Udalosti vyjasnené proroctvom




Udalosti vyjasnené proroctvom

Všimnite si, ako pristúpil k tej téme. On nikdy neprišiel priamo a nepovedal, „Ja som váš Mesiáš.“ Mohol to tak urobiť, lebo On Ním bol. Ale všimnite si, On sa identifikoval v Slove, aby to potom spoznali. Ak by povedal… Mohol to tak povedať a nebolo by to tak; ale keď prišiel a začal hovoriť o všetkom, čo proroci o Ňom povedali, oni by to vedeli rozpoznať, ak by boli Božie deti. Ale On ich vyzval, aby venovali pozornosť tomu, čo proroci predpovedali, čo bude treba vyhliadať, že čo sa stane v čase Mesiáša, v Jeho veku, kedy bude zamanifestovaný. On, Ján, nechal Slovo, Bibliu, aby identifikovala jeho posolstvo. Každý pravdivý prorok by to tak urobil. Tak veru. On nevyšiel a nepovedal, „Ja som On. Ja som...“ To nie je pravdivý prorok Boží, vidíte. Ale On povedal, „Choďte naspäť do Písma.“ Vidíte, On nikdy nezlyháva v tom spôsobe, ako to robí.

Oni povedali, „Poznáme Mojžiša.“

On povedal, „Ak by ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste i Mňa.“ Povedal, „Mojžiš písal o Mne.“ Povedal, „Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, ale sú to práve Písma, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Choďte, hľadajte v Písmach a uvidíte to.“

1Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy a modlime sa. Náš Pane Bože, veľký Stvoriteľ neba a zeme, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych a žije v nás týchto dvetisíc rokov, stále žije, aby potvrdzoval Svoje Slovo a vyplnil ho pre každú generáciu. Sme tak vďační za Jeho prítomnosť v tejto chvíli, vediac, že máme toto veľké uistenie, že keď sa tento život ukončí, máme večný život v novom svete, ktorý nás čaká. Ďakujeme Ti za to, Pane. A tá nádej je zakotvená v našej duši, je pevná a istá v čase búrky. A keď búrka prichádza, tie veľké vlny sa valia, cítime, že vierou sa dostaneme ponad každú vlnu. 

 Bože, pomôž nám dnes, ako prichádzame slúžiť chorým a núdznym. Modlíme sa, Bože, aby medzi nami nezostal žiaden chorý človek, keď odtiaľto odídeme. Nech je každá osoba uzdravená Tvojou Božskou mocou, rovnako ako tu, tak aj naprieč krajinou, nech z tejto budovy neodíde žiadna slabá osoba, ani zo žiadneho zhromaždenia. Nech ich Tvoj Duch uzdraví. Nech povstane to veľké Slnko spravodlivosti s uzdravením v Jeho krídlach, a nech pošle lúče viery do každého srdca, ako počúvame Slovo a vidíme manifestáciu Ducha Svätého, ktorá ich presviedča, že On je stále nažive. Modlíme sa o tieto požehnania, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. (Môžete si sadnúť.)

2Istotne toto považujeme za veľké privilégium, že tu dnes večer môžeme byť, aby sme znovu hovorili ku ľuďom a modlili sa za chorých. Chceme pozdraviť všetkých, ktorí sú vonku a sú pripojení na telefón, všade naprieč krajom. A tak sa modlíme, aby Boh požehnal každého jedného z vás, veriac, že každý, kto dnes ráno prijal Krista, bude naplnený Duchom Svätým a bude žiť naveky verne a pravdivo len pre Neho, až dokiaľ sa tento smrteľný život na tejto zemi neskončí. A potom, keď to robia, budú mať večný život. Nikdy nezomrú v tom veku, ktorý nastane, v tom veľkom veku, na ktorý sa všetci tešíme.

3No, chcel by som teraz povedať, zatiaľ čo na to myslím… Nechcem prerušovať. Je tu brat Vayle a možno ho ani neuvidím. Mohol by som ti ten rukopis poslať, keď sa vrátim do Tucsonu? Prezerám si ho; ešte ho nemám celý prečítaný, pošlem ti ho, len čo sa dostanem do Tucsonu.

 Čiže, mám tu jedno oznámenie. Toto sa týka hlavne cirkví, ktoré sú na západe, alebo kdekoľvek by chceli prísť. Náš šľachetný brat, brat Pearry Green s… Ten človek je zodpovedný za celé toto zapojenie telefónneho pripojenia, čo tu máme. Pán mu dával na srdce, aby nás prišiel navštíviť do Tucsonu a začať prebudenie tu v Tucsone, čo skutočne potrebujeme. Takže brat Pearry bude v Tucsone. Ak sa s ním chcete skontaktovať, dajte to vedieť našim vedúcim tam. Bude to v auguste, od desiateho do trinásteho. Mal to už dlho na svojom srdci a povedal som mu, že je len jediný spôsob, ako to dostať von, a to je jednoducho to urobiť. Je to kresťanský brat, skutočný sluha Boží. A vy ľudia v Tucsone, viem, že budete požehnaní, ako vám tam bude kázať, niekde asi v Ramada Inn, alebo kdekoľvek mu Pán dá miesto; on to tu nemá. Ale viem, že budete požehnaní, keď príde, počúvajúc brata Greena, ako nám vykladá Slovo Božie, hádam sa bude aj modliť za chorých, alebo čokoľvek leží v jeho povinnosti Božieho pomazania.

4Tiež chceme poďakovať bratovi Ormanovi Nevillovi a bratovi Mannovi za to ohromné obecenstvo, ktoré s nimi máme. Ako som rád, že môžem byť v spoločnosti takých mužov ako brat Neville, brat Mann a všetkých týchto kazateľov tu. Predpokladám, že ich poznáte. Ak vás tu nepozná ani naše zhromaždenie a cirkev, som si istý, že Boh vás rozpoznáva ako svojich služobníkov. Nech vás Pán navždy požehná.

5No, niekto ma tu poprosil, aby som… Mám tu zapísanú poznámku. Nedávno tu mali zhromaždenie dôverníkov, skupina dôverníkov a diakonov, a myslím, že výsledky tu boli prečítané pre celé zhromaždenie, čo je pre nás zvykom, že to tak robíme. Tieto rozhodnutia, ktoré tu urobila skupina dôverníkov a diakonov v cirkvi, oni samozrejme nemôžu vyhovieť každému. Jednoducho to nedokážeme. Je nemám ani jednu vec spoločnú s dôverníkmi alebo diakonmi. Ja dokonca ani nemôžem hlasovať, jedine v prípade, že by nastala remíza, vtedy to musím urobiť; brat Orman Neville má potom druhý hlas. Potom to musíme všetko podpísať, lebo sme časťou cirkvi. Ale tie rozhodnutia, ktoré urobí porota dôverníkov, my za tým jednoznačne stojíme, lebo to je dôvod, prečo tu sme. A ich rozhodnutie je medzi nimi a Bohom. Ja nemôžem, ani by som to nijako neurobil, že by som išiel proti tomu rozhodnutiu. A ďalšia vec, mám to zakázané od Vlády Spojených Štátov, aby som urobil nejaké rozhodnutie, čo sa toho týka, takže za mnou nechoďte a neproste, aby som zmenil to rozhodnutie. Ja to nemôžem a jednoducho vás nevypočujem. Takže ma neproste, aby som zmenil ich rozhodnutie. Vidíte tu porotu; oni sú tí, ktorí urobili to rozhodnutie. V poriadku.

6No, čo sa týka nadchádzajúceho zhromaždenia: ak to bude možné a ak Pán dá, vrátim sa asi za štyri až šesť týždňov, tak nejako, možno na ďalšie nedeľné zhromaždenie. Dnes ráno som oznámil, že som chcel hovoriť o Bohu zamanifestovanom vo Svojom Slove, ale dnes večer na to nemám čas a úprimne povedané, ledva mi na to stačí hlas. A potom ešte dav… Vonku je asi rovnako veľa ľudí ako vo vnútri, možno ešte viac, keď rátam aj tie autobusy, kamióny a podobne, v ktorých sedia ľudia. Keď to je zapnuté, toto malé vysielanie trochu zvýšilo hlasitosť, takže to počujeme. Toto krátkovlnné vysielanie z modlitebne môžeme zachytiť až na vzdialenosť jedného mestského bloku. A niektoré autá sú vzdialené niekoľko blokov, tie rady áut idú hore a dolu, naprieč všetkými ulicami okolo modlitebne. Nezdá sa mi, že by sme niekedy mali očividne toľkoto ľudí natlačených v zbore, ako máme teraz. A tak sme… A mnohí len prídu a potom odídu.

 A tak to len ukazuje, „Tam, kde je zdochlina, sa zhromažďujú orly.“ A chcem vám dnes večer povedať, že… v tejto malej skupine ľudí, je to medzinárodné zhromaždenie. V podstate tu sú predstavené tri tretiny štátov únie, a to ešte nerátame päť ďalších cudzích národov, dokonca aj Rusko, z rôznych častí krajiny. Až dolu z Venezuely a Jamajky, z rôznych častí, ľudia sú tu a sú smädní pre Boha. Čo za nádherný čas!

7Pred tým, ako budeme čítať Bibliu, by som chcel… Pomodlíte sa teraz za mňa? Pokúsim sa priniesť jedno malé posolstvo, ak Pán dá, o obdržaní Božského uzdravenia. Dnes ráno sme hovorili o spasení. A dnes večer budeme pár minút hovoriť o Božskom uzdravení, potom vyvoláme modlitebný rad a budeme sa modliť za ľudí. Zatiaľ čo toto robíme, už či ste niekde pripojení, v autobusoch, autách a v okolitých blokoch od modlitebne, keď príde čas modliť sa za chorých a nebudete sa môcť dostať do budovy… Čo nebudete, som si celkom istý, lebo vo dverách sú všade natlačení ľudia, už tu nie je priestor, tak sa len pomodlite a zložte ruky jeden na druhého vonku. A nech sa aj každý kazateľ, ktorý je dnes večer pripojený, tiež pomodlí za svoje zhromaždenie, zatiaľ čo tu prebiehajú bohoslužby s uzdravovaním. Veríme, že Boh je všadeprítomný, nachádza sa všade. No, pred tým, ako prečítame, alebo...

8Pred tým, ako sa pomodlíme, chceme prečítať niečo z Božieho Slova. Pred chvíľou som zmenil miesta Písma, ktoré budem čítať, lebo som chcel trochu pozmeniť ten typ zhromaždenia, ktorý som si na dnes večer predstavoval, tak som to trochu zmenil; a tak som musel zmeniť miesta Písma, nie úplne ich zmeniť, ale dať ich do trochu iného poradia, keďže ide o Božské uzdravenie, aby ľudia porozumeli. Obráťme sa do sv. Lukáša, 24. kapitoly. A začneme od dvanásteho verša 24. kapitoly, budeme čítať asi do 34. verša. Je to o vzkriesení Pána Ježiša.

No Peter vstal a bežal k hrobu. Keď sa nahol, videl tam len plachty. Odišiel domov s úžasom nad tým, čo sa to stalo.

V ten istý deň dvaja z nich išli do dediny zvanej Emauzy, ktorá bola od Jeruzalema vzdialená na šesťdesiat stadií. 

Tak je treba desať stadií na vzdialenosť jednej míle, tak to bolo asi šesť míľ [cca 10km].

A rozprávali sa o všetkom, čo sa udialo. 

Ako sa tak zhovárali a vzájomne uvažovali, priblížil sa k nim sám Ježiš a šiel s nimi. 

Ich oči boli zastreté, aby ho nespoznali. 

I spýtal sa ich: O čom sa takto idúcky rozprávate? Oni sa zronení zastavili a jeden z nich, menom Kleofáš, mu povedal: Ty si vari jediný návštevník Jeruzalema, ktorý nevie, čo sa tam po tieto dni stalo! 

On sa ich spýtal: A čo?

9[Teraz držte na pamäti, že toto bol Ježiš, ktorý ku nim hovoril, On už predtým povstal.] Odpovedali mu: To, čo sa stalo s Ježišom Nazaretským, ktorý bol prorok, mocný v čine i v reči pred Bohom, aj pred všetkými ľuďmi. 

Ako ho veľkňazi a naši poprední muži dali odsúdiť na smrť a ukrižovali. 

A my sme dúfali, že on vykúpi Izrael. Dnes je však už tretí deň, ako sa to všetko stalo. 

Niektoré z našich žien nás aj vyľakali. Pred svitaním boli pri hrobe, 

a keď nenašli jeho telo, prišli a tvrdili, že sa im zjavili anjeli a tí im hovorili, že žije. 

Niektorí z našich išli k hrobu a zistili, že je to tak, ako povedali ženy. No jeho nevideli.

10[Teraz počúvajte!]

Ježiš im povedal: Vy nechápaví a leniví srdcom uveriť všetko, čo hovorili proroci!

Či nemusel Kristus toto všetko pretrpieť a tak vojsť do svojej slávy? 

A počnúc od Mojžiša a od všetkých prorokov, vykladal im, čo sa naňho vzťahovalo vo všetkých Písmach. 

Tak sa priblížili k dedine, do ktorej sa uberali, a on sa tváril, že ide ďalej. 

Ale oni naňho naliehali: Zostaň s nami, lebo sa zvečerieva a deň sa schýlil. Vošiel teda, aby zostal s nimi. 

Keď sedel s nimi pri stole, vzal chlieb, dobrorečil, lámal a podával im. 

Vtom sa im otvorili oči a spoznali ho. Ale on im zmizol. 

Tu si povedali: Či nehorelo naše srdce, keď sa s nami cestou rozprával a vysvetľoval nám Písma? 

A ešte v tú hodinu vstali a vrátili sa do Jeruzalema. Tam našli zhromaždených Jedenástich a ostatných, čo boli s nimi. 

Títo hovorili: Pán naozaj vstal z mŕtvych a ukázal sa Šimonovi. 

Aj oni porozprávali, čo sa im cestou stalo a ako ho spoznali pri lámaní chleba.

11Pomodlime sa. Drahý dobrotivý Otče, ďakujeme Ti za Tvoje Slovo, za to, že Tvoje Slovo je pravda, Tvoje Slovo je život. A Ty, ó, Pane, a Tvoje Slovo sú Jedno. A tak sa dnes večer modlíme, aby si k nám zostúpil v moci Tvojho vzkriesenia a ukázal nám dnes večer, ako tí, ktorí prišli z Emauz, aby sme sa aj my mohli vrátiť do svojich domovov, hovoriac, „Či v nás nehoreli naše srdcia?“ Udeľ to, Pane; už sa blíži čas večera. Prosíme o to v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

12No, chcel by som teraz hovoriť o niečom, čo sa týka Biblie. Moja téma dnes večer je: Udalosti, ktoré sú vyjasnené pomocou proroctva. Udalosti vyjasnené proroctvom.

 Viete, Biblia je odlišná kniha od ostatných svätých kníh. Biblia je iná kniha. Je to prorocká kniha, ktorá predpovedá budúce udalosti. Tiež to je aj Zjavenie Ježiša Krista. Od samotného Genesis až po Zjavenie je On zjavený vo Svojej plnosti, kým On bol a kým stále je. A celá tá kompletná kniha… Zjavenie 1:1-3 hovorí, že to je kniha Zjavenia Ježiša Krista, ktorý je Slovo Božie – Zjavenie Ježiša Krista, Slovo Božie.

13Všetky ostatné knihy, sväté knihy, tie sú len pravidlá správania, zákonníky morálky alebo teológie. Niečo, čo… Koľkí z vás ste niekedy čítali Korán, tú mohamedánsku bibliu a knihy budhistov, a tak ďalej? Sú to len knižky o etike, ako by mali ľudia žiť, pre čo by mali ľudia žiť, ale žiadne z nich neprorokujú, ani nehovoria nič o týchto veciach alebo špeciálnych daroch, ktoré boli niekomu dané, že by sa niečo vôbec stalo. Je to len, ako by ste sa mali pridať do nejakej lóže alebo niečoho. A tak, keď sa cirkvi dostávajú do toho miesta, že z cirkvi robia len nejakú lóžu, ktorú chodia navštevovať, je to totálne mimo Slova Božieho.

14Lebo Biblia je živý svedok, ktorý predpovedá Ježiša Krista. A ako zem narástla do svojej plnosti a rovnako ako aj vínne révy rastú do svojej plnosti, deň sa tiež raz dostane do plnosti. Biblia bola zamanifestovaná vo svojej plnosti v Osobe Ježiša Krista; On bol Slovo Božie zjavené, kompletná kniha vykúpenia. Biblia je Božie Slovo, ktoré predpovedá udalosti, ktoré sa majú stať. Jej veriacim prikázal jej samotný Autor, aby ju čítali a verili z nej každé slovo, nie len nejakú časť. Ak neveríte čo i len jednému slovu, môžete to rovno celé zabaliť, až kým neveríte celému Slovu. Každé jedno Slovo je absolútnou časťou Všemohúceho Boha – Boh zamanifestovaný, vložený do Svojho vlastného Slova, aby ukázal, kým je. Nám je, ako veriacim, prikázané, aby sme verili každému slovu z toho. Ten Autor, ktorý to napísal, je Sám Boh. Nie je nikto, kto by mal povolenie niečo k tomu pridať alebo odobrať. Ak by ste to urobili, bolo by to nekompletné telo Božie. Malo by to možno šesť prstov na jednej ruke alebo jednu ruku kratšiu, jeden prst kratší. Je to kompletné telo Ježiša Krista. A v Kristovi, ktorý je Muž, Ženích, v Ňom je predstavená aj Nevesta. A oni dvaja sú jedno. „A v tom dni spoznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi a Otec vo Mne, Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne.“ Čo za kompletný obraz!

 A tí pravdiví veriaci v toto Slovo, ktorí to tak akceptujú, veria tomu a s trpezlivosťou čakajú na tie prorokované zasľúbenia, každé z nich bude zamanifestované v tomto veku. Každý veriaci na to čaká. Každý veriaci stojí na špičkách, sleduje, a on je ten, komu to bude zjavené.

15Pozrime sa teraz na dni príchodu Pána Ježiša. Prečo tí ľudia nerozpoznali Jána, keď Biblia jasne hovorila v Izaiášovi, „Bude hlas volajúceho na púšti, 'Pripravte cestu Pánovi'“? Ten posledný prorok, ktorého mali, čo bol Malachiáš 3, hovoril, „Hľa, posielam posla pred svojou tvárou, aby pre Mňa pripravil cestu.“ Prečo to nevideli? Lebo hľadeli na niečo, čo sa už stalo, zakladali svoje myšlienky na nejakom posolstve, ktoré už prv vyšlo, a nedokázali vidieť tú prítomnú manifestáciu Božiu v tom dni, v ktorom žili.

 A v tomto bode stojí teraz celý svet, všetci kresťania. Bez akéhokoľvek protikladu, to je pravda. Kresťania sa všade snažia hľadieť späť na nejaký zákonník, ktorý napísal Luther alebo Wesley, Sankey, Finney, Knox, Calvin – o ktorých síce nemôžeme nič zlé povedať, ale to bolo v minulosti.

16Farizeji sa pozreli späť na to, čo Mojžiš povedal, a povedali, „My máme Mojžiša. Nevieme, odkiaľ Ty prichádzaš.“

 Ale pamätajte, keď tu bol Mojžiš, oni nevedeli, odkiaľ prišiel. A teraz… Niet sa čo diviť, že im Ježiš povedal, „Zdobíte hrobky prorokov, ale boli ste to vy, ktorí ste ich tam dali.“ Potom, ako ich posolstvo bolo preč… Posolstvo sa dostane medzi ľudí, oni ho vidia a robia si z toho žarty (svet to robí). A potom, keď ten posol príde do konca a posolstvo je hotové, zrazu na základe toho posolstva postavia denomináciu. A rovno tam zomierajú a nikdy neožívajú.

17Pozrite sa aspoň na chvíľu, niektorí z vás ľudí… Hovorím zvlášť o vás, katolíkoch. Či si uvedomujete… Čítali ste vôbec niekedy skutočnú históriu rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi? O mučeníctve, od sv.Augustína z Hippo, koľko miliónov nevinných ľudí dala cirkev zabiť? Už som zabudol, neviem teraz presne to číslo, ale boli milióny, od sv.Hipp… sv.Augustína z Hippo, v Afrike – on urobil vyhlásenie, že to je absolútna vôľa Božia, aby bol usmrtený každý, kto protestuje proti rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi. Či si uvedomujete, že sv.Patrik začal byť uznávaný ako katolík až po jeho smrti? On práveže protestoval proti pápežovi a všetkým jeho činnostiam a katolícka cirkev zabila desiatky tisícov jeho detí. Vedeli ste aj to, že katolícka cirkev upálila na hranici Johannu z Arku, tú svätú ženu, ako čarodejnicu? Potom o dvesto rokov nato vykopali hroby prorokov, keď si uvedomili, že sa mýlili, a hodili ich do mora, bez toho, že by ich zakopali do svätej zeme, aby činili pokánie.

 Nebuďte blázniví, nech ten deň neprejde ponad vaše hlavy.

18Ako by len tí kňazi, ktorí odsúdili Ježiša, dnes večer chceli prísť. To jediné… Oni jednoducho nevideli tú predpoveď na tú hodinu. Ježiš povedal, „Skúmajte Písma, lebo v nich si myslíte, že...“, alebo skôr, „tvrdíte, že v nich máte večný život, ale sú to práve ony, ktoré vám hovoria o tom, kým Ja som,“ na tú hodinu.

 Všimnite si, Biblia nemôže zlyhať. Je to tá jediná vec, ktorú nedokáže urobiť – Božie Slovo nezlyháva. Ono predpovedá skutky svojho Autora, pred tým, ako ich On vykoná.

19No, existuje jedna šanca z tisícov, že by človek niečo predpovedal a ono by sa to stalo. Ale keď k tomu ešte pridáme to, že by predpovedal, kde sa to stane, to by tú šancu asi desaťtisícnásobne znížilo. Ak by dokonca povedal aj deň, kedy sa to stane, to by bola jedna šanca z milióna. A keby povedal, komu sa to stane, to by tú šancu znížilo na jednu z niekoľko miliárd.

 Ale táto Biblia nám presne hovorí, kto, kedy, kde, a čo máme očakávať, a nikdy to zatiaľ nezlyhalo. Nedávno som mal rozhovor s jedným kňazom jednej svätej cirkvi, ktorý povedal, „Pán Branham, snažíš sa argumentovať Bibliou.“ Povedal, „To je história cirkvi.“

 Povedal som, „To nie je história; je to Sám Boh vytlačený na stránky papiera.“

 On povedal, „Boh je vo Svojej cirkvi.“

 Povedal som, „Boh je vo Svojom Slove. A čokoľvek je v protiklade s tým, je to klamstvo. Lebo On povedal, 'Nech je Moje Slovo pravdivé a nech je každé ľudské slovo lžou.'“

 On povedal, „Ale my sa nemôžeme hádať.“

 Odpovedal som, „Nikdy som nepovedal, že sa máme hádať, ale Biblia predsa hovorí, 'Poďme a pravoťme sa spolu.'“

20Ona predpovedá skutky svojho Autora pred tým, ako ich On vykoná. A z toho dôvodu to umiestňuje každého muža a každú ženu k súdnej stolici, bez akýchkoľvek výhovoriek. Ak vezmete to, čo o tom hovoria metodisti, čo o tom hovoria baptisti, čo o tom hovoria katolíci, čo o tom hovoria letniční alebo akákoľvek iná cirkev, pri súde budete sklamaní. Ale ak len budete sledovať to, čo Biblia hovorí, že sa má stať, potom sa to len stane a vy rozpoznáte, že sa to stalo. 

 No, ono to nie je vždy jasne vidieť pre všetkých ľudí, lebo Ježiš ďakoval Bohu za to, že to ukryl pred očami múdrych a chytrých, a zjavil to deťom, tým, ktorí sa budú učiť. Pomyslite na to, ako Všemohúci Boh sedí na Svojom vlastnom Slove, s mocou, aby oslepil bohatých a nehanebných a všetkých tých vzdelaných učencov, zaslepil ich oči, aby Ho nevideli, a otvoril oči chudobných a negramotných.

21Všimnite si týchto ľudí z Emauz. On povedal, že ich poňatie o Ňom bolo od nich zadržané. Oni k Nemu hovorili a počas celého dňa nemali tušenia, kto to vôbec je. Boh to dokáže urobiť, lebo On je Boh.

 To je presne to, čo urobil tým kňazom, tým zákonníkom, lebo bolo napísané, že to tak urobí. Boh zaslepil ich oči, aby nemali šancu. Všimnite si, oni to nemohli vidieť bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi boli vzdelaní, na akej úrovni boli ako kňazi, čo všetko vykonali, oni to jednako nemohli uvidieť, lebo boli slepí. Ich fyzický zrak mohol byť 20/20. Ale ich duchovný zrak, to bolo niečo iné!

22To je to isté, čo som chcel dnes ráno povedať ohľadom cudzoloženia žien, ako sa dnes obliekajú. Oni sú cudzoložnice. V Božej knihe sú vinné každého cudzoložstva, zakaždým, ako si na seba dávajú to sexy oblečenie. Ich duše, ony o tom ani netušia. Verím, že mnohé z tých žien, možno aj tisíce, sú nevinné a za žiadnych okolností by nespáchali cudzoložstvo. Ale tie úbohé ženy nemajú pri sebe niekoho, kto by to len tak nenechal, ale pripomenul by im to, a povedal by im pravdu o tom, ako páchajú cudzoložstvo. O čom Biblia hovorí, „Tá cudzoložnica, ktorá sedela nad mnohými vodami a všetci králi a národy zeme s ňou páchali duchovné cudzoložstvá. A ona bola matka všetkých cudzoložníc,“ - denominácií.

23My sledujeme Bibliu, lebo Boh nás nenecháva v temnote. On poslal Bibliu, aby nám predpovedal udalosti, ktoré sa majú stať, akej povahy to bude a v akom čase to príde.

 Je to niečo, ako keď sa pozeráte na kalendár, aby ste zistili, aký je dátum. Ak si pomyslíte, poviete, že… „Je toto sobota alebo nedeľa?“ Pozriete sa na kalendár. Kalendár vám povie, aký je deň. Keď sledujete činnosti ľudí, možno, ako chodia do cirkvi, vidíte… počujete, ako zvonia zvony, divíte sa, aký je deň. Pozriete sa na kalendár a ten vám povie, aký je deň.

24A keď vidíte, ako sa cirkev začína stávať viac a viac svetskou, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, vidíte, ako cirkevný svet začína uctievať boha tohto zlého veku, keď to všetko vidíme; potom vidíme malú skupinu zhromaždenú pod inšpiráciou Božou, ktorá znovu produkuje život Ježiša Krista, skrze Písma, čo sa má diať, potom vieme, v ktorej hodine žijeme.

 Táto Biblia skrze proroctvo predpovedá, v akom dni žijeme, v akom čase žijeme a aké udalosti sa majú stať. Predpovedá to presne do písmena a nikdy to nesklamalo v ani jednom veku, ona má pravdu po celý čas. Ani raz to nebolo mimo a nikdy nebude, lebo tí, ktorí sú predurčení do toho, aby to videli, to uvidia. Ježiš povedal, „Nikto ku Mne nepríde, len ten, koho potiahne Môj Otec, a všetci tí, ktorých mi dal Otec, ku Mne prídu.“ Je to Slovo, ktoré sa pripája ku Slovu. Nemôže robiť nič iné. Vieme, že toto je ten deň, v ktorom žijeme.

25Ale rovnako, ako to bolo v každom veku, ľudia nechajú ľudí, aby si ku Slovu pripojili svoj vlastný výklad, a práve to ich zaslepuje, aby nevideli tú udalosť, ktorá sa stala. To isté sa stalo s farizejmi a sadúcejmi. Aj keď tam Pavol stál a snažil sa citovať Písmo, jeden človek ho udrel po tvári, lebo nazval veľkňaza bielou stenou. A potom im ušlo to, ako Boh potvrdil Svoje prorokované Slovo.

26Vidíte, Biblia si neprotirečí; Biblia je Boh. V Bohu neexistuje protirečenie; On je dokonalý. 

 Ale ľudia so svojím vlastným výkladom, to už je niečo iné! No, všimnite si, niečo vám poviem, priatelia. Cirkvi sa nemôžu navzájom zhodnúť na základe výkladu. Metodisti sa nemôžu zhodnúť s baptistami, baptisti s presbyteriánmi, presbyteriáni s letničnými. A s asi štyridsiatimi rôznymi organizáciami letničných, oni sa ani medzi sebou nevedia zhodnúť. Vidíte, to by bol znovu ten zamiešaný Babylon.

 Ale Boh si Sám dáva výklad Svojmu Slovu. On niečo zasľúbil, a potom to aj Sám vykonáva. On tomu dáva Svoj vlastný výklad, lebo On sa dáva v tej hodine na známosť. Aké veľké je Telo Kristovo, od nôh po hlavu!

27Všimnite si, to je presne ten dôvod, prečo to títo ľudia nedokážu pochopiť, lebo počúvajú, čo o tom hovorí niekto iný, namiesto toho, aby si to prečítali v Slove tak, ako im to Ježiš povedal. „A ony sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, a ony sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne.“ Inými slovami, počúvajte, „Čítajte Písmo a všimnite si, čo mal Mesiáš urobiť. Pozrite sa na to, v ktorom čase mal Mesiáš prísť. Pozrite sa, kto mal prísť pred Mesiášom. Pozrite sa na tú hodinu. Mal tam byť hlas volajúceho na púšti: to bol Ján. A jemu ste urobili presne to, čo ste povedali. Pozrite sa, čo som mal urobiť, keď som prišiel. A čo ste vy teraz urobili? Či som to všetko nesplnil?“ Vidíte, Ježiš povedal, „Či to všetko nespĺňam?“

28Všimnite si, ako dnes popoludní prechádzame Písmami, ako všetko, čo bolo o Ňom prorokované, sa presne tak vyplnilo, ako sa malo. Oni mali o tejto udalosti vedieť. „Tento fanatický, mladý muž bol vychovaný, a keď mal asi tridsaťtri rokov… alebo tridsať rokov, prišiel tam dolu a hovoril o nejakých svetlách a holubiciach. No, bolo to jednoducho pohanenie.“ Povedali, „Bol narodený nemanželským rodičom a ešte k tomu tvrdil, že prišiel na svet panenským narodením.“

 Či nemali vedieť, že Izaiáš povedal, v Izaiášovi 9:6, „Dieťa sa nám narodilo“? Či nemali vedieť, že prorok Izaiáš tiež povedal, „Panna počne“? Toto všetko mali vedieť. Ale vidíte, oni sa to snažili uplatniť do budúcnosti, niekde dopredu. A tento muž pre nich jednoducho nespĺňal tie podmienky. Ale On im povedal, „Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, ale sú to ony, ktoré svedčia o Mojom posolstve.“ Nie to, čo povedal nejaký teológ, ale to, čo Sám Boh (Jeho vlastné Slovo) povedal, že sa stane. Amen!

 Tak je to aj teraz. Skúmajte Písma, lebo sú to ony, ktoré hovoria o tej hodine, v ktorej žijeme, a hovoria nám, čo sa presne v tomto dni stane. Ony sú tie, na ktoré sa máte spoliehať, lebo ony svedčia o osobe Ježiša Krista. Lebo Biblia hovorí, že „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky,“ lebo On je zjavením Slova v tomto veku. Nemôže to byť nijako inak.

29A tak preto, keď počúvajú ľudské výklady, nedokážu vidieť to potvrdenie Božieho vyplneného Slova. Lebo, aj keď sa to stále deje, oni keď počúvajú… Ježiš povedal, „Oni sú slepí vodcovia.“ A keď slepí vedú slepých, čo sa im stane? No, pamätajte, Biblia predpovedala, že tento Laodicejský cirkevný vek bude slepý. On bol vyhnaný z cirkvi. Nie je žiaden iný vek, žiaden taký ešte nebol, kedy by bol Ježiš mimo cirkvi. Iba Laodicejský cirkevný vek. On je vonku a dobíja sa dovnútra. Ale povedal, „Lebo hovoríte, 'Som bohatý, mám veľa majetku, a nič už nepotrebujem,' a neviete, že ste slepí, ktorí vedú slepých, biedni v duchu, mizerní a nahí, a neviete o tom.“ Čo za… Ak by bol človek nahý na ulici, mizerný, slepý a mal by aspoň trochu rozumu, vtedy by ste mu mohli povedať, že je nahý, a on by sa s tým snažil niečo urobiť. Ale keď zakrúti hlavou a povie, „Je mi to jedno. Kto si ty, aby si mi hovoril, čo mám robiť? Ja viem, kde stojím.“ No, ak to nie je úbohý stav, potom neviem. A to je presne ten stav, v ktorom Boh tejto Biblie povedal, že cirkev bude, v tomto zlom veku, v poslednom cirkevnom veku, v ktorom žijeme.

 Všimnite si, ale ľuďom hovoril, „Tých, ktorých milujem, karhám.“ Čiže ak si pokarhaný od Pána, za to, čo robíš, potom z toho vyjdi. Choď od toho preč. „Toho, koho milujem, toho karhám.“

30No, keď videli Boha, čo ak by tí farizeji povedali, „Moment. Ten človek nám ale teda dal výzvu; povedal, 'Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, ale sú to ony, ktoré svedčia o Mne.' Bude lepšie, ak sa pozrieme do Písma a zistíme, čo to On mal vlastne robiť, kým On je, a čo sa má stať. Mali by sme sa pozrieť a zistiť.“ Namiesto toho išli ku kňazovi a opýtali sa ho, „Čo s tým?“ Vidíte? Namiesto toho mali čítať Slovo.

31V Židom 1:1, Biblia hovorí, „Boh v pradávnych časoch, to znamená v starých časoch, a rôznymi spôsobmi napísal Bibliu skrze prorokov.“ No, všimnite si, On napísal Bibliu Svojím vybraným spôsobom. On ju tak nemusel napísať, rovnako ako ani nemusel spasiť človeka krvou. On nemusel kázať Evanjelium skrze človeka; pokojne mohol nechať, aby slnko, mesiac alebo hviezdy kázali Evanjelium; mohol by dať, aby vietor vanul Evanjelium. Ale On si vybral človeka. A rovnako si aj vybral ten spôsob, ktorým Jeho Slovo príde, a to bolo skrze Jeho prorokov, ktorí boli predurčení a predzvedení, súc časťou Božieho Slova, a vyhlasovali zjavenie Jeho Slova na daný vek a daný čas. „Lebo Slovo Božie prišlo len ku prorokom.“ Nikdy neprišlo k teológovi. Ukážte mi to v Písme. Prichádza len ku prorokom. Boh nemôže klamať. A tak Boh napísal Bibliu tým Svojím vybraným spôsobom, a to bolo skrze Ním vybraných prorokov; nie tých prorokov, ktorých si človek vybral, ale tých prorokov, ktorých si Boh vybral.

32Potom tí, ktorí v to veria, čakajú na vyplnenie toho, čo ich prorok povedal, a to je tá identifikácia, že oni sú Boží proroci. Lebo, po prvé, sú inšpirovaní. Po druhé, oni zostávajú priamo so Slovom na tú hodinu. To je potom jeho kvalifikácia. Minulú nedeľu sme to preberali. Povstane veľa falošných prorokov. A zobrazili sme to, ako Balám a Mojžiš, obaja boli pomazaní tým istým Duchom, jeden z nich povedal, „My sme všetci jedno. Poďme, dajme sa dokopy, dajme všetky naše dievčatá dohromady. Máme tu pekné dievčatá a vy, chlapci, sem príďte a vyberiete si ženu. Je to úplne v poriadku, všetci sme jeden ľud, tá istá rasa.“ Boh im to nikdy neodpustil. Oni to počúvali.

 Vidíte, svet a ľudia hľadajú nejakú obchádzku, nejakú skratku, ale v Božom Slove nie je žiadna skratka. Je jeden vzor. Ty sa musíš orezať tak, aby si pasoval do toho vzoru, nie snažiť sa upraviť ten vzor tak, aby pasoval tebe. Každý to tak musí robiť. A to je ten jediný spôsob, akým to Boh robí.

33Všimnite si, veriaci čakajú, kým sa to Slovo potvrdí. Vidíte, nebolo to napísané človekom, ale Pánom Bohom, preto to nie je kniha človeka.

 Niekto povedal, „To sú len nejaké staré hebrejské spisy.“ Či by Hebreji napísali listy, ktoré odsudzujú ich samých? Či by ten skvelý národ Židov, samozvaný a vycibrený, či by oni napísali o svojich vlastných neprávostiach, odsudzujúc samých seba? Istotne nie. Či by hovorili o svojich vlastných hriechoch, ako sa obrátili k modlárstvu, ako spáchali cudzoložstvo proti Božiemu Slovu? Nie, nie. Taký hrdý národ by nič také nepovedal.

 Nie je to kniha človeka; je to kniha Božia. A tí muži, ktorí videli videnia a počuli hlas Boží, tomu nikdy sami nerozumeli (mnohokrát to tak bolo, v mnohých prípadoch). Človek nenapísal Bibliu. Boh napísal Bibliu. Nie je to kniha človeka; je to kniha Božia. Sú to Božie myšlienky vyjadrené cez ľudské pery. Z toho sa skladá Biblia. Vyjadrená myšlienka je slovo. A na počiatku bolo Božie myslenie, On to vyjadril cez pery Svojich prorokov a potvrdil to skrze Svojich sluhov. Všimnite si to.

34Boh robí Svoju vlastnú voľbu, skrze predurčenie. Tak si vybral prorokov na každý vek. Všimnite si. On tvorí povahu toho proroka, aby pasovala do toho veku. Vidíte, On to presne napasuje do Svojho štýlu, čokoľvek robí. On ho tam napasuje bez ohľadu na to, či je vzdelaný alebo nie. On napasuje dary, spôsob, ktorým bude kázať, dary, ktoré bude mať, posolstvo pre ten daný vek. Boh predurčil, aby sa tá určitá vec stala, a neexistuje nič iné, čo by sa malo namiesto toho stať. Je mi jedno, čo to je, koľko človekom-utvorených úspechov, nič to nemôže nahradiť. On predurčil človeka, možno aj nevzdelaného človeka, toho zas mohol predurčiť na niečo iné. Čokoľvek to je, on mu dáva jeho umiestnenie, jeho dary, jeho povahu, jeho štýl, čokoľvek to je, ako sa vyjadruje, čokoľvek robí. On tvorí človeka na tú hodinu, aby chytil tých ľudí tej hodiny. Tak veru. On to robí.

 Na konci každého veku, keď sa cirkev obrátila do sveta a hriechu a začala sa spoliehať na ľudský výklad Slova… Ako vždy, na konci veku sa to dostalo do takého chaosu kvôli teológom a kňazom, až to je úplne rozhádzané. Ich výklad je vždy vedľa; ani raz sa im nestalo, že by mali pravdu. A rovnako sa ani Božiemu Slovu nestalo, že by sa mýlilo. To je ten rozdiel.

35No, vidíte? Boh Sám napísal Bibliu. No, Boh vie hovoriť. Mojžiš povedal, že k nemu hovoril. Jeremiáš povedal, „On vložil slová do mojich úst.“ A Boh vie písať. On napísal desať prikázaní so Svojím vlastným prstom. Písal na steny Babylonu. A pamätajte, už len v samotnom Starom Zákone, dvetisíckrát prorok povedal, „Tak hovorí Pán!“ Boh vie hovoriť, Boh vie písať. Istotne. Takmer deväťdesiat percent v Evanjeliách Matúša, Marka, Lukáša a Jána sú Slová samotného Boha, Ježiša Krista, ktorý tam hovoril. A tak ak Boh dokáže písať, Boh dokáže aj čítať. Či potom nemôže spôsobiť, aby niekto iný robil to isté? Či nepovedal Mojžišovi, „Kto robí človeka nemým a kto mu dáva reč?“ Boh napísal Bibliu skrze prorokov, to bol ten spôsob, akým to On robí.

36No, vždy, keď sa cirkev zamieša (a Boh predzvedel, že to tak bude, lebo On vie všetky veci dopredu), On má vždy určitého proroka pripraveného presne na ten vek, aby vyvolal svojich vyvolených cez potvrdené Slovo znamení a divov, ako potvrdenie Jeho Slova, „potvrdzujúc Slovo, za ktorým nasledujú znamenia,“ ako to On zasľúbil. On dáva ten pravdivý výklad po tom, ako je ten prorok potvrdený.

 Všetci okrem tých vyvolených, ku ktorým je poslaný, Ho nenávidia. Len sa pozrite na každý jeden prípad a zistite, či to tak je alebo nie. Jedine tí, ku ktorým je poslaný! „On prišiel k Svojim vlastným a Jeho vlastní Ho neprijali; ale tí, ktorí Ho prijali, tým dal moc stať sa synmi Božími.“ Všimnite si, každé preskúmanie Slovom, v každom jednom prípade, a na konci každého jedného veku, vyvrcholenia alebo zmeny, ako som o tom už veľakrát kázal...

