Na vrchu Olivovej hory prichádza malé, biele osliatko, schádzajúce z kopca, so skupinou ľudí, ktorí fanaticky kričia, trhajú zo stromov palmové listy, hádžu na cestu svoje rúcha a kričia: “Hosanna Synovi Dávidovmu, ktorý prichádza v Mene Pánovom!” Jazdec na tomto malom osľati nebol nikto iný, ako Boží pomazaný Mesiáš tej hodiny.
Boh, potom, čo On robil? Čo bolo tou atrakciou tam hore na tom kopci? Boh, ktorý práve tvorí dejiny. Boh, ktorý práve vyplňuje proroctvo. A to vždy spôsobuje atrakciu. To privádza všetkých kritikov, supov (ako v posolstve dnes ráno) a tiež orlov. Vidíte? Oni prichádzajú spolu, aby zistili, čo sa to deje. Niektorí prichádzajú zo zvedavosti, niektorí prichádzajú nájsť chybu, iní prichádzajú kritizovať. Zhromaždené sú všetky druhy, ako sme povedali dnes ráno: veriaci, takí, čo sa pretvarujú za veriacich a neveriaci. Čo je na tej hore? Vyplňuje sa proroctvo. No, uvidíme, čo sa deje.
1Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy. Otče Bože, to je naša úprimná modlitba dnes večer, keď vidíme to všetko, čo robíš v tomto dni pre týchto ľudí. Potom Ťa prosíme, Pane, nech len môžeme veriť, len veriť, že To je Pravda, že to napísané Slovo, sa manifestuje pred nami. Udeľ to, Otče.
2Chceme Ti dnes večer ďakovať za to Svetlo, ktorým si nám zasvietil na Písmo dnes ráno. A modlíme sa za modlitebnú radu dnes večer, aby si potvrdil, že Tvoje Slovo je Pravda.
3Modlíme sa za všetky zbory a zhromaždenia, ktoré sú zhromaždené okolo mikrofónov po celom národe, po celom západnom pobreží, v horách Arizony, v nížinách Texasu, po východnom pobreží, po celej krajine, Pane, kde sa oni zhromaždili. V čase je medzi nami rozdiel niekoľkých hodín, ale Pane, dnes večer sme spolu ako jedna jednotka, veriaci, čakajúci na príchod Mesiáša. A modlíme sa, nebeský Otče, aby si Ho skoro poslal pre Tvoju cirkev. Prosíme o to v Jeho Mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.
4Kresťanské pozdravy všetkým, ktorí ste tu dnes večer. Je mi ľúto, že sme stále tak natlačení, že ledva dýchame. Tiež klimatizácia, hoci je zapnutá, nie je veľmi efektívna pri takom množstve ľudí. Ak by bol zbor len normálne naplnený ľuďmi, táto klimatizácia by vás zmrazila. Ale teraz sa všetci ovievajú vejármi, aj keď klimatizácia pracuje naplno. Posielame pozdravy z východného pobrežia na západné, všetkým našim priateľom v Kristovi, ktorí počúvajú.
5Posielame pozdravy do San Jose, bratovi Bordersovi a tej skupine tam, do hôr do Prescott, v Arizone, bratovi Leovi Mercierovi a jeho skupine, ktorá očakáva na Príchod Pánov. Posielame pozdravy tým, ktorí sú dnes večer zhromaždení v Tucsone a očakávajú na Príchod Pána. Tiež dolu do Houstonu, v Texase, tým, ktorí očakávajú na Príchod Pánov. Do Chicaga tým, ktorí čakajú na Príchod Pánov. Na východné pobrežie, do New Yorku a Connecticutu a tam tým veľkým skupinám, ktoré očakávajú na Príchod Pánov. Nemáme takú miestnosť, aby sme tu všetkých usadili, tak im posielame Slovo cez telefón. Posielame dnes večer pozdravy bratovi Juniorovi Jacksonovi a jeho skupine v Clarksville. Bratovi Ruddellovi na ulici 62, a jeho skupine, ktorí očakávajú na Príchod Pánov. A my sme dnes večer zhromaždení tu v domácom zbore, v modlitebni a očakávame na Príchod Pánov.
6A tak, možno mnohí z vás neboli dnes ráno na zhromaždeniach. Ale verím, že každý kto nebol, dostane tú pásku, pretože verím, že to bolo najmocnejšie posolstvo pre cirkev od posolstva AKÝ JE ČAS, PÁNOVIA? Cítil som pomazanie Ducha, cítil som sa byť vedený povedať to, čo som povedal. Bolo to dlhé, ale jednako som cítil vedenie povedať to. A myslím, že Pán, skrze Svoje Slovo ukázal, v akej hodine žijeme. A urobil jasným, aby sme rozumeli týmto tajomným veciam, ktoré sa dejú. Viete, že Biblia povedala, “Rozumní budú rozumieť.”
7Ale národy a ľudia budú čoraz slabší ale múdrejší. Pomyslite len, že priemerný Američan je teraz v strednom veku, keď má okolo dvadsať rokov, slabší ale múdrejší. Ľudia nemali voľakedy tryskové lietadlá a atómové rakety, ale žili omnoho dlhšie. My sa stávame slabší a múdrejší. A naša vlastná múdrosť je to, čo nás zničí. My zničíme samých seba. Boh nás nezničí, naša vlastná múdrosť nás zničí. Tak to vždy bolo a tak to bude znovu.
8Nuž, ak Pán dovolí, nasledujúcu nedeľu ráno, neviem teraz, čo budem hovoriť, ale verím, že ak nás Pán nechá žiť a nič sa nestane a bude to Jeho vôľa, máme zámer vyhlásiť ďalšie posolstvo na budúcu nedeľu ráno a večer sa budeme modliť za chorých. Potom mi treba vrátiť sa domov do Arizony, a vziať späť rodinu, tak aby sa deti mohli zapísať do školy. Potom budete ... Budeme vás informovať, ako budeme môcť o zhromaždeniach ako sa budú vyvíjať
9Nuž, dnes večer, viem, že to je ... Začal som s pätnásť minútovým omeškaním, tu v Jeffersonville je trištvrte na osem. A to je okolo trištvrte na deväť na východnom pobreží a asi päť hodín na západnom. Tak tu máme teraz skoro západ slnka. A chcem ku vám hovoriť len krátko, snažiť sa nájsť pomazanie Ducha a potom zavolať ľudí do radu aby sme sa za nich modlili.
10Teraz, chcem, aby toto zhromaždenie tu, ako aj tí, ktorí sú zídení na iných miestach, nájdite mužov, nejakých bratov, pomazaných Duchom a keď sa začneme modliť za chorých, choďte a klaďte ruky na tých, ktorí sú vo vašich zhromaždeniach. A pamätajte, Boh je všadeprítomný. On je všade. dolu v Texase, tak v Kalifornii, hore v Arizone, kdekoľvek ste, položte ruky na tých, ktorí sú chorí, keď sa začneme modliť za chorých. A som si istý, že Boh vypočuje a odpovie na modlitbu.
11Minulú nedeľu večer, keď pomazanie pretrvávalo a Duch Svätý pracoval, stala sa čudná vec. Nemal som rad s rozpoznávaním celé mesiace, odkedy som tu bol posledný krát. A tak vystúpiť na základe zasľúbenia ... Neviete, či to On bude robiť. Nemôžete povedať, že to bude robiť. Môžete len ísť a čakať. On je suverénny, On robí to, čo chce. Ale stojíte tam a čakáte aby ste videli čo On bude robiť, potom cítite ako to takto prichádza na vás.
12A na koniec zhromaždenia, nevedel som kto to bol, ale niekde v modlitebnom rade bol jeden vysoký muž s lysinou a bol veľmi chorý.
13A potom nakoniec, objavil sa mi tu na pódiu človek so zvesenou hlavou a vyzeral akoby trpel, držal sa za žalúdok. Myslel som si, že to je ten človek, za ktorého som sa už prv modlil, pretože bol tiež lysý so zvesenou hlavou, veľký, zohnutý. Ale keď som sa rozhliadol, uvidel som toho pána, ktorý sedel tam a radoval sa. Pomyslel som si: “Kde on je?” Nemohol som zistiť kde to je. Mohol som cítiť a vidieť toho človeka pred sebou. Cítil som potiahnutie, ktoré prichádzalo zozadu. Pozrel som sa na brata Neville a tí dvaja tam za mnou sedeli, ale to neboli oni. Povedal som: “Ten muž je tu vo vnútri baptistéria niekde za mnou.” A viete kto to bol? Brat Shepherd. Dôvod prečo som ho nemohol poznať bol, že sedel vzadu so zvesenou hlavou a modlil sa.
14On si už niekoľko týždňov myslel, že zomrie. Jeho žena mu povedala, aby si kúpil nové topánky a on jej odpovedal: “Nebudem ich potrebovať, nebudem tu tak dlho.”
15A on ma stretol na druhý deň v ... tam na dvore u brata Wooda a kričal a chválil Boha. Povedal: “Jem slaninu, vajíčka, paradajky, všetko čo chcem.”
16On pokorne uvoľnil svoje miesto, odišiel tam dozadu a modlil sa. Vidíte, nepotrebujete modlitebnú kartu, potrebujete len vieru. Vidíte? Nuž, nevedel som, či bol uzdravený alebo nie. Povedal som len: “Muž, ktorý sa modlí, niečo mu je.” Myslím, že som povedal, čo to bolo: “Žalúdočné problémy, modlí sa tu vzadu. Pán Ježiš ťa uzdravuje.” Nuž, to je všetko, čo som mohol povedať. To potiahnutie bolo, lebo on sa modlil. Mohol som to vidieť, ale nevedel som, čo sa stane. Vidíte?
17Ale keď to vidíte, že sa To vracia, každý si uvedomuje, keď To hovorí: “TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.” Vidíte? Potom to už viac nehovorím ja, to je On.
18Ale ja vždy hovorím: “Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil.” To je úplná Pravda. “On bol zranený za naše prestúpenia, Jeho ranami sme boli uzdravení.” Vidíte? Vidíte?
19Ale keď prichádza To: “TAK HOVORÍ PÁN” a hovorí ti, čo máš robiť a čo sa stane, hľaďte na to, to sa stane.
20Ale keď hovorím: “Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje a činí ťa zdravým”, ver tomu, pretože On to už povedal. Ja len opakujem to, čo On povedal.
21A videnie je len opakovanie toho, čo On ukázal. Rozumiete?
22Nuž, ponáhľajme sa a poďme rovno do Slova, pretože viem, že mnohí z vás musia precestovať dnes v noci veľa míľ. Modlím sa, aby vás Boh požehnal a pomohol vám a chránil vás na cestách. A teraz chcem aby sme si otvorili dnes večer svätého Matúša, 21. kapitolu, od 1. do 11. verša. Svätý Matúš. A ak nemáte svoje Biblie alebo ak si chcete poznamenať tieto miesta Písma, v poriadku.
23A teraz vy, ktorí ste nepočuli to posolstvo dnes ráno a máte magnetofón, my sa nesnažíme predávať pásky. Nesnažíme sa nič predávať. Niekedy na veľkých zhromaždeniach oznamujú, že majú vzadu nejaké knihy, my nič z toho nemáme. Píše ich brat Vayle. Tie pásky, tí, ktorí sa zaoberajú tými páskami vám povedia, že nemáme z tých kaziet žiadne peniaze. Nám neide o “pásky”, ide o Posolstvo. A ak niekomu príde na myseľ, že z toho môžu byť peniaze, ten už viac nebude s tými páskami pracovať. Tak je. Pýtal som sa na to, myslím, že naše pásky sa predávajú za okolo necelých päť dolárov, alebo tak nejako, tri až päť, alebo niečo okolo toho. Čo hovoríte? Tri alebo štyri za tie veľké, dlhé pásky.
24A pýtal som sa istého kazateľa na jeho pásky a ony stoja deväť dolárov za okolo dvadsať alebo tridsať minútové posolstvo.
25Tak vidím, že náš brat Sothmann na nich nezbohatne, nikto z nich, na tých páskach, ktoré sa vydávajú. Vidíte, oni predávajú len za toľko, aby mohli pokryť výdavky. Nechcite od nich, aby ich dávali zadarmo, pretože oni musia kúpiť pásky a všetko iné. A tie zariadenia sú veľmi drahé. Sú to náklady okolo desať tisíc dolárov, že by začať s rozmnožovaním.
26Nuž, myslím, že zakrátko... Ešte to neoznámili, ale znovu bude počúvanie pásky. Zakaždým ... starší, ja s tým nemám nič spoločné. Ja ani ... ani na jednom takom zhromaždení. To nie je ani za ani proti. To sú ich záležitosti. Starší rozhodujú o tom, kto ďalší bude rozmnožovať pásky a posielajú mu list. To je všetko, čo ja o tom viem. Oni to majú na starosti, pretože ja nemám dosť času ani na to, aby som posvätil deti alebo na krst, a už vôbec nie, aby som sa zaoberal páskami.
27Tak mám svoju myseľ obrátenú na toto Posolstvo. To je to Tretie potiahnutie a ono je to, čomu musím byť verný a úctivý.
28Matúš 21, od 1 do 11 verša. Povedal som to, aby ste to mohli sledovať... alebo otvoriť si Písmo.
A keď sa priblížili k Jeruzalemu a prišli do Betfágy, k Olivovému vrchu, vtedy poslal Ježiš dvoch učeníkov
a povedal im: Iďte do mestečka, ktoré je tu pred vami a hneď nájdete oslicu, priviazanú, a osliatko s ňou. Odviažte ich a priveďte ku mne.
A keby vám niekto niečo povedal, poviete, že ich Pán potrebuje ale že ich hneď pošle.
A to všetko sa stalo, aby sa naplnilo to, čo bolo povedané skrze proroka, ktorý povedal:
Povedzte dcére Siona: Hľa, tvoj Kráľ ti ide, tichý, jazdiac na oslici a na osľati podrobenej jarmu.
A učeníci odišli a urobili, ako im rozkázal Ježiš,
a priviedli oslicu aj osla, položili na ne svoje rúcha a na tie ho vysadili.
A väčšina zástupu prestierali svoje rúcha na cestu, a iní sekali letorasty zo stromov a stlali na cestu,
a zástupy, ktoré išli pred ním a ktoré išli za ním, kričali a hovorili: Hosanna v Synovi Dávidovom! Požehnaný, ktorý prichádza v mene Pánovom! Hosanna na výsostiach!
A keď vošiel do Jeruzalema, vzbúrilo sa celé mesto, a hovorilo: Kto je toto?
A zástupy vraveli: Toto je Ježiš, ten prorok z Galilejského Nazareta.
29Nuž, ak by som chcel vziať z toho text na okolo tridsať minút, predtým ako začne modlitebná rada, chcel by som vziať toto ako text: “Čo je atrakciou na tej hore?”
30No, musel to byť veľmi vyčerpávajúci, nervózny deň a bol to neobyčajný deň. Vidíme ako tu Ježiš prichádza do Jeruzalema, pripravený zúčastniť sa slávnosti veľkej noci (paschy). A veľká noc je, keď veľkonočný baránok bol zabitý a krv bola nanesená na trón milosti na zmierenie za ľudí. A On prišiel z Betfágy a prišiel na vrchol Olivovej Hory, z ktorej hľadel dolu na ďalší malý vrch, kde bol postavený Jeruzalem. Ako sa tak díval, On vedel, že toto bola Jeho posledná návšteva.
31Toto bol čas, keď mal byť vydaný do rúk hriešnikov a oni Ho mali zabiť. On mal zomrieť najstrašnejšou smrťou, akou kedy nejaký smrteľník zomrel a byť pochovaný. Mal byť zradený cez Svojich vlastných, a niektorí z nich stáli rovno s Ním. A On, súc Bohom, vedel, čo bolo v ich srdciach a vedel od počiatku, kto Ho zradí. A vedel, že človek, ktorý bol s Ním a sedel pri Ňom a počítal Jeho peniaze a tak ďalej, vedel, že ten človek Ho zradí. On vedel, že ten krutý Rímsky kríž tam na Neho čaká. On vedel, že voda v jeho tele a krv z jeho tela sa oddelí a že Krv bude veľkými kvapkami kvapkať z Jeho čela ako pot. On vedel všetko, čo bolo pred Ním. A stál na tej hore a díval sa na Jeruzalem.
32Ľudia v tom dni, ... ktorí boli vtedy nazývaní ako ”ľudia lepšej náboženskej triedy”, oni Ho nenávideli. Cirkvi v tých dňoch Ho nenávideli a odsudzovali Ho a odsudzovali všetkých, ktorí Ho počúvali. A ak sa zúčastňovali Jeho kampaní, boli okamžite vylúčení zo spoločenstva cirkvi. Nie div, že Písmo povedalo, “On prišiel ku Svojim vlastným a Jeho vlastní Ho neprijali.” Tí, ktorí Ho mali milovať, tí, ktorí mali byť za Neho, boli Jeho najtrpkejší nepriatelia.
33A On utvoril Svoju skupinku z chudobných ľudí, rybárov, vyberačov daní, nevzdelaných ľudí. Biblia povedala, že niektorí z nich boli dokonca “nevzdelaní a neučení”. Niektorí sa nevedeli ani podpísať. On nikdy neišiel do cirkví aby odtiaľ vybral Svojich ľudí.
34On sa nikdy nezhodoval so žiadnymi cirkevnými vodcami. A pritom nasledoval pravdivý obraz
35Ale uprostred toho všetkého, počas každého veku a každého proroka, ktorý bol a bude, je určitý počet ľudí, ktorí sú predurčení aby počuli to Posolstvo a oni To budú nasledovať. Oni si nevšímajú zástup .
36A Marta mu pripravovala večeru a Ježiš jej povedal: “Marta, ty sa tak znepokojuješ o veci toho života, ale Mária usiluje
37Nuž, nachádzame, že veľa ľudí, ktorí porozumeli ... Oni nemali literatúru ako máme my dnes. Nemali televíziu alebo telefóny ani nič také v tých dňoch. Ale mali určitú správu o tom, že On ide na slávnosť paschy. Lebo mnohí z ľudí, duchovne zmýšľajúci, vedeli, že On je ten Veľkonočný Baránok, pretože On im už povedal to, čo sa stane.
38A potom, samozrejme, keď vedeli, že tam bude a milovali ho svojim spôsobom, čakali na Neho. Tam bol pravdepodobne húf, ktorý sa tlačil a strkal od brány k bráne, obzerali sa na všetky strany, pretože vedeli, že v jednej chvíli v tom čase sa zjavi. Oni dávali pozor.
39Iní sa čudovali, čo sa to deje s týmito ľuďmi, ktorí behajú od brány k bráne.
40A oni hľadeli na túto stranu a tamtú stranu,
aby to mohli uvidieť.
Vyzerali akoby očakávali na niečo, čo sa má stať.
41Ó, akoby som rád zamenil na chvíľu svoj text a povedal toto, že to je to, čo sa deje dnes. Ľudia, ktorí vyhliadajú Jeho príchod sú vo veľkom napätí a očakávaní. Môžeme to cítiť, ten tlak. A oni sledujú a pozorujú každý pohyb a každý znak, porovnávajú to s Písmom.
42A keď videli všetky tie veci, ktoré boli predpovedané o Ňom, až do konca, vedeli, že koniec je blízko. Chceli tam byť, preto dávali pozor. Časť ľudí v tých zástupoch, bola za Neho, menšina. Niektorí boli proti Nemu, väčšina z nich. Deväťdesiat percent bolo proti Nemu.
43A tak podobne to je dnes v tých náboženských zástupoch, keď skutočne ide o Slovo a o Krista. Je asi jedno percento, ktoré Tomu verí. Ostatní Tomu nevenujú žiadnu pozornosť. Bez ohľadu na to, čo sa stalo, oni sa odvracajú a robia z Toho žarty alebo To skritizujú. Je to tak isto. Čas veci veľmi nezmenil, história sa len dookola opakuje.
44No, vidíme, to vyvolalo nervóznu napätú situáciu. Muselo, to ju musí vyvolať. Oni očakávali, boli zvedaví čo On urobí, keď tam príde. Oni tam chceli byť, aby mať údel v tom, čo On učiní. Oni To chceli. Oni To chceli vidieť. Oni Mu verili. Iní počuli, že prichádza a vyšli tam, aby si z Neho robili žarty. Tak po všetkom tom nervóznom očakávaní, v tom tak nezvyčajnom dni, tak nezvyčajnom čase, keď cirkvi spali, ľudia mali napnuté nervy, bolo tam mnoho ľudí a vtedy sa to stalo.
45Na vrchu Olivovej hory prichádza malé, biele osliatko, schádzajúce z kopca, so skupinou ľudí, ktorí fanaticky kričia, trhajú zo stromov palmové listy, hádžu na cestu svoje rúcha a kričia: “Hosanna Synovi Dávidovmu, ktorý prichádza v Mene Pánovom!” Jazdec na tomto malom osľati nebol nikto iný, ako Boží pomazaný Mesiáš tej hodiny.
46Boh, potom, čo On robil? Čo bolo tou atrakciou tam hore na tom kopci? Boh, ktorý práve tvorí dejiny. Boh, ktorý práve vyplňuje proroctvo. A to vždy spôsobuje atrakciu. To privádza
47A tak v knihe proroka Zachariáša, v 9. kapitole, 9. verši, Zachariáš, jeden z prorokov, ktorý hovoril v Duchu, povedal:
Plesaj veľmi, dcéro Siona, pokrikuj radostne, dcéro Jeruzalema! Hľa, tvoj Kráľ príde k tebe, spravodlivý je a plný spasenia, chudobný a jazdiaci na oslovi, na osľati, žrebcovi oslíc.
48Nuž, čo sa stalo s tými učenými v Písme? Čo sa stalo s tými kňazmi? Čo sa stalo s tými pobožnými ľuďmi? Toto bolo napísané štyristo osemdesiat sedem rokov predtým, ako sa to stalo, skrze potvrdeného proroka a bolo to už zapísané do písma a nazvané Bibliou, vo zvitkoch Starého Zákona. Prečo nemohli vidieť, že sa napĺňa to proroctvo? Z toho istého dôvodu, prečo To nemôžu vidieť dnes. Oni zobrali Slovo Božie a skrze ľudské náuky a tradície spravili, že nemá na ľudí žiadny účinok.
49A ak by učení v Písme, kazatelia, slúžiaci, tak zvaní duchovní, tí pomazaní, len čítali Bibliu, nečudovali by sa, čo sa to deje, vedeli by, čo To je. Boh, ktorý práve vyplňuje Svoje Slovo!
50Práve sa zapisovala história, napĺňalo sa proroctvo. Spasenie pre svet prichádzalo, ten veľký deň, ktorý vyhliadali všetci proroci. Všetci, ktorí boli v hroboch očakávali na ten deň. (To je pravda. Pomyslite na to!). Všetci, ktorí zomreli, všetka spravodlivá krv mučeníkov a prorokov.
51To čo On zvolal: “Jeruzalem, ó Jeruzalem, ty, ktorý si kameňoval každého proroka, ktorého som ku tebe poslal a zabíjaš spravodlivých, ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť ako sliepka svoje mláďatá, ale nechceli ste! Ale teraz prišla tvoja hodina.”
52Všetci, ktorí boli v hroboch, Abrahám, Izák, Jakob, všetci proroci, očakávali na túto hodinu.
53A cirkev bola na To slepá. “Kto je to, kto spôsobuje všetok tento hluk? Kto je ten Človek, ktorý raz povedal ... Či to nie je syn tu toho tesára? Poznáme Ho. Odkiaľ má tú múdrosť? Ako to, nevidíme Ho, že by navštevoval nejakú z našich škôl? Nevieme o žiadnych knihách, z ktorých by sa učil? Kto je To?”
54On bol odpoveďou na proroctvo proroka. A tu On prichádza, ide na žriebäti oslice. Čo za atrakcia! Boh vypĺňal Svoje zasľúbené Slovo, hodina na ktorú očakávali štyri tisíc rokov. V Genesis, v 3. kapitole, v 15. verši, Boh predpovedal, že “Semeno ženy rozdrtí hadovi hlavu, ale jeho hlava rozdrtí jeho pätu.” To proroctvo, ktoré sa tiahlo cez celú Bibliu, predpovedalo príchod tohoto muža.
55A tu, len nedávno stál medzi nimi prorok, bol to potvrdený prorok, Zachariáš. A povedal: “Vy, dcéry Jeruzalema a vy, dcéry Siona, radujte sa, volajte, vykríknite, lebo váš Kráľ k vám prichádza, mierny, prostý a pokorný, jazdiaci na žriebäti osla.”
56A tu tí ľudia, ktorí čítali tie Písma deň za dňom, hľadeli na Neho ako prichádza a kričali, “Kto je toto?” Vidíte? Boh vyplňuje Svoje Slovo ľuďom, ktorí mali vedieť, čo To je, ale oni To nevedeli.
57Keď Boh vyplňuje Svoje Slovo, To vždy spôsobuje atrakciu. Vždy. To spôsobuje atrakciu. Pretože To je nezvyčajné. Keď On vypĺňa Svoje Slovo, je to tak nezvyčajné, pre ten moderný trend toho dňa, pretože ten moderný trend toho dňa v To neverí. Oni majú svoj vlastný spôsob.
58Nuž, vidíme ... poďme späť do Písma a vezmime niektorú ďalšiu nezvyčajnú udalosť, len na chvíľku, keď Boh vypĺňal Svoje proroctvo. Keď Boh čokoľvek povie, On to vykoná. Celé nebesia a zem pominú, ale to Slovo nemôže pominúť. Tak To obyčajne vyvoláva scénu, neobyčajnú scénu.
59Všimnite si, aké absurdné, že tu je Slovo Božie pre ľudí, ktorí sa považujú za veriacich a predsa je To také neobyčajné, že kričia, “Čo je toto? Odkiaľ máte niečo také? Kto to je? Čo to je?” Keď by mali kričať, “Hosanna Kráľovi, ktorý prichádza v Mene Pánovom.” Ale bola len malá skupinka, ktorá to robila. Len malá skupinka. Proroctvo prorokované štyri tisíc rokov, najväčšia vec, aká sa kedy mala stať pre národ, nádej všetkých mŕtvych, ktorí na Tom odpočívali, všetka budúcnosť ležala v Tom, a nábožní ľudia, ktorí tvrdili, že tomu veria, kričia, “Kto to je? A čo je na tom také zaujímavé?” Niečo nezvyčajné! Teraz je to skoro tak isto, to sa nemení, nezvyčajné.
60Pozrime sa na niektorú z tých neobyčajných vecí, ako som práve povedal. Čo bolo tou atrakciou predtým, ako súd udrel na svet a zničil ho vodou? Nejaký starý človek, okolo sto dvadsať rokov stavia loď, keď tam nebolo žiadnej vody, po ktorej by sa mohla plaviť. Celé roky stál vo dverách, staval zvonka i zvnútra, natieral to smolou z vnútra aj z vonku, a hovoril, v tom veľkom vedeckom veku hovoril: “Svet bude pohltený vodou”.
61“Čo je to za buchot tam hore na tom kopci?” “To je ten starý človek, menom Noe, on je tam hore. Starý fanatik. Ten starý človek stál príliš dlho na slnku, dostal úpal. Pomiatol sa. Stavia niečo, čo nazýva ́archoú a hovorí, že zhora prichádzajú vody, kde nie je žiadna voda. A ona zaplaví všetkých ľudí a každý, kto nepočúvne jeho posolstvo a každý, kto nevojde to tej archy sa utopí. Počuli ste niekedy o niečom takom?” To bola neobyčajná atrakcia!
62Predstavujem si, keď sa tí ľudia chceli dobre zasmiať, išli tam hore, postavili sa pred dvere archy a smiali sa. “Predsa už pred sto rokmi si povedal, že bude pršať! Môj dedo mi povedal, že ťa počul hovoriť, že bude pršať a ty tu stále chodíš okolo tohoto starého kusu dreva. Prečo sa konečne nespamätáš?”
63Ale to bol Boh, ktorý sa pripravoval potvrdiť zasľúbenie a vyplniť proroctvo, ktoré Jeho prorok prorokoval. Veľmi nezvyčajné! Boh vyplňoval Svoje zasľúbenie dané Noemu, zatiaľ čo iní sa smiali. Boh sa tiež pripravoval vytvoriť dejiny, aby ukázal iným, až do tohoto dňa, že dodržuje Svoje Slovo! Nezáleží ako neskutočne a nezmyselne to vyzerá, On stále dodržuje Svoje Slovo. On to dával za príklad, toho starého človeka, ktorý búchal na tej arche, týmto ľuďom tu v Amerike dnes večer a všetkých vo svete. Nezáleží, čo hovorí veda, čo oni hovoria. Toto, to či tamto. On stále dodržuje Svoje Slovo. On tvoril dejiny.
64Čo bola atrakciou jedného dňa ... Neobyčajná vec sa stala vzadu na púšti a to bol krík, ktorý bol v ohni. A prorok, ktorý bol na úteku, stál tam na púšti. On nepočul žiadny hlas, nepočul žiadny zvuk, ale pozrel sa a na vrchole hory videl neobyčajnú vec. Boh sa snažil upútať jeho pozornosť. Tak isto je to dnes!
65Boh sa pripravoval vyplniť Svoje Slovo, dané cez Svojho proroka Abraháma, “Tvoje semeno bude prebývať štyristo rokov v cudzej zemi a ja ich vyvediem mocným ramenom.”
66A On pre tú prácu pripravoval človeka, tak ako pripravoval archu ako bezpečné miesto pre všetkých, ktorí budú veriť. Boh dal tento krík do ohňa a tento pastier Mojžiš povedal: “Podídem tam, aby som videl, čo znamená táto čudná vec.” A keď dostal Mojžiša hore ku tomu kríku, prehovoril ku nemu.
67Čo bolo atrakciou neskôr v Pilátovej sieni, keď tento pastier hodil svoju palicu a ona sa premenila na hada? Boh vyplňoval Svoje zasľúbenie dané Mojžišovi. Čo bolo atrakciou na Mŕtvom mori, keď všetky faraónove kone boli v úžase, keď videli ako zostúpil z nebies vietor a rozdelil Červené more zprava doľava a biedna skupina otrokov tam vošla podľa Božieho poverenia a prešla na druhú stranu po suchej zemi? Čo to bolo? Boh, ktorý dodržuje Svoje Slovo. Mŕtvosť sa odstúpila a živí ľudia prešli na druhú stranu. A duchovne mŕtvi ľudia sa to pokúsili napodobniť a utopili sa. Boh, vyplňoval proroctvo a tvoril dejiny. To bola tá atrakcia na Mŕtvom mori.
68Čo bolo atrakciou na druhý deň po tom, pri hore Sinaj, keď všetkým ľuďom bolo prikázané, aby sa nepribližovali ku svojim ženám, keď im bolo povedané, aby vyprali svoje šaty, posvätili sa a zhromaždili sa okolo hory, kde muž menom Mojžiš povedal, že stretol Boha v Ohnivom Stĺpe? A Boh povedal Mojžišovi, “Zostúpim medzi ľudí a potvrdím to, čo som ti povedal a Kto som, ukážem im, že Ja som ten Boh.” To bola tá atrakcia, Boh vyplňujúci Svoje Slovo.
69Čo bolo atrakciou jedného dňa v dejinách, keď národ zabudol na Boha, keď sa ľudia stali formálni a vlažní, keď všetci kňazi išli s tým moderným trendom, proroci prorokovali podľa toho čo chceli kňazi? A v tom dni, ako obyčajne, mali tam jedného človeka, o ktorom si mysleli, že je fanatik. Hovoril o ženách, ktoré sa maľovali a všetko možné. A on bol taký čudák. A tento človek prišiel ku kráľovi a povedal mu: “Ani len rosa nespadne, až kým ju ja nezavolám.”
70A potom vidíme, že sa ukryl, utiekol od toho a ukryl sa niekde v pustatine. Tá spoločnosť si myslela, že asi zomrel od hladu alebo zahynul, ale on mal dobrú stravu a tiež vodu. A zrazu sa zjavil, prišiel a povedal: “Vidíte, že mám TAK HOVORÍ PÁN? Nuž, ak ste sa ešte nepresvedčili, poďme na vrchol hory a ukáže sa, kto je Boh.” Pretože dostal ďalšie videnie od Pána.
71Povedal: “Vyberte si oltár a pripravte ho, a vyberte si teľa a zabite. Ja postavím oltár Pánov a tiež položím teľa na svoj oltár. Obaja prinesieme obeť a Boh, ktorý je Bohom, nech odpovie.” On by to v žiadnom prípade neurobil, ak by mu to Pán nepovedal. On to neskoršie tak povedal: “Urobil som toto všetko na Tvoj rozkaz, Pane.”
72Ale čo je tou atrakciou? Máme tu štyristo kňazov, ktorí stoja na tom kopci a kráľa vo svojom voze so všetkými svojimi obrnenými jednotkami a strážou, ktorá stojí okolo. A tento starý, huňatý, zarastený človek s plešinou, ktorému vlasy visia cez tvár, ovinutý okolo seba kusom ovčej kože, chlpatý na celom tele, stojí tam hore s palicou v jednej ruke a džbánom oleju v druhej, ktorý tri a pol roka predtým povedal, že: “Ani kvapka rosy nespadne, kým ju ja nezavolám ...” Stojí na Božom mieste, zjavuje sa pri ňom niečo ako svätožiara a tiene a všetci o tom hovoria. A tu ten starý fanatik stojí hore na kopci, privádza tam všetkých tých ľudí. Čo bolo tou atrakciou? Bol to Boh rozhodnutý potvrdiť, že Jeho prorok má pravdu. Bol to Boh vyplňujúci proroctvo. Tiež Boh tvoriaci dejiny, vyplňujúci Slovo.
73Niekoľko sto rokov po tom bol muž pomazaný tým istým Duchom a prišiel z púšti, nebol spojený so žiadnymi organizáciami. Hoci jeho otec bol človek organizácie, bol kňazom. Ale on prišiel z púšti, oblečený v ovčej koži, zarastený po celej tvári. A namiesto toho, aby mal sivé vlasy, mal ich čierne. Čo bolo zaujímavé na tomto mužovi, že to priťahovalo celý Jeruzalem a Judeu? Niektorí z nich odchádzali a hovorili, “Tam dole je nejaký divoch. Snaží sa utopiť ľudí vo vode. Kto kedy počul niečo také?”
74Iní boli zvedaví a hovorili, “Toto musí byť Mesiáš.” Niektorí z nich povedali, “To môže byť jeden z prorokov.” Nevedeli, čo si majú myslieť. Ale čo to bolo? To bol Boh, ktorý vyplňoval Izaiáša 40, kde On povedal, “Hľa ...” čo On bude robiť v posledných dňoch, ako pošle Svojho sluhu a čo on bude robiť.
75Potom vidíme, že niekoľko týždňov po tom, ten človek si bol tak istý svojho posolstva, až povedal, “Stojí medzi vami Ten, ktorého obuv nie som hoden nosiť. On vás bude krstiť Svätým Duchom a ohňom, ako som vás ja krstil vodou.”
76A jedného dňa, obyčajný mladý muž, okolo tridsať ročný, zišiel dolu a bol pokrstený. A keď tento muž prišiel, bolo to pre toho proroka takou atrakciou, že sa toho dňa divne správal. Zhromaždenie nemohlo za to, ale pozorovalo správanie sa toho proroka, keď diskutoval s kňazmi, ktorí boli na druhej strane rieky.
77Oni povedali,”Boh dal postaviť tento oltár. Boh nám povedal, aby sme to robili. Mojžiš je prorok. My veríme Mojžišovi. Obeť nikdy nebude odstránená.”
78Môžem počuť Jána ako odpovedá. Povedal: “Či ste nečítali v Písmach, čo povedal prorok Daniel, že “Denná obeť bude odstránená”? A tá hodina prišla! Nečítali ste, čo povedal Izaiáš v 40. kapitole: “Hlas volajúceho na púšti, prihotovte cestu Pánovi”? Tu mám dve proroctvá. A ďalšia vec, nerozpoznali ste nášho proroka Malachiáša keď pred štyristo rokmi povedal v 3. kapitole: “Hľa, posielam Svojho posla pred Svojou tvárou, aby mi pripravil cestu”? Či neviete, že tu sa vyplňuje proroctvo?” Proroctvo sa vyplnilo!
79A približne v tom čase sa ten prorok otočil a povedal: “Hľa, tu prichádza Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta!” Nuž, čo je tou atrakciou? Ona prešla z proroka na jeho proroctvo.
80Nuž, všimnite si, čo sa deje. Tu prichádza obyčajný človek, ktorého nikto nepozná, tesárov syn, prichádza do vody. Keď Ján, ten veľký prorok, povedal: “Ja potrebujem byť pokrstený od Teba. Prečo prichádzaš Ty ku mne?”
81On povedal: “Nechaj to tak, lebo ako prorokovi a Slovu sa nám patrí naplniť všetku spravodlivosť.”
82Tak on porozumel, že Obeť musí byť umytá prv ako bude prinesená a pokrstil Ho.
83A teraz, tu je ďalšia atrakcia, ktorá sa deje, keď On vyšiel z vody. Tento prorok, ktorý bol tak verný aby oznámil svoj vek a čas, pozrel sa hore a uvidel nebesia otvorené a Ducha Božieho ako holubicu, zostupujúceho na Neho. A Hlas hovoril: “Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v Ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo.” Boh potvrdzoval posolstvo proroka, ktoré priťahovalo pozornosť ľudí pri Jordáne.
84Brat pred chvíľou spieval alebo mal spievať pieseň: “Na vrchu vzdialenom stál starý hrubý Kríž.” Čo bolo tou atrakciou na Vrchu Golgoty? Keď vidíme, že ten náboženský svet Ho zavrhol a Rímska vláda vyniesla rozsudok smrti. A On tu visel medzi dvoma zločincami, umierajúci od smädu, Krv vytekala z Jeho tela. On tam visel, volajúc: “Môj Bože, Môj Bože, prečo si Ma opustil?” A tí nábožní ľudia, ktorí tam stáli a dívali sa na to, neveľa vedeli, že práve tam na Golgote sa v tom čase vyplňuje proroctvo Starého Zákona.
