


Dejú sa tri veci; veliteľský povel, hlas, trúba, to sa musí stať pred tým, ako sa objaví Ježiš. No, veliteľský povel. Ježiš vykonáva všetko to troje keď zostupuje. "Veliteľský povel", čo je to "veliteľský povel"? To je posolstvo, ktoré vychádza najprv, ten živý chlieb života, ktorý rodí nevestu.

No, Boh má spôsob, ako všetko robí, a On nikdy nezmenil svoju metódu. On nemení Svoju ... On je nemeniteľný Boh. V Ámosovi 3: 7 On povedal, že On nebude robiť nič na zemi, až kým to prv nezjaví Svojim sluhom prorokom. A On to urobí práve s takou istotou s akou to On zasľúbil.

1.... toto zhromaždenie tu v Yume. Je to pre mňa veľké privilégium, že ste ma pozvali, aby som sem znovu prišiel. Posledne sme tu prežili krásne chvíle, a potom keď som sa dopočul, že tu znovu budem, mal som z toho naozaj príjemný pocit. Počuť tie svedectvá, tieto milé slová od tých ľudí, až vás to tak trochu posilňuje.

2Billy mi povedal, že ten brat z Las Vegas, ktorý chcel tam dohodnúť zhromaždenie v tej skupine, stretne sa sním, hneď ako skončí tu toto zhromaždenie. Máme čas, n hovorí, že tam môžeme skočiť v januári pred zhromaždeniami vo Phonixe (vidíte?) a prísť do Las Vegas. A tak my sme tam tiež chceli prísť. Myslím, že tam voľakedy býval brat Art Wilson, alebo tam možno stále je. On ma prosil, aby som tam prišiel, on a sestra Wilsonová. Nemal som tú príležitosť, tak možno teraz budem môcť prísť.

3Viete, Billy Paul alebo brat Roy Borders - myslím, že je niekde tu. Niekto povedal, že brat Borders bol tu ... Brat Pearry, Lee, alebo ktokoľvek z nich, oni vám budú vedieť povedať, a dohodnúť proste pre nás termín, kedy prísť.

4No, videl som tu pred chvíľou mnoho kazateľov, veľmi ma to teší, že môžem stretnúť mojich bratov. škoda, že som nemal čas - ísť s vami domov, pretože viem, že tu máte najlepšieho kuchára v kraji. To je výborné. A ja ...

5Brat Pearry to skutočne dnes večer dva krát spískal. Má teraz na rováši dve veci: jedna, že tam odpojil ten mikrofón. Pokladajú, že ty si tomu na vine, brat Pearry. Nemyslím, že ty si skutočne vinný, ale ty ... "Niekto bol pripravený hovoriť." To bolo to dobré.

6A tak potom, on tam znovu vyšiel a hovoril; on povedal: "No ..." Rozprával sa s bratom Collinsom, alebo s niekým z nich, povedal: "Večera bola dobrá, ale" - povedal - "poviem vám," - povedal - "ten človek musí byť španiel, alebo niečo také, alebo Mexičan. To bola najtuhšia paprika, akú som kedy okoštoval!" a stále to takto rozprával; a hovoril so šéfkuchárom.

On povedal: "Ja som šéfkuchár."

7To je pre teba Texas. My ho tu v Arizone za krátky čas dáme do poriadku, či nie, ak tu zostane dosť dlho?

8Som opravdu rád, že tu môžem byť. A hádam toto neznie ako žarty, ale ako zmysel pre humor. A to sám Pán mal zmysel pre humor, viete. On povedal: "Herodes ... choďte a povedzte tej líške ... (Vidíte?). Dnes vyháňam démonov a zajtra dokončím." Tak keď On mal zmysel pre humor, no, to nám neublíži, myslím že nie, raz za čas.

9A teraz, je trochu neskoro. A ja zvyknem kázať okolo štyri hodiny. Ale že poznám zdvorilosť brata a sestry tu tej skupiny, dnes večer to skrátime. Áno, povedal som Terrymu, povedal som ... On povedal: "Čo ... založiť dvojhodinovú pásku?"

10Povedal som: "Nie, Terry; toto je banket." Povedal som: "Budem hovoriť tým ľuďom len okolo tridsať, štyridsať minút, o niečom, čo ... Aj keď som sa to stále snažil, vediac že ..."

11Keď som bol mladý chlapec, ľudia prichádzali počúvať, pretože som bol chlapec kazateľ, len mladý človek, mladík. A oni hovorili: "Billy Branham ..." Viete, len dieťa, nevychodil som školu a nemám žiadne vzdelanie. Oni prichádzali počúvať moje potrhané slová, moju Kentackú angličtinu. A tak ... moje hits a to hain'ts, a totes a podobne. Ako tu na jednom zhromaždení nedávno povedali: "Všetci vstaneme a zaspievame národnú hymnu."

12Ja som vstal a začal: "Za moju starú ďalekú Kentackú domovinu." To bol jediný národ o ktorom som vedel, to bola národná hymna, pokiaľ išlo o mňa.

13Tak teraz, potom keď jednako zostarnete, no, my - prídete, musíte mať niečo viac, než to. Viete, Pavol to povedal: "Keď som bol dieťa, hovoril som ako dieťa a rozmýšľal som ako dieťa." Správate sa ako dieťa, ale keď rastiete, potom začínate od svojich prvých pár krôčkov a batolíte sa a spadnete, a vstanete a skúšate to znovu. A potom vy ... po nejakom čase narastiete, že dokážete rovno chodiť. A to je to, čo musíme robiť, ako vojaci kríža; teraz je čas kráčať rovno, rovno po tej ceste do chvály.

14Verím, že žijeme v záverečných scénach histórii tohoto sveta. Opravdu verím, že príchod Pánov je bližšie, než ako si myslíme. Tak teraz, na tak asi tridsať minút vášho času, alebo tak nejako, by som rád obrátil vašu pozornosť do Písma, ktoré by som rád použil ako text a poukázal tu ešte na iné miesta. Sediac raz doma, rozmýšľal som o tejto myšlienke. Potom som si pomyslel: "No, neviem, hovoriť zo všetkých týchto miest Písma, vezmem len časť z nich a len ... pre tieto krátke zhromaždenia, ako budeme mať dnes. Chcem povedať jednu vec, zatiaľ čo si otvorite Žalmy, prvých ... 27. žalm, chcem čítať prvých päť veršov.

15Chcel by som toto povedal ohľadne tých Obchodníkov - ohľadne zhromaždení Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia. Môj brat Pearry hovoril o tých knihách a tak ďalej, a o tých nových knihách, ktoré majú. Koľkí si pamätáte, keď som mal tú pásku a kázal som to tu vo Phoenixe, na jednom z tých zhromaždení "Pánovia, aký je toto čas?" No, to bol začiatok tej knihy (vidíte?), keď sa toto stalo.

16Je tak veľa nadprirodzeného potvrdenia Božieho napísaného Slova ohľadne tejto hodiny, kvôli tomu aby nás teraz niečo nezaskočilo. Sme práve ... je to príliš skutočné. Vidíte, tie veci, ktoré ... Ohromilo by vás to, keby ste len mohli poznať, že ... čo sa skutočne deje. Mnohí z vás, ktorí ste tu možno cudzí, počujete týchto ľudí vystupovať a robiť tieto poznámky o posolstve na túto hodinu a tak ďalej. To o čom oni hovoria, je Božie zasľúbenie na túto hodinu, to čo On zasľúbil, že bude robiť, a my Ho vidíme potvrdzovať podľa Písma, presne to, čo povedal, On to tak isto urobí. Predpovedať, udierať tak presne, stále tak dokonale, pretože to hovorí Boh.

17Ak človek, bez ohľadu na to, kto to je, by sa snažil niečo predpovedať ... Je možnosť jedna z milióna, ak by vám niekto povedal nejakú vec, že sa stane, že sa to stane v určitom čase, je možnosť jedna z desať miliónov. A ak by bolo povedané miesto, kde sa to stane, to by bola možnosť jedna zo sto miliónov. A potom, čas, kedy sa to stane, to by takto išlo ďalej. A spôsob, ako sa to stane, a čo sa stane, a tak ďalej, to sa proste nedá uhádnuť. Keď vidíme, že je to všetko stále tak dokonale, potom je to Boh. Potom sa obrátime rovno do Písma - môže nám to vyzerať cudzie, ale obraciame sa rovno naspäť do Písma, ani nevieme kde to hľadať a Duch Svätý to prináša a kladie celé to Slovo dohromady, vytvára obraz, aby nám ukázal presne hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Sme pri zámene systémov.

18Sme na uhle. Je ľahko, keď niekto robí uhol - murár - robí uhol a začne ... Každý kladie tehly ďalej v tej istej rade, ako nejaká denominácia začína klásť rad tehiel, to je v poriadku; ale keď sa dostanete ku tým obratom, kde to musíte obrátiť naspäť iným smerom ... No, Boh nestavia múr; On stavia dom. Vidíte? A tam je mnoho zásekov a obratov, ktoré On predpovedal tu v Biblii. A to sú tie obraty ... Každý sa môže snažiť urobiť obrat, ale to musí byť podľa plánu. Ak nie je, musí to byť znovu zrútené.

19Tak my chválime Boha za Jeho dobrotu a za to obecenstvo vás ľudí, a za otvorené dvere, ktoré nám Pán dal. A cez týchto Obchodníkov .... Stále som tvrdil, že neverím v ... Verím v ľudí v denomináciách, ale nemám dosť času, aby som napomínal denominácie, pretože každá postavila okolo seba plot, a ...

20A to je práve tak ako, keď ... Myslím, že to bol taká poviedka brata Davida, ako choval kačice, a povedal, že rieka sa zodvihla a každá kačka, viete, oni chceli mať obecenstvo medzi sebou a nemohli, pretože boli ohradené plotom. Ale keď sa voda zodvihla tak vysoko, ona zodvihla tie kačice z tých ohrád. Tak myslím, že tak sa to práve deje ... Voda sa dvíha (vidíte?), a my sa môže dostať z tej ohrady a môžeme mať obecenstvo jeden z druhým, viete, mať vo svojich srdciach opravdovú lásku Kristovu.

21A títo Obchodníci Plného Evanjelia boli pre mňa oázou, pretože mnohokrát mám bratov, dobrých bratov, myslím, v každej denominácii, s ktorou som sa kedy stretol, Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, Baptisti, Letniční, všetky rôzne druhy Letničných, Cirkev Božia, Nazaréni, Pútnici Svätosti, všade sú milí bratia ... Ale mnohokrát ma oni nemôžu mať vo svojom spoločenstve, pretože ... Vidíte? Nie, žeby tomu oni neverili, ale vidíte, to by ich odrezalo od ich denominácii. A keď to urobíte, tak to tak dopadne.

22Nedávno tu bol jeden brat od Metodistov, prišiel ku mne. Nepamätám si ako sa volal, milý človek. On písal výpovede o Božskom uzdravovaní a prišiel sa ku mne porozprávať. Sadli sme si a chvíľu sme sa rozprávali. A on povedal: "Jediná vec, ktorú máme proti tebe, že sa celý čas točíš okolo tých Letničných."

Povedal som: "Tak nech to podporuje Metodistická cirkev; ja prídem."

To bolo iné. Vidíte? On povedal: "No, samozrejme, ja nie som Metodistická cirkev; ja len ku ním patrím."

23Povedal som: "To je to!" Vidíte? "Oni sú jediní, Letniční sú jediní, ktorí otvorili svoje dvere." Vidíte? "To sú jediní, kde môžem ísť." A všetci, ktorí otvoria, nuž, sme hotoví tam prísť. Ako v Zjavení, v 3. kapitole On povedal: "Stojím pri dverách a klopem. Keď niekto otvori dvere, vojdem a budem s ním večerať." A to bol Ježiš. Všetci z nás vedia, že to bol Kristus. A On je Slovo. Je to tak! On je Slovo.

24A tak, Obchodníci Plného Evanjelia boli oázou, kde sme sa mohli spolu zísť. Žiadne cirkvi to nepodporujú. Oni dohromady, tí ľudia z cirkví, a my máme spolu obecenstvo po svete, naokolo, všade.

25A ja som pomohol založiť mnohé, mnohé, mnohé skupiny Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia po celom svete. Som vďačný za tú možnosť, ktorá mi bola daná. Tam tí Obchodníci to budú financovať, a potom všetky tie cirkvi, oni jednako chcú prísť. Ale potom ja sa nikdy nechcem snažiť, aby som vytiahol niekoho z jeho cirkvi. Len zostávajte vo svojej cirkvi a rozširujte to svetlo. Vidíte? Buďte opravdovým kresťanom; váš pastor si vás bude ceniť. Buďte ozajstným verným, opravdovým svätým, každý človek, ktorý verí v Boha si bude ceniť takú osobu. Áno!

26No, ďakujem tu bratovi a jeho žene a tejto skupine tu, za túto príležitosť. A nech táto skupina rastie. Nech spočíva na nej Božie požehnanie, a nech je nástrojom v Božích rukách na spasenie stoviek a stoviek ľudí pred príchodom Pánovým. I všetky ostatné skupiny - či vy, ktorí tu reprezentujete tie skupiny.

27V knihe Žalmov ... No, chcem dnes v krátkosti hovoriť na skutočne zvláštnu tému. Mám tu zapísané nejaké miesta Písma, a myslel som, že možno ... Dnes večer som chcel hovoriť o niečom inom, ale vidíme čas ubieha, no, nechcem to preťahovať, tak som to zmenil a zobral viac miest Písma. A chcem hovoriť na tému "Vytrhnutie". Rozumiete?

28No, veríme, že bude vytrhnutie. Všetci Kresťania tomu veria, kto číta Bibliu verí, že bude vytrhnutie.

29A teraz, budeme čítať ... to je podklad, čítame 25. žalm - prepáčte - 27. žalm, verše 1 - 5.

Hospodin je mojím svetlom a mojím spasením - koho sa budem báť?! Hospodin je pevnosťou môjho života - koho sa budem strachovať?!

Keď urobili zlostníci útok na mňa, aby žrali moje telo, moji protivníci a moji nepriatelia, oni klesli a padli.

Keby sa vojsko táborom rozložilo proti mne, nebude sa báť moje srdce; keby povstala proti mne vojna, i v tom sa ja nadejem.

Jedno si žiadam od Hospodina, iba to budem hľadať: aby som mohol bývať v dome Hospodinovom po všetky dni svojho života, aby som hľadel na krásu Hospodinovu a spytoval v jeho chráme;

lebo ma ukryje vo svojom stánku v zlý deň; skryje ma v skrýši svojho stánku; vyzdvihne ma na skalu.

Nech Boh pridá svoje požehnanie do tohoto prečítaného Slova.

30No dnes, keď hovoríme na túto tému ... A teraz, niektorí z vás môžu mať iný názor, voči spôsobom, ktoré ja používam, ale koľkí tu veria, že Biblia učí, že bude vytrhnutie cirkvi? Tak veru! Je to tak! Vychvátenie cirkvi. Či si Metodista, Baptista, Presbyterián, alebo čokoľvek, Letniční, bude vychvátenie.

31A myslím, že pritom keď hovorím, nesnažím tu stáť, aby som vám povedal len niečo, čo by sa páčilo ľuďom. Nikdy som nebol toho vinný. Chcem sa tu postaviť a povedať niečo, keď cítim, že som vedený povedať to, čo myslím, že vám bude pomocou, niečo, čo bude prehlbovať vaše prežite s Bohom, ak ste Kresťan, a ak nie ste Kresťan, spôsobí to, že sa budete tak hanbiť za seba, že sa stanete Kresťanom. A preto sa stále snažím ukladať moje myšlienky, ako ma Pán vedie.

32No, sme varovaní, že v tejto náuke o tomto, v posledných dňoch budeme vysmievaní. Ak by ste chceli ... Prečítajme to len za chvíľu. Je to v ll. Petra 3. kapitola a 3. a 4. verš. Pozrime sa či to nie je pravda.

vediac najprv to, že v posledných dňoch prijdú posmievači, ktorí budú chodiť podľa svojich vlastných žiadostí

a hovoriť: Kde je to zasľúbenie o jeho príchode? ... odkedy posnuli otcovia, všetko tak trvá, od počiatku stvorenia.

Lebo úmyselne nechcú vedieť, že nebesia boli od dávna i zem, ktorá z vody a vodou stojí vedno, slovom Božím,

pre ktoré to bezbožnosti vtedajší svet, zatopený vodou, zahynul.

33No, vidíme že dôvod, prečo je táto téma tak zľahkovážená, to preto, že ten prorok tu povedal, že v týchto posledných dňoch prídu títo posmievači a budú hovoriť tieto veci. Vidíte? To je predpovedané. Dôvod prečo sa dnes ľudia správajú tak, ako sa správajú ... No, vy to samozrejme očakávate, pretože Biblia povedala, že: "V posledných dňoch oni budú náhli, nadutí, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha, nesmierliví, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, nemilujúci dobrého, ktorí majú tvárnosť pobožnosti, ktorí však zapierajú jej moc. A tých sa stráň." Môžeme očakávať na napodobovanie pravdy? Samozrejme!

34Keď Mojžiš odišiel dole do Egyptu, aby vyslobodil deti Izraelove, len s palicou v ruke na potvrdenie, majúci za sebou Boha nebies, on vykonal zázrak. Tam za ním prichádzajú napodobovatelia, ktorí robia to isté, čo urobil on. Vidíte? No, oni prišli ako druhí, potom keď to on urobil ako prvý. Potom oni prichádzajú a napodobujú ten originál. Nachádzame to. A teraz, vy hovoríte: "No, to bolo vo dňoch Mojžiša." Ale to isté Písmo hovorí, že v posledných dňoch oni znovu prídu: "A ako čo Jannes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tak sa i títo stavajú proti pravde, skazení na mysli." Vidíte? Napodobovatelia, všetky rôzne veci, aby prevracali ľudí.

35A potom, ak toto vytrhnutie, ktoré má nastať ... A všetko, čo Boh má v línii so Svojím Slovom, to stále vystupuje niečo, aby to prevrátili ak by mohli. To je Satanov úmysel, aby to prevracal.

36Ako povedal ten brat tu, zo zhromaždenia tam v Las Vegas: "Satan" - povedal - "svet bol jeho panstvom a to tam bol jeho hlavný stan." Ja viem, že Satan je boh tohoto sveta. Každý národ pod nebom je pod jeho kontrolou. Je to presne tak! Tento svet patrí Satanovi. Ale Ježiš ho prevezme. Jedného dňa Mu ho on ponúkol, a On to odmietol; ale On povedal, pretože On vedel, že On ho zdedí, keď príde ten čas.

37Posmievači, zastavme sa na chvíľu pri tom jednom slove, prv ako pôjdeme ďalej. Posmievači - Asi pred dvoma týždňami som čítal v Tucsone noviny a tam písali, že nejaký Angličan z Anglicka vyhlásil - to bol nadpis v tých novinách - že ukrižovanie nášho Pána Ježiša Krista bol len podvod dohovorený medzi Pilátom a Ježišom, že On príde aby urobil ... len aby Sa niečím urobil. A nijako by sme mu to nemohli vyvrátiť, pretože všetky veci Božie majú byť prijaté vierou. My tomu musíme veriť. No, on tam pokračuje a opisuje, ako sa to mohlo stať.

38Tu nedávno v tom veľkom národe, v Londýne, vlastne v Anglicku, kde Ján Wesley a Charles a mnohí s tých veľkých kazateľov v tých včasných dňoch, Spurgeon a oni kázali evanjelium na tržniciach a všade tam, oni odstrčili to posolstvo svojho času a pozrite sa, čo sú v tomto čase. Tam je brat Williams a oni dnes večer. To je jedna z najnižšie upadnutých krajín na svete. Pochodil som po svete, ale nepoznám nič, čo by bolo tak odporujúce pravidlám, ako Anglicko. To je ... Billy Graham povedal to isté. No, on musel so svojou ženou odísť preč z parkov, ako sa verejne v tých parkoch diali tie skutky medzi mužmi a ženami. Keď som tam ja bol, nikdy som nevidel nič, čo by viac lámalo ľudské srdce, než to, čo sa dialo v Anglicku, ktoré malo možnosť a jedného času viedlo svet v reformácii. To len ukazuje, ako možno upadnúť.

39Ale vidíte čo to robí, to posolstvo, ktoré vtedy vyšlo, Angličania sa snažia uplatňovať to isté posolstvo na dnes. To dnes nebude fungovať. To nebude fungovať.

40Ako by ... Čo keby bol Mojžiš prišiel a priniesol Noeho posolstvo: "Postavíme koráb a odplavíme sa po Níle?" To by nefungovalo. A tak isto by Ježišove posolstvo nefungovalo pri Mojžišovi. A ani Wesleyove posolstvo by nefungovalo pri Lutherovi či Lutherove posolstvo, naopak. A dnes, našou poslednou veľkou reformáciou boli Letniční. A dnes odchádzame od toho, a Letničné posolstvo sa nebude miešať s týmto, pretože to je iný deň. To je všetko Slovo Božie, ale to je stavanie. Ako chodidlá, ramená, ide to hore, to je formovanie nevesty na vytrhnutie. Vidíte, neodsúva to tých ľudí tam vtedy; oni žili podľa svojho posolstva. Oni všetci vyjdú, ktorí boli v neveste. Tak ako život, ktorý prechádza cez pšeničnú stopku. On opúšťa tú pšenicu - šupku, ale tá pšenica sa formuje na podobu zrna, ktoré padlo do zeme.

41Nedávno som tu čítal jednu knihu, ktorú napísal nejaký Nemec ako kritiku; on povedal: "Zo všetkých fanatikov na svete, William Branham je ten najväčší." On povedal: "No, on nie je nič iné, ako ... On je mág. On robí toto všetko ..." Vidíte, ten človek nevie ...

42A potom, ten človek bol kritik. On ani neveril v Boha. On povedal: "Boh, ktorý si mohol sedieť v tých Temných Vekoch, založiť si ruky na bruchu a smiať sa na hromadu Kresťanov, kde boli matky a to mali byť jeho vlastní učeníci - matky s malými deťmi a všetci a nechal, aby ich žrali levy, a ani nepohol rukou." Vidíte kde je telesná myseľ, kde vzdelanie a to všetko nemôže porozumieť to videnie? Že pšeničné zrno muselo padnúť do zeme.

43Tak ako Ježiš musel zomrieť, aby znovu povstal, tak tá Letničná cirkev musela zomrieť. Musela vojsť do zeme, do tých Temných Vekov. Každá pšenica, každé zrno, ktoré ide do zeme, ono musí ležať v tom temnom čase, aby zrodilo život. Ale to začalo vyrastať v Martinovi Luterovi. Prešlo cez Wesleya, a ďalej do veku Letničných; teraz to ide do zrna. A teraz, tie denominačné systémy, ktoré oni zanechali, to sú steblá. Nič iné. To má byť spálené, ten denominačný systém. Ale to skutočné pšeničné zrno, ktoré vychádza zo všetkých tých reformácií, bude v neveste vychvátené hore. Oni všetci spolu budú tvoriť nevestu.

44No, dozvedáme sa, že v Anglicku, tam oni nedávno napodobnili ukrižovanie, skupina tých ľudí, tie deti s tými dlhými vlasmi a všetkým, a hulákajú ... nazývajú Ježiša "Ocko" a všetko také. Taká špina.

45No, vy poviete: "To je v Londýne, v Anglicku." Pozrite, čo bolo minulý týždeň v novinách tu v Amerike. Nejaký veľký doktor teológie z dobrej školy povedal, že ukrižovanie bol podfuk, povedal, že Ježiš sa len snažil robiť, ako mŕtvy, že On vypil tú mandragorovú bylinu a ... Nachádzame v Genesis, kde sa o nej hovorí. To je bylina, ako marihuana alebo niečo. Vynašli to tam v Oriente. A keď to pijete, uvedie vás to do spánku, možno vo vašom ... akoby ste boli mŕtvi, náhle opadáte, všetko na čas dvoch alebo troch dní.

46On povedal, keď Mu oni dali víno so žlčou, to je celkom možné, že to bolo z byliny mandragory. A keď to urobili, oni Mu to dali; a On odpadol, akoby bol mŕtvy. Oni Ho dali do hrobu, a položili Ho tam. A po dvoch alebo troch dňoch, samozrejme, sa potom znovu prebral a bol v poriadku. Povedal, že On odišiel do Indii a tam niekde zomrel obyčajnou smrťou. Snažil sa vymyslieť nejaké náboženstvo. Zaprvé, ten kritik ... Čo sa deje s ľuďmi? Vidíte? To je práve v tomto čase, v ktorom žijeme, posmievači (vidíte?) čas, aby sa vyplnilo to proroctvo.

47Boh vyznačil Svoje Slovo na každý vek. A každý z týchto vekov ho musí dokázať. A On tak isto predom ustanovil ľudí na ten vek, aby vyplnili to Slovo. Zakaždým, keď On vyznačil Svoje Slovo, On pridelil ku nemu človeka. Keď On vyznačil Mojžišov čas, On do neho vyznačil Mojžiša. Keď vyznačil čas, aby sa narodil Syn Boží, On Ho do neho vyznačil. Do každého veku On dal svojich ľudí, predom určených. Ako povedala Biblia, nič ... Keď je Boh nekonečný, všemohúci, všemocný, všadeprítomný, vševedúci, no, On vedel všetko od počiatku. Tak On vedel ... Nič nie je mimo plán; to si len my tak myslíme. Všetko beží ...

48Pozrime sa naspäť do Jeho Slova a vidzme, čo On robí, potom porozumieme.

49 No, predstavte si len. Za prvé, keby si ten kazateľ uvedomil, keď Mu oni dali do úst ten ocot a žlč, On to vypľul. On to vôbec nevzal. Vidíte? To len povstávajú posmievači. Zadruhé: ako mohol tento Ježiš z Nazaretu, ako to, že Jeho život pasoval do každého proroctva Starého Zákona? Ako by to mohlo byť. To by nemohlo byť, keby to nebolo ustanovené od Boha. Jeho život pasoval do každého proroctva Starého Zákona. Ďalšia vec, ak to títo učeníci tak s Ním narafičili, prečo každý jeden z nich zomrel ako mučeník? A ešte apoštol Peter povedal: "Obráťte ma dole hlavou; nie som hodný zomrieť tak, ako On." Ako oni ... zobrali Andreja a obrátili ho bokom na kríži. Oni, každý jeden spečatili svoje svedectvo svojou vlastnou krvou. Oni Mu verili, a milovali Ho, a dali za Neho svoje životy. Keby On bol podvodník, ako by to oni vôbec urobili? Vidíte, ten duchovný význam, ľudia tomu nerozumejú.

50Tu nedávno bol jeden veľký človek, nejaký veľký rabín, ktorý napísal, že Mojžiš, keď prechádzal cez Červené More, povedal: "To v skutočnosti nebola voda; vody nikdy nestáli ako múr." Povedal: "Čo to bolo, hore na druhom konci Mŕtveho Mora, tam bolo množstvo trstiny, a on prešiel cez tú vodu trstiny, cez more trstiny. Tam nebola žiadna voda, len množstvo trstiny, trstinový oceán, cez ktorý oni prešli." A mnohí duchovní tomu veria, a prijímajú to.

51Tu, pred nedávnom, keď vyletel hore ten prvý astronaut, on prišiel naspäť a on nevidel nijakého Boha. To poplietlo aj kazateľov. Oni si mysleli, že Boh žije hneď tam niekde hore, sto päťdesiat míľ vysoko. No, ó, ako ... Vzdelanie a múdrosť tohoto sveta obrátila cirkev na hromadu chudákov.

52Vzdelanie, a vzdelávací systém, veda, a civilizácia je z diabla. To je diablova civilizácia. Biblia tak povedala. A naša civilizácia, ktorá prichádza nebude mať vôbec nič spoločné s touto civilizáciou. To bude iná civilizácia. V tejto civilizácii a v tomto vedeckom svete máme ... Čím máme viac vedy, tým ďalej ideme do smrti, do všetkého, do pascí na zabitie, a do všetkého. V tej novej civilizácii nebude smrť, žiadna choroba, žiaľ ani bolesť. Vidíte? Nič také tam nebude. Tak táto civilizácia bude musieť byť zničená, pretože ona je z diabla.

53Nachádzame to v Genesis 4, že Kainovi ľudia začali civilizáciu, začali stavať mestečká, mestá, a tak ďalej, a hudobné nástroje, a stávali sa ... a veda. A ľudia odchádzali ďalej od Boha, a pri tom nábožní. Ale keď prišli Setovi ľudia, oni začali vzývať meno Pánovo. Ach, hovoriť o tom prefíkanom.

54Nie som tu preto, aby som urazil niečie názory, alebo povedal niečo na nejakú cirkev. A keď vy ste tu a patríte do tohoto zboru, ja toto nehovorím, aby som urazil vaše cítenie, pretože práve toľko dobrých ľudí je tu, ako tam v iných cirkvách. Ale čítal som v Shreveporte minulý týždeň, kde Katolícka cirkev urobila určité vyhlásenie. A vidíme kde sa oni teraz všetci spolu schádzajú, do veľkej ekumenickej rady a tak ďalej a presne sa vypĺňa to, čo povedala Biblia, že budú robiť. Presne.

55No, zisťujeme, že oni povedali: "No, Biblia, niektorí protestanti sa chcú držať tej Biblii. No" - povedali - "Biblia to nebolo nič iné, ako kniha, história cirkvi a oni to dali do literárnej formy len asi pred 250 rokmi. To stále bola cirkev." Povedali: "To bola cirkev nie Biblia, a Biblia je len história toho, čo cirkev robila." Aké je to prefíkané klamstvo. No, my už máme Bibliu tri tisíc rokov. Starý Zákon bol napísaný v Písme, stovky a stovky rokov pred príchodom Krista. To je proste diablova prefíkanosť.

56A nachádzame v tomto čase, keď toto veľké posmievanie a robenie si z Biblii žartov a keď sa ju snažia odstrčiť nabok ... Boh skrze niečo musí súdiť cirkev. On by nemohol byť spravodlivý ... Oni nemôžu ísť tu po ulici a zatknúť ma a povedať mi, že som išiel tridsať míľovou rýchlosťou v zóne, kde je povolená dvadsiatka, až kým tam nie je niečo, čo by mi hovorilo, že mi je dovolené ísť len dvadsať míľovou rýchlosťou. To tam musí byť. A Boh bude súdiť cirkev ... bude súdiť jedného dňa ľudí. Vieme to. Prichádza súd. Tak ak to On bude súdiť podľa Katolíckej cirkvi, podľa ktorej Katolíckej cirkvi? Ak to On bude súdiť podľa Metodistov, Baptisti sú stratení. Ak to On bude súdiť podľa Jednotárov, vyznávači dvojice sú stratení. Vidíte? Podľa čoho to On bude súdiť? On povedal, že On to bude súdiť podľa Krista, a Kristus je Slovo. Tak to je Slovo Božie, podľa ktorého Boh bude súdiť. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami ... Ten istý včera dnes i naveky." Vidíte? Tak On to bude súdiť podľa Svojho Slova.

57A teraz, nachádzame, že v tomto dni, keď sa oni snažia odstrčiť Bibliu a prijať cirkevnú ... Biblia, cirkev ju nechce - takto oni môžu proste robiť akékoľvek vyznanie, alebo čokoľvek iné a kráčať podľa toho.

58No, ako som hovoril ten večer v Shreveport pri večeri Pánovej, keď oni mali zabiť toho obetného baránka, tam medzi nimi nemalo byť žiadneho kvasu za plných sedem dní. Žiadny kvas, žiadny kvasený chlieb. Všetko muselo byť nekvasené. To reprezentovalo tých sedem cirkevných vekov, ktoré tu dávame do knižnej formy. A tam nebolo kvasu. Ktorý je - niečo zmiešané s tým. A my sme zmiešali so Slovom vyznanie, a denomináciu, a všetko ďalšie a stále sa to snažíme nazývať Slovo. Za plných sedem dní nebude žiadneho kvasu. A ešte, čo sa je dnes, nesnažte sa ponechať si to na zajtra, spáľte to ohňom, prv ako začne svitať, pretože prichádza nové posolstvo a nová vec.

59Vidíte, snažia si to ponechať. Ale to bol postoj cirkvi. Prebudenie išlo ďalej, a prvé, čo sa deje, po asi troch rokoch oni z toho urobili organizáciu. Denominácia zavádza organizáciu. Ale všimli ste si, toto beží už teraz dvadsať rokov, a nie je z toho žiadna organizácia. A nikdy nebude! Toto je koniec. Pšenica prišla znovu naspäť do pšenice. Pšenica prišla naspäť do svojho zrna. šupka sa od neho odtiahla. A tá pšenica musí ležať v prítomnosti slnka, aby dozrela.

60Nie je to divné, že pred nedávnom bolo na východnom pobreží to veľké zatmenie. Oni tomu nemôžu porozumieť. Texas bol zatmený minulý týždeň. Oni to nemôžu rozumieť. Neuvedomujete si, že to je znak? Či neviete, že národy sa rozlamujú? Izrael je vo svojej domovine, a tieto znamenia ukazujú, že sme na konci! V tom istom čase je zatmenie, či neviete, že to je znak o ktorom povedal prorok: "Ale v čase večera bude svetlo," že príde svetlo v čase večera, keď tie zatmenia a všetko sa dejú tak, ako teraz. Pozrite sa len, ako sa to zatmelo.

61Práve sem prišiel pápež. Pamatáte sa tam v modlitebni, keď oni - máte tie pásky - myslím, že všetci ich máte - ako to Pán tam ukázal v ten deň v modlitebni, presne kde tieto cirkevné veky budú a ako oni budú. A ja som ich nakreslil tam na tabuľu, tie cirkevné veky, ktoré tu vidíte nakreslené v tej knihe. A či nezostúpil Duch Svätý vo veľkom ohnivom stĺpe a išiel rovno dozadu na tú stenu a Sám ich tam nakreslil, pred očami tristo alebo štyristo ľudí, ktorí tam sedeli. A práve keď pápež tu rozpočal svoju návštevu, mesiac sa nejako zatmel, a oni urobili tie fotografie - tak isto, ako to bolo nakreslené tam na pódiu. No, on tu pricestoval 13-teho. prešiel 13 schodov, udelil večeru Pánovu 13-tym ľuďom, národu, ktorého číslo je 13, a všade nastávajú zatmenia. Či nevidíte kde sme? Sme v čase konca.

62"V posledných dňoch povstanú posmievači, ktorí budú hovoriť: 'Nie je iný čas, než aký bol, odkedy zosnuli naši otcovia.'" Ale keď vidíte, že sa dejú tieto veci, zodvihnite svoje hlavy; pripravte sa; v každej chvíli sa niečo môže stáť. Kristus prichádza pre Svoju cirkev.

63No, oni tomu neveria, pretože to je ... Oni si neuvedomujú, že to sú oni, ktorí vypĺňajú Písma. Ľudia si skutočne neuvedomujú, keď robia tieto veci a hovoria toto, že oni vypĺňajú tie miesta Písma. Ako málo si to uvedomoval Kajfáš, najvyšší kňaz a všetci tí kňazi v tom čase, že sa vysmievali a robili si žarty z Neho - nevedeli, že práve ten Boh o ktorom oni spievali: "Bože môj, prečo si ma opustil? - 22. žalm - Prebodli moje ruky i moje nohy ... " Spievali to v chráme a On zomieral tam na kríži, ani trochu nevedeli že to robia. Aj Ježiš sa modlil: "Otče, odpusť im, oni nevedia čo robia." Pretože vlastne v Písme bolo o nich predpovedané, že budú slepí.

64Vedeli ste, že je predpovedané, že protestanti a katolícka cirkev, že v týchto posledných dňoch budú slepí? To isté, podľa Písma, Kristus je za dverami a snaží sa vojsť do vnútra? "Pretože hovoríš, som bohatý a nepotrebujem ničoho, a nevieš, že si biedny i mizerný na poľutovanie i chudobný i nahý i slepý a nevieš o tom!" Zjavenie 3. Tu to máte, znovu naspäť do slepoty, šliapu po veciach Božích, ako by pre nich nič neznamenali, vysmievajú sa a robia si z toho žarty; to hovorí Biblia.

65Ale pre cirkev, nevestu - vytrhnutie je pre ňu zjavenie. To je jej zjavené, to zjavenie, že opravdová nevesta Kristova bude čakať na zjavenie vytrhnutia.

66No, to je zjavenie, lebo zjavenie je viera. Nemôžete mať zjavenie bez toho, žeby ste neverili. Viera je zjavenie, pretože to je niečo, čo je vám zjavené. Viera je zjavenie. Viera je niečo, čo vám bolo zjavené, ako to bolo zjavené Abrahámovi, ktorý mohol nazývať všetko, čo sa nezhodovalo s tým, čo mu bolo zjavené, ako keby to tak nebolo. No viera ... To je to, čím je viera, to je zjavenie Božie. Cirkev je postavená na zjavení, celé kompletné telo.

67Tu pred niekoľkými týždňami som sa rozprával s fajn Baptistickým kazateľom. Prišiel aby so mnou diskutoval. Povedal: "Mám ťa rád, ako človeka, ale" - povedal - "si celý popletený."

povedal som: "Potom mi prosím pomôž, aby som sa z toho dostal ..." no, on povedal ... "podľa Písma."

On povedal: "Nikdy nebudeme schopní, brat Branham, dať tie veci dohromady, až kým nebudeme mať každé slovo za slovom s Gréckym originálom a tak ďalej."

68Povedal som: "Ó, pane, toľko by ste mali vedieť." Povedal som: "Aj na Nicejskom koncile, tam vtedy, čo sa toho týka, tristo rokov po Kristovej smrti, oni stále diskutovali, ktorý Grécky učenec mal pravdu. Nemôžete ... To je zjavenie. Celá vec je ..."

On povedal: "Nemôžem prijať zjavenie."

Povedal som: "Potom ako môžete prijať Krista?"

On povedal: "Prečo, Biblia povedala: 'Ten kto verí v Ježiša Krista má večný život.' "

69Povedal som: "To je pravda. Ona tiež hovorí, že nikto nemôže nazvať Ježiša Kristom, jedine skrze zjavenie Ducha Svätého, ktorý mu to zjavil." Vidíte? Tu to máte, znovu sme pri tom, jedná sa znovu o zjavenie. To musí byť zjavené.

70V Biblii ... Kain a Ábel nemali Bibliu, aby si čítali, ale to bolo zjavené Ábelovi skrze vieru, ktorá je zjavenie. Ábel obetoval Bohu lepšiu obeť ako Kain, ktorou to vierou dostal svedectvo, že je spravodlivý. Keď sa Ježiša opýtali tu v Matúšovi 16: 17 a 18 ... Nemáme čas, aby sme to čítali, ale ak si to chcete poznačiť. On povedal: "Čo hovoria ľudia, že kto som Ja, Syn človeka?"

Jeden z nich povedal. "Ty si Mojžiš, Eliáš, alebo niekto."

On povedal: "Ale čo hovoríte vy, že kto som Ja?"

71On povedal: "Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha."

72On povedal: "Požehnaný si, Šimon, syn Jonášov, lebo telo a krv ti to nezjavili; môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti to zjavil. Na tejto skale - Na duchovnom zjavení, kto Boh je, kto je Ježiš, a On je zjavením Boha, Boh, ktorý sa stal telom a zjavil sa svetu. On bol na svete; Boh bol v Kristovi mieriac svet so Sebou, zjavujúc čím bol Boh v ľudskom tele. - Ty si Kristus, ten Pomazaný, Syn Boží."

73On povedal: "Telo a krv ti to nezjavili, ale môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti to zjavil. Na tejto skale, Ja postavím svoju cirkev - na zjavení Slova na svoj čas - Ja postavím svoju cirkev a brány pekelné ju nepremôžu."

74Kniha Zjavenia je poslednou knihou Biblii. Ona je pre neveriacich zapečatená. Tam Biblia hovorí v 22. kapitole: "Ktokoľvek odoberie z toho jedno slovo, alebo pridá do toho jedno slovo, tomu odnímem jeho diel z knihy života." Uvedomujeme si, že potom to všetko spolu bolo dané pre veriacich. A to otvára knihu Zjavenia a zjavuje, kto je autorom celej tejto knihy - On musel vyzerať ako Alfa a Omega, od Genesis do Zjavenia, Ježiš Kristus stále ten istý - a zjavuje Svoje celé tajomstvo Seba Samého a Svoje plány pre Svoje cirkevné veky, ktoré mali prísť, a bolo to tam zapečatené siedmimi pečaťami.

75No, tá kniha bola napísaná, ale potom pamätajte, ona bola zapečatená siedmimi pečaťami. A týchto sedem pečatí nemalo byť otvorených, Zjavenie 10, až do trúbenia toho posledného zemského anjela na zemi, Zjavenie 10: 7. Vidíte? "A vo dňoch trúbenia toho posledného anjelského posolstva, siedmeho anjela, v tom veku sa má dokonať tajomstvo Božie." A to je tento vek, v ktorom my žijeme.

76Všetci vieme, že žijeme v Laodicejskom veku. Už nebude ďalší vek; nemôže byť. Tak žijeme v Laodicejskom veku, a týchto sedem pečatí, ktoré držali túto knihu, sú pre ľudí tajomstvom, má byť otvorené v tomto čase. To je to, čo On zasľúbil. No, to nemôže byť nič pomimo Slova, pretože nemôžete pridať do Slova alebo odňať zo Slova. To stále musí zostať Slovo. Ale to zjavenie má zjaviť pravdu o tom, čo to je, dopasovať to s ostatným Písmom. A potom Boh potvrdzuje, že je to pravda.

77Vidíte, Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. On podáva Svoj vlastný výklad tým, že vypĺňa to, čo povedal, že sa bude diať. Ako na počiatku On povedal: "Buď svetlo!" a bolo svetlo. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad. To bolo potvrdené.

78No, On zasľúbil v Písme určité veci v tomto poslednom čase. Aha, tam to bolo. Tak ako Ježiš bol Syn Boží. On zasľúbil, že Ho pošle. Keď On bol vo svojom čase tu na zemi a tí ľudia Mu nemohli veriť, On povedal: "Skúmajte Písma, pretože si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život; a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Ak nečiním skutky môjho Otca, potom mi neverte. Ale ak nemôžete veriť mne, verte tým skutkom, ktoré činím; pretože ony svedčia o tom kto Som."

79Tak potom, v čase Wesleya, tie skutky, ktoré on robil svedčili o tom, kto on bol. V čase Luthera v reformácii, tedy, skutočne to svedčilo, kto on bol. V čase Letničných, navracanie naspäť darov, prinavrátenie darov, hovorenie v jazykoch, a vyháňanie démonov, a dary, no tak to vydávalo svedectvo. To nebol žiadny žart.

80Ľudia povedali, keď to prvý krát povstalo ... Čítal som knihu o histórii Letničných. Oni povedali: "To nemôže trvať dlho; to uhasne." To stále horí. Prečo? Preto, že vy to nemôžete uhasiť. Boh povedal, že to tam bude. To je tá časť Slova, a nemôžete to viac uhasiť ... A potom, keď je nevesta vyvolaná, ako to uhasíte? To je zjavenie manifestácii Slova, ktoré sa stalo pravdou. A my žijeme v tom čase. Chvála Bohu! Zjavenie tajomstva Jeho samého.

81No, vytrhnutie je len, toto vytrhnutie o ktorom hovoríme je len pre nevestu. Pamätajte, Biblia povedala: "A ostatní mŕtvi neožili, až sa dokoná tisíc rokov." Toto veľké vytrhnutie ... Ak nieto vytrhnutia priatelia, kde sme? Čo budeme robiť? V akom veku žijeme? Aké máme zasľúbenie? Bude vytrhnutie. Biblia povedala, že bude; a ono bude len pre vyvolených, pre vyvolenú pani, pre nevestu v tomto čase, ktorá je vytiahnutá von, pre cirkev.

82Samotné slovo cirkev znamená "vyvolaní von." Ako Mojžiš vyvolal národ z národa, tak Duch Svätý vyvoláva nevestu z cirkvi. Cirkev z cirkvi, členov z každej denominácii, ktorí tvoria nevestu, strom nevesty, je to na páske, strom nevesty. Nevesta vychádza von, vyvolaná ... A to je ten, ten strom nevesty ... lepšie povedané, nevesta je to, čo bude vytrhnuté, jedine oni, nič okrem nevesty, ten vyvolený, predvedený Bohom od začiatku, Otcov duchovný zárodok.

Dovoľte, že sa tu na chvíľu zastavím, ak ... Stávam sa nervózny, keď si myslím, že vás tu budem držať príliš dlho.

83Ale všimnite si; pozrite! Každý jeden z vás ľudí, viete, roky predtým, ako ste sa narodili, boli ste vo svojom otcovi ako zárodok? Je to tak! Nejaký zárodok semena bol vo vašom otcovi, pochádza z jeho mužského pohlavia, nie ženského. Vidíte? Ženské vyživuje to vajíčko, je pôdou na zasadenie, ale zárodok prichádza od otca.

84No, povedzme v mojom otcovi, alebo môj syn, ktorý tu sedí. Keď som ja mal šestnásť rokov, môj syn bol vo mne. Ja som ho nepoznal, ale on tam bol. No, cez lôžko, cez svätý manželský zväzok, sa on stáva mojím obrazom. Ja ho poznám; môžem mať s ním obecenstvo. A on prichádza práve v ten pravý čas.

85No, tak ty si bol v ... Ak máš večný život, tak si bol v Bohu, prv ako bol svet. Ty si časťou, synom Božím, atribútom Božím. On presne vedel v ktorom veku prídeš. On ťa predurčil do toho veku, aby si zaujal to miesto, a nikto iný ho nemôže zaujať. Bez ohľadu koľko je napodobenín a všetkého, ty tam musíš byť, pretože On vedel, že tam budeš. Ty si sa teraz zamanifestoval; teraz môžeš mať s Ním obecenstvo, to je to čo On chce. On túži po obecenstve, aby bol uctievaný. Ale ak tvoj život ne ... ak nebol stále, ako atribút v Bohu, ty si len napodobiteľ Kresťanstva. Vidíte? Bude ich milióny a bilióny, ktorí budú len napodobiteľmi Kresťanstva.

86Práve nedávno som sa zmienil. Prizeral som sa u brata Demosa Šakariána, tam kde mali ... krížili dobytok, robili test a pozorovali to cez mikroskop a tak ďalej, doktori to vzali a pozorovali to.

87V tom prostom vylúčení semena prichádza zo samca zakaždým niečo okolo milióna zárodkov. A v tom istom čase prichádza zo samice okolo milióna vajíčok. Ale vedeli ste, že vo všetkých tých malých zárodkoch, ktoré sa tam pohybujú, milióny, je len jeden predurčený do života, a len jedno vajíčko je plodné? A ten malý zárodok sa bude hemžiť rovno ďalej cez všetky tie malé zárodky, predbieha každý malý zárodok, ktorý vyzerá presne ako on a predbieha to všetko a príde sem a nájde to plodné vajíčko a doplazí sa do neho. A potom všetky tie ostatné zomrú. No, hovorí sa o panenskom narodení, no, to nie je ani z polovici tak tajomné, ako telesné narodenie, ako je ono predom ustanovené, predurčené od Boha.

88No, na počiatku, tam vtedy, dávno predtým ako začal čas, ty, ak si dnes znovuzrodený Kresťan, ty si vtedy bol v Bohu, svojom Otcovi. A preto, keď si prišiel tu do tohoto života a vyznávaš Kresťanstvo ... všetko ide zle, divil si sa prečo je toto a všetko tamto. Divil si sa tomu. Ale jedného dňa ťa niečo zasiahlo. Čo to bolo? Ten život, ktorý bol tam vo vnútri od začiatku.

89Ako ten príbeh o tom orlovi, ktorý nachádza ... jeho matka hľadala toho orla. Počuli ste ma o tom kázať, ako sa ten malý orol vyliahol pod sliepkou. Ale jej zvyky, ako sa ona snažila kŕmiť tie kurence, ten malý orol to nemohol jesť, pretože on od začiatku nebol kuraťom, hoci bol v ohrade s kurencami a chodil s kurencami. Ona hrabala na humne a tak ďalej a ten malý orol to nemohol zniesť. Ale zakaždým ona zakvokala, všetky malé kurence tam pribehli, tak on išiel tiež.

