Tak veľa mladých ľudí robí dnes túto chybu, odmietajú byť vedení Pánom Ježišom. No, vidíme, aká osudová vec je odmietnuť večný Život a nechať sa viesť Ježišom, Vodcovstvom, keď On povedal, „Poď, nasleduj Ma.“ Vidíte, čo by dnes popoludní povedal tento pekný mladý muž? Keď odídete zo školy, keď odtiaľ idete preč, potrebujete iného vodcu, ale nech je to Ježiš. A Ježiš je Biblia. Veríte tomu? Toto je Ježišov Život a Jeho prikázania pre nás vo forme listu. Tak musíme sa dívať na Toto, aby sme videli. Toto je plán. Toto je mapa, o ktorej nám povedal, aby sme ju nasledovali, aby sme sa s Ním stretli, s večným Životom.
Musíme byť vedení. Viete, Boh nás pripodobnil k ovciam. A vedeli ste, že ovca nemôže viesť samu seba? Ona sa zatúla preč, zablúdi a jednoducho nemôže viesť samu seba. A musí mať niekoho, kto ju bude viesť. A niekedy... Pastier má viesť ovce. No, to bolo tam vtedy za dní Pána Ježiša, On bol ten dobrý Pastier, ktorý viedol ovce. Ale dnes, vidíte, žijeme v inom dni, všetko je zmenené a prevrátené. Viete, čo človek dnes používa na vedenie oviec? Kozla. A viete, kam ich ten kozol vedie? Rovno na porážku. Tie malé ovce nevedia, kam idú, tak ten kozol ide hore do ohrady, hore smerom na porážku a tie ovce nevedia nič viac, než nasledovať vodcu, a tak ich vedie rovno hore na zabitie. A potom ten kozol uskočí z cesty a ovce vojdú dovnútra a zabijú ich. Vidíte, kozol, zlý vodca.
1[Skupina detí spieva pieseň „Starodávna viera“ - pozn. prekl.] Istotne to máte. Ak je to dosť dobré pre vás všetkých, je to dosť dobré aj pre nás.
2[Nejaký brat hovorí, „Majú pre teba dar.“ – pozn.prekl.] Ó, to je milé. [Deti dali bratovi Branhamovi dar.] Ďakujem vám. [Nejaká sestra hovorí, „Len malý darček, brat Branham, deti si ušetrili nejaké drobné. A...?...“] Ďakujem. Ďakujem ti, môj malý brat. Ďakujem vám, deti. Určite vám ďakujem, veľmi, veľmi pekne. A nech vás Boh žehná.
3Viete, Ježiš povedal, „Čokoľvek dáte jednému z tých najmenších, to ste urobili Mne.“ Vidíte? Vy ste mužmi a ženami zajtrajška. Ak bude nejaké zajtra, vy tam budete.
4Mám tam cent. Veľmi pekne ti ďakujem, zlatíčko. Mal by som to otvoriť? [Brat Branham otvára darček a číta venovanie. – pozn.prekl.] Máš to tak pekne zabalené, je to trochu ťažko... ó, to je milé. Starý otec si musí nasadiť okuliare, vieš, „Viera v... horčičné zrnko... Posolstvo od teba...“
Či to nie je milé? Vidíte? Ó! Je mi to zaťažko, keď mi to dávate. „Drahý brat Branham, ó, si tak dobrým priateľom. Dúfame, že budeš požehnaný zo všetkých vecí, ktoré si našiel. Milujeme ťa; nech ťa drahý Pán Ježiš bohate žehná so všetkou radosťou a mocou.“
Ó, to je skutočne krásne. Ďakujem ti, srdiečko, každému jednému z vás. To je naozaj milé.
[Nejaký brat hovorí, „Brat Branham, verím, že budeš súhlasiť, že máme dobrú učiteľku nedeľnej školy.“ – pozn.prekl.]
Určite máte. (Len mi to podrž, Billy.) No, toto je zabalené tak pekne, že to nerád rozbaľujem. Veľmi pekné. Stavím sa, že to robila jedna z mamičiek. Je to tak? [Brat Branham otvára ďalší darček. – pozn.prekl.] Čo? No, musím... Nevyskočí to? Ó. To je naozaj milé...?... pôjdeme s tým. Leo, som zvedavý, do ktorej rodiny patrí. Dáva to na každý obrázok. To je naozaj pekné.
No, deti, je toho naozaj hojne a ja si to vezmem a zavesím do nášho nového domu. A predpokladám, že pokiaľ budeme mať ten domov, budeme to mať na pamiatku od tejto malej nedeľnej školy tu v Prescotte. Ďakujem Bohu, ďakujem Pánovi za všetko; a ďakujem Bohu za takých milých malých chlapcov a dievčatá, ako ste vy všetci. Ako ste len na mňa v tomto čase mysleli. Nech vás Boh všetkých žehná. Ďakujem veľmi pekne, áno, je to naozaj pekné. Inšpirácia, to je presne to, čo sme chceli, niečo také. Či nie?
[Nejaký brat niečo rozpráva. – pozn.prekl.] V poriadku.
[Ten brat hovorí, že spev bol naplánovaný len na poslednú chvíľu.] Vtedy je to lepšie.
[Skupina sestier spieva pieseň, „Zostúpil z chvály,“ potom sa k nim pridáva poslucháčstvo. – pozn.prekl.]
Ó, ako Ho milujem! Ako Ho zbožňujem!
Môj dych, môj slnečný svit, moje všetko vo všetkom!
Veľký Stvoriteľ sa stal mojím Spasiteľom,
a prebýva v Ňom celá Božia plnosť.
[Sestry pokračujú v spievaní refrénu piesne, „Zostúpil z chvály.“ Brat vedie pieseň, „Jemu len ver.“ – pozn.prekl.]
...len ver,
všetko je možné, len ver;
len ver, len ver,
všetko je možné, len ver.
Verím, že teraz, po tom všetkom, by som mohol kázať štyri hodiny. Začínal som si myslieť, že začínam byť unavený. Niet divu, že vy, malé dievčatká, viete tak dobre spievať, vy, malé dievčatká a malí chlapci; počúvajte, ako spievajú vaše veľké sestry a vaše matky, ohromné speváčky. To je skutočne pekné. Kto je toto malé dievča, ktoré viedlo tú pieseň, či nie si to malé dievča, ktoré som tam stretol? Iste má nádherný hlas; vy všetci. Vy len... Verím, že najlepší spev, aký som kedy počul, je rovno tu. Všetci to neustále nacvičujete? [Brat hovorí, „Nie, takto spievame.“] No, poviem vám, iste ste požehnaní skutočne dobrým spevom.
5Mám rád dobrý spev. Jednoducho milujem skutočne dobrý spev. Vždy som hovoril, že keď prídem do neba, chcem sa dostať tam, kde ľudia spievajú, a počúvať. Nikdy som sa nemohol nasýtiť spevu.
6Viete, spev dáva odvahu. Viete to, však? Vojaci, keď idú do boja, viete, čo robia? Hrajú hudbu a spievajú a robia veci, ktoré im dodávajú odvahu. A keď ideme bojovať my, tak spievame a to nám dáva odvahu ísť ďalej.
7Ďakujem vám maličkým za ten milý dar. A to je... Od pani Branhamovej a od Rebeky a Jozefa a Sáry, a my všetci vám veľmi ďakujeme. Je to ťažké povedať, ako to povedať tým maličkým, „Nie. Ušetrili ste si svoje centy. Nechcem to vziať.“ Viete, ako sa cítim, nechcem to vziať. Ale napriek tomu som sa sem pozrel a do tejto karty vložili desať-dolárovú bankovku. Pomyslel som si, „Môžem to vziať?“ Pomyslel som si, „Ako to môžem urobiť?“
8Ale pamätám si malý príbeh, ktorý by som chcel, aby ste vedeli. Jedného dňa bola jedna žena, vdova, mala kopu detí, možno jej... Otec tých malých detí bol preč. A mala len dva groše. A raz išla dolu ulicou... A boli to peniaze na desiatok, len haliere, aké ste vy všetci usporili, a ona ich hodila do Božej pokladnice. Ježiš tam stál a pozoroval ju. A premýšľal som, „Čo by som urobil, keby som tam stál ja?“ Pravdepodobne by som dobehol a povedal, „Nie, nie, sestra, nerob to. My to naozaj nepotrebujeme. Potrebuješ to pre tie deti.“ Vidíte? No, nedovolil by som jej to urobiť. Ale Ježiš jej to dovolil. Vidíte, On jej to dovolil urobiť. Prečo? On vie, že je požehnanejšie dávať ako prijímať. On vedel, čo pre ňu urobí, vidíte.
Tak vám z celého srdca ďakujem, maličkí.
9Chcem poďakovať každému jednému z vás za tento pekný čas obecenstva, brat Leo a Gene. Toto vlastne boli pre mňa tri dni uctievania. Dokonca aj vonku v džungli, keď sa snažím vzdialiť od seba a myslieť si, že poľujem, tak či onak, dívam sa na vás a počujem vás hovoriť. Mal som tú výsadu dnes popoludní navštíviť vaše domovy. Nikdy som nevidel, nevošiel som do žiadnej, budem to nazývať dedinou, kde by som kedy videl toľko čistých a upravených domov a ľudí a toľko úcty ku Kristovi a Evanjeliu. Nikdy som to nikde nevidel. A vy ste určite začali na správnej ceste, len pokračujte a Boh bude s vami. A niektorých z vás musím vidieť. Jedného dňa som videl tieto sestry, ani som ich nespoznal, pretože všetko, čo som mohol vidieť, boli asi len ich oči a nos spod jednej z tých kapucní. A teraz verím, že vás poznám lepšie, s láskavou zdvorilosťou bratov Lea a Geneho, ktorí ma previedli okolo a navštívili sme vaše domovy; a potriasli sme si ruky s malými deťmi, prorokmi a prorokyňami toho budúceho veku, ak bude ešte nejaký vek.
10Viete, Ježiš miluje malé deti. Viete, On ich miluje. A raz tam bol jeden malý chlapec, ktorý sa volal Mojžiš a o chvíľu o ňom budeme hovoriť. A on bol veľmi dobrý... Viete, čo ho urobilo, pomohlo mu urobiť z neho dobrého chlapca? Mal dobrú matku, aby ho vychovávala. Vidíte, to je to, čo to bolo. Učila ho o Pánovi. A vy, malí chlapci a dievčatá, máte rovnaký druh matiek, aby vás vychovali, učili vás o Pánovi. Len im venujte pozornosť.
11Viete, čo, viete, čo je prvé prikázanie v Biblii, to prvé prikázanie so zasľúbením, so zasľúbením? Môže byť pre vás trochu ťažké porozumieť týmto prikázaniam. Prvé prikázanie je, „Nemať žiadneho iného boha okrem Neho.“ Ale to veľké prikázanie... A to prvé prikázanie, ktoré má v sebe zasľúbenie, vidíte, to je pre deti. Vedeli ste to? Vidíte, On povedal, „Deti, poslúchajte svojich rodičov, čo môže predĺžiť dni na zemi, ktorú ti dal Pán, tvoj Boh." Myslieť na svojich rodičov a robiť to, čo robíte, to vám môže dať dlhší život na zemi, ktorú vám dal Pán, viac času, aby ste Mu slúžili.
12Dúfam, že sa dnes dívam na skupinu kazateľov a spevákov a evanjelistov toho dňa, ktorý má prísť, ak bude nejaký deň po tom našom.
13A je tu len jedna vec, vy – že láskavosťou zabijete človeka. Jedol som, až som nemohol jesť, a nikdy o mňa nebolo takto postarané. Keby som bol Anjelom, ktorý spadol z neba, nemohlo sa so mnou zaobchádzať o nič lepšie. Jediná vec, ktorú vám môžem povedať, je, „Ďakujem.“ A keď budete tam dolu v Tucsone, nebudem s vami môcť zaobchádzať tak dobre, lebo neviem ako; nemám na to spôsoby, ale urobím to najlepšie, ako viem. Príďte dolu.
14Brat a sestra Shantz, určite sa im chcem poďakovať. A mal som to privilégium stretnúť sa dnes popoludní s vašou peknou mladou dcérou a synom. A za to, že tu pre nás nechal svoj dom otvorený na uctievanie. V Biblii sa diali také veci, viete, že Evanjelium bolo... Viem, že to znie veľmi detinsky. My by sme si mysleli, že to tak nie je. Ale toto je práve to isté ako Boh... pre Boha, ako boli tí ľudia v tom dni.
15Pamätajte, ak by prešlo ešte mnoho rokov, obzreli by sa sem dozadu a povedali, „Keby som len bol žil v tých dňoch tam v Prescotte! Keby som len žil...“ Vidíte? Teraz žijeme v tom dni. Rozumiete? Potom zídeme dolu na koniec cesty a budeme čakať na svoju odmenu v tom veľkom Dni.
16Teraz otvoríme Slovo Božie a budeme čítať. Ale ešte predtým, ako to urobíme, na chvíľu si s Ním pohovorme.
17Drahý Ježišu, nedokážem vyjadriť svoje pocity a vďačnosť voči bratovi Mercierovi, bratovi Goadovi a všetkým týmto milým ľuďom a ich malým deťom, akými milými sa pred nami ukázali, odkedy sme tu. Tá láskavosť je ponad všetko, čo sme očakávali. A vieme, že boli skvelí a milí. Ale nevedeli sme, že sa s nami bude zachádzať tak skutočne kráľovsky. A, Pane, modlím sa, aby Tvoja prítomnosť bola vždy v tomto tábore ľudí, aby tu Duch Svätý naplnil každé srdce a aby si im dal večný Život. A nech, ako sa dnes tešíme, nech nastane ten nekonečný Deň, keď sa stretneme v prítomnosti Toho, ktorého uctievame, ktorého milujeme a ktorému vzdávame za tieto veci všetku chválu. Do toho času, Pane, zachovaj nás verných Jemu a Jeho Slovu. Modlíme sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
18No, držal som vás dnes ráno tak dlho, budem sa snažiť, aby to dnes popoludní bolo skutočne rýchle a budem hovoriť spôsobom, ktorý môže byť dobrý pre maličkých, a tí starší tiež budú rozumieť.
19Chcem tu prečítať jedno miesto Písma, ktoré nachádzame v Knihe svätého Mareka, a chcem prečítať časť zo 17. verša 10. kapitoly svätého Mareka.
A keď vychádzal na cestu, pribehol nejaký mladý človek, ktorý padol pred ním na kolená a pýtal sa ho: Dobrý Učiteľu, čo mám učiniť, aby som dedične obdržal večný život?
A Ježiš mu povedal: Prečo ma zovieš dobrým? Nikto nie je dobrý, iba jeden, Bôh.
A prikázania vieš: Nezcudzoložíš, nezabiješ, neukradneš, nepovieš falošného svedoctva, neolúpiš nikoho, cti svojho otca i svoju mať!
A on mu povedal: Učiteľu, to všetko som dodržoval, (lepšie povedané) zachoval od svojej mladosti.
Vtedy Ježiš pozrúc na neho zamiloval si ho (tohto mládenca) a povedal mu: Jedno ti chýba: iď, predaj všetko, čo máš, a daj chudobným a budeš mať poklad v nebi a vezmi kríž, poď a nasleduj ma!
Ale on sa zarmútil nad tým slovom a odišiel smutný, lebo mal mnoho majetku.
20No, pre deti a dospelých a všetkých ostatných chcem priniesť toto malé posolstvo čo najrýchlejšie a čo najaktuálnejšie. A chcem vziať text: Nasleduj Ma. A ako tému: Vodcovstvo. Nasledovať a niekoho viesť; 'Vodcovstvo' a 'Nasleduj Ma.' Mladí, ľudia...
21Pamätáte, ten prvý krok, ktorý kedy niekto z nás urobil, niekto nás viedol. Vy, matky, pamätáte si prvé kroky, ktoré urobil junior a to malé dievčatko, a oni si to už viac nepamätajú. Ale pri vašom prvom kroku vás niekto viedol. Pamätám si Billyho Paula, keď urobil svoj prvý krok, Jozefa a všetkých z nich, keď urobili svoj prvý krok.
22Obyčajne je to matka, ktorá vedie dieťa k prvému kroku, pretože ona je doma, zatiaľ čo ocko pracuje a snaží sa zarobiť na živobytie. Ale je to tak, že urobia svoj prvý krok. A večer, keď prichádzajú, ten otec, on vždy hovorí...
„Ó, ocko,“ povedala, „Johnny a Mary,“ (ten malý chlapec alebo dievča), „on vie chodiť! Poď sa pozrieť!“ A len jeden krok, možno ho matka musela držať; musel si držať matkin prst, pretože si bol taký slabý a tak trochu si sa kolísal nabok, viete, a trochu si spadol. A tak, museli ste sa držať matkinej ruky, aby ste urobili svoj prvý krok.
23No, niekto vám pomohol, keď ste urobili svoj prvý krok. A tvoj posledný krok, ktorý v živote urobíš, niekto ťa povedie. Vidíte, je to tak. Chcem, aby ste si to zapamätali. Tvoj prvý krok, niekto ťa viedol. A tvoj posledný krok, niekto ťa povedie.
24Musíme byť vedení. Viete, Boh nás pripodobnil k ovciam. A vedeli ste, že ovca nemôže viesť samu seba? Ona sa zatúla preč, zablúdi a jednoducho nemôže viesť samu seba. A musí mať niekoho, kto ju bude viesť. A niekedy... Pastier má viesť ovce. No, to bolo tam vtedy za dní Pána Ježiša, On bol ten dobrý Pastier, ktorý viedol ovce.
25Ale dnes, vidíte, žijeme v inom dni, všetko je zmenené a prevrátené. Viete, čo človek dnes používa na vedenie oviec? Kozla. A viete, kam ich ten kozol vedie? Rovno na porážku. Tie malé ovce nevedia, kam idú, tak ten kozol ide hore do ohrady, hore smerom na porážku a tie ovce nevedia nič viac, než nasledovať vodcu, a tak ich vedie rovno hore na zabitie. A potom ten kozol uskočí z cesty a ovce vojdú dovnútra a zabijú ich. Vidíte, kozol, zlý vodca.
26Ale Ježiš, ten dobrý Pastier, ktorý viedol ovce, On ich priviedol do Života a držal ich za ruku. Vidíte, ale niekto musí viesť ovcu.
27To prvé je láskavosť matky, potom slovo otca. Potom, ako vám matka udelí váš prvý krok, potom hľadíte na svojho otca, každý z nás, pre múdrosť, pretože on je hlavou domu. A on obyčajne... Nie, že by bol nejaký múdrejší, ale on je jednoducho učinený tak, aby bol vodcom svojej rodiny, tak nasledujeme to, čo hovorí náš otec, aby sme robili. Keď hovorí, „No, synu, chcel by som, aby si urobil takú-a-takú vec,“ potom ho počúvame, pretože to je múdrosť. Ale počúvajte, vidíte, on sa naučil veľmi veľa a my sa ho musíme pýtať, aby sme videli, čo sa naučil, a potom môžeme profitovať z toho, čo sa naučil. On nám hovorí, „No, nechoď a nerob toto, lebo ja som to urobil. Môj otec mi povedal, aby som to nerobil, ale ja som to urobil a to spôsobilo, že sa mi toto stalo, niečo zlé.“ Tak, vidíte, my budeme... Potom on, ocko, nám povie, ako konať a čo robiť správne.
28Potom, ako nás vedie matka, až do času, keď budeme musieť obdržať trochu múdrosti od otca, aby sme rozumeli, potom dostaneme niekoho ďalšieho. Obdržíme ďalšieho vodcu, a to je učiteľka, dobrá školská učiteľka. Ona sa ťa snaží učiť a dať ti vzdelanie, aby si lepšie zapadol do života, na miesto, do pozície, kde môžeš čítať Bibliu a môžeš čítať piesne a môžeš sa učiť o Bohu a samostatne čítať, vidíte. A potom, ďalšia vec, možno by ste podnikali a niekto by vám napísal list, mama, otec, niekto, kto by vám napísal list, nedokázali by ste to prečítať. Rozumiete? A tak, učiteľka sa vás potom ujme a vedie vás k tomu, aby ste sa naučili písať a čítať. A to je dobrá vec, dobrá učiteľka, aby ťa správne naučila. Ale teraz, potom, ako odídete od toho, potom, čo opustíte učiteľa, jeden učiteľ za druhým, od malého základného vzdelania, malého prvého stupňa, až kým sa nedostanete zo strednej školy alebo na vysokú školu. Potom, keď odídete z vysokej školy, učiteľ vás prestane viesť. Rozumiete?
29No, mama vás naučila chodiť, vidíte. Ocko ťa naučil, ako byť brilantným a milým mladým mužom a ako sa o seba starať a ako sa správať. Učiteľ vás naučil vzdelaniu, ako správne čítať a písať. Ale teraz opúšťate otca, opúšťate matku a opúšťate učiteľa, teraz vás niekto musí odtiaľto vziať ďalej. No, od koho chcete, aby vás odtiaľto prevzal? [Nejaké dieťa hovorí, „Ježiš.“ – pozn.prekl.] Správne. Ježiš, aby ťa odtiaľ vzal ďalej. No, to je veľmi dobrá odpoveď, veľmi dobrá. Ježiš ťa odtiaľ berie ďalej.
30No, vidíte tohto mladého človeka, o ktorom hovoríme, on je nazývaný bohatým mladým panovníkom. No, tento mládenec, on bol vedený celkom dobre. No, jeho matka ho naučila chodiť. A vidíte, on bol ešte mladý muž, možno práve po ukončení strednej školy, veľmi populárny mladý muž. A tým, že bol dobre vychovaný, možno kráčal správne, a tak ďalej, ako ho to naučila jeho matka.
31A bol tiež úspešným mladým mužom, pretože, pozrite, už bol bohatý. A bol len mladým mužom, možno osemnásťročný, práve skončil strednú školu a bol bohatý. No, vidíte, mal ten správny druh učiteľa, ktorý ho naučil správne chodiť. A mal správny druh učiteľa, svojho otca; ešte ako mladý človek bol bohatý, čo sa týka peňazí, zarobil si veľa peňazí. On mohol byť skutočným... Už v takomto veku bol panovníkom, bol veľmi úspešný. Rozumiete? A teraz mal učiteľa, ktorý ho naučil, naučil ho tej správnej veci, ako to urobiť. Mal svoje vzdelanie.
32A potom, ten ďalší učiteľ, ktorého mal tento mladý muž, (pričom to závisí na tom, ako si bol vychovaný), ale tento mladý muž mal doma náboženské učenie.
33No, niektoré deti, vedeli ste, že je mnoho malých detí, ktoré nemajú doma žiadne náboženské učenie? Ich otec a matka neveria v Boha. A ich otec a matka pijú, fajčia, bijú sa a v noci utekajú jeden od druhého a také veci, a neuvaria večeru svojim malým chlapcom a dievčatám a podobne. Nie ste radi, že máte skutočne dobrého kresťanského otca a matku? No, keď budete mať deti, či nechcete byť rovnakým druhom otca a matky, ako je váš otec a matka? Rozumiete? No, ale to je všetko dobré.
34No, tento mladý muž mal náboženskú výchovu. Vidíte, to bolo ďaleko za tým, čo mali niektoré z tých detí, pretože oni nemali náboženskú výchovu. Ale tento mladý muž mal náboženskú výchovu, pretože povedal, že zachovával prikázania od svojej mladosti.
35No, aj vy všetci máte dobrých náboženských učiteľov, každý jeden z vás. A vy, malé dievčatá a chlapci v tínedžerskom veku, všetci ste mali dobrých učiteľov, váš otec a matka tu v tomto tábore, máte všetko, čo... každý potenciál, o ktorom viete, ktorý je možné mať, aby to z vás urobilo skutočného dobrého muža a ženu, Božieho služobníka.
36Pretože pamätajte, že jedného dňa zomriete alebo budete vzatí do neba. A ak zomriete pred Jeho príchodom, budete vytrhnutí ako prví. Vedeli ste to? Či ste vedeli, že tí, ktorí sú mŕtvi... Ak mama a otec zomrú skôr ako vy a Ježiš nepríde v našej generácii, viete, že títo, otec a mama, vyjdú prví, oslávení, pred vami? Rozumiete? Trúba Božia zaznie a mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv, a potom my, ktorí sme živí a ponechaní, budeme s nimi vychvátení. Budeme takto zmenení. Musíme na to pamätať, to je to hlavné v živote. Teraz tomu rozumiete? To je tá hlavná vec v živote, ktorú musíme urobiť, to je pripraviť sa na stretnutie s Bohom.
37No, len samotné náboženstvo nebude fungovať. Vidíte, tento jeden mladý panovník tu povedal, „Dobrý Učiteľu...“ No, pamätajte, predtým, ako to poviem. Bol naučený správne kráčať. Mal dobré vzdelanie. Vyučili ho v podnikaní. A bol bohatý a bol panovníkom a mal náboženstvo. Ale on bol konfrontovaný s iným problémom (a to stojí pred nami všetkými), s večným Životom. Náboženstvo nám nedáva večný Život. Byť nábožným, to je prikrytie, ale to nám nedáva večný Život. A jednako, on sa vyučil pri tých najlepších učiteľoch, akí tam boli, a jednako mu stále niečo chýbalo. A ten mladý muž to vedel, pretože povedal, „Dobrý Učiteľu, čo mám robiť, aby som zdedil večný Život?“
38No, veríte, že Ježiš je Boh, či nie? Tak On poznal myšlienky toho mladého muža, tak povedal, „Dodržuj prikázania.“ Vrátil sa naspäť k jeho náboženstvu, aby videl, čo povie o svojom náboženstve. Povedal teraz, inými slovami, „Zachovaj svoje náboženstvo.“
39On povedal, „Toto som robil od svojej mladosti,“ malí chlapci ako vy. „Moja mama a otec a môj kňaz ma učili náboženstvo. Ale viem, že vo svojom náboženstve stále nemám večný Život.“ Rozumiete?
40Môžete byť dobrí. Nekradnúť. Nefajčiť. Neklamať. Neklamať otcovi a mame. Nehovorte to prvé klamstvo, lebo raz oklamete, a potom je ľahké oklamať aj druhýkrát, vidíte. Ale to nesmiete robiť. Nezačínajte klamať.
41Vedeli ste, že vaše telo nie je utvorené, aby klamalo? Viete, ľudia teraz majú prístroj, ktorý sa pripája na nervy. Tí ľudia vám môžu položiť okolo zápästia malú bandáž a jednu cez hlavu a potom môžete povedať... povedzme, že poviete, „Klamal som o tom, ale môžem to povedať tak zľahka, že budú veriť, že hovorím pravdu.“ A môžete povedať...
42Tí ľudia by povedali, „Bol si na určitom mieste, sedel si v tom prívese brata Shantza, zatiaľ čo brat Branham kázal v nedeľu popoludní?“
A ty povieš, „Nie veru. Nesedel som tam. Nie veru.“
43Viete, čo povie ten detektor lži? „Tak veru, ty si tam sedel. Tak veru, sedel si tam.“
Povieš, „Nesedel som tam.“
Ono to povie, „Áno, sedel si tam.“
44Prečo? Pretože klamstvo je taká hrozná vec. Telo nebolo utvorené tak, aby klamalo. A keď klamete, to je tak hrozná vec, až to rozruší celý nervový systém. Fíha! Takéto rozrušenie vám spôsobí vredy, rast plesní; to by vás zabilo. A potom, klamstvo je zlá vec, vidíte, pretože nemáte klamať, kradnúť alebo robiť čokoľvek z týchto vecí.