85Dávid sám napísal, ... kedy pripadol na neho Duch Svätý ako na všetkých prorokov, on jednal, akoby to bol on. Dávid plakal v 22. Žalm: “Môj Bože, môj Bože, prečo si Ma opustil? Rozostúpili sa všetky Moje kosti. Prebodli Moje ruky a Moje nohy.” Dávid, ktorý hovoril, akoby to bol on. A to nebol Dávid. Bol to Kristus v Dávidovi.
86A tu to veľké proroctvo, predpovedané rôznymi prorokmi sa vypĺňalo na vrchu Golgoty. Čo bolo atrakciou na vrchu Golgoty? Boh vyplňujúci Svoje Slovo.
87Ďalšia atrakcia bola na hore, v deň Letníc, keď boli všetci tam hore v jeden náboženský sviatok, mysleli si, že sa zbavili všetkých tých fanatikov. Desať dní o nich nepočuli. A zrazu, ako z úľa, vyrazili z horného príbytku budovy na ulice, kričali a divne sa správali.
88“Čo je toto? Čo toto znamená? Či všetci títo mužovia sú opilí?”
89Hľaďte! Postavil sa medzi nimi prorok, tak ako to má prorok činiť a povedal: ”Vy, mužovia Izraelskí a vy, ktorí bývate v Judei a Jeruzaleme, nech vám je toto známe a počujte moje slová. Títo nie sú opilí, ako si vy myslíte. Ale toto je to, čo bolo povedané od Pána cez proroka Joela: ́A stane sa v posledných dňoch, že vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo.́” To bola atrakcia.
90Tí nábožní ľudia, po ukrižovaní Kniežaťa Života a po tom všetkom, oni stále nevideli zasľúbenie príchodu Svätého Ducha. Atrakcia: “Kto je toto? Čo to znamená? Čo sa stalo s tými ľuďmi?”
91Ó! To isté je dnes. Vynecháme veľa týchto príkladov aby sme to priniesli do tejto hodiny. Tá istá vec je dnes. Deje sa tá istá vec, sú zadávané tie isté otázky: “Čo je to ten hluk?” Pozrite sa po ulici, autá od Michigan po Floridu, od Maine po Californiu. Dnes ráno, alebo hneď po poludní, keď sme ja a moja žena išli ulicou, pozerali sme sa na značky áut. Tam so pomyslel o tomto texte.
“Čo toto znamená?”
92Práve tak, ako bolo povedané: “Kde je telo, tam sa zhromaždia orly”!
93Povedal som svojej žene: “Drahá, pamätáš si ten posledný večer, keď som sa musel rozlúčiť so všetkým, čo mi bolo na zemi drahé a ísť na polia, začať robiť to, čo povedal Boh? Spievala si tú pieseň.”
Ó, prichádzajú z východu a západu,
prichádzajú z ďalekých zemí,
hostiť sa s našim Kráľom, stolovať ako Jeho hostia.
Akí požehnaní sú títo pútnici!
Hľadiac na Jeho posvätnú tvár,
planúcu Božou láskou.
Požehnaní účastníci Jeho milosti,
budú žiariť ako kamene v Jeho korune.
94To je to, čo je tou atrakciou. To predurčené Semeno Božie, ktoré nemôže robiť nič iné, ako To nasledovať, znamená to pre nás viac ako život. Môžete vziať náš život, ale nevezmete To. Čo je tá atrakcia? Boh, ako obyčajne, vyplňuje Svoje Slovo. On vyplňuje Slovo Zachariáša znovu, proroka Zachariáša.
95Kde som čítal pred chvíľou 9. verš, keď Ježiš vchádza do Svojej svätyni, jazdiac ... alebo vchádza do Jeruzalema, jazdiac na malom bielom osľati, vyplnilo sa proroctvo, ktoré povedal Zachariáš, tu to je: “Plesaj veľmi, dcéro Siona, pokrikuj radostne, dcéro Jeruzalema! Hľa, tvoj Kráľ prichádza k tebe, spravodlivý je a plný spasenia, chudobný a jazdiaci na oslovi, na osľati, žrebcovi oslíc.” To je to, čo bolo atrakciou v Jeruzaleme, v tej náboženskej centrále.
96A teraz vidíme čo sa deje v posledných dňoch! Obráťme teraz pár strán dopredu, v Zachariášovi a uvidíme, čo tu on o tom povedal. Obráťme teraz stranu, aby sme prišli do posledných dní. To bol stredný vek. Obráťme to teraz do posledných dní. A otvorme Zachariáša 14. kapitolu a začnime od 4.verša. A počúvajte! Prečítame časť Písma, asi deväť veršov, od 4. do 9. Počúvajte pozorne! To je prorokované o Jeho Príchode v posledných dňoch, tak počúvajte teraz pozorne! Toto je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, to je Písmo. Zachariáš 14.kapitola. Pamätáte, čo On povedal v Zachariášovi 9 ? A oni To nerozpoznali. Nuž, čo to je dnes? Zachariáš 14 hovorí o Jeho Príchode.
A jeho nohy budú stáť toho dňa na Olivovom vrchu, ktorý je naproti Jeruzalemu od východu, a Olivový vrch sa rozdvojí od svojej polovice na východ a na západ v dolinu veľmi velikú. A polovica vrchu uhne na sever a jeho druhá polovica na juh.
A budete utekať dolinou mojich vrchov, lebo dolina vrchov bude siahať po Ácel. A budete utekať, ako ste utekali pred zemetrasením za dní Uziáša, judského kráľa. ...
97Ďalšie zemetrasenie rozdeľujúc otvára zem! Ak to chcete sledovať tu v Písme, všimnite si tento 5.verš. Rozdelenie Olivového vrchu je spôsobené zemetrasením a toto je potvrdené Izaiášom 29:6 a Zjavením 16:9. Presne tak! Čo to je? Ten istý prorok, ktorý povedal o Jeho prvom príchode, videl Jeho druhý príchod! Všimnite si, “Ako v dňoch zemetrasenia.” Vidíte, čo robí to zemetrasenie, vidíte tie predpovede o nich?
... a tak príde Hospodin, tvoj Boh a všetci Tvoji svätí s tebou.
A stane sa toho dňa
(Haleluja),toho dňa, že nebude svetla, ani tmy a chladu.
A bude to jeden deň ... jeden deň, ktorý je známy Hospodinovi, nebude to deň ani noc, ale stane sa, že v čas večera bude svetlo.
(Ó, Bože!)98“Bude Svetlo v čase večera”, ten istý prorok. A ľudia sú slepí! Čo je tou atrakciou? Čítajme ešte zopár veršov:
A stane sa toho dňa, že budú vychádzať živé vody z Jeruzalema, jedna ich polovica pôjde do východného mora a ich druhá polovica do západného mora, v lete i v zime tak bude.
(Evanjelium vyšlo do oboch, Židov i pohanov)A Hospodin bude Kráľom nad celou zemou: toho dňa bude Hospodin jeden a jeho meno jedno.
Bude Svetlo v čase večera, (tak je!)
Cestu do Chvály s istotou nájdete.
Vo vode je dnes Svetlo,
ponorení v tom vzácnom Mene Ježiš.
Mladí i starí, ľutujte všetky svoje hriechy,
Duch Svätý určite vojde.
Večerné Svetlo prišlo,
to je fakt, že Boh a Kristus sú jedno.
Vidíte, kde sme?
Národy sa rúcajú, Izrael sa budí,
znamenia, ktoré predpovedali naši proroci.
(to zemetrasenie na pohanov v poslednom dni)
Dni pohanov sú spočítané, hrôzou obtiažené.
Vráťte sa rozohnaní do svojho vlastníctva.
99Vy, ktorí ste boli vykopnutí, a tie truhly vezené na nových vozoch, odíďte odtiaľ, ́lebo vás zasiahne smrť. Boh To potvrdil. Tak to bude.
100Poďme do ďalšieho miesta Písma v Starom zákone, Malachiáš 4. kapitola a čítajme túto krátku 4. kapitolu.
Lebo hľa, prichádza deň, ktorý horí ako pec, v ktorom budú všetci spurní a všetci, ktorí páchajú bezbožnosť ...
101Nuž, toto nie je ... Malachiáš 3 hovoril o prvom príchode a teraz tu je ďalší príchod. Tu doktor Scofield, ja sa samozrejme nezhodujem s jeho poznámkami, ale on to tu zaznačil správne: odkaz o Jánovi, do Malachiáša 3 a Eliáš, ktorý predchádza druhý príchod Krista.
... a spáli ich deň, ktorý príde, hovorí Hospodin Zástupov, takže im neponechá ani koreňa ani haluzi.”
(Kde je potom to “večné”peklo?)Ale vám, ktorí sa bojíte môjho mena, vyjde slnce spravodlivosti
(s uzdravovacími kampaniami)a lekárstvo bude na jeho krídlach: vyjdete a budete poskakovať ako vykŕmené teľatá.
A pošliapete bezbožných, lebo budú popolom pod vašimi nohami toho dňa, ktorý ja učiním, hovorí Hospodin Zástupov.
Pamätajte na zákon Mojžiša, môjho služobníka, ktorému som prikázal na Horebe o celom Izraelovi ustanovenia a súdy.
102Tu je príchod Eliáša:
Hľa, ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša ...
103Posledné záverečné Písmo Starého Zákona.
... ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša, prv ako príde deň Hospodinov, veľký a strašný.
104Nuž, to by nemohol byť Ján. Nie. Vidíte, svet nebol spálený a spravodliví nepošliapali bezbožných. Vidíte? Nie, nie.
... prv ako príde deň Hospodinov, veľký a strašný.
A obráti srdce otcov na synov a srdce synov na ich otcov, aby som neprišiel a neranil zem kliatbou.
105Všimnite si tú presnosť Ducha Svätého, že On nepoplietol tie dva príchody Eliáša. Malachiáš 3 povedal: “Hľa, posielam svojho posla pred mojou tvárou.” Ježiša sa pýtali o Jánovi. Povedal: “Ak to môžete prijať, toto je ten, o ktorom povedal prorok: ́posielam svojho posla pred mojou tvárou.́ Toto je ten Eliáš, ktorý mal prísť.” Malachiáš 3.
106Všimnite si ako presne to Písmo podalo. Hľaďte čo toto ... ukazuje ... tým, ktorí chcú veriť, tým, ktorí to chcú vidieť. Pamätáte, že Ježiš sa zastavil v strede verša, pretože časť toho, ten zvyšok, sa mal vyplniť potom, pri Jeho druhom príchode? “Vyhlásiť rok milosti Hospodinej, obviazať skrúšených srdcom” a zastavil sa, nie “deň pomsty nášho Boha”. To sa vzťahuje až na Jeho druhý príchod.
107Všimnite si tu toto Písmo, akou je paralelou. “A on, Eliáš, obráti srdcia otcov na deti.” (Teraz hovoríme o Malachiášovi 4, nepomiešajte to, vlastne o Malachiášovi 3). Ján, Eliáš, ktorý prišiel v dňoch pred prvým príchodom Krista, obrátil srdcia starých otcov patriarchov do posolstva detí, do nového posolstva.
108A teraz, pozrite! “A srdcia detí na otcov.” Pri jeho druhom príchode, v posledných dňoch, on ich obráti späť, znovu do apoštolskej viery. Vidíte ako dokonale je Písmo zoradené?
109To bol koniec Starého zákona, toho Starého zákona. Teraz vidíme, že je Svetlo v čase večera. Čo To je? To je vrchol, vrcholec koruny stromu. Ha.
110Ako som povedal dnes ráno, my sme prechádzali cez denominácie, cez (nie na pomarančovom strome) ako som o tom hovoril ráno, mali sme grapefruity, citróny, všetky druhy rôznych vecí, ktoré vôbec neboli ako tie na začiatku. Ale po ... Neprehliadnite To! Tu To prichádza! Po tom, keď sa všetky denominácie vyčerpali, oni predovšetkým nemali žiadne Svetlo. Bude deň, ktorý sa nebude môcť nazvať dňom alebo nocou.
111Čo oni robia? Čo oni robia? Čo robí citrón na pomarančovníku? On berie ten originálny život pomaranča, ktorý z neho vychádza a prevracia ho na citrón.
To je to, čo denominácie urobili so Slovom Božím, učinili Slovo Božie neúčinné skrze svoje tradície. To je TAK HOVORÍ DUCH PÁNOV! Oni priniesli citróny, grapefruity, nie pomaranče.
112Ale čo povedal prorok? Ten istý, ktorý povedal v našom texte dnes večer: “Radujte sa, dcéry Jeruzalema, plesajte radostne, dcéry Siona, lebo váš Kráľ prichádza ku vám, ponížený a pokorný, jazdiaci na oslovi, žrebcovi oslíc.” Všimnite si, že ten istý prorok povedal: “Príde čas dozrievania.” Na zem je poslané slnko, aby dalo dozrieť ovociu. Prečo ono nemôže dozrieť? Nie je tam žiadne ovocie, ktoré by dozrelo. Ale život sa stále vyvíja.
113Mal to byť pomaranč ale vyšiel z toho grapefruit. Zistili sme, že sa to zorganizovalo, bol to grapefruit. Znovu to vypustilo, vtedy vyšiel z toho citrón. Znovu to vypustilo a obrátilo sa to na niečo iné. A nakoniec, vrchol stromu, obrátilo sa to na tangelo, čo je z polovice pomaranč a z polovice citrón. Zmiešaná odroda, prevrátená vec. Ide to do prevrátenosti, berie živiny z toho istého stromu. Šupka, “takmer by to zviedlo Vyvolených”. Vyzerá ako pomaranč, ale nie je.
114“Ale bude Svetlo,” keď ona vyrastie pomimo organizácii. Keď vyjde, prejde mimo organizácie, znovu rozkvitne, vydá pomaranče a bude taká, aká bola keď išla do zeme. A potom bude Svetlo!
115Čo je touto atrakciou, čo sa to deje? Napĺňa sa Božie Slovo! Sú dvaja svedkovia Starého zákona, že sa to stane.
116Vezmime Jána 14:12 z Nového zákona. Ježiš povedal:
...Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré ja činím, on tiež bude činiť. ...
117Tiež v Lukášovi 17:22-30 On povedal: “ Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, predtým, ako bola spálená Sodoma, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, v ten deň, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka.”
118Ó, pozrime sa len do Písma! “Syn človeka,” Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera a naveky prerástol organizácie, vyrástol až do vrcholku stromu. Čo On povedal v Jánovi 14, či 15? “Každý letorast, ktorý je vo Mne, ktorý nenesie ovocie, bude odrezaný, hodený na oheň a spálený. Ale každý letorast, ktorý bude prinášať ovocie, bude očistený.”
119Ó, bude skutočný včasný a pozdný dážď v posledných dňoch na tú malú skupinu, ktorá príde s Ním na tomto malom osľati, unížená a pokorná, nie z denominácii, volajúc: “Hosanna Kráľovi, ktorý prichádza v Mene Pánovom!” Čo sa deje dnes? Čo je atrakciou na tom vrchu?
120Pred nedávnom, keď som stál za touto kazateľňou, bolo cez Ducha Svätého povedané: “Príde deň, keď vrazia kôl pred tvojim domom a presunú bránu. Tak potom, ty to nechaj tak a nehnevaj sa.” Videl som moju bránu vytrhnutú ako leží na svahu kopca. Videl som ten kopec pred sebou rozkopaný, ležali tam dosky a rôzne veci, ktoré tam niekto nahádzal. On povedal... Pozrel som sa a bol tam nejaký Ricky, ktorý tam prišiel a vyrazil tú bránu. Povedal som: “Prečo si mi to nepovedal?” Vyťahoval sa na mňa a ja som ho musel udrieť. A keď som to urobil, povedal som: “Nerobil som to od vtedy, ako som bol v ringu, ale chcem len, aby si vedel,” a udrel som ho ešte raz. A keď som ho zrazil na zem, zdvihol som ho znovu a znovu som ho zvalil na zem. A zodvihol som ho tri alebo štyri krát a potom som ho kopol až preletel cez ten kopec. Potom som tam išiel a povedal si: “To nie je správne.” Zodvihol som ho, podal som mu ruku a povedal som: “Nehnevám sa na teba, ale len chcem aby si vedel, že sa nemôžeš so mnou takto rozprávať.” A potom keď som sa otočil a vrátil späť, Duch Svätý tam stál v bráne a povedal: “Nevšímaj si to, keď ten kôl vbijú, obráť sa na západ.”
Táto Kniha je všetko čo potrebujem. Ona je dobrým Návodom, ktorý mi ukazuje akým spôsobom mám obísť svoje problémy.
121A tá Kniha je Slovo a to Slovo je Boh. Nevšímaj si svoje problémy, Ono ti povie, čo máš robiť.
122Pred troma rokmi som počul, že môj priateľ, mestský inšpektor, ktorý býva na mojej ulici trochu nižšie, vbíja kôl. Išiel som tam a povedal som: “Čo sa deje, Mud?” On je syn pána Kinga, môjho osobného priateľa.
Povedal: “Billy, idú rozšíriť túto cestu.”
123Vy všetci si to pamätáte. Povedal som: “To má byť most.” Povedal som bratovi Woodovi: “Drž si svoj majetok. Možno ten most bude prechádzať tadiaľto hore.” Ulica bola rozkopaná, tehly a kamene boli porozhadzované všade. Tak on povedal ... povedal som: “Drž si svoj majetok.”
124A potom, keď som ... Pán King mi povedal čo sa stane. Išiel som domov a povedal som mojej žene, ktorá tam sedí: “Drahá, niečo som o tom napísal. Niekde tu je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.”
125Zobral som svoju knihu, pozrel som do nej a bolo povedané: “Stane sa ...” Po ôsmich rokoch!
126Potom, keď som sa na to pozrel, povedal som: “Teraz je ten čas, drahá, musíme ísť na západ.”
127Dva dni po tom, stál som v izbe o desiatej hodine ráno, vošiel som do Ducha Božieho a videl som tú malú skupinu holubíc ako leteli a díval som sa na tie malé vtáky. Pamätáte si to. Videl som sedem Anjelov vo forme pyramídy, rýchlo sa približujúcich ku mne, povedal: “Choď na západ, choď do Tucson a vyber sa štyridsať míľ na severovýchod. Budeš vyberať bodliak (alebo býčiu hlavu, ako to tam nazývajú) zo svojich šiat.”
128Brat Fred Sothmann, ktorý tam sedí a díva sa teraz na mňa, tam bol v to ráno. Ja som na to zabudol.
129Povedal som: “Nastal výbuch ako zemetrasenie pomerne blízko, ktorý zatriasol všetkým, čo tam bolo. Nerozumiem akoby to niekto mohol prežiť.” Bol som prestrašený. Stál som pri Phoenixe.
130Išiel som na západ, udivený, čo sa stane. Jedného dňa ma Pán zavolal. Povedal som mojej žene: “Drahá, moja práca sa pravdepodobne skončila.” Nevedel som. Povedal som: “Boh pravdepodobne so mnou skončil a ja pôjdem Domov. Ty sa postaraj o Billyho a deti, Boh sa o vás nejako postará. Choďte ďalej a buďte verní Bohu. Postaraj sa, aby deti skončili školu a vychovávaj ich v napomínaní Božom.”
Ona povedala: “Bill, ty ne - ty nevieš, či to je pravda.”
Povedal som: “Nie. Ale človek to nemôže prežiť.”
131A jedného rána ma Pán zobudil a povedal: “Choď hore do Kaňonu Sabino.” A ja som si vzal kúsok papiera a svoju Bibliu.
Žena povedala: “Kde ideš?”
Povedal som: “Neviem. Poviem ti, keď sa vrátim.”
132Išiel som hore do kaňonu, stúpal som hore, kde okolo lietali orly. Videl som tam stáť nejakého jeleňa. Kľakol som si, aby som sa modlil, zodvihol som ruky a do ruky mi udrel nejaký Meč. Obzrel som sa dookola a myslel som si: “Čo to je? Nie som bez seba. Tu je ten Meč v mojej ruke, žiarivý, svietiaci, lesknúci sa v slnku.” Povedal som: “Nuž, tu hore v tomto kaňone nieto žiadnych ľudí na míle. Odkiaľ to mohlo prísť?”
Počul som Hlas, ktorý povedal: “To je Meč Kráľa.”
Povedal som: “Kráľ mečom pasuje nejakého muža za rytiera.”
133On, ten Hlas sa vrátil a povedal: “Nie meč nejakého kráľa, ale ́Meč Toho Kráľá, Slovo Pánovo.” Povedal, neboj sa, to je len to Tretie Potiahnutie. To je potvrdenie tvojej služby.”
134Išiel som na poľovanie s jedným priateľom, nevediac, čo sa stane. A niekto mi volal, ten, čo ma kritizoval ohľadne tej fotografie Anjela Pánovho, ten, ktorý ju urobil. Musel som ísť do Houstonu ohľadne jeho syna, ktorý bol odsúdený na smrť a za pár dní mal byť zabitý. A on ma tam stretol a objal ma a povedal: “Je to možné, že práve ten muž, ktorého som kritizoval, prichádza, aby zachrániť môjho jediného syna!” Humanitná spoločnosť mi dala ako to oni nazývajú, oskara alebo akokoľvek to chcete nazvať, za záchranu života.
135Potom sme sa vrátili, ja som išiel poľovať hore na ten vrch. A tam brat Fred a ja, jedno ráno, keď som vyšiel, už som mal svojho diviaka a pozrel som sa a videl som miesto, kde išiel. Povedal som: “Brat Fred, vyjdi na tú horu teraz skoro ráno pri svitaní a ja vyjdem na tú ďalšiu. Nebudem strieľať na toho diviaka, nechcem ho zabiť. Ale ak sa to stádo rozbehne týmto smerom, strelím pred nich, potom budú bežať naspäť.
136Brat Fred tam vyšiel a nebolo tam žiadnych diviakov. Zamával na mňa a ja som to videl. Zišiel som do kaňonu, nejakej veľkej rokliny. Slnko práve vychádzalo. Obišiel som ďalšiu stranu kopca, nemysliac nič o proroctve. Sadol som si, čakal som, odpočíval. Rozmýšľal som: “Čo sa stalo s tými diviakmi?”
137Vzal som svoj ... Posadil som sa ako to robia Indiáni, viete, s prekríženými nohami a pozrel som sa na nohavicu a bol na nej bodliak. Vzal som ho do ruky a povedal som si: “To je zvláštne!” Som tu, okolo štyridsať míľ severovýchodne od Tucsonu. Tam na mňa čaká môj malý Jozef.” A ako som sa začal tam dívať a uvidel som stádo diviakov, ktoré boli odo mňa asi tisíc yardov, ako vychádzajú hore na kopec. Odhodil som ten bodliak. Povedal som si: “Dostanem ich. Povesím tu kúsok papiera, nech vedia, ktorou cestou ísť a dostanem sa ku bratovi Fredovi.”
138Rozbehol som sa hore na vrch, bežal som ako som len mohol na druhú stranu. Náhle, myslel som, že do mňa niekto strelil. Nikdy som nepočul taký výbuch. Zatriaslo to celou krajinou. A keď sa to stalo, stála predo mnou skupina siedmich Anjelov.
139Chvíľu potom som stretol brata Freda a iných. Povedali: “Čo to bolo?”
Povedal som: “To bolo to.”
“Čo ideš urobiť?”
140“Vrátim sa domov. Lebo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, sedem tajomstiev, ktoré boli ukryté v Biblii po všetky veky, počas týchto denominácií a všetkého, Boh nám ide otvoriť tých sedem tajomstiev v Siedmich Pečatiach.”
141Tam bol ten kruh vznášajúci sa hore od zeme ako hmla naberajúca formu. Keď sa to vznieslo, išlo to kolmo hore na vrch a začalo krúžiť smerom na západ, odkiaľ to prišlo. Po nejakom čase vedci zistili, že sa to nachádzalo tridsať míľ vysoko a malo priemer dvadsať päť míľ, presne oblúk v tvare pyramídy.
142A jedného dňa, keď som tam stál, obrátil som tú fotografiu vpravo a tam je Ježiš ako bol v Siedmich cirkevných vekoch s bielou parochňou, ukazujúc Najvyššie Božstvo. On je Alfa i Omega. On je Prvý i Posledný, On je ten Najvyšší Sudca celej večnosti, ktorý tam stál a potvrdil Posolstvo tejto hodiny. A bude Svetlo v čase večera! Čo to všetko znamená? Čo to bolo?
143Išiel som smerom na západ. Na tom istom vrchu, keď sme tam prechádzali s Banksom Woodom, bolo mi povedané: “Vyhoď do výšky kameň. Povedz pánovi Woodovi, ́TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, budeš vidieť Slávu Božiu.”
144Hneď na druhý deň, keď sme tam stáli, zostúpil vzdušný vír a udrel do vrchu. Skaly odsekávali vrcholky stromov, asi tri štyri stopy nad mojou hlavou. Trikrát to silno udrelo a bratia pribehli. Bolo tam okolo pätnásť mužov, ktorí tam stáli, kazatelia a iní. “Čo to bolo?” Opýtal sa: “Čo to bolo?”
Povedal som: “Súd udiera na západné pobrežie.”
145Asi dva dni potom, zemetrasenie takmer potopilo Aljašku. Čo je toto Svetlo na Hore Zapadajúceho Slnka v lese Coronado v Arizone? Čo je táto zvláštna vec, ktorá sa stala tam hore, že ľudia prichádzali z východu a západu a zbierali kamene, ktoré tam ležali okolo, kde To udrelo. A každý jeden z nich, každý kameň, ktorý To vytrhlo, mal tri rohy. (Tí traja sú Jedno). Ležia na pracovných stoloch ako ťažítka na papier, po celom národe. Čo je táto zvláštna vec na Hore Zapadajúceho Slnka v Lesoch Coronado?
146Junior Jackson, ktorý teraz počúva, pamätáte si ten sen, ktorý mal. Ja som ho vyložil. Týkal sa “odchodu smerom na západ slnka”? A toto sa stalo na “Hore Zapadajúceho Slnka”! Je čas večera, čas západu slnka. Posolstvo zapadajúceho slnka sa vyplnilo cez uloženie sa histórie, či lepšie povedané cez uloženie proroctva. A v čase večera bude Svetlo na Hore Zapadajúceho Slnka v lese Coronado, štyridsať míľ severne od Tucsonu. Pozrite sa do mapy, či je tam štít Zapadajúceho Slnka. To je presne tam, kde sa to stalo. Nikdy som to nevedel, až donedávna.
147Všetko, to - to nikdy nezomrie, to sa neustále rozvíja. Od samotnej tej udalosti, po tú fotografiu, kde Ježiš stojí a díva sa na nás a teraz presne na Hore Zapadajúceho Slnka a to Svetlo západu slnka. Večerné Svetlo prišlo, Boh potvrdzuje Samého Seba. Čo to je? To je skutočnosť, že Boh a Kristus sú Jedno. Tá biela ... Koľkí ste to videli, tú bielu parochňu na Ňom, ako sme hovorili v Zjavení 1? Vidíte? Najvyššie Božstvo, Najvyššia Autorita! Žiadny iný hlas, žiadny iný boh, nič iné. “V Ňom prebýva plnosť Božstva telesne.” Sami Anjeli boli Jeho parochňou. Amen.
148Čo sa stalo na Hore Zapadajúceho Slnka? Boh potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. To je to, o čom je všetok tento rozruch. Všimnite si, Boh znovu potvrdzuje Svoje zasľúbené Slovo, zo Zjavenia 10:1-7: “A vo dňoch, kedy bude znieť Posolstvo siedmeho anjela, dokoná sa tajomstvo Božie.” To ukryté tajomstvo Zjavenia 10:1-7, posledné posolstvo do posledného cirkevného veku. Vypĺňa sa presne, v tomto veku Ev. Lukáša 17:30: “Deň, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka.”
149“A povstanú falošní proroci a falošní kristovia a ukážu veľké znamenia a zázraky, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.” Ľudia sú stále na pochybách. A ako to zvyčajne býva, cirkev je tak isto zmätená.
150A veda po celom Tucsone, oni píšu články a dávajú ich do novín. Vtedy tam na Hore Lemmon, tie veľké fotoaparáty nevideli ako to vystupuje odtiaľ, kde sme stáli; unášalo sa to smerom na západ, ukazujúc, že čas sa končí. Môže to tam ísť už len malý kúsok, je to už na západnom pobreží. Súd udrel presne tam kde to išlo. Išlo to rovno hore cez Phoenix a krížom ďalej do Prescott a cez hory na západné pobrežie, rovno hore do... Kde oni išli? Rovno hore na Aljašku a ona zahrmela, išlo to rovno tým smerom.
151A hvezdárne a všetci v Tucsone sa stále pýtajú, vedeckým bádaním skúšajú zistiť, čo to je. Tak vysoko nemôže byť hmla, ani nič také. “Čo to spôsobilo? Kde to je?” Oni sú tak zmätení z toho nadprirodzeného svietiaceho kruhu, ktorý tam visel na oblohe, ako ľudia vtedy, keď prišli tí Mágovia, ktorí nasledovali tú hviezdu a hovorili: “Kde je Ten narodený Kráľ Židov?” Čo to bolo? Boh vyplňoval Svoje Slovo. “A povstane hviezda z Jakoba.”
152A Boh nebies zasľúbil, že večerný čas bude mať večerné Svetlo. Pred troma rokmi bolo toto tajomstvo proroctvom: “Pane, aký je toto čas?” Ale teraz je to história. To prešlo. To zasľúbenie sa vyplnilo. Aký je toto čas, pánovia a čo je toto za atrakcia? Boh vyplňuje Svoje Slovo! On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.
Modlime sa:
153Drahý Bože, držal som ľudí dlho, omnoho dlhšie ako som zamýšľal. Modlím sa, Bože, aby to niečo, čo bolo povedané alebo učinené, aby to spravilo, aby ľudia všade vonku zrozumeli. A skrze to, že vidia a zrozumievajú aby mohli veriť, že Ty si ten pravý Kristus a že Slová, ktoré boli potvrdené, sú potvrdením, že Jeho Slova je dokonalé a je vyplnené vo Svojom čase.
154Teraz, Pane Ježišu, z Tvojho vlastného Slova, Ty si povedal, že svet bude v stave Sodomy. My to vieme a môžeme sa na to dívať. A Ty si povedal, v tom dni, “ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy.” Tam boli poslaní traja poslovia do sveta Pohanov a Židov. A jeden z nich, ktorý bol Sám Boh, Syn človeka, zjavil sa v ľudskej podobe a učinil zázrak do takej miery, že povedal Abrahámovi, čo robila Sára v stane za Ním.
155Ty si povedal, že to sa znovu zopakuje, keď celý pohanský svet bude v stave Sodomy. A sme tu, Pane. Ďalšie proroctvá potvrdzujú tú istú vec, poslanie Eliáša v poslednom dni, Ducha Eliáša na zem, aby prinavrátil srdcia otcov, či “detí ku otcom.” A ja sa modlím, Bože, aby si v tejto hodine potvrdil Svoje Slovo, že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Udeľ to, Otče. Oni všetci sú Tvoji. Modlím sa, aby si udelil tieto požehnania a potvrdil, čo bolo povedané, na Slávu Božiu. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
156Hovoriť slovo, to je vecou človeka. Potvrdiť slovo, to je vecou Boha. Povedať niečo je jedna vec. Keď Boh to urobí, je ďalšia vec. Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača, On robí Svoj Vlastný výklad.
157No, rozhodli sme sa mať modlitebnú radu, aby sme sa modlili za chorých, ak bude vôľa Božia. A vieme, že nie je nikto, žiaden muž, žiadna žena, žiadna ľudská bytosť, žiaden anjel, ktorý ťa môže uzdraviť, lebo Boh to už urobil. On učinil prostriedok, jediná vec, ktorú musíš urobiť, je prijať to.
158Nieto žiadneho človeka, žiadneho anjela, ničoho, ani Sám Boh, kto ti môže odpustiť tvoje hriechy. To je už vykonané. Ježiš to urobil na kríži. Ale to ti nemôže nič pomôcť, alebo priniesť ti úžitok, pokiaľ to neprijmeš. Vidíte?
159Jediné čo môžeme urobiť, to sú nariadenia, ktoré dal Boh pre veriacich, aby kládli ruky na chorých. Tak to bolo cez veky, oni to robili počas prebudení. A nazvali to: “Boh”.
160Abrahám videl mnoho znakov. Ale prišiel čas, keď Abrahám videl svoj posledný znak, práve pred tým, ako bola Sodoma spálená. A to bol Boh, ktorý sa manifestoval v podobe človeka. Veríte tomu? Či nepovedal Ježiš, že sa to bude opakovať?
161Nuž, koľkí tu vo vnútri ... A vonku pri rádiu, alebo pri telefónoch po celom národe, ak stále počúvate, pripravte sa teraz na modlitbu, modlite sa, a vy ktorí tu máte tieto vreckovky. Nuž, ja nemôžem povedať Bohu, čo má robiť. Nie. Nech je to preč odo mňa, ani to nechcem skúšať. On je suverénny, On urobí to, čo chce urobiť. Ja sa môžem len poddať a hovoriť to, čo On hovorí.
162A teraz, oni stoja okolo tých stien a sú natlačení, je to tu preplnené. Som zvedavý, či by sme mohli prosiť Boha na podstave týchto slov. “Čo je touto atrakciou?”, ak by sa Boh znovu pohyboval medzi nami (môžu tu byť cudzí) a pohyboval by sa medzi nami a ukázal by Svoju požehnanú tvár medzi nami, ukázal, že Jeho Duch je tu, ukázal, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, že by každý jeden z nás (po týchto dvoch mocných posolstvách) mohol veriť tomu, že je to tak. Môžete to učiniť? V poriadku.
163Potom, namiesto zavolania modlitebného radu, keďže je tu horúco, tesno, ľudia stoja pri stenách ... Dívam sa, či sa dá vyzvať ľudí aby sa na tejto strane stavali do radu, nedá sa, vidíte, že tam všade stoja. Mohol by som ich zvolať tu? Sú tu chorí, vozíky, všetko možné, ležia tu, nedá sa to. Tak seďte na svojich miestach a verte Bohu. Ak máte modlitebnú kartu, držte ju, to bude dobré. Dostaneme sa ku vám, ak chcete prejsť modlitebným radom. Ale vy nemusíte prechádzať cez modlitebý rad.
164Ten pán Shepherd, minulú nedeľu večer, on neprišiel do žiadneho modlitebného radu. Myslím, že nemal žiadnu modlitebnú kartu. Je pán Shepherd tu dnes večer? Kde je? Je tu? Je tam vzadu. Mal si modlitebnú kartu, pán Shepherd? Nemal? Nemal. Znovu sedí rovno tam dnes večer. To je dobré miesto, brat Shepherd.
165Nejde len o to, že tam musíš byť, ale proste mať vieru. Lebo pamätajte, jedna žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha a On to pocítil. A On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A v liste Židom, v Novom zákone je povedané, že On je dnes večer “Najvyšším Kňazom”, ktorý môže byť dotknutý súcitom s vašimi slabosťami.” Veríte tomu? Majte potom vieru! Nepochybujte. Verte Tomu a to sa stane. Môžete mať to, čo prosíte, ak Tomu môžete veriť. Ale musíte Tomu veriť. Budete veriť? Bude každý z vás Tomu veriť? Koľkí budú teraz veriť? Nech vás Boh žehná!
167Ja neviem, kto je kto, nepoznám nikoho z vás. To nie je mojou vecou poznať niekoho z vás, je to Božou vecou poznať tieto veci. Ale On to urobí, ak Tomu budete veriť. Budete teraz veriť?
167No, drahý Bože, my určite nie sme nejaká skupina krížených Kresťanov, nemali by sme byť niekým, s kým sa treba maznať. Ty nemáš také deti, Pane. Ty máš drsných veriacich. Skutočná prítomnosť Božia rozpáli ľudské srdcia ohňom. Ako Abrahám, ktorý uveril Bohu. Ty si sa mu dal poznať, potom si sa mu zjavil a vykonal si znak a on Ti uveril. Ty si premenil jeho telo späť na mladého muža a tiež jeho ženu, a ona, jeho žena bola časťou jeho vlastného tela. Potom prišlo to nové dieťa, zasľúbený syn.
168Bože, Ty si zasľúbil, že tá istá vec bude v tomto dni. Modlím sa, aby si potvrdil toto Slovo. A my sa budeme zaoberať tým jedným zasľúbením, že to bude ako bolo v Sodome, tesne predtým ako bola Sodoma spálená a súd udrel Sodomu, ten pohanský svet. Tak súd je pripravený udrieť ten pohanský svet a Židia majú ešte tri a pol roka cez obdobie súženia, Jakobove ťažkosti, pokračovanie sedemdesiatich týždňov Daniela. Ale pohania sú spočítaní, je čas ísť. A Ty si dal ten znak. Ty si povedal, že sa to zopakuje. Udeľ to, Bože. Oni ... sme v Tvojich rukách, urob s nami, čo Ty uznáš za vhodné. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
169No, nebuďte nervózni. Čo by bolo, ak by som ja bol nervózny? Nuž, robím tu niečo, čo musí závisieť od suverénnosti Božej. Ale prečo to robím? On povedal, že to bude. Tým je to jasné. A ak sa On takto potvrdí pred vami, nuž, budete Mu veriť? Istotne. Majte teraz len vieru a verte. Dovoľte že sa len rozhliadnem, aby som videl, kde bude Duch Svätý viesť, čo bude robiť. Ja neviem, čo On bude robiť, to je na Ňom. Ale ak len budete mať vieru, ak budete len veriť, “všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria.” Verte tomu všetci, pozdvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte: “Ja Tomu verím.” (Zhromaždenie hovorí: “Ja Tomu verím.” - pozn.vyd.) Verím Tomu celým svojim srdcom.