90Ale jedného dňa jeho matka vedela, že zniesla dve vajcia, nie jedno. Niekde musí byť ten ďalší. Ona ho išla hľadať. Lietala okolo, krúžila, nakoniec ona letela ponad to humno, a našla svoje dieťa. A zakričala na neho. To bol hlas, a on si uvedomil, že to je to správne. To bolo to, čo on hľadal. Vidíte? A on si potom uvedomil, že on nie je kura; on je orol. A tak je to s každým znovuzrodeným kresťanom. Keď prichádzaš nestarám sa o to ku koľkým denomináciám si sa pripojili, koľko krát si zapísal svoje meno do ich kníh a všetko možné, keď to skutočné Slovo Božie sa potvrdilo a ukázalo sa ti ako pravda, takto, práve vtedy si uvedomuješ, že si orol. Pretože všetko toto kvokanie sliepky, pripoj sa do tohoto, a pripoj sa sem a choď takto a takto, to je nezmysel. To je opravdové doplňovanie slova do slova.

91Keď zárodok prichádza do lona matky, on nenaberá ... Ty si sa nestal ľudským zárodkom z tvojho otca, a potom ďalej sa staneš zárodkom zo psa, a neskoršie z mačky, a neskoršie z kuraťa; to stále bol ľudský zárodok. A telo Ježiša Krista, nevesta, bude časťou jeho tela, ktoré bude ... On bol Slovo, a nevesta bude musieť byť Slovom, Slovo doplnené do Slova, doplnené do Slova. Lutherove ospravedlnenie, Wesleyove posvätenie, Letničný krst Duchom Svätým, prinavrátenie darov, a všetko ostatné z toho idúce s tým. To musí byť Slovo na najvyššom stupni Slova, zárodok na najvyššom stupni zárodku, život na najvyššom stupni života, aby to prinieslo plnú postavu nevesty Pána Ježiša Krista.

92No pamätajte, vy ste boli atribút. A teraz to hlavné z toho je, potom keď sme zistili tieto veci, že Kristus prichádza pre svoju nevestu, a teraz, ako sa dostaneme do tej nevesty? No, to je otázka. Mnohí hovoria: "Pripoj sa do nášho zhromaždenia." Jedni z nich chcú určitý druh krstu. Jedni z nich chcú robiť toto, alebo tamto. Jedni hovoria, že musíš hovoriť v jazykoch inak to nemáš; iní hovoria, že nemusíš hovoriť v jazykoch. Tento hovorí, že musíš tancovať v Duchu. A ten to hovorí, že musíš vykrikovať. Tento má senzáciu. To je v poriadku, a potom stále je to všetko zle. Ako by mohol človek, ktorý je ... alebo žena, alebo dieťa Božie, ktoré je narodené z Ducha Božieho zapierať Slovo Božie, keď Boh ho sám vyložil a povedal: "Toto je to. Ja som to zasľúbil; tu to je," ukazuje to tak jasne, ako to len môže. No predsa, oni to musia vidieť. Vidíte? Ako by mohol Kristus zapierať svoje vlastné Slovo. Ak je vo vás Kristus, On nemôže zapierať svoje vlastné Slovo.

93Ako sa potom dostaneme do tohoto tela? l. Korinťanom 12: "Skrze jedného Ducha sme my všetci pokrstení do tohoto tela," skrze jeden krst Duchom Svätým. Ak si to chcete zapísať, je to v l. Korinťanom 12: 13. "A skrze jedného Ducha sme my všetci pokrstení ..." A ten Duch to je život Kristov (je to tak?), život Kristov. A život každého semena - pri čom On bol to semeno Slova - privádza to semeno do života. Rozumiete? Keď ten život leží v tom semene a tento krst Duchom Svätým prichádza naň, on musí priniesť tomu semenu život.

94Ako som vám povedal tu vo Phoenixe, nedávno som sa rozprával s bratom Johnom Sharritom. A ja som tam bol, a on mi ukázal strom, citrus. On pestoval mnoho citrusového ovocia. A on mi ukázal jeden strom, ktorý mal na sebe osem, alebo deväť rôznych druhov ovocia. A ja som sa opýtal: "Brat Sharrit, čo je to za strom? "

Povedal: "Pomarančovník."

Povedal som: "Prečo je tam citrón, a tangarina a tangelo a grapefruit?"

On povedal: "To je všetko citrusové ovocie; oni sú zaštepené."

"Ó" - povedal som - "Rozumiem. No, na budúci rok budú na ňom samé pomaranče."

95Ale, "Ó, nie. Každý strom zrodí svoje vlastné ... každá haluz zrodí svoje vlastné ovocie." Mnohí z vás, ktorí pestujete ovocie viete, že tu je to citrusové údolie; ona bude rodiť svoje vlastné.

96Vy dáte citrónovú halúzku do pomarančového stromu, ona rodí citrón, pretože to je prirodzenosť citrusového ovocia. Jednako nebude niesť originálne ovocie. A to je to, čo sme urobili. My sme naštepili do toho, dali sme do toho vyznania a tak ďalej, a všetko sme to tu naštepili. Ako môže metodista rodiť niečo iné, ako metodistické dieťa? Ako môže ktorákoľvek denominácia zrodiť niečo iné, ako denominačné dieťa?

97Ale keď ten strom vypustí niekedy originálnu haluz, ona bude rodiť pomaranče. A potom keď Boh niekedy urobí niečo v cirkvi, to bude zase originál znovu presne podľa Slova. Musí to byť, pretože ten život je v tom strome, a on rodí svoj vlastný druh.

98No, keď zisťujeme ... No, tá veľká cirkev prechádzala cez tie veky rodila svoje ovocie, a keď tie haluzi uschli boli odrezané. V ev. Jána 15 ... Nikdy nebol odrezaný vinič, On odrezával ratolesti, odsekával ich, pretože neprinášali žiadne ovocie. A my ...

99Ježiš chce pre seba ovocie. Jeho žena musí rodiť ten druh detí, ako je On. Potom, ak oni nerodia deti, deti nevesty, deti Slova, potom je to denominačné dieťa. Potom jej prvá láska za svetom a denomináciou, ona odišla naspäť do toho. A oni nemôžu zrodiť skutočného, opravdového, znovu zrodeného Kresťana, pretože tam nie je nič, čo by ho zrodilo.

100Práve tak ako keď zoberiete citrónovú halúzku a strčíte ju tam; ona bude rodiť citrón, ale ona nemôže zrodiť pomaranč, pretože ona tam od začiatku nebola. Ale to bolo určené na začiatku, predvedenie Božieho predurčenia a narodenia, to musí zrodiť pomaranč; to nemôže rodiť nič iné.

101Tak je to s cirkvou živého Boha. Keď príde tá hodina, každý ... Nech len Boh niečo začne robiť, každý má svoj veľký čas a pominul. Vidíte? Stále to tak bolo. Čítal som tu nedávno históriu Martina Lutera. Hovorilo sa tam, že to nebolo tak ťažké veriť, že Martin Luter protestoval proti katolíckej cirkvi a ísť s tým; ale bola tam povedaná zvláštna vec, že on dokázal držať hlavu ponad všetok ten fanatizmus, ktorý nasledoval jeho prebudenie a stále stáť rovno na svojom ospravedlnení. Vidíte? Proste všetko, napodobeniny a všetko upadá ...

102Pozrite na pani Semple McPherson, Amiee Semple McPherson, ktorá mala tu ten chrám. Každá kazateľka mala tie krídla a nosila Bibliu tak isto, proste telesné napodobeniny. Oni nemohli byť originálne. Takto cirkvi nemôžu byť. Nech jedna cirkev v meste dosiahne to či tamto, druhá cirkev to nemôže zniesť, kým to nedosiahnu. Vidíte? Oni nie sú viac originálne. Božie Slovo je originálne. To je Slovo, a ono musí rodiť svoj druh vo svojom čase, vyvolených, predurčených od Boha Otca.

103No, ako sa dostaneme do tejto cirkvi? Skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do tohoto jedného tela, Kristovho tela, ktorým je nevesta, Slovo. Vkrstení tam skrze Ducha Svätého.

104No, všimnime si, či sme v poslednom čase alebo nie. No, zisťujeme, keď si otvoríme naspäť do Genesis okolo, okolo 5. kapitoly - tiež si môžete otvoriť Lukáša - a zistíte, že Enoch bol siedmy od Noeho. Enoch ... Tam je vystihnuté semeno hada, lebo ak Kain bol Ábelov syn, potom on bol ôsmy. Vidíte? Ale nikde v Biblii nie je povedané, že Kain bol Ábelov syn ... či, že Kain bol Adamov syn, pretože Biblia povedala, že on bol z toho zlého. A Adam nebol ten zlý. Vidíte? On bol z toho zlého.

105No, tu nachádzame, že Enoch bol siedmy od Noeho, a to bol predobraz cirkevných vekov. No, všetci tí ostatní šiesti mužovia pred ním zomreli, ale Enoch bol prenesený, Enoch bol vytrhnutý, ten siedmy, a to ukazuje, že to je siedmy cirkevný vek, v ktorom nastane vytrhnutie. No, nieto pochýb, že sme v siedmom cirkevnom veku. Všetci to vieme.

106No, to je siedmy cirkevný vek, v ktorom nastáva vytrhnutie. Všetci tí ostatní šiesti zomreli. Ale Enoch bol prenesený, pretože ho viac nenašli; Boh ho vzal. Ale vytrhnutý Enoch, bol predobrazom zo všetkých ostatných, ktorí zomierajú, ale nevesta posledného času bude vyvolaná (vytrhnutá, bez smrti) bude vyvolaná zo siedmeho cirkevného veku. A to je tento vek, o ktorom my teraz nesieme svedectvo. Ó! Pustime sa teraz do toho riadne hlboko. Vidíte?

107No, tu je tiež predobraz tých siedmich cirkevných vekov, a to je Zjavenie 10: 7, že to veľké tajomstvo tej knihy malo byť odhalené skrze posolstvo siedmeho anjela.

108 No, je posol nad všetkými týmito, a posol na zemi. Anglické slovo anjel znamená "posol". A v posolstve siedmeho anjela, zatiaľ čo on vydával svoj ... vyhlasoval svoju službu, potom keď on začína hlásať svoju službu, nie vtedy, keď on začal .... Ježiš, keď On začal, On začal uzdravovať chorých a postihnutých. "A, ó, ten veľký Rabi, On je prorok!" A každý Ho chcel mať vo svojej cirkvi, ale keď si On jedného dňa sadol a povedal: "Ja a Otec sme jedno," to bolo inak. To bolo inak. "Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho krv, nemáte v sebe život." "Čo, On je vampír." Vidíte, vidíte? To bolo inak. On to nevysvetlil. Oni už videli tú manifestáciu, to potvrdenie Slova Božieho na Svoj vek, ktoré sa stalo skutočnosťou a dokázalo im, že On je ten posol toho veku. A On nemusel nič vysvetľovať.

109Títo učeníci to možno neboli schopní vysvetliť, ale oni tomu verili, či to mohli vysvetliť alebo nie. Oni ďalej kľudne sedeli a verili tomu. Ako by oni mohli povedať, či budú jesť Jeho telo a piť Jeho krv? No, to pre nich bolo nemožné, ale oni tomu verili, pretože oni boli určení. Ježiš povedal, že On ich vybral pred založením sveta. Vidíte? Oni tomu verili. Či to mohli vysvetliť, alebo nie, oni tomu stále verili.

110No, pozrite! No, v tom siedmom cirkevnom veku, keď ten siedmy anjel začína hlásať, práve vtedy tie tajomstvá Božie mali byť oznámené. Tie pečate, ktoré tí reformátori ... Neboli, oni nemali čas ... Luter nežil dostatočne dlho, ani Wesley, tie veky netrvali dostatočne dlho. Tí reformátori, oni mali svoje posolstvo na svoj deň, a ľudia to pochytili a spravili z toho denomináciu. A čo to je?

111Nemôžete predbehnúť prírodu. Príroda stále svedčí. Boh postupuje zhodne s prírodou. Musí. Ako slnko, slnko ráno vychádza; je ako malé novonarodené dieťa. Ono je slabé, nemá toľko tepla. O desiatej, končí vysokú školu. V polovici dňa vchádza do života. O tretej popoludní, starne. O piatej, zomiera, staré a znovu slabé, ide naspäť do hrobu. Je to jeho koniec? Znovu na druhé ráno vychádza. Vidíte?

112Pozrite sa na stromy, ako oni vypúšťajú svoje listy, všetko čo robia. No, vidíme padať tie listy zo stromu, ide naspäť. Čo to je? Život odchádza dole do koreňa stromu. Je to jeho koniec? Na jar znovu prichádza s novým životom.

113No, pozorujte cirkvi, ako sa diala tá istá vec v reformácii. Ona povstáva. To pšeničné zrno padlo do zeme a zomrelo počas prenasledovania v Dobe Temna. Ono odišlo do zeme. Ono muselo zomrieť. Každý duchovný človek to môže vidieť. Ak to semeno nezomrie a nezhnije, zostane ono samotné. A ono muselo vojsť do zeme počas Doby Temna. Ono tam ležalo, hnilo, a vystúpilo v dvoch malých steblách Luteránskej cirkvi. Z Luteránskej cirkvi sa zrodilo viacej stebiel, Cwingli a tak ďalej. Z toho to ide ďalej hore do klasu, ktorým bol Ján Wesley, veľký misionársky vek. To odpadlo naspäť. Tam z toho prichádza ten zvodiaci vek, ten Letničný vek. To pšeničné zrno, ktoré ...

114Pestoval tu niekedy niekto nejakú pšenicu? Pozrite sa na tú pšenicu. Keď sa na ňu pozriete ... Keď tam idete a hovoríte: "Mám pšenicu." Zdá sa vám, že tam máte pšenicu; otvoríte to poriadne a skúmate, nemáte vôbec žiadnu pšenicu. Máte šupku. Či nás nevaroval Ježiš, že v Matúšovi 24: 24, v tých posledných dňoch, že tie dva duchy budú tak podobné, že by to zviedlo samotnú tú vyvolenú pšenicu, keby to bolo možné. Vidíte? No dávajte pozor, to je nositeľ.

115No, ten život, ktorý prechádzal cez Lutera, vyprodukoval Wesleya. Život, ktorý vyšiel z Wesleya, vyprodukoval Letničných. Život, ktorý vyšiel z Letničných produkuje pšenicu. Ale oni sú nositeľom. Vidíte? Ten skutočný život prechádza cez to. To posolstvo cez to prechádza, ale ono ide ďalej a vrcholí v pšenici. Preto tá pšenica vyrastá a prináša to všetko do vytrhnutia tu hore na vrcholku. Sama nevesta vychádza z každého veku, ale tá denominačná stopka zomiera, uschýna a zomiera.

116Všimli ste si v týchto posledných dňoch, ako sa to začalo teraz odťahovať? Keď tá pšenica začína rásť, potom sa tá šupka začína od nej oddeľovať. Pozrite sa znovu na tú malú pšenicu, keď sa na to dívate. Potiahnite to takto a otvorte a pozrite sa do toho a uvidíte; máte tam malý zárodok pšenice. Museli by ste to tridsať krát zväčšiť, aby ste sa mohli na to pozrieť, aby ste tam videli ten malý zárodok pšenice. Vidíte? Je to tam ďaleko vzadu, ale to začína rásť. No, tá šupka tam musí byť, aby to chránila a umožnila, aby sa to rozvinulo. Ale potom, keď to začína rásť, a to posolstvo sa začína šíriť, potom sa tá šupka od toho odťahuje. A ten život hneď z tej šupky vychádza a prechádza hneď do tej pšenice. Ide ďalej. Tak sa to deje v každom veku. To proste nemôže predbehnúť prírodu; to je Božia postupnosť, spôsob ako to On robí. A teraz, toto je vek, v ktorom my práve teraz žijeme, ten siedmy cirkevný vek.

117No, to všetko má byť zamanifestované na konci v tom pšeničnom zrne. Ďalšie prichádza naspäť ... No, ak vezmete Lukáša 17. kapitolu a 30. verš, On povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď sa Syn človeka začne zjavovať." Čo znamená zjaviť? Dať sa poznať, že čo On je v tomto čase, v čom sa zjavil ľuďom, to je Slovo, ktoré bolo oznámené na tento deň, zjavené ľuďom skrze manifestáciu Ducha Svätého, ukazujúce, že Ježiš žije medzi nami.

118A pamätajte, On tam bol reprezentovaný v mužovi - mužovi. On povedal: "Ako bolo." No, On čítal tú istú Bibliu, ktorú my čítame, Genesis. No, vidíme tam v tej kapitole Genesis, keď Ježiš hovoril o tom. Nachádzame tam, že v tom, keď sa On obrátil chrbtom ku tomu stanu, a Sára bola v tom stane, On povedal - On sa opýtal. A ona neverila, že to čo sa malo stať by sa mohlo stať. On povedal: "No, Abrahám navštívim ťa podľa času života." A Sára v stane sa z toho smiala. On povedal: "Prečo sa Sára smiala v stane, a hovorila: 'Ako sa to môže stať?' " Ježiš zasľúbil, a to bol On; Abrahám Ho nazval Elohim, Všemohúci. To bol On.

119No, Biblia predpovedá, že sa to znovu zopakuje v posledných dňoch. Ježiš tak povedal. A keď vidíte diať sa tieto veci, pamätajte len, keď sa toto takto začne diať, potom viete, že čas je blízko predo dvermi.

120Pozrite sa na samotný svet. Pozrite sa na svet, Sodoma ak bola kedy Sodoma. Pozrite sa na ľudí, prevrátení v takej prevrátenosti. Ich mysle sú prevrátené. Oni nevedia čo je normálne slušné. Pozrite sa na tie nezákonnosti, homosexuálov, a všetko ďalšie. Pozrite sa na naše ženy, čo za divoké vystrájanie. Pozrite aké divoké vystrájanie neslušnosti, nemorálnosť medzi našimi ženami, a nie len naše ... Vy hovoríte: "To sú Metodisti." To sú tiež Letniční. Všetci.

121Pozrite sa na našich mužov; oni sa držia ... Namiesto Slova Božieho sa držia nejakej denominačnej tradícii, namiesto toho, aby vyšli von, keď vidia Boha, ktorý sa dokonale dáva poznávať. To je dôvod, že sú slepí, oni to nemôžu vidieť. Oni to nikdy neuvidia.

No, pozorujte čo sa deje tu v tomto, zatiaľ čo sa ponáhľame. Myslím, že tá pani chce, aby sme odišli; Videl som ju kývať rukami, tak nejako, ona chce, aby sme končili, tak sa radšej budeme ponáhľať.

122Tak teraz, všimnite si Enocha, predobraz cirkvi. Tu je on tiež predstavený v siedmom cirkevnom veku. Môžete si to uvedomiť? Ten siedmy cirkevný vek ... Všimnite si, pri trúbení ...

123Koľkí veríte, že je sedem poslov do siedmich cirkevných ... ? Ó, my všetci tomu veríme, keď veríme Biblii. Ak neveríme Biblii, samozrejme (vidíte?) tak tomu neveríme. Ale tam bolo ...

124No, my žijeme v tom siedmom cirkevnom veku. A keď Biblia povedala, že tento siedmy cirkevný vek ... Keď ten posol tohoto siedmeho cirkevného veku, začne hlásať svoje posolstvo, to tajomstvá všetkých tých vecí, ktoré boli poprekrúcané tam cez ten vek, budú zjavené v tom čase. A tu to vidíme, Syn človeka prichádza medzi svoj ľud a robí presne to, potvrdzuje Svoje posolstvo, ako On povedal, že bude robiť. Tu to nachádzame v tomto poslednom veku.

125No ... A sedem stráží, ako sedem stráží. On neprišiel pri prvej stráži, druhej, tretej, štvrtej, ale prichádza pri siedmej stráži. To bol Enoch, siedmy, ktorý bol prenesený, a Noe, on je typom na ten zostatok Židov, má byť cez to nesený.

126 No, v Biblických časoch - keď hovoríme o strážach - noci v Biblickom čase neboli rozdelené na hodiny. (No dobre počúvajte, pretože sa teraz ponáhľam, lebo oni chcú túto miestnosť.) Nie, Biblia nebola rozdelená ... či, noc nebola rozdelená na hodiny v Biblickom čase; ona bola rozdelená na stráže.

127Boli tri stráže. No, prvá stráž začínala od 900 do 1200; druhá stráž začínala od 1200 do 300 a tretia nočná stráž sa rátala od 300 do 600. No, máme tri, tri po tri, čo je deväť, nedokonalé číslo. Potom ideme naspäť do tej sedmičky na vytrhnutie, ktoré sa bude diať, verím medzi 600 a 700 ... či 600 a 900 hodinou jedno ráno. Pretože trúba Pánova zaznie ...

V to jasné bezoblačné ráno, keď mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú a bude vyžarovať sláva jeho vzkriesenia, keď sa Jeho vybraní zhromaždia do svojich domov za oblakmi, keď budú volaní hore tí z toho zvitku, ja tam budem.

128Slovo "vytrhnutie, v Biblii nie je vôbec ani použité. My tam proste dávame to slovo. Biblia hovorí, "Vychvátení, budeme vychvátení." Čítali sme tu v ll. Tesaloničanom, či to je v l. Tesaloničanom, ten poriadok tohoto veľkého vytrhnutia, ktoré sa stane v tých posledných dňoch. Počúvajte toto tu. Začneme tu od 13. verša.

...nechcem bratia, aby ste nevedeli o tých, ktorí zosnuli, aby ste sa nermútili, ako aj ostatní, ktorí nemajú nádeje.

Lebo ak veríme ... Kristus zomrel i vstal z mŕtvych, tak i Boh tých, ktorí zosnuli v Ježišovi, privedie s ním.

Lebo to vám hovoríme slovom Pánovým, že my živí, ponechaní do príchodu Pánovho, istotne nepredstihneme tých,

(slovo predstihnúť znamená nezadržať.)

ktorí zosnuli.

Lebo sám Pán (

dobre teraz počúvajte.)

... sám Pán s veliteľským povelom, s hlasom archanjela a s trúbou Božou zostúpi z neba a mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv:

129No, chcem aby ste si všimli veľkú vec, ktorá sa tu teraz deje. Neprehliadnite to. Vidíte? No všimnite si, Slovo tu hovorí v ll. Tesaloničanom, že tieto tri veci ... Všimnite si, od 13. do 16. verša sú tri veci, ktoré sa musia stať prv, ako sa objaví sám Pán. (Teraz rýchlo, aby sme mohli zakončiť. Vidíte?) Tá prvá vec sa deje, všimnite si: veliteľský povel, hlas, trúba. Čítajme to teraz a pozrime sa či je to tak. Vidíte?

Lebo sám Pán

(16. verš)

zostúpi z neba s veliteľským povelom, a s hlasom archanjela, a ... s trúbou Božou ...

130Dejú sa tri veci; hlas ... veliteľský povel, hlas, trúba, to sa musí stať pred tým, ako sa objaví Ježiš. No, veliteľský povel. Ježiš vykonáva všetko to troje keď zostupuje. "Veliteľský povel", čo je to "veliteľský povel"? To je posolstvo, ktoré vychádza najprv, ten živý chlieb života, ktorý rodí nevestu.

131No, Boh má spôsob, ako všetko robí, a On nikdy nezmenil svoju metódu. On nemení Svoju ... On je nemeniteľný Boh. V Ámosovi 3: 7 On povedal, že On nebude robiť nič na zemi, až kým to prv nezjaví Svojim sluhom prorokom. A On to urobí práve s takou istotou s akou to On zasľúbil.

132No, prešli sme cez cirkevné veky, ale nám je zasľúbené v posledných dňoch podľa Malachiáša 4, že znovu bude prinavrátenie, prorok na zemi. Je to tak! Všimnite si jeho povahu a aký on bude. Boh používa toho ducha päť krát: raz v Eliášovi, v Elizeovi, a Jánovi Krstiteľovi, na vyvolanie cirkvi, a pre ten ostatok Židov; päť krát, milosť, J-e-ž-i-š,  v-i-e-r-a, a to je číslo milosti. Vidíte? No dobre.

133Pamätajte teraz, to posolstvo je zasľúbené. A keď všetky tieto tajomstvá zostali všetky tak sfušované hromadou duchovných, bude treba priameho proroka od Boha, aby ich zjavil. A to je presne to, čo On zasľúbil urobiť. Vidíte?

134No pamätajte, Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokovi, nie ku teológovi, ku prorokovi. On je reflektorom Božieho Slova. On nemôže nič povedať; on nemôže povedať svoje vlastné myšlienky; on môže hovoriť len to, čo zjavuje Boh. Dokonca čo sa týka proroka Baláma, keď sa on snažil predať svoje práva on povedal: "Ako môže nejaký prorok povedať niečo iné, ako to čo Boh položí do jeho úst?" To je vec, ktorú Boh robí, že vy nemôžete povedať nič iné. A vy ste sa tak narodili.

135Tak isto, ako nemôžete ... Či by ste mohli povedať: "Nemôžem otvoriť svoje oči," keď sa dívate. Rozumiete? Môžete. Nemôžete sa načiahnuť svojou rukou, keď môžete. Vidíte? Nemôžete byť pes, keď ste človek. Vidíte? Vy ste proste tak stvorený, a Boh stále ... v tých vekoch cez Izaiáša, Jeremiáša, a všetkých ... Eliáša, a v tých vekoch, ktoré pominuli, keď tá skupina duchovných doviedla všetko do zamiešania, On posielal proroka, vychoval ho z ničoho. On nepatril do žiadnej z ich pozícií, a hovoril Jeho Slovo, bol odvolaný zo scény a odišiel, proste drsný človek pravdy Božej.

136A to je stále ... Spôsob, ako ho môžete poznať, On povedal: "Ak je medzi vami niekto duchovný, alebo prorok ..." Teraz prorok ... Je taká vec, ako dar proroctva v cirkvi, ale prorok je predurčený a predom ustanovený na danú hodinu. Vidíte? Tak veru.

137No, ak je povedané nejaké proroctvo, dvaja alebo traja si musia sadnúť a posúdiť, či je to správne alebo nie, prv ako to cirkev môže prijať. Ale nikto nie je postavený pred proroka, pretože on bol absolútne Slovo Božie. On bol tým Slovom na svoj vek. On videl Boha odzrkadľo- ...

138No, ak nám to Boh znovu zasľúbil poslať v týchto posledných dňoch, aby vyviedol nevestu z toho náboženského zamiešania, a to je jediný spôsob, ako sa to môže stať. Nikdy sa to nestane ... Cirkev nemôže prijať Krista. Letniční, nemôžeme niesť ďalej toto posolstvo v stave v akom je cirkev dnes. Ako vykonáme to, čo je treba v tomto čase konca, v stave v akom sa oni dnes nachádzajú, keď každý jeden je proti druhému, a všetko ďalšie, a klerikalizmus? Ó, milosť. To je zamiešanie. Prešlo to do denominácií. A zakaždým, žiadam každého historika nech povie, či to tak nie je. Zakaždým keď vyšlo nejaké posolstvo na zem a keď to oni zorganizovali, na mieste to zomrelo. A Letniční urobili to isté, ako urobili tí všetci - Letniční, ktorí vyšli.

139Vy Zbory Božie, keď vaši starí otcovia a matky vyšli tam vtedy z tých organizácií na tom starom Generálnom Koncile, vykrikovali a chválili Boha a hovorili proti týmto veciam; a vy ste sa navrátili, ako pes ku svojmu vývratku a ako prasa do svojho váľania sa v blate a urobili ste to isté, čo robili oni; a teraz ste tak cirkevnícki, že zatvárate svoje srdce, a vy prv musíte mať členský preukaz inak sotva môžete mať so sebou spoločenstvo.

140A vy Jednotári, Boh vám dal posolstvo ako toto, a miesto toho, aby ste išli napred a zostávali pokorní a išli napred, museli ste sa obrátiť a zorganizovať svoju skupinu. A kde ste všetci? V tom istom vedre. Presne tak! A Duch Boží ide ďalej. "Ja budem sadiť; Ja ju budem zavlažovať vodne i v noci, aby niekto ne ..."

141On ustanovil, že budú tieto veci, a On toto musí poslať. Tá prvá vec prichádza, keď On začína zostupovať z neba, zneje veliteľský povel! Čo to je? To je posolstvo, aby zhromaždilo ľudí. Posolstvo prichádza najprv. No: "Čas ozdobenia lámp. Povstaňte a ozdobte svoje lampy." Ktorá to bola stráž? Tá siedma, nie šiesta, siedma. "Ajhľa, ženích prichádza. Povstaňte a ozdobte svoje lampy." A oni to urobili. Niektoré z nich zistili, že nemajú vo svojej lampe žiadny olej. Vidíte? Ale to je čas ozdobovania lámp. To je čas Malachiáša 4, čo On za- ... To je Lukáš 17. To je Izaiáš ... Všetky tie proroctvá, ktoré môžu v Písme presne pasovať podľa poriadku na tento deň, vidíme to, žijeme rovno tam. Nie je ...

142Vidíme diať sa tieto veci, môj drahý brat, sestra, keď Boh na nebi vie, že by som mohol zomrieť na tomto pódiu hneď teraz, vy len máte kráčať chvíľu okolo. To je práve ... Je to ohromné, keď vidíte prichádzať Boha z nebies, stáť pred skupinou ľudí, a stáť tam, jasne sa ukazuje, ako to On vždy robil. A to je pravda, a táto otvorená Biblia. Vidíte? My sme tu!

143A ten denominačný systém je mŕtvy. Je po ňom. To nikdy viacej nepovstane. To bude spálené. To je to, čo robíte s tou šupkou - plevou na poli. Utečte od toho. Vojdite do Krista. Nehovorte: "Ja patrím ku Metodistom!" "Ja patrím ku Baptistom!" Ja patrím ku Letničným!" Vojdite do Krista. A ak ste v Kristovi, nie je tu napísané ani slovo, ktorému by ste neverili. Nestarám sa o to, čo ktokoľvek hovorí. A potom Boh manifestuje tieto veci, pretože vy ... Keď On vylieva Ducha na Slovo, čo sa deje? Tak ako polievanie každého iného semena. Ono bude žiť, a ono rodí svoj druh.

144Vy hovoríte: "Ja mám krst Duchom Svätým." To ešte vôbec neznamená, že si spasený.

145Pozrite sa sem, vy ste trojitá bytosť. Vy ste ... Vo vnútri tohoto malého človeka, tu je duša; to ďalšie je duch; a ďalšie je telo. No, v tomto tele máte päť zmyslov, aby ste sa kontaktovali so svojim zemským domovom. Oni sa nekontaktujú s tým ďalším. Vy tu máte päť zmyslov ducha, láska a vedomie a tak ďalej, takto. Ale tu vo vnútri, tam žijete. To je to, čo ste.

146Či nepovedal Ježiš, že dážď padá na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých? Zasaďte tam kúkoľ a tam pšenicu a polievajte ich a starajte sa o ne a všetko okolo toho, či nebudú oni obe žiť skrze tú istú vodu? Samozrejme! No, čo to je? Jedno z nich bude rodiť kúkoľ, pretože to je to, čo ono je. Kúkoľ bude dvíhať svoje ruky a kričať tak isto, ako pšenica.

147Či nehovorí Biblia, že v posledných dňoch prídu falošní Kristovia, nie falošní Ježišovia, falošní Kristovia, pomazaní ľudia, falošne pomazaní ohľadne Slova. Denominačne pomazaní, ale nie podľa Slova, pretože Slovo bude niesť svedectvo samo o sebe. Ono nepotrebuje nič iné; ono bude vydávať svedectvo o sebe. A tam prídu falošní pomazanci. Máte moju pásku o tom. A to je pomazanie ... Ó, keby ste zavolali takého a povedali: "Ó si ty Ježiš?" "Ó, samozrejme nie!" Oni to nepripustia. Ale keď príde na to: "Ó sláva, ja mám pomazanie ..." A to je pravé pomazanie.

148Pamätajte, Kajfáš ho mal tiež a prorokoval. Tak isto ho mal Balám a prorokoval, ale to nemalo nič spoločného s týmto vnútrom. Ak to nebolo Božie semeno, Jeho predurčený zárodok od začiatku, je s tebou koniec. Nestarám sa o to ako veľmi kričíš, hovoríš v jazykoch, beháš, kričíš; to s tým nemá nič spoločného. Kúkoľ môže vykrikovať tak isto, ako ktokoľvek iný z nich. Videl som povstať pohanov, a vykrikovali, a hovorili v jazykoch, a pili krv z ľudskej lepky a vzývali diabla. Vidíte? Tak nechcite žiadnu z týchto senzácií a vecí; zabudnite na to. To je vaše srdce v tom Slove, a to je Kristus. Vneste ho tam, a pozorujte, ako sa ono dáva poznávať, otvára sa práve tak, ako každé iné semeno a ukazuje sa v tom veku, v ktorom žije.

149Luter nemohol priniesť nič okrem vetvičky. Títo ďalší mohli priniesť tieto ďalšie veci. My sme teraz vo veku pšenici. Luteráni, opravdoví Luteráni museli zrodiť opravdových Luteránov. Opravdoví Letniční museli priniesť opravdového Letničného. To je všetko. Ale my sme prešli ten vek a ideme ďalej.

150Viete, že Katolícka cirkev začala z Letníc? A keby Letničná cirkev trvala dve tisíc rokov, bola by v horšom stave než ako sú teraz Katolíci. Je to presne tak! No, ja toto hovorím mojim bratom a sestrám, ktorých milujem, a Boh to vie. Ale pamätajte, priatelia, ja sa musím s vami stretnúť na súde. A možno to už nebude príliš dlho. Ja musím niesť svedectvo o tom, čo je pravda.

151Keď som chodil s vami do zhromaždení a modlil sa za chorých, to bolo dobre, ale keď som prišiel s posolstvom ... Ak vychádza akékoľvek posolstvo, ak je to pravdivé posolstvo, ak je ono pravdou, opravdové zázraky Božie, a zavesí sa hneď do tej organizácii, viete, že to nie je Boh, pretože tá vec zostala už zjavená. Ježiš vyšiel a uzdravoval chorých, aby obrátil oči ľudí, na Svoje posolstvo. Je to tak! To musí mať niečo, čo Boh ide predstaviť. Božské uzdravovanie je ... takéto zázraky len obracajú oči ľudí. To hlavné je to posolstvo. To je to. To je to, čo pochádza tu z tadeto. On sa snaží získať pozornosť ľudí, a tak si oni sadnú a počúvajú Ho. Vidíte? Pretože tam je niekto, kto je určený do života. A niektoré pšeničné zrno padlo na zem, a vtáci ho vyzobali. A iné padlo medzi tŕnie, a niektoré vošli do pripravenej pôdy, predom pripravenej pôdy a priniesli úrodu.

152No, tá prvá vec je to hlásanie - či to prvé je trúbenie, či hlas - veliteľský povel, a potom hlas, a potom trúba. Veliteľský povel, posol pripravuje ľudí. To druhé je hlas zmŕtvychvstania. Ten istý hlas, silný hlas v ev. Jána 11: 38 a 44, ktorý zavolal Lazára z hrobu. Zhromažďovanie nevesty, a potom vzkriesenie mŕtvych (vidíte?), aby boli tým vychvátení. No, sledujte tie tri veci, ktoré sa dejú.

153To ďalšie je čo? To bola trúba. Hlas - veliteľský povel, hlas, trúba. No, tá tretia vec je trúba, ktorá stále pri sviatku trúbenia je zvolávaním ľudí na hostinu; a to bude nevestina večera, Baránkova večera s nevestou na oblakoch.

154Vidíte, tá prvá vec, ktorá prichádza je Jeho posolstvo, ktoré zvoláva dohromady nevestu. Tá ďalšia vec je vzkriesenie spiacej nevesty, tých ktorí zosnuli tam v tých predchádzajúcich vekoch. Oni sú spolu chytení, a trúba, hostina v nebesiach - na oblakoch. No, to je to čo sa deje, priatelia.

155My sme práve tam teraz pripravení. Jediná vec, cirkev, ktorá vychádza von musí ležať na slnku, aby dozrela. Ten veľký kombajn zanedlho príde. Pšenica ... tá slama bude spálená, ale to zrno bude zhromaždené do sýpky. Vidíte?

156Vy nie ste slepí. Ste rozumní ľudia, a ak ja tu stojím a hovorím toto zo zaujatosti ... Ja to hovorím preto, že je to život, pretože som zodpovedný pred Bohom, aby som to povedal. A ja to musím povedať. A moje posolstvo ... Po celý ten čas, počas uzdravovaní som vedel, že to bolo len upútanie pozornosti ľudí, vedel som, že príde posolstvo. A tu to je.

157A tých sedem pečatí je otvorených, tie tajomstvá a ukazujú tie veci, to je to čo sa stalo. Nevedel som to, ale sú ľudia, ktorí stoja práve teraz tu, ktorí stáli tam práve so mnou, vtedy ste ma všetci počuli kázať to kázanie: "Pánovia, aký je toto čas?" A to ráno, presne tam, kde bolo povedané, že to bude, tam stálo sedem anjelov rovno z neba. A ako oni odchádzali a ten vír ich zodvihol tam hore, my sme tam stáli, dívali sme sa ako oni odchádzali, veda urobila snímky z toho po celom národe, až dole do Mexica. A tam, keď som sa díval ...

158Jedného dňa, keď som začal kázať týchto sedem cirkevných vekov a zavolal som Jacka Mooreho, veľkého teológa; opýtal som sa: "Jack, kto je tá osoba, ktorá tam stojí, Niekto podobný Synovi človeka, stojaci tam, vlasy biele ako vlna." Povedal som: "On bol mladý človek; ako On mohol mať vlasy biele ako vlna?"

159On povedal: "Brat Branham, to bolo Jeho oslávené telo." To nerozzvonilo ten zvonec. Ale keď som vošiel do tej miestnosti a začal som sa modliť, On mi dal vedieť, čo to bolo.

160Vidíte, ja som stále kázal, že On bol božský, nie len človek; On bol Boh zjavený v tele, Boh, atribút Božej lásky, tie veľké atribúty Božie, ktoré prišli dole a prejavili sa tu na zemi. Ježiš bol Božou láskou, ktorá zostrojila telo, v ktorom prebýval sám Jahve. On bol plnosť Božstva telesne. Čo bol Boh, On zjavil cez to telo. To telo muselo zomrieť, aby On mohol umyť nevestu Svojou krvou.

161A všimnite si, nie len to, že nevesta je umytá, že je jej odpustené, ale ona je ospravedlnená. Vidíte? Pokúsili ste sa niekedy zistiť čo znamená slovo "ospravedlnený?" No napríklad, ak brat Green počul, že ja som pil, že som robil zlé veci, a potom by zistil, že ja som to nerobil, on by potom prišiel a povedal: "Ja ti odpúšťam brat Branham."

162"Ty mi odpúšťaš? Ja som to nikdy neurobil. Čo mi odpúšťaš?" Vidíte? Ale ak som vinný, potom mi môže byť odpustené, ale stále nie som spravodlivý, pretože ja som to urobil. Ale slovo ospravedlniť znamená "ako by ste to vôbec nikdy neurobili" - ospravedlnení. A potom krv Ježiša Krista nás očisťuje od hriechov tak, až ich odkladá do knihy Božieho zabudnutia. On je ten Jediný, ktorý to môže urobiť. My môžeme odpustiť, ale nezabudneme.

163Ja som vám mohol odpustiť, ale ja si stále pamätám, že ste urobili zlé veci. Potom nie ste spravodliví, je vám odpustené. Ale v očiach Božích nevesta je ospravedlnená. Ona to v prvom rade nikdy neurobila. Amen. Stojí tam vydatá za bezúhonného Syna Božieho, v prvom rade nikdy nezhrešila. Prečo? Ona bola predom určená; ona bola do tohoto chytená. A teraz, keď ona počula pravdu a prišla, krv ju očistila. A ona tam stojí bezúhonná. Vidíte? Nie je na nej žiadny hriech.

164Takže, posolstvo zvoláva dohromady nevestu. Vidíte? Výkrik a trúba. V to ráno so silným hlasom, On vydal zo Seba výkrik a - hlas a zobudil Lazára. On zakričal mocným hlasom: "Lazár, vyjdi von." Vidíte? A ten hlas budí spiacu nevestu, spiacich mŕtvych.

165A trúba, s tým zvukom trúby, a keď ona trúbi, zvoláva ... Trúba stále zvolávala Izrael na sviatok trúb (vidíte?), a to bol sviatok Letníc, veľká hostina na oblakoch a sviatok trúb ... A teraz, trúba oznámila zvolanie spolu, zvoláva na hostinu. A to je teraz Baránkova večera na oblakoch (no, hľaďte,) - zhromažďovanie sa spolu v neveste, sviatok trúb, svadobná večera.

Videli sme to v predobrazoch. No, dávajte pozor ešte chvíľu, prv ako zakončíme.

166Všimnite si, videli sme to v predobrazoch. No, ak si chcete prečítať v Matúšovi 18:16, tam je povedané, že sú traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo. Vidíte? V l. Jána 5:7 a tak ďalej ... Traja sú stále svedectvom. Je to tak? To je potvrdenie, niečo čo je pravda. Traja svedkovia nesú ... "Na ústach dvoch, alebo troch svedkov nech je založené každé slovo."

167No všimnite si, my sme mali troch svedkov. Traja sú svedkom. No, my sme už mali tri vytrhnutia v Starom Zákone (vedeli ste to?), ako svedectvo. No dávajte pozor! Enoch bol jeden; Eliáš bol ten druhý; A Ježiš bol ten ďalší. Ježiš bol teraz kľúčovým kameňom, On nesie svedectvo. Vidíte, On bol kľúčovým kameňom medzi Starým a Novým Zákonom, pretože On prv musel zomrieť a potom bol vytrhnutý. On zomrel, ožil, a chodil tu s nami a potom bol vytrhnutý; pretože On bol kľúčový kameň, ktorý zviazal to dvoje dokopy. Po Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní a vytrhnutí (hľaďte!), potom keď to On urobil a dokázal tam tomu Starému zákonu ... My všetci vieme, že Enoch bol prenesený. My vieme, že Eliáš bol zobraný vo víchrici (je to tak?) na ohnivom voze. A Ježiš zomrel, bol pochovaný, povstal a žil tu na zemi a potom bol vytrhnutý, kľúčový kameň. To sú traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo. Je to tak?

168No, jedno vytrhnutie už pominulo. Vedeli ste to. Pozrime sa či by sme to nemohli v rýchlosti prečítať. Vezmime Matúša 27. kapitolu a vezmime, okolo, 45. verš Matúša z 27. kapitoly. Pozrime sa, či by sme to nemohli v rýchlosti zobrať a či by sme nemohli prečítať kúsok z tohoto, pomohlo by nám to hneď na rýchlo - 27 a 45 myslím, že som si to tu zapísal. Čítajme.

A od šiestej hodiny povstala tma na celej zemi až do deviatej ...

A okolo deviatej hodiny zvolal Ježiš veľkým hlasom a povedal: Éli, Éli, lama sabachtani?! To je: Môj Bože, ... prečo si ma opustil?!

A niektorí z tých, ktorí tam stáli, keď to počuli hovorili: Eliáša volá tento.

A hneď bežal jeden z nich, vzal špongiu, naplnil octom, naložil na trsť a napájal ho.

Ale ostatní hovorili: ... vidzme, či príde Eliáš, aby mu pomohol.

Ale Ježiš zase vykríkol velikým hlasom a vypustil ducha.

Velikým hlasom, velikým hlasom, hľaďte, keď Ježiš zomieral vykríkol velikým hlasom. Vypustil ducha.

A hľa, chrámová opona sa roztrhla na dvoje, od vrchu až dolu, a zem sa triasla, skaly sa pukali,

a hroby sa otvárali, a mnohé telá zosnulých svätých vstali

a vyjdúc z hrobov po jeho zmŕtvychvstaní vošli do svätého mesta a ukázali sa mnohým.

169Jedno vytrhnutie pominulo. Tri sa stali v Starom Zákone pri tých pripravených, ku ktorým prišlo Slovo Pánovo. Vidíte? Slovo Pánovo prišlo ku Enochovi. Slovo Pánovo prišlo ku Eliášovi. On bol prorok. Vidíte? Slovo Pánovo bol Ježiš. Vidíte?

170Sledujte v Starom Zákone, tých Starozákonných svätých, teraz keď nastalo prvý krát toto vytrhnutie. Všimnite si 50. verš. Jeho silný hlas zobudil tých Starozákonných svätých, presne tak, ako ten silný hlas zobudil Ježiša - či vlastne Lazára. Vidíte? Ten silný hlas ho zobudil. A to druhé je vyplnené v ll. Tesaloničanom 4. kapitola. Prečítajme len ... Čítali sme to práve pred chvíľou. Vidíte? "Nechcem bratia, aby ste nevedeli o tých, ktorí zosnuli, aby ste sa nermútili ako ..." To je l. Tesaloničanom 4: 12 - 18. To bude druhé vytrhnutie. Druhé vytrhnutie to bude vychvátenie nevesty.

171Starozákonní svätí odišli do Jeho prítomnosti, raj odišiel. A starozákonní svätí vystúpili hore na Jeho silný hlas, keď On skríkol a vypustil ducha. Prečo? Obeť, to zmierenie za ich hriechy, na ktoré oni čakali ... Verili, že má prísť dokonalý Baránok, oni prinášali obeť baránka. A keď On zomrel a vypustil ducha, On zakričal mocným hlasom, a tí Starozákonní svätí sa zobudili. Pozorujte tu ten výkrik - veliteľský povel a ten hlas, to isté je pri Jeho príchode. Vidíte? Vypustil ducha, a keď to On urobil, tá obeť bola dokonalá, a raj sa vyprázdnil; a Starozákonní svätí prišli znovu na zem, chodili po zemi a vošli s Ním do Neba pri Jeho vytrhnutí.

172Dávid tu povedal: "Otvorte sa brány večnosti a otvorte sa."

173On viedol zajatých väzňov a dal ľuďom dary. Keď tí Starozákonní svätí odišli tam s Ním, oni povedali: "Kto je to ten Kráľ spravodlivosti?"

174"Hospodin slávy, mocný v zástupoch ... mocný hrdina." Tu oni vošli, pochodovali. Ježiš viedol zajatých väzňov. A tu On išiel s tými Starozákonnými svätými, a prišli tam hore ku tým novým bránam a povedali: "Pozdvihnite sa, vráta večnosti a pozdvihnite sa nech vojde Kráľ slávy."

A hlas zaznel od vnútra a povedal: "Kto je to ten Kráľ slávy?"

175"Hospodin vojenný hrdina." Brány sa roztvorili. A Ježiš ten Víťaz viedol zajatých väzňov, tých, ktorí verili v Neho, a Slovo prišlo ku nim. Tí Starozákonní svätí tam ležali a čakali. On viedol zajatých väzňov, vystúpil hore, zobral tých Starozákonných svätých a vošiel dovnútra. Jedno vytrhnutie už pominulo.

176Ďalšie vytrhnutie sa deje, to je 2. Tesaloničanom, pre cirkev, pre nevestu, aby bola vzkriesená, aby bola vytrhnutá do slávy. "My živí, ponechaní (to je to telo, ktoré zostalo na zemi) nepredstihneme tých, ktorí zosnuli. Lebo trúba Božia zaznie najprv, a mŕtvi v Kristovi povstanú. (Vidíte?) A my, ktorí sme živí a ponechaní budeme spolu s nimi vychvátení."

