Tento starý zemský stánok tu, viete čo to je? Toto telo je ako starý kabát, ktorý nosíte. Kabát, ktorý raz nosíte. Ale teraz, máte oveľa lepší, už ho viacej nepoužívate. Čo robíte? Vešiate ho do skrine, lebo máte lepší. Máte lepší kabát. Je modernejší ako ten, ktorý ste nosili, ten obnosený. Čo? To je ten oblek. Vy ste to vnútro toho. Ten oblek vykonal len čo? On nosil váš obraz. Vidíte? Ale teraz ho už viacej nepotrebujete. Zavesili ste ho na vešiak. Je to handra. A tak je to s týmto starým telom.
Ono sa narodilo na obraz toho nebeského, jednako to nie ste vy. Vy ste vo vnútri toho tela. Vy, Duch Boží, je vo vnútra toho tela. To je to čo robí, že to vonkajšie prichádza do poddania sa, pretože to vnútro to tiahne (vidíte?), privádza to do línii s Božím Slovom: vaše vnútro, vy, vy sami, vaša bytosť.
1 Brat Boone a zhromaždenie, toto je pre mňa naozaj veľká výsada, že som znovu v San Bernardino. S týmto miestom je spojené veľa veľkých spomienok z tých uplynulých dní. A keď počujeme, že tá návšteva tu má stále živý vplyv, samozrejme, že sa z toho tešíte, že nás Pán sem nasmeroval pred rokmi.
2 Sedel som tam teraz na parkovisku a snažil som sa spomenúť si na nejakú z tých udalostí, ktoré sa tu stali. Bola tam pani Isaacsonová, ktorá ma prekladala vo Fínsku (v tej kampani po Fínsku) a ona prišla ku autu, práve keď som odchádzal. A povedala: „Ty si hlas Fínska." Som prekvapený, že pani Isaacsonová býva niekde tu. Nevedel som. Nie je tu náhodou dnes večer, zdá sa mi - pani May Isaacsonová? Ona je z Fínska.
3 Potom ďalšia zvláštna vec, na ktorú som si spomenul bola jedna čašníčka v reštaurácii, v ktorej som tu niekde blízko jedol, nazývali to Antlers Hotel. Verím, že to je práve teraz. A tá pani mala ...Modlil som sa s ňou. Bola to milá pani, ale nebola kresťanka. Pozval som ju na zhromaždenie. A ona stratila dieťa, a myslím, že jej manžel, oni boli oddelení. A modlili sme sa aby sa zmierila s manželom alebo aby sa zmierili. A tak som zvedavý či je tu tá pani.
4 A potom ďalšia udalosť, ktorá sa stala, to bolo malé dieťa, ktoré bolo prinesené odniekiaľ (asi deň cestovali), a ono zomrelo a ležalo v náručí matky a bolo privedené naspäť do života. Je to ... bola tu prítomná tá osoba? A ono prišlo, myslím, zo štátu tam hore, okolo ... To je tu vyššie. A tá matka a otec cestovali celú noc. Tá matka smutne tam sedela a držala takto svoje mŕtve dieťa a ja som rozmýšľal: „Čo za viera! Keby som bol najväčším pokrytcom na svete, Boh uctí vieru tej matky." Držal som to malé dieťatko takto na rukách a modlil som sa, ono sa zohrialo a začalo sa hýbať, otvorilo oči.. Podal som ho naspäť matke. Tak, oni boli odniekiaľ. Nemyslím, že boli letniční, oni boli len ... Myslím, že to bola nejaká cirkev kde ... Dokonca ani neviem, či boli kresťania alebo nie. Nepýtal som sa ich. Bol som potešený z toho malého dieťaťa, že bolo znovu privedené do života.
Odvtedy, brat Boone, veľa vody pretieklo cez rieku ale my stále slúžime tomu istému Bohu, ktorý zostáva ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.
5 Len sa rozhliadam, vidím tu sedieť brata Leroy Kopp. To je prvý krát čo ho vidím po dlhom čase. Pavol, správne. Leroy je tvoj otec, je to tak. Ó, v Rusku. Dobre ... Viem, keď je tam ten chrabrý vojak, on je tam v službách Kráľa. Tak som skutočne šťastný, že som tu a počujem tohoto mladého kazateľa hovoriť, že bol inšpirovaný tou službou, ktorú sme mali keď sme tu boli. Aké je to vzrušujúce.
A dúfam teraz, vediac že máme ... Ľudia stoja a nechceme ich držať príliš dlho. Pamätáme sa na tie veľké uzdravovacie zhromaždenia.
Dopočul som sa, že tu niekde v susedstve je nejaký brat, ktorý tam má kampaň s uzdravovaním, brat Leroy Jenkins. Myslím, že je to tak. A tak som veľmi vďačný, dúfam, že Pán ho žehná a dáva mu veľkú službu.
6 Ó, cítil som sa skutočne poctený dnes večer, že môžem prísť do zboru ako tento. Vždy sa cítim lepšie v zbore než ako v tých auditóriách. No, nemám nič proti auditóriám. Ale viete, to môže byť povera, alebo - zdá sa mi, že je to pravda. Viete oni ... Idete do týchto auditórií kde zápasia, zápolia, robia estrády, deje sa tam všetko možné, zdá sa akoby zlé duchy boli na takých miestach. No, to môže vyzerať ako povera, ale nie je. Ale keď prichádzate do zboru, obyčajne ... samozrejme na duchovné zhromaždenie - zdá sa, že cítite, že máte väčšiu slobodu, tak ako tu. Je niečo, je tam prítomnosť Božia, vyzerá to inak. Ja neviem aký efekt má tá budova, ale to je miesto kde sa schádzajú ľudia. Samozrejme takí istí ľudia sú na inom mieste, ale na tých zlých miestach. Možno že len ja tak rozmýšľam, ale jednako, som rád, že som tu dnes večer.
7 A teraz, nechceme vás tu držať príliš dlho, pretože stojíte. A my zajtra večer odchádzame na iné miesto tu. Ani nevie kde to je. Je to tu blízko, Orange Show Auditórium na zhromaždenie zajtra večer. Toto je medzi ... Hovorím na turné pre obchodníkov (pre skupinu obchodníkov plného evanjelia), kde som mal príležitosť hovoriť pre ních po svete. A tak tam, pozval nás sem veľmi dobrý priateľ a my sme radi, že môžeme byť dnes večer na zhromaždení.
8 No, prv ako otvoríme Bibliu ... No, každý kto má fyzickú silu ju môže takto otvoriť (vidíte?), ale na to aby nám bolo otvorené Slovo treba Ducha Svätého, aby otvoril naše chápanie a zjavil Písma. Verím v Bibliu. Verím, že to je Božie Slovo. A verím, že zem, alebo ľudia na zemi budú jedného dňa súdení podľa tohoto Slova. No to môže vyzerať zvláštne. Mnohí sa nezhodujú s týmto názorom.
9 Nedávno som sa rozprával s mojím veľmi verným priateľom ktorý je katolík a on povedal: „Boh bude súdiť svet podľa katolíckej cirkvi." Ak je to tak, podľa ktorej katolíckej cirkvi? Vidíte? Ak by ho súdil podľa metodistov, čo potom s baptistami? Vidíte? A ak ho bude súdiť podľa jednej, tí ostatní sú stratení. Tak tam je príliš veľa zmätku. Ale musíme podísť ku tomu aby sme našli pravý výrok a Biblia hovorí, že Boh bude súdiť svet skrze Ježiša Krista a On je Slovo. Ev. Jána 1: „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh ... A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." A Židom 13:8 hovorí, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky. A ja verím, že to je pravda.
10 No, verím, že Boh na počiatku, tým že je nekonečný - neobmedzený, On je konečný ... či vlastne nekonečný a my sme koneční - obmedzení. Jeho myseľ je o veľa väčšia a my vo svojich malých obmedzených mysliach nedokážeme porozumieť Jeho veľkosť, nekonečnú múdrosť. Ale preto, keď On niečo hovorí, nám sa to môže zdať veľmi zvláštne, keď Ho počujeme hovoriť nejakú vec v Písme, ale to sa musí stať. Verím že Jeho Slovo nikdy nepominie; a tak verím, že Boh vediac, že my vo svojich malých obmedzených mysliach si nedokážeme vyložiť Jeho veľkú myseľ, On vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo. On nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. On vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo tým, že potvrdzuje to Slovo v jeho danom čase.
11 Verím, že Boh na začiatku - že Noe bol Slovom na ten deň, čo sa týka jeho posolstva. No potom prichádza ... potom prichádza Mojžiš. No, Mojžiš nemohol zobrať Noeho slovo. On nemohol stavať loď a plaviť sa s nimi z Egypta dole po Níle do zasľúbenej zeme a tak ďalej. Jeho posolstvo nefungovalo vo dňoch Noeho; to bola časť Božieho Slova, ktoré bolo potvrdené, že je pravdou pri Mojžišovi. Ani Ježiš nemohol mať slovo Mojžiša. A Luter nemohol zostať pri slove katolíckej cirkvi. Wesley nemohol zostať pri slove Lutera. A Letniční, oni nemohli zobrať slovo Metodistov. Vidíte? Cirkev rastie. Každý vek, on je tu vymeraný v Písme. Tak Boh, skrze Ducha Svätého, zjavuje svoje Slovo tým, že ho manifestuje a sám ho potvrdzuje, ukazuje, že to je Jeho Slovo tým, že sa vyplnilo v tom dni, keď bolo zasľúbené.