170No, tri bude potvrdenie. Ak to On urobí rovno tri krát, aby vám to dokázal, je To pravda. Nedbám kde si, kto si, maj len vieru a ver. Nevyrušujte.
171Pani, ktorá sa modlí, ja ťa nepoznám. Seď len tam, kde si, nemusíš sem ísť. Ja ťa nepoznám, ale ty držíš na rukách malé dievčatko, alebo na lone. Ja som ti úplne cudzí. A to dievčatko vyzerá normálne, vyzerá dobre. Je to pekné, červenovlasé dievčatko. Dívam sa tu na ňu, nevyzerá ako postihnutá alebo niečo také. Ja neviem, čo je jej. Nemusí to byť kvôli tomu dieťaťu, môže to byť kvôli tebe. Ja som ťa len uvidel sedieť tam s tým dieťaťom a modliť sa. Musím chvíľu s tebou hovoriť, aby som zachytil tvojho ducha. Ako Ježiš povedal tej žene: “Daj sa mi napiť.” Vidíte? Len aby rozpoznal tú osobu. Poznám týchto ľudí, Brata Bryanta a tých, ktorí tu sedia. Oni sú možno tiež v potrebe, ale ty si cudzia.
172Veríš, že som Boží prorok? Veríš týmto veciam, ktoré si počula dnes večer, že sú Pravdou? No, ak mi Boh zjaví niečo, čo si urobila, alebo niečo, čo si nemala urobiť alebo niečo, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku alebo aká je tvoja túžba, ty budeš vedieť, či to je pravda alebo nie. Však? A ak to On urobí, potvrdí to Jeho Slovo, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky a že ev. Lukáša 17:30 sa manifestuje? Veríš Tomu?
173Nuž, tá pani zodvihla ruku, že sme si cudzí. Nepoznám ťa. Ale snažím sa nadviazať kontakt s jej duchom, s jednou osobou. Je vás tu tak veľa, ktorí priťahujete. No, ty Tomu veríš celým svojim srdcom. No, to je kvôli tomu dievčatku. Nie kvôli tebe. Ty si nervózna, ale to nie je tá nervozita, ktorá ťa trápi. Tá veľká vec, ktorá ti leží na srdci, je to dievčatko. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, čo to je? Veríš? Pomôže ti to, budeš potom veriť? Má poranený mozog. Je to tak? Polož teraz ruku na hlavu toho dieťaťa, tvoju ruku.
174Drahý Bože, Ty si povedal: “Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Budú klásť ruky na chorých a oni budú uzdravení.” Tá žena je veriaca. Jej ruka je na tom dieťati. Nech je uzdravené. Prinášam túto modlitbu v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
175No, veríte všetci? Ak môžete veriť, všetko je možné. Istotne!
176Poznám tú ženu, ktorá sedí vedľa nej, ale ona sa tak úprimne pozerá týmto smerom. Neviem ako sa volá, ale ja ... ak by som sa chvíľu na ňu díval, vedel by som. Poznám tú ženu z videnia, ale neviem, čo ju trápi. Veríš, že ja ... že Boh mi povie, aký je tvoj problém? Budeš ... Pomôže ti to? Cukrovka. Nuž, ak to je pravda, zodvihni ruku. Nepochybne!
177Stalo sa, že tá pani, ktorá leží ... ktorá sedí vedľa teba, má to isté. Ona je neznáma. Ďalšia pani, ktorá sa za niekoho modlí, za postihnuté dieťa. Ver z celého svojho srdca, Boh ti to dá.
178Niekto tam vzadu. Muž, ktorý tam sedí sa snaží zbaviť fajčenia. Veríš, že Boh to od teba zoberie preč? V poriadku. Veríš? Môžeš to mať. Nikdy v živote som nevidel toho muža.
179Tu je človek. Vidím tmavý tieň, ktorý visí rovno tu nad týmto mužom, ktorý tu leží na lehátku, či na kresle? Zomiera. Je zatienený, má rakovinu. Nepoznám toho muža, nikdy som ho nevidel. Boh vie o tebe všetko. To je pravda, pane. Veríš, že Boh mi môže o tebe niečo povedať? Pomohlo by ti to prijať tvoje uzdravenie? Priviezol ťa sem tvoj priateľ. Ale ty nie si odtiaľto, si odniekiaľ, kde je veľká plocha vody ,
180Ty, z Tennessee, máš chlapca, ktorý má astmu. On nie je tu, ale veríš, že bude uzdravený? Potom vezmi svoju vreckovku, ktorú máš vo svojej ruke a polož na neho. On bude uzdravený, ak budeš Tomu veriť.
181Tá pani ktorá plače, sedí neďaleko doktora Vayleho. Ona je tiež zatienená, tmavý tieň. Nikdy v živote som nevidel tú ženu, ale ona má rakovinu. Zomrie, ak sa pre ňu niečo neurobí. Veríš, pani, že On ťa uzdraví? Môžeš veriť? Môžeš mať svoje uzdravenie, ak len budeš veriť.
182Tam je pani. Sedí napravo vedľa nej s vreckovkou na ústach. Ona je tiež chorá, má žalúdočný vred. Mávaš obdobia, že strácaš zrak, odpadávaš. Niekto ťa sem priviezol. Máš ženské problémy. Ak budeš veriť, môžeš ísť domov a byť zdravá.
183Ty, mladý muž, ty si tu cudzí, sedíš rovno tu predo mnou a dívaš sa na mňa. Odkiaľ si, Puerto Rico alebo niečo také? Áno, myslím ...? ... Ja som ti cudzí, ty to vieš, ty nie si priamo z tejto krajiny. Ale veríš, že Boh ti môže dať túžbu tvojho srdca? Ak ti poviem, čo je tvojou túžbou, prijmeš to? Hľadáš krst Duchom Svätým. To je pravda. Prijmi Ducha Svätého, môj brat.
184Tu je farebný muž, ktorý sedí tu vzadu. Má na srdci bremeno za svoju ženu. Ona tu ani nie je. Má problém s nohami. Veríš, že On ju uzdraví? Veríš? Ty si tu cudzí. Pochádzaš spoza mora. Si z Jamaiky. Veríš, že Boh by mi mohol povedať kto si? Pán Braden. Veríš? Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.
185Táto pani, ktorá sedí tu vzadu na tomto konci, tam vedľa pani Wrightovej, má na srdci bremeno. Modlí sa za svoju dcéru. Ona má ísť na operáciu. Veríš celým svojim srdcom za ňu? Ona to nebude potrebovať, ak ju privedieš aby Tomu verila. Ja nemôžem uzdraviť.
186Tam ďaleko vzadu v miestnosti s deťmi vidím Ducha Pánovho, alebo Anjela, Svetlo pohybujúce sa v tej detskej izbe nad mladou ženou a ona má duchovné problémy, nad ktorými sa trápi. Vyzerá to, akoby som mal nejako poznať tú ženu. Je to mladá žena, tiež má ženské potiaže. Áno. Jej meno je pani Westová, z Alabamy, žena Dávida Westa. Ver a Boh ti to dá.
187“Bude Svetlo a v tom dni, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka.” Ak to nie je Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, potom o Tom nič neviem. Veríte Tomu? Všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria.
188Teraz vonku pri mikrofónoch po celej krajine a v tejto modlitebni, koľkí z vás pozdvihnú svoje ruky a povedia: “Som veriaci”? Nuž, vy tam vonku v krajine, každý tu má zodvihnuté ruky a vy tam niekde po celom národe nepochybne máte zodvihnuté svoje ruky. Zavrite teraz oči, položte len ruky na niekoho vedľa vás. Chyťte ich za ruky. Položte svoje ruky na ich ramená. Ja mám svoje ruky na týchto vreckovkách. Pozrite, čo bolo dnes učinené! Pozrite sa, čo sa deje teraz:
Hľadíme na Jeho svätú tvár,
ktorá planie Božskou láskou.
Požehnaní účastníci Jeho milosti,
žiaria ako kamene v Jeho korune.
Modlime sa teraz, všade kde ste.
189Drahý Bože, tá hodina prišla. Čo toto znamená? Boh vyplňuje Svoje Slovo! Čo je tou atrakciou, Pane? To je Boh vyplňujúci Svoje Slovo. Čo je toto po celom národe, cez telefónne médiá, že stovky ľudí má svoje ruky položené jeden na druhom po celom národe, od jedného pobrežia po druhé, od severu po juh, od východu na západ? Tu sedia ľudia z iných krajín, z mnohých štátov, Mexiko, Kanada a máme svoje ruky položené jeden na druhom. Boh vyplňuje Svoje Slovo!
190Ako to je, že nejaká osoba tu môže stáť a skrze Ducha Svätého pomenovať človeka ako to On urobil pri Šimonovi Petrovi: “Tvoje meno je Šimon, si synom Jonáša” ?
“Priveď sem svojho muža.”
“Ja nemám muža.”
“To je pravda, mala si ich päť.”
191Ona povedala: “Ja viem, že keď Mesiáš príde, bude toto robiť. Ale Kto si Ty?”
On povedal: “Ja som On.”
192A Ty si ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A Ty si dal zasľúbenie, že: “Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť. Väčšie ako tie budete činiť, lebo ja idem k Otcovi. A hľa, v posledných dňoch vám pošlem Eliáša proroka a on zmení úmysly ľudí, obráti srdcia detí späť do apoštolskej náuky Biblie. A bude Svetlo v čase večera.”
193Tu sme, veľký Boh nebies! Tá hodina je tu! Tie ruky sú na ľuďoch.
194Satan, si porazený. Si klamár. A ako sluha Boží a ako služobníci, my ti prikazujeme v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby si poslúchol Slovo Božie a opustil tých ľudí. ́Lebo je napísané: “v Mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov.”
195A nech všetci ľudia môžu byť voľní. Udeľ to, drahý Bože. Ty si Boh neba, ktorý v tom dni s atrakciou na Vrchu Golgoty porazil všetky choroby, nemoci a všetky skutky diabla. Ty si Boh! A tí ľudia sú uzdravení Tvojimi ranami. Oni sú voľní. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
196Bože, každá vreckovka, ktorá tu leží, zatiaľ čo je prítomný Duch Boží, kým pomazanie Ježiša Krista je na ľuďoch a veľké znaky, ktoré On zasľúbil sa vypĺňajú, zem sa trasie, dejú sa zemetrasenia, tie veľké znaky, ktoré On povedal a vypĺňa sa Písmo, večerné Svetlo svieti. Kladiem svoje telo na tieto vreckovky reprezentujúc celé telo veriacich z východu, západu, severu a juhu a hovorím diablovi: “V Mene Ježiša Krista, opusti každého pacienta, na ktorého sa položia” ku cti a chvále Slova Božieho. V Mene Slova Božieho, Ježiša Krista Nazaretského. Amen.
197Teraz pokojne, triezvo a rozvážne, so zdravým rozumom, ako veriaci, veríte teraz a prijímate svoje uzdravenie od Všemohúceho Boha, v Mene Ježiša Krista? Ak áno, zodvihnite svoju ruku. Všetci v krajine, zodvihnite svoje ruky tam vonku. Každá osoba tu, tak ďaleko ako len môžem vidieť, má zodvihnuté ruky. Vo vnútri, vonku, naproti oknám, vo dverách, v miestnosti s deťmi a všade dookola sú ľudia so zodvihnutými rukami. Oni To prijímajú. Satan je porazený! Rany Ježiša Krista vás uzdravujú a Prítomnosť Ježiša Krista dokazuje ten fakt, že On dnes žije, vždy je schopný dodržať každé zasľúbenie, ktoré dal. Amen! Ja Mu verím. Vy tiež?
198Povstaňme teraz na svoje nohy. V Mene Pána Ježiša, prijímame všetko, čo bolo učinené alebo povedané. Milujeme Ho z celého svojho srdca. Vážime si Ho so všetkým, čo je v nás. A teraz ako pôjdete do svojich domov z dnešného večera, nech Boh ide s vami. Nech vám Boh dá Svätého Ducha, ak nemáte Svätého Ducha.
199Každý muž, žena, chlapec alebo dievča, ktorí ste tu a neboli ste pokrstení vo Meno Ježiša Krista, sú tu šaty i voda. Neodkladaj na zajtra to, čo môžeš urobiť dnes. Zajtra môže byť príliš neskoro. “Dosť má deň na svojom trápení.” Stoja tu služobníci, čakajú, šaty čakajú. Niet ospravedlnenia. Čakáš aj ty? Ak čakáš a veríš ... Nezáleží na tom, ako si bol pokrstený, pokropený, pofŕkaný, akokoľvek, to je zle. Prišlo Svetlo. Poď, ver a buď pokrstený.
200Každý bez Ducha Svätého, môžete obdržať Ducha Svätého, každý jeden z vás, v plnej moci Božej a lásky, ako On zasľúbil, aby vás učinil novým stvorením v Ňom. Nech vás Boh žehná.
201A teraz, dovidenia do nasledujúcej nedele ráno o deväť tridsať. Spievajme túto krátku pieseň, ktorú sme zvykli spievať pred rokmi:
Nezabudni na rodinnú modlitbu,
Ježiš sa chce s tebou tam stretnúť.
On vezme tvoju každú starosť,
nezabudni na rodinnú modlitbu.
Spievajme to teraz spolu:
Nezabudni na rodinnú modlitbu,
Ježiš sa chce s tebou tam stretnúť.
On vezme tvoju každú starosť,
nezabudni na rodinnú modlitbu.
202Ako to teraz spievame znovu, potras si ruku s pútnikom, ktorý je vedľa teba, počas spievania:
Nezabudni na rodinnú modlitbu,
Ježiš sa chce s tebou tam stretnúť.
On vezme tvoju každú starosť,
nezabudni na rodinnú modlitbu.
203Či Ho milujete? Ja Ho milujem. Ja Ho milujem, lebo On ma prv miloval a vykúpil moje spasenie (to bolo tou atrakciou) na hore Golgoty. Tá istá atrakcia na hore Zapadajúceho slnka, na hore Nebo, na hore Sinaj, všetky tie rôzne prežitia na vrcholoch hôr, siedmich. V poriadku, spievajme to teraz:
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
lebo On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil moje spasenie
Na Golgotskom kríži.
204Všetci, ktorí Ho milujete, povedzte “Amen.” Nuž, myslite len o tom, čo On pre vás urobil. Možno že by ste boli dnes večer tam vonku v nejakom bare. Pravdepodobne by ste boli v nejakom hrobe, ako som mal byť ja, preč od Božieho milosrdenstva. Čo On pre teba urobil? Ó, ako by sme Ho mohli nemilovať? To nič nemení, čo ktokoľvek hovorí, On je na prvom mieste!
205Zavrime teraz svoje oči a skloňme svoje hlavy ako Mu to teraz spievame. On má rád piesne, spievanie chválospevov. Spievajme Mu to teraz:
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
lebo On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil moje spasenie
Na Golgotskom kríži.
206So sklonenými hlavami a srdcami v Jeho Prítomnosti, s vďakou za to, čo videli naše oči, čo počuli naše uši, čo je zaznamenané v Božom Slove, aké je Jeho zasľúbenie pre nás na dnes. Nech vás Boh žehná.
207Máme dnes večer medzi nami hosťa, brata Neda Iversona, niekdajšieho presbyteriánskeho kazateľa. Jeho otec a jeho bratia sú presbyteriánskymi kazateľmi. On, myslím, že bol dnes znovu pokrstený vo Meno Ježiša Krista. On je kazateľ, a to dobrý. A teraz, poprosím jeho, verím, že je sluhom Božím, aby prosil o Božie požehnania pre toto zhromaždenie ako sa budete rozchádzať do svojich domov.
208Brat Iverson, poď dopredu, kým máme sklonené svoje hlavy v modlitbe. Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat.
1 Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
Let us bow our heads now.
Father God, that's our sincere prayer tonight, seeing all that You are doing for the people in this day. And we ask You, Lord, may we only believe, just believe It's the Truth, the written Word being made manifest to us. Grant these things, Father.
2Now tonight we want to thank You for the--the Light that You throwed on the Scriptures for us this morning. And we pray tonight, Lord, in that prayer line, that You will vindicate Your Word to be the Truth.
3We pray for all the churches and the congregations that's gathered around the--the--the little microphones out across, from the nation, all the way to the West Coast, up unto the mountains of Arizona, down into the plains of Texas, way into the East Coast, all across the country, Lord, where they have gathered. Many hours apart, we are in time, but, Lord, we're together tonight as one unit, believers, waiting for the Coming of the Messiah. We pray, Heavenly Father, that You'll send Him soon for Your Church. For we ask it in His Name. Amen.
4 You may be seated. Christian greetings to all that's here tonight. I'm sorry that we're still jammed and packed till we can hardly breathe. Even the air conditioners, as well as it's air conditioned, doesn't have much effect, so many people. If there was hardly just a normal church full of people, those air conditioners would freeze you. But now everyone has got a fan, fanning, and the air conditioner is blowing as hard as it can.
5We send greetings from the East Coast to the West, to all our friends in Christ, who is listening in. We send greetings over in San Jose, Brother Borders, the group up there. We send greetings up in the mountains, Prescott, Arizona, to Brother Leo Mercier and his group that's up there waiting for the Coming of the Lord. We send greetings to those in Tucson, that's gathered tonight, waiting for the Coming of the Lord. Down into Houston, Texas, to those who are waiting for the Coming of the Lord. Up in Chicago, to those who are waiting for the Coming of the Lord. Up on the East Coast, New York and Connecticut, and the great groups up there, that's waiting for the Coming of the Lord. We don't have room here to seat them, so we just have to send them the Word through the--the medium of the telephone. We send greetings to Brother Junior Jackson tonight, and his group down in Clarksville. Brother Ruddell, up on sixty-two, and his group, waiting for the Coming of the Lord. And we're gathered here tonight at the home church, the tabernacle, waiting for the Coming of the Lord.
6 And now, many of you maybe wasn't at the services this morning. But I trust that everyone, that wasn't, will get that tape, for I believe that it was the most straightest Message to the church since the--the Message of Sirs, What Time Is It? I felt the anointing of the Spirit, felt led to say what I did. It was long, but yet I felt led to do it. And I think the Lord, by His Word, showed that what hour we're living. And make sure that we understand these mysterious things that's happening. You know, the Bible said, "The wise shall understand."
7But the nations and the people will grow "weaker and wiser." Just think, the average American now is in middle age, about twenty years old, weaker but wiser. They didn't have jet planes in them days, and--and atomic warheads, but they lived a lot longer. We're getting weaker and wiser, and our own wisdom is what's going to destroy us. We will destroy ourselves. God will not destroy us; our wisdom will destroy us. It's always been that way, and so will it be again.
8 Now, the Lord willing, next Sunday morning, not knowing now what I will speak on, but I trust that the Lord, if He lets us live and nothing happens, and it be His will, we aim to speak another Message next Sunday morning, have prayer for the sick next Sunday night. Then it falls my lot to return back home to Arizona, to take the family back so the children can register in school. Then you'll be... We'll notify you, just as we can, of the meetings as they mature, or the times that we... places that we aim to be. So, God bless you all.
9Now tonight, knowing that it's... I'm fifteen minutes late, to begin with, quarter till eight here in Jeffersonville; and that's about a quarter to nine at the East Coast, and then it's about five o'clock on the West Coast. So now we are just about sundown here. And I want to speak to you for just a short service, to try to find the anointing of the Spirit, and then call the prayer line.
10 And I want the congregation here, as well as the congregation assembled at other places, find some man, some brother that's anointed by the Spirit; and when we start praying for the sick, go lay hands upon those that's in your congregation. Remember, God is omnipresent; He is everywhere. So, down in Texas, over in California, up in Arizona, wherever you are, lay hands on those that are sick when we start praying for the sick. And I'm sure God will hear and answer prayer.
11Strange thing, last Sunday night, and the anointing was going on, and the Holy Spirit... It was quite a thing. I hadn't had a--a line of discernment for months and months, since I was here the other time. And then to walk up there under a promise... You don't know that He'll do it. You can't say He'll do it. You've just got to walk up there and wait. He is sovereign. He does what He wants to. But stand there and wait to see what He will do, then feel It break through on you like that.
12 And at the end of the--the meeting, not knowing who it was, but there had been a--a man somewhere along the line that was tall, and bald on top, and he was a very sick person.
13And then right at last, there was a man appeared here on the platform, and had his head down, and looked like he was suffering, holding himself around the stomach. And I thought that must be that first man or second man, or when ever it was that I prayed for him, 'cause he was bald and was holding his head down; a large man, stooped over. But I looked around and I found the gentleman sitting out there, but he was rejoicing. I thought, "Where is it?" I couldn't decide where it was at. I could feel it and see the man before me.
I felt it pull around this way, and it was coming from back. I looked at Brother Neville and these two sitting here, it wasn't them. I said, "The man is on the inside of that baptistery back there." And you know who it was? Brother Shepherd. The reason I couldn't recognize him, he was sitting back there with his head bowed, praying.
14He thought he was going to die, has thought that for the last few weeks. His wife told him go get a new pair of shoes, and he said, "I won't need them. I won't be here that long."
15 And he met me the other day in the... up there in the yard, Brother Wood's, a shouting and praising God. Said, "I'm eating bacon, eggs, tomatoes, anything I want."
16And humbly giving up his seat, getting back in there out of the way, and praying. See, you don't need a prayer card, you only need faith. See?
Now, I didn't know whether he was healed or not, I just said, "A--a man, praying, he's got something wrong." I think It called what it was, "Stomach trouble, and praying back behind here. The Lord Jesus make you well." Now, that's all I could tell. The pull was that he was praying. I could see it, but what happens I don't know. See?
17But when you hear It come back, everybody is aware, when It says, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," see, that's not me speaking no more then; that's Him.
18 But I always say, "Jesus Christ has made you whole," that's exactly the Truth. "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed." See? See?
19But when It comes, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," and tells you what to do and what's going to happen, watch that, it'll be that way.
20But when I say, "Jesus Christ heals you and makes you whole," you believe it, 'cause He's already said it. I'm just repeating what He said.
21And a vision is just repeating what He showed. You understand?
22 Now may we hurry up and get right into the Word, because I know that many of you are here, got long miles to travel tonight. I pray that God will bless you, help you and protect you along the roads. And now I wish to turn tonight to Saint Matthew, the 21st chapter, and verses 1 to 11, in Saint Matthew. And, now, if you don't have your Bible, or if you want to jot down these Scriptures, all right.
23 And now to you who never heard the Message this morning, and you have a tape recorder; we never solicit, selling tapes. We never solicit, selling anything. Sometimes in a big meeting they'll announce they got some books back there; we don't make anything out of them. Brother Vayle is the writer. The tapes, the man that operates the tape business there will tell you, we don't make no tape money. We don't... It ain't "the tapes"; it's the Message. And when a man gets on his mind that it's money, he ain't going to make tapes no more. That's right. I was asking about it, I think our tapes sell about, under five dollars, or something, three to five, or something like that. What say? Three and four, for them big, long tapes.
24And a certain minister, I asked about one of his tapes, and it was nine dollars, about twenty minutes or thirty, of a message.
25 So I see that our Brother Sothmann back there is not getting rich, any of them, on these tapes that they're--they're putting out. See, they make just enough to get by on it. Can't ask them to make them for nothing, because they have to buy the tapes and everything else. And the machinery is very expensive, costs about ten thousand dollars to get set up to make those tapes, to begin with.
26Now, I understand soon I... have announced it yet. But there's a tape hearing again. Every so often we... the trustees, I have nothing to do with it at all. I don't even... never at none of the meetings. It's neither--neither pro nor con. They turn in their bids; the trustees decide who is the next man to make tapes, and they send him a letter. That's all I know about it. They take care of that, because I can't even dedicate babies let alone take care of tapes, so, or baptize.
27 So I've got my mind set on this Message, that's that Third Pull, and it's the one I must be loyal and reverent to.
28Matthew 21:1 to 11. I said that so you could be watching for the... or turning to the Scriptures.
And when the... And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives,... Jesus sent two of his disciples,
And saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them to me.
And if any man say ought unto you, you shall say, The Lord has need of them; and straightway he will send them.
This was all done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying,
Tell ye the daughters of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek,... sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass.
And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them,
And they brought the--the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon.
And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; and others cut down branches from the trees, and strew them in the way.
And the multitude that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.
And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this?
And the multitude said, This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.
29Now if I would take a text from that, for about thirty minutes before the prayer line begins, I would like to take this for a text: What Is The Attraction On The Mountain?
30 Now, it had been a very weary, nervous day, and it was an unusual day. We find Jesus here coming up to Jerusalem, ready to attend the passover. And the passover is where the paschal lamb was killed, and the blood was spread upon the mercy seat for the--the atonement for--for the people. And He had come up from Bethphage and had come to the top of the Mount of Olives, which looks down upon another little hill where Jerusalem was built. And as He looked, and knowed that this was His final visit.
31This was the time that when He would be delivered into the hands of sinful man and they would kill Him. He would die the horriblest death that was ever died by a mortal, and be buried. He would be betrayed by His Own, some of them standing right with Him. And Him, being God, knew what was in their hearts, and knew from the beginning who would betray Him. And knowed that man was with Him who set by His side and counted His money to Him, and so forth, knowed that man would betray Him. And knew that a cruel Roman cross waited for Him out there. He knew that His water in His body and the Blood of His body would separate, and that the Blood would drop off of His forehead, great big drops like perspiration. He knew all that was before Him. And He stands upon the mountain, looking over to Jerusalem.
32 The people of that day, the... what they called that day, "a better religious class of people," hated Him. The churches of that day hated Him and denounced Him, and denounced all that listened to Him. And if they went and attended His campaigns, they were immediately excommunicated from the fellowship of the church. No wonder the Scripture said, "He came unto His Own, and His Own received Him not." The ones who ought to have loved Him, the ones who ought to have been for Him, was His bitter, bitterest enemies.
33 And He had made up His little group out of a bunch of poor people, fishermen, tax gatherers, uneducated. The Bible said some of them was even "ignorant, unlearned." Some could not even sign their name. He never went to the churches to get His people.
34And He never agreed with any of the church leaders. And, besides that, He followed the very trend of a prophet. He condemned everything that they done, as the ones before Him had; because they were a portion of the Word, and He was the Word in Its fullness.
35 But in the midst of all of it, through every age and every prophet that had been or would be, there is going to be a certain amount of people that's predestinated to hear that Message, and they'll follow It. Those ignore the crowds. They ignore the criticism of the unbeliever. They--they have no argument with them. They've got one thing to do, that's believe and to get every bit of It they can, soak It in like Mary who set at the feet of Jesus.
36And Martha was fixing His dinner, and Jesus said to her, "But, Martha, you are so concerned about the things of life, but Mary has sought the better things," see, the things of Eternal Life.
37 Now, we find that many of the people that had understood... They didn't have literature as we have today, they didn't have television or telephones, or anything, of that day, but had been kind of breezed around that He was going to be at the passover. For many of the people, being spiritual-minded, knew that He was that passover Lamb, because He had already told them the things that was going to happen.
38 And then, of course, knowing that He was to be there, and loved Him the way they did, they was waiting for Him. There was a crowd that was probably pushing, shoving from one gate to the other one, watching out in every way, for they knew that one of the hours He would appear. They were watching.
39Others were wondering what was the matter with these people running from gate to gate. "What's the attraction?"
40And they would look this way and look that way, to find out. Looked like they were looking for something, under expectation of something going to happen.
41Oh, how I would like to change my text for a few minutes and say this, that that's what's the matter today. The people who are looking for Him coming is under great anticipation and expectations. We can feel it, the pressure. And they are seeking, watching every move and every sign, comparing it with the Scriptures.
42 And when they seen all those things that was predicted of Him, right up to the end, they knowed the end was nigh. They wanted to be there, so they watched. Part of the crowds was for Him, in the minority. Some was against Him, most of them, ninety percent was against Him.
43And that's about the way it is today in the religious crowds, when it really come down to the Word and Christ, there's about one percent that would believe It. The other part wouldn't pay any attention to It, no matter what was done, they would pass off some kind of a joke or throw a slam about It. Just about the same. Time, things don't change very much, history just repeats itself around.
44 Well, we find that drawed a nervous tension. It had to. It must do it. They were waiting, they were wondering what He would do when He got there. They wanted to be there to get anything that He done. They wanted It. They wanted to see It. They believed Him. Others had heard He was coming, and they went up there to make fun of Him. So after all the nervous anticipation, a very unusual day, very unusual time, churches asleep, the people's nerve was on edge, there was so many people there, and then it happened!
45 On top of Mount Olive come a little, white donkey coming, walking down the hill, with a group of people fanatically screaming, pulling off palms' leaves off the trees, throwing their clothes in the road, screaming, "Hosanna to the Son of David that comes in the Name of the Lord!" The... this little mule, his Rider was none other than God's anointed Messiah of the hour.
46God, then, what was He doing? What is that attraction up there on the hill? It's God making history, and God fulfilling prophecy. And that always causes an attraction. It brings all the critics up, the vultures (of this morning's Message), and the eagles also. See? They come together to find out what's going on. Some coming for curiosity, some coming to find fault, others coming to criticize. There's all kinds gathered, as we said this morning: believers, make-believers, and unbelievers. What's on the mountain? Prophecy is being fulfilled. Now we'll see what takes place.
47 Now, in the Book of Zechariah, in the 9th chapter and the 9th verse. Zechariah, one of the prophets, spoke in the Spirit, saying this.
Rejoice greatly, O daughters of Zion; shout, O daughters of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just,... having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, upon the foal, a colt the foal of an ass.
48Now, what was the matter with those scribes? What was the matter with those priests? What was the matter with those religious people? This was wrote four hundred and eighty-seven years before it happened, by a vindicated prophet, and was already put into writings and called the Bible, the scrolls of the Old Testament. Why couldn't they see that that's prophecy being fulfilled? The same reason they can't see it today. They had took the Word of God and made It of none effect to the people, by teaching (for traditions) for Doctrine the traditions of man.
49And if scribe, preachers, ministers, spiritual man (so-called), anointed ones, would only read the Bible, they wouldn't be wondering what's taking place, they would know what It is. God fulfilling His Word!
50 History was being made, prophecy was being fulfilled. Salvation to the world was arriving, the great day that all the prophets had looked forward to. All that was in the grave was waiting for that day (my, think of it), all that had died, all the righteous of the blood of the martyrs and the prophets.
51Which, He had just screamed out, "Jerusalem, O Jerusalem, you that stone every prophet that I send to you, and kill the righteous, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen did, would her brood, but you would not. But now your hour has come."
52 Everything that was in the grave, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, all the prophets, were waiting for this hour.
53And the church was blind to It. "Who is this that's causing all of this noise? Who is that Fellow?" They said one time, "Is not that the carpenter's son over here? We know Him. Where did He get this wisdom? Why, we don't see Him connected with any of our schools. We don't know any books He ever learned from. Who is It?"
54He was the answer of the prophet's prophecy. Here He comes, riding upon the foal of an ass. What an attraction! God was fulfilling His promised Word, the hour that had been waiting since four thousand years. In Genesis, the 3rd chapter and the 15th verse, God had made the prediction, "The Seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head, but his head shall bruise her heel," that prophecy down through the Bible that had been predicted of this Man coming.
55 And here just recently there was a prophet who stood up among them, that was vindicated a prophet, Zechariah, and he said, that, "You daughters of Jerusalem and you daughters of Zion, rejoice, shout, scream out, for your King comes to you, meek and lowly and humble, riding upon the foal of an ass."
56And here those people that read that Scripture, day by day, watched Him come riding in, and cried, "Who is this?" See? God fulfilling His Word to the people that should have knowed what It was, but they didn't know It.
57When God fulfills His Word, It always causes an attraction, always does. Causes an attraction, for It is the unusual. So unusual, when He fulfills His Word to the modern trend of the day, 'cause the modern trend of the day don't believe in It. They have their own way.
58 Now, we see, and let us go back in the Scriptures and take some other unusual events, just for a few more minutes, when God fulfilled His prophecy. When God says anything, He's going to do it. All heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word can never pass away. So It usually causes a scene, an unusual scene.
59Notice how ridiculous that the Word of God to a--a people who is supposed to believe It, and yet It's so unusual they cry out, "Well, what's this? Where'd you get that stuff? Who is this? What is this?"
When, they ought to have been screaming, "Hosanna to the King that cometh in the Name of the Lord!" But there was just a little group doing that, just a little group.
Of four thousand years of prophecy, for the greatest thing that could ever happen to the nation, for all the hope of the dead rested upon It, all the future laid in It; and the religious people, that claimed they believe It, was screaming out, "Who is It? And what's this attraction?" Something unusual! About the same, it just don't change, now unusual.
60 Let's see some of the unusual things, as I've just said. What was the attraction just before judgment struck the world and destroyed it by water? An old man, around a hundred and twenty years old, building a boat when there was no water to float it in. Up there for years, standing in the door, building away on the interior, on the inside, and pitching it inside and out, and say, "The world is going to be swallowed up with water," the great scientific age.
61"What is that pounding up on the hill up there?" "Why, it's an old man by the name of Noah, and he's up there, an old fanatic. The old man stood in the sun too long. He is sunstroked. He's out of his mind. And he's building what he calls 'an ark,' and saying waters is coming from up there where there is no water, and it's going to float all the people around; and everybody that don't hear his message, and everybody that won't come into that ark, is going to be drowned. Did you ever hear of such a thing?" It was an unusual attraction!
62 I imagine when the people wanted a good laugh, they went up and stood before the ark door and laughed. "Why, you said it was going to rain a hundred years ago! Grandpa told me he heard you up here saying it was going to rain, and you're still beating around on this old piece of wood up here. Why don't you get next to yourself?"
63But it was God getting ready to confirm a promise and to fulfill a prophecy that His prophet had made. Very unusual! God fulfilling His promise to Noah, while others was laughing. God was also getting ready to make history to show to others, even to this day, that He keeps His Word! No matter how unreal it seems, and unreasonable, He still keeps His Word. He was making it an example, out of that old man pounding on that ark, for these people here in America tonight and all over the world. No matter what science says, what they say, this, that, or the other, He still keeps His Word. He was making history.
64 What was the attraction one day; an unusual thing happened back in the wilderness, and it was a bush that was on fire. And a runaway prophet was standing down in the wilderness. He never heard no voice, he never heard no sound, but he looked and seen an unusual thing up on top of the mountain. God was trying to attract his attention. Same is it today!
65God was getting ready to fulfill His Word, by His prophet Abraham, "Your seed shall sojourn four hundred years in a strange land. I'll bring them out with a mighty hand."
66And He was preparing a man for the job, as He was preparing an ark for a safety place for all who would believe. God put this bush on fire, and this sheepherder, Moses, said, "I will just turn aside to see what this strange thing means." And when He got Moses up to the bush, He spoke to him.
67 What was the attraction later in the Pilate's hall, when this sheepherder throwed down a stick and it turned into a serpent? God fulfilling His promise to Moses. What was the attraction at the Dead Sea, when Pharaoh's horses was all astonished, when they seen a wind come down from the heavens and part the Red Sea from right to left; and a poor bunch of slaves, walking in the duty of God, walk across that on dry land? What was it? God keeping His Word. The deadness moved away, a living people went across; and a spiritually dead people tried to impersonate it, and drowned. God fulfilling prophecy and making history. That was the attraction at the Dead Sea.
68 What was the attraction the second day after that, at Mount Sinai, when all the people was commanded not to come at their wives, when they was asked to wash their clothes and sanctify themselves, and gather around a mountain where a man by the name of Moses had said he met God in a Pillar of Fire? And God had said to Moses, "I'm going to come down amongst the people. I'm going to confirm that what I told you, and Who I am. I'm going to show them that I am that God." That was the attraction, God fulfilling His Word.
69 What was the attraction one day in history, where a nation had forgot God, where the people had become formal and indifferent, where the priests had all went with the modern trend, the prophets prophesied according to the will of the priests? And in that day, as usual, they had one man that they thought was a fanatic. He talked about women wearing paint, and everything, and he was a kind of an odd sort of a guy. And this old fellow had come down and said to the king, "Not even dew is going to call... come until I call for it."
70 And we find out, then, that he had hid hisself and run away from it, and he hid out in the wilderness somewhere. The company had thought that maybe he had starved to death or perished; but he had been fed pretty well, and watered, too. And here he was, come down and said, "Do you see that I have THUS SAITH THE LORD? Now, if you're not convinced yet, let's go up to the top of the mountain and prove who is God," for he had another vision from the Lord.
71He said, "Choose you a--a altar, and make it, and--and choose ox and slay them. I'll make an altar of the Lord, and also I will put ox on mine. We'll both make a sacrifice, and let the God that's God answer." He'd a by no means done that if the Lord hadn't a told him; he said so later, "I've done this at... all this, at Your command, Lord."
72 But what's the attraction? It's got four hundred priests standing on the hill, and the king up there in his chariot, with all of his armors and guards standing around. And this old, wooly, fuzzy-faced- looking man, baldheaded, and hairs hanging down over his face, piece of sheepskin draped around him, and hairs all over his body, standing up there with a stick in his hand, and a cruse of oil in the other hand; that just said, three years and a half before that, "Not even dew will fall till I call from it, for it," taking the place of God, with such things as halos and shadows, and all they talk about. "And here that old fanatic standing up there on the hill, bringing all these people up there." What was that attraction? It was God fixing to vindicate His prophet to be right. It was God fulfilling prophecy. God also making history, fulfilling the Word.
