


Aká to je osudná vec odmietnuť vodcovsto Večného Života. No, ten život je prítomný dnes večer. Je to tak. Duch Svätý je tu, ktorým je Kristus v duchovnej forme, Jeho Duch, to pomazanie je tu. "Malú chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí, jednako vy ma uvidíte: pretože ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, do skončenia, do konca sveta. Jedine Ježiš vás môže viesť do večného života. Nie je žiadna cirkev, žiadna denominácia, žiadny kazateľ, žiadny kňaz, ani nič iné, čo by vás mohlo viesť ku Tomu, vy musíte byť vedení Ním, ktorý je Tým jediným, ktorý vás môže viesť.

1 Ďakujem ti, brat Williams. Zdravím brata Style a jeho manželku a všetkých delegátov tu na tomto bankete dnes večer. Je to pravdaže veľké privilégium byť tu. Vždy som sa tešil na túto hodinu, odkedy sme to takto začali. A chem poďakovať tej pani. Nemôžem si zmyslieť na jej meno, Billy mi práve povedal, že oni mi dali krabicu vianočných cukríkov a priniesli to z auta len pred chvíľou. Tá sestra, nemôžem si zmyslieť na jej meno, ona je odtiaľto z Kalifornie. To bol môj prvý vianočný dar. Tak, ďakujem ti za to.

No, dnes večer to je… Tak, v Tucsone je desať minút po deviatej, ale ja myslím, že to je len desať minút po ôsmej tu. Tak my… Mám takú povesť medzi ľudmi, že mám dlhý dych pri kázaní, tak ja dúfam…[Zhromaždenie tlieska—pozn.prekl.] Ďakujem vám. Také…Niektoré milé osoby tu, ďakujem vám…

4 Ale ja by som dnes večer takmer nekázal, pretože som išiel dlho zo Shreveportu a cez ten kraj (idúc touto cestou) noc za nocou, a stávate sa trochu taký utrasený, viete, a nachladnutý, a vaše hrdlo zachrípne. A začal som v Shreveporte. Stratil som svoje vlasy pred niekoľkými rokmi. A mal som malý kúsok parochni, ktorý som si položil na hlavu keď som kázal na severe krajiny, aby som sa chránil pred prechladnutím. Išiel som do Shreveportu a zabudol som si ho, a skutočne som prechladol. Tie vetry takto prechádzajú, vy to skutočne neviete. Náhodou mi ju odfúklo, a tá koža je stále citlivá a len trocha potu a ja som to skutočne dostal do hrdla; museli zrušiť veľa zhromaždení. Tak ja som len trošku zachrípnutý dnes večer.

5 Chceme povedať, že sme mali nádherný čas ako sme prechádzali tými zhromaždeniami. Včera večer sme mali nádherný čas hore s bratmi, ďalšie zhromaždenie. A tak sme mali veľký zastup a užasnú návštevnosť, ľudia boli tak úctiví a milí. Tak to spôsobuje, že sa cítim skutočne dobre, že som časťou Obchodníkov plného evanjelia. To bolo… Mám posolstvo, cítim, že od Boha. Je to trochu zvláštne pre niektorých ľudí, že… Nemôžem si pomôcť byť niečim viacej… Ja len musím byť to, čo som. A ja… Ja nemám v úmysle sa líšiť; to je len to, že žijem v čase zmeny. My sme…

7 Tak dlho ako staviate múr jedným smerom, to je všetko fajn, tí murári môžu ísť rovno tým radom. Ale keď musíte zatočiť roh, to je čas kde... A my nestaviame múr, my staviame dom (Vidíte?), tak tieto zatočenia musia prísť. Oni prišli vo veku Martina Luthera, Johna Wesleya, a v leničnom veku; a je to tu znovu. Tak my... je to ťažké urobiť uhol. Ale ja som vďačný Bohu, že napriek tomu aké drsné to bolo, tí ľudia odpovedali na sto percent. Tak sme veľmi vďační, vďaka každému jednému z vás.

A teraz, predtým ako otvoríme tú Knihu, prehovorme ku tomu Autorovi, ak chcete, len na chvíľu, zatiaľ čo skloníme naše hlavy.

8 Drahý Bože, sme Ti vďační dnes večer za to privilégium, že poznáme Ježiša Krista nášho Spasiteľa, Tvojho Syna, a to omilostenie zdarma z našich hriechov, a že vieme, že Jeho Krv je dostatočná, aby prikryla všetky naše hriechy a naše neprávosti. Oni sú zmyté krvou a dané do mora Božieho zabudnutia a Jeho nevesta sa postaví na svadobnej večeri, čistá, nescudzoložená, aby sa vydala za Syna Božieho. Ako Ti ďakujeme za túto plnú dostatočnosť a vieru, že vieme, že nedôverujeme v naše vlastné zásluhy, ale len v Jeho zásluhy, v to čo On urobil pre nás. Sme tak vďační.

Vďaka Ti za úspech, ktorý mali títo bratia za morom, v krajinách kde sú ľudia hladní a smädní po Bohu. Modlím sa Pane, aby ak sa tam oni znovu vrátia, aby tie deti, ktoré oni priviedli do Kráľovstva, aby boli veľkými starými matkami a starými otcami detí, ktoré tam oni tiež privedú. Udeľ to, Otče. Požehnaj nás spolu dnes večer, a nech Duch Svätý nám dá veci, na ktoré máme potrebu. Zatvor naše ústa na veci, ktoré by sme nemali povedať a otvor naše srdcia aby sme prijali to, čo nám Ty chceš povedať. Udeľ to. Otče. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

11No, obráťme sa do Biblie ku malému textu na ktorý by som rád dnes večer na chvíľu hovoril, a ktorý sa nachádza v svätom Markovi v 10-tej kapitole.

A mal som... Pred niekoľkými rokmi keď som hovoril, nemusel som si dokonca ani písať poznámky, mohol som si to pamätať. Nemusel som si vziať okuliare, aby som to z Biblie prečítal. Ale odkedy som prešiel dvadsaťpäť, teraz druhý krát, tak je to pre mňa trochu ťažie robiť to tak, ako som to zvykol robiť. A to je ako opotrebované auto, ale ja stále bežím. Stále chcem robiť hluk, až kým prídem do šrotu, aby som bol znovu uformovaný. To je zasľúbenie.

Svätý Lukáš 10-ta kapitola, a počnúc v... Verím, že som povedal 21-vý verš, ak to tu môžem niekde nájsť. Zmýlil som sa, to je svätý Marek. Prepáčte.

14Svätý Marek 10-ta kapitola, a dvadsať--počnúc s 21-vým veršom, chcem čítať. Vezmime radšej 17-ty verš.

A keď vychádzal na cestu, pribehol nejaký mladý človek, ktorý padol pred ním na kolená a pýtal sa ho: Dobrý Učiteľu, čo mám učiniť, aby som dedične obdržal večný život?

Ježiš mu povedal: Prečo ma zovieš dobrým? Nikto nie je dobrý, iba jeden, Bôh.

A prikázania vieš: Nezcudzoložíš, nezabiješ, neukradneš, nepovieš falošného svedoctva, neolúpiš nikoho, cti svojho otca i svoju mať!

A on mu povedal: Učiteľu, to všetko som zachoval od svojej mladosti.

Vtedy Ježiš pozrúc na neho zamiloval si ho a povedal mu: Jedno ti chýba: iď, predaj všetko, čo máš, a daj chudobným a budeš mať poklad v nebi a vezmi kríž, poď a nasleduj ma!

Ale on sa zarmútil nad tým slovom a odišiel smutný, lebo mal mnoho majetku.

Nech Pán požehná čítanie Jeho Slova. Tak, dnes večer budeme hovoriť na určitú tému. Chcem aby môj text bol "Nasleduj ma", a moja téma, "Vodcovstvo."

16No, je to divné, ale ja, myslel som možno, dnes na modlitbe... A bol som tak dlho a každý večer rovno rad za radom.... to posolstvo, ktoré som mal, ktoré mi Pán dal, aby som ho povedal. Myslel som, že dnes večer, v tejto novej modlitebni, že by som sa tomu priblížil z iného hľadiska. A veľa krát sme hovorili o tomto, nazvali sme to, "Bohatý mládenec". A mnohí z tých kazateľov tu, mojich bratov, bez pochyby ku tomu pristúpili mnohými rozličnými spôsobmi. A ja sa chcem pokúsiť pristúpiť ku tomu iným spôsobom, dnes večer, než ako kedykoľvek predtým, ku tomuto "Vodcovstvu."

17Toto, pamätajte toto, že každý jeden z nás, mladý a starý, váš prvý krok, ktorý ste kedy urobili vo svojom živote, niekto vás musel viesť. Je to tak. A váš posledný krok, ktorý kedy urobíte, niekto vás bude viesť. Niekto musí viesť.

Boh nás pripodobnil ku ovciam. A ak niekto vie niečo o chovaní oviec a prirodzenosti oviec, prečo, vy viete, že ovca nemôže nájsť svoju cestu. Ona musí byť vedená. Dokonca do ohrady na zabitie, zisťujeme, že oni tam privedú tú ovcu a ona je vedená na zabitie kozlom. Kozol ju vedie, potom keď sa on dostane ku koncu toho žľabu, on odskočí, a ovca ide rovno na porážku. Tak oni... Zisťujeme, že ovca nemôže nájsť svoju cestu.

19Pamätám si jedno prežitie, ktoré som s jednou raz mal. Bol som štátnym dozorcom lovnej zveri v štáte Indiana, a bol som vonku na poli, a niečo som počul, najžalostnejše volanie. A to bol malý baránok, ktorý stratil svoju mamu. A nemohol nájsť svoju cestu naspäť ku nej, a matka nemohla nájsť svoju cestu ku tomu malému baránkovi. A vzal som toho malého, a ako ticho on ležal pri mne. A išiel som tam, moje ruky držali toho malého. A on volal, a ja som ho počul, a ako len túlil svoju malú hlavu ku mne a zdalo sa akoby vedel, že ja mu pomôžem.

Myslel som, "Ó, Skala vekov, rozštiepnutá pre mňa, vezmi ma do rúk Pána Ježiša a budem tak spokojný ako len môžem byť, pôjdem domov, aby som bol s mojimi milovanými." A myslel som, "Na konci mojej životnej púti, len ma vezmi do Svojich rúk Pane, takto. Ja viem, že budem potom prenesený cez tú rieku, tam na druhú stranu kde nebude smútok a choroby a také veci a budem s milovanými, ktorých som miloval.

21A ak študujete prírodu, je tam veľká vec v prírode. Všetko čo ja--na čo sa dívam a čo Boh učinil, On je autorom prírody. Príroda beží v spojitosti. Celá príroda funguje rovnako. Všimnite si, všetko... Ako som povedal, verím, že to bolo včera večer, že "Príroda svedčí o Bohu." Ak ste nikdy nemali Bibliu, mohli ste stále pozorovať prírodu a vedieť, že Biblia je Pravda. Mal som to privilégium prejsť celý svet dokola. Čítal som o rôznych obdobiach, videl som rozličné náboženstvá, Mohamedánov, čítal som Korán, a videl som Sikhov, Jainsov a Mohamedánov a Budhov, a všeličo možné. Ale jednako, každý jeden z nich, oni majú filozofiu a knihu vyznaní a zákonov a tak ďalej. Ale naša Biblia je pravdou, a náš Boh je ten jediný, ktorý má pravdu, pretože každý jeden z nich musí ukázať niekde na hrob, kde ich zakladateľ stále leží, ale kresťanstvo poukazuje na otvorený hrob a môže žiť v prítomnosti toho, ktorý tam bol položený. On žije. To nie je Boh, ktorý bol, to je Boh, ktorý je. Nie "Ja som bol" alebo Ja "budem," ale "JA SOM."

23A celá príroda beží v spojitosti, ako som povedal, ako som hovoril o tom v našich cirkevných vekoch (o ktorých máme knihu, ktorá teraz vychádza). To...Prečo som urobil... Ohľadne môjho písania tých cirkevných vekov... A ako my vidíme cirkev, ako je ona dospelá, že ide presne tak, ako ide celá príroda.

A hovorili sme jedného dňa o tom, ako ráno vychádza slnko, ono je malým dieťaťom, skutočne slabé, nie je v ňom veľa sily, vôbec. A ako deň pokračuje, ono sa stáva silnejším, silnejším. Asi o ôsmej hodine ide do školy. ako mladý chlapec a mladé dievča. A potom okolo jedenástej hodiny vychádza zo školy a je pripravené pre svoju službu. A potom okolo tretej hodine sa mení v strede života do staroby. A potom odpoludnia zomiera. Je to koniec toho slnka? Nie, ono prichádza naspäť nasledujúce ráno, aby svedčilo, že je život, smrť, pohreb, vzkriesenie. Vidíte, vidíte?

25Pozorujeme stromy, ako sa hýbu a čo robia. Pred nejakým časom som bol dolu v Kentucky, rád poľujem na veveričky, a išiel som tam na sklonku roku, aby som poľoval na veveričky s jedným mojím priateľom. A bolo tam veľmi sucho. A každý kto kedy poľoval na šedú veveričku, vie, ako ťažko to je prekĺznuť sa ku nim, ak nechá prasknúť čo i len jednu vetvičku. A, ó, Houdini je v tom len amatérsky umelec, ako sa ku nim dostať, ako oni dokážu uniknúť. A potom ako sa snažíte streliť do oka strelou na päťdesiat yardov, to vyžaduje dobrý lov, aby ste v tom dni dostali svoj limit.

27No, moj priateľ pán Wood, obrátený Svedok Jehovov bol so mnou. A my... On povedal, "Poznám tu farmu kde je muž, ktorý má veľa..." My to tam voláme, kotliny.

Koľkí vedia čo sú to kotliny? Dobre, z akej časti Kentucky ste, každý? Vidíte?

A to je odkiaľ som ja. Ako tu v jednom z tých zhromaždení pred nedávnom... Musím toto povedať bratovi Williamsovi a ostatným, o tom. Oni povedali, "Postavíme sa teraz a zaspievame národnú hymnu--hymnu." A ja som povedal, "Za mojú starú Kentuckú domovinu, ďaleko..." Tak nikto sa ku mne nepripojil, tak... To bola jediná hymna, ktorú som vedel. A tak sme boli--boli sme...

31V poriadku. [Bratovi Branhamovi podávajú nejaký oznam--pozn.prekl.]: "Prosím, modlite sa teraz za jednu pani tu, ktorá krváca z nosa."

Modlime sa: Drahý Bože, prosím Ťa, Pane, Ty si ten Veľký Lekár a ja prosím aby tvoja milosť a milosrdenstvo sa dotkli tejto drahej ženy práve teraz a zastavili tú krv. Ako veriaci ľudia, ktorí sa zhromaždili spolu, tá pani prišla sem, aby sa radovala zo Slova Pánovho a z obecenstva s ľudmi, a ja Ťa prosím, Pane práve teraz aby si pokarhal toho nepriateľa a zastavil tú krv. V Ježišovom mene. A my tomu veríme. Amen. My tomu veríme.

33Pokračujme s tým krátkym príbehom, aby sme len tak trochu získali také cítenie pred tým ako sa dostaneme rovno do tých pár poznámok, ktoré som si tu zapísal a nejaké miesta Písma.

No, on povedal, "Dobre, tento starý muž, pôjdeme a pozrieme sa na neho. Je veľa kotlín na jeho pozemku," on povedal, "ale on je neveriaci." On povedal, "Ak... On by nám akurát vynadal, ak by sme tam išli."

Povedal som, "Ale my tu nedostaneme žiadne veveričky. Stanovali sme tam dva týždne. A boli sme špinaví, a zarastení, a tak.

On povedal, "Dobre, poďme ďalej."

37Tak, išli sme niekoľko míľ, asi dvadsať. Bol som už raz v tom kraji predtým po tri večere v Metodistickom stanovom tábore kde sa udiali isté veľké veci, ktoré Pán vykonal, a veľká služba uzdravovania medzi Metodistickými ľuďmi. A potom sme išli naspäť cez vrchy a nížiny a hrebene. A vy len musíte poznať Kentucky, aby ste vedeli, na aké miesto sa máte dostať. A zatiaľ čo sme išli naspäť, prišli sme ku nejakému domu, a tam sedel starý muž, dvaja starí mužovia, ktorí tam sedeli so svojimi skrčenými starými klobúkmi na svojich tvárach a on povedal, "Tam je." povedal, "On je taký neústupčivý." Povedal, "Nenávidí to slovo ́kazateľ." A povedal...

Tak ja som povedal, "Dobre, bude lepšie keď zostanem v aute, alebo sa vôbec nedostaneme na poľovačku." Povedal som, "Choď tam a spýtaj sa ho, či môžeme poľovať."

Tak on išiel a začal sa približovať, hovoril s nimi. A v Kentucky, vždy, viete, to je "poď ďalej" a tak ďalej. A tak išiel tam a povedal, "Som len zvedavý, či by sme mohli na chvíľu poľovať na vašom pozemku."

40Ten starý muž tam sedel, asi sedemdesiatpäťročný, v jeho ústach žuvací tabak, povedal--odpľul si, a povedal, "Ako sa voláš?"

On povedal, "Volám sa Wood."

On povedal, "Nie si nejako príbuzný starému Jimovi, ktorý tu býval..."

Povedal, "Áno, ja som Jimov syn." Povedal, "Som Banks. Áno."

"Dobre," on povedal, "starý Jim bol čestný muž." Povedal, "Pravdaže, nech sa ti páči."

On povedal, "Si sám?"

Povedal, "Nie, môj pastor je tam."

Povedal, "Čo?"

On povedal, "Môj pastor je tam v aute," povedal, "On poľuje so mnou."

Povedal, "Wood, nechceš povedať, že si sa tak znížil, že až musíš vláčiť so sebou kazateľa kdekoľvek ideš?"

43Tak on je tvrdý, starý charakter, tak som myslel, že bude lepšie vystúpiť z auta, viete. Tak som vystúpil a išiel som tam, a on povedal, "Dobre, a ty si kazateľ, há?"

Povedal som, "Áno pane." On si ma obzrel od hora dolu (krv z veveričiek a špina) a povedal...

Povedal som, "Veľmi tak nevyzerám."

Povedal, "No, tak trochu sa mi to páči." A on povedal, "Vieš, chcem ti niečo povedať."

On povedal, "Ja som vraj neveriaci.“

Povedal som. "Áno, pane, pochopil som to." Povedal som, "Nemyslím si, že je veľmi čím sa chváliť. Či nie?" A on povedal, "No," povedal, "Ja neviem." A povedal, "Poviem ti, čo si myslím o takých chlapoch ako si ty."

Povedal som, "V poriadku."

On povedal, "Vy štekáte na nesprávny strom." A koľkí vedia, čo to znamená? Vidíte? To znamená, že to je oklamaný pes (Vidíte?), ten mýval tam vôbec nie je.

Vidíte? On povedal, "Štekáš na nesprávny strom."

Povedal som, "To je tvoj názor."

A on povedal, "No," povedal, "Pozri, vidíš ten starý komín, ktorý tamto stojí?


"Narodil som sa tam pred sedemdesiatimi piatimi rokmi." A povedal, "Žil som rovno tu v týchto kopcoch, ktoré sú všade dookola, po všetky tie roky." A povedal, "Díval som sa do oblakov, díval som sa tam, a iste, za celých tých sedemdesiat päť rokov, som nevidel nič čo by vyzeralo ako Boh. Nemyslíš?"

Povedal som, "No, to závisí na čo sa tu dívaš, čo hľadáš."

52A on povedal, "No," povedal, "Ja pravdaže neverím, že je taká vec ako stvorenie.

A verím, že takí ľudia ako ty, len jednoducho idete a ošvindľujete ľudí o ich peniaze a všetko také. A to je to, ako to chodí."

Povedal som, "No, ty si americký občan, a máš právo na svoje vlastné myslenie."

On povedal, "Je jeden chlap, o ktorom som raz počul," povedal, "Určite by som... Ak by on...

Ak by som sa s tým človekom mohol porozprávať," povedal, "Rád by som mu položil niekoľko otázok."

Povedal som, "Áno, pane."

On povedal, "To bol kazateľ, možno ho poznáš." Povedal, "On mal nedávno zhromaždenie tu v Campbellsville, v cirkvi zopár yardov tam hore, stanový tábor. A on povedal, "Zabudol som jeho meno." Povedal, „On je z Indiány."

A ja som povedal, "Ó? Áno, pane."

A brat Wood začal hovoriť, "No, ja...("Nehovor nič.") A tak on povedal...

57Povedal som, "Čo je s ním?"

Ó, povedal, "No, povedal,"stará pani(niekto) tam na tom vrchu..." Povedal, "Vieš, zomierala na rakovinu." A povedal, "Manželka a ja sme tam chodili z rána aby sme jej prezliekli posteľ." Povedal, "Oni ju nemohli dokonca ani dosť vysoko zodvihnúť, aby položili pod ňu misu," povedal, "museli jej prezliekať plachtu." A povedal, "Ona zomierala. Odviezli ju do Louisville," a povedal, "doktori sa jej vzdali a povedali, že zomrie."

"A jej sestra išla na zhromaždenie," a povedal, "ten kazateľ stál na pódiu, pozrel do obecenstva a zavolal túto ženu po mene, a povedal jej, keď ona odchádzala, aby vzala jednu vreckovku a dala si ju do svojej kabelky. A povedal meno tej ženy tam, ktorá bola dvadsať míľ odtiaľ, a povedal ako ona trpí na rakovinu, ako sa volala, a všetko čo sa s ňou dialo", povedal, "Vezmi tú vreckovku a choď a polož ju na tú ženu, a povedal, že tá žena bude uzdravená zo svojej rakoviny.

59A povedal, "Oni sem prišli toho večera." A povedal, "Čestne, počul som odtiaľ najhroznejšie výkriky. Myslel som, že tam mali armádu spásy na tom kopci. Povedal, ́No,́ Povedal som, ́Myslel som, že tá sestra je mŕtva.́ Povedal že, ́My... Zajtra pôjdeme a zoženieme dodávku a ako ju vezmeme aby sme ju dostali na hlavnú cestu, a povedal, ́tak oni ju môžu zobrať ku hrobárovi.́ A povedal, že... My sme čakali. Netreba tam ísť cez noc," povedal, "asi míľu hore tu na kopec." Povedal, "Išli sme tam druhého rána, a vieš čo sa stalo?"

Povedal som, "Nie, pane"

On povedal, "Ona tam sedela a jedla jablkové koláče, a pila kávu so svojím mužom."

A ja som povedal, "To myslíš vážne?“

On povedal, "Tak veru."

"Ó," Ja som povedal. "No, pane, to určite nemyslíš vážne."

On povedal, "To, čo ma trápi, je... Ako to ten muž vedel a nikdy nebol v tomto kraji." Vidíte?

A povedal som, "Ó, ty tomu neveríš."

On povedal, "To je pravda."

62Povedal som, "Ty tomu veríš?" Vidíte?

On povedal, "Dobre, choď rovno tam na ten kopec, ja ti to môžem dokázať." On teraz kázal mne. Vidíte?

Tak ja som povedal, "Hm-hm." Zodvihol som nejaké jablko a povedal som, "Môžem si vziať jedno z týchto jabĺk?" A utrel som si ho do svojich šiat.

On povedal, "No, sršne ich zožierajú, myslím, že si môžeš vziať." A potom... A teraz som povedal, "Dobre--dobre..." Zakusnem do neho, a povedal som, "Je to chutné jablko."

On povedal, "Ó áno." Povedal, "Vieš čo? Zasadil som ten strom tam, ó, pred štyridsiatymi rokmi, alebo tak nejako."

Povedal som, "Ó, je to pravda?"

"Tak veru."

A ja som povedal, "No, a každý rok..." Povedal som, "Všimol som si, že ešte nám nemrzlo, je začiatok augusta." A povedal som, "Listy zo stromov padajú."

"Tak veru. Je to tak, to prichádza na jeseň. Verím, že tento krát budeme mať jeseň skoro.“

68Povedal som, "Tak veru." Zmenil som tému. Vidíte? A on povedal...Povedal som, "No, vieš je to divné," povedal som, "ako tá miazga odchádza z toho stromu." Povedal som, "A tie listy padajú, a jednako ešte nebol mráz, ktorý by zabil tie listy."

A On povedal, "No," povedal, "Čo to s tým má do činenia o čom hovoríme?"

A ja som povedal, "No, ja sa iba čudujem." (Viete, mama vždy hovorievala, daj krave dosť dlhý povraz a obesí sa sama, viete." Tak ja som mu dal veľmi dlhý povraz.)

Tak on pokračoval a povedal, "No, áno, čo to má s tým do činenia?"

Povedal som, "Vieš, Boh privádza tie jablká hore a ty sa raduješ tým jablkám a listom a sedíš v tom tieni a tak ďalej. Ide to dolu na sklonku roka," a povedal som, "znovu to ide naspäť s tými jablkami a s tými listami."

A on povedal, "Ó, to je jednoducho príroda. Vidíš? Je to len príroda."

74A ja som povedal, "Dobre, pravdaže, to je príroda." Povedal som, "To je príroda, ale niekto musí kontrolovať tú prírodu." Vidíte? Ja... On povedal... "Povieš mi teraz čo to spôsobuje?"

On povedal, "No, to je jednoducho príroda."

Povedal som, "Kto je to, kto hovorí teraz tomu malému listu, a tomu..." Povedal som, "Tak dôvod, že list padá, je pretože tá miazga ide dolu do koreňa. A čo ak by tá miazga zostala v tom strome cez zimu? Čo by sa stalo?

Povedal, "To by zabilo ten strom."

"Dobre," Povedal som, "teraz, čo je to za inteligenciu, ktorá vedie tú miazgu do koreňov, povedal som, ́Teraz odtiaľ odchádza, prichádza jeseň, odchádza do koreňov a aby sa skrylá? A zostáva dolu v tých koreňoch ako v hrobe, a potom nasledujúcu jar prichádza znova hore, prináša viac jabĺk a prináša viac listov a tak ďalej?"

On povedal, "To je jednoducho príroda, ktorá to spraví." Povedal, "Počasie. Tá zmena, vieš, prichádza na jeseň."

Povedal som "Postav vedro s vodou tam na stĺp a sleduj, či to príroda povedie dolu na spodok toho stĺpu a či to privedie znovu hore." Vidíte, vidíte?

"Dobre," on povedal, "Niečo na tom môže byť."

Povedal som, "Premýšľaj o tom, zatiaľ čo my pôjdeme poľovať."

A povedal, "Dobre," a on povedal, "Poľuj kde chceš."

A ja som povedal, "Keď sa vrátim, ak mi povieš čo za inteligencia vedie tú miazgu z toho stromu dolu do koreňov a zostáva tam po celú zimu a vracia sa nasledujúcu zimu, ja ti poviem, že to je tá istá inteligencia, ktorá mi povedala o tej žene tam hore."

Povedal, "Ktorá povedala ́tebé?"

Povedal som, "Tak veru."

On povedal, "Ty nie si ten kazateľ."

Povedal som, "Pamätáš si jeho meno?

Povedal, "Áno."

Povedal som, "Branham?"

On povedal "To je on."

Povedal som, "Je to tak." Vidíte?

A viete čo? Priviedol som toho starého muža ku Kristovi rovno tam na jeho vlastnom svedectve.

83A o rok neskôr som bol tam dolu a ťahal som jedno auto (mal značku z Indiany) na tom dvore. Odsťahovali sa, on zomrel. A tak keď som sa vrátil, stála tam jeho žena, skutočne ma zmiatla. Myslel som, že mám povolenie poľovať. A ona prišla tam, povedala, "Neviete čítať?"

Povedal som, "Áno madam." Ona povedala, "Nevideli ste tieto značky, ktoré hovoria ́Zákaz poľovať.́?"

Povedal som, "Áno madam," ale povedal som, "Ja mám povolenie."

"Nemáte povolenie." povedala. A povedala, "Máme toto miesto označené mnoho rokov."

Povedal som, "Dobre sestra, potom som sa zmýlil, prepáčte."

A povedala, "To neospravedlňuje. Tá licencia z Indiány platí tam, a použiť ju tu... vy ste tí najsmelší ľudia.

Povedal som, "Mohol by som to len vysvetliť?" Povedal som...

Ona... "Kto vám dal povolenie?"

Povedal som, "Ja neviem..." Povedal som, "Bol to starší muž, ktorý sedel tam na verande, keď som tu bol minulý rok a hovorili sme o Bohu." Vidíte?

A ona sa pozrela, povedala, "Vy ste brat Branham?"

A ja som povedal, "Áno madam."

Ona povedala, "Odpustite mi. Nevedela som, kto ste." Povedala, "Chcem vám povedať jeho svedectvo. V jeho posledných hodinách, keď zomieral, zodvihol svoje ruky a chválil Boha." Povedala, "Zomrel v Kresťanskej viere a bol zanesený ku Bohu." Vidíte?

"Ak oni budú mlčať, skaly budú hneď kričať." Tam je niečo v prírode.

92Pozorujte vtáky, pozorujte zvieratá, pozorujte všetko a pozorujte prírodu. Pozorujte malého holuba ako lieta. Aký je to zvláštny vták. Vidíte? On nemá žlč, nemôže jesť to, čo môže vrana. Vidíte? Nemá v sebe žlč. On sa nemusí kúpať vo vode, pretože on má niečo vo svojom vnútri, čo ho čistí z vnútra navonok.. Vidíte?

To je ten spôsob ako je to s kresťanom. To je spôsob ako Boh reprezentoval Samého Seba, v holubici. Vidíte? Pretože ...Ježiš bol reprezentovaný ako Baránok. V prírode vždy nájdete Boha. A Boh nás pripodobnil ku ovciam, ktoré musia byť vedené. Všimli ste si tam niekedy (Kázal som na to pred nejakým časom), že tá Holubica prichádza dolu na Baránka, aby viedla toho Baránka a Ona Ho viedla na zabitie, tá Holubica? Tak ak ten Baránok... Tá holubica nemohla zostúpiť na iný druh zvieraťa, pretože oni obaja museli mať tú istú prirodzenosť. Vidíte? Ak by tá Holubica prišla na nejakého vlka a on by fúkol alebo zavrčal, tá Holubica by odletela.

No, tak isto je to teraz. Naše zlé cesty, Duch Svätý jednoducho vzlietne a ide preč. On musí mať tú istú prirodzenosť. Ten nebeský vták, holubica, najmiernejšie zviera na zemi, ten Baránok, oni môžu súhlasiť jeden s druhým. A keď Duch Svätý prichádza na nás a robí nás novými stvoreniami, potom nás On môže viesť. Ale my sa pokúšame žiť ten istý starý život, to nebude fungovať. To nebude fungovať.

96Tak, prvý krok, ktorý ste zrejme kedy spravili vo svojom živote, hovoriac o vodcovstve, to boli zrejme ruky nejakej láskavej starej matky. Tie ruky sú možno stále tu na nejakom cintoríne niekde, ale to bola prvá ruka, ktorá vás držala aby ste urobili váš prvý krok.

Potom, čo vás matka naučila ako chodiť a vy ste urobili zopár krokov a padli na zem a vstali a naučili ste sa robiť veľké veci, potom ona vás obrátila ku učiteľke v škole. A potom ona vás začala viesť ku vzdelaniu, o tom ako a čo musíte robiť, a ako sa musíte učiť a tak ďalej.

Potom, čo tá učiteľka v škole to s vami prešla potom ste sa vrátili späť, ujal sa vás váš otec. Potom ako vás ujal váš otec, naučil vás zrejme vášmu obchodu: ako byť úspešným obchodníkom, ako robiť veci správne. Vaša matka vás naučila ako byť domácou paňou, ako variť a tak ďalej. Potom, čo to oni s vami prešli, ujal sa vás váš kazateľ alebo kňaz.

100Ale teraz kto vás vedie? To je teraz otázka. Tak my všetci sme dnes večer niečím vedení. Musíme byť. Všimnite si. Tak, pozrime sa na tohoto mladého človeka--čo ho ovplyvnilo. Pozrime na tohoto mladého obchodníka ako by sme ho nazvali, pretože on bol obchodník. On bol veľký úspešný muž. Pozrime sa na jeho vodcov.

Zrejme, najprv, ho učila jeho matka ešte ako malého chlapca veciam, ktoré by mal robiť. Jeho otec spôsobil, že mal taký skvelý úspech a možno ho opustil a zanechal mu dedičstvo, pretože on sám bol kniežaťom, možno jeho otec zomrel, tak on bol obchodníkom. On bol... Nazvime ho dnes kresťanským obchodníkom, myslím, že by to bolo to najlepšie pomenovanie.

103Tento muž bol nábožný, v žiadnom prípade on nebol neveriaci. A bol učený od svojej matky ako robiť dobre, ako chodiť, ako sa obliekať. Bol učený od svojho otca, veľkému obchodu a ako byť úspešným mužom, a jeho obchod bol úspešný. A otec a matka boli vychovaní v cirkvi, a poukázali mu na kňaza. A ten kňaz z neho spravil skutočne nábožného muža. Preto on bol dobrý vzdelaný muž, bol fajným chlapcom s dobrým charakterom.

Keď Ježiš Kristus pozrel na neho a zamiloval si ho, tam bolo na tom chlapcovi niečo, čo bolo skutočné. Je to tak. Pretože Biblia tu povedala, nachádzame to v Markovi, "A Ježiš pozrúc na neho, zamiloval si ho." Áno, "Ježiš pozrel na neho a zamiloval si ho." Tak preto, tam muselo byť na tomto mladom človeku niečo skutočne výnimočné. On mal dobrý charakter a dobre hodnotený charakter. Bol človekom, ktorý bol vychovávaný správne: inteligentný, chytrý, intelektuálny, úspešný v obchode, a nábožný človek. Mal mnoho dobrých charakteristík, ktoré boli výnimočné, až tak veľmi, že to upútalo pozornosť Ježiša Krista Spasiteľa. Ale keď sa on postavil tvárou v tvár, súc úspešný vo všetkých ostatných veciach...

105Nič neišlo v neporiadku, on mal dokonalé predpoklady, bol úplne vyhovujúci, inteligentný, správne vzdelanie, jeho úspech, bol chytrý, dobrý biznismen, zrejme patril do skupiny biznismenov niekde tam v Palestíne. Možno patril ku obecenstvu obchodníkov, ako to my máme tu dnes večer, bezpochyby patril, pretože obchodníci majú vždy obecenstvo jeden s druhým, jeden s druhým. Pretože tak, ako "vtáci rovnakého peria," oni majú veci, o ktorých môžu hovoriť. A ak toto... Nábožný muži, oni nechcú hovoriť o mužoch, ktorí behajú po baroch a všetci takto spolu, pretože oni s tým nemajú nič spoločné. My musíme mať spoločné veci. Tak kresťania majú spoločné veci s kresťanmi, hriešnici majú spoločné veci s hriešnikmi, a spoločnosti a čokoľvek oni sú, oni majú spoločné veci. A tento mladý chlapec, zrejme patril do obecenstva obchodníkov plného evanjelia.

107A on bol tak nábožný ako len mohol byť, pretože Ježiš, tu v tej otázke, on povedal, "Ja som dodržoval tieto prikázania, zachovával som ich od svojej mladosti." Je to tak.

Vidíte, on bol vychovaný správne, správne učený, a všetko. Ale keď bol konfrontovaný s myšlienkou večného života... Tak, chcem aby ste si všimli, so všetkým týmto charakterom, ktorý on mal, jednako vedel, že nevlastní večný život.

109Tak, všetky naše spoločenstvá, naše cirkvi, naše členstvá a tie veci, ktoré my máme za tak drahé, naše Americké spoločenstvá a všetko je to veľmi fajn, nie je nič čo by malo byť proti tomu povedané. A naše spoločenstvo Kresťanských obchodníkov tu, to je veľká vec, to boli pre mňa otvorené dvere, pre moje medzidenominačné myšlienky, že sme kresťania. Nie je žiadna, žiadna denominácia, ktorá si nás môže nárokovať, žiadneho skutočného kresťana, pretože vy patríte Bohu. Denominácie sú ľuďmi zostrojené, a kresťanstvo je poslané z neba. Ale vo všetkých týchto veciach, ktoré my máme, tak dobré ako len oni sú, tak dobré, že my môžeme ísť spolu a tak milé zhromaždenia aké my máme a sociálne cítenie, ktoré my máme, jednako sme každý jeden konfrontovaný s večným životom. A bez ohľadu na to, akí sme boli úspešní v obchode, akí úspešní sme, a akí veľkí cirkevní členovia sme a ako pracujeme, ako sa pokúšame robiť veci správne, stále ak to nie je urobené správnym spôsobom, je to uctievanie Boha nadarmo. Ježiš to zatriedil tým istým spôsobom, ako sa tu na chvíľu zastavím. On povedal, "Nadarmo Ma uctievate, učiac učenia, ktoré sú nariadeniami ľudí." No, pomyslite. Úprimne, čestne uctievate Boha s úprimnosťou vášho srdca a stále to je nadarmo. Začalo to tak s Kainom v záhrade Eden: úprimné uctievanie, ale bol odmietnutý, veľmi nábožný a stále odmietnutý.

112V Shreveporte minulý týždeň, predminulý, na zhromaždení kresťanských obchodníkov, kde na raňajkách bolo zhromaždených niekoľko stoviek ľudí, zabral som dve a pol hodiny hovoriac na tému "Robiť Bohu službu bez toho že by to bola Jeho vôľa." No, znie to divne, ale my sa máme smerovať do Božej pripravenej cesty a do Božieho spôsobu konania. Bez ohľadu na to ako si myslíme, že je to správne, to musí byť podľa Slova Pánovho lebo inak je to nadarmo. Kain uctieval, ale to nebolo podľa Slova Pánovho. Farizejovia uctievali, ale nie podľa Slova Pánovho. A v tomto konkrétnom posolstve pre obchodníkov som toto učil.

113Dávid chcel urobiť Pánovi službu, a on mal pravdu v tom, čo povedal. On povedal, "Je to správne pre archu Pánovu, aby bola tam dolu? Prinesme ju sem," v dňoch toho kráľa, tomu druhému kráľovi sa to podarilo. On povedal, "To nie je správne. Oni sa neporadili s Pánom ohľadne tej archy, ale my to musíme urobiť." Tak, to bolo správne, to čo oni mali urobiť. On povedal, "Mali by sme ísť a zobrať tú archu a môžeme sa poradiť s Pánom." A to je správne, ona bola v inej krajine. Povedal, "Musíme ju priniesť sem. Vezmite ju sem hore a dajte ju sem do nášho domu a uctievajte Pána." No, všimnite si. On to išiel urobiť cez nesprávny kanál. On sa radil s kapitánmi nad päťdesiatimi, nad stami, nad tisícmi. So všetkými sa radil, s každým jedným. Vidiac, že to bola vôľa Pánova, vyzeralo to že to bolo Slovo Pánovo.

115 Slovo Pánovo, niekedy ho musíte položiť na Jeho správne miesto, lebo inak to nie je Vôľa Pánova. Vidíte, vidíte? Tak, nech to hlboko vsiakne a dostanete úplnú predstavu o tom, čo sa snažím povedať.

Ja nechcem, aby cirkev upadla do tých krokov, ktoré ste našli tam v Anglicku: dlhé vlasy, mužov s namaľovanými tvárami a prevrátenosť. My to nechceme. Bez ohľadu na to, ako nábožne to zneje, a koľko môže Elvis Presley spievať nábožné piesne, on je stále diablom. Ja nie som sudca, ale podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte. On je letničný, ale to robí ani trochu rozdiel. Vidíte? Vaše ovocie nesie záznam o tom čím ste. Bez ohľadu na to, či ten Duch prichádza na neho, on mohol hovoriť v jazykoch, mohol kričať, mohol uzdravovať chorých, a Ježiš povedal, "Mnohí z nich prídu ku mne v ten deň, a povedia, ́Pane nevykonal som toto a to?́ A Ja poviem, ́Odídite odo Mňa, vy ktorí činíte neprávosť, nikdy Som vás nepoznal." Vidíte?

My máme byť skutoční, opravdoví kresťania a ten jediný spôsob, ktorým to môžeme urobiť je konfrontovať to tu s touto otázkou Večného Života.

119Je len jedna forma Večného života, a tá prichádza od Boha. A On predurčil každé stvorenie, ktoré ho kedy bude mať. Práve tak, ako vy ste boli génom vo vašom otcovi, boli ste génom v Bohu, jedným z Jeho atribútov, s ktorými On začal, alebo ste Tam nikdy neboli. Prichádzate na začiatku zo zeme z vašej matky, váš otec vás nepoznal, boli ste v jeho bedrách. A keď ste vyšli na začiatku zo zeme z vašej matky, potom ste sa stali ľudskou bytosťou a ste učinený na obraz vášho otca, tak s ním môžete mať obecenstvo. A to isté je skrze Boha, ak vy máte večný život. Ten život do ktorého ste vošli, ten prirodzený život, telesný život, to bolo skrze vášho otca. A ten jediný spôsob, ktorým môžete prísť aby ste boli znovuzrodení, ten jediný spôsob, je to, že musíte byť z nebeského Otca, Jeho atribútmi. "Všetkých, ktorých mi otec dal, prídu ku mne." Vidíte?

Vy ste tu, pretože vaše meno bolo umiestnené v Baránkovej Knihe Života, dokonca pred tým ako bola založená zem. Je to presne tak. Vy ste génom, duchovným génom z vášho nebeského Otca, časťou Božieho Slova. Je to tak, ako som povedal, potom vy ste boli s Ježišom keď On bol tu, pretože On bol to Slovo, vy ste trpeli s ním, zomreli s ním, boli ste s ním pochovaní, a povstali ste s ním a teraz sedíte v ponebeských miestach v Ňom.

122Všimnite si, Dávid si myslel, že všetko bolo fajn a on to konzultoval zo všetkými tými ľudmi a oni každý jeden začali tancovať a revať a vykrikovať. Mali všetky svoje náboženské hnutia, ktoré tam boli, ale stále to nebola Božia vôľa ísť tam dolu a priniesť Slovo Božie späť do domu Božieho. Ale vidíte, Boh vždy cez všetky veky pracuje jedným spôsobom. Jeho prvé rozhodnutie je Jeho jediné rozhodnutie, pretože On Je dokonalý vo svojom rozhodovaní. On nikdy nerobí nič, okrem toho, že by to najprv zjavil Svojim sluhom prorokom. Je to tak. To je to, prečo je toto. Ten cirkevný vek v ktorom my žijeme, tam nie je žiadna cirkev, žiadni Metodisti, Baptisti, Letniční alebo čokoľvek iné čo môže kedy položiť túto cirkev do nevesty. To bude musieť byť odpoveď Malachiáša 4, pretože Boh posiela proroka, aby to bolo zjavené, pretože to je ten jediný spôsob. Naše cirkvi sa stávajú denomináciami a hádžu tú vec do neporiadku a zmätku, do toho istého, v ktorom oni vždy boli a Boh vždy posiela proroka.

124A tam bol Nátan, ktorý stal v zemi, potvrdený prorok pred Bohom a s ním sa dokonca ani neradili.

A oni išli tam dolu a stálo to život jedného čestného muža, a tak ďalej a vzali tú archu. Namiesto toho, aby ju položili na plecia Levitov aby ju niesli, oni ju položili na nejaký voz, aby ju niesol. Celkom poplietli...

Vidíte, ak nejdete podľa vôle Božej, a tým spôsobom ktorým Boh nám dáva ísť, oni to vždy pomiešali a spravili z toho nejakú organizáciu, denomináciu, nejaké posolstvo a tam vy idete. Vidíte? Vždy sa to tak dialo.

127To je tá istá vec s ktorou tento chlapec bol konfrontovaný. On prišiel, možno bol členom Farizejov, alebo Sadúcejov, alebo nejakého veľkého systému toho dňa. On bol tak nábožný ako len mohol byť. Povedal, "Ja som zachovával tieto nariadenia, ktorým som bol učený od svojej mladosti." Vidíte? A Ježiš ho za to miloval. Ale on odmietol byť vedený. Odmietol prijať skutočné vodcovstvo Ježiša Krista, aby mu udelil večný život.

Všimnite si, on veril že je tam niečo iné než to čo on mal, inak by nikdy nepovedal, "Dobrý Učiteľu, čo musím teraz urobiť?"

Vidíte, on chcel urobiť niečo sám. To je ten spôsob, ktorým to my robíme, my chceme urobiť niečo sami. Dar Boží je darom zadarmo. Boh vám To dáva, vy pre to nerobíte ani jednu vec. On To určil pre vás, a vy To budete mať. Vidíte?

130Všimnite si, on vedel že to tam bolo. On v to veril a chcel to, ale keď bol konfrontovaný s tým ako to musí urobiť, to bolo rozdielne od jeho rituálu. To bol rozdiel. On si mohol držať svoje peniaze a patriť do tej cirkvi do ktorej on patril a tak ďalej. Ale Ježiš to vedel, a vedel že on mal nahromadené tieto peniaze, a On povedal, "Choď, predaj všetko čo máš a daj to biednym. A poď vezmi svoj kríž a nasleduj Ma, a budeš mať poklady v nebi." Ale on to nemohol urobiť. Tí iní vodcovia, ktorých on mal v dňoch svojej mladosti, mali taký vplyv na neho, až on odmietol prijať Božiu pripravenú cestu, ktorou bol Ježiš Kristus: ten Jediný, ktorý drží večný život, ten Jediný, ktorý vám ho môže dať. Nie... Cirkev vám nemôže dať večný život, ani váš sused, ani váš pastor, ani váš kňaz, ani vaše vyznanie, jedine sám Ježiš Kristus vám môže dať večný život. Vidíte?

Bez ohľadu na to, akí ste dobrí, čo prestanete robiť, čo začnete robiť, vy musíte prijať tú osobu Pána Ježiša Krista. A potom keď to urobíte, On je to Slovo a potom váš život pasuje rovno do Slova a to sa samo manifestuje tomuto veku v ktorom vy žijete.

133Noe to musel urobiť preto, aby Slovo bolo zamanifestované v jeho veku. No, čo ak by Mojžiš prišiel a povedal, "My vieme čo Noe urobil, my vezmeme Noeho slovo. My to jednoducho urobíme tak, ako to spravil Noe. Postavíme nejakú archu a odplavíme sa po rieke Níl a vyjdeme z Egypta"? Prečo, to by nefungovalo. Vidíte, to bol iný vek. Ježiš by neprišiel s Mojžišovým posolstvom, Luther nemohol prísť s katolíckym posolstvom, Wesley nemohol prísť s Lutherovým posolstvom, letniční nemohli prísť s posolstvom Wesleyovho veku. A Nevesta nemôže byť formovaná v letničnej denominácii, nemôže to jednoducho urobiť. A to je presne tak. Ona sa zorganizovala a vyšla sem a tam ona stojí, len ako ten zvyšok z nich. To je šupka, práve ako ten život ide hore cez... Vidíte?

135Ten spisovateľ, ako som povedal jedného večera, ten spisovateľ, ktorý napísal túto knihu... A nie pre to, že ma on tak zle kritizoval, povedal že ja som "diabol, ak je tam taká vec." Tak on povedal, že neverí v Boha. Povedal, "Boh, ktorý si mohol založiť Svoje ruky a postaviť sa a pozorovať tých mučeníkov počas tých ranných vekov a tvrdiť, že má moc, aby otvoril Červené More a nechal tie ženy a deti, aby boli levmi roztrhané na kúsky a tak ďalej, a potom povedať že On je milujúci Boh..." Povedal, "Nie je také stvorenie." Vidíte, taký človek, bez inšpirácie Slova, to nedokáže vidieť.

136To prvé zrno pšenice, ženích, musel padnúť do zeme v tom poriadku, aby znovu vstal. Tak tá prvá nevesta, ktorá sa narodila na letnice musela ísť cez tie temné veky ako každé iné semeno, aby bolo pochované. Oni museli zomrieť. Oni to museli urobiť. Ale to začalo pučať znovu v Lutherovi v tej prvej reformácii. To nevyzeralo ako to semeno, ktoré tam vošlo, ale to bolo Svetlo toho dňa. Tá...?... stopka potom išla ďalej do klasu, Wesley. A z toho klasu to išlo do letničných, šupka. Keď sa pozriete do pšenice, keď ona vychádza, to zrno pšenice, človek ktorý vypestoval pšenicu, vy idete a vidíte tam tú formu pšenice, to vyzerá presne ako zrno. Ale ak vezmete pinzetu a sadnete si a vezmete tú pšenicu a otvoríte ju, vôbec tam nie je zrno. Je to len šupka. A potom čo? To je tam uformované, aby to držalo to zrno. Vidíte? A potom, tá prvá vec viete, ten život opustil stopku, aby odišiel do klasu, opúšťa klas, aby išiel do šupky, opúšťa šupku a ide do tej pšenice, tri štádia (Vidíte?) toho. A potom formuje tú pšenicu z tých troch štádií: Luther, Wesley, letniční. Skrátka presne. Vidíte, bez pochyby... Nemôžete prerušiť prírodu.

138No pozrite, zakaždým, tri roky potom čo nejaké posolstvo vyšlo od Boha, oni sa zorganizovali. Toto je už dvadsať rokov a nie je to organizáciou. To nebude. Vidíte? No, tá šupka sa musí odtiahnuť, dajte tej pšenici príležitosť ležať na slnku, aby dozrela na tom posolstve, ktoré prichádza znovu rovno naspäť do cirkvi, formujúc telo Ježiša Krista tak, ako tá prvá originálna pšenica, korá vošla do zeme. Teraz vidieť ten večný život.

139Ten život, iste tá stonka tu niesla ten život. Pravdaže to robila. Ale vidíte, keď sa to stalo stopkou a zakončilo sa to, organizácia, ten život išiel rovno ďalej do Wesleya, vyšiel rovno von... A pozorujte každé jedno z nich. No, veľké steblo nevyzerá ako zrno. Ale keď prichádza malý peľ toho klasu, to celé sa oveľa viac podobá na to zrno. Ale keď to prichádza do šupky, je to takmer tam.

Nepovedal Ježiš, že v posledných dňoch (Matúš 24:24) tí dvaja budú tak blízko, že by to zviedlo samotné tie gény, predurčené, vyvolené, ak by to bolo možné? Takmer ako skutočná vec (Vidíte?), tak v posledných dňoch... Tak vidíte, to je teraz čas pšenice. Dostáva sa to do času žatvy. Toto nie je Lutherov vek, toto nie je vek letničných, toto je vek Nevesty.

Ako Mojžiš vyvolal národ z národa, Kristus dnes volá cirkev z cirkvi (Vidíte?), tá istá vec v type, berúc ich do slávnej večnej zasľúbenej zemi.

142Tak, odmietnuť tú Osobu, ktorá robí to volanie, Krista, bez ohľadu na to, či ste letničný, metodista, luterán, čokoľvek ste, vy musíte... Tento vek... Nič proti nim, vôbec nie, ale v tomto veku, ktorý je teraz, vy to musíte prijať tak, ako to oni prijali v tom veku tej Osoby, Krista, ktorou je Slovo. Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami, to isté včera, dnes a naveky. (Židom 13:8) Vidíte? Vy musíte prijať tú Osobu večného života.

143 No, aký život mal Luther, to bolo ospravedlnenie. Wesley mal posvätenie, pridané ku tomu. Letniční mali prinavrátenie darov, ktoré prišli naspäť do toho, boli pridané ku tomu. Ale teraz to je úplnosť v tele (Vidíte?), tie tri štádia toho, a z toho... Potom keď vzkriesenie prichádza, ten život, ktorý žil v tých Luteránoch, ktorý vyšiel, ten život ktorý žil v Metodistoch a vyšiel, ten život ktorý vošiel do Letničných, bude celý vytrhnutý z tej zeme do tela Nevesty, aby bol zobraný do prítomnosti Ježiša Krista. Sláva Bohu. Ó, to je vzrušujúce. Je to pravda.

144Zahli sme za roh. Dívame sa do nebies, vyhliadame príchod toho štítového kameňa na tú pyramídu, ako by sme povedali, Jeho príchod späť. Cirkev musí byť zakrátko vzkriesená a my sa musíme pripraviť. A ten jediný spôsob, ktorým to môžete urobiť nie je povedať, "No, ja patrím do Zborov Božích. Ja patrím ku Jednotárom, Dvojičiarom," alebo čokoľvek to je, oni všetci tam, "Ja patrím do Cirkvi Božej," to neznamená nič. "Naši otcovia kričali a tancovali." To je úplne v poriadku, to bol ich deň. Ale dnes ty nie si konfrontovaný s organizáciou, ktorú oni urobili, ale so životom, ktorý ide ďalej, ktorým je Ježiš Kristus.

146Tento mladý človek urobil tú istú vec. Mojžiš napísal tieto prikázania. Ale vidíte, ten istý Boh, ktorý napísal tie prikázania skrze svojho proroka, to bola tá istá vec, o ktorej prorokoval, že ten deň príde, "Ja vzbudím proroka podobného mne. A stane sa, že všetci, ktorí Ho nebudú počúvať budú vyťatí", naspäť v denominačných šupkách a klasoch. Oni musia ísť ďalej do života. A dnes, nehovorte, "Ja som letničný. Ja patrím do tohoto, Ja patrím do toho. To nič neznamená. Musíte prijať osobu Krista, Večný život. To konfrontuje každého jedného z nás. Nezabudnite na to.

Tam boli vodcovia (Vidíte?), ktorí ho tak držali, tí ľudia hovorili, "No, my patríme do tohoto," a oni ho tak držali. Ale aká to je osudná vec odmietnuť vodcovstvo Večného Života.

148No, ten život je prítomný dnes večer. Je to tak. Duch Svätý je tu, ktorým je Kristus v duchovnej forme, Jeho Duch, to pomazanie je tu. "Malú chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí, jednako vy ma uvidíte: pretože ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, do skončenia, do konca sveta."

Jedine Ježiš vás môže viesť do večného života. Nie je žiadna cirkev, žiadna denominácia, žiadny kazateľ, žiadny kňaz, ani nič iné, čo by vás mohlo viesť ku Tomu, vy musíte byť vedení Ním, ktorý je Tým jediným, ktorý vás môže viesť.