12 Ježiš to povedal. On povedal: „Ak nemôžete veriť mne, verte skutkom, ktoré robím." Lebo oni svedčia o tom, kto On je. Vidíte? Ak by niekto nepoznal Písmo ... No, On prichádza tak podivne, tak zvláštne, že ľudia mu nechceli veriť, pretože On bol človek a robil sa Bohom. Tak On bol Boh vo forme. Boh bol v Kristovi mieriac so sebou svet a žiadny človek nemôže robiť tieto skutky bez toho, keby nebol s ním Boh, ako vieme Nikodém to tak povedal, tak tomu veril Sanhedrin.
13 No, vieme že to Slovo ... Keby oni nepoznali Slovo ... On povedal: „Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste mňa, pretože Mojžiš písal o mne." A keby sa pozreli naspäť do Písma a uvideli by čo má robiť Mesiáš, potom by Ho poznali skrze potvrdenie, že Boh skrze Krista mieril svet so sebou a vypĺňal všetky zasľúbenia, ktoré boli o Mesiášovi, to čo On mal robiť. Ježiš niesol svedectvo o tom Slove, oživoval Slovo na ten deň. A ja verím, že to je tá istá vec, v ktorej žijeme dnes, Boh nesie svedectvo o svojom Slove tým, že potvrdzuje to, čo povedal, že bude robiť.
14 No, vieme že toto je deň spasenia, kde Boh volá ľudí zo sveta, zo života hriechu do života služby. A v tom dni, keď Boh vylial Svojho Ducha z výsosti, veľké znamenia a zázraky majú sprevádzať službu tohoto dňa. Toto je - keď včasný a pozdný dážď padajú spolu. A vieme, že by mali byť veľké znamenia a zázraky, čo v mnohých veľkých denomináciách je toto odmietnuté. Ale ja som veľmi vďačný za tieto otvorené dvere, do ktorých môžem vojsť a za inšpiráciu, ktorá je daná mladým ľuďom, ako je tu váš pastor, ktorá spôsobila, že oni ... Keď ja začínam starnúť a viem, že moje dni sú spočítané a viem teraz, že títo mladí muži môžu zobrať toto posolstvo a niesť ho ďalej do príchodu Pánovho, ak On nepríde v mojej generácii. Čo dúfam, že Ho uvidím; Denne na Neho očakávam a pozorujem, stále som pripravený na tú hodinu.
15 No, prehovorme ku Autorovi prv ako budeme čítať z Jeho Knihy, a skloňme svoje hlavy. Nebeský Otče sme ti vďační, že sme živí dnes večer, že sme sa navrátili naspäť do tohoto veľkého mesta. Sedíme tu v tejto panoráme hôr, dívame sa hore a vidíme sneh a v tom istom čase kvitnú pomaranče, čo za veľkolepý svet, ktorý si nám dal aby sme na ňom žili. A keď vidíme, že človek narušil tento svet a ako sa správa, to spôsobuje, že sa hanbíme, Otče. Tu sme dnes večer aby sme sa snažili vynaložiť svoje úsilie aby sme sa snažili spôsobiť aby ľudia videli túto veľkú vec, ktorú Boh urobil a aby poznali, že hneď za tým je niečo väčšie. Nech by sme sa mohli na to pozrieť dnes večer, Otče, keď sa obraciame do Tvojho Slova a čítame ho. Môžeme ho čítať, Otče, ale nech nám to Duch Svätý zjavi skrze zjavenie, lebo prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
16 No, vy ktorí si možno radi robíte poznámky a čítate Písmo s kazateľom, ako to oni zvyknú čítať ... A to zvykne byť keď, pred rokmi, nemusel som si zapisovať moje miesta Písma a tak ďalej ale odvtedy som trochu zostarel. Viete, práve mi minulo dvadsať päť len nedávno - pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi. Tak to ide trochu ťažšie. Stále sa snažím držať sa všetkého, čo viem že mám robiť v Jeho Slove, až kým ma On nezavolá.
17 No, otvorme si evanjelium Jána 14. kapitolu, veľmi známe miesto Písma, ktoré chceme čítať dnes večer aby sme z tohoto vytiahli súvislosť, keď Pán dá. Skoro všetci to poznáte. Vyzerá to, mnohokrát to používajú v kázni na pohrebe. Ak kedy bol čas, žeby som rád kázal pohrebnú kázeň, bolo by to na pohrebe tohoto sveta. Nech zomrie a nech sa znovu narodí. Evanjelium Jána 14 od 1 do 7, myslím že som si to tu poznačil.
Nech sa neľaká vaše srdce! Veríte v Boha, verte aj vo mňa.
V dome môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov; keby nebolo tak, povedal by som vám to,
pretože vám idem prihotoviť miesto a keď odídem a prihotovím vám miesto, prídem zase a poberiem si vás k sebe, aby ste tam, kde som ja, aj vy boli.
... kam ja idem viete, aj cestu viete.
Tomáš mu povedal: Pane nevieme, kam ideš a ako môžeme vedieť cestu?
A Ježiš mu povedal: Ja som cesta i pravda i život; nikto nepríde k Otcovi, len skrze mňa.
Keby ste boli mňa poznali, boli by ste poznali aj môjho Otca; ale odteraz ho už znáte aj ste ho videli.
Nech Pán pridá požehnanie ku čítaniu Jeho Slova a my sa chceme znovu viackrát naň odvolávať, keď pôjdeme ďalej, zatiaľ čo budeme hovoriť malú lekciu pre cirkev.
18 Minulý večer som bol v Yume, v Arizone, kde je teraz môj domov ... Keď som tu bol predtým, býval som v Jeffersonville v Indiáne. A teraz, som v Arizone, podľa videnia som tam bol poslaný pred pár rokmi. A teraz tam bývame. Nemám tam žiadny zbor. Brat Green, náš brat, ktorý je tu s nami, založil modlitebňu, kde jedna cirkev Assembles of God - Downtown Assembless ... Oni sa zlúčili a myslím, že oni všetci odišli s bratom Broockom a s bratom Glimore a nechali tento zbor; a brat Pearry Green z Texasu sa tam presťahoval a zobral to miesto, ktoré má s nami obecenstvo. Sme radi keď vieme, že brat Green znovu otvoril tento zbor, ktorý bol zavrený.
19 A minulý večer som hovoril v Yume pre kresťanských obchodníkov, hovoril som na tému „Vytrhnutie:" No, mohla to byť zvláštna téma, na ktorú som hovoril medzi ľuďmi na bankete, ale väčšinou každý tam bol kresťan. A tak je to na týchto kampaniach takéhoto druhu alebo v zbore. Mohol by som povedať: „No, koľkí ste kresťania?" Pravdepodobne by každý zodvihol ruku. Ste kresťania. A tak, keď sme kresťania, myslím že máme byť tak trochu popredku oboznámení. Nemusíme len hádať ako to bude, sme oboznámení, aké bude naše miesto, do ktorého ideme.
20 A o tom chcem hovoriť dnes večer. A tá téma je „Veci, ktoré sa majú stať." A teraz, minulý večer som hovoril o vytrhnutí, tak dnes večer chcem hovoriť na túto tému aby som to mohol zviazať spolu s posolstvom z minulého večera. No, bude vytrhnutie; to vieme. To sa má stať v budúcnosti.
21 Ježiš tu hovorí o ... On odišiel aby nám pripravil miesto. „Nech sa neľaká vaše srdce." On to hovoril Židom. On povedal: „Veríte v Boha, verte tiež vo mňa. Ako veríte v Boha, verte vo mňa, pretože ja som syn Boží." Vidíte? A Boh ... Inými slovami, „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno. Môj Otec prebýva vo mne. A to čo vidíte, že ja robím, to nie ja, to je môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo mne; on činí tie skutky." Boh bol v Kristovi mieriac so sebou svet.
22 To bolo ľahké pre tých Židov, ktorí boli učení celé generácie aby verili, že je veľký nadprirodzený Boh. Ale pomyslieť si, že Boh prišiel dole a zamanifestoval sa cez osobu svojho Syna, Ježiša Krista . Boh prebýval v tele z mäsa - to bolo na nich trochu veľa, aby tomu rozumeli. Ale On povedal: „No, ako ste verili v Boha, verte tiež vo mňa. Lebo v dome môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov a ja vám idem pripraviť miesto." Ježišov život tu na zemi mal dôjsť do konca. On ukázal ľuďom a dokázal im, že On bol Jehova zamanifestovaný v tele, skrze veľké znamenia a zázraky a to čo hovorila Biblia na čo sa On odvolával, na seba. A On dokázal, že On bol zamanifestovaný Boh. No, On povedal: „Keď budete vidieť, že končí môj život, on končí za určitým účelom. A ja idem preč aby som pripravil pre vás miesto, aby tam kde som Ja, aby ste tam tiež boli." Preto Ježiš hovorí svojim učeníkom, že jeho život nekončí v smrti.
23 No, keď hovorím, že toto bol pohrebný text, pamätajte, smrť leží rovno pred nami, a my nevieme či ... Môže byť niekto dnes večer v tejto budove, kto nevyjde z tadeto živý vo svojom telesnom živote. Také je to neisté. Za päť minút by sa mohlo stať, že mladý, zdravý človek v tejto budove môže byť mŕtvola, za päť minút. Je to tak. A znovu by to mohlo byť za päť minút, že by sme boli všetci vo chvále. My proste nevieme. To je v rukách Božích. Ježiš povedal, že On sám nevie kedy nastane ten čas, ale to je jedine v rukách Otca.
24 No, ale On im hovoril, že tam po smrti je život. Pretože: „Ja idem a pripravím vám miesto - to je, prijať ich, ukazuje že tam (On ku ním hovoril), že tam je život, potom keď je tento život skončený. A čo za útecha, ktorá nám má dať všetkým vedieť, že keď tento život skončí, je život do ktorého ideme. A ako starnete stáva sa to pre vás viac skutočným. Keď začínate vidieť, že dni vášho života sa skracujú, potom to začína ... začínate sa baliť, pripravovať na tú veľkú udalosť. To je pokračovanie toho istého života v inom svete, na inom mieste.