177Jedného dňa som stál na rohu ulice. A stál som na rohu ulice a díval som sa na vojenskú prehliadku na Deň Prímeria. A keď to išlo hore idúc po ulici, stál som tam so svojím malým synom Jozefom. Tam prichádzali ... prvé prechádzali okolo staré tanky z prvej vojny, malý starý tank. Po ňom išli tie veľké Shermanove tanky z novej vojny a veľké kanóny so svojimi hlavňami a ... s tlmičmi a tak ďalej. Potom prichádzali vojaci, matky so zlatými hviezdami. A potom tam prichádzal alegorický voz s ... ďalej ... A ďalej tam prichádzal alegorický voz, a vpredu na ňom bol hrob neznámeho vojaka; a tam stál vojak, stráž pri hrobe. Na jedenej strane tam stál vojak morskej pechoty a na druhej strane námorník. A tam bola urobená prepážka a na druhej strane sedela matka so zlatou hviezdou. Ona stratila svojho chlapca. Tam stála mladá žena so sklonenou hlavou na stole a plakala, malý otrhaný chlapec sedel vedľa, a slzy mu stekali po lícach, on stratil svojho otca. Pomyslel som si: "Aký smútok, ako tu stojím a pozeral sa, vidím tých starých ... zostalo len niekoľko z tých vojakov, pochodujú tam zmrzačení a starí, takto, vo svojich uniformách, ale hrdo sa predvádzali, pretože oni boli Američania."

178Pomyslel som si: "Ó, Bože, jedného dňa zahrmí z neba, a mŕtvi v Kristovi vstanú najprv. Tí Starozákonní svätí tam dávno, ktorí čakajú, zahrmí a vyjdú z tade prví a pôjdu do vzkriesenia; a my sa hneď zaradíme idúc do oblakov, tieto staré smrteľné telá budú premenené a urobené na podobu Jeho vlastného osláveného tela. Čo za prehliadka to bude, keď to začne pochodovať smerom do neba v jednom z týchto dní v tom čase vytrhnutia, ktorý leží pred nami, och, hrdo vystavujúc krv Ježiša Krista na svojich hrudiach, posolstvo Božie na tú hodinu, v ktorej oni žili. To je tá hodina na ktorú očakávame, brat.

179Pozrite (už končím teraz), to druhé vzkriesenie, to prvé už prešlo. To druhé je teraz už na blízku, príde - je teraz na blízku.

180No, to tretie sú tí dvaja svedkovia zo Zjavenia11: 11 a 12, a to sú tí, ktorí prichádzajú naspäť s Duchom Kristovým, aby svedčili tým Židom, ako Jozef svedčil svojim bratom. A pamätáte ich mŕtve telá ležali na ulici za tri a pol dňa; potom duch života prišiel do nich a oni boli vytrhnutí, zobraní do neba. Tu máte tri vytrhnutia v Novom Zákone. Tri vytrhnutia v starom Zákone, oni všetky prešli.

181No, sme pripravení, čakáme na vytrhnutie svätých. Bolo to povedané a tak sa to stane.

182Keď Boh niečo povie, všetky nebesia i zem pominú, ale to Slovo nikdy nepominie. Keď Boh povedal tam v Genesis 1, On povedal: "Buď svetlo." to mohlo byť stovky rokov pred tým, ako existovalo nejaké svetlo. On povedal: "Nech sa zjaví palma; nech sa zjaví orechový strom; nech je púšť; nech je hora; nech je to." On to vypovedal. Vidíte? A len čo to vyšlo z jeho úst, ako slovo, muselo sa to zjaviť. Muselo sa to uskutočniť.

183Potom On jedného dňa vyvolal von svojich ľudí, a On prehovoril ku mužovi menom Mojžiš z ohnivého stĺpa, zo svetla, svätého, posväteného ohňa. A Mojžiš by ne ... Tí ľudia by neverili Mojžišovi, tak On povedal: "Priveď ich ku tomuto vrchu."

184V to ráno ten vrch bol celý v ohni, a blýskanie a hrmenie, takto, a tí ľudia povedali: "Nech nehovorí Boh; nech hovorí Mojžiš (vidíte?), aby sme nepohynuli."

185Boh povedal: "Už viac nebudem ku ním takto hovoriť, ale im vzbudím proroka. A Ja budem hovoriť cez neho, a ak to, čo on povie sa stane, potom to počúvajte, pretože Ja som s ním." No, On to vypovedal. On povedal, že to sa stane.

186Pozrite sa na tohoto proroka Izaiáša, ktorý tam stál, človek, inteligentný človek, človek, ktorého si kráľ vážil, pretože on žil za kráľa Uziáša, ktorý bol veľký človek. Snažil sa raz zaujať miesto kazateľa a vošiel dovnútra, zostal zasiahnutý malomocenstvom. A to je to, čo som hovoril tým Obchodníkom. Nikdy sa nesnažte zastávať kazateľské miesto. Nie veru! Stojte presne tam kde ste. Ak ste prstom, nemôžete byť nikdy uchom. Ak ste ucho, nikdy nebudete nos, nos alebo oko. Vidíte? Stojte na svojom mieste.

187Počuli ste to posolstvo jedného dňa vo vysielaní. "Snažiť sa slúžiť Bohu." Dávid pomazaný kráľ, všetci tí ľudia kričali a výskali, to bolo v poriadku, ale on sa neporadil s Božím prorokom. A jeden človek zomrel, a celá vec bola zmarená. Nesnažte sa Bohu robiť láskavosť. Čakajte až nadíde Boží čas. Nech to príde tak, ako to On robí. "Začnem túto veľkú vec, to prinesie toto." Buď opatrný brat.

188No, Dávid mal už toľko vedieť, že v tých dňoch bol v zemi Nátan. On sa s ním vôbec neporadil. Vidíte? On sa poradil s veliteľmi nad stami a nad tisícami. Všetci tí ľudia vykrikovali a volali a tancovali a ... Oni mali všetky náboženské hnutia, ale to nebolo v línii a v poriadku s Božím Slovom, a to sklamalo. Všetko, čo nie je v línii a v poriadku s Božím Slovom sklame. Jedine Božie Slovo bude stáť naveky. "Nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slová nepominú."

189Všimnite si Izaiáša, toho inteligentného mladého človeka, ktorý tam stál. Náhle ho zasiahol Duch. On nemohol povedať nič iné, on bol prorok. On povedal: "Hľa, panna počne. Syn sa nám narodil ... dieťa sa narodilo syn nám je daný. Jeho meno bude Radca, Knieža pokoja, Všemohúci Boh, Otec Večnosti. Koncu Jeho ... Kniežatstvo bude na Jeho pleci, a Jeho vlády nebude konca." Ako by ten človek zo svojho rozumu mohol povedať, že panna počne? Každý na to očakával. Bolo to vypovedané; to bolo: "Tak hovorí Pán." To sa muselo stať, pretože to bolo Božie Slovo, také isté, ako v Genesis, keď On zasadil tie semená dole pod morom, kde ona bola neladná a pustá, a voda bola nad priepasťou. Vidíte, to sa muselo stať.

190A jedného dňa po osemsto rokoch lono panny počalo semeno Božie, stvorené semeno. Ona porodila Syna. Ten Syn tam stál jedného dňa a On povedal: "Lazár vyjdi von." A človek, ktorý bol štyri dni mŕtvy, zhnitý, jeho nos odpadol, smrdel; on vyšiel von. Povedal: "Nedivte sa tomu, lebo prichádza hodina (amen!), keď všetci, ktorí sú v hroboch budú počuť hlas Syna Božieho." Tak potom to bolo vypovedané; to sa musí stať. Bude vytrhnutie.

191Ó! Spomínam si práve svoje posledné posolstvo v Kalifornii, kde som myslel, že tam už nikdy nepôjdem, keď som predpovedal, že Los Angeles sa potopí do oceánu. A "Tak hovorí Pán," to sa stane! Ona je hotová; je odrovnaná; je s ňou koniec. Kedy? Ja neviem kedy, ale ono sa potopí. Hneď potom, keď tie zemetrasenia začnú trhať a búšiť.

192Vy sa pamätáte, mnohí z vás, ktorí ste stáli práve tam, keď tá skala toho dňa, keď ten anjel Pánov prišiel tam dole a to svetlo a oheň padal z neba okolo tej skaly, kde oni tam stáli, skaly sa trhali z tej hory a lietali tam okolo. A tri krát silne zahrmelo; povedal som: "Súd narazí na Západné Pobrežie." Za dva dni sa Aljaška takmer potopila.

193Pamätajte, ten istý Boh, ktorý povedal to, povedal, že Los Angeles je odsúdené. Je s ním koniec. Ja neviem kedy; neviem vám povedať.

194Nevedel som, že som to povedal. Ale tento brat tu, verím že to bol ... Nie, jeden z Moseleysov, myslím, bol som s ním tam vonku na ulici. Ja som nevedel, čo to bolo, až kým som to nenašiel. A pozrel som sa do Písma, a Ježiš povedal: "Kafarnaum, Kafarnaum, ako často ... Ty, ktoré sa vyvyšuješ (vlastne) do neba, budeš zvrhnuté do pekla, lebo keby sa tie mocné skutky, ktoré sa stali v tebe, keby sa stali v Sodome, stála by až do dnešného dňa." A asi sto päťdesiat rokov po tom - Sodoma bola už v zemi - potom Kafarnaum je tiež dnes vo vode.

195A ten istý Duch Boží, ktorý povedal všetky tieto veci, a vykonal všetky tieto veci, On tam povedal: "Ó mesto, Kafarnaum, ktoré sa nazývaš menom anjelov, Los Angeles. Ako si sa vyvýšilo do neba (Samotný koreň a stolica Satanova. Vidíte?). Ty si sa vyvýšilo."

196Kazatelia, to je pre nich cintorín. Idú tam dobrí ľudia a zomierajú ako potkany. Čo za pohroma.

197"Ty, ktoré sa nazývaš menom anjelov, keby sa tie mocné skutky, ktoré sa stali v tebe, boli stali v Sodome, stála by do dnešného dňa. Ale prišla tvoja hodina." Hľaďte a vidzte. Ak sa to nestane, som falošný prorok. Vidíte? Tam je, ona tam leží.

198Pamätám sa v tej noci ... Prv ako som to uvidel, videl som ukážku nevesty. Stál som tam a videl som krásnu dámu, slušne oblečenú a všetko, ako takto pochodovala. Niekto tam stál vedľa mňa v tom videní, a videl som oni povedali: "Ukážka nevesty." Videl som ju, ako išla okolo. Oni prišli z tejto strany a prechádzali okolo mňa.

199A počul som, ako to prichádzalo; cirkev prichádzala z tejto druhej strany. Tam prichádza Ázijská cirkev. Och, vy hovoríte o špine. Tu prichádza Európska cirkev. Och! A potom som počul prichádzať rock'n'roll; a to bola Miss Amerika, cirkev. A ona nemala na sebe ani šaty. Ona mala noviny, niečo ako noviny, šedivé, držala to pred sebou, tancujúc rock'n'roll - Miss Amerika cirkev.

200Stál som tam v Jeho prítomnosti. Pomyslel som si: "Ó, Bože, ako kazateľ, ak je toto to najlepšie, čo som mohol urobiť, och, och!" Viete ako sa cítite. Potom som rozmýšľal: "Bože ukry ma; keby som sa len mohol dostať z tadeto. Keď všetko, čo sme urobili, a toto je to, čo sme vyprodukovali, ak toto je to, čo ..."

201A potom, keď tie ženy prešli okolo, všetky tancujúce rôzny rock'n'roll a všetko, a krátke vlasy, a namaľované tváre. A keď oni takto prešli okolo, to mali byť panny pre Krista. A keď ona takto prešla ... Odvrátil som hlavu, viete s ... to držali len pred sebou, to bolo hanebné, odzadu. A oni tam takto prechádzali.

202Odvrátil som hlavu a plakal som. Povedal som ... Nedokázal som tam stáť, On tam stál, ja som vedel, že som kazateľom cirkvi a to bolo to, čo som pre Neho urobil. Povedal som: "Ó, Bože, nemôžem sa na to dívať. Daj nech zomriem. Nech zmiznem," a takto.

203A len čo to odišlo - zakaždým, jedna z nich prišla, oni odchádzali preč po určité miesto a padali dole, a ja som len počul zvuk toho ako to odchádzalo preč. A potom som počul niečo ako "Napred Kristovi bojovníci." A pozrel som sa, a tu prichádzala tá posvätená skupina dievčat presne také, ako boli tie, všetky náležite oblečené, vlasy im viseli dole na chrbát, ulízané, čisté, takto pochodovali do kroku evanjelia. Ona bola Slovo. Vyzeralo to, ako jedna z každého národa. Díval som sa na to, ako išli okolo, a videl som ich prechádzať. Namiesto toho, aby išli dole, oni začali ísť hore. A všimol som si jedna z nich sa snažila, dve alebo tri z nich sa snažili, dostať sa z radu. Zakričal som: "Stojte v rade!" A to videnie ma opustilo, a ja som stál v tej miestnosti a kričal: "Stojte v rade!" Rad, ktorý ...

204Zamýšľam sa, mohlo sa to už stať? Mohla už nevesta byť zavolaná? Či to je to, cez čo prechádzame dnes? Ona musí byť uformovaná a urobená na obraz Kristov, a Kristus je Slovo. To je tá jediná vec. Vidíte, to je v tom, v Slove, to je len ... Vidíte, ani jedna vec nemôže byť pridaná. To nemôže byť žena, ktorá má jednou ruku ľudskú a druhú ruku, ako laba od psa; to musí byť presne Slovo Pánovo, tak ako On je Slovo. Nevesta je časťou ženícha. Žena je časťou svojho muža, pretože ona je vzatá z muža. Eva bola časťou Adama z jeho boku. A tak je nevesta, nie je vzatá z denominácie, ale je vzatá z lona Slova Božieho na tento deň.


Trúba Pánova zaznie; mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú a udelí im slávu Svojho vzkriesenia; Keď vybraní sa zhromaždia do svojho domu nad oblakmi, Keď budú zavolaní hore tí na tej listine ... (Snažme sa všetci tam byť priatelia.)

206Nech vás Boh žehná. Bolo to povedané; musí sa to stať. To sa stane! A ľudia, nikto nechce zomrieť; nikto nechce byť zatratený. Dovoľte, že vám poviem, čokoľvek robíte, nestarám sa, ako veľmi chodíte do zboru a aký ste verní cirkvi ... To je dobre; nič proti tomu; máte chodiť do zboru. Robte to; choďte naďalej do zboru, ale čokoľvek to je, odhoďte preč svoje tradície a vojdite rovno do Krista, pretože to zaznie v jednom z týchto dní, a vy budete pristihnutí so znamením šelmy a nebudete vedieť čo to je, až bude príliš neskoro. Je to presne tak!

207Nech vás Boh žehná. Prepáčte, že som vás tak držal. A pamätajte, držal som ich tu príliš dlho; to je v poriadku. A tá obeť, ktorú ste pre mňa zobrali, čo som vás nežiadal, aby ste robili, brat ... To je moje ... To je prejav zdvorilosti. Vezmite to a zaplaťte tento motel, ten predĺžený čas, pretože ja som to pretiahol. Mal som tu len niekoľko vecí. Mám tu ešte okolo osem alebo desať strán o vytrhnutí, ale nemal som proste čas podať to.

208Nech vás Boh žehná! Milujete Pána Ježiša? Stojme len teraz chvíľu v kľude, ticho, s vážnosťou. A pamätajte, čo som povedal. Pamätajte, sme v posledných hodinách. Tieto ...

Národy sa rozlamujú;

Izrael sa budí;

Znaky, ktoré predpovedala Biblia:

Dni pohanov zrátané hrôzou obťažené.

Vráťte sa rozprášení, do svojho vlastného.

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;

ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu.

Buďte plný Ducha, majte ozdobené a čisté lampy.

Pozrite, vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo. (Viete to?)

Falošní proroci klamú;

Božiu pravdu zapierajú; (My vieme, že všetko je pravda, či nie?)

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

Pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgotskom kríži.

209 Koľkí Ho skutočne milujete, zodvihnite ruky. No, Chcem aby ste, zatiaľ čo to znovu budeme spievať, potraste si ruky s niekým nablízku, a povedzte: "Nech ťa Boh žehná, pútnik!" My sme pútnici, či nie, pútnici a cudzinci?

Milujem Ho (To je to, rovno ponad stôl.)

Milujem Ho,

Pretože On prv miloval mňa;

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgotskom kríži.

210Chcete dosiahnuť vytrhnutie? Koľkí majú záujem, aby dosiahli vytrhnutie, povedzte: "Bože, ja ho chcem dosiahnuť z celého svojho srdca."

"Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky." Poznáte tú pieseň? Poznáš ju, sestra? "Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky." Neviem aký ... V čom to je? Aký ... Hm?

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Stavaj svoje nádeje na večných veciach

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Páči sa vám to?

Keď je naša cesta skončená,

Ak si bol Bohu verný,

Pekný a jasný je tvoj domov v chvále,

Tvoja uchytená duša to bude vidieť!

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Postav svoju nádej na večných veciach,

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Chcem aby ste teraz na chvíľu sklonili svoje hlavy.

Nežiadaj márnych svetských bohatstiev,

Ktoré sa rýchlo kazia,

Hľadaj získať ten nebeský poklad,

Oni nikdy nepominú!

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Postav svoju nádej na večných veciach,

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!!

211Teraz, keď máte sklonené hlavy a máte toto na mysli, viete, že skláňame svoje hlavy do prachu, z ktorého sme vzatí, jedného dňa sa vrátime; viete, že máme dušu, ktorá sa musí zodpovedať Bohu ... A ak cítite, že nie ste práve hotoví na vytrhnutie, že ak by ono prišlo dnes večer, a vy by ste chceli byť spomenutí v modlitbe, len zodvihnite ruku. Nemáme miesto, aby sme urobili výzvu ku oltáru. Vaším oltárom je aj tak vaše srdce. Zodvihnite svoje ruky. Nech ťa Boh žehná, teba, teba, teba. Ó! "Cítim, že nie som pripravený, brat Branham. Ja chcem byť skutočne Kresťan. Snažil som sa byť, ale stále mi niečo chýba. Viem, že nie som proste tam, kde by som mal byť. Buď mi milostivý, Bože. Ja dvíham svoju ruku, buď mi milostivý." No, asi dvadsať alebo tridsať rúk sa už zodvihlo v tejto malej skupine. Viac sa ich dvíha.

212Drahý Bože, ty vieš čo je za tými rukami tam v tých srdciach. Modlím sa, drahý Bože ... Je len jedna vec za ktorú som zodpovedný, a to je, aby som povedal pravdu. A drahý Bože, oni chcú byť spasení. Oni chcú skutočne ... Oni nechcú len niečo, čo je len nejaká emócia, niečo vypracované, nejaký denominačný systém, nejaké vyznanie, nejaká dogma, ktorá bola dodaná. Oni rozumejú, Otče, že na to treba čisté neskazené Slovo Božie. Všetko iné pominie, aj nebo i zem, ale to nie. A ak my budeme tým Slovom, zem pominie spod nás, ale my nebudeme môcť pominúť, pretože sme tým Slovom, Nevestou Ženícha.

213Modlím sa za každého jedného, aby si im to udelil, Otče, to je moja úprimná modlitba ... A prepáč mi, Otče, že som dnes ráno bol taký nervózny, prišiel sem pozde, a triasol som sa a hovoril nedokončené slová a usekával. Jednako však, veľký Duch Svätý, spoj ich dokopy Tvojím vlastným Božským spôsobom. A vypusti ich z môjho srdca do sŕdc ľudí v tom motíve a zámere, ktorý som ja mal vo svojom srdci voči Tebe. Či to urobíš, Pane. A spas toho, kto môže byť spasený, pritiahni ich ku Sebe, Pane. A nech by sme boli pripravení na tú hodinu vytrhnutia, ktorá je na blízku. Prosím to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Nech vás Boh žehná. A teraz vedúci zhromaždenia ...

1 The chapter here at--at Yuma, it's a grand privilege to have this invitation to come back again. We had a wonderful time, the last time here. And then when I understood I was to be back again, it made me feel real good, to hear the testimonies and these fine words from the people, and kind of boosts you up a little.

2 Billy told me that the brother from Las Vegas, that wanted a meeting there at the chapter, see him immediately after the service is over here. We have a time, he says, that we can slip in, right over in January, before the Phoenix meeting, see, to come to Las Vegas. And so we've always wanted to get there.

I believe Brother Art Wilson used to be there, a long time ago, or he may still be there. And he--he asked me come up, he and Sister Wilson. I didn't get the opportunity, so maybe this will be the time I could come.

3You just see Billy Paul or Brother Roy Borders. I think he's here somewhere. Somebody said Brother Roy was in. Brother Pearry, Lee, or any of them, they'll be able to tell you. Just set the dates for us to come.

4 Now, I seen many ministers here, a while ago, to which I'm very happy to meet my brethren. Wish I had time, go home with you, 'cause I know you got the best cook there is in the country. That's fine.

5And now, Brother Pearry really got two, tonight, on him. He got two marks against him now. One of them, cutting that microphone in, out there. When, you're--you're held guilty of that, Brother Pearry. I don't think you really were guilty. But you... Somebody was fixing to speak. That was a good one.

6And so then, again, he went out there and was talking. He said, "Say!" Telling Brother Collins or some of them. Said, "The supper was good. But," said, "I'm telling you," said, "that man must be a Spaniard or something, or a Mexican. That was the hottest pepper I ever taste." Going on like that, and he was talking to the chef.

He said, "I'm the chef."

7That's Texas, for you. We'll get him straightened out, over here in Arizona, after while, (won't we?), if he stay around us.

8Really nice to be here! And I guess those don't sound like jokes, but sense of humor. Which, the Lord Hisself had a sense of humor, you know. He said, "'Herod,' go tell that fox, see, 'today I cast out--cast out devils; tomorrow I'm made perfect.'" So, He had a sense of humor. Well, it won't hurt us, I don't think, once in a while.

9 And now it's a little late. And, usually, I--I preach about four hours. So this, knowing the courtesy of the brother and sister here, the chapter, we'll cut that way down, tonight. And just... I told Terry. I said...

He said, "What's... Put on a two-hour tape?"

10I said, "No, Terry. This is a--a banquet." I said, "Just about thirty or forty minutes, speak to the people of something." That, I'd try, though, each time, knowing that.

11 When I was a little boy, people used to come out to listen because I was a boy preacher, just a young fellow, a chap. And they'd say, "Well, Billy Branham, you know, just a kid, never went through school, and no education." And they'd come out to hear my broken words, my Kentucky English, and--and so they... my "hits, and hain'ts, and totes, and carry."

Like in one of the meetings here not long ago, they said, "We'll all stand up and sing the national anthem."

12I got up and said, "For my old Kentucky home far away." That was the only nation I knowed about, so it was national anthem, as far as I was concerned.

13 So now, after you got older, though, well, we, he come in, you got to have something more than that. See? We're take... Paul said, "When I was a child, I spake as a child and thought as a child. You act as a child." But as you grow older, then you begin, from making your first couple steps, and tottle and fall, and get up and try it again. Then you, after while, you get so you can walk a straight line. And that's what we have to do, as soldiers of the cross. Now is time to walk a straight line, right down that high way to Glory.

14 I do believe that we are living in the closing scenes of the history of this world. I truly believe that the Coming of the Lord is closer, perhaps, than we think. So now, for just about thirty minutes of your time, or something, I would like to call your attention to a Scripture that I'd like to use for a text, and--and refer to some more here.

Setting at home, the other day, I was thinking on this thought. Then I thought, "Well, I don't know, speaking from all this Scripture. I'll just take part of It, and just for these little short services like we would have tonight." I want to say one thing, while you're turning over to Psalms. The--the first... The 27th Psalm, I want first five verses, to read.

15 Would like to say this, concerning this businessmen's Full Gospel Business Men's chapters.

My Brother Pearry was speaking about the books, and so forth, and the new books that they got. How many remembers when we had the tape, and preached it over here at Phoenix, at one of the conventions, of Sirs, What Time Is It? Now, that was the beginning of that book, you see, when this--this taken place.

16There's too much supernatural vindication of God's written Word, of this hour, for something not to be approaching us now. We're just... It's too real. The things that you... It would be astounding, to you, just to let you know that what is really taking place. Many of you, strangers, perhaps, hear these men get up and make--make these remarks, about, "A Message of this hour," and so forth. What they are getting at, is God's promise of this hour, that He promised what He would do. And we see Him Scripturally vindicating just exactly what He said He would do, in the same manner. Foretold, hits just exactly perfectly, each time, because it's God saying it.

17 If a man, I don't care who he was, will try to make such a prediction, there's one chance out of ten million. If a man told you a certain thing would happen, it would--it would happen at a certain time; one out of ten million. And then the place it would happen, would be about one chance out of about a hundred million.

And then the time it would happen, goes on and on, and the way it will happen, and what it will be happening, and so forth, it's just beyond a guess. When we see it so perfectly, each and every time, then it's God.

And then we turn right back in the Scriptures. It may seem foreign to us. But we turn right back in the Scriptures, without even knowing where to look, and the Holy Spirit brings out and just puts the whole Word together, makes the picture there to show us just the hour that we're living in. We're changing dispensations.

18 We're--we're at a corner. It's easy when somebody turns a corner, of a brick mason, turns a corner. Starts, everybody laying their bricks right down the same row, like a certain denomination starts, and starts rolling down the row, it's all right. But, when you get to them turns, where you have to turn back the other way!

Now, God isn't building a wall. He's building a house, see, and there's many cuts and turns that He's predicted here in the Bible. And the turns, anybody could try to make a turn, but it must be according to the blueprint. If it isn't, it's got to be torn down again.

19 So we--we praise God for His goodness and the fellowship of you people, and the open doors that the Lord has given us, and through this businessmen. I've always contended that I--I didn't believe in... I believe in the people in denominations. But I don't have much time to exhort denominations, because each one builds a fence around himself.

20And--and just like, I believe, it was Brother David's little saying, about he was raising some ducks, and said the river come up. And each duck, you know, they wanted fellowship with one another, and they couldn't do it because they was all fenced up. But when the water got so high, it just floated the ducks out of the pen.

So I--I think that's the way to do it. Is just the water is coming up, see, and we can get out of the pen and--and fellowship with one another, you know, have the real love of Christ in our hearts.

21 And this Full Gospel Business Men has been an--an oasis for me. Because, many times... I have brothers, fine brothers in, I guess, every denomination I've ever met: Presbyterians, Lutheran, Baptists, Pentecostals, all different types of the Pentecostals, church of God, and Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness. Fine brethren, everywhere. But, many times, they cannot have me in their community, because, see, not that they don't believe it, but, see, it would cut them off from their denomination. And when you do that, course, that--that does it.

22Here not long ago, there was a Methodist brother came to me, I won't call his name. A fine man, he was writing a thesis on Divine healing, and he come to me for some--some talk. We set down and talked a little while. He said, "The only thing we got against you, you're hanging around them Pentecostals all the time."

I said, "Then, let the Methodist church sponsor it. I'll come."

That was different. See? He--he said, "Well, of course, I--I'm not the Methodist church. I just belong with them."

23I said, "That's it. See? They're the ones, the Pentecostals, is the ones that open their doors. See? That's the ones I can get to. And as many as them that will open, why, we're ready to come in."

Like in the Revelations, the 3rd chapter, said, "I stand at the door and knock. If any man will open the door, I'll come in and sup." And that was Jesus. All of us knows that was Christ, and He is the Word. That's right. He is the Word.

24 And so the Full Gospel Business Men has been a oasis where we can come together. No churches is sponsoring it. They all, together, the--the men out of the churches, and we come together and fellowship, cross the world, around everywhere.

25And I've helped establish many, many, many chapters throughout the entire world, of the Full Gospel Business Men. I'm thankful for that opportunity that was given me. In there, the businessmen will sponsor it. Then, all the churches, they--they want to come, anyhow.

But then I don't want to never try to pull somebody from their church. Just stay right in your church and scatter out the Light. See? Be a real Christian. Your pastor will appreciate you. A real, loyal, genuine saint, any man that believes in God will appreciate a person like that. Yes.

26Now, I thank the brother here, and his wife, and this chapter, for this opportunity. And may this chapter grow. May the blessings of God rest upon it, and be an instrument in God's hands, to save hundreds and hundreds of people before the Coming of the Lord; and all the rest of you chapters or representatives here from the chapters.

27 In the Book of Psalms, now, I want to speak on a--a real strange subject, tonight, just for a little while. I got some Scriptures written down here. And--and I thought maybe that, tonight, I was going to speak on something different. But, see the time get away, why, I didn't want to stay that long, so I just turned over here and got some more Scripture. And I want to speak on the subject of: The Rapture. See?

28Now, we believe that there will be a Rapture. All Christians believe that, that's Bible readers, believes that there will be a Rapture.

29 And now to read for some background, we read the 25th Psalm. I mean... I beg your pardon. The 27th Psalm, 1 to 5 verses.

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, come upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumble and fell.

Though the host should encamp about me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this I will be confident.

One thing have I desired of the LORD, that I will seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to require in his temple.

For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in the pavilion: and in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up on a rock.

May the Lord add His blessings to that reading of His Word.

30 Now, today, speaking on this subject, and now some of you may different, the--the avenues that I take. But how many in here believes that the Bible teaches there will a Rapture of the Church? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yes, sir. That's right, exactly, a catching away of the Church. Whether you're a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or whoever you are, Pentecostal, there will be a catching away.

31And I think that, in speaking, I--I just don't try to get up here to say something that I think would please the people. I've never been guilty of that. I want to get up here and say something as I feel led to say it, that I think would be a help to you, something that would further your experience with God, if you are a Christian; and if you're not a Christian, make you so ashamed of yourself, that you will become a Christian. And that's the purpose that I've always tried to line up my thoughts, as the Lord would lead me.

32 Now, we are warned, as in the Doctrine of This in the last days will be scorned at. If you would, let's just read That, just a minute. It's in Second Peter, the 3rd chapter. Let's read just a moment on this. The 3rd chapter, and the 3rd and 4th verses. Let's see if this isn't right.

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?... since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

For this they willingly are ignorant of that, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and the wa-... and in the water:

Whereby the worlds that... was, being overflowed with water, perished:

33 Now we see that, the reason that this subject is so lightened at, is because that the prophet here has said that in this last days these scoffers would come saying these things. See? It's predicted, the reason the people are acting today the way they're acting. Why, you certainly are expecting it, because the Bible said that. "In the last days they'd be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, despisers of those that are good; having a form of godliness, and denying the power thereof: from such turn away." Can we look for an impersonation of Truth? Certainly.

34 When Moses went down into Egypt, to deliver the children of Israel, with only a stick in his hand for vindication, with the God of Heaven behind him, he performed a miracle. There come impersonators behind him, and doing the same thing he did. See? Now, they come second, after he did it first. Then they come around, because they were copying after what he did, impersonating the original. We find that.

And now you say, "Well, that was in the days of Moses."

But the same Scripture says that they'll come again in the last days. "A Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these men of reprobate mind concerning Truth." See? Impersonations, all kinds of things to upset people. And then if...

35This Rapture which is coming to pass, and anything that God has in the line of His Word, there's always something to come out to upset That if they can. It's--it's--it's Satan's purpose to do that.

36As the brother here, from the meeting up there at Las Vegas, said, "Satan said the world was his dominion, and--and that being his headquarters up there."

I know that Satan is the god of this world. Every nation under heaven is controlled by him. Exactly. This world belongs to Satan, but Jesus will take it over. He offered it to Him one day. And He refused it, but, He said, 'cause He knowed He'd be Heir to it in the times to come.

37 "Scoffers." Just us take for a few moments on that one word, before we go further. Scoffers!

I was reading a paper, about two weeks ago, in Tucson, that where some Englishman from England had made a statement. It's in headlines in the paper, that the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ was only faked, between Pilate and Jesus, that He come to make... just to make Himself something. And there's no way that we could disprove that to them, because all the things of God is to be received by faith. We must believe it. Now, he went ahead to give a description how that that could be done.

38 Here not long ago, in that great nation, London, in England, rather, where that John Wesley and Charles, and many of those great preachers of the early days, Spurgeon and them, had preached the Gospel in the hay markets and everywhere there. They turned down that message of their day, and look what they are in this day.

There is where Brother Williams and them are tonight. It's one of the lowest degraded countries in the world. I've been over the world, but I don't know anything that's so illegitimate as England. It's... Billy Graham said the same thing. Why, he had to take his wife from the parks, how the--the--the acts of between men and women were going on, publicly, in the parks. When I was there, I never seen anything would break a person's heart any more than what was going on in England; which had the opportunity, and, one time, led the world in a reformation. Just shows how it can fall.

39But, you see, what does that, the message that went forth then, the Englishmen try to hold that same message for today. That won't work today. It won't work. How would...

40 What if Moses would have come and brought Noah's Message, "We'll build an ark and float down the Nile"? It wouldn't have worked. And neither would Jesus' Message have ever worked of Moses. And neither will Wesley's Message ever work in Luther; or Luther's Wes-... message, vice versa.

And today, we, our last great reformation was Pentecost. And today we're moving from that. And the Pentecostal message won't mix with This, because it's another day. It's all the Word of God, but it's building. Like the feet, arms, coming up, it's forming a Bride for the Rapture. See? Don't--don't displace them people back there; they lived to their Message. All them will come out, was in the Bride.

Just like life going through a stalk of wheat. It leaves the wheat, the hull, but the wheat forms itself like the grain of wheat that fell in the ground.

41 Here not long ago, I was reading a book some German wrote, and criticism. He said, "Of all of the--of the fanatics in the world, William Branham tops them all." He said, "Why, he's nothing but a... He's a--he's a magician. He does these things." See, the man, not knowing.

42And, then, the man was a critic. He didn't even believe in God. He said, "A God that could set up in the dark ages, hold His hands across His tummy, and laugh at a bunch of Christians; being mothers, and His Own disciples, was supposed to be; mothers with little children and things, and let lions eat them up; and never even turn a hand." You see where the carnal mind, where education and things, can't catch the vision? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

43 That corn of wheat had to fall into the ground. Just like Jesus had to fall, to rise again, so did the church of pentecost had to fall. It had to go into the ground, them dark ages. Any wheat that... Any grain that goes into the ground, it has to lay in that dark time, to bring forth.

But it started sprouting in Martin Luther. Come on through Wesley. On out into Pentecost. Now in, to go out to the grain. And now the denominational systems that they left behind, they're stalks, that's all. It's to be burnt, the denomination system. But the real grain of wheat that come out of each one of those reformations will be caught up in the Bride. It all altogether will make the Bride.

44 Now we find out, in England there, they impersonated the crucifixion, not long ago, a bunch of those people, them long... kids with them long hair and things, and hollering, called Jesus "daddy-o" and all that stuff. Such scum!

45Now you say, "That's in London, England."

Watch what was in the paper last week, here in Americas. Some great doctor of divinity, from a fine school, said that the--the crucifixion was a fake. Said that, "Jesus only tried to make Hisself like that; that He had dranken this mandrake weed."

And we find it in Genesis, where it's spoke of. It's a weed like marijuana or something. It's found in the Orients there. And if you drink it, it'll put you to sleep. Maybe... And you're like you're dead, slump, everything, for two or three days at a time.

46 He said, "When they give Him vinegar and gall, it's all possible that that was mandrake weed. And when they did, they give Him that, and He went slump like He was dead. They put Him in the tomb, and they laid Him there. After two or three days, sure, going back, then He was awake again, was all right." Said, "He went up in India and died somewhere, an ordinary death, trying to fake a religion."

The first place, that critic, what's the matter with people? See, it's just this day we're living in, scoffers, see, the day to fulfill the prophecy.

47 God lotted His Word out to each age, and each one of those age has to manifest that. And He also foreordained men for that age, to fulfill that Word. Every time He lotted His Word, He lotted a man for It. When He lotted Moses' time, He lotted Moses to It. When He lotted the time for the Son of God to be born, He lotted Him to it. Every age, He's lotted His man, foreordained, as the Bible said. Nothing...

48If God is infinite, Almighty, all powerful, omnipresent, omniscient, why, He knowed all things from the beginning. So, He knowed. There's nothing out of cater. It's just us that thinks it is. It's everything run. Look back in His Word and see what He's doing, then we'll have an understanding.

49 Now, just think. The first place, if that minister would have thought, when they put that vinegar and gall in His mouth, He spit it out. He did not take it, at the first place. See? Just scoffers rising! Another thing, how did this Jesus of Nazareth, how did His life fit every prophecy of the Old Testament? How could it been? It couldn't have been without it been ordained of God. His life fit every prophecy of the Old Testament. Another thing, if those disciples had faked Him like that, why did each one of them die in martyrdom? And even apostle Peter said, "Turn my head upside down. I'm not worthy to die like Him." How they took Andrew and turned him sideways on the cross. They, every one, sealed their testimony in their own blood. They believed Him and loved Him, and gave their lives for Him. If He was a faker, how would they ever done that? See? The spiritual application, the people don't get it.

50 Here was a great man here, not long ago, some great rabbi that wrote that, "Moses, while passing through the Red Sea," said, "it wasn't actually water. The waters never walled up." Said, "What it was, up at the other end of the Dead Sea, there was a bunch of reeds. And he passed through the water reeds, the reeds of the water. No water in there. Just a bunch of reeds, an ocean of--of reeds they passed through." And many clergymen believe it, they, and accept it.

51Here not long ago, when this first astronaut went up, he come back, and he hadn't seen nothing of God. That even turned ministers around. They thought God lived right up there somewhere, a hundred and fifty miles high.

52 Why, my, how education and wisdom of this world has turned the church into a bunch of ragweeds! The... Its education and the educational system, science and civilization, is of the Devil. It's the Devil's civilization. The Bible said so.

And our Civilization that's coming on will have nothing to do with this civilization, at all. It's nothing of it, at all. There'll be a different Civilization, into this civilization and this scientific world we got. More science, scientific we get, further we go into death things, traps to kill, and everything. In that new Civilization, there'll be no death, no sickness, sorrow, or no pain. See? There won't be none in There. So this civilization will have to be destroyed, because it's of the Devil.

53 We find out, that in Genesis 4, that Cain's people started civilization, building towns and cities, and so forth, and instruments of music, and become in science. And the people got further away from God, yet religious. But when Seth's people come on, they begin to come on, call on the Name of the Lord.

Ah, talk about a subtle one!

54I'm not here to hurt anybody's feelings, say something about a church. And if you're here, and belong to this church, I'm not saying this to hurt your feeling; 'cause just as many good people in there, as there is in other churches. But I was reading in Shreveport last week, where the Catholic church made a statement.

And we see where they're all coming together now at the great ecumenical council, and so forth, just exactly fulfilling what the Bible said they'd do. Just exactly.

55 Now we find out they said, "Why, the Bible..." Some of the Protestants want to hold to that Bible. "Why," said, "the Bible was nothing but a book, a history of the church, and they didn't have it in literature till about two hundred fifty years ago. It's always been the church." Said, "It was the church, not the Bible, and the Bible is just a history of what the church did." What a subtle lie that is! Why, we've had the Bible for three thousand years. The Old Testament was been written in Scripture, for hundreds and hundred of years before the coming of Christ. Just a subtle thing of the Devil!

56 And we find out in this day, when this great scoffing and making fun of the Bible, and trying to push It out, God has got to judge the church by something. He can't be just...

They can't go down this street and arrest me, and say I'm making thirty miles an hour in a twenty mile zone, unless there's something there to tell me that I'm only allowed to go twenty miles. It has to be there.

And God is going to judge the church, is going to judge the people, someday. We know that. There's a Judgment coming. So if He's going to judge it by the Catholic church, which Catholic church? If He's going to judge it by the Methodist, the Baptist is lost. He judge it by the oneness, the twoness is lost. See? What's He going to judge it by? He said He would judge it by Christ, and Christ is the Word. So it's the Word of God, that God will judge. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. The same yesterday, today, and forever." See? So, He'll judge it by His Word.

57And now we find out that in this day, when they're trying to push the Bible out, "Accept the church. The Bible; don't want It. The church," so they can just make any kind of a creed or anything else, and walk by it.

58 Well, as I was speaking the other night at Shreveport. In the--the communion, when they kill that sacrificial lamb, there was to be "no leaven among them, through the entire seven days," no leaven, no leaven bread. Everything had to be unleaven. That represented the seven church ages that we get in the book here, and there's no leaven. What? It's something mixed with It. And we mix creed and denomination, everything else, with the Word, and still try to call it the Word. "No leaven, shall be the entire seven day."

59 And even what is eat today, don't try to keep it for tomorrow. "Burn it with fire, before daylight come," for there's a new Message coming forth, and a new thing. See, try to hold it over, but that's been the attitude of the church. A revival goes forth, and the first thing you know, within about three years, they start an organization over it. A denomination starts, organization.

But have you noticed? This has been sweeping for twenty years now, and there's no organization. And there never will be. This is the end. The wheat has come back to the wheat again. The wheat has come back to Its grain. The shuck has pulled away from It. And the wheat must lay in the Presence of the Son, to be ripened.

60 Isn't it a strange thing, that, not long ago, on the East Coast, the big blackout? They couldn't understand it. Texas blacked out, last week. They can't understand it. Don't you realize that that's a sign? Don't you know the nations are breaking? Israel is in her homeland. And these signs are indicating that we are at the end. The same time it's blacking out, don't you know that's a sign that the prophet said? Yeah. "But there shall be Light about the evening time," that there will be a Light come forth in the evening time, when the blackouts and things are going the way they are now.

61 Look at just how it blacked out. The pope just come over here.

'Member, of the tabernacle, when them... You got tapes. I guess, all of you take them. How that the Lord showed there that day, in the tabernacle, exactly where those church ages would be and how they would be! I had them drawed out on the board up there, them church ages which you see here drawed out in a book. And if that Holy Spirit didn't come down in a big Pillar of Fire, and went right back there on that wall and drawed them out, Hisself, while three or four hundred people setting, looking at It!

And just as the pope started over here, the moon somehow blacked out. And they took their pictures the same way that it was drawed up there on the platform. Now he's made his trip over here on the thirteenth, walked thirteen steps, served communion to thirteen, to a nation that's number thirteen, and blackouts coming everywhere. Don't you see where we're at? We're at the end time.

62"Scoffers shall rise in the last day, saying, 'There's no difference in the time than what it was, than when our fathers fell asleep.'"

But when you see these things begin to happen, raise up your head, get ready. Something could happen at any time, Christ come for His Church.

63 Now, they don't believe it, because it is a... it's a... They, they're suppo-... They don't realize that they're the ones that's fulfilling the Scriptures. The people really don't realize that, doing these things and saying these things, they're fulfilling the Scriptures.

How little did Caiaphas, the high priest, and all those priests in that day, that scoffed and made fun of Him, didn't know that, the very God that they were singing about, "My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?" The 22nd Psalm, "My hands and My feet they pierced." Singing that in the temple, and Him dying out there on the cross. Little did they know they were doing it. Even Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive them. They don't know what they're doing." Because, they were actually predicted, by the Scriptures, to be blind.

64 Did you know the Protestant and Catholic church is predicted, in the last days, to be blind, the same thing, to the Scriptures, with Christ on the outside, trying to get in? "Because thou sayest, 'I am rich, and have need of nothing,' knowest thou not that thou art miserable, poor, wretched, naked, and blind, and don't know it," Revelation 3. There you are, back to the blindness again, trampling over the things of God, as if (they) It didn't mean nothing to them, scoffing and making fun of It. That's what the Bible said.

65 But, to the Church, the Bride, the Rapture is a revelation to Her. It's revealed to Her. That, the revelation, the true Bride of Christ will be waiting for that revelation of the Rapture.

66Now, it is a revelation, for the revelation is faith. You cannot have a revelation without it being faith. Faith is a revelation, because it's something that's revealed to you. Faith is a revelation. Faith is something that has been revealed to you, like it was to Abraham, that could call anything contrary to what had been revealed to him, as though it wasn't so. Now, faith, that's what faith is, is the revelation of God. The Church is built upon a revelation, the whole entire Body.

67 Here a few weeks ago, I was talking to a fine Baptist minister. He come up to discuss with me. He said, "I like you as a man, but," said, "you're all mixed up."

I said, "Then, I pray you help me get straightened out," (he said...) "with the Scripture."

He said, "We'll never be able, Brother Branham, to get the things together till we get every Word upon Word, upon Word, exactly with the Greek, and so forth."

68I said, "Oh, sir, you know better than that." I said, "Even in the Nicaea Council, way back as far as that, three hundred years from the death of Christ, they were still debating which Greek scholar was right. You can know. It's a revelation, the whole thing. Is re-..."

He said, "I cannot accept revelation."

I said, "Then how can you accept Christ?"

He said, "Why, the Bible said, 'He that believeth is... on Jesus Christ, has everlasting Life.'"

69I said, "That is true. It also says that no man can call Jesus the Christ only by the revelation of the Holy Ghost that's revealed it to him." See? There you are, right back around again, falls right back to the revelation. It's got to be revealed, in the Bible.

70 Cain and Abel didn't have a Bible to read, but it was revealed to Abel, by faith, which is a revelation. Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain. Which, God testified that he was righteous.

When Jesus was asked here, Matthew 16:17 and 18. We haven't time to read it, but if you want to write it down. He said, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"

"One of them said You're 'Moses, Elias, or so forth.'"

He said, "But Who do you say I am?"

71He said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

72He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. My Father which is in Heaven has revealed This to you. Upon this rock," the spiritual revelation of Who God is, Who Jesus is. And He is the revelation of God, God made in flesh and revealed to the world.

"He was in the world. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, revealing what God was, in a body of flesh."

"Thou art the Christ, the anointed One, the Son of God."

73He said, "Flesh and blood never revealed this to you, but My Father which is in Heaven has revealed this to you. Upon this rock I'll build My Church, the revelation of the Word in Its season. I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against It."

74 The Book of the Revelations is the last Book of the Bible. It's sealed to unbelievers. In there, the Bible says, in 22nd chapter, "Whosoever shall take one Word from It, or add one word to It, I'll take his part from the Book of Life." We realize that, then, it was altogether given for believers. And It opens the Book of Revelations and reveals Who the Author of this entire Book is. "He is to look upon as Alpha and Omega," from Genesis to Revelations, Jesus Christ just the same, right straight through. And reveals His complete mystery of Himself, and His plans for His church ages that's to come, and was sealed in there by Seven Seals.

75 Now, the Book was written, but then, remember, It was sealed with Seven Seals. And these Seven Seals was not to be opened (Revelations 10) until the sounding of the last earthly angel on earth, Revelations 10:7. See? "And in the days of the sounding of the last angel's Message, seventh angel, the mystery of God should be finished in that age." That, and that's the age that we're living in.

76We all know we're living in the Laodicea Age. There will never be another age to it. It can't be. So, we're living in the Laodicea Age. And these Seven Seals that's held that Book, is a mystery to people, should be opened at that day. That's what He promised. Now, it won't be nothing outside the Word, because you can't add to the Word or take from the Word. It's got to remain always the Word. But the revelation is to reveal the Truth of It, what It is, to make It fit with the rest the Scripture. And then God vindicates that to be the Truth. See?

77 God don't need no interpreter. He is His Own interpreter. He does His Own interpretation by bringing to pass the things that He said would happen. Like, in the beginning, He said, "Let there be light," and there was light. That don't need any interpretation. It was vindicated.

78Now, He promised certain things in this last day, in the Scripture. Why, there it was.

That's how Jesus was the Son of God. He promised to send Him. When He was in His days here on earth, and the people couldn't believe Him, He said, "Search the Scripture, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me. If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not. But if you can't believe Me, believe the works that I do, 'cause they testify Who I am."

79 Well, then, in Wesley's age, the works that he did testified who he was.

In Luther's age, on reformation, why, sure, it testified who he was.

80In the days of the Pentecostals, the restoring back of the gifts, the restoration of the gifts, speaking in tongues and casting out devils, and the gifts, why, it testified. There was no joke about it. People said, when it first raised up... I read the books on the history of Pentecost. They said, "It can't last long. It'll burn down." It's still burning. Why? Is because you'll never put it out. God said it would be there. It's that portion of the Word, and no more could you put that out.

And then when the Bride is being called out, how you going to put it out? It's the revelation of the manifestation of the Word made true. And we're living in that day; praise be to God; the revelation of the mystery of Hisself.

81 Now, the Rapture is only... This Rapture that we're talking about, is only for the Bride. Remember, the Bible said, "And the rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years." This great Rapture! If there's not a Rapture, friends, where are we at? What are we going to do? What age are we living in? What promise do we have? There is going to be a Rapture. The Bible says there will be. And it'll be only for the elected, the Elected Lady, the Bride in this day, that's pulled out, the Church.