45No, tak tento mladý muž pravdepodobne bol... Neklamal, nikdy nekradol a bol si vedomý, že potrebuje večný Život. Tak povedal, „Čo mám robiť, aby som to mal?“
46A Ježiš tu teraz ukazuje, že náboženstvo to neurobí. Tak On mu to rovno vrátil naspäť a povedal, „Dodržiavaj prikázania.“
47On povedal, „Učiteľu, robil som to od malička, robil som to už vtedy, keď som bol malým chlapcom.“ Ale on vedel, že nemá večný Život.
Tak On potom povedal, „Ak by si chcel vstúpiť do Života, večného Života, chcel by si byť dokonalý, potom choď predať, čo...“
48Vidíte teraz, to je v poriadku mať peniaze. Vidíte, to je v poriadku mať peniaze, byť bohatý. A byť panovníkom, to je v poriadku. Ale ide o to, ako konáte, keď sa tým stanete, vidíte.
49Povedal, „Choď a predaj, čo máš, a daj to chudobným, tým ľuďom, ktorí nič nemajú; potom príď, nasleduj Ma a budeš mať poklady v nebi.“ Ale ten mladý muž mal toľko peňazí, že nevedel, čo s tým. No, vidíte, on bol veľmi populárny, ten mladý muž.
50A bol dobre vybavený na celý život, tak, ako ho jeho otec a matka a kňazi a všetci títo vybavili, ale stále vedel, že mu niečo chýba. Teraz hovorím k dospelým. On vedel, že mu tu niečo chýba. Nemal večný Život; vedel o tom. Rozumiete?
51Náboženstvo nevyprodukuje večný Život. Formy, senzácia, niečo cítite; mohli by ste sa vystrašiť a niečo cítiť. Rozumiete? Plač, to je dobré; vykrikovanie, to je dobré; ale to stále nie je ono, vidíte. Ste konfrontovaní s večným Životom.
52Poviete, „No, bol som skrátka verným baptistom, metodistom, presbyteriánom alebo letničným.“ To stále nie je tá otázka.
53Tento mladý muž bol tiež vyučovaný vtedajším náboženstvom, ale stále nemal večný Život, a tak chcel vedieť, čo má robiť. On bol k Tomu úspešne vedený. Ale keď s Tým bol konfrontovaný, odmietol byť vedený do večného Života, alebo byť vedený. Jeho ďalší vodcovia ho tak pevne držali, až to nechcel uvoľniť. Rozumiete?
54No, to je niečo, čo hovorí brat Branham. Ide to pre vás trochu hlboko, vidíte.
55Vzdelanie je v poriadku, mali by ste chodiť do školy a učiť sa. Vidíte, to je dobré, ale to vás nezachráni. Mať dostatok peňazí, to je dobré, môžete vychovávať svoje deti, dať im dobré oblečenie a veci. A ako otec a mama pre vás všetkých pracovali. To je dobré, ale to vás stále nezachráni. Rozumiete? Alebo by ste sa mohli dostať do laboratória a naučiť sa, ako dať dohromady rôzne veci, alebo rozdeliť atómy, alebo čokoľvek, čo robia, a dostať sa do rakety a ísť na Mesiac, ale to ťa nezachráni.
56Musíte čeliť jednej veci, večnému Životu, a je len jedna Osoba, ktorá vám to môže dať. Mama vám to nemôže dať. Ocko vám to nemôže dať. Váš pastor vám to nemôže dať. Váš vodca, ktorý je tu, vám to nemôže dať. Každý, kto dostáva večný Život, musí prísť k Ježišovi Kristovi. On je jediný, ktorý môže dať tú časť.
57Tvoja učiteľka ti môže dať vzdelanie, ona ťa môže učiť; ale ty sa to musíš naučiť. Tvoja matka ťa môže učiť chodiť; ale ty sa musíš naučiť chodiť. Tvoj otec ťa môže učiť, ako byť podnikateľom alebo niečím podobným; ale ty sa to musíš naučiť. Ale jedine Ježiš ti môže dať večný Život. Rozumiete?
58Tvoj kňaz, tvoj vodca alebo niekto podobný, on ťa môže učiť tvojmu náboženstvu, môžeš sa naučiť Posolstvo, ktoré sa snažíme učiť, ale stále ti to nedá večný Život. Musíš prijať tú Osobu, Ježiša Krista. Rozumiete tomu, každý z vás? Musíš prijať tú Osobu, Ježiša Krista, aby si mal večný Život. No, ale niekedy má iné vedenie na nás taký vplyv, že nevieme, čo robiť, keď príde ten čas.
59No, čo za osudovú vec je odmietnuť vedenie k večnému Životu, pretože, vidíte, to je Život, ktorý nikdy nemôže skončiť. No, vzdelanie, to je v poriadku, ono nám tu pomôže. Podnikanie, to je v poriadku. Peniaze, to je v poriadku. Byť dobrým chlapcom a dievčaťom, to je v poriadku. Ale vidíte, keď sa tu tento život skončí, to je všetko. Rozumiete? Vy, dospelí, rozumiete? Vidíte, to je celé. Ale potom musíme prijať Ježiša Krista pre večný Život. K Tomu vás môže priviesť jedine Ježiš.
60A hoci, vidíte, tento mladý muž dosiahol všetky tieto veci v škole a skrze svojich rodičov a všetko také, stratil to najväčšie, čo mohol mať, vedenie Ducha Svätého, lebo Ježiš povedal, „Poď, nasleduj Ma.“
61A vy, dievčatá, ktoré práve zakončujete školu, pravdepodobne niektoré z vás čoskoro maturujete; a vy, mladí chlapci; to najväčšie vedenie, ktoré existuje, to je Ježiš Kristus, lebo to je vedenie do večného Života. No, toto vodcovstvo konfrontuje každú ľudskú bytosť, je im daná príležitosť, aby si vybrali.
62A to je jedna veľká vec, ktorú v živote máme: vybrať si. Jedného dňa... Viete, ocko a mama sa rozhodli mať milého malého chlapca a dievča, ako ste vy všetci.
63A potom po krátkej chvíli, máte právo si vybrať, či sa chcete učiť od učiteľa, alebo nie. Učiteľ vás môže učiť, ale vy môžete byť len malým zlým chlapcom, odmietate sa učiť; malé zlé dievča, ktoré nebude vôbec poslúchať. Vidíte, máte možnosť rozhodnúť sa, hoci ste malí.
A matka povie, „Dostal si na vysvedčení jednotky?“
„Nie, je to slabota.“ Vidíš, teraz môžeš...
64Mama povie, „Teraz musíš študovať.“ A potom to musíš robiť, ďalej študuj, ako ti povedala matka, ako ti povedal otec. Vidíte, musíte študovať.
65Ale máš na výber, môžeš to urobiť alebo neurobiť. Môžeš povedať, „Ja nechcem.“ Vidíš, máš na výber.
66Po chvíli budeš mať na výber, aké dievča si vezmeš, za akého chlapca sa vydáš.
67Kdekoľvek v živote máš na výber. A potom máš opäť na výber, či chceš žiť po tomto živote; alebo byť len dobrou, populárnou osobou, filmovou hviezdou alebo tanečníkom alebo niečím iným.
68A pozrite sa tu na tieto malé dievčatá s tým pekným hlasom, keď pred chvíľou spievali. Ak by to dieťa rozvíjalo ten hlas, bola by opernou speváčkou alebo nejakou speváčkou. Počujem hlasy týchto malých chlapcov, títo chlapci, mohli by ste byť ako Elvis Presley, predali by ste svoje právo prvorodenstva. Vidíte, nechcete to. Vidíte, je to talent, ktorý vám Boh dal, a musíte si vybrať, kde ten talent použijete; pre Boha, alebo či ho použijete pre diabla. Rozumiete?
69Brat Leo, váš brat, vidíte, no, on mal talent, aby tak trochu viedol ľudí. No, čo s tým urobí? Či ide do podnikania a stane sa milionárom, alebo by mal prísť sem a urobiť domov, kde sú ľudia, ktorí sa chcú stretnúť a mať tu všetky svoje malé deti? Vidíte, musíte si vybrať, čo budete robiť.
70Každý z nás sa musí rozhodnúť. A je to pred nás postavené. Ale všetci sme konfrontovaní s touto jednou vecou: „Čo urobíme s večným Životom? Budeme žiť aj potom ďalej, alebo nie?“ Potom musíme prísť k Ježišovi, aby sme to dosiahli. Príležitosť voľby, to je jedna vec, ktorú nám Boh dal. On nám nič nevnucuje. On nás len necháva, aby sme si vybrali sami. Takže nemusíte byť nútení, musíte len urobiť vlastnú voľbu.
71No, sledujme na pár minút toto, dospelí a teraz všetci a deti, všetci spolu. Sledujme tohto mladého muža a voľbu, ktorú urobil, a pozrime sa, kam ho to doviedlo.
72No, tieto dievčatá s tak peknými hlasmi, títo mladí chlapci. No, možno prídete a budete... mali by ste hlas, ktorým by ste mohli spievať. No, vezmite len tú jednu vec, mohli by ste, ó, jedného dňa by ste to mohli vziať, „Ja...“
73Poznáte tohto chlapca, ktorý sa volá Elvis Presley? Počuli ste moje pásky. Počuli ste, ako neznehodnocujem toho chlapca, ale ten chlapec mal príležitosť, ktorú ste všetci dostali. Vidíte, a čo on... Zistil, že vie spievať. A sledujte, čo urobil, práve to isté, čo urobil Judáš, Judáš Iškariotský, on zapredal Ježiša. Ježiš dal tomu chlapcovi dobrý hlas. A čo on urobil? Otočil sa a predal to diablovi. Vidíte, on musí prísť na koniec cesty. Rozumiete? Odmietol chodiť s Ježišom.
74No, tento mladý človek, tento bohatý mladý vládca, on urobil to isté. Sledujme ho a uvidíme, čo urobil. Niet pochýb o tom, že s tým veľkým mužom, ktorým bol... pravdepodobne to bol pekný mladý muž, tmavé vlasy vyčesané doboku, pekné oblečenie. Tie mladé dámy si pomysleli, „Chlapče, čo za pekného mladého muža!“ Ó, tie dievčatá by... Možno by na ne zamával a tie dievčatá by s ním flirtovali a podobne.
75A on si myslel, že je veľký človek, osoba, pretože bol pekný, bol mladý. Nedíval sa tam dolu na koniec cesty. Díval sa len sem. „Som mladý. Som pekný. Som bohatý. Môžem si kúpiť, čo len chcem. Môžem si vziať tieto dievčatá, chlapče, a všetky ma majú rady. A vedia, že som veľký muž.“ A vidíte, on mal toto všetko. Riadil sa pokynmi svojho otca a všetkým možným. „A som veľmi nábožný. Chodím do cirkvi.“ A teraz, on to mohol nasledovať, vidíte; veľmi populárny, bohatý a slávny. A on...
76Tak, ako keby ste mali dnes príležitosť stať sa filmovou hviezdou, vidíte, alebo tak nejako. Väčšina mladých detí dnes, hovoríte s nimi a vedia viac o týchto filmových hviezdach, ako vedia o Ježišovi. Rozumiete? A vidíte, vy, deti, sa učíte o Ježišovi. Tam, kde si sadnú a hrá tam nejaké filmové predstavenie alebo niečo iné, tie deti poznajú hercov a všetko okolo toho. Všetko to vedia lepšie ako To. Ak im poviete o Biblii, tie deti o Biblii nevedia nič. Vidíte, robia nesprávnu voľbu. No, nejaký spevák predáva svoj Bohom-daný talent pre slávu!
77Potom ho vidíme na konci života. Poďme za ním trochu ďalej. Viete, čo Biblia hovorí o tomto mladom človeku? Stal sa ešte úspešnejším. Takže niekedy úspech neznamená, že ste sa rozhodli správne. Viete, čo urobil? Išiel von a mal veľkú zábavu, organizoval veľké večierky a míňal veľa peňazí a všetko také, na dievčatá a všetko ostatné. Potom sa oženil a možno mal rodinu. A tak prosperoval, až musel stavať nové stodoly a také veci. A povedal, „Vidíte, nenasledoval som Ježiša a pozrite, čo mám!“ Vidíte?
78Môžete počuť, ako to ľudia hovoria, a počul som to, „No, pozri, On ma požehnal.“ To nič neznamená. Rozumiete?
79A po chvíli sa jeho stodoly nafúkli, až dokonca povedal, „Duša, odpočiň si. Mám toľko peňazí a toľko úspechov! A som tak veľký človek, patrím do všetkých klubov. A mám v rukách bohatstvo sveta. Vlastním veľké čiastky pôdy a sumy peňazí, ó, a každý ma má rád; čo za vec to je, byť takou skvelou osobou.“
80Ale viete, Biblia povedala, že tej noci mu Boh povedal, „Vyžiadam si tvoju dušu.“
81Čo sa potom stalo? No, bol tam jeden žobrák, chudobný starý Kresťan, ktorý ležal tam pri jeho bráne. A práve, keď ľudia...
82Tam hore v Jeruzaleme jedli na postreší domu. A drobky chleba takto odpadávali a kúsky mäsa, a tak ďalej, keď im padali, narazili na zem. A tí ľudia ich nedvíhali, pretože všetko v Jeruzaleme, v tom starom meste, je...
83Je v poriadku povedať tu malý vtip? Tí ľudia sú F-O-B. Viete, čo to je? Muchy na chlebe, muchy na hovädzine, muchy na masle, F-O-B, muchy na všetkom. [„Flies on the bread/beef/butter.“ – pozn.prekl]. Vyjdú von na ulicu, do žľabov a všetkého možného a priletia dnu a dostanú sa rovno do toho.
84Tak títo ľudia vylezú tam hore na postrešie, jedia a potom to hodia dolu a pozametajú. A psy na uliciach žerú omrvinky. A on nechal tohto úbohého starého Kresťana ležať tam na ulici a jesť omrvinky, ktoré mu vypadli z taniera z jeho postele alebo z jeho stola.
85A potom, po chvíli, keď vošiel, mal vredy a nemal si na ne čo dať. Volal sa Lazar. A prišli tam psy a olizovali mu rany, aby sa mohol uzdraviť.
86No, viete, po chvíli tento bohatý muž, keď videl, že má peniaze na kúpu všetkých druhov liekov, ak by ochorel, mal všetkých možných lekárov. Ale, viete, niekedy nám lekári nemôžu pomôcť, medicína nám nepomôže, nič nám nemôže pomôcť; sme ponechaní na Božiu milosť. A on prišiel dolu na koniec svojej cesty; lekári mu nemohli pomôcť, sestričky mu nemohli pomôcť, ani medicína mu nemohla pomôcť a on zomrel. A potom, keď jeho duša opustila jeho telo, vidíte, opustila všetky jeho peniaze, celé jeho vzdelanie, všetko, čo mal, všetku jeho popularitu. Urobili mu veľký pohreb, možno vlajku na pol žrde; a prišiel starosta mesta a tí ľudia... a prišiel kazateľ a povedal, „Náš brat teraz odišiel do Slávy,“ a podobne.
87Ale Biblia povedala, že, „On pozdvihol oči v pekle, v mukách, a pozrel sa tam cez celú tú veľkú priepasť a uvidel toho žobráka, ktorý líhaval, tam pri jeho dverách, tam v nebi, a zvolal, 'Pošli sem Lazára s trochou vody. Tieto plamene sú utrpením.' On povedal, 'Ó, nie. Vidíš? Urobil si v živote zlú voľbu.'“
88Vidíte, keď prichádza na koniec cesty, aby vykročil zo života! Bol vedený náboženstvom. Viedlo ho vzdelanie. Bol vedený vplyvom svojho úspechu. Ale, vidíte, nemal nič, čo by ho držalo za ruku, tam tie veci skončili. Rozumiete, maličkí? Vy dospelí rozumiete. Čo som... Vidíte, nemal nič, čo by ho držalo. Jeho peniaze ho nedokázali udržať. Jeho priatelia s lekármi ho nedokázali udržať. Medicína ho nedokázala udržať. Jeho kňaz, jeho náboženstvo ho nedokázalo udržať. A tak pre neho zostala len jedna vec. On odmietol prijať Ježiša, večný Život. Tak čo musel urobiť? Ponoriť sa do smrti, do pekla. Čo za osudovú chybu ten mladý muž urobil, keď odmietol kráčať s Ježišom, byť vedený Ježišom. On to odmietol urobiť.
89Tak veľa mladých ľudí robí dnes túto chybu, odmietajú byť vedení Pánom Ježišom. No, vidíme, aká osudová vec je odmietnuť večný Život a nechať sa viesť Ježišom, Vodcovstvom, keď On povedal, „Poď, nasleduj Ma.“
90Vidíte, čo by dnes popoludní povedal tento pekný mladý muž? Keď odídete zo školy, keď odtiaľ idete preč, potrebujete iného vodcu, ale nech je to Ježiš. A Ježiš je Biblia. Veríte tomu? Toto je Ježišov Život a Jeho prikázania pre nás vo forme listu. Tak musíme sa dívať na Toto, aby sme videli. Toto je plán. Toto je mapa, o ktorej nám povedal, aby sme ju nasledovali, aby sme sa s Ním stretli, s večným Životom.
Teraz zisťujeme, že tento mladý muž bol stratený.
91No, vezmime ešte jeden príklad. Chceli by ste, či by ste mali čas, aby sme vzali iného bohatého mladého vládcu, ktorý urobil správny krok? Chcete to počuť? V poriadku, teraz to skúsime. No, zoberme si ešte jedného bohatého mladého panovníka, ktorý bol konfrontovaný s tou istou vecou. Teraz vidíme, kam išiel ten chlapec, ktorý žil celkom dobrý život, ale zomrel a bol stratený v pekle. A teraz tu budeme hovoriť o ďalšom mladom mužovi, ktorý bol konfrontovaný s tou istou vecou. Bol to bohatý muž, mladý muž a bol vládcom, a prijal vedenie Krista; ako nám ten malý chlapec pred chvíľou povedal, že by sme sa mali nechať viesť. On to prijal.
92Písmo ohľadom toho sa nachádza, ak si to chcete pozrieť, potom, ako cez to prejdem, vidíte, je to v Židom v 11. kapitole a v 23. až 29. verši. Dovoľte mi to len prečítať. Je to v poriadku? Vydržíte so mnou ešte trochu, však? Nevadí vám to, však? Rozumiete? Tak my len... Len si to prečítame, potom poviete, „Počul som brata Branhama, ako to čítal z Biblie.“ Rozumiete? A viete, že to tam potom je. To nebolo to, čo som ja povedal, to je to, čo On povedal. No, počúvajte tu, čo Biblia hovorí o tomto milom človeku, vidíte. Pozrite sa.
Vierou Mojžiš, keď sa narodil, ukrytý bol od svojich rodičov tri mesiace preto, že videli dieťa, že je krásne, a nebáli sa rozkazu kráľovho.
Vierou Mojžiš, keď už bol veliký, odoprel volať sa synom dcéry faraónovej (počúvajte)
a radšej si vyvolil trpieť a strádať s ľudom Božím ako mať dočasný pôžitok hriešny.
Považujúc pohanenie Kristovo...
93Tam vzadu v čase Mojžiša to bol stále Kristus. Rozumiete? On je jediný, ktorý má večný Život. Rozumiete?
94„Považujúc pohanenie“, viete, byť nazývaný fanatikom, náboženským fanatikom, alebo tak nejako. Rozumiete?
A za väčšie bohatstvo ako poklady Egypta pokladal pohanenie Kristovo, lebo hľadel preč od toho na odplatu.
95No, viete, čo to znamená? Znamená to, že Mojžiš sa narodil ako chudobný chlapec, skutočne chudobný. Jeho otec sa volal Amram. Jeho matka sa volala Jochebed. A tí ľudia boli skutočne chudobní, ale boli Kresťania. Pracovali tvrdo. Boli v otroctve. Museli pre toho starého kráľa vyrábať hlinené tehly a také veci. Viete čo? Dcéra toho kráľa išla jedného dňa dolu k rieke, kde matka...
96Mojžišova matka Jochebed ho vzala a posadila do takého malého člna na rieke. A staré krokodíly zožrali všetky malé deti; a zabíjali ich, hádzali ich do rieky. Ale ona ho umiestnila rovno tam. A viete, ako dostala krokodílov ďalej od neho? Urobila túto malú archu, do ktorej ho vložila, urobila ju zo smoly. Viete, čo to je? To je terpentín. Jeden starý aligátor prišiel a povedal, „Hm, tučný malý Hebrej, dostanem ho!“ Počul ho tam plakať. Prišiel tam, „Fíha! Aký smrad! Och!“ Rozumiete? Vidíte, tá matka bola vedená do toho, ako chrániť svoje dieťa. Tak od toho ustúpil, nechcel s tým mať nič spoločné.
97A potom išiel dolu riekou trochu ďalej. A jeho malá sestra, ktorá sa volala Miriam, išla za ním dolu riekou a sledovala, čo...
98A potom vyšla faraónova dcéra a chcela ho vziať, viete, a vytiahla ho. Viete, všetci... Viete, vaša matka si myslí, že ste najkrajšie dieťa na svete; vidíte, mala by to robiť. Ale Biblia povedala, že tento malý chlapec bol skutočne pekný, skutočne pekný malý chlapec. A, ó, on len kričal a kopal tými malými pätami. Chýbala mu mama, vidíte. A tak viete, čo sa stalo? Potom Boh vložil do faraónovej dcéry, kráľovskej dcéry, všetku lásku, ktorú by mohla mať matka k malému dieťaťu. Srdcom si ho zamilovala. Povedala, „To je moje dieťatko.“
99Ale, viete, bola mladou ženou. Vidíte, v tých dňoch nemali tieto fľaše, na ktorých sú tie deti vychovávané, tak tí ľudia museli ísť zohnať matku, ktorá bola... ktorá mala dieťa a mohla dojčiť.
100Tak Miriam bola hneď po ruke a povedala, „Zoženiem ti tú správnu matku.“
„No, choď pre ňu.“
101Viete, pre koho Miriam išla a koho priviedla? Mojžišovu vlastnú matku. To je pravda. Áno, išla a priniesla. To bola múdrosť, však? A tak potom išla a priviedla Mojžišovu vlastnú matku. A ona povedala, „Vezmem a vychovám pre teba toho malého chlapca.“
102Povedala, „Vieš čo, dám ti tristo dolárov na týždeň, aby si vychovala to dieťa. A môžeš zostať v paláci.“ Vidíte, ako to robí Boh, keď Mu dôverujete, vidíte, keď ste si istí vierou. To dieťa bolo prorokom a ona to vedela.
103A tak vošli do paláca a ona vychovávala Mojžiša, a matka, jeho vlastná matka, a dostávala tristo dolárov na týždeň, aby sa o všetko postarala. Len na to pomyslite!
104A potom, viete, po chvíli, potom, ako to chvíľu trvalo, Mojžiš dorástol do veku, aby čítal a písal. Naučila ho ako čítať a písať. A potom mu povedala, „Mojžiš, narodil si sa ako správne dieťa. Tvoj otec a ja sme sa modlili. Boh nám zjavil, že si prorokom a budeš vysloboditeľom ľudí, v dňoch, ktoré majú prísť.“
105A viete, keď vyrástol, tak čím potom bol? Bol adoptovaný do kráľovskej rodiny. Ó! On nemusel...
106A on hľadel smerom von na svojich vlastných ľudí, ktorí nemali žiadne šaty. Boli Kresťanmi a plakali. A tí starí velitelia ich bičovali bičmi a krv im lietala z chrbta. Jeho bratranci a strýkovia, otec a mama, všetci z nich; šľahali ich bičmi tam v tých bahenných jamách. A tak, ale Mojžiš, skrze niečo, čo bolo hlboko v jeho srdci, vedel, že tí ľudia sú Božím zasľúbeným ľudom. On to vedel.
107No, ďalšia vec, ktorú išiel urobiť, bolo stať sa kráľom. On bude kráľom nad všetkým, bohatý muž, ó, so všetkými peniazmi Egypta. A Egypt v tom čase ovládal svet. Ale pozrite sa, Biblia povedala, „On povážil pohanenie,“ aby bol miesičom blata tam vonku, Kresťanom. Keď si z nich robili žarty, smiali sa a kopali do nich. Ak niečo odpovedali, zabili ich. Rozumiete? Ale Mojžiš sa rozhodol ísť s touto skupinou namiesto toho, aby ho nazývali kráľovým synom.
108Pozrite sa na to! Vidíte, pretože videl čas konca! Vidíte toho bohatého mladého muža? Ale on videl Ježiša, ako Ho vidíme vo videní, že čas konca je tým, na čom záleží. No, a on prijal Kristovo vodcovstvo a Mojžiš pokladal to pohanenie za väčšie poklady.
109Viete, niekedy, keď vy malí chlapci budete v škole, chlapci povedia zlé slová a budú chcieť, aby ste ich aj vy všetci povedali. Vy, mladé dievčatá, iné dievčatá budú hovoriť zlé veci a budú chcieť, aby ste ich aj vy všetky hovorili. Poviete, „Nie. Ja som Kresťanka.“
110Tie deti povedia, „Ó, si obyčajná padavka!“ Viete, idú takto na vás.
111Vidíte, postavte sa a povedzte, „Som za to rád.“ Rozumiete? Lebo to je to, čo urobil Mojžiš. Pokladal pohanenie Kristovo za väčšie poklady ako celý Egypt. Teraz ho nasledujme, ako bol vedený Kristom, a pozrime sa, čo urobil.
112No, vidíte, tento mladý muž bol bohatý, ten prvý mladý muž, ale nechcel Krista. Nechcel byť nasledovníkom Ježiša. A tak ho nachádzame ako veľmi populárneho, možno sa stal filmovou hviezdou a bol vynikajúci vo všetkých veciach, ktoré mohol robiť, a vo všetkom, čo chcel. Ale keď zomrel, nemal nikoho, kto by ho viedol. Takže jeho vzdelanie bolo dobré; jeho peniaze, to bolo dobré; ale keď prišla smrť, to bol koniec, nemohol to viac použiť. Nemohol si kúpiť cestu do neba. A on nemohol, skrze svoje vzdelanie nemohol ísť do neba. Rozumiete?
113Ale tento mladý muž mal všetky tieto veci. On mal tiež vzdelanie; bol múdry. Chodil do školy a jeho matka ho učila a mal dobré vzdelanie. A bol skutočne múdry, dokonca mohol učiť Egypťanov. Učil svojho učiteľa, bol taký múdry. Pozrite, aký bol múdry. Ale viete, nad tou všetkou bystrosťou, nad tým všetkým, čo mal; nad tým, aký mal potenciál, on jednako povedal, „Všetko to opustím, aby som nasledoval Ježiša.“ Viete, čo s ním urobili? Vyhnali ho. Stal sa zablateným otrokom ako tí ostatní.
114Ale jedného dňa, keď sa z neho stal dospelý muž, pásol ovce na zadnom konci púšte. A čo sa stalo? Povedal by mi niekto, čo sa stalo? Čo to bolo? [Nejaké dieťa hovorí, „V kríku bol Oheň.“ – pozn.prekl.] Je to tak, v tom kríku bol Oheň a to priťahovalo jeho pozornosť. Otočil sa. A viete čo?