25 Vaše narodenie tu bolo dopredu naplánované. Hádam tomu veríte. Každý jeden z vás vie, že naše narodenie bolo dopredu naplánované. Vedeli ste. že vaša bytosť tu nikdy nepovstala len ako nejaký mýt alebo myšlienka? Všetko bolo úplne pripravené od Boha pred založením sveta, že vy tu budete. Nekonečný Boh vedel ... Aby bol nekonečný, On musel vedieť o každej blche, ktorá kedy bude na zemi a koľkokrát mihne očami. To je nekonečný. Vidíte? Naše malé mysle nemôžu vyskúmať čo znamená nekonečný. Nekonečný Boh, On vedel všetko; a tak nič sa nedeje bez dohľadu.
26 Ak poznáme Slovo Božie, vieme kde žijeme. Poznáme hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Vieme čo leží pred nami. Vidíme cez čo sme prešli. A Kniha Božia je zjavením Ježiša Krista. Jeho skutky cez veky, to bolo písané až do knihy Zjavenia a tiež jeho zasľúbenia, ktoré majú prísť. Tak všetky Jeho zasľúbenia sú pravda. Boh nemôže povedať žiadne Slovo, ktoré by nebolo potvrdené. Každé slovo, ktoré On hovorí sa musí vyplniť.
27 Pred založením sveta ... Niektorí ľudia tam miešajú Genesis, keď hovoria, že Boh sa opakuje. Nie, to je len vaše nezrozumenie. Vidíte? Boh na začiatku, On povedal: „Nech sa stane! Nech sa stane! Nech sa stane!" Svet bol len v tme a chaose. Ešte aj keď povedal: „Nech je svetlo," mohlo prejsť stovky rokov prv ako nastalo svetlo; ale keď to povedal, to sa muselo stať. To tak musí byť. Vidíte? A On hovoril svoje Slovo. Tie semená boli pod vodou. Keď On vysušil zem, potom tie semená vyrástli. Čo On hovorí sa musí stať.
28 On povedal cez prorokov ... Ukazoval som na to minulý večer. Ako keď zoberieme Izaiáša, on povedal: „Panna počne." Kto by si pomyslel o človeku, o ktorom medzi ľuďmi mysleli, že hovorí také slová „Panna počne." Ale pretože ... Prorok je Boží reflektor. On je tak stvorený, že nemôže hovoriť svoje vlastné slová, to musia byť Božie slová, ktoré on hovorí. On je ako odrazové zrkadlo. A on je Boží rečník. A tak, preto, On povedal: „Panna počne;" on to možno nemohol porozumieť, ale Boh to vypovedal cez neho, pretože On zasľúbil, že nebude robiť nič, kým to prv nezjavi svojím sluhom prorokom. Potom, keď to povedal, prešlo ešte osemsto rokov kým sa to stalo, ale muselo sa to vyplniť.
Nakoniec, tie Božie slová zakotvili v lone panny a ona počala a porodila Emanuela. „Dieťa sa nám narodilo; syn nám je daný. A nazvú jeho meno Radca, Mocný Boh, Knieža Pokoja, Otec Večnosti." Muselo to tak byť, pretože Boh to vypovedal cez ústa svojho proroka. A všetky slová Božie sa musia vyplniť; a tak vieme, že Ježiš odišiel pripraviť miesto aby prijal ľudí ku sebe. Kto sú títo ľudia, dúfam že sme časťou tých ľudí dnes večer. Ak to tak nie je, môj priateľ, Boh pripravil cestu, podmienky, aby si mohol byť zahrnutý do toho, ak chceš. Máš slobodné morálne jednanie; môžeš jednať tak ako chceš.
29 Ale všimnite si teraz! No, v tomto svete, ktorý má prísť ... Je svet, ktorý má prísť. Tak ako tu vaše narodenie, ako som povedal. Boli ste pripravený; Boh vedel, že tu budete. A teraz viete, ešte aj to čo urobili vaši rodičia ... No, ľudia si myslia, že Boh to nenavštevuje z generácie na generáciu, ale navštevuje.
30 V knihe Židom, myslím že asi v 7. kapitole Pavel tam hovorí, ten pisateľ, verím že to bol on, hovoril tam o veľkej udalosti, ktorá sa stala s Abrahámom, že zaplatil desatinu Melchidechovi, keď sa vracal z porážky kráľov. A teraz, on povedal, že Lévi bol v bedrách Abraháma, keď on stretol Melchisedecha, keď sa vracal od porážky kráľov, a potom on to pripočítal Lévimu, že tiež zaplatil desatinu, keď bol v bedrách Abraháma, svojho pra, pra praotca. A On navštevuje hriechy ľudí na ich deťoch z generácie na generáciu, ktorí nezachovávajú jeho Slovo.
31 Vidíte? Všetkých vás Boh dopredu naplánoval. U Boha sa nič nedeje náhodou. On všetko o tom vie. To je všetko dopredu naplánované, naplánované mnoho generácií dopredu, tak aby ste tu dnes večer mohli byť. Vedeli ste to? Len si pomyslite, že ste boli voľakedy ... Znovu toto zopakujem. Voľakedy ste boli vo svojom otcovi, v génoch svojho otca. No on vás vtedy nepoznal; ani vy ste vtedy nepoznali jeho. Ale vidíte, potom ste boli vložený do pôdy, do lona matky cez sväté manželstvo a potom ste sa stali osobou vyjadrenou na podobu svojho otca. Potom máte obecenstvo.
32 No, jediný spôsob, ako môžete byť synom alebo dcérou Božou ... Pretože musíte byť ... musíte mať večný život. A je len jedna forma večné- ho života, a to je Boží život. Len jedna forma večného života: to bol Boh. Aby ste boli synom Božím museli ste stále byť v Ňom. Gén vášho života, duchovného života dnes večer, bol v Bohu Otcovi prv ako existovala nejaká molekula. Vidíte? A vy nie ste ničím iným, ako manifestáciou toho génu života, ktorý bol v Bohu ako syn Boží. A teraz ste vyjadrený, potom keď jeho Slovo vošlo do vás, aby osvietilo tento vek. Vy ste vyjadrením Božieho života vo vás, pretože ste synom alebo dcérou Božou. A tak ... Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Vidíte? Vy ste v ... ste teraz stvorený ... Sedíte dnes večer v tomto zbore, pretože vašou povinnosťou je vyjadriť Boha tomuto národu a týmto ľuďom, a tomuto susedstvu, s ktorým sa stýkate.
Kdekoľvek ste, Boh vedel že tu budete, pretože musíte byť jedným z jeho génov alebo jeho atribútov. Museli ste byť. Ak niekedy ... Ak máte večný život, potom to stále bol večný život. A Boh predtým ako bol založený svet vedel že tu budete. A keď Slovo alebo voda, umytie vodou Slovom dopadlo na vás, vyjadrilo sa to vo forme bytosti. Teraz máte obecenstvo so svojím otcom, s Bohom, práve tak, ako máte so svojím zemským otcom. Vidíte? Ste obyvateľmi Krá... nie obyvateľmi, ale ste deti, synovia a dcéry živého Boha, ak večný život prebýva vo vás. No, potom keď je to tak, Ježiš bol zamanifestovanou plnosťou Božstva. On bol plnosťou Božstva telesne; tak, keď prišiel na zem a zjavil sa v tele, vy ste vtedy boli tu v ňom, pretože On bol Slovo.
Na počiatku bolo Slovo ... Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh.
A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami ...
To Slovo sa stalo telom; a tak, vy ste chodili s Ním. Vy ste boli v Ňom, keď On bol na zemi. Trpeli ste s Ním a zomreli ste s Ním; boli ste s Ním pochovaní a teraz ste s Ním vzkriesení, zamanifestované atribúty Božie, sedíte v ponebeských miestach, už ste povstali, ste skriesení do nového života a sedíte v nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi. Ó cirkev, dnes to znamená tak veľa. To pre nás tak veľa znamená, vidieť sa umiestnení na pozícii v Ježišovi Kristovi.
33 No, ak sme týmito Božími atribútmi, nemôžeme žiť vyznaniami; nemôžeme žiť denominacionalizmom; musíme žiť Slovom, pretože nevesta je časťou ženícha, ako každá žena je časťou svojho muža; a tak musíme byť nevestou Slova. A čím je nevesta Slova? Manifestáciou tejto hodiny - nevesta. Nie vyznanie, ani denominácia ale živý článok Boží, živý atribút Boží, ktorý ukazuje svetu atribúty Božie v postave nevesty, ktorá má byť vyjadrená v tejto hodine, v ktorej teraz žijeme.
34 Martin Luter nemohol vyjadriť atribúty, ktoré my vyjadrujeme, pretože to bolo na začiatku, to vzkriesenie, ako pšeničné zrno, ktoré vošlo do zeme.
35 No, budeme toto znovu citovať. Možno ste čítali tú knihu - ten Nemec si robí zo mňa žarty a povedal, že som fanatik zo všetkých fanatikov. On je úplne proti všetkému čo sa nazýva Boh, a dokonca si robí žarty z Boha. Povedal: „Boh, ktorý mohol otvoriť červené more a vyviedol svojich ľudí, a potom cez temné veky si sedí s rukami na bruchu a nechal zomierať všetkých týchto ľudí a trpieť a tie malé deti žrali levy ..."