73 A few hundred years after that, there was a man anointed with that same Spirit, and he come out of the wilderness, not connected with any organizations; though his daddy was an organization man, a priest of an order. But he come out of the wilderness, dressed with a sheepskin around him, hair all over his face. Instead of being gray, it was black. What was this man's attraction that attracted all Jerusalem and Judaea? Some of them going out and said, "There's a wild man down there. He's trying to drown the people in water. Who ever heard of such a thing as that?"
74 Others were curious, and saying, "This must be the Messiah." One of them said, "It could be one of the prophets." They didn't know what to think. But what was it? It was God fulfilling Isaiah 40, where He said, "Behold..." what He would do in the last days, how He would send His servant and what he would do.
75Then we find, a few weeks after that, that man being so positive of his message, till he said, "There is One standing in among you, Whose shoes I am not worthy to bear. He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire, as I have baptized with water."
76 One day an ordinary, young Man, about thirty years old, walked down and was baptized. And when this Man come, there was such an attraction by the prophet, the prophet act strange that day. The congregation couldn't help from watching the action of that prophet when he was debating with the priests across the river.
77They said, "God built this altar. God told us to do this. Moses is the prophet. We believe Moses. The sacrifice will never be done away with."
78I can hear John answer back, said, "Have not you read in the Scripture what Daniel the prophet said, 'The daily sacrifice will be done away with'? And that hour has arrived! Have not you read what Isaiah said in the 40th chapter, 'The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord'? There is two prophecies for me. And another thing, did not you recognize our prophet four hundred years ago, Malachi, when he spoke in the 3rd chapter and said, 'Behold, I send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way'? Don't you know this fulfills prophecy?" Prophecy was being fulfilled!
79 And about that time the prophet turned and said, "Behold, there comes the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!" Now what's the attraction? It's changed from the prophet to his prophecy.
80Now notice what comes to pass. Here comes an ordinary Man, known of no one, a carpenter's son, come walking out in the water. When John, the great prophet, said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee. Why comest Thou to me?"
81He said, "Suffer that to be so. But, as a prophet and the Word, it behooves us to fulfill all righteousness."
82So he understood the Sacrifice had to be washed before presented, and he baptized Him.
83 Now there's another attraction takes place when He went up out of the water. This prophet who had been so loyal to declare his age and the time, he looked up and he saw the heavens open. He saw the Spirit of God, like a dove, descending upon Him, and a Voice saying, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm well pleased." God was vindicating a prophet's message, what was attracting the attention at the Jordan.
84 A brother sang a while ago, or he was supposed to sing, "On the hills far away stood an old rugged cross." What's the attraction on Mount Calvary? When we see the religious world had condemned Him, and the Roman government had sentenced Him to death. And here He was hanging between two malefactors, starving for a drink, Blood running out of His body. There He hangs, crying, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" And the religious people standing there, looking at it, little did they know that the prophecy of the Old Testament was being met right there at Calvary that time.
85David himself wrote, act... fell into the Spirit like all prophets, he act like it was him. David cried, in the 22nd Psalm, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? All My bones they stare at Me. They pierced My hands and My feet." David, speaking like it was him. And it wasn't David, it was Christ in David.
86And here the very prophecy that went forth, of all the different prophets, was being fulfilled on Mount Calvary. What's the attraction on Mount Calvary? God fulfilling His Word.
87 Another attraction was on a mount, was on the Day of Pentecost, when all of them was up there in a religious feast, thought they had got rid of all the fanatics. They hadn't heard from them for ten days. All of a sudden, like a beehive, they broke out of the top of the building, out into the streets, a screaming and carrying on.
88"What is this? What meaneth this? Are all these man drunk?"
89Watch! And a prophet stood up among them, as the order of a prophet should be, and said, "Ye men of Israel, and you that dwell in Judaea, in Jerusalem, let this be known unto you, and hearken to my words. These are not drunk like you think they are. But this is that which was spoken of by the Lord through Joel, the prophet, 'It shall come to pass in the last days, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'" That was the attraction.
90 The religious people, after crucifying the Prince of Life, and everything, still didn't see the promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit. The attraction, "Who is this? What meaneth this? What's the matter with them people?"
91Oh, my! It's the same today. We'll bypass a lot of this to bring it to this hour. The same thing is today. The same thing is taking place. The same question is asked. "What's all that racket?" Look up-and-down the street, cars from Michigan to Florida, from Maine to California. This morning when I was riding out, or right after noon, we was going down the street, wife and I was looking at licenses on cars. That's where I thought of this text.
"What meaneth this?"
92Just as It said, "Where the Carcase is, there the eagles will gather."
93 I said to my wife, "Honey, you remember the last night when I had to say good-bye to everything was dear to me on earth, and go into the fields to start something that God had said do? You sang that song."
Oh, they'll come from the East and the West,
They come from the lands afar,
To feast with our King, to dine as His guest;
How blessed these pilgrims are!
Beholding His hallowed face
Aglow with love Divine;
Blest partakers of His grace,
As gems in His crown will shine.
94 That's what the attraction is. The predestinated Seed of God who can't do nothing else but follow It, means more than life to us. Take our lives, but you don't take That. What is the attraction? God, as usual, fulfilling His Word. He is fulfilling the Word of Zechariah again, of prophet Zechariah.
95Where I read the 9th verse a while ago, when Jesus entered His temple, riding... or entered Jerusalem, riding on a little, white donkey, the prophecy was fulfilled that Zechariah said. Here It is, "Rejoice greatly, O daughters of Zion. Shout, O daughters of Jerusalem. Behold, thy King is coming unto thee; He is just, and having salvation; lowly, riding upon an ass, and upon the colt the foal of an ass." That's what the attraction was at Jerusalem, at the religious headquarters.
96 Now we see a last-day happening! Let's just turn a few pages on, in Zechariah, and see what he said about it. Let's turn it over then for the last days. That was the middle age; let's turn now to the last days. And turn over to Zechariah, the 14th chapter, and beginning with the 4th verse. And listen! And we're going to read down a portion of the Scripture, about nine verses, from 4 to 9. Listen close. And it's prophesying of His Coming, the last days. Listen close now. This is THUS SAITH THE LORD. It's the Scriptures, Zechariah 14. Remember Zechariah 9, what It said? And they didn't recognize It. Now what is it today? Zechariah 14, speaking of His Coming.
And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, again, which is before Jerusalem on the east, on the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof towards the east and towards the west, and there shall be a very great valley;... half of the mountain shall be moved towards the north, and half... towards the south.
And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach from Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like you fled in the days of the earthquake in the days of Uzziah the king of Judah:...
97 Another earthquake splitting open the earth! If you want to follow out a Scripture here, notice in this 5th verse, it applies that the cleaving of the Mount of Olives is due to an earthquake, and this is confirmed by Isaiah 29:6 and Revelation 16:9. Exactly! What is it? The same prophet told of His first coming, seen His second Coming. Notice, "As in the days of the earthquake." See what the earthquakes are doing? See the predictions of them?
... and the LORD your God shall come, and all of his saints with thee.
And it shall come to pass in that day, (hallelujah) in that day, that the light shall not be clear, or dark:
But it shall be one day with... one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that in the evening time it shall be light. (O God!)
98 "It shall be Light about the evening time," same prophet. And the people is blind! What's the attraction? Let's read a couple more verses.
And it shall be in that day, that the living waters shall go forth from Jerusalem; half of them towards the former sea, and half... towards the hinder sea: in the summer and... winter shall it be. (The Gospel going forth; both Jew and Gentile.)
And the LORD shall be king over... the earth: in that day, and there shall be one LORD, and his name one.
It shall be Light about the evening time, (right)
The way to Glory you will surely find;
In the water way is the Light today,
Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.
Young and old, repent of all your sins,
The Holy Ghost will surely enter in;
The evening Light has come,
It is a fact that God and Christ are One.
See where we're at?
Nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,
The signs that our prophets foretold; (that earthquake to the Gentiles to the last day)
The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;
Return, O dispersed, to your own.
99You that's been kicked out, and these arks carried on new carts, get out of there 'fore death strikes you. God has confirmed It. It shall be so.
100 Let us turn over to another Scripture in the Old Testament, Malachi the 4th chapter, and read that little 4th chapter.
... behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea,... all that do wickedly, shall be as stubbles:...
101Now, this is not... That's Malachi 3, was the first coming, now here is the next coming. Even the Doctor Scofield here, I certainly don't agree with him in his footnotes, but he's got it lined out here right. "The commission of John," to Malachi 3; and, "The second Coming of Christ," and Elijah beforehands. All right.
... all the proud shall burn up, saith the LORD of hosts, and it shall leave them neither root nor branch. (Where's the "Eternal" hell then?)
But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness rise with healing campaigns, healing in his wings;... you shall go forth, and grow up; as calves of the stall.
And you shall tread down the wicked;... they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in that day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
Remember... the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded... him in Horeb for all Israel,... the statutes and judgment.
102 Here is the coming of Elijah.
Behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet...
103The last closing Scripture of the Old Testament!
... I'll send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of that great and dreadful day of the LORD:
104Now, that couldn't a been John. No. See, the world wasn't burnt up and the righteous walked out on the wicked. See? No, no.
... before the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
105Notice the accuracy of the Holy Spirit, that It would not confuse them two comings of Elijah. Malachi 3, said, "Behold, I send My messenger before My face." Jesus was asked about John; He said, "If you can receive it, this is who the prophet said, 'I'll send My messenger before My face.' This is the Elias that was to come." Malachi 3.
106 Notice the Scripture so accurately gives it. Watch what this... to show the... them who wants to believe, them who wants to see. Remember, Jesus stopping in the middle of a Scripture, 'cause part of it was fulfilled then, the rest for His second Coming? "To preach the acceptable year of the Lord, bind up the brokenhearted," and stopped; not "bring judgment to the Gentile" until His second Coming.
107 Notice this Scripture here parallels that. "And he, Elijah, shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children." (Now speaking of Malachi 4, not get it mixed, or Malachi 3.) John, Elijah, who came in the days before the first coming of Christ, turned the hearts of the old patriarch fathers to the message of the children, the new message.
108Now watch. "And the hearts of the children to the fathers." In his second coming, in the last days, he turns back to the apostolic Faith again. See how perfect the Scriptures line up?
109That was the end of the Old Testament, the Old Testament. Now we see there's Light in the evening time. What is It? It's the top, Mount Treetop.
110 As I said this morning, we've come up through denominations, through (not a orange tree) like I spoke of this morning, but we've had grapefruit, lemons, all kinds of other things that wasn't like the beginning at all. But after... Don't miss It. Here It comes. After all the denominations has played out, they didn't have any Light to begin with, there'll be a day that can't be called day or night.
111What are they doing? What are they doing? What does a--a lemon do on an orange tree? It takes the original life of the orange that's coming up and perverts it through a lemon. That's what the denominations has done to the Word of God, made the Word of God of no effect by their traditions. That's THUS SAITH THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD. They have brought forth lemons, grapefruits, not oranges.
112 But what did the prophet say? The same one that said for our text tonight, "Rejoice, O daughters of Jerusalem, shout loud, daughters of Zion, for your King is coming to you, meek and lowly, sitting upon the foal of an ass," notice that same prophet said, "There'll come a time of the ripening." The sun is sent upon the earth to ripen the fruit. Why couldn't it ripen? There's no fruit there to ripen. But the Life is still traveling on.
113 It come up through a grapefruit, to be an orange, found out it organized; it was a grapefruit. It went again, it come out that time a lemon. Went on again, it turned out to something else. And in the last, top of the tree, it's turned out to a tangelo, which is half orange, half lemon; a mixed breed, a perverted thing; come on to a perversion, living off that same tree; the shuck, "almost deceive the Elected." Looks like an orange, but it ain't.
114"But it shall be Light," when she grows beyond organization. When she gets out a-past organization, it blooms out again, she'll put forth oranges like she was when she went into the ground, and then it shall be Light.
115What's this attraction; what's this happening? Fulfilling God's Word. There is two witnesses of the Old Testament, that this would happen.
116 Let's take John 14:12, of the New Testament, Jesus said.
... He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also;...
117Also, in Luke 17:22 to 30, He said.
As it was in the days of Lot, before Sodom, was burned, so shall it be at the return of the Son of man, that day when the Son of man is being revealed.
118Oh, just look at the Scriptures! "The Son of man," Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, growed a-past denominations, growed into the top of the Tree. What did He say in John 14, or 15? "Every branch that's in Me, that doesn't bring forth the fruit, it'll be cut off and pruned, throwed into the fire and burned. But every branch that'll bring forth fruit, it'll be purged."
119 Oh, there will be a true former and latter rain in the last days upon that little group that come with Him on this little donkey, low and humble, no don-... or denomination, crying, "Hosanna to the King that comes in the Name of the Lord!" What's the matter today? What's the attraction on the mount?
120 Not long ago, standing at this pulpit, it was said by the Holy Spirit, "The day will come that when they'll drive down a stake in front of your house; they'll move your gate. So, that, you'll bypass it, not be angry." I seen my gate tore up and laying out upon the hillside. I seen the hill in front of me, all dug up, boards and things laying there where something had mashed it up. He said...
I looked, and there was a little Ricky that had got up there and knocked that gate out, done this. I said, "Why didn't you tell me?" He got smart with me, and I had to hit him. And when it did, I said, "I haven't done this since I was in the ring, but I just want you to know," and I swatted him one. And when I knocked him down, I picked him up again and knocked him down again. I picked him up, three or four times, then kicked him over the hill. So then I went over there, and I said, "That ain't right." And I picked him up and shook his hands, I said, "I'm not angry with you, but I just want you to know you can't talk to me like that."
And then when I turned and come back, the Holy Spirit was standing there at the gate, said, "Now bypass this. When that stake is drove down, turn westward."
This Book, everything that I need,
This Book is a good Recipe,
The way that shows to go around my trouble. Amen!
121And that Book is the Word, and that Word is God. Bypass your troubles, It'll tell you what to do.
122 Three years ago I heard a friend of mine, the city surveyor, lives down the lane from me, driving a stake down. I went out there and said, "What's the matter, Mud?" Mr. King's son, personal friend.
Said, "Billy, they're going to widen this road."
123You all remember. I said, "It may be the bridge." I told Brother Woods, I said, "Hold your property. Maybe that bridge is going to come through up here, something." The lane was tore up; bricks, rocks, throwed all over everything. So he said... I said, "Hold your property." Then when I...
Mr. King told me that was going to happen.
124I went in, said to my wife sitting there, "Honey, there is something written about that. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD, somewhere."
125 I went in and got my book, looked into it, and it said, "It shall come to pass..." Eight years later!
126Then when I looked at it, I said, "It's time now, honey, we must turn west."
127Two days after that, standing in the room about ten o'clock one morning, I went into the Spirit of God. I saw that little cluster of doves flying, looked at them little birds. You remember it. I seen seven Angels in the form of a pyramid, come rushing in to me. Said, "Turn westward, go to Tucson, be forty miles northeast. And you'll be picking a cocklebur," or a bullheader, they call it there, "off your clothes."
128 Brother Fred Sothmann, sitting there looking at me right now, was there that morning. I had forgot about it.
129I said, "A blast went off like an earthquake, that shook pretty near everything there was in the country. I don't see how a man could survive it." I was scared. I stood at Phoenix, you all listening in tonight bear me record. I preached on the sermon, Sirs, What Time Is It? "Where are we at?" I went West. Many of you here got that tape, many of you here heard it said, year or more before it happened.
130 I went West, wondering what was going to happen. One day I got a call from the Lord. I told my wife, I said, "Honey, I'm... probably my work is over." I didn't know. I said, "I... God, God is probably finished with me now and I'll be going Home. You go get with Billy, take the children. God will make a way for you, somehow. Go on and live true to God. See that the children get through school, raise them in the admonition of God."
She said, "Bill, you don't--you don't know that's true."
I said, "No. But a man couldn't survive that."
131One morning the Lord woke me up, said, "Get up there in Sabino Canyon." I took a piece of paper and my Bible.
The wife said, "Where you going?"
I said, "I don't know. I'll tell you when I come back."
132 I went up in the canyon, climbed plumb up where the eagles was flying around. I was watching some deer standing there. I knelt down to pray, and raised up my hands, and a Sword struck my hand. I looked around. I thought, "What's that? I'm not beside myself. Here is that Sword in my hand; bright, shiny, glistening in the sun." I said, "Now, there's not people in miles of me, way up here in this canyon. Where could that come from?"
I heard a Voice, said, "That's the King's Sword."
I said, "A king knights a man with a sword."
133He, the Voice, come back, said, "Not a king's sword, but, 'The King's Sword,' the Word of the Lord." Said, "Fear not. It's only the Third Pull. It's the vindication of your ministry."
134 I was going hunting with a friend, not knowing what was going to happen.
And someone called me, the one that criticized me about that picture of the Angel of the Lord, the one that took it. I had to go to Houston about his son, for he was going in the death row and was going to be killed in a few days. And he met me in there and throwed his arms around me, said, "Think, the very man that I criticized comes to save my only son!" The humane society give me what they call an oscar, or whatever you want to call it, for saving a life.
135 Then we went back, I went up in the mountain to hunt. There, Brother Fred and I, one morning when I walked out, and I--I had already got my javelina, and I looked and seen the place where they went. I said, "Brother Fred, go over on that mountain early in the morning now, about the break of day, and I'll get on the other one. I won't shoot at the hog, won't kill him. But if they start over this way, that herd, I'll shoot in front of them then run them back."
136 Brother Fred went out there and there was no hogs. He waved at me and I seen. I went down in a canyon, some big chasms, the sun was just coming up. I come around the other side of the hill, not thinking nothing about the prophecies. Set down, waiting, resting; I thought, "What happened to those hogs?"
137I picked up my... Set down like Indians do, you know, cross-legged. I looked on my overall leg, and there was a bullheader. I picked it up. And I said, "That's strange! Here I am, about forty miles northeast of Tucson. There's my little boy Joseph sitting there waiting for me." And as I started to look, I seen a herd of hogs come out about a thousand yards from me, up on a mountain, I throwed the bullheader down. I said, "I'll get them. I'll go get Brother Fred, and I'll hang up a piece of paper to let know which way to go, on this ocotillo here, and we'll get Brother Fred."
138And I started up the mountain, running as hard as I could on the other side. All of a sudden, I thought somebody shot me. I never heard such a blast; it shook the whole country. And, when it did, standing before me was seven Angels in a cluster.
139 I met Brother Fred and them, a little after. Said, "What was it?"
I said, "That was it."
"What are you going to do?
140"Return home. For, THUS SAITH THE LORD, the seven mysteries that's been hid in the Bible all these years, these denominations and everything, God is going to open those seven mysteries to us in the Seven Seals."
141There was that circle coming up from the earth, like a mist forming. When It did, It went plumb up into the mountain, begin to circle on westward, from the way It come. Science found It after a while, thirty miles high and twenty-five miles across, just exactly in the circle of the pyramid.
142 And the other day, standing there, turned the picture to the right, and there is Jesus as He was in the Seven Church Ages, the white wig on, showing Supreme Deity. He's Alpha and Omega; He's the First and the Last; He is the Supreme Judge of all Eternity, standing there, confirm the Message of this hour. And there shall be Light about the evening time! What's it all about? What was it?
143 I went westward. Upon that same mountain, passing up with Banks Woods there, said, "Throw up a rock. Say to Mr. Woods, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, you'll see the Glory of God.'"
144The very next day, standing there, a whirlwind came down and blasted the mountains out. Rocks cut the top of the trees off, about three or four feet above my head. Made three big blasts, and the brothers come running over. There was about fifteen man standing there, preachers and everything else. "What was it?" He said, "What was it?"
I said, "Judgment is striking the West Coast."
145 About two days after that, the earthquake almost sunk Alaska. What is this Light up on Sunset Mountain in the Coronado Forest of Arizona? What is this strange thing that happened up there, that the people has been driving east from west, picking up the rocks that laid around there where It struck? And every one of them, every one rock, has three corners on it, that It tore off. (The three are One.) They're laying on desks, on paperweights, across the nation. What is this strange thing upon Sunset Mountain in the Coronado Forest?
146 Junior Jackson listening in, you remember the dream he had that I interpreted, "going towards the setting of the sun"? And this happened on "Sunset" Mountain. It's the evening time, sunset time. The sunset Message through a setting of history, a setting of prophecy, rather, being fulfilled. And it shall be Light at the evening time, upon Sunset Mountain in the Coronado Forest, forty miles north of Tucson. Get on the map and see if Sunset Peak there. That's exactly where it happened. I never know it till the other day.
147 Everything that... That shall never die. It's constantly unrolling Itself. From the very thing happening, to the picture being Jesus standing looking at us; and now exactly on Sunset Mountain, and the sunset Light. The evening Light has come, God vindicating Himself. What is it? It is the facts that God and Christ are one. The "white," how many seen it, the white wig upon Him, as we talked in Revelation 1? See, the Supreme Deity, Supreme Authority; no other voice, no other god, no other nothing! "In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily." The Angels Themselves was His wig. Amen.
148 What's happened upon Mount Sunset? God confirming His Word. That's what all this noise is about. Notice, it's God fulfilling His promised Word again, of Revelations 10:1 to 7, "And in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel's Message, the mystery of God should be finished." The hidden mystery of Revelations 10:1 to 7, the last Message to the last church age. Fulfills exactly, in this age, Saint Luke 17:30, "The day when the Son of man shall be revealed."
149"And there shall rise false prophets and false Christs, show great signs and wonders, insomuch it'd deceive the Elected if possible." The people still in doubt. And, as usual, the church is just as puzzled.
150 And the science, all through Tucson yet, they're writing pieces and put in the paper. Way back over there on Mount Lemmon, them big cameras didn't see It rising up from where we was standing; drifting on towards the West, showing the time is over. It can't go but a little piece there; it's at the West Coast. Judgment struck just in the very way it went. Going right up over Phoenix and right on across, on to Prescott and across the mountains to the West Coast, right on up into... Where was they going? Right on up into Alaska, and she is thundering, heading right that way.
151 And the observatories and all of them in Tucson are still asking, research of science trying to find out what it is. So high they can't be fog, mist, or nothing up there. "What did it? Where is it at?" They're just as puzzled of that supernatural Halo hanging yonder in the sky as they was when the Magis come in following a Star, saying, "Where is He that's born King of the Jews?" What was it? God fulfilling His Word, "And there shall rise a star out of Jacob."
152 And the God of Heaven promised the evening time would have evening Lights. Three years ago this mystery was a prophecy, "What time is it, Sir?" But now it's history. It's passed. The promise is fulfilled. What time is it, sir, and what's this attraction? God fulfilling His Word! He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Let us pray.
153 Dear God, I have held the people at length, much longer than I intended. I pray, God, that something was said or done that will cause people out everywhere to understand. And by seeing and understanding they might believe that Thou art the true Christ, and the Words that's being confirmed is the confirmation of His Word being perfect and being fulfilled in Its season.
154Now, Lord Jesus, from Your Own Words, You said that the world would be in a Sodom condition. We know that, we can look at it. And You said, in that day, "As it was in Sodom." There was three messengers sent to the Gentile and Hebrew world. And one of them, which was God Himself, the Son of man, revealed Himself in a human form and performed a miracle, insomuch that told Abraham what Sarah was doing behind Him in the tent.
155You said it would repeat again when the whole Gentile world would be in a Sodom condition. And we're here, Lord. Other prophecies confirming the same thing, of sending Elijah in the last days, the Spirit of Elijah upon the earth, to bring the hearts of the fathers, or, "the children back to the fathers." And I pray, God, that this hour that You will confirm Your Word, that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Grant it, Father. They are all Yours. I pray that You'll grant these blessings and confirm what's been said, for the Glory of God. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
156 To speak a word, is a man; confirm a word, is God. To say something, is one thing; God to do it, is another thing. God don't need any interpreter; He does His Own interpretation.
157Now we're fixing to have a prayer line, to pray for the sick, God willing. And we know that there's no one, no man, no woman, no human being, no angel, that can heal you, for God has already did it. He made the preparation, the only thing you have to do is receive it.
158 There's no man, no angel, no nothing, not even God Himself, can forgive you for your sins. It's already done. Jesus did that at the Cross. But it'll never prosper you, or anything, or profit you anything, until you accept it. See?
159The only thing can be done, is orders that's been give by God, for believers to lay hands on the sick. That's been through the ages they've done that, through revivals. And they've called it, "God."
160 Abraham seen many signs. But there come a time when Abraham saw his last sign, just before Sodom was burned, and that was God manifesting Himself in the form of a man. Do you believe that? Did Jesus say it would repeat?
161 Now, how many in here... And out in radio, or out on the telephones across the nation, if you're still listening in, get ready now for prayer, be praying, and you that's got these handkerchiefs here. Now, I cannot tell God what to do. No, far be it from me even trying it. He is sovereign; He does what He wants to. I can only obey and only can say what He says.
162 And now they're standing around the walls, they're packed in, is congested. I wonder if we could ask God on these words, "What is this attraction?" If God would move among us again (there may be strangers here), and move among us and show His blessed face among us, show His Spirit's here, show that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, that every one of us (after these two strong Messages) could believe it to be so? Could you do it? All right.
163 Instead of calling a prayer line, then; hot, congested, standing against the wall. I look around this way, to call my prayer line, you couldn't do it; look, standing there. Could I call it this way? Your sick, cots, everything else, laying; you couldn't do it. So sit where you are, and believe God. If you do have a prayer card, hold it, it'll be good. We'll get to you if you want to come through a line. But you don't have to come through a line.
164 That Mr. Shepherd, last Sunday night, never come through no line. I don't--I don't guess he had a prayer card. Is Mr. Shepherd here tonight? Where is he? Is he here? He's in the back. Did you have a prayer card, Mr. Shepherd? You didn't? He didn't. He's sitting right there again, tonight. That's a good place to be, Brother Shepherd.
165 Not only you have to be there, but just have faith. For, remember, a little woman touched His garment and He felt it. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And the Hebrew letter, in the New Testament, said that He is the High Priest tonight that can be "touched by the feeling of your infirmities." Do you believe that? Have faith then! Don't doubt It. Believe It, and it'll come to pass. You can have what you--what you've asked for, if you can believe It. But you got to believe It. Will you do it? Will all of you believe It? How many will believe It now? God bless you.
166I don't know who is who. I don't know none of you. It's not my business to know any of you. It's God's business to know these things. But He will do it if you'll believe It. Will you believe It now?
167 Now, Dear God, surely we're not a bunch of hybrid Christians, we shouldn't be, somebody that has to be petted and babied. You don't have that kind, Lord. You have rugged believers. The very Presence of God sets a man's heart on fire. Like Abraham, he believed God. You made Yourself known to him, then You appeared to him and performed a sign, and he believed You. You turned his body back to a young man, and also his wife, which, his wife was part of his own body. Then come forth the new child, the promised son.
168 God, You promised that it'd be the same thing in this day. I pray that You'll confirm this Word. And we'll deal right on that one promise there, that it will be like it was in Sodom, just before Sodom was burnt and judgment struck Sodom, the Gentile world. So judgment is fixing to strike the Gentile world, and the Jews got three and a half more years through the period of Tribulation, Jacob's trouble, the continuing of the seventy weeks of Daniel. But, the Gentiles' are numbered, it's time to go. And You give that sign, and You said it would be again. Grant it, God. They're, we're in Your hands, do with us as You see fit. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
169 Now don't be nervous. What would it be if I was nervous? Now, I'm making a thing here that it has to depend on the sovereignty of God. But why do I do this? He said it would be. That settles it. And if He makes Hisself that, confirmed like that before you, well, can't you believe Him? Certainly. You just have faith now and believe.
Let me just look around, see where the Holy Spirit will lead, what He'll do. I don't know what He'll do, that's up to Him. But if you'll just only have faith, only believe, "All things are possible to them that believe." Do all of you believe that, raise up your hands and say, "I do believe It." [Congregation says, "I do believe It."--Ed.] With all my heart, I believe It.
170 Now three will be a confirmation, if He'll do it three straight times, to prove you that It's right. I don't care where you are, who you are, you just have faith and believe. Now, don't--don't stir around. This way.
171Lady, praying, I don't know you. Just set where you're at; you don't have to come. I don't know you, but you're holding a little girl in your hand, or in your lap. I'm a total stranger to you. And the little girl looks normal, she looks well. She's a pretty little girl, little red-headed girl. I looking here at her, she don't look like she's crippled or anything. I don't know what's wrong with her. It might not be for the child; it might be for you. But I just happened to see you sitting there with that child, and praying. I have to talk to you a minute, to catch your spirit, like Jesus said to the woman, "Bring Me a drink," see, just to figure--figure out one person. Brother Bryant and them sitting here, I know these people sitting here. They may be needy, too, but you was a stranger.
172Do you believe me to be God's prophet? Do you believe these things that you've heard tonight is the Truth? Now, if God will reveal to me something that you've done, or something you ought not have done, or something's wrong with you, or what your desire is, you'll know whether it's true or not. Won't you? And if He'll do that, will it confirm His Word that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that Saint Luke 17:30 is being manifested? You believe It?
173 Now, the lady raised her hand that we're strangers. I don't know you, but I'm trying to contact her spirit, one person. There's so many of you pulling. Now, you believe This with all your heart.
Now, it is for the little girl. It's not you. You're nervous, but it ain't the nervousness that's bothering you. The great thing on your heart is that little girl. And you believe God can tell me what it is? You believe it? Would it help you, would you believe then? It's a brain injury. That right? Now put your hand on the little child's head; your hand.
174 Dear God, You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. They'll lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover." The woman is a believer. Her hand is upon the child. May it recover. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I offer this prayer. Amen.
175Now do you believe, all of you? If thou canst believe, all things are possible. Certainly!
176I know the lady sitting next to her, but she is so sincerely looking this way. I can't call her name, but I... If I look at her a minute, I would know. But I know the woman by looks, but I don't know what's your trouble. Do you believe I... God will let me know what your trouble is? Would you... Would it help you? Sugar diabetes. Now, if that's right, hold your hand. Certainly!
177Happened to be the lady laying... sitting next to you, has got the same thing. She's a stranger. The other lady is praying for somebody, a crippled child. You believe with all your heart, God would grant it.
178 Somebody back in here. Man sitting over there, trying to get rid of smoking cigarettes. You believe God will take them away from you? All right. You believe? You can have it. I never seen the man in my life.
179Here is a man. See that dark shadow hanging over this man right here that's laying on a cot like, or a chair? He's dying. He is shadowed. He's got cancer. I don't know the man, never seen him. God knows all about you. That's the truth, sir. Do you believe God could tell me something about you? Would it help you to receive your healing? [The brother says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] You was brought here by a friend. But you're not from here, you're somewhere where there's a big body of water that people fishes at. ["Yeah."] Yeah, Albany, Kentucky. ["That's right."] That's right. Believe, and you can go back home, well. Believe that it's gone. If you'll believe It! You must believe It, and believe it's been done for you. You believe?
180 You, from Tennessee, got a boy that's got asthma. Not here, but you believe that he'll be healed? Then take your handkerchief, your... in your hand there, to him. He'll be healed if you'll believe It.
181The lady crying, sitting across from Doctor Vayle there. She is shadowed, also, a dark shadow. I never seen the woman in my life, but she's got cancer. She'll die if something isn't done for her. Do you believe He'll heal you, lady? You can? You can have your healing, if you'll just believe.
182There's a little lady sitting right behind her with a handkerchief up over her mouth. She's also got ulcered stomach, sick. You been having passing-out spells, blinding, falling out. Somebody brought you here. You got female trouble. If you'll believe, you can go home, be well.
183 You, young man, you're a stranger; sitting right here in front of me, looking at me. What are you, Puerto Rican or something? Yeah, what I meant,...?...! I'm a stranger to you. You know that; you're not even from my country. But you believe that God can give you the desire of your heart? If I'll tell you what your desire is, will you receive it? You're seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That is true. Receive the Holy Ghost, my brother.
184Here is a colored man sitting way back here, got a burden on his heart. It's for his wife. She is not here, even. She's got trouble with her feet. You believe that He'll heal her? You do? You're a stranger here. You're from across the sea. You're from Jamaica. Do you believe God can tell me who you are? Mr. Brady. You believe? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
185 This lady sitting right back over in this end, next to Mrs. Wright there, she's got a burden on her heart. She is praying for a daughter. She's up for an operation. You believe with all your heart, for her? She won't need it if you'll get her to believe It. I can't heal.
186Way back yonder in the nursery, I see the Spirit of the Lord, a Angel, a Light moving in the nursery. It's over a young woman, and she's got a spiritual trouble she's wondering about. Seems like I ought to know the woman, somehow, a young woman. She's also got a female disorder. Yes. Her name is Mrs. West, from Alabama, Mrs. David West. Believe; God will grant it to you.
187 "It shall be Light, and in that day when the Son of man is being revealed." If that isn't Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, I don't know nothing about It. Do you believe That? All things are possible to them that believe.
188Out upon the microphones across the land now, and in this tabernacle, how many of you will raise your hands and say, "I am a believer"? Now, you out there in the lands, everyone has got their hands up, here. And way out, in yonder somewhere across the nation, you got your hands up, no doubt. Now close your eyes, just drop your hands upon somebody near you. Take a hold of their hand. Lay it upon their shoulder. I got my hands on the handkerchiefs. Look what's been done today! Look what's done now.
Beholding His hallowed face
Aglow with love Divine;
Blest partakers of His grace,
As gems in His crown to shine.
Now pray. Let's pray, everywhere.
189 Dear God, the hour has arrived. What meaneth this? God fulfilling His Word! What's the attraction, Lord? It's God fulfilling His Word. What is this out across the nation, through the medium of a telephone, that hundreds of people have their hands laid on one another across the nation, from one coast to the other, from the North to the South, East to the West? Here sets people here from foreign countries, many of the states, Mexico, Canada, and we got our hands laid on one another. God fulfilling His Word!
190How is this that a person could stand here by the Holy Spirit and call a man like He did Simon Peter, "Your name is Simon, you are the son of Jonas"?
"Go get your husband and come here."
"I have no husband."
"Truly. You have five."
191She said, "I know that Messiah is coming to do this, but Who are You?"
He said, "I am He."
192 And You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. And You've promised, "The works that I do shall ye do also. More than this shall you do, because I go to the Father." "And, behold, in the last days I'll send to you the Elijah, the prophet, and he'll change the thoughts of the people, turn the hearts of the children back to the apostolic Teaching of the Bible." "And it shall be Light about the evening time."
193Here we are, great God of Heaven! The hour is here! The hands are upon the people.
194Satan, you're defeated. You are a liar. And, as a servant of God, and as servants, we command that in the Name of Jesus Christ, that you obey the Word of God, and go out of the people, 'cause it's written, "In My Name they shall cast out devils."
195And all the people may be set free. Grant it, Dear God. You are the God of Heaven that defeated, that day with an attraction on Mount Calvary, all sickness and diseases and all the works of the Devil. You are God. And the people are healed by Your stripes. They are free. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
196 God, every handkerchief that's laying here, while the Spirit of God is present, while the anointing of Jesus Christ is upon the people, and the great signs that He promised are being fulfilled, and the earth is trembling, the earthquakes are happening, the great signs that He told, and the Scripture being fulfilled, and the evening Light shining. I lay my body across these handkerchiefs, representing this whole body of believers from East, West, North, and South; and say to the Devil, "In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave every patient these are laid upon," to the honor and glory of the Word of God. In the Name of the Word of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
197 Now, quietly, sanely, soberly, and in your right minds, as believers, do you now believe and accept your healing from God Almighty, in the Name of Jesus Christ? If you do, hold up your hands. All out in the lands, hold up your hands out there. Every person in here, as far as I can see, had their hands up; inside, outside, against the windows, in the doors, in the nurseries, and all around everywhere, people with their hands up. They accept It. Satan is defeated! The stripes of Jesus Christ heals you, and the Presence of Jesus Christ verifies the fact that He's a living today, ever able to keep every promise that He made. Amen! I believe Him. Don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
198 Now let us stand up to our feet. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, accepting everything that's been done or said, we love Him with all of our hearts. We cherish Him with all that's in us. Now as you go to your different homes from tonight, God go with you. God give you the Holy Ghost if you don't have the Holy Ghost.
199 Every man, woman, boy, or girl, here, that's not been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, there is clothes, pool. Don't put off tomorrow what can be done today. Tomorrow may be too late. "Sufficient for today, for the day, is the evil thereof." There is ministers standing, waiting, clothes are waiting. No excuses. Are you waiting? If you are, you believe. No matter how you been baptized, sprinkled, poured, whatever it is, it's an error. The Light has come. Come, believe, and be baptized.
200Everyone without the Holy Ghost, may you receive the Holy Ghost, every one of you, in the full Divine power and love that He promised you, to make you a new creature in Him. God bless you.
201 Now, till next Sunday morning at nine-thirty, let's sing this little song that we used to sing years ago.
Don't forget the family prayer,
Jesus wants to meet you there;
He will take your every care,
Don't forget the family prayer.
Let's sing it together now.
Don't forget the family prayer,
Jesus wants to meet you there;
He will take your every care,
Oh, don't forget the family prayer.
202Now as we sing it again, shake hands with a pilgrim next to you, see, as we sing it.
Don't forget the family prayer,
Oh, Jesus wants to meet you there;
He will take your every care,
Oh, don't forget the family prayer.
203 Don't you love Him? I love Him. I love Him because He first loved me and purchased my salvation (that was the attraction) on Mount Calvary. The same attraction on Sunset Mountain, Mount Nebo, Mount Sinai, all the different mountaintop experiences. Then, all right, let's sing it now.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And pur-... salvation
On Calvary's tree.
204All that love Him, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] So be it! Now just think of what He's done for you; think, that you could be out there in a barroom tonight. You probably would have been in the grave like I should have been, outside the mercies of God. What did He do for you? Oh, how could we keep from loving Him? Don't make any difference what anybody says, He is first.
