zhromaždenia začnú 28. v školskom auditóriu, ak Pán dá, dobre, ak máte nejakých priateľov a urobili ste si rezerváciu v moteloch, ja by som to zrušil, viete, pretože to nemôžeme dostať. Nemôžu vybaviť to školské auditórium.
7A teraz chcem hovoriť, v nedeľu ráno budeme mať len evanjelizačné zhromaždenia a v nedeľu večer chcem mať modlitby za chorých. A veríme, že Boh sa stretne s vami, ktorí ste chorí. Neviem ako sa Billy o vás postará; myslím, že rozdá modlitebné karty alebo akokoľvek, nejako bude riadiť zhromaždenie. Ale budeme robiť všetko čo môžeme, aby sme sa pomodlili za každého v týchto ďalších troch týždňoch, v ktorých chceme mať zhromaždenia, ak bude vôľa Pánova.
8A potom veľakrát máme osobné rozhovory, niekto chce proste prísť za vami na chvíľu s niečím alebo niečo také. A budeme ... Koľkí tu chcete prísť na osobný rozhovor. Nech vidím vaše ruky. Ó“ Kto nechce? Tak potom sme ...
9To bude trochu ťažko, tak napíšte svoju žiadosť a pošlite ich, dajte ich Billymu a ja si ich odtiaľ vezmem. A teraz, myslím, že oznámi kedy bude rozdávať modlitebné karty.
10Koľkí z našich bratov kazateľov sú tu dnes ráno? Nemali sme možnosť, nemyslím ... Poznáte niektorého z nich? Koľko kazateľov je tu dnes ráno, zodvihli by ste ruky? Alebo povstaňte. Nech vidíme koľko kazateľov je na zhromaždení dnes ráno. Dobre, v poriadku! Vďaka Pánovi za týchto mužov. Prajem si, aby sme mali čas poznať každého z nich, ale som si istý, že ich vidíte. A my ... Boh ich pozná v ich službe, a modlíme sa, aby ich Boh bohato žehnal. A určite mnohí z nich zavreli svoje zhromaždenia, aby tu mohli byť. Brat Junior Jackson a hádam brat Don Ruddell, do ich zborov ide toto vysielanie. A potom tiež do New Yorku a na iné miesta po celom národe, toto ide skrze súkromný telefón do každého zboru dnes ráno.
11Som rád, že tu vidím sedieť brata Richarda Blaira. Práve som čítal list o veľkej veci, ktorú Boh vykonal tam medzi tými ľuďmi. Jedného dňa, ak som to dobre porozumel ... Ak to zle poviem, brat Blair; Ak sa pomýlim, oprav ma. On pracoval, pomáhal niekomu zapojiť elektrinu v karavane alebo v niečom takom, myslím, že tak to bolo. Čítal som ten list. A niečo prehodili a nejako to pustilo prúd do vody, kde bol malý chlapec, jeden ... komu patril ten trailer, jeho malý chlapec, ešte len chlapec, a to ho zabilo. Spuchol mu žalúdok. Vieme, keď je niekto zasiahnutý elektrinou a zomrie to je to, čo sa deje. Očká mu stuhli a zuby sa mu zaťali.
12To veľmi vystrašilo tých bratov. Brat Blair povedal, že myslel, že ma niekde zoženie, aby som sa za to pomodlil, ale spomenul si, že je povedané, “Kdekoľvek sa dvaja alebo traja zídete v mojom mene, tam som ja vo vašom strede.“ A ten otec si odrel prsty, keď sa snažil chlapcovi otvoriť ústa. Kľakli si a začali sa modliť nad tým chlapcom, a on znovu ožil.
13Je to pravda, brat Blair? Jeden z našich verných bratov tu. Ó, ten chlapec je tu. Vďaka Pánovi. To je dobre. Boli by sme radi keby si vstal, chlapče. Ďakujeme za toto drahému Pánovi. To je otec toho chlapca? Ty si jeho otec? To je dobre. A tu je brat Richard Blair. Náš Boh je schopný urobiť všetko. Tak veru. On to zasľúbil. Žijeme v Božskej Prítomnosti toho veľkého, slávneho, Nebeského Otca. A všetko, čo ... je možné, ak len tomu môžeme veriť.
14Vidíte čo to robí, ako sa vyplatilo tomu veriť za ten ľudský život? Zachránilo to jeho chlapca. Boh tu mal svojich verných sluhov, ktorí ... Brata Blaira a ich, aby sa pomodlili za toho chlapca, keď bol v takom stave. Áno, keď sa čokoľvek deje, pamätajte, vy ste deti živého Boha.
“Kdekoľvek sa dvaja alebo viacerí zhromaždia v mojom mene, Ja som tam.” A znovu je napísané. “On je prítomnou pomocou v čase potreby.” A ak bola kedy aká potreba, to bol ten chlapec, ktorý tam ležal, mŕtvy, na zemi, od zásahu elektrikou, ktorá prešla cez neho. Tak ďakujeme Bohu dnes ráno, z celého srdca, za tieto veci, ktoré pre nás urobil.
15Nech Boh tiež požehná týchto verných mužov. V čase naliehavej potreby, to je čas hľadieť na Boha. A hľadieť na Neho a byť s Ním v priateľstve skôr, ako nastane taká potreba. To vieme. Ak máme priazeň u Boha, môžeme Ho prosiť o čokoľvek, ako by ste prosili ktoréhokoľvek priateľa a On je tou prítomnou pomocou v čase problému.
16Práve včera som stretol na ulici sestru brata Johna Martina. Bol som ... Niekto ma zastavil na ulici a niekto prechádzal okolo a zakýval mi. Keď prichádzate domov, viete, všade vidíte ľudí, zastavujete sa a podávate si ruky a tak ďalej. A táto dáma, pamätám sa pred nedávnom ma volali, keď niekto do nej narazil zo zadu autom a popraskala jej celá chrbtica. Mala byť ochrnutá do konca života. A dnes ráno je tu na zhromaždení a teší sa z prítomnosti Božej. Práve som sa s ňou rozprával v tej miestnosti. Chcem sa za ňu znovu pomodliť. A bola ... Je tu niekde. Hádam sa nemohla dostať naspäť dovnútra.
Ale, tu je, ozaj, sedí rovno tu pri nás. To je dobre. Postavila by si sa na chvíľu, sestra, aby ľudia mohli ... Tu je pani, o ktorej doktor povedal, pred pár dňami, že nikdy nebude chodiť, mala popraskanú chrbticu a všetko možné z toho nárazu. A tu stojí, zdravá.
Viete, Biblia povedala. „A oni nemohli nič proti tomu povedať, pretože ten muž tam stál v ich strede.“ Je to tak. Tu je malý chlapec prinesený naspäť z mŕtvych a tu je žena s popraskanou chrbticou, stojí tu medzi nami. To sa práve stalo, tak On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Nech je požehnané meno Pánove! Aký šťastní máme byť, že žijeme teraz v Jeho Prítomnosti a vieme, že On je touto práve prítomnou pomocou v čase potreby.
Som rád, že vidím brata Vayleho, brata Martina, toľkých dnes ráno. Nech vás Pán bohate žehná, bratia. No to je ...
17Viem, nie je tu príliš chladno, keď sme tu tak natlačení, ale predsa, keď som predvčerom odchádzal z Tucsonu bolo okolo 41 alebo 42 stupňov. A okolo polnoci bolo 30, a tak toto sa mi zdá celkom dobre. A hovorili že v Parker bolo 60, v piatok pred naším odchodom. A môžete si predstaviť, ako je to horúco. Samozrejme, to je na púšti.
18A teraz, tieto ďalšie tri nedele. Dnes, pätnásteho, myslím, je to dobre alebo šestnásteho; Pätnásteho, či nie? Osemnásteho a dvadsiateho ôsmeho a prvého augusta (dobre to hovorím?) Dvadsiateho-piateho ... Osemnásteho, dvadsiateho-piateho a prvého budú zhromaždenia tu v modlitebni. Viete, príliš veľa je vonku, pretože vidíte, nemôžeme ich popratať do vnútra, čo je tu teraz, vo vnútri, viete a je to horšie. Príďte ak môžete.
19A potom som tu, aby som zhromaždil členov dozornej rady. Začínam byť tak trochu otrávený zo všetkého tohoto odmietania ohľadne miesta na zhromaždenia, keď sa cítim byť vedený do toho. Tak myslím, že sa opýtam, či by sme si nemohli zaobstarať stan a rozložiť ho, a zostať proste tam, viete. Postavili by sme ho tu na ihrisku, alebo na nejakej farme a prenášali by sme ho z miesta na miesto, tak ako nás Pán bude viesť. A cítim, že to je to, čo On bude robiť. Viete, ohľadne toho je videnie. A myslím, možno dôvod, že toto sa deje ... No, viete veľakrát sme si mysleli, že to je strašné, pretože sa dejú určité veci, ale viete, to môže byť Boh, ktorý vás vedie do tohoto. Keď to povedal, On to vykoná.
20Pred niekoľkými dňami, asi mesiac pred tým, ako som išiel do Afriky, mnohí z vás možno máte tú pásku, vy ktorí počúvate pásky, na tému “Voľba Nevesty”, kázal som to v Kalifornii. Posledných niekoľko minút na tej páske, vôbec si nepamätám, že som tam bol. Ale Duch Pánov prišiel takým spôsobom. Odsudzoval som ich za to, ako žijú a čo robia a potom, keď evanjelium bolo kázané a vyhlásené tak mocne pred nimi a zrazu Duch Svätý prehovoril a riekol, “Kafarnaum,” viete, “ty mesto, ktoré sa nazývaš menom anjelov,” to je Los Angeles, “ktoré si sa vyvýšilo do neba, ale budeš zvrhnuté do pekla.” Vidíte? A potom keď bolo zakončené zhromaždenie, bol som vonku a brat Mosley a Billy boli so mnou. A povedali ... Išli naspäť a pozreli sa a všade na podlahe ležalo plno ľudí, kazateľov a plakali.
21A zobral som Písmo. Povedal som si, “O tom je niečo v Biblii.”
A bol to Ježiš, ktorý karhal Kafarnaum, všetky tie pobrežné mestá, ktoré navštívil. Povedal, “Kafarnaum, ktoré si sa vyvýšilo do neba, budeš zvrhnuté do pekla.” Povedal, “Lebo keby sa v Sodome a Gomore stali tie skutky, ktoré sa stali v tebe, stáli by do dnešného dňa.” A v tom čase Sodoma a Gomora boli na dne mora.
A hneď potom, možno po nejakých sto rokoch potom ako to Ježiš prorokoval, Kafarnaum, jediné pobrežné mesto, ktoré navštívil, zemetrasenie ho potopilo do mora. A viete to bola priama odpoveď pre Kaliforniu, pre Los Angeles.
22A potom v Tucsone na druhý deň, hneď keď som sa vrátil, bolo tam veľké zemetrasenie. A vedci to v televízii rozoberali. Bolo to v novinách. Že zem sa jedného dňa oddelí od Aleutských ostrovov, či od Aljašky, okolo Aleutských ostrovov, okolo dvesto míľ do mora, naspäť do San Diega, okolo Los Angeles a ku San Diegu. A je to uvolnené niekoľko cóľov. Domy sa zvalili. Zariadili Motely.
A opýtali sa tých vedcov na tom grémiu. “No, môže to jedného dňa spadnúť?”
23Povedali, “Či môže? To spadne!” A použili vedecké názvy ako láva ... To čo spôsobí tieto zemetrasenia po celej tej dĺžke, okolo San Diega a tam ďalej. To je to duté miesto. A teraz sa to všetko začína lámať, prepadáva sa ako piesok, a teraz je to len kôra. A je to uvolnené niekoľko cóľov. Mohli zobrať radar a také zariadenia a sledovať tú trhlinu a poznačiť to. Videl som kde to bolo.
A to sa odtiahlo ešte o niekoľko cóľov, možno o dva či tri cóle toho dňa, znovu, presne vtedy, keď bolo dané to proroctvo.
A tí, ktorí sa pýtali tých vedcov povedali, “No, možno sa to nestane v našom čase.”
24On povedal, “To sa môže stať za päť minút alebo za päť rokov ale to spadne.”
25Pani Simpsonová. Myslím, že nie je tu dnes s nami. Alebo je, vidím tu sedieť brata Freda ale neviem kde je Pani Simpsonová. Ona išla a doniesla proroctvo, ktoré som povedal asi v 1935 alebo niekedy v tom čase a povedal som, “Príde čas,” je to niekde zapísané v knihe, “že more si nájde cestu a presiakne na púšť.”
Pozrite čo sa stane. Ak tie tisíce štvorcových míľ spadnú do zemskej lávy, a zošmyknú sa tam, v jednej chvíli zomrie milióny ľudí. A to spôsobí takú prívalovú vlnu! Pamätajte, rovno až do jazera Salton, to je sto alebo dvesto stôp nižšie ako hladina mora. Tá voda príde pravdepodobne takmer po Tucson, s tou prívalovou vlnou, ktorá prejde cez to. „A more si preroní cestu na púšť.“
Národy sa rozlamujú, Izrael sa budí,
znaky, ktoré predpovedali naši proroci;
Dni pohanov sú zrátané strachom zaťažené;
Vráťte sa rozptýlení do svojho vlastného.
26Sme v čase konca. No, nech vás Pán bohate žehná. Začal som s týmto a zabudol som na čas. No aj tak rýchlo zmizneme, veľmi rýchlo, do Večnosti.
27A teraz v ev. Marka, siedma kapitola a siedmy verš, aby som priniesol text ku tejto téme, ktorý sme práve čítali v Prvej Knihe Kroník 13. Aby sme ku tomuto podali text, chcem čítať Marek 7:7.
Lež nadarmo ma uctievajú, učiac učenia, ktoré sú nariadeniami ľudí.
28No, ja neviem nič okrem Posolstva, ktoré mi dal Pán a to je všetko o čom môžem hovoriť. A teraz, budem hovoriť dnes ráno na tému, čo myslím, že bude dobré. A dnes večer chcem hovoriť na tému, “Jedlo na daný čas.” Ak Pán dá: Duchovný pokrm na daný čas, a ako ho získať. No, teraz ráno: Snažiť sa robiť Bohu službu, bez toho, aby to bola vôľa Božia.
29Boh je suverénny. A vidíme tu čo Dávid urobil, v Písme, ktoré sme čítali v 1. Knihe Kroník v 13. kapitole. A on bol ... Jeho úmysly boli dobré. Ale Boh nás nehodnotí na základe dobrých úmyslov. Je len jeden spôsob ako slúžiť Bohu, to je tak, že činíme Jeho vôľu a Jeho prikázanie. A Boh, pretože je suverénny, nie je nikto, kto by mu povedal čo má robiť alebo ako to má robiť. On to robí a pozná ten správny spôsob, ako to urobiť. A to mi dáva dobrý pocit. A to má nám všetkým dať dobrý pocit, a som si istý, že dáva. Lebo, niekto by mal za to, že to ide takto a niekto, že takto a iný zase inak.
30Ale znovu jedna veľká vec o Bohu, On nás teraz nenechal, aby sme nevedeli, čo je pravda a ako to urobiť. Nebol by spravodlivý, keby nás trestal za niečo čo robíme, čo sme nevedeli, ako to treba robiť a potom by nás nechal potknúť sa na niečom. On nie je taký Boh. On je Boh, ktorý hovorí Slovo a očakáva, že jeho deti budú tomu veriť. A preto, On vie čo je najlepšie a kedy to urobiť a ako to urobiť. My máme na to svoje názory, ale On vie.
31A potom, keď On pripravil nejaký systém, na to čo ide urobiť a nepovedal nám, čo sa stane a ako sa to stane, potom my, keď sa na tom potkýname, budeme ospravedlnení v našich zakopnutiach; Alebo v snahe niečo robiť, každý bude ospravedlnený. Ale je len jeden spôsob a to je Jeho Slovo.
32A ďalšia vec, Dávid tu, vidíme, že v srdci chcel urobiť niečo, čo bolo dobré. On nemal zlý motýv ani zlý cieľ. Ale, ten dom, či vlastne truhla Pánova, bola preč od ľudí a on chcel priniesť truhlu Božiu naspäť na jej miesto, aby sa ľudia mohli poradiť Boha ohľadne toho, čo chceli.
33Namiesto toho, aby to len tak nechali ... Čo keby brat Blair a otec tohoto malého chlapca povedali, “No, to je príliš zlé, dieťa utrpelo, zabilo ho to. Hádam, no proste sa to stalo.” Ale oni išli rýchle ku Bohu.
34Čo keby tá pani a jej manžel, kazateľ evanjelia, pred niekoľkými dňami, keď tá pani mala popraskanú chrbticu, že len sa postaviť ... Doktor povedal, “Bude ochrnutá celý život.” Čo keby jej manžel a ona boli povedali, “No, drahá, musíme sa s tým uspokojiť”? Ale rýchlo s tým niečo urobili; Išli ku Bohu. Na koľko vecí z Biblie by sme sa mohli odvolať, ako tí ľudia, keď sa dostali do problému, išli ku Bohu!
35No, potom v tých dňoch, oni mali len jedno miesto stretnutia, kde mohli stretnúť Boha, a to bolo pri truhle, pod krvou. To je doteraz jediné miesto stretnutia, pod Krvou. Trón milosti bol pokropený, aby dal milosť tomu ctiteľovi alebo tomu kto prosí, keď prichádza, aby poprosil Boha o niečo. A Boh mal zvláštne pravidlo, spôsob ako musíte ísť, tiež, pri tom, a neprijme nič iné. On neuzná žiadne iné opatrenie; Len tak, ako to On určil.
36Nedávno som kázal posolstvo, mnohí z vás viete o tom, že je len jedno pripravené miesto, kde Boh stretáva veriaceho, miesto, o ktorom povedal, “Položím tam svoje meno.” Ak môžeme nájsť tú cirkev, do ktorej On položil svoje meno, potom máme to miesto. On povedal, “Nebudem vás žehnať vo všetkých vašich bránach; Len v bránach, do ktorých položím moje meno. Položím ho na jedno miesto a vy sa tam musíte so mnou stretnúť; A to je jediné miesto, kde sa s vami stretnem.” A zistili sme, cez to, kde On položil svoje meno, a to je to jediné miesto, kde sa stretáva s veriacim. A jeho meno bolo Ježiš Kristus. Božie meno je Ježiš Kristus.
37Ježiš povedal, “Prichádzam v mene svojho otca.” Každý syn prichádza v mene svojho otca. A On prišiel v mene svojho Otca.
“A nie je iného mena pod nebom daného medzi ľuďmi,” či sú nazvaní Metodisti, Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, cirkev Kristova, akokoľvek sa to môže nazývať. Je len jedno miesto na stretnutie, kde Boh stretáva človeka a to je vtedy, keď je v Ježišovi Kristovi, jediné miesto. A všetky tieto staré veci tu pod Starým Zákonom to znázorňovali. Chcem, aby ste to jasne rozumeli. No, to je lekcia nedeľnej školy. Mám tu zapísané nejaké miesta Písma a poznámky. Myslím, že toto vám pomôže rozumieť ako sa všetky tie staré veci stali pre nás príkladom.
38No, nachádzame, že Boh mal spôsob ako robiť dané veci. Ale Dávid, ktorého Boh žehnal a stal sa kráľom, on si myslel, že akýmkoľvek spôsobom urobí niečo pre Boha. A nepristúpil ku tomu správnym spôsobom.
39Všímame si, že Boh zjavuje Svoje Slovo vo svojej vlastnej predurčenej sezóne. No, ako by Martin Luther mohol vedieť niečo o Posolstve na dnes? Ako by to mohli vedieť Presbyteriáni? Ako by mohol Martin ... či Katolícka cirkev poznať posolstvo Martina Luthera? Akoby Wesley mohol poznať Lutherove posolstvo? Akoby Wesley mohol poznať posolstvo Letničných? Alebo ako by mohli letniční poznať toto posolstvo? Vidíte? On ho zjavuje vo svojich sezónach, pretože to je semeno. A ako ono rastie a dozrieva, On sa zjavuje.
40Ako teplo slnka, aby otvorilo, keď je to semeno slabé a mladé, privádza ho zo zeme; Potom mu dáva listy v ďalšom stupni slnka. Horúce slnko by ho zabilo, keď to dozrievajúce semeno ... v čase dozrievania. Tak On reguluje slnko a reguluje prírodu, aby vyhovela jeho Slovu.
On reguluje cirkev, tú predurčenú, Nevestu, aby zvládli sezónu, v ktorej žijú.
41Dokonca sama príroda nám dnes hovorí, keď vidíme ako sa národy rozlamujú, zem sa topí, nápis je na stene. Vidíme cirkev a tie situácie, ktoré sú v nej.
Vidíme Nevestu a stav, v ktorom je. A vieme, z prírody, že Cirkev sa pripravuje odísť. Čo za slávny čas! To je čas, ktorý všetci proroci túžili vidieť, túto hodinu.
42No, On zjavuje svoje Slovo len v danej sezóne. Martin Luther čítal tú istú Bibliu, ktorú my. Wesley čítal tú istú Bibliu, ktorú Martin Luther. Letniční čítali tú istú Bibliu, ktorú my čítame. Ježiš čítal tú istú Bibliu, ktorú čítali Farizejovia, ale oni mali ... Snažili sa držať to zrno v predošlom stave, keď ono dozrievalo, nedokázali uvidieť svoju hodinu.
A teraz Dávid tu urobil to isté.
43Boh zjavuje toto Slovo v danej sezóne a tomu, koho On vyberá aby mu to zjavil. Boh si vyberá komu to zjavi. On to vybral pred založením sveta. Všetko čo robí, dopredu vedel a skryl to pred človekom. Zjavuje im to, ako On chce. To je jeho vybraná sezóna. Jeho vybraná osoba. A On nikdy nevybral nejakú stranu alebo sektu; To je vybraná osoba, ako to On robí.
44Kto to je, kto sa Ho opováži napraviť a povie, “No, Pane, urobil si chybu, že si tohoto človeka postavil do služby. Tento človek neverí tak ako my.” Kto povie Bohu, že to robí zle. To by musel byť niekto, kto je trochu väčší priestupník ako ja, aby Mu to povedal. On vie čo robí. On vie, koho vybrať a koho nie, čo robiť a kedy to robiť. Bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi si my myslíme, že určitá osoba je kvalifikovaná do určitej práci, Boh vie kto je kvalifikovaný do toho času a sezóny, alebo času a vie presne kedy to má vykonať.
45A skutočný, skutočný kresťan; Skutočný, pravý veriaci v Boha, očakáva na Pána v týchto veciach. Čakaj na svoju službu. Ak cítiš povolanie, buď si istý, že to je Boh. Buď si istý, že to je to pravé. Buď si istý, že to čo hovoríš, je na daný čas. Biblia hovorí, “Tí, ktorí očakávajú na Pána obnovia svoje sily, vznesú sa na krídlach ako orol. Budú bežať a neunavia sa, pôjdu a nestratia odvahu.”
46Všimnite si Dávida, Izraelského kráľa, práve pomazaného. Samuel vylial na neho olej a bol vybraný od Boha, aby bol Izraelským kráľom. A Dávid mal toto zjavenie, priniesť truhlu Pánovu do mesta Dávidovho. No, na tom nie je nič zlé, ale, vidíte, Dávid pri tom postupoval zle.
47No, To vyzerá tak, že ak takýto človek dostane zjavenie, veľký muž, ako Boží vybraný kráľ, ten najväčší kráľ, ktorý kedy žil na zemi, okrem Krista, myslím, že to bol Dávid, pretože Kristus je Syn Dávidov. No. Ten najväčší muž, čerstvo pomazaný, prichádza zo samej Prítomnosti Božej, má zjavenie urobiť niečo pre Boha a chce to urobiť pre Boha; Ale to zjavenie bolo zlé. No, to je veľká vec. To bude hovoriť o našej téme: Snažiť sa robiť Bohu službu a nebyť povolaný do toho.