36 Vidíte, celý program, celá cirkev je postavená na božskom zjavení. Ježiš povedal v ev. Matúša v 16. kapitole: „Telo a krv ti toto nezjavili, ale môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti toto zjavil." Čo to bolo? Zjavenie toho, kto On bol. „A na tej skale postavím svoju cirkev a brány pekelné ju nepremôžu." Na zjavení Ježiša Krista v tejto hodine, nie na tom, čo On bol v inej hodine, na tom čo bol teraz. Biblia vyjadruje, že to rastie v neveste do plnej postavy; a preto, ak pšeničné zrno Krista muselo padnúť do zeme, tak musela padnúť nevesta do zeme v temných vekoch. Každé zrno, ktoré ide do zeme musí zomrieť, inak sa nemôže reprodukovať ... vyprodukovať sa. A veľká cirkev, ktorú On ustanovil v deň letníc, tým že poslal Ducha Svätého musela trpieť mučeníctvo a ísť do hliny, do zeme v temnom veku aby znovu vyrástla vo veku Lutera a prišla do plnej postavy nevesty Ježiša Krista v tomto poslednom dni. Vidíte? Nie je iný spôsob.
37 A tak, nevesta sa ukáže pri vytrhnutí, a to je všetko dopredu naplánované od Boha, všetko zálohované. Od začiatku, On poznal každého človeka, každé miesto, kto bude sedieť, všetko o tom. To je všetko dopredu naplánované. Boh vedel, že to tu bude a On to urobil tak, že keď sa tam dostaneme. On odišiel pre nás pripraviť miesto, a keď tam prídeme, všetko to bude pripravené, práve tak ako aj tento večer je pripravený. Ako je pripravená táto hodina.
38 Jeho veľké predzvedenie mu hovorí všetky tieto veci, skrze predzvedenie. On je všadeprítomný, pretože je vševedúci; vševedúci pretože je všadeprítomný. A tak skrze svoje predzvedenie ... No, On nemôže byť len ako vietor nad zemou, pretože On je osoba. On nie je len mýt; On je osoba. On býva; On dokonca býva v dome. On býva na mieste zvanom nebo; a tak tým, že je všadeprítomný - tým, že je vševedúci, vie o všetkom, a tak je všadeprítomný pretože vie všetko.
39 No, vy rastiete od narodenia ... Keď ste sa narodili a prišli ste na tento svet, Boh vedel, že tu budete na tejto zemi a vy ste rástli od narodenia do dospelosti. Veci, ktoré sa vám zdajú také zvláštne, keď ste ešte malé dievča alebo malý chlapec, ako deti, teraz vyzerajú veľmi skutočné. Nemohli ste tomu rozumieť, keď ste boli dieťa, ale teraz ako dospievate, začínate rozumieť a nachádzate, že všetko bolo zostavené úplne presne. A teraz to pre vás skutočne niečo znamená.
40 Tak je to pri vašom duchovnom narodení. Robíte veci, ktoré nerozumiete, keď ste malým dieťaťom, keď prichádzate ku oltáru a dávate svoj život Kristovi. Robíte také zvláštne veci. Divíte sa prečo ste to urobili. Ale po nejakom čase, keď dospievate, ako dospelý kresťan, potom to rozumiete. Vidíte? Niečo sa prebúdza a vidíte prečo ste to museli urobiť. Vaše duchovné narodenie ... alebo, vaše telesné narodenie znázorňuje vaše duchovné. Ako vám to pasovalo. V tomto živote ako ste rástli, všetko do toho pasovalo, pretože ste na to boli stvorení. Nebolo to zvláštne v ten večer, že ste nejako prišli do tej misie, na stanové zhromaždenie, alebo niekde na rohu ulice, do malého zboru alebo niekde, kazateľ kázal na určitú tému a vy ste sa zrazu ocitli pri oltári? Vidíte, vidíte? Boh to vedel pred založením sveta. Vidíte? Zdalo sa vám to zvláštne prečo ste to vtedy urobili, ale teraz tomu rozumiete. Viete čo sa stalo. To vám tak pasuje v tomto živote a bude tiež v živote, ktorý má prísť. Tento svet a jeho život vyzerá ako by sa rozvíjal pri tom ako dospievate. Zdá sa, že všetko ide rovno s vami.
41 Neverím, že by tu nejaká osoba bola len náhodou. Predstavte si len, keď prichádzate na svet, všetko muselo byť pre vás dopredu pripravené. Nemôžem pochopiť, že ako by sme si mohli myslieť, že Boh, ktorý mohol pripraviť pre nás všetky tieto dobré veci, by ne ... či by sme mu nemohli dôverovať, že keď nás priviedol do tohoto chaosu, v ktorom sme teraz a tu pripravil pre nás tie dobré veci života, o čo viacej mu môžeme dôverovať, že pripraví veci, ktoré majú prísť, večné veci. Hovorím, že to vyzerá veľmi zvláštne.
42 A ja si nemyslím, že nebo je miesto, o ktorom mi matka zvykla rozprávať. Verím, že cirkev z toho vyrástla. Myslieť si, bývalo to tak ... Pred sto alebo dvesto rokmi, myslím, že tí ľudia vtedy si mysleli, že každý kto zomrel odišiel hore do neba a má harfu a sedia tam na oblakoch a hrajú na harfe. No, oni vedeli že existuje miesto, ktoré sa nazýva nebo, ale oni ... Ak by to tak bolo, všetci hudobníci by na nás mali. Vidíte? Ale to nie je také miesto. To nie je vôbec hranie na harfách. Neverím, že by to Biblia učila. Ale to bola predstava, ktorú ľudia mali predtým ako prišla do existencie plnosť Slova alebo predtým, ako bolo otvorených sedem pečatí, čo je zasľúbené pre nás v tomto veku. Potom to rozumieme.
Verím, že nebo je skutočné miesto, tak isto ako toto je skutočné miesto (vidíte?), lebo Boh začal s nami v našom duchovnom vzraste na tomto mieste. A verím, že nebo je miesto tak isto skutočné ako toto, kde nesedíme tam hore celú večnosť a nesedíme len na oblaku. Nebrnkáme na harfe celú ... po celý čas od teraz, ale ideme na skutočné miesto, kde budeme niečo robiť, kde budeme žiť. Budeme pracovať; budeme sa radovať; budeme žiť; pôjdeme do života, do skutočného večného života. Pôjdeme do neba, do rája. Tak ako Adam a Eva pracovali a žili a jedli a radovali sa v záhrade Eden, predtým ako prišiel hriech, my sme na ceste znovu rovno naspäť tam. Je to tak! Rovno naspäť. Prvý Adam skrze hriech nás stade odviedol; druhý Adam skrze spravodlivosť nás privádza znovu naspäť - ospravedlňuje nás a privádza nás naspäť.
43 Pre vás ľudia, ktorí si teraz beriete tieto pásky, v posolstve o ospravedlnení chcem ... Ak si beriete pásky, chcem aby ste to porozumeli. Hovoril som to tu pred nedávnom.
44 Pozrite sa ako vaši zemskí rodičia, prv ako tu prídete, prv ako vedeli, že prichádzate, ako sa pripravili na váš príchod. Zamyslite sa len teraz nad tým - vaši zemskí rodičia a tí zemskí rodičia sú len obrazom na toho nebeského rodiča. „Keď my vieme, ako dať dobré dary svojim deťom, o čo viacej váš nebeský Otec vie, ako dať dobré dary svojim deťom." Ježiš povedal tieto slová.
Vidíte, oni sa pripravili na váš príchod. Oni pripravili malú kolísku, alebo kúpil malé topánočky a oblečenie a tak ďalej. Oni pripravili všetko pre vás, keď prídete - pripravili - predtým ako ste prišli na zem. Ježiš odišiel aby pripravil náš príchod tam.
45 No všimnite si: „V dome môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov." Alebo poďme ... Nemám v úmysle pridať do Slova alebo odobrať z neho, pretože to nemáme robiť. Zjavenie 22 hovorí: „Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo alebo odoberie z toho jedno slovo ..." Ale dovoľte, že toto poviem ako ... nie doplnok, ale aby som ukázal na určitú vec. „V dome môjho Otca je mnoho druhov príbytkov." Neverím, že keď prídeme do neba, že budeme ... že každý bude vyzerať úplne rovnako. Neverím, že všetci budú plavovlasí alebo tmavovlasí, alebo malí, alebo všetci veľkí, alebo všetci obri. Verím, že Boh je Bohom rozmanitosti. Svet to dokazuje. On má veľké hory a malé hory; On má planiny; On má púšte; On má rôzne veci, pretože On to stvoril tak ako chcel. A On spravil obdobia: leto, zimu, jaro, jeseň. On spravil ročné obdobia. To ukazuje, že On je Bohom rozmanitosti. On vás urobil rozmanitých. Niektorí ľudia sú skutočne búrliví a niektorí sú skutočne dogmatickí a iní sú uhladení a iní sú milí. A v jeho kráľovstve nájdete proste všetky rôzne druhy ľudí.
46 Vidíte, pozrite sa na sv. Petra a porovnajte ho s Andrejom. Vidíte? Andrej je bojovník modlitby, po celý čas zotrvával na kolenách. A apoštol Peter bol jeden z tých ohnivých kazateľov, ktorý kázal a tak ďalej. A Pavel bol viacej učený, viacej ... ako prorok alebo niečo a sedel vzadu a ...
47 Vidíte, Mojžiš napísal prvé štyri knihy Starého ... on napísal Starý Zákon. To ostatné z toho boli zákony, a kráľovia a žalmy a tak ďalej, a čo napísal niektorý prorok. Ale Mojžiš napísal zákony, prvé štyri knihy Biblie; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus a Deuternomium. A potom, Pavel napísal Nový Zákon. Je to tak.
48 Matúš, Marek, Lukáš a Ján napísali skutky, to čo sa dialo a tak ďalej. Ale Pavel oddelil zákon a milosť a položil to na svoje miesto. Vidíte? On bol pisateľ Nového Zákona. On nám dal písma Nového Zákona, uložil Slovo Božie do poriadku.