115Povedali ste, „Uč deti.“ Teraz deti vstanú a budú učiť mňa. [Brat Branham sa smeje. – pozn.prekl.] A tak, tento malý chlapec, on je tu rovno na tej správnej značke. Kto je tvoj otec? [Dieťa hovorí, „Pán Shantz.“] Pán Shantz je tvoj otec. Ten chlapec bol vyučený, že? Každý jeden z nich, malé jasné očká, dívajú sa tým istým spôsobom, aby sa jeden dostal pred toho druhého, vidíte.
116Tak, teraz sa pozrite, urobil to a ten krík ho priťahoval a on povedal, „Odbočím a uvidím, čo to je.“
117A Boh povedal Mojžišovi, „Vyzuj si topánky, zem, na ktorej stojíš, je svätá. Vybral som si ťa, aby si išiel dolu a vyslobodil Môj ľud. Dávam ti moc; môžeš udrieť zem ranami, môžeš premeniť vodu na krv, môžeš priviesť blchy a vši. Nič ti neublíži. Vyberám si ťa.“ Prečo? Pretože on si vybral Krista. Rozumiete? Ty si si vybral Krista a On si vyberá teba. Rozumiete? Teraz On povedal, „Ty si si vybral Mňa a Ja som si vybral teba, aby si išiel tam dolu do Egypta.“
118A pozrite, čo urobil. Vyviedol dva milióny ľudí, dva milióny ľudí von, svojich ľudí, a priviedol ich do zasľúbenej zeme. A teraz, on nasledoval. Nasledujeme ho celou púšťou; a vy deti ste počuli brata Lea a brata Geneho a vášho otca a matku, ako vám hovorili, čo všetko sa stalo na púšti, ako priviedol chlieb z neba a nakŕmil hladných ľudí a všetky tieto veci.
119A teraz zisťujeme, že už je starcom, je skutočne starý, má stodvadsať rokov. A on je na púšti.
120A ľudia s ním dokonca nezaobchádzali pekne. Vidíte, niekedy sa ku vám ľudia, ktorí sa nazývajú Kresťanmi, nesprávajú pekne. Ale Ježiš s tebou vždy zaobchádza správne. Rozumiete? Tak teraz zisťujeme, že ľudia sa proti nemu vzbúrili, ale on aj tak zostal rovno s nimi. A bol vodcom a musel s nimi zostať. A Anjeli Pánovi sa s ním rozprávali. Nechceli by ste, aby sa to stalo aj vám? Potom urobte tú správnu voľbu a vyberte si Ježiša a On to urobí.
121No, potom zisťujeme, že na konci cesty skutočne zostarol. Nemohol viac kázať a jeho hlas bol tichý. A tak požehnal Józuu a vyšiel hore na vrch, aby zomrel.
122Viete, čo sa stalo, keď zomrel? Čo sa tam stalo? [Chlapec hovorí, „Zomrel a potom ho On vzkriesil z mŕtvych.“ – pozn.prekl.] To je presne tak. To je presne tak.
Teraz poviete, „Kde to je?“
123No, len chvíľu, ten chlapec má pravdu, vidíte. Bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych. Teraz... (Miriam, viem, že si to vedela. Aha.) Rozumiete? Teraz sa pozrite. On ho vzkriesil z mŕtvych. Prečo? Pretože o osemsto rokov neskôr tu v Palestíne stál so svojím Vodcom Ježišom, pričom povážil pohanenie Jeho Mena za väčšie poklady ako všetko bohatstvo Egypta. On to tak povážil. Jeho Vodca tam stál. Viete, On bol nazvaný...
124V Biblii, viete, tam bola Skala, ktorá išla s Izraelom. A keď bol Mojžiš pripravený zomrieť, vystúpil na túto Skalu. A tou Skalou bol Ježiš. Pamätáte si, keď o tom Ježiš hovoril v 6. kapitole svätého Jána?
No, tí ľudia povedali, „Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti!“
125Povedal, „Môj Otec vám dal tú mannu.“ Povedal, „Áno, jedli mannu. To je pravda. A všetci sú mŕtvi, pretože nepokračovali ďalej, vidíte.“ Povedal, „Všetci sú mŕtvi.“ Ale povedal, „Ja som Chlieb Života, ktorý prichádza od Boha z neba.“
126„Naši otcovia pili zo skaly. Mojžiš udrel tú skalu,“ a povedali, „a vyšli odtiaľ vody.“
Povedal, „Ja som tá Skala, ktorá bola s ním.“
127A pozrite, keď Mojžiš zomrel, vystúpil na tú skalu. Viete, čo sa stalo? Biblia povedala, že prišli Anjeli a vzali ho.
128Aký je to rozdiel od toho iného mladého muža! Ten mladý muž, vidíte, keď zomrel, nemal nikoho, kto by ho podržal, a tak sa len prepadol dolu cez tú temnotu do pekla a on je teraz tam.
129Potom, keď Mojžiš vystúpil zo života, keď odišiel, vzal si Vodcu. Jeho mama ho viedla správne, jeho otec ho učil správne. A potom, keď mal byť plnoletý, mladý muž, potom povedal, „Vidím večný Život, ak pôjdem dolu s týmito biednymi, zanedbávanými ľuďmi, ak pôjdem s nimi, pretože to je Boží ľud. Nemusím to urobiť. Mohol by som byť kráľom, ale nechcem byť kráľom. Môžem mať všetky peniaze, ktoré sú v Egypte, pretože budem ich vlastníkom. Nechcem ich. Radšej by som chodil s Ježišom,“ a potom, keď kráčal životom... A potom, keď vykročil zo života, tam bol jeho Vodca, ktorý ho vzal za ruku.
130Nechcete toho Vodcu? Či nechceme všetci, aby nás ten Vodca držal Svojou rukou?
131O stovky rokov neskôr bol videný so svojím veľkým Vodcom. On viedol... On si vybral vo svojej mladosti, a tak ho Boh držal.
132Viete čo? Ten boháč je v pekle, ten mladý boháč, ktorý to odmietol. Vidíte, pamätajte, mal vzdelanie, mal náboženstvo, chodil do cirkvi, bol dobrým človekom, ale odmietol Ježiša. Rozumiete?
133A tento mladý muž bol vzdelaný a mal náboženstvo, ale on chcel Ježiša. Vidíte, Mojžiš by bol oveľa bohatším človekom, ako bol tento mladý človek, pretože on mal len nejaké peniaze, pravdepodobne farmy a podobné veci a možno politiku, a tak ďalej, ale Mojžiš mal byť kráľom zeme. A on to všetko opustil.
134A viete čo, deti? Keď nebude žiaden Egypt a keď nebudú žiadne poklady, stále bude Mojžiš, pretože si vybral správnu vec. Rozumiete? Vybral si tú správnu vec, aby ho viedla.
135Keď už nebudú žiadne veľké pyramídy! Čítali ste o pyramídach v Egypte? V jednom z týchto dní budú prachom pod atómovou bombou. Všetko bohatstvo sveta, ľudia to vyhodia do vzduchu a budú kričať a hovoriť, že je to zažrané ako hrdza do ich tela a budú kričať a vrieskať. Vidíte, to pominie.
136Ale tí, ktorí prijímajú Ježiša, aby ich viedol, tí ľudia nikdy nezomrú. Majú večný Život. Hoci by tu prirodzene zomreli, Ježiš ich znovu vzkriesi.
137Musíte si vybrať. Vaša voľba bude určovať, aký bude váš večný cieľ. Pamätajte, Ježiš žiada každého jedného z nás, „Ak chceš Život, nasleduj Ma.“ Vidíte, vodcovstvo, „Nasleduj Ma. Budeš mať večný Život.“ A som si istý, že aj my dospelí z tohto tiež niečo máme. Ak chceš Život, musíš ho prijať. Ak chceš náboženstvo, prijímaš ho. Ak chceš... Čo musíte urobiť, čo prijmete, to je to, čo dostanete. Ale pre mňa a pre vás a pre tieto malé deti, pamätajte, máte pozvanie. Ježiš povedal, „Nasledujte Ma a majte večný Život.“ To je to, čo chceme robiť, že?
138No, koľkí z vás chcú skutočne nasledovať Ježiša, a hovoríte, „No, dobre, keď budem dosť veľký a starý, aby som si vybral a robil to, čo... Nestarám sa o to, koľko mám peňazí, aký som chudobný, koľko ľudí sa mi smeje, alebo všetko ostatné, chcem nasledovať Ježiša. Chcem urobiť Mojžišovu voľbu, nie toho bohatého mladého muža.“ Koľkí to chcú urobiť práve tu? No, naozaj to chcete urobiť?
139Chcem, aby ste sa so mnou postavili. Chcem, aby ste položili ľavú ruku na svoje srdce a pravú ruku držali zdvihnutú hore. Chcem, aby ste teraz zavreli oči a sklonili hlavy a len zopakovali po mne tieto slová. [Zhromaždenie opakuje každú vetu po bratovi Branhamovi v nasledujúcej modlitbe. – pozn.prekl.]
140Drahý Ježišu, [„Drahý Ježišu,“] sľubujem Ti svoj život. [„sľubujem Ti svoj život.“] Počul som túto kázeň, [„počul som túto kázeň,“] kde sa dvaja mladí muži rozhodli. [„kde sa dvaja mladí muži rozhodli.“] Nechcem ísť cestou toho bohatého mladého vládcu. [„Nechcem ísť cestou toho bohatého mladého vládcu.“] Ale chcem ísť cestou Mojžiša. [„Ale chcem ísť cestou Mojžiša.”] Som ešte len dieťa. [„Som ešte len dieťa.“] Veď ma, drahý Ježišu, [„Veď ma, drahý Ježišu,“] do večného Života. [„do večného Života.“] Amen. [„Amen.“]
Teraz skloňte hlavy.
141Drahý Ježišu, jedného dňa, na Tvojej púti tu na zemi, priniesli Ti také maličké deti, ku akým som dnes popoludní hovoril. A učeníci povedali, „Pán je príliš unavený. Dnes ráno kázal. Kázal tu i tam a je príliš unavený. Nerobte Mu starosti.“
142Ale, Ježišu, Ty si povedal, „Nechajte malé deti, aby prišli ku Mne, lebo takých je nebeské Kráľovstvo.“
143Pane Bože, prijmi dnes týchto malých chlapcov a dievčatá, ktorí sú tu v tejto škole spravodlivosti, tu, kde náš brat prišiel oddelene na okraj púšte, aby priviedol rodiny, ktoré túžia oddeliť sa od vecí sveta, aby putovali len pre Teba. A teraz sú tu ich maličkí, ktorí pozorujú životy svojho otca a matky, ako sme príkladmi vo všetkom, čo robíme. Ó, drahý Bože, Stvoriteľu neba a zeme, veď naše nohy, Pane, aby sme pred týmito maličkými neurobili nič, čo by im na ich cestu postavilo kameň úrazu. Lebo je povedané, že by bolo lepšie, keby sme mali na krku uviazaný mlynský kameň a boli by sme hodení do mora, ako aby sme jednému z týchto maličkých ublížili. Povedal si, „Ich Anjeli vždy hľadia na tvár Môjho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach,“ veľký Anjel a strážny Anjel nad každou z týchto malých duší.
144Ako dnes popoludní sedeli so svojimi malými očami, ktoré boli doširoka otvorené, dívali sa a odpovedali na otázky a počúvali tie malé príbehy z Biblie, o tom, ako títo dvaja mladíci urobili svoje rozhodnutia a každý jeden z nich zasvätil svoj život Tebe. Ó, Jehova Bože, veď ich a ochraňuj. A nech nájdu tohto veľkého Vodcu, Ježiša Krista, ktorý ich povedie, keď s nimi skončí ich otec a matka a učitelia. Nech ich Ty vovedieš do večného Života, ako si to urobil s Mojžišom, keď ku Tebe išla ich pokorná, malá detská modlitba. Dávam ich Tebe, Pane, ako Tvoj sluha, ako trofeje a drahokamy pre Tvoju korunu. Použi ich, Pane, aby Ťa uctili na zemi. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
145A vy, maličkí, môžete... No, máte teraz z toho lepší pocit? Viete, že Ježiš vás bude viesť a sprevádzať. Či tomu neveríte? A Ježiš vás, malých chlapcov, urobí podobných Mojžišovi a Miriam, prorokyňa a prorok, urobí z vás veľkých ľudí.
146No, my starší ľudia, ktorí sme Ho prijali, či tiež nechceme, aby nás On viedol ďalej? Chcem, aby ma viedol, aby viedol moje nohy a držal ma za ruku. Rozumiete? A dokonca, aj keď budem prichádzať k tej rieke, chcem Ho držať za ruku. My to všetci chceme, či nie?
147Drahý Ježišu, veď nás tiež, Otče. Teraz sa pripravujeme oddeliť jeden od druhého. Musím sa vrátiť do Tucsonu. Musím sa pripraviť na prichádzajúce zhromaždenia. Bože, porúčam túto skupinu ľudí, brata Lea a brata Geneho, a všetkých nasledovníkov, ktorí sú tu, do Tvojich rúk, aby si ich požehnal a miloval, odpúšťal všetky ich neprávosti, uzdravoval všetky ich choroby, udržoval ich stále v láske a obecenstve a aby si povzbudzoval tých, ktorí by boli unavení. A niekedy môže prísť satan a spôsobiť, že budú odradení, ale nech pamätajú, že Ty si prešiel tou istou vecou, odradením, opustením od ľudí na tejto zemi a od ľudí. A niekedy medzi najdrahšími priateľmi, dokonca aj vo vzťahoch, sme opustení. Ale je Jeden, ktorého sme si vybrali, On nás nikdy nezanechá, ani nás neopustí.
148Veď nás, Pane, do večného Života. Modlím sa, aby si nám dal, aby sme sa mohli stretnúť ešte mnohokrát na zemi a hovoriť o Tebe a rozprávať sa o Tebe. A potom v tom veľkom dni, keď svet bude zakončený a všetok čas vyprchal do večnosti, nech sa stretneme v tom veľkom Kráľovstve, ako neporušené rodiny, aby sme potom spolu žili naveky. Udeľ to, Pane. Dovtedy nech pracujeme, nech sa namáhame zo všetkých síl, zatiaľ čo slnko stále svieti. Lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
149Nech Boh žehná každého jedného z vás. [Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]
Skrze Jeho vodcovskú radu ťa podoprie,
Svojimi rukami ťa bezpečne objíme;
Nech je Boh s vami, dokiaľ sa znovu nestretneme!
Až sa stretneme! Až sa stretneme!
Až sa stretneme pri Ježišových nohách;
Až sa stretneme! Až sa stretneme! (Ďakujem, brat.)
Nech je Boh s vami, dokiaľ sa znovu nestretneme!
Nech vás Boh všetkých žehná.
1 [A group of children sing The Old-Time Religion--Ed.] If it's good enough for you all, it's good enough for us too.
2[A brother says, "Now they give their present for you."--Ed.] My, that's sweet. [The children give Brother Branham a gift.] Thank you. [A sister says, "Just a little gift, Brother Branham, the children saved their pennies and nickels. And...?..."] Thank you. Thank you, my little brother. Thank you, children. I sure thank you, very, very much. And God bless you.
3You know, Jesus said, "Insomuch as you give unto the least of these, you have done it to Me." You're the men and women of tomorrow. If there is a tomorrow, you will be there.
4 [Blank.spot.on.tape. A group sings another song--Ed.] I believe I could preach four hours now, after all that. I was beginning to think I was getting tired. No wonder you little girls can sing so well, you little girls and little boys; listen how your big sisters sing, and your mothers, wonderful singers. That's really pretty. Who is this little girl that led that song, aren't you the little girl I met across there? Sure have a beautiful voice; all of you. You just... I believe the best singing I have ever heard, is right here. You all practice that all the time? [A brother says, "No. That's how we sing."] Well, I tell you, you--you certainly are blessed with some real good singing.
5 I like good singing. I just love real good singing. I've always said, when I get to Heaven I want to get where they're singing, and listen. I never could get my fill of singing.
6You know, singing gives courage. You know that, don't you? The soldiers, when they're going to battle, you know what they do? They play music and sing, and things to give them courage. And when we're going to battle, we sing, and--and it gives us courage to go on.
7I thank you little fellows for that nice gift. And it's... Mrs. Branham, and from Rebekah, and Joseph, and Sarah, and all of us, we thank you very much. It's hard to say, how to tell them little fellows, "No. You saved your pennies. I--I don't want to take it." You know how I feel, I don't want to take it. But yet I looked in here and they had a ten-dollar bill in this card. I thought, "Can I take that?" I thought, "How can I do it?"
8 But I remember a little story I want you to know. One day there was a widow woman, she had a bunch of children, perhaps her... them little children's papa was gone. And she only had two pennies. And she come down the street, one time... And it was tithing money, just pennies like you all saved, and she threw it into the treasury of God. Jesus was standing there, watching her. And I have wondered, "What would I have done if I had been standing there?" I would probably run up and said, "No, no, sister, don't do that. We--we don't, really don't need it. You need it for them children." See? Now, I wouldn't have let her done it. But Jesus let her do it. See, He let her do it. Why? He knows it's more blessed to give than it is to receive. He knowed what He would do for her, see.
So I thank you little fellows, with all my heart.
9 I want to thank each and every one of you, for this fine time of fellowship, Brother Leo and Gene. This has actually been three days of worship, for me. Even out in the jungle, when I try to let myself go and think I was hunting, I somehow or another, I look at you and hear you talk. I had the privilege this afternoon to visit your homes. I never seen, walked into any, I'm going to call it a village, that I ever seen so many clean, neat homes and people, and so much respect for Christ and the Gospel. I--I never seen it anywhere. And you're certainly started on the right road, just keep going and God will be with you. And I got to see some of you. I seen, the other day, these sisters, I didn't even know them, 'cause all I could see would just be about their eyes and nose, out from under one of those hoods. And now I believe I know you better, through the courtesy of Brother Leo and Gene, who taken me around and visit your homes; and get to shake hands with the--the little children, the prophets and prophetesses of the age to come, if there is an age to come.
10 You know, Jesus loves little children. You know, He does. And there was a little boy, one time, named Moses, we're going to talk about him in just in a little bit. And he was a very fine... You know what made him, helped make him a fine boy? He had a good mother to raise him. See, that's what. She taught him about the Lord. And you little boys and girls has got the same kind of mothers to raise you, teach you about the Lord. Just mind them.
11You know what, you know what the first Commandment is in the Bible, the first Commandment with promise, with a promise? May be a little hard for you to understand these Commandments. The first Commandment, is, "Not to have any other god but Him." But the great Commandment... And the first Commandment that has a promise to it, see, is to the children. Did you know that? See, He said, "Children, obey your parents, which may lengthen the days upon the earth, that the Lord thy God has given thee." To mind your parents and do what you're doing, it may give you longer life upon the earth, that the Lord has given you, more time to serve Him.
12I hope, today, that I'm looking at a bunch of preachers and singers and evangelists of the day that is to come, if there is a day after ours.
13 And there is only one thing up here, you--you kill a fellow with kindness. I eat till I couldn't eat, and I--and I never was treated so much. If I had been an Angel, dropped out of Heaven, I couldn't have been treated any nicer. The only thing I can say to you, is, "Thank you." And when you're down Tucson way, I might not be able to treat you that nice, 'cause I don't know how; I haven't got the manners to do it, but I'll do the best I can. Come down.
14Brother and Sister Shantz, I want to certainly thank them. And I had the privilege of meeting your pretty, young daughter, and son, this afternoon. And--and for letting us have his home here open for worship. There was such things taking place in the Bible day, you know, that the Gospel was... I know it sounds very little. We, we would think it isn't. But this is just the same as God... to God, as them was in that day.
15Remember, if there would be another many years, they would look back here and say, "If I'd have only lived in the days up there at Prescott! If I'd have only lived..." See? Now we are living in that day. See? Then we come down to the end of the road, then we wait for our reward at the big Day.
16 Now we're going to open the Word of God and read. But just before we do, let us speak to Him just a moment.
17Dear Jesus, I cannot express my--my feelings and my gratitude towards Brother Mercier, Brother Goad, and all these fine people and their little children, of how kind they have showed us since we've been here. The kindness is beyond anything that we expected. And we know that they were lovely and sweet. But we didn't know that we would be treated in such a real royal way. And, Lord, I pray that Your Presence will always be in this camp of people, the Holy Spirit will fill every heart here, and You will give them Eternal Life. And may we, as we enjoy today, may there be an endless Day that when we'll meet in the Presence of Him Who we are worshiping and love, and give all praise for these things. Till that time, Lord, keep us loyal to Him and to His Word. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.
18 Now, I had you so long this morning, I'll try and make it real quick this afternoon, and talk in a way that may be to little fellows, and the older will understand, too.
19I want to read a--a Scripture here, found in the Book of Saint Mark, and I want to read from the 17th verse of the 10th chapter of Saint Mark, a portion.
And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeling down and asking him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?
And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, and that is, God.
Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.
And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I done, obeyed, observed (rather) from my youth.
Then Jesus beholding him loved him, this young fellow; and he said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasures in heaven: and come, take up thy cross, and follow me.
And he was sad at this saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.
20 Now to the children, and to the adults and all, I want to make this little Message just as timely as I can, and as quick as I can. And I want to take for a text, "follow Me," and I want to take for a subject: Leadership. Follow, and someone to lead; Leadership, and "follow Me." The young, the people, the...
21Remember that, the first step that any of us ever made, somebody led us. You mothers remember the first steps that junior and the little girl made, and they don't remember it no more. But somebody led you to your first step. I remember Billy Paul when he made his first step, Joseph and all of them, when they made their first step.
22 It's usually a mother that gets to lead a child to its first step, 'cause she is home while the daddy is out working, trying to make a living. But, it's, they make their first step. And at nighttime when they come in, the father, he is always saying. "Oh, dad," she said, "Johnny and Mary," the little boy or girl, "can walk! Come and look!" And just one step, maybe mother had to hold; had to hold mother's finger, 'cause you was kind of weak, and kind of turned sideways, you know, and fall down a little. So you had to hold to mama's hand, to make your first step.
23Now, somebody helped you, when you made your first step. And your--your last step you ever make in life, somebody will be leading you. See, that's right. I want you to remember that. Your first step, somebody led you. And your last step, somebody will be leading you.
24 We have to be led. You know, God likened us unto sheep. And did you know a sheep can't lead itself? He'll wander away and stray away, and he--he just can't lead himself. And he has to have somebody to lead him. And sometime... The shepherd is supposed to lead the sheep. Now that was back in the days of the Lord Jesus, He was the good Shepherd that led the sheep.
25But today, you see, we're living in another day, everything is changed and perverted. You know what man has to lead sheep today? A goat. And you know where that goat leads them? Right into the slaughter. Them little sheep don't know where they're going, so the goat goes up a--a pen, up at the slaughter, and the sheep don't know no more than to follow a leader, so it leads them right up into this slaughter. And then the goat jumps over the track, and the sheep goes in and gets killed. See, the goat, a wrong leader.
26But Jesus, the good Shepherd Who led the sheep, He led them to Life and held their hand. See, but somebody has to lead the sheep.
27 The first is the mother's kindness, then the father's word. After the mother gives you your first step, then you look to your daddy, all of us, for wisdom, because he is the head of the house. And he usually... Not that he's any smarter, but he--he's just made a leader of his family, so we follow what our daddy says do. When he says, "Now, son, I would like for you to do a certain--certain thing," then we listen to him because it's wisdom. But listen, see, he has learned a whole lot and we've got to ask him, to see what he learned, and then we can profit by his, what he has learned. He tells us, "Now don't go and do this, because I did that. My father told me not to do it, but I did it, and it caused this to happen to me, something bad." So, see, we'll... Then he, daddy, tells us how to do, and what to do right.
28 Then after mother leads us, till a time we have to get a little wisdom, to understand, from daddy, then we get another. We get another leader, and that's a teacher, a good school teacher. She tries to teach you and give you an education, to fit you better in life, for a place, a position that you can--you can read your Bible and you can read the songs, and you can learn of God and read, yourself, you see. And then, another thing, maybe you'd have business, and somebody write you a letter, mama, daddy, somebody write you a letter, you couldn't read it. See? So the teacher, she has you then, and she leads you to--to--to learn to write and to read. And it's a good thing, a good teacher, to teach you right. But now after you leave that, you, after you leave the teacher, one teacher after the other one, from a little primer, a little first grade, on till you get out of high school or go to college. Then when you leave college, and then the teacher is through leading you. See?
29 Now, mama has taught you to walk, see. Papa has taught you how to be brilliant and a nice young man, and how to take care of yourself and behave yourself. The teacher has taught you an education, how to read and write right. But now you are leaving papa, you are leaving mama, and you are leaving the teacher, now somebody has to take you from here on. Now who do you want to take you from here on? [A child says, "Jesus."--Ed.] That's right. Jesus, to take you from there on. Now, that's a very good answer, very fine. Jesus takes you from there on.
30 Now you see this young fellow that we're talking about, he is called the rich young ruler. Now, this fellow, he had been guided pretty well. Now, his mother had taught him to walk. And, you see, he was yet a young man, maybe just out of high school, and a very popular young man. And by being well trained, maybe walked correct, and so forth, how his mother had taught him.
31And he had been a--a successful young man, too, because, look, he was already rich. And he was just a--a young man, maybe eighteen years old, just out of high school, and he was rich. Now, you see, he had the right kind of a teacher to teach him to walk right. And he had a right kind of a teacher, his father; till even at yet a young man and he was--he was rich in money, he had made him a lot of money. He might have been a real... He was a ruler, even at that age, very successful. See? And now he had a--a teacher that had taught him, taught him the right thing, how he would. He had his education.
32And then another teacher this young man had had, which that depends on how you're raised up, but this young man had a religious teaching in his home.
33 Now, some children, did you know there is a lot of little children that don't have any religious teaching at home? Their father and mother don't believe in God. And their father and mother, drink, smoke, fight, and run out, at one another, at night, and things, and don't cook their little boy's and girl's suppers, and things. Aren't you glad you got a real good Christian father and mother? Now, when you have children, don't you want to be the same kind of a father and mother as your father and mother is? See? Now, but that's all good.
34 Now, this young man had had, and he had a religious teaching. See, that was far beyond what some of them had, 'cause they don't have religious teaching. But this young man had had religious teaching, because, see, because he said he kept the Commandments since he was a boy.
35Now you all got good religious teachers, too, each one of you. And you little teen-age girls and boys, you all had good teachers, your father and mother here in this camp, got everything that you... every potential that you know, that's possible, for you to make a real good man and woman, a servant to God.
36Because, remember, you're going to die someday, or either be translated into Heaven. And if you die before His Coming, you will be raptured first. Did you know that? Did you know those who are dead... If mama and papa dies before you do, and Jesus doesn't come in our generation, do you know these, papa and mama, will come forth first, glorified, before you? See? The trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first, and then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up with them. We'll be changed like that. We've got to remember, that's the main thing in life. You understand now? That's the main thing in life, we got to do, is to get ready to meet God.
37 Now, just religion won't work. See, this one young ruler here, he said, "Good Master..." Now remember, before I say it. He had been taught to walk right. He had a good education. He had been taught business. And was rich, and was a ruler, and had religion. But he was confronted with another problem, and it confronts all of us, Eternal Life. Religion doesn't give us Eternal Life. Religious, is a covering, but it don't give us Eternal Life. And yet, him taught with the best teachers there was, he was yet lacking something. And the young man knew it, because he said, "Good Master, what can I do to inherit Eternal Life?"
38Now, you, you believe Jesus is God, don't you? So He knew the thoughts of the young man, so He said, "Keep the Commandments." He went right back to his religion, to see what he would say about his religion. He said now, in other words, "Keep your religion."