82The very word, church, means "called out of." As Moses called a nation out of a nation, the Holy Spirit is calling a Bride out of a church; a Church out of a church; members, from every denomination, making up a Bride, Bride tree. It's in the--in the tape, The Bride Tree. A Bride coming out, call, and that's the one that the Bride tree is. The--the Bride, rather, is the One that's going to be in the Rapture; that, alone, nothing but the Bride, the elected ones foreknown by God from the beginning, the Father's spiritual genes.

Let me just stop here a minute. And I keep getting nervous, thinking I'm going to hold you, going to hold you too long.

83 But, notice, look, each one of you people. Do you know, years before you were born, you were in your father as a gene? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's right. A germ, a seed, was in your father; comes from the male sex, not the female. See? Female furnishes the egg, a bedding ground. But the germ come from the fa-... Now, say, in my father...

84Or, my son setting here, when I was sixteen years old, my son was in me. I didn't know him, but he was there. Now, through a bedding ground, through holy wedlock, he becomes in the image of me. I know him. I can fellowship with him. And he come just at the time when it's the right time.

85 Now, so were you in, if you've got Eternal Life, you were a... in God before there ever was a world. You are a part, a son of God, an attribute of God. He knowed the very age you were coming. He predestinated you to that age, to take that place, and no one else can take it; care how many impersonations and things. You've got to be there, because He knew you would be there. Now you are made manifest. Now you can fellowship with Him, and that's what He wants. He's longing for fellowship, to be worshipped. But if your life did not... always was as an attribute in God, you're just a mimic of Christianity. See? There'll be millions and billions of them, they'll just be mimics of Christianity.

86 A remark that I made just recently. I was watching Brother Demos Shakarian over there, when they was having hybreeding cattle, watch the test tubes, and so forth, being taken in by doctors, and watching these things.

87In the literal discharge of the male, there's somewhat a million germs comes forth from the male at each time. And somewhat a million eggs comes from the female at--at the same time. But did you know, in all them little germs moving around, a million of them, there is only one of them ordained to life, and there's only one egg fertile? And that little germ will crawl right up through every one of them other little germs, right over the top of every little germ looking just like him, and come over the top of that and come over here, and find that fertile egg and crawl into it. And then all the rest of them die. Why, talk about the virgin birth, oh, it's not half as mysterious as a physical birth, how it's foreordained, predestinated by God!

88Now, in the beginning, way back, way years ago before there was a time began, you, if you are a born-again Christian, tonight, you were in God then, your Father. That's why, when you come into this life here and profess Christianity, well, everything going wrong, you've wondered why this is, and all this. It, you wondered at it. But, one day, Something struck you. What was It? That Life that was down in there, from the beginning. And if it...

89 Like my little story about the eagle, finding it, its mother finding the eagle. You've heard me preach on that, how that little eagle was hatched under a hen. But she, her habits of trying to feed them--them chickens, the little eagle couldn't stomach it, because he wasn't a chicken, to begin with. Yet, he was in the pen with the chickens, and follow the chicken. But she would scratch in the barnyard and things, and the little eagle couldn't stand it. But every time she would cluck and everything, all the little chickens go, so he would go too. But one day...

90His mother knew that she had laid two eggs, not one. There had to be another one, somewhere. She went to hunt it, flying around, circling. Finally she come over the barnyard, and she found her baby, and she screamed to him. It was a voice, that, he realized that that's the thing that fit. That was what he's looking for, see, and he realized then that he wasn't a chicken. He was an eagle.

And that's the way, every born-again Christian, when you come. I don't care how many denominations you joined, how many names, you put your name on the books and things. When that real Word of God is vindicated and made true before you like that, you realize you're an eagle, right there. Because, all this clucking of the hen, "You join this and join this, and go this way and that way," it's nonsense. It's a genuine, adding Word to Word.

91 When a germ comes into the womb of--of the female, it don't take on... You, you didn't become a human germ from your father, and then the next thing you become a germ from a dog, and the next thing from a cat, the next thing from a chicken. It was all human germ.

And the Body of Jesus Christ, the Bride, will be part of His Body. Which will... He was the Word, and the Bride will have to be the Word; Word added to Word, add to Word. Luther's justification, Wesley's sanctification, pentecostal's baptism of the Holy Spirit, restoration of the gifts, and all the rest of It, goes with It. See? It's got to be Word on top of Word, germ on top of germ, Life on top of Life, to bring out the full stature of the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, remember, you was an attribute.

92 And now, the thing of it is, after we find out these things, that Christ is Coming for His Bride, now how do we get into that Bride? That's the question.

Many say, "Join our congregation." One of them wants a certain type of baptism. One wants to do this or that. One said, "You must speak with tongues, or you haven't got It." The other one said, "You don't have to speak with tongues." This one says, "You must dance in the spirit." This says, "You must shout." This, "Got a sensation." It's all all right, and then, still, it's all wrong.

How could a man that's... or a woman, or a child of God, that's born of the Spirit of God, deny the Word of God? When, God Himself interpret It and say, "This is It. I promised It. Here It is," showing It just as plain as It can. Why, they're bound to see It. See? How could Christ deny His Own Word? And if Christ is in you, It can't deny His Own Word.

93 Then how do we get into this Body? First Corinthians 12, "By one Spirit we're all baptized into this Body, by one Holy Spirit baptism." That, if you want to put that down, it's First Corinthians 12:13. "And by one Spirit we are all baptized." And the Spirit is the Life of Christ. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Life of Christ! And the life of any seed... Which, He was the Word Seed, brings the Seed to Life. You get it? If that--if that Life is laying in the Seed, and this baptism of the Holy Spirit comes upon It, it's bound to bring that Seed Life.

94 As I told you, here at Phoenix, not long ago. I was talking to Brother John Sharrit. I was out there, and he showed me a tree, a citrus. He--he raised a lot of citrus fruit. And he showed me one tree, it had eight or nine different kinds of fruit on it. And I said, "Brother Sharrit, what kind of tree is that?"

Said, "An orange tree."

I said, "Why is the lemon, and the tangerine, and tangelo, and grapefruit?"

He said, "It's all citrus fruit. They're grafted."

"Oh," I said, "I see. Now, next year, it'll all have oranges. Be..."

95"Oh, no. Each tree will bear its own. Each limb will bear its own fruit."

96 Many of you fruit growers know that, here in this citrus valley. It'll bear its own. You put a lemon branch in an orange tree, it'll bear lemons, 'cause it's the nature of a citrus fruit. Yet, it won't bear the original fruit.

And that's what we've done. We've grafted in, taken in with creeds, and so forth, and grafted in each, Here. How can the Methodists bring forth anything but a Methodist child? How can any denomination bring forth anything but a denominational child?

97But if that tree ever puts out an original branch, it'll bring forth oranges.

And then if God ever does anything in the Church, it'll be original, back with the Word again. Exactly. It has to be, 'cause the Life is in the Tree, and It bears Its own kind.

98 Now, when we find out, now, there's that big church has moved down, through the ages, bearing its fruit. And as the limbs quit, they prune them off. In Saint John 15, never pruned the Vine out, now. He took the branches off, cut them out, because they wasn't bearing any fruit. And--and we...

99Jesus wants fruit of, for Hisself. His Wife must bring forth the kind of a children that He is.

Then, if it don't bring forth children, Bride children, Word children, then it's the denominational child. Then, her first love, for the world and denomination, she's gone back to that. And it can't bring forth a real, genuine, born-again Christian, 'cause there's nothing there to bring It forth.

100Just like if you take a lemon branch and stick it in there, it'll bring a lemon, but it can't bring a orange, because it wasn't there at the beginning. But it was ordained at the beginning, foreknowledge of God, predestinated and born, it has to bring forth an orange. It can't bring nothing else.

101 That's the way with the Church of the living God, when the hour comes. Everybody... You let God start to do something, everybody has got the ball and gone. See? It's always been that way.

I was reading in history, of Martin Luther, here not long ago. Said, "The... It wasn't so hard to believe that Martin Luther could protest the Catholic church and get by with it. But," said, "the strange thing, that he could hold his head above all the fanaticism that followed his revival, and still stay straight on his justification." See? Just everything, impersonations and everything, followed him.

102 Look at Mrs. Semple McPherson, Aimee Semple McPherson, that had this temple over here. Every lady preacher had them wings, and packed the Bible the same way, just--just carnal impersonations!

They can't be original. That's the way the churches can't be. You let one church get something another in the city, the other church can't stand it. They get it. See? They're not original any more.

God's Word is original. It's the Word, and It has to bring forth Its kind; Its kind in Its season, elected, predestinated by the Father, God.

103Now how do we get in this Church? "By one Spirit we are all baptized into this one Body, Body of Christ," which is the Bride, the Word. "Baptized in there by the Holy Spirit."

104 Now let's notice whether we're in the last age, or not. Now we find out, if we turn back in Genesis, about the, oh, about the 5th chapter, you can also turn to Luke and find out, that Enoch was the seventh from Noah. Enoch.

There catches the serpent's seed. For, if Cain was Abel's son, then he was the eighth. See? But nowhere in the Bible it said that Cain was Abel's son... or Cain--or Cain was Adam's son. Because, that, the Bible said, "He was of that evil one." And Adam wasn't the evil one. See? "He was of the evil one."

105 Now we find here that Enoch was the seventh from Noah, which was a type of the church ages. Now, all of the rest of the six men, before him, died, but Enoch was translated. Enoch was raptured, the seventh, showing that it's the seventh church age that takes the Rapture. Now, there's no doubt, we're in the seventh church age. We all know it.

106Now, it's the seventh church age that takes the Rapture. All of the other six died. But Enoch was translated, because, "He was not found. God took him." But Enoch, raptured, was a type of all of the rest of them dying. But the--the end-time Bride will be called out of the... The rapturing, without death, will be called out of the seventh church age, which we are now bearing record of that age. Oh, my! Let's dig in now, real deep. See?

107 Now, here, also, a type of the seven church ages, which, in Revelation 10:7, that the great mystery of the Book was to be unfolded by the seventh angel's Message.

108Now, there's a Messenger above, always, and a messenger on earth. The English word angel means "a messenger." And in the seventh angel's Message, while he was making his proclaiming, his ministry, "then when he begin to sound forth his ministry," not when he started out.

Jesus, when He started out, He started healing the sick and afflicted. "Oh, that great Rabbi! He's a Prophet." Everybody wanted Him in his church.

But when He set down one day, and said, "I and My Father are One," that was different. That was different. "And except you eat the flesh of the son of Man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

"Why, He's a vampire!" See? See? That was different.

He didn't explain it. They had already seen the manifestation, the vindication of the Word of God for His age, made real and proved to them that He was that Messenger of that age. And He didn't have to explain nothing.

109Those disciples might not have been able to explain It. But they believed It, whether they could explain It or not. They set right still and believed It. How could they tell if they was going to eat His flesh and drink His Blood? Why, it was impossible for them to do it. But they believed It, because they were ordained. Jesus said He "chose them before the foundation of the world." See? They believed it. Whether they could explain it, or not, they still believed It.

110 Now watch, now, in the seventh church age, "When the seventh angel begins to sound, the mysteries of God was to be made known right there," the Seals.

That, the reformers that... been they had time. Luther didn't live long enough, neither did Wesley. The ages didn't live long enough, them reformers. They had their message of that day, and the people grasped it and denominated it. And what is it?

111 You can never beat nature. Nature always testifies. God runs in continuity with nature. It has to.

Like the sun. The sun rise in the morning, it's a little baby born. It's weak, ain't got much heat to it. Ten o'clock, it's coming out of high school. Middle the day, it's entering into life. Three o'clock in the afternoon, it's getting old. Five o'clock, it's dying. Old and weak again, going back to the grave. Is that the end of it? It rises again, the next morning. See?

112Look at the trees, how they put forth their leaves, everything that they do. Now we find out, the leaves drop off the tree, go back. What? The life goes down to the root of the tree. Is that the end of it? Comes back next spring, with new life.

113 Now watch the churches, how it's done the same thing in the reformation. It come up. That corn of wheat fell in the ground and died, under the dark-age persecution. It went into the ground. It had to die. Any man, spiritual, can see that. Unless that seed dies and rot, it abides alone. And it had to go into ground, under the dark age. It laid there, rotted. And come forth in two little blades of the Lutheran church. Out of the Lutheran church, brought off more blades, Zwingli and so forth. From that come on up into the tassel, which was John Wesley, the great missionary age. It dropped back. Out of there come that deceiving age, that Pentecostal age. That corn of wheat, that...

114Anybody ever, here, ever raise any wheat? You look at that wheat when you look at it. When you go out there, say, "I've got wheat." You look like you got a wheat there. Open it up real close and watch. You haven't got no wheat at all. You got a shuck. Didn't Jesus warn us that, in Matthew 24:22... -four? "In the last days, that, the two spirits would be so close together, it would deceive the elected wheat Itself if it was possible." See? Now watch. It's a carrier.

115 Now, the Life that come up through Luther was what made Wesley. The Life that come out of Wesley is what made Pentecost. The Life that comes out of Pentecost makes the wheat. But they are carriers. See? The real Life goes through there. The Message goes through, but It's heading on up into the wheat. That's the reason the wheat come up and brings the whole thing in the Rapture, up here at the top. The Bride, Itself, comes out of each age. But the denominational stalk dies, dries up and dies. Have you noticed, this last days, how it's begin to pull away now? When that wheat begins to grow, then the--the shuck begins to get away from It.

116 Look back in that little wheat when you look at it. Pull it open like this, and look into it and see. You got a little bud of wheat back there. You have to take a thirty-power scope to look into it, to see the little bud of wheat back there. See?

It's way back in there, but It starts growing. Now, that shuck has to be there, to shelter That, to give It a chance to get out. But then when It begins to grow and the Message begins to spread, then the shuck pulls away from It. And the Life goes right out of that shuck, right into the wheat. Goes on! That's the way each age done. It just--it just can't beat nature. It's... That's God's continuity, the way He does things.

117 And now that's the age that we're living in right now, the seventh church age. Now, it's all to be manifested in the grain of wheat at the end, another come back. Now, if you take Luke the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man begins to reveal Himself." What is reveal? Make His revelation of what He is in this day. Reveal, out to the people, the Word that's made known for the day. Reveal, to the people, by the manifestation of Holy Spirit making that Jesus live among us. And, remember, He was represented there in a man. A man! He said, "As it was..." Now, He read same Bible we read, Genesis. Now, we notice in that Genesis chapter there, when Jesus was speaking about it.

118 We find there, that, in that, with His back turned to that tent, and Sarah in the tent. He said, He asked a question. And she didn't believe that what was going to happen could happen. He said, "Now, Abraham, I'm going to visit you according to the time of life." See? And Sarah, in the tent, laughed about it. He said, "Why did Sarah laugh, in the tent, saying, 'How can these things be?'"

119Jesus promised. And That was Him. Abraham called Him, "Elohim," the Almighty. That was Him. Now, the Bible predicts that it will return again in the last days. Jesus said so. "And when you see these things begin to come to pass," just remember, when this starts to taking place like that then, that, "you know that the time is nigh at the door."

120 Look at the world itself. Look at the world, Sodom, if there ever was a Sodom. Look at the people perverted in such a perverting. Their minds are perverted. They don't know what common decency is. Look at the outlaw... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... sexuals and everything.

And look at our women, what a rampage it's made. Look what a rampage of indecency, immoral amongst our women. And not only our...

You say, "That's Methodists." That's Pentecostals, too. It's the whole thing.

121Look at our men. They hang, instead of the Word of God, in some little tradition of denomination. They hang onto it, instead of coming out when they see God make Hisself known perfectly. The reason, they're blind. They can't see It. They never will see It.

Now watch what takes place here in this, while we hurry.

I think that lady wants us to leave. I seen her motion her hand, something another about she wants us to get out, so we better hurry.

122 So now notice Enoch, the type of the Church. Here he's also typed in the seventh church age. Can you think of that? The seventh church age! Notice. "At the sounding of..."

123How many believes there's been seven messengers for the seven chur-... Oh, we all believe it, if we believe the Bible. If we don't believe the Bible, course, see, we don't believe it. But, there has been.

124Now we're living in the seventh church age. And when the Bible said that, this seventh church age, "When the messenger of the seventh church age begins to sound his Message, that the mysteries of all the things that's been twisted up, down through the age, would be revealed in that time." Here we see it, the Son of man coming among His people and doing just exactly, confirming His Message as He said He would do. Here we find it, in this last age now.

125And the seven watches, like the seven watch, of one come. He didn't come the first watch, second, third, fourth, but come in the seventh watch. That was Enoch, the seventh, which was translated. And Noah, being a type of the remnant of Jews, is to be carried over. Now, in the Bible times, talking about the watches. And nights were not divided into hours, in the Bible time.

126 Now listen closely. Cause, I'll hurry now, 'cause they want the room. No. The Bible was not divided, or--or...

127The night was not divided in hours, in the Bible time. It was divided in watches. There was three watches. Now, the first watch started at from nine until twelve. The second watch started from twelve to three. And the third watch of the night was counted from three to six. Now we got three, three three's, which is a nine, imperfect number. Then we come back to the seven for the Rapture, which will take place, I believe, between six and seven o'clock... or six and nine o'clock, some morning. "For the trumpet of the Lord shall sound."

On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise,

And the glory of His resurrection share;

When His chosen ones shall gather to their homes beyond the sky,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

128 The word Rapture, in the Bible, is not even used at all. We just put that word there. The Bible says, "caught up; being caught up." We read here in Second Thessalonians... Or, First Thessalonians, it is the order of this great Rapture that will take place in the last days. Listen to this here. We're going to begin here with 13th verse.

... I would not have you... ignorant, brethren, concerning those which are asleep, that you sorrow not, even as others that have no hope.

For if we believe... Christ died and rose again, even so them... which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

For we say this unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord shall not prevent... (That word prevent means to "hinder.")... those that are asleep.

For the Lord himself shall descend...

Now listen close.

... the Lord himself shall descend from the heavens with a shout, and with the voice of the archangel, and... the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:...

129 Now, I want you to notice a great thing taking place here now. Don't miss this. See? Now notice. The Word says here, in Second Thessalonians, that there is three things. Notice. From the 13th to the 16th verse, there is three things that has to happen before the Lord Himself appears. Quickly now, so we can close. See? The first thing happens... Notice: a shout, a voice, a trumpet. Let's read It now and see if that's right. See?

For the Lord himself (16th verse) shall descend from heaven with a shout, and with the voice of the archangel, and... the trump of God:...

130 Three things happens. A voice... A shout, a voice, a trumpet, has to happen before Jesus appears. Now, a shout... Jesus does all three of them when He's--He's--He's--He's descending.

A shout, what is the shout? It's the Message going forth, first, the living Bread of Life bringing forth the Bride.

131Now, God has a way of doing things. And He never changes His policy. He never changes His po-... He's the unchanging God. In Amos 3:7, He said, "He would do nothing on the earth until first He revealed it to His servants the prophets." And just as certain as He promised it, He'll do it.

132 Now, we've come through the church ages. But we're promised in the last days, according to Malachi 4, that there would be a return again, a prophet in the land. That's right. Notice his nature, what he would be like. He's alway...

God uses that spirit five times: once in Elijah; in Elisha; in John the Baptist; call out the Church; and the remnant of the Jews. Five times, "grace," J-e-s-u-s, f-a-i-t-h, and it's the number of grace. See? All right.

133 Now, remember, the Message is promised. And when all these mysteries has been all so bundled up by a bunch of ecclesiasties, it will take a--a direct prophet from God to reveal It. And that's exactly what He promised to do. See?

134Now, remember, "The Word of the Lord comes to the prophet," not the theologian. The prophet, he is a reflector of God's Word. He can't say nothing; he can't say his own thoughts. He can only speak what God reveals. Even to the prophet Balaam when he was tried to be sold, sell his right, he said, "How can any prophet say anything but what God puts in his mouth?" It's a thing that God does, that you can't say nothing else. And you're born that way. No more than you could...

135 If you could say, "I--I--I can't open my eyes," when you're looking. See? You can't. You can't reach your hand, when you can. See? You can't be a dog when you're a human. See? You're just made thus.

And God has always, too, in the ages, through Isaiah, Jeremiah and all, the Elijah, in the ages gone by. When the ecclesiastical group would get everything all mixed up, He would send a prophet, raise him up from nowhere. He belonged to none of their situations, and speak His Word. Called off a scene, and gone, just rugged men of the Truth of God. And it's always the way you could tell him. He said, "If there be one among you who is spiritual or a prophet..."

136 Now, prophets. There's such a thing as "gift of prophecy" in the Church; but a prophet is predestinated and foreordained for the hour. See? Yes, sir. Now, if a prophecy goes forth, two or three has to set and judge whether that's right or not, 'fore the church can receive it.

137But nobody set before a prophet, 'cause he was--he was absolutely the Word of God. He was that Word in his day. You seen God reflect. Now, God has promised to send us that again in the last days, to bring the Bride out of that ecclesiastical mess, in the only way it can be done.

138 It'll never be done; the church can't receive Christ. We, the Pentecostals, we can't carry this Message on in the condition the church is in today. How we going to carry out the end time in the condition they're in today, when every one against the other, and everything else, and ecclesiastically? Oh, mercy! It's a mess. It's done gone in denominations. And any time... I ask any historian to--to--to say different. Every time that a message went forth in the earth, and when they organized it, it died right there. And Pentecost done the same thing that they all did, the Pentecost that come out.

139 You, Assemblies of God, when your forefathers and mothers come out of them organizations back there, in the old General Council, shouted and praised God, and talked against those things. And you turn, "like a dog to its vomit, and a hog to its wallow," and done the same thing that they did. And now so ecclesiastical, you shut up your bowels of compassion. You have to have a fellowship card before you can even associate with you, hardly.

140You, oneness, God given you a message like that, and instead of you going ahead, and just keeping humble and go ahead, you had to turn loose and organize your group. And where are you all at? The same bucket. That's exact.

And God's Spirit, moving on. "I the Lord have plant It. I'll water It, day and night. Lest some should..." He ordained these things to be, and He must send This.

141 The first thing comes, when He starts descending from the Heaven, there's a shout. What is it? Is a Message, to get the people together. A Message comes forth, first. Now, lamp-trimming time, "Rise and trim your lamps." What watch was that? The seventh, not the sixth. The seventh, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh. Rise and trim your lamps." And they did. Some of them found they didn't even have any Oil in their lamp. See? But it's lamp-trimming time.

It's Malachi - 4 time. What He prom-... Is Luke 17. It's--it's Isa-... All those prophecy that It can perfectly set in order for this day, in the Scripture, we see it living right there. There's no...

142 See these things happen, my dear brother, sister. When, God in Heaven knows I could die on this platform right now. You--you just ought to walk around a while. It's just... It's tremendous, when you see God come from the Heaven, stand before groups of men, and stand there, declare Himself just as He ever did. And that's the Truth, and this Bible open. See? Right. We're here.

143And the denominational system is dead. It's gone. It'll never rise again. It'll be burned. That's what you do with the husk on the field. Flee from it. Get into Christ. Don't say, "I belong to Methodist. I belong to Baptist. I belong to Pentecostal." You get into Christ.

If you're in Christ, there's not a Word written in Here but what you believe It. I don't care what anybody else said. And then God makes that thing manifested. Cause, you, when He pours the Spirit upon the Word, what happens? Just like putting water on any other seed. It'll live, and It'll bring forth of Its kind.

144 You say, "I got the baptism, the Holy Ghost." That don't mean that you're saved, not by a long ways.

145Looky here. You are a triune being. You are. Inside this little fellow here is the soul, the next is the spirit, and next is the body. Now, you got five senses in this body, to contact your earthly home. They don't contact the rest of it. You got five senses of the spirit, here: love and conscience, and so forth, of that. But in here is where you live. That's what you are.

146Didn't Jesus say, "The rain falls on the just and the unjust"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Put a cocklebur out here, and a wheat out there, and pour water on them, and keep them under fertilize and things like that, won't they both live by the same water? ["Amen."] Sure. Well, what is it? One of them will bear a cocklebur, 'cause that's all he is. The cocklebur will raise his hands and shout just the same as the wheat.

147 Don't the Bible say, "In the last days, there shall come false Christs"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Not "false Jesus," now. "False Christs," anointed ones, falsely anointed to the Word; denominational anointed, but not to the Word.

For, the Word will bear record of Itself. It don't need nothing else. It'll bear record to Itself.

"And there will come false anointed ones." You got my tape on that. And that anoi-...

Oh, if you'd call one of them, say, "Oh, you, are you a Jesus?"

"Oh, certainly not." They wouldn't stand for that.

148But when it comes to an "Oh, glory! I got the anointing!" And it's the genuine anointing. Remember, Caiaphas had It, too, and prophesied. So did Balaam have It, and prophesied.

But that don't have nothing to do with this, inside. Unless that was God's seed, His gene from the beginning, predestinated, you're finished. I don't care how much you shout, speak with tongues, run, shout. That has nothing to do with it.

A cocklebur can count just as much as any the rest of them. I've seen heathens raise, and shout, and speak in tongues, and--and drink blood out of a human skull, and call on the Devil. See? So you don't... Any of them sensations and things, forget it.

It's your heart in that Word, and that's Christ. Bring in there, and watch It make Itself known, just as It opens up like any other seed, and declares Itself for the age It's living in.

149 Luther could bring nothing but sprig. These others could bring these other things. We're in the wheat age now.

Luther's genuine Luthers had to bring forth genuine Luther. Genuine pentecost had to bring genuine pentecost. That's all. But we're past that age, and going on.

150You know, the Catholic church, started out, the pentecostal? And if the Pentecostal church would stand two thousand years, it'd be in worse shape than what Catholic is now. That's exactly. I say that to my brethren, my sisters, who I love. And God knows that. But remember, friends, I got to meet you yonder at the Judgment. And that may not be too long. I've got to bear record of what's the Truth.

151 When I went forth into the meetings with you, praying for the sick, it was fine. But, when I come with a Message! If any Message goes forth, it's a true Message...

If it's the true, genuine miracles of God, and hangs right in that organization, you know it's not of God, 'cause that thing is already declared.

Jesus went forth and healed the sick, in order to catch their eyes, the people, then His Message. That's right.

It has to have something that God is going to introduce. He just... Divine healing, His miracles like that, just catch the eyes of the people. The main heart of It is the Message. There's what is, what comes from in here. He's trying to get the favor of the people, so they'll set and listen to Him, see, for there's some in there that's ordained to Life.

Some of the grain, wheat, fell on ground, the birds picked it up. And others fell amongst thorns. And some was, went on prepared ground, pre-prepared ground, and brought forth.

152 Now, it's the first thing, is the sounding. The first thing is a trumpet and a... or a voice... A shout; and then a voice; and then a trumpet.

Shout: a messenger getting the people ready.

The second is a voice of the resurrection: the same voice, that, a loud voice in Saint John 11:38-44, that called Lazarus from the grave.

Getting the Bride together; and then the resurrection of the dead, see; to be caught up with It. Now watch the three things takes place. The next is what? Was a trumpet. A voice... A shout; a voice; a trumpet.

153 Now, the third thing, is a trumpet. Which, always, at the Feast of Trumpets, is calling the people to the feast. And that'll be the Bride's Supper, the Lamb's Supper with the Bride, in the sky. See?

154The first thing comes forth is His Message, calling the Bride together. The next thing is a resurrection of the sleeping Bride; the--the ones died, back in the other ages, they're caught together. And the trumpet, the Feast in the heavens, in the sky. Why, that's the thing that takes place, friends.

155We're right there, ready now. The only thing, the Church coming out, has got to lay before the Son, to ripen.

The great combine will come by, after while. The wheat will be burned, the stalks, but the grain will be gathered into Its garner. See?

156 You're not blind people. You're--you're sensible people.

And if I stood here and said those things for prejudice? I say It because It's Life, because I'm responsible to God for saying It. And I must say It, and my Message. All the time, knowing, back there under healing and so forth like that, was just to catch the people's attention, knowing the Message would come. And here It is. And them Seven Seals opened, those mysteries, and showing those things is what's happened. I didn't know it.

157But there is men standing right here now, was standing right with me. When, you all heard me preach that sermon: Sirs, What Time Is It? That morning, exactly where It said It would be, there stood seven Angels standing right there, from the Heaven. And as They went up, and the whirlwind taking Them up there, we standing, watching as They went away, science took the picture of It, all the way across the nations, down into Mexico.

158 And there, when I was watching, one day, when I started preach these Seven Church Ages. And I called Jack Moore, a great theologian. I said, "Jack, Who is this Person standing there? 'There is One like the Son of man standing there, hair as white as wool.'" I said, "He was a young Man, how could He have hair as white as wool?"

159He said, "Brother Branham, that was His glorified body." That didn't ring the bell.

But when I went in the room and started praying, He let me know what it was. See?

160I've always preached that He was Deity, not just a man. He was God manifested in the flesh: God, the attribute of God, of love; the great attributes that come down, displayed here on earth, of God. Jesus was God's love, which built a body that Jehovah Himself lived in. He was the fulness of the Godhead bodily. What God was, He manifested through that body. That body had to die, so He could wash the Bride with His--with His--with His Blood.

161 And notice, not only is the Bride washed, forgiven, but She is justified. See? Did you ever try the word justified, to see what it means?

Now, for instance, if Brother Green heard that I had been drinking, I been doing bad things, then he found out that I didn't do it. Then he come, say, "I forgive you, Brother Branham."

162"You forgive me? I never done it. What you forgiving me about?" See? But if I'm guilty, then I can be forgiven; but I'm still not just, because I did it.

But the word justified is "though you never done it, at all." Justified! And then the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us so from sin, till it's put in the Book of God's forgetfulness. He's the only One can do it.

163We can't. We can forgive but not forget. I could forgive you, but I always remember you done these evil things. Then, you're not just; you're forgiven.

But, in the sight of God, the Bride is justified. She never done it, in the first place. Amen. Standing there, married to the virtuous Son of God; never sinned, in the first place. Why? She was foreordained. She was trapped into this. And now when She heard the Truth and come forth, the Blood cleansed Her. And She stands there, virtuous. See? She, no sin on Her, at all.

164 Therefore, the Message calls the Bride together, see, the shout.

And the trumpet...

The same One, He, with a loud voice, He screamed out with that shout and a voice, and woke Lazarus. With a loud voice He cried, "Lazarus, come forth." See? And the voice wakes up--wakes up the sleeping Bride, the sleeping dead.

165And the trumpet, "with the sound of a trumpet." And, when it does, it calls. Always, a trumpet called Israel to the Feast of the Trumpets. See? Which, was a pentecostal Feast, the great Feast in the sky; and the Feast of the Trumpets. And, now, a trumpet do announce a calling together, "Come to the Feast." And now that is the--the Lamb's Supper in the sky.

Now watch. The assembling together; and the Bride; the Feast of the Trumpets, the Wedding Supper. We have seen it in types. Now watch just a moment before we close. Notice. We seen it in types.

166 Now, if you want to read in Matthew 18:16, It said, "There is three that bear record," see, in Saint... in First John 5:7, so forth. Three is always a witness. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It's a verification, something that's right. Three witnesses bear. "In the mouth of two or three witness, let every word be established."

167Now notice. We've had three witnesses. Three is a witness. Now, we have already had three raptures in the Old Testament. Did you know that? As a witness. Now watch. Enoch was one; Elijah was the other one; and Jesus was the other one.

Jesus, being the Keystone, now, He bare record. See? He was the Keystone between the Old and New Testament, 'cause He had to first die and then rapture. He died; come to life and walked around here with us; and then was raptured up. Because, He was the Keystone that tied the two together. After His resurrection and rapture... Look. After He did that, and proved that, the Old Testament there. We all know Enoch was translated. We know Elijah was taken up by a whirlwind, that right, in a chariot of Fire. And Jesus died, buried, rose up and lived here on earth, and then was raptured up, the Keystone. There is three, to bear record. Is that right?

168 Now, there has been one rapture already passed. You know that? That, let's see if we can't read it, right quick. Let's get Matthew, the 27th chapter. And let's get about the 45th verse of the Matthew, the 27th chapter. Let's see if we can't get that right quick, and see if--if we can't get just a little bit out of this, would help us, right quickly. 27:45, I believe, I got wrote down here. Let's read.

Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth...

And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabach-...? which to say,... my God, why has thou forsaken me?

Some of them that stood by,... heard it, and said, This man calls... Elias.

And straightway one of them ran, and took a spunge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave it to him to drink.

The rest said,... let us see whether Elias will come and save him.

Jesus, when he had cried... with a loud voice, yielded up...

"A loud voice." Loud voice! Watch.

When Jesus, dying, screamed with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.

And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks did rent;

And the graves were opened; and many of the bodies... the saints that slept arose,

And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

169 One rapture is passed.

Three has happened in the Old Testament, of them prepared, who the Word of the Lord came to. See? The Word of the Lord came to Enoch. The Word of the Lord came to Elijah, His prophet. See? The Word of the Lord was Jesus. See?

170Watch in the Old Testament, them Old Testament saints now, when this rapture first taken place. Notice verse 50. His loud voice awakened the Old Testament saints just exactly like the loud voice wakened Jesus... or wakened Lazarus. See? The loud voice awakened.

And the second is fulfilled in Second Thessalonians, the 4th chapter. Let's just take a read, read it. We just read, a few minutes ago. See?

... I would not have you... ignorant, brethren, concerning those... asleep, that you sorrow not, even...

That's First Thessalonians 4:12 to 18. That, that will be the second Rapture. The second Rapture will be the catching away of the Bride.

171 The Old Testament saints has gone into His Presence, paradise done away. And the Old Testament saints ascended up, at His loud voice, when He screamed and give up the ghost; because (why?) the Sacrifice, the propitiation of their sins, that they had waited on, believing that perfect Lamb was coming. They had offered the Sacrifice, the Lamb. And when He died and yielded up the ghost, He screamed with a loud voice, and the Old Testament saints awoke.

Watch the shout and the voice over here, the same thing at His Coming. See?

"Yielded up the ghost." And when He did, the Sacrifice was perfect, and paradise emptied out. And the Old Testament saints came to the earth again, walked around on earth, and entered in with Him, at His rapture.

172 David said, over there, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up." "He led captive captive, give gifts unto men," and the Old Testament saints went in with Him.

173They said, "Who is this King of righteousness?"

174"The Lord of Glory, mighty in host." Mighty host, here they come in, marching. "Jesus led captivity captive," and here He comes, with the Old Testament saints. And went in the new gates up There, and said, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up. And let the King of Glory come in."

The voice come from the inside, said, "Who is the King of Glory?"

175"The Lord mighty in battle." The gates flew open. "And Jesus, a Conqueror, led captive captive," them that had believed on Him, and the Word had come to them. There, the Old Testament saints laying in there, waiting, "He led captive captive; ascended on High," took the Old Testament saints and went in. There is one Rapture, already passed.

176The next Rapture takes place is (Second Thessalonians) for the Church, the Bride to be resurrected, to be raptured into Glory. "We which are alive and remain," that's the bodies left on earth, "will not prevent or hinder them which are asleep. For the trumpet of God shall sound first, and the dead in Christ shall rise." See? "And we which alive and remain shall caught up together with them."

177 Other day, I was standing on the street corner. And I--I was standing on... I was standing on the street corner and watching the Armistice Day parade, and when it went up, going up the street. I stood there with my little son, Joseph. There come, the first, was the old first war tanks come by, little old tanks. After that come the great Sherman tanks of the new war, and a great cannons with their muzzle blast, a--a muzzle break on them, so forth.

After there, come the soldiers; the--the--the Gold Star mothers. And then there come a float with the... on down... Well, down there come a float, and on the front of it was a grave, "to the unknown soldier." And there stood a--a soldier standing there, guard at the grave. There stood a marine on the other side, and a sailor on the other side. And there was a partition drawed. And on the other side set a Gold Star mother. She had lost her boy. There stood a young wife, with her head over on a table, crying. A little ragged boy setting sideways; and the tears running out of his face. He had lost his daddy.

I thought, "What sadness! I stand here and look, see them, old, just a few of the soldiers left; marching down there, crippled and old, like that, with their uniforms, but proudly displaying them because they were Americans."

I thought, "Oh, my God!"

178 One day, there will come a blast from Heaven, "And the dead in Christ shall rise first." Them Old Testament saints back yonder, who are waiting, will blast forth and come out of there first, and go into the resurrection. We'll drop right in line, going into the sky; these old mortal bodies changed and made like unto His Own glorious body. What a--what a parade that'll be when it starts heavenward, some of these days, in that rapturing time that lays ahead, oh, proudly displaying the Blood of Jesus Christ upon their chests, the Message of God in the hour that they lived in. That's the hour that we're looking forward to, brother.

179Looky, just in closing now. The second resurrection, all... First one is past. The second one is at hand, right now, will come to hand now.

180Now, the third one is the two witnesses of Revelations 11:11 and 12. Which, these are the ones that turns back, with the Spirit of Christ, to witness to the Jews, like Joseph did to his brethren. And remember, "Their dead bodies laid in the street, for three days and a half. Then the spirit of life came into them, and they were raptured, taken up into Heaven."

There is your three raptures of the New Testament.

Three raptures of the Old Testament; all of them past.

181Now we're ready, waiting for the raptures, the Rapture of the saints. It's been spoken, and so shall it be. When God says anything, "All heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word will never fail."

182 When God said, back there in Genesis 1, He said, "Let there be light." It might have been hundreds of years before there was any light. He said, "Let there be a palm tree. Let there be a oak tree. Let there be a desert. Let there be a mountain. Let there be this." He spoke it, you see. And as long as it went out of His mouth, in a Word, it has to be manifested. It has to be. When...

183Then one day, He called His people out. And He had spoke to a man named Moses, by a Pillar of Fire, a Light; Holy, Sacred Fire. And Moses wouldn't... The people wouldn't believe Moses, so He said, "Bring them out to this mountain."

184That morning, the mountain was all full of Fire, and flashing and thunders like that. And the people said, "Don't let God speak. Let Moses speak, see, lest we perish."

185God said, "I'll not speak to them no more like this, but I'll raise them up a prophet. And I'll speak through him, and what he says will come to pass. Then, you hear It, because I am--I am with him." Now, He spoke that. He said that it would come to pass.

186 Look at this prophet, Isaiah, standing there; a man, intelligent man, a man was thought of, well, by the king, 'cause he had lived with Uzziah. The king, which was a great man, tried to take a preacher's place, one time, and went in, got smitten with leprosy.

And that's what I told the businessmen. Don't never try to take a preacher's place. No, sir. You stay right where you're at. See? You do your work, what God put, told you to do. If you're a finger, you can never be an ear. If you're an ear, you'll never be a nose, nose or eye. See? You stay in your position.

187You heard that Message, other day, on the broadcast: Trying To Do God A Service. David, anointed king. All the people shouting and screaming, "It was right." But he never consulted God's prophet. And a man died, and the whole thing was marred. Don't try to do God a favor. You wait till it's God's term. Let it come in His way of doing it. "I'll start this big thing. It'll do this." Be careful, brother.

188 Now, David knowed better than that. Nathan was in the land, in that day. He wasn't even consulted, at all. See? He consulted captains of hundreds and thousands. All the people shouted, and screamed, and danced. Instead of... They had all the religious motion, but it wasn't in the line and order of God's Word, and it failed.

Anything else, is not in the line and order of God's Word, will fail. Only God's Word will stand forever. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but not My Word."

189 Notice Isaiah, that intelligent young man standing there. All at once, the Spirit hit him. He couldn't say no different. He was a prophet. He said, "Behold, a virgin shall conceive." "Unto us a Son is born; a Child is born, a Son is given. His Name shall be called Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father. The end of... His government shall be upon His shoulders. The end of the... There shall be no end to His reign." How could that man intelligently say that a virgin would conceive?

Everybody looked for it. It's done been spoke. It was THUS SAITH THE LORD. It had to come to pass, 'cause it was God's Word. The same as it was in Genesis, when He planted them seeds down beneath the sea, where "it was without form, and void; and water upon the deep." See? It had to come to pass. And one day, eight hundred years later, the womb of a virgin conceived the Seed of God, a created Seed. She brought forth a Son.

190That same Son stood there, one day. He said, "Lazarus, come forth." And a man that been dead four days, rotten, his nose fell in, stunk, he came forth. Said:

Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, amen, when all that's in the grave will hear the voice of the Son of God,

So, it's done been spoke. It has to happen like that. There's going to be a Rapture. Oh, my!

191 I remember, just my last Message in California, where I thought I'd never go back again, when I predicted, "Los Angeles will go beneath the ocean. THUS SAITH THE LORD." It will. She is done. She is washed. She is finished. What hour? I don't know when, but it will be sunk. Right after that, the earthquakes begin to jolt and bow.

192Remember, many of you men standing right there, that rock, that day when that Angel came down there. And that Light and Fire falling from the Heaven, around the rock where we were standing there. Rocks flang out of the mountains, and falling across there. She blasted three times, hard. I said, "Judgment will strike the West Coast." Two days after that, Alaska almost sunk.

193 Remember, that same God that said that, said, "Los Angeles is doomed." And she is finished. I don't know when. I can't tell you.

194I didn't know I said that. But this brother here, I believe it was... No. One of the Mosely's, I believe, had me out on a street out there. I didn't know what it was till I looked back. I looked back in Scripture.

And Jesus said, "Capernaum, Capernaum, how oft... You that's exalted yourself, rather, up into Heaven, shall be brought down into hell. For if the mighty works that been done in you, had been done in Sodom, it'd a stood today." And about a hundred and fifty years from there, (Sodom had already, in the earth) then Capernaum is in the water, too, today.

195 And that same Spirit of God that said all these things, and done all these things, It said there, "Oh, city, Capernaum, who called yourself by the name of the Angels, Los Angeles, how you've exalted yourself into heaven! The very root and seat of Satan, see, you've exalted yourself."

196Preachers, it's a graveyard for them. Good men go there and die like rats. What havoc!

197"You that call yourself by the name of the Angels; if the mighty works had been done in Sodom, that been done in you, it'd stood today. But your hour has come."

You watch and see. If it ain't, I'm a false prophet. See? There she is. She's laying there.

198 I remember that night, 'fore I seen that, I seen the preview of the Bride. I stood there and seen a beautiful little lady, just correctly dressed, and things, marching this way. There was Somebody standing by me, in the vision. And I seen. They said, "The preview of the Bride." I seen Her go by. They come on this side, and went around.

199I heard it coming up, the--the churches coming up from this other side. There come the Asian church. Oh, you talk about filth! Here come the European church. Oh, my! And then I heard a rock-and-roll coming, and it was Miss America, the church, and she didn't even have on any clothes. She had papers, like newspapers, gray, hold in front her, dancing by rock-and-roll; Miss America, the church.

200I stood there in His Presence. I thought, "O God, as a minister, if that's the best we could do? Oh! Oh!" You know how you feels. Then I thought, "God, hide me. If I could just get away from here. If all that we've done, and that's what we have to produce, if that's what?"

201 And then when them women passed by, all doing all kinds of rocks and things, and short hair, and painted faces. And as they passed by like that, supposed to be virgins to Christ. And when she passed by like that, I turned my head, you know, with this holding in front of me. It was--it was disgraceful, the back of them. And there they was, going like that. And I turned my head, to weeping, like that.

202I said, "I--I couldn't stand it in there. Him standing there, and me know that me, a minister of the Church, and that's what I had produced for Him." I said, "O God, I can't look at it. Let me die. Let me--let me fade away," and like that.

203And as soon as it went out, every time one of them would come, they'd go out to a certain place, then drop off. I'd just hear the sound of it as it went away.

Then I heard something like Onward Christian Soldiers. I looked, and here come that sainted bunch of little girls just exactly the way they was, all correctly dressed, their hair hanging way down on their back. Smooth, clean, marching like this, to the step of the Gospel. She was the Word. They looked like one out of every nation. I was looking at it as they passed by, and seen them pass by. Instead of going down, they started going up.

I noticed one of them trying, two or three of them trying, getting out of line. I screamed. "Stay in line." And the vision left me. And I was standing in the room, screaming, "Stay in line." Line, That.

204 Wonder, could it be already past? Could the Bride already be called? Is that what we're going through today?

She has to be molded and made into the image of Christ, and Christ is the Word. That's the only thing. See? It's in There, in the Word. It's ju-... See? There cannot be one thing added. It can't be a--a woman with a one hand like a man, and the other hand with a paw like a dog. It's got to be exactly the Word of the Lord, like He is the Word. The Bride is a part of the Bridegroom. The woman is a part of her husband, 'cause she's taken out of the husband. Eve was a part of Adam from his side. And so is the Bride, not taken from a denomination, but taken from the bosom of the Word of God for this day.

205 The Rapture!

The trumpet of the Lord shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise,

And the glory of His resurrection share;

When the chosen ones shall gather to their Home beyond the sky.

When the roll is called up yonder, let's all try to be There, friends. God bless you.

206It's been spoken. It has to come to pass. It will come to pass. And little... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

People, no one wants to die. No one wants to--to be lost. Let me tell you. Whatever you do... I don't care how well you go to church, and how loyal you are to church. That's fine; nothing against that. You should go to church. You do that. Keep on going to church. But, whatever, just throw away your traditions, and move right on up into Christ. Cause, it's going to sound one of these days, and you're going to be caught with the mark of the beast on you, and not know what it is until it's too late. That's exactly right.

207 God bless you. I'm sorry to have kept you. And remember. I've kept them too long here. That's right. And the offering that you taken for me... Which, I did not ask you to do that, brother. That's, my, that's courtesy. Take that and pay this motel the--the overtime, 'cause I kept it. I just had a few things here. I got about eight or ten more pages on that Rapture there, but I--I just didn't have time to give it. God bless you.

208Do you love the Lord Jesus? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Let's just stand still just a minute now, quietly, reverently, and remember what I've said. Remember, we're in the last hours.

These nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,

The signs that the Bible foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own."

The day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near.

You know that?

False prophets are lying. God's Truth they're denying.

We know that all is true. Don't we? [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

209How many really love Him. Raise your hand. Now, I want you, while we sing this again, shake hands with somebody near you. Say, "God bless you, pilgrim." We are pilgrims. Aren't we? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Pilgrims and stranger.

I love Him,

That's it, right across the table.

I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

210 You want to make the Rapture? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] How many is interested in making the Rapture? Say, "God, I want to make it, with all my heart."

Hold To God's Unchanging Hand, you know the song? You know it, sister? Hold To God's Unchanging Hand. I don't know what... What's it in, for that one? Huh?

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

Build your hopes on things Eternal,

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

You like that?

When our journey is completed,

If to God you have been true,

Fair and bright your home in Glory,

Your enraptured soul shall view!

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

Build your hopes on things Eternal,

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

I want you to bow your head just a moment now.

Covet not this world's vain riches,

That so rapidly decay,

Seek to gain the Heavenly treasure,

They will never pass away!

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

Build your hopes on things Eternal,

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

211 With your heads bowed, and this in mind, knowing that we're bowing our heads to the dust from which we were brought, someday we'll return, knowing that you got a soul in there that has to answer to God. And if you feel that you're not just ready for that Rapture, if It would come tonight, and you'd want to be remembered in prayer, just raise your hand. We have no place to make an altar call. Your altar is in your heart, anyhow. Raise your hand. God bless you, you, you. My!

"Feel that I'm not ready, Brother Branham. I--I, really, I--I--I want to be a Christian. I've tried to be, but there's always something missing. I--I know that I--I'm not just where I should be."

"Have mercy, God. I raise my hand. Be merciful to me."

Now, some twenty or thirty hands has been up, already, in this little group. More is going up.

212 Dear God, You know what's behind that hand, down there under the heart. I pray, dear God. There's only one thing I'm responsible for, that's, to tell the Truth. And, dear God, they want to be saved. They want to, really. They--they don't want this something that's just some emotion, some work up, some denominational system, some creed, some dogma that's been added. They understand, Father, that it takes the pure, unadulterated Word of God. Everything else will pass away, even heavens and earth, but It won't. And if we be that Word, the earth will pass from beneath us, but we can never pass away, because we are that Word, the Bride of the Groom.

213I pray for each one, that You'll grant to them, Father, is my sincere prayer. And excuse me, Father, for being so nervous tonight, jumping up here late, and--and being shaky, and saying words broke up and cut up. Somehow another, great Holy Spirit, splice them together in Your Own Divine way, and deliver them to the hearts of the people, from my heart, and the motive and the objective that in my heart I have towards You. Won't You, Lord? And save which can be saved. Draw to You, Lord. And may we be ready for that rapturing hour that's soon at hand. For I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

God bless you.