150Mohli by ste si Jeho predstaviť, že vás vedie pomimo Jeho Slova, ktoré je Ním? A ak On je Slovo a vy ste časťou Neho, či nebudete časťou toho Slova? To Slovo, ktoré Boh chce vyliať ako vody spasenia v dnešnom dni aby Ho to zidentifikovalo na dnes, ako Ho zidentifikovali apoštoli, ako Luther, ako Wesley, ako v tých ľuďoch v ich dňoch sa On zidentifikoval... Toto je iný vek. To je to Slovo. To Slovo povedalo, že tieto veci, na ktoré my sa dívame sa udejú teraz, je to predurčené, aby sa to stalo v tejto hodine. Tak prijmite Ježiša Krista a nech On vás vedie do večného života.

151Hoci on dosiahol, tento mladý človek... Dosiahol všetky dobré veci. V škole bol výborný. Ako dobrý chlapec, bez pochyby on bol dobrý. Ako skutočný otec... V tom, že počúval svojho otca v obchodovaní, bol dobrý--dobrý chlapec, dobrý ku svojim rodičom. Bol verný svojmu kňazovi. Bol verný svojej cirkvi. Bol verný prikázaniam Božím. Ale on stratil tú najväčšiu vec, a ten zvyšok z tých vecí neznamená veľmi veľa, keď sa odvrátil od vodcovstva Večného Života, Ježiša Krista.

Všimnite si. Toto vodcovstvo konfrontuje každého jedného z nás dnes, je to tá istá vec ako to urobil ten mladý muž, my—bez ohľadu na to, akí sme nábožní. Môžete byť katolíkom, môžete byť Baptistom, Metodistom, alebo môžete byť letniční, alebo čokoľvek ste, táto istá vec vás konfrontuje dnes večer: Večný život, to je prijatie Ježiša Krista. Je nám daná táto príležitosť.

153Niekedy v živote sa musíme postaviť tvárou v tvár tej veci, tak ako to urobil tento mladý muž, pretože vy ste smrteľná bytosť a vy dávate--je vám daná tá príležitosť voľby. Vy máte voľbu. Boh to spravil tak, že si môžete vybrať. Ak On postavil Adama a Evu na slobodnom morálnom rozhodnutí, tak že si mohli vybrať a potom oni spravili zlú voľbu... A vidíte, On pre vás nemôže urobiť viac než urobil pre nich, On vás musí postaviť na tej istej veci, tak, že si môžete vybrať alebo odmietnuť. Vy máte voľbu. Pozrime sa na niektoré z nich:

Máte voľbu ako mladý muž, či budete mať vzdelanie alebo nie. Vy máte tú voľbu. Môžete chcieť to jednoducho nemať, môžete to odmietnuť. Máte voľbu vášho správania sa. Trochu tu zraním. Vidíte? Vy môžete ísť von a nechať si rásť vaše vlasy a byť beatlesákom alebo niektorým z týchto ignorantov.

Alebo vy ženy, môžete vyzerať ako slušná ľudská bytosť alebo môžete byť jednou z týchto čudných stvorení, ktoré máme tam vonku, ich modré oči a tá trvalá a takéto veci, ony sú úplne proti Slovu Božiemu, ktoré je absolútne proti tomu, dokonca ani prednesená modlitba nemôže byť prijatá. Je to pravda. Je to presne tak. To je to, čo povedala Biblia.

Ale čo sa ti stalo, cirkev? Dívala si sa tak veľa na televíziu, na toľko vecí toho sveta, je to tak ľahké pre tvoju starú Adamovu prirodzenosť, že si unášaná do toho, že konáš ako ten zvyšok z nich.

158 Nech toto znovu zopakujem. V tom kóšeri, v tej obeti zmierenia v dňoch Mojžiša, keď Mojžiš vyviedol tie deti von, tam muselo byť sedem dní, v ktorých nemohol byť žiadny kvas pomedzi tým ľudom. Každý to vie. V Exoduse, "Vôbec žiadny kvas nebude nájdený vo vašom tábore za sedem dní." Tých sedem dní reprezentovalo tých plných sedem cirkevných vekov. Vidíte?

"Žiadny kvas." Tak, čo je to? Žiadne vyznanie, žiadny svet. Ježiš povedal, "Ak milujete svet alebo veci toho sveta, láska Božia ani nie je vo vás." Vidíte? A my sa to pokúšame zmiešať, nemôžete to robiť. Musíte prísť ku jednej veci, a to je veriť: vy tiež budete veriť Bohu, budete veriť vašej cirkvi, budete veriť tomu svetu, vy ste... Nemôžete to miešať spolu. A nemôžete sa držať tých starých vecí, ktorých sa držali tie iné cirkvi pred vami. Vy musíte vziať posolstvo tejto hodiny.

160 On povedal, "Čo sa nezúžitkovalo, nech to nezostane do rána, aby to prišlo do tohoto iného veku, spáľte to ohňom, aby sa to zničilo." Aby ten vek, v ktorom vy žijete, to posolstvo tohoto veku, ono musí byť prinesené z Písma a potvrdené a dokázané Bohom, že to Boh tak robí. Potom to buď prijmete alebo to odmietnete. To je Večný Život, vodcovstvo Ducha Svätého, ktorý vedie Svoju cirkev. Mohli by sme na tom zostať dlhý čas, ale pohnime sa, len poďme ďalej.

162Tá voľba vášho vedenia, vy by ste mohli... Nemôžete to teraz zmiešať. Vy ste buď za Boha alebo proti Bohu, a tie vonkajšie vyjadrenia ukazujú presne čo je vo vnútri. Vidíte? Kúkoľ, mnohí z vás si myslia, "Ja mám krst Duchom Svätým, ja pôjdem do neba." To vôbec neznamená, že pôjdete do neba. Nie veru. Môžete mať krst Duchom Svätým každú hodinu vášho života a stále byť stratení a ísť do pekla. Biblia tak hovorí. Vidíte? Je to presne tak.

163Pozrite sa sem, vy ste človekom navonok. Máte päť zmyslov, ktoré kontaktujú to vonkajšie telo. Boh vám dal päť zmyslov, nie na to, aby ste sa kontaktovali s Ním, ale s vaším zemským domovom: zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch a sluch. Potom máte ducha tam vo vnútri toho a on má päť výstupov: svedomie a láska a tak ďalej. Päť výstupov, s ktorými sa kontaktujete s tým duchovným svetom, ale s vaším duchom. Vaše telesné zmysly sa kontaktujú s tým telesným svetom. Vaše duchovné sa kontaktujú s tým duchovným. Ale vo vnútri toho máte dušu, a tá duša je ten gén, ktorý prišiel od Boha.

166 A ako malé dieťa uformované v matkinom lone, keď to dieťa prichádza do matkinho lona, skrze ten malý zárodok, on sa plazí do toho vajíčka. To neuformuje jednu ľudskú bunku, potom ďalšiu psiu, a ďalšiu mačaciu, a ďalšiu konskú. To sú všetko ľudské bunky, pretože to sa buduje z originálnej ľudskej bunky.

A keď bol nejaký človek znovuzrodený skrze Slovo Božie, predurčený do večného života, povolaný, vyvolený, to bude Slovo Božie na Slovo, Slovo na Slovo. Nie denominačné vyznanie a potom Slovo, a vyznanie, to nebude fungovať. Nemôžete mať v tom ten kvas. Je len jeden večný život, Ježiš Kristus, Slovo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo bolo učinené telom a prebývalo medzi nami."

168Priatelia, vy kŕmite moje deti. Posielate ma na misijné polia do sveta, aby som tam priniesol to posolstvo. Ja musím byť s vami úprimný. To, na čo sa ja dívam možno vy nevidíte. To je to prečo som tu, to je to čo sa vám snažím povedať. To nie je pretože ja nemilujem ľudí, to je pretože ja milujem ľudí. Náprava... Keď vidím, že cirkev spí, ako stráca záujem hovoriac, "No, my sme urobili toto urobili sme tamto," a dívam sa na cirkev a vidím ich... To jednoducho nebude fungovať.

Potom pozrite tu do Biblie a vidzte že to tak musí byť na konci, ten vlažný Laodicejský cirkevný vek, ktorý vystrkuje Ježiša (to Slovo) von. On nikdy nepovolal... On nepovolá žiadnu cirkev. On povedal, "Všetkých, ktorých Ja milujem, karhám. Trestám ich." Berúc Slovo udieram ním a hovorím, že nie ste v poriadku. To je ten dôvod, že ja vás milujem. "Ak otvoríte dvere a dovolíte Mi vojsť, Ja prídem a budem večerať s vami," nie cirkev, On je z nej vystrčený.

170Jej hlavou je ekumenická rada. To je to, kde ona odišla, rovno naspäť do Ríma odkiaľ ona vyšla. A to je presne tak. Mám to napísané na papieri spred dvadsiatichpiatich, alebo tridsiatichtroch rokov a tam to je. Nie len to, je to napísané v Biblii, z jedného videnia. Ona odišla naspäť. Nie je spôsob ako ju spasiť, ona je preč. To bude tak. Boh volá jednotlivcov. "Ja stojím pri dverách a klopem. Ak nejaký človek, nejaká osoba..." Jeden jednotlivec z tisíca, to môže byť jeden z milióna. Ako som povedal pred niekoľkými večermi. Keď Izrael vychádzal z Egypta, boli tam dva milióny ľudí, ktorí vyšli a zrovna dva milióny, len jeden--len dvaja ľudia vošli, jeden z milióna. Vedeli ste to? Kálef a Jozua. A Ježiš keď On bol na zemi. Oni povedali, "Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti. My zachovávame tradície. A my robíme toto. My vieme kde stojíme." On povedal, "Ja viem, že vaši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti, a oni sú každý jeden večne oddelení. Oni sú mŕtvi.

175Keď tá spermia vychádza od toho muža alebo ženy, je tam milión vajíčok, ktoré vychádzajú, vychádza tam milión zárodkov. A zo všetkých týchto malých zárodkov toho druhu... Či je to od býka, alebo muža, alebo čokoľvek to je, tam sú skrátka milióny zárodkov, milión zárodkov, ktoré pracujú. Len jeden z tých zárodkov je určený do života, pretože tam je jedno vajíčko, ktoré je plodné, aby sa s ním stretlo.. Je to tak. Len jedno vajíčko sa s ním stretne. Tak ako toto telo, ktoré tu sedí a ten zárodok prichádza od Boha. Vidíte? A pozorujte ten malý zárodok ako prichádza medzi všetkými týmito inými zárodkami, a krúti sa okolo nich, rovno ďalej aby ich obišiel, ide tam a nachádza to plodné vajíčko a plazí sa rovno do neho, a ten zvyšok z nich zomiera. Čo ak by to bolo tak s cirkvou dnes, jeden z milióna? Vidíte kde by to bolo. "Tesná je brána a úzka je cesta, a málo bude tých, ktorí ju nájdu, pretože široká je cesta, ktorá vedie do zahynutia a bude mnoho tých, ktorí tam vojdú." "Je to pravda brat Branham?" Ja neviem, ale ja len citujem Písmo. Vidíte?

177 Tak, vy ste určení do Života. Vy to vidíte ak ste určení do toho, aby ste to videli. Ak nie ste určení do toho, aby ste to videli, vy to neuvidíte. Bolo povedané, "Majú oči, ale nemôžu vidieť, majú uši a nemôžu počuť." Akí vďační by ste mali byť, cirkev. Ako by ste sa mali mali dať do poriadku z týchto vecí. Ako by ste mali byť zapálení pre Boha. Že vaše oči hľadia na to, čo vy vidíte, že vaše uši počujú tie veci, ktoré vidíte. Vodcovstvo. Prečo ste prišli sem dnes večer, aby ste počuli posolstvo ako je toto. Som označený cirkvami po svete ako fanatik. Prečo ste prišli? Duch Svätý vás viedol sem (Vidíte, vidíte?), aby ste počúvali. Obrežte sa, odseknite preč vaše veci toho sveta, prijmite vodcovstvo Ježiša Krista, lebo ináč zahyniete tak isto ako ten svet.

178Máte voľbu správania. Ako sa budete správať, to je na vás. Máte voľbu manželky. Idete a beriete si svoju manželku. Chcete si vziať manželku, chcete si vziať takú ktorá je úplne pre vás--to čo vy chcete, plánujete si aký bude váš budúci domov. Mohli by ste si predstaviť nejakého muža, kresťana, ako ide a berie si jednu z týchto moderných Rikít za ženu? Vidíte? Mohli by ste si to predstaviť? O čom ten muž premýšľa? Aký druh domova bude mať, ak si vezme nejakú striptérku, nejakú karikatúru tu z ulice, pouličnú prostitútku. "Ó," vy poviete, "no, počkaj chvíľu." Ako sa ona oblieka? Vidíte, vidíte? Oblieka si šortky a také veci, ona je pouličná prostitútka."Ó," poviete, "no, brat Branham..." Ó, ich krátke tesné sukne, ktoré vyzerajú že ste do nich nacpaní: pouličná prostitútka.

180Ježiš povedal,"A, ktokoľvek pozrie na ženu so žiadosťou po nej, už spáchal s ňou cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci." Potom sa on musí za to zodpovedať. A čo urobila ona? Ona sa predvádzala. Kto je vinný? Pomyslite o tom. Vy poviete, "Oni nevyrábajú žiadne iné šaty." Oni majú látky a šijacie stroje (Vidíte?), bez výhovorky. Ha-ha. Je to tak. No, ja vás nechcem zraniť. A toto nie je vtip, toto je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN z Písma. To je presne pravda, priateľu. Som starý muž, dlho tu už nezostanem, ale musím vám povedať Pravdu. Ak toto je moje posledné posolstvo, je to pravda. Vidíte? Nerob to, sestra. Nerob to, brat.

183A vy ľudia, ktorí visíte na vyznaní a viete, že Slovo Božie je potvrdené rovno pred vami. Krst Duchom Svätým a tieto skutočné veci, ktoré my dnes máme, a potom kvôli vašim vyznaniam sa odvraciate od toho? Ako môžete byť synom Božím a zapierať Slovo Božie, ktoré je predpovedané na tieto posledné dni, v ktorých my žijeme? Ako to môžte robiť? Ako môže Biblia nazvať toto...

Ako som hovoril včera večer o jednom kráľovi, raz dolu na juhu, keď oni mali... Tí farební tam dolu boli predávaní za otrokov. No, oni neboli nič viac než ako použité auto predávané na trhu, dostali ste zoznam tých, ktorí sú na predaj. A bol som znepokojený pri jednom malom mieste... Čítal som raz o tom kde maklér prišiel aby nejakých kúpil, a on povedal, "Dobre, tak, rád by som..." Oni boli smutní, museli ste ich bičovať, aby ste ich donútili pracovať, pretože oni boli ďaleko od domova. Oni boli predanými otrokmi. A oni v cudzej krajine, nič o nej nevedeli, a nikdy sa nevrátia domov, a oni boli smutní. Museli ste ich bičovať aby ste ich donútili pracovať. Ale tento maklér prechádzal okolo istej plantáže.

185Bol tam jeden mladý človek s vypnutou hruďou a s bradou hore, nemuseli ste ho bičovať. On bol vzpriamený a tým udržoval morálku tých ostatných. Ten maklér povedal, "Ja ho kúpim."

On povedal, "Nie je na predaj. Nie veru. Nekúpiš ho, pretože nie je na predaj."

On povedal, "Dobre, čo ho robí takým, že sa tak veľmi líši?" Povedal, "Je šéfom nad tými ostatnými?

Povedal, "Nie."

Povedal, "Dávaš mu inú stravu?"

Povedal, "Nie. Áno, on je otrok, on jedáva tam v tej kuchyni s tými ostatnými."

Povedal, "Čo ho robí tak veľmi odlišným?"

On povedal, "Sám som bol zvedavý, až kým som to nezistil. Tam v Afrike (odkiaľ oni prišli, kde ich kúpili Búri a priviedli ich sem a predali ich za otrokov), tam je jeho otec náčelníkom kmeňa. A hoci cudzinec, preč od svojho domu, on vie, že je synom kráľa. Tak on sa podľa toho správa.

190Aké pokarhanie pre kresťanstvo. Od nás sa očakáva, aby sme reprezentovali Boha a večný život. Je len jedna forma večného života a to je Boh. On sám má večný život. A my sme jeho produktami, pretože sme génmi z Jeho Ducha. Potom my by sme sa mali správať, ženy a mužovia, tak ako povedala Biblia aby sme sa správali, nie ako pouličné Jezábele a Rikiovia z organizácie, ale ako kresťanskí džentlmeni, synovia a dcéry Božie, narodení z Ducha Božieho, ktorí manifestujú to Svetlo a rozširujú ho. Je to presne tak.

191Ako veľmi sa líšime od toho. Prečo? Kvôli tej istej veci, ktorú urobil ten chlapec tu. On odvrhol a odmietol Večný Život, pretože to by ho stálo jeho sociálne postavenie, stálo by ho to jeho luxus, ktorý mal z peňazí, stálo by ho to jeho obecenstvo v cirkvi, stálo by ho to mnoho vecí. On vedel čo by ho to stálo, on bol citlivý chlapec a cítil že by nemohol zaplatiť tú cenu. Jednako on uvažoval, "Ja len budem dôverovať svojmu náboženstvu a pôjdem ďalej. Ale dolu vo svojom srdci on vedel, že tam bolo niečo na Ježišovi Kristovi, rozdielne od tých kňazov toho dňa.

192A každé posolstvo, ktoré prichádza, opravdovo zrodené posolstvo od Boha je rozdielne od toho starého trendu. Keď vyšlo Božské uzdravovanie, pred nedávnom, všimli ste si ako to nasledovali napodobovatelia? Vidíte? A každý jeden z nich išli rovno do svojich organizácií, a zostali tam. Vie niekto, že musí byť posolstvo, ktoré to potom nasleduje? No, Boh nás nezabáva. On priťahuje našu pozornosť s niečim a keď pritiahne našu pozornosť, potom On má Svoje posolstvo.

Pozrite keď On prvý krát prišiel na zem, On začal Svoju službu, "Ó mladý Rabbi, my ťa chceme tu v našej cirkvi. My môžeme... Príď sem ku nám." Mladý prorok.

"Ó, chceme Ťa tu. Prídi sem ku nám."

Ale jedného dňa On zastál a povedal, "Ja a Môj Otec sme jedno."

"Ó. On sa robí Bohom."

"Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho krv, nemáte v sebe život."

"On je vampír. Dobre, my s Ním nemáme nič do činenia."

Tí apoštoli sedeli rovno tam, tisíce z nich Ho opustili, Ale tí apoštoli boli určení do života. On tak povedal. Oni to nemohli vysvetliť, oni tomu verili. Zostali rovno s tým, pretože povedali, "Žiaden človek by nemohol robiť tieto skutky."

199Dokonca kňazi to vedeli. Nikodém povedal, "My vieme, (rada Sanhedrinu) že žiaden človek by nemohol robiť tieto skutky, ak by to nebolo od Boha." Vidíte? Peter na deň Letníc povedal, "Ježiš z Nazaretu, Muž Bohom potvrdený, Boh bol s Ním." Pozrite do Písma, čo Písmo povedalo, že sa bude diať. Ježiš povedal, "Skúmajte Písma, vy si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život. Oni sú tie, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Ak by ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste mňa, pretože Mojžiš napísal, že Ja prídem v tej forme, v ktorej som prišiel." On prišiel ako Syn človeka.

202On prišiel pod tromi menami ako Boh, tri (ako Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý), ten istý Boh, to sú tri atribúty. No, tiež ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, Luther, Martin a Letniční, tá istá vec, tri atribúty, tri štádia, tri cirkevné veky, tá istá vec... Voda, krv a duch, vždy ako idete ďalej, tri elementy, ktoré vás berú naspäť do toho tela. Ako vás to privádza z vášho prirodzeného narodenia, ktoré je typom vášho duchovného narodenia. Dieťa, ktoré sa narodí, prvá vec je voda, ďalšia je krv a potom život. To je spôsob, ktorým vy prichádzate do Kráľovstva Božieho, to je tá istá vec. Teraz, všimnite si na týchto troch veciach, Boh uformoval Svoje--formuje Svoje telo.

205No, zisťujeme že tu, že vy máte právo na svoju voľbu. Vyberáte si dievča, s ktorým sa chcete oženiť, ona vás prijíma, v poriadku. Potom ďalšia vec, máte voľbu toho či chcete žiť alebo nechcete žiť. Teraz si vyberáte medzi životom a smrťou. Vy môžete žiť. Ten chlapec mal tú voľbu. On bol vo všetkom ostatnom úspešný, nábožný muž, ale on vedel, že keď to... On to povedal o sebe, "Ja som zachovával všetky tieto prikázania od svojej mladosti," ale on vedel, že nemal večný život. Vidíte? A on mal voľbu prijať to alebo to odmietnuť a on sa od toho odvrátil. To bola tá najosudnejšia chyba, ktorú on mohol kedy urobiť. Ten zvyšok toho sa nepočítal. To nie, to sa nerátalo, iba ak spravíte tú voľbu.

208Teraz, nasledujme ho pri jeho výbere a pozrime sa, kam ho to doviedlo. No, vidíte kde si on vybral. Tak, pozrite, on bol bohatý muž, bol obchodník, bol kniežaťom a bol nábožným mužom. To všetko. Dnes by sme povedali, "Chlapče, on je opravdový Metodista, alebo Baptista alebo Letničný. On--on je skutočný muž, skutočne milý chlapec. Fajný." Nič by ste proti nemu nemohli povedať, priateľský, milý, spoločenský a všetko, nebola pri ňom žiadna nemorálnosť. On zrejme nefajčil, nepil alebo ani nebehal naokolo aby sa ukázal a nechodil na tancovačky a akokoľvek by sme to dnes nazvali, ako by sme zatriedili kresťana. Ale to ešte nie je večný život. To nie je to, o čom hovoríme. On bol zrejme verný svojej cirkvi, tej v ktorej asi bol. Ale vidíte do čoho ho to viedlo? Veľká popularita. Povedzme, ak on bol kazateľ, on nemohol byť—nemohol mať lepšiu cirkev. Mohol byť štátnym presbyterom alebo biskupom. Vidíte? To vás vedie do popularity, a to ho viedlo do bohatstva a slávy.

210To môže urobiť tú istú vec dnes, ak máte veľký talent na spev. Myslel som o tom mladom človeku, ktorý tu pred chvíľou spieval tú pieseň, ako to on dával diablovi a teraz to vracia... A aký rozdiel je medzi ním a Elvisom Preslym a niektorými z nich, Pat Boone a taká skupina, Ernie Ford, tí chlapi, veľký speváci a berú svoje talenty, tie Bohom dané talenty a používajú to ku inšpirácii diablových skutkov. Je to tak. Jeden veľký spevák predáva svoje Bohom dané talenty za slávu v tomto svete, aby sa stal niekym. Ako sa môžete stať niekým väčším, keď sa chcete stať niekým, než ako sa stať synom Božím?

Nestarám sa či vlastníte celé mesto, celý svet a neprijali ste vodcovstvo Večného Života skrze Ducha Svätého, ako pôjdete... Kým ste jednako? Ste mŕtvym smrteľníkom, mŕtvym v hriechu a previneniach. Nábožný ako len chcete byť, tak verný ako len chcete byť cirkvi, kazateľ, ak chceš byť za kazateľňou, ale sa odvraciaš, ty zomrieš.

212On mal veľký úspech. Mal veľký úspech tu v tomto živote. Isteže. Nachádzame ho tam kde si všímame... Potom nachádzame tohoto človeka, že on išiel... Sledujeme ho trochu, a vidíme, že sa stal veľmi úspešným. A sledujeme ho cez Bibliu. Všímame si, že on... Nachádzame ho ako bohatého muža. On má také vysoké posty, a ako hosťa prijímal sudcu a starostu mesta alebo ktokoľvek to už bol. Je na vrchu svojho domu a má veľké večierky, a množstvo čašníčok a žien, dievčat a všetko ďalšie okolo neho. A tam je žobrák ležiaci pri bráne menom Lazar. On si zametá ku sebe omrvinky. Poznáme ten príbeh. Ďalšia vec je, že on napreduje vo svojich úspechoch, práve tak, ako dnešné cirkvi. Jeden obchodník, ktorý tu sedí mi povedal že rovno tu v Kalifornii, že cirkvi musia hovoriť robotníckym odborom čo robiť. Vidíte, to prichádza znovu do zjednotenia cirkvi a štátu. Je to rovno pri vás. Vidíte, ste rovno tam a prijímate znamenie šelmy a neviete o tom.

214Ak ste si kedy kúpili jednu z mojich pások, zožeňte si túto, keď ju budem mať, keď sa dostanem domov, "Cesta hada," a uvidíte kde sa to nachádza, aྭuvidíte, kde sa to skončí. Idem teraz domov aby som o tom hovoril, ak Pán bude chcieť. Bude to asi štyri hodiny, tak nemohol by som to mať na jednom zhromaždení ako je toto. Musím ísť tam, kde tá cirkev vydrží so mnou tak dlho, trpezlivo. Všimnite si, ale teraz... Vy to môžete počúvať niekedy na páske vo svojom dome.

215Všimnite si toto, no zisťujeme, že on mal veľký úspech. Potom ho nachádzame neskôr, až kým mal väčší úspech, až on povedal, "Mám tak veľa." Chlapče, on sa stal skutočným mužom toho dňa. Však že? "Dokonca moje stodoly sú preplnené, ony praskajú. A ja mám toľko až som povedal, Ó, duša, odpočiň si." Ale čo on urobil na počiatku, odmietol vodcovstvo Ježiša Krista. Jeho cirkev, jeho inteligencia, jeho vzdelanie a všetko ho to viedlo do úspechu. Všetci tí židia ho milovali. On im dával, pomáhal im, on mohol robiť toto, to, alebo tamto. Ale vidíte, on odmietol to vodcovstvo Ježiša Krista, toho Večného Života. A to... Biblia povedala, On povedal, "Ty blázon, dnes večer vyžiadajú tvoju dušu."

A teraz ho nachádzame, to ďalšie miesto, v pekle, ako pozdvihuje svoje oči a vidí toho žobráka, od ktorého sa odvracal na ulici, v lone Abrahámovom. Aká osudová chyba. Ako tie cirkvi boli v poriadku v tom spôsobe, ktorým išli, ale oni stále nemali večný život.

218To mi pripomína jednu kázeň, ktorú som tu pred nedávnom kázal, "Filter rozumného človeka." Možno ste ju mali. Išiel som, prechádzal som cez les, poľoval som na veveričky (túto jeseň) a pozrel som sa dolu. A pravdaže, nemôžem menovať tú cigaretovú spoločnosť. Viete to. A tam ležal--ležal tam balíček cigariet. A ja som len prechádzal okolo neho, a hľadal som--v lese. A videl som ten balíček ktorý tam ležal, a znovu som sa obzrel, a tam bolo napísané, "Filter rozumného muža, chuť fajčiara." Ja som len začal ísť ďalej cez les. A Duch Svätý povedal, "Obráť sa a zodvihni to."

Načiahol som sa dolu a zodvihol som ho, "Filter rozumného človeka, chuť fajčiara." Pomyslel som si "Americká firma tu predáva pod pláštikom smrť svojim vlastným Americkým občanom..." Filter rozumného muža? Vy... Chuť fajčiara?

221Bol som na svetovej výstave, s Yul Bryanom alebo s tými--Brynnner, a s nimi tam, keď on tam robil ten test. A ako položil jednu cigaretu a potiahol po mramore a vzal... Zotrel ten nikotín dal to na chrbát potkana, bieleho potkana, a po siedmych dňoch on bol tak zasiahnutý rakovinou, že nemohol chodiť. A oni povedali, "Vy viete, oni hovoria filter," povedal, "to je trik, aby predali viac cigariet."

To vyžaduje tak veľa nikotínu, aby to uspokojilo diabla. Je to tak. A keď beriete cigaretu s filtrom, to vyžaduje asi štyri cigarety aby nahradili tú jednu. Je to trik, aby vám predali viac cigariet. Nemôžete mať dym ak nemáte decht, a decht, vy máte rakovinu. Vidíte ako to je? A tí slepí Američania, hľadajú zajaca aby vyšiel niekde z nejakého klobúku, oni kvôli tomu upadajú. Nemôžete to mať, to je smrť. Nestarám sa, ktorou cestou idete, to je smrť na každej ceste, ktorou idete.. "Filter rozumného muža," rozumný muž by vôbec nefajčil (Je to tak.), ak on má vôbec na to nejaké myšlienky.

223No, myslel som, že to sa jednoducho vzťahuje na cirkvi. Vidíte? Ja myslím, má Boh filter? Áno. Aྭkaždá cirkev má nejaký filter. Je to tak. Oni filtrujú ľudí, ktorí vchádzajú a nechávajú v tom tiež veľa smrti.

Ako by ste kedy potiahli denomináciu cez Boží filter? Ako by ste to mohli urobiť? Ako by ste mohli potiahnuť ostrihanú ženu cez ten filter? Povedzte mi? Ako by ste kedy mohli potiahnuť cez to ženu, ktorá nosí nohavice, keď to je ohavnosťou pre ňu, aby si obliekala rúcho, ktoré patrí mužovi? Vidíte, Boží filter by ju tam zachytil, nedovolil by jej vojsť. Ale cirkev má svoje vlastné filtre. Tak ja hovorím, že je filter rozumného človeka, to je Božie Slovo, a to vyhovuje chuti svätého muža. Je to tak. Svätý muž, nie cirkevný muž, ale chuť svätého muža, pretože To je čisté, posvätné, nescudzoložené Slovo Božie. Je tam filter rozumného človeka. A, člen cirkvi, ja ti radím, aby si Ho použil. Pretože tamto odvádza do sveta a jeden kúsok toho je smrť. Troška kvasu, alebo jeden malý kvas nakvasí celú hrudu. "Ktokoľvek vezme jedno Slovo z toho, alebo pridá jedno Slovo ku tomu, jeho diel bude vzatý z Knihy života."

227V záhrade Eden, čo zapríčinilo smrť a všetko toto trápenie, každý infarkt, každé malé zomierajúce dieťa, každé chrčanie v hrdle, každú húkajúcu sanitku, každú nemocnicu, každý cintorín? To bolo pretože Eva pochybovala jednému Slovu, nie tomu všetkému, len ho prevrátila. No, Boh povedal, "Človek," tam, "on mal zachovať každé Slovo Božie." Tak, to je to prvé z Biblie.

V strede Biblie, prišiel Ježiš a On povedal, "Človek nebude žiť len skrze samotný chlieb, ale skrze každé Slovo, ktoré vychádza z Božích úst," nie len časť z nich, každé jedno.

Na konci Biblie, Zjavenie 22, Ježiš dáva svedectvo o Samom Sebe. Zjavenie Jeho—zjavenie Biblie je Ježiš Kristus. A On povedal, "Ktokoľvek vezme jedno Slovo z toho alebo pridá jedno slovo ku tomu, jeho diel bude vzatý z Knihy života." No, keď vy prechádzate cez ten filter rozumného človeka, budete mať chuť svätého muža, keď cez neho prejdete. Správne. Budete mať svätú chuť.

231Sestra, ty ktorá nosíš také šaty, rozmýšľaj o tom. Budeš... Ty povieš, Som cnostná ku svojmu manželovi." "Som cnostná ku svojmu priateľovi," "Som cnostné dievča." Ale čo ten hriešnik, ktorý sa pozrel na teba? Keď on sa zodpovie za cudzoložstvo, kto to vykonal? Vidíš? Budeš vinná. Vidíš, je to napísané v Slove, tak to je to... Vidíte? Ó, buď rozumná žena. Buď rozumná...

Ty povieš, "To možno..." Dobre, čo ak by sa stalo, že to bude tak? On tak povedal a jedno Slovo nemôže zlyhať. Vidíte?

233Jeden veľký človek mi pred nedávnom povedal, zavolal ma do svojej izby, povedal, "Položím na teba ruky brat Branham. Ty ruinuješ svoju službu, keď kážeš také veci."

Povedal som, "Každá služba, ktorú Slovo Božie zruinuje, by mala byť zruinovaná." Vidíte?

On povedal, "Položím ruky na teba." Povedal, "Bol si poslaný, aby si sa modlil za chorých."

Povedal som, "Ty veríš tým veciam, brat?"

On povedal, "Nie. Ale to nie je naša práca."

Povedal som, "Čia práca to potom je?" Vidíte?

"Ó," on povedal, "to je pastorova práca."

Povedal som, "Pozri sa na to zhromaždenie." Aha. Vidíte? Je to tak. Vidíte?

Každý rok tadeto prechádzam a kážem tieto veci, a myslím si, "Oni to iste uchytávajú," nasledujúci rok prichádzam späť, je ich tam viac než kedykoľvek predtým. Vidíte? Je to tak. To ukazuje, že mnohí sú povolaní ale málo je vyvolených.

239To vodcovstvo je Duch Svätý, priateľu. On ťa vedie a sprevádza do každej pravdy, keď On Duch Svätý príde. No, rozmýšľajte o tom. Vezmite ten filter rozumného človeka, to je Biblia, nie vaše vyznanie, nie vaša cirkev, vtedy budete stratení. Vezmite filter rozumného človeka.

To je to, na čo ten chlapec nemyslel. On zobral cirkevný filter. Stal sa populárnym, veľkým mužom, ale v pekle pozdvihol svoje oči, v mukách.

No, vezmite filter rozumného človeka, Ježiša Krista, Slovo a zatúžite po chuti svätého muža, pretože to to uspokojí. Ak máte Ducha Svätého vo vás, to to uspokojí. Ak tam Duch Svätý nie je, vy poviete, "Ó, dobre, ja nemyslím, že to niečo znamená, že je v tom nejaký rozdiel." Pozrite, čo ste spravili rovno tam, tú istú vec ktorú urobila Eva. Ste rovno naspäť na tom istom mieste.

243Teraz, poďme trochu ďalej. No, vezmime--nechajme toho človeka tam, toho ktorý nepoužil filter rozumného človeka. On odmietol prijať vodcovstvo Ježiša Krista a večný život. No, vezmime iného bohatého mladého biznismena, knieža s tou istou príležitosťou, ktorú mal tento muž. A prijal to, on prijal Kristove vodcovstvo. No, sú dvaja tam v Biblii, o ktorých budeme hovoriť. Toho jedného vidíme že to odmietol, tak vezmime tohoto človeka: ďalší bohatý, mladý biznismen a knieža. A on prijal to Vodcovstvo.

245Písmo nám hovorí o tomto človeku, ak si to chcete poznačiť, v Židom 11:23 do 29: Mojžiš, skrze vieru, odmietol byť nazvaný synom dcéry Faraónovej, vyvoliac si trpieť utrpenia Božie, ceniac si pohanenia Kristove za väčšie poklady než všetky poklady Egypta.

Vidíte, on prijal večný život. Mojžiš si cenil pohanenia Kristove za väčšie poklady než všetky poklady, ktoré ten svet mal. Mojžiš si to cenil najviac. No, ten bohatý muž to neurobil.

247A Mojžiš bol bohatý, mladý vladár, ktorý sa mal stať Faraónom. On bol Faraónov syn a bol dedičom trónu. A on hľadel na to nemožné, na skupinu miesičov blata, bandu otrokov. Ale skrze vieru on videl zasľúbenie Božie skrze Slovo, "Že jeho ľud bude bývať v cudzej zemi za štyristo rokov, ale bude zྭnej vyvedený mocnou rukou." A on si to cenil (Haleluja!) za väčšie bohatstvo než všetky poklady Egypta, pretože on zanechal Egypt nevediac kam ide. On bol vedený Kristom. On to opustil.

A svoju nohu mal na tróne a mohol byť ďalším Faraónom v Egypte. Ale on si cenil pohanenie Kristovo, to pohanenie byť nazvaný čudákom, byť nazvaný fanatikom, zastať na svoje miesto s tými miesičmi blata a tými fanatikmi, pretože on videl, že tá hodina, to Písmo, ktoré bolo zasľúbené aby sa vyplnilo, bola vtedy tam. A ó, cirkev zobuď sa. Nemôžeš vidieť tú istú vec dnes večer? Tá hodina, ktorá bola zasľúbená je rovno pri nás. Ceňte si pohanenie Ježiša Krista za väčšie Bohatstvo než všetko to obecenstvo s čímkoľvek, či to je otec a matka, cirkev, čokoľvek ďalšie, nasledujte vodcovstvo Ducha.

250Nasledujme tohoto Krista za malú--alebo tohoto Mojžiša za malú chvíľu, to, ja som to urobil. Pozorujme jeho život. Tá prvá vec, keď on prijal to aby zobral pohanenie Kristovo a zanechal svoje vzdelanie, zanechal všetku svoju múdrosť... On bol učený všetkej múdrosti Egypťanov. A všetku svoju popularitu, svoj trón, svoje žezlo, svoje kraľovanie, svoju korunu, všetko čo mal, on to odmietol.

A tento druhý človek to chcel a odmietol Krista, a tento človek to odmietol a prijal Krista. A rýchlo čo sa stalo? On sa musel oddeliť. "Haleluja," to slovo, ono znamená "Chvála nášmu Bohu." Je to príliš zlé, že my na to zabúdame.

253On odmietol tie tróny a popularitu. Mohol mať stovky mladých dievčat za manželky a mohol mať žezlá pod... Egypt ovládal svet. Svet ležal rovno pri jeho nohách a on bol dedičom každého jeho kúsku. Ale skrze to, že sa díval do Písma, aྭto, že videl deň, v ktorom žil a poznal to niečo v ňom, že to predurčené semeno Božie išlo do práce.

Nestarám sa o to akí populárni by ste mohli byť alebo čím by ste mohli byť, mohli by ste byť presbyterom, mohli by ste byť pastorom, mohli by ste byť týmto, tým, alebo niečim iným, ale ak to Slovo večného života, skrze Božie Slovo, bolo predurčené aby bolo vo vás, a vy vidíte tú vec že je na dosah, to ide do práce, takto sa sa to hýbe. [Brat Branham lúska svojimi prstami--Pozn.prekl.] Začína vychádzať. Začína tomu rozumieť.

A on odmietol byť nazvaný synom dcéry Faraónovej, pretože si cenil pohanenie Kristovo za väčšie poklady než všetky bohatstvá Egypta alebo sveta. On si to cenil. Pozorujte čo urobil, on to nasledoval. Rýchlo, on bol vypudený od svojho ľudu, ľudu ktorý ho raz miloval.

256To vás môže stáť všetko čo máte. To vás môže stáť váš dom, môže vás to stáť vašich priateľov, to vás môže stáť vaše šicie večierky, môže vás to stáť miesto v Kiwanise. To môže... Ja neviem čo vás to bude stáť, ale to bude stáť všetko čo je svetské alebo náleží tomu svetu. Budete sa musieť oddeliť od všetkého čo je svetské. Budete to musieť urobiť.

Mojžiš odložil všetko bokom a išiel na púšť s palicou vo svojej ruke. Amen. Prechádzali dni za dňami. A som zvedavý, či rozmýšľal oྭtom, či urobil chybu? Nie. Veľa krát ľudia začnú, a oni hovoria, "Ó, ja to urobím. Sláva Bohu, vidím to." A nech sa vám niekto vysmeje a urobí si z vás žart, "Zrejme som sa mýlil."

On povedal, "Tí, ktorí nemôžu vystáť kázeň sú bastardské deti a nie deti Božie." Vidíte, oni sú zbudovaní na emóciach.

Vidíte, toto semeno, o ktorom som pred chvíľou hovoril, tá duša nemala nič s čím by začala. Ona bola pomazaná tým Duchom a on robil všetko možné. Ó, vy--oni... A keď je váš duch pomazaný, vy môžete... To je skutočný, opravdový Duch Svätý a vy by ste stále mohli byť diablom.

260"Ó," vy poviete, "Brat Branham..."

Falošní proroci. Biblia povedala, "V posledných dňoch tam budú falošní proroci." Ježiš povedal, "Povstanú falošní kristovia," Nie "falošní Ježišovia," no, nikto by sa za to nepostavil, ale "falošní kristovia." "Kristus" znamená "ten pomazaný." Falošne pomazaní, oni sú pomazaní, ale oni sú falošní od základu a robia veľké znamenia a divy, hovoria v jazykoch, tancujú v Duchu, kážu Evanjelium.

Judáš Iškariotský to robil. Simeon... Alebo nie, prepáčte... Kajfáš prorokoval. Balám, ten pokrytec... Iste, urobil všetky tie znamenia, všetko, všetky tie náboženské hnutia.

263Ale vidíte, vy kladiete semeno kúkoľa a semeno pšenice do toho istého záhonu a lejete tú vodu na ne a pomazávate ich, oni sa budú obaja radovať. Oni obaja budú skrze to rásť, tá istá voda. "Slnko svieti na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých, a dážď padá na spravodlivých a na nespravodlivých, ale podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte." Ako sa môžete zdržať od toho, aby ste sa dali do línie so Slovom? Amen. Vidíte, čo mám na mysli? "Tá voda padá na spravodlivých a na nespravodlivých," pomazáva to.

Ježiš povedal, "Oni prídu ku Mne v ten deň, povedia, ́Pane.Pane. Či som nevyháňal diablov? Či som neprorokoval? Či som nerobil veľké veci v Tvojom Mene?́" On povie, "Vy činitelia neprávosti, odíďte odo Mňa, Ja vás vôbec nepoznám. Choďte do večného pekla, ktoré je pripravené pre diabla a jeho anjelov." Vidíte? Čo za Slovo. Falošne, uctievajú nadarmo, usilujú sa nadarmo. Prečo to robíte keď to nemusíte robiť? Prečo beriete náhradu, keď nebesia sú plné skutočných vecí? Vidíte? Vy to nemusíte robiť.

265No, nachádzame Mojžiša, že bol pomazaný, nič ho nemohlo vrátiť nazad. Jeho vlastní bratia ho odvrhli, to ho nezastavilo. Išiel rovno na púšť. A jedného dňa tam stretol Boha tvárou v tvár, so Stĺpom Ohňa vysiacim v kríku. Povedal, "Mojžiš, vyzuj si svoje topánky, tá zem, na ktorej stojíš, je svätá. Pretože som počul kričanie Môjho ľudu a počul Som ich vzdychania, a rozpamätal Som sa na Svoje zasľúbenie Slova, zostupujem, Ja ťa pošlem tam dolu, aby si ich vyviedol." Pravdaže. On stretol Boha tvárou v tvár, on s Ním hovoril. On bol poverený Bohom.

266Boh prišiel rovno nazad, ten istý Stĺp ohňa a potvrdil toho proroka, ako tam stál na tom vrchu, aby potvrdil, čo to bolo, keď on vystrel svoju ruku a vykonával všetky druhy zázrakov aྭtakých vecí. Ó, oni mali napodobovateľov. Ó, iste. Bol tam Jambres a Janes, ktorí stáli rovno tam a robili tú istú vec, ktorú oni robili. Ale kto bol tým originálom? Vidíte? Odkiaľ to začalo? Prišlo to zo Slova? Bola to tá hodina?

Aྭviete, že tá istá vec je zasľúbená znovu v týchto posledných dňoch? "Ako Jambres a Jannes sa protivili Mojžišovi, tak budú títo ľudia prevrátenej mysle ohľadne pravdy." Vidíte, v tých posledných dňoch... A robia tú istú vec, napodobňujú všetko, rovno v tej istej stoke, prasa, ktoré ide ku svojmu váľaniu sa v blate a pes ku svojmu vývratku.

268A vy Letniční, ktorí ste vyšli z tých organizácií pred rokmi a prekliali ste ich, vaši otcovia a matky, a vy ste sa otočili rovno naspäť a urobili tú istú vec, ktorú oni urobili a teraz je to len to isté váľanie sa v blate a ten istý vývratok. Vidíte? Ak to spravilo, že cirkev to vyvrátila v tom rannom letničnom veku, to spraví, že to dnes znovu vyvráti. Vidíte? To musí byť hoci, to je... Tá šupka musí prísť. Klas nemôže byť tým jediným, šupka musí prísť (Vidíte?) ten nositeľ. No, žijeme v tých posledných dňoch, pozorujte veci, ktoré sú zasľúbené na túto hodinu.

269Pozorujte tohoto Mojžiša, ktorý bol potvrdený. Viete to. Keď on sa dostal odtiaľ von, niektorí z jeho bratov sa obrátili proti nemu, chceli urobiť organizáciu. Oni povedali, "Ty konáš ako by si bol jediným svätým mužom medzi nami." Celé zhromaždenie je sväté," povedal Kórach, Dátan. "Zvoľme si muža a urobme niečo." Mojžiš, on... Súcitím s ním. On išiel dolu a povedal, "Pane..." Padol dolu pred oltárom a povedal, "Pane..."

Boh povedal, "Oddeľ sa od nich. Mám toho už dosť." Len otvoril zem a ona ich pohltila...?.... Vidíte, on poznal svoje poverenie.

272Boh nejedná s organizáciami. On nejedná so skupinami. On jedná s jednotlivcami (Je to tak.), vždy, nie v skupinách, jednotlivci, jedna osoba. V tých posledných dňoch, On povedal, "Ja stojím pri dverách a klopem a ak niekto (nie nejaká skupina)--niekto bude počuť Môj hlas, Ja budem--a bude Ma počuť, Ja prídem ku nemu a budem s ním večerať." Vidíte, "Ak niekto môže počuť."

Ako môže--ako by mohol tento mikrofón teraz produkovať môj hlas ak by nebol tak ustrojený? Mohol by som kričať naproti tej doske s celej sily, a to by neurobilo nič. Pretože toto je určené a urobené, utvorené mikrofónom. A ak je Slovo Božie vo vás skrze predurčenie Božie, vo vás, "Moje ovce počujú Môj hlas. Oni poznajú moju hodinu. Za cudzím nepôjdu." Vidíte? To musí byť najprv to. "Všetkých, ktorých Mi dal Otec, oni prídu," každý jeden z nich. Vidíte?

274Tak, on ide ďalej, v tom živote tu je koniec. On len prešiel... Všimnite si keď on prišiel na koniec tej cesty. A my končíme teraz, pretože je už neskoro, dvadsaťpäť minút pred desiatou. Všimnite si. Tak, doma to je skoro. Asi o druhej alebo tretej začíname hovoriť, "Začína byť trochu neskoro." Vidíte, vidíte? Ale teraz, kázal som už mnoho krát celú noc.

Pavol kázal toto isté Evanjelium v jeho dni a mladý človek padol z múru a zabil sa. A Pavol s tým istým pomazaním a s tým istým Evanjeliom, položil na neho svoje telo, on prišiel znovu do života. Oni sa o to zaujímali. Cirkev bola formovaná. Niečo sa stalo. Všimnite si čo sa tu stalo. Mojžiš, keď on prišiel dolu...

278Tento bohatý človek, keď prišiel dolu, to mladé knieža o ktorom sme hovorili, bol úplne nábožný a patril do cirkvi a všetko, fajný, vzdelaný a skvelý biznismen a všetko, keď on prišiel na koniec svojej cesty, on začal kričať, "Nikde sa tu nedá vykročiť." Kde je jeho vodcovstvo? On bol vedený skrze svoju cirkev, ktorá bola mŕtva. Bol vedený skrze mŕtvy svet, a tam nebolo pre neho nič, do čoho by vkročil, okrem toho, čo ten svet mal pre to pripravené: peklo.

Ale tu prichádza Mojžiš, verný sluha, ktorý si cenil pohanenie Kristovo za väčšie poklady než všetko bohatstvo Egypta. On prišiel na koniec tej cesty, starý muž, stodvadsaťročný, vyšiel na horu a vedel, že smrť ležala pred ním, a on sa pozrel na zasľúbenú zem. A on pozrel, ako tam ležal, tam bol jeho Vodca, tá Skala. On sa postavil na skalu a anjeli Boží ho vzali do slávy Božej, do lona Božieho. Prečo? Osemsto rokov neskôr, on bol stále vedený svojim Vodcom.

280Nachádzame ho na Hore Premenenia, ako tam stojí s Eliášom a hovorí s Ježišom predtým, ako On išiel na kríž. Osemsto rokov po smrti, aby on...Ten, ktorý si cenil pohanenie svojej služby za väčšie poklady než všetku popularitu sveta a všetky peniaze sveta, jeho Vodca ho stále viedol. Ó. On bol vedený. Jeho Vodca, On ho previedol cez smrť, cez tie tiene smrti. On bol vedený do hrobu. Stovky rokov neskôr, on tam stál znovu pretože vo svojej mladosti si vyvolil vodcovstvo Ducha Svätého. Jeho meno bude veľké, keď tam už nebude viac Egypta alebo pokladov. Keď pyramídy budú prachom a keď Egypt už viac nebude Egyptom, Mojžiš bude nesmrteľný medzi ľudmi, pretože on prijal vodcovstvo Krista namiesto toho, aby išiel cestou svojej cirkvi.

281Sú tiež iní, ktorí urobili tú istú vec. Pozrite na Enocha. On chodil s Bohom päťsto rokov a potom mal svedectvo, že sa ľúbil Bohu. Boh to potvrdil a povedal, "Nie je treba aby si zomrel, len poď dnes popoludní hore domov." A on išiel hore.

A Eliáš. Potom čo hulákal na ostrihané ženy a všetko ako to robil vo svojom dni, na tie namaľované Jezábele, potom čo on už bol toho plný, a urobil všetko čo mohol a všetci tí kňazi si robili z neho žarty a všetko také, on išiel jedného dňa dolu ku rieke. A len prešiel rieku a tam boli ku kríku priviazané kone, ohnivý voz a ohnivé kone. On do neho rovno nastúpil a odhodil svoje rúcho na ďalšieho proroka, ktorý ho nasledoval a odišiel do neba. On prijal vodcovstvo Večného Života, pretože to bol Kristus, ktorý bol v Eliášovi. Ó, tak veru.

Čo to bolo? "Nasleduj ma." Tak, vy si musíte vybrať svojho vodcu. Musíš si ho vybrať, priateľu. Pozri do Božieho zrkadla, Biblie aྭvidz, kde sa nachádzaš dnes večer.

284Malý príbeh. Raz jeden malý chlapec, žil tam v kraji. On nikdy nevidel zrkadlo a prišiel do mesta, aby navštívil sestru svojej mamy. A ona mala doma... A tie staromódne domy zvykli mať zrkadlo na dverách, neviem, či si to pamätáte alebo nie. Ale tento malý chlapec, on nikdy nevidel zrkadlo. Tak on sa hral okolo domu a pozrel sa do... hmm. Pozrel sa na malého chlapca. A on zamával a ten malý chlapec zamával. A on si natiahol ucho a ten malý chlapec si natiahol ucho, a takto to išlo ďalej. On išiel hore, priblížil sa, a otočil sa dookola a povedal, "Mama, to som ja." To som ja.

285Na čo by ste sa chceli podobať? Čo nasledujete? Čo sme urobili? Vy si musíte vybrať svojho vodcu. Vyberte si dnes. Vy si vyberáte život alebo smrť. Vaša voľba určí miesto vášho konečného určenia, to čo si vyberiete. Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, "Nasleduj ma." A vy ste pozvaní dnes večer, aby ste tak urobili. A nasledovať Jeho do Večného Života vy musíte pristúpiť na Jeho požiadavky (Je to tak.), to Slovo, nie na vyznanie, nie na verejný názor, nie na to, čo si niekto iný o tom myslí, ale na to, čo Slovo o tom povedalo.

Vy poviete, "No, brat Branham, ja poznám ženu, ktorá je práve tak dobrá ako len môže byť, ona robí toto. Poznám muža, ktorý prešiel cez toto."

Ja im nemôžem pomôcť vྭtom, čo oni urobili. Božie Slovo, a On povedal, "Nech každé ľudské slovo je lož a Moje je Pravdou." Vy musíte pristúpiť na Jeho požiadavky, pristúpiť na Jeho podmienky, to Slovo. Nemôžete prísť skrze vyznanie, nemôžete prísť skrze denomináciu, nemôžete to takto zmiešať. Je len jedna vec, ktorú môžete urobiť: prijať to na základe Jeho požiadaviek, že vy chcete zomrieť samému sebe a všetkým vaším myšlienkam a nasledovať Jeho. "Zbavte sa všetkých vecí toho sveta a nasledujte Ma."

288Viem, že je to tvrdé, sekajúce posolstvo, brat. Ale ja som sem neprišiel a nevybral som si posolstvo pre ľudí, len aby som sa snažil urobiť to, aby spievali, kričali a hulákali. Bol som na pohanských zhromaždeniach, kde oni robili tú istú vec. Ja sa zaujímam o váš život. Som sluha Boží, ktorý sa musí jedného dňa zodpovedať Bohu, a tá služba, ktorú mi Pán dal, sa pred vami tisícekrát potvrdila.

Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, "Nasleduj Ma. Nasleduj Ma. Zbav sa toho, čo máš a nasleduj Ma." A to je jediný spôsob, ako mať večný život. To je ten jediný liek, ktorý On dal tomuto človeku, bol ten jediný liek, ktorý On dal tomuto biznismenovi, to je ten jediný liek, ktorý On dáva každému. Jeho voľba, On robí Svoje rozhodnutie a ono je vždy dokonalé. A my Ho musíme nasledovať, je to jediný spôsob ako mať večný život. Tak vodcovstvo Božie je nasledovať potvrdené Slovo na tú hodinu skrze Ducha Svätého.

290Skloňme naše hlavy. Spýtam sa vás jednu otázku, a chcem aby ste boli skutočne úprimní. Chcel by som sestra, aby si pre mňa toto zahrala, "Môžem počuť volanie môjho Spasiteľa." Chcem starodávne oltárne zavolanie. A brat, sestra, len sa pozrime, čo sa to dnes deje. Teraz, s vašimi sklonenými hlavami, len chvíľu premýšľajte, pozrite čo sa deje.

Čítali ste minulý týždeň noviny, čo ten muž v Anglicku povedal, že ukrižovanie Ježiša Krista bolo len vymyslené, že to bolo len dohodnuté medzi Pilátom a Ním? Čítali ste čo ten americký teológ povedal? On povedal, že On len zaspal od rastliny mandragora. Mnohí z vás teológov to poznajú, tam vྭGenezis, kde je hovorené o rastline mandragora. To vás uspí ako keby ste boli mŕtvy, vaše srdce sotva bije dva alebo trikrát za minútu. "A keď mu dali ocot a žlč," oni povedali, "to bola mandragora. A dali ho tam do hrobu a On tam na tri dni zaspal. A pravdaže, keď oni tam hore vyšli, našli Ho ako sa tam prechádzal." Mohli by ste si to predstaviť? Teológovia, semináre, takzvaná viera... Potom ako vôbec... v prvom rade Biblia povedala, že On to odmietol, keď priložili ten ocot a žlč ku Jeho ústam.