39He said, "I have did this, since a boy," little boys like you. "My mama and papa, and my priest, taught me religion. But I know, in my religion, that I still don't have Eternal Life." See?
40 You can be good. Don't steal. Don't smoke. Don't lie. Don't lie to papa and mama. Don't tell that first lie, 'cause, one tell one, then it's easy to tell another one, see. But you mustn't do that. Don't tell the first one.
41Did you know your body is not made to lie? You know, they got a device now, it's--it's on your nerves. They can put a little band around your wrist here, and put one across your head, and then you can say there, say you say, "I--I--I lied about that, but I can say it so easy that they--they will believe that I'm telling it the truth." And you can say...
42They would say, "Was you at a certain place, like did you sit in that Brother Shantz's trailer, while Brother Branham preached, Sunday afternoon on this day?"
And you say, "No, sir. I didn't sit there. No, sir."
43You know what that lie detector will say? "Yes, sir, you did. Yes, sir, you did."
You say, "I did not."
It'll say, "Yes, you did."
44Why? Because a lie is such a horrible thing. The body wasn't made to lie. And it's such a horrible thing, till it upsets the whole nerve system, when you lie. Whew! Upset like that, will give you ulcers, fungus growth, it'd kill you. And then a lie is a bad thing, 'cause, see, you're not supposed to lie, to steal, to do any of these things.
45 Now, so this young man had probably been... he hadn't lied, he never stole, and he was conscious that he needed ever, Eternal Life. So he said, "What can I do to have It?"
46And Jesus is showing here now that religion won't do it. So He sent right back to him, and said, "Keep the Commandments."
47He said, "Master, I have did this since I was a little boy, or little, when just a little bitty fellow I did this." But he knowed he didn't have Eternal Life. So He said then, "If you would enter into Life, Eternal Life, want to be perfect, then go sell what..."
48See, now, it's all right to have money. See, it's all right to have money, be rich. And be a ruler, that's all right. But it--it's the way you act after you become that, see.
49He said, "Go sell what you've got, and give it to the poor, them people that hasn't got anything; then come, follow Me, and you will have treasures in Heaven." But the young man had so much money till he didn't know what to do with it. Now, see, he was very popular, that young man was.
50 And he--he--he was well equipped for life, the way his father and mother, and the priests and all of them, had equipped him, but still he knowed he was lacking something. Now I'm talking to the adults. He, he knowed he was lacking something here. He didn't have Eternal Life. He knew it. See?
51Religion won't produce Eternal Life. Forms, sensation, you feel something; you--you could get scared, and feel something. See? Crying, that's good; shouting, that's good; but that still ain't It, see. You are confronted with Eternal Life.
52You say, "Well, I have been just a staunch Baptist, Methodist, or Presbyterian, or Pentecostal." That still isn't the question.
53This young man was, too, he was taught in the religion of the day, but he still didn't have Eternal Life, so he wanted to know what to do. He had been guided successful, to This. But when he was confronted with It, he refused to be guided to Eternal Life, or to be led. His other leaders had had such a hold on him until he didn't want to turn it loose. See?
54 Now, that is something like what Brother Branham is saying. Some of it a little too deep for you, see.
55Education is fine, you should go to school and learn. See, that's good, but that won't save you. To have plenty of money, that's good, you could raise your children, give them good clothes and things. And like papa and mama has worked for you all, and things. That's good, but that still won't save you. See? Or, you could get in a laboratory and learn how to put different things together, or split atoms, or whatever they do, and--and get in a--a rocket and--and go to the moon, but that won't save you.
56 You've got to face one thing, Eternal Life, and there is only one Person Who can give That to you. Mama can't give It to you. Papa can't give It to you. Your pastor can't give It to you. Your leader here can't give It to you. Everybody that gets Eternal Life has got to come to Jesus Christ. He is the only One Who can give That part.
57Your teacher can give you an education, she can teach you; you have to learn it. Your--your mother can teach you to walk; you have to learn to walk. Your father can teach you how to be a businessman, or what; you have to learn that. But only Jesus can give you Eternal Life. See?
58Your priest, your leader, or so forth, can teach you your religion, you can learn the Message that we are trying to teach, but still that won't give you Eternal Life. You've got to accept the Person, Jesus Christ. You understand that, all of you? Got to accept the Person, Jesus Christ, to have Eternal Life. Now, but sometimes other leadership gets so much influence on us till we don't know what to do then when that--that time comes.
59 Now, what a fatal thing it is to reject the leadership to Eternal Life, because, see, that's Life that never can end. Now, the education, that's fine, that'll help us here. Business, that's fine. Money, that's fine. Be a good boy and girl, that's fine. But, you see, when life is finished here, that's all. You understand? You adults understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See, that's all. But then we've got to accept Jesus Christ, for Eternal Life. Jesus alone can lead you to That.
60And though, see, this young man had achieved all these things in school, and by his parents and everything, he--he lost the greatest thing that he could have had, the leadership of the Holy Spirit, for Jesus said, "Come, follow Me."
61 And you girls that's just getting out of school, you graduate probably, some of you, pretty soon, and you young boys; the greatest leadership there is is Jesus Christ, for that's the Leadership to Eternal Life. Now, this Leadership confronts every human being, they are given the opportunity to choose.
62And that's one great thing we have in life, is to choose. Someday... You know, papa and mama, they chose to have a nice little boy and girl, like you--you all are.
63Then, you--you have a right, after a while, to choose whether you want to learn from the teacher, or not. The teacher can teach you, but you can just be a--a little bad boy, you just won't learn; a little, bad girl, won't listen at all. See, you--you have a choice to do that, yet you're little.
And mother say, "Did you get A's on your report card?"
"No, I got very poor." See, now you can...
64Mother say, "Now you have to study." And you have to do that then, keep studying like mother told you, like daddy told you. See, you have to study.
65But you have a choice, you can do it or not do it. You can say, "I don't want to." See, you have a choice.
66 After a while, you'll have a choice of what girl you are going to marry, what boy you're going to marry.
67You have a choice everywhere in life. And then you've got a choice, again, to whether you want to live after this life; or just be a good, popular person, a movie star, or a dancer, or something another.
68And look at these little girls here with that pretty voice, a while ago, singing. That child had to cultivate that voice, and she'd be an opera singer, or some singer. I hear these little boys' voices, these boys, you could be like an Elvis Presley, selling your birthright. See, you don't want that. See, it's a talent God gave you, and you've got to choose who, where you're going to use that talent, for God, or whether you're going to use it for the Devil. See?
69 Brother Leo here, your brother, see, now he had a talent, to come and lead people. Now what's he going to do with it? Is he going into business and make hisself a millionaire; or should he come out here and make a home where people that wants to come together and get all you little children? See, you have to choose what you're going to do.
70Each one of us has to make a choice. And it's confronted to us. But we're all confronted with this one thing: "What are we going to do about Eternal Life? We going to live hereafter, or not?" Then we have to come to Jesus, to get That. The opportunity of choosing, that's one thing God gave us. He don't force something on us. He just lets us make our own choice. So you have to not be forced, but just make your own choice.
71 Now let's just follow this, adults and all now, for a few minutes, and the children, all together. Let's follow this young man, and the choice that he made, and see where it led him.
72Now, these girls with that pretty voices, these young boys. Now maybe you come up and be you would have a voice to sing. Now just take that one thing, you could, my, you might someday take it, "I..."
73You know this boy called Elvis Presley? You've heard my tapes. You've heard how I don't degrade the boy, but that boy was had the opportunity that you all got. See, and what he... He found out he could sing. And watch what he did, just the same thing Judas did, Judas Iscariot, he sold out Jesus. Jesus gave that boy that good voice. And what does he do? Turn around and sell it out to the Devil. See, he's got to come to the end of the road. See? He refused to walk with Jesus.
74 Now this young fellow here, this rich young ruler, he did the same thing. Let's follow and see what he done. No doubt, with the great man that he was, probably a handsome young man, dark hair combed down on the side, nice clothes. The young ladies thought, "Boy, that's a handsome young man!" Oh, they would. He would maybe wave at them, and they would flirt back with him, and things.
75And he thought he was a great fellow, person, see, because he was handsome, he was young. He wasn't looking down there at the end of the road. He was just looking here. "I'm young. I'm handsome. I'm rich. I can buy anything I want to. I can take these girls, and, boy, they all like me. And they know I'm a great man." And, see, he had all that. He had followed the instructions of his father, and everything. "And I'm very religious. I go to church." And now he could follow that, see; very popular, rich, and famous. And, and he...
76 Just like today, like you had the opportunity to become a movie star, see, or something like that. Most young kids today, you talk to them, they know more about these movie stars than they know about Jesus. You see? And, see, you--you children are learning about Jesus. Where they sit down, and some play come on on a movie, or something another, they know the actors and all there, all about it. They know all that better than That. You tell them about the Bible, they don't know nothing about Bible. See, it's making the wrong choice. Now, some singer selling their God-given talent, for fame!
77 Then we see him at life's end. Let's follow him a little further. You know what the Bible says about this young fellow? He become more successful. So, sometimes success don't mean that you've made the right choice. You know what he did? He went out and had all big times, and throwed big parties, and spent lots of money and everything, on the girls and everything. And then he got married and maybe had a family. And--and he--he just increased so much till he had to build new barns and things. And he said, "You see, I didn't follow Jesus, and look what I got!" See?
78You may hear people say that, and I have, "Well, look, He's blessed me." That don't mean it all. See?
79And after a while his barns swelled till even he said, why, even, "Soul, take your rest. I've got so much money and so much success! And I'm such great man! I belong to all the clubs. And I have the riches of the world in my hands. I own great sums of land and sums of money, and, why, my, there everybody likes me, a very fine person to be."
80But you know, the Bible said that, that night, God said to him, "I'm going to require your soul."
81 Then what did happened? Now there was a beggar, a poor old Christian that layed out there by his gate. And just when they...
82Up in Jerusalem, over there, they--they eat up on top of the house. And the bread crumbs fall off like this, and the pieces of meat, and so forth, hit the floor when they drop them. And they don't pick them up, because everything in Jerusalem, the old city, it--it's...
83Is it all right to say a little joke here? They're f-o-b. You know what that is? Flies on the bread, flies on the beef, flies on the butter, f-o-b, flies on everything. They got out in the street, in the gutters and everything, and fly in and get right up on it.
84So these people up there, they get up on top of the--of the building. And they eat, and then they drop this off, and then they sweep that off. And the dogs, in the streets, eats the crumbs. And he let this poor old Christian lay there in the street and just eat the crumbs that dropped from his plate from his bed, or from his table.
85And then when he got in, after a while, he had sores, and he didn't have anything to put on his sores. His name was Lazarus. And the dogs come and licked his sores so he could try to get well.
86 Well, you know, after a while, this rich man, when, he saw he had money to buy all kinds of medicine, if he got sick, have all kinds of doctors. But, you know, sometimes doctors can't help us, medicine won't help us, nothing can help us; we're at the mercy of God. And he come down to the end of his road; the doctors couldn't help him, and the nurses couldn't help him, and medicine couldn't help him, and he died. And then when his soul left his body, see, it left all of his money, all of his education, everything that he had, all of his popularity. They give him a great big funeral, maybe half-masted the flag, and--and the mayor of the city come, and they, and the preacher come and--and said, "Our brother now has gone to Glory," and all like that.
87But the Bible said, that, "He lifted up his eyes in hell, in torment, and looked way across that great gulf there, and seen that beggar that had been laying, there in his door, over in Heaven. And he cried, 'Send Lazarus down here with a little water. These flames are tormenting.' Said, 'Oh, no. See, you took the wrong choice in life.'"
88 See, when he come to the end of the road, to step out of life! He had been led by religion. He had been led by education. He had been led by the influence of his--of his success. But, you see, he had nothing to hold his hand, those things end there. You understand, little fellow? You adults do. What I'm... See, he had nothing to hold him. His money couldn't hold him. His friends with the doctors couldn't hold him. Medicine couldn't hold him. His priest, his religion, couldn't hold him. So, there was only one thing for him to do. He had--he had refused to accept Jesus, Eternal Life. So what did he have to do? Sink down into death, into hell. What a fatal mistake that young man had when he refused to walk with Jesus, be led by Jesus. He refused to do it.
89So many young people are making that mistake, today, refusing to be led by the--by the Lord Jesus. Now we see what a fatal thing it is to refuse Eternal Life and be led by Jesus, a Leadership, when He said, "Come, follow Me."
90 See what this handsome little man said this afternoon? When you get out of school, when you get away from, you need another leader, but let that be Jesus. And Jesus is the Bible. Do you believe that? This is Jesus' Life and His Commandments to us, in letter form. So we have to look into This, to see. This is the blueprint. This is the map that He told us to follow, to--to begin Eternal Life.
Now we find out that this young man was lost.
91 Now let's take another. Would you like, would you have time to take another rich young ruler, that made the right move? Would you like to hear that? All right, we'll try it now. Now let us take another rich young ruler who was confronted with the same thing. Now we see where that boy went, that lived a pretty good life, but died and was lost in hell. And now here we're going to talk about another young man who was confronted with the same thing. He was a rich man, a young man, and was a ruler, and, but he accepted the leadership of Christ; like the little boy told us a while ago, that we should let lead us. He accepted it.
92 The Scripture for this is found, if you want to look it up after I get through, see, is in Hebrews, the 11th chapter, and the 23rd to the 29th verse. Let me just read It. Is that all right? You'll bear with me just a little bit, won't you? You don't mind if I don't, will you? See? So we just... We'll just read this, then you say, "I heard Brother Branham read this out of the Bible." See? And you know it's there then. It wasn't what I said, it's what He said. Now you listen here, of what the Bible said here of this nice fellow, see. Now look.
By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment.
By faith Moses, when he... come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; (listen)
Choosing rather to suffer the affliction with the people of God, than to suffer the pleasures of sin for a season;
Esteeming the reproach of Christ...
93Way back in Moses' time, it was still Christ. See? He is the only One has Eternal Life. See?
94"Esteeming the reproach," to be called a fanatic, holy-roller, or something like that, you know. See?
Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of... reward.
95 Now you know what that means? It means this, that, Moses was borned a poor boy, real poor. His father's name was Amram. His mother's name was Jochebed. And they were real poor, but they were Christians. They worked hard. They was in slavery. They had to make mud bricks, and things, for the old king. You know what? That king's daughter went down, one day, to the river where mother...
96Moses' mother, Jochebed, had taken him and put him in a little raft out on the river like that. And the old crocodiles had eaten up all the little babies; and they were killing them, throwing them out into the river. But she put him right out there. And you know how she got them crocodiles away from him? She made this little--little ark she put him in, she made it out of pitch. You know what that is? It's turpentine. An old 'gator would come up, say, "Hum, a little fat Hebrew, I'll get him!" Hear him crying like that. Went over there, "Whew! What a smell! Uh!" See? See, the mother was led, how to protect her baby. So he backed off from it, he didn't want nothing to do with that.
97And then he went on down the river, a little farther. And his little sister, named Miriam, followed him down the river, watched what...
98 And then Pharaoh's daughter come out and was going to get him, you know, and she pulled him out. You know, all... You know, your mother thinks you're the prettiest child in the world; see, she should do that. But the Bible said this little boy was really pretty, really a fair little boy. And, oh, he was just screaming and kicking his little heels. He was missing his mama, see. And so you know what happened? Then God put in Pharaoh's daughter, the king's daughter, all the love that a mother could have for a little baby. Her heart just fell for him. She said, "That's my baby."
99But, you know, she was a young woman. See, them days they didn't have these bottles that you, the babies, was raised on, so they had to go get a mother that was, had had a baby, and had, that could nurse.
100So Miriam was right there on hand, she said, "I'll go get you the right mother."
"Well, you go get her."
101You know who Miriam went and got? Moses' own mother. That's right. Yeah, went and got. That was wisdom, wasn't it? And so then went and got Moses' own mother. And she said, "I'll take and raise the little boy for you."
102 She said, "You know what, I'm going to give you three hundred dollars, a week, to raise that baby. And you can stay in the palace." See how God does when you trust Him, see, when you're sure of faith. That baby was a prophet, see, and she knowed.
103So they went into the palace and--and she raised Moses, and the mother, the own mother, and got three hundred dollars, a week, to take care of everything. Just think of that!
104And then, you know, after a while, after that went on for a little while, Moses begin to get old enough to read and write. She taught him how to read and write. And then she told him, said, "Moses, you are borned a correct child. Your father and I have prayed. God has revealed to us that you're a prophet, and you're going to be a deliverer of the people, in the days that is to come."
105 And you know, when he got big, then what was he? He was adopted into the king's family. Oh, my! He didn't have to...
106And he looked out on his own people, and they didn't have no clothes. They were Christians, and they were crying. And them old taskmasters whipping them with whips, and the blood fly out of their back. His--his cousins and uncles, papa and mama, all of them; whipping them with whips, out there in them mud pits. And so, but Moses, being something way down in his heart, he knew that they were God's promised people. He knew it.
107Now, the next thing he was going to do was to become king. He would be king over everything, a rich man, my, all the money of Egypt. And Egypt controlled the world, at that time. But, look, the Bible said, "he esteemed the reproach," to be a mud dauber like out there, a Christian. When they made fun of them, and laughed at them, kicked them. If they said anything back, they killed them. See? But Moses chose to go with that group instead of being called the king's son.
108Look at that! See, because he seen the end time! See that rich young man? But he seen Jesus, like we see Him in a vision, that the end time is what is going to pay. Now, and he accepted Christ's leadership, and Moses esteemed the reproach greater treasures.
109 You know, sometime when you little boys in school, little boys will say bad words and they want you all to say them. You little girls, little girls will say bad things and want you all to say them. You say, "No. I'm a Christian."
110They say, "Ah, you big sissy!" You know, go onto you like that.
111See, stand up, say, "I'm glad to be that." See? Cause, see, that's what Moses did. He esteemed the reproach of Christ greater treasures than all of Egypt. Now let us follow him, led by Christ, and see what he did.
112 Now, see, this young man was rich, the first young man, but he didn't want Christ. He didn't want to be a follower of Jesus. And so we find him very popular, perhaps become a movie star, and great everything, in all the--the things that he could do, and everything he wanted. But when he died, he didn't have anybody to lead him. So, his education, that was good; his money, that was good; but when death come, that was all, he couldn't use it no more. He couldn't buy his way up to Heaven. And he couldn't, by his education, he couldn't go to Heaven. See?
113 But this young man now, he had all these things. He had education, too. He's smart. He went to school, and his mother taught him, and--and he had a good education. And he was real smart, till, even he could teach the Egyptians. He taught his teacher, he was so smart. Look how smart he was. But, you know what, above all that smartness, above all that he had, the potentials he had, he still said, "I'll forsake it all, to follow Jesus." You know what they done with him? They run him out. He become a--a mud slave like the rest of them.
114But one day when he become a grown man, he was herding sheep on the back side of the desert. And what happened? Anybody tell me what happened? What was it? [A child says, "There was a Fire in the bush."--Ed.] That's right, there was a Fire in the bush, and It attracted his attention. He turned aside. And you know what?
115Instead of teaching children, now the children are going to get up and teach me. [Brother Branham laughs--Ed.] So, and this little boy here, he is right on the--right on the mark. Who is your daddy? [The child says, "Mr. Shantz."] Mr. Shantz is your daddy. That boy has been taught, hasn't he? Each one of them little bright eyes looking the same way, one to get ahead of the other one, you see.
116 So now look, he did, and that--and that--that bush attracted him, on fire, and he said, "I will turn aside and see what it is."
117And God said to Moses, "Take off your shoes, the ground you're standing on is holy. I have chosen you to go down and deliver My people. I'm giving you power; you can smite the earth with plagues, you can turn the water into blood, you can bring fleas and lice. Nothing is going to harm you. I choose you." Why? Because he chose Christ. See? You choose Christ, and He chooses you. See? Now He said, "You chose Me, and I have chose you to go down there in Egypt."
118And look what he done. He led two million people, two million people out, his people, and brought them into the promised land. And, now, he followed. We follow him all through the wilderness; and you children has heard Brother Leo and Brother Gene, and your papa and mama, tell you what all taken place in the wilderness, how he brought bread down out of heaven and fed the hungry people, and all these things.
119 And now we find out, he is an old man now, he's real old, he is one hundred and twenty years old. And he is in the wilderness.
120And the people didn't treat him nice, even. See, sometimes people that call themselves Christians don't treat you nice. But Jesus always treats you right. See? See? So we find now that the people rebelled against him, but he stayed right with them, anyhow. And he was the leader, and he had to stay with them. And the Angels of the Lord talked to him. Wouldn't you love to have that happen to you? Then make the right choice, and choose Jesus, and He'll do it.
121Now, then we find out, the end of the road, he got real old. He couldn't preach no more, and his voice got low. So he blessed Joshua, and went up on top the hill, to die.
122You know what happened when he died? There, what, what happened? [A boy says, "He died, and then He raised him from the dead."--Ed.] That's exactly right. That's exactly right.
Now you say, "Where is that at?"
123Now, just a minute, the boy is right, see. He was raised up from the dead. Now, and...?... See? See? Now look. He raised him up from the dead. Why? Because, eight hundred years later, here he was over in Palestine, standing with his Leader yet, Jesus, who esteemed the reproach of His Name greater treasures than all the riches of Egypt. He esteemed... His Leader was standing there. You know, He was called...
124 In the--in the Bible, you know, there was a Rock that went with Israel. And when Moses got ready to die, he stepped up on this Rock. And that Rock was Jesus. You remember when Jesus was talking, in--in Saint John, the 6th chapter?
Well, he said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness!"
125Said, said, "My Father gave you that manna." He said, "Yeah, they eat manna. That's right. And they're, every one, dead, because they wouldn't keep on going on, see." Said, "They're, every one, dead." But said, "I am the Bread of Life that come from God out of Heaven."
126"Our fathers drank from a Rock. Moses smote the Rock," and said, "and the waters came forth."
He said, "I am that Rock that was with him."
127And look, when Moses died, he stepped onto that Rock. You know what happened? The Bible said that "Angels" come and got him.
128What a difference from that other young man! That young man, see, when he died, he didn't have nobody to hold him, so he just sank down through the darkness, into hell, and he's there now, there.
129 Then when Moses stepped out of life, when he went, he had took a Leader. His mama led him right, his father taught him right. And then when he got to be of age, a young man, then he said, "I see Eternal Life, if I will go down with these poor, neglected people, and walk with them, because they are God's people. I don't have to. I could be a king, but I don't want to be a king. I can have all the money there is in Egypt, 'cause I'm going to be owner of it. I don't want it. I would rather walk with Jesus," and then when he walked through life. And then when he started to step out of life, there was his Leader that takes him by hand.
130Don't you want that Leader? Don't we all want that Leader to hold him by His hand?
131Hundreds of years later, he was seen with his great Leader. He had led. He made the--he made the choice, of his youth, and so therefore God was holding him.
132 You know what? The rich man is in hell, that one young rich man that refused. See, now remember, he had education, he had religion, he went to church, he was a good man, but he refused Jesus. See?
133And this young man, he was educated, and he had religion, but he wanted Jesus. See, Moses would have been a much richer man than--than this young fellow would have been, 'cause he just had some money, probably farms and things like that, and maybe politics and so forth, but Moses was to be king over the earth. And he forsook all of that.
134And you know what, children? When there is no Egypt, and when there is no treasures, there will still be a Moses, because he chose the right thing. See? He chose the right thing to lead him.
135When there is no more big pyramids! You read about the pyramids in Egypt? One of these days, they'll be dust, under the atomic bomb. All the riches of the world, people will throw it in the air, and scream, and say it's cankered into their flesh, and scream and howl. See, it will pass away.
136But them who accept Jesus to lead them, they'll never die. They have Eternal Life. Though they die naturally here, Jesus will raise them up again.
137 You must make a choice. Your choice will determine what your eternal destination will be. Remember, Jesus asks each one of us, "Follow Me if you want Life." See, leadership, "Follow Me. You'll have everlasting Life." And I'm sure, even to us adults, we get something out of this, too. If you want Life, you have to accept It. You want religion, you accept it. If you want... What you have to do, what you accept, that's what you'll get. But to me and to you, and to these little children, remember, you have an invitation. Jesus said, "Follow Me, and have Eternal Life." That's what we want to do, don't we?
138Now how many of you wants to really follow Jesus, and you say, "Well, well, when I get big enough and old enough to make my choice, and to do what... I don't care how much money I got, how poor I am, how much people laugh at me, or everything else, I want to follow Jesus. I want to make Moses' choice, not the rich young man"? How many wants to do that right here? Now you really want to do it?
139 I want you to stand up with me. I want you to put your left hand on your heart, and you hold your right hand up. I want you to close your eyes now and bow your head, and just say these words after me. [The congregation repeats each phrase after Brother Branham, in the following prayer--Ed.]
140Dear Jesus, ["Dear Jesus,"] I pledge my life to You. ["I pledge my life to You."] I have heard this sermon, ["I have heard this sermon,"] where two young men made their choice. ["where two young men made their choice."] I do not want to go the way of the rich young ruler. ["I do not want to go the way of the rich young ruler."] But I do want to go the way of Moses. ["But I do want to go the way of Moses."] I am just a child, yet. ["I am just a child, yet."] Lead me, Dear Jesus, ["Lead me, Dear Jesus,"] to Eternal Life. ["to Eternal Life."] Amen. ["Amen."]
Now you bow your head.
141 Dear Jesus, one day, in Your pilgrimage here on earth, they brought to You such little fellows as I have been speaking to this afternoon. And the disciples said, "The Master is too tired. He preached this morning. He preached, this and that, and He is too tired. Don't trouble Him."
142But, Jesus, You said, "Suffer the little children to come to Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."
143Lord God, today receive these little boys and girls here, in this school of righteousness, here where our brother has come apart into the side of the wilderness here, to bring out the families that desire to separate themselves from the things of the world, to sojourn only for You. And now their little ones are here, watching the lives of their father and mother, as we--we are examples in all that we do. O Dear God, Creator of Heavens and earth, guide our feet, Lord, that we'll not do nothing before these little ones, that would put a stumbling block in their way. For it is said, it would be better that we have a millstone tied at our neck, and be cast into the sea, than to offend one of these little ones. You said, "Their Angels always behold My Father's face which is in Heaven," the great Angel, and guardian Angel, over each of these little souls.
144As they sat this afternoon with their little eyes wide open, looking and answering the questions, and listening at the little baby stories of the Bible, of how these two young man took their choices, and each one of them dedicating their lives to You. O Jehovah God, lead them, protect them. And may they find this great Leader, Jesus Christ, that will lead them when father and mother and the teachers are finished with them. May You lead them to Eternal Life, as You did to Moses, as their humble, little, child prayer went to You. I give them to You, Lord, as Your servant, as trophies and gems for Your crown. Use them, Lord, to honor You, on earth. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
145 And you little ones, fellows, can... Now you feel better about it now? You know Jesus is going to lead you and guide you. Don't you believe that? And Jesus is going to make you little boys just like Moses and Miriam, the prophetess and the prophet, going to make great people out of you.
146Now, we older people, that have accepted Him, don't we want Him to lead us on, too? I want Him to lead me on, guide my feet, hold my hand. See? And even when I come down to the river, I--I want to have a hold of His hand. We all want that, don't we?
147 Dear Jesus, lead us, too, Father. Now we're fixing to separate from each other. I must go back to Tucson. I must get ready for the meetings coming. God, I commit this group of people, Brother Leo and Brother Gene, and all the followers here, into Your hands, that You will bless them and love them, forgiving all their iniquities, healing all of their diseases, keeping them ever in love and fellowship, and encouraging those who would have... be get weary. And sometime Satan might come along and cause them to be discouraged, but, remember, You went through the same thing, discouragement, forsaken by--by men of this earth, and people. And sometimes very dearest of friends, even to relationships, we're forsaken. But there is One that we have chosen, He will never leave us or forsake us.