37Pozrite sa na vek Noeho, na to vyvrcholenie pred súdom. Čo sa stalo? Bola to len Noeho rodina, ktorá mu verila. Ostatní ho kritizovali. A zničilo to celý svet.

 Vo dňoch Abraháma uverila len Abrahámova skupina. Keď išli anjeli a kázali Sodome, len Lot, jeho žena a ich dve dcéry odtiaľ vyšli, ale ona sa otočila a premenila na soľný stĺp.

 Vo dňoch Mojžiša, len tí vyvolení z Izraela vyšli von. A faraón ho nenávidel. 

 Vo dňoch Eliáša, takmer každý okrem sedem tisíc mužov ho nenávidel, celý národ.

 Vo dňoch Jeremiáša, hádzali naňho nezrelé ovocie, nazývali ho fanatikom, lebo ležal toľko a toľko dní na jednom boku a toľko dní na druhom a predstavoval určité symboly. Nenávideli ho.

 Prorok Izaiáš tú rasu odsúdil tak, až ho rozrezali pílou na dve časti. Tak veru.

38Ján Krstiteľ. „Bol to divoký človek, nejaký vrieskajúci maniak.“ Všetkých okrem tých učeníkov predstavil Ježišovi Kristovi ako cirkev, „Tu to je!“ Ján pripravil ľudí. Koľkých mal? Mohli by ste ich spočítať na dvoch prstoch, alebo teda na dvoch rukách, koľkých Ján predstavil Ježišovi, keď On prišiel. A čo potom Jeho druhý príchod? Zamyslite sa nad tým.

 Ale keď tí skutoční veriaci v Bibliu vidia to Slovo, ako je tak otvorene potvrdené na ten vek, oni tomu veria. Neexistuje nič, čo by im zabránilo v tom, aby tomu verili. Oni dokonca zapečatia svoje svedectvo so svojou krvou. Oni tomu veria. Je to potom… Je to pre nich, pre tých predurčených, aby to v tom určitom veku videli a verili tomu.

39Ostatní to jednoducho nevidia; sú slepí. No, poviete, „Oni to nevidia.“ Ale čo napríklad Balám, prečo to Balám nedokázal uvidieť? Bol predsa pomazaným prorokom. Prečo to nemohol taký faraón vidieť? Keď uvidel ruku Božiu, ako zostupuje a vykonáva zázraky, to len viac zatvrdilo jeho srdce. Je to tak? Prečo to Dátan nevidel, a sám bol Židom? Hneď potom, ako prešli cez Červené More a každý deň jedli mannu, ktorá čerstvo padala z neba, a stále to nedokázal vidieť. Prečo to Kórach nevidel? Prečo to Kaifáš nevidel? On bol v tom čase hlavou náboženského sveta. Prečo ani on nedokázal uvidieť, že to bol Mesiáš? Prečo to Judáš nevidel? Judáš bol priamo s Ním, kráčal s nimi, vykonával s nimi zázraky. Ale Slovo muselo byť naplnené. Biblia hovorí, že oni povstali, aby zaujali to miesto. Povstali presne za tým účelom. Tak veru. Rimanom 8 to hovorí.

40No, veriaci môžu vidieť, že Slovo sa v ich generácii stáva telom, Boh to tak hovorí. A nech tí skutoční, pravdiví veriaci, tých sedem tisíc… Alebo to bolo sedemsto vo dňoch Eliáša? Sedem tisíc, tak veru. Vo dňoch Eliáša, medzi troma miliónmi mužov bolo iba sedem tisíc, ktorí videli, že to bola pravda. Bola to sotva stotina z tých ľudí. Ale oni videli, že to bola pravda. Videli Boha manifestového. Tá stará vdova, ku ktorej bol Elizeus poslaný, ona išla urobiť ten chlieb, bolo to sotva na to, aby mohla dať trochu sebe, trochu synovi a potom mali zomrieť. Ale sledujte Eliáša; on povedal, „Urob najprv mne. Lebo tak hovorí Pán, 'Nádoba sa nevyprázdni, ani nádoba nevyschne, až dokiaľ Pán Boh nezošle dážď na zem.'“ Bez otázok sa otočila, urobila mu chlieb a dala mu ho. Povedal, „Urob najprv mne a potom urob sebe a svojmu synovi.“ Ona počula toho muža a pozrela sa naňho, preto bola tým predurčeným semenom.

41Mnohí z nich hovoria, „Zas je tu ten starý pomätenec. Boh nás preklína kvôli nemu.“ Pamätajte na Eliáša, keď povedal, „Ty si ten, ktorý trápi Izrael.“

 On povedal, „Ty si ten, ktorý trápi Izrael.“ Vidíte, koho Boh… Koho Slovo potvrdzoval? Svoje vlastné Slovo.

 No, Biblia hovorí, že oni povstali presne za týmto účelom, tí neveriaci. Ale keď ten pravdivý veriaci dokáže vidieť Slovo toho veku, ako sa stáva telom, ako Boh hovorí cez ľudské pery a potom robí presne to, čo povedal, že urobí, tým to je vybavené.

42No, teraz sledujte ten zvyšok. Nepozerajte na znamenia. Ak budete vyhľadávať znamenia, celkom istotne budete zvedení. Falošní proroci povstanú a budú ukazovať znamenia a divy, ktoré by zviedli aj vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. Sledujte Slovo! Hľaďte na tých kňazov, prorokov a židovského proroka, ktorý tam stál. Cedekiáš s dvomi veľkými rohmi hovoril, „Ja som prorokom poslaným od Boha.“ Tak veru. „Mám tu so sebou tristodeväťdesiatich deviatich a Duch Svätý je na nás, potvrdzuje a hovorí, že táto zem patrí nám. Len poďme a zaujmime ju. A s pomocou týchto rohov, Achab, vytlačíš nepriateľa z našej zeme, lebo Boh nám túto zem dal.“

43Sledujte toho nábožného muža, dobrého muža Jozafata, ktorý povedal, „Nemáte ešte jedného?“

 „Ešte jedného? Veď tu je štyristo, ktorí sa na tom zhodujú!“ On povedal, „Ale áno, je tu ešte jeden, ale toho nemám rád.“ Povedal, „Ten len vždy na nás vrieska a kritizuje nás, že akí sme hriešnici a podobne. Neznášam ho. Je to Micheáš, syn Jimlu.“

 On odpovedal, „Ó, nech tak nehovorí kráľ. Choď poňho a vypočujme si, čo má do povedania.“

 Achab povedal, „Zaväzujem ťa prísahou, aby si mi nehovoril nič iné ako pravdu.“

 A ten človek prišiel a povedal, „No, ak sa chceš vrátiť s dobrým uznaním a byť s nimi v obecenstve, povedz to isté, čo tí ostatní.“

 Micheáš povedal, „Ja budem hovoriť len to, čo Boh hovorí.“

 A nasledujúce ráno vyšli. Králi na seba obliekli svoje rúcha, posadili sa ku bráne so všetkými celebritami. A proroci tam stáli a hovorili, „No čo teraz, ty fanatik? Čo na to povieš?“

 On povedal, „Len tam choďte.“ Povedal, „Ale videl som Izrael roztrúsený ako ovce nemajúce pastiera.“

44On zodvihol ruku a udrel ho po ústach. Prorok udrel druhého proroka po ústach. No, obaja títo pomazaní proroci tam stáli, prorokovali, bolo ich tam štyristo proti jednému. To vyzerá ako poriadna presila. Nie vždy je bezpečie v množstve radcov. Závisí to od toho, o čom sa radia, o čo tam ide. Pre kráľa to nebolo bezpečné, a on považoval tú radu väčšiny za správnu. Ale ak by sa len pozastavil, obrátil ten zvitok a pozrel sa na to, čo Eliáš povedal.

45Micheáš potom nemohol nič povedať; on nevedel, ale možno mu to Boh už odpustil. Ale keďže bol prorok, tak najprv išiel k Bohu a zistil, čo Boh povedal. Keď zistil, čo o tom Boh hovorí, povedal, „Videl som Boha, ako sedí na tróne, a povedal... mal okolo seba zhromaždených radcov neba, povedal, 'Koho môžeme poslať, aby Achaba priviedol k tomu, aby sem prišiel, aby sme mohli vyplniť to proroctvo, ktoré je o ňom napísané?'“

 Vidíte, proroctvo. Eliáš už povedal, „Psy budú lízať tvoju krv.“

 A tak povedal, že videl ducha klamu, ako vyšiel zdola, vystúpil hore pred Neho a povedal, „Pôjdem dolu a vstúpim do jeho prorokov, do Achabových prorokov, a spôsobím, že budú prorokovať lož.“

46No, Boh vedel, že tí ľudia boli tak nafúkaní a tak plní teológie, že si mysleli, že to mali všetko správne vypočítané. Oni si nikdy nevšimli to Slovo na tú hodinu. A tak Boh povedal, „Uspejete, len tam choďte.“ A keď to Micheáš povedal, vtedy bolo vidieť, že tí, ktorí prorokovali, to robili pod zlým duchom. Možno vytrhli telefón zo zástrčky, vypli rádio alebo urobili čokoľvek, keď počuli, ako je proti nim hovorené, postavili sa a odišli. Ale pozrite sa, čo sa stalo. No, Micheáš si musel skontrolovať svoje videnie s napísaným Slovom, preto o tom vedel.

 Povedal, „Keď prídem… Dajte toho človeka do väzenia, dajte mu vody smútku a chlieb súženia. Keď sa vrátim, tak ho dám do poriadku.“

 On povedal, „Ak sa ty vôbec vrátiš, tak Boh ku mne nikdy neprehovoril.“ To bol ten moment, kedy vedel, že jeho videnie je priamo v súlade s každým slovom na tú hodinu. Bol to Achabov čas.

 Brat, sestra, toto je tá hodina a ten čas vyvolávania z Babylonu. Večerné svetlá sú tu. Kráčajte vo svetle, zatiaľ čo tu je svetlo. Všimnite si, veriaci videli to Slovo zamanifestované a verili tomu. Ježiš povedal, „Moje ovce poznajú Môj hlas, Moje Slovo, Moje znamenia na tento vek. A za falošným nepôjdu.“

47No, poďme k nášmu textu, lebo vidím, že odchádzam od témy; chcem to zdôrazniť kvôli tomu modlitebnému radu. Vráťme sa aspoň na chvíľu späť k tomu textu, nad ktorým tu teraz uvažujeme. Nuž, ono sa to vždy stane tak, ako sa to aj vždy stalo, ako zvyčajne.

 Boh poslal Svojho proroka Jána, ako Slovo povedalo a zasľúbilo v Malachiášovi 3, „Hľa, posielam svojho proroka pred Mojou tvárou, aby Mi pripravil cestu.“ Ján bol svedkom tej istej veci. A tiež zisťujeme, že v Izaiášovi 40:3 Izaiáš povedal, „Bude hlas proroka, volajúceho na púšti, 'Pripravte cestu Pánovi.'“ Všetky tieto proroctvá! A pozrite sa, všimnite si, Písmo ho identifikovalo.

 Keď povedali, „Kto si? Si ty ten Mesiáš?“

 On povedal, „Nie som.“

 „Tak si potom Jeremiáš? Alebo jeden z prorokov?“

 On povedal, „Nie som. Ale som hlas volajúceho na púšti, ako povedal prorok Izaiáš.“

 Myslíte, že by tomu takto uverili? Nie veru. Prečo? On neprišiel cez ich cirkev. On nepochádzal z ich… Vidíte, on išiel na púšť vo veku deväť rokov a vrátil sa v tridsiatich. Jeho posolstvo bolo príliš veľké na to, aby prešlo školou teológie; on bol ten, ktorý mal predstaviť Mesiáša. A každý si myslel to alebo tamto. A Boh ho poslal do púšte po smrti jeho otca, Zachariáša. On bol kňazom, ale nikdy nešiel po stopách svojho otca.

 Pretože proroci neprichádzajú takým spôsobom. Prichádzajú z drsných oblastí, z púšte. Nikto nevie, odkiaľ prišli, ako povstali na scénu, alebo nič z ich histórie. Oni sa len zjavia a kážu Slovo a Boh ich vezme a odchádzajú; odsudzujú tú generáciu, posúvajú ju k Jeho Slovu a čakajú na ten veľký deň.

48Cirkev mu neverila, lebo im bol neznámy. Nemali žiaden záznam vo svojich knihách o jeho ordinovaní, a tak ho odmietli. Vidíte, oni neverili Božiemu potvrdenému Slovu, ktoré tam bolo jasne písmeno za písmenom. Vidíte? Malachiáš 3, boli dve miesta Písma, ktoré ho preukazovali, Malachiáš 3 a Izaiáš 40:3. Vidíte, obe tie miesta Písma hovorili o mužovi, ktorý mal prísť a pripraviť cestu Pánovi. On z toho vyplnil každý jeden detail.

 On mal byť prorokom. „Pošlem vám Eliáša.“ A tam bol, otrhaný. Sledujte, ako jeho prirodzenosť išla jedno s tou Eliášovou. Eliáš bol mužom púšte, rovnako ako Ján, žili vonku. Nebol to uhladený muž; bol otrhaný.

 Znovu si všimnite, Eliáš nenávidel ženy; povedal Jezábeli všetko o jej maľovaní a čo vyvádza. Rovnako aj Ján. Jezábeľ sa snažila zabiť Eliáša, prisahala na svojich bohov, že mu zotne hlavu. Tak isto aj Herodiáda.

 Vždy sledujte ich posolstvo, sledujte, čo urobili. No, teraz zisťujeme, že ak by sa pozreli späť a videli, čo hovorí Biblia, a sledovali prirodzenosť človeka a ako dokonale to sedelo s tými časmi v Písme a podobne, mali predsa rozpoznať, že to bol on. Ale asi len pol tucta o tom vedeli. Tak veru. Ani nie viac ako pol tucta. Išli ho počúvať, ale neverili tomu. Prečo? Oni neverili tej identifikácii toho proroctva na ten čas.

49Všimnite si, smiali sa mu, nazývali ho vrieskajúcim, divokým nevzdelaným fanatikom, ktorý nevedel, čo to je škola, „hit, hain‘t, tote, carry, fetch,“ [Br.Branham používa anglické slangové výrazy – pozn.prekl.] a tak ďalej. Ako zvyčajne, posudzovali ho podľa jeho vzdelania. Posudzovali ho podľa jeho gramatiky, podľa toho, ako sa obliekal. Mal okolo seba kus ovčej kože a opasok z ťavej kože. Celý bol chlpatý. Boril sa tam vo vode; žiaden zbor, žiadne plné cirkevné lavice, žiadna spolupráca. Oni to nemohli prijať. Oni oslavovali boha toho sveta. Vidíte?

 Nemám tým teraz na mysli, že nepovstávajú aj nejakí falošní proroci, ako napríklad Jannes a Jambres. Ale spôsob, ktorým to máme robiť, je ten, že to máme skontrolovať s originálnym posolstvom Slova, a až potom to porozumieme; v akom veku sa to nachádza, a čo je prorokované na ten vek.

50Potom bolo Jánove proroctvo potvrdené v Božom vlastnom poriadku. Sledujte, aké dokonalé to bolo. Biblia povedala, „Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokovi.“ A Ježiš bol tým Slovom. A Ján prorokoval o príchode vyplnenia Slova, a Ježiš, ktorý bol Sám Slovom, prišiel ku prorokovi k vode. Ó, aké nádherné! Aké nezlyhávajúce to je… Vidíte? To Slovo bola zriedkavá vec v tom dni. Tu prišiel prorok a povedal, „Ja som hlas Slova.“

 Oni povedali, „Čo musíme urobiť?“

 On povedal, „Nie som hodný rozviazať Mu šnúrky na topánkach. Ale niekde stojí medzi vami Niekto a bude to On, ktorý vás pokrstí Duchom Svätým a ohňom. Vejačka je v Jeho ruke a dôkladne prečistí Svoje humno, plevy spáli neuhasiteľným ohňom, ale zrno zoberie do sýpky.“ Ó, čo za proroka! Ježiš povedal, že zo ženy sa nikdy nenarodil väčší muž, ako bol on, do toho dňa. Ó, aká pochvala! Ako on len vedel, kde stojí! Presne to vedel. Počul to od Boha a bolo to presne v súlade so Slovom. Preto ho nezaujímalo, čo ľudia hovoria. On to jednako kázal a prorokoval o tom. A sledujte, keď sa človek postaví za to, čo je pravda, potom je Boh zaviazaný potvrdiť tú pravdu toho človeka.

51Keď Mojžiš zostúpil dolu do Egypta a povedal, „Bol som tam v púšti a videl som horiaci krík, ktorý nezhorel. Prišiel som ku tomu kru a hneď, ako som to urobil, zostúpil tam veľký Stĺp Ohňa. A hlas povedal, 'JA SOM, KTORÝ SOM.' A povedal mi, aby som vzal túto palicu a zostúpil sem dolu a vykonal všetky tie zázraky a že Boh potvrdí Svoje Slovo.“ On vystrel palicu, prišli vši a muchy, temnota, a tak ďalej. A potom, aby potvrdil toho proroka, priviedol tých veriacich priamo späť na ten vrch a Boh tam zostúpil v tom istom Ohnivom Stĺpe, priamo na tú istú horu, a dokázal, že to bolo pravdivé.

 A pozrite sa teraz, čo robí v tomto dni. Presne tak.

52No, to Slovo prichádza ku prorokovi a potvrdzuje ho, že on je tou pravdivou osobou, práve tým človekom, akým Písmo hovorilo, že bude. Poďme teraz rýchlo. Tak, Ježiš prišiel v inej forme, ako si oni predstavovali podľa svojho ľudského výkladu proroctva. Ľudia si sami vyložili, čo to bude. Istotne. Presbyteriáni si myslia, že by to malo byť podľa nich. Sledujte, akonáhle Boh niečo urobí, len pozerajte, ako všetky ostatné organizácie naraz povstanú. Áno, áno, vždy to tak bolo. Všade sú Jannesovia a Jambresovia. Všimnite si, oni povedali len časť Slova. Ale podľa slov proroka to malo byť všetko do jedného písmena!

53Oni to, ako zvyčajne, minuli. Nazývali ho veštcom, diablom, Belzebubom a hovorili, že On sa Sám robí Bohom, pričom mali podľa vlastnej Biblie vedieť, že On bol Bohom. Všimnite si, o Ňom prorokoval Izaiáš, Izaiáš 9:6, kde sa hovorí, „Jeho Meno bude nazvané Všemohúci Boh, Večný Otec.“ Po Ňom už nebude viac otcov, lebo On bol tým prvým Otcom na počiatku; On je tým jediným Otcom. Povedal, „Nenazývajte žiadneho človeka na tejto zemi 'Otcom' potom, ako príde On.“ On je ten mocný Boh a večný Otec, Radca, Knieža Pokoja. Istotne.

 No, oni Mu urobili presne to, čo všetci tí proroci hovorili, že Mu urobia, a tak isto to robia aj v tomto Laodicejskom veku. Vyhnali Ho z cirkvi. „Slepí, nahí, a nevedia o tom.“ Presne to, čo prorok povedal, prorok z Biblie. Oslepení ľudskými tradíciami, vyhnali to Slovo von zo svojich cirkví, ako zvyčajne, presne tak, ako to bolo o nich prorokované.

54Všimnite si teraz, poďme rýchlo. Neprehliadnite toto. Tu je ten text, ako sa Ježiš dal poznať týmto dvom učeníkom, že On bol ich Mesiáš! Teraz sa všetci pozrite sem. A vonku v tej zemi… Neprehliadnite toto. Snažili sme sa vám povedať, že Biblia je Slovo Božie, napísané Bohom Samým, cez ľudské ústa a ľudské nástroje. Boh Sám môže písať. Boh Sám môže hovoriť. Boh môže robiť čokoľvek chce, ale On si zvolil človeka, aby to robil, lebo tí ľudia, ktorí to písali, sú časťou Boha. Takže Boh napísal Bibliu. Tí ľudia so svojím vlastným rozumom ani nevedeli, o čom píšu. Mohli s tým aj nesúhlasiť, ale jednako to napísali. Nemohli inak. Biblia hovorí, „Ľudia za dávna, tak ako ich tiahol Duch Svätý...“ Boh pohyboval ich rukami, pohyboval ich očami pomocou videní. Nemohli povedať nič iné, len to, na čo sa priamo dívali. Nemohli hovoriť nič iné, lebo On mal plnú kontrolu nad ich jazykom a prstom; každý orgán ich tela bol v plnej nadvláde Božej. Niet divu, že Biblia povedala, že sú bohmi; oni boli časťou Boha. On bol plnosťou Božou.

55Všimnite si, ako Ježiš, Slovo, dal týmto dvom skrúšeným učeníkom vedieť, že On bol ten Mesiáš, Mesiáš zasľúbeného Slova. Všimnite si, čo urobil: Odvolal sa na proroctvo. Všimnite si, „Blázni, pomalí veriť všetkému tomu, čo proroci písali.“ On nikdy nepovedal, „No, čo na to hovorí cirkev?“

 Oni Mu povedali celý príbeh. Vedeli o všetkých udalostiach, ktoré sa stali. Všetci boli smutní. Začínali Mu hovoriť, „Ty si tu cudzinec, alebo naozaj nevieš, čo sa stalo v Jeruzaleme?“

 On povedal, „Čo sa stalo?“ - akoby naozaj nevedel. Vidíte, On niekedy robí veci len pre to, aby videl, čo s tým urobíš. Vidíte? Povedal, „Aké veci? Kto to bol? Čo sa stalo?“

 „Ty si tu cudzinec?“ A to hovorili priamo tomu človeku, ktorý s nimi žil tri a pol roka, a jednako Ho nepoznali.

 „Čo za veci? Čo sa stalo?“

 Nuž, oni povedali, „Ježiš z Nazaretu, ktorý bol prorok. Nie je pochybnosti v našich mysliach, že On bol mocný v slove a skutku pred všetkými ľuďmi. Videli sme Ho robiť veci, ktoré dokazovali, že On bol tým identifikovaným prorokom Božím na tento vek. Vieme to. A verili sme, že On bude ten Vykupiteľ, že On vykúpi Izrael.“

 Potom sa On obrátil a povedal, „Vy blázni, pomalí srdcom veriť všetkému, čo proroci povedali, že sa s Ním stane?“ Sledujte Ho. Teraz sa vráťte k proroctvu. Čo za pokarhanie pre veriacich, ktorí tvrdili, že v Neho veria.

56Všimnite si, ako pristúpil k tej téme. On nikdy neprišiel priamo a nepovedal, „Ja som váš Mesiáš.“ Mohol to tak urobiť, lebo On Ním bol. Ale všimnite si, On sa identifikoval v Slove, aby to potom spoznali. Ak by povedal… Mohol to tak povedať a nebolo by to tak; ale keď prišiel a začal hovoriť o všetkom, čo proroci o Ňom povedali, oni by to vedeli rozpoznať, ak by boli Božie deti. Ale On ich vyzval, aby venovali pozornosť tomu, čo proroci predpovedali, čo bude treba vyhliadať, že čo sa stane v čase Mesiáša, v Jeho veku, kedy bude zamanifestovaný. On, Ján, nechal Slovo, Bibliu, aby identifikovala jeho posolstvo. Každý pravdivý prorok by to tak urobil. Tak veru. On nevyšiel a nepovedal, „Ja som On. Ja som...“ To nie je pravdivý prorok Boží, vidíte. Ale On povedal, „Choďte naspäť do Písma.“ Vidíte, On nikdy nezlyháva v tom spôsobe, ako to robí.

 Oni povedali, „Poznáme Mojžiša.“

 On povedal, „Ak by ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste i Mňa.“ Povedal, „Mojžiš písal o Mne.“ Povedal, „Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, ale sú to práve Písma, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Choďte, hľadajte v Písmach a uvidíte to.“

57On nikdy nemení Svoj spôsob, ako robí veci, nikdy to nezmenil. Nikdy sa nemôže zmeniť, lebo On je nemenný Boh, vidíte. Všimnite si, On sa vrátil priamo k týmto dvom učeníkom, Kleofášovi a jeho priateľovi, na ceste do Emauz a povedal… Odvolával sa pri nich na Písma a povedal, „Prečo ste takí nerozumní a neveríte, že sa vyplní každé Slovo, ktoré proroci napísali ohľadom Mesiáša?“ Ó, čo za deň!

 Ján urobil to isté. „Hľadajte v Písmach, pozrite sa späť, hovorí sa, že príde hlas volajúceho na púšti. Odkiaľ som ja prišiel?“ Už vtedy to malo pre nich byť jasné. Tak veru.

 Aj dnes by to malo byť jasné podľa toho, čo vidíme, že Duch Svätý robí. On raz povedal, „Hľadajte v Písmach.“ A On chce, aby sme to aj my dnes robili.

58Všimnite si, On začal s Mojžišovým proroctvom. Biblia povedala, „On, počnúc s Mojžišom a všetkými prorokmi,“ ale On začal s Mojžišom. „Prorok,“ povedal Mojžiš, „Pán váš Boh vzbudí jedného spomedzi vás, ľudí, spomedzi ľudí. Pán Boh vzbudí proroka.“

 No, On mohol povedať, „Kleofáš a ty, jeho priateľ, či Mojžiš nepovedal, že v týchto dňoch Pán Boh vzbudí proroka? A tento Muž, ktorého tu ukrižovali, či On nespĺňal tieto podmienky? No, Mojžiš o tom prorokoval. A teraz ste nemali proroka stovky a stovky rokov, a potom povstal tento Muž. A kto bol predbehúňom tohto Človeka?“ Nerozumiete tomu? A všetci títo proroci, čo o Ňom povedali na Jeho vek, On ku nim hovoril. Bolo by istotne zaujímavé počúvať Ho. Či by ste Ho aj vy radi počuli? Rád by som Ho počul, čo povedal, že proroci o Ňom hovorili, ale On pri tom nikdy nepovedal, že On Ním je. On im len ukázal proroctvo. Len povedal, „Proroci povedali, že toto sa stane.“ Vidíte?

59Vráťme sa na pár minút a počúvajme slová, ktoré On Sám citoval. Sledujte tu, Samo Slovo cituje Slovo Jeho Samého. Samo Slovo cituje Slovo Jeho Samého. On im nepovedal, že On Ním je, len nechal, nech Slovo hovorí samé za seba, a potom oni uvidia, kým On je. Litera Slova, to citovanie Slova… To Slovo v tele, ktoré citovalo Slovo litery, ktoré bolo plne stotožnené s Ním. Pozrite sa, počúvajme, ako to cituje. Teraz vidíme, že všetci tam boli oboznámení s tým, čo sa tam poslednú dobu udialo, ukrižovanie a príbeh zmŕtvychvstania z hrobu, ako sme to práve čítali. A On sa vráti priamo k Slovu proroctva o Sebe samom. No, len pomyslime na to, že On toto povedal; On povedal viac ako to, ale sledujme.

60Počujeme, ako povedal, „Obráťte sa do Zachariáša 11:12. A nemal byť Mesiáš predaný za tridsať strieborných, podľa proroka? A vy ste práve povedali, že tento muž bol predaný za tridsať strieborných. Obráťme sa ďalej.“ Či rozumiete tým Písmam? Zachariáš 11:12. A potom povedal, „Či ste si nevšimli, čo Dávid povedal v Žalmoch 41:9? Že Jeho vlastní priatelia Ho zradia. A potom v Zacharáišovi 13:7, Jeho vlastní učeníci Ho opustili. A v Žalme 35:11, obvinený falošnými svedkami. Práve ste povedali, že aj to sa stalo. Izaiáš 53:7, bol nemý pred Svojimi žalobcami. Izaiáš 50:6, zbičovali Ho, tak to povedal prorok. Žalm 22, mal plakať na kríži, 'Môj Bože, môj Bože, prečo si Ma opustil?' Či to tak neurobil predvčerom večer? Znovu Žalm 22, 18. verš, Jeho rúcho bolo medzi nich rozdelené. Či to tak neurobili? A Žalm 22:7 až 8, Jeho nepriatelia Ho vysmiali, samotná cirkev. Znovu Žalm 22, nebola v Jeho tele zlomená ani jedna kosť, ale 'prepichli moje ruky a moje nohy,'“ On povedal. Bez pochyby mal v tej chvíli ruky za chrbtom. „Izaiáš 53:12 hovorí, že zomrie medzi zločincami. Izaiáš 53:9 hovorí, že bude pochovaný s bohatými. Žalm 16:10 hovorí, 'Nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle, ani nedovolím, aby Môj svätý videl porušenie.' A či nebol Malachiáš 3 predchodcom tohto človeka?“ Ó, ako rád by som počul, ako im to cituje. Len sa pozrite na tie proroctvá. Všimnite si, všetky tie predobrazy, cez ktoré mohol prechádzať, ohľadom Izaiáša a Genezis 22, ako Boh zatienil Izáka, ako jeho otec Abrahám vzal svojho vlastného syna, vyniesol ho s drevom na kopec a išiel obetovať svojho vlastného syna.

61Až teraz to začalo do nich prenikať. On im povedal, že sú bláznami za to, že nebrali ohľad na proroctvo na ten deň. A teraz im to začalo dochádzať, začali vidieť, že to všetko, čo sa stalo v tých posledných dňoch, sa začalo vypĺňať, za posledné dva alebo tri roky, to potvrdené proroctvo na ten vek. Práve vtedy spoznali, že ich ukrižovaný Priateľ Ježiš vyplnil každé jedno z tých slov. Až vtedy zistili, že ten človek bol skutočne Mesiáš, že On mal vstať z mŕtvych. Hrob Ho nemohol zadržať. „Nedovolím, aby Môj Svätý uvidel porušenie.“ Ani jedno Slovo proroctva nemôže sklamať. A On povstal.

62„Tak predsa mali tí poslovia dnes ráno pri hrobe pravdu. On vstal z mŕtvych. Je nažive. On je tým Mesiášom.“ Prečo? Lebo to nesklamalo. Jeho skutky, Jeho služba a všetko, čo vykonal, bolo potvrdené, že to bolo presne podla slov proroka, ktorý povedal, čo sa v ten deň stane. Tým to bolo vybavené. Vtedy rozpoznali, že to bol On, ich ukrižovaný priateľ Ježiš, ktorý to urobil. Niet divu, že v nich horeli srdcia, ako sa s Ním rozprávali. Kráčali skoro desať kilometrov, ale ubehlo to oveľa rýchlejšie.

63A potom urobili ďalšiu vec. Počuli šesťhodinovú kázeň o tom, ako bolo vyplnené proroctvo. O tom im rozprával, ako išli na ceste. Hneď, ako vyrazili na cestu, On tam pristúpil, lebo bol priamo v Jeruzaleme. O šesť hodín neskôr, dvanásť kilometrov ďalej, išli priamou cestou asi desať kilometrov od Emauz. Tak to bolo. A on kázal a potvrdzoval všetko to proroctvo vyše šesť hodín. Tak mi potom nemajte za zlé, keď to mne trvá len tri, vidíte? Ale všimnite si, oni kázali… Oni počuli šesťhodinovú kázeň o tom, ako bolo proroctvo potvrdené a preukázané.

64Teraz sa blížil čas večera. Viete, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Vtedy im otvoril oči, aby vedeli, že (Židom 13:8) On bol tým istým včera, dnes i naveky. V čase večera, udalosti sú vysvetlené pomocou proroctva. To, čo sa deje v dnešnej dobe, sa dá ľahko identifikovať, ak len uveríte proroctvu na túto hodinu.

 „Áno, vy blázni, pomalí do porozumenia, pomalí veriť (len neustále nad tým premýšľajte) tomu, čo proroci hovorili o Mesiášovi, či sa to všetko nemalo tak stať?“ Ako On splnil presne všetky body a ukázal im, čo prorok povedal, že sa stane. Až potom tomu začali rozumieť. A tak povedal… tváril sa, že bude pokračovať ďalej. Oni mali tohto človeka radi. Povedali, „Niečo si nám dal. Nikdy sme nad tým takto nerozmýšľali. On musí byť niekde nažive.“ Pritom sa s Ním rozprávali a ani o tom nevedeli. Istotne sa na nich smutne pozrel a začal kráčať preč, ale On len čakal, že Ho pozvú naspäť. Presne na to čaká aj dnes večer, čaká, kým Ho ty pozveš.

65A všimnite si, keď Ho tí učeníci pozvali do svojho obecenstva okolo stola, práve vtedy urobil niečo, čo urobil aj pred Svojím ukrižovaním, a ich oči boli otvorené. Oni poznali Jeho spôsoby, Jeho štýl. Vedeli, čo vykonal, a urobil to vtedy rovnako, ako to urobil aj pred tým. A povedali, „To je On!“ A rýchlo vstali, aby to vykríkli, a vtedy On zmizol. A potom, ako si vypočuli tú šesťhodinovú kázeň, možno potom im to trvalo dvadsať minút späť, aby to povedali ostatným, „On teda naozaj vstal. Je skutočne nažive.“

66Priatelia, toto je vyplnenie Malachiáša 4, sv.Lukáša 17, sv.Jána 15, ó, mnohých ďalších, Zjavenie 10, toľko proroctiev, ktoré môžeme priradiť presne k tomuto dňu. A rovnako aj v knihe Marka a Matúša, kde povedal, že tieto veľké znamenia a divy sa objavia na nebi a ľudia to budú nazývať taniermi, lietajúcimi taniermi, ktoré môžu zmiznúť mocou a rýchlosťou myšlienky, inteligencia, ktorá sa vie hýbať vpred. On dokáže písať, dokáže hovoriť, vie robiť čokoľvek chce. Ten veľký Stĺp Ohňa, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A pozoruhodné veci začali prichádzať na zem, pyramídy, dym, ktorý vystupoval do ovzdušia, ďaleko ponad úroveň, kde by mohla byť nejaká vlhkosť, alebo niečo iné, 48 kilometrov vysoko. Bolo to predpovedané rok a pol pred tým, ako sa to stalo, že to presne tak bude. Potom obráťte ten obraz a pozrite sa, kto sa tam dolu pozerá. Ani jedno slovo, ktoré to povedalo, nezlyhalo a tu je Božie napísané Slovo, ktoré potvrdzuje, že to je pravda. A je znovu čas večera. Zaujímalo by ma, či by sa mohol skrze milosť vrátiť dnes večer a urobiť dnes niečo, čo urobil aj tam. Modlime sa a prosme Ho. Udalosti sú vyjasnené pomocou potvrdeného proroctva.

67Všemohúci Bože, pomôž nám. Pomôž nám, drahý Bože, aby sme porozumeli veci, ktoré máme vedieť, aby sme porozumeli Tvoje Slovo. A teraz, Pane, počuli sme teraz kázne z takmer dve tisíc rokov, rukopisy kníh. A v týchto posledných dňoch sa to tu znovu dostalo a už sa blíži čas večera. Metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni a mnohí ostatní počas vekov sa s Tebou rozprávali a možno niekedy počas tohto veľkého dňa, ktorý nemal byť ani nocou ani dňom, ako prorok povedal, ale v čase večera bude svetlo. Ježiš povstal z hrobu a zjavil sa Šimonovi a tým ženám a ukázal im, že je nažive. To bolo to ráno. A potom v čase večera znovu prišiel. Ale vtedy s nimi už kráčal počas dňa a karhal ich za ich slepotu, ale potom v čase večera sa im dal znovu poznať.

68Bože, prídi dnes večer do nášho obecenstva, ktoré máme okolo Slova. Bože, tak málo ľudí tomu dnes verí, ale som vďačný, že stále sú takí, ktorých si povolal a predurčil do večného života. Ty si povedal, „Všetci, ktorých Mi Otec dal, prídu.“ A zatiaľ čo teraz svietia tie večerné svetlá, Pane, doteraz nezlyhalo ani jedno proroctvo z tých stoviek, ktoré tu boli. Potom to naozaj svedčí o tom, že to musíš byť Ty, lebo žiaden človek by nemohol byť tak presný. Presne ako Biblia, žiaden človek by nemohol napísať… V rozmedzí tisíc šesťsto rokov, štyridsať rôznych pisateľov niečo napísalo, a nie je v tom žiadna chyba. Drahý Bože, modlím sa, aby si sa dnes večer zamanifestoval, tak, ako je písané v Židom 13:8, že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A tie skutky, ktoré si činil vtedy, tie isté činíš aj dnes. A Ty si to zasľúbil. Povedal si, „V týchto posledných dňoch, keď svet je na tom tak ako Sodoma a Gomora, samé prevrátenie.“ Keď sa pozrieme na dnešných chlapcov, vyzerajú skoro ako dievčatá, podobne sa obliekajú, potom vidíme dievčatá, že sa správajú ako chlapci, vidíme ženy a mužov v tomto prevrátenom veku, vidíme, ako sa sexuálna vyzývavosť stala predmetom uctievania. Evanjelium bolo odstrčené nabok, je to nahota laodicejskej cirkvi. Ó, Bože, čo za hodina! Prídi, Pane Ježišu, daj sa nám poznať. Lebo o to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene.

69No, zatiaľ čo máte sklonené hlavy a zatvorené oči, niečo sa vás opýtam. Či veríte, že tu Boh je? Či veríte, že tie veci, ktoré dnes činí, sú vyplneným proroctvom? Či veríte, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky? Či veríte, že keď bol tu a zamanifestoval sa v tele na ten deň, a tie skutky, ktoré tu urobil, sa mali znovu zopakovať v tomto dni? Prorok to tak povedal. Biblia tak hovorí. Všetky miesta Písma musia byť vyplnené; nemôže to zlyhať. Ako sa On zidentifikoval? Tým, že bol tým prorokom, o ktorom hovoril Mojžiš. Poznal tajomstvá ľudských sŕdc. Žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha; On sa obrátil a povedal, „Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila.“ Keď k Nemu prišiel Šimon Peter, On poznal Jeho Meno a povedal mu, kto bol a kto bol jeho otec. Ten istý drahý Ježiš nie je mŕtvy, je naveky nažive. Chvála Bohu! A ja verím, že v tomto čase večera nás On znovu zavolal, aby sme boli spolu.

70Ó, Pane Ježišu, prídi medzi nás. Neobchádzaj nás. Prídi, zostaň tu s nami celý večer, až kým neprejde noc, a potom nám pomôž chodiť s Tebou aj zajtra, aby sme Ťa mohli poznať v moci Tvojho vzkriesenia, aby Tvoja láska a milosť mohla byť s nami. Ó, večný Bože, udeľ tieto veci. Vieme, že jedine Boh Sám ich môže udeliť.

 Vo vážnosti tejto hodiny, povedzme toto: Bože, náš Otče, naše telo je pre Teba biednym chrámom. Ale, Pane, nech len Tvoja posväcujúca milosť, Tvoj Svätý Duch, teraz príde. Nech nás očistí od každej pochybnosti, každej frustrácie, každej podozrievavosti a každého skepticizmu, ktorý v nás je, aby sme mohli byť slobodní bez akejkoľvek pochybnosti; aby sme mohli vyjsť a odvážne vyznať ako Peter, „Ty si Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“

71Veríme, že Tvoje Slovo je pravda, Pane. Nech to len uvidíme pred tým, ako začneme tento modlitebný rad, Pane, aby si sa nám Ty dal poznať. A ako si povedal, ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, keď Abrahám, tá vyvolaná skupina čakala na zasľúbeného syna, Lot bol tam dolu a počúval moderného Billyho Grahama a Orala Robertsa, ako kážu tým denominačným organizáciám, ako národ. Ale Abrahám bol pútnik bez akejkoľvek organizácie, mal len malú skupinku, s ktorou sa túlal po zemi, ktorú mal zdediť. „A tichí obdržia zem.“ Jedného dňa, pod tou tieňovou drevinou, keď tam sedeli a odpočívali, Boh prišiel vo forme človeka. Dvaja anjeli zostúpili do Sodomy. A Boh v ľudskom tele dokázal, že On tým bol. Povedal, „Abrahám, kde je tvoja žena Sára?“ Niekoľko dní pred tým bol ešte Abram a ona bola S-a-r-r-a, Sarra, nie Sára, „kňažná.“ A Ty si ju oslovil kňazským menom, dcérou kráľa. Abraháma si oslovil jeho menom, Abrahám, otec národov. A povedal si, „Navštívim ťa.“

72Bože, ako len muselo vyskočiť srdce toho proroka. On vedel, kým si Ty vtedy bol. Niet divu, že Ti umyl nohy, priniesol všetko jedlo, ktoré mal, to najlepšie, čo mal, a predložil to pred Teba. On vedel, že tam bol Boh. Potom On povedal, „Kde je Sára?“ Akoby o tom nevedel.