48Všimnite si, Dávid mal to zjavenie. A všimnite si, to nebol prorok Natanael, ktorý dostal to zjavenie. To bol Dávid, kráľ, ktorý dostal to zjavenie. S Natanaelom sa o tom ani neporadili. On sa vôbec neopýtal Natanaela. Ale videli ste tu? V Prvej Kroník, on sa poradil s kapitánmi nad tisícimi a s kapitánmi nad stami. On sa neporadil s Natanaelom. On sa poradil s ľuďmi a tiež sa poradil s kňazmi a s teológmi tam toho dňa, s učenými v Písme a s teológmi. Dávid sa prv poradil, povedal, “Ak je toto od Boha, poďme a prinesme truhlu zmluvy nášho Boha do mesta a raďme sa s Bohom prv ako budeme niečo robiť.”
49Ale povedal, vo dňoch Saula, “Oni sa prestali radiť Boha, skrze truhlu, Urím Thumím. Oni to prestali.”
Dávid povedal, “Navráťme sa k Bohu, všetci! Navráťme sa do tej správnej veci. Poďme a zoberme truhlu a prinesme ju sem, prinesme Prítomnosť Božiu,” inými slovami, “do mesta. Majme prebudenie. Priveďme ľudí naspäť.” Ale on mal zjavenie, ktoré vyzeralo, že je dobré, ale to nebola vôľa Božia.
50Namiesto toho, aby sa opýtal toho zdroja, ktorého sa mal, poradil sa so svojimi kapitánmi, pretože sa práve stal kráľom. A nasledoval tú líniu myslenia, ktorú mali jeho hlavní kapitáni a jeho veľkí ľudia.
51Potom išiel do nominálneho zboru a opýtal sa, či chcú mať prebudenie. Kňazi, učení v Písme, kapitáni nad tisícami, kapitáni nad stami a on sa poradil ich. “Je toto vôľa Božia?” A oni povedali, že je. Ale, vidíte, on sa zabudol opýtať toho hlavného zdroja, cez ktorý Boh stále konal. Vidíte? On to zabudol urobiť.
52Jeho zámer bol dobrý. Jeho motýv bol dobrý. Jeho cieľ bol dobrý, priniesť prebudenie do mesta, priviesť ľudí naspäť ku Bohu. Ale vôbec sa neporadil tak, ako mu to Boh povedal. Vidíte?
53Aj keď všetci ľudia súhlasili a kňazi a ten kráľ bol v poriadku, “Oni potrebovali truhlu naspäť do mesta. Potrebovali prítomnosť Božiu. Potrebovali prebudenie.” Ale Boh nezasľúbil, že zjavi svoje Slovo v tom čase ľuďom. On nezasľúbil, že ho zjavi kráľovi, v tom čase. Boh sa nemení ani trochu. On nezasľúbil, že to urobí.
54Bez ohľadu akí ste úprimní a aké dobré máte motívy, a aké dobré sú vaše ciele, a ako ľudia chcú tieto veci a vidia, že to potrebujú, ide o vôľu Božiu, ktorá má byť zrealizovaná v týchto veciach. To je to, čo chcem mocne zafixovať, lebo to chcem tak predstaviť, že to musíte uvidieť, ak Duch Boží prebýva vo vás. A preto sa tu s tým tak dlho zaoberám. Nie aby som zaberal váš čas pri telefóne a pri tom pripojení, ale chcem, aby ste to videli. Ak vám vyprší váš čas, potom si vezmite pásku.
55Bez ohľadu na to, ako je to potrebné, ako veľmi každý súhlasí, že je to potrebné, ako veľmi je to pravda, ešte je jedna vec, ktorú treba zistiť. Či je to vôľa Božia?
No, Boh nikdy nezasľúbil, že zjaví svoje tajomstvá svojim kráľom, alebo že zjaví svoje tajomstvá svojmu ľudu.
56Podobne ako v čase Micheáša, syna Jimlu. Keď opúšťame, nie text, ale iný čas, aby sme to priniesli a ukázali vám, že je to pravda, skutočnosť, aby ste to neprehliadli.
57To sa stalo vo dňoch Micheáša ... On bol biedny človek a tiež pochádzal z biednej rodiny. Ale Achab, Izraelský kráľ, ako národ, ktorý je pre Boha, on zaviedol školu a priviedol vybraných, pozbieraných prorokov a mal ich v škole štyristo. A to boli veľkí ľudia. To neboli falošní proroci. To boli hebrejskí proroci, praví muži. A oni sa radili Boha cez týchto mužov. A oni prorokovali. Ale vidíte. Keď prišlo skutočné odhalenie, oni boli všetci pomimo Božieho slova a vôli.
58Lebo prišiel tam Jozafat z Jeruzalema, navštíviť kráľa Achaba a obliekli si svoje rúcha a posadili sa tam do brány a priviedli tam pred ních tých prorokov. Prv Achab povedal, “Máme tu také miesto v Rámot Gileád, ktoré v skutočnosti patrí nám.” No, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Jozue to rozdelil pre ľudí a dal im to, ale Filištíni to zabrali.
A povedal, “Tu naše deti potrebujú chlieb a my nemáme dosť zeme, aby sme vypestovali chlieb. A náš nepriateľ, Filištíni, chovajú svoje deti, pohanov, z tej zeme, ktorú Jehova Boh dal nám.“ To je veľmi jasné. A povedal, “My tu, ľud Boží, sme tu so svojimi deťmi, v potrebe a náš nepriateľ chová svoje deti na pôde, ktorú Boh, keď nás vyvolal z Egyptu dal nám.” To by podnietilo teológa, či nie? On povedal, “Či pôjdeme tam a vezmeme si našu zem, ktorú nám Boh dal?”
59Jozafat povedal, “Áno, pomôžem ti. Sme bratia. Ty si v Judsku a ja som v Jeruzaleme.” Alebo naopak? Myslím ... Nie, dobre. Myslím, že to ... Jozafat.
Jednako, Jozafat bol dobrý človek, kráľ, spravodlivý muž, ktorý miloval Pána. Achab bol vlažný veriaci. Tak ich priviedli a Jozafat povedal, “Počúvaj, poraďme sa najprv Pána. Potrebujeme vedieť čo s týmto.” Vidíte, keby Dávid bol urobil to, čo Jozafat! On povedal, “Máme toto robiť?”
A rýchlo, lebo bol Izraelita, Achab povedal, “Samozrejme. Mám štyristo Hebrejov, takých ako my, Hebrejských prorokov z našej vlastnej organizácie. Poradím sa ich. To sú proroci.” No, vidíte, presne ...
60Poviete, “Na tom sa potkýnam, brat Branham. Prorok?” Samozrejme. Bol taký v čase Jeremiáša, ktorý povedal, že tam budú len dva roky. Pán povedal Jeremiášovi “sedemdesiat.” Dal si na krk jarmo a ten prorok ho zlámal, Chananiáš. Ale viete čo sa mu stalo. Ó, áno. Musíte zostať pri Slove.
Tak títo proroci prišli a prorokovali, povedali, “Choď! Pán je s tebou.”
61A jeden z nich, myslím, (zabudol som teraz ako sa volal) ten hlavný, myslí, že Sedekiáš, povedal, založil si dva železné rohy a povedal, “Tak hovorí Pán. Týmto,” ten človek bol úprimný, “vytlačíš svojho nepriateľa rovno naspäť do jeho kraju a vezmeš to čo patrí Bohu. Je ti to dané.” Neverím, že to bol pokrytec. Verím, že to bol dobrý človek. Verím, že všetci tí proroci boli takí.
62Poviete, „Proroci?“ Áno! Pamätajte, práve ten človek, ktorý dal radu aby zabili Ježiša Krista, prorokoval, pretože to bol jeho úrad. On bol toho roku najvyšším kňazom. A pretože ním bol, mal ten úrad, a zastával ten úrad, Duch Boží prišiel na neho. To neznamená, že bol spasený, ani nič také. A on prorokoval, Kajfáš, pretože to bol jeho úrad, aby to robil.
63A títo proroci, tým, že boli proroci, mali úrad proroka, prorokovali. A duch Boží prišiel na nich, ľudia s darmi Ducha.
64Uvedomujem si, že to čo hovorím sa týka deväťdesiat deväť percent letničných. Ale človek často, človek, Boh sa môže s nimi zaoberať, dať im dary a ľudia budú tlačiť na ních. Ak nie sú dokonale povolaní a poslaní od Boha, to spraví, že taký muž alebo žena povie niečo, čo nie je Božia vôľa, pretože ľudia ich donútili, aby to robili.
65Ako som musel tu na tom prichytiť nášho vlastného pastora. Bol som tu v lesoch raz ráno, okolo tretej ráno, povedal, “Choď povedz bratovi Nevillemu!” Prišiel som ku tebe, či nie, brat Neville?
66Každý, “Brat Neville, prorokuj nado mnou. Povedz mi toto alebo tamto.” Vidíte, spravili ste, že hovoril veci, ktoré sa potom nevyplnili.
“Tí, ktorí očakávajú,” aby poznali, čo chce Pán robiť.
67Tak títo ľudia sa dívali na to tým prirodzeným zmyslom, “To patrí nám.” Ale vidíte, oni nenašli Slovo a vôľu Božiu.
68Potom tam prišiel Micheáš a on mal videnie. On to najprv preskúmal. Vidíte to? Povedal, “Počkaj. Daj mi tento večer. Nechaj ma nech to zistím a možno zajtra ti budem môcť povedať.” On nebol rýchly hneď povedať, “Tak hovorí Pán,” aby sa zhodoval s tými inými prorokmi. On povedal, “Poviem len to, čo mi povie Boh.”
A na druhý deň, vidíme, Boh mu povedal čo sa stane. A to bolo úplne v protiklade s tým, čo hovorili tí ostatní. S celou školou to bolo v protiklade. Dokonca jeden z nich vystúpil a dal mu zaucho. Ale, vidíte, on čakal. Potom keď to urobil, porovnal svoje proroctvo, svoje videnie, s napísaným Slovom a to bolo presne podľa Slova.
69Keď niektorí hovoria, že “majú zjavenie krstiť ľudí vo meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého,” to je nezhodné so Slovom. Nikto z tých ostatných to tak nikdy nerobil. Keď hovoria, že, “Ó, my budeme stáť a toto, to, či tamto,” a tak ďalej, to je nezhodné so Slovom. Keď hovoria, že “neveria v semeno hada,” to je nezhodné so Slovom. Všetky tieto ďalšie veci, čo je nezhodné so Slovom. To musí pasovať so Slovom a byť v danom čase.
70No, keby to len Dávid urobil. Truhla mala prísť, ale nie v tom čase; Nebolo pre ňu miesto.
71Všimnite si teraz keď tam išli, aby zobrali tú truhlu, všetci hodnostári povedali, “To je to, čo treba urobiť, Dávid. Sláva Bohu! Potrebujeme prebudenie.” To boli skutoční dnešní Letniční; Baptisti, Presbyteriáni. “Dávid, ty si náš kráľ! Ty ... Kapitán, taký a taký a major, taký a taký, a generál taký a taký bude na tvojom zhromaždení. Prečo, oni hovoria, že to je presne to, čo treba urobiť, Dávid. Celá krajina je s tebou.”
Toto sa deje dnes. Ja nechcem krajinu. Chcem Boha, keď aj nikto ďalší nestojí so mnou.
72Dávid mal všetkých kapitánov. Mal spoluprácu s vojenskou silou. Mal spoluprácu so všetkými denomináciami, so všetkými teológmi, so všetkými, každý s ním súhlasil. Tak isto Achab a iní v Písme; Ale nemal Boha; Pretože bol pomimo vôli Božej. Dúfam, že to rozumieme.
73Všimnite si, urobili každú nábožnú vec, ktorú mohli. Možno urobili reklamu a všetko, “Veľké prebudenie! Truhla bude prinesená naspäť. My budeme mať prebudenie. My urobíme toto.”
74Všimnite si, on poslal spevákov. Poslal ľudí s harfami, s trúbami, a urobili každú nábožnú vec, o ktorej vedeli ako to urobiť; A stále v tom nebol Boh.
Vidíme, že niečo sa znovu opakuje, či nie?
75Oni zobrali všetkých spevákov. Zobrali hráčov na harfách, trubačov; Ženy, mužov a ktokoľvek tam bol, kto spieval. Všetkých ich tam zobrali a prešli cez každé náboženské hnutie.
Nechcem toto povedať, ale musím to povedať. Tak to robia tieto denominácie dnes, Letniční a všetci, prechádzajú cez každé náboženské hnutie, pri čom spievajú a vykrikujú od radosti.
76Všimnite si, Dávid vykrikoval z celej sily, kričal a vyskakoval a prešiel cez každé náboženské hnutie, ktoré mohlo byť; A stále v tom nebol Boh. A jeho motív a jeho cieľ a všetko bolo v poriadku; ale išiel s tým po nesprávnej ceste. Vidíte? Vykonal všetky náboženské aktivity; Vykrikoval, spieval, mal neobyčajných spevákov, špeciálnych pokrikovačov a všetko iné. Tancovali v duchu. Robili všetko, čo bolo nábožné.
77To je niečo, ako naše veľké kampane v našom čase. Oni chcú získať svet pre Krista. Neexistuje niečo také. Veľké celokrajové prebudenia, veľké veci sa dejú; Keby si len mohli uvedomiť, že ten deň pominul. Ona je odsúdená. Ale oni stavajú, majú kampane, organizácie a všetko. Ale ten výsledok je práve taký, ako bol v čase Dávida, nefungovalo to.
78Ideme a máme prebudenie. Náš veľký, niektorí naši veľkí evanjelisti dnes, oni hovoria, že majú tridsať tisíc obrátených, za šesť týždňov; A za rok po tom, idú naspäť a nemôžu nájsťani tridsiatich. Niečo nie je v poriadku. Čo to je, to je presne to isté čo urobil Dávid. Vysoko postavení, veľkí ľudia, veľkí kazatelia, väčšie školy, veľké autority ale stále sa radia so starou denomináciou namiesto toho, aby sa pozreli do tváre Božieho Slova a uvideli kedy sa sezóna posunula. Nemôžete vypestovať určitú potravu jedine v určitej sezóne roku.
79No, pozrime sa, čo sa stalo. Tiež ich ... Ich náboženské pohnutie a všetko čo robili bolo veľké, ich zámery boli úžasné, ich ťaženie bolo úžasné, ich spevy boli úžasné, ich tance boli úžasné, ich vykrikovanie bolo úžasné, ich hudba bola úžasná a mali truhlu. Čo pomôže truhla bez Boha? To je len drevená škatuľa, pár kamenných dosiek.
To je ako prijímať večeru Pánovu, dať sa pokrstiť. Čo to pomôže byť pokrstený, ak si prv neučinil pokánie? Čo to pomôže, prijímať večeru Pánovu a stať sa pokrytcom, ak nežiješ život a neveríš ostatné zo Slova Božieho? Berieš len časť z neho a nie to ostatné, to ukazuje, že niekde je niečo zle.
80No, keď sa všetko toto deje, pozrime sa teraz, čo sa deje keď ľudia nezvažujú na Boha a jeho vek a jeho čas, len na ľudské názory.
81Veľa ľudí mi povedalo, “Prečo neprídeš sem a nemáš tu zhromaždenia? No, voláme ti. Podpíš toto, to alebo tamto.”
Počkajte! Vy to možno chcete ale čo o tom hovorí Boh? Veľa ľudí mi povedalo ... Mal som pozvanie. Mal som rozhovory, osobné rozhovory a také veci, čakali rok. Počkaj! Ako budem vedieť čo mám povedať, až kým mi Boh nepovie, čo povedať? Vidíte, musím čakať! Preto som povedal, “Zapíšte si to. Počkajte, nech viem čo On povie.” Rozumiete? Čakajte! “Tí, ktorí očakávajú na Pána obnovujú svoju silu.” Je to tak?
82Všimnite si, oni sa poradili len s kňazmi tam toho dňa, s teológmi, s denomináciami. A všimnite si, tým, že to tak urobili, poradili sa s kňazmi a poradili sa so zhromaždením, poradili sa s ľuďmi, urobili zle.
83Všimnite si, archou bolo Slovo. Vieme, že je to tak. Pretože, archa je Kristus a Kristus je Slovo. Rozumiete? Archa, alebo Slovo nebolo postavené na jeho prvú, určenú, pôvodne určenú pozíciu. Ó, neprehliadnite toto, cirkev!
Všetko bolo dokonalé a všetko vyzeralo dobre, akoby prichádzalo veľké prebudenie; Ale pretože zanedbali poradiť sa o tom s tou správnou osobou! Poradili sa s kňazmi, poradili sa s hodnostármi, poradili sa s teológmi, poradili sa so spevákmi a dali všetko dokopy v zhode, a veľká vojenská organizácia a tiež národné sily. Všetko bolo v harmónii na veľké zhromaždenie ale zanedbali sa poradiť s Bohom. Tak urobil tiež Achab, tak urobili tiež ostatní. Čo za chvíľa!
84Neprehliadnite toto. Oni to nedosiahli, pretože sa neporadili. A tým, že to takto urobili ... Dávajte pozor. Tým, že išli ku kňazom, že išli ku teológom a ku vojenským silám a vôbec sa neporadili s ich Bohom poslaným poslom na tú hodinu, s Nátanom, urobili to zle. Odišli a zobrali archu a položili ju na nový voz, alebo, “do novej denominácii, ktorú rozpočali,” a neniesli ju Bohom daným určeným spôsobom. Ona sa mala nosiť na pleciach Levitov. Ale, vidíte, keď začnete zle, budete ďalej postupovať zle.
85Ak strela má byť nasmerovaná do terča a vy tu myknete hlavňou o jednu tisícinu, na začiatku, po sto metroch sa to odchýli o štyri alebo päť cólov. Začali ste zle.
86Ó Bože pomôž nám rozpoznať tieto veci, ktoré zle začali, tieto veľké kampane v tejto hodine, oni sú tak nazvané. Neporadili sa s Bohom o tom. Poradili sa s kňazmi a s nábožnými ľuďmi. Poradili sa s organizáciami. “No, budete mať to a to? Veríme, keby sme mohli dostať všetkých spolu!” Nedávajte všetkých dokopy. Vezmite len to, čo o tom hovorí Slovo.
87Potom nachádzame, že keď toto robia, čo robia? Oni stále chcú ísť ďalej s tým istým starým náboženským programom, ktorý je pomimo Slova Božieho a vôli Božej. Tá vec zomrela, pred rokmi, ich staré vyschnuté veci, pred rokmi.
88To vyschlo vo dňoch Pána Ježiša. Oni to nevedeli. Povedal, “Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste mňa, lebo Mojžiš hovoril, že Ja prídem.”
Povedali, “Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti.”
89Povedal im, “Oni sú všetci mŕtvi!” “Slepí.” On ich tak nazval, tých Farizejov, náboženských vodcov. “Ak neuveríte, že Ja som, zomriete vo svojich hriechoch.” Ale oni tomu neuverili. Tak boli zakorenení vo svojich zvykoch. Museli to mať po svojom.
90Tak to urobil Dávid. On to urobil po svojom, tak len povedal, “Viete čo urobím? Ideme do toho.” On mal zjavenie. “Ideme teraz do toho, urobíme to novým spôsobom. Dni zázrakov pominuli, tak si urobíme inú organizáciu. Postavíme nový voz, ukážeme, že začala nová vec.” Čo za falošné proroctvo!
91Musíte ísť naspäť a robiť to tak, ako to Boh povedal. Oni to kládli na ramená Levitov, a to je nad srdcom. Archa, Slovo nemá byť položené na novú denomináciu, na teórie nejakého človeka, ale do srdca. Slovo Božie nie je na to, aby ním manipulovali denominácie; Ono má byť nesené na srdci človeka, do ktorého Boh môže prísť a zjaviť sa mu. A ako to zjavuje podľa Slova, to je Boh; Ak nie, nie je to Boh.
A potom, Slovo na danú sezónu! Skutočne, Farizej mohol povedať, “Kto povedal, že my nemôžeme robiť toto alebo tamto? Mojžiš nám dal tieto nariadenia.”
“Ale Mojžiš tiež povedal ...”
Satan povedal, “Veď je napísané - On pošle svojich anjelov ...”
92“Ale tiež je napísané,” povedal Ježiš.
Sezóna, čas! “Keby ste poznali Mojžiša! Jesto kto na vás žaluje, Mojžiš. Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste mňa,” povedal, “lebo Možiš písal o mne. - Pán váš Boh vzbudí proroka medzi vami, spomedzi vašich bratov; Jeho budú počúvať.” Keby poznali Mojžiša, poznali by Jeho.
93Končím, počúvajte, neprehliadnite teraz toto. Vidíte, po prvé, keď sa poradili s kňazmi, poradili sa s hodnostármi, poradili sa s vojskom, poradili sa so zhromaždením, so susedstvom, aby sa dali dokopy na toto veľké zhromaždenie, ktoré prichádzalo, neurobili to správne. Neporadili sa s Bohom. A preto, že to tak urobili, neišli naspäť a nevideli aký to bol čas!
94Ó, brat, počúvaj. V akom čase žijeme? Aký je toto vek? V akej hodine žijeme? To nie je čas na tieto veci, o ktorých oni hovoria. To už prešlo. Teraz je na blízku súd. Môžete vidieť ako sa prelamuje. Pamätáte sa na tú skalu na tom vrchu? Hodina súdu! Pamätáte si to zjavenie, či videnie Nevesty? Len ju držať v kroku. Nedovoliť jej, aby vyšla z kroku.
Všimnite si, “Na pleciach kňazov!”
95A Dávid a všetci kňazi, ktorí to mali naozaj vedieť lepšie ale čo to bolo? Tí kňazi to mali lepšie vedieť. Učení v Písme, teológovia, oni to mali lepšie vedieť, pretože Slovo hovorilo aby to nerobili.
96A dnes keď chcú povedať, “Ó, Ježiš Kristus nie je ten istý včera dnes a naveky. To je psychická telepatia. To je toto, to alebo tamto.” Oni nevidia zasľúbené Slovo. “Ó, to bolo voľakedy.”
Dávid povedal, “No dobre, počkajte - Na pleciach kňazov. - To bolo vtedy keď Mojžiš vyšiel. Skutočne, my to dnes položíme na nový voz. Mám na to zjavenie.”
97Kňazi povedali, “Amen, Dávid!” Vidíte? Ovplyvnení svojou novou ekumenickou radou, že oni všetci majú byť spolu a robiť toto takto a takto, to spôsobilo, že tí kňazi sa potkýnajú. Neporadili sa s tou správnou osobou. Neurobili to správne, preto sa dostali do problému. Áno.
98Obávam sa, v mnohých tých veciach dnes ... Keď nejaký veľký učiteľ, jeden najväčší z Letničných, stál pred náboženskou skupinou raz večer v Chicagu. Ja som mal mať to zhromaždenie s Obchodníkmi; Ale myslel som, že budem vtedy v Afrike, ale vrátil som sa práve deň pred tým, ako to začalo. A oni vybrali veľkého letničného duchovného a on sa tam postavil a povedal im, že toto ekumenické hnutie je od Boha. A povedal im, že všetci sa vracajú naspäť, dokonca aj Katolícka cirkev príde naspäť do svojho originálneho stavu, všetci hovoria v jazykoch, čo je dôkaz a tak ďalej. A nevedia, že to je diablova pasca!
99A človek, ktorého som nepoznal ... Niekedy sadíte semeno; Neviete čo sa stane. Ale predseda Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia, len čo sa tento veľký rečník posadil, on povedal, “Nemám sklon ku tomu, aby som hovoril niečo proti našim rečníkom, ale to nie je tak ako brat Branham povedal, že sa to stane. Ale on povedal, že to dovedie do znamenia šelmy.”
On povedal, “Ale brat Branham nevie o čom hovorí.”
Povedal, “Ale my veríme, že vie.” Vidíte?
100A v Chicagu povedal, “Koľkí by ste chceli aby som prišiel a podal o tom moju verziu?” Začali volať a vykrikovať.
Vidíte, sadíte semená; Neviete čo sa bude diať. Len ďalej rozsievajte to Semeno. Keď príde tá hodina, niektorí z nich ...