205 Let's close our eyes, and bow our heads as we sing it to Him now. He likes songs, singing hymns. Let's sing it to Him now.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
206With our heads and hearts bowed in His Presence, gratefulness for what our eyes has seen, what our ears have heard, what's recorded in God's Word, what His promise has been to us today. God bless you.
207 We have a--a guest with us tonight, a brother, Ned Iverson, formerly a Presbyterian minister. His father, his brothers, are Presbyterian minister. He, I understand, was baptized today, again, in the Name of Jesus Christ. He's a minister, and a good one at that. And now I'm going to ask him, as I believe him to be God's servants, to ask God's blessings upon this congregation as you go to your home.
208Brother Iverson, come forward, while we have our heads bowed in prayer. God bless you, my brother.
1Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy. Otče Bože, to je naša úprimná modlitba dnes večer, keď vidíme to všetko, čo robíš v tomto dni pre týchto ľudí. Potom Ťa prosíme, Pane, nech len môžeme veriť, len veriť, že To je Pravda, že to napísané Slovo, sa manifestuje pred nami. Udeľ to, Otče.
2Chceme Ti dnes večer ďakovať za to Svetlo, ktorým si nám zasvietil na Písmo dnes ráno. A modlíme sa za modlitebnú radu dnes večer, aby si potvrdil, že Tvoje Slovo je Pravda.
3Modlíme sa za všetky zbory a zhromaždenia, ktoré sú zhromaždené okolo mikrofónov po celom národe, po celom západnom pobreží, v horách Arizony, v nížinách Texasu, po východnom pobreží, po celej krajine, Pane, kde sa oni zhromaždili. V čase je medzi nami rozdiel niekoľkých hodín, ale Pane, dnes večer sme spolu ako jedna jednotka, veriaci, čakajúci na príchod Mesiáša. A modlíme sa, nebeský Otče, aby si Ho skoro poslal pre Tvoju cirkev. Prosíme o to v Jeho Mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.
4Kresťanské pozdravy všetkým, ktorí ste tu dnes večer. Je mi ľúto, že sme stále tak natlačení, že ledva dýchame. Tiež klimatizácia, hoci je zapnutá, nie je veľmi efektívna pri takom množstve ľudí. Ak by bol zbor len normálne naplnený ľuďmi, táto klimatizácia by vás zmrazila. Ale teraz sa všetci ovievajú vejármi, aj keď klimatizácia pracuje naplno. Posielame pozdravy z východného pobrežia na západné, všetkým našim priateľom v Kristovi, ktorí počúvajú.
5Posielame pozdravy do San Jose, bratovi Bordersovi a tej skupine tam, do hôr do Prescott, v Arizone, bratovi Leovi Mercierovi a jeho skupine, ktorá očakáva na Príchod Pánov. Posielame pozdravy tým, ktorí sú dnes večer zhromaždení v Tucsone a očakávajú na Príchod Pána. Tiež dolu do Houstonu, v Texase, tým, ktorí očakávajú na Príchod Pánov. Do Chicaga tým, ktorí čakajú na Príchod Pánov. Na východné pobrežie, do New Yorku a Connecticutu a tam tým veľkým skupinám, ktoré očakávajú na Príchod Pánov. Nemáme takú miestnosť, aby sme tu všetkých usadili, tak im posielame Slovo cez telefón. Posielame dnes večer pozdravy bratovi Juniorovi Jacksonovi a jeho skupine v Clarksville. Bratovi Ruddellovi na ulici 62, a jeho skupine, ktorí očakávajú na Príchod Pánov. A my sme dnes večer zhromaždení tu v domácom zbore, v modlitebni a očakávame na Príchod Pánov.
6A tak, možno mnohí z vás neboli dnes ráno na zhromaždeniach. Ale verím, že každý kto nebol, dostane tú pásku, pretože verím, že to bolo najmocnejšie posolstvo pre cirkev od posolstva AKÝ JE ČAS, PÁNOVIA? Cítil som pomazanie Ducha, cítil som sa byť vedený povedať to, čo som povedal. Bolo to dlhé, ale jednako som cítil vedenie povedať to. A myslím, že Pán, skrze Svoje Slovo ukázal, v akej hodine žijeme. A urobil jasným, aby sme rozumeli týmto tajomným veciam, ktoré sa dejú. Viete, že Biblia povedala, “Rozumní budú rozumieť.”
7Ale národy a ľudia budú čoraz slabší ale múdrejší. Pomyslite len, že priemerný Američan je teraz v strednom veku, keď má okolo dvadsať rokov, slabší ale múdrejší. Ľudia nemali voľakedy tryskové lietadlá a atómové rakety, ale žili omnoho dlhšie. My sa stávame slabší a múdrejší. A naša vlastná múdrosť je to, čo nás zničí. My zničíme samých seba. Boh nás nezničí, naša vlastná múdrosť nás zničí. Tak to vždy bolo a tak to bude znovu.
8Nuž, ak Pán dovolí, nasledujúcu nedeľu ráno, neviem teraz, čo budem hovoriť, ale verím, že ak nás Pán nechá žiť a nič sa nestane a bude to Jeho vôľa, máme zámer vyhlásiť ďalšie posolstvo na budúcu nedeľu ráno a večer sa budeme modliť za chorých. Potom mi treba vrátiť sa domov do Arizony, a vziať späť rodinu, tak aby sa deti mohli zapísať do školy. Potom budete ... Budeme vás informovať, ako budeme môcť o zhromaždeniach ako sa budú vyvíjať
9Nuž, dnes večer, viem, že to je ... Začal som s pätnásť minútovým omeškaním, tu v Jeffersonville je trištvrte na osem. A to je okolo trištvrte na deväť na východnom pobreží a asi päť hodín na západnom. Tak tu máme teraz skoro západ slnka. A chcem ku vám hovoriť len krátko, snažiť sa nájsť pomazanie Ducha a potom zavolať ľudí do radu aby sme sa za nich modlili.
10Teraz, chcem, aby toto zhromaždenie tu, ako aj tí, ktorí sú zídení na iných miestach, nájdite mužov, nejakých bratov, pomazaných Duchom a keď sa začneme modliť za chorých, choďte a klaďte ruky na tých, ktorí sú vo vašich zhromaždeniach. A pamätajte, Boh je všadeprítomný. On je všade. dolu v Texase, tak v Kalifornii, hore v Arizone, kdekoľvek ste, položte ruky na tých, ktorí sú chorí, keď sa začneme modliť za chorých. A som si istý, že Boh vypočuje a odpovie na modlitbu.
11Minulú nedeľu večer, keď pomazanie pretrvávalo a Duch Svätý pracoval, stala sa čudná vec. Nemal som rad s rozpoznávaním celé mesiace, odkedy som tu bol posledný krát. A tak vystúpiť na základe zasľúbenia ... Neviete, či to On bude robiť. Nemôžete povedať, že to bude robiť. Môžete len ísť a čakať. On je suverénny, On robí to, čo chce. Ale stojíte tam a čakáte aby ste videli čo On bude robiť, potom cítite ako to takto prichádza na vás.
12A na koniec zhromaždenia, nevedel som kto to bol, ale niekde v modlitebnom rade bol jeden vysoký muž s lysinou a bol veľmi chorý.
13A potom nakoniec, objavil sa mi tu na pódiu človek so zvesenou hlavou a vyzeral akoby trpel, držal sa za žalúdok. Myslel som si, že to je ten človek, za ktorého som sa už prv modlil, pretože bol tiež lysý so zvesenou hlavou, veľký, zohnutý. Ale keď som sa rozhliadol, uvidel som toho pána, ktorý sedel tam a radoval sa. Pomyslel som si: “Kde on je?” Nemohol som zistiť kde to je. Mohol som cítiť a vidieť toho človeka pred sebou. Cítil som potiahnutie, ktoré prichádzalo zozadu. Pozrel som sa na brata Neville a tí dvaja tam za mnou sedeli, ale to neboli oni. Povedal som: “Ten muž je tu vo vnútri baptistéria niekde za mnou.” A viete kto to bol? Brat Shepherd. Dôvod prečo som ho nemohol poznať bol, že sedel vzadu so zvesenou hlavou a modlil sa.
14On si už niekoľko týždňov myslel, že zomrie. Jeho žena mu povedala, aby si kúpil nové topánky a on jej odpovedal: “Nebudem ich potrebovať, nebudem tu tak dlho.”
15A on ma stretol na druhý deň v ... tam na dvore u brata Wooda a kričal a chválil Boha. Povedal: “Jem slaninu, vajíčka, paradajky, všetko čo chcem.”
16On pokorne uvoľnil svoje miesto, odišiel tam dozadu a modlil sa. Vidíte, nepotrebujete modlitebnú kartu, potrebujete len vieru. Vidíte? Nuž, nevedel som, či bol uzdravený alebo nie. Povedal som len: “Muž, ktorý sa modlí, niečo mu je.” Myslím, že som povedal, čo to bolo: “Žalúdočné problémy, modlí sa tu vzadu. Pán Ježiš ťa uzdravuje.” Nuž, to je všetko, čo som mohol povedať. To potiahnutie bolo, lebo on sa modlil. Mohol som to vidieť, ale nevedel som, čo sa stane. Vidíte?
17Ale keď to vidíte, že sa To vracia, každý si uvedomuje, keď To hovorí: “TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.” Vidíte? Potom to už viac nehovorím ja, to je On.
18Ale ja vždy hovorím: “Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil.” To je úplná Pravda. “On bol zranený za naše prestúpenia, Jeho ranami sme boli uzdravení.” Vidíte? Vidíte?
19Ale keď prichádza To: “TAK HOVORÍ PÁN” a hovorí ti, čo máš robiť a čo sa stane, hľaďte na to, to sa stane.
20Ale keď hovorím: “Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje a činí ťa zdravým”, ver tomu, pretože On to už povedal. Ja len opakujem to, čo On povedal.
21A videnie je len opakovanie toho, čo On ukázal. Rozumiete?
22Nuž, ponáhľajme sa a poďme rovno do Slova, pretože viem, že mnohí z vás musia precestovať dnes v noci veľa míľ. Modlím sa, aby vás Boh požehnal a pomohol vám a chránil vás na cestách. A teraz chcem aby sme si otvorili dnes večer svätého Matúša, 21. kapitolu, od 1. do 11. verša. Svätý Matúš. A ak nemáte svoje Biblie alebo ak si chcete poznamenať tieto miesta Písma, v poriadku.
23A teraz vy, ktorí ste nepočuli to posolstvo dnes ráno a máte magnetofón, my sa nesnažíme predávať pásky. Nesnažíme sa nič predávať. Niekedy na veľkých zhromaždeniach oznamujú, že majú vzadu nejaké knihy, my nič z toho nemáme. Píše ich brat Vayle. Tie pásky, tí, ktorí sa zaoberajú tými páskami vám povedia, že nemáme z tých kaziet žiadne peniaze. Nám neide o “pásky”, ide o Posolstvo. A ak niekomu príde na myseľ, že z toho môžu byť peniaze, ten už viac nebude s tými páskami pracovať. Tak je. Pýtal som sa na to, myslím, že naše pásky sa predávajú za okolo necelých päť dolárov, alebo tak nejako, tri až päť, alebo niečo okolo toho. Čo hovoríte? Tri alebo štyri za tie veľké, dlhé pásky.
24A pýtal som sa istého kazateľa na jeho pásky a ony stoja deväť dolárov za okolo dvadsať alebo tridsať minútové posolstvo.
25Tak vidím, že náš brat Sothmann na nich nezbohatne, nikto z nich, na tých páskach, ktoré sa vydávajú. Vidíte, oni predávajú len za toľko, aby mohli pokryť výdavky. Nechcite od nich, aby ich dávali zadarmo, pretože oni musia kúpiť pásky a všetko iné. A tie zariadenia sú veľmi drahé. Sú to náklady okolo desať tisíc dolárov, že by začať s rozmnožovaním.
26Nuž, myslím, že zakrátko... Ešte to neoznámili, ale znovu bude počúvanie pásky. Zakaždým ... starší, ja s tým nemám nič spoločné. Ja ani ... ani na jednom takom zhromaždení. To nie je ani za ani proti. To sú ich záležitosti. Starší rozhodujú o tom, kto ďalší bude rozmnožovať pásky a posielajú mu list. To je všetko, čo ja o tom viem. Oni to majú na starosti, pretože ja nemám dosť času ani na to, aby som posvätil deti alebo na krst, a už vôbec nie, aby som sa zaoberal páskami.
27Tak mám svoju myseľ obrátenú na toto Posolstvo. To je to Tretie potiahnutie a ono je to, čomu musím byť verný a úctivý.
28Matúš 21, od 1 do 11 verša. Povedal som to, aby ste to mohli sledovať... alebo otvoriť si Písmo.
A keď sa priblížili k Jeruzalemu a prišli do Betfágy, k Olivovému vrchu, vtedy poslal Ježiš dvoch učeníkov
a povedal im: Iďte do mestečka, ktoré je tu pred vami a hneď nájdete oslicu, priviazanú, a osliatko s ňou. Odviažte ich a priveďte ku mne.
A keby vám niekto niečo povedal, poviete, že ich Pán potrebuje ale že ich hneď pošle.
A to všetko sa stalo, aby sa naplnilo to, čo bolo povedané skrze proroka, ktorý povedal:
Povedzte dcére Siona: Hľa, tvoj Kráľ ti ide, tichý, jazdiac na oslici a na osľati podrobenej jarmu.
A učeníci odišli a urobili, ako im rozkázal Ježiš,
a priviedli oslicu aj osla, položili na ne svoje rúcha a na tie ho vysadili.
A väčšina zástupu prestierali svoje rúcha na cestu, a iní sekali letorasty zo stromov a stlali na cestu,
a zástupy, ktoré išli pred ním a ktoré išli za ním, kričali a hovorili: Hosanna v Synovi Dávidovom! Požehnaný, ktorý prichádza v mene Pánovom! Hosanna na výsostiach!
A keď vošiel do Jeruzalema, vzbúrilo sa celé mesto, a hovorilo: Kto je toto?
A zástupy vraveli: Toto je Ježiš, ten prorok z Galilejského Nazareta.
29Nuž, ak by som chcel vziať z toho text na okolo tridsať minút, predtým ako začne modlitebná rada, chcel by som vziať toto ako text: “Čo je atrakciou na tej hore?”
30No, musel to byť veľmi vyčerpávajúci, nervózny deň a bol to neobyčajný deň. Vidíme ako tu Ježiš prichádza do Jeruzalema, pripravený zúčastniť sa slávnosti veľkej noci (paschy). A veľká noc je, keď veľkonočný baránok bol zabitý a krv bola nanesená na trón milosti na zmierenie za ľudí. A On prišiel z Betfágy a prišiel na vrchol Olivovej Hory, z ktorej hľadel dolu na ďalší malý vrch, kde bol postavený Jeruzalem. Ako sa tak díval, On vedel, že toto bola Jeho posledná návšteva.
31Toto bol čas, keď mal byť vydaný do rúk hriešnikov a oni Ho mali zabiť. On mal zomrieť najstrašnejšou smrťou, akou kedy nejaký smrteľník zomrel a byť pochovaný. Mal byť zradený cez Svojich vlastných, a niektorí z nich stáli rovno s Ním. A On, súc Bohom, vedel, čo bolo v ich srdciach a vedel od počiatku, kto Ho zradí. A vedel, že človek, ktorý bol s Ním a sedel pri Ňom a počítal Jeho peniaze a tak ďalej, vedel, že ten človek Ho zradí. On vedel, že ten krutý Rímsky kríž tam na Neho čaká. On vedel, že voda v jeho tele a krv z jeho tela sa oddelí a že Krv bude veľkými kvapkami kvapkať z Jeho čela ako pot. On vedel všetko, čo bolo pred Ním. A stál na tej hore a díval sa na Jeruzalem.
32Ľudia v tom dni, ... ktorí boli vtedy nazývaní ako ”ľudia lepšej náboženskej triedy”, oni Ho nenávideli. Cirkvi v tých dňoch Ho nenávideli a odsudzovali Ho a odsudzovali všetkých, ktorí Ho počúvali. A ak sa zúčastňovali Jeho kampaní, boli okamžite vylúčení zo spoločenstva cirkvi. Nie div, že Písmo povedalo, “On prišiel ku Svojim vlastným a Jeho vlastní Ho neprijali.” Tí, ktorí Ho mali milovať, tí, ktorí mali byť za Neho, boli Jeho najtrpkejší nepriatelia.
33A On utvoril Svoju skupinku z chudobných ľudí, rybárov, vyberačov daní, nevzdelaných ľudí. Biblia povedala, že niektorí z nich boli dokonca “nevzdelaní a neučení”. Niektorí sa nevedeli ani podpísať. On nikdy neišiel do cirkví aby odtiaľ vybral Svojich ľudí.
34On sa nikdy nezhodoval so žiadnymi cirkevnými vodcami. A pritom nasledoval pravdivý obraz
35Ale uprostred toho všetkého, počas každého veku a každého proroka, ktorý bol a bude, je určitý počet ľudí, ktorí sú predurčení aby počuli to Posolstvo a oni To budú nasledovať. Oni si nevšímajú zástup .
36A Marta mu pripravovala večeru a Ježiš jej povedal: “Marta, ty sa tak znepokojuješ o veci toho života, ale Mária usiluje
37Nuž, nachádzame, že veľa ľudí, ktorí porozumeli ... Oni nemali literatúru ako máme my dnes. Nemali televíziu alebo telefóny ani nič také v tých dňoch. Ale mali určitú správu o tom, že On ide na slávnosť paschy. Lebo mnohí z ľudí, duchovne zmýšľajúci, vedeli, že On je ten Veľkonočný Baránok, pretože On im už povedal to, čo sa stane.
38A potom, samozrejme, keď vedeli, že tam bude a milovali ho svojim spôsobom, čakali na Neho. Tam bol pravdepodobne húf, ktorý sa tlačil a strkal od brány k bráne, obzerali sa na všetky strany, pretože vedeli, že v jednej chvíli v tom čase sa zjavi. Oni dávali pozor.
39Iní sa čudovali, čo sa to deje s týmito ľuďmi, ktorí behajú od brány k bráne.
40A oni hľadeli na túto stranu a tamtú stranu,
aby to mohli uvidieť.
Vyzerali akoby očakávali na niečo, čo sa má stať.
41Ó, akoby som rád zamenil na chvíľu svoj text a povedal toto, že to je to, čo sa deje dnes. Ľudia, ktorí vyhliadajú Jeho príchod sú vo veľkom napätí a očakávaní. Môžeme to cítiť, ten tlak. A oni sledujú a pozorujú každý pohyb a každý znak, porovnávajú to s Písmom.
42A keď videli všetky tie veci, ktoré boli predpovedané o Ňom, až do konca, vedeli, že koniec je blízko. Chceli tam byť, preto dávali pozor. Časť ľudí v tých zástupoch, bola za Neho, menšina. Niektorí boli proti Nemu, väčšina z nich. Deväťdesiat percent bolo proti Nemu.
43A tak podobne to je dnes v tých náboženských zástupoch, keď skutočne ide o Slovo a o Krista. Je asi jedno percento, ktoré Tomu verí. Ostatní Tomu nevenujú žiadnu pozornosť. Bez ohľadu na to, čo sa stalo, oni sa odvracajú a robia z Toho žarty alebo To skritizujú. Je to tak isto. Čas veci veľmi nezmenil, história sa len dookola opakuje.
44No, vidíme, to vyvolalo nervóznu napätú situáciu. Muselo, to ju musí vyvolať. Oni očakávali, boli zvedaví čo On urobí, keď tam príde. Oni tam chceli byť, aby mať údel v tom, čo On učiní. Oni To chceli. Oni To chceli vidieť. Oni Mu verili. Iní počuli, že prichádza a vyšli tam, aby si z Neho robili žarty. Tak po všetkom tom nervóznom očakávaní, v tom tak nezvyčajnom dni, tak nezvyčajnom čase, keď cirkvi spali, ľudia mali napnuté nervy, bolo tam mnoho ľudí a vtedy sa to stalo.
45Na vrchu Olivovej hory prichádza malé, biele osliatko, schádzajúce z kopca, so skupinou ľudí, ktorí fanaticky kričia, trhajú zo stromov palmové listy, hádžu na cestu svoje rúcha a kričia: “Hosanna Synovi Dávidovmu, ktorý prichádza v Mene Pánovom!” Jazdec na tomto malom osľati nebol nikto iný, ako Boží pomazaný Mesiáš tej hodiny.
46Boh, potom, čo On robil? Čo bolo tou atrakciou tam hore na tom kopci? Boh, ktorý práve tvorí dejiny. Boh, ktorý práve vyplňuje proroctvo. A to vždy spôsobuje atrakciu. To privádza
47A tak v knihe proroka Zachariáša, v 9. kapitole, 9. verši, Zachariáš, jeden z prorokov, ktorý hovoril v Duchu, povedal:
Plesaj veľmi, dcéro Siona, pokrikuj radostne, dcéro Jeruzalema! Hľa, tvoj Kráľ príde k tebe, spravodlivý je a plný spasenia, chudobný a jazdiaci na oslovi, na osľati, žrebcovi oslíc.
48Nuž, čo sa stalo s tými učenými v Písme? Čo sa stalo s tými kňazmi? Čo sa stalo s tými pobožnými ľuďmi? Toto bolo napísané štyristo osemdesiat sedem rokov predtým, ako sa to stalo, skrze potvrdeného proroka a bolo to už zapísané do písma a nazvané Bibliou, vo zvitkoch Starého Zákona. Prečo nemohli vidieť, že sa napĺňa to proroctvo? Z toho istého dôvodu, prečo To nemôžu vidieť dnes. Oni zobrali Slovo Božie a skrze ľudské náuky a tradície spravili, že nemá na ľudí žiadny účinok.
49A ak by učení v Písme, kazatelia, slúžiaci, tak zvaní duchovní, tí pomazaní, len čítali Bibliu, nečudovali by sa, čo sa to deje, vedeli by, čo To je. Boh, ktorý práve vyplňuje Svoje Slovo!
50Práve sa zapisovala história, napĺňalo sa proroctvo. Spasenie pre svet prichádzalo, ten veľký deň, ktorý vyhliadali všetci proroci. Všetci, ktorí boli v hroboch očakávali na ten deň. (To je pravda. Pomyslite na to!). Všetci, ktorí zomreli, všetka spravodlivá krv mučeníkov a prorokov.
51To čo On zvolal: “Jeruzalem, ó Jeruzalem, ty, ktorý si kameňoval každého proroka, ktorého som ku tebe poslal a zabíjaš spravodlivých, ako často som vás chcel zhromaždiť ako sliepka svoje mláďatá, ale nechceli ste! Ale teraz prišla tvoja hodina.”
52Všetci, ktorí boli v hroboch, Abrahám, Izák, Jakob, všetci proroci, očakávali na túto hodinu.
53A cirkev bola na To slepá. “Kto je to, kto spôsobuje všetok tento hluk? Kto je ten Človek, ktorý raz povedal ... Či to nie je syn tu toho tesára? Poznáme Ho. Odkiaľ má tú múdrosť? Ako to, nevidíme Ho, že by navštevoval nejakú z našich škôl? Nevieme o žiadnych knihách, z ktorých by sa učil? Kto je To?”
54On bol odpoveďou na proroctvo proroka. A tu On prichádza, ide na žriebäti oslice. Čo za atrakcia! Boh vypĺňal Svoje zasľúbené Slovo, hodina na ktorú očakávali štyri tisíc rokov. V Genesis, v 3. kapitole, v 15. verši, Boh predpovedal, že “Semeno ženy rozdrtí hadovi hlavu, ale jeho hlava rozdrtí jeho pätu.” To proroctvo, ktoré sa tiahlo cez celú Bibliu, predpovedalo príchod tohoto muža.
55A tu, len nedávno stál medzi nimi prorok, bol to potvrdený prorok, Zachariáš. A povedal: “Vy, dcéry Jeruzalema a vy, dcéry Siona, radujte sa, volajte, vykríknite, lebo váš Kráľ k vám prichádza, mierny, prostý a pokorný, jazdiaci na žriebäti osla.”
56A tu tí ľudia, ktorí čítali tie Písma deň za dňom, hľadeli na Neho ako prichádza a kričali, “Kto je toto?” Vidíte? Boh vyplňuje Svoje Slovo ľuďom, ktorí mali vedieť, čo To je, ale oni To nevedeli.
57Keď Boh vyplňuje Svoje Slovo, To vždy spôsobuje atrakciu. Vždy. To spôsobuje atrakciu. Pretože To je nezvyčajné. Keď On vypĺňa Svoje Slovo, je to tak nezvyčajné, pre ten moderný trend toho dňa, pretože ten moderný trend toho dňa v To neverí. Oni majú svoj vlastný spôsob.
58Nuž, vidíme ... poďme späť do Písma a vezmime niektorú ďalšiu nezvyčajnú udalosť, len na chvíľku, keď Boh vypĺňal Svoje proroctvo. Keď Boh čokoľvek povie, On to vykoná. Celé nebesia a zem pominú, ale to Slovo nemôže pominúť. Tak To obyčajne vyvoláva scénu, neobyčajnú scénu.
59Všimnite si, aké absurdné, že tu je Slovo Božie pre ľudí, ktorí sa považujú za veriacich a predsa je To také neobyčajné, že kričia, “Čo je toto? Odkiaľ máte niečo také? Kto to je? Čo to je?” Keď by mali kričať, “Hosanna Kráľovi, ktorý prichádza v Mene Pánovom.” Ale bola len malá skupinka, ktorá to robila. Len malá skupinka. Proroctvo prorokované štyri tisíc rokov, najväčšia vec, aká sa kedy mala stať pre národ, nádej všetkých mŕtvych, ktorí na Tom odpočívali, všetka budúcnosť ležala v Tom, a nábožní ľudia, ktorí tvrdili, že tomu veria, kričia, “Kto to je? A čo je na tom také zaujímavé?” Niečo nezvyčajné! Teraz je to skoro tak isto, to sa nemení, nezvyčajné.
60Pozrime sa na niektorú z tých neobyčajných vecí, ako som práve povedal. Čo bolo tou atrakciou predtým, ako súd udrel na svet a zničil ho vodou? Nejaký starý človek, okolo sto dvadsať rokov stavia loď, keď tam nebolo žiadnej vody, po ktorej by sa mohla plaviť. Celé roky stál vo dverách, staval zvonka i zvnútra, natieral to smolou z vnútra aj z vonku, a hovoril, v tom veľkom vedeckom veku hovoril: “Svet bude pohltený vodou”.
61“Čo je to za buchot tam hore na tom kopci?” “To je ten starý človek, menom Noe, on je tam hore. Starý fanatik. Ten starý človek stál príliš dlho na slnku, dostal úpal. Pomiatol sa. Stavia niečo, čo nazýva ́archoú a hovorí, že zhora prichádzajú vody, kde nie je žiadna voda. A ona zaplaví všetkých ľudí a každý, kto nepočúvne jeho posolstvo a každý, kto nevojde to tej archy sa utopí. Počuli ste niekedy o niečom takom?” To bola neobyčajná atrakcia!
62Predstavujem si, keď sa tí ľudia chceli dobre zasmiať, išli tam hore, postavili sa pred dvere archy a smiali sa. “Predsa už pred sto rokmi si povedal, že bude pršať! Môj dedo mi povedal, že ťa počul hovoriť, že bude pršať a ty tu stále chodíš okolo tohoto starého kusu dreva. Prečo sa konečne nespamätáš?”
63Ale to bol Boh, ktorý sa pripravoval potvrdiť zasľúbenie a vyplniť proroctvo, ktoré Jeho prorok prorokoval. Veľmi nezvyčajné! Boh vyplňoval Svoje zasľúbenie dané Noemu, zatiaľ čo iní sa smiali. Boh sa tiež pripravoval vytvoriť dejiny, aby ukázal iným, až do tohoto dňa, že dodržuje Svoje Slovo! Nezáleží ako neskutočne a nezmyselne to vyzerá, On stále dodržuje Svoje Slovo. On to dával za príklad, toho starého človeka, ktorý búchal na tej arche, týmto ľuďom tu v Amerike dnes večer a všetkých vo svete. Nezáleží, čo hovorí veda, čo oni hovoria. Toto, to či tamto. On stále dodržuje Svoje Slovo. On tvoril dejiny.
64Čo bola atrakciou jedného dňa ... Neobyčajná vec sa stala vzadu na púšti a to bol krík, ktorý bol v ohni. A prorok, ktorý bol na úteku, stál tam na púšti. On nepočul žiadny hlas, nepočul žiadny zvuk, ale pozrel sa a na vrchole hory videl neobyčajnú vec. Boh sa snažil upútať jeho pozornosť. Tak isto je to dnes!
65Boh sa pripravoval vyplniť Svoje Slovo, dané cez Svojho proroka Abraháma, “Tvoje semeno bude prebývať štyristo rokov v cudzej zemi a ja ich vyvediem mocným ramenom.”
66A On pre tú prácu pripravoval človeka, tak ako pripravoval archu ako bezpečné miesto pre všetkých, ktorí budú veriť. Boh dal tento krík do ohňa a tento pastier Mojžiš povedal: “Podídem tam, aby som videl, čo znamená táto čudná vec.” A keď dostal Mojžiša hore ku tomu kríku, prehovoril ku nemu.
67Čo bolo atrakciou neskôr v Pilátovej sieni, keď tento pastier hodil svoju palicu a ona sa premenila na hada? Boh vyplňoval Svoje zasľúbenie dané Mojžišovi. Čo bolo atrakciou na Mŕtvom mori, keď všetky faraónove kone boli v úžase, keď videli ako zostúpil z nebies vietor a rozdelil Červené more zprava doľava a biedna skupina otrokov tam vošla podľa Božieho poverenia a prešla na druhú stranu po suchej zemi? Čo to bolo? Boh, ktorý dodržuje Svoje Slovo. Mŕtvosť sa odstúpila a živí ľudia prešli na druhú stranu. A duchovne mŕtvi ľudia sa to pokúsili napodobniť a utopili sa. Boh, vyplňoval proroctvo a tvoril dejiny. To bola tá atrakcia na Mŕtvom mori.
68Čo bolo atrakciou na druhý deň po tom, pri hore Sinaj, keď všetkým ľuďom bolo prikázané, aby sa nepribližovali ku svojim ženám, keď im bolo povedané, aby vyprali svoje šaty, posvätili sa a zhromaždili sa okolo hory, kde muž menom Mojžiš povedal, že stretol Boha v Ohnivom Stĺpe? A Boh povedal Mojžišovi, “Zostúpim medzi ľudí a potvrdím to, čo som ti povedal a Kto som, ukážem im, že Ja som ten Boh.” To bola tá atrakcia, Boh vyplňujúci Svoje Slovo.
69Čo bolo atrakciou jedného dňa v dejinách, keď národ zabudol na Boha, keď sa ľudia stali formálni a vlažní, keď všetci kňazi išli s tým moderným trendom, proroci prorokovali podľa toho čo chceli kňazi? A v tom dni, ako obyčajne, mali tam jedného človeka, o ktorom si mysleli, že je fanatik. Hovoril o ženách, ktoré sa maľovali a všetko možné. A on bol taký čudák. A tento človek prišiel ku kráľovi a povedal mu: “Ani len rosa nespadne, až kým ju ja nezavolám.”
70A potom vidíme, že sa ukryl, utiekol od toho a ukryl sa niekde v pustatine. Tá spoločnosť si myslela, že asi zomrel od hladu alebo zahynul, ale on mal dobrú stravu a tiež vodu. A zrazu sa zjavil, prišiel a povedal: “Vidíte, že mám TAK HOVORÍ PÁN? Nuž, ak ste sa ešte nepresvedčili, poďme na vrchol hory a ukáže sa, kto je Boh.” Pretože dostal ďalšie videnie od Pána.
71Povedal: “Vyberte si oltár a pripravte ho, a vyberte si teľa a zabite. Ja postavím oltár Pánov a tiež položím teľa na svoj oltár. Obaja prinesieme obeť a Boh, ktorý je Bohom, nech odpovie.” On by to v žiadnom prípade neurobil, ak by mu to Pán nepovedal. On to neskoršie tak povedal: “Urobil som toto všetko na Tvoj rozkaz, Pane.”
72Ale čo je tou atrakciou? Máme tu štyristo kňazov, ktorí stoja na tom kopci a kráľa vo svojom voze so všetkými svojimi obrnenými jednotkami a strážou, ktorá stojí okolo. A tento starý, huňatý, zarastený človek s plešinou, ktorému vlasy visia cez tvár, ovinutý okolo seba kusom ovčej kože, chlpatý na celom tele, stojí tam hore s palicou v jednej ruke a džbánom oleju v druhej, ktorý tri a pol roka predtým povedal, že: “Ani kvapka rosy nespadne, kým ju ja nezavolám ...” Stojí na Božom mieste, zjavuje sa pri ňom niečo ako svätožiara a tiene a všetci o tom hovoria. A tu ten starý fanatik stojí hore na kopci, privádza tam všetkých tých ľudí. Čo bolo tou atrakciou? Bol to Boh rozhodnutý potvrdiť, že Jeho prorok má pravdu. Bol to Boh vyplňujúci proroctvo. Tiež Boh tvoriaci dejiny, vyplňujúci Slovo.
73Niekoľko sto rokov po tom bol muž pomazaný tým istým Duchom a prišiel z púšti, nebol spojený so žiadnymi organizáciami. Hoci jeho otec bol človek organizácie, bol kňazom. Ale on prišiel z púšti, oblečený v ovčej koži, zarastený po celej tvári. A namiesto toho, aby mal sivé vlasy, mal ich čierne. Čo bolo zaujímavé na tomto mužovi, že to priťahovalo celý Jeruzalem a Judeu? Niektorí z nich odchádzali a hovorili, “Tam dole je nejaký divoch. Snaží sa utopiť ľudí vo vode. Kto kedy počul niečo také?”
74Iní boli zvedaví a hovorili, “Toto musí byť Mesiáš.” Niektorí z nich povedali, “To môže byť jeden z prorokov.” Nevedeli, čo si majú myslieť. Ale čo to bolo? To bol Boh, ktorý vyplňoval Izaiáša 40, kde On povedal, “Hľa ...” čo On bude robiť v posledných dňoch, ako pošle Svojho sluhu a čo on bude robiť.
75Potom vidíme, že niekoľko týždňov po tom, ten človek si bol tak istý svojho posolstva, až povedal, “Stojí medzi vami Ten, ktorého obuv nie som hoden nosiť. On vás bude krstiť Svätým Duchom a ohňom, ako som vás ja krstil vodou.”
76A jedného dňa, obyčajný mladý muž, okolo tridsať ročný, zišiel dolu a bol pokrstený. A keď tento muž prišiel, bolo to pre toho proroka takou atrakciou, že sa toho dňa divne správal. Zhromaždenie nemohlo za to, ale pozorovalo správanie sa toho proroka, keď diskutoval s kňazmi, ktorí boli na druhej strane rieky.
77Oni povedali,”Boh dal postaviť tento oltár. Boh nám povedal, aby sme to robili. Mojžiš je prorok. My veríme Mojžišovi. Obeť nikdy nebude odstránená.”
78Môžem počuť Jána ako odpovedá. Povedal: “Či ste nečítali v Písmach, čo povedal prorok Daniel, že “Denná obeť bude odstránená”? A tá hodina prišla! Nečítali ste, čo povedal Izaiáš v 40. kapitole: “Hlas volajúceho na púšti, prihotovte cestu Pánovi”? Tu mám dve proroctvá. A ďalšia vec, nerozpoznali ste nášho proroka Malachiáša keď pred štyristo rokmi povedal v 3. kapitole: “Hľa, posielam Svojho posla pred Svojou tvárou, aby mi pripravil cestu”? Či neviete, že tu sa vyplňuje proroctvo?” Proroctvo sa vyplnilo!
79A približne v tom čase sa ten prorok otočil a povedal: “Hľa, tu prichádza Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta!” Nuž, čo je tou atrakciou? Ona prešla z proroka na jeho proroctvo.
80Nuž, všimnite si, čo sa deje. Tu prichádza obyčajný človek, ktorého nikto nepozná, tesárov syn, prichádza do vody. Keď Ján, ten veľký prorok, povedal: “Ja potrebujem byť pokrstený od Teba. Prečo prichádzaš Ty ku mne?”
81On povedal: “Nechaj to tak, lebo ako prorokovi a Slovu sa nám patrí naplniť všetku spravodlivosť.”
82Tak on porozumel, že Obeť musí byť umytá prv ako bude prinesená a pokrstil Ho.
83A teraz, tu je ďalšia atrakcia, ktorá sa deje, keď On vyšiel z vody. Tento prorok, ktorý bol tak verný aby oznámil svoj vek a čas, pozrel sa hore a uvidel nebesia otvorené a Ducha Božieho ako holubicu, zostupujúceho na Neho. A Hlas hovoril: “Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v Ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo.” Boh potvrdzoval posolstvo proroka, ktoré priťahovalo pozornosť ľudí pri Jordáne.
84Brat pred chvíľou spieval alebo mal spievať pieseň: “Na vrchu vzdialenom stál starý hrubý Kríž.” Čo bolo tou atrakciou na Vrchu Golgoty? Keď vidíme, že ten náboženský svet Ho zavrhol a Rímska vláda vyniesla rozsudok smrti. A On tu visel medzi dvoma zločincami, umierajúci od smädu, Krv vytekala z Jeho tela. On tam visel, volajúc: “Môj Bože, Môj Bože, prečo si Ma opustil?” A tí nábožní ľudia, ktorí tam stáli a dívali sa na to, neveľa vedeli, že práve tam na Golgote sa v tom čase vyplňuje proroctvo Starého Zákona.
85Dávid sám napísal, ... kedy pripadol na neho Duch Svätý ako na všetkých prorokov, on jednal, akoby to bol on. Dávid plakal v 22. Žalm: “Môj Bože, môj Bože, prečo si Ma opustil? Rozostúpili sa všetky Moje kosti. Prebodli Moje ruky a Moje nohy.” Dávid, ktorý hovoril, akoby to bol on. A to nebol Dávid. Bol to Kristus v Dávidovi.