 A Abrahám Mu povedal, „Je v stane. Je v stane rovno za Tebou.“

 A Ty si povedal, čo sa stane. A ona o tom vo svojom srdci zapochybovala. A potom si povedal Abrahámovi, „Prečo Sára zapochybovala, hovoriac vo svojom srdci, 'Toto sa nemôže stať'? Či je niečo príliš ťažké pre Boha?“

 Ó, Bože! Ježiš, zamanifestovaný Boh Slova, Ty si povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy,“ že v rovnakom stave bude svet tesne pred zničením pohanského sveta, pohanských časov. Práve sme v tom čase, sú to Sodomiti do jadra. A potom si povedal, že Syn človeka, čo sa vždy označuje ako „prorok,“ bude zjavený v tej poslednej hodine. Vyplň Svoje slová, ó, Bože! My, Tvoje veriace deti, čakáme s úprimnými srdcami, aby si nám dal vieru, Pane, aby keď tu budeme mať tento modlitebný rad, aby ľudia mohli veriť. Je čas večera, Otče. Nech sa tie večerné svetlá Syna Božieho (ten, ktorý bol, ktorý je a ktorý príde) zamanifestujú skrze proroctvo, ktoré On urobil. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

73Teraz som pripravený modliť sa za chorých. Ale je to zvláštne, ako keď tu stojíme, a tu stojím a robím výzvu ľuďom, je to vysielané naprieč krajinou, že Boh je stále Bohom. On nemôže zlyhať a to, čo zasľúbil, to aj urobí. On v tom nikdy nezlyhá, lebo On to tak zasľúbil. To je dôvod, prečo môžem vložiť pevnú vieru v to, čo povedal. To je dôvod, prečo sa teším na Jeho príchod, vyzerám Ho, že príde v akýkoľvek čas, lebo povedal, „V tej hodine, kedy sa nenazdáte, kedy sa svet nenazdá,“ potom sa zjaví. No, pokiaľ viem…

 Teraz som tu v modlitebni a sedí tu niekoľko ľudí, ktorých poznám. Brat Wright a ešte niekoľkí ďalší, ktorí tu sedia, tých poznám. Ale je vás tu veľa, ktorých vôbec nepoznám. A nemám ako povedať, že Boh toto dnes urobí. Videli sme, ako to robil posledné roky, ale možno to dnes večer neurobí. Ja neviem. To je na Ňom; On je suverénny. Robí to, čo On chce; nikto Mu nemôže povedať, čo má robiť. On prebýva Sám vo Svojej vôli a Svojich cestách. Ale preto, že to zasľúbil, prosím Ho, aby to urobil. Nie kvôli nám, že to my potrebujeme, ale možno pre nejakých cudzincov, aby mohol byť Duch Svätý pomazaný… to pomazanie na nás. No, bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi ma On pomaže, On musí rovnako pomazať aj vás, aby ste verili.

74No, chcel by som teraz usporiadať modlitebný rad a chcel by som sa modliť za chorých toľko, koľko budem môcť. Čiže môžeme mať buď rad, tak, že zavoláme ľudí a privedieme ich sem, modlitebný rad a budeme sa modliť za každého, kto je chorý. Prídu tu moji bratia kazatelia a položia na vás ruky. Istotne to môžeme urobiť. Alebo môžeme poprosiť nášho Otca, ktorý je Tým jediným, kto pre nás môže čokoľvek urobiť, lebo moje ruky sú len ľudské, rovnako ako aj vaše sú len ľudské. Ale tá vec na tom je, že to nie je tá ľudská ruka, ktorá to robí; je to Slovo Božie. Viera v to Slovo je to, čo to činí. Nie je na tom nič vedecké; je to celkom nevedecké.

 Kresťan nemá vo svojej zbroji žiadnu vedeckú vec. Vedeli ste to? Láska, radosť, pokoj, dlho-zhovievavosť, dobrota, pokora, jemnosť, trpezlivosť, viera, Duch Svätý: všetko to veda nevidí. Ale to je tá jediná vec, ktorá je skutočná a ktorá trvá. Všetko, čo vidíte, prišlo zo zeme a vráti sa späť do zeme. Ale to, čo vaše oko nevidí, ale vidí, že sa to zjavuje, to je svet večnosti.

75Či by ste tomu uverili, ak by sa Boh teraz zamanifestoval a ukázal, že tu je nažive, a že robí to isté, čo robil na začiatku, po tomto posolstve, prijali by ste to ako svoje uzdravenie? Nech to Boh udelí. Prosím teraz každého v tejto budove, bez ohľadu na to, kto ste alebo odkiaľ ste, len vás prosím, aby ste s vážnosťou verili, že toto posolstvo je pravdou. Toto je to posolstvo, ktoré má Boh vo Svojej Biblii na túto hodinu, že Ježiš Kristus je tu dnes večer a je nažive. Ako takmer…

 Všetci vy ľudia ma poznáte; som tu rovno v tom meste, v ktorom som vyrastal. Nemám ani vzdelanie strednej školy. Presne tak. A keďže ma už tak dlho poznáte, dúfam, že som pred vami žil tak, že som ukázal, že som čestný a úprimný. Nie som pokrytec. Dokonca ani moji kritici to nehovoria. Oni len povedia, „Ty nie si pokrytec, ale jednoducho sa mýliš. Ty sa nevedomky mýliš, ani o tom nevieš.“ Nemyslím si, že sa mýlim, a nie som si toho vedomý, lebo Slovo Božie svedčí o mojom posolstve, a ono by vám malo povedať, čo to je. A jasne ma počujete, ako hovorím, že to nie som ja, tak potom to musí byť On. Je to tak? Majte teda vieru v Boha. A pozrite sa takto a verte Bohu. Ak dokážete veriť Bohu, Boh vám to udelí. Ak to dokáže urobiť tak, ako to urobil pred tým, tak je potom stále Bohom. Či tomu veríte?

76Veríte tomu? Sedí tu predo mnou jedna pani, úprimne sa na mňa pozerá so slzami v očiach. Neviem, kto je, nikdy som ju nevidel. Som pre teba cudzinec. Či si myslíš, že Boh pozná tajomstvo tvojho srdca, tvoje túžby alebo tvoj hriech alebo čokoľvek to je? Či si myslíš, že o tom vie? Či si myslíš, že by mi mohol zjaviť, čo je tvoj hriech, čo si vykonala, čo si nemala urobiť, alebo tvoju túžbu alebo čokoľvek to je? Ak by to urobil, či by si nato uverila a uvidela, že to musí byť On? Či by si to prijala, že to je On? Nie je to tvoj hriech, ktorý ťa obťažuje; to si vyznala. Ale ty chceš krst Jeho Duchom Svätým. Prijmeš Ho. Vidím, ako sa to cez ňu pohybuje.

 Aby ste mohli vedieť, že som sa pozeral na tú ženu – ona sa pozerala na mňa – chcem vám ukázať Ducha Svätého. Pozrite sem, na túto ženu, ktorá tu sedí dolu rovno oproti mne. Keď som to povedal, to je to isté, čo ona chce, je to krst Duchom Svätým. Či veríš, že to príjmeš, sestra? Zdvihni teda svoju ruku. Pokiaľ viem, v živote som túto ženu nevidel.

77Pozrite na tohto muža, ktorý tu je so sklonenou hlavou, sedí tu, má zle napravený golier, a tak ďalej. Trpíš problémom žlčníka. Či veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Zodvihni ruku, ak to prijmeš. V poriadku, Boh ti udelí tvoju žiadosť.

 Tento mladý muž, ktorý tu sedí, chce krst Duchom Svätým. Či veríš, že Boh ti to dá, pane, s tou bielou kravatou, ktorá ti tam visí? Boh ti to udelí.

 Tento muž sa tu modlí za svoju ženu. Je v nejakej inštitúcii. Či veríš, že Boh ju uzdraví a spôsobí, aby bola zdravá? Či tomu veríš? Môžeš to mať.

 Ty s rukou na hrdle, či veríš, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť z toho žalúdočného problému, ktorý máš? Teraz tam sedíš a trpíš. Je to tak? Či veríš, že On ťa uzdraví? Potom to môžeš mať. Amen.

78Vidíte, On je ten istý dnes, včera, dnes i naveky. Opýtajte sa tých ľudí, zistíte, či ich poznám. Ja nie, ale On áno. Amen. Vidíte to Svetlo na tamtej strane steny, ktoré tam visí priamo nad tým mužom, ktorý tam sedí. On trpí poruchou chrbtice, je to chrbát. Nie je odtiaľto; je z Georgie. Pán Duncan, či veríš z celého svojho srdca, že Boh ťa uzdraví z tej ťažkosti chrbta? Veríš tomu z celého svojho srdca? Nech ťa Boh žehná.

 Tu je človek, ktorý tu vzadu sedí a má problém s chrbtom, pozerá sa teraz na mňa. Ja ho nepoznám, ale je to pán Thompson. Veríš tomu? Postav sa, pane, ty tam vzadu. Ja som pre teba cudzinec. Tak veru. Ale ty tam sedíš a modlíš sa. Ten problém s chrbtom je teraz uzdravený. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

79„V čase večera bude svetlo.“ Či to nevidíte, On je tu dnes večer. On je ten veľký JA SOM. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Či tomu veríte? Či ste spokojní a presvedčení, že toto je Ježiš Kristus, ktorý sa dáva poznať a identifikuje sa v proroctve?

 Neobávaj sa o to oko; Boh uzdravuje chorých a postihnutých.

 Koľko ľudí… Koľko je tu chorých ľudí? Nech vidím vaše ruky. Vyzerá, že tu je trochu frmol. Máte tu niekto modlitebné karty? Neviem, ako by som vás tadiaľto dostal. Chcem sa za vás pomodliť, ale neviem, ako to urobiť. Vidíte… Pozrite sa na tú stenu; ako ich sem dostanem? Ak sa jedna ulička zaplní, druhá je zablokovaná a každý len stojí.

80Počúvajte. Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v Mene Pánovom, čo by sa nakoniec nestalo? Je to tak? Všetko bola vždy pravda. Nikdy v živote som od vás nepýtal ani cent, je tak? Ani jeden raz. V živote som neprijal obeť. Nie som tu pre peniaze. Nie som tu, aby som vás zviedol. Som tu, aby som manifestoval Božie Slovo na túto hodinu. Povedal som vám pravdu a Boh svedčil o tom, že to je pravda. Teraz vám hovorím, „Tak hovorí Písmo,“ že ak veriaci zloží svoje ruky na chorého, Ježiš povedal, „On bude uzdravený.“ Či tomu veríte? A tak v prítomnosti Božej, či neveríte, že On to urobí práve teraz?

81Položte teraz ruky jeden na druhého a chvíľu ich tak držte. Nemodlite sa teraz; len položte ruky jeden na druhého. Tam vonku na zemi… A ja sám vzkladám ruky na tieto vreckovky. Chcem, aby ste sa na mňa na chvíľu pozreli. Čo nechal Boh neurobené? Pozrite, ako… čo za Slovo sme to čítali, tie proroctvá, ktoré boli povedané, že Ježiš sa zidentifikoval skrze prorokov. Pozrite sa teraz na tú hodinu a tieto posledné tri týždne, kde sme si vyjasnili to, v akej hodine žijeme. Pozrite sa na to, čo sme čítali: čo potom všetci tí falošní proroci a aj znamenia, ktoré by takmer zviedli aj vyvolených; ako bolo Slovo zamanifestované, ako boh tohto veku zaslepil srdcia ľudí; a ako Sám Boh povedal skrze Svoje proroctvá, že tieto veci sa udejú v laodicejskom veku. Nezostáva nič neurobené. Boh je tu, ten istý Boh, ktorý hovoril k tým ľuďom na ceste do Emauz, ktorý sa zidentifikoval skrze proroctvá, ktoré boli o Ňom predpovedané; On je tu dnes večer a identifikuje Svoju prítomnosť skrze proroctvá, ktoré boli predpovedané pre tento vek. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Môžete tomu veriť? Tak položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Nemodlite sa sami za seba, ale svojím vlastným spôsobom sa modlite za tú osobu, na ktorej máte ruky, lebo ona sa modlí za vás. Pozrite sa a nepochybujte.

82Ak by ste len mohli rozumieť, na čo hľadím! A viete, že ako tu stojím, nikdy by som vám neklamal. Ak by ste len mohli vidieť, a ak by vaša viera mohla potiahnuť toho veľkého Ducha Svätého, ktorý sa vznášal vo vetre, ktorého odfotila veda, a videli sme, ako sa pohybuje cez túto budovu a hľadá miesto, kde by mohol pristáť, hľadá miesto ukotvenia. Len tomu ver, môj brat. On to už identifikoval skrze Písmo, a tak ďalej, že to je pravda. Teraz sa modli s úprimnosťou za tú osobu, na ktorej máš ruku, ona sa zas modlí za teba.

83Drahý Ježiš z Nazaretu, zatiaľ čo sme pri vedomí, Pane, sme tu len skrze Tvoje Slovo, podľa toho zasľúbenia, že Ty si tu: „Kdekoľvek sa dvaja alebo traja zhromaždia v Mojom Mene, Ja budem v ich strede. A tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria; ak budú klásť ruky na chorých, budú sa mať dobre.“ Cez toto telefónne vysielanie, nech ten veľký Duch Svätý vstúpi do každého zhromaždenia. Nech to isté sväté Svetlo, na ktoré hľadíme tu v zbore, padne na každého jedného a nech sú v tejto chvíli uzdravení. Karháme nepriateľa, diabla, v prítomnosti Krista; hovoríme nepriateľovi, že je porazený skrze utrpenie, ktoré bolo znesené za nás, smrť Pána Ježiša a triumf vzkriesenia na tretí deň. A On očividne dokázal, že je dnes večer tu medzi nami, je nažive po tisíc deväťsto rokoch. Nech Duch živého Boha naplní každé srdce vierou a mocou a uzdravovacou cnosťou zo vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista, ktorý sa teraz zidentifikoval týmto veľkým Svetlom, ktoré krúžilo nad cirkvou v Jeho prítomnosti. V Mene Ježiša Krista, udeľ to na slávu Božiu.

 Nech tieto vreckovky, za ktoré sme sa modlili, idú ku chorým a postihnutým, ku ktorým to aj má ísť. Nech sa ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý tu teraz je, zidentifikuje s každým pacientom, na ktorého budú tieto vreckovky položené. Nech prítomnosť Božia tak naplní ich srdce s vierou, až je choroba ich tela uzdravená. Prosíme o to pre slávu Božiu v prítomnosti Ježiša Krista a v Mene Ježiša Krista, prosíme o to ako služobníci Ježiša Krista. Amen.

84Teraz zo svojich sŕdc… Je mi jedno, čo s vami nebolo v poriadku, môžete z celého srdca vyznať, že Slovo Božie vám udelilo vašu žiadosť? Verím, že každá ruka, pokiaľ vidím, išla hore. Len ak tomu veríte! No, pamätajte na to, je to dokonané!

 Vy, ktorí ste pripojení cez telefónnu linku, ak ste uverili z celého svojho srdca, ako na vás kazatelia kladú ruky a vaši milovaní na vás kladú ruky, ak z celého srdca veríte, že to je dokonané, tak to je dokonané. Ten veľký Duch Svätý, On je dnes večer tu v tejto modlitebni. Videl som Ho ponad ľuďmi, ako sa ukázal tu na tejto strane steny a zostúpil na človeka a potom vyšiel hore cez budovu a dal na známosť tajomstvá sŕdc, tá identifikácia Jeho prítomnosti, aby ukázal, že je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On je v našom strede. On je Boh, nikdy-nezlyhávajúci Boh. 

85A či v nás nehoreli naše srdcia, a či nehoria aj teraz, keď vieme, že sme v prítomnosti vzkrieseného Ježiša Krista, ktorému patrí sláva a chvála na veky vekov; ktorý je vyjadreným obrazom Všemocného Jehovu; ktorý zostúpil v Ohnivom Stĺpe a v horiacom kre, aby upútal pozornosť proroka; ktorý zostúpil na horu a ktokoľvek sa ho dotkol, bol zabitý, okrem Mojžiša a Jozuu. Ako to bolo, keď viedol synov Izraelových cez púšť, počas ich cesty, ako predobraz vyvolaných ľudí dnes. Tu je, skrze vedecký výskum, dokonca sa stotožnil aj pred vedou. A skrze Svoje vlastné skutky a skrze Svoje vlastné proroctvo, tie veci, ktoré boli o Ňom prorokované, že bude robiť v tomto dni, aby bol ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, všetko to bolo dokonale potvrdené. Či to nestačí, aby v nás horeli naše srdcia? Nech vás Boh žehná.

86Teraz v jednej mysli, postavme sa a povedzme [Zhromaždenie opakuje po bratovi Branhamovi – pozn.prekl.], prijímam teraz Ježiša Krista ako Spasiteľa a Uzdraviteľa. A skrze Jeho milosť, od tejto chvíle, ó, Bože, nech žiadna nevera nevstúpi do môjho srdca, lebo som uvidel, ako bolo proroctvo na tento deň vyplnené. Verím, že Ježiš Kristus je nažive a potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo na túto hodinu. Tie proroctvá, ktoré boli o Ňom napísané, boli teraz vyplnené v našom strede. On je mojím Spasiteľom, mojím Bohom, mojím Kráľom, mojím všetko vo všetkom.

87Drahý Bože, vypočuj naše svedectvo. A dávaj nám ten Chlieb života deň za dňom. A prinášame Ti chválu, ó, Bože, z hĺbky našich sŕdc. Chválime Ťa, Toho mocného, Boha prorokov. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

 Ó, čo za chvíľa, čo za čas!

 ….len ver;

 Len ver, len ver,

 všetko je možné, len ver.

 Spievajme to takto:

 Teraz verím, ó, teraz verím,

 Všetko je možné, teraz verím;

 Teraz verím, ó, teraz verím,

 Všetko je možné, teraz verím.

 Či to je tvoje svedectvo? Teraz, ako skloníme svoje hlavy:

 Až sa zídeme zas! Až sa zídeme zas!

 Až sa zídeme zas pri Ježišových nohách;

 Až sa zídeme zas! Až sa zídeme zas!

 Boh buď s vami, až sa zídeme zas!

 [Brat Branham hmká „Až sa zídeme zas!“ - pozn.prekl.]

 … pri Ježišových nohách;

 Až sa zídeme zas! Až sa zídeme zas!

 Boh buď s vami, až sa zídeme zas!

88Ako máme sklonené svoje hlavy, brat Vayle tu stojí, aby nás rozpustil v modlitbe. Brat Lee Vayle, on tu je pisateľom pre túto modlitebňu, píše literatúru a knihy, a tak ďalej. Veľmi vzácny brat, bol so mnou na mnohých kampaniach. Želal by som si, aby som mohol dať každému kazateľovi, ktorý tu je, šancu s ním hovoriť. Som si istý, že rozumiete. Sme radi za každého jedného kazateľa, ktorého tu máme. Všetci laici, ľudia z rôznych zborov a podobne, sme radi, že tu ste. A je to skutočne našou vzájomnou modlitbou, aby bol Boh s vami, až sa zídeme zas. Ako máme sklonené svoje hlavy a zodvihnuté svoje ruky, spievajme to príjemne Bohu.

 Až sa zídeme zas! Až sa zídeme zas!

 Až sa zídeme zas pri Ježišových nohách!

 Až sa zídeme zas! Až sa zídeme zas!

 Boh buď s vami, až sa zídeme zas!

1 Let us bow our heads now for prayer. Our Lord God, great Creator of Heavens and earth, Who brought again Jesus from the dead, and alive with us for these two thousand years, ever living to confirm His Word and make It true to each generation. We are so thankful for His Divine Presence just now, knowing this, that we have this great assurance, that after this life is over, we have Life Eternal in the world that is to come. Thank You, for this, Lord. And that hope, a anchor to the soul, that's steadfast and sure in time of storm. And when the storms come, the great waves a-rolling, we feel that by faith in Him we can caress every wave.

2God, help us tonight as we come to minister to the sick and the needy. We pray, God, that there will not be a sick person among us when we leave tonight. May every person be healed by Thy Divine Power, both here and across the nation, of the hookup, may there not be a feeble person go out of any building or any gathering tonight. May Your Spirit heal them. Let the great Sun of righteousness, with healing in His wings, rise, send forth the rays of faith in every heart as they listen to the Word, see the manifestations of the Holy Spirit convincing them that He is still alive. We pray these blessings, Father, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

You may be seated.

3 We certainly deem this a grand privilege to be here tonight, again, to--to speak to the people and pray for the sick. We want to greet all those who are out in the land of the--the telephone connections across the nation, again tonight. And so we pray that God will bless each one of you, trusting that all that accepted Christ this morning will be filled with the Holy Ghost and ever live faithful and true to Him until life is over here on earth, this mortal life. And then they, by doing that, they have Eternal Life. They will never die in the age that is to come, to the great Age that we all look forward to.

4 Now we're going to say, while I'm thinking of it, not to interrupt. Brother Vayle is here, and I might not get to see him. I'll... Can I send that manuscript on to you when I get back to Tucson? I'm looking it over, haven't got it all read yet, and I'll send it back to you as soon as I get to Tucson.

5Now I am wanting to make an announcement. This is especially to the churches everywhere, especially in the West, or anywhere that wants to come. Our noble brother, Brother Pearry Green, with the... It's a man that's instigator of this hookup of this telephone here. The Lord has been putting it upon his heart to come visit us at Tucson, and start a revival at Tucson, which we really need. And Brother Pearry will be in Tucson. If you want to contact him, just get a hold of our office there. It'll be August the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th. He's had it upon his heart for a long time, and I told him there's "only way get it off your heart, go do it." And he's a Christian brother, a real servant of God. And you people, in Tucson, I know will be blessed as he ministers there somewhere, perhaps at the Ramada Inn or wherever the Lord provides a place, he hasn't got it on here. But I know you'll be blessed by coming, hearing Brother Green as he expounds to us the Word of God, perhaps praying for the sick, or whatever it lays in the duty of God's anointing to do.

6 We also want to thank Brother Orman Neville, Brother Mann, for this wonderful time of fellowship with them. How I'm very grateful to have, be associated with such man as Brother Neville, Brother Mann, and all these other ministers around here. I suppose they been recognized. If you haven't, by our board and our church here, I'm sure that God recognizes you here as His servants. May the Lord ever bless you.

7 Now, I was asked a little something here, on a little note was given me, to... They had a trustee meeting the other night here, on the board of trustees and deacons, and I think the minutes were read this morning before the church. Which, that's custom for us to do that. In the decisions that was made by the board of trustees and deacons here in the church, of course, it can't please everyone. We cannot do that. I have not one thing to do with the trustee board or the deacon board. I have not even a vote unless there's a tie, and I have to be here to do it then, Brother Orman Neville takes that second vote. Then we have to sign these, because we're part of the church. But what the trustee board and them boards' decision they make, we certainly stand behind them one hundred percent, 'cause that's what they're here for. And their decisions is between them and God. I cannot, cannot and would not, by any means, contrary that decision. And another thing, I am forbidden by the United States Government to make any decision concerning that, so please don't ask me to correct their decisions. I cannot do it, and I will not hear nothing about it. See? So don't ask me to correct their decisions. You see the board, that's the one that made the decisions. All right.

8 Now in the event of a coming meeting, it is possible, if the Lord willing, I'll be coming back here in about four to six weeks, or something like that, for maybe another Sunday's meeting. And I announced this morning I wanted to speak on God Manifested In His Word, and I just won't have time tonight, and, frankly, I haven't hardly got enough voice to do it. And then the crowd, there is almost as many on the outside as there is on the inside, and, perhaps more, counting those buses and trucks and things that's sitting out there with the people. Turned on, the little broadcast has stepped up a little, we can hear it. This little wave, short wave from the tabernacle, we can pick that up a city block away. And some of the cars are several city blocks away, the lines of car, up and down, and around and through the streets, around the tabernacle tonight. I don't believe at anytime, visibly, we've ever had more people jammed in and around the church than we have tonight. So we are... And many, many, many are just driving up and driving away.

9So it goes to show, "Where the Carcase is, the eagles will gather."And may I say to you tonight, in this little group of people, it's a international gathering. Practically over two thirds of the states of the union is represented here, besides five foreign nations, even to Russia, and all over the different parts of the country. Way down into Venezuela, out into Jamaica, all over the different parts of the nation, people are here, hungering and thirsting for God. What a marvelous time!

10 Now I want, before reading the Bible, and will you pray for me now. I--I'm going to try to bring a little Message, the Lord willing, on the appropriation of Divine healing. For, this morning we talked on salvation. And tonight we're going to speak a few minutes on Divine healing, and then call the prayer line and pray for the people. While we're doing this, out on the hookups, wherever you are, even out in the buses and cars around, within a block or two of the tabernacle; when it comes time to pray for the sick, if you can't get into the building... Which, you cannot, I'm sure now, 'cause doorways everywhere is jammed tight, past, and no room nowhere, so you pray and lay your hands on one another out there. And let each minister who is hooked in tonight, also pray for his congregation while the healing services are going on. We believe that God is omnipresent, everywhere. Now before we read or...

11 Before we--we pray, we want to read some of God's Word. And I changed my--my Scriptures a while ago, because wanting to change the type of meeting that I had set in my mind for tonight, so I have changed it a little bit; and so I had to change my Scriptures, not change them, but set them in another order, of Divine healing, so that--that people would understand.

Let's turn to Saint Luke, the 24th chapter. And we will begin at the 12th verse of the 24th chapter, and read down to about 34. It's on the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.

Then Peter, arose Peter, and ran to the sepulchre; and stooping down, and he beheld the linen clothes... wondering in himself at that which was come to pass.

And, behold, two of them went the same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.

Now, it takes ten furlongs to make a--to make a mile, so it was about six miles.

And as they talked together of... these things which had happened.

... it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.

But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.

And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as you walk, and are sad?

And the one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered saying unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and has not thou known these things which are come to pass... in these days?

And he said unto them, What things?

11a Now remember, this is Jesus Himself, risen, talking.

And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and in word before God and all the people:

... how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to the... to be--to be condemned to death, and have crucified him.

But we trusted that he had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and besides all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.

Yea, and certain women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre;

And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said... he was alive.

And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: but him they saw not.

11b Listen now; Jesus.

Then said he unto them, O fools,... slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:

Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to entered into his glory?

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them all, in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

And they drew nigh unto the village, where they went: and he made as though he would have gone further.

But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is towards evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them.

And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and give it to them.

And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sights.

And they said one to the other, Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and when they were with them,

Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared unto Simon.

And they told what things were done in the way, and how that he was known to them by breaking of bread.

12 Now let us pray. Dear gracious Father, we thank Thee for Thy Word, for Thy Word is Truth, Thy Word is Life. And Thou, O Lord, and Thy Word are One. So we pray tonight, Lord, that You will come among us in the power of Your resurrection and will show forth to us tonight, like those that came from Emmaus, that we too would return to our homes, saying, "Did not our hearts burn within us?" Grant it, Lord, it's towards evening time again. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

13 Now I want to speak concerning this Bible. And my subject tonight, for the topic, is: Events Made Clear By Prophecy. Events Made Clear By Prophecy.

14Now, the Bible is a different Book from all other sacred books. The Bible is a different Book. It is a Book of prophecy, foretelling future events. And It's also the Revelation of Jesus Christ. All the way from Genesis to Revelation, brings Him out in His fullness, what He was and is. And the whole complete Book, Revelations 1:1 to 3, said the Book is a Book of "The Revelation of Jesus Christ," which is the Word of God. "The Revelation of Jesus Christ," the Word of God!

15 Now, all other books, sacred books, is only a code of ethics, a code of morals, or a code of theology. Something that... How many ever read the Koran, the Mohammedan Bible, and--and the book of on Buddhists, and so forth? It's just a code of ethics, what people should live, how they should live, but it doesn't prophesy, doesn't say anything about these things or about any special gifts being given to anybody, anything to take place. Just like joining a lodge or something. Therefore, when churches come to the place that they make their church just a lodge to join, then they're plumb off the Word of God.

16 For the Bible is a living, foretold witness of Jesus Christ. And as the earth has growed into its fullness, and also vines grow into their fullness, the day grows into its fullness, the Bible was manifested in Its fullness in the Person of Jesus Christ. He was the Word of God revealed, the whole complete Book of Redemption. The Bible is God's Word, forthtelling the future events. Its believers is commanded by Its Author to read and believe every Word of It, not just part of It. One Word, to disbelieve It, you might as well quit trying until you believe that Word. Every Word is absolutely a part of Almighty God; God made manifest, wound into His Word, to show forth Who He is. We are commanded, as believers, to believe every Word of It. And It's wrote by the Author of God Himself. There is nobody can add anything to It or take anything from It. If you would, it would be a freak body of God. It would have, maybe like six fingers on one hand, or--or three arms, or something, to add something, to take something away from it and be one arm short, one finger short. It's the complete Body of Jesus Christ. And in Christ, being the Male, the Groom, the Bride is represented in Him also. And these two are One. "At that day you'll know that I am in the Father, the Father in Me, I in you and you in Me." What a complete picture!

17And the true believers in this Word, who accept It that way, believe It, and with patience wait for Its prophesied promises, every one of them to be manifested in its age. Every believer has watched for it. Every believer that's been on the toes, watching, is the one that's been revealed to.

18 Now look in the days of the coming of the Lord Jesus. Why didn't those people recognize John, when the Bible plainly said by Isaiah, "There will be a voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord'"? Their last prophet they had, which is Malachi 3, said, "Behold, I send My messenger before My face to prepare the way." Why didn't they see it? Because they was looking upon something that had been done, basing their thoughts upon some message that had went forth beforehand, and failed to see the present manifestation of God in the day they were living.

19And Christians, everywhere, that's exactly where the world stands tonight. Without contradiction, that's the truth! Christians, everywhere, are trying to look back to some code of ethics that Mr. Luther wrote, or Mr. Wesley, Sankey, Finney, Knox, Calvin; which, none of us can speak evil of, but that was in a day past.

20 The Pharisees looked back to see what Moses said, and they said, "We have Moses. We don't know whence Thou comest."

21But remember, when Moses here, they didn't know whence he cometh. See? And now they... No wonder Jesus said to them, "You garnish the tombs of the prophets, and you are the one that put them in there." After their Message is gone! A Message goes through, the people see It, they make fun of It (the world does). And then after the messenger is finished and the Message is done, then they build a denomination upon the Message. And there they die, right there, never come to Life again.

22 Look just a moment, to some of you people, and especially I speak to you Catholic people. Do you realize, have you ever read the actual history, the history of the Roman Catholic church? How that on your martyrology, since Saint Augustine of Hippo, how many million innocent people that the church put to death! I forget, can't call the exact number, but it's up in the millions, since Saint Hippo of... Saint Augustine of Hip-... of Hippo, Africa, made it a declaration that it was absolutely the will of God to put anybody to death that protests the Roman Catholic church. Do you realize that in that, that Saint Patrick was never recognized till after his death, as a Roman Catholic? He protested the pope and all of his doings, and the Catholic church itself killed tens of thousands of his children. Did you know that the Catholic church burnt Joan of Arc, that little sainted woman, to the stake, for be-... said she was a witch. Two hundred years later, dug up the bodies of the priests, when they found out it was wrong, and cast them into the sea, without burying them in the sacred ground, to do penance.

Don't let the day pass over your head, and be foolish.

23 How them priests would like, tonight, to come forth, that condemned Jesus. The only thing, they never seen the prediction of that hour. If they... Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think," or, rather, "claim that you have Eternal Life, and the Scriptures is what tell you Who I am," for that hour.

24Notice, the Bible cannot fail. It's one thing It cannot do, the Word of God, fail, for It foretells Its Author's acts before He does it.

25 Now, there's one chance out of a thousand that a man might make a prediction that something another is going to happen, and it would happen. But then if he places where it's going to happen, that cuts him down to maybe one chance out of a ten thousand. If he says the day it's going to happen, that cuts it down, one chance out of about a million. And who it's going to happen to, that brings it down to billions of chances.

26But this Bible tells you exactly who, when, where, and what to look for, and never has failed one time. Therefore, in a little discussion not long ago, with a priest of the Sacred Heart church up here; he said, "Mr. Branham, you're trying to argue a Bible." Said, "That's the history of the church."

I said, "It's not a history. It's God, Himself, in print."

He said, "God is in His church."

27I said, "God is in the Word. And anything contrary to It, let it be a lie. For He said, 'Let My Word be true and every man's word a lie.'"

He said, "We're not to argue."

28I said, "I never asked you to argue, but the Bible does say, 'Come, let us reason together.'"

29 It foretells the Author's doings before He does it. Therefore, telling that, then that puts every man and woman, at the Judgment Bar, without any excuse. If you take what the Methodist say about It, what the Baptist say about It, what the Catholic says, what the Pentecostal says, or any other church, you might find some disappointments at the Judgment. But if you'll just watch what the Bible says is going to happen, and when it happens, then you'll recognize what happens.

30Now, it isn't right out in plain view that all people can see it, for Jesus thanked God for hiding it from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and would reveal it to babes such as would learn. Think of Almighty God sitting in His Own Word, with power to blind the rich and impudent and--and educated scholars, blind their eyes so they can't see Him, and open the eyes of the poor and illiterate.

31 Notice these people from Emmaus, He said their--their understanding of Him was withheld. They talked to Him and didn't even know Who it was, all day long. God can do that, for He's God.

32That's exactly what He done to those priests, those scribes, because It was written that He had to do that. God blinded their eyes so we would have a chance. Notice, they couldn't see, no matter how much scholars, how much priests they was, what they had done, they still could not see It, because they were blind. Their sight might been twenty-twenty, physically. But their spiritual sight!

33 The same thing I was trying to say this morning about the adultery of women, dressing the way they do now. They are adulterers. In God's Book they are guilty of adultery every time they put on sexy-looking clothes. Their soul, not knowing it. I believe them women, many of them, thousands of them, are innocent, and would by no means commit adultery. And the poor women, with somebody who will let them get by with it, without exposing it and tell the truth, commit adultery. Which, the Bible said, "The whore that set upon many waters, that all the kings of the earth and the peoples of the earth, the churches and so forth, committed spiritual fornications with her. And she was THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS," denominations.

34 We watch the Bible, for God doesn't leave us in darkness. He sent the Bible to foretell us the events before they happened, and the very nature and time they would come.

35Now, it's something like looking on a calendar to see what date it is. If you think, say that this is this Saturday, Sunday, what is it? Look on the calendar. The calendar will tell you what day it is. When you see the actions of the people, maybe going to church, you see the--the... hear the bells ringing, you wonder what day it is. Look on the calendar, it'll tell you what day it is.

36 And when you see the church getting worldly, like it was in the days of Sodom, see the church world all going into the... worship "the god of this evil age," and seeing that; then seeing a little minority group gathered out under the inspiration of God, producing again the Life of Jesus Christ, by the Scriptures that's supposed to happen, you know what hour you're living in.

37This Bible foretells, by prophecy, what day that we're living, and what time we're living, and what kind of a events ought to be taking place. It foretells it exactly to the letter, and has never missed one age, all the time. Not one time had It ever missed, and It won't, for who are predestinated to see it will see it. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him, and all that the Father has given Me will come." It's the Word joining with the Word. It can't do nothing else. We know it, the day we're living in.

38 But as it has been in every age, people let man put their own interpretation to this Word, and causes them to be blinded to the event that's happened. Same thing it done with the Pharisees and Sadducees. Even when Paul stood there and tried to quote the Scripture, and one man smote him in the face because he called the high priest a whited wall. And then they missed seeing God confirm His prophesied Word.

39 See, the Bible doesn't contradict Itself; the Bible is God. There's no contradiction in God; He's perfect.

40But the people, with their own interpretation! Now notice, let me show you, friends. The churches cannot agree themself on the 'terpretation of It. The Methodist can't agree with the Baptist, the Baptist the Presbyterian, the Presbyterian the Pentecostals. And with about forty different organizations of Pentecost, they can't agree with one another. So you see, that would be Babylon again, confusing.

41But God does His Own interpreting of His Word. He promised this thing, and then does it Himself. He gives, Himself, the interpretation of it, because He makes Hisself known in that hour. How far the--the Body of Christ is advanced, from the feet to the head!

42 Notice, then that's the reason that these people fail to get it, because they listen to what somebody else says about It, instead of reading the Word like Jesus told them to do, "And They are They that testify of Me. Search the Scriptures, in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me." In other words, listen, "What? Read the Scriptures and see what the Messiah was supposed to do. See what time the Messiah was supposed to come. Look who was going to forerun the Messiah. Look at the hour. There's to be a voice of one crying in the wilderness, John. And you done to him exactly what you listed. Look what I was supposed to do when I come. And now what have you done? Have I failed to meet This?" See, Jesus speaking, "Have I failed to meet This?"

43 Notice, as we come on down through the Scriptures this afternoon, how that everything that was prophesied of Him happened just exactly the way it was supposed to. They should have knowed this event. "This fanatic, young fellow raised up, about thirty-three years old and... or thirty years old, and went down there and claimed all kinds of Lights, and Doves ascending. And, why, it was just a--a disgrace." They said, "He was born with illegitimate parents, claimed He was born of a virgin birth."

44Ought they not to knowed that Isaiah said, in Isaiah 9:6, "Unto us a child is born"? Ought not they to know also that the prophet Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive"? They ought to have knowed these things. But, you see, the thing of it was, they were applying it somewhere way ahead. And this Man, to them, didn't meet the specification. But He asked them, "Search the Scriptures, for you think in Them that you have Eternal Life, and They are the very thing that's testifying to My Message." Not what some theologian said; but what God, His Own Word, said would take place! Amen!

45So is it now! Search the Scriptures, for They are the One that tells us the hour we're living in, tells us exactly what will take place in this day. They are the Ones that you should rely upon, for They are the One that testifies of the Person of Jesus Christ. For the Bible said, that, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever," 'cause He's the revelation of the Word in the age. Can't be no different.

46 Therefore by listening to man's interpretation, they see the confirmation of God's Word fulfilled, they fail to see It. Because, it's going on all the time, but because they listen... And Jesus said, "They're blind leaders." And if the blind leads the blind, what happens to them? Now remember, the Bible predicted that this ecclesiastical age of this Laodicean Age was blind. They had Him outside the church. There is not another age, another church age, that Jesus was on the outside. But the Laodicea church age, He was on the outside, trying to get back in, "I stand at the door and knock." He's supposed to be inside. But He said, "Because you say, 'I'm rich, increased in goods, have need of nothing,' and don't know, don't know that you are blind, leading the blind, poor in spirit, wretched, miserable, naked, and don't know it." What a con-... If a man was naked on the street, miserable, blind, and knew he had sense enough that you could tell him he was naked, he'd try to do something about it. But when he shakes his head, say, "I won't have It. Who are you to tell me what to do? I know where I'm standing." Now, if that ain't a pitiful shape, I don't know. And that's exactly what the God of this Bible said that the church would be in, in this evil age right now, in the last church age where we're living.

47Notice, but to the peoples, "As many as I love, I rebuke." Now, if you're rebuked of the Lord, of what you're doing, come out of it then! Get away from it. "As many as I love, I rebuke."

48 Now, seeing God, now, what if those Pharisees would said, "Wait a minute. That Man has give us quite a challenge, He said, 'Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life; They testify of Me.' It's better that I look back in the Scriptures and find out what He's supposed to do, Who He is, what's supposed to take place. I should look back and find out"? Instead of that, they went to the priests and asked them, "What about It?" See the difference? They should have been reading the Word.

49 In Hebrews 1:1, the Bible said, "God, in sundry times," that's, "old times and in divers manners wrote the Bible by the prophets." Now notice, He wrote the Bible by His Own chosen way. See? Now, He didn't have to write It that way, neither did He have to save man by Blood. He didn't have to preach the Gospel by man; He could let the sun or the moon or the stars preach the Gospel, He could let the winds hum the Gospel. But He chose man! And He chose the way His Word came, and that was by His prophets which were predestinated and foreordained, being a part of God's Word, declaring the revelation of His Word to that age and that time. "For the Word of God came to the prophets only." Never does It come to a theologian. Show me the Scripture. It comes only to prophets. God cannot lie. So God wrote the Bible by His chosen method, and His Own chosen prophets; not the prophets man had chose, but the prophets God had chose.

50 Then Its believers watch for the fulfillment of what their prophet said, and that's identification that they are God's prophets. Because, first, they're inspired. Next, they stay exactly with the Word of the hour. Then that's his credentials. See, we went through that last Sunday. Many false prophets will rise. And we give the illustrations of how that Balaam and Moses, both of them anointed with the same Spirit, one of them said, "We're all one. Let's come join, put our girls and all together. We got pretty girls over here, and you boys come over here and take you a nice wife. That's all right, we're all one people, anyhow, the same race." God never did forgive them for it. They listened to that.

51See, the world and the--the people are watching for some little outlet, some little bypass, some little shortcut, but there is no shortcuts in the Word of God. There's one Pattern. You must cut yourself and fit that Pattern, not try to cut the Pattern to fit you. Everybody must do that. That's the only way God has of doing it.

52 Notice now, the believers wait for that Word to be confirmed. See, It was not wrote by man, but by the Lord God, therefore It's not a book of man.

53Somebody said, "It's just some old Hebrew writings." Would the Hebrews write a letter that condemned themselves? Would that fine nation of Jews, self-styled and polished, would they write their own iniquities, condemning them ownselves? Certainly not. Tell of his own sins, how they went into idolatry, how they committed fornications against God's Word? No, no. They'd never tell that, that proud nation.