A ďalšia vec, ak to je tak, potom prečo títo učeníci, ktorí prišli a ukradli Ho, prečo dávali za to svoje životy ako mučeníci a zotínali ich, nepočítali samých seba za hodných zomrieť tak, ako On zomrel: obrátili ich hlavou dolu a na bok na krížoch a také veci? A ak oni by vedeli, že On bol pokrytec a že oni sami boli pokrytcami, ako by oni dávali svoje životy takto za Neho?

294Ó, vidíte, to je tento intelektuálny deň v ktorom my žijeme. Vzdelanie, civilizácia, a ten moderný trend tohoto dňa, je všetko z diabla. "Civilizácia z diabla?" Tak veru. Biblia povedala že ona je. Táto civilizácia má smrť. "Budeme mať takúto civilizáciu v tom inom svete?" Nie veru. Budeme mať odlišný druh civilizácie. Vzdelanie, všetky tieto veci ony sú z diabla, veda, ktorá prevracia tie prirodzené veci, robí niečo ďalšie...

Pozrite, čo vám oni teraz spravili. Keď mladé dámy... "Reader's Digest" bolo tam písané, minulý týždeň--myslím, že to bolo pred dvoma mesiacmi. "Reader's Digest" bolo tam napísané, že mladí muži a mladé ženy prechádzajú cez svoj stredný vek, ženy v prechode medzi dvadsatim a dvadsiatimpiatym rokom života. Ešte jedna generácia, oni budú ničím len... To bude vyzerať hrozne. Vidíte? Aké stvorenia to budú, zmäkčilí, špinaví. Pozrite na tú dušu--pozrite na toho ducha, pozrite, aký je duch v cirkvi, ktorého ona má, skrížený, zmiešaný so svetom. Ó, čo za hodina. Utečte deti, utečte. Utečte ku krížu. Príďte ku Kristovi, nech On vás vedie.

296Zatiaľ čo máme naše hlavy sklonené, naše oči zatvorené a prosím skloňte vaše srdce v tom istom čase, urobíte to? Chcem vám položiť jednu otázku. Skutočne sa dívate v sebe ku Bohu? A cítite, že nie ste tam kde by ste mali byť v tejto hodine? Pretože vytrhnutie by mohlo prísť v každej chvíli. Vidíte, to príde.

Bude tam len, ak to prehlásenie, ktoré som urobil pred chvíľou je pravdou, bude len asi päťsto ľudí, ktorí budú vo vytrhnutí, tí ktorí žijú budú premenení. No, vezmite celé Kresťanstvo dokopy, Katolíci a všetci, tam je len päťsto miliónov ľudí (Vidíte?), ktorí vyznávajú Kresťanstvo. A jeden z milióna je päťsto ľudí. To je toľko ľudí, koľko sa ich stratí každý deň na celom svete, že my ich ani nemôžeme zrátať. Vidíte, to príde a vy to ani nebudete vedieť. Ľudia budú ďalej kázať a hovoriť... Vidíte, a to všetko už bude minulosť.

Ako povedal Ježiš. Oni povedali, tí učeníci povedali, "Prečo hovoria zákonníci, hovoria, ́Eliáš musí prísť najprv.́?"

On povedal, "On už prišiel a vy ste ho nepoznali, ale oni mu urobili to, čo povedali že mu urobia."

300Vy viete, že nie ste v poriadku s Bohom a radi by ste boli spomenutí u Boha, aby Boh dal do poriadku vaše srdce s Bohom. Zodvihli by ste teraz len pokorne svoje ruky v tejto tichej chvíli? Nestarám sa o to kto ste, urobíte to? Povedzte, "Dvíham svoje ruky ku Bohu." Boh ťa žehnaj. Boh ťa žehnaj.

Dívate sa do zrkadla? Pýtam sa vás v Kristovom mene, dívate sa do Božieho zrkadla? [Nejaký brat hovorí v inom jazyku a druhý dáva výklad--pozn.prekl.]


Chcem sa spýtať jednu vec. Koľkí sú tu letniční? Zodvihnite svoje ruky, ste letniční? Prakticky každý jeden z vás. Tak, koľkí tu si nárokujú, že sú Kresťania. Vedeli ste, že Biblia povedala o tomto, že sa to stane?

Dokonca toto sa stalo v starej zmluve keď si oni lámali hlavu nad tým, čo urobia, ako by sa mohli dostať z toho obkľúčenia, ktoré sa ku ním približovalo. Ten Duch padol na jedného muža a on prorokoval a povedal im kde stretnú nepriateľa, a ako, ako premôcť nepriateľa. To bola stará zmluva, takisto ako nová.

304No, niektorí z vás možno povedia, "Tento človek, ó, to nebolo tak." Ale čo ak to tak je? Poviete, "Ó, počul som to už predtým." Ale čo ak to je tak? Vidíte, to dokazuje potom, že tú sú mnohí, ktorí potrebujú zmenu srdca, ak je to Duch Svätý, ktorý hovorí. Sú veci, ktoré potrebujú byť vykonané, tak teraz je to pri vás.

Práve taký aký som, bez jednej poľahčujúcej okolnosti,

Ale Tvoja krv bola vyliata za mňa,

A to Ty vyzývaš...(To je ako On vás zavolal práve teraz.)..ku Tebe.

Ó Baránok Boží,... ("Ja vezmem preč to tvrdohlavé srdce a dám srdce z mäsa do toho, aby sa My odovzdalo." Vidíte?)... príďte.

Práve taký aký som, Ty ma prijmeš,

Ó chcete... (Urobíte svoju voľbu dnes večer? Môže to urobiť tiež, každý kto chce)... očisti,... (Vy poviete, "Počul som to už predtým." Ale toto môže byť posledný krát, kedy to počujete.)

Pretože verím Tvojmu zasľúbeniu, (Tie starodávne oltárne zavolania, oni sú dnes nemoderné, ale Boh sa v nich stále pohybuje. Nemôžete cítiť, ako to s vami hýbe, cirkev?)...Ja prichádzam!

305[Brat Branham začína hmkať "Tak ako som."--pozn.prekl.] Ó, pomyslite, dnes sa stávajú srdcia kamennými, naplnenými svetom, ľahostajní, cirkevní členovia, vlažní, ako ten bohatý mládenec a nevedia že ten veľký Duch Svätý tu stojí a klope na dvere v tomto Laodicejskom veku. "Ten kto počuje Môj hlas (to Slovo), a otvorí svoje srdce, Ja prídem ku nemu a budem s ním večerať."

A Duch, ktorí hovoril pred chvíľou cez tohoto brata, povedal, "Ja vezmem z vás to kamenné srdce a dám vám srdce z mäsa, jemné naproti Bohu." Pozrite ako sa to teraz deje, len intelektuálne emócie (Vidíte?), žiadne nežné srdce plné lásky a sladkosti ku Kristovi.

[Brat Branham pokračuje v hmkaní refrénu--pozn.prekl.] Nechcete taký druh srdca? Ako pôjdete pred Kristovu tvár s nejakým intelektuálnym poňatím, ktoré máte o Ňom. Musíte prijať večný život.

...bola preliata... (Tá príprava bola učinená skrze Krv.)

A to Ty ponúkaš... (Čo On urobil? Prelial Svoju Krv, a teraz vám ponúka aby ste prišli.)...

ku Tebe, Ó, Baránku Boží, ja prichádzam! Ja prichádzam!

308Nech každý kresťan, len zodvihnime teraz potichu naše ruky a modlime sa.

Ó Bože, prosím Pane, vezmi tento deň, v ktorom my žijeme. Ó, je to tak ťažké Otče. Satan urobil tak veľa tým ľuďom. Ich srdcia sa stali kamennými. Tvoj Duch hovorí priamo, Tvoje Slovo ide napred, potvrdzuje sa, ale tá starodávna skúsenosť, oni sú... To zašlo do denominačnej, intelektuálnej koncepcie, veľa hudby, veľa vykrikovania a veľa takých vecí. Ale skutočne, to srdce z mäsa, ten Duch, večný život, to sa pravdaže stalo cudzím pre cirkev.

Bože, to láme moje vlastné srdce, a ja som hriešnik spasený skrze Tvoju milosť. To robí, že sa cítim tak zle, Otče, keď sa dívam na tú cirkev za ktorú si Ty zomrel, cirkev, ktorú sa Ty snažíš vykúpiť. Premýšľam o videní, ktoré si mi dal o tej cirkvi Spojených Štátov a tých iných krajín. Aký hrozne vyzerajúci rock-and-rollový striptíz to bol. Ale niekde tam som videl prichádzať inú cirkev, požehnanú.

Modlím sa Otče, aby ak niekto z týchto tu dnes večer, ktorí sú určení do života, alebo by to radi prijali, aby toto bola tá hodina, v ktorej to oni urobia. Udeľ to Pane. Zlom teraz to kamenné srdce, to staré srdce toho sveta. A ak oni chcú pokoj, chcú niečo čo uspokojí, niečo čo dáva istotu, nech oni príjmu Kristove vodcovstvo dnes večer, ktoré ich privedie do pokoja, ktorý prevyšuje každý rozum, do nevysloviteľnej radosti a plnej slávy, alebo, dokonca niečo, že samotná smrť im nemôže ublížiť. Udeľ to Otče.

312Tak, s našimi zodvihnutými rukami, som zvedavý či... Koľkí tu v budove by teraz povedali, "Ja sa postavím." No, nestarám sa, kto sedí vedľa vás, to je Boh, ktorý hovorí ku vám. A vy skutočne chcete byť opravdovým kresťanom. Vidíte? Čokoľvek to bude--a to čo je menej než to, je napodobňovanie, ó, ja by som radšej išiel von a bol vo svete. Verím, že vy by ste to tiež tak spravili.

No, len sa skontrolujme so Slovom, s tým posolstvom. Skontrolujme aký by mal byť skutočný kresťan, drsný, milujúci, nie jedným z tých z tohoto moderného kresťanstva, mäkký, ohybný, napoly mŕtvy, zhnitý, skrížený. Vidíte? To nie je skutočné kresťanstvo, žiť akokoľvek a patriť do cirkvi. Nechcete to sladké obecenstvo s Kristom, Duchom Svätým, že ste--vaše vlastné srdce je v zhode so Slovom? Pohnite sa rovno do Krista. Ak to chcete a zatúžite po tom, aby Boh videl to, že stojíte dnes večer rovno v tejto skupine ľudí, ak to len urobíte...

Vy poviete, "Bude to mať nejaký význam, brat Branham?"

Ó, áno. Isteže to bude. "Ak sa hanbíte za mňa pred ľudmi, Ja sa budem hanbiť za vás pred Mojim Otcom a pred svätými anjelmi. Ale ten, kto Ma vyzná a zastane sa Ma na tejto zemi, Ja sa ho zastanem v tamtej zemi. Vyznám ho pred Mojim Otcom.

316No, bez ohľadu na to kým ste, žena, muž, chlapec alebo dievča, kýmkoľvek ste, kresťan alebo nie kresťan, kazateľ, diakon, čokoľvek ste, ak len budete veriť celým svojím srdcom, len za chvíľu a urobíte toho toľko dnes večer, že len dovolíte poznať Bohu, že ste úprimní, "Bože..."

"Teraz pozrite, ja som letničný," vy poviete. "Ja som toto," alebo čokoľvek ste. "Ja vyznávam tancovanie v Duchu. Ale, brat Branham, myslel som, že tak dlho ako sme to my mali, že sme to mali." Nemali ste to. Ak mi veríte, že som Boží prorok, počúvajte na moje Slová. Vidíte? To je ten zvod v tomto dni. Nepovedala Biblia, že to bude tak blízko, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné? Vyvolení, dolu v duši... Ale ak ste tancovali v Duchu, a stále ste s tými vecami toho sveta, tam je niečo zlé. Vy hovoríte jazykmi, Pavol povedal, "Môžem hovoriť jazykmi ľudskými aj anjelskými a stále dokonca nebyť spasený." Hmm, oboma druhmi. Vidíte? "Môžem mať všetky tie emócie, môžem mať vieru, môžem kázať evanjelium, môžem dať všetko moje imanie, aby som nakŕmil biedneho, môžem niesť to Slovo na misijné polia po celom svete a stále som ničím." Vidíte? To je to vnútro toho vnútra, brat. To... Váš duch sa rozlamuje, keď vy zomierate, on odlieta, ale vaša duša žije. Vidíte?

320No, pozrite sa na seba. Skutočne ste opravdovým Biblickým kresťanom, plným Božej lásky? Pamätajte, Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch, keď sa odohráva tento čas, On povedal, "Anjel, ktorý dával znak, prechádzal cez tie cirkvi, išiel cez mestá a pečatil len tých, ktorí vzdychali a nariekali kvôli ohavnosti, ktorá sa diala v meste." Je to tak? Ezechiel 9, vieme že je to pravda. Ten Anjel, ktorý dával znak vyšiel a dal znak na ich hlavu, čelo, pečatil ich, "Tých, ktorí vzdychali a nariekali."

Potom prišli anjeli smrti od štyroch uhlov zeme, ktorí prichádzajú hneď potom, vidíme to prichádzať, vojny, ktoré sa práve blížia, to vyhubí celú zem. A tam nebolo nič, čoho by sa oni nemohli dotknúť okrem tých, ktorí mali ten znak.

No, vezmite... Je vaše srdce tak znepokojené ohľadne tých hriešnikov a ohľadne toho spôsobu, ktorým cirkev a ľudia postupujú, že až vy môžete vzdychať a nariekať ohľadne toho deň i noc? Ak to nie je tak, ja sa divím. To je Písmo.

323Postavili by ste sa a povedali, "Drahý Bože, ja nestojím pretože brat Branham tak povedal, ale ja som počul, že jeho Slovo to hovorí, a ja to idem urobiť. Tebe Pane stojím. Som v potrebe Pane. Naplníš moju potrebu dnes večer tu na tomto mieste? Ja stojím." Boh ťa žehnaj. "Som v potrebe, potrebujem, aby si mi bol milostivý." Boh ťa žehnaj. "Chcem byť takým druhom kresťana, ktorý..." No, pamätajte, tá osoba, ktorá stojí pri vás je taká istá ako ste vy. Chcel by som, aby ste sa načiahli a podali si s nimi ruky a povedali, "Brat, sestra, modli sa teraz za mňa. Chcel by som, aby si sa za mňa pomodlil. Ja--ja..." Len to povedz s celou kresťanskou úprimnosťou, "Modli sa za mňa. Ja chcem byť v poriadku s Bohom. Modli sa za mňa, ja sa budem modliť, aby ti Boh dal tú príležitosť."

Ja viem že sme... Nemôžeme tu zostať veľmi dlho, rozumiete. Sme v čase konca. Všetci, ktorí tomu veria, povedzte, "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen."--Pozn.prekl.] My sme... Nie je nič, čo by zostávalo. Všetko je vykonané. Cirkvi sú zhromaždené pod hlavou ekumenickej rady. Ten svet, to...

326Pozrite sa sem. Viete čo Pán hovorí o Los Angeles a tých miestach tu? "Je s ním koniec." Pamätáte sa, čo som vám o tom povedal pred dvoma rokmi, ako to zemetrasenie príde do Kanady, tu hore v Aljaške? Tiež som vám povedal, že "Hollywood a Los Angeles sa prepadajú do oceánu. Kalifornia, si odsúdená, nie len Kalifornia, ale ty svet, si odsúdený. Cirkev, ak sa nedáš do poriadku s Bohom, si odsúdená." TAK HOVORÍ DUCH SVATÝ.

Počuli ste ma niekedy použiť to Meno bez toho, že by sa to stalo? Pýtam sa vás. Poznáte ma už dvadsať rokov. Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v Mene Pánovom, okrem toho že by sa to stalo? Ak všetko, čo som vám kedy povedal že sa stane, sa stalo, povedzte, "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen."--Pozn.prekl.] Vidíte? Hovorím vám, teraz je tá hodina, urobíte lepšie, keď sa dáte do poriadku, každý z nás.

328No, nech sa každý modlí za toho druhého. Drahý Bože, ako tu dnes večer stojíme, zomierajúci ľudia, naše tváre sú obrátené k zemi, do prachu. My len... Ty si nám dal toto sekajúce kázanie, Pane. Vidíme príklad tých dvoch mužov. Jeden z nich bol nábožným človekom, ktorý išiel do cirkvi ale odmietol vodcovstvo Večného Života. A ten druhý odmietol svetskú slávu a obrátil sa ku Večnému životu. A vidíme stav obidvoch dnes večer podľa Biblie, ten bohatý mládenec je v trápení a Mojžiš je v Sláve. Otče, my chceme byť ako Mojžiš. Chceme byť vedení Tvojím svätým Synom Ježišom Kristom do večného života. Daj to našim srdciam dnes večer, Pane. Roztrhni to staré kamenné srdce, umiestni do nás to nové srdce, srdce z mäsa, srdce ku ktorému Ty môžeš hovoriť a jednať s ním, a my nebudeme nadutí alebo ľahostajní. Nech Tvoj Svätý Duch nikdy neodchádza, Pane. Nech On príde a vysvätí týchto ľudí. Hovor ku nim, roztrhni ich kamennú vôľu a polož do nich vôľu Božiu. Spas každého jedného, Otče. Dávaj nám Tvoju lásku. Priveď nás na miesto, Pane, že sa dostaneme od celej tej emocionálnej časti, do tej skutočne spoľahlivej časti cítenia, do tej časti cítenia srdca, do hlbiny Ducha, do bohatstva Božieho, do kráľovstva Ducha v našich srdciach. Udeľ to, Ó veľký Vodca, veľký Duchu Svätý, predtým ako Ty odletíš do oblakov so Svojou cirkvou.

330Ó Bože, dovoľ mi ísť Pane. Nenechaj ma zostať vzadu, Ježišu. Dovoľ mi ísť s Tebou, Otče. Nechcem zostať tu na tejto zemi, aby som sa díval na tieto súženia, ktoré prichádzajú. Nechcem zostať tu v tomto šialenstve, keď tie ošklivé zjavy, tí ľudia strácajú rozum. Dívame sa na mužov, ktorí sa snažia konať ako zvieratá a vyzerať ako zvieratá a ženy, ktoré sa snažia vyzerať ako zvieratá s namaľovanými tvárami. Vediac, že tieto veci sú predpovedané, že sa stanú, že tá vec bude, oni pôjdu tak šialene až povstanú kobylky s vlasmi ako ženy aby sužovali ženy, a so zubami ako levy a tie veci, ktoré si Ty povedal, ten duševný stav ľudí, že bude kompletne skazený. Vidíme, že sa to deje práve teraz, Pane. Pomôž nám. Navráť nám zdravú myseľ Krista Ježiša nášho Pána.

Ó veľký Vodca Večného Života, prijímame Tvoje zasľúbenie dnes večer, Otče. Prosím za týchto ľudí. Prosím za každého jedného z nich, v Mene Ježiša Krista, Pane. Prosím, aby Kristus ten Boží Syn prišiel do sŕdc každého jedného z nás, Pane, a formoval nás a učinil nás novými stvoreniami v Kristu Ježišovi. Udeľ to, Pane Bože.

Milujeme Ťa. Aྭchceme, aby naše sklony--naša zmena prišla do nás, aby sme mohli byť Tvojimi deťmi, aby sme cítili Tvojho Ducha ako sa pohybuje v našich srdciach, Pane, ako nás činí nežnejšími a privádza nás do toho, že rozpoznávame tento šialený vek, v ktorom žijeme. Udeľ to, Bože. Keď vidíme mladé ženy tak chytené do diablovej siete, mladí muži, s prevrátenými mysľami, deti, drogovo závislí, fajčia, pijú, nemorálny, Satanov Eden.

Bože, trvalo ti to šesťtisíc rokov podľa Biblie, aby si vystavil Eden. A postavil si tam Svojho syna a jeho manželku (jeho nevestu), aby nad tým panovali. A prišiel Satan a prevrátil to, on dostal šesťtisíc rokov a vybudoval svoj vlastný intelektuálny Eden skrze vedu a vzdelanie a takzvanú inteligenciu a on to stavia do zmätku smrti.

Ó Bože, vezmi nás naspäť, znovu do záhrady Eden, Pane, tam kde nie je smrť, kde nie je žiaľ. Udeľ to Pane. Stojíme pokorne, očakávajúc na Druhého Adama, že príde pre Svoju nevestu. Učiň nás časťou Neho, Otče. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

335Milujete Boha? Môžete cítiť... Uvedomujete si, čo sa vám snažím povedať? Ak tomuto môžete rozumieť len zodvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte, "Rozumiem čo sa snažíš povedať." Môžete vidieť šialenstvo tohoto veku? Pozrite, ako je to na konci, že dokonca medzi ľudmi viac nie je žiadneho triezveho uvažovania. Je s tým koniec. Kde je náš... Dokonca vodcovia...

Pozrite na nášho prezidenta. "Ak oni chcú komunizmus, nech ho majú. Čokoľvek ľudia chcú, nech to majú." Kde sú naši Patrikovia Henry, naši George Washingtonovci? Kde sú naši vodcovia, ktorí môžu stáť za určitým princípom? Už ich viac nemáme.

Kde sú naše cirkvi, naši kazatelia? Získajú ľudí len na základe nejakého zákazu, alebo aby prišli a pripojili sa do cirkvi a aby robili toto, alebo majú nejakú malú senzáciu alebo niečo. Kde sú tí mužovia Boží, ktorí sa odvážia vzoprieť všetkým veciam toho sveta?

Kde sú tí mužovia čestnosti? Kde sú? Oni sú tak mäkkí skrze intelektuálne koncepcie a také veci, až ich tu viac niet. Ó Bože, buď nám milostivý.

339Tieto ohavné zjavy, ktoré prichádzajú na zem. Môžete vidieť ako ľudia idú rovno do toho. To je šialenstvo. Ale keď tá vec udrie, cirkev bude preč. Bože, dovoľ nám byť tam. To je moja modlitba ku tej nadprirodzenej Bytosti, ktorá je v tejto budove dnes večer, ten veľký Kristus, ktorý stále má večný život. Prosím Ťa, Kriste, ako som tu so svojimi otvorenými očami a dívam sa na cirkev, ktorú si Ty vykúpil Svojou Vlastnou Krvou. Bože, nedovoľ aby niekto z nás bol stratený. Chceme byť v poriadku s Tebou. Tak očisťuj nás, Ó Pane, od všetkých našich neprávostí. Vezmi preč všetky naše hriechy a veci.

Videli sme Ťa uzdravovať našich chorých, dokonca vzbudzovať našich mŕtvych (ako prišli naspäť do života skrze modlitbu), a videli sme všetky tieto veci že sa dejú, Otče. Teraz, priveď nás naspäť do života duchovne, priveď nás naspäť do uvedomenia si Večného Života skrze Ježiša Krista. Udeľ to, Otče. Porúčam to všetko Tebe. V Mene Ježiša Krista.

Až kým sa stretneme! až kým sa stretneme!

Až kým sa stretneme pri Ježišových nohách,

Až kým sa stretneme! (Pozrite na Neho, nech On nás spraví nežnými.)... sa stretneme! Boh buď s vami až kým sa znovu stretneme!

Zodvihnime teraz naše hlavy:

Až kým sa stretneme! až kým sa stretneme! Brat Style....

1 Thank you, Brother Williams. Greetings, Brother Salano and his wife, and all the delegates here at this banquet tonight. It's certainly a great privilege to be here. I've looked forward for this hour ever since we have started this way.

2And I--I want to thank that lady, I can't think of her name, Billy just told me, that had give me a box of Christmas candy, and just brought it out to the car a few moments ago. The sister, I can't think of her name, she's from here in California. That was my first Christmas present. So I--I thank you for it.

3Now, tonight it's... Now in Tucson it's ten minutes after nine, but I think it's just ten minutes after eight here. So we... I have kind of a feeling amongst the people, I'm kind of long-winded in preaching, so I--I hope... [Congregation applauds--Ed.] Thank you. Such a... some nice persons in here. I thank you.

4 But I'm--I'm just a little bit preached out, almost, tonight, I've been going so long from--from Shreveport and across the country (coming this way) night after night, and you get just a little--a little shook up, you know, and cold, and your throat gets hoarse. I started out at Shreveport. I lost my hair when I was... few years ago. And I had a little piece I put on when I'm preaching in the north country, to keep from taking a cold. I went to Shreveport and forgot it, and I really got a cold. Them wind coming across like that, you really just don't know. It was taken out accidentally, and the skin's still soft, and with just a little perspiration and I've really got it in the throat; had to close many meetings. So I'm just a teeny bit hoarse tonight.

5 We want to say we've had a wonderful time coming across here, though, in the meetings. Last night we had a wonderful time up in... with the brethren up, the other chapter. And so had a great crowd out and wonderful attendance, the people so reverent and nice. So it makes me feel real good to be a part of the Full Gospel Business Men. It's been...

6I have a Message, I feel, from God. It's a little odd to some people. And I can't help being no more... I just got to be what I am. And we... I don't mean to be different, it's just that I--I'm living at a changing time. We're...

7 As long as you're building the wall one straight way, it's all fine, the--the bricklayers can go right down the row. But when you have to turn the corner, that's where the time... And we're not building a wall; we're building a house, you see, so these turns has to come. They come in the age of Martin Luther, John Wesley, and the Pentecostal age; it's here again. So we... it's hard to turn the corners. But I'm so thankful for... to God, even though how rough it's been, the people has responded one hundred percent. So we're very grateful, thank each one of you.

And now before we open the Book, let's speak to the Author, if you will, just a moment, while we bow our heads:

8 Dear God, we are grateful to You tonight for the privilege of knowing Jesus Christ (our Saviour) Your Son and the free pardoning of our sins, and to know that His Blood is sufficient that's covered all of our sins and our iniquities. They're so blotted out and put in the sea of God's forgetfulness and His Bride will stand at the Wedding Supper, pure, unadulterated, to marry the Son of God. How we thank Thee for this all-sufficiency and the faith to know that we do not trust in our own merits but in His merit alone, for what He did for us. We're so grateful.

9Thank You for the--the success that these brethren had overseas and the countries over there where they're hungering and thirsting for God. I pray, Lord, that if they go back again, that those children that they brought into the Kingdom will be great-grandmothers and grandfathers of the children that they bring in also. Grant it, Father.

10Bless us together, tonight, and may the Holy Spirit give to us the things that we have need of. Close our mouths to the things that we should not say, and open our hearts to receive what You would tell us. Grant it, Father. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

11 Now let's turn in the Bible to a little text that I would like to speak on for a while tonight, and it's found over in Saint Mark, the 10th chapter.

12And I had... A few years ago when I would speak, I would--I wouldn't even have to write a note, I could remember it. And I didn't have to take a pair of glasses to read it out of the Bible. But since I've passed twenty-five now, twice, and so kind of little hard for me to--to do like I used to do. And it's like a worn-out car, but I'm still running. Uh-huh, I want to keep on chugging along till it's... I go to the scrap heap to be molded over again. That's the promise.

13Saint Luke, the 10th chapter, and begin at the... I believe I said the 21st verse, if I can find it here somewhere. I'm mistaken, it's Saint Mark. I'm sorry.

14 Saint Mark, the 10th chapter, and the--the twenty-... beginning with the 21st verse, I want to read. Let's get the 17th verse, rather:

And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeling down to him, and asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, and that is, God.

Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.

And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth.

Then said... Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, and sell whatsoever thou hast, and, give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasures in heaven: and come, and take up thy cross, and follow me.

And he was sad at that saying, and he went away grieved: for he had great possessions.

And may the Lord bless the reading of His Word.

15Now, we're going to speak tonight on a subject. I want my text to be "Follow Me," and my subject: Leadership.

16 Now it's strange, but I thought maybe, today in praying... And I've been so long, and each night right down the line on the Message that I have, that the Lord has given to me to speak on. I thought tonight, over in this new chapter, I would approach it from a different standpoint. And many times we have talked on this, called it, "The Rich Young Ruler." And--and many of the ministers here, my brethren, no doubt have approached it in many different ways. And I want to try to approach it in a--a different way tonight than I ever have, this of Leadership.

17 This, remember this, that each one of us, young and old, your first step that you ever made in your life, someone had to lead you. That's right. And your last step you ever make, someone will be leading you. Someone has to lead.

18God has likened us unto sheep. And if anyone knows about raising sheep and the nature of sheep, why, you know that a sheep cannot find his way around. He has to be led. Even in the slaughter pens, we find that they bring the sheep there and he's led up into the slaughter by a goat. A goat leads him up, then when he gets up to the end of the chute he jumps out, and the sheep goes right on into the slaughter. So they... We find that a sheep cannot find his way around.

19 I remember an experience I had with one, one time. I was state game warden in Indiana, and I had been out in the field; and I heard something, the most pitiful cry. And it was a--a little lamb, had--had lost his mama. And he couldn't find his way to her, and the mother couldn't find her way to the--to the little lamb. I picked the little fellow up, and how quiet he laid against me. I went along there, my hands holding the little fellow. And crying, and--and I heard him. How he just snugg'ed his little head down against me and it seemed like he knew that I--I--I was going to help him.

20I thought, "O Rock of Ages, cleft for me, pick me up in the arms of the Lord Jesus, just be content as I know I'm--I'm going to go Home to be with my loved ones." I thought, "At the end of my life's journey, just bring me in Your arms, Lord, like that. That I know I'll be carried across the river then, there on the other side where there'll be no sorrows and sicknesses, and things, and I'll be with the loved ones that I've loved."

21 And if you'll study nature, there's a great thing in nature. Everything that I--that I look at, and God has made, He's the Author of nature. Nature runs in continuity. All nature runs about the same. You notice, everything... As I have said, I believe last evening, that "Nature testifies of God." If you never had a Bible, you could still watch nature and know that this Bible is the Truth.

22I--I had the privilege of being around and around the world. And I've read the different phases, and I've seen different religions; the Mohammedans, and I've read the Koran, and--and seen the Sikhs, the Jains, and Mohammedans, and the Buddhists, and whatmore. But yet, each one of them, they have a philosophy and a--a--a--a book of creed and a book of laws, and so forth. But our Bible is the Truth, and our God is the only One that is right; 'cause each one of them has to point to a grave somewhere where their founder is still laying, but Christianity points to an open tomb and can live in the Presence of the One that was put in there. He is alive! It's not a God that was, It's a God that is. Not a "I was" or "I will be," but "I AM."

23 And all nature runs in continuity, as I have said, talking on our Church Ages (which we have the books now that's coming out). The... Why did I... about my writing of the Church Ages. And how that we see the Church, how It's matured, come up just exactly like all nature does.

24And we was talking the other day about how the sun rises in the morning, it's a little baby, real weak, not much strength to it at all. And as the day goes on, it gets stronger, stronger. About eight o'clock it enters school, like a young boy or young girl. And then about eleven o'clock it's out of school, and it's ready for its--its service. And then across till about three o'clock it changes, in the middle life into old age. And then dies in the afternoon. Is that the end of the sun? No. It comes back the next morning, to testify that there is a life, a death, a burial, a resurrection. See? See?

25 We watch the trees, how they move and what they do. I was sometime ago down in Kentucky, I--I like to squirrel hunt, and I went down in the fall of the year there to squirrel hunt with a friend of mine. And it's... got very dry.

26And anyone ever hunted gray squirrel, know that how hard it is to slip up on them. When, the--the leaves, just crack one, and, oh, Houdini is an amateur escape artist to--to those fellows, how they can get away! And then trying to shoot eye shots at fifty yards, it takes some good hunting to get your limit in a day.

27 So, Mr. Wood, a friend of mine, a--a converted Jehovah Witness, was with me. And we... He said, "I know a farm over here where there's a man that's got a lot of..." We call them there, "hollers."

28How many know what a holler is? Well, what part of Kentucky you from, anyhow? See? And that's where I am from.

29Like here in one of the chapters, not long ago; I have to tell this to Brother Williams and them, the brethren. They said, "We will now stand and sing the national anthem--anthem."

30And I said, "For my old Kentucky home." So nobody joined in with me, so... That was the only anthem I knew. And so we was--we was now...

31 All right, sir. [Brother Branham is handed a note--Ed.]: "Please have prayer, for a lady in here now is bleeding at the nose."

Let us pray:

32Dear God, I ask You, Lord, Thou art the--the great Healer and I ask that Your grace and mercy will touch this dear woman just now and stop that blood. As a believing people who assembled together, the lady has come here to enjoy the Word of the Lord and the fellowship of the people, and I ask You, Lord, just now, to rebuke the enemy and stop the blood. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. (And we believe it, we believe it.)

33 On with the little story just to kind of get a feeling before we get right down in the few notes I've got written here, and some Scripture.

34Now he said, "Well, this old man, we'll go over and see him. He's got a lot of hollers in his place," he said, "but he's an infidel." He said, "If... He just about curse us out if we went over there."

35I said, "But we're not getting no squirrels here. We been camping two weeks. And we was dirty, and beard all out on face.

36And he said, "Well?"

l said, "Let's go over."

37 So we went a few miles down, about twenty miles. I'd been in the country down there once before, for three nights, at a Methodist campground where there had been some great things the Lord had did, and great healing service amongst the Methodist people. And then we went way back over some hills and hollers and ridges. And you just have to know Kentucky to know it, what kind of a place you had to get into. And while we went back there we come to a house, and there sat an old man, two old men, setting out there with their old hats slouched down over their face, and--and he said, "There he is," he said, "he's a tough one." Said, "He hates that word of a 'preacher,'" he said.

38So I said, "Well, I just better set in the car, or we won't get to hunt at all." I said, "You go in and ask him if we can hunt."

39So he got out and started walking in, he spoke to them. And in Kentucky, always, you know, it's "come in," and so forth. And so he went up there and he said, "I just wondered if we could hunt a while on your place."

40 The old man setting there, about seventy-five years old, tobacco running down his mouth, he said... spit, and he said, "What's your name?"

He said, "My name is Wood."

He said, "Are you any relation to old man Jim that used to live..."

He said, "Yeah, I'm Jim's boy." Said, "I'm Banks. Yeah."

41"Well," he said, "old man Jim was an honest man." Said, "Certainly, help yourself." He said--said, "Are you by yourself?"

He said, "No, my pastor is out there."

He said, "What?"

He said, "My pastor is out in the car," said, "he's hunting with me."

42He said, "Wood, you don't mean you've got so low-down till you have to tote a preacher with you wherever you go?"

43 So he's a rough, old character, so I thought I'd better get out of the car, you know. So I got out and walked around, and he said, "Well, and you're a preacher, huh?"

44I said, "Yes, sir." He looked me up and down; squirrel blood, and dirt. He said--he said... I said, "Don't look much like it."

45He said, "Well, I kind of like that." He said, "You know, I want to tell you something." He said, "I'm supposed to be an infidel!"

46I said, "Yes, sir, I understood that." I said, "I don't think it's much to brag about, though. Do you?"

47And he said, "Well," he said, "I don't know." He said, "I'm going to tell you what I think of you guys."

I said, "All right."

48He said, "You're barking up the wrong tree." And how many knows what that means? See? It means it's a lying dog, you see; the coon's not up there at all, see. He said, "You're barking up the wrong tree."

I said, "That's to opinion."

49And he said, "Well," he said, "look, you see that old chimney standing up there?"


50"I was borned up there, seventy-five years ago." And said, "I've lived right here in these hills all along through all these years." And said, "I've looked towards the skies, I've looked here and there, and, surely, in all these seventy-five years, I would have seen something that looked like God. Didn't you think so?"

51I said, "Well, it depends on what you're looking at. See, what you're looking for."

52 And he said, "Well," he said, "I--I certainly don't believe there is such a creature. And I believe you fellows just simply get out and swindle the people out of their money and everything. And that's the way it goes."

53I said, "Well, you're an American citizen, you have a right to your own--own thinking."

54He said, "There's one guy, one time, that I heard of," he said, "that I would sure... If he... If I would ever get to talk with that fellow," said "I'd like to--to ask him a few questions."

I said, "Yes, sir."

55He said, "It was a preacher, you might know him." Said, "He had a meeting up here in Campbellsville, not long ago, in a church yard up there, a campground." And he said, "I forget his name." Said, "He's from Indiana."

And--and I said, "Oh? Yes, sir."

56And Brother Wood started to say, "Well, I..." ("Don't say that.") And so he said...

I said, "What about him?"

57 He said, "Well," he said, "old lady..." (somebody) "up there on the hill..." Said, "You know, she was dying with cancer." And said, "Wife and I would go up there of a morning to--to change her bed." Said, "They couldn't even raise her up high enough to put her on the bedpan," said, "just had to pull a draw sheet." And said, "She was dying. She had been to Louisville, and said the doctors had give her up and said she was 'going to die.'"

58"And her sister went up to that meeting, and said, 'That preacher was standing up there on the platform, looked back over the audience and called this woman by name, and told her, "When she left, she took a handkerchief and put it in her--her purse." And called this woman's name down here, twenty miles below here, and said how she was suffering with cancer, what her name was, and all she'd been through; said, "Take that handkerchief and go lay it on the woman," and said that "the woman will be healed of her cancer."'"

59 And said, "They come down here that night." Said, "Honest, I heard the awfulest screaming up there. I thought they had the Salvation Army turned loose on top of the hill up there. Said, 'Well,' I said, 'I guess the old sister's dead.' Said, 'We'll... Tomorrow we'll go and get the wagon, and how we take her out to get to the main road,' and said, 'so they can take her to the undertaker.' And said that the... We waited. No need of going up that time of night." Said, "It's about a mile up on the hill here." Said, "We went up there the next morning, and you know what happened?"

I said, "No, sir."

60He said, "She was setting there eating fried apple pies, and drinking coffee, with her husband."

I said, "You mean that?"

He said, "Yes, sir."

"Oh!" I said. "Now, mister, you really don't mean that."

61He said, "What bothers me is what... how did that man, and never in this country, and knew that." See?

And I said, "Oh, you don't believe that."

He said, "It's the truth."

I said, "You believe that?" See?

62 He--he said, "Well, go right up there on the hill, I can prove it to you." He's preaching back to me now, you see.

63So I--I said, "Um-um." I picked up an apple, and--and I said, "Can I have one of these apples?" and I rubbed it on my clothes.

64He said, "Well, the yellow jackets are eating them up, I guess you can have one." And then... And now I said, "Well,..." I--I bite... bit into it, and I said, "That's a nice apple."

65He said, "Oh, yes." Said, "You know what? I planted that tree there, oh, forty years ago, or something like that."

I said, "Oh, is that right?"

"Yes, sir."

66And I said, "Well, and every year..." I said, "I notice we haven't had no frost yet, it's early August." And I said, "Them leaves are falling off the trees."

67"Yes, sir. That's right, it's coming on fall. Believe we'll have a early one this time."

68 I said, "Yes, sir." Changed the subject, see. And he said... I said, "Well, you know, it's strange" I said, "how that sap goes out of that tree." I said, "And them leaves falls off, and yet there's no... they--they haven't had no frost to kill the leaf."

69And he said, "Well," he said, "what's that got to do with what we're talking about?"

70And I said, "Well, I--I just wonder." (You know, mama always said, "Give a cow enough rope and it'll hang itself, you know." So I just give him plenty of rope.)

71So he went on out, and he said, "Well, yes, what's that got to do with it?"

72I said, "You know, God brings them apples up, and you enjoy those apples and leaves, and you set in--in the shade and so forth. It goes down in the fall of the year and" I said, "comes back up again with the apples and with the leaves again."

73And he said, "Oh, that's just nature. See, that's just nature."

74 I said, "Well, of course, that's nature." I said, "That's nature, but Somebody has to control nature." See, I... he said... "You tell me now what does that?"

75And he said, "Well, it's just--just naturally nature."

76I said, "Who is it that says to that little leaf now, and the...?" I said, "Now, the reason that leaf falls off, it's because the sap goes down into the root. And what if that sap stayed up in the tree through the wintertime? What would happen?"

77Said, "It would kill the tree."

78"Well," I said, "now, what intelligence that runs that sap down into the roots, says, 'Get out of here now, it's coming fall of the year, get down into the roots and hide'? And stay down into the roots like a grave; and then next spring comes back up again, brings up more apples, and brings up more leaves and things."

79He said, "That's just nature, it'll do it." Said, "The weather! The changing, you know, coming on fall."

80I said, "Set a bucket of water on the post out there, and see if nature runs it down the bottom of the post and brings it back up again. See?" See?

"Well," he said, "you might have something."

I said, "Think of it while we go hunting."

And he said, "Well," and he said, "hunt where you want to."

81And I said, "When I come back, if you'll tell me what intelligence runs that sap out of that tree down into the roots and stay all winter and come back the next winter, I'll tell you that's the same Intelligence that told me about that woman up there."

Said, "Told you?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

He said, "You're not that preacher!"

I said, "Would you know his name?"

Said, "Yes."

I said, "Branham?"

He said, "That's him."

I said, "That--that's right." See?

82And you know what? I led the old man to Christ, right there on his own testimony.

83 And a year later I was down there and pulled a car (Indiana license on it) in the yard. They had moved away, he had died. And so when I come back, there stood his wife to really rake me over; I thought I had permission to hunt. And she come out there, she said, "Can't you read?"

84I said, "Yes, ma'am." She said, "Did you see those signs saying 'No Hunting!'?"

85I said, "Yes, ma'am, but" I said, "I--I have permission."

86"You do not have permission!" she said. And said, "We got this place--place posted for many years."

87I said, "Well, sister, I--I was wrong then, I'm sorry."

88And said, "Sorry nothing! Them Indiana license on there, and set up here, you're the boldest people!"

I said, "Could I just explain it?" I said...

She, "Who give you permission?"

89I said, "I don't know just..." I said, "It was an elderly man setting out there on the porch, when I was down here last year, and we was talking about God." See?

And she looked, she said, "Are you Brother Branham?"

And I said, "Yes, ma'am."

90She said, "Forgive me. I didn't know who you were." She said, "I want to tell you his testimony. His last dying hours, he raised up his hands and praised God." Said, "He died in Christian faith, and was carried away to God." See?

91"If they hold their peace, the rocks will immediately cry out." There's something in nature.

92 Watch the birds, watch the animals, watch everything, and you watch nature.

93Watch the little dove how he flies. What a different bird he is, see. He--he doesn't have any gall, he can't eat like the crow can. See? He has no gall in him. He doesn't have to take a bath in the--in the--in the water, because he's got something on the inside of him; it cleans him from the inside out, you see.

94That's the way the Christian is. That's the way God represented Himself, in a--in a--in a dove. See, because... and the... Jesus was represented as a Lamb. Always in nature you'll find God. And God likened us unto sheep that has to be led. Did you ever notice there, I preached a sermon on it sometime ago? That the Dove coming down on the Lamb, to lead the Lamb, and It led Him to the slaughter. The--the--the Dove! Now, if that Lamb... That Dove could not have descended upon any other type of animal, because they both had to be of the same nature. See? If the Dove would've lit upon a wolf, and he would have snorted or growled, the Dove would have took Its flight.

95Well, that's the same way now. And our ill ways, the Holy Spirit just takes His flight and goes away. It's got to have the same nature. The bird of the Heavens, the dove; the meekest animal on earth, the lamb; they can agree together. And when the Holy Spirit comes upon us and makes us new creatures, then He can lead us. But we try to live the same old life, it won't work! It just won't work.

96 Now, the first step you probably ever taken in your life, speaking of leadership, is probably the hands of some kind old mother. Them hands may be still tonight, out here in some cemetery somewhere, but that was the hand that held you to make your first step.

97Then after mother taught you how to walk, and you'd make a few steps then fall down, and get up, and you thought you were doing great things, then she turned you over to the school teacher. And then she begin to lead you to an education; of how and what you must do, and how you must learn, and--and so forth like that.

98Then after the school teacher got through with you, then you returned back, your father got a hold of you. Then when your father got a hold of you, he taught you perhaps your business; how to be a successful businessman, how to do things right. Your mother taught you how to be a--a housewife, how to cook, and so forth like that.

99Then after they got through with you, then your minister or priest got a hold of you.

100 But now who leads you? That's the question now. Now, we're all led by something tonight. We have to be. We're led. Notice!

101Now let's look at this young fellow's... what had influenced him. Let's look at the... this young businessman we would call him, 'cause he was a businessman. He was a great successful man. Let's look at his leaders.

102Perhaps, first, his mother had taught him as a little boy the things that he should do. His father had made him such a fine success, and maybe left him an--left him an inheritance, because he was a ruler himself; perhaps his father was gone, so he was a--a businessman. He was a... Let's call him, today, like a Christian businessman; or, he was a religious businessman, I think would be the best quotation.

103 This man was religious, he was by no means an infidel. And he had been taught by his mother how to do right, how to walk, how to dress himself. He had been taught by his father, a great business, and how to be a successful man; and his business was successful. And father and mother had been raised up in the church, and had pointed him to the priest. And the priest had made him a real religious man. Therefore he was a fine cultured man, he was a fine boy with good character.

104If Jesus Christ looked at him and loved him, there was something about the boy was real. Right. For the Bible said here, we find out in Mark, "And Jesus beholding him, loved him." Yeah, "Jesus beholding him, loved him." So therefore there must be something real outstanding about this young fellow. He was a... had a good character, and a good character rating. He was a man that was raised right; intelligent, smart, intellectual, successful in business, and a religious man. He had a lot of good characteristics that was outstanding, so much that it attracted the attention of Jesus Christ the Saviour. But when he was confronted, being successful in all these other things...

105 Nothing had went wrong; he was perfectly cut out right, measured up right, intelligent, right education, his success, he was smart, a fine businessman, probably belonged to a businessman's group somewhere there in Palestine. He might have belonged to a businessman's fellowship like we have here tonight, no doubt he did, because businessman has always had fellowships with another, one with the other.

106Cause just like "birds of a feather," they have things to talk about. And if this... The religious men, they don't want to talk about the man that runs the barroom and the... all of them together, 'cause they have nothing in common. We've got to have things in common. So Christians has things in common with Christians; sinners has things in common with--with sinners; and--and societies, and whatever they are, they have things in common. And this young boy probably belonged to a--a businessman's fellowship.

107 And he was religious as he could be, because Jesus, in questioning here, he said, "I have kept these commandments, observed them all from my youth." That's right.

108See, he had been brought up right, taught right, and everything. But when he was confronted with the--the thought of Eternal Life... Now I want you to notice, with all this character that he had, he yet knew he did not possess Eternal Life.

109 Now, all of our societies, our church, our membership and the things that we hold so dear, our American societies, and everything, is very fine, there's nothing to be said against that. And our Christian Business Men's society here, is a great thing, it's been a open door for me to... on my interdenominational thoughts that "we are Christians."

110There is no one (no one denomination) can claim us, a real Christian, because you belong to God. Denominations are man-made, and Christianity is Heaven-sent. But in all these things that we have, as good as they are, as fine as we come together, and as nice of meetings as we have, and social understanding that we have, yet we're each one confronted with Eternal Life. And no matter how successful we've been in business, how successful we been, and what a great church member we are, and how we work, how we try to do things right, still, if it's not done in the right way, it is a worship of God in vain.

111Jesus classed that the same way, as I stop here for a moment. He said, "In vain do you worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of man." Now think! A sincere, honest worship (with the sincerity of your heart) to God, and still be in vain! It began that way with Cain, at the Garden of Eden. Sincere worship, but was rejected! Very religious, still rejected!

112 In Shreveport last week, week before last, at a Business Men's meeting, a breakfast there where several hundreds of people had gathered, I took two and a half hours to speak on: Doing God A Service Without It Being God's Will. Now, that sounds strange, but we've got to channel ourselves into God's provided channel and God's way of doing it. No matter how much we think it's right, it's got to be according to the Word of the Lord or it's in vain. Cain worshipped, but it wasn't according to the Word of the Lord. The Pharisees worshipped, but not according to the Word of the Lord. And in this particular message to the Business Men, I taught this.

113 David, he wanted to do the Lord a service, and he was right in what he said. He said, "Is it right for the ark of the Lord to be down there? Let's bring it up here." In the days of the king, the other king that he succeeded. He said, "It's not right. They never consulted the Lord by the ark, but we must do it." Now, that's correct, what they should done. He said, "We should go get the ark, and we can consult the Lord." And that's right, it was down in the other country. Said, "We got to bring it up here. Get it up here and put it in our house here, and worship the Lord."

114Now notice he went in the wrong channel to do it. He consulted the captains of fifties and hundreds and thousands. They all was consulted, every one. Seeing it was the will of the Lord, looked like that it was the--the Word of the Lord.

115 The Word of the Lord, sometimes, you have to put It in Its right place or it's not the Will of the Lord. See? Now let that soak deep and you'll get a--a general conception of what I'm trying to say.

116I don't want the church to fall into the steps that you found over there in England: long hair, and painted-face men, and pervert. We don't want that! No matter how religious it sounds, and how much Elvis Presley can sing religious songs, he's still a devil. And I'm no judge, but "By their fruits you know them." See? He's a Pentecostal, but that don't make a bit of difference. See, your fruits bear record of what you are.

117No matter if the Spirit comes upon him, he could speak in tongues, he could shout, he could heal the sick, and Jesus said, "Many of them will come to Me in that day, and say, 'Lord, haven't I done this and that?' And I'll say, 'Depart from Me, you that work iniquity, I never even knew you.'" See?

118We've got to be real, genuine Christians, and the only way we can do that is confront it with this question here of "Eternal Life."

119 There's only one form of Eternal Life, and that comes from God. And He foreordained every creature that would ever have It. Just as you were the gene in your father, you was a gene in God; one of His attributes to begin with, or you'll never be There. You come forth in the bedding ground of your mother; your father didn't know you, you were in his loins. And when you come forth in the bedding ground of the mother, then you become a human being and are made in the image of your father, now you can fellowship with him. And the same thing by God, if you got Eternal Life.

120The life that you come in, the natural life, physical life, that was by your father. And the only way you can come born again, is the only way, is it has to be from your Heavenly Father, His attributes. "All the Father has given Me will come to Me." See?

121You are here because your name was placed on the Lamb's Book of Life before there was even a foundation of the world. That's exactly right. You're a gene, a spiritual gene out of your Heavenly Father, a part of God's Word. That be so, as I've said, then you was with Jesus when He was here because He was the Word: you suffered with Him, died with Him, buried with Him, and rose with Him, and now setting in Heavenly places in Him!

122 Notice, David thought everything was fine, and he consulted all these people, and they every one begin to dance and shout and scream. They had all their religious motions that there was, but still it wasn't God's will to go down and bring the Word of God back to the house of God. But, you see, God always (in all ages) works through one way. His first decision is His only decision, because He's perfect in His decisions. He never does nothing except He first reveals it to His servants, the prophets. That's exactly.

123That's why this, the church age that we live in. There's no church, no Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostals, or anything else, can ever put this Church into the Bride. It'll have to be the answering of Malachi 4, for God to send a prophet to be revealed to, 'cause that's the only way. Our churches denominate and throw the thing into a mess and huddle, just like they've always been, and God always sends the prophets.

124 And there was Nathan standing in the land, a vindicated prophet before God, and he wasn't even consulted.

125And they went down there and cost the life of a honest man, and so forth, and took the ark. Instead of putting it on the shoulders of the Levites, to pack it, they put it on a cart to pack it. Altogether messed up!

126You see, if you don't go according to the--the will of God, and the way that God has give us to go, they always get It messed up and take It off in some organization, denomination, some message, and there you go. See? It's always been done that way.

127 That's the same thing that this boy was confronted with. He come in; he had been a--a--a member of maybe the Pharisees or Sadducees, or some great order of that day. He was religious as he could be. He said, "I've observed these commandments I've been taught, since I was a youth." See? And Jesus loved him for it. But he refused to be guided, he refused to accept the real leadership of Jesus Christ to give him Eternal Life.

128Notice, he believed there was something different than what he had, or he would have never said, "Good Master, what must I do now?"

129See, he wanted to do something himself. That's the way we do, we want to do something ourself. The Gift of God is a free gift. God give It to you, you don't do one thing for It. He ordained It to you, and you're going to have It. See?

130 Notice, he knew It was there. He believed in It and wanted It. But when he was confronted with how he had to do it, it was different from his ritual. It was different. He could hold his money and belong on to the church that he belonged to, and so forth. But Jesus knew that, and knew that he had hoarded this money, and He said, "Go sell all you got, and give it to the poor. And come, take up your cross and follow Me, and you'll have treasures in Heaven." But he couldn't do it.

131The other leaders that he had in his youthful days, had such an influence on him till he refused to accept God's provided Way, which was Jesus Christ; the only One who holds Eternal Life, the only One that can give you It. Not the church can give you Eternal Life; not your neighbor; not your pastor; not your priest; not your creed; only Jesus Christ Himself can give you Eternal Life. He's the...

132No matter how good you are, what you quit doing, what you start doing, you've got to accept the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. And then when you do that, He is the Word, and then your life fits right in the Word and it manifests itself to this age that you're living in.

133 Noah had to do that for the Word to be manifested in his age. Now, what if Moses come along, said, "We know what Noah done, we'll take Noah's word. We'll do it just the way Noah did it. We'll build a--a ark and float down the Nile River, and go out of Egypt"? Why, it wouldn't a-worked. See, that was another age.

134Jesus couldn't have come with Moses' message; Luther couldn't come with the Catholic message; Wesley couldn't come with the Luther's message; the Pentecost couldn't come with the Wesley age message. And the Bride can't be formed in the Pentecostal denomination, it just can't do it. And that's exactly right. She's done organized and went out here, and there she sets, just like the rest of them. It's a shuck. Just like the life comes up through the... See?

135 That writer, as I spoke the other night, that writer that wrote this book... And not 'cause he criticized me so bad, said I was "A devil, if there was such a thing." So he said he didn't believe in God. He said, "A God that could fold His arms and set up and watch them martyrs, through the early ages, and claim to have power to open the Red Sea, and let them women and children be tore to pieces by lions and so forth, and then said He was a loving God." Said, "There's no such a creature." See, the fellow, without inspiration of the Word, fails to see It.