148Lead us, Lord, to Life Eternal. I pray that You will grant that we can come together many more times, on earth, and speak of Thee and talk of Thee. And then in that great Day, when the world is finished and all the time has faded into Eternity, may we meet in that great Kingdom, as unbroken families, to live together hereafter forever. Grant it, Lord. Until then, may we work, labor with all of our might, while the sun is still shining. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
149 God bless each one of you. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
By His counsel guide, uphold you,
With His arms securely fold you;
God be with you till we meet again!
Till we meet! till we meet!
Till we meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet! till we meet! (Thank you, brother.)
God be with you till we meet again!
God bless you all.
1[Skupina detí spieva pieseň „Starodávna viera“ - pozn. prekl.] Istotne to máte. Ak je to dosť dobré pre vás všetkých, je to dosť dobré aj pre nás.
2[Nejaký brat hovorí, „Majú pre teba dar.“ – pozn.prekl.] Ó, to je milé. [Deti dali bratovi Branhamovi dar.] Ďakujem vám. [Nejaká sestra hovorí, „Len malý darček, brat Branham, deti si ušetrili nejaké drobné. A...?...“] Ďakujem. Ďakujem ti, môj malý brat. Ďakujem vám, deti. Určite vám ďakujem, veľmi, veľmi pekne. A nech vás Boh žehná.
3Viete, Ježiš povedal, „Čokoľvek dáte jednému z tých najmenších, to ste urobili Mne.“ Vidíte? Vy ste mužmi a ženami zajtrajška. Ak bude nejaké zajtra, vy tam budete.
4Mám tam cent. Veľmi pekne ti ďakujem, zlatíčko. Mal by som to otvoriť? [Brat Branham otvára darček a číta venovanie. – pozn.prekl.] Máš to tak pekne zabalené, je to trochu ťažko... ó, to je milé. Starý otec si musí nasadiť okuliare, vieš, „Viera v... horčičné zrnko... Posolstvo od teba...“
Či to nie je milé? Vidíte? Ó! Je mi to zaťažko, keď mi to dávate. „Drahý brat Branham, ó, si tak dobrým priateľom. Dúfame, že budeš požehnaný zo všetkých vecí, ktoré si našiel. Milujeme ťa; nech ťa drahý Pán Ježiš bohate žehná so všetkou radosťou a mocou.“
Ó, to je skutočne krásne. Ďakujem ti, srdiečko, každému jednému z vás. To je naozaj milé.
[Nejaký brat hovorí, „Brat Branham, verím, že budeš súhlasiť, že máme dobrú učiteľku nedeľnej školy.“ – pozn.prekl.]
Určite máte. (Len mi to podrž, Billy.) No, toto je zabalené tak pekne, že to nerád rozbaľujem. Veľmi pekné. Stavím sa, že to robila jedna z mamičiek. Je to tak? [Brat Branham otvára ďalší darček. – pozn.prekl.] Čo? No, musím... Nevyskočí to? Ó. To je naozaj milé...?... pôjdeme s tým. Leo, som zvedavý, do ktorej rodiny patrí. Dáva to na každý obrázok. To je naozaj pekné.
No, deti, je toho naozaj hojne a ja si to vezmem a zavesím do nášho nového domu. A predpokladám, že pokiaľ budeme mať ten domov, budeme to mať na pamiatku od tejto malej nedeľnej školy tu v Prescotte. Ďakujem Bohu, ďakujem Pánovi za všetko; a ďakujem Bohu za takých milých malých chlapcov a dievčatá, ako ste vy všetci. Ako ste len na mňa v tomto čase mysleli. Nech vás Boh všetkých žehná. Ďakujem veľmi pekne, áno, je to naozaj pekné. Inšpirácia, to je presne to, čo sme chceli, niečo také. Či nie?
[Nejaký brat niečo rozpráva. – pozn.prekl.] V poriadku.
[Ten brat hovorí, že spev bol naplánovaný len na poslednú chvíľu.] Vtedy je to lepšie.
[Skupina sestier spieva pieseň, „Zostúpil z chvály,“ potom sa k nim pridáva poslucháčstvo. – pozn.prekl.]
Ó, ako Ho milujem! Ako Ho zbožňujem!
Môj dych, môj slnečný svit, moje všetko vo všetkom!
Veľký Stvoriteľ sa stal mojím Spasiteľom,
a prebýva v Ňom celá Božia plnosť.
[Sestry pokračujú v spievaní refrénu piesne, „Zostúpil z chvály.“ Brat vedie pieseň, „Jemu len ver.“ – pozn.prekl.]
...len ver,
všetko je možné, len ver;
len ver, len ver,
všetko je možné, len ver.
Verím, že teraz, po tom všetkom, by som mohol kázať štyri hodiny. Začínal som si myslieť, že začínam byť unavený. Niet divu, že vy, malé dievčatká, viete tak dobre spievať, vy, malé dievčatká a malí chlapci; počúvajte, ako spievajú vaše veľké sestry a vaše matky, ohromné speváčky. To je skutočne pekné. Kto je toto malé dievča, ktoré viedlo tú pieseň, či nie si to malé dievča, ktoré som tam stretol? Iste má nádherný hlas; vy všetci. Vy len... Verím, že najlepší spev, aký som kedy počul, je rovno tu. Všetci to neustále nacvičujete? [Brat hovorí, „Nie, takto spievame.“] No, poviem vám, iste ste požehnaní skutočne dobrým spevom.
5Mám rád dobrý spev. Jednoducho milujem skutočne dobrý spev. Vždy som hovoril, že keď prídem do neba, chcem sa dostať tam, kde ľudia spievajú, a počúvať. Nikdy som sa nemohol nasýtiť spevu.
6Viete, spev dáva odvahu. Viete to, však? Vojaci, keď idú do boja, viete, čo robia? Hrajú hudbu a spievajú a robia veci, ktoré im dodávajú odvahu. A keď ideme bojovať my, tak spievame a to nám dáva odvahu ísť ďalej.
7Ďakujem vám maličkým za ten milý dar. A to je... Od pani Branhamovej a od Rebeky a Jozefa a Sáry, a my všetci vám veľmi ďakujeme. Je to ťažké povedať, ako to povedať tým maličkým, „Nie. Ušetrili ste si svoje centy. Nechcem to vziať.“ Viete, ako sa cítim, nechcem to vziať. Ale napriek tomu som sa sem pozrel a do tejto karty vložili desať-dolárovú bankovku. Pomyslel som si, „Môžem to vziať?“ Pomyslel som si, „Ako to môžem urobiť?“
8Ale pamätám si malý príbeh, ktorý by som chcel, aby ste vedeli. Jedného dňa bola jedna žena, vdova, mala kopu detí, možno jej... Otec tých malých detí bol preč. A mala len dva groše. A raz išla dolu ulicou... A boli to peniaze na desiatok, len haliere, aké ste vy všetci usporili, a ona ich hodila do Božej pokladnice. Ježiš tam stál a pozoroval ju. A premýšľal som, „Čo by som urobil, keby som tam stál ja?“ Pravdepodobne by som dobehol a povedal, „Nie, nie, sestra, nerob to. My to naozaj nepotrebujeme. Potrebuješ to pre tie deti.“ Vidíte? No, nedovolil by som jej to urobiť. Ale Ježiš jej to dovolil. Vidíte, On jej to dovolil urobiť. Prečo? On vie, že je požehnanejšie dávať ako prijímať. On vedel, čo pre ňu urobí, vidíte.
Tak vám z celého srdca ďakujem, maličkí.
9Chcem poďakovať každému jednému z vás za tento pekný čas obecenstva, brat Leo a Gene. Toto vlastne boli pre mňa tri dni uctievania. Dokonca aj vonku v džungli, keď sa snažím vzdialiť od seba a myslieť si, že poľujem, tak či onak, dívam sa na vás a počujem vás hovoriť. Mal som tú výsadu dnes popoludní navštíviť vaše domovy. Nikdy som nevidel, nevošiel som do žiadnej, budem to nazývať dedinou, kde by som kedy videl toľko čistých a upravených domov a ľudí a toľko úcty ku Kristovi a Evanjeliu. Nikdy som to nikde nevidel. A vy ste určite začali na správnej ceste, len pokračujte a Boh bude s vami. A niektorých z vás musím vidieť. Jedného dňa som videl tieto sestry, ani som ich nespoznal, pretože všetko, čo som mohol vidieť, boli asi len ich oči a nos spod jednej z tých kapucní. A teraz verím, že vás poznám lepšie, s láskavou zdvorilosťou bratov Lea a Geneho, ktorí ma previedli okolo a navštívili sme vaše domovy; a potriasli sme si ruky s malými deťmi, prorokmi a prorokyňami toho budúceho veku, ak bude ešte nejaký vek.
10Viete, Ježiš miluje malé deti. Viete, On ich miluje. A raz tam bol jeden malý chlapec, ktorý sa volal Mojžiš a o chvíľu o ňom budeme hovoriť. A on bol veľmi dobrý... Viete, čo ho urobilo, pomohlo mu urobiť z neho dobrého chlapca? Mal dobrú matku, aby ho vychovávala. Vidíte, to je to, čo to bolo. Učila ho o Pánovi. A vy, malí chlapci a dievčatá, máte rovnaký druh matiek, aby vás vychovali, učili vás o Pánovi. Len im venujte pozornosť.
11Viete, čo, viete, čo je prvé prikázanie v Biblii, to prvé prikázanie so zasľúbením, so zasľúbením? Môže byť pre vás trochu ťažké porozumieť týmto prikázaniam. Prvé prikázanie je, „Nemať žiadneho iného boha okrem Neho.“ Ale to veľké prikázanie... A to prvé prikázanie, ktoré má v sebe zasľúbenie, vidíte, to je pre deti. Vedeli ste to? Vidíte, On povedal, „Deti, poslúchajte svojich rodičov, čo môže predĺžiť dni na zemi, ktorú ti dal Pán, tvoj Boh." Myslieť na svojich rodičov a robiť to, čo robíte, to vám môže dať dlhší život na zemi, ktorú vám dal Pán, viac času, aby ste Mu slúžili.
12Dúfam, že sa dnes dívam na skupinu kazateľov a spevákov a evanjelistov toho dňa, ktorý má prísť, ak bude nejaký deň po tom našom.
13A je tu len jedna vec, vy – že láskavosťou zabijete človeka. Jedol som, až som nemohol jesť, a nikdy o mňa nebolo takto postarané. Keby som bol Anjelom, ktorý spadol z neba, nemohlo sa so mnou zaobchádzať o nič lepšie. Jediná vec, ktorú vám môžem povedať, je, „Ďakujem.“ A keď budete tam dolu v Tucsone, nebudem s vami môcť zaobchádzať tak dobre, lebo neviem ako; nemám na to spôsoby, ale urobím to najlepšie, ako viem. Príďte dolu.
14Brat a sestra Shantz, určite sa im chcem poďakovať. A mal som to privilégium stretnúť sa dnes popoludní s vašou peknou mladou dcérou a synom. A za to, že tu pre nás nechal svoj dom otvorený na uctievanie. V Biblii sa diali také veci, viete, že Evanjelium bolo... Viem, že to znie veľmi detinsky. My by sme si mysleli, že to tak nie je. Ale toto je práve to isté ako Boh... pre Boha, ako boli tí ľudia v tom dni.
15Pamätajte, ak by prešlo ešte mnoho rokov, obzreli by sa sem dozadu a povedali, „Keby som len bol žil v tých dňoch tam v Prescotte! Keby som len žil...“ Vidíte? Teraz žijeme v tom dni. Rozumiete? Potom zídeme dolu na koniec cesty a budeme čakať na svoju odmenu v tom veľkom Dni.
16Teraz otvoríme Slovo Božie a budeme čítať. Ale ešte predtým, ako to urobíme, na chvíľu si s Ním pohovorme.
17Drahý Ježišu, nedokážem vyjadriť svoje pocity a vďačnosť voči bratovi Mercierovi, bratovi Goadovi a všetkým týmto milým ľuďom a ich malým deťom, akými milými sa pred nami ukázali, odkedy sme tu. Tá láskavosť je ponad všetko, čo sme očakávali. A vieme, že boli skvelí a milí. Ale nevedeli sme, že sa s nami bude zachádzať tak skutočne kráľovsky. A, Pane, modlím sa, aby Tvoja prítomnosť bola vždy v tomto tábore ľudí, aby tu Duch Svätý naplnil každé srdce a aby si im dal večný Život. A nech, ako sa dnes tešíme, nech nastane ten nekonečný Deň, keď sa stretneme v prítomnosti Toho, ktorého uctievame, ktorého milujeme a ktorému vzdávame za tieto veci všetku chválu. Do toho času, Pane, zachovaj nás verných Jemu a Jeho Slovu. Modlíme sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
18No, držal som vás dnes ráno tak dlho, budem sa snažiť, aby to dnes popoludní bolo skutočne rýchle a budem hovoriť spôsobom, ktorý môže byť dobrý pre maličkých, a tí starší tiež budú rozumieť.
19Chcem tu prečítať jedno miesto Písma, ktoré nachádzame v Knihe svätého Mareka, a chcem prečítať časť zo 17. verša 10. kapitoly svätého Mareka.
A keď vychádzal na cestu, pribehol nejaký mladý človek, ktorý padol pred ním na kolená a pýtal sa ho: Dobrý Učiteľu, čo mám učiniť, aby som dedične obdržal večný život?
A Ježiš mu povedal: Prečo ma zovieš dobrým? Nikto nie je dobrý, iba jeden, Bôh.
A prikázania vieš: Nezcudzoložíš, nezabiješ, neukradneš, nepovieš falošného svedoctva, neolúpiš nikoho, cti svojho otca i svoju mať!
A on mu povedal: Učiteľu, to všetko som dodržoval, (lepšie povedané) zachoval od svojej mladosti.
Vtedy Ježiš pozrúc na neho zamiloval si ho (tohto mládenca) a povedal mu: Jedno ti chýba: iď, predaj všetko, čo máš, a daj chudobným a budeš mať poklad v nebi a vezmi kríž, poď a nasleduj ma!
Ale on sa zarmútil nad tým slovom a odišiel smutný, lebo mal mnoho majetku.
20No, pre deti a dospelých a všetkých ostatných chcem priniesť toto malé posolstvo čo najrýchlejšie a čo najaktuálnejšie. A chcem vziať text: Nasleduj Ma. A ako tému: Vodcovstvo. Nasledovať a niekoho viesť; 'Vodcovstvo' a 'Nasleduj Ma.' Mladí, ľudia...
21Pamätáte, ten prvý krok, ktorý kedy niekto z nás urobil, niekto nás viedol. Vy, matky, pamätáte si prvé kroky, ktoré urobil junior a to malé dievčatko, a oni si to už viac nepamätajú. Ale pri vašom prvom kroku vás niekto viedol. Pamätám si Billyho Paula, keď urobil svoj prvý krok, Jozefa a všetkých z nich, keď urobili svoj prvý krok.
22Obyčajne je to matka, ktorá vedie dieťa k prvému kroku, pretože ona je doma, zatiaľ čo ocko pracuje a snaží sa zarobiť na živobytie. Ale je to tak, že urobia svoj prvý krok. A večer, keď prichádzajú, ten otec, on vždy hovorí...
„Ó, ocko,“ povedala, „Johnny a Mary,“ (ten malý chlapec alebo dievča), „on vie chodiť! Poď sa pozrieť!“ A len jeden krok, možno ho matka musela držať; musel si držať matkin prst, pretože si bol taký slabý a tak trochu si sa kolísal nabok, viete, a trochu si spadol. A tak, museli ste sa držať matkinej ruky, aby ste urobili svoj prvý krok.
23No, niekto vám pomohol, keď ste urobili svoj prvý krok. A tvoj posledný krok, ktorý v živote urobíš, niekto ťa povedie. Vidíte, je to tak. Chcem, aby ste si to zapamätali. Tvoj prvý krok, niekto ťa viedol. A tvoj posledný krok, niekto ťa povedie.
24Musíme byť vedení. Viete, Boh nás pripodobnil k ovciam. A vedeli ste, že ovca nemôže viesť samu seba? Ona sa zatúla preč, zablúdi a jednoducho nemôže viesť samu seba. A musí mať niekoho, kto ju bude viesť. A niekedy... Pastier má viesť ovce. No, to bolo tam vtedy za dní Pána Ježiša, On bol ten dobrý Pastier, ktorý viedol ovce.
25Ale dnes, vidíte, žijeme v inom dni, všetko je zmenené a prevrátené. Viete, čo človek dnes používa na vedenie oviec? Kozla. A viete, kam ich ten kozol vedie? Rovno na porážku. Tie malé ovce nevedia, kam idú, tak ten kozol ide hore do ohrady, hore smerom na porážku a tie ovce nevedia nič viac, než nasledovať vodcu, a tak ich vedie rovno hore na zabitie. A potom ten kozol uskočí z cesty a ovce vojdú dovnútra a zabijú ich. Vidíte, kozol, zlý vodca.
26Ale Ježiš, ten dobrý Pastier, ktorý viedol ovce, On ich priviedol do Života a držal ich za ruku. Vidíte, ale niekto musí viesť ovcu.
27To prvé je láskavosť matky, potom slovo otca. Potom, ako vám matka udelí váš prvý krok, potom hľadíte na svojho otca, každý z nás, pre múdrosť, pretože on je hlavou domu. A on obyčajne... Nie, že by bol nejaký múdrejší, ale on je jednoducho učinený tak, aby bol vodcom svojej rodiny, tak nasledujeme to, čo hovorí náš otec, aby sme robili. Keď hovorí, „No, synu, chcel by som, aby si urobil takú-a-takú vec,“ potom ho počúvame, pretože to je múdrosť. Ale počúvajte, vidíte, on sa naučil veľmi veľa a my sa ho musíme pýtať, aby sme videli, čo sa naučil, a potom môžeme profitovať z toho, čo sa naučil. On nám hovorí, „No, nechoď a nerob toto, lebo ja som to urobil. Môj otec mi povedal, aby som to nerobil, ale ja som to urobil a to spôsobilo, že sa mi toto stalo, niečo zlé.“ Tak, vidíte, my budeme... Potom on, ocko, nám povie, ako konať a čo robiť správne.
28Potom, ako nás vedie matka, až do času, keď budeme musieť obdržať trochu múdrosti od otca, aby sme rozumeli, potom dostaneme niekoho ďalšieho. Obdržíme ďalšieho vodcu, a to je učiteľka, dobrá školská učiteľka. Ona sa ťa snaží učiť a dať ti vzdelanie, aby si lepšie zapadol do života, na miesto, do pozície, kde môžeš čítať Bibliu a môžeš čítať piesne a môžeš sa učiť o Bohu a samostatne čítať, vidíte. A potom, ďalšia vec, možno by ste podnikali a niekto by vám napísal list, mama, otec, niekto, kto by vám napísal list, nedokázali by ste to prečítať. Rozumiete? A tak, učiteľka sa vás potom ujme a vedie vás k tomu, aby ste sa naučili písať a čítať. A to je dobrá vec, dobrá učiteľka, aby ťa správne naučila. Ale teraz, potom, ako odídete od toho, potom, čo opustíte učiteľa, jeden učiteľ za druhým, od malého základného vzdelania, malého prvého stupňa, až kým sa nedostanete zo strednej školy alebo na vysokú školu. Potom, keď odídete z vysokej školy, učiteľ vás prestane viesť. Rozumiete?
29No, mama vás naučila chodiť, vidíte. Ocko ťa naučil, ako byť brilantným a milým mladým mužom a ako sa o seba starať a ako sa správať. Učiteľ vás naučil vzdelaniu, ako správne čítať a písať. Ale teraz opúšťate otca, opúšťate matku a opúšťate učiteľa, teraz vás niekto musí odtiaľto vziať ďalej. No, od koho chcete, aby vás odtiaľto prevzal? [Nejaké dieťa hovorí, „Ježiš.“ – pozn.prekl.] Správne. Ježiš, aby ťa odtiaľ vzal ďalej. No, to je veľmi dobrá odpoveď, veľmi dobrá. Ježiš ťa odtiaľ berie ďalej.
30No, vidíte tohto mladého človeka, o ktorom hovoríme, on je nazývaný bohatým mladým panovníkom. No, tento mládenec, on bol vedený celkom dobre. No, jeho matka ho naučila chodiť. A vidíte, on bol ešte mladý muž, možno práve po ukončení strednej školy, veľmi populárny mladý muž. A tým, že bol dobre vychovaný, možno kráčal správne, a tak ďalej, ako ho to naučila jeho matka.
31A bol tiež úspešným mladým mužom, pretože, pozrite, už bol bohatý. A bol len mladým mužom, možno osemnásťročný, práve skončil strednú školu a bol bohatý. No, vidíte, mal ten správny druh učiteľa, ktorý ho naučil správne chodiť. A mal správny druh učiteľa, svojho otca; ešte ako mladý človek bol bohatý, čo sa týka peňazí, zarobil si veľa peňazí. On mohol byť skutočným... Už v takomto veku bol panovníkom, bol veľmi úspešný. Rozumiete? A teraz mal učiteľa, ktorý ho naučil, naučil ho tej správnej veci, ako to urobiť. Mal svoje vzdelanie.
32A potom, ten ďalší učiteľ, ktorého mal tento mladý muž, (pričom to závisí na tom, ako si bol vychovaný), ale tento mladý muž mal doma náboženské učenie.
33No, niektoré deti, vedeli ste, že je mnoho malých detí, ktoré nemajú doma žiadne náboženské učenie? Ich otec a matka neveria v Boha. A ich otec a matka pijú, fajčia, bijú sa a v noci utekajú jeden od druhého a také veci, a neuvaria večeru svojim malým chlapcom a dievčatám a podobne. Nie ste radi, že máte skutočne dobrého kresťanského otca a matku? No, keď budete mať deti, či nechcete byť rovnakým druhom otca a matky, ako je váš otec a matka? Rozumiete? No, ale to je všetko dobré.
34No, tento mladý muž mal náboženskú výchovu. Vidíte, to bolo ďaleko za tým, čo mali niektoré z tých detí, pretože oni nemali náboženskú výchovu. Ale tento mladý muž mal náboženskú výchovu, pretože povedal, že zachovával prikázania od svojej mladosti.
35No, aj vy všetci máte dobrých náboženských učiteľov, každý jeden z vás. A vy, malé dievčatá a chlapci v tínedžerskom veku, všetci ste mali dobrých učiteľov, váš otec a matka tu v tomto tábore, máte všetko, čo... každý potenciál, o ktorom viete, ktorý je možné mať, aby to z vás urobilo skutočného dobrého muža a ženu, Božieho služobníka.
36Pretože pamätajte, že jedného dňa zomriete alebo budete vzatí do neba. A ak zomriete pred Jeho príchodom, budete vytrhnutí ako prví. Vedeli ste to? Či ste vedeli, že tí, ktorí sú mŕtvi... Ak mama a otec zomrú skôr ako vy a Ježiš nepríde v našej generácii, viete, že títo, otec a mama, vyjdú prví, oslávení, pred vami? Rozumiete? Trúba Božia zaznie a mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv, a potom my, ktorí sme živí a ponechaní, budeme s nimi vychvátení. Budeme takto zmenení. Musíme na to pamätať, to je to hlavné v živote. Teraz tomu rozumiete? To je tá hlavná vec v živote, ktorú musíme urobiť, to je pripraviť sa na stretnutie s Bohom.
37No, len samotné náboženstvo nebude fungovať. Vidíte, tento jeden mladý panovník tu povedal, „Dobrý Učiteľu...“ No, pamätajte, predtým, ako to poviem. Bol naučený správne kráčať. Mal dobré vzdelanie. Vyučili ho v podnikaní. A bol bohatý a bol panovníkom a mal náboženstvo. Ale on bol konfrontovaný s iným problémom (a to stojí pred nami všetkými), s večným Životom. Náboženstvo nám nedáva večný Život. Byť nábožným, to je prikrytie, ale to nám nedáva večný Život. A jednako, on sa vyučil pri tých najlepších učiteľoch, akí tam boli, a jednako mu stále niečo chýbalo. A ten mladý muž to vedel, pretože povedal, „Dobrý Učiteľu, čo mám robiť, aby som zdedil večný Život?“
38No, veríte, že Ježiš je Boh, či nie? Tak On poznal myšlienky toho mladého muža, tak povedal, „Dodržuj prikázania.“ Vrátil sa naspäť k jeho náboženstvu, aby videl, čo povie o svojom náboženstve. Povedal teraz, inými slovami, „Zachovaj svoje náboženstvo.“
39On povedal, „Toto som robil od svojej mladosti,“ malí chlapci ako vy. „Moja mama a otec a môj kňaz ma učili náboženstvo. Ale viem, že vo svojom náboženstve stále nemám večný Život.“ Rozumiete?
40Môžete byť dobrí. Nekradnúť. Nefajčiť. Neklamať. Neklamať otcovi a mame. Nehovorte to prvé klamstvo, lebo raz oklamete, a potom je ľahké oklamať aj druhýkrát, vidíte. Ale to nesmiete robiť. Nezačínajte klamať.
41Vedeli ste, že vaše telo nie je utvorené, aby klamalo? Viete, ľudia teraz majú prístroj, ktorý sa pripája na nervy. Tí ľudia vám môžu položiť okolo zápästia malú bandáž a jednu cez hlavu a potom môžete povedať... povedzme, že poviete, „Klamal som o tom, ale môžem to povedať tak zľahka, že budú veriť, že hovorím pravdu.“ A môžete povedať...
42Tí ľudia by povedali, „Bol si na určitom mieste, sedel si v tom prívese brata Shantza, zatiaľ čo brat Branham kázal v nedeľu popoludní?“
A ty povieš, „Nie veru. Nesedel som tam. Nie veru.“
43Viete, čo povie ten detektor lži? „Tak veru, ty si tam sedel. Tak veru, sedel si tam.“
Povieš, „Nesedel som tam.“
Ono to povie, „Áno, sedel si tam.“
44Prečo? Pretože klamstvo je taká hrozná vec. Telo nebolo utvorené tak, aby klamalo. A keď klamete, to je tak hrozná vec, až to rozruší celý nervový systém. Fíha! Takéto rozrušenie vám spôsobí vredy, rast plesní; to by vás zabilo. A potom, klamstvo je zlá vec, vidíte, pretože nemáte klamať, kradnúť alebo robiť čokoľvek z týchto vecí.
45No, tak tento mladý muž pravdepodobne bol... Neklamal, nikdy nekradol a bol si vedomý, že potrebuje večný Život. Tak povedal, „Čo mám robiť, aby som to mal?“
46A Ježiš tu teraz ukazuje, že náboženstvo to neurobí. Tak On mu to rovno vrátil naspäť a povedal, „Dodržiavaj prikázania.“
47On povedal, „Učiteľu, robil som to od malička, robil som to už vtedy, keď som bol malým chlapcom.“ Ale on vedel, že nemá večný Život.
Tak On potom povedal, „Ak by si chcel vstúpiť do Života, večného Života, chcel by si byť dokonalý, potom choď predať, čo...“
48Vidíte teraz, to je v poriadku mať peniaze. Vidíte, to je v poriadku mať peniaze, byť bohatý. A byť panovníkom, to je v poriadku. Ale ide o to, ako konáte, keď sa tým stanete, vidíte.