54It's not a book of man. It's a Book of God. And the man who sees the visions or hears the Voice of God, never understood it (many times) themselves, in many cases. See? Man didn't write the Bible. God wrote the Bible. It is not... It's not a man's book. It's God's Book. It is God's thoughts expressed through human lips. That's what makes It the Bible. A thought expressed is a word. And in the beginning was God's Thinking, He expressed It through the lips of His prophets and confirmed It by His servants. See? Notice.

55 God does His Own choosing, by predestination, chose the prophets for every age. Notice it. He fixes the nature of that prophet to fit that age. See, He fits his style, whatever he does. He fits him whether he's educated or not educated. He fits the gifts, the manner that he'll preach in, the gifts he'll have. And the Message for that certain age, God's predestinated that certain thing to happen and there's not another thing can take its place. Care what it is, how many man-made achievements, nothing can take its place. He predestinated the man, maybe a ignorant man. He might have predestinated him another kind of a man. Whatever he is, He gives him his class, his--his gift, give him his nature, his style, and whatever it is, how he expresses himself, and whatever he does. He makes the man of the hour to catch the people of the hour. Right. He does it.

56At the end of each age, when the church has turned to the world and sin, and leaning upon man's interpretation of the Word. As ever, they always, at the end of the age, have got in such a mess by their theologians and priests until it's always a mess-up. Always their interpretation is wrong, not one time has it ever failed to be wrong. And not one time has God's Word ever failed to be right. That's the difference.

57 Now you see, God wrote the Bible, Himself. Now, God can speak. Moses said He spoke to him. Jeremiah said, "He put Words in my mouth."And God can write. He wrote the ten commandments with His Own finger. He wrote on the walls of Babylon. And, remember, of the Old Testament alone, two thousand times the prophets said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD!" God can speak, God can write. Certainly. Almost ninety percent of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, is the very Words of God Himself, Jesus Christ speaking. So, if God can write, if God can read, if God can talk, can't He cause others to do the same? Did not He say to Moses, "Who makes man dumb or who gives him speech?" God wrote the Bible by the prophets, His way of doing it.

58 Now every time that the church gets mixed up (and God foreknew they would, for He foreknew all things), therefore He has His certain prophet ready for that age, to call His electing by His vindicated Word of signs and wonders, and confirmation of His Word, "confirming the Word with signs following," as He promised. He gives the true interpretation after the prophet himself has been vindicated.

59All but those, the elected to whom he is sent, hate him. Now, examine every instant and see if that's right or not. Only the ones that He is sent to! "He came to His Own, and His Own received Him not. But as many as did receive Him, to them gave He the power to become sons of God." Notice, no... every examination of the Word, in every instance, and at the end of every age or climax or junction, as I preached on it many times.

60 Look at the age of Noah, at the climax before judgment. What happened? Noah, it was only his own family that believed the man. The rest of them criticized him. And destroyed the whole world.

61In the days of Abraham, only Abraham's group that believed. When the angels went and preached to Sodom, only Lot and his wife and two daughters come out, and she turned back to a pillar of salt.

62In the days of Moses, only the elected of Israel come out. And Pharaoh hated him.

63In the days of Elijah, everything (almost) but seven thousand man, every one of them hated him, the whole nation.

64In the days of Jeremiah, why, they throwed unripe fruit at him, and called him a fanatic, because he laid on his side for so many days, and the other side, and--and taken things and made symbols. They hated him.

65Isaiah the prophet, he condemned that race so much till they sawed him in two with a saw. Right.

66 John the Baptist. "He was a wild man down there, some screaming maniac."

All but--but those disciples that he presented to Jesus Christ as a church! There it is. John made ready a people. How many did he have? You could count them on both fingers... both hands, your fingers, how many that John presented to Jesus when He come. Now, what about His second Coming? Think of it.

67But when the true Bible believers see the Word so openly vindicated for the age, they believe. There's no way to keep them from It, believe It. They even seal their testimony with their blood. They believe It. It's then it's to them, the predestinated, that for that certain age that sees and believes.

68 Others just can't see It; they're blinded. Now, you say, "They can't see It." Now, like Balaam, why couldn't Balaam see That? He was a prophet, anointed. Why couldn't Pharaoh see It? When he seen the hand of God come down and perform miracles in there, it only hardened his heart. Is that right? Why couldn't Dathan see It, a Jew himself? Right out there, had come through the Dead Sea, and eat the manna every night, that fell fresh, and still couldn't see It. Why didn't Korah see It? Why didn't Caiaphas see It? He was the head religious man of the world at that time. Why didn't he see that was the Messiah? Why didn't Judas see It? Judas was right with them, walking with them, performing miracles with them. But the Word had to be fulfilled. The Bible says they was raised up to take that place. They was raised for that purpose. That's true. Romans 8 says that.

69 Now the believers can see the Word is made flesh in their generation, God speaking. Now, them real true believers, them seven thousand (or was it seven hundred?) in the days of Elijah. Seven thousand is right. In the days of Elijah, there was seven thousand man out of about two or three million, that saw that That was right. Not even a hundredth of the people, hardly. But they saw It was right. They saw God manifested. That old widow that Elisha was sent to, she went to get those sticks, to make a cake, and just enough to make a cake for her and her son, and then die. But watch Elijah, he said, "Make me one, first. For, THUS SAITH THE LORD, the barrel will not fail and neither will the cruse run dry until the day the Lord God sends rain upon the earth." No question, she took right off to make the cake and give it to him. Said, "Make mine first, and then go make one for you and your son." For, she heard that man, and looked at him; she was a predestinated seed.

70 Many of them say, "There is that old crank again. God has cursed us because of him," remember, Elijah. Said, "You're the one that's troubling Israel."

71He said, "You're the one that's troubled Israel." See who God... Who's Word He was vindicating? His Own Word.

72Now the Bible says they was raised up for this purpose, but when... the--the unbeliever. But now when the true believer can see the Word of that age made flesh, God speaking through human lips and then doing exactly what He said He would do, that settles it!

73 Now watch the rest of it. Don't watch signs. If you watch signs, you'll be fooled as sure as the world. False prophets will rise and show signs and wonders that'll deceive the elected if it was possible. Watch the Word. Look at these priests, these prophets, Hebrew prophet standing there. Zedekiah with two great big horns, and saying, "I am a ordained-of-God prophet." It's true. "I have three hundred and ninety-nine right here with me, and the Holy Spirit upon us, confirming and saying that land belongs to us. Let's go up and take it. And by these horns, Ahab, you'll push the enemy off of our ground, for God gave us the ground."

74 Watch that religious man, good man, Jehoshaphat, said, "Haven't you got one more?"

75"One more? There's four hundred in agreement!" He said, "Yes, there is one more around here, but I hate him." Said, "He's always bawling all of us out and telling us what great sinners we are, and everything." Say, "I hate him! He, he is Micaiah, the son of Imlah."

76He said, "Oh, don't let the king say so. Go get him and let's hear what he said."

77So they brought him down there. He said, "Give me tonight and I'll see what the Lord says about it."

78Ahab said, "I adjure you, don't you tell me nothing but the truth."

79And the man come, said, "Now, if you want to get back in good fellowship, say just like the rest of them."

Micaiah said, "I'll say just what God says." See?

80The next morning, they come out. The kings put their robes on, set in the gate, all of the celebrity. The prophet standing there. Said, "Now, fanatic, what you say about it?"

81Said, "Go on up." Said, "But I seen Israel scattered like sheep having no shepherd."

82 He sma-... took his hand and smacked him in the mouth. The prophet smacked the prophet in the mouth. Now, both those anointed prophets standing there, prophesied, four hundred against one, that looked pretty strong. Now, in the multitude of counsel it's not always safety. Depends on where they're... what they're counseling about, what their counsel is. There wasn't safety there for the king, and he took that multitude for their counseling to be right. But if he had just stopped and turned back the scroll and look what Elijah had just said.

83 Then, Micaiah couldn't say anything, he didn't know, when maybe God forgave him for it. But first, being a prophet, he went to God to find out what God said. And he found out what God said. He said, "I saw God sitting upon a throne, and He said... had all of His counselors of Heaven gathered around Him, said, 'Who can We get to go down and cause Ahab to come out here, so We can otherwise fulfill the prophecy that's made about him?'"

84See, prophecy, Elijah had already said, "The dogs will lick your blood."

85And so he said he "seen a lying spirit go up from beneath, come up, come up before Him, said, 'I'll go down and get in his prophets, Ahab's prophets, and cause them to prophesy a lie.'"

86 Now, God knew that them man was so puffed up and so full of theology that they thought they had everything right. They had never noticed the Word for the hour. So God said, "You will succeed; go on down." And when Micaiah said that, that made them prophesying under an evil spirit. They'd have jerked the plug out of the telephone, or turned off the radio, or done anything; they heard That coming against them, got up and walked out. But look what happened. Now, Micaiah had to check his vision with the written Word, therefore he knowed.

87He said, "When I come... Put that man in prison, give him waters of sorrow and bread of sorrow. When I return, I'll deal with him."

88He said, "If you come back at all, God never spoke to me." That's when he knows his vision is exactly with every Word for that hour. It was Ahab's time.

89Brother, sister, this is the hour and the time of the calling out of Babylon. The evening Lights are here. Walk in the Light while it is light. Notice, the believers saw the Word manifested and believe It. Jesus said, "My sheep know My Voice, My Word, My signs of the age. A false one they'll not follow."

90 Now let's get to our text, 'cause I see I'm going to get away. I'm wanting to emphasize on that prayer line a lot. Let's get back to the text now we got under consideration, here for a minute. Well, it'll happen again like it always did, as usual.

91God sent His prophet, John, as His Word had said, promised in Malachi 3, "Behold, I send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way." John witnessed the same thing. And we find out also, in Isaiah 40:3, that Isaiah said, "There will be a voice of a prophet, one crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord.'" See? All those prophecies! And--and look, notice quickly, the Scripture identified him.

When they said, "Who are you? Are you the Messiah?"

He said, "I am not."

"Are you Jeremiah? The prophets, or one of them?

92He said, "I am not. But I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, as saith the prophet Isaiah."

93You think they would believe that? No, sir. Why? He didn't come through their church. He wasn't of their... See, he went in the wilderness at the age of nine years old, and come out at thirty. His message was too great to go through a school of theology; he was the one to introduce the--the Messiah. And everybody would be pulling him this way and that way. And God sent him in the wilderness, after the death of his father, Zechariah. And he was a priest, but he never followed the line of his father.

94Cause, prophets don't come out of such things as that. They come from the rugged lands, the wilderness. No man knows where they come from, or how they arise on the scene, or any of their history. They just come right out and preach the Word, and God takes them off, and away they go; condemns that generation, and moves on into His Word, waiting for the great day.

95 The church did not believe him, because he was not known of them. They had no record of his ordination on their books, so therefore they refused him. See, they didn't believe God's vindicated Word, plainly, letter by letter. See? Malachi 3, two Scriptures to vindicate him, Malachi 3 and Isaiah 40:3. See, both those Scriptures spoke of a man coming, preparing the way of the Lord. He met every specification of it.

96He was to be a prophet. "I'll send to you Elisha." And there he was, in every rugged way. Watch how his nature blended in with Elijah. Elijah was a man of the wilderness, so was John; the outdoors. He wasn't a smooth man, he was a rugged man.

97Notice again, Elijah was a woman hater, he told Jezebel about all of her paint, and where to get on and off at. So was John. Jezebel tried to kill Elijah, swore by her gods that she'd take his head off of him. So did Herodia. See?

98Always watch their message, watch what they did. Now we find out that if they would a looked back and seen what the Bible said, and watched the nature of the man and how perfect he was in time with the Scriptures and everything, they ought to have knowed that was him. About a half a dozen knew it. That's right. Not over a half a dozen realized it. They went to hear him, but they didn't believe It. See? Why? They did not believe the identification of prophecy in their hour.

99 Notice, they laughed at him, calling him some "screaming, wild, unlearned fanatic with no schooling, 'hit, hain't, tote, carry, fetch,' so forth." As usual they judge him by his education. They judge him by his grammar, by the way he dressed. He had a piece of sheepskin around him, and a camel skin belt on, he was all hairy. Walking out in the waters; no church, no pew, no co-operation; they couldn't accept that; they was worshiping the god of the world. See?

100I don't mean to say now there's not false prophets that comes out, like Jambres and Jannes. But the way you want to do, is check the original message by the Word, then you got it; what age it's in, and what's prophesied for that age.

101 Then John's prophecy was vindicated in God's Own order. Watch how perfect. The Bible said, "The Word of the Lord comes to the prophet." And Jesus was the Word. And John was prophesying of the coming of the Word for fulfillment; and Jesus, the Word, came to the prophet, in the water. Oh, how beautiful! How unfailing is the... See? The Word was a scarce thing in that day. Here come the prophet, saying, "I am the voice of the Word."

They said, "What must we do?"

102Said, "I'm not worthy to unloose His shoes. But there is One standing among you, somewhere, He'll be the One that'll baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire. His fan is in His hand, and He'll thoroughly purge His floor, and burn the chaff with unquenchable fire, take the grain to the garner." Oh, what a prophet! Jesus said there was never a man born of a woman as great as he, till that day. Oh, how blusterous! How he knowed where he was standing! He knowed exactly. He heard from God, and it was exactly with the Word, so he didn't care what people said. He preached It and prophesied It, anyhow. And watch, when a man stands for what is Truth, then God is obligated to vindicate that man the Truth.

103 When Moses come down there in Egypt, and said, "I was in the wilderness yonder, and I seen a tree on fire, and it didn't consume. I went up to the tree, and, when I did, there was a great Pillar of Fire hanging in there. And a Voice said, 'I AM THAT I AM.' And He told me to take this stick and come down here and perform these miracles, and God will vindicate His Word." Stretched out his stick, there come fleas and flies, and darkness and so forth. And then to vindicate that prophet, He brought those believers right back to the mount, and God came down in the same Pillar of Fire, right on the same mountain, and proved that that was right.

Now look what He's done in this day. Exactly.

104 Now, the Word come to the prophet and vindicated him to be the true person, the very person that the Scriptures said that he would be. Quickly now. But, again, Jesus came in a different form from their man-made interpretation of the prophecy. Man had interpreted what it would be. Certainly. The Presbyterians thinks that it ought to be them. Watch when God does anything, watch every other organization rise up with one. Yeah, always been that way. They got a Jambres and Jannes everywhere. Notice, they said part of the Word. But, according to the prophet's Word, every Letter!

105 They missed it again, as usual, called Him a fortune-teller, "a devil; Beelzebub," and said He made Himself God, when they ought to have knowed, by their very Bible, that He was God.

Notice, He was prophesied by Isaiah, Isaiah 9:6, said, "His Name shall be called The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father." There ain't going to be no more fathers after that, 'cause He was the first Father in the beginning, He's the only Father; said, "Don't you call any man of this earth, 'Father,' either, after that." "He's the--The Mighty God, and The Everlasting Father, The Counselor, The Prince of Peace." Certainly.

106Now, they had done to Him what all the prophets listed that they would do, just as they are doing in this very Laodicean Age, put Him out of the church. "Blind, naked, and don't know it." Just what the prophet said, the prophet of the Bible. Blinded by man's traditions, they put Him out, the Word out of their churches, as usual, as prophesied of them.

107 Notice now, quickly now. Don't miss this now. Here is the text, how Jesus made Himself known to these two disciples that He was their Messiah! Now, all eyes this way. And out in the land, don't miss this now. We've tried to tell you that the Bible is the Word of God, wrote by God Himself, through the lips and instrumentality of man. God can write, Himself. God can speak, Himself. God can do what He wants to, but He chose man to do it because the man that wrote It is part of God. So, God wrote the Bible. The men didn't even know what they were writing, in their own human thinking. They might disagree with It, but they wrote It. They couldn't. The Bible said, "Men of old, as they was moved by the Holy Ghost!" God moved their hands, moved their eyes in the visions. They could say nothing but what they were looking at. They could speak nothing, 'cause He had full control of tongue, finger, every organ of the body was in full sway with God. No wonder the Bible said they were gods, they were a part of God! He was the fullness of God.

108 Notice how Jesus, the Word, made these two heartbroke disciples know He was their Messiah, the Messiah, the promised Word. Notice what He done, He appealed to prophecy. Notice, "Fools, slow to believe all that the prophets wrote." Now, He never said, "Well, what, what does the church say about it?"

109They give Him the story. They knowed all the events that happened. They was all sad. They begin to tell Him, "Are You just a stranger here, or You don't know what's happened in Jerusalem?"

110He said, "What things?" like He didn't know. See, He does things sometime just to see what you'll do about it. See? Said, "What things? Who was it? What's happened?"

111"Are You just a stranger?" And was talking right to the Man they had lived with for three and a half years, and didn't know Him.

"What things? What happened?"

112"Well," they said, "Jesus of Nazareth, which was a Prophet. There's no doubt in our mind. He was mighty in Word and deed before all the people. We seen Him do things that He was identified the Prophet of God for this age. We know that. And we believed that He would be the Redeemer, that He would redeem Israel."

113Then He turns and said, "You fools, slow of heart to believe that all that the prophets said about Him wouldn't come to pass?" See? Watch Him now go back to prophecy. What a rebuke for believers, claimed they believed Him!

114 Notice how He approached the subject. He never come right out and said, "I am your Messiah." He could have done it, for He was. But notice He identified Himself in the Word, then they would know. If He'd a said it, He could a said that and it wouldn't have been so; but when He went and begin to speak on all the prophets said about Him, and they seen it, then they could tell themselves, if they were God's children. But called their attention to what the prophets had foretold and said to look for in the time that the Messiah, His age, would be manifested. He, as John, let the Word, the Bible, identify their Message. Any true prophet would do it. Didn't come out and say, "I am He. I'm..." That's not a true prophet of God. See? But He said, "Go back in the Scriptures." See, He never fails His way of doing it. See?

He said, "We know Moses."

115He said, "If you would a knowed Moses, you'd know Me." He said, "Moses wrote of Me." Said, "Search the Scripture, in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and the Scripture is what testifies of Me. Go and look in the Scripture and see it."

116 Here He never changes His way of doing it, never has changed. He never can change, because He's the unchanging God. See? Notice He went right back to these two disciples, Cleopas and his friend, on the road to Emmaus, and said, appealed to the Scriptures to them, said, "Why are you so foolish to not to believe that every Word the prophets wrote concerning the Messiah would have to be fulfilled?" Oh, what a day!

117John did the same thing. "Search the Scriptures, look back, said there'd be 'a voice of one crying in the wilderness.' Where did I come from?" See? That's, that should have made it plain to them. Right!

118Should make it plain today, the thing that we see the Holy Spirit doing. He once said, "Search the Scriptures." And we... He wants us to do it today.

119 Notice, He begin with Moses' prophecy, the Bible said, "He, beginning with Moses and all of the prophets," but He started with Moses. "A Prophet," said Moses, "the Lord your God shall raise up among you people, among the people. The Lord God shall raise up a Prophet."

120Now He might have said, "Cleopas, and your friend here, did not Moses say that in these days the Lord God would raise up a Prophet? And this Man that they crucified, did He meet that qualification? Now, Moses prophesied this. And now you haven't had a prophet for hundreds and hundreds of years, and here this Man raised up. And what was this Man's forerunner, did you say?" Get it? And all the prophets said about Him, for His age, He spoke to them. It sure would have been interested to listen at Him. Wouldn't you liked to heard Him? I'd like to heard Him, to hear Him, what He said that the prophets said about Himself, but He never said it was Him. He just showed them by prophecy. He just said, "The prophet said this would happen." See?

121 Let's just go back a few minutes, and now let's listen to the Words quoted from Himself. Watch here, the Word Itself quoting the Word of Himself. The Word Itself quoting the Word of Himself. Not tell them that He was that, but just let the Word speak for Itself, then they know Who He was. The letter of the Word, quoting the Word in... The Word in flesh, quoting the Word of the letter, being fully identified with Himself. Look here, now let's listen to Him quote. How... Now, we know that they were all briefed of the late happenings, that is, of the crucifixion and of the story of the resurrection, the tomb, as we just read. Now He goes straight to the Word of prophecy about Himself. Now let's just think that He said this; He said a lot more than this, but watch.

122 Let's say Him... hear Him say, "Turn over to Zechariah 11:12. And wasn't the Messiah to be sold, according to the prophet, for thirty pieces of silver? You just said that this Man was sold for thirty pieces of silver. Turn over..." You getting them Scriptures? Zechariah 11:12. And then He said, "Did you notice what David said in the Psalms, Psalm 41:9? He was be betrayed by His friends. And then again, in Zechariah 13:7, He was forsaken by His disciples. And in Psalms 35:11, accused by false witnesses. You just said He was. Isaiah 53:7, He was dumb before His accusers. Isaiah 50:6, they scourged Him, the prophet said. Psalms 22, He was to cry on the cross, 'My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?' Did He do that, day before yesterday afternoon? Psalms 22 again, 18, His garments was parted among them. Did they do that? And Psalms 22:7 to 8, mocked by His enemies, the church. Psalms 22 again, there was not a bone in His body to be broke, but 'they pierced My hands and My feet,'" He said. Holding His hands behind Him, no doubt, at the time. "Isaiah 53:12 said He would die between malefactors. Isaiah 53:9 said He was buried with the rich. Psalms 16:10 said, 'I will not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption.' And was not Malachi 3 the forerunner of this Man?" Oh, I'd like to have heard Him quote that. Look at the prophecies! Notice, then all the types He might have went through, about Isaac, in Genesis 22, how God foreshadowed Isaac, how father Abraham took his own son, packing the wood up the hill, and offered up his own son.

123 It was now beginning to soak into them. He had done told them they were fools for not looking at the prophecy for that day. And now it begin to soak in, begin to see the fulfilling of all this that had taken place in the last few days, in the last two or three years, the vindicated prophecy of the age. It was then that they knew that their crucified friend, Jesus, had fulfilled every Word of this. Oh, it was then that they knowed that that Man truly was that Messiah, that--that He should raise from the dead. "The grave couldn't hold Him. 'I will not suffer My Holy One to see corruption.' There's not one Word of prophecy can ever fail. And He did raise."

124 "Then that messengers down at the tomb this morning was right. He is risen from the dead. He is alive. He is that Messiah." Why? Don't fail it. "His action, His ministry and everything He's done has been vindicated exactly the Words that the prophet said would take place for this day. That's done it." Then they knowed that it was Him, their crucified friend, Jesus, that had done it. No wonder their hearts burned within them as He talked to them. Now they had walked six miles, and it seemed like a short time.

125 And here's another thing they had done, you know, they had heard a six-hour sermon on prophecy being vindicated. That's what He talked to them along the road. Just as soon as they started down the road, He stepped out, for He was right there at Jerusalem. Six hours late-e... later, sixty furlongs, they was right down the road six miles to Emmaus. That's what it is. And He had preached, confirmed prophecy for six hours. Don't condemn me on my three, then, see. See? But notice, they had preached... He... They had heard a six-hour sermon on prophecy being confirmed, vindicated.

126 Now it was getting along towards evening time. You know, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. It was then that He opened their eyes to know that Hebrews 13:8, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. At the evening time, events are made clear by the prophecy. What's taking place in the modern hour can be easily identified if you'll just believe the prophecy of the hour.

127"Yes, fools, slow of understanding, slow to believe (you keep pondering over it), to believe that all the prophets said about the Messiah, wouldn't it have to happen?" Now He checked these points all back and showed what the prophet said that would happen. Then they begin to understand. So He said... act like He was going to go on by. They liked this Man. They said, "You, You've give us something. We never thought that. He is alive somewhere." They was talking to Him, didn't know it. So He... and no doubt He looked at them sadly, and He started to walk on by, but He--He was waiting for them to invite Him. That's what He's waiting tonight, for you to invite Him.

128 Notice, when those disciples invited Him in to their fellowship around the table, it was then that He done something just like He did before His crucifixion, and their eyes come open. They knowed His manner, His style. They knowed what He done, and He did it then just like He did before. And they said, "That's Him!" And quickly they raised up to scream it out, and He vanished. And where they took six hours to listen to this sermon, maybe twenty minutes they were light-footed back to tell the rest of them, "He is risen indeed. He is really alive."

129 Friends, this is the fulfillment of Malachi 4, Saint Luke 17, Saint John 15, oh, so many, Revelations 10, so many prophecies that can be pinned exactly to this day. And also in the Book of Mark and in Matthew, where He said these great signs and wonders would appear in the sky, and people call them saucers, flying saucers, can--can vanish with the power and quickness of a thought, intelligence that can move in. He can write, He can speak, He can do whatever He wants to. The great Pillar of Fire, "the same yesterday, today, and forever." And sights coming upon the earth, pyramids of smoke rising into the air, way above where there cannot be no humidity nor nothing, thirty miles high. Predicted a year and a half before it happened, that it would be that way. Then turn the picture and see Who it is looking down. Not one Word has ever failed that's been told, and here is God's written Word, confirming it's the Truth. And it's evening time again. I wonder if He would return, by grace, tonight and do something now like He done back there. Let's pray and ask Him. Events made clear by vindicated prophecy.

130 God Almighty, help us. Help us, dear God, to understand, to understand the things that we should know, understand Thy Word. And now, Lord, we have heard sermons now for nearly two thousand years, writings of books. And in this last days here it's slipped right back again, and now it's towards evening time. The Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, and many of them down through the age has talked with You, and maybe just along the way of this great day that hasn't been either night or day, as the prophet said, but in the evening time it'll be Light. Jesus rose from the tomb and appeared to Simon and to the women, and showed them that He was alive. That was the morning. And then in evening He come back again. But He did walk to them through the day, rebuking them for their blindness, but then He made Hisself known to them in the evening time.

131 God, come into our fellowship tonight that we have around the Word. God, it's so scarcely believed today amongst the peoples, but I'm thankful that there is some that You have called and ordained them to Eternal Life, and You said, "All that the Father has given Me will come." And now while the evening Lights are shining, while You have permitted, Lord, that not one prophecy (out of the hundreds that's went forth) has ever failed one time. Then truly if that identifies, it has to be You, 'cause no person could be that accurate. Just like the Bible, no man could write, no one in the space of sixteen hundred years, by forty different writers, could write, and not one error be in It.

Dear God, I pray that You will manifest Yourself tonight, of Hebrews 13:8, that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. And the works that You did then, You do today. And You promised it, You said, "In this last days, when the world is sitting like Sodom and Gomorrah, perversion." We look at these boys just so much like girls, wearing clothes like them, and--and see the girls trying to act like boys, and see the women and man in this perverted age, see sex appeal has become a--a idol of worship. The Gospel has been pushed out to one side, and nakedness in the Laodicea church. O God, what a hour! Come, Lord Jesus, make Yourself known to us. For we ask it in Jesus' Name.

132 Now while you have your heads bowed, your eyes closed, I'm going to ask you something. You believe that God is here? Do you believe that the things It's doing today is prophecy fulfilled? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever? Do you believe when He was here and manifested in the flesh for that day, and the works that He done there, was to be repeated again in this day? The prophet said so. The Bible said so. All Scripture must be fulfilled, it cannot fail. How did He identify Himself? By being that Prophet that Moses spoke of. Knowed the secrets of the hearts of the people. The woman touched His garment, He turned and said, "Thy faith has saved Thee." When Simon Peter come up to Him, He knowed his name, told him who he was, who his father was. And that same lovely Jesus is not dead, He's alive forevermore. Praise be to God! And I believe, in this evening time now, He's called us together again.

133 O Lord Jesus, come among us. Don't pass us by. Come, stay all night with us till this night is over, then let us go with You tomorrow; we might know You in the power of Your resurrection, that Your love and grace and mercy might be with us. O Eternal God, grant these things. We know that only God alone can grant them.

134In the solemnness of this hour, let us say this. God, our Father, our flesh is a poor tabernacle for You. But, Lord, let Your sanctifying grace, Your Holy Spirit, come now. Cleanse us from every doubt and every flusteration, every suspicion and every line of skepticism that would be in us, that we might be free without one doubt; come out, confess boldly like Peter, "Thou art the Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever."

135 We believe that Thy Word is Truth, Lord. Let us just see, before we start this prayer line, Lord, make Yourself known to us. As You said, "As it was in the days of Lot," when Abraham, that called-out group waiting for a promised son, Lot was down there hearing a modern Billy Graham and an Oral Roberts to that denominational setup down there, as a nation. But Abraham was a sojourner without any organization, just this little group wandering about through the land that he was to heir. "And the meek shall inherit the earth." One day, under the shade tree, while they were sitting, resting, God came down in the form of a Man. Two angels went down into Sodom. And God, in human flesh, proved that He was, He said, "Abraham, where is thy wife, Sarah?" A few days before that, he was Abram; and S-a-r-r-a, Sarra; not Sarah, "princess." And You called her by her princess name, the daughter of a king. You called Abraham by his name, Abraham, a father of nations. And You said, "I am going to visit you."

136 God, how that prophet's heart must have jumped! He knowed Who You was right then. No wonder he washed Your feet, brought out all the food that he had, and the very best, laid it before You. He knew that was God there. Then He said, "Where is Sarah?" as if He didn't know. And You...

137Abraham said to Him, "He's in the tent... she's in the tent, behind You."

138And You said what was going to happen. And she, in her heart, doubted It. And then You--You said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah doubt that, saying in her heart, 'These things can't be'? Is anything too hard for God?"

139O God! Jesus, manifested God of the Word, You said, "As it was in the days of Sodom," the world would be in that condition just before the destruction of the Gentile world, the Gentile dispensation. Here we are, Sodomites to the core! And then You said that the Son of man, which is always referred to as a "prophet," would be revealed in that hour. Fulfill Thy Words, O God. We, Your believing children, wait with sincere hearts, to give us faith, Lord, that, when we have the prayer line, the people will believe. It's evening time, Father. Let the evening Lights of the Son of God (He that Was, and Which Is, and Shall Come) manifest Hisself by the prophecy that He's made. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

140 I am now ready to--to pray for the sick. But it's a strange thing, how that when we stand here. Here I stand here now making a challenge to the public, and hooked up across the nation, that God still is God. He cannot fail. And what He promises, that He'll do. He'll never fail to do it, for He promised to do it. Therefore I can place solemn confidence in what He said. Therefore I look for His Coming, I look for Him to appear at any time, because He said, "In an hour that you think not," the world thinks not, "then He'll appear."

141Now, so far as I know... I'm in my tabernacle here, and there's a few people sitting here that I--I do know. Brother Wright, a few of these sitting here, that right along here, I do know. But there is many of you I do not know. And I have no way of saying that God will do this tonight. We have seen Him do it for the past years and years, but He might not do it tonight. I don't know. That's up to Him. He is sovereign. He does what He wishes to. No one can tell Him what to do. He abides alone, in His will and His ways. But because that He promised it, I'm asking Him to do it. Not for our sake, that we need it, but maybe for some strangers' sake, that the Holy Spirit might be anointed... now anointing upon us. Now, no matter how much He anoints me, He's got to anoint you, too, certainly, to believe.

142 Now I want to have a prayer line, and I want to pray for the sick as much as I can. Now, we can either have a line, to call the people and bring them up here, a prayer line and pray for everybody here that's sick, I suppose, have my minister brothers to come here with us, and lay hands upon you. We can sure do that. Or either we can ask our Father, Who is the only One that could do anything for you, 'cause my hands is just a man like you man. But the thing of it is, it isn't the human hand that does it; it's the Word of God. Faith in that Word is what does it. No scientific thing about it, it's altogether unscientific.

143There's not one thing the Christian has in his armor that's scientific. Did you know that? Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience, faith, Holy Ghost, everything is unseen by science. And that's the only thing that's real and lasting. Everything you look at come from the earth and goes back to the earth. But the things that you can't see with your eye, but see It declare Itself, that's the world of Eternal.

144 Would you believe, if God would manifest Himself and show that He is here alive, doing the same things that He did at the beginning, after this Message, would you accept it as your healing? May God grant it. Now I'm asking anybody in the house, no matter who you are or where you're from, I'm asking you just to solemnly believe this Message to be the Truth. That is the Message that God has in His Bible for this hour, that Jesus Christ is here tonight and is alive. Now nearly...

145All you people know of me, I'm right here in town where I was raised up. I don't even have a grammar school education. That's exactly true. And you've knowed me long enough, I hope I've lived before you to show you that I'm honest and sincere. I'm not a hypocrite. Even my critics don't say that. They, they just say, "You're--you're not a hypocrite, but you're just simply wrong. You're just ignorantly wrong, not willfully." I don't think that I'm ignorantly wrong, because the Word of God testifies of my Message, and It should tell you Who It is. And you clearly hear me say It isn't me, so then It has to be Him. Is that right? Have faith in God then. Look this a way, and you believe God. If you can believe God, God will grant to you. If He can do that like He did before, then He's still God. You believe that?

146 You believe it? A lady sitting here before me, looking at me, tears in her eyes, sincerely. I don't know who she is, never seen her. I'm a stranger to you. Do you think God knows the secret of your heart, your desires, or your sin, or whatever it is? You think He knows? You think He could reveal to me what your sin is, what you've done, what you ought not have done, or your desire, whatever it is? If He would do it, would it make you believe Him, know that it has to be Him? Would you accept it as Him? It's not your sin that's bothering you; you've confessed that. But you're wanting the baptism of His Holy Spirit. You shall receive It. I seen It move down across her.

147That you might know that I was looking at the woman, she was looking at me, I want to show you the Holy Spirit. Look here, right over this little woman sitting here, down beneath my feet here. When I said that, that's the same thing she wants, is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. You believe that you will receive It, sister? Raise up your hand, then. I have never seen the woman in my life, knowingly.

148 See this man sitting here with his head down, sitting right there, with his collar misfitting him, and so forth. You suffer with a bladder trouble. You believe that God will make you well? Raise up your hand if you'll accept It. All right, God grant you your request.

149This young man sitting right here, wanting the baptism of the Holy Ghost. You believe God will give It to you; sir, with your white string tie hanging back? God will grant it.

150This man here is praying for his wife. She is in an institution. You believe that God will heal her, make her well? You believe it? You can have it.

151With your hand up to your throat, you believe that God can heal that heart condition that's bothering you, that stomach trouble that you have? You're sitting there, suffering right now. Is that right? You believe He heals you? Then you can have it. Amen.

152 You see He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Ask those people, see if I know them. I don't, but He does. Amen. See that Light on the side of the wall yonder, hanging right down over a man sitting there. He is suffering with a spinal condition in his back. He's not from here, he's from Georgia. Mr. Duncan, believe with all your heart, God will heal that back trouble. You believe with all your heart? God bless you.

153Here's a man sitting way back here, with back trouble, looking at me. I don't know him, but it's Mr. Thompson. You believe? Raise up, sir, back there, so that... I'm a stranger to you. That's right. But you're sitting there, praying. Your back trouble is healed now. Jesus Christ makes you well.

154 "It shall be Light just about the evening time." Don't you see, He's here tonight! He's the great I AM. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe it? Are you satisfied and convinced that this is Jesus Christ making Hisself known, identifying Himself in prophecy?

155Don't worry about the eye. God heals the sick and the afflicted.

156How many people that... How many is in here, sick? Let's see your hands. Just seems like it's such a pull and a strain. Have any of you people got prayer cards? I don't know how I'd get you through here. I want to pray for you, and I don't know how to do it. You see what, look at the wall, how I'm going to get them in there? What if you get one aisle jammed? You got the other one blocked right there, everybody stopped still.

157 Listen, hear me. Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass? Is that right? Everything has always been right. I've never asked you for one penny of money in my life, have I? Not one time. Never took a offering in my life. I'm not here for money. I'm not here to deceive you. I'm here to manifest God's Word of the hour. I've told you the Truth, and God has testified that it is the Truth. Now I tell you, THUS SAITH THE SCRIPTURES, that if the believer lays his hands upon the sick, Jesus said, "They shall recover!" Do you believe that? Then, in the Presence of God, don't you believe He'll do it right now?

158 Now put your hands on one another, and just hold it there for a minute. Now, don't--don't pray, just put your hands on one another; out there in the land. And me, myself, I'm laying myself over these handkerchiefs. Now I want you to look at me just a minute. What has God left undone? Look how He's, what the Word that we have read, the prophecies that we have told, that Jesus identified Himself by the prophecies. Now look at the hour, and these last three weeks where we have placed the hour that we're living. Look at what we have read, how about the false prophets and almost signs that would deceive the elected. How the Word has been manifested, how the god of this age has blinded the lie, hearts of the people. And how that God Himself has said through His prophecies that these things would take place in this Laodicea Age. There is nothing left undone. God is here just the same God that talked to those people on Emmaus, that identified Himself by the prophecies that was foretold of Him, He is here tonight identifying His Presence by the prophecies foretold for this age. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Can you believe it? Then lay your hands upon one another. Don't pray for yourself, but in your own way pray for that person that you got your hands on, because they are praying for you. Now look, don't doubt.

159 And now if you could see what I'm looking at! And you know I wouldn't lie to you, standing here. If you could see, and your faith could draw that great Holy Spirit that sailed yonder in the air--air, that science has took pictures of, and see It moving through this building just trying to find a place to--to land, trying to find a anchor place. Only believe It, my brother. He's identified it by Scripture and so forth, that it's right. Now pray with sincerity for that person you got your hands on; they are praying for you.

160 Dear Jesus of Nazareth, for, we are conscious, Lord, by the Word, that You're here, by the promise that You are here, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them. And these signs will follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Out over the waves of this telephone, may the great Holy Spirit go into every congregation. May the same Holy Light that we look at right here in the church, may It fall upon each and every one, and may they be healed at this time. We rebuke the enemy, the Devil, in the Presence of Christ; we say to the enemy, that he is defeated by the--the vicarious suffering, the death of the Lord Jesus and the triumph resurrection on the third day; and His proven evidence that He is here among us tonight, alive, after nineteen hundred years. Let the Spirit of the living God fill every heart with faith and power, and healing virtue from the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Who is identified now by this great Light circling the church, in His Presence. In the Name of Jesus Christ, grant it for the glory of God.

161May these handkerchiefs that we pray over, may they go to the sick and the afflicted that they're intended to. May the same Holy Spirit that's here now identifying Himself, identify Himself on every patient that these is laid upon. May the Presence of God so fill their heart with faith until the sickness of their body will be healed. This we ask, for the glory of God, in the Presence of Jesus Christ and in the Name of Jesus Christ, as we the servants of Jesus Christ ask it. Amen.

162 Now from your hearts, I don't care what was wrong with you, can you, from your heart, believe with all your heart that the Word of God has granted you your request? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I believe that every hand, as I could see, went up. If you believe it, now remember, it is finished.

163You out there on the telephone wires, if you have believed with all your heart, as the ministers are laying hands upon you, and your loved ones laying hands upon you, if you believe with all your heart that it's finished, it's finished. The great Holy Spirit, He's here in the tabernacle tonight. I seen Him move over the people, showed Hisself over here on the side of a wall, and went down upon a man, come down here and up through the building, making known the secrets of the hearts, the identification of His Presence, to show that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is in our midst! He's God, the never-failing God.

164 And did not our hearts burn within us, and does not it burn now, to know that we are now in the Presence of the resurrected Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory and praise forevermore; Who is in the express image of the Almighty Jehovah; Who sailed down in a form of a Pillar of Fire in a burning bush, to attract the attention of a prophet; Who had descended upon the mountain, and anyone that even touched it was to be killed, besides Moses and Joshua. How it was that He led the children of Israel through the wilderness, in their journey, as a type of the called-out people today. Here He is, by scientific research, even identified Himself before science. And by His very actions and by His very prophecy, the things that's prophesied of Him to do in this day, to make Him the same yesterday, today, and forever, has been perfectly a vindicated. Isn't it enough to make our hearts burn within us? God bless you.

165 Now with one accord, let's stand and say: I now accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Healer. [Congregation says, "I now accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Healer."--Ed.] And by His grace, ["And by His grace,"] from this hour henceforth, ["from this hour henceforth,"] O God, ["O God,"] let no unbelief ["let no unbelief"] ever enter my heart, ["ever enter my heart,"] for I have seen ["for I have seen"] the prophecy ["the prophecy"] of this day ["of this day"] fulfilled. ["fulfilled."] I believe ["I believe"] that Jesus Christ ["that Jesus Christ"] is alive ["is alive"] and here now ["and here now"] confirming His Word ["confirming His Word"] of this hour. ["of this hour."] The prophecies ["The prophecies"] that was written of Him ["that was written of Him"] has now been fulfilled in our midst. ["has now been fulfilled in our midst."] He is my Saviour, ["He is my Saviour,"] my God, ["my God,"] my King, ["my King,"] my All-in-all. ["my All-in-all."]

166 Dear God, hear our testimony. And give to us, day by day, the Bread of Life. And we offer Thee praise, O God, from the depths of our heart. We praise Thee, the Mighty One, the God of the prophets. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Oh, what a moment, what a time!

... only believe;

Only believe, just only believe,

All things are possible, only believe.

May we sing it like this.

Now I believe, oh, now I believe,

All things are possible, now I believe;

Now I believe, oh, now I believe,

All things are possible, now I believe.