Now, the chairman of the--of the convention.

1.... toto zhromaždenie tu v Yume. Je to pre mňa veľké privilégium, že ste ma pozvali, aby som sem znovu prišiel. Posledne sme tu prežili krásne chvíle, a potom keď som sa dopočul, že tu znovu budem, mal som z toho naozaj príjemný pocit. Počuť tie svedectvá, tieto milé slová od tých ľudí, až vás to tak trochu posilňuje.

2Billy mi povedal, že ten brat z Las Vegas, ktorý chcel tam dohodnúť zhromaždenie v tej skupine, stretne sa sním, hneď ako skončí tu toto zhromaždenie. Máme čas, n hovorí, že tam môžeme skočiť v januári pred zhromaždeniami vo Phonixe (vidíte?) a prísť do Las Vegas. A tak my sme tam tiež chceli prísť. Myslím, že tam voľakedy býval brat Art Wilson, alebo tam možno stále je. On ma prosil, aby som tam prišiel, on a sestra Wilsonová. Nemal som tú príležitosť, tak možno teraz budem môcť prísť.

3Viete, Billy Paul alebo brat Roy Borders - myslím, že je niekde tu. Niekto povedal, že brat Borders bol tu ... Brat Pearry, Lee, alebo ktokoľvek z nich, oni vám budú vedieť povedať, a dohodnúť proste pre nás termín, kedy prísť.

4No, videl som tu pred chvíľou mnoho kazateľov, veľmi ma to teší, že môžem stretnúť mojich bratov. škoda, že som nemal čas - ísť s vami domov, pretože viem, že tu máte najlepšieho kuchára v kraji. To je výborné. A ja ...

5Brat Pearry to skutočne dnes večer dva krát spískal. Má teraz na rováši dve veci: jedna, že tam odpojil ten mikrofón. Pokladajú, že ty si tomu na vine, brat Pearry. Nemyslím, že ty si skutočne vinný, ale ty ... "Niekto bol pripravený hovoriť." To bolo to dobré.

6A tak potom, on tam znovu vyšiel a hovoril; on povedal: "No ..." Rozprával sa s bratom Collinsom, alebo s niekým z nich, povedal: "Večera bola dobrá, ale" - povedal - "poviem vám," - povedal - "ten človek musí byť španiel, alebo niečo také, alebo Mexičan. To bola najtuhšia paprika, akú som kedy okoštoval!" a stále to takto rozprával; a hovoril so šéfkuchárom.

On povedal: "Ja som šéfkuchár."

7To je pre teba Texas. My ho tu v Arizone za krátky čas dáme do poriadku, či nie, ak tu zostane dosť dlho?

8Som opravdu rád, že tu môžem byť. A hádam toto neznie ako žarty, ale ako zmysel pre humor. A to sám Pán mal zmysel pre humor, viete. On povedal: "Herodes ... choďte a povedzte tej líške ... (Vidíte?). Dnes vyháňam démonov a zajtra dokončím." Tak keď On mal zmysel pre humor, no, to nám neublíži, myslím že nie, raz za čas.

9A teraz, je trochu neskoro. A ja zvyknem kázať okolo štyri hodiny. Ale že poznám zdvorilosť brata a sestry tu tej skupiny, dnes večer to skrátime. Áno, povedal som Terrymu, povedal som ... On povedal: "Čo ... založiť dvojhodinovú pásku?"

10Povedal som: "Nie, Terry; toto je banket." Povedal som: "Budem hovoriť tým ľuďom len okolo tridsať, štyridsať minút, o niečom, čo ... Aj keď som sa to stále snažil, vediac že ..."

11Keď som bol mladý chlapec, ľudia prichádzali počúvať, pretože som bol chlapec kazateľ, len mladý človek, mladík. A oni hovorili: "Billy Branham ..." Viete, len dieťa, nevychodil som školu a nemám žiadne vzdelanie. Oni prichádzali počúvať moje potrhané slová, moju Kentackú angličtinu. A tak ... moje hits a to hain'ts, a totes a podobne. Ako tu na jednom zhromaždení nedávno povedali: "Všetci vstaneme a zaspievame národnú hymnu."

12Ja som vstal a začal: "Za moju starú ďalekú Kentackú domovinu." To bol jediný národ o ktorom som vedel, to bola národná hymna, pokiaľ išlo o mňa.

13Tak teraz, potom keď jednako zostarnete, no, my - prídete, musíte mať niečo viac, než to. Viete, Pavol to povedal: "Keď som bol dieťa, hovoril som ako dieťa a rozmýšľal som ako dieťa." Správate sa ako dieťa, ale keď rastiete, potom začínate od svojich prvých pár krôčkov a batolíte sa a spadnete, a vstanete a skúšate to znovu. A potom vy ... po nejakom čase narastiete, že dokážete rovno chodiť. A to je to, čo musíme robiť, ako vojaci kríža; teraz je čas kráčať rovno, rovno po tej ceste do chvály.

14Verím, že žijeme v záverečných scénach histórii tohoto sveta. Opravdu verím, že príchod Pánov je bližšie, než ako si myslíme. Tak teraz, na tak asi tridsať minút vášho času, alebo tak nejako, by som rád obrátil vašu pozornosť do Písma, ktoré by som rád použil ako text a poukázal tu ešte na iné miesta. Sediac raz doma, rozmýšľal som o tejto myšlienke. Potom som si pomyslel: "No, neviem, hovoriť zo všetkých týchto miest Písma, vezmem len časť z nich a len ... pre tieto krátke zhromaždenia, ako budeme mať dnes. Chcem povedať jednu vec, zatiaľ čo si otvorite Žalmy, prvých ... 27. žalm, chcem čítať prvých päť veršov.

15Chcel by som toto povedal ohľadne tých Obchodníkov - ohľadne zhromaždení Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia. Môj brat Pearry hovoril o tých knihách a tak ďalej, a o tých nových knihách, ktoré majú. Koľkí si pamätáte, keď som mal tú pásku a kázal som to tu vo Phoenixe, na jednom z tých zhromaždení "Pánovia, aký je toto čas?" No, to bol začiatok tej knihy (vidíte?), keď sa toto stalo.

16Je tak veľa nadprirodzeného potvrdenia Božieho napísaného Slova ohľadne tejto hodiny, kvôli tomu aby nás teraz niečo nezaskočilo. Sme práve ... je to príliš skutočné. Vidíte, tie veci, ktoré ... Ohromilo by vás to, keby ste len mohli poznať, že ... čo sa skutočne deje. Mnohí z vás, ktorí ste tu možno cudzí, počujete týchto ľudí vystupovať a robiť tieto poznámky o posolstve na túto hodinu a tak ďalej. To o čom oni hovoria, je Božie zasľúbenie na túto hodinu, to čo On zasľúbil, že bude robiť, a my Ho vidíme potvrdzovať podľa Písma, presne to, čo povedal, On to tak isto urobí. Predpovedať, udierať tak presne, stále tak dokonale, pretože to hovorí Boh.

17Ak človek, bez ohľadu na to, kto to je, by sa snažil niečo predpovedať ... Je možnosť jedna z milióna, ak by vám niekto povedal nejakú vec, že sa stane, že sa to stane v určitom čase, je možnosť jedna z desať miliónov. A ak by bolo povedané miesto, kde sa to stane, to by bola možnosť jedna zo sto miliónov. A potom, čas, kedy sa to stane, to by takto išlo ďalej. A spôsob, ako sa to stane, a čo sa stane, a tak ďalej, to sa proste nedá uhádnuť. Keď vidíme, že je to všetko stále tak dokonale, potom je to Boh. Potom sa obrátime rovno do Písma - môže nám to vyzerať cudzie, ale obraciame sa rovno naspäť do Písma, ani nevieme kde to hľadať a Duch Svätý to prináša a kladie celé to Slovo dohromady, vytvára obraz, aby nám ukázal presne hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Sme pri zámene systémov.

18Sme na uhle. Je ľahko, keď niekto robí uhol - murár - robí uhol a začne ... Každý kladie tehly ďalej v tej istej rade, ako nejaká denominácia začína klásť rad tehiel, to je v poriadku; ale keď sa dostanete ku tým obratom, kde to musíte obrátiť naspäť iným smerom ... No, Boh nestavia múr; On stavia dom. Vidíte? A tam je mnoho zásekov a obratov, ktoré On predpovedal tu v Biblii. A to sú tie obraty ... Každý sa môže snažiť urobiť obrat, ale to musí byť podľa plánu. Ak nie je, musí to byť znovu zrútené.

19Tak my chválime Boha za Jeho dobrotu a za to obecenstvo vás ľudí, a za otvorené dvere, ktoré nám Pán dal. A cez týchto Obchodníkov .... Stále som tvrdil, že neverím v ... Verím v ľudí v denomináciách, ale nemám dosť času, aby som napomínal denominácie, pretože každá postavila okolo seba plot, a ...

20A to je práve tak ako, keď ... Myslím, že to bol taká poviedka brata Davida, ako choval kačice, a povedal, že rieka sa zodvihla a každá kačka, viete, oni chceli mať obecenstvo medzi sebou a nemohli, pretože boli ohradené plotom. Ale keď sa voda zodvihla tak vysoko, ona zodvihla tie kačice z tých ohrád. Tak myslím, že tak sa to práve deje ... Voda sa dvíha (vidíte?), a my sa môže dostať z tej ohrady a môžeme mať obecenstvo jeden z druhým, viete, mať vo svojich srdciach opravdovú lásku Kristovu.

21A títo Obchodníci Plného Evanjelia boli pre mňa oázou, pretože mnohokrát mám bratov, dobrých bratov, myslím, v každej denominácii, s ktorou som sa kedy stretol, Presbyteriáni, Luteráni, Baptisti, Letniční, všetky rôzne druhy Letničných, Cirkev Božia, Nazaréni, Pútnici Svätosti, všade sú milí bratia ... Ale mnohokrát ma oni nemôžu mať vo svojom spoločenstve, pretože ... Vidíte? Nie, žeby tomu oni neverili, ale vidíte, to by ich odrezalo od ich denominácii. A keď to urobíte, tak to tak dopadne.

22Nedávno tu bol jeden brat od Metodistov, prišiel ku mne. Nepamätám si ako sa volal, milý človek. On písal výpovede o Božskom uzdravovaní a prišiel sa ku mne porozprávať. Sadli sme si a chvíľu sme sa rozprávali. A on povedal: "Jediná vec, ktorú máme proti tebe, že sa celý čas točíš okolo tých Letničných."

Povedal som: "Tak nech to podporuje Metodistická cirkev; ja prídem."

To bolo iné. Vidíte? On povedal: "No, samozrejme, ja nie som Metodistická cirkev; ja len ku ním patrím."

23Povedal som: "To je to!" Vidíte? "Oni sú jediní, Letniční sú jediní, ktorí otvorili svoje dvere." Vidíte? "To sú jediní, kde môžem ísť." A všetci, ktorí otvoria, nuž, sme hotoví tam prísť. Ako v Zjavení, v 3. kapitole On povedal: "Stojím pri dverách a klopem. Keď niekto otvori dvere, vojdem a budem s ním večerať." A to bol Ježiš. Všetci z nás vedia, že to bol Kristus. A On je Slovo. Je to tak! On je Slovo.

24A tak, Obchodníci Plného Evanjelia boli oázou, kde sme sa mohli spolu zísť. Žiadne cirkvi to nepodporujú. Oni dohromady, tí ľudia z cirkví, a my máme spolu obecenstvo po svete, naokolo, všade.

25A ja som pomohol založiť mnohé, mnohé, mnohé skupiny Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia po celom svete. Som vďačný za tú možnosť, ktorá mi bola daná. Tam tí Obchodníci to budú financovať, a potom všetky tie cirkvi, oni jednako chcú prísť. Ale potom ja sa nikdy nechcem snažiť, aby som vytiahol niekoho z jeho cirkvi. Len zostávajte vo svojej cirkvi a rozširujte to svetlo. Vidíte? Buďte opravdovým kresťanom; váš pastor si vás bude ceniť. Buďte ozajstným verným, opravdovým svätým, každý človek, ktorý verí v Boha si bude ceniť takú osobu. Áno!

26No, ďakujem tu bratovi a jeho žene a tejto skupine tu, za túto príležitosť. A nech táto skupina rastie. Nech spočíva na nej Božie požehnanie, a nech je nástrojom v Božích rukách na spasenie stoviek a stoviek ľudí pred príchodom Pánovým. I všetky ostatné skupiny - či vy, ktorí tu reprezentujete tie skupiny.

27V knihe Žalmov ... No, chcem dnes v krátkosti hovoriť na skutočne zvláštnu tému. Mám tu zapísané nejaké miesta Písma, a myslel som, že možno ... Dnes večer som chcel hovoriť o niečom inom, ale vidíme čas ubieha, no, nechcem to preťahovať, tak som to zmenil a zobral viac miest Písma. A chcem hovoriť na tému "Vytrhnutie". Rozumiete?

28No, veríme, že bude vytrhnutie. Všetci Kresťania tomu veria, kto číta Bibliu verí, že bude vytrhnutie.

29A teraz, budeme čítať ... to je podklad, čítame 25. žalm - prepáčte - 27. žalm, verše 1 - 5.

Hospodin je mojím svetlom a mojím spasením - koho sa budem báť?! Hospodin je pevnosťou môjho života - koho sa budem strachovať?!

Keď urobili zlostníci útok na mňa, aby žrali moje telo, moji protivníci a moji nepriatelia, oni klesli a padli.

Keby sa vojsko táborom rozložilo proti mne, nebude sa báť moje srdce; keby povstala proti mne vojna, i v tom sa ja nadejem.

Jedno si žiadam od Hospodina, iba to budem hľadať: aby som mohol bývať v dome Hospodinovom po všetky dni svojho života, aby som hľadel na krásu Hospodinovu a spytoval v jeho chráme;

lebo ma ukryje vo svojom stánku v zlý deň; skryje ma v skrýši svojho stánku; vyzdvihne ma na skalu.

Nech Boh pridá svoje požehnanie do tohoto prečítaného Slova.

30No dnes, keď hovoríme na túto tému ... A teraz, niektorí z vás môžu mať iný názor, voči spôsobom, ktoré ja používam, ale koľkí tu veria, že Biblia učí, že bude vytrhnutie cirkvi? Tak veru! Je to tak! Vychvátenie cirkvi. Či si Metodista, Baptista, Presbyterián, alebo čokoľvek, Letniční, bude vychvátenie.

31A myslím, že pritom keď hovorím, nesnažím tu stáť, aby som vám povedal len niečo, čo by sa páčilo ľuďom. Nikdy som nebol toho vinný. Chcem sa tu postaviť a povedať niečo, keď cítim, že som vedený povedať to, čo myslím, že vám bude pomocou, niečo, čo bude prehlbovať vaše prežite s Bohom, ak ste Kresťan, a ak nie ste Kresťan, spôsobí to, že sa budete tak hanbiť za seba, že sa stanete Kresťanom. A preto sa stále snažím ukladať moje myšlienky, ako ma Pán vedie.

32No, sme varovaní, že v tejto náuke o tomto, v posledných dňoch budeme vysmievaní. Ak by ste chceli ... Prečítajme to len za chvíľu. Je to v ll. Petra 3. kapitola a 3. a 4. verš. Pozrime sa či to nie je pravda.

vediac najprv to, že v posledných dňoch prijdú posmievači, ktorí budú chodiť podľa svojich vlastných žiadostí

a hovoriť: Kde je to zasľúbenie o jeho príchode? ... odkedy posnuli otcovia, všetko tak trvá, od počiatku stvorenia.

Lebo úmyselne nechcú vedieť, že nebesia boli od dávna i zem, ktorá z vody a vodou stojí vedno, slovom Božím,

pre ktoré to bezbožnosti vtedajší svet, zatopený vodou, zahynul.

33No, vidíme že dôvod, prečo je táto téma tak zľahkovážená, to preto, že ten prorok tu povedal, že v týchto posledných dňoch prídu títo posmievači a budú hovoriť tieto veci. Vidíte? To je predpovedané. Dôvod prečo sa dnes ľudia správajú tak, ako sa správajú ... No, vy to samozrejme očakávate, pretože Biblia povedala, že: "V posledných dňoch oni budú náhli, nadutí, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha, nesmierliví, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, nemilujúci dobrého, ktorí majú tvárnosť pobožnosti, ktorí však zapierajú jej moc. A tých sa stráň." Môžeme očakávať na napodobovanie pravdy? Samozrejme!

34Keď Mojžiš odišiel dole do Egyptu, aby vyslobodil deti Izraelove, len s palicou v ruke na potvrdenie, majúci za sebou Boha nebies, on vykonal zázrak. Tam za ním prichádzajú napodobovatelia, ktorí robia to isté, čo urobil on. Vidíte? No, oni prišli ako druhí, potom keď to on urobil ako prvý. Potom oni prichádzajú a napodobujú ten originál. Nachádzame to. A teraz, vy hovoríte: "No, to bolo vo dňoch Mojžiša." Ale to isté Písmo hovorí, že v posledných dňoch oni znovu prídu: "A ako čo Jannes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tak sa i títo stavajú proti pravde, skazení na mysli." Vidíte? Napodobovatelia, všetky rôzne veci, aby prevracali ľudí.

35A potom, ak toto vytrhnutie, ktoré má nastať ... A všetko, čo Boh má v línii so Svojím Slovom, to stále vystupuje niečo, aby to prevrátili ak by mohli. To je Satanov úmysel, aby to prevracal.

36Ako povedal ten brat tu, zo zhromaždenia tam v Las Vegas: "Satan" - povedal - "svet bol jeho panstvom a to tam bol jeho hlavný stan." Ja viem, že Satan je boh tohoto sveta. Každý národ pod nebom je pod jeho kontrolou. Je to presne tak! Tento svet patrí Satanovi. Ale Ježiš ho prevezme. Jedného dňa Mu ho on ponúkol, a On to odmietol; ale On povedal, pretože On vedel, že On ho zdedí, keď príde ten čas.

37Posmievači, zastavme sa na chvíľu pri tom jednom slove, prv ako pôjdeme ďalej. Posmievači - Asi pred dvoma týždňami som čítal v Tucsone noviny a tam písali, že nejaký Angličan z Anglicka vyhlásil - to bol nadpis v tých novinách - že ukrižovanie nášho Pána Ježiša Krista bol len podvod dohovorený medzi Pilátom a Ježišom, že On príde aby urobil ... len aby Sa niečím urobil. A nijako by sme mu to nemohli vyvrátiť, pretože všetky veci Božie majú byť prijaté vierou. My tomu musíme veriť. No, on tam pokračuje a opisuje, ako sa to mohlo stať.

38Tu nedávno v tom veľkom národe, v Londýne, vlastne v Anglicku, kde Ján Wesley a Charles a mnohí s tých veľkých kazateľov v tých včasných dňoch, Spurgeon a oni kázali evanjelium na tržniciach a všade tam, oni odstrčili to posolstvo svojho času a pozrite sa, čo sú v tomto čase. Tam je brat Williams a oni dnes večer. To je jedna z najnižšie upadnutých krajín na svete. Pochodil som po svete, ale nepoznám nič, čo by bolo tak odporujúce pravidlám, ako Anglicko. To je ... Billy Graham povedal to isté. No, on musel so svojou ženou odísť preč z parkov, ako sa verejne v tých parkoch diali tie skutky medzi mužmi a ženami. Keď som tam ja bol, nikdy som nevidel nič, čo by viac lámalo ľudské srdce, než to, čo sa dialo v Anglicku, ktoré malo možnosť a jedného času viedlo svet v reformácii. To len ukazuje, ako možno upadnúť.

39Ale vidíte čo to robí, to posolstvo, ktoré vtedy vyšlo, Angličania sa snažia uplatňovať to isté posolstvo na dnes. To dnes nebude fungovať. To nebude fungovať.

40Ako by ... Čo keby bol Mojžiš prišiel a priniesol Noeho posolstvo: "Postavíme koráb a odplavíme sa po Níle?" To by nefungovalo. A tak isto by Ježišove posolstvo nefungovalo pri Mojžišovi. A ani Wesleyove posolstvo by nefungovalo pri Lutherovi či Lutherove posolstvo, naopak. A dnes, našou poslednou veľkou reformáciou boli Letniční. A dnes odchádzame od toho, a Letničné posolstvo sa nebude miešať s týmto, pretože to je iný deň. To je všetko Slovo Božie, ale to je stavanie. Ako chodidlá, ramená, ide to hore, to je formovanie nevesty na vytrhnutie. Vidíte, neodsúva to tých ľudí tam vtedy; oni žili podľa svojho posolstva. Oni všetci vyjdú, ktorí boli v neveste. Tak ako život, ktorý prechádza cez pšeničnú stopku. On opúšťa tú pšenicu - šupku, ale tá pšenica sa formuje na podobu zrna, ktoré padlo do zeme.

41Nedávno som tu čítal jednu knihu, ktorú napísal nejaký Nemec ako kritiku; on povedal: "Zo všetkých fanatikov na svete, William Branham je ten najväčší." On povedal: "No, on nie je nič iné, ako ... On je mág. On robí toto všetko ..." Vidíte, ten človek nevie ...

42A potom, ten človek bol kritik. On ani neveril v Boha. On povedal: "Boh, ktorý si mohol sedieť v tých Temných Vekoch, založiť si ruky na bruchu a smiať sa na hromadu Kresťanov, kde boli matky a to mali byť jeho vlastní učeníci - matky s malými deťmi a všetci a nechal, aby ich žrali levy, a ani nepohol rukou." Vidíte kde je telesná myseľ, kde vzdelanie a to všetko nemôže porozumieť to videnie? Že pšeničné zrno muselo padnúť do zeme.

43Tak ako Ježiš musel zomrieť, aby znovu povstal, tak tá Letničná cirkev musela zomrieť. Musela vojsť do zeme, do tých Temných Vekov. Každá pšenica, každé zrno, ktoré ide do zeme, ono musí ležať v tom temnom čase, aby zrodilo život. Ale to začalo vyrastať v Martinovi Luterovi. Prešlo cez Wesleya, a ďalej do veku Letničných; teraz to ide do zrna. A teraz, tie denominačné systémy, ktoré oni zanechali, to sú steblá. Nič iné. To má byť spálené, ten denominačný systém. Ale to skutočné pšeničné zrno, ktoré vychádza zo všetkých tých reformácií, bude v neveste vychvátené hore. Oni všetci spolu budú tvoriť nevestu.

44No, dozvedáme sa, že v Anglicku, tam oni nedávno napodobnili ukrižovanie, skupina tých ľudí, tie deti s tými dlhými vlasmi a všetkým, a hulákajú ... nazývajú Ježiša "Ocko" a všetko také. Taká špina.

45No, vy poviete: "To je v Londýne, v Anglicku." Pozrite, čo bolo minulý týždeň v novinách tu v Amerike. Nejaký veľký doktor teológie z dobrej školy povedal, že ukrižovanie bol podfuk, povedal, že Ježiš sa len snažil robiť, ako mŕtvy, že On vypil tú mandragorovú bylinu a ... Nachádzame v Genesis, kde sa o nej hovorí. To je bylina, ako marihuana alebo niečo. Vynašli to tam v Oriente. A keď to pijete, uvedie vás to do spánku, možno vo vašom ... akoby ste boli mŕtvi, náhle opadáte, všetko na čas dvoch alebo troch dní.

46On povedal, keď Mu oni dali víno so žlčou, to je celkom možné, že to bolo z byliny mandragory. A keď to urobili, oni Mu to dali; a On odpadol, akoby bol mŕtvy. Oni Ho dali do hrobu, a položili Ho tam. A po dvoch alebo troch dňoch, samozrejme, sa potom znovu prebral a bol v poriadku. Povedal, že On odišiel do Indii a tam niekde zomrel obyčajnou smrťou. Snažil sa vymyslieť nejaké náboženstvo. Zaprvé, ten kritik ... Čo sa deje s ľuďmi? Vidíte? To je práve v tomto čase, v ktorom žijeme, posmievači (vidíte?) čas, aby sa vyplnilo to proroctvo.

47Boh vyznačil Svoje Slovo na každý vek. A každý z týchto vekov ho musí dokázať. A On tak isto predom ustanovil ľudí na ten vek, aby vyplnili to Slovo. Zakaždým, keď On vyznačil Svoje Slovo, On pridelil ku nemu človeka. Keď On vyznačil Mojžišov čas, On do neho vyznačil Mojžiša. Keď vyznačil čas, aby sa narodil Syn Boží, On Ho do neho vyznačil. Do každého veku On dal svojich ľudí, predom určených. Ako povedala Biblia, nič ... Keď je Boh nekonečný, všemohúci, všemocný, všadeprítomný, vševedúci, no, On vedel všetko od počiatku. Tak On vedel ... Nič nie je mimo plán; to si len my tak myslíme. Všetko beží ...

48Pozrime sa naspäť do Jeho Slova a vidzme, čo On robí, potom porozumieme.

49 No, predstavte si len. Za prvé, keby si ten kazateľ uvedomil, keď Mu oni dali do úst ten ocot a žlč, On to vypľul. On to vôbec nevzal. Vidíte? To len povstávajú posmievači. Zadruhé: ako mohol tento Ježiš z Nazaretu, ako to, že Jeho život pasoval do každého proroctva Starého Zákona? Ako by to mohlo byť. To by nemohlo byť, keby to nebolo ustanovené od Boha. Jeho život pasoval do každého proroctva Starého Zákona. Ďalšia vec, ak to títo učeníci tak s Ním narafičili, prečo každý jeden z nich zomrel ako mučeník? A ešte apoštol Peter povedal: "Obráťte ma dole hlavou; nie som hodný zomrieť tak, ako On." Ako oni ... zobrali Andreja a obrátili ho bokom na kríži. Oni, každý jeden spečatili svoje svedectvo svojou vlastnou krvou. Oni Mu verili, a milovali Ho, a dali za Neho svoje životy. Keby On bol podvodník, ako by to oni vôbec urobili? Vidíte, ten duchovný význam, ľudia tomu nerozumejú.

50Tu nedávno bol jeden veľký človek, nejaký veľký rabín, ktorý napísal, že Mojžiš, keď prechádzal cez Červené More, povedal: "To v skutočnosti nebola voda; vody nikdy nestáli ako múr." Povedal: "Čo to bolo, hore na druhom konci Mŕtveho Mora, tam bolo množstvo trstiny, a on prešiel cez tú vodu trstiny, cez more trstiny. Tam nebola žiadna voda, len množstvo trstiny, trstinový oceán, cez ktorý oni prešli." A mnohí duchovní tomu veria, a prijímajú to.

51Tu, pred nedávnom, keď vyletel hore ten prvý astronaut, on prišiel naspäť a on nevidel nijakého Boha. To poplietlo aj kazateľov. Oni si mysleli, že Boh žije hneď tam niekde hore, sto päťdesiat míľ vysoko. No, ó, ako ... Vzdelanie a múdrosť tohoto sveta obrátila cirkev na hromadu chudákov.

52Vzdelanie, a vzdelávací systém, veda, a civilizácia je z diabla. To je diablova civilizácia. Biblia tak povedala. A naša civilizácia, ktorá prichádza nebude mať vôbec nič spoločné s touto civilizáciou. To bude iná civilizácia. V tejto civilizácii a v tomto vedeckom svete máme ... Čím máme viac vedy, tým ďalej ideme do smrti, do všetkého, do pascí na zabitie, a do všetkého. V tej novej civilizácii nebude smrť, žiadna choroba, žiaľ ani bolesť. Vidíte? Nič také tam nebude. Tak táto civilizácia bude musieť byť zničená, pretože ona je z diabla.

53Nachádzame to v Genesis 4, že Kainovi ľudia začali civilizáciu, začali stavať mestečká, mestá, a tak ďalej, a hudobné nástroje, a stávali sa ... a veda. A ľudia odchádzali ďalej od Boha, a pri tom nábožní. Ale keď prišli Setovi ľudia, oni začali vzývať meno Pánovo. Ach, hovoriť o tom prefíkanom.

54Nie som tu preto, aby som urazil niečie názory, alebo povedal niečo na nejakú cirkev. A keď vy ste tu a patríte do tohoto zboru, ja toto nehovorím, aby som urazil vaše cítenie, pretože práve toľko dobrých ľudí je tu, ako tam v iných cirkvách. Ale čítal som v Shreveporte minulý týždeň, kde Katolícka cirkev urobila určité vyhlásenie. A vidíme kde sa oni teraz všetci spolu schádzajú, do veľkej ekumenickej rady a tak ďalej a presne sa vypĺňa to, čo povedala Biblia, že budú robiť. Presne.

55No, zisťujeme, že oni povedali: "No, Biblia, niektorí protestanti sa chcú držať tej Biblii. No" - povedali - "Biblia to nebolo nič iné, ako kniha, história cirkvi a oni to dali do literárnej formy len asi pred 250 rokmi. To stále bola cirkev." Povedali: "To bola cirkev nie Biblia, a Biblia je len história toho, čo cirkev robila." Aké je to prefíkané klamstvo. No, my už máme Bibliu tri tisíc rokov. Starý Zákon bol napísaný v Písme, stovky a stovky rokov pred príchodom Krista. To je proste diablova prefíkanosť.

56A nachádzame v tomto čase, keď toto veľké posmievanie a robenie si z Biblii žartov a keď sa ju snažia odstrčiť nabok ... Boh skrze niečo musí súdiť cirkev. On by nemohol byť spravodlivý ... Oni nemôžu ísť tu po ulici a zatknúť ma a povedať mi, že som išiel tridsať míľovou rýchlosťou v zóne, kde je povolená dvadsiatka, až kým tam nie je niečo, čo by mi hovorilo, že mi je dovolené ísť len dvadsať míľovou rýchlosťou. To tam musí byť. A Boh bude súdiť cirkev ... bude súdiť jedného dňa ľudí. Vieme to. Prichádza súd. Tak ak to On bude súdiť podľa Katolíckej cirkvi, podľa ktorej Katolíckej cirkvi? Ak to On bude súdiť podľa Metodistov, Baptisti sú stratení. Ak to On bude súdiť podľa Jednotárov, vyznávači dvojice sú stratení. Vidíte? Podľa čoho to On bude súdiť? On povedal, že On to bude súdiť podľa Krista, a Kristus je Slovo. Tak to je Slovo Božie, podľa ktorého Boh bude súdiť. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami ... Ten istý včera dnes i naveky." Vidíte? Tak On to bude súdiť podľa Svojho Slova.

57A teraz, nachádzame, že v tomto dni, keď sa oni snažia odstrčiť Bibliu a prijať cirkevnú ... Biblia, cirkev ju nechce - takto oni môžu proste robiť akékoľvek vyznanie, alebo čokoľvek iné a kráčať podľa toho.

58No, ako som hovoril ten večer v Shreveport pri večeri Pánovej, keď oni mali zabiť toho obetného baránka, tam medzi nimi nemalo byť žiadneho kvasu za plných sedem dní. Žiadny kvas, žiadny kvasený chlieb. Všetko muselo byť nekvasené. To reprezentovalo tých sedem cirkevných vekov, ktoré tu dávame do knižnej formy. A tam nebolo kvasu. Ktorý je - niečo zmiešané s tým. A my sme zmiešali so Slovom vyznanie, a denomináciu, a všetko ďalšie a stále sa to snažíme nazývať Slovo. Za plných sedem dní nebude žiadneho kvasu. A ešte, čo sa je dnes, nesnažte sa ponechať si to na zajtra, spáľte to ohňom, prv ako začne svitať, pretože prichádza nové posolstvo a nová vec.

59Vidíte, snažia si to ponechať. Ale to bol postoj cirkvi. Prebudenie išlo ďalej, a prvé, čo sa deje, po asi troch rokoch oni z toho urobili organizáciu. Denominácia zavádza organizáciu. Ale všimli ste si, toto beží už teraz dvadsať rokov, a nie je z toho žiadna organizácia. A nikdy nebude! Toto je koniec. Pšenica prišla znovu naspäť do pšenice. Pšenica prišla naspäť do svojho zrna. šupka sa od neho odtiahla. A tá pšenica musí ležať v prítomnosti slnka, aby dozrela.

60Nie je to divné, že pred nedávnom bolo na východnom pobreží to veľké zatmenie. Oni tomu nemôžu porozumieť. Texas bol zatmený minulý týždeň. Oni to nemôžu rozumieť. Neuvedomujete si, že to je znak? Či neviete, že národy sa rozlamujú? Izrael je vo svojej domovine, a tieto znamenia ukazujú, že sme na konci! V tom istom čase je zatmenie, či neviete, že to je znak o ktorom povedal prorok: "Ale v čase večera bude svetlo," že príde svetlo v čase večera, keď tie zatmenia a všetko sa dejú tak, ako teraz. Pozrite sa len, ako sa to zatmelo.

61Práve sem prišiel pápež. Pamatáte sa tam v modlitebni, keď oni - máte tie pásky - myslím, že všetci ich máte - ako to Pán tam ukázal v ten deň v modlitebni, presne kde tieto cirkevné veky budú a ako oni budú. A ja som ich nakreslil tam na tabuľu, tie cirkevné veky, ktoré tu vidíte nakreslené v tej knihe. A či nezostúpil Duch Svätý vo veľkom ohnivom stĺpe a išiel rovno dozadu na tú stenu a Sám ich tam nakreslil, pred očami tristo alebo štyristo ľudí, ktorí tam sedeli. A práve keď pápež tu rozpočal svoju návštevu, mesiac sa nejako zatmel, a oni urobili tie fotografie - tak isto, ako to bolo nakreslené tam na pódiu. No, on tu pricestoval 13-teho. prešiel 13 schodov, udelil večeru Pánovu 13-tym ľuďom, národu, ktorého číslo je 13, a všade nastávajú zatmenia. Či nevidíte kde sme? Sme v čase konca.

62"V posledných dňoch povstanú posmievači, ktorí budú hovoriť: 'Nie je iný čas, než aký bol, odkedy zosnuli naši otcovia.'" Ale keď vidíte, že sa dejú tieto veci, zodvihnite svoje hlavy; pripravte sa; v každej chvíli sa niečo môže stáť. Kristus prichádza pre Svoju cirkev.

63No, oni tomu neveria, pretože to je ... Oni si neuvedomujú, že to sú oni, ktorí vypĺňajú Písma. Ľudia si skutočne neuvedomujú, keď robia tieto veci a hovoria toto, že oni vypĺňajú tie miesta Písma. Ako málo si to uvedomoval Kajfáš, najvyšší kňaz a všetci tí kňazi v tom čase, že sa vysmievali a robili si žarty z Neho - nevedeli, že práve ten Boh o ktorom oni spievali: "Bože môj, prečo si ma opustil? - 22. žalm - Prebodli moje ruky i moje nohy ... " Spievali to v chráme a On zomieral tam na kríži, ani trochu nevedeli že to robia. Aj Ježiš sa modlil: "Otče, odpusť im, oni nevedia čo robia." Pretože vlastne v Písme bolo o nich predpovedané, že budú slepí.

64Vedeli ste, že je predpovedané, že protestanti a katolícka cirkev, že v týchto posledných dňoch budú slepí? To isté, podľa Písma, Kristus je za dverami a snaží sa vojsť do vnútra? "Pretože hovoríš, som bohatý a nepotrebujem ničoho, a nevieš, že si biedny i mizerný na poľutovanie i chudobný i nahý i slepý a nevieš o tom!" Zjavenie 3. Tu to máte, znovu naspäť do slepoty, šliapu po veciach Božích, ako by pre nich nič neznamenali, vysmievajú sa a robia si z toho žarty; to hovorí Biblia.

65Ale pre cirkev, nevestu - vytrhnutie je pre ňu zjavenie. To je jej zjavené, to zjavenie, že opravdová nevesta Kristova bude čakať na zjavenie vytrhnutia.

66No, to je zjavenie, lebo zjavenie je viera. Nemôžete mať zjavenie bez toho, žeby ste neverili. Viera je zjavenie, pretože to je niečo, čo je vám zjavené. Viera je zjavenie. Viera je niečo, čo vám bolo zjavené, ako to bolo zjavené Abrahámovi, ktorý mohol nazývať všetko, čo sa nezhodovalo s tým, čo mu bolo zjavené, ako keby to tak nebolo. No viera ... To je to, čím je viera, to je zjavenie Božie. Cirkev je postavená na zjavení, celé kompletné telo.

67Tu pred niekoľkými týždňami som sa rozprával s fajn Baptistickým kazateľom. Prišiel aby so mnou diskutoval. Povedal: "Mám ťa rád, ako človeka, ale" - povedal - "si celý popletený."

povedal som: "Potom mi prosím pomôž, aby som sa z toho dostal ..." no, on povedal ... "podľa Písma."

On povedal: "Nikdy nebudeme schopní, brat Branham, dať tie veci dohromady, až kým nebudeme mať každé slovo za slovom s Gréckym originálom a tak ďalej."

68Povedal som: "Ó, pane, toľko by ste mali vedieť." Povedal som: "Aj na Nicejskom koncile, tam vtedy, čo sa toho týka, tristo rokov po Kristovej smrti, oni stále diskutovali, ktorý Grécky učenec mal pravdu. Nemôžete ... To je zjavenie. Celá vec je ..."

On povedal: "Nemôžem prijať zjavenie."

Povedal som: "Potom ako môžete prijať Krista?"

On povedal: "Prečo, Biblia povedala: 'Ten kto verí v Ježiša Krista má večný život.' "

69Povedal som: "To je pravda. Ona tiež hovorí, že nikto nemôže nazvať Ježiša Kristom, jedine skrze zjavenie Ducha Svätého, ktorý mu to zjavil." Vidíte? Tu to máte, znovu sme pri tom, jedná sa znovu o zjavenie. To musí byť zjavené.

70V Biblii ... Kain a Ábel nemali Bibliu, aby si čítali, ale to bolo zjavené Ábelovi skrze vieru, ktorá je zjavenie. Ábel obetoval Bohu lepšiu obeť ako Kain, ktorou to vierou dostal svedectvo, že je spravodlivý. Keď sa Ježiša opýtali tu v Matúšovi 16: 17 a 18 ... Nemáme čas, aby sme to čítali, ale ak si to chcete poznačiť. On povedal: "Čo hovoria ľudia, že kto som Ja, Syn človeka?"

Jeden z nich povedal. "Ty si Mojžiš, Eliáš, alebo niekto."

On povedal: "Ale čo hovoríte vy, že kto som Ja?"

71On povedal: "Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha."

72On povedal: "Požehnaný si, Šimon, syn Jonášov, lebo telo a krv ti to nezjavili; môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti to zjavil. Na tejto skale - Na duchovnom zjavení, kto Boh je, kto je Ježiš, a On je zjavením Boha, Boh, ktorý sa stal telom a zjavil sa svetu. On bol na svete; Boh bol v Kristovi mieriac svet so Sebou, zjavujúc čím bol Boh v ľudskom tele. - Ty si Kristus, ten Pomazaný, Syn Boží."

73On povedal: "Telo a krv ti to nezjavili, ale môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti to zjavil. Na tejto skale, Ja postavím svoju cirkev - na zjavení Slova na svoj čas - Ja postavím svoju cirkev a brány pekelné ju nepremôžu."

74Kniha Zjavenia je poslednou knihou Biblii. Ona je pre neveriacich zapečatená. Tam Biblia hovorí v 22. kapitole: "Ktokoľvek odoberie z toho jedno slovo, alebo pridá do toho jedno slovo, tomu odnímem jeho diel z knihy života." Uvedomujeme si, že potom to všetko spolu bolo dané pre veriacich. A to otvára knihu Zjavenia a zjavuje, kto je autorom celej tejto knihy - On musel vyzerať ako Alfa a Omega, od Genesis do Zjavenia, Ježiš Kristus stále ten istý - a zjavuje Svoje celé tajomstvo Seba Samého a Svoje plány pre Svoje cirkevné veky, ktoré mali prísť, a bolo to tam zapečatené siedmimi pečaťami.

75No, tá kniha bola napísaná, ale potom pamätajte, ona bola zapečatená siedmimi pečaťami. A týchto sedem pečatí nemalo byť otvorených, Zjavenie 10, až do trúbenia toho posledného zemského anjela na zemi, Zjavenie 10: 7. Vidíte? "A vo dňoch trúbenia toho posledného anjelského posolstva, siedmeho anjela, v tom veku sa má dokonať tajomstvo Božie." A to je tento vek, v ktorom my žijeme.

76Všetci vieme, že žijeme v Laodicejskom veku. Už nebude ďalší vek; nemôže byť. Tak žijeme v Laodicejskom veku, a týchto sedem pečatí, ktoré držali túto knihu, sú pre ľudí tajomstvom, má byť otvorené v tomto čase. To je to, čo On zasľúbil. No, to nemôže byť nič pomimo Slova, pretože nemôžete pridať do Slova alebo odňať zo Slova. To stále musí zostať Slovo. Ale to zjavenie má zjaviť pravdu o tom, čo to je, dopasovať to s ostatným Písmom. A potom Boh potvrdzuje, že je to pravda.

77Vidíte, Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. On podáva Svoj vlastný výklad tým, že vypĺňa to, čo povedal, že sa bude diať. Ako na počiatku On povedal: "Buď svetlo!" a bolo svetlo. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad. To bolo potvrdené.

78No, On zasľúbil v Písme určité veci v tomto poslednom čase. Aha, tam to bolo. Tak ako Ježiš bol Syn Boží. On zasľúbil, že Ho pošle. Keď On bol vo svojom čase tu na zemi a tí ľudia Mu nemohli veriť, On povedal: "Skúmajte Písma, pretože si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život; a oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Ak nečiním skutky môjho Otca, potom mi neverte. Ale ak nemôžete veriť mne, verte tým skutkom, ktoré činím; pretože ony svedčia o tom kto Som."

79Tak potom, v čase Wesleya, tie skutky, ktoré on robil svedčili o tom, kto on bol. V čase Luthera v reformácii, tedy, skutočne to svedčilo, kto on bol. V čase Letničných, navracanie naspäť darov, prinavrátenie darov, hovorenie v jazykoch, a vyháňanie démonov, a dary, no tak to vydávalo svedectvo. To nebol žiadny žart.

80Ľudia povedali, keď to prvý krát povstalo ... Čítal som knihu o histórii Letničných. Oni povedali: "To nemôže trvať dlho; to uhasne." To stále horí. Prečo? Preto, že vy to nemôžete uhasiť. Boh povedal, že to tam bude. To je tá časť Slova, a nemôžete to viac uhasiť ... A potom, keď je nevesta vyvolaná, ako to uhasíte? To je zjavenie manifestácii Slova, ktoré sa stalo pravdou. A my žijeme v tom čase. Chvála Bohu! Zjavenie tajomstva Jeho samého.

81No, vytrhnutie je len, toto vytrhnutie o ktorom hovoríme je len pre nevestu. Pamätajte, Biblia povedala: "A ostatní mŕtvi neožili, až sa dokoná tisíc rokov." Toto veľké vytrhnutie ... Ak nieto vytrhnutia priatelia, kde sme? Čo budeme robiť? V akom veku žijeme? Aké máme zasľúbenie? Bude vytrhnutie. Biblia povedala, že bude; a ono bude len pre vyvolených, pre vyvolenú pani, pre nevestu v tomto čase, ktorá je vytiahnutá von, pre cirkev.

82Samotné slovo cirkev znamená "vyvolaní von." Ako Mojžiš vyvolal národ z národa, tak Duch Svätý vyvoláva nevestu z cirkvi. Cirkev z cirkvi, členov z každej denominácii, ktorí tvoria nevestu, strom nevesty, je to na páske, strom nevesty. Nevesta vychádza von, vyvolaná ... A to je ten, ten strom nevesty ... lepšie povedané, nevesta je to, čo bude vytrhnuté, jedine oni, nič okrem nevesty, ten vyvolený, predvedený Bohom od začiatku, Otcov duchovný zárodok.

Dovoľte, že sa tu na chvíľu zastavím, ak ... Stávam sa nervózny, keď si myslím, že vás tu budem držať príliš dlho.

83Ale všimnite si; pozrite! Každý jeden z vás ľudí, viete, roky predtým, ako ste sa narodili, boli ste vo svojom otcovi ako zárodok? Je to tak! Nejaký zárodok semena bol vo vašom otcovi, pochádza z jeho mužského pohlavia, nie ženského. Vidíte? Ženské vyživuje to vajíčko, je pôdou na zasadenie, ale zárodok prichádza od otca.

84No, povedzme v mojom otcovi, alebo môj syn, ktorý tu sedí. Keď som ja mal šestnásť rokov, môj syn bol vo mne. Ja som ho nepoznal, ale on tam bol. No, cez lôžko, cez svätý manželský zväzok, sa on stáva mojím obrazom. Ja ho poznám; môžem mať s ním obecenstvo. A on prichádza práve v ten pravý čas.

85No, tak ty si bol v ... Ak máš večný život, tak si bol v Bohu, prv ako bol svet. Ty si časťou, synom Božím, atribútom Božím. On presne vedel v ktorom veku prídeš. On ťa predurčil do toho veku, aby si zaujal to miesto, a nikto iný ho nemôže zaujať. Bez ohľadu koľko je napodobenín a všetkého, ty tam musíš byť, pretože On vedel, že tam budeš. Ty si sa teraz zamanifestoval; teraz môžeš mať s Ním obecenstvo, to je to čo On chce. On túži po obecenstve, aby bol uctievaný. Ale ak tvoj život ne ... ak nebol stále, ako atribút v Bohu, ty si len napodobiteľ Kresťanstva. Vidíte? Bude ich milióny a bilióny, ktorí budú len napodobiteľmi Kresťanstva.

86Práve nedávno som sa zmienil. Prizeral som sa u brata Demosa Šakariána, tam kde mali ... krížili dobytok, robili test a pozorovali to cez mikroskop a tak ďalej, doktori to vzali a pozorovali to.

87V tom prostom vylúčení semena prichádza zo samca zakaždým niečo okolo milióna zárodkov. A v tom istom čase prichádza zo samice okolo milióna vajíčok. Ale vedeli ste, že vo všetkých tých malých zárodkoch, ktoré sa tam pohybujú, milióny, je len jeden predurčený do života, a len jedno vajíčko je plodné? A ten malý zárodok sa bude hemžiť rovno ďalej cez všetky tie malé zárodky, predbieha každý malý zárodok, ktorý vyzerá presne ako on a predbieha to všetko a príde sem a nájde to plodné vajíčko a doplazí sa do neho. A potom všetky tie ostatné zomrú. No, hovorí sa o panenskom narodení, no, to nie je ani z polovici tak tajomné, ako telesné narodenie, ako je ono predom ustanovené, predurčené od Boha.

88No, na počiatku, tam vtedy, dávno predtým ako začal čas, ty, ak si dnes znovuzrodený Kresťan, ty si vtedy bol v Bohu, svojom Otcovi. A preto, keď si prišiel tu do tohoto života a vyznávaš Kresťanstvo ... všetko ide zle, divil si sa prečo je toto a všetko tamto. Divil si sa tomu. Ale jedného dňa ťa niečo zasiahlo. Čo to bolo? Ten život, ktorý bol tam vo vnútri od začiatku.

89Ako ten príbeh o tom orlovi, ktorý nachádza ... jeho matka hľadala toho orla. Počuli ste ma o tom kázať, ako sa ten malý orol vyliahol pod sliepkou. Ale jej zvyky, ako sa ona snažila kŕmiť tie kurence, ten malý orol to nemohol jesť, pretože on od začiatku nebol kuraťom, hoci bol v ohrade s kurencami a chodil s kurencami. Ona hrabala na humne a tak ďalej a ten malý orol to nemohol zniesť. Ale zakaždým ona zakvokala, všetky malé kurence tam pribehli, tak on išiel tiež.