49Povedal, „Choď a predaj, čo máš, a daj to chudobným, tým ľuďom, ktorí nič nemajú; potom príď, nasleduj Ma a budeš mať poklady v nebi.“ Ale ten mladý muž mal toľko peňazí, že nevedel, čo s tým. No, vidíte, on bol veľmi populárny, ten mladý muž.
50A bol dobre vybavený na celý život, tak, ako ho jeho otec a matka a kňazi a všetci títo vybavili, ale stále vedel, že mu niečo chýba. Teraz hovorím k dospelým. On vedel, že mu tu niečo chýba. Nemal večný Život; vedel o tom. Rozumiete?
51Náboženstvo nevyprodukuje večný Život. Formy, senzácia, niečo cítite; mohli by ste sa vystrašiť a niečo cítiť. Rozumiete? Plač, to je dobré; vykrikovanie, to je dobré; ale to stále nie je ono, vidíte. Ste konfrontovaní s večným Životom.
52Poviete, „No, bol som skrátka verným baptistom, metodistom, presbyteriánom alebo letničným.“ To stále nie je tá otázka.
53Tento mladý muž bol tiež vyučovaný vtedajším náboženstvom, ale stále nemal večný Život, a tak chcel vedieť, čo má robiť. On bol k Tomu úspešne vedený. Ale keď s Tým bol konfrontovaný, odmietol byť vedený do večného Života, alebo byť vedený. Jeho ďalší vodcovia ho tak pevne držali, až to nechcel uvoľniť. Rozumiete?
54No, to je niečo, čo hovorí brat Branham. Ide to pre vás trochu hlboko, vidíte.
55Vzdelanie je v poriadku, mali by ste chodiť do školy a učiť sa. Vidíte, to je dobré, ale to vás nezachráni. Mať dostatok peňazí, to je dobré, môžete vychovávať svoje deti, dať im dobré oblečenie a veci. A ako otec a mama pre vás všetkých pracovali. To je dobré, ale to vás stále nezachráni. Rozumiete? Alebo by ste sa mohli dostať do laboratória a naučiť sa, ako dať dohromady rôzne veci, alebo rozdeliť atómy, alebo čokoľvek, čo robia, a dostať sa do rakety a ísť na Mesiac, ale to ťa nezachráni.
56Musíte čeliť jednej veci, večnému Životu, a je len jedna Osoba, ktorá vám to môže dať. Mama vám to nemôže dať. Ocko vám to nemôže dať. Váš pastor vám to nemôže dať. Váš vodca, ktorý je tu, vám to nemôže dať. Každý, kto dostáva večný Život, musí prísť k Ježišovi Kristovi. On je jediný, ktorý môže dať tú časť.
57Tvoja učiteľka ti môže dať vzdelanie, ona ťa môže učiť; ale ty sa to musíš naučiť. Tvoja matka ťa môže učiť chodiť; ale ty sa musíš naučiť chodiť. Tvoj otec ťa môže učiť, ako byť podnikateľom alebo niečím podobným; ale ty sa to musíš naučiť. Ale jedine Ježiš ti môže dať večný Život. Rozumiete?
58Tvoj kňaz, tvoj vodca alebo niekto podobný, on ťa môže učiť tvojmu náboženstvu, môžeš sa naučiť Posolstvo, ktoré sa snažíme učiť, ale stále ti to nedá večný Život. Musíš prijať tú Osobu, Ježiša Krista. Rozumiete tomu, každý z vás? Musíš prijať tú Osobu, Ježiša Krista, aby si mal večný Život. No, ale niekedy má iné vedenie na nás taký vplyv, že nevieme, čo robiť, keď príde ten čas.
59No, čo za osudovú vec je odmietnuť vedenie k večnému Životu, pretože, vidíte, to je Život, ktorý nikdy nemôže skončiť. No, vzdelanie, to je v poriadku, ono nám tu pomôže. Podnikanie, to je v poriadku. Peniaze, to je v poriadku. Byť dobrým chlapcom a dievčaťom, to je v poriadku. Ale vidíte, keď sa tu tento život skončí, to je všetko. Rozumiete? Vy, dospelí, rozumiete? Vidíte, to je celé. Ale potom musíme prijať Ježiša Krista pre večný Život. K Tomu vás môže priviesť jedine Ježiš.
60A hoci, vidíte, tento mladý muž dosiahol všetky tieto veci v škole a skrze svojich rodičov a všetko také, stratil to najväčšie, čo mohol mať, vedenie Ducha Svätého, lebo Ježiš povedal, „Poď, nasleduj Ma.“
61A vy, dievčatá, ktoré práve zakončujete školu, pravdepodobne niektoré z vás čoskoro maturujete; a vy, mladí chlapci; to najväčšie vedenie, ktoré existuje, to je Ježiš Kristus, lebo to je vedenie do večného Života. No, toto vodcovstvo konfrontuje každú ľudskú bytosť, je im daná príležitosť, aby si vybrali.
62A to je jedna veľká vec, ktorú v živote máme: vybrať si. Jedného dňa... Viete, ocko a mama sa rozhodli mať milého malého chlapca a dievča, ako ste vy všetci.
63A potom po krátkej chvíli, máte právo si vybrať, či sa chcete učiť od učiteľa, alebo nie. Učiteľ vás môže učiť, ale vy môžete byť len malým zlým chlapcom, odmietate sa učiť; malé zlé dievča, ktoré nebude vôbec poslúchať. Vidíte, máte možnosť rozhodnúť sa, hoci ste malí.
A matka povie, „Dostal si na vysvedčení jednotky?“
„Nie, je to slabota.“ Vidíš, teraz môžeš...
64Mama povie, „Teraz musíš študovať.“ A potom to musíš robiť, ďalej študuj, ako ti povedala matka, ako ti povedal otec. Vidíte, musíte študovať.
65Ale máš na výber, môžeš to urobiť alebo neurobiť. Môžeš povedať, „Ja nechcem.“ Vidíš, máš na výber.
66Po chvíli budeš mať na výber, aké dievča si vezmeš, za akého chlapca sa vydáš.
67Kdekoľvek v živote máš na výber. A potom máš opäť na výber, či chceš žiť po tomto živote; alebo byť len dobrou, populárnou osobou, filmovou hviezdou alebo tanečníkom alebo niečím iným.
68A pozrite sa tu na tieto malé dievčatá s tým pekným hlasom, keď pred chvíľou spievali. Ak by to dieťa rozvíjalo ten hlas, bola by opernou speváčkou alebo nejakou speváčkou. Počujem hlasy týchto malých chlapcov, títo chlapci, mohli by ste byť ako Elvis Presley, predali by ste svoje právo prvorodenstva. Vidíte, nechcete to. Vidíte, je to talent, ktorý vám Boh dal, a musíte si vybrať, kde ten talent použijete; pre Boha, alebo či ho použijete pre diabla. Rozumiete?
69Brat Leo, váš brat, vidíte, no, on mal talent, aby tak trochu viedol ľudí. No, čo s tým urobí? Či ide do podnikania a stane sa milionárom, alebo by mal prísť sem a urobiť domov, kde sú ľudia, ktorí sa chcú stretnúť a mať tu všetky svoje malé deti? Vidíte, musíte si vybrať, čo budete robiť.
70Každý z nás sa musí rozhodnúť. A je to pred nás postavené. Ale všetci sme konfrontovaní s touto jednou vecou: „Čo urobíme s večným Životom? Budeme žiť aj potom ďalej, alebo nie?“ Potom musíme prísť k Ježišovi, aby sme to dosiahli. Príležitosť voľby, to je jedna vec, ktorú nám Boh dal. On nám nič nevnucuje. On nás len necháva, aby sme si vybrali sami. Takže nemusíte byť nútení, musíte len urobiť vlastnú voľbu.
71No, sledujme na pár minút toto, dospelí a teraz všetci a deti, všetci spolu. Sledujme tohto mladého muža a voľbu, ktorú urobil, a pozrime sa, kam ho to doviedlo.
72No, tieto dievčatá s tak peknými hlasmi, títo mladí chlapci. No, možno prídete a budete... mali by ste hlas, ktorým by ste mohli spievať. No, vezmite len tú jednu vec, mohli by ste, ó, jedného dňa by ste to mohli vziať, „Ja...“
73Poznáte tohto chlapca, ktorý sa volá Elvis Presley? Počuli ste moje pásky. Počuli ste, ako neznehodnocujem toho chlapca, ale ten chlapec mal príležitosť, ktorú ste všetci dostali. Vidíte, a čo on... Zistil, že vie spievať. A sledujte, čo urobil, práve to isté, čo urobil Judáš, Judáš Iškariotský, on zapredal Ježiša. Ježiš dal tomu chlapcovi dobrý hlas. A čo on urobil? Otočil sa a predal to diablovi. Vidíte, on musí prísť na koniec cesty. Rozumiete? Odmietol chodiť s Ježišom.
74No, tento mladý človek, tento bohatý mladý vládca, on urobil to isté. Sledujme ho a uvidíme, čo urobil. Niet pochýb o tom, že s tým veľkým mužom, ktorým bol... pravdepodobne to bol pekný mladý muž, tmavé vlasy vyčesané doboku, pekné oblečenie. Tie mladé dámy si pomysleli, „Chlapče, čo za pekného mladého muža!“ Ó, tie dievčatá by... Možno by na ne zamával a tie dievčatá by s ním flirtovali a podobne.
75A on si myslel, že je veľký človek, osoba, pretože bol pekný, bol mladý. Nedíval sa tam dolu na koniec cesty. Díval sa len sem. „Som mladý. Som pekný. Som bohatý. Môžem si kúpiť, čo len chcem. Môžem si vziať tieto dievčatá, chlapče, a všetky ma majú rady. A vedia, že som veľký muž.“ A vidíte, on mal toto všetko. Riadil sa pokynmi svojho otca a všetkým možným. „A som veľmi nábožný. Chodím do cirkvi.“ A teraz, on to mohol nasledovať, vidíte; veľmi populárny, bohatý a slávny. A on...
76Tak, ako keby ste mali dnes príležitosť stať sa filmovou hviezdou, vidíte, alebo tak nejako. Väčšina mladých detí dnes, hovoríte s nimi a vedia viac o týchto filmových hviezdach, ako vedia o Ježišovi. Rozumiete? A vidíte, vy, deti, sa učíte o Ježišovi. Tam, kde si sadnú a hrá tam nejaké filmové predstavenie alebo niečo iné, tie deti poznajú hercov a všetko okolo toho. Všetko to vedia lepšie ako To. Ak im poviete o Biblii, tie deti o Biblii nevedia nič. Vidíte, robia nesprávnu voľbu. No, nejaký spevák predáva svoj Bohom-daný talent pre slávu!
77Potom ho vidíme na konci života. Poďme za ním trochu ďalej. Viete, čo Biblia hovorí o tomto mladom človeku? Stal sa ešte úspešnejším. Takže niekedy úspech neznamená, že ste sa rozhodli správne. Viete, čo urobil? Išiel von a mal veľkú zábavu, organizoval veľké večierky a míňal veľa peňazí a všetko také, na dievčatá a všetko ostatné. Potom sa oženil a možno mal rodinu. A tak prosperoval, až musel stavať nové stodoly a také veci. A povedal, „Vidíte, nenasledoval som Ježiša a pozrite, čo mám!“ Vidíte?
78Môžete počuť, ako to ľudia hovoria, a počul som to, „No, pozri, On ma požehnal.“ To nič neznamená. Rozumiete?
79A po chvíli sa jeho stodoly nafúkli, až dokonca povedal, „Duša, odpočiň si. Mám toľko peňazí a toľko úspechov! A som tak veľký človek, patrím do všetkých klubov. A mám v rukách bohatstvo sveta. Vlastním veľké čiastky pôdy a sumy peňazí, ó, a každý ma má rád; čo za vec to je, byť takou skvelou osobou.“
80Ale viete, Biblia povedala, že tej noci mu Boh povedal, „Vyžiadam si tvoju dušu.“
81Čo sa potom stalo? No, bol tam jeden žobrák, chudobný starý Kresťan, ktorý ležal tam pri jeho bráne. A práve, keď ľudia...
82Tam hore v Jeruzaleme jedli na postreší domu. A drobky chleba takto odpadávali a kúsky mäsa, a tak ďalej, keď im padali, narazili na zem. A tí ľudia ich nedvíhali, pretože všetko v Jeruzaleme, v tom starom meste, je...
83Je v poriadku povedať tu malý vtip? Tí ľudia sú F-O-B. Viete, čo to je? Muchy na chlebe, muchy na hovädzine, muchy na masle, F-O-B, muchy na všetkom. [„Flies on the bread/beef/butter.“ – pozn.prekl]. Vyjdú von na ulicu, do žľabov a všetkého možného a priletia dnu a dostanú sa rovno do toho.
84Tak títo ľudia vylezú tam hore na postrešie, jedia a potom to hodia dolu a pozametajú. A psy na uliciach žerú omrvinky. A on nechal tohto úbohého starého Kresťana ležať tam na ulici a jesť omrvinky, ktoré mu vypadli z taniera z jeho postele alebo z jeho stola.
85A potom, po chvíli, keď vošiel, mal vredy a nemal si na ne čo dať. Volal sa Lazar. A prišli tam psy a olizovali mu rany, aby sa mohol uzdraviť.
86No, viete, po chvíli tento bohatý muž, keď videl, že má peniaze na kúpu všetkých druhov liekov, ak by ochorel, mal všetkých možných lekárov. Ale, viete, niekedy nám lekári nemôžu pomôcť, medicína nám nepomôže, nič nám nemôže pomôcť; sme ponechaní na Božiu milosť. A on prišiel dolu na koniec svojej cesty; lekári mu nemohli pomôcť, sestričky mu nemohli pomôcť, ani medicína mu nemohla pomôcť a on zomrel. A potom, keď jeho duša opustila jeho telo, vidíte, opustila všetky jeho peniaze, celé jeho vzdelanie, všetko, čo mal, všetku jeho popularitu. Urobili mu veľký pohreb, možno vlajku na pol žrde; a prišiel starosta mesta a tí ľudia... a prišiel kazateľ a povedal, „Náš brat teraz odišiel do Slávy,“ a podobne.
87Ale Biblia povedala, že, „On pozdvihol oči v pekle, v mukách, a pozrel sa tam cez celú tú veľkú priepasť a uvidel toho žobráka, ktorý líhaval, tam pri jeho dverách, tam v nebi, a zvolal, 'Pošli sem Lazára s trochou vody. Tieto plamene sú utrpením.' On povedal, 'Ó, nie. Vidíš? Urobil si v živote zlú voľbu.'“
88Vidíte, keď prichádza na koniec cesty, aby vykročil zo života! Bol vedený náboženstvom. Viedlo ho vzdelanie. Bol vedený vplyvom svojho úspechu. Ale, vidíte, nemal nič, čo by ho držalo za ruku, tam tie veci skončili. Rozumiete, maličkí? Vy dospelí rozumiete. Čo som... Vidíte, nemal nič, čo by ho držalo. Jeho peniaze ho nedokázali udržať. Jeho priatelia s lekármi ho nedokázali udržať. Medicína ho nedokázala udržať. Jeho kňaz, jeho náboženstvo ho nedokázalo udržať. A tak pre neho zostala len jedna vec. On odmietol prijať Ježiša, večný Život. Tak čo musel urobiť? Ponoriť sa do smrti, do pekla. Čo za osudovú chybu ten mladý muž urobil, keď odmietol kráčať s Ježišom, byť vedený Ježišom. On to odmietol urobiť.
89Tak veľa mladých ľudí robí dnes túto chybu, odmietajú byť vedení Pánom Ježišom. No, vidíme, aká osudová vec je odmietnuť večný Život a nechať sa viesť Ježišom, Vodcovstvom, keď On povedal, „Poď, nasleduj Ma.“
90Vidíte, čo by dnes popoludní povedal tento pekný mladý muž? Keď odídete zo školy, keď odtiaľ idete preč, potrebujete iného vodcu, ale nech je to Ježiš. A Ježiš je Biblia. Veríte tomu? Toto je Ježišov Život a Jeho prikázania pre nás vo forme listu. Tak musíme sa dívať na Toto, aby sme videli. Toto je plán. Toto je mapa, o ktorej nám povedal, aby sme ju nasledovali, aby sme sa s Ním stretli, s večným Životom.
Teraz zisťujeme, že tento mladý muž bol stratený.
91No, vezmime ešte jeden príklad. Chceli by ste, či by ste mali čas, aby sme vzali iného bohatého mladého vládcu, ktorý urobil správny krok? Chcete to počuť? V poriadku, teraz to skúsime. No, zoberme si ešte jedného bohatého mladého panovníka, ktorý bol konfrontovaný s tou istou vecou. Teraz vidíme, kam išiel ten chlapec, ktorý žil celkom dobrý život, ale zomrel a bol stratený v pekle. A teraz tu budeme hovoriť o ďalšom mladom mužovi, ktorý bol konfrontovaný s tou istou vecou. Bol to bohatý muž, mladý muž a bol vládcom, a prijal vedenie Krista; ako nám ten malý chlapec pred chvíľou povedal, že by sme sa mali nechať viesť. On to prijal.
92Písmo ohľadom toho sa nachádza, ak si to chcete pozrieť, potom, ako cez to prejdem, vidíte, je to v Židom v 11. kapitole a v 23. až 29. verši. Dovoľte mi to len prečítať. Je to v poriadku? Vydržíte so mnou ešte trochu, však? Nevadí vám to, však? Rozumiete? Tak my len... Len si to prečítame, potom poviete, „Počul som brata Branhama, ako to čítal z Biblie.“ Rozumiete? A viete, že to tam potom je. To nebolo to, čo som ja povedal, to je to, čo On povedal. No, počúvajte tu, čo Biblia hovorí o tomto milom človeku, vidíte. Pozrite sa.
Vierou Mojžiš, keď sa narodil, ukrytý bol od svojich rodičov tri mesiace preto, že videli dieťa, že je krásne, a nebáli sa rozkazu kráľovho.
Vierou Mojžiš, keď už bol veliký, odoprel volať sa synom dcéry faraónovej (počúvajte)
a radšej si vyvolil trpieť a strádať s ľudom Božím ako mať dočasný pôžitok hriešny.
Považujúc pohanenie Kristovo...
93Tam vzadu v čase Mojžiša to bol stále Kristus. Rozumiete? On je jediný, ktorý má večný Život. Rozumiete?
94„Považujúc pohanenie“, viete, byť nazývaný fanatikom, náboženským fanatikom, alebo tak nejako. Rozumiete?
A za väčšie bohatstvo ako poklady Egypta pokladal pohanenie Kristovo, lebo hľadel preč od toho na odplatu.
95No, viete, čo to znamená? Znamená to, že Mojžiš sa narodil ako chudobný chlapec, skutočne chudobný. Jeho otec sa volal Amram. Jeho matka sa volala Jochebed. A tí ľudia boli skutočne chudobní, ale boli Kresťania. Pracovali tvrdo. Boli v otroctve. Museli pre toho starého kráľa vyrábať hlinené tehly a také veci. Viete čo? Dcéra toho kráľa išla jedného dňa dolu k rieke, kde matka...
96Mojžišova matka Jochebed ho vzala a posadila do takého malého člna na rieke. A staré krokodíly zožrali všetky malé deti; a zabíjali ich, hádzali ich do rieky. Ale ona ho umiestnila rovno tam. A viete, ako dostala krokodílov ďalej od neho? Urobila túto malú archu, do ktorej ho vložila, urobila ju zo smoly. Viete, čo to je? To je terpentín. Jeden starý aligátor prišiel a povedal, „Hm, tučný malý Hebrej, dostanem ho!“ Počul ho tam plakať. Prišiel tam, „Fíha! Aký smrad! Och!“ Rozumiete? Vidíte, tá matka bola vedená do toho, ako chrániť svoje dieťa. Tak od toho ustúpil, nechcel s tým mať nič spoločné.
97A potom išiel dolu riekou trochu ďalej. A jeho malá sestra, ktorá sa volala Miriam, išla za ním dolu riekou a sledovala, čo...
98A potom vyšla faraónova dcéra a chcela ho vziať, viete, a vytiahla ho. Viete, všetci... Viete, vaša matka si myslí, že ste najkrajšie dieťa na svete; vidíte, mala by to robiť. Ale Biblia povedala, že tento malý chlapec bol skutočne pekný, skutočne pekný malý chlapec. A, ó, on len kričal a kopal tými malými pätami. Chýbala mu mama, vidíte. A tak viete, čo sa stalo? Potom Boh vložil do faraónovej dcéry, kráľovskej dcéry, všetku lásku, ktorú by mohla mať matka k malému dieťaťu. Srdcom si ho zamilovala. Povedala, „To je moje dieťatko.“
99Ale, viete, bola mladou ženou. Vidíte, v tých dňoch nemali tieto fľaše, na ktorých sú tie deti vychovávané, tak tí ľudia museli ísť zohnať matku, ktorá bola... ktorá mala dieťa a mohla dojčiť.
100Tak Miriam bola hneď po ruke a povedala, „Zoženiem ti tú správnu matku.“
„No, choď pre ňu.“
101Viete, pre koho Miriam išla a koho priviedla? Mojžišovu vlastnú matku. To je pravda. Áno, išla a priniesla. To bola múdrosť, však? A tak potom išla a priviedla Mojžišovu vlastnú matku. A ona povedala, „Vezmem a vychovám pre teba toho malého chlapca.“
102Povedala, „Vieš čo, dám ti tristo dolárov na týždeň, aby si vychovala to dieťa. A môžeš zostať v paláci.“ Vidíte, ako to robí Boh, keď Mu dôverujete, vidíte, keď ste si istí vierou. To dieťa bolo prorokom a ona to vedela.
103A tak vošli do paláca a ona vychovávala Mojžiša, a matka, jeho vlastná matka, a dostávala tristo dolárov na týždeň, aby sa o všetko postarala. Len na to pomyslite!
104A potom, viete, po chvíli, potom, ako to chvíľu trvalo, Mojžiš dorástol do veku, aby čítal a písal. Naučila ho ako čítať a písať. A potom mu povedala, „Mojžiš, narodil si sa ako správne dieťa. Tvoj otec a ja sme sa modlili. Boh nám zjavil, že si prorokom a budeš vysloboditeľom ľudí, v dňoch, ktoré majú prísť.“
105A viete, keď vyrástol, tak čím potom bol? Bol adoptovaný do kráľovskej rodiny. Ó! On nemusel...
106A on hľadel smerom von na svojich vlastných ľudí, ktorí nemali žiadne šaty. Boli Kresťanmi a plakali. A tí starí velitelia ich bičovali bičmi a krv im lietala z chrbta. Jeho bratranci a strýkovia, otec a mama, všetci z nich; šľahali ich bičmi tam v tých bahenných jamách. A tak, ale Mojžiš, skrze niečo, čo bolo hlboko v jeho srdci, vedel, že tí ľudia sú Božím zasľúbeným ľudom. On to vedel.
107No, ďalšia vec, ktorú išiel urobiť, bolo stať sa kráľom. On bude kráľom nad všetkým, bohatý muž, ó, so všetkými peniazmi Egypta. A Egypt v tom čase ovládal svet. Ale pozrite sa, Biblia povedala, „On povážil pohanenie,“ aby bol miesičom blata tam vonku, Kresťanom. Keď si z nich robili žarty, smiali sa a kopali do nich. Ak niečo odpovedali, zabili ich. Rozumiete? Ale Mojžiš sa rozhodol ísť s touto skupinou namiesto toho, aby ho nazývali kráľovým synom.
108Pozrite sa na to! Vidíte, pretože videl čas konca! Vidíte toho bohatého mladého muža? Ale on videl Ježiša, ako Ho vidíme vo videní, že čas konca je tým, na čom záleží. No, a on prijal Kristovo vodcovstvo a Mojžiš pokladal to pohanenie za väčšie poklady.
109Viete, niekedy, keď vy malí chlapci budete v škole, chlapci povedia zlé slová a budú chcieť, aby ste ich aj vy všetci povedali. Vy, mladé dievčatá, iné dievčatá budú hovoriť zlé veci a budú chcieť, aby ste ich aj vy všetky hovorili. Poviete, „Nie. Ja som Kresťanka.“
110Tie deti povedia, „Ó, si obyčajná padavka!“ Viete, idú takto na vás.
111Vidíte, postavte sa a povedzte, „Som za to rád.“ Rozumiete? Lebo to je to, čo urobil Mojžiš. Pokladal pohanenie Kristovo za väčšie poklady ako celý Egypt. Teraz ho nasledujme, ako bol vedený Kristom, a pozrime sa, čo urobil.
112No, vidíte, tento mladý muž bol bohatý, ten prvý mladý muž, ale nechcel Krista. Nechcel byť nasledovníkom Ježiša. A tak ho nachádzame ako veľmi populárneho, možno sa stal filmovou hviezdou a bol vynikajúci vo všetkých veciach, ktoré mohol robiť, a vo všetkom, čo chcel. Ale keď zomrel, nemal nikoho, kto by ho viedol. Takže jeho vzdelanie bolo dobré; jeho peniaze, to bolo dobré; ale keď prišla smrť, to bol koniec, nemohol to viac použiť. Nemohol si kúpiť cestu do neba. A on nemohol, skrze svoje vzdelanie nemohol ísť do neba. Rozumiete?
113Ale tento mladý muž mal všetky tieto veci. On mal tiež vzdelanie; bol múdry. Chodil do školy a jeho matka ho učila a mal dobré vzdelanie. A bol skutočne múdry, dokonca mohol učiť Egypťanov. Učil svojho učiteľa, bol taký múdry. Pozrite, aký bol múdry. Ale viete, nad tou všetkou bystrosťou, nad tým všetkým, čo mal; nad tým, aký mal potenciál, on jednako povedal, „Všetko to opustím, aby som nasledoval Ježiša.“ Viete, čo s ním urobili? Vyhnali ho. Stal sa zablateným otrokom ako tí ostatní.
114Ale jedného dňa, keď sa z neho stal dospelý muž, pásol ovce na zadnom konci púšte. A čo sa stalo? Povedal by mi niekto, čo sa stalo? Čo to bolo? [Nejaké dieťa hovorí, „V kríku bol Oheň.“ – pozn.prekl.] Je to tak, v tom kríku bol Oheň a to priťahovalo jeho pozornosť. Otočil sa. A viete čo?
115Povedali ste, „Uč deti.“ Teraz deti vstanú a budú učiť mňa. [Brat Branham sa smeje. – pozn.prekl.] A tak, tento malý chlapec, on je tu rovno na tej správnej značke. Kto je tvoj otec? [Dieťa hovorí, „Pán Shantz.“] Pán Shantz je tvoj otec. Ten chlapec bol vyučený, že? Každý jeden z nich, malé jasné očká, dívajú sa tým istým spôsobom, aby sa jeden dostal pred toho druhého, vidíte.
116Tak, teraz sa pozrite, urobil to a ten krík ho priťahoval a on povedal, „Odbočím a uvidím, čo to je.“
117A Boh povedal Mojžišovi, „Vyzuj si topánky, zem, na ktorej stojíš, je svätá. Vybral som si ťa, aby si išiel dolu a vyslobodil Môj ľud. Dávam ti moc; môžeš udrieť zem ranami, môžeš premeniť vodu na krv, môžeš priviesť blchy a vši. Nič ti neublíži. Vyberám si ťa.“ Prečo? Pretože on si vybral Krista. Rozumiete? Ty si si vybral Krista a On si vyberá teba. Rozumiete? Teraz On povedal, „Ty si si vybral Mňa a Ja som si vybral teba, aby si išiel tam dolu do Egypta.“
118A pozrite, čo urobil. Vyviedol dva milióny ľudí, dva milióny ľudí von, svojich ľudí, a priviedol ich do zasľúbenej zeme. A teraz, on nasledoval. Nasledujeme ho celou púšťou; a vy deti ste počuli brata Lea a brata Geneho a vášho otca a matku, ako vám hovorili, čo všetko sa stalo na púšti, ako priviedol chlieb z neba a nakŕmil hladných ľudí a všetky tieto veci.