Is that your testimony? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now as we bow our heads.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

[Brother Branham begins humming God Be With You, then speaks to Brother Neville--Ed.] Do you want to say something? Vayle.

... at Jesus feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

167 With our heads bowed, Brother Vayle is standing here to dismiss in prayer. Brother Lee Vayle, he's a writer for the tabernacle here, of the literature and books, and so forth. Very precious brother, he's been with me in many campaigns. Wish I had a chance to let every minister, get them up here and talk to them. You understand, I'm sure. Every minister, we're glad to have you here. All the laity, the people of different churches, whatmore, we're glad to have you here. And it's truly our prayer to one another, "God be with you till we meet again." With our heads bowed, and our hands raised, let's sing it again real sweetly to God.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet!

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

1Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy a modlime sa. Náš Pane Bože, veľký Stvoriteľ neba a zeme, ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych a žije v nás týchto dvetisíc rokov, stále žije, aby potvrdzoval Svoje Slovo a vyplnil ho pre každú generáciu. Sme tak vďační za Jeho prítomnosť v tejto chvíli, vediac, že máme toto veľké uistenie, že keď sa tento život ukončí, máme večný život v novom svete, ktorý nás čaká. Ďakujeme Ti za to, Pane. A tá nádej je zakotvená v našej duši, je pevná a istá v čase búrky. A keď búrka prichádza, tie veľké vlny sa valia, cítime, že vierou sa dostaneme ponad každú vlnu. 

 Bože, pomôž nám dnes, ako prichádzame slúžiť chorým a núdznym. Modlíme sa, Bože, aby medzi nami nezostal žiaden chorý človek, keď odtiaľto odídeme. Nech je každá osoba uzdravená Tvojou Božskou mocou, rovnako ako tu, tak aj naprieč krajinou, nech z tejto budovy neodíde žiadna slabá osoba, ani zo žiadneho zhromaždenia. Nech ich Tvoj Duch uzdraví. Nech povstane to veľké Slnko spravodlivosti s uzdravením v Jeho krídlach, a nech pošle lúče viery do každého srdca, ako počúvame Slovo a vidíme manifestáciu Ducha Svätého, ktorá ich presviedča, že On je stále nažive. Modlíme sa o tieto požehnania, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. (Môžete si sadnúť.)

2Istotne toto považujeme za veľké privilégium, že tu dnes večer môžeme byť, aby sme znovu hovorili ku ľuďom a modlili sa za chorých. Chceme pozdraviť všetkých, ktorí sú vonku a sú pripojení na telefón, všade naprieč krajom. A tak sa modlíme, aby Boh požehnal každého jedného z vás, veriac, že každý, kto dnes ráno prijal Krista, bude naplnený Duchom Svätým a bude žiť naveky verne a pravdivo len pre Neho, až dokiaľ sa tento smrteľný život na tejto zemi neskončí. A potom, keď to robia, budú mať večný život. Nikdy nezomrú v tom veku, ktorý nastane, v tom veľkom veku, na ktorý sa všetci tešíme.

3No, chcel by som teraz povedať, zatiaľ čo na to myslím… Nechcem prerušovať. Je tu brat Vayle a možno ho ani neuvidím. Mohol by som ti ten rukopis poslať, keď sa vrátim do Tucsonu? Prezerám si ho; ešte ho nemám celý prečítaný, pošlem ti ho, len čo sa dostanem do Tucsonu.

 Čiže, mám tu jedno oznámenie. Toto sa týka hlavne cirkví, ktoré sú na západe, alebo kdekoľvek by chceli prísť. Náš šľachetný brat, brat Pearry Green s… Ten človek je zodpovedný za celé toto zapojenie telefónneho pripojenia, čo tu máme. Pán mu dával na srdce, aby nás prišiel navštíviť do Tucsonu a začať prebudenie tu v Tucsone, čo skutočne potrebujeme. Takže brat Pearry bude v Tucsone. Ak sa s ním chcete skontaktovať, dajte to vedieť našim vedúcim tam. Bude to v auguste, od desiateho do trinásteho. Mal to už dlho na svojom srdci a povedal som mu, že je len jediný spôsob, ako to dostať von, a to je jednoducho to urobiť. Je to kresťanský brat, skutočný sluha Boží. A vy ľudia v Tucsone, viem, že budete požehnaní, ako vám tam bude kázať, niekde asi v Ramada Inn, alebo kdekoľvek mu Pán dá miesto; on to tu nemá. Ale viem, že budete požehnaní, keď príde, počúvajúc brata Greena, ako nám vykladá Slovo Božie, hádam sa bude aj modliť za chorých, alebo čokoľvek leží v jeho povinnosti Božieho pomazania.

4Tiež chceme poďakovať bratovi Ormanovi Nevillovi a bratovi Mannovi za to ohromné obecenstvo, ktoré s nimi máme. Ako som rád, že môžem byť v spoločnosti takých mužov ako brat Neville, brat Mann a všetkých týchto kazateľov tu. Predpokladám, že ich poznáte. Ak vás tu nepozná ani naše zhromaždenie a cirkev, som si istý, že Boh vás rozpoznáva ako svojich služobníkov. Nech vás Pán navždy požehná.

5No, niekto ma tu poprosil, aby som… Mám tu zapísanú poznámku. Nedávno tu mali zhromaždenie dôverníkov, skupina dôverníkov a diakonov, a myslím, že výsledky tu boli prečítané pre celé zhromaždenie, čo je pre nás zvykom, že to tak robíme. Tieto rozhodnutia, ktoré tu urobila skupina dôverníkov a diakonov v cirkvi, oni samozrejme nemôžu vyhovieť každému. Jednoducho to nedokážeme. Je nemám ani jednu vec spoločnú s dôverníkmi alebo diakonmi. Ja dokonca ani nemôžem hlasovať, jedine v prípade, že by nastala remíza, vtedy to musím urobiť; brat Orman Neville má potom druhý hlas. Potom to musíme všetko podpísať, lebo sme časťou cirkvi. Ale tie rozhodnutia, ktoré urobí porota dôverníkov, my za tým jednoznačne stojíme, lebo to je dôvod, prečo tu sme. A ich rozhodnutie je medzi nimi a Bohom. Ja nemôžem, ani by som to nijako neurobil, že by som išiel proti tomu rozhodnutiu. A ďalšia vec, mám to zakázané od Vlády Spojených Štátov, aby som urobil nejaké rozhodnutie, čo sa toho týka, takže za mnou nechoďte a neproste, aby som zmenil to rozhodnutie. Ja to nemôžem a jednoducho vás nevypočujem. Takže ma neproste, aby som zmenil ich rozhodnutie. Vidíte tu porotu; oni sú tí, ktorí urobili to rozhodnutie. V poriadku.

6No, čo sa týka nadchádzajúceho zhromaždenia: ak to bude možné a ak Pán dá, vrátim sa asi za štyri až šesť týždňov, tak nejako, možno na ďalšie nedeľné zhromaždenie. Dnes ráno som oznámil, že som chcel hovoriť o Bohu zamanifestovanom vo Svojom Slove, ale dnes večer na to nemám čas a úprimne povedané, ledva mi na to stačí hlas. A potom ešte dav… Vonku je asi rovnako veľa ľudí ako vo vnútri, možno ešte viac, keď rátam aj tie autobusy, kamióny a podobne, v ktorých sedia ľudia. Keď to je zapnuté, toto malé vysielanie trochu zvýšilo hlasitosť, takže to počujeme. Toto krátkovlnné vysielanie z modlitebne môžeme zachytiť až na vzdialenosť jedného mestského bloku. A niektoré autá sú vzdialené niekoľko blokov, tie rady áut idú hore a dolu, naprieč všetkými ulicami okolo modlitebne. Nezdá sa mi, že by sme niekedy mali očividne toľkoto ľudí natlačených v zbore, ako máme teraz. A tak sme… A mnohí len prídu a potom odídu.

 A tak to len ukazuje, „Tam, kde je zdochlina, sa zhromažďujú orly.“ A chcem vám dnes večer povedať, že… v tejto malej skupine ľudí, je to medzinárodné zhromaždenie. V podstate tu sú predstavené tri tretiny štátov únie, a to ešte nerátame päť ďalších cudzích národov, dokonca aj Rusko, z rôznych častí krajiny. Až dolu z Venezuely a Jamajky, z rôznych častí, ľudia sú tu a sú smädní pre Boha. Čo za nádherný čas!

7Pred tým, ako budeme čítať Bibliu, by som chcel… Pomodlíte sa teraz za mňa? Pokúsim sa priniesť jedno malé posolstvo, ak Pán dá, o obdržaní Božského uzdravenia. Dnes ráno sme hovorili o spasení. A dnes večer budeme pár minút hovoriť o Božskom uzdravení, potom vyvoláme modlitebný rad a budeme sa modliť za ľudí. Zatiaľ čo toto robíme, už či ste niekde pripojení, v autobusoch, autách a v okolitých blokoch od modlitebne, keď príde čas modliť sa za chorých a nebudete sa môcť dostať do budovy… Čo nebudete, som si celkom istý, lebo vo dverách sú všade natlačení ľudia, už tu nie je priestor, tak sa len pomodlite a zložte ruky jeden na druhého vonku. A nech sa aj každý kazateľ, ktorý je dnes večer pripojený, tiež pomodlí za svoje zhromaždenie, zatiaľ čo tu prebiehajú bohoslužby s uzdravovaním. Veríme, že Boh je všadeprítomný, nachádza sa všade. No, pred tým, ako prečítame, alebo...

8Pred tým, ako sa pomodlíme, chceme prečítať niečo z Božieho Slova. Pred chvíľou som zmenil miesta Písma, ktoré budem čítať, lebo som chcel trochu pozmeniť ten typ zhromaždenia, ktorý som si na dnes večer predstavoval, tak som to trochu zmenil; a tak som musel zmeniť miesta Písma, nie úplne ich zmeniť, ale dať ich do trochu iného poradia, keďže ide o Božské uzdravenie, aby ľudia porozumeli. Obráťme sa do sv. Lukáša, 24. kapitoly. A začneme od dvanásteho verša 24. kapitoly, budeme čítať asi do 34. verša. Je to o vzkriesení Pána Ježiša.

No Peter vstal a bežal k hrobu. Keď sa nahol, videl tam len plachty. Odišiel domov s úžasom nad tým, čo sa to stalo.

V ten istý deň dvaja z nich išli do dediny zvanej Emauzy, ktorá bola od Jeruzalema vzdialená na šesťdesiat stadií. 

Tak je treba desať stadií na vzdialenosť jednej míle, tak to bolo asi šesť míľ [cca 10km].

A rozprávali sa o všetkom, čo sa udialo. 

Ako sa tak zhovárali a vzájomne uvažovali, priblížil sa k nim sám Ježiš a šiel s nimi. 

Ich oči boli zastreté, aby ho nespoznali. 

I spýtal sa ich: O čom sa takto idúcky rozprávate? Oni sa zronení zastavili a jeden z nich, menom Kleofáš, mu povedal: Ty si vari jediný návštevník Jeruzalema, ktorý nevie, čo sa tam po tieto dni stalo! 

On sa ich spýtal: A čo?

9[Teraz držte na pamäti, že toto bol Ježiš, ktorý ku nim hovoril, On už predtým povstal.] Odpovedali mu: To, čo sa stalo s Ježišom Nazaretským, ktorý bol prorok, mocný v čine i v reči pred Bohom, aj pred všetkými ľuďmi. 

Ako ho veľkňazi a naši poprední muži dali odsúdiť na smrť a ukrižovali. 

A my sme dúfali, že on vykúpi Izrael. Dnes je však už tretí deň, ako sa to všetko stalo. 

Niektoré z našich žien nás aj vyľakali. Pred svitaním boli pri hrobe, 

a keď nenašli jeho telo, prišli a tvrdili, že sa im zjavili anjeli a tí im hovorili, že žije. 

Niektorí z našich išli k hrobu a zistili, že je to tak, ako povedali ženy. No jeho nevideli.

10[Teraz počúvajte!]

Ježiš im povedal: Vy nechápaví a leniví srdcom uveriť všetko, čo hovorili proroci!

Či nemusel Kristus toto všetko pretrpieť a tak vojsť do svojej slávy? 

A počnúc od Mojžiša a od všetkých prorokov, vykladal im, čo sa naňho vzťahovalo vo všetkých Písmach. 

Tak sa priblížili k dedine, do ktorej sa uberali, a on sa tváril, že ide ďalej. 

Ale oni naňho naliehali: Zostaň s nami, lebo sa zvečerieva a deň sa schýlil. Vošiel teda, aby zostal s nimi. 

Keď sedel s nimi pri stole, vzal chlieb, dobrorečil, lámal a podával im. 

Vtom sa im otvorili oči a spoznali ho. Ale on im zmizol. 

Tu si povedali: Či nehorelo naše srdce, keď sa s nami cestou rozprával a vysvetľoval nám Písma? 

A ešte v tú hodinu vstali a vrátili sa do Jeruzalema. Tam našli zhromaždených Jedenástich a ostatných, čo boli s nimi. 

Títo hovorili: Pán naozaj vstal z mŕtvych a ukázal sa Šimonovi. 

Aj oni porozprávali, čo sa im cestou stalo a ako ho spoznali pri lámaní chleba.

11Pomodlime sa. Drahý dobrotivý Otče, ďakujeme Ti za Tvoje Slovo, za to, že Tvoje Slovo je pravda, Tvoje Slovo je život. A Ty, ó, Pane, a Tvoje Slovo sú Jedno. A tak sa dnes večer modlíme, aby si k nám zostúpil v moci Tvojho vzkriesenia a ukázal nám dnes večer, ako tí, ktorí prišli z Emauz, aby sme sa aj my mohli vrátiť do svojich domovov, hovoriac, „Či v nás nehoreli naše srdcia?“ Udeľ to, Pane; už sa blíži čas večera. Prosíme o to v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

12No, chcel by som teraz hovoriť o niečom, čo sa týka Biblie. Moja téma dnes večer je: Udalosti, ktoré sú vyjasnené pomocou proroctva. Udalosti vyjasnené proroctvom.

 Viete, Biblia je odlišná kniha od ostatných svätých kníh. Biblia je iná kniha. Je to prorocká kniha, ktorá predpovedá budúce udalosti. Tiež to je aj Zjavenie Ježiša Krista. Od samotného Genesis až po Zjavenie je On zjavený vo Svojej plnosti, kým On bol a kým stále je. A celá tá kompletná kniha… Zjavenie 1:1-3 hovorí, že to je kniha Zjavenia Ježiša Krista, ktorý je Slovo Božie – Zjavenie Ježiša Krista, Slovo Božie.

13Všetky ostatné knihy, sväté knihy, tie sú len pravidlá správania, zákonníky morálky alebo teológie. Niečo, čo… Koľkí z vás ste niekedy čítali Korán, tú mohamedánsku bibliu a knihy budhistov, a tak ďalej? Sú to len knižky o etike, ako by mali ľudia žiť, pre čo by mali ľudia žiť, ale žiadne z nich neprorokujú, ani nehovoria nič o týchto veciach alebo špeciálnych daroch, ktoré boli niekomu dané, že by sa niečo vôbec stalo. Je to len, ako by ste sa mali pridať do nejakej lóže alebo niečoho. A tak, keď sa cirkvi dostávajú do toho miesta, že z cirkvi robia len nejakú lóžu, ktorú chodia navštevovať, je to totálne mimo Slova Božieho.

14Lebo Biblia je živý svedok, ktorý predpovedá Ježiša Krista. A ako zem narástla do svojej plnosti a rovnako ako aj vínne révy rastú do svojej plnosti, deň sa tiež raz dostane do plnosti. Biblia bola zamanifestovaná vo svojej plnosti v Osobe Ježiša Krista; On bol Slovo Božie zjavené, kompletná kniha vykúpenia. Biblia je Božie Slovo, ktoré predpovedá udalosti, ktoré sa majú stať. Jej veriacim prikázal jej samotný Autor, aby ju čítali a verili z nej každé slovo, nie len nejakú časť. Ak neveríte čo i len jednému slovu, môžete to rovno celé zabaliť, až kým neveríte celému Slovu. Každé jedno Slovo je absolútnou časťou Všemohúceho Boha – Boh zamanifestovaný, vložený do Svojho vlastného Slova, aby ukázal, kým je. Nám je, ako veriacim, prikázané, aby sme verili každému slovu z toho. Ten Autor, ktorý to napísal, je Sám Boh. Nie je nikto, kto by mal povolenie niečo k tomu pridať alebo odobrať. Ak by ste to urobili, bolo by to nekompletné telo Božie. Malo by to možno šesť prstov na jednej ruke alebo jednu ruku kratšiu, jeden prst kratší. Je to kompletné telo Ježiša Krista. A v Kristovi, ktorý je Muž, Ženích, v Ňom je predstavená aj Nevesta. A oni dvaja sú jedno. „A v tom dni spoznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi a Otec vo Mne, Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne.“ Čo za kompletný obraz!

 A tí pravdiví veriaci v toto Slovo, ktorí to tak akceptujú, veria tomu a s trpezlivosťou čakajú na tie prorokované zasľúbenia, každé z nich bude zamanifestované v tomto veku. Každý veriaci na to čaká. Každý veriaci stojí na špičkách, sleduje, a on je ten, komu to bude zjavené.

15Pozrime sa teraz na dni príchodu Pána Ježiša. Prečo tí ľudia nerozpoznali Jána, keď Biblia jasne hovorila v Izaiášovi, „Bude hlas volajúceho na púšti, 'Pripravte cestu Pánovi'“? Ten posledný prorok, ktorého mali, čo bol Malachiáš 3, hovoril, „Hľa, posielam posla pred svojou tvárou, aby pre Mňa pripravil cestu.“ Prečo to nevideli? Lebo hľadeli na niečo, čo sa už stalo, zakladali svoje myšlienky na nejakom posolstve, ktoré už prv vyšlo, a nedokázali vidieť tú prítomnú manifestáciu Božiu v tom dni, v ktorom žili.

 A v tomto bode stojí teraz celý svet, všetci kresťania. Bez akéhokoľvek protikladu, to je pravda. Kresťania sa všade snažia hľadieť späť na nejaký zákonník, ktorý napísal Luther alebo Wesley, Sankey, Finney, Knox, Calvin – o ktorých síce nemôžeme nič zlé povedať, ale to bolo v minulosti.

16Farizeji sa pozreli späť na to, čo Mojžiš povedal, a povedali, „My máme Mojžiša. Nevieme, odkiaľ Ty prichádzaš.“

 Ale pamätajte, keď tu bol Mojžiš, oni nevedeli, odkiaľ prišiel. A teraz… Niet sa čo diviť, že im Ježiš povedal, „Zdobíte hrobky prorokov, ale boli ste to vy, ktorí ste ich tam dali.“ Potom, ako ich posolstvo bolo preč… Posolstvo sa dostane medzi ľudí, oni ho vidia a robia si z toho žarty (svet to robí). A potom, keď ten posol príde do konca a posolstvo je hotové, zrazu na základe toho posolstva postavia denomináciu. A rovno tam zomierajú a nikdy neožívajú.

17Pozrite sa aspoň na chvíľu, niektorí z vás ľudí… Hovorím zvlášť o vás, katolíkoch. Či si uvedomujete… Čítali ste vôbec niekedy skutočnú históriu rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi? O mučeníctve, od sv.Augustína z Hippo, koľko miliónov nevinných ľudí dala cirkev zabiť? Už som zabudol, neviem teraz presne to číslo, ale boli milióny, od sv.Hipp… sv.Augustína z Hippo, v Afrike – on urobil vyhlásenie, že to je absolútna vôľa Božia, aby bol usmrtený každý, kto protestuje proti rímsko-katolíckej cirkvi. Či si uvedomujete, že sv.Patrik začal byť uznávaný ako katolík až po jeho smrti? On práveže protestoval proti pápežovi a všetkým jeho činnostiam a katolícka cirkev zabila desiatky tisícov jeho detí. Vedeli ste aj to, že katolícka cirkev upálila na hranici Johannu z Arku, tú svätú ženu, ako čarodejnicu? Potom o dvesto rokov nato vykopali hroby prorokov, keď si uvedomili, že sa mýlili, a hodili ich do mora, bez toho, že by ich zakopali do svätej zeme, aby činili pokánie.

 Nebuďte blázniví, nech ten deň neprejde ponad vaše hlavy.

18Ako by len tí kňazi, ktorí odsúdili Ježiša, dnes večer chceli prísť. To jediné… Oni jednoducho nevideli tú predpoveď na tú hodinu. Ježiš povedal, „Skúmajte Písma, lebo v nich si myslíte, že...“, alebo skôr, „tvrdíte, že v nich máte večný život, ale sú to práve ony, ktoré vám hovoria o tom, kým Ja som,“ na tú hodinu.

 Všimnite si, Biblia nemôže zlyhať. Je to tá jediná vec, ktorú nedokáže urobiť – Božie Slovo nezlyháva. Ono predpovedá skutky svojho Autora, pred tým, ako ich On vykoná.

19No, existuje jedna šanca z tisícov, že by človek niečo predpovedal a ono by sa to stalo. Ale keď k tomu ešte pridáme to, že by predpovedal, kde sa to stane, to by tú šancu asi desaťtisícnásobne znížilo. Ak by dokonca povedal aj deň, kedy sa to stane, to by bola jedna šanca z milióna. A keby povedal, komu sa to stane, to by tú šancu znížilo na jednu z niekoľko miliárd.

 Ale táto Biblia nám presne hovorí, kto, kedy, kde, a čo máme očakávať, a nikdy to zatiaľ nezlyhalo. Nedávno som mal rozhovor s jedným kňazom jednej svätej cirkvi, ktorý povedal, „Pán Branham, snažíš sa argumentovať Bibliou.“ Povedal, „To je história cirkvi.“

 Povedal som, „To nie je história; je to Sám Boh vytlačený na stránky papiera.“

 On povedal, „Boh je vo Svojej cirkvi.“

 Povedal som, „Boh je vo Svojom Slove. A čokoľvek je v protiklade s tým, je to klamstvo. Lebo On povedal, 'Nech je Moje Slovo pravdivé a nech je každé ľudské slovo lžou.'“

 On povedal, „Ale my sa nemôžeme hádať.“

 Odpovedal som, „Nikdy som nepovedal, že sa máme hádať, ale Biblia predsa hovorí, 'Poďme a pravoťme sa spolu.'“

20Ona predpovedá skutky svojho Autora pred tým, ako ich On vykoná. A z toho dôvodu to umiestňuje každého muža a každú ženu k súdnej stolici, bez akýchkoľvek výhovoriek. Ak vezmete to, čo o tom hovoria metodisti, čo o tom hovoria baptisti, čo o tom hovoria katolíci, čo o tom hovoria letniční alebo akákoľvek iná cirkev, pri súde budete sklamaní. Ale ak len budete sledovať to, čo Biblia hovorí, že sa má stať, potom sa to len stane a vy rozpoznáte, že sa to stalo. 

 No, ono to nie je vždy jasne vidieť pre všetkých ľudí, lebo Ježiš ďakoval Bohu za to, že to ukryl pred očami múdrych a chytrých, a zjavil to deťom, tým, ktorí sa budú učiť. Pomyslite na to, ako Všemohúci Boh sedí na Svojom vlastnom Slove, s mocou, aby oslepil bohatých a nehanebných a všetkých tých vzdelaných učencov, zaslepil ich oči, aby Ho nevideli, a otvoril oči chudobných a negramotných.

21Všimnite si týchto ľudí z Emauz. On povedal, že ich poňatie o Ňom bolo od nich zadržané. Oni k Nemu hovorili a počas celého dňa nemali tušenia, kto to vôbec je. Boh to dokáže urobiť, lebo On je Boh.

 To je presne to, čo urobil tým kňazom, tým zákonníkom, lebo bolo napísané, že to tak urobí. Boh zaslepil ich oči, aby nemali šancu. Všimnite si, oni to nemohli vidieť bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi boli vzdelaní, na akej úrovni boli ako kňazi, čo všetko vykonali, oni to jednako nemohli uvidieť, lebo boli slepí. Ich fyzický zrak mohol byť 20/20. Ale ich duchovný zrak, to bolo niečo iné!

22To je to isté, čo som chcel dnes ráno povedať ohľadom cudzoloženia žien, ako sa dnes obliekajú. Oni sú cudzoložnice. V Božej knihe sú vinné každého cudzoložstva, zakaždým, ako si na seba dávajú to sexy oblečenie. Ich duše, ony o tom ani netušia. Verím, že mnohé z tých žien, možno aj tisíce, sú nevinné a za žiadnych okolností by nespáchali cudzoložstvo. Ale tie úbohé ženy nemajú pri sebe niekoho, kto by to len tak nenechal, ale pripomenul by im to, a povedal by im pravdu o tom, ako páchajú cudzoložstvo. O čom Biblia hovorí, „Tá cudzoložnica, ktorá sedela nad mnohými vodami a všetci králi a národy zeme s ňou páchali duchovné cudzoložstvá. A ona bola matka všetkých cudzoložníc,“ - denominácií.

23My sledujeme Bibliu, lebo Boh nás nenecháva v temnote. On poslal Bibliu, aby nám predpovedal udalosti, ktoré sa majú stať, akej povahy to bude a v akom čase to príde.

 Je to niečo, ako keď sa pozeráte na kalendár, aby ste zistili, aký je dátum. Ak si pomyslíte, poviete, že… „Je toto sobota alebo nedeľa?“ Pozriete sa na kalendár. Kalendár vám povie, aký je deň. Keď sledujete činnosti ľudí, možno, ako chodia do cirkvi, vidíte… počujete, ako zvonia zvony, divíte sa, aký je deň. Pozriete sa na kalendár a ten vám povie, aký je deň.

24A keď vidíte, ako sa cirkev začína stávať viac a viac svetskou, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, vidíte, ako cirkevný svet začína uctievať boha tohto zlého veku, keď to všetko vidíme; potom vidíme malú skupinu zhromaždenú pod inšpiráciou Božou, ktorá znovu produkuje život Ježiša Krista, skrze Písma, čo sa má diať, potom vieme, v ktorej hodine žijeme.

 Táto Biblia skrze proroctvo predpovedá, v akom dni žijeme, v akom čase žijeme a aké udalosti sa majú stať. Predpovedá to presne do písmena a nikdy to nesklamalo v ani jednom veku, ona má pravdu po celý čas. Ani raz to nebolo mimo a nikdy nebude, lebo tí, ktorí sú predurčení do toho, aby to videli, to uvidia. Ježiš povedal, „Nikto ku Mne nepríde, len ten, koho potiahne Môj Otec, a všetci tí, ktorých mi dal Otec, ku Mne prídu.“ Je to Slovo, ktoré sa pripája ku Slovu. Nemôže robiť nič iné. Vieme, že toto je ten deň, v ktorom žijeme.

25Ale rovnako, ako to bolo v každom veku, ľudia nechajú ľudí, aby si ku Slovu pripojili svoj vlastný výklad, a práve to ich zaslepuje, aby nevideli tú udalosť, ktorá sa stala. To isté sa stalo s farizejmi a sadúcejmi. Aj keď tam Pavol stál a snažil sa citovať Písmo, jeden človek ho udrel po tvári, lebo nazval veľkňaza bielou stenou. A potom im ušlo to, ako Boh potvrdil Svoje prorokované Slovo.

26Vidíte, Biblia si neprotirečí; Biblia je Boh. V Bohu neexistuje protirečenie; On je dokonalý. 

 Ale ľudia so svojím vlastným výkladom, to už je niečo iné! No, všimnite si, niečo vám poviem, priatelia. Cirkvi sa nemôžu navzájom zhodnúť na základe výkladu. Metodisti sa nemôžu zhodnúť s baptistami, baptisti s presbyteriánmi, presbyteriáni s letničnými. A s asi štyridsiatimi rôznymi organizáciami letničných, oni sa ani medzi sebou nevedia zhodnúť. Vidíte, to by bol znovu ten zamiešaný Babylon.

 Ale Boh si Sám dáva výklad Svojmu Slovu. On niečo zasľúbil, a potom to aj Sám vykonáva. On tomu dáva Svoj vlastný výklad, lebo On sa dáva v tej hodine na známosť. Aké veľké je Telo Kristovo, od nôh po hlavu!

27Všimnite si, to je presne ten dôvod, prečo to títo ľudia nedokážu pochopiť, lebo počúvajú, čo o tom hovorí niekto iný, namiesto toho, aby si to prečítali v Slove tak, ako im to Ježiš povedal. „A ony sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, a ony sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne.“ Inými slovami, počúvajte, „Čítajte Písmo a všimnite si, čo mal Mesiáš urobiť. Pozrite sa na to, v ktorom čase mal Mesiáš prísť. Pozrite sa, kto mal prísť pred Mesiášom. Pozrite sa na tú hodinu. Mal tam byť hlas volajúceho na púšti: to bol Ján. A jemu ste urobili presne to, čo ste povedali. Pozrite sa, čo som mal urobiť, keď som prišiel. A čo ste vy teraz urobili? Či som to všetko nesplnil?“ Vidíte, Ježiš povedal, „Či to všetko nespĺňam?“

28Všimnite si, ako dnes popoludní prechádzame Písmami, ako všetko, čo bolo o Ňom prorokované, sa presne tak vyplnilo, ako sa malo. Oni mali o tejto udalosti vedieť. „Tento fanatický, mladý muž bol vychovaný, a keď mal asi tridsaťtri rokov… alebo tridsať rokov, prišiel tam dolu a hovoril o nejakých svetlách a holubiciach. No, bolo to jednoducho pohanenie.“ Povedali, „Bol narodený nemanželským rodičom a ešte k tomu tvrdil, že prišiel na svet panenským narodením.“

 Či nemali vedieť, že Izaiáš povedal, v Izaiášovi 9:6, „Dieťa sa nám narodilo“? Či nemali vedieť, že prorok Izaiáš tiež povedal, „Panna počne“? Toto všetko mali vedieť. Ale vidíte, oni sa to snažili uplatniť do budúcnosti, niekde dopredu. A tento muž pre nich jednoducho nespĺňal tie podmienky. Ale On im povedal, „Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, ale sú to ony, ktoré svedčia o Mojom posolstve.“ Nie to, čo povedal nejaký teológ, ale to, čo Sám Boh (Jeho vlastné Slovo) povedal, že sa stane. Amen!

 Tak je to aj teraz. Skúmajte Písma, lebo sú to ony, ktoré hovoria o tej hodine, v ktorej žijeme, a hovoria nám, čo sa presne v tomto dni stane. Ony sú tie, na ktoré sa máte spoliehať, lebo ony svedčia o osobe Ježiša Krista. Lebo Biblia hovorí, že „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky,“ lebo On je zjavením Slova v tomto veku. Nemôže to byť nijako inak.

29A tak preto, keď počúvajú ľudské výklady, nedokážu vidieť to potvrdenie Božieho vyplneného Slova. Lebo, aj keď sa to stále deje, oni keď počúvajú… Ježiš povedal, „Oni sú slepí vodcovia.“ A keď slepí vedú slepých, čo sa im stane? No, pamätajte, Biblia predpovedala, že tento Laodicejský cirkevný vek bude slepý. On bol vyhnaný z cirkvi. Nie je žiaden iný vek, žiaden taký ešte nebol, kedy by bol Ježiš mimo cirkvi. Iba Laodicejský cirkevný vek. On je vonku a dobíja sa dovnútra. Ale povedal, „Lebo hovoríte, 'Som bohatý, mám veľa majetku, a nič už nepotrebujem,' a neviete, že ste slepí, ktorí vedú slepých, biedni v duchu, mizerní a nahí, a neviete o tom.“ Čo za… Ak by bol človek nahý na ulici, mizerný, slepý a mal by aspoň trochu rozumu, vtedy by ste mu mohli povedať, že je nahý, a on by sa s tým snažil niečo urobiť. Ale keď zakrúti hlavou a povie, „Je mi to jedno. Kto si ty, aby si mi hovoril, čo mám robiť? Ja viem, kde stojím.“ No, ak to nie je úbohý stav, potom neviem. A to je presne ten stav, v ktorom Boh tejto Biblie povedal, že cirkev bude, v tomto zlom veku, v poslednom cirkevnom veku, v ktorom žijeme.

 Všimnite si, ale ľuďom hovoril, „Tých, ktorých milujem, karhám.“ Čiže ak si pokarhaný od Pána, za to, čo robíš, potom z toho vyjdi. Choď od toho preč. „Toho, koho milujem, toho karhám.“

30No, keď videli Boha, čo ak by tí farizeji povedali, „Moment. Ten človek nám ale teda dal výzvu; povedal, 'Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, ale sú to ony, ktoré svedčia o Mne.' Bude lepšie, ak sa pozrieme do Písma a zistíme, čo to On mal vlastne robiť, kým On je, a čo sa má stať. Mali by sme sa pozrieť a zistiť.“ Namiesto toho išli ku kňazovi a opýtali sa ho, „Čo s tým?“ Vidíte? Namiesto toho mali čítať Slovo.

31V Židom 1:1, Biblia hovorí, „Boh v pradávnych časoch, to znamená v starých časoch, a rôznymi spôsobmi napísal Bibliu skrze prorokov.“ No, všimnite si, On napísal Bibliu Svojím vybraným spôsobom. On ju tak nemusel napísať, rovnako ako ani nemusel spasiť človeka krvou. On nemusel kázať Evanjelium skrze človeka; pokojne mohol nechať, aby slnko, mesiac alebo hviezdy kázali Evanjelium; mohol by dať, aby vietor vanul Evanjelium. Ale On si vybral človeka. A rovnako si aj vybral ten spôsob, ktorým Jeho Slovo príde, a to bolo skrze Jeho prorokov, ktorí boli predurčení a predzvedení, súc časťou Božieho Slova, a vyhlasovali zjavenie Jeho Slova na daný vek a daný čas. „Lebo Slovo Božie prišlo len ku prorokom.“ Nikdy neprišlo k teológovi. Ukážte mi to v Písme. Prichádza len ku prorokom. Boh nemôže klamať. A tak Boh napísal Bibliu tým Svojím vybraným spôsobom, a to bolo skrze Ním vybraných prorokov; nie tých prorokov, ktorých si človek vybral, ale tých prorokov, ktorých si Boh vybral.

32Potom tí, ktorí v to veria, čakajú na vyplnenie toho, čo ich prorok povedal, a to je tá identifikácia, že oni sú Boží proroci. Lebo, po prvé, sú inšpirovaní. Po druhé, oni zostávajú priamo so Slovom na tú hodinu. To je potom jeho kvalifikácia. Minulú nedeľu sme to preberali. Povstane veľa falošných prorokov. A zobrazili sme to, ako Balám a Mojžiš, obaja boli pomazaní tým istým Duchom, jeden z nich povedal, „My sme všetci jedno. Poďme, dajme sa dokopy, dajme všetky naše dievčatá dohromady. Máme tu pekné dievčatá a vy, chlapci, sem príďte a vyberiete si ženu. Je to úplne v poriadku, všetci sme jeden ľud, tá istá rasa.“ Boh im to nikdy neodpustil. Oni to počúvali.

 Vidíte, svet a ľudia hľadajú nejakú obchádzku, nejakú skratku, ale v Božom Slove nie je žiadna skratka. Je jeden vzor. Ty sa musíš orezať tak, aby si pasoval do toho vzoru, nie snažiť sa upraviť ten vzor tak, aby pasoval tebe. Každý to tak musí robiť. A to je ten jediný spôsob, akým to Boh robí.

33Všimnite si, veriaci čakajú, kým sa to Slovo potvrdí. Vidíte, nebolo to napísané človekom, ale Pánom Bohom, preto to nie je kniha človeka.

 Niekto povedal, „To sú len nejaké staré hebrejské spisy.“ Či by Hebreji napísali listy, ktoré odsudzujú ich samých? Či by ten skvelý národ Židov, samozvaný a vycibrený, či by oni napísali o svojich vlastných neprávostiach, odsudzujúc samých seba? Istotne nie. Či by hovorili o svojich vlastných hriechoch, ako sa obrátili k modlárstvu, ako spáchali cudzoložstvo proti Božiemu Slovu? Nie, nie. Taký hrdý národ by nič také nepovedal.

 Nie je to kniha človeka; je to kniha Božia. A tí muži, ktorí videli videnia a počuli hlas Boží, tomu nikdy sami nerozumeli (mnohokrát to tak bolo, v mnohých prípadoch). Človek nenapísal Bibliu. Boh napísal Bibliu. Nie je to kniha človeka; je to kniha Božia. Sú to Božie myšlienky vyjadrené cez ľudské pery. Z toho sa skladá Biblia. Vyjadrená myšlienka je slovo. A na počiatku bolo Božie myslenie, On to vyjadril cez pery Svojich prorokov a potvrdil to skrze Svojich sluhov. Všimnite si to.

34Boh robí Svoju vlastnú voľbu, skrze predurčenie. Tak si vybral prorokov na každý vek. Všimnite si. On tvorí povahu toho proroka, aby pasovala do toho veku. Vidíte, On to presne napasuje do Svojho štýlu, čokoľvek robí. On ho tam napasuje bez ohľadu na to, či je vzdelaný alebo nie. On napasuje dary, spôsob, ktorým bude kázať, dary, ktoré bude mať, posolstvo pre ten daný vek. Boh predurčil, aby sa tá určitá vec stala, a neexistuje nič iné, čo by sa malo namiesto toho stať. Je mi jedno, čo to je, koľko človekom-utvorených úspechov, nič to nemôže nahradiť. On predurčil človeka, možno aj nevzdelaného človeka, toho zas mohol predurčiť na niečo iné. Čokoľvek to je, on mu dáva jeho umiestnenie, jeho dary, jeho povahu, jeho štýl, čokoľvek to je, ako sa vyjadruje, čokoľvek robí. On tvorí človeka na tú hodinu, aby chytil tých ľudí tej hodiny. Tak veru. On to robí.

 Na konci každého veku, keď sa cirkev obrátila do sveta a hriechu a začala sa spoliehať na ľudský výklad Slova… Ako vždy, na konci veku sa to dostalo do takého chaosu kvôli teológom a kňazom, až to je úplne rozhádzané. Ich výklad je vždy vedľa; ani raz sa im nestalo, že by mali pravdu. A rovnako sa ani Božiemu Slovu nestalo, že by sa mýlilo. To je ten rozdiel.

35No, vidíte? Boh Sám napísal Bibliu. No, Boh vie hovoriť. Mojžiš povedal, že k nemu hovoril. Jeremiáš povedal, „On vložil slová do mojich úst.“ A Boh vie písať. On napísal desať prikázaní so Svojím vlastným prstom. Písal na steny Babylonu. A pamätajte, už len v samotnom Starom Zákone, dvetisíckrát prorok povedal, „Tak hovorí Pán!“ Boh vie hovoriť, Boh vie písať. Istotne. Takmer deväťdesiat percent v Evanjeliách Matúša, Marka, Lukáša a Jána sú Slová samotného Boha, Ježiša Krista, ktorý tam hovoril. A tak ak Boh dokáže písať, Boh dokáže aj čítať. Či potom nemôže spôsobiť, aby niekto iný robil to isté? Či nepovedal Mojžišovi, „Kto robí človeka nemým a kto mu dáva reč?“ Boh napísal Bibliu skrze prorokov, to bol ten spôsob, akým to On robí.

36No, vždy, keď sa cirkev zamieša (a Boh predzvedel, že to tak bude, lebo On vie všetky veci dopredu), On má vždy určitého proroka pripraveného presne na ten vek, aby vyvolal svojich vyvolených cez potvrdené Slovo znamení a divov, ako potvrdenie Jeho Slova, „potvrdzujúc Slovo, za ktorým nasledujú znamenia,“ ako to On zasľúbil. On dáva ten pravdivý výklad po tom, ako je ten prorok potvrdený.

 Všetci okrem tých vyvolených, ku ktorým je poslaný, Ho nenávidia. Len sa pozrite na každý jeden prípad a zistite, či to tak je alebo nie. Jedine tí, ku ktorým je poslaný! „On prišiel k Svojim vlastným a Jeho vlastní Ho neprijali; ale tí, ktorí Ho prijali, tým dal moc stať sa synmi Božími.“ Všimnite si, každé preskúmanie Slovom, v každom jednom prípade, a na konci každého jedného veku, vyvrcholenia alebo zmeny, ako som o tom už veľakrát kázal...

37Pozrite sa na vek Noeho, na to vyvrcholenie pred súdom. Čo sa stalo? Bola to len Noeho rodina, ktorá mu verila. Ostatní ho kritizovali. A zničilo to celý svet.

 Vo dňoch Abraháma uverila len Abrahámova skupina. Keď išli anjeli a kázali Sodome, len Lot, jeho žena a ich dve dcéry odtiaľ vyšli, ale ona sa otočila a premenila na soľný stĺp.

 Vo dňoch Mojžiša, len tí vyvolení z Izraela vyšli von. A faraón ho nenávidel. 

 Vo dňoch Eliáša, takmer každý okrem sedem tisíc mužov ho nenávidel, celý národ.

 Vo dňoch Jeremiáša, hádzali naňho nezrelé ovocie, nazývali ho fanatikom, lebo ležal toľko a toľko dní na jednom boku a toľko dní na druhom a predstavoval určité symboly. Nenávideli ho.