49 Všimnite si teraz, mnoho príbytkov, mnoho druhov príbytkov. Ako mnoho druhov kopcov, ako mnoho druhov riek, prameňov, oni tu boli, prv ako ste sem prišli, pretože láskavosť vášho nebeského Otca ich sem umiestnila, pretože niektorí ľudia majú radi hory; niektorí majú radi vodu; niektorí majú radi púšte. Tak vidíte, vy prichádzate ... On poznal vašu povahu a akí budete, tak On to urobil presne tak aby ste sa z toho tešili. Ó, myslím, že to je výborný Otec (Vidíte?) tým, že to takto urobil. Som rád že On stvoril hory; Ja mám rád hory. Mám to rád. Tam kde iní hovoria: „Ó, nemôžem toto všetko zniesť; musel tam vyprázdniť svoju nádobu na maltu." No, On ju tam vyprázdnil aby som sa ja mohol z toho tešiť. Vidíte?
Tak potom hovoríte: „Ja mám rád roviny, kde môžem ďaleko vidieť." Dobre, dve rozdielne povahy, obaja z nás kresťania. Ale Otec vedel, že tu budete a pripravil všetko pre vás, prv ako ste sem prišli. Amen! Váš prvý príchod sem, On to mal pre vás pripravené keď ste sem prišli. Nie je to úžasné pomyslieť o tom, čo On urobil?
50 No, teraz, ale pamätajte toto sú len dočasné dary, ako predobraz. No, vieme, že Mojžiš pri stavaní svätyne na púšti, alebo pri pripravovaní, on povedal, že urobil všetko podľa toho, čo videl v nebi. Vidíte? Tak tie zemské veci len vyjadrujú, aké sú tie večné veci. A ak táto zem na ktorej dnes žijeme, súc tak veľká, keď to milujeme a radi žijeme a dýchame vzduch a vidíme kvety a všetko, ak to ... ak toto tu je vyjadrením, niečo čo zomiera je len vyjadrením niečoho, čo je večné. Keď vidíte strom ako zápasí, zmieta sa, snaží sa žiť, to znamená že niekde je strom, ktorý to nemusí robiť. Keď tu vidíte človeka, ktorý zápasí o život, niekto v nemocnici, alebo nemocný na posteli alebo pri nehode, ako zápasia a smrť im chrčí v hrdle a tlačia sa a plačú a kričia o život, čo to znamená? Niekde je miesto; je telo, ktoré sa nezmieta a nekričí o to. Vidíte? Ono to proste nerobí.
51 No, tieto veci, to sú dočasné dary pre nás, oni len vyjadrujú, že je miesto, kde je večné telo. To je to, čo Ježiš odišiel pripraviť, to večné pre nás. No, oni len vyjadrujú, že je niečo väčšie toho istého druhu, pretože sú toho istého druhu.
52 No, pamätajte, Biblia hovorí: „Keď tento zemský stánok, v ktorom bývame, keď on zahynie (bude zničený), máme už iný, ktorý na nás čaká." Tak ako malé dieťa, to sú malé svaly v matke, ktoré sa krútia a otáčajú a ... Ale len čo ... vidíte. A pozorujete, môžete zobrať ženu, aj keď je stále zlá, ale keď sa má stať matkou, krátko pred tým, ako sa narodí to dieťa, je tam láskavosť, okolo tej ženy. Obklopuje ju to. Stále je tam niečo také, má viacej nehy. Prečo? Tam je malý anjelsky duch, ktorý čaká, že dostane to prirodzené telo. Len čo sa ono narodí, dych života vchádza do neho; a Boh to tam vdýchne, a to sa stáva živou dušou. No, práve vtedy keď sa rodí toto dieťa, vtedy je tam to duchovné telo, aby ho prijalo. A teraz, keď toto telo prišlo tu na túto zem, tak ako sa narodilo to dieťa, tiež existuje nesmrteľné telo, ktoré čaká aby prijalo znovu naspäť do seba toho ducha. Ó, čo za veľká vec! My sme teraz v Kristovi Ježišovi (Amen!), nemluvňatá, deti v Kristovi, deti Božie, čakajúce na plné vyslobodenie pri príchode nášho Pána Ježiša, aby nás prijal hore ku sebe, keď to telo, toto smrteľné, oblečie nesmrteľnosť.
53 Podobnosť, všetky veci, ktoré On urobil vyjadrujú tie, ktoré majú prísť. Práve tak ako telo, ktoré vám On dáva tu ... Tak ako toto telo, ktoré vám dal aby ste v ňom žili, ono len vyjadruje, že to väčšie má ešte prísť. Vidíte? Keď sme niesli alebo sme sa narodili do obrazu zemského, tiež budeme niesť obraz toho nebeského, ktoré neobsahuje nič zlého, v tomto ktoré má prísť. No, toto má v sebe zlo, choroby, smrť, žiaľ.
54 Nedávno som to tu vyjadril (keď som kázal na tému Premena z Božieho Slova), ako to - že toto telo má v sebe zlé a že všetká táto moderná civilizácia, v ktorej žijeme je z diabla. Neveríte tomu? Biblia to hovorí. Tento svet, každá vláda ... My tomu nechceme veriť, ale Biblia to jasne hovorí, že každá vláda, každé kráľovstvo na zemi patrí diablovi a diabol nad tým vládne. Satan zobral Ježiša hore a ukázal mu všetky kráľovstvá sveta, ktoré boli a budú a čo ešte; a Satan tvrdil, že sú jeho a Ježiš vôbec s ním neargumentoval, pretože on je boh tohoto sveta. Vidíte? A on povedal: „Dám ti ich, ak padneš na zem a pokloníš sa mi." Vidíte? On sa ich snažil dať Ježišovi bez obeti. Vidíte? To bol obchod, na ktorý ho on chcel naviesť. Ale svet zhrešil, tak za hriech je smrť a On musel zomrieť. Preto sa Boh zamanifestoval v tele, aby mohol zobrať na seba smrť aby odpykal trest. Nič netreba vracať; nie je to požičané. Je to úplne slobodne zaplatené! Celý dlh je zaplatený. Teraz to patrí Jemu. A my sme delegáti Jeho kráľovstva zhromaždení tu spolu dnes večer v mene Ježiša Krista, nášho Kráľa, sedíme v nebeských miestach.
55 No, v tomto svete v ktorom žijeme, to je vzdelanie ... Chcem vám to dokázať, veda, civilizácia, a všetky tieto veci, z ktorých sa dnes zdanlivo tak radujeme sú zo satana a zhynú. Vy hovoríte: „Brat Branham, civilizácia?" Tak veru! Táto civilizácia pochádza od Satana. Genesis 4 to potvrdzuje. Kainovi synovia (vidíte?) začali túto civilizáciu, stavajúc mestá, a orgány, a tak ďalej. A civilizácia prišla cez poznanie. Poznanie je to, čo diabol predal Eve v záhrade Eden a to spôsobilo, že prestúpila Božie prikázania. Tak bude civilizácia vo svete do ktorého ideme, ale to nebude takáto civilizácia. Lebo v tejto civilizácii máme choroby, žiaľ, zlú žiadosť, smrť; všetko v tejto civilizácii je zlé. Ale v tej civilizácii tam nebude žiadna z týchto vecí. Nebudeme potrebovať vedu. Veda ja aj tak len prevrátenie pôvodného stavu. Vidíte? Štiepite molekuly na ... štiepite atómy a robíte to a to aby ste vybuchli. Vynaliezate pušný prach a strieľate a zabíjate niečo. Vynaliezate auto a vyberáte zo zeme benzín a iné materiály, aby ste uvoľnili tie zložky a tak to môže vybuchnúť a idete 150 kilometrovou rýchlosťou a zabijete niekoho. Vidíte? Ó, taká nervozita, stisk a náhlenie, musíme sa tlačiť a brať ...Ó, vidíte? To je všetko z diabla. Kráľovstvo Božie nebude mať autá, lietadlá ani nič z tých vedeckých vymožeností. Nie! To nebude mať vôbec žiadne vzdelanie. To bude vzdelanie tak zvrchované do tohoto, že toto nebude ani spomenuté. Vidíte? Vzdelanie, civilizácia, a všetko toto pochádza od Satana.
56 No, ak sa opýtate: „Brat Branham, prečo potom čítaš?" Vidíte, podobne sa môžete opýtať, prečo teraz nosím šaty? V civilizácii, ktorá mala prísť, to bolo prv, oni nepotrebovali žiadne šaty; boli zaclonení. Nemali dôvod nosiť šaty, pretože nevedeli, že sú nahí. A teraz nachádzate, že v ... teraz, keď vieme, že sme nahí, hriech tu trvá, potom musíme nosiť šaty. Ale na počiatku to tak nebolo; nebolo hriechu. Vidíte?
57 No, tak isto je to s civilizáciou. V podstate, čítame, píšeme, robíme toto, ale nikdy sa neregulujte podľa toho; nikdy z toho neurobte svojho boha, lebo to je boh komunizmu. Vidíte? To nie je z Ježiša Krista. Ježiš Kristus je skrze vieru, nie to čo môžete vedecky dokázať, ale to čomu veríte.
58 Nemôžem vám vedecky dokázať dnes večer v tejto budove, že existuje Boh, ale predsa, viem že On je tu, moja viera to potvrdzuje. Abrahám vám nemohol vedecky dokázať, že bude mať dieťa od tej ženy - ona mala skoro sto rokov, ale jeho viera mu to potvrdila. Vidíte? Nepotreboval žiadne vedecké dôkazy. No, doktor by povedal: „Ten starý človek je blázon, hovorí tu, že bude mať dieťa s tou ženou, on má sto rokov a ona deväťdesiat." Ale vidíte, Boh tak povedal, tak to nepotrebuje vedu, na to treba vieru aby ste verili Božiemu Slovu, nie vedu.