86A tu to veľké proroctvo, predpovedané rôznymi prorokmi sa vypĺňalo na vrchu Golgoty. Čo bolo atrakciou na vrchu Golgoty? Boh vyplňujúci Svoje Slovo.
87Ďalšia atrakcia bola na hore, v deň Letníc, keď boli všetci tam hore v jeden náboženský sviatok, mysleli si, že sa zbavili všetkých tých fanatikov. Desať dní o nich nepočuli. A zrazu, ako z úľa, vyrazili z horného príbytku budovy na ulice, kričali a divne sa správali.
88“Čo je toto? Čo toto znamená? Či všetci títo mužovia sú opilí?”
89Hľaďte! Postavil sa medzi nimi prorok, tak ako to má prorok činiť a povedal: ”Vy, mužovia Izraelskí a vy, ktorí bývate v Judei a Jeruzaleme, nech vám je toto známe a počujte moje slová. Títo nie sú opilí, ako si vy myslíte. Ale toto je to, čo bolo povedané od Pána cez proroka Joela: ́A stane sa v posledných dňoch, že vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo.́” To bola atrakcia.
90Tí nábožní ľudia, po ukrižovaní Kniežaťa Života a po tom všetkom, oni stále nevideli zasľúbenie príchodu Svätého Ducha. Atrakcia: “Kto je toto? Čo to znamená? Čo sa stalo s tými ľuďmi?”
91Ó! To isté je dnes. Vynecháme veľa týchto príkladov aby sme to priniesli do tejto hodiny. Tá istá vec je dnes. Deje sa tá istá vec, sú zadávané tie isté otázky: “Čo je to ten hluk?” Pozrite sa po ulici, autá od Michigan po Floridu, od Maine po Californiu. Dnes ráno, alebo hneď po poludní, keď sme ja a moja žena išli ulicou, pozerali sme sa na značky áut. Tam so pomyslel o tomto texte.
“Čo toto znamená?”
92Práve tak, ako bolo povedané: “Kde je telo, tam sa zhromaždia orly”!
93Povedal som svojej žene: “Drahá, pamätáš si ten posledný večer, keď som sa musel rozlúčiť so všetkým, čo mi bolo na zemi drahé a ísť na polia, začať robiť to, čo povedal Boh? Spievala si tú pieseň.”
Ó, prichádzajú z východu a západu,
prichádzajú z ďalekých zemí,
hostiť sa s našim Kráľom, stolovať ako Jeho hostia.
Akí požehnaní sú títo pútnici!
Hľadiac na Jeho posvätnú tvár,
planúcu Božou láskou.
Požehnaní účastníci Jeho milosti,
budú žiariť ako kamene v Jeho korune.
94To je to, čo je tou atrakciou. To predurčené Semeno Božie, ktoré nemôže robiť nič iné, ako To nasledovať, znamená to pre nás viac ako život. Môžete vziať náš život, ale nevezmete To. Čo je tá atrakcia? Boh, ako obyčajne, vyplňuje Svoje Slovo. On vyplňuje Slovo Zachariáša znovu, proroka Zachariáša.
95Kde som čítal pred chvíľou 9. verš, keď Ježiš vchádza do Svojej svätyni, jazdiac ... alebo vchádza do Jeruzalema, jazdiac na malom bielom osľati, vyplnilo sa proroctvo, ktoré povedal Zachariáš, tu to je: “Plesaj veľmi, dcéro Siona, pokrikuj radostne, dcéro Jeruzalema! Hľa, tvoj Kráľ prichádza k tebe, spravodlivý je a plný spasenia, chudobný a jazdiaci na oslovi, na osľati, žrebcovi oslíc.” To je to, čo bolo atrakciou v Jeruzaleme, v tej náboženskej centrále.
96A teraz vidíme čo sa deje v posledných dňoch! Obráťme teraz pár strán dopredu, v Zachariášovi a uvidíme, čo tu on o tom povedal. Obráťme teraz stranu, aby sme prišli do posledných dní. To bol stredný vek. Obráťme to teraz do posledných dní. A otvorme Zachariáša 14. kapitolu a začnime od 4.verša. A počúvajte! Prečítame časť Písma, asi deväť veršov, od 4. do 9. Počúvajte pozorne! To je prorokované o Jeho Príchode v posledných dňoch, tak počúvajte teraz pozorne! Toto je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, to je Písmo. Zachariáš 14.kapitola. Pamätáte, čo On povedal v Zachariášovi 9 ? A oni To nerozpoznali. Nuž, čo to je dnes? Zachariáš 14 hovorí o Jeho Príchode.
A jeho nohy budú stáť toho dňa na Olivovom vrchu, ktorý je naproti Jeruzalemu od východu, a Olivový vrch sa rozdvojí od svojej polovice na východ a na západ v dolinu veľmi velikú. A polovica vrchu uhne na sever a jeho druhá polovica na juh.
A budete utekať dolinou mojich vrchov, lebo dolina vrchov bude siahať po Ácel. A budete utekať, ako ste utekali pred zemetrasením za dní Uziáša, judského kráľa. ...
97Ďalšie zemetrasenie rozdeľujúc otvára zem! Ak to chcete sledovať tu v Písme, všimnite si tento 5.verš. Rozdelenie Olivového vrchu je spôsobené zemetrasením a toto je potvrdené Izaiášom 29:6 a Zjavením 16:9. Presne tak! Čo to je? Ten istý prorok, ktorý povedal o Jeho prvom príchode, videl Jeho druhý príchod! Všimnite si, “Ako v dňoch zemetrasenia.” Vidíte, čo robí to zemetrasenie, vidíte tie predpovede o nich?
... a tak príde Hospodin, tvoj Boh a všetci Tvoji svätí s tebou.
A stane sa toho dňa
(Haleluja),toho dňa, že nebude svetla, ani tmy a chladu.
A bude to jeden deň ... jeden deň, ktorý je známy Hospodinovi, nebude to deň ani noc, ale stane sa, že v čas večera bude svetlo.
(Ó, Bože!)98“Bude Svetlo v čase večera”, ten istý prorok. A ľudia sú slepí! Čo je tou atrakciou? Čítajme ešte zopár veršov:
A stane sa toho dňa, že budú vychádzať živé vody z Jeruzalema, jedna ich polovica pôjde do východného mora a ich druhá polovica do západného mora, v lete i v zime tak bude.
(Evanjelium vyšlo do oboch, Židov i pohanov)A Hospodin bude Kráľom nad celou zemou: toho dňa bude Hospodin jeden a jeho meno jedno.
Bude Svetlo v čase večera, (tak je!)
Cestu do Chvály s istotou nájdete.
Vo vode je dnes Svetlo,
ponorení v tom vzácnom Mene Ježiš.
Mladí i starí, ľutujte všetky svoje hriechy,
Duch Svätý určite vojde.
Večerné Svetlo prišlo,
to je fakt, že Boh a Kristus sú jedno.
Vidíte, kde sme?
Národy sa rúcajú, Izrael sa budí,
znamenia, ktoré predpovedali naši proroci.
(to zemetrasenie na pohanov v poslednom dni)
Dni pohanov sú spočítané, hrôzou obtiažené.
Vráťte sa rozohnaní do svojho vlastníctva.
99Vy, ktorí ste boli vykopnutí, a tie truhly vezené na nových vozoch, odíďte odtiaľ, ́lebo vás zasiahne smrť. Boh To potvrdil. Tak to bude.
100Poďme do ďalšieho miesta Písma v Starom zákone, Malachiáš 4. kapitola a čítajme túto krátku 4. kapitolu.
Lebo hľa, prichádza deň, ktorý horí ako pec, v ktorom budú všetci spurní a všetci, ktorí páchajú bezbožnosť ...
101Nuž, toto nie je ... Malachiáš 3 hovoril o prvom príchode a teraz tu je ďalší príchod. Tu doktor Scofield, ja sa samozrejme nezhodujem s jeho poznámkami, ale on to tu zaznačil správne: odkaz o Jánovi, do Malachiáša 3 a Eliáš, ktorý predchádza druhý príchod Krista.
... a spáli ich deň, ktorý príde, hovorí Hospodin Zástupov, takže im neponechá ani koreňa ani haluzi.”
(Kde je potom to “večné”peklo?)Ale vám, ktorí sa bojíte môjho mena, vyjde slnce spravodlivosti
(s uzdravovacími kampaniami)a lekárstvo bude na jeho krídlach: vyjdete a budete poskakovať ako vykŕmené teľatá.
A pošliapete bezbožných, lebo budú popolom pod vašimi nohami toho dňa, ktorý ja učiním, hovorí Hospodin Zástupov.
Pamätajte na zákon Mojžiša, môjho služobníka, ktorému som prikázal na Horebe o celom Izraelovi ustanovenia a súdy.
102Tu je príchod Eliáša:
Hľa, ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša ...
103Posledné záverečné Písmo Starého Zákona.
... ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša, prv ako príde deň Hospodinov, veľký a strašný.
104Nuž, to by nemohol byť Ján. Nie. Vidíte, svet nebol spálený a spravodliví nepošliapali bezbožných. Vidíte? Nie, nie.
... prv ako príde deň Hospodinov, veľký a strašný.
A obráti srdce otcov na synov a srdce synov na ich otcov, aby som neprišiel a neranil zem kliatbou.
105Všimnite si tú presnosť Ducha Svätého, že On nepoplietol tie dva príchody Eliáša. Malachiáš 3 povedal: “Hľa, posielam svojho posla pred mojou tvárou.” Ježiša sa pýtali o Jánovi. Povedal: “Ak to môžete prijať, toto je ten, o ktorom povedal prorok: ́posielam svojho posla pred mojou tvárou.́ Toto je ten Eliáš, ktorý mal prísť.” Malachiáš 3.
106Všimnite si ako presne to Písmo podalo. Hľaďte čo toto ... ukazuje ... tým, ktorí chcú veriť, tým, ktorí to chcú vidieť. Pamätáte, že Ježiš sa zastavil v strede verša, pretože časť toho, ten zvyšok, sa mal vyplniť potom, pri Jeho druhom príchode? “Vyhlásiť rok milosti Hospodinej, obviazať skrúšených srdcom” a zastavil sa, nie “deň pomsty nášho Boha”. To sa vzťahuje až na Jeho druhý príchod.
107Všimnite si tu toto Písmo, akou je paralelou. “A on, Eliáš, obráti srdcia otcov na deti.” (Teraz hovoríme o Malachiášovi 4, nepomiešajte to, vlastne o Malachiášovi 3). Ján, Eliáš, ktorý prišiel v dňoch pred prvým príchodom Krista, obrátil srdcia starých otcov patriarchov do posolstva detí, do nového posolstva.
108A teraz, pozrite! “A srdcia detí na otcov.” Pri jeho druhom príchode, v posledných dňoch, on ich obráti späť, znovu do apoštolskej viery. Vidíte ako dokonale je Písmo zoradené?
109To bol koniec Starého zákona, toho Starého zákona. Teraz vidíme, že je Svetlo v čase večera. Čo To je? To je vrchol, vrcholec koruny stromu. Ha.
110Ako som povedal dnes ráno, my sme prechádzali cez denominácie, cez (nie na pomarančovom strome) ako som o tom hovoril ráno, mali sme grapefruity, citróny, všetky druhy rôznych vecí, ktoré vôbec neboli ako tie na začiatku. Ale po ... Neprehliadnite To! Tu To prichádza! Po tom, keď sa všetky denominácie vyčerpali, oni predovšetkým nemali žiadne Svetlo. Bude deň, ktorý sa nebude môcť nazvať dňom alebo nocou.
111Čo oni robia? Čo oni robia? Čo robí citrón na pomarančovníku? On berie ten originálny život pomaranča, ktorý z neho vychádza a prevracia ho na citrón.
To je to, čo denominácie urobili so Slovom Božím, učinili Slovo Božie neúčinné skrze svoje tradície. To je TAK HOVORÍ DUCH PÁNOV! Oni priniesli citróny, grapefruity, nie pomaranče.
112Ale čo povedal prorok? Ten istý, ktorý povedal v našom texte dnes večer: “Radujte sa, dcéry Jeruzalema, plesajte radostne, dcéry Siona, lebo váš Kráľ prichádza ku vám, ponížený a pokorný, jazdiaci na oslovi, žrebcovi oslíc.” Všimnite si, že ten istý prorok povedal: “Príde čas dozrievania.” Na zem je poslané slnko, aby dalo dozrieť ovociu. Prečo ono nemôže dozrieť? Nie je tam žiadne ovocie, ktoré by dozrelo. Ale život sa stále vyvíja.
113Mal to byť pomaranč ale vyšiel z toho grapefruit. Zistili sme, že sa to zorganizovalo, bol to grapefruit. Znovu to vypustilo, vtedy vyšiel z toho citrón. Znovu to vypustilo a obrátilo sa to na niečo iné. A nakoniec, vrchol stromu, obrátilo sa to na tangelo, čo je z polovice pomaranč a z polovice citrón. Zmiešaná odroda, prevrátená vec. Ide to do prevrátenosti, berie živiny z toho istého stromu. Šupka, “takmer by to zviedlo Vyvolených”. Vyzerá ako pomaranč, ale nie je.
114“Ale bude Svetlo,” keď ona vyrastie pomimo organizácii. Keď vyjde, prejde mimo organizácie, znovu rozkvitne, vydá pomaranče a bude taká, aká bola keď išla do zeme. A potom bude Svetlo!
115Čo je touto atrakciou, čo sa to deje? Napĺňa sa Božie Slovo! Sú dvaja svedkovia Starého zákona, že sa to stane.
116Vezmime Jána 14:12 z Nového zákona. Ježiš povedal:
...Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré ja činím, on tiež bude činiť. ...
117Tiež v Lukášovi 17:22-30 On povedal: “ Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, predtým, ako bola spálená Sodoma, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, v ten deň, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka.”
118Ó, pozrime sa len do Písma! “Syn človeka,” Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera a naveky prerástol organizácie, vyrástol až do vrcholku stromu. Čo On povedal v Jánovi 14, či 15? “Každý letorast, ktorý je vo Mne, ktorý nenesie ovocie, bude odrezaný, hodený na oheň a spálený. Ale každý letorast, ktorý bude prinášať ovocie, bude očistený.”
119Ó, bude skutočný včasný a pozdný dážď v posledných dňoch na tú malú skupinu, ktorá príde s Ním na tomto malom osľati, unížená a pokorná, nie z denominácii, volajúc: “Hosanna Kráľovi, ktorý prichádza v Mene Pánovom!” Čo sa deje dnes? Čo je atrakciou na tom vrchu?
120Pred nedávnom, keď som stál za touto kazateľňou, bolo cez Ducha Svätého povedané: “Príde deň, keď vrazia kôl pred tvojim domom a presunú bránu. Tak potom, ty to nechaj tak a nehnevaj sa.” Videl som moju bránu vytrhnutú ako leží na svahu kopca. Videl som ten kopec pred sebou rozkopaný, ležali tam dosky a rôzne veci, ktoré tam niekto nahádzal. On povedal... Pozrel som sa a bol tam nejaký Ricky, ktorý tam prišiel a vyrazil tú bránu. Povedal som: “Prečo si mi to nepovedal?” Vyťahoval sa na mňa a ja som ho musel udrieť. A keď som to urobil, povedal som: “Nerobil som to od vtedy, ako som bol v ringu, ale chcem len, aby si vedel,” a udrel som ho ešte raz. A keď som ho zrazil na zem, zdvihol som ho znovu a znovu som ho zvalil na zem. A zodvihol som ho tri alebo štyri krát a potom som ho kopol až preletel cez ten kopec. Potom som tam išiel a povedal si: “To nie je správne.” Zodvihol som ho, podal som mu ruku a povedal som: “Nehnevám sa na teba, ale len chcem aby si vedel, že sa nemôžeš so mnou takto rozprávať.” A potom keď som sa otočil a vrátil späť, Duch Svätý tam stál v bráne a povedal: “Nevšímaj si to, keď ten kôl vbijú, obráť sa na západ.”
Táto Kniha je všetko čo potrebujem. Ona je dobrým Návodom, ktorý mi ukazuje akým spôsobom mám obísť svoje problémy.
121A tá Kniha je Slovo a to Slovo je Boh. Nevšímaj si svoje problémy, Ono ti povie, čo máš robiť.
122Pred troma rokmi som počul, že môj priateľ, mestský inšpektor, ktorý býva na mojej ulici trochu nižšie, vbíja kôl. Išiel som tam a povedal som: “Čo sa deje, Mud?” On je syn pána Kinga, môjho osobného priateľa.
Povedal: “Billy, idú rozšíriť túto cestu.”
123Vy všetci si to pamätáte. Povedal som: “To má byť most.” Povedal som bratovi Woodovi: “Drž si svoj majetok. Možno ten most bude prechádzať tadiaľto hore.” Ulica bola rozkopaná, tehly a kamene boli porozhadzované všade. Tak on povedal ... povedal som: “Drž si svoj majetok.”
124A potom, keď som ... Pán King mi povedal čo sa stane. Išiel som domov a povedal som mojej žene, ktorá tam sedí: “Drahá, niečo som o tom napísal. Niekde tu je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.”
125Zobral som svoju knihu, pozrel som do nej a bolo povedané: “Stane sa ...” Po ôsmich rokoch!
126Potom, keď som sa na to pozrel, povedal som: “Teraz je ten čas, drahá, musíme ísť na západ.”
127Dva dni po tom, stál som v izbe o desiatej hodine ráno, vošiel som do Ducha Božieho a videl som tú malú skupinu holubíc ako leteli a díval som sa na tie malé vtáky. Pamätáte si to. Videl som sedem Anjelov vo forme pyramídy, rýchlo sa približujúcich ku mne, povedal: “Choď na západ, choď do Tucson a vyber sa štyridsať míľ na severovýchod. Budeš vyberať bodliak (alebo býčiu hlavu, ako to tam nazývajú) zo svojich šiat.”
128Brat Fred Sothmann, ktorý tam sedí a díva sa teraz na mňa, tam bol v to ráno. Ja som na to zabudol.
129Povedal som: “Nastal výbuch ako zemetrasenie pomerne blízko, ktorý zatriasol všetkým, čo tam bolo. Nerozumiem akoby to niekto mohol prežiť.” Bol som prestrašený. Stál som pri Phoenixe.
130Išiel som na západ, udivený, čo sa stane. Jedného dňa ma Pán zavolal. Povedal som mojej žene: “Drahá, moja práca sa pravdepodobne skončila.” Nevedel som. Povedal som: “Boh pravdepodobne so mnou skončil a ja pôjdem Domov. Ty sa postaraj o Billyho a deti, Boh sa o vás nejako postará. Choďte ďalej a buďte verní Bohu. Postaraj sa, aby deti skončili školu a vychovávaj ich v napomínaní Božom.”
Ona povedala: “Bill, ty ne - ty nevieš, či to je pravda.”
Povedal som: “Nie. Ale človek to nemôže prežiť.”
131A jedného rána ma Pán zobudil a povedal: “Choď hore do Kaňonu Sabino.” A ja som si vzal kúsok papiera a svoju Bibliu.
Žena povedala: “Kde ideš?”
Povedal som: “Neviem. Poviem ti, keď sa vrátim.”
132Išiel som hore do kaňonu, stúpal som hore, kde okolo lietali orly. Videl som tam stáť nejakého jeleňa. Kľakol som si, aby som sa modlil, zodvihol som ruky a do ruky mi udrel nejaký Meč. Obzrel som sa dookola a myslel som si: “Čo to je? Nie som bez seba. Tu je ten Meč v mojej ruke, žiarivý, svietiaci, lesknúci sa v slnku.” Povedal som: “Nuž, tu hore v tomto kaňone nieto žiadnych ľudí na míle. Odkiaľ to mohlo prísť?”
Počul som Hlas, ktorý povedal: “To je Meč Kráľa.”
Povedal som: “Kráľ mečom pasuje nejakého muža za rytiera.”
133On, ten Hlas sa vrátil a povedal: “Nie meč nejakého kráľa, ale ́Meč Toho Kráľá, Slovo Pánovo.” Povedal, neboj sa, to je len to Tretie Potiahnutie. To je potvrdenie tvojej služby.”
134Išiel som na poľovanie s jedným priateľom, nevediac, čo sa stane. A niekto mi volal, ten, čo ma kritizoval ohľadne tej fotografie Anjela Pánovho, ten, ktorý ju urobil. Musel som ísť do Houstonu ohľadne jeho syna, ktorý bol odsúdený na smrť a za pár dní mal byť zabitý. A on ma tam stretol a objal ma a povedal: “Je to možné, že práve ten muž, ktorého som kritizoval, prichádza, aby zachrániť môjho jediného syna!” Humanitná spoločnosť mi dala ako to oni nazývajú, oskara alebo akokoľvek to chcete nazvať, za záchranu života.
135Potom sme sa vrátili, ja som išiel poľovať hore na ten vrch. A tam brat Fred a ja, jedno ráno, keď som vyšiel, už som mal svojho diviaka a pozrel som sa a videl som miesto, kde išiel. Povedal som: “Brat Fred, vyjdi na tú horu teraz skoro ráno pri svitaní a ja vyjdem na tú ďalšiu. Nebudem strieľať na toho diviaka, nechcem ho zabiť. Ale ak sa to stádo rozbehne týmto smerom, strelím pred nich, potom budú bežať naspäť.
136Brat Fred tam vyšiel a nebolo tam žiadnych diviakov. Zamával na mňa a ja som to videl. Zišiel som do kaňonu, nejakej veľkej rokliny. Slnko práve vychádzalo. Obišiel som ďalšiu stranu kopca, nemysliac nič o proroctve. Sadol som si, čakal som, odpočíval. Rozmýšľal som: “Čo sa stalo s tými diviakmi?”
137Vzal som svoj ... Posadil som sa ako to robia Indiáni, viete, s prekríženými nohami a pozrel som sa na nohavicu a bol na nej bodliak. Vzal som ho do ruky a povedal som si: “To je zvláštne!” Som tu, okolo štyridsať míľ severovýchodne od Tucsonu. Tam na mňa čaká môj malý Jozef.” A ako som sa začal tam dívať a uvidel som stádo diviakov, ktoré boli odo mňa asi tisíc yardov, ako vychádzajú hore na kopec. Odhodil som ten bodliak. Povedal som si: “Dostanem ich. Povesím tu kúsok papiera, nech vedia, ktorou cestou ísť a dostanem sa ku bratovi Fredovi.”
138Rozbehol som sa hore na vrch, bežal som ako som len mohol na druhú stranu. Náhle, myslel som, že do mňa niekto strelil. Nikdy som nepočul taký výbuch. Zatriaslo to celou krajinou. A keď sa to stalo, stála predo mnou skupina siedmich Anjelov.
139Chvíľu potom som stretol brata Freda a iných. Povedali: “Čo to bolo?”
Povedal som: “To bolo to.”
“Čo ideš urobiť?”
140“Vrátim sa domov. Lebo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, sedem tajomstiev, ktoré boli ukryté v Biblii po všetky veky, počas týchto denominácií a všetkého, Boh nám ide otvoriť tých sedem tajomstiev v Siedmich Pečatiach.”
141Tam bol ten kruh vznášajúci sa hore od zeme ako hmla naberajúca formu. Keď sa to vznieslo, išlo to kolmo hore na vrch a začalo krúžiť smerom na západ, odkiaľ to prišlo. Po nejakom čase vedci zistili, že sa to nachádzalo tridsať míľ vysoko a malo priemer dvadsať päť míľ, presne oblúk v tvare pyramídy.
142A jedného dňa, keď som tam stál, obrátil som tú fotografiu vpravo a tam je Ježiš ako bol v Siedmich cirkevných vekoch s bielou parochňou, ukazujúc Najvyššie Božstvo. On je Alfa i Omega. On je Prvý i Posledný, On je ten Najvyšší Sudca celej večnosti, ktorý tam stál a potvrdil Posolstvo tejto hodiny. A bude Svetlo v čase večera! Čo to všetko znamená? Čo to bolo?
143Išiel som smerom na západ. Na tom istom vrchu, keď sme tam prechádzali s Banksom Woodom, bolo mi povedané: “Vyhoď do výšky kameň. Povedz pánovi Woodovi, ́TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, budeš vidieť Slávu Božiu.”
144Hneď na druhý deň, keď sme tam stáli, zostúpil vzdušný vír a udrel do vrchu. Skaly odsekávali vrcholky stromov, asi tri štyri stopy nad mojou hlavou. Trikrát to silno udrelo a bratia pribehli. Bolo tam okolo pätnásť mužov, ktorí tam stáli, kazatelia a iní. “Čo to bolo?” Opýtal sa: “Čo to bolo?”
Povedal som: “Súd udiera na západné pobrežie.”
145Asi dva dni potom, zemetrasenie takmer potopilo Aljašku. Čo je toto Svetlo na Hore Zapadajúceho Slnka v lese Coronado v Arizone? Čo je táto zvláštna vec, ktorá sa stala tam hore, že ľudia prichádzali z východu a západu a zbierali kamene, ktoré tam ležali okolo, kde To udrelo. A každý jeden z nich, každý kameň, ktorý To vytrhlo, mal tri rohy. (Tí traja sú Jedno). Ležia na pracovných stoloch ako ťažítka na papier, po celom národe. Čo je táto zvláštna vec na Hore Zapadajúceho Slnka v Lesoch Coronado?
146Junior Jackson, ktorý teraz počúva, pamätáte si ten sen, ktorý mal. Ja som ho vyložil. Týkal sa “odchodu smerom na západ slnka”? A toto sa stalo na “Hore Zapadajúceho Slnka”! Je čas večera, čas západu slnka. Posolstvo zapadajúceho slnka sa vyplnilo cez uloženie sa histórie, či lepšie povedané cez uloženie proroctva. A v čase večera bude Svetlo na Hore Zapadajúceho Slnka v lese Coronado, štyridsať míľ severne od Tucsonu. Pozrite sa do mapy, či je tam štít Zapadajúceho Slnka. To je presne tam, kde sa to stalo. Nikdy som to nevedel, až donedávna.
147Všetko, to - to nikdy nezomrie, to sa neustále rozvíja. Od samotnej tej udalosti, po tú fotografiu, kde Ježiš stojí a díva sa na nás a teraz presne na Hore Zapadajúceho Slnka a to Svetlo západu slnka. Večerné Svetlo prišlo, Boh potvrdzuje Samého Seba. Čo to je? To je skutočnosť, že Boh a Kristus sú Jedno. Tá biela ... Koľkí ste to videli, tú bielu parochňu na Ňom, ako sme hovorili v Zjavení 1? Vidíte? Najvyššie Božstvo, Najvyššia Autorita! Žiadny iný hlas, žiadny iný boh, nič iné. “V Ňom prebýva plnosť Božstva telesne.” Sami Anjeli boli Jeho parochňou. Amen.
148Čo sa stalo na Hore Zapadajúceho Slnka? Boh potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. To je to, o čom je všetok tento rozruch. Všimnite si, Boh znovu potvrdzuje Svoje zasľúbené Slovo, zo Zjavenia 10:1-7: “A vo dňoch, kedy bude znieť Posolstvo siedmeho anjela, dokoná sa tajomstvo Božie.” To ukryté tajomstvo Zjavenia 10:1-7, posledné posolstvo do posledného cirkevného veku. Vypĺňa sa presne, v tomto veku Ev. Lukáša 17:30: “Deň, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka.”
149“A povstanú falošní proroci a falošní kristovia a ukážu veľké znamenia a zázraky, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.” Ľudia sú stále na pochybách. A ako to zvyčajne býva, cirkev je tak isto zmätená.
150A veda po celom Tucsone, oni píšu články a dávajú ich do novín. Vtedy tam na Hore Lemmon, tie veľké fotoaparáty nevideli ako to vystupuje odtiaľ, kde sme stáli; unášalo sa to smerom na západ, ukazujúc, že čas sa končí. Môže to tam ísť už len malý kúsok, je to už na západnom pobreží. Súd udrel presne tam kde to išlo. Išlo to rovno hore cez Phoenix a krížom ďalej do Prescott a cez hory na západné pobrežie, rovno hore do... Kde oni išli? Rovno hore na Aljašku a ona zahrmela, išlo to rovno tým smerom.
151A hvezdárne a všetci v Tucsone sa stále pýtajú, vedeckým bádaním skúšajú zistiť, čo to je. Tak vysoko nemôže byť hmla, ani nič také. “Čo to spôsobilo? Kde to je?” Oni sú tak zmätení z toho nadprirodzeného svietiaceho kruhu, ktorý tam visel na oblohe, ako ľudia vtedy, keď prišli tí Mágovia, ktorí nasledovali tú hviezdu a hovorili: “Kde je Ten narodený Kráľ Židov?” Čo to bolo? Boh vyplňoval Svoje Slovo. “A povstane hviezda z Jakoba.”
152A Boh nebies zasľúbil, že večerný čas bude mať večerné Svetlo. Pred troma rokmi bolo toto tajomstvo proroctvom: “Pane, aký je toto čas?” Ale teraz je to história. To prešlo. To zasľúbenie sa vyplnilo. Aký je toto čas, pánovia a čo je toto za atrakcia? Boh vyplňuje Svoje Slovo! On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.
Modlime sa:
153Drahý Bože, držal som ľudí dlho, omnoho dlhšie ako som zamýšľal. Modlím sa, Bože, aby to niečo, čo bolo povedané alebo učinené, aby to spravilo, aby ľudia všade vonku zrozumeli. A skrze to, že vidia a zrozumievajú aby mohli veriť, že Ty si ten pravý Kristus a že Slová, ktoré boli potvrdené, sú potvrdením, že Jeho Slova je dokonalé a je vyplnené vo Svojom čase.
154Teraz, Pane Ježišu, z Tvojho vlastného Slova, Ty si povedal, že svet bude v stave Sodomy. My to vieme a môžeme sa na to dívať. A Ty si povedal, v tom dni, “ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy.” Tam boli poslaní traja poslovia do sveta Pohanov a Židov. A jeden z nich, ktorý bol Sám Boh, Syn človeka, zjavil sa v ľudskej podobe a učinil zázrak do takej miery, že povedal Abrahámovi, čo robila Sára v stane za Ním.
155Ty si povedal, že to sa znovu zopakuje, keď celý pohanský svet bude v stave Sodomy. A sme tu, Pane. Ďalšie proroctvá potvrdzujú tú istú vec, poslanie Eliáša v poslednom dni, Ducha Eliáša na zem, aby prinavrátil srdcia otcov, či “detí ku otcom.” A ja sa modlím, Bože, aby si v tejto hodine potvrdil Svoje Slovo, že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Udeľ to, Otče. Oni všetci sú Tvoji. Modlím sa, aby si udelil tieto požehnania a potvrdil, čo bolo povedané, na Slávu Božiu. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
156Hovoriť slovo, to je vecou človeka. Potvrdiť slovo, to je vecou Boha. Povedať niečo je jedna vec. Keď Boh to urobí, je ďalšia vec. Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača, On robí Svoj Vlastný výklad.
157No, rozhodli sme sa mať modlitebnú radu, aby sme sa modlili za chorých, ak bude vôľa Božia. A vieme, že nie je nikto, žiaden muž, žiadna žena, žiadna ľudská bytosť, žiaden anjel, ktorý ťa môže uzdraviť, lebo Boh to už urobil. On učinil prostriedok, jediná vec, ktorú musíš urobiť, je prijať to.
158Nieto žiadneho človeka, žiadneho anjela, ničoho, ani Sám Boh, kto ti môže odpustiť tvoje hriechy. To je už vykonané. Ježiš to urobil na kríži. Ale to ti nemôže nič pomôcť, alebo priniesť ti úžitok, pokiaľ to neprijmeš. Vidíte?
159Jediné čo môžeme urobiť, to sú nariadenia, ktoré dal Boh pre veriacich, aby kládli ruky na chorých. Tak to bolo cez veky, oni to robili počas prebudení. A nazvali to: “Boh”.
160Abrahám videl mnoho znakov. Ale prišiel čas, keď Abrahám videl svoj posledný znak, práve pred tým, ako bola Sodoma spálená. A to bol Boh, ktorý sa manifestoval v podobe človeka. Veríte tomu? Či nepovedal Ježiš, že sa to bude opakovať?
161Nuž, koľkí tu vo vnútri ... A vonku pri rádiu, alebo pri telefónoch po celom národe, ak stále počúvate, pripravte sa teraz na modlitbu, modlite sa, a vy ktorí tu máte tieto vreckovky. Nuž, ja nemôžem povedať Bohu, čo má robiť. Nie. Nech je to preč odo mňa, ani to nechcem skúšať. On je suverénny, On urobí to, čo chce urobiť. Ja sa môžem len poddať a hovoriť to, čo On hovorí.
162A teraz, oni stoja okolo tých stien a sú natlačení, je to tu preplnené. Som zvedavý, či by sme mohli prosiť Boha na podstave týchto slov. “Čo je touto atrakciou?”, ak by sa Boh znovu pohyboval medzi nami (môžu tu byť cudzí) a pohyboval by sa medzi nami a ukázal by Svoju požehnanú tvár medzi nami, ukázal, že Jeho Duch je tu, ukázal, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, že by každý jeden z nás (po týchto dvoch mocných posolstvách) mohol veriť tomu, že je to tak. Môžete to učiniť? V poriadku.
163Potom, namiesto zavolania modlitebného radu, keďže je tu horúco, tesno, ľudia stoja pri stenách ... Dívam sa, či sa dá vyzvať ľudí aby sa na tejto strane stavali do radu, nedá sa, vidíte, že tam všade stoja. Mohol by som ich zvolať tu? Sú tu chorí, vozíky, všetko možné, ležia tu, nedá sa to. Tak seďte na svojich miestach a verte Bohu. Ak máte modlitebnú kartu, držte ju, to bude dobré. Dostaneme sa ku vám, ak chcete prejsť modlitebným radom. Ale vy nemusíte prechádzať cez modlitebý rad.
164Ten pán Shepherd, minulú nedeľu večer, on neprišiel do žiadneho modlitebného radu. Myslím, že nemal žiadnu modlitebnú kartu. Je pán Shepherd tu dnes večer? Kde je? Je tu? Je tam vzadu. Mal si modlitebnú kartu, pán Shepherd? Nemal? Nemal. Znovu sedí rovno tam dnes večer. To je dobré miesto, brat Shepherd.
165Nejde len o to, že tam musíš byť, ale proste mať vieru. Lebo pamätajte, jedna žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha a On to pocítil. A On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A v liste Židom, v Novom zákone je povedané, že On je dnes večer “Najvyšším Kňazom”, ktorý môže byť dotknutý súcitom s vašimi slabosťami.” Veríte tomu? Majte potom vieru! Nepochybujte. Verte Tomu a to sa stane. Môžete mať to, čo prosíte, ak Tomu môžete veriť. Ale musíte Tomu veriť. Budete veriť? Bude každý z vás Tomu veriť? Koľkí budú teraz veriť? Nech vás Boh žehná!
167Ja neviem, kto je kto, nepoznám nikoho z vás. To nie je mojou vecou poznať niekoho z vás, je to Božou vecou poznať tieto veci. Ale On to urobí, ak Tomu budete veriť. Budete teraz veriť?
167No, drahý Bože, my určite nie sme nejaká skupina krížených Kresťanov, nemali by sme byť niekým, s kým sa treba maznať. Ty nemáš také deti, Pane. Ty máš drsných veriacich. Skutočná prítomnosť Božia rozpáli ľudské srdcia ohňom. Ako Abrahám, ktorý uveril Bohu. Ty si sa mu dal poznať, potom si sa mu zjavil a vykonal si znak a on Ti uveril. Ty si premenil jeho telo späť na mladého muža a tiež jeho ženu, a ona, jeho žena bola časťou jeho vlastného tela. Potom prišlo to nové dieťa, zasľúbený syn.
168Bože, Ty si zasľúbil, že tá istá vec bude v tomto dni. Modlím sa, aby si potvrdil toto Slovo. A my sa budeme zaoberať tým jedným zasľúbením, že to bude ako bolo v Sodome, tesne predtým ako bola Sodoma spálená a súd udrel Sodomu, ten pohanský svet. Tak súd je pripravený udrieť ten pohanský svet a Židia majú ešte tri a pol roka cez obdobie súženia, Jakobove ťažkosti, pokračovanie sedemdesiatich týždňov Daniela. Ale pohania sú spočítaní, je čas ísť. A Ty si dal ten znak. Ty si povedal, že sa to zopakuje. Udeľ to, Bože. Oni ... sme v Tvojich rukách, urob s nami, čo Ty uznáš za vhodné. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
169No, nebuďte nervózni. Čo by bolo, ak by som ja bol nervózny? Nuž, robím tu niečo, čo musí závisieť od suverénnosti Božej. Ale prečo to robím? On povedal, že to bude. Tým je to jasné. A ak sa On takto potvrdí pred vami, nuž, budete Mu veriť? Istotne. Majte teraz len vieru a verte. Dovoľte že sa len rozhliadnem, aby som videl, kde bude Duch Svätý viesť, čo bude robiť. Ja neviem, čo On bude robiť, to je na Ňom. Ale ak len budete mať vieru, ak budete len veriť, “všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria.” Verte tomu všetci, pozdvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte: “Ja Tomu verím.” (Zhromaždenie hovorí: “Ja Tomu verím.” - pozn.vyd.) Verím Tomu celým svojim srdcom.
170No, tri bude potvrdenie. Ak to On urobí rovno tri krát, aby vám to dokázal, je To pravda. Nedbám kde si, kto si, maj len vieru a ver. Nevyrušujte.
171Pani, ktorá sa modlí, ja ťa nepoznám. Seď len tam, kde si, nemusíš sem ísť. Ja ťa nepoznám, ale ty držíš na rukách malé dievčatko, alebo na lone. Ja som ti úplne cudzí. A to dievčatko vyzerá normálne, vyzerá dobre. Je to pekné, červenovlasé dievčatko. Dívam sa tu na ňu, nevyzerá ako postihnutá alebo niečo také. Ja neviem, čo je jej. Nemusí to byť kvôli tomu dieťaťu, môže to byť kvôli tebe. Ja som ťa len uvidel sedieť tam s tým dieťaťom a modliť sa. Musím chvíľu s tebou hovoriť, aby som zachytil tvojho ducha. Ako Ježiš povedal tej žene: “Daj sa mi napiť.” Vidíte? Len aby rozpoznal tú osobu. Poznám týchto ľudí, Brata Bryanta a tých, ktorí tu sedia. Oni sú možno tiež v potrebe, ale ty si cudzia.
172Veríš, že som Boží prorok? Veríš týmto veciam, ktoré si počula dnes večer, že sú Pravdou? No, ak mi Boh zjaví niečo, čo si urobila, alebo niečo, čo si nemala urobiť alebo niečo, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku alebo aká je tvoja túžba, ty budeš vedieť, či to je pravda alebo nie. Však? A ak to On urobí, potvrdí to Jeho Slovo, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky a že ev. Lukáša 17:30 sa manifestuje? Veríš Tomu?
173Nuž, tá pani zodvihla ruku, že sme si cudzí. Nepoznám ťa. Ale snažím sa nadviazať kontakt s jej duchom, s jednou osobou. Je vás tu tak veľa, ktorí priťahujete. No, ty Tomu veríš celým svojim srdcom. No, to je kvôli tomu dievčatku. Nie kvôli tebe. Ty si nervózna, ale to nie je tá nervozita, ktorá ťa trápi. Tá veľká vec, ktorá ti leží na srdci, je to dievčatko. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, čo to je? Veríš? Pomôže ti to, budeš potom veriť? Má poranený mozog. Je to tak? Polož teraz ruku na hlavu toho dieťaťa, tvoju ruku.
174Drahý Bože, Ty si povedal: “Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Budú klásť ruky na chorých a oni budú uzdravení.” Tá žena je veriaca. Jej ruka je na tom dieťati. Nech je uzdravené. Prinášam túto modlitbu v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
175No, veríte všetci? Ak môžete veriť, všetko je možné. Istotne!
176Poznám tú ženu, ktorá sedí vedľa nej, ale ona sa tak úprimne pozerá týmto smerom. Neviem ako sa volá, ale ja ... ak by som sa chvíľu na ňu díval, vedel by som. Poznám tú ženu z videnia, ale neviem, čo ju trápi. Veríš, že ja ... že Boh mi povie, aký je tvoj problém? Budeš ... Pomôže ti to? Cukrovka. Nuž, ak to je pravda, zodvihni ruku. Nepochybne!
177Stalo sa, že tá pani, ktorá leží ... ktorá sedí vedľa teba, má to isté. Ona je neznáma. Ďalšia pani, ktorá sa za niekoho modlí, za postihnuté dieťa. Ver z celého svojho srdca, Boh ti to dá.
178Niekto tam vzadu. Muž, ktorý tam sedí sa snaží zbaviť fajčenia. Veríš, že Boh to od teba zoberie preč? V poriadku. Veríš? Môžeš to mať. Nikdy v živote som nevidel toho muža.
179Tu je človek. Vidím tmavý tieň, ktorý visí rovno tu nad týmto mužom, ktorý tu leží na lehátku, či na kresle? Zomiera. Je zatienený, má rakovinu. Nepoznám toho muža, nikdy som ho nevidel. Boh vie o tebe všetko. To je pravda, pane. Veríš, že Boh mi môže o tebe niečo povedať? Pomohlo by ti to prijať tvoje uzdravenie? Priviezol ťa sem tvoj priateľ. Ale ty nie si odtiaľto, si odniekiaľ, kde je veľká plocha vody ,
180Ty, z Tennessee, máš chlapca, ktorý má astmu. On nie je tu, ale veríš, že bude uzdravený? Potom vezmi svoju vreckovku, ktorú máš vo svojej ruke a polož na neho. On bude uzdravený, ak budeš Tomu veriť.
181Tá pani ktorá plače, sedí neďaleko doktora Vayleho. Ona je tiež zatienená, tmavý tieň. Nikdy v živote som nevidel tú ženu, ale ona má rakovinu. Zomrie, ak sa pre ňu niečo neurobí. Veríš, pani, že On ťa uzdraví? Môžeš veriť? Môžeš mať svoje uzdravenie, ak len budeš veriť.
182Tam je pani. Sedí napravo vedľa nej s vreckovkou na ústach. Ona je tiež chorá, má žalúdočný vred. Mávaš obdobia, že strácaš zrak, odpadávaš. Niekto ťa sem priviezol. Máš ženské problémy. Ak budeš veriť, môžeš ísť domov a byť zdravá.
183Ty, mladý muž, ty si tu cudzí, sedíš rovno tu predo mnou a dívaš sa na mňa. Odkiaľ si, Puerto Rico alebo niečo také? Áno, myslím ...? ... Ja som ti cudzí, ty to vieš, ty nie si priamo z tejto krajiny. Ale veríš, že Boh ti môže dať túžbu tvojho srdca? Ak ti poviem, čo je tvojou túžbou, prijmeš to? Hľadáš krst Duchom Svätým. To je pravda. Prijmi Ducha Svätého, môj brat.
184Tu je farebný muž, ktorý sedí tu vzadu. Má na srdci bremeno za svoju ženu. Ona tu ani nie je. Má problém s nohami. Veríš, že On ju uzdraví? Veríš? Ty si tu cudzí. Pochádzaš spoza mora. Si z Jamaiky. Veríš, že Boh by mi mohol povedať kto si? Pán Braden. Veríš? Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.
185Táto pani, ktorá sedí tu vzadu na tomto konci, tam vedľa pani Wrightovej, má na srdci bremeno. Modlí sa za svoju dcéru. Ona má ísť na operáciu. Veríš celým svojim srdcom za ňu? Ona to nebude potrebovať, ak ju privedieš aby Tomu verila. Ja nemôžem uzdraviť.
186Tam ďaleko vzadu v miestnosti s deťmi vidím Ducha Pánovho, alebo Anjela, Svetlo pohybujúce sa v tej detskej izbe nad mladou ženou a ona má duchovné problémy, nad ktorými sa trápi. Vyzerá to, akoby som mal nejako poznať tú ženu. Je to mladá žena, tiež má ženské potiaže. Áno. Jej meno je pani Westová, z Alabamy, žena Dávida Westa. Ver a Boh ti to dá.
187“Bude Svetlo a v tom dni, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka.” Ak to nie je Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, potom o Tom nič neviem. Veríte Tomu? Všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria.
188Teraz vonku pri mikrofónoch po celej krajine a v tejto modlitebni, koľkí z vás pozdvihnú svoje ruky a povedia: “Som veriaci”? Nuž, vy tam vonku v krajine, každý tu má zodvihnuté ruky a vy tam niekde po celom národe nepochybne máte zodvihnuté svoje ruky. Zavrite teraz oči, položte len ruky na niekoho vedľa vás. Chyťte ich za ruky. Položte svoje ruky na ich ramená. Ja mám svoje ruky na týchto vreckovkách. Pozrite, čo bolo dnes učinené! Pozrite sa, čo sa deje teraz:
Hľadíme na Jeho svätú tvár,
ktorá planie Božskou láskou.
Požehnaní účastníci Jeho milosti,
žiaria ako kamene v Jeho korune.
Modlime sa teraz, všade kde ste.
189Drahý Bože, tá hodina prišla. Čo toto znamená? Boh vyplňuje Svoje Slovo! Čo je tou atrakciou, Pane? To je Boh vyplňujúci Svoje Slovo. Čo je toto po celom národe, cez telefónne médiá, že stovky ľudí má svoje ruky položené jeden na druhom po celom národe, od jedného pobrežia po druhé, od severu po juh, od východu na západ? Tu sedia ľudia z iných krajín, z mnohých štátov, Mexiko, Kanada a máme svoje ruky položené jeden na druhom. Boh vyplňuje Svoje Slovo!
190Ako to je, že nejaká osoba tu môže stáť a skrze Ducha Svätého pomenovať človeka ako to On urobil pri Šimonovi Petrovi: “Tvoje meno je Šimon, si synom Jonáša” ?
“Priveď sem svojho muža.”
“Ja nemám muža.”
“To je pravda, mala si ich päť.”
191Ona povedala: “Ja viem, že keď Mesiáš príde, bude toto robiť. Ale Kto si Ty?”
On povedal: “Ja som On.”
192A Ty si ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. A Ty si dal zasľúbenie, že: “Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť. Väčšie ako tie budete činiť, lebo ja idem k Otcovi. A hľa, v posledných dňoch vám pošlem Eliáša proroka a on zmení úmysly ľudí, obráti srdcia detí späť do apoštolskej náuky Biblie. A bude Svetlo v čase večera.”
193Tu sme, veľký Boh nebies! Tá hodina je tu! Tie ruky sú na ľuďoch.
194Satan, si porazený. Si klamár. A ako sluha Boží a ako služobníci, my ti prikazujeme v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby si poslúchol Slovo Božie a opustil tých ľudí. ́Lebo je napísané: “v Mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov.”
195A nech všetci ľudia môžu byť voľní. Udeľ to, drahý Bože. Ty si Boh neba, ktorý v tom dni s atrakciou na Vrchu Golgoty porazil všetky choroby, nemoci a všetky skutky diabla. Ty si Boh! A tí ľudia sú uzdravení Tvojimi ranami. Oni sú voľní. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
196Bože, každá vreckovka, ktorá tu leží, zatiaľ čo je prítomný Duch Boží, kým pomazanie Ježiša Krista je na ľuďoch a veľké znaky, ktoré On zasľúbil sa vypĺňajú, zem sa trasie, dejú sa zemetrasenia, tie veľké znaky, ktoré On povedal a vypĺňa sa Písmo, večerné Svetlo svieti. Kladiem svoje telo na tieto vreckovky reprezentujúc celé telo veriacich z východu, západu, severu a juhu a hovorím diablovi: “V Mene Ježiša Krista, opusti každého pacienta, na ktorého sa položia” ku cti a chvále Slova Božieho. V Mene Slova Božieho, Ježiša Krista Nazaretského. Amen.
197Teraz pokojne, triezvo a rozvážne, so zdravým rozumom, ako veriaci, veríte teraz a prijímate svoje uzdravenie od Všemohúceho Boha, v Mene Ježiša Krista? Ak áno, zodvihnite svoju ruku. Všetci v krajine, zodvihnite svoje ruky tam vonku. Každá osoba tu, tak ďaleko ako len môžem vidieť, má zodvihnuté ruky. Vo vnútri, vonku, naproti oknám, vo dverách, v miestnosti s deťmi a všade dookola sú ľudia so zodvihnutými rukami. Oni To prijímajú. Satan je porazený! Rany Ježiša Krista vás uzdravujú a Prítomnosť Ježiša Krista dokazuje ten fakt, že On dnes žije, vždy je schopný dodržať každé zasľúbenie, ktoré dal. Amen! Ja Mu verím. Vy tiež?
198Povstaňme teraz na svoje nohy. V Mene Pána Ježiša, prijímame všetko, čo bolo učinené alebo povedané. Milujeme Ho z celého svojho srdca. Vážime si Ho so všetkým, čo je v nás. A teraz ako pôjdete do svojich domov z dnešného večera, nech Boh ide s vami. Nech vám Boh dá Svätého Ducha, ak nemáte Svätého Ducha.
199Každý muž, žena, chlapec alebo dievča, ktorí ste tu a neboli ste pokrstení vo Meno Ježiša Krista, sú tu šaty i voda. Neodkladaj na zajtra to, čo môžeš urobiť dnes. Zajtra môže byť príliš neskoro. “Dosť má deň na svojom trápení.” Stoja tu služobníci, čakajú, šaty čakajú. Niet ospravedlnenia. Čakáš aj ty? Ak čakáš a veríš ... Nezáleží na tom, ako si bol pokrstený, pokropený, pofŕkaný, akokoľvek, to je zle. Prišlo Svetlo. Poď, ver a buď pokrstený.
200Každý bez Ducha Svätého, môžete obdržať Ducha Svätého, každý jeden z vás, v plnej moci Božej a lásky, ako On zasľúbil, aby vás učinil novým stvorením v Ňom. Nech vás Boh žehná.
201A teraz, dovidenia do nasledujúcej nedele ráno o deväť tridsať. Spievajme túto krátku pieseň, ktorú sme zvykli spievať pred rokmi:
Nezabudni na rodinnú modlitbu,
Ježiš sa chce s tebou tam stretnúť.
On vezme tvoju každú starosť,
nezabudni na rodinnú modlitbu.
Spievajme to teraz spolu:
Nezabudni na rodinnú modlitbu,
Ježiš sa chce s tebou tam stretnúť.
On vezme tvoju každú starosť,
nezabudni na rodinnú modlitbu.
202Ako to teraz spievame znovu, potras si ruku s pútnikom, ktorý je vedľa teba, počas spievania:
Nezabudni na rodinnú modlitbu,
Ježiš sa chce s tebou tam stretnúť.
On vezme tvoju každú starosť,
nezabudni na rodinnú modlitbu.
203Či Ho milujete? Ja Ho milujem. Ja Ho milujem, lebo On ma prv miloval a vykúpil moje spasenie (to bolo tou atrakciou) na hore Golgoty. Tá istá atrakcia na hore Zapadajúceho slnka, na hore Nebo, na hore Sinaj, všetky tie rôzne prežitia na vrcholoch hôr, siedmich. V poriadku, spievajme to teraz:
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
lebo On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil moje spasenie
Na Golgotskom kríži.
204Všetci, ktorí Ho milujete, povedzte “Amen.” Nuž, myslite len o tom, čo On pre vás urobil. Možno že by ste boli dnes večer tam vonku v nejakom bare. Pravdepodobne by ste boli v nejakom hrobe, ako som mal byť ja, preč od Božieho milosrdenstva. Čo On pre teba urobil? Ó, ako by sme Ho mohli nemilovať? To nič nemení, čo ktokoľvek hovorí, On je na prvom mieste!
205Zavrime teraz svoje oči a skloňme svoje hlavy ako Mu to teraz spievame. On má rád piesne, spievanie chválospevov. Spievajme Mu to teraz:
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
lebo On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil moje spasenie
Na Golgotskom kríži.
206So sklonenými hlavami a srdcami v Jeho Prítomnosti, s vďakou za to, čo videli naše oči, čo počuli naše uši, čo je zaznamenané v Božom Slove, aké je Jeho zasľúbenie pre nás na dnes. Nech vás Boh žehná.
207Máme dnes večer medzi nami hosťa, brata Neda Iversona, niekdajšieho presbyteriánskeho kazateľa. Jeho otec a jeho bratia sú presbyteriánskymi kazateľmi. On, myslím, že bol dnes znovu pokrstený vo Meno Ježiša Krista. On je kazateľ, a to dobrý. A teraz, poprosím jeho, verím, že je sluhom Božím, aby prosil o Božie požehnania pre toto zhromaždenie ako sa budete rozchádzať do svojich domov.
208Brat Iverson, poď dopredu, kým máme sklonené svoje hlavy v modlitbe. Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat.
1 Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
Let us bow our heads now.
Father God, that's our sincere prayer tonight, seeing all that You are doing for the people in this day. And we ask You, Lord, may we only believe, just believe It's the Truth, the written Word being made manifest to us. Grant these things, Father.
2Now tonight we want to thank You for the--the Light that You throwed on the Scriptures for us this morning. And we pray tonight, Lord, in that prayer line, that You will vindicate Your Word to be the Truth.
3We pray for all the churches and the congregations that's gathered around the--the--the little microphones out across, from the nation, all the way to the West Coast, up unto the mountains of Arizona, down into the plains of Texas, way into the East Coast, all across the country, Lord, where they have gathered. Many hours apart, we are in time, but, Lord, we're together tonight as one unit, believers, waiting for the Coming of the Messiah. We pray, Heavenly Father, that You'll send Him soon for Your Church. For we ask it in His Name. Amen.
4 You may be seated. Christian greetings to all that's here tonight. I'm sorry that we're still jammed and packed till we can hardly breathe. Even the air conditioners, as well as it's air conditioned, doesn't have much effect, so many people. If there was hardly just a normal church full of people, those air conditioners would freeze you. But now everyone has got a fan, fanning, and the air conditioner is blowing as hard as it can.
5We send greetings from the East Coast to the West, to all our friends in Christ, who is listening in. We send greetings over in San Jose, Brother Borders, the group up there. We send greetings up in the mountains, Prescott, Arizona, to Brother Leo Mercier and his group that's up there waiting for the Coming of the Lord. We send greetings to those in Tucson, that's gathered tonight, waiting for the Coming of the Lord. Down into Houston, Texas, to those who are waiting for the Coming of the Lord. Up in Chicago, to those who are waiting for the Coming of the Lord. Up on the East Coast, New York and Connecticut, and the great groups up there, that's waiting for the Coming of the Lord. We don't have room here to seat them, so we just have to send them the Word through the--the medium of the telephone. We send greetings to Brother Junior Jackson tonight, and his group down in Clarksville. Brother Ruddell, up on sixty-two, and his group, waiting for the Coming of the Lord. And we're gathered here tonight at the home church, the tabernacle, waiting for the Coming of the Lord.
6 And now, many of you maybe wasn't at the services this morning. But I trust that everyone, that wasn't, will get that tape, for I believe that it was the most straightest Message to the church since the--the Message of Sirs, What Time Is It? I felt the anointing of the Spirit, felt led to say what I did. It was long, but yet I felt led to do it. And I think the Lord, by His Word, showed that what hour we're living. And make sure that we understand these mysterious things that's happening. You know, the Bible said, "The wise shall understand."
7But the nations and the people will grow "weaker and wiser." Just think, the average American now is in middle age, about twenty years old, weaker but wiser. They didn't have jet planes in them days, and--and atomic warheads, but they lived a lot longer. We're getting weaker and wiser, and our own wisdom is what's going to destroy us. We will destroy ourselves. God will not destroy us; our wisdom will destroy us. It's always been that way, and so will it be again.
8 Now, the Lord willing, next Sunday morning, not knowing now what I will speak on, but I trust that the Lord, if He lets us live and nothing happens, and it be His will, we aim to speak another Message next Sunday morning, have prayer for the sick next Sunday night. Then it falls my lot to return back home to Arizona, to take the family back so the children can register in school. Then you'll be... We'll notify you, just as we can, of the meetings as they mature, or the times that we... places that we aim to be. So, God bless you all.
9Now tonight, knowing that it's... I'm fifteen minutes late, to begin with, quarter till eight here in Jeffersonville; and that's about a quarter to nine at the East Coast, and then it's about five o'clock on the West Coast. So now we are just about sundown here. And I want to speak to you for just a short service, to try to find the anointing of the Spirit, and then call the prayer line.
10 And I want the congregation here, as well as the congregation assembled at other places, find some man, some brother that's anointed by the Spirit; and when we start praying for the sick, go lay hands upon those that's in your congregation. Remember, God is omnipresent; He is everywhere. So, down in Texas, over in California, up in Arizona, wherever you are, lay hands on those that are sick when we start praying for the sick. And I'm sure God will hear and answer prayer.
11Strange thing, last Sunday night, and the anointing was going on, and the Holy Spirit... It was quite a thing. I hadn't had a--a line of discernment for months and months, since I was here the other time. And then to walk up there under a promise... You don't know that He'll do it. You can't say He'll do it. You've just got to walk up there and wait. He is sovereign. He does what He wants to. But stand there and wait to see what He will do, then feel It break through on you like that.
12 And at the end of the--the meeting, not knowing who it was, but there had been a--a man somewhere along the line that was tall, and bald on top, and he was a very sick person.
13And then right at last, there was a man appeared here on the platform, and had his head down, and looked like he was suffering, holding himself around the stomach. And I thought that must be that first man or second man, or when ever it was that I prayed for him, 'cause he was bald and was holding his head down; a large man, stooped over. But I looked around and I found the gentleman sitting out there, but he was rejoicing. I thought, "Where is it?" I couldn't decide where it was at. I could feel it and see the man before me.
I felt it pull around this way, and it was coming from back. I looked at Brother Neville and these two sitting here, it wasn't them. I said, "The man is on the inside of that baptistery back there." And you know who it was? Brother Shepherd. The reason I couldn't recognize him, he was sitting back there with his head bowed, praying.
14He thought he was going to die, has thought that for the last few weeks. His wife told him go get a new pair of shoes, and he said, "I won't need them. I won't be here that long."
15 And he met me the other day in the... up there in the yard, Brother Wood's, a shouting and praising God. Said, "I'm eating bacon, eggs, tomatoes, anything I want."
16And humbly giving up his seat, getting back in there out of the way, and praying. See, you don't need a prayer card, you only need faith. See?
Now, I didn't know whether he was healed or not, I just said, "A--a man, praying, he's got something wrong." I think It called what it was, "Stomach trouble, and praying back behind here. The Lord Jesus make you well." Now, that's all I could tell. The pull was that he was praying. I could see it, but what happens I don't know. See?
17But when you hear It come back, everybody is aware, when It says, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," see, that's not me speaking no more then; that's Him.
18 But I always say, "Jesus Christ has made you whole," that's exactly the Truth. "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed." See? See?
19But when It comes, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," and tells you what to do and what's going to happen, watch that, it'll be that way.
20But when I say, "Jesus Christ heals you and makes you whole," you believe it, 'cause He's already said it. I'm just repeating what He said.
21And a vision is just repeating what He showed. You understand?
22 Now may we hurry up and get right into the Word, because I know that many of you are here, got long miles to travel tonight. I pray that God will bless you, help you and protect you along the roads. And now I wish to turn tonight to Saint Matthew, the 21st chapter, and verses 1 to 11, in Saint Matthew. And, now, if you don't have your Bible, or if you want to jot down these Scriptures, all right.
23 And now to you who never heard the Message this morning, and you have a tape recorder; we never solicit, selling tapes. We never solicit, selling anything. Sometimes in a big meeting they'll announce they got some books back there; we don't make anything out of them. Brother Vayle is the writer. The tapes, the man that operates the tape business there will tell you, we don't make no tape money. We don't... It ain't "the tapes"; it's the Message. And when a man gets on his mind that it's money, he ain't going to make tapes no more. That's right. I was asking about it, I think our tapes sell about, under five dollars, or something, three to five, or something like that. What say? Three and four, for them big, long tapes.
24And a certain minister, I asked about one of his tapes, and it was nine dollars, about twenty minutes or thirty, of a message.
25 So I see that our Brother Sothmann back there is not getting rich, any of them, on these tapes that they're--they're putting out. See, they make just enough to get by on it. Can't ask them to make them for nothing, because they have to buy the tapes and everything else. And the machinery is very expensive, costs about ten thousand dollars to get set up to make those tapes, to begin with.
26Now, I understand soon I... have announced it yet. But there's a tape hearing again. Every so often we... the trustees, I have nothing to do with it at all. I don't even... never at none of the meetings. It's neither--neither pro nor con. They turn in their bids; the trustees decide who is the next man to make tapes, and they send him a letter. That's all I know about it. They take care of that, because I can't even dedicate babies let alone take care of tapes, so, or baptize.
27 So I've got my mind set on this Message, that's that Third Pull, and it's the one I must be loyal and reverent to.
28Matthew 21:1 to 11. I said that so you could be watching for the... or turning to the Scriptures.
And when the... And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives,... Jesus sent two of his disciples,
And saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them to me.
And if any man say ought unto you, you shall say, The Lord has need of them; and straightway he will send them.
This was all done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying,
Tell ye the daughters of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek,... sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass.
And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them,
And they brought the--the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon.
And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; and others cut down branches from the trees, and strew them in the way.
And the multitude that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.
And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this?
And the multitude said, This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.
29Now if I would take a text from that, for about thirty minutes before the prayer line begins, I would like to take this for a text: What Is The Attraction On The Mountain?
30 Now, it had been a very weary, nervous day, and it was an unusual day. We find Jesus here coming up to Jerusalem, ready to attend the passover. And the passover is where the paschal lamb was killed, and the blood was spread upon the mercy seat for the--the atonement for--for the people. And He had come up from Bethphage and had come to the top of the Mount of Olives, which looks down upon another little hill where Jerusalem was built. And as He looked, and knowed that this was His final visit.
31This was the time that when He would be delivered into the hands of sinful man and they would kill Him. He would die the horriblest death that was ever died by a mortal, and be buried. He would be betrayed by His Own, some of them standing right with Him. And Him, being God, knew what was in their hearts, and knew from the beginning who would betray Him. And knowed that man was with Him who set by His side and counted His money to Him, and so forth, knowed that man would betray Him. And knew that a cruel Roman cross waited for Him out there. He knew that His water in His body and the Blood of His body would separate, and that the Blood would drop off of His forehead, great big drops like perspiration. He knew all that was before Him. And He stands upon the mountain, looking over to Jerusalem.
32 The people of that day, the... what they called that day, "a better religious class of people," hated Him. The churches of that day hated Him and denounced Him, and denounced all that listened to Him. And if they went and attended His campaigns, they were immediately excommunicated from the fellowship of the church. No wonder the Scripture said, "He came unto His Own, and His Own received Him not." The ones who ought to have loved Him, the ones who ought to have been for Him, was His bitter, bitterest enemies.
33 And He had made up His little group out of a bunch of poor people, fishermen, tax gatherers, uneducated. The Bible said some of them was even "ignorant, unlearned." Some could not even sign their name. He never went to the churches to get His people.
34And He never agreed with any of the church leaders. And, besides that, He followed the very trend of a prophet. He condemned everything that they done, as the ones before Him had; because they were a portion of the Word, and He was the Word in Its fullness.
35 But in the midst of all of it, through every age and every prophet that had been or would be, there is going to be a certain amount of people that's predestinated to hear that Message, and they'll follow It. Those ignore the crowds. They ignore the criticism of the unbeliever. They--they have no argument with them. They've got one thing to do, that's believe and to get every bit of It they can, soak It in like Mary who set at the feet of Jesus.
36And Martha was fixing His dinner, and Jesus said to her, "But, Martha, you are so concerned about the things of life, but Mary has sought the better things," see, the things of Eternal Life.
37 Now, we find that many of the people that had understood... They didn't have literature as we have today, they didn't have television or telephones, or anything, of that day, but had been kind of breezed around that He was going to be at the passover. For many of the people, being spiritual-minded, knew that He was that passover Lamb, because He had already told them the things that was going to happen.
38 And then, of course, knowing that He was to be there, and loved Him the way they did, they was waiting for Him. There was a crowd that was probably pushing, shoving from one gate to the other one, watching out in every way, for they knew that one of the hours He would appear. They were watching.
39Others were wondering what was the matter with these people running from gate to gate. "What's the attraction?"
40And they would look this way and look that way, to find out. Looked like they were looking for something, under expectation of something going to happen.
41Oh, how I would like to change my text for a few minutes and say this, that that's what's the matter today. The people who are looking for Him coming is under great anticipation and expectations. We can feel it, the pressure. And they are seeking, watching every move and every sign, comparing it with the Scriptures.
42 And when they seen all those things that was predicted of Him, right up to the end, they knowed the end was nigh. They wanted to be there, so they watched. Part of the crowds was for Him, in the minority. Some was against Him, most of them, ninety percent was against Him.
43And that's about the way it is today in the religious crowds, when it really come down to the Word and Christ, there's about one percent that would believe It. The other part wouldn't pay any attention to It, no matter what was done, they would pass off some kind of a joke or throw a slam about It. Just about the same. Time, things don't change very much, history just repeats itself around.
44 Well, we find that drawed a nervous tension. It had to. It must do it. They were waiting, they were wondering what He would do when He got there. They wanted to be there to get anything that He done. They wanted It. They wanted to see It. They believed Him. Others had heard He was coming, and they went up there to make fun of Him. So after all the nervous anticipation, a very unusual day, very unusual time, churches asleep, the people's nerve was on edge, there was so many people there, and then it happened!
45 On top of Mount Olive come a little, white donkey coming, walking down the hill, with a group of people fanatically screaming, pulling off palms' leaves off the trees, throwing their clothes in the road, screaming, "Hosanna to the Son of David that comes in the Name of the Lord!" The... this little mule, his Rider was none other than God's anointed Messiah of the hour.
46God, then, what was He doing? What is that attraction up there on the hill? It's God making history, and God fulfilling prophecy. And that always causes an attraction. It brings all the critics up, the vultures (of this morning's Message), and the eagles also. See? They come together to find out what's going on. Some coming for curiosity, some coming to find fault, others coming to criticize. There's all kinds gathered, as we said this morning: believers, make-believers, and unbelievers. What's on the mountain? Prophecy is being fulfilled. Now we'll see what takes place.
47 Now, in the Book of Zechariah, in the 9th chapter and the 9th verse. Zechariah, one of the prophets, spoke in the Spirit, saying this.
Rejoice greatly, O daughters of Zion; shout, O daughters of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just,... having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, upon the foal, a colt the foal of an ass.
48Now, what was the matter with those scribes? What was the matter with those priests? What was the matter with those religious people? This was wrote four hundred and eighty-seven years before it happened, by a vindicated prophet, and was already put into writings and called the Bible, the scrolls of the Old Testament. Why couldn't they see that that's prophecy being fulfilled? The same reason they can't see it today. They had took the Word of God and made It of none effect to the people, by teaching (for traditions) for Doctrine the traditions of man.
49And if scribe, preachers, ministers, spiritual man (so-called), anointed ones, would only read the Bible, they wouldn't be wondering what's taking place, they would know what It is. God fulfilling His Word!
50 History was being made, prophecy was being fulfilled. Salvation to the world was arriving, the great day that all the prophets had looked forward to. All that was in the grave was waiting for that day (my, think of it), all that had died, all the righteous of the blood of the martyrs and the prophets.
51Which, He had just screamed out, "Jerusalem, O Jerusalem, you that stone every prophet that I send to you, and kill the righteous, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen did, would her brood, but you would not. But now your hour has come."
52 Everything that was in the grave, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, all the prophets, were waiting for this hour.
53And the church was blind to It. "Who is this that's causing all of this noise? Who is that Fellow?" They said one time, "Is not that the carpenter's son over here? We know Him. Where did He get this wisdom? Why, we don't see Him connected with any of our schools. We don't know any books He ever learned from. Who is It?"
54He was the answer of the prophet's prophecy. Here He comes, riding upon the foal of an ass. What an attraction! God was fulfilling His promised Word, the hour that had been waiting since four thousand years. In Genesis, the 3rd chapter and the 15th verse, God had made the prediction, "The Seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head, but his head shall bruise her heel," that prophecy down through the Bible that had been predicted of this Man coming.
55 And here just recently there was a prophet who stood up among them, that was vindicated a prophet, Zechariah, and he said, that, "You daughters of Jerusalem and you daughters of Zion, rejoice, shout, scream out, for your King comes to you, meek and lowly and humble, riding upon the foal of an ass."
56And here those people that read that Scripture, day by day, watched Him come riding in, and cried, "Who is this?" See? God fulfilling His Word to the people that should have knowed what It was, but they didn't know It.
57When God fulfills His Word, It always causes an attraction, always does. Causes an attraction, for It is the unusual. So unusual, when He fulfills His Word to the modern trend of the day, 'cause the modern trend of the day don't believe in It. They have their own way.
58 Now, we see, and let us go back in the Scriptures and take some other unusual events, just for a few more minutes, when God fulfilled His prophecy. When God says anything, He's going to do it. All heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word can never pass away. So It usually causes a scene, an unusual scene.
59Notice how ridiculous that the Word of God to a--a people who is supposed to believe It, and yet It's so unusual they cry out, "Well, what's this? Where'd you get that stuff? Who is this? What is this?"
When, they ought to have been screaming, "Hosanna to the King that cometh in the Name of the Lord!" But there was just a little group doing that, just a little group.
Of four thousand years of prophecy, for the greatest thing that could ever happen to the nation, for all the hope of the dead rested upon It, all the future laid in It; and the religious people, that claimed they believe It, was screaming out, "Who is It? And what's this attraction?" Something unusual! About the same, it just don't change, now unusual.
60 Let's see some of the unusual things, as I've just said. What was the attraction just before judgment struck the world and destroyed it by water? An old man, around a hundred and twenty years old, building a boat when there was no water to float it in. Up there for years, standing in the door, building away on the interior, on the inside, and pitching it inside and out, and say, "The world is going to be swallowed up with water," the great scientific age.
61"What is that pounding up on the hill up there?" "Why, it's an old man by the name of Noah, and he's up there, an old fanatic. The old man stood in the sun too long. He is sunstroked. He's out of his mind. And he's building what he calls 'an ark,' and saying waters is coming from up there where there is no water, and it's going to float all the people around; and everybody that don't hear his message, and everybody that won't come into that ark, is going to be drowned. Did you ever hear of such a thing?" It was an unusual attraction!
62 I imagine when the people wanted a good laugh, they went up and stood before the ark door and laughed. "Why, you said it was going to rain a hundred years ago! Grandpa told me he heard you up here saying it was going to rain, and you're still beating around on this old piece of wood up here. Why don't you get next to yourself?"
63But it was God getting ready to confirm a promise and to fulfill a prophecy that His prophet had made. Very unusual! God fulfilling His promise to Noah, while others was laughing. God was also getting ready to make history to show to others, even to this day, that He keeps His Word! No matter how unreal it seems, and unreasonable, He still keeps His Word. He was making it an example, out of that old man pounding on that ark, for these people here in America tonight and all over the world. No matter what science says, what they say, this, that, or the other, He still keeps His Word. He was making history.
64 What was the attraction one day; an unusual thing happened back in the wilderness, and it was a bush that was on fire. And a runaway prophet was standing down in the wilderness. He never heard no voice, he never heard no sound, but he looked and seen an unusual thing up on top of the mountain. God was trying to attract his attention. Same is it today!
65God was getting ready to fulfill His Word, by His prophet Abraham, "Your seed shall sojourn four hundred years in a strange land. I'll bring them out with a mighty hand."
66And He was preparing a man for the job, as He was preparing an ark for a safety place for all who would believe. God put this bush on fire, and this sheepherder, Moses, said, "I will just turn aside to see what this strange thing means." And when He got Moses up to the bush, He spoke to him.
67 What was the attraction later in the Pilate's hall, when this sheepherder throwed down a stick and it turned into a serpent? God fulfilling His promise to Moses. What was the attraction at the Dead Sea, when Pharaoh's horses was all astonished, when they seen a wind come down from the heavens and part the Red Sea from right to left; and a poor bunch of slaves, walking in the duty of God, walk across that on dry land? What was it? God keeping His Word. The deadness moved away, a living people went across; and a spiritually dead people tried to impersonate it, and drowned. God fulfilling prophecy and making history. That was the attraction at the Dead Sea.
68 What was the attraction the second day after that, at Mount Sinai, when all the people was commanded not to come at their wives, when they was asked to wash their clothes and sanctify themselves, and gather around a mountain where a man by the name of Moses had said he met God in a Pillar of Fire? And God had said to Moses, "I'm going to come down amongst the people. I'm going to confirm that what I told you, and Who I am. I'm going to show them that I am that God." That was the attraction, God fulfilling His Word.
69 What was the attraction one day in history, where a nation had forgot God, where the people had become formal and indifferent, where the priests had all went with the modern trend, the prophets prophesied according to the will of the priests? And in that day, as usual, they had one man that they thought was a fanatic. He talked about women wearing paint, and everything, and he was a kind of an odd sort of a guy. And this old fellow had come down and said to the king, "Not even dew is going to call... come until I call for it."
70 And we find out, then, that he had hid hisself and run away from it, and he hid out in the wilderness somewhere. The company had thought that maybe he had starved to death or perished; but he had been fed pretty well, and watered, too. And here he was, come down and said, "Do you see that I have THUS SAITH THE LORD? Now, if you're not convinced yet, let's go up to the top of the mountain and prove who is God," for he had another vision from the Lord.
71He said, "Choose you a--a altar, and make it, and--and choose ox and slay them. I'll make an altar of the Lord, and also I will put ox on mine. We'll both make a sacrifice, and let the God that's God answer." He'd a by no means done that if the Lord hadn't a told him; he said so later, "I've done this at... all this, at Your command, Lord."
72 But what's the attraction? It's got four hundred priests standing on the hill, and the king up there in his chariot, with all of his armors and guards standing around. And this old, wooly, fuzzy-faced- looking man, baldheaded, and hairs hanging down over his face, piece of sheepskin draped around him, and hairs all over his body, standing up there with a stick in his hand, and a cruse of oil in the other hand; that just said, three years and a half before that, "Not even dew will fall till I call from it, for it," taking the place of God, with such things as halos and shadows, and all they talk about. "And here that old fanatic standing up there on the hill, bringing all these people up there." What was that attraction? It was God fixing to vindicate His prophet to be right. It was God fulfilling prophecy. God also making history, fulfilling the Word.
73 A few hundred years after that, there was a man anointed with that same Spirit, and he come out of the wilderness, not connected with any organizations; though his daddy was an organization man, a priest of an order. But he come out of the wilderness, dressed with a sheepskin around him, hair all over his face. Instead of being gray, it was black. What was this man's attraction that attracted all Jerusalem and Judaea? Some of them going out and said, "There's a wild man down there. He's trying to drown the people in water. Who ever heard of such a thing as that?"
74 Others were curious, and saying, "This must be the Messiah." One of them said, "It could be one of the prophets." They didn't know what to think. But what was it? It was God fulfilling Isaiah 40, where He said, "Behold..." what He would do in the last days, how He would send His servant and what he would do.
75Then we find, a few weeks after that, that man being so positive of his message, till he said, "There is One standing in among you, Whose shoes I am not worthy to bear. He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire, as I have baptized with water."