 Prorok Izaiáš tú rasu odsúdil tak, až ho rozrezali pílou na dve časti. Tak veru.

38Ján Krstiteľ. „Bol to divoký človek, nejaký vrieskajúci maniak.“ Všetkých okrem tých učeníkov predstavil Ježišovi Kristovi ako cirkev, „Tu to je!“ Ján pripravil ľudí. Koľkých mal? Mohli by ste ich spočítať na dvoch prstoch, alebo teda na dvoch rukách, koľkých Ján predstavil Ježišovi, keď On prišiel. A čo potom Jeho druhý príchod? Zamyslite sa nad tým.

 Ale keď tí skutoční veriaci v Bibliu vidia to Slovo, ako je tak otvorene potvrdené na ten vek, oni tomu veria. Neexistuje nič, čo by im zabránilo v tom, aby tomu verili. Oni dokonca zapečatia svoje svedectvo so svojou krvou. Oni tomu veria. Je to potom… Je to pre nich, pre tých predurčených, aby to v tom určitom veku videli a verili tomu.

39Ostatní to jednoducho nevidia; sú slepí. No, poviete, „Oni to nevidia.“ Ale čo napríklad Balám, prečo to Balám nedokázal uvidieť? Bol predsa pomazaným prorokom. Prečo to nemohol taký faraón vidieť? Keď uvidel ruku Božiu, ako zostupuje a vykonáva zázraky, to len viac zatvrdilo jeho srdce. Je to tak? Prečo to Dátan nevidel, a sám bol Židom? Hneď potom, ako prešli cez Červené More a každý deň jedli mannu, ktorá čerstvo padala z neba, a stále to nedokázal vidieť. Prečo to Kórach nevidel? Prečo to Kaifáš nevidel? On bol v tom čase hlavou náboženského sveta. Prečo ani on nedokázal uvidieť, že to bol Mesiáš? Prečo to Judáš nevidel? Judáš bol priamo s Ním, kráčal s nimi, vykonával s nimi zázraky. Ale Slovo muselo byť naplnené. Biblia hovorí, že oni povstali, aby zaujali to miesto. Povstali presne za tým účelom. Tak veru. Rimanom 8 to hovorí.

40No, veriaci môžu vidieť, že Slovo sa v ich generácii stáva telom, Boh to tak hovorí. A nech tí skutoční, pravdiví veriaci, tých sedem tisíc… Alebo to bolo sedemsto vo dňoch Eliáša? Sedem tisíc, tak veru. Vo dňoch Eliáša, medzi troma miliónmi mužov bolo iba sedem tisíc, ktorí videli, že to bola pravda. Bola to sotva stotina z tých ľudí. Ale oni videli, že to bola pravda. Videli Boha manifestového. Tá stará vdova, ku ktorej bol Elizeus poslaný, ona išla urobiť ten chlieb, bolo to sotva na to, aby mohla dať trochu sebe, trochu synovi a potom mali zomrieť. Ale sledujte Eliáša; on povedal, „Urob najprv mne. Lebo tak hovorí Pán, 'Nádoba sa nevyprázdni, ani nádoba nevyschne, až dokiaľ Pán Boh nezošle dážď na zem.'“ Bez otázok sa otočila, urobila mu chlieb a dala mu ho. Povedal, „Urob najprv mne a potom urob sebe a svojmu synovi.“ Ona počula toho muža a pozrela sa naňho, preto bola tým predurčeným semenom.

41Mnohí z nich hovoria, „Zas je tu ten starý pomätenec. Boh nás preklína kvôli nemu.“ Pamätajte na Eliáša, keď povedal, „Ty si ten, ktorý trápi Izrael.“

 On povedal, „Ty si ten, ktorý trápi Izrael.“ Vidíte, koho Boh… Koho Slovo potvrdzoval? Svoje vlastné Slovo.

 No, Biblia hovorí, že oni povstali presne za týmto účelom, tí neveriaci. Ale keď ten pravdivý veriaci dokáže vidieť Slovo toho veku, ako sa stáva telom, ako Boh hovorí cez ľudské pery a potom robí presne to, čo povedal, že urobí, tým to je vybavené.

42No, teraz sledujte ten zvyšok. Nepozerajte na znamenia. Ak budete vyhľadávať znamenia, celkom istotne budete zvedení. Falošní proroci povstanú a budú ukazovať znamenia a divy, ktoré by zviedli aj vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. Sledujte Slovo! Hľaďte na tých kňazov, prorokov a židovského proroka, ktorý tam stál. Cedekiáš s dvomi veľkými rohmi hovoril, „Ja som prorokom poslaným od Boha.“ Tak veru. „Mám tu so sebou tristodeväťdesiatich deviatich a Duch Svätý je na nás, potvrdzuje a hovorí, že táto zem patrí nám. Len poďme a zaujmime ju. A s pomocou týchto rohov, Achab, vytlačíš nepriateľa z našej zeme, lebo Boh nám túto zem dal.“

43Sledujte toho nábožného muža, dobrého muža Jozafata, ktorý povedal, „Nemáte ešte jedného?“

 „Ešte jedného? Veď tu je štyristo, ktorí sa na tom zhodujú!“ On povedal, „Ale áno, je tu ešte jeden, ale toho nemám rád.“ Povedal, „Ten len vždy na nás vrieska a kritizuje nás, že akí sme hriešnici a podobne. Neznášam ho. Je to Micheáš, syn Jimlu.“

 On odpovedal, „Ó, nech tak nehovorí kráľ. Choď poňho a vypočujme si, čo má do povedania.“

 Achab povedal, „Zaväzujem ťa prísahou, aby si mi nehovoril nič iné ako pravdu.“

 A ten človek prišiel a povedal, „No, ak sa chceš vrátiť s dobrým uznaním a byť s nimi v obecenstve, povedz to isté, čo tí ostatní.“

 Micheáš povedal, „Ja budem hovoriť len to, čo Boh hovorí.“

 A nasledujúce ráno vyšli. Králi na seba obliekli svoje rúcha, posadili sa ku bráne so všetkými celebritami. A proroci tam stáli a hovorili, „No čo teraz, ty fanatik? Čo na to povieš?“

 On povedal, „Len tam choďte.“ Povedal, „Ale videl som Izrael roztrúsený ako ovce nemajúce pastiera.“

44On zodvihol ruku a udrel ho po ústach. Prorok udrel druhého proroka po ústach. No, obaja títo pomazaní proroci tam stáli, prorokovali, bolo ich tam štyristo proti jednému. To vyzerá ako poriadna presila. Nie vždy je bezpečie v množstve radcov. Závisí to od toho, o čom sa radia, o čo tam ide. Pre kráľa to nebolo bezpečné, a on považoval tú radu väčšiny za správnu. Ale ak by sa len pozastavil, obrátil ten zvitok a pozrel sa na to, čo Eliáš povedal.

45Micheáš potom nemohol nič povedať; on nevedel, ale možno mu to Boh už odpustil. Ale keďže bol prorok, tak najprv išiel k Bohu a zistil, čo Boh povedal. Keď zistil, čo o tom Boh hovorí, povedal, „Videl som Boha, ako sedí na tróne, a povedal... mal okolo seba zhromaždených radcov neba, povedal, 'Koho môžeme poslať, aby Achaba priviedol k tomu, aby sem prišiel, aby sme mohli vyplniť to proroctvo, ktoré je o ňom napísané?'“

 Vidíte, proroctvo. Eliáš už povedal, „Psy budú lízať tvoju krv.“

 A tak povedal, že videl ducha klamu, ako vyšiel zdola, vystúpil hore pred Neho a povedal, „Pôjdem dolu a vstúpim do jeho prorokov, do Achabových prorokov, a spôsobím, že budú prorokovať lož.“

46No, Boh vedel, že tí ľudia boli tak nafúkaní a tak plní teológie, že si mysleli, že to mali všetko správne vypočítané. Oni si nikdy nevšimli to Slovo na tú hodinu. A tak Boh povedal, „Uspejete, len tam choďte.“ A keď to Micheáš povedal, vtedy bolo vidieť, že tí, ktorí prorokovali, to robili pod zlým duchom. Možno vytrhli telefón zo zástrčky, vypli rádio alebo urobili čokoľvek, keď počuli, ako je proti nim hovorené, postavili sa a odišli. Ale pozrite sa, čo sa stalo. No, Micheáš si musel skontrolovať svoje videnie s napísaným Slovom, preto o tom vedel.

 Povedal, „Keď prídem… Dajte toho človeka do väzenia, dajte mu vody smútku a chlieb súženia. Keď sa vrátim, tak ho dám do poriadku.“

 On povedal, „Ak sa ty vôbec vrátiš, tak Boh ku mne nikdy neprehovoril.“ To bol ten moment, kedy vedel, že jeho videnie je priamo v súlade s každým slovom na tú hodinu. Bol to Achabov čas.

 Brat, sestra, toto je tá hodina a ten čas vyvolávania z Babylonu. Večerné svetlá sú tu. Kráčajte vo svetle, zatiaľ čo tu je svetlo. Všimnite si, veriaci videli to Slovo zamanifestované a verili tomu. Ježiš povedal, „Moje ovce poznajú Môj hlas, Moje Slovo, Moje znamenia na tento vek. A za falošným nepôjdu.“

47No, poďme k nášmu textu, lebo vidím, že odchádzam od témy; chcem to zdôrazniť kvôli tomu modlitebnému radu. Vráťme sa aspoň na chvíľu späť k tomu textu, nad ktorým tu teraz uvažujeme. Nuž, ono sa to vždy stane tak, ako sa to aj vždy stalo, ako zvyčajne.

 Boh poslal Svojho proroka Jána, ako Slovo povedalo a zasľúbilo v Malachiášovi 3, „Hľa, posielam svojho proroka pred Mojou tvárou, aby Mi pripravil cestu.“ Ján bol svedkom tej istej veci. A tiež zisťujeme, že v Izaiášovi 40:3 Izaiáš povedal, „Bude hlas proroka, volajúceho na púšti, 'Pripravte cestu Pánovi.'“ Všetky tieto proroctvá! A pozrite sa, všimnite si, Písmo ho identifikovalo.

 Keď povedali, „Kto si? Si ty ten Mesiáš?“

 On povedal, „Nie som.“

 „Tak si potom Jeremiáš? Alebo jeden z prorokov?“

 On povedal, „Nie som. Ale som hlas volajúceho na púšti, ako povedal prorok Izaiáš.“

 Myslíte, že by tomu takto uverili? Nie veru. Prečo? On neprišiel cez ich cirkev. On nepochádzal z ich… Vidíte, on išiel na púšť vo veku deväť rokov a vrátil sa v tridsiatich. Jeho posolstvo bolo príliš veľké na to, aby prešlo školou teológie; on bol ten, ktorý mal predstaviť Mesiáša. A každý si myslel to alebo tamto. A Boh ho poslal do púšte po smrti jeho otca, Zachariáša. On bol kňazom, ale nikdy nešiel po stopách svojho otca.

 Pretože proroci neprichádzajú takým spôsobom. Prichádzajú z drsných oblastí, z púšte. Nikto nevie, odkiaľ prišli, ako povstali na scénu, alebo nič z ich histórie. Oni sa len zjavia a kážu Slovo a Boh ich vezme a odchádzajú; odsudzujú tú generáciu, posúvajú ju k Jeho Slovu a čakajú na ten veľký deň.

48Cirkev mu neverila, lebo im bol neznámy. Nemali žiaden záznam vo svojich knihách o jeho ordinovaní, a tak ho odmietli. Vidíte, oni neverili Božiemu potvrdenému Slovu, ktoré tam bolo jasne písmeno za písmenom. Vidíte? Malachiáš 3, boli dve miesta Písma, ktoré ho preukazovali, Malachiáš 3 a Izaiáš 40:3. Vidíte, obe tie miesta Písma hovorili o mužovi, ktorý mal prísť a pripraviť cestu Pánovi. On z toho vyplnil každý jeden detail.

 On mal byť prorokom. „Pošlem vám Eliáša.“ A tam bol, otrhaný. Sledujte, ako jeho prirodzenosť išla jedno s tou Eliášovou. Eliáš bol mužom púšte, rovnako ako Ján, žili vonku. Nebol to uhladený muž; bol otrhaný.

 Znovu si všimnite, Eliáš nenávidel ženy; povedal Jezábeli všetko o jej maľovaní a čo vyvádza. Rovnako aj Ján. Jezábeľ sa snažila zabiť Eliáša, prisahala na svojich bohov, že mu zotne hlavu. Tak isto aj Herodiáda.

 Vždy sledujte ich posolstvo, sledujte, čo urobili. No, teraz zisťujeme, že ak by sa pozreli späť a videli, čo hovorí Biblia, a sledovali prirodzenosť človeka a ako dokonale to sedelo s tými časmi v Písme a podobne, mali predsa rozpoznať, že to bol on. Ale asi len pol tucta o tom vedeli. Tak veru. Ani nie viac ako pol tucta. Išli ho počúvať, ale neverili tomu. Prečo? Oni neverili tej identifikácii toho proroctva na ten čas.

49Všimnite si, smiali sa mu, nazývali ho vrieskajúcim, divokým nevzdelaným fanatikom, ktorý nevedel, čo to je škola, „hit, hain‘t, tote, carry, fetch,“ [Br.Branham používa anglické slangové výrazy – pozn.prekl.] a tak ďalej. Ako zvyčajne, posudzovali ho podľa jeho vzdelania. Posudzovali ho podľa jeho gramatiky, podľa toho, ako sa obliekal. Mal okolo seba kus ovčej kože a opasok z ťavej kože. Celý bol chlpatý. Boril sa tam vo vode; žiaden zbor, žiadne plné cirkevné lavice, žiadna spolupráca. Oni to nemohli prijať. Oni oslavovali boha toho sveta. Vidíte?

 Nemám tým teraz na mysli, že nepovstávajú aj nejakí falošní proroci, ako napríklad Jannes a Jambres. Ale spôsob, ktorým to máme robiť, je ten, že to máme skontrolovať s originálnym posolstvom Slova, a až potom to porozumieme; v akom veku sa to nachádza, a čo je prorokované na ten vek.

50Potom bolo Jánove proroctvo potvrdené v Božom vlastnom poriadku. Sledujte, aké dokonalé to bolo. Biblia povedala, „Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokovi.“ A Ježiš bol tým Slovom. A Ján prorokoval o príchode vyplnenia Slova, a Ježiš, ktorý bol Sám Slovom, prišiel ku prorokovi k vode. Ó, aké nádherné! Aké nezlyhávajúce to je… Vidíte? To Slovo bola zriedkavá vec v tom dni. Tu prišiel prorok a povedal, „Ja som hlas Slova.“

 Oni povedali, „Čo musíme urobiť?“

 On povedal, „Nie som hodný rozviazať Mu šnúrky na topánkach. Ale niekde stojí medzi vami Niekto a bude to On, ktorý vás pokrstí Duchom Svätým a ohňom. Vejačka je v Jeho ruke a dôkladne prečistí Svoje humno, plevy spáli neuhasiteľným ohňom, ale zrno zoberie do sýpky.“ Ó, čo za proroka! Ježiš povedal, že zo ženy sa nikdy nenarodil väčší muž, ako bol on, do toho dňa. Ó, aká pochvala! Ako on len vedel, kde stojí! Presne to vedel. Počul to od Boha a bolo to presne v súlade so Slovom. Preto ho nezaujímalo, čo ľudia hovoria. On to jednako kázal a prorokoval o tom. A sledujte, keď sa človek postaví za to, čo je pravda, potom je Boh zaviazaný potvrdiť tú pravdu toho človeka.

51Keď Mojžiš zostúpil dolu do Egypta a povedal, „Bol som tam v púšti a videl som horiaci krík, ktorý nezhorel. Prišiel som ku tomu kru a hneď, ako som to urobil, zostúpil tam veľký Stĺp Ohňa. A hlas povedal, 'JA SOM, KTORÝ SOM.' A povedal mi, aby som vzal túto palicu a zostúpil sem dolu a vykonal všetky tie zázraky a že Boh potvrdí Svoje Slovo.“ On vystrel palicu, prišli vši a muchy, temnota, a tak ďalej. A potom, aby potvrdil toho proroka, priviedol tých veriacich priamo späť na ten vrch a Boh tam zostúpil v tom istom Ohnivom Stĺpe, priamo na tú istú horu, a dokázal, že to bolo pravdivé.

 A pozrite sa teraz, čo robí v tomto dni. Presne tak.

52No, to Slovo prichádza ku prorokovi a potvrdzuje ho, že on je tou pravdivou osobou, práve tým človekom, akým Písmo hovorilo, že bude. Poďme teraz rýchlo. Tak, Ježiš prišiel v inej forme, ako si oni predstavovali podľa svojho ľudského výkladu proroctva. Ľudia si sami vyložili, čo to bude. Istotne. Presbyteriáni si myslia, že by to malo byť podľa nich. Sledujte, akonáhle Boh niečo urobí, len pozerajte, ako všetky ostatné organizácie naraz povstanú. Áno, áno, vždy to tak bolo. Všade sú Jannesovia a Jambresovia. Všimnite si, oni povedali len časť Slova. Ale podľa slov proroka to malo byť všetko do jedného písmena!

53Oni to, ako zvyčajne, minuli. Nazývali ho veštcom, diablom, Belzebubom a hovorili, že On sa Sám robí Bohom, pričom mali podľa vlastnej Biblie vedieť, že On bol Bohom. Všimnite si, o Ňom prorokoval Izaiáš, Izaiáš 9:6, kde sa hovorí, „Jeho Meno bude nazvané Všemohúci Boh, Večný Otec.“ Po Ňom už nebude viac otcov, lebo On bol tým prvým Otcom na počiatku; On je tým jediným Otcom. Povedal, „Nenazývajte žiadneho človeka na tejto zemi 'Otcom' potom, ako príde On.“ On je ten mocný Boh a večný Otec, Radca, Knieža Pokoja. Istotne.

 No, oni Mu urobili presne to, čo všetci tí proroci hovorili, že Mu urobia, a tak isto to robia aj v tomto Laodicejskom veku. Vyhnali Ho z cirkvi. „Slepí, nahí, a nevedia o tom.“ Presne to, čo prorok povedal, prorok z Biblie. Oslepení ľudskými tradíciami, vyhnali to Slovo von zo svojich cirkví, ako zvyčajne, presne tak, ako to bolo o nich prorokované.

54Všimnite si teraz, poďme rýchlo. Neprehliadnite toto. Tu je ten text, ako sa Ježiš dal poznať týmto dvom učeníkom, že On bol ich Mesiáš! Teraz sa všetci pozrite sem. A vonku v tej zemi… Neprehliadnite toto. Snažili sme sa vám povedať, že Biblia je Slovo Božie, napísané Bohom Samým, cez ľudské ústa a ľudské nástroje. Boh Sám môže písať. Boh Sám môže hovoriť. Boh môže robiť čokoľvek chce, ale On si zvolil človeka, aby to robil, lebo tí ľudia, ktorí to písali, sú časťou Boha. Takže Boh napísal Bibliu. Tí ľudia so svojím vlastným rozumom ani nevedeli, o čom píšu. Mohli s tým aj nesúhlasiť, ale jednako to napísali. Nemohli inak. Biblia hovorí, „Ľudia za dávna, tak ako ich tiahol Duch Svätý...“ Boh pohyboval ich rukami, pohyboval ich očami pomocou videní. Nemohli povedať nič iné, len to, na čo sa priamo dívali. Nemohli hovoriť nič iné, lebo On mal plnú kontrolu nad ich jazykom a prstom; každý orgán ich tela bol v plnej nadvláde Božej. Niet divu, že Biblia povedala, že sú bohmi; oni boli časťou Boha. On bol plnosťou Božou.

55Všimnite si, ako Ježiš, Slovo, dal týmto dvom skrúšeným učeníkom vedieť, že On bol ten Mesiáš, Mesiáš zasľúbeného Slova. Všimnite si, čo urobil: Odvolal sa na proroctvo. Všimnite si, „Blázni, pomalí veriť všetkému tomu, čo proroci písali.“ On nikdy nepovedal, „No, čo na to hovorí cirkev?“

 Oni Mu povedali celý príbeh. Vedeli o všetkých udalostiach, ktoré sa stali. Všetci boli smutní. Začínali Mu hovoriť, „Ty si tu cudzinec, alebo naozaj nevieš, čo sa stalo v Jeruzaleme?“

 On povedal, „Čo sa stalo?“ - akoby naozaj nevedel. Vidíte, On niekedy robí veci len pre to, aby videl, čo s tým urobíš. Vidíte? Povedal, „Aké veci? Kto to bol? Čo sa stalo?“

 „Ty si tu cudzinec?“ A to hovorili priamo tomu človeku, ktorý s nimi žil tri a pol roka, a jednako Ho nepoznali.

 „Čo za veci? Čo sa stalo?“

 Nuž, oni povedali, „Ježiš z Nazaretu, ktorý bol prorok. Nie je pochybnosti v našich mysliach, že On bol mocný v slove a skutku pred všetkými ľuďmi. Videli sme Ho robiť veci, ktoré dokazovali, že On bol tým identifikovaným prorokom Božím na tento vek. Vieme to. A verili sme, že On bude ten Vykupiteľ, že On vykúpi Izrael.“

 Potom sa On obrátil a povedal, „Vy blázni, pomalí srdcom veriť všetkému, čo proroci povedali, že sa s Ním stane?“ Sledujte Ho. Teraz sa vráťte k proroctvu. Čo za pokarhanie pre veriacich, ktorí tvrdili, že v Neho veria.

56Všimnite si, ako pristúpil k tej téme. On nikdy neprišiel priamo a nepovedal, „Ja som váš Mesiáš.“ Mohol to tak urobiť, lebo On Ním bol. Ale všimnite si, On sa identifikoval v Slove, aby to potom spoznali. Ak by povedal… Mohol to tak povedať a nebolo by to tak; ale keď prišiel a začal hovoriť o všetkom, čo proroci o Ňom povedali, oni by to vedeli rozpoznať, ak by boli Božie deti. Ale On ich vyzval, aby venovali pozornosť tomu, čo proroci predpovedali, čo bude treba vyhliadať, že čo sa stane v čase Mesiáša, v Jeho veku, kedy bude zamanifestovaný. On, Ján, nechal Slovo, Bibliu, aby identifikovala jeho posolstvo. Každý pravdivý prorok by to tak urobil. Tak veru. On nevyšiel a nepovedal, „Ja som On. Ja som...“ To nie je pravdivý prorok Boží, vidíte. Ale On povedal, „Choďte naspäť do Písma.“ Vidíte, On nikdy nezlyháva v tom spôsobe, ako to robí.

 Oni povedali, „Poznáme Mojžiša.“

 On povedal, „Ak by ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste i Mňa.“ Povedal, „Mojžiš písal o Mne.“ Povedal, „Skúmajte Písma, lebo si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, ale sú to práve Písma, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Choďte, hľadajte v Písmach a uvidíte to.“

57On nikdy nemení Svoj spôsob, ako robí veci, nikdy to nezmenil. Nikdy sa nemôže zmeniť, lebo On je nemenný Boh, vidíte. Všimnite si, On sa vrátil priamo k týmto dvom učeníkom, Kleofášovi a jeho priateľovi, na ceste do Emauz a povedal… Odvolával sa pri nich na Písma a povedal, „Prečo ste takí nerozumní a neveríte, že sa vyplní každé Slovo, ktoré proroci napísali ohľadom Mesiáša?“ Ó, čo za deň!

 Ján urobil to isté. „Hľadajte v Písmach, pozrite sa späť, hovorí sa, že príde hlas volajúceho na púšti. Odkiaľ som ja prišiel?“ Už vtedy to malo pre nich byť jasné. Tak veru.

 Aj dnes by to malo byť jasné podľa toho, čo vidíme, že Duch Svätý robí. On raz povedal, „Hľadajte v Písmach.“ A On chce, aby sme to aj my dnes robili.

58Všimnite si, On začal s Mojžišovým proroctvom. Biblia povedala, „On, počnúc s Mojžišom a všetkými prorokmi,“ ale On začal s Mojžišom. „Prorok,“ povedal Mojžiš, „Pán váš Boh vzbudí jedného spomedzi vás, ľudí, spomedzi ľudí. Pán Boh vzbudí proroka.“

 No, On mohol povedať, „Kleofáš a ty, jeho priateľ, či Mojžiš nepovedal, že v týchto dňoch Pán Boh vzbudí proroka? A tento Muž, ktorého tu ukrižovali, či On nespĺňal tieto podmienky? No, Mojžiš o tom prorokoval. A teraz ste nemali proroka stovky a stovky rokov, a potom povstal tento Muž. A kto bol predbehúňom tohto Človeka?“ Nerozumiete tomu? A všetci títo proroci, čo o Ňom povedali na Jeho vek, On ku nim hovoril. Bolo by istotne zaujímavé počúvať Ho. Či by ste Ho aj vy radi počuli? Rád by som Ho počul, čo povedal, že proroci o Ňom hovorili, ale On pri tom nikdy nepovedal, že On Ním je. On im len ukázal proroctvo. Len povedal, „Proroci povedali, že toto sa stane.“ Vidíte?

59Vráťme sa na pár minút a počúvajme slová, ktoré On Sám citoval. Sledujte tu, Samo Slovo cituje Slovo Jeho Samého. Samo Slovo cituje Slovo Jeho Samého. On im nepovedal, že On Ním je, len nechal, nech Slovo hovorí samé za seba, a potom oni uvidia, kým On je. Litera Slova, to citovanie Slova… To Slovo v tele, ktoré citovalo Slovo litery, ktoré bolo plne stotožnené s Ním. Pozrite sa, počúvajme, ako to cituje. Teraz vidíme, že všetci tam boli oboznámení s tým, čo sa tam poslednú dobu udialo, ukrižovanie a príbeh zmŕtvychvstania z hrobu, ako sme to práve čítali. A On sa vráti priamo k Slovu proroctva o Sebe samom. No, len pomyslime na to, že On toto povedal; On povedal viac ako to, ale sledujme.

60Počujeme, ako povedal, „Obráťte sa do Zachariáša 11:12. A nemal byť Mesiáš predaný za tridsať strieborných, podľa proroka? A vy ste práve povedali, že tento muž bol predaný za tridsať strieborných. Obráťme sa ďalej.“ Či rozumiete tým Písmam? Zachariáš 11:12. A potom povedal, „Či ste si nevšimli, čo Dávid povedal v Žalmoch 41:9? Že Jeho vlastní priatelia Ho zradia. A potom v Zacharáišovi 13:7, Jeho vlastní učeníci Ho opustili. A v Žalme 35:11, obvinený falošnými svedkami. Práve ste povedali, že aj to sa stalo. Izaiáš 53:7, bol nemý pred Svojimi žalobcami. Izaiáš 50:6, zbičovali Ho, tak to povedal prorok. Žalm 22, mal plakať na kríži, 'Môj Bože, môj Bože, prečo si Ma opustil?' Či to tak neurobil predvčerom večer? Znovu Žalm 22, 18. verš, Jeho rúcho bolo medzi nich rozdelené. Či to tak neurobili? A Žalm 22:7 až 8, Jeho nepriatelia Ho vysmiali, samotná cirkev. Znovu Žalm 22, nebola v Jeho tele zlomená ani jedna kosť, ale 'prepichli moje ruky a moje nohy,'“ On povedal. Bez pochyby mal v tej chvíli ruky za chrbtom. „Izaiáš 53:12 hovorí, že zomrie medzi zločincami. Izaiáš 53:9 hovorí, že bude pochovaný s bohatými. Žalm 16:10 hovorí, 'Nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle, ani nedovolím, aby Môj svätý videl porušenie.' A či nebol Malachiáš 3 predchodcom tohto človeka?“ Ó, ako rád by som počul, ako im to cituje. Len sa pozrite na tie proroctvá. Všimnite si, všetky tie predobrazy, cez ktoré mohol prechádzať, ohľadom Izaiáša a Genezis 22, ako Boh zatienil Izáka, ako jeho otec Abrahám vzal svojho vlastného syna, vyniesol ho s drevom na kopec a išiel obetovať svojho vlastného syna.

61Až teraz to začalo do nich prenikať. On im povedal, že sú bláznami za to, že nebrali ohľad na proroctvo na ten deň. A teraz im to začalo dochádzať, začali vidieť, že to všetko, čo sa stalo v tých posledných dňoch, sa začalo vypĺňať, za posledné dva alebo tri roky, to potvrdené proroctvo na ten vek. Práve vtedy spoznali, že ich ukrižovaný Priateľ Ježiš vyplnil každé jedno z tých slov. Až vtedy zistili, že ten človek bol skutočne Mesiáš, že On mal vstať z mŕtvych. Hrob Ho nemohol zadržať. „Nedovolím, aby Môj Svätý uvidel porušenie.“ Ani jedno Slovo proroctva nemôže sklamať. A On povstal.

62„Tak predsa mali tí poslovia dnes ráno pri hrobe pravdu. On vstal z mŕtvych. Je nažive. On je tým Mesiášom.“ Prečo? Lebo to nesklamalo. Jeho skutky, Jeho služba a všetko, čo vykonal, bolo potvrdené, že to bolo presne podla slov proroka, ktorý povedal, čo sa v ten deň stane. Tým to bolo vybavené. Vtedy rozpoznali, že to bol On, ich ukrižovaný priateľ Ježiš, ktorý to urobil. Niet divu, že v nich horeli srdcia, ako sa s Ním rozprávali. Kráčali skoro desať kilometrov, ale ubehlo to oveľa rýchlejšie.

63A potom urobili ďalšiu vec. Počuli šesťhodinovú kázeň o tom, ako bolo vyplnené proroctvo. O tom im rozprával, ako išli na ceste. Hneď, ako vyrazili na cestu, On tam pristúpil, lebo bol priamo v Jeruzaleme. O šesť hodín neskôr, dvanásť kilometrov ďalej, išli priamou cestou asi desať kilometrov od Emauz. Tak to bolo. A on kázal a potvrdzoval všetko to proroctvo vyše šesť hodín. Tak mi potom nemajte za zlé, keď to mne trvá len tri, vidíte? Ale všimnite si, oni kázali… Oni počuli šesťhodinovú kázeň o tom, ako bolo proroctvo potvrdené a preukázané.

64Teraz sa blížil čas večera. Viete, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Vtedy im otvoril oči, aby vedeli, že (Židom 13:8) On bol tým istým včera, dnes i naveky. V čase večera, udalosti sú vysvetlené pomocou proroctva. To, čo sa deje v dnešnej dobe, sa dá ľahko identifikovať, ak len uveríte proroctvu na túto hodinu.

 „Áno, vy blázni, pomalí do porozumenia, pomalí veriť (len neustále nad tým premýšľajte) tomu, čo proroci hovorili o Mesiášovi, či sa to všetko nemalo tak stať?“ Ako On splnil presne všetky body a ukázal im, čo prorok povedal, že sa stane. Až potom tomu začali rozumieť. A tak povedal… tváril sa, že bude pokračovať ďalej. Oni mali tohto človeka radi. Povedali, „Niečo si nám dal. Nikdy sme nad tým takto nerozmýšľali. On musí byť niekde nažive.“ Pritom sa s Ním rozprávali a ani o tom nevedeli. Istotne sa na nich smutne pozrel a začal kráčať preč, ale On len čakal, že Ho pozvú naspäť. Presne na to čaká aj dnes večer, čaká, kým Ho ty pozveš.

65A všimnite si, keď Ho tí učeníci pozvali do svojho obecenstva okolo stola, práve vtedy urobil niečo, čo urobil aj pred Svojím ukrižovaním, a ich oči boli otvorené. Oni poznali Jeho spôsoby, Jeho štýl. Vedeli, čo vykonal, a urobil to vtedy rovnako, ako to urobil aj pred tým. A povedali, „To je On!“ A rýchlo vstali, aby to vykríkli, a vtedy On zmizol. A potom, ako si vypočuli tú šesťhodinovú kázeň, možno potom im to trvalo dvadsať minút späť, aby to povedali ostatným, „On teda naozaj vstal. Je skutočne nažive.“

66Priatelia, toto je vyplnenie Malachiáša 4, sv.Lukáša 17, sv.Jána 15, ó, mnohých ďalších, Zjavenie 10, toľko proroctiev, ktoré môžeme priradiť presne k tomuto dňu. A rovnako aj v knihe Marka a Matúša, kde povedal, že tieto veľké znamenia a divy sa objavia na nebi a ľudia to budú nazývať taniermi, lietajúcimi taniermi, ktoré môžu zmiznúť mocou a rýchlosťou myšlienky, inteligencia, ktorá sa vie hýbať vpred. On dokáže písať, dokáže hovoriť, vie robiť čokoľvek chce. Ten veľký Stĺp Ohňa, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A pozoruhodné veci začali prichádzať na zem, pyramídy, dym, ktorý vystupoval do ovzdušia, ďaleko ponad úroveň, kde by mohla byť nejaká vlhkosť, alebo niečo iné, 48 kilometrov vysoko. Bolo to predpovedané rok a pol pred tým, ako sa to stalo, že to presne tak bude. Potom obráťte ten obraz a pozrite sa, kto sa tam dolu pozerá. Ani jedno slovo, ktoré to povedalo, nezlyhalo a tu je Božie napísané Slovo, ktoré potvrdzuje, že to je pravda. A je znovu čas večera. Zaujímalo by ma, či by sa mohol skrze milosť vrátiť dnes večer a urobiť dnes niečo, čo urobil aj tam. Modlime sa a prosme Ho. Udalosti sú vyjasnené pomocou potvrdeného proroctva.

67Všemohúci Bože, pomôž nám. Pomôž nám, drahý Bože, aby sme porozumeli veci, ktoré máme vedieť, aby sme porozumeli Tvoje Slovo. A teraz, Pane, počuli sme teraz kázne z takmer dve tisíc rokov, rukopisy kníh. A v týchto posledných dňoch sa to tu znovu dostalo a už sa blíži čas večera. Metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni a mnohí ostatní počas vekov sa s Tebou rozprávali a možno niekedy počas tohto veľkého dňa, ktorý nemal byť ani nocou ani dňom, ako prorok povedal, ale v čase večera bude svetlo. Ježiš povstal z hrobu a zjavil sa Šimonovi a tým ženám a ukázal im, že je nažive. To bolo to ráno. A potom v čase večera znovu prišiel. Ale vtedy s nimi už kráčal počas dňa a karhal ich za ich slepotu, ale potom v čase večera sa im dal znovu poznať.

68Bože, prídi dnes večer do nášho obecenstva, ktoré máme okolo Slova. Bože, tak málo ľudí tomu dnes verí, ale som vďačný, že stále sú takí, ktorých si povolal a predurčil do večného života. Ty si povedal, „Všetci, ktorých Mi Otec dal, prídu.“ A zatiaľ čo teraz svietia tie večerné svetlá, Pane, doteraz nezlyhalo ani jedno proroctvo z tých stoviek, ktoré tu boli. Potom to naozaj svedčí o tom, že to musíš byť Ty, lebo žiaden človek by nemohol byť tak presný. Presne ako Biblia, žiaden človek by nemohol napísať… V rozmedzí tisíc šesťsto rokov, štyridsať rôznych pisateľov niečo napísalo, a nie je v tom žiadna chyba. Drahý Bože, modlím sa, aby si sa dnes večer zamanifestoval, tak, ako je písané v Židom 13:8, že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A tie skutky, ktoré si činil vtedy, tie isté činíš aj dnes. A Ty si to zasľúbil. Povedal si, „V týchto posledných dňoch, keď svet je na tom tak ako Sodoma a Gomora, samé prevrátenie.“ Keď sa pozrieme na dnešných chlapcov, vyzerajú skoro ako dievčatá, podobne sa obliekajú, potom vidíme dievčatá, že sa správajú ako chlapci, vidíme ženy a mužov v tomto prevrátenom veku, vidíme, ako sa sexuálna vyzývavosť stala predmetom uctievania. Evanjelium bolo odstrčené nabok, je to nahota laodicejskej cirkvi. Ó, Bože, čo za hodina! Prídi, Pane Ježišu, daj sa nám poznať. Lebo o to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene.

69No, zatiaľ čo máte sklonené hlavy a zatvorené oči, niečo sa vás opýtam. Či veríte, že tu Boh je? Či veríte, že tie veci, ktoré dnes činí, sú vyplneným proroctvom? Či veríte, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky? Či veríte, že keď bol tu a zamanifestoval sa v tele na ten deň, a tie skutky, ktoré tu urobil, sa mali znovu zopakovať v tomto dni? Prorok to tak povedal. Biblia tak hovorí. Všetky miesta Písma musia byť vyplnené; nemôže to zlyhať. Ako sa On zidentifikoval? Tým, že bol tým prorokom, o ktorom hovoril Mojžiš. Poznal tajomstvá ľudských sŕdc. Žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha; On sa obrátil a povedal, „Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila.“ Keď k Nemu prišiel Šimon Peter, On poznal Jeho Meno a povedal mu, kto bol a kto bol jeho otec. Ten istý drahý Ježiš nie je mŕtvy, je naveky nažive. Chvála Bohu! A ja verím, že v tomto čase večera nás On znovu zavolal, aby sme boli spolu.

70Ó, Pane Ježišu, prídi medzi nás. Neobchádzaj nás. Prídi, zostaň tu s nami celý večer, až kým neprejde noc, a potom nám pomôž chodiť s Tebou aj zajtra, aby sme Ťa mohli poznať v moci Tvojho vzkriesenia, aby Tvoja láska a milosť mohla byť s nami. Ó, večný Bože, udeľ tieto veci. Vieme, že jedine Boh Sám ich môže udeliť.

 Vo vážnosti tejto hodiny, povedzme toto: Bože, náš Otče, naše telo je pre Teba biednym chrámom. Ale, Pane, nech len Tvoja posväcujúca milosť, Tvoj Svätý Duch, teraz príde. Nech nás očistí od každej pochybnosti, každej frustrácie, každej podozrievavosti a každého skepticizmu, ktorý v nás je, aby sme mohli byť slobodní bez akejkoľvek pochybnosti; aby sme mohli vyjsť a odvážne vyznať ako Peter, „Ty si Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“

71Veríme, že Tvoje Slovo je pravda, Pane. Nech to len uvidíme pred tým, ako začneme tento modlitebný rad, Pane, aby si sa nám Ty dal poznať. A ako si povedal, ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, keď Abrahám, tá vyvolaná skupina čakala na zasľúbeného syna, Lot bol tam dolu a počúval moderného Billyho Grahama a Orala Robertsa, ako kážu tým denominačným organizáciám, ako národ. Ale Abrahám bol pútnik bez akejkoľvek organizácie, mal len malú skupinku, s ktorou sa túlal po zemi, ktorú mal zdediť. „A tichí obdržia zem.“ Jedného dňa, pod tou tieňovou drevinou, keď tam sedeli a odpočívali, Boh prišiel vo forme človeka. Dvaja anjeli zostúpili do Sodomy. A Boh v ľudskom tele dokázal, že On tým bol. Povedal, „Abrahám, kde je tvoja žena Sára?“ Niekoľko dní pred tým bol ešte Abram a ona bola S-a-r-r-a, Sarra, nie Sára, „kňažná.“ A Ty si ju oslovil kňazským menom, dcérou kráľa. Abraháma si oslovil jeho menom, Abrahám, otec národov. A povedal si, „Navštívim ťa.“

72Bože, ako len muselo vyskočiť srdce toho proroka. On vedel, kým si Ty vtedy bol. Niet divu, že Ti umyl nohy, priniesol všetko jedlo, ktoré mal, to najlepšie, čo mal, a predložil to pred Teba. On vedel, že tam bol Boh. Potom On povedal, „Kde je Sára?“ Akoby o tom nevedel.