59 Tak naše školy a všetko také to je nafúkané. Boh nikdy nepovedal: „Choďte a stavajte školy," ani aby sme mali biblické školy. Vedeli ste to? On povedal: „Kážte Slovo." Presne tak. Náš vzdelávací systém nás viac odvádza od Boha, než čokoľvek inšie čo poznám. Je to tak. - ďalej od Boha. Nie stavanie škôl, nemocníc a tak ďalej, to bolo pre svet a pre tú skupinu. Ale ... Nemám nič proti nim; oni zohrávajú svoju časť, ale to stále nie je to. Staviame také dobré nemocnice a používame najlepšiu medicínu akú máme a denne zomiera tisíce ľudí. Ale, ó, v kráľovstve Božom nieto smrti; nieto žiaľu! Amen! Nie sú potrebné veci tohoto sveta! Ale sme prešli od týchto vecí do Božích skutočností. Kde sme sa tak veľmi namáhali a snažili sa to nájsť pomocou vedy a čím viacej vedy sme získali, tým nám to prinieslo viacej smrti. Bojujeme prehraný boj, tak odpútajme sa od toho a skrze vieru verme Ježišovi Kristovi, Synovi Božiemu dnes večer a prijmime jeho. On je ten .
60 Čo veda pripravuje pre vás? Viacej smrti. Je to tak. Sputniky a všetko čo ide hore, a všetky tieto veci to rozširuje smrť a všetko po zemi. Nehľaďte na to; obráťte hlavu vyššie ponad to, do neba. Pozrite sa na ... Ježiš sedí po pravici Božej dnes večer, stále živý aby sa prihováral za nás na základe nášho vyznania, že verím, že Jeho Slovo je pravda.
61 No, nachádzame, že tento život obsahuje všetko možné zlo; a tak, život, ktorý má nastať to nebude mať. Tento tu má zlú žiadosť a choroby, smrť, pretože, čo to je? To nie je dom, ktorý On odišiel pripraviť. Toto je infekčné oddelenie. Koľkí viete, čo je to infekčné oddelenie? Skutočne. No, to je to v čom žijete. Na infekčné oddelenie dávajú všetkých tých postihnutých ľudí. No, to je presne to, čo nám vykonal hriech, vsadil nás do zemského infekčného oddelenia. Na infekčné oddelenie nedovolia nikomu prísť, pretože tam poletujú všetky rôzne baktérie a ľudia by dostali tieto baktérie a ochoreli by. A hriech nás doviedol na diablove infekčné oddelenie.
62 Ó, ale ten druhý je nazvaný dom môjho Otca. „Idem a pripravím vám miesto. Vezmem vás z tohoto infekčného domu a dopravím vás do domu môjho Otca." Amen! Tu to máte! Vezmem vás z tohoto starého, zemského infekčného domu. On odišiel pripraviť miesto, dokonalé miesto, kde neexistuje žiadne zlo, žiadne choroby, žiadny starý vek, žiadna smrť. To je dokonalé miesto, ktoré vás volá do tej dokonalosti a vy musíte byť dokonalí aby ste sa tam dostali. Biblia tak povedala. Ježiš povedal: „Vy teda buďte dokonalí, ako váš Otec v nebesiach je dokonalý." To je dokonalé kráľovstvo, tak to musia byť dokonalí ľudia, ktorí tam prídu; pretože sa musíte postaviť a byť zosobášení s dokonalým Synom Božím; a musíte byť dokonalou nevestou. Tak ako to urobíte skrze niečo iné, než skrze dokonalé Slovo Božie, ktoré je vodami oddelenia, ktoré nás obmývajú od našich hriechov. Amen! Je to tak. Krv Ježiša Krista. Myslite o tom! Kvapkajúce, krvavé Slovo! Amen! Krv, Slovo Božie, z ktorého vyteká krv na umytie nevesty! Amen! Tak veru! Ona stojí dokonalá, panna, neskazená; Ona v prvom rade nikdy nehrešila. Amen! Ona sa chytila do toho. Vidíte? Je dom Otca, ktorý On odišiel pripraviť.
63 Tento prvý dom prišiel cez pohlavný styk a z úpadku a musí upadnúť s tým úpadkom. Nezáleží na tom ako veľmi plátate tú starú vec, ona aj tak upadne. Je s ňou koniec, pretože je odsúdená; pretože Boh tak povedal! Je s ňou koniec! Boh to ide zničiť. On tak povedal. Bude renovácia všetkého. Veríte tomu? Na začiatku, keď svet mal svoje narodeniny, keď Boh odsunul vody prvý krát zo zeme - tak ako odsunul vodu z lona matky - tam sa svet narodil. Áno! A ľudia začali na ňom žiť, keď ich Boh tam postavil. A potom začali hrešiť. A ona bola pokrstená ponorením vo dňoch Noeho. Potom bola posvätená krvou stvoriteľa, ktorá na ňu kvapkala.
A teraz, to je cesta ako prichádzate: cez ospravedlnenie aby ste verili Bohu. Boli ste pokrstení na odpustenie hriechov. Vyznali ste svoje hriechy pred Bohom a On vám to odpustil. A boli ste pokrstení aby ste ukázali, že vám bolo odpustené, vyznávajúc ľuďom a ukazujúc svetu, že veríte, že Ježiš Kristus zomrel za vás, a On zaujal vaše miesto a teraz vy stojíte na Jeho mieste. On sa stal vami, aby ste sa vy mohli stať Ním. Potom posväcujúca moc Božia očistila všetky zvyky z vášho života. Zvykli ste fajčiť, piť, robiť veci, ktoré neboli správne, hovoriť klamstvo, všetko možné. Potom posväcujúca moc krvi Ježiša Krista prichádza do vášho života; to odstraňuje všetky tie veci od vás. Ak sa stane, že poviete niečo zle, rýchlo poviete: „Počkaj chvíľu; prepáč mi, nechcel som to tak povedať!" Vidíte? Diabol má tam nastavenú pascu, ale vy máte milosť prísť naspäť ak ste skutočný kresťan, poviete: „Urobil som zle." Áno! A tak ...
64 Ďalšia vec ktorú prijímate je krst Duchom Svätým a ohňom. Boh, keď sa skončí toto milénium, Boh dá svetu krst ohňom. To vyhodí všetko do vzduchu. Nebesia aj zem budú v ohni. Peter tak povedal. A tá vec bude mať krst ohňom, obnovenie všetkého a potom bude nové nebo a nová zem. V ktorých prebýva spravodlivosť. Tam sme ... Zo smrteľných bytostí, z bytostí času sme sa stali večnými bytosťami, keď Slovo Božie osvietilo naše duše a stali sme sa synmi a dcérami Božími s tými atribútmi, s tým génom Božím v nás, aby sme boli synmi a dcérami Otca Boha v nebi a voláme: „Abba, Otče, môj Bože, môj Bože!" V dome môjho Otca ...
65 No, tento starý svet musí padnúť, pretože on prišiel cez pohlavný styk; a to na začiatku prišlo cez neposlušnosť. A my sme sa tu narodili z pohlavného styku, cez úpadok a to musí ísť rovno naspäť tou istou cestou do úpadku. Ale ten dom, ktorý On teraz pripravuje pre vás nemôže upadnúť, pretože On ho tak robí. „Ja mám ..." Čo keby sme museli zostať v tomto druhu tela? Neradujete sa z toho, že je niečo také ako smrť? No, nie je to zvláštne? Ale teraz, povedzme napríklad, pred niekoľkými rokmi, bol som malý chlapec, a teraz som muž stredného veku. Mám priateľa, ktorý tu sedí, pán Dauch a on mal pred pár dňami deväťdesiat tri rokov. Pozrite sa teraz na neho. Za štyridsať alebo štyridsať päť rokov by som to bol ja. No, pridajte mu ďalších štyridsať. Kde by ste prišli? Jediné ... Som rád, že je niečo, čo nás prenesie z tohoto infekčného domu. Sú otvorené dvere a nazýva sa to smrť. Ježiš stojí v tých dverách. Amen! On ma prevedie cez rieku! On ma prevedie cez tie dvere.
66 Sú veľké dvere, ktoré stoja tam ďalej a nazývajú sa smrť. A zakaždým ako bije vaše srdce ste o jedno udrenie srdca bližšie ku ním. A jedného dňa musím vojsť do tých dverí. Ty tam musíš vojsť. Ale keď tam prídem, nechcem byť zbabelec. Nechcem kričať a odstupovať. Chcem vojsť do tých dverí, zavinúť sa do rúcha Jeho spravodlivosti, nie mojej, Jeho! Podľa tohoto viem, že Ho poznám v moci Jeho vzkriesenia, že keď On zavolá vystúpim z mŕtvych aby som bol s Ním, von z tohoto infekčného oddelenia. Kdekoľvek toto telo padne, a kdekoľvek skončí, čokoľvek to bude, jedného dňa vyjdem, pretože On mi to zasľúbil a my tomu veríme. Tak veru! On pripravuje telo, ktoré nemôže zahynúť.
67 Všimnite si, ako očakávajúca matka dnes na zemi, ako sa matkino telo dožaduje určitých vecí. Hovorím, hádam ku - dúfam ku všetkým dospelým, ktorí to budú rozumieť. Matka pri rodení dieťaťa, ak niečo v jej tele chýba, ona sa začne dožadovať určitých vecí. Pozrite ako otec ... Pamätám sa, my sme boli vychovaní v takej biednej rodine a sotva sme mali niečo na jedenie, keď sme boli deti. Mnohí z vás trpeli tak isto.