136 The first corn of wheat, the Bridegroom, had to fall into the earth in order to rise again. So did the first Bride that was born at Pentecost had to go through that Dark Ages like any other seed, be buried. They had to die. They must do it. But it started sprouting again in Luther, in the first reformation. It didn't look like the seed that went in, but it was the Light of that day. The stalk then went on into the tassel, Wesley. And from the tassel it went into Pentecost, the shuck.

137When you see into the wheat, when it comes forth, the corn of wheat, a man that's raised wheat, you go out and see that wheat form in there, it looks just exactly like the grain. But if you'll take a tweezer and set down and take that wheat and open it up, there's no grain in there at all. It's just a shuck. And then what? It's--it's formed there, to hold the grain. See? And then, the first thing you know, the life left the--the--the stalk to go into the tassel; left the tassel go into the shuck; it leaves the shuck and goes into the wheat. Three stages, see, of it. And then forms the Wheat outside of the three stages (Luther, Wesley, Pentecost). Just exactly. See, no doubt. You can't interrupt nature.

138 Now look, every three years after a message has went forth sent from God, they organize. This has been twenty years, and there's no organization. It won't. See? Now the shuck has to pull away, give the Wheat a chance to lay before the Son, to ripen; the Message coming right back into the Church again, forming the Body of Jesus Christ just like the first original One that went into the ground. Now, to see the--the Eternal Life.

139 The Life, sure the--the stalk back here carried the Life. Certainly, it did. But, you see, when it become the stalk and it was finished, the organization, the Life went right on into Wesley; come right out, went in. And once, each one of them. One, a big blade, don't look like the grain. But when the little pollen comes, like the... on the--the shuck... or on the stalk, the pollen of the tassel, it looks a whole lot like the grain. But when it comes down to that shuck, it's almost there.

140Didn't Jesus say, "In the last days" (Matthew 24:24) "the two would be so close it would deceive the very genes, predestinated, the Elected Ones, if it was possible"? Almost like the real thing, see. So, in the last days. Now, you see, it's wheat time now. It's getting harvest time. This is not Luther's age, this is not Pentecost age, this is the Bride age.

141As Moses called a nation out of a nation, Christ today is calling a Church out of a church, you see; the same thing in type, taking them to the glorious Eternal Promised Land.

142 Now, to refuse that Person that's doing the calling, Christ, no matter if you're Pentecostal, Methodist, Luther, whatever you are, you got to... This age! Nothing against them, not at all, but in this age now you've got to accept (like they did in that age) the Person of Christ which is the Word!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,...

... the same yesterday,... today, and for ever.

Hebrews 13:8. See, you must accept that Person of Eternal Life!

143 Now, what Life Luther had, was justification. Wesley had sanctification, added to it. The Pentecost had the restoration of the gifts coming back in it, added to it. But now it's completing in the body, you see, the three phases of it, and out of that... Now, when the resurrection comes, the Life that lived in them Lutherans, that's went out, the Life that lived in the Methodists and went out, the Life that went into Pentecostals, will all be raptured out of the ground in the Body of the Bride to be taken in before Jesus Christ. Glory to God! Oh, it's exciting! It's the Truth!

144 We've turned a corner! We're looking towards Heaven, watching for the coming; the Cap on the Pyramid, as we would say, His coming back! The Church must be resurrected soon, and we must get ready.

145And the only way you can, is not say, "Well, I belong to the Assemblies. I belong to the Oneness, Twoness," or whatever it is, all them there, "I belong to the church of God," that don't mean a thing. "Our fathers shouted and danced," that's just perfectly all right, that was their day. But today you're confronted not with the organization that they made, but with the Life that's going on, which is Jesus Christ.

146 This young fellow had done the same thing. Moses wrote those commandments. But, you see, the same God that wrote the commandment by His prophet, was the same thing that prophesied the day would come, "I'll raise up a Prophet likened unto me. And it'll come to pass that all that don't hear Him will be cut off"; back in the denominational shucks and tassels. They must go on to Life. And today, don't say, "I'm Pentecost. I belong to this, I belong to that." That don't mean nothing. You've got to accept the Person Christ, Eternal Life. Confronts every one of us! Don't forget that.

147The other leaders, you see, they had such a hold on him. Their peoples is taught, "Well, we belong to this, and we belong to that," and had such a hold on him. But what a fatal thing, to reject the leadership of Eternal Life!

148 Now, that Life is present tonight. That's right. The Holy Spirit is here, which is Christ in Spirit form; His Spirit, the anointing is here.

... a little while, and the world seeth me no more; yet ye will see me:...

... For I'll be with you, even in you, to the consummation, to the end of the world.

149Jesus alone can lead you to that Eternal Life. There's no church, no denomination, no preacher, no priest, no nothing else can lead you to It, you must be led by Him, the only One that can lead you.

150 Could you imagine Him leading you out of His Word, which that's Him? And if He is the Word, and you're a part of Him, won't you be a part of the Word? The Word that God wants to pour the waters of salvation upon today, to identify Him today; like the apostles identified Him, like Luther, like Wesley, like in the people in them days identified Him. This is another age. It's the Word! The Word said these things that we're seeing taking place now, is predicted to take place in this hour. So accept Jesus Christ and let Him lead you to Eternal Life.

151 Though he had achieved, this young fellow... He had achieved all good things. In school, been fine. As a good boy, no doubt, he had been good. As a real father... In listening to his daddy in business, he had been a good--a good boy. Good to his parents. He had been loyal to his priest. He had been loyal to his church. He had been loyal to the commandments of God. But he lost the greatest thing, and the rest of them didn't mean very much to him when he turned down the leadership of Eternal Life, Jesus Christ.

152Notice! This leadership confronts every one of us today, the same thing as it did that young man, we... no matter how religious we are. You may be Catholic, you may be Baptist, Methodist, or you may be Pentecostals, or whatever you are, this same thing confronts you tonight: Eternal Life, that's, acceptance of Jesus Christ. We are given this opportunity.

153 Sometime in life we have to confront the thing just like this young man did, because you are a mortal being and you are given the--you are given the opportunity of choice. You have a choice. God made it so you can choose. If He put Adam and Eve on free moral agency so they could choose, and then they made the wrong choice, and, see, He can do no more to you than He did to them. He's got to put you the same thing so you can choose or reject.

You have a choice. Let's look at some of them:

154You have a choice, as a young man, whether you're going to have an education or not. You have that choice. You can want to be "just not have it," you can just refuse it.

155You have a choice of your conduct. I'm going to hurt just a little bit here. See? You can go out and let your hair grow down and be a beatle or some of these ignoramuses.

156Or you women, you can look like a--a decent human being or you can be one of these weird creatures that we have out there, them blued eyes. And water-head haircuts and things, they're completely against the Word of God, which is absolutely contrary; not even offer... couldn't offer a prayer to be accepted. That's the Truth. Exactly right. That's what the Bible said.

157But what's happened to you, church? You've seen so much television, so much things of the world, it's so easy for your old Adam nature to drift into that, to act like the rest of them.

158 May I repeat this again! In the kosher, in the offering of the--the--the atonement in the days of Moses, when Moses brought the children out, there was to be seven days that there was to be no leaven among the people. Anyone knows that. In Exodus, "No leaven shall be found in your camp at all, seven days." That seven days represented the full "seven church ages." See?

159"No leaven." Now, what is that? No creed, no world. Jesus said, "If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God's not even in you." See? And we're trying to mix that; you can't do it! You've got to come to one thing to believe: you're either going to believe God, you're going to believe your church, you're going to believe the world. You--you cannot mix it together. And you can't hold to them old things that the other church before you did. You've got to take the Message of the hour.

160 He said, "What was left over, don't let it stay till morning (to come into this other age), burn it with fire; be destroyed." That the age that you're living in, the Message of this age, It's got to be brought out of the Scriptures and vindicated and proved by God that it's God doing so. Then you either receive That or reject It. That's Eternal Life, leadership of the Holy Spirit, leading His Church.

161We could stay on that a long time, but let's move, just keep moving along.

162 The choice of your conduct. You could... You can't mix it now. You're either for God or against God, and the outward expressions shows exactly what's on the inside. See? The cocklebur... Many of you think, "I got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, I'm going to Heaven." That don't mean one thing that you're going to Heaven. No, sir. You can have the baptism of the Holy Ghost every hour in your life, and still be lost and go to hell. The Bible says so. Uh-huh, that's exactly right.

163 Look here, you are a outside person. You have five senses that contacts that outside body. God gave you five senses; not to contact Him, your earthly home: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear.

164Then you have a spirit on the inside of that, and it has five outlets: conscience, and love, and so forth. Five outlets that you contact the spirit world with that, but with your spirit.

165Your physical contacts the physical. Your spiritual contacts the spiritual. But inside of that you've got a soul, and that soul is that gene that come from God.

166 And like a baby formed in its mother's womb. When the baby comes into the--to the mother's womb by the little germ, it crawls into the egg. It doesn't form one cell a human, the next a dog, and the next a cat, and the next a horse. It's all human cells because it's building off of an original human cell.

167And when a man has been borned again by the Word of God, predestinated to Eternal Life, called "The Elected," it'll be Word of God on top of Word, Word on Word! Not a denominational creed and then a Word, and a creed; and it won't work. You can't have that leaven in It! Only one Eternal Life, Jesus Christ the Word:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,...

168 Friends, you feed my children. You send me across the mission fields to the world, to bring the Message. I got to be sincere with you. What I'm looking at, maybe you don't see. That's what I'm here to try to tell you. It's not because I don't love people, it's because I do love people. Corrective. When I see the slipping of the church, going off, say, "Well, we did this and we did that," and look around over the church and see the... It just won't work.

169Then look here in the Bible and see it's got to be that way at the end, that lukewarm Laodicean Church Age, putting Jesus out (the Word). He never called... He ain't going to call no church. He said, "As many as I love, I rebuke. I chasten them." Taking the Word and pound It on, and telling, "You're wrong in it!" That's the reason I love you. "If you'll open the door and let Me in, I'll come in and sup with you." Not a church, He's done put out of that.

170 She's headed for the Ecumenical Council. That's where she's gone, right back into Rome where she come from. And that's exactly. I've got that wrote on paper from twenty-five years ago, or thirty-three years ago, and there it is. Not only that, it's wrote in the Bible, from a vision. She's gone back. There's no way of saving it, it's gone! It's going to be that way.

171God's calling individuals. "I stand at the door and knock. If any man, any person..." One individual out of a thousand, it might be one out of a million.

172As I said a few nights ago. When Israel come up out of Egypt, there were just two million people come, and just two million; just one... just two people went in. One out of a million. Did you know that? Caleb and Joshua.

173And Jesus, when He was on earth, they said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness. We're keeping the traditions. And we're doing this. We know where we're standing!"

174He said, "I know your fathers eat manna in the wilderness, and they're every one Eternally separated. They're dead!"

175 When the sperm comes from the male or female, there's a million eggs comes, there's a million germs come. And out of all them little germs, of the kind... If it's--if it's from the male cow, or the man, or whatever it is, there's just millions of germs, a million germs working. In there there's only one of those germs that's ordained to life, for there's one egg over there, fertile, to meet it. That's right. Only one egg it'll meet. Just like this body here setting here, and the germ comes from God. See? And watch that little germ come up among all these other germs, and wiggle around them, right on past them, go over here and find that fertile egg and--and crawl right into it; and the rest of them dies.

176What if it was that way with the church today, one out of a million? See where it would be? "Strait is the gate and narrow is the Way, and few there'll be that'll find It; because broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there'll be that go in thereat."

"Is that truth, Brother Branham?" I don't know, but I'm just quoting Scripture. See?

177 Now, you're ordained to Life. You see It if you're ordained to see It. If you're not ordained to see It, you won't see It. Said, "They have eyes but they can't see, ears and can't hear." How thankful you should be, church! How you should straighten yourself up from these things! How you should be on fire for God! That your eyes beholds what you see, your ears hears the things you see. Leadership! Why did you come here tonight to hear a Message like This? I'm branded across the world, by the churches, as a "fanatic." Why did you come? The Holy Spirit led you here (see? see?) to listen. Circumcise! Cut away the things of the world, accept the leadership of Jesus Christ, or you'll perish as sure as the world.

178 You have a choice of conduct. How you conduct yourself, that's up to you.

179You have a choice of wife. You go out and take your wife. You want to take a wife, you want to take one that's complementary to your... to what you want your... plan your future home to be. Could you imagine a man, a Christian man, going out and taking one of these modern Rickettas for a wife? Huh? Could you imagine? What's the man thinking about? What kind of a home is he going to have if he takes a striptease, a burlesque off of the street out here, a street prostitute? "Oh," you say, "now, wait a minute." How does she dress herself? See? See? Wear shorts and things, she's a street prostitute. "Oh," you say, "now, Brother Branham!" Oh, them little ol' tight skirts, look like you're poured into, street prostitute.

180 Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her in his heart." Then he's got to answer for that. And what'd she do? She presented herself. Who's guilty? Think of it.

181You say, "They don't make any other clothes." They got goods and sewing machines. No excuse. Huh-uh. That's exactly.

182Now, I don't want to hurt you. And this is not a joke, this is THUS SAITH THE LORD from the Scriptures. It's exactly true, friend. I'm an old man, I haven't got much longer to stay, but I've got to tell you the Truth. If this is my last message, it's the Truth. See? Don't, sister. Don't, brother.

183 And you fellows that's hanging onto a--a creed, and knowing the Word of God being vindicated right before you. The baptism of the Holy Ghost and these realities that we have today, and then, because of your creed, turn away from It? How can you be a son of God and deny the Word of God that's predicted for this last days that we're living in? How can you do it? How can the Bible call this...

184As I said last night about a--a king one time, down in the South when they had the colored down there was sold for slaves. Why, they was no more than just a--a used car market, you get a bill of sales on them. And I was alarmed, at a little place... I read one day where a--a broker come along to buy some, and he said, "Well, now, I'd like..." They was sad, you'd have to whip them, make them work because they was away from home. They was sold, slaves. And they in a foreign country they knowed nothing about, and they'd never be back home again, and they were sad. You had to whip them, make them work. But this broker come by a certain plantation.

185 One young fellow there with his chest out, his chin up, you didn't have to whip him. He was right up, and he kept the morals of the rest of them up.

The broker said, "I'll buy him."

186He said, "He's not for sale. Ain't going to. You ain't going to buy him, because he's not for sale."

187He said, "Well, what makes him so much different?" Said, "Is he the boss over the rest of them?"

Said, "No."

Said, "Do you feed him different?"

188Said, "No. He's a slave, he eats out there in the galley with the rest of them."

Said, "What makes him so much difference?"

189He said, "I wondered myself, till I found out. Over in Africa (where they come from, where the Boers bought them, and brought them over here and sold them for slaves), over there his father is a king of the tribe. And yet, an alien, away from home, he knows he's the son of a king. So he conducts himself that way."

190 What a rebuke to Christianity! We're supposed to represent God and Eternal Life. There's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. He alone has Eternal Life. And we are products of His, because we're genes of His Spirit. Then we should conduct ourself, women and men, like the Bible said for us to do. Not Jezebels of the street, and Rickies of the organization; but Christian gentlemen, sons and daughters of God, borned of the Spirit of God, manifesting the Light in our days and scattering It. That's exactly right.

191 How far we've drifted from It! Why? The same thing this boy did here. He rejected, refused Eternal Life, because It would cost him his social standing, It'd cost him his--his--his luxury of money, It'd cost him his fellowship in the church, It'd cost him a lot of things. He knowed what It was going to cost him, he was a sensible boy, and he felt that he couldn't pay the price. Yet he thought, "I'll just trust my religion and go on." But down in his heart he knowed there was something about Jesus Christ was different from them priests of that day.

192 And any Message that's come in, a genuine, borned Message of God, is different from the old trend. When a Divine healing went forth, not long ago, did you notice how the impersonators followed it? See? And every one of them went right in them organizations, staying there. Does anyone know that there had to be a Message follow that? Why, God don't entertain us! He attracts our attention with something, and when He attracts our attention, then He's got His Message.

193Look when He was first come on the earth, and started His ministry, "O young Rabbi, we want You over here in our church. We... Come on down here." The young Prophet. "Oh, we want You over here. Come here."

194But one day He stood up and said, "I and My Father are One."

195"Oh, my! He makes Hisself God."

196"Except you eat the Flesh of the Son of man and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

197"He's a vampire! We have nothing to do with that."

198Them apostles set right there; thousands left Him, but those apostles were ordained to Life. He said so. They couldn't explain It; they believed It. They stayed right with It because, said, "No man could do these works."

199 Even the priests knowed that. Nicodemus said, "We know" (the Sanhedrin council) "that no man could do these works except it be from God." See?

200Peter, on the Day of Pentecost, said, "Jesus of Nazareth, a Man approved of God among you. God was with Him."

201Look in the Scriptures, what the Scriptures said would do. Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures, in Them you think you have Eternal Life. They are what testifies of Me. If you would have knowed Moses, you'd know Me, for Moses wrote that I would come, in the form that I would come in." He come as the Son of man.

202 He comes in three names, as God. Three (like Father, Son, and Holy Ghost), same God, it's three attributes.

203Now then, also, justification, sanctification....; Luther, Martin, and--and the--and the Pentecostal; same thing: three attributes, three stations, three church ages.

204Same thing: water, blood, and spirit. Oh, just as you go along, the three elements that takes you back into the body. Like it brings you from your natural birth, types your spiritual birth. The baby's born, the first thing's water, next blood, and then life. That's the way you come into the Kingdom of God, the same way. See? That's the way the Church comes in, the same way. Same thing. Now notice on these three things, God has formed His... forming His body.

205 Now we find that in here, that you have a right in your choice. You choose the girl you want to marry; she accepts you, all right.

206Then another thing, you have a choice of whether you want to live or whether you don't want to live. You choose now between Life and death. You can live.

207That boy had that choice. He was success in everything else, a religious man, but he knowed that when that... He spoke it of hisself, "I've observed all these commandments since I was a youth," but he knowed he didn't have Eternal Life. See? And he had a choice to accept It or to refuse It, and he turned It down. That was the most fatal mistake he could ever made. The rest of it wouldn't amounted. It don't, it doesn't amount, unless you take That choice.

208 Now let us follow him at his choosing, and see where it led him to. Now, see where he chose. Now, look, he was--he was a rich man, he was a businessman, he was a ruler, and he was a religious man. All that!

209Today we'd say, "Boy, he's a genuine Methodist, or Baptist, or a Pentecostal. He--he's a real fellow, real nice boy. Fine!" Nothing you could say about him; friendly, nice, sociable, and everything. No immorals about him. He didn't probably smoke, drink, or run around to shows and dances, and whatever we'd call it today, as we would class a Christian. But that ain't Eternal Life yet! That ain't what we're talking about. He might have been loyal to his church, in which he probably was. But, you see, and what did it lead him to? Great popularity. Let's say, if he was a preacher, he could a-been... got a better church. He could a-been the state presbyter or a bishop. See? It leads you to popularity, and it led him to riches and to fame.

210 It might do the same thing today, you have a great talent to sing. I thought of that young man a while ago that sang that song here; how he had give that to the Devil, and now he get it back... And how different between him and Elvis Presley and some of these. Pat Boone, and a group like that, Ernie Ford, them guys, great singers; and take their talents, that God-given talents, and use it to inspire the--the works of the Devil. That's right. Some great singer selling their God-given talents for fame in this world, to become somebody. How could you become any more of a "body" than you could, to be a somebody, than to be a son of God?

211I don't care if you own the whole city, the whole world, and you haven't accepted the leadership of Eternal Life by the Holy Spirit (Christ), how you going to... Who are you, anyhow? You're a dead mortal, dead in sin and trespasses! Religious as you want to be; as faithful as you want to be to the church; preacher, if you want to be in the pulpit; but to turn down, you die!

212 He was a great success. He was a great success here in this life. Certainly. We find him where we notice... Then we find this fellow, that he went... We follow him a little bit, and we see he got a great successful. And we follow him through the Bible. We notice that he--he... We find him a rich man. He's got such great big places, he was entertaining the judge and the mayor of the city, or whatmore. He's up on top of his roof, and he has great banquets; and plenty of waitresses, and women, girls, and everything else, around him. And there's a beggar laying at the gate, named Lazarus. He sweeps the crumbs off to him. We know the story. The next thing, he goes on successful, just like the churches today are getting.

213A businessman setting here, telling me, "Right here in California, that the church has to tell the labor union what to do." See, it's coming church and state again. It's right on you. You see, you're right in there, and you take the mark of the beast not knowing it.

214 If you ever bought one of my tapes, get this when I get it, when I get home, The Trail Of The Serpent; and you'll see where it's at, see where this ends up at. Going home now to speak, if the Lord willing. It's about four hours, so I couldn't keep it at one of the meeting like this. I have to go up there where the church suffers with me so long, patiently. Notice. But now you can listen at the tape sometime in your home.

215 Notice this, now we find out that he was a great success. Then we find him later till he was a greater success, until he said, "I have got so much!" Boy, he'd a-made a real genuine guy of this day. Wouldn't he? "Even my barns has swelled out, they're bursting. And I've got so much till I said, 'Oh, soul, take your rest.'"

216But, what he done at the beginning, he rejected the leadership of Jesus Christ. His church, his intelligence, his education, and all, had lead him to a success. All the Jews loved him. He give to them, he helped them, he might have done this, that, or the other. But, you see, he rejected the--the--the leadership of Jesus Christ, the Eternal Life. And that... The Bible said, He said, "Thou fool, tonight your soul is required."

217And now we find him (the next place) in hell; lifting up his eyes and seeing that beggar, that he turned out the street, in the bosoms of Abraham. What a fatal mistake! How that the churches had--had--had--had--had been all right in the way that they went, but they still hadn't had Eternal Life.

218 Reminds me of a sermon I preached here not long ago, A Thinking Man's Filter. You might have had it. I was going, walking through the woods, I was squirrel hunting (this fall) and I looked down. And, of course, I can't call the cigarette company. You know it. And there laid a--a cigarette pack laying there. And I just passed by it, looking for... in the woods. And I seen that package laying there, and I looked back again, it said, "A thinking man's filter, a smoking man's taste." I just started walking on through the woods.

219And Holy Spirit said, "Turn and pick that up."

220I reached down and picked it up, "A thinking man's filter, a smoking man's taste." I thought, "American firm here, selling death under disguisement, to their own American citizens." A thinking man's filter? You... And a smoking man's taste?

221 I was at the World Fair, with Yul Bryan... Brynner, and them up there, when he giving all that test. And how he put one cigarette and drawed the... across a marble and took the... Wiped up the nicotine and put it on a rat's back, a white rat, and in seven days he was so full of cancer he couldn't walk. And they said, "You know, they say a 'filter,'" said, "it's a gimmick, sells more cigarettes."

222It takes so much nicotine to satisfy that devil. That's right. And when you take a filtered cigarette, it takes about four cigarettes to take the place of one. It's a gimmick to sell you more cigarettes. You cannot have smoke unless you got tar; and tar, you've got cancer. See how it is? And the blind Americans, looking for a rabbit to come out of a hat somewhere, they fall for it. You can't have it; it's death, I don't care which way you go, it's death any way you go. "A thinking man's filter," a thinking man wouldn't smoke at all, that's right, if he's got any thoughts at all.

223 Well, I thought that just can comply to the churches. See? I think, has God got a filter? Yes.

224And every church has got a filter. That's right. They filter ones that comes in, and they let a lot of death in too.

225How could you ever draw a denomination through God's Filter? How could you do it? How could you draw a bobbed-hair woman through that Filter? Tell me. How could you ever draw a woman that wears slacks through There, when "It's an abomination for her to put on a garment pertains to a man"? See, God's Filter would catch her out there, It wouldn't let her come in. (But the church has got their own filters.) So I say that there is a thinking man's Filter, that's God's Word, and It suits a holy man's taste. That's right, a holy man; not a church man, but a holy man's taste. Because It's pure, holiness, unadulterated Word of God! There is a thinking man's Filter. And church member, I advise you to use That one.

226Because it brings in the world, and one lump of it is death. One lump leavens, the one little leaven leavens the whole lump. "Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."

227 At the Garden of Eden, what caused death, and all this sorrow, every heartache, every little dying baby, every rattle in the throat, every ambulance screaming, every hospital, every graveyard? Was because Eve doubted one Word (not all of It), it just perverted It. Now, God said, "Man," there, "he was to keep every Word of God." Now, that's the first of the Bible.

228In the middle of the Bible, Jesus come, and He said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Not just part of Them, every one.

229In the last of the Bible, Revelation 22, Jesus give the testimony of Himself. The Revelation of the--of the Bible is Jesus Christ. And He said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of here, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."

230Now, you go through that thinking man's Filter, you'll have a holy man's taste when you come out of There. Right. You'll have a saintly taste.

231 Sister, you that wear those clothes, think of it. You're going to... You say, "I'm virtuous to my husband." "I'm virtuous to my boyfriend." "I'm a virtuous girl." But what about that sinner that looked at you? When he answers for adultery, who did it? See, you'll be guilty. See it written in the Word, so it's the... See? Oh, be a thinking woman. Be a thinking...

232You might say, "It might..." Well, what if it does happen to be that way? He said so, and one Word can't fail. See?

233 The great man told me not long ago, called me into his room, said, "I'm going to lay hands on you, Brother Branham. You're ruining your ministry, preaching such things."

234I said, "Any ministry that the Word of God will ruin, ought to be ruined." See?

235He said, "I'll lay hands on you." Said, "You was sent to pray for the sick."

236I said, "Do you believe those things, brother?"

He said, "No. But it's not our business."

I said, "Whose business is it, then?" See?

"Well," he said, "that's the pastor's business."

237I said, "Look at the congregation." Uh-huh. That's right. See?

238Every year I pass through preaching these things, and I think, "Surely they get It," next year I come back, there's more than ever. See? That's right. It goes to show that "Many are called but few are chosen."

239 The leadership is the Holy Spirit, friend. It leads you and guides you into all Truth, when He the Holy Ghost is come. Now think of that. Take the thinking man's Filter, that's the Bible. Not your creed, not your church; you'll be lost. Take the thinking man's Filter.

240That's where that boy didn't think. He took the church filter. He become popular, a great man, "But in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torment."

241Now you take the thinking man's Filter, Jesus Christ, the Word, and you'll desire a holy person's taste, because It'll satisfy that. If you got the Holy Spirit in you, This satisfies it.

242If the Holy Spirit isn't there, you say, "Oh, well, I don't think that means any difference." Look what you've done right there! Same thing Eve done. You're right back in the same place.

243 Now let's go a little farther. Now let's take... leave that man there, that didn't use the thinking man's Filter. He refused to accept the leadership of Jesus Christ, to Eternal Life.

244Now let us take another rich, young businessman, a ruler with the same opportunity that this man had. And accept It, he accepted the leadership of Christ. Now, there's two of them in the Bible that we're going to talk about. That one we see that refused It, now let's take this man: another rich, young businessman, and a ruler. And he accepted the Leadership.

245 The Scriptures tell us about this fellow, if you want to mark it down, in Hebrews 11: 23 to 29.

... Moses, by faith, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter;

Choosing rather to suffer the afflictions of God...

Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater treasures than all the treasures of Egypt:...

246See, he accepted Eternal Life. Moses esteemed the--the--the reproach of Christ greater treasures than all the treasures the world had. Moses esteemed That the greatest. Now, this rich man didn't.

247 And Moses was a rich, young ruler, to become a Pharaoh. He was Pharaoh's son, and was heir to the throne. And he looked out to the impossible, a bunch of mud-daubers, a bunch of slaves. But by faith he saw the promise of God, through the Word, "That his people would sojourn in a strange land for four hundred years, but would be brought out by a mighty hand." And he esteemed That (hallelujah) greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt, for he forsook Egypt not knowing where he was going. He was led by Christ. He forsook!

248And he had his foot on the throne, and he could been--been the next Pharaoh in Egypt. But he esteemed the reproach of Christ. The reproach! To be called that "odd one," be called that "fanatic," to take his place with the mud-daubers and the fanatics; because he seen that the hour, that the Scripture was promised to be fulfilled, was there then.

249And O church, wake up! Can't you see the same thing tonight? The hour that's been promised is on us. Esteem the reproach of Jesus Christ greater riches than all the fellowship of anything; if it takes father and mother, church, anything else. Follow the leadership of the Spirit!

250 Let us follow this Christ for a few... this Moses for a little while. There, I did that. Let's watch his life. The first thing, when he had accepted to take the reproach of Christ and forsake his education, forsake all of his wisdom... He was taught in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. And all of his popularity, his throne, his scepter, his kingship, his crown, everything he had, he rejected it!

251And this other fellow wanted it, and refused Christ; and this man refused that, and accepted Christ. And quickly what happened? He had to separate himself.

252Hallelujah! The word means "Praise our God!" It's too bad that we're forgetting it.

253 He rejected the thrones and the popularity. He could a-had young girls by the... wives by the hundreds, and he could a-had scepters under Egypt, rule the world! The world laid right at his feet, and he was heir to every bit of it. But by looking in the Scripture and seeing the day he was living in, and knowed that Something in him, that predestinated Seed of God went to work!

254I don't care how popular you could be, or how this you could be, you could be a presbyter, you could be a pastor, you could be a this, that, or the other, but if that Word of Eternal Life by God's Word has been foreordained into you, and you see the thing at hand, it goes to work, moving out like that. [Brother Branham snaps his finger several times--Ed.] Start coming out! Begin to get It!

255And he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, because he esteemed the reproach of Christ greater treasures than all the riches of Egypt or the world. He esteemed That. Watch what he done, he followed It. Up, quickly he was ousted from his people, the people that once loved him.

256 It might cost you everything you got. It might cost you your home, It might cost you your friendship, It might cost your your stitch-and-sew party, It might cost you your place at the Kiwanis. It might. I don't know what It'll cost you, but It'll cost everything that's worldly or pertains to the world. You'll have to separate yourself from everything that's worldly. You'll have to do it.

257Moses laid everything aside and went into the desert with a stick in his hand. Amen! Days after days passed. And wonder if he thought he made a mistake? No.

258Many times people start out, and they say, "Oh, I'll do it. Glory to God, I see It!" Let somebody laugh at you and make fun of you, "Probably I was wrong."

259He said, "They that cannot stand chastisement are bastard children and not the children of God." See, they're worked up on the emotion. See, the seed that I talked about a while ago, that soul wasn't there to start with. It was anointed with the Spirit, and he done all kinds. Oh, you, they... When your spirit's anointed, you can... It's the real, genuine Holy Ghost, and you could still be a devil.

260 "Oh," you say, "Brother Branham!"

261False prophets! The Bible said, "In the last days there'd be false prophets." Jesus said, "There shall rise false christs." Not "false Jesuses," now, nobody stands still for that; but "false christs." Christ means "the anointed ones." Falsely anointed; they are anointed, but they are false at the bottom of it, and do great signs and wonders, speak in tongues, dance in the Spirit, preach the Gospel.

262Judas Iscariot did it! Simeon... or no, I beg your... Caiaphas prophesied! Balaam, the hypocrite! Sure, done all the signs, everything, all the religious moves.

263 But, you see, you put a cocklebur seed and a wheat seed in the same bed and pour the water down upon them and anoint them, they'll both rejoice. They'll both grow by it, the same water. "The sun shines on the just and the unjust, and the rain falls on the just and the unjust, but by their fruits you shall know them." How can you keep from lining up with the Word? Amen. See what I mean? "The water falls on the just and the unjust," anoint it.

264Jesus said, "They will come to Me in that day, say, 'Lord! Lord! Have not I cast out devils? Have not I done prophesied? Have not I done great things in Your Name?'" He'll say, "You workers of iniquity, depart from Me, I don't even know you. Go into eternal hell that's been prepared for the Devil and his angels." You see? What a Word! Falsely. Worship in vain, striving in vain. Why do you do that when you don't have to do it? Why take a substitute when the Heavens is full of genuine? See? You don't have to do that.

265 Now we find Moses anointed, nothing could turn him back. His own brothers turned him down; that didn't stop him. He went right on into the wilderness. And one day out there, he met God face to face, with a Pillar of Fire hanging in a bush. Said, "Moses, take off your shoes, your ground you're standing on is Holy. For I have heard the cries of My people, and I have heard of their groanings, and I remember My promise of the Word. And I'm coming down, I'm going to send you down there to take them out." Certainly. He met God face to face, he talked with Him. He was commissioned by God.

266 God come right back, that same Pillar of Fire, and vindicated that prophet standing right there on the mountain; to prove that it was, when He took his hands and performed all kinds of miracles and things. Oh, they had the impersonators. Oh, sure. There was Jambres and Jannes, stood right around, done the same thing they did. But who was the original? See? Where did it start from? Did it come from the Word? Was it the hour?

267And do you know that same thing's promised again in the last days? "As Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these men, of reprobate mind concerning the Truth." See, in the last days. And do the same thing, (impersonate everything), right on in the same gully, "Hog going to its wallow, and a dog to its vomit."

268 You Pentecostals that come out of them organizations years ago and cursed them, your fathers and mothers; and you turned right back around and done the same thing that they did, and now just the same wallow and vomit. See? If it made the Church vomit it out in the early Pentecostal age, it'll make It vomit it out again today. See? It has to be, though, it's the shuck, has to come. The tassel can't be the only one; the shuck has to come, see, the carrier. Now we're living in the last days, watch the things that's promised for the hour.

269 Watch this Moses confirmed. Know! When he got out there, some of his own brethren turned up against him, wanted to make an organization. They said, "You act like you're the only holy man among us." "The whole congregation's holy," said Korah, Dathan. "Let's choose out men and do something."

270Moses, he... I felt sorry for him. He went down, said, "Lord..." Fell down before the altar and said, "Lord!"

271God said, "Separate yourself from them. I've had enough of it." Just opened up the earth and swallowed them up. That's all. See, he knowed his commission.

272 God don't deal with organizations, He don't deal with groups. He deals with individuals. That's right. Always. Not in groups; individuals, one person. In the last days, He said, "I stand at the door and knock, and if any man..." (not "any group") "... any man will hear My Voice, I'll... and hear Me, I'll come in to him and sup." See, "If any man can hear."

273How can--how could this microphone now produce my voice out there unless it was made thus? I could scream against that board, with all my might, and it wouldn't do nothing. Because this is ordained, and made, created, a microphone. And if the Word of God is in you from foreordination of God, in you, "My sheep hear My Voice. They know My hour. A stranger they won't follow." See? It's got to be that first. "All that the Father has given Me, they will come." Every one of them, see.

274 Now he goes on, at the life's end here. He only passed... Notice when he come to the end of the road.

275And we're closing now because it's getting late, twenty-five minutes till ten. Notice. Now, at home that's early. About two or three o'clock we begin to say, "Say, it's getting a little bit late." See? See? But now, I've preached a many a night, all night long.

276Paul preached this same Gospel in his day, and a young man fell off of a--a wall and killed himself. And Paul, with that same anointing and that same Gospel, laid his body upon him, he come to life again. They were interested. The church was being formed. Something was taking place. Notice what taken place here.

277Moses, when he come down...

278 This rich man, when he come down, the young ruler we talked about, all religious, and belonged to church and everything, fine, educated, a fine businessman, and everything, when he come to the end of the road, he begin to scream, "There's nowhere to step!" Where's his leadership? He had been led by his church, which is dead. He had been led by the dead world, and there wasn't nothing for him to step into but what the world had prepared for it: hell.

279But here comes Moses, a faithful servant who esteemed the reproach of Christ greater treasures than all the riches of Egypt. He come to the end of the road, an old man, a hundred and twenty years old. Walked up on the mountain, and he knowed that death laid before him, and he looked over into the promised land. And he looked; laying there by his side, there was his Leader, the Rock. He stepped upon the Rock, and the Angels of God packed him away into the Glory--the Glory of God, into the bosoms of God. Why? Eight hundred years later, he was still being led by his Leader.

280 We find him over on Mount Transfiguration, standing there with Elijah, talking to Jesus before He went to the cross, eight hundred years after death. The--the One that he esteemed, the reproach of his ministry, greater treasures than all the popularity of the world and all the money of the world, his Leader was still leading him. Oh, my! He was led! His Leader, He led through the death, the shadows of death. He was led to the grave. Hundreds of years later, there he stood again because, as his youth, he had chosen the leadership of the Holy Spirit. His name will be great when there is no more Egypt or treasures. When the pyramids are dust, and when Egypt is no more Egypt, Moses will be immortal among men because he accepted the leadership of Christ instead of going the way his church went.

281 There's others that did the same thing. Look at Enoch. He walked with God for five hundred years, and then he had a testimony that "He pleased God." God had verified it, and said, "There's no need of you dying, just come on up Home this afternoon." And he went up.

282And Elijah. After bawling out bobbed-haired women and everything, as he did in his day, Jezebels with the paint on them, after he got so full of it, and--and had done all he could, and all them priests making fun of him, and everything else, he walked down at the river one day. And just across the river was the horses hitched to a bush over there, a chariot of fire and horses of fire. He stepped right on, and threw his robe off to the next prophet to follow him, and went up into Heaven. He accepted the leadership of Eternal Life, 'cause it was Christ that was in Elijah. Oh! Yes, sir!

283What was it? "Follow Me!" Now you must choose your leader. You've got to choose it, friends. Look in God's looking glass, the Bible, and see where you're at tonight.

284 A little story. A little kid, one time, lived out in the country. He never seen a mirror, and he came into the city to see his mother's sister. And she had a home... and the old-fashioned homes used to have a mirror on the door; I don't know whether you remember that or not. But this little boy, he had never seen a mirror. So he's playing around the house, and he looked in the... "Huh?" He looked at that little boy. And he waved, and the little boy waved. And he pulled his ear, and the little boy pulled his ear. And on like that. He kept walking up, close, and he turned around and said, "Mama! That's me!" That's me.

285 What do you look like? What are you following? What have we done? You must choose your leader. Choose today. You choose Life or death. Your choice will determine your Eternal destination, what you choose. Remember, Jesus said, "Follow Me." And you're invited tonight to do so. And to follow Him to Eternal Life you must come on His terms, that's right, the Word. Not upon the creed, not upon the public opinion, not upon what anybody else thinks about It, but on what God said about It.

286You say, "Well, Brother Branham, I know a woman just as good as she can be, she does this. I know a man that went through this."

287I can't help what they done. God's Word, He said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth." You've got to come on His terms, come on His conditions, the Word. You cannot come through creed. You cannot come through denomination. You cannot mix It like that. There's only one thing you can do: accept It on His terms, that you're willing to die to yourself and all your thoughts, and follow Him. "Get rid of all the things of the world, and follow Me."

288 I know that's a stern, cutting Message, brother. But I didn't come here and choose a--a message to the people just to try to make them sing, shout, holler. I been in heathen meetings where they done the same thing. I'm interested in your life. I'm a servant of God that's got to answer to God someday, and the ministry that the Lord has given me has vindicated itself thousands of times before you.

289Remember, Jesus said, "Follow Me. Follow Me. Get rid of what you got, and follow Me." And that's the only way to have Eternal Life. That's the only remedy He give this man, was the only remedy He give this businessman, it's the only remedy He gives anybody. His choice, He makes His decision, it's perfect every time. And we must follow Him, is the only way to have Eternal Life. So the leadership of God is: follow the vindicated Word of the hour by the Holy Ghost.

Let us bow our heads.

290 I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to be real sincere. I want the sister to play this for me, I Can Hear My Saviour Calling. I know it's an old-time altar call. And brother, sister, as we see, just look what's going on today. Now with your heads bowed, just think for a minute, look what's taking place.

291Did you read the newspaper last week what that man in England said? That "The crucifixion of Jesus Christ was only a fake, it was only fixed up between Pilate and Him."

292Did you see what this American theologian said? He said that "Jesus was just put to sleep on mandrake weed." Many of you theologians know, back there in Genesis where it talked of the mandrake weed. It'll put you to sleep like you're dead, your heart hardly beats for two or three days at a time. "And when they give Him the vinegar and gall," they said, "that was mandrake weed. And they put Him up there in the tomb, and He slept up there for three days. And, of course, when they went up there, they found Him walking, around." Could you imagine that? Theologians, seminaries, make-belief. Then how in the world... First place, the Bible said He refused it, when they put the vinegar and gall in His mouth.

293And another thing, if that be so, then why did those disciples "who come and stole Him away," why did they give their life in martyrdom for Him? And fell, counted theirself not even worthy to die like He died; turned them upside down and sideways on the crosses and things. And if they were... knowed that He was a hypocrite and them ownselves being hypocrites, how would they have give their life for Him like that?

294 Oh, you see, it's this intellectual day that we're living in. Education, civilization, and the modern trend of the day, is all of the Devil. "Civilization of the Devil?" Yes, sir! The Bible said it is. This civilization has death. "Will we have a civilization like this in the other world?" No, sir! We'll have a different kind of civilization. Education, all these things, they're of the Devil; science perverting the natural things, making something else.

295Look what they've done to you now. When young ladies... The Reader's Digest said, week after... month before last, I believe it was. The Reader's Digest said that "Young men and young women go through the middle age, women in menopause between twenty and twenty-five years old." One more generation, they'll be nothing but... It'll be horrible-looking. See? What the creatures will be, softened, mucky. Look at the--look at the spirit, look how the spirit in the church has got, hybrid, intermarried to the world. Oh, what a hour! Flee, children! Flee! Flee to the Cross! Come to Christ, let Him lead you.

296 While we have our heads bowed, our eyes closed, and please bow your heart at the same time. Will you? I want to ask you a question. Do you really look at yourself, to God? And do you feel that you're not where you--you ought to be at this hour? Cause the Rapture could come at any time. See, it'll come.

297There'd only be, if--if that statement I made a while ago is true, there'll only be about five hundred people in the Rapture, that's living, they'll be changed. Why, taking all Christendom together, Catholic and all, there's only five hundred million people, see, claims Christianity. And one out of a million, be five hundred people. There's that many people missing every day, across the world, that we can't even account for them. See, it'll come, and you won't even know it. People'll go on preaching, and saying... See, and it'll all be past.

298Like Jesus said. They said, the disciples said, "Why say the scribes, say, 'Elias must first come'?"

299He said, "He's already come and you didn't know him, but they did to him what they said they would do."

300 You know that you're not right with God, and you'd like to be remembered in... to God, that God would set your heart right with God. Would you just humbly now, in this very still moment, raise your hands? I don't care who you are, would you do it? You say, "I'll raise my hands to God." God bless you. God bless you.

301Are you looking in the Mirror? I ask you in Christ's Name, are you looking in God's Mirror? [A brother speaks in another tongue. A brother gives an interpretation--Ed.] Amen.

302I want to ask one thing. How many in here are Pentecostals? Raise your hand, are Pentecostals. Practically every one of you. Now, how many in here claim to be Christians? Raise your hands, ever where you are, claim to be a Christian. Did you know the Bible spoke of this, that this would happen?

303Even this happened in the Old Testament when they were wondering what they would do, how they could get away from the besiege that was coming. The Spirit fell upon a man and he prophesied and told them where to meet the enemy, and how, what to overcome the enemy. That was the Old Testament, same as the New.

304 Now, somebody might say, "That man, oh, that wasn't so." But what if it is so? You say, "Oh, I've heard that before." But what if this is so? You see, that proves then that in here there's many that needs a change of heart, if that's the Holy Spirit speaking. There's things that needs to be done, so now it's with you.

Just as I am, without one plea,

But that Thy Blood was shed for me,

And that Thou bids... (That's what, He called you just then.)... to Thee,

O Lamb of God,... ("I'll take away that stubborn heart, and put a heart of flesh in it that would yield to Me." See?)... come!

Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,

Wilt... (Will you make your choice tonight? You can do either one you want to.)... cleanse.

You say, "I've heard that before." But this might be your last time to hear It.

Because Thy promise I believe,

The old-fashioned altar calls, they're out of style today, but God still moves in them. Can't you feel It moving on you, church?

... I come!

305 [Brother Branham begins humming Just As I Am--Ed.] Oh, think, today, the hearts are becoming stony, filled with the world, indifferent, church members, lukewarm, like that rich, young ruler; and don't know that the great Holy Spirit's standing, knocking at the door in this Laodicean Age. "He that will hear My Voice (the Word), will open his heart, I'll come in to him and will sup with him."

306And the Spirit speaking through this brother a few minutes ago, said, "I'll take that stony heart out of you, and give you a heart of flesh, tender towards God." Look how it's become now, just a--a intellectual, emotion. See? Not a tender heart full of love and sweetness towards Christ.

307[Brother Branham begins humming the chorus--Ed.] Don't you want that kind of a heart? How you going to face Christ with an intellectual conception of Him? You've got to accept Eternal Life.

... was shed... (The preparation was made through the Blood.)

And that Thou bids... (What did He do? Shed His Blood; and now bidding you, "Come.")... to Thee,

O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

308 Let's, each Christian, just raise our hands quietly now and pray:

309O God, please, Lord, catch this day that we're living. Oh, it's so hard, Father. Satan has just done so much to the people. Their hearts have become stony. Your Spirit speaks right out; Your Word comes forward, vindicate; but the old-fashioned, born-again experience, they're... it's become into a denominational, intellectual conception, a lot of music, a lot of shout, and a lot of carrying-on. But, really, that heart of flesh, that Spirit, that Eternal Life, It's certainly become foreign to the church.

310God, it breaks my own heart, and me a--a sinner saved by Your grace. It makes me feel so bad, Father, to see the church that You died for, the church that You're trying to redeem. I think of the vision You just give about that church of the United States and of other countries. What a horrible-looking rock-and-roll striptease it was. But somewhere along I seen coming forth another one, blessed.

311I pray, Father, that if any of those here tonight that's ordained to Life, or would like to accept It, that this'll be the hour they'll do it. Grant it, Lord. Break up the stony heart now, the old heart of the world. And if they want peace, they want something that satisfies, something that gives assurance, may they accept the leadership of Christ tonight to lead them to a--a Peace that passes all understanding, a Joy that's unspeakable and full of glory, or even something that death itself cannot harm. Grant it, Father.

312 Now, with our hands up, I wonder if... How many in the building now would just say, "I'm going to stand." Now, I don't care who's setting by you; It's God talking to you. And you really want to be a real Christian. See? Anything will... Unless that's an impersonation; oh, I'd just rather go on out and be in the world. I believe you would, too.

313Now, just examine yourself by the Word, by the Message. Examine what a real Christian should be: rugged, loving, not one of this modern Christianity. Why, it's soft, flexible, half dead, rotten, interbred. See, it's not the real Christianity; live any kind of a way, and belong to church. Don't you want that sweet fellowship with Christ, the Holy Spirit, that you're... the conformity of your own heart to the Word, move right up into Christ? If you want that, and would desire God to see your stand tonight right in this group of people, if you'll just do it.

314You say, "Will that mean anything, Brother Branham?"

315Oh, yes. Sure, it does. "If you're ashamed of Me before man, I'll be ashamed of you before My Father and the holy Angels. But he that will confess Me and stand for Me in this land, I'll stand for him in that Land. I'll confess him before My Father."

316 Now, no matter who you are, woman, man, boy or girl, whoever you are, Christian or not Christian, minister, deacon, whatever you are, if you'll just believe with your whole heart, for just a moment, and do this much tonight just to let God know that you're sincere. "God..."

317"Now look, I'm a Pentecostal," you say. "I'm this," or whatever you are. "I profess to dance in the Spirit. But, Brother Branham, I thought as long as we had that, we had It." You haven't.

318If you believe me to be God's prophet, you listen to my Words. See? That's a deception in this day. Didn't the Bible say, "It'd be so close it would deceive the Elected if possible"? The Elected, "down to the soul."

319But if you danced in the Spirit, still with the things of the world, there is something wrong. If you speak with tongues; Paul said, "I can speak with tongues of man and angels, and still not even be saved." Uh-huh, both kinds, see. "I can do all the emotions, I can have faith, I can preach the Gospel, I can give all my goods to feed the poor, I can carry the Word in the mission fields across the... and still I'm nothing." See? It's that Inside of the inside, brother. That... Your spirit breaks up when you die, it takes its flight, but your soul lives. See?

320 Now look at yourself. Really, are you a genuine Bible Christian, full of love of God? Remember, the Bible said, in the last days when this time takes place, He said, "A marking angel went through the churches, went through the cities, and sealed only those who sighed and cried for the abomination that was done in the city." Is that right? Ezekiel 9, we know that's Truth. The marking angel went forth and put a Mark on their head, forehead, sealed them, "Them that sighed and cried."

321After that come the slaughtering angels from the four corners of the earth, which is coming right away, we see it coming, wars moving right in that'll kill the whole earth off. There was nothing that they couldn't touch but them that had the Mark.

322Now pick out... Is your heart so concerned about the sinners, and the way that the church and the people are doing, till you can sigh and cry about it day and night? If not so, I'm wondering. That's the Scripture.

323 Would you just stand and say, "Dear God, I'm not standing because Brother Branham said so, but I heard his Word say that, and I'm going to do this. To You, Lord, I stand. I'm in need, Lord. Will You supply my need tonight here at this place? I stand." God bless you. God bless you. "I'm in need, I want You to have mercy upon me." God bless you. "I want to be the kind of a Christian that..."

324Now, remember, the person that's standing by you is the same thing you are. I want you just to reach over and take a hold of their hand, say, "Brother, sister, pray for me now. I want you to pray for me. I--I..." Just say it with all Christian sincerity, "Pray for me. I'll... I--I--I want to be right with God. You pray for me, I'm going to pray that God will give you the opportunity."

325I--I know that we're... We can't stay here much longer; you see that. We're--we're at the end time. All that believe that, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen!"--Ed.] We're... There's nothing left. Everything is gone. The churches is headed to the Ecumenical council. The world, it...

326 Look here! Do you know what the Lord says about Los Angeles and these places here? "She's gone!" You remember what I told you, about two years ago, how that earthquake would come in Canada up here, Alaska? I also tell you that "Hollywood and Los Angeles is sliding into the ocean. California, you're doomed! Not only California; but you, world, you're doomed! Church, unless you get right with God, you're doomed!" THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT!

327Have you ever heard me use that Name unless it come to pass? Ask you! You've known me twenty years. Did I ever tell you anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass? If everything I've ever told you would happen, happened, say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen!"--Ed.] See? I tell you, now is the hour, you better be getting right, all of us.

Now let's each one pray for the other:

328 Dear God, as we stand here tonight, a dying people, our faces are turned towards the earth, the dust. We just... You have give us this cutting sermon, Lord. We see the example of two man. One of them, being a religious man, went to church but rejected the leadership to Eternal Life. And the other rejected the worldly fame and turned to Eternal Life. And we see both of their conditions tonight, according to the Bible: the rich man is in torment, and Moses is in Glory.

329Father, we want to be like Moses. We want to be led by Your Holy Son, Jesus Christ, to Eternal Life. Give It to our hearts tonight, Lord. Tear out the old stony heart; place into us the new heart, the heart of flesh, the heart that You can talk to and deal with, and we will not be haughty or different. May the Holy Spirit never leave, Lord. May It come and ordain this people. Speak to them; tear up their stony will, and put in the will of God. Save every one, Father. Give us of Thy love. Get us to a place, Lord, that we'll get away from all the--the emotional part, to the real solid part of the feeling... the heartfelt part, the deepness of the Spirit, the riches of God, the Kingdom of the Spirit in our hearts. Grant it, O Great Leader, great Holy Spirit, before You take Your flight into the skies with Your Church.

330 O God, let me go, Lord. Don't leave me behind, Jesus. Let me go with You, Father. I don't want to stay here on this earth to watch these tribulations coming on. I don't want to stay here in this insanity. I don't want to stand here when hideous sights... the people losing their mind. We look at man trying to act like beasts and look like beasts; and the women trying to look like animals, with the paints on their face. Knowing that these things are predicted to happen, that the thing will, they'll go so insane till locusts will rise up with hair like women to haunt the women; and teeth like lions, and things that You've said, the mental condition of the people will be completely gone. We see it in the making right now, Lord. Help us! Restore us to the sane mind of Christ Jesus our Lord.

331O Great Leader of Eternal Life, we accept Your promise tonight, Father. I plead for this people. I plead for every one of them, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Lord. I pray that Christ the Son of God will come into the hearts of every one of us, Lord, and mold us and make us into new creatures in Jesus Christ. Grant it, Lord God.

332We love You. And we want our dispositions... our change to come into us, that we can be Your children, feel of Your Spirit moving in our hearts, Lord, tendering us and bringing us to realization of this insane age that we're living in. Grant it, God. When we see young women so caught up in the web of the Devil, young men, perverted minds, children, dope addicts, cigarette smoking, drinking, immoral, Satan's Eden.

333God, it taken You six thousand years, according to the Bible, to build an Eden. And You put Your son and his wife in there (his bride), to rule over it. And Satan come around and perverted it; he's got six thousand years, and he's built his own intellectual Eden through science, and education, and so-called intelligence, and he's built it into a mess of death.

334O God, take us back to Eden again, Lord, where there's no death, where there's no sorrow. Grant it, Lord. We stand humbly, waiting for the second Adam to come for His Bride. Make us part of Him, Father. We pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

335 Do you love God? Can you feel... Do you realize what I'm trying to tell you? If you can understand this just raise your hands, say, "I understand what you're trying to say." Can you see the insanity of this age? Look how it's gone, there's no even reasons among the people no more. It's gone! Where is our...? Even leaders.

336Look at our President! "If they want Communism, let them have it. Whatever the people wants, let them have it." Where is our Patrick Henry's, our George Washington's? Where is our leaders that can stand for a principle? We haven't got them no more.

337Where is our churches, our ministers? Will take the people in just on probation, or come in, join the church and do this or have a little sensation or something. Where is those men of God, those prophets that stand out and dare to defile, defy all the things of the world?

338Where is those men of integrity? Where are they at? They're so soft, and through intellectual conceptions and things, till they're not here no more. O God, have mercy upon us.

339 These hideous sights that's coming upon the earth. You can see how the people's moving right into it. It's an insanity. But when that thing strikes, the Church will be gone.

340God, let us be there. That's my prayer to the great Supernatural Being that's in this building tonight, the great Christ that still has Eternal Life. I pray Thee, Christ, as I'm here with my eyes open, looking at the church that You've redeemed with Your Blood. God, don't let a one of us be lost. We want to be right with You. So cleanse us, O, Lord, from all of our iniquities. Take away our sins and things.

341We seen You heal our sick, even raise our dead (come back to life through prayer), and we seen all these things happen, Father. Now bring us back to Life, spiritually; bring us back into realization of Eternal Life through Christ Jesus. Grant this, Father. I commit it all to You. In Jesus Christ's Name.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet!