 A Abrahám Mu povedal, „Je v stane. Je v stane rovno za Tebou.“

 A Ty si povedal, čo sa stane. A ona o tom vo svojom srdci zapochybovala. A potom si povedal Abrahámovi, „Prečo Sára zapochybovala, hovoriac vo svojom srdci, 'Toto sa nemôže stať'? Či je niečo príliš ťažké pre Boha?“

 Ó, Bože! Ježiš, zamanifestovaný Boh Slova, Ty si povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy,“ že v rovnakom stave bude svet tesne pred zničením pohanského sveta, pohanských časov. Práve sme v tom čase, sú to Sodomiti do jadra. A potom si povedal, že Syn človeka, čo sa vždy označuje ako „prorok,“ bude zjavený v tej poslednej hodine. Vyplň Svoje slová, ó, Bože! My, Tvoje veriace deti, čakáme s úprimnými srdcami, aby si nám dal vieru, Pane, aby keď tu budeme mať tento modlitebný rad, aby ľudia mohli veriť. Je čas večera, Otče. Nech sa tie večerné svetlá Syna Božieho (ten, ktorý bol, ktorý je a ktorý príde) zamanifestujú skrze proroctvo, ktoré On urobil. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

73Teraz som pripravený modliť sa za chorých. Ale je to zvláštne, ako keď tu stojíme, a tu stojím a robím výzvu ľuďom, je to vysielané naprieč krajinou, že Boh je stále Bohom. On nemôže zlyhať a to, čo zasľúbil, to aj urobí. On v tom nikdy nezlyhá, lebo On to tak zasľúbil. To je dôvod, prečo môžem vložiť pevnú vieru v to, čo povedal. To je dôvod, prečo sa teším na Jeho príchod, vyzerám Ho, že príde v akýkoľvek čas, lebo povedal, „V tej hodine, kedy sa nenazdáte, kedy sa svet nenazdá,“ potom sa zjaví. No, pokiaľ viem…

 Teraz som tu v modlitebni a sedí tu niekoľko ľudí, ktorých poznám. Brat Wright a ešte niekoľkí ďalší, ktorí tu sedia, tých poznám. Ale je vás tu veľa, ktorých vôbec nepoznám. A nemám ako povedať, že Boh toto dnes urobí. Videli sme, ako to robil posledné roky, ale možno to dnes večer neurobí. Ja neviem. To je na Ňom; On je suverénny. Robí to, čo On chce; nikto Mu nemôže povedať, čo má robiť. On prebýva Sám vo Svojej vôli a Svojich cestách. Ale preto, že to zasľúbil, prosím Ho, aby to urobil. Nie kvôli nám, že to my potrebujeme, ale možno pre nejakých cudzincov, aby mohol byť Duch Svätý pomazaný… to pomazanie na nás. No, bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi ma On pomaže, On musí rovnako pomazať aj vás, aby ste verili.

74No, chcel by som teraz usporiadať modlitebný rad a chcel by som sa modliť za chorých toľko, koľko budem môcť. Čiže môžeme mať buď rad, tak, že zavoláme ľudí a privedieme ich sem, modlitebný rad a budeme sa modliť za každého, kto je chorý. Prídu tu moji bratia kazatelia a položia na vás ruky. Istotne to môžeme urobiť. Alebo môžeme poprosiť nášho Otca, ktorý je Tým jediným, kto pre nás môže čokoľvek urobiť, lebo moje ruky sú len ľudské, rovnako ako aj vaše sú len ľudské. Ale tá vec na tom je, že to nie je tá ľudská ruka, ktorá to robí; je to Slovo Božie. Viera v to Slovo je to, čo to činí. Nie je na tom nič vedecké; je to celkom nevedecké.

 Kresťan nemá vo svojej zbroji žiadnu vedeckú vec. Vedeli ste to? Láska, radosť, pokoj, dlho-zhovievavosť, dobrota, pokora, jemnosť, trpezlivosť, viera, Duch Svätý: všetko to veda nevidí. Ale to je tá jediná vec, ktorá je skutočná a ktorá trvá. Všetko, čo vidíte, prišlo zo zeme a vráti sa späť do zeme. Ale to, čo vaše oko nevidí, ale vidí, že sa to zjavuje, to je svet večnosti.

75Či by ste tomu uverili, ak by sa Boh teraz zamanifestoval a ukázal, že tu je nažive, a že robí to isté, čo robil na začiatku, po tomto posolstve, prijali by ste to ako svoje uzdravenie? Nech to Boh udelí. Prosím teraz každého v tejto budove, bez ohľadu na to, kto ste alebo odkiaľ ste, len vás prosím, aby ste s vážnosťou verili, že toto posolstvo je pravdou. Toto je to posolstvo, ktoré má Boh vo Svojej Biblii na túto hodinu, že Ježiš Kristus je tu dnes večer a je nažive. Ako takmer…

 Všetci vy ľudia ma poznáte; som tu rovno v tom meste, v ktorom som vyrastal. Nemám ani vzdelanie strednej školy. Presne tak. A keďže ma už tak dlho poznáte, dúfam, že som pred vami žil tak, že som ukázal, že som čestný a úprimný. Nie som pokrytec. Dokonca ani moji kritici to nehovoria. Oni len povedia, „Ty nie si pokrytec, ale jednoducho sa mýliš. Ty sa nevedomky mýliš, ani o tom nevieš.“ Nemyslím si, že sa mýlim, a nie som si toho vedomý, lebo Slovo Božie svedčí o mojom posolstve, a ono by vám malo povedať, čo to je. A jasne ma počujete, ako hovorím, že to nie som ja, tak potom to musí byť On. Je to tak? Majte teda vieru v Boha. A pozrite sa takto a verte Bohu. Ak dokážete veriť Bohu, Boh vám to udelí. Ak to dokáže urobiť tak, ako to urobil pred tým, tak je potom stále Bohom. Či tomu veríte?

76Veríte tomu? Sedí tu predo mnou jedna pani, úprimne sa na mňa pozerá so slzami v očiach. Neviem, kto je, nikdy som ju nevidel. Som pre teba cudzinec. Či si myslíš, že Boh pozná tajomstvo tvojho srdca, tvoje túžby alebo tvoj hriech alebo čokoľvek to je? Či si myslíš, že o tom vie? Či si myslíš, že by mi mohol zjaviť, čo je tvoj hriech, čo si vykonala, čo si nemala urobiť, alebo tvoju túžbu alebo čokoľvek to je? Ak by to urobil, či by si nato uverila a uvidela, že to musí byť On? Či by si to prijala, že to je On? Nie je to tvoj hriech, ktorý ťa obťažuje; to si vyznala. Ale ty chceš krst Jeho Duchom Svätým. Prijmeš Ho. Vidím, ako sa to cez ňu pohybuje.

 Aby ste mohli vedieť, že som sa pozeral na tú ženu – ona sa pozerala na mňa – chcem vám ukázať Ducha Svätého. Pozrite sem, na túto ženu, ktorá tu sedí dolu rovno oproti mne. Keď som to povedal, to je to isté, čo ona chce, je to krst Duchom Svätým. Či veríš, že to príjmeš, sestra? Zdvihni teda svoju ruku. Pokiaľ viem, v živote som túto ženu nevidel.

77Pozrite na tohto muža, ktorý tu je so sklonenou hlavou, sedí tu, má zle napravený golier, a tak ďalej. Trpíš problémom žlčníka. Či veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Zodvihni ruku, ak to prijmeš. V poriadku, Boh ti udelí tvoju žiadosť.

 Tento mladý muž, ktorý tu sedí, chce krst Duchom Svätým. Či veríš, že Boh ti to dá, pane, s tou bielou kravatou, ktorá ti tam visí? Boh ti to udelí.

 Tento muž sa tu modlí za svoju ženu. Je v nejakej inštitúcii. Či veríš, že Boh ju uzdraví a spôsobí, aby bola zdravá? Či tomu veríš? Môžeš to mať.

 Ty s rukou na hrdle, či veríš, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť z toho žalúdočného problému, ktorý máš? Teraz tam sedíš a trpíš. Je to tak? Či veríš, že On ťa uzdraví? Potom to môžeš mať. Amen.

78Vidíte, On je ten istý dnes, včera, dnes i naveky. Opýtajte sa tých ľudí, zistíte, či ich poznám. Ja nie, ale On áno. Amen. Vidíte to Svetlo na tamtej strane steny, ktoré tam visí priamo nad tým mužom, ktorý tam sedí. On trpí poruchou chrbtice, je to chrbát. Nie je odtiaľto; je z Georgie. Pán Duncan, či veríš z celého svojho srdca, že Boh ťa uzdraví z tej ťažkosti chrbta? Veríš tomu z celého svojho srdca? Nech ťa Boh žehná.

 Tu je človek, ktorý tu vzadu sedí a má problém s chrbtom, pozerá sa teraz na mňa. Ja ho nepoznám, ale je to pán Thompson. Veríš tomu? Postav sa, pane, ty tam vzadu. Ja som pre teba cudzinec. Tak veru. Ale ty tam sedíš a modlíš sa. Ten problém s chrbtom je teraz uzdravený. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

79„V čase večera bude svetlo.“ Či to nevidíte, On je tu dnes večer. On je ten veľký JA SOM. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Či tomu veríte? Či ste spokojní a presvedčení, že toto je Ježiš Kristus, ktorý sa dáva poznať a identifikuje sa v proroctve?

 Neobávaj sa o to oko; Boh uzdravuje chorých a postihnutých.

 Koľko ľudí… Koľko je tu chorých ľudí? Nech vidím vaše ruky. Vyzerá, že tu je trochu frmol. Máte tu niekto modlitebné karty? Neviem, ako by som vás tadiaľto dostal. Chcem sa za vás pomodliť, ale neviem, ako to urobiť. Vidíte… Pozrite sa na tú stenu; ako ich sem dostanem? Ak sa jedna ulička zaplní, druhá je zablokovaná a každý len stojí.

80Počúvajte. Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v Mene Pánovom, čo by sa nakoniec nestalo? Je to tak? Všetko bola vždy pravda. Nikdy v živote som od vás nepýtal ani cent, je tak? Ani jeden raz. V živote som neprijal obeť. Nie som tu pre peniaze. Nie som tu, aby som vás zviedol. Som tu, aby som manifestoval Božie Slovo na túto hodinu. Povedal som vám pravdu a Boh svedčil o tom, že to je pravda. Teraz vám hovorím, „Tak hovorí Písmo,“ že ak veriaci zloží svoje ruky na chorého, Ježiš povedal, „On bude uzdravený.“ Či tomu veríte? A tak v prítomnosti Božej, či neveríte, že On to urobí práve teraz?

81Položte teraz ruky jeden na druhého a chvíľu ich tak držte. Nemodlite sa teraz; len položte ruky jeden na druhého. Tam vonku na zemi… A ja sám vzkladám ruky na tieto vreckovky. Chcem, aby ste sa na mňa na chvíľu pozreli. Čo nechal Boh neurobené? Pozrite, ako… čo za Slovo sme to čítali, tie proroctvá, ktoré boli povedané, že Ježiš sa zidentifikoval skrze prorokov. Pozrite sa teraz na tú hodinu a tieto posledné tri týždne, kde sme si vyjasnili to, v akej hodine žijeme. Pozrite sa na to, čo sme čítali: čo potom všetci tí falošní proroci a aj znamenia, ktoré by takmer zviedli aj vyvolených; ako bolo Slovo zamanifestované, ako boh tohto veku zaslepil srdcia ľudí; a ako Sám Boh povedal skrze Svoje proroctvá, že tieto veci sa udejú v laodicejskom veku. Nezostáva nič neurobené. Boh je tu, ten istý Boh, ktorý hovoril k tým ľuďom na ceste do Emauz, ktorý sa zidentifikoval skrze proroctvá, ktoré boli o Ňom predpovedané; On je tu dnes večer a identifikuje Svoju prítomnosť skrze proroctvá, ktoré boli predpovedané pre tento vek. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Môžete tomu veriť? Tak položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Nemodlite sa sami za seba, ale svojím vlastným spôsobom sa modlite za tú osobu, na ktorej máte ruky, lebo ona sa modlí za vás. Pozrite sa a nepochybujte.

82Ak by ste len mohli rozumieť, na čo hľadím! A viete, že ako tu stojím, nikdy by som vám neklamal. Ak by ste len mohli vidieť, a ak by vaša viera mohla potiahnuť toho veľkého Ducha Svätého, ktorý sa vznášal vo vetre, ktorého odfotila veda, a videli sme, ako sa pohybuje cez túto budovu a hľadá miesto, kde by mohol pristáť, hľadá miesto ukotvenia. Len tomu ver, môj brat. On to už identifikoval skrze Písmo, a tak ďalej, že to je pravda. Teraz sa modli s úprimnosťou za tú osobu, na ktorej máš ruku, ona sa zas modlí za teba.

83Drahý Ježiš z Nazaretu, zatiaľ čo sme pri vedomí, Pane, sme tu len skrze Tvoje Slovo, podľa toho zasľúbenia, že Ty si tu: „Kdekoľvek sa dvaja alebo traja zhromaždia v Mojom Mene, Ja budem v ich strede. A tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria; ak budú klásť ruky na chorých, budú sa mať dobre.“ Cez toto telefónne vysielanie, nech ten veľký Duch Svätý vstúpi do každého zhromaždenia. Nech to isté sväté Svetlo, na ktoré hľadíme tu v zbore, padne na každého jedného a nech sú v tejto chvíli uzdravení. Karháme nepriateľa, diabla, v prítomnosti Krista; hovoríme nepriateľovi, že je porazený skrze utrpenie, ktoré bolo znesené za nás, smrť Pána Ježiša a triumf vzkriesenia na tretí deň. A On očividne dokázal, že je dnes večer tu medzi nami, je nažive po tisíc deväťsto rokoch. Nech Duch živého Boha naplní každé srdce vierou a mocou a uzdravovacou cnosťou zo vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista, ktorý sa teraz zidentifikoval týmto veľkým Svetlom, ktoré krúžilo nad cirkvou v Jeho prítomnosti. V Mene Ježiša Krista, udeľ to na slávu Božiu.

 Nech tieto vreckovky, za ktoré sme sa modlili, idú ku chorým a postihnutým, ku ktorým to aj má ísť. Nech sa ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý tu teraz je, zidentifikuje s každým pacientom, na ktorého budú tieto vreckovky položené. Nech prítomnosť Božia tak naplní ich srdce s vierou, až je choroba ich tela uzdravená. Prosíme o to pre slávu Božiu v prítomnosti Ježiša Krista a v Mene Ježiša Krista, prosíme o to ako služobníci Ježiša Krista. Amen.

84Teraz zo svojich sŕdc… Je mi jedno, čo s vami nebolo v poriadku, môžete z celého srdca vyznať, že Slovo Božie vám udelilo vašu žiadosť? Verím, že každá ruka, pokiaľ vidím, išla hore. Len ak tomu veríte! No, pamätajte na to, je to dokonané!

 Vy, ktorí ste pripojení cez telefónnu linku, ak ste uverili z celého svojho srdca, ako na vás kazatelia kladú ruky a vaši milovaní na vás kladú ruky, ak z celého srdca veríte, že to je dokonané, tak to je dokonané. Ten veľký Duch Svätý, On je dnes večer tu v tejto modlitebni. Videl som Ho ponad ľuďmi, ako sa ukázal tu na tejto strane steny a zostúpil na človeka a potom vyšiel hore cez budovu a dal na známosť tajomstvá sŕdc, tá identifikácia Jeho prítomnosti, aby ukázal, že je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On je v našom strede. On je Boh, nikdy-nezlyhávajúci Boh. 

85A či v nás nehoreli naše srdcia, a či nehoria aj teraz, keď vieme, že sme v prítomnosti vzkrieseného Ježiša Krista, ktorému patrí sláva a chvála na veky vekov; ktorý je vyjadreným obrazom Všemocného Jehovu; ktorý zostúpil v Ohnivom Stĺpe a v horiacom kre, aby upútal pozornosť proroka; ktorý zostúpil na horu a ktokoľvek sa ho dotkol, bol zabitý, okrem Mojžiša a Jozuu. Ako to bolo, keď viedol synov Izraelových cez púšť, počas ich cesty, ako predobraz vyvolaných ľudí dnes. Tu je, skrze vedecký výskum, dokonca sa stotožnil aj pred vedou. A skrze Svoje vlastné skutky a skrze Svoje vlastné proroctvo, tie veci, ktoré boli o Ňom prorokované, že bude robiť v tomto dni, aby bol ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, všetko to bolo dokonale potvrdené. Či to nestačí, aby v nás horeli naše srdcia? Nech vás Boh žehná.

86Teraz v jednej mysli, postavme sa a povedzme [Zhromaždenie opakuje po bratovi Branhamovi – pozn.prekl.], prijímam teraz Ježiša Krista ako Spasiteľa a Uzdraviteľa. A skrze Jeho milosť, od tejto chvíle, ó, Bože, nech žiadna nevera nevstúpi do môjho srdca, lebo som uvidel, ako bolo proroctvo na tento deň vyplnené. Verím, že Ježiš Kristus je nažive a potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo na túto hodinu. Tie proroctvá, ktoré boli o Ňom napísané, boli teraz vyplnené v našom strede. On je mojím Spasiteľom, mojím Bohom, mojím Kráľom, mojím všetko vo všetkom.

87Drahý Bože, vypočuj naše svedectvo. A dávaj nám ten Chlieb života deň za dňom. A prinášame Ti chválu, ó, Bože, z hĺbky našich sŕdc. Chválime Ťa, Toho mocného, Boha prorokov. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

 Ó, čo za chvíľa, čo za čas!

 ….len ver;

 Len ver, len ver,

 všetko je možné, len ver.

 Spievajme to takto:

 Teraz verím, ó, teraz verím,

 Všetko je možné, teraz verím;

 Teraz verím, ó, teraz verím,

 Všetko je možné, teraz verím.

 Či to je tvoje svedectvo? Teraz, ako skloníme svoje hlavy:

 Až sa zídeme zas! Až sa zídeme zas!

 Až sa zídeme zas pri Ježišových nohách;

 Až sa zídeme zas! Až sa zídeme zas!

 Boh buď s vami, až sa zídeme zas!

 [Brat Branham hmká „Až sa zídeme zas!“ - pozn.prekl.]

 … pri Ježišových nohách;

 Až sa zídeme zas! Až sa zídeme zas!

 Boh buď s vami, až sa zídeme zas!

88Ako máme sklonené svoje hlavy, brat Vayle tu stojí, aby nás rozpustil v modlitbe. Brat Lee Vayle, on tu je pisateľom pre túto modlitebňu, píše literatúru a knihy, a tak ďalej. Veľmi vzácny brat, bol so mnou na mnohých kampaniach. Želal by som si, aby som mohol dať každému kazateľovi, ktorý tu je, šancu s ním hovoriť. Som si istý, že rozumiete. Sme radi za každého jedného kazateľa, ktorého tu máme. Všetci laici, ľudia z rôznych zborov a podobne, sme radi, že tu ste. A je to skutočne našou vzájomnou modlitbou, aby bol Boh s vami, až sa zídeme zas. Ako máme sklonené svoje hlavy a zodvihnuté svoje ruky, spievajme to príjemne Bohu.

 Až sa zídeme zas! Až sa zídeme zas!

 Až sa zídeme zas pri Ježišových nohách!

 Až sa zídeme zas! Až sa zídeme zas!

 Boh buď s vami, až sa zídeme zas!

EVENTS MADE CLEAR BY PROPHECY, 65-0801E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 112 min

1 Let us bow our heads now for prayer. Our Lord God, great Creator of Heavens and earth, Who brought again Jesus from the dead, and alive with us for these two thousand years, ever living to confirm His Word and make It true to each generation. We are so thankful for His Divine Presence just now, knowing this, that we have this great assurance, that after this life is over, we have Life Eternal in the world that is to come. Thank You, for this, Lord. And that hope, a anchor to the soul, that's steadfast and sure in time of storm. And when the storms come, the great waves a-rolling, we feel that by faith in Him we can caress every wave.

2God, help us tonight as we come to minister to the sick and the needy. We pray, God, that there will not be a sick person among us when we leave tonight. May every person be healed by Thy Divine Power, both here and across the nation, of the hookup, may there not be a feeble person go out of any building or any gathering tonight. May Your Spirit heal them. Let the great Sun of righteousness, with healing in His wings, rise, send forth the rays of faith in every heart as they listen to the Word, see the manifestations of the Holy Spirit convincing them that He is still alive. We pray these blessings, Father, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

You may be seated.

3 We certainly deem this a grand privilege to be here tonight, again, to--to speak to the people and pray for the sick. We want to greet all those who are out in the land of the--the telephone connections across the nation, again tonight. And so we pray that God will bless each one of you, trusting that all that accepted Christ this morning will be filled with the Holy Ghost and ever live faithful and true to Him until life is over here on earth, this mortal life. And then they, by doing that, they have Eternal Life. They will never die in the age that is to come, to the great Age that we all look forward to.

4 Now we're going to say, while I'm thinking of it, not to interrupt. Brother Vayle is here, and I might not get to see him. I'll... Can I send that manuscript on to you when I get back to Tucson? I'm looking it over, haven't got it all read yet, and I'll send it back to you as soon as I get to Tucson.

5Now I am wanting to make an announcement. This is especially to the churches everywhere, especially in the West, or anywhere that wants to come. Our noble brother, Brother Pearry Green, with the... It's a man that's instigator of this hookup of this telephone here. The Lord has been putting it upon his heart to come visit us at Tucson, and start a revival at Tucson, which we really need. And Brother Pearry will be in Tucson. If you want to contact him, just get a hold of our office there. It'll be August the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th. He's had it upon his heart for a long time, and I told him there's "only way get it off your heart, go do it." And he's a Christian brother, a real servant of God. And you people, in Tucson, I know will be blessed as he ministers there somewhere, perhaps at the Ramada Inn or wherever the Lord provides a place, he hasn't got it on here. But I know you'll be blessed by coming, hearing Brother Green as he expounds to us the Word of God, perhaps praying for the sick, or whatever it lays in the duty of God's anointing to do.

6 We also want to thank Brother Orman Neville, Brother Mann, for this wonderful time of fellowship with them. How I'm very grateful to have, be associated with such man as Brother Neville, Brother Mann, and all these other ministers around here. I suppose they been recognized. If you haven't, by our board and our church here, I'm sure that God recognizes you here as His servants. May the Lord ever bless you.

7 Now, I was asked a little something here, on a little note was given me, to... They had a trustee meeting the other night here, on the board of trustees and deacons, and I think the minutes were read this morning before the church. Which, that's custom for us to do that. In the decisions that was made by the board of trustees and deacons here in the church, of course, it can't please everyone. We cannot do that. I have not one thing to do with the trustee board or the deacon board. I have not even a vote unless there's a tie, and I have to be here to do it then, Brother Orman Neville takes that second vote. Then we have to sign these, because we're part of the church. But what the trustee board and them boards' decision they make, we certainly stand behind them one hundred percent, 'cause that's what they're here for. And their decisions is between them and God. I cannot, cannot and would not, by any means, contrary that decision. And another thing, I am forbidden by the United States Government to make any decision concerning that, so please don't ask me to correct their decisions. I cannot do it, and I will not hear nothing about it. See? So don't ask me to correct their decisions. You see the board, that's the one that made the decisions. All right.

8 Now in the event of a coming meeting, it is possible, if the Lord willing, I'll be coming back here in about four to six weeks, or something like that, for maybe another Sunday's meeting. And I announced this morning I wanted to speak on God Manifested In His Word, and I just won't have time tonight, and, frankly, I haven't hardly got enough voice to do it. And then the crowd, there is almost as many on the outside as there is on the inside, and, perhaps more, counting those buses and trucks and things that's sitting out there with the people. Turned on, the little broadcast has stepped up a little, we can hear it. This little wave, short wave from the tabernacle, we can pick that up a city block away. And some of the cars are several city blocks away, the lines of car, up and down, and around and through the streets, around the tabernacle tonight. I don't believe at anytime, visibly, we've ever had more people jammed in and around the church than we have tonight. So we are... And many, many, many are just driving up and driving away.

9So it goes to show, "Where the Carcase is, the eagles will gather."And may I say to you tonight, in this little group of people, it's a international gathering. Practically over two thirds of the states of the union is represented here, besides five foreign nations, even to Russia, and all over the different parts of the country. Way down into Venezuela, out into Jamaica, all over the different parts of the nation, people are here, hungering and thirsting for God. What a marvelous time!

10 Now I want, before reading the Bible, and will you pray for me now. I--I'm going to try to bring a little Message, the Lord willing, on the appropriation of Divine healing. For, this morning we talked on salvation. And tonight we're going to speak a few minutes on Divine healing, and then call the prayer line and pray for the people. While we're doing this, out on the hookups, wherever you are, even out in the buses and cars around, within a block or two of the tabernacle; when it comes time to pray for the sick, if you can't get into the building... Which, you cannot, I'm sure now, 'cause doorways everywhere is jammed tight, past, and no room nowhere, so you pray and lay your hands on one another out there. And let each minister who is hooked in tonight, also pray for his congregation while the healing services are going on. We believe that God is omnipresent, everywhere. Now before we read or...

11 Before we--we pray, we want to read some of God's Word. And I changed my--my Scriptures a while ago, because wanting to change the type of meeting that I had set in my mind for tonight, so I have changed it a little bit; and so I had to change my Scriptures, not change them, but set them in another order, of Divine healing, so that--that people would understand.

Let's turn to Saint Luke, the 24th chapter. And we will begin at the 12th verse of the 24th chapter, and read down to about 34. It's on the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.

Then Peter, arose Peter, and ran to the sepulchre; and stooping down, and he beheld the linen clothes... wondering in himself at that which was come to pass.

And, behold, two of them went the same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.

Now, it takes ten furlongs to make a--to make a mile, so it was about six miles.

And as they talked together of... these things which had happened.

... it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.

But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.

And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as you walk, and are sad?

And the one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered saying unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and has not thou known these things which are come to pass... in these days?

And he said unto them, What things?

11a Now remember, this is Jesus Himself, risen, talking.

And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and in word before God and all the people:

... how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to the... to be--to be condemned to death, and have crucified him.

But we trusted that he had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and besides all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.

Yea, and certain women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre;

And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said... he was alive.

And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: but him they saw not.

11b Listen now; Jesus.

Then said he unto them, O fools,... slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:

Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to entered into his glory?

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them all, in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

And they drew nigh unto the village, where they went: and he made as though he would have gone further.

But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is towards evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them.

And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and give it to them.

And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sights.

And they said one to the other, Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and when they were with them,

Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared unto Simon.

And they told what things were done in the way, and how that he was known to them by breaking of bread.

12 Now let us pray. Dear gracious Father, we thank Thee for Thy Word, for Thy Word is Truth, Thy Word is Life. And Thou, O Lord, and Thy Word are One. So we pray tonight, Lord, that You will come among us in the power of Your resurrection and will show forth to us tonight, like those that came from Emmaus, that we too would return to our homes, saying, "Did not our hearts burn within us?" Grant it, Lord, it's towards evening time again. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

13 Now I want to speak concerning this Bible. And my subject tonight, for the topic, is: Events Made Clear By Prophecy. Events Made Clear By Prophecy.

14Now, the Bible is a different Book from all other sacred books. The Bible is a different Book. It is a Book of prophecy, foretelling future events. And It's also the Revelation of Jesus Christ. All the way from Genesis to Revelation, brings Him out in His fullness, what He was and is. And the whole complete Book, Revelations 1:1 to 3, said the Book is a Book of "The Revelation of Jesus Christ," which is the Word of God. "The Revelation of Jesus Christ," the Word of God!

15 Now, all other books, sacred books, is only a code of ethics, a code of morals, or a code of theology. Something that... How many ever read the Koran, the Mohammedan Bible, and--and the book of on Buddhists, and so forth? It's just a code of ethics, what people should live, how they should live, but it doesn't prophesy, doesn't say anything about these things or about any special gifts being given to anybody, anything to take place. Just like joining a lodge or something. Therefore, when churches come to the place that they make their church just a lodge to join, then they're plumb off the Word of God.

16 For the Bible is a living, foretold witness of Jesus Christ. And as the earth has growed into its fullness, and also vines grow into their fullness, the day grows into its fullness, the Bible was manifested in Its fullness in the Person of Jesus Christ. He was the Word of God revealed, the whole complete Book of Redemption. The Bible is God's Word, forthtelling the future events. Its believers is commanded by Its Author to read and believe every Word of It, not just part of It. One Word, to disbelieve It, you might as well quit trying until you believe that Word. Every Word is absolutely a part of Almighty God; God made manifest, wound into His Word, to show forth Who He is. We are commanded, as believers, to believe every Word of It. And It's wrote by the Author of God Himself. There is nobody can add anything to It or take anything from It. If you would, it would be a freak body of God. It would have, maybe like six fingers on one hand, or--or three arms, or something, to add something, to take something away from it and be one arm short, one finger short. It's the complete Body of Jesus Christ. And in Christ, being the Male, the Groom, the Bride is represented in Him also. And these two are One. "At that day you'll know that I am in the Father, the Father in Me, I in you and you in Me." What a complete picture!

17And the true believers in this Word, who accept It that way, believe It, and with patience wait for Its prophesied promises, every one of them to be manifested in its age. Every believer has watched for it. Every believer that's been on the toes, watching, is the one that's been revealed to.

18 Now look in the days of the coming of the Lord Jesus. Why didn't those people recognize John, when the Bible plainly said by Isaiah, "There will be a voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord'"? Their last prophet they had, which is Malachi 3, said, "Behold, I send My messenger before My face to prepare the way." Why didn't they see it? Because they was looking upon something that had been done, basing their thoughts upon some message that had went forth beforehand, and failed to see the present manifestation of God in the day they were living.

19And Christians, everywhere, that's exactly where the world stands tonight. Without contradiction, that's the truth! Christians, everywhere, are trying to look back to some code of ethics that Mr. Luther wrote, or Mr. Wesley, Sankey, Finney, Knox, Calvin; which, none of us can speak evil of, but that was in a day past.

20 The Pharisees looked back to see what Moses said, and they said, "We have Moses. We don't know whence Thou comest."

21But remember, when Moses here, they didn't know whence he cometh. See? And now they... No wonder Jesus said to them, "You garnish the tombs of the prophets, and you are the one that put them in there." After their Message is gone! A Message goes through, the people see It, they make fun of It (the world does). And then after the messenger is finished and the Message is done, then they build a denomination upon the Message. And there they die, right there, never come to Life again.

22 Look just a moment, to some of you people, and especially I speak to you Catholic people. Do you realize, have you ever read the actual history, the history of the Roman Catholic church? How that on your martyrology, since Saint Augustine of Hippo, how many million innocent people that the church put to death! I forget, can't call the exact number, but it's up in the millions, since Saint Hippo of... Saint Augustine of Hip-... of Hippo, Africa, made it a declaration that it was absolutely the will of God to put anybody to death that protests the Roman Catholic church. Do you realize that in that, that Saint Patrick was never recognized till after his death, as a Roman Catholic? He protested the pope and all of his doings, and the Catholic church itself killed tens of thousands of his children. Did you know that the Catholic church burnt Joan of Arc, that little sainted woman, to the stake, for be-... said she was a witch. Two hundred years later, dug up the bodies of the priests, when they found out it was wrong, and cast them into the sea, without burying them in the sacred ground, to do penance.

Don't let the day pass over your head, and be foolish.

23 How them priests would like, tonight, to come forth, that condemned Jesus. The only thing, they never seen the prediction of that hour. If they... Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think," or, rather, "claim that you have Eternal Life, and the Scriptures is what tell you Who I am," for that hour.

24Notice, the Bible cannot fail. It's one thing It cannot do, the Word of God, fail, for It foretells Its Author's acts before He does it.

25 Now, there's one chance out of a thousand that a man might make a prediction that something another is going to happen, and it would happen. But then if he places where it's going to happen, that cuts him down to maybe one chance out of a ten thousand. If he says the day it's going to happen, that cuts it down, one chance out of about a million. And who it's going to happen to, that brings it down to billions of chances.

26But this Bible tells you exactly who, when, where, and what to look for, and never has failed one time. Therefore, in a little discussion not long ago, with a priest of the Sacred Heart church up here; he said, "Mr. Branham, you're trying to argue a Bible." Said, "That's the history of the church."

I said, "It's not a history. It's God, Himself, in print."

He said, "God is in His church."

27I said, "God is in the Word. And anything contrary to It, let it be a lie. For He said, 'Let My Word be true and every man's word a lie.'"

He said, "We're not to argue."

28I said, "I never asked you to argue, but the Bible does say, 'Come, let us reason together.'"

29 It foretells the Author's doings before He does it. Therefore, telling that, then that puts every man and woman, at the Judgment Bar, without any excuse. If you take what the Methodist say about It, what the Baptist say about It, what the Catholic says, what the Pentecostal says, or any other church, you might find some disappointments at the Judgment. But if you'll just watch what the Bible says is going to happen, and when it happens, then you'll recognize what happens.

30Now, it isn't right out in plain view that all people can see it, for Jesus thanked God for hiding it from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and would reveal it to babes such as would learn. Think of Almighty God sitting in His Own Word, with power to blind the rich and impudent and--and educated scholars, blind their eyes so they can't see Him, and open the eyes of the poor and illiterate.

31 Notice these people from Emmaus, He said their--their understanding of Him was withheld. They talked to Him and didn't even know Who it was, all day long. God can do that, for He's God.

32That's exactly what He done to those priests, those scribes, because It was written that He had to do that. God blinded their eyes so we would have a chance. Notice, they couldn't see, no matter how much scholars, how much priests they was, what they had done, they still could not see It, because they were blind. Their sight might been twenty-twenty, physically. But their spiritual sight!

33 The same thing I was trying to say this morning about the adultery of women, dressing the way they do now. They are adulterers. In God's Book they are guilty of adultery every time they put on sexy-looking clothes. Their soul, not knowing it. I believe them women, many of them, thousands of them, are innocent, and would by no means commit adultery. And the poor women, with somebody who will let them get by with it, without exposing it and tell the truth, commit adultery. Which, the Bible said, "The whore that set upon many waters, that all the kings of the earth and the peoples of the earth, the churches and so forth, committed spiritual fornications with her. And she was THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS," denominations.

34 We watch the Bible, for God doesn't leave us in darkness. He sent the Bible to foretell us the events before they happened, and the very nature and time they would come.

35Now, it's something like looking on a calendar to see what date it is. If you think, say that this is this Saturday, Sunday, what is it? Look on the calendar. The calendar will tell you what day it is. When you see the actions of the people, maybe going to church, you see the--the... hear the bells ringing, you wonder what day it is. Look on the calendar, it'll tell you what day it is.

36 And when you see the church getting worldly, like it was in the days of Sodom, see the church world all going into the... worship "the god of this evil age," and seeing that; then seeing a little minority group gathered out under the inspiration of God, producing again the Life of Jesus Christ, by the Scriptures that's supposed to happen, you know what hour you're living in.

37This Bible foretells, by prophecy, what day that we're living, and what time we're living, and what kind of a events ought to be taking place. It foretells it exactly to the letter, and has never missed one age, all the time. Not one time had It ever missed, and It won't, for who are predestinated to see it will see it. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him, and all that the Father has given Me will come." It's the Word joining with the Word. It can't do nothing else. We know it, the day we're living in.

38 But as it has been in every age, people let man put their own interpretation to this Word, and causes them to be blinded to the event that's happened. Same thing it done with the Pharisees and Sadducees. Even when Paul stood there and tried to quote the Scripture, and one man smote him in the face because he called the high priest a whited wall. And then they missed seeing God confirm His prophesied Word.

39 See, the Bible doesn't contradict Itself; the Bible is God. There's no contradiction in God; He's perfect.

40But the people, with their own interpretation! Now notice, let me show you, friends. The churches cannot agree themself on the 'terpretation of It. The Methodist can't agree with the Baptist, the Baptist the Presbyterian, the Presbyterian the Pentecostals. And with about forty different organizations of Pentecost, they can't agree with one another. So you see, that would be Babylon again, confusing.

41But God does His Own interpreting of His Word. He promised this thing, and then does it Himself. He gives, Himself, the interpretation of it, because He makes Hisself known in that hour. How far the--the Body of Christ is advanced, from the feet to the head!

42 Notice, then that's the reason that these people fail to get it, because they listen to what somebody else says about It, instead of reading the Word like Jesus told them to do, "And They are They that testify of Me. Search the Scriptures, in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me." In other words, listen, "What? Read the Scriptures and see what the Messiah was supposed to do. See what time the Messiah was supposed to come. Look who was going to forerun the Messiah. Look at the hour. There's to be a voice of one crying in the wilderness, John. And you done to him exactly what you listed. Look what I was supposed to do when I come. And now what have you done? Have I failed to meet This?" See, Jesus speaking, "Have I failed to meet This?"

43 Notice, as we come on down through the Scriptures this afternoon, how that everything that was prophesied of Him happened just exactly the way it was supposed to. They should have knowed this event. "This fanatic, young fellow raised up, about thirty-three years old and... or thirty years old, and went down there and claimed all kinds of Lights, and Doves ascending. And, why, it was just a--a disgrace." They said, "He was born with illegitimate parents, claimed He was born of a virgin birth."

44Ought they not to knowed that Isaiah said, in Isaiah 9:6, "Unto us a child is born"? Ought not they to know also that the prophet Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive"? They ought to have knowed these things. But, you see, the thing of it was, they were applying it somewhere way ahead. And this Man, to them, didn't meet the specification. But He asked them, "Search the Scriptures, for you think in Them that you have Eternal Life, and They are the very thing that's testifying to My Message." Not what some theologian said; but what God, His Own Word, said would take place! Amen!

45So is it now! Search the Scriptures, for They are the One that tells us the hour we're living in, tells us exactly what will take place in this day. They are the Ones that you should rely upon, for They are the One that testifies of the Person of Jesus Christ. For the Bible said, that, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever," 'cause He's the revelation of the Word in the age. Can't be no different.

46 Therefore by listening to man's interpretation, they see the confirmation of God's Word fulfilled, they fail to see It. Because, it's going on all the time, but because they listen... And Jesus said, "They're blind leaders." And if the blind leads the blind, what happens to them? Now remember, the Bible predicted that this ecclesiastical age of this Laodicean Age was blind. They had Him outside the church. There is not another age, another church age, that Jesus was on the outside. But the Laodicea church age, He was on the outside, trying to get back in, "I stand at the door and knock." He's supposed to be inside. But He said, "Because you say, 'I'm rich, increased in goods, have need of nothing,' and don't know, don't know that you are blind, leading the blind, poor in spirit, wretched, miserable, naked, and don't know it." What a con-... If a man was naked on the street, miserable, blind, and knew he had sense enough that you could tell him he was naked, he'd try to do something about it. But when he shakes his head, say, "I won't have It. Who are you to tell me what to do? I know where I'm standing." Now, if that ain't a pitiful shape, I don't know. And that's exactly what the God of this Bible said that the church would be in, in this evil age right now, in the last church age where we're living.

47Notice, but to the peoples, "As many as I love, I rebuke." Now, if you're rebuked of the Lord, of what you're doing, come out of it then! Get away from it. "As many as I love, I rebuke."

48 Now, seeing God, now, what if those Pharisees would said, "Wait a minute. That Man has give us quite a challenge, He said, 'Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life; They testify of Me.' It's better that I look back in the Scriptures and find out what He's supposed to do, Who He is, what's supposed to take place. I should look back and find out"? Instead of that, they went to the priests and asked them, "What about It?" See the difference? They should have been reading the Word.

49 In Hebrews 1:1, the Bible said, "God, in sundry times," that's, "old times and in divers manners wrote the Bible by the prophets." Now notice, He wrote the Bible by His Own chosen way. See? Now, He didn't have to write It that way, neither did He have to save man by Blood. He didn't have to preach the Gospel by man; He could let the sun or the moon or the stars preach the Gospel, He could let the winds hum the Gospel. But He chose man! And He chose the way His Word came, and that was by His prophets which were predestinated and foreordained, being a part of God's Word, declaring the revelation of His Word to that age and that time. "For the Word of God came to the prophets only." Never does It come to a theologian. Show me the Scripture. It comes only to prophets. God cannot lie. So God wrote the Bible by His chosen method, and His Own chosen prophets; not the prophets man had chose, but the prophets God had chose.

50 Then Its believers watch for the fulfillment of what their prophet said, and that's identification that they are God's prophets. Because, first, they're inspired. Next, they stay exactly with the Word of the hour. Then that's his credentials. See, we went through that last Sunday. Many false prophets will rise. And we give the illustrations of how that Balaam and Moses, both of them anointed with the same Spirit, one of them said, "We're all one. Let's come join, put our girls and all together. We got pretty girls over here, and you boys come over here and take you a nice wife. That's all right, we're all one people, anyhow, the same race." God never did forgive them for it. They listened to that.

51See, the world and the--the people are watching for some little outlet, some little bypass, some little shortcut, but there is no shortcuts in the Word of God. There's one Pattern. You must cut yourself and fit that Pattern, not try to cut the Pattern to fit you. Everybody must do that. That's the only way God has of doing it.

52 Notice now, the believers wait for that Word to be confirmed. See, It was not wrote by man, but by the Lord God, therefore It's not a book of man.

53Somebody said, "It's just some old Hebrew writings." Would the Hebrews write a letter that condemned themselves? Would that fine nation of Jews, self-styled and polished, would they write their own iniquities, condemning them ownselves? Certainly not. Tell of his own sins, how they went into idolatry, how they committed fornications against God's Word? No, no. They'd never tell that, that proud nation.

54It's not a book of man. It's a Book of God. And the man who sees the visions or hears the Voice of God, never understood it (many times) themselves, in many cases. See? Man didn't write the Bible. God wrote the Bible. It is not... It's not a man's book. It's God's Book. It is God's thoughts expressed through human lips. That's what makes It the Bible. A thought expressed is a word. And in the beginning was God's Thinking, He expressed It through the lips of His prophets and confirmed It by His servants. See? Notice.