Tak, ako to keď, prv ako sa to dieťa malo narodiť, matka sa niečoho dožadovala a otec, proste z posledného snažil sa aby to pre ňu zaobstaral.. Vidíte? To je telo, jej telo ... kalcium a tak ďalej z jej tela a vitamíny, ktoré potrebovala, maličký sa formuje (vidíte?), a to si vyžaduje niečoho, potravu, pre to prichádzajúce dieťa. A ako rodičia, oni sa snažia zaobstarať to aby sa to dieťa narodilo tak dokonale a šťastne ako je to len možné. Vidíte ako to budú robiť vaši rodičia. Keď tam niečo chýbalo, matka svedčí o tom. Vidíte? Jej systém je tak zostrojený. Rozumiete, ako je to, keď tu niečo chýba tomu prichádzajúcemu dieťaťu, matka začína mať na to chuť.
68 No, zastavme sa na chvíľu. Prečo máme prebudenia? Prečo sa spolu zhromažďujeme? Prečo stále karhám ľudí? Prečo volám na vás, letničné ženy, prestaňte sa maľovať a strihať si vlasy a takéto veci? Prečo to hovorím? Pretože starodávni letniční nemali vo zvyku robiť niečo také. Podľa skutočných biblických zvykov sa to nerobí. Nosíte tieto šortky a mužské odevy, viete, že Biblia hovorí, že je to ohavnosťou pred Bohom? Ale my to dovoľujeme! Prečo Duch Svätý stále kričí? On vie, že tam niečo chýba. My musíme byť v plnej postave Ježiša Krista. My musíme byť synovia a dcéry Božie. Musíme sa správať ako Božie deti.
69 Dávno som počul taký príbeh, všimol som si tam vzadu sedí jeden farebný brat. Na juhu zvykli predávať otrokov - keď tam mali otrokov, keď bolo otroctvo - pred tým ako bola vyhlásená rovnoprávnosť. A chodievali tam a kupovali tých ľudí, práve tak akoby ste kupovali v bazáre auto. Oni mali ceduľu s cenou a predávali tie ľudské bytosti tak, ako autá. Mali ste na nich ceduľu s cenou.
70 Raz išiel okol nejaký nákupca. Išiel okolo týchto veľkých plantáží a kupoval otrokov. Prišiel na jednu veľkú plantáž, kde mali veľa otrokov. Chcel vidieť koľko ich majú. Všetci tam vonku pracovali a boli smutní. Boli preč zo svojho domu. Oni boli z Afriky. Oni ich sem priviezli. Búri ich sem priviezli a predali ich za otrokov. A tak boli smutní. Oni vedeli, že nikdy sa nedostanú naspäť domov. Oni žili a zomierali v tom kraji a oni ... Mnohokrát brali biče a bičovali ich. Oni boli vlastníctvom majiteľa a on robil s nimi čo chcel. A on len ... Ak ho zabil, zabil ho; a ako ho ... čokoľvek to bolo, jednoducho to urobil. To je otroctvo. Ako bol Izrael a mnohé národy, ktoré boli privedené do otroctva.
71 A oni museli zobrať ... Tí biedni otroci, oni len ... oni celí čas plakali a boli smutní. Ale všimli si jedného z otrokov, mladého muža, ktorý mal vypnutnú hruď, takto zodvihnutú hlavu. Nikdy ho nemuseli biť. Nikdy mu nemuseli vravieť čo má robiť. Tak ten priekupník povedal: „Toho otroka chcem kúpiť." On odpovedal: „Ten nie je na predaj."
-- Rád by som kúpil toho.
-- Nie, on nie je na predaj.
-- Či to je šéf všetkých tých ostatných?
-- Nie. Nie je šéf. On je otrok.
-- No, možno mu dávaš jesť inšie ako tým ostatným?
-- Nie, oni všetci jedia spolu na galeji.
-- Prečo sa ten chlapec tak veľmi líši od tých ostatných?
-- Tu je dôvod. Nejaký čas som sa tomu tiež divil, ale ten chlapec - cudzinec z Afriky - ale v Afrike je jeho otec kráľom kmeňu. A hoci je cudzinec, ďaleko od domu, správa sa ako syn kráľa. On vie, že tam v tej zemi, je jeho otec kráľom kmeňu. On sa tak správa, pretože vie, že je kráľov syn.
72 Ó, brat, sestra, ty a ja, tento svet v ktorom žijeme, správajme sa ako synovia a dcéry Božie! My sme tu cudzinci, ale naše správanie má byť podľa prikázaní Božích, že sme synovia a dcéry Božie! Naše správanie, máme sa správať a robiť a všetko podľa zákonov, ktoré dal Boh. A to je ohavnosť pre ženu nosiť odev, ktorý patrí mužovi. To je zlé a hriešne aby si strihala vlasy. Biblia tak hovorí. Nenormálne, aby sa vôbec modlila. Vy poviete: „Čo s týmto?"
73 Nedávno prišiel ku mne jeden muž, veľký známy kazateľ, povedal:
„Brat Branham, poď, chcem položiť na teba ruky, ty zničíš svoju službu."
Povedal som: „Čo?"
Povedal: „Kričíš takto na tých ľudí."
Povedal som: „Hovorím im ...
On povedal: Ó, ja tomu verím. Ja som tiež letničný. Ja verím, že ženy nemajú nosiť krátke vlasy, nemajú nosiť nohavice a tie veci, to čo robia, maľovať sa. Nemali by to robiť, ale Boh ťa povolal aby si sa modlil za chorých.
Povedal som: „On ma povolal kázať evanjelium!" Vidíte?
A on povedal: „Verím tomu, ale ty si myslíš ..."
Povedal som: „Áno. Len sa pozri čo máš, všetky tieto veľké programi, televíziu a všetko iné. Ja nemám nič okrem Boha, ktorému sa zodpovedám." Je to tak! Povedal som: „Ja sa nemusím ničomu zodpovedať len Bohu."
On povedal: „Ty zničíš svoju službu."
Povedal som: „Každá služba, ktorú Slovo Božie zničí, má byť zničená." Je to tak! Skutočne. Presne tak!
On povedal: „No, ty to zničíš."
74 Povedal som: „Kto im to potom povie? Vidíte? Niekto to musí povedať! Niekto sa musí postaviť za tým, čo je pravda bez ohľadu na to, ako to raní." A priatelia, ako kresťania, ako ľudia ktorí veríme, že pôjdeme do neba, sám Duch Svätý nás znázorní v Slove Božom.
On povedal: „Vieš čo máš robiť? Ľudia veria, že si prorok. Máš učiť tieto ženy ako dostať dary proroctva a takéto veci a väčšie, vyššie veci namiesto malých vecí."
75 Povedal som: „Ako ich budem učiť algebru, keď sa nechcú naučiť ani abecedu, keď oni nechcú robiť ani tú obyčajnú vec, tú prirodzenú vec. Ako im poviete o vyšších veciach, keď nemôžete ani začať od ..." Chcete sa dostať na vrch rebríku prv ako stupíte na prvý ... To je dôvod prečo padáte. Vidíte? Začnite na spodku a vystupujte rovno hore, ako vás Boh vedie. Vidíte? Zdolajte vo svojom živote každú ... nasledujte každý kúsok Slova, ktoré Boh určil aby ste robili.
76 No, pomyslite si ako Boh ... My sa máme správať a postupovať ako kresťania; naše chovanie má byť súce kresťana, pretože tu sme cudzinci. Toto nie je náš dom. Nie, boli sme tu daní len dočasne. Musíme odísť, každý jeden z nás.
77 No pomyslite si, ak Boh vo svojej milosti spravil, že matka ... Prv ako sa narodí to malé dieťa, dožaduje sa nejakých vitamínov a matkine slová hovoria „Ocko, chcem ananásový melón alebo melón; chcem ešte niečo." Tak, on bude robiť čo len môže aby to zaobstaral, pretože vie, že chce aby sa jeho dieťa narodilo, tak dokonale ako len môže. Vidíte? A on bude robiť všetko, čo bude schopný aby to zaobstaral. O čo viac je On schopnejší to zaobstarať? On je stvoriteľ.
78 No, pomyslite si aký schopný je On pripraviť nám telo aby sme žili, ako Jeho vlastné oslávené telo. Ak chceme žiť. Je niečo v nás čo nás volá do života. A je niečo v nás čo volá aby sme robili správne. Potom Boh povolá niekoho na pódium alebo za kazateľňu, kto bude kázať absolútnu pravdu! Prečo? Vidíte? To ti ukazuje, potom ak si skutočným dieťaťom Božím, začneš volať: „Bože zober to odo mňa; obrež ma od tohoto; zober tieto veci odo mňa." Prečo? To je potrebné pre tvoj nebeský dom, do ktorého sa chystáš, kde to On odišiel pripraviť. Ty musíš byť skutočnou Kristovou nevestou Slova.
79 Pred niekoľkými dňami som kázal o obeti vo dňoch zmierenia. Kázal som na tému jediného miesta, kde Boh ... jedinej cirkvi, kde sa Boh stretne s človekom; a to je ... On povedal, na mieste, kde On položil svoje meno. On povedal: „Nestretnem sa s nimi na žiadnom inom mieste, len na mieste, v bráne, kde som položil svoje meno." No, On sa s vami nestretne v bráne metodistov, v bráne baptistov, alebo v bráne letničných, ani v žiadnej takej, ale On položil svoje meno do svojho Syna. On povedal: „Prišiel som v mene svojho Otca." Každý muž prichádza ... Každé dieťa prichádza v mene svojho otca. Ja som prišiel v mene Branham, pretože môj otec bol Branham. A vy prichádzate vo vašom mene, pretože to bolo meno vášho otca. A Ježiš, Syn, prišiel v mene Otca. A On povedal, že On položil svoje meno ... „V tejto bráne, kde som položil svoje meno, tam bola tá obeť." A v Ježišovi Kristovi je jediné miesto, kde nájdete obecenstvo a ctíte Boha.