90Ale jedného dňa jeho matka vedela, že zniesla dve vajcia, nie jedno. Niekde musí byť ten ďalší. Ona ho išla hľadať. Lietala okolo, krúžila, nakoniec ona letela ponad to humno, a našla svoje dieťa. A zakričala na neho. To bol hlas, a on si uvedomil, že to je to správne. To bolo to, čo on hľadal. Vidíte? A on si potom uvedomil, že on nie je kura; on je orol. A tak je to s každým znovuzrodeným kresťanom. Keď prichádzaš nestarám sa o to ku koľkým denomináciám si sa pripojili, koľko krát si zapísal svoje meno do ich kníh a všetko možné, keď to skutočné Slovo Božie sa potvrdilo a ukázalo sa ti ako pravda, takto, práve vtedy si uvedomuješ, že si orol. Pretože všetko toto kvokanie sliepky, pripoj sa do tohoto, a pripoj sa sem a choď takto a takto, to je nezmysel. To je opravdové doplňovanie slova do slova.

91Keď zárodok prichádza do lona matky, on nenaberá ... Ty si sa nestal ľudským zárodkom z tvojho otca, a potom ďalej sa staneš zárodkom zo psa, a neskoršie z mačky, a neskoršie z kuraťa; to stále bol ľudský zárodok. A telo Ježiša Krista, nevesta, bude časťou jeho tela, ktoré bude ... On bol Slovo, a nevesta bude musieť byť Slovom, Slovo doplnené do Slova, doplnené do Slova. Lutherove ospravedlnenie, Wesleyove posvätenie, Letničný krst Duchom Svätým, prinavrátenie darov, a všetko ostatné z toho idúce s tým. To musí byť Slovo na najvyššom stupni Slova, zárodok na najvyššom stupni zárodku, život na najvyššom stupni života, aby to prinieslo plnú postavu nevesty Pána Ježiša Krista.

92No pamätajte, vy ste boli atribút. A teraz to hlavné z toho je, potom keď sme zistili tieto veci, že Kristus prichádza pre svoju nevestu, a teraz, ako sa dostaneme do tej nevesty? No, to je otázka. Mnohí hovoria: "Pripoj sa do nášho zhromaždenia." Jedni z nich chcú určitý druh krstu. Jedni z nich chcú robiť toto, alebo tamto. Jedni hovoria, že musíš hovoriť v jazykoch inak to nemáš; iní hovoria, že nemusíš hovoriť v jazykoch. Tento hovorí, že musíš tancovať v Duchu. A ten to hovorí, že musíš vykrikovať. Tento má senzáciu. To je v poriadku, a potom stále je to všetko zle. Ako by mohol človek, ktorý je ... alebo žena, alebo dieťa Božie, ktoré je narodené z Ducha Božieho zapierať Slovo Božie, keď Boh ho sám vyložil a povedal: "Toto je to. Ja som to zasľúbil; tu to je," ukazuje to tak jasne, ako to len môže. No predsa, oni to musia vidieť. Vidíte? Ako by mohol Kristus zapierať svoje vlastné Slovo. Ak je vo vás Kristus, On nemôže zapierať svoje vlastné Slovo.

93Ako sa potom dostaneme do tohoto tela? l. Korinťanom 12: "Skrze jedného Ducha sme my všetci pokrstení do tohoto tela," skrze jeden krst Duchom Svätým. Ak si to chcete zapísať, je to v l. Korinťanom 12: 13. "A skrze jedného Ducha sme my všetci pokrstení ..." A ten Duch to je život Kristov (je to tak?), život Kristov. A život každého semena - pri čom On bol to semeno Slova - privádza to semeno do života. Rozumiete? Keď ten život leží v tom semene a tento krst Duchom Svätým prichádza naň, on musí priniesť tomu semenu život.

94Ako som vám povedal tu vo Phoenixe, nedávno som sa rozprával s bratom Johnom Sharritom. A ja som tam bol, a on mi ukázal strom, citrus. On pestoval mnoho citrusového ovocia. A on mi ukázal jeden strom, ktorý mal na sebe osem, alebo deväť rôznych druhov ovocia. A ja som sa opýtal: "Brat Sharrit, čo je to za strom? "

Povedal: "Pomarančovník."

Povedal som: "Prečo je tam citrón, a tangarina a tangelo a grapefruit?"

On povedal: "To je všetko citrusové ovocie; oni sú zaštepené."

"Ó" - povedal som - "Rozumiem. No, na budúci rok budú na ňom samé pomaranče."

95Ale, "Ó, nie. Každý strom zrodí svoje vlastné ... každá haluz zrodí svoje vlastné ovocie." Mnohí z vás, ktorí pestujete ovocie viete, že tu je to citrusové údolie; ona bude rodiť svoje vlastné.

96Vy dáte citrónovú halúzku do pomarančového stromu, ona rodí citrón, pretože to je prirodzenosť citrusového ovocia. Jednako nebude niesť originálne ovocie. A to je to, čo sme urobili. My sme naštepili do toho, dali sme do toho vyznania a tak ďalej, a všetko sme to tu naštepili. Ako môže metodista rodiť niečo iné, ako metodistické dieťa? Ako môže ktorákoľvek denominácia zrodiť niečo iné, ako denominačné dieťa?

97Ale keď ten strom vypustí niekedy originálnu haluz, ona bude rodiť pomaranče. A potom keď Boh niekedy urobí niečo v cirkvi, to bude zase originál znovu presne podľa Slova. Musí to byť, pretože ten život je v tom strome, a on rodí svoj vlastný druh.

98No, keď zisťujeme ... No, tá veľká cirkev prechádzala cez tie veky rodila svoje ovocie, a keď tie haluzi uschli boli odrezané. V ev. Jána 15 ... Nikdy nebol odrezaný vinič, On odrezával ratolesti, odsekával ich, pretože neprinášali žiadne ovocie. A my ...

99Ježiš chce pre seba ovocie. Jeho žena musí rodiť ten druh detí, ako je On. Potom, ak oni nerodia deti, deti nevesty, deti Slova, potom je to denominačné dieťa. Potom jej prvá láska za svetom a denomináciou, ona odišla naspäť do toho. A oni nemôžu zrodiť skutočného, opravdového, znovu zrodeného Kresťana, pretože tam nie je nič, čo by ho zrodilo.

100Práve tak ako keď zoberiete citrónovú halúzku a strčíte ju tam; ona bude rodiť citrón, ale ona nemôže zrodiť pomaranč, pretože ona tam od začiatku nebola. Ale to bolo určené na začiatku, predvedenie Božieho predurčenia a narodenia, to musí zrodiť pomaranč; to nemôže rodiť nič iné.

101Tak je to s cirkvou živého Boha. Keď príde tá hodina, každý ... Nech len Boh niečo začne robiť, každý má svoj veľký čas a pominul. Vidíte? Stále to tak bolo. Čítal som tu nedávno históriu Martina Lutera. Hovorilo sa tam, že to nebolo tak ťažké veriť, že Martin Luter protestoval proti katolíckej cirkvi a ísť s tým; ale bola tam povedaná zvláštna vec, že on dokázal držať hlavu ponad všetok ten fanatizmus, ktorý nasledoval jeho prebudenie a stále stáť rovno na svojom ospravedlnení. Vidíte? Proste všetko, napodobeniny a všetko upadá ...

102Pozrite na pani Semple McPherson, Amiee Semple McPherson, ktorá mala tu ten chrám. Každá kazateľka mala tie krídla a nosila Bibliu tak isto, proste telesné napodobeniny. Oni nemohli byť originálne. Takto cirkvi nemôžu byť. Nech jedna cirkev v meste dosiahne to či tamto, druhá cirkev to nemôže zniesť, kým to nedosiahnu. Vidíte? Oni nie sú viac originálne. Božie Slovo je originálne. To je Slovo, a ono musí rodiť svoj druh vo svojom čase, vyvolených, predurčených od Boha Otca.

103No, ako sa dostaneme do tejto cirkvi? Skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do tohoto jedného tela, Kristovho tela, ktorým je nevesta, Slovo. Vkrstení tam skrze Ducha Svätého.

104No, všimnime si, či sme v poslednom čase alebo nie. No, zisťujeme, keď si otvoríme naspäť do Genesis okolo, okolo 5. kapitoly - tiež si môžete otvoriť Lukáša - a zistíte, že Enoch bol siedmy od Noeho. Enoch ... Tam je vystihnuté semeno hada, lebo ak Kain bol Ábelov syn, potom on bol ôsmy. Vidíte? Ale nikde v Biblii nie je povedané, že Kain bol Ábelov syn ... či, že Kain bol Adamov syn, pretože Biblia povedala, že on bol z toho zlého. A Adam nebol ten zlý. Vidíte? On bol z toho zlého.

105No, tu nachádzame, že Enoch bol siedmy od Noeho, a to bol predobraz cirkevných vekov. No, všetci tí ostatní šiesti mužovia pred ním zomreli, ale Enoch bol prenesený, Enoch bol vytrhnutý, ten siedmy, a to ukazuje, že to je siedmy cirkevný vek, v ktorom nastane vytrhnutie. No, nieto pochýb, že sme v siedmom cirkevnom veku. Všetci to vieme.

106No, to je siedmy cirkevný vek, v ktorom nastáva vytrhnutie. Všetci tí ostatní šiesti zomreli. Ale Enoch bol prenesený, pretože ho viac nenašli; Boh ho vzal. Ale vytrhnutý Enoch, bol predobrazom zo všetkých ostatných, ktorí zomierajú, ale nevesta posledného času bude vyvolaná (vytrhnutá, bez smrti) bude vyvolaná zo siedmeho cirkevného veku. A to je tento vek, o ktorom my teraz nesieme svedectvo. Ó! Pustime sa teraz do toho riadne hlboko. Vidíte?

107No, tu je tiež predobraz tých siedmich cirkevných vekov, a to je Zjavenie 10: 7, že to veľké tajomstvo tej knihy malo byť odhalené skrze posolstvo siedmeho anjela.

108 No, je posol nad všetkými týmito, a posol na zemi. Anglické slovo anjel znamená "posol". A v posolstve siedmeho anjela, zatiaľ čo on vydával svoj ... vyhlasoval svoju službu, potom keď on začína hlásať svoju službu, nie vtedy, keď on začal .... Ježiš, keď On začal, On začal uzdravovať chorých a postihnutých. "A, ó, ten veľký Rabi, On je prorok!" A každý Ho chcel mať vo svojej cirkvi, ale keď si On jedného dňa sadol a povedal: "Ja a Otec sme jedno," to bolo inak. To bolo inak. "Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho krv, nemáte v sebe život." "Čo, On je vampír." Vidíte, vidíte? To bolo inak. On to nevysvetlil. Oni už videli tú manifestáciu, to potvrdenie Slova Božieho na Svoj vek, ktoré sa stalo skutočnosťou a dokázalo im, že On je ten posol toho veku. A On nemusel nič vysvetľovať.

109Títo učeníci to možno neboli schopní vysvetliť, ale oni tomu verili, či to mohli vysvetliť alebo nie. Oni ďalej kľudne sedeli a verili tomu. Ako by oni mohli povedať, či budú jesť Jeho telo a piť Jeho krv? No, to pre nich bolo nemožné, ale oni tomu verili, pretože oni boli určení. Ježiš povedal, že On ich vybral pred založením sveta. Vidíte? Oni tomu verili. Či to mohli vysvetliť, alebo nie, oni tomu stále verili.

110No, pozrite! No, v tom siedmom cirkevnom veku, keď ten siedmy anjel začína hlásať, práve vtedy tie tajomstvá Božie mali byť oznámené. Tie pečate, ktoré tí reformátori ... Neboli, oni nemali čas ... Luter nežil dostatočne dlho, ani Wesley, tie veky netrvali dostatočne dlho. Tí reformátori, oni mali svoje posolstvo na svoj deň, a ľudia to pochytili a spravili z toho denomináciu. A čo to je?

111Nemôžete predbehnúť prírodu. Príroda stále svedčí. Boh postupuje zhodne s prírodou. Musí. Ako slnko, slnko ráno vychádza; je ako malé novonarodené dieťa. Ono je slabé, nemá toľko tepla. O desiatej, končí vysokú školu. V polovici dňa vchádza do života. O tretej popoludní, starne. O piatej, zomiera, staré a znovu slabé, ide naspäť do hrobu. Je to jeho koniec? Znovu na druhé ráno vychádza. Vidíte?

112Pozrite sa na stromy, ako oni vypúšťajú svoje listy, všetko čo robia. No, vidíme padať tie listy zo stromu, ide naspäť. Čo to je? Život odchádza dole do koreňa stromu. Je to jeho koniec? Na jar znovu prichádza s novým životom.

113No, pozorujte cirkvi, ako sa diala tá istá vec v reformácii. Ona povstáva. To pšeničné zrno padlo do zeme a zomrelo počas prenasledovania v Dobe Temna. Ono odišlo do zeme. Ono muselo zomrieť. Každý duchovný človek to môže vidieť. Ak to semeno nezomrie a nezhnije, zostane ono samotné. A ono muselo vojsť do zeme počas Doby Temna. Ono tam ležalo, hnilo, a vystúpilo v dvoch malých steblách Luteránskej cirkvi. Z Luteránskej cirkvi sa zrodilo viacej stebiel, Cwingli a tak ďalej. Z toho to ide ďalej hore do klasu, ktorým bol Ján Wesley, veľký misionársky vek. To odpadlo naspäť. Tam z toho prichádza ten zvodiaci vek, ten Letničný vek. To pšeničné zrno, ktoré ...

114Pestoval tu niekedy niekto nejakú pšenicu? Pozrite sa na tú pšenicu. Keď sa na ňu pozriete ... Keď tam idete a hovoríte: "Mám pšenicu." Zdá sa vám, že tam máte pšenicu; otvoríte to poriadne a skúmate, nemáte vôbec žiadnu pšenicu. Máte šupku. Či nás nevaroval Ježiš, že v Matúšovi 24: 24, v tých posledných dňoch, že tie dva duchy budú tak podobné, že by to zviedlo samotnú tú vyvolenú pšenicu, keby to bolo možné. Vidíte? No dávajte pozor, to je nositeľ.

115No, ten život, ktorý prechádzal cez Lutera, vyprodukoval Wesleya. Život, ktorý vyšiel z Wesleya, vyprodukoval Letničných. Život, ktorý vyšiel z Letničných produkuje pšenicu. Ale oni sú nositeľom. Vidíte? Ten skutočný život prechádza cez to. To posolstvo cez to prechádza, ale ono ide ďalej a vrcholí v pšenici. Preto tá pšenica vyrastá a prináša to všetko do vytrhnutia tu hore na vrcholku. Sama nevesta vychádza z každého veku, ale tá denominačná stopka zomiera, uschýna a zomiera.

116Všimli ste si v týchto posledných dňoch, ako sa to začalo teraz odťahovať? Keď tá pšenica začína rásť, potom sa tá šupka začína od nej oddeľovať. Pozrite sa znovu na tú malú pšenicu, keď sa na to dívate. Potiahnite to takto a otvorte a pozrite sa do toho a uvidíte; máte tam malý zárodok pšenice. Museli by ste to tridsať krát zväčšiť, aby ste sa mohli na to pozrieť, aby ste tam videli ten malý zárodok pšenice. Vidíte? Je to tam ďaleko vzadu, ale to začína rásť. No, tá šupka tam musí byť, aby to chránila a umožnila, aby sa to rozvinulo. Ale potom, keď to začína rásť, a to posolstvo sa začína šíriť, potom sa tá šupka od toho odťahuje. A ten život hneď z tej šupky vychádza a prechádza hneď do tej pšenice. Ide ďalej. Tak sa to deje v každom veku. To proste nemôže predbehnúť prírodu; to je Božia postupnosť, spôsob ako to On robí. A teraz, toto je vek, v ktorom my práve teraz žijeme, ten siedmy cirkevný vek.

117No, to všetko má byť zamanifestované na konci v tom pšeničnom zrne. Ďalšie prichádza naspäť ... No, ak vezmete Lukáša 17. kapitolu a 30. verš, On povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď sa Syn človeka začne zjavovať." Čo znamená zjaviť? Dať sa poznať, že čo On je v tomto čase, v čom sa zjavil ľuďom, to je Slovo, ktoré bolo oznámené na tento deň, zjavené ľuďom skrze manifestáciu Ducha Svätého, ukazujúce, že Ježiš žije medzi nami.

118A pamätajte, On tam bol reprezentovaný v mužovi - mužovi. On povedal: "Ako bolo." No, On čítal tú istú Bibliu, ktorú my čítame, Genesis. No, vidíme tam v tej kapitole Genesis, keď Ježiš hovoril o tom. Nachádzame tam, že v tom, keď sa On obrátil chrbtom ku tomu stanu, a Sára bola v tom stane, On povedal - On sa opýtal. A ona neverila, že to čo sa malo stať by sa mohlo stať. On povedal: "No, Abrahám navštívim ťa podľa času života." A Sára v stane sa z toho smiala. On povedal: "Prečo sa Sára smiala v stane, a hovorila: 'Ako sa to môže stať?' " Ježiš zasľúbil, a to bol On; Abrahám Ho nazval Elohim, Všemohúci. To bol On.

119No, Biblia predpovedá, že sa to znovu zopakuje v posledných dňoch. Ježiš tak povedal. A keď vidíte diať sa tieto veci, pamätajte len, keď sa toto takto začne diať, potom viete, že čas je blízko predo dvermi.

120Pozrite sa na samotný svet. Pozrite sa na svet, Sodoma ak bola kedy Sodoma. Pozrite sa na ľudí, prevrátení v takej prevrátenosti. Ich mysle sú prevrátené. Oni nevedia čo je normálne slušné. Pozrite sa na tie nezákonnosti, homosexuálov, a všetko ďalšie. Pozrite sa na naše ženy, čo za divoké vystrájanie. Pozrite aké divoké vystrájanie neslušnosti, nemorálnosť medzi našimi ženami, a nie len naše ... Vy hovoríte: "To sú Metodisti." To sú tiež Letniční. Všetci.

121Pozrite sa na našich mužov; oni sa držia ... Namiesto Slova Božieho sa držia nejakej denominačnej tradícii, namiesto toho, aby vyšli von, keď vidia Boha, ktorý sa dokonale dáva poznávať. To je dôvod, že sú slepí, oni to nemôžu vidieť. Oni to nikdy neuvidia.

No, pozorujte čo sa deje tu v tomto, zatiaľ čo sa ponáhľame. Myslím, že tá pani chce, aby sme odišli; Videl som ju kývať rukami, tak nejako, ona chce, aby sme končili, tak sa radšej budeme ponáhľať.

122Tak teraz, všimnite si Enocha, predobraz cirkvi. Tu je on tiež predstavený v siedmom cirkevnom veku. Môžete si to uvedomiť? Ten siedmy cirkevný vek ... Všimnite si, pri trúbení ...

123Koľkí veríte, že je sedem poslov do siedmich cirkevných ... ? Ó, my všetci tomu veríme, keď veríme Biblii. Ak neveríme Biblii, samozrejme (vidíte?) tak tomu neveríme. Ale tam bolo ...

124No, my žijeme v tom siedmom cirkevnom veku. A keď Biblia povedala, že tento siedmy cirkevný vek ... Keď ten posol tohoto siedmeho cirkevného veku, začne hlásať svoje posolstvo, to tajomstvá všetkých tých vecí, ktoré boli poprekrúcané tam cez ten vek, budú zjavené v tom čase. A tu to vidíme, Syn človeka prichádza medzi svoj ľud a robí presne to, potvrdzuje Svoje posolstvo, ako On povedal, že bude robiť. Tu to nachádzame v tomto poslednom veku.

125No ... A sedem stráží, ako sedem stráží. On neprišiel pri prvej stráži, druhej, tretej, štvrtej, ale prichádza pri siedmej stráži. To bol Enoch, siedmy, ktorý bol prenesený, a Noe, on je typom na ten zostatok Židov, má byť cez to nesený.

126 No, v Biblických časoch - keď hovoríme o strážach - noci v Biblickom čase neboli rozdelené na hodiny. (No dobre počúvajte, pretože sa teraz ponáhľam, lebo oni chcú túto miestnosť.) Nie, Biblia nebola rozdelená ... či, noc nebola rozdelená na hodiny v Biblickom čase; ona bola rozdelená na stráže.

127Boli tri stráže. No, prvá stráž začínala od 900 do 1200; druhá stráž začínala od 1200 do 300 a tretia nočná stráž sa rátala od 300 do 600. No, máme tri, tri po tri, čo je deväť, nedokonalé číslo. Potom ideme naspäť do tej sedmičky na vytrhnutie, ktoré sa bude diať, verím medzi 600 a 700 ... či 600 a 900 hodinou jedno ráno. Pretože trúba Pánova zaznie ...

V to jasné bezoblačné ráno, keď mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú a bude vyžarovať sláva jeho vzkriesenia, keď sa Jeho vybraní zhromaždia do svojich domov za oblakmi, keď budú volaní hore tí z toho zvitku, ja tam budem.

128Slovo "vytrhnutie, v Biblii nie je vôbec ani použité. My tam proste dávame to slovo. Biblia hovorí, "Vychvátení, budeme vychvátení." Čítali sme tu v ll. Tesaloničanom, či to je v l. Tesaloničanom, ten poriadok tohoto veľkého vytrhnutia, ktoré sa stane v tých posledných dňoch. Počúvajte toto tu. Začneme tu od 13. verša.

...nechcem bratia, aby ste nevedeli o tých, ktorí zosnuli, aby ste sa nermútili, ako aj ostatní, ktorí nemajú nádeje.

Lebo ak veríme ... Kristus zomrel i vstal z mŕtvych, tak i Boh tých, ktorí zosnuli v Ježišovi, privedie s ním.

Lebo to vám hovoríme slovom Pánovým, že my živí, ponechaní do príchodu Pánovho, istotne nepredstihneme tých,

(slovo predstihnúť znamená nezadržať.)

ktorí zosnuli.

Lebo sám Pán (

dobre teraz počúvajte.)

... sám Pán s veliteľským povelom, s hlasom archanjela a s trúbou Božou zostúpi z neba a mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv:

129No, chcem aby ste si všimli veľkú vec, ktorá sa tu teraz deje. Neprehliadnite to. Vidíte? No všimnite si, Slovo tu hovorí v ll. Tesaloničanom, že tieto tri veci ... Všimnite si, od 13. do 16. verša sú tri veci, ktoré sa musia stať prv, ako sa objaví sám Pán. (Teraz rýchlo, aby sme mohli zakončiť. Vidíte?) Tá prvá vec sa deje, všimnite si: veliteľský povel, hlas, trúba. Čítajme to teraz a pozrime sa či je to tak. Vidíte?

Lebo sám Pán

(16. verš)

zostúpi z neba s veliteľským povelom, a s hlasom archanjela, a ... s trúbou Božou ...

130Dejú sa tri veci; hlas ... veliteľský povel, hlas, trúba, to sa musí stať pred tým, ako sa objaví Ježiš. No, veliteľský povel. Ježiš vykonáva všetko to troje keď zostupuje. "Veliteľský povel", čo je to "veliteľský povel"? To je posolstvo, ktoré vychádza najprv, ten živý chlieb života, ktorý rodí nevestu.

131No, Boh má spôsob, ako všetko robí, a On nikdy nezmenil svoju metódu. On nemení Svoju ... On je nemeniteľný Boh. V Ámosovi 3: 7 On povedal, že On nebude robiť nič na zemi, až kým to prv nezjaví Svojim sluhom prorokom. A On to urobí práve s takou istotou s akou to On zasľúbil.

132No, prešli sme cez cirkevné veky, ale nám je zasľúbené v posledných dňoch podľa Malachiáša 4, že znovu bude prinavrátenie, prorok na zemi. Je to tak! Všimnite si jeho povahu a aký on bude. Boh používa toho ducha päť krát: raz v Eliášovi, v Elizeovi, a Jánovi Krstiteľovi, na vyvolanie cirkvi, a pre ten ostatok Židov; päť krát, milosť, J-e-ž-i-š,  v-i-e-r-a, a to je číslo milosti. Vidíte? No dobre.

133Pamätajte teraz, to posolstvo je zasľúbené. A keď všetky tieto tajomstvá zostali všetky tak sfušované hromadou duchovných, bude treba priameho proroka od Boha, aby ich zjavil. A to je presne to, čo On zasľúbil urobiť. Vidíte?

134No pamätajte, Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokovi, nie ku teológovi, ku prorokovi. On je reflektorom Božieho Slova. On nemôže nič povedať; on nemôže povedať svoje vlastné myšlienky; on môže hovoriť len to, čo zjavuje Boh. Dokonca čo sa týka proroka Baláma, keď sa on snažil predať svoje práva on povedal: "Ako môže nejaký prorok povedať niečo iné, ako to čo Boh položí do jeho úst?" To je vec, ktorú Boh robí, že vy nemôžete povedať nič iné. A vy ste sa tak narodili.

135Tak isto, ako nemôžete ... Či by ste mohli povedať: "Nemôžem otvoriť svoje oči," keď sa dívate. Rozumiete? Môžete. Nemôžete sa načiahnuť svojou rukou, keď môžete. Vidíte? Nemôžete byť pes, keď ste človek. Vidíte? Vy ste proste tak stvorený, a Boh stále ... v tých vekoch cez Izaiáša, Jeremiáša, a všetkých ... Eliáša, a v tých vekoch, ktoré pominuli, keď tá skupina duchovných doviedla všetko do zamiešania, On posielal proroka, vychoval ho z ničoho. On nepatril do žiadnej z ich pozícií, a hovoril Jeho Slovo, bol odvolaný zo scény a odišiel, proste drsný človek pravdy Božej.

136A to je stále ... Spôsob, ako ho môžete poznať, On povedal: "Ak je medzi vami niekto duchovný, alebo prorok ..." Teraz prorok ... Je taká vec, ako dar proroctva v cirkvi, ale prorok je predurčený a predom ustanovený na danú hodinu. Vidíte? Tak veru.

137No, ak je povedané nejaké proroctvo, dvaja alebo traja si musia sadnúť a posúdiť, či je to správne alebo nie, prv ako to cirkev môže prijať. Ale nikto nie je postavený pred proroka, pretože on bol absolútne Slovo Božie. On bol tým Slovom na svoj vek. On videl Boha odzrkadľo- ...

138No, ak nám to Boh znovu zasľúbil poslať v týchto posledných dňoch, aby vyviedol nevestu z toho náboženského zamiešania, a to je jediný spôsob, ako sa to môže stať. Nikdy sa to nestane ... Cirkev nemôže prijať Krista. Letniční, nemôžeme niesť ďalej toto posolstvo v stave v akom je cirkev dnes. Ako vykonáme to, čo je treba v tomto čase konca, v stave v akom sa oni dnes nachádzajú, keď každý jeden je proti druhému, a všetko ďalšie, a klerikalizmus? Ó, milosť. To je zamiešanie. Prešlo to do denominácií. A zakaždým, žiadam každého historika nech povie, či to tak nie je. Zakaždým keď vyšlo nejaké posolstvo na zem a keď to oni zorganizovali, na mieste to zomrelo. A Letniční urobili to isté, ako urobili tí všetci - Letniční, ktorí vyšli.

139Vy Zbory Božie, keď vaši starí otcovia a matky vyšli tam vtedy z tých organizácií na tom starom Generálnom Koncile, vykrikovali a chválili Boha a hovorili proti týmto veciam; a vy ste sa navrátili, ako pes ku svojmu vývratku a ako prasa do svojho váľania sa v blate a urobili ste to isté, čo robili oni; a teraz ste tak cirkevnícki, že zatvárate svoje srdce, a vy prv musíte mať členský preukaz inak sotva môžete mať so sebou spoločenstvo.

140A vy Jednotári, Boh vám dal posolstvo ako toto, a miesto toho, aby ste išli napred a zostávali pokorní a išli napred, museli ste sa obrátiť a zorganizovať svoju skupinu. A kde ste všetci? V tom istom vedre. Presne tak! A Duch Boží ide ďalej. "Ja budem sadiť; Ja ju budem zavlažovať vodne i v noci, aby niekto ne ..."

141On ustanovil, že budú tieto veci, a On toto musí poslať. Tá prvá vec prichádza, keď On začína zostupovať z neba, zneje veliteľský povel! Čo to je? To je posolstvo, aby zhromaždilo ľudí. Posolstvo prichádza najprv. No: "Čas ozdobenia lámp. Povstaňte a ozdobte svoje lampy." Ktorá to bola stráž? Tá siedma, nie šiesta, siedma. "Ajhľa, ženích prichádza. Povstaňte a ozdobte svoje lampy." A oni to urobili. Niektoré z nich zistili, že nemajú vo svojej lampe žiadny olej. Vidíte? Ale to je čas ozdobovania lámp. To je čas Malachiáša 4, čo On za- ... To je Lukáš 17. To je Izaiáš ... Všetky tie proroctvá, ktoré môžu v Písme presne pasovať podľa poriadku na tento deň, vidíme to, žijeme rovno tam. Nie je ...

142Vidíme diať sa tieto veci, môj drahý brat, sestra, keď Boh na nebi vie, že by som mohol zomrieť na tomto pódiu hneď teraz, vy len máte kráčať chvíľu okolo. To je práve ... Je to ohromné, keď vidíte prichádzať Boha z nebies, stáť pred skupinou ľudí, a stáť tam, jasne sa ukazuje, ako to On vždy robil. A to je pravda, a táto otvorená Biblia. Vidíte? My sme tu!

143A ten denominačný systém je mŕtvy. Je po ňom. To nikdy viacej nepovstane. To bude spálené. To je to, čo robíte s tou šupkou - plevou na poli. Utečte od toho. Vojdite do Krista. Nehovorte: "Ja patrím ku Metodistom!" "Ja patrím ku Baptistom!" Ja patrím ku Letničným!" Vojdite do Krista. A ak ste v Kristovi, nie je tu napísané ani slovo, ktorému by ste neverili. Nestarám sa o to, čo ktokoľvek hovorí. A potom Boh manifestuje tieto veci, pretože vy ... Keď On vylieva Ducha na Slovo, čo sa deje? Tak ako polievanie každého iného semena. Ono bude žiť, a ono rodí svoj druh.

144Vy hovoríte: "Ja mám krst Duchom Svätým." To ešte vôbec neznamená, že si spasený.

145Pozrite sa sem, vy ste trojitá bytosť. Vy ste ... Vo vnútri tohoto malého človeka, tu je duša; to ďalšie je duch; a ďalšie je telo. No, v tomto tele máte päť zmyslov, aby ste sa kontaktovali so svojim zemským domovom. Oni sa nekontaktujú s tým ďalším. Vy tu máte päť zmyslov ducha, láska a vedomie a tak ďalej, takto. Ale tu vo vnútri, tam žijete. To je to, čo ste.

146Či nepovedal Ježiš, že dážď padá na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých? Zasaďte tam kúkoľ a tam pšenicu a polievajte ich a starajte sa o ne a všetko okolo toho, či nebudú oni obe žiť skrze tú istú vodu? Samozrejme! No, čo to je? Jedno z nich bude rodiť kúkoľ, pretože to je to, čo ono je. Kúkoľ bude dvíhať svoje ruky a kričať tak isto, ako pšenica.

147Či nehovorí Biblia, že v posledných dňoch prídu falošní Kristovia, nie falošní Ježišovia, falošní Kristovia, pomazaní ľudia, falošne pomazaní ohľadne Slova. Denominačne pomazaní, ale nie podľa Slova, pretože Slovo bude niesť svedectvo samo o sebe. Ono nepotrebuje nič iné; ono bude vydávať svedectvo o sebe. A tam prídu falošní pomazanci. Máte moju pásku o tom. A to je pomazanie ... Ó, keby ste zavolali takého a povedali: "Ó si ty Ježiš?" "Ó, samozrejme nie!" Oni to nepripustia. Ale keď príde na to: "Ó sláva, ja mám pomazanie ..." A to je pravé pomazanie.

148Pamätajte, Kajfáš ho mal tiež a prorokoval. Tak isto ho mal Balám a prorokoval, ale to nemalo nič spoločného s týmto vnútrom. Ak to nebolo Božie semeno, Jeho predurčený zárodok od začiatku, je s tebou koniec. Nestarám sa o to ako veľmi kričíš, hovoríš v jazykoch, beháš, kričíš; to s tým nemá nič spoločného. Kúkoľ môže vykrikovať tak isto, ako ktokoľvek iný z nich. Videl som povstať pohanov, a vykrikovali, a hovorili v jazykoch, a pili krv z ľudskej lepky a vzývali diabla. Vidíte? Tak nechcite žiadnu z týchto senzácií a vecí; zabudnite na to. To je vaše srdce v tom Slove, a to je Kristus. Vneste ho tam, a pozorujte, ako sa ono dáva poznávať, otvára sa práve tak, ako každé iné semeno a ukazuje sa v tom veku, v ktorom žije.

149Luter nemohol priniesť nič okrem vetvičky. Títo ďalší mohli priniesť tieto ďalšie veci. My sme teraz vo veku pšenici. Luteráni, opravdoví Luteráni museli zrodiť opravdových Luteránov. Opravdoví Letniční museli priniesť opravdového Letničného. To je všetko. Ale my sme prešli ten vek a ideme ďalej.

150Viete, že Katolícka cirkev začala z Letníc? A keby Letničná cirkev trvala dve tisíc rokov, bola by v horšom stave než ako sú teraz Katolíci. Je to presne tak! No, ja toto hovorím mojim bratom a sestrám, ktorých milujem, a Boh to vie. Ale pamätajte, priatelia, ja sa musím s vami stretnúť na súde. A možno to už nebude príliš dlho. Ja musím niesť svedectvo o tom, čo je pravda.

151Keď som chodil s vami do zhromaždení a modlil sa za chorých, to bolo dobre, ale keď som prišiel s posolstvom ... Ak vychádza akékoľvek posolstvo, ak je to pravdivé posolstvo, ak je ono pravdou, opravdové zázraky Božie, a zavesí sa hneď do tej organizácii, viete, že to nie je Boh, pretože tá vec zostala už zjavená. Ježiš vyšiel a uzdravoval chorých, aby obrátil oči ľudí, na Svoje posolstvo. Je to tak! To musí mať niečo, čo Boh ide predstaviť. Božské uzdravovanie je ... takéto zázraky len obracajú oči ľudí. To hlavné je to posolstvo. To je to. To je to, čo pochádza tu z tadeto. On sa snaží získať pozornosť ľudí, a tak si oni sadnú a počúvajú Ho. Vidíte? Pretože tam je niekto, kto je určený do života. A niektoré pšeničné zrno padlo na zem, a vtáci ho vyzobali. A iné padlo medzi tŕnie, a niektoré vošli do pripravenej pôdy, predom pripravenej pôdy a priniesli úrodu.

152No, tá prvá vec je to hlásanie - či to prvé je trúbenie, či hlas - veliteľský povel, a potom hlas, a potom trúba. Veliteľský povel, posol pripravuje ľudí. To druhé je hlas zmŕtvychvstania. Ten istý hlas, silný hlas v ev. Jána 11: 38 a 44, ktorý zavolal Lazára z hrobu. Zhromažďovanie nevesty, a potom vzkriesenie mŕtvych (vidíte?), aby boli tým vychvátení. No, sledujte tie tri veci, ktoré sa dejú.

153To ďalšie je čo? To bola trúba. Hlas - veliteľský povel, hlas, trúba. No, tá tretia vec je trúba, ktorá stále pri sviatku trúbenia je zvolávaním ľudí na hostinu; a to bude nevestina večera, Baránkova večera s nevestou na oblakoch.

154Vidíte, tá prvá vec, ktorá prichádza je Jeho posolstvo, ktoré zvoláva dohromady nevestu. Tá ďalšia vec je vzkriesenie spiacej nevesty, tých ktorí zosnuli tam v tých predchádzajúcich vekoch. Oni sú spolu chytení, a trúba, hostina v nebesiach - na oblakoch. No, to je to čo sa deje, priatelia.

155My sme práve tam teraz pripravení. Jediná vec, cirkev, ktorá vychádza von musí ležať na slnku, aby dozrela. Ten veľký kombajn zanedlho príde. Pšenica ... tá slama bude spálená, ale to zrno bude zhromaždené do sýpky. Vidíte?

156Vy nie ste slepí. Ste rozumní ľudia, a ak ja tu stojím a hovorím toto zo zaujatosti ... Ja to hovorím preto, že je to život, pretože som zodpovedný pred Bohom, aby som to povedal. A ja to musím povedať. A moje posolstvo ... Po celý ten čas, počas uzdravovaní som vedel, že to bolo len upútanie pozornosti ľudí, vedel som, že príde posolstvo. A tu to je.

157A tých sedem pečatí je otvorených, tie tajomstvá a ukazujú tie veci, to je to čo sa stalo. Nevedel som to, ale sú ľudia, ktorí stoja práve teraz tu, ktorí stáli tam práve so mnou, vtedy ste ma všetci počuli kázať to kázanie: "Pánovia, aký je toto čas?" A to ráno, presne tam, kde bolo povedané, že to bude, tam stálo sedem anjelov rovno z neba. A ako oni odchádzali a ten vír ich zodvihol tam hore, my sme tam stáli, dívali sme sa ako oni odchádzali, veda urobila snímky z toho po celom národe, až dole do Mexica. A tam, keď som sa díval ...

158Jedného dňa, keď som začal kázať týchto sedem cirkevných vekov a zavolal som Jacka Mooreho, veľkého teológa; opýtal som sa: "Jack, kto je tá osoba, ktorá tam stojí, Niekto podobný Synovi človeka, stojaci tam, vlasy biele ako vlna." Povedal som: "On bol mladý človek; ako On mohol mať vlasy biele ako vlna?"

159On povedal: "Brat Branham, to bolo Jeho oslávené telo." To nerozzvonilo ten zvonec. Ale keď som vošiel do tej miestnosti a začal som sa modliť, On mi dal vedieť, čo to bolo.

160Vidíte, ja som stále kázal, že On bol božský, nie len človek; On bol Boh zjavený v tele, Boh, atribút Božej lásky, tie veľké atribúty Božie, ktoré prišli dole a prejavili sa tu na zemi. Ježiš bol Božou láskou, ktorá zostrojila telo, v ktorom prebýval sám Jahve. On bol plnosť Božstva telesne. Čo bol Boh, On zjavil cez to telo. To telo muselo zomrieť, aby On mohol umyť nevestu Svojou krvou.

161A všimnite si, nie len to, že nevesta je umytá, že je jej odpustené, ale ona je ospravedlnená. Vidíte? Pokúsili ste sa niekedy zistiť čo znamená slovo "ospravedlnený?" No napríklad, ak brat Green počul, že ja som pil, že som robil zlé veci, a potom by zistil, že ja som to nerobil, on by potom prišiel a povedal: "Ja ti odpúšťam brat Branham."

162"Ty mi odpúšťaš? Ja som to nikdy neurobil. Čo mi odpúšťaš?" Vidíte? Ale ak som vinný, potom mi môže byť odpustené, ale stále nie som spravodlivý, pretože ja som to urobil. Ale slovo ospravedlniť znamená "ako by ste to vôbec nikdy neurobili" - ospravedlnení. A potom krv Ježiša Krista nás očisťuje od hriechov tak, až ich odkladá do knihy Božieho zabudnutia. On je ten Jediný, ktorý to môže urobiť. My môžeme odpustiť, ale nezabudneme.

163Ja som vám mohol odpustiť, ale ja si stále pamätám, že ste urobili zlé veci. Potom nie ste spravodliví, je vám odpustené. Ale v očiach Božích nevesta je ospravedlnená. Ona to v prvom rade nikdy neurobila. Amen. Stojí tam vydatá za bezúhonného Syna Božieho, v prvom rade nikdy nezhrešila. Prečo? Ona bola predom určená; ona bola do tohoto chytená. A teraz, keď ona počula pravdu a prišla, krv ju očistila. A ona tam stojí bezúhonná. Vidíte? Nie je na nej žiadny hriech.

164Takže, posolstvo zvoláva dohromady nevestu. Vidíte? Výkrik a trúba. V to ráno so silným hlasom, On vydal zo Seba výkrik a - hlas a zobudil Lazára. On zakričal mocným hlasom: "Lazár, vyjdi von." Vidíte? A ten hlas budí spiacu nevestu, spiacich mŕtvych.

165A trúba, s tým zvukom trúby, a keď ona trúbi, zvoláva ... Trúba stále zvolávala Izrael na sviatok trúb (vidíte?), a to bol sviatok Letníc, veľká hostina na oblakoch a sviatok trúb ... A teraz, trúba oznámila zvolanie spolu, zvoláva na hostinu. A to je teraz Baránkova večera na oblakoch (no, hľaďte,) - zhromažďovanie sa spolu v neveste, sviatok trúb, svadobná večera.

Videli sme to v predobrazoch. No, dávajte pozor ešte chvíľu, prv ako zakončíme.

166Všimnite si, videli sme to v predobrazoch. No, ak si chcete prečítať v Matúšovi 18:16, tam je povedané, že sú traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo. Vidíte? V l. Jána 5:7 a tak ďalej ... Traja sú stále svedectvom. Je to tak? To je potvrdenie, niečo čo je pravda. Traja svedkovia nesú ... "Na ústach dvoch, alebo troch svedkov nech je založené každé slovo."

167No všimnite si, my sme mali troch svedkov. Traja sú svedkom. No, my sme už mali tri vytrhnutia v Starom Zákone (vedeli ste to?), ako svedectvo. No dávajte pozor! Enoch bol jeden; Eliáš bol ten druhý; A Ježiš bol ten ďalší. Ježiš bol teraz kľúčovým kameňom, On nesie svedectvo. Vidíte, On bol kľúčovým kameňom medzi Starým a Novým Zákonom, pretože On prv musel zomrieť a potom bol vytrhnutý. On zomrel, ožil, a chodil tu s nami a potom bol vytrhnutý; pretože On bol kľúčový kameň, ktorý zviazal to dvoje dokopy. Po Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní a vytrhnutí (hľaďte!), potom keď to On urobil a dokázal tam tomu Starému zákonu ... My všetci vieme, že Enoch bol prenesený. My vieme, že Eliáš bol zobraný vo víchrici (je to tak?) na ohnivom voze. A Ježiš zomrel, bol pochovaný, povstal a žil tu na zemi a potom bol vytrhnutý, kľúčový kameň. To sú traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo. Je to tak?

168No, jedno vytrhnutie už pominulo. Vedeli ste to. Pozrime sa či by sme to nemohli v rýchlosti prečítať. Vezmime Matúša 27. kapitolu a vezmime, okolo, 45. verš Matúša z 27. kapitoly. Pozrime sa, či by sme to nemohli v rýchlosti zobrať a či by sme nemohli prečítať kúsok z tohoto, pomohlo by nám to hneď na rýchlo - 27 a 45 myslím, že som si to tu zapísal. Čítajme.

A od šiestej hodiny povstala tma na celej zemi až do deviatej ...

A okolo deviatej hodiny zvolal Ježiš veľkým hlasom a povedal: Éli, Éli, lama sabachtani?! To je: Môj Bože, ... prečo si ma opustil?!

A niektorí z tých, ktorí tam stáli, keď to počuli hovorili: Eliáša volá tento.

A hneď bežal jeden z nich, vzal špongiu, naplnil octom, naložil na trsť a napájal ho.

Ale ostatní hovorili: ... vidzme, či príde Eliáš, aby mu pomohol.

Ale Ježiš zase vykríkol velikým hlasom a vypustil ducha.

Velikým hlasom, velikým hlasom, hľaďte, keď Ježiš zomieral vykríkol velikým hlasom. Vypustil ducha.

A hľa, chrámová opona sa roztrhla na dvoje, od vrchu až dolu, a zem sa triasla, skaly sa pukali,

a hroby sa otvárali, a mnohé telá zosnulých svätých vstali

a vyjdúc z hrobov po jeho zmŕtvychvstaní vošli do svätého mesta a ukázali sa mnohým.

169Jedno vytrhnutie pominulo. Tri sa stali v Starom Zákone pri tých pripravených, ku ktorým prišlo Slovo Pánovo. Vidíte? Slovo Pánovo prišlo ku Enochovi. Slovo Pánovo prišlo ku Eliášovi. On bol prorok. Vidíte? Slovo Pánovo bol Ježiš. Vidíte?

170Sledujte v Starom Zákone, tých Starozákonných svätých, teraz keď nastalo prvý krát toto vytrhnutie. Všimnite si 50. verš. Jeho silný hlas zobudil tých Starozákonných svätých, presne tak, ako ten silný hlas zobudil Ježiša - či vlastne Lazára. Vidíte? Ten silný hlas ho zobudil. A to druhé je vyplnené v ll. Tesaloničanom 4. kapitola. Prečítajme len ... Čítali sme to práve pred chvíľou. Vidíte? "Nechcem bratia, aby ste nevedeli o tých, ktorí zosnuli, aby ste sa nermútili ako ..." To je l. Tesaloničanom 4: 12 - 18. To bude druhé vytrhnutie. Druhé vytrhnutie to bude vychvátenie nevesty.

171Starozákonní svätí odišli do Jeho prítomnosti, raj odišiel. A starozákonní svätí vystúpili hore na Jeho silný hlas, keď On skríkol a vypustil ducha. Prečo? Obeť, to zmierenie za ich hriechy, na ktoré oni čakali ... Verili, že má prísť dokonalý Baránok, oni prinášali obeť baránka. A keď On zomrel a vypustil ducha, On zakričal mocným hlasom, a tí Starozákonní svätí sa zobudili. Pozorujte tu ten výkrik - veliteľský povel a ten hlas, to isté je pri Jeho príchode. Vidíte? Vypustil ducha, a keď to On urobil, tá obeť bola dokonalá, a raj sa vyprázdnil; a Starozákonní svätí prišli znovu na zem, chodili po zemi a vošli s Ním do Neba pri Jeho vytrhnutí.

172Dávid tu povedal: "Otvorte sa brány večnosti a otvorte sa."

173On viedol zajatých väzňov a dal ľuďom dary. Keď tí Starozákonní svätí odišli tam s Ním, oni povedali: "Kto je to ten Kráľ spravodlivosti?"

174"Hospodin slávy, mocný v zástupoch ... mocný hrdina." Tu oni vošli, pochodovali. Ježiš viedol zajatých väzňov. A tu On išiel s tými Starozákonnými svätými, a prišli tam hore ku tým novým bránam a povedali: "Pozdvihnite sa, vráta večnosti a pozdvihnite sa nech vojde Kráľ slávy."

A hlas zaznel od vnútra a povedal: "Kto je to ten Kráľ slávy?"

175"Hospodin vojenný hrdina." Brány sa roztvorili. A Ježiš ten Víťaz viedol zajatých väzňov, tých, ktorí verili v Neho, a Slovo prišlo ku nim. Tí Starozákonní svätí tam ležali a čakali. On viedol zajatých väzňov, vystúpil hore, zobral tých Starozákonných svätých a vošiel dovnútra. Jedno vytrhnutie už pominulo.

176Ďalšie vytrhnutie sa deje, to je 2. Tesaloničanom, pre cirkev, pre nevestu, aby bola vzkriesená, aby bola vytrhnutá do slávy. "My živí, ponechaní (to je to telo, ktoré zostalo na zemi) nepredstihneme tých, ktorí zosnuli. Lebo trúba Božia zaznie najprv, a mŕtvi v Kristovi povstanú. (Vidíte?) A my, ktorí sme živí a ponechaní budeme spolu s nimi vychvátení."

177Jedného dňa som stál na rohu ulice. A stál som na rohu ulice a díval som sa na vojenskú prehliadku na Deň Prímeria. A keď to išlo hore idúc po ulici, stál som tam so svojím malým synom Jozefom. Tam prichádzali ... prvé prechádzali okolo staré tanky z prvej vojny, malý starý tank. Po ňom išli tie veľké Shermanove tanky z novej vojny a veľké kanóny so svojimi hlavňami a ... s tlmičmi a tak ďalej. Potom prichádzali vojaci, matky so zlatými hviezdami. A potom tam prichádzal alegorický voz s ... ďalej ... A ďalej tam prichádzal alegorický voz, a vpredu na ňom bol hrob neznámeho vojaka; a tam stál vojak, stráž pri hrobe. Na jedenej strane tam stál vojak morskej pechoty a na druhej strane námorník. A tam bola urobená prepážka a na druhej strane sedela matka so zlatou hviezdou. Ona stratila svojho chlapca. Tam stála mladá žena so sklonenou hlavou na stole a plakala, malý otrhaný chlapec sedel vedľa, a slzy mu stekali po lícach, on stratil svojho otca. Pomyslel som si: "Aký smútok, ako tu stojím a pozeral sa, vidím tých starých ... zostalo len niekoľko z tých vojakov, pochodujú tam zmrzačení a starí, takto, vo svojich uniformách, ale hrdo sa predvádzali, pretože oni boli Američania."