Look to Him. Let Him soften us up.

... we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

342Raise our hands now:

Till we meet! till we meet!

Brother Salano, ever who is following. [Someone says, "Anything else?"--Ed.] No. God bless you.

1 Ďakujem ti, brat Williams. Zdravím brata Style a jeho manželku a všetkých delegátov tu na tomto bankete dnes večer. Je to pravdaže veľké privilégium byť tu. Vždy som sa tešil na túto hodinu, odkedy sme to takto začali. A chem poďakovať tej pani. Nemôžem si zmyslieť na jej meno, Billy mi práve povedal, že oni mi dali krabicu vianočných cukríkov a priniesli to z auta len pred chvíľou. Tá sestra, nemôžem si zmyslieť na jej meno, ona je odtiaľto z Kalifornie. To bol môj prvý vianočný dar. Tak, ďakujem ti za to.

No, dnes večer to je… Tak, v Tucsone je desať minút po deviatej, ale ja myslím, že to je len desať minút po ôsmej tu. Tak my… Mám takú povesť medzi ľudmi, že mám dlhý dych pri kázaní, tak ja dúfam…[Zhromaždenie tlieska—pozn.prekl.] Ďakujem vám. Také…Niektoré milé osoby tu, ďakujem vám…

4 Ale ja by som dnes večer takmer nekázal, pretože som išiel dlho zo Shreveportu a cez ten kraj (idúc touto cestou) noc za nocou, a stávate sa trochu taký utrasený, viete, a nachladnutý, a vaše hrdlo zachrípne. A začal som v Shreveporte. Stratil som svoje vlasy pred niekoľkými rokmi. A mal som malý kúsok parochni, ktorý som si položil na hlavu keď som kázal na severe krajiny, aby som sa chránil pred prechladnutím. Išiel som do Shreveportu a zabudol som si ho, a skutočne som prechladol. Tie vetry takto prechádzajú, vy to skutočne neviete. Náhodou mi ju odfúklo, a tá koža je stále citlivá a len trocha potu a ja som to skutočne dostal do hrdla; museli zrušiť veľa zhromaždení. Tak ja som len trošku zachrípnutý dnes večer.

5 Chceme povedať, že sme mali nádherný čas ako sme prechádzali tými zhromaždeniami. Včera večer sme mali nádherný čas hore s bratmi, ďalšie zhromaždenie. A tak sme mali veľký zastup a užasnú návštevnosť, ľudia boli tak úctiví a milí. Tak to spôsobuje, že sa cítim skutočne dobre, že som časťou Obchodníkov plného evanjelia. To bolo… Mám posolstvo, cítim, že od Boha. Je to trochu zvláštne pre niektorých ľudí, že… Nemôžem si pomôcť byť niečim viacej… Ja len musím byť to, čo som. A ja… Ja nemám v úmysle sa líšiť; to je len to, že žijem v čase zmeny. My sme…

7 Tak dlho ako staviate múr jedným smerom, to je všetko fajn, tí murári môžu ísť rovno tým radom. Ale keď musíte zatočiť roh, to je čas kde... A my nestaviame múr, my staviame dom (Vidíte?), tak tieto zatočenia musia prísť. Oni prišli vo veku Martina Luthera, Johna Wesleya, a v leničnom veku; a je to tu znovu. Tak my... je to ťažké urobiť uhol. Ale ja som vďačný Bohu, že napriek tomu aké drsné to bolo, tí ľudia odpovedali na sto percent. Tak sme veľmi vďační, vďaka každému jednému z vás.

A teraz, predtým ako otvoríme tú Knihu, prehovorme ku tomu Autorovi, ak chcete, len na chvíľu, zatiaľ čo skloníme naše hlavy.

8 Drahý Bože, sme Ti vďační dnes večer za to privilégium, že poznáme Ježiša Krista nášho Spasiteľa, Tvojho Syna, a to omilostenie zdarma z našich hriechov, a že vieme, že Jeho Krv je dostatočná, aby prikryla všetky naše hriechy a naše neprávosti. Oni sú zmyté krvou a dané do mora Božieho zabudnutia a Jeho nevesta sa postaví na svadobnej večeri, čistá, nescudzoložená, aby sa vydala za Syna Božieho. Ako Ti ďakujeme za túto plnú dostatočnosť a vieru, že vieme, že nedôverujeme v naše vlastné zásluhy, ale len v Jeho zásluhy, v to čo On urobil pre nás. Sme tak vďační.

Vďaka Ti za úspech, ktorý mali títo bratia za morom, v krajinách kde sú ľudia hladní a smädní po Bohu. Modlím sa Pane, aby ak sa tam oni znovu vrátia, aby tie deti, ktoré oni priviedli do Kráľovstva, aby boli veľkými starými matkami a starými otcami detí, ktoré tam oni tiež privedú. Udeľ to, Otče. Požehnaj nás spolu dnes večer, a nech Duch Svätý nám dá veci, na ktoré máme potrebu. Zatvor naše ústa na veci, ktoré by sme nemali povedať a otvor naše srdcia aby sme prijali to, čo nám Ty chceš povedať. Udeľ to. Otče. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

11No, obráťme sa do Biblie ku malému textu na ktorý by som rád dnes večer na chvíľu hovoril, a ktorý sa nachádza v svätom Markovi v 10-tej kapitole.

A mal som... Pred niekoľkými rokmi keď som hovoril, nemusel som si dokonca ani písať poznámky, mohol som si to pamätať. Nemusel som si vziať okuliare, aby som to z Biblie prečítal. Ale odkedy som prešiel dvadsaťpäť, teraz druhý krát, tak je to pre mňa trochu ťažie robiť to tak, ako som to zvykol robiť. A to je ako opotrebované auto, ale ja stále bežím. Stále chcem robiť hluk, až kým prídem do šrotu, aby som bol znovu uformovaný. To je zasľúbenie.

Svätý Lukáš 10-ta kapitola, a počnúc v... Verím, že som povedal 21-vý verš, ak to tu môžem niekde nájsť. Zmýlil som sa, to je svätý Marek. Prepáčte.

14Svätý Marek 10-ta kapitola, a dvadsať--počnúc s 21-vým veršom, chcem čítať. Vezmime radšej 17-ty verš.

A keď vychádzal na cestu, pribehol nejaký mladý človek, ktorý padol pred ním na kolená a pýtal sa ho: Dobrý Učiteľu, čo mám učiniť, aby som dedične obdržal večný život?

Ježiš mu povedal: Prečo ma zovieš dobrým? Nikto nie je dobrý, iba jeden, Bôh.

A prikázania vieš: Nezcudzoložíš, nezabiješ, neukradneš, nepovieš falošného svedoctva, neolúpiš nikoho, cti svojho otca i svoju mať!

A on mu povedal: Učiteľu, to všetko som zachoval od svojej mladosti.

Vtedy Ježiš pozrúc na neho zamiloval si ho a povedal mu: Jedno ti chýba: iď, predaj všetko, čo máš, a daj chudobným a budeš mať poklad v nebi a vezmi kríž, poď a nasleduj ma!

Ale on sa zarmútil nad tým slovom a odišiel smutný, lebo mal mnoho majetku.

Nech Pán požehná čítanie Jeho Slova. Tak, dnes večer budeme hovoriť na určitú tému. Chcem aby môj text bol "Nasleduj ma", a moja téma, "Vodcovstvo."

16No, je to divné, ale ja, myslel som možno, dnes na modlitbe... A bol som tak dlho a každý večer rovno rad za radom.... to posolstvo, ktoré som mal, ktoré mi Pán dal, aby som ho povedal. Myslel som, že dnes večer, v tejto novej modlitebni, že by som sa tomu priblížil z iného hľadiska. A veľa krát sme hovorili o tomto, nazvali sme to, "Bohatý mládenec". A mnohí z tých kazateľov tu, mojich bratov, bez pochyby ku tomu pristúpili mnohými rozličnými spôsobmi. A ja sa chcem pokúsiť pristúpiť ku tomu iným spôsobom, dnes večer, než ako kedykoľvek predtým, ku tomuto "Vodcovstvu."

17Toto, pamätajte toto, že každý jeden z nás, mladý a starý, váš prvý krok, ktorý ste kedy urobili vo svojom živote, niekto vás musel viesť. Je to tak. A váš posledný krok, ktorý kedy urobíte, niekto vás bude viesť. Niekto musí viesť.

Boh nás pripodobnil ku ovciam. A ak niekto vie niečo o chovaní oviec a prirodzenosti oviec, prečo, vy viete, že ovca nemôže nájsť svoju cestu. Ona musí byť vedená. Dokonca do ohrady na zabitie, zisťujeme, že oni tam privedú tú ovcu a ona je vedená na zabitie kozlom. Kozol ju vedie, potom keď sa on dostane ku koncu toho žľabu, on odskočí, a ovca ide rovno na porážku. Tak oni... Zisťujeme, že ovca nemôže nájsť svoju cestu.

19Pamätám si jedno prežitie, ktoré som s jednou raz mal. Bol som štátnym dozorcom lovnej zveri v štáte Indiana, a bol som vonku na poli, a niečo som počul, najžalostnejše volanie. A to bol malý baránok, ktorý stratil svoju mamu. A nemohol nájsť svoju cestu naspäť ku nej, a matka nemohla nájsť svoju cestu ku tomu malému baránkovi. A vzal som toho malého, a ako ticho on ležal pri mne. A išiel som tam, moje ruky držali toho malého. A on volal, a ja som ho počul, a ako len túlil svoju malú hlavu ku mne a zdalo sa akoby vedel, že ja mu pomôžem.

Myslel som, "Ó, Skala vekov, rozštiepnutá pre mňa, vezmi ma do rúk Pána Ježiša a budem tak spokojný ako len môžem byť, pôjdem domov, aby som bol s mojimi milovanými." A myslel som, "Na konci mojej životnej púti, len ma vezmi do Svojich rúk Pane, takto. Ja viem, že budem potom prenesený cez tú rieku, tam na druhú stranu kde nebude smútok a choroby a také veci a budem s milovanými, ktorých som miloval.

21A ak študujete prírodu, je tam veľká vec v prírode. Všetko čo ja--na čo sa dívam a čo Boh učinil, On je autorom prírody. Príroda beží v spojitosti. Celá príroda funguje rovnako. Všimnite si, všetko... Ako som povedal, verím, že to bolo včera večer, že "Príroda svedčí o Bohu." Ak ste nikdy nemali Bibliu, mohli ste stále pozorovať prírodu a vedieť, že Biblia je Pravda. Mal som to privilégium prejsť celý svet dokola. Čítal som o rôznych obdobiach, videl som rozličné náboženstvá, Mohamedánov, čítal som Korán, a videl som Sikhov, Jainsov a Mohamedánov a Budhov, a všeličo možné. Ale jednako, každý jeden z nich, oni majú filozofiu a knihu vyznaní a zákonov a tak ďalej. Ale naša Biblia je pravdou, a náš Boh je ten jediný, ktorý má pravdu, pretože každý jeden z nich musí ukázať niekde na hrob, kde ich zakladateľ stále leží, ale kresťanstvo poukazuje na otvorený hrob a môže žiť v prítomnosti toho, ktorý tam bol položený. On žije. To nie je Boh, ktorý bol, to je Boh, ktorý je. Nie "Ja som bol" alebo Ja "budem," ale "JA SOM."

23A celá príroda beží v spojitosti, ako som povedal, ako som hovoril o tom v našich cirkevných vekoch (o ktorých máme knihu, ktorá teraz vychádza). To...Prečo som urobil... Ohľadne môjho písania tých cirkevných vekov... A ako my vidíme cirkev, ako je ona dospelá, že ide presne tak, ako ide celá príroda.

A hovorili sme jedného dňa o tom, ako ráno vychádza slnko, ono je malým dieťaťom, skutočne slabé, nie je v ňom veľa sily, vôbec. A ako deň pokračuje, ono sa stáva silnejším, silnejším. Asi o ôsmej hodine ide do školy. ako mladý chlapec a mladé dievča. A potom okolo jedenástej hodiny vychádza zo školy a je pripravené pre svoju službu. A potom okolo tretej hodine sa mení v strede života do staroby. A potom odpoludnia zomiera. Je to koniec toho slnka? Nie, ono prichádza naspäť nasledujúce ráno, aby svedčilo, že je život, smrť, pohreb, vzkriesenie. Vidíte, vidíte?

25Pozorujeme stromy, ako sa hýbu a čo robia. Pred nejakým časom som bol dolu v Kentucky, rád poľujem na veveričky, a išiel som tam na sklonku roku, aby som poľoval na veveričky s jedným mojím priateľom. A bolo tam veľmi sucho. A každý kto kedy poľoval na šedú veveričku, vie, ako ťažko to je prekĺznuť sa ku nim, ak nechá prasknúť čo i len jednu vetvičku. A, ó, Houdini je v tom len amatérsky umelec, ako sa ku nim dostať, ako oni dokážu uniknúť. A potom ako sa snažíte streliť do oka strelou na päťdesiat yardov, to vyžaduje dobrý lov, aby ste v tom dni dostali svoj limit.

27No, moj priateľ pán Wood, obrátený Svedok Jehovov bol so mnou. A my... On povedal, "Poznám tu farmu kde je muž, ktorý má veľa..." My to tam voláme, kotliny.

Koľkí vedia čo sú to kotliny? Dobre, z akej časti Kentucky ste, každý? Vidíte?

A to je odkiaľ som ja. Ako tu v jednom z tých zhromaždení pred nedávnom... Musím toto povedať bratovi Williamsovi a ostatným, o tom. Oni povedali, "Postavíme sa teraz a zaspievame národnú hymnu--hymnu." A ja som povedal, "Za mojú starú Kentuckú domovinu, ďaleko..." Tak nikto sa ku mne nepripojil, tak... To bola jediná hymna, ktorú som vedel. A tak sme boli--boli sme...

31V poriadku. [Bratovi Branhamovi podávajú nejaký oznam--pozn.prekl.]: "Prosím, modlite sa teraz za jednu pani tu, ktorá krváca z nosa."

Modlime sa: Drahý Bože, prosím Ťa, Pane, Ty si ten Veľký Lekár a ja prosím aby tvoja milosť a milosrdenstvo sa dotkli tejto drahej ženy práve teraz a zastavili tú krv. Ako veriaci ľudia, ktorí sa zhromaždili spolu, tá pani prišla sem, aby sa radovala zo Slova Pánovho a z obecenstva s ľudmi, a ja Ťa prosím, Pane práve teraz aby si pokarhal toho nepriateľa a zastavil tú krv. V Ježišovom mene. A my tomu veríme. Amen. My tomu veríme.

33Pokračujme s tým krátkym príbehom, aby sme len tak trochu získali také cítenie pred tým ako sa dostaneme rovno do tých pár poznámok, ktoré som si tu zapísal a nejaké miesta Písma.

No, on povedal, "Dobre, tento starý muž, pôjdeme a pozrieme sa na neho. Je veľa kotlín na jeho pozemku," on povedal, "ale on je neveriaci." On povedal, "Ak... On by nám akurát vynadal, ak by sme tam išli."

Povedal som, "Ale my tu nedostaneme žiadne veveričky. Stanovali sme tam dva týždne. A boli sme špinaví, a zarastení, a tak.

On povedal, "Dobre, poďme ďalej."

37Tak, išli sme niekoľko míľ, asi dvadsať. Bol som už raz v tom kraji predtým po tri večere v Metodistickom stanovom tábore kde sa udiali isté veľké veci, ktoré Pán vykonal, a veľká služba uzdravovania medzi Metodistickými ľuďmi. A potom sme išli naspäť cez vrchy a nížiny a hrebene. A vy len musíte poznať Kentucky, aby ste vedeli, na aké miesto sa máte dostať. A zatiaľ čo sme išli naspäť, prišli sme ku nejakému domu, a tam sedel starý muž, dvaja starí mužovia, ktorí tam sedeli so svojimi skrčenými starými klobúkmi na svojich tvárach a on povedal, "Tam je." povedal, "On je taký neústupčivý." Povedal, "Nenávidí to slovo ́kazateľ." A povedal...

Tak ja som povedal, "Dobre, bude lepšie keď zostanem v aute, alebo sa vôbec nedostaneme na poľovačku." Povedal som, "Choď tam a spýtaj sa ho, či môžeme poľovať."

Tak on išiel a začal sa približovať, hovoril s nimi. A v Kentucky, vždy, viete, to je "poď ďalej" a tak ďalej. A tak išiel tam a povedal, "Som len zvedavý, či by sme mohli na chvíľu poľovať na vašom pozemku."

40Ten starý muž tam sedel, asi sedemdesiatpäťročný, v jeho ústach žuvací tabak, povedal--odpľul si, a povedal, "Ako sa voláš?"

On povedal, "Volám sa Wood."

On povedal, "Nie si nejako príbuzný starému Jimovi, ktorý tu býval..."

Povedal, "Áno, ja som Jimov syn." Povedal, "Som Banks. Áno."

"Dobre," on povedal, "starý Jim bol čestný muž." Povedal, "Pravdaže, nech sa ti páči."

On povedal, "Si sám?"

Povedal, "Nie, môj pastor je tam."

Povedal, "Čo?"

On povedal, "Môj pastor je tam v aute," povedal, "On poľuje so mnou."

Povedal, "Wood, nechceš povedať, že si sa tak znížil, že až musíš vláčiť so sebou kazateľa kdekoľvek ideš?"

43Tak on je tvrdý, starý charakter, tak som myslel, že bude lepšie vystúpiť z auta, viete. Tak som vystúpil a išiel som tam, a on povedal, "Dobre, a ty si kazateľ, há?"

Povedal som, "Áno pane." On si ma obzrel od hora dolu (krv z veveričiek a špina) a povedal...

Povedal som, "Veľmi tak nevyzerám."

Povedal, "No, tak trochu sa mi to páči." A on povedal, "Vieš, chcem ti niečo povedať."

On povedal, "Ja som vraj neveriaci.“

Povedal som. "Áno, pane, pochopil som to." Povedal som, "Nemyslím si, že je veľmi čím sa chváliť. Či nie?" A on povedal, "No," povedal, "Ja neviem." A povedal, "Poviem ti, čo si myslím o takých chlapoch ako si ty."

Povedal som, "V poriadku."

On povedal, "Vy štekáte na nesprávny strom." A koľkí vedia, čo to znamená? Vidíte? To znamená, že to je oklamaný pes (Vidíte?), ten mýval tam vôbec nie je.

Vidíte? On povedal, "Štekáš na nesprávny strom."

Povedal som, "To je tvoj názor."

A on povedal, "No," povedal, "Pozri, vidíš ten starý komín, ktorý tamto stojí?


"Narodil som sa tam pred sedemdesiatimi piatimi rokmi." A povedal, "Žil som rovno tu v týchto kopcoch, ktoré sú všade dookola, po všetky tie roky." A povedal, "Díval som sa do oblakov, díval som sa tam, a iste, za celých tých sedemdesiat päť rokov, som nevidel nič čo by vyzeralo ako Boh. Nemyslíš?"

Povedal som, "No, to závisí na čo sa tu dívaš, čo hľadáš."

52A on povedal, "No," povedal, "Ja pravdaže neverím, že je taká vec ako stvorenie.

A verím, že takí ľudia ako ty, len jednoducho idete a ošvindľujete ľudí o ich peniaze a všetko také. A to je to, ako to chodí."

Povedal som, "No, ty si americký občan, a máš právo na svoje vlastné myslenie."

On povedal, "Je jeden chlap, o ktorom som raz počul," povedal, "Určite by som... Ak by on...

Ak by som sa s tým človekom mohol porozprávať," povedal, "Rád by som mu položil niekoľko otázok."

Povedal som, "Áno, pane."

On povedal, "To bol kazateľ, možno ho poznáš." Povedal, "On mal nedávno zhromaždenie tu v Campbellsville, v cirkvi zopár yardov tam hore, stanový tábor. A on povedal, "Zabudol som jeho meno." Povedal, „On je z Indiány."

A ja som povedal, "Ó? Áno, pane."

A brat Wood začal hovoriť, "No, ja...("Nehovor nič.") A tak on povedal...

57Povedal som, "Čo je s ním?"

Ó, povedal, "No, povedal,"stará pani(niekto) tam na tom vrchu..." Povedal, "Vieš, zomierala na rakovinu." A povedal, "Manželka a ja sme tam chodili z rána aby sme jej prezliekli posteľ." Povedal, "Oni ju nemohli dokonca ani dosť vysoko zodvihnúť, aby položili pod ňu misu," povedal, "museli jej prezliekať plachtu." A povedal, "Ona zomierala. Odviezli ju do Louisville," a povedal, "doktori sa jej vzdali a povedali, že zomrie."

"A jej sestra išla na zhromaždenie," a povedal, "ten kazateľ stál na pódiu, pozrel do obecenstva a zavolal túto ženu po mene, a povedal jej, keď ona odchádzala, aby vzala jednu vreckovku a dala si ju do svojej kabelky. A povedal meno tej ženy tam, ktorá bola dvadsať míľ odtiaľ, a povedal ako ona trpí na rakovinu, ako sa volala, a všetko čo sa s ňou dialo", povedal, "Vezmi tú vreckovku a choď a polož ju na tú ženu, a povedal, že tá žena bude uzdravená zo svojej rakoviny.

59A povedal, "Oni sem prišli toho večera." A povedal, "Čestne, počul som odtiaľ najhroznejšie výkriky. Myslel som, že tam mali armádu spásy na tom kopci. Povedal, ́No,́ Povedal som, ́Myslel som, že tá sestra je mŕtva.́ Povedal že, ́My... Zajtra pôjdeme a zoženieme dodávku a ako ju vezmeme aby sme ju dostali na hlavnú cestu, a povedal, ́tak oni ju môžu zobrať ku hrobárovi.́ A povedal, že... My sme čakali. Netreba tam ísť cez noc," povedal, "asi míľu hore tu na kopec." Povedal, "Išli sme tam druhého rána, a vieš čo sa stalo?"

Povedal som, "Nie, pane"

On povedal, "Ona tam sedela a jedla jablkové koláče, a pila kávu so svojím mužom."

A ja som povedal, "To myslíš vážne?“

On povedal, "Tak veru."

"Ó," Ja som povedal. "No, pane, to určite nemyslíš vážne."

On povedal, "To, čo ma trápi, je... Ako to ten muž vedel a nikdy nebol v tomto kraji." Vidíte?

A povedal som, "Ó, ty tomu neveríš."

On povedal, "To je pravda."

62Povedal som, "Ty tomu veríš?" Vidíte?

On povedal, "Dobre, choď rovno tam na ten kopec, ja ti to môžem dokázať." On teraz kázal mne. Vidíte?

Tak ja som povedal, "Hm-hm." Zodvihol som nejaké jablko a povedal som, "Môžem si vziať jedno z týchto jabĺk?" A utrel som si ho do svojich šiat.

On povedal, "No, sršne ich zožierajú, myslím, že si môžeš vziať." A potom... A teraz som povedal, "Dobre--dobre..." Zakusnem do neho, a povedal som, "Je to chutné jablko."

On povedal, "Ó áno." Povedal, "Vieš čo? Zasadil som ten strom tam, ó, pred štyridsiatymi rokmi, alebo tak nejako."

Povedal som, "Ó, je to pravda?"

"Tak veru."

A ja som povedal, "No, a každý rok..." Povedal som, "Všimol som si, že ešte nám nemrzlo, je začiatok augusta." A povedal som, "Listy zo stromov padajú."

"Tak veru. Je to tak, to prichádza na jeseň. Verím, že tento krát budeme mať jeseň skoro.“

68Povedal som, "Tak veru." Zmenil som tému. Vidíte? A on povedal...Povedal som, "No, vieš je to divné," povedal som, "ako tá miazga odchádza z toho stromu." Povedal som, "A tie listy padajú, a jednako ešte nebol mráz, ktorý by zabil tie listy."

A On povedal, "No," povedal, "Čo to s tým má do činenia o čom hovoríme?"

A ja som povedal, "No, ja sa iba čudujem." (Viete, mama vždy hovorievala, daj krave dosť dlhý povraz a obesí sa sama, viete." Tak ja som mu dal veľmi dlhý povraz.)

Tak on pokračoval a povedal, "No, áno, čo to má s tým do činenia?"

Povedal som, "Vieš, Boh privádza tie jablká hore a ty sa raduješ tým jablkám a listom a sedíš v tom tieni a tak ďalej. Ide to dolu na sklonku roka," a povedal som, "znovu to ide naspäť s tými jablkami a s tými listami."

A on povedal, "Ó, to je jednoducho príroda. Vidíš? Je to len príroda."

74A ja som povedal, "Dobre, pravdaže, to je príroda." Povedal som, "To je príroda, ale niekto musí kontrolovať tú prírodu." Vidíte? Ja... On povedal... "Povieš mi teraz čo to spôsobuje?"

On povedal, "No, to je jednoducho príroda."

Povedal som, "Kto je to, kto hovorí teraz tomu malému listu, a tomu..." Povedal som, "Tak dôvod, že list padá, je pretože tá miazga ide dolu do koreňa. A čo ak by tá miazga zostala v tom strome cez zimu? Čo by sa stalo?

Povedal, "To by zabilo ten strom."

"Dobre," Povedal som, "teraz, čo je to za inteligenciu, ktorá vedie tú miazgu do koreňov, povedal som, ́Teraz odtiaľ odchádza, prichádza jeseň, odchádza do koreňov a aby sa skrylá? A zostáva dolu v tých koreňoch ako v hrobe, a potom nasledujúcu jar prichádza znova hore, prináša viac jabĺk a prináša viac listov a tak ďalej?"

On povedal, "To je jednoducho príroda, ktorá to spraví." Povedal, "Počasie. Tá zmena, vieš, prichádza na jeseň."

Povedal som "Postav vedro s vodou tam na stĺp a sleduj, či to príroda povedie dolu na spodok toho stĺpu a či to privedie znovu hore." Vidíte, vidíte?

"Dobre," on povedal, "Niečo na tom môže byť."

Povedal som, "Premýšľaj o tom, zatiaľ čo my pôjdeme poľovať."

A povedal, "Dobre," a on povedal, "Poľuj kde chceš."

A ja som povedal, "Keď sa vrátim, ak mi povieš čo za inteligencia vedie tú miazgu z toho stromu dolu do koreňov a zostáva tam po celú zimu a vracia sa nasledujúcu zimu, ja ti poviem, že to je tá istá inteligencia, ktorá mi povedala o tej žene tam hore."

Povedal, "Ktorá povedala ́tebé?"

Povedal som, "Tak veru."

On povedal, "Ty nie si ten kazateľ."

Povedal som, "Pamätáš si jeho meno?

Povedal, "Áno."

Povedal som, "Branham?"

On povedal "To je on."

Povedal som, "Je to tak." Vidíte?

A viete čo? Priviedol som toho starého muža ku Kristovi rovno tam na jeho vlastnom svedectve.

83A o rok neskôr som bol tam dolu a ťahal som jedno auto (mal značku z Indiany) na tom dvore. Odsťahovali sa, on zomrel. A tak keď som sa vrátil, stála tam jeho žena, skutočne ma zmiatla. Myslel som, že mám povolenie poľovať. A ona prišla tam, povedala, "Neviete čítať?"

Povedal som, "Áno madam." Ona povedala, "Nevideli ste tieto značky, ktoré hovoria ́Zákaz poľovať.́?"

Povedal som, "Áno madam," ale povedal som, "Ja mám povolenie."

"Nemáte povolenie." povedala. A povedala, "Máme toto miesto označené mnoho rokov."

Povedal som, "Dobre sestra, potom som sa zmýlil, prepáčte."

A povedala, "To neospravedlňuje. Tá licencia z Indiány platí tam, a použiť ju tu... vy ste tí najsmelší ľudia.

Povedal som, "Mohol by som to len vysvetliť?" Povedal som...

Ona... "Kto vám dal povolenie?"

Povedal som, "Ja neviem..." Povedal som, "Bol to starší muž, ktorý sedel tam na verande, keď som tu bol minulý rok a hovorili sme o Bohu." Vidíte?

A ona sa pozrela, povedala, "Vy ste brat Branham?"

A ja som povedal, "Áno madam."

Ona povedala, "Odpustite mi. Nevedela som, kto ste." Povedala, "Chcem vám povedať jeho svedectvo. V jeho posledných hodinách, keď zomieral, zodvihol svoje ruky a chválil Boha." Povedala, "Zomrel v Kresťanskej viere a bol zanesený ku Bohu." Vidíte?

"Ak oni budú mlčať, skaly budú hneď kričať." Tam je niečo v prírode.

92Pozorujte vtáky, pozorujte zvieratá, pozorujte všetko a pozorujte prírodu. Pozorujte malého holuba ako lieta. Aký je to zvláštny vták. Vidíte? On nemá žlč, nemôže jesť to, čo môže vrana. Vidíte? Nemá v sebe žlč. On sa nemusí kúpať vo vode, pretože on má niečo vo svojom vnútri, čo ho čistí z vnútra navonok.. Vidíte?

To je ten spôsob ako je to s kresťanom. To je spôsob ako Boh reprezentoval Samého Seba, v holubici. Vidíte? Pretože ...Ježiš bol reprezentovaný ako Baránok. V prírode vždy nájdete Boha. A Boh nás pripodobnil ku ovciam, ktoré musia byť vedené. Všimli ste si tam niekedy (Kázal som na to pred nejakým časom), že tá Holubica prichádza dolu na Baránka, aby viedla toho Baránka a Ona Ho viedla na zabitie, tá Holubica? Tak ak ten Baránok... Tá holubica nemohla zostúpiť na iný druh zvieraťa, pretože oni obaja museli mať tú istú prirodzenosť. Vidíte? Ak by tá Holubica prišla na nejakého vlka a on by fúkol alebo zavrčal, tá Holubica by odletela.

No, tak isto je to teraz. Naše zlé cesty, Duch Svätý jednoducho vzlietne a ide preč. On musí mať tú istú prirodzenosť. Ten nebeský vták, holubica, najmiernejšie zviera na zemi, ten Baránok, oni môžu súhlasiť jeden s druhým. A keď Duch Svätý prichádza na nás a robí nás novými stvoreniami, potom nás On môže viesť. Ale my sa pokúšame žiť ten istý starý život, to nebude fungovať. To nebude fungovať.

96Tak, prvý krok, ktorý ste zrejme kedy spravili vo svojom živote, hovoriac o vodcovstve, to boli zrejme ruky nejakej láskavej starej matky. Tie ruky sú možno stále tu na nejakom cintoríne niekde, ale to bola prvá ruka, ktorá vás držala aby ste urobili váš prvý krok.

Potom, čo vás matka naučila ako chodiť a vy ste urobili zopár krokov a padli na zem a vstali a naučili ste sa robiť veľké veci, potom ona vás obrátila ku učiteľke v škole. A potom ona vás začala viesť ku vzdelaniu, o tom ako a čo musíte robiť, a ako sa musíte učiť a tak ďalej.

Potom, čo tá učiteľka v škole to s vami prešla potom ste sa vrátili späť, ujal sa vás váš otec. Potom ako vás ujal váš otec, naučil vás zrejme vášmu obchodu: ako byť úspešným obchodníkom, ako robiť veci správne. Vaša matka vás naučila ako byť domácou paňou, ako variť a tak ďalej. Potom, čo to oni s vami prešli, ujal sa vás váš kazateľ alebo kňaz.

100Ale teraz kto vás vedie? To je teraz otázka. Tak my všetci sme dnes večer niečím vedení. Musíme byť. Všimnite si. Tak, pozrime sa na tohoto mladého človeka--čo ho ovplyvnilo. Pozrime na tohoto mladého obchodníka ako by sme ho nazvali, pretože on bol obchodník. On bol veľký úspešný muž. Pozrime sa na jeho vodcov.

Zrejme, najprv, ho učila jeho matka ešte ako malého chlapca veciam, ktoré by mal robiť. Jeho otec spôsobil, že mal taký skvelý úspech a možno ho opustil a zanechal mu dedičstvo, pretože on sám bol kniežaťom, možno jeho otec zomrel, tak on bol obchodníkom. On bol... Nazvime ho dnes kresťanským obchodníkom, myslím, že by to bolo to najlepšie pomenovanie.

103Tento muž bol nábožný, v žiadnom prípade on nebol neveriaci. A bol učený od svojej matky ako robiť dobre, ako chodiť, ako sa obliekať. Bol učený od svojho otca, veľkému obchodu a ako byť úspešným mužom, a jeho obchod bol úspešný. A otec a matka boli vychovaní v cirkvi, a poukázali mu na kňaza. A ten kňaz z neho spravil skutočne nábožného muža. Preto on bol dobrý vzdelaný muž, bol fajným chlapcom s dobrým charakterom.

Keď Ježiš Kristus pozrel na neho a zamiloval si ho, tam bolo na tom chlapcovi niečo, čo bolo skutočné. Je to tak. Pretože Biblia tu povedala, nachádzame to v Markovi, "A Ježiš pozrúc na neho, zamiloval si ho." Áno, "Ježiš pozrel na neho a zamiloval si ho." Tak preto, tam muselo byť na tomto mladom človeku niečo skutočne výnimočné. On mal dobrý charakter a dobre hodnotený charakter. Bol človekom, ktorý bol vychovávaný správne: inteligentný, chytrý, intelektuálny, úspešný v obchode, a nábožný človek. Mal mnoho dobrých charakteristík, ktoré boli výnimočné, až tak veľmi, že to upútalo pozornosť Ježiša Krista Spasiteľa. Ale keď sa on postavil tvárou v tvár, súc úspešný vo všetkých ostatných veciach...

105Nič neišlo v neporiadku, on mal dokonalé predpoklady, bol úplne vyhovujúci, inteligentný, správne vzdelanie, jeho úspech, bol chytrý, dobrý biznismen, zrejme patril do skupiny biznismenov niekde tam v Palestíne. Možno patril ku obecenstvu obchodníkov, ako to my máme tu dnes večer, bezpochyby patril, pretože obchodníci majú vždy obecenstvo jeden s druhým, jeden s druhým. Pretože tak, ako "vtáci rovnakého peria," oni majú veci, o ktorých môžu hovoriť. A ak toto... Nábožný muži, oni nechcú hovoriť o mužoch, ktorí behajú po baroch a všetci takto spolu, pretože oni s tým nemajú nič spoločné. My musíme mať spoločné veci. Tak kresťania majú spoločné veci s kresťanmi, hriešnici majú spoločné veci s hriešnikmi, a spoločnosti a čokoľvek oni sú, oni majú spoločné veci. A tento mladý chlapec, zrejme patril do obecenstva obchodníkov plného evanjelia.

107A on bol tak nábožný ako len mohol byť, pretože Ježiš, tu v tej otázke, on povedal, "Ja som dodržoval tieto prikázania, zachovával som ich od svojej mladosti." Je to tak.

Vidíte, on bol vychovaný správne, správne učený, a všetko. Ale keď bol konfrontovaný s myšlienkou večného života... Tak, chcem aby ste si všimli, so všetkým týmto charakterom, ktorý on mal, jednako vedel, že nevlastní večný život.

109Tak, všetky naše spoločenstvá, naše cirkvi, naše členstvá a tie veci, ktoré my máme za tak drahé, naše Americké spoločenstvá a všetko je to veľmi fajn, nie je nič čo by malo byť proti tomu povedané. A naše spoločenstvo Kresťanských obchodníkov tu, to je veľká vec, to boli pre mňa otvorené dvere, pre moje medzidenominačné myšlienky, že sme kresťania. Nie je žiadna, žiadna denominácia, ktorá si nás môže nárokovať, žiadneho skutočného kresťana, pretože vy patríte Bohu. Denominácie sú ľuďmi zostrojené, a kresťanstvo je poslané z neba. Ale vo všetkých týchto veciach, ktoré my máme, tak dobré ako len oni sú, tak dobré, že my môžeme ísť spolu a tak milé zhromaždenia aké my máme a sociálne cítenie, ktoré my máme, jednako sme každý jeden konfrontovaný s večným životom. A bez ohľadu na to, akí sme boli úspešní v obchode, akí úspešní sme, a akí veľkí cirkevní členovia sme a ako pracujeme, ako sa pokúšame robiť veci správne, stále ak to nie je urobené správnym spôsobom, je to uctievanie Boha nadarmo. Ježiš to zatriedil tým istým spôsobom, ako sa tu na chvíľu zastavím. On povedal, "Nadarmo Ma uctievate, učiac učenia, ktoré sú nariadeniami ľudí." No, pomyslite. Úprimne, čestne uctievate Boha s úprimnosťou vášho srdca a stále to je nadarmo. Začalo to tak s Kainom v záhrade Eden: úprimné uctievanie, ale bol odmietnutý, veľmi nábožný a stále odmietnutý.

112V Shreveporte minulý týždeň, predminulý, na zhromaždení kresťanských obchodníkov, kde na raňajkách bolo zhromaždených niekoľko stoviek ľudí, zabral som dve a pol hodiny hovoriac na tému "Robiť Bohu službu bez toho že by to bola Jeho vôľa." No, znie to divne, ale my sa máme smerovať do Božej pripravenej cesty a do Božieho spôsobu konania. Bez ohľadu na to ako si myslíme, že je to správne, to musí byť podľa Slova Pánovho lebo inak je to nadarmo. Kain uctieval, ale to nebolo podľa Slova Pánovho. Farizejovia uctievali, ale nie podľa Slova Pánovho. A v tomto konkrétnom posolstve pre obchodníkov som toto učil.

113Dávid chcel urobiť Pánovi službu, a on mal pravdu v tom, čo povedal. On povedal, "Je to správne pre archu Pánovu, aby bola tam dolu? Prinesme ju sem," v dňoch toho kráľa, tomu druhému kráľovi sa to podarilo. On povedal, "To nie je správne. Oni sa neporadili s Pánom ohľadne tej archy, ale my to musíme urobiť." Tak, to bolo správne, to čo oni mali urobiť. On povedal, "Mali by sme ísť a zobrať tú archu a môžeme sa poradiť s Pánom." A to je správne, ona bola v inej krajine. Povedal, "Musíme ju priniesť sem. Vezmite ju sem hore a dajte ju sem do nášho domu a uctievajte Pána." No, všimnite si. On to išiel urobiť cez nesprávny kanál. On sa radil s kapitánmi nad päťdesiatimi, nad stami, nad tisícmi. So všetkými sa radil, s každým jedným. Vidiac, že to bola vôľa Pánova, vyzeralo to že to bolo Slovo Pánovo.

115 Slovo Pánovo, niekedy ho musíte položiť na Jeho správne miesto, lebo inak to nie je Vôľa Pánova. Vidíte, vidíte? Tak, nech to hlboko vsiakne a dostanete úplnú predstavu o tom, čo sa snažím povedať.

Ja nechcem, aby cirkev upadla do tých krokov, ktoré ste našli tam v Anglicku: dlhé vlasy, mužov s namaľovanými tvárami a prevrátenosť. My to nechceme. Bez ohľadu na to, ako nábožne to zneje, a koľko môže Elvis Presley spievať nábožné piesne, on je stále diablom. Ja nie som sudca, ale podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte. On je letničný, ale to robí ani trochu rozdiel. Vidíte? Vaše ovocie nesie záznam o tom čím ste. Bez ohľadu na to, či ten Duch prichádza na neho, on mohol hovoriť v jazykoch, mohol kričať, mohol uzdravovať chorých, a Ježiš povedal, "Mnohí z nich prídu ku mne v ten deň, a povedia, ́Pane nevykonal som toto a to?́ A Ja poviem, ́Odídite odo Mňa, vy ktorí činíte neprávosť, nikdy Som vás nepoznal." Vidíte?

My máme byť skutoční, opravdoví kresťania a ten jediný spôsob, ktorým to môžeme urobiť je konfrontovať to tu s touto otázkou Večného Života.

119Je len jedna forma Večného života, a tá prichádza od Boha. A On predurčil každé stvorenie, ktoré ho kedy bude mať. Práve tak, ako vy ste boli génom vo vašom otcovi, boli ste génom v Bohu, jedným z Jeho atribútov, s ktorými On začal, alebo ste Tam nikdy neboli. Prichádzate na začiatku zo zeme z vašej matky, váš otec vás nepoznal, boli ste v jeho bedrách. A keď ste vyšli na začiatku zo zeme z vašej matky, potom ste sa stali ľudskou bytosťou a ste učinený na obraz vášho otca, tak s ním môžete mať obecenstvo. A to isté je skrze Boha, ak vy máte večný život. Ten život do ktorého ste vošli, ten prirodzený život, telesný život, to bolo skrze vášho otca. A ten jediný spôsob, ktorým môžete prísť aby ste boli znovuzrodení, ten jediný spôsob, je to, že musíte byť z nebeského Otca, Jeho atribútmi. "Všetkých, ktorých mi otec dal, prídu ku mne." Vidíte?

Vy ste tu, pretože vaše meno bolo umiestnené v Baránkovej Knihe Života, dokonca pred tým ako bola založená zem. Je to presne tak. Vy ste génom, duchovným génom z vášho nebeského Otca, časťou Božieho Slova. Je to tak, ako som povedal, potom vy ste boli s Ježišom keď On bol tu, pretože On bol to Slovo, vy ste trpeli s ním, zomreli s ním, boli ste s ním pochovaní, a povstali ste s ním a teraz sedíte v ponebeských miestach v Ňom.

122Všimnite si, Dávid si myslel, že všetko bolo fajn a on to konzultoval zo všetkými tými ľudmi a oni každý jeden začali tancovať a revať a vykrikovať. Mali všetky svoje náboženské hnutia, ktoré tam boli, ale stále to nebola Božia vôľa ísť tam dolu a priniesť Slovo Božie späť do domu Božieho. Ale vidíte, Boh vždy cez všetky veky pracuje jedným spôsobom. Jeho prvé rozhodnutie je Jeho jediné rozhodnutie, pretože On Je dokonalý vo svojom rozhodovaní. On nikdy nerobí nič, okrem toho, že by to najprv zjavil Svojim sluhom prorokom. Je to tak. To je to, prečo je toto. Ten cirkevný vek v ktorom my žijeme, tam nie je žiadna cirkev, žiadni Metodisti, Baptisti, Letniční alebo čokoľvek iné čo môže kedy položiť túto cirkev do nevesty. To bude musieť byť odpoveď Malachiáša 4, pretože Boh posiela proroka, aby to bolo zjavené, pretože to je ten jediný spôsob. Naše cirkvi sa stávajú denomináciami a hádžu tú vec do neporiadku a zmätku, do toho istého, v ktorom oni vždy boli a Boh vždy posiela proroka.

124A tam bol Nátan, ktorý stal v zemi, potvrdený prorok pred Bohom a s ním sa dokonca ani neradili.

A oni išli tam dolu a stálo to život jedného čestného muža, a tak ďalej a vzali tú archu. Namiesto toho, aby ju položili na plecia Levitov aby ju niesli, oni ju položili na nejaký voz, aby ju niesol. Celkom poplietli...

Vidíte, ak nejdete podľa vôle Božej, a tým spôsobom ktorým Boh nám dáva ísť, oni to vždy pomiešali a spravili z toho nejakú organizáciu, denomináciu, nejaké posolstvo a tam vy idete. Vidíte? Vždy sa to tak dialo.

127To je tá istá vec s ktorou tento chlapec bol konfrontovaný. On prišiel, možno bol členom Farizejov, alebo Sadúcejov, alebo nejakého veľkého systému toho dňa. On bol tak nábožný ako len mohol byť. Povedal, "Ja som zachovával tieto nariadenia, ktorým som bol učený od svojej mladosti." Vidíte? A Ježiš ho za to miloval. Ale on odmietol byť vedený. Odmietol prijať skutočné vodcovstvo Ježiša Krista, aby mu udelil večný život.

Všimnite si, on veril že je tam niečo iné než to čo on mal, inak by nikdy nepovedal, "Dobrý Učiteľu, čo musím teraz urobiť?"

Vidíte, on chcel urobiť niečo sám. To je ten spôsob, ktorým to my robíme, my chceme urobiť niečo sami. Dar Boží je darom zadarmo. Boh vám To dáva, vy pre to nerobíte ani jednu vec. On To určil pre vás, a vy To budete mať. Vidíte?

130Všimnite si, on vedel že to tam bolo. On v to veril a chcel to, ale keď bol konfrontovaný s tým ako to musí urobiť, to bolo rozdielne od jeho rituálu. To bol rozdiel. On si mohol držať svoje peniaze a patriť do tej cirkvi do ktorej on patril a tak ďalej. Ale Ježiš to vedel, a vedel že on mal nahromadené tieto peniaze, a On povedal, "Choď, predaj všetko čo máš a daj to biednym. A poď vezmi svoj kríž a nasleduj Ma, a budeš mať poklady v nebi." Ale on to nemohol urobiť. Tí iní vodcovia, ktorých on mal v dňoch svojej mladosti, mali taký vplyv na neho, až on odmietol prijať Božiu pripravenú cestu, ktorou bol Ježiš Kristus: ten Jediný, ktorý drží večný život, ten Jediný, ktorý vám ho môže dať. Nie... Cirkev vám nemôže dať večný život, ani váš sused, ani váš pastor, ani váš kňaz, ani vaše vyznanie, jedine sám Ježiš Kristus vám môže dať večný život. Vidíte?

Bez ohľadu na to, akí ste dobrí, čo prestanete robiť, čo začnete robiť, vy musíte prijať tú osobu Pána Ježiša Krista. A potom keď to urobíte, On je to Slovo a potom váš život pasuje rovno do Slova a to sa samo manifestuje tomuto veku v ktorom vy žijete.

133Noe to musel urobiť preto, aby Slovo bolo zamanifestované v jeho veku. No, čo ak by Mojžiš prišiel a povedal, "My vieme čo Noe urobil, my vezmeme Noeho slovo. My to jednoducho urobíme tak, ako to spravil Noe. Postavíme nejakú archu a odplavíme sa po rieke Níl a vyjdeme z Egypta"? Prečo, to by nefungovalo. Vidíte, to bol iný vek. Ježiš by neprišiel s Mojžišovým posolstvom, Luther nemohol prísť s katolíckym posolstvom, Wesley nemohol prísť s Lutherovým posolstvom, letniční nemohli prísť s posolstvom Wesleyovho veku. A Nevesta nemôže byť formovaná v letničnej denominácii, nemôže to jednoducho urobiť. A to je presne tak. Ona sa zorganizovala a vyšla sem a tam ona stojí, len ako ten zvyšok z nich. To je šupka, práve ako ten život ide hore cez... Vidíte?

135Ten spisovateľ, ako som povedal jedného večera, ten spisovateľ, ktorý napísal túto knihu... A nie pre to, že ma on tak zle kritizoval, povedal že ja som "diabol, ak je tam taká vec." Tak on povedal, že neverí v Boha. Povedal, "Boh, ktorý si mohol založiť Svoje ruky a postaviť sa a pozorovať tých mučeníkov počas tých ranných vekov a tvrdiť, že má moc, aby otvoril Červené More a nechal tie ženy a deti, aby boli levmi roztrhané na kúsky a tak ďalej, a potom povedať že On je milujúci Boh..." Povedal, "Nie je také stvorenie." Vidíte, taký človek, bez inšpirácie Slova, to nedokáže vidieť.

136To prvé zrno pšenice, ženích, musel padnúť do zeme v tom poriadku, aby znovu vstal. Tak tá prvá nevesta, ktorá sa narodila na letnice musela ísť cez tie temné veky ako každé iné semeno, aby bolo pochované. Oni museli zomrieť. Oni to museli urobiť. Ale to začalo pučať znovu v Lutherovi v tej prvej reformácii. To nevyzeralo ako to semeno, ktoré tam vošlo, ale to bolo Svetlo toho dňa. Tá...?... stopka potom išla ďalej do klasu, Wesley. A z toho klasu to išlo do letničných, šupka. Keď sa pozriete do pšenice, keď ona vychádza, to zrno pšenice, človek ktorý vypestoval pšenicu, vy idete a vidíte tam tú formu pšenice, to vyzerá presne ako zrno. Ale ak vezmete pinzetu a sadnete si a vezmete tú pšenicu a otvoríte ju, vôbec tam nie je zrno. Je to len šupka. A potom čo? To je tam uformované, aby to držalo to zrno. Vidíte? A potom, tá prvá vec viete, ten život opustil stopku, aby odišiel do klasu, opúšťa klas, aby išiel do šupky, opúšťa šupku a ide do tej pšenice, tri štádia (Vidíte?) toho. A potom formuje tú pšenicu z tých troch štádií: Luther, Wesley, letniční. Skrátka presne. Vidíte, bez pochyby... Nemôžete prerušiť prírodu.

138No pozrite, zakaždým, tri roky potom čo nejaké posolstvo vyšlo od Boha, oni sa zorganizovali. Toto je už dvadsať rokov a nie je to organizáciou. To nebude. Vidíte? No, tá šupka sa musí odtiahnuť, dajte tej pšenici príležitosť ležať na slnku, aby dozrela na tom posolstve, ktoré prichádza znovu rovno naspäť do cirkvi, formujúc telo Ježiša Krista tak, ako tá prvá originálna pšenica, korá vošla do zeme. Teraz vidieť ten večný život.

139Ten život, iste tá stonka tu niesla ten život. Pravdaže to robila. Ale vidíte, keď sa to stalo stopkou a zakončilo sa to, organizácia, ten život išiel rovno ďalej do Wesleya, vyšiel rovno von... A pozorujte každé jedno z nich. No, veľké steblo nevyzerá ako zrno. Ale keď prichádza malý peľ toho klasu, to celé sa oveľa viac podobá na to zrno. Ale keď to prichádza do šupky, je to takmer tam.

Nepovedal Ježiš, že v posledných dňoch (Matúš 24:24) tí dvaja budú tak blízko, že by to zviedlo samotné tie gény, predurčené, vyvolené, ak by to bolo možné? Takmer ako skutočná vec (Vidíte?), tak v posledných dňoch... Tak vidíte, to je teraz čas pšenice. Dostáva sa to do času žatvy. Toto nie je Lutherov vek, toto nie je vek letničných, toto je vek Nevesty.

Ako Mojžiš vyvolal národ z národa, Kristus dnes volá cirkev z cirkvi (Vidíte?), tá istá vec v type, berúc ich do slávnej večnej zasľúbenej zemi.

142Tak, odmietnuť tú Osobu, ktorá robí to volanie, Krista, bez ohľadu na to, či ste letničný, metodista, luterán, čokoľvek ste, vy musíte... Tento vek... Nič proti nim, vôbec nie, ale v tomto veku, ktorý je teraz, vy to musíte prijať tak, ako to oni prijali v tom veku tej Osoby, Krista, ktorou je Slovo. Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami, to isté včera, dnes a naveky. (Židom 13:8) Vidíte? Vy musíte prijať tú Osobu večného života.

143 No, aký život mal Luther, to bolo ospravedlnenie. Wesley mal posvätenie, pridané ku tomu. Letniční mali prinavrátenie darov, ktoré prišli naspäť do toho, boli pridané ku tomu. Ale teraz to je úplnosť v tele (Vidíte?), tie tri štádia toho, a z toho... Potom keď vzkriesenie prichádza, ten život, ktorý žil v tých Luteránoch, ktorý vyšiel, ten život ktorý žil v Metodistoch a vyšiel, ten život ktorý vošiel do Letničných, bude celý vytrhnutý z tej zeme do tela Nevesty, aby bol zobraný do prítomnosti Ježiša Krista. Sláva Bohu. Ó, to je vzrušujúce. Je to pravda.

144Zahli sme za roh. Dívame sa do nebies, vyhliadame príchod toho štítového kameňa na tú pyramídu, ako by sme povedali, Jeho príchod späť. Cirkev musí byť zakrátko vzkriesená a my sa musíme pripraviť. A ten jediný spôsob, ktorým to môžete urobiť nie je povedať, "No, ja patrím do Zborov Božích. Ja patrím ku Jednotárom, Dvojičiarom," alebo čokoľvek to je, oni všetci tam, "Ja patrím do Cirkvi Božej," to neznamená nič. "Naši otcovia kričali a tancovali." To je úplne v poriadku, to bol ich deň. Ale dnes ty nie si konfrontovaný s organizáciou, ktorú oni urobili, ale so životom, ktorý ide ďalej, ktorým je Ježiš Kristus.

146Tento mladý človek urobil tú istú vec. Mojžiš napísal tieto prikázania. Ale vidíte, ten istý Boh, ktorý napísal tie prikázania skrze svojho proroka, to bola tá istá vec, o ktorej prorokoval, že ten deň príde, "Ja vzbudím proroka podobného mne. A stane sa, že všetci, ktorí Ho nebudú počúvať budú vyťatí", naspäť v denominačných šupkách a klasoch. Oni musia ísť ďalej do života. A dnes, nehovorte, "Ja som letničný. Ja patrím do tohoto, Ja patrím do toho. To nič neznamená. Musíte prijať osobu Krista, Večný život. To konfrontuje každého jedného z nás. Nezabudnite na to.

Tam boli vodcovia (Vidíte?), ktorí ho tak držali, tí ľudia hovorili, "No, my patríme do tohoto," a oni ho tak držali. Ale aká to je osudná vec odmietnuť vodcovstvo Večného Života.

148No, ten život je prítomný dnes večer. Je to tak. Duch Svätý je tu, ktorým je Kristus v duchovnej forme, Jeho Duch, to pomazanie je tu. "Malú chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí, jednako vy ma uvidíte: pretože ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, do skončenia, do konca sveta."

Jedine Ježiš vás môže viesť do večného života. Nie je žiadna cirkev, žiadna denominácia, žiadny kazateľ, žiadny kňaz, ani nič iné, čo by vás mohlo viesť ku Tomu, vy musíte byť vedení Ním, ktorý je Tým jediným, ktorý vás môže viesť.

150Mohli by ste si Jeho predstaviť, že vás vedie pomimo Jeho Slova, ktoré je Ním? A ak On je Slovo a vy ste časťou Neho, či nebudete časťou toho Slova? To Slovo, ktoré Boh chce vyliať ako vody spasenia v dnešnom dni aby Ho to zidentifikovalo na dnes, ako Ho zidentifikovali apoštoli, ako Luther, ako Wesley, ako v tých ľuďoch v ich dňoch sa On zidentifikoval... Toto je iný vek. To je to Slovo. To Slovo povedalo, že tieto veci, na ktoré my sa dívame sa udejú teraz, je to predurčené, aby sa to stalo v tejto hodine. Tak prijmite Ježiša Krista a nech On vás vedie do večného života.