119A teraz zisťujeme, že už je starcom, je skutočne starý, má stodvadsať rokov. A on je na púšti.
120A ľudia s ním dokonca nezaobchádzali pekne. Vidíte, niekedy sa ku vám ľudia, ktorí sa nazývajú Kresťanmi, nesprávajú pekne. Ale Ježiš s tebou vždy zaobchádza správne. Rozumiete? Tak teraz zisťujeme, že ľudia sa proti nemu vzbúrili, ale on aj tak zostal rovno s nimi. A bol vodcom a musel s nimi zostať. A Anjeli Pánovi sa s ním rozprávali. Nechceli by ste, aby sa to stalo aj vám? Potom urobte tú správnu voľbu a vyberte si Ježiša a On to urobí.
121No, potom zisťujeme, že na konci cesty skutočne zostarol. Nemohol viac kázať a jeho hlas bol tichý. A tak požehnal Józuu a vyšiel hore na vrch, aby zomrel.
122Viete, čo sa stalo, keď zomrel? Čo sa tam stalo? [Chlapec hovorí, „Zomrel a potom ho On vzkriesil z mŕtvych.“ – pozn.prekl.] To je presne tak. To je presne tak.
Teraz poviete, „Kde to je?“
123No, len chvíľu, ten chlapec má pravdu, vidíte. Bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych. Teraz... (Miriam, viem, že si to vedela. Aha.) Rozumiete? Teraz sa pozrite. On ho vzkriesil z mŕtvych. Prečo? Pretože o osemsto rokov neskôr tu v Palestíne stál so svojím Vodcom Ježišom, pričom povážil pohanenie Jeho Mena za väčšie poklady ako všetko bohatstvo Egypta. On to tak povážil. Jeho Vodca tam stál. Viete, On bol nazvaný...
124V Biblii, viete, tam bola Skala, ktorá išla s Izraelom. A keď bol Mojžiš pripravený zomrieť, vystúpil na túto Skalu. A tou Skalou bol Ježiš. Pamätáte si, keď o tom Ježiš hovoril v 6. kapitole svätého Jána?
No, tí ľudia povedali, „Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti!“
125Povedal, „Môj Otec vám dal tú mannu.“ Povedal, „Áno, jedli mannu. To je pravda. A všetci sú mŕtvi, pretože nepokračovali ďalej, vidíte.“ Povedal, „Všetci sú mŕtvi.“ Ale povedal, „Ja som Chlieb Života, ktorý prichádza od Boha z neba.“
126„Naši otcovia pili zo skaly. Mojžiš udrel tú skalu,“ a povedali, „a vyšli odtiaľ vody.“
Povedal, „Ja som tá Skala, ktorá bola s ním.“
127A pozrite, keď Mojžiš zomrel, vystúpil na tú skalu. Viete, čo sa stalo? Biblia povedala, že prišli Anjeli a vzali ho.
128Aký je to rozdiel od toho iného mladého muža! Ten mladý muž, vidíte, keď zomrel, nemal nikoho, kto by ho podržal, a tak sa len prepadol dolu cez tú temnotu do pekla a on je teraz tam.
129Potom, keď Mojžiš vystúpil zo života, keď odišiel, vzal si Vodcu. Jeho mama ho viedla správne, jeho otec ho učil správne. A potom, keď mal byť plnoletý, mladý muž, potom povedal, „Vidím večný Život, ak pôjdem dolu s týmito biednymi, zanedbávanými ľuďmi, ak pôjdem s nimi, pretože to je Boží ľud. Nemusím to urobiť. Mohol by som byť kráľom, ale nechcem byť kráľom. Môžem mať všetky peniaze, ktoré sú v Egypte, pretože budem ich vlastníkom. Nechcem ich. Radšej by som chodil s Ježišom,“ a potom, keď kráčal životom... A potom, keď vykročil zo života, tam bol jeho Vodca, ktorý ho vzal za ruku.
130Nechcete toho Vodcu? Či nechceme všetci, aby nás ten Vodca držal Svojou rukou?
131O stovky rokov neskôr bol videný so svojím veľkým Vodcom. On viedol... On si vybral vo svojej mladosti, a tak ho Boh držal.
132Viete čo? Ten boháč je v pekle, ten mladý boháč, ktorý to odmietol. Vidíte, pamätajte, mal vzdelanie, mal náboženstvo, chodil do cirkvi, bol dobrým človekom, ale odmietol Ježiša. Rozumiete?
133A tento mladý muž bol vzdelaný a mal náboženstvo, ale on chcel Ježiša. Vidíte, Mojžiš by bol oveľa bohatším človekom, ako bol tento mladý človek, pretože on mal len nejaké peniaze, pravdepodobne farmy a podobné veci a možno politiku, a tak ďalej, ale Mojžiš mal byť kráľom zeme. A on to všetko opustil.
134A viete čo, deti? Keď nebude žiaden Egypt a keď nebudú žiadne poklady, stále bude Mojžiš, pretože si vybral správnu vec. Rozumiete? Vybral si tú správnu vec, aby ho viedla.
135Keď už nebudú žiadne veľké pyramídy! Čítali ste o pyramídach v Egypte? V jednom z týchto dní budú prachom pod atómovou bombou. Všetko bohatstvo sveta, ľudia to vyhodia do vzduchu a budú kričať a hovoriť, že je to zažrané ako hrdza do ich tela a budú kričať a vrieskať. Vidíte, to pominie.
136Ale tí, ktorí prijímajú Ježiša, aby ich viedol, tí ľudia nikdy nezomrú. Majú večný Život. Hoci by tu prirodzene zomreli, Ježiš ich znovu vzkriesi.
137Musíte si vybrať. Vaša voľba bude určovať, aký bude váš večný cieľ. Pamätajte, Ježiš žiada každého jedného z nás, „Ak chceš Život, nasleduj Ma.“ Vidíte, vodcovstvo, „Nasleduj Ma. Budeš mať večný Život.“ A som si istý, že aj my dospelí z tohto tiež niečo máme. Ak chceš Život, musíš ho prijať. Ak chceš náboženstvo, prijímaš ho. Ak chceš... Čo musíte urobiť, čo prijmete, to je to, čo dostanete. Ale pre mňa a pre vás a pre tieto malé deti, pamätajte, máte pozvanie. Ježiš povedal, „Nasledujte Ma a majte večný Život.“ To je to, čo chceme robiť, že?
138No, koľkí z vás chcú skutočne nasledovať Ježiša, a hovoríte, „No, dobre, keď budem dosť veľký a starý, aby som si vybral a robil to, čo... Nestarám sa o to, koľko mám peňazí, aký som chudobný, koľko ľudí sa mi smeje, alebo všetko ostatné, chcem nasledovať Ježiša. Chcem urobiť Mojžišovu voľbu, nie toho bohatého mladého muža.“ Koľkí to chcú urobiť práve tu? No, naozaj to chcete urobiť?
139Chcem, aby ste sa so mnou postavili. Chcem, aby ste položili ľavú ruku na svoje srdce a pravú ruku držali zdvihnutú hore. Chcem, aby ste teraz zavreli oči a sklonili hlavy a len zopakovali po mne tieto slová. [Zhromaždenie opakuje každú vetu po bratovi Branhamovi v nasledujúcej modlitbe. – pozn.prekl.]
140Drahý Ježišu, [„Drahý Ježišu,“] sľubujem Ti svoj život. [„sľubujem Ti svoj život.“] Počul som túto kázeň, [„počul som túto kázeň,“] kde sa dvaja mladí muži rozhodli. [„kde sa dvaja mladí muži rozhodli.“] Nechcem ísť cestou toho bohatého mladého vládcu. [„Nechcem ísť cestou toho bohatého mladého vládcu.“] Ale chcem ísť cestou Mojžiša. [„Ale chcem ísť cestou Mojžiša.”] Som ešte len dieťa. [„Som ešte len dieťa.“] Veď ma, drahý Ježišu, [„Veď ma, drahý Ježišu,“] do večného Života. [„do večného Života.“] Amen. [„Amen.“]
Teraz skloňte hlavy.
141Drahý Ježišu, jedného dňa, na Tvojej púti tu na zemi, priniesli Ti také maličké deti, ku akým som dnes popoludní hovoril. A učeníci povedali, „Pán je príliš unavený. Dnes ráno kázal. Kázal tu i tam a je príliš unavený. Nerobte Mu starosti.“
142Ale, Ježišu, Ty si povedal, „Nechajte malé deti, aby prišli ku Mne, lebo takých je nebeské Kráľovstvo.“
143Pane Bože, prijmi dnes týchto malých chlapcov a dievčatá, ktorí sú tu v tejto škole spravodlivosti, tu, kde náš brat prišiel oddelene na okraj púšte, aby priviedol rodiny, ktoré túžia oddeliť sa od vecí sveta, aby putovali len pre Teba. A teraz sú tu ich maličkí, ktorí pozorujú životy svojho otca a matky, ako sme príkladmi vo všetkom, čo robíme. Ó, drahý Bože, Stvoriteľu neba a zeme, veď naše nohy, Pane, aby sme pred týmito maličkými neurobili nič, čo by im na ich cestu postavilo kameň úrazu. Lebo je povedané, že by bolo lepšie, keby sme mali na krku uviazaný mlynský kameň a boli by sme hodení do mora, ako aby sme jednému z týchto maličkých ublížili. Povedal si, „Ich Anjeli vždy hľadia na tvár Môjho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach,“ veľký Anjel a strážny Anjel nad každou z týchto malých duší.
144Ako dnes popoludní sedeli so svojimi malými očami, ktoré boli doširoka otvorené, dívali sa a odpovedali na otázky a počúvali tie malé príbehy z Biblie, o tom, ako títo dvaja mladíci urobili svoje rozhodnutia a každý jeden z nich zasvätil svoj život Tebe. Ó, Jehova Bože, veď ich a ochraňuj. A nech nájdu tohto veľkého Vodcu, Ježiša Krista, ktorý ich povedie, keď s nimi skončí ich otec a matka a učitelia. Nech ich Ty vovedieš do večného Života, ako si to urobil s Mojžišom, keď ku Tebe išla ich pokorná, malá detská modlitba. Dávam ich Tebe, Pane, ako Tvoj sluha, ako trofeje a drahokamy pre Tvoju korunu. Použi ich, Pane, aby Ťa uctili na zemi. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
145A vy, maličkí, môžete... No, máte teraz z toho lepší pocit? Viete, že Ježiš vás bude viesť a sprevádzať. Či tomu neveríte? A Ježiš vás, malých chlapcov, urobí podobných Mojžišovi a Miriam, prorokyňa a prorok, urobí z vás veľkých ľudí.
146No, my starší ľudia, ktorí sme Ho prijali, či tiež nechceme, aby nás On viedol ďalej? Chcem, aby ma viedol, aby viedol moje nohy a držal ma za ruku. Rozumiete? A dokonca, aj keď budem prichádzať k tej rieke, chcem Ho držať za ruku. My to všetci chceme, či nie?
147Drahý Ježišu, veď nás tiež, Otče. Teraz sa pripravujeme oddeliť jeden od druhého. Musím sa vrátiť do Tucsonu. Musím sa pripraviť na prichádzajúce zhromaždenia. Bože, porúčam túto skupinu ľudí, brata Lea a brata Geneho, a všetkých nasledovníkov, ktorí sú tu, do Tvojich rúk, aby si ich požehnal a miloval, odpúšťal všetky ich neprávosti, uzdravoval všetky ich choroby, udržoval ich stále v láske a obecenstve a aby si povzbudzoval tých, ktorí by boli unavení. A niekedy môže prísť satan a spôsobiť, že budú odradení, ale nech pamätajú, že Ty si prešiel tou istou vecou, odradením, opustením od ľudí na tejto zemi a od ľudí. A niekedy medzi najdrahšími priateľmi, dokonca aj vo vzťahoch, sme opustení. Ale je Jeden, ktorého sme si vybrali, On nás nikdy nezanechá, ani nás neopustí.
148Veď nás, Pane, do večného Života. Modlím sa, aby si nám dal, aby sme sa mohli stretnúť ešte mnohokrát na zemi a hovoriť o Tebe a rozprávať sa o Tebe. A potom v tom veľkom dni, keď svet bude zakončený a všetok čas vyprchal do večnosti, nech sa stretneme v tom veľkom Kráľovstve, ako neporušené rodiny, aby sme potom spolu žili naveky. Udeľ to, Pane. Dovtedy nech pracujeme, nech sa namáhame zo všetkých síl, zatiaľ čo slnko stále svieti. Lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
149Nech Boh žehná každého jedného z vás. [Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]
Skrze Jeho vodcovskú radu ťa podoprie,
Svojimi rukami ťa bezpečne objíme;
Nech je Boh s vami, dokiaľ sa znovu nestretneme!
Až sa stretneme! Až sa stretneme!
Až sa stretneme pri Ježišových nohách;
Až sa stretneme! Až sa stretneme! (Ďakujem, brat.)
Nech je Boh s vami, dokiaľ sa znovu nestretneme!
Nech vás Boh všetkých žehná.
1 [A group of children sing The Old-Time Religion--Ed.] If it's good enough for you all, it's good enough for us too.
2[A brother says, "Now they give their present for you."--Ed.] My, that's sweet. [The children give Brother Branham a gift.] Thank you. [A sister says, "Just a little gift, Brother Branham, the children saved their pennies and nickels. And...?..."] Thank you. Thank you, my little brother. Thank you, children. I sure thank you, very, very much. And God bless you.
3You know, Jesus said, "Insomuch as you give unto the least of these, you have done it to Me." You're the men and women of tomorrow. If there is a tomorrow, you will be there.
4 [Blank.spot.on.tape. A group sings another song--Ed.] I believe I could preach four hours now, after all that. I was beginning to think I was getting tired. No wonder you little girls can sing so well, you little girls and little boys; listen how your big sisters sing, and your mothers, wonderful singers. That's really pretty. Who is this little girl that led that song, aren't you the little girl I met across there? Sure have a beautiful voice; all of you. You just... I believe the best singing I have ever heard, is right here. You all practice that all the time? [A brother says, "No. That's how we sing."] Well, I tell you, you--you certainly are blessed with some real good singing.
5 I like good singing. I just love real good singing. I've always said, when I get to Heaven I want to get where they're singing, and listen. I never could get my fill of singing.
6You know, singing gives courage. You know that, don't you? The soldiers, when they're going to battle, you know what they do? They play music and sing, and things to give them courage. And when we're going to battle, we sing, and--and it gives us courage to go on.
7I thank you little fellows for that nice gift. And it's... Mrs. Branham, and from Rebekah, and Joseph, and Sarah, and all of us, we thank you very much. It's hard to say, how to tell them little fellows, "No. You saved your pennies. I--I don't want to take it." You know how I feel, I don't want to take it. But yet I looked in here and they had a ten-dollar bill in this card. I thought, "Can I take that?" I thought, "How can I do it?"
8 But I remember a little story I want you to know. One day there was a widow woman, she had a bunch of children, perhaps her... them little children's papa was gone. And she only had two pennies. And she come down the street, one time... And it was tithing money, just pennies like you all saved, and she threw it into the treasury of God. Jesus was standing there, watching her. And I have wondered, "What would I have done if I had been standing there?" I would probably run up and said, "No, no, sister, don't do that. We--we don't, really don't need it. You need it for them children." See? Now, I wouldn't have let her done it. But Jesus let her do it. See, He let her do it. Why? He knows it's more blessed to give than it is to receive. He knowed what He would do for her, see.
So I thank you little fellows, with all my heart.
9 I want to thank each and every one of you, for this fine time of fellowship, Brother Leo and Gene. This has actually been three days of worship, for me. Even out in the jungle, when I try to let myself go and think I was hunting, I somehow or another, I look at you and hear you talk. I had the privilege this afternoon to visit your homes. I never seen, walked into any, I'm going to call it a village, that I ever seen so many clean, neat homes and people, and so much respect for Christ and the Gospel. I--I never seen it anywhere. And you're certainly started on the right road, just keep going and God will be with you. And I got to see some of you. I seen, the other day, these sisters, I didn't even know them, 'cause all I could see would just be about their eyes and nose, out from under one of those hoods. And now I believe I know you better, through the courtesy of Brother Leo and Gene, who taken me around and visit your homes; and get to shake hands with the--the little children, the prophets and prophetesses of the age to come, if there is an age to come.
10 You know, Jesus loves little children. You know, He does. And there was a little boy, one time, named Moses, we're going to talk about him in just in a little bit. And he was a very fine... You know what made him, helped make him a fine boy? He had a good mother to raise him. See, that's what. She taught him about the Lord. And you little boys and girls has got the same kind of mothers to raise you, teach you about the Lord. Just mind them.
11You know what, you know what the first Commandment is in the Bible, the first Commandment with promise, with a promise? May be a little hard for you to understand these Commandments. The first Commandment, is, "Not to have any other god but Him." But the great Commandment... And the first Commandment that has a promise to it, see, is to the children. Did you know that? See, He said, "Children, obey your parents, which may lengthen the days upon the earth, that the Lord thy God has given thee." To mind your parents and do what you're doing, it may give you longer life upon the earth, that the Lord has given you, more time to serve Him.
12I hope, today, that I'm looking at a bunch of preachers and singers and evangelists of the day that is to come, if there is a day after ours.
13 And there is only one thing up here, you--you kill a fellow with kindness. I eat till I couldn't eat, and I--and I never was treated so much. If I had been an Angel, dropped out of Heaven, I couldn't have been treated any nicer. The only thing I can say to you, is, "Thank you." And when you're down Tucson way, I might not be able to treat you that nice, 'cause I don't know how; I haven't got the manners to do it, but I'll do the best I can. Come down.
14Brother and Sister Shantz, I want to certainly thank them. And I had the privilege of meeting your pretty, young daughter, and son, this afternoon. And--and for letting us have his home here open for worship. There was such things taking place in the Bible day, you know, that the Gospel was... I know it sounds very little. We, we would think it isn't. But this is just the same as God... to God, as them was in that day.
15Remember, if there would be another many years, they would look back here and say, "If I'd have only lived in the days up there at Prescott! If I'd have only lived..." See? Now we are living in that day. See? Then we come down to the end of the road, then we wait for our reward at the big Day.
16 Now we're going to open the Word of God and read. But just before we do, let us speak to Him just a moment.
17Dear Jesus, I cannot express my--my feelings and my gratitude towards Brother Mercier, Brother Goad, and all these fine people and their little children, of how kind they have showed us since we've been here. The kindness is beyond anything that we expected. And we know that they were lovely and sweet. But we didn't know that we would be treated in such a real royal way. And, Lord, I pray that Your Presence will always be in this camp of people, the Holy Spirit will fill every heart here, and You will give them Eternal Life. And may we, as we enjoy today, may there be an endless Day that when we'll meet in the Presence of Him Who we are worshiping and love, and give all praise for these things. Till that time, Lord, keep us loyal to Him and to His Word. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.
18 Now, I had you so long this morning, I'll try and make it real quick this afternoon, and talk in a way that may be to little fellows, and the older will understand, too.
19I want to read a--a Scripture here, found in the Book of Saint Mark, and I want to read from the 17th verse of the 10th chapter of Saint Mark, a portion.
And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeling down and asking him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?
And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, and that is, God.
Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.
And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I done, obeyed, observed (rather) from my youth.
Then Jesus beholding him loved him, this young fellow; and he said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasures in heaven: and come, take up thy cross, and follow me.
And he was sad at this saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.
20 Now to the children, and to the adults and all, I want to make this little Message just as timely as I can, and as quick as I can. And I want to take for a text, "follow Me," and I want to take for a subject: Leadership. Follow, and someone to lead; Leadership, and "follow Me." The young, the people, the...
21Remember that, the first step that any of us ever made, somebody led us. You mothers remember the first steps that junior and the little girl made, and they don't remember it no more. But somebody led you to your first step. I remember Billy Paul when he made his first step, Joseph and all of them, when they made their first step.
22 It's usually a mother that gets to lead a child to its first step, 'cause she is home while the daddy is out working, trying to make a living. But, it's, they make their first step. And at nighttime when they come in, the father, he is always saying. "Oh, dad," she said, "Johnny and Mary," the little boy or girl, "can walk! Come and look!" And just one step, maybe mother had to hold; had to hold mother's finger, 'cause you was kind of weak, and kind of turned sideways, you know, and fall down a little. So you had to hold to mama's hand, to make your first step.
23Now, somebody helped you, when you made your first step. And your--your last step you ever make in life, somebody will be leading you. See, that's right. I want you to remember that. Your first step, somebody led you. And your last step, somebody will be leading you.
24 We have to be led. You know, God likened us unto sheep. And did you know a sheep can't lead itself? He'll wander away and stray away, and he--he just can't lead himself. And he has to have somebody to lead him. And sometime... The shepherd is supposed to lead the sheep. Now that was back in the days of the Lord Jesus, He was the good Shepherd that led the sheep.
25But today, you see, we're living in another day, everything is changed and perverted. You know what man has to lead sheep today? A goat. And you know where that goat leads them? Right into the slaughter. Them little sheep don't know where they're going, so the goat goes up a--a pen, up at the slaughter, and the sheep don't know no more than to follow a leader, so it leads them right up into this slaughter. And then the goat jumps over the track, and the sheep goes in and gets killed. See, the goat, a wrong leader.
26But Jesus, the good Shepherd Who led the sheep, He led them to Life and held their hand. See, but somebody has to lead the sheep.
27 The first is the mother's kindness, then the father's word. After the mother gives you your first step, then you look to your daddy, all of us, for wisdom, because he is the head of the house. And he usually... Not that he's any smarter, but he--he's just made a leader of his family, so we follow what our daddy says do. When he says, "Now, son, I would like for you to do a certain--certain thing," then we listen to him because it's wisdom. But listen, see, he has learned a whole lot and we've got to ask him, to see what he learned, and then we can profit by his, what he has learned. He tells us, "Now don't go and do this, because I did that. My father told me not to do it, but I did it, and it caused this to happen to me, something bad." So, see, we'll... Then he, daddy, tells us how to do, and what to do right.
28 Then after mother leads us, till a time we have to get a little wisdom, to understand, from daddy, then we get another. We get another leader, and that's a teacher, a good school teacher. She tries to teach you and give you an education, to fit you better in life, for a place, a position that you can--you can read your Bible and you can read the songs, and you can learn of God and read, yourself, you see. And then, another thing, maybe you'd have business, and somebody write you a letter, mama, daddy, somebody write you a letter, you couldn't read it. See? So the teacher, she has you then, and she leads you to--to--to learn to write and to read. And it's a good thing, a good teacher, to teach you right. But now after you leave that, you, after you leave the teacher, one teacher after the other one, from a little primer, a little first grade, on till you get out of high school or go to college. Then when you leave college, and then the teacher is through leading you. See?
29 Now, mama has taught you to walk, see. Papa has taught you how to be brilliant and a nice young man, and how to take care of yourself and behave yourself. The teacher has taught you an education, how to read and write right. But now you are leaving papa, you are leaving mama, and you are leaving the teacher, now somebody has to take you from here on. Now who do you want to take you from here on? [A child says, "Jesus."--Ed.] That's right. Jesus, to take you from there on. Now, that's a very good answer, very fine. Jesus takes you from there on.
30 Now you see this young fellow that we're talking about, he is called the rich young ruler. Now, this fellow, he had been guided pretty well. Now, his mother had taught him to walk. And, you see, he was yet a young man, maybe just out of high school, and a very popular young man. And by being well trained, maybe walked correct, and so forth, how his mother had taught him.
31And he had been a--a successful young man, too, because, look, he was already rich. And he was just a--a young man, maybe eighteen years old, just out of high school, and he was rich. Now, you see, he had the right kind of a teacher to teach him to walk right. And he had a right kind of a teacher, his father; till even at yet a young man and he was--he was rich in money, he had made him a lot of money. He might have been a real... He was a ruler, even at that age, very successful. See? And now he had a--a teacher that had taught him, taught him the right thing, how he would. He had his education.
32And then another teacher this young man had had, which that depends on how you're raised up, but this young man had a religious teaching in his home.
33 Now, some children, did you know there is a lot of little children that don't have any religious teaching at home? Their father and mother don't believe in God. And their father and mother, drink, smoke, fight, and run out, at one another, at night, and things, and don't cook their little boy's and girl's suppers, and things. Aren't you glad you got a real good Christian father and mother? Now, when you have children, don't you want to be the same kind of a father and mother as your father and mother is? See? Now, but that's all good.
34 Now, this young man had had, and he had a religious teaching. See, that was far beyond what some of them had, 'cause they don't have religious teaching. But this young man had had religious teaching, because, see, because he said he kept the Commandments since he was a boy.
35Now you all got good religious teachers, too, each one of you. And you little teen-age girls and boys, you all had good teachers, your father and mother here in this camp, got everything that you... every potential that you know, that's possible, for you to make a real good man and woman, a servant to God.
36Because, remember, you're going to die someday, or either be translated into Heaven. And if you die before His Coming, you will be raptured first. Did you know that? Did you know those who are dead... If mama and papa dies before you do, and Jesus doesn't come in our generation, do you know these, papa and mama, will come forth first, glorified, before you? See? The trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first, and then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up with them. We'll be changed like that. We've got to remember, that's the main thing in life. You understand now? That's the main thing in life, we got to do, is to get ready to meet God.
37 Now, just religion won't work. See, this one young ruler here, he said, "Good Master..." Now remember, before I say it. He had been taught to walk right. He had a good education. He had been taught business. And was rich, and was a ruler, and had religion. But he was confronted with another problem, and it confronts all of us, Eternal Life. Religion doesn't give us Eternal Life. Religious, is a covering, but it don't give us Eternal Life. And yet, him taught with the best teachers there was, he was yet lacking something. And the young man knew it, because he said, "Good Master, what can I do to inherit Eternal Life?"
38Now, you, you believe Jesus is God, don't you? So He knew the thoughts of the young man, so He said, "Keep the Commandments." He went right back to his religion, to see what he would say about his religion. He said now, in other words, "Keep your religion."
39He said, "I have did this, since a boy," little boys like you. "My mama and papa, and my priest, taught me religion. But I know, in my religion, that I still don't have Eternal Life." See?
40 You can be good. Don't steal. Don't smoke. Don't lie. Don't lie to papa and mama. Don't tell that first lie, 'cause, one tell one, then it's easy to tell another one, see. But you mustn't do that. Don't tell the first one.
41Did you know your body is not made to lie? You know, they got a device now, it's--it's on your nerves. They can put a little band around your wrist here, and put one across your head, and then you can say there, say you say, "I--I--I lied about that, but I can say it so easy that they--they will believe that I'm telling it the truth." And you can say...
42They would say, "Was you at a certain place, like did you sit in that Brother Shantz's trailer, while Brother Branham preached, Sunday afternoon on this day?"
And you say, "No, sir. I didn't sit there. No, sir."
43You know what that lie detector will say? "Yes, sir, you did. Yes, sir, you did."
You say, "I did not."
It'll say, "Yes, you did."