178Pomyslel som si: "Ó, Bože, jedného dňa zahrmí z neba, a mŕtvi v Kristovi vstanú najprv. Tí Starozákonní svätí tam dávno, ktorí čakajú, zahrmí a vyjdú z tade prví a pôjdu do vzkriesenia; a my sa hneď zaradíme idúc do oblakov, tieto staré smrteľné telá budú premenené a urobené na podobu Jeho vlastného osláveného tela. Čo za prehliadka to bude, keď to začne pochodovať smerom do neba v jednom z týchto dní v tom čase vytrhnutia, ktorý leží pred nami, och, hrdo vystavujúc krv Ježiša Krista na svojich hrudiach, posolstvo Božie na tú hodinu, v ktorej oni žili. To je tá hodina na ktorú očakávame, brat.

179Pozrite (už končím teraz), to druhé vzkriesenie, to prvé už prešlo. To druhé je teraz už na blízku, príde - je teraz na blízku.

180No, to tretie sú tí dvaja svedkovia zo Zjavenia11: 11 a 12, a to sú tí, ktorí prichádzajú naspäť s Duchom Kristovým, aby svedčili tým Židom, ako Jozef svedčil svojim bratom. A pamätáte ich mŕtve telá ležali na ulici za tri a pol dňa; potom duch života prišiel do nich a oni boli vytrhnutí, zobraní do neba. Tu máte tri vytrhnutia v Novom Zákone. Tri vytrhnutia v starom Zákone, oni všetky prešli.

181No, sme pripravení, čakáme na vytrhnutie svätých. Bolo to povedané a tak sa to stane.

182Keď Boh niečo povie, všetky nebesia i zem pominú, ale to Slovo nikdy nepominie. Keď Boh povedal tam v Genesis 1, On povedal: "Buď svetlo." to mohlo byť stovky rokov pred tým, ako existovalo nejaké svetlo. On povedal: "Nech sa zjaví palma; nech sa zjaví orechový strom; nech je púšť; nech je hora; nech je to." On to vypovedal. Vidíte? A len čo to vyšlo z jeho úst, ako slovo, muselo sa to zjaviť. Muselo sa to uskutočniť.

183Potom On jedného dňa vyvolal von svojich ľudí, a On prehovoril ku mužovi menom Mojžiš z ohnivého stĺpa, zo svetla, svätého, posväteného ohňa. A Mojžiš by ne ... Tí ľudia by neverili Mojžišovi, tak On povedal: "Priveď ich ku tomuto vrchu."

184V to ráno ten vrch bol celý v ohni, a blýskanie a hrmenie, takto, a tí ľudia povedali: "Nech nehovorí Boh; nech hovorí Mojžiš (vidíte?), aby sme nepohynuli."

185Boh povedal: "Už viac nebudem ku ním takto hovoriť, ale im vzbudím proroka. A Ja budem hovoriť cez neho, a ak to, čo on povie sa stane, potom to počúvajte, pretože Ja som s ním." No, On to vypovedal. On povedal, že to sa stane.

186Pozrite sa na tohoto proroka Izaiáša, ktorý tam stál, človek, inteligentný človek, človek, ktorého si kráľ vážil, pretože on žil za kráľa Uziáša, ktorý bol veľký človek. Snažil sa raz zaujať miesto kazateľa a vošiel dovnútra, zostal zasiahnutý malomocenstvom. A to je to, čo som hovoril tým Obchodníkom. Nikdy sa nesnažte zastávať kazateľské miesto. Nie veru! Stojte presne tam kde ste. Ak ste prstom, nemôžete byť nikdy uchom. Ak ste ucho, nikdy nebudete nos, nos alebo oko. Vidíte? Stojte na svojom mieste.

187Počuli ste to posolstvo jedného dňa vo vysielaní. "Snažiť sa slúžiť Bohu." Dávid pomazaný kráľ, všetci tí ľudia kričali a výskali, to bolo v poriadku, ale on sa neporadil s Božím prorokom. A jeden človek zomrel, a celá vec bola zmarená. Nesnažte sa Bohu robiť láskavosť. Čakajte až nadíde Boží čas. Nech to príde tak, ako to On robí. "Začnem túto veľkú vec, to prinesie toto." Buď opatrný brat.

188No, Dávid mal už toľko vedieť, že v tých dňoch bol v zemi Nátan. On sa s ním vôbec neporadil. Vidíte? On sa poradil s veliteľmi nad stami a nad tisícami. Všetci tí ľudia vykrikovali a volali a tancovali a ... Oni mali všetky náboženské hnutia, ale to nebolo v línii a v poriadku s Božím Slovom, a to sklamalo. Všetko, čo nie je v línii a v poriadku s Božím Slovom sklame. Jedine Božie Slovo bude stáť naveky. "Nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slová nepominú."

189Všimnite si Izaiáša, toho inteligentného mladého človeka, ktorý tam stál. Náhle ho zasiahol Duch. On nemohol povedať nič iné, on bol prorok. On povedal: "Hľa, panna počne. Syn sa nám narodil ... dieťa sa narodilo syn nám je daný. Jeho meno bude Radca, Knieža pokoja, Všemohúci Boh, Otec Večnosti. Koncu Jeho ... Kniežatstvo bude na Jeho pleci, a Jeho vlády nebude konca." Ako by ten človek zo svojho rozumu mohol povedať, že panna počne? Každý na to očakával. Bolo to vypovedané; to bolo: "Tak hovorí Pán." To sa muselo stať, pretože to bolo Božie Slovo, také isté, ako v Genesis, keď On zasadil tie semená dole pod morom, kde ona bola neladná a pustá, a voda bola nad priepasťou. Vidíte, to sa muselo stať.

190A jedného dňa po osemsto rokoch lono panny počalo semeno Božie, stvorené semeno. Ona porodila Syna. Ten Syn tam stál jedného dňa a On povedal: "Lazár vyjdi von." A človek, ktorý bol štyri dni mŕtvy, zhnitý, jeho nos odpadol, smrdel; on vyšiel von. Povedal: "Nedivte sa tomu, lebo prichádza hodina (amen!), keď všetci, ktorí sú v hroboch budú počuť hlas Syna Božieho." Tak potom to bolo vypovedané; to sa musí stať. Bude vytrhnutie.

191Ó! Spomínam si práve svoje posledné posolstvo v Kalifornii, kde som myslel, že tam už nikdy nepôjdem, keď som predpovedal, že Los Angeles sa potopí do oceánu. A "Tak hovorí Pán," to sa stane! Ona je hotová; je odrovnaná; je s ňou koniec. Kedy? Ja neviem kedy, ale ono sa potopí. Hneď potom, keď tie zemetrasenia začnú trhať a búšiť.

192Vy sa pamätáte, mnohí z vás, ktorí ste stáli práve tam, keď tá skala toho dňa, keď ten anjel Pánov prišiel tam dole a to svetlo a oheň padal z neba okolo tej skaly, kde oni tam stáli, skaly sa trhali z tej hory a lietali tam okolo. A tri krát silne zahrmelo; povedal som: "Súd narazí na Západné Pobrežie." Za dva dni sa Aljaška takmer potopila.

193Pamätajte, ten istý Boh, ktorý povedal to, povedal, že Los Angeles je odsúdené. Je s ním koniec. Ja neviem kedy; neviem vám povedať.

194Nevedel som, že som to povedal. Ale tento brat tu, verím že to bol ... Nie, jeden z Moseleysov, myslím, bol som s ním tam vonku na ulici. Ja som nevedel, čo to bolo, až kým som to nenašiel. A pozrel som sa do Písma, a Ježiš povedal: "Kafarnaum, Kafarnaum, ako často ... Ty, ktoré sa vyvyšuješ (vlastne) do neba, budeš zvrhnuté do pekla, lebo keby sa tie mocné skutky, ktoré sa stali v tebe, keby sa stali v Sodome, stála by až do dnešného dňa." A asi sto päťdesiat rokov po tom - Sodoma bola už v zemi - potom Kafarnaum je tiež dnes vo vode.

195A ten istý Duch Boží, ktorý povedal všetky tieto veci, a vykonal všetky tieto veci, On tam povedal: "Ó mesto, Kafarnaum, ktoré sa nazývaš menom anjelov, Los Angeles. Ako si sa vyvýšilo do neba (Samotný koreň a stolica Satanova. Vidíte?). Ty si sa vyvýšilo."

196Kazatelia, to je pre nich cintorín. Idú tam dobrí ľudia a zomierajú ako potkany. Čo za pohroma.

197"Ty, ktoré sa nazývaš menom anjelov, keby sa tie mocné skutky, ktoré sa stali v tebe, boli stali v Sodome, stála by do dnešného dňa. Ale prišla tvoja hodina." Hľaďte a vidzte. Ak sa to nestane, som falošný prorok. Vidíte? Tam je, ona tam leží.

198Pamätám sa v tej noci ... Prv ako som to uvidel, videl som ukážku nevesty. Stál som tam a videl som krásnu dámu, slušne oblečenú a všetko, ako takto pochodovala. Niekto tam stál vedľa mňa v tom videní, a videl som oni povedali: "Ukážka nevesty." Videl som ju, ako išla okolo. Oni prišli z tejto strany a prechádzali okolo mňa.

199A počul som, ako to prichádzalo; cirkev prichádzala z tejto druhej strany. Tam prichádza Ázijská cirkev. Och, vy hovoríte o špine. Tu prichádza Európska cirkev. Och! A potom som počul prichádzať rock'n'roll; a to bola Miss Amerika, cirkev. A ona nemala na sebe ani šaty. Ona mala noviny, niečo ako noviny, šedivé, držala to pred sebou, tancujúc rock'n'roll - Miss Amerika cirkev.

200Stál som tam v Jeho prítomnosti. Pomyslel som si: "Ó, Bože, ako kazateľ, ak je toto to najlepšie, čo som mohol urobiť, och, och!" Viete ako sa cítite. Potom som rozmýšľal: "Bože ukry ma; keby som sa len mohol dostať z tadeto. Keď všetko, čo sme urobili, a toto je to, čo sme vyprodukovali, ak toto je to, čo ..."

201A potom, keď tie ženy prešli okolo, všetky tancujúce rôzny rock'n'roll a všetko, a krátke vlasy, a namaľované tváre. A keď oni takto prešli okolo, to mali byť panny pre Krista. A keď ona takto prešla ... Odvrátil som hlavu, viete s ... to držali len pred sebou, to bolo hanebné, odzadu. A oni tam takto prechádzali.

202Odvrátil som hlavu a plakal som. Povedal som ... Nedokázal som tam stáť, On tam stál, ja som vedel, že som kazateľom cirkvi a to bolo to, čo som pre Neho urobil. Povedal som: "Ó, Bože, nemôžem sa na to dívať. Daj nech zomriem. Nech zmiznem," a takto.

203A len čo to odišlo - zakaždým, jedna z nich prišla, oni odchádzali preč po určité miesto a padali dole, a ja som len počul zvuk toho ako to odchádzalo preč. A potom som počul niečo ako "Napred Kristovi bojovníci." A pozrel som sa, a tu prichádzala tá posvätená skupina dievčat presne také, ako boli tie, všetky náležite oblečené, vlasy im viseli dole na chrbát, ulízané, čisté, takto pochodovali do kroku evanjelia. Ona bola Slovo. Vyzeralo to, ako jedna z každého národa. Díval som sa na to, ako išli okolo, a videl som ich prechádzať. Namiesto toho, aby išli dole, oni začali ísť hore. A všimol som si jedna z nich sa snažila, dve alebo tri z nich sa snažili, dostať sa z radu. Zakričal som: "Stojte v rade!" A to videnie ma opustilo, a ja som stál v tej miestnosti a kričal: "Stojte v rade!" Rad, ktorý ...

204Zamýšľam sa, mohlo sa to už stať? Mohla už nevesta byť zavolaná? Či to je to, cez čo prechádzame dnes? Ona musí byť uformovaná a urobená na obraz Kristov, a Kristus je Slovo. To je tá jediná vec. Vidíte, to je v tom, v Slove, to je len ... Vidíte, ani jedna vec nemôže byť pridaná. To nemôže byť žena, ktorá má jednou ruku ľudskú a druhú ruku, ako laba od psa; to musí byť presne Slovo Pánovo, tak ako On je Slovo. Nevesta je časťou ženícha. Žena je časťou svojho muža, pretože ona je vzatá z muža. Eva bola časťou Adama z jeho boku. A tak je nevesta, nie je vzatá z denominácie, ale je vzatá z lona Slova Božieho na tento deň.


Trúba Pánova zaznie; mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú a udelí im slávu Svojho vzkriesenia; Keď vybraní sa zhromaždia do svojho domu nad oblakmi, Keď budú zavolaní hore tí na tej listine ... (Snažme sa všetci tam byť priatelia.)

206Nech vás Boh žehná. Bolo to povedané; musí sa to stať. To sa stane! A ľudia, nikto nechce zomrieť; nikto nechce byť zatratený. Dovoľte, že vám poviem, čokoľvek robíte, nestarám sa, ako veľmi chodíte do zboru a aký ste verní cirkvi ... To je dobre; nič proti tomu; máte chodiť do zboru. Robte to; choďte naďalej do zboru, ale čokoľvek to je, odhoďte preč svoje tradície a vojdite rovno do Krista, pretože to zaznie v jednom z týchto dní, a vy budete pristihnutí so znamením šelmy a nebudete vedieť čo to je, až bude príliš neskoro. Je to presne tak!

207Nech vás Boh žehná. Prepáčte, že som vás tak držal. A pamätajte, držal som ich tu príliš dlho; to je v poriadku. A tá obeť, ktorú ste pre mňa zobrali, čo som vás nežiadal, aby ste robili, brat ... To je moje ... To je prejav zdvorilosti. Vezmite to a zaplaťte tento motel, ten predĺžený čas, pretože ja som to pretiahol. Mal som tu len niekoľko vecí. Mám tu ešte okolo osem alebo desať strán o vytrhnutí, ale nemal som proste čas podať to.

208Nech vás Boh žehná! Milujete Pána Ježiša? Stojme len teraz chvíľu v kľude, ticho, s vážnosťou. A pamätajte, čo som povedal. Pamätajte, sme v posledných hodinách. Tieto ...

Národy sa rozlamujú;

Izrael sa budí;

Znaky, ktoré predpovedala Biblia:

Dni pohanov zrátané hrôzou obťažené.

Vráťte sa rozprášení, do svojho vlastného.

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;

ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu.

Buďte plný Ducha, majte ozdobené a čisté lampy.

Pozrite, vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo. (Viete to?)

Falošní proroci klamú;

Božiu pravdu zapierajú; (My vieme, že všetko je pravda, či nie?)

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

Pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgotskom kríži.

209 Koľkí Ho skutočne milujete, zodvihnite ruky. No, Chcem aby ste, zatiaľ čo to znovu budeme spievať, potraste si ruky s niekým nablízku, a povedzte: "Nech ťa Boh žehná, pútnik!" My sme pútnici, či nie, pútnici a cudzinci?

Milujem Ho (To je to, rovno ponad stôl.)

Milujem Ho,

Pretože On prv miloval mňa;

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgotskom kríži.

210Chcete dosiahnuť vytrhnutie? Koľkí majú záujem, aby dosiahli vytrhnutie, povedzte: "Bože, ja ho chcem dosiahnuť z celého svojho srdca."

"Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky." Poznáte tú pieseň? Poznáš ju, sestra? "Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky." Neviem aký ... V čom to je? Aký ... Hm?

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Stavaj svoje nádeje na večných veciach

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Páči sa vám to?

Keď je naša cesta skončená,

Ak si bol Bohu verný,

Pekný a jasný je tvoj domov v chvále,

Tvoja uchytená duša to bude vidieť!

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Postav svoju nádej na večných veciach,

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Chcem aby ste teraz na chvíľu sklonili svoje hlavy.

Nežiadaj márnych svetských bohatstiev,

Ktoré sa rýchlo kazia,

Hľadaj získať ten nebeský poklad,

Oni nikdy nepominú!

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!

Postav svoju nádej na večných veciach,

Drž sa Božej nemennej ruky!!

211Teraz, keď máte sklonené hlavy a máte toto na mysli, viete, že skláňame svoje hlavy do prachu, z ktorého sme vzatí, jedného dňa sa vrátime; viete, že máme dušu, ktorá sa musí zodpovedať Bohu ... A ak cítite, že nie ste práve hotoví na vytrhnutie, že ak by ono prišlo dnes večer, a vy by ste chceli byť spomenutí v modlitbe, len zodvihnite ruku. Nemáme miesto, aby sme urobili výzvu ku oltáru. Vaším oltárom je aj tak vaše srdce. Zodvihnite svoje ruky. Nech ťa Boh žehná, teba, teba, teba. Ó! "Cítim, že nie som pripravený, brat Branham. Ja chcem byť skutočne Kresťan. Snažil som sa byť, ale stále mi niečo chýba. Viem, že nie som proste tam, kde by som mal byť. Buď mi milostivý, Bože. Ja dvíham svoju ruku, buď mi milostivý." No, asi dvadsať alebo tridsať rúk sa už zodvihlo v tejto malej skupine. Viac sa ich dvíha.

212Drahý Bože, ty vieš čo je za tými rukami tam v tých srdciach. Modlím sa, drahý Bože ... Je len jedna vec za ktorú som zodpovedný, a to je, aby som povedal pravdu. A drahý Bože, oni chcú byť spasení. Oni chcú skutočne ... Oni nechcú len niečo, čo je len nejaká emócia, niečo vypracované, nejaký denominačný systém, nejaké vyznanie, nejaká dogma, ktorá bola dodaná. Oni rozumejú, Otče, že na to treba čisté neskazené Slovo Božie. Všetko iné pominie, aj nebo i zem, ale to nie. A ak my budeme tým Slovom, zem pominie spod nás, ale my nebudeme môcť pominúť, pretože sme tým Slovom, Nevestou Ženícha.

213Modlím sa za každého jedného, aby si im to udelil, Otče, to je moja úprimná modlitba ... A prepáč mi, Otče, že som dnes ráno bol taký nervózny, prišiel sem pozde, a triasol som sa a hovoril nedokončené slová a usekával. Jednako však, veľký Duch Svätý, spoj ich dokopy Tvojím vlastným Božským spôsobom. A vypusti ich z môjho srdca do sŕdc ľudí v tom motíve a zámere, ktorý som ja mal vo svojom srdci voči Tebe. Či to urobíš, Pane. A spas toho, kto môže byť spasený, pritiahni ich ku Sebe, Pane. A nech by sme boli pripravení na tú hodinu vytrhnutia, ktorá je na blízku. Prosím to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Nech vás Boh žehná. A teraz vedúci zhromaždenia ...

THE RAPTURE, 65-1204, Ramada Inn, Ramada Inn, Yuma, AZ, 101 min

1 The chapter here at--at Yuma, it's a grand privilege to have this invitation to come back again. We had a wonderful time, the last time here. And then when I understood I was to be back again, it made me feel real good, to hear the testimonies and these fine words from the people, and kind of boosts you up a little.

2 Billy told me that the brother from Las Vegas, that wanted a meeting there at the chapter, see him immediately after the service is over here. We have a time, he says, that we can slip in, right over in January, before the Phoenix meeting, see, to come to Las Vegas. And so we've always wanted to get there.

I believe Brother Art Wilson used to be there, a long time ago, or he may still be there. And he--he asked me come up, he and Sister Wilson. I didn't get the opportunity, so maybe this will be the time I could come.

3You just see Billy Paul or Brother Roy Borders. I think he's here somewhere. Somebody said Brother Roy was in. Brother Pearry, Lee, or any of them, they'll be able to tell you. Just set the dates for us to come.

4 Now, I seen many ministers here, a while ago, to which I'm very happy to meet my brethren. Wish I had time, go home with you, 'cause I know you got the best cook there is in the country. That's fine.

5And now, Brother Pearry really got two, tonight, on him. He got two marks against him now. One of them, cutting that microphone in, out there. When, you're--you're held guilty of that, Brother Pearry. I don't think you really were guilty. But you... Somebody was fixing to speak. That was a good one.

6And so then, again, he went out there and was talking. He said, "Say!" Telling Brother Collins or some of them. Said, "The supper was good. But," said, "I'm telling you," said, "that man must be a Spaniard or something, or a Mexican. That was the hottest pepper I ever taste." Going on like that, and he was talking to the chef.

He said, "I'm the chef."

7That's Texas, for you. We'll get him straightened out, over here in Arizona, after while, (won't we?), if he stay around us.

8Really nice to be here! And I guess those don't sound like jokes, but sense of humor. Which, the Lord Hisself had a sense of humor, you know. He said, "'Herod,' go tell that fox, see, 'today I cast out--cast out devils; tomorrow I'm made perfect.'" So, He had a sense of humor. Well, it won't hurt us, I don't think, once in a while.

9 And now it's a little late. And, usually, I--I preach about four hours. So this, knowing the courtesy of the brother and sister here, the chapter, we'll cut that way down, tonight. And just... I told Terry. I said...

He said, "What's... Put on a two-hour tape?"

10I said, "No, Terry. This is a--a banquet." I said, "Just about thirty or forty minutes, speak to the people of something." That, I'd try, though, each time, knowing that.

11 When I was a little boy, people used to come out to listen because I was a boy preacher, just a young fellow, a chap. And they'd say, "Well, Billy Branham, you know, just a kid, never went through school, and no education." And they'd come out to hear my broken words, my Kentucky English, and--and so they... my "hits, and hain'ts, and totes, and carry."

Like in one of the meetings here not long ago, they said, "We'll all stand up and sing the national anthem."

12I got up and said, "For my old Kentucky home far away." That was the only nation I knowed about, so it was national anthem, as far as I was concerned.

13 So now, after you got older, though, well, we, he come in, you got to have something more than that. See? We're take... Paul said, "When I was a child, I spake as a child and thought as a child. You act as a child." But as you grow older, then you begin, from making your first couple steps, and tottle and fall, and get up and try it again. Then you, after while, you get so you can walk a straight line. And that's what we have to do, as soldiers of the cross. Now is time to walk a straight line, right down that high way to Glory.

14 I do believe that we are living in the closing scenes of the history of this world. I truly believe that the Coming of the Lord is closer, perhaps, than we think. So now, for just about thirty minutes of your time, or something, I would like to call your attention to a Scripture that I'd like to use for a text, and--and refer to some more here.

Setting at home, the other day, I was thinking on this thought. Then I thought, "Well, I don't know, speaking from all this Scripture. I'll just take part of It, and just for these little short services like we would have tonight." I want to say one thing, while you're turning over to Psalms. The--the first... The 27th Psalm, I want first five verses, to read.

15 Would like to say this, concerning this businessmen's Full Gospel Business Men's chapters.

My Brother Pearry was speaking about the books, and so forth, and the new books that they got. How many remembers when we had the tape, and preached it over here at Phoenix, at one of the conventions, of Sirs, What Time Is It? Now, that was the beginning of that book, you see, when this--this taken place.

16There's too much supernatural vindication of God's written Word, of this hour, for something not to be approaching us now. We're just... It's too real. The things that you... It would be astounding, to you, just to let you know that what is really taking place. Many of you, strangers, perhaps, hear these men get up and make--make these remarks, about, "A Message of this hour," and so forth. What they are getting at, is God's promise of this hour, that He promised what He would do. And we see Him Scripturally vindicating just exactly what He said He would do, in the same manner. Foretold, hits just exactly perfectly, each time, because it's God saying it.

17 If a man, I don't care who he was, will try to make such a prediction, there's one chance out of ten million. If a man told you a certain thing would happen, it would--it would happen at a certain time; one out of ten million. And then the place it would happen, would be about one chance out of about a hundred million.

And then the time it would happen, goes on and on, and the way it will happen, and what it will be happening, and so forth, it's just beyond a guess. When we see it so perfectly, each and every time, then it's God.

And then we turn right back in the Scriptures. It may seem foreign to us. But we turn right back in the Scriptures, without even knowing where to look, and the Holy Spirit brings out and just puts the whole Word together, makes the picture there to show us just the hour that we're living in. We're changing dispensations.

18 We're--we're at a corner. It's easy when somebody turns a corner, of a brick mason, turns a corner. Starts, everybody laying their bricks right down the same row, like a certain denomination starts, and starts rolling down the row, it's all right. But, when you get to them turns, where you have to turn back the other way!

Now, God isn't building a wall. He's building a house, see, and there's many cuts and turns that He's predicted here in the Bible. And the turns, anybody could try to make a turn, but it must be according to the blueprint. If it isn't, it's got to be torn down again.

19 So we--we praise God for His goodness and the fellowship of you people, and the open doors that the Lord has given us, and through this businessmen. I've always contended that I--I didn't believe in... I believe in the people in denominations. But I don't have much time to exhort denominations, because each one builds a fence around himself.

20And--and just like, I believe, it was Brother David's little saying, about he was raising some ducks, and said the river come up. And each duck, you know, they wanted fellowship with one another, and they couldn't do it because they was all fenced up. But when the water got so high, it just floated the ducks out of the pen.

So I--I think that's the way to do it. Is just the water is coming up, see, and we can get out of the pen and--and fellowship with one another, you know, have the real love of Christ in our hearts.

21 And this Full Gospel Business Men has been an--an oasis for me. Because, many times... I have brothers, fine brothers in, I guess, every denomination I've ever met: Presbyterians, Lutheran, Baptists, Pentecostals, all different types of the Pentecostals, church of God, and Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness. Fine brethren, everywhere. But, many times, they cannot have me in their community, because, see, not that they don't believe it, but, see, it would cut them off from their denomination. And when you do that, course, that--that does it.

22Here not long ago, there was a Methodist brother came to me, I won't call his name. A fine man, he was writing a thesis on Divine healing, and he come to me for some--some talk. We set down and talked a little while. He said, "The only thing we got against you, you're hanging around them Pentecostals all the time."

I said, "Then, let the Methodist church sponsor it. I'll come."

That was different. See? He--he said, "Well, of course, I--I'm not the Methodist church. I just belong with them."

23I said, "That's it. See? They're the ones, the Pentecostals, is the ones that open their doors. See? That's the ones I can get to. And as many as them that will open, why, we're ready to come in."

Like in the Revelations, the 3rd chapter, said, "I stand at the door and knock. If any man will open the door, I'll come in and sup." And that was Jesus. All of us knows that was Christ, and He is the Word. That's right. He is the Word.

24 And so the Full Gospel Business Men has been a oasis where we can come together. No churches is sponsoring it. They all, together, the--the men out of the churches, and we come together and fellowship, cross the world, around everywhere.

25And I've helped establish many, many, many chapters throughout the entire world, of the Full Gospel Business Men. I'm thankful for that opportunity that was given me. In there, the businessmen will sponsor it. Then, all the churches, they--they want to come, anyhow.

But then I don't want to never try to pull somebody from their church. Just stay right in your church and scatter out the Light. See? Be a real Christian. Your pastor will appreciate you. A real, loyal, genuine saint, any man that believes in God will appreciate a person like that. Yes.

26Now, I thank the brother here, and his wife, and this chapter, for this opportunity. And may this chapter grow. May the blessings of God rest upon it, and be an instrument in God's hands, to save hundreds and hundreds of people before the Coming of the Lord; and all the rest of you chapters or representatives here from the chapters.

27 In the Book of Psalms, now, I want to speak on a--a real strange subject, tonight, just for a little while. I got some Scriptures written down here. And--and I thought maybe that, tonight, I was going to speak on something different. But, see the time get away, why, I didn't want to stay that long, so I just turned over here and got some more Scripture. And I want to speak on the subject of: The Rapture. See?

28Now, we believe that there will be a Rapture. All Christians believe that, that's Bible readers, believes that there will be a Rapture.

29 And now to read for some background, we read the 25th Psalm. I mean... I beg your pardon. The 27th Psalm, 1 to 5 verses.

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, come upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumble and fell.

Though the host should encamp about me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this I will be confident.

One thing have I desired of the LORD, that I will seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to require in his temple.

For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in the pavilion: and in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up on a rock.

May the Lord add His blessings to that reading of His Word.

30 Now, today, speaking on this subject, and now some of you may different, the--the avenues that I take. But how many in here believes that the Bible teaches there will a Rapture of the Church? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yes, sir. That's right, exactly, a catching away of the Church. Whether you're a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or whoever you are, Pentecostal, there will be a catching away.

31And I think that, in speaking, I--I just don't try to get up here to say something that I think would please the people. I've never been guilty of that. I want to get up here and say something as I feel led to say it, that I think would be a help to you, something that would further your experience with God, if you are a Christian; and if you're not a Christian, make you so ashamed of yourself, that you will become a Christian. And that's the purpose that I've always tried to line up my thoughts, as the Lord would lead me.

32 Now, we are warned, as in the Doctrine of This in the last days will be scorned at. If you would, let's just read That, just a minute. It's in Second Peter, the 3rd chapter. Let's read just a moment on this. The 3rd chapter, and the 3rd and 4th verses. Let's see if this isn't right.

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?... since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

For this they willingly are ignorant of that, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and the wa-... and in the water:

Whereby the worlds that... was, being overflowed with water, perished:

33 Now we see that, the reason that this subject is so lightened at, is because that the prophet here has said that in this last days these scoffers would come saying these things. See? It's predicted, the reason the people are acting today the way they're acting. Why, you certainly are expecting it, because the Bible said that. "In the last days they'd be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, despisers of those that are good; having a form of godliness, and denying the power thereof: from such turn away." Can we look for an impersonation of Truth? Certainly.

34 When Moses went down into Egypt, to deliver the children of Israel, with only a stick in his hand for vindication, with the God of Heaven behind him, he performed a miracle. There come impersonators behind him, and doing the same thing he did. See? Now, they come second, after he did it first. Then they come around, because they were copying after what he did, impersonating the original. We find that.

And now you say, "Well, that was in the days of Moses."

But the same Scripture says that they'll come again in the last days. "A Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these men of reprobate mind concerning Truth." See? Impersonations, all kinds of things to upset people. And then if...

35This Rapture which is coming to pass, and anything that God has in the line of His Word, there's always something to come out to upset That if they can. It's--it's--it's Satan's purpose to do that.

36As the brother here, from the meeting up there at Las Vegas, said, "Satan said the world was his dominion, and--and that being his headquarters up there."

I know that Satan is the god of this world. Every nation under heaven is controlled by him. Exactly. This world belongs to Satan, but Jesus will take it over. He offered it to Him one day. And He refused it, but, He said, 'cause He knowed He'd be Heir to it in the times to come.

37 "Scoffers." Just us take for a few moments on that one word, before we go further. Scoffers!

I was reading a paper, about two weeks ago, in Tucson, that where some Englishman from England had made a statement. It's in headlines in the paper, that the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ was only faked, between Pilate and Jesus, that He come to make... just to make Himself something. And there's no way that we could disprove that to them, because all the things of God is to be received by faith. We must believe it. Now, he went ahead to give a description how that that could be done.

38 Here not long ago, in that great nation, London, in England, rather, where that John Wesley and Charles, and many of those great preachers of the early days, Spurgeon and them, had preached the Gospel in the hay markets and everywhere there. They turned down that message of their day, and look what they are in this day.

There is where Brother Williams and them are tonight. It's one of the lowest degraded countries in the world. I've been over the world, but I don't know anything that's so illegitimate as England. It's... Billy Graham said the same thing. Why, he had to take his wife from the parks, how the--the--the acts of between men and women were going on, publicly, in the parks. When I was there, I never seen anything would break a person's heart any more than what was going on in England; which had the opportunity, and, one time, led the world in a reformation. Just shows how it can fall.

39But, you see, what does that, the message that went forth then, the Englishmen try to hold that same message for today. That won't work today. It won't work. How would...

40 What if Moses would have come and brought Noah's Message, "We'll build an ark and float down the Nile"? It wouldn't have worked. And neither would Jesus' Message have ever worked of Moses. And neither will Wesley's Message ever work in Luther; or Luther's Wes-... message, vice versa.

And today, we, our last great reformation was Pentecost. And today we're moving from that. And the Pentecostal message won't mix with This, because it's another day. It's all the Word of God, but it's building. Like the feet, arms, coming up, it's forming a Bride for the Rapture. See? Don't--don't displace them people back there; they lived to their Message. All them will come out, was in the Bride.

Just like life going through a stalk of wheat. It leaves the wheat, the hull, but the wheat forms itself like the grain of wheat that fell in the ground.

41 Here not long ago, I was reading a book some German wrote, and criticism. He said, "Of all of the--of the fanatics in the world, William Branham tops them all." He said, "Why, he's nothing but a... He's a--he's a magician. He does these things." See, the man, not knowing.

42And, then, the man was a critic. He didn't even believe in God. He said, "A God that could set up in the dark ages, hold His hands across His tummy, and laugh at a bunch of Christians; being mothers, and His Own disciples, was supposed to be; mothers with little children and things, and let lions eat them up; and never even turn a hand." You see where the carnal mind, where education and things, can't catch the vision? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

43 That corn of wheat had to fall into the ground. Just like Jesus had to fall, to rise again, so did the church of pentecost had to fall. It had to go into the ground, them dark ages. Any wheat that... Any grain that goes into the ground, it has to lay in that dark time, to bring forth.

But it started sprouting in Martin Luther. Come on through Wesley. On out into Pentecost. Now in, to go out to the grain. And now the denominational systems that they left behind, they're stalks, that's all. It's to be burnt, the denomination system. But the real grain of wheat that come out of each one of those reformations will be caught up in the Bride. It all altogether will make the Bride.

44 Now we find out, in England there, they impersonated the crucifixion, not long ago, a bunch of those people, them long... kids with them long hair and things, and hollering, called Jesus "daddy-o" and all that stuff. Such scum!

45Now you say, "That's in London, England."

Watch what was in the paper last week, here in Americas. Some great doctor of divinity, from a fine school, said that the--the crucifixion was a fake. Said that, "Jesus only tried to make Hisself like that; that He had dranken this mandrake weed."

And we find it in Genesis, where it's spoke of. It's a weed like marijuana or something. It's found in the Orients there. And if you drink it, it'll put you to sleep. Maybe... And you're like you're dead, slump, everything, for two or three days at a time.

46 He said, "When they give Him vinegar and gall, it's all possible that that was mandrake weed. And when they did, they give Him that, and He went slump like He was dead. They put Him in the tomb, and they laid Him there. After two or three days, sure, going back, then He was awake again, was all right." Said, "He went up in India and died somewhere, an ordinary death, trying to fake a religion."

The first place, that critic, what's the matter with people? See, it's just this day we're living in, scoffers, see, the day to fulfill the prophecy.

47 God lotted His Word out to each age, and each one of those age has to manifest that. And He also foreordained men for that age, to fulfill that Word. Every time He lotted His Word, He lotted a man for It. When He lotted Moses' time, He lotted Moses to It. When He lotted the time for the Son of God to be born, He lotted Him to it. Every age, He's lotted His man, foreordained, as the Bible said. Nothing...

48If God is infinite, Almighty, all powerful, omnipresent, omniscient, why, He knowed all things from the beginning. So, He knowed. There's nothing out of cater. It's just us that thinks it is. It's everything run. Look back in His Word and see what He's doing, then we'll have an understanding.

49 Now, just think. The first place, if that minister would have thought, when they put that vinegar and gall in His mouth, He spit it out. He did not take it, at the first place. See? Just scoffers rising! Another thing, how did this Jesus of Nazareth, how did His life fit every prophecy of the Old Testament? How could it been? It couldn't have been without it been ordained of God. His life fit every prophecy of the Old Testament. Another thing, if those disciples had faked Him like that, why did each one of them die in martyrdom? And even apostle Peter said, "Turn my head upside down. I'm not worthy to die like Him." How they took Andrew and turned him sideways on the cross. They, every one, sealed their testimony in their own blood. They believed Him and loved Him, and gave their lives for Him. If He was a faker, how would they ever done that? See? The spiritual application, the people don't get it.

50 Here was a great man here, not long ago, some great rabbi that wrote that, "Moses, while passing through the Red Sea," said, "it wasn't actually water. The waters never walled up." Said, "What it was, up at the other end of the Dead Sea, there was a bunch of reeds. And he passed through the water reeds, the reeds of the water. No water in there. Just a bunch of reeds, an ocean of--of reeds they passed through." And many clergymen believe it, they, and accept it.

51Here not long ago, when this first astronaut went up, he come back, and he hadn't seen nothing of God. That even turned ministers around. They thought God lived right up there somewhere, a hundred and fifty miles high.

52 Why, my, how education and wisdom of this world has turned the church into a bunch of ragweeds! The... Its education and the educational system, science and civilization, is of the Devil. It's the Devil's civilization. The Bible said so.

And our Civilization that's coming on will have nothing to do with this civilization, at all. It's nothing of it, at all. There'll be a different Civilization, into this civilization and this scientific world we got. More science, scientific we get, further we go into death things, traps to kill, and everything. In that new Civilization, there'll be no death, no sickness, sorrow, or no pain. See? There won't be none in There. So this civilization will have to be destroyed, because it's of the Devil.

53 We find out, that in Genesis 4, that Cain's people started civilization, building towns and cities, and so forth, and instruments of music, and become in science. And the people got further away from God, yet religious. But when Seth's people come on, they begin to come on, call on the Name of the Lord.

Ah, talk about a subtle one!

54I'm not here to hurt anybody's feelings, say something about a church. And if you're here, and belong to this church, I'm not saying this to hurt your feeling; 'cause just as many good people in there, as there is in other churches. But I was reading in Shreveport last week, where the Catholic church made a statement.

And we see where they're all coming together now at the great ecumenical council, and so forth, just exactly fulfilling what the Bible said they'd do. Just exactly.

55 Now we find out they said, "Why, the Bible..." Some of the Protestants want to hold to that Bible. "Why," said, "the Bible was nothing but a book, a history of the church, and they didn't have it in literature till about two hundred fifty years ago. It's always been the church." Said, "It was the church, not the Bible, and the Bible is just a history of what the church did." What a subtle lie that is! Why, we've had the Bible for three thousand years. The Old Testament was been written in Scripture, for hundreds and hundred of years before the coming of Christ. Just a subtle thing of the Devil!

56 And we find out in this day, when this great scoffing and making fun of the Bible, and trying to push It out, God has got to judge the church by something. He can't be just...

They can't go down this street and arrest me, and say I'm making thirty miles an hour in a twenty mile zone, unless there's something there to tell me that I'm only allowed to go twenty miles. It has to be there.

And God is going to judge the church, is going to judge the people, someday. We know that. There's a Judgment coming. So if He's going to judge it by the Catholic church, which Catholic church? If He's going to judge it by the Methodist, the Baptist is lost. He judge it by the oneness, the twoness is lost. See? What's He going to judge it by? He said He would judge it by Christ, and Christ is the Word. So it's the Word of God, that God will judge. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. The same yesterday, today, and forever." See? So, He'll judge it by His Word.

57And now we find out that in this day, when they're trying to push the Bible out, "Accept the church. The Bible; don't want It. The church," so they can just make any kind of a creed or anything else, and walk by it.

58 Well, as I was speaking the other night at Shreveport. In the--the communion, when they kill that sacrificial lamb, there was to be "no leaven among them, through the entire seven days," no leaven, no leaven bread. Everything had to be unleaven. That represented the seven church ages that we get in the book here, and there's no leaven. What? It's something mixed with It. And we mix creed and denomination, everything else, with the Word, and still try to call it the Word. "No leaven, shall be the entire seven day."

59 And even what is eat today, don't try to keep it for tomorrow. "Burn it with fire, before daylight come," for there's a new Message coming forth, and a new thing. See, try to hold it over, but that's been the attitude of the church. A revival goes forth, and the first thing you know, within about three years, they start an organization over it. A denomination starts, organization.

But have you noticed? This has been sweeping for twenty years now, and there's no organization. And there never will be. This is the end. The wheat has come back to the wheat again. The wheat has come back to Its grain. The shuck has pulled away from It. And the wheat must lay in the Presence of the Son, to be ripened.

60 Isn't it a strange thing, that, not long ago, on the East Coast, the big blackout? They couldn't understand it. Texas blacked out, last week. They can't understand it. Don't you realize that that's a sign? Don't you know the nations are breaking? Israel is in her homeland. And these signs are indicating that we are at the end. The same time it's blacking out, don't you know that's a sign that the prophet said? Yeah. "But there shall be Light about the evening time," that there will be a Light come forth in the evening time, when the blackouts and things are going the way they are now.

61 Look at just how it blacked out. The pope just come over here.

'Member, of the tabernacle, when them... You got tapes. I guess, all of you take them. How that the Lord showed there that day, in the tabernacle, exactly where those church ages would be and how they would be! I had them drawed out on the board up there, them church ages which you see here drawed out in a book. And if that Holy Spirit didn't come down in a big Pillar of Fire, and went right back there on that wall and drawed them out, Hisself, while three or four hundred people setting, looking at It!

And just as the pope started over here, the moon somehow blacked out. And they took their pictures the same way that it was drawed up there on the platform. Now he's made his trip over here on the thirteenth, walked thirteen steps, served communion to thirteen, to a nation that's number thirteen, and blackouts coming everywhere. Don't you see where we're at? We're at the end time.

62"Scoffers shall rise in the last day, saying, 'There's no difference in the time than what it was, than when our fathers fell asleep.'"

But when you see these things begin to happen, raise up your head, get ready. Something could happen at any time, Christ come for His Church.

63 Now, they don't believe it, because it is a... it's a... They, they're suppo-... They don't realize that they're the ones that's fulfilling the Scriptures. The people really don't realize that, doing these things and saying these things, they're fulfilling the Scriptures.

How little did Caiaphas, the high priest, and all those priests in that day, that scoffed and made fun of Him, didn't know that, the very God that they were singing about, "My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?" The 22nd Psalm, "My hands and My feet they pierced." Singing that in the temple, and Him dying out there on the cross. Little did they know they were doing it. Even Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive them. They don't know what they're doing." Because, they were actually predicted, by the Scriptures, to be blind.

64 Did you know the Protestant and Catholic church is predicted, in the last days, to be blind, the same thing, to the Scriptures, with Christ on the outside, trying to get in? "Because thou sayest, 'I am rich, and have need of nothing,' knowest thou not that thou art miserable, poor, wretched, naked, and blind, and don't know it," Revelation 3. There you are, back to the blindness again, trampling over the things of God, as if (they) It didn't mean nothing to them, scoffing and making fun of It. That's what the Bible said.

65 But, to the Church, the Bride, the Rapture is a revelation to Her. It's revealed to Her. That, the revelation, the true Bride of Christ will be waiting for that revelation of the Rapture.

66Now, it is a revelation, for the revelation is faith. You cannot have a revelation without it being faith. Faith is a revelation, because it's something that's revealed to you. Faith is a revelation. Faith is something that has been revealed to you, like it was to Abraham, that could call anything contrary to what had been revealed to him, as though it wasn't so. Now, faith, that's what faith is, is the revelation of God. The Church is built upon a revelation, the whole entire Body.

67 Here a few weeks ago, I was talking to a fine Baptist minister. He come up to discuss with me. He said, "I like you as a man, but," said, "you're all mixed up."

I said, "Then, I pray you help me get straightened out," (he said...) "with the Scripture."

He said, "We'll never be able, Brother Branham, to get the things together till we get every Word upon Word, upon Word, exactly with the Greek, and so forth."

68I said, "Oh, sir, you know better than that." I said, "Even in the Nicaea Council, way back as far as that, three hundred years from the death of Christ, they were still debating which Greek scholar was right. You can know. It's a revelation, the whole thing. Is re-..."

He said, "I cannot accept revelation."

I said, "Then how can you accept Christ?"

He said, "Why, the Bible said, 'He that believeth is... on Jesus Christ, has everlasting Life.'"

69I said, "That is true. It also says that no man can call Jesus the Christ only by the revelation of the Holy Ghost that's revealed it to him." See? There you are, right back around again, falls right back to the revelation. It's got to be revealed, in the Bible.

70 Cain and Abel didn't have a Bible to read, but it was revealed to Abel, by faith, which is a revelation. Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain. Which, God testified that he was righteous.

When Jesus was asked here, Matthew 16:17 and 18. We haven't time to read it, but if you want to write it down. He said, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"

"One of them said You're 'Moses, Elias, or so forth.'"

He said, "But Who do you say I am?"

71He said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

72He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. My Father which is in Heaven has revealed This to you. Upon this rock," the spiritual revelation of Who God is, Who Jesus is. And He is the revelation of God, God made in flesh and revealed to the world.

"He was in the world. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, revealing what God was, in a body of flesh."

"Thou art the Christ, the anointed One, the Son of God."

73He said, "Flesh and blood never revealed this to you, but My Father which is in Heaven has revealed this to you. Upon this rock I'll build My Church, the revelation of the Word in Its season. I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against It."

74 The Book of the Revelations is the last Book of the Bible. It's sealed to unbelievers. In there, the Bible says, in 22nd chapter, "Whosoever shall take one Word from It, or add one word to It, I'll take his part from the Book of Life." We realize that, then, it was altogether given for believers. And It opens the Book of Revelations and reveals Who the Author of this entire Book is. "He is to look upon as Alpha and Omega," from Genesis to Revelations, Jesus Christ just the same, right straight through. And reveals His complete mystery of Himself, and His plans for His church ages that's to come, and was sealed in there by Seven Seals.

75 Now, the Book was written, but then, remember, It was sealed with Seven Seals. And these Seven Seals was not to be opened (Revelations 10) until the sounding of the last earthly angel on earth, Revelations 10:7. See? "And in the days of the sounding of the last angel's Message, seventh angel, the mystery of God should be finished in that age." That, and that's the age that we're living in.

76We all know we're living in the Laodicea Age. There will never be another age to it. It can't be. So, we're living in the Laodicea Age. And these Seven Seals that's held that Book, is a mystery to people, should be opened at that day. That's what He promised. Now, it won't be nothing outside the Word, because you can't add to the Word or take from the Word. It's got to remain always the Word. But the revelation is to reveal the Truth of It, what It is, to make It fit with the rest the Scripture. And then God vindicates that to be the Truth. See?

77 God don't need no interpreter. He is His Own interpreter. He does His Own interpretation by bringing to pass the things that He said would happen. Like, in the beginning, He said, "Let there be light," and there was light. That don't need any interpretation. It was vindicated.

78Now, He promised certain things in this last day, in the Scripture. Why, there it was.

That's how Jesus was the Son of God. He promised to send Him. When He was in His days here on earth, and the people couldn't believe Him, He said, "Search the Scripture, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me. If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not. But if you can't believe Me, believe the works that I do, 'cause they testify Who I am."

79 Well, then, in Wesley's age, the works that he did testified who he was.

In Luther's age, on reformation, why, sure, it testified who he was.

80In the days of the Pentecostals, the restoring back of the gifts, the restoration of the gifts, speaking in tongues and casting out devils, and the gifts, why, it testified. There was no joke about it. People said, when it first raised up... I read the books on the history of Pentecost. They said, "It can't last long. It'll burn down." It's still burning. Why? Is because you'll never put it out. God said it would be there. It's that portion of the Word, and no more could you put that out.

And then when the Bride is being called out, how you going to put it out? It's the revelation of the manifestation of the Word made true. And we're living in that day; praise be to God; the revelation of the mystery of Hisself.

81 Now, the Rapture is only... This Rapture that we're talking about, is only for the Bride. Remember, the Bible said, "And the rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years." This great Rapture! If there's not a Rapture, friends, where are we at? What are we going to do? What age are we living in? What promise do we have? There is going to be a Rapture. The Bible says there will be. And it'll be only for the elected, the Elected Lady, the Bride in this day, that's pulled out, the Church.

82The very word, church, means "called out of." As Moses called a nation out of a nation, the Holy Spirit is calling a Bride out of a church; a Church out of a church; members, from every denomination, making up a Bride, Bride tree. It's in the--in the tape, The Bride Tree. A Bride coming out, call, and that's the one that the Bride tree is. The--the Bride, rather, is the One that's going to be in the Rapture; that, alone, nothing but the Bride, the elected ones foreknown by God from the beginning, the Father's spiritual genes.