151Hoci on dosiahol, tento mladý človek... Dosiahol všetky dobré veci. V škole bol výborný. Ako dobrý chlapec, bez pochyby on bol dobrý. Ako skutočný otec... V tom, že počúval svojho otca v obchodovaní, bol dobrý--dobrý chlapec, dobrý ku svojim rodičom. Bol verný svojmu kňazovi. Bol verný svojej cirkvi. Bol verný prikázaniam Božím. Ale on stratil tú najväčšiu vec, a ten zvyšok z tých vecí neznamená veľmi veľa, keď sa odvrátil od vodcovstva Večného Života, Ježiša Krista.

Všimnite si. Toto vodcovstvo konfrontuje každého jedného z nás dnes, je to tá istá vec ako to urobil ten mladý muž, my—bez ohľadu na to, akí sme nábožní. Môžete byť katolíkom, môžete byť Baptistom, Metodistom, alebo môžete byť letniční, alebo čokoľvek ste, táto istá vec vás konfrontuje dnes večer: Večný život, to je prijatie Ježiša Krista. Je nám daná táto príležitosť.

153Niekedy v živote sa musíme postaviť tvárou v tvár tej veci, tak ako to urobil tento mladý muž, pretože vy ste smrteľná bytosť a vy dávate--je vám daná tá príležitosť voľby. Vy máte voľbu. Boh to spravil tak, že si môžete vybrať. Ak On postavil Adama a Evu na slobodnom morálnom rozhodnutí, tak že si mohli vybrať a potom oni spravili zlú voľbu... A vidíte, On pre vás nemôže urobiť viac než urobil pre nich, On vás musí postaviť na tej istej veci, tak, že si môžete vybrať alebo odmietnuť. Vy máte voľbu. Pozrime sa na niektoré z nich:

Máte voľbu ako mladý muž, či budete mať vzdelanie alebo nie. Vy máte tú voľbu. Môžete chcieť to jednoducho nemať, môžete to odmietnuť. Máte voľbu vášho správania sa. Trochu tu zraním. Vidíte? Vy môžete ísť von a nechať si rásť vaše vlasy a byť beatlesákom alebo niektorým z týchto ignorantov.

Alebo vy ženy, môžete vyzerať ako slušná ľudská bytosť alebo môžete byť jednou z týchto čudných stvorení, ktoré máme tam vonku, ich modré oči a tá trvalá a takéto veci, ony sú úplne proti Slovu Božiemu, ktoré je absolútne proti tomu, dokonca ani prednesená modlitba nemôže byť prijatá. Je to pravda. Je to presne tak. To je to, čo povedala Biblia.

Ale čo sa ti stalo, cirkev? Dívala si sa tak veľa na televíziu, na toľko vecí toho sveta, je to tak ľahké pre tvoju starú Adamovu prirodzenosť, že si unášaná do toho, že konáš ako ten zvyšok z nich.

158 Nech toto znovu zopakujem. V tom kóšeri, v tej obeti zmierenia v dňoch Mojžiša, keď Mojžiš vyviedol tie deti von, tam muselo byť sedem dní, v ktorých nemohol byť žiadny kvas pomedzi tým ľudom. Každý to vie. V Exoduse, "Vôbec žiadny kvas nebude nájdený vo vašom tábore za sedem dní." Tých sedem dní reprezentovalo tých plných sedem cirkevných vekov. Vidíte?

"Žiadny kvas." Tak, čo je to? Žiadne vyznanie, žiadny svet. Ježiš povedal, "Ak milujete svet alebo veci toho sveta, láska Božia ani nie je vo vás." Vidíte? A my sa to pokúšame zmiešať, nemôžete to robiť. Musíte prísť ku jednej veci, a to je veriť: vy tiež budete veriť Bohu, budete veriť vašej cirkvi, budete veriť tomu svetu, vy ste... Nemôžete to miešať spolu. A nemôžete sa držať tých starých vecí, ktorých sa držali tie iné cirkvi pred vami. Vy musíte vziať posolstvo tejto hodiny.

160 On povedal, "Čo sa nezúžitkovalo, nech to nezostane do rána, aby to prišlo do tohoto iného veku, spáľte to ohňom, aby sa to zničilo." Aby ten vek, v ktorom vy žijete, to posolstvo tohoto veku, ono musí byť prinesené z Písma a potvrdené a dokázané Bohom, že to Boh tak robí. Potom to buď prijmete alebo to odmietnete. To je Večný Život, vodcovstvo Ducha Svätého, ktorý vedie Svoju cirkev. Mohli by sme na tom zostať dlhý čas, ale pohnime sa, len poďme ďalej.

162Tá voľba vášho vedenia, vy by ste mohli... Nemôžete to teraz zmiešať. Vy ste buď za Boha alebo proti Bohu, a tie vonkajšie vyjadrenia ukazujú presne čo je vo vnútri. Vidíte? Kúkoľ, mnohí z vás si myslia, "Ja mám krst Duchom Svätým, ja pôjdem do neba." To vôbec neznamená, že pôjdete do neba. Nie veru. Môžete mať krst Duchom Svätým každú hodinu vášho života a stále byť stratení a ísť do pekla. Biblia tak hovorí. Vidíte? Je to presne tak.

163Pozrite sa sem, vy ste človekom navonok. Máte päť zmyslov, ktoré kontaktujú to vonkajšie telo. Boh vám dal päť zmyslov, nie na to, aby ste sa kontaktovali s Ním, ale s vaším zemským domovom: zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch a sluch. Potom máte ducha tam vo vnútri toho a on má päť výstupov: svedomie a láska a tak ďalej. Päť výstupov, s ktorými sa kontaktujete s tým duchovným svetom, ale s vaším duchom. Vaše telesné zmysly sa kontaktujú s tým telesným svetom. Vaše duchovné sa kontaktujú s tým duchovným. Ale vo vnútri toho máte dušu, a tá duša je ten gén, ktorý prišiel od Boha.

166 A ako malé dieťa uformované v matkinom lone, keď to dieťa prichádza do matkinho lona, skrze ten malý zárodok, on sa plazí do toho vajíčka. To neuformuje jednu ľudskú bunku, potom ďalšiu psiu, a ďalšiu mačaciu, a ďalšiu konskú. To sú všetko ľudské bunky, pretože to sa buduje z originálnej ľudskej bunky.

A keď bol nejaký človek znovuzrodený skrze Slovo Božie, predurčený do večného života, povolaný, vyvolený, to bude Slovo Božie na Slovo, Slovo na Slovo. Nie denominačné vyznanie a potom Slovo, a vyznanie, to nebude fungovať. Nemôžete mať v tom ten kvas. Je len jeden večný život, Ježiš Kristus, Slovo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo bolo učinené telom a prebývalo medzi nami."

168Priatelia, vy kŕmite moje deti. Posielate ma na misijné polia do sveta, aby som tam priniesol to posolstvo. Ja musím byť s vami úprimný. To, na čo sa ja dívam možno vy nevidíte. To je to prečo som tu, to je to čo sa vám snažím povedať. To nie je pretože ja nemilujem ľudí, to je pretože ja milujem ľudí. Náprava... Keď vidím, že cirkev spí, ako stráca záujem hovoriac, "No, my sme urobili toto urobili sme tamto," a dívam sa na cirkev a vidím ich... To jednoducho nebude fungovať.

Potom pozrite tu do Biblie a vidzte že to tak musí byť na konci, ten vlažný Laodicejský cirkevný vek, ktorý vystrkuje Ježiša (to Slovo) von. On nikdy nepovolal... On nepovolá žiadnu cirkev. On povedal, "Všetkých, ktorých Ja milujem, karhám. Trestám ich." Berúc Slovo udieram ním a hovorím, že nie ste v poriadku. To je ten dôvod, že ja vás milujem. "Ak otvoríte dvere a dovolíte Mi vojsť, Ja prídem a budem večerať s vami," nie cirkev, On je z nej vystrčený.

170Jej hlavou je ekumenická rada. To je to, kde ona odišla, rovno naspäť do Ríma odkiaľ ona vyšla. A to je presne tak. Mám to napísané na papieri spred dvadsiatichpiatich, alebo tridsiatichtroch rokov a tam to je. Nie len to, je to napísané v Biblii, z jedného videnia. Ona odišla naspäť. Nie je spôsob ako ju spasiť, ona je preč. To bude tak. Boh volá jednotlivcov. "Ja stojím pri dverách a klopem. Ak nejaký človek, nejaká osoba..." Jeden jednotlivec z tisíca, to môže byť jeden z milióna. Ako som povedal pred niekoľkými večermi. Keď Izrael vychádzal z Egypta, boli tam dva milióny ľudí, ktorí vyšli a zrovna dva milióny, len jeden--len dvaja ľudia vošli, jeden z milióna. Vedeli ste to? Kálef a Jozua. A Ježiš keď On bol na zemi. Oni povedali, "Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti. My zachovávame tradície. A my robíme toto. My vieme kde stojíme." On povedal, "Ja viem, že vaši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti, a oni sú každý jeden večne oddelení. Oni sú mŕtvi.

175Keď tá spermia vychádza od toho muža alebo ženy, je tam milión vajíčok, ktoré vychádzajú, vychádza tam milión zárodkov. A zo všetkých týchto malých zárodkov toho druhu... Či je to od býka, alebo muža, alebo čokoľvek to je, tam sú skrátka milióny zárodkov, milión zárodkov, ktoré pracujú. Len jeden z tých zárodkov je určený do života, pretože tam je jedno vajíčko, ktoré je plodné, aby sa s ním stretlo.. Je to tak. Len jedno vajíčko sa s ním stretne. Tak ako toto telo, ktoré tu sedí a ten zárodok prichádza od Boha. Vidíte? A pozorujte ten malý zárodok ako prichádza medzi všetkými týmito inými zárodkami, a krúti sa okolo nich, rovno ďalej aby ich obišiel, ide tam a nachádza to plodné vajíčko a plazí sa rovno do neho, a ten zvyšok z nich zomiera. Čo ak by to bolo tak s cirkvou dnes, jeden z milióna? Vidíte kde by to bolo. "Tesná je brána a úzka je cesta, a málo bude tých, ktorí ju nájdu, pretože široká je cesta, ktorá vedie do zahynutia a bude mnoho tých, ktorí tam vojdú." "Je to pravda brat Branham?" Ja neviem, ale ja len citujem Písmo. Vidíte?

177 Tak, vy ste určení do Života. Vy to vidíte ak ste určení do toho, aby ste to videli. Ak nie ste určení do toho, aby ste to videli, vy to neuvidíte. Bolo povedané, "Majú oči, ale nemôžu vidieť, majú uši a nemôžu počuť." Akí vďační by ste mali byť, cirkev. Ako by ste sa mali mali dať do poriadku z týchto vecí. Ako by ste mali byť zapálení pre Boha. Že vaše oči hľadia na to, čo vy vidíte, že vaše uši počujú tie veci, ktoré vidíte. Vodcovstvo. Prečo ste prišli sem dnes večer, aby ste počuli posolstvo ako je toto. Som označený cirkvami po svete ako fanatik. Prečo ste prišli? Duch Svätý vás viedol sem (Vidíte, vidíte?), aby ste počúvali. Obrežte sa, odseknite preč vaše veci toho sveta, prijmite vodcovstvo Ježiša Krista, lebo ináč zahyniete tak isto ako ten svet.

178Máte voľbu správania. Ako sa budete správať, to je na vás. Máte voľbu manželky. Idete a beriete si svoju manželku. Chcete si vziať manželku, chcete si vziať takú ktorá je úplne pre vás--to čo vy chcete, plánujete si aký bude váš budúci domov. Mohli by ste si predstaviť nejakého muža, kresťana, ako ide a berie si jednu z týchto moderných Rikít za ženu? Vidíte? Mohli by ste si to predstaviť? O čom ten muž premýšľa? Aký druh domova bude mať, ak si vezme nejakú striptérku, nejakú karikatúru tu z ulice, pouličnú prostitútku. "Ó," vy poviete, "no, počkaj chvíľu." Ako sa ona oblieka? Vidíte, vidíte? Oblieka si šortky a také veci, ona je pouličná prostitútka."Ó," poviete, "no, brat Branham..." Ó, ich krátke tesné sukne, ktoré vyzerajú že ste do nich nacpaní: pouličná prostitútka.

180Ježiš povedal,"A, ktokoľvek pozrie na ženu so žiadosťou po nej, už spáchal s ňou cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci." Potom sa on musí za to zodpovedať. A čo urobila ona? Ona sa predvádzala. Kto je vinný? Pomyslite o tom. Vy poviete, "Oni nevyrábajú žiadne iné šaty." Oni majú látky a šijacie stroje (Vidíte?), bez výhovorky. Ha-ha. Je to tak. No, ja vás nechcem zraniť. A toto nie je vtip, toto je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN z Písma. To je presne pravda, priateľu. Som starý muž, dlho tu už nezostanem, ale musím vám povedať Pravdu. Ak toto je moje posledné posolstvo, je to pravda. Vidíte? Nerob to, sestra. Nerob to, brat.

183A vy ľudia, ktorí visíte na vyznaní a viete, že Slovo Božie je potvrdené rovno pred vami. Krst Duchom Svätým a tieto skutočné veci, ktoré my dnes máme, a potom kvôli vašim vyznaniam sa odvraciate od toho? Ako môžete byť synom Božím a zapierať Slovo Božie, ktoré je predpovedané na tieto posledné dni, v ktorých my žijeme? Ako to môžte robiť? Ako môže Biblia nazvať toto...

Ako som hovoril včera večer o jednom kráľovi, raz dolu na juhu, keď oni mali... Tí farební tam dolu boli predávaní za otrokov. No, oni neboli nič viac než ako použité auto predávané na trhu, dostali ste zoznam tých, ktorí sú na predaj. A bol som znepokojený pri jednom malom mieste... Čítal som raz o tom kde maklér prišiel aby nejakých kúpil, a on povedal, "Dobre, tak, rád by som..." Oni boli smutní, museli ste ich bičovať, aby ste ich donútili pracovať, pretože oni boli ďaleko od domova. Oni boli predanými otrokmi. A oni v cudzej krajine, nič o nej nevedeli, a nikdy sa nevrátia domov, a oni boli smutní. Museli ste ich bičovať aby ste ich donútili pracovať. Ale tento maklér prechádzal okolo istej plantáže.

185Bol tam jeden mladý človek s vypnutou hruďou a s bradou hore, nemuseli ste ho bičovať. On bol vzpriamený a tým udržoval morálku tých ostatných. Ten maklér povedal, "Ja ho kúpim."

On povedal, "Nie je na predaj. Nie veru. Nekúpiš ho, pretože nie je na predaj."

On povedal, "Dobre, čo ho robí takým, že sa tak veľmi líši?" Povedal, "Je šéfom nad tými ostatnými?

Povedal, "Nie."

Povedal, "Dávaš mu inú stravu?"

Povedal, "Nie. Áno, on je otrok, on jedáva tam v tej kuchyni s tými ostatnými."

Povedal, "Čo ho robí tak veľmi odlišným?"

On povedal, "Sám som bol zvedavý, až kým som to nezistil. Tam v Afrike (odkiaľ oni prišli, kde ich kúpili Búri a priviedli ich sem a predali ich za otrokov), tam je jeho otec náčelníkom kmeňa. A hoci cudzinec, preč od svojho domu, on vie, že je synom kráľa. Tak on sa podľa toho správa.

190Aké pokarhanie pre kresťanstvo. Od nás sa očakáva, aby sme reprezentovali Boha a večný život. Je len jedna forma večného života a to je Boh. On sám má večný život. A my sme jeho produktami, pretože sme génmi z Jeho Ducha. Potom my by sme sa mali správať, ženy a mužovia, tak ako povedala Biblia aby sme sa správali, nie ako pouličné Jezábele a Rikiovia z organizácie, ale ako kresťanskí džentlmeni, synovia a dcéry Božie, narodení z Ducha Božieho, ktorí manifestujú to Svetlo a rozširujú ho. Je to presne tak.

191Ako veľmi sa líšime od toho. Prečo? Kvôli tej istej veci, ktorú urobil ten chlapec tu. On odvrhol a odmietol Večný Život, pretože to by ho stálo jeho sociálne postavenie, stálo by ho to jeho luxus, ktorý mal z peňazí, stálo by ho to jeho obecenstvo v cirkvi, stálo by ho to mnoho vecí. On vedel čo by ho to stálo, on bol citlivý chlapec a cítil že by nemohol zaplatiť tú cenu. Jednako on uvažoval, "Ja len budem dôverovať svojmu náboženstvu a pôjdem ďalej. Ale dolu vo svojom srdci on vedel, že tam bolo niečo na Ježišovi Kristovi, rozdielne od tých kňazov toho dňa.

192A každé posolstvo, ktoré prichádza, opravdovo zrodené posolstvo od Boha je rozdielne od toho starého trendu. Keď vyšlo Božské uzdravovanie, pred nedávnom, všimli ste si ako to nasledovali napodobovatelia? Vidíte? A každý jeden z nich išli rovno do svojich organizácií, a zostali tam. Vie niekto, že musí byť posolstvo, ktoré to potom nasleduje? No, Boh nás nezabáva. On priťahuje našu pozornosť s niečim a keď pritiahne našu pozornosť, potom On má Svoje posolstvo.

Pozrite keď On prvý krát prišiel na zem, On začal Svoju službu, "Ó mladý Rabbi, my ťa chceme tu v našej cirkvi. My môžeme... Príď sem ku nám." Mladý prorok.

"Ó, chceme Ťa tu. Prídi sem ku nám."

Ale jedného dňa On zastál a povedal, "Ja a Môj Otec sme jedno."

"Ó. On sa robí Bohom."

"Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho krv, nemáte v sebe život."

"On je vampír. Dobre, my s Ním nemáme nič do činenia."

Tí apoštoli sedeli rovno tam, tisíce z nich Ho opustili, Ale tí apoštoli boli určení do života. On tak povedal. Oni to nemohli vysvetliť, oni tomu verili. Zostali rovno s tým, pretože povedali, "Žiaden človek by nemohol robiť tieto skutky."

199Dokonca kňazi to vedeli. Nikodém povedal, "My vieme, (rada Sanhedrinu) že žiaden človek by nemohol robiť tieto skutky, ak by to nebolo od Boha." Vidíte? Peter na deň Letníc povedal, "Ježiš z Nazaretu, Muž Bohom potvrdený, Boh bol s Ním." Pozrite do Písma, čo Písmo povedalo, že sa bude diať. Ježiš povedal, "Skúmajte Písma, vy si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život. Oni sú tie, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Ak by ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste mňa, pretože Mojžiš napísal, že Ja prídem v tej forme, v ktorej som prišiel." On prišiel ako Syn človeka.

202On prišiel pod tromi menami ako Boh, tri (ako Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý), ten istý Boh, to sú tri atribúty. No, tiež ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, Luther, Martin a Letniční, tá istá vec, tri atribúty, tri štádia, tri cirkevné veky, tá istá vec... Voda, krv a duch, vždy ako idete ďalej, tri elementy, ktoré vás berú naspäť do toho tela. Ako vás to privádza z vášho prirodzeného narodenia, ktoré je typom vášho duchovného narodenia. Dieťa, ktoré sa narodí, prvá vec je voda, ďalšia je krv a potom život. To je spôsob, ktorým vy prichádzate do Kráľovstva Božieho, to je tá istá vec. Teraz, všimnite si na týchto troch veciach, Boh uformoval Svoje--formuje Svoje telo.

205No, zisťujeme že tu, že vy máte právo na svoju voľbu. Vyberáte si dievča, s ktorým sa chcete oženiť, ona vás prijíma, v poriadku. Potom ďalšia vec, máte voľbu toho či chcete žiť alebo nechcete žiť. Teraz si vyberáte medzi životom a smrťou. Vy môžete žiť. Ten chlapec mal tú voľbu. On bol vo všetkom ostatnom úspešný, nábožný muž, ale on vedel, že keď to... On to povedal o sebe, "Ja som zachovával všetky tieto prikázania od svojej mladosti," ale on vedel, že nemal večný život. Vidíte? A on mal voľbu prijať to alebo to odmietnuť a on sa od toho odvrátil. To bola tá najosudnejšia chyba, ktorú on mohol kedy urobiť. Ten zvyšok toho sa nepočítal. To nie, to sa nerátalo, iba ak spravíte tú voľbu.

208Teraz, nasledujme ho pri jeho výbere a pozrime sa, kam ho to doviedlo. No, vidíte kde si on vybral. Tak, pozrite, on bol bohatý muž, bol obchodník, bol kniežaťom a bol nábožným mužom. To všetko. Dnes by sme povedali, "Chlapče, on je opravdový Metodista, alebo Baptista alebo Letničný. On--on je skutočný muž, skutočne milý chlapec. Fajný." Nič by ste proti nemu nemohli povedať, priateľský, milý, spoločenský a všetko, nebola pri ňom žiadna nemorálnosť. On zrejme nefajčil, nepil alebo ani nebehal naokolo aby sa ukázal a nechodil na tancovačky a akokoľvek by sme to dnes nazvali, ako by sme zatriedili kresťana. Ale to ešte nie je večný život. To nie je to, o čom hovoríme. On bol zrejme verný svojej cirkvi, tej v ktorej asi bol. Ale vidíte do čoho ho to viedlo? Veľká popularita. Povedzme, ak on bol kazateľ, on nemohol byť—nemohol mať lepšiu cirkev. Mohol byť štátnym presbyterom alebo biskupom. Vidíte? To vás vedie do popularity, a to ho viedlo do bohatstva a slávy.

210To môže urobiť tú istú vec dnes, ak máte veľký talent na spev. Myslel som o tom mladom človeku, ktorý tu pred chvíľou spieval tú pieseň, ako to on dával diablovi a teraz to vracia... A aký rozdiel je medzi ním a Elvisom Preslym a niektorými z nich, Pat Boone a taká skupina, Ernie Ford, tí chlapi, veľký speváci a berú svoje talenty, tie Bohom dané talenty a používajú to ku inšpirácii diablových skutkov. Je to tak. Jeden veľký spevák predáva svoje Bohom dané talenty za slávu v tomto svete, aby sa stal niekym. Ako sa môžete stať niekým väčším, keď sa chcete stať niekým, než ako sa stať synom Božím?

Nestarám sa či vlastníte celé mesto, celý svet a neprijali ste vodcovstvo Večného Života skrze Ducha Svätého, ako pôjdete... Kým ste jednako? Ste mŕtvym smrteľníkom, mŕtvym v hriechu a previneniach. Nábožný ako len chcete byť, tak verný ako len chcete byť cirkvi, kazateľ, ak chceš byť za kazateľňou, ale sa odvraciaš, ty zomrieš.

212On mal veľký úspech. Mal veľký úspech tu v tomto živote. Isteže. Nachádzame ho tam kde si všímame... Potom nachádzame tohoto človeka, že on išiel... Sledujeme ho trochu, a vidíme, že sa stal veľmi úspešným. A sledujeme ho cez Bibliu. Všímame si, že on... Nachádzame ho ako bohatého muža. On má také vysoké posty, a ako hosťa prijímal sudcu a starostu mesta alebo ktokoľvek to už bol. Je na vrchu svojho domu a má veľké večierky, a množstvo čašníčok a žien, dievčat a všetko ďalšie okolo neho. A tam je žobrák ležiaci pri bráne menom Lazar. On si zametá ku sebe omrvinky. Poznáme ten príbeh. Ďalšia vec je, že on napreduje vo svojich úspechoch, práve tak, ako dnešné cirkvi. Jeden obchodník, ktorý tu sedí mi povedal že rovno tu v Kalifornii, že cirkvi musia hovoriť robotníckym odborom čo robiť. Vidíte, to prichádza znovu do zjednotenia cirkvi a štátu. Je to rovno pri vás. Vidíte, ste rovno tam a prijímate znamenie šelmy a neviete o tom.

214Ak ste si kedy kúpili jednu z mojich pások, zožeňte si túto, keď ju budem mať, keď sa dostanem domov, "Cesta hada," a uvidíte kde sa to nachádza, aྭuvidíte, kde sa to skončí. Idem teraz domov aby som o tom hovoril, ak Pán bude chcieť. Bude to asi štyri hodiny, tak nemohol by som to mať na jednom zhromaždení ako je toto. Musím ísť tam, kde tá cirkev vydrží so mnou tak dlho, trpezlivo. Všimnite si, ale teraz... Vy to môžete počúvať niekedy na páske vo svojom dome.

215Všimnite si toto, no zisťujeme, že on mal veľký úspech. Potom ho nachádzame neskôr, až kým mal väčší úspech, až on povedal, "Mám tak veľa." Chlapče, on sa stal skutočným mužom toho dňa. Však že? "Dokonca moje stodoly sú preplnené, ony praskajú. A ja mám toľko až som povedal, Ó, duša, odpočiň si." Ale čo on urobil na počiatku, odmietol vodcovstvo Ježiša Krista. Jeho cirkev, jeho inteligencia, jeho vzdelanie a všetko ho to viedlo do úspechu. Všetci tí židia ho milovali. On im dával, pomáhal im, on mohol robiť toto, to, alebo tamto. Ale vidíte, on odmietol to vodcovstvo Ježiša Krista, toho Večného Života. A to... Biblia povedala, On povedal, "Ty blázon, dnes večer vyžiadajú tvoju dušu."

A teraz ho nachádzame, to ďalšie miesto, v pekle, ako pozdvihuje svoje oči a vidí toho žobráka, od ktorého sa odvracal na ulici, v lone Abrahámovom. Aká osudová chyba. Ako tie cirkvi boli v poriadku v tom spôsobe, ktorým išli, ale oni stále nemali večný život.

218To mi pripomína jednu kázeň, ktorú som tu pred nedávnom kázal, "Filter rozumného človeka." Možno ste ju mali. Išiel som, prechádzal som cez les, poľoval som na veveričky (túto jeseň) a pozrel som sa dolu. A pravdaže, nemôžem menovať tú cigaretovú spoločnosť. Viete to. A tam ležal--ležal tam balíček cigariet. A ja som len prechádzal okolo neho, a hľadal som--v lese. A videl som ten balíček ktorý tam ležal, a znovu som sa obzrel, a tam bolo napísané, "Filter rozumného muža, chuť fajčiara." Ja som len začal ísť ďalej cez les. A Duch Svätý povedal, "Obráť sa a zodvihni to."

Načiahol som sa dolu a zodvihol som ho, "Filter rozumného človeka, chuť fajčiara." Pomyslel som si "Americká firma tu predáva pod pláštikom smrť svojim vlastným Americkým občanom..." Filter rozumného muža? Vy... Chuť fajčiara?

221Bol som na svetovej výstave, s Yul Bryanom alebo s tými--Brynnner, a s nimi tam, keď on tam robil ten test. A ako položil jednu cigaretu a potiahol po mramore a vzal... Zotrel ten nikotín dal to na chrbát potkana, bieleho potkana, a po siedmych dňoch on bol tak zasiahnutý rakovinou, že nemohol chodiť. A oni povedali, "Vy viete, oni hovoria filter," povedal, "to je trik, aby predali viac cigariet."

To vyžaduje tak veľa nikotínu, aby to uspokojilo diabla. Je to tak. A keď beriete cigaretu s filtrom, to vyžaduje asi štyri cigarety aby nahradili tú jednu. Je to trik, aby vám predali viac cigariet. Nemôžete mať dym ak nemáte decht, a decht, vy máte rakovinu. Vidíte ako to je? A tí slepí Američania, hľadajú zajaca aby vyšiel niekde z nejakého klobúku, oni kvôli tomu upadajú. Nemôžete to mať, to je smrť. Nestarám sa, ktorou cestou idete, to je smrť na každej ceste, ktorou idete.. "Filter rozumného muža," rozumný muž by vôbec nefajčil (Je to tak.), ak on má vôbec na to nejaké myšlienky.

223No, myslel som, že to sa jednoducho vzťahuje na cirkvi. Vidíte? Ja myslím, má Boh filter? Áno. Aྭkaždá cirkev má nejaký filter. Je to tak. Oni filtrujú ľudí, ktorí vchádzajú a nechávajú v tom tiež veľa smrti.

Ako by ste kedy potiahli denomináciu cez Boží filter? Ako by ste to mohli urobiť? Ako by ste mohli potiahnuť ostrihanú ženu cez ten filter? Povedzte mi? Ako by ste kedy mohli potiahnuť cez to ženu, ktorá nosí nohavice, keď to je ohavnosťou pre ňu, aby si obliekala rúcho, ktoré patrí mužovi? Vidíte, Boží filter by ju tam zachytil, nedovolil by jej vojsť. Ale cirkev má svoje vlastné filtre. Tak ja hovorím, že je filter rozumného človeka, to je Božie Slovo, a to vyhovuje chuti svätého muža. Je to tak. Svätý muž, nie cirkevný muž, ale chuť svätého muža, pretože To je čisté, posvätné, nescudzoložené Slovo Božie. Je tam filter rozumného človeka. A, člen cirkvi, ja ti radím, aby si Ho použil. Pretože tamto odvádza do sveta a jeden kúsok toho je smrť. Troška kvasu, alebo jeden malý kvas nakvasí celú hrudu. "Ktokoľvek vezme jedno Slovo z toho, alebo pridá jedno Slovo ku tomu, jeho diel bude vzatý z Knihy života."

227V záhrade Eden, čo zapríčinilo smrť a všetko toto trápenie, každý infarkt, každé malé zomierajúce dieťa, každé chrčanie v hrdle, každú húkajúcu sanitku, každú nemocnicu, každý cintorín? To bolo pretože Eva pochybovala jednému Slovu, nie tomu všetkému, len ho prevrátila. No, Boh povedal, "Človek," tam, "on mal zachovať každé Slovo Božie." Tak, to je to prvé z Biblie.

V strede Biblie, prišiel Ježiš a On povedal, "Človek nebude žiť len skrze samotný chlieb, ale skrze každé Slovo, ktoré vychádza z Božích úst," nie len časť z nich, každé jedno.

Na konci Biblie, Zjavenie 22, Ježiš dáva svedectvo o Samom Sebe. Zjavenie Jeho—zjavenie Biblie je Ježiš Kristus. A On povedal, "Ktokoľvek vezme jedno Slovo z toho alebo pridá jedno slovo ku tomu, jeho diel bude vzatý z Knihy života." No, keď vy prechádzate cez ten filter rozumného človeka, budete mať chuť svätého muža, keď cez neho prejdete. Správne. Budete mať svätú chuť.

231Sestra, ty ktorá nosíš také šaty, rozmýšľaj o tom. Budeš... Ty povieš, Som cnostná ku svojmu manželovi." "Som cnostná ku svojmu priateľovi," "Som cnostné dievča." Ale čo ten hriešnik, ktorý sa pozrel na teba? Keď on sa zodpovie za cudzoložstvo, kto to vykonal? Vidíš? Budeš vinná. Vidíš, je to napísané v Slove, tak to je to... Vidíte? Ó, buď rozumná žena. Buď rozumná...

Ty povieš, "To možno..." Dobre, čo ak by sa stalo, že to bude tak? On tak povedal a jedno Slovo nemôže zlyhať. Vidíte?

233Jeden veľký človek mi pred nedávnom povedal, zavolal ma do svojej izby, povedal, "Položím na teba ruky brat Branham. Ty ruinuješ svoju službu, keď kážeš také veci."

Povedal som, "Každá služba, ktorú Slovo Božie zruinuje, by mala byť zruinovaná." Vidíte?

On povedal, "Položím ruky na teba." Povedal, "Bol si poslaný, aby si sa modlil za chorých."

Povedal som, "Ty veríš tým veciam, brat?"

On povedal, "Nie. Ale to nie je naša práca."

Povedal som, "Čia práca to potom je?" Vidíte?

"Ó," on povedal, "to je pastorova práca."

Povedal som, "Pozri sa na to zhromaždenie." Aha. Vidíte? Je to tak. Vidíte?

Každý rok tadeto prechádzam a kážem tieto veci, a myslím si, "Oni to iste uchytávajú," nasledujúci rok prichádzam späť, je ich tam viac než kedykoľvek predtým. Vidíte? Je to tak. To ukazuje, že mnohí sú povolaní ale málo je vyvolených.

239To vodcovstvo je Duch Svätý, priateľu. On ťa vedie a sprevádza do každej pravdy, keď On Duch Svätý príde. No, rozmýšľajte o tom. Vezmite ten filter rozumného človeka, to je Biblia, nie vaše vyznanie, nie vaša cirkev, vtedy budete stratení. Vezmite filter rozumného človeka.

To je to, na čo ten chlapec nemyslel. On zobral cirkevný filter. Stal sa populárnym, veľkým mužom, ale v pekle pozdvihol svoje oči, v mukách.

No, vezmite filter rozumného človeka, Ježiša Krista, Slovo a zatúžite po chuti svätého muža, pretože to to uspokojí. Ak máte Ducha Svätého vo vás, to to uspokojí. Ak tam Duch Svätý nie je, vy poviete, "Ó, dobre, ja nemyslím, že to niečo znamená, že je v tom nejaký rozdiel." Pozrite, čo ste spravili rovno tam, tú istú vec ktorú urobila Eva. Ste rovno naspäť na tom istom mieste.

243Teraz, poďme trochu ďalej. No, vezmime--nechajme toho človeka tam, toho ktorý nepoužil filter rozumného človeka. On odmietol prijať vodcovstvo Ježiša Krista a večný život. No, vezmime iného bohatého mladého biznismena, knieža s tou istou príležitosťou, ktorú mal tento muž. A prijal to, on prijal Kristove vodcovstvo. No, sú dvaja tam v Biblii, o ktorých budeme hovoriť. Toho jedného vidíme že to odmietol, tak vezmime tohoto človeka: ďalší bohatý, mladý biznismen a knieža. A on prijal to Vodcovstvo.

245Písmo nám hovorí o tomto človeku, ak si to chcete poznačiť, v Židom 11:23 do 29: Mojžiš, skrze vieru, odmietol byť nazvaný synom dcéry Faraónovej, vyvoliac si trpieť utrpenia Božie, ceniac si pohanenia Kristove za väčšie poklady než všetky poklady Egypta.

Vidíte, on prijal večný život. Mojžiš si cenil pohanenia Kristove za väčšie poklady než všetky poklady, ktoré ten svet mal. Mojžiš si to cenil najviac. No, ten bohatý muž to neurobil.

247A Mojžiš bol bohatý, mladý vladár, ktorý sa mal stať Faraónom. On bol Faraónov syn a bol dedičom trónu. A on hľadel na to nemožné, na skupinu miesičov blata, bandu otrokov. Ale skrze vieru on videl zasľúbenie Božie skrze Slovo, "Že jeho ľud bude bývať v cudzej zemi za štyristo rokov, ale bude zྭnej vyvedený mocnou rukou." A on si to cenil (Haleluja!) za väčšie bohatstvo než všetky poklady Egypta, pretože on zanechal Egypt nevediac kam ide. On bol vedený Kristom. On to opustil.

A svoju nohu mal na tróne a mohol byť ďalším Faraónom v Egypte. Ale on si cenil pohanenie Kristovo, to pohanenie byť nazvaný čudákom, byť nazvaný fanatikom, zastať na svoje miesto s tými miesičmi blata a tými fanatikmi, pretože on videl, že tá hodina, to Písmo, ktoré bolo zasľúbené aby sa vyplnilo, bola vtedy tam. A ó, cirkev zobuď sa. Nemôžeš vidieť tú istú vec dnes večer? Tá hodina, ktorá bola zasľúbená je rovno pri nás. Ceňte si pohanenie Ježiša Krista za väčšie Bohatstvo než všetko to obecenstvo s čímkoľvek, či to je otec a matka, cirkev, čokoľvek ďalšie, nasledujte vodcovstvo Ducha.

250Nasledujme tohoto Krista za malú--alebo tohoto Mojžiša za malú chvíľu, to, ja som to urobil. Pozorujme jeho život. Tá prvá vec, keď on prijal to aby zobral pohanenie Kristovo a zanechal svoje vzdelanie, zanechal všetku svoju múdrosť... On bol učený všetkej múdrosti Egypťanov. A všetku svoju popularitu, svoj trón, svoje žezlo, svoje kraľovanie, svoju korunu, všetko čo mal, on to odmietol.

A tento druhý človek to chcel a odmietol Krista, a tento človek to odmietol a prijal Krista. A rýchlo čo sa stalo? On sa musel oddeliť. "Haleluja," to slovo, ono znamená "Chvála nášmu Bohu." Je to príliš zlé, že my na to zabúdame.

253On odmietol tie tróny a popularitu. Mohol mať stovky mladých dievčat za manželky a mohol mať žezlá pod... Egypt ovládal svet. Svet ležal rovno pri jeho nohách a on bol dedičom každého jeho kúsku. Ale skrze to, že sa díval do Písma, aྭto, že videl deň, v ktorom žil a poznal to niečo v ňom, že to predurčené semeno Božie išlo do práce.

Nestarám sa o to akí populárni by ste mohli byť alebo čím by ste mohli byť, mohli by ste byť presbyterom, mohli by ste byť pastorom, mohli by ste byť týmto, tým, alebo niečim iným, ale ak to Slovo večného života, skrze Božie Slovo, bolo predurčené aby bolo vo vás, a vy vidíte tú vec že je na dosah, to ide do práce, takto sa sa to hýbe. [Brat Branham lúska svojimi prstami--Pozn.prekl.] Začína vychádzať. Začína tomu rozumieť.

A on odmietol byť nazvaný synom dcéry Faraónovej, pretože si cenil pohanenie Kristovo za väčšie poklady než všetky bohatstvá Egypta alebo sveta. On si to cenil. Pozorujte čo urobil, on to nasledoval. Rýchlo, on bol vypudený od svojho ľudu, ľudu ktorý ho raz miloval.

256To vás môže stáť všetko čo máte. To vás môže stáť váš dom, môže vás to stáť vašich priateľov, to vás môže stáť vaše šicie večierky, môže vás to stáť miesto v Kiwanise. To môže... Ja neviem čo vás to bude stáť, ale to bude stáť všetko čo je svetské alebo náleží tomu svetu. Budete sa musieť oddeliť od všetkého čo je svetské. Budete to musieť urobiť.

Mojžiš odložil všetko bokom a išiel na púšť s palicou vo svojej ruke. Amen. Prechádzali dni za dňami. A som zvedavý, či rozmýšľal oྭtom, či urobil chybu? Nie. Veľa krát ľudia začnú, a oni hovoria, "Ó, ja to urobím. Sláva Bohu, vidím to." A nech sa vám niekto vysmeje a urobí si z vás žart, "Zrejme som sa mýlil."

On povedal, "Tí, ktorí nemôžu vystáť kázeň sú bastardské deti a nie deti Božie." Vidíte, oni sú zbudovaní na emóciach.

Vidíte, toto semeno, o ktorom som pred chvíľou hovoril, tá duša nemala nič s čím by začala. Ona bola pomazaná tým Duchom a on robil všetko možné. Ó, vy--oni... A keď je váš duch pomazaný, vy môžete... To je skutočný, opravdový Duch Svätý a vy by ste stále mohli byť diablom.

260"Ó," vy poviete, "Brat Branham..."

Falošní proroci. Biblia povedala, "V posledných dňoch tam budú falošní proroci." Ježiš povedal, "Povstanú falošní kristovia," Nie "falošní Ježišovia," no, nikto by sa za to nepostavil, ale "falošní kristovia." "Kristus" znamená "ten pomazaný." Falošne pomazaní, oni sú pomazaní, ale oni sú falošní od základu a robia veľké znamenia a divy, hovoria v jazykoch, tancujú v Duchu, kážu Evanjelium.

Judáš Iškariotský to robil. Simeon... Alebo nie, prepáčte... Kajfáš prorokoval. Balám, ten pokrytec... Iste, urobil všetky tie znamenia, všetko, všetky tie náboženské hnutia.

263Ale vidíte, vy kladiete semeno kúkoľa a semeno pšenice do toho istého záhonu a lejete tú vodu na ne a pomazávate ich, oni sa budú obaja radovať. Oni obaja budú skrze to rásť, tá istá voda. "Slnko svieti na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých, a dážď padá na spravodlivých a na nespravodlivých, ale podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte." Ako sa môžete zdržať od toho, aby ste sa dali do línie so Slovom? Amen. Vidíte, čo mám na mysli? "Tá voda padá na spravodlivých a na nespravodlivých," pomazáva to.

Ježiš povedal, "Oni prídu ku Mne v ten deň, povedia, ́Pane.Pane. Či som nevyháňal diablov? Či som neprorokoval? Či som nerobil veľké veci v Tvojom Mene?́" On povie, "Vy činitelia neprávosti, odíďte odo Mňa, Ja vás vôbec nepoznám. Choďte do večného pekla, ktoré je pripravené pre diabla a jeho anjelov." Vidíte? Čo za Slovo. Falošne, uctievajú nadarmo, usilujú sa nadarmo. Prečo to robíte keď to nemusíte robiť? Prečo beriete náhradu, keď nebesia sú plné skutočných vecí? Vidíte? Vy to nemusíte robiť.

265No, nachádzame Mojžiša, že bol pomazaný, nič ho nemohlo vrátiť nazad. Jeho vlastní bratia ho odvrhli, to ho nezastavilo. Išiel rovno na púšť. A jedného dňa tam stretol Boha tvárou v tvár, so Stĺpom Ohňa vysiacim v kríku. Povedal, "Mojžiš, vyzuj si svoje topánky, tá zem, na ktorej stojíš, je svätá. Pretože som počul kričanie Môjho ľudu a počul Som ich vzdychania, a rozpamätal Som sa na Svoje zasľúbenie Slova, zostupujem, Ja ťa pošlem tam dolu, aby si ich vyviedol." Pravdaže. On stretol Boha tvárou v tvár, on s Ním hovoril. On bol poverený Bohom.

266Boh prišiel rovno nazad, ten istý Stĺp ohňa a potvrdil toho proroka, ako tam stál na tom vrchu, aby potvrdil, čo to bolo, keď on vystrel svoju ruku a vykonával všetky druhy zázrakov aྭtakých vecí. Ó, oni mali napodobovateľov. Ó, iste. Bol tam Jambres a Janes, ktorí stáli rovno tam a robili tú istú vec, ktorú oni robili. Ale kto bol tým originálom? Vidíte? Odkiaľ to začalo? Prišlo to zo Slova? Bola to tá hodina?

Aྭviete, že tá istá vec je zasľúbená znovu v týchto posledných dňoch? "Ako Jambres a Jannes sa protivili Mojžišovi, tak budú títo ľudia prevrátenej mysle ohľadne pravdy." Vidíte, v tých posledných dňoch... A robia tú istú vec, napodobňujú všetko, rovno v tej istej stoke, prasa, ktoré ide ku svojmu váľaniu sa v blate a pes ku svojmu vývratku.

268A vy Letniční, ktorí ste vyšli z tých organizácií pred rokmi a prekliali ste ich, vaši otcovia a matky, a vy ste sa otočili rovno naspäť a urobili tú istú vec, ktorú oni urobili a teraz je to len to isté váľanie sa v blate a ten istý vývratok. Vidíte? Ak to spravilo, že cirkev to vyvrátila v tom rannom letničnom veku, to spraví, že to dnes znovu vyvráti. Vidíte? To musí byť hoci, to je... Tá šupka musí prísť. Klas nemôže byť tým jediným, šupka musí prísť (Vidíte?) ten nositeľ. No, žijeme v tých posledných dňoch, pozorujte veci, ktoré sú zasľúbené na túto hodinu.

269Pozorujte tohoto Mojžiša, ktorý bol potvrdený. Viete to. Keď on sa dostal odtiaľ von, niektorí z jeho bratov sa obrátili proti nemu, chceli urobiť organizáciu. Oni povedali, "Ty konáš ako by si bol jediným svätým mužom medzi nami." Celé zhromaždenie je sväté," povedal Kórach, Dátan. "Zvoľme si muža a urobme niečo." Mojžiš, on... Súcitím s ním. On išiel dolu a povedal, "Pane..." Padol dolu pred oltárom a povedal, "Pane..."

Boh povedal, "Oddeľ sa od nich. Mám toho už dosť." Len otvoril zem a ona ich pohltila...?.... Vidíte, on poznal svoje poverenie.

272Boh nejedná s organizáciami. On nejedná so skupinami. On jedná s jednotlivcami (Je to tak.), vždy, nie v skupinách, jednotlivci, jedna osoba. V tých posledných dňoch, On povedal, "Ja stojím pri dverách a klopem a ak niekto (nie nejaká skupina)--niekto bude počuť Môj hlas, Ja budem--a bude Ma počuť, Ja prídem ku nemu a budem s ním večerať." Vidíte, "Ak niekto môže počuť."

Ako môže--ako by mohol tento mikrofón teraz produkovať môj hlas ak by nebol tak ustrojený? Mohol by som kričať naproti tej doske s celej sily, a to by neurobilo nič. Pretože toto je určené a urobené, utvorené mikrofónom. A ak je Slovo Božie vo vás skrze predurčenie Božie, vo vás, "Moje ovce počujú Môj hlas. Oni poznajú moju hodinu. Za cudzím nepôjdu." Vidíte? To musí byť najprv to. "Všetkých, ktorých Mi dal Otec, oni prídu," každý jeden z nich. Vidíte?

274Tak, on ide ďalej, v tom živote tu je koniec. On len prešiel... Všimnite si keď on prišiel na koniec tej cesty. A my končíme teraz, pretože je už neskoro, dvadsaťpäť minút pred desiatou. Všimnite si. Tak, doma to je skoro. Asi o druhej alebo tretej začíname hovoriť, "Začína byť trochu neskoro." Vidíte, vidíte? Ale teraz, kázal som už mnoho krát celú noc.

Pavol kázal toto isté Evanjelium v jeho dni a mladý človek padol z múru a zabil sa. A Pavol s tým istým pomazaním a s tým istým Evanjeliom, položil na neho svoje telo, on prišiel znovu do života. Oni sa o to zaujímali. Cirkev bola formovaná. Niečo sa stalo. Všimnite si čo sa tu stalo. Mojžiš, keď on prišiel dolu...

278Tento bohatý človek, keď prišiel dolu, to mladé knieža o ktorom sme hovorili, bol úplne nábožný a patril do cirkvi a všetko, fajný, vzdelaný a skvelý biznismen a všetko, keď on prišiel na koniec svojej cesty, on začal kričať, "Nikde sa tu nedá vykročiť." Kde je jeho vodcovstvo? On bol vedený skrze svoju cirkev, ktorá bola mŕtva. Bol vedený skrze mŕtvy svet, a tam nebolo pre neho nič, do čoho by vkročil, okrem toho, čo ten svet mal pre to pripravené: peklo.

Ale tu prichádza Mojžiš, verný sluha, ktorý si cenil pohanenie Kristovo za väčšie poklady než všetko bohatstvo Egypta. On prišiel na koniec tej cesty, starý muž, stodvadsaťročný, vyšiel na horu a vedel, že smrť ležala pred ním, a on sa pozrel na zasľúbenú zem. A on pozrel, ako tam ležal, tam bol jeho Vodca, tá Skala. On sa postavil na skalu a anjeli Boží ho vzali do slávy Božej, do lona Božieho. Prečo? Osemsto rokov neskôr, on bol stále vedený svojim Vodcom.

280Nachádzame ho na Hore Premenenia, ako tam stojí s Eliášom a hovorí s Ježišom predtým, ako On išiel na kríž. Osemsto rokov po smrti, aby on...Ten, ktorý si cenil pohanenie svojej služby za väčšie poklady než všetku popularitu sveta a všetky peniaze sveta, jeho Vodca ho stále viedol. Ó. On bol vedený. Jeho Vodca, On ho previedol cez smrť, cez tie tiene smrti. On bol vedený do hrobu. Stovky rokov neskôr, on tam stál znovu pretože vo svojej mladosti si vyvolil vodcovstvo Ducha Svätého. Jeho meno bude veľké, keď tam už nebude viac Egypta alebo pokladov. Keď pyramídy budú prachom a keď Egypt už viac nebude Egyptom, Mojžiš bude nesmrteľný medzi ľudmi, pretože on prijal vodcovstvo Krista namiesto toho, aby išiel cestou svojej cirkvi.

281Sú tiež iní, ktorí urobili tú istú vec. Pozrite na Enocha. On chodil s Bohom päťsto rokov a potom mal svedectvo, že sa ľúbil Bohu. Boh to potvrdil a povedal, "Nie je treba aby si zomrel, len poď dnes popoludní hore domov." A on išiel hore.

A Eliáš. Potom čo hulákal na ostrihané ženy a všetko ako to robil vo svojom dni, na tie namaľované Jezábele, potom čo on už bol toho plný, a urobil všetko čo mohol a všetci tí kňazi si robili z neho žarty a všetko také, on išiel jedného dňa dolu ku rieke. A len prešiel rieku a tam boli ku kríku priviazané kone, ohnivý voz a ohnivé kone. On do neho rovno nastúpil a odhodil svoje rúcho na ďalšieho proroka, ktorý ho nasledoval a odišiel do neba. On prijal vodcovstvo Večného Života, pretože to bol Kristus, ktorý bol v Eliášovi. Ó, tak veru.

Čo to bolo? "Nasleduj ma." Tak, vy si musíte vybrať svojho vodcu. Musíš si ho vybrať, priateľu. Pozri do Božieho zrkadla, Biblie aྭvidz, kde sa nachádzaš dnes večer.

284Malý príbeh. Raz jeden malý chlapec, žil tam v kraji. On nikdy nevidel zrkadlo a prišiel do mesta, aby navštívil sestru svojej mamy. A ona mala doma... A tie staromódne domy zvykli mať zrkadlo na dverách, neviem, či si to pamätáte alebo nie. Ale tento malý chlapec, on nikdy nevidel zrkadlo. Tak on sa hral okolo domu a pozrel sa do... hmm. Pozrel sa na malého chlapca. A on zamával a ten malý chlapec zamával. A on si natiahol ucho a ten malý chlapec si natiahol ucho, a takto to išlo ďalej. On išiel hore, priblížil sa, a otočil sa dookola a povedal, "Mama, to som ja." To som ja.

285Na čo by ste sa chceli podobať? Čo nasledujete? Čo sme urobili? Vy si musíte vybrať svojho vodcu. Vyberte si dnes. Vy si vyberáte život alebo smrť. Vaša voľba určí miesto vášho konečného určenia, to čo si vyberiete. Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, "Nasleduj ma." A vy ste pozvaní dnes večer, aby ste tak urobili. A nasledovať Jeho do Večného Života vy musíte pristúpiť na Jeho požiadavky (Je to tak.), to Slovo, nie na vyznanie, nie na verejný názor, nie na to, čo si niekto iný o tom myslí, ale na to, čo Slovo o tom povedalo.

Vy poviete, "No, brat Branham, ja poznám ženu, ktorá je práve tak dobrá ako len môže byť, ona robí toto. Poznám muža, ktorý prešiel cez toto."

Ja im nemôžem pomôcť vྭtom, čo oni urobili. Božie Slovo, a On povedal, "Nech každé ľudské slovo je lož a Moje je Pravdou." Vy musíte pristúpiť na Jeho požiadavky, pristúpiť na Jeho podmienky, to Slovo. Nemôžete prísť skrze vyznanie, nemôžete prísť skrze denomináciu, nemôžete to takto zmiešať. Je len jedna vec, ktorú môžete urobiť: prijať to na základe Jeho požiadaviek, že vy chcete zomrieť samému sebe a všetkým vaším myšlienkam a nasledovať Jeho. "Zbavte sa všetkých vecí toho sveta a nasledujte Ma."

288Viem, že je to tvrdé, sekajúce posolstvo, brat. Ale ja som sem neprišiel a nevybral som si posolstvo pre ľudí, len aby som sa snažil urobiť to, aby spievali, kričali a hulákali. Bol som na pohanských zhromaždeniach, kde oni robili tú istú vec. Ja sa zaujímam o váš život. Som sluha Boží, ktorý sa musí jedného dňa zodpovedať Bohu, a tá služba, ktorú mi Pán dal, sa pred vami tisícekrát potvrdila.

Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, "Nasleduj Ma. Nasleduj Ma. Zbav sa toho, čo máš a nasleduj Ma." A to je jediný spôsob, ako mať večný život. To je ten jediný liek, ktorý On dal tomuto človeku, bol ten jediný liek, ktorý On dal tomuto biznismenovi, to je ten jediný liek, ktorý On dáva každému. Jeho voľba, On robí Svoje rozhodnutie a ono je vždy dokonalé. A my Ho musíme nasledovať, je to jediný spôsob ako mať večný život. Tak vodcovstvo Božie je nasledovať potvrdené Slovo na tú hodinu skrze Ducha Svätého.

290Skloňme naše hlavy. Spýtam sa vás jednu otázku, a chcem aby ste boli skutočne úprimní. Chcel by som sestra, aby si pre mňa toto zahrala, "Môžem počuť volanie môjho Spasiteľa." Chcem starodávne oltárne zavolanie. A brat, sestra, len sa pozrime, čo sa to dnes deje. Teraz, s vašimi sklonenými hlavami, len chvíľu premýšľajte, pozrite čo sa deje.

Čítali ste minulý týždeň noviny, čo ten muž v Anglicku povedal, že ukrižovanie Ježiša Krista bolo len vymyslené, že to bolo len dohodnuté medzi Pilátom a Ním? Čítali ste čo ten americký teológ povedal? On povedal, že On len zaspal od rastliny mandragora. Mnohí z vás teológov to poznajú, tam vྭGenezis, kde je hovorené o rastline mandragora. To vás uspí ako keby ste boli mŕtvy, vaše srdce sotva bije dva alebo trikrát za minútu. "A keď mu dali ocot a žlč," oni povedali, "to bola mandragora. A dali ho tam do hrobu a On tam na tri dni zaspal. A pravdaže, keď oni tam hore vyšli, našli Ho ako sa tam prechádzal." Mohli by ste si to predstaviť? Teológovia, semináre, takzvaná viera... Potom ako vôbec... v prvom rade Biblia povedala, že On to odmietol, keď priložili ten ocot a žlč ku Jeho ústam.