Poviete: „No, ja patrím do cirkvi." To nič na tom nemení. Musíte byť v Kristovi.
Jeden denominačný kazateľ mi raz večer povedal: „Pán Branham, pozri sa sem, Ježiš povedal, že každý kto verí. Biblia povedala, že každý kto verí, že Ježiš Kristus je Syn Boží narodil sa z Ducha Božieho."
80 Povedal som: „Či nehovorí tiež Biblia, že nikto nemôže nazvať Ježiša Kristom jedine skrze Svätého Ducha?" Vidíte? Nemôžete spraviť aby Biblia klamala. To musí byť zakvačené do seba, tak musíte sa stať úplne znovu zrodení z Ducha Božieho, a vtedy On vo vás vydáva svedectvo, vy sami viete, že On je Syn Boží. A potom, ak ste v časti ... Ak ste dieťaťom Božím v Slove Božom, ako môžete zapierať Slovo? Ako vás môže Duch Svätý viesť aby ste verili vyznaniu, že musíte robiť niečo takéto, keď Biblia hovorí niečo iné. „Musíme sa pripojiť ku cirkvi a robiť toto, alebo tamto." Keď nám Biblia jasne hovorí čo máme robiť. A potom keď to vidíte, potom skočíte rovno do toho a potom ste rovno s tým, len sa posúvajte ďalej. A to rastie ako gén, ktorý prichádza do lona ženy s vajíčkom. A potom, keď sa to malé vajíčko začína rozvíjať a začína vyvíjať gény, to nevyvíja jeden ľudský gén a potom gén psa a potom gén kravy, on vyvíja všetko ľudské gény.
81 A keď dieťa Božie, keď ten predurčený ... To je zlé slovo na použitie ale to je ... je použité v Božej Biblii. Predzvedenie Božie mohlo predurčiť, robí, že všetko pôsobí na Jeho slávu. Keď to predurčené semeno, ktorým ste mali byť, a Boh vás povolal a ten malý orol semena tam počul Slovo Božie, to bude stavať jedno slovo na druhé, a na to ďalšie slovo, a na to ďalšie; to sa nebude miešať so žiadnym vyznaním.
82 Všimnite si, v týchto bránach, každý deň mali jesť nový nekvasený chlieb (košer) a za sedem dní sa medzi nimi nemal nachádzať žiadny kvas. Je to tak? Za sedem cirkevných vekov potom. Žiadny kvas, žiadne vyznanie, nič nedodané. To musí byť absolútne nekvasený chlieb. Nenajde sa medzi vami vôbec žiadny kvas, len samotné Slovo. To je to jediné ... A to Slovo je Boh a Boh sa stal telom v osobe Ježiša Krista, a to je tá brána. „To je tá brána, v ktorej sa s vami stretnem, keď Ma budete uctievať, keď budete nasledovať prikázania Božie."
83 A tak, ak ste dnes večer len prišli a povedali: „Obetoval som Ježišovi Kristovi svoj život," a neprijali ste Ducha Svätého, poďte do toho! Musíte to urobiť! Musíte rásť do toho! Proste Boha aby hromadil takto slovo na slove, až sa stanete plnou postavou syna Božieho alebo dcéry Božej. Ak beriete veci sveta ... Prvý list Jána hovorí: „Ak milujete svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, to preto, že nie je vo vás láska Božia." Boli ste zvedení. Máte v sebe lásku ku svetu a to vás zviedlo, to robí diabol tým, že pridáva na to veci a ukazuje ... Vidíte, nemôžete ... Nemôžete odobrať jedno slovo Božie z Biblie! Čo spôsobilo prvý hriech? To neprišlo cez veľké čierne klamstvo, ale pretože Eva zle vyložila (diabol jej to tak urobil) jedno slovo. Jedno slovo pretrhlo tú reťaz a Eva odmietla prijať jedno slovo. To bol začiatok Biblie. Ježiš prišiel v strede Biblie; On povedal: „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom slove, ktoré vyšlo z úst Božích." To je celé Slovo Božie. Veríte že to je Jeho zjavenie? Celé Slovo Božie.
Potom v Zjavení 22, Ježiš prišiel ku Jánovi na ostrove Patmos. A Ježiš: „Ja Ježiš som poslal svojho anjela aby vám svedčil o týchto veciach. Vidíte? Ktokoľvek odoberie z tohoto jedno slovo alebo pridá do toho jedno slovo, Ja odnímem jeho diel z knihy života."
Mnohí z nich hovoria: „Dobre, ja verím, že Ježiš Kristus je Syn Boží." To je dobre. Potom pridaj ku tomu to ostatné.
84 Vy poviete: „Ja som ospravedlnený. Podal som ruku kazateľovi. Verím v Ježiša Krista." Potom musíš byť znovuzrodený! Musíš byť naplnený Svätým Duchom! Vidíte? Len ďalej pridávaj ako ideš ďalej. Rastieš do postavy syna a dcéry Božej. Ó! Boh je schopný pripraviť nás a dať nám to čoho sa dožadujeme v našom živote, keď chceme niečo vidieť. Koľkí z vás tu chcete viac Boha? Prečo, to ukazuje, že existuje niečo viacej pre vás. Vidíte? Vy sa toho dožadujete. Prichádzajú vaše malé pôrodné bolesti. Vidíte? Potrebujete viacej, tak môžeme byť šťastní a slobodní a dokonalí. Musíme byť. Ten malý zárodok života, ktorý je v lone Božom, sa správa práve tak, ako ten zárodok života, ktorý je v lone matky.
85 Boh dáva vzrast ... odišiel pripraviť pre nás miesto, večné miesto s Ním, nie miesto, kde ste na infekčnom oddelení, kde sa zomiera, kde je hriech, cudzoložstvo a špina tohoto sveta. Ak je to vo vašej mysli, to ukazuje, že nikdy neprišla do kontaktu s Bohom. Vidíte? Vypracovali ste sa do niečoho. Ste pod vplyvom falošnej duchovnej predstavy. Len ste sa pripojili do cirkvi a hovoríte: „Dobre, ja patrím do tohoto. Moja matka tam patrila." To mohlo byť v poriadku v čase tvojej matky, ale my žijeme v inom dni.
86 Wesleyove posolstvo nikdy ... On nemohol proste zobrať Luthera. Luther žil v ospravedlnení, ale Wesley mal posvätenie. Letniční idú ďalej; oni nemohli zobrať len ospravedlnenie a posvätenie; to bol čas na prinavrátenie darov. A teraz ideme z tade ďalej. Vidíte? Tri stupne povstávania rastliny. Prvý, to je malé steblo, Luther vyrastá z reformácie. Dobre, to bolo steblo. Pozorujte prírodu; Boh a príroda majú súvislosť, pretože Boh je v prírode. Potom ďalej prichádza klas, peľ, metodistický vek. Potom prichádzajú letniční. Ó, tak dokonale. Vidíte? Práve tak ako zrno pšenice, vyzeralo to akoby to bolo dokonalé zrno pšenice; otvoríte to; nie je tam vôbec žiadna pšenica. To je šupka, nositeľ toho, ale ten život prechádza cez to ďalej. Vidíte?
87 Oni tam vo veku Luthera prijímali Luthera, ten život cez to prechádza, ale stala sa z toho denominácia; to prvé čo viete stala sa proste z toho denominácia, ktorá má byť na konci spálená. Vidíte? Stopka uschla; to bol len nositeľ. Niektorí z nich sa stále snažia zostávať v tej starej nositeľskej stopke, nevedia nič o Bohu, mŕtvi. Oni hovoria: „Pozrite my sme list. My sme boli Luteráni." To je pravda, ale pozrite sa kde je to teraz. Vidíte? „My sme boli metodisti," a tiež teraz, „My sme boli letniční." Ale pozrite sa na letničných, aké sa to stáva chladné a formálne, ako každý odchádza preč. Vidíte? Čo to je? To bol nositeľ toho skutočného semena. Vidíte? Všetci títo ostatní sú nositeľmi, ale sa stali denomináciou.
88 Ak poviete: „Ja som letničný." To pre Boha neznamená nič viacej, než ako keby ste povedali, že ste rímskokatolík, alebo žid, alebo čokoľvek. Musíte sa narodiť. Ten život, ktorý prechádza tam cez tie nositele ... Nezostávajte v stopke; nezostávajte v tom semene; choďte rovno ďalej von to tej dokonalej časti.
89 No pamätajte, v každej reformácii, ktorú sme mali všetci tí luteráni a tak ďalej, za tri roky sa zorganizovali. Je to tak. Každé prebudenie prinieslo za tri roky organizáciu. Zamyslite sa ako dlho toto prebieha: nejakých dvadsať rokov a žiadna organizácia! Prečo? To prichádza semeno a formuje sa takto pod šupkou. Leží teraz vonku, musí ležať v prítomnosti slnka aby dozrelo do slávneho zrna, ako To prvé, ktoré padlo do zeme. Tá skutočná cirkev, ktorá prv padla do zeme; to prichádza rovno naspäť cez stopku, aby povstala ďalšia cirkev. Keď príde kombajn aby to zobral, ten život, ktorý padol v Luterovi, život, ktorý padol v metodistoch, život, ktorý padol v letničných, príde do zrna; to všetko pôjde rovno do zrna a zakončí proces, formujúc dokonalé telo Ježiša Krista.
90 Tak ako ráno vychádza slnko. Všetko na čo sa v prírode dívate vám svedčí o Bohu. Nepotrebujete ani Bibliu aby ste vedeli, že je Boh. Malé slnko sa rodí ako malé slabé dieťa. Okolo