44Why? Because a lie is such a horrible thing. The body wasn't made to lie. And it's such a horrible thing, till it upsets the whole nerve system, when you lie. Whew! Upset like that, will give you ulcers, fungus growth, it'd kill you. And then a lie is a bad thing, 'cause, see, you're not supposed to lie, to steal, to do any of these things.
45 Now, so this young man had probably been... he hadn't lied, he never stole, and he was conscious that he needed ever, Eternal Life. So he said, "What can I do to have It?"
46And Jesus is showing here now that religion won't do it. So He sent right back to him, and said, "Keep the Commandments."
47He said, "Master, I have did this since I was a little boy, or little, when just a little bitty fellow I did this." But he knowed he didn't have Eternal Life. So He said then, "If you would enter into Life, Eternal Life, want to be perfect, then go sell what..."
48See, now, it's all right to have money. See, it's all right to have money, be rich. And be a ruler, that's all right. But it--it's the way you act after you become that, see.
49He said, "Go sell what you've got, and give it to the poor, them people that hasn't got anything; then come, follow Me, and you will have treasures in Heaven." But the young man had so much money till he didn't know what to do with it. Now, see, he was very popular, that young man was.
50 And he--he--he was well equipped for life, the way his father and mother, and the priests and all of them, had equipped him, but still he knowed he was lacking something. Now I'm talking to the adults. He, he knowed he was lacking something here. He didn't have Eternal Life. He knew it. See?
51Religion won't produce Eternal Life. Forms, sensation, you feel something; you--you could get scared, and feel something. See? Crying, that's good; shouting, that's good; but that still ain't It, see. You are confronted with Eternal Life.
52You say, "Well, I have been just a staunch Baptist, Methodist, or Presbyterian, or Pentecostal." That still isn't the question.
53This young man was, too, he was taught in the religion of the day, but he still didn't have Eternal Life, so he wanted to know what to do. He had been guided successful, to This. But when he was confronted with It, he refused to be guided to Eternal Life, or to be led. His other leaders had had such a hold on him until he didn't want to turn it loose. See?
54 Now, that is something like what Brother Branham is saying. Some of it a little too deep for you, see.
55Education is fine, you should go to school and learn. See, that's good, but that won't save you. To have plenty of money, that's good, you could raise your children, give them good clothes and things. And like papa and mama has worked for you all, and things. That's good, but that still won't save you. See? Or, you could get in a laboratory and learn how to put different things together, or split atoms, or whatever they do, and--and get in a--a rocket and--and go to the moon, but that won't save you.
56 You've got to face one thing, Eternal Life, and there is only one Person Who can give That to you. Mama can't give It to you. Papa can't give It to you. Your pastor can't give It to you. Your leader here can't give It to you. Everybody that gets Eternal Life has got to come to Jesus Christ. He is the only One Who can give That part.
57Your teacher can give you an education, she can teach you; you have to learn it. Your--your mother can teach you to walk; you have to learn to walk. Your father can teach you how to be a businessman, or what; you have to learn that. But only Jesus can give you Eternal Life. See?
58Your priest, your leader, or so forth, can teach you your religion, you can learn the Message that we are trying to teach, but still that won't give you Eternal Life. You've got to accept the Person, Jesus Christ. You understand that, all of you? Got to accept the Person, Jesus Christ, to have Eternal Life. Now, but sometimes other leadership gets so much influence on us till we don't know what to do then when that--that time comes.
59 Now, what a fatal thing it is to reject the leadership to Eternal Life, because, see, that's Life that never can end. Now, the education, that's fine, that'll help us here. Business, that's fine. Money, that's fine. Be a good boy and girl, that's fine. But, you see, when life is finished here, that's all. You understand? You adults understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See, that's all. But then we've got to accept Jesus Christ, for Eternal Life. Jesus alone can lead you to That.
60And though, see, this young man had achieved all these things in school, and by his parents and everything, he--he lost the greatest thing that he could have had, the leadership of the Holy Spirit, for Jesus said, "Come, follow Me."
61 And you girls that's just getting out of school, you graduate probably, some of you, pretty soon, and you young boys; the greatest leadership there is is Jesus Christ, for that's the Leadership to Eternal Life. Now, this Leadership confronts every human being, they are given the opportunity to choose.
62And that's one great thing we have in life, is to choose. Someday... You know, papa and mama, they chose to have a nice little boy and girl, like you--you all are.
63Then, you--you have a right, after a while, to choose whether you want to learn from the teacher, or not. The teacher can teach you, but you can just be a--a little bad boy, you just won't learn; a little, bad girl, won't listen at all. See, you--you have a choice to do that, yet you're little.
And mother say, "Did you get A's on your report card?"
"No, I got very poor." See, now you can...
64Mother say, "Now you have to study." And you have to do that then, keep studying like mother told you, like daddy told you. See, you have to study.
65But you have a choice, you can do it or not do it. You can say, "I don't want to." See, you have a choice.
66 After a while, you'll have a choice of what girl you are going to marry, what boy you're going to marry.
67You have a choice everywhere in life. And then you've got a choice, again, to whether you want to live after this life; or just be a good, popular person, a movie star, or a dancer, or something another.
68And look at these little girls here with that pretty voice, a while ago, singing. That child had to cultivate that voice, and she'd be an opera singer, or some singer. I hear these little boys' voices, these boys, you could be like an Elvis Presley, selling your birthright. See, you don't want that. See, it's a talent God gave you, and you've got to choose who, where you're going to use that talent, for God, or whether you're going to use it for the Devil. See?
69 Brother Leo here, your brother, see, now he had a talent, to come and lead people. Now what's he going to do with it? Is he going into business and make hisself a millionaire; or should he come out here and make a home where people that wants to come together and get all you little children? See, you have to choose what you're going to do.
70Each one of us has to make a choice. And it's confronted to us. But we're all confronted with this one thing: "What are we going to do about Eternal Life? We going to live hereafter, or not?" Then we have to come to Jesus, to get That. The opportunity of choosing, that's one thing God gave us. He don't force something on us. He just lets us make our own choice. So you have to not be forced, but just make your own choice.
71 Now let's just follow this, adults and all now, for a few minutes, and the children, all together. Let's follow this young man, and the choice that he made, and see where it led him.
72Now, these girls with that pretty voices, these young boys. Now maybe you come up and be you would have a voice to sing. Now just take that one thing, you could, my, you might someday take it, "I..."
73You know this boy called Elvis Presley? You've heard my tapes. You've heard how I don't degrade the boy, but that boy was had the opportunity that you all got. See, and what he... He found out he could sing. And watch what he did, just the same thing Judas did, Judas Iscariot, he sold out Jesus. Jesus gave that boy that good voice. And what does he do? Turn around and sell it out to the Devil. See, he's got to come to the end of the road. See? He refused to walk with Jesus.
74 Now this young fellow here, this rich young ruler, he did the same thing. Let's follow and see what he done. No doubt, with the great man that he was, probably a handsome young man, dark hair combed down on the side, nice clothes. The young ladies thought, "Boy, that's a handsome young man!" Oh, they would. He would maybe wave at them, and they would flirt back with him, and things.
75And he thought he was a great fellow, person, see, because he was handsome, he was young. He wasn't looking down there at the end of the road. He was just looking here. "I'm young. I'm handsome. I'm rich. I can buy anything I want to. I can take these girls, and, boy, they all like me. And they know I'm a great man." And, see, he had all that. He had followed the instructions of his father, and everything. "And I'm very religious. I go to church." And now he could follow that, see; very popular, rich, and famous. And, and he...
76 Just like today, like you had the opportunity to become a movie star, see, or something like that. Most young kids today, you talk to them, they know more about these movie stars than they know about Jesus. You see? And, see, you--you children are learning about Jesus. Where they sit down, and some play come on on a movie, or something another, they know the actors and all there, all about it. They know all that better than That. You tell them about the Bible, they don't know nothing about Bible. See, it's making the wrong choice. Now, some singer selling their God-given talent, for fame!
77 Then we see him at life's end. Let's follow him a little further. You know what the Bible says about this young fellow? He become more successful. So, sometimes success don't mean that you've made the right choice. You know what he did? He went out and had all big times, and throwed big parties, and spent lots of money and everything, on the girls and everything. And then he got married and maybe had a family. And--and he--he just increased so much till he had to build new barns and things. And he said, "You see, I didn't follow Jesus, and look what I got!" See?
78You may hear people say that, and I have, "Well, look, He's blessed me." That don't mean it all. See?
79And after a while his barns swelled till even he said, why, even, "Soul, take your rest. I've got so much money and so much success! And I'm such great man! I belong to all the clubs. And I have the riches of the world in my hands. I own great sums of land and sums of money, and, why, my, there everybody likes me, a very fine person to be."
80But you know, the Bible said that, that night, God said to him, "I'm going to require your soul."
81 Then what did happened? Now there was a beggar, a poor old Christian that layed out there by his gate. And just when they...
82Up in Jerusalem, over there, they--they eat up on top of the house. And the bread crumbs fall off like this, and the pieces of meat, and so forth, hit the floor when they drop them. And they don't pick them up, because everything in Jerusalem, the old city, it--it's...
83Is it all right to say a little joke here? They're f-o-b. You know what that is? Flies on the bread, flies on the beef, flies on the butter, f-o-b, flies on everything. They got out in the street, in the gutters and everything, and fly in and get right up on it.
84So these people up there, they get up on top of the--of the building. And they eat, and then they drop this off, and then they sweep that off. And the dogs, in the streets, eats the crumbs. And he let this poor old Christian lay there in the street and just eat the crumbs that dropped from his plate from his bed, or from his table.
85And then when he got in, after a while, he had sores, and he didn't have anything to put on his sores. His name was Lazarus. And the dogs come and licked his sores so he could try to get well.
86 Well, you know, after a while, this rich man, when, he saw he had money to buy all kinds of medicine, if he got sick, have all kinds of doctors. But, you know, sometimes doctors can't help us, medicine won't help us, nothing can help us; we're at the mercy of God. And he come down to the end of his road; the doctors couldn't help him, and the nurses couldn't help him, and medicine couldn't help him, and he died. And then when his soul left his body, see, it left all of his money, all of his education, everything that he had, all of his popularity. They give him a great big funeral, maybe half-masted the flag, and--and the mayor of the city come, and they, and the preacher come and--and said, "Our brother now has gone to Glory," and all like that.
87But the Bible said, that, "He lifted up his eyes in hell, in torment, and looked way across that great gulf there, and seen that beggar that had been laying, there in his door, over in Heaven. And he cried, 'Send Lazarus down here with a little water. These flames are tormenting.' Said, 'Oh, no. See, you took the wrong choice in life.'"
88 See, when he come to the end of the road, to step out of life! He had been led by religion. He had been led by education. He had been led by the influence of his--of his success. But, you see, he had nothing to hold his hand, those things end there. You understand, little fellow? You adults do. What I'm... See, he had nothing to hold him. His money couldn't hold him. His friends with the doctors couldn't hold him. Medicine couldn't hold him. His priest, his religion, couldn't hold him. So, there was only one thing for him to do. He had--he had refused to accept Jesus, Eternal Life. So what did he have to do? Sink down into death, into hell. What a fatal mistake that young man had when he refused to walk with Jesus, be led by Jesus. He refused to do it.
89So many young people are making that mistake, today, refusing to be led by the--by the Lord Jesus. Now we see what a fatal thing it is to refuse Eternal Life and be led by Jesus, a Leadership, when He said, "Come, follow Me."
90 See what this handsome little man said this afternoon? When you get out of school, when you get away from, you need another leader, but let that be Jesus. And Jesus is the Bible. Do you believe that? This is Jesus' Life and His Commandments to us, in letter form. So we have to look into This, to see. This is the blueprint. This is the map that He told us to follow, to--to begin Eternal Life.
Now we find out that this young man was lost.
91 Now let's take another. Would you like, would you have time to take another rich young ruler, that made the right move? Would you like to hear that? All right, we'll try it now. Now let us take another rich young ruler who was confronted with the same thing. Now we see where that boy went, that lived a pretty good life, but died and was lost in hell. And now here we're going to talk about another young man who was confronted with the same thing. He was a rich man, a young man, and was a ruler, and, but he accepted the leadership of Christ; like the little boy told us a while ago, that we should let lead us. He accepted it.
92 The Scripture for this is found, if you want to look it up after I get through, see, is in Hebrews, the 11th chapter, and the 23rd to the 29th verse. Let me just read It. Is that all right? You'll bear with me just a little bit, won't you? You don't mind if I don't, will you? See? So we just... We'll just read this, then you say, "I heard Brother Branham read this out of the Bible." See? And you know it's there then. It wasn't what I said, it's what He said. Now you listen here, of what the Bible said here of this nice fellow, see. Now look.
By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment.
By faith Moses, when he... come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; (listen)
Choosing rather to suffer the affliction with the people of God, than to suffer the pleasures of sin for a season;
Esteeming the reproach of Christ...
93Way back in Moses' time, it was still Christ. See? He is the only One has Eternal Life. See?
94"Esteeming the reproach," to be called a fanatic, holy-roller, or something like that, you know. See?
Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of... reward.
95 Now you know what that means? It means this, that, Moses was borned a poor boy, real poor. His father's name was Amram. His mother's name was Jochebed. And they were real poor, but they were Christians. They worked hard. They was in slavery. They had to make mud bricks, and things, for the old king. You know what? That king's daughter went down, one day, to the river where mother...
96Moses' mother, Jochebed, had taken him and put him in a little raft out on the river like that. And the old crocodiles had eaten up all the little babies; and they were killing them, throwing them out into the river. But she put him right out there. And you know how she got them crocodiles away from him? She made this little--little ark she put him in, she made it out of pitch. You know what that is? It's turpentine. An old 'gator would come up, say, "Hum, a little fat Hebrew, I'll get him!" Hear him crying like that. Went over there, "Whew! What a smell! Uh!" See? See, the mother was led, how to protect her baby. So he backed off from it, he didn't want nothing to do with that.
97And then he went on down the river, a little farther. And his little sister, named Miriam, followed him down the river, watched what...
98 And then Pharaoh's daughter come out and was going to get him, you know, and she pulled him out. You know, all... You know, your mother thinks you're the prettiest child in the world; see, she should do that. But the Bible said this little boy was really pretty, really a fair little boy. And, oh, he was just screaming and kicking his little heels. He was missing his mama, see. And so you know what happened? Then God put in Pharaoh's daughter, the king's daughter, all the love that a mother could have for a little baby. Her heart just fell for him. She said, "That's my baby."
99But, you know, she was a young woman. See, them days they didn't have these bottles that you, the babies, was raised on, so they had to go get a mother that was, had had a baby, and had, that could nurse.
100So Miriam was right there on hand, she said, "I'll go get you the right mother."
"Well, you go get her."
101You know who Miriam went and got? Moses' own mother. That's right. Yeah, went and got. That was wisdom, wasn't it? And so then went and got Moses' own mother. And she said, "I'll take and raise the little boy for you."
102 She said, "You know what, I'm going to give you three hundred dollars, a week, to raise that baby. And you can stay in the palace." See how God does when you trust Him, see, when you're sure of faith. That baby was a prophet, see, and she knowed.
103So they went into the palace and--and she raised Moses, and the mother, the own mother, and got three hundred dollars, a week, to take care of everything. Just think of that!
104And then, you know, after a while, after that went on for a little while, Moses begin to get old enough to read and write. She taught him how to read and write. And then she told him, said, "Moses, you are borned a correct child. Your father and I have prayed. God has revealed to us that you're a prophet, and you're going to be a deliverer of the people, in the days that is to come."
105 And you know, when he got big, then what was he? He was adopted into the king's family. Oh, my! He didn't have to...
106And he looked out on his own people, and they didn't have no clothes. They were Christians, and they were crying. And them old taskmasters whipping them with whips, and the blood fly out of their back. His--his cousins and uncles, papa and mama, all of them; whipping them with whips, out there in them mud pits. And so, but Moses, being something way down in his heart, he knew that they were God's promised people. He knew it.
107Now, the next thing he was going to do was to become king. He would be king over everything, a rich man, my, all the money of Egypt. And Egypt controlled the world, at that time. But, look, the Bible said, "he esteemed the reproach," to be a mud dauber like out there, a Christian. When they made fun of them, and laughed at them, kicked them. If they said anything back, they killed them. See? But Moses chose to go with that group instead of being called the king's son.
108Look at that! See, because he seen the end time! See that rich young man? But he seen Jesus, like we see Him in a vision, that the end time is what is going to pay. Now, and he accepted Christ's leadership, and Moses esteemed the reproach greater treasures.
109 You know, sometime when you little boys in school, little boys will say bad words and they want you all to say them. You little girls, little girls will say bad things and want you all to say them. You say, "No. I'm a Christian."
110They say, "Ah, you big sissy!" You know, go onto you like that.
111See, stand up, say, "I'm glad to be that." See? Cause, see, that's what Moses did. He esteemed the reproach of Christ greater treasures than all of Egypt. Now let us follow him, led by Christ, and see what he did.
112 Now, see, this young man was rich, the first young man, but he didn't want Christ. He didn't want to be a follower of Jesus. And so we find him very popular, perhaps become a movie star, and great everything, in all the--the things that he could do, and everything he wanted. But when he died, he didn't have anybody to lead him. So, his education, that was good; his money, that was good; but when death come, that was all, he couldn't use it no more. He couldn't buy his way up to Heaven. And he couldn't, by his education, he couldn't go to Heaven. See?
113 But this young man now, he had all these things. He had education, too. He's smart. He went to school, and his mother taught him, and--and he had a good education. And he was real smart, till, even he could teach the Egyptians. He taught his teacher, he was so smart. Look how smart he was. But, you know what, above all that smartness, above all that he had, the potentials he had, he still said, "I'll forsake it all, to follow Jesus." You know what they done with him? They run him out. He become a--a mud slave like the rest of them.
114But one day when he become a grown man, he was herding sheep on the back side of the desert. And what happened? Anybody tell me what happened? What was it? [A child says, "There was a Fire in the bush."--Ed.] That's right, there was a Fire in the bush, and It attracted his attention. He turned aside. And you know what?
115Instead of teaching children, now the children are going to get up and teach me. [Brother Branham laughs--Ed.] So, and this little boy here, he is right on the--right on the mark. Who is your daddy? [The child says, "Mr. Shantz."] Mr. Shantz is your daddy. That boy has been taught, hasn't he? Each one of them little bright eyes looking the same way, one to get ahead of the other one, you see.
116 So now look, he did, and that--and that--that bush attracted him, on fire, and he said, "I will turn aside and see what it is."
117And God said to Moses, "Take off your shoes, the ground you're standing on is holy. I have chosen you to go down and deliver My people. I'm giving you power; you can smite the earth with plagues, you can turn the water into blood, you can bring fleas and lice. Nothing is going to harm you. I choose you." Why? Because he chose Christ. See? You choose Christ, and He chooses you. See? Now He said, "You chose Me, and I have chose you to go down there in Egypt."
118And look what he done. He led two million people, two million people out, his people, and brought them into the promised land. And, now, he followed. We follow him all through the wilderness; and you children has heard Brother Leo and Brother Gene, and your papa and mama, tell you what all taken place in the wilderness, how he brought bread down out of heaven and fed the hungry people, and all these things.
119 And now we find out, he is an old man now, he's real old, he is one hundred and twenty years old. And he is in the wilderness.
120And the people didn't treat him nice, even. See, sometimes people that call themselves Christians don't treat you nice. But Jesus always treats you right. See? See? So we find now that the people rebelled against him, but he stayed right with them, anyhow. And he was the leader, and he had to stay with them. And the Angels of the Lord talked to him. Wouldn't you love to have that happen to you? Then make the right choice, and choose Jesus, and He'll do it.
121Now, then we find out, the end of the road, he got real old. He couldn't preach no more, and his voice got low. So he blessed Joshua, and went up on top the hill, to die.
122You know what happened when he died? There, what, what happened? [A boy says, "He died, and then He raised him from the dead."--Ed.] That's exactly right. That's exactly right.
Now you say, "Where is that at?"
123Now, just a minute, the boy is right, see. He was raised up from the dead. Now, and...?... See? See? Now look. He raised him up from the dead. Why? Because, eight hundred years later, here he was over in Palestine, standing with his Leader yet, Jesus, who esteemed the reproach of His Name greater treasures than all the riches of Egypt. He esteemed... His Leader was standing there. You know, He was called...
124 In the--in the Bible, you know, there was a Rock that went with Israel. And when Moses got ready to die, he stepped up on this Rock. And that Rock was Jesus. You remember when Jesus was talking, in--in Saint John, the 6th chapter?
Well, he said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness!"
125Said, said, "My Father gave you that manna." He said, "Yeah, they eat manna. That's right. And they're, every one, dead, because they wouldn't keep on going on, see." Said, "They're, every one, dead." But said, "I am the Bread of Life that come from God out of Heaven."
126"Our fathers drank from a Rock. Moses smote the Rock," and said, "and the waters came forth."
He said, "I am that Rock that was with him."
127And look, when Moses died, he stepped onto that Rock. You know what happened? The Bible said that "Angels" come and got him.
128What a difference from that other young man! That young man, see, when he died, he didn't have nobody to hold him, so he just sank down through the darkness, into hell, and he's there now, there.
129 Then when Moses stepped out of life, when he went, he had took a Leader. His mama led him right, his father taught him right. And then when he got to be of age, a young man, then he said, "I see Eternal Life, if I will go down with these poor, neglected people, and walk with them, because they are God's people. I don't have to. I could be a king, but I don't want to be a king. I can have all the money there is in Egypt, 'cause I'm going to be owner of it. I don't want it. I would rather walk with Jesus," and then when he walked through life. And then when he started to step out of life, there was his Leader that takes him by hand.
130Don't you want that Leader? Don't we all want that Leader to hold him by His hand?
131Hundreds of years later, he was seen with his great Leader. He had led. He made the--he made the choice, of his youth, and so therefore God was holding him.
132 You know what? The rich man is in hell, that one young rich man that refused. See, now remember, he had education, he had religion, he went to church, he was a good man, but he refused Jesus. See?
133And this young man, he was educated, and he had religion, but he wanted Jesus. See, Moses would have been a much richer man than--than this young fellow would have been, 'cause he just had some money, probably farms and things like that, and maybe politics and so forth, but Moses was to be king over the earth. And he forsook all of that.
134And you know what, children? When there is no Egypt, and when there is no treasures, there will still be a Moses, because he chose the right thing. See? He chose the right thing to lead him.
135When there is no more big pyramids! You read about the pyramids in Egypt? One of these days, they'll be dust, under the atomic bomb. All the riches of the world, people will throw it in the air, and scream, and say it's cankered into their flesh, and scream and howl. See, it will pass away.
136But them who accept Jesus to lead them, they'll never die. They have Eternal Life. Though they die naturally here, Jesus will raise them up again.
137 You must make a choice. Your choice will determine what your eternal destination will be. Remember, Jesus asks each one of us, "Follow Me if you want Life." See, leadership, "Follow Me. You'll have everlasting Life." And I'm sure, even to us adults, we get something out of this, too. If you want Life, you have to accept It. You want religion, you accept it. If you want... What you have to do, what you accept, that's what you'll get. But to me and to you, and to these little children, remember, you have an invitation. Jesus said, "Follow Me, and have Eternal Life." That's what we want to do, don't we?
138Now how many of you wants to really follow Jesus, and you say, "Well, well, when I get big enough and old enough to make my choice, and to do what... I don't care how much money I got, how poor I am, how much people laugh at me, or everything else, I want to follow Jesus. I want to make Moses' choice, not the rich young man"? How many wants to do that right here? Now you really want to do it?
139 I want you to stand up with me. I want you to put your left hand on your heart, and you hold your right hand up. I want you to close your eyes now and bow your head, and just say these words after me. [The congregation repeats each phrase after Brother Branham, in the following prayer--Ed.]
140Dear Jesus, ["Dear Jesus,"] I pledge my life to You. ["I pledge my life to You."] I have heard this sermon, ["I have heard this sermon,"] where two young men made their choice. ["where two young men made their choice."] I do not want to go the way of the rich young ruler. ["I do not want to go the way of the rich young ruler."] But I do want to go the way of Moses. ["But I do want to go the way of Moses."] I am just a child, yet. ["I am just a child, yet."] Lead me, Dear Jesus, ["Lead me, Dear Jesus,"] to Eternal Life. ["to Eternal Life."] Amen. ["Amen."]
Now you bow your head.
141 Dear Jesus, one day, in Your pilgrimage here on earth, they brought to You such little fellows as I have been speaking to this afternoon. And the disciples said, "The Master is too tired. He preached this morning. He preached, this and that, and He is too tired. Don't trouble Him."
142But, Jesus, You said, "Suffer the little children to come to Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."
143Lord God, today receive these little boys and girls here, in this school of righteousness, here where our brother has come apart into the side of the wilderness here, to bring out the families that desire to separate themselves from the things of the world, to sojourn only for You. And now their little ones are here, watching the lives of their father and mother, as we--we are examples in all that we do. O Dear God, Creator of Heavens and earth, guide our feet, Lord, that we'll not do nothing before these little ones, that would put a stumbling block in their way. For it is said, it would be better that we have a millstone tied at our neck, and be cast into the sea, than to offend one of these little ones. You said, "Their Angels always behold My Father's face which is in Heaven," the great Angel, and guardian Angel, over each of these little souls.
144As they sat this afternoon with their little eyes wide open, looking and answering the questions, and listening at the little baby stories of the Bible, of how these two young man took their choices, and each one of them dedicating their lives to You. O Jehovah God, lead them, protect them. And may they find this great Leader, Jesus Christ, that will lead them when father and mother and the teachers are finished with them. May You lead them to Eternal Life, as You did to Moses, as their humble, little, child prayer went to You. I give them to You, Lord, as Your servant, as trophies and gems for Your crown. Use them, Lord, to honor You, on earth. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
145 And you little ones, fellows, can... Now you feel better about it now? You know Jesus is going to lead you and guide you. Don't you believe that? And Jesus is going to make you little boys just like Moses and Miriam, the prophetess and the prophet, going to make great people out of you.
146Now, we older people, that have accepted Him, don't we want Him to lead us on, too? I want Him to lead me on, guide my feet, hold my hand. See? And even when I come down to the river, I--I want to have a hold of His hand. We all want that, don't we?
147 Dear Jesus, lead us, too, Father. Now we're fixing to separate from each other. I must go back to Tucson. I must get ready for the meetings coming. God, I commit this group of people, Brother Leo and Brother Gene, and all the followers here, into Your hands, that You will bless them and love them, forgiving all their iniquities, healing all of their diseases, keeping them ever in love and fellowship, and encouraging those who would have... be get weary. And sometime Satan might come along and cause them to be discouraged, but, remember, You went through the same thing, discouragement, forsaken by--by men of this earth, and people. And sometimes very dearest of friends, even to relationships, we're forsaken. But there is One that we have chosen, He will never leave us or forsake us.
148Lead us, Lord, to Life Eternal. I pray that You will grant that we can come together many more times, on earth, and speak of Thee and talk of Thee. And then in that great Day, when the world is finished and all the time has faded into Eternity, may we meet in that great Kingdom, as unbroken families, to live together hereafter forever. Grant it, Lord. Until then, may we work, labor with all of our might, while the sun is still shining. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
149 God bless each one of you. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
By His counsel guide, uphold you,
With His arms securely fold you;
God be with you till we meet again!
Till we meet! till we meet!
Till we meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet! till we meet! (Thank you, brother.)
God be with you till we meet again!
God bless you all.