A ďalšia vec, ak to je tak, potom prečo títo učeníci, ktorí prišli a ukradli Ho, prečo dávali za to svoje životy ako mučeníci a zotínali ich, nepočítali samých seba za hodných zomrieť tak, ako On zomrel: obrátili ich hlavou dolu a na bok na krížoch a také veci? A ak oni by vedeli, že On bol pokrytec a že oni sami boli pokrytcami, ako by oni dávali svoje životy takto za Neho?

294Ó, vidíte, to je tento intelektuálny deň v ktorom my žijeme. Vzdelanie, civilizácia, a ten moderný trend tohoto dňa, je všetko z diabla. "Civilizácia z diabla?" Tak veru. Biblia povedala že ona je. Táto civilizácia má smrť. "Budeme mať takúto civilizáciu v tom inom svete?" Nie veru. Budeme mať odlišný druh civilizácie. Vzdelanie, všetky tieto veci ony sú z diabla, veda, ktorá prevracia tie prirodzené veci, robí niečo ďalšie...

Pozrite, čo vám oni teraz spravili. Keď mladé dámy... "Reader's Digest" bolo tam písané, minulý týždeň--myslím, že to bolo pred dvoma mesiacmi. "Reader's Digest" bolo tam napísané, že mladí muži a mladé ženy prechádzajú cez svoj stredný vek, ženy v prechode medzi dvadsatim a dvadsiatimpiatym rokom života. Ešte jedna generácia, oni budú ničím len... To bude vyzerať hrozne. Vidíte? Aké stvorenia to budú, zmäkčilí, špinaví. Pozrite na tú dušu--pozrite na toho ducha, pozrite, aký je duch v cirkvi, ktorého ona má, skrížený, zmiešaný so svetom. Ó, čo za hodina. Utečte deti, utečte. Utečte ku krížu. Príďte ku Kristovi, nech On vás vedie.

296Zatiaľ čo máme naše hlavy sklonené, naše oči zatvorené a prosím skloňte vaše srdce v tom istom čase, urobíte to? Chcem vám položiť jednu otázku. Skutočne sa dívate v sebe ku Bohu? A cítite, že nie ste tam kde by ste mali byť v tejto hodine? Pretože vytrhnutie by mohlo prísť v každej chvíli. Vidíte, to príde.

Bude tam len, ak to prehlásenie, ktoré som urobil pred chvíľou je pravdou, bude len asi päťsto ľudí, ktorí budú vo vytrhnutí, tí ktorí žijú budú premenení. No, vezmite celé Kresťanstvo dokopy, Katolíci a všetci, tam je len päťsto miliónov ľudí (Vidíte?), ktorí vyznávajú Kresťanstvo. A jeden z milióna je päťsto ľudí. To je toľko ľudí, koľko sa ich stratí každý deň na celom svete, že my ich ani nemôžeme zrátať. Vidíte, to príde a vy to ani nebudete vedieť. Ľudia budú ďalej kázať a hovoriť... Vidíte, a to všetko už bude minulosť.

Ako povedal Ježiš. Oni povedali, tí učeníci povedali, "Prečo hovoria zákonníci, hovoria, ́Eliáš musí prísť najprv.́?"

On povedal, "On už prišiel a vy ste ho nepoznali, ale oni mu urobili to, čo povedali že mu urobia."

300Vy viete, že nie ste v poriadku s Bohom a radi by ste boli spomenutí u Boha, aby Boh dal do poriadku vaše srdce s Bohom. Zodvihli by ste teraz len pokorne svoje ruky v tejto tichej chvíli? Nestarám sa o to kto ste, urobíte to? Povedzte, "Dvíham svoje ruky ku Bohu." Boh ťa žehnaj. Boh ťa žehnaj.

Dívate sa do zrkadla? Pýtam sa vás v Kristovom mene, dívate sa do Božieho zrkadla? [Nejaký brat hovorí v inom jazyku a druhý dáva výklad--pozn.prekl.]


Chcem sa spýtať jednu vec. Koľkí sú tu letniční? Zodvihnite svoje ruky, ste letniční? Prakticky každý jeden z vás. Tak, koľkí tu si nárokujú, že sú Kresťania. Vedeli ste, že Biblia povedala o tomto, že sa to stane?

Dokonca toto sa stalo v starej zmluve keď si oni lámali hlavu nad tým, čo urobia, ako by sa mohli dostať z toho obkľúčenia, ktoré sa ku ním približovalo. Ten Duch padol na jedného muža a on prorokoval a povedal im kde stretnú nepriateľa, a ako, ako premôcť nepriateľa. To bola stará zmluva, takisto ako nová.

304No, niektorí z vás možno povedia, "Tento človek, ó, to nebolo tak." Ale čo ak to tak je? Poviete, "Ó, počul som to už predtým." Ale čo ak to je tak? Vidíte, to dokazuje potom, že tú sú mnohí, ktorí potrebujú zmenu srdca, ak je to Duch Svätý, ktorý hovorí. Sú veci, ktoré potrebujú byť vykonané, tak teraz je to pri vás.

Práve taký aký som, bez jednej poľahčujúcej okolnosti,

Ale Tvoja krv bola vyliata za mňa,

A to Ty vyzývaš...(To je ako On vás zavolal práve teraz.)..ku Tebe.

Ó Baránok Boží,... ("Ja vezmem preč to tvrdohlavé srdce a dám srdce z mäsa do toho, aby sa My odovzdalo." Vidíte?)... príďte.

Práve taký aký som, Ty ma prijmeš,

Ó chcete... (Urobíte svoju voľbu dnes večer? Môže to urobiť tiež, každý kto chce)... očisti,... (Vy poviete, "Počul som to už predtým." Ale toto môže byť posledný krát, kedy to počujete.)

Pretože verím Tvojmu zasľúbeniu, (Tie starodávne oltárne zavolania, oni sú dnes nemoderné, ale Boh sa v nich stále pohybuje. Nemôžete cítiť, ako to s vami hýbe, cirkev?)...Ja prichádzam!

305[Brat Branham začína hmkať "Tak ako som."--pozn.prekl.] Ó, pomyslite, dnes sa stávajú srdcia kamennými, naplnenými svetom, ľahostajní, cirkevní členovia, vlažní, ako ten bohatý mládenec a nevedia že ten veľký Duch Svätý tu stojí a klope na dvere v tomto Laodicejskom veku. "Ten kto počuje Môj hlas (to Slovo), a otvorí svoje srdce, Ja prídem ku nemu a budem s ním večerať."

A Duch, ktorí hovoril pred chvíľou cez tohoto brata, povedal, "Ja vezmem z vás to kamenné srdce a dám vám srdce z mäsa, jemné naproti Bohu." Pozrite ako sa to teraz deje, len intelektuálne emócie (Vidíte?), žiadne nežné srdce plné lásky a sladkosti ku Kristovi.

[Brat Branham pokračuje v hmkaní refrénu--pozn.prekl.] Nechcete taký druh srdca? Ako pôjdete pred Kristovu tvár s nejakým intelektuálnym poňatím, ktoré máte o Ňom. Musíte prijať večný život.

...bola preliata... (Tá príprava bola učinená skrze Krv.)

A to Ty ponúkaš... (Čo On urobil? Prelial Svoju Krv, a teraz vám ponúka aby ste prišli.)...

ku Tebe, Ó, Baránku Boží, ja prichádzam! Ja prichádzam!

308Nech každý kresťan, len zodvihnime teraz potichu naše ruky a modlime sa.

Ó Bože, prosím Pane, vezmi tento deň, v ktorom my žijeme. Ó, je to tak ťažké Otče. Satan urobil tak veľa tým ľuďom. Ich srdcia sa stali kamennými. Tvoj Duch hovorí priamo, Tvoje Slovo ide napred, potvrdzuje sa, ale tá starodávna skúsenosť, oni sú... To zašlo do denominačnej, intelektuálnej koncepcie, veľa hudby, veľa vykrikovania a veľa takých vecí. Ale skutočne, to srdce z mäsa, ten Duch, večný život, to sa pravdaže stalo cudzím pre cirkev.

Bože, to láme moje vlastné srdce, a ja som hriešnik spasený skrze Tvoju milosť. To robí, že sa cítim tak zle, Otče, keď sa dívam na tú cirkev za ktorú si Ty zomrel, cirkev, ktorú sa Ty snažíš vykúpiť. Premýšľam o videní, ktoré si mi dal o tej cirkvi Spojených Štátov a tých iných krajín. Aký hrozne vyzerajúci rock-and-rollový striptíz to bol. Ale niekde tam som videl prichádzať inú cirkev, požehnanú.

Modlím sa Otče, aby ak niekto z týchto tu dnes večer, ktorí sú určení do života, alebo by to radi prijali, aby toto bola tá hodina, v ktorej to oni urobia. Udeľ to Pane. Zlom teraz to kamenné srdce, to staré srdce toho sveta. A ak oni chcú pokoj, chcú niečo čo uspokojí, niečo čo dáva istotu, nech oni príjmu Kristove vodcovstvo dnes večer, ktoré ich privedie do pokoja, ktorý prevyšuje každý rozum, do nevysloviteľnej radosti a plnej slávy, alebo, dokonca niečo, že samotná smrť im nemôže ublížiť. Udeľ to Otče.

312Tak, s našimi zodvihnutými rukami, som zvedavý či... Koľkí tu v budove by teraz povedali, "Ja sa postavím." No, nestarám sa, kto sedí vedľa vás, to je Boh, ktorý hovorí ku vám. A vy skutočne chcete byť opravdovým kresťanom. Vidíte? Čokoľvek to bude--a to čo je menej než to, je napodobňovanie, ó, ja by som radšej išiel von a bol vo svete. Verím, že vy by ste to tiež tak spravili.

No, len sa skontrolujme so Slovom, s tým posolstvom. Skontrolujme aký by mal byť skutočný kresťan, drsný, milujúci, nie jedným z tých z tohoto moderného kresťanstva, mäkký, ohybný, napoly mŕtvy, zhnitý, skrížený. Vidíte? To nie je skutočné kresťanstvo, žiť akokoľvek a patriť do cirkvi. Nechcete to sladké obecenstvo s Kristom, Duchom Svätým, že ste--vaše vlastné srdce je v zhode so Slovom? Pohnite sa rovno do Krista. Ak to chcete a zatúžite po tom, aby Boh videl to, že stojíte dnes večer rovno v tejto skupine ľudí, ak to len urobíte...

Vy poviete, "Bude to mať nejaký význam, brat Branham?"

Ó, áno. Isteže to bude. "Ak sa hanbíte za mňa pred ľudmi, Ja sa budem hanbiť za vás pred Mojim Otcom a pred svätými anjelmi. Ale ten, kto Ma vyzná a zastane sa Ma na tejto zemi, Ja sa ho zastanem v tamtej zemi. Vyznám ho pred Mojim Otcom.

316No, bez ohľadu na to kým ste, žena, muž, chlapec alebo dievča, kýmkoľvek ste, kresťan alebo nie kresťan, kazateľ, diakon, čokoľvek ste, ak len budete veriť celým svojím srdcom, len za chvíľu a urobíte toho toľko dnes večer, že len dovolíte poznať Bohu, že ste úprimní, "Bože..."

"Teraz pozrite, ja som letničný," vy poviete. "Ja som toto," alebo čokoľvek ste. "Ja vyznávam tancovanie v Duchu. Ale, brat Branham, myslel som, že tak dlho ako sme to my mali, že sme to mali." Nemali ste to. Ak mi veríte, že som Boží prorok, počúvajte na moje Slová. Vidíte? To je ten zvod v tomto dni. Nepovedala Biblia, že to bude tak blízko, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné? Vyvolení, dolu v duši... Ale ak ste tancovali v Duchu, a stále ste s tými vecami toho sveta, tam je niečo zlé. Vy hovoríte jazykmi, Pavol povedal, "Môžem hovoriť jazykmi ľudskými aj anjelskými a stále dokonca nebyť spasený." Hmm, oboma druhmi. Vidíte? "Môžem mať všetky tie emócie, môžem mať vieru, môžem kázať evanjelium, môžem dať všetko moje imanie, aby som nakŕmil biedneho, môžem niesť to Slovo na misijné polia po celom svete a stále som ničím." Vidíte? To je to vnútro toho vnútra, brat. To... Váš duch sa rozlamuje, keď vy zomierate, on odlieta, ale vaša duša žije. Vidíte?

320No, pozrite sa na seba. Skutočne ste opravdovým Biblickým kresťanom, plným Božej lásky? Pamätajte, Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch, keď sa odohráva tento čas, On povedal, "Anjel, ktorý dával znak, prechádzal cez tie cirkvi, išiel cez mestá a pečatil len tých, ktorí vzdychali a nariekali kvôli ohavnosti, ktorá sa diala v meste." Je to tak? Ezechiel 9, vieme že je to pravda. Ten Anjel, ktorý dával znak vyšiel a dal znak na ich hlavu, čelo, pečatil ich, "Tých, ktorí vzdychali a nariekali."

Potom prišli anjeli smrti od štyroch uhlov zeme, ktorí prichádzajú hneď potom, vidíme to prichádzať, vojny, ktoré sa práve blížia, to vyhubí celú zem. A tam nebolo nič, čoho by sa oni nemohli dotknúť okrem tých, ktorí mali ten znak.

No, vezmite... Je vaše srdce tak znepokojené ohľadne tých hriešnikov a ohľadne toho spôsobu, ktorým cirkev a ľudia postupujú, že až vy môžete vzdychať a nariekať ohľadne toho deň i noc? Ak to nie je tak, ja sa divím. To je Písmo.

323Postavili by ste sa a povedali, "Drahý Bože, ja nestojím pretože brat Branham tak povedal, ale ja som počul, že jeho Slovo to hovorí, a ja to idem urobiť. Tebe Pane stojím. Som v potrebe Pane. Naplníš moju potrebu dnes večer tu na tomto mieste? Ja stojím." Boh ťa žehnaj. "Som v potrebe, potrebujem, aby si mi bol milostivý." Boh ťa žehnaj. "Chcem byť takým druhom kresťana, ktorý..." No, pamätajte, tá osoba, ktorá stojí pri vás je taká istá ako ste vy. Chcel by som, aby ste sa načiahli a podali si s nimi ruky a povedali, "Brat, sestra, modli sa teraz za mňa. Chcel by som, aby si sa za mňa pomodlil. Ja--ja..." Len to povedz s celou kresťanskou úprimnosťou, "Modli sa za mňa. Ja chcem byť v poriadku s Bohom. Modli sa za mňa, ja sa budem modliť, aby ti Boh dal tú príležitosť."

Ja viem že sme... Nemôžeme tu zostať veľmi dlho, rozumiete. Sme v čase konca. Všetci, ktorí tomu veria, povedzte, "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen."--Pozn.prekl.] My sme... Nie je nič, čo by zostávalo. Všetko je vykonané. Cirkvi sú zhromaždené pod hlavou ekumenickej rady. Ten svet, to...

326Pozrite sa sem. Viete čo Pán hovorí o Los Angeles a tých miestach tu? "Je s ním koniec." Pamätáte sa, čo som vám o tom povedal pred dvoma rokmi, ako to zemetrasenie príde do Kanady, tu hore v Aljaške? Tiež som vám povedal, že "Hollywood a Los Angeles sa prepadajú do oceánu. Kalifornia, si odsúdená, nie len Kalifornia, ale ty svet, si odsúdený. Cirkev, ak sa nedáš do poriadku s Bohom, si odsúdená." TAK HOVORÍ DUCH SVATÝ.

Počuli ste ma niekedy použiť to Meno bez toho, že by sa to stalo? Pýtam sa vás. Poznáte ma už dvadsať rokov. Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v Mene Pánovom, okrem toho že by sa to stalo? Ak všetko, čo som vám kedy povedal že sa stane, sa stalo, povedzte, "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen."--Pozn.prekl.] Vidíte? Hovorím vám, teraz je tá hodina, urobíte lepšie, keď sa dáte do poriadku, každý z nás.

328No, nech sa každý modlí za toho druhého. Drahý Bože, ako tu dnes večer stojíme, zomierajúci ľudia, naše tváre sú obrátené k zemi, do prachu. My len... Ty si nám dal toto sekajúce kázanie, Pane. Vidíme príklad tých dvoch mužov. Jeden z nich bol nábožným človekom, ktorý išiel do cirkvi ale odmietol vodcovstvo Večného Života. A ten druhý odmietol svetskú slávu a obrátil sa ku Večnému životu. A vidíme stav obidvoch dnes večer podľa Biblie, ten bohatý mládenec je v trápení a Mojžiš je v Sláve. Otče, my chceme byť ako Mojžiš. Chceme byť vedení Tvojím svätým Synom Ježišom Kristom do večného života. Daj to našim srdciam dnes večer, Pane. Roztrhni to staré kamenné srdce, umiestni do nás to nové srdce, srdce z mäsa, srdce ku ktorému Ty môžeš hovoriť a jednať s ním, a my nebudeme nadutí alebo ľahostajní. Nech Tvoj Svätý Duch nikdy neodchádza, Pane. Nech On príde a vysvätí týchto ľudí. Hovor ku nim, roztrhni ich kamennú vôľu a polož do nich vôľu Božiu. Spas každého jedného, Otče. Dávaj nám Tvoju lásku. Priveď nás na miesto, Pane, že sa dostaneme od celej tej emocionálnej časti, do tej skutočne spoľahlivej časti cítenia, do tej časti cítenia srdca, do hlbiny Ducha, do bohatstva Božieho, do kráľovstva Ducha v našich srdciach. Udeľ to, Ó veľký Vodca, veľký Duchu Svätý, predtým ako Ty odletíš do oblakov so Svojou cirkvou.

330Ó Bože, dovoľ mi ísť Pane. Nenechaj ma zostať vzadu, Ježišu. Dovoľ mi ísť s Tebou, Otče. Nechcem zostať tu na tejto zemi, aby som sa díval na tieto súženia, ktoré prichádzajú. Nechcem zostať tu v tomto šialenstve, keď tie ošklivé zjavy, tí ľudia strácajú rozum. Dívame sa na mužov, ktorí sa snažia konať ako zvieratá a vyzerať ako zvieratá a ženy, ktoré sa snažia vyzerať ako zvieratá s namaľovanými tvárami. Vediac, že tieto veci sú predpovedané, že sa stanú, že tá vec bude, oni pôjdu tak šialene až povstanú kobylky s vlasmi ako ženy aby sužovali ženy, a so zubami ako levy a tie veci, ktoré si Ty povedal, ten duševný stav ľudí, že bude kompletne skazený. Vidíme, že sa to deje práve teraz, Pane. Pomôž nám. Navráť nám zdravú myseľ Krista Ježiša nášho Pána.

Ó veľký Vodca Večného Života, prijímame Tvoje zasľúbenie dnes večer, Otče. Prosím za týchto ľudí. Prosím za každého jedného z nich, v Mene Ježiša Krista, Pane. Prosím, aby Kristus ten Boží Syn prišiel do sŕdc každého jedného z nás, Pane, a formoval nás a učinil nás novými stvoreniami v Kristu Ježišovi. Udeľ to, Pane Bože.

Milujeme Ťa. Aྭchceme, aby naše sklony--naša zmena prišla do nás, aby sme mohli byť Tvojimi deťmi, aby sme cítili Tvojho Ducha ako sa pohybuje v našich srdciach, Pane, ako nás činí nežnejšími a privádza nás do toho, že rozpoznávame tento šialený vek, v ktorom žijeme. Udeľ to, Bože. Keď vidíme mladé ženy tak chytené do diablovej siete, mladí muži, s prevrátenými mysľami, deti, drogovo závislí, fajčia, pijú, nemorálny, Satanov Eden.

Bože, trvalo ti to šesťtisíc rokov podľa Biblie, aby si vystavil Eden. A postavil si tam Svojho syna a jeho manželku (jeho nevestu), aby nad tým panovali. A prišiel Satan a prevrátil to, on dostal šesťtisíc rokov a vybudoval svoj vlastný intelektuálny Eden skrze vedu a vzdelanie a takzvanú inteligenciu a on to stavia do zmätku smrti.

Ó Bože, vezmi nás naspäť, znovu do záhrady Eden, Pane, tam kde nie je smrť, kde nie je žiaľ. Udeľ to Pane. Stojíme pokorne, očakávajúc na Druhého Adama, že príde pre Svoju nevestu. Učiň nás časťou Neho, Otče. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

335Milujete Boha? Môžete cítiť... Uvedomujete si, čo sa vám snažím povedať? Ak tomuto môžete rozumieť len zodvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte, "Rozumiem čo sa snažíš povedať." Môžete vidieť šialenstvo tohoto veku? Pozrite, ako je to na konci, že dokonca medzi ľudmi viac nie je žiadneho triezveho uvažovania. Je s tým koniec. Kde je náš... Dokonca vodcovia...

Pozrite na nášho prezidenta. "Ak oni chcú komunizmus, nech ho majú. Čokoľvek ľudia chcú, nech to majú." Kde sú naši Patrikovia Henry, naši George Washingtonovci? Kde sú naši vodcovia, ktorí môžu stáť za určitým princípom? Už ich viac nemáme.

Kde sú naše cirkvi, naši kazatelia? Získajú ľudí len na základe nejakého zákazu, alebo aby prišli a pripojili sa do cirkvi a aby robili toto, alebo majú nejakú malú senzáciu alebo niečo. Kde sú tí mužovia Boží, ktorí sa odvážia vzoprieť všetkým veciam toho sveta?

Kde sú tí mužovia čestnosti? Kde sú? Oni sú tak mäkkí skrze intelektuálne koncepcie a také veci, až ich tu viac niet. Ó Bože, buď nám milostivý.

339Tieto ohavné zjavy, ktoré prichádzajú na zem. Môžete vidieť ako ľudia idú rovno do toho. To je šialenstvo. Ale keď tá vec udrie, cirkev bude preč. Bože, dovoľ nám byť tam. To je moja modlitba ku tej nadprirodzenej Bytosti, ktorá je v tejto budove dnes večer, ten veľký Kristus, ktorý stále má večný život. Prosím Ťa, Kriste, ako som tu so svojimi otvorenými očami a dívam sa na cirkev, ktorú si Ty vykúpil Svojou Vlastnou Krvou. Bože, nedovoľ aby niekto z nás bol stratený. Chceme byť v poriadku s Tebou. Tak očisťuj nás, Ó Pane, od všetkých našich neprávostí. Vezmi preč všetky naše hriechy a veci.

Videli sme Ťa uzdravovať našich chorých, dokonca vzbudzovať našich mŕtvych (ako prišli naspäť do života skrze modlitbu), a videli sme všetky tieto veci že sa dejú, Otče. Teraz, priveď nás naspäť do života duchovne, priveď nás naspäť do uvedomenia si Večného Života skrze Ježiša Krista. Udeľ to, Otče. Porúčam to všetko Tebe. V Mene Ježiša Krista.

Až kým sa stretneme! až kým sa stretneme!

Až kým sa stretneme pri Ježišových nohách,

Až kým sa stretneme! (Pozrite na Neho, nech On nás spraví nežnými.)... sa stretneme! Boh buď s vami až kým sa znovu stretneme!

Zodvihnime teraz naše hlavy:

Až kým sa stretneme! až kým sa stretneme! Brat Style....

LEADERSHIP, 65-1207, Covina Bowl, Covina Bowl, Covina, CA, 120 min

1 Thank you, Brother Williams. Greetings, Brother Salano and his wife, and all the delegates here at this banquet tonight. It's certainly a great privilege to be here. I've looked forward for this hour ever since we have started this way.

2And I--I want to thank that lady, I can't think of her name, Billy just told me, that had give me a box of Christmas candy, and just brought it out to the car a few moments ago. The sister, I can't think of her name, she's from here in California. That was my first Christmas present. So I--I thank you for it.

3Now, tonight it's... Now in Tucson it's ten minutes after nine, but I think it's just ten minutes after eight here. So we... I have kind of a feeling amongst the people, I'm kind of long-winded in preaching, so I--I hope... [Congregation applauds--Ed.] Thank you. Such a... some nice persons in here. I thank you.

4 But I'm--I'm just a little bit preached out, almost, tonight, I've been going so long from--from Shreveport and across the country (coming this way) night after night, and you get just a little--a little shook up, you know, and cold, and your throat gets hoarse. I started out at Shreveport. I lost my hair when I was... few years ago. And I had a little piece I put on when I'm preaching in the north country, to keep from taking a cold. I went to Shreveport and forgot it, and I really got a cold. Them wind coming across like that, you really just don't know. It was taken out accidentally, and the skin's still soft, and with just a little perspiration and I've really got it in the throat; had to close many meetings. So I'm just a teeny bit hoarse tonight.

5 We want to say we've had a wonderful time coming across here, though, in the meetings. Last night we had a wonderful time up in... with the brethren up, the other chapter. And so had a great crowd out and wonderful attendance, the people so reverent and nice. So it makes me feel real good to be a part of the Full Gospel Business Men. It's been...

6I have a Message, I feel, from God. It's a little odd to some people. And I can't help being no more... I just got to be what I am. And we... I don't mean to be different, it's just that I--I'm living at a changing time. We're...

7 As long as you're building the wall one straight way, it's all fine, the--the bricklayers can go right down the row. But when you have to turn the corner, that's where the time... And we're not building a wall; we're building a house, you see, so these turns has to come. They come in the age of Martin Luther, John Wesley, and the Pentecostal age; it's here again. So we... it's hard to turn the corners. But I'm so thankful for... to God, even though how rough it's been, the people has responded one hundred percent. So we're very grateful, thank each one of you.

And now before we open the Book, let's speak to the Author, if you will, just a moment, while we bow our heads:

8 Dear God, we are grateful to You tonight for the privilege of knowing Jesus Christ (our Saviour) Your Son and the free pardoning of our sins, and to know that His Blood is sufficient that's covered all of our sins and our iniquities. They're so blotted out and put in the sea of God's forgetfulness and His Bride will stand at the Wedding Supper, pure, unadulterated, to marry the Son of God. How we thank Thee for this all-sufficiency and the faith to know that we do not trust in our own merits but in His merit alone, for what He did for us. We're so grateful.

9Thank You for the--the success that these brethren had overseas and the countries over there where they're hungering and thirsting for God. I pray, Lord, that if they go back again, that those children that they brought into the Kingdom will be great-grandmothers and grandfathers of the children that they bring in also. Grant it, Father.

10Bless us together, tonight, and may the Holy Spirit give to us the things that we have need of. Close our mouths to the things that we should not say, and open our hearts to receive what You would tell us. Grant it, Father. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

11 Now let's turn in the Bible to a little text that I would like to speak on for a while tonight, and it's found over in Saint Mark, the 10th chapter.

12And I had... A few years ago when I would speak, I would--I wouldn't even have to write a note, I could remember it. And I didn't have to take a pair of glasses to read it out of the Bible. But since I've passed twenty-five now, twice, and so kind of little hard for me to--to do like I used to do. And it's like a worn-out car, but I'm still running. Uh-huh, I want to keep on chugging along till it's... I go to the scrap heap to be molded over again. That's the promise.

13Saint Luke, the 10th chapter, and begin at the... I believe I said the 21st verse, if I can find it here somewhere. I'm mistaken, it's Saint Mark. I'm sorry.

14 Saint Mark, the 10th chapter, and the--the twenty-... beginning with the 21st verse, I want to read. Let's get the 17th verse, rather:

And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeling down to him, and asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, and that is, God.

Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.

And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth.

Then said... Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, and sell whatsoever thou hast, and, give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasures in heaven: and come, and take up thy cross, and follow me.

And he was sad at that saying, and he went away grieved: for he had great possessions.

And may the Lord bless the reading of His Word.

15Now, we're going to speak tonight on a subject. I want my text to be "Follow Me," and my subject: Leadership.

16 Now it's strange, but I thought maybe, today in praying... And I've been so long, and each night right down the line on the Message that I have, that the Lord has given to me to speak on. I thought tonight, over in this new chapter, I would approach it from a different standpoint. And many times we have talked on this, called it, "The Rich Young Ruler." And--and many of the ministers here, my brethren, no doubt have approached it in many different ways. And I want to try to approach it in a--a different way tonight than I ever have, this of Leadership.

17 This, remember this, that each one of us, young and old, your first step that you ever made in your life, someone had to lead you. That's right. And your last step you ever make, someone will be leading you. Someone has to lead.

18God has likened us unto sheep. And if anyone knows about raising sheep and the nature of sheep, why, you know that a sheep cannot find his way around. He has to be led. Even in the slaughter pens, we find that they bring the sheep there and he's led up into the slaughter by a goat. A goat leads him up, then when he gets up to the end of the chute he jumps out, and the sheep goes right on into the slaughter. So they... We find that a sheep cannot find his way around.

19 I remember an experience I had with one, one time. I was state game warden in Indiana, and I had been out in the field; and I heard something, the most pitiful cry. And it was a--a little lamb, had--had lost his mama. And he couldn't find his way to her, and the mother couldn't find her way to the--to the little lamb. I picked the little fellow up, and how quiet he laid against me. I went along there, my hands holding the little fellow. And crying, and--and I heard him. How he just snugg'ed his little head down against me and it seemed like he knew that I--I--I was going to help him.

20I thought, "O Rock of Ages, cleft for me, pick me up in the arms of the Lord Jesus, just be content as I know I'm--I'm going to go Home to be with my loved ones." I thought, "At the end of my life's journey, just bring me in Your arms, Lord, like that. That I know I'll be carried across the river then, there on the other side where there'll be no sorrows and sicknesses, and things, and I'll be with the loved ones that I've loved."

21 And if you'll study nature, there's a great thing in nature. Everything that I--that I look at, and God has made, He's the Author of nature. Nature runs in continuity. All nature runs about the same. You notice, everything... As I have said, I believe last evening, that "Nature testifies of God." If you never had a Bible, you could still watch nature and know that this Bible is the Truth.

22I--I had the privilege of being around and around the world. And I've read the different phases, and I've seen different religions; the Mohammedans, and I've read the Koran, and--and seen the Sikhs, the Jains, and Mohammedans, and the Buddhists, and whatmore. But yet, each one of them, they have a philosophy and a--a--a--a book of creed and a book of laws, and so forth. But our Bible is the Truth, and our God is the only One that is right; 'cause each one of them has to point to a grave somewhere where their founder is still laying, but Christianity points to an open tomb and can live in the Presence of the One that was put in there. He is alive! It's not a God that was, It's a God that is. Not a "I was" or "I will be," but "I AM."

23 And all nature runs in continuity, as I have said, talking on our Church Ages (which we have the books now that's coming out). The... Why did I... about my writing of the Church Ages. And how that we see the Church, how It's matured, come up just exactly like all nature does.

24And we was talking the other day about how the sun rises in the morning, it's a little baby, real weak, not much strength to it at all. And as the day goes on, it gets stronger, stronger. About eight o'clock it enters school, like a young boy or young girl. And then about eleven o'clock it's out of school, and it's ready for its--its service. And then across till about three o'clock it changes, in the middle life into old age. And then dies in the afternoon. Is that the end of the sun? No. It comes back the next morning, to testify that there is a life, a death, a burial, a resurrection. See? See?

25 We watch the trees, how they move and what they do. I was sometime ago down in Kentucky, I--I like to squirrel hunt, and I went down in the fall of the year there to squirrel hunt with a friend of mine. And it's... got very dry.

26And anyone ever hunted gray squirrel, know that how hard it is to slip up on them. When, the--the leaves, just crack one, and, oh, Houdini is an amateur escape artist to--to those fellows, how they can get away! And then trying to shoot eye shots at fifty yards, it takes some good hunting to get your limit in a day.

27 So, Mr. Wood, a friend of mine, a--a converted Jehovah Witness, was with me. And we... He said, "I know a farm over here where there's a man that's got a lot of..." We call them there, "hollers."

28How many know what a holler is? Well, what part of Kentucky you from, anyhow? See? And that's where I am from.

29Like here in one of the chapters, not long ago; I have to tell this to Brother Williams and them, the brethren. They said, "We will now stand and sing the national anthem--anthem."

30And I said, "For my old Kentucky home." So nobody joined in with me, so... That was the only anthem I knew. And so we was--we was now...

31 All right, sir. [Brother Branham is handed a note--Ed.]: "Please have prayer, for a lady in here now is bleeding at the nose."

Let us pray:

32Dear God, I ask You, Lord, Thou art the--the great Healer and I ask that Your grace and mercy will touch this dear woman just now and stop that blood. As a believing people who assembled together, the lady has come here to enjoy the Word of the Lord and the fellowship of the people, and I ask You, Lord, just now, to rebuke the enemy and stop the blood. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. (And we believe it, we believe it.)

33 On with the little story just to kind of get a feeling before we get right down in the few notes I've got written here, and some Scripture.

34Now he said, "Well, this old man, we'll go over and see him. He's got a lot of hollers in his place," he said, "but he's an infidel." He said, "If... He just about curse us out if we went over there."

35I said, "But we're not getting no squirrels here. We been camping two weeks. And we was dirty, and beard all out on face.

36And he said, "Well?"

l said, "Let's go over."

37 So we went a few miles down, about twenty miles. I'd been in the country down there once before, for three nights, at a Methodist campground where there had been some great things the Lord had did, and great healing service amongst the Methodist people. And then we went way back over some hills and hollers and ridges. And you just have to know Kentucky to know it, what kind of a place you had to get into. And while we went back there we come to a house, and there sat an old man, two old men, setting out there with their old hats slouched down over their face, and--and he said, "There he is," he said, "he's a tough one." Said, "He hates that word of a 'preacher,'" he said.

38So I said, "Well, I just better set in the car, or we won't get to hunt at all." I said, "You go in and ask him if we can hunt."

39So he got out and started walking in, he spoke to them. And in Kentucky, always, you know, it's "come in," and so forth. And so he went up there and he said, "I just wondered if we could hunt a while on your place."

40 The old man setting there, about seventy-five years old, tobacco running down his mouth, he said... spit, and he said, "What's your name?"

He said, "My name is Wood."

He said, "Are you any relation to old man Jim that used to live..."

He said, "Yeah, I'm Jim's boy." Said, "I'm Banks. Yeah."

41"Well," he said, "old man Jim was an honest man." Said, "Certainly, help yourself." He said--said, "Are you by yourself?"

He said, "No, my pastor is out there."

He said, "What?"

He said, "My pastor is out in the car," said, "he's hunting with me."

42He said, "Wood, you don't mean you've got so low-down till you have to tote a preacher with you wherever you go?"

43 So he's a rough, old character, so I thought I'd better get out of the car, you know. So I got out and walked around, and he said, "Well, and you're a preacher, huh?"

44I said, "Yes, sir." He looked me up and down; squirrel blood, and dirt. He said--he said... I said, "Don't look much like it."

45He said, "Well, I kind of like that." He said, "You know, I want to tell you something." He said, "I'm supposed to be an infidel!"

46I said, "Yes, sir, I understood that." I said, "I don't think it's much to brag about, though. Do you?"

47And he said, "Well," he said, "I don't know." He said, "I'm going to tell you what I think of you guys."

I said, "All right."

48He said, "You're barking up the wrong tree." And how many knows what that means? See? It means it's a lying dog, you see; the coon's not up there at all, see. He said, "You're barking up the wrong tree."

I said, "That's to opinion."

49And he said, "Well," he said, "look, you see that old chimney standing up there?"


50"I was borned up there, seventy-five years ago." And said, "I've lived right here in these hills all along through all these years." And said, "I've looked towards the skies, I've looked here and there, and, surely, in all these seventy-five years, I would have seen something that looked like God. Didn't you think so?"

51I said, "Well, it depends on what you're looking at. See, what you're looking for."

52 And he said, "Well," he said, "I--I certainly don't believe there is such a creature. And I believe you fellows just simply get out and swindle the people out of their money and everything. And that's the way it goes."

53I said, "Well, you're an American citizen, you have a right to your own--own thinking."

54He said, "There's one guy, one time, that I heard of," he said, "that I would sure... If he... If I would ever get to talk with that fellow," said "I'd like to--to ask him a few questions."

I said, "Yes, sir."

55He said, "It was a preacher, you might know him." Said, "He had a meeting up here in Campbellsville, not long ago, in a church yard up there, a campground." And he said, "I forget his name." Said, "He's from Indiana."

And--and I said, "Oh? Yes, sir."

56And Brother Wood started to say, "Well, I..." ("Don't say that.") And so he said...

I said, "What about him?"

57 He said, "Well," he said, "old lady..." (somebody) "up there on the hill..." Said, "You know, she was dying with cancer." And said, "Wife and I would go up there of a morning to--to change her bed." Said, "They couldn't even raise her up high enough to put her on the bedpan," said, "just had to pull a draw sheet." And said, "She was dying. She had been to Louisville, and said the doctors had give her up and said she was 'going to die.'"

58"And her sister went up to that meeting, and said, 'That preacher was standing up there on the platform, looked back over the audience and called this woman by name, and told her, "When she left, she took a handkerchief and put it in her--her purse." And called this woman's name down here, twenty miles below here, and said how she was suffering with cancer, what her name was, and all she'd been through; said, "Take that handkerchief and go lay it on the woman," and said that "the woman will be healed of her cancer."'"

59 And said, "They come down here that night." Said, "Honest, I heard the awfulest screaming up there. I thought they had the Salvation Army turned loose on top of the hill up there. Said, 'Well,' I said, 'I guess the old sister's dead.' Said, 'We'll... Tomorrow we'll go and get the wagon, and how we take her out to get to the main road,' and said, 'so they can take her to the undertaker.' And said that the... We waited. No need of going up that time of night." Said, "It's about a mile up on the hill here." Said, "We went up there the next morning, and you know what happened?"

I said, "No, sir."

60He said, "She was setting there eating fried apple pies, and drinking coffee, with her husband."

I said, "You mean that?"

He said, "Yes, sir."

"Oh!" I said. "Now, mister, you really don't mean that."

61He said, "What bothers me is what... how did that man, and never in this country, and knew that." See?

And I said, "Oh, you don't believe that."

He said, "It's the truth."

I said, "You believe that?" See?

62 He--he said, "Well, go right up there on the hill, I can prove it to you." He's preaching back to me now, you see.

63So I--I said, "Um-um." I picked up an apple, and--and I said, "Can I have one of these apples?" and I rubbed it on my clothes.

64He said, "Well, the yellow jackets are eating them up, I guess you can have one." And then... And now I said, "Well,..." I--I bite... bit into it, and I said, "That's a nice apple."

65He said, "Oh, yes." Said, "You know what? I planted that tree there, oh, forty years ago, or something like that."

I said, "Oh, is that right?"

"Yes, sir."

66And I said, "Well, and every year..." I said, "I notice we haven't had no frost yet, it's early August." And I said, "Them leaves are falling off the trees."

67"Yes, sir. That's right, it's coming on fall. Believe we'll have a early one this time."

68 I said, "Yes, sir." Changed the subject, see. And he said... I said, "Well, you know, it's strange" I said, "how that sap goes out of that tree." I said, "And them leaves falls off, and yet there's no... they--they haven't had no frost to kill the leaf."

69And he said, "Well," he said, "what's that got to do with what we're talking about?"

70And I said, "Well, I--I just wonder." (You know, mama always said, "Give a cow enough rope and it'll hang itself, you know." So I just give him plenty of rope.)

71So he went on out, and he said, "Well, yes, what's that got to do with it?"

72I said, "You know, God brings them apples up, and you enjoy those apples and leaves, and you set in--in the shade and so forth. It goes down in the fall of the year and" I said, "comes back up again with the apples and with the leaves again."

73And he said, "Oh, that's just nature. See, that's just nature."

74 I said, "Well, of course, that's nature." I said, "That's nature, but Somebody has to control nature." See, I... he said... "You tell me now what does that?"

75And he said, "Well, it's just--just naturally nature."

76I said, "Who is it that says to that little leaf now, and the...?" I said, "Now, the reason that leaf falls off, it's because the sap goes down into the root. And what if that sap stayed up in the tree through the wintertime? What would happen?"

77Said, "It would kill the tree."

78"Well," I said, "now, what intelligence that runs that sap down into the roots, says, 'Get out of here now, it's coming fall of the year, get down into the roots and hide'? And stay down into the roots like a grave; and then next spring comes back up again, brings up more apples, and brings up more leaves and things."

79He said, "That's just nature, it'll do it." Said, "The weather! The changing, you know, coming on fall."

80I said, "Set a bucket of water on the post out there, and see if nature runs it down the bottom of the post and brings it back up again. See?" See?

"Well," he said, "you might have something."

I said, "Think of it while we go hunting."

And he said, "Well," and he said, "hunt where you want to."

81And I said, "When I come back, if you'll tell me what intelligence runs that sap out of that tree down into the roots and stay all winter and come back the next winter, I'll tell you that's the same Intelligence that told me about that woman up there."

Said, "Told you?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

He said, "You're not that preacher!"

I said, "Would you know his name?"

Said, "Yes."

I said, "Branham?"

He said, "That's him."

I said, "That--that's right." See?

82And you know what? I led the old man to Christ, right there on his own testimony.

83 And a year later I was down there and pulled a car (Indiana license on it) in the yard. They had moved away, he had died. And so when I come back, there stood his wife to really rake me over; I thought I had permission to hunt. And she come out there, she said, "Can't you read?"

84I said, "Yes, ma'am." She said, "Did you see those signs saying 'No Hunting!'?"

85I said, "Yes, ma'am, but" I said, "I--I have permission."

86"You do not have permission!" she said. And said, "We got this place--place posted for many years."

87I said, "Well, sister, I--I was wrong then, I'm sorry."

88And said, "Sorry nothing! Them Indiana license on there, and set up here, you're the boldest people!"

I said, "Could I just explain it?" I said...

She, "Who give you permission?"

89I said, "I don't know just..." I said, "It was an elderly man setting out there on the porch, when I was down here last year, and we was talking about God." See?

And she looked, she said, "Are you Brother Branham?"

And I said, "Yes, ma'am."

90She said, "Forgive me. I didn't know who you were." She said, "I want to tell you his testimony. His last dying hours, he raised up his hands and praised God." Said, "He died in Christian faith, and was carried away to God." See?

91"If they hold their peace, the rocks will immediately cry out." There's something in nature.

92 Watch the birds, watch the animals, watch everything, and you watch nature.

93Watch the little dove how he flies. What a different bird he is, see. He--he doesn't have any gall, he can't eat like the crow can. See? He has no gall in him. He doesn't have to take a bath in the--in the--in the water, because he's got something on the inside of him; it cleans him from the inside out, you see.

94That's the way the Christian is. That's the way God represented Himself, in a--in a--in a dove. See, because... and the... Jesus was represented as a Lamb. Always in nature you'll find God. And God likened us unto sheep that has to be led. Did you ever notice there, I preached a sermon on it sometime ago? That the Dove coming down on the Lamb, to lead the Lamb, and It led Him to the slaughter. The--the--the Dove! Now, if that Lamb... That Dove could not have descended upon any other type of animal, because they both had to be of the same nature. See? If the Dove would've lit upon a wolf, and he would have snorted or growled, the Dove would have took Its flight.

95Well, that's the same way now. And our ill ways, the Holy Spirit just takes His flight and goes away. It's got to have the same nature. The bird of the Heavens, the dove; the meekest animal on earth, the lamb; they can agree together. And when the Holy Spirit comes upon us and makes us new creatures, then He can lead us. But we try to live the same old life, it won't work! It just won't work.

96 Now, the first step you probably ever taken in your life, speaking of leadership, is probably the hands of some kind old mother. Them hands may be still tonight, out here in some cemetery somewhere, but that was the hand that held you to make your first step.

97Then after mother taught you how to walk, and you'd make a few steps then fall down, and get up, and you thought you were doing great things, then she turned you over to the school teacher. And then she begin to lead you to an education; of how and what you must do, and how you must learn, and--and so forth like that.

98Then after the school teacher got through with you, then you returned back, your father got a hold of you. Then when your father got a hold of you, he taught you perhaps your business; how to be a successful businessman, how to do things right. Your mother taught you how to be a--a housewife, how to cook, and so forth like that.

99Then after they got through with you, then your minister or priest got a hold of you.

100 But now who leads you? That's the question now. Now, we're all led by something tonight. We have to be. We're led. Notice!

101Now let's look at this young fellow's... what had influenced him. Let's look at the... this young businessman we would call him, 'cause he was a businessman. He was a great successful man. Let's look at his leaders.

102Perhaps, first, his mother had taught him as a little boy the things that he should do. His father had made him such a fine success, and maybe left him an--left him an inheritance, because he was a ruler himself; perhaps his father was gone, so he was a--a businessman. He was a... Let's call him, today, like a Christian businessman; or, he was a religious businessman, I think would be the best quotation.

103 This man was religious, he was by no means an infidel. And he had been taught by his mother how to do right, how to walk, how to dress himself. He had been taught by his father, a great business, and how to be a successful man; and his business was successful. And father and mother had been raised up in the church, and had pointed him to the priest. And the priest had made him a real religious man. Therefore he was a fine cultured man, he was a fine boy with good character.

104If Jesus Christ looked at him and loved him, there was something about the boy was real. Right. For the Bible said here, we find out in Mark, "And Jesus beholding him, loved him." Yeah, "Jesus beholding him, loved him." So therefore there must be something real outstanding about this young fellow. He was a... had a good character, and a good character rating. He was a man that was raised right; intelligent, smart, intellectual, successful in business, and a religious man. He had a lot of good characteristics that was outstanding, so much that it attracted the attention of Jesus Christ the Saviour. But when he was confronted, being successful in all these other things...

105 Nothing had went wrong; he was perfectly cut out right, measured up right, intelligent, right education, his success, he was smart, a fine businessman, probably belonged to a businessman's group somewhere there in Palestine. He might have belonged to a businessman's fellowship like we have here tonight, no doubt he did, because businessman has always had fellowships with another, one with the other.

106Cause just like "birds of a feather," they have things to talk about. And if this... The religious men, they don't want to talk about the man that runs the barroom and the... all of them together, 'cause they have nothing in common. We've got to have things in common. So Christians has things in common with Christians; sinners has things in common with--with sinners; and--and societies, and whatever they are, they have things in common. And this young boy probably belonged to a--a businessman's fellowship.

107 And he was religious as he could be, because Jesus, in questioning here, he said, "I have kept these commandments, observed them all from my youth." That's right.

108See, he had been brought up right, taught right, and everything. But when he was confronted with the--the thought of Eternal Life... Now I want you to notice, with all this character that he had, he yet knew he did not possess Eternal Life.

109 Now, all of our societies, our church, our membership and the things that we hold so dear, our American societies, and everything, is very fine, there's nothing to be said against that. And our Christian Business Men's society here, is a great thing, it's been a open door for me to... on my interdenominational thoughts that "we are Christians."

110There is no one (no one denomination) can claim us, a real Christian, because you belong to God. Denominations are man-made, and Christianity is Heaven-sent. But in all these things that we have, as good as they are, as fine as we come together, and as nice of meetings as we have, and social understanding that we have, yet we're each one confronted with Eternal Life. And no matter how successful we've been in business, how successful we been, and what a great church member we are, and how we work, how we try to do things right, still, if it's not done in the right way, it is a worship of God in vain.

111Jesus classed that the same way, as I stop here for a moment. He said, "In vain do you worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of man." Now think! A sincere, honest worship (with the sincerity of your heart) to God, and still be in vain! It began that way with Cain, at the Garden of Eden. Sincere worship, but was rejected! Very religious, still rejected!

112 In Shreveport last week, week before last, at a Business Men's meeting, a breakfast there where several hundreds of people had gathered, I took two and a half hours to speak on: Doing God A Service Without It Being God's Will. Now, that sounds strange, but we've got to channel ourselves into God's provided channel and God's way of doing it. No matter how much we think it's right, it's got to be according to the Word of the Lord or it's in vain. Cain worshipped, but it wasn't according to the Word of the Lord. The Pharisees worshipped, but not according to the Word of the Lord. And in this particular message to the Business Men, I taught this.

113 David, he wanted to do the Lord a service, and he was right in what he said. He said, "Is it right for the ark of the Lord to be down there? Let's bring it up here." In the days of the king, the other king that he succeeded. He said, "It's not right. They never consulted the Lord by the ark, but we must do it." Now, that's correct, what they should done. He said, "We should go get the ark, and we can consult the Lord." And that's right, it was down in the other country. Said, "We got to bring it up here. Get it up here and put it in our house here, and worship the Lord."

114Now notice he went in the wrong channel to do it. He consulted the captains of fifties and hundreds and thousands. They all was consulted, every one. Seeing it was the will of the Lord, looked like that it was the--the Word of the Lord.

115 The Word of the Lord, sometimes, you have to put It in Its right place or it's not the Will of the Lord. See? Now let that soak deep and you'll get a--a general conception of what I'm trying to say.

116I don't want the church to fall into the steps that you found over there in England: long hair, and painted-face men, and pervert. We don't want that! No matter how religious it sounds, and how much Elvis Presley can sing religious songs, he's still a devil. And I'm no judge, but "By their fruits you know them." See? He's a Pentecostal, but that don't make a bit of difference. See, your fruits bear record of what you are.

117No matter if the Spirit comes upon him, he could speak in tongues, he could shout, he could heal the sick, and Jesus said, "Many of them will come to Me in that day, and say, 'Lord, haven't I done this and that?' And I'll say, 'Depart from Me, you that work iniquity, I never even knew you.'" See?

118We've got to be real, genuine Christians, and the only way we can do that is confront it with this question here of "Eternal Life."

119 There's only one form of Eternal Life, and that comes from God. And He foreordained every creature that would ever have It. Just as you were the gene in your father, you was a gene in God; one of His attributes to begin with, or you'll never be There. You come forth in the bedding ground of your mother; your father didn't know you, you were in his loins. And when you come forth in the bedding ground of the mother, then you become a human being and are made in the image of your father, now you can fellowship with him. And the same thing by God, if you got Eternal Life.

120The life that you come in, the natural life, physical life, that was by your father. And the only way you can come born again, is the only way, is it has to be from your Heavenly Father, His attributes. "All the Father has given Me will come to Me." See?

121You are here because your name was placed on the Lamb's Book of Life before there was even a foundation of the world. That's exactly right. You're a gene, a spiritual gene out of your Heavenly Father, a part of God's Word. That be so, as I've said, then you was with Jesus when He was here because He was the Word: you suffered with Him, died with Him, buried with Him, and rose with Him, and now setting in Heavenly places in Him!

122 Notice, David thought everything was fine, and he consulted all these people, and they every one begin to dance and shout and scream. They had all their religious motions that there was, but still it wasn't God's will to go down and bring the Word of God back to the house of God. But, you see, God always (in all ages) works through one way. His first decision is His only decision, because He's perfect in His decisions. He never does nothing except He first reveals it to His servants, the prophets. That's exactly.

123That's why this, the church age that we live in. There's no church, no Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostals, or anything else, can ever put this Church into the Bride. It'll have to be the answering of Malachi 4, for God to send a prophet to be revealed to, 'cause that's the only way. Our churches denominate and throw the thing into a mess and huddle, just like they've always been, and God always sends the prophets.

124 And there was Nathan standing in the land, a vindicated prophet before God, and he wasn't even consulted.

125And they went down there and cost the life of a honest man, and so forth, and took the ark. Instead of putting it on the shoulders of the Levites, to pack it, they put it on a cart to pack it. Altogether messed up!

126You see, if you don't go according to the--the will of God, and the way that God has give us to go, they always get It messed up and take It off in some organization, denomination, some message, and there you go. See? It's always been done that way.

127 That's the same thing that this boy was confronted with. He come in; he had been a--a--a member of maybe the Pharisees or Sadducees, or some great order of that day. He was religious as he could be. He said, "I've observed these commandments I've been taught, since I was a youth." See? And Jesus loved him for it. But he refused to be guided, he refused to accept the real leadership of Jesus Christ to give him Eternal Life.

128Notice, he believed there was something different than what he had, or he would have never said, "Good Master, what must I do now?"

129See, he wanted to do something himself. That's the way we do, we want to do something ourself. The Gift of God is a free gift. God give It to you, you don't do one thing for It. He ordained It to you, and you're going to have It. See?

130 Notice, he knew It was there. He believed in It and wanted It. But when he was confronted with how he had to do it, it was different from his ritual. It was different. He could hold his money and belong on to the church that he belonged to, and so forth. But Jesus knew that, and knew that he had hoarded this money, and He said, "Go sell all you got, and give it to the poor. And come, take up your cross and follow Me, and you'll have treasures in Heaven." But he couldn't do it.

131The other leaders that he had in his youthful days, had such an influence on him till he refused to accept God's provided Way, which was Jesus Christ; the only One who holds Eternal Life, the only One that can give you It. Not the church can give you Eternal Life; not your neighbor; not your pastor; not your priest; not your creed; only Jesus Christ Himself can give you Eternal Life. He's the...

132No matter how good you are, what you quit doing, what you start doing, you've got to accept the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. And then when you do that, He is the Word, and then your life fits right in the Word and it manifests itself to this age that you're living in.

133 Noah had to do that for the Word to be manifested in his age. Now, what if Moses come along, said, "We know what Noah done, we'll take Noah's word. We'll do it just the way Noah did it. We'll build a--a ark and float down the Nile River, and go out of Egypt"? Why, it wouldn't a-worked. See, that was another age.

134Jesus couldn't have come with Moses' message; Luther couldn't come with the Catholic message; Wesley couldn't come with the Luther's message; the Pentecost couldn't come with the Wesley age message. And the Bride can't be formed in the Pentecostal denomination, it just can't do it. And that's exactly right. She's done organized and went out here, and there she sets, just like the rest of them. It's a shuck. Just like the life comes up through the... See?

135 That writer, as I spoke the other night, that writer that wrote this book... And not 'cause he criticized me so bad, said I was "A devil, if there was such a thing." So he said he didn't believe in God. He said, "A God that could fold His arms and set up and watch them martyrs, through the early ages, and claim to have power to open the Red Sea, and let them women and children be tore to pieces by lions and so forth, and then said He was a loving God." Said, "There's no such a creature." See, the fellow, without inspiration of the Word, fails to see It.

136 The first corn of wheat, the Bridegroom, had to fall into the earth in order to rise again. So did the first Bride that was born at Pentecost had to go through that Dark Ages like any other seed, be buried. They had to die. They must do it. But it started sprouting again in Luther, in the first reformation. It didn't look like the seed that went in, but it was the Light of that day. The stalk then went on into the tassel, Wesley. And from the tassel it went into Pentecost, the shuck.