55 God does His Own choosing, by predestination, chose the prophets for every age. Notice it. He fixes the nature of that prophet to fit that age. See, He fits his style, whatever he does. He fits him whether he's educated or not educated. He fits the gifts, the manner that he'll preach in, the gifts he'll have. And the Message for that certain age, God's predestinated that certain thing to happen and there's not another thing can take its place. Care what it is, how many man-made achievements, nothing can take its place. He predestinated the man, maybe a ignorant man. He might have predestinated him another kind of a man. Whatever he is, He gives him his class, his--his gift, give him his nature, his style, and whatever it is, how he expresses himself, and whatever he does. He makes the man of the hour to catch the people of the hour. Right. He does it.

56At the end of each age, when the church has turned to the world and sin, and leaning upon man's interpretation of the Word. As ever, they always, at the end of the age, have got in such a mess by their theologians and priests until it's always a mess-up. Always their interpretation is wrong, not one time has it ever failed to be wrong. And not one time has God's Word ever failed to be right. That's the difference.

57 Now you see, God wrote the Bible, Himself. Now, God can speak. Moses said He spoke to him. Jeremiah said, "He put Words in my mouth."And God can write. He wrote the ten commandments with His Own finger. He wrote on the walls of Babylon. And, remember, of the Old Testament alone, two thousand times the prophets said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD!" God can speak, God can write. Certainly. Almost ninety percent of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, is the very Words of God Himself, Jesus Christ speaking. So, if God can write, if God can read, if God can talk, can't He cause others to do the same? Did not He say to Moses, "Who makes man dumb or who gives him speech?" God wrote the Bible by the prophets, His way of doing it.

58 Now every time that the church gets mixed up (and God foreknew they would, for He foreknew all things), therefore He has His certain prophet ready for that age, to call His electing by His vindicated Word of signs and wonders, and confirmation of His Word, "confirming the Word with signs following," as He promised. He gives the true interpretation after the prophet himself has been vindicated.

59All but those, the elected to whom he is sent, hate him. Now, examine every instant and see if that's right or not. Only the ones that He is sent to! "He came to His Own, and His Own received Him not. But as many as did receive Him, to them gave He the power to become sons of God." Notice, no... every examination of the Word, in every instance, and at the end of every age or climax or junction, as I preached on it many times.

60 Look at the age of Noah, at the climax before judgment. What happened? Noah, it was only his own family that believed the man. The rest of them criticized him. And destroyed the whole world.

61In the days of Abraham, only Abraham's group that believed. When the angels went and preached to Sodom, only Lot and his wife and two daughters come out, and she turned back to a pillar of salt.

62In the days of Moses, only the elected of Israel come out. And Pharaoh hated him.

63In the days of Elijah, everything (almost) but seven thousand man, every one of them hated him, the whole nation.

64In the days of Jeremiah, why, they throwed unripe fruit at him, and called him a fanatic, because he laid on his side for so many days, and the other side, and--and taken things and made symbols. They hated him.

65Isaiah the prophet, he condemned that race so much till they sawed him in two with a saw. Right.

66 John the Baptist. "He was a wild man down there, some screaming maniac."

All but--but those disciples that he presented to Jesus Christ as a church! There it is. John made ready a people. How many did he have? You could count them on both fingers... both hands, your fingers, how many that John presented to Jesus when He come. Now, what about His second Coming? Think of it.

67But when the true Bible believers see the Word so openly vindicated for the age, they believe. There's no way to keep them from It, believe It. They even seal their testimony with their blood. They believe It. It's then it's to them, the predestinated, that for that certain age that sees and believes.

68 Others just can't see It; they're blinded. Now, you say, "They can't see It." Now, like Balaam, why couldn't Balaam see That? He was a prophet, anointed. Why couldn't Pharaoh see It? When he seen the hand of God come down and perform miracles in there, it only hardened his heart. Is that right? Why couldn't Dathan see It, a Jew himself? Right out there, had come through the Dead Sea, and eat the manna every night, that fell fresh, and still couldn't see It. Why didn't Korah see It? Why didn't Caiaphas see It? He was the head religious man of the world at that time. Why didn't he see that was the Messiah? Why didn't Judas see It? Judas was right with them, walking with them, performing miracles with them. But the Word had to be fulfilled. The Bible says they was raised up to take that place. They was raised for that purpose. That's true. Romans 8 says that.

69 Now the believers can see the Word is made flesh in their generation, God speaking. Now, them real true believers, them seven thousand (or was it seven hundred?) in the days of Elijah. Seven thousand is right. In the days of Elijah, there was seven thousand man out of about two or three million, that saw that That was right. Not even a hundredth of the people, hardly. But they saw It was right. They saw God manifested. That old widow that Elisha was sent to, she went to get those sticks, to make a cake, and just enough to make a cake for her and her son, and then die. But watch Elijah, he said, "Make me one, first. For, THUS SAITH THE LORD, the barrel will not fail and neither will the cruse run dry until the day the Lord God sends rain upon the earth." No question, she took right off to make the cake and give it to him. Said, "Make mine first, and then go make one for you and your son." For, she heard that man, and looked at him; she was a predestinated seed.

70 Many of them say, "There is that old crank again. God has cursed us because of him," remember, Elijah. Said, "You're the one that's troubling Israel."

71He said, "You're the one that's troubled Israel." See who God... Who's Word He was vindicating? His Own Word.

72Now the Bible says they was raised up for this purpose, but when... the--the unbeliever. But now when the true believer can see the Word of that age made flesh, God speaking through human lips and then doing exactly what He said He would do, that settles it!

73 Now watch the rest of it. Don't watch signs. If you watch signs, you'll be fooled as sure as the world. False prophets will rise and show signs and wonders that'll deceive the elected if it was possible. Watch the Word. Look at these priests, these prophets, Hebrew prophet standing there. Zedekiah with two great big horns, and saying, "I am a ordained-of-God prophet." It's true. "I have three hundred and ninety-nine right here with me, and the Holy Spirit upon us, confirming and saying that land belongs to us. Let's go up and take it. And by these horns, Ahab, you'll push the enemy off of our ground, for God gave us the ground."

74 Watch that religious man, good man, Jehoshaphat, said, "Haven't you got one more?"

75"One more? There's four hundred in agreement!" He said, "Yes, there is one more around here, but I hate him." Said, "He's always bawling all of us out and telling us what great sinners we are, and everything." Say, "I hate him! He, he is Micaiah, the son of Imlah."

76He said, "Oh, don't let the king say so. Go get him and let's hear what he said."

77So they brought him down there. He said, "Give me tonight and I'll see what the Lord says about it."

78Ahab said, "I adjure you, don't you tell me nothing but the truth."

79And the man come, said, "Now, if you want to get back in good fellowship, say just like the rest of them."

Micaiah said, "I'll say just what God says." See?

80The next morning, they come out. The kings put their robes on, set in the gate, all of the celebrity. The prophet standing there. Said, "Now, fanatic, what you say about it?"

81Said, "Go on up." Said, "But I seen Israel scattered like sheep having no shepherd."

82 He sma-... took his hand and smacked him in the mouth. The prophet smacked the prophet in the mouth. Now, both those anointed prophets standing there, prophesied, four hundred against one, that looked pretty strong. Now, in the multitude of counsel it's not always safety. Depends on where they're... what they're counseling about, what their counsel is. There wasn't safety there for the king, and he took that multitude for their counseling to be right. But if he had just stopped and turned back the scroll and look what Elijah had just said.

83 Then, Micaiah couldn't say anything, he didn't know, when maybe God forgave him for it. But first, being a prophet, he went to God to find out what God said. And he found out what God said. He said, "I saw God sitting upon a throne, and He said... had all of His counselors of Heaven gathered around Him, said, 'Who can We get to go down and cause Ahab to come out here, so We can otherwise fulfill the prophecy that's made about him?'"

84See, prophecy, Elijah had already said, "The dogs will lick your blood."

85And so he said he "seen a lying spirit go up from beneath, come up, come up before Him, said, 'I'll go down and get in his prophets, Ahab's prophets, and cause them to prophesy a lie.'"

86 Now, God knew that them man was so puffed up and so full of theology that they thought they had everything right. They had never noticed the Word for the hour. So God said, "You will succeed; go on down." And when Micaiah said that, that made them prophesying under an evil spirit. They'd have jerked the plug out of the telephone, or turned off the radio, or done anything; they heard That coming against them, got up and walked out. But look what happened. Now, Micaiah had to check his vision with the written Word, therefore he knowed.

87He said, "When I come... Put that man in prison, give him waters of sorrow and bread of sorrow. When I return, I'll deal with him."

88He said, "If you come back at all, God never spoke to me." That's when he knows his vision is exactly with every Word for that hour. It was Ahab's time.

89Brother, sister, this is the hour and the time of the calling out of Babylon. The evening Lights are here. Walk in the Light while it is light. Notice, the believers saw the Word manifested and believe It. Jesus said, "My sheep know My Voice, My Word, My signs of the age. A false one they'll not follow."

90 Now let's get to our text, 'cause I see I'm going to get away. I'm wanting to emphasize on that prayer line a lot. Let's get back to the text now we got under consideration, here for a minute. Well, it'll happen again like it always did, as usual.

91God sent His prophet, John, as His Word had said, promised in Malachi 3, "Behold, I send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way." John witnessed the same thing. And we find out also, in Isaiah 40:3, that Isaiah said, "There will be a voice of a prophet, one crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord.'" See? All those prophecies! And--and look, notice quickly, the Scripture identified him.

When they said, "Who are you? Are you the Messiah?"

He said, "I am not."

"Are you Jeremiah? The prophets, or one of them?

92He said, "I am not. But I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, as saith the prophet Isaiah."

93You think they would believe that? No, sir. Why? He didn't come through their church. He wasn't of their... See, he went in the wilderness at the age of nine years old, and come out at thirty. His message was too great to go through a school of theology; he was the one to introduce the--the Messiah. And everybody would be pulling him this way and that way. And God sent him in the wilderness, after the death of his father, Zechariah. And he was a priest, but he never followed the line of his father.

94Cause, prophets don't come out of such things as that. They come from the rugged lands, the wilderness. No man knows where they come from, or how they arise on the scene, or any of their history. They just come right out and preach the Word, and God takes them off, and away they go; condemns that generation, and moves on into His Word, waiting for the great day.

95 The church did not believe him, because he was not known of them. They had no record of his ordination on their books, so therefore they refused him. See, they didn't believe God's vindicated Word, plainly, letter by letter. See? Malachi 3, two Scriptures to vindicate him, Malachi 3 and Isaiah 40:3. See, both those Scriptures spoke of a man coming, preparing the way of the Lord. He met every specification of it.

96He was to be a prophet. "I'll send to you Elisha." And there he was, in every rugged way. Watch how his nature blended in with Elijah. Elijah was a man of the wilderness, so was John; the outdoors. He wasn't a smooth man, he was a rugged man.

97Notice again, Elijah was a woman hater, he told Jezebel about all of her paint, and where to get on and off at. So was John. Jezebel tried to kill Elijah, swore by her gods that she'd take his head off of him. So did Herodia. See?

98Always watch their message, watch what they did. Now we find out that if they would a looked back and seen what the Bible said, and watched the nature of the man and how perfect he was in time with the Scriptures and everything, they ought to have knowed that was him. About a half a dozen knew it. That's right. Not over a half a dozen realized it. They went to hear him, but they didn't believe It. See? Why? They did not believe the identification of prophecy in their hour.

99 Notice, they laughed at him, calling him some "screaming, wild, unlearned fanatic with no schooling, 'hit, hain't, tote, carry, fetch,' so forth." As usual they judge him by his education. They judge him by his grammar, by the way he dressed. He had a piece of sheepskin around him, and a camel skin belt on, he was all hairy. Walking out in the waters; no church, no pew, no co-operation; they couldn't accept that; they was worshiping the god of the world. See?

100I don't mean to say now there's not false prophets that comes out, like Jambres and Jannes. But the way you want to do, is check the original message by the Word, then you got it; what age it's in, and what's prophesied for that age.

101 Then John's prophecy was vindicated in God's Own order. Watch how perfect. The Bible said, "The Word of the Lord comes to the prophet." And Jesus was the Word. And John was prophesying of the coming of the Word for fulfillment; and Jesus, the Word, came to the prophet, in the water. Oh, how beautiful! How unfailing is the... See? The Word was a scarce thing in that day. Here come the prophet, saying, "I am the voice of the Word."

They said, "What must we do?"

102Said, "I'm not worthy to unloose His shoes. But there is One standing among you, somewhere, He'll be the One that'll baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire. His fan is in His hand, and He'll thoroughly purge His floor, and burn the chaff with unquenchable fire, take the grain to the garner." Oh, what a prophet! Jesus said there was never a man born of a woman as great as he, till that day. Oh, how blusterous! How he knowed where he was standing! He knowed exactly. He heard from God, and it was exactly with the Word, so he didn't care what people said. He preached It and prophesied It, anyhow. And watch, when a man stands for what is Truth, then God is obligated to vindicate that man the Truth.

103 When Moses come down there in Egypt, and said, "I was in the wilderness yonder, and I seen a tree on fire, and it didn't consume. I went up to the tree, and, when I did, there was a great Pillar of Fire hanging in there. And a Voice said, 'I AM THAT I AM.' And He told me to take this stick and come down here and perform these miracles, and God will vindicate His Word." Stretched out his stick, there come fleas and flies, and darkness and so forth. And then to vindicate that prophet, He brought those believers right back to the mount, and God came down in the same Pillar of Fire, right on the same mountain, and proved that that was right.

Now look what He's done in this day. Exactly.

104 Now, the Word come to the prophet and vindicated him to be the true person, the very person that the Scriptures said that he would be. Quickly now. But, again, Jesus came in a different form from their man-made interpretation of the prophecy. Man had interpreted what it would be. Certainly. The Presbyterians thinks that it ought to be them. Watch when God does anything, watch every other organization rise up with one. Yeah, always been that way. They got a Jambres and Jannes everywhere. Notice, they said part of the Word. But, according to the prophet's Word, every Letter!

105 They missed it again, as usual, called Him a fortune-teller, "a devil; Beelzebub," and said He made Himself God, when they ought to have knowed, by their very Bible, that He was God.

Notice, He was prophesied by Isaiah, Isaiah 9:6, said, "His Name shall be called The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father." There ain't going to be no more fathers after that, 'cause He was the first Father in the beginning, He's the only Father; said, "Don't you call any man of this earth, 'Father,' either, after that." "He's the--The Mighty God, and The Everlasting Father, The Counselor, The Prince of Peace." Certainly.

106Now, they had done to Him what all the prophets listed that they would do, just as they are doing in this very Laodicean Age, put Him out of the church. "Blind, naked, and don't know it." Just what the prophet said, the prophet of the Bible. Blinded by man's traditions, they put Him out, the Word out of their churches, as usual, as prophesied of them.

107 Notice now, quickly now. Don't miss this now. Here is the text, how Jesus made Himself known to these two disciples that He was their Messiah! Now, all eyes this way. And out in the land, don't miss this now. We've tried to tell you that the Bible is the Word of God, wrote by God Himself, through the lips and instrumentality of man. God can write, Himself. God can speak, Himself. God can do what He wants to, but He chose man to do it because the man that wrote It is part of God. So, God wrote the Bible. The men didn't even know what they were writing, in their own human thinking. They might disagree with It, but they wrote It. They couldn't. The Bible said, "Men of old, as they was moved by the Holy Ghost!" God moved their hands, moved their eyes in the visions. They could say nothing but what they were looking at. They could speak nothing, 'cause He had full control of tongue, finger, every organ of the body was in full sway with God. No wonder the Bible said they were gods, they were a part of God! He was the fullness of God.

108 Notice how Jesus, the Word, made these two heartbroke disciples know He was their Messiah, the Messiah, the promised Word. Notice what He done, He appealed to prophecy. Notice, "Fools, slow to believe all that the prophets wrote." Now, He never said, "Well, what, what does the church say about it?"

109They give Him the story. They knowed all the events that happened. They was all sad. They begin to tell Him, "Are You just a stranger here, or You don't know what's happened in Jerusalem?"

110He said, "What things?" like He didn't know. See, He does things sometime just to see what you'll do about it. See? Said, "What things? Who was it? What's happened?"

111"Are You just a stranger?" And was talking right to the Man they had lived with for three and a half years, and didn't know Him.

"What things? What happened?"

112"Well," they said, "Jesus of Nazareth, which was a Prophet. There's no doubt in our mind. He was mighty in Word and deed before all the people. We seen Him do things that He was identified the Prophet of God for this age. We know that. And we believed that He would be the Redeemer, that He would redeem Israel."

113Then He turns and said, "You fools, slow of heart to believe that all that the prophets said about Him wouldn't come to pass?" See? Watch Him now go back to prophecy. What a rebuke for believers, claimed they believed Him!

114 Notice how He approached the subject. He never come right out and said, "I am your Messiah." He could have done it, for He was. But notice He identified Himself in the Word, then they would know. If He'd a said it, He could a said that and it wouldn't have been so; but when He went and begin to speak on all the prophets said about Him, and they seen it, then they could tell themselves, if they were God's children. But called their attention to what the prophets had foretold and said to look for in the time that the Messiah, His age, would be manifested. He, as John, let the Word, the Bible, identify their Message. Any true prophet would do it. Didn't come out and say, "I am He. I'm..." That's not a true prophet of God. See? But He said, "Go back in the Scriptures." See, He never fails His way of doing it. See?

He said, "We know Moses."

115He said, "If you would a knowed Moses, you'd know Me." He said, "Moses wrote of Me." Said, "Search the Scripture, in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and the Scripture is what testifies of Me. Go and look in the Scripture and see it."

116 Here He never changes His way of doing it, never has changed. He never can change, because He's the unchanging God. See? Notice He went right back to these two disciples, Cleopas and his friend, on the road to Emmaus, and said, appealed to the Scriptures to them, said, "Why are you so foolish to not to believe that every Word the prophets wrote concerning the Messiah would have to be fulfilled?" Oh, what a day!

117John did the same thing. "Search the Scriptures, look back, said there'd be 'a voice of one crying in the wilderness.' Where did I come from?" See? That's, that should have made it plain to them. Right!

118Should make it plain today, the thing that we see the Holy Spirit doing. He once said, "Search the Scriptures." And we... He wants us to do it today.

119 Notice, He begin with Moses' prophecy, the Bible said, "He, beginning with Moses and all of the prophets," but He started with Moses. "A Prophet," said Moses, "the Lord your God shall raise up among you people, among the people. The Lord God shall raise up a Prophet."

120Now He might have said, "Cleopas, and your friend here, did not Moses say that in these days the Lord God would raise up a Prophet? And this Man that they crucified, did He meet that qualification? Now, Moses prophesied this. And now you haven't had a prophet for hundreds and hundreds of years, and here this Man raised up. And what was this Man's forerunner, did you say?" Get it? And all the prophets said about Him, for His age, He spoke to them. It sure would have been interested to listen at Him. Wouldn't you liked to heard Him? I'd like to heard Him, to hear Him, what He said that the prophets said about Himself, but He never said it was Him. He just showed them by prophecy. He just said, "The prophet said this would happen." See?

121 Let's just go back a few minutes, and now let's listen to the Words quoted from Himself. Watch here, the Word Itself quoting the Word of Himself. The Word Itself quoting the Word of Himself. Not tell them that He was that, but just let the Word speak for Itself, then they know Who He was. The letter of the Word, quoting the Word in... The Word in flesh, quoting the Word of the letter, being fully identified with Himself. Look here, now let's listen to Him quote. How... Now, we know that they were all briefed of the late happenings, that is, of the crucifixion and of the story of the resurrection, the tomb, as we just read. Now He goes straight to the Word of prophecy about Himself. Now let's just think that He said this; He said a lot more than this, but watch.

122 Let's say Him... hear Him say, "Turn over to Zechariah 11:12. And wasn't the Messiah to be sold, according to the prophet, for thirty pieces of silver? You just said that this Man was sold for thirty pieces of silver. Turn over..." You getting them Scriptures? Zechariah 11:12. And then He said, "Did you notice what David said in the Psalms, Psalm 41:9? He was be betrayed by His friends. And then again, in Zechariah 13:7, He was forsaken by His disciples. And in Psalms 35:11, accused by false witnesses. You just said He was. Isaiah 53:7, He was dumb before His accusers. Isaiah 50:6, they scourged Him, the prophet said. Psalms 22, He was to cry on the cross, 'My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?' Did He do that, day before yesterday afternoon? Psalms 22 again, 18, His garments was parted among them. Did they do that? And Psalms 22:7 to 8, mocked by His enemies, the church. Psalms 22 again, there was not a bone in His body to be broke, but 'they pierced My hands and My feet,'" He said. Holding His hands behind Him, no doubt, at the time. "Isaiah 53:12 said He would die between malefactors. Isaiah 53:9 said He was buried with the rich. Psalms 16:10 said, 'I will not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption.' And was not Malachi 3 the forerunner of this Man?" Oh, I'd like to have heard Him quote that. Look at the prophecies! Notice, then all the types He might have went through, about Isaac, in Genesis 22, how God foreshadowed Isaac, how father Abraham took his own son, packing the wood up the hill, and offered up his own son.

123 It was now beginning to soak into them. He had done told them they were fools for not looking at the prophecy for that day. And now it begin to soak in, begin to see the fulfilling of all this that had taken place in the last few days, in the last two or three years, the vindicated prophecy of the age. It was then that they knew that their crucified friend, Jesus, had fulfilled every Word of this. Oh, it was then that they knowed that that Man truly was that Messiah, that--that He should raise from the dead. "The grave couldn't hold Him. 'I will not suffer My Holy One to see corruption.' There's not one Word of prophecy can ever fail. And He did raise."

124 "Then that messengers down at the tomb this morning was right. He is risen from the dead. He is alive. He is that Messiah." Why? Don't fail it. "His action, His ministry and everything He's done has been vindicated exactly the Words that the prophet said would take place for this day. That's done it." Then they knowed that it was Him, their crucified friend, Jesus, that had done it. No wonder their hearts burned within them as He talked to them. Now they had walked six miles, and it seemed like a short time.

125 And here's another thing they had done, you know, they had heard a six-hour sermon on prophecy being vindicated. That's what He talked to them along the road. Just as soon as they started down the road, He stepped out, for He was right there at Jerusalem. Six hours late-e... later, sixty furlongs, they was right down the road six miles to Emmaus. That's what it is. And He had preached, confirmed prophecy for six hours. Don't condemn me on my three, then, see. See? But notice, they had preached... He... They had heard a six-hour sermon on prophecy being confirmed, vindicated.

126 Now it was getting along towards evening time. You know, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. It was then that He opened their eyes to know that Hebrews 13:8, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. At the evening time, events are made clear by the prophecy. What's taking place in the modern hour can be easily identified if you'll just believe the prophecy of the hour.

127"Yes, fools, slow of understanding, slow to believe (you keep pondering over it), to believe that all the prophets said about the Messiah, wouldn't it have to happen?" Now He checked these points all back and showed what the prophet said that would happen. Then they begin to understand. So He said... act like He was going to go on by. They liked this Man. They said, "You, You've give us something. We never thought that. He is alive somewhere." They was talking to Him, didn't know it. So He... and no doubt He looked at them sadly, and He started to walk on by, but He--He was waiting for them to invite Him. That's what He's waiting tonight, for you to invite Him.

128 Notice, when those disciples invited Him in to their fellowship around the table, it was then that He done something just like He did before His crucifixion, and their eyes come open. They knowed His manner, His style. They knowed what He done, and He did it then just like He did before. And they said, "That's Him!" And quickly they raised up to scream it out, and He vanished. And where they took six hours to listen to this sermon, maybe twenty minutes they were light-footed back to tell the rest of them, "He is risen indeed. He is really alive."

129 Friends, this is the fulfillment of Malachi 4, Saint Luke 17, Saint John 15, oh, so many, Revelations 10, so many prophecies that can be pinned exactly to this day. And also in the Book of Mark and in Matthew, where He said these great signs and wonders would appear in the sky, and people call them saucers, flying saucers, can--can vanish with the power and quickness of a thought, intelligence that can move in. He can write, He can speak, He can do whatever He wants to. The great Pillar of Fire, "the same yesterday, today, and forever." And sights coming upon the earth, pyramids of smoke rising into the air, way above where there cannot be no humidity nor nothing, thirty miles high. Predicted a year and a half before it happened, that it would be that way. Then turn the picture and see Who it is looking down. Not one Word has ever failed that's been told, and here is God's written Word, confirming it's the Truth. And it's evening time again. I wonder if He would return, by grace, tonight and do something now like He done back there. Let's pray and ask Him. Events made clear by vindicated prophecy.

130 God Almighty, help us. Help us, dear God, to understand, to understand the things that we should know, understand Thy Word. And now, Lord, we have heard sermons now for nearly two thousand years, writings of books. And in this last days here it's slipped right back again, and now it's towards evening time. The Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, and many of them down through the age has talked with You, and maybe just along the way of this great day that hasn't been either night or day, as the prophet said, but in the evening time it'll be Light. Jesus rose from the tomb and appeared to Simon and to the women, and showed them that He was alive. That was the morning. And then in evening He come back again. But He did walk to them through the day, rebuking them for their blindness, but then He made Hisself known to them in the evening time.

131 God, come into our fellowship tonight that we have around the Word. God, it's so scarcely believed today amongst the peoples, but I'm thankful that there is some that You have called and ordained them to Eternal Life, and You said, "All that the Father has given Me will come." And now while the evening Lights are shining, while You have permitted, Lord, that not one prophecy (out of the hundreds that's went forth) has ever failed one time. Then truly if that identifies, it has to be You, 'cause no person could be that accurate. Just like the Bible, no man could write, no one in the space of sixteen hundred years, by forty different writers, could write, and not one error be in It.

Dear God, I pray that You will manifest Yourself tonight, of Hebrews 13:8, that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. And the works that You did then, You do today. And You promised it, You said, "In this last days, when the world is sitting like Sodom and Gomorrah, perversion." We look at these boys just so much like girls, wearing clothes like them, and--and see the girls trying to act like boys, and see the women and man in this perverted age, see sex appeal has become a--a idol of worship. The Gospel has been pushed out to one side, and nakedness in the Laodicea church. O God, what a hour! Come, Lord Jesus, make Yourself known to us. For we ask it in Jesus' Name.

132 Now while you have your heads bowed, your eyes closed, I'm going to ask you something. You believe that God is here? Do you believe that the things It's doing today is prophecy fulfilled? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever? Do you believe when He was here and manifested in the flesh for that day, and the works that He done there, was to be repeated again in this day? The prophet said so. The Bible said so. All Scripture must be fulfilled, it cannot fail. How did He identify Himself? By being that Prophet that Moses spoke of. Knowed the secrets of the hearts of the people. The woman touched His garment, He turned and said, "Thy faith has saved Thee." When Simon Peter come up to Him, He knowed his name, told him who he was, who his father was. And that same lovely Jesus is not dead, He's alive forevermore. Praise be to God! And I believe, in this evening time now, He's called us together again.

133 O Lord Jesus, come among us. Don't pass us by. Come, stay all night with us till this night is over, then let us go with You tomorrow; we might know You in the power of Your resurrection, that Your love and grace and mercy might be with us. O Eternal God, grant these things. We know that only God alone can grant them.

134In the solemnness of this hour, let us say this. God, our Father, our flesh is a poor tabernacle for You. But, Lord, let Your sanctifying grace, Your Holy Spirit, come now. Cleanse us from every doubt and every flusteration, every suspicion and every line of skepticism that would be in us, that we might be free without one doubt; come out, confess boldly like Peter, "Thou art the Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever."

135 We believe that Thy Word is Truth, Lord. Let us just see, before we start this prayer line, Lord, make Yourself known to us. As You said, "As it was in the days of Lot," when Abraham, that called-out group waiting for a promised son, Lot was down there hearing a modern Billy Graham and an Oral Roberts to that denominational setup down there, as a nation. But Abraham was a sojourner without any organization, just this little group wandering about through the land that he was to heir. "And the meek shall inherit the earth." One day, under the shade tree, while they were sitting, resting, God came down in the form of a Man. Two angels went down into Sodom. And God, in human flesh, proved that He was, He said, "Abraham, where is thy wife, Sarah?" A few days before that, he was Abram; and S-a-r-r-a, Sarra; not Sarah, "princess." And You called her by her princess name, the daughter of a king. You called Abraham by his name, Abraham, a father of nations. And You said, "I am going to visit you."

136 God, how that prophet's heart must have jumped! He knowed Who You was right then. No wonder he washed Your feet, brought out all the food that he had, and the very best, laid it before You. He knew that was God there. Then He said, "Where is Sarah?" as if He didn't know. And You...

137Abraham said to Him, "He's in the tent... she's in the tent, behind You."

138And You said what was going to happen. And she, in her heart, doubted It. And then You--You said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah doubt that, saying in her heart, 'These things can't be'? Is anything too hard for God?"

139O God! Jesus, manifested God of the Word, You said, "As it was in the days of Sodom," the world would be in that condition just before the destruction of the Gentile world, the Gentile dispensation. Here we are, Sodomites to the core! And then You said that the Son of man, which is always referred to as a "prophet," would be revealed in that hour. Fulfill Thy Words, O God. We, Your believing children, wait with sincere hearts, to give us faith, Lord, that, when we have the prayer line, the people will believe. It's evening time, Father. Let the evening Lights of the Son of God (He that Was, and Which Is, and Shall Come) manifest Hisself by the prophecy that He's made. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

140 I am now ready to--to pray for the sick. But it's a strange thing, how that when we stand here. Here I stand here now making a challenge to the public, and hooked up across the nation, that God still is God. He cannot fail. And what He promises, that He'll do. He'll never fail to do it, for He promised to do it. Therefore I can place solemn confidence in what He said. Therefore I look for His Coming, I look for Him to appear at any time, because He said, "In an hour that you think not," the world thinks not, "then He'll appear."

141Now, so far as I know... I'm in my tabernacle here, and there's a few people sitting here that I--I do know. Brother Wright, a few of these sitting here, that right along here, I do know. But there is many of you I do not know. And I have no way of saying that God will do this tonight. We have seen Him do it for the past years and years, but He might not do it tonight. I don't know. That's up to Him. He is sovereign. He does what He wishes to. No one can tell Him what to do. He abides alone, in His will and His ways. But because that He promised it, I'm asking Him to do it. Not for our sake, that we need it, but maybe for some strangers' sake, that the Holy Spirit might be anointed... now anointing upon us. Now, no matter how much He anoints me, He's got to anoint you, too, certainly, to believe.

142 Now I want to have a prayer line, and I want to pray for the sick as much as I can. Now, we can either have a line, to call the people and bring them up here, a prayer line and pray for everybody here that's sick, I suppose, have my minister brothers to come here with us, and lay hands upon you. We can sure do that. Or either we can ask our Father, Who is the only One that could do anything for you, 'cause my hands is just a man like you man. But the thing of it is, it isn't the human hand that does it; it's the Word of God. Faith in that Word is what does it. No scientific thing about it, it's altogether unscientific.

143There's not one thing the Christian has in his armor that's scientific. Did you know that? Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience, faith, Holy Ghost, everything is unseen by science. And that's the only thing that's real and lasting. Everything you look at come from the earth and goes back to the earth. But the things that you can't see with your eye, but see It declare Itself, that's the world of Eternal.

144 Would you believe, if God would manifest Himself and show that He is here alive, doing the same things that He did at the beginning, after this Message, would you accept it as your healing? May God grant it. Now I'm asking anybody in the house, no matter who you are or where you're from, I'm asking you just to solemnly believe this Message to be the Truth. That is the Message that God has in His Bible for this hour, that Jesus Christ is here tonight and is alive. Now nearly...

145All you people know of me, I'm right here in town where I was raised up. I don't even have a grammar school education. That's exactly true. And you've knowed me long enough, I hope I've lived before you to show you that I'm honest and sincere. I'm not a hypocrite. Even my critics don't say that. They, they just say, "You're--you're not a hypocrite, but you're just simply wrong. You're just ignorantly wrong, not willfully." I don't think that I'm ignorantly wrong, because the Word of God testifies of my Message, and It should tell you Who It is. And you clearly hear me say It isn't me, so then It has to be Him. Is that right? Have faith in God then. Look this a way, and you believe God. If you can believe God, God will grant to you. If He can do that like He did before, then He's still God. You believe that?

146 You believe it? A lady sitting here before me, looking at me, tears in her eyes, sincerely. I don't know who she is, never seen her. I'm a stranger to you. Do you think God knows the secret of your heart, your desires, or your sin, or whatever it is? You think He knows? You think He could reveal to me what your sin is, what you've done, what you ought not have done, or your desire, whatever it is? If He would do it, would it make you believe Him, know that it has to be Him? Would you accept it as Him? It's not your sin that's bothering you; you've confessed that. But you're wanting the baptism of His Holy Spirit. You shall receive It. I seen It move down across her.

147That you might know that I was looking at the woman, she was looking at me, I want to show you the Holy Spirit. Look here, right over this little woman sitting here, down beneath my feet here. When I said that, that's the same thing she wants, is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. You believe that you will receive It, sister? Raise up your hand, then. I have never seen the woman in my life, knowingly.

148 See this man sitting here with his head down, sitting right there, with his collar misfitting him, and so forth. You suffer with a bladder trouble. You believe that God will make you well? Raise up your hand if you'll accept It. All right, God grant you your request.

149This young man sitting right here, wanting the baptism of the Holy Ghost. You believe God will give It to you; sir, with your white string tie hanging back? God will grant it.

150This man here is praying for his wife. She is in an institution. You believe that God will heal her, make her well? You believe it? You can have it.

151With your hand up to your throat, you believe that God can heal that heart condition that's bothering you, that stomach trouble that you have? You're sitting there, suffering right now. Is that right? You believe He heals you? Then you can have it. Amen.

152 You see He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Ask those people, see if I know them. I don't, but He does. Amen. See that Light on the side of the wall yonder, hanging right down over a man sitting there. He is suffering with a spinal condition in his back. He's not from here, he's from Georgia. Mr. Duncan, believe with all your heart, God will heal that back trouble. You believe with all your heart? God bless you.

153Here's a man sitting way back here, with back trouble, looking at me. I don't know him, but it's Mr. Thompson. You believe? Raise up, sir, back there, so that... I'm a stranger to you. That's right. But you're sitting there, praying. Your back trouble is healed now. Jesus Christ makes you well.

154 "It shall be Light just about the evening time." Don't you see, He's here tonight! He's the great I AM. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe it? Are you satisfied and convinced that this is Jesus Christ making Hisself known, identifying Himself in prophecy?

155Don't worry about the eye. God heals the sick and the afflicted.

156How many people that... How many is in here, sick? Let's see your hands. Just seems like it's such a pull and a strain. Have any of you people got prayer cards? I don't know how I'd get you through here. I want to pray for you, and I don't know how to do it. You see what, look at the wall, how I'm going to get them in there? What if you get one aisle jammed? You got the other one blocked right there, everybody stopped still.

157 Listen, hear me. Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass? Is that right? Everything has always been right. I've never asked you for one penny of money in my life, have I? Not one time. Never took a offering in my life. I'm not here for money. I'm not here to deceive you. I'm here to manifest God's Word of the hour. I've told you the Truth, and God has testified that it is the Truth. Now I tell you, THUS SAITH THE SCRIPTURES, that if the believer lays his hands upon the sick, Jesus said, "They shall recover!" Do you believe that? Then, in the Presence of God, don't you believe He'll do it right now?

158 Now put your hands on one another, and just hold it there for a minute. Now, don't--don't pray, just put your hands on one another; out there in the land. And me, myself, I'm laying myself over these handkerchiefs. Now I want you to look at me just a minute. What has God left undone? Look how He's, what the Word that we have read, the prophecies that we have told, that Jesus identified Himself by the prophecies. Now look at the hour, and these last three weeks where we have placed the hour that we're living. Look at what we have read, how about the false prophets and almost signs that would deceive the elected. How the Word has been manifested, how the god of this age has blinded the lie, hearts of the people. And how that God Himself has said through His prophecies that these things would take place in this Laodicea Age. There is nothing left undone. God is here just the same God that talked to those people on Emmaus, that identified Himself by the prophecies that was foretold of Him, He is here tonight identifying His Presence by the prophecies foretold for this age. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Can you believe it? Then lay your hands upon one another. Don't pray for yourself, but in your own way pray for that person that you got your hands on, because they are praying for you. Now look, don't doubt.

159 And now if you could see what I'm looking at! And you know I wouldn't lie to you, standing here. If you could see, and your faith could draw that great Holy Spirit that sailed yonder in the air--air, that science has took pictures of, and see It moving through this building just trying to find a place to--to land, trying to find a anchor place. Only believe It, my brother. He's identified it by Scripture and so forth, that it's right. Now pray with sincerity for that person you got your hands on; they are praying for you.

160 Dear Jesus of Nazareth, for, we are conscious, Lord, by the Word, that You're here, by the promise that You are here, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them. And these signs will follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Out over the waves of this telephone, may the great Holy Spirit go into every congregation. May the same Holy Light that we look at right here in the church, may It fall upon each and every one, and may they be healed at this time. We rebuke the enemy, the Devil, in the Presence of Christ; we say to the enemy, that he is defeated by the--the vicarious suffering, the death of the Lord Jesus and the triumph resurrection on the third day; and His proven evidence that He is here among us tonight, alive, after nineteen hundred years. Let the Spirit of the living God fill every heart with faith and power, and healing virtue from the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Who is identified now by this great Light circling the church, in His Presence. In the Name of Jesus Christ, grant it for the glory of God.

161May these handkerchiefs that we pray over, may they go to the sick and the afflicted that they're intended to. May the same Holy Spirit that's here now identifying Himself, identify Himself on every patient that these is laid upon. May the Presence of God so fill their heart with faith until the sickness of their body will be healed. This we ask, for the glory of God, in the Presence of Jesus Christ and in the Name of Jesus Christ, as we the servants of Jesus Christ ask it. Amen.

162 Now from your hearts, I don't care what was wrong with you, can you, from your heart, believe with all your heart that the Word of God has granted you your request? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I believe that every hand, as I could see, went up. If you believe it, now remember, it is finished.

163You out there on the telephone wires, if you have believed with all your heart, as the ministers are laying hands upon you, and your loved ones laying hands upon you, if you believe with all your heart that it's finished, it's finished. The great Holy Spirit, He's here in the tabernacle tonight. I seen Him move over the people, showed Hisself over here on the side of a wall, and went down upon a man, come down here and up through the building, making known the secrets of the hearts, the identification of His Presence, to show that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is in our midst! He's God, the never-failing God.

164 And did not our hearts burn within us, and does not it burn now, to know that we are now in the Presence of the resurrected Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory and praise forevermore; Who is in the express image of the Almighty Jehovah; Who sailed down in a form of a Pillar of Fire in a burning bush, to attract the attention of a prophet; Who had descended upon the mountain, and anyone that even touched it was to be killed, besides Moses and Joshua. How it was that He led the children of Israel through the wilderness, in their journey, as a type of the called-out people today. Here He is, by scientific research, even identified Himself before science. And by His very actions and by His very prophecy, the things that's prophesied of Him to do in this day, to make Him the same yesterday, today, and forever, has been perfectly a vindicated. Isn't it enough to make our hearts burn within us? God bless you.

165 Now with one accord, let's stand and say: I now accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Healer. [Congregation says, "I now accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Healer."--Ed.] And by His grace, ["And by His grace,"] from this hour henceforth, ["from this hour henceforth,"] O God, ["O God,"] let no unbelief ["let no unbelief"] ever enter my heart, ["ever enter my heart,"] for I have seen ["for I have seen"] the prophecy ["the prophecy"] of this day ["of this day"] fulfilled. ["fulfilled."] I believe ["I believe"] that Jesus Christ ["that Jesus Christ"] is alive ["is alive"] and here now ["and here now"] confirming His Word ["confirming His Word"] of this hour. ["of this hour."] The prophecies ["The prophecies"] that was written of Him ["that was written of Him"] has now been fulfilled in our midst. ["has now been fulfilled in our midst."] He is my Saviour, ["He is my Saviour,"] my God, ["my God,"] my King, ["my King,"] my All-in-all. ["my All-in-all."]

166 Dear God, hear our testimony. And give to us, day by day, the Bread of Life. And we offer Thee praise, O God, from the depths of our heart. We praise Thee, the Mighty One, the God of the prophets. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Oh, what a moment, what a time!

... only believe;

Only believe, just only believe,

All things are possible, only believe.

May we sing it like this.

Now I believe, oh, now I believe,

All things are possible, now I believe;

Now I believe, oh, now I believe,

All things are possible, now I believe.

Is that your testimony? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now as we bow our heads.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

[Brother Branham begins humming God Be With You, then speaks to Brother Neville--Ed.] Do you want to say something? Vayle.

... at Jesus feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

167 With our heads bowed, Brother Vayle is standing here to dismiss in prayer. Brother Lee Vayle, he's a writer for the tabernacle here, of the literature and books, and so forth. Very precious brother, he's been with me in many campaigns. Wish I had a chance to let every minister, get them up here and talk to them. You understand, I'm sure. Every minister, we're glad to have you here. All the laity, the people of different churches, whatmore, we're glad to have you here. And it's truly our prayer to one another, "God be with you till we meet again." With our heads bowed, and our hands raised, let's sing it again real sweetly to God.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet!

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!