76 One day an ordinary, young Man, about thirty years old, walked down and was baptized. And when this Man come, there was such an attraction by the prophet, the prophet act strange that day. The congregation couldn't help from watching the action of that prophet when he was debating with the priests across the river.
77They said, "God built this altar. God told us to do this. Moses is the prophet. We believe Moses. The sacrifice will never be done away with."
78I can hear John answer back, said, "Have not you read in the Scripture what Daniel the prophet said, 'The daily sacrifice will be done away with'? And that hour has arrived! Have not you read what Isaiah said in the 40th chapter, 'The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord'? There is two prophecies for me. And another thing, did not you recognize our prophet four hundred years ago, Malachi, when he spoke in the 3rd chapter and said, 'Behold, I send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way'? Don't you know this fulfills prophecy?" Prophecy was being fulfilled!
79 And about that time the prophet turned and said, "Behold, there comes the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!" Now what's the attraction? It's changed from the prophet to his prophecy.
80Now notice what comes to pass. Here comes an ordinary Man, known of no one, a carpenter's son, come walking out in the water. When John, the great prophet, said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee. Why comest Thou to me?"
81He said, "Suffer that to be so. But, as a prophet and the Word, it behooves us to fulfill all righteousness."
82So he understood the Sacrifice had to be washed before presented, and he baptized Him.
83 Now there's another attraction takes place when He went up out of the water. This prophet who had been so loyal to declare his age and the time, he looked up and he saw the heavens open. He saw the Spirit of God, like a dove, descending upon Him, and a Voice saying, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm well pleased." God was vindicating a prophet's message, what was attracting the attention at the Jordan.
84 A brother sang a while ago, or he was supposed to sing, "On the hills far away stood an old rugged cross." What's the attraction on Mount Calvary? When we see the religious world had condemned Him, and the Roman government had sentenced Him to death. And here He was hanging between two malefactors, starving for a drink, Blood running out of His body. There He hangs, crying, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" And the religious people standing there, looking at it, little did they know that the prophecy of the Old Testament was being met right there at Calvary that time.
85David himself wrote, act... fell into the Spirit like all prophets, he act like it was him. David cried, in the 22nd Psalm, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? All My bones they stare at Me. They pierced My hands and My feet." David, speaking like it was him. And it wasn't David, it was Christ in David.
86And here the very prophecy that went forth, of all the different prophets, was being fulfilled on Mount Calvary. What's the attraction on Mount Calvary? God fulfilling His Word.
87 Another attraction was on a mount, was on the Day of Pentecost, when all of them was up there in a religious feast, thought they had got rid of all the fanatics. They hadn't heard from them for ten days. All of a sudden, like a beehive, they broke out of the top of the building, out into the streets, a screaming and carrying on.
88"What is this? What meaneth this? Are all these man drunk?"
89Watch! And a prophet stood up among them, as the order of a prophet should be, and said, "Ye men of Israel, and you that dwell in Judaea, in Jerusalem, let this be known unto you, and hearken to my words. These are not drunk like you think they are. But this is that which was spoken of by the Lord through Joel, the prophet, 'It shall come to pass in the last days, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'" That was the attraction.
90 The religious people, after crucifying the Prince of Life, and everything, still didn't see the promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit. The attraction, "Who is this? What meaneth this? What's the matter with them people?"
91Oh, my! It's the same today. We'll bypass a lot of this to bring it to this hour. The same thing is today. The same thing is taking place. The same question is asked. "What's all that racket?" Look up-and-down the street, cars from Michigan to Florida, from Maine to California. This morning when I was riding out, or right after noon, we was going down the street, wife and I was looking at licenses on cars. That's where I thought of this text.
"What meaneth this?"
92Just as It said, "Where the Carcase is, there the eagles will gather."
93 I said to my wife, "Honey, you remember the last night when I had to say good-bye to everything was dear to me on earth, and go into the fields to start something that God had said do? You sang that song."
Oh, they'll come from the East and the West,
They come from the lands afar,
To feast with our King, to dine as His guest;
How blessed these pilgrims are!
Beholding His hallowed face
Aglow with love Divine;
Blest partakers of His grace,
As gems in His crown will shine.
94 That's what the attraction is. The predestinated Seed of God who can't do nothing else but follow It, means more than life to us. Take our lives, but you don't take That. What is the attraction? God, as usual, fulfilling His Word. He is fulfilling the Word of Zechariah again, of prophet Zechariah.
95Where I read the 9th verse a while ago, when Jesus entered His temple, riding... or entered Jerusalem, riding on a little, white donkey, the prophecy was fulfilled that Zechariah said. Here It is, "Rejoice greatly, O daughters of Zion. Shout, O daughters of Jerusalem. Behold, thy King is coming unto thee; He is just, and having salvation; lowly, riding upon an ass, and upon the colt the foal of an ass." That's what the attraction was at Jerusalem, at the religious headquarters.
96 Now we see a last-day happening! Let's just turn a few pages on, in Zechariah, and see what he said about it. Let's turn it over then for the last days. That was the middle age; let's turn now to the last days. And turn over to Zechariah, the 14th chapter, and beginning with the 4th verse. And listen! And we're going to read down a portion of the Scripture, about nine verses, from 4 to 9. Listen close. And it's prophesying of His Coming, the last days. Listen close now. This is THUS SAITH THE LORD. It's the Scriptures, Zechariah 14. Remember Zechariah 9, what It said? And they didn't recognize It. Now what is it today? Zechariah 14, speaking of His Coming.
And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, again, which is before Jerusalem on the east, on the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof towards the east and towards the west, and there shall be a very great valley;... half of the mountain shall be moved towards the north, and half... towards the south.
And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach from Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like you fled in the days of the earthquake in the days of Uzziah the king of Judah:...
97 Another earthquake splitting open the earth! If you want to follow out a Scripture here, notice in this 5th verse, it applies that the cleaving of the Mount of Olives is due to an earthquake, and this is confirmed by Isaiah 29:6 and Revelation 16:9. Exactly! What is it? The same prophet told of His first coming, seen His second Coming. Notice, "As in the days of the earthquake." See what the earthquakes are doing? See the predictions of them?
... and the LORD your God shall come, and all of his saints with thee.
And it shall come to pass in that day, (hallelujah) in that day, that the light shall not be clear, or dark:
But it shall be one day with... one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that in the evening time it shall be light. (O God!)
98 "It shall be Light about the evening time," same prophet. And the people is blind! What's the attraction? Let's read a couple more verses.
And it shall be in that day, that the living waters shall go forth from Jerusalem; half of them towards the former sea, and half... towards the hinder sea: in the summer and... winter shall it be. (The Gospel going forth; both Jew and Gentile.)
And the LORD shall be king over... the earth: in that day, and there shall be one LORD, and his name one.
It shall be Light about the evening time, (right)
The way to Glory you will surely find;
In the water way is the Light today,
Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.
Young and old, repent of all your sins,
The Holy Ghost will surely enter in;
The evening Light has come,
It is a fact that God and Christ are One.
See where we're at?
Nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,
The signs that our prophets foretold; (that earthquake to the Gentiles to the last day)
The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;
Return, O dispersed, to your own.
99You that's been kicked out, and these arks carried on new carts, get out of there 'fore death strikes you. God has confirmed It. It shall be so.
100 Let us turn over to another Scripture in the Old Testament, Malachi the 4th chapter, and read that little 4th chapter.
... behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea,... all that do wickedly, shall be as stubbles:...
101Now, this is not... That's Malachi 3, was the first coming, now here is the next coming. Even the Doctor Scofield here, I certainly don't agree with him in his footnotes, but he's got it lined out here right. "The commission of John," to Malachi 3; and, "The second Coming of Christ," and Elijah beforehands. All right.
... all the proud shall burn up, saith the LORD of hosts, and it shall leave them neither root nor branch. (Where's the "Eternal" hell then?)
But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness rise with healing campaigns, healing in his wings;... you shall go forth, and grow up; as calves of the stall.
And you shall tread down the wicked;... they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in that day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
Remember... the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded... him in Horeb for all Israel,... the statutes and judgment.
102 Here is the coming of Elijah.
Behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet...
103The last closing Scripture of the Old Testament!
... I'll send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of that great and dreadful day of the LORD:
104Now, that couldn't a been John. No. See, the world wasn't burnt up and the righteous walked out on the wicked. See? No, no.
... before the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
105Notice the accuracy of the Holy Spirit, that It would not confuse them two comings of Elijah. Malachi 3, said, "Behold, I send My messenger before My face." Jesus was asked about John; He said, "If you can receive it, this is who the prophet said, 'I'll send My messenger before My face.' This is the Elias that was to come." Malachi 3.
106 Notice the Scripture so accurately gives it. Watch what this... to show the... them who wants to believe, them who wants to see. Remember, Jesus stopping in the middle of a Scripture, 'cause part of it was fulfilled then, the rest for His second Coming? "To preach the acceptable year of the Lord, bind up the brokenhearted," and stopped; not "bring judgment to the Gentile" until His second Coming.
107 Notice this Scripture here parallels that. "And he, Elijah, shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children." (Now speaking of Malachi 4, not get it mixed, or Malachi 3.) John, Elijah, who came in the days before the first coming of Christ, turned the hearts of the old patriarch fathers to the message of the children, the new message.
108Now watch. "And the hearts of the children to the fathers." In his second coming, in the last days, he turns back to the apostolic Faith again. See how perfect the Scriptures line up?
109That was the end of the Old Testament, the Old Testament. Now we see there's Light in the evening time. What is It? It's the top, Mount Treetop.
110 As I said this morning, we've come up through denominations, through (not a orange tree) like I spoke of this morning, but we've had grapefruit, lemons, all kinds of other things that wasn't like the beginning at all. But after... Don't miss It. Here It comes. After all the denominations has played out, they didn't have any Light to begin with, there'll be a day that can't be called day or night.
111What are they doing? What are they doing? What does a--a lemon do on an orange tree? It takes the original life of the orange that's coming up and perverts it through a lemon. That's what the denominations has done to the Word of God, made the Word of God of no effect by their traditions. That's THUS SAITH THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD. They have brought forth lemons, grapefruits, not oranges.
112 But what did the prophet say? The same one that said for our text tonight, "Rejoice, O daughters of Jerusalem, shout loud, daughters of Zion, for your King is coming to you, meek and lowly, sitting upon the foal of an ass," notice that same prophet said, "There'll come a time of the ripening." The sun is sent upon the earth to ripen the fruit. Why couldn't it ripen? There's no fruit there to ripen. But the Life is still traveling on.
113 It come up through a grapefruit, to be an orange, found out it organized; it was a grapefruit. It went again, it come out that time a lemon. Went on again, it turned out to something else. And in the last, top of the tree, it's turned out to a tangelo, which is half orange, half lemon; a mixed breed, a perverted thing; come on to a perversion, living off that same tree; the shuck, "almost deceive the Elected." Looks like an orange, but it ain't.
114"But it shall be Light," when she grows beyond organization. When she gets out a-past organization, it blooms out again, she'll put forth oranges like she was when she went into the ground, and then it shall be Light.
115What's this attraction; what's this happening? Fulfilling God's Word. There is two witnesses of the Old Testament, that this would happen.
116 Let's take John 14:12, of the New Testament, Jesus said.
... He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also;...
117Also, in Luke 17:22 to 30, He said.
As it was in the days of Lot, before Sodom, was burned, so shall it be at the return of the Son of man, that day when the Son of man is being revealed.
118Oh, just look at the Scriptures! "The Son of man," Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, growed a-past denominations, growed into the top of the Tree. What did He say in John 14, or 15? "Every branch that's in Me, that doesn't bring forth the fruit, it'll be cut off and pruned, throwed into the fire and burned. But every branch that'll bring forth fruit, it'll be purged."
119 Oh, there will be a true former and latter rain in the last days upon that little group that come with Him on this little donkey, low and humble, no don-... or denomination, crying, "Hosanna to the King that comes in the Name of the Lord!" What's the matter today? What's the attraction on the mount?
120 Not long ago, standing at this pulpit, it was said by the Holy Spirit, "The day will come that when they'll drive down a stake in front of your house; they'll move your gate. So, that, you'll bypass it, not be angry." I seen my gate tore up and laying out upon the hillside. I seen the hill in front of me, all dug up, boards and things laying there where something had mashed it up. He said...
I looked, and there was a little Ricky that had got up there and knocked that gate out, done this. I said, "Why didn't you tell me?" He got smart with me, and I had to hit him. And when it did, I said, "I haven't done this since I was in the ring, but I just want you to know," and I swatted him one. And when I knocked him down, I picked him up again and knocked him down again. I picked him up, three or four times, then kicked him over the hill. So then I went over there, and I said, "That ain't right." And I picked him up and shook his hands, I said, "I'm not angry with you, but I just want you to know you can't talk to me like that."
And then when I turned and come back, the Holy Spirit was standing there at the gate, said, "Now bypass this. When that stake is drove down, turn westward."
This Book, everything that I need,
This Book is a good Recipe,
The way that shows to go around my trouble. Amen!
121And that Book is the Word, and that Word is God. Bypass your troubles, It'll tell you what to do.
122 Three years ago I heard a friend of mine, the city surveyor, lives down the lane from me, driving a stake down. I went out there and said, "What's the matter, Mud?" Mr. King's son, personal friend.
Said, "Billy, they're going to widen this road."
123You all remember. I said, "It may be the bridge." I told Brother Woods, I said, "Hold your property. Maybe that bridge is going to come through up here, something." The lane was tore up; bricks, rocks, throwed all over everything. So he said... I said, "Hold your property." Then when I...
Mr. King told me that was going to happen.
124I went in, said to my wife sitting there, "Honey, there is something written about that. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD, somewhere."
125 I went in and got my book, looked into it, and it said, "It shall come to pass..." Eight years later!
126Then when I looked at it, I said, "It's time now, honey, we must turn west."
127Two days after that, standing in the room about ten o'clock one morning, I went into the Spirit of God. I saw that little cluster of doves flying, looked at them little birds. You remember it. I seen seven Angels in the form of a pyramid, come rushing in to me. Said, "Turn westward, go to Tucson, be forty miles northeast. And you'll be picking a cocklebur," or a bullheader, they call it there, "off your clothes."
128 Brother Fred Sothmann, sitting there looking at me right now, was there that morning. I had forgot about it.
129I said, "A blast went off like an earthquake, that shook pretty near everything there was in the country. I don't see how a man could survive it." I was scared. I stood at Phoenix, you all listening in tonight bear me record. I preached on the sermon, Sirs, What Time Is It? "Where are we at?" I went West. Many of you here got that tape, many of you here heard it said, year or more before it happened.
130 I went West, wondering what was going to happen. One day I got a call from the Lord. I told my wife, I said, "Honey, I'm... probably my work is over." I didn't know. I said, "I... God, God is probably finished with me now and I'll be going Home. You go get with Billy, take the children. God will make a way for you, somehow. Go on and live true to God. See that the children get through school, raise them in the admonition of God."
She said, "Bill, you don't--you don't know that's true."
I said, "No. But a man couldn't survive that."
131One morning the Lord woke me up, said, "Get up there in Sabino Canyon." I took a piece of paper and my Bible.
The wife said, "Where you going?"
I said, "I don't know. I'll tell you when I come back."
132 I went up in the canyon, climbed plumb up where the eagles was flying around. I was watching some deer standing there. I knelt down to pray, and raised up my hands, and a Sword struck my hand. I looked around. I thought, "What's that? I'm not beside myself. Here is that Sword in my hand; bright, shiny, glistening in the sun." I said, "Now, there's not people in miles of me, way up here in this canyon. Where could that come from?"
I heard a Voice, said, "That's the King's Sword."
I said, "A king knights a man with a sword."
133He, the Voice, come back, said, "Not a king's sword, but, 'The King's Sword,' the Word of the Lord." Said, "Fear not. It's only the Third Pull. It's the vindication of your ministry."
134 I was going hunting with a friend, not knowing what was going to happen.
And someone called me, the one that criticized me about that picture of the Angel of the Lord, the one that took it. I had to go to Houston about his son, for he was going in the death row and was going to be killed in a few days. And he met me in there and throwed his arms around me, said, "Think, the very man that I criticized comes to save my only son!" The humane society give me what they call an oscar, or whatever you want to call it, for saving a life.
135 Then we went back, I went up in the mountain to hunt. There, Brother Fred and I, one morning when I walked out, and I--I had already got my javelina, and I looked and seen the place where they went. I said, "Brother Fred, go over on that mountain early in the morning now, about the break of day, and I'll get on the other one. I won't shoot at the hog, won't kill him. But if they start over this way, that herd, I'll shoot in front of them then run them back."
136 Brother Fred went out there and there was no hogs. He waved at me and I seen. I went down in a canyon, some big chasms, the sun was just coming up. I come around the other side of the hill, not thinking nothing about the prophecies. Set down, waiting, resting; I thought, "What happened to those hogs?"
137I picked up my... Set down like Indians do, you know, cross-legged. I looked on my overall leg, and there was a bullheader. I picked it up. And I said, "That's strange! Here I am, about forty miles northeast of Tucson. There's my little boy Joseph sitting there waiting for me." And as I started to look, I seen a herd of hogs come out about a thousand yards from me, up on a mountain, I throwed the bullheader down. I said, "I'll get them. I'll go get Brother Fred, and I'll hang up a piece of paper to let know which way to go, on this ocotillo here, and we'll get Brother Fred."
138And I started up the mountain, running as hard as I could on the other side. All of a sudden, I thought somebody shot me. I never heard such a blast; it shook the whole country. And, when it did, standing before me was seven Angels in a cluster.
139 I met Brother Fred and them, a little after. Said, "What was it?"
I said, "That was it."
"What are you going to do?
140"Return home. For, THUS SAITH THE LORD, the seven mysteries that's been hid in the Bible all these years, these denominations and everything, God is going to open those seven mysteries to us in the Seven Seals."
141There was that circle coming up from the earth, like a mist forming. When It did, It went plumb up into the mountain, begin to circle on westward, from the way It come. Science found It after a while, thirty miles high and twenty-five miles across, just exactly in the circle of the pyramid.
142 And the other day, standing there, turned the picture to the right, and there is Jesus as He was in the Seven Church Ages, the white wig on, showing Supreme Deity. He's Alpha and Omega; He's the First and the Last; He is the Supreme Judge of all Eternity, standing there, confirm the Message of this hour. And there shall be Light about the evening time! What's it all about? What was it?
143 I went westward. Upon that same mountain, passing up with Banks Woods there, said, "Throw up a rock. Say to Mr. Woods, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, you'll see the Glory of God.'"
144The very next day, standing there, a whirlwind came down and blasted the mountains out. Rocks cut the top of the trees off, about three or four feet above my head. Made three big blasts, and the brothers come running over. There was about fifteen man standing there, preachers and everything else. "What was it?" He said, "What was it?"
I said, "Judgment is striking the West Coast."
145 About two days after that, the earthquake almost sunk Alaska. What is this Light up on Sunset Mountain in the Coronado Forest of Arizona? What is this strange thing that happened up there, that the people has been driving east from west, picking up the rocks that laid around there where It struck? And every one of them, every one rock, has three corners on it, that It tore off. (The three are One.) They're laying on desks, on paperweights, across the nation. What is this strange thing upon Sunset Mountain in the Coronado Forest?
146 Junior Jackson listening in, you remember the dream he had that I interpreted, "going towards the setting of the sun"? And this happened on "Sunset" Mountain. It's the evening time, sunset time. The sunset Message through a setting of history, a setting of prophecy, rather, being fulfilled. And it shall be Light at the evening time, upon Sunset Mountain in the Coronado Forest, forty miles north of Tucson. Get on the map and see if Sunset Peak there. That's exactly where it happened. I never know it till the other day.
147 Everything that... That shall never die. It's constantly unrolling Itself. From the very thing happening, to the picture being Jesus standing looking at us; and now exactly on Sunset Mountain, and the sunset Light. The evening Light has come, God vindicating Himself. What is it? It is the facts that God and Christ are one. The "white," how many seen it, the white wig upon Him, as we talked in Revelation 1? See, the Supreme Deity, Supreme Authority; no other voice, no other god, no other nothing! "In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily." The Angels Themselves was His wig. Amen.
148 What's happened upon Mount Sunset? God confirming His Word. That's what all this noise is about. Notice, it's God fulfilling His promised Word again, of Revelations 10:1 to 7, "And in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel's Message, the mystery of God should be finished." The hidden mystery of Revelations 10:1 to 7, the last Message to the last church age. Fulfills exactly, in this age, Saint Luke 17:30, "The day when the Son of man shall be revealed."
149"And there shall rise false prophets and false Christs, show great signs and wonders, insomuch it'd deceive the Elected if possible." The people still in doubt. And, as usual, the church is just as puzzled.
150 And the science, all through Tucson yet, they're writing pieces and put in the paper. Way back over there on Mount Lemmon, them big cameras didn't see It rising up from where we was standing; drifting on towards the West, showing the time is over. It can't go but a little piece there; it's at the West Coast. Judgment struck just in the very way it went. Going right up over Phoenix and right on across, on to Prescott and across the mountains to the West Coast, right on up into... Where was they going? Right on up into Alaska, and she is thundering, heading right that way.
151 And the observatories and all of them in Tucson are still asking, research of science trying to find out what it is. So high they can't be fog, mist, or nothing up there. "What did it? Where is it at?" They're just as puzzled of that supernatural Halo hanging yonder in the sky as they was when the Magis come in following a Star, saying, "Where is He that's born King of the Jews?" What was it? God fulfilling His Word, "And there shall rise a star out of Jacob."
152 And the God of Heaven promised the evening time would have evening Lights. Three years ago this mystery was a prophecy, "What time is it, Sir?" But now it's history. It's passed. The promise is fulfilled. What time is it, sir, and what's this attraction? God fulfilling His Word! He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Let us pray.
153 Dear God, I have held the people at length, much longer than I intended. I pray, God, that something was said or done that will cause people out everywhere to understand. And by seeing and understanding they might believe that Thou art the true Christ, and the Words that's being confirmed is the confirmation of His Word being perfect and being fulfilled in Its season.
154Now, Lord Jesus, from Your Own Words, You said that the world would be in a Sodom condition. We know that, we can look at it. And You said, in that day, "As it was in Sodom." There was three messengers sent to the Gentile and Hebrew world. And one of them, which was God Himself, the Son of man, revealed Himself in a human form and performed a miracle, insomuch that told Abraham what Sarah was doing behind Him in the tent.
155You said it would repeat again when the whole Gentile world would be in a Sodom condition. And we're here, Lord. Other prophecies confirming the same thing, of sending Elijah in the last days, the Spirit of Elijah upon the earth, to bring the hearts of the fathers, or, "the children back to the fathers." And I pray, God, that this hour that You will confirm Your Word, that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Grant it, Father. They are all Yours. I pray that You'll grant these blessings and confirm what's been said, for the Glory of God. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
156 To speak a word, is a man; confirm a word, is God. To say something, is one thing; God to do it, is another thing. God don't need any interpreter; He does His Own interpretation.
157Now we're fixing to have a prayer line, to pray for the sick, God willing. And we know that there's no one, no man, no woman, no human being, no angel, that can heal you, for God has already did it. He made the preparation, the only thing you have to do is receive it.
158 There's no man, no angel, no nothing, not even God Himself, can forgive you for your sins. It's already done. Jesus did that at the Cross. But it'll never prosper you, or anything, or profit you anything, until you accept it. See?
159The only thing can be done, is orders that's been give by God, for believers to lay hands on the sick. That's been through the ages they've done that, through revivals. And they've called it, "God."
160 Abraham seen many signs. But there come a time when Abraham saw his last sign, just before Sodom was burned, and that was God manifesting Himself in the form of a man. Do you believe that? Did Jesus say it would repeat?
161 Now, how many in here... And out in radio, or out on the telephones across the nation, if you're still listening in, get ready now for prayer, be praying, and you that's got these handkerchiefs here. Now, I cannot tell God what to do. No, far be it from me even trying it. He is sovereign; He does what He wants to. I can only obey and only can say what He says.
162 And now they're standing around the walls, they're packed in, is congested. I wonder if we could ask God on these words, "What is this attraction?" If God would move among us again (there may be strangers here), and move among us and show His blessed face among us, show His Spirit's here, show that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, that every one of us (after these two strong Messages) could believe it to be so? Could you do it? All right.
163 Instead of calling a prayer line, then; hot, congested, standing against the wall. I look around this way, to call my prayer line, you couldn't do it; look, standing there. Could I call it this way? Your sick, cots, everything else, laying; you couldn't do it. So sit where you are, and believe God. If you do have a prayer card, hold it, it'll be good. We'll get to you if you want to come through a line. But you don't have to come through a line.
164 That Mr. Shepherd, last Sunday night, never come through no line. I don't--I don't guess he had a prayer card. Is Mr. Shepherd here tonight? Where is he? Is he here? He's in the back. Did you have a prayer card, Mr. Shepherd? You didn't? He didn't. He's sitting right there again, tonight. That's a good place to be, Brother Shepherd.
165 Not only you have to be there, but just have faith. For, remember, a little woman touched His garment and He felt it. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And the Hebrew letter, in the New Testament, said that He is the High Priest tonight that can be "touched by the feeling of your infirmities." Do you believe that? Have faith then! Don't doubt It. Believe It, and it'll come to pass. You can have what you--what you've asked for, if you can believe It. But you got to believe It. Will you do it? Will all of you believe It? How many will believe It now? God bless you.
166I don't know who is who. I don't know none of you. It's not my business to know any of you. It's God's business to know these things. But He will do it if you'll believe It. Will you believe It now?
167 Now, Dear God, surely we're not a bunch of hybrid Christians, we shouldn't be, somebody that has to be petted and babied. You don't have that kind, Lord. You have rugged believers. The very Presence of God sets a man's heart on fire. Like Abraham, he believed God. You made Yourself known to him, then You appeared to him and performed a sign, and he believed You. You turned his body back to a young man, and also his wife, which, his wife was part of his own body. Then come forth the new child, the promised son.
168 God, You promised that it'd be the same thing in this day. I pray that You'll confirm this Word. And we'll deal right on that one promise there, that it will be like it was in Sodom, just before Sodom was burnt and judgment struck Sodom, the Gentile world. So judgment is fixing to strike the Gentile world, and the Jews got three and a half more years through the period of Tribulation, Jacob's trouble, the continuing of the seventy weeks of Daniel. But, the Gentiles' are numbered, it's time to go. And You give that sign, and You said it would be again. Grant it, God. They're, we're in Your hands, do with us as You see fit. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
169 Now don't be nervous. What would it be if I was nervous? Now, I'm making a thing here that it has to depend on the sovereignty of God. But why do I do this? He said it would be. That settles it. And if He makes Hisself that, confirmed like that before you, well, can't you believe Him? Certainly. You just have faith now and believe.
Let me just look around, see where the Holy Spirit will lead, what He'll do. I don't know what He'll do, that's up to Him. But if you'll just only have faith, only believe, "All things are possible to them that believe." Do all of you believe that, raise up your hands and say, "I do believe It." [Congregation says, "I do believe It."--Ed.] With all my heart, I believe It.
170 Now three will be a confirmation, if He'll do it three straight times, to prove you that It's right. I don't care where you are, who you are, you just have faith and believe. Now, don't--don't stir around. This way.
171Lady, praying, I don't know you. Just set where you're at; you don't have to come. I don't know you, but you're holding a little girl in your hand, or in your lap. I'm a total stranger to you. And the little girl looks normal, she looks well. She's a pretty little girl, little red-headed girl. I looking here at her, she don't look like she's crippled or anything. I don't know what's wrong with her. It might not be for the child; it might be for you. But I just happened to see you sitting there with that child, and praying. I have to talk to you a minute, to catch your spirit, like Jesus said to the woman, "Bring Me a drink," see, just to figure--figure out one person. Brother Bryant and them sitting here, I know these people sitting here. They may be needy, too, but you was a stranger.
172Do you believe me to be God's prophet? Do you believe these things that you've heard tonight is the Truth? Now, if God will reveal to me something that you've done, or something you ought not have done, or something's wrong with you, or what your desire is, you'll know whether it's true or not. Won't you? And if He'll do that, will it confirm His Word that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that Saint Luke 17:30 is being manifested? You believe It?
173 Now, the lady raised her hand that we're strangers. I don't know you, but I'm trying to contact her spirit, one person. There's so many of you pulling. Now, you believe This with all your heart.
Now, it is for the little girl. It's not you. You're nervous, but it ain't the nervousness that's bothering you. The great thing on your heart is that little girl. And you believe God can tell me what it is? You believe it? Would it help you, would you believe then? It's a brain injury. That right? Now put your hand on the little child's head; your hand.
174 Dear God, You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. They'll lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover." The woman is a believer. Her hand is upon the child. May it recover. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I offer this prayer. Amen.
175Now do you believe, all of you? If thou canst believe, all things are possible. Certainly!
176I know the lady sitting next to her, but she is so sincerely looking this way. I can't call her name, but I... If I look at her a minute, I would know. But I know the woman by looks, but I don't know what's your trouble. Do you believe I... God will let me know what your trouble is? Would you... Would it help you? Sugar diabetes. Now, if that's right, hold your hand. Certainly!
177Happened to be the lady laying... sitting next to you, has got the same thing. She's a stranger. The other lady is praying for somebody, a crippled child. You believe with all your heart, God would grant it.
178 Somebody back in here. Man sitting over there, trying to get rid of smoking cigarettes. You believe God will take them away from you? All right. You believe? You can have it. I never seen the man in my life.
179Here is a man. See that dark shadow hanging over this man right here that's laying on a cot like, or a chair? He's dying. He is shadowed. He's got cancer. I don't know the man, never seen him. God knows all about you. That's the truth, sir. Do you believe God could tell me something about you? Would it help you to receive your healing? [The brother says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] You was brought here by a friend. But you're not from here, you're somewhere where there's a big body of water that people fishes at. ["Yeah."] Yeah, Albany, Kentucky. ["That's right."] That's right. Believe, and you can go back home, well. Believe that it's gone. If you'll believe It! You must believe It, and believe it's been done for you. You believe?
180 You, from Tennessee, got a boy that's got asthma. Not here, but you believe that he'll be healed? Then take your handkerchief, your... in your hand there, to him. He'll be healed if you'll believe It.
181The lady crying, sitting across from Doctor Vayle there. She is shadowed, also, a dark shadow. I never seen the woman in my life, but she's got cancer. She'll die if something isn't done for her. Do you believe He'll heal you, lady? You can? You can have your healing, if you'll just believe.
182There's a little lady sitting right behind her with a handkerchief up over her mouth. She's also got ulcered stomach, sick. You been having passing-out spells, blinding, falling out. Somebody brought you here. You got female trouble. If you'll believe, you can go home, be well.
183 You, young man, you're a stranger; sitting right here in front of me, looking at me. What are you, Puerto Rican or something? Yeah, what I meant,...?...! I'm a stranger to you. You know that; you're not even from my country. But you believe that God can give you the desire of your heart? If I'll tell you what your desire is, will you receive it? You're seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That is true. Receive the Holy Ghost, my brother.
184Here is a colored man sitting way back here, got a burden on his heart. It's for his wife. She is not here, even. She's got trouble with her feet. You believe that He'll heal her? You do? You're a stranger here. You're from across the sea. You're from Jamaica. Do you believe God can tell me who you are? Mr. Brady. You believe? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
185 This lady sitting right back over in this end, next to Mrs. Wright there, she's got a burden on her heart. She is praying for a daughter. She's up for an operation. You believe with all your heart, for her? She won't need it if you'll get her to believe It. I can't heal.
186Way back yonder in the nursery, I see the Spirit of the Lord, a Angel, a Light moving in the nursery. It's over a young woman, and she's got a spiritual trouble she's wondering about. Seems like I ought to know the woman, somehow, a young woman. She's also got a female disorder. Yes. Her name is Mrs. West, from Alabama, Mrs. David West. Believe; God will grant it to you.
187 "It shall be Light, and in that day when the Son of man is being revealed." If that isn't Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, I don't know nothing about It. Do you believe That? All things are possible to them that believe.
188Out upon the microphones across the land now, and in this tabernacle, how many of you will raise your hands and say, "I am a believer"? Now, you out there in the lands, everyone has got their hands up, here. And way out, in yonder somewhere across the nation, you got your hands up, no doubt. Now close your eyes, just drop your hands upon somebody near you. Take a hold of their hand. Lay it upon their shoulder. I got my hands on the handkerchiefs. Look what's been done today! Look what's done now.
Beholding His hallowed face
Aglow with love Divine;
Blest partakers of His grace,
As gems in His crown to shine.
Now pray. Let's pray, everywhere.
189 Dear God, the hour has arrived. What meaneth this? God fulfilling His Word! What's the attraction, Lord? It's God fulfilling His Word. What is this out across the nation, through the medium of a telephone, that hundreds of people have their hands laid on one another across the nation, from one coast to the other, from the North to the South, East to the West? Here sets people here from foreign countries, many of the states, Mexico, Canada, and we got our hands laid on one another. God fulfilling His Word!
190How is this that a person could stand here by the Holy Spirit and call a man like He did Simon Peter, "Your name is Simon, you are the son of Jonas"?
"Go get your husband and come here."
"I have no husband."
"Truly. You have five."
191She said, "I know that Messiah is coming to do this, but Who are You?"
He said, "I am He."
192 And You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. And You've promised, "The works that I do shall ye do also. More than this shall you do, because I go to the Father." "And, behold, in the last days I'll send to you the Elijah, the prophet, and he'll change the thoughts of the people, turn the hearts of the children back to the apostolic Teaching of the Bible." "And it shall be Light about the evening time."
193Here we are, great God of Heaven! The hour is here! The hands are upon the people.
194Satan, you're defeated. You are a liar. And, as a servant of God, and as servants, we command that in the Name of Jesus Christ, that you obey the Word of God, and go out of the people, 'cause it's written, "In My Name they shall cast out devils."
195And all the people may be set free. Grant it, Dear God. You are the God of Heaven that defeated, that day with an attraction on Mount Calvary, all sickness and diseases and all the works of the Devil. You are God. And the people are healed by Your stripes. They are free. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
196 God, every handkerchief that's laying here, while the Spirit of God is present, while the anointing of Jesus Christ is upon the people, and the great signs that He promised are being fulfilled, and the earth is trembling, the earthquakes are happening, the great signs that He told, and the Scripture being fulfilled, and the evening Light shining. I lay my body across these handkerchiefs, representing this whole body of believers from East, West, North, and South; and say to the Devil, "In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave every patient these are laid upon," to the honor and glory of the Word of God. In the Name of the Word of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
197 Now, quietly, sanely, soberly, and in your right minds, as believers, do you now believe and accept your healing from God Almighty, in the Name of Jesus Christ? If you do, hold up your hands. All out in the lands, hold up your hands out there. Every person in here, as far as I can see, had their hands up; inside, outside, against the windows, in the doors, in the nurseries, and all around everywhere, people with their hands up. They accept It. Satan is defeated! The stripes of Jesus Christ heals you, and the Presence of Jesus Christ verifies the fact that He's a living today, ever able to keep every promise that He made. Amen! I believe Him. Don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
198 Now let us stand up to our feet. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, accepting everything that's been done or said, we love Him with all of our hearts. We cherish Him with all that's in us. Now as you go to your different homes from tonight, God go with you. God give you the Holy Ghost if you don't have the Holy Ghost.
199 Every man, woman, boy, or girl, here, that's not been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, there is clothes, pool. Don't put off tomorrow what can be done today. Tomorrow may be too late. "Sufficient for today, for the day, is the evil thereof." There is ministers standing, waiting, clothes are waiting. No excuses. Are you waiting? If you are, you believe. No matter how you been baptized, sprinkled, poured, whatever it is, it's an error. The Light has come. Come, believe, and be baptized.
200Everyone without the Holy Ghost, may you receive the Holy Ghost, every one of you, in the full Divine power and love that He promised you, to make you a new creature in Him. God bless you.
201 Now, till next Sunday morning at nine-thirty, let's sing this little song that we used to sing years ago.
Don't forget the family prayer,
Jesus wants to meet you there;
He will take your every care,
Don't forget the family prayer.
Let's sing it together now.
Don't forget the family prayer,
Jesus wants to meet you there;
He will take your every care,
Oh, don't forget the family prayer.
202Now as we sing it again, shake hands with a pilgrim next to you, see, as we sing it.
Don't forget the family prayer,
Oh, Jesus wants to meet you there;
He will take your every care,
Oh, don't forget the family prayer.
203 Don't you love Him? I love Him. I love Him because He first loved me and purchased my salvation (that was the attraction) on Mount Calvary. The same attraction on Sunset Mountain, Mount Nebo, Mount Sinai, all the different mountaintop experiences. Then, all right, let's sing it now.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And pur-... salvation
On Calvary's tree.
204All that love Him, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] So be it! Now just think of what He's done for you; think, that you could be out there in a barroom tonight. You probably would have been in the grave like I should have been, outside the mercies of God. What did He do for you? Oh, how could we keep from loving Him? Don't make any difference what anybody says, He is first.
205 Let's close our eyes, and bow our heads as we sing it to Him now. He likes songs, singing hymns. Let's sing it to Him now.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
206With our heads and hearts bowed in His Presence, gratefulness for what our eyes has seen, what our ears have heard, what's recorded in God's Word, what His promise has been to us today. God bless you.
207 We have a--a guest with us tonight, a brother, Ned Iverson, formerly a Presbyterian minister. His father, his brothers, are Presbyterian minister. He, I understand, was baptized today, again, in the Name of Jesus Christ. He's a minister, and a good one at that. And now I'm going to ask him, as I believe him to be God's servants, to ask God's blessings upon this congregation as you go to your home.
208Brother Iverson, come forward, while we have our heads bowed in prayer. God bless you, my brother.