137When you see into the wheat, when it comes forth, the corn of wheat, a man that's raised wheat, you go out and see that wheat form in there, it looks just exactly like the grain. But if you'll take a tweezer and set down and take that wheat and open it up, there's no grain in there at all. It's just a shuck. And then what? It's--it's formed there, to hold the grain. See? And then, the first thing you know, the life left the--the--the stalk to go into the tassel; left the tassel go into the shuck; it leaves the shuck and goes into the wheat. Three stages, see, of it. And then forms the Wheat outside of the three stages (Luther, Wesley, Pentecost). Just exactly. See, no doubt. You can't interrupt nature.

138 Now look, every three years after a message has went forth sent from God, they organize. This has been twenty years, and there's no organization. It won't. See? Now the shuck has to pull away, give the Wheat a chance to lay before the Son, to ripen; the Message coming right back into the Church again, forming the Body of Jesus Christ just like the first original One that went into the ground. Now, to see the--the Eternal Life.

139 The Life, sure the--the stalk back here carried the Life. Certainly, it did. But, you see, when it become the stalk and it was finished, the organization, the Life went right on into Wesley; come right out, went in. And once, each one of them. One, a big blade, don't look like the grain. But when the little pollen comes, like the... on the--the shuck... or on the stalk, the pollen of the tassel, it looks a whole lot like the grain. But when it comes down to that shuck, it's almost there.

140Didn't Jesus say, "In the last days" (Matthew 24:24) "the two would be so close it would deceive the very genes, predestinated, the Elected Ones, if it was possible"? Almost like the real thing, see. So, in the last days. Now, you see, it's wheat time now. It's getting harvest time. This is not Luther's age, this is not Pentecost age, this is the Bride age.

141As Moses called a nation out of a nation, Christ today is calling a Church out of a church, you see; the same thing in type, taking them to the glorious Eternal Promised Land.

142 Now, to refuse that Person that's doing the calling, Christ, no matter if you're Pentecostal, Methodist, Luther, whatever you are, you got to... This age! Nothing against them, not at all, but in this age now you've got to accept (like they did in that age) the Person of Christ which is the Word!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,...

... the same yesterday,... today, and for ever.

Hebrews 13:8. See, you must accept that Person of Eternal Life!

143 Now, what Life Luther had, was justification. Wesley had sanctification, added to it. The Pentecost had the restoration of the gifts coming back in it, added to it. But now it's completing in the body, you see, the three phases of it, and out of that... Now, when the resurrection comes, the Life that lived in them Lutherans, that's went out, the Life that lived in the Methodists and went out, the Life that went into Pentecostals, will all be raptured out of the ground in the Body of the Bride to be taken in before Jesus Christ. Glory to God! Oh, it's exciting! It's the Truth!

144 We've turned a corner! We're looking towards Heaven, watching for the coming; the Cap on the Pyramid, as we would say, His coming back! The Church must be resurrected soon, and we must get ready.

145And the only way you can, is not say, "Well, I belong to the Assemblies. I belong to the Oneness, Twoness," or whatever it is, all them there, "I belong to the church of God," that don't mean a thing. "Our fathers shouted and danced," that's just perfectly all right, that was their day. But today you're confronted not with the organization that they made, but with the Life that's going on, which is Jesus Christ.

146 This young fellow had done the same thing. Moses wrote those commandments. But, you see, the same God that wrote the commandment by His prophet, was the same thing that prophesied the day would come, "I'll raise up a Prophet likened unto me. And it'll come to pass that all that don't hear Him will be cut off"; back in the denominational shucks and tassels. They must go on to Life. And today, don't say, "I'm Pentecost. I belong to this, I belong to that." That don't mean nothing. You've got to accept the Person Christ, Eternal Life. Confronts every one of us! Don't forget that.

147The other leaders, you see, they had such a hold on him. Their peoples is taught, "Well, we belong to this, and we belong to that," and had such a hold on him. But what a fatal thing, to reject the leadership of Eternal Life!

148 Now, that Life is present tonight. That's right. The Holy Spirit is here, which is Christ in Spirit form; His Spirit, the anointing is here.

... a little while, and the world seeth me no more; yet ye will see me:...

... For I'll be with you, even in you, to the consummation, to the end of the world.

149Jesus alone can lead you to that Eternal Life. There's no church, no denomination, no preacher, no priest, no nothing else can lead you to It, you must be led by Him, the only One that can lead you.

150 Could you imagine Him leading you out of His Word, which that's Him? And if He is the Word, and you're a part of Him, won't you be a part of the Word? The Word that God wants to pour the waters of salvation upon today, to identify Him today; like the apostles identified Him, like Luther, like Wesley, like in the people in them days identified Him. This is another age. It's the Word! The Word said these things that we're seeing taking place now, is predicted to take place in this hour. So accept Jesus Christ and let Him lead you to Eternal Life.

151 Though he had achieved, this young fellow... He had achieved all good things. In school, been fine. As a good boy, no doubt, he had been good. As a real father... In listening to his daddy in business, he had been a good--a good boy. Good to his parents. He had been loyal to his priest. He had been loyal to his church. He had been loyal to the commandments of God. But he lost the greatest thing, and the rest of them didn't mean very much to him when he turned down the leadership of Eternal Life, Jesus Christ.

152Notice! This leadership confronts every one of us today, the same thing as it did that young man, we... no matter how religious we are. You may be Catholic, you may be Baptist, Methodist, or you may be Pentecostals, or whatever you are, this same thing confronts you tonight: Eternal Life, that's, acceptance of Jesus Christ. We are given this opportunity.

153 Sometime in life we have to confront the thing just like this young man did, because you are a mortal being and you are given the--you are given the opportunity of choice. You have a choice. God made it so you can choose. If He put Adam and Eve on free moral agency so they could choose, and then they made the wrong choice, and, see, He can do no more to you than He did to them. He's got to put you the same thing so you can choose or reject.

You have a choice. Let's look at some of them:

154You have a choice, as a young man, whether you're going to have an education or not. You have that choice. You can want to be "just not have it," you can just refuse it.

155You have a choice of your conduct. I'm going to hurt just a little bit here. See? You can go out and let your hair grow down and be a beatle or some of these ignoramuses.

156Or you women, you can look like a--a decent human being or you can be one of these weird creatures that we have out there, them blued eyes. And water-head haircuts and things, they're completely against the Word of God, which is absolutely contrary; not even offer... couldn't offer a prayer to be accepted. That's the Truth. Exactly right. That's what the Bible said.

157But what's happened to you, church? You've seen so much television, so much things of the world, it's so easy for your old Adam nature to drift into that, to act like the rest of them.

158 May I repeat this again! In the kosher, in the offering of the--the--the atonement in the days of Moses, when Moses brought the children out, there was to be seven days that there was to be no leaven among the people. Anyone knows that. In Exodus, "No leaven shall be found in your camp at all, seven days." That seven days represented the full "seven church ages." See?

159"No leaven." Now, what is that? No creed, no world. Jesus said, "If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God's not even in you." See? And we're trying to mix that; you can't do it! You've got to come to one thing to believe: you're either going to believe God, you're going to believe your church, you're going to believe the world. You--you cannot mix it together. And you can't hold to them old things that the other church before you did. You've got to take the Message of the hour.

160 He said, "What was left over, don't let it stay till morning (to come into this other age), burn it with fire; be destroyed." That the age that you're living in, the Message of this age, It's got to be brought out of the Scriptures and vindicated and proved by God that it's God doing so. Then you either receive That or reject It. That's Eternal Life, leadership of the Holy Spirit, leading His Church.

161We could stay on that a long time, but let's move, just keep moving along.

162 The choice of your conduct. You could... You can't mix it now. You're either for God or against God, and the outward expressions shows exactly what's on the inside. See? The cocklebur... Many of you think, "I got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, I'm going to Heaven." That don't mean one thing that you're going to Heaven. No, sir. You can have the baptism of the Holy Ghost every hour in your life, and still be lost and go to hell. The Bible says so. Uh-huh, that's exactly right.

163 Look here, you are a outside person. You have five senses that contacts that outside body. God gave you five senses; not to contact Him, your earthly home: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear.

164Then you have a spirit on the inside of that, and it has five outlets: conscience, and love, and so forth. Five outlets that you contact the spirit world with that, but with your spirit.

165Your physical contacts the physical. Your spiritual contacts the spiritual. But inside of that you've got a soul, and that soul is that gene that come from God.

166 And like a baby formed in its mother's womb. When the baby comes into the--to the mother's womb by the little germ, it crawls into the egg. It doesn't form one cell a human, the next a dog, and the next a cat, and the next a horse. It's all human cells because it's building off of an original human cell.

167And when a man has been borned again by the Word of God, predestinated to Eternal Life, called "The Elected," it'll be Word of God on top of Word, Word on Word! Not a denominational creed and then a Word, and a creed; and it won't work. You can't have that leaven in It! Only one Eternal Life, Jesus Christ the Word:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,...

168 Friends, you feed my children. You send me across the mission fields to the world, to bring the Message. I got to be sincere with you. What I'm looking at, maybe you don't see. That's what I'm here to try to tell you. It's not because I don't love people, it's because I do love people. Corrective. When I see the slipping of the church, going off, say, "Well, we did this and we did that," and look around over the church and see the... It just won't work.

169Then look here in the Bible and see it's got to be that way at the end, that lukewarm Laodicean Church Age, putting Jesus out (the Word). He never called... He ain't going to call no church. He said, "As many as I love, I rebuke. I chasten them." Taking the Word and pound It on, and telling, "You're wrong in it!" That's the reason I love you. "If you'll open the door and let Me in, I'll come in and sup with you." Not a church, He's done put out of that.

170 She's headed for the Ecumenical Council. That's where she's gone, right back into Rome where she come from. And that's exactly. I've got that wrote on paper from twenty-five years ago, or thirty-three years ago, and there it is. Not only that, it's wrote in the Bible, from a vision. She's gone back. There's no way of saving it, it's gone! It's going to be that way.

171God's calling individuals. "I stand at the door and knock. If any man, any person..." One individual out of a thousand, it might be one out of a million.

172As I said a few nights ago. When Israel come up out of Egypt, there were just two million people come, and just two million; just one... just two people went in. One out of a million. Did you know that? Caleb and Joshua.

173And Jesus, when He was on earth, they said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness. We're keeping the traditions. And we're doing this. We know where we're standing!"

174He said, "I know your fathers eat manna in the wilderness, and they're every one Eternally separated. They're dead!"

175 When the sperm comes from the male or female, there's a million eggs comes, there's a million germs come. And out of all them little germs, of the kind... If it's--if it's from the male cow, or the man, or whatever it is, there's just millions of germs, a million germs working. In there there's only one of those germs that's ordained to life, for there's one egg over there, fertile, to meet it. That's right. Only one egg it'll meet. Just like this body here setting here, and the germ comes from God. See? And watch that little germ come up among all these other germs, and wiggle around them, right on past them, go over here and find that fertile egg and--and crawl right into it; and the rest of them dies.

176What if it was that way with the church today, one out of a million? See where it would be? "Strait is the gate and narrow is the Way, and few there'll be that'll find It; because broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there'll be that go in thereat."

"Is that truth, Brother Branham?" I don't know, but I'm just quoting Scripture. See?

177 Now, you're ordained to Life. You see It if you're ordained to see It. If you're not ordained to see It, you won't see It. Said, "They have eyes but they can't see, ears and can't hear." How thankful you should be, church! How you should straighten yourself up from these things! How you should be on fire for God! That your eyes beholds what you see, your ears hears the things you see. Leadership! Why did you come here tonight to hear a Message like This? I'm branded across the world, by the churches, as a "fanatic." Why did you come? The Holy Spirit led you here (see? see?) to listen. Circumcise! Cut away the things of the world, accept the leadership of Jesus Christ, or you'll perish as sure as the world.

178 You have a choice of conduct. How you conduct yourself, that's up to you.

179You have a choice of wife. You go out and take your wife. You want to take a wife, you want to take one that's complementary to your... to what you want your... plan your future home to be. Could you imagine a man, a Christian man, going out and taking one of these modern Rickettas for a wife? Huh? Could you imagine? What's the man thinking about? What kind of a home is he going to have if he takes a striptease, a burlesque off of the street out here, a street prostitute? "Oh," you say, "now, wait a minute." How does she dress herself? See? See? Wear shorts and things, she's a street prostitute. "Oh," you say, "now, Brother Branham!" Oh, them little ol' tight skirts, look like you're poured into, street prostitute.

180 Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her in his heart." Then he's got to answer for that. And what'd she do? She presented herself. Who's guilty? Think of it.

181You say, "They don't make any other clothes." They got goods and sewing machines. No excuse. Huh-uh. That's exactly.

182Now, I don't want to hurt you. And this is not a joke, this is THUS SAITH THE LORD from the Scriptures. It's exactly true, friend. I'm an old man, I haven't got much longer to stay, but I've got to tell you the Truth. If this is my last message, it's the Truth. See? Don't, sister. Don't, brother.

183 And you fellows that's hanging onto a--a creed, and knowing the Word of God being vindicated right before you. The baptism of the Holy Ghost and these realities that we have today, and then, because of your creed, turn away from It? How can you be a son of God and deny the Word of God that's predicted for this last days that we're living in? How can you do it? How can the Bible call this...

184As I said last night about a--a king one time, down in the South when they had the colored down there was sold for slaves. Why, they was no more than just a--a used car market, you get a bill of sales on them. And I was alarmed, at a little place... I read one day where a--a broker come along to buy some, and he said, "Well, now, I'd like..." They was sad, you'd have to whip them, make them work because they was away from home. They was sold, slaves. And they in a foreign country they knowed nothing about, and they'd never be back home again, and they were sad. You had to whip them, make them work. But this broker come by a certain plantation.

185 One young fellow there with his chest out, his chin up, you didn't have to whip him. He was right up, and he kept the morals of the rest of them up.

The broker said, "I'll buy him."

186He said, "He's not for sale. Ain't going to. You ain't going to buy him, because he's not for sale."

187He said, "Well, what makes him so much different?" Said, "Is he the boss over the rest of them?"

Said, "No."

Said, "Do you feed him different?"

188Said, "No. He's a slave, he eats out there in the galley with the rest of them."

Said, "What makes him so much difference?"

189He said, "I wondered myself, till I found out. Over in Africa (where they come from, where the Boers bought them, and brought them over here and sold them for slaves), over there his father is a king of the tribe. And yet, an alien, away from home, he knows he's the son of a king. So he conducts himself that way."

190 What a rebuke to Christianity! We're supposed to represent God and Eternal Life. There's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. He alone has Eternal Life. And we are products of His, because we're genes of His Spirit. Then we should conduct ourself, women and men, like the Bible said for us to do. Not Jezebels of the street, and Rickies of the organization; but Christian gentlemen, sons and daughters of God, borned of the Spirit of God, manifesting the Light in our days and scattering It. That's exactly right.

191 How far we've drifted from It! Why? The same thing this boy did here. He rejected, refused Eternal Life, because It would cost him his social standing, It'd cost him his--his--his luxury of money, It'd cost him his fellowship in the church, It'd cost him a lot of things. He knowed what It was going to cost him, he was a sensible boy, and he felt that he couldn't pay the price. Yet he thought, "I'll just trust my religion and go on." But down in his heart he knowed there was something about Jesus Christ was different from them priests of that day.

192 And any Message that's come in, a genuine, borned Message of God, is different from the old trend. When a Divine healing went forth, not long ago, did you notice how the impersonators followed it? See? And every one of them went right in them organizations, staying there. Does anyone know that there had to be a Message follow that? Why, God don't entertain us! He attracts our attention with something, and when He attracts our attention, then He's got His Message.

193Look when He was first come on the earth, and started His ministry, "O young Rabbi, we want You over here in our church. We... Come on down here." The young Prophet. "Oh, we want You over here. Come here."

194But one day He stood up and said, "I and My Father are One."

195"Oh, my! He makes Hisself God."

196"Except you eat the Flesh of the Son of man and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

197"He's a vampire! We have nothing to do with that."

198Them apostles set right there; thousands left Him, but those apostles were ordained to Life. He said so. They couldn't explain It; they believed It. They stayed right with It because, said, "No man could do these works."

199 Even the priests knowed that. Nicodemus said, "We know" (the Sanhedrin council) "that no man could do these works except it be from God." See?

200Peter, on the Day of Pentecost, said, "Jesus of Nazareth, a Man approved of God among you. God was with Him."

201Look in the Scriptures, what the Scriptures said would do. Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures, in Them you think you have Eternal Life. They are what testifies of Me. If you would have knowed Moses, you'd know Me, for Moses wrote that I would come, in the form that I would come in." He come as the Son of man.

202 He comes in three names, as God. Three (like Father, Son, and Holy Ghost), same God, it's three attributes.

203Now then, also, justification, sanctification....; Luther, Martin, and--and the--and the Pentecostal; same thing: three attributes, three stations, three church ages.

204Same thing: water, blood, and spirit. Oh, just as you go along, the three elements that takes you back into the body. Like it brings you from your natural birth, types your spiritual birth. The baby's born, the first thing's water, next blood, and then life. That's the way you come into the Kingdom of God, the same way. See? That's the way the Church comes in, the same way. Same thing. Now notice on these three things, God has formed His... forming His body.

205 Now we find that in here, that you have a right in your choice. You choose the girl you want to marry; she accepts you, all right.

206Then another thing, you have a choice of whether you want to live or whether you don't want to live. You choose now between Life and death. You can live.

207That boy had that choice. He was success in everything else, a religious man, but he knowed that when that... He spoke it of hisself, "I've observed all these commandments since I was a youth," but he knowed he didn't have Eternal Life. See? And he had a choice to accept It or to refuse It, and he turned It down. That was the most fatal mistake he could ever made. The rest of it wouldn't amounted. It don't, it doesn't amount, unless you take That choice.

208 Now let us follow him at his choosing, and see where it led him to. Now, see where he chose. Now, look, he was--he was a rich man, he was a businessman, he was a ruler, and he was a religious man. All that!

209Today we'd say, "Boy, he's a genuine Methodist, or Baptist, or a Pentecostal. He--he's a real fellow, real nice boy. Fine!" Nothing you could say about him; friendly, nice, sociable, and everything. No immorals about him. He didn't probably smoke, drink, or run around to shows and dances, and whatever we'd call it today, as we would class a Christian. But that ain't Eternal Life yet! That ain't what we're talking about. He might have been loyal to his church, in which he probably was. But, you see, and what did it lead him to? Great popularity. Let's say, if he was a preacher, he could a-been... got a better church. He could a-been the state presbyter or a bishop. See? It leads you to popularity, and it led him to riches and to fame.

210 It might do the same thing today, you have a great talent to sing. I thought of that young man a while ago that sang that song here; how he had give that to the Devil, and now he get it back... And how different between him and Elvis Presley and some of these. Pat Boone, and a group like that, Ernie Ford, them guys, great singers; and take their talents, that God-given talents, and use it to inspire the--the works of the Devil. That's right. Some great singer selling their God-given talents for fame in this world, to become somebody. How could you become any more of a "body" than you could, to be a somebody, than to be a son of God?

211I don't care if you own the whole city, the whole world, and you haven't accepted the leadership of Eternal Life by the Holy Spirit (Christ), how you going to... Who are you, anyhow? You're a dead mortal, dead in sin and trespasses! Religious as you want to be; as faithful as you want to be to the church; preacher, if you want to be in the pulpit; but to turn down, you die!

212 He was a great success. He was a great success here in this life. Certainly. We find him where we notice... Then we find this fellow, that he went... We follow him a little bit, and we see he got a great successful. And we follow him through the Bible. We notice that he--he... We find him a rich man. He's got such great big places, he was entertaining the judge and the mayor of the city, or whatmore. He's up on top of his roof, and he has great banquets; and plenty of waitresses, and women, girls, and everything else, around him. And there's a beggar laying at the gate, named Lazarus. He sweeps the crumbs off to him. We know the story. The next thing, he goes on successful, just like the churches today are getting.

213A businessman setting here, telling me, "Right here in California, that the church has to tell the labor union what to do." See, it's coming church and state again. It's right on you. You see, you're right in there, and you take the mark of the beast not knowing it.

214 If you ever bought one of my tapes, get this when I get it, when I get home, The Trail Of The Serpent; and you'll see where it's at, see where this ends up at. Going home now to speak, if the Lord willing. It's about four hours, so I couldn't keep it at one of the meeting like this. I have to go up there where the church suffers with me so long, patiently. Notice. But now you can listen at the tape sometime in your home.

215 Notice this, now we find out that he was a great success. Then we find him later till he was a greater success, until he said, "I have got so much!" Boy, he'd a-made a real genuine guy of this day. Wouldn't he? "Even my barns has swelled out, they're bursting. And I've got so much till I said, 'Oh, soul, take your rest.'"

216But, what he done at the beginning, he rejected the leadership of Jesus Christ. His church, his intelligence, his education, and all, had lead him to a success. All the Jews loved him. He give to them, he helped them, he might have done this, that, or the other. But, you see, he rejected the--the--the leadership of Jesus Christ, the Eternal Life. And that... The Bible said, He said, "Thou fool, tonight your soul is required."

217And now we find him (the next place) in hell; lifting up his eyes and seeing that beggar, that he turned out the street, in the bosoms of Abraham. What a fatal mistake! How that the churches had--had--had--had--had been all right in the way that they went, but they still hadn't had Eternal Life.

218 Reminds me of a sermon I preached here not long ago, A Thinking Man's Filter. You might have had it. I was going, walking through the woods, I was squirrel hunting (this fall) and I looked down. And, of course, I can't call the cigarette company. You know it. And there laid a--a cigarette pack laying there. And I just passed by it, looking for... in the woods. And I seen that package laying there, and I looked back again, it said, "A thinking man's filter, a smoking man's taste." I just started walking on through the woods.

219And Holy Spirit said, "Turn and pick that up."

220I reached down and picked it up, "A thinking man's filter, a smoking man's taste." I thought, "American firm here, selling death under disguisement, to their own American citizens." A thinking man's filter? You... And a smoking man's taste?

221 I was at the World Fair, with Yul Bryan... Brynner, and them up there, when he giving all that test. And how he put one cigarette and drawed the... across a marble and took the... Wiped up the nicotine and put it on a rat's back, a white rat, and in seven days he was so full of cancer he couldn't walk. And they said, "You know, they say a 'filter,'" said, "it's a gimmick, sells more cigarettes."

222It takes so much nicotine to satisfy that devil. That's right. And when you take a filtered cigarette, it takes about four cigarettes to take the place of one. It's a gimmick to sell you more cigarettes. You cannot have smoke unless you got tar; and tar, you've got cancer. See how it is? And the blind Americans, looking for a rabbit to come out of a hat somewhere, they fall for it. You can't have it; it's death, I don't care which way you go, it's death any way you go. "A thinking man's filter," a thinking man wouldn't smoke at all, that's right, if he's got any thoughts at all.

223 Well, I thought that just can comply to the churches. See? I think, has God got a filter? Yes.

224And every church has got a filter. That's right. They filter ones that comes in, and they let a lot of death in too.

225How could you ever draw a denomination through God's Filter? How could you do it? How could you draw a bobbed-hair woman through that Filter? Tell me. How could you ever draw a woman that wears slacks through There, when "It's an abomination for her to put on a garment pertains to a man"? See, God's Filter would catch her out there, It wouldn't let her come in. (But the church has got their own filters.) So I say that there is a thinking man's Filter, that's God's Word, and It suits a holy man's taste. That's right, a holy man; not a church man, but a holy man's taste. Because It's pure, holiness, unadulterated Word of God! There is a thinking man's Filter. And church member, I advise you to use That one.

226Because it brings in the world, and one lump of it is death. One lump leavens, the one little leaven leavens the whole lump. "Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."

227 At the Garden of Eden, what caused death, and all this sorrow, every heartache, every little dying baby, every rattle in the throat, every ambulance screaming, every hospital, every graveyard? Was because Eve doubted one Word (not all of It), it just perverted It. Now, God said, "Man," there, "he was to keep every Word of God." Now, that's the first of the Bible.

228In the middle of the Bible, Jesus come, and He said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Not just part of Them, every one.

229In the last of the Bible, Revelation 22, Jesus give the testimony of Himself. The Revelation of the--of the Bible is Jesus Christ. And He said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of here, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."

230Now, you go through that thinking man's Filter, you'll have a holy man's taste when you come out of There. Right. You'll have a saintly taste.

231 Sister, you that wear those clothes, think of it. You're going to... You say, "I'm virtuous to my husband." "I'm virtuous to my boyfriend." "I'm a virtuous girl." But what about that sinner that looked at you? When he answers for adultery, who did it? See, you'll be guilty. See it written in the Word, so it's the... See? Oh, be a thinking woman. Be a thinking...

232You might say, "It might..." Well, what if it does happen to be that way? He said so, and one Word can't fail. See?

233 The great man told me not long ago, called me into his room, said, "I'm going to lay hands on you, Brother Branham. You're ruining your ministry, preaching such things."

234I said, "Any ministry that the Word of God will ruin, ought to be ruined." See?

235He said, "I'll lay hands on you." Said, "You was sent to pray for the sick."

236I said, "Do you believe those things, brother?"

He said, "No. But it's not our business."

I said, "Whose business is it, then?" See?

"Well," he said, "that's the pastor's business."

237I said, "Look at the congregation." Uh-huh. That's right. See?

238Every year I pass through preaching these things, and I think, "Surely they get It," next year I come back, there's more than ever. See? That's right. It goes to show that "Many are called but few are chosen."

239 The leadership is the Holy Spirit, friend. It leads you and guides you into all Truth, when He the Holy Ghost is come. Now think of that. Take the thinking man's Filter, that's the Bible. Not your creed, not your church; you'll be lost. Take the thinking man's Filter.

240That's where that boy didn't think. He took the church filter. He become popular, a great man, "But in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torment."

241Now you take the thinking man's Filter, Jesus Christ, the Word, and you'll desire a holy person's taste, because It'll satisfy that. If you got the Holy Spirit in you, This satisfies it.

242If the Holy Spirit isn't there, you say, "Oh, well, I don't think that means any difference." Look what you've done right there! Same thing Eve done. You're right back in the same place.

243 Now let's go a little farther. Now let's take... leave that man there, that didn't use the thinking man's Filter. He refused to accept the leadership of Jesus Christ, to Eternal Life.

244Now let us take another rich, young businessman, a ruler with the same opportunity that this man had. And accept It, he accepted the leadership of Christ. Now, there's two of them in the Bible that we're going to talk about. That one we see that refused It, now let's take this man: another rich, young businessman, and a ruler. And he accepted the Leadership.

245 The Scriptures tell us about this fellow, if you want to mark it down, in Hebrews 11: 23 to 29.

... Moses, by faith, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter;

Choosing rather to suffer the afflictions of God...

Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater treasures than all the treasures of Egypt:...

246See, he accepted Eternal Life. Moses esteemed the--the--the reproach of Christ greater treasures than all the treasures the world had. Moses esteemed That the greatest. Now, this rich man didn't.

247 And Moses was a rich, young ruler, to become a Pharaoh. He was Pharaoh's son, and was heir to the throne. And he looked out to the impossible, a bunch of mud-daubers, a bunch of slaves. But by faith he saw the promise of God, through the Word, "That his people would sojourn in a strange land for four hundred years, but would be brought out by a mighty hand." And he esteemed That (hallelujah) greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt, for he forsook Egypt not knowing where he was going. He was led by Christ. He forsook!

248And he had his foot on the throne, and he could been--been the next Pharaoh in Egypt. But he esteemed the reproach of Christ. The reproach! To be called that "odd one," be called that "fanatic," to take his place with the mud-daubers and the fanatics; because he seen that the hour, that the Scripture was promised to be fulfilled, was there then.

249And O church, wake up! Can't you see the same thing tonight? The hour that's been promised is on us. Esteem the reproach of Jesus Christ greater riches than all the fellowship of anything; if it takes father and mother, church, anything else. Follow the leadership of the Spirit!

250 Let us follow this Christ for a few... this Moses for a little while. There, I did that. Let's watch his life. The first thing, when he had accepted to take the reproach of Christ and forsake his education, forsake all of his wisdom... He was taught in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. And all of his popularity, his throne, his scepter, his kingship, his crown, everything he had, he rejected it!

251And this other fellow wanted it, and refused Christ; and this man refused that, and accepted Christ. And quickly what happened? He had to separate himself.

252Hallelujah! The word means "Praise our God!" It's too bad that we're forgetting it.

253 He rejected the thrones and the popularity. He could a-had young girls by the... wives by the hundreds, and he could a-had scepters under Egypt, rule the world! The world laid right at his feet, and he was heir to every bit of it. But by looking in the Scripture and seeing the day he was living in, and knowed that Something in him, that predestinated Seed of God went to work!

254I don't care how popular you could be, or how this you could be, you could be a presbyter, you could be a pastor, you could be a this, that, or the other, but if that Word of Eternal Life by God's Word has been foreordained into you, and you see the thing at hand, it goes to work, moving out like that. [Brother Branham snaps his finger several times--Ed.] Start coming out! Begin to get It!

255And he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, because he esteemed the reproach of Christ greater treasures than all the riches of Egypt or the world. He esteemed That. Watch what he done, he followed It. Up, quickly he was ousted from his people, the people that once loved him.

256 It might cost you everything you got. It might cost you your home, It might cost you your friendship, It might cost your your stitch-and-sew party, It might cost you your place at the Kiwanis. It might. I don't know what It'll cost you, but It'll cost everything that's worldly or pertains to the world. You'll have to separate yourself from everything that's worldly. You'll have to do it.

257Moses laid everything aside and went into the desert with a stick in his hand. Amen! Days after days passed. And wonder if he thought he made a mistake? No.

258Many times people start out, and they say, "Oh, I'll do it. Glory to God, I see It!" Let somebody laugh at you and make fun of you, "Probably I was wrong."

259He said, "They that cannot stand chastisement are bastard children and not the children of God." See, they're worked up on the emotion. See, the seed that I talked about a while ago, that soul wasn't there to start with. It was anointed with the Spirit, and he done all kinds. Oh, you, they... When your spirit's anointed, you can... It's the real, genuine Holy Ghost, and you could still be a devil.

260 "Oh," you say, "Brother Branham!"

261False prophets! The Bible said, "In the last days there'd be false prophets." Jesus said, "There shall rise false christs." Not "false Jesuses," now, nobody stands still for that; but "false christs." Christ means "the anointed ones." Falsely anointed; they are anointed, but they are false at the bottom of it, and do great signs and wonders, speak in tongues, dance in the Spirit, preach the Gospel.

262Judas Iscariot did it! Simeon... or no, I beg your... Caiaphas prophesied! Balaam, the hypocrite! Sure, done all the signs, everything, all the religious moves.

263 But, you see, you put a cocklebur seed and a wheat seed in the same bed and pour the water down upon them and anoint them, they'll both rejoice. They'll both grow by it, the same water. "The sun shines on the just and the unjust, and the rain falls on the just and the unjust, but by their fruits you shall know them." How can you keep from lining up with the Word? Amen. See what I mean? "The water falls on the just and the unjust," anoint it.

264Jesus said, "They will come to Me in that day, say, 'Lord! Lord! Have not I cast out devils? Have not I done prophesied? Have not I done great things in Your Name?'" He'll say, "You workers of iniquity, depart from Me, I don't even know you. Go into eternal hell that's been prepared for the Devil and his angels." You see? What a Word! Falsely. Worship in vain, striving in vain. Why do you do that when you don't have to do it? Why take a substitute when the Heavens is full of genuine? See? You don't have to do that.

265 Now we find Moses anointed, nothing could turn him back. His own brothers turned him down; that didn't stop him. He went right on into the wilderness. And one day out there, he met God face to face, with a Pillar of Fire hanging in a bush. Said, "Moses, take off your shoes, your ground you're standing on is Holy. For I have heard the cries of My people, and I have heard of their groanings, and I remember My promise of the Word. And I'm coming down, I'm going to send you down there to take them out." Certainly. He met God face to face, he talked with Him. He was commissioned by God.

266 God come right back, that same Pillar of Fire, and vindicated that prophet standing right there on the mountain; to prove that it was, when He took his hands and performed all kinds of miracles and things. Oh, they had the impersonators. Oh, sure. There was Jambres and Jannes, stood right around, done the same thing they did. But who was the original? See? Where did it start from? Did it come from the Word? Was it the hour?

267And do you know that same thing's promised again in the last days? "As Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these men, of reprobate mind concerning the Truth." See, in the last days. And do the same thing, (impersonate everything), right on in the same gully, "Hog going to its wallow, and a dog to its vomit."

268 You Pentecostals that come out of them organizations years ago and cursed them, your fathers and mothers; and you turned right back around and done the same thing that they did, and now just the same wallow and vomit. See? If it made the Church vomit it out in the early Pentecostal age, it'll make It vomit it out again today. See? It has to be, though, it's the shuck, has to come. The tassel can't be the only one; the shuck has to come, see, the carrier. Now we're living in the last days, watch the things that's promised for the hour.

269 Watch this Moses confirmed. Know! When he got out there, some of his own brethren turned up against him, wanted to make an organization. They said, "You act like you're the only holy man among us." "The whole congregation's holy," said Korah, Dathan. "Let's choose out men and do something."

270Moses, he... I felt sorry for him. He went down, said, "Lord..." Fell down before the altar and said, "Lord!"

271God said, "Separate yourself from them. I've had enough of it." Just opened up the earth and swallowed them up. That's all. See, he knowed his commission.

272 God don't deal with organizations, He don't deal with groups. He deals with individuals. That's right. Always. Not in groups; individuals, one person. In the last days, He said, "I stand at the door and knock, and if any man..." (not "any group") "... any man will hear My Voice, I'll... and hear Me, I'll come in to him and sup." See, "If any man can hear."

273How can--how could this microphone now produce my voice out there unless it was made thus? I could scream against that board, with all my might, and it wouldn't do nothing. Because this is ordained, and made, created, a microphone. And if the Word of God is in you from foreordination of God, in you, "My sheep hear My Voice. They know My hour. A stranger they won't follow." See? It's got to be that first. "All that the Father has given Me, they will come." Every one of them, see.

274 Now he goes on, at the life's end here. He only passed... Notice when he come to the end of the road.

275And we're closing now because it's getting late, twenty-five minutes till ten. Notice. Now, at home that's early. About two or three o'clock we begin to say, "Say, it's getting a little bit late." See? See? But now, I've preached a many a night, all night long.

276Paul preached this same Gospel in his day, and a young man fell off of a--a wall and killed himself. And Paul, with that same anointing and that same Gospel, laid his body upon him, he come to life again. They were interested. The church was being formed. Something was taking place. Notice what taken place here.

277Moses, when he come down...

278 This rich man, when he come down, the young ruler we talked about, all religious, and belonged to church and everything, fine, educated, a fine businessman, and everything, when he come to the end of the road, he begin to scream, "There's nowhere to step!" Where's his leadership? He had been led by his church, which is dead. He had been led by the dead world, and there wasn't nothing for him to step into but what the world had prepared for it: hell.

279But here comes Moses, a faithful servant who esteemed the reproach of Christ greater treasures than all the riches of Egypt. He come to the end of the road, an old man, a hundred and twenty years old. Walked up on the mountain, and he knowed that death laid before him, and he looked over into the promised land. And he looked; laying there by his side, there was his Leader, the Rock. He stepped upon the Rock, and the Angels of God packed him away into the Glory--the Glory of God, into the bosoms of God. Why? Eight hundred years later, he was still being led by his Leader.

280 We find him over on Mount Transfiguration, standing there with Elijah, talking to Jesus before He went to the cross, eight hundred years after death. The--the One that he esteemed, the reproach of his ministry, greater treasures than all the popularity of the world and all the money of the world, his Leader was still leading him. Oh, my! He was led! His Leader, He led through the death, the shadows of death. He was led to the grave. Hundreds of years later, there he stood again because, as his youth, he had chosen the leadership of the Holy Spirit. His name will be great when there is no more Egypt or treasures. When the pyramids are dust, and when Egypt is no more Egypt, Moses will be immortal among men because he accepted the leadership of Christ instead of going the way his church went.

281 There's others that did the same thing. Look at Enoch. He walked with God for five hundred years, and then he had a testimony that "He pleased God." God had verified it, and said, "There's no need of you dying, just come on up Home this afternoon." And he went up.

282And Elijah. After bawling out bobbed-haired women and everything, as he did in his day, Jezebels with the paint on them, after he got so full of it, and--and had done all he could, and all them priests making fun of him, and everything else, he walked down at the river one day. And just across the river was the horses hitched to a bush over there, a chariot of fire and horses of fire. He stepped right on, and threw his robe off to the next prophet to follow him, and went up into Heaven. He accepted the leadership of Eternal Life, 'cause it was Christ that was in Elijah. Oh! Yes, sir!

283What was it? "Follow Me!" Now you must choose your leader. You've got to choose it, friends. Look in God's looking glass, the Bible, and see where you're at tonight.

284 A little story. A little kid, one time, lived out in the country. He never seen a mirror, and he came into the city to see his mother's sister. And she had a home... and the old-fashioned homes used to have a mirror on the door; I don't know whether you remember that or not. But this little boy, he had never seen a mirror. So he's playing around the house, and he looked in the... "Huh?" He looked at that little boy. And he waved, and the little boy waved. And he pulled his ear, and the little boy pulled his ear. And on like that. He kept walking up, close, and he turned around and said, "Mama! That's me!" That's me.

285 What do you look like? What are you following? What have we done? You must choose your leader. Choose today. You choose Life or death. Your choice will determine your Eternal destination, what you choose. Remember, Jesus said, "Follow Me." And you're invited tonight to do so. And to follow Him to Eternal Life you must come on His terms, that's right, the Word. Not upon the creed, not upon the public opinion, not upon what anybody else thinks about It, but on what God said about It.

286You say, "Well, Brother Branham, I know a woman just as good as she can be, she does this. I know a man that went through this."

287I can't help what they done. God's Word, He said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth." You've got to come on His terms, come on His conditions, the Word. You cannot come through creed. You cannot come through denomination. You cannot mix It like that. There's only one thing you can do: accept It on His terms, that you're willing to die to yourself and all your thoughts, and follow Him. "Get rid of all the things of the world, and follow Me."

288 I know that's a stern, cutting Message, brother. But I didn't come here and choose a--a message to the people just to try to make them sing, shout, holler. I been in heathen meetings where they done the same thing. I'm interested in your life. I'm a servant of God that's got to answer to God someday, and the ministry that the Lord has given me has vindicated itself thousands of times before you.

289Remember, Jesus said, "Follow Me. Follow Me. Get rid of what you got, and follow Me." And that's the only way to have Eternal Life. That's the only remedy He give this man, was the only remedy He give this businessman, it's the only remedy He gives anybody. His choice, He makes His decision, it's perfect every time. And we must follow Him, is the only way to have Eternal Life. So the leadership of God is: follow the vindicated Word of the hour by the Holy Ghost.

Let us bow our heads.

290 I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to be real sincere. I want the sister to play this for me, I Can Hear My Saviour Calling. I know it's an old-time altar call. And brother, sister, as we see, just look what's going on today. Now with your heads bowed, just think for a minute, look what's taking place.

291Did you read the newspaper last week what that man in England said? That "The crucifixion of Jesus Christ was only a fake, it was only fixed up between Pilate and Him."

292Did you see what this American theologian said? He said that "Jesus was just put to sleep on mandrake weed." Many of you theologians know, back there in Genesis where it talked of the mandrake weed. It'll put you to sleep like you're dead, your heart hardly beats for two or three days at a time. "And when they give Him the vinegar and gall," they said, "that was mandrake weed. And they put Him up there in the tomb, and He slept up there for three days. And, of course, when they went up there, they found Him walking, around." Could you imagine that? Theologians, seminaries, make-belief. Then how in the world... First place, the Bible said He refused it, when they put the vinegar and gall in His mouth.

293And another thing, if that be so, then why did those disciples "who come and stole Him away," why did they give their life in martyrdom for Him? And fell, counted theirself not even worthy to die like He died; turned them upside down and sideways on the crosses and things. And if they were... knowed that He was a hypocrite and them ownselves being hypocrites, how would they have give their life for Him like that?

294 Oh, you see, it's this intellectual day that we're living in. Education, civilization, and the modern trend of the day, is all of the Devil. "Civilization of the Devil?" Yes, sir! The Bible said it is. This civilization has death. "Will we have a civilization like this in the other world?" No, sir! We'll have a different kind of civilization. Education, all these things, they're of the Devil; science perverting the natural things, making something else.

295Look what they've done to you now. When young ladies... The Reader's Digest said, week after... month before last, I believe it was. The Reader's Digest said that "Young men and young women go through the middle age, women in menopause between twenty and twenty-five years old." One more generation, they'll be nothing but... It'll be horrible-looking. See? What the creatures will be, softened, mucky. Look at the--look at the spirit, look how the spirit in the church has got, hybrid, intermarried to the world. Oh, what a hour! Flee, children! Flee! Flee to the Cross! Come to Christ, let Him lead you.

296 While we have our heads bowed, our eyes closed, and please bow your heart at the same time. Will you? I want to ask you a question. Do you really look at yourself, to God? And do you feel that you're not where you--you ought to be at this hour? Cause the Rapture could come at any time. See, it'll come.

297There'd only be, if--if that statement I made a while ago is true, there'll only be about five hundred people in the Rapture, that's living, they'll be changed. Why, taking all Christendom together, Catholic and all, there's only five hundred million people, see, claims Christianity. And one out of a million, be five hundred people. There's that many people missing every day, across the world, that we can't even account for them. See, it'll come, and you won't even know it. People'll go on preaching, and saying... See, and it'll all be past.

298Like Jesus said. They said, the disciples said, "Why say the scribes, say, 'Elias must first come'?"

299He said, "He's already come and you didn't know him, but they did to him what they said they would do."

300 You know that you're not right with God, and you'd like to be remembered in... to God, that God would set your heart right with God. Would you just humbly now, in this very still moment, raise your hands? I don't care who you are, would you do it? You say, "I'll raise my hands to God." God bless you. God bless you.

301Are you looking in the Mirror? I ask you in Christ's Name, are you looking in God's Mirror? [A brother speaks in another tongue. A brother gives an interpretation--Ed.] Amen.

302I want to ask one thing. How many in here are Pentecostals? Raise your hand, are Pentecostals. Practically every one of you. Now, how many in here claim to be Christians? Raise your hands, ever where you are, claim to be a Christian. Did you know the Bible spoke of this, that this would happen?

303Even this happened in the Old Testament when they were wondering what they would do, how they could get away from the besiege that was coming. The Spirit fell upon a man and he prophesied and told them where to meet the enemy, and how, what to overcome the enemy. That was the Old Testament, same as the New.

304 Now, somebody might say, "That man, oh, that wasn't so." But what if it is so? You say, "Oh, I've heard that before." But what if this is so? You see, that proves then that in here there's many that needs a change of heart, if that's the Holy Spirit speaking. There's things that needs to be done, so now it's with you.

Just as I am, without one plea,

But that Thy Blood was shed for me,

And that Thou bids... (That's what, He called you just then.)... to Thee,

O Lamb of God,... ("I'll take away that stubborn heart, and put a heart of flesh in it that would yield to Me." See?)... come!

Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,

Wilt... (Will you make your choice tonight? You can do either one you want to.)... cleanse.

You say, "I've heard that before." But this might be your last time to hear It.

Because Thy promise I believe,

The old-fashioned altar calls, they're out of style today, but God still moves in them. Can't you feel It moving on you, church?

... I come!

305 [Brother Branham begins humming Just As I Am--Ed.] Oh, think, today, the hearts are becoming stony, filled with the world, indifferent, church members, lukewarm, like that rich, young ruler; and don't know that the great Holy Spirit's standing, knocking at the door in this Laodicean Age. "He that will hear My Voice (the Word), will open his heart, I'll come in to him and will sup with him."

306And the Spirit speaking through this brother a few minutes ago, said, "I'll take that stony heart out of you, and give you a heart of flesh, tender towards God." Look how it's become now, just a--a intellectual, emotion. See? Not a tender heart full of love and sweetness towards Christ.

307[Brother Branham begins humming the chorus--Ed.] Don't you want that kind of a heart? How you going to face Christ with an intellectual conception of Him? You've got to accept Eternal Life.

... was shed... (The preparation was made through the Blood.)

And that Thou bids... (What did He do? Shed His Blood; and now bidding you, "Come.")... to Thee,

O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

308 Let's, each Christian, just raise our hands quietly now and pray:

309O God, please, Lord, catch this day that we're living. Oh, it's so hard, Father. Satan has just done so much to the people. Their hearts have become stony. Your Spirit speaks right out; Your Word comes forward, vindicate; but the old-fashioned, born-again experience, they're... it's become into a denominational, intellectual conception, a lot of music, a lot of shout, and a lot of carrying-on. But, really, that heart of flesh, that Spirit, that Eternal Life, It's certainly become foreign to the church.

310God, it breaks my own heart, and me a--a sinner saved by Your grace. It makes me feel so bad, Father, to see the church that You died for, the church that You're trying to redeem. I think of the vision You just give about that church of the United States and of other countries. What a horrible-looking rock-and-roll striptease it was. But somewhere along I seen coming forth another one, blessed.

311I pray, Father, that if any of those here tonight that's ordained to Life, or would like to accept It, that this'll be the hour they'll do it. Grant it, Lord. Break up the stony heart now, the old heart of the world. And if they want peace, they want something that satisfies, something that gives assurance, may they accept the leadership of Christ tonight to lead them to a--a Peace that passes all understanding, a Joy that's unspeakable and full of glory, or even something that death itself cannot harm. Grant it, Father.

312 Now, with our hands up, I wonder if... How many in the building now would just say, "I'm going to stand." Now, I don't care who's setting by you; It's God talking to you. And you really want to be a real Christian. See? Anything will... Unless that's an impersonation; oh, I'd just rather go on out and be in the world. I believe you would, too.

313Now, just examine yourself by the Word, by the Message. Examine what a real Christian should be: rugged, loving, not one of this modern Christianity. Why, it's soft, flexible, half dead, rotten, interbred. See, it's not the real Christianity; live any kind of a way, and belong to church. Don't you want that sweet fellowship with Christ, the Holy Spirit, that you're... the conformity of your own heart to the Word, move right up into Christ? If you want that, and would desire God to see your stand tonight right in this group of people, if you'll just do it.

314You say, "Will that mean anything, Brother Branham?"

315Oh, yes. Sure, it does. "If you're ashamed of Me before man, I'll be ashamed of you before My Father and the holy Angels. But he that will confess Me and stand for Me in this land, I'll stand for him in that Land. I'll confess him before My Father."

316 Now, no matter who you are, woman, man, boy or girl, whoever you are, Christian or not Christian, minister, deacon, whatever you are, if you'll just believe with your whole heart, for just a moment, and do this much tonight just to let God know that you're sincere. "God..."

317"Now look, I'm a Pentecostal," you say. "I'm this," or whatever you are. "I profess to dance in the Spirit. But, Brother Branham, I thought as long as we had that, we had It." You haven't.

318If you believe me to be God's prophet, you listen to my Words. See? That's a deception in this day. Didn't the Bible say, "It'd be so close it would deceive the Elected if possible"? The Elected, "down to the soul."

319But if you danced in the Spirit, still with the things of the world, there is something wrong. If you speak with tongues; Paul said, "I can speak with tongues of man and angels, and still not even be saved." Uh-huh, both kinds, see. "I can do all the emotions, I can have faith, I can preach the Gospel, I can give all my goods to feed the poor, I can carry the Word in the mission fields across the... and still I'm nothing." See? It's that Inside of the inside, brother. That... Your spirit breaks up when you die, it takes its flight, but your soul lives. See?

320 Now look at yourself. Really, are you a genuine Bible Christian, full of love of God? Remember, the Bible said, in the last days when this time takes place, He said, "A marking angel went through the churches, went through the cities, and sealed only those who sighed and cried for the abomination that was done in the city." Is that right? Ezekiel 9, we know that's Truth. The marking angel went forth and put a Mark on their head, forehead, sealed them, "Them that sighed and cried."

321After that come the slaughtering angels from the four corners of the earth, which is coming right away, we see it coming, wars moving right in that'll kill the whole earth off. There was nothing that they couldn't touch but them that had the Mark.

322Now pick out... Is your heart so concerned about the sinners, and the way that the church and the people are doing, till you can sigh and cry about it day and night? If not so, I'm wondering. That's the Scripture.

323 Would you just stand and say, "Dear God, I'm not standing because Brother Branham said so, but I heard his Word say that, and I'm going to do this. To You, Lord, I stand. I'm in need, Lord. Will You supply my need tonight here at this place? I stand." God bless you. God bless you. "I'm in need, I want You to have mercy upon me." God bless you. "I want to be the kind of a Christian that..."

324Now, remember, the person that's standing by you is the same thing you are. I want you just to reach over and take a hold of their hand, say, "Brother, sister, pray for me now. I want you to pray for me. I--I..." Just say it with all Christian sincerity, "Pray for me. I'll... I--I--I want to be right with God. You pray for me, I'm going to pray that God will give you the opportunity."

325I--I know that we're... We can't stay here much longer; you see that. We're--we're at the end time. All that believe that, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen!"--Ed.] We're... There's nothing left. Everything is gone. The churches is headed to the Ecumenical council. The world, it...

326 Look here! Do you know what the Lord says about Los Angeles and these places here? "She's gone!" You remember what I told you, about two years ago, how that earthquake would come in Canada up here, Alaska? I also tell you that "Hollywood and Los Angeles is sliding into the ocean. California, you're doomed! Not only California; but you, world, you're doomed! Church, unless you get right with God, you're doomed!" THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT!

327Have you ever heard me use that Name unless it come to pass? Ask you! You've known me twenty years. Did I ever tell you anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass? If everything I've ever told you would happen, happened, say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen!"--Ed.] See? I tell you, now is the hour, you better be getting right, all of us.

Now let's each one pray for the other:

328 Dear God, as we stand here tonight, a dying people, our faces are turned towards the earth, the dust. We just... You have give us this cutting sermon, Lord. We see the example of two man. One of them, being a religious man, went to church but rejected the leadership to Eternal Life. And the other rejected the worldly fame and turned to Eternal Life. And we see both of their conditions tonight, according to the Bible: the rich man is in torment, and Moses is in Glory.

329Father, we want to be like Moses. We want to be led by Your Holy Son, Jesus Christ, to Eternal Life. Give It to our hearts tonight, Lord. Tear out the old stony heart; place into us the new heart, the heart of flesh, the heart that You can talk to and deal with, and we will not be haughty or different. May the Holy Spirit never leave, Lord. May It come and ordain this people. Speak to them; tear up their stony will, and put in the will of God. Save every one, Father. Give us of Thy love. Get us to a place, Lord, that we'll get away from all the--the emotional part, to the real solid part of the feeling... the heartfelt part, the deepness of the Spirit, the riches of God, the Kingdom of the Spirit in our hearts. Grant it, O Great Leader, great Holy Spirit, before You take Your flight into the skies with Your Church.

330 O God, let me go, Lord. Don't leave me behind, Jesus. Let me go with You, Father. I don't want to stay here on this earth to watch these tribulations coming on. I don't want to stay here in this insanity. I don't want to stand here when hideous sights... the people losing their mind. We look at man trying to act like beasts and look like beasts; and the women trying to look like animals, with the paints on their face. Knowing that these things are predicted to happen, that the thing will, they'll go so insane till locusts will rise up with hair like women to haunt the women; and teeth like lions, and things that You've said, the mental condition of the people will be completely gone. We see it in the making right now, Lord. Help us! Restore us to the sane mind of Christ Jesus our Lord.

331O Great Leader of Eternal Life, we accept Your promise tonight, Father. I plead for this people. I plead for every one of them, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Lord. I pray that Christ the Son of God will come into the hearts of every one of us, Lord, and mold us and make us into new creatures in Jesus Christ. Grant it, Lord God.

332We love You. And we want our dispositions... our change to come into us, that we can be Your children, feel of Your Spirit moving in our hearts, Lord, tendering us and bringing us to realization of this insane age that we're living in. Grant it, God. When we see young women so caught up in the web of the Devil, young men, perverted minds, children, dope addicts, cigarette smoking, drinking, immoral, Satan's Eden.

333God, it taken You six thousand years, according to the Bible, to build an Eden. And You put Your son and his wife in there (his bride), to rule over it. And Satan come around and perverted it; he's got six thousand years, and he's built his own intellectual Eden through science, and education, and so-called intelligence, and he's built it into a mess of death.

334O God, take us back to Eden again, Lord, where there's no death, where there's no sorrow. Grant it, Lord. We stand humbly, waiting for the second Adam to come for His Bride. Make us part of Him, Father. We pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

335 Do you love God? Can you feel... Do you realize what I'm trying to tell you? If you can understand this just raise your hands, say, "I understand what you're trying to say." Can you see the insanity of this age? Look how it's gone, there's no even reasons among the people no more. It's gone! Where is our...? Even leaders.

336Look at our President! "If they want Communism, let them have it. Whatever the people wants, let them have it." Where is our Patrick Henry's, our George Washington's? Where is our leaders that can stand for a principle? We haven't got them no more.

337Where is our churches, our ministers? Will take the people in just on probation, or come in, join the church and do this or have a little sensation or something. Where is those men of God, those prophets that stand out and dare to defile, defy all the things of the world?

338Where is those men of integrity? Where are they at? They're so soft, and through intellectual conceptions and things, till they're not here no more. O God, have mercy upon us.

339 These hideous sights that's coming upon the earth. You can see how the people's moving right into it. It's an insanity. But when that thing strikes, the Church will be gone.

340God, let us be there. That's my prayer to the great Supernatural Being that's in this building tonight, the great Christ that still has Eternal Life. I pray Thee, Christ, as I'm here with my eyes open, looking at the church that You've redeemed with Your Blood. God, don't let a one of us be lost. We want to be right with You. So cleanse us, O, Lord, from all of our iniquities. Take away our sins and things.

341We seen You heal our sick, even raise our dead (come back to life through prayer), and we seen all these things happen, Father. Now bring us back to Life, spiritually; bring us back into realization of Eternal Life through Christ Jesus. Grant this, Father. I commit it all to You. In Jesus Christ's Name.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet!

Look to Him. Let Him soften us up.

... we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

342Raise our hands now:

Till we meet! till we meet!

Brother Salano, ever who is following. [Someone says, "Anything else?"--Ed.] No. God bless you.