Pomazanci v čase konca



Všimnite si! Tí pomazanci, budú sa líšiť len v Slove, nie v znameniach. Ó, nie! Oni budú robiť tie isté znamenia. Ale Slovo ich rozdelilo. Skutočne! Oni všetci prorokovali; oni všetci robili toto, to i tamto, skutočne, presne tak isto. Ježiš povedal, že oni budú robiť tie isté veci. Ale Slovo je to, čo ich oddelí, všimnite si, nie znamenia.

Syn človeka bude zamanifestovaný. Pšeničné zrno príde znovu do seba, Syn človeka v tých posledných dňoch. "A tam prídu falošní napodobovatelia toho, v posledných dňoch, že by to zviedlo i Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Pozrite sa na ich organizačné šupky, ktoré sa teraz odťahujú. To len dáva Pšenici možnosť, aby ju Vyvolení poznali, ktorí sú jej časťou.

1Dobré ráno, obecenstvo. Oslovme teraz nášho Pána. Veľký Bože, stvoriteľ neba i zeme, ktorý si nám božským spôsobom určil dnes ráno tento čas, aby sme Ťa mohli chváliť ... A nech by sme sa, Pane, vo svojich srdciach úplne poddali Tvojej Božskej vôli a pôsobeniu Ducha Svätého v nás, aby bolo prinesené to, čo nám Ty chceš dať poznať. Našou túžbou je byť lepšími Kresťanmi a Tvojimi lepšími reprezentantmi. Udeľ nám to dnes ráno, pri tom ako očakávame na Teba, v mene Ježiša. Amen. (Môžete si sadnúť.)

2Sme veľmi radi, že sme tu znovu dnes ráno, v službe toho veľkého Kráľa. A mrzí nás, že opäť nemáme pre ľudí dostatok miesta, ale práve sme ... Budeme sa snažiť a urobíme čo len budeme môcť, za týchto okolností.

3No, leží tu mnoho vreckoviek a prosieb, od mnohých, aby som sa modlil nad nimi, a ja ich len odkladám nabok; nie preto, žeby som ich ignoroval, ale budem sa nad nimi modliť po tom keď - hlavne, rád - a dnes večer. Teraz ráno, a potom znovu večer, keď ... Potom sa budem modliť a očakávať na Ducha Božieho ohľadne uzdravovania, a vtedy sa rád modlím nad tými vreckovkami a všetkým.

4A čo sa týka tých osobných prosieb, Billy mi ich všetky dal. Je ich okolo tristo, práve som od nich prišiel. Viete, preberám ich každú jednu, tak rýchlo ako len môžem. A budem sa nimi zaoberať len čo to bude možné. Nebudem schopný prebrať všetky. Len sa načiahnem a zoberiem nejakú a poviem: "Pane, bude to táto, bude to táto?" Takto, pretože ... Každý z nich má potrebu, oni opravdu majú vážne prosby, niečo, o čom by sme sa mali spolu porozprávať. A ja ... Kým, viete, niekedy Duch Svätý môže povedať ... Určitá otázka, ktorú som prečítal, ktorá mi stále leží na srdci; znovu sa ku nej vraciam a prechádzam cez to, kým to nenájdem. Inak, ich preberám len povrchne.

5No dnes ráno chceme tiež pozdraviť a hovoriť ku tým, ktorí sú pomimo na iných miestach krajiny. Chceme pozdraviť dnes ráno ľudí, ktorí sú napojení cez telefón, v New Yorku; v Beamont v Texase; v Prescott v Arizone; v Tucson, v Arizone; v San Jose v Kalifornii; v Connecticut; v Gainesville v Georgii; a v New Alabany v Indiane; po celom národe. Pozdravujeme vás v mene Pána Ježiša.

6Dnes ráno je v Indiáne pekné ráno. Minulej noci bol dážď a ochladilo sa. A my ... Táto sála je plná, a všetci čakajú, s veľkým napätím, na lekciu nedeľnej školy. Dúfam, že bohatstvá Božích požehnaní spočinú tam na vás.

7A dúfame, že len čo to bude možné urobiť nejako, aby sme mohli mať - kde by sme sa mohli všetci spolu zísť, možno pod nejakým veľkým stanom, kde sa cítim skutočne jasne vedený, aby som kázal o týchto Siedmych Posledných Čašiach v Biblii.

8Tak teraz, nechceme zaberať dnes ráno príliš veľa času nejakou veľkou lekciou ... Hľadal som Pána a rozmýšľal som: "Čo by som mal hovoriť?" Vediac, že toto môže byť naše posledné zhromaždenie, ktoré budeme mať. Príchod Pánov je tak blízko, na dosah ruky!

9Vidím, že po tej predpovedi povedanej v Kalifornii, niektoré domy a miesta sa tam zapadajú tridsať palcov za hodinu, trámy práskajú a lámu sa. A oni nevedia čo sa to deje. Sme na konci. Domy za sto tisíce dolárov sa zapadajú. Mám v novinách článok s veľkým nadpisom a obrázkami, chcem to dnes večer priniesť, lebo chcem dnes večer hovoriť o niečom, čo s tým súvisí.

10A potom, dnes večer sa budeme modliť za chorých. Príďte popoludní, o piatej, šiestej, alebo kedykoľvek to bude (myslím, že začneme skôr, aby ľudia mohli skôr odísť), a dostanete modlitebné karty. A dnes večer sa budeme modliť za chorých, keď Pán dá.

11No, po zamýšľaní sa v modlitbách: "Čo mám robiť?" vediac, že jedného dňa sa budem musieť zodpovedať z toho, čo som tu povedal ... A rozhodol som sa - alebo cítil som vedenie Ducha Svätého, hovoriť dnes ráno na tému proroctva, aby sme boli informovaní. Rozumiete? To je niečo, čo ... Ak nie sme informovaní a všetko, čo sa práve deje, mali by sme o tom vedieť. Duch Svätý nám to dal, aby varoval ľudí pred tým čo prichádza. Viete, Biblia hovorí, že Boh nečiní nič, čo by prv neukázal svojím sluhom, prorokom; a - a to, ako Ježiš varoval tých ľudí, pred tým čo má nadísť, ako proroci varovali ľudí, pred tým čo má nadísť. A nám sa patrí teraz, v tejto veľkej hodine, v ktorej žijeme, aby sme vedeli v ktorom veku žijeme, čo sa deje - čo sa stane v tomto veku. Tak mi prišla na srdce jedna z týchto zvláštnych tém, čo sme možno už mnohokrát čítali, aby som o tom dnes ráno hovoril.

12No, otvorme si svoje Biblie v Matúšovi, v 24. kapitole a čítajme časť Slova. [Brat Branham zakašlal.] Prepáčte. Aby sme takto dostali súvislosť pre náš text a tému.

13No, pamätajte chceme to učiť, ako Biblickú hodinu, pomaly. Zoberte si tužku a papier, (mám tu zapísaných mnoho miest Písma) aby ste si ich mohli zapísať, a potom doma preštudovať, (je ako hodina nedeľnej školy) aby sme mohli vedieť a boli varovaní, a pripravení na hodiny, v ktorých žijeme.

14V knihe sv. Matúša 24. verš - či vlastne 24. kapitola, začneme od 15. verša, chcem čítať časť Jeho Slova.

Keď tedy uvidíte, ohavnosť spustošenia, o ktorej hovoril prorok Daniel, že stojí na svätom mieste (Kto čítaš rozumej!)

vtedy tí, ktorí budú v Judsku, nech utekajú na vrchy;

Kto bude na postreší, nech nezostupuje, aby vzal niečo zo svojho domu,

a kto na poli, nech sa nevracia späť, aby vzal svoje rúcho.

Lež beda tehotným a tým, ktoré budú kojiť v tých dňoch.

Ale modlite sa, aby sa váš útek neprihodil v zime ani v sobotu.

Lebo vtedy bude veľké súženie, akého nebolo od počiatku sveta až doteraz, ani už nikdy viac nebude.

A keby neboli skrátené tie dni, nebolo by zachránené niktoré telo; ale pre vyvolených budú skrátené tie dni.

Vtedy keby vám niekto povedal: Hľa, tu je Kristus! alebo: Tu! neverte!

Lebo povstanú falošní kristovia a falošní proroci a dajú veliké znamenia a budú robiť zázraky, takže by zviedli v blud, keby to bolo možné, aj vyvolených.

Hľa, predpovedal som vám to!

Tedy keď vám povedia: Hľa je na púšti! nevychádzajte! Hľa, vo vnútorných chyžiach! neverte!

Lebo ako vychádza blesk od východu a ukazuje sa až na západ, tak bude aj príchod Syna človeka.

Lebo kdekoľvek bude mŕtvola, tam sa zhromaždia aj orly.

15Tému chcem vziať z toho 24. verša, chcem dnes ráno na našej hodine nedeľnej školy zdôrazniť tento verš. A počúvajte pozorne, keď ho znovu budem čítať.

Lebo povstanú falošní kristovia a falošní proroci a dajú veliké znamenia a budú robiť zázraky, takže by zviedli v blud, keby to bolo možné, aj vyvolených.

16No za tému dnes ráno, alebo radšej za text, chcem vziať slová: Pomazanci v čase konca. To je téma, na ktorú chcem hovoriť, alebo text: Pomazanci v čase konca.

17Verím, že žijeme v čase konca. Myslím, že väčšina ... Študent Písma, alebo obyčajný veriaci vie, že sme teraz na konci svetových dejín. Nebude ich treba písať, pretože nebude nikoho, kto by ich čítal. Oni sú v čase konca. Len kedy, ja neviem. Len ako dlho to bude trvať, ani anjeli v nebi nepoznajú tú minútu ani hodinu. Ale Pán Ježiš nám povedal, že keď sa začnú diať tieto veci, ktoré teraz vidíme, potom aby sme pozdvihli svoje hlavy pretože sa priblížilo naše vykúpenie.

18No, čo znamená "priblížilo sa", ja neviem. Môže to znamenať, ako vtedy povedal v televízii ten vedec, keď hovorili o tej veľkej tisíce míľ dlhej trhline v zemi, ktorá potopí ... Položili mu otázku: "Môže sa to tam potopiť - (Los Angeles, to Západné pobrežie)?" A mnohí z vás ste videli ako to oni išli po nej, pomocou radaru a prešli hore cez ... prenikli pod San Jose, prešli krížom cez ňu do Aljašky, cez Aleutské ostrovy, asi dvesto míľ von do mora, a prišli naspäť dole do San Diego, prešli okolo za Los Angeles, a prišli tam hore, veľká dutina. A všetky tieto zemetrasenia, ktoré máme sú vulkanické nárazy, ktoré takto tam prehlbujú túto veľkú dutinu. Ja neviem povedať tie názvy, ako oni - ako to oni nazvali. Jednako, keď tieto otrasy, ktoré spôsobujú tie zemetrasenia máme celé roky na západnom pobreží. Teraz to prasklo všade po celom.

19A ten vedec povedal ... On - ten muž povedal tomu druhému: "Mohlo by sa to prepadnúť?"

On povedal: "Nie mohlo, ale to sa prepadne."

Povedal: "Ale hádam nie v našej generácii?"

Povedal: "Za päť minút od teraz, alebo za päť rokov. Len to nevieme kedy."

20A tento týždeň mi poslali ... nadpisy v novinách o veľkých domoch za sto tisíce dolárov, ktoré sa napínajú a pukajú, ľudia odchádzajú preč. A nevedia ako to zastaviť; nemožno to nijako zastaviť. Vidíte, Boh môže robiť čokoľvek chce, a nikto Mu nemôže povedať, ako to má robiť.

21Vy staviate domy, môžete robiť vedecké výskumy, a Boh je stvoriteľ vedy. Ako Ho zastavíte? On keby chcel, môže dnes ráno zničiť zem muchami. Uvedomujete si, On by mohol slovom stvoriť blchy a bolo by ich za pol hodinu na hrúbku štyridsať míľ, rozumiete? Nie je ... A za chvíľu by vyžrali ľudí zo zemi. On je Boh! On proste robí ako chce. On je suverénny, Sám v sebe.

22Teraz, keď vidíme všetky tieto nahromadené dôkazy týkajúce sa tejto hodiny, v ktorej teraz žijeme, myslím, že je dobre zopakovať tieto veci a vyniesli ich na svetlo, zatiaľ čo boli otvorené Pečate, a zistiť pravdu o týchto veciach, keď je Boh ku nám taký verný vo svojej milosti, aby nám ukázal tieto veci.

23Chcem aby ste si všimli tu v Matúšovi 24, Ježiš použil výraz kristovia, Kri-sto-via, kristovia. Nie Kristus, ale kristovia, množné číslo, nie jednotné - kristovia. Nuž, slovo Kristus znamená "Pomazanec". Potom, ak to znamená pomazaný, tak tam nebude len jeden, ale mnoho, pomazaných - "pomazancov." Rozumiete?

24Inými slovami, keby to On chcel rozobrať aby sme to tak mohli v podstate lepšie porozumieť, On by povedal: "V tých posledných dňoch povstanú falošní pomazanci." No, to vyzerá takmer nemožné (vidíte?) ... Výraz pomazaní. Ale všimnite si hneď tie ďalšie slová, "a falošní proroci," pro-ro-ci - množné číslo.

25No, pomazanec, to je "niekto kto má posolstvo." A to posolstvo môže byť prinesené jedine skrze toho, kto je pomazaný; a to bude prorok -. pomazanec. "Povstanú falošní pomazaní učitelia." Prorok učí to, čo hovorí jeho posolstvo - pomazaní učitelia, ale ľudia pomazaní falošnou náukou, pomazanci: "kristovia" - množné číslo; "proroci" - množné číslo. A keď je Kristus - jednotné číslo, potom títo budú musieť byť "pomazanci", tak ich proroctvo ktoré učia nebude jednotné, pretože oni sú pomazanci, pomazaní.

26No, toto je lekcia nedeľnej školy, chceme sa snažiť toto skutočne odhaliť, skrze Písma, nie skrze niečo, čo niekto o tom povedal, ale proste čítaním Písma.

27Môžete povedať: "Ako je to možné? Či títo pomazanci budú ... Kto oni sú?" Kristovia - kris-to-via, pomazaní kristovia a falošní proroci. Pomazanci, a pritom falošní proroci!

28Ježiš povedal, že dážď padá na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých. No, niekto by mi mohol povedať: "Či veríš, že to pomazanie na tých ľuďoch znamená, že to je pomazanie Ducha Svätého?" Áno, opravdový Svätý Duch Boží na danej osobe, a jednako sú oni falošní! Počúvajte teraz pozorne a hľaďte, čo On povedal: "A ukážu znamenia a zázraky, takže by to zviedlo v blud i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." A oni sú pomazaní skutočným Duchom Svätým. Viem, že toto zneje veľmi hlúpo, ale venujeme na to čas a vysvetlíme to pomocou Slova, že to je stopercentne TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, Pravda.

29No, otvorme si na chvíľu Biblie v Matúšovi 5. kapitolu a začneme od 45. verša, a dívajte sa teraz, ako budeme čítať na chvíľu toto Písmo. A potom, keď to tu prečítame, dáme vám ... Tak vy, ak nebudeme čítať všetky tie miesta, potom máte svoju Bibliu a tiež si to môžete prečítať, keď tu skončíme a prídete domov. A čítajte, čo o tom hovorí Biblia.

30Teraz využijeme náš čas, aby sme porozumeli ten základný princíp, pretože ja tu niečo hovorím, čo ohromuje ... Ako môže Duch Svätý pomazať nejakého falošného učiteľa? Ale to je to, čo povedal Ježiš, že sa stane.

No, čítajme teraz Matúš 5. kapitola, 45. verš. Zoberme to - začnime trochu vyššie 44.

Ale ja vám hovorím: Milujte svojich nepriateľov; dobrorečte tým, ktorí vás preklínajú: čiňte dobre tým, ktorí vás nenávidia, a modlite sa za tých, ktorí vás potupujú a prenasledujú,

aby ste boli synmi svojho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach lebo svojmu slnku velí vychádzať na zlých aj na dobrých a dáva dážď na spravodlivých aj na nespravodlivých.

(Dážď padá tak isto na zlých, ako na dobrých.)

31No, aby sme sa dozvedeli viac poďme do ďalšieho proroctva týkajúceho sa tohoto, môžeme si otvoriť Židom 6. kapitolu, ďalší verš, ktorý s tým súvisí, kde Pavel pripomína to isté čo povedal Ježiš. Pavel, teraz hovorí ... Zatiaľ čo si to hľadáte ... I vy, ktorí ste pomimo napojení cez telefón, zoberte si svoje Biblie a kúsok papiera, a vyhľadajte si to tam teraz. Židom 6. kapitola, Pavol píše Židom, vyvádza ich z Judaizmu do Kresťanstva, ukazuje im ako všetky tie dávne veci len zobrazovali to všetko čo malo prísť. Pavol teraz hovorí, Židom 6.

Preto zanechajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu ...

(Kristu, jednotné číslo)

... nesme sa k dokonalosti a neklaďme zase základu pokánia ... z mŕtvych skutkov a viery na Boha.

učenia o umývaniach, o vzkladaní rúk, o zmŕtvychvstaní mŕtvych a o večnom súde.

A urobíme aj to, keď len dovolí Boh.

Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení a ochutnali nebeského daru a stali sa účastníkmi Svätého Ducha, ...

(Chcem na chvíľu obrátiť vašu pozornosť. Všimli ste si, to je daru; a nie darov, nie účastníci nebeských darov, ale nebeského "daru," jednotné číslo. Kristus, jednotné číslo, dar, jednotné číslo.)

... nebeského daru, a stali sa účastnými Svätého Ducha,

a ochutnali ... slovo Božie, ...

(čo ochutnali? Slovo Božie.)

... a rôzne moci budúceho veku,

keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu, ktorí sebe znova križujú Syna Božieho a vystavujú ho potupne na odiv.

Lebo ...


... zem, ktorá pije dážď, ktorý často prichádza na ňu, a plodí rastlinu, vhodnú tým, pre ktorých sa aj obrába, berie podiel na požehnaní od Boha.

Ale tá, ktorá rodí tŕnie a bodľač, je nesúca a je blízka zlorečenstva, ktorej koniec je, aby bola spálená.

32No, porovnajte toto znovu s Matúšom 5. 24. Všimnite si, Ježiš povedal, že dážď a slnko prichádza na zem, že Boh to posiela, aby pripravil potravu a všetko pre ľudí na zemi. A dážď je posielaný kvôli potrave, tým rastlinám. Ale tŕnie, burina, ktorá je na poli, prijíma to isté. Ten istý dážď, ktorý spôsobuje, že rastie pšenica je ten istý dážď, ktorý spôsobuje, že rastie burina.

33Ó ako som sa o tom raz poučil, keď som sa prvý krát stretol s letničnými ľuďmi! A to bolo pre mňa veľké ponaučenie. Videl som dvoch mužov, jeden ... Nikdy predtým som nepočul hovoriť v jazykoch. Jeden hovoril v jazykoch, a druhý to vykladal, a naopak. A povedali pravdu, hovoril že: "Je tu dnes večer mnoho ľudí, ktorí majú činiť pokánie. Ženy i mužovia, oboji." A ľudia vstávali a išli ku oltáru.

34Pomyslel som si: "Aké chválebné!" A potom, s tým malým darom Ducha Svätého som hovoril s tými mužmi, viete ako - pomocou rozpoznania, len tak trochu aby som to preskúmal. A jeden z nich bol skutočný Kresťan. To bol skutočný Kristov sluha. A ten druhý bol pokrytec. A jeden z nich, ten pokrytec, žil s čiernovlasou ženou a popri tom chodil s blondínou a mal s ňou deti. No, videl som to rovno tam vo videní; nedalo sa to zaprieť. A povedal som mu to. On sa pozrel na mňa a odišiel za tú budovu.

35Teraz som bol skutočne poriadne zmätený. Myslel som si, že som prišiel medzi anjelov, a potom som uvažoval, či nie som medzi diablami. Ako je toto možné? Nemohol som tomu rozumieť. A roky som dával svoje ruky preč od toho, až jedného dňa ... (Tam kde George Smith, ten chlapec, ktorý chodí s mojou dcérou ... Išli sme včera na to miesto, kde bol ten starý mlyn, kde sa chodím modliť.) A keď som tam bol už niekoľko dní, Duch Svätý mi pripomenul toto Písmo: "Lebo dážď, ktorý často padá na zem, aby dal vzrast rastlinám, kvôli ktorým sa obrába, ale tŕne a bodliaky žijú z toho istého dažďa, a ktorých koniec je aby boli spálené." Žijú z toho istého životodarného Božieho zdroja. Vtedy som porozumel, že podľa ... Ježiš povedal: "Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte."

36A teda, ten dážď, ktorý padá na tú prirodzenú vegetáciu na zemi, je obrazom toho Duchovného dažďa, ktorý dáva Večný Život, ktorý padá na cirkev; a my to nazývame včasný dážď a pozdný dážď. To je dážď, vylievajúci Božieho Ducha na Jeho Cirkev.

37Všimnite si, toto tu je veľmi zvláštna vec. Vidíte? Keď tie semená padli do zeme, jednako oni sa tam dostali, oni od začiatku boli tŕne. Ale tam tá pšenica, ktorá padla do zeme ... A tie rastliny, boli rastlinami od začiatku. A každá rastlina znovu plodí samú seba, ukazuje čím bola pôvodne na začiatku.

38"A oni zvedú Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné," pretože na nich padá ten istý dážď, to isté požehnanie, ukazujú tie isté znamenia, tie isté zázraky. Vidíte? "Oni zvedú, alebo by chceli zviesť Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." No, tŕň nemôže za to, že je tŕňom, a ani pšenica nemôže za to, že je pšenicou; to Stvoriteľ každého jedného rozhodol na začiatku. To je Vyvolený.

39Ten istý dážď ... Slnko ráno vychádza a svieti po celej zemi, ako vyšlo tohoto dňa. A slnko - to isté slnko, ktoré vychádza na východe, je to isté, ktoré zapadá na západe. A to slnko je ustavené nato aby dávalo dozrievať zrnu na zemi, z ktorej sú stvorené naše telá.

40My žijeme z mŕtvej hmoty. To je jediný spôsob, ako môžete žiť. A ak každý deň musí niečo zomrieť, a z toho žijete, telesne, či nie je to potom pravda, že ak vaše - vaše telo musí žiť z mŕtvej hmoty, čo sa týka telesného života, potom musíte mať niečo, čo zomrelo duchovne, aby zachrániť váš duchovný život. A Boh, sa stal materiálom, telom, a zomrel, aby sme my mohli žiť. Neexistuje žiadna cirkev, ani nič iné na svete, čo vás môže spasiť okrem Boha. To je to jediné, vďaka čomu možno žiť.

41No, prejdime cez Písma. Ježiš je Slovo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo ... A to Slovo sa stalo telo a prebývalo medzi nami. Na počiatku bolo Slovo ... a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." "A človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe (pre to telesné), ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." Potom vidíte, my žijeme skrze Slovo, a ono je Boh.

42No, slnko prechádza a dáva zrelosť zrnu. No, ono nemôže dozrieť v jednej chvíli. Ako ono postupne zreje, ono stále dozrieva, až kým nepríde do plného klasu. Tak je to dnes s cirkvou. Ona začala ako nemluvňa tam v temnom veku, kde bola pod zemou. Ona teraz narástla do zrelosti. A my to môžeme dokonale vidieť, ako to Boh cez prírodu stále ...

43Nemôžete narušovať prírodu. To je to, čo sa dnes robí. Púšťame bomby, a tam v tom oceáne, narušujú ju a ničia atómovými bombami. Vy do nej po celý čas vypúšťate len viac špiny. Stínate stromy, zoberú vás vetry. Zahradzujete rieku; zaplaví vás. Musíte nájsť Boží spôsob, ako všetko robiť a zostať pri ňom. Ľudí v cirkvách sme doviedli do denominácií a organizácií; pozrite čo sme dostali! Stojte na ceste danej ku tomu od Boha.

44Ale vidíte, On posiela dážď (znovu ku našej téme) na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých. Ježiš nám to tu teraz hovorí, v Matúšovi 24, že to bude znak v čase konca. No, ak sa tento znak má ukázať len v čase konca, potom to bude musieť byť po otvorení týchto Pečatí. Vidíte? To je znak konca! To by znamenalo, že keď sa budú diať tieto veci, je čas konca. A to bude znak, a tak tí Vyvolení budú mať jasno v týchto veciach. Vidíte to? Potom, to musí byť zjavené, odhalené.

45Všimnite si, oboje pšenica i kúkoľ žijú skrze to isté pomazanie z neba. Obe sa z neho radujú. Pamätám si to, hovorím znovu o tom príklade tam vtedy v Green Mill. Videl som prichádzať to videnie, a tam bola veľká zem, a ona bola celá pooraná. A najprv tam vyšiel Rozsievač. Chcem, aby ste to mali pred očami. Pozorujte čo vychádza najprv, a čo potom ide za tým. A keď tento Muž v bielom prešiel po celej zemi, a sadil semeno ... Potom za ním prichádza nejaký človek v tmavom, vyzerá veľmi podozrivo, zakráda sa za Ním a seje kúkoľ. A keď sa toto stalo ... Potom som videl vyrastať obe rastliny. A ako oni vyrastali, jedno bola pšenica a to druhé bol kúkoľ. A prišlo sucho, že keď - vyzeralo akoby, oboje mali sklonené svoje hlavy a volali o dážď. Potom tam nad tú zem prišiel veľký oblak a začalo pršať. A tá pšenica sa zodvihla a povedala: "Chvála Pánovi! Chvála Pánovi!" A kúkoľ sa zodvihla a volala: "Chvála Pánovi! Chvála Pánovi!" Rovnaký výsledok. Obe hynuli, obe umierali. A potom pšenica vyrástla a dostala smäd. A pretože to bolo na tom istom poli, v tej istej záhrade, na tom istom mieste, pod tým istým prúdom, tam vyrastá pšenica a tam vyrastá kúkoľ, skrze to isté.

46Všimnite si. Tá istá pomazaná voda, ktorá rodí pšenicu, rodí kúkoľ. Ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý pomazáva Cirkev, ktorý im dáva túžbu zachraňovať duše, ktorý im dáva moc činiť zázraky, On tak isto padá na nespravodlivých, ako na spravodlivých - ten istý Duch! No, nemôžete to podať inak a porozumieť Matúšovi 24: 24. On povedal: "Povstanú falošní kristovia," falošní pomazanci, pomazaní tou pravou vecou, ale budú o tom falošne prorokovať, falošne to učiť. Čo robí človeka, že chce byť falošný učiteľ niečoho, čo je Pravda? No dostaneme sa za chvíľu ku znameniu šelmy a budete vidieť, že je to denominácia. Vidíte? Falošní učitelia; falošní pomazanci. Pomazaní kristovia, a pri tom falošní učitelia. To je jediný spôsob, ako to môžete vidieť.

47Tak ako tu pred nejakým časom. Hovoril som to ... Mohol som o tom hovoriť, pretože sme spojení telefonicky po celom národe. Raz som sa rozprával so svojim priateľom (tam kde ide toto dnes ráno) v Arizone. A on mal citrusovú farmu. A mal strom, ktorý bol pomarančovník a rodil grapefruity, a citróny, tangeriny, tangelá. A zabudol som koľko rôznych druhov ovocia bolo na tom jednom strome. A povedal som tomu mužovi, povedal som: "Ako to? Čo je to za strom?"

On povedal: "Samotný strom je pomarančovník."

Povedal som: "Ako to, že sú na ňom grapefruity? Prečo sú na ňom citróny?"

On povedal: "Oni sú zaštepené do neho."

Povedal som: "Rozumiem. No dobre," povedal som: "no, na budúci rok, keď ten strom prinesie ďalšiu úrodu ovocia ..." - oni všetky dozrievajú v tom istom čase - povedal som: "... potom on urodí samé pomaranče. Keď je to pomarančovník, on urodí pomaranče, či nie, pane?"

On povedal: "Nie! Každá zaštepená vetva zrodí svoj vlastný druh."

Povedal som: "Chceš povedať, že citrónová vetva zrodí z toho pomarančovníka citróny?"

On povedal: "Presne tak."

"Či grapefruitová zrodí grapefruit na tom pomarančovníku?"

On povedal: "Presne tak. To je povaha tej vetvy, ktorá je do neho zaštepená."

Povedal som: "Chvála Bohu!"

On povedal: "Čo tým chceš povedať?"

Povedal som: "Ešte mám jednu otázku. No, či zrodí ešte niekedy ten pomarančovník znovu pomaranče?"

On povedal: "Keď vypustí ďalšiu vetvičku." Keď on vypustí ďalšiu halúzku, nie keď nejaká bude do neho zaštepená. Ale, to je všetko citrusové ovocie, a oni žijú z toho citrusového života, ktorý je v tom citrusovom strome.

48Povedal som: "Tu to je! Metodisti budú stále rodiť Metodistov. Baptisti budú stále rodiť Baptistov. Katolíci budú stále rodiť Katolíkov. Ale Cirkev živého Boha zrodí Krista od koreňov, stále Slovo, keď vypustí ďalšiu svoju vlastnú haluz!"

49No, vy to tam môžete zaštepiť. Vidíte? Každý grapefruit, citrón, tangelo, tangarinu, akékoľvek citrusové ovocie, každé jedno z nich môže žiť na tom strome, ale prináša o tom strome falošné svedectvo, a pritom žije z toho stromu. Vidíte to? Oni žijú a dobre sa rozvíjajú na úkor toho pravého života, ktorý je v tom strome. No, to je Matúš 24: 24. Žijú z toho istého života, ale oni od začiatku neboli praví. Oni vydávajú falošné svedectvo o tom strome! To je pomarančový strom! Hoci je to citrusový strom. A oni hovoria: "Táto cirkev, táto denominácia vydáva svedectvo o Kristovi." A majú falošný krst, falošné svedectvo o Slove, snažia sa povedať, že moc Božia bola len pre učeníkov? Ježiš, sám povedal: "Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každej vetve, ktorá kedy vyrastie na tom strome, každému konáru, ktorý bude na tom strome! A tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tie pravé haluzi." Kde? Pokiaľ je to strom, pokiaľ on vypúšťa halúzky, do konca sveta. "V Mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov budú hovoriť novými jazykmi, hadov brať, piť smrtonosné veci, klásť ruky na chorých a oni budú uzdravení." Vidíte hodinu v ktorej žijeme? Vidíte, čo povedal Ježiš?

50Pamätajte, toto bolo v čase konca, nie tam vtedy pri Wesleyovi a tam vtedy. Teraz, toto sa malo diať v čase. Skúmajte Písma, nech oni svedčia. Ježiš povedal: "Skúmajte Písma, pretože si myslíte, že v nich (alebo veríte) máte večný život a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne." Inými slovami, ak tento strom kedy zrodí halúzku ... "Ja som Vinič, Strom; vy ste letorasty - halúzky. Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, aj on bude činiť." Ev. Jána 14:12.

51Nuž: "Ten, kto zostáva vo Mne, ten kto ... ten kto bol v Mojom koreni na počiatku ..." Preto Ježiš bol oboje Koreň i Ratolesť Dávidova. On bol pred Dávidom, v Dávidovi, a po Dávidovi, oboje Koreň i Ratolesť Dávidova; Hviezda Ranná, Ruža Sáronská, Ľalia z údolia, Alfa i Omega; Otec, Syn i Duch Svätý. V Ňom prebýva plnosť Božstva telesne, oboje Koreň i Ratolesť Dávidova. "Ten, kto je tým vyvoleným Životom, tým predurčeným Životom, ktorý je vo Mne (a On je Slovo od počiatku), keď on príde, bude niesť Moje ovocie." Ev. Jána 14: 12. Ale ostatní budú žiť z toho istého, nazývať sa Kresťanmi a veriacimi. "Nie všetci, ktorí hovoria Pane, Pane, tam vojdú."

No, toto sa má diať a má to byť zamanifestované v tých posledných dňoch, keď sa majú dokonať tajomstvá Božie, ako sa ku tomu dostaneme trochu neskoršie.

52Tieto stromy - ten pravý vinič a ten falošný vinič ... Počuli ste ma už o tom kázať - už roky, ako oni spolu rástli. Prinášal som to jednotlivo a ukazoval ich, od Kaina a Ábela, tie dva viniče, ktoré sa stretli pri oltári; obidvaja nábožní, obidvaja pomazaní, obidvaja chcú život a chcú uctievať toho istého Boha ... A jeden bol odmietnutý a druhý prijatý. A že ten, ktorý bol prijatý, mohol robiť niečo inak, ako jeho brat, bolo jedine to, že mu to bolo zjavené. Pretože Biblia hovorí: "Vierou ... (Židom 11. kapitola) ... vierou doniesol Ábel Bohu väčšiu obeť než Kain, ktorou to vierou mu Boh dal svedectvo, že je spravodlivý."

Ježiš povedal: (Duchovné zjavenie ohľadne toho, kto On je!) "Čo hovoria ľudia, že kto som Ja, Syn človeka?"

On povedal - Peter povedal: "Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha."

"Požehnaný si Šimon, syn Jonášov, telo a krv ti to nezjavili. Zjavil ti to Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach. Na tejto skale Ja postavím Svoju Cirkev." Na čom? Na pravom zjavení Slova! To je znovu ten pravý Vinič. "Ábel vierou ..."

53Vy hovoríte: "To nebolo zjavenie." Čo je viera? Viera je niečo, čo ti je zjavené; čo ešte nie je, ale ty veríš, že to bude. Viera je zjavenie vôli Božej. Tak, skrze zjavenie ...

54 A cirkvi dnes ani neveria v duchovné zjavenie. Oni veria v dogmatickú náuku nejakého systému. "Skrze zjavenie doniesol Ábel Bohu väčšiu obeť než Kain, pri ktorej to viere mu Boh dal svedectvo, že je spravodlivý." Amen. Dúfam, že to vidíte. Vidíte, kde žijeme? Vidíte tú hodinu?

Nedávno som hovoril s jedným pánom, študovaný Kresťan a milý človek. Povedal: "pán Branham, my odmietame akékoľvek zjavenia."

55Povedal som: "Potom musíte odmietnuť Ježiša Krista, pretože On je zjavením Boha, Boh zjavený v ľudskom tele." Ak toto neuvidíte ste stratený! Ježiš povedal: "Ak neuveríte, že Ja som On, zomriete vo svojich hriechoch." On je zjavením Boha, Duch Boží zjavený v ľudskej forme. Ak tomuto nemôžete veriť, ste stratený. Kladiete Ho ako tretiu osobu, druhú osobu, či akúkoľvek ďalšiu osobu vedľa Boha, ste stratení. "Ak neuveríte, že Ja som On, zomriete vo svojich hriechoch." Zjavenie!

56Nie divu, že oni Ho nemohli vidieť. "Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, ak ho nepritiahne Môj Otec. A všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec (v koreňoch) prídu ku Mne." Vidíte? Rozumiete tomu? Och, ako Ho máme milovať, ctiť Ho, chváliť Ho; aby sme videli ovocie Ducha v týchto posledných dňoch na Strome Nevesty dozrievajúce na vrcholku času!

57Ten pravý vinič i ten falošný vinič, obidva mali to isté pomazanie. Voda padá na obidva. Nie divu, že On nás varoval, že to by zviedlo i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.

58Všimnite si. Oni vyzerajú tak isto; oni sú tak isto pomazaní. Ale všimnite si: "Podľa ich ovocia ..." Ako ste vedeli, že to - ako viete, že to nie je pomaranč? Pretože rodí grapefruity. Ten vinič (strom) je v poriadku; to žije na tom strome, ale rodí grapefruit. To nie je také ovocie, ako to prvé. A ak nejaká cirkev hovorí, že veria, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera dnes i naveky, a zapierajú Jeho moc, zapierajú Jeho skutky, zapierajú Jeho Slovo ... Ak - ak ... Tá Cirkev, ktorá verí v Ježiša Krista, bude robiť skutky Ježiša Krista; bude mať Život Ježiša Krista. A ak to tak nie je ... Nezáleží na tom, či sa tam vlieva ten Život; ak to nie je predurčené od koreňa, stále to bude rodiť grapefruit, alebo niečo iné! Ale ak je to v koreňoch predurčený život, on prinesie Ježiša Krista toho istého včera, dnes i naveky, ak je to Slovo, ktoré prichádza cez ten Koreň, On je tým Koreňom, počiatkom času.

59Všimnite si. Ale to čo oni produkujú, hovorí o niečom inom. "Podľa ich ovocia - povedal Ježiš - ich poznáte." Neoberá sa hrozno z bodliaka, aj keď ten bodliak je rovno vo viniči. To by bolo možné, ale to ovocie ho prezradí. Čo je to ovocie? To je Slovo na daný ... ovocie na daný čas; to je to - ich učenie. Učenie čoho? Učenie toho času, aký je čas - ľudská náuka, denominačná náuka, alebo Božie Slovo na daný čas?

No ... čas tak rýchlo ubieha, že ... Mohli by sme o tomto dlho hovoriť, ale som si istý, že vy tu prítomní, a som si istý, že vy po celom národe, rozumiete čo sa vám snažím povedať, pretože nemáme príliš veľa času, aby sme to ďalej rozoberali.

60Ale mohli ste vidieť, že to Pomazanie prichádza na nespravodlivých, tých falošných učiteľov, a spôsobuje, že robia presne to, čo Boh povedal aby nerobili; ale oni to aj tak budú robiť. Prečo? Oni si v tom nemôžu pomôcť. Ako môže byť bodliak niečo iné, než bodliak? Bez ohľadu na to koľko dobrého dažďu ho pokropí, on musí byť bodliak. Preto Ježiš povedal, že oni budú tak blízko, že by to zviedlo aj Vyvolených (ktorí sú v koreňoch), ak by to bolo možné. Ale to je nemožné. Pšenica nemôže rodiť nič okrem pšenici; ona nemôže zrodiť nič iné.

61Všimnite si. Pamätajte, Boh nie je autorom organizácie. Diabol je autor organizácie. Dokázal som to Slovom, krížom krážom, a znovu a znovu; nebudeme dnes ráno o tom hovoriť. Vieme, že Boh nikdy takto nezorganizoval ľudí dokopy, aby robil nejakú organizáciu. Stovky rokov po smrti posledného učeníka, než oni mali vôbec nejakú organizáciu. Ona stále sklamala. Ak nie, prečo nežijeme dnes spolu v láske, Metodisti, Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, Katolíci a všetci? Prečo nás potom nenasledujú skutky Božie, ak každá cirkev stojí na tom istom, na Slove? To je to, čo oddeľuje ľudí, bratstvo ... Sme ďalej od Boha než sme kedy boli - hovorím o cirkvách.

62No, bolo nám povedané, že všetky tie dávne veci sa stali príkladmi, na naše poučenie, napomenutie, varovanie; všetky tie dávne veci, ktoré sa stali v Starom Zákone boli predobrazom, aby sme videli čo bude v Novom Zákone, v našich dňoch. Tak ako keby ste nikdy nevideli svoju ruku, a pozreli ste sa a videli ste na stene tieň (ako sa tam moja ruka odráža od svetla), ak tu na tieni má päť prstov, keď ten negatív - a priblížite svoju ruku, ktorá je pozitív, ku tomu negatívu, ona musí mať päť prstov. Ako nám hovorí Biblia, že Starý zákon bol tieňom, predobrazom tých nových vecí, alebo vecí, ktoré mali prísť; nie tými skutočnými vecami, ale to bol tieň, predobraz tých vecí, ktoré mali prísť.

63Poďme naspäť a pozrime sa či táto vec bola kedy v niektorom inom veku. Chcete? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen."] Tak to budeme vedieť overiť krížom krážom, podľa Slova; nie podľa predstavy nejakého človeka, nejakej teórii. Nestarám sa o to, kto to je; ktokoľvek, ja, alebo ktokoľvek iný, ak nehovorí podľa zákona a prorokov, nemá v sebe Svetlo. Rozumiete? To hovorí Biblia. "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvo, a Moje Pravda," bez ohľadu na to, kto to je.

64No, poďme teraz naspäť a zistime, či sa takéto niečo niekedy stalo, aby nám bol ukázaný príklad. Mohli by sme sa teraz vrátiť do Knihy Exodus a hovoriť o postave zvanej Mojžiš, bol to pomazaný prorok, poslaný od Boha, so Slovom Božím a vôľou Božou pre jeho generáciu. Pretože Božie Slovo vždy spolu súvisí, On povedal, že nerobí nič, kým to prv nezjavi Svojim prorokom. Potom to urobí.

No, On nemôže klamať. On nemôže klamať a byť Bohom. Nie veru! On musí zostať pravdivý. V Ňom nieto klamstva. On je ... A On to nemôže zmeniť. Ak to zmení, potom nie je Boh; On urobil chybu. On musí byť nekonečný. A nekonečný nemôže urobiť chybu. Rozumiete? Tak, to čo Boh kedy povie, to je naveky pravda. Rozumiete? A On to zasľúbil. Tak hľaďte. Nikde v Biblii nieto miesto, ktoré by nemalo súvislosť práve s tým.

65Boh zasľúbil Abrahámovi, že jeho semeno bude cudzincom v cudzej zemi za štyristo rokov, potom ho On vyvedie veľkým ramenom a veľkou mocou, ukáže Svoje znamenia a zázraky medzi ľuďmi, s ktorými bývali. Čas toho zasľúbenia sa priblížil. Ľudia na to zabudli. Oni mali Farizejov a Sadúcejov, a tak ďalej, denominácie; ale zrazu prišiel Boh a odtiahol sa od každého z nich. Boh nikdy v niktorom dni, ani v niktorom čase, nikdy nepovolal proroka z denominácii. Nie veru. On je tak popletený. On by to nemohol urobiť. On by musel zostať s tou denomináciou.

66Mojžiš, muž poslaný od Boha, so Slovom Božím ... A na svojej ceste vedie Izraela do zasľúbenej zemi, presne podľa Božieho prikázania, on stretol iného proroka, iného pomazanca, ktorý mal pravé pomazanie tým istým Svätým Duchom, ktorý bol na Mojžišovi. Je to tak. On bol prorok. Duch Svätý bol na tomto mužovi. Nazýval sa Balám. Všetci o ňom vieme. No, samotné veci - tak isto - veci, ktoré tento muž povedal, sa stále dejú - pred okolo dvadsiatimi ôsmimi stovkami rokov - "Ty si ako jednorožec, ó Izrael. Kto ti bude žehnať bude požehnaný. Kto ťa bude preklínať bude prekliaty. Tvoja sila, a moc, aké spravodlivé sú tvoje stany, ó Jakobe!" Vidíte, on si nemohol pomôcť. On tam prichádza a vo svojom srdci má úmysel, prekliať ten ľud.

67Och, vy falošní učitelia počúvate tieto pásky po všetky tie roky, a vidíte, že Boh presne potvrdzuje, čo On povedal, a sedíte vo svojich študovniach a viete, že je to Pravda; a kvôli svojím denominačným rozdielom, pochybujete o tých veciach a hovoríte ľuďom, že to tak nie je. Beda vám! Váš čas je u konca.

68Balám, pomazaný tým istým Duchom, ktorý bol na Mojžišovi ... Aký bol rozdiel? Náuka Mojžiša bola dokonalá! Biblia hovorí tu v ll. Liste Petra, že to bola "náuka Baláma" ktorú Izrael prijal, čo im Boh nikdy neodpustil, neodpustiteľný hriech! Ani jeden z nich nebol spasený, hoci vyšli pod požehnaním Božím a videli ruku Božiu pohybujúcu sa cez toho mocného proroka, a videli to presne potvrdené od Boha, a pretože prišiel iný prorok s opačnou náukou, a hádal sa s Mojžišom, a snažil sa dokázať ľuďom, že Mojžiš sa mýli ... A Dátan, Kóre, a mnohí z nich, s ním súhlasili a učili deti Izraelove páchať smilstvo, nasledovať jeho organizáciu, že: "My sme všetci to isté." "Či sme Metodisti, Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, alebo Letniční, či čokoľvek iné, my sme to isté." My nie sme to isté! Vy ste oddelený ľud, svätý Pánovi, posvätený Slovu a Duchu Božiemu, aby ste niesli ovocie Jeho zasľúbenia na tento deň. A vy nie ste z nich!

69Viem, že je to strašne tvrdé, ale aj tak je to Pravda. Posvätení do služby v týchto posledných dňoch! "Vyjdite z pomedzi toho!"

70No náuka Baláma ... Nie proroctvo Baláma, to bolo v poriadku. To bol Boh. Koľkí tomu veria? Proroctvo Baláma bolo úplne správne, pretože on nemohol povedať nič iné. To pomazanie Božie by nehovorilo nič iné. A Boh to potvrdil, tým že dokázal, že to bola pravda. Ale to bolo "učenie Baláma." No, porovnajte to s Matúšom 24: 24.

71Pomazanci, ale ich učenie je falošné, trojice, a všetko tomu podobné. Klamstvo, antikrist! Dúfam, že nie sú ranené vaše pocity, a že nevypínajte - tie telefóny, a že nevstávajte a neodchádzajte. Seďte len potichu, a pozrime sa či nám to Duch Svätý nezjavi a nedokáže. Vy hovoríte: "Ale to ..." Čokoľvek veríte, seďte len potichu a počúvajte. A proste Boha, aby otvoril vaše srdce, potom budete vedieť či ste tŕň, alebo bodliak, alebo kdekoľvek stojíte. Rozumiete?

72No, ešte i Judáš, on bol predurčený na zatratenie, sedel tam pred Ježišom a Ježiš mu povedal: "To si ty! Čokoľvek ideš robiť, a čokoľvek musíš urobiť, urob to rýchlo." On vedel, čo on robí, ale za tých tridsať strieborných, a popularitu, predal Pána Ježiša Krista. Jeden z Jeho učeníkov, pokladník zboru, Ježiš ho nazval Svojím priateľom. Vidíte? Biblia povedala, že on sa narodil, ako syn zatratenia, práve tak, ako Ježiš sa narodil ako Syn Boží. "Zvedie i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné."

73Dávajte dobrý pozor, zatiaľ čo to ďalej skúmame. Zoberieme ďalší príklad z Knihy Kráľov. Tam bol prorok a nazýval sa Micheáš. On bol syn Jimlu, a on bol prorok. Bol. A tam bol ďalší prorok, hlava organizácii prorokov, pomazancov. Biblia hovorí, že oni boli proroci, práve tak isto, ako je Tam povedané, že Balám bol prorok, pomazanec. A tam bol jeden z nich menom Micheáš, ktorého Boh pomazal a bol poslaný od Boha so Slovom Božím. Tam bol jeden, Cedekiáš, ktorý si myslel, že je poslaný od Boha. On bol pomazaný Boží, ale jeho učenie sa nezhodovalo so Slovom Božím. "Povstanú, falošní kristovia, ukážu veľké znamenia, že by zviedli i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné."

74Všimnite si ich oboch, obidvaja boli pomazaní. No, ako by ste mohli povedať, ktorý je pravý a ktorý falošný? Pozrite sa čo zasľúbilo Slovo Achabovi. Ten prorok, ktorý bol pred nim, ktorým bol Eliáš, jeden z najväčších prorokov toho veku, on bol potvrdený prorok. Ten potvrdený prorok povedal, že pretože Achab urobil toto zlé, že psi budú lízať jeho krv (pripravil Nábota o život), a že psi budú žrať Jezábeľ, a ... jej telo bude hnojom na tých poliach. No, ako môžete žehnať to, čo Boh preklial? Och ako môžete preklínať, ako povedal Balám, to čo Boh požehnal? Vidíte? Ale títo proroci boli úprimní. Bezpochyby oni boli dobrí ľudia, vážení ľudia. Lebo, byť prorokom v Izraeli, museli ste byť vážený, alebo byť len Izraelitom. Ak nie, boli ste ukameňovaný. To boli vážení ľudia. To boli inteligentní mužovia. To boli vzdelaní ľudia. To boli Achabovi vybraní, z toho národa (vidíš to, sestra Wright?) - vybraní z toho národa, dobre pasujúci pre tú ...

75A teraz, keď Micheáš videl svoje videnie, on vedel vo svojom srdci, čo povedalo Slovo, ale on chcel vidieť, čo povie ten Duch, ktorý bol v ňom. Tak oni mu povedali, povedali: "Hovor to isté, čo povedali títo ostatní proroci. A keď to urobíš, no, budeš - určite ťa prijmeme znovu do obecenstva." Vidíte? "Urobíme ťa jedným z nás. Zoberieme ťa naspäť do našej denominácii. Ty si ... My vieme, že si prorok, ale ty stále hovoríš kliatby. Ty stále preklínaš Achaba. Cedekiáš teraz, ten hlavný (pápež, alebo ... čokoľvek on bol), on teraz požehnal Achaba, a povedal: 'Pusti sa do toho.' Teraz ty hovor to isté, Jimla. Aha, ty si len biedny človek. Sotva máš nejaké zhromaždenie. A títo mužovia majú milióny. Celý národ je za nimi. No, hovor to isté čo oni. Vieš čo sa ti dostane, budeš jesť bohatsvo zeme." To nebol ten pravý, na ktorého by to zabralo.

76Čo ak by sa ho opýtali: "Môžeš nájsť nejakú chybu na Cedekiášovi, Micheáš?" "Nie." "Pristihol si ho niekedy v hriechu?" "Nie." "Počul si ho niekedy na niekoho nadávať?" "Nie." "Pristihol si ho niekedy opitého?" "Nie." "Či môžeš pochybovať o jeho vzdelaní?" "Nie." "Myslíš, že jeho doktorát je falošný?" "Nie." "Veríš, že jeho Ph.D. je na mieste?"

"Samozrejme. Od koncilu Sanhedrinu; Myslím, že je - od koncilu, myslím, že to je v poriadku."

"Dobre, prečo sa s ním potom nespojíš?"

"Pretože odstúpil od Slova!"

"Dobre, potom budeme mať možnosť ukázať, kto má pravdu."

77 Ako prorok Eliáš pred tým. A ak si ty dieťa Božie budeš stáť s prorokom tejto Biblii! To je Slovo.

78Všimnite si tú hodinu, tú dobu. Dobre, čo ak Cedekiáš povie: "Ó, ja viem, že to prorok povedal, ale to platí pre budúcu generáciu; to je ďaleko pred nami."

On povedal: "Počkaj, až uvidím videnie od Boha, a potom ti poviem."

Povedal: "Potom povieš to isté?"

On povedal: "Poviem len to čo povie Boh; nič iné, nič viac. Nemôžem pridať ku tomu jedno slovo, ani odobrať jedno Slovo od toho." Tak tej noci, v modlitbe, Pán prišiel ku nemu vo videní. On tam išiel na druhý deň ráno a povedal: "Tam ... "

79Dvaja proroci ... Najväčší človek v národe, v očiach armády i národa, bol Cedekiáš. On bol hlavný prorok, postavený od kráľa. On bol vedúci všetkých ďalších prorokov, dosadený organizáciou. Svoju organizáciu bol dosadený za hlavu ich všetkých. Možno najlepšie študoval, bol najvzdelanejší, najschopnejší do tej roboty. A bol pomazaný Duchom Svätým, pretože je nazvaný prorokom. Skutočne. Nie len obyčajný prorok, on bol Hebrejský prorok. No, pozorujte ho.

80Cedekiáš povedal: "Pán prehovoril ku mne: 'Urob Mi tieto dva železné rohy,'" - symbol, prorok obyčajne používal symboly. "On povedal: 'Urob tieto železné rohy.' Duch Svätý mi povedal: 'Vezmi tieto ...' Pomazanie, ktoré mi žehnalo (Nemyslite si, že to znevažujem, ale aby sme sa dostali k veci.) - Duch Svätý, ktorý cezo mňa hovorí v jazykoch, Ten ktorý ma potvrdil, On povedal: 'Vezmi tieto rohy a povedz kráľovi, že týmto vytlačí Sýrov preč z toho kraju. A Ja mu dám naspäť tú zem, ktorá právom patrí Izraelovi, cirkvi.'" Brat, to vyzerá veľmi fundamentálne, práve tak, ako to čo tam hovoril Balám.

Balám hovoril práve tak fundamentálne ako Mojžiš. Mojžiš ... Sedem je správne Božie číslo. A Balám povedal: "Postavte sedem oltárov; sedem čistých obetí, volov, a sedem baranov." To hovorí o príchode Syna Božieho. Fundamentálne mal práve tak pravdu, ako ktokoľvek z nich.

81A tu Cedekiáš má tak isto fundamentálne pravdu. "Lebo táto zem patrí nám. Zatiaľ čo tam tí Sýrovia a Filištíni, naši nepriatelia, plnia svoje bruchá a bruchá svojich detí, a tak ďalej, potravou, ktorá patrí našim deťom, a pritom Boh nám dal tú zem!" Brat, to je dobrý argument. Myslím, že on to mohol vykrikovať pred Izraelom, a oni mohli kričať ako len vládali. No, ja teraz hovorím o dnešku. Dúfam, že mi rozumiete. Všetko to vykrikovanie a vrieskanie ...

82Pamätáte na Dávida minulú nedeľu? Vidíte? Vy, ktorí ste pomimo a počúvate cez rádio, alebo cez to telefónne spojenie; ak ste nepočuli posolstvo z minulej nedele, nezabudnite si ho vypočuť. Snaha robiť Bohu nejakú službu bez toho, že by ste do nej boli určení, nezáleží na tom, ako úprimne, ako dobre, Boh to vôbec neprijíma. Vidíte?

83No, tu bol Cedekiáš, myslel si že je v poriadku. Micheáš povedal: "Nechajte ma, opýtam sa Boha." Tak on prichádza ráno na druhý deň s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. On skontroloval svoje videnie so Slovom.

84No, keby on povedal Cedekiášovi: "Vieš čo tu povedal ten Biblický prorok, že sa stane tomuto človeku?" ...

85"Ale nie v tomto čase, pretože tento muž je cteným mužom. On sa snaží." "On sa snaží - (neprehliadnite to!) - on sa snaží prinavrátiť cirkvi tie veci, ktoré jej patria. On sa snaží, aby dostala naspäť svoje majetky." Nie tie duchovné veci; ak by to robil, šokoval by celý národ, ako to urobil Eliáš. Ale snaží sa im dať tie materiálne veci: "My vlastníme majetky. My sme veľká organizácia. My patríme do toho. My všetci - vy všetci ľudia, vy Protestanti by ste sa mali ku nám pripojiť." Hm. Pomaly ku tomu prichádzame. "Veď to sú všetko bratia a sestry." Nie sú! Nikdy neboli a nikdy nebudú, s tou skutočnou, opravdovou cirkvou Božou. Nemôžu byť!

86Všimnite si, on videl to videnie. A tak povedal: "Boh ku mne hovoril." No, pozrite, ten človek bol úprimný. Povedal: "On povedal: 'Urob si tieto rohy, a choď tam pred kráľa a strkaj západným smerom (alebo na ktorúkoľvek stranu, kde ležala tá zem, od toho miesta kde oni stáli) ... Strkaj, a to bude TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, že on zvíťazí a príde naspäť, víťazstvo pre cirkev.'" Vyženie ich z tade. To je veľmi podobné, či nie? Aká bola skutočnosť? Tu prichádza Micheáš. Povedal: "Teraz ty povedz svoje proroctvo."

87"Choď! Ale videl som Izraela ako ovce, rozprášené, nemajúce pastiera." Fjú! Úplne opačne.

88No, vy ste to zhromaždenie. Kto má teraz pravdu? Obidvaja, proroci. Jediný spôsob, ako môžete poznať medzi nimi rozdiel, je skontrolovať to so Slovom.

Povedal: "Odkiaľ si to vzal?"

On povedal: "Videl som Boha sediaceho na tróne." Povedal: "Videl som celú radu okolo Neho."

89Pamätajte teraz, Cedekiáš práve povedal, že tiež videl Boha v tom istom Duchu. "Videl som Boha. On mi povedal, aby som urobil tieto rohy zo železa, aby Išiel tam a vystrkal tie národy odtiaľ, pretože to patrí nám. Tí ostatní nemajú na to právo." Oni by to mali, keby stáli poriadne pri Bohu, oni by to mali, ale oni odišli od Boha. Tak je to s organizáciou, s cirkvou. Ona má právo na tieto veci, ale ste boli o to oklamaní, pretože ste odišli od Božieho Slova a Božieho Ducha, Pomazania, aby potvrdil Slovo na daný čas. Porozumejte toto Posolstvo.

90Všimnite si čo sa teraz stalo. On povedal: "Videl som Boha" Micheáš povedal: "sedieť v Nebi na tróne. Okolo Neho bola zhromaždená Jeho rada. On povedal: 'Koho pošleme aby išiel dole a zviedol Achaba, aby sa vyplnili slová Eliáša, Môjho proroka, ktorý bol potvrdený. Ja som povedal, že on príde. A Eliáš mal Moje Slovo! A nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nepominie. Nezaujíma Ma, ako sa zmodernizovali, alebo ako sa polepšili, alebo aké dosiahli vzdelanie, alebo aký sa stali veľkí, Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie.' A nejaký klamlivý duch prišiel z pekla, padol na svoje kolená a povedal: 'Ak mi len dovolíš, ja im môžem dať svoje pomazanie, nechám ich robiť každé znamenie alebo zázrak, len čo ich dostanem pomimo Slova. On nebude ani vedieť, že To je Tvoje Slovo. On Ho bude ignorovať, kvôli popularite. (Brat, časy sa nezmenili! Brat Neville, to je pravda! Zapamätajte si, to je pravda!) Ja prídem na neho, nechám ho robiť tie isté veci, ktoré robia tí ostatní. Nechám ho prorokovať, a hovoriť klamstvo.'" Ako to mohlo byť klamstvo? Tak, že to bolo nezhodné so Slovom.

91Vezmite ktorýkoľvek z týchto falošných krstov, falošný taký a taký a taký, nestarám sa ako pravdivo to zneje, ako veľmi sa to snažia napodobniť, ak je to v rozpore s Božím Slovom na túto hodinu je to klamstvo! Presne tak! Vy hovoríte: "Dobre, naša ... Dobre, my sme urobili toto, a my sme urobili toto; a naša cirkev je takáto, a ..." Nestarám sa o to čo to je; ak je to v rozpore s tým napísaným Slovom na túto hodinu, je to klamstvo. Boh s tým nebude mať nič dočinenia. Nezáleží ako úprimne, ako vzdelane, ako inteligentne, ako pravdivo to zneje, ako rozumne to zneje, ak je to nezhodné so Slovom na túto hodinu ... Vojdeme do toho za chvíľu trochu hlbšie, ak nám čas dovolí. Ak nie, preberieme to ešte dnes večer.

92Všimnite si! On bol úprimný, dobrý človek, bez pochyby. A on povedal ... Potom inak, Micheáš mu povedal (nie priamo do tváre, ale inými slovami), "Si pomazaný falošným duchom." Hovorí sa také niečo biskupovi? Ale on to povedal!

93A tak tento biskup prišiel a povedal: "Už viacej nebudeš mať s nami obecenstvo!" a udrel ho do tvári; povedal: "Ty vieš, že ja som potvrdený človek. Moja cirkev ma urobila vedúcim, tohoto. Tie všeobecné voľby Božieho ľudu ma tým urobili. A Boh nám dal túto zem, a On chce, aby patrila nám. A ja mám TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." Udrel ho a povedal: "Ktorou cestou Duch Boží odišiel, keď odstúpil odo mňa?"

94Micheáš povedal: "Poznáš to v jednom z týchto dní," keď bude Kalifornia pod morom, a veľa takýchto vecí. Vidíte? "Budeš vidieť ktorou cestou On odišiel, keď budeš sedieť vo vnútorných vezeniach."

95No, Achab, čo ty povieš? "Ja verím svojmu prorokovi," on povedal. Čo keby on len dával pozor na Slovo? Vidíte, on nechcel vidieť seba prekliateho! Počúvajte ma! On nechcel vidieť seba prekliateho. Nikto to nechce. A môj organizovaný brat, tak isto je to s tebou. Ty si chceš myslieť, že si v poriadku, keď vieš vo svojom srdci, že keď krstíš, používajúc meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého, že klameš! Ty vieš, že keď predpovedáš - hovoríš tieto veci, ktoré robíš, a berieš počiatočné dôkazy, a všetko takéto, že nemáš pravdu. Ako môže byť počiatočný dôkaz hovorenie v jazykoch, a potom hovoriť v rozpore so zasľúbením Božím na túto hodinu? Ako to môže byť? Ty nechceš kliatbu, však? Ale tu je to napísané, a tak to musí byť. To je znamenie šelmy. Také blízke, žeby to zviedlo aj Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.

96Každý znak, každý zázrak, pomazaný človek, proroctvo, prejavujú sa všetky možné veci; všetky možné znamenia, všetky možné zázraky, ako poznáš ten rozdiel? Pozoruj Slovo na túto hodinu! Tak poznáš ...

97Pozorujte Mojžiša, ako on mohol rozpoznať Baláma. Pozorujte tu Micheáša, ako vieme, že on mal pravdu? Slovo, ktoré bolo pred ním to prorokovalo o Achabovi. A Slovo, pred týmto, prorokovalo o týchto organizáciách v tomto čase a o tejto kliatbe na nich, a o týchto veciach, ktoré sa budú diať skrze Jeho opravdu pomazanú Cirkev - bude mať Slovo, Nevesta Slova. Tu to máme! Dnes to máme práve tak, ako to bolo vtedy.

98Biblia hovorí: "Nech na ústach dvoch, alebo troch svedkov je založené každé slovo." Hovoril som o Balámovi. Hovoril som o Balámovi a Mojžišovi. A teraz som hovoril o Micheášovi a Cedekiášovi. A teraz poviem ešte jeden príklad, je ich stovky, ale ešte jeden, aby boli traja svedkovia. Mám ich tu zapísaných celú radu. Ale aby šetriť čas ...

99Jeremiáš, ktorý bol potvrdený, odvrhnutý, ale potvrdený prorok Boží. Nenávideli toho muža. Hádzali po ňom - prezrené ovocie, a všetko možné. A on vypovedal na nich tú kliatbu. A všetko čo robil ... A ležal tam na svojich bokoch, a všetko, a ukázal znaky, že s Izraelom je zle. Každý prorok, opravdový prorok, ktorý kedy povstal na svete, preklial tie denominačné cirkevné organizácie. Ako by to nemeniaci sa Boh mohol zmeniť?

100Duch Svätý je Prorokom v tejto hodine; On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo, dokazuje Ho. Duch Svätý bol Prorokom v čase Mojžiša. Duch Svätý bol Prorokom v čase Micheáša. Duch Svätý, ktorý napísal toto Slovo, prichádza a potvrdzuje to Slovo.

101No čo sa stalo v čase Micheáša? Achab bol zabitý, a psi lízali jeho krv, podľa Slova Božieho. "Ó, vy falošní učitelia, tak hovorí Boh, jedného dňa budete žať to čo sejete, vy slepí vodcovia slepých!" Nie som nahnevaný; Ja vám len hovorím Pravdu. A nepovedal by som to, ak by tam hore v tej miestnosti, ak by to Duch Svätý nebol povedal: "Povedz to takým spôsobom." Povedal som vám niekedy niečo zle ... čo by Boh nebol potvrdil, že je pravda? Prebuď sa môj brat, prv ako bude príliš neskoro!

102Ale dovoľte mi povedať toto. Ako sa môže prebudiť tŕň a byť bodliakom, keď bol do toho predurčený? Ako sa Vyvolený môže zdržať, aby to nevidel? Pretože, oni sú Vyvolení, aby to videli. "Všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec prídu," povedal Ježiš: "ale nikto z nich nemôže prísť, ak by Mi to On nedal pred založením sveta, keď ich mená boli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života," nie v nejakej cirkevnej knihe, ale v Knihe, Baránkovej Knihe Života.

103Všimnite si! Jeremiáš povstal, potvrdený pred ľuďmi, a jednako ho nenávideli.

104A tak oni išli a urobili jarmo, on urobil jarmo, a dal si ho na krk a išiel pred ľudí. Oni povedali: "Ó, my sme veľký ľud Boží. Ako, my sme Izrael! My sme verní našej synagóge, chodíme tam každú nedeľu, my obetujeme obete. A dávame tam svoje peniaze. Ako by mohol Nabuchodonozor zobrať tie sväté veci Božie?" Hm! To urobili vaše hriechy.

Boh povedal: "Ak budete dodržiavať Moje prikázania, neurobím toto. Ale ak nie, príde to na vás." Je to presne tak. Stále tak isto. Dodržiavať Jeho prikázania, Jeho Slovo na danú hodinu, čo On zasľúbil.

105Všimnite si teraz. No, Jeremiáš, z vôli Božej, potvrdený prorok, hoci nenávidený ... Každý jeden z nich bol nenávidený vo svojom čase. Oni robili také divné veci, ktoré boli v protiklade s vtedajšou denomináciou, všetci ho nenávideli, kráľovia a všetci ostatní. Tak on si dal na krk jarmo a povedal: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, budete tam sedemdesiat rokov." Pretože on to porozumel zo Slova Božieho. Sedemdesiat rokov.

106Potom Chananiáš, Chananiáš, myslím, že to vyslovujete Cha-na-ni-áš. Chananiáš, prorok nad tým ľudom, prišiel, zobral to jarmo z Jeremiášovho krku a polámal ho. A povedal ... Bol veľkou osobou medzi tým ľudom (vidíte?), keď to hovoril nezhodne s Božím Slovom. A On povedal: "Za dva roky budú naspäť, tak hovorí Pán." Dvaja pomazaní proroci. Aký bol medzi nimi rozdiel? Jeden hovoril Slovo, a ten druhý nie.

Jeremiáš povedal: "Amen!" pred všetkými tými staršími a pred tým zhromaždením, a pred celým Izraelom.

107Vidíte, on chcel ukázať, že on môže byť taký veľký, ako Jeremiáš. "Ty vieš, že oni ťa aj tak nemajú radi. Tak ja som tiež prorok. Ja som viac prorokom ako ty, pretože ty prorokuješ klamstvo. Ty mi hovoríš, že Boží ľud bude pod niečím takým." To oni hovoria dnes, ale vy tam budete práve tak isto, ako cirkev. Je na vás uvalená kliatba. Vy všetky cirkvi, denominácie, ktoré sa držíte svojej ľudskej tradícii namiesto Božieho Slova, ste prekliate od Boha!

108Všimnite si teraz, tu on prichádza. Chananiáš trhá to jarmo z jeho krku, Boží symbol, láme ho a hovorí: "Tak hovorí Pán, za dva roky sa vrátia." Len na vystatovanie: "Ja som ten a ten." Pretože on ju zastával, on bol prorok z organizácie.

109Jeremiáš bol mužom púšte, ktorý žil sám. On po celý čas prorokoval zlé proti ním, pretože oni boli zlí. A tento muž im hovoril: "Ó, vy ste v poriadku, pokiaľ sem patríte ... Pokiaľ ste Izraelom, to je všetko, čo je potrebné. (Vidíte?) Vy ste ... Boh to neurobí. Viem, že niečo nepatrné sa tu prihodí, ale nebuďte poplašení, nestrachujte sa." Ó, brat, takí stále dnes žijú. "Nerobte si starosti, všetko je v poriadku. Všetko máme pod kontrolou. My sme Cirkev." Nemyslite si to! Och.

110Tak on povedal: "Všetko je v poriadku. Za dva roky sa vrátia. To je drobná vec, ktorá sa stala; nie je to nič neobyčajné; rozumieme. Nabuchodonozor práve prišiel sem hore, ale náš Boh sa o to všetko postará." Ale Slovo povedalo, že oni tam budú sedemdesiat rokov; až kým nevymrie tá generácia, a ďalšia generácia ... štyridsať rokov je generácia.

111"Toto sú skoro dve generácie, kým tam budete," a Jeremiáš to povedal podľa Slova Božieho. Chananiáš zlámal to ... Jeremiáš povedal: "V poriadku. Amen. Ale, Chananiáš, pamätajme toto, my sme obidvaja proroci. My sme kazatelia. A hovorím ti toto, môj brat. Pamätajme, pred nami boli proroci, a oni prorokovali proti kráľovstvám, a oni prorokovali proti určitým veciam. Ale pamätaj, keď ten prorok niečo povedal, on musel prorokovať podľa Slova. Ako Micheáš, a Mojžiš, a všetci ostatní. To musí byť podľa Slova. Ak nie je, potom pamätaj čo sa stane."

112Potom Chananiáš, oprávnene sa rozhorčil. "Ja som Chananiáš, prorok Pánov, a ja hovorím dva roky." Inými slovami: "Nestarám sa o to čo hovorí Slovo," jeho pomazanie. "Ja hovorím, za dva roky sa vrátia."

113Jeremiáš odišiel od neho, odišiel a povedal: "Pane, mne je jedno čo on povedal, ja stále verím a viem, že to Slovo tak hovorí. Ja Ti zostanem verný. Ja nebudem od neho zvedený."

114Boh povedal: "Choď povedz Chananiášovi, že to ďalšie jarmo urobím zo železa." Pretože to on urobil, bol odstránený z povrchu zeme, Chananiáš, v tom istom roku. To sú naše príklady. Obidvaja proroci. Mohli by sme povedať oveľa viac na ten čas.

115Ale dávajte pozor. Ježiš povedal, že znovu v tomto čase konca, tieto dva duchy budú tak isto veľmi blízko seba. Je to tak? Všimnite si! Bude to bližšie, než ako to bolo vtedy. Toto je ten čas konca. Ó, deti! Bože buď nám milostivý! Bude to až tak skutočné, žeby to zviedlo aj Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. No, ako budete - ako sme to poznali v tých dňoch? Ako to poznáme dnes? Tak isto, stojte v Slove: Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. No, dbajte na celé toto posolstvo. A keď budete počúvať tú pásku - možno mňa tu už nebude, jedného dňa keď Pán tu na zemi so mnou skončí - budete sa znovu ku tomuto vracať. Počúvajte na môj hlas, čo vám hovorím. Ak ma On vezme pred Jeho príchodom, pamätajte len, hovorím ku vám v mene Pánovom, Slovom Pána. Áno!

116Všimnite si. Budú tak blízko pri sebe, že by to zviedlo Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné, budú robiť tie isté znamenia, tie isté zázraky, skrze toho istého Ducha. Je to tak? Tak ako tí proroci, o ktorých sme práve hovorili - proroci.

117No, tiež je to napísané, otvorme si to, na tomto jednom, ak chcete. ll. Timotejovi 3. Nevynechajme tento príklad. A ja nechcem ... Pozerám sa tam na tie hodiny, a chcem z toho veľa vynechať, a myslím, že teraz by sme to nemali vynechať. Rozumiete?

118Všimnite si, len ... Keď tu stojím a potím sa ako ... Vidíte? Ale som šťastný. A viem, že toto je pravda.

119ll. Timotejovi 2: 8. Pavel, ten muž, ktorý povedal: "Keby prišiel anjel z neba a hovoril vám iné slovo, než to, čo som vám ja povedal, nech je prekliaty." - no, nejaký anjel prichádza dole. To je ll. Tesaloničanom. Och, prepáčte.

120Všimnite si v ll. Timotejovi 3: 8. Dávajte pozor, čo teraz Pavel hovorí. Začnime od okolo ... Začnime od prvého verša, a dobre teraz počúvajte. Vy, ktorí máte svoje Biblie, čítajte so mnou. Vy ktorí nemáte Biblie, počúvajte pozorne.

Ale to vedz, že v posledných dňoch ...

Zdôrazňujem to "posledné dni." To je vtedy, keď sa toto bude diať.

... nastanú nebezpečné časy.

(Sme v nich.)

Lebo to budú ľudia, ktorí budú milovať seba, milovať peniaze, chlúbiví, pyšní, rúhaví, rodičom neposlušní, nevďační, bohoprázdni.

121Pozrite sa na túto skupinu, ktorú máme dnes, zhnitá. Dokonca muži vonku na ulici, mladí muži, si sčesávajú vlasy dole do čela - s ofinami ako ženy. Zvrátenosť! Sodomiti!

122Čítali ste v tomto roku - tento mesiac Reader Digest? Tam je napísané, že Američania vo veku - myslím, že to bol vek medzi dvadsiatym a dvadsiatym piatym rokom - sú už vo svojom strednom veku. Sú na konci! Sú prehnití! To hovorí veda, že muž je v strednom veku i žena, keď majú len dvadsať. Ich telá sú tak skazené a oddané špinavosti.

123Och, Amerika, ako často ťa Boh chcel zhromaždiť, ale teraz prišla tvoja hodina! Ty si doviedla svet do špinavosti.

... rúhaví, rodičom neposlušní, nevďační, bohoprázdni,

Bez lásky, ...

Žiadna opravdová láska ani jedného ku druhému, muža ku žene, ženy ku mužovi. Nemajú lásku. Sexuálna špinavosť!

...nezmierliví, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, divokí, nemilujúci dobrého,

Inými slovami, hovoríte: "Vy banda fanatikov." Niekto sa raz opýtal ohľadne chodenia sem do zboru. Povedali mu: "Nechoď tam. Všetko, čo tam je, je banda ľudí, ktrorí robia hluk a vystrája." Vidíte? Pohŕdajú nimi.

zradní, náhli, nadutí, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha,

Vy hovoríte: "brat Branham, to sú komunisti." Čo hovorí ten nasledujúci verš?

ktorí majú tvárnosť pobožnosti, ktorí


však jej moc zapreli.

Slovo, Ježiša Krista toho istého včera, dnes i naveky, zamanifestované zasľúbenie na tento deň ... Presne tak, ako Chananiáš, presne ako Cedekiáš, presne ako Balám, tam vtedy, i ďalší falošní proroci.

Majúci formu pobožnosti,

(pomazaní ... Vidíte?)

Majúci formu,

(pomazaní, ordinovaní kazatelia ...)

Majúci formu pobožnosti,

(ale zapierajú, že On je ten istý včera dnes .... Zapierajúci Jeho Slovo!)

Ako oni zapreli v tom čase Ježiša? Koho oni zapreli, keď zapreli Ježiša? Slovo. Oni boli nábožní. Oni učili zo svojich Biblií, ale zapreli Slovo na svoj deň. Čo sú oni dnes? To isté, pomazaní, kážu evanjelium o letniciach, ale zapierajú zasľúbenie potvrdeného Slova na tento deň: "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Vidíte to?