Let me just stop here a minute. And I keep getting nervous, thinking I'm going to hold you, going to hold you too long.

83 But, notice, look, each one of you people. Do you know, years before you were born, you were in your father as a gene? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's right. A germ, a seed, was in your father; comes from the male sex, not the female. See? Female furnishes the egg, a bedding ground. But the germ come from the fa-... Now, say, in my father...

84Or, my son setting here, when I was sixteen years old, my son was in me. I didn't know him, but he was there. Now, through a bedding ground, through holy wedlock, he becomes in the image of me. I know him. I can fellowship with him. And he come just at the time when it's the right time.

85 Now, so were you in, if you've got Eternal Life, you were a... in God before there ever was a world. You are a part, a son of God, an attribute of God. He knowed the very age you were coming. He predestinated you to that age, to take that place, and no one else can take it; care how many impersonations and things. You've got to be there, because He knew you would be there. Now you are made manifest. Now you can fellowship with Him, and that's what He wants. He's longing for fellowship, to be worshipped. But if your life did not... always was as an attribute in God, you're just a mimic of Christianity. See? There'll be millions and billions of them, they'll just be mimics of Christianity.

86 A remark that I made just recently. I was watching Brother Demos Shakarian over there, when they was having hybreeding cattle, watch the test tubes, and so forth, being taken in by doctors, and watching these things.

87In the literal discharge of the male, there's somewhat a million germs comes forth from the male at each time. And somewhat a million eggs comes from the female at--at the same time. But did you know, in all them little germs moving around, a million of them, there is only one of them ordained to life, and there's only one egg fertile? And that little germ will crawl right up through every one of them other little germs, right over the top of every little germ looking just like him, and come over the top of that and come over here, and find that fertile egg and crawl into it. And then all the rest of them die. Why, talk about the virgin birth, oh, it's not half as mysterious as a physical birth, how it's foreordained, predestinated by God!

88Now, in the beginning, way back, way years ago before there was a time began, you, if you are a born-again Christian, tonight, you were in God then, your Father. That's why, when you come into this life here and profess Christianity, well, everything going wrong, you've wondered why this is, and all this. It, you wondered at it. But, one day, Something struck you. What was It? That Life that was down in there, from the beginning. And if it...

89 Like my little story about the eagle, finding it, its mother finding the eagle. You've heard me preach on that, how that little eagle was hatched under a hen. But she, her habits of trying to feed them--them chickens, the little eagle couldn't stomach it, because he wasn't a chicken, to begin with. Yet, he was in the pen with the chickens, and follow the chicken. But she would scratch in the barnyard and things, and the little eagle couldn't stand it. But every time she would cluck and everything, all the little chickens go, so he would go too. But one day...

90His mother knew that she had laid two eggs, not one. There had to be another one, somewhere. She went to hunt it, flying around, circling. Finally she come over the barnyard, and she found her baby, and she screamed to him. It was a voice, that, he realized that that's the thing that fit. That was what he's looking for, see, and he realized then that he wasn't a chicken. He was an eagle.

And that's the way, every born-again Christian, when you come. I don't care how many denominations you joined, how many names, you put your name on the books and things. When that real Word of God is vindicated and made true before you like that, you realize you're an eagle, right there. Because, all this clucking of the hen, "You join this and join this, and go this way and that way," it's nonsense. It's a genuine, adding Word to Word.

91 When a germ comes into the womb of--of the female, it don't take on... You, you didn't become a human germ from your father, and then the next thing you become a germ from a dog, and the next thing from a cat, the next thing from a chicken. It was all human germ.

And the Body of Jesus Christ, the Bride, will be part of His Body. Which will... He was the Word, and the Bride will have to be the Word; Word added to Word, add to Word. Luther's justification, Wesley's sanctification, pentecostal's baptism of the Holy Spirit, restoration of the gifts, and all the rest of It, goes with It. See? It's got to be Word on top of Word, germ on top of germ, Life on top of Life, to bring out the full stature of the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, remember, you was an attribute.

92 And now, the thing of it is, after we find out these things, that Christ is Coming for His Bride, now how do we get into that Bride? That's the question.

Many say, "Join our congregation." One of them wants a certain type of baptism. One wants to do this or that. One said, "You must speak with tongues, or you haven't got It." The other one said, "You don't have to speak with tongues." This one says, "You must dance in the spirit." This says, "You must shout." This, "Got a sensation." It's all all right, and then, still, it's all wrong.

How could a man that's... or a woman, or a child of God, that's born of the Spirit of God, deny the Word of God? When, God Himself interpret It and say, "This is It. I promised It. Here It is," showing It just as plain as It can. Why, they're bound to see It. See? How could Christ deny His Own Word? And if Christ is in you, It can't deny His Own Word.

93 Then how do we get into this Body? First Corinthians 12, "By one Spirit we're all baptized into this Body, by one Holy Spirit baptism." That, if you want to put that down, it's First Corinthians 12:13. "And by one Spirit we are all baptized." And the Spirit is the Life of Christ. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Life of Christ! And the life of any seed... Which, He was the Word Seed, brings the Seed to Life. You get it? If that--if that Life is laying in the Seed, and this baptism of the Holy Spirit comes upon It, it's bound to bring that Seed Life.

94 As I told you, here at Phoenix, not long ago. I was talking to Brother John Sharrit. I was out there, and he showed me a tree, a citrus. He--he raised a lot of citrus fruit. And he showed me one tree, it had eight or nine different kinds of fruit on it. And I said, "Brother Sharrit, what kind of tree is that?"

Said, "An orange tree."

I said, "Why is the lemon, and the tangerine, and tangelo, and grapefruit?"

He said, "It's all citrus fruit. They're grafted."

"Oh," I said, "I see. Now, next year, it'll all have oranges. Be..."

95"Oh, no. Each tree will bear its own. Each limb will bear its own fruit."

96 Many of you fruit growers know that, here in this citrus valley. It'll bear its own. You put a lemon branch in an orange tree, it'll bear lemons, 'cause it's the nature of a citrus fruit. Yet, it won't bear the original fruit.

And that's what we've done. We've grafted in, taken in with creeds, and so forth, and grafted in each, Here. How can the Methodists bring forth anything but a Methodist child? How can any denomination bring forth anything but a denominational child?

97But if that tree ever puts out an original branch, it'll bring forth oranges.

And then if God ever does anything in the Church, it'll be original, back with the Word again. Exactly. It has to be, 'cause the Life is in the Tree, and It bears Its own kind.

98 Now, when we find out, now, there's that big church has moved down, through the ages, bearing its fruit. And as the limbs quit, they prune them off. In Saint John 15, never pruned the Vine out, now. He took the branches off, cut them out, because they wasn't bearing any fruit. And--and we...

99Jesus wants fruit of, for Hisself. His Wife must bring forth the kind of a children that He is.

Then, if it don't bring forth children, Bride children, Word children, then it's the denominational child. Then, her first love, for the world and denomination, she's gone back to that. And it can't bring forth a real, genuine, born-again Christian, 'cause there's nothing there to bring It forth.

100Just like if you take a lemon branch and stick it in there, it'll bring a lemon, but it can't bring a orange, because it wasn't there at the beginning. But it was ordained at the beginning, foreknowledge of God, predestinated and born, it has to bring forth an orange. It can't bring nothing else.

101 That's the way with the Church of the living God, when the hour comes. Everybody... You let God start to do something, everybody has got the ball and gone. See? It's always been that way.

I was reading in history, of Martin Luther, here not long ago. Said, "The... It wasn't so hard to believe that Martin Luther could protest the Catholic church and get by with it. But," said, "the strange thing, that he could hold his head above all the fanaticism that followed his revival, and still stay straight on his justification." See? Just everything, impersonations and everything, followed him.

102 Look at Mrs. Semple McPherson, Aimee Semple McPherson, that had this temple over here. Every lady preacher had them wings, and packed the Bible the same way, just--just carnal impersonations!

They can't be original. That's the way the churches can't be. You let one church get something another in the city, the other church can't stand it. They get it. See? They're not original any more.

God's Word is original. It's the Word, and It has to bring forth Its kind; Its kind in Its season, elected, predestinated by the Father, God.

103Now how do we get in this Church? "By one Spirit we are all baptized into this one Body, Body of Christ," which is the Bride, the Word. "Baptized in there by the Holy Spirit."

104 Now let's notice whether we're in the last age, or not. Now we find out, if we turn back in Genesis, about the, oh, about the 5th chapter, you can also turn to Luke and find out, that Enoch was the seventh from Noah. Enoch.

There catches the serpent's seed. For, if Cain was Abel's son, then he was the eighth. See? But nowhere in the Bible it said that Cain was Abel's son... or Cain--or Cain was Adam's son. Because, that, the Bible said, "He was of that evil one." And Adam wasn't the evil one. See? "He was of the evil one."

105 Now we find here that Enoch was the seventh from Noah, which was a type of the church ages. Now, all of the rest of the six men, before him, died, but Enoch was translated. Enoch was raptured, the seventh, showing that it's the seventh church age that takes the Rapture. Now, there's no doubt, we're in the seventh church age. We all know it.

106Now, it's the seventh church age that takes the Rapture. All of the other six died. But Enoch was translated, because, "He was not found. God took him." But Enoch, raptured, was a type of all of the rest of them dying. But the--the end-time Bride will be called out of the... The rapturing, without death, will be called out of the seventh church age, which we are now bearing record of that age. Oh, my! Let's dig in now, real deep. See?

107 Now, here, also, a type of the seven church ages, which, in Revelation 10:7, that the great mystery of the Book was to be unfolded by the seventh angel's Message.

108Now, there's a Messenger above, always, and a messenger on earth. The English word angel means "a messenger." And in the seventh angel's Message, while he was making his proclaiming, his ministry, "then when he begin to sound forth his ministry," not when he started out.

Jesus, when He started out, He started healing the sick and afflicted. "Oh, that great Rabbi! He's a Prophet." Everybody wanted Him in his church.

But when He set down one day, and said, "I and My Father are One," that was different. That was different. "And except you eat the flesh of the son of Man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

"Why, He's a vampire!" See? See? That was different.

He didn't explain it. They had already seen the manifestation, the vindication of the Word of God for His age, made real and proved to them that He was that Messenger of that age. And He didn't have to explain nothing.

109Those disciples might not have been able to explain It. But they believed It, whether they could explain It or not. They set right still and believed It. How could they tell if they was going to eat His flesh and drink His Blood? Why, it was impossible for them to do it. But they believed It, because they were ordained. Jesus said He "chose them before the foundation of the world." See? They believed it. Whether they could explain it, or not, they still believed It.

110 Now watch, now, in the seventh church age, "When the seventh angel begins to sound, the mysteries of God was to be made known right there," the Seals.

That, the reformers that... been they had time. Luther didn't live long enough, neither did Wesley. The ages didn't live long enough, them reformers. They had their message of that day, and the people grasped it and denominated it. And what is it?

111 You can never beat nature. Nature always testifies. God runs in continuity with nature. It has to.

Like the sun. The sun rise in the morning, it's a little baby born. It's weak, ain't got much heat to it. Ten o'clock, it's coming out of high school. Middle the day, it's entering into life. Three o'clock in the afternoon, it's getting old. Five o'clock, it's dying. Old and weak again, going back to the grave. Is that the end of it? It rises again, the next morning. See?

112Look at the trees, how they put forth their leaves, everything that they do. Now we find out, the leaves drop off the tree, go back. What? The life goes down to the root of the tree. Is that the end of it? Comes back next spring, with new life.

113 Now watch the churches, how it's done the same thing in the reformation. It come up. That corn of wheat fell in the ground and died, under the dark-age persecution. It went into the ground. It had to die. Any man, spiritual, can see that. Unless that seed dies and rot, it abides alone. And it had to go into ground, under the dark age. It laid there, rotted. And come forth in two little blades of the Lutheran church. Out of the Lutheran church, brought off more blades, Zwingli and so forth. From that come on up into the tassel, which was John Wesley, the great missionary age. It dropped back. Out of there come that deceiving age, that Pentecostal age. That corn of wheat, that...

114Anybody ever, here, ever raise any wheat? You look at that wheat when you look at it. When you go out there, say, "I've got wheat." You look like you got a wheat there. Open it up real close and watch. You haven't got no wheat at all. You got a shuck. Didn't Jesus warn us that, in Matthew 24:22... -four? "In the last days, that, the two spirits would be so close together, it would deceive the elected wheat Itself if it was possible." See? Now watch. It's a carrier.

115 Now, the Life that come up through Luther was what made Wesley. The Life that come out of Wesley is what made Pentecost. The Life that comes out of Pentecost makes the wheat. But they are carriers. See? The real Life goes through there. The Message goes through, but It's heading on up into the wheat. That's the reason the wheat come up and brings the whole thing in the Rapture, up here at the top. The Bride, Itself, comes out of each age. But the denominational stalk dies, dries up and dies. Have you noticed, this last days, how it's begin to pull away now? When that wheat begins to grow, then the--the shuck begins to get away from It.

116 Look back in that little wheat when you look at it. Pull it open like this, and look into it and see. You got a little bud of wheat back there. You have to take a thirty-power scope to look into it, to see the little bud of wheat back there. See?

It's way back in there, but It starts growing. Now, that shuck has to be there, to shelter That, to give It a chance to get out. But then when It begins to grow and the Message begins to spread, then the shuck pulls away from It. And the Life goes right out of that shuck, right into the wheat. Goes on! That's the way each age done. It just--it just can't beat nature. It's... That's God's continuity, the way He does things.

117 And now that's the age that we're living in right now, the seventh church age. Now, it's all to be manifested in the grain of wheat at the end, another come back. Now, if you take Luke the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man begins to reveal Himself." What is reveal? Make His revelation of what He is in this day. Reveal, out to the people, the Word that's made known for the day. Reveal, to the people, by the manifestation of Holy Spirit making that Jesus live among us. And, remember, He was represented there in a man. A man! He said, "As it was..." Now, He read same Bible we read, Genesis. Now, we notice in that Genesis chapter there, when Jesus was speaking about it.

118 We find there, that, in that, with His back turned to that tent, and Sarah in the tent. He said, He asked a question. And she didn't believe that what was going to happen could happen. He said, "Now, Abraham, I'm going to visit you according to the time of life." See? And Sarah, in the tent, laughed about it. He said, "Why did Sarah laugh, in the tent, saying, 'How can these things be?'"

119Jesus promised. And That was Him. Abraham called Him, "Elohim," the Almighty. That was Him. Now, the Bible predicts that it will return again in the last days. Jesus said so. "And when you see these things begin to come to pass," just remember, when this starts to taking place like that then, that, "you know that the time is nigh at the door."

120 Look at the world itself. Look at the world, Sodom, if there ever was a Sodom. Look at the people perverted in such a perverting. Their minds are perverted. They don't know what common decency is. Look at the outlaw... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... sexuals and everything.

And look at our women, what a rampage it's made. Look what a rampage of indecency, immoral amongst our women. And not only our...

You say, "That's Methodists." That's Pentecostals, too. It's the whole thing.

121Look at our men. They hang, instead of the Word of God, in some little tradition of denomination. They hang onto it, instead of coming out when they see God make Hisself known perfectly. The reason, they're blind. They can't see It. They never will see It.

Now watch what takes place here in this, while we hurry.

I think that lady wants us to leave. I seen her motion her hand, something another about she wants us to get out, so we better hurry.

122 So now notice Enoch, the type of the Church. Here he's also typed in the seventh church age. Can you think of that? The seventh church age! Notice. "At the sounding of..."

123How many believes there's been seven messengers for the seven chur-... Oh, we all believe it, if we believe the Bible. If we don't believe the Bible, course, see, we don't believe it. But, there has been.

124Now we're living in the seventh church age. And when the Bible said that, this seventh church age, "When the messenger of the seventh church age begins to sound his Message, that the mysteries of all the things that's been twisted up, down through the age, would be revealed in that time." Here we see it, the Son of man coming among His people and doing just exactly, confirming His Message as He said He would do. Here we find it, in this last age now.

125And the seven watches, like the seven watch, of one come. He didn't come the first watch, second, third, fourth, but come in the seventh watch. That was Enoch, the seventh, which was translated. And Noah, being a type of the remnant of Jews, is to be carried over. Now, in the Bible times, talking about the watches. And nights were not divided into hours, in the Bible time.

126 Now listen closely. Cause, I'll hurry now, 'cause they want the room. No. The Bible was not divided, or--or...

127The night was not divided in hours, in the Bible time. It was divided in watches. There was three watches. Now, the first watch started at from nine until twelve. The second watch started from twelve to three. And the third watch of the night was counted from three to six. Now we got three, three three's, which is a nine, imperfect number. Then we come back to the seven for the Rapture, which will take place, I believe, between six and seven o'clock... or six and nine o'clock, some morning. "For the trumpet of the Lord shall sound."

On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise,

And the glory of His resurrection share;

When His chosen ones shall gather to their homes beyond the sky,

When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.

128 The word Rapture, in the Bible, is not even used at all. We just put that word there. The Bible says, "caught up; being caught up." We read here in Second Thessalonians... Or, First Thessalonians, it is the order of this great Rapture that will take place in the last days. Listen to this here. We're going to begin here with 13th verse.

... I would not have you... ignorant, brethren, concerning those which are asleep, that you sorrow not, even as others that have no hope.

For if we believe... Christ died and rose again, even so them... which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

For we say this unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord shall not prevent... (That word prevent means to "hinder.")... those that are asleep.

For the Lord himself shall descend...

Now listen close.

... the Lord himself shall descend from the heavens with a shout, and with the voice of the archangel, and... the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:...

129 Now, I want you to notice a great thing taking place here now. Don't miss this. See? Now notice. The Word says here, in Second Thessalonians, that there is three things. Notice. From the 13th to the 16th verse, there is three things that has to happen before the Lord Himself appears. Quickly now, so we can close. See? The first thing happens... Notice: a shout, a voice, a trumpet. Let's read It now and see if that's right. See?

For the Lord himself (16th verse) shall descend from heaven with a shout, and with the voice of the archangel, and... the trump of God:...

130 Three things happens. A voice... A shout, a voice, a trumpet, has to happen before Jesus appears. Now, a shout... Jesus does all three of them when He's--He's--He's--He's descending.

A shout, what is the shout? It's the Message going forth, first, the living Bread of Life bringing forth the Bride.

131Now, God has a way of doing things. And He never changes His policy. He never changes His po-... He's the unchanging God. In Amos 3:7, He said, "He would do nothing on the earth until first He revealed it to His servants the prophets." And just as certain as He promised it, He'll do it.

132 Now, we've come through the church ages. But we're promised in the last days, according to Malachi 4, that there would be a return again, a prophet in the land. That's right. Notice his nature, what he would be like. He's alway...

God uses that spirit five times: once in Elijah; in Elisha; in John the Baptist; call out the Church; and the remnant of the Jews. Five times, "grace," J-e-s-u-s, f-a-i-t-h, and it's the number of grace. See? All right.

133 Now, remember, the Message is promised. And when all these mysteries has been all so bundled up by a bunch of ecclesiasties, it will take a--a direct prophet from God to reveal It. And that's exactly what He promised to do. See?

134Now, remember, "The Word of the Lord comes to the prophet," not the theologian. The prophet, he is a reflector of God's Word. He can't say nothing; he can't say his own thoughts. He can only speak what God reveals. Even to the prophet Balaam when he was tried to be sold, sell his right, he said, "How can any prophet say anything but what God puts in his mouth?" It's a thing that God does, that you can't say nothing else. And you're born that way. No more than you could...

135 If you could say, "I--I--I can't open my eyes," when you're looking. See? You can't. You can't reach your hand, when you can. See? You can't be a dog when you're a human. See? You're just made thus.

And God has always, too, in the ages, through Isaiah, Jeremiah and all, the Elijah, in the ages gone by. When the ecclesiastical group would get everything all mixed up, He would send a prophet, raise him up from nowhere. He belonged to none of their situations, and speak His Word. Called off a scene, and gone, just rugged men of the Truth of God. And it's always the way you could tell him. He said, "If there be one among you who is spiritual or a prophet..."

136 Now, prophets. There's such a thing as "gift of prophecy" in the Church; but a prophet is predestinated and foreordained for the hour. See? Yes, sir. Now, if a prophecy goes forth, two or three has to set and judge whether that's right or not, 'fore the church can receive it.

137But nobody set before a prophet, 'cause he was--he was absolutely the Word of God. He was that Word in his day. You seen God reflect. Now, God has promised to send us that again in the last days, to bring the Bride out of that ecclesiastical mess, in the only way it can be done.

138 It'll never be done; the church can't receive Christ. We, the Pentecostals, we can't carry this Message on in the condition the church is in today. How we going to carry out the end time in the condition they're in today, when every one against the other, and everything else, and ecclesiastically? Oh, mercy! It's a mess. It's done gone in denominations. And any time... I ask any historian to--to--to say different. Every time that a message went forth in the earth, and when they organized it, it died right there. And Pentecost done the same thing that they all did, the Pentecost that come out.

139 You, Assemblies of God, when your forefathers and mothers come out of them organizations back there, in the old General Council, shouted and praised God, and talked against those things. And you turn, "like a dog to its vomit, and a hog to its wallow," and done the same thing that they did. And now so ecclesiastical, you shut up your bowels of compassion. You have to have a fellowship card before you can even associate with you, hardly.

140You, oneness, God given you a message like that, and instead of you going ahead, and just keeping humble and go ahead, you had to turn loose and organize your group. And where are you all at? The same bucket. That's exact.

And God's Spirit, moving on. "I the Lord have plant It. I'll water It, day and night. Lest some should..." He ordained these things to be, and He must send This.

141 The first thing comes, when He starts descending from the Heaven, there's a shout. What is it? Is a Message, to get the people together. A Message comes forth, first. Now, lamp-trimming time, "Rise and trim your lamps." What watch was that? The seventh, not the sixth. The seventh, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh. Rise and trim your lamps." And they did. Some of them found they didn't even have any Oil in their lamp. See? But it's lamp-trimming time.

It's Malachi - 4 time. What He prom-... Is Luke 17. It's--it's Isa-... All those prophecy that It can perfectly set in order for this day, in the Scripture, we see it living right there. There's no...

142 See these things happen, my dear brother, sister. When, God in Heaven knows I could die on this platform right now. You--you just ought to walk around a while. It's just... It's tremendous, when you see God come from the Heaven, stand before groups of men, and stand there, declare Himself just as He ever did. And that's the Truth, and this Bible open. See? Right. We're here.

143And the denominational system is dead. It's gone. It'll never rise again. It'll be burned. That's what you do with the husk on the field. Flee from it. Get into Christ. Don't say, "I belong to Methodist. I belong to Baptist. I belong to Pentecostal." You get into Christ.

If you're in Christ, there's not a Word written in Here but what you believe It. I don't care what anybody else said. And then God makes that thing manifested. Cause, you, when He pours the Spirit upon the Word, what happens? Just like putting water on any other seed. It'll live, and It'll bring forth of Its kind.

144 You say, "I got the baptism, the Holy Ghost." That don't mean that you're saved, not by a long ways.

145Looky here. You are a triune being. You are. Inside this little fellow here is the soul, the next is the spirit, and next is the body. Now, you got five senses in this body, to contact your earthly home. They don't contact the rest of it. You got five senses of the spirit, here: love and conscience, and so forth, of that. But in here is where you live. That's what you are.

146Didn't Jesus say, "The rain falls on the just and the unjust"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Put a cocklebur out here, and a wheat out there, and pour water on them, and keep them under fertilize and things like that, won't they both live by the same water? ["Amen."] Sure. Well, what is it? One of them will bear a cocklebur, 'cause that's all he is. The cocklebur will raise his hands and shout just the same as the wheat.

147 Don't the Bible say, "In the last days, there shall come false Christs"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Not "false Jesus," now. "False Christs," anointed ones, falsely anointed to the Word; denominational anointed, but not to the Word.

For, the Word will bear record of Itself. It don't need nothing else. It'll bear record to Itself.

"And there will come false anointed ones." You got my tape on that. And that anoi-...

Oh, if you'd call one of them, say, "Oh, you, are you a Jesus?"

"Oh, certainly not." They wouldn't stand for that.

148But when it comes to an "Oh, glory! I got the anointing!" And it's the genuine anointing. Remember, Caiaphas had It, too, and prophesied. So did Balaam have It, and prophesied.

But that don't have nothing to do with this, inside. Unless that was God's seed, His gene from the beginning, predestinated, you're finished. I don't care how much you shout, speak with tongues, run, shout. That has nothing to do with it.

A cocklebur can count just as much as any the rest of them. I've seen heathens raise, and shout, and speak in tongues, and--and drink blood out of a human skull, and call on the Devil. See? So you don't... Any of them sensations and things, forget it.

It's your heart in that Word, and that's Christ. Bring in there, and watch It make Itself known, just as It opens up like any other seed, and declares Itself for the age It's living in.

149 Luther could bring nothing but sprig. These others could bring these other things. We're in the wheat age now.

Luther's genuine Luthers had to bring forth genuine Luther. Genuine pentecost had to bring genuine pentecost. That's all. But we're past that age, and going on.

150You know, the Catholic church, started out, the pentecostal? And if the Pentecostal church would stand two thousand years, it'd be in worse shape than what Catholic is now. That's exactly. I say that to my brethren, my sisters, who I love. And God knows that. But remember, friends, I got to meet you yonder at the Judgment. And that may not be too long. I've got to bear record of what's the Truth.

151 When I went forth into the meetings with you, praying for the sick, it was fine. But, when I come with a Message! If any Message goes forth, it's a true Message...

If it's the true, genuine miracles of God, and hangs right in that organization, you know it's not of God, 'cause that thing is already declared.

Jesus went forth and healed the sick, in order to catch their eyes, the people, then His Message. That's right.

It has to have something that God is going to introduce. He just... Divine healing, His miracles like that, just catch the eyes of the people. The main heart of It is the Message. There's what is, what comes from in here. He's trying to get the favor of the people, so they'll set and listen to Him, see, for there's some in there that's ordained to Life.

Some of the grain, wheat, fell on ground, the birds picked it up. And others fell amongst thorns. And some was, went on prepared ground, pre-prepared ground, and brought forth.

152 Now, it's the first thing, is the sounding. The first thing is a trumpet and a... or a voice... A shout; and then a voice; and then a trumpet.

Shout: a messenger getting the people ready.

The second is a voice of the resurrection: the same voice, that, a loud voice in Saint John 11:38-44, that called Lazarus from the grave.

Getting the Bride together; and then the resurrection of the dead, see; to be caught up with It. Now watch the three things takes place. The next is what? Was a trumpet. A voice... A shout; a voice; a trumpet.

153 Now, the third thing, is a trumpet. Which, always, at the Feast of Trumpets, is calling the people to the feast. And that'll be the Bride's Supper, the Lamb's Supper with the Bride, in the sky. See?

154The first thing comes forth is His Message, calling the Bride together. The next thing is a resurrection of the sleeping Bride; the--the ones died, back in the other ages, they're caught together. And the trumpet, the Feast in the heavens, in the sky. Why, that's the thing that takes place, friends.

155We're right there, ready now. The only thing, the Church coming out, has got to lay before the Son, to ripen.

The great combine will come by, after while. The wheat will be burned, the stalks, but the grain will be gathered into Its garner. See?

156 You're not blind people. You're--you're sensible people.

And if I stood here and said those things for prejudice? I say It because It's Life, because I'm responsible to God for saying It. And I must say It, and my Message. All the time, knowing, back there under healing and so forth like that, was just to catch the people's attention, knowing the Message would come. And here It is. And them Seven Seals opened, those mysteries, and showing those things is what's happened. I didn't know it.

157But there is men standing right here now, was standing right with me. When, you all heard me preach that sermon: Sirs, What Time Is It? That morning, exactly where It said It would be, there stood seven Angels standing right there, from the Heaven. And as They went up, and the whirlwind taking Them up there, we standing, watching as They went away, science took the picture of It, all the way across the nations, down into Mexico.

158 And there, when I was watching, one day, when I started preach these Seven Church Ages. And I called Jack Moore, a great theologian. I said, "Jack, Who is this Person standing there? 'There is One like the Son of man standing there, hair as white as wool.'" I said, "He was a young Man, how could He have hair as white as wool?"

159He said, "Brother Branham, that was His glorified body." That didn't ring the bell.

But when I went in the room and started praying, He let me know what it was. See?

160I've always preached that He was Deity, not just a man. He was God manifested in the flesh: God, the attribute of God, of love; the great attributes that come down, displayed here on earth, of God. Jesus was God's love, which built a body that Jehovah Himself lived in. He was the fulness of the Godhead bodily. What God was, He manifested through that body. That body had to die, so He could wash the Bride with His--with His--with His Blood.

161 And notice, not only is the Bride washed, forgiven, but She is justified. See? Did you ever try the word justified, to see what it means?

Now, for instance, if Brother Green heard that I had been drinking, I been doing bad things, then he found out that I didn't do it. Then he come, say, "I forgive you, Brother Branham."

162"You forgive me? I never done it. What you forgiving me about?" See? But if I'm guilty, then I can be forgiven; but I'm still not just, because I did it.

But the word justified is "though you never done it, at all." Justified! And then the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us so from sin, till it's put in the Book of God's forgetfulness. He's the only One can do it.

163We can't. We can forgive but not forget. I could forgive you, but I always remember you done these evil things. Then, you're not just; you're forgiven.

But, in the sight of God, the Bride is justified. She never done it, in the first place. Amen. Standing there, married to the virtuous Son of God; never sinned, in the first place. Why? She was foreordained. She was trapped into this. And now when She heard the Truth and come forth, the Blood cleansed Her. And She stands there, virtuous. See? She, no sin on Her, at all.

164 Therefore, the Message calls the Bride together, see, the shout.

And the trumpet...

The same One, He, with a loud voice, He screamed out with that shout and a voice, and woke Lazarus. With a loud voice He cried, "Lazarus, come forth." See? And the voice wakes up--wakes up the sleeping Bride, the sleeping dead.

165And the trumpet, "with the sound of a trumpet." And, when it does, it calls. Always, a trumpet called Israel to the Feast of the Trumpets. See? Which, was a pentecostal Feast, the great Feast in the sky; and the Feast of the Trumpets. And, now, a trumpet do announce a calling together, "Come to the Feast." And now that is the--the Lamb's Supper in the sky.

Now watch. The assembling together; and the Bride; the Feast of the Trumpets, the Wedding Supper. We have seen it in types. Now watch just a moment before we close. Notice. We seen it in types.

166 Now, if you want to read in Matthew 18:16, It said, "There is three that bear record," see, in Saint... in First John 5:7, so forth. Three is always a witness. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It's a verification, something that's right. Three witnesses bear. "In the mouth of two or three witness, let every word be established."

167Now notice. We've had three witnesses. Three is a witness. Now, we have already had three raptures in the Old Testament. Did you know that? As a witness. Now watch. Enoch was one; Elijah was the other one; and Jesus was the other one.

Jesus, being the Keystone, now, He bare record. See? He was the Keystone between the Old and New Testament, 'cause He had to first die and then rapture. He died; come to life and walked around here with us; and then was raptured up. Because, He was the Keystone that tied the two together. After His resurrection and rapture... Look. After He did that, and proved that, the Old Testament there. We all know Enoch was translated. We know Elijah was taken up by a whirlwind, that right, in a chariot of Fire. And Jesus died, buried, rose up and lived here on earth, and then was raptured up, the Keystone. There is three, to bear record. Is that right?

168 Now, there has been one rapture already passed. You know that? That, let's see if we can't read it, right quick. Let's get Matthew, the 27th chapter. And let's get about the 45th verse of the Matthew, the 27th chapter. Let's see if we can't get that right quick, and see if--if we can't get just a little bit out of this, would help us, right quickly. 27:45, I believe, I got wrote down here. Let's read.

Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth...

And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabach-...? which to say,... my God, why has thou forsaken me?

Some of them that stood by,... heard it, and said, This man calls... Elias.

And straightway one of them ran, and took a spunge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave it to him to drink.

The rest said,... let us see whether Elias will come and save him.

Jesus, when he had cried... with a loud voice, yielded up...

"A loud voice." Loud voice! Watch.

When Jesus, dying, screamed with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.

And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks did rent;

And the graves were opened; and many of the bodies... the saints that slept arose,

And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

169 One rapture is passed.

Three has happened in the Old Testament, of them prepared, who the Word of the Lord came to. See? The Word of the Lord came to Enoch. The Word of the Lord came to Elijah, His prophet. See? The Word of the Lord was Jesus. See?

170Watch in the Old Testament, them Old Testament saints now, when this rapture first taken place. Notice verse 50. His loud voice awakened the Old Testament saints just exactly like the loud voice wakened Jesus... or wakened Lazarus. See? The loud voice awakened.

And the second is fulfilled in Second Thessalonians, the 4th chapter. Let's just take a read, read it. We just read, a few minutes ago. See?

... I would not have you... ignorant, brethren, concerning those... asleep, that you sorrow not, even...

That's First Thessalonians 4:12 to 18. That, that will be the second Rapture. The second Rapture will be the catching away of the Bride.

171 The Old Testament saints has gone into His Presence, paradise done away. And the Old Testament saints ascended up, at His loud voice, when He screamed and give up the ghost; because (why?) the Sacrifice, the propitiation of their sins, that they had waited on, believing that perfect Lamb was coming. They had offered the Sacrifice, the Lamb. And when He died and yielded up the ghost, He screamed with a loud voice, and the Old Testament saints awoke.

Watch the shout and the voice over here, the same thing at His Coming. See?

"Yielded up the ghost." And when He did, the Sacrifice was perfect, and paradise emptied out. And the Old Testament saints came to the earth again, walked around on earth, and entered in with Him, at His rapture.

172 David said, over there, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up." "He led captive captive, give gifts unto men," and the Old Testament saints went in with Him.

173They said, "Who is this King of righteousness?"

174"The Lord of Glory, mighty in host." Mighty host, here they come in, marching. "Jesus led captivity captive," and here He comes, with the Old Testament saints. And went in the new gates up There, and said, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up. And let the King of Glory come in."

The voice come from the inside, said, "Who is the King of Glory?"

175"The Lord mighty in battle." The gates flew open. "And Jesus, a Conqueror, led captive captive," them that had believed on Him, and the Word had come to them. There, the Old Testament saints laying in there, waiting, "He led captive captive; ascended on High," took the Old Testament saints and went in. There is one Rapture, already passed.

176The next Rapture takes place is (Second Thessalonians) for the Church, the Bride to be resurrected, to be raptured into Glory. "We which are alive and remain," that's the bodies left on earth, "will not prevent or hinder them which are asleep. For the trumpet of God shall sound first, and the dead in Christ shall rise." See? "And we which alive and remain shall caught up together with them."

177 Other day, I was standing on the street corner. And I--I was standing on... I was standing on the street corner and watching the Armistice Day parade, and when it went up, going up the street. I stood there with my little son, Joseph. There come, the first, was the old first war tanks come by, little old tanks. After that come the great Sherman tanks of the new war, and a great cannons with their muzzle blast, a--a muzzle break on them, so forth.

After there, come the soldiers; the--the--the Gold Star mothers. And then there come a float with the... on down... Well, down there come a float, and on the front of it was a grave, "to the unknown soldier." And there stood a--a soldier standing there, guard at the grave. There stood a marine on the other side, and a sailor on the other side. And there was a partition drawed. And on the other side set a Gold Star mother. She had lost her boy. There stood a young wife, with her head over on a table, crying. A little ragged boy setting sideways; and the tears running out of his face. He had lost his daddy.

I thought, "What sadness! I stand here and look, see them, old, just a few of the soldiers left; marching down there, crippled and old, like that, with their uniforms, but proudly displaying them because they were Americans."

I thought, "Oh, my God!"

178 One day, there will come a blast from Heaven, "And the dead in Christ shall rise first." Them Old Testament saints back yonder, who are waiting, will blast forth and come out of there first, and go into the resurrection. We'll drop right in line, going into the sky; these old mortal bodies changed and made like unto His Own glorious body. What a--what a parade that'll be when it starts heavenward, some of these days, in that rapturing time that lays ahead, oh, proudly displaying the Blood of Jesus Christ upon their chests, the Message of God in the hour that they lived in. That's the hour that we're looking forward to, brother.

179Looky, just in closing now. The second resurrection, all... First one is past. The second one is at hand, right now, will come to hand now.

180Now, the third one is the two witnesses of Revelations 11:11 and 12. Which, these are the ones that turns back, with the Spirit of Christ, to witness to the Jews, like Joseph did to his brethren. And remember, "Their dead bodies laid in the street, for three days and a half. Then the spirit of life came into them, and they were raptured, taken up into Heaven."

There is your three raptures of the New Testament.

Three raptures of the Old Testament; all of them past.

181Now we're ready, waiting for the raptures, the Rapture of the saints. It's been spoken, and so shall it be. When God says anything, "All heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word will never fail."

182 When God said, back there in Genesis 1, He said, "Let there be light." It might have been hundreds of years before there was any light. He said, "Let there be a palm tree. Let there be a oak tree. Let there be a desert. Let there be a mountain. Let there be this." He spoke it, you see. And as long as it went out of His mouth, in a Word, it has to be manifested. It has to be. When...

183Then one day, He called His people out. And He had spoke to a man named Moses, by a Pillar of Fire, a Light; Holy, Sacred Fire. And Moses wouldn't... The people wouldn't believe Moses, so He said, "Bring them out to this mountain."

184That morning, the mountain was all full of Fire, and flashing and thunders like that. And the people said, "Don't let God speak. Let Moses speak, see, lest we perish."

185God said, "I'll not speak to them no more like this, but I'll raise them up a prophet. And I'll speak through him, and what he says will come to pass. Then, you hear It, because I am--I am with him." Now, He spoke that. He said that it would come to pass.

186 Look at this prophet, Isaiah, standing there; a man, intelligent man, a man was thought of, well, by the king, 'cause he had lived with Uzziah. The king, which was a great man, tried to take a preacher's place, one time, and went in, got smitten with leprosy.

And that's what I told the businessmen. Don't never try to take a preacher's place. No, sir. You stay right where you're at. See? You do your work, what God put, told you to do. If you're a finger, you can never be an ear. If you're an ear, you'll never be a nose, nose or eye. See? You stay in your position.

187You heard that Message, other day, on the broadcast: Trying To Do God A Service. David, anointed king. All the people shouting and screaming, "It was right." But he never consulted God's prophet. And a man died, and the whole thing was marred. Don't try to do God a favor. You wait till it's God's term. Let it come in His way of doing it. "I'll start this big thing. It'll do this." Be careful, brother.

188 Now, David knowed better than that. Nathan was in the land, in that day. He wasn't even consulted, at all. See? He consulted captains of hundreds and thousands. All the people shouted, and screamed, and danced. Instead of... They had all the religious motion, but it wasn't in the line and order of God's Word, and it failed.

Anything else, is not in the line and order of God's Word, will fail. Only God's Word will stand forever. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but not My Word."

189 Notice Isaiah, that intelligent young man standing there. All at once, the Spirit hit him. He couldn't say no different. He was a prophet. He said, "Behold, a virgin shall conceive." "Unto us a Son is born; a Child is born, a Son is given. His Name shall be called Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father. The end of... His government shall be upon His shoulders. The end of the... There shall be no end to His reign." How could that man intelligently say that a virgin would conceive?

Everybody looked for it. It's done been spoke. It was THUS SAITH THE LORD. It had to come to pass, 'cause it was God's Word. The same as it was in Genesis, when He planted them seeds down beneath the sea, where "it was without form, and void; and water upon the deep." See? It had to come to pass. And one day, eight hundred years later, the womb of a virgin conceived the Seed of God, a created Seed. She brought forth a Son.

190That same Son stood there, one day. He said, "Lazarus, come forth." And a man that been dead four days, rotten, his nose fell in, stunk, he came forth. Said:

Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, amen, when all that's in the grave will hear the voice of the Son of God,

So, it's done been spoke. It has to happen like that. There's going to be a Rapture. Oh, my!

191 I remember, just my last Message in California, where I thought I'd never go back again, when I predicted, "Los Angeles will go beneath the ocean. THUS SAITH THE LORD." It will. She is done. She is washed. She is finished. What hour? I don't know when, but it will be sunk. Right after that, the earthquakes begin to jolt and bow.

192Remember, many of you men standing right there, that rock, that day when that Angel came down there. And that Light and Fire falling from the Heaven, around the rock where we were standing there. Rocks flang out of the mountains, and falling across there. She blasted three times, hard. I said, "Judgment will strike the West Coast." Two days after that, Alaska almost sunk.

193 Remember, that same God that said that, said, "Los Angeles is doomed." And she is finished. I don't know when. I can't tell you.

194I didn't know I said that. But this brother here, I believe it was... No. One of the Mosely's, I believe, had me out on a street out there. I didn't know what it was till I looked back. I looked back in Scripture.

And Jesus said, "Capernaum, Capernaum, how oft... You that's exalted yourself, rather, up into Heaven, shall be brought down into hell. For if the mighty works that been done in you, had been done in Sodom, it'd a stood today." And about a hundred and fifty years from there, (Sodom had already, in the earth) then Capernaum is in the water, too, today.

195 And that same Spirit of God that said all these things, and done all these things, It said there, "Oh, city, Capernaum, who called yourself by the name of the Angels, Los Angeles, how you've exalted yourself into heaven! The very root and seat of Satan, see, you've exalted yourself."

196Preachers, it's a graveyard for them. Good men go there and die like rats. What havoc!

197"You that call yourself by the name of the Angels; if the mighty works had been done in Sodom, that been done in you, it'd stood today. But your hour has come."

You watch and see. If it ain't, I'm a false prophet. See? There she is. She's laying there.

198 I remember that night, 'fore I seen that, I seen the preview of the Bride. I stood there and seen a beautiful little lady, just correctly dressed, and things, marching this way. There was Somebody standing by me, in the vision. And I seen. They said, "The preview of the Bride." I seen Her go by. They come on this side, and went around.

199I heard it coming up, the--the churches coming up from this other side. There come the Asian church. Oh, you talk about filth! Here come the European church. Oh, my! And then I heard a rock-and-roll coming, and it was Miss America, the church, and she didn't even have on any clothes. She had papers, like newspapers, gray, hold in front her, dancing by rock-and-roll; Miss America, the church.

200I stood there in His Presence. I thought, "O God, as a minister, if that's the best we could do? Oh! Oh!" You know how you feels. Then I thought, "God, hide me. If I could just get away from here. If all that we've done, and that's what we have to produce, if that's what?"

201 And then when them women passed by, all doing all kinds of rocks and things, and short hair, and painted faces. And as they passed by like that, supposed to be virgins to Christ. And when she passed by like that, I turned my head, you know, with this holding in front of me. It was--it was disgraceful, the back of them. And there they was, going like that. And I turned my head, to weeping, like that.

202I said, "I--I couldn't stand it in there. Him standing there, and me know that me, a minister of the Church, and that's what I had produced for Him." I said, "O God, I can't look at it. Let me die. Let me--let me fade away," and like that.

203And as soon as it went out, every time one of them would come, they'd go out to a certain place, then drop off. I'd just hear the sound of it as it went away.

Then I heard something like Onward Christian Soldiers. I looked, and here come that sainted bunch of little girls just exactly the way they was, all correctly dressed, their hair hanging way down on their back. Smooth, clean, marching like this, to the step of the Gospel. She was the Word. They looked like one out of every nation. I was looking at it as they passed by, and seen them pass by. Instead of going down, they started going up.

I noticed one of them trying, two or three of them trying, getting out of line. I screamed. "Stay in line." And the vision left me. And I was standing in the room, screaming, "Stay in line." Line, That.

204 Wonder, could it be already past? Could the Bride already be called? Is that what we're going through today?

She has to be molded and made into the image of Christ, and Christ is the Word. That's the only thing. See? It's in There, in the Word. It's ju-... See? There cannot be one thing added. It can't be a--a woman with a one hand like a man, and the other hand with a paw like a dog. It's got to be exactly the Word of the Lord, like He is the Word. The Bride is a part of the Bridegroom. The woman is a part of her husband, 'cause she's taken out of the husband. Eve was a part of Adam from his side. And so is the Bride, not taken from a denomination, but taken from the bosom of the Word of God for this day.

205 The Rapture!

The trumpet of the Lord shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise,

And the glory of His resurrection share;

When the chosen ones shall gather to their Home beyond the sky.

When the roll is called up yonder, let's all try to be There, friends. God bless you.

206It's been spoken. It has to come to pass. It will come to pass. And little... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

People, no one wants to die. No one wants to--to be lost. Let me tell you. Whatever you do... I don't care how well you go to church, and how loyal you are to church. That's fine; nothing against that. You should go to church. You do that. Keep on going to church. But, whatever, just throw away your traditions, and move right on up into Christ. Cause, it's going to sound one of these days, and you're going to be caught with the mark of the beast on you, and not know what it is until it's too late. That's exactly right.

207 God bless you. I'm sorry to have kept you. And remember. I've kept them too long here. That's right. And the offering that you taken for me... Which, I did not ask you to do that, brother. That's, my, that's courtesy. Take that and pay this motel the--the overtime, 'cause I kept it. I just had a few things here. I got about eight or ten more pages on that Rapture there, but I--I just didn't have time to give it. God bless you.

208Do you love the Lord Jesus? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Let's just stand still just a minute now, quietly, reverently, and remember what I've said. Remember, we're in the last hours.

These nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,

The signs that the Bible foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own."

The day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near.

You know that?

False prophets are lying. God's Truth they're denying.

We know that all is true. Don't we? [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

209How many really love Him. Raise your hand. Now, I want you, while we sing this again, shake hands with somebody near you. Say, "God bless you, pilgrim." We are pilgrims. Aren't we? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Pilgrims and stranger.

I love Him,

That's it, right across the table.

I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

210 You want to make the Rapture? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] How many is interested in making the Rapture? Say, "God, I want to make it, with all my heart."

Hold To God's Unchanging Hand, you know the song? You know it, sister? Hold To God's Unchanging Hand. I don't know what... What's it in, for that one? Huh?

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

Build your hopes on things Eternal,

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

You like that?

When our journey is completed,

If to God you have been true,

Fair and bright your home in Glory,

Your enraptured soul shall view!

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

Build your hopes on things Eternal,

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

I want you to bow your head just a moment now.

Covet not this world's vain riches,

That so rapidly decay,

Seek to gain the Heavenly treasure,

They will never pass away!

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

Build your hopes on things Eternal,

Hold to God's unchanging hand!

211 With your heads bowed, and this in mind, knowing that we're bowing our heads to the dust from which we were brought, someday we'll return, knowing that you got a soul in there that has to answer to God. And if you feel that you're not just ready for that Rapture, if It would come tonight, and you'd want to be remembered in prayer, just raise your hand. We have no place to make an altar call. Your altar is in your heart, anyhow. Raise your hand. God bless you, you, you. My!

"Feel that I'm not ready, Brother Branham. I--I, really, I--I--I want to be a Christian. I've tried to be, but there's always something missing. I--I know that I--I'm not just where I should be."

"Have mercy, God. I raise my hand. Be merciful to me."

Now, some twenty or thirty hands has been up, already, in this little group. More is going up.

212 Dear God, You know what's behind that hand, down there under the heart. I pray, dear God. There's only one thing I'm responsible for, that's, to tell the Truth. And, dear God, they want to be saved. They want to, really. They--they don't want this something that's just some emotion, some work up, some denominational system, some creed, some dogma that's been added. They understand, Father, that it takes the pure, unadulterated Word of God. Everything else will pass away, even heavens and earth, but It won't. And if we be that Word, the earth will pass from beneath us, but we can never pass away, because we are that Word, the Bride of the Groom.

213I pray for each one, that You'll grant to them, Father, is my sincere prayer. And excuse me, Father, for being so nervous tonight, jumping up here late, and--and being shaky, and saying words broke up and cut up. Somehow another, great Holy Spirit, splice them together in Your Own Divine way, and deliver them to the hearts of the people, from my heart, and the motive and the objective that in my heart I have towards You. Won't You, Lord? And save which can be saved. Draw to You, Lord. And may we be ready for that rapturing hour that's soon at hand. For I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

God bless you.

Now, the chairman of the--of the convention.