101Ako Tomáš, on bol asi posledný, ktorý videl Pána. Ale on Ho musel vidieť, aby Mu uveril. Vidíte? Keď uvidia, že to sa stalo. Ó, Tomáš vošiel, ale trochu neskoršie.
102No keď uvidia, že sa dejú tie veci, ktoré boli predpovedané a povedané TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, potom povedia. “Dajte nám z vášho Oleja.” Vidíte?
103Ale všimnite si teraz, vplyv. Niekedy sa dajú dokopy veľkí ľudia. Počujete ich ako hovoria, “Veľký ten a ten a veľký ten a ten, náš veľký ...” Nikdy to nerobte.
Nieto medzi nami žiadni veľkí ľudia. Je len Jeden, ktorý je veľký a to je Boh. My sme bratia a sestry. Nestarám sa o to či si pastor zboru, v ktorom je päť ľudí, to ťa nerobí malým; to ťa robí bratom, vidíte, ak si verný Božiemu Slovu. Nestarám sa čo, ako; nestávaš sa malým. Boh nemá malé deti a veľké deti. On má proste deti. Oni sú všetky rovnaké.
104Všimnite si, sám Boh prišiel zo Slávy, z palácov zo slonoviny, aby sa stal jedným z nás. Tak kto je ten veľký? Zobral ... Neprišiel sem dole, aby zobral na seba formu kňaza ale sluhu. Umyl tú hlinu, ktorú stvoril, nohy svojim apoštolom a iným. Kto je potom veľký?
105Ale títo ľudia boli ovplyvnení. Nerozumeli. Nie, mysleli si, že sa stane niečo nové, že sa stane niečo, čo Boh nepovedal. Pustili sa do toho zle.
Vlastne všetko toto nadšenie, keď ... začalo tam vtedy, dávno tomu, každá denominácia musela mať božského uzdravovateľa; každá denominácia musela mať toto alebo tamto. Každá denominácia musela mať malého Dávida. Každá musela mať toto, to, či tamto. Vidíte čo sa stalo? To urobilo to isté, čo to urobilo tu. To isté. Vplyv!
106Slovo na tú sezónu, na čas v ktorom žili, bolo ignorované.
107Všimnite si, “plecia Levitov,” to bol ten originálny, pripravený Boží spôsob, ako sa to malo nosiť. “Noste archu na pleciach Levitov.” Všetko pomimo toho bolo naopak. Čo On povedal, to aj myslel. Boh sa nemôže meniť. Preto stojí na svojom Slove! Áno, mám miesto Písma, prvá Kroník 15:15, ak si to chcete zapísať. Všimnite si.
108No všimnite si, keď nasledujeme Boha. Chcem aby ste si to teraz nejako zapísali vo svojich mysliach. Zachovávať Božie prikázania, robiť čokoľvek správne pre Boha, aby sme správne slúžili Bohu, pri tom je päť musíš, ktoré musíme dodržať, aby sme slúžili Bohu správne.
109Dávid robil Bohu službu. On robil všetko čo vedel, až na to, že obišiel Boha. Vidíte? On robil niečo, čo bolo správne, niečo čo bolo dobré pre ľudí, niečo dobré pre cirkev.
110Ale je päť musíš. Chcem aby ste si ich zapamätali. Nezáleží na tom aký môže byť pri tom človek úprimný, keď robí Bohu službu, toto, týchto päť tam musí byť.
Za prvé, na to musí byť Jeho čas.
111Čo keby Mojžiš prišiel a povedal, “Poviem vám čo urobíme. Postavíme archu a odplávame po Níle, ako to urobil Noe”? V noeho čase to bolo v poriadku postaviť archu, ale nie v jeho.
112Čo ak by Ježiš prišiel a povedal, “Poviem vám čo urobíme. Vyjdeme len na tú horu, ako to urobil Mojžiš a prinesieme novú deklaráciu zákonov?” Vidíte? Nie. On bol zákon. Vidíte?
113Musíte byť v Jeho čase. To musí byť v jeho sezóne. Rozumiete to teraz? Musí to byť v jeho čase. To musí byť v jeho sezóne, v čase a v sezóne.
114A musí to byť podľa jeho Slova, ktoré bolo vypovedané. Musí. Nestarám sa o to, ako dobre hovoríte, že toto má byť, alebo tamto má byť alebo toto má byť. To musí byť podľa jeho Slova; podľa jeho času a jeho sezóny.
A to musí byť dané človekovi, ktorého On vybral, aby to cez neho vykonal.
115Nestarám sa o to, koľko veľkých osobností tam je. Je kráľ Dávid, práve taký veľký, ako každý z nich. On bol kráľ nad národom. Ale On mal spôsob, ako to urobiť a povedal im, ako to bude robiť. Ale oni to nebrali do úvahy.
116To musí byť podľa Jeho Slova; podľa Jeho času, podľa Jeho programu.
117A to musí byť skrze tú osobu, ktorú On vybral, aby jej to dal a aby to vykonala. Mojžiš sa snažil od toho utiecť, “Zober niekoho iného.” Ale Boh vybral Mojžiša, aby to urobil. Mnohí z nich; Pavol sa snažil odísť od toho; mnohí ďalší. Ale to musí byť cez toho, ktorého On vybral, aby to urobil.
A to musí prísť prv ku jeho prorokom. Slovo Božie musí najprv prísť ku jeho prorokom. Ámos 3:7, Pán Boh nebude robiť nič, kým to prv nezjaví svojmu sluhovi prorokovi.” Z štvrté.
118A ten prorok musí byť potvrdený Slovom Božím.
119Tu je vašich päť musíš. To tak musí byť. Jeho čas, jeho sezóna, keď On povedal, že to bude; a človek, ktorého On vybral; a to musí prísť ku prorokovi; a ten prorok musí byť potvrdeným prorokom. Nachádzame, mnohí z nich v Biblii, to prišlo ku prorokom a nebolo to potvrdené. Naším prorokom je Ježiš Kristus.
120Tak teraz si všimnite, vidíte, Boh im nezjavil túto vec cez jeho pripravený spôsob, akým to robí. Oni prijali Dávidov spôsob. Oni prijali spôsob kňazov. Prijali spôsob učených v Písme; teológov, ale nie Boží spôsob. Natanael bol, on bol prorok na ten deň. Neskoršie im Natanael povedal ako to majú urobiť. Ale, vidíte, oni to urobili bez toho, aby sa poradili s Natanaelom. Všetok ten vplyv, deje sa veľká vec! A, och, myslím na tú pieseň. “Nech, zostáva ...”
Pomôž mi Pane, keď sú srdcia v ohni,
Nech pokorím svoju pýchu (ísť s tými ostatnými)
len volám tvoje meno,
Uč ma, aby som nespoliehal na tom, čo robia iní,
A len čakal v modlitbe na odpoveď od Teba.
Vidíte, tak to je. Daj mi vidieť, že to sa stalo tým správnym spôsobom, potom sa tomu verí.
121No, Boh im to zjavil skrze Dávida, a skrze kazateľov, a skrze ľudí a skrze kapitánov nad tisícmi a kapitánov nad stami, ale nie skrze Nátana, ktorý mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. A Pán povedal, že On nerobí nič, až kým to prv nezjavi prorokovi toho veku, čo robiť. Vidíte čo oni urobili? Odišli rovno od Slova Božieho, išli a položili archu na nový voz. Vidíte? Tak to išli robiť pomimo Božích prikázaní a Božej pripravenej cesty.
A to je to čo sa stalo dnes, priatelia. Preto máme toľko veľkých kampaní a takých vecí, a žiadne výsledky. Viac nevery, viac hriechu, viac ... Hovorím vám, tento národ zomrel; nie len tento národ, ale iné národy. Tento národ, ako Anglicko v inom veku, je prostitútkou pre tie ostatné národy.
122Tam v Mozambiku, štyristo osemdesiat míľ od civilizácie, v džungli, deti používajú Elvisa Prestleyho, mikajú hlavami a skackajú tak hore dole, cez celú noc, s ... Alebo, takéto malé zariadenia potiahnu tisíce míľ, rovno do Rhodézie, aby mohli počúvať Elvisa Presleyho. A pritom hovoria, “On je veľmi nábožný, on a Pat Boone, a ostatní.” Čo, to sú Judášovia tejto hodiny, a nevedia o tom. To je tá zlá časť, oni veria, že sú v poriadku.
Či nepovedal Ježiš tomuto Laodicejskému cirkevnému veku, “Si nahý, mizerný, biedny, slepý a nevieš o tom?” Nevedia o tom!
123Letničné deti tam v Afrike a okolo, hovoria, “No, Elvis Prestley, on spieva najkrajšie, ako si kedy počul.” Nepochybujem ale čo robil Dávid, tiež; Nieto pochýb ale čo urobili tí speváci, to spôsobilo, že smrť udrela do tábora. Vidíte kde sú, kde sme dnes, priatelia?
124“Ramená Levitov” to bol originálny Boží spôsob na to. A oni ju položili na nový voz. To nebude nikdy fungovať. Neporadili sa správne. Vidíte? A tak sa dostali mimo, ohľadne toho, a postupovali pri tom zle.
125A to isté sa stalo dnes. Keď človek, bez ohľadu, aký je úprimný, keď sa snaží robiť Bohu službu pomimo Jeho ustanoveného spôsobu, ktorý to zjavuje, stále to zamieša. Boh to uložil svojím spôsobom. Človek, bez ohľadu, aký si úprimný, snažíš sa to robiť pomimo toho, spravíš v tom chaos.
126Niečo ako bol Balám, v čase Baláma. Boh povedal Balámovi, tomu prorokovi. On bol prorok, prorok Balám. On bol prorok a Slovo prišlo jasne ku nemu, povedal, “Nechoď tam, to je moja vôľa. To je moje rozhodnutie.”
A Balám sa stretol s tými vysoko postavenými, s mužmi v armáde, s kazateľmi, vplyvnými ľuďmi a povedal, “No, poviem vám, kráľ bude ...”
Vidíte, porovnajte to s Dávidom, porovnajte to s dneškom. Zoberte všetko z toho príkladu a budete to vidieť. Vidíte to? Povedzte, “Amen.” [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.”] Vidíte, presne tak, ako je to teraz.
127Ale tí duchovní povedali, tí kňazi povedali, učení v Písme povedali, teológovia povedali, “Takto to treba urobiť.” Ale to nebolo to a ukázalo sa, že to nebolo to.
128A Boh povedal Balámovi a on bol prorok, prv mu povedal, “Nechoď tam.”
129Ale vplyv týchto ostatných ľudí spôsobil, že to urobil opačne, než ako mu to povedal Boh a to sa stalo kliatbou namiesto prebudenia. Ó, samozrejme, on tam išiel a učil tých ľudí, povedal, “Počkajte teraz! Viete čo?” Povedal, “My sme Moábiti. Pamätáte sa, Lótova dcéra je naša kráľovná. My pochádzame z nej. My sme všetci z jednej krvi. Všetci sme ... My všetci, denominácie, my sme rovnakí.” Nemiešajte sa s tým. Stojte preč od toho. Vidíte? Tak on povedal, “My sme všetci rovnakí. Aha, tvoji ľudia sú takí, ako moji ľudia. Môžeme uzatvárať manželstvá jedni s druhými, tak môžeme mať skutočnú ekumenickú radu. Vidíte? Všetci sa môžeme dať dokopy a vrátiť sa znovu naspäť do originálu.”
Boh preklial tú vec. Ten hriech nebol Izraelovi nikdy odpustený. To zostalo s nimi do konca ich dní. To nikdy nebolo odpustené. Oni zahynuli s tým na púšti. Je to tak. Pretože neprijali Božiu pripravenú cestu, ktorú potvrdil a ukázal, ako sa to má robiť.
130Všimnite si, toto čo urobili spôsobilo, že Izrael zomrel smrťou na púšti. A Ježiš povedal, “Oni všetci zahynuli a pomreli.” Sledujte, kto tam stál s Mojžišom, Jozue a Káleb, v tom programe.
131Všimnite si znovu, tu je Dávid, čo on urobil. A keď to urobil čo to spôsobilo? To spôsobilo, že smrť zasiahla úprimného človeka.
No, hádam sme ešte stále zapojení a chcem aby ste toto počuli po celej krajine.
Toto čo Dávid urobil, bez toho aby sa poradil s Nátanom a dostal na to Slovo od Pána, to spôsobilo, že smrť zasiahla úprimných ľudí. Tak veru. On vystrel ruku, a pritom žil v prítomnosti tej archy; vychádzala z jeho domu. A voly sa potkli a archa padala.
132Oni už urobili jednu vec zle, dve veci zle. Prv, vôbec sa neporadili s Natanaelom. To ďalšie čo urobili, išli tam bez toho, aby si zobrali radu z Božieho Slova. A to ... Samuel bol Slovom v tých dňoch ... A on si vôbec nezobral radu zo Slova Pánovho. Potom, čo urobili, postupovali nezhodne s Božím Slovom.
A tu tento dobrý človek, ktorý bol správcom, on bol biskup, pomyslel si, “No, nechcem aby Boh tu v tomto neuspel,” tak položil ruku na archu. A pritom nebol Levita a zomrel. Tri veci!
133Zamyslite sa teraz poriadne a sledujte, čo urobili dnes denominácie. Vidíte, oni to odmietli, nazvali to “falošnou náukou.” Vidíte? Pozrite sa kde sú. Oni dostanú svoju ekumenickú radu, dobre. Nazvali to, “mentálna telepatia,” keď sám Boh potvrdzuje, že je to pravda a dokazuje, že je to pravda. “Ó, to je tam len banda hlupákov, nevedia o čom hovoria.”
To je v poriadku, nevieme. Ale len hovoríme jeho Slová, a On vie o čom hovorí. Vidíte? Ja to neviem vysvetliť, nikto to nevie, ale On to potvrdzuje.
134Všimnite si, mnohí úprimní veriaci dnes, ktorí prichádzajú ku Kristovi, chcú prísť z celého svojho srdca, sú duchovne zabití takým istým spôsobom. Mnohí úprimní ľudia idú do Katolíckej cirkvi a chcú sa stať kresťanmi, idú do Metodistickej, Baptistickej, do cirkvi Kristovej a dokonca do Letničnej a chcú sa stať kresťanmi, kladú na to svoju ruku, pridávajú sa ku nim.
135A keď Dávid uvidel, že toto sa stalo, to ho zobudilo. Nezobuď sa tam príliš neskoro, brat. On videl, že smrť udrela.
Ukáž mi tie výsledky. Čo toto, tak zvané prebudenie, získavanie ľudí do cirkví, urobilo pre tento národ, pre telo veriacich? Nič, len nové organizácie a denominácie, po celý čas, viac členov a tak ďalej. Či ten národ je lepší? Povedali, že budú ...
136“Amerika. Bože žehnaj Ameriku. To je národ, kresťanská krajina.”
Ona je milión míľ od toho, aby bola kresťanskou krajinou. Ja sa ani za ňu nemodlím. Ako sa môžem za ňu modliť a ona nebude činiť pokánie a pri tom sa pred ňou demonštrovali veľké moci Božie; a zapiera, a zatvára dvere pred tým a odchádza preč? Porúčam ju Bohu. A ona odchádza ešte viac od toho. A teraz sa potopí. Len pozorujte čo sa deje.
137Mnoho úprimných ľudí ide a pripája sa do nejakej organizácie, alebo skupiny alebo do nejakého kultu a tam duchovne zomierajú. Nič im nemôžete povedať. Oni to do nich natĺkli, “Aha, títo biskupi povedali toto. A tento povedal toto, tento povedal toto.” Ukážete im rovno tu v Slove Božom, kde to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. “Ale náš pastor ...”
Nestarám sa o to čo hovorí tvoj pastor, nejde o to čo ja hovorím alebo ktokoľvek iný. Ak je to nezhodné s Božím potvrdeným Slovom, hodinou, časom, Posolstvom a tak ďalej, zabudnite na to. Stojte preč od toho. A ja sa musím postaviť pred každým jedným z vás v Súdny Deň a vy to viete. A trochu to hovorím, vediac, že som teraz starý človek. Budem ... To nie je to, že ja niečo viem, ale On vie. Ja len nasledujem to, čo On povedal.
138Pozrite sa dnes na tie veľké kampane, ktoré máme po celej krajine. To dokázalo, že to bolo nadarmo. A či nepovedal Ježiš teraz tu; Lukáš 7:7, “Nadarmo ma ctia”? Nadarmo tam vyniesol Dávid tú truhlu. Nadarmo trénoval Achab svojich prorokov. Nadarmo zobral Balám tie peniaze. “Učiac učenia, ktoré sú nariadeniami ľudí.” To čo sa ráta, to sú prikázania Božie, bez ohľadu na to ako ...
139“Tí ľudia sú skutočne úprimní.” Počujete to tak často, “Oni sú úprimní.” To nič neznamená. Svedkovia Jehovovi, Adventisti siedmeho dňa a všetky tie kulty, idú tu na ulicu a robia veci, ktoré by nikto z nás nerobil. Katolíci stoja na rohu a žobrú a tak ďalej, činia takto tie prikázania a vlastnia miliardy krát miliardy krát miliardy dolárov a stále o ne žobrú. Úprimní, bez pochyby. Cirkvi idú a kážu a tak ďalej a kazatelia stoja za kazateľňou a robia všetko čo len môžu, aby získali nových členov do svojej cirkvi; ale to je nová truhla.
Je len jedna truhla, ktorú treba nasledovať a to je Slovo Božie. Všetko čo je nezhodné s touto truhlou, nestojte pri tom! To je na novom voze a nie na pleciach Božích. Skutočne. Nestojte pri niečom takom. Nemajte s tým nič spoločné.
140Naše veľké kampane, miliardy a miliardy urobili vyznanie. A pochybujem či ich bude sto, zo všetkého toho. Vidíte, to nebolo to.
Pozrite sa potom čo zasľubuje Slovo.
141Budete si myslieť, že to sklamalo a vieme, že to sklamalo. Jeden z našich najväčších buditeľov v kraji dnes povedal, že to úplne sklamalo. Cirkev vie, že to sklamalo. Každý vie, že to sklamalo. No, prečo to tak je? Prečo to sklamalo?
To malo dobrý cieľ. To bolo na to, aby priviedli ľudí do prítomnosti Božej, veľké kampane. A milióny ľudí minuli na to svoje peniaze a vložili ich do veľkých kampaní. A všetky cirkvi išli spolu, veľké auditóriá a veľké veci a diali sa veľké veci. Prečo to sklamalo? Preto, lebo vôbec nepoznali hodinu v ktorej žijú.
Nie divu, že Ježiš tam stál a v srdci plakal. Slzy mu tiekli po lícach a povedal, “Ó Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť, ako sliepka svoje kurence. Ukameňovali ste každého proroka, ktorého som ku vám poslal. Ale ste nechceli prísť. Ale teraz prišla vaša hodina.”
142Či nemôžete cítiť Ducha Svätého, ktorý z vás volá? “Ó, Spojené Štáty a svet, ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť, ale vy ste nechceli. Teraz prišla vaša hodina. Váš boh rozkoši, váš boh nečistoty, váš Sodomský a Gomorský boh prišiel medzi vás.” Dokonca naše malé deti chodia ostrihané ako Beatles s ofinou cez celú tvár a začínajú robiť malé zvrátenosti. Naše ženy odpadli. Prekročilo to hranice vykúpenia. Z našich mužov sa stali slaboši, chodia v krátkych nohaviciach, správajú sa ako dievčence a vlasy im visia na krk. Sme Sodomiti, čaká na nás oheň a hnev Boží.
143Viete ako to On zabije, ako to zničí? Tak ako to stále robil. Keď prostitútka urobila niečo zlé, bola ukameňovaná na smrť; zobrali kamene, aby zabili takú ženu, ktorá bola prostitútkou. Takto On zabije cirkev. Biblia hovorí, že z neba príde krupobitie, kamene, ktoré budú vážiť päťdesiat kilo jeden a On ich ukameňuje. Kto Ho zastaví? Čo povie veda, že to sa nemôže stať? On to urobí.
Tak isto, ako pripravil archu a odplavil Noeho do bezpečia, On to znovu urobí pre svoju cirkev.
A podľa svojich vlastných zákonov a svojich vlastných spôsobov, ukameňuje tú prostitútku, ktorá páchala cudzoložstvo s kráľmi a kapitánmi nad stami a tisícimi. Ukameňuje ju na smrť, podľa svojich vlastných zákonov, ktoré ustanovil. Kto Mu povie, že nemôže zoslať krupobitie?
144Opýtajte sa niekoho, kto vie ako začínajú kvapky dažďa. Tvorí sa kolobeh a prechádza to naspäť cez turbo; zbiera sa toho viac a viac a viac, až to nadobudne určitú váhu a potom to padá.
On, Boh, ktorý ... zemská príťažlivosť Ho nedokázala ani udržať na zemi a On sa zodvihol hore do neba. Boh, ktorý stvoril ženskú príťažlivosť môže tiež urobiť dostatočne veľké turbo, aby namotal kamene, ktoré budú vážiť päťdesiat kilo. On povedal, že to urobí a On to urobí. Kto Mu povie, aby to nerobil? On to urobí, pretože povedal, že to urobí.
145Sme v posledných dňoch. Stojíme blízko súdu. Prečo? Oni sa snažia jesť starú mannu, ktorá padala pred päťdesiatimi rokmi, letničná cirkev. Cirkev svätosti sa snaží jesť to, čo bolo pred viac ako dvesto rokmi. Lutheráni pred tristo rokmi alebo viac, mnohí to, čo bolo pred stovkami rokov. Snažia sa jesť starú mannu. Ó, brat, to je skazené. To je zhnité. To bude ... sú v tom ... Stále som hovoril, že sú v tom krútiace sa chvosty, červíky. To vás zabije, keď to budete jesť.
146Zistite si či sa Dávid, alebo či sa niekto iný z nich, poradil s Chlebom na tú hodinu. Či tí kňazi a proroci, a kazatelia, a teológovia, a školy, a denominácie, či len prekonzultovali tú hodinu! Ale teraz im to už nič nepomôže. To sa pohlo ďalej. To už nič nepomôže. Teraz je s ňou koniec. Prekročila tú líniu pred piatimi rokmi, medzi pokáním, súdom a milosťou.
147Všimnite si, čo je potom? Čo sa môže stať? Čo sa má stať? Poraďme sa proroka, Biblii, kde nemôžeme pridať, ani odobrať z toho. Ak to urobíme, Boh nás odstráni z Knihy Života.
Biblia povedala v Malachiášovi 4, čo sa stane dnes. Zjavenie 10, ako bude otvorených sedem pečatí a budú zjavené všetky tie tajomstvá, ktoré boli skryté počas tých reformátorov! On povedal ako sa to stane. Je to v Biblii, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Boh to úplne, dokonale dokázal; potvrdil, že je to pravda, skrze znamenia, zázraky na nebi, na oblakoch, a všetkým ďalším za tridsať tri rokov.
Myslíte si, že budú na to počúvať? Nie. Oni sú mŕtvi. Položili svoju ruku do niečoho, a to zabilo celú tú vec. Nie, to nebude, to nebude, nikdy viac.
148Keď sa toto stalo, vtedy to Dávid uvidel. Ó Bože, pošli nám Dávida, ktorý môže vidieť kde stojí, ktorý sa môže pozrieť a vidieť, že Boh dal zasľúbenie ako to dnes bude robiť. Boh to povedal rovno tu vo svojom Slove, ako to bude robiť.
149Boh povedal Micheášovi. Micheáš skontroloval svoje videnie pred štyristo dôstojnými prorokmi. Prekontroloval svoje videnie, aby zistil, či je v poriadku. Pozrel sa naspäť na to, čo povedal prorok pred ním, aby videl čo sa stalo. Pozrel sa naspäť a videl, že tam stál Eliáš a povedal, “Achab, psy budú lízať tiež tvoju krv.” Tak potom uvidel, že to videnie bolo presne podľa Slova Božieho a tak to povedal. A mal pravdu. Skutočne. Bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorili tí ostatní, on stál rovno s tým Slovom.
150No pozrime sa na videnie, ktoré máme dnes. Či je to stavanie cirkví; či sú to nové veci; či sú to veľké veci, ktoré sa budú diať? Alebo je to súd? Pozrime sa naspäť, aby sme videli zasľúbenie na dnes, aby sme videli sezónu v ktorej žijeme.
151Hovoríte, “Dobre, chvála Bohu, brat, ja som úprimný. Vstúpil som do cirkvi. Mám hodnosť bakalár umenia. Urobil som toto.” To je v poriadku, to je pekne, nič proti tomu; to mal aj Dávid, to mali tí kňazi tam v tom dni, to mali teológovia. Ale to bolo nezhodné so Slovom.
152Boh povedal ako to dnes bude robiť, ako navráti všetky veci, čo znovu bude robiť. On zasľúbil navrátiť. To je presne tak. V Joelovi 2:28, zasľúbil, že navráti. “Ja nahradím,” povedal Pán, “všetky tie roky, ktoré požrala húsenica.” Oni mali ... Vidíte, to je ten istý červ; on je v rôznych štádiách života. A keď Katolicizmus začal žrať, potom Lutheráni a Metodisti a Letniční a všetci, ďalej; On povedal, “Ja navrátim všetko naspäť do cirkvi presne tak, ako to bolo v tej na začiatku.”
153Sledujte to videnie vtedy večer. Presne tá istá nevesta prichádza z tejto strany, prichádza z tejto strany. Potom keď prešla tá prostitútka vo svojich šatách, takto hore a tancovala rock-and-roll, a hovorila o sebe, že je cirkev.
Hovoríte, “No, my to nerobíme.”
Takto vás vidí Boh. To nie je to, čo vy sami vidíte. Tak vás vidí Boh. Nikto sa nevidí zle. Keď sa pozriete do zrkadla Božieho Slova, ono vám hovorí, či ste na tom zle alebo nie. Keby to bol Dávid urobil, uvidel by čo robí zle. Keby to bol Achab urobil, alebo keby to tí proroci boli urobili, uvideli by, že nie sú v poriadku.
154Potvrdený prorok povedal, “Achab zomrie a psy budú lízať jeho krv.” A jeho proroctvo bolo presne podľa toho. Potom vedel, že je v poriadku. Ešte aj Jozafat to mal uvidieť a poznať to. Keď Micheáš videl to videnie, on nebol veľmi s tými ľuďmi v tom čase ale mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. On mal pravdu.
155Všimnite si, my prinášame túto vec teraz v tomto dni, keď vidíme tú veľkú hodinu do ktorej prichádzame.
Všimnite si, čo sa tiež Dávid snažil robiť. Mám tu o tom niečo poznačené. On sa snažil priniesť tú truhlu do mesta Dávidovho, do svojej vlastnej denominácii.
156Pozrite sa naspäť tam kde Pán prv prehovoril tu dole nad riekou, “Ako bol poslaný Ján Krstiteľ, aby predišiel prvý príchod ...”
Brat, Zbory [Názov letničnej denominácie. - poz. Prekl.] sa za tým nemôžu postaviť, ani Zjednotení, nikto z nich. Oni musia mať niekde niekoho. Och, oni všetci to musia robiť, vidíte, presne tak. Oni všetci to chceli priniesť do svojho vlastného domu.
157Chcel to priniesť do mesta Dávidovho. Prečo? Nebolo pre ňu pripravené žiadne miesto.
A to je dôvod, že nemôžete to Posolstvo priniesť do nejakej denominácie. Slovo, truhlu, Krista, ktorý je “ten istý včera, dnes i naveky,” a všetku jeho identifikáciu, nemôžete to priniesť do svojej organizácii. Oni tomu nikdy nebudú veriť, pretože tam nie je na to miesto. Či nehovorí Biblia, že v Laodicejskom veku On bol von z cirkvi a snažil sa dostať dovnútra?
Nebolo miesto v meste Dávidovom, bez ohľadu aké to bolo oddané a aké veľké a tak ďalej. To stále nebolo to miesto. To malo byť v Jeruzaleme. Tam ona neskoršie vošla, keď im prorok povedal, čo majú s ňou robiť. Vidíte? Tak Dávid ju chcel priniesť do svojho vlastného mesta. Nebolo pripravené pre ňu žiadne miesto.
158Kristus je našou truhlou a oni to nechcú prijať. Kristus je Slovo; oni ho nechcú prijať. Oni chcú svoje vyznanie, svoje denominácie, novú truhlu, alebo nový prostriedok na prenášanie. Oni chcú, aby ju niesla denominácia; novú truhlu. Och!
Pamätajte, Kristus je naša truhla! Veríte, že Kristus je Slovo? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.”] To je potom truhla. Je to tak? Dobre. Kristus nemôže byť nesený, do jeho správnej pozícii na žiadnom denominačnom voze. On sa zaoberá s jednou osobou a nie so skupinou. On sa nikdy nezaoberal s nejakou skupinou; s jednou osobou. Keď povedal, že sa nebude. Keby to robil, bol by proti svojmu Slovu, Ámos 3:7. Nemôžete spraviť, aby Slovo klamalo. Nie veru. Ono má pravdu.
159Ale vidíte, oni sa to snažia. Tú Truhlu nemôže niesť nejaká organizácia. V nej je príliš veľa hláv. Vidíte? To sa nemôže stať. On zasľúbil, že to tak nebude robiť a nebude to tak robiť. On povedal ... keď zasľúbil - keď zasľúbil, že to urobí inak. Preto zasľúbil, že to nebude tak robiť. Nemajte také myšlienky. Ja ich môžem cítiť. Vidíte?
160Tak On zasľúbil, že to urobí určitým spôsobom a všetko, čo sa s tým nezhoduje On nebude robiť. Vidíte? Ale Jeho originálny spôsob, podľa toho, čo povedal v Ámosovi 3:7, to je spôsob, ako to urobí. A to musí byť potvrdené a dokázané, že je to správne.
No, viete čo On zasľúbil na dnes, potom to dnes robí. To je presne to, čo povedal, že bude robiť. Otvori tých Sedem Pečatí a čo všetko bude robiť; zjavi tie tajomstvá, ako tie krsty a všetko bolo pomiešané. A tu to je, v Jeho samotnej prítomnosti. Veda to potvrdzuje. Nebesia to vyhlasujú. Človek stojí, díva sa rovno na to a vidí, že sa to deje. Všetko čo povedal ukázal, že je pravdou. Tu to máte. Tak aby ste vedeli kde sme dnes.
161No, každý človek, ktorý má jeho Ducha, to vie, na kom je Duch Boží vie, že toto je pravda, pretože Duch Boží nebude hovoriť nezhodne so Slovom. Nie, nie. To bude presne podľa Slova.
Hovoríte, “Ja mám Ducha Svätého. Vykrikoval som; hovoril som v jazykoch. Tancoval som v Duchu.” To nič pre Boha neznamená. Vidíte?
Dávid robil to isté, prakticky to isté, tam vtedy. Spievali z celej sily a on vykrikoval z celej sily. Všetci ostatní to robili a išli rovno na smrť. Je to tak. To nemá s tým nič spoločného.
162Dôležité je Slovo, Slovo Pánove. “Tí, ktorí očakávajú na Pána.” Tak veru. Vidíte, tí, ktorí majú v sebe Ducha Božieho, dívajú sa na to, čo je zasľúbené na dnes a dávajú pozor a očakávajú, až kým to neuvidia. Potom hovoria, “To je to.” Boh im to zjavuje.
163Ako Natanael. Filip išiel a našiel Natanaela. Natanael povedal, “No, počkaj chvíľu. Ja viem, že je to zasľúbené ale počkaj nech to uvidím.” A keď to videl, povedal, “To je to.”
Tá žena povedala, “No, ja viem, počula som všetkých rôznych teológov. Urobila som toto aj tamto. A čítam si Bibliu a viem, že sme ... Príde Mesiáš a On bude robiť tieto veci, tak Ty musíš byť jeho prorok.”
On povedal, “Ja som On.”
164Povedala, “Poďte a vidzte človeka, toto je to.” Ona čakala až uvidela toho Mesiáša identifikovaného Slovom Božím, potom povedala, “To je to na čo sme čakali štyristo rokov. Nemali sme proroka ani nič. Tu je a On sám hovorí, že to je On.” [Prázdne miesto na páske.] ... poďte vidieť človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko čo som urobila.”
Ale kňazi Ho chceli zabiť a nakoniec to urobili. Vidíte? Ale dnes nemôžu zabiť Jeho Ducha. Je to tak. Nie, nemôžu ho zabiť. On je tu, aby nás voviedol, tak sme vďační. Všimnite si aký veľký je Boh, aké veľké sú Jeho skutky, ako to nikdy nemôže sklamať!
165No, Boh má pripravený a originálny spôsob ako robí dané vecí a nikdy to nebude robiť inak.
166On zasľúbil v posledných dňoch, že čo bude robiť. A to nám poslalo Posolstvo; a toto posolstvo bude mať tú istú identifikáciu, ako mal Eliáš, ako mal Elizeus, ako mal Ján Krstiteľ. A to obráti srdcia ľudí, nie do denominácie, ale naspäť do originálu, ku apoštolským otcom, naspäť do Slova. Ako tieto veci boli potvrdené. Že pri znení hlasu toho posledného anjela, Zjavenie 10, “Vo dňoch siedmeho anjela, tieto tajomstvá, ktoré boli všetky ...”
“Prečo Metodisti robili toto a Baptisti a cirkev Kristova a Svedkovia Jehovovi, všetci robili tamto?
“Tie tajomstvá budú zjavené v tom poslednom dni, keď siedmy anjel ... Posolstvo siedmeho anjela, keď on ...” Nie keď začne toto robiť, ale “Keď začne hlásiť svoje Posolstvo.” Vidíte? Nie v tých rokoch pripravovania, ale, “Keď začne hlásiť to Posolstvo, tieto tajomstvá potom budú zjavené.” A tu ich máme; nepoznali sme ich, a vy ľudia ste toho svedkami.
167A potom v tom veľkom observatóriu, tak že svet bude bez ... oni sa stále divia, čo sa stalo. V Tucsone, tie veľké observatóriá urobili snímok hore tam toho; stále sa divia, čo sa stalo. Čo to je? Stále to dávajú do novín, “Viete niekto niečo, čo a ako sa to mohlo stať?” Tam nie je žiadna hmla, nie je tam žiadny vzduch, nie je tam vlhkosť; tridsať míľ vysoko vo vzduchu. Ó!
“Budú znaky hore na nebi. A keď sa tieto veci budú diať, zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, potom sa ukáže znak z neba, Syna človeka.” “V ten deň,” v Lukášovi, “Syn človeka sa znovu zjavi; zjavi sa.” A svet bude vyzerať ako Sodoma a Gomora. Ó!
Bratia, nebuďte nevedomí tých duchovných vecí, vidíte. “Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte Večný Život; a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Slove.” Oni sú to ktoré svedčia o pravde, o veciach, ktoré Boh robí v tejto hodine.
168A čo teraz? Tí ktorí majú Ducha Božieho, čakajú na tieto veci. A keď vidia tieto veci, veria týmto veciam. Ježiš povedal, “Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, ak ho nepotiahne môj otec. A všetci ktorých mi dal Otec, “On je Slovo, “prídu ku mne. Prídu ku mne.”
169Dnes ráno som bol trochu drsný, vidíte. Oni očakávajú na Pána, čakajú; a keď to robia a vidia to zasľúbenie na dnes, že je potvrdené, to obnoví ich vieru v Jeho Slovo. Pretože, On zasľúbil, že to urobí, a tu to robí. Potom nie je žiadna pochybnosť. Boh hovorí. Jeho Slovo, prv, hovorí. A potom Duch, ktorý to prináša, robí tie veci, o ktorých Slovo povedalo, že ich vykoná.
Ó, máme veľa napodobovateľov. Stále ich budeme mať, človek s úprimným srdcom sa snaží robiť veci takto a takto, ale sledujte, čo sa stalo. Ľudia položia na to svoje ruky a potom zomrú. Vidíte, všimnite si to.
170Žiadna ľudská schéma denominácie nebude nikdy fungovať, získavanie členov pre ich denominačné truhly, ktoré si sami vyrobili. Boh nemal nikdy denomináciu. On nikdy nebude mať denomináciu. To je ľuďmi vyrobená vec.
171A som zvedavý, či dnes, všetky naše tiahnutia a veľké kampane a prebudenia, či sme nenaplňovali metodistickú truhlu, baptistickú truhlu, presbyteriánsku truhlu! Ale čo s Kristovou truhlou, so Slovom?
A ak nevesta má byť Slovom, potom musí byť z Krista, musí byť časťou Ženícha. Musí byť Slovom; Slovom nie na Jeho deň; Slovom na tento deň, ktoré On zasľúbil, že bude dnes, že pošle svoje Slovo, aby sformoval Svoju Nevestu a stvoril ju. Dúfam, že to vidíme! Nerobte si teraz nejaké svoje vlastné predstavy a neprijímajte predstavy niekoho iného. Zoberte to potvrdené Slovo tu, Bibliu. Čo ono hovorí.
Boh zasľúbil vo svojom Slove, ako si vyberie svoju Nevestu v tomto poslednom dni. Vedeli ste to? On to zasľúbil, ako to bude robiť a to podľa svojho originálneho plánu, podľa ktorého vybral Krista, vybral časy, vybral sezóny, ako ... On to nemôže premeškať pri svojej Neveste, pretože Ona je časťou toho Slova.
On to nemôže vybrať pomocou denominácie, keď Krista nevybral pomocou denominácie. Či prišiel Kristus do nejakej denominácie? Či prišiel cez denomináciu? Nie. Oni Ho odmietli. No, to vlastne urobili denominácie vtedy. Potom, keď vyberá Nevestu, či to môže urobiť nejako inak?
Ako tu priviedol Krista? Skrze Slovo prorokov. Je to tak? Ako sem privedie svoju Nevestu? Skrze Slovo prorokov.
Ako Ho identifikoval, keď On prišiel? Skrze muža, na ktorom bol duch Eliáša, ktorý prišiel z púšte. Ako bude identifikovať svoju Nevestu? On zasľúbil v Malachiášovi 4 to isté, prv ako zničí zem, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy.
172Pamätajte, Sodoma zhorela. Je to tak? No, tento svet má zhorieť. Ježiš tak povedal. A to bude čas, že, tak ako hovorí Lukáš 17. kapitola a 30. verš, “V tých dňoch to bude, ako vo dňoch Sodomy a Gomory, vtedy sa zjavi Syn človeka.”
A čo sa potom stane? Podľa Malachiáša, On znovu spáli zem a spravodliví (do Milénia) vyjdú po popole bezbožných. Je to tak? Vidíte?
Tak sme práve v čase konca. Sedíme tu teraz pri dverách, čakáme na Neho, aby prišiel.
173Všimnite si, Boh zasľúbil vo svojom Slove , že si vyberie svoju Nevestu svojim originálnym spôsobom. Ako vybral Jeho. Ženícha! On to predpovedal skrze prorokov a poslal proroka, aby to identifikoval.
Ten prorok povedal, keď stál na brehu Jordánu, “Ajhľa!”
Oni povedali, “Ty si Mesiáš, či nie?”
On povedal, “Nie, nie som Mesiáš.”
“Ty musíš byť Mesiáš.”
174“Ale ja nie som On. Ale On stojí medzi vami. A jeho sandále nie som hodný rozviazať. Keď On príde, dá sa poznať ...”
A dnes On stojí medzi nami, v osobe Ducha Svätého, manifestuje sa viac a viac, prichádza do svojej cirkvi, dáva sa poznávať; pretože, On, a Nevesta a Ženích budú totožní, dáva sa poznávať. A jedného dňa uvidíte, že Ten, ktorého ste cítili vo svojom srdci a videli ste Jeho identifikáciu, sa zosobní pred vami, potom vy a On ste jedno.
Zjednotili ste sa cez Slovo. A Slovo, bolo na začiatku, pôjde naspäť na začiatok, a to je Boh. “A v ten deň poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, Otec vo Mne; Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne.” Haleluja! Sme tu. Haleluja! Som tak rád, že Ho vidím, ako sa zosobňuje rovno medzi nami a vidím, čo zasľúbil pre Slovo; nie že niekto má nejakú emóciu spieva, vyskakuje a tancuje. Ale skrze Jeho Slovo, amen, On sa dáva poznávať.
175Pozrite sa, keď oni postavili chrám a vniesli do neho truhlu, Boh tam vošiel s Ohnivým Stĺpom. Amen. To bol Dávid, ktorý vyskakoval a vykrikoval, to boli všetci tí speváci a kňazi, ktorí sa tak správali, keď boli mimo vôli Božej. Ale keď Boh identifikoval truhlu na Jeho mieste a pozícii, prv ako tam mohli doniesť tú truhlu, tu prichádza Ohnivý Stĺp a ide pred ňou a ukazuje cestu; rovno dole ponad krídla cherubínov a rovno tam za záclonu Svätyni Svätých, na Jeho miesto odpočinku; Ohnivý Stĺp! A sláva Božia tam bola, že až ľudia ... oni ani nemohli vidieť, ako slúžiť. Amen.
To zavrie oči každému teológovi, keď On príde pre svoju nevestu. Ona bude vzatá v prostred noci, tak to pre nich bolo. Oni ju ani nebudú vidieť odchádzať. Ó, chvála Bohu!
176Všimnite si, Boh zasľúbil, že predstaví svoju Nevestu a čo On bude robiť. Bude tu Semeno. Bude Svetlo v čase večera, ako bude robiť všetky tieto veci, presne, takým spôsobom, ako to pôvodne naplánoval v Starom Testamente a v Novom Testamente.
A to nie je cez denomináciu. To nie je cez naše systémy, ktoré my dnes používame. My len spôsobujeme smrť. Nech len ľudia položia na To svoje ruky a zomrú od toho. Vidíte?
177Slovo, večerné Posolstvo, musí priniesť večerné výsledky. Večerné Posolstvo musí zasiať večerné Semeno, nie raňajšie semeno. Večerné Semeno! Je to tak? Poludňajšia scéna, jej semená tam vtedy, to bola denominácia; to zomrelo, zahynulo. Ale Posolstvo večerného času ukáže Svetlo večerného času, ukáže výsledky večerného času; Posolstvo večerného času!
Ježišov čas, posolstvo poludnia, ukázalo výsledky poludnia. To počiatočné posolstvo ukázalo počiatočné výsledky, urobilo stvorenie. On stvoril Svojho Syna na Svoj vlastný obraz, v polovici dňa. V čase večera On tvori Nevestu pre To. Vidíte? Pomocou čoho? Svojho Slova.
Ako formoval zem? Ako ju vypovedal do existencie? Svojím Slovom!
Kto bol Jeho Syn? Slovo! “Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo s Bohom. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.”
Ako On vezme svoju Nevestu? Pomocou Slova; nie pomocou nového voza, nie pomocou nejakej teologickej idei. Ale On ju bude identifikovať podľa svojho Slova. Nedodaj nič ku nemu, ani nič z neho teraz neodober. Nechaj ho takým, akým je. Vidíte?
178V čase večera, On zasľúbil, že zjavi, otvori týchto sedem pečatí a ukáže, čo tie cirkvi tam vtedy prehliadli. Zjavenie 10 a Malachiáš 4, Lukáš 17:30, On povedal, že to urobí. Nepomiešajme to. Zachovajme to presne tak.
179Dovoľte mi, na záver ... Už je skoro trištvrte na dvanásť. Dovoľte mi na záver povedať toto.
Priatelia, počúvajte, v mene Pána Ježiša! Tieto veci sú príliš jasné pre vás, nedá sa im neveriť. Je to príliš jasné pre vás, nedá sa to nevidieť. Skutočne to môžete vidieť! Skutočne svet to mohol vidieť! Ale len vaše ...
Nebuďte ovplyvnení týmito novými nadšenými hnutiami a vecami, ktoré dnes majú; nestarám sa o to, akí dobrí sú tí ľudia, akí sú úprimní. “Ak nehovoria podľa zákona a prorokov,” Biblia povedala, “nie je v nich život.” Vidíte?
180Dávid si myslel, že postupuje správne. On bol úprimný. Tí kňazi si mysleli, že postupujú správne. Oni boli úprimní. Ale zabudli sa poradiť s Pánom o tom. A ako to mohli urobiť? Možno, že si povedali, “My sme sa premodlili.” Ale to nie je spôsob ako to Boh robí. On povedal, že nebude robiť nič, až kým to prv nezjaví svojím sluhom prorokom. A tam stál Natanael rovno medzi nimi a oni sa s ním vôbec neporadili.
181Čítajte tam niekoľko tých ďalších kapitol z knihy Kroník a uvidíte to. Keď bol Dávid v dome a povedal, “Či je to správne,” a Natanael bol tam s ním, “že ja bývam v cedrovom dome a truhla Božia býva tu pod pokrovcami?” A Natanael našiel, od Pána, čo mu má povedať, že čo má robiť.
182A povedal mu to zle, tak potom Boh povedal, “Povedz môjmu sluhovi Dávidovi, že ho milujem. Urobil som mu meno, ako majú veľkí ľudia na zemi, ale nemôžem ho nechať, aby toto robil,” vidíte, “on ma sklamal. Nemôžem mu dovoliť, aby to robil. Ja privediem muža, jeho syna, ktorý postaví večný Boží dom.” A to bol Dávid, samozrejme. Šalamún to znázornil, ale potom upadol. Každý človek musel upadnúť. Každá ľudská bytosť musela upadnúť.
Boh je jediný, ktorý nemôže upadnúť. On nemôže sklamať. To je jediná vec, ktorú Boh nemôže, sklamať. A Boh je Slovo. A Slovo, nezáleží na tom ako to vyzerá, že sa to stane nejako inak, to sa stane presne tak, ako hovorí Slovo.
183Pamätajte, musíte dávať pozor na obdobie, na čas. Rozumiete? V akom období sa nachádzate, v akom čase a je to potvrdené, aby ste videli, že je to presne Pravda.
184No zoberte všetky tieto musíš, celé Slovo, všetky príklady a tie veci a hľaďte kde sa nachádzate. Pomyslite na hodinu, v ktorej žijeme.
Pozrite sa tam, takmer jedna desatina zeme je hotová prepadnúť sa. Veda to hovorí. Oni sa dívajú na hodiny. Pred pár rokmi povedali, “teraz sú len tri minúty do polnoci.” A teraz to môže byť minúta alebo pol minúty.
Povedali, “To sa nestane v našej generácii.”
185“To sa môže stáť za päť minút.” A všimnite si to ďalšie, čo povedal. “Päť rokov.” Ja by som to teraz nepovedal. On to povedal, ten vedec. Ľudia, ako roje múch odchádzajú z Kalifornie. Vidíte? No, ten deň, keď Lot odišiel zo Sodomy, v ten deň padal oheň z neba na zem.
V jednom z týchto dní Boh zoberie naše posolstvo a my to tu opustíme. Niečo sa stane, skutočne dosť, potom, keď cirkev bude preč, Jeho Telo, Jeho Nevesta.
186No, chcem vám prečítať Písmo a chcem, aby ste to čítali so mnou. Chcem, aby ste si otvorili Deuternomium 4, na záver. Myslím, že už hádam bolo dosť povedané, že budete rozumieť. Deuternomium 4. Budem tu čítať dve miesta.
A vy v tomto zbore a vy pri páskach, a vy na iných miestach po krajine, ktorí ste pripojení, chcem aby ste toto dobre počúvali a neodchádzajte. Toto je to čo ...
Deuternomium, 4. kapitola, budem čítač prvý verš. Chcem čítať prvý verš a potom budem čítať 25. a 26. verš. Môžete si to prečítať celé, keď prídete domov; ale len, aby sme ušetrili čas, aby sme zakončili na čas, pretože dnes večer musím prísť znovu, ak Pán dá. Počúvajte čo hovorí tento prorok. On bol v prítomnosti Božej. On vedel o čom hovorí. Počúvajte.
A teraz, Izraelu, počúvaj na ustanovenia a na súdy, ktoré vás ja učím činiť, aby ste žili a vošli a dedične zaujali zem, ktorú vám dáva Hospodin, Boh vašich otcov.
(To je príkladom na naše Milénium.)Nepridáte k slovu, ktoré vám ja prikazujem, ani neujmete ničoho z neho,
(“Nepridajte ani jednu vec do neho a neodstráňte ani jednu vec z neho. Stojte, hovorte len to, čo ono hovorí!”)ostríhajúc prikázania Hospodina, svojho Boha, koré vám ja prikazujem.
Vaše vlastné oči videli to, čo učinil Hospodin ... pre Bál-peora, že každého človeka, ktorý išiel za Bál-peorom, zahladil Hospodin tvoj Boh, z tvojho stredu.
(“Teraz ste oddeleným ľudom, von z tých denominácií.” Vidíte? Vidíte?)A vy, ktorí ste sa pridŕžali, svojho Boha, ste všetci živí dnes.
(“Nezomreli ste so svojou denomináciou. Vy ste teraz živí a v prítomnosti Božej.”)Končím, neprehliadnite toto. 25. verš, teraz, keď vchádzajú do zeme, dávajte pozor čo sa stalo.
Keď splodíš synov a vnukov, a zostariete sa v zemi, a skazíte sa
(To je to čo sa stalo.)a učiníte si rytinu nejakej podoby čohokoľvek, a budete robiť to zlé v očiach Hospodina, tvojho Boha, aby ste ho popudzovali k hnevu,
(Počúvajte!)Už dnes volám nebesia i zem za svedkov proti vám vyhlasujúc vám, že istotne rýchle zahyniete z povrchu zeme, do ktorej pôjdete cez Jordán, aby ste ju zaujali dedične. Nebudete dlho žiť na nej, lebo istotne budete vyhladení.
187Toto hovoril Mojžiš Izraelovi, potom keď ho Boh potvrdil Ohnivým Stĺpom a vedel, že bol dokázaný, ako Boží sluha, aby ich vyviedol. A ešte predtým ako vošli do tej zeme, prv ako vošli, Mojžiš povedal, “Slová, ktoré som vám hovoril, volám nebesia i zem za svedkov proti vám. Ak pridáte ku tomu jednu vec, alebo odoberiete z toho jedno slovo, nezostanete v zemi, ktorú ti dáva Pán Boh.”
Tak ja hovorím, v mene Ježiša Krista! Nepridajte ani jednu vec. Nevezmite, nedávajte do toho svoje vlastné názory. Zostaňte pri tom, čo je povedané na páskach. Zostaňte pri tom, čo vám Pán Boh prikázal robiť. Nepridávajte ku tomu.
188On stále dodržuje svoje zasľúbenie pre nás. Každé zasľúbenie, ktoré dal, dodržal. Či vám nepovedal, čo sa má stať a či sa tak nestalo? Privádzam dnes pred vás nebesia a zem, vyzývam vás. Či Boh povedal niekedy niečo, čo by nevyplnil a neurobil presne to, čo povedal, že pre nás urobí? Presne tak to urobil. Tak On to ďalej bude robiť. Len ku tomu nepridajte. Neodoberte od toho. Len tomu verte a choďte pokorne pred Pánom svojím Bohom, lebo sa približujeme ku vojdeniu do tej Zeme.
Potom, nevrátite sa, nevrátite sa znovu do tohoto typu života. Vrátite sa, ako nesmrteľná bytosť. Prídete, keď s hriechom bude koniec, keď Satan bude zviazaný a tisíc rokov, budete žiť na tejto zemi, ktorú vám dal Pán váš Boh. “Lebo pokorní zdedia zem.” “Požehnaný, ktorý činí všetky Jeho prikázania, aby mal právo vojsť do mesta.” “Lebo vonku budú čarodejníci, klamári, smilníci a psi. Oni tam nevojdu.” to je len pre vykúpených a pre tých, ktorí chodia v jeho prikázaniach.
189Neberte nejaké nové veci. Oni všade lietajú a príde ich ešte viacej. Ale neberte tieto nové veci.
Pán tvoj Boh ti oznámil, čo je pravda. Pán tvoj Boh ti potvrdil, čo je pravda, skrze svoje Slovo a svojho Ducha. “Nie silou ani mocou, ale mojím Duchom.” A Duch, “Boh hľadá takých, ktorí Ho ctia v Duchu i v Pravde.” “Tvoje Slovo je pravda.” A On jasne potvrdil, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On vám ukázal tie večerné Semená. On vám to zjavil, v Slove. On vám to dokázal, skrze svojho Ducha.
190Nikdy nezačnite organizáciu, ani sa o to nepokúšajte. Nesnažte sa stavať na ničom inom.
Ale zostaňte pokorní pred Pánom svojím Bohom, lebo sa zdá, že brány do Zasľúbenej zeme sa zakrátko môžu otvoriť. Potom vojdime so skutočným spevom a s radosťou, keď Nevesta a Ženích zaujmú svoje miesto na tróne.
191Žite pokorne. Žite v láske. Milujte jeden druhého. Nikdy nevpustite nič medzi seba. Ak uvidíte, že vám v srdci povstáva niečo proti niekomu, hneď to dajte preč. Nenechajte ...
A Satan bude robiť čo len môže, aby sa dostal medzi vás. Vidíte? Nenechajte, aby sa to stalo. Môže prísť niekto s úlisným jazykom a bude sa vás snažiť odviesť od toho. Myslíte si, že by mohli nahovoriť Mojžiša, aby vyšiel z prítomnosti Božej, keď tam stál a videl To? Nie veru. Nie. My neodoberáme, ani nepridávame ku Tomu. Zachovajte to tak, ako to Pán povedal. Nechceme žiadnu denomináciu. Nechceme žiadne organizácie. Nechceme žiadnu zlomyseľnosť. Nechcem žiadny konflikt. Chceme Boha a On je Slovo.
Skloňme teraz hlavy.
192Ó, Bože, dívam sa okolo duchovným okom, snažím sa vidieť čo sa deje. Vidím tvoje Slovo, to ako je potvrdené, ako je dokázané; po celý čas už tridsať tri rokov, tu dole pri rieke, čo si povedal. A tu to je, po tridsiatych troch rokoch a Ty robíš presne to, čo si povedal. A vykonal si presne to, čo si povedal. Pane, ďaleko je to od nás, aby sme sa to snažili urobiť niečím menším alebo, aby sme sa to snažili urobiť niečím väčším; proste zachovať to tak, ako si to dal, len pokorne kráčať a nasledovať Ťa.
193Toto sú tí, Pane, ktorých si dal do služby, okrem toho všetci tí, ktorí spia po celom národe, okolo sveta. Cintoríny tu držia mnohých tých, ktorí čakajú, požehnaných svätých. Ale to je tak, ako bolo povedané, “My ktorí sme nažive a pozostávame nezadržíme tých, ktorí zosnuli. Trúba zaznie, mŕtvi vstanú najprv, potom budeme vychvátení s nimi.” Keď sláva Božia bude na zemi, ona skryje cirkev zo sveta. Svet ju ani nebude vidieť, keď bude odchádzať.
194Otče Bože, zachovaj týchto v tvojich rukách. Oni sú Tvoji. Modlím sa, Bože, aby sme stále chodili pokorne pred tebou. Nevieme ako dlho. Netúžime vedieť ako dlho; to nie je naša vec. To je tvoja vec. Nie o to nám ide, aby sme vedeli kedy prídeš. Ide nám o to, Pane, aby sme zostali pokorní, až kým neprídeš a chodili s tebou. Naša túžba je po tebe, aby si sa medzi nami dal sem tam poznať, Otče, aby sme mohli vidieť, že stále chodíme s tebou.
195Odpusť nám naše minulé hriechy. Veď nás a ochraňuj od každej nástrahy diablovej, do budúcna. Veď nás a sprevádzaj, ó Bože náš Otče. Odpusť nám naše hriechy a pomôž nám, aby sme boli tvojimi deťmi. Sme biednou skupinou ľudí. Sme odvrhnutí, spoločnosťami tohoto sveta, denomináciami cirkví.
Vidíme koniec. A ďakujeme ti za duchovný zrak do tvojho Slova, že vidíme koniec, lebo všetky tieto veci musia prísť na to veľké kameňovanie z neba. Pomôž nám, Pane, aby sme tu neboli v ten deň, ale aby sme boli preč, v tvojej prítomnosti, aby sme odleteli do tvojej náruče.
196Uzdrav chorých a postihnutých, Pane. Modlíme sa, aby si nám dnes dal také veľké zhromaždenie, aby v našom strede nebola žiadna slabá osoba, z dôvodu Tvojej prítomnosti, Pane. Aby naše srdcia boli ustavične nastavené na Teba. A vieme, Pane, že peniaze, majetok, veci tohoto sveta nemajú žiadny význam, to je len dočasné. To všetko musí pominúť. Naša práca, naše miesta, naši priatelia, všetko musí pominúť. Nezáleží akí bohatí, akí biedni, akí populárni alebo nepopulárni sme, to všetko musí pominúť. Ale je len jedna vec, okolo ktorej je tu sústredená naša bytosť a to je Ježiš Kristus. Tak, Bože, daj nám, aby sme vedeli odložiť všetko ako druhoradé a držali sa Jeho. A On je Slovo. Daj nám to, Pane.
197Potvrdené Slovo na túto hodinu! Potvrdené Slovo vo dňoch Mojžiša bol Ježiš. Potvrdené Slovo vo dňoch Izaiáša, Eliáša, Jána, všetkých, bol Ježiš. A potvrdené Slovo dnes je Ježiš, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Pomôž nám Pane, aby sme tomu verili, videli to a chodili v tom. Prosíme v mene Ježiša.
198So sklonenými hlavami, rád by som vedel či je tu niekto, kto nikdy skutočne neurobil to veľké, plne dostačujúce ... Veríte tomu, ale len veriť tomu, to nestačí.
Verím, že moja žena bola dobré dievča. Poznal som jej otca, jej matku. Poznal som ju roky a roky. Viedla poctivý život. Veril som, že bude z nej dobrá žena, ale to ju neurobilo mojou ženou. Stala sa mojou až vtedy, keď som ju prijal a ona prijala mňa.
Teraz Ježiš chce prijať teba, či ho chceš prijať a stať sa časťou jeho Slova? Ak si to neurobil, so sklonenými hlavami, verím ...
199Nie je tu miesto na výzvu ku oltáru. Ja aj tak nie som veľmi za tým. Verím, že Boh ťa stretne rovno tam kde si. Zodvihli by ste ruky, povedzte, “Brat Branham, spomeň ma v modlitbe. Chcem to urobiť.” Nech ťa Boh žehná. “Ja ...” Nech ťa Boh žehná. Ó, všade vidím zodvihnuté ruky! “Chcem byť taký.” Nech ťa Boh žehná brat, všetkých vás okolo. “Chcem byť taký.” Nech ťa Boh žehná. “Skutočne chcem byť taký. Vidím to.”
No, pozri sa, priateľ môže byť niečo malé ... Ak nie si taký, potom je niečo iné, okolo čoho si sa skoncentroval, namiesto toho. Si tak blízko pri tom, že sa dívaš na to. Vidíš to. Už roky to vidíš, ako sa to pohybuje. Vidíš, ako to teraz dozrieva. Ak toto znamená pre nás všetko a nič iné nebude pretrvávať okrem toho, prečo nie, len odvráť hlavu od toho, na čo si sa díval a sústreď sa na Neho. Ktorý, to centrum všetkého života, všetkej budúcnosti, je On. Urobíš to, zatiaľ čo sa budeme spoločne modliť?
200Drahý Bože, keď ruky mužov i žien, chlapcov, dievčat, ešte aj kazatelia zodvihli ruky. Oni chceli povedať, že chcú byť sústredení rovno okolo Pána Ježiša a pri tom sa zdá, ako by to nedokázali urobiť. Niečo ich ťahá na túto stranu alebo na tamtú stranu. To môže byť denominácia, môže to byť nejaká osoba, môže to byť hriech, môže to byť niečo, čo skrývajú vo svojom srdci. Ja neviem, Pane. Ty vieš. Čokoľvek to je, nech by hneď teraz, Pane, keď iných si zavolal ... Ty si ich zavolal. Oni sú Tvoji.
A keď ich voláš, nech sú od toho oslobodení, od toho stále obkľučujúceho hriechu, ako hovorí Biblia. “Odvráťte sa od hriechu, ktorý nás tak ľahko obkľučuje, aby sme mohli s trpezlivosťou bežať beh, ktorý je pred nami, hľadiac na ...” Na čo? Na našu prácu, na našu denomináciu, na naše pripojenie, na rady? “Na Krista, pôvodcu a dokonávateľa viery, ktorú máme v ňom.” Urob to, Otče, pre nás dnes, lebo to prosíme v Jeho mene a pre Jeho chválu.
201A teraz sú tvoji, Pane. Postupuj s nimi, ako pokladáš za vhodné. Postupuj s nami, ako pokladáš za vhodné. Sme tvoji. V mene Ježiša. Amen.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho
lebo On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
202Zabudli ste na večeru? Zabudli ste na to, či sú deti v poriadku, vonku v aute, či nie? Zabudli ste na všetko, čo bolo a uvedomili ste si, čo je to, čo práve teraz cítite? Uskutočňuje sa to teraz pred vami, deň za dňom. Vidíte? Nech je to centrom všetkého. Nech tie ostatné veci odstúpia nabok; oni aj tak pominú.
Ó, len ďalej kráčajte za Ním! Rozumiete? Ako Elizeus nasledoval Eliáša, nasledujme Jeho. Lebo jedného dňa, tiež musíme byť zobratí hore. Videli sme ten Ohnivý voz, ktorý Jeho zodvihol z hrobu. Cítime to teraz medzi nami. Jedného dňa odopne tie kone z toho kríku. Pôjdeme hore. Milujete Ho?
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote
Ó, či môžete zavrieť oči a takmer Ho tam vidieť?
Milujem Ho, (koho iného by som mohol milovať?)
milujem Ho, pretože On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
203Zakaždým, keď sa vrátim domov niekto chýba. Nebol som tu niekoľko mesiacov, prichádzam a niekto chýba. Som smutný stále keď prichádzam. Raz, jeden chlapec s ktorým som chodil do školy, išiel po ulici a volá, “Ahoj Billy.”
204Pozrel som sa na neho, voľakedy dobre vyzeral. Mával čierne lesklé vlasy, učesané dozadu; a teraz je biely, ako sneh. Býval rovný, takýto zavalitý. Odpovedal som, “Ahoj, Jim.” Pozrel som sa na neho.
Pocítil som v srdci, pomyslel som si, “Bože, ten chlapec a ja, ten muž a ja, sme v tom istom veku.”
Potom, viem moje dni sú zrátané. Viem, už to nemôže trvať príliš dlho. Poobzeral som sa a pomyslel som si, “Čo môžem robiť, Pane? Pomôž mi. Nechcem odísť od teba. Chcem stáť tesne za tebou. Ty ukazuj cestu.” Pozrel som sa a pomyslel som si, “Päťdesiat šesť rokov, ó, to nemôže byť dlhšie!”
205A pozrel som sa a vidím tam sedieť môjho dobrého priateľa Billyho Daucha, sedemdesiat dva či sedemdesiat tri ročný. Dívam sa a vidím tie deti, oni si myslia, “No, počkám až budem taký starý, ako brat Branham, potom budem tak rozmýšľať.” Drahí, nikdy to nemusíte vidieť. Veľmi pochybujem, či to vidíte. Rozumiete? Ale, len si predstavte, keď brat Dauch bude žiť ďalej v týchto dňoch, prežije stovky pätnásť - šestnásť ročných. Taký zomierajú každú hodinu.
Tak, aký je v tom rozdiel, koľko máte rokov. Čo robíš s hodinou, v ktorej žiješ? Čo robíš pre Ježiša v tomto čase? Vidíš? Ó, ja Ho chcem vidieť. Chcem vidieť tú hodinu, keď sa pozriem a uvidím všetky tieto staré telá premenené, vidieť ich “premenených v momente, v okamihu.” Ak to tak nie je, potom sme najhlúpejší ľudia; jedzme, pime a veseľme sa, lebo zajtra zomrieme; vidíte, ste ako zvieratá, zomriete a idete do prachu a to je všetko. Ale brat, v tebe žije nesmrteľná duša. Počuli sme z neba. Videli sme to dokázané. Vieme, že On je a odmeňuje tých, ktorí Ho usilovne hľadajú.
No, členovia Tela Kristovho, keď znovu budeme spievať, chcem aby ste si potriasli ruky jeden s druhým na svojich miestach.
Milujem ... (pozdrav svojho brata, sestru) milujem Ho
lebo ... (Richard!) ... mňa
a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
206Milujete Ho? Povedzte, “Amen.” [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.”] Milujete Jeho Slovo? Povedzte, “Amen.” [Amen.] Milujete Jeho Telo? Povedzte, “Amen!” [Amen.] Potom milujte jeden druhého. Amen! Je to tak. “Takto budú všetci vedieť, že ste moji učeníci, keď milujete jeden druhého.”
Teraz kladiem svoje ruky na tieto vreckovky, ak ich potrebujete zobrať pred večerom.
207Chcem zavolať brata Richarda Blaira ... Boh odpovedal na jeho modlitbu, jeho a tohoto brata tu, keď sa vtedy modlili, aby priviedol naspäť tohoto chlapca, ktorý je tu dnes medzi nami, živý, pretože mali vieru v Boha. A teraz, chcem ho poprosiť, aby nás rozpustil slovami modlitby, na krátky čas, aby sme dnes večer sem znovu mohli prísť.
Na hodinách je asi päť minút po dvanástej. A chcem, aby ste dnes večer znovu prišli, ak môžete, ak ste na blízku. Ak musíte ísť domov, nech vás Boh zachová na ceste a pomôže vám a chráni vás. Ak môžete zostať a chcete zostať, ste pozvaní, aby ste zostali. Nech je teraz Boh s vami.
Až sa stretneme!
Až (zodvihnime ku Nemu ruky) ...
Pri nohách Ježiša;
Až sa stretneme! Až sa stretneme!
Nech je Boh s vami až sa znovu stretneme.
[Brat Branham začína hmkať Nech je Boh s vami]
To je spôsob ako máme opúšťať dom Boží, v modlitbe, pokorne, spoliehajúc, že sa dnes večer znovu stretneme. Ak nie, “Nech je Boh s vami, až sa znovu stretneme!”
Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy. Brat Blair.
1 Let us remain standing now for a moment while we have prayer. Let's bow our heads.
Lord, we are happy this morning to be back in the house of God, in another service. And we pray, God, that You will correct us this morning of all of our errors. Show us the paths that You have ordained that we should walk. And give us of Thy grace and love, that we might follow those paths and instructions with all of our hearts, that we might be found, that day, in Christ, blameless, for we believe, Lord, that His appearing is soon.
2We see all the signs that He said would take place just ere His Coming, now being fulfilled. And with joy we look for that moment. As Abraham of old looked for the promised son, and seeing those last signs of God come down on the earth, then he knew that it wouldn't be long until the son would arrive. And now we see it repeat again. Jesus told us that, "When these things begin to come to pass," to lift up our heads, that our--our redemption was drawing nigh, "perplexity of the time, distress between nations, earthquakes in divers places, the sea roaring, man's heart failing for fear."
3We realize that we're in that hour, when the nations don't know what to do. Another war coming up, looks like. What a horrible thing that would be! The earth pulling apart, scientists saying that something terrible is near. We see the Bible speaking of this. Then, Lord, help us today to stand in this house of correction, and take orders from our God, to go forward in this hour of darkness, to shine Light, for it may be our last opportunity to do so. For we ask this in Jesus' Name and for His sake. Amen.
Be seated.
4 I certainly deem this a grand privilege, to be here in the tabernacle this morning. And sorry that we don't have seating room, around, for you. And the place is packed out, and standing everywhere outside.
You people outside now, you can hear this on your radio. I forget... [Someone says, "Fifty-five to fifty-seven." --Ed.] Fifty-five to fifty-seven. You people outside, and out in the parking lots, and on the streets, can hear this on your radio, between fifty-five and fifty-seven on your radio dial. So we tried...
5I was coming back, rather, to here, to try to have about a ten-day meeting, to speak on the subject of The Seven Last Vials. For, in between those Vials is the Trumpets. And I was telling you in the... when I was going to preach on the Seven Trumpets, that I would bring them in with the Vials and the Plagues. And I thought it'd be a good time. I just returned from Africa, and--and the children hadn't had their vacation.
My little boy, Joseph, had--had kind of went a little... need a little few weeks of study on his reading. He passed, all right, but he wasn't up to par. So we kept him in Tucson, so, while I was in Africa, and went on his reading and catch up on it, with some day school.
And then we come back. And I thought, while the kiddies was having their vacation, I'd have a little meeting here with the people, and preach these subjects. But when we got here, we found that we could not get the school auditorium.
6 And I knew the tabernacle wasn't sufficient to seat the people, and make them comfortable the way they should be when they... when I have this Message, therefore we had to--to make a different arrangement. And instead of having the--the ten nights that we were planning on having, well, I made it just two services a Sunday; this Sunday, next Sunday, and the following Sunday, two services. So, and we never advertised it.
And, then, if anyone who heard some way that the meetings was going to begin on the twenty-eighth, at the school auditorium, if God permitted, well, if you have any friends and got any reservations in the motels, I--I'd--would cancel it, see, because that--that they, we can't get the convenience to have it. They can't get the--the school auditoriums.
7 And now I want to speak, on just evangelistic services on Sunday morning. And Sunday night I want to have prayer for the sick. And we are trusting that God will meet with you people who are sick. I don't know how Billy is going to take care of you; I suppose, give out prayer cards, or however, ways to control the congregation. But we will do all we can to pray for every person in these next three weeks that we intend to have services, if it be the will of the Lord.
8And then many times there is personal interviews, somebody just wants to see you a minute on something or something like that. And we're going to... How many here wants a personal interview, let's see your hand. Wow! Who doesn't? So then we are...
9It's kind of going to be hard to get them, so write out your request and send them, put them in with Billy, then I can get them from there. And, now, he'll announce about, I guess, prayer cards, whenever they're to be given out.
10 How many of our ministering brethren is there here this morning? We haven't had a chance to, I don't guess... Have you recognized any of them? How many ministers are here this morning, would you just raise your hands? Or, stand up. Let's see how many ministers are in the congregation this morning. Well, fine! Thank the Lord for these man. Wish we had time to recognize every one of them, but I'm sure you see them. And we... God knows them in their service, and we pray that God will bless them richly. And, no doubts, many of them has closed their services, to be here. Brother Junior Jackson and, I guess, Brother Don Ruddell, and there this broadcast is coming into their churches. And then, also, up in New York and other places across the nation, this is by a private telephone into each church this morning.
11 I'm glad to see Brother Richard Blair setting here. I just read a letter of a great thing that God did among the people there. The other day, as I understand... I may be wrong, Brother Blair; if I am, correct me. He was working, helping a man wire a trailer or something, I believe it was. I read the letter. And they reversed something, and, however, it run the current into a water where a little boy was, one... the--the man that the trailer belonged to, his little boy, just a little lad, and it killed the little boy. And his stomach swollen. We know electrical shock, that's, when they die, that's what happens. The little eyes set; his teeth went together.
12It alarmed the brethren so bad. Brother Blair said he thought he could get a hold of me somewhere, to pray for it, but remembered that it was that, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst." And the father skinned his fingers trying to get his fingers in the little boy's mouth, to break it open. And they knelt down and started praying over the little boy, and he come back to life again.
13 Was that true, Brother Blair? One of our loyal brothers here. Oh, the little boy is here. Well, thank the Lord. That's fine. We'd like for you to stand up, sonny boy. Now, we thank the dear Lord for this. That the father of the little boy? Are you the father? That's right. And here is Brother Richard Blair. Our God is able to do anything. Yes, sir. He promised it. We are living in the Divine Presence of the great, glorious, Heavenly Father. And all things that we... are possible if we can just believe it.
14You see what that does, what it paid off for that man's life to believe that? Saved his little boy. Now, God had his loyal servants there, to... Brother Blair and them, to pray for the little boy when he was in that condition. Yes, when anything happens, remember, you are children of the living God.
"Wherever two or more are gathered in My Name, there I am." And again it's written, "He's a very present help in time of trouble." And if there ever was trouble, was that little boy laying there, dead, on the ground, from a shock of electricity that went through him. So we're thanking God this morning, with all of our hearts, for these, for these things that He has done for us.
15God bless these faithful man, too. In a time of emergency that's the time to look to God. And look to Him, and be on friendship with Him before the emergency arrives. We know this. If we have favor with God, we can ask Him anything, like you would any other friend, and He is a very present help in time of trouble.
16 I just met on the street, yesterday, Brother John Martin's sister. I was... Someone had stopped me down on the street, and someone went by and waved their hand. Coming back home, you know, you see the people everywhere, stopping and shaking hands, and so forth. And this lady, I remember they called me recently, where someone hit her in the back, in a car, bursted her spine and all up-and-down. She was to be paralyzed the rest of her life. She is setting in the meeting this morning, enjoying the Presence of God. I was just talking with her in the room. I want to pray with her, again. And she was... She is here somewhere. I guess she couldn't get back in.
But, here, sure, she is setting right here by us. That's right. Would you stand up just a minute, sister, that people might... Here's a lady the doctor said, a few days ago, would never walk, a busted spine and everything, from a wreck--wreck. And there she stands, whole.
You know, the Bible said, "And they could say nothing against it, 'cause the man was standing in the midst of them." That's right. Here's a little boy brought back from the dead, and here's the woman with the bursted spine, standing in the midst of us. It's just been done, so He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! How happy we should be to be living now in His Presence, and know that He's this very present help in time of trouble.
Glad to see Brother Vayle, Brother Martin, so many in this morning. The Lord bless you brethren, richly. Now it's...
17 I know it's not too cool in here, with all this crowd, but yet, when I left Tucson the other day, it was about a hundred and four or five. And almost midnight, it was ninety-three, and so this feels pretty good to me. And at Parker they said it was a hundred and forty, Friday before we left. And you can imagine how hot that is. Course, that's in the desert.
18And, now, these next three Sundays. Today, the fifteenth, I believe, is that right, or sixteenth; fifteenth, isn't it? Eighteenth, and the twenty-eighth, and the August the first, (is that right?) August. The twenty-fifth... The eighteenth, twenty-fifth, and first, there'll be services at tabernacle. Don't, you know, get too much of it out, 'cause, you see, we can't get what's in, what's here now, inside, you know, and it just gets worse. Just come back if you can.
19 And then I'm here to get the trustees together. I'm kind of getting put out of all this turning me down on place to hold a meeting, when I'm feeling led to do it. So I think I'm going to ask if we just can't get our tent and--and put it up, and just stay there, you know. Get out here in the ballpark, or out on a farm, and move it from place to place, just as the Lord will lead. And I feel that that's what He's going to do. You know, there's a vision concerning that. And I think that maybe the reason this happens... Now, you know, a lot of times we think it's horrible because certain things happen, but, you know, that might be God, see, driving you into these things. When, He said it, He'll do it.
20 A few nights ago, many of you, just in about a month before going over to Africa, many of you perhaps has the tape, of you people that get the tapes, on, Choosing A Bride, was preached in California. The last few minutes of that tape, I don't remember of ever being there. But the Spirit of the Lord came in such a way. I had been condemning them the way they were living and doing, and after the Gospel had been preached and declared before them so much. And all of a sudden the Holy Spirit spoke out and said, "Capernaum," see, "the city that calls yourself by the name of the angels," that's Los Angeles, "thou are exalted into Heaven, but be brought down to hell." See? And then after it was over, why, I was outside, and Brother Moseley and Billy was with me. And they said... Went back and looked, and the whole floor was just laying full of people, ministers sobbing.
21 And I went and got the Scripture. I said, "There is something about that in the Bible."
And it was Jesus rebuking Capernaum, all those coastal cities that He had visit. Why, He said, "Capernaum, thou art exalted into Heaven, will be brought down into hell." He said, "For if the works had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah that's been done in you, it'd been standing today." And at that time, Sodom and Gomorrah was in the bottom of the sea.
And just after that, maybe a hundred years or something, after Jesus' prophecy, Capernaum, the only coastal city that He had visit, a earthquake sunk it in the sea. And you know that was a direct answer to California, to Los Angeles.
22 And then in Tucson the other day, just as I got back, a great earthquake had happened out there. And the scientists was on the television drawing it out. It was in the papers. That, the earth, the other day, split from the Aleutian Islands, or from Alaska, around the Aleutian Islands, about two hundred miles out into the sea, come back in at San Diego, went around Los Angeles, and come out at San Diego. And it's pulled loose several inches. Houses has toppled down. Motels has went in.
And the scientists on this panel was--was asked. Said, "Well, that could fall in someday?"
23Said, "Could? It will!" And he used the scientific names of how the lava has... That's what's caused these earthquakes all along, around San Diego and down in there. It's been that hollow place. And now all of it's begin to break in, like sand falling in, and now it's just a crust. And it's pulled loose, several inches. They could take radar and stuff, and follow that crack, and mark it. I see where it was at.
And it pulled loose, several inches more, maybe two or three inches the other day, again, right after that prophecy was given.
And the ones that was interviewing the scientists, said, "Well, it probably won't be in our age."
24He said, "It could be in five minutes or in five years; but it's going to fall in."
25 Mrs. Simpson, I don't think she is with us today. Or, I see Brother Fred setting here, but I don't know where Mrs. Simpson is. She went and got a prophecy that I made, about 1935 or something like that, and said, "The time would come," it's written in a book somewhere, "that the sea would weep its way into the desert."
Look what'll take place. If that thousands of square miles falls down into the lava of the earth, and slides in, there will be millions die at one time. And that'll cause such a tidal wave! Remember, plumb up into the Salton Sea, is a hundred or two hundred feet lower than the sea level. That water will probably come almost to Tucson, with that tidal wave coming across there. "And the sea shall weep its way into the desert."
Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,
The signs that our prophets foretold;
The Gentile days are numbered, with horrors encumbered;
Return, O dispersed, to your own.
26We're in the end time. Now, the Lord bless you richly. I get started on that and forget about time. We're going to fade quick, pretty quickly, into Eternity, anyhow.
27 And now in Saint Mark, the 7th chapter and the 7th verse, to bring a text to this subject that was just read in First Chronicles 13. To make a text for this, I want Mark 7:7.
... in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men.
28Now, I know nothing but the Message the Lord has given me, and that's all I can speak on. And now, I'm going to speak on a subject this morning which I thought would be good. And tonight I want to speak on, "meat in due season," if the Lord willing: Spiritual Food In Due Season, and how to receive It. Now, this morning: Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God.
29God is sovereign. And we see here what David done, in the Scripture reading of First Chronicles 13. And he was... His intentions were good. But God does not give us merits on good intentions. There is only one way to serve God, that's by doing His will at His command. And God, being sovereign, there is no one to tell Him what to do or how to do it. He does it the way, He knows the right way to do it. And that makes me feel good. And it ought to make all of us feel good, and I'm sure it does. For, one would have It coming this way, and one have It going that way, and one the other way.
30 But one great thing, again, about God, He has not left us, now, without knowing what's the Truth and how to do it. He wouldn't be just, to punish us for doing something that we didn't know how it was going to be done, and then let us stumble into something. He is not that kind of a God. He's a God that speaks the Word and expects His children to believe It. And, therefore, He knows what's best, and when to do it, and how to do it. We have our ideas of it, but He knows.
31And then if He set up a system, that what He's going to do, and didn't tell us what was going to happen and how it was going to happen, then we, stumbling at it, would be--would be justified in--in our stumblings; or, trying to do something, each one would be justified. But there's only one way, and that is His Word.
32 And another thing, David here, we see that in his heart he wanted to do something that was good. He had no bad motive, or no bad objective. But, the house, or the ark of the Lord, was away from the--the people, and he wanted to bring the ark of God back to its place, so the people would consult God about the things that they wanted.
33Instead of--of just letting it go, we... What if Brother Blair and the father of this little boy said, "Well, it's too bad, child just got hurt, killed. I guess, just something that happened"? But they went quickly to God.
34What if the little lady, and her husband, a minister of the Gospel, a few nights ago, or days, when that little lady had that bursted spine, that just stood up... The doctor said, "She'll be paralyzed all of her life." What if the husband and she had said, "Well, honey, we'll just console ourselves to that"? But quickly they done something about it; they went to God. How many things in the Bible could we refer to, of how when people get in trouble, get to God!
35 Well, then, in them days, they had only one meeting place where they could meet God, and that was at the ark, under the blood. That's the only meeting place yet, under the Blood. Mercy seat was sprinkled, to give mercy to the worshiper, or the asker, when he come to ask the petition of God. And God had a special routine, the way you had to go, too, about that, and He wouldn't accept anything else. He wouldn't accept any other provision; just the way He fixed it.
36Recently I just preached on a Message, many of you know about It, that, only one provided place that God meets the worshiper, the place that He said, "I'll put My Name." If we can find the church that He put His Name in, then we got the place. He said, "I will not bless you in all the gates; just the gates that I put My Name in. I'll put it in one place, and you've got to meet Me there; and that's the only place I'll meet you." And we found out, through there, where He put His Name, and that's the only place that He meets the worshiper. And His Name was Jesus Christ. God's Name is Jesus Christ.
37 Jesus said, "I come in My Father's Name." Every son comes in his father's name. And He came in the Name of the Father.
"And there is not another Name under Heaven given among men," whether it's called Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, church of Christ, whatever it might be done. There's only one meeting place that God meets man, and that's when he's in Jesus Christ, only place. And all these old things back here under the Old Testament, typed that. I want you to clearly understand it. Now, it's a Sunday school lesson. I've got some Scriptures and notes written down here. I thought that this would help you to understand, as all the old things happen for examples to us.
38 Now, we find that God had a way of doing things. But David, just being blessed of God, like he had, and become king, he just thought that he would just do something for God, anyhow. And he never went about it in the right way.
39We notice, God reveals His Word in His Own predestinated season. Now, how could Martin Luther a knowed about the Message today? How could the Presbyterians? How could Martin... or the Catholic church know Martin Luther's message? How could John Wesley a knowed Luther's message? How could Wesley a knowed the Pentecostal message? Or how could the Pentecostals know this Message? See? He reveals It in His seasons, because It is a Seed. And as It grows and matures, He reveals Himself.
40 Like the heat of the sun, to open up. When it's tender and young, bring it out of the ground, the seed; then give it its leaves, in another stage of the sun. Hot sun will kill it if it's the ripening seed... or ripening time. So, He regulates the sun and regulates nature, to meet His Word.
He regulates the Church, the predestinated, the Bride, to meet the season that they are living in.
41Even nature itself tells us today, as we see the nations breaking, the earth sinking in, the handwriting is on the wall. We see the church and the states it's in.
We see the Bride and the state She is in. And we know, by nature, that the Church is getting ready to leave. What a glorious time! It's a time that all the prophets longed to see, this hour.
42 Now, He reveals His Word only in Its season. Martin Luther read the same Bible we did. Wesley read the same Bible Martin Luther did. Pentecostals read the same Bible we read. Jesus read the same Bible that the Pharisees read, but they had... Trying to keep the corn in a early stage, when it was ripening, they fail to see their hour.
Now David has done the same thing here.
43God reveals this Word in the season, and to whom He chooses to reveal It to. God chooses who He reveals It to. He chose that before the foundation of the world. All of His doings were foreknown by Him, hidden from man. He just reveals them as He will. It is His chosen season, His chosen person. And He never did choose a party or sect; it's a chosen person, how He does it.
44 Who is it that will dare to correct Him, and say, "Now, Lord, You made a mistake by putting this man in the ministry. This man doesn't believe like we believe"? Who is going to tell God He is wrong in it? It would take somebody that's a little more of a delinquent than I am, to tell Him that. He knows what He is doing. He knows who to choose and who not to choose, what to do and when to do it. No matter how much we think that a certain person is qualified to do a certain job, God knows who is qualified for the time and the season, or the time and the right time to do it.
45And the real, true Christian; the real, true believer in God, waits upon the Lord for these things. Wait on your ministry. If you feel a call, be sure that it's God. Be sure that it's right. Be sure that it's timely of what you're saying. The Bible said, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with the wings like an eagle. They shall run and not be weary. If they walk, they'll not faint."
46 Notice David, king of Israel, just anointed. Samuel poured the oil upon him, and he was chosen of God, to be king of Israel. And David got this revelation, to bring the ark of the Lord up to the city of David. Now, there is nothing wrong, but, you see, David went at it wrong.
47Now, it looks like if a man like that would get a revelation, a great man like God's chosen king, the greatest king that ever lived on earth, outside of Christ, I guess, was David, 'cause Christ is a Son of David. Now, the greatest man, freshly anointed, coming from the very Presence of God, got a revelation to do something for God, and wanted to do it for God; but the revelation was wrong. Now, that's a great thing. It'll deal with our subject: Trying To Do God A Service Without Being Called To Do It.
48 Notice, David got the revelation. And notice, it was not the prophet, Nathan-ael, that got the revelation. It was David, the king, that got the revelation. Neither was Nathan-ael consulted about it. He never asked Nathan-ael. But did you see here, in First Chronicles, he consulted captains of thousands, and captains of hundreds? He never consulted Nathan-ael. He consulted the people, and he consulted also the priests and the theologians of that day, the scribes and the theologians. David consulted first, said, "If it, this, be of God, let us go down and bring the ark of the covenant of our God, up into the city, and let us consult God before we do things."
49 But said, in the days of Saul, "They left off consulting God, by the--the--the ark, the Urim, Urim Thummim. They left off doing that."
David said, "Now let's get back to God, all of us! Let's get back to the right thing. Let's go down and get the ark and bring it here, bring the Presence of God," in other words, "into the city. Let's hold a revival. Let's bring the people back." But he got the revelation, which seemed to be good, but it wasn't the will of God.
50Instead of asking the source that he should have asked, he consulted his captains, because he had just become king. And he followed that line of thinking, that, his chief captains and his great man.
51Then he went into the church nominal and asked if they could have the revival. The priests, the scribes, the captains of thousands, the captains of hundreds, and he consulted them. "Was this the will of the Lord?" And they said it was. But, you see, he failed to ask the main resource that God always deals through. See, he failed to get it.
52 Now his intention was good. His motive was good. His objective was good, and to bring a revival in the city, bring the people back to God. But he never consulted the way God told him to do it. See?
53Even all the people agreed, and the priests, and that the king was right, "They needed the ark back in the city. Now, they needed the Presence of God. They needed a revival." But God had not promised to reveal His Word, in Its season, to the peoples. He never promised to reveal It to the king, in the season. God doesn't change, a bit. He didn't promise to do that.
54 No matter how sincere, and what good motives, and what good objectives, and how people want those things and see the need of it, there is a will of God to be carried out in these things. That's what I want to drive down tight, for I want to make this so that you have to see it if--if the Spirit of God dwells in you. And that's the reason I'm lingering so long here. Not taking you people's time on the telephone, and on the hookup, but I--I want you to see it. If you run out of time, then get the tape. That there...
55No matter how much it's needed, how much everybody agrees that it's needed, how much that that is the Truth, there is yet one thing to find out. Is that the will of God?
Now, God never promised that He would reveal His secrets to His kings, He would reveal His secrets to His people.
56 Something like the time of Micaiah, the son of Imlah. As we leave, not the text, but another time, to bring this in and make it true to you, real to you, so you won't miss it.
57There was, in the days of Micaiah... He was a poor man, and he also come from a poor family. But, Ahab, king of Israel, as a nation being under God, he had set aside a school and had brought up selected, hand-picked prophets, and had four hundred of them in a school. And they were great man. They wasn't just false prophets. They were Hebrew prophets, genuine man. And they consulted the Lord by these man. And they did prophesy. But, you see, when the real showdown came, they were every one out of God's Word and will. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
58 For Jehoshaphat came down from Jerusalem to meet the--the king Ahab, and they put on their garments, and set out in the--in the gateways, and brought the prophets up before them. First, Ahab said, "We got a place up here at Ramoth-Gilead that actually belongs to us." Now, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Joshua divided it for the people and give that to them, but the Philistines had taken it over.
And said, "Here our children need bread, and we ain't got enough land to raise the bread on. And our enemy, the Philistines, feed their children, the heathens, off of the very ground that Jehovah God gave us." That's very straight. And said, "Here, we, the people of God, set here with our children, needy, and our enemy feeds their children on the ground that God called us out of Egypt and give it to us." That would raise a theologian, wouldn't it? He said, "Shall we go up and take our grounds that God gave to us?"
59Jehoshaphat said, "Yes, I'll help you. We are brothers. You're in Judah, and I'm in--I'm in Jerusalem." Or--or, was it vice versa? I believe... No, that's right. I think it... Jehoshaphat.
However, Jehoshaphat was a good man, a king, a righteous man who loved the Lord. Ahab was a lukewarm believer. So they brought them down, and Jehoshaphat said, "Listen, let us consult the Lord, first. We ought to find out about this." See, if David would have done what Jehoshaphat did! He said, "Shouldn't we do this?"
And quickly, being an Israelite, Ahab said, "Certainly. I've got four hundred Hebrews, like we are, Hebrew prophets of our own organization. And I'll consult them. They are prophets." Now, you see, just...
60 You say, "That stumbles me, Brother Branham. A prophet?" Oh, yeah. There was one in the time of Jeremiah, who said they would only be down there two years. The Lord told Jeremiah, "seventy." Put a yoke around his neck, and the prophet broke it, Hananiah. But you know what happened to him. Oh, yeah. You got to stay with the Word.
So these prophets came up and prophesied, and said, "Go on up! The Lord is with you."
61And one of them, I believe (forget his name now) the chief, Zedekiah, I believe, said, he put two iron horns and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. By this," now that man was sincere, "you will push your enemy plumb back into their lands, and take what belongs to God. It's give to you." I don't believe he was a hypocrite. I believe he was a good man. I believe all them prophets were.
62 You say, "Prophets?" Yep! Remember, the very man that consented to kill Jesus Christ, prophesied, because it was his office. He was high priest that year. And being that he had that office, and held that office, the Spirit of God came to him. That didn't mean he was saved or anything about it. And he prophesied, Caiaphas, because it was his office that did it.
63And these prophets, being prophets, of office prophet, prophesied. And the Spirit of God came on them, man with gifts of the Spirit.
64 I realize I'm talking to ninety-nine percent Pentecostals. But man many times, a man, God can deal with them, give them a gift, and the people will squeeze in on those people. If they're not perfectly called and sent of God, he'll cause that man or woman to say something that isn't His will, because the people constrains them to do it.
65How I had to catch our own little pastor here on it. Out here in the woods one morning, about three o'clock in the morning, said, "Go tell Brother Neville!" I come to you, didn't I, Brother Neville?
66Everybody, "Brother Neville, prophesy over me. Tell me this or that." See, you would have him saying things then that wouldn't come to pass.
"They that wait," to find out what the Lord wants to do.
67 So these man looked upon it in a natural sense, "It belongs to us." But, you see, they didn't find the Word and will of God.
68Then Micaiah come down, and he had a vision. He examined, first, you notice. Said, "Wait. Give me tonight. Let me find out, and tomorrow maybe I can answer you." He wasn't right quick, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," like, in agreeing with the other prophets. He said, "I'll only speak what God says."
And the next day, we find out, God told him what would happen. And it was absolutely contrary to the others. The whole school, it was contrary. And even one of them walked up and smacked him in the face, for it. But, see, he waited. Then when he did that, he compared his prophecy, his vision, with the written Word, and it was right with the Word.
69 When somebody says they "got a revelation to baptize people in the Name of the 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost,'" that's contrary to the Word. None of the rest of them ever did. When they say, that, "Oh, we're going to stand, and this, that, and the other," and so forth, that's contrary to the Word. When they say they "don't believe the serpent's seed," that's contrary to the Word. All these other things, that's contrary to the Word. It must be with the Word and at the season.
70 Now, if David would a only done that. The ark was coming, but not at that time; was no place for it.
71Notice now when they went down to get the ark, all the dignitaries said, "That's the thing to do, David. Glory to God! We need a revival." That was real Pentecost, today; Baptist, Presbyterian. "David, you're our king! You all... Captain So-and-so, and Major So-and-so, and General So-and-so, will be at your meeting. Why, they say that's just the thing to do, David. You got the whole country with you."
That's what's the matter today. I don't want the country. I want God, if there is nobody else stand.
72David had all the captains. He had co-operation with the military forces. He had co-operation with all the denominations, with all the theologians, with all, everybody agreeing with him. So did Ahab, and others in the Scripture; but he didn't have God, because he was out of the will of God. I hope we get this.
73 Notice, they done every religious thing they could. They probably put out advertisements and everything, "Great revival! The ark is going to be brought back. We're going to have a revival. We're going to do this."
74Notice, he sent singers. He sent people with harps, with trumpets, and they done every religious thing that they knowed how to do; and still God was not in it.
Somewhat see it repeating again, don't we?
75They took all the singers. They took the harp players, the trumpet blowers; the women, the man, and whoever it was that sing. They took them all down there, and they went through every religious motion.
I don't want to say this, but I got to say it. So is these denominations today, Pentecostal and all, is going through every religious motion, of singing and shouting.
76Notice, David shouted with all of his might, and he screamed, and he jumped, and he went through every religious motion that there could be; and still God was not in it. And his motive, and his objective, and everything was right; but he went the wrong way with it. See? He done all the religious movements; shouted, sang, had special singers, special shouters, everything else. They danced in the spirit. They done everything that was religious.
77 It's something like our great crusades of our time. They want to win the world to Christ. There is no such a thing. Great landslide revivals, great things happening; if they could only realize, that day has passed. She is doomed. But they are building, crusades, organizations, and everything. But, the results is just about like it was in David's time, it didn't work.
78We go and have a revival. Our great, some of our great evangelists today, they say they have thirty thousand converts, in six week's time; and a year from there, go back, they can't find thirty. There is something wrong. What it is, it's just the same thing David done. Great dignitaries, great man, great preachers, greater schools, great authority, but still they are consulting an old denomination instead of looking in the face of God's Word and see when the season's on. You can't raise certain foods but just certain times of the year.
79 Now let us see what happened. Although their... Their religious emotion and stuff was great, their intentions was great, their crusade was great, their singing was great, their dancing was great, their shouting was great, their music was great, and they had the ark. What good is the ark without God? It's just a wooden box, couple tables of stone.
That's like taking communion, being baptized. What good does it do to be baptized if you're not first repented? What good does it, take communion, become a hypocrite, if you don't live the life and believe the rest of God's Word? Take part of It, and not the rest of It, it shows there is something wrong.
80 Now, when all this happens, let us now see what happens when God, and His age and His time, is not considered; just the people's idea.
81Many people has said to me, "Why don't you come over here and hold a meeting? Well, we call for you. Sign this, that, or the other."
Wait! You might want it, but what does God say about it? Many people has said to me... I've had invitation, I've had interviews, personal interviews and things, waited for a year. Wait! How will I know what to say until God tells me what to say? See, got to wait! That's the reason I said, "Write that out. Let me see what He said." See? Wait! "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." That right?
82 Notice, they consulted only the priests of that day, the theologians, the denominations. And notice, by doing that, consulting the priests and consulting the congregation, consulting the people, they did it wrong.
83Notice, the ark was the Word. We know that's right. Cause, the ark is Christ, and Christ is the Word. See? The ark, or the Word, was not put in its first, ordained, original ordained position. Oh, don't fail to get this, church!
Everything was perfect, and everything looked good, like a great revival was coming; but because they failed to consult the right person about it! They consulted the priests, consulted the dignitaries, consulted the theologians, consulted the singers, and got everything together with one accord, and a great organization of the military, and also the--the--the forces of the nation. Everything was in harmony for a great meeting, but they failed to consult God. So had Ahab, so had others. What a moment!
84 Now don't miss this. They failed to get it, because they hadn't consulted. And by doing that... Watch. By going to the priests, by going to the theologians, and by going to the military forces, and not even considering their God-sent messenger of the hour, Nathan, they did it wrong. They went and picked up the ark and put it upon a new cart, put it upon a new cart, or, "a new denomination is going to start up," and not upon the God-given, ordained way to pack it. It was supposed to be packed on the shoulders of the Levites. But, you see, when you start wrong, you'll keep on going wrong.
85 If a bullet is supposed to be directed to a target, and you jerk the barrel one thousandths off here, to begin with, at a hundred yards you're four or five inches off. You start wrong.
86O God, help us to know this thing has started wrong, this great crusades of the hour, and they're so called. God is not consulted about it. Priests and religious man is consulted. Organizations is consulted. "Well, will you have such-and-such? I believe, if we could get everybody together!" Don't get everybody together. Just get God's Word about it.
87 Then we find that, when they do that, what do they do? They continually to go right on with their same old religious program, which is out of the Word of God and the will of God. That thing died, years ago, them old dried up things of years ago.
88It had dried up in the days of Lord Jesus. They didn't know it. Said, "If you'd a knowed Moses, you'd a knowed Me, for Moses said I was coming."
Said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness."
89Said, "They're all dead!" "Blind," He called them, Pharisees, religious leaders. "Except you believe that I am He, you'll die in your sins." But they didn't do it. They was so set in their ways. They had to have it their way.
90 That's the way David did it. He had it in his way, so he just said, "You know what I'll do? We're moving." He had a revelation. "We're moving now, so we'll do it a new way. The days of miracles is passed, so we'll just make us another organization. We'll build a new cart, showing a new thing has started." What a false prophecy!
91You've got to go back the way God said do it. They put it upon the shoulders of the Levites, and that was over the heart. The ark, the Word, is not to be packed upon a new denomination, upon the theories of some man, but in the heart. The Word of God is not to be handled by denominations; It's to be handled by the heart of a man, where God can come in there and reveal Himself. And if he reveals it according to the Word, it's God; if it isn't, it's not.
And, then, the Word of that season! Sure, a Pharisee could say, "Who told us that we can't do this and do that? Moses give us these orders."
"But Moses also said..."
Satan said, "Why, it is written, 'He'll give His Ang-... '"
92"And it's also written," said Jesus.
The season, the time! "If you'd have knowed Moses! You have one accuse you, Moses. If you'd a knowed Moses, you'd a knowed Me," He said, "for Moses wrote of Me. 'The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet among you, of your brethren; Him shall they hear.'" If they'd have knowed Moses, they'd have knowed Him.
93 Now close, listen, don't miss this now. See, first thing, when they consulted the priests, consulted the dignitaries, consulted the military, consulted all the congregation, the neighborhood, to get together for this great meeting to come, they failed to do it right. They didn't consult God. And, by doing so, not going back and see what time it was!
94Oh, brother, listen. What time are we living in? What's the age? What's the hour that we're in? It's not time for these things that they're talking about. That's passed. Judgment is on hand now. You can see it breaking. You remember the rock up on the mountain? Judgment hour! You remember the revelation, or the vision of the Bride? Just keep Her in step. Don't let Her get out of step.
Notice, "Upon the shoulders of the priests!"
95 And David and all the priests, that really ought to have knowed better, but what was it? The priests should a knowed better. The scribes, theologians, should a knowed better, because the Word said not to do that.
96And today when they want to say, "Oh, Jesus Christ isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's mental telepathy. That's this, that, or the other." They fail to see the promised Word. "Oh, that was a day gone by."
David said, "Oh, well, now wait a minute. 'Upon the shoulders of--of the priests,' that was back when Moses come out. Sure, we, we'll put it on a new cart today. I got a revelation of it."
97The priests said, "Amen, David!" See, influenced by their new ecumenical council, that they should all be together and do this this way and that way, that's what caused the priests to stumble. They never consulted the right person. They didn't do it right, therefore they got in trouble. Yeah.
98 I'm afraid, in a lot of things today... When a great teacher, one of Pentecostal's greatest, stood before the religious group the other night in Chicago. I was supposed to have that meeting with the Business Men; but I thought I'd be in Africa that time, but just got back the day before it started. And they chose a great Pentecostal intellectual, and he got up and told them that this ecumenical move was a thing of God. And said that all of them is coming back, even the Catholic church is going to come back to its original condition, all speaking in tongues for the evidence, and so forth. And not knowing that's a trap of the devil!
99And a man that I didn't know... Sometimes you plant seed; you don't know what's going to happen. But the president of the Full Gospel Business Men, as soon as the great speaker set down, he said, "I am prone not to say things against our speakers, but that ain't the way Brother Branham said would happen. But he said that would lead to the mark of the beast."
He said, "But Brother Branham don't know what he's talking about."
Said, "We are... believe he does." See?
100 And in Chicago, said, "How many here would like for me to come up and give my version of it?" Begin screaming and shouting.
See, you're planting seeds; you don't know what's going to happen. Just keep laying out the Seed. When that hour comes, some of them is...
101Like Thomas, he was about the last one to see the Lord. But, he had to see Him, to believe Him. See, when they see it happen. Oh, Thomas come in, but he was a little late.
102Now when they see the things that's predicted, and saying THUS SAITH THE LORD, happens, then they say, "Give us some of your Oil." See?
103 But now notice, influence. Sometimes great guys get together. You hear them say, "Great So-and-so, and great So-and-so, our great..." Don't never do that.
There is no great ones among us. There's only one great One, and that's God. We are brothers, sisters. I don't care if you're pastoring a church that's got five people in it, that don't make you little; that makes you a brother, see, if you're true to God's Word. Don't care what, how; you don't get little. God don't have little children and big children. He just has children. They're all the same.
104Notice, God Himself come from the ivory palaces of Glory, to become one of us. Now who is the big one? Took... Not come down here to take the form of a priest, but a servant. Washed the very clay that He created, the feet of His apostles and others. Now who is great?
105 But influenced, these man were. They didn't understand. They thought something new was going to happen, no, something that God didn't say was going to happen. They went at it the wrong way.
That's what all this enthusiasm, when the... started back yonder, a long time ago, each denomination had to have a Divine healer; each denomination had to have this, that, or the other. Each denomination had to have a little David. Each one had to have this, that, or the other. See what happened? It done the same thing it did here. Same thing. Influence!
106The Word for the season, the time that they were living in, was ignored.
107Notice, "the Levites' shoulders," was the original, provided way of God to do these things. "Pack that ark on the Levites' shoulders." Anything outside of that was contrary. What He said, that's what He meant. God cannot change. That's the reason, stay with His Word! I've got Script, yeah, First Chronicles 15:15, if you want to put that down. Notice.
108 Now notice, there, in following God. Now I want you to kind of jot this in your mind. To keep God's commandments, to do anything right for God, to do--do God a service correctly, there is five musts, to do God's service correctly.
109Now David was doing God a service. He was doing everything he knowed to do, except leaving off God. See? He was doing something was right, something good for the people, something good for the church.
110But there is five musts. I want you to remember these. No matter how sincere a man may be in doing it, doing God a service, this, these five must be there.
First, it must be His time to do it.
111What if--if Moses would come, say, "We'll build an ark and float up the Nile, like Noah did"? Noah's time was all right for an ark, but not his time.
112What if Jesus would come, said, "Now I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll just go up on the mount, like Moses did, and get a new declaration of laws"? See? Huh-uh! He was that law. See?
113You must be in His time. It must be in His season. You got that now? Must be in His time. It must be in His season, time and season.
114 And it must be according to His Word that has been spoken. It must. I don't care how well you say this ought to be, or that ought to be, or this ought to be. It's got to be according to His Word; according to His time and His season.
And it must be given according, to the person He has chosen to do it by.
115I don't care how much dignitaries. There is king David, just as great as any of them. He was king over the nation. But He had a way of doing it, and He had told them how He would do it. But they failed to do it.
116It must be according to His Word; according to His time, according to His program.
117 And it must be by the person He has chose to give it and to do it. Moses tried to run from it, "Take somebody else." But God chose Moses to do it. Many of them; Paul tried to get out of it; many others. But it's got to be by the one He chooses to do it.
And it must come, first, to His prophets. The Word of God must come to His prophets. Amos 3:7, "The Lord God will do nothing until first He reveals It to His servant the prophet." Four.
118And the prophet must be a vindicated by the Word of God.
119There is your five musts. It's got to be that way. His time, His season, when He said it would be; and the man that He chose; and it must come to the prophet; and the prophet must be a vindicated prophet. We find out, many of them in the Bible, it come to the prophets and it wasn't vindicated. Our Prophet is Jesus Christ.
120 So now notice, see, God had not revealed the thing to them by His provided way of doing it. They had accepted David's way. They had accepted the priests' way. They had accepted the scribes' way, the theologians', but not God's way. Nathan-ael, was, he was a prophet of that day. Later on, Nathan-ael told them how to do it. But, see, they done it without consulting Nathan-ael. Not a word says that Nathan-ael was consulted. All the influence, the great thing going on! And, my, I think of that song, "Let, keep..."
Help me, Lord, when hearts are aflame,
Let me humble my pride (to go with the rest of them), just call on your Name;
Teach me not to rely on what others do,
Just wait in prayer for an answer from You.
See, that's the way it is. Let me see it happen in the right way, then it's believed.
121 Now, God revealed the thing to them by David, and by the ministers, and by the people, and by the captains of thousands, and captains of hundreds, but not by Nathan-ael who had THUS SAITH THE LORD. And the Lord said He would do nothing until He showed that prophet of the age, first, what to do. See what they did? They went straight out of the Word of God, went and put the ark upon a new cart. See? So they went about to do it apart from God's commandment and God's provided way.
And that's what's happened today, friends. That's why we've had so many great crusades, and so forth, and no results. More infidelity, more sin, more... I tell you, this nation is gone; not only this nation, but other nations. This nation, like England of another age, has been the prostitute of all the rest the nations.
122 Way down in Mozambique, four hundred and eighty miles from civilization, in the jungle, beatnik kids listen to Elvis Presley, jerking their head and bouncing up-and-down like that, all night long, with stay... Or, little sets like that will pull for a thousand miles, plumb over in Rhodesia, to get Elvis Presley. And yet they say, "He is very religious, him and Pat Boone, and them." Why, it's the Judas of the hour, and don't know it. That's the bad part, they believe they're--they're right.
Didn't Jesus say to this Laodicean Church Age, "Thou art naked, miserable, wretched, blind, and don't know it"? Don't know it!
123Well, the Pentecostal kids down in Africa and around, say, "Well, Elvis Presley, he sings the prettiest you ever heard." No doubt but what David did, too; no doubt but what the singers did, but it caused death to strike the camp. See where they're, where we're at today, friends?
124 "The Levites' shoulders," was God's original way to do it. And they had put it on a new cart. Now, it'll never work. They didn't consult the right way. See? So they got out, about it, and went about it in the wrong way.
125And that's what's happened today. When men, no matter how sincere, try to do Him a service outside of His provided way of revealing it, they always mess it up. God sets it in His way. Men, no matter how sincere, you try to do it outside of that, you--you'll mess it up.
126 Something like Balaam was, in Balaam's day. God told Balaam, that prophet. He was a prophet, the prophet Balaam. He was a prophet, and the Word come to him exactly, said, "Don't go down there. That's My selected. That's My choice."
And Balaam got with the dignitaries, the military men, preachers, influenced men, and said, "Well, I'll--I'll tell you, the king will..."
See, just pattern with David, pattern with today. Just take everything in a type, and you'll see it. You see it? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See, see, just like it is now.
127But the clergymen said, the--the--the priests said, the scribes said, the theologians said, "This is the way it's supposed to be done." But, it wasn't, and it proved it wasn't.
128 And God told Balaam, and he was a prophet, first, He told him, "Don't go down."
129But the influence of these other men caused him to do it contrary to what God said do it, and it become a curse instead of revival. Oh, sure, he got down there and taught the people, say, "Now wait! You know what?" Said, "We are--we are Moabites. You remember, Lot's daughter is our queen. She is our origination. We're all of one blood. We're all... All of us denominations are the same." Don't you mix with that thing. Stay away from there. See? So he said, "We're all the same. Why, your peoples is like my people. We can intermarry, one among another, so we can have a real ecumenical council. See? All of us can get together and come back to the original thing again."
God cursed the thing. That sin never was forgiven Israel. It stayed with them the rest of their days. It never was forgiven. They perished in the wilderness with it. That's right. Because they didn't take God's provided way by His a vindicated way of doing it.
130Notice, this thing that they did caused Israel to die the death, in the wilderness. And Jesus said, "They're every one perished and gone." Watch who it was stood with Moses back there, Joshua and Caleb, in the--in the program.
131 Notice again, here is David, what he done. And when he did, what did it do? It caused death to strike a sincere person.
Now, I guess we're still hooked up, and I want you to hear across the lands.
This thing that David done, without consulting Nathan-ael and getting the Word of the Lord for it, it caused death to strike sincere people. Yes, sir. He put his hand forth, which had been living in the presence of the ark; it come out of his--his house. And the ox stumbled, and the ark was falling.
132They had already done one thing wrong, two things wrong. First, they never consulted Nathan-ael. The next thing they did, they went down there by not consulting the Word of God. Which, the... Samuel was the Word in that day... And he never consulted the Word of the Lord. Then, when they did, they went contrary to the Word of God.
And here this good man, that had been caretaker, he was a bishop, thought, "Well, here, I don't want God to be let down," so he put his hand on the ark. Where, he wasn't a Levite, and he died. Three things!
133 Now think real hard, and watch what the denominations has done today. See, they've turned It down, called It "false doctrine." See? Look where they're at. They'll get their ecumenical council, all right. Called It "mental telepathy," when God Himself vindicating It to be the Truth, and proving It's the Truth. "Oh, they're just a little bunch of nitwits up there," they say, "don't know what they're talking about."
That's right, we don't. But we just say His Words, and He knows what He's talking about, see. I can't explain It, nobody else can, but He--He--He proves It.
134Now notice. A many a sincere believer today, that comes to Christ, wants to come with all of his heart, is killed spiritually the same way. Many sincere man go to the Catholic church and wants to become a Christian, go to the Methodist, the Baptist, church of Christ, and even the Pentecostals, see, and wants to become a Christian, put his hand on it, join up with them.
135 And when David saw this thing happen, it woke him up. Don't wake up too late out there, brother. He seen that death had hit.
Show me the results. What has this so-called revival, getting people back in the churches, done to the nation, to the--to the body of believers? It's nothing but made new organizations and denominations, all the way along, more members and so forth. Is the nation better? They said they was going to...
136"America. God bless America. It's--it's a nation, it's a Christian country."
It's a million miles from being a Christian country. I don't even pray for it. How can I pray for it, and it won't repent under the mighty powers of God demonstrated before it; and denying, and closing the doors to It, and walking away? I commit it to God. And she is going further away. And now she is going to sink. Just watch what happens.
137 Many sincere person go join an organization, or a group, or a cult of some sort, and there they die, spiritually. You can't tell them nothing. They get that stuff drilled into them, "Why, these bishops said this. And this said this, this said this." You show them right here in the Word of God where it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. "But our pastor..."
I don't care what your pastor says, don't care what I say, or anybody else says. If it's contrary to God's vindicated Word, the hour, the time, the Message, and so forth, forget it. Stay away from it. And I've got to stand before every one of you in the Day of Judgment, and you know that. And little would I say that, knowing I'm an old man now. I'll... It ain't that I know something, but He knows. I just follow what He said.
138 Look today at the big crusades that we've had across the land. It's proven that it's been in vain. And didn't Jesus say here now, Luke 7:7, "In vain do they worship Me"? In vain did David bring the ark up. In vain did Ahab train them prophets. In vain did Balaam take that money. "Teaching for Doctrine the commandments of man." It's the commandments of God that counts, no matter how sin-...
139"Them people are really sincere." You hear that so much, "They are so sincere." That don't mean nothing. Jehovah Witness, Seventh-day Adventist, and all those cults, get out here on the street and do things that one of us wouldn't do. Catholics stand on the corner and beg, and so forth, those orders of it like that, and worth billions times billions times billions of dollars, still beg for it. Sincere, no doubt. Churches go and--and preach, and so forth, and ministers stand in the pulpit and do everything they can to get new members into their church; but it's a new ark.
There is only one Ark to follow, that's, the Word of God. Anything contrary to that Ark, stay away from it! It's on a new cart, and not on the shoulders of God. Right. Stay away from the thing. Don't have nothing to do with it.
140 Our big crusades, billions and millions has made confessions. And I doubt whether there would be a hundred of them, of all of it. See, hasn't been a thing.
Then look at the Word promise.
141You'll think that that's failed, and we know it's failed. Some of our greatest of--of revivalists in the land today say that it's utterly failed. The church knows it's failed. Everybody knows it's failed. Well, why is it? Why did it fail?
It was for a good purpose. It was to bring people in the Presence of God, great crusades. And millions of people spent their money, and put in great crusades. And churches all went together, great auditoriums, and great things, and great things taken place. Why did it fail? Is because they never knowed the hour they were living.
No wonder Jesus stood, and in His heart He wept. Tears run down His cheeks, and He said, "Jerusalem, O Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen would her brood. You've stoned every prophet I sent to you. But you would not. But now your hour has come."
142 Can't you feel the Holy Spirit screaming out from you? "Oh, United States and the world, how oft I would have gathered you, but you would not. Now your hour has come. Your god of pleasure, your god of filth, your Sodom and Gomorrah god, has come among you." Even our little kids, beatle haircuts and bangs across their faces, and little perverts starting out. Our women is gone. It's beyond redemption. Our men has become big sissies, walking around with little, short pants on, and acting like a girl, and hair hanging down their necks. And we are Sodomites, and the fire and the wrath of God waits for us.
143You know how He'll kill, how He'll destroy it? The way He always did. When a prostitute did anything wrong, she was stoned to death; they picked up stones to kill the woman that was a prostitute. That's how He'll kill the church. The Bible said He'll rain hailstones out of the heavens, that'll weigh a hundred pounds apiece, and He'll stone them. Who is going to stop Him? What science is going to say it can't be done? He'll do it.
The same as He made a ark and floated Noah to safety, He'll do it again for His Church.
And by His Own laws and His Own way, He'll stone that prostitute who has committed adultery with the kings and captains of hundreds and thousands. He'll stone her to death, by His Own laws that He set in order. Who is going to tell Him He can't make a hailstone?
144 Ask someone who knows how a raindrop starts. And it makes a circle, and goes back through a turbo; picks up more and more and more, till it gets a certain weight, and then it falls down.
He, God, Who... gravitation could not even hold Him on the earth, and He lifted up into Heaven. God, Who made gravitation, can also make a turbo big enough to swing a stone till it'll weigh a hundred pound. He said He would do it, and He'll do it. Who is going to tell Him not to do it? He'll do it, because He said He would.
145 We're in the last days. We're standing near the judgment. Why? They're trying to eat old manna that fell back yonder fifty years ago, the Pentecostal church. The Holiness church is trying to, over two hundred years ago. The Lutherans, about three hundred, or more, years ago, many hundreds of years ago. They're trying to eat old manna. Oh, brother, that stuff is stagnated. It's contaminated. It'll... It's got--it's got... Why, I always said, wiggle-tails in it, maggots. It'll kill you, to eat it.
146Find out if David or if any of the rest of them would only consulted the Bread of that hour.
If the priests, and prophets, and preachers, and theologians, and schools, and denominations, would've only consulted the hour! But now it won't do them no good. It done moved out. It won't help a bit. She is gone now. She crossed that line about five years ago, between repentance, judgment and mercy.
147 Notice, what is then? What can be done? What is to be done? Let's consult the prophet, the Bible, where we cannot add to or take from It. If we do, God takes us from the Book of Life.
The Bible said, in Malachi 4, what would happen today. Revelations 10, how the Seven Seals would be opened and reveal all these mysteries that's been hid through these reformers! He said how it would be done. It's in the Bible, THUS SAITH THE LORD. God has completely, perfectly identified that; and vindicate It to be Truth, by signs, wonders in the heavens, in the skies, and everything else, for thirty-three years.
You think they'll listen to It? No. They are dead. They've put their hand into something that's killed the whole thing. No, it won't; it won't, never no more.
148 It was when this thing happened, that David saw. O God, send us a David that can see where he's standing, that can look out and see God made a promise what, how He's going to do it today. God said it right here in His Word, how He would do it.
149God told Micaiah. Micaiah examined his vision before four hundred dignified prophets. He examined his vision to see if it was right. He looked back to what the prophet said before him, to see what happened. He looked back, and he saw that Elijah standing there, said, "Ahab, the dogs will lick your blood, too." Now, he seen then that that vision was just exactly according to the Word of God, so he pronounced it. And he was right. Right. No matter what the rest of them said, he stayed right with that Word.
150 Now let's look at the vision we have today. Is it building churches; is it new things; is it great things that's going to happen? Or, is it judgment? Look back and see the promise of today, see what season we are living in.
151You say, "Well, bless God, brother, I'm sincere. I joined church. I got my bachelors of art. I done this." That's alright, that's fine, nothing against it; so had David, so had the priests of that day, so had the theologians. But it was contrary to the Word.
152God said how He would do it today, how He would restore all things, what He would do again. He promised to restore. That's exactly right. In Joel 2:28, He promised He would restore. "I will restore," saith the Lord, "all the years that the cankerworm's eat." They got a di-... See, that's the same worm; it's in a different stage of life. And when Catholicism started eating, then Lutheran, and Methodist, and Pentecostals, and all, down; He said, "I will restore everything back to a Church exactly like that one was at the first place."
153 Watch the vision the other night. Exactly the same Bride come this side, come this side. After that prostitutes passed with their gowns on, their old things up this a way, and dancing by rock-and-roll, and calling themselves the Church.
You say, "Well, we don't do that."
That's the way God sees you. It ain't what you see your own self. It's the way God sees you. No man sees hisself wrong. When you look in the mirror of God's Word, It tells you whether you're wrong or not. If David would have done that, he'd seen his wrong. If Ahab would have done that, or them prophets would have done that, they would seen themselves wrong.
154A vindicated prophet said, "Ahab will die, and the dogs will lick his blood." And his prophecy was exactly with It. Then he knowed he was right. Even Jehoshaphat should have seen that and knowed it. When Micaiah saw the vision, he wasn't much with the people in them days, but he had THUS SAITH THE LORD. He was right.
155 Notice, we are bringing this thing now in this day, when we see the great hour that we're coming.
Notice what David was trying to do, too. I had a little note here on that. He was trying to bring the ark to the city of David, his own denomination.
156Look back yonder when the Lord first spoke down here on the river, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming..."
Brother, the Assemblies couldn't stand for that, neither could the United, all of them. They had to have one somewhere. Ah, they all had to do it, see, just exactly. All of them had to bring it to their own house.
157Wanted to bring it to the city of David. Why? There was no place ready for it.
And that's the reason you can't bring the Message to a denomination. The Word, the Ark, Christ, "the same yesterday, today, and forever," and all His identification, you can't bring It to your organization. They'll never believe It, because there is no room for It. Don't the Bible say He was outside the church of the Laodicean Age, trying to get in?
There was no place in the city of David, no matter how loyal it was, and how great it was, and--and so forth. It still wasn't the place. It was going to be at Jerusalem. That's where it went later, when the prophet told them what to do with it. See? So David had to bring it to his own city. No place ready for it.
158 Christ is our Ark, and they won't receive It. Christ is the Word; they won't receive It. They want their creed, their denomination, a new ark, or--or a new carrier. They want the denomination to carry It; a new ark. Huh!
Remember, Christ our Ark! You believe Christ is the Word? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's the Ark, then. Is that right? All right. Christ cannot be carried, to His correct position, by any denominational cart. He deals with one person, and not with a group. He never did deal with a group; one person. When, He said He'll not. If He did, He contrary-ed His Word, Amos 3:7. You can't make It lie. No, sir. It's Truth.
159But, see, they try. The Ark cannot be carried by an organization. There is too many heads in it. See? It cannot be done. He promised He would not do it, and He won't do it. He said... when He promised--when He promised to do it some other way? That's the reason He promised He wouldn't do it.
Don't think them thoughts. I can feel it. See?
160 So He--He promised He would do it a certain way, and anything contrary to that He won't do it. See? But by His original way, according what He said in Amos 3:7, that's the way He'll do it. And that must be a vindicated and proved to be right.
Now, you know what He promised today, then He's doing it today. That's just what He said He would do. He would open those Seven Seals, and what all He'd do; reveal the mysteries back there, how these baptisms and all things had been all messed up. And here it is, in His very Presence. Science proves it. The heavens has declared it. Man standing, looking right at it, and see it happen. Not one thing has He said but what He made true. There you are. Just so that you would see where we're at today.
161 Now, any man that has His Spirit's, knows that; has God's Spirit upon him, knows This is the Truth, because God's Spirit won't speak contrary to the Word. No, no. It'll be right with the Word.
You say, "I got the Holy Ghost. I shouted; I spoke in tongues. I danced in the Spirit." That don't mean one thing to God. See?
David did the same, practically the same thing, back there. They sang with all of his might, and he shouted with all of his might. All the rest of them did, and they was walking right into death. That's right. That don't have anything to do with it.
162 It's the Word that counts, the Word of the Lord. "They that wait upon the Lord." Yes, sir. See, they that have God's Spirit in them, look at the promise for today, and watch and wait until they see It. Then they say, "That's It." God reveals It to them.
163Like Nathanael. Philip went and found Nathanael. Nathanael said, "Now wait a minute. I know that's promised, but let me see It." And when he saw It, he said, "That's It."
The woman said, "Now, I know, I've heard all kinds of theologians. I've done this and that. And I've read the Bible, myself, and I know that we're... There is a Messiah coming, that will do these things, so You must be His prophet."
He said, "I am He."
164She said, "Come on, see a Man, this is It." She waited until she seen that Messiah identified by the Word of God, then she said, "That's what we've waited on, four hundred years. We haven't had a prophet or nothing. Here He is, and He Himself says that He is He." [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]"... on out and see a Man Who told me the things I've done."
But the priests wanted to kill Him, and they finally done it. See?
But they can't kill His Spirit today. That's right. No, they can't kill It. It was here to bring us in, so we're thankful. Notice how great God is, how great His works are, how it can never fail!
165 Now, God has a provided and original way to do things, and He'll never do it contrary to that.
166Now He promised in the last days that what He would do. And It sent them, us the Message; and this Message would have the same identification as Elijah had, as Elisha had, as John the Baptist had. And It would turn the hearts of the people, not to the denomination, but back to the original, apostolic fathers, back to the Word. How these things have been a vindicated. How that in the sounding of the last angel, Revelations 10, "In the days of the seventh angel, these mysteries that's all been..."
"Why did the Methodist do this, and the Baptist, and the church of Christ, and the Jehovah Witness, all do that?"
"Them mysteries will be revealed in the last day, when the seven angel's... seventh angel's Message, when he..." Not when he starts out doing this, but, "When he begins to sound his Message." See? Not the years in preparation, but, "When he begins to sound the Message, these mysteries then will be revealed." And here they are; not knowing them, and you people are a witness of that.
167 And then in that great observatory, so that the world will be without, they're still wondering what happened. In Tucson, them big observatories took the picture of it up there; still wondering what happened. What is it? They still put in the paper, "Does anybody know anything about what, how it could have happen?" There is no fog up there, there's no air, there's no moisture; thirty miles high in the air. Oh, my!
"There shall be signs in the heaven above. And when these things take place, earthquakes in divers places, then shall appear the sign in the heaven, of the Son of man." "That day," in Luke, "the Son of man will reveal Himself again; being revealed, Hisself." And the world will look like Sodom and Gomorrah. Oh, my!
Brethren, don't be ignorant of spiritual things, see. "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think Eternal, you have Eternal Life; and They are They that testify of the Word." They are They that testify of the Truth, the things that God is doing in this hour.
168 And now what? They that have the Spirit of God, wait for these things. And when they see those things, they believe those things. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that the Father has given Me," He is the Word, "they will come to Me. They will come to Me."
169I've been pretty rough this morning, see. They wait on the Lord, waiting; and when they do, and they see that promise of today, being vindicated, it renews their faith in His Word. Cause, He promised to do it, and here He is doing it. Then there's no doubt. God speaks. His Word, first, speaks. And then the Spirit that's a bringing It does the thing that the Word said It would do.
Oh, we have lots of impersonations. We'll still have a lot of them, man of sincere heart trying to do things this way and that way, but watch what happened. People will put their hands, and then--then die. See, notice.
170 No man's scheme of denomination will ever work, making members for their own self-made denominational arks. God never did have a denomination. He never will have a denomination. And it's a man-made thing.
171 And I wonder, today, if all of our drawing in and great crusades and revivals, we haven't been filling up the Methodist ark, the Baptist ark, the Presbyterian ark! But what about the Ark of Christ, the Word?
And if the Bride is to be the Word, then She's got to be of Christ, part of the Bridegroom. She's got to be the Word; the Word not for His day; the Word of this day, that He promised would be this day, that He sent His Word forth to mold His Bride and make Her. Hope we see it! Don't get some idea of your own now, and don't take somebody else's idea. Take the vindicated Word here, the Bible. It says.
God has promised in His Word how He would choose His Bride in this last day. Did you know that? He promised it, how He would do it, and that by His original plan of choosing Christ, of choosing the times, choosing the seasons, how he... He can't miss it, on His Bride, because She is part of that Word.
He can't choose It by a denomination, when He didn't choose Christ by a denomination. Did Christ come to a denomination? Did He come by a denomination? No. They rejected Him. Well, that's what the denomination done then. Then when He chooses a Bride, can He come any other way?
How did He bring Christ here? By the Word of the prophets. Is that right? How will He bring His Bride here? By the Word of the prophets.
How did He identify Him when He come? By a man with the spirit of Elijah upon him, come out of the wilderness. How will He identify His Bride? He promised in Malachi 4 the same thing, before He destroyed the earth, like it was in the days of Sodom.
172 Remember, Sodom burned. Is that right? Well, this world is to burn. Jesus said so. And it'll be the time, that, like Luke the 17th chapter and the 30th verse said, "In the days it'd be like Sodom and Gomorrah, then the Son of man would be revealed."
And then what would happen? According to Malachi, He will burn the earth again, and the righteous (in the Millennium) will walk out upon the ashes of the wicked. Is that right? See?
So we're right at the end time. We're setting here at the door now, waiting for Him to come.
173 Notice, God promised in His Word that He would choose His Bride by His original way. He chose His. The Bridegroom! He foretold it by the prophets, and sent a prophet to identify it.
The prophet said, standing on the banks of Jordan, "Behold!"
They said, "You're the Messiah, aren't you?"
He said, "No, I'm not the Messiah."
"You must be the Messiah."
174"But I'm not Him. But He is standing among you. And His shoes, I'm not worthy to loosen. When He comes, makes Hisself known..."
And today He is standing among us, in the person of the Holy Ghost, manifesting Hisself more and more, coming into His Church, making Hisself known; because, Him, and the Bride and the Groom will be the same, making Hisself known. And one day you'll see that the One that you feeled in your heart, and see His identification, will become personalized before you, then you and He are One.
You've united by the Word. And the Word, was in the beginning, will go back to the beginning, which is God. "And that day you'll know that I am in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." Hallelujah! We're here. Hallelujah! I'm so glad to see Him personifying Himself right among us, and see what He promised for the Word; not what's somebody's emotion, singing, and jumping, and dancing. But by His Word, amen, He is making Himself known.
175 Look, when they brought, built the temple and brought the ark into it, God went in there with a Pillar of Fire. Amen. It was David jumping and screaming, it was all the singers and the priests carrying on, when they was out of the will of God. But when God identified the ark in His place and position, before they could get the ark in there, here come the Pillar of Fire leading the way; right down over the Cherubims' wings, and right in behind the Holiest of holies, His resting place; the Pillar of Fire! And the glory of God was in there, till the pe-... they couldn't even see how to minister. Amen.
It'll close the eyes of every theologian, when He comes for His Bride. She'll be taken up in the--in the middle of the night, as it was, to them. They won't even see Her go. Oh, praise be to God!
176 Notice, God promised that He would bring His Bride out, what He would do. There would be a Seed. There would be a Light in the evening time, how He would do all these things, just exactly, and by the way that He original planned it in the Old Testament and the New Testament.
And it isn't through denomination. It isn't through our system we're using today. We're just causing death. Let people put their hands with It, and die from it. See?
177 The Word, the evening Message, must carry evening results. The evening Message must sow evening Seed, not morning seed. Evening Seed! Is that right? The midday scene, its seeds back there, was denomination; it died, perished. But evening-time Message will show evening-time Light, will show evening-time results; the evening-time Message!
Jesus' time, midday message, showed midday results. The beginning message showed the beginning results, made creation. He made His Son in His Own image, in the midday. In the evening time He makes a Bride for It. See? What by? His Word.
How did He form the earth? How did He speak it into existence? By His Word!
Who was His Son? The Word! "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among."
How will He take His Bride? By the Word; not by a new cart, not by some theologian's idea. But according to His Word He'll identify Her. Don't put one thing to It or take one thing from It now. Leave It the way It is. See?
178 The evening time, He promised He would reveal, though, open these Seven Seals and show what them churches had missed back there. Revelations 10, and Malachi 4, Luke 17:30, He said He would do it. Now let's not mix it up. Let's keep it right like that.
179Let me, in closing... It's about, pretty near fifteen minutes until twelve. Let me close, in saying this.
Friends, listen, in the Name of the Lord Jesus! These things are too plain for you not to believe It. It's too plain for you not to see It. Surely you can see That! Surely the world could see It! But just your...
Don't be influenced by these new fandangles and things they got today; I don't care how good a man they are, how sincere they are. "If they don't speak according to the law and the prophets," the Bible said, "there is no Life in them." See?
180 David thought he was right. He was sincere. Them priests thought they were right. They were sincere. But they just failed to consult the Lord about it. And how could they have done it? Maybe they said, "We prayed through." But that wasn't God's way of doing it. He promised that He would do nothing until first He revealed it to His servants the prophets. And there stood Nathan-ael right among them, and never consulted him at all.
181 Now read the next few chapters of Chronicles there, and you'll find out. When David set in the house, and said, "Is it right," and Nathan-ael was setting with him, "that I should have, live in the cedar, and--and the ark of God under the tents out here?" And Nathan-ael found, from the Lord, what to tell him to do.
182And he had done done wrong, so then God said, "Tell My servant David I love him. I made him a name like great men in the earth, but I can't let him do it," see, "he done failed Me. See, I can't let him do it. I'll bring a man along, his son, shall raise the everlasting house of God." And that was David, of course. Which, Solomon typed it, but then he failed. Every man has got to fail. Every human being has got to fail.
God is the only One that can't fail. He can't fail. That's one thing God cannot do, is fail. And God is the Word. And the Word, no matter how it looks like it's going to come this other way, it'll come just exactly the way the Word said.
183 Now remember, you've got to follow the season, the time. See? And what season you're in, what time, and make that a vindicated, to see that it's exactly the Truth.
184Now take all these musts, all the Word, all the types, and the things, and look where you're setting. Think of the hour we're living in.
Looky yonder, that nearly one-tenth of the earth is ready to fall in. Science says that. They're looking on the clock. Few years ago, said, "It's only three minutes now till midnight." Might be a minute, might be a half a minute now.
They said, "It won't happen in our generation."
185"It could happen in five minutes." And notice the next thing he said, "Five years." I never said that now. He said that, the scientist. They're swarming away from California like flies. See? Well, the day that Lot went out of Sodom, the same day it rained fire down upon the earth.
One of these days God is going to take our Message, and we're going to leave here. Something is going to happen, sure enough, then, when the Church is gone, His Body, His Bride.
186 Now I want to read you a Scripture, and I want you to read It with me. I want you to turn to Deuteronomy 4, in closing. I think enough probably has been said, that you'll understand. Deuteronomy 4. I'm going to read two places in here.
And to this church, and to the tapes, people on tapes, and people on the hookup across other parts of the nation, I want you to listen to this real close, and don't you fail. This is the thing that I...
Deuteronomy, the 4th chapter. I'm going to get the 1st verse. I want to read the 1st verse, then I'm going to read the 25th and the 26th verse. You can read it all when you get home; but just, save time, so we can get out on time, 'cause I've got to come back again tonight, the Lord willing. Listen to this prophet speak. He had been in the Presence of God. He knowed what he was talking about. Listen.
Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and to the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers giveth you. (That types our Millennium.)
Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish ought of it, ("Don't add one thing to It, and don't take one thing away from It. Stay, just say what It says!") that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
Your eyes have seen what the LORD did... to Baal-peor: for all the men that followed Baal-peor, the LORD thy God has destroyed them from among you. ("Now you're a separated people, out of them denominations." See? See?)
But ye that did cleave unto the LORD your God, ye are alive every one of you this day. ("Ye never died with your denomination. You're alive now, and in the Presence of God.")
Close, don't miss it. 25th verse, now, when they're going into the land, now watch what happened.
And when thou shall beget children, and children's children, and you... have remained long in the land, and shall corrupt yourselves (that's what happened), and make... graven images (something else), or the likeness of any thing, and shall do evil in the sight of the LORD thy God, to provoke him to anger: (Listen!)
I call heavens and earth to witness against you this day, see, that you shall soon utterly perish from off the land, or the place, where you go over Jordan to possess it; ye shall not prolong your days upon it, but ye shall utterly be destroyed.
187 This was Moses speaking to Israel, after he had been a vindicated by God, by a Pillar of Fire, and knowed he was proven to be God's servant to lead them out. And before they went into the land, before they entered, Moses said, "Now, the words that I have spoken to you, I call heaven and earth to witness against you. If you add one thing to It, or take one Word from It, you'll not stay in the land where the Lord God gives you."
So say I, in the Name of Jesus Christ! Don't you add one thing. Don't take, put your own ideas in It. You just say what is said on those tapes. You just do exactly what the Lord God has commanded to do. Don't add to It.
188 He has ever, keeps His promise to us. Every promise that He has made, He's kept it. Has He told you what would happen, and did it happen? I bring heavens and earth before you today, in a challenge. Has God ever said anything that He has not fulfilled and done exactly what He said He would do for us? Hasn't He done it just the way He said He would do it? That's exactly. So will He continue to do it. Just don't add to It. Don't take from It. Just believe It and walk humble before the Lord your God, for we're nearing the going into the Land.
Then, you won't return, you won't return to this type of a life again. You'll return as an immortal being. You'll turn, when sin is done away with, when Satan is bound, and for a thousand years you'll live upon this earth that the Lord thy God has given thee. "For the meek shall inherit the earth." "Blessed is he that doeth all of His commandments, that he might have the right to enter into the City." "For without are sorcerers, liars, whoremongers, and dogs. They shall not enter therein." They're only for the Redeemed, and to those who walk in His commandments.
189 Don't take some new thing. They're flying everywhere, and there'll be more than that come. But don't take these new things.
The Lord your God has declared to you what is Truth. The Lord your God has vindicated what is Truth, by His Word and by His Spirit. "Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit." And, the Spirit, "God seeks those who worship Him in the Spirit and Truth." "Thy Word is Truth." And He has thoroughly a vindicated that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He has showed the evening Seeds to you. He has revealed It to you, in the Word. He has proven It to you, by His Spirit.
190 Don't never start or try an organization. Don't try to build upon anything else.
But stay humble before the Lord your God, for it looks like the gates may open into the promised Land soon. Then let us go in with the true singing and rejoicing, when the Bride and Groom takes its place at the Throne.
191Live humble. Live loving. Love one another. Don't never get nothing among you. If you see something coming up in your heart against somebody, get it out of there right then. Don't let...
And Satan will do his best to get among you. See? Don't you let that happen. Some slicked-tongue fellow might come along and try to take you away from It. You think they could talk Moses out of the Presence of God, where he had stood there and seen It? No, sir. No. We don't take from It or add to It. Just keep It the way the Lord said. We don't want no denomination. We don't want no organizations. We don't want no malice. We don't want no strife. We want God, and He is the Word.
Now let us bow our head.
192 O God, I look around with spiritual eye, I try to see what's taking place. I see Your Word, the way It's been vindicated, the way It's been proven; all the way from thirty-three years ago, down here on the river, what You said. And here it is, thirty-three years later, and You are doing just what You said. And You done just what You said. Lord, far be it from us trying to make It any littler or try to make It any bigger; just keep It the way You've made It, just walk humble and follow You.
193These are they, Lord, that You have given to the ministry, besides all those who sleep across the nation, around the world. The cemeteries here holds many of those waiting, blessed saints. But it's as it said, "We which are alive and remain shall not hinder those that are asleep. The trumpet will sound, the dead shall rise first; then we'll be caught up with them." When the glory of God will be upon the earth, it'll hide the Church away from the world. It won't even see It when It goes.
194 Father God, keep these in Your hands. They are Yours. I pray, God, that we'll always walk humble before You. We don't know how long. We don't desire to know how long; it's not our business. That's Your business. It's not our wills to know when You will come. It's our will, Lord, to keep humble till You do come, and walk with You. It's our desire for You to just let Yourself be known, once in a while, Father, among us, that we can see that we're still walking with You.
195Forgive us of our past sins. Guide us and protect us from every snare of the devil, for the future. Lead us and guide us, O God our Father. Forgive our sins and help us to be Your children. We're a poor class of people. We're an outcast, by the societies of this world, by the denominations of the churches.
We see the end. And we thank Thee for spiritual eyesight into Thy Word, to see the end time, for all these things must come to that great stoning from Heaven. Help us, Lord, not to be here at that day, but to be gone into Your Presence, fly away into Your bosom.
196 Heal the sick and the afflicted, Lord. We pray that tonight You'll give us such a great service, may there not be a feeble person in our midst, because of Your Presence, Lord. May our hearts continually be set on Thee. And we know, Lord, that money, property, things of the world have no meanings, just so temporal. All of them must go. Our jobs, our places, our friends, everything must go. No matter how rich, how poor, how popular or unpopular we are, it all must go. But there is only one thing that our being here is centered around, and that's Jesus Christ. So, God, let us lay aside everything as secondarily, and hold to Him. And He is the Word. Grant it, Lord.
197The vindicated Word of the hour! The vindicated Word of the days of Moses was Jesus. The vindicated Word of the day of Isaiah, Elijah, John, all, was Jesus. And the vindicated Word today is Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Help us, Lord, to believe that, see that, and walk in it. We--we ask in Jesus' Name.
198 With our heads bowed, I wonder if there is some in here that has never truly made that one great, all-sufficient... You believe It, but just to believe It is not enough.
I believe that my wife was a good girl. I knowed her father, her mother. I knowed her for years and years. She walked a straight life. I believed she was a good woman, but that didn't make her mine. She never become mine until, she, I accepted her, she accepted me.
Now Jesus wants to accept you. Won't you accept Him and become part of His Word? If you haven't done that, with your heads bowed and your hearts bowed, I trust...
199 There is no room for an altar call here. I'm not too much on them, anyhow. I believe God visits you right where you are. Would you raise your hands, say, "Brother Branham, remember me in prayer. I want to do that." God bless you. "I..." God bless you. My, hands everywhere! "I want to be like that." God bless you, brother. Bless you, brother; all of you, around. "I want to be that." God bless... "I truly want to be that. I--I see it."
Well, now, look, friend, there may be a little something... If you're not that, then there is something you've centered around besides that. You're as close to it, you're looking at it. You see it. You've seen it for years, moving up. You see it coming matured now. If that means everything to us, and nothing else is going to last but That, why not just turn your head from that thing you've been looking at and center yourself on Him? Which, the center of all life, all hereafter, is Him. Won't you do it, while we pray together?
200 Dear God, as hands of men, women, boys, girls, even ministers, got their hands up. They--they wanted to--to say that they wanted to become centered right around the Lord Jesus, and yet looks like they can't do it. There is something pulls them this way, that way. It might be a denomination, it might be a person, it might be a sin, it might be something they're hiding in their heart. I don't know, Lord. Thou knowest. Whatever it is, may just now, Lord, while on others Thou art calling... You've done called them. They're Yours.
And while You call them, may they turn loose of that, that besetting sin, as the Bible said. "Turn away from that sin that so easily beset us, that we might run with patience the race that's set before us, looking to..." What, to our job, to our denomination, to our affiliation, to the councils? "To Christ the author and finisher of the faith that we have in Him." Do that, Father, for us today, for we ask it in His Name and for His glory.
201Now they're Yours, Lord. Do with them as You see fit. Do with us as You see fit. We are Yours. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
202 Have you forgotten about dinner? Have you forgotten whether the kids are all right, out in the car, or not? Have you forgotten all about the past, and realized what that is you're feeling right now? It's materializing before you, day by day. See? Let that be the center of whatever. Let the rest of the things go away; they're going to perish, anyhow.
Oh, just keep following after Him! See? As Elisha followed Elijah, let's follow Him. For we must be taken up, too, someday. We seen the chariot of Fire that lifted Him out of the grave. We feel It among us now. Someday He is going to unhook the horses from the bushes. We're going up. Don't you love Him?
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
Oh, can't you just almost just close your eyes and see Him hanging yonder?
I love Him, (who else could I love?) I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
203 Every time when I return home, somebody is gone. I'll be gone a few months, come back, somebody is gone. I get sad every time I come.
The other day, a boy I went to school with, coming down the street, he said, "Hello, Billy."
204I looked at him, he used to be a handsome little fellow, real black shiny hair combed back; now it's as white as snow. He used to be so straight; tummy way out like this. I said, "Hello, Jim." I looked at him.
I felt in my heart, I thought, "God, that boy and I, that man and I, are the same age."
Then, I know my days are numbered. I know it can't be too much longer. I look around, and think, "What can I do, Lord? Help me. I don't want to go ahead of You. I want to stay right--right behind You. You lead the way." I look, and think, "Fifty-six years old, oh, my, can't be much longer!"
205 And I look down, see my good friend Bill Dauch setting there, seventy-two or seventy-three years old. I look around, I see these kids, they think, "Well, I'll wait till I get as old as Brother Branham, I'll think that." Honey, you may never see that. I doubt very much you seeing it. See? But, just think, if Brother Bill Dauch lives through this day, he'll outlive hundreds of fifteen-, sixteen-year-old people. They're dying every hour.
So what difference does it make what age you are! What are you doing about the hour you're living in? What are you doing for Jesus at this time? See? Oh, I want to see Him. I want to see the hour I look and see all these old bodies transformed, see them "changed in a moment, in a twinkle." If that isn't so, then we're most foolish people; eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you die; see, you're just like a animal, you die and go to the dirt and that's all. But there's a mortal... immortal soul living in you, brother. We done heard from Heaven. We done seen it proven. We know that He is, and a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.
Now, members of the Body of Christ, while we sing that again, I want you just set in your seats and shake one another's hands while we sing that again.
I... (just greet your brother, sister) I love Him
Because... (Richard!)... me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
206 Do you love Him? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you love His Word? Say, "Amen." ["Amen!"] You love His cause? Say, "Amen." ["Amen!"] Do you love His Body? Say, "Amen!" ["Amen."] Then, you love one another. Amen! That's right. "This will all men know you're My disciples, when you have love one for the other."
Now I've laid my hands on these handkerchiefs, if you have to get them before night.
207 I'm going to have Brother Richard Blair... God answered his prayer, him and the brother here, praying the other day, for to bring back this little boy that sets among us today, that's living, because of their faith in God. And now I'm going to have him to dismiss us in a word of prayer, just in a few moments, so we can come back again tonight.
Just about five minutes after twelve, by that clock. And I want you come back tonight, if you can, if you're around. If you have to go home, may God speed you on your road, and help you, and protect you. If you can stay, and want to stay, you're welcome to stay. God be with you now.
Till we meet! till we meet!
Till... (let's raise our hands to Him)... meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet! till we meet!
God be with you till we meet again.
[Brother Branham begins to hum God Be With You--Ed.] That's the way to leave the house of God, prayerfully, humbly, trusting we'll meet again tonight. If we don't, "God be with you till we meet again!"
Let's bow our heads now. Brother Blair.