Lebo z tých sú tí, ktorí vnikajú do domov a zajímajú nerozumné ženy, obťažené hromadou hriechov, vedené rozličnými žiadosťami

"Naše šicie večierky a naše to a to." Niekto prichádza a snaží sa prekrútiť Slovo a hovorí: "To je v poriadku sestra, že máš krátke vlasy. Vôbec si nevšímaj toho hlupáka." Vidíte? "Och, či nosíš toto ... To nie je to; to čo poškvrňuje človeka vychádza z jeho srdca." Vidíte? A uvedomujte si, že ste pomazaní niečím zlým, žiadosťou, špinavým duchom? ... nestarám sa, že môžeš spievať v zbore s krátkymi vlasmi, ale máš zlého ducha! To je v protiklade so Slovom. Je to tak. To hovorí Biblia. A vy hovoríte: "Dobre, ja nosím šortky. Neodsudzuje ma to." Ktokoľvek ... Ak žena nosí mužský odev, v Božích očiach je to ohavnosť." Nemenný Boh to povedal.

124Ó, tak mnoho vecí, keby sme to chceli prejsť, nestačil by nám čas. Ale poznáte toho dosť, aby ste vedeli, čo je dobré a čo zlé. A ako ich ja môžem prinútiť, aby to robili? Ako to môžem urobiť? Poviete: "No tak, prečo o tom stále vykrikuješ?" Ja som svedok proti vám! Jedného dňa, na Súdny Deň, nebudete mať kút, kde by ste sa ukryli.

125Ako to Micheáš mohol zastaviť? Ako mohol Mojžiš, ktorý kričal a snažil sa to zastaviť, a Jozue a oni bežali medzi ľudí, a Lévi dokonca vytiahol svoj meč a zabíjal ich? Oni ďalej postupovali tak isto. Je to predpovedané, že oni to budú robiť. A oni to budú robiť, pretože to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN oni to budú robiť! Myslíte si, že tí nominovaní sa niekedy z toho dostanú, že ich denominácie prídu naspäť do Slova? Nie, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN! Či oni pôjdu za antikristom? Presne, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, pôjdu! "Tak, čo o tom hovoríš?" Ja musím byť svedkom, a vy tiež! Všetci veriaci! Hľaďte.

... nerozumné ženy obťažené rozličnými žiadosťami,

126"Dobre, všetky tie ostatné ženy to robia." Falošní proroci! Počúvajte. Falošní proroci, hovorím o nich. No, čo oni budú robiť v tom poslednom čase? Viesť nerozumné ženy, odvádzané svojimi rozličnými žiadosťami. "No, ja poznám všetky tie ostatné ženy ..." V poriadku, pokračuj.

127Čo som povedal tesne pred tou veľkou udalosťou tu v Kalifornii? "Vy ľudia tu v Los Angeles, každý rok, keď prichádzam naspäť je tu viac ostrihaných žien a zbabelých mužov, než ako to bolo prv, viacej kazateľov ide do organizácii. Ste bez výhovorky! Ak by sa tie mocné skutky sa stali v Sodome a Gomore, ktoré sa stali u vás, stáli by do dnešného dňa. Ó, Kafarnaum, ty ktorý sa nazývaš menom anjelov, Los Angeles ..." Vidíte čo sa deje? Ono pôjde rovno na dno mora. Kedy? Ja neviem, kedy to bude, ale to sa stane. Vy mladí ľudia, ak to ja neuvidím v mojich dňoch, vy to pozorujte. Je s ňou koniec!

ktoré sa vždycky učia, ale nikdy nemôžu prísť k poznaniu pravdy.

Tu je teraz to šokujúce, tu je tá šokujúca časť. Počúvajte toto.

A ako čo Janes a Jambrez sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tak sa i títo stavajú proti pravde, ľudia, skazení na mysli, nedokázaní čo do viery ... ktorá raz bola svätým darovaná, (

samozrejme. ... čo do viery. "A on obráti vieru otcov - či detí, naspäť ku otcom.")

128"Nedokázaní čo do Viery." Och! Viete čo znamená nedokázať sa? Ak máte Bibliu Scofilda, tam je písmeno "h". A nad tým je napísané "Odpadnutie." Odpadnutie, to je to, čo to znamená.

129No, chvíľočku. Chcem tu niečo pohľadať. Myslím, že som si to tu zapísal. Nie som si istý, ale to chcem povedať, a vyhľadať to prv, ako to poviem. No, chvíľočku. Nedokázaní čo do Pravdy, čo do viery. "Viera," je len jedna Viera. Je to tak. Čo do viery, nedokázaní.

Chcem teraz čítať z Lukáša 18. Len chvíľku. Nepotrebujete si to zapisovať. Nemusíte to čítať.

A na koniec povedal im aj podobenstvo, že je treba vždycky sa modliť a neustávať.

Bol vraj v istom meste nejaký sudca, ktorý sa Boha nebál a človeka nehanbil.

A bola v tom istom meste akási vdova, ktorá chodila k nemu a hovorila: Pomsti ma nad mojím protivníkom a vysloboď ma od neho!

A nechcel za čas. Ale potom povedal sám v sebe: Hoci sa ani Boha nebojím ani človeka sa nehanbím,

ale preto, že mi táto vdova nedá pokoja, pomstím ju, nech mi tu nechodí naveky a netrápi ma.

A Pán povedal: Počujte čo hovorí ten nespravodlivý sudca!

A čo by Boh nepomstil svojich vyvolených, ktorí volajú k nemu dňom i nocou, hoc aj pri nich zhovieva?

Ba hovorím vám, že ich pomstí, a to skoro. A však keď príde Syn človeka, či aj nájde vieru na zemi?

130No, to je otázka. Tu som sa chcel dostať. V Zjavení 10 - dostaneme sa do toho za niekoľko minút, v ďalšom verši Písma - on povedal: "Vo dňoch posolstva siedmeho Anjela, tajomstvo Božie má byť dokonané." Tu je - tá otázka je, ak dokážete čítať v tom riadku na túto hodinu: Bude to dokonané? "Či nájdem Vieru?" Vyplní sa Malachiáš 4. v tomto čase: prinavráti vieru detí, naspäť do viery otcov, do originálu, do Slova? Rozumiete?

131Nedokázaní! Janes a Jambrez, ako sa oni postavili proti ... No, tiež počúvajte. ll. Timotejovi 3: 8. Ako Janes ... sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tiež v tých posledných dňoch príde to isté nedokázanie (vidíte teraz kde je to tu povedané?) majúci formu pobožnosti, pomazanci. No len ... Vráťte sa ku tomu a prečítajte si to, keď prídete domov, aby som dnes ráno mohol toto skončiť, ak budem môcť.

132Nedokázaní čo do ... nie nedokázaní v žití, oni sú dobrí, vzdelaní ľudia. Všimnite si teraz, keď Mojžiš odišiel dole do Egypta, s posolstvom TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a bol potvrdený; volal na Izrael, ktorý bol ľudom, nie cirkvou ... Izrael bol ľudom; oni neboli cirkvou. Pretože, slovo cirkev znamená "vyvolaní." Oni boli ľud Boží. Potom, keď zostali pomazaní pod Slovom, a vyvolaní, stali sa cirkvou Božou. A potom odpadli, pretože neverili Božiemu Slovu, a počúvali na falošného proroka. Dúfam, že si to uvedomujete. Izrael bol Boží ľud, vychádza von pod mocným ramenom Božím, pomazaní Slovom ... mocou Božou, videl znamenia a zázraky Božie. A potom, keď Boh začal s nimi tiahnuť, prichádza nejaký falošný prorok, pomazaný, a učí niečo v protiklade s originálnym Slovom Božím, ktoré oni počuli; a každý jeden z nich zahynul na púšti, okrem troch ľudí. Pamätajte na to!

133"Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, kde osem duší bolo zachránených vodou, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, kde traja vyšli von zo Sodomy, tak to bude v čase, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka." Ja len citujem Písmo, Slovo Pánovo, o ktorom je povedané: "Nebo i zem pominú ..." To bude menšina!

134Všimnite si tu Mojžiš ide ku Áronovi. Mojžiš mal byť Bohom. Boh mu povedal, aby bol Bohom! Povedal: "Ty budeš Boh a nech Áron tvoj brat, bude tvoj prorok. Ty dáš slová do jeho úst, keď ty nevieš dobre hovoriť." Povedal: "Ale kto urobil človeka nemým? Kto dal človeku reč?" Pán. A on išiel tam dole. Čo on urobil? On vykonal pravý zázrak, presne ten, ktorý mu Boh kázal urobiť. Boh mu povedal: "Choď a hoď na zem svoju palicu." Zodvihol ju, a bol to had. On ju zodvihol, a obrátila sa naspäť na palicu. Povedal: "Choď urob toto pred faraónom, a povedz TAK HOVORÍ PÁN."

135A keď to faraón videl, povedal: "Ale, čo za obyčajný magický trik." Povedal: "Na tom nič nie je. To je mentálna telepatia, či niečo", viete. "My máme mužov v našej organizácii, ktorí dokážu urobiť to isté. Poď sem, biskup Taký a Taký; a ty poď sem. My máme takých, oni dokážu robiť to isté." To bol Satan, ktorý hovoril cez faraóna. To bol Boh hovoriaci cez Mojžiša.

136Ale pozorujte týchto mužov, ktorí prišli. Janes a Jambrez predstúpili pred Mojžiša, a verejne pred ten ľud, a urobili každý zázrak, ktorý mohol urobiť Mojžiš. Oni zvedú i Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Je to tak? Vykonali to isté, čo vykonal Mojžiš. Vidíte to? No pamätajte, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÍSMO, to sa znovu zopakuje v posledných dňoch. Aký bol rozdiel medzi Mojžišom a Jambresom?

Mojžiš povedal: "Nech sa voda premení na krv."

A títo falošní proroci povedali: "Samozrejme, my tiež premeníme vodu na krv." A stalo sa to.

137 Tak Mojžiš povedal: "Nech prídu blchy." Odkiaľ to on mal? Priamo od Boha. Vidíte? A čo on urobil? On povedal: "Dobre, samozrejme. my tiež môžeme priviesť blchy." A urobili to. Každý zázrak, ktorý mohol Mojžiš urobiť, oni tiež mohli urobiť! Pamätajte, majte to na mysli, prichádzame za chvíľu do toho. Oni môžu robiť všetko, čo môžu robiť tí ostatní z nich, ale oni nemôžu stáť v Slove. Oni nemôžu stáť v Slove.

138No všimnite si. Oni to urobili! Ale Mojžiš, ten pravý od Boha poslaný prorok, poverený od Boha, on sa s nimi nenaťahoval, nepovedal: "Vy toto tu nemôžete robiť! Nemôžete ..." On ich nechal len tak, nechal ich proste v tom pokračovať. To sú proroci z organizácii, ale pokračujte. Mojžiš len išiel rovno ďalej, počúval Boha. Čokoľvek Boh povedal: "Teraz urob toto," Mojžiš išiel a urobil to. On urobil novú vec. Keď to oni robili, každý jeden z nich mal nejakú senzáciu alebo niečo; tu oni prichádzajú. Oni to tiež urobili, presne tak, ako to urobil Mojžiš.

139Teraz si všimnite! Títo mužovia sa zjavili ... Och, vy ľudia, nepreočte toto! Títo podvodníci, napodobovatelia, sa zjavili potom, ako prv vystúpil ten pravý. Vidíte? Oni prišli, aby to napodobnili. Vidíte, museli! Diabol nič nemôže stvoriť; on je len prevracateľ originálu. Čo je hriech? To je prevrátená spravodlivosť. Čo je cudzoložstvo? Prevrátený normálny akt. Čo je klamstvo. Falošne predstavená pravda. Prekrútenie! Pozrite sa na Chananiáša, prekrútenie originálneho Slova. Pozrite sa na Baláma, prekrútenie originálneho Slova. Pozrite sa na Cedekiáša, prekrútenie originálneho Slova. A Biblia povedala, že títo ľudia vystúpia potom, čo ... aby prekrúcali to originálne Slovo, ktoré je potvrdené a dokázané, že je Pravda!

140"Konaj dielo evanjelistu (v tom uhle tam); vykonaj svoju službu. Lebo príde čas, keď neznesú zdravého učenia, ale podľa vlastných žiadostí si budú hromadiť učiteľov, lebo ich budú svrbieť uši." Pôjdu a budú robiť čo sa im zachce; a to je v poriadku: "My máme tie isté znamenia a zázraky." "A odvrátia sa od Pravdy a obrátia sa ku bájkam" - dogmám!

141Och, sme si vedomí Ducha Svätého, tej bázni, ktorá naráža na ľudskú dušu, keď sa on zamyslí, aké skutočné a jasné je to rovno pred nami! Vykopte tu ten uholný kameň a čítajte ten kúsok papieru, ktorý tam bol vložený, pred tridsiatymi tromi rokmi. Vidíte čo On tam povedal vtedy na Siedmej Ulici, v to ráno, keď bol položený ten uholný kameň. No sledujte to. Sledujte to tu dole pri rieke, keď ten anjel Pánov zostúpil dole vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpu, pred stovkami cirkví, či ľudí z cirkvi, ktorí tam stáli na brehu; čo On povedal, pozrite či sa to vyplnilo. Vidíte čo sa stalo. Je to tak tvrdé. Viem, že to tam vyzerá tvrdo, bratia, ale to je ... Biblia povedala ... Sám Ježiš povedal, žeby to zviedlo Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Nedá sa tomu vyhnúť. Oni to nikdy nebudú môcť uvidieť. Keby to bolo možné, i Vyvolení by tým boli zvedení.

142Všimnite si, títo mužovia sa zjavili potom, čo bol poslaný Boží pravdivý pomazanec; blízko pri Jeho pravom prorokovi Mojžišovi. A keď Mojžiš mohol niečo urobiť, oni to mohli napodobiť.

143No, brat, sestra, ja ... Toto je môj vlastný zbor. Ja mám právo kázať čo chcem, pokiaľ je to zo Slova Božieho. A ja neodsudzujem vás ľudí, ale sledujme len toto v tomto čase a v tejto hodine, v ktorej teraz žijeme!

Pozdravujem brata Ruddela, Juniora Jacksona a ostatných tam, naše bratské zbory. Zabudol som na nich, pred chvíľou. Myslím, že sú dnes ráno tiež zapojení, pretože tu v zbore nemáme už miesto.

144Pomyslite len teraz o tom, len na chvíľu. Oni robili tie isté zázraky, ktoré Mojžiš. Mojžiš priviedol blchy; oni to napodobnili a priviedli blchy. Vidíte? Boh povedal: "Toho dňa, ktorého by si jedol z neho zomrieš."

145Satan prišiel a povedal: "Istotne nezomriete. Budete múdrejší. Budete mať lepšiu organizáciu, lepšie ... (Viete, viete!) Všetko bude pre vás lepšie, budete mať viac svetla." Vidíte? Úplné prekrútenie ... A pamätajte, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, podľa ll. Timotea 3: 18, že v posledných dňoch tento Janes a Jambres budú na zemi. Teraz chcem aby ste si všimli, že oni sú dvaja. Vidíte? Napodobovatelia.

146No, vrátime sa do Sodomy, za chvíľu a ku tým trom, nájdime si tých troch Anjelov, ktorí prišli dole, a uvidíme to napodobovanie, a tak ďalej. Vidíte? Aby sme videli, čo je dobré a čo zlé. Vidíte, vidíte?

147Všimnite si, oni robili tie isté zázraky. Ale, všimnite si, oni napodobovali to skutočné Slovo, ktoré bolo pomazané, pri tom pravom, ktorého Boh poslal - nasledovali druhorade. Som zvedavý či by sme sa mohli za chvíľu zamyslieť. Keď som bral ľudí za ruku, nie tak dávno tomu, asi pred dvadsiatimi rokmi a znak ukázal. Chlapče, tam bolo viacej znakov, všade ...?... A každý, jeden to mal v pravej ruke; jeden to mal v ľavej ruke; iný to zavoňal. Vidíte? Všetky druhy ... A som zvedavý ... Boh mi nedá, aby som vám teraz povedal, čo skutočne bola pravda, ale jedného dňa to zistíte. To bolo len nato, aby sa ukázal ich nerozum. To na začiatku nebolo pravé. Jedného dňa vám to poviem, ak Pán dovolí.

148Všimnite si, oni robili tie isté zázraky, ale oni to ne ... Všimnite si, oni to nerobili až potom, keď najprv vyšlo to originálne Slovo. Tak to urobil Satan v záhrade Eden. Tak to on robí po celý čas. Kto prorokoval prvý? Mojžiš. Kto prvý prišiel na scénu, Mojžiš alebo Balám? Mojžiš. Kto prvý prišiel na scénu, Jeremiáš alebo Chananiáš? Rozumiete čo chcem povedať?

149Všimnite si, oni kopírovali. Telesní napodobovatelia, úprimní, mysleli si že robia Bohu službu, ako Dávid - minulý týždeň - ale telesné napodobeniny. Ja len chvíľu čakám. Chcem aby ste sa zamysleli pri týchto miestach. Ak to nepoviem, Duch Svätý to určite zjaví - zvlášť Vyvoleným.

150Faraónova denominácia hovorí: "My máme ľudí, ktorí môžu robiť tie isté veci." A oni to robili. Vidíte? Prečo to faraón urobil? Prečo to Boh dovolil? Prečo tam Boh poslal pravého pomazaného proroka, aby urobil pred faraónom znak, a potom dovolil, aby prišla denominačná kópia a skopírovala to pred ľuďmi? Prečo On dovolil, že povstal nejaký napodobovateľ aby to urobil a urobil to isté, presne tak, ako to urobil opravdový Duch Svätý? Vidíte, Písmo sa musí vyplniť.

151Všimnite si! On toto urobil aby zatvrdil srdce faraóna a egypťanov. Aby dokázal, že Mojžiš nebol jediný, kto mal Slovo. Oni mohli robiť všetko práve tak isto ako Mojžiš. A prečo dovolil Boh, že sa táto vec stala v týchto posledných dňoch? Tak, to isté, ako ten klamlivý duch povedal Cedekiášovi: "Ako tam dostaneme Achaba, aby sa tieto veci vyplnili?" Ako On dostane týchto ľudí, spoliehajúcich na svoje cirkvi, aby sa tam išli, aby sa stali tieto veci, ktoré On predpovedal, že - v tomto Laodicejskom Cirkevnom Veku? "Pretože hovoríš, som bohatý, a nepotrebujem ničoho. 'Sedím ako kráľovná' - ničoho ..."

152"Nevieš že si biedny, mizerný, slepý ... Radím ti aby si si kúpil odo Mňa," On povedal: "olej a zlato." Prečo to On robí: Prečo On dovolil, že povstala táto napodobenina v týchto posledných dňoch, keď sa dejú tieto veci cez pravé Slovo Božie; a dovolil, že prišli napodobovatelia a robia to isté, a zapierajú pravé Slovo Božie? On to dal Mojžišovi - a faraón to robil proti Mojžišovi a títo - Janes a Jambres, to urobili proti Mojžišovi ... A Biblia povedala, že sa to znovu zopakuje v týchto posledných dňoch. Tu to máme! No, ak je to nie vyplnenie Písma, kde to je?

153Či sa Mojžiš naťahoval s nimi a povedal: "Hej! Hej! Vy to nemôžete robiť. Ja som ten jediný, ktorý som bol ordinovaný, aby som to robil. Hej! Prestaňte, hneď teraz!" On ich proste nechal tak, nechal ich pokračovať. Pamätajte, Biblia povedala: "Ako sa ukázal ich nerozum, tak sa ukáže toto v tých posledných dňoch," keď Nevesta zostane vytrhnutá a vzatá do oblakov.

154Všimnite si! Mojžiš, to pravé, zamanifestované Slovo, nepovedal nič, len to tak nechal. Ale On to tak urobil, aby mohol zatvrdiť srdce faraóna, aby zviedol faraóna. On urobil presne to isté, aby mohol zviesť Achaba. A ten nepatrný chlapík, nepatrný Miecheáš, tam stojí sám, hovorí im TAK HOVORÍ PÁN ... A tu stál iný pomazanec: "Tak hovorí Pán." A navzájom si odporujú.

155My dnes stojíme pri, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, že vodný krst v posledných dňoch má byť vo meno Ježiša Krista, a iný muž stojí a robí zázraky a zastáva trojicu! Ukážte mi v Biblii slovo trojica! Ukážte mi kde sú traja Bohovia! Ukážte mi, kde je niečo také! To nie je v Slove Božom. Nie je nič také, že by niekto bol niekedy pokrstený vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, používajúc tieto tituly. Všetky tieto veci: "Ó, to je v poriadku, sestra. To je v poriadku, len maj dlhé ... krátke vlasy. To je v poriadku, ty nemusíš robiť to, toto či tamto. Ó, to je nezmysel, nejaký starý zahmlenec." Ale Biblia povedala a On zasľúbil v posledných dňoch, že pošle Ducha Eliáša, a povolá tých ľudí, deti Božie, naspäť do originálnej viery v Slovo, ako to bolo na počiatku. To Slovo potvrdí, Syna človeka v tých posledných dňoch, tak isto ako to bolo v čase Sodomy - včera, dnes i naveky. On zasľúbil, že to urobí. To je Božie zasľúbenie. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

156Všimnite si! Oni robili to isté, práve tak ako Mojžiš, až Boh toho mal dosť. Pamätajte teraz, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, to sa stane v tomto dni. No, hľadajte po svete; vezmite každý kult, vezmite každý klan, vezmite každého muža, vezmite každú cirkev ... Vyzývam vás, v Kristovom mene, aby ste to urobili, vy kazatelia. Vyzývam vás, aby ste čítali noviny alebo vezmite ohľad na čokoľvek chcete, a vidzte či je to nie práve teraz na zemi. Potom, Matúš 24: 24 je vlastne teraz. V posledných dňoch povstanú falošní pomazanci, a budú falošní proroci, a zvedú mnohých. Pozorujte to v tých typoch teraz, ako to teraz prichádza. Vidíte? Zvedú mnohých. Proroci, množné číslo. Kristovia, pomazanci, množné číslo. Mnohí rôzni. Jedni Metodisti, pomazaní Baptisti, a Letniční, a tak ďalej. Vidíte? Ale je jeden opravdový Kristus, Duch, a to je Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, ako to On zasľúbil urobiť.

No posunieme sa trochu ďalej, a vezmeme trochu viac miest Písma.

157Až Boh mal toho dosť, potom to skončilo. Ukázal sa ich nerozum.

158Všimnite si! Pamätajte, šupka vyzerá presne tak, ako pšeničné zrno. Vidíte? No, nemohli by ste povedať, tam vtedy v Lutherovom veku, že stopka je pšenica, hoci ona mala v sebe ten Život. Stopka je v poriadku. Život v tej stopke bol v poriadku, ale pamätajte, ten Život postupoval ďalej; postupoval od Elizea k Eliášovi. Ten Život stále postupuje ďalej. Ale pamätajte, on je v inom štádiu. On nemôže zostať v tom štádiu. My nemôžeme jesť odpadky z nejakého iného veku. My nemôžeme jesť Letničné odpadky, Metodistické, alebo Baptistické. Vidíte, to zhnilo. My máme čerstvú potravu, Slovo na túto hodinu, tak ďalej.

159Pamätajte, šupka vyzerá presne ako pšeničné zrno. Nemôžete ... V čase stebla to nevyzeralo ako zrno, v čase klasu to nevyzeralo ako zrno, ale v čase šupky to vyzerá celkom ako zrno. Nevyzerá tak v ... Ježiš Kristus ten istý, pri Lutherovi; nevyzeralo to tak pri Wesleyovi; ale skutočne to tak vyzerá pri letničných. Zviedlo by to aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Vidíte?

160Tu sú vaše veky. Ale pamätajte, tá Letničná cirkev, v tých posledných dňoch bola Laodiceou; a Kristus bol vystrčený von, to Zrno, Samotná Pšenica. Keď sa On snažil ... Pamätajte, keď sa On snažil zamanifestovať sa v cirkvi, On bol z tade vystrčený. To bola stále cirkev, tvrdila že je; pomazaná. Ale tu je Slovo, Sám Kristus, to je to pomazané Slovo, ktoré príde pre ostatok Svojho tela, Nevestu. Pomazaní tou istou vodou, ktorá zavlažovala pšenicu, ako sme o tom hovorili, tak isto zavlažovala kúkoľ, pomazancov. Len Vyvolení, alebo predurčení budú schopní zistiť rozdiel medzi nimi. No, Efežanom 5: 1 vám to tak hovorí, alebo o tom ako to bolo. Oni sú pomazanci.

161Každý hovorí: "Sláva Bohu! My tu máme slobodu. Haleluja! Ó, haleluja! My hovoríme v jazykoch, a vyskakujeme ... Máme slobodu pre ženy. Vy ľudia sa ich snažíte dať pod och, och, tieto všetky možné veci." Vidíte? Len pokračujte! Čo môžete robiť. Hovoríte: "No, my hovoríme v jazykoch. Kričíme. Tancujeme v Duchu. Kážeme Slovo." Bezpochyby! Proti tomu nemožno nič povedať. Tak to robili tam tí ľudia v Biblii. Ježiš povedal, že by to zviedlo i Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné, i tých Vyvolených.

162Všimnite si! Tá šupka od toho originálneho zrna, zrna, ktoré vošlo do zeme, to nebola žiadna organizácia. To bolo jedno zrno, samo v sebe. Ale keď vyrastalo to nebolo zrno; to bola organizácia (vidíte?) listy, obilie. Potom to prechádzalo do iného štádia, ktorým bol klas. Stále to nebolo tak, ako na počiatku. To bola organizácia. Prešlo to do šupky, mnoho listov, Letniční, teraz to už bolo takmer uformované. Pozrite sa na to; ono sa po celý čas formuje, vyzerá skoro presne tak isto. Keď vidíte tam tú malú šupku vyzerá presne ako pšeničné zrno. Ale nakoniec sa ono zamanifestovalo a to nebola organizácia. Nieto tam už žiadnych nositeľov. Organizácia je len nositeľ. Nieto ďalších nositeľov; stopka musela zomrieť, šupka musela zomrieť, všetko ostatné muselo zomrieť, ale tá pšenica žije ďalej. To je to telo zmŕtvychvstania, ktoré ide dole a berie ich hore. Aby tí, ktorí sú poslední boli prví, a tí, ktorí sú prví boli poslední. Vidíte? Berie ich vo zmŕtvychvstaní. Rozumiete tomu? Tak je dobre.

163Všimnite si, to zrno je - tá šupka vyzerá presne ako zrno. A človek, ktorý pestuje na farme pšenicu, alebo niekto, by sa pozrel a povedal: "Chvála Bohu, mám úrodu pšenice," zatiaľ čo nemáte ani zrnko pšenice. To len vyzerá presne ako pšenica, ale to je šupka - pleva.

164No, priatelia, poďte so mnou naspäť. Kde je to prvé prebudenie, ktoré prišlo po smrti - tých dňoch, keď to pšeničné zrno muselo padnúť do pôdy, to Telo, Nevesta Kristova? Kristus zorganizoval Svoju Nevestu, (je to tak?) Svoju Cirkev. On ju nikdy nezorganizoval; On len ustanovil apoštolov, a prorokov, a tak ďalej, v Cirkvi, aby ju držal v čistote. Ale v Nicei, Ríme, 306 rokov neskoršie, to oni zorganizovali a urobili z toho organizáciu. Je to tak? A ona zomrela! Všetko čo nesúhlasilo s tou cirkvou bolo vydané na smrť. A ona stovky rokov ticho ležala v blate, ale po nejakej dobe, v čase Luthera, ona povstala. Vyrástli prvé malé výhonky obilia. Potom to vypustilo púčky. Oni išli ďalej a mali Cvingliho a tak ďalej a ďalšie organizácie a tak ďalej. Potom, po nejakom čase prišli Anglikáni, a čo sa potom stalo? Prichádza Wesley s novým prebudením, klas. To sa trochu viac podobá na pšenicu. Čo sa potom s tým stalo? Zorganizovalo sa to, a vyschlo, a zomrelo. Život odišiel ďalej do šupky. A šupka sa ukázala takmer celkom, ako pšenica. Ale nakoniec, jej nerozum sa zamnifestoval v tých posledných ôsmych alebo desiatych rokoch, zvlášť v tých posledných troch rokoch. No, čo ona robí? Odťahuje sa od pšenice.

165No, prečo z tohoto veľkého prebudenia, za týchto posledných dvadsať rokoch nepovstala nejaká organizácia? Ono má pomazaných prorokov, pomazaných učiteľov, a tak ďalej, ale prečo nie je organizáciou? Za zrnom už nič nenasleduje! Vidíte? Ono je znovu bez organizácii. Ó, aj slepý to môže vidieť! To sa nemôže zorganizovať; to je úplne proti tomu! To samo o sebe je pšeničné zrno. Syn človeka bude zamanifestovaný. Pšeničné zrno príde znovu do seba, Syn človeka v tých posledných dňoch. "A tam prídu falošní napodobovatelia toho, v posledných dňoch, že by to zviedlo i Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Pozrite sa na ich organizačné šupky, ktoré sa teraz odťahujú. To len dáva Pšenici možnosť, aby ju Vyvolení poznali, ktorí sú jej časťou.

166Všimnite si! Ako nádherne je toto tu teraz prinesené. Len ... Všimnite si, tí pomazanci ... budú schopní ... tí opravdoví Vyvolení, predurčení, Efežanom 5: 1 - či vlastne 1: 5 budú ... Ustanovení, vyvolení, oni sú tí jediní, ktorých to nezvedie. Všimnite si! Tí pomazaní proroci budú falošní. A tam medzi nimi bude pravý pomazaný. Ako to poznáte? Podľa Slova. Ako máme v tieni. Vidíte to? Povedzte: "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Vidíte?

167Všimnite si! Tí pomazanci, budú sa líšiť len v Slove, nie v znameniach. Ó, nie! Oni budú robiť tie isté znamenia. Ale Slovo ich rozdelilo. Skutočne! Oni všetci prorokovali; oni všetci robili toto, to i tamto, skutočne, presne tak isto. Ježiš povedal, že oni budú robiť tie isté veci. Ale Slovo je to, čo ich oddelí, všimnite si, nie znamenia.

168Všimli ste si? Ježiš tu povedal, v Matúšovi 24 ... On nepovedal: "V posledných dňoch povstanú falošní Ježišovia." Ó nie, oni by to nikdy nepripustili! Nie! Nájdite nejakého letničného, ktorý je skutočne letničný, ktorý hovorí o sebe, že je Ježiš. Vidíte? Nájdite nejakého falošného Metodistu, alebo Baptistu, alebo niekoho takého, alebo niektorú z tých organizácií, ktorí hovoria: "My sme Ježišovia." Oni majú toľko rozumu. Oni to nepovedia. Ale Biblia hovorí, že oni budú falošní kristovia, nie Ježišovia, ale falošní kristovia.

169Neuznali by ich, keby hovorili: "Ja som Ježiš." Ó, nie! Ale oni sú falošní kristovia a nevedia o tom, pretože sa nezhodujú so Slovom. A Boh to tak isto potvrdzuje. No, idem s týmto teraz rovno do odhalenia, pretože ste videli, že sa stalo to isté skrze týchto ľudí, a to sa skutočne stalo. A Ježiš tak povedal.

170No, ako som povedal, teraz pre vás ľudí, ktorí ste pomimo tam pri telefónoch, ja vás neodsudzujem, ale toto je môj zbor a moja skupina, nad ktorou ma Duch Svätý ustanovil, a ja im musím povedať Pravdu. Nastáva pozdná hodina.

171No, oni by si to nedovolili, ale falošní kristovia, falošní pomazanci, takmer s každým znakom a každým písmenom Slova. "Veria krst Duchom Svätým?" Na sto percent! "Veria všetko toto?" Áno. "Veria v hovorenie v jazykoch?" Áno! To nie sú Metodisti, to nie sú Baptisti. Nie, nie! To sú Letniční. To je posledný deň. No, ten prvý cirkevný vek by sa o tom nikdy nezmienil. Metodistický cirkevný vek sa o tom nezmienil; Baptistický cirkevný vek, oni sa o tom vôbec nezmienili. Presbyteriánsky cirkevný vek, oni sa o tom nezmienili, ale ten Letničný - tak blízke, ako tá skutočná vec ... Tam pšenica - tá šupka je skoro ako pšenica. Oni sa o tom nezmienili. Vidíte? Oni nie. Ale v tých posledných dňoch, v tomto dni. Tak veru!

172Všimnite si! Práve tak, ako to bolo na začiatku, tak to bude na konci. Keď Eva nesprávne vyložila len jedno Slovo, Satan ho Eve falošne vyložil a ona tomu uverila. Ona, nie on. Cirkev, nie On. Vidíte? To bola cirkev, ktorá mala falošné slovo. Vidíte? Nie Adam, Eva. Nie Kristus, cirkev, nevesta, tá pomazaná, mala byť, hovorí si nevesta. Vidíte? Ona má to falošné slovo. Či to nevidíte? Aha, nadväzuje to spolu, ako šnúrka, pasuje ako mihalnice na oku. Aha, kdekoľvek si otvoríte Bibliu, to s tým presne pasuje. Eva, nie Adam. Eva tomu uverila, nie Adam. Tá tak zvaná nevesta tomu dnes verí, nie Kristus. Tá nevesta má všetky druhy, tak zvaná nevesta, tie isté znamenia, tie isté zázraky, všetko to isté; ale nie je tá pravá. Zviedol by aj Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.

Teraz rýchlo, ak budeme môcť skončiť za pätnásť minút, budeme načas. Všimnite si teraz skutočne pozorne, aby ste ne - aby ste to zle neporozumeli.

173No. Nie, oni by nepripustili, aby boli nazvaní falošní Ježišovia. Oni by neboli - nepripustili by aby ich nazývali Ježiš; Samozrejme, že nie. To je príliš jasné. Každý by to poznal. Každý by poznal, že oni nie sú Ježiš. Nestarám sa, či oni mali na chrbte olej, a krv na rukách a prevracali hore dole očami, oni by stále poznali, že to je ... Každý, kto má zdravý rozum, by poznal, že to nie je Ježiš. Vidíte? Oni by o to nestáli. Ale oni sa nazývali pomazanci, a oni robia znamenia a zázraky takže by zviedli i Vyvolených. "Ale povstanú falošní kristovia, pomazanci a zvedú Vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné."

174Sledujte to teraz pozorne. Neprehliadnite tento fakt, pretože je to hodno počuť. (On len zakladá nejakú pásku tu na tento mikrofón, aby ho to chránilo pred vyletením. Potím sa, kvapkalo na tú pásku, viete.)

175A tak to bude práve také ako to - Biblia povedala, že to bude. Vidíte?

176Všimnite si, nie falošní Ježišovia, falošní kristovia. Oni veria, že sú pomazaní, ale oni vedia, že nie sú Ježiš. Vidíte? To je príliš jasné. Keby dnes nejaký človek vyšiel a povedal: "Pozrite sa na jazvy na mojich rukách. Pozrite sa na moje čelo. Ja som Ježiš." No, my vieme, že to nie je pravda. A pamätajte, Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, že by sa takí zjavili. On povedal, že sa zjavia falošní kristovia - kristovia, množné číslo, denominácie, a tak ďalej, pomazanci - pomazaní denominačným duchom a nie Slovom. Sledujete to? Nie falošní Ježišovia, falošní kristovia, falošní pomazanci. Vidíte? Ó, ako jasno, ako my ... Skutočne nemôžete to nevidieť!

177No, pamätajte, stále som vám hovoril, že sú tri kategórie ľudí. Sú tri rasy ľudí: Cham, Set a Jafet - tri rasy, tri kategórie. A povedal som, že to je veriaci, takí čo sa vydáva za veriaceho, a neveriaci. Stále to tak bolo, a stále bude. Vidíte? Tam bol Mojžiš, veriaci; bol tam Janes a Jambres; neveriaci. Vidíte? Tam bol Balám; Mojžiš ... Stále tie tri kategórie ľudí, tri kategórie; veriaci, akoby veriaci, a neveriaci.

178No pamätajte, neveriaci, denominačná cirkev, neverí vôbec v žiadne znaky, chladný, formálny, naškrobený, cirkev vo svete, denominácia. Ale ten, ktorý sa robí veriacim je tou šupkou. To je človek, ktorý sa robí, že verí. A potom je opravdový veriaci, ktorý je skutočne pravý. No, pozorujte ich ako oni teraz idú, len za chvíľu.

179A všimnite si, akí drzí sú títo neveriaci - či títo, ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci a neveriaci. Och, oni sú drzí! Pozrite, tak ako Satan stál priamo v prítomnosti pravého Slova, a povedal: "Je napísané." Je to tak? Prečo to Satan robil? Pretože nepoznal Slovo na ten ... On vedel, že to Slovo bolo na tú hodinu, ale on pochyboval o tom prostom nepatrnom Človeku, že je tým Slovom. "Ak si Syn Boží. Ja viem, že Syn Boží príde, pretože to hovorí, že On to urobí. A je napísané, že On rozkáže Svojím Anjelom aby sa o teba starali." Vidíš? "Dokáž mi to! Urob zázrak! Daj mi vidieť, že to robíš." Vidíte, vidíte? Vidíte neveriaci, vydávajúci sa za veriaceho, napodobovateľ. Pozrite sa na Judáša rovno medzi nimi, v tom istom čase - robiaci sa veriaci! Vidíte? Všimnite si! A tam bolo pravé Slovo.

180Akí sú oni drzí. "No, nevšímaj si vôbec ten nezmysel; na tom nič nie je. Nechoď tam; to je len hromada ľudí robiacich hluk. Na to nič nie je; to je všetko len výmysel; to je v tvojej mysli." Vidíte? Vidíte, čo chcem povedať? Stoja rovno v prítomnosti Slova a takto hovoria.

181 Satan chodil rovno ... Ako povedala Biblia tu v Júdovi, že dokonca Archanjel, keď mal spor so Satanom, povedal: "Nech ťa potresce Pán." Proti Samému Slovu. A tu je antikrist, pomazaný, stojí rovno tu proti pravému Slovu toho dňa, Ježišovi Kristovi, a povedal: "Je napísané."

182Pozrite sa na tie posledné dni. "Bude to tak blízke, žeby to zviedlo i Vyvolených keby to bolo možné." Ó! Dôvod, že Vyvolení nebudú zvedení, je viete čo? To je preto, že oni sú Slovo. Vidíte? Práve ako Život, ktorý je v koreni (ako som povedal pred chvíľou), on nemôže zaprieť sám seba. Vidíte? To je Slovo a v čase Slova. Je to tak.

183Práve ako Jeremiáš, on vedel. Nezáležalo, čo povedal Chananiáš, on vedel kde je. A to je presne ako urobil Mojžiš, a tí ostatní z nich. To je ... On vedel, nezáležalo čo povedal ten falošný prorok, tam bolo Slovo Božie, ktoré bolo napísané. Preto Micheáš mohol povedať: "Vporiadku, len čakajte a uvidíte."

Achab povedal: "Ja verím svojim prorokom. Moja organizácia má pravdu. Keď sa navrátim v pokoji ... Dajte tohoto človeka do vnútorného vezenia. Ja sa o neho postarám! Dávajte mu chlieb súženie. Vylúčte ho, nemajte s nim vôbec žiadne obecenstvo. Keď sa vrátim v pokoji, my sa postaráme o toho človeka."

184Micheáš povedal: "Ak sa ti vôbec vrátiš, nehovoril ku mne Pán." On vedel, že mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a jeho videnie sa zhodovalo presne s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN; nie na nejaký iný čas, ale na ten čas! Amen! Haleluja! Na ten čas!

185Drzý, postavil sa a hádal sa s Archanjelom. Hovorí sa, že hlupáci budú dupať v okovaných topánkach tam, kde sa Anjeli neodvážia chodiť." Je to tak.

186Dôvod, že vyvolení, povedal Ježiš, nebudú zvedení, je ten, že oni sú tým Slovom. Oni nemôžu byť nič iné. Oni nemôžu počúvať na nič iné. Oni nepoznajú nič iné. Je to tak! Pamätajte, Mojžiš sa nenechal uniesť všetkými týmito napodobovateľmi. Či nie? Mojžiš ... povedal: "No, počkaj chvíľu, faraón. Vieš čo? Pán mi povedal, aby som toto urobil. Ale sláva Bohu, vidím, že tvoji chlapci môžu robiť to isté, tak, poviem ... čo urobím, pripojím sa ku tebe." Och! To neznie ako od proroka Božieho! Nie, skutočne! On stál tak pevne, ako len mohol. On presne vedel, že Boh sa o to nejako postará, pretože On to zasľúbil. "Ja budem s tebou, Ja ťa neopustím."

187On vedel! Tak on sa ku ním nepripojil. Och, nie. On voči ním zaujal správny postoj. On nechcel žiadnu z ich denominácií. On stál verne pri Bohu. On nebol unesený všetkými tými vecami, ktoré oni mohli robiť. Keď oni urobili jednu vec ... On priviedol vši; oni priviedli vši. On priviedol krv; oni priviedli krv. Čokoľvek on priviedol; oni ho zakaždým hneď napodobnili. On len ticho stál. On vedel presne, čo - to bolo Božie dielo. Rozumiete teraz? Vezmete dva a dva a máte štyri? Nechcete sa veľmi popáliť. Tak, tak vy - vy rozumiete. Vidíte?

188Ako, oni tým nebudú zvedení, ten skutočný veriaci; oni sú predurčeným Semenom, ktoré má stáť v tom dni.

189Práve tak isto ... Ježiš povedal: "Mnohí prídu v ten deň, v mojom mene, a povedia: 'Pane, či som nevyháňal v Tvojom mene démonov?'" Ježiš povedal, že v tých posledných dňoch, keď sa skončil čas a príde to veľké zmŕtvychvstanie, že mnohí prídu a zasadnú v Kráľovstve. Kráľovstvo Božie je vo vás. Mnohí! Kúkoľ príde a zasadne rovno s Pšenicou, povedia: "No, počkaj chvíľu, Pane, ja som hovoril v jazykoch. Ja som vykrikoval. Tancoval som v Duchu. Vyháňal som démonov. Hovoril som v jazykoch. Robil som všetky tieto veci."

Čo On povie? Všimnite si! "Vy činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal."

190Čo je neprávosť? Opýtajte sa niekoho. To je niečo čo viete, že máte robiť a nerobíte to. Oni poznali to Slovo, počuli to! Vy počúvate túto pásku, počúvate toto posolstvo. Vy vidíte, že Pán Boh tak hovorí; vidíte, že On to potvrdzuje, ukazuje že je to pravda. A vy to viete tak jasno, ako vonku svieti slnko. A vy, ktorí sa budete držať svojej denominácii, ktorí sa budete držať tých falošných vecí; vy činitelia neprávosti!

"Ó áno, mal som veľké kampane. Vykonal som toto. Vykonal som tamto."

Povedal: "Odstúpte odo Mňa, činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal."

191"No, padol na mňa Duch Svätý." O tom ani trochu nepochybujem. "Hovoril som v jazykoch. Spieval som v Duchu. Robil som ..." Ani najmenej o tom nepochybujem. Nepochybujem o tom. Ó, brat, sestra, aký je to stav! Toto je čas keď sa všetko trasie. Kde to sme? Toto Slovo prichádza teraz do Života.

192Všimnite si! Áno, On povedal, že oni to budú robiť. Všimnite si! Vy činitelia neprávosti ... Mám tu zapísané miesta Písma. Neviem len kde to bolo. Zabral som tak veľa času. Vyhľadám to, chvíľku, a vidzme čo to bolo. Mám - mám Matúš 7: 21. Len nevie kde ... niekedy si pri tom neurobím značku - kážem takto, zabúdam na čo som sa odvolával z Písma. Matúš 7: 21.

Nie každý, kto mi hovorí: Pane, Pane! vojde do nebeského kráľovstva, ale ten, kto činí vôľu môjho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach.

Mnohí mi povedia tamtoho dňa: Pane, Pane, či sme neprorokovali ...

Proroci, pomazanci. Je to tak? "Či sme neboli proroci? Či sme neboli pomazaní, pomazanci? Či som neprorokoval v Tvojom mene? A či som v Tvojom mene nevyháňal démonov?" Ako to môžeš robiť a odmietaš byť pokrstený v Ježišove meno? Vidíte? Ó! Vidíte aké zvodné? Až do detailu, a potom odpadávajú. Idú rovno do Slova, a potom odpadávajú. Sledujte teraz toto. Ukážeme to za chvíľu.

Mnohí mi povedia ... Pane, Pane, či sme neprorokovali ...

(boli sme proroci. Áno, hovoril som to v Matúšovi 24: 24.)

... a v tvojom mene ... nevyháňali démonov? a v tvojom mene mnoho divou nečinili?

A vtedy im vyznám: Nikdy som vás neznal. Odídite odo mňa, páchatelia neprávosti!

"Keď to bolo predložené rovno pred vás, a vy ste to videli, a videli ste to v pohybe, videli ste, že to bolo Slovo, a kvôli vašej denominácii ste sa držali jej. Nikdy som vás ani len nepoznal. Nestarám sa koľko démonov ste vyhnali, koľko ste učinili toho a toho, Ja nič o vás neviem."

Balám povedal: "Ja som prorokoval v Tvojom mene; a to sa plní."

to, že je niekto prorok; ale stáť na Slove, pravdivom Slove, potvrdenom Slove, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. "Vy činitelia neprávosti ..."

194Satan sa snažil vo všetkých vekoch napodobovať to pravé Slovo. Vieme to, či nie?

195Všimnite si! Prichádzajú až po hraničnú čiaru a hasnú. Pozrite sa sem, On povedal, v liste Židom v 6. kapitole, no čítali sme to pred chvíľou. Povedal som vám, že ku tomu prídeme, a urobíme to za niekoľko minút. On povedal: "Ale tŕnie a bodliaky, ktoré sú blízko zlorečenstva; ktorej koniec je aby bola spálená ... Hraničná čiara! "Vy, ktorí ste ochutnali nebeský dar ...(Ochutnali! Inými slovami, vy ste to videli! Vy to nemôžete ochutnať len svojimi ústami, ale vy ste to videli, a vedeli ste, že to bola Pravda. Vy ste vedeli, že to bola Pravda.) - ochutnali nebeský dar a stali ste sa účastní Ducha Svätého, keď On padol na vás, ochutnali ste dobré Slovo Božie (ochutnali, videli ste, že to bolo dobré. A Duch Svätý, ktorý padá na vás, kúkoľ na poli), a potom sa obraciate a zapierate Krista, ktorý vás posvätil, a povolal, a pomazal; pre to nezostáva už viacej obeti za hriech." To je neprepáčiteľné! Pre nich je nemožné, aby ešte prišli do poznania Pravdy. "Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli ... stali sa účastnými Ducha Svätého, (padá na ten kúkoľ, [vidíte?], začali s Ježišom, a 'Pane, ja idem,' ale keď ste narazili na Slovo, odvrátili ste sa) - stali sa účastnými Ducha Svätého, a ochutnali (alebo videli zamanifestovať sa samotné Slovo), a potom sa odvracajú od Toho; je naprosto nemožné pre nich, aby To ešte niekedy uvideli, alebo prišli do Toho. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÍSMO. No, vy - nebo a zem pominú, ale To nepominie. Vidíte to? Úplne nemožné, Biblia tak povedala. A Duch o tom nesie svedectvo.

196Všimnite si! Dovoľte, že vám poviem malý príklad. Pozrite sa na tých ľudí, ktorí vyšli pod Mojžišovým proroctvom, vyšli von z tej organizácii, a vyšli von zo všetkého, pod tým proroctvom, videli tie veľké skutky a zázraky, a také veci, a prišli do hraničnej línii, kde sa vchádzalo.

No Lee, tam sa objavuje to meno v tej Knihe. Vidíš? Ty si to opravil. A vy, ktorí nie ste tu, a vy pomimo - napojení telefonicky. Sedí tu doktor Lee Vayle, on dáva správnu gramatiku tejto knihe Sedem Cirkevných vekov a povstal problém, otázka o tom mene vymazanom z Baránkovej Knihy Života. Vidíte, to mnohým kazateľom robí problém, ale počkajte keď dostanete tú knihu, porozumiete to, ak máte v sebe trochu Svetla. Vidíte?

197Všimnite si! No, obrátite hlavu a ani sa na to nepozriete, ak to nechcete vidieť. Ako zvykla hovoriť moja mama: "Z repy nemôžeš vyžmýka krv, pretože v nej žiadna nie je."

198Všimnite si! Svetlo muselo prísť; nie je to v tme. Svetlo prichádza do tmy, a tma to nevidí. Všimnite si teraz! Pomazanci v tomto čase. Keď Mojžiš vyviedol tie deti Izraelove, a oni počúvali a boli celí popletení tým veľkým národom tam ... No, Izrael bol nedenominačný. On nemal zem, nemal dom. On išiel do domu. My nemáme cirkev, my ne ... my ideme do Cirkvi, Zboru Prvorodených, do Cirkvi, ktorá je v chvále; nie cirkev, ktorú na zemi založil nejaký človek. Cirkev, ktorá je v Chvále, tí vyvolaní, predurčení do Večného Života. Vidíte?

Idú do svojho domu, a keď oni prišli na to miesto, aby prešli na druhú stranu, neverili Slovu! A prišli naspäť, potom čo Jozue a Kálef a oni, tam išli a priniesli strapec hrozna, aby im dokázali, že tá zem tam je, Slovo Božieho zasľúbenia: "To je dobrá zem, tečúca mliekom a medom." A priniesli to na túto stranu, aby im to dokázali. A oni z toho okoštovali, a povedali: "Och, och, my to aj tak nedokážeme." Čo sa stalo? Oni zahynuli na púšti. Oni zostali len tam a zorganizovali sa, a pomreli, každý jeden z nich, okrem tých, ktorí tam išli a priniesli ... naspäť, Jozue a Kálef. Mojžiš bol prenesený. Predobraz čakania na Cirkev; a vzkriesenie Starého Zákona, Nového Zákona a toho vytrhnutého Tela. Vidíte tam to troje? Tých troch musíte mať stále v rade (vidíte?) tak - v tom veriacom a neveriacom.

199Všimnite si ako to bolo úplne ... Pamätajte, Boh nikdy neodpustil ten hriech! No, ako oni chcú vojsť? Keď na začiatku boli tŕne, budú i na konci tŕne. Jedine tí predurčení to uvidia.

200Všimnite si teraz krátko, ako vo dňoch sv. Martina, tesne pred Dobou Temna; obyčajný zbožný človek. Koľkí čítali spisy o sv. Martinovi? Mnohí z vás. Išiel som si tam požičať tie spisy o sv. Martinovi; ten kňaz povedal: "Ale on nebol kanonizovaný." Skutočne, nebol. Nimi nie, ale Bohom bol. Duch Svätý nám povedal, aby sme ho tam dali do toho tretieho cirkevného veku.

201Pozrite sa aký obyčajný, pobožný človek on bol. Povolaný, predurčený. Jeho rodičia boli pohania. Jeho otec bol vojak. On musel nasledovať svoju líniu a byť vojakom. A keď to urobil ... Stále veril, že niekde je Boh; muž lesov, a mohol vidieť Boha. Jedného dňa prechádzal cez mesto, a tam ležal starý tulák, zomieral, prosil niekoho ... Tej noci bola zima; ten žobrák povedal: "Daj mi niečo, aby som sa prikryl; lebo inak zomriem."

202Nikto mu nič nedal. A Martin stál chvíľu na kraji a pozoroval ho. Nikto mu nič nedával. On mal len jeden kabát. On sám by zamrzol - on bol v službe - keby mu dal ten kabát. Tak rozmýšľal: "Obidvaja máme šancu prežiť, ak sa s ním rozdelím." Tak zobral svoj kabát a šabľou ho rozsekol na dvoje, a zavinul do neho toho starého tuláka. A sám sa okrútil do svojho kabáta.

Každý hovoril: "Pozrite ako smiešne vyzerá ten vojak na stráži. Pozrite aký smiešny vojak, okrútený do polovičky kabáta!"

203Nasledujúcu noc, keď nemal službu a ležal na posteli, zobudil sa, pozrel sa, a tam v tej izbe stál Ježiš Kristus ovinutý v tom starom kuse odevu, ktorý on ovinul okolo neho. On hneď vedel: "Čo ste urobili týmto Mojím maličkým, Mne ste urobili, Môjmu pomazanému," ktorý tam ležal. On bol veľký sluha Boží. Cirkev sa z neho vysmievala, prenasledovala ho, vykopli ho, a všetko možné, ale on bol prorok Boží. Čo on povedal to sa stalo. Mnohí v tom veku mu tiež verili.

204Chcem vám ukázať, aký je diabol podvodník. Jedného dňa on sedel vo svojej študovni. Prišiel tam mocný anjel, na hlave mal korunu, mal obuté zlaté topánky, na šatách mal zlaté lemovanie, a povedal: "Martin, poznáš ma?" Povedal: "Ja som tvoj pán a spasiteľ. Ja som ten, ktorý ťa spasil. Pokloň sa mi, Martin." Ale ten prorok, vedel že tam je niečo trochu divné, stále sa díval na neho. On povedal: "Martin, ja som tvoj spasiteľ, Ježiš Kristus. Pokloň sa mi! Či ma nepoznáš, Martin?"

205Martin sa stále díval na neho, miesta Písma prechádzali cez jeho myseľ. Povedal: "Satan, choď preč odo mňa." Povedal: "Ty máš na hlave korunu. A Slovo Božie hovorí, že Jeho svätí Ho budú korunovať na konci veku." Či by letniční na to nenaleteli? Pozoruj to Slovo, brat! Ono platí.

206Jedného dňa, znovu, v kláštore, mali tam nejakého starého svätého, skupina mladých mníchov. Jeden z nich bol nejaký podráždený. Sledujte toto, tu je dobrý - dobré podobenstvo na dnes. On chcel byť niečím nad tými ostatnými. On sa chcel ukázať - že je autorita, niečo väčšie, niečo lepšie, lepšia trieda, viete, a niečo veľmi veľké. Musel byť uznávaný. Stále chcel aby iný brat ne ... Viete, on musel byť inakší. Vidíte? On - bez ohľadu čo to bolo, on bol veľmi arogantný. On bol jediný kameň na pláži; nikto sa ho nemohol dotknúť. No sledujte, čo sa stalo. On musel mať niečo veľké. On sa musel porovnať s tými veľkými spoločenstvami. Rozumiete ma? Vidíte? Tak, on povedal - prorokoval; povedal: "Pán ma tiež urobil prorokom. Ja som prorok." No, tam v tej zemi bol jeden potvrdený prorok, a to bol sv. Martin. On sa narodil ako prorok.

207Ale tento mladík povedal - mladý človek povedal - mladý mních okolo dvadsať päť ročný - on povedal: "Pán ma urobil prorokom, a ja vám to chcem dokázať." Povedal: "Dnes večer mi Pán dá veľké, pekné rúcho, položí ho na mňa, biele rúcho, a postaví medzi vás. Potom všetci prídete ku mne, (vidíte?) a budete poslúchať moje príkazy!"

208No porovnajte to dnes. Vidíte? "Ja budem hlavou tejto organizácii. Ja sa budem o vás starať - o ostatných mníchov." A skutočne tie svetlá prišli tej noci do tej budovy., tak hovoria spisy sv. Martina Čítajte to. A to je pravé. To je história. A tie svetlá prišli a všetci sa dívali, a tu prichádza ... On stál medzi nimi v bielom rúchu. Povedal: "Vidíte, čo som vám povedal!" Ale to je nezhodné so Slovom.

209A keď oni odišli a doviedli toho starého dekana tej univerzity, on chodil trochu hore dole, povedal: "Synu, to neznie správne." On povedal: "Je len jeden spôsob (tu to je!) - máme len jeden spôsob, ako to poznať. Vyzerá to nadprirodzene." Chlapče, Letniční by prehltli tú návnadu, olovko, silón, háčik, a všetko! On povedal: "Ten zázrak môže vyzerať v poriadku, ale nevyzerá žeby to pasovalo so Slovom. No, my máme takú osobu, pomazaného proroka, nazýva sa Martin. Poď, pôjdeme ku nemu."

Ten mladík povedal: "Nie, nie! Martin nemá s týmto nič spoločného."

210A povedal: "Aj tak pôjdeš!" A chytili ho za ruky a doviedli pred Martina, a to rúcho ho opustilo. Vidíte? Zviedol by aj Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Vidíte? Oni poznajú.

211Ježiš povedal: "Moje ovce poznajú moje Slovo." "Ó," vy hovoríte: "počujú môj Hlas." To je jeho Slovo. "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove." Vidíte? Tí predurčení to poznajú. Cudzie slovo, alebo cudzí hlas oni nebudú nasledovať. Tak to bolo tam s tými mužmi; oni nenasledovali ... Oni vedeli, že tam bol Martin, prorok toho veku, ktorého Boh potvrdil skrze Slovo, ktorý poznal Slovo. A ten človek nemohol pre ním obstáť.

212On tiež povedal: "Kde je obeť (alebo Slovo), tam, v tom čase, sa zhromaždia orly." No to je ... Chcete si to zapísať, to je Matúš 24: 28. Len kúsok pred tým je Matúš 24: 24; štyri verše pod tým (Vidíte?), ak to chcete mať. "Kde je obeť (Manna, Slovo), tam sa zhromaždia orly."

213Musím sa ponáhľať. Pozrel som sa tam a videl som koľko je hodín ... Je sedem minút alebo osem po dvanástej. Budem sa naozaj ponáhľať, alebo to môžeme dokončiť večer, ako chcete. Teraz ráno, alebo večer. Koľkí musia ísť dnes po zhromaždení domov, zodvihnite ruky. Ó! Radšej pokračujme. Mrzí ma, že takto držím tých ľudí tam pri telefónoch, ale budem sa ponáhľať. To má väčšiu cenu, ako vaše peniaze. Verím že má, pre mňa. Vidíte? Vaše peniaze zahynú. Toto nie; To je Slovo. Vidíte?

214"Kde je Obeť, tam sa zhromaždia orly." Kde je Obeť, kde je zabíjanie, tam sa zhromaždia orly. Kde je to čerstvé Mäso, Slovo na daný čas, tam sa zhromaždia orly. Ale potom, keď to zhnije, potom sa zlietnu na to supy. Vidíte, vidíte? Rozumiete, čo chcem povedať? Keď je to zabité prichádzajú orly; ale potom keď to tam leží a hnije, potom prichádzajú supy. Orly s tým nič nemajú. Vidíte? Ježiš povedal: "Kde je Obeť - kde padá Manna, v noci padala čerstvá Manna - tam na To sa zhromaždia orly." To je manna na tento deň. Vidíte?

215Všimnite si! Ale potom, keď to hnije, dostávajú sa do toho červíky, potom tam prichádzajú supy. Oni to nemôžu zavoňať až kým to nezačína hniť. Nie divu, že Ježiš tam stál a povedal: "Jeruzalem, ty, ktorý si kameňoval každého proroka ..." Všimnite si to osobné zámeno! Vidíte? "Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často som chcel ..." Kto On bol? "Ako často som ťa chcel zhromaždiť, ako sliepka svoje kurence, ty ktorý si ukameňoval každého proroka, ktorého som kedy poslal ku vám ..."

216Tá veľká Cirkev Jeruzalem. Ten Jeruzalem, ktorý nie je tu na zemi, ale my sme z toho Horného Jeruzalemu, odkiaľ Slovo prichádza, podľa predurčenia (vidíte?); nie starý Jeruzalem, ktorý hynie; Nový Jeruzalem, ktorý nemôže zahynúť. Nie ten starý Jeruzalem, ktorý postavili ľudia; ale Nový Jeruzalem postavil Boh (vidíte?); to Slovo tam hore sa teraz zamanifestovalo. "V dome Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov. Pôjdem a pripravím ich pre vás," Stvoriteľ robí zlaté ulice, a tak ďalej. To je ten, ktorý nemôže zahynúť.

217"Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často Som, (od počiatku času; nie nejaká tretia osoba, niekto iný, ale) Som vás chcel zhromaždiť tak, ako sliepka svoje kurence pod svoje krídla, ale nechceli ste. Ale teraz prišla vaša hodina" Vidíte? Kde je obeť, tam sa zhromaždia orly. Ale, keď tá obeť zhnije, potom sa zlietnu supy. Vidíte?

218Všimnite si. Mojžiš, on nikdy nedal deťom Božím ... Mojžiš bol orol, a on nikdy nedal deťom Božím Noeho zbytky. On mal čerstvé Slovo Božie. "Pán Boh ma stretol na púšti a potvrdil Svoje Slovo, a poslal ma sem, aby som vás zavolal von." Potom tam prišli napodobovatelia, ktorí to napodobovali. Vidíte? Ale on mal Slovo na tú hodinu, pretože, Boh povedal Abrahámovi, tomu, ktorý mal zasľúbenie: "Tvoje semeno bude pohostínom v cudzej zemi, štyristo rokov, ale Ja ich navštívim a zoberiem ich z tade mocným ramenom."

219Mojžiš povedal: "No, Pán Boh bude ku mne hovoriť a ukáže mi, a povedal mi čo robiť, a ja vám poviem." Povedal: "JA SOM ma poslal." JA SOM, nie Bol som, alebo Budem. JA SOM, prítomný čas, to Slovo teraz. Nie Slovo, ktoré bolo, alebo Slovo, ktoré príde; Slovo, ktoré je teraz. Vidíte? Rozumiete? "JA SOM ..." JA SOM je to Slovo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bol Boh." Je to tak? "JA SOM ..." "Boh ma poslal ako Svojho proroka, aby potvrdil, že toto je pravda. Ja som odpoveď na toto Slovo. Povedal mi, aby som sem prišiel a urobil toto."

220A keď to on urobil, faraón povedal: "Dobre, my v našej skupine máme mnoho chlapcov, ktorí to tiež dokážu urobiť" - napodobovatelia. Ježiš povedal: "No, to sa znovu zopakuje v posledných dňoch (vidíte?), nárokujú si tie isté veci ..." Pozrite kto prišiel prvý. Pozrite kto stál na Slove. To je to. Tak sa to dá poznať.

221Tak vidíte ... Vidíme, že Mojžiš im nikdy nedal to, čo bolo v čase Noeho: "Postavíme teraz archu, pretože to je Slovo. Viete. Noe voľakedy staval archu." Nie, na tom sa kŕmili supy. Nie, nie! Toto bolo zasľúbené Slovo.

222Všimnite si! Lebo on mal svoje posolstvo od Boha, on mal opravdové predurčené Slovo Božie na tú hodinu. Ježiš im tak isto neservíroval Mojžišove zbytky. Mojžiš mal Slovo na tú hodinu, ale Mojžiš bol prorok. A tu je sám Boh. Vidíte? On im nikdy neservíroval Mojžišove zbytky.

Ale pozrite sa len na tie supy tam v tej organizáciácii, hltali to. "My vieme! My máme Mojžiša; my nemusíme mať Teba."

223On povedal: "Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste aj Mňa, pretože Mojžiš hovoril o Mne." Ó! Vidíte? Tam kde je Obeť, tam sa zhromaždia orly - Orly! Čerstvo zabité Slovo, Slovo, ktoré povstalo a bolo vykŕmené, a zamanifestovalo sa a stalo sa potravou pre deti, nie tá stará obeť, ktorá tam ležala stovky rokov, ona tam bude. Teraz je tak isto! Luther mal posolstvo pokánia; ale vy hromada Luteránskych krkavcov. Baptisti mali posolstvo, ale vy Baptistické kane. Vidíte? Letniční mali posolstvo (ideme teraz domov), Letničné kane. Ale "Kde je obeť, tam sa zhromaždia orly."

224Pamätajte, nemohli ste kŕmiť Luteránov tam v tých dňoch (teraz môžete), Katolíckou skazeninou. Nie veru! On mal čerstvé mäso. To bol ten cirkevný vek. Nemohli ste kŕmiť Metodistov, Lutherovým posolstvom. Ó, nie, on nechcel tú zkazeninu. To bolo zhnité. Vidíte, ten život z toho odišiel a vošiel do niečoho iného. To je stará stopka, ktorá dávno zomrela. Ten život ide ďalej. Tak isto nemôžete kŕmiť Nevestu Ježiša Krista, Letničiarstvom. Nie veru! Sčervivenými organizáciami, to nejde! Nie, nie! Pretože zasľúbenie hovorí: "A prv ako príde ten veľký a strašný deň, Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša. On znovu navráti srdcia detí späť do viery otcov." Všetky tieto zasľúbenia boli dané v Biblii: "Ja to urobím", a tam sa zhromaždia orly. "Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec prídu ku mne." Vidíte?

225Ježiš sa to nikdy nesnažil. Ale keď Ježiš prišiel, On našiel tie kŕdle supov: "My máme Mojžiša a Zákon." Vidíte? No, to bolo dobré jedenie tam vtedy, keď to bolo zabité a dané im. Vidíte? Vtedy to bolo v poriadku, ale Mojžišovi bolo predpovedané toto, jemu samému, ktorý zabil tú obeť; povedal: "Pán váš Boh vzbudí medzi vami, z vašich bratov Proroka. A stane sa, že každý kto nebude počúvať na toho Proroka a na to čo On povie, bude vyťatý spomedzi svojho ľudu." A tak bolo.

226Pozrite, ako sa tam, na Ježišovi Kristovi, vyplnilo okolo šesťsto rôznych proroctiev Starého Zákona. "Prebijú Moje ruky a Moje nohy." Okolo ... Zabudol som koľko sa vyplnilo za posledných sedem alebo osem hodín Jeho života, čo všetci tí proroci povedali, dokonale!

227Keby som dnes prorokoval, že za rok sa niečo stane, možno by som mal dvadsať percent šancu, že sa to stane, či by to bola pravda alebo nie. A ak by som predpovedal, že sa to stane a nepovedal by som kedy, mal by som menšie percento. Keby som predpovedal kedy sa to stane, dáva mi to menšiu možnosť. Keby som predpovedal kde sa to stane, stále to dáva menšiu možnosť. Keby som predpovedal na kom sa to stane, potom by som mal stále asi možnosť jedna ku sto tisíc, že sa to niekedy stane, keby to nebola pravda. A každé Slovo (haleluja!), ktoré bolo napísané o tomto Mesiášovi, sa vyplnilo do písmena. Dokonca až jedného dňa, čítajúc Písma, On zastal presne v strede vety, a povedal: "Duch Pána Boha je nado mnou, aby som kázal evanjelium, a vyslobodil ..." A zastal rovno tam v polovici tej vety, pretože to ďalšie z toho je pri Jeho druhom príchode. Amen! "Nebo i zem pominú; Moje Slová nepominú." Vidíte?

228On bol to Slovo vtedy, ktoré ich kŕmilo vtedy. Mojžiš im povedal Pravdu. Ale vidíte, oni z toho stále robia denomináciu, pre tie supy aby ... Niečo z toho zostalo, potom čo sa tie orly najedli a odišli domov. Potom oni čakajú, aby videli niečo ďalšie. Slovo, oni hovoria: "Tu to má prísť. Včera sme mali karibu; zajtra máme ovcu." Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? "Tam je obeť starého karibu, tam hltajú, ale my máme dnes ovcu. Kde je?" Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Anjelsky pokrm! Ľudia, ktorí jeden deň jedli mannu, ak sa ju oni snažili odložiť do druhého dňa, ona sa skazila. Či nevidíte všetky tieto predobrazy, aké dokonalé?

229Tak isto teraz. Všimnite si, tie supy vo dňoch Ježiša tak isto vyháňali démonov; pomazanci, na tej starej obeti. Je to tak? Oni vyháňali démonov. Ježiš tak povedal. A pamätajte, oni v tých dňoch mali prorokov. Kajfáš, najvyšší kňaz, prorokoval. Koľkí to vedia? Kajfáš prorokoval. Všimnite si pozíciu kúkoľa na tom poli. Ona je zavlažená tým istým pomazaním. Prečo Biblia povedala, že on prorokoval? "Pretože on v tom roku bol najvyšším kňazom." Zhnitý zberač odpadkov, burina a bodliak sediaci medzi Pšenicou; a Duch bol na ňom, opravdový Svätý Boží Duch. Boží Duch Svätý bol na ňom, aby kázal, prorokoval, a predpovedal, že to sa stane; a zaprel a ukrižoval práve to potvrdené Slovo na tú hodinu. Pre zľutovanie, brat! Ako dlho ešte musíme hovoriť tieto veci, (vidíte?), koľko ich ešte ukázať v Písme?

Budem sa ponáhľať. Mám tu asi desať strán s miestami Písma, ako - dokazujem všetky veci.

230Slnko svieti na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých, tak isto. Ježiš povedal, aby som dokázal toto: "Ak Ja prstom Božím vyháňam démonov, kým ich vyháňajú vaši synovia?" No, oni vyháňali démonov. Oni prorokovali. Je to tak? Ale nepoznali Jeho, že je Slovom na tú hodinu,. Prečo? Pretože On nebol s nimi spojený. Vezmime teraz Matúša 24: 24: "Povstanú falošní Kristovia, pomazanci. A budú falošní proroci, budú prorokovať (vidíte?), a to zvedie, keby to bolo možné i Vyvolených." Rozumiete to teraz?

231Všimnite si, tí synovia. "Kým ich vyhá- ... Ak Ja vyháňam démonov Slovom Božím (a On bol Slovo Božie), kým ich vyháňajú vaši denominační synovia?" No, a jedine Boh môže vyháňať démona, to vieme, jedine Boh. Lebo, ten silný muž musí byť silnejší ako ten, ktorý je v dome. Oni mali moc, aby to robili. Viete, že tam v Zjavení je povedané, že on - ten antikrist, ktorý povstal v tých posledných dňoch činil znamenia a zázraky, že by zviedol tých, ktorí žijú na zemi, a zviedol každého jedného z nich, Kresťanov a všetkých, ktorých mená neboli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života - to dáva odpoveď na Matúša 24: 24 - ktorých mená neboli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života od založenia sveta. Ten život, ktorý bol v koreni toho - toho originálneho pomarančového stromu, ktorý prechádza cez všetky tie citrusy a všetko ďalšie, a prešiel a vydal ovocie na vrcholci stromu, ponad všetky tie denominačné rúbiky a halúzky. Rozumiete tomu? Ponáhľam sa.

232Ten silný muž ... Pamätajte teraz na Dávida, on bol čestný, úprimný, snažil sa pracovať pre Boha, a nebol určený do toho. Oni, tí pomazanci ... Ježiš povedal: "Oni učia učenie, ľudský výklad Písma (vidíte?), nie Slovo Božie, nie Jeho potvrdené Slovo. Učia historického Krista (vidíte?), niečo čo bolo. A Biblia povedala, že On je: "JA SOM nie, Bol som, alebo Budem. Ja som práve teraz." On je to Slovo, ktoré teraz žije. On bol ... Na počiatku, On bol v ... On bol v tých steblách; On bol v klase; On bol v šupke; ale teraz je v Zrne.

233No, idete naspäť a snažíte sa znovu žiť ... Čo keby sa ten život vrátil naspäť, myslíte že ten Život by ešte hovoril - pôjde naspäť potom čo tá stará šupka uschla, či ešte pôjde naspäť znovu do nej? Nikdy. "Lebo je nemožné, aby tých, ktorí boli raz osvietení," a neišli ďalej so Slovom ako sa ono vypĺňalo ... Oni sú mŕtvi, zomreli. "A tŕne a bodliaky, ktoré sú blízko zavrhnutia, ktorých koniec je spálenie ..." Je to tak? No, ponáhľam sa, ako len môžem.

234Všimnite si teraz to Písmo. Vyučujú historického Boha (vidíte?), práve tak sa oni snažia žiť v tom čo pominulo, ako: "Dobre, Wesley povedal to a to. Alebo Ten a ten povedal to a to." Vy odmietate to zasľúbené Slovo na svoj deň, tú mannu, ktorá je jasne potvrdená na tento deň. Oni sa snažia naliať svoje staré Luteránske, Baptistické, Letničné víno do našich nových nádob. To nefunguje. A naše nové víno, v ich starých nádobách, nebude fungovať. Ak sa oni pokúsia dať toto nové víno do denominácii, ukáže sa ich nerozum. To nedokážu. To ju roztrhne. "No, brat, videl som Božie Slovo presne podľa Slova ..."

235"No, pozri sa sem, doktor, ak ... My - my toto nemôžeme mať." Ned, myslím, že si sa nedávno stretol s niečím takým. "My - my to tu proste nemôžeme mať; no, bol by som radšej, keby si odišiel ..." Vieš. Vidíte, to nebude fungovať. To sa rozpukne. "Nemôžete dať záplatu z nového rúcha na staré rúcho, pretože to všetko potrháte." Vidíte? Či to Ježiš nepovedal? Nemôžete dávať nové víno do starých nádob. Ono ich potrhá. Nové víno má v sebe život. No dobre.

236Všimnite si tu niečo, teraz už naozaj rýchlo, na záver nášho rozprávania. Všimnite si Zjavenie 16: 13 do 14, ak si to chcete zapísať. Nebudem mať možno čas, aby som išiel do toho. Chcem, aby ste si boli istí a videli to.

237Všimnite si teraz, toto je to trúbenie medzi tou šiestou a Siedmou Čašou. No už končíme za chvíľu, ak ma môžete zniesť ešte niekoľko minút. Končíme teraz, všimnite si.

238Zjavenie 16: 13 - 14, medzi šiestou a Siedmou Čašou, traja nečistí duchovia podobní žabám (všimli ste si to?) vyšli z úst niekoho. No všimnite si, rýchlo. Ste pripravení? Povedzte: "Amen"! [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen!"] Trojica duchov!

239No, denominačný brat, seď len chvíľu potichu. Nevstávaj a nevychádzaj, tam pri rádiu - pri telefónnom zapojení. Nevypínaj magnetofón. Seď chvíľku potichu a počúvaj. Ak si narodený z Boha budeš počúvať.

240Trojica žiab! Žaba je zviera, ktoré stále hľadí dozadu. Ona nikdy nehľadí kde ide; ona hľadí, odkiaľ vyšla. Vidíte? Či to nevidíte? Kde sa zrodilo trojičiarstvo? Pamätajte, traja nečistí duchovia, individuálni duchovia. Vidíte to?

241Všimnite si! Oni hľadia naspäť na Nicejský Koncil, kde sa zrodila trojica, nie do Biblii. Také niečo neexistuje. Oni hľadia naspäť na Nicejský Koncil v Nicei, Ríme, kde sa zrodila trojica. Všimnite si odkiaľ oni pochádzajú. Všimnite si. A tá trojica žiab vyšla zo starej trojici, zrodila novú trojicu, to je ich matka. Z čoho to vyšlo? Z trojici: "drak" (vidíte?), "šelma" a "falošný prorok," trojica, nová pre ... Kedy vystupujú tieto žaby? Kedy sa to stalo? Všimnite si! Oni tam boli po celý čas, ale sa nezamanifestovali až medzi šiestou a Siedmou Čašou, tesne predtým ako boli otvorené pečate, aby to zjavili. Lebo v posolstve siedmeho anjela, budú dané najavo tajomstvá Božie, všetky tieto trojičiarske veci, a falošné krsty, a všetko malo byť zamanifestované. Bože pomôž nám, aby sme videli, čo je Pravda.

242A nie myslieť si, že to niekto sa snaží povedať niečo, aby ... Cítim toho ducha, ktorému to vadí. Viete. Ja nehovorím o sebe, brat. Ja hovorím o Anjelovi Pánovom, ktorý je v tábore. To je presne tak.

243Všimnite si! Trojica, drak ... Koľkí vedia, čo bol ten drak? To bol Rím. A ten drak stál pred tou ženou, aby zožral jej dieťa, len čo sa ono narodilo. Je to tak? Čo znamená v Biblii šelma? "Moc". Je to tak?

244Falošný prorok, falošný prorok, falošný pomazanec. Vidíte? Kde začal? Toto je falošný prorok, jednotné číslo. Falošný prorok, prvý pápež. A z toho vyšla tá smilnica, a mater smilníc, to všetko. Povstala falošná trojica, nie v tých ranných dňoch, to sa neprejavilo v tých ranných dňoch, to išlo s tým ďalej. Ale keď prišlo tých Sedem Pečatí, a otvorili tie tajomstvá a zjavili ich, vtedy vystúpili tie žaby, traja nečistí duchovia podobní žabám a prejavili sa, trojičiarska náuka proti Pravde. Vidíte odkiaľ to pochádza? Vidíte do čoho sa to vracia? Do Ekumenickej Rady. Oni sú aj tak všetci bratia, rovnaké duchy, všetko rovnaké. A sledujte to! Tak zvodiace, činiace zázraky. A toto sú diabli, ktorí idú ku všetkým bohom zeme, činiaci zázraky, aby ich zviedli v tom poslednom dni, a bude sa im v tom dariť! Čo povedal Boh o ... Ten zlý duch povedal: "Ja pôjdem dole a vojdem do úst tých prorokov a spôsobím, že budú prorokovať klamstvo, a navedú Achaba, aby išiel tam a zahynul."

245Boh povedal: "Choď, ty uspeješ. Ty ich dostaneš, že tomu uveria. Oni od začiatku nestoja na tom Slove. (Vidíte?) Choď, lebo ty ho presvedčíš. Ty si ten, ktorý to urobí, keď vojdeš do tých falošných prorokov, pretože on spolieha celkom na nich. A on nič nevie o Slove, ani sa to nebude snažiť zistiť. On to nemôže, pretože on je od začiatku tŕň!" Vidíte, vidíte? "Ty uspeješ."

246Pozrite sa sem na tieto falošné žaby, ktoré sa dívajú dozadu: "Ale, vieš čo oni povedali vtedy v Nicei?" Nestarám sa o to, čo oni povedali tam v Nicei. Ja hovorím to, čo povedali tu hore pri Tróne Božom; čo bude, nie čo bolo; čo bude, lebo On je JA SOM. Vidíte?

Falošný! Pozrite sa na to! Och! Všimnite si odkiaľ oni pochádzajú.

247No, dobre počúvajte. My vidíme jasne, potom, keď zostalo otvorených Sedem Pečatí, to zjavilo to tajomstvo. Čo je tá trojica? Vidíte? Kde to vôbec bolo nazvané trojica? Vidíte? Kde v Biblii bolo povedané slovo trojica? Ako by tam mohli byť traja Bohovia, žeby sme sa klaňali trom Bohom a neboli pohania? Ako môžu byť oni oddelení, keď On povedal: "Ja a môj Otec sme Jedno. Ak neuveríte, že Ja som On, zahyniete vo svojich hriechoch (vidíte?), vo svojej nevere." Hriech je nevera. "Zahyniete vo svojej nevere."

Ó, čo hovoríte, že kto Ja som? Čo ste povedali, že odkiaľ som prišiel? Ó, poznáte môjho Otca, Alebo môžete povedať Jeho meno? JA SOM Ruža Sáronská, Jasná Hviezda Ranná.

Môžete mi povedať kto On je?

To JA SOM hovoril s Mojžišom z horiaceho kríku, JA SOM Boh Abrahámov, Jasná Hviezda Ranná. JA SOM Ruža Sáronská. Ó, čo ste povedali, že odkiaľ som prišiel? Ó, poznáte Môjho Otca, Alebo môžete povedať Jeho meno? (Amen!) JA SOM Alfa i Omega, začiatok i koniec. JA SOM celé stvorenie, A Ježiš je Jeho meno.

248Je to tak! Žiadna trojica! Nie veru! To je falošné. Sedem Pečatí, otvára tieto tajomstvá, ktoré sa mali dokonať, ukazuje to. Pečať otvorila, odstraňuje, ukazuje, vyjasňuje tie skryté Pravdy, ktoré tie Pečate skrývali po všetky tie roky, počas všetkých tých cirkví a denominácií. Tá veľká smilnica zo Zjavenia sedem-... Kto ona bola? Ale ona tiež bola mater smilníc. Vidíte?

249No, hovoríte: "Brat Branham, ty ich nazývaš supmi!" Je to tak. Ale pamätajte, sup je vták. On je tiež pomazaný do lietania. Tie dva duchy budú tak blízko, žeby to zviedlo i Vyvolených. Sup je taký veľký, ako orol. On môže lietať ako orol, a je pomazaný do lietania, alebo do kázania, alebo do prorokovania (všimnite si!), tak isto ako orol. Ale on nemôže nasledovať orla do výšky. Nie, nie! Ak by sa pokúšal nasledovať orla, jeho nerozum sa ukáže. Tak veru! On nemôže nasledovať orla. "Ó", hovoríte: "a verím v Ježiša Krista, že je Syn Boží. Ja verím v Boha Otca, Všemohúceho, Stvoriteľa neba i zeme; Ježiša Krista Jeho Syna, a tak ďalej." Ó, skutočne, oni to veria. Ale čo s Ním, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky? Vidíte?

250Orol je špeciálne zostrojený vták. Nič na zemi nie je ako on. Vidíte? On - on ... Ak sa ho kaňa snaží nasledovať, alebo ktorýkoľvek iný vták, rozpadol by sa. Ukázal by sa jeho nerozum, ozaj dostatočne. On by vybuchol, keby sa snažil dať nové víno do starej nádoby. Vidíte, on by vybuchol. On by sa rozpadol. On nie je stvorený, on nie je ... Jeho telo zostrojené tak, aby ho tam držalo. Keď sa on dostane do tých vysokých sfér tam hore, ak on nebol stvorený, ustanovený, predurčený, narodený orol, on sa rozletí na kúsky. Vidíte? Perá povyletujú z jeho krídel, a on by spadol na zem. Skutočne. On nemôže nasledovať orla, vo výške. Ak sa pokúsi, jeho nerozum sa ukáže. Je to tak. Nemôžete.

251Prečo? On nedokáže vidieť tak, ako orol. Na čo je to dobré, snažiť sa vysoko skákať, a nemôcť vidieť kde ste, keď ste tam hore? A keby sa on snažil, keby sa len snažil napodobniť tohoto orla, vo výškach, on sa stáva taký slepý, že nevie načo bol učinený. Je to tak. On vreští a kričí, a predvádza sa, ale povedzte mu len Slovo, chlapče, ukáže sa jeho nerozum. Hovorte s ním o krste vo meno Ježiša Krista, alebo, o tom, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky ... všetko - všetko takéto, a povedzte mu ... "Och, počkaj chvíľu!" Vidíte? Tam - tam mu vypadáva perie. Vidíte, on vyskakuje a prorokuje, a vyháňa démonov, a hovorí v jazykoch, a kričí, a tak robí, behá hore dole po podlahe. Ale nesnaž sa nasledovať tam hore, chlapče, on sa skutočne dá poznať. Hoci je ustanovený. Je pomazaný. Dokáže lietať. Dokáže držať rovnováhu, dostať sa tam hore, ale nie ... len potade. Vidíte? On môže jesť zdochlinu, ale nemôže jesť čerstvé mäso, ktoré prichádza od Trónu. Vidíte? On je slepý. On je vypracovaný, ale nevie kvôli čomu sa vypracoval. Vidíte, ten istý Duch, ktorý spadol na neho, ako dážď, aby ho urobil pšenicou; on od začiatku nie je pšenicou. On pukne. "Ó, ja nemôžem ísť, lebo niekto ... Ó nie veru! Ja viem, že doktor Jones povedal ..." Dobre, pokračuj. Vidíte? Pokračuj, ak chceš.

252Všimnite si, on nie je narodený, alebo zostrojený, alebo predurčený, aby bol takým druhom vtáka. On môže ... On je možno citrón. ktorý rastie na pomarančovníku, ale on nepochádza z koreňov. On je niečo, čo tam bolo dodané. A keď sa oni vo svojich denomináciách dostanú tak vysoko, že nemôžu vidieť to predurčené, potvrdené Slovo Božie, potom vyšiel najavo ich nerozum. "Ó, toto, svätožiara nad hlavou, a všetko ... A och, to je nezmysel." Vidíte? Vyšiel najavo!

253On nie je zostrojený, aby videl tak ďaleko. On môže vidieť len tak ďaleko, ako mu to dovolia jeho denominačné okuliare. Ale, poza tým je slepý, ako netopier. A vtedy sa ukazuje jeho nerozum. Vidíte? Tam sa opravdové orly zlietajú ku jedeniu. Tak veru! Tam opravdové, vyvolené orly vidia, čo on je. Keď on nemôže prijať to Slovo, oni hneď vedia, že to je denominačný sup.

254Prečo? Prečo on nemôže lietať? Pretože, pozrite čím sa on kŕmi. On žerie zhnitú denominačnú zdochlinu, ktorá nezduchovní jeho telo, nedá mu duchovnú kondíciu, inými slovami, aby ho to prenieslo ponad denominačné rozdiely. Vidíte? Vidíte, on sa proste kŕmil na zhnitom pokrme; jeho telo je stvorené z toho. On nemôže ísť tam, kde to čerstvé mäso nesie toho orla. On to proste nedokáže. Vidíte?

255Tak sa vypĺňa Matúša 24: 24. On lieta, vyskakuje hore vo vzduchu, máva krídlami, ale on sa proste nemôže dostať dostatočne vysoko. Vidíte? Je to tak. Vidíte, on nemôže ísť ... On nemôže dosiahnuť dostatočnú výšku, aby si vzal tú čerstvú mannu. On môže jesť tú starú mannu, ktorá je tu dole na zemi, toho starého mŕtveho zajaca, ktorý tam bol pred týždňom zrazený, a pred mesiacom, alebo pred štyridsiatimi rokmi, zkazenosť. On to môže jesť, na tom sa kŕmi a kváka a vykrikuje, a tak sa zachováva, vyskakuje a lieta, ako iný orol. On je pomazaný, ako iný vták. A on je určitý druh orla - kaňa. Vieme to. Skutočne je, ale nemôže nasledovať toho opravdového orla. Vidíte? On to proste nedokáže. Nie veru! Jeho telo neni zostrojené; on sa kŕmil inou potravou, vidíte, a to nebude ... to nebude to čerstvé mäso, čerstvá manna. To je niečo čo povedal Luther, čo povedal Wesley, alebo čo povedal doktor, taký a taký. To nebude to, čo povedal Ježiš na túto hodinu.

256Poďme teraz, zakončime. Pomazanci, kristovia v tých posledných dňoch, ale falošní učitelia a falošní proroci. Všimnite si aké zarážajúce! Chcem aby ste teraz porovnali toto; nemáme čas, aby sme to čítali, Matúša 24: 24 s ll. Timoteovi 3: 8. Matúš 24: 24 hovorí, že v posledných dňoch (vidíte?) prídu falošní kristovia, falošní pomazanci, falošní proroci, a ukážu znamenia a zázraky, presne ako pravý - pravý a takmer zvedú tých Vyvolených.

257Všimnite si teraz! To hovoril Ježiš. Tu prichádza Pavol, hneď za Ním, a povedal: "Teraz, v posledných dňoch, prídu nábožní ľudia (vidíte?), majúci formu pobožnosti, a budú viesť nerozumné ženy, vedené rozličnými svetskými žiadosťami (a oni sa divia a hovoria: "Prečo káraš tie ženy?" Ó, pre zľutovanie ... Oni to proste vôbec nevidia!) - viesť nerozumné ženy, obťažené rozličnými žiadosťami (preč od vecí, ako - to je Biblia. Vidíte?) ... A ako Janes a Jambres (Matúš 24: 24. falošní kristovia, falošní, pomazaní, činiaci znamenia a zázraky, aby zviedli Vyvolených.) - no, ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tak budú títo skazení ... Prevrátenej mysli, nedokázaní čo do Viery. Nie nejakej viery, ale tej Viery.

"Jedna Viera, jeden Pán, jeden krst." Nemôžete mať jednu vieru bez toho, žeby ste verili v jedného Pána. Nemôžete mať dva krsty, nie jeden pre Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého. Je jeden krst, Ježiš Kristus. To je správne. Vidíte? Falošný krst.

258Všimnite si, porovnajte to teraz spolu, keď prídete domov - všimnite si - v Matúšovi 24: 24, hovorí Ježiš; Pavol v ll. Timotejovi 3: 8; a mnoho ďalších miest.

259A teraz to porovnajte, a potom zoberte ďalšie miesto Písma, Lukáš 17: 30, Malachiáš 4. Ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, proti pomazanému Slovu na tú hodinu, tak budú robiť títo mužovia, nie muž, mužovia, pomazanci, budú sa stavať proti Pravde.

260V ten deň, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka. Zjavenia 10: 1 - 7, prečítajte si to keď prídete domov ... Posolstvo siedmeho anjela, otvára Pečate ... Čo to je? Nie ten anjel je Syn človeka; ale ten posol zjavuje Syna človeka. Môžete to teraz vidieť osobitne? Zdá sa, že toto je pre vás tak ťažké. Rozumiete? Nie sám Syn človeka, ale siedmy anjel, siedmy posol, zjavuje na verejnosť Syna človeka, pretože to opustilo tú šupku - (plevu). Nemôžete to zorganizovať; znovu je to Zrno, samo o sebe.

A v tom čase sa Janes a Jambres budú stavať na odpor - pomazanci, robení veriaci a neveriaci, formálna cirkev a Letniční - povstávajú proti pravému Zrnu. Ale nechajte ich tak; ich nerozum sa ukáže, tak ako tamtých. Rozumiete teraz?

261Zjavenie 10 hovorí: "Vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela ..." Pamätajte teraz, siedmy, Laodicejský cirkevný vek, trúbenie toho anjela, keď sa ten cirkevný vek stal denomináciu a stal sa cirkevným vekom, keď to urobil vo svojej Letničnej organizácii; keď ten posol do toho ... Čím bol každý posol? Čím bol Martin Luther? Pokarhaním pre Katolíkov. Čím bol Wesley? Pokarhaním pre tých Luteránov. Čím boli Letniční? Pokarhaním pre tých ostatných. Kde ten život teraz odišiel? Preč z organizácii. Koniec šupky; to je Zrno. Čo to je? Pokarhanie pre Letničných (vidíte), aby sa vyplnilo Písmo na túto hodinu. Vidíte?

262Všimnite si, práve v tom čase, keď tento posol ... Nie keď on začal s ... ale keď on začína vyhlasovať svoje Posolstvo. Rozumiete? Prvé Potiahnutie, uzdravovanie; Druhé Potiahnutie, prorokovanie; Tretie Potiahnutie, otvorenie Slova, zjavené tajomstvá. Nieto - nie je vyššia hodnosť, aby zjaviť Slovo, ako proroci. Ale jediný spôsob, ako prorok môže byť potvrdený je skrze Slovo. A pamätajte, Tretie Potiahnutie bolo otvorenie tých Siedmich Pečatí, aby zjavilo tú skrytú Pravdu, ktorá bola zapečatená v Slove. Vidíte to? Vtedy, v tom čase, keď sa toto má diať, ten Janes a Jambres, tí napodobovatelia, sa znovu ukážu. Práve tak ako to urobili, keď sa zjavil Mojžiš s tým originálnym Slovom., aby ho povedal; oni sa zjavili, aby to napodobnili. Presne tak. No, vidíte čo je Matúš 24: 24? Vidíte? Pomazanci.

263No, sú tri veci, ktoré chceme povedať prv ako zakončíme. Toto sú oni. Chcem aby ste teraz skutočne pozorne počúvali, čo končíme. Tri veci, pamätajte, tri veci sa vyplnili. Tri veci práve teraz ležia pred vami:

264Za prvé: Svet je v stave Sodomy. Ježiš povedal, že to sa stane. Pozrite sa na tú prevrátenosť; naše ženy sa snažia zachovávať ako muži; naši mužovia sa snažia zachovávať, ako ženy - zbabelí; skazení, zhnití, podlí, diablom posadnutí, a nevedia o tom. Biblia hovorí, že to sa stane, a tu to máme.

265Za druhé: V tom čase, podľa tohoto Písma tu, sa zjaví Janes a Jambres. Za druhé.

266Za tretie: V tom istom čase sa má zjaviť Syn človeka.

267Tu máte veriaceho, toho čo sa pretvaruje za veriaceho, a neveriaceho. Tu vidieť skutočné, potvrdené Slovo; tu je pokrytecký veriaci, ktorí to napodobňuje; a tu je neveriaci, ktorý to všetko odmieta.

Ale v čase večera bude svetlo, Určite nájdete cestu do Chvály. (Je to tak?)

Národy sa rúcajú, Izrael sa budí; Znaky, ktoré predpovedala naša Biblia; Dni pohanov zrátané, hrôzou obtiažené; (Sodoma!) Vráťte sa, ó rozohnaní, do svojho vlastného.

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil, Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu; Buďte naplnení Duchom Božím, Majte svoje lampy ozdobené a čisté, (Tak môžete vidieť Slovo na svoj čas.) Pozrite hore, vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo!

Falošní proroci klamú, (Oni povedali, že tu budú - pomazanci) Božiu pravdu zapierajú, že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh.

To je - oni tomu neveria. Biblia hovorí, že to tu bude. Tu to je!

Ale my kráčame tam kde apoštolovia. (To isté svetlo! "A prinavráti vieru otcov deťom!")

Deň vykúpenia je blízko, (Tak blízko!) Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu. (Zem sa prepadá.)

Ó, buďte plní Ducha Božieho, Majte lampy ozdobené a čisté. Pozrite hore, vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo.

Veríte tomu? Skloňme potom svoje hlavy.

268Tam, do toho kraju, kde ide toto posolstvo, od východného pobrežia do západného, z Kalifornii do New Yorku, dole na juh, hore na sever, von ku tým misionárom, a kdekoľvek ide, a v tejto modlitebni. My sme biedni. Nemáme tých veľkých kvetnatých vecí, a televízne vysielania. Snažíme sa len robiť to najlepšie, čo môžeme. "Ale všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu."

269No, chcem aby ste vedeli, že toto je celkom isté. A vy, ktorí počúvate túto pásku. Možno ste si dnes mysleli, že som sa to snažil hovoriť o sebe, že to ja som skladal toto Posolstvo. Ja s tým nemám nič spoločného, nič okrem hlasu. A môj hlas ... Dokonca proti svojmu presvedčeniu ... ja som chcel byť poľovník. Ale to je vôľa môjho Otca, ktorú prehlasujem robiť, a som rozhodnutý ju robiť.

Ja som nebol Ten, ktorý sa zjavil tam dole nad riekou; ja som tam len stál, keď sa On zjavil. Ja nie som Ten, ktorý činí tieto veci a predpovedá tieto veci, ktoré sa tak dokonale dejú; ja som len ten, ktorý je blízko toho, keď to On robí. Ja som bol len hlas, ktorý On použil, aby To povedal. To nebolo to, čo som ja vedel; ja som sa len tomu vydal, že On cezo mňa hovoril. To nie som ja. To nebol ten siedmy anjel, ó, nie; to bola manifestácia Syna človeka. To nebol ten anjel, jeho Posolstvo; to bolo to tajomstvo, ktoré Boh odhalil. To nie je človek; to je Boh. Ten anjel nebol Syn človeka; on bol posol od Syna človeka. Syn človeka je Kristus. On je Ten, ktorým sa kŕmite. Nekŕmite sa človekom. Človek, jeho slová sklamú. Ale vy sa kŕmite neklamným Telom Slova Syna človeka.

270Ak ste sa nekŕmili plne na každom Slove, aby ste nabrali silu letieť ponad všetky tie denominácie a veci toho sveta, urobíte to teraz, zatiaľ čo sa budeme modliť?

271Drahý Otče, toto je tvrdá reč. Nie je ľahké pre smrteľného človeka hovoriť to. Ty poznáš všetky veci. A prosím Ťa, Drahý Otče, aby to nebolo zle porozumené, ale nech tí ľudia môžu kráčať vo svetle Tvojho Slova.

272Bože Otče, ja neviem kto je Vyvolený; Ty vieš. Ja neviem kedy bude Tvoj príchod. Ale ja len viem, že si povedal, že keď sa toto bude diať, títo falošní pomazanci ... Nie hneď keď oni začali ... Mojžiš ich nechal len tak, pretože on s tým nemohol nič viac robiť. On mohol povedať len to, čo si Ty hovoril. Ty si mu povedal, aby zavolal blchy; potom ich oni zavolali. Ty si mu povedal, aby premenil vodu na krv; potom to oni urobili. Mojžiš len predniesol, Slovo za Slovom, ako si Ty povedal. Ale potom, Ty si bol Ten, ktorý si spôsobil, že ten nerozum sa ukázal.

273No, Otče, Ty si stále Boh. Toto isté Slovo povedalo, že toto sa stane v týchto posledných dňoch. Mnohí čestní ľudia (ako sme povedali minulú nedeľu), ktorí kladú svoju ruku na tú Archu, ktorá je na tom novom voze, a nie na ramenách Levitov, padli mŕtvi, mŕtvi v hriechu a previneniach, argumentujú proti svojmu vlastnému svedomiu.

274Mnohí kazatelia sedia vo svojej študovni, čítajú to Slovo, a rýchlo prevracajú stranu, aby sa zdržali a nevybuchli, lebo vedia, že by stratili spoločenské postavenie u verejnosti, u svojej cirkvi a u svojej denominácii. Bože pomôž nám, aby sme tak niky nerobili!

275Očisti naše srdcia, Pane, od všetkej špiny tohoto sveta. Pane, stojím pripravený dať sa očistiť. Stojím pripravený, s touto cirkvou a so všetkými, ktorí počúvajú, a s kýmkoľvek, kto bude počúvať túto pásku. Stojím, Pane, zober ma do domu hrnčiara a zlám ma. Vymies ma na takého sluhu, akého chceš.

Lebo, Pane Ježišu, som človek nečistých rtov, ako kričal Izaiáš, bývam medzi ľuďmi nečistých rtov; a beda mi, lebo vidím zjavenie Božie, ktoré sa ukázalo, ako Izaiáš videl tých anjelov v Chráme. Vidím čas konca, Pane, a beda mi a mojej rodine. Beda mi a môjmu ľudu. Ó Večný Bože, buď nám milostivý. Prosím za seba i za ľudí. Nenechaj nás zahynúť s tými, ktorí neveria, ale nech žijeme s veriacimi.

276Každá denominácia, Pane, každý muž, alebo žena ... Nemôžem Ťa prosiť, aby si žehnal nejakú denomináciu, keď viem, že Ty si proti ním. Ale môžem len povedať, Pane, ak tam medzi nimi máš nejakú zo Svojich oviec, nech môžu počuť túto pásku. Nech to môžu počuť Pane, a rozumieť tomu s porozumením, ktoré im Ty dáš, a nech vyjdú a prijmú Teba. Nech nie sú zvedení slepotou a tradíciou tohoto času. Nech sa nesnažia jesť niečo čo ... čo bolo obeťou v inom dni. Nech prijmú Slovo. Tak farizejovia ukrižovali Teba, Pane. Oni prijímali obeť z času Mojžiša, a snažili sa tým nasýtiť; potom čo si im Ty ukázal ten príklad na púšti o čerstvej manne na každú noc, predstavujúc tým každú generáciu. Tam oni sklamali. To ich otrávilo. To ich zabilo, že jedli to skazené jedlo. A duchovne to robí dnes to isté; zabíja ich duchovne, denomináciou.

Pomôž nám, Drahý Otče. To je teraz všetko v Tvojich rukách. V mene Ježiša Krista.

277So sklonenými hlavami, budeme spievať, zatiaľ čo robíte svoje rozhodnutie. Či pôjdeš celou cestou?

Počujem, ako volá môj Spasiteľ ... (a On je Slovo!)

Ó, túlal som sa dlhý čas, ale skutočne, teraz som Ho počul: "Poďte ku Mne všetci, ktorí tápate okolo." Môžem počuť: "Vezmi svoj kríž na každý deň a nasleduj Ma." "Áno, hoci by som prechádzal údolím tôni smrti, nebudem sa báť zlého; vedie ma po zelených pašiach a popri tichých vodách."

A pôjdem kde ma On povedie ...

Pane, vidím trojičiarsky nerozum. Vidím tým zasiaty celý svet; všade rastie kúkoľ. Ale kde ma Ty teraz povedieš, Pane, budem ako tí v Skutkoch 19. Keď to oni počuli, boli znovu pokrstení vo meno Ježiša Krista."

...nasledujem, (Prešiel som časť cesty, Pane. Dosť dlhý kus, aby som Ťa prijať ...)

Pôjdem s Ním celou cestou.

[Brat Branham začína hmkať "Pôjdem tam kde ma On povedie."]

278Drahý Bože, verím, že to pochádza z môjho srdca. Verím, že to pochádza z každého srdca, ktoré teraz spieva, možno mnohí, ktorí budú počúvať túto pásku, ktorí nie sú prítomní, alebo ktorí to teraz nepočúvajú. Nech budeme ochotní, Pane, nehľadiac na cenu ... Nech by sme povedali ako človek, ktorí sa ide stretnúť s inou armádou, vojak, kráľ; prv si sadne a zráta, či je schopný to urobiť, či sa dokáže vzdať vecí toho sveta ... Dokážeš sa vzdať, pripojiť sa do tej armády Božieho napísaného Slova; pochodovať s Jeho vojakmi, letieť s Jeho orlami? Udeľ toho, Pane, v mene Ježiša.

279Veríte? Prijímate Ho? No dobre. Znovu vás tu uvidíme, dnes večer, ak dá Pán. Veríte, že to je Pravda? Je to dosť jasné? Potom ...

Ber so sebou meno Ježiš,

dieťa bolesti a žiaľu;

Ono ti dá radosť a pokoj,

ber ho všade ...

No, potraste si teraz ruky s tým, kto stojí vedľa vás.

Vzácne meno, ó aké sladké! Nádej zeme, nádej zeme, radosť Neba; Vzácne meno, ó aké sladké! Nádej zeme radosť Neba.

Skláňajúc sa pred menom Ježiš,

padajúc ku Jeho nohám,

Kráľa kráľov budem v nebesiach korunovať

(On je potom Boh) Keď sa dokoná naša púť.

Vzácne meno, (Vzácne meno,) ó aké sladké!

(Ó aké sladké!)

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Vzácne meno ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

280Dúfam, že všetci kazatelia sa dnes ráno poznali. Keď sa človek modlil celý týždeň diví sa čo ... vidiac tieto miesta Písma, ktoré stoja rovno pred vami ... "Beda mi," povedal Pavel: "keby som nekázal Evanjelium." A na konci svojej cesty on povedal: "Lebo som sa neutiahol, aby som vám nezvestoval celú radu Božiu, ako mi Ona bola daná."

281Niekedy si zabudnem všimnúť niektoré veci, zabudnem dokonca posvätiť nemluvňatá. Billy raz povedal, že prišiel niekto a povedal: "Prichádzam sem už dva roky, aby som dal posvätiť svoje decko." Billy povedal: "Nemysli si o tom nič zlé. Ja mám decko rok staré, a tiež ešte nebolo posvätené. Tak, hádam budem len čakať až bude dosť veľké, že si tam samé zájde."

282Tak vidíme brat, sestra, to nie je - to nie je, vidíte, ja ... Jedna vec, máme posväcovať naše deti. Máme krstiť každého. Tam je bazén; tu je voda. Ak si nebol, čo ti bráni? Tu je voda. Poď hneď teraz. Nečakaj do zajtra; poď hneť teraz. Stojí tu muž, ktorý pokrstí každého, kto učinil pokánie a urobil vyznanie. Ak si bol pokrstený mnoho krát, oni ťa pokrstia v mene Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov. Vidíte?

283My sme ... Ale, pozrite, to Posolstvo mi leží na srdci. Ja to musím povedať. To je jediný cieľ, bez ohľadu na to čo povie moja žena, moje deti, môj pastor, môj ktokoľvek. To je môj Pán. Ja to musím povedať. To je môj jediný cieľ.

284A tak, mnohokrát som si nevšimol tých kazateľov. Hádam možno ... náš brat, brat Neville, vzácny človek. Tí ostatní bratia tu, sme radi že vás máme.

285Nie žeby sme s tebou, nesúhlasili brat, nezhodovali sa. Mnohí z vás tu môžu byť kazatelia, vyznávajúci trojicu. My sa nechceme s vami hnevať. My vás milujeme. Keby nie, keby som tomu neveril, nikdy by som neopustil tento zbor, až by som tam nepadol na svoje kolená a nepovedal: "Bože naprav ma. Nechcem toho arogantného, sebeckého ducha miešajúceho sa s mojim. Chcem aby môj duch bol nepoškvrnený a čistý, plný bratskej lásky, posvätený Svätým Duchom." No, ak mi niekto robí niečo zlé "To je v poriadku." A tak ja mám právo vrátiť im to naspäť, v živote to nechcem robiť. Nie, ja chcem mať lásku. Chcem byť pripravený, napravovať láskou, láskou ktorá naprosto odpovie tam za nás.

286Nemám v úmysle líšiť sa. Metodisti, Baptisti, Katolíci, Presbyteriáni, ktokoľvek ste, ja toto nehovorím, aby som sa líšil, bol na vás arogantný. Keby som to robil, som pokrytec a mám byť tam dole pri oltári a modliť sa ku Bohu.

Ale ja to hovorím z lásky, že vidím kde idete. No, ja to nehovorím sám od seba, nie v trúfalosti. Podávam vám TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je Pravda. A milujem vás za to všetko. Nech vás Boh žehná.

287A teraz, keď budeme spievať ten ďalší verš tejto piesni, nech ... Prv ako sa rozídeme ... Chceme, aby ste tu boli dnes večer, ak môžete. Ak nemôžete, nech je Boh s vami až kým sa nestretneme. My sa len modlíme, aby vás Boh žehnal a dal vám to najlepšie z Jeho zeme.

Ber so sebou meno Ježiš ...

1 Morning, audience. Let us speak to our Lord now. Great God, Creator of heavens and earth, Who has Divinely appointed us this time this morning, of worship to You. And may we, Lord, in our hearts surrender ourselves completely to Your Divine will and the working of the Holy Spirit in us, to bring forth that which You would have us to know. Our desire is to be better Christians and better representatives of You. Will You grant this to us this morning, as we wait upon Thee, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Be seated. [Someone says, "You want to take off the prayer cloths?"--Ed.] Yes.

2 We are very happy to be here this morning again, in--in the service of the great King. And we're sorry, we, again, that we don't have the room for the people, but we have just... We'll try and make out the best we can, under the circumstances.

3Now, many has handkerchiefs and requests laying up here to be prayed over. And I'm just laying them to one side; not that I'm ignoring them, but I pray for them after I mainly... like, and tonight. I will this morning, and then tonight again, when... Then I'll pray and wait upon the Spirit of God for healing, and that's when I like to pray over the--the handkerchiefs and things.

4 And on the special requests, Billy gave them, every one, to me. There is about three hundred, and I just left the rooms then. You see, I'm just getting them just as fast, and every one, that I can get to. And I'll get to them just as quick as I possibly can. I won't be able to get them all. Just reach in and have to get one, say, "Lord, and will it be this one, and be this one?" Just like that, because they're, every one, needy, real requests; something, no doubt, that we should talk together about. And I... Less, you know, sometimes the Holy Spirit may say a certain one that I read, that keeps on my heart; I go back to that again, and hunt through there till I find it. Otherwise, just casually take them.

5 Now, we also want to say, this morning, and greet those who are out in the other parts of the country. We want to greet the folks this morning by the way of this telephone hookup, to New York City; Beaumont, Texas; Prescott, Arizona; Tucson, Arizona; San Jose, California; Connecticut; Gainesville, Georgia; and New Albany, Indiana; across the nation. We are greeting you in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

6This morning, in Indiana, it is a fair morning. We had a rain last night which cooled the weather. And we're... The tabernacle is packed out, and everybody is waiting, with great anticipations, for the Sunday school lesson. And I trust that the richest of God's blessings will be upon you out there.

7And we are hoping, soon as possible, to make a--a way that we can have, where we can bring all of us together, maybe under a big tent, where I'm feeling real definitely led to preach on these Seven last Vials in the Bible.

8 So now, so that we won't be too long on a great lesson this morning... I have sought the Lord, thinking, "What could I say?" knowing that this may be our last service that we'll ever have. The Coming of the Lord is so close at hand!

9I see, after that prediction made in California, there is houses out there, and places, sinking at the rate of thirty inches a hour, timbers cracking and breaking in. And they don't know what's doing it. We are at the end. Hundred-thousand-dollar homes, sinking. I got big headlines in the paper, pictures, that I hope to bring tonight, as I want to speak on something on that tonight.

10 And, then, tonight we have prayer for the sick. Come in this afternoon, five, six o'clock, or whenever it is. We're going to start early, I suppose, so the people can get away early, and receive your prayer cards. And we'll be praying for the sick tonight, the Lord willing.

11 Now, after prayerfully thinking, "What must I do?" knowing that someday I must answer for what I say here... And I have decided, or felt led by the Holy Spirit to speak this morning on prophecy, to kind of inform us. See? It's something that we... If we're not informed, and anything happens just casually, we should know about this. The Holy Spirit has give it to us, to warn the people of the comings. You know, the Bible said, that, "God will do nothing except first He shows His servants, the prophets." And--and how that Jesus warned the people, what would take place; how the prophets warned the people, that would take place. And it behooves us now, in the great hour that we're living, to see what age we're living in, and what's happening, what's going to happen in this age. So one of these strange subjects that perhaps we've read many times, it fell upon my heart to--to speak to the people about it this morning.

12 Now let us turn over in our Bibles to Matthew the 24th chapter and read a portion of the Word. [Brother Branham clears his throat--Ed.] Pardon me. As a way of--of getting a context for our text and subject.

13Now, remember we are going to teach this as a Bible class, slow. Get your pencils and paper. I've got many Scriptures written down here, that--that you might be able to put these down. Then go home and study them, for this is just like a Sunday school class, that we might know, and be warned and prepared for the hours that we're living in.

14 In the Book of Saint Matthew. [Brother Branham clears his throat--Ed.] Pardon me. 24th verse... Or, 24th chapter, rather, beginning with the 15th verse, I wish to read a portion of His Word.

And when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

Then let them which are in Judaea flee into the mountains:

Let him which is on the housetop--housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:

Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!

But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

And except those days should be shortened, there would be no flesh saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

For there shall rise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elected.

Behold, I have told you before.

Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chamber; believe it not.

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered...

15 Now, for a subject, I would like to take the 24th verse, to emphasize on this verse for our Sunday school lesson this morning. And listen close while I reread this, again.

For there shall rise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elected.

16Now for a subject this morning, or a text, rather, I want to take: The Anointed Ones At The End Time. That's the subject that I wish to speak on, or the text: The Anointed Ones At The End Time.

17 I believe that we are living in the end time. I think most anyone that... The Scripture reader, or even a--a believer, knows that we are now at the end of the history of the world. There will be no use of writing it, because there won't be anybody to read it. It's at the end of the time. Just when, I do not know. Just how long it will be, not even the Angels of Heaven knows that minute or hour. But we been told by the Lord Jesus, that, when these things that we see now begin to come to pass, then to lift up our heads for our redemption is drawing nigh. Now, what "drawing nigh" means, I do not know. May mean...

18 As the scientists said the other day, on the television, speaking of the great thousands-of-miles break in the earth that's going to sink. He was asked the question, "It could sink there?" That's Los Angeles, the West Coast. And many of you seen how they followed it with radar, and went up through... broke in below San Jose, went across over into Alaska, out through the Aleutian Islands, about two hundred miles out into the sea, and come back down into San Diego, went around in behind Los Angeles, and come up there, a great pocket.

And all these earthquakes we've been having is the volcanic hitting this great hollow dipper, like, in there. I can't call the name that they--they called it. However, when that shakes, that gives these earthquakes we been having for years on the West Coast. Now it's cracked all the way around. And the scientists said, one...

19 The man said to the other, "That could fall in?"

He said, "Not 'could,' but it will."

Said, "But not in our generation, perhaps?"

Said, "In the next five minutes, or the next five years. We don't know just when."

20This week, was sent me a headlines in the paper, of big hundred-thousand-dollar homes cricking and cracking, the people moving away. And they don't know how to stop it. There is no way to stop it. See, God can do whatever He wants to, and there's nobody can tell Him how to do it.

21You build homes, you can make scientific things, and God is the Creator of science. How you going to stop Him? He can destroy the earth this morning by fleas if He wants to. You realize, He could speak fleas into existence, and they'd be forty miles deep in a half hour's time, see, there's no... and eat people right off the ground. He is God. He just does as He will. He is sovereign, in Himself.

22 Now, seeing all this accumulation of evidence, that the hour that we now live in, I think it's a good thing to rehearse these things and to draw them out, since the Seals has been opened, and find out the truth of these things, as God has been so loyal to us, with His grace, to show us these things.

23I want you to notice here in Matthew 24, Jesus used the term of "Christs," C-h-r-i-s-t-s, "Christs." Not Christ, but "Christs," plural, not singular. "Christs." Therefore, the word Christ means "the anointed One." And then if it's "anointed," there will be not only one, but many, anointed, "the anointed ones." See?

24Otherwise, if He wanted to break it down so we would more or less understand it better, He would say, "In the last days there shall rise false, anointed ones." Now, that seems almost impossible, see, the terms of "anointed." But notice the very next words, "and false prophets," p-r-o-p-h-e-t-s, plural.

25 Now, anointed one, is, "one with a message." And the only way the message can be brought out is by one that's anointed, and that would be a prophet, anointed. "There shall rise false, anointed teachers." A prophet teaches what his message is. Anointed teachers, but anointed people with false teaching. Anointed ones, "Christs," plural; "prophets," plural. And if there is such a thing as a--a Christ, singular, then these would have to be "anointed ones," that their prophecy of what they were teaching would be the difference, because they are anointed ones, anointed.

26 Now, it's a Sunday school lesson, we want to--to try to bring this to a real showdown, by the Scriptures, not by what someone else has said about it, but just reading the Scriptures.

You may say, "How can this be? Would the anointed ones..."

27What were they? "Christs," C-h-r-i-s-t-s, anointed. "Christs, and false prophets." Anointed ones, but false prophets!

Jesus said, that, "The rain falls on the just and the unjust."

28Now, someone might say to me, "Do you believe that that anointing on those people means that it's the anointing of the Holy Spirit?" Yes, sir, the genuine Holy Spirit of God upon a person, and yet they are false.

Now listen close and see what He said. "And they shall show signs and wonders, insomuch that it would deceive the very Elected if it were possible." And they are anointed with the genuine Holy Spirit. I know this sounds very foolish, but we're going to take time and explain it by the Word, that that's absolutely THUS SAITH THE LORD, the Truth.

29 Now let's turn in our Bibles, just a minute, to Matthew the 5th chapter, and begin with the--the 45th verse, and see now as we read for a few moments on these Scriptures. And then, after we get to here, why, we'll give you... So you, if we fail to read all of them, then you get your Bible; and--and also you can read them after we leave here and you go home, and--and you read what the Bible says about it.

30 Now to take our time, to get a--a basic fact, because I'm making a statement here that's astounding. How can the Holy Spirit anoint a false teacher? But that's what Jesus said would happen.

Now, Matthew, the 5th chapter, the 45th verse, let's read now. Let's get, begin a--a little behind it, the 44th.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you,... pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and... the good, and sendeth rain on the just and... the unjust. (The rain comes upon the evil the same as the good.)

31 Now to follow this up, to another prophecy pertaining to this, may we turn now to Hebrews the 6th chapter, for the next follow-up verse on this, where Paul bringing back to mind the same thing that Jesus said. Paul, speaking now. While you're hunting it... And you out in the broadcast, get your Bibles near you and a piece of paper, and look up this now. Hebrews the 6th chapter, Paul writing to the Hebrews, showing them the shadows and the types, bringing them from under Judaism into Christianity, showing them that how all the old things just foreshadowed the things that was to come. Paul speaking now, Hebrews 6.

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ (C-h-r-i-s-t, singular), let us go on to perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance... dead works, and of faith towards God.

Of... doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.

And this will we do, if God permits.

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Spirit,

I want to call your attention just a minute. Did you notice, that's "gift"; and not "gifts," partakers of "the heavenly gifts"? But, "the heavenly gift," singular; "Christ," singular; "gift," singular.

... heavenly gift, and... made partakers of the Holy Spirit,

And have tasted of the... word of God,... (tasted of what?)... the word of God, and the power of the world to come,

If they shall fall away, to renew themselves again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

For, (listen) the earth... drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, to bring forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessings from God:

But that which beareth thorns... briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.

32 Now compare that with Matthew 5:24 again. Notice, Jesus said the rain and the sun comes upon the earth, that God sends it to prepare the food and the things for the peoples of the earth. And the rain is sent for the food, the herbs. But the tarers, weeds, being in the field, receive the same thing. The same rain that makes the wheat grow is the same rain that makes the weeds grow.

33 How I had such a lesson on that one time, when I first met the Pentecostal people! And it was a great lesson to me. I seen two men, one... Never heard speaking in tongues before. One spoke in tongues, the other one interpret it, vice-versa. And would tell the truth, say that, "There's many in here should repent tonight. There's women and men, both." And people would raise up and go to the altar.

I thought, "How glorious!"

34 And then with the little gift of the Holy Spirit, I talked to those men, just, you know how, in discernment, just a little way to find out. And one of them was a genuine Christian, and he was a real servant of Christ, and the other one was a hypocrite. And one of them, the one that was a hypocrite, was living with a black-headed woman, running around with a blond and had children by her. Well, it was right there in the vision; couldn't be denied. And I spoke to him about it. He looked at me and walked around the building.

35 Now I was confused, sure enough. I thought I had come into angels, then I wondered if I wasn't among devils. How could this be? I could not understand it. And for years I kept my hands off of it, till one day where...

George Smith, the boy that goes with my daughter, we went yesterday, up to the old mill place where I go to pray.

And after being in there a couple days, the Holy Spirit brought this Scripture back to me. "For the rain cometh oft upon the earth to dress it with herbs, but thorns and thistles live by that same rain, and whose end is to be burned." Living by the same life-giving resource of God. Then I understood that. "By..." Jesus said, "By their fruits they are known."

36 Now, therefore, the rain dropping down upon the natural vegetation of the earth, is a type of the Spiritual rain which gives Eternal Life, dropping down upon the Church, for we call it the former rain and the latter rain. And it's a rain, pouring out of God's Spirit, upon His Church.

37 Notice, it's a very strange thing here. See? When them seed went in the ground, however they got there, they were thorns to begin with. But there the wheat that went in the ground, and the herbs, were herbs to begin with. And each herb producing itself, over again, showed that it was in the original beginning.

38"And they will deceive the Elected if it were possible," 'cause they're getting the same rain, same blessing, showing the same signs, same wonders. See? "They will deceive, or shall deceive the Elected if it were possible." Now, a thorn cannot help being a thorn, and neither can wheat help being a wheat; it's what the Creator of each one determined at the beginning. That's the Elected. The same rain!

39 The sun rises of a morning and spreads across the earth, as it had this earth and day that we live. And the sun, same sun that rises in the East is the same sun that sets in the West. And that sun is sent to ripen the grain upon the earth, which our bodies are made from.

40 We are living by dead substance. That's the only way you can live. And if something has to die every day so you live, natural, then isn't it true that if your... Your body has to live by dead substance, for natural life, then you've got to have Something die, spiritually, to save your spiritual life. And God, became material, flesh, and died that we might live. There's no church, no other thing in the world can save you but God. That's the only thing that they live by.

41Now run the Scriptures. Jesus is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. And the Word was made flesh, and Who lived, dwelled among us." "And man shall not live by bread alone," for the physical, "but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Then, you see, we live by the Word, and that is God.

42 Now the sun comes across and ripens the grain. Now, it cannot ripen it all at once. As it goes on, maturing, it constantly ripens until it comes to a full ear.

So is it, today, with the Church. It started in its infancy, back in the dark age, where it was under the ground. It's growed now into maturity. And we can see it, perfectly, how that God through nature always...

43You cannot disturb nature. That's what's the matter today. We're flying bombs, and out there in that ocean, breaking it and busting it around with atomic bombs. You're just breaking more of that dirt off all the time, dropping into it. You cut down the trees; storms will take you. Dam up the river; it'll overflow.

You've got to find God's way of doing things and stay in it. We've denominated people in the churches and organizations; look what we got! Stay in God's provided way of it.

44 But, you see, "He sends the rain," back to our subject, "on the just and the unjust." Jesus tells you here now, in Matthew 24, it would be a sign at the end time.

Now, if this sign is only to be known at the end time, then it'll have to be after the opening of those Seals. See? It's a sign of the end. That would be, when these things happens, it'll be at the end time. And it'll be a sign, now, so the Elected will not be confused in these things. You see it? Then, it's got to be revealed, exposed.

45 Notice, both the wheat and the weeds live by the same Anointing from Heaven. Both of them rejoice over It.

I remember this, referring back to this instance up there that day at the Green's Mill. I--I seen that vision come up. And there was a great earth, and it had been all disked up. And there went a Sower forth, first. I want to keep that before you. Watch what goes forth first, then what follows it. And as this Man with white on came forth around the earth, sowing seed, then behind Him come a man, dark clothes on, looked very sneaking, slipping along behind Him, sowing weeds. And as this taken place, then I seen both crops come up. And as they come up, one was wheat and the other one was weeds.

And there come a drought, that when, looked like, both of them had their heads down just crying for rain. Then there come a great cloud over the earth, and it rained. And the wheat raised up and said, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" And the weeds raised up and hollered, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" Same results. Both of them perishing, both of them going away. And then the wheat comes up and gets thirsty. And because it was in the same field, the same garden, the same place, under the same spout, there come up wheat and there come up tarers by the very same thing. Notice, the same anointing water brings forth the wheat, brings forth the weed.

46 The same Holy Spirit that anoints the Church, that gives them desire to save souls, that gives them power to perform miracles, It falls on the unjust the same as the just. The very same Spirit! Now, you can't make it another way and understand Matthew 24:24. He said, "There shall rise false Christs," false, anointed ones. Anointed with the genuine Thing, but be false prophets of It, false teachers of It.

What would make a man want to be a false teacher of something that's Truth? Now we'll get down to the mark of the beast in a few minutes, and you'll see it's denomination. See? False teachers; false, anointed. Anointed Christs, but false teachers. It's the only way you can see it.

47 Just like here some time ago, I have quoted this. I might quote it because we're hooked up across the nation. One day I was talking to a friend of mine, where this is coming in this morning, in Arizona. And he had a--a citrus farm. And he had a tree there which was an orange tree that was bearing grapefruits, and lemon, tangerine, tangelos. And I forget how many different fruits there was on that one tree. And I said to the--the--the man, I said, "How is it? What kind of a tree is that?"

He said, "The tree, itself, is an orange tree."

I said, "What has it got grapefruits on it? Why has it got lemons on it?"

He said, "They are grafted into it."

I said, "I see. Well, now," I said, "now, next year when that tree comes forth with another crop of fruit," which they all ripen about the same time, I said, "then it will bring forth altogether oranges. If it's a navel orange tree, it'll bring forth the navel oranges, won't it, sir?"

He said, "No, sir. Every grafted branch will bring forth of its kind."

I said, "You mean that lemon vine will bring forth a lemon out of that orange tree?"

He said, "Yes, sir."

"Will the grapefruit bring forth a grapefruit out of that orange tree?"

He said, "Yes, sir. That's the nature of the branch that's grafted into it."

I said, "Praise be to God!"

He said, "What do you mean?"

I said, "One more question. Now, will that orange tree ever bring forth oranges again?"

He said, "When it puts forth another branch." When it puts forth another branch, not when one is grafted into it. But, they're all citrus fruit, and they live off of the citrus life that's in the citrus tree.

48 I said, "There you are! The Methodist will bring forth Methodists, every time. The Baptist will bring forth Baptists, every time. The Catholic will bring forth Catholic, every time. But the Church of the living God will produce Christ from the root, the Word every time, if it ever puts forth another vine of its Own."

49 Now, you can graft it in there, you see. Every grapefruit, lemon, tangelo, tangerine, whatever the citrus fruits they are, every one of them can live in that tree; but bearing false witness of the tree, living by the tree. You see it? They are living and thriving on the genuine life that's in that tree.

Now, there is Matthew 24:24, living by the same Life, but they wasn't right, at the beginning. They are bearing false witness of that Tree! It's an orange tree, yet it's a citrus tree. And they say, "This church, this denomination is bearing record of Christ," and got a false baptism, false witness of the Word, trying to say that the power of God was only for the disciples.

Jesus, Himself, said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every branch that'll ever... tree that'll ever bring forth, ever branch that'll be in the tree. And these signs shall follow the genuine branches." Where? As long as it's a Tree, as long as It's putting forth branches, to the end of the world. "In My Name they shall cast out devils; speak with new tongues; take up serpents; drink deadly things; lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." See the hour we're living? See what Jesus said?

50 Remember, this was at the end time, not back under Wesley and back there. Now, at the end time, this was to take place.

Now watch the Scriptures; let Them testify. Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think, or believe, that you have Eternal Life, and They are the Ones that testify of Me." In other words, if this tree ever brings forth a branch... "I am the Vine, the Tree; ye are the branches. He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also," Saint John 14:12.

51 Now, "He that abideth in Me, he that... him that was in My root at the beginning."

That's the reason Jesus was both the Root and Offspring of David. He was before David, in David, and after David, both Root and Offspring of David; the Morning Star, the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, Alpha and Omega; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. "In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily." Both Root and Offspring of David!

"He that is the elected Life, the predestinated Life, that's in Me," and He is the Word, "from the beginning; when he comes forth, he'll bear My fruits." Saint John 14:12.

But others will live by the same thing, calling themselves Christians and believers. "Not all that saith, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter in."

Now, and this is to take place and be manifested in the last days, "when the mysteries of God should be finished," as we'll get to a little later.

52 These trees, the true vine and false vine! You've heard me preach on that since, from years ago, how they've growed up together. Brought them in individuals and showed that, from Cain and Abel, the two vines that met at an altar; both of them religious, both of them anointed, both of them desiring life, and worshiping the same God. And one was rejected and the other received.

And the only way that the one that was received could have done anything different from his brother, it was revealed to him. For the Bible said, "By faith..." Hebrews, 11th chapter, "By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain, which God testified that he was righteous."

Jesus, said, the spiritual revelation of Who He was! "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"

He said, Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

"Blessed art thou, Simon--Simon, son of Jonas; flesh and blood never revealed this to you. My Father which is in Heaven has revealed it. Upon this rock I'll build My Church," (what?) the true revelation of the Word. There is the true Vine again. "Abel, by faith!"

You said, "It wasn't a revelation."

53 What is faith? Faith is something that's revealed to you; that is not yet, but you believe it will be. Faith is a revelation of the will of God. So, by revelation!

54And the churches today don't even believe in spiritual revelation. They believe in a dogmatic teaching of some system. "By revelation Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain, which God testified he was righteous." Amen. I hope you see that. See where we're living? See the hour?

I was talking to a--a gentleman not long ago, a Christian scholar and gentleman. He said, "Mr. Branham, we refuse all revelations."

55 I said, "Then you have to refuse Jesus Christ, for He is the revelation of God, God revealed in human flesh." Unless you see it, you're lost.

Jesus said, "Except you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." He is the revelation of God, the Spirit of God revealed in human form. If you can't believe that, you're lost. You put Him a third person, second person, or any other person besides God, you're lost. "Except you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." A revelation!

56 No wonder they couldn't see Him. "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given to Me," in the roots, "will come to Me." See? You get it? Oh, how we should love Him, adore Him, praise Him; to see the fruit of the Spirit in the last days, and the Bride Tree ripening in the top of the time!

57 The true vine and the false vine, both had the same anointing. The water fell on both of them. No wonder He warned us, "It would deceive the very Elected if it was possible."

58Notice, they look the same. They're anointed the same. But notice, "By their fruit..." How do you knowed it?

How you know that isn't an orange? Because it's bearing a grapefruit. That vine is all right, it's living in the tree, but it's bearing a grapefruit. It isn't like the first one.

And if a church says they "believe Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever," and deny His Power, deny His works, deny His Word; if--if... The Church that believes in Jesus Christ, will do the works of Jesus Christ, it'll have the Life of Jesus Christ. And if it isn't, no matter if the Life is pouring into it; if it isn't predestinated, from the roots, it'll bear grapefruit every time, or something different. But if it's the predestinated Life, in the roots, it'll bear Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, if it's the Word coming up through the Root. Which, He is the Root, the beginning of time.

59 Notice, but it's what they produce that tells you the difference. "By their fruit," Jesus said, "you shall know them." "Man does not gather grapes off of a thistle," even though the thistle be right in the grapevine. That could be possible, but the fruit will tell it.

What is the fruit? The Word, for the fruit for the season. That's what it is, their teaching. The teaching of what? The teaching of the season, what time it is. Man's doctrine, denominational doctrine, but, or God's Word for the season?

Now, the time gets away so quick, that we could bear on that a long time. But I'm sure that you here present, and I'm sure you across the nation, can see what I'm trying to tell you, for we don't have too much longer to stay on it.

60 But you might see that the Anointing gets on the unjust, the false teachers, and causes them to do exactly what God told them not to do; but they'll do it, anyhow. Why? They cannot help it. How can a thistle be anything else but a thistle? No matter how much good rain is sprinkled on it, it's got to be a thistle. That's the reason Jesus said, "They'll be so close it would deceive the very Elected," which is in the roots, "if it were possible," but it ain't possible. A wheat can do nothing but bear wheat; that's all it can bear.

61 Notice. Remember, God is not the author of organization. The Devil is the author of organization. I've proved that by the Word, back and forth, and over and over; won't have to go into that this morning. We know that God never did organize people together like that, make a organization. Hundreds of years after the death of the last disciple, 'fore they ever had the first organization. It's always proved a failure. If it isn't, why ain't we together in love today, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic and all? Why ain't the works of God following us, then, every church on the same thing, the Word? Those things that separate man, brotherhood... We're farther from God than we ever was, the churches, speaking of.

62 Now, we're told, that, "All the old things happened for examples, for our teaching, reproofs, admonitions." That, all the old things of the Old Testament happened, foreshadowed, to see what would be in the New Testament, in our day.

Just like if you had never seen your hand, and you looked up and you seen a shadow on the wall, as my hand would be from the light, if it's got five fingers here in a shadow, when the negative; and you move your hands towards, being the positive, towards the--towards the negative, it's got to come to five fingers.

As the Bible tells us, that, "The Old Testament being a shadow, type of the new things, or the things that was to come; not the very things that is, but it is a shadow, a type of the things that is to come."

63 Let us go back and see if this thing ever was in any other age. Are you willing? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] So we'll know, to prove this, back and forth, by the Word; not by some man's idea, some theory.

I don't care who he is; any other man, myself or anybody else, "If he speaks not according to the law and the prophets, there is no Light in him." See? That's what the Bible said. "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be true," regardless who it is.

64 Now let's go back and find out if this ever happened, to show us an example.

We could go back over now in the Book of Exodus and speak of a character named Moses, who was an anointed prophet sent of God, with the Word of God and the will of God for his generation. As God's Word always runs in continuity, He said, "He did nothing until He revealed It to His prophets first." Then He done it. See?

Now, He cannot lie. He can't lie and be God. No, sir. He has got to remain true. There's not a lie in Him. He's...

And He cannot change It. If He does, then He's not God; He made a mistake. He's got to be infinite. And infinite cannot make a mistake. See? So what God ever says, that's Eternally right. See? And He promised that. So, watch, there's nowhere in the Bible lest it follows continuity right to it.

65 Now, God had promised Abraham that his seed would be a stranger in a--in a strange land for four hundred years, then He'd bring him out with a great hand of might and power, show His signs and wonders amongst the people that they dwelt with. The time of the promise drew nigh. People had forgot about it. They had Pharisees and Sadducees, and so forth, denominations. But, all of a sudden, there come God alone and drawed from, out, away from any of them.

God never, in any day or at any time, ever called a prophet out of a denomination. No, sir. He's so twisted up, he couldn't do it; he'd have to stay with that denomination.

66 Moses, a man sent from God, with the Word of God, and on his journey taking Israel into the promised land, strictly with the commandment of God, he met another prophet, another anointed one that had a genuine anointing of the same Holy Spirit that was upon Moses. That's right. He was a prophet. The Holy Spirit was upon this man. His name was Balaam. We're all acquainted with him. Well, the very things, the same, the things--the things that the man said, is still taking place, about twenty-eight hundred years ago. "Thou art like a unicorn, O Israel. Whoever blesses you will be blessed. Whoever curses you will be cursed. Your strength, and mighty, how righteous are thy tents, O Jacob!" See, he couldn't help himself. He come there purposing in his heart to curse the people.

67 Oh, you false teachers listening to these tapes all these years, and seeing God confirm exactly what He said, and you set in your study and know it's the Truth; and because of your denominational differences, you dispute them and tell your people they're not so. Woe unto you! Your time is close at hand.

68 Balaam, anointed with the same Spirit that was upon Moses. What was the difference? The teaching of Moses was perfect. The Bible said here in Second Peter, that it was "the teaching of Balaam" that Israel received, that God never did forgive. Unpardonable sin! Not a one of them got saved, though they had come out under the blessings of God, and seen the hand of God moving by this mighty prophet, and seen it exactly vindicated by God. And, because, another prophet come in with a teaching, contrary, and disputed with Moses, and tried to prove to the people that Moses was wrong. And Dathan, Korah, and many of them, agreed with him and taught the children of Israel to commit fornications, to go after his organization, that, "We're all the same."

"Whether we're Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or Pentecostals, and whatmore, we're all the same."

69We are not the same! Ye are a separated people, holy unto the Lord, dedicated to the Word and the Spirit of God, to bear fruit of His promise of this day. And you're not of them! I know that's awful strong, but that's the Truth just the same. Dedicated to a service in this last days! "Come out from amongst it."

70 Now, "the teaching of Balaam," not the prophecy of Balaam. That was all right. That was God. How many believes that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The prophecy of Balaam was exactly right, 'cause he couldn't speak nothing else. The anointing of God wouldn't speak nothing else, and God vindicated it by proving it was the Truth. But it was "the teaching of Balaam."

71Now compare that with Matthew 24:24. Anointed ones, but their teaching is false. The trinities, and all things like that; wrong, antichrist!

I hope your feelings don't get hurt. And don't turn that, them phones off. And don't get up and go out. Just set still, and let's see if the Holy Spirit won't reveal it to us, and prove it to us. You say, "But that..." Just whatever you believe, just set still and listen. And ask God to open your heart, then you'll find out whether you're a brier, or a thistle, or wherever you're standing. See?

72 Now, even Judas, "foreordained to the condemnation he was," set there before Jesus. And Jesus told him, "You are the one. Whatever you're going to do, and whatever you've got to do, go do it quickly." Him knowing what he was doing, but, for them thirty pieces of silver, and popularity, sold the Lord Jesus Christ. One of His disciples, the treasurer of the church, Jesus called him His "friend." See? The Bible said, "He was born the son of perdition," just the same as Jesus was born the Son of God. "Deceive the very Elected if it were possible."

73 Notice closely as we study on. We'll take another instance, over in the Book of Kings. There was a--a prophet, and his name was Micaiah. He was the son of Imlah, and he was a prophet. He was.

And there was another prophet, the head of a organization of prophets, anointed ones. The Bible said they were "prophets," just the same as He said Balaam was a prophet, anointed ones.

And there was one of them by the name of Micaiah, who was anointed with God and sent by God, with the Word of God.

There was one, Zedekiah, who thought he was sent by God. He was anointed of God, but his teaching was contrary to the Word of God. "Rise, false Christs, show great signs, would deceive the Elected if possible."

74 Notice, both of them, both of them anointed. Now, how could you tell which was right, and wrong? Watch what the Word promised to Ahab. The prophet which was before him, which was Elijah, one of the greatest prophets of the age, that was a vindicated prophet. That vindicated prophet said, that, "Because Ahab had done this evil, that the dogs would lick his blood; tooking Naboth's life. And that the dogs would eat Jezebel, and the... her body would be dung upon the fields." Now, how can you bless what God has cursed? Or how can you curse, as Balaam said, what God has blessed? See?

But these prophets were sincere. There were no doubt but what they were good men, honorable men. For, to be a prophet in Israel, you must be honorable, or to even be an Israelite. You was stoned, if not. They were honorable men. They were smart men. They were educated men. They were the selected of Ahab, of the nation. (See that, Sister Wright?) The selected of the nation, well fitted for the par-...

75 And now, when Micaiah saw his vision, he knowed in his heart what the Word had said, but he wanted to see what the Spirit was in him would say.

So they told him, they said, "You say the same thing these other prophets say. And when you do, why, you'll be, we'll take you into the fellowship, no doubt, again. See? We'll make you one of us. We'll take you back into the denomination of us. You're... We know you're a prophet, but you're always saying cursing things. You're always cursing Ahab. Now, Zedekiah, the chief man, the pope, or the..." whatever he was. "Now he has blessed Ahab, and said, 'Go do it.' Now you say the same thing, Imlah. Why, you're just a poor guy. You ain't got no congregation, hardly, at all. And these guys has got millions. The whole nation is for them. Now you say the same as they do, see what you'll do, you'll--you eat the rich of the land." He's talking to the wrong man there!

76 What if it had been said, "Can you find any fault in Zedekiah, Micaiah?" "No." "Did you ever catch him in sin?" "Nope." "Did you ever hear him cuss anybody?" "Nope." "Did you ever catch him drunk?" "Nope." "Can you dispute his education?" "Nope." "Do you believe his doctor's degree is false?" "Nope." "You believe his--his Ph.D. is alright?"

"Sure. By the Sanhedrin council; I guess it's all council, I guess it's alright."

"Well, then, why don't you join with him?"

"Because he's off of the Word!"

77Well, we'll have a showdown of it, then, like Elijah the prophet before that. And if you're a child of God, you'll stay with the prophet of this Bible. It's the Word. Notice the hour, the season.

78 Well, what if Zedekiah say, "Oh, I know the prophet said that, but that's for a future generation. That's for a long time from now"?

He said, "Wait till I see a vision from God, and then I'll tell you."

Said, "Then you say the same thing?

He said, "I'll say just what God says; nothing else, nothing more. I can't add one word to It, or take one Word from It."

So that night, in prayer, the Lord came to him in a vision. He went out the next morning, he said...

There is two prophets!

79 The greatest man in the nation, in the military and national sight, was Zedekiah. He was the head prophet, by the king. He was the head of all the other prophets, by organization. He was made, by his organization, the head of all of them; probably the best read, the best educated, more eligible for the job. And he was anointed with the Holy Spirit, for he's called a "prophet." Sure, not just an ordinary prophet, he was a Hebrew prophet. Now watch him.

80 Zedekiah said, "The Lord spoke to me, 'Make Me these two horns of iron,' a symbol." A prophet usually gives symbols. "He said, 'Make these horns of iron.' The Holy Spirit said to me, 'Take these,' the Anointing that blessed me." Don't think it as a sacrificial, but to get in a point. "The Holy Spirit that speaks in tongues through me, the One that's vindicated me, He said, 'Take these horns, and, by this, tell the king that he'll push Syria plumb out of the country. And I will give him back the land that rightly belongs to Israel, the church.'"

Brother, that's pretty fundamental, just about like Balaam was up here. Balaam was just as fundamentally speaking as Moses was. Moses... The correct number of God is seven. And Balaam said, "Build me seven altars; seven clean sacrifices, oxs, and seven rams." That's speaking of the coming of the Son of God. Fundamentally, he was just as right as any of them.

81 And here is Zedekiah, just as fundamentally right, "For this land belongs to us. Why, them Syrians and Philistines over there filling their bellies, of their children and so forth, our enemy, with the food that our children does without! When, God gave us this land!"

Brother, that's a good argument. I guess he could scream that out before Israel, and they could shout as hard as they could. Now, I'm talking about today now. I hope you're following me. All the screaming, hollering!

82 You remember David last Sunday? See? You out there in radio land, or the land of this telephone hook-up; you didn't get last Sunday's Message, be sure to get it. Trying To Do God A Service Without Being Ordained To Do It, no matter how sincere, good, it's absolutely not received by God. See?

Now, here was Zedekiah, thinking he's right.

83 Micaiah said, "Let me ask God." So he come down the next morning with THUS SAITH THE LORD. He checked his vision with the Word.

84Now if he would have said to Zedekiah, "Do you know what the prophet of the Bible here said would happen to this guy?"

85"But not at this time, because this man is a honorable man. He is trying." Don't fail to get this. "He is trying to give back to the church the things that belongs to the church. He is trying to give its property back," not the Spiritual things; if it would, he would have shook that whole nation like Elijah did. But, trying to give them the material things, "We own property. We're a great organization. We belong to it. We all, all you people, you Protestants, should all join with us." Uh-huh.

We're coming to that in a little bit. "It's all brothers and sisters, anyhow." It isn't! Never was and never will be, with the real genuine Church of God. Can't be!

86 Notice, he saw the vision. And so he said, "God spoke to me." Now, look, the man was sincere. He said, "He said, 'Make these horns, and go up there before the king and push westward,'" or whichever the way the land laid from where they were standing. "'Push, and that'll be THUS SAITH THE LORD, that he's going to win the victory and come back, a victory for the church.' Going to drive them out!" That's pretty close, isn't it? What was the matter?

Here come Micaiah down. Said, "Now you give your prophesy."

87Said, "Go on up! But I seen Israel like sheep, scattered, having no shepherd." Whew! Exactly vice versa.

88 Now, you're the congregation. Now which one is right? Both of them, prophets. The only way you can tell the difference in them, is, check it by the Word.

Said, "How do you get this?"

He said, "I saw God setting upon a Throne." Said, "I saw all the council around Him."

89Now remember, Zedekiah just said he saw God, too, and the same Spirit. "I saw God. He told me to make these horns out of--out of iron. Go out there and push the nations out of here, for this belongs to us. The others ain't got no right into it." They would if they'd stayed right with God. They would have had that, but they got away from God.

That's the way the organization is, the church. It's got a right to these things, but you have been cheated out of it, because you got away from God's Word and God's Spirit, anointing, to vindicate the Word of the season. Don't you fail to get this Message.

90 Notice what taken place now. He said, "I saw God," Micaiah did, "setting upon the Throne in Heaven. His council was gathered around Him. He said, 'Who can we get to go down and deceive Ahab, to make Elijah's words come true; My prophet that was vindicated. I spoke that he would come. And Elijah had My Word. And heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word will not fail. I don't care how modern they get, or how good they get, or how educated they get, or how big they are, My Words will never fail.'"

"And a lying spirit come up out of hell, fell down upon his knees, and said, 'If You'll just permit me, I can give them my anointing, make them do any kind of a sign or wonder, just long as I get them off the Word. He won't even know that That is Your Word. He'll ignore It, for popularity.'" Brother, times hasn't changed. Brother Neville, that's true. You remember, that's true. "'I'll get upon him, make him do the same things the rest of them does. I'll make him prophesy, and tell a lie.'" How could it be a lie? Because it was contrary to the Word.

91 You take any of these false baptisms, false so-and-so-and-so's, I don't care how real it sounds, how much they try to impersonate, it's a lie if it's contrary to God's Word of this hour. That's exactly.

You say, "Well, ours, well, we did this, and we do this, and our church is this way and that."

I don't care what it is. If it's contrary to the written Word for this hour, it's a lie. God will have nothing to do with it, no matter how sincere, how educated, how smart, how true it sounds, how reasonable it sounds, if it's contrary to the Word of this hour. We'll get into that a little deeper in a few minutes, time permits us. If we don't, we'll take it up again tonight.

92 Notice, he was sincere, good man, no doubt. And he said... Then, otherwise, Micaiah said to him, not right out to his face, but other words, "You're anointed with a lying spirit." Wouldn't that be something to tell a bishop? But he done it.

93And so this bishop walked up and said, "You'll never have fellowship no more," and smacked him in the face. Said, "You know that I'm a vindicated man. My church made me the head of it, this thing. The popular vote of God's people made me this. My organization made me this. And God gave us this land, and He intends for it to belong to us. And I have THUS SAITH THE LORD." Smacked him, and said, "Which way the Spirit of God go when It left me?"

94Micaiah said, "You'll find out, one of these days," when California is beneath the sea out yonder, and all these things. See? "You'll see which a way It went, when you're setting in the inner prisons."

95 Now, Ahab, what are you going to say? "I believe my prophet," he said. What if he just searched the Word? See, he didn't want to see himself cursed. Hear me! He didn't want to see himself cursed. No man does.

And my organiza-... organizational brother, that's what's the matter with you. You want to think that you're right, when, you know in your heart, when you baptize using the name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," you are lying. You know when you predi-... say those things that you're doing, and take initial evidences, and all things like that, you're wrong. How can the initial evidence be speaking in tongues, and then talk contrary to a promise of God in this hour? How can it be? You don't want the curse, do you? But Here it's written, so shall it be. That's the mark of the beast, so close it would deceive the Elected if it were possible.

96 Every sign, every wonder, anointed man, prophecy, all kind of things going forth; all kinds of signs, all kinds of wonders, how you going to tell the difference? Watch the Word for this hour. That's how you take...

97Watch Moses, how he could have told Balaam. Watch Micaiah here, how did we know he was right? The Word, before him, had prophesied that for Ahab.

And the Word, before us, prophesied these organizations for this day, and this curse upon them. And the things that would take place by His truly anointed Church, will have the Word, a Word Bride. Here we are. Here it is, today, just as it was then.

98 The Bible said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established." I spoke of Balaam, I spoke of Balaam and of Moses. And I have spoke now of Micaiah and Zedekiah. Now I'm going to give one more. Which, there's hundreds of them, but one more, to make three witnesses. I got a whole string of them wrote down here; but to preserve time.

99Jeremiah who was a vindicated, outcast, but a vindicated prophet of God. They hated the man. They throwed unri-... overripe fruit at him, and everything else. And he put the curse upon them. And the things that he done, and laid out there on his sides, and things, and give signs that Israel was wrong.

Every prophet, true prophet that ever raised in the world, cursed those denomination organizations of the church. How could it change, by the unchanging God?

100The Holy Spirit is the Prophet of this hour; He a vindicating His Word, proving It. The Holy Spirit was the Prophet of Moses' hour. The Holy Spirit was the Prophet of Micaiah's hour. The Holy Spirit, which wrote the Word, comes and confirms the Word.

101 Now what happened in the time of Micaiah? Ahab was killed, and the dogs licked his blood, according to the Word of God.

All you false teachers, so saith God, someday you'll reap what you're sowing, you blind leaders of the blind! I'm not angry. I'm just telling you a Truth. And I wouldn't have said this if up here, in that room, if the Holy Spirit didn't say, "Say it in that manner." Have I ever told you anything wrong but what God proved it to be right? Wake up, my brethren, before it's too late!

102 But let me say this. How could a thorn wake up and be a thistle, when it was predestinated to that? How could the Elected keep from seeing it? Because, they're elected to see it. "All the Father has given Me will come," said Jesus, "but none of them can come unless He has give it to Me before the foundation of the world, when their names was put on the Lamb's Book of Life," not on a church rector, but on the Book, Lamb's Book of Life.

103 Notice, Jeremiah stood up, vindicated before the people, yet they hated him.

104And so they went out and made a yoke, he did, and put it upon his neck, and went before the people. They said, "Oh, we are the great people of God. Why, we are Israel. We are so sincere at our synagogue! We attend every Sunday, we, we offer sacrifices, and we pay in our money. How can Nebuchadnezzar ever hold the holy things of God?" Huh! Your sins had done it.

God said, "If you'll keep My commandments, I won't do this. But, if you don't, it's coming to you." That's exactly right. Still the same. Keep His commandments, His Word for the hour, what He promised.

105 Now notice. Now, Jeremiah, by the will of God, vindicated prophet, though hated... Every one of them was hated in their days. They done such strange things contrary to the denomination of that day, every one hated him, even kings and everything else. So he put a--a yoke on his neck, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. You're going to be down there for seventy years," 'cause he had a understanding from the Word of God. "Seventy years!"

106 Then Hananiah, Hananiah, I guess you pronounce it, H-a-n-a-n-i-a-h. Hananiah, a prophet amongst the people, come up, took the yoke off of Jeremiah's neck, and broke it. And said, be a big shot amongst the people, see, when he was speaking contrary to the Word of God. And he said, "Two years they'll be back. THUS SAITH THE LORD."

Two anointed prophets. How was the difference in them? One had the speaking the Word, and the other one didn't. Jeremiah said, "Amen."

107 Before all the elders and the congregation, all Israel, see, he wanted to show he could be just as big as Jeremiah. "You know they don't like you, anyhow. So I'm a prophet, also. I'm a more of a prophet than you are, because you are prophesying a lie. You tell me God's people is going to be under such-and-such a thing?"

That's what they say today, but you'll be there just the same, as a church. You're accursed with a curse. All you churches, denominations is holding to their tradition of man instead of the Word of God, you're cursed by God.

108 Now notice, here he comes. Hananiah jerks this yoke off of his neck, a symbol of God, broke it, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. Two years they'll be back." Just for a showoff, "I'm So-and-so." Because he stood in, he was an organizational prophet.

109Jeremiah was a wilderness man that lived by himself. He prophesied evil against them all the time, 'cause they were evil.

And this man was telling them, "Oh, you're all right as long as you belong. As long as you're Israel, that's all is necessary. See, you, we... God ain't going to do that. I know there's a little something happened here, but don't be alarmed, don't be scared."

Oh, brother, they still live today. "Don't worry, everything is all right. We got everything under control. We're the Church." Don't you think that. Yeah.

110 So he said, "Everything is all right. They'll be back in two years. That's a little thing has happened. It's nothing unusual. We have that. Just Nebuchadnezzar come up here, but our God will take care of all this."

But the Word said that they would be there seventy years; till that generation had faded away, and another generation. Forty years is a generation. "This is almost two generations you're going to be down yonder." And Jeremiah said it according to the Word of God.

111Hananiah broke that! Jeremiah said, "All right. Amen. But, Hananiah, let us remember this, we are both prophets. We're ministers."

And I say this to you, my brother. Let us remember there has been prophets before us, and they prophesied against kingdoms, and they prophesied against certain things. But, remember, when the prophet said anything, he must prophesy according to the Word. Like Micaiah, and Moses, and all the rest of them. It must be according to the Word. If it isn't, then remember what happened.

112 Then, Hananiah, his righteous indignation raised up. "I'm Hananiah" (no doubt), "the prophet of the Lord, and I say, 'Two years.'" In other words, "I don't care what the Word says." His anointing, "I say, 'Two years, they'll be back.'"

113Jeremiah walked out from before him, went out and said, "Lord, I don't care what he said, I still believe and know that Word says so. I'll stay true to You. I'll not be deceived by him."

114God said, "Go tell Hananiah, 'I'll make it out of iron, the next yoke.'" And because he did that, he was taken from the face of the earth, Hananiah was, that same year.

There is our examples, both prophets. So many more could be said and talked of at this time.

115 But watch. Jesus said, that, in this end time, again, the two spirits would be real close together again. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now notice. It will be closer than that was. This is the end time. Oh, children! God have mercy upon us! Till, "It would even be so real till it would deceive the very Elected if possible." Now how you going, how did we tell it in them days? How you going to tell it today? The same way, stay with the Word, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."

Now care all this Message. And when you listen to the tape, even maybe I'll be gone someday when the Lord is finished with me here on earth, you'll refer back to this. Listen to my voice, what I'm telling you. If He takes me before His Coming, just remember, I've spoke to you in the Name of the Lord, by the Word of the Lord. Yes.

116 Notice, "Be so close together that it would deceive the Elected if it were possible," would do the same signs, the same miracles, by the same Spirit. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Just like the prophets was that we just talked about, prophets. Now, also it is written...

117Let's turn to it, for this one, if you want to, Second Timothy 3. Let's not leave this one. And I don't want to...

118I look at that clock up there, and I--I want to omit a lot of it, and I don't think we should do it now. See? Notice. Just... If I am standing here, perspiring like I am, see, but I'm happy. And I know that this is true. Second Timothy 3:8.

119 Paul, the man who said, "If a Angel comes from Heaven and speaks any other word to you than that what I said, let him be cursed," now, a Angel come down. That's Second Thessalonians... Oh, I'm sorry.

120Notice in the Second Timothy 3:8. Watch Paul speaking now. Let's begin with about... Let's begin at the first of the verse, and listen now real close. You that have your Bible, read with me. You that don't have your Bible, listen close. The...

This know also, that in the last days...

Underline that, "last days." That's when it's going to happen.

... perilous times shall come. (We're in it.)

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

121 Look at this bunch that we got today, rotten. Even in man out on the street, young man, pulling their hair down on their forehead, like with bangs like a woman. Perversion! Sodomites!

122Did you read in this year, this month's Reader's Digest? Said, "The American people at the age," which I think it was, "between twenty and twenty-five years old, is already in their middle-age condition." They're finished! They're rotten! Science says that, that a man is in his middle age, and a woman, when they're yet in their early twenties. Their body is so rotten and given over to filth.

123 Oh, America, how oft God would have hovered you, but now your hour is come! You lead the world in filth.

... blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affections,...

No true love even for one another, man to woman, woman to man. "Not even natural affection." Filth, sexually!

... trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, and despisers of those that are good,

In other words, say, "You bunch of holy rollers." Someone asked the other day about coming up here to the church. Said, "Don't go up there. All it is is a big bunch of noise and carrying on."

See, "despisers of those."

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God;

You say, "Brother Branham, that's communists." What's the next verse say?

Having a form of godliness, but (what?) denying the power thereof: (the Word, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, manifested, the promise for the day)...

Just exactly like Hananiah, just exactly like Zedekiah, just exactly like Balaam, on back, other false prophets.

Having a form of godliness, anointed... See?

Having a form, anointed, ordained ministers...

Having a form of godliness, but denying that He's the same yesterday, today... Denying His Word!

How did they deny Jesus in that day? Who did they deny when they denied Jesus? The Word. They were religious. They taught from their Bible, but denied the present-day Word.

What are they today? Same thing, anointed, preaching the Gospel of pentecost, but denying the present-day promise of the Word being vindicated, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Do you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

For this is the sort are they which creep into houses, and lead... silly women laden with sin, led away by divers lusts,

"Our sewing parties and our so-and-so." Somebody come around trying to misinterpret the Word, and saying this, "It's all right, sister, for you to have short hair. Don't pay no attention to that nitwit. See? Or, if you--you wear this; it's not that, 'it's what comes out of a man's heart that defiles him.'" See? And do you realize that you are anointed with an evil, lustful, dirty spirit? Care, you might sing in the choir, with short hair, but you got an evil spirit. That's contrary to the Word. That's right. That's what the Bible said. And you say, "Well, I wear shorts. It don't condemn me."

"Whosoever, if a woman puts on a garment that pertains to a man, it's an abomination in the sight of God." The unchanging God said that.

124 Oh, so many things, how could we just go through it; our time would be away. But you know enough to know what's right and wrong. And how can I make them do it? How can I do it? Say, "Well, what you hollering about?" I'm a witness against you. Someday, in the Day of Judgment, you'll have not a corner to go into.

125 How could Micaiah stop that? How can Moses; screaming, trying to stop it, and Joshua and them running among the people, and Levi pulled his sword and slayed them, even? They went on just the same.

It's predicted that they're going to do it. And they're going to do it, for it's THUS SAITH THE LORD they're going to do it. You think them nominations will ever break up, their denomination come back to the Word? It's THUS SAITH THE LORD, they won't! Will they go into the antichrist? Exactly. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD, they will! "So what are you saying about?" I have to be a witness, and so do you, all believers. Watch.

... silly women laden with... divers lusts,

126 "Well, all the rest the women do." False prophets! Now listen. False prophets, I'm speaking of. Now what will they do in the last day?

... lead silly women... led away with divers lusts,

"Well, I know all the rest the women..." All right, go ahead.

127What'd I say just before this big happening here in California? "You people here in Los Angeles, ever year when I come back there's more bobbed-haired women and sissified men than there was the first place, more preachers going into organization. You're not without excuse! If the mighty works had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah was done in you, it'd be standing today. Oh, Capernaum, thou who callest yourself by the name of the angels, Los Angeles!" See what's happening? She is going right on to the bottom of the sea. When? I don't know when it's going, but it's going. You young people, if I don't see it in my day, you watch. She is gone!

Ever learning,... never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Now here is the shocking, here is the shocking part. Listen to this.

Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith that was once delivered to the saints, of course.

"Concerning the Faith." "And he shall turn the Faith of the fathers, or the children, back to the fathers."

128 "Reprobate concerning the Faith." Uh! You know what reprobate means? If you got a Scofield Bible, there's a "h" there. Right up there, says, "apostasy." An apostasy, that's what it is.

129 Now, just a minute. I want to look up something here. I think I wrote this down right. I'm not sure, but I want to say it, and look it up before I--I say it. Now, just one minute. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] "Reprobates concerning the Truth, concerning the Faith." "The Faith," there is only one Faith. That's right. "Concerning the Faith, reprobates!"

Now I want to read Luke 18. Just a minute. You don't... You can put it down; you don't have to read it.

And he spake a parable unto them unto this end, that men ought to always pray, and not... faint;

Saying--saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, and regardeth not man:

And there was a widow in the same city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of my adversary.

And he would--and he would not for a while: but afterwards he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;

Yet because this widow trouble me, I will avenge her, lest by... coming she weary me.

And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.

And shall not God avenge his... elect, which crieth unto him day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?

I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

130 Now that's the question. Here is where I wanted to get to, in Revelations 10. We'll get to it in a few minutes, and another Scripture verse. He said, "In the days of the Message of the seventh angel, the mystery of God ought to be finished." Here is the question, is, if you follow in that line in this hour, will it be finished? "Will I find the Faith?" Will Malachi 4 be fulfilled in this time, "Restore the Faith of the children, back to the Faith of the fathers, the original, the Word"? See?

131 "Reprobates, Jambres and Jannes, as they withstood." Now, also, listen, Second Timothy 3:8. "As Jan-... withstood Moses, also in the last days these same reprobates would come," now see where It says here, "having a form of godliness," anointed ones. Now let's just... You go back and--and read it when you get home, so that I can finish out this, this morning, if I can. "Reprobates concerning..." Not reprobates in--in--in living; they're fine, cultured man.

132 Now notice when Moses went down to Egypt, with a message of THUS SAITH THE LORD, and was vindicated; called on Israel, which was a people, not a church. Israel was a people; they never was a church. Cause, the word church means "called-out ones." They were the people of God. Then when they become anointed under the Word, and called out, they become the church of God. And then backslid, because they believed not the Word of God, and listened to a false prophet. I hope that sinks in.

Israel, being a people of God, come out under the hand of God, anointed with the Word... with the Power of God, seen the signs and wonders of God. And then when God was moving on with them, a false prophet come in, anointed, and taught something contrary to the original Word of God that they had heard; and every one of them perished in the wilderness, besides three people. Now hold it.

133 "As it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls were saved by water, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." "As it was in the days of Lot, where three came out of Sodom, so shall it be in the time when the Son of man shall be revealed." I'm only quoting Scripture, the Lord's Word, which, "Heavens and earth will pass away..." It'll be a minority!

134 Notice here. Moses goes down to Aaron. Moses was to be God. God told him to be God, said, "You be God, and let Aaron your brother be your prophet. You put the words in his mouth if you can't speak well." Said, "But who made man dumb? Who made man to speak?" The Lord did.

And he walked down there. What did he do? He performed a true and just miracle that God told him to do. God told him to, "Go cast your rod down." Picked it up, and it was a serpent. He picked it up, and turned back to a rod. Said, "Go do that before Pharaoh, and say, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD.'"

135And when Pharaoh saw this, we say, "Why, what a cheap magician trick." Said, "There's nothing to it. It's mental telepathy or something, you know. We got guys in our organization can do the same thing. 'Come here, Bishop So-and-so. And, you, you come out here.' We got them can do the same thing." That was Satan talking through Pharaoh.

That was God talking through Moses.

136 But watch this fellow come out. Jannes and Jambres walked out before Moses, and publicly before the people, and performed every miracle that Moses could do. "They will deceive the very Elected if it's possible." That right? Performed the same thing that Moses did. You get it? Now remember, it's THUS SAITH THE SCRIPTURE, that it'll repeat again in the last days.

What was the difference between Moses and Jambres?

Moses said, "Let blood come in the water."

And these false prophets said, "Sure, we put blood in the water, too." And it happened.

137So Moses said, "Let there come fleas." What was he getting it? Straight from God. See?

And what did he do? He said, "Well, sure, we can bring fleas, too." And they did it. Any miracle that Moses could do, they could do, too!

Remember, keep that in mind, we're coming to it, after a while. They can do anything the rest of them can do, but they can't stay with the Word. They can't stay with the Word.

138 Now notice, they did it. But Moses, the true sent-prophet from God, commissioned by God, he never fussed with them, said, "Here, you can't do that! You can't!" He just let them alone, just let them go on. They're organizational prophets, but go ahead.

Moses just went right on, listened to God. Whatever God said, "Now you do this," Moses went and done it. He done a new thing. When they did, each one of them had a sensation or something, here they come. They did it, too, just exactly like Moses did.

139 Now notice. These fellows appeared... Oh, you people, don't you miss this! These impostors, impersonators, appeared after the true one had went first. See? They come to impersonate. See, they have to. The devil cannot create anything; he just is a perverter of the original.

And what is sin? Is righteousness perverted. What is adultery? The right act perverted. What is a lie? The truth misrepresented. A perversion!

Look at Hananiah, a perversion of the original Word. Look at Balaam, a perversion of the original Word. Look at Zedekiah, the perversion of the original Word.

And the Bible said that these guys would come out, after the pervert... or to pervert the original Word vindicated and proved to be the Truth.

140 "Do the work of an evangelist," in that corner yonder, "make full proof of your ministry. For the time will come when they'll not endure sound Doctrine, but after their own lusts shall heap for themselves teachers, having itching ears; and go ahead and do anything they want to, and, 'It's all right, we got the same signs and wonders.' And shall be turned from the Truth, and be brought into fables, dogmas."

141 Oh, the awareness of the Holy Spirit, the awe that strikes a man's soul when he stops to think how real and plain it's right before us! Dig up that cornerstone out here and read a piece of paper that's put in there, thirty-three years ago. See what He said over yonder on--on Seventh Street, that morning when this cornerstone was laid. Now watch it. Watch down here on the river, when the Angel of the Lord came down in a form of a Pillar of Fire, hundreds of the churches, or peoples of the church, standing around on the bank; what He said, see if it's come to pass. See what's happened.

It's so hard. I know it looks hard, brethren, out there. But it's... The Bible said, Jesus said Himself, "It would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." No way around it. They'll never be able to see It. If it was possible, the very Elected would be deceived by it.

142 Notice, these fellows appeared after God's true anointed was sent; by His true prophet, Moses. And when Moses would do anything, they would impersonate it.

143 Now, brother, sister, I... This is my own church. I got a right to preach what I want to, as long as it's out of God's Word. And I ain't condemning you people, but let's just search that for the time and the hour that we're now living.

Greetings to Brother Ruddell, to Junior Jackson, and them out here, our brother churches. I forgot them, a while ago. I think they're hooked in this morning, too, because of no--no room in the church.

144 Just think of it now, just for a minute. They did the same miracles that Moses did. Moses brought fleas; they impersonated it and brought fleas. See?

God said, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die."

145Satan come around and said, "Surely, you'll not die. You'll just be wiser. You'll have a better organization, a better..." You know. "You know, everything will be better for you, have more Light." See, just a perversion. Ought...

And remember, THUS SAITH THE LORD, according to Second Timothy 3:18, that, "In the last days, that this Jambres and Jannes would be on the earth." Now, I want you to notice there is two of them, see, impersonators.

146Now we're going to get back to Sodom, after a while, them three's, find them three Angels that came down, and see the impersonation, and so forth, see, see which is right and wrong. See? See?

147 Notice, they did the same miracles. But, notice, they impersonated after the true Word had been anointed, by the true one that God had sent; followed, secondarily.

I wonder if we could think for a minute. Taking the people by the hand, not long ago, about twenty years ago, and a sign showed. Boy, there was more signs all over things, and everybody... One has got it in his right hand; one has got it in his left hand; the other one smells it. See, all kinds of... And I wonder... God won't let me tell you at this time what was really the truth, but one day you're going to find out. That was just to make their folly manifested. That wasn't right, at the beginning. I'll tell you, one day, if the Lord permits.

148 Notice, they did the same miracles, but they didn't... Notice, they didn't do it till after the original Word went forth, first. That's the way Satan done in the garden of Eden. That's the way he done all time. Who prophesied first? Moses. Who come on the scene first, Moses or Balaam? Moses. Who come on the scene first, Jeremiah or Hananiah? You see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

149Notice, they copied. Carnal impersonators, sincere, thinking they were "doing God a service," as David did, last week, but carnal impersonation. I'm just waiting a minute. I want you to think between these places. If I don't say it, surely the Holy Spirit will reveal it, especially to the Elected. See?

150 Pharaoh's denomination says, "We have man that can do that same thing," and they did it. See? Why did Pharaoh do this? Why did God permit it? Why would God send a true, anointed prophet down there to perform a sign before Pharaoh, and then let a denominational copy come around and copy it before the people? Why would He let an impersonator rise up to do it, and do the same thing exactly the genuine Spirit of God done? See, the Scripture must be fulfilled.

151 Notice, He did this so that He would harden the heart of Pharaoh and the Egyptians, to prove that Moses wasn't the only one that had the Word. They could do everything just the same as Moses could do.

And why did God let this thing happen in the last days? So, the same thing as the lying spirit said to Zedekiah, "How we going to get Ahab out there, to make these things come to pass?" How is He going to get these people, trusting in their churches, to get out here to let this thing come to pass, that He predicted? They, in this Laodicean Church Age, "Because thou saith thou art 'rich, and have need of nothing. I set as a queen.' Have nothing! Knowest thou not that you are miserable, wretched, blind? And I counsel to come buy of Me," He said, "oil and gold." Why did He do it?

152Why did He let this impersonation rise up in this last days, when these things are coming to pass by the true Word of God; and let impersonators come up and do the same thing, and deny the true Word of God? He did it for Moses. And Pharaoh did it against Moses; and those, Jannes and Jambres, did it against Moses. And the Bible said that it'll repeat again in the last days. Here we are. Now, if that ain't Scripture fulfilled, where is it at?

153 Did Moses fuss at them and say, "Here! Here! You can't do that. I'm the only one been ordained to do that. Here! You stop that, right now"? He just let them go.

Let them go on. Remember, the Bible said, "As their folly was made manifest, so will these in the last day be made manifest," when the Bride is raptured and taken into the sky. Notice.

154 Moses, the true manifested Word, never said nothing, just let it go. But He did that so He could harden the heart of Pharaoh, deceive Pharaoh.

He did that very same thing so He could deceive Ahab. And that one little guy standing there by himself, little Micaiah, telling them, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." Here stood another one, anointed, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." And contrary, one to another.

155 We stand today with THUS SAITH THE LORD, that the water baptism in the last days is to be in the Name of Jesus Christ. And another man stand and perform miracles, and, a trinitarian.

Show me the word trinity in the Bible. Show me where there's three Gods. Show me where there's such things as that. It's not in the Word of God. There is no such a thing as anybody ever baptized in the name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," using those titles. All these things, "Oh, it's all right, sisters. That's all right, just have long... your short hair. That's all right, you don't have to do this, that, or the other. Oh, that's nonsense, some old fogy."

But the Bible said! And He promised, "In the last days, He would send the Spirit of Elijah, and would call the people, the children of God, back to the original Faith like it was in the beginning, of the Word." That Word was confirmed, the Son of man in the last days, the same as it was at Sodom; yesterday, today, and forever. He promised to do it. It's God's promise. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD.

156 Notice, they did the same thing, just as Moses did, until God got enough of it.

Now remember, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, it'll come to pass in this day. Now, search over the world; take every cult, take every clan, take every man, take every church! I charge you, in Christ's Name, to do this, you preachers. I charge you to read the newspapers or take consideration anywhere you want to go, and see if it isn't on the earth right now. See?

Then, Matthew 24:24 is exactly right. "False, anointed ones will rise in the last days, and will be false prophets, and shall deceive many." Watch it in the types now, as it comes now, see, "Shall deceive many." "Prophets," plural; "Christs," anointed's, plural; many different ones, the Methodist, you know, and Baptist, and the Pentecostal, and so forth. See?

But there is one genuine Christ, Spirit, and that's the Word made flesh as He promised to do it.

Now we'll move on just a little further, to some more Scriptures.

157Until, God got enough of it, then it was over. Their folly was made manifest.

158 Notice. Remember, the shuck looks exactly like the wheat grain. See? Now, you couldn't say, back there in the Lutheran age, "the stalk was the wheat," yet it's got the Life in it. Stalk is alright, the Life in the stalk was alright, but, remember, the Life advanced on; advanced from Elisha to Elijah. The Life keeps advancing on. But, remember, it's in another stage. It can't remain in that stage. We can't eat the a carrion of some other age. We can't eat Pentecostal a carrion, Methodist, or Baptist. See, it's become a carrion. We have fresh Food, the Word of this hour, so forth.

159 Remember, the shuck is exactly like the grain of wheat. You can't... It didn't look like it in the blade, it didn't look like it in the tassel, but it sure did in the shuck. Didn't look like in the... Jesus Christ the same yesterday, in Luther; didn't look like it in Wesley; but it sure does in Pentecost, a "deceive the very Elected if it was possible." See? There is your ages.

160 But remember, that Pentecostal church, in the last days, was the Laodicea; and Christ was turned out, the Kernel, the Wheat, Itself. When He tried... Remember, when He tried to manifest Hisself in the church, He was taken out. It was still a church, claimed to be; anointed.

But here is the Word, Christ Himself, that's the anointed Word which shall come for the rest of His Body, the Bride. The anointed, of the same water that watered the wheat, as we talked about, also waters the tarers, anointed ones. Only the Elected, or predestinated, will be able to detect the difference between them. Now, Ephesians 5:1 tells you so, and about how it was.

161 They are anointed ones. Everybody say, "Glory to God! We got freedom down here. Hallelujah! We... Oh, hallelujah! We speak in tongues, and jump. We got freedom of the women; you people try to put them under all these kind of things." See? Go ahead. There ain't nothing you can do. Say, "Well, we speak in tongues. We shout. We dance in the Spirit. We preach the Word." Absolutely. Not a thing to say against it. So do these men back here in the Bible.

Jesus said, "It'd deceive the very Elected if it was possible, the very Elected."

162 Now notice the shuck. From the original Grain, Grain that went in the ground, It was not no organization. It was one Grain, in Itself. But when it come up, it was not a Grain; it was an organization, see, leaves, corn.

Then It went into another stage, which was a tassel. Still it wasn't like the beginning. It was an organization.

It went into the shuck, many leaves, Pentecost, almost shaped out now. Look at it. It's taking shape all the time, almost exactly like the same, looks exactly like a Grain of wheat when you see that little hull there.

But finally It's manifested, and no organization. There is no more carriers. Organization is just a carrier. No more carriers; the stalk must die, the shuck must die, the everything else must die, but the wheat lives on. That's the body of the resurrection, comes right down and picks them up. "They which are last will be first, and they which are first will be last." See, picks them right up in the resurrection. Are you following this? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Notice, the grain is...

163 The shuck looks exactly like the grain. And a man raising a wheat farm, or something another, would look and say, "Praise God, I got a crop of wheat," when he ain't got one speck of wheat. It looks just exactly like the wheat, but it's the shuck.

164 Now, friends, go back with me. Where is the first revival come, after (the death) the days when the grain of wheat had to fall in the ground, the Body, the Bride of Christ? Christ organized His Bride, is that right, His Church? He never organized It; He just set apostles, and prophets, and so forth, in the Church, to keep It clean. But at Nicaea, Rome, three hundred and six years later, they organized it and made an organization out of it. Is that right? And it died. Everything that didn't agree with that church was put to death. And it laid still, for hundreds of years, in the dirt.

But, after a while, up she come in Luther. The first little sprigs of corn come up. The second, it budded out from there. They went on, had Zwingli and so forth, and the other organizations and so forth. Then, after a while, come the Anglican along.

And then what happened? Here come Wesley along with a new revival, the tassel, that looks a little more like the Wheat. Then what happened to that? It organized, and dried up and died.

The Life went right into a shuck, and the shuck come forth almost perfectly like the Wheat. But, finally, its folly was made manifest in the last eight or ten years, especially in the last three years. Now what does it do? Pull away from the Wheat.

165 Now why hasn't there been an organization start up in these last twenty years of this great revival; it's anointed prophets, anointed teachers, so forth, but why ain't there? There is nothing beyond the Grain. See, It's back, without an organization. Oh, my, a blind man could see that. It cannot organize; It's so firmly against it. It's the grain of Wheat, Itself. The Son of man will be made manifest. The grain of Wheat will come back to Itself again, the Son of man in the last days.

"And there will come false, impersonations of It, in the last days, that'll almost deceive the Elected if possible." Look at their organizational shucks pulling away now.

166 It only lets the Wheat be known, to the Elected, which are part of It. Notice how beautiful this is brought in here now. Only the... Notice, the anointed ones be able; the true, Elected, predestinated, Ephesians 5:1, or 1:5, rather, will be ordained, elected. They are the only ones that it will not deceive.

Notice, the anointed prophets will be false, and there among it will be true anointed. How you going to tell it? By the Word. Like, we have it in shadow. Do you see it? Say, "Amen. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

167 Notice, the anointed ones, only the Word will separate them, not the signs. Oh, no. They'll do the same signs, but the Word what's separated them. Sure. They all prophesied. They all done this, that, and the other, sure, just the same. Jesus said they'd do the same thing. But the Word is what separated them, notice, not signs.

168Did you notice? Jesus said here, in Matthew 24. He didn't say, "There shall rise false Jesuses in the last days." Oh, no, they would never stand still for that. No. You get a Pentecostal that's a real Pentecostal, say, hisself, he is "Jesus"? See? You get a false Methodist, or a Baptist, or somebody like that, or one of the organizations, say, "We are Jesus"? They know better than that. They ain't going to do that. But the Bible said they would be "false Christs," not Jesuses, but, "false Christs." They wouldn't recognize, say, "I'm Jesus." Oh, no.

169 But they're "false Christs," and don't know it, because they're contrary to the Word. And God vindicates the same. Now, I'm just bringing this right down to a showdown now, 'cause you've seen the same thing done by these people that's been done in the real. And Jesus said so.

170Now, as I've said, now to you people out on, in the telephone land there, I--I'm not condemning you, but this is my church and--and my group that the Holy Spirit set me over, and I've got to tell them the Truth. The hour is getting late.

171 Now, they would not stand for that, but, "false Christs," false, anointed ones, almost with every sign and every letter of the Word. "They believe baptism of the Holy Ghost?" Absolutely. "Believe in all this?" Yep. "Believe in speaking in tongues?" Yep. "Believe signs and wonders follow, signs will follow them?" Yep. That's not Methodists, that's not Baptists. No, no. That's Pentecostals. See, this is the last days.

Now, the first church age would never noticed that. Methodist church age never noticed it; Baptist church age, they never noticed it; Presbyterian church age, they never noticed it. But, the Pentecostal, so close like the real Thing! That's where, the Wheat, the shuck is almost like the Wheat. They would never notice it. See? They wouldn't. But it's the last days, this day. Yes, sir.

172 Notice, just like it was at the beginning, so will it be at the end. As Eve just misinterpreted one Word, Satan did to Eve, and she believed it. She, not he; the church, not Him. See? The church was the one that got the false word. See? Not Adam; Eve. Not the Christ; the church, the bride, the anointed, supposed to be, calls herself the Bride, see, she got the false word.

Can't you see that? Why, it laces together like a shoestring, like the lashes on your eye. Why, everything you'll turn to, the Bible, It just lashes it right together. Eve, not Adam; Eve believed it, not Adam. The bride today, so-called, believed it; not the Christ. The bride has all kinds, so-called bride; same signs, same wonders, same everything; but not the real One. See? "Deceive the Elected if it was possible."

Now quickly, if we can get this finished in fifteen minutes, we'll be on time. Notice real close now, so you won't--you won't be misunderstanding, to you.

173 Now, no, they wouldn't stand to be called "false Jesus." They wouldn't be, stand to call, "Jesus." Certainly not. That's too plain. Anybody would know that. Anyone would know they wasn't Jesus. I don't care if they had oil on their back, and blood on their hands and up-and-down their eyes, they still know it's... Anybody that's got good sense, knowed it wasn't Jesus. See? They wouldn't stand for that. But they call themself "the anointed." And they do signs and wonders, "almost to deceive the Elected." "But false Christs, anointed ones, shall arise, and shall deceive the Elected if it were possible."

174 Now watch closely. Don't miss this statement, because it's worthy to listen.

He's just putting some tape on this microphone here, keep it from flying up. I've been perspiring; dropped on the tape, you see.

175And so it'll be just like It, the Bible, said it would be. See?

176 Notice, not false Jesuses. "False Christs!" They believe they're anointed, but they know they're not Jesus. See, that's too plain. If man went up and said, today, "Look at the scars in my hand. Look at on my brow. I am Jesus." Well, now, we know that that's wrong. And, remember, Jesus never said that them guys would appear. He said there would appear "false Christs." "Christs," plural, denominations, and so forth, anointed ones; anointed with a denominational spirit, and not the Word. You follow it? Not false Jesus. "False Christs," false, anointed ones. See? Oh, how plainly! How we... Surely you won't miss it!

177 Now, remember, I've always told you there is three classes of people. There is three races of people; Ham, Shem, and Japheth, three races. Three classes, and I said, that is the believer, make-believer, and unbeliever. It's always been, always will be. See? There was Moses, the believer; there was Jannes and Jambres; the unbelievers. See? There was Balaam; Moses... Always that three classes of people, three classes; believer, make-believer, and unbeliever.

178Now remember, the unbeliever, the denominational church, don't believe in any signs at all; cold, formal, starchy, the church in the world, the denomination. But the make-believer is that shuck. That's the guy that makes-believe. And then there is a real believer that's really true. Now, watch them as they go along now, just for a minute.

179 And notice how bold these unbelievers are, or these make-believers and unbelievers. My! They're bold, look, even as Satan stood right up in the Presence of the true Word, and said, "It's written!" Is that right?

Why did Satan do that? Is because he didn't know the Word for that... He knew the Word was for that hour, but he doubted this humble little Man being that Word. "If Thou be the Son of God. I know the Son of God is coming, because It said He would do that. And it's written, 'He'll give His Angels charge over Thee.' See? Prove it to me! Do a miracle! Let me see You do it." See? See?

See, the unbeliever, make-believer, impersonator. Look at Judas right among them, the same time, make-believer! See? Notice, and there was the true Word.

180 How bold they are! "Now, don't pay any attention to that nonsense. There is nothing to It. Don't go up there. It's just a bunch of noise. There is nothing to That. That's just all fiction. That's in your mind." See, see what I mean? Stand right in the Presence of the Word and say it.

181Satan walked right in. As the Bible said over here in Jude, "Even the Archangel, when disputing with Satan, said, 'The Lord rebuke you.'" Against the Word Itself!

And here is the antichrist, the anointed, standing right here against the genuine Word of the day, Jesus Christ, and said, "It's written."

182 Look at the last days. "It'd be so close it'd deceive the very Elected if it was possible." Oh, my! The reason the Elected won't be deceived, you know why? Is because they are the Word. See? Just like the Life that's in the root, I said a while ago, It can't deny Itself. See, It is the Word and in the season of the Word. That's right.

183Just like Jeremiah, he knew. No matter what Hananiah said, he knowed where he was at. And that's exactly like Moses did, and--and the rest of them. That's, he knowed, no matter what the false prophet said, there was the Word of God. It was written.

That's the reason Micaiah could say, "All right, you just wait and see."

Ahab said, "I believe my prophets. My organization is right. When I come back in peace... Put that fellow back yonder in the prison. I'll take care of him! Give him bread of sorrow. Turn him out, don't have no fellowship with him at all. When I return in peace, we'll take care of that guy."

184Micaiah said, "If you return at all, the Lord hasn't spoke to me." He knowed he had THUS SAITH THE LORD, and his vision was exactly with THUS SAITH THE LORD; not for some other season, but for that season. Amen! Hallelujah! The season!

185Bold, stand up and dispute with a Archangel! It's been said, that, "Fools will trod with hobnail shoes where Angels fear to walk." That's right.

186 The reason the Elected, Jesus said, won't be deceived, because they are that Word. They can't be nothing else. They can't hear nothing else. They don't know nothing else. That's right.

Remember, Moses wasn't carried away with all their impersonations. Was he? Moses said, "Now, wait a minute, Pharaoh. You know what? The Lord told me to do this, but, glory to God, I see that your boys can do the same thing. So, tell you what I'll do, I'll join up with you"? Huh! That don't sound like a prophet of God. No, indeed! He stood just as firm as he could stand. He knowed, exactly, God would take care of it somehow, 'cause He promised to. "I'll be with you. I'll not leave you."

187 He knowed, so he didn't join up with them. Oh, no. He stayed right with them. He didn't want none of their denominations. He stayed right with God. He wasn't carried away by all the things they could do. When they did one thing... He brought lice; they brought lice. He brought blood; they brought blood. He brought everything; they impersonated him every way, right along. He just stood still. He knowed exactly what. God was on the job.

You understand now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You take two and two, and make four? ["Amen."] You don't want to scorch too hard. So, so you--you understand, see.

188Why? They won't be deceived by it. The real believer, they are predestinated Seed that should stand in the day.

189 Just, also, Jesus said this, "Many will come in that day, in My Name, and say, 'Lord, have not I cast out devils in Thy Name?'" Jesus said, "At the end days, when the time is all over and the great resurrection come, that many will come and set down in the Kingdom." The Kingdom of God is within you.

Many, the weeds will come and set right down with the Wheat, say, "Now, wait a minute, Lord! I spoke in tongues. I shouted. I danced in the Spirit. I cast out devils. I spoke with tongues. I done all these things."

What'd He say? Notice. "You workers of iniquity, I never even knew you."

190 What is iniquity? Ask somebody. It's "something that you know you ought to do, and you won't do it." They know that Word. They hear It. You're listening to this tape. You're listening to this Message. You see the Lord God say so; you see Him confirm it, make it true. And you know This just as plain as the sun is shining outside, but you that'll hold onto your denomination, hold onto those false things; you worker of iniquity!

"Oh, yes, I had great campaigns. I done this. I done that."

Said, "You depart from Me, you worker of iniquity, I never knew you."

191"Well, the Holy Ghost fell on me." I don't doubt that a bit. "I spoke in tongues. I sang in the Spirit. I done..." I don't doubt that a bit. No question to that. Oh, brother, sister, what kind of a condition!

This is a trembling time. Where we at? This Word is coming to Life now. Notice.

192 Yeah, He said they would do that. Notice, "You workers of iniquity." I got a Scripture writ down here. I don't know just where it was. I've took so much time. I'm going to look it up, just a minute, and see what it was. I got--I got Matthew 7:21. I--I just don't know where. I, sometimes I don't jot something down with it, well, I--I preaching like this, I--I forget what I was referring to on the Scripture. Matthew 7:21.

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Many shall say unto me in that day, Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied...

Prophets, anointed ones! That right? "Wasn't we a prophet? Wasn't we anointed, anointed one? Have not I prophesied in Thy Name? And in Thy Name have not I cast out devils?" How can you do that, and refuse to be baptized in Jesus' Name? See? Oh, my! See how deceiving? Right up to that very point, then drop back. They go right up to the Word, then drop back. Now watch this. We get this out, just a minute.

Many will say unto me... Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied, we been prophets?...

Yeah, I spoke of that in Matthew 24:24.

... and in thy name... cast out devils? and in thy name done many wond-... many works?

And then will I confess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.

"When It was put right before you and you seen It, and seen It moving, seen It was the Word; and for your denominational sake, you was held into it. I never even knew you. I don't care how many devils you cast out, how many you did this and that; I knew nothing about you."

Balaam said, "I prophesied right, in Your Name. It come to pass."

193"That's exactly right, but, when it come to the Word, you refused It."

Oh, brother, see the deceiving part? Not "prophet," exactly; but with the Word, true Word, vindicated Word made manifest. "You workers of iniquity!"

194 Try, Satan has tried in all ages to impersonate the true Word. We know that, don't we?

195 Notice, come up to the borderline and quit. Looky here, He said, in Hebrews the 6th chapter, now, we was reading a while ago. I told you refer back to it, and we will for the next couple minutes. He said:

... but thorns and thistles... which is nigh unto rejection; whose end is to be burned. (Borderline!)

... ye who have tasted... the heavenly gift,...

"Tasted," other words, you seen It! You can't [Brother Branham smacks his lips togther--Ed.] just taste It with your mouth. But you seen It, and you knew It was the Truth. You knowed It was the Truth. "Tasted the Heavenly gift."

... and made partakers of the Holy Spirit, as It fell upon you,

... tasted of the good word of God,...

"Tasted," you seen It was right. "And the Holy Ghost falling upon you," the weed in the field.

... and then turn away,...

"Denying the very Christ that sanctified you, and called you, and put that anointing upon you."

... there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin, for that.

It's unpardonable! "It's impossible for them to ever come to the knowledge of the Truth."

For it is impossible for those who were... made partakers of the Holy Spirit,

Fell upon the weeds, see, "Started in with Jesus, and, 'Lord, I'm going through,'" but when you hit the Word, you turn back. "Made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and even tasted, or seen the Word Itself manifested." And then turn away from It, "It's totally impossible for them to ever see It or come to It."

That's THUS SAITH THE SCRIPTURE. Now, you... "Heavens and earth will pass away, but It won't." You see it? "Totally impossible." The Bible said so, and the Spirit bears record of it.

196 Notice, let me give you a little example. Look at those people who come out under Moses' prophecy, come out of that organization, and come out of everything, under the prophecy, saw the great works and wonders, and things like that, and come up to the borderline of going in.

Now, Lee, there comes your "name on the Book." See? You've got it fixed out. And you that's not here, and out in the--on the hook-ups, it's Doctor Lee Vayle setting here. He is grammarizing this book of the Seven Church Ages. And the problem come up, or the question, about your "name taken off the Lamb's Book of Life." See, it's puzzled a lot of ministers. But wait till you get the book, you'll understand it if you just got any Light in you. See?

197Notice, now, you'll turn your head and won't even look at It if you don't want to see It. Like my mother used to say, "You can't get blood from a turnip, 'cause there's no blood in it."

198 Notice, the Light has to come; it's not in darkness. The Light comes to the darkness, and the darkness perceives It not. Notice now the anointed ones in this day.

As Moses brought out those children of Israel; and they listened and got all confused with that great nation up there. Now, Israel was interdenominational. It had no land, had no home. It was going to a home.

We have no church. We're no... We're--we're going to a Church, the Church of the Firstborn, the Church that's in Glory; not the church that's on earth, by a man. The Church that's in Glory, the called-out ones, predestinated to Eternal Life, see, going to their Home.

And when they come up to the place to cross over, they doubted the Word, and come back. After Joshua and Caleb and them had went over and brought back a bunch of grapes, to prove to them the land was there, the Word of God's promise, "It's a good land, milk and honey." And brought it back, on this side, to prove it to them. And they tasted of it, and said, "Oh, oh, we can't do it, though." What happened? They perished in the wilderness. They stayed right there and organized themselves, and died, every one of them.

But the ones that went over and brought back, Joshua and Caleb; Moses was translated. A type of the waiting for the Church; and the resurrection of the Old Testament, New Testament; and the raptured Body. See the three there? Have to keep them three's in line, see, so, in the believer and unbeliever. See?

199 Notice how it was "totally." Remember, God never did forgive that sin. Now how they going to come in? If it's thorns, to begin with, it's thorns at the end. Only the predestinated will see It.

200 Notice closely now. Just like in the days of Saint Martin, right before the Dark Ages; a godly little man. How many ever read the writings of Saint Martin? Many of you have. We went down to get the writings of Saint Martin; the priest said, "But he wasn't canonized." Sure, he wasn't; not by them, but he was by God. The Holy Spirit told us to put him there on that third church age. See?

201 Look what a godly little man he was; called, predestinated. His parents, heathen. His daddy, a soldier. He had to follow his line, to be a soldier. And, when he did, and always believed that there was a God somewhere; a man of the woods, and could see God. One day he passed by a city, and there was an old bum laying there, dying, asking somebody... He was cold that night. "Oh," said, "give me something to cover me up; I'll die tonight."

202 Nobody would do it. And Martin stayed off to one side and watched him for a while. Nobody would do it. He only had one coat. He'd freeze, hisself, he was on duty, if he--he give him that coat. So he thought, "Both of us have a chance to live if I'll divide with him." So he took his own coat, and split it in two with his saber, and wrapped the old bum in it. He wrapped his own coat around.

Everybody said, "Look what a funny-looking sentry. Look what a funny-looking soldier, half a coat wrapped around him!"

203 The next night, when he was off of duty and laying in his bed, he was woke up. Looked, standing there in the room, and there stood Jesus Christ wrapped in that old piece of garment that he put around him. He knowed right then, "What you do unto My little ones, that you have done unto Me, to My anointed," laying there.

He was a great servant of God. The church made fun of him, persecuted him, kicked him out, and everything else, but he was a prophet of God. What he said come to pass. There's many believed him in that age, too.

204 I want to show you how deceiving the Devil is. One day he was setting in his study. Up come a mighty angel, crown on his head, golden shoes on, lace around his garments of gold, and said, "Martin, do you know me?" He said, "I am your Lord and Saviour. I'm the One that saved you. Worship me, Martin." But that prophet, knowing there was a little something strange there, he kept looking at him. He said, "Martin, I am your Saviour, Jesus Christ. Worship me! Don't you know me, Martin?"

205Martin kept looking at him, the Scripture running through his mind. He said, "Satan, get away from me." He said, "You got a crown on your head. And the Word of God says His 'saints will crown Him' at the end of the age."

Wouldn't that have been Pentecostal bait? Watch that Word, brother. That's where it pays.

206 One day, again, in the monastery, they had an old saint down there, bunch of young monks. There was one of them kind of irritable. Watch this, here is a good--a good parable today. He wanted to be something above the rest of them. He wanted to show hisself, authority, bigger something, something better, all class, you know, and great big something. He had to be classical. Always wanted the other brethren not... You know, he had to be different. See? He, no matter what it was, he was very arrogant. He was the only pebble on the beach. There was nobody could touch him. Now watch what happened. He had to have something big. He had to compare with the--the big societies. You follow me? See? So, he said, he prophesied. He said, "The Lord has made me a prophet, also. I'm a prophet."

Now, there was one identified prophet in the land, and that was Saint Martin; he was born a prophet.

207 But this kid said, young fellow said, young monk about twenty-five years old. He said, "The Lord has made me a prophet, and I'm going to prove it to you." Said, "Tonight the Lord is going to give me a big, fine robe, put it upon me, a white robe, and set among you. Then all of you shall come up to me, see, and you'll take orders from me."

208Now compare that today, see, "I'll be the head of the organization. I'll take care of you, rest of you monks."

And sure enough, "That night, a lights come on in the building," so the writing of Saint Martin says. Read it. And it's authentic. It's history. And the lights come on, and all the rest watched, and here come... He had on a white robe, standing among them. He said, "See what I told you?" But that's contrary to the Word.

209 And when he went and got the old dean of the college, he walked up-and-down a little bit, said, "Son, that don't sound right." He said, "There's only one way." Here it is! "There's only one way for us to know. It looked supernatural." Boy, Pentecost would have grabbed that, root, sinker, line, hook, and everything else! He said, "The miracle may seem all right, but it don't seem right to the Word. Now, we have such a person, an anointed prophet, by the name of Martin. Come, go up before him."

The guy said, "No, no! Martin ain't got nothing to do with this."

210And said, "You're going, anyhow." And they grabbed him by the arm, to take him before Martin, and the robe left him.

211 See, "Deceive the Elected if it were possible." See, they know them. Jesus said, "My sheep know My Word."

"Oh," you say, "'hear My "Voice."'"

That's His Word. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word." See? The predestinated knows this. "A strange word, or a strange voice, they won't follow."

That's the way with those fellows back there; they wouldn't follow. They knowed that Martin was there, a prophet of that age, identified by God through the Word, knowed the Word. And that man wouldn't stand before It.

212 He also said, "Where the Carcase is," or the Word, "there, in season, the eagles will be gathered." Now that's Matt-... You want to put that down, that's Matthew 24:28. Just a little bit before, Matthew 24:24; four verses below it, see, if you want to get it. "Where the Carcase is," the Manna is, the Word is, "there the eagles will be gathered."

213 Now I must hurry. I looked up there and seen what time... It's--it's seven minutes or eight minutes after twelve. I'll hurry real quick, or we can finish it up tonight, either one you want to do it. This morning or tonight? Huh? How many has to go home today after the service, let's see your hand, see. Oh, my, better keep on!

I'm sorry to hold them people on them phones out there like that, but I'll hurry. It's worth more than your money. I believe it is, to me, see. Your money will perish. This won't; It's the Word. See?

214 "Where the Carcase is, there the eagles will be gathered." Where the Carcase, where the--the--the killing is, there the eagles will be gathered. Where the fresh Meat is, the Word of the season, there the eagles will gather.

But after it's rottened, then the vultures will swarm to it. Yeah. See what I mean? When a kill is made, here comes the eagles; but after it lays there, and rotten, then here comes the vultures. The eagle won't have nothing to do with it. See?

Jesus said, "Where the Carcase is," where the Manna fell, the night the Manna falls fresh, "there the eagles will gather for It." That's the Manna for the day. See? Notice.

215 But after it gets rotten, maggots get in it, then here comes the vultures. They can't smell it till it gets rotten. No wonder Jesus stood up there and said, "Jerusalem, you that stoned every prophet!" Notice that personal pronoun, see, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I..." Who was He? "How oft would I have gathered you as a hen would her brood, you that stoned every prophet I ever sent to you," that great church, Jerusalem.

216 The Jerusalem which not here on earth, "but we are of the Jerusalem of Above," where the Word come from, from predestination, see. Not old Jerusalem that perishes; the New Jerusalem that can't perish. Not the old Jerusalem, was built by man; but the New Jerusalem built by God, see, the Word up there now being made manifest. "In My Father's house are many mansions. I'll go and prepare them for you," the Creator making the streets of gold, and so forth. That's the One that doesn't perish.

217 "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I," from the beginning of time; not a third Person, somebody else, but, "I would have hovered you as a hen did her brood, but you would not. But now your hour is come." See?

"Where the Carcase is, the eagles will gather." But after the carcase is rotten, then the buzzards gather. See?

218 Notice. Moses, he never give the children of God... Moses was an eagle, and he never give the children of God Noah's leftovers. He had the fresh Word of God. "The Lord God met me in the wilderness, and confirmed His Word, and sent me down here to call you out." Then there come impersonators around, impersonating it. See? But he had the Word of the hour.

Cause, God said to Abraham, the one who had the promise, "Your seed shall sojourn in a strange land, four hundred years, but I'll visit them and take them out with a mighty hand."

219 Moses said, "Now, the Lord God will speak to me and show me, and has told me what to do, and I'll tell you." Said, "'I AM' sent me."

"I AM!" Not "I was, or will be." "I AM," present tense, the Word now. Not the Word that was, or Word that will come; the Word that's now. See? You get it? "I AM!" "I AM" is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God." Is that right? "I AM." "God sent me as His prophet, to vindicate this to be true. I am the answer to this Word, told me come down here and do this."

220And when he did it, Pharaoh said, "Well, we got plenty of boys in our group can do that, too," impersonators.

Jesus said, "Now, that's going to repeat again in the last days," see, claiming the same thing. Watch who come down first. Watch who stayed with the Word. That's it. That's how it's known, so you see.

221 We notice, Moses never give them what was Noah's time, "We'll build an ark now, 'cause that's the Word, you know. Noah built an ark one day." No, vultures was eating on that. No, no. No.

222This is a promised Word. Notice, for his message he had from God, he had the genuine predestinated Word of God for that hour.

Neither did Jesus serve them Moses' leftover. Moses had the Word for that hour, but Moses was a prophet. Here is God Himself, see, He never served them Moses'--Moses' leftover.

But just look at the vultures there in that organization, was glutting over it. "We know! We got Moses! We don't have to have You."

223He said, "If you'd have knowed Moses, you would know Me, because Moses spoke of Me." Oh, my! See?

"Where the Carcase is, the eagles will gather." Eagles! The fresh kill of the Word, the Word that's raised up and fattened, and been made manifest and give out to the Food for the children.

Now, the old carcase that's laid there for hundreds of years, there it'll be.

Same now! Luther had a message of repentance; but, you bunch of Lutheran buzzards! Baptist had a message; but, you Baptist buzzards! See? The Pentecost had a message; coming home now, Pentecostal buzzards!

"But where the Carcase is, there the eagles will gather."

224 Remember, you couldn't feed a Lutheran, back in them days (you can now), Catholic a carrion. No, sir. He had fresh meat. That was that church age.

You couldn't feed Methodist, Lutheran message. Oh, no, he didn't want that a carrion. It's rotten. See, the Life had done left it and went into something else. That's the old stalk that's dead, back there. The Life is moving on.

Neither can you feed the Bride of Jesus Christ Pentecostalism. No, indeedy! Maggot-blowed organizations; nothing doing! No, no!

For the promise is, "And before that great and terrible day shall come, I'll send unto you Elijah the prophet. He will restore the hearts of the children back to the Faith of the fathers again." "All these promises had been made in the Bible, I will do it, and there the eagles will gather." "All that the Father has given to Me will come to Me." See?

225 Jesus never tried that. But when Jesus come, He found them swarms of vultures, "We got Moses and the law." See? Well, that was good eating way back yonder when it was killed and give to them. See, that was all right then.

But this is what was predicted to Moses, himself, that killed the sacrifice, said, "The Lord your God shall raise up among you, of your own brethren, a Prophet. It'll come to pass, that every one will not cling to that Prophet and what He says, will be cut off from amongst the people." And it was.

226Look how about six hundred different prophecies fulfilled right there, of the Old Testament, to Jesus Christ. "They pierced My hands and My feet." About, I forget how many was fulfilled in the last seven or eight hours of His life, all them prophets said, perfectly.

227 If I prophesied today that a certain thing would happen in a year from now, maybe I got--I got twenty percent chance for it to happen, whether it's right or wrong. And if I predicted that that would happen, and didn't say when, I got a smaller percent. If I predicted when it would happen, gives me a smaller margin. If I predicted the place it happened, it gives it still a smaller margin. If I predicted the... who it would be on, then I still got about one hundred thousandths of a margin it ever coming to pass, if it's not true.

And every Word, hallelujah, that was wrote of that Messiah, was fulfilled to the letter. Even till one day, reading the Scriptures, He stopped right in the middle of the sentence, and said, "The Spirit of God is upon Me to preach the Gospel, and deliver the..." And stopped right there in the middle of the sentence, because the rest of it's at His second Coming. Amen! "Heavens and earth will pass away; My Words shall not." See?

228 He was the Word then, that was feeding them then. Moses told them the Truth; but, you see, they always make a denomination out of it, for the vultures to...

There is some of It left after the eagles has done eat and gone home. Then they're waiting to see something else. "The Word," they say, "here It's supposed to come. We had caribou yesterday; we have sheep tomorrow." See what I mean? "There is old caribou carcase down there, gloating, but we got sheep coming today. Where's it at?" See what I mean? Angels' Food! The people that eat manna one day, if they tried to keep it over for the next day, it got contaminated. Don't you see all the types, how perfect? Same now!

229 Notice, the vultures of Jesus' day was also casting out devils; anointed ones on the old carcase. Is that right? They were casting out devils. Jesus said so.

And remember, they had prophets in those days. Caiaphas, the high priest, prophesied. How many knows that? Caiaphas prophesied. Notice the position of the weed in the field; it's watered by the same anointing. Why did the Bible say he prophesied? "Because he was high priest that year." A rotten scavenger, a weed and a thistle, setting among the Wheat; but the Spirit was upon him, the genuine Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit of God was upon him, to preach, prophesy, and foretell it to come to pass; and denied and crucified the very vindicated Word of the hour.

Oh, mercy, brother! How much longer do we have to say these things, see, how much more through the Scripture? I'll hurry. I got about ten pages here, of Scriptures, how proving all things. "The sun on the just and the unjust, the same."

230 Jesus said, to prove this. "If I cast out devils by the finger of God, by who does your children cast them out?" Now, they were casting out devils. They were prophesying. Is that right? But did not recognize Him being the Word of the hour, (why?) because He wasn't associated with them.

Now take Matthew 24:24, "False Christs," anointed ones, "will rise, and there'll be false prophets prophesying it," see, "and will deceive the very Elected if it was possible." You got it now?

231 Notice the children. "Who does the children... If I cast out devils by the Word of God," which, He was the Word of God, "who does your denominational children cast them out by?" Now, and God alone can cast out a devil, we know that, God alone. For, the strong man has to be stronger than the one in his house. They had power to do it.

You know, in the Revelations there, said he'd... that antichrist that raised in the last days, "Done signs and wonders, that even deceived those that dwelled upon the face of the earth, and deceived every one of them, Christians and all, whose names were not written in the Lambs Book of Life," answer to Matthew 24:24, "whose names were not written in the Lambs Book of Life from the foundation of the world."

That Life that was in the root of that--of that genuine orange tree, that come up through all those citrus and everything else, and passed on and put the fruit in top of the tree, above all the denominational grafts and branches. You got it? I'll hurry. The strong man...

232 Remember David now, he was honest, sincere, trying to do God a work, and wasn't ordained to do it.

"They," the anointed ones; but Jesus said, "They're teaching for Doctrine the interpretation (of the Scriptures) of man," see, not the Word of God, not His vindicated Word; teaching a historical Christ, see, something that was.

And the Bible said, "He is." "I AM," not "I was or will be." "I AM, right now." He's that Word that lives through here.

He was, in the beginning, He was in the... He was in the--the blades; He was in the tassel; He was in the shuck; but now He's in the Grain.

233 Now, you go back and try to live again? What if that Life took back down, you think that (left) Life would ever talk, go back after that old shuck is dried up, ever go back and live in it again? It never does. "For it is impossible for those which were once enlightened," and didn't move on with the Word as it come to pass, "they are dead, gone; and the thorns and thistles which is nigh unto rejection, whose end is to be burned." Is that right?

Now hurrying just as quick as I can.

234 Notice the Scripture now. Teaching a historical God, see, just like they're trying to live in the past, like, "Well, Wesley said so-and-so. Or, So-and-so said so-and-so." You're refusing the promised Word of the day, the Manna that's clearly identified of the day. They try to put their old Lutheran, Baptist, Pentecostal wines in our new bottles. It don't work. And our new Wine, in their old bottles, won't work. If they try to put this new Wine in the denomination, their folly is made manifest. They can't do it. It blows her up.

235"Now, brother, I seen the Word of God, perfectly by the Word!"

"Now, look here, doctor, if... We--we can't have That." Ned, I think you've had some of that lately. "We, we just can't have That here now. I--I would rather that you maybe just go on." You know. See, it won't work. It blows up.

"You don't put a new piece of garment in an old garment, 'cause you make it all rent." See? Didn't Jesus say that? You can't put new Wine in old bottles. It blows them up. The new Wine has got Life in it. All right.

236 Notice here something, real quick now, while we're ending the... our talk. Notice Revelation 16:13 to 14, if you want to put that down. I won't have time maybe to go to it. I want you to be sure and see it. Now notice, this is the sounding between the Sixth and Seventh Vial.

237Now we'll--we'll close out just in a minute, if you can just bear a few minutes longer. Closing out now.

238Notice Revelation 16:13 to 14, between the Sixth and Seventh Vial, "Three unclean spirits like frogs" (did you notice that?) "went out of the mouth of someone." Now notice, quickly. Are you ready? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] A trinity of spirits!

239 Now denominational brother, set still just a minute. Don't get up and walk out of the room, back out there on this radio, telephone hook-up. Don't turn your tape recorder off. Set still just a minute, and listen. You're born of God, you will.

240 A trinity of frogs! A frog is an animal that always looks backward. He never looks where he's going; he looks where he's come from. See? Don't you see? Where was trinitarianism born at? Remember, "three unclean spirits," individual spirits. Are you getting it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

241Notice, they look back to the Nicaea Council where the trinity doctrine was born at, not in the Bible. There's no such a thing. They look back to the Nicaea Council at Nicaea, Rome, where the trinity was born at.

Notice where they come from. Notice. And the trinity of frogs came out of an old trinity, give birth to a new trinity, their mother. What'd it come out of? A trinity, "the dragon," see, "the beast," and "the false prophet." A trinity, new. For when were these frogs come out? When did it? Notice, they was there all the time, but it wasn't manifested until between the Sixth and Seventh Vial, just before the Seals opened to reveal it.

"For in the Message of the seventh angel, the mysteries of God would be known," all these trinitarian things, and false baptisms, and everything was to be made manifest. God help us to see what's Truth! And not think it's somebody trying to say something to...

242 I feel that spirit resenting That, you see. I'm not speaking of myself, brother. I'm speaking of the Angel of the Lord that's in the camp. That's exactly right.

243Notice, a trinity! "The dragon," how many knows what the dragon was? It was Rome. "And the dragon stood before the woman to devour her child as soon as it was born." That right? What does "beast" mean in the Bible? Power. All right. "False prophet, a false prophet," a false, anointed one. See?

244 Started where? This is "false prophet," singular. "False prophet," the first pope; and from there come out "the--the whore, and the mother of harlots," the whole thing.

A false trinity was rising; not in the early days, wouldn't be made manifest in the early days, it went right on through with it. But when the Seven Seals be come, and opened those mysteries and revealed them; that's when "the frogs, three unclean spirits like frogs, come out to manifest themselves," a trinity doctrine against the Truth. See? Huh!

See where it come from? See where it's going back to? Ecumenical Council. They're all brothers, anyhow; same spirits, same thing.

And watch. So deceiving, performing miracles! And these are devils that go forth to all the gods of the earth, working miracles, to deceive them in the last day, and will succeed in doing it. What did God say about that evil spirit?

Said, "I'll go down and get in the mouth of those prophets and cause them to prophesy a lie, to cause Ahab to come out there to be destroyed."

245 God said, "Go. You will succeed. You will get them to believe it. They're not on that Word, to begin with." See? "Go, for you will persuade him. You'll be the one will do it, when you get in them false prophets, 'cause he's relying right on them. And he don't know nothing about the Word, neither will he try to learn about It. He can't do it, because he's a thistle, to begin with." See? See? "You'll succeed."

246 Look here at these false frogs, looking back, "Why, you know what they said back there at Nicaea?"

I don't care what they said about, there at Nicaea. I'm saying what they said up here at the Throne of God; what would be, not what was; what will be, for He is "I AM." See?

"False." Look at that. Huh! Notice where they come from.

247 Now listen closely. We see plainly, after the Seven Seals has been opened, that's to reveal that mystery. What is that trinity? See? Where was it ever called trinity? See? Where in the Bible did It even speak the word trinity? Where could there be three Gods, that we worship three Gods and not be heathens?

How can they be separate, when He said, "I and My Father are One"? "Except you believe that I am He, you'll perish in your sin, see, your unbelief." Sin is unbelief. "You'll perish in your unbelief."

Oh, who do you say that I am, from whence did you say that I came,

Oh, do you know My Father, or can you tell His Name?

I AM the Rose of Sharon, the Bright and Morning Star.

Can you tell me Who He is?

I AM that spoke to Moses in the burning bush of Fire,

I AM the God of Abraham, the Bright and Morning Star.

I AM the Rose of Sharon, oh, whence did you say that I came;

Oh, do you know My Father, or can you tell His Name? (Amen!)

I AM Alpha, Omega, the Beginning from the End;

I AM the whole creation, and Jesus is His Name.

248 That's right. No trinity! No, sir. That's a false thing.

The Seven Seals, opening those mysteries that "should be finished," shows up. Seal opened; disposes, shows up, makes plain the hidden Truths that the Seals had hid all these years, through all those churches and denominations.

"The great whore," of Revelation seven-... Who was she? But she is "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS," also. See?

249 "Now, you called them 'vultures,'" you say, "Brother Branham." That's right.

But, remember, a vulture is a bird. He is anointed to fly, also. "The two spirits be so close it'd deceive the Elected..." A vulture is as big as a--as an eagle. He could fly like that eagle; and is anointed to fly, or to preach, or to prophesy, notice, as same as the eagle. But he can't follow the eagle in height. No, no. If he tries to follow the eagle, his follies will be made manifest. Yes, sir. He can't follow the eagle.

Oh, he can say, "I believe in Jesus Christ being the Son of God. I believe God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heavens and earth; Jesus Christ His Son, and so forth." Oh, sure, they can do that. But what about Him being the same yesterday, today, and forever? See?

250 A eagle is a special-built bird. There is nothing like him, on the earth. See? He--he... If a buzzard try to follow him, or any other bird, he would disintegrate. His follies would be made manifest, sure enough. He would blow up when he'd try to put the new Wine in an old bottle. See, he would blow up. He would disintegrate. He ain't made, he ain't... His body isn't put together with the structure to hold him up there. When he gets in them great spheres up yonder, if he wasn't made, ordained, predestinated, born eagle, he'll bust to pieces. See? The feathers would fly out of his wings, and he'd fall to the earth. Sure. He can't follow the eagle, in height. If he tries to, his folly will be made manifest. That's right. You can't.

251 Why? He can't see like the eagle. What good does it do to try to jump real high, and can't see where you're at when you're up there? And if he should try, even try to impersonate this eagle, in heights, he becomes so blind he don't know what he's worked up to. That's right. He is screaming and shouting, and carrying on; but just speak the Word to him, boy, there his folly is made known.

Talk to him about the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, or, Him being the same yesterday, today, and ever, all--all like that, and tell him. "Why, oh, now wait just a minute!" See? Oh, yeah, there his feathers are dropping. See, he's all jumped up, and prophesy, and casting out devils, and speaking in tongues, and shouting, and carrying on, running up-and-down the floor. But don't try to follow up There; why, he'll sure be made known.

Yet, he's ordained. He's anointed. He can fly. He can balance hisself, get up there, but not... just so far. See, he can eat a carrion, but he can't eat the fresh Meat that comes from the Throne.

He is blind. He is all worked up, but he don't know what he's worked up about. See, that same Spirit that fell upon him, like the rain, to make him a wheat; he's not a wheat to begin with. He blows up. "Oh, I can't go for some... Oh, no, sir! I know Doctor Jones said..." All right, go ahead. See? Go ahead, if you want to.

252 No, notice, he is not born, or built, or predestinated, to be that kind of a bird. He can... He's a... might be a lemon growing on an orange tree, but he never come from the roots. He's something that's been added. And when they get so high in their denominations that they can't see the predestinated Word of God vindicated, then their folly is made known. "Oh, that stuff, Halo over head, and all, oh, It's nonsense." See? Made known.

253 He is not built to see that far. He can only see as far as his denominational glasses will let him look. But, after that, he's as blind as a bat. It's then his folly is made known. See? That's where the true eagle sets down to eat. Yes, sir. That's where the true, elected eagles sees what he is. When he can't take that Word, they know right then he's a denominational vulture.

254Why, why can't he fly? Cause, look what he's been eating on. He's been eating on rotten denominational carrion. That won't--that won't spiritualize his body, won't put him in spiritual fitness, in other words, to carry him up above the denominational differences. See? See, he's just fed on rotten stuff; his body is made out of that. He can't go up there where that fresh Meat carries that eagle. He just can't do it. See?

255 That fulfills Matthew 24:24. He's flying, jumping up in the air, flopping his wings, but he just can't get high enough. See? That's right. See, he can't go, he can't reach high enough to get that fresh Manna. He can eat the old manna that's down here on the ground, the old dead rabbits that's been run over a week ago, and a month ago, or forty years ago, contamination. He can eat that, and just gloat over it, and squawk and holler, and carry on, jump up and fly like another eagle. He's anointed, like another bird.

And he is a type of an eagle, a buzzard is. We know that. He sure is, but he can't follow that genuine eagle. See? He just can't do it. No, sir. His body isn't built; he's been eating on different carrion, see, and it won't be... it won't--it won't be the fresh Meat, the fresh Manna. It'd be something that Luther said, Wesley said, or Doctor So-and-so said. It won't be on what Jesus said for this hour.

256 Let's go now, close. Anointed ones, "Christs," in the last days, but the "false teachers and false prophet." Notice how striking! Now I want you to compare this; we haven't got time to read it out, Matthew 24:24 with Second Timothy 3:8.

Matthew 24:24 said, in the last days, see, "There'll come false Christs," false, anointed ones, "false prophets, and shall show signs and wonders," exactly like the real One--real One, "and shall--and shall almost deceive the very Elected." Now notice, that was Jesus speaking.

257 Here come Paul, right behind Him, and said, "Now, in the last days, there will come religious people, see, having a form of godliness. And lead silly women, led away with all kinds of worldly lusts."

And they wonder, say, "Why do you pick on them women?" Oh, for goodness... They just don't even see It.

"Lead silly women, laden with divers lusts," away from things like at... of the... See, "And as Jannes and Jambres..."

Matthew 24:24, "false Christs," false, anointed, doing signs and wonders to deceive the Elected.

"Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so will these reprobates; reprobate mind concerning the Faith." Not "a" faith. "The Faith!"

"One Faith, one Lord, one bap-..." You can't have "one Faith" without believing in "one Lord." You can't have two baptisms, and not one for the Father, and Son, the Holy Ghost. "One baptism," Jesus Christ. That's right. See, false baptism!

258 Notice, compare them together now when you get home. Notice Matthew 24:24, Jesus speaking; Paul, Second Timothy 3:8; many others. And now compare that.

259And then put another Scripture, Luke 17:30, Malachi 4.

"As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses," the anointed Word of the hour, "so will these men," not man, "men," anointed ones, "resist the Truth."

260"In the very day that the Son of man is revealed." Revelations 10:1 to 7, read it when you get home, "the seventh angel's Message, opening up the Seals." What is it? Not the angel is the Son of man; but the messenger is revealing the Son of man. Can you get it separated now? That's where it seems to be so hard for you, you see. Not the Son of man, Himself; but the seventh angel, the seventh messenger, is revealing to the public the Son of man, because It's left the shuck. He can't organize It. It's the Grain, Itself, again.

"And in that day, Jannes and Jambres will withstand," anointed ones (make-believers and unbelievers, the church formal and the Pentecostals) stand up against the true Grain, "but let them alone; their folly will be made manifest, as theirs was." See? You understand now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

261 Revelations 10, said, "In the days of the sounding of the seventh angel." Now remember, seventh, Laodicea Church Age. "The sounding of that angel," when that church age is done denominated and become a church age, when it's done in its Pentecostal organization; when the messenger to that...

What was each messenger? What was Martin Luther? A rebuke to the Catholic. What was Wesley? A rebuke to them Lutherans. What was the Pentecost? A rebuke to them others. Where has the Life gone now? Away from an organization. No more shuck; it's the Grain. What is it? A rebuke to the Pentecost, see, to fulfill the Scripture of this hour. See?

262 Notice, the very day when this messenger... Not when he starts on, but when he begins to declare his Message. See? The First Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; Third Pull, the opening of the Word, the mysteries revealed. No more, there is no more higher order to reveal the Word, than prophets. But the only way the prophet can be vindicated is by the Word. And, remember, the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals, to reveal the hidden Truth that's been sealed in the Word. Do you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

It is then, in that day when this thing is to take place, that Jannes and Jambres, the impersonators, will appear again. Just like they did when Moses appeared with the original Word, to say It; they appear to impersonate It. Just exactly right. Now you see what Matthew 24:24 is? See, anointed ones!

263 Now there's three things we're going to say before we close. This is it. I want you to listen real close now as we close. Three things, remember, three things have been fulfilled. Three things lays before you right now.

264First. The world is in a Sodom condition. Jesus said it would happen. Look at the perversion; our women trying to act like men; our men trying to act like women, sissified; rotten, filthy, low-down, devil-possessed, and don't know it. The Bible said that would happen, and that's where it's at.

265Secondly. It's in that hour, according to the Scripture here, that Jannes and Jambres appears. Secondly.

266Thirdly. It's in that same hour that the Son of man is to be revealed.

267 There is your believer, your make-believer, and your unbeliever. There is a genuine Word standing out, vindicated; there is the make-believer impersonating It; and there is the unbeliever rejecting the whole thing.

But it shall be Light about the evening time,

The way to Glory you will surely find. (That right?)

Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,

The signs that our Bible foretold;

And the Gentile days numbered (Sodom), with horrors encumbered;

Return, O dispersed, to your own.

The day of redemption is near,

Man's hearts are failing, in this fear;

Be filled with God's Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear, (so you can see the Word of the hour,)

Look up, your redemption is near!

False prophets are lying, (they said they'd be here; anointed ones), God's Truth they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God.

That's, they don't believe It. The Bible said there would be that thing here. Here it is!

But we'll walk where the apostles have trod. (Same Light! "And restore the Faith of the fathers to the children.")

The day of redemption is near, so near,

Man's hearts are failing for fear, (the earth is dropping in);

Oh, be filled with God's Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear.

Look up, your redemption is near.

You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Let us bow our heads then.

268 Out into the land where this Message is going, from the East Coast to the West, from California to New York, down into the South, up into the North, out into the missions, and wherever It's going, and in this tabernacle. We are poor. We don't have these great, big, flowery things, and television casts. We're just trying to do the best we can. "But all that the Father has given Me will come."

269 Now, I want you to know this is sure, and you that listen to this tape. You might have thought today that I was trying to say that about myself, being that I was packing this Message. I have no more to do with It than nothing, no more than just a voice. And, my voice, even against my better judgment; I wanted to be a trapper. But it's the will of my Father that I declare to do, and determined to do.

I wasn't the One that appeared down on the river; I was only standing there when He appeared. I'm not the One that performs these things and foretells these things that happens as perfect they are; I'm only one that's near when He does it. I was only a voice that He used, to say It. It wasn't what I knew; it's what I just surrendered myself to, that He spoke through. It isn't me, it wasn't the seventh angel, oh, no; it was the manifestation of the Son of man. It wasn't the angel, his message; it was the mystery that God unfolded. It's not a man; it's God. The angel was not the Son of man; he was the messenger from the Son of man. The Son of man is Christ; He is the One that you're feeding on. You're not feeding on a man; a man, his words will fail. But you're feeding on the unfailing Body-Word of the Son of man.

270If you haven't fed fully on every Word, to give yourself strength to fly above all these denominations and things of the world, will you at this time do it, while we pray?

271 Dear Father, this is a hard thing. It is not easy for a mortal to do it. Thou knowest all things. And I pray Thee, dear God, that it will not be misunderstood. But, in the Light of Your Word, may the people walk.

272And, Father God, I don't know who the Elected is; Thou knowest. I don't know when Your Coming is. But I only know that You said when this takes place, these false, anointed ones; not right when they started.

Moses just let them alone, for he could do no more about it. He could only say what You were saying. You told him to call fleas; then they called them. You told him to turn the water to blood; then they did it. Moses only carried out, Word by Word, as You said, but then You was the One Who made the folly manifested.

273 Now, Father, You are God, yet. The same Word said that this would happen in the last days. Many honest person, as we said last Sunday, putting their hand to that Ark upon a new cart, and not the shoulders of the Levites, has fell dead, "dead in sin and trespasses," argue against their own conscience.

274Many ministers setting in his study, read that Word, and change the page quick; to keep from having to blast out, to know he'll lose his social standing with the public, with his church and with his denomination. God help us to never do that!

275 Cleanse our heart, Lord, from all filth of the world. Lord, I stand ready for cleansing. I stand ready, with this church and with all the listening in, and whoever will listen to this tape. I stand, Lord, and ask for cleansing. Lord, take me to the Potter's house and break me up, mold me a servant that You'd want.

For, Lord Jesus, "I'm a man of unclean lips," as Isaiah cried, "dwelling with people of unclean lips; and woe is me, for I see the revelation of God being made manifest," as Isaiah saw the Angels in the Temple. I see the end time, Lord, and woe is me and my family; woe is me and my people. O Eternal God, have mercy upon us. I plead for myself and the people. Let us not perish with those who believe not, but may we live with the believers.

276 Every denomination, Lord, every man or woman... I can't ask You to bless a denomination, when I know You're against it. But I can only say, Lord, if You have any of Your sheep out among them, may they hear this tape. May they hear It, Lord, and understand It with the understanding You'll give them, and may they come out and receive You. May they not be deceived by the blindness and tradition of this day. May they not to try to eat something that... or it was a carcase in another day. May they take the Word.

That's the way the Pharisees crucified You, Lord. They were taking the carcase of Moses' day, and trying to gloat over it; after You had given the type, in the wilderness, of fresh manna each night, meaning each generation. That's where they failed. It poisoned them. It killed them, to eat that contaminated food.

And, spiritually, it does the same thing today; kill them, spiritually, with a denomination.

Help us, dear God. It's all in Your hands now. In Jesus Christ's Name.

277 With our heads bowed, we're going to sing that while you make your decision. Will you go all the way?

I can hear my Sav-... (and He is the Word)... -ior calling, I can hear...

"Oh, I've wandered a long time, but, really, right now I hear Him, 'Come unto Me, all ye that's groping along.' Hear, 'Take up your cross, follow Me daily.' 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I'll fear no evil; down through the shady green pastures, and by the still waters.'"

And where He leads me I...

"Lord, I see that trinitarian folly. I see the whole world sowed in it; weeds growing everywhere. But where You lead me now, Lord, I'll be like those in Acts 19. 'When they heard This, they were rebaptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.'"

... follow, ("I've went part of the way, Lord, enough to receive You.")

Now I'll go with Him all the way.

[Brother Branham begins to hum Where He Leads Me--Ed.]

278 Dear God, I trust that that come from my heart. I trust that it come from everyone's heart that's a singing at this time, maybe many who will hear this tape, that's not present or not hearing it now. May we be willing, Lord, regardless of the price. Said, "Like a man going to meet another army, a soldier, a king; first he sets down and counts, is he able to do it, can he give up the things of the world? Can you give up, join up in the army of God's written Word; march with His soldiers, fly with His eagles?" Grant it, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

279 You believe? You accept Him? All right. We'll see you here again, tonight, the Lord willing. Do you believe that to be the Truth? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Is it plain enough? ["Amen. ]

Then take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it every-...

Now, shake hands with somebody by you now.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth, the hope of earth, joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of kings in Heaven we'll crown... (He is God, then)

When our journey is complete.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet! O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

280 I suppose that all the ministers was made known this morning, recognized.

When a man has prayed all week, wondering what, seeing these Scriptures, them standing right out before you. "Woe unto me," said Paul, "if I preach not the Gospel." At the end of his road, he said, "I have not shunned to declare to you the whole Counsel of God as It was given to me."

281 I forget sometimes to recognize things, presenting, to dedicate the babies.

Billy said, the other day, a man come, said, "I been coming here for two years, get my baby dedicated."

Billy said, "Don't think bad about that. I've got a baby, a year old, and he ain't been dedicated yet, either. So I'm just going to wait till he gets old enough to walk up there himself, I guess."

282So we find brother, sister, it's not--it's not, see, I... One thing, we should dedicate our children.

We should baptize every one. There's a pool; here is water. If you haven't been, what hinders thee? Here is water. Come right now. Don't wait till tonight; come right now. There is man standing here will baptize anybody that's repented and made confession. If you been baptized a dozen times, they'll baptize you in the Name of Jesus Christ for remission of sin. See? We have that.

283 But, see, the Message is on my heart. I must get It out. That's my sole purpose, regardless of what my wife says, my children says, my pastor says, my whatever says. It's my Lord. I must get That out. That's my sole purpose.

284 And now, many times, I forget to recognize the ministers. I guess maybe... our brother, Brother Neville, a precious man. These other brethren here, we're happy to have you.

285Not that we disagree with you, brother, to be different. Many of you here might be trinitarian preachers. We don't want to be angry with you. We love you. If we didn't, if I didn't believe that, I'd never leave this church till I got down there on my knees and said, "God, make me right."

I don't want that arrogant, selfish spirit mixed up with mine. I want my spirit to be pure and clean, brotherly love, holy with the Holy Spirit. Now, if someone does anything wrong to me, that's all right. And though I might have the right to get back at them, I don't want that in my life. No, I--I want to have love. I want to be ready to correct with love, with love that absolutely answers out yonder for it.

286 I don't mean to be different. Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, whoever you are, I don't say these things to be different, be arrogant with you. If I did, I'm a hypocrite and should be down here at this altar, praying through to God.

But I say it, it's because of love, and I see where you're going. Now, I don't say this in myself, and saying I'm presuming. I give you THUS SAITH THE LORD. That is the Truth. And I love you for those things. God bless you.

287 Now as we sing another verse of this song, let's, before we go. We want you to be here tonight, if you can. If you can't, God be with you till we meet. We just pray that God will--will bless you and give you the best of His land, see.

Take the Name of Jesus...

1Dobré ráno, obecenstvo. Oslovme teraz nášho Pána. Veľký Bože, stvoriteľ neba i zeme, ktorý si nám božským spôsobom určil dnes ráno tento čas, aby sme Ťa mohli chváliť ... A nech by sme sa, Pane, vo svojich srdciach úplne poddali Tvojej Božskej vôli a pôsobeniu Ducha Svätého v nás, aby bolo prinesené to, čo nám Ty chceš dať poznať. Našou túžbou je byť lepšími Kresťanmi a Tvojimi lepšími reprezentantmi. Udeľ nám to dnes ráno, pri tom ako očakávame na Teba, v mene Ježiša. Amen. (Môžete si sadnúť.)

2Sme veľmi radi, že sme tu znovu dnes ráno, v službe toho veľkého Kráľa. A mrzí nás, že opäť nemáme pre ľudí dostatok miesta, ale práve sme ... Budeme sa snažiť a urobíme čo len budeme môcť, za týchto okolností.

3No, leží tu mnoho vreckoviek a prosieb, od mnohých, aby som sa modlil nad nimi, a ja ich len odkladám nabok; nie preto, žeby som ich ignoroval, ale budem sa nad nimi modliť po tom keď - hlavne, rád - a dnes večer. Teraz ráno, a potom znovu večer, keď ... Potom sa budem modliť a očakávať na Ducha Božieho ohľadne uzdravovania, a vtedy sa rád modlím nad tými vreckovkami a všetkým.

4A čo sa týka tých osobných prosieb, Billy mi ich všetky dal. Je ich okolo tristo, práve som od nich prišiel. Viete, preberám ich každú jednu, tak rýchlo ako len môžem. A budem sa nimi zaoberať len čo to bude možné. Nebudem schopný prebrať všetky. Len sa načiahnem a zoberiem nejakú a poviem: "Pane, bude to táto, bude to táto?" Takto, pretože ... Každý z nich má potrebu, oni opravdu majú vážne prosby, niečo, o čom by sme sa mali spolu porozprávať. A ja ... Kým, viete, niekedy Duch Svätý môže povedať ... Určitá otázka, ktorú som prečítal, ktorá mi stále leží na srdci; znovu sa ku nej vraciam a prechádzam cez to, kým to nenájdem. Inak, ich preberám len povrchne.

5No dnes ráno chceme tiež pozdraviť a hovoriť ku tým, ktorí sú pomimo na iných miestach krajiny. Chceme pozdraviť dnes ráno ľudí, ktorí sú napojení cez telefón, v New Yorku; v Beamont v Texase; v Prescott v Arizone; v Tucson, v Arizone; v San Jose v Kalifornii; v Connecticut; v Gainesville v Georgii; a v New Alabany v Indiane; po celom národe. Pozdravujeme vás v mene Pána Ježiša.

6Dnes ráno je v Indiáne pekné ráno. Minulej noci bol dážď a ochladilo sa. A my ... Táto sála je plná, a všetci čakajú, s veľkým napätím, na lekciu nedeľnej školy. Dúfam, že bohatstvá Božích požehnaní spočinú tam na vás.

7A dúfame, že len čo to bude možné urobiť nejako, aby sme mohli mať - kde by sme sa mohli všetci spolu zísť, možno pod nejakým veľkým stanom, kde sa cítim skutočne jasne vedený, aby som kázal o týchto Siedmych Posledných Čašiach v Biblii.

8Tak teraz, nechceme zaberať dnes ráno príliš veľa času nejakou veľkou lekciou ... Hľadal som Pána a rozmýšľal som: "Čo by som mal hovoriť?" Vediac, že toto môže byť naše posledné zhromaždenie, ktoré budeme mať. Príchod Pánov je tak blízko, na dosah ruky!

9Vidím, že po tej predpovedi povedanej v Kalifornii, niektoré domy a miesta sa tam zapadajú tridsať palcov za hodinu, trámy práskajú a lámu sa. A oni nevedia čo sa to deje. Sme na konci. Domy za sto tisíce dolárov sa zapadajú. Mám v novinách článok s veľkým nadpisom a obrázkami, chcem to dnes večer priniesť, lebo chcem dnes večer hovoriť o niečom, čo s tým súvisí.

10A potom, dnes večer sa budeme modliť za chorých. Príďte popoludní, o piatej, šiestej, alebo kedykoľvek to bude (myslím, že začneme skôr, aby ľudia mohli skôr odísť), a dostanete modlitebné karty. A dnes večer sa budeme modliť za chorých, keď Pán dá.

11No, po zamýšľaní sa v modlitbách: "Čo mám robiť?" vediac, že jedného dňa sa budem musieť zodpovedať z toho, čo som tu povedal ... A rozhodol som sa - alebo cítil som vedenie Ducha Svätého, hovoriť dnes ráno na tému proroctva, aby sme boli informovaní. Rozumiete? To je niečo, čo ... Ak nie sme informovaní a všetko, čo sa práve deje, mali by sme o tom vedieť. Duch Svätý nám to dal, aby varoval ľudí pred tým čo prichádza. Viete, Biblia hovorí, že Boh nečiní nič, čo by prv neukázal svojím sluhom, prorokom; a - a to, ako Ježiš varoval tých ľudí, pred tým čo má nadísť, ako proroci varovali ľudí, pred tým čo má nadísť. A nám sa patrí teraz, v tejto veľkej hodine, v ktorej žijeme, aby sme vedeli v ktorom veku žijeme, čo sa deje - čo sa stane v tomto veku. Tak mi prišla na srdce jedna z týchto zvláštnych tém, čo sme možno už mnohokrát čítali, aby som o tom dnes ráno hovoril.

12No, otvorme si svoje Biblie v Matúšovi, v 24. kapitole a čítajme časť Slova. [Brat Branham zakašlal.] Prepáčte. Aby sme takto dostali súvislosť pre náš text a tému.

13No, pamätajte chceme to učiť, ako Biblickú hodinu, pomaly. Zoberte si tužku a papier, (mám tu zapísaných mnoho miest Písma) aby ste si ich mohli zapísať, a potom doma preštudovať, (je ako hodina nedeľnej školy) aby sme mohli vedieť a boli varovaní, a pripravení na hodiny, v ktorých žijeme.

14V knihe sv. Matúša 24. verš - či vlastne 24. kapitola, začneme od 15. verša, chcem čítať časť Jeho Slova.

Keď tedy uvidíte, ohavnosť spustošenia, o ktorej hovoril prorok Daniel, že stojí na svätom mieste (Kto čítaš rozumej!)

vtedy tí, ktorí budú v Judsku, nech utekajú na vrchy;

Kto bude na postreší, nech nezostupuje, aby vzal niečo zo svojho domu,

a kto na poli, nech sa nevracia späť, aby vzal svoje rúcho.

Lež beda tehotným a tým, ktoré budú kojiť v tých dňoch.

Ale modlite sa, aby sa váš útek neprihodil v zime ani v sobotu.

Lebo vtedy bude veľké súženie, akého nebolo od počiatku sveta až doteraz, ani už nikdy viac nebude.

A keby neboli skrátené tie dni, nebolo by zachránené niktoré telo; ale pre vyvolených budú skrátené tie dni.

Vtedy keby vám niekto povedal: Hľa, tu je Kristus! alebo: Tu! neverte!

Lebo povstanú falošní kristovia a falošní proroci a dajú veliké znamenia a budú robiť zázraky, takže by zviedli v blud, keby to bolo možné, aj vyvolených.

Hľa, predpovedal som vám to!

Tedy keď vám povedia: Hľa je na púšti! nevychádzajte! Hľa, vo vnútorných chyžiach! neverte!

Lebo ako vychádza blesk od východu a ukazuje sa až na západ, tak bude aj príchod Syna človeka.

Lebo kdekoľvek bude mŕtvola, tam sa zhromaždia aj orly.

15Tému chcem vziať z toho 24. verša, chcem dnes ráno na našej hodine nedeľnej školy zdôrazniť tento verš. A počúvajte pozorne, keď ho znovu budem čítať.

Lebo povstanú falošní kristovia a falošní proroci a dajú veliké znamenia a budú robiť zázraky, takže by zviedli v blud, keby to bolo možné, aj vyvolených.

16No za tému dnes ráno, alebo radšej za text, chcem vziať slová: Pomazanci v čase konca. To je téma, na ktorú chcem hovoriť, alebo text: Pomazanci v čase konca.

17Verím, že žijeme v čase konca. Myslím, že väčšina ... Študent Písma, alebo obyčajný veriaci vie, že sme teraz na konci svetových dejín. Nebude ich treba písať, pretože nebude nikoho, kto by ich čítal. Oni sú v čase konca. Len kedy, ja neviem. Len ako dlho to bude trvať, ani anjeli v nebi nepoznajú tú minútu ani hodinu. Ale Pán Ježiš nám povedal, že keď sa začnú diať tieto veci, ktoré teraz vidíme, potom aby sme pozdvihli svoje hlavy pretože sa priblížilo naše vykúpenie.

18No, čo znamená "priblížilo sa", ja neviem. Môže to znamenať, ako vtedy povedal v televízii ten vedec, keď hovorili o tej veľkej tisíce míľ dlhej trhline v zemi, ktorá potopí ... Položili mu otázku: "Môže sa to tam potopiť - (Los Angeles, to Západné pobrežie)?" A mnohí z vás ste videli ako to oni išli po nej, pomocou radaru a prešli hore cez ... prenikli pod San Jose, prešli krížom cez ňu do Aljašky, cez Aleutské ostrovy, asi dvesto míľ von do mora, a prišli naspäť dole do San Diego, prešli okolo za Los Angeles, a prišli tam hore, veľká dutina. A všetky tieto zemetrasenia, ktoré máme sú vulkanické nárazy, ktoré takto tam prehlbujú túto veľkú dutinu. Ja neviem povedať tie názvy, ako oni - ako to oni nazvali. Jednako, keď tieto otrasy, ktoré spôsobujú tie zemetrasenia máme celé roky na západnom pobreží. Teraz to prasklo všade po celom.

19A ten vedec povedal ... On - ten muž povedal tomu druhému: "Mohlo by sa to prepadnúť?"

On povedal: "Nie mohlo, ale to sa prepadne."

Povedal: "Ale hádam nie v našej generácii?"

Povedal: "Za päť minút od teraz, alebo za päť rokov. Len to nevieme kedy."

20A tento týždeň mi poslali ... nadpisy v novinách o veľkých domoch za sto tisíce dolárov, ktoré sa napínajú a pukajú, ľudia odchádzajú preč. A nevedia ako to zastaviť; nemožno to nijako zastaviť. Vidíte, Boh môže robiť čokoľvek chce, a nikto Mu nemôže povedať, ako to má robiť.

21Vy staviate domy, môžete robiť vedecké výskumy, a Boh je stvoriteľ vedy. Ako Ho zastavíte? On keby chcel, môže dnes ráno zničiť zem muchami. Uvedomujete si, On by mohol slovom stvoriť blchy a bolo by ich za pol hodinu na hrúbku štyridsať míľ, rozumiete? Nie je ... A za chvíľu by vyžrali ľudí zo zemi. On je Boh! On proste robí ako chce. On je suverénny, Sám v sebe.

22Teraz, keď vidíme všetky tieto nahromadené dôkazy týkajúce sa tejto hodiny, v ktorej teraz žijeme, myslím, že je dobre zopakovať tieto veci a vyniesli ich na svetlo, zatiaľ čo boli otvorené Pečate, a zistiť pravdu o týchto veciach, keď je Boh ku nám taký verný vo svojej milosti, aby nám ukázal tieto veci.

23Chcem aby ste si všimli tu v Matúšovi 24, Ježiš použil výraz kristovia, Kri-sto-via, kristovia. Nie Kristus, ale kristovia, množné číslo, nie jednotné - kristovia. Nuž, slovo Kristus znamená "Pomazanec". Potom, ak to znamená pomazaný, tak tam nebude len jeden, ale mnoho, pomazaných - "pomazancov." Rozumiete?

24Inými slovami, keby to On chcel rozobrať aby sme to tak mohli v podstate lepšie porozumieť, On by povedal: "V tých posledných dňoch povstanú falošní pomazanci." No, to vyzerá takmer nemožné (vidíte?) ... Výraz pomazaní. Ale všimnite si hneď tie ďalšie slová, "a falošní proroci," pro-ro-ci - množné číslo.

25No, pomazanec, to je "niekto kto má posolstvo." A to posolstvo môže byť prinesené jedine skrze toho, kto je pomazaný; a to bude prorok -. pomazanec. "Povstanú falošní pomazaní učitelia." Prorok učí to, čo hovorí jeho posolstvo - pomazaní učitelia, ale ľudia pomazaní falošnou náukou, pomazanci: "kristovia" - množné číslo; "proroci" - množné číslo. A keď je Kristus - jednotné číslo, potom títo budú musieť byť "pomazanci", tak ich proroctvo ktoré učia nebude jednotné, pretože oni sú pomazanci, pomazaní.

26No, toto je lekcia nedeľnej školy, chceme sa snažiť toto skutočne odhaliť, skrze Písma, nie skrze niečo, čo niekto o tom povedal, ale proste čítaním Písma.

27Môžete povedať: "Ako je to možné? Či títo pomazanci budú ... Kto oni sú?" Kristovia - kris-to-via, pomazaní kristovia a falošní proroci. Pomazanci, a pritom falošní proroci!

28Ježiš povedal, že dážď padá na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých. No, niekto by mi mohol povedať: "Či veríš, že to pomazanie na tých ľuďoch znamená, že to je pomazanie Ducha Svätého?" Áno, opravdový Svätý Duch Boží na danej osobe, a jednako sú oni falošní! Počúvajte teraz pozorne a hľaďte, čo On povedal: "A ukážu znamenia a zázraky, takže by to zviedlo v blud i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." A oni sú pomazaní skutočným Duchom Svätým. Viem, že toto zneje veľmi hlúpo, ale venujeme na to čas a vysvetlíme to pomocou Slova, že to je stopercentne TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, Pravda.

29No, otvorme si na chvíľu Biblie v Matúšovi 5. kapitolu a začneme od 45. verša, a dívajte sa teraz, ako budeme čítať na chvíľu toto Písmo. A potom, keď to tu prečítame, dáme vám ... Tak vy, ak nebudeme čítať všetky tie miesta, potom máte svoju Bibliu a tiež si to môžete prečítať, keď tu skončíme a prídete domov. A čítajte, čo o tom hovorí Biblia.

30Teraz využijeme náš čas, aby sme porozumeli ten základný princíp, pretože ja tu niečo hovorím, čo ohromuje ... Ako môže Duch Svätý pomazať nejakého falošného učiteľa? Ale to je to, čo povedal Ježiš, že sa stane.

No, čítajme teraz Matúš 5. kapitola, 45. verš. Zoberme to - začnime trochu vyššie 44.

Ale ja vám hovorím: Milujte svojich nepriateľov; dobrorečte tým, ktorí vás preklínajú: čiňte dobre tým, ktorí vás nenávidia, a modlite sa za tých, ktorí vás potupujú a prenasledujú,

aby ste boli synmi svojho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach lebo svojmu slnku velí vychádzať na zlých aj na dobrých a dáva dážď na spravodlivých aj na nespravodlivých.

(Dážď padá tak isto na zlých, ako na dobrých.)

31No, aby sme sa dozvedeli viac poďme do ďalšieho proroctva týkajúceho sa tohoto, môžeme si otvoriť Židom 6. kapitolu, ďalší verš, ktorý s tým súvisí, kde Pavel pripomína to isté čo povedal Ježiš. Pavel, teraz hovorí ... Zatiaľ čo si to hľadáte ... I vy, ktorí ste pomimo napojení cez telefón, zoberte si svoje Biblie a kúsok papiera, a vyhľadajte si to tam teraz. Židom 6. kapitola, Pavol píše Židom, vyvádza ich z Judaizmu do Kresťanstva, ukazuje im ako všetky tie dávne veci len zobrazovali to všetko čo malo prísť. Pavol teraz hovorí, Židom 6.

Preto zanechajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu ...

(Kristu, jednotné číslo)

... nesme sa k dokonalosti a neklaďme zase základu pokánia ... z mŕtvych skutkov a viery na Boha.

učenia o umývaniach, o vzkladaní rúk, o zmŕtvychvstaní mŕtvych a o večnom súde.

A urobíme aj to, keď len dovolí Boh.

Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení a ochutnali nebeského daru a stali sa účastníkmi Svätého Ducha, ...

(Chcem na chvíľu obrátiť vašu pozornosť. Všimli ste si, to je daru; a nie darov, nie účastníci nebeských darov, ale nebeského "daru," jednotné číslo. Kristus, jednotné číslo, dar, jednotné číslo.)

... nebeského daru, a stali sa účastnými Svätého Ducha,

a ochutnali ... slovo Božie, ...

(čo ochutnali? Slovo Božie.)

... a rôzne moci budúceho veku,

keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu, ktorí sebe znova križujú Syna Božieho a vystavujú ho potupne na odiv.

Lebo ...


... zem, ktorá pije dážď, ktorý často prichádza na ňu, a plodí rastlinu, vhodnú tým, pre ktorých sa aj obrába, berie podiel na požehnaní od Boha.

Ale tá, ktorá rodí tŕnie a bodľač, je nesúca a je blízka zlorečenstva, ktorej koniec je, aby bola spálená.

32No, porovnajte toto znovu s Matúšom 5. 24. Všimnite si, Ježiš povedal, že dážď a slnko prichádza na zem, že Boh to posiela, aby pripravil potravu a všetko pre ľudí na zemi. A dážď je posielaný kvôli potrave, tým rastlinám. Ale tŕnie, burina, ktorá je na poli, prijíma to isté. Ten istý dážď, ktorý spôsobuje, že rastie pšenica je ten istý dážď, ktorý spôsobuje, že rastie burina.

33Ó ako som sa o tom raz poučil, keď som sa prvý krát stretol s letničnými ľuďmi! A to bolo pre mňa veľké ponaučenie. Videl som dvoch mužov, jeden ... Nikdy predtým som nepočul hovoriť v jazykoch. Jeden hovoril v jazykoch, a druhý to vykladal, a naopak. A povedali pravdu, hovoril že: "Je tu dnes večer mnoho ľudí, ktorí majú činiť pokánie. Ženy i mužovia, oboji." A ľudia vstávali a išli ku oltáru.

34Pomyslel som si: "Aké chválebné!" A potom, s tým malým darom Ducha Svätého som hovoril s tými mužmi, viete ako - pomocou rozpoznania, len tak trochu aby som to preskúmal. A jeden z nich bol skutočný Kresťan. To bol skutočný Kristov sluha. A ten druhý bol pokrytec. A jeden z nich, ten pokrytec, žil s čiernovlasou ženou a popri tom chodil s blondínou a mal s ňou deti. No, videl som to rovno tam vo videní; nedalo sa to zaprieť. A povedal som mu to. On sa pozrel na mňa a odišiel za tú budovu.

35Teraz som bol skutočne poriadne zmätený. Myslel som si, že som prišiel medzi anjelov, a potom som uvažoval, či nie som medzi diablami. Ako je toto možné? Nemohol som tomu rozumieť. A roky som dával svoje ruky preč od toho, až jedného dňa ... (Tam kde George Smith, ten chlapec, ktorý chodí s mojou dcérou ... Išli sme včera na to miesto, kde bol ten starý mlyn, kde sa chodím modliť.) A keď som tam bol už niekoľko dní, Duch Svätý mi pripomenul toto Písmo: "Lebo dážď, ktorý často padá na zem, aby dal vzrast rastlinám, kvôli ktorým sa obrába, ale tŕne a bodliaky žijú z toho istého dažďa, a ktorých koniec je aby boli spálené." Žijú z toho istého životodarného Božieho zdroja. Vtedy som porozumel, že podľa ... Ježiš povedal: "Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte."

36A teda, ten dážď, ktorý padá na tú prirodzenú vegetáciu na zemi, je obrazom toho Duchovného dažďa, ktorý dáva Večný Život, ktorý padá na cirkev; a my to nazývame včasný dážď a pozdný dážď. To je dážď, vylievajúci Božieho Ducha na Jeho Cirkev.

37Všimnite si, toto tu je veľmi zvláštna vec. Vidíte? Keď tie semená padli do zeme, jednako oni sa tam dostali, oni od začiatku boli tŕne. Ale tam tá pšenica, ktorá padla do zeme ... A tie rastliny, boli rastlinami od začiatku. A každá rastlina znovu plodí samú seba, ukazuje čím bola pôvodne na začiatku.

38"A oni zvedú Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné," pretože na nich padá ten istý dážď, to isté požehnanie, ukazujú tie isté znamenia, tie isté zázraky. Vidíte? "Oni zvedú, alebo by chceli zviesť Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." No, tŕň nemôže za to, že je tŕňom, a ani pšenica nemôže za to, že je pšenicou; to Stvoriteľ každého jedného rozhodol na začiatku. To je Vyvolený.

39Ten istý dážď ... Slnko ráno vychádza a svieti po celej zemi, ako vyšlo tohoto dňa. A slnko - to isté slnko, ktoré vychádza na východe, je to isté, ktoré zapadá na západe. A to slnko je ustavené nato aby dávalo dozrievať zrnu na zemi, z ktorej sú stvorené naše telá.

40My žijeme z mŕtvej hmoty. To je jediný spôsob, ako môžete žiť. A ak každý deň musí niečo zomrieť, a z toho žijete, telesne, či nie je to potom pravda, že ak vaše - vaše telo musí žiť z mŕtvej hmoty, čo sa týka telesného života, potom musíte mať niečo, čo zomrelo duchovne, aby zachrániť váš duchovný život. A Boh, sa stal materiálom, telom, a zomrel, aby sme my mohli žiť. Neexistuje žiadna cirkev, ani nič iné na svete, čo vás môže spasiť okrem Boha. To je to jediné, vďaka čomu možno žiť.

41No, prejdime cez Písma. Ježiš je Slovo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo ... A to Slovo sa stalo telo a prebývalo medzi nami. Na počiatku bolo Slovo ... a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." "A človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe (pre to telesné), ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." Potom vidíte, my žijeme skrze Slovo, a ono je Boh.

42No, slnko prechádza a dáva zrelosť zrnu. No, ono nemôže dozrieť v jednej chvíli. Ako ono postupne zreje, ono stále dozrieva, až kým nepríde do plného klasu. Tak je to dnes s cirkvou. Ona začala ako nemluvňa tam v temnom veku, kde bola pod zemou. Ona teraz narástla do zrelosti. A my to môžeme dokonale vidieť, ako to Boh cez prírodu stále ...

43Nemôžete narušovať prírodu. To je to, čo sa dnes robí. Púšťame bomby, a tam v tom oceáne, narušujú ju a ničia atómovými bombami. Vy do nej po celý čas vypúšťate len viac špiny. Stínate stromy, zoberú vás vetry. Zahradzujete rieku; zaplaví vás. Musíte nájsť Boží spôsob, ako všetko robiť a zostať pri ňom. Ľudí v cirkvách sme doviedli do denominácií a organizácií; pozrite čo sme dostali! Stojte na ceste danej ku tomu od Boha.

44Ale vidíte, On posiela dážď (znovu ku našej téme) na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých. Ježiš nám to tu teraz hovorí, v Matúšovi 24, že to bude znak v čase konca. No, ak sa tento znak má ukázať len v čase konca, potom to bude musieť byť po otvorení týchto Pečatí. Vidíte? To je znak konca! To by znamenalo, že keď sa budú diať tieto veci, je čas konca. A to bude znak, a tak tí Vyvolení budú mať jasno v týchto veciach. Vidíte to? Potom, to musí byť zjavené, odhalené.

45Všimnite si, oboje pšenica i kúkoľ žijú skrze to isté pomazanie z neba. Obe sa z neho radujú. Pamätám si to, hovorím znovu o tom príklade tam vtedy v Green Mill. Videl som prichádzať to videnie, a tam bola veľká zem, a ona bola celá pooraná. A najprv tam vyšiel Rozsievač. Chcem, aby ste to mali pred očami. Pozorujte čo vychádza najprv, a čo potom ide za tým. A keď tento Muž v bielom prešiel po celej zemi, a sadil semeno ... Potom za ním prichádza nejaký človek v tmavom, vyzerá veľmi podozrivo, zakráda sa za Ním a seje kúkoľ. A keď sa toto stalo ... Potom som videl vyrastať obe rastliny. A ako oni vyrastali, jedno bola pšenica a to druhé bol kúkoľ. A prišlo sucho, že keď - vyzeralo akoby, oboje mali sklonené svoje hlavy a volali o dážď. Potom tam nad tú zem prišiel veľký oblak a začalo pršať. A tá pšenica sa zodvihla a povedala: "Chvála Pánovi! Chvála Pánovi!" A kúkoľ sa zodvihla a volala: "Chvála Pánovi! Chvála Pánovi!" Rovnaký výsledok. Obe hynuli, obe umierali. A potom pšenica vyrástla a dostala smäd. A pretože to bolo na tom istom poli, v tej istej záhrade, na tom istom mieste, pod tým istým prúdom, tam vyrastá pšenica a tam vyrastá kúkoľ, skrze to isté.

46Všimnite si. Tá istá pomazaná voda, ktorá rodí pšenicu, rodí kúkoľ. Ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý pomazáva Cirkev, ktorý im dáva túžbu zachraňovať duše, ktorý im dáva moc činiť zázraky, On tak isto padá na nespravodlivých, ako na spravodlivých - ten istý Duch! No, nemôžete to podať inak a porozumieť Matúšovi 24: 24. On povedal: "Povstanú falošní kristovia," falošní pomazanci, pomazaní tou pravou vecou, ale budú o tom falošne prorokovať, falošne to učiť. Čo robí človeka, že chce byť falošný učiteľ niečoho, čo je Pravda? No dostaneme sa za chvíľu ku znameniu šelmy a budete vidieť, že je to denominácia. Vidíte? Falošní učitelia; falošní pomazanci. Pomazaní kristovia, a pri tom falošní učitelia. To je jediný spôsob, ako to môžete vidieť.

47Tak ako tu pred nejakým časom. Hovoril som to ... Mohol som o tom hovoriť, pretože sme spojení telefonicky po celom národe. Raz som sa rozprával so svojim priateľom (tam kde ide toto dnes ráno) v Arizone. A on mal citrusovú farmu. A mal strom, ktorý bol pomarančovník a rodil grapefruity, a citróny, tangeriny, tangelá. A zabudol som koľko rôznych druhov ovocia bolo na tom jednom strome. A povedal som tomu mužovi, povedal som: "Ako to? Čo je to za strom?"

On povedal: "Samotný strom je pomarančovník."

Povedal som: "Ako to, že sú na ňom grapefruity? Prečo sú na ňom citróny?"

On povedal: "Oni sú zaštepené do neho."

Povedal som: "Rozumiem. No dobre," povedal som: "no, na budúci rok, keď ten strom prinesie ďalšiu úrodu ovocia ..." - oni všetky dozrievajú v tom istom čase - povedal som: "... potom on urodí samé pomaranče. Keď je to pomarančovník, on urodí pomaranče, či nie, pane?"

On povedal: "Nie! Každá zaštepená vetva zrodí svoj vlastný druh."

Povedal som: "Chceš povedať, že citrónová vetva zrodí z toho pomarančovníka citróny?"

On povedal: "Presne tak."

"Či grapefruitová zrodí grapefruit na tom pomarančovníku?"

On povedal: "Presne tak. To je povaha tej vetvy, ktorá je do neho zaštepená."

Povedal som: "Chvála Bohu!"

On povedal: "Čo tým chceš povedať?"

Povedal som: "Ešte mám jednu otázku. No, či zrodí ešte niekedy ten pomarančovník znovu pomaranče?"

On povedal: "Keď vypustí ďalšiu vetvičku." Keď on vypustí ďalšiu halúzku, nie keď nejaká bude do neho zaštepená. Ale, to je všetko citrusové ovocie, a oni žijú z toho citrusového života, ktorý je v tom citrusovom strome.

48Povedal som: "Tu to je! Metodisti budú stále rodiť Metodistov. Baptisti budú stále rodiť Baptistov. Katolíci budú stále rodiť Katolíkov. Ale Cirkev živého Boha zrodí Krista od koreňov, stále Slovo, keď vypustí ďalšiu svoju vlastnú haluz!"

49No, vy to tam môžete zaštepiť. Vidíte? Každý grapefruit, citrón, tangelo, tangarinu, akékoľvek citrusové ovocie, každé jedno z nich môže žiť na tom strome, ale prináša o tom strome falošné svedectvo, a pritom žije z toho stromu. Vidíte to? Oni žijú a dobre sa rozvíjajú na úkor toho pravého života, ktorý je v tom strome. No, to je Matúš 24: 24. Žijú z toho istého života, ale oni od začiatku neboli praví. Oni vydávajú falošné svedectvo o tom strome! To je pomarančový strom! Hoci je to citrusový strom. A oni hovoria: "Táto cirkev, táto denominácia vydáva svedectvo o Kristovi." A majú falošný krst, falošné svedectvo o Slove, snažia sa povedať, že moc Božia bola len pre učeníkov? Ježiš, sám povedal: "Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každej vetve, ktorá kedy vyrastie na tom strome, každému konáru, ktorý bude na tom strome! A tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tie pravé haluzi." Kde? Pokiaľ je to strom, pokiaľ on vypúšťa halúzky, do konca sveta. "V Mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov budú hovoriť novými jazykmi, hadov brať, piť smrtonosné veci, klásť ruky na chorých a oni budú uzdravení." Vidíte hodinu v ktorej žijeme? Vidíte, čo povedal Ježiš?

50Pamätajte, toto bolo v čase konca, nie tam vtedy pri Wesleyovi a tam vtedy. Teraz, toto sa malo diať v čase. Skúmajte Písma, nech oni svedčia. Ježiš povedal: "Skúmajte Písma, pretože si myslíte, že v nich (alebo veríte) máte večný život a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne." Inými slovami, ak tento strom kedy zrodí halúzku ... "Ja som Vinič, Strom; vy ste letorasty - halúzky. Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, aj on bude činiť." Ev. Jána 14:12.

51Nuž: "Ten, kto zostáva vo Mne, ten kto ... ten kto bol v Mojom koreni na počiatku ..." Preto Ježiš bol oboje Koreň i Ratolesť Dávidova. On bol pred Dávidom, v Dávidovi, a po Dávidovi, oboje Koreň i Ratolesť Dávidova; Hviezda Ranná, Ruža Sáronská, Ľalia z údolia, Alfa i Omega; Otec, Syn i Duch Svätý. V Ňom prebýva plnosť Božstva telesne, oboje Koreň i Ratolesť Dávidova. "Ten, kto je tým vyvoleným Životom, tým predurčeným Životom, ktorý je vo Mne (a On je Slovo od počiatku), keď on príde, bude niesť Moje ovocie." Ev. Jána 14: 12. Ale ostatní budú žiť z toho istého, nazývať sa Kresťanmi a veriacimi. "Nie všetci, ktorí hovoria Pane, Pane, tam vojdú."

No, toto sa má diať a má to byť zamanifestované v tých posledných dňoch, keď sa majú dokonať tajomstvá Božie, ako sa ku tomu dostaneme trochu neskoršie.

52Tieto stromy - ten pravý vinič a ten falošný vinič ... Počuli ste ma už o tom kázať - už roky, ako oni spolu rástli. Prinášal som to jednotlivo a ukazoval ich, od Kaina a Ábela, tie dva viniče, ktoré sa stretli pri oltári; obidvaja nábožní, obidvaja pomazaní, obidvaja chcú život a chcú uctievať toho istého Boha ... A jeden bol odmietnutý a druhý prijatý. A že ten, ktorý bol prijatý, mohol robiť niečo inak, ako jeho brat, bolo jedine to, že mu to bolo zjavené. Pretože Biblia hovorí: "Vierou ... (Židom 11. kapitola) ... vierou doniesol Ábel Bohu väčšiu obeť než Kain, ktorou to vierou mu Boh dal svedectvo, že je spravodlivý."

Ježiš povedal: (Duchovné zjavenie ohľadne toho, kto On je!) "Čo hovoria ľudia, že kto som Ja, Syn človeka?"

On povedal - Peter povedal: "Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha."

"Požehnaný si Šimon, syn Jonášov, telo a krv ti to nezjavili. Zjavil ti to Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach. Na tejto skale Ja postavím Svoju Cirkev." Na čom? Na pravom zjavení Slova! To je znovu ten pravý Vinič. "Ábel vierou ..."

53Vy hovoríte: "To nebolo zjavenie." Čo je viera? Viera je niečo, čo ti je zjavené; čo ešte nie je, ale ty veríš, že to bude. Viera je zjavenie vôli Božej. Tak, skrze zjavenie ...

54 A cirkvi dnes ani neveria v duchovné zjavenie. Oni veria v dogmatickú náuku nejakého systému. "Skrze zjavenie doniesol Ábel Bohu väčšiu obeť než Kain, pri ktorej to viere mu Boh dal svedectvo, že je spravodlivý." Amen. Dúfam, že to vidíte. Vidíte, kde žijeme? Vidíte tú hodinu?

Nedávno som hovoril s jedným pánom, študovaný Kresťan a milý človek. Povedal: "pán Branham, my odmietame akékoľvek zjavenia."

55Povedal som: "Potom musíte odmietnuť Ježiša Krista, pretože On je zjavením Boha, Boh zjavený v ľudskom tele." Ak toto neuvidíte ste stratený! Ježiš povedal: "Ak neuveríte, že Ja som On, zomriete vo svojich hriechoch." On je zjavením Boha, Duch Boží zjavený v ľudskej forme. Ak tomuto nemôžete veriť, ste stratený. Kladiete Ho ako tretiu osobu, druhú osobu, či akúkoľvek ďalšiu osobu vedľa Boha, ste stratení. "Ak neuveríte, že Ja som On, zomriete vo svojich hriechoch." Zjavenie!

56Nie divu, že oni Ho nemohli vidieť. "Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, ak ho nepritiahne Môj Otec. A všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec (v koreňoch) prídu ku Mne." Vidíte? Rozumiete tomu? Och, ako Ho máme milovať, ctiť Ho, chváliť Ho; aby sme videli ovocie Ducha v týchto posledných dňoch na Strome Nevesty dozrievajúce na vrcholku času!

57Ten pravý vinič i ten falošný vinič, obidva mali to isté pomazanie. Voda padá na obidva. Nie divu, že On nás varoval, že to by zviedlo i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.

58Všimnite si. Oni vyzerajú tak isto; oni sú tak isto pomazaní. Ale všimnite si: "Podľa ich ovocia ..." Ako ste vedeli, že to - ako viete, že to nie je pomaranč? Pretože rodí grapefruity. Ten vinič (strom) je v poriadku; to žije na tom strome, ale rodí grapefruit. To nie je také ovocie, ako to prvé. A ak nejaká cirkev hovorí, že veria, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera dnes i naveky, a zapierajú Jeho moc, zapierajú Jeho skutky, zapierajú Jeho Slovo ... Ak - ak ... Tá Cirkev, ktorá verí v Ježiša Krista, bude robiť skutky Ježiša Krista; bude mať Život Ježiša Krista. A ak to tak nie je ... Nezáleží na tom, či sa tam vlieva ten Život; ak to nie je predurčené od koreňa, stále to bude rodiť grapefruit, alebo niečo iné! Ale ak je to v koreňoch predurčený život, on prinesie Ježiša Krista toho istého včera, dnes i naveky, ak je to Slovo, ktoré prichádza cez ten Koreň, On je tým Koreňom, počiatkom času.

59Všimnite si. Ale to čo oni produkujú, hovorí o niečom inom. "Podľa ich ovocia - povedal Ježiš - ich poznáte." Neoberá sa hrozno z bodliaka, aj keď ten bodliak je rovno vo viniči. To by bolo možné, ale to ovocie ho prezradí. Čo je to ovocie? To je Slovo na daný ... ovocie na daný čas; to je to - ich učenie. Učenie čoho? Učenie toho času, aký je čas - ľudská náuka, denominačná náuka, alebo Božie Slovo na daný čas?

No ... čas tak rýchlo ubieha, že ... Mohli by sme o tomto dlho hovoriť, ale som si istý, že vy tu prítomní, a som si istý, že vy po celom národe, rozumiete čo sa vám snažím povedať, pretože nemáme príliš veľa času, aby sme to ďalej rozoberali.

60Ale mohli ste vidieť, že to Pomazanie prichádza na nespravodlivých, tých falošných učiteľov, a spôsobuje, že robia presne to, čo Boh povedal aby nerobili; ale oni to aj tak budú robiť. Prečo? Oni si v tom nemôžu pomôcť. Ako môže byť bodliak niečo iné, než bodliak? Bez ohľadu na to koľko dobrého dažďu ho pokropí, on musí byť bodliak. Preto Ježiš povedal, že oni budú tak blízko, že by to zviedlo aj Vyvolených (ktorí sú v koreňoch), ak by to bolo možné. Ale to je nemožné. Pšenica nemôže rodiť nič okrem pšenici; ona nemôže zrodiť nič iné.

61Všimnite si. Pamätajte, Boh nie je autorom organizácie. Diabol je autor organizácie. Dokázal som to Slovom, krížom krážom, a znovu a znovu; nebudeme dnes ráno o tom hovoriť. Vieme, že Boh nikdy takto nezorganizoval ľudí dokopy, aby robil nejakú organizáciu. Stovky rokov po smrti posledného učeníka, než oni mali vôbec nejakú organizáciu. Ona stále sklamala. Ak nie, prečo nežijeme dnes spolu v láske, Metodisti, Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, Katolíci a všetci? Prečo nás potom nenasledujú skutky Božie, ak každá cirkev stojí na tom istom, na Slove? To je to, čo oddeľuje ľudí, bratstvo ... Sme ďalej od Boha než sme kedy boli - hovorím o cirkvách.

62No, bolo nám povedané, že všetky tie dávne veci sa stali príkladmi, na naše poučenie, napomenutie, varovanie; všetky tie dávne veci, ktoré sa stali v Starom Zákone boli predobrazom, aby sme videli čo bude v Novom Zákone, v našich dňoch. Tak ako keby ste nikdy nevideli svoju ruku, a pozreli ste sa a videli ste na stene tieň (ako sa tam moja ruka odráža od svetla), ak tu na tieni má päť prstov, keď ten negatív - a priblížite svoju ruku, ktorá je pozitív, ku tomu negatívu, ona musí mať päť prstov. Ako nám hovorí Biblia, že Starý zákon bol tieňom, predobrazom tých nových vecí, alebo vecí, ktoré mali prísť; nie tými skutočnými vecami, ale to bol tieň, predobraz tých vecí, ktoré mali prísť.

63Poďme naspäť a pozrime sa či táto vec bola kedy v niektorom inom veku. Chcete? [Zhromaždenie: "Amen."] Tak to budeme vedieť overiť krížom krážom, podľa Slova; nie podľa predstavy nejakého človeka, nejakej teórii. Nestarám sa o to, kto to je; ktokoľvek, ja, alebo ktokoľvek iný, ak nehovorí podľa zákona a prorokov, nemá v sebe Svetlo. Rozumiete? To hovorí Biblia. "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvo, a Moje Pravda," bez ohľadu na to, kto to je.

64No, poďme teraz naspäť a zistime, či sa takéto niečo niekedy stalo, aby nám bol ukázaný príklad. Mohli by sme sa teraz vrátiť do Knihy Exodus a hovoriť o postave zvanej Mojžiš, bol to pomazaný prorok, poslaný od Boha, so Slovom Božím a vôľou Božou pre jeho generáciu. Pretože Božie Slovo vždy spolu súvisí, On povedal, že nerobí nič, kým to prv nezjavi Svojim prorokom. Potom to urobí.

No, On nemôže klamať. On nemôže klamať a byť Bohom. Nie veru! On musí zostať pravdivý. V Ňom nieto klamstva. On je ... A On to nemôže zmeniť. Ak to zmení, potom nie je Boh; On urobil chybu. On musí byť nekonečný. A nekonečný nemôže urobiť chybu. Rozumiete? Tak, to čo Boh kedy povie, to je naveky pravda. Rozumiete? A On to zasľúbil. Tak hľaďte. Nikde v Biblii nieto miesto, ktoré by nemalo súvislosť práve s tým.

65Boh zasľúbil Abrahámovi, že jeho semeno bude cudzincom v cudzej zemi za štyristo rokov, potom ho On vyvedie veľkým ramenom a veľkou mocou, ukáže Svoje znamenia a zázraky medzi ľuďmi, s ktorými bývali. Čas toho zasľúbenia sa priblížil. Ľudia na to zabudli. Oni mali Farizejov a Sadúcejov, a tak ďalej, denominácie; ale zrazu prišiel Boh a odtiahol sa od každého z nich. Boh nikdy v niktorom dni, ani v niktorom čase, nikdy nepovolal proroka z denominácii. Nie veru. On je tak popletený. On by to nemohol urobiť. On by musel zostať s tou denomináciou.

66Mojžiš, muž poslaný od Boha, so Slovom Božím ... A na svojej ceste vedie Izraela do zasľúbenej zemi, presne podľa Božieho prikázania, on stretol iného proroka, iného pomazanca, ktorý mal pravé pomazanie tým istým Svätým Duchom, ktorý bol na Mojžišovi. Je to tak. On bol prorok. Duch Svätý bol na tomto mužovi. Nazýval sa Balám. Všetci o ňom vieme. No, samotné veci - tak isto - veci, ktoré tento muž povedal, sa stále dejú - pred okolo dvadsiatimi ôsmimi stovkami rokov - "Ty si ako jednorožec, ó Izrael. Kto ti bude žehnať bude požehnaný. Kto ťa bude preklínať bude prekliaty. Tvoja sila, a moc, aké spravodlivé sú tvoje stany, ó Jakobe!" Vidíte, on si nemohol pomôcť. On tam prichádza a vo svojom srdci má úmysel, prekliať ten ľud.

67Och, vy falošní učitelia počúvate tieto pásky po všetky tie roky, a vidíte, že Boh presne potvrdzuje, čo On povedal, a sedíte vo svojich študovniach a viete, že je to Pravda; a kvôli svojím denominačným rozdielom, pochybujete o tých veciach a hovoríte ľuďom, že to tak nie je. Beda vám! Váš čas je u konca.

68Balám, pomazaný tým istým Duchom, ktorý bol na Mojžišovi ... Aký bol rozdiel? Náuka Mojžiša bola dokonalá! Biblia hovorí tu v ll. Liste Petra, že to bola "náuka Baláma" ktorú Izrael prijal, čo im Boh nikdy neodpustil, neodpustiteľný hriech! Ani jeden z nich nebol spasený, hoci vyšli pod požehnaním Božím a videli ruku Božiu pohybujúcu sa cez toho mocného proroka, a videli to presne potvrdené od Boha, a pretože prišiel iný prorok s opačnou náukou, a hádal sa s Mojžišom, a snažil sa dokázať ľuďom, že Mojžiš sa mýli ... A Dátan, Kóre, a mnohí z nich, s ním súhlasili a učili deti Izraelove páchať smilstvo, nasledovať jeho organizáciu, že: "My sme všetci to isté." "Či sme Metodisti, Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, alebo Letniční, či čokoľvek iné, my sme to isté." My nie sme to isté! Vy ste oddelený ľud, svätý Pánovi, posvätený Slovu a Duchu Božiemu, aby ste niesli ovocie Jeho zasľúbenia na tento deň. A vy nie ste z nich!

69Viem, že je to strašne tvrdé, ale aj tak je to Pravda. Posvätení do služby v týchto posledných dňoch! "Vyjdite z pomedzi toho!"

70No náuka Baláma ... Nie proroctvo Baláma, to bolo v poriadku. To bol Boh. Koľkí tomu veria? Proroctvo Baláma bolo úplne správne, pretože on nemohol povedať nič iné. To pomazanie Božie by nehovorilo nič iné. A Boh to potvrdil, tým že dokázal, že to bola pravda. Ale to bolo "učenie Baláma." No, porovnajte to s Matúšom 24: 24.

71Pomazanci, ale ich učenie je falošné, trojice, a všetko tomu podobné. Klamstvo, antikrist! Dúfam, že nie sú ranené vaše pocity, a že nevypínajte - tie telefóny, a že nevstávajte a neodchádzajte. Seďte len potichu, a pozrime sa či nám to Duch Svätý nezjavi a nedokáže. Vy hovoríte: "Ale to ..." Čokoľvek veríte, seďte len potichu a počúvajte. A proste Boha, aby otvoril vaše srdce, potom budete vedieť či ste tŕň, alebo bodliak, alebo kdekoľvek stojíte. Rozumiete?

72No, ešte i Judáš, on bol predurčený na zatratenie, sedel tam pred Ježišom a Ježiš mu povedal: "To si ty! Čokoľvek ideš robiť, a čokoľvek musíš urobiť, urob to rýchlo." On vedel, čo on robí, ale za tých tridsať strieborných, a popularitu, predal Pána Ježiša Krista. Jeden z Jeho učeníkov, pokladník zboru, Ježiš ho nazval Svojím priateľom. Vidíte? Biblia povedala, že on sa narodil, ako syn zatratenia, práve tak, ako Ježiš sa narodil ako Syn Boží. "Zvedie i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné."

73Dávajte dobrý pozor, zatiaľ čo to ďalej skúmame. Zoberieme ďalší príklad z Knihy Kráľov. Tam bol prorok a nazýval sa Micheáš. On bol syn Jimlu, a on bol prorok. Bol. A tam bol ďalší prorok, hlava organizácii prorokov, pomazancov. Biblia hovorí, že oni boli proroci, práve tak isto, ako je Tam povedané, že Balám bol prorok, pomazanec. A tam bol jeden z nich menom Micheáš, ktorého Boh pomazal a bol poslaný od Boha so Slovom Božím. Tam bol jeden, Cedekiáš, ktorý si myslel, že je poslaný od Boha. On bol pomazaný Boží, ale jeho učenie sa nezhodovalo so Slovom Božím. "Povstanú, falošní kristovia, ukážu veľké znamenia, že by zviedli i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné."

74Všimnite si ich oboch, obidvaja boli pomazaní. No, ako by ste mohli povedať, ktorý je pravý a ktorý falošný? Pozrite sa čo zasľúbilo Slovo Achabovi. Ten prorok, ktorý bol pred nim, ktorým bol Eliáš, jeden z najväčších prorokov toho veku, on bol potvrdený prorok. Ten potvrdený prorok povedal, že pretože Achab urobil toto zlé, že psi budú lízať jeho krv (pripravil Nábota o život), a že psi budú žrať Jezábeľ, a ... jej telo bude hnojom na tých poliach. No, ako môžete žehnať to, čo Boh preklial? Och ako môžete preklínať, ako povedal Balám, to čo Boh požehnal? Vidíte? Ale títo proroci boli úprimní. Bezpochyby oni boli dobrí ľudia, vážení ľudia. Lebo, byť prorokom v Izraeli, museli ste byť vážený, alebo byť len Izraelitom. Ak nie, boli ste ukameňovaný. To boli vážení ľudia. To boli inteligentní mužovia. To boli vzdelaní ľudia. To boli Achabovi vybraní, z toho národa (vidíš to, sestra Wright?) - vybraní z toho národa, dobre pasujúci pre tú ...

75A teraz, keď Micheáš videl svoje videnie, on vedel vo svojom srdci, čo povedalo Slovo, ale on chcel vidieť, čo povie ten Duch, ktorý bol v ňom. Tak oni mu povedali, povedali: "Hovor to isté, čo povedali títo ostatní proroci. A keď to urobíš, no, budeš - určite ťa prijmeme znovu do obecenstva." Vidíte? "Urobíme ťa jedným z nás. Zoberieme ťa naspäť do našej denominácii. Ty si ... My vieme, že si prorok, ale ty stále hovoríš kliatby. Ty stále preklínaš Achaba. Cedekiáš teraz, ten hlavný (pápež, alebo ... čokoľvek on bol), on teraz požehnal Achaba, a povedal: 'Pusti sa do toho.' Teraz ty hovor to isté, Jimla. Aha, ty si len biedny človek. Sotva máš nejaké zhromaždenie. A títo mužovia majú milióny. Celý národ je za nimi. No, hovor to isté čo oni. Vieš čo sa ti dostane, budeš jesť bohatsvo zeme." To nebol ten pravý, na ktorého by to zabralo.

76Čo ak by sa ho opýtali: "Môžeš nájsť nejakú chybu na Cedekiášovi, Micheáš?" "Nie." "Pristihol si ho niekedy v hriechu?" "Nie." "Počul si ho niekedy na niekoho nadávať?" "Nie." "Pristihol si ho niekedy opitého?" "Nie." "Či môžeš pochybovať o jeho vzdelaní?" "Nie." "Myslíš, že jeho doktorát je falošný?" "Nie." "Veríš, že jeho Ph.D. je na mieste?"

"Samozrejme. Od koncilu Sanhedrinu; Myslím, že je - od koncilu, myslím, že to je v poriadku."

"Dobre, prečo sa s ním potom nespojíš?"

"Pretože odstúpil od Slova!"

"Dobre, potom budeme mať možnosť ukázať, kto má pravdu."

77 Ako prorok Eliáš pred tým. A ak si ty dieťa Božie budeš stáť s prorokom tejto Biblii! To je Slovo.

78Všimnite si tú hodinu, tú dobu. Dobre, čo ak Cedekiáš povie: "Ó, ja viem, že to prorok povedal, ale to platí pre budúcu generáciu; to je ďaleko pred nami."

On povedal: "Počkaj, až uvidím videnie od Boha, a potom ti poviem."

Povedal: "Potom povieš to isté?"

On povedal: "Poviem len to čo povie Boh; nič iné, nič viac. Nemôžem pridať ku tomu jedno slovo, ani odobrať jedno Slovo od toho." Tak tej noci, v modlitbe, Pán prišiel ku nemu vo videní. On tam išiel na druhý deň ráno a povedal: "Tam ... "

79Dvaja proroci ... Najväčší človek v národe, v očiach armády i národa, bol Cedekiáš. On bol hlavný prorok, postavený od kráľa. On bol vedúci všetkých ďalších prorokov, dosadený organizáciou. Svoju organizáciu bol dosadený za hlavu ich všetkých. Možno najlepšie študoval, bol najvzdelanejší, najschopnejší do tej roboty. A bol pomazaný Duchom Svätým, pretože je nazvaný prorokom. Skutočne. Nie len obyčajný prorok, on bol Hebrejský prorok. No, pozorujte ho.

80Cedekiáš povedal: "Pán prehovoril ku mne: 'Urob Mi tieto dva železné rohy,'" - symbol, prorok obyčajne používal symboly. "On povedal: 'Urob tieto železné rohy.' Duch Svätý mi povedal: 'Vezmi tieto ...' Pomazanie, ktoré mi žehnalo (Nemyslite si, že to znevažujem, ale aby sme sa dostali k veci.) - Duch Svätý, ktorý cezo mňa hovorí v jazykoch, Ten ktorý ma potvrdil, On povedal: 'Vezmi tieto rohy a povedz kráľovi, že týmto vytlačí Sýrov preč z toho kraju. A Ja mu dám naspäť tú zem, ktorá právom patrí Izraelovi, cirkvi.'" Brat, to vyzerá veľmi fundamentálne, práve tak, ako to čo tam hovoril Balám.

Balám hovoril práve tak fundamentálne ako Mojžiš. Mojžiš ... Sedem je správne Božie číslo. A Balám povedal: "Postavte sedem oltárov; sedem čistých obetí, volov, a sedem baranov." To hovorí o príchode Syna Božieho. Fundamentálne mal práve tak pravdu, ako ktokoľvek z nich.

81A tu Cedekiáš má tak isto fundamentálne pravdu. "Lebo táto zem patrí nám. Zatiaľ čo tam tí Sýrovia a Filištíni, naši nepriatelia, plnia svoje bruchá a bruchá svojich detí, a tak ďalej, potravou, ktorá patrí našim deťom, a pritom Boh nám dal tú zem!" Brat, to je dobrý argument. Myslím, že on to mohol vykrikovať pred Izraelom, a oni mohli kričať ako len vládali. No, ja teraz hovorím o dnešku. Dúfam, že mi rozumiete. Všetko to vykrikovanie a vrieskanie ...

82Pamätáte na Dávida minulú nedeľu? Vidíte? Vy, ktorí ste pomimo a počúvate cez rádio, alebo cez to telefónne spojenie; ak ste nepočuli posolstvo z minulej nedele, nezabudnite si ho vypočuť. Snaha robiť Bohu nejakú službu bez toho, že by ste do nej boli určení, nezáleží na tom, ako úprimne, ako dobre, Boh to vôbec neprijíma. Vidíte?

83No, tu bol Cedekiáš, myslel si že je v poriadku. Micheáš povedal: "Nechajte ma, opýtam sa Boha." Tak on prichádza ráno na druhý deň s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. On skontroloval svoje videnie so Slovom.

84No, keby on povedal Cedekiášovi: "Vieš čo tu povedal ten Biblický prorok, že sa stane tomuto človeku?" ...

85"Ale nie v tomto čase, pretože tento muž je cteným mužom. On sa snaží." "On sa snaží - (neprehliadnite to!) - on sa snaží prinavrátiť cirkvi tie veci, ktoré jej patria. On sa snaží, aby dostala naspäť svoje majetky." Nie tie duchovné veci; ak by to robil, šokoval by celý národ, ako to urobil Eliáš. Ale snaží sa im dať tie materiálne veci: "My vlastníme majetky. My sme veľká organizácia. My patríme do toho. My všetci - vy všetci ľudia, vy Protestanti by ste sa mali ku nám pripojiť." Hm. Pomaly ku tomu prichádzame. "Veď to sú všetko bratia a sestry." Nie sú! Nikdy neboli a nikdy nebudú, s tou skutočnou, opravdovou cirkvou Božou. Nemôžu byť!

86Všimnite si, on videl to videnie. A tak povedal: "Boh ku mne hovoril." No, pozrite, ten človek bol úprimný. Povedal: "On povedal: 'Urob si tieto rohy, a choď tam pred kráľa a strkaj západným smerom (alebo na ktorúkoľvek stranu, kde ležala tá zem, od toho miesta kde oni stáli) ... Strkaj, a to bude TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, že on zvíťazí a príde naspäť, víťazstvo pre cirkev.'" Vyženie ich z tade. To je veľmi podobné, či nie? Aká bola skutočnosť? Tu prichádza Micheáš. Povedal: "Teraz ty povedz svoje proroctvo."

87"Choď! Ale videl som Izraela ako ovce, rozprášené, nemajúce pastiera." Fjú! Úplne opačne.

88No, vy ste to zhromaždenie. Kto má teraz pravdu? Obidvaja, proroci. Jediný spôsob, ako môžete poznať medzi nimi rozdiel, je skontrolovať to so Slovom.

Povedal: "Odkiaľ si to vzal?"

On povedal: "Videl som Boha sediaceho na tróne." Povedal: "Videl som celú radu okolo Neho."

89Pamätajte teraz, Cedekiáš práve povedal, že tiež videl Boha v tom istom Duchu. "Videl som Boha. On mi povedal, aby som urobil tieto rohy zo železa, aby Išiel tam a vystrkal tie národy odtiaľ, pretože to patrí nám. Tí ostatní nemajú na to právo." Oni by to mali, keby stáli poriadne pri Bohu, oni by to mali, ale oni odišli od Boha. Tak je to s organizáciou, s cirkvou. Ona má právo na tieto veci, ale ste boli o to oklamaní, pretože ste odišli od Božieho Slova a Božieho Ducha, Pomazania, aby potvrdil Slovo na daný čas. Porozumejte toto Posolstvo.

90Všimnite si čo sa teraz stalo. On povedal: "Videl som Boha" Micheáš povedal: "sedieť v Nebi na tróne. Okolo Neho bola zhromaždená Jeho rada. On povedal: 'Koho pošleme aby išiel dole a zviedol Achaba, aby sa vyplnili slová Eliáša, Môjho proroka, ktorý bol potvrdený. Ja som povedal, že on príde. A Eliáš mal Moje Slovo! A nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nepominie. Nezaujíma Ma, ako sa zmodernizovali, alebo ako sa polepšili, alebo aké dosiahli vzdelanie, alebo aký sa stali veľkí, Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie.' A nejaký klamlivý duch prišiel z pekla, padol na svoje kolená a povedal: 'Ak mi len dovolíš, ja im môžem dať svoje pomazanie, nechám ich robiť každé znamenie alebo zázrak, len čo ich dostanem pomimo Slova. On nebude ani vedieť, že To je Tvoje Slovo. On Ho bude ignorovať, kvôli popularite. (Brat, časy sa nezmenili! Brat Neville, to je pravda! Zapamätajte si, to je pravda!) Ja prídem na neho, nechám ho robiť tie isté veci, ktoré robia tí ostatní. Nechám ho prorokovať, a hovoriť klamstvo.'" Ako to mohlo byť klamstvo? Tak, že to bolo nezhodné so Slovom.

91Vezmite ktorýkoľvek z týchto falošných krstov, falošný taký a taký a taký, nestarám sa ako pravdivo to zneje, ako veľmi sa to snažia napodobniť, ak je to v rozpore s Božím Slovom na túto hodinu je to klamstvo! Presne tak! Vy hovoríte: "Dobre, naša ... Dobre, my sme urobili toto, a my sme urobili toto; a naša cirkev je takáto, a ..." Nestarám sa o to čo to je; ak je to v rozpore s tým napísaným Slovom na túto hodinu, je to klamstvo. Boh s tým nebude mať nič dočinenia. Nezáleží ako úprimne, ako vzdelane, ako inteligentne, ako pravdivo to zneje, ako rozumne to zneje, ak je to nezhodné so Slovom na túto hodinu ... Vojdeme do toho za chvíľu trochu hlbšie, ak nám čas dovolí. Ak nie, preberieme to ešte dnes večer.

92Všimnite si! On bol úprimný, dobrý človek, bez pochyby. A on povedal ... Potom inak, Micheáš mu povedal (nie priamo do tváre, ale inými slovami), "Si pomazaný falošným duchom." Hovorí sa také niečo biskupovi? Ale on to povedal!

93A tak tento biskup prišiel a povedal: "Už viacej nebudeš mať s nami obecenstvo!" a udrel ho do tvári; povedal: "Ty vieš, že ja som potvrdený človek. Moja cirkev ma urobila vedúcim, tohoto. Tie všeobecné voľby Božieho ľudu ma tým urobili. A Boh nám dal túto zem, a On chce, aby patrila nám. A ja mám TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." Udrel ho a povedal: "Ktorou cestou Duch Boží odišiel, keď odstúpil odo mňa?"

94Micheáš povedal: "Poznáš to v jednom z týchto dní," keď bude Kalifornia pod morom, a veľa takýchto vecí. Vidíte? "Budeš vidieť ktorou cestou On odišiel, keď budeš sedieť vo vnútorných vezeniach."

95No, Achab, čo ty povieš? "Ja verím svojmu prorokovi," on povedal. Čo keby on len dával pozor na Slovo? Vidíte, on nechcel vidieť seba prekliateho! Počúvajte ma! On nechcel vidieť seba prekliateho. Nikto to nechce. A môj organizovaný brat, tak isto je to s tebou. Ty si chceš myslieť, že si v poriadku, keď vieš vo svojom srdci, že keď krstíš, používajúc meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého, že klameš! Ty vieš, že keď predpovedáš - hovoríš tieto veci, ktoré robíš, a berieš počiatočné dôkazy, a všetko takéto, že nemáš pravdu. Ako môže byť počiatočný dôkaz hovorenie v jazykoch, a potom hovoriť v rozpore so zasľúbením Božím na túto hodinu? Ako to môže byť? Ty nechceš kliatbu, však? Ale tu je to napísané, a tak to musí byť. To je znamenie šelmy. Také blízke, žeby to zviedlo aj Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.

96Každý znak, každý zázrak, pomazaný človek, proroctvo, prejavujú sa všetky možné veci; všetky možné znamenia, všetky možné zázraky, ako poznáš ten rozdiel? Pozoruj Slovo na túto hodinu! Tak poznáš ...

97Pozorujte Mojžiša, ako on mohol rozpoznať Baláma. Pozorujte tu Micheáša, ako vieme, že on mal pravdu? Slovo, ktoré bolo pred ním to prorokovalo o Achabovi. A Slovo, pred týmto, prorokovalo o týchto organizáciách v tomto čase a o tejto kliatbe na nich, a o týchto veciach, ktoré sa budú diať skrze Jeho opravdu pomazanú Cirkev - bude mať Slovo, Nevesta Slova. Tu to máme! Dnes to máme práve tak, ako to bolo vtedy.

98Biblia hovorí: "Nech na ústach dvoch, alebo troch svedkov je založené každé slovo." Hovoril som o Balámovi. Hovoril som o Balámovi a Mojžišovi. A teraz som hovoril o Micheášovi a Cedekiášovi. A teraz poviem ešte jeden príklad, je ich stovky, ale ešte jeden, aby boli traja svedkovia. Mám ich tu zapísaných celú radu. Ale aby šetriť čas ...

99Jeremiáš, ktorý bol potvrdený, odvrhnutý, ale potvrdený prorok Boží. Nenávideli toho muža. Hádzali po ňom - prezrené ovocie, a všetko možné. A on vypovedal na nich tú kliatbu. A všetko čo robil ... A ležal tam na svojich bokoch, a všetko, a ukázal znaky, že s Izraelom je zle. Každý prorok, opravdový prorok, ktorý kedy povstal na svete, preklial tie denominačné cirkevné organizácie. Ako by to nemeniaci sa Boh mohol zmeniť?

100Duch Svätý je Prorokom v tejto hodine; On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo, dokazuje Ho. Duch Svätý bol Prorokom v čase Mojžiša. Duch Svätý bol Prorokom v čase Micheáša. Duch Svätý, ktorý napísal toto Slovo, prichádza a potvrdzuje to Slovo.

101No čo sa stalo v čase Micheáša? Achab bol zabitý, a psi lízali jeho krv, podľa Slova Božieho. "Ó, vy falošní učitelia, tak hovorí Boh, jedného dňa budete žať to čo sejete, vy slepí vodcovia slepých!" Nie som nahnevaný; Ja vám len hovorím Pravdu. A nepovedal by som to, ak by tam hore v tej miestnosti, ak by to Duch Svätý nebol povedal: "Povedz to takým spôsobom." Povedal som vám niekedy niečo zle ... čo by Boh nebol potvrdil, že je pravda? Prebuď sa môj brat, prv ako bude príliš neskoro!

102Ale dovoľte mi povedať toto. Ako sa môže prebudiť tŕň a byť bodliakom, keď bol do toho predurčený? Ako sa Vyvolený môže zdržať, aby to nevidel? Pretože, oni sú Vyvolení, aby to videli. "Všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec prídu," povedal Ježiš: "ale nikto z nich nemôže prísť, ak by Mi to On nedal pred založením sveta, keď ich mená boli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života," nie v nejakej cirkevnej knihe, ale v Knihe, Baránkovej Knihe Života.

103Všimnite si! Jeremiáš povstal, potvrdený pred ľuďmi, a jednako ho nenávideli.

104A tak oni išli a urobili jarmo, on urobil jarmo, a dal si ho na krk a išiel pred ľudí. Oni povedali: "Ó, my sme veľký ľud Boží. Ako, my sme Izrael! My sme verní našej synagóge, chodíme tam každú nedeľu, my obetujeme obete. A dávame tam svoje peniaze. Ako by mohol Nabuchodonozor zobrať tie sväté veci Božie?" Hm! To urobili vaše hriechy.

Boh povedal: "Ak budete dodržiavať Moje prikázania, neurobím toto. Ale ak nie, príde to na vás." Je to presne tak. Stále tak isto. Dodržiavať Jeho prikázania, Jeho Slovo na danú hodinu, čo On zasľúbil.

105Všimnite si teraz. No, Jeremiáš, z vôli Božej, potvrdený prorok, hoci nenávidený ... Každý jeden z nich bol nenávidený vo svojom čase. Oni robili také divné veci, ktoré boli v protiklade s vtedajšou denomináciou, všetci ho nenávideli, kráľovia a všetci ostatní. Tak on si dal na krk jarmo a povedal: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, budete tam sedemdesiat rokov." Pretože on to porozumel zo Slova Božieho. Sedemdesiat rokov.

106Potom Chananiáš, Chananiáš, myslím, že to vyslovujete Cha-na-ni-áš. Chananiáš, prorok nad tým ľudom, prišiel, zobral to jarmo z Jeremiášovho krku a polámal ho. A povedal ... Bol veľkou osobou medzi tým ľudom (vidíte?), keď to hovoril nezhodne s Božím Slovom. A On povedal: "Za dva roky budú naspäť, tak hovorí Pán." Dvaja pomazaní proroci. Aký bol medzi nimi rozdiel? Jeden hovoril Slovo, a ten druhý nie.

Jeremiáš povedal: "Amen!" pred všetkými tými staršími a pred tým zhromaždením, a pred celým Izraelom.

107Vidíte, on chcel ukázať, že on môže byť taký veľký, ako Jeremiáš. "Ty vieš, že oni ťa aj tak nemajú radi. Tak ja som tiež prorok. Ja som viac prorokom ako ty, pretože ty prorokuješ klamstvo. Ty mi hovoríš, že Boží ľud bude pod niečím takým." To oni hovoria dnes, ale vy tam budete práve tak isto, ako cirkev. Je na vás uvalená kliatba. Vy všetky cirkvi, denominácie, ktoré sa držíte svojej ľudskej tradícii namiesto Božieho Slova, ste prekliate od Boha!

108Všimnite si teraz, tu on prichádza. Chananiáš trhá to jarmo z jeho krku, Boží symbol, láme ho a hovorí: "Tak hovorí Pán, za dva roky sa vrátia." Len na vystatovanie: "Ja som ten a ten." Pretože on ju zastával, on bol prorok z organizácie.

109Jeremiáš bol mužom púšte, ktorý žil sám. On po celý čas prorokoval zlé proti ním, pretože oni boli zlí. A tento muž im hovoril: "Ó, vy ste v poriadku, pokiaľ sem patríte ... Pokiaľ ste Izraelom, to je všetko, čo je potrebné. (Vidíte?) Vy ste ... Boh to neurobí. Viem, že niečo nepatrné sa tu prihodí, ale nebuďte poplašení, nestrachujte sa." Ó, brat, takí stále dnes žijú. "Nerobte si starosti, všetko je v poriadku. Všetko máme pod kontrolou. My sme Cirkev." Nemyslite si to! Och.

110Tak on povedal: "Všetko je v poriadku. Za dva roky sa vrátia. To je drobná vec, ktorá sa stala; nie je to nič neobyčajné; rozumieme. Nabuchodonozor práve prišiel sem hore, ale náš Boh sa o to všetko postará." Ale Slovo povedalo, že oni tam budú sedemdesiat rokov; až kým nevymrie tá generácia, a ďalšia generácia ... štyridsať rokov je generácia.

111"Toto sú skoro dve generácie, kým tam budete," a Jeremiáš to povedal podľa Slova Božieho. Chananiáš zlámal to ... Jeremiáš povedal: "V poriadku. Amen. Ale, Chananiáš, pamätajme toto, my sme obidvaja proroci. My sme kazatelia. A hovorím ti toto, môj brat. Pamätajme, pred nami boli proroci, a oni prorokovali proti kráľovstvám, a oni prorokovali proti určitým veciam. Ale pamätaj, keď ten prorok niečo povedal, on musel prorokovať podľa Slova. Ako Micheáš, a Mojžiš, a všetci ostatní. To musí byť podľa Slova. Ak nie je, potom pamätaj čo sa stane."

112Potom Chananiáš, oprávnene sa rozhorčil. "Ja som Chananiáš, prorok Pánov, a ja hovorím dva roky." Inými slovami: "Nestarám sa o to čo hovorí Slovo," jeho pomazanie. "Ja hovorím, za dva roky sa vrátia."

113Jeremiáš odišiel od neho, odišiel a povedal: "Pane, mne je jedno čo on povedal, ja stále verím a viem, že to Slovo tak hovorí. Ja Ti zostanem verný. Ja nebudem od neho zvedený."

114Boh povedal: "Choď povedz Chananiášovi, že to ďalšie jarmo urobím zo železa." Pretože to on urobil, bol odstránený z povrchu zeme, Chananiáš, v tom istom roku. To sú naše príklady. Obidvaja proroci. Mohli by sme povedať oveľa viac na ten čas.

115Ale dávajte pozor. Ježiš povedal, že znovu v tomto čase konca, tieto dva duchy budú tak isto veľmi blízko seba. Je to tak? Všimnite si! Bude to bližšie, než ako to bolo vtedy. Toto je ten čas konca. Ó, deti! Bože buď nám milostivý! Bude to až tak skutočné, žeby to zviedlo aj Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. No, ako budete - ako sme to poznali v tých dňoch? Ako to poznáme dnes? Tak isto, stojte v Slove: Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. No, dbajte na celé toto posolstvo. A keď budete počúvať tú pásku - možno mňa tu už nebude, jedného dňa keď Pán tu na zemi so mnou skončí - budete sa znovu ku tomuto vracať. Počúvajte na môj hlas, čo vám hovorím. Ak ma On vezme pred Jeho príchodom, pamätajte len, hovorím ku vám v mene Pánovom, Slovom Pána. Áno!

116Všimnite si. Budú tak blízko pri sebe, že by to zviedlo Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné, budú robiť tie isté znamenia, tie isté zázraky, skrze toho istého Ducha. Je to tak? Tak ako tí proroci, o ktorých sme práve hovorili - proroci.

117No, tiež je to napísané, otvorme si to, na tomto jednom, ak chcete. ll. Timotejovi 3. Nevynechajme tento príklad. A ja nechcem ... Pozerám sa tam na tie hodiny, a chcem z toho veľa vynechať, a myslím, že teraz by sme to nemali vynechať. Rozumiete?

118Všimnite si, len ... Keď tu stojím a potím sa ako ... Vidíte? Ale som šťastný. A viem, že toto je pravda.

119ll. Timotejovi 2: 8. Pavel, ten muž, ktorý povedal: "Keby prišiel anjel z neba a hovoril vám iné slovo, než to, čo som vám ja povedal, nech je prekliaty." - no, nejaký anjel prichádza dole. To je ll. Tesaloničanom. Och, prepáčte.

120Všimnite si v ll. Timotejovi 3: 8. Dávajte pozor, čo teraz Pavel hovorí. Začnime od okolo ... Začnime od prvého verša, a dobre teraz počúvajte. Vy, ktorí máte svoje Biblie, čítajte so mnou. Vy ktorí nemáte Biblie, počúvajte pozorne.

Ale to vedz, že v posledných dňoch ...

Zdôrazňujem to "posledné dni." To je vtedy, keď sa toto bude diať.

... nastanú nebezpečné časy.

(Sme v nich.)

Lebo to budú ľudia, ktorí budú milovať seba, milovať peniaze, chlúbiví, pyšní, rúhaví, rodičom neposlušní, nevďační, bohoprázdni.

121Pozrite sa na túto skupinu, ktorú máme dnes, zhnitá. Dokonca muži vonku na ulici, mladí muži, si sčesávajú vlasy dole do čela - s ofinami ako ženy. Zvrátenosť! Sodomiti!

122Čítali ste v tomto roku - tento mesiac Reader Digest? Tam je napísané, že Američania vo veku - myslím, že to bol vek medzi dvadsiatym a dvadsiatym piatym rokom - sú už vo svojom strednom veku. Sú na konci! Sú prehnití! To hovorí veda, že muž je v strednom veku i žena, keď majú len dvadsať. Ich telá sú tak skazené a oddané špinavosti.

123Och, Amerika, ako často ťa Boh chcel zhromaždiť, ale teraz prišla tvoja hodina! Ty si doviedla svet do špinavosti.

... rúhaví, rodičom neposlušní, nevďační, bohoprázdni,

Bez lásky, ...

Žiadna opravdová láska ani jedného ku druhému, muža ku žene, ženy ku mužovi. Nemajú lásku. Sexuálna špinavosť!

...nezmierliví, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, divokí, nemilujúci dobrého,

Inými slovami, hovoríte: "Vy banda fanatikov." Niekto sa raz opýtal ohľadne chodenia sem do zboru. Povedali mu: "Nechoď tam. Všetko, čo tam je, je banda ľudí, ktrorí robia hluk a vystrája." Vidíte? Pohŕdajú nimi.

zradní, náhli, nadutí, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha,

Vy hovoríte: "brat Branham, to sú komunisti." Čo hovorí ten nasledujúci verš?

ktorí majú tvárnosť pobožnosti, ktorí


však jej moc zapreli.

Slovo, Ježiša Krista toho istého včera, dnes i naveky, zamanifestované zasľúbenie na tento deň ... Presne tak, ako Chananiáš, presne ako Cedekiáš, presne ako Balám, tam vtedy, i ďalší falošní proroci.

Majúci formu pobožnosti,

(pomazaní ... Vidíte?)

Majúci formu,

(pomazaní, ordinovaní kazatelia ...)

Majúci formu pobožnosti,

(ale zapierajú, že On je ten istý včera dnes .... Zapierajúci Jeho Slovo!)

Ako oni zapreli v tom čase Ježiša? Koho oni zapreli, keď zapreli Ježiša? Slovo. Oni boli nábožní. Oni učili zo svojich Biblií, ale zapreli Slovo na svoj deň. Čo sú oni dnes? To isté, pomazaní, kážu evanjelium o letniciach, ale zapierajú zasľúbenie potvrdeného Slova na tento deň: "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Vidíte to?

Lebo z tých sú tí, ktorí vnikajú do domov a zajímajú nerozumné ženy, obťažené hromadou hriechov, vedené rozličnými žiadosťami

"Naše šicie večierky a naše to a to." Niekto prichádza a snaží sa prekrútiť Slovo a hovorí: "To je v poriadku sestra, že máš krátke vlasy. Vôbec si nevšímaj toho hlupáka." Vidíte? "Och, či nosíš toto ... To nie je to; to čo poškvrňuje človeka vychádza z jeho srdca." Vidíte? A uvedomujte si, že ste pomazaní niečím zlým, žiadosťou, špinavým duchom? ... nestarám sa, že môžeš spievať v zbore s krátkymi vlasmi, ale máš zlého ducha! To je v protiklade so Slovom. Je to tak. To hovorí Biblia. A vy hovoríte: "Dobre, ja nosím šortky. Neodsudzuje ma to." Ktokoľvek ... Ak žena nosí mužský odev, v Božích očiach je to ohavnosť." Nemenný Boh to povedal.

124Ó, tak mnoho vecí, keby sme to chceli prejsť, nestačil by nám čas. Ale poznáte toho dosť, aby ste vedeli, čo je dobré a čo zlé. A ako ich ja môžem prinútiť, aby to robili? Ako to môžem urobiť? Poviete: "No tak, prečo o tom stále vykrikuješ?" Ja som svedok proti vám! Jedného dňa, na Súdny Deň, nebudete mať kút, kde by ste sa ukryli.

125Ako to Micheáš mohol zastaviť? Ako mohol Mojžiš, ktorý kričal a snažil sa to zastaviť, a Jozue a oni bežali medzi ľudí, a Lévi dokonca vytiahol svoj meč a zabíjal ich? Oni ďalej postupovali tak isto. Je to predpovedané, že oni to budú robiť. A oni to budú robiť, pretože to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN oni to budú robiť! Myslíte si, že tí nominovaní sa niekedy z toho dostanú, že ich denominácie prídu naspäť do Slova? Nie, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN! Či oni pôjdu za antikristom? Presne, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, pôjdu! "Tak, čo o tom hovoríš?" Ja musím byť svedkom, a vy tiež! Všetci veriaci! Hľaďte.

... nerozumné ženy obťažené rozličnými žiadosťami,

126"Dobre, všetky tie ostatné ženy to robia." Falošní proroci! Počúvajte. Falošní proroci, hovorím o nich. No, čo oni budú robiť v tom poslednom čase? Viesť nerozumné ženy, odvádzané svojimi rozličnými žiadosťami. "No, ja poznám všetky tie ostatné ženy ..." V poriadku, pokračuj.

127Čo som povedal tesne pred tou veľkou udalosťou tu v Kalifornii? "Vy ľudia tu v Los Angeles, každý rok, keď prichádzam naspäť je tu viac ostrihaných žien a zbabelých mužov, než ako to bolo prv, viacej kazateľov ide do organizácii. Ste bez výhovorky! Ak by sa tie mocné skutky sa stali v Sodome a Gomore, ktoré sa stali u vás, stáli by do dnešného dňa. Ó, Kafarnaum, ty ktorý sa nazývaš menom anjelov, Los Angeles ..." Vidíte čo sa deje? Ono pôjde rovno na dno mora. Kedy? Ja neviem, kedy to bude, ale to sa stane. Vy mladí ľudia, ak to ja neuvidím v mojich dňoch, vy to pozorujte. Je s ňou koniec!

ktoré sa vždycky učia, ale nikdy nemôžu prísť k poznaniu pravdy.

Tu je teraz to šokujúce, tu je tá šokujúca časť. Počúvajte toto.

A ako čo Janes a Jambrez sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tak sa i títo stavajú proti pravde, ľudia, skazení na mysli, nedokázaní čo do viery ... ktorá raz bola svätým darovaná, (

samozrejme. ... čo do viery. "A on obráti vieru otcov - či detí, naspäť ku otcom.")

128"Nedokázaní čo do Viery." Och! Viete čo znamená nedokázať sa? Ak máte Bibliu Scofilda, tam je písmeno "h". A nad tým je napísané "Odpadnutie." Odpadnutie, to je to, čo to znamená.

129No, chvíľočku. Chcem tu niečo pohľadať. Myslím, že som si to tu zapísal. Nie som si istý, ale to chcem povedať, a vyhľadať to prv, ako to poviem. No, chvíľočku. Nedokázaní čo do Pravdy, čo do viery. "Viera," je len jedna Viera. Je to tak. Čo do viery, nedokázaní.

Chcem teraz čítať z Lukáša 18. Len chvíľku. Nepotrebujete si to zapisovať. Nemusíte to čítať.

A na koniec povedal im aj podobenstvo, že je treba vždycky sa modliť a neustávať.

Bol vraj v istom meste nejaký sudca, ktorý sa Boha nebál a človeka nehanbil.

A bola v tom istom meste akási vdova, ktorá chodila k nemu a hovorila: Pomsti ma nad mojím protivníkom a vysloboď ma od neho!

A nechcel za čas. Ale potom povedal sám v sebe: Hoci sa ani Boha nebojím ani človeka sa nehanbím,

ale preto, že mi táto vdova nedá pokoja, pomstím ju, nech mi tu nechodí naveky a netrápi ma.

A Pán povedal: Počujte čo hovorí ten nespravodlivý sudca!

A čo by Boh nepomstil svojich vyvolených, ktorí volajú k nemu dňom i nocou, hoc aj pri nich zhovieva?

Ba hovorím vám, že ich pomstí, a to skoro. A však keď príde Syn človeka, či aj nájde vieru na zemi?

130No, to je otázka. Tu som sa chcel dostať. V Zjavení 10 - dostaneme sa do toho za niekoľko minút, v ďalšom verši Písma - on povedal: "Vo dňoch posolstva siedmeho Anjela, tajomstvo Božie má byť dokonané." Tu je - tá otázka je, ak dokážete čítať v tom riadku na túto hodinu: Bude to dokonané? "Či nájdem Vieru?" Vyplní sa Malachiáš 4. v tomto čase: prinavráti vieru detí, naspäť do viery otcov, do originálu, do Slova? Rozumiete?

131Nedokázaní! Janes a Jambrez, ako sa oni postavili proti ... No, tiež počúvajte. ll. Timotejovi 3: 8. Ako Janes ... sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tiež v tých posledných dňoch príde to isté nedokázanie (vidíte teraz kde je to tu povedané?) majúci formu pobožnosti, pomazanci. No len ... Vráťte sa ku tomu a prečítajte si to, keď prídete domov, aby som dnes ráno mohol toto skončiť, ak budem môcť.

132Nedokázaní čo do ... nie nedokázaní v žití, oni sú dobrí, vzdelaní ľudia. Všimnite si teraz, keď Mojžiš odišiel dole do Egypta, s posolstvom TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a bol potvrdený; volal na Izrael, ktorý bol ľudom, nie cirkvou ... Izrael bol ľudom; oni neboli cirkvou. Pretože, slovo cirkev znamená "vyvolaní." Oni boli ľud Boží. Potom, keď zostali pomazaní pod Slovom, a vyvolaní, stali sa cirkvou Božou. A potom odpadli, pretože neverili Božiemu Slovu, a počúvali na falošného proroka. Dúfam, že si to uvedomujete. Izrael bol Boží ľud, vychádza von pod mocným ramenom Božím, pomazaní Slovom ... mocou Božou, videl znamenia a zázraky Božie. A potom, keď Boh začal s nimi tiahnuť, prichádza nejaký falošný prorok, pomazaný, a učí niečo v protiklade s originálnym Slovom Božím, ktoré oni počuli; a každý jeden z nich zahynul na púšti, okrem troch ľudí. Pamätajte na to!

133"Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, kde osem duší bolo zachránených vodou, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, kde traja vyšli von zo Sodomy, tak to bude v čase, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka." Ja len citujem Písmo, Slovo Pánovo, o ktorom je povedané: "Nebo i zem pominú ..." To bude menšina!

134Všimnite si tu Mojžiš ide ku Áronovi. Mojžiš mal byť Bohom. Boh mu povedal, aby bol Bohom! Povedal: "Ty budeš Boh a nech Áron tvoj brat, bude tvoj prorok. Ty dáš slová do jeho úst, keď ty nevieš dobre hovoriť." Povedal: "Ale kto urobil človeka nemým? Kto dal človeku reč?" Pán. A on išiel tam dole. Čo on urobil? On vykonal pravý zázrak, presne ten, ktorý mu Boh kázal urobiť. Boh mu povedal: "Choď a hoď na zem svoju palicu." Zodvihol ju, a bol to had. On ju zodvihol, a obrátila sa naspäť na palicu. Povedal: "Choď urob toto pred faraónom, a povedz TAK HOVORÍ PÁN."

135A keď to faraón videl, povedal: "Ale, čo za obyčajný magický trik." Povedal: "Na tom nič nie je. To je mentálna telepatia, či niečo", viete. "My máme mužov v našej organizácii, ktorí dokážu urobiť to isté. Poď sem, biskup Taký a Taký; a ty poď sem. My máme takých, oni dokážu robiť to isté." To bol Satan, ktorý hovoril cez faraóna. To bol Boh hovoriaci cez Mojžiša.

136Ale pozorujte týchto mužov, ktorí prišli. Janes a Jambrez predstúpili pred Mojžiša, a verejne pred ten ľud, a urobili každý zázrak, ktorý mohol urobiť Mojžiš. Oni zvedú i Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Je to tak? Vykonali to isté, čo vykonal Mojžiš. Vidíte to? No pamätajte, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÍSMO, to sa znovu zopakuje v posledných dňoch. Aký bol rozdiel medzi Mojžišom a Jambresom?

Mojžiš povedal: "Nech sa voda premení na krv."

A títo falošní proroci povedali: "Samozrejme, my tiež premeníme vodu na krv." A stalo sa to.

137 Tak Mojžiš povedal: "Nech prídu blchy." Odkiaľ to on mal? Priamo od Boha. Vidíte? A čo on urobil? On povedal: "Dobre, samozrejme. my tiež môžeme priviesť blchy." A urobili to. Každý zázrak, ktorý mohol Mojžiš urobiť, oni tiež mohli urobiť! Pamätajte, majte to na mysli, prichádzame za chvíľu do toho. Oni môžu robiť všetko, čo môžu robiť tí ostatní z nich, ale oni nemôžu stáť v Slove. Oni nemôžu stáť v Slove.

138No všimnite si. Oni to urobili! Ale Mojžiš, ten pravý od Boha poslaný prorok, poverený od Boha, on sa s nimi nenaťahoval, nepovedal: "Vy toto tu nemôžete robiť! Nemôžete ..." On ich nechal len tak, nechal ich proste v tom pokračovať. To sú proroci z organizácii, ale pokračujte. Mojžiš len išiel rovno ďalej, počúval Boha. Čokoľvek Boh povedal: "Teraz urob toto," Mojžiš išiel a urobil to. On urobil novú vec. Keď to oni robili, každý jeden z nich mal nejakú senzáciu alebo niečo; tu oni prichádzajú. Oni to tiež urobili, presne tak, ako to urobil Mojžiš.

139Teraz si všimnite! Títo mužovia sa zjavili ... Och, vy ľudia, nepreočte toto! Títo podvodníci, napodobovatelia, sa zjavili potom, ako prv vystúpil ten pravý. Vidíte? Oni prišli, aby to napodobnili. Vidíte, museli! Diabol nič nemôže stvoriť; on je len prevracateľ originálu. Čo je hriech? To je prevrátená spravodlivosť. Čo je cudzoložstvo? Prevrátený normálny akt. Čo je klamstvo. Falošne predstavená pravda. Prekrútenie! Pozrite sa na Chananiáša, prekrútenie originálneho Slova. Pozrite sa na Baláma, prekrútenie originálneho Slova. Pozrite sa na Cedekiáša, prekrútenie originálneho Slova. A Biblia povedala, že títo ľudia vystúpia potom, čo ... aby prekrúcali to originálne Slovo, ktoré je potvrdené a dokázané, že je Pravda!

140"Konaj dielo evanjelistu (v tom uhle tam); vykonaj svoju službu. Lebo príde čas, keď neznesú zdravého učenia, ale podľa vlastných žiadostí si budú hromadiť učiteľov, lebo ich budú svrbieť uši." Pôjdu a budú robiť čo sa im zachce; a to je v poriadku: "My máme tie isté znamenia a zázraky." "A odvrátia sa od Pravdy a obrátia sa ku bájkam" - dogmám!

141Och, sme si vedomí Ducha Svätého, tej bázni, ktorá naráža na ľudskú dušu, keď sa on zamyslí, aké skutočné a jasné je to rovno pred nami! Vykopte tu ten uholný kameň a čítajte ten kúsok papieru, ktorý tam bol vložený, pred tridsiatymi tromi rokmi. Vidíte čo On tam povedal vtedy na Siedmej Ulici, v to ráno, keď bol položený ten uholný kameň. No sledujte to. Sledujte to tu dole pri rieke, keď ten anjel Pánov zostúpil dole vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpu, pred stovkami cirkví, či ľudí z cirkvi, ktorí tam stáli na brehu; čo On povedal, pozrite či sa to vyplnilo. Vidíte čo sa stalo. Je to tak tvrdé. Viem, že to tam vyzerá tvrdo, bratia, ale to je ... Biblia povedala ... Sám Ježiš povedal, žeby to zviedlo Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Nedá sa tomu vyhnúť. Oni to nikdy nebudú môcť uvidieť. Keby to bolo možné, i Vyvolení by tým boli zvedení.

142Všimnite si, títo mužovia sa zjavili potom, čo bol poslaný Boží pravdivý pomazanec; blízko pri Jeho pravom prorokovi Mojžišovi. A keď Mojžiš mohol niečo urobiť, oni to mohli napodobiť.

143No, brat, sestra, ja ... Toto je môj vlastný zbor. Ja mám právo kázať čo chcem, pokiaľ je to zo Slova Božieho. A ja neodsudzujem vás ľudí, ale sledujme len toto v tomto čase a v tejto hodine, v ktorej teraz žijeme!

Pozdravujem brata Ruddela, Juniora Jacksona a ostatných tam, naše bratské zbory. Zabudol som na nich, pred chvíľou. Myslím, že sú dnes ráno tiež zapojení, pretože tu v zbore nemáme už miesto.

144Pomyslite len teraz o tom, len na chvíľu. Oni robili tie isté zázraky, ktoré Mojžiš. Mojžiš priviedol blchy; oni to napodobnili a priviedli blchy. Vidíte? Boh povedal: "Toho dňa, ktorého by si jedol z neho zomrieš."

145Satan prišiel a povedal: "Istotne nezomriete. Budete múdrejší. Budete mať lepšiu organizáciu, lepšie ... (Viete, viete!) Všetko bude pre vás lepšie, budete mať viac svetla." Vidíte? Úplné prekrútenie ... A pamätajte, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, podľa ll. Timotea 3: 18, že v posledných dňoch tento Janes a Jambres budú na zemi. Teraz chcem aby ste si všimli, že oni sú dvaja. Vidíte? Napodobovatelia.

146No, vrátime sa do Sodomy, za chvíľu a ku tým trom, nájdime si tých troch Anjelov, ktorí prišli dole, a uvidíme to napodobovanie, a tak ďalej. Vidíte? Aby sme videli, čo je dobré a čo zlé. Vidíte, vidíte?

147Všimnite si, oni robili tie isté zázraky. Ale, všimnite si, oni napodobovali to skutočné Slovo, ktoré bolo pomazané, pri tom pravom, ktorého Boh poslal - nasledovali druhorade. Som zvedavý či by sme sa mohli za chvíľu zamyslieť. Keď som bral ľudí za ruku, nie tak dávno tomu, asi pred dvadsiatimi rokmi a znak ukázal. Chlapče, tam bolo viacej znakov, všade ...?... A každý, jeden to mal v pravej ruke; jeden to mal v ľavej ruke; iný to zavoňal. Vidíte? Všetky druhy ... A som zvedavý ... Boh mi nedá, aby som vám teraz povedal, čo skutočne bola pravda, ale jedného dňa to zistíte. To bolo len nato, aby sa ukázal ich nerozum. To na začiatku nebolo pravé. Jedného dňa vám to poviem, ak Pán dovolí.

148Všimnite si, oni robili tie isté zázraky, ale oni to ne ... Všimnite si, oni to nerobili až potom, keď najprv vyšlo to originálne Slovo. Tak to urobil Satan v záhrade Eden. Tak to on robí po celý čas. Kto prorokoval prvý? Mojžiš. Kto prvý prišiel na scénu, Mojžiš alebo Balám? Mojžiš. Kto prvý prišiel na scénu, Jeremiáš alebo Chananiáš? Rozumiete čo chcem povedať?

149Všimnite si, oni kopírovali. Telesní napodobovatelia, úprimní, mysleli si že robia Bohu službu, ako Dávid - minulý týždeň - ale telesné napodobeniny. Ja len chvíľu čakám. Chcem aby ste sa zamysleli pri týchto miestach. Ak to nepoviem, Duch Svätý to určite zjaví - zvlášť Vyvoleným.

150Faraónova denominácia hovorí: "My máme ľudí, ktorí môžu robiť tie isté veci." A oni to robili. Vidíte? Prečo to faraón urobil? Prečo to Boh dovolil? Prečo tam Boh poslal pravého pomazaného proroka, aby urobil pred faraónom znak, a potom dovolil, aby prišla denominačná kópia a skopírovala to pred ľuďmi? Prečo On dovolil, že povstal nejaký napodobovateľ aby to urobil a urobil to isté, presne tak, ako to urobil opravdový Duch Svätý? Vidíte, Písmo sa musí vyplniť.

151Všimnite si! On toto urobil aby zatvrdil srdce faraóna a egypťanov. Aby dokázal, že Mojžiš nebol jediný, kto mal Slovo. Oni mohli robiť všetko práve tak isto ako Mojžiš. A prečo dovolil Boh, že sa táto vec stala v týchto posledných dňoch? Tak, to isté, ako ten klamlivý duch povedal Cedekiášovi: "Ako tam dostaneme Achaba, aby sa tieto veci vyplnili?" Ako On dostane týchto ľudí, spoliehajúcich na svoje cirkvi, aby sa tam išli, aby sa stali tieto veci, ktoré On predpovedal, že - v tomto Laodicejskom Cirkevnom Veku? "Pretože hovoríš, som bohatý, a nepotrebujem ničoho. 'Sedím ako kráľovná' - ničoho ..."

152"Nevieš že si biedny, mizerný, slepý ... Radím ti aby si si kúpil odo Mňa," On povedal: "olej a zlato." Prečo to On robí: Prečo On dovolil, že povstala táto napodobenina v týchto posledných dňoch, keď sa dejú tieto veci cez pravé Slovo Božie; a dovolil, že prišli napodobovatelia a robia to isté, a zapierajú pravé Slovo Božie? On to dal Mojžišovi - a faraón to robil proti Mojžišovi a títo - Janes a Jambres, to urobili proti Mojžišovi ... A Biblia povedala, že sa to znovu zopakuje v týchto posledných dňoch. Tu to máme! No, ak je to nie vyplnenie Písma, kde to je?

153Či sa Mojžiš naťahoval s nimi a povedal: "Hej! Hej! Vy to nemôžete robiť. Ja som ten jediný, ktorý som bol ordinovaný, aby som to robil. Hej! Prestaňte, hneď teraz!" On ich proste nechal tak, nechal ich pokračovať. Pamätajte, Biblia povedala: "Ako sa ukázal ich nerozum, tak sa ukáže toto v tých posledných dňoch," keď Nevesta zostane vytrhnutá a vzatá do oblakov.

154Všimnite si! Mojžiš, to pravé, zamanifestované Slovo, nepovedal nič, len to tak nechal. Ale On to tak urobil, aby mohol zatvrdiť srdce faraóna, aby zviedol faraóna. On urobil presne to isté, aby mohol zviesť Achaba. A ten nepatrný chlapík, nepatrný Miecheáš, tam stojí sám, hovorí im TAK HOVORÍ PÁN ... A tu stál iný pomazanec: "Tak hovorí Pán." A navzájom si odporujú.

155My dnes stojíme pri, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, že vodný krst v posledných dňoch má byť vo meno Ježiša Krista, a iný muž stojí a robí zázraky a zastáva trojicu! Ukážte mi v Biblii slovo trojica! Ukážte mi kde sú traja Bohovia! Ukážte mi, kde je niečo také! To nie je v Slove Božom. Nie je nič také, že by niekto bol niekedy pokrstený vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, používajúc tieto tituly. Všetky tieto veci: "Ó, to je v poriadku, sestra. To je v poriadku, len maj dlhé ... krátke vlasy. To je v poriadku, ty nemusíš robiť to, toto či tamto. Ó, to je nezmysel, nejaký starý zahmlenec." Ale Biblia povedala a On zasľúbil v posledných dňoch, že pošle Ducha Eliáša, a povolá tých ľudí, deti Božie, naspäť do originálnej viery v Slovo, ako to bolo na počiatku. To Slovo potvrdí, Syna človeka v tých posledných dňoch, tak isto ako to bolo v čase Sodomy - včera, dnes i naveky. On zasľúbil, že to urobí. To je Božie zasľúbenie. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

156Všimnite si! Oni robili to isté, práve tak ako Mojžiš, až Boh toho mal dosť. Pamätajte teraz, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, to sa stane v tomto dni. No, hľadajte po svete; vezmite každý kult, vezmite každý klan, vezmite každého muža, vezmite každú cirkev ... Vyzývam vás, v Kristovom mene, aby ste to urobili, vy kazatelia. Vyzývam vás, aby ste čítali noviny alebo vezmite ohľad na čokoľvek chcete, a vidzte či je to nie práve teraz na zemi. Potom, Matúš 24: 24 je vlastne teraz. V posledných dňoch povstanú falošní pomazanci, a budú falošní proroci, a zvedú mnohých. Pozorujte to v tých typoch teraz, ako to teraz prichádza. Vidíte? Zvedú mnohých. Proroci, množné číslo. Kristovia, pomazanci, množné číslo. Mnohí rôzni. Jedni Metodisti, pomazaní Baptisti, a Letniční, a tak ďalej. Vidíte? Ale je jeden opravdový Kristus, Duch, a to je Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, ako to On zasľúbil urobiť.

No posunieme sa trochu ďalej, a vezmeme trochu viac miest Písma.

157Až Boh mal toho dosť, potom to skončilo. Ukázal sa ich nerozum.

158Všimnite si! Pamätajte, šupka vyzerá presne tak, ako pšeničné zrno. Vidíte? No, nemohli by ste povedať, tam vtedy v Lutherovom veku, že stopka je pšenica, hoci ona mala v sebe ten Život. Stopka je v poriadku. Život v tej stopke bol v poriadku, ale pamätajte, ten Život postupoval ďalej; postupoval od Elizea k Eliášovi. Ten Život stále postupuje ďalej. Ale pamätajte, on je v inom štádiu. On nemôže zostať v tom štádiu. My nemôžeme jesť odpadky z nejakého iného veku. My nemôžeme jesť Letničné odpadky, Metodistické, alebo Baptistické. Vidíte, to zhnilo. My máme čerstvú potravu, Slovo na túto hodinu, tak ďalej.

159Pamätajte, šupka vyzerá presne ako pšeničné zrno. Nemôžete ... V čase stebla to nevyzeralo ako zrno, v čase klasu to nevyzeralo ako zrno, ale v čase šupky to vyzerá celkom ako zrno. Nevyzerá tak v ... Ježiš Kristus ten istý, pri Lutherovi; nevyzeralo to tak pri Wesleyovi; ale skutočne to tak vyzerá pri letničných. Zviedlo by to aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Vidíte?

160Tu sú vaše veky. Ale pamätajte, tá Letničná cirkev, v tých posledných dňoch bola Laodiceou; a Kristus bol vystrčený von, to Zrno, Samotná Pšenica. Keď sa On snažil ... Pamätajte, keď sa On snažil zamanifestovať sa v cirkvi, On bol z tade vystrčený. To bola stále cirkev, tvrdila že je; pomazaná. Ale tu je Slovo, Sám Kristus, to je to pomazané Slovo, ktoré príde pre ostatok Svojho tela, Nevestu. Pomazaní tou istou vodou, ktorá zavlažovala pšenicu, ako sme o tom hovorili, tak isto zavlažovala kúkoľ, pomazancov. Len Vyvolení, alebo predurčení budú schopní zistiť rozdiel medzi nimi. No, Efežanom 5: 1 vám to tak hovorí, alebo o tom ako to bolo. Oni sú pomazanci.

161Každý hovorí: "Sláva Bohu! My tu máme slobodu. Haleluja! Ó, haleluja! My hovoríme v jazykoch, a vyskakujeme ... Máme slobodu pre ženy. Vy ľudia sa ich snažíte dať pod och, och, tieto všetky možné veci." Vidíte? Len pokračujte! Čo môžete robiť. Hovoríte: "No, my hovoríme v jazykoch. Kričíme. Tancujeme v Duchu. Kážeme Slovo." Bezpochyby! Proti tomu nemožno nič povedať. Tak to robili tam tí ľudia v Biblii. Ježiš povedal, že by to zviedlo i Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné, i tých Vyvolených.

162Všimnite si! Tá šupka od toho originálneho zrna, zrna, ktoré vošlo do zeme, to nebola žiadna organizácia. To bolo jedno zrno, samo v sebe. Ale keď vyrastalo to nebolo zrno; to bola organizácia (vidíte?) listy, obilie. Potom to prechádzalo do iného štádia, ktorým bol klas. Stále to nebolo tak, ako na počiatku. To bola organizácia. Prešlo to do šupky, mnoho listov, Letniční, teraz to už bolo takmer uformované. Pozrite sa na to; ono sa po celý čas formuje, vyzerá skoro presne tak isto. Keď vidíte tam tú malú šupku vyzerá presne ako pšeničné zrno. Ale nakoniec sa ono zamanifestovalo a to nebola organizácia. Nieto tam už žiadnych nositeľov. Organizácia je len nositeľ. Nieto ďalších nositeľov; stopka musela zomrieť, šupka musela zomrieť, všetko ostatné muselo zomrieť, ale tá pšenica žije ďalej. To je to telo zmŕtvychvstania, ktoré ide dole a berie ich hore. Aby tí, ktorí sú poslední boli prví, a tí, ktorí sú prví boli poslední. Vidíte? Berie ich vo zmŕtvychvstaní. Rozumiete tomu? Tak je dobre.

163Všimnite si, to zrno je - tá šupka vyzerá presne ako zrno. A človek, ktorý pestuje na farme pšenicu, alebo niekto, by sa pozrel a povedal: "Chvála Bohu, mám úrodu pšenice," zatiaľ čo nemáte ani zrnko pšenice. To len vyzerá presne ako pšenica, ale to je šupka - pleva.

164No, priatelia, poďte so mnou naspäť. Kde je to prvé prebudenie, ktoré prišlo po smrti - tých dňoch, keď to pšeničné zrno muselo padnúť do pôdy, to Telo, Nevesta Kristova? Kristus zorganizoval Svoju Nevestu, (je to tak?) Svoju Cirkev. On ju nikdy nezorganizoval; On len ustanovil apoštolov, a prorokov, a tak ďalej, v Cirkvi, aby ju držal v čistote. Ale v Nicei, Ríme, 306 rokov neskoršie, to oni zorganizovali a urobili z toho organizáciu. Je to tak? A ona zomrela! Všetko čo nesúhlasilo s tou cirkvou bolo vydané na smrť. A ona stovky rokov ticho ležala v blate, ale po nejakej dobe, v čase Luthera, ona povstala. Vyrástli prvé malé výhonky obilia. Potom to vypustilo púčky. Oni išli ďalej a mali Cvingliho a tak ďalej a ďalšie organizácie a tak ďalej. Potom, po nejakom čase prišli Anglikáni, a čo sa potom stalo? Prichádza Wesley s novým prebudením, klas. To sa trochu viac podobá na pšenicu. Čo sa potom s tým stalo? Zorganizovalo sa to, a vyschlo, a zomrelo. Život odišiel ďalej do šupky. A šupka sa ukázala takmer celkom, ako pšenica. Ale nakoniec, jej nerozum sa zamnifestoval v tých posledných ôsmych alebo desiatych rokoch, zvlášť v tých posledných troch rokoch. No, čo ona robí? Odťahuje sa od pšenice.

165No, prečo z tohoto veľkého prebudenia, za týchto posledných dvadsať rokoch nepovstala nejaká organizácia? Ono má pomazaných prorokov, pomazaných učiteľov, a tak ďalej, ale prečo nie je organizáciou? Za zrnom už nič nenasleduje! Vidíte? Ono je znovu bez organizácii. Ó, aj slepý to môže vidieť! To sa nemôže zorganizovať; to je úplne proti tomu! To samo o sebe je pšeničné zrno. Syn človeka bude zamanifestovaný. Pšeničné zrno príde znovu do seba, Syn človeka v tých posledných dňoch. "A tam prídu falošní napodobovatelia toho, v posledných dňoch, že by to zviedlo i Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Pozrite sa na ich organizačné šupky, ktoré sa teraz odťahujú. To len dáva Pšenici možnosť, aby ju Vyvolení poznali, ktorí sú jej časťou.

166Všimnite si! Ako nádherne je toto tu teraz prinesené. Len ... Všimnite si, tí pomazanci ... budú schopní ... tí opravdoví Vyvolení, predurčení, Efežanom 5: 1 - či vlastne 1: 5 budú ... Ustanovení, vyvolení, oni sú tí jediní, ktorých to nezvedie. Všimnite si! Tí pomazaní proroci budú falošní. A tam medzi nimi bude pravý pomazaný. Ako to poznáte? Podľa Slova. Ako máme v tieni. Vidíte to? Povedzte: "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Vidíte?

167Všimnite si! Tí pomazanci, budú sa líšiť len v Slove, nie v znameniach. Ó, nie! Oni budú robiť tie isté znamenia. Ale Slovo ich rozdelilo. Skutočne! Oni všetci prorokovali; oni všetci robili toto, to i tamto, skutočne, presne tak isto. Ježiš povedal, že oni budú robiť tie isté veci. Ale Slovo je to, čo ich oddelí, všimnite si, nie znamenia.

168Všimli ste si? Ježiš tu povedal, v Matúšovi 24 ... On nepovedal: "V posledných dňoch povstanú falošní Ježišovia." Ó nie, oni by to nikdy nepripustili! Nie! Nájdite nejakého letničného, ktorý je skutočne letničný, ktorý hovorí o sebe, že je Ježiš. Vidíte? Nájdite nejakého falošného Metodistu, alebo Baptistu, alebo niekoho takého, alebo niektorú z tých organizácií, ktorí hovoria: "My sme Ježišovia." Oni majú toľko rozumu. Oni to nepovedia. Ale Biblia hovorí, že oni budú falošní kristovia, nie Ježišovia, ale falošní kristovia.

169Neuznali by ich, keby hovorili: "Ja som Ježiš." Ó, nie! Ale oni sú falošní kristovia a nevedia o tom, pretože sa nezhodujú so Slovom. A Boh to tak isto potvrdzuje. No, idem s týmto teraz rovno do odhalenia, pretože ste videli, že sa stalo to isté skrze týchto ľudí, a to sa skutočne stalo. A Ježiš tak povedal.

170No, ako som povedal, teraz pre vás ľudí, ktorí ste pomimo tam pri telefónoch, ja vás neodsudzujem, ale toto je môj zbor a moja skupina, nad ktorou ma Duch Svätý ustanovil, a ja im musím povedať Pravdu. Nastáva pozdná hodina.

171No, oni by si to nedovolili, ale falošní kristovia, falošní pomazanci, takmer s každým znakom a každým písmenom Slova. "Veria krst Duchom Svätým?" Na sto percent! "Veria všetko toto?" Áno. "Veria v hovorenie v jazykoch?" Áno! To nie sú Metodisti, to nie sú Baptisti. Nie, nie! To sú Letniční. To je posledný deň. No, ten prvý cirkevný vek by sa o tom nikdy nezmienil. Metodistický cirkevný vek sa o tom nezmienil; Baptistický cirkevný vek, oni sa o tom vôbec nezmienili. Presbyteriánsky cirkevný vek, oni sa o tom nezmienili, ale ten Letničný - tak blízke, ako tá skutočná vec ... Tam pšenica - tá šupka je skoro ako pšenica. Oni sa o tom nezmienili. Vidíte? Oni nie. Ale v tých posledných dňoch, v tomto dni. Tak veru!

172Všimnite si! Práve tak, ako to bolo na začiatku, tak to bude na konci. Keď Eva nesprávne vyložila len jedno Slovo, Satan ho Eve falošne vyložil a ona tomu uverila. Ona, nie on. Cirkev, nie On. Vidíte? To bola cirkev, ktorá mala falošné slovo. Vidíte? Nie Adam, Eva. Nie Kristus, cirkev, nevesta, tá pomazaná, mala byť, hovorí si nevesta. Vidíte? Ona má to falošné slovo. Či to nevidíte? Aha, nadväzuje to spolu, ako šnúrka, pasuje ako mihalnice na oku. Aha, kdekoľvek si otvoríte Bibliu, to s tým presne pasuje. Eva, nie Adam. Eva tomu uverila, nie Adam. Tá tak zvaná nevesta tomu dnes verí, nie Kristus. Tá nevesta má všetky druhy, tak zvaná nevesta, tie isté znamenia, tie isté zázraky, všetko to isté; ale nie je tá pravá. Zviedol by aj Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.

Teraz rýchlo, ak budeme môcť skončiť za pätnásť minút, budeme načas. Všimnite si teraz skutočne pozorne, aby ste ne - aby ste to zle neporozumeli.

173No. Nie, oni by nepripustili, aby boli nazvaní falošní Ježišovia. Oni by neboli - nepripustili by aby ich nazývali Ježiš; Samozrejme, že nie. To je príliš jasné. Každý by to poznal. Každý by poznal, že oni nie sú Ježiš. Nestarám sa, či oni mali na chrbte olej, a krv na rukách a prevracali hore dole očami, oni by stále poznali, že to je ... Každý, kto má zdravý rozum, by poznal, že to nie je Ježiš. Vidíte? Oni by o to nestáli. Ale oni sa nazývali pomazanci, a oni robia znamenia a zázraky takže by zviedli i Vyvolených. "Ale povstanú falošní kristovia, pomazanci a zvedú Vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné."

174Sledujte to teraz pozorne. Neprehliadnite tento fakt, pretože je to hodno počuť. (On len zakladá nejakú pásku tu na tento mikrofón, aby ho to chránilo pred vyletením. Potím sa, kvapkalo na tú pásku, viete.)

175A tak to bude práve také ako to - Biblia povedala, že to bude. Vidíte?

176Všimnite si, nie falošní Ježišovia, falošní kristovia. Oni veria, že sú pomazaní, ale oni vedia, že nie sú Ježiš. Vidíte? To je príliš jasné. Keby dnes nejaký človek vyšiel a povedal: "Pozrite sa na jazvy na mojich rukách. Pozrite sa na moje čelo. Ja som Ježiš." No, my vieme, že to nie je pravda. A pamätajte, Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, že by sa takí zjavili. On povedal, že sa zjavia falošní kristovia - kristovia, množné číslo, denominácie, a tak ďalej, pomazanci - pomazaní denominačným duchom a nie Slovom. Sledujete to? Nie falošní Ježišovia, falošní kristovia, falošní pomazanci. Vidíte? Ó, ako jasno, ako my ... Skutočne nemôžete to nevidieť!

177No, pamätajte, stále som vám hovoril, že sú tri kategórie ľudí. Sú tri rasy ľudí: Cham, Set a Jafet - tri rasy, tri kategórie. A povedal som, že to je veriaci, takí čo sa vydáva za veriaceho, a neveriaci. Stále to tak bolo, a stále bude. Vidíte? Tam bol Mojžiš, veriaci; bol tam Janes a Jambres; neveriaci. Vidíte? Tam bol Balám; Mojžiš ... Stále tie tri kategórie ľudí, tri kategórie; veriaci, akoby veriaci, a neveriaci.

178No pamätajte, neveriaci, denominačná cirkev, neverí vôbec v žiadne znaky, chladný, formálny, naškrobený, cirkev vo svete, denominácia. Ale ten, ktorý sa robí veriacim je tou šupkou. To je človek, ktorý sa robí, že verí. A potom je opravdový veriaci, ktorý je skutočne pravý. No, pozorujte ich ako oni teraz idú, len za chvíľu.

179A všimnite si, akí drzí sú títo neveriaci - či títo, ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci a neveriaci. Och, oni sú drzí! Pozrite, tak ako Satan stál priamo v prítomnosti pravého Slova, a povedal: "Je napísané." Je to tak? Prečo to Satan robil? Pretože nepoznal Slovo na ten ... On vedel, že to Slovo bolo na tú hodinu, ale on pochyboval o tom prostom nepatrnom Človeku, že je tým Slovom. "Ak si Syn Boží. Ja viem, že Syn Boží príde, pretože to hovorí, že On to urobí. A je napísané, že On rozkáže Svojím Anjelom aby sa o teba starali." Vidíš? "Dokáž mi to! Urob zázrak! Daj mi vidieť, že to robíš." Vidíte, vidíte? Vidíte neveriaci, vydávajúci sa za veriaceho, napodobovateľ. Pozrite sa na Judáša rovno medzi nimi, v tom istom čase - robiaci sa veriaci! Vidíte? Všimnite si! A tam bolo pravé Slovo.

180Akí sú oni drzí. "No, nevšímaj si vôbec ten nezmysel; na tom nič nie je. Nechoď tam; to je len hromada ľudí robiacich hluk. Na to nič nie je; to je všetko len výmysel; to je v tvojej mysli." Vidíte? Vidíte, čo chcem povedať? Stoja rovno v prítomnosti Slova a takto hovoria.

181 Satan chodil rovno ... Ako povedala Biblia tu v Júdovi, že dokonca Archanjel, keď mal spor so Satanom, povedal: "Nech ťa potresce Pán." Proti Samému Slovu. A tu je antikrist, pomazaný, stojí rovno tu proti pravému Slovu toho dňa, Ježišovi Kristovi, a povedal: "Je napísané."

182Pozrite sa na tie posledné dni. "Bude to tak blízke, žeby to zviedlo i Vyvolených keby to bolo možné." Ó! Dôvod, že Vyvolení nebudú zvedení, je viete čo? To je preto, že oni sú Slovo. Vidíte? Práve ako Život, ktorý je v koreni (ako som povedal pred chvíľou), on nemôže zaprieť sám seba. Vidíte? To je Slovo a v čase Slova. Je to tak.

183Práve ako Jeremiáš, on vedel. Nezáležalo, čo povedal Chananiáš, on vedel kde je. A to je presne ako urobil Mojžiš, a tí ostatní z nich. To je ... On vedel, nezáležalo čo povedal ten falošný prorok, tam bolo Slovo Božie, ktoré bolo napísané. Preto Micheáš mohol povedať: "Vporiadku, len čakajte a uvidíte."

Achab povedal: "Ja verím svojim prorokom. Moja organizácia má pravdu. Keď sa navrátim v pokoji ... Dajte tohoto človeka do vnútorného vezenia. Ja sa o neho postarám! Dávajte mu chlieb súženie. Vylúčte ho, nemajte s nim vôbec žiadne obecenstvo. Keď sa vrátim v pokoji, my sa postaráme o toho človeka."

184Micheáš povedal: "Ak sa ti vôbec vrátiš, nehovoril ku mne Pán." On vedel, že mal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a jeho videnie sa zhodovalo presne s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN; nie na nejaký iný čas, ale na ten čas! Amen! Haleluja! Na ten čas!

185Drzý, postavil sa a hádal sa s Archanjelom. Hovorí sa, že hlupáci budú dupať v okovaných topánkach tam, kde sa Anjeli neodvážia chodiť." Je to tak.

186Dôvod, že vyvolení, povedal Ježiš, nebudú zvedení, je ten, že oni sú tým Slovom. Oni nemôžu byť nič iné. Oni nemôžu počúvať na nič iné. Oni nepoznajú nič iné. Je to tak! Pamätajte, Mojžiš sa nenechal uniesť všetkými týmito napodobovateľmi. Či nie? Mojžiš ... povedal: "No, počkaj chvíľu, faraón. Vieš čo? Pán mi povedal, aby som toto urobil. Ale sláva Bohu, vidím, že tvoji chlapci môžu robiť to isté, tak, poviem ... čo urobím, pripojím sa ku tebe." Och! To neznie ako od proroka Božieho! Nie, skutočne! On stál tak pevne, ako len mohol. On presne vedel, že Boh sa o to nejako postará, pretože On to zasľúbil. "Ja budem s tebou, Ja ťa neopustím."

187On vedel! Tak on sa ku ním nepripojil. Och, nie. On voči ním zaujal správny postoj. On nechcel žiadnu z ich denominácií. On stál verne pri Bohu. On nebol unesený všetkými tými vecami, ktoré oni mohli robiť. Keď oni urobili jednu vec ... On priviedol vši; oni priviedli vši. On priviedol krv; oni priviedli krv. Čokoľvek on priviedol; oni ho zakaždým hneď napodobnili. On len ticho stál. On vedel presne, čo - to bolo Božie dielo. Rozumiete teraz? Vezmete dva a dva a máte štyri? Nechcete sa veľmi popáliť. Tak, tak vy - vy rozumiete. Vidíte?

188Ako, oni tým nebudú zvedení, ten skutočný veriaci; oni sú predurčeným Semenom, ktoré má stáť v tom dni.

189Práve tak isto ... Ježiš povedal: "Mnohí prídu v ten deň, v mojom mene, a povedia: 'Pane, či som nevyháňal v Tvojom mene démonov?'" Ježiš povedal, že v tých posledných dňoch, keď sa skončil čas a príde to veľké zmŕtvychvstanie, že mnohí prídu a zasadnú v Kráľovstve. Kráľovstvo Božie je vo vás. Mnohí! Kúkoľ príde a zasadne rovno s Pšenicou, povedia: "No, počkaj chvíľu, Pane, ja som hovoril v jazykoch. Ja som vykrikoval. Tancoval som v Duchu. Vyháňal som démonov. Hovoril som v jazykoch. Robil som všetky tieto veci."

Čo On povie? Všimnite si! "Vy činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal."

190Čo je neprávosť? Opýtajte sa niekoho. To je niečo čo viete, že máte robiť a nerobíte to. Oni poznali to Slovo, počuli to! Vy počúvate túto pásku, počúvate toto posolstvo. Vy vidíte, že Pán Boh tak hovorí; vidíte, že On to potvrdzuje, ukazuje že je to pravda. A vy to viete tak jasno, ako vonku svieti slnko. A vy, ktorí sa budete držať svojej denominácii, ktorí sa budete držať tých falošných vecí; vy činitelia neprávosti!

"Ó áno, mal som veľké kampane. Vykonal som toto. Vykonal som tamto."

Povedal: "Odstúpte odo Mňa, činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal."

191"No, padol na mňa Duch Svätý." O tom ani trochu nepochybujem. "Hovoril som v jazykoch. Spieval som v Duchu. Robil som ..." Ani najmenej o tom nepochybujem. Nepochybujem o tom. Ó, brat, sestra, aký je to stav! Toto je čas keď sa všetko trasie. Kde to sme? Toto Slovo prichádza teraz do Života.

192Všimnite si! Áno, On povedal, že oni to budú robiť. Všimnite si! Vy činitelia neprávosti ... Mám tu zapísané miesta Písma. Neviem len kde to bolo. Zabral som tak veľa času. Vyhľadám to, chvíľku, a vidzme čo to bolo. Mám - mám Matúš 7: 21. Len nevie kde ... niekedy si pri tom neurobím značku - kážem takto, zabúdam na čo som sa odvolával z Písma. Matúš 7: 21.

Nie každý, kto mi hovorí: Pane, Pane! vojde do nebeského kráľovstva, ale ten, kto činí vôľu môjho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach.

Mnohí mi povedia tamtoho dňa: Pane, Pane, či sme neprorokovali ...

Proroci, pomazanci. Je to tak? "Či sme neboli proroci? Či sme neboli pomazaní, pomazanci? Či som neprorokoval v Tvojom mene? A či som v Tvojom mene nevyháňal démonov?" Ako to môžeš robiť a odmietaš byť pokrstený v Ježišove meno? Vidíte? Ó! Vidíte aké zvodné? Až do detailu, a potom odpadávajú. Idú rovno do Slova, a potom odpadávajú. Sledujte teraz toto. Ukážeme to za chvíľu.

Mnohí mi povedia ... Pane, Pane, či sme neprorokovali ...

(boli sme proroci. Áno, hovoril som to v Matúšovi 24: 24.)

... a v tvojom mene ... nevyháňali démonov? a v tvojom mene mnoho divou nečinili?

A vtedy im vyznám: Nikdy som vás neznal. Odídite odo mňa, páchatelia neprávosti!

"Keď to bolo predložené rovno pred vás, a vy ste to videli, a videli ste to v pohybe, videli ste, že to bolo Slovo, a kvôli vašej denominácii ste sa držali jej. Nikdy som vás ani len nepoznal. Nestarám sa koľko démonov ste vyhnali, koľko ste učinili toho a toho, Ja nič o vás neviem."

Balám povedal: "Ja som prorokoval v Tvojom mene; a to sa plní."

to, že je niekto prorok; ale stáť na Slove, pravdivom Slove, potvrdenom Slove, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. "Vy činitelia neprávosti ..."

194Satan sa snažil vo všetkých vekoch napodobovať to pravé Slovo. Vieme to, či nie?

195Všimnite si! Prichádzajú až po hraničnú čiaru a hasnú. Pozrite sa sem, On povedal, v liste Židom v 6. kapitole, no čítali sme to pred chvíľou. Povedal som vám, že ku tomu prídeme, a urobíme to za niekoľko minút. On povedal: "Ale tŕnie a bodliaky, ktoré sú blízko zlorečenstva; ktorej koniec je aby bola spálená ... Hraničná čiara! "Vy, ktorí ste ochutnali nebeský dar ...(Ochutnali! Inými slovami, vy ste to videli! Vy to nemôžete ochutnať len svojimi ústami, ale vy ste to videli, a vedeli ste, že to bola Pravda. Vy ste vedeli, že to bola Pravda.) - ochutnali nebeský dar a stali ste sa účastní Ducha Svätého, keď On padol na vás, ochutnali ste dobré Slovo Božie (ochutnali, videli ste, že to bolo dobré. A Duch Svätý, ktorý padá na vás, kúkoľ na poli), a potom sa obraciate a zapierate Krista, ktorý vás posvätil, a povolal, a pomazal; pre to nezostáva už viacej obeti za hriech." To je neprepáčiteľné! Pre nich je nemožné, aby ešte prišli do poznania Pravdy. "Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli ... stali sa účastnými Ducha Svätého, (padá na ten kúkoľ, [vidíte?], začali s Ježišom, a 'Pane, ja idem,' ale keď ste narazili na Slovo, odvrátili ste sa) - stali sa účastnými Ducha Svätého, a ochutnali (alebo videli zamanifestovať sa samotné Slovo), a potom sa odvracajú od Toho; je naprosto nemožné pre nich, aby To ešte niekedy uvideli, alebo prišli do Toho. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÍSMO. No, vy - nebo a zem pominú, ale To nepominie. Vidíte to? Úplne nemožné, Biblia tak povedala. A Duch o tom nesie svedectvo.

196Všimnite si! Dovoľte, že vám poviem malý príklad. Pozrite sa na tých ľudí, ktorí vyšli pod Mojžišovým proroctvom, vyšli von z tej organizácii, a vyšli von zo všetkého, pod tým proroctvom, videli tie veľké skutky a zázraky, a také veci, a prišli do hraničnej línii, kde sa vchádzalo.

No Lee, tam sa objavuje to meno v tej Knihe. Vidíš? Ty si to opravil. A vy, ktorí nie ste tu, a vy pomimo - napojení telefonicky. Sedí tu doktor Lee Vayle, on dáva správnu gramatiku tejto knihe Sedem Cirkevných vekov a povstal problém, otázka o tom mene vymazanom z Baránkovej Knihy Života. Vidíte, to mnohým kazateľom robí problém, ale počkajte keď dostanete tú knihu, porozumiete to, ak máte v sebe trochu Svetla. Vidíte?

197Všimnite si! No, obrátite hlavu a ani sa na to nepozriete, ak to nechcete vidieť. Ako zvykla hovoriť moja mama: "Z repy nemôžeš vyžmýka krv, pretože v nej žiadna nie je."

198Všimnite si! Svetlo muselo prísť; nie je to v tme. Svetlo prichádza do tmy, a tma to nevidí. Všimnite si teraz! Pomazanci v tomto čase. Keď Mojžiš vyviedol tie deti Izraelove, a oni počúvali a boli celí popletení tým veľkým národom tam ... No, Izrael bol nedenominačný. On nemal zem, nemal dom. On išiel do domu. My nemáme cirkev, my ne ... my ideme do Cirkvi, Zboru Prvorodených, do Cirkvi, ktorá je v chvále; nie cirkev, ktorú na zemi založil nejaký človek. Cirkev, ktorá je v Chvále, tí vyvolaní, predurčení do Večného Života. Vidíte?

Idú do svojho domu, a keď oni prišli na to miesto, aby prešli na druhú stranu, neverili Slovu! A prišli naspäť, potom čo Jozue a Kálef a oni, tam išli a priniesli strapec hrozna, aby im dokázali, že tá zem tam je, Slovo Božieho zasľúbenia: "To je dobrá zem, tečúca mliekom a medom." A priniesli to na túto stranu, aby im to dokázali. A oni z toho okoštovali, a povedali: "Och, och, my to aj tak nedokážeme." Čo sa stalo? Oni zahynuli na púšti. Oni zostali len tam a zorganizovali sa, a pomreli, každý jeden z nich, okrem tých, ktorí tam išli a priniesli ... naspäť, Jozue a Kálef. Mojžiš bol prenesený. Predobraz čakania na Cirkev; a vzkriesenie Starého Zákona, Nového Zákona a toho vytrhnutého Tela. Vidíte tam to troje? Tých troch musíte mať stále v rade (vidíte?) tak - v tom veriacom a neveriacom.

199Všimnite si ako to bolo úplne ... Pamätajte, Boh nikdy neodpustil ten hriech! No, ako oni chcú vojsť? Keď na začiatku boli tŕne, budú i na konci tŕne. Jedine tí predurčení to uvidia.

200Všimnite si teraz krátko, ako vo dňoch sv. Martina, tesne pred Dobou Temna; obyčajný zbožný človek. Koľkí čítali spisy o sv. Martinovi? Mnohí z vás. Išiel som si tam požičať tie spisy o sv. Martinovi; ten kňaz povedal: "Ale on nebol kanonizovaný." Skutočne, nebol. Nimi nie, ale Bohom bol. Duch Svätý nám povedal, aby sme ho tam dali do toho tretieho cirkevného veku.

201Pozrite sa aký obyčajný, pobožný človek on bol. Povolaný, predurčený. Jeho rodičia boli pohania. Jeho otec bol vojak. On musel nasledovať svoju líniu a byť vojakom. A keď to urobil ... Stále veril, že niekde je Boh; muž lesov, a mohol vidieť Boha. Jedného dňa prechádzal cez mesto, a tam ležal starý tulák, zomieral, prosil niekoho ... Tej noci bola zima; ten žobrák povedal: "Daj mi niečo, aby som sa prikryl; lebo inak zomriem."

202Nikto mu nič nedal. A Martin stál chvíľu na kraji a pozoroval ho. Nikto mu nič nedával. On mal len jeden kabát. On sám by zamrzol - on bol v službe - keby mu dal ten kabát. Tak rozmýšľal: "Obidvaja máme šancu prežiť, ak sa s ním rozdelím." Tak zobral svoj kabát a šabľou ho rozsekol na dvoje, a zavinul do neho toho starého tuláka. A sám sa okrútil do svojho kabáta.

Každý hovoril: "Pozrite ako smiešne vyzerá ten vojak na stráži. Pozrite aký smiešny vojak, okrútený do polovičky kabáta!"

203Nasledujúcu noc, keď nemal službu a ležal na posteli, zobudil sa, pozrel sa, a tam v tej izbe stál Ježiš Kristus ovinutý v tom starom kuse odevu, ktorý on ovinul okolo neho. On hneď vedel: "Čo ste urobili týmto Mojím maličkým, Mne ste urobili, Môjmu pomazanému," ktorý tam ležal. On bol veľký sluha Boží. Cirkev sa z neho vysmievala, prenasledovala ho, vykopli ho, a všetko možné, ale on bol prorok Boží. Čo on povedal to sa stalo. Mnohí v tom veku mu tiež verili.

204Chcem vám ukázať, aký je diabol podvodník. Jedného dňa on sedel vo svojej študovni. Prišiel tam mocný anjel, na hlave mal korunu, mal obuté zlaté topánky, na šatách mal zlaté lemovanie, a povedal: "Martin, poznáš ma?" Povedal: "Ja som tvoj pán a spasiteľ. Ja som ten, ktorý ťa spasil. Pokloň sa mi, Martin." Ale ten prorok, vedel že tam je niečo trochu divné, stále sa díval na neho. On povedal: "Martin, ja som tvoj spasiteľ, Ježiš Kristus. Pokloň sa mi! Či ma nepoznáš, Martin?"

205Martin sa stále díval na neho, miesta Písma prechádzali cez jeho myseľ. Povedal: "Satan, choď preč odo mňa." Povedal: "Ty máš na hlave korunu. A Slovo Božie hovorí, že Jeho svätí Ho budú korunovať na konci veku." Či by letniční na to nenaleteli? Pozoruj to Slovo, brat! Ono platí.

206Jedného dňa, znovu, v kláštore, mali tam nejakého starého svätého, skupina mladých mníchov. Jeden z nich bol nejaký podráždený. Sledujte toto, tu je dobrý - dobré podobenstvo na dnes. On chcel byť niečím nad tými ostatnými. On sa chcel ukázať - že je autorita, niečo väčšie, niečo lepšie, lepšia trieda, viete, a niečo veľmi veľké. Musel byť uznávaný. Stále chcel aby iný brat ne ... Viete, on musel byť inakší. Vidíte? On - bez ohľadu čo to bolo, on bol veľmi arogantný. On bol jediný kameň na pláži; nikto sa ho nemohol dotknúť. No sledujte, čo sa stalo. On musel mať niečo veľké. On sa musel porovnať s tými veľkými spoločenstvami. Rozumiete ma? Vidíte? Tak, on povedal - prorokoval; povedal: "Pán ma tiež urobil prorokom. Ja som prorok." No, tam v tej zemi bol jeden potvrdený prorok, a to bol sv. Martin. On sa narodil ako prorok.

207Ale tento mladík povedal - mladý človek povedal - mladý mních okolo dvadsať päť ročný - on povedal: "Pán ma urobil prorokom, a ja vám to chcem dokázať." Povedal: "Dnes večer mi Pán dá veľké, pekné rúcho, položí ho na mňa, biele rúcho, a postaví medzi vás. Potom všetci prídete ku mne, (vidíte?) a budete poslúchať moje príkazy!"

208No porovnajte to dnes. Vidíte? "Ja budem hlavou tejto organizácii. Ja sa budem o vás starať - o ostatných mníchov." A skutočne tie svetlá prišli tej noci do tej budovy., tak hovoria spisy sv. Martina Čítajte to. A to je pravé. To je história. A tie svetlá prišli a všetci sa dívali, a tu prichádza ... On stál medzi nimi v bielom rúchu. Povedal: "Vidíte, čo som vám povedal!" Ale to je nezhodné so Slovom.

209A keď oni odišli a doviedli toho starého dekana tej univerzity, on chodil trochu hore dole, povedal: "Synu, to neznie správne." On povedal: "Je len jeden spôsob (tu to je!) - máme len jeden spôsob, ako to poznať. Vyzerá to nadprirodzene." Chlapče, Letniční by prehltli tú návnadu, olovko, silón, háčik, a všetko! On povedal: "Ten zázrak môže vyzerať v poriadku, ale nevyzerá žeby to pasovalo so Slovom. No, my máme takú osobu, pomazaného proroka, nazýva sa Martin. Poď, pôjdeme ku nemu."

Ten mladík povedal: "Nie, nie! Martin nemá s týmto nič spoločného."

210A povedal: "Aj tak pôjdeš!" A chytili ho za ruky a doviedli pred Martina, a to rúcho ho opustilo. Vidíte? Zviedol by aj Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Vidíte? Oni poznajú.

211Ježiš povedal: "Moje ovce poznajú moje Slovo." "Ó," vy hovoríte: "počujú môj Hlas." To je jeho Slovo. "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove." Vidíte? Tí predurčení to poznajú. Cudzie slovo, alebo cudzí hlas oni nebudú nasledovať. Tak to bolo tam s tými mužmi; oni nenasledovali ... Oni vedeli, že tam bol Martin, prorok toho veku, ktorého Boh potvrdil skrze Slovo, ktorý poznal Slovo. A ten človek nemohol pre ním obstáť.

212On tiež povedal: "Kde je obeť (alebo Slovo), tam, v tom čase, sa zhromaždia orly." No to je ... Chcete si to zapísať, to je Matúš 24: 28. Len kúsok pred tým je Matúš 24: 24; štyri verše pod tým (Vidíte?), ak to chcete mať. "Kde je obeť (Manna, Slovo), tam sa zhromaždia orly."

213Musím sa ponáhľať. Pozrel som sa tam a videl som koľko je hodín ... Je sedem minút alebo osem po dvanástej. Budem sa naozaj ponáhľať, alebo to môžeme dokončiť večer, ako chcete. Teraz ráno, alebo večer. Koľkí musia ísť dnes po zhromaždení domov, zodvihnite ruky. Ó! Radšej pokračujme. Mrzí ma, že takto držím tých ľudí tam pri telefónoch, ale budem sa ponáhľať. To má väčšiu cenu, ako vaše peniaze. Verím že má, pre mňa. Vidíte? Vaše peniaze zahynú. Toto nie; To je Slovo. Vidíte?

214"Kde je Obeť, tam sa zhromaždia orly." Kde je Obeť, kde je zabíjanie, tam sa zhromaždia orly. Kde je to čerstvé Mäso, Slovo na daný čas, tam sa zhromaždia orly. Ale potom, keď to zhnije, potom sa zlietnu na to supy. Vidíte, vidíte? Rozumiete, čo chcem povedať? Keď je to zabité prichádzajú orly; ale potom keď to tam leží a hnije, potom prichádzajú supy. Orly s tým nič nemajú. Vidíte? Ježiš povedal: "Kde je Obeť - kde padá Manna, v noci padala čerstvá Manna - tam na To sa zhromaždia orly." To je manna na tento deň. Vidíte?

215Všimnite si! Ale potom, keď to hnije, dostávajú sa do toho červíky, potom tam prichádzajú supy. Oni to nemôžu zavoňať až kým to nezačína hniť. Nie divu, že Ježiš tam stál a povedal: "Jeruzalem, ty, ktorý si kameňoval každého proroka ..." Všimnite si to osobné zámeno! Vidíte? "Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často som chcel ..." Kto On bol? "Ako často som ťa chcel zhromaždiť, ako sliepka svoje kurence, ty ktorý si ukameňoval každého proroka, ktorého som kedy poslal ku vám ..."

216Tá veľká Cirkev Jeruzalem. Ten Jeruzalem, ktorý nie je tu na zemi, ale my sme z toho Horného Jeruzalemu, odkiaľ Slovo prichádza, podľa predurčenia (vidíte?); nie starý Jeruzalem, ktorý hynie; Nový Jeruzalem, ktorý nemôže zahynúť. Nie ten starý Jeruzalem, ktorý postavili ľudia; ale Nový Jeruzalem postavil Boh (vidíte?); to Slovo tam hore sa teraz zamanifestovalo. "V dome Môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov. Pôjdem a pripravím ich pre vás," Stvoriteľ robí zlaté ulice, a tak ďalej. To je ten, ktorý nemôže zahynúť.

217"Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často Som, (od počiatku času; nie nejaká tretia osoba, niekto iný, ale) Som vás chcel zhromaždiť tak, ako sliepka svoje kurence pod svoje krídla, ale nechceli ste. Ale teraz prišla vaša hodina" Vidíte? Kde je obeť, tam sa zhromaždia orly. Ale, keď tá obeť zhnije, potom sa zlietnu supy. Vidíte?

218Všimnite si. Mojžiš, on nikdy nedal deťom Božím ... Mojžiš bol orol, a on nikdy nedal deťom Božím Noeho zbytky. On mal čerstvé Slovo Božie. "Pán Boh ma stretol na púšti a potvrdil Svoje Slovo, a poslal ma sem, aby som vás zavolal von." Potom tam prišli napodobovatelia, ktorí to napodobovali. Vidíte? Ale on mal Slovo na tú hodinu, pretože, Boh povedal Abrahámovi, tomu, ktorý mal zasľúbenie: "Tvoje semeno bude pohostínom v cudzej zemi, štyristo rokov, ale Ja ich navštívim a zoberiem ich z tade mocným ramenom."

219Mojžiš povedal: "No, Pán Boh bude ku mne hovoriť a ukáže mi, a povedal mi čo robiť, a ja vám poviem." Povedal: "JA SOM ma poslal." JA SOM, nie Bol som, alebo Budem. JA SOM, prítomný čas, to Slovo teraz. Nie Slovo, ktoré bolo, alebo Slovo, ktoré príde; Slovo, ktoré je teraz. Vidíte? Rozumiete? "JA SOM ..." JA SOM je to Slovo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bol Boh." Je to tak? "JA SOM ..." "Boh ma poslal ako Svojho proroka, aby potvrdil, že toto je pravda. Ja som odpoveď na toto Slovo. Povedal mi, aby som sem prišiel a urobil toto."

220A keď to on urobil, faraón povedal: "Dobre, my v našej skupine máme mnoho chlapcov, ktorí to tiež dokážu urobiť" - napodobovatelia. Ježiš povedal: "No, to sa znovu zopakuje v posledných dňoch (vidíte?), nárokujú si tie isté veci ..." Pozrite kto prišiel prvý. Pozrite kto stál na Slove. To je to. Tak sa to dá poznať.

221Tak vidíte ... Vidíme, že Mojžiš im nikdy nedal to, čo bolo v čase Noeho: "Postavíme teraz archu, pretože to je Slovo. Viete. Noe voľakedy staval archu." Nie, na tom sa kŕmili supy. Nie, nie! Toto bolo zasľúbené Slovo.

222Všimnite si! Lebo on mal svoje posolstvo od Boha, on mal opravdové predurčené Slovo Božie na tú hodinu. Ježiš im tak isto neservíroval Mojžišove zbytky. Mojžiš mal Slovo na tú hodinu, ale Mojžiš bol prorok. A tu je sám Boh. Vidíte? On im nikdy neservíroval Mojžišove zbytky.

Ale pozrite sa len na tie supy tam v tej organizáciácii, hltali to. "My vieme! My máme Mojžiša; my nemusíme mať Teba."

223On povedal: "Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste aj Mňa, pretože Mojžiš hovoril o Mne." Ó! Vidíte? Tam kde je Obeť, tam sa zhromaždia orly - Orly! Čerstvo zabité Slovo, Slovo, ktoré povstalo a bolo vykŕmené, a zamanifestovalo sa a stalo sa potravou pre deti, nie tá stará obeť, ktorá tam ležala stovky rokov, ona tam bude. Teraz je tak isto! Luther mal posolstvo pokánia; ale vy hromada Luteránskych krkavcov. Baptisti mali posolstvo, ale vy Baptistické kane. Vidíte? Letniční mali posolstvo (ideme teraz domov), Letničné kane. Ale "Kde je obeť, tam sa zhromaždia orly."

224Pamätajte, nemohli ste kŕmiť Luteránov tam v tých dňoch (teraz môžete), Katolíckou skazeninou. Nie veru! On mal čerstvé mäso. To bol ten cirkevný vek. Nemohli ste kŕmiť Metodistov, Lutherovým posolstvom. Ó, nie, on nechcel tú zkazeninu. To bolo zhnité. Vidíte, ten život z toho odišiel a vošiel do niečoho iného. To je stará stopka, ktorá dávno zomrela. Ten život ide ďalej. Tak isto nemôžete kŕmiť Nevestu Ježiša Krista, Letničiarstvom. Nie veru! Sčervivenými organizáciami, to nejde! Nie, nie! Pretože zasľúbenie hovorí: "A prv ako príde ten veľký a strašný deň, Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša. On znovu navráti srdcia detí späť do viery otcov." Všetky tieto zasľúbenia boli dané v Biblii: "Ja to urobím", a tam sa zhromaždia orly. "Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec prídu ku mne." Vidíte?

225Ježiš sa to nikdy nesnažil. Ale keď Ježiš prišiel, On našiel tie kŕdle supov: "My máme Mojžiša a Zákon." Vidíte? No, to bolo dobré jedenie tam vtedy, keď to bolo zabité a dané im. Vidíte? Vtedy to bolo v poriadku, ale Mojžišovi bolo predpovedané toto, jemu samému, ktorý zabil tú obeť; povedal: "Pán váš Boh vzbudí medzi vami, z vašich bratov Proroka. A stane sa, že každý kto nebude počúvať na toho Proroka a na to čo On povie, bude vyťatý spomedzi svojho ľudu." A tak bolo.

226Pozrite, ako sa tam, na Ježišovi Kristovi, vyplnilo okolo šesťsto rôznych proroctiev Starého Zákona. "Prebijú Moje ruky a Moje nohy." Okolo ... Zabudol som koľko sa vyplnilo za posledných sedem alebo osem hodín Jeho života, čo všetci tí proroci povedali, dokonale!

227Keby som dnes prorokoval, že za rok sa niečo stane, možno by som mal dvadsať percent šancu, že sa to stane, či by to bola pravda alebo nie. A ak by som predpovedal, že sa to stane a nepovedal by som kedy, mal by som menšie percento. Keby som predpovedal kedy sa to stane, dáva mi to menšiu možnosť. Keby som predpovedal kde sa to stane, stále to dáva menšiu možnosť. Keby som predpovedal na kom sa to stane, potom by som mal stále asi možnosť jedna ku sto tisíc, že sa to niekedy stane, keby to nebola pravda. A každé Slovo (haleluja!), ktoré bolo napísané o tomto Mesiášovi, sa vyplnilo do písmena. Dokonca až jedného dňa, čítajúc Písma, On zastal presne v strede vety, a povedal: "Duch Pána Boha je nado mnou, aby som kázal evanjelium, a vyslobodil ..." A zastal rovno tam v polovici tej vety, pretože to ďalšie z toho je pri Jeho druhom príchode. Amen! "Nebo i zem pominú; Moje Slová nepominú." Vidíte?

228On bol to Slovo vtedy, ktoré ich kŕmilo vtedy. Mojžiš im povedal Pravdu. Ale vidíte, oni z toho stále robia denomináciu, pre tie supy aby ... Niečo z toho zostalo, potom čo sa tie orly najedli a odišli domov. Potom oni čakajú, aby videli niečo ďalšie. Slovo, oni hovoria: "Tu to má prísť. Včera sme mali karibu; zajtra máme ovcu." Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? "Tam je obeť starého karibu, tam hltajú, ale my máme dnes ovcu. Kde je?" Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Anjelsky pokrm! Ľudia, ktorí jeden deň jedli mannu, ak sa ju oni snažili odložiť do druhého dňa, ona sa skazila. Či nevidíte všetky tieto predobrazy, aké dokonalé?

229Tak isto teraz. Všimnite si, tie supy vo dňoch Ježiša tak isto vyháňali démonov; pomazanci, na tej starej obeti. Je to tak? Oni vyháňali démonov. Ježiš tak povedal. A pamätajte, oni v tých dňoch mali prorokov. Kajfáš, najvyšší kňaz, prorokoval. Koľkí to vedia? Kajfáš prorokoval. Všimnite si pozíciu kúkoľa na tom poli. Ona je zavlažená tým istým pomazaním. Prečo Biblia povedala, že on prorokoval? "Pretože on v tom roku bol najvyšším kňazom." Zhnitý zberač odpadkov, burina a bodliak sediaci medzi Pšenicou; a Duch bol na ňom, opravdový Svätý Boží Duch. Boží Duch Svätý bol na ňom, aby kázal, prorokoval, a predpovedal, že to sa stane; a zaprel a ukrižoval práve to potvrdené Slovo na tú hodinu. Pre zľutovanie, brat! Ako dlho ešte musíme hovoriť tieto veci, (vidíte?), koľko ich ešte ukázať v Písme?

Budem sa ponáhľať. Mám tu asi desať strán s miestami Písma, ako - dokazujem všetky veci.

230Slnko svieti na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých, tak isto. Ježiš povedal, aby som dokázal toto: "Ak Ja prstom Božím vyháňam démonov, kým ich vyháňajú vaši synovia?" No, oni vyháňali démonov. Oni prorokovali. Je to tak? Ale nepoznali Jeho, že je Slovom na tú hodinu,. Prečo? Pretože On nebol s nimi spojený. Vezmime teraz Matúša 24: 24: "Povstanú falošní Kristovia, pomazanci. A budú falošní proroci, budú prorokovať (vidíte?), a to zvedie, keby to bolo možné i Vyvolených." Rozumiete to teraz?

231Všimnite si, tí synovia. "Kým ich vyhá- ... Ak Ja vyháňam démonov Slovom Božím (a On bol Slovo Božie), kým ich vyháňajú vaši denominační synovia?" No, a jedine Boh môže vyháňať démona, to vieme, jedine Boh. Lebo, ten silný muž musí byť silnejší ako ten, ktorý je v dome. Oni mali moc, aby to robili. Viete, že tam v Zjavení je povedané, že on - ten antikrist, ktorý povstal v tých posledných dňoch činil znamenia a zázraky, že by zviedol tých, ktorí žijú na zemi, a zviedol každého jedného z nich, Kresťanov a všetkých, ktorých mená neboli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života - to dáva odpoveď na Matúša 24: 24 - ktorých mená neboli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života od založenia sveta. Ten život, ktorý bol v koreni toho - toho originálneho pomarančového stromu, ktorý prechádza cez všetky tie citrusy a všetko ďalšie, a prešiel a vydal ovocie na vrcholci stromu, ponad všetky tie denominačné rúbiky a halúzky. Rozumiete tomu? Ponáhľam sa.

232Ten silný muž ... Pamätajte teraz na Dávida, on bol čestný, úprimný, snažil sa pracovať pre Boha, a nebol určený do toho. Oni, tí pomazanci ... Ježiš povedal: "Oni učia učenie, ľudský výklad Písma (vidíte?), nie Slovo Božie, nie Jeho potvrdené Slovo. Učia historického Krista (vidíte?), niečo čo bolo. A Biblia povedala, že On je: "JA SOM nie, Bol som, alebo Budem. Ja som práve teraz." On je to Slovo, ktoré teraz žije. On bol ... Na počiatku, On bol v ... On bol v tých steblách; On bol v klase; On bol v šupke; ale teraz je v Zrne.

233No, idete naspäť a snažíte sa znovu žiť ... Čo keby sa ten život vrátil naspäť, myslíte že ten Život by ešte hovoril - pôjde naspäť potom čo tá stará šupka uschla, či ešte pôjde naspäť znovu do nej? Nikdy. "Lebo je nemožné, aby tých, ktorí boli raz osvietení," a neišli ďalej so Slovom ako sa ono vypĺňalo ... Oni sú mŕtvi, zomreli. "A tŕne a bodliaky, ktoré sú blízko zavrhnutia, ktorých koniec je spálenie ..." Je to tak? No, ponáhľam sa, ako len môžem.

234Všimnite si teraz to Písmo. Vyučujú historického Boha (vidíte?), práve tak sa oni snažia žiť v tom čo pominulo, ako: "Dobre, Wesley povedal to a to. Alebo Ten a ten povedal to a to." Vy odmietate to zasľúbené Slovo na svoj deň, tú mannu, ktorá je jasne potvrdená na tento deň. Oni sa snažia naliať svoje staré Luteránske, Baptistické, Letničné víno do našich nových nádob. To nefunguje. A naše nové víno, v ich starých nádobách, nebude fungovať. Ak sa oni pokúsia dať toto nové víno do denominácii, ukáže sa ich nerozum. To nedokážu. To ju roztrhne. "No, brat, videl som Božie Slovo presne podľa Slova ..."

235"No, pozri sa sem, doktor, ak ... My - my toto nemôžeme mať." Ned, myslím, že si sa nedávno stretol s niečím takým. "My - my to tu proste nemôžeme mať; no, bol by som radšej, keby si odišiel ..." Vieš. Vidíte, to nebude fungovať. To sa rozpukne. "Nemôžete dať záplatu z nového rúcha na staré rúcho, pretože to všetko potrháte." Vidíte? Či to Ježiš nepovedal? Nemôžete dávať nové víno do starých nádob. Ono ich potrhá. Nové víno má v sebe život. No dobre.

236Všimnite si tu niečo, teraz už naozaj rýchlo, na záver nášho rozprávania. Všimnite si Zjavenie 16: 13 do 14, ak si to chcete zapísať. Nebudem mať možno čas, aby som išiel do toho. Chcem, aby ste si boli istí a videli to.

237Všimnite si teraz, toto je to trúbenie medzi tou šiestou a Siedmou Čašou. No už končíme za chvíľu, ak ma môžete zniesť ešte niekoľko minút. Končíme teraz, všimnite si.

238Zjavenie 16: 13 - 14, medzi šiestou a Siedmou Čašou, traja nečistí duchovia podobní žabám (všimli ste si to?) vyšli z úst niekoho. No všimnite si, rýchlo. Ste pripravení? Povedzte: "Amen"! [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen!"] Trojica duchov!

239No, denominačný brat, seď len chvíľu potichu. Nevstávaj a nevychádzaj, tam pri rádiu - pri telefónnom zapojení. Nevypínaj magnetofón. Seď chvíľku potichu a počúvaj. Ak si narodený z Boha budeš počúvať.

240Trojica žiab! Žaba je zviera, ktoré stále hľadí dozadu. Ona nikdy nehľadí kde ide; ona hľadí, odkiaľ vyšla. Vidíte? Či to nevidíte? Kde sa zrodilo trojičiarstvo? Pamätajte, traja nečistí duchovia, individuálni duchovia. Vidíte to?

241Všimnite si! Oni hľadia naspäť na Nicejský Koncil, kde sa zrodila trojica, nie do Biblii. Také niečo neexistuje. Oni hľadia naspäť na Nicejský Koncil v Nicei, Ríme, kde sa zrodila trojica. Všimnite si odkiaľ oni pochádzajú. Všimnite si. A tá trojica žiab vyšla zo starej trojici, zrodila novú trojicu, to je ich matka. Z čoho to vyšlo? Z trojici: "drak" (vidíte?), "šelma" a "falošný prorok," trojica, nová pre ... Kedy vystupujú tieto žaby? Kedy sa to stalo? Všimnite si! Oni tam boli po celý čas, ale sa nezamanifestovali až medzi šiestou a Siedmou Čašou, tesne predtým ako boli otvorené pečate, aby to zjavili. Lebo v posolstve siedmeho anjela, budú dané najavo tajomstvá Božie, všetky tieto trojičiarske veci, a falošné krsty, a všetko malo byť zamanifestované. Bože pomôž nám, aby sme videli, čo je Pravda.

242A nie myslieť si, že to niekto sa snaží povedať niečo, aby ... Cítim toho ducha, ktorému to vadí. Viete. Ja nehovorím o sebe, brat. Ja hovorím o Anjelovi Pánovom, ktorý je v tábore. To je presne tak.

243Všimnite si! Trojica, drak ... Koľkí vedia, čo bol ten drak? To bol Rím. A ten drak stál pred tou ženou, aby zožral jej dieťa, len čo sa ono narodilo. Je to tak? Čo znamená v Biblii šelma? "Moc". Je to tak?

244Falošný prorok, falošný prorok, falošný pomazanec. Vidíte? Kde začal? Toto je falošný prorok, jednotné číslo. Falošný prorok, prvý pápež. A z toho vyšla tá smilnica, a mater smilníc, to všetko. Povstala falošná trojica, nie v tých ranných dňoch, to sa neprejavilo v tých ranných dňoch, to išlo s tým ďalej. Ale keď prišlo tých Sedem Pečatí, a otvorili tie tajomstvá a zjavili ich, vtedy vystúpili tie žaby, traja nečistí duchovia podobní žabám a prejavili sa, trojičiarska náuka proti Pravde. Vidíte odkiaľ to pochádza? Vidíte do čoho sa to vracia? Do Ekumenickej Rady. Oni sú aj tak všetci bratia, rovnaké duchy, všetko rovnaké. A sledujte to! Tak zvodiace, činiace zázraky. A toto sú diabli, ktorí idú ku všetkým bohom zeme, činiaci zázraky, aby ich zviedli v tom poslednom dni, a bude sa im v tom dariť! Čo povedal Boh o ... Ten zlý duch povedal: "Ja pôjdem dole a vojdem do úst tých prorokov a spôsobím, že budú prorokovať klamstvo, a navedú Achaba, aby išiel tam a zahynul."

245Boh povedal: "Choď, ty uspeješ. Ty ich dostaneš, že tomu uveria. Oni od začiatku nestoja na tom Slove. (Vidíte?) Choď, lebo ty ho presvedčíš. Ty si ten, ktorý to urobí, keď vojdeš do tých falošných prorokov, pretože on spolieha celkom na nich. A on nič nevie o Slove, ani sa to nebude snažiť zistiť. On to nemôže, pretože on je od začiatku tŕň!" Vidíte, vidíte? "Ty uspeješ."

246Pozrite sa sem na tieto falošné žaby, ktoré sa dívajú dozadu: "Ale, vieš čo oni povedali vtedy v Nicei?" Nestarám sa o to, čo oni povedali tam v Nicei. Ja hovorím to, čo povedali tu hore pri Tróne Božom; čo bude, nie čo bolo; čo bude, lebo On je JA SOM. Vidíte?

Falošný! Pozrite sa na to! Och! Všimnite si odkiaľ oni pochádzajú.

247No, dobre počúvajte. My vidíme jasne, potom, keď zostalo otvorených Sedem Pečatí, to zjavilo to tajomstvo. Čo je tá trojica? Vidíte? Kde to vôbec bolo nazvané trojica? Vidíte? Kde v Biblii bolo povedané slovo trojica? Ako by tam mohli byť traja Bohovia, žeby sme sa klaňali trom Bohom a neboli pohania? Ako môžu byť oni oddelení, keď On povedal: "Ja a môj Otec sme Jedno. Ak neuveríte, že Ja som On, zahyniete vo svojich hriechoch (vidíte?), vo svojej nevere." Hriech je nevera. "Zahyniete vo svojej nevere."

Ó, čo hovoríte, že kto Ja som? Čo ste povedali, že odkiaľ som prišiel? Ó, poznáte môjho Otca, Alebo môžete povedať Jeho meno? JA SOM Ruža Sáronská, Jasná Hviezda Ranná.

Môžete mi povedať kto On je?

To JA SOM hovoril s Mojžišom z horiaceho kríku, JA SOM Boh Abrahámov, Jasná Hviezda Ranná. JA SOM Ruža Sáronská. Ó, čo ste povedali, že odkiaľ som prišiel? Ó, poznáte Môjho Otca, Alebo môžete povedať Jeho meno? (Amen!) JA SOM Alfa i Omega, začiatok i koniec. JA SOM celé stvorenie, A Ježiš je Jeho meno.

248Je to tak! Žiadna trojica! Nie veru! To je falošné. Sedem Pečatí, otvára tieto tajomstvá, ktoré sa mali dokonať, ukazuje to. Pečať otvorila, odstraňuje, ukazuje, vyjasňuje tie skryté Pravdy, ktoré tie Pečate skrývali po všetky tie roky, počas všetkých tých cirkví a denominácií. Tá veľká smilnica zo Zjavenia sedem-... Kto ona bola? Ale ona tiež bola mater smilníc. Vidíte?

249No, hovoríte: "Brat Branham, ty ich nazývaš supmi!" Je to tak. Ale pamätajte, sup je vták. On je tiež pomazaný do lietania. Tie dva duchy budú tak blízko, žeby to zviedlo i Vyvolených. Sup je taký veľký, ako orol. On môže lietať ako orol, a je pomazaný do lietania, alebo do kázania, alebo do prorokovania (všimnite si!), tak isto ako orol. Ale on nemôže nasledovať orla do výšky. Nie, nie! Ak by sa pokúšal nasledovať orla, jeho nerozum sa ukáže. Tak veru! On nemôže nasledovať orla. "Ó", hovoríte: "a verím v Ježiša Krista, že je Syn Boží. Ja verím v Boha Otca, Všemohúceho, Stvoriteľa neba i zeme; Ježiša Krista Jeho Syna, a tak ďalej." Ó, skutočne, oni to veria. Ale čo s Ním, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky? Vidíte?

250Orol je špeciálne zostrojený vták. Nič na zemi nie je ako on. Vidíte? On - on ... Ak sa ho kaňa snaží nasledovať, alebo ktorýkoľvek iný vták, rozpadol by sa. Ukázal by sa jeho nerozum, ozaj dostatočne. On by vybuchol, keby sa snažil dať nové víno do starej nádoby. Vidíte, on by vybuchol. On by sa rozpadol. On nie je stvorený, on nie je ... Jeho telo zostrojené tak, aby ho tam držalo. Keď sa on dostane do tých vysokých sfér tam hore, ak on nebol stvorený, ustanovený, predurčený, narodený orol, on sa rozletí na kúsky. Vidíte? Perá povyletujú z jeho krídel, a on by spadol na zem. Skutočne. On nemôže nasledovať orla, vo výške. Ak sa pokúsi, jeho nerozum sa ukáže. Je to tak. Nemôžete.

251Prečo? On nedokáže vidieť tak, ako orol. Na čo je to dobré, snažiť sa vysoko skákať, a nemôcť vidieť kde ste, keď ste tam hore? A keby sa on snažil, keby sa len snažil napodobniť tohoto orla, vo výškach, on sa stáva taký slepý, že nevie načo bol učinený. Je to tak. On vreští a kričí, a predvádza sa, ale povedzte mu len Slovo, chlapče, ukáže sa jeho nerozum. Hovorte s ním o krste vo meno Ježiša Krista, alebo, o tom, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky ... všetko - všetko takéto, a povedzte mu ... "Och, počkaj chvíľu!" Vidíte? Tam - tam mu vypadáva perie. Vidíte, on vyskakuje a prorokuje, a vyháňa démonov, a hovorí v jazykoch, a kričí, a tak robí, behá hore dole po podlahe. Ale nesnaž sa nasledovať tam hore, chlapče, on sa skutočne dá poznať. Hoci je ustanovený. Je pomazaný. Dokáže lietať. Dokáže držať rovnováhu, dostať sa tam hore, ale nie ... len potade. Vidíte? On môže jesť zdochlinu, ale nemôže jesť čerstvé mäso, ktoré prichádza od Trónu. Vidíte? On je slepý. On je vypracovaný, ale nevie kvôli čomu sa vypracoval. Vidíte, ten istý Duch, ktorý spadol na neho, ako dážď, aby ho urobil pšenicou; on od začiatku nie je pšenicou. On pukne. "Ó, ja nemôžem ísť, lebo niekto ... Ó nie veru! Ja viem, že doktor Jones povedal ..." Dobre, pokračuj. Vidíte? Pokračuj, ak chceš.

252Všimnite si, on nie je narodený, alebo zostrojený, alebo predurčený, aby bol takým druhom vtáka. On môže ... On je možno citrón. ktorý rastie na pomarančovníku, ale on nepochádza z koreňov. On je niečo, čo tam bolo dodané. A keď sa oni vo svojich denomináciách dostanú tak vysoko, že nemôžu vidieť to predurčené, potvrdené Slovo Božie, potom vyšiel najavo ich nerozum. "Ó, toto, svätožiara nad hlavou, a všetko ... A och, to je nezmysel." Vidíte? Vyšiel najavo!

253On nie je zostrojený, aby videl tak ďaleko. On môže vidieť len tak ďaleko, ako mu to dovolia jeho denominačné okuliare. Ale, poza tým je slepý, ako netopier. A vtedy sa ukazuje jeho nerozum. Vidíte? Tam sa opravdové orly zlietajú ku jedeniu. Tak veru! Tam opravdové, vyvolené orly vidia, čo on je. Keď on nemôže prijať to Slovo, oni hneď vedia, že to je denominačný sup.

254Prečo? Prečo on nemôže lietať? Pretože, pozrite čím sa on kŕmi. On žerie zhnitú denominačnú zdochlinu, ktorá nezduchovní jeho telo, nedá mu duchovnú kondíciu, inými slovami, aby ho to prenieslo ponad denominačné rozdiely. Vidíte? Vidíte, on sa proste kŕmil na zhnitom pokrme; jeho telo je stvorené z toho. On nemôže ísť tam, kde to čerstvé mäso nesie toho orla. On to proste nedokáže. Vidíte?

255Tak sa vypĺňa Matúša 24: 24. On lieta, vyskakuje hore vo vzduchu, máva krídlami, ale on sa proste nemôže dostať dostatočne vysoko. Vidíte? Je to tak. Vidíte, on nemôže ísť ... On nemôže dosiahnuť dostatočnú výšku, aby si vzal tú čerstvú mannu. On môže jesť tú starú mannu, ktorá je tu dole na zemi, toho starého mŕtveho zajaca, ktorý tam bol pred týždňom zrazený, a pred mesiacom, alebo pred štyridsiatimi rokmi, zkazenosť. On to môže jesť, na tom sa kŕmi a kváka a vykrikuje, a tak sa zachováva, vyskakuje a lieta, ako iný orol. On je pomazaný, ako iný vták. A on je určitý druh orla - kaňa. Vieme to. Skutočne je, ale nemôže nasledovať toho opravdového orla. Vidíte? On to proste nedokáže. Nie veru! Jeho telo neni zostrojené; on sa kŕmil inou potravou, vidíte, a to nebude ... to nebude to čerstvé mäso, čerstvá manna. To je niečo čo povedal Luther, čo povedal Wesley, alebo čo povedal doktor, taký a taký. To nebude to, čo povedal Ježiš na túto hodinu.

256Poďme teraz, zakončime. Pomazanci, kristovia v tých posledných dňoch, ale falošní učitelia a falošní proroci. Všimnite si aké zarážajúce! Chcem aby ste teraz porovnali toto; nemáme čas, aby sme to čítali, Matúša 24: 24 s ll. Timoteovi 3: 8. Matúš 24: 24 hovorí, že v posledných dňoch (vidíte?) prídu falošní kristovia, falošní pomazanci, falošní proroci, a ukážu znamenia a zázraky, presne ako pravý - pravý a takmer zvedú tých Vyvolených.

257Všimnite si teraz! To hovoril Ježiš. Tu prichádza Pavol, hneď za Ním, a povedal: "Teraz, v posledných dňoch, prídu nábožní ľudia (vidíte?), majúci formu pobožnosti, a budú viesť nerozumné ženy, vedené rozličnými svetskými žiadosťami (a oni sa divia a hovoria: "Prečo káraš tie ženy?" Ó, pre zľutovanie ... Oni to proste vôbec nevidia!) - viesť nerozumné ženy, obťažené rozličnými žiadosťami (preč od vecí, ako - to je Biblia. Vidíte?) ... A ako Janes a Jambres (Matúš 24: 24. falošní kristovia, falošní, pomazaní, činiaci znamenia a zázraky, aby zviedli Vyvolených.) - no, ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tak budú títo skazení ... Prevrátenej mysli, nedokázaní čo do Viery. Nie nejakej viery, ale tej Viery.

"Jedna Viera, jeden Pán, jeden krst." Nemôžete mať jednu vieru bez toho, žeby ste verili v jedného Pána. Nemôžete mať dva krsty, nie jeden pre Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého. Je jeden krst, Ježiš Kristus. To je správne. Vidíte? Falošný krst.

258Všimnite si, porovnajte to teraz spolu, keď prídete domov - všimnite si - v Matúšovi 24: 24, hovorí Ježiš; Pavol v ll. Timotejovi 3: 8; a mnoho ďalších miest.

259A teraz to porovnajte, a potom zoberte ďalšie miesto Písma, Lukáš 17: 30, Malachiáš 4. Ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, proti pomazanému Slovu na tú hodinu, tak budú robiť títo mužovia, nie muž, mužovia, pomazanci, budú sa stavať proti Pravde.

260V ten deň, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka. Zjavenia 10: 1 - 7, prečítajte si to keď prídete domov ... Posolstvo siedmeho anjela, otvára Pečate ... Čo to je? Nie ten anjel je Syn človeka; ale ten posol zjavuje Syna človeka. Môžete to teraz vidieť osobitne? Zdá sa, že toto je pre vás tak ťažké. Rozumiete? Nie sám Syn človeka, ale siedmy anjel, siedmy posol, zjavuje na verejnosť Syna človeka, pretože to opustilo tú šupku - (plevu). Nemôžete to zorganizovať; znovu je to Zrno, samo o sebe.

A v tom čase sa Janes a Jambres budú stavať na odpor - pomazanci, robení veriaci a neveriaci, formálna cirkev a Letniční - povstávajú proti pravému Zrnu. Ale nechajte ich tak; ich nerozum sa ukáže, tak ako tamtých. Rozumiete teraz?

261Zjavenie 10 hovorí: "Vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela ..." Pamätajte teraz, siedmy, Laodicejský cirkevný vek, trúbenie toho anjela, keď sa ten cirkevný vek stal denomináciu a stal sa cirkevným vekom, keď to urobil vo svojej Letničnej organizácii; keď ten posol do toho ... Čím bol každý posol? Čím bol Martin Luther? Pokarhaním pre Katolíkov. Čím bol Wesley? Pokarhaním pre tých Luteránov. Čím boli Letniční? Pokarhaním pre tých ostatných. Kde ten život teraz odišiel? Preč z organizácii. Koniec šupky; to je Zrno. Čo to je? Pokarhanie pre Letničných (vidíte), aby sa vyplnilo Písmo na túto hodinu. Vidíte?

262Všimnite si, práve v tom čase, keď tento posol ... Nie keď on začal s ... ale keď on začína vyhlasovať svoje Posolstvo. Rozumiete? Prvé Potiahnutie, uzdravovanie; Druhé Potiahnutie, prorokovanie; Tretie Potiahnutie, otvorenie Slova, zjavené tajomstvá. Nieto - nie je vyššia hodnosť, aby zjaviť Slovo, ako proroci. Ale jediný spôsob, ako prorok môže byť potvrdený je skrze Slovo. A pamätajte, Tretie Potiahnutie bolo otvorenie tých Siedmich Pečatí, aby zjavilo tú skrytú Pravdu, ktorá bola zapečatená v Slove. Vidíte to? Vtedy, v tom čase, keď sa toto má diať, ten Janes a Jambres, tí napodobovatelia, sa znovu ukážu. Práve tak ako to urobili, keď sa zjavil Mojžiš s tým originálnym Slovom., aby ho povedal; oni sa zjavili, aby to napodobnili. Presne tak. No, vidíte čo je Matúš 24: 24? Vidíte? Pomazanci.

263No, sú tri veci, ktoré chceme povedať prv ako zakončíme. Toto sú oni. Chcem aby ste teraz skutočne pozorne počúvali, čo končíme. Tri veci, pamätajte, tri veci sa vyplnili. Tri veci práve teraz ležia pred vami:

264Za prvé: Svet je v stave Sodomy. Ježiš povedal, že to sa stane. Pozrite sa na tú prevrátenosť; naše ženy sa snažia zachovávať ako muži; naši mužovia sa snažia zachovávať, ako ženy - zbabelí; skazení, zhnití, podlí, diablom posadnutí, a nevedia o tom. Biblia hovorí, že to sa stane, a tu to máme.

265Za druhé: V tom čase, podľa tohoto Písma tu, sa zjaví Janes a Jambres. Za druhé.

266Za tretie: V tom istom čase sa má zjaviť Syn človeka.

267Tu máte veriaceho, toho čo sa pretvaruje za veriaceho, a neveriaceho. Tu vidieť skutočné, potvrdené Slovo; tu je pokrytecký veriaci, ktorí to napodobňuje; a tu je neveriaci, ktorý to všetko odmieta.

Ale v čase večera bude svetlo, Určite nájdete cestu do Chvály. (Je to tak?)

Národy sa rúcajú, Izrael sa budí; Znaky, ktoré predpovedala naša Biblia; Dni pohanov zrátané, hrôzou obtiažené; (Sodoma!) Vráťte sa, ó rozohnaní, do svojho vlastného.

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil, Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu; Buďte naplnení Duchom Božím, Majte svoje lampy ozdobené a čisté, (Tak môžete vidieť Slovo na svoj čas.) Pozrite hore, vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo!

Falošní proroci klamú, (Oni povedali, že tu budú - pomazanci) Božiu pravdu zapierajú, že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh.

To je - oni tomu neveria. Biblia hovorí, že to tu bude. Tu to je!

Ale my kráčame tam kde apoštolovia. (To isté svetlo! "A prinavráti vieru otcov deťom!")

Deň vykúpenia je blízko, (Tak blízko!) Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu. (Zem sa prepadá.)

Ó, buďte plní Ducha Božieho, Majte lampy ozdobené a čisté. Pozrite hore, vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo.

Veríte tomu? Skloňme potom svoje hlavy.

268Tam, do toho kraju, kde ide toto posolstvo, od východného pobrežia do západného, z Kalifornii do New Yorku, dole na juh, hore na sever, von ku tým misionárom, a kdekoľvek ide, a v tejto modlitebni. My sme biedni. Nemáme tých veľkých kvetnatých vecí, a televízne vysielania. Snažíme sa len robiť to najlepšie, čo môžeme. "Ale všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu."

269No, chcem aby ste vedeli, že toto je celkom isté. A vy, ktorí počúvate túto pásku. Možno ste si dnes mysleli, že som sa to snažil hovoriť o sebe, že to ja som skladal toto Posolstvo. Ja s tým nemám nič spoločného, nič okrem hlasu. A môj hlas ... Dokonca proti svojmu presvedčeniu ... ja som chcel byť poľovník. Ale to je vôľa môjho Otca, ktorú prehlasujem robiť, a som rozhodnutý ju robiť.

Ja som nebol Ten, ktorý sa zjavil tam dole nad riekou; ja som tam len stál, keď sa On zjavil. Ja nie som Ten, ktorý činí tieto veci a predpovedá tieto veci, ktoré sa tak dokonale dejú; ja som len ten, ktorý je blízko toho, keď to On robí. Ja som bol len hlas, ktorý On použil, aby To povedal. To nebolo to, čo som ja vedel; ja som sa len tomu vydal, že On cezo mňa hovoril. To nie som ja. To nebol ten siedmy anjel, ó, nie; to bola manifestácia Syna človeka. To nebol ten anjel, jeho Posolstvo; to bolo to tajomstvo, ktoré Boh odhalil. To nie je človek; to je Boh. Ten anjel nebol Syn človeka; on bol posol od Syna človeka. Syn človeka je Kristus. On je Ten, ktorým sa kŕmite. Nekŕmite sa človekom. Človek, jeho slová sklamú. Ale vy sa kŕmite neklamným Telom Slova Syna človeka.

270Ak ste sa nekŕmili plne na každom Slove, aby ste nabrali silu letieť ponad všetky tie denominácie a veci toho sveta, urobíte to teraz, zatiaľ čo sa budeme modliť?

271Drahý Otče, toto je tvrdá reč. Nie je ľahké pre smrteľného človeka hovoriť to. Ty poznáš všetky veci. A prosím Ťa, Drahý Otče, aby to nebolo zle porozumené, ale nech tí ľudia môžu kráčať vo svetle Tvojho Slova.

272Bože Otče, ja neviem kto je Vyvolený; Ty vieš. Ja neviem kedy bude Tvoj príchod. Ale ja len viem, že si povedal, že keď sa toto bude diať, títo falošní pomazanci ... Nie hneď keď oni začali ... Mojžiš ich nechal len tak, pretože on s tým nemohol nič viac robiť. On mohol povedať len to, čo si Ty hovoril. Ty si mu povedal, aby zavolal blchy; potom ich oni zavolali. Ty si mu povedal, aby premenil vodu na krv; potom to oni urobili. Mojžiš len predniesol, Slovo za Slovom, ako si Ty povedal. Ale potom, Ty si bol Ten, ktorý si spôsobil, že ten nerozum sa ukázal.

273No, Otče, Ty si stále Boh. Toto isté Slovo povedalo, že toto sa stane v týchto posledných dňoch. Mnohí čestní ľudia (ako sme povedali minulú nedeľu), ktorí kladú svoju ruku na tú Archu, ktorá je na tom novom voze, a nie na ramenách Levitov, padli mŕtvi, mŕtvi v hriechu a previneniach, argumentujú proti svojmu vlastnému svedomiu.

274Mnohí kazatelia sedia vo svojej študovni, čítajú to Slovo, a rýchlo prevracajú stranu, aby sa zdržali a nevybuchli, lebo vedia, že by stratili spoločenské postavenie u verejnosti, u svojej cirkvi a u svojej denominácii. Bože pomôž nám, aby sme tak niky nerobili!

275Očisti naše srdcia, Pane, od všetkej špiny tohoto sveta. Pane, stojím pripravený dať sa očistiť. Stojím pripravený, s touto cirkvou a so všetkými, ktorí počúvajú, a s kýmkoľvek, kto bude počúvať túto pásku. Stojím, Pane, zober ma do domu hrnčiara a zlám ma. Vymies ma na takého sluhu, akého chceš.

Lebo, Pane Ježišu, som človek nečistých rtov, ako kričal Izaiáš, bývam medzi ľuďmi nečistých rtov; a beda mi, lebo vidím zjavenie Božie, ktoré sa ukázalo, ako Izaiáš videl tých anjelov v Chráme. Vidím čas konca, Pane, a beda mi a mojej rodine. Beda mi a môjmu ľudu. Ó Večný Bože, buď nám milostivý. Prosím za seba i za ľudí. Nenechaj nás zahynúť s tými, ktorí neveria, ale nech žijeme s veriacimi.

276Každá denominácia, Pane, každý muž, alebo žena ... Nemôžem Ťa prosiť, aby si žehnal nejakú denomináciu, keď viem, že Ty si proti ním. Ale môžem len povedať, Pane, ak tam medzi nimi máš nejakú zo Svojich oviec, nech môžu počuť túto pásku. Nech to môžu počuť Pane, a rozumieť tomu s porozumením, ktoré im Ty dáš, a nech vyjdú a prijmú Teba. Nech nie sú zvedení slepotou a tradíciou tohoto času. Nech sa nesnažia jesť niečo čo ... čo bolo obeťou v inom dni. Nech prijmú Slovo. Tak farizejovia ukrižovali Teba, Pane. Oni prijímali obeť z času Mojžiša, a snažili sa tým nasýtiť; potom čo si im Ty ukázal ten príklad na púšti o čerstvej manne na každú noc, predstavujúc tým každú generáciu. Tam oni sklamali. To ich otrávilo. To ich zabilo, že jedli to skazené jedlo. A duchovne to robí dnes to isté; zabíja ich duchovne, denomináciou.

Pomôž nám, Drahý Otče. To je teraz všetko v Tvojich rukách. V mene Ježiša Krista.

277So sklonenými hlavami, budeme spievať, zatiaľ čo robíte svoje rozhodnutie. Či pôjdeš celou cestou?

Počujem, ako volá môj Spasiteľ ... (a On je Slovo!)

Ó, túlal som sa dlhý čas, ale skutočne, teraz som Ho počul: "Poďte ku Mne všetci, ktorí tápate okolo." Môžem počuť: "Vezmi svoj kríž na každý deň a nasleduj Ma." "Áno, hoci by som prechádzal údolím tôni smrti, nebudem sa báť zlého; vedie ma po zelených pašiach a popri tichých vodách."

A pôjdem kde ma On povedie ...

Pane, vidím trojičiarsky nerozum. Vidím tým zasiaty celý svet; všade rastie kúkoľ. Ale kde ma Ty teraz povedieš, Pane, budem ako tí v Skutkoch 19. Keď to oni počuli, boli znovu pokrstení vo meno Ježiša Krista."

...nasledujem, (Prešiel som časť cesty, Pane. Dosť dlhý kus, aby som Ťa prijať ...)

Pôjdem s Ním celou cestou.

[Brat Branham začína hmkať "Pôjdem tam kde ma On povedie."]

278Drahý Bože, verím, že to pochádza z môjho srdca. Verím, že to pochádza z každého srdca, ktoré teraz spieva, možno mnohí, ktorí budú počúvať túto pásku, ktorí nie sú prítomní, alebo ktorí to teraz nepočúvajú. Nech budeme ochotní, Pane, nehľadiac na cenu ... Nech by sme povedali ako človek, ktorí sa ide stretnúť s inou armádou, vojak, kráľ; prv si sadne a zráta, či je schopný to urobiť, či sa dokáže vzdať vecí toho sveta ... Dokážeš sa vzdať, pripojiť sa do tej armády Božieho napísaného Slova; pochodovať s Jeho vojakmi, letieť s Jeho orlami? Udeľ toho, Pane, v mene Ježiša.

279Veríte? Prijímate Ho? No dobre. Znovu vás tu uvidíme, dnes večer, ak dá Pán. Veríte, že to je Pravda? Je to dosť jasné? Potom ...

Ber so sebou meno Ježiš,

dieťa bolesti a žiaľu;

Ono ti dá radosť a pokoj,

ber ho všade ...

No, potraste si teraz ruky s tým, kto stojí vedľa vás.

Vzácne meno, ó aké sladké! Nádej zeme, nádej zeme, radosť Neba; Vzácne meno, ó aké sladké! Nádej zeme radosť Neba.

Skláňajúc sa pred menom Ježiš,

padajúc ku Jeho nohám,

Kráľa kráľov budem v nebesiach korunovať

(On je potom Boh) Keď sa dokoná naša púť.

Vzácne meno, (Vzácne meno,) ó aké sladké!

(Ó aké sladké!)

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Vzácne meno ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

280Dúfam, že všetci kazatelia sa dnes ráno poznali. Keď sa človek modlil celý týždeň diví sa čo ... vidiac tieto miesta Písma, ktoré stoja rovno pred vami ... "Beda mi," povedal Pavel: "keby som nekázal Evanjelium." A na konci svojej cesty on povedal: "Lebo som sa neutiahol, aby som vám nezvestoval celú radu Božiu, ako mi Ona bola daná."

281Niekedy si zabudnem všimnúť niektoré veci, zabudnem dokonca posvätiť nemluvňatá. Billy raz povedal, že prišiel niekto a povedal: "Prichádzam sem už dva roky, aby som dal posvätiť svoje decko." Billy povedal: "Nemysli si o tom nič zlé. Ja mám decko rok staré, a tiež ešte nebolo posvätené. Tak, hádam budem len čakať až bude dosť veľké, že si tam samé zájde."

282Tak vidíme brat, sestra, to nie je - to nie je, vidíte, ja ... Jedna vec, máme posväcovať naše deti. Máme krstiť každého. Tam je bazén; tu je voda. Ak si nebol, čo ti bráni? Tu je voda. Poď hneď teraz. Nečakaj do zajtra; poď hneť teraz. Stojí tu muž, ktorý pokrstí každého, kto učinil pokánie a urobil vyznanie. Ak si bol pokrstený mnoho krát, oni ťa pokrstia v mene Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov. Vidíte?

283My sme ... Ale, pozrite, to Posolstvo mi leží na srdci. Ja to musím povedať. To je jediný cieľ, bez ohľadu na to čo povie moja žena, moje deti, môj pastor, môj ktokoľvek. To je môj Pán. Ja to musím povedať. To je môj jediný cieľ.

284A tak, mnohokrát som si nevšimol tých kazateľov. Hádam možno ... náš brat, brat Neville, vzácny človek. Tí ostatní bratia tu, sme radi že vás máme.

285Nie žeby sme s tebou, nesúhlasili brat, nezhodovali sa. Mnohí z vás tu môžu byť kazatelia, vyznávajúci trojicu. My sa nechceme s vami hnevať. My vás milujeme. Keby nie, keby som tomu neveril, nikdy by som neopustil tento zbor, až by som tam nepadol na svoje kolená a nepovedal: "Bože naprav ma. Nechcem toho arogantného, sebeckého ducha miešajúceho sa s mojim. Chcem aby môj duch bol nepoškvrnený a čistý, plný bratskej lásky, posvätený Svätým Duchom." No, ak mi niekto robí niečo zlé "To je v poriadku." A tak ja mám právo vrátiť im to naspäť, v živote to nechcem robiť. Nie, ja chcem mať lásku. Chcem byť pripravený, napravovať láskou, láskou ktorá naprosto odpovie tam za nás.

286Nemám v úmysle líšiť sa. Metodisti, Baptisti, Katolíci, Presbyteriáni, ktokoľvek ste, ja toto nehovorím, aby som sa líšil, bol na vás arogantný. Keby som to robil, som pokrytec a mám byť tam dole pri oltári a modliť sa ku Bohu.

Ale ja to hovorím z lásky, že vidím kde idete. No, ja to nehovorím sám od seba, nie v trúfalosti. Podávam vám TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je Pravda. A milujem vás za to všetko. Nech vás Boh žehná.

287A teraz, keď budeme spievať ten ďalší verš tejto piesni, nech ... Prv ako sa rozídeme ... Chceme, aby ste tu boli dnes večer, ak môžete. Ak nemôžete, nech je Boh s vami až kým sa nestretneme. My sa len modlíme, aby vás Boh žehnal a dal vám to najlepšie z Jeho zeme.

Ber so sebou meno Ježiš ...

THE ANOINTED ONES AT THE END TIME, 65-0725M, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 193 min

1 Morning, audience. Let us speak to our Lord now. Great God, Creator of heavens and earth, Who has Divinely appointed us this time this morning, of worship to You. And may we, Lord, in our hearts surrender ourselves completely to Your Divine will and the working of the Holy Spirit in us, to bring forth that which You would have us to know. Our desire is to be better Christians and better representatives of You. Will You grant this to us this morning, as we wait upon Thee, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Be seated. [Someone says, "You want to take off the prayer cloths?"--Ed.] Yes.

2 We are very happy to be here this morning again, in--in the service of the great King. And we're sorry, we, again, that we don't have the room for the people, but we have just... We'll try and make out the best we can, under the circumstances.

3Now, many has handkerchiefs and requests laying up here to be prayed over. And I'm just laying them to one side; not that I'm ignoring them, but I pray for them after I mainly... like, and tonight. I will this morning, and then tonight again, when... Then I'll pray and wait upon the Spirit of God for healing, and that's when I like to pray over the--the handkerchiefs and things.

4 And on the special requests, Billy gave them, every one, to me. There is about three hundred, and I just left the rooms then. You see, I'm just getting them just as fast, and every one, that I can get to. And I'll get to them just as quick as I possibly can. I won't be able to get them all. Just reach in and have to get one, say, "Lord, and will it be this one, and be this one?" Just like that, because they're, every one, needy, real requests; something, no doubt, that we should talk together about. And I... Less, you know, sometimes the Holy Spirit may say a certain one that I read, that keeps on my heart; I go back to that again, and hunt through there till I find it. Otherwise, just casually take them.

5 Now, we also want to say, this morning, and greet those who are out in the other parts of the country. We want to greet the folks this morning by the way of this telephone hookup, to New York City; Beaumont, Texas; Prescott, Arizona; Tucson, Arizona; San Jose, California; Connecticut; Gainesville, Georgia; and New Albany, Indiana; across the nation. We are greeting you in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

6This morning, in Indiana, it is a fair morning. We had a rain last night which cooled the weather. And we're... The tabernacle is packed out, and everybody is waiting, with great anticipations, for the Sunday school lesson. And I trust that the richest of God's blessings will be upon you out there.

7And we are hoping, soon as possible, to make a--a way that we can have, where we can bring all of us together, maybe under a big tent, where I'm feeling real definitely led to preach on these Seven last Vials in the Bible.

8 So now, so that we won't be too long on a great lesson this morning... I have sought the Lord, thinking, "What could I say?" knowing that this may be our last service that we'll ever have. The Coming of the Lord is so close at hand!

9I see, after that prediction made in California, there is houses out there, and places, sinking at the rate of thirty inches a hour, timbers cracking and breaking in. And they don't know what's doing it. We are at the end. Hundred-thousand-dollar homes, sinking. I got big headlines in the paper, pictures, that I hope to bring tonight, as I want to speak on something on that tonight.

10 And, then, tonight we have prayer for the sick. Come in this afternoon, five, six o'clock, or whenever it is. We're going to start early, I suppose, so the people can get away early, and receive your prayer cards. And we'll be praying for the sick tonight, the Lord willing.

11 Now, after prayerfully thinking, "What must I do?" knowing that someday I must answer for what I say here... And I have decided, or felt led by the Holy Spirit to speak this morning on prophecy, to kind of inform us. See? It's something that we... If we're not informed, and anything happens just casually, we should know about this. The Holy Spirit has give it to us, to warn the people of the comings. You know, the Bible said, that, "God will do nothing except first He shows His servants, the prophets." And--and how that Jesus warned the people, what would take place; how the prophets warned the people, that would take place. And it behooves us now, in the great hour that we're living, to see what age we're living in, and what's happening, what's going to happen in this age. So one of these strange subjects that perhaps we've read many times, it fell upon my heart to--to speak to the people about it this morning.

12 Now let us turn over in our Bibles to Matthew the 24th chapter and read a portion of the Word. [Brother Branham clears his throat--Ed.] Pardon me. As a way of--of getting a context for our text and subject.

13Now, remember we are going to teach this as a Bible class, slow. Get your pencils and paper. I've got many Scriptures written down here, that--that you might be able to put these down. Then go home and study them, for this is just like a Sunday school class, that we might know, and be warned and prepared for the hours that we're living in.

14 In the Book of Saint Matthew. [Brother Branham clears his throat--Ed.] Pardon me. 24th verse... Or, 24th chapter, rather, beginning with the 15th verse, I wish to read a portion of His Word.

And when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

Then let them which are in Judaea flee into the mountains:

Let him which is on the housetop--housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:

Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!

But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

And except those days should be shortened, there would be no flesh saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

For there shall rise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elected.

Behold, I have told you before.

Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chamber; believe it not.

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered...

15 Now, for a subject, I would like to take the 24th verse, to emphasize on this verse for our Sunday school lesson this morning. And listen close while I reread this, again.

For there shall rise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elected.

16Now for a subject this morning, or a text, rather, I want to take: The Anointed Ones At The End Time. That's the subject that I wish to speak on, or the text: The Anointed Ones At The End Time.

17 I believe that we are living in the end time. I think most anyone that... The Scripture reader, or even a--a believer, knows that we are now at the end of the history of the world. There will be no use of writing it, because there won't be anybody to read it. It's at the end of the time. Just when, I do not know. Just how long it will be, not even the Angels of Heaven knows that minute or hour. But we been told by the Lord Jesus, that, when these things that we see now begin to come to pass, then to lift up our heads for our redemption is drawing nigh. Now, what "drawing nigh" means, I do not know. May mean...

18 As the scientists said the other day, on the television, speaking of the great thousands-of-miles break in the earth that's going to sink. He was asked the question, "It could sink there?" That's Los Angeles, the West Coast. And many of you seen how they followed it with radar, and went up through... broke in below San Jose, went across over into Alaska, out through the Aleutian Islands, about two hundred miles out into the sea, and come back down into San Diego, went around in behind Los Angeles, and come up there, a great pocket.

And all these earthquakes we've been having is the volcanic hitting this great hollow dipper, like, in there. I can't call the name that they--they called it. However, when that shakes, that gives these earthquakes we been having for years on the West Coast. Now it's cracked all the way around. And the scientists said, one...

19 The man said to the other, "That could fall in?"

He said, "Not 'could,' but it will."

Said, "But not in our generation, perhaps?"

Said, "In the next five minutes, or the next five years. We don't know just when."

20This week, was sent me a headlines in the paper, of big hundred-thousand-dollar homes cricking and cracking, the people moving away. And they don't know how to stop it. There is no way to stop it. See, God can do whatever He wants to, and there's nobody can tell Him how to do it.

21You build homes, you can make scientific things, and God is the Creator of science. How you going to stop Him? He can destroy the earth this morning by fleas if He wants to. You realize, He could speak fleas into existence, and they'd be forty miles deep in a half hour's time, see, there's no... and eat people right off the ground. He is God. He just does as He will. He is sovereign, in Himself.

22 Now, seeing all this accumulation of evidence, that the hour that we now live in, I think it's a good thing to rehearse these things and to draw them out, since the Seals has been opened, and find out the truth of these things, as God has been so loyal to us, with His grace, to show us these things.

23I want you to notice here in Matthew 24, Jesus used the term of "Christs," C-h-r-i-s-t-s, "Christs." Not Christ, but "Christs," plural, not singular. "Christs." Therefore, the word Christ means "the anointed One." And then if it's "anointed," there will be not only one, but many, anointed, "the anointed ones." See?

24Otherwise, if He wanted to break it down so we would more or less understand it better, He would say, "In the last days there shall rise false, anointed ones." Now, that seems almost impossible, see, the terms of "anointed." But notice the very next words, "and false prophets," p-r-o-p-h-e-t-s, plural.

25 Now, anointed one, is, "one with a message." And the only way the message can be brought out is by one that's anointed, and that would be a prophet, anointed. "There shall rise false, anointed teachers." A prophet teaches what his message is. Anointed teachers, but anointed people with false teaching. Anointed ones, "Christs," plural; "prophets," plural. And if there is such a thing as a--a Christ, singular, then these would have to be "anointed ones," that their prophecy of what they were teaching would be the difference, because they are anointed ones, anointed.

26 Now, it's a Sunday school lesson, we want to--to try to bring this to a real showdown, by the Scriptures, not by what someone else has said about it, but just reading the Scriptures.

You may say, "How can this be? Would the anointed ones..."

27What were they? "Christs," C-h-r-i-s-t-s, anointed. "Christs, and false prophets." Anointed ones, but false prophets!

Jesus said, that, "The rain falls on the just and the unjust."

28Now, someone might say to me, "Do you believe that that anointing on those people means that it's the anointing of the Holy Spirit?" Yes, sir, the genuine Holy Spirit of God upon a person, and yet they are false.

Now listen close and see what He said. "And they shall show signs and wonders, insomuch that it would deceive the very Elected if it were possible." And they are anointed with the genuine Holy Spirit. I know this sounds very foolish, but we're going to take time and explain it by the Word, that that's absolutely THUS SAITH THE LORD, the Truth.

29 Now let's turn in our Bibles, just a minute, to Matthew the 5th chapter, and begin with the--the 45th verse, and see now as we read for a few moments on these Scriptures. And then, after we get to here, why, we'll give you... So you, if we fail to read all of them, then you get your Bible; and--and also you can read them after we leave here and you go home, and--and you read what the Bible says about it.

30 Now to take our time, to get a--a basic fact, because I'm making a statement here that's astounding. How can the Holy Spirit anoint a false teacher? But that's what Jesus said would happen.

Now, Matthew, the 5th chapter, the 45th verse, let's read now. Let's get, begin a--a little behind it, the 44th.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you,... pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and... the good, and sendeth rain on the just and... the unjust. (The rain comes upon the evil the same as the good.)

31 Now to follow this up, to another prophecy pertaining to this, may we turn now to Hebrews the 6th chapter, for the next follow-up verse on this, where Paul bringing back to mind the same thing that Jesus said. Paul, speaking now. While you're hunting it... And you out in the broadcast, get your Bibles near you and a piece of paper, and look up this now. Hebrews the 6th chapter, Paul writing to the Hebrews, showing them the shadows and the types, bringing them from under Judaism into Christianity, showing them that how all the old things just foreshadowed the things that was to come. Paul speaking now, Hebrews 6.

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ (C-h-r-i-s-t, singular), let us go on to perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance... dead works, and of faith towards God.

Of... doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.

And this will we do, if God permits.

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Spirit,

I want to call your attention just a minute. Did you notice, that's "gift"; and not "gifts," partakers of "the heavenly gifts"? But, "the heavenly gift," singular; "Christ," singular; "gift," singular.

... heavenly gift, and... made partakers of the Holy Spirit,

And have tasted of the... word of God,... (tasted of what?)... the word of God, and the power of the world to come,

If they shall fall away, to renew themselves again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

For, (listen) the earth... drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, to bring forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessings from God:

But that which beareth thorns... briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.

32 Now compare that with Matthew 5:24 again. Notice, Jesus said the rain and the sun comes upon the earth, that God sends it to prepare the food and the things for the peoples of the earth. And the rain is sent for the food, the herbs. But the tarers, weeds, being in the field, receive the same thing. The same rain that makes the wheat grow is the same rain that makes the weeds grow.

33 How I had such a lesson on that one time, when I first met the Pentecostal people! And it was a great lesson to me. I seen two men, one... Never heard speaking in tongues before. One spoke in tongues, the other one interpret it, vice-versa. And would tell the truth, say that, "There's many in here should repent tonight. There's women and men, both." And people would raise up and go to the altar.

I thought, "How glorious!"

34 And then with the little gift of the Holy Spirit, I talked to those men, just, you know how, in discernment, just a little way to find out. And one of them was a genuine Christian, and he was a real servant of Christ, and the other one was a hypocrite. And one of them, the one that was a hypocrite, was living with a black-headed woman, running around with a blond and had children by her. Well, it was right there in the vision; couldn't be denied. And I spoke to him about it. He looked at me and walked around the building.

35 Now I was confused, sure enough. I thought I had come into angels, then I wondered if I wasn't among devils. How could this be? I could not understand it. And for years I kept my hands off of it, till one day where...

George Smith, the boy that goes with my daughter, we went yesterday, up to the old mill place where I go to pray.

And after being in there a couple days, the Holy Spirit brought this Scripture back to me. "For the rain cometh oft upon the earth to dress it with herbs, but thorns and thistles live by that same rain, and whose end is to be burned." Living by the same life-giving resource of God. Then I understood that. "By..." Jesus said, "By their fruits they are known."

36 Now, therefore, the rain dropping down upon the natural vegetation of the earth, is a type of the Spiritual rain which gives Eternal Life, dropping down upon the Church, for we call it the former rain and the latter rain. And it's a rain, pouring out of God's Spirit, upon His Church.

37 Notice, it's a very strange thing here. See? When them seed went in the ground, however they got there, they were thorns to begin with. But there the wheat that went in the ground, and the herbs, were herbs to begin with. And each herb producing itself, over again, showed that it was in the original beginning.

38"And they will deceive the Elected if it were possible," 'cause they're getting the same rain, same blessing, showing the same signs, same wonders. See? "They will deceive, or shall deceive the Elected if it were possible." Now, a thorn cannot help being a thorn, and neither can wheat help being a wheat; it's what the Creator of each one determined at the beginning. That's the Elected. The same rain!

39 The sun rises of a morning and spreads across the earth, as it had this earth and day that we live. And the sun, same sun that rises in the East is the same sun that sets in the West. And that sun is sent to ripen the grain upon the earth, which our bodies are made from.

40 We are living by dead substance. That's the only way you can live. And if something has to die every day so you live, natural, then isn't it true that if your... Your body has to live by dead substance, for natural life, then you've got to have Something die, spiritually, to save your spiritual life. And God, became material, flesh, and died that we might live. There's no church, no other thing in the world can save you but God. That's the only thing that they live by.

41Now run the Scriptures. Jesus is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. And the Word was made flesh, and Who lived, dwelled among us." "And man shall not live by bread alone," for the physical, "but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Then, you see, we live by the Word, and that is God.

42 Now the sun comes across and ripens the grain. Now, it cannot ripen it all at once. As it goes on, maturing, it constantly ripens until it comes to a full ear.

So is it, today, with the Church. It started in its infancy, back in the dark age, where it was under the ground. It's growed now into maturity. And we can see it, perfectly, how that God through nature always...

43You cannot disturb nature. That's what's the matter today. We're flying bombs, and out there in that ocean, breaking it and busting it around with atomic bombs. You're just breaking more of that dirt off all the time, dropping into it. You cut down the trees; storms will take you. Dam up the river; it'll overflow.

You've got to find God's way of doing things and stay in it. We've denominated people in the churches and organizations; look what we got! Stay in God's provided way of it.

44 But, you see, "He sends the rain," back to our subject, "on the just and the unjust." Jesus tells you here now, in Matthew 24, it would be a sign at the end time.

Now, if this sign is only to be known at the end time, then it'll have to be after the opening of those Seals. See? It's a sign of the end. That would be, when these things happens, it'll be at the end time. And it'll be a sign, now, so the Elected will not be confused in these things. You see it? Then, it's got to be revealed, exposed.

45 Notice, both the wheat and the weeds live by the same Anointing from Heaven. Both of them rejoice over It.

I remember this, referring back to this instance up there that day at the Green's Mill. I--I seen that vision come up. And there was a great earth, and it had been all disked up. And there went a Sower forth, first. I want to keep that before you. Watch what goes forth first, then what follows it. And as this Man with white on came forth around the earth, sowing seed, then behind Him come a man, dark clothes on, looked very sneaking, slipping along behind Him, sowing weeds. And as this taken place, then I seen both crops come up. And as they come up, one was wheat and the other one was weeds.

And there come a drought, that when, looked like, both of them had their heads down just crying for rain. Then there come a great cloud over the earth, and it rained. And the wheat raised up and said, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" And the weeds raised up and hollered, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" Same results. Both of them perishing, both of them going away. And then the wheat comes up and gets thirsty. And because it was in the same field, the same garden, the same place, under the same spout, there come up wheat and there come up tarers by the very same thing. Notice, the same anointing water brings forth the wheat, brings forth the weed.

46 The same Holy Spirit that anoints the Church, that gives them desire to save souls, that gives them power to perform miracles, It falls on the unjust the same as the just. The very same Spirit! Now, you can't make it another way and understand Matthew 24:24. He said, "There shall rise false Christs," false, anointed ones. Anointed with the genuine Thing, but be false prophets of It, false teachers of It.

What would make a man want to be a false teacher of something that's Truth? Now we'll get down to the mark of the beast in a few minutes, and you'll see it's denomination. See? False teachers; false, anointed. Anointed Christs, but false teachers. It's the only way you can see it.

47 Just like here some time ago, I have quoted this. I might quote it because we're hooked up across the nation. One day I was talking to a friend of mine, where this is coming in this morning, in Arizona. And he had a--a citrus farm. And he had a tree there which was an orange tree that was bearing grapefruits, and lemon, tangerine, tangelos. And I forget how many different fruits there was on that one tree. And I said to the--the--the man, I said, "How is it? What kind of a tree is that?"

He said, "The tree, itself, is an orange tree."

I said, "What has it got grapefruits on it? Why has it got lemons on it?"

He said, "They are grafted into it."

I said, "I see. Well, now," I said, "now, next year when that tree comes forth with another crop of fruit," which they all ripen about the same time, I said, "then it will bring forth altogether oranges. If it's a navel orange tree, it'll bring forth the navel oranges, won't it, sir?"

He said, "No, sir. Every grafted branch will bring forth of its kind."

I said, "You mean that lemon vine will bring forth a lemon out of that orange tree?"

He said, "Yes, sir."

"Will the grapefruit bring forth a grapefruit out of that orange tree?"

He said, "Yes, sir. That's the nature of the branch that's grafted into it."

I said, "Praise be to God!"

He said, "What do you mean?"

I said, "One more question. Now, will that orange tree ever bring forth oranges again?"

He said, "When it puts forth another branch." When it puts forth another branch, not when one is grafted into it. But, they're all citrus fruit, and they live off of the citrus life that's in the citrus tree.

48 I said, "There you are! The Methodist will bring forth Methodists, every time. The Baptist will bring forth Baptists, every time. The Catholic will bring forth Catholic, every time. But the Church of the living God will produce Christ from the root, the Word every time, if it ever puts forth another vine of its Own."

49 Now, you can graft it in there, you see. Every grapefruit, lemon, tangelo, tangerine, whatever the citrus fruits they are, every one of them can live in that tree; but bearing false witness of the tree, living by the tree. You see it? They are living and thriving on the genuine life that's in that tree.

Now, there is Matthew 24:24, living by the same Life, but they wasn't right, at the beginning. They are bearing false witness of that Tree! It's an orange tree, yet it's a citrus tree. And they say, "This church, this denomination is bearing record of Christ," and got a false baptism, false witness of the Word, trying to say that the power of God was only for the disciples.

Jesus, Himself, said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every branch that'll ever... tree that'll ever bring forth, ever branch that'll be in the tree. And these signs shall follow the genuine branches." Where? As long as it's a Tree, as long as It's putting forth branches, to the end of the world. "In My Name they shall cast out devils; speak with new tongues; take up serpents; drink deadly things; lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." See the hour we're living? See what Jesus said?

50 Remember, this was at the end time, not back under Wesley and back there. Now, at the end time, this was to take place.

Now watch the Scriptures; let Them testify. Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think, or believe, that you have Eternal Life, and They are the Ones that testify of Me." In other words, if this tree ever brings forth a branch... "I am the Vine, the Tree; ye are the branches. He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also," Saint John 14:12.

51 Now, "He that abideth in Me, he that... him that was in My root at the beginning."

That's the reason Jesus was both the Root and Offspring of David. He was before David, in David, and after David, both Root and Offspring of David; the Morning Star, the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, Alpha and Omega; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. "In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily." Both Root and Offspring of David!

"He that is the elected Life, the predestinated Life, that's in Me," and He is the Word, "from the beginning; when he comes forth, he'll bear My fruits." Saint John 14:12.

But others will live by the same thing, calling themselves Christians and believers. "Not all that saith, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter in."

Now, and this is to take place and be manifested in the last days, "when the mysteries of God should be finished," as we'll get to a little later.

52 These trees, the true vine and false vine! You've heard me preach on that since, from years ago, how they've growed up together. Brought them in individuals and showed that, from Cain and Abel, the two vines that met at an altar; both of them religious, both of them anointed, both of them desiring life, and worshiping the same God. And one was rejected and the other received.

And the only way that the one that was received could have done anything different from his brother, it was revealed to him. For the Bible said, "By faith..." Hebrews, 11th chapter, "By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain, which God testified that he was righteous."

Jesus, said, the spiritual revelation of Who He was! "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"

He said, Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

"Blessed art thou, Simon--Simon, son of Jonas; flesh and blood never revealed this to you. My Father which is in Heaven has revealed it. Upon this rock I'll build My Church," (what?) the true revelation of the Word. There is the true Vine again. "Abel, by faith!"

You said, "It wasn't a revelation."

53 What is faith? Faith is something that's revealed to you; that is not yet, but you believe it will be. Faith is a revelation of the will of God. So, by revelation!

54And the churches today don't even believe in spiritual revelation. They believe in a dogmatic teaching of some system. "By revelation Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain, which God testified he was righteous." Amen. I hope you see that. See where we're living? See the hour?

I was talking to a--a gentleman not long ago, a Christian scholar and gentleman. He said, "Mr. Branham, we refuse all revelations."

55 I said, "Then you have to refuse Jesus Christ, for He is the revelation of God, God revealed in human flesh." Unless you see it, you're lost.

Jesus said, "Except you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." He is the revelation of God, the Spirit of God revealed in human form. If you can't believe that, you're lost. You put Him a third person, second person, or any other person besides God, you're lost. "Except you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." A revelation!

56 No wonder they couldn't see Him. "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given to Me," in the roots, "will come to Me." See? You get it? Oh, how we should love Him, adore Him, praise Him; to see the fruit of the Spirit in the last days, and the Bride Tree ripening in the top of the time!

57 The true vine and the false vine, both had the same anointing. The water fell on both of them. No wonder He warned us, "It would deceive the very Elected if it was possible."

58Notice, they look the same. They're anointed the same. But notice, "By their fruit..." How do you knowed it?

How you know that isn't an orange? Because it's bearing a grapefruit. That vine is all right, it's living in the tree, but it's bearing a grapefruit. It isn't like the first one.

And if a church says they "believe Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever," and deny His Power, deny His works, deny His Word; if--if... The Church that believes in Jesus Christ, will do the works of Jesus Christ, it'll have the Life of Jesus Christ. And if it isn't, no matter if the Life is pouring into it; if it isn't predestinated, from the roots, it'll bear grapefruit every time, or something different. But if it's the predestinated Life, in the roots, it'll bear Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, if it's the Word coming up through the Root. Which, He is the Root, the beginning of time.

59 Notice, but it's what they produce that tells you the difference. "By their fruit," Jesus said, "you shall know them." "Man does not gather grapes off of a thistle," even though the thistle be right in the grapevine. That could be possible, but the fruit will tell it.

What is the fruit? The Word, for the fruit for the season. That's what it is, their teaching. The teaching of what? The teaching of the season, what time it is. Man's doctrine, denominational doctrine, but, or God's Word for the season?

Now, the time gets away so quick, that we could bear on that a long time. But I'm sure that you here present, and I'm sure you across the nation, can see what I'm trying to tell you, for we don't have too much longer to stay on it.

60 But you might see that the Anointing gets on the unjust, the false teachers, and causes them to do exactly what God told them not to do; but they'll do it, anyhow. Why? They cannot help it. How can a thistle be anything else but a thistle? No matter how much good rain is sprinkled on it, it's got to be a thistle. That's the reason Jesus said, "They'll be so close it would deceive the very Elected," which is in the roots, "if it were possible," but it ain't possible. A wheat can do nothing but bear wheat; that's all it can bear.

61 Notice. Remember, God is not the author of organization. The Devil is the author of organization. I've proved that by the Word, back and forth, and over and over; won't have to go into that this morning. We know that God never did organize people together like that, make a organization. Hundreds of years after the death of the last disciple, 'fore they ever had the first organization. It's always proved a failure. If it isn't, why ain't we together in love today, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic and all? Why ain't the works of God following us, then, every church on the same thing, the Word? Those things that separate man, brotherhood... We're farther from God than we ever was, the churches, speaking of.

62 Now, we're told, that, "All the old things happened for examples, for our teaching, reproofs, admonitions." That, all the old things of the Old Testament happened, foreshadowed, to see what would be in the New Testament, in our day.

Just like if you had never seen your hand, and you looked up and you seen a shadow on the wall, as my hand would be from the light, if it's got five fingers here in a shadow, when the negative; and you move your hands towards, being the positive, towards the--towards the negative, it's got to come to five fingers.

As the Bible tells us, that, "The Old Testament being a shadow, type of the new things, or the things that was to come; not the very things that is, but it is a shadow, a type of the things that is to come."

63 Let us go back and see if this thing ever was in any other age. Are you willing? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] So we'll know, to prove this, back and forth, by the Word; not by some man's idea, some theory.

I don't care who he is; any other man, myself or anybody else, "If he speaks not according to the law and the prophets, there is no Light in him." See? That's what the Bible said. "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be true," regardless who it is.

64 Now let's go back and find out if this ever happened, to show us an example.

We could go back over now in the Book of Exodus and speak of a character named Moses, who was an anointed prophet sent of God, with the Word of God and the will of God for his generation. As God's Word always runs in continuity, He said, "He did nothing until He revealed It to His prophets first." Then He done it. See?

Now, He cannot lie. He can't lie and be God. No, sir. He has got to remain true. There's not a lie in Him. He's...

And He cannot change It. If He does, then He's not God; He made a mistake. He's got to be infinite. And infinite cannot make a mistake. See? So what God ever says, that's Eternally right. See? And He promised that. So, watch, there's nowhere in the Bible lest it follows continuity right to it.

65 Now, God had promised Abraham that his seed would be a stranger in a--in a strange land for four hundred years, then He'd bring him out with a great hand of might and power, show His signs and wonders amongst the people that they dwelt with. The time of the promise drew nigh. People had forgot about it. They had Pharisees and Sadducees, and so forth, denominations. But, all of a sudden, there come God alone and drawed from, out, away from any of them.

God never, in any day or at any time, ever called a prophet out of a denomination. No, sir. He's so twisted up, he couldn't do it; he'd have to stay with that denomination.

66 Moses, a man sent from God, with the Word of God, and on his journey taking Israel into the promised land, strictly with the commandment of God, he met another prophet, another anointed one that had a genuine anointing of the same Holy Spirit that was upon Moses. That's right. He was a prophet. The Holy Spirit was upon this man. His name was Balaam. We're all acquainted with him. Well, the very things, the same, the things--the things that the man said, is still taking place, about twenty-eight hundred years ago. "Thou art like a unicorn, O Israel. Whoever blesses you will be blessed. Whoever curses you will be cursed. Your strength, and mighty, how righteous are thy tents, O Jacob!" See, he couldn't help himself. He come there purposing in his heart to curse the people.

67 Oh, you false teachers listening to these tapes all these years, and seeing God confirm exactly what He said, and you set in your study and know it's the Truth; and because of your denominational differences, you dispute them and tell your people they're not so. Woe unto you! Your time is close at hand.

68 Balaam, anointed with the same Spirit that was upon Moses. What was the difference? The teaching of Moses was perfect. The Bible said here in Second Peter, that it was "the teaching of Balaam" that Israel received, that God never did forgive. Unpardonable sin! Not a one of them got saved, though they had come out under the blessings of God, and seen the hand of God moving by this mighty prophet, and seen it exactly vindicated by God. And, because, another prophet come in with a teaching, contrary, and disputed with Moses, and tried to prove to the people that Moses was wrong. And Dathan, Korah, and many of them, agreed with him and taught the children of Israel to commit fornications, to go after his organization, that, "We're all the same."

"Whether we're Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or Pentecostals, and whatmore, we're all the same."

69We are not the same! Ye are a separated people, holy unto the Lord, dedicated to the Word and the Spirit of God, to bear fruit of His promise of this day. And you're not of them! I know that's awful strong, but that's the Truth just the same. Dedicated to a service in this last days! "Come out from amongst it."

70 Now, "the teaching of Balaam," not the prophecy of Balaam. That was all right. That was God. How many believes that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The prophecy of Balaam was exactly right, 'cause he couldn't speak nothing else. The anointing of God wouldn't speak nothing else, and God vindicated it by proving it was the Truth. But it was "the teaching of Balaam."

71Now compare that with Matthew 24:24. Anointed ones, but their teaching is false. The trinities, and all things like that; wrong, antichrist!

I hope your feelings don't get hurt. And don't turn that, them phones off. And don't get up and go out. Just set still, and let's see if the Holy Spirit won't reveal it to us, and prove it to us. You say, "But that..." Just whatever you believe, just set still and listen. And ask God to open your heart, then you'll find out whether you're a brier, or a thistle, or wherever you're standing. See?

72 Now, even Judas, "foreordained to the condemnation he was," set there before Jesus. And Jesus told him, "You are the one. Whatever you're going to do, and whatever you've got to do, go do it quickly." Him knowing what he was doing, but, for them thirty pieces of silver, and popularity, sold the Lord Jesus Christ. One of His disciples, the treasurer of the church, Jesus called him His "friend." See? The Bible said, "He was born the son of perdition," just the same as Jesus was born the Son of God. "Deceive the very Elected if it were possible."

73 Notice closely as we study on. We'll take another instance, over in the Book of Kings. There was a--a prophet, and his name was Micaiah. He was the son of Imlah, and he was a prophet. He was.

And there was another prophet, the head of a organization of prophets, anointed ones. The Bible said they were "prophets," just the same as He said Balaam was a prophet, anointed ones.

And there was one of them by the name of Micaiah, who was anointed with God and sent by God, with the Word of God.

There was one, Zedekiah, who thought he was sent by God. He was anointed of God, but his teaching was contrary to the Word of God. "Rise, false Christs, show great signs, would deceive the Elected if possible."

74 Notice, both of them, both of them anointed. Now, how could you tell which was right, and wrong? Watch what the Word promised to Ahab. The prophet which was before him, which was Elijah, one of the greatest prophets of the age, that was a vindicated prophet. That vindicated prophet said, that, "Because Ahab had done this evil, that the dogs would lick his blood; tooking Naboth's life. And that the dogs would eat Jezebel, and the... her body would be dung upon the fields." Now, how can you bless what God has cursed? Or how can you curse, as Balaam said, what God has blessed? See?

But these prophets were sincere. There were no doubt but what they were good men, honorable men. For, to be a prophet in Israel, you must be honorable, or to even be an Israelite. You was stoned, if not. They were honorable men. They were smart men. They were educated men. They were the selected of Ahab, of the nation. (See that, Sister Wright?) The selected of the nation, well fitted for the par-...

75 And now, when Micaiah saw his vision, he knowed in his heart what the Word had said, but he wanted to see what the Spirit was in him would say.

So they told him, they said, "You say the same thing these other prophets say. And when you do, why, you'll be, we'll take you into the fellowship, no doubt, again. See? We'll make you one of us. We'll take you back into the denomination of us. You're... We know you're a prophet, but you're always saying cursing things. You're always cursing Ahab. Now, Zedekiah, the chief man, the pope, or the..." whatever he was. "Now he has blessed Ahab, and said, 'Go do it.' Now you say the same thing, Imlah. Why, you're just a poor guy. You ain't got no congregation, hardly, at all. And these guys has got millions. The whole nation is for them. Now you say the same as they do, see what you'll do, you'll--you eat the rich of the land." He's talking to the wrong man there!

76 What if it had been said, "Can you find any fault in Zedekiah, Micaiah?" "No." "Did you ever catch him in sin?" "Nope." "Did you ever hear him cuss anybody?" "Nope." "Did you ever catch him drunk?" "Nope." "Can you dispute his education?" "Nope." "Do you believe his doctor's degree is false?" "Nope." "You believe his--his Ph.D. is alright?"

"Sure. By the Sanhedrin council; I guess it's all council, I guess it's alright."

"Well, then, why don't you join with him?"

"Because he's off of the Word!"

77Well, we'll have a showdown of it, then, like Elijah the prophet before that. And if you're a child of God, you'll stay with the prophet of this Bible. It's the Word. Notice the hour, the season.

78 Well, what if Zedekiah say, "Oh, I know the prophet said that, but that's for a future generation. That's for a long time from now"?

He said, "Wait till I see a vision from God, and then I'll tell you."

Said, "Then you say the same thing?

He said, "I'll say just what God says; nothing else, nothing more. I can't add one word to It, or take one Word from It."

So that night, in prayer, the Lord came to him in a vision. He went out the next morning, he said...

There is two prophets!

79 The greatest man in the nation, in the military and national sight, was Zedekiah. He was the head prophet, by the king. He was the head of all the other prophets, by organization. He was made, by his organization, the head of all of them; probably the best read, the best educated, more eligible for the job. And he was anointed with the Holy Spirit, for he's called a "prophet." Sure, not just an ordinary prophet, he was a Hebrew prophet. Now watch him.

80 Zedekiah said, "The Lord spoke to me, 'Make Me these two horns of iron,' a symbol." A prophet usually gives symbols. "He said, 'Make these horns of iron.' The Holy Spirit said to me, 'Take these,' the Anointing that blessed me." Don't think it as a sacrificial, but to get in a point. "The Holy Spirit that speaks in tongues through me, the One that's vindicated me, He said, 'Take these horns, and, by this, tell the king that he'll push Syria plumb out of the country. And I will give him back the land that rightly belongs to Israel, the church.'"

Brother, that's pretty fundamental, just about like Balaam was up here. Balaam was just as fundamentally speaking as Moses was. Moses... The correct number of God is seven. And Balaam said, "Build me seven altars; seven clean sacrifices, oxs, and seven rams." That's speaking of the coming of the Son of God. Fundamentally, he was just as right as any of them.

81 And here is Zedekiah, just as fundamentally right, "For this land belongs to us. Why, them Syrians and Philistines over there filling their bellies, of their children and so forth, our enemy, with the food that our children does without! When, God gave us this land!"

Brother, that's a good argument. I guess he could scream that out before Israel, and they could shout as hard as they could. Now, I'm talking about today now. I hope you're following me. All the screaming, hollering!

82 You remember David last Sunday? See? You out there in radio land, or the land of this telephone hook-up; you didn't get last Sunday's Message, be sure to get it. Trying To Do God A Service Without Being Ordained To Do It, no matter how sincere, good, it's absolutely not received by God. See?

Now, here was Zedekiah, thinking he's right.

83 Micaiah said, "Let me ask God." So he come down the next morning with THUS SAITH THE LORD. He checked his vision with the Word.

84Now if he would have said to Zedekiah, "Do you know what the prophet of the Bible here said would happen to this guy?"

85"But not at this time, because this man is a honorable man. He is trying." Don't fail to get this. "He is trying to give back to the church the things that belongs to the church. He is trying to give its property back," not the Spiritual things; if it would, he would have shook that whole nation like Elijah did. But, trying to give them the material things, "We own property. We're a great organization. We belong to it. We all, all you people, you Protestants, should all join with us." Uh-huh.

We're coming to that in a little bit. "It's all brothers and sisters, anyhow." It isn't! Never was and never will be, with the real genuine Church of God. Can't be!

86 Notice, he saw the vision. And so he said, "God spoke to me." Now, look, the man was sincere. He said, "He said, 'Make these horns, and go up there before the king and push westward,'" or whichever the way the land laid from where they were standing. "'Push, and that'll be THUS SAITH THE LORD, that he's going to win the victory and come back, a victory for the church.' Going to drive them out!" That's pretty close, isn't it? What was the matter?

Here come Micaiah down. Said, "Now you give your prophesy."

87Said, "Go on up! But I seen Israel like sheep, scattered, having no shepherd." Whew! Exactly vice versa.

88 Now, you're the congregation. Now which one is right? Both of them, prophets. The only way you can tell the difference in them, is, check it by the Word.

Said, "How do you get this?"

He said, "I saw God setting upon a Throne." Said, "I saw all the council around Him."

89Now remember, Zedekiah just said he saw God, too, and the same Spirit. "I saw God. He told me to make these horns out of--out of iron. Go out there and push the nations out of here, for this belongs to us. The others ain't got no right into it." They would if they'd stayed right with God. They would have had that, but they got away from God.

That's the way the organization is, the church. It's got a right to these things, but you have been cheated out of it, because you got away from God's Word and God's Spirit, anointing, to vindicate the Word of the season. Don't you fail to get this Message.

90 Notice what taken place now. He said, "I saw God," Micaiah did, "setting upon the Throne in Heaven. His council was gathered around Him. He said, 'Who can we get to go down and deceive Ahab, to make Elijah's words come true; My prophet that was vindicated. I spoke that he would come. And Elijah had My Word. And heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word will not fail. I don't care how modern they get, or how good they get, or how educated they get, or how big they are, My Words will never fail.'"

"And a lying spirit come up out of hell, fell down upon his knees, and said, 'If You'll just permit me, I can give them my anointing, make them do any kind of a sign or wonder, just long as I get them off the Word. He won't even know that That is Your Word. He'll ignore It, for popularity.'" Brother, times hasn't changed. Brother Neville, that's true. You remember, that's true. "'I'll get upon him, make him do the same things the rest of them does. I'll make him prophesy, and tell a lie.'" How could it be a lie? Because it was contrary to the Word.

91 You take any of these false baptisms, false so-and-so-and-so's, I don't care how real it sounds, how much they try to impersonate, it's a lie if it's contrary to God's Word of this hour. That's exactly.

You say, "Well, ours, well, we did this, and we do this, and our church is this way and that."

I don't care what it is. If it's contrary to the written Word for this hour, it's a lie. God will have nothing to do with it, no matter how sincere, how educated, how smart, how true it sounds, how reasonable it sounds, if it's contrary to the Word of this hour. We'll get into that a little deeper in a few minutes, time permits us. If we don't, we'll take it up again tonight.

92 Notice, he was sincere, good man, no doubt. And he said... Then, otherwise, Micaiah said to him, not right out to his face, but other words, "You're anointed with a lying spirit." Wouldn't that be something to tell a bishop? But he done it.

93And so this bishop walked up and said, "You'll never have fellowship no more," and smacked him in the face. Said, "You know that I'm a vindicated man. My church made me the head of it, this thing. The popular vote of God's people made me this. My organization made me this. And God gave us this land, and He intends for it to belong to us. And I have THUS SAITH THE LORD." Smacked him, and said, "Which way the Spirit of God go when It left me?"

94Micaiah said, "You'll find out, one of these days," when California is beneath the sea out yonder, and all these things. See? "You'll see which a way It went, when you're setting in the inner prisons."

95 Now, Ahab, what are you going to say? "I believe my prophet," he said. What if he just searched the Word? See, he didn't want to see himself cursed. Hear me! He didn't want to see himself cursed. No man does.

And my organiza-... organizational brother, that's what's the matter with you. You want to think that you're right, when, you know in your heart, when you baptize using the name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," you are lying. You know when you predi-... say those things that you're doing, and take initial evidences, and all things like that, you're wrong. How can the initial evidence be speaking in tongues, and then talk contrary to a promise of God in this hour? How can it be? You don't want the curse, do you? But Here it's written, so shall it be. That's the mark of the beast, so close it would deceive the Elected if it were possible.

96 Every sign, every wonder, anointed man, prophecy, all kind of things going forth; all kinds of signs, all kinds of wonders, how you going to tell the difference? Watch the Word for this hour. That's how you take...

97Watch Moses, how he could have told Balaam. Watch Micaiah here, how did we know he was right? The Word, before him, had prophesied that for Ahab.

And the Word, before us, prophesied these organizations for this day, and this curse upon them. And the things that would take place by His truly anointed Church, will have the Word, a Word Bride. Here we are. Here it is, today, just as it was then.

98 The Bible said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established." I spoke of Balaam, I spoke of Balaam and of Moses. And I have spoke now of Micaiah and Zedekiah. Now I'm going to give one more. Which, there's hundreds of them, but one more, to make three witnesses. I got a whole string of them wrote down here; but to preserve time.

99Jeremiah who was a vindicated, outcast, but a vindicated prophet of God. They hated the man. They throwed unri-... overripe fruit at him, and everything else. And he put the curse upon them. And the things that he done, and laid out there on his sides, and things, and give signs that Israel was wrong.

Every prophet, true prophet that ever raised in the world, cursed those denomination organizations of the church. How could it change, by the unchanging God?

100The Holy Spirit is the Prophet of this hour; He a vindicating His Word, proving It. The Holy Spirit was the Prophet of Moses' hour. The Holy Spirit was the Prophet of Micaiah's hour. The Holy Spirit, which wrote the Word, comes and confirms the Word.

101 Now what happened in the time of Micaiah? Ahab was killed, and the dogs licked his blood, according to the Word of God.

All you false teachers, so saith God, someday you'll reap what you're sowing, you blind leaders of the blind! I'm not angry. I'm just telling you a Truth. And I wouldn't have said this if up here, in that room, if the Holy Spirit didn't say, "Say it in that manner." Have I ever told you anything wrong but what God proved it to be right? Wake up, my brethren, before it's too late!

102 But let me say this. How could a thorn wake up and be a thistle, when it was predestinated to that? How could the Elected keep from seeing it? Because, they're elected to see it. "All the Father has given Me will come," said Jesus, "but none of them can come unless He has give it to Me before the foundation of the world, when their names was put on the Lamb's Book of Life," not on a church rector, but on the Book, Lamb's Book of Life.

103 Notice, Jeremiah stood up, vindicated before the people, yet they hated him.

104And so they went out and made a yoke, he did, and put it upon his neck, and went before the people. They said, "Oh, we are the great people of God. Why, we are Israel. We are so sincere at our synagogue! We attend every Sunday, we, we offer sacrifices, and we pay in our money. How can Nebuchadnezzar ever hold the holy things of God?" Huh! Your sins had done it.

God said, "If you'll keep My commandments, I won't do this. But, if you don't, it's coming to you." That's exactly right. Still the same. Keep His commandments, His Word for the hour, what He promised.

105 Now notice. Now, Jeremiah, by the will of God, vindicated prophet, though hated... Every one of them was hated in their days. They done such strange things contrary to the denomination of that day, every one hated him, even kings and everything else. So he put a--a yoke on his neck, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. You're going to be down there for seventy years," 'cause he had a understanding from the Word of God. "Seventy years!"

106 Then Hananiah, Hananiah, I guess you pronounce it, H-a-n-a-n-i-a-h. Hananiah, a prophet amongst the people, come up, took the yoke off of Jeremiah's neck, and broke it. And said, be a big shot amongst the people, see, when he was speaking contrary to the Word of God. And he said, "Two years they'll be back. THUS SAITH THE LORD."

Two anointed prophets. How was the difference in them? One had the speaking the Word, and the other one didn't. Jeremiah said, "Amen."

107 Before all the elders and the congregation, all Israel, see, he wanted to show he could be just as big as Jeremiah. "You know they don't like you, anyhow. So I'm a prophet, also. I'm a more of a prophet than you are, because you are prophesying a lie. You tell me God's people is going to be under such-and-such a thing?"

That's what they say today, but you'll be there just the same, as a church. You're accursed with a curse. All you churches, denominations is holding to their tradition of man instead of the Word of God, you're cursed by God.

108 Now notice, here he comes. Hananiah jerks this yoke off of his neck, a symbol of God, broke it, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. Two years they'll be back." Just for a showoff, "I'm So-and-so." Because he stood in, he was an organizational prophet.

109Jeremiah was a wilderness man that lived by himself. He prophesied evil against them all the time, 'cause they were evil.

And this man was telling them, "Oh, you're all right as long as you belong. As long as you're Israel, that's all is necessary. See, you, we... God ain't going to do that. I know there's a little something happened here, but don't be alarmed, don't be scared."

Oh, brother, they still live today. "Don't worry, everything is all right. We got everything under control. We're the Church." Don't you think that. Yeah.

110 So he said, "Everything is all right. They'll be back in two years. That's a little thing has happened. It's nothing unusual. We have that. Just Nebuchadnezzar come up here, but our God will take care of all this."

But the Word said that they would be there seventy years; till that generation had faded away, and another generation. Forty years is a generation. "This is almost two generations you're going to be down yonder." And Jeremiah said it according to the Word of God.

111Hananiah broke that! Jeremiah said, "All right. Amen. But, Hananiah, let us remember this, we are both prophets. We're ministers."

And I say this to you, my brother. Let us remember there has been prophets before us, and they prophesied against kingdoms, and they prophesied against certain things. But, remember, when the prophet said anything, he must prophesy according to the Word. Like Micaiah, and Moses, and all the rest of them. It must be according to the Word. If it isn't, then remember what happened.

112 Then, Hananiah, his righteous indignation raised up. "I'm Hananiah" (no doubt), "the prophet of the Lord, and I say, 'Two years.'" In other words, "I don't care what the Word says." His anointing, "I say, 'Two years, they'll be back.'"

113Jeremiah walked out from before him, went out and said, "Lord, I don't care what he said, I still believe and know that Word says so. I'll stay true to You. I'll not be deceived by him."

114God said, "Go tell Hananiah, 'I'll make it out of iron, the next yoke.'" And because he did that, he was taken from the face of the earth, Hananiah was, that same year.

There is our examples, both prophets. So many more could be said and talked of at this time.

115 But watch. Jesus said, that, in this end time, again, the two spirits would be real close together again. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now notice. It will be closer than that was. This is the end time. Oh, children! God have mercy upon us! Till, "It would even be so real till it would deceive the very Elected if possible." Now how you going, how did we tell it in them days? How you going to tell it today? The same way, stay with the Word, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."

Now care all this Message. And when you listen to the tape, even maybe I'll be gone someday when the Lord is finished with me here on earth, you'll refer back to this. Listen to my voice, what I'm telling you. If He takes me before His Coming, just remember, I've spoke to you in the Name of the Lord, by the Word of the Lord. Yes.

116 Notice, "Be so close together that it would deceive the Elected if it were possible," would do the same signs, the same miracles, by the same Spirit. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Just like the prophets was that we just talked about, prophets. Now, also it is written...

117Let's turn to it, for this one, if you want to, Second Timothy 3. Let's not leave this one. And I don't want to...

118I look at that clock up there, and I--I want to omit a lot of it, and I don't think we should do it now. See? Notice. Just... If I am standing here, perspiring like I am, see, but I'm happy. And I know that this is true. Second Timothy 3:8.

119 Paul, the man who said, "If a Angel comes from Heaven and speaks any other word to you than that what I said, let him be cursed," now, a Angel come down. That's Second Thessalonians... Oh, I'm sorry.

120Notice in the Second Timothy 3:8. Watch Paul speaking now. Let's begin with about... Let's begin at the first of the verse, and listen now real close. You that have your Bible, read with me. You that don't have your Bible, listen close. The...

This know also, that in the last days...

Underline that, "last days." That's when it's going to happen.

... perilous times shall come. (We're in it.)

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

121 Look at this bunch that we got today, rotten. Even in man out on the street, young man, pulling their hair down on their forehead, like with bangs like a woman. Perversion! Sodomites!

122Did you read in this year, this month's Reader's Digest? Said, "The American people at the age," which I think it was, "between twenty and twenty-five years old, is already in their middle-age condition." They're finished! They're rotten! Science says that, that a man is in his middle age, and a woman, when they're yet in their early twenties. Their body is so rotten and given over to filth.

123 Oh, America, how oft God would have hovered you, but now your hour is come! You lead the world in filth.

... blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affections,...

No true love even for one another, man to woman, woman to man. "Not even natural affection." Filth, sexually!

... trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, and despisers of those that are good,

In other words, say, "You bunch of holy rollers." Someone asked the other day about coming up here to the church. Said, "Don't go up there. All it is is a big bunch of noise and carrying on."

See, "despisers of those."

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God;

You say, "Brother Branham, that's communists." What's the next verse say?

Having a form of godliness, but (what?) denying the power thereof: (the Word, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, manifested, the promise for the day)...

Just exactly like Hananiah, just exactly like Zedekiah, just exactly like Balaam, on back, other false prophets.

Having a form of godliness, anointed... See?

Having a form, anointed, ordained ministers...

Having a form of godliness, but denying that He's the same yesterday, today... Denying His Word!

How did they deny Jesus in that day? Who did they deny when they denied Jesus? The Word. They were religious. They taught from their Bible, but denied the present-day Word.

What are they today? Same thing, anointed, preaching the Gospel of pentecost, but denying the present-day promise of the Word being vindicated, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Do you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

For this is the sort are they which creep into houses, and lead... silly women laden with sin, led away by divers lusts,

"Our sewing parties and our so-and-so." Somebody come around trying to misinterpret the Word, and saying this, "It's all right, sister, for you to have short hair. Don't pay no attention to that nitwit. See? Or, if you--you wear this; it's not that, 'it's what comes out of a man's heart that defiles him.'" See? And do you realize that you are anointed with an evil, lustful, dirty spirit? Care, you might sing in the choir, with short hair, but you got an evil spirit. That's contrary to the Word. That's right. That's what the Bible said. And you say, "Well, I wear shorts. It don't condemn me."

"Whosoever, if a woman puts on a garment that pertains to a man, it's an abomination in the sight of God." The unchanging God said that.

124 Oh, so many things, how could we just go through it; our time would be away. But you know enough to know what's right and wrong. And how can I make them do it? How can I do it? Say, "Well, what you hollering about?" I'm a witness against you. Someday, in the Day of Judgment, you'll have not a corner to go into.

125 How could Micaiah stop that? How can Moses; screaming, trying to stop it, and Joshua and them running among the people, and Levi pulled his sword and slayed them, even? They went on just the same.

It's predicted that they're going to do it. And they're going to do it, for it's THUS SAITH THE LORD they're going to do it. You think them nominations will ever break up, their denomination come back to the Word? It's THUS SAITH THE LORD, they won't! Will they go into the antichrist? Exactly. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD, they will! "So what are you saying about?" I have to be a witness, and so do you, all believers. Watch.

... silly women laden with... divers lusts,

126 "Well, all the rest the women do." False prophets! Now listen. False prophets, I'm speaking of. Now what will they do in the last day?

... lead silly women... led away with divers lusts,

"Well, I know all the rest the women..." All right, go ahead.

127What'd I say just before this big happening here in California? "You people here in Los Angeles, ever year when I come back there's more bobbed-haired women and sissified men than there was the first place, more preachers going into organization. You're not without excuse! If the mighty works had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah was done in you, it'd be standing today. Oh, Capernaum, thou who callest yourself by the name of the angels, Los Angeles!" See what's happening? She is going right on to the bottom of the sea. When? I don't know when it's going, but it's going. You young people, if I don't see it in my day, you watch. She is gone!

Ever learning,... never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Now here is the shocking, here is the shocking part. Listen to this.

Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith that was once delivered to the saints, of course.

"Concerning the Faith." "And he shall turn the Faith of the fathers, or the children, back to the fathers."

128 "Reprobate concerning the Faith." Uh! You know what reprobate means? If you got a Scofield Bible, there's a "h" there. Right up there, says, "apostasy." An apostasy, that's what it is.

129 Now, just a minute. I want to look up something here. I think I wrote this down right. I'm not sure, but I want to say it, and look it up before I--I say it. Now, just one minute. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] "Reprobates concerning the Truth, concerning the Faith." "The Faith," there is only one Faith. That's right. "Concerning the Faith, reprobates!"

Now I want to read Luke 18. Just a minute. You don't... You can put it down; you don't have to read it.

And he spake a parable unto them unto this end, that men ought to always pray, and not... faint;

Saying--saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, and regardeth not man:

And there was a widow in the same city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of my adversary.

And he would--and he would not for a while: but afterwards he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;

Yet because this widow trouble me, I will avenge her, lest by... coming she weary me.

And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.

And shall not God avenge his... elect, which crieth unto him day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?

I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

130 Now that's the question. Here is where I wanted to get to, in Revelations 10. We'll get to it in a few minutes, and another Scripture verse. He said, "In the days of the Message of the seventh angel, the mystery of God ought to be finished." Here is the question, is, if you follow in that line in this hour, will it be finished? "Will I find the Faith?" Will Malachi 4 be fulfilled in this time, "Restore the Faith of the children, back to the Faith of the fathers, the original, the Word"? See?

131 "Reprobates, Jambres and Jannes, as they withstood." Now, also, listen, Second Timothy 3:8. "As Jan-... withstood Moses, also in the last days these same reprobates would come," now see where It says here, "having a form of godliness," anointed ones. Now let's just... You go back and--and read it when you get home, so that I can finish out this, this morning, if I can. "Reprobates concerning..." Not reprobates in--in--in living; they're fine, cultured man.

132 Now notice when Moses went down to Egypt, with a message of THUS SAITH THE LORD, and was vindicated; called on Israel, which was a people, not a church. Israel was a people; they never was a church. Cause, the word church means "called-out ones." They were the people of God. Then when they become anointed under the Word, and called out, they become the church of God. And then backslid, because they believed not the Word of God, and listened to a false prophet. I hope that sinks in.

Israel, being a people of God, come out under the hand of God, anointed with the Word... with the Power of God, seen the signs and wonders of God. And then when God was moving on with them, a false prophet come in, anointed, and taught something contrary to the original Word of God that they had heard; and every one of them perished in the wilderness, besides three people. Now hold it.

133 "As it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls were saved by water, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." "As it was in the days of Lot, where three came out of Sodom, so shall it be in the time when the Son of man shall be revealed." I'm only quoting Scripture, the Lord's Word, which, "Heavens and earth will pass away..." It'll be a minority!

134 Notice here. Moses goes down to Aaron. Moses was to be God. God told him to be God, said, "You be God, and let Aaron your brother be your prophet. You put the words in his mouth if you can't speak well." Said, "But who made man dumb? Who made man to speak?" The Lord did.

And he walked down there. What did he do? He performed a true and just miracle that God told him to do. God told him to, "Go cast your rod down." Picked it up, and it was a serpent. He picked it up, and turned back to a rod. Said, "Go do that before Pharaoh, and say, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD.'"

135And when Pharaoh saw this, we say, "Why, what a cheap magician trick." Said, "There's nothing to it. It's mental telepathy or something, you know. We got guys in our organization can do the same thing. 'Come here, Bishop So-and-so. And, you, you come out here.' We got them can do the same thing." That was Satan talking through Pharaoh.

That was God talking through Moses.

136 But watch this fellow come out. Jannes and Jambres walked out before Moses, and publicly before the people, and performed every miracle that Moses could do. "They will deceive the very Elected if it's possible." That right? Performed the same thing that Moses did. You get it? Now remember, it's THUS SAITH THE SCRIPTURE, that it'll repeat again in the last days.

What was the difference between Moses and Jambres?

Moses said, "Let blood come in the water."

And these false prophets said, "Sure, we put blood in the water, too." And it happened.

137So Moses said, "Let there come fleas." What was he getting it? Straight from God. See?

And what did he do? He said, "Well, sure, we can bring fleas, too." And they did it. Any miracle that Moses could do, they could do, too!

Remember, keep that in mind, we're coming to it, after a while. They can do anything the rest of them can do, but they can't stay with the Word. They can't stay with the Word.

138 Now notice, they did it. But Moses, the true sent-prophet from God, commissioned by God, he never fussed with them, said, "Here, you can't do that! You can't!" He just let them alone, just let them go on. They're organizational prophets, but go ahead.

Moses just went right on, listened to God. Whatever God said, "Now you do this," Moses went and done it. He done a new thing. When they did, each one of them had a sensation or something, here they come. They did it, too, just exactly like Moses did.

139 Now notice. These fellows appeared... Oh, you people, don't you miss this! These impostors, impersonators, appeared after the true one had went first. See? They come to impersonate. See, they have to. The devil cannot create anything; he just is a perverter of the original.

And what is sin? Is righteousness perverted. What is adultery? The right act perverted. What is a lie? The truth misrepresented. A perversion!

Look at Hananiah, a perversion of the original Word. Look at Balaam, a perversion of the original Word. Look at Zedekiah, the perversion of the original Word.

And the Bible said that these guys would come out, after the pervert... or to pervert the original Word vindicated and proved to be the Truth.

140 "Do the work of an evangelist," in that corner yonder, "make full proof of your ministry. For the time will come when they'll not endure sound Doctrine, but after their own lusts shall heap for themselves teachers, having itching ears; and go ahead and do anything they want to, and, 'It's all right, we got the same signs and wonders.' And shall be turned from the Truth, and be brought into fables, dogmas."

141 Oh, the awareness of the Holy Spirit, the awe that strikes a man's soul when he stops to think how real and plain it's right before us! Dig up that cornerstone out here and read a piece of paper that's put in there, thirty-three years ago. See what He said over yonder on--on Seventh Street, that morning when this cornerstone was laid. Now watch it. Watch down here on the river, when the Angel of the Lord came down in a form of a Pillar of Fire, hundreds of the churches, or peoples of the church, standing around on the bank; what He said, see if it's come to pass. See what's happened.

It's so hard. I know it looks hard, brethren, out there. But it's... The Bible said, Jesus said Himself, "It would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." No way around it. They'll never be able to see It. If it was possible, the very Elected would be deceived by it.

142 Notice, these fellows appeared after God's true anointed was sent; by His true prophet, Moses. And when Moses would do anything, they would impersonate it.

143 Now, brother, sister, I... This is my own church. I got a right to preach what I want to, as long as it's out of God's Word. And I ain't condemning you people, but let's just search that for the time and the hour that we're now living.

Greetings to Brother Ruddell, to Junior Jackson, and them out here, our brother churches. I forgot them, a while ago. I think they're hooked in this morning, too, because of no--no room in the church.

144 Just think of it now, just for a minute. They did the same miracles that Moses did. Moses brought fleas; they impersonated it and brought fleas. See?

God said, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die."

145Satan come around and said, "Surely, you'll not die. You'll just be wiser. You'll have a better organization, a better..." You know. "You know, everything will be better for you, have more Light." See, just a perversion. Ought...

And remember, THUS SAITH THE LORD, according to Second Timothy 3:18, that, "In the last days, that this Jambres and Jannes would be on the earth." Now, I want you to notice there is two of them, see, impersonators.

146Now we're going to get back to Sodom, after a while, them three's, find them three Angels that came down, and see the impersonation, and so forth, see, see which is right and wrong. See? See?

147 Notice, they did the same miracles. But, notice, they impersonated after the true Word had been anointed, by the true one that God had sent; followed, secondarily.

I wonder if we could think for a minute. Taking the people by the hand, not long ago, about twenty years ago, and a sign showed. Boy, there was more signs all over things, and everybody... One has got it in his right hand; one has got it in his left hand; the other one smells it. See, all kinds of... And I wonder... God won't let me tell you at this time what was really the truth, but one day you're going to find out. That was just to make their folly manifested. That wasn't right, at the beginning. I'll tell you, one day, if the Lord permits.

148 Notice, they did the same miracles, but they didn't... Notice, they didn't do it till after the original Word went forth, first. That's the way Satan done in the garden of Eden. That's the way he done all time. Who prophesied first? Moses. Who come on the scene first, Moses or Balaam? Moses. Who come on the scene first, Jeremiah or Hananiah? You see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

149Notice, they copied. Carnal impersonators, sincere, thinking they were "doing God a service," as David did, last week, but carnal impersonation. I'm just waiting a minute. I want you to think between these places. If I don't say it, surely the Holy Spirit will reveal it, especially to the Elected. See?

150 Pharaoh's denomination says, "We have man that can do that same thing," and they did it. See? Why did Pharaoh do this? Why did God permit it? Why would God send a true, anointed prophet down there to perform a sign before Pharaoh, and then let a denominational copy come around and copy it before the people? Why would He let an impersonator rise up to do it, and do the same thing exactly the genuine Spirit of God done? See, the Scripture must be fulfilled.

151 Notice, He did this so that He would harden the heart of Pharaoh and the Egyptians, to prove that Moses wasn't the only one that had the Word. They could do everything just the same as Moses could do.

And why did God let this thing happen in the last days? So, the same thing as the lying spirit said to Zedekiah, "How we going to get Ahab out there, to make these things come to pass?" How is He going to get these people, trusting in their churches, to get out here to let this thing come to pass, that He predicted? They, in this Laodicean Church Age, "Because thou saith thou art 'rich, and have need of nothing. I set as a queen.' Have nothing! Knowest thou not that you are miserable, wretched, blind? And I counsel to come buy of Me," He said, "oil and gold." Why did He do it?

152Why did He let this impersonation rise up in this last days, when these things are coming to pass by the true Word of God; and let impersonators come up and do the same thing, and deny the true Word of God? He did it for Moses. And Pharaoh did it against Moses; and those, Jannes and Jambres, did it against Moses. And the Bible said that it'll repeat again in the last days. Here we are. Now, if that ain't Scripture fulfilled, where is it at?

153 Did Moses fuss at them and say, "Here! Here! You can't do that. I'm the only one been ordained to do that. Here! You stop that, right now"? He just let them go.

Let them go on. Remember, the Bible said, "As their folly was made manifest, so will these in the last day be made manifest," when the Bride is raptured and taken into the sky. Notice.

154 Moses, the true manifested Word, never said nothing, just let it go. But He did that so He could harden the heart of Pharaoh, deceive Pharaoh.

He did that very same thing so He could deceive Ahab. And that one little guy standing there by himself, little Micaiah, telling them, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." Here stood another one, anointed, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." And contrary, one to another.

155 We stand today with THUS SAITH THE LORD, that the water baptism in the last days is to be in the Name of Jesus Christ. And another man stand and perform miracles, and, a trinitarian.

Show me the word trinity in the Bible. Show me where there's three Gods. Show me where there's such things as that. It's not in the Word of God. There is no such a thing as anybody ever baptized in the name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," using those titles. All these things, "Oh, it's all right, sisters. That's all right, just have long... your short hair. That's all right, you don't have to do this, that, or the other. Oh, that's nonsense, some old fogy."

But the Bible said! And He promised, "In the last days, He would send the Spirit of Elijah, and would call the people, the children of God, back to the original Faith like it was in the beginning, of the Word." That Word was confirmed, the Son of man in the last days, the same as it was at Sodom; yesterday, today, and forever. He promised to do it. It's God's promise. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD.

156 Notice, they did the same thing, just as Moses did, until God got enough of it.

Now remember, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, it'll come to pass in this day. Now, search over the world; take every cult, take every clan, take every man, take every church! I charge you, in Christ's Name, to do this, you preachers. I charge you to read the newspapers or take consideration anywhere you want to go, and see if it isn't on the earth right now. See?

Then, Matthew 24:24 is exactly right. "False, anointed ones will rise in the last days, and will be false prophets, and shall deceive many." Watch it in the types now, as it comes now, see, "Shall deceive many." "Prophets," plural; "Christs," anointed's, plural; many different ones, the Methodist, you know, and Baptist, and the Pentecostal, and so forth. See?

But there is one genuine Christ, Spirit, and that's the Word made flesh as He promised to do it.

Now we'll move on just a little further, to some more Scriptures.

157Until, God got enough of it, then it was over. Their folly was made manifest.

158 Notice. Remember, the shuck looks exactly like the wheat grain. See? Now, you couldn't say, back there in the Lutheran age, "the stalk was the wheat," yet it's got the Life in it. Stalk is alright, the Life in the stalk was alright, but, remember, the Life advanced on; advanced from Elisha to Elijah. The Life keeps advancing on. But, remember, it's in another stage. It can't remain in that stage. We can't eat the a carrion of some other age. We can't eat Pentecostal a carrion, Methodist, or Baptist. See, it's become a carrion. We have fresh Food, the Word of this hour, so forth.

159 Remember, the shuck is exactly like the grain of wheat. You can't... It didn't look like it in the blade, it didn't look like it in the tassel, but it sure did in the shuck. Didn't look like in the... Jesus Christ the same yesterday, in Luther; didn't look like it in Wesley; but it sure does in Pentecost, a "deceive the very Elected if it was possible." See? There is your ages.

160 But remember, that Pentecostal church, in the last days, was the Laodicea; and Christ was turned out, the Kernel, the Wheat, Itself. When He tried... Remember, when He tried to manifest Hisself in the church, He was taken out. It was still a church, claimed to be; anointed.

But here is the Word, Christ Himself, that's the anointed Word which shall come for the rest of His Body, the Bride. The anointed, of the same water that watered the wheat, as we talked about, also waters the tarers, anointed ones. Only the Elected, or predestinated, will be able to detect the difference between them. Now, Ephesians 5:1 tells you so, and about how it was.

161 They are anointed ones. Everybody say, "Glory to God! We got freedom down here. Hallelujah! We... Oh, hallelujah! We speak in tongues, and jump. We got freedom of the women; you people try to put them under all these kind of things." See? Go ahead. There ain't nothing you can do. Say, "Well, we speak in tongues. We shout. We dance in the Spirit. We preach the Word." Absolutely. Not a thing to say against it. So do these men back here in the Bible.

Jesus said, "It'd deceive the very Elected if it was possible, the very Elected."

162 Now notice the shuck. From the original Grain, Grain that went in the ground, It was not no organization. It was one Grain, in Itself. But when it come up, it was not a Grain; it was an organization, see, leaves, corn.

Then It went into another stage, which was a tassel. Still it wasn't like the beginning. It was an organization.

It went into the shuck, many leaves, Pentecost, almost shaped out now. Look at it. It's taking shape all the time, almost exactly like the same, looks exactly like a Grain of wheat when you see that little hull there.

But finally It's manifested, and no organization. There is no more carriers. Organization is just a carrier. No more carriers; the stalk must die, the shuck must die, the everything else must die, but the wheat lives on. That's the body of the resurrection, comes right down and picks them up. "They which are last will be first, and they which are first will be last." See, picks them right up in the resurrection. Are you following this? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Notice, the grain is...

163 The shuck looks exactly like the grain. And a man raising a wheat farm, or something another, would look and say, "Praise God, I got a crop of wheat," when he ain't got one speck of wheat. It looks just exactly like the wheat, but it's the shuck.

164 Now, friends, go back with me. Where is the first revival come, after (the death) the days when the grain of wheat had to fall in the ground, the Body, the Bride of Christ? Christ organized His Bride, is that right, His Church? He never organized It; He just set apostles, and prophets, and so forth, in the Church, to keep It clean. But at Nicaea, Rome, three hundred and six years later, they organized it and made an organization out of it. Is that right? And it died. Everything that didn't agree with that church was put to death. And it laid still, for hundreds of years, in the dirt.

But, after a while, up she come in Luther. The first little sprigs of corn come up. The second, it budded out from there. They went on, had Zwingli and so forth, and the other organizations and so forth. Then, after a while, come the Anglican along.

And then what happened? Here come Wesley along with a new revival, the tassel, that looks a little more like the Wheat. Then what happened to that? It organized, and dried up and died.

The Life went right into a shuck, and the shuck come forth almost perfectly like the Wheat. But, finally, its folly was made manifest in the last eight or ten years, especially in the last three years. Now what does it do? Pull away from the Wheat.

165 Now why hasn't there been an organization start up in these last twenty years of this great revival; it's anointed prophets, anointed teachers, so forth, but why ain't there? There is nothing beyond the Grain. See, It's back, without an organization. Oh, my, a blind man could see that. It cannot organize; It's so firmly against it. It's the grain of Wheat, Itself. The Son of man will be made manifest. The grain of Wheat will come back to Itself again, the Son of man in the last days.

"And there will come false, impersonations of It, in the last days, that'll almost deceive the Elected if possible." Look at their organizational shucks pulling away now.

166 It only lets the Wheat be known, to the Elected, which are part of It. Notice how beautiful this is brought in here now. Only the... Notice, the anointed ones be able; the true, Elected, predestinated, Ephesians 5:1, or 1:5, rather, will be ordained, elected. They are the only ones that it will not deceive.

Notice, the anointed prophets will be false, and there among it will be true anointed. How you going to tell it? By the Word. Like, we have it in shadow. Do you see it? Say, "Amen. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

167 Notice, the anointed ones, only the Word will separate them, not the signs. Oh, no. They'll do the same signs, but the Word what's separated them. Sure. They all prophesied. They all done this, that, and the other, sure, just the same. Jesus said they'd do the same thing. But the Word is what separated them, notice, not signs.

168Did you notice? Jesus said here, in Matthew 24. He didn't say, "There shall rise false Jesuses in the last days." Oh, no, they would never stand still for that. No. You get a Pentecostal that's a real Pentecostal, say, hisself, he is "Jesus"? See? You get a false Methodist, or a Baptist, or somebody like that, or one of the organizations, say, "We are Jesus"? They know better than that. They ain't going to do that. But the Bible said they would be "false Christs," not Jesuses, but, "false Christs." They wouldn't recognize, say, "I'm Jesus." Oh, no.

169 But they're "false Christs," and don't know it, because they're contrary to the Word. And God vindicates the same. Now, I'm just bringing this right down to a showdown now, 'cause you've seen the same thing done by these people that's been done in the real. And Jesus said so.

170Now, as I've said, now to you people out on, in the telephone land there, I--I'm not condemning you, but this is my church and--and my group that the Holy Spirit set me over, and I've got to tell them the Truth. The hour is getting late.

171 Now, they would not stand for that, but, "false Christs," false, anointed ones, almost with every sign and every letter of the Word. "They believe baptism of the Holy Ghost?" Absolutely. "Believe in all this?" Yep. "Believe in speaking in tongues?" Yep. "Believe signs and wonders follow, signs will follow them?" Yep. That's not Methodists, that's not Baptists. No, no. That's Pentecostals. See, this is the last days.

Now, the first church age would never noticed that. Methodist church age never noticed it; Baptist church age, they never noticed it; Presbyterian church age, they never noticed it. But, the Pentecostal, so close like the real Thing! That's where, the Wheat, the shuck is almost like the Wheat. They would never notice it. See? They wouldn't. But it's the last days, this day. Yes, sir.

172 Notice, just like it was at the beginning, so will it be at the end. As Eve just misinterpreted one Word, Satan did to Eve, and she believed it. She, not he; the church, not Him. See? The church was the one that got the false word. See? Not Adam; Eve. Not the Christ; the church, the bride, the anointed, supposed to be, calls herself the Bride, see, she got the false word.

Can't you see that? Why, it laces together like a shoestring, like the lashes on your eye. Why, everything you'll turn to, the Bible, It just lashes it right together. Eve, not Adam; Eve believed it, not Adam. The bride today, so-called, believed it; not the Christ. The bride has all kinds, so-called bride; same signs, same wonders, same everything; but not the real One. See? "Deceive the Elected if it was possible."

Now quickly, if we can get this finished in fifteen minutes, we'll be on time. Notice real close now, so you won't--you won't be misunderstanding, to you.

173 Now, no, they wouldn't stand to be called "false Jesus." They wouldn't be, stand to call, "Jesus." Certainly not. That's too plain. Anybody would know that. Anyone would know they wasn't Jesus. I don't care if they had oil on their back, and blood on their hands and up-and-down their eyes, they still know it's... Anybody that's got good sense, knowed it wasn't Jesus. See? They wouldn't stand for that. But they call themself "the anointed." And they do signs and wonders, "almost to deceive the Elected." "But false Christs, anointed ones, shall arise, and shall deceive the Elected if it were possible."

174 Now watch closely. Don't miss this statement, because it's worthy to listen.

He's just putting some tape on this microphone here, keep it from flying up. I've been perspiring; dropped on the tape, you see.

175And so it'll be just like It, the Bible, said it would be. See?

176 Notice, not false Jesuses. "False Christs!" They believe they're anointed, but they know they're not Jesus. See, that's too plain. If man went up and said, today, "Look at the scars in my hand. Look at on my brow. I am Jesus." Well, now, we know that that's wrong. And, remember, Jesus never said that them guys would appear. He said there would appear "false Christs." "Christs," plural, denominations, and so forth, anointed ones; anointed with a denominational spirit, and not the Word. You follow it? Not false Jesus. "False Christs," false, anointed ones. See? Oh, how plainly! How we... Surely you won't miss it!

177 Now, remember, I've always told you there is three classes of people. There is three races of people; Ham, Shem, and Japheth, three races. Three classes, and I said, that is the believer, make-believer, and unbeliever. It's always been, always will be. See? There was Moses, the believer; there was Jannes and Jambres; the unbelievers. See? There was Balaam; Moses... Always that three classes of people, three classes; believer, make-believer, and unbeliever.

178Now remember, the unbeliever, the denominational church, don't believe in any signs at all; cold, formal, starchy, the church in the world, the denomination. But the make-believer is that shuck. That's the guy that makes-believe. And then there is a real believer that's really true. Now, watch them as they go along now, just for a minute.

179 And notice how bold these unbelievers are, or these make-believers and unbelievers. My! They're bold, look, even as Satan stood right up in the Presence of the true Word, and said, "It's written!" Is that right?

Why did Satan do that? Is because he didn't know the Word for that... He knew the Word was for that hour, but he doubted this humble little Man being that Word. "If Thou be the Son of God. I know the Son of God is coming, because It said He would do that. And it's written, 'He'll give His Angels charge over Thee.' See? Prove it to me! Do a miracle! Let me see You do it." See? See?

See, the unbeliever, make-believer, impersonator. Look at Judas right among them, the same time, make-believer! See? Notice, and there was the true Word.

180 How bold they are! "Now, don't pay any attention to that nonsense. There is nothing to It. Don't go up there. It's just a bunch of noise. There is nothing to That. That's just all fiction. That's in your mind." See, see what I mean? Stand right in the Presence of the Word and say it.

181Satan walked right in. As the Bible said over here in Jude, "Even the Archangel, when disputing with Satan, said, 'The Lord rebuke you.'" Against the Word Itself!

And here is the antichrist, the anointed, standing right here against the genuine Word of the day, Jesus Christ, and said, "It's written."

182 Look at the last days. "It'd be so close it'd deceive the very Elected if it was possible." Oh, my! The reason the Elected won't be deceived, you know why? Is because they are the Word. See? Just like the Life that's in the root, I said a while ago, It can't deny Itself. See, It is the Word and in the season of the Word. That's right.

183Just like Jeremiah, he knew. No matter what Hananiah said, he knowed where he was at. And that's exactly like Moses did, and--and the rest of them. That's, he knowed, no matter what the false prophet said, there was the Word of God. It was written.

That's the reason Micaiah could say, "All right, you just wait and see."

Ahab said, "I believe my prophets. My organization is right. When I come back in peace... Put that fellow back yonder in the prison. I'll take care of him! Give him bread of sorrow. Turn him out, don't have no fellowship with him at all. When I return in peace, we'll take care of that guy."

184Micaiah said, "If you return at all, the Lord hasn't spoke to me." He knowed he had THUS SAITH THE LORD, and his vision was exactly with THUS SAITH THE LORD; not for some other season, but for that season. Amen! Hallelujah! The season!

185Bold, stand up and dispute with a Archangel! It's been said, that, "Fools will trod with hobnail shoes where Angels fear to walk." That's right.

186 The reason the Elected, Jesus said, won't be deceived, because they are that Word. They can't be nothing else. They can't hear nothing else. They don't know nothing else. That's right.

Remember, Moses wasn't carried away with all their impersonations. Was he? Moses said, "Now, wait a minute, Pharaoh. You know what? The Lord told me to do this, but, glory to God, I see that your boys can do the same thing. So, tell you what I'll do, I'll join up with you"? Huh! That don't sound like a prophet of God. No, indeed! He stood just as firm as he could stand. He knowed, exactly, God would take care of it somehow, 'cause He promised to. "I'll be with you. I'll not leave you."

187 He knowed, so he didn't join up with them. Oh, no. He stayed right with them. He didn't want none of their denominations. He stayed right with God. He wasn't carried away by all the things they could do. When they did one thing... He brought lice; they brought lice. He brought blood; they brought blood. He brought everything; they impersonated him every way, right along. He just stood still. He knowed exactly what. God was on the job.

You understand now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You take two and two, and make four? ["Amen."] You don't want to scorch too hard. So, so you--you understand, see.

188Why? They won't be deceived by it. The real believer, they are predestinated Seed that should stand in the day.

189 Just, also, Jesus said this, "Many will come in that day, in My Name, and say, 'Lord, have not I cast out devils in Thy Name?'" Jesus said, "At the end days, when the time is all over and the great resurrection come, that many will come and set down in the Kingdom." The Kingdom of God is within you.

Many, the weeds will come and set right down with the Wheat, say, "Now, wait a minute, Lord! I spoke in tongues. I shouted. I danced in the Spirit. I cast out devils. I spoke with tongues. I done all these things."

What'd He say? Notice. "You workers of iniquity, I never even knew you."

190 What is iniquity? Ask somebody. It's "something that you know you ought to do, and you won't do it." They know that Word. They hear It. You're listening to this tape. You're listening to this Message. You see the Lord God say so; you see Him confirm it, make it true. And you know This just as plain as the sun is shining outside, but you that'll hold onto your denomination, hold onto those false things; you worker of iniquity!

"Oh, yes, I had great campaigns. I done this. I done that."

Said, "You depart from Me, you worker of iniquity, I never knew you."

191"Well, the Holy Ghost fell on me." I don't doubt that a bit. "I spoke in tongues. I sang in the Spirit. I done..." I don't doubt that a bit. No question to that. Oh, brother, sister, what kind of a condition!

This is a trembling time. Where we at? This Word is coming to Life now. Notice.

192 Yeah, He said they would do that. Notice, "You workers of iniquity." I got a Scripture writ down here. I don't know just where it was. I've took so much time. I'm going to look it up, just a minute, and see what it was. I got--I got Matthew 7:21. I--I just don't know where. I, sometimes I don't jot something down with it, well, I--I preaching like this, I--I forget what I was referring to on the Scripture. Matthew 7:21.

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Many shall say unto me in that day, Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied...

Prophets, anointed ones! That right? "Wasn't we a prophet? Wasn't we anointed, anointed one? Have not I prophesied in Thy Name? And in Thy Name have not I cast out devils?" How can you do that, and refuse to be baptized in Jesus' Name? See? Oh, my! See how deceiving? Right up to that very point, then drop back. They go right up to the Word, then drop back. Now watch this. We get this out, just a minute.

Many will say unto me... Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied, we been prophets?...

Yeah, I spoke of that in Matthew 24:24.

... and in thy name... cast out devils? and in thy name done many wond-... many works?

And then will I confess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.

"When It was put right before you and you seen It, and seen It moving, seen It was the Word; and for your denominational sake, you was held into it. I never even knew you. I don't care how many devils you cast out, how many you did this and that; I knew nothing about you."

Balaam said, "I prophesied right, in Your Name. It come to pass."

193"That's exactly right, but, when it come to the Word, you refused It."

Oh, brother, see the deceiving part? Not "prophet," exactly; but with the Word, true Word, vindicated Word made manifest. "You workers of iniquity!"

194 Try, Satan has tried in all ages to impersonate the true Word. We know that, don't we?

195 Notice, come up to the borderline and quit. Looky here, He said, in Hebrews the 6th chapter, now, we was reading a while ago. I told you refer back to it, and we will for the next couple minutes. He said:

... but thorns and thistles... which is nigh unto rejection; whose end is to be burned. (Borderline!)

... ye who have tasted... the heavenly gift,...

"Tasted," other words, you seen It! You can't [Brother Branham smacks his lips togther--Ed.] just taste It with your mouth. But you seen It, and you knew It was the Truth. You knowed It was the Truth. "Tasted the Heavenly gift."

... and made partakers of the Holy Spirit, as It fell upon you,

... tasted of the good word of God,...

"Tasted," you seen It was right. "And the Holy Ghost falling upon you," the weed in the field.

... and then turn away,...

"Denying the very Christ that sanctified you, and called you, and put that anointing upon you."

... there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin, for that.

It's unpardonable! "It's impossible for them to ever come to the knowledge of the Truth."

For it is impossible for those who were... made partakers of the Holy Spirit,

Fell upon the weeds, see, "Started in with Jesus, and, 'Lord, I'm going through,'" but when you hit the Word, you turn back. "Made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and even tasted, or seen the Word Itself manifested." And then turn away from It, "It's totally impossible for them to ever see It or come to It."

That's THUS SAITH THE SCRIPTURE. Now, you... "Heavens and earth will pass away, but It won't." You see it? "Totally impossible." The Bible said so, and the Spirit bears record of it.

196 Notice, let me give you a little example. Look at those people who come out under Moses' prophecy, come out of that organization, and come out of everything, under the prophecy, saw the great works and wonders, and things like that, and come up to the borderline of going in.

Now, Lee, there comes your "name on the Book." See? You've got it fixed out. And you that's not here, and out in the--on the hook-ups, it's Doctor Lee Vayle setting here. He is grammarizing this book of the Seven Church Ages. And the problem come up, or the question, about your "name taken off the Lamb's Book of Life." See, it's puzzled a lot of ministers. But wait till you get the book, you'll understand it if you just got any Light in you. See?

197Notice, now, you'll turn your head and won't even look at It if you don't want to see It. Like my mother used to say, "You can't get blood from a turnip, 'cause there's no blood in it."

198 Notice, the Light has to come; it's not in darkness. The Light comes to the darkness, and the darkness perceives It not. Notice now the anointed ones in this day.

As Moses brought out those children of Israel; and they listened and got all confused with that great nation up there. Now, Israel was interdenominational. It had no land, had no home. It was going to a home.

We have no church. We're no... We're--we're going to a Church, the Church of the Firstborn, the Church that's in Glory; not the church that's on earth, by a man. The Church that's in Glory, the called-out ones, predestinated to Eternal Life, see, going to their Home.

And when they come up to the place to cross over, they doubted the Word, and come back. After Joshua and Caleb and them had went over and brought back a bunch of grapes, to prove to them the land was there, the Word of God's promise, "It's a good land, milk and honey." And brought it back, on this side, to prove it to them. And they tasted of it, and said, "Oh, oh, we can't do it, though." What happened? They perished in the wilderness. They stayed right there and organized themselves, and died, every one of them.

But the ones that went over and brought back, Joshua and Caleb; Moses was translated. A type of the waiting for the Church; and the resurrection of the Old Testament, New Testament; and the raptured Body. See the three there? Have to keep them three's in line, see, so, in the believer and unbeliever. See?

199 Notice how it was "totally." Remember, God never did forgive that sin. Now how they going to come in? If it's thorns, to begin with, it's thorns at the end. Only the predestinated will see It.

200 Notice closely now. Just like in the days of Saint Martin, right before the Dark Ages; a godly little man. How many ever read the writings of Saint Martin? Many of you have. We went down to get the writings of Saint Martin; the priest said, "But he wasn't canonized." Sure, he wasn't; not by them, but he was by God. The Holy Spirit told us to put him there on that third church age. See?

201 Look what a godly little man he was; called, predestinated. His parents, heathen. His daddy, a soldier. He had to follow his line, to be a soldier. And, when he did, and always believed that there was a God somewhere; a man of the woods, and could see God. One day he passed by a city, and there was an old bum laying there, dying, asking somebody... He was cold that night. "Oh," said, "give me something to cover me up; I'll die tonight."

202 Nobody would do it. And Martin stayed off to one side and watched him for a while. Nobody would do it. He only had one coat. He'd freeze, hisself, he was on duty, if he--he give him that coat. So he thought, "Both of us have a chance to live if I'll divide with him." So he took his own coat, and split it in two with his saber, and wrapped the old bum in it. He wrapped his own coat around.

Everybody said, "Look what a funny-looking sentry. Look what a funny-looking soldier, half a coat wrapped around him!"

203 The next night, when he was off of duty and laying in his bed, he was woke up. Looked, standing there in the room, and there stood Jesus Christ wrapped in that old piece of garment that he put around him. He knowed right then, "What you do unto My little ones, that you have done unto Me, to My anointed," laying there.

He was a great servant of God. The church made fun of him, persecuted him, kicked him out, and everything else, but he was a prophet of God. What he said come to pass. There's many believed him in that age, too.

204 I want to show you how deceiving the Devil is. One day he was setting in his study. Up come a mighty angel, crown on his head, golden shoes on, lace around his garments of gold, and said, "Martin, do you know me?" He said, "I am your Lord and Saviour. I'm the One that saved you. Worship me, Martin." But that prophet, knowing there was a little something strange there, he kept looking at him. He said, "Martin, I am your Saviour, Jesus Christ. Worship me! Don't you know me, Martin?"

205Martin kept looking at him, the Scripture running through his mind. He said, "Satan, get away from me." He said, "You got a crown on your head. And the Word of God says His 'saints will crown Him' at the end of the age."

Wouldn't that have been Pentecostal bait? Watch that Word, brother. That's where it pays.

206 One day, again, in the monastery, they had an old saint down there, bunch of young monks. There was one of them kind of irritable. Watch this, here is a good--a good parable today. He wanted to be something above the rest of them. He wanted to show hisself, authority, bigger something, something better, all class, you know, and great big something. He had to be classical. Always wanted the other brethren not... You know, he had to be different. See? He, no matter what it was, he was very arrogant. He was the only pebble on the beach. There was nobody could touch him. Now watch what happened. He had to have something big. He had to compare with the--the big societies. You follow me? See? So, he said, he prophesied. He said, "The Lord has made me a prophet, also. I'm a prophet."

Now, there was one identified prophet in the land, and that was Saint Martin; he was born a prophet.

207 But this kid said, young fellow said, young monk about twenty-five years old. He said, "The Lord has made me a prophet, and I'm going to prove it to you." Said, "Tonight the Lord is going to give me a big, fine robe, put it upon me, a white robe, and set among you. Then all of you shall come up to me, see, and you'll take orders from me."

208Now compare that today, see, "I'll be the head of the organization. I'll take care of you, rest of you monks."

And sure enough, "That night, a lights come on in the building," so the writing of Saint Martin says. Read it. And it's authentic. It's history. And the lights come on, and all the rest watched, and here come... He had on a white robe, standing among them. He said, "See what I told you?" But that's contrary to the Word.

209 And when he went and got the old dean of the college, he walked up-and-down a little bit, said, "Son, that don't sound right." He said, "There's only one way." Here it is! "There's only one way for us to know. It looked supernatural." Boy, Pentecost would have grabbed that, root, sinker, line, hook, and everything else! He said, "The miracle may seem all right, but it don't seem right to the Word. Now, we have such a person, an anointed prophet, by the name of Martin. Come, go up before him."

The guy said, "No, no! Martin ain't got nothing to do with this."

210And said, "You're going, anyhow." And they grabbed him by the arm, to take him before Martin, and the robe left him.

211 See, "Deceive the Elected if it were possible." See, they know them. Jesus said, "My sheep know My Word."

"Oh," you say, "'hear My "Voice."'"

That's His Word. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word." See? The predestinated knows this. "A strange word, or a strange voice, they won't follow."

That's the way with those fellows back there; they wouldn't follow. They knowed that Martin was there, a prophet of that age, identified by God through the Word, knowed the Word. And that man wouldn't stand before It.

212 He also said, "Where the Carcase is," or the Word, "there, in season, the eagles will be gathered." Now that's Matt-... You want to put that down, that's Matthew 24:28. Just a little bit before, Matthew 24:24; four verses below it, see, if you want to get it. "Where the Carcase is," the Manna is, the Word is, "there the eagles will be gathered."

213 Now I must hurry. I looked up there and seen what time... It's--it's seven minutes or eight minutes after twelve. I'll hurry real quick, or we can finish it up tonight, either one you want to do it. This morning or tonight? Huh? How many has to go home today after the service, let's see your hand, see. Oh, my, better keep on!

I'm sorry to hold them people on them phones out there like that, but I'll hurry. It's worth more than your money. I believe it is, to me, see. Your money will perish. This won't; It's the Word. See?

214 "Where the Carcase is, there the eagles will be gathered." Where the Carcase, where the--the--the killing is, there the eagles will be gathered. Where the fresh Meat is, the Word of the season, there the eagles will gather.

But after it's rottened, then the vultures will swarm to it. Yeah. See what I mean? When a kill is made, here comes the eagles; but after it lays there, and rotten, then here comes the vultures. The eagle won't have nothing to do with it. See?

Jesus said, "Where the Carcase is," where the Manna fell, the night the Manna falls fresh, "there the eagles will gather for It." That's the Manna for the day. See? Notice.

215 But after it gets rotten, maggots get in it, then here comes the vultures. They can't smell it till it gets rotten. No wonder Jesus stood up there and said, "Jerusalem, you that stoned every prophet!" Notice that personal pronoun, see, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I..." Who was He? "How oft would I have gathered you as a hen would her brood, you that stoned every prophet I ever sent to you," that great church, Jerusalem.

216 The Jerusalem which not here on earth, "but we are of the Jerusalem of Above," where the Word come from, from predestination, see. Not old Jerusalem that perishes; the New Jerusalem that can't perish. Not the old Jerusalem, was built by man; but the New Jerusalem built by God, see, the Word up there now being made manifest. "In My Father's house are many mansions. I'll go and prepare them for you," the Creator making the streets of gold, and so forth. That's the One that doesn't perish.

217 "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I," from the beginning of time; not a third Person, somebody else, but, "I would have hovered you as a hen did her brood, but you would not. But now your hour is come." See?

"Where the Carcase is, the eagles will gather." But after the carcase is rotten, then the buzzards gather. See?

218 Notice. Moses, he never give the children of God... Moses was an eagle, and he never give the children of God Noah's leftovers. He had the fresh Word of God. "The Lord God met me in the wilderness, and confirmed His Word, and sent me down here to call you out." Then there come impersonators around, impersonating it. See? But he had the Word of the hour.

Cause, God said to Abraham, the one who had the promise, "Your seed shall sojourn in a strange land, four hundred years, but I'll visit them and take them out with a mighty hand."

219 Moses said, "Now, the Lord God will speak to me and show me, and has told me what to do, and I'll tell you." Said, "'I AM' sent me."

"I AM!" Not "I was, or will be." "I AM," present tense, the Word now. Not the Word that was, or Word that will come; the Word that's now. See? You get it? "I AM!" "I AM" is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God." Is that right? "I AM." "God sent me as His prophet, to vindicate this to be true. I am the answer to this Word, told me come down here and do this."

220And when he did it, Pharaoh said, "Well, we got plenty of boys in our group can do that, too," impersonators.

Jesus said, "Now, that's going to repeat again in the last days," see, claiming the same thing. Watch who come down first. Watch who stayed with the Word. That's it. That's how it's known, so you see.

221 We notice, Moses never give them what was Noah's time, "We'll build an ark now, 'cause that's the Word, you know. Noah built an ark one day." No, vultures was eating on that. No, no. No.

222This is a promised Word. Notice, for his message he had from God, he had the genuine predestinated Word of God for that hour.

Neither did Jesus serve them Moses' leftover. Moses had the Word for that hour, but Moses was a prophet. Here is God Himself, see, He never served them Moses'--Moses' leftover.

But just look at the vultures there in that organization, was glutting over it. "We know! We got Moses! We don't have to have You."

223He said, "If you'd have knowed Moses, you would know Me, because Moses spoke of Me." Oh, my! See?

"Where the Carcase is, the eagles will gather." Eagles! The fresh kill of the Word, the Word that's raised up and fattened, and been made manifest and give out to the Food for the children.

Now, the old carcase that's laid there for hundreds of years, there it'll be.

Same now! Luther had a message of repentance; but, you bunch of Lutheran buzzards! Baptist had a message; but, you Baptist buzzards! See? The Pentecost had a message; coming home now, Pentecostal buzzards!

"But where the Carcase is, there the eagles will gather."

224 Remember, you couldn't feed a Lutheran, back in them days (you can now), Catholic a carrion. No, sir. He had fresh meat. That was that church age.

You couldn't feed Methodist, Lutheran message. Oh, no, he didn't want that a carrion. It's rotten. See, the Life had done left it and went into something else. That's the old stalk that's dead, back there. The Life is moving on.

Neither can you feed the Bride of Jesus Christ Pentecostalism. No, indeedy! Maggot-blowed organizations; nothing doing! No, no!

For the promise is, "And before that great and terrible day shall come, I'll send unto you Elijah the prophet. He will restore the hearts of the children back to the Faith of the fathers again." "All these promises had been made in the Bible, I will do it, and there the eagles will gather." "All that the Father has given to Me will come to Me." See?

225 Jesus never tried that. But when Jesus come, He found them swarms of vultures, "We got Moses and the law." See? Well, that was good eating way back yonder when it was killed and give to them. See, that was all right then.

But this is what was predicted to Moses, himself, that killed the sacrifice, said, "The Lord your God shall raise up among you, of your own brethren, a Prophet. It'll come to pass, that every one will not cling to that Prophet and what He says, will be cut off from amongst the people." And it was.

226Look how about six hundred different prophecies fulfilled right there, of the Old Testament, to Jesus Christ. "They pierced My hands and My feet." About, I forget how many was fulfilled in the last seven or eight hours of His life, all them prophets said, perfectly.

227 If I prophesied today that a certain thing would happen in a year from now, maybe I got--I got twenty percent chance for it to happen, whether it's right or wrong. And if I predicted that that would happen, and didn't say when, I got a smaller percent. If I predicted when it would happen, gives me a smaller margin. If I predicted the place it happened, it gives it still a smaller margin. If I predicted the... who it would be on, then I still got about one hundred thousandths of a margin it ever coming to pass, if it's not true.

And every Word, hallelujah, that was wrote of that Messiah, was fulfilled to the letter. Even till one day, reading the Scriptures, He stopped right in the middle of the sentence, and said, "The Spirit of God is upon Me to preach the Gospel, and deliver the..." And stopped right there in the middle of the sentence, because the rest of it's at His second Coming. Amen! "Heavens and earth will pass away; My Words shall not." See?

228 He was the Word then, that was feeding them then. Moses told them the Truth; but, you see, they always make a denomination out of it, for the vultures to...

There is some of It left after the eagles has done eat and gone home. Then they're waiting to see something else. "The Word," they say, "here It's supposed to come. We had caribou yesterday; we have sheep tomorrow." See what I mean? "There is old caribou carcase down there, gloating, but we got sheep coming today. Where's it at?" See what I mean? Angels' Food! The people that eat manna one day, if they tried to keep it over for the next day, it got contaminated. Don't you see all the types, how perfect? Same now!

229 Notice, the vultures of Jesus' day was also casting out devils; anointed ones on the old carcase. Is that right? They were casting out devils. Jesus said so.

And remember, they had prophets in those days. Caiaphas, the high priest, prophesied. How many knows that? Caiaphas prophesied. Notice the position of the weed in the field; it's watered by the same anointing. Why did the Bible say he prophesied? "Because he was high priest that year." A rotten scavenger, a weed and a thistle, setting among the Wheat; but the Spirit was upon him, the genuine Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit of God was upon him, to preach, prophesy, and foretell it to come to pass; and denied and crucified the very vindicated Word of the hour.

Oh, mercy, brother! How much longer do we have to say these things, see, how much more through the Scripture? I'll hurry. I got about ten pages here, of Scriptures, how proving all things. "The sun on the just and the unjust, the same."

230 Jesus said, to prove this. "If I cast out devils by the finger of God, by who does your children cast them out?" Now, they were casting out devils. They were prophesying. Is that right? But did not recognize Him being the Word of the hour, (why?) because He wasn't associated with them.

Now take Matthew 24:24, "False Christs," anointed ones, "will rise, and there'll be false prophets prophesying it," see, "and will deceive the very Elected if it was possible." You got it now?

231 Notice the children. "Who does the children... If I cast out devils by the Word of God," which, He was the Word of God, "who does your denominational children cast them out by?" Now, and God alone can cast out a devil, we know that, God alone. For, the strong man has to be stronger than the one in his house. They had power to do it.

You know, in the Revelations there, said he'd... that antichrist that raised in the last days, "Done signs and wonders, that even deceived those that dwelled upon the face of the earth, and deceived every one of them, Christians and all, whose names were not written in the Lambs Book of Life," answer to Matthew 24:24, "whose names were not written in the Lambs Book of Life from the foundation of the world."

That Life that was in the root of that--of that genuine orange tree, that come up through all those citrus and everything else, and passed on and put the fruit in top of the tree, above all the denominational grafts and branches. You got it? I'll hurry. The strong man...

232 Remember David now, he was honest, sincere, trying to do God a work, and wasn't ordained to do it.

"They," the anointed ones; but Jesus said, "They're teaching for Doctrine the interpretation (of the Scriptures) of man," see, not the Word of God, not His vindicated Word; teaching a historical Christ, see, something that was.

And the Bible said, "He is." "I AM," not "I was or will be." "I AM, right now." He's that Word that lives through here.

He was, in the beginning, He was in the... He was in the--the blades; He was in the tassel; He was in the shuck; but now He's in the Grain.

233 Now, you go back and try to live again? What if that Life took back down, you think that (left) Life would ever talk, go back after that old shuck is dried up, ever go back and live in it again? It never does. "For it is impossible for those which were once enlightened," and didn't move on with the Word as it come to pass, "they are dead, gone; and the thorns and thistles which is nigh unto rejection, whose end is to be burned." Is that right?

Now hurrying just as quick as I can.

234 Notice the Scripture now. Teaching a historical God, see, just like they're trying to live in the past, like, "Well, Wesley said so-and-so. Or, So-and-so said so-and-so." You're refusing the promised Word of the day, the Manna that's clearly identified of the day. They try to put their old Lutheran, Baptist, Pentecostal wines in our new bottles. It don't work. And our new Wine, in their old bottles, won't work. If they try to put this new Wine in the denomination, their folly is made manifest. They can't do it. It blows her up.

235"Now, brother, I seen the Word of God, perfectly by the Word!"

"Now, look here, doctor, if... We--we can't have That." Ned, I think you've had some of that lately. "We, we just can't have That here now. I--I would rather that you maybe just go on." You know. See, it won't work. It blows up.

"You don't put a new piece of garment in an old garment, 'cause you make it all rent." See? Didn't Jesus say that? You can't put new Wine in old bottles. It blows them up. The new Wine has got Life in it. All right.

236 Notice here something, real quick now, while we're ending the... our talk. Notice Revelation 16:13 to 14, if you want to put that down. I won't have time maybe to go to it. I want you to be sure and see it. Now notice, this is the sounding between the Sixth and Seventh Vial.

237Now we'll--we'll close out just in a minute, if you can just bear a few minutes longer. Closing out now.

238Notice Revelation 16:13 to 14, between the Sixth and Seventh Vial, "Three unclean spirits like frogs" (did you notice that?) "went out of the mouth of someone." Now notice, quickly. Are you ready? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] A trinity of spirits!

239 Now denominational brother, set still just a minute. Don't get up and walk out of the room, back out there on this radio, telephone hook-up. Don't turn your tape recorder off. Set still just a minute, and listen. You're born of God, you will.

240 A trinity of frogs! A frog is an animal that always looks backward. He never looks where he's going; he looks where he's come from. See? Don't you see? Where was trinitarianism born at? Remember, "three unclean spirits," individual spirits. Are you getting it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

241Notice, they look back to the Nicaea Council where the trinity doctrine was born at, not in the Bible. There's no such a thing. They look back to the Nicaea Council at Nicaea, Rome, where the trinity was born at.

Notice where they come from. Notice. And the trinity of frogs came out of an old trinity, give birth to a new trinity, their mother. What'd it come out of? A trinity, "the dragon," see, "the beast," and "the false prophet." A trinity, new. For when were these frogs come out? When did it? Notice, they was there all the time, but it wasn't manifested until between the Sixth and Seventh Vial, just before the Seals opened to reveal it.

"For in the Message of the seventh angel, the mysteries of God would be known," all these trinitarian things, and false baptisms, and everything was to be made manifest. God help us to see what's Truth! And not think it's somebody trying to say something to...

242 I feel that spirit resenting That, you see. I'm not speaking of myself, brother. I'm speaking of the Angel of the Lord that's in the camp. That's exactly right.

243Notice, a trinity! "The dragon," how many knows what the dragon was? It was Rome. "And the dragon stood before the woman to devour her child as soon as it was born." That right? What does "beast" mean in the Bible? Power. All right. "False prophet, a false prophet," a false, anointed one. See?

244 Started where? This is "false prophet," singular. "False prophet," the first pope; and from there come out "the--the whore, and the mother of harlots," the whole thing.

A false trinity was rising; not in the early days, wouldn't be made manifest in the early days, it went right on through with it. But when the Seven Seals be come, and opened those mysteries and revealed them; that's when "the frogs, three unclean spirits like frogs, come out to manifest themselves," a trinity doctrine against the Truth. See? Huh!

See where it come from? See where it's going back to? Ecumenical Council. They're all brothers, anyhow; same spirits, same thing.

And watch. So deceiving, performing miracles! And these are devils that go forth to all the gods of the earth, working miracles, to deceive them in the last day, and will succeed in doing it. What did God say about that evil spirit?

Said, "I'll go down and get in the mouth of those prophets and cause them to prophesy a lie, to cause Ahab to come out there to be destroyed."

245 God said, "Go. You will succeed. You will get them to believe it. They're not on that Word, to begin with." See? "Go, for you will persuade him. You'll be the one will do it, when you get in them false prophets, 'cause he's relying right on them. And he don't know nothing about the Word, neither will he try to learn about It. He can't do it, because he's a thistle, to begin with." See? See? "You'll succeed."

246 Look here at these false frogs, looking back, "Why, you know what they said back there at Nicaea?"

I don't care what they said about, there at Nicaea. I'm saying what they said up here at the Throne of God; what would be, not what was; what will be, for He is "I AM." See?

"False." Look at that. Huh! Notice where they come from.

247 Now listen closely. We see plainly, after the Seven Seals has been opened, that's to reveal that mystery. What is that trinity? See? Where was it ever called trinity? See? Where in the Bible did It even speak the word trinity? Where could there be three Gods, that we worship three Gods and not be heathens?

How can they be separate, when He said, "I and My Father are One"? "Except you believe that I am He, you'll perish in your sin, see, your unbelief." Sin is unbelief. "You'll perish in your unbelief."

Oh, who do you say that I am, from whence did you say that I came,

Oh, do you know My Father, or can you tell His Name?

I AM the Rose of Sharon, the Bright and Morning Star.

Can you tell me Who He is?

I AM that spoke to Moses in the burning bush of Fire,

I AM the God of Abraham, the Bright and Morning Star.

I AM the Rose of Sharon, oh, whence did you say that I came;

Oh, do you know My Father, or can you tell His Name? (Amen!)

I AM Alpha, Omega, the Beginning from the End;

I AM the whole creation, and Jesus is His Name.

248 That's right. No trinity! No, sir. That's a false thing.

The Seven Seals, opening those mysteries that "should be finished," shows up. Seal opened; disposes, shows up, makes plain the hidden Truths that the Seals had hid all these years, through all those churches and denominations.

"The great whore," of Revelation seven-... Who was she? But she is "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS," also. See?

249 "Now, you called them 'vultures,'" you say, "Brother Branham." That's right.

But, remember, a vulture is a bird. He is anointed to fly, also. "The two spirits be so close it'd deceive the Elected..." A vulture is as big as a--as an eagle. He could fly like that eagle; and is anointed to fly, or to preach, or to prophesy, notice, as same as the eagle. But he can't follow the eagle in height. No, no. If he tries to follow the eagle, his follies will be made manifest. Yes, sir. He can't follow the eagle.

Oh, he can say, "I believe in Jesus Christ being the Son of God. I believe God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heavens and earth; Jesus Christ His Son, and so forth." Oh, sure, they can do that. But what about Him being the same yesterday, today, and forever? See?

250 A eagle is a special-built bird. There is nothing like him, on the earth. See? He--he... If a buzzard try to follow him, or any other bird, he would disintegrate. His follies would be made manifest, sure enough. He would blow up when he'd try to put the new Wine in an old bottle. See, he would blow up. He would disintegrate. He ain't made, he ain't... His body isn't put together with the structure to hold him up there. When he gets in them great spheres up yonder, if he wasn't made, ordained, predestinated, born eagle, he'll bust to pieces. See? The feathers would fly out of his wings, and he'd fall to the earth. Sure. He can't follow the eagle, in height. If he tries to, his folly will be made manifest. That's right. You can't.

251 Why? He can't see like the eagle. What good does it do to try to jump real high, and can't see where you're at when you're up there? And if he should try, even try to impersonate this eagle, in heights, he becomes so blind he don't know what he's worked up to. That's right. He is screaming and shouting, and carrying on; but just speak the Word to him, boy, there his folly is made known.

Talk to him about the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, or, Him being the same yesterday, today, and ever, all--all like that, and tell him. "Why, oh, now wait just a minute!" See? Oh, yeah, there his feathers are dropping. See, he's all jumped up, and prophesy, and casting out devils, and speaking in tongues, and shouting, and carrying on, running up-and-down the floor. But don't try to follow up There; why, he'll sure be made known.

Yet, he's ordained. He's anointed. He can fly. He can balance hisself, get up there, but not... just so far. See, he can eat a carrion, but he can't eat the fresh Meat that comes from the Throne.

He is blind. He is all worked up, but he don't know what he's worked up about. See, that same Spirit that fell upon him, like the rain, to make him a wheat; he's not a wheat to begin with. He blows up. "Oh, I can't go for some... Oh, no, sir! I know Doctor Jones said..." All right, go ahead. See? Go ahead, if you want to.

252 No, notice, he is not born, or built, or predestinated, to be that kind of a bird. He can... He's a... might be a lemon growing on an orange tree, but he never come from the roots. He's something that's been added. And when they get so high in their denominations that they can't see the predestinated Word of God vindicated, then their folly is made known. "Oh, that stuff, Halo over head, and all, oh, It's nonsense." See? Made known.

253 He is not built to see that far. He can only see as far as his denominational glasses will let him look. But, after that, he's as blind as a bat. It's then his folly is made known. See? That's where the true eagle sets down to eat. Yes, sir. That's where the true, elected eagles sees what he is. When he can't take that Word, they know right then he's a denominational vulture.

254Why, why can't he fly? Cause, look what he's been eating on. He's been eating on rotten denominational carrion. That won't--that won't spiritualize his body, won't put him in spiritual fitness, in other words, to carry him up above the denominational differences. See? See, he's just fed on rotten stuff; his body is made out of that. He can't go up there where that fresh Meat carries that eagle. He just can't do it. See?

255 That fulfills Matthew 24:24. He's flying, jumping up in the air, flopping his wings, but he just can't get high enough. See? That's right. See, he can't go, he can't reach high enough to get that fresh Manna. He can eat the old manna that's down here on the ground, the old dead rabbits that's been run over a week ago, and a month ago, or forty years ago, contamination. He can eat that, and just gloat over it, and squawk and holler, and carry on, jump up and fly like another eagle. He's anointed, like another bird.

And he is a type of an eagle, a buzzard is. We know that. He sure is, but he can't follow that genuine eagle. See? He just can't do it. No, sir. His body isn't built; he's been eating on different carrion, see, and it won't be... it won't--it won't be the fresh Meat, the fresh Manna. It'd be something that Luther said, Wesley said, or Doctor So-and-so said. It won't be on what Jesus said for this hour.

256 Let's go now, close. Anointed ones, "Christs," in the last days, but the "false teachers and false prophet." Notice how striking! Now I want you to compare this; we haven't got time to read it out, Matthew 24:24 with Second Timothy 3:8.

Matthew 24:24 said, in the last days, see, "There'll come false Christs," false, anointed ones, "false prophets, and shall show signs and wonders," exactly like the real One--real One, "and shall--and shall almost deceive the very Elected." Now notice, that was Jesus speaking.

257 Here come Paul, right behind Him, and said, "Now, in the last days, there will come religious people, see, having a form of godliness. And lead silly women, led away with all kinds of worldly lusts."

And they wonder, say, "Why do you pick on them women?" Oh, for goodness... They just don't even see It.

"Lead silly women, laden with divers lusts," away from things like at... of the... See, "And as Jannes and Jambres..."

Matthew 24:24, "false Christs," false, anointed, doing signs and wonders to deceive the Elected.

"Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so will these reprobates; reprobate mind concerning the Faith." Not "a" faith. "The Faith!"

"One Faith, one Lord, one bap-..." You can't have "one Faith" without believing in "one Lord." You can't have two baptisms, and not one for the Father, and Son, the Holy Ghost. "One baptism," Jesus Christ. That's right. See, false baptism!

258 Notice, compare them together now when you get home. Notice Matthew 24:24, Jesus speaking; Paul, Second Timothy 3:8; many others. And now compare that.

259And then put another Scripture, Luke 17:30, Malachi 4.

"As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses," the anointed Word of the hour, "so will these men," not man, "men," anointed ones, "resist the Truth."

260"In the very day that the Son of man is revealed." Revelations 10:1 to 7, read it when you get home, "the seventh angel's Message, opening up the Seals." What is it? Not the angel is the Son of man; but the messenger is revealing the Son of man. Can you get it separated now? That's where it seems to be so hard for you, you see. Not the Son of man, Himself; but the seventh angel, the seventh messenger, is revealing to the public the Son of man, because It's left the shuck. He can't organize It. It's the Grain, Itself, again.

"And in that day, Jannes and Jambres will withstand," anointed ones (make-believers and unbelievers, the church formal and the Pentecostals) stand up against the true Grain, "but let them alone; their folly will be made manifest, as theirs was." See? You understand now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

261 Revelations 10, said, "In the days of the sounding of the seventh angel." Now remember, seventh, Laodicea Church Age. "The sounding of that angel," when that church age is done denominated and become a church age, when it's done in its Pentecostal organization; when the messenger to that...

What was each messenger? What was Martin Luther? A rebuke to the Catholic. What was Wesley? A rebuke to them Lutherans. What was the Pentecost? A rebuke to them others. Where has the Life gone now? Away from an organization. No more shuck; it's the Grain. What is it? A rebuke to the Pentecost, see, to fulfill the Scripture of this hour. See?

262 Notice, the very day when this messenger... Not when he starts on, but when he begins to declare his Message. See? The First Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; Third Pull, the opening of the Word, the mysteries revealed. No more, there is no more higher order to reveal the Word, than prophets. But the only way the prophet can be vindicated is by the Word. And, remember, the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals, to reveal the hidden Truth that's been sealed in the Word. Do you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

It is then, in that day when this thing is to take place, that Jannes and Jambres, the impersonators, will appear again. Just like they did when Moses appeared with the original Word, to say It; they appear to impersonate It. Just exactly right. Now you see what Matthew 24:24 is? See, anointed ones!

263 Now there's three things we're going to say before we close. This is it. I want you to listen real close now as we close. Three things, remember, three things have been fulfilled. Three things lays before you right now.

264First. The world is in a Sodom condition. Jesus said it would happen. Look at the perversion; our women trying to act like men; our men trying to act like women, sissified; rotten, filthy, low-down, devil-possessed, and don't know it. The Bible said that would happen, and that's where it's at.

265Secondly. It's in that hour, according to the Scripture here, that Jannes and Jambres appears. Secondly.

266Thirdly. It's in that same hour that the Son of man is to be revealed.

267 There is your believer, your make-believer, and your unbeliever. There is a genuine Word standing out, vindicated; there is the make-believer impersonating It; and there is the unbeliever rejecting the whole thing.

But it shall be Light about the evening time,

The way to Glory you will surely find. (That right?)

Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,

The signs that our Bible foretold;

And the Gentile days numbered (Sodom), with horrors encumbered;

Return, O dispersed, to your own.

The day of redemption is near,

Man's hearts are failing, in this fear;

Be filled with God's Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear, (so you can see the Word of the hour,)

Look up, your redemption is near!

False prophets are lying, (they said they'd be here; anointed ones), God's Truth they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God.

That's, they don't believe It. The Bible said there would be that thing here. Here it is!

But we'll walk where the apostles have trod. (Same Light! "And restore the Faith of the fathers to the children.")

The day of redemption is near, so near,

Man's hearts are failing for fear, (the earth is dropping in);

Oh, be filled with God's Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear.

Look up, your redemption is near.

You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Let us bow our heads then.

268 Out into the land where this Message is going, from the East Coast to the West, from California to New York, down into the South, up into the North, out into the missions, and wherever It's going, and in this tabernacle. We are poor. We don't have these great, big, flowery things, and television casts. We're just trying to do the best we can. "But all that the Father has given Me will come."

269 Now, I want you to know this is sure, and you that listen to this tape. You might have thought today that I was trying to say that about myself, being that I was packing this Message. I have no more to do with It than nothing, no more than just a voice. And, my voice, even against my better judgment; I wanted to be a trapper. But it's the will of my Father that I declare to do, and determined to do.

I wasn't the One that appeared down on the river; I was only standing there when He appeared. I'm not the One that performs these things and foretells these things that happens as perfect they are; I'm only one that's near when He does it. I was only a voice that He used, to say It. It wasn't what I knew; it's what I just surrendered myself to, that He spoke through. It isn't me, it wasn't the seventh angel, oh, no; it was the manifestation of the Son of man. It wasn't the angel, his message; it was the mystery that God unfolded. It's not a man; it's God. The angel was not the Son of man; he was the messenger from the Son of man. The Son of man is Christ; He is the One that you're feeding on. You're not feeding on a man; a man, his words will fail. But you're feeding on the unfailing Body-Word of the Son of man.

270If you haven't fed fully on every Word, to give yourself strength to fly above all these denominations and things of the world, will you at this time do it, while we pray?

271 Dear Father, this is a hard thing. It is not easy for a mortal to do it. Thou knowest all things. And I pray Thee, dear God, that it will not be misunderstood. But, in the Light of Your Word, may the people walk.

272And, Father God, I don't know who the Elected is; Thou knowest. I don't know when Your Coming is. But I only know that You said when this takes place, these false, anointed ones; not right when they started.

Moses just let them alone, for he could do no more about it. He could only say what You were saying. You told him to call fleas; then they called them. You told him to turn the water to blood; then they did it. Moses only carried out, Word by Word, as You said, but then You was the One Who made the folly manifested.

273 Now, Father, You are God, yet. The same Word said that this would happen in the last days. Many honest person, as we said last Sunday, putting their hand to that Ark upon a new cart, and not the shoulders of the Levites, has fell dead, "dead in sin and trespasses," argue against their own conscience.

274Many ministers setting in his study, read that Word, and change the page quick; to keep from having to blast out, to know he'll lose his social standing with the public, with his church and with his denomination. God help us to never do that!

275 Cleanse our heart, Lord, from all filth of the world. Lord, I stand ready for cleansing. I stand ready, with this church and with all the listening in, and whoever will listen to this tape. I stand, Lord, and ask for cleansing. Lord, take me to the Potter's house and break me up, mold me a servant that You'd want.

For, Lord Jesus, "I'm a man of unclean lips," as Isaiah cried, "dwelling with people of unclean lips; and woe is me, for I see the revelation of God being made manifest," as Isaiah saw the Angels in the Temple. I see the end time, Lord, and woe is me and my family; woe is me and my people. O Eternal God, have mercy upon us. I plead for myself and the people. Let us not perish with those who believe not, but may we live with the believers.

276 Every denomination, Lord, every man or woman... I can't ask You to bless a denomination, when I know You're against it. But I can only say, Lord, if You have any of Your sheep out among them, may they hear this tape. May they hear It, Lord, and understand It with the understanding You'll give them, and may they come out and receive You. May they not be deceived by the blindness and tradition of this day. May they not to try to eat something that... or it was a carcase in another day. May they take the Word.

That's the way the Pharisees crucified You, Lord. They were taking the carcase of Moses' day, and trying to gloat over it; after You had given the type, in the wilderness, of fresh manna each night, meaning each generation. That's where they failed. It poisoned them. It killed them, to eat that contaminated food.

And, spiritually, it does the same thing today; kill them, spiritually, with a denomination.

Help us, dear God. It's all in Your hands now. In Jesus Christ's Name.

277 With our heads bowed, we're going to sing that while you make your decision. Will you go all the way?

I can hear my Sav-... (and He is the Word)... -ior calling, I can hear...

"Oh, I've wandered a long time, but, really, right now I hear Him, 'Come unto Me, all ye that's groping along.' Hear, 'Take up your cross, follow Me daily.' 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I'll fear no evil; down through the shady green pastures, and by the still waters.'"

And where He leads me I...

"Lord, I see that trinitarian folly. I see the whole world sowed in it; weeds growing everywhere. But where You lead me now, Lord, I'll be like those in Acts 19. 'When they heard This, they were rebaptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.'"

... follow, ("I've went part of the way, Lord, enough to receive You.")

Now I'll go with Him all the way.

[Brother Branham begins to hum Where He Leads Me--Ed.]

278 Dear God, I trust that that come from my heart. I trust that it come from everyone's heart that's a singing at this time, maybe many who will hear this tape, that's not present or not hearing it now. May we be willing, Lord, regardless of the price. Said, "Like a man going to meet another army, a soldier, a king; first he sets down and counts, is he able to do it, can he give up the things of the world? Can you give up, join up in the army of God's written Word; march with His soldiers, fly with His eagles?" Grant it, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

279 You believe? You accept Him? All right. We'll see you here again, tonight, the Lord willing. Do you believe that to be the Truth? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Is it plain enough? ["Amen. ]

Then take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it every-...

Now, shake hands with somebody by you now.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth, the hope of earth, joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of kings in Heaven we'll crown... (He is God, then)

When our journey is complete.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet! O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

280 I suppose that all the ministers was made known this morning, recognized.

When a man has prayed all week, wondering what, seeing these Scriptures, them standing right out before you. "Woe unto me," said Paul, "if I preach not the Gospel." At the end of his road, he said, "I have not shunned to declare to you the whole Counsel of God as It was given to me."

281 I forget sometimes to recognize things, presenting, to dedicate the babies.

Billy said, the other day, a man come, said, "I been coming here for two years, get my baby dedicated."

Billy said, "Don't think bad about that. I've got a baby, a year old, and he ain't been dedicated yet, either. So I'm just going to wait till he gets old enough to walk up there himself, I guess."

282So we find brother, sister, it's not--it's not, see, I... One thing, we should dedicate our children.

We should baptize every one. There's a pool; here is water. If you haven't been, what hinders thee? Here is water. Come right now. Don't wait till tonight; come right now. There is man standing here will baptize anybody that's repented and made confession. If you been baptized a dozen times, they'll baptize you in the Name of Jesus Christ for remission of sin. See? We have that.

283 But, see, the Message is on my heart. I must get It out. That's my sole purpose, regardless of what my wife says, my children says, my pastor says, my whatever says. It's my Lord. I must get That out. That's my sole purpose.

284 And now, many times, I forget to recognize the ministers. I guess maybe... our brother, Brother Neville, a precious man. These other brethren here, we're happy to have you.

285Not that we disagree with you, brother, to be different. Many of you here might be trinitarian preachers. We don't want to be angry with you. We love you. If we didn't, if I didn't believe that, I'd never leave this church till I got down there on my knees and said, "God, make me right."

I don't want that arrogant, selfish spirit mixed up with mine. I want my spirit to be pure and clean, brotherly love, holy with the Holy Spirit. Now, if someone does anything wrong to me, that's all right. And though I might have the right to get back at them, I don't want that in my life. No, I--I want to have love. I want to be ready to correct with love, with love that absolutely answers out yonder for it.

286 I don't mean to be different. Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, whoever you are, I don't say these things to be different, be arrogant with you. If I did, I'm a hypocrite and should be down here at this altar, praying through to God.

But I say it, it's because of love, and I see where you're going. Now, I don't say this in myself, and saying I'm presuming. I give you THUS SAITH THE LORD. That is the Truth. And I love you for those things. God bless you.

287 Now as we sing another verse of this song, let's, before we go. We want you to be here tonight, if you can. If you can't, God be with you till we meet. We just pray that God will--will bless you and give you the best of His land, see.

Take the Name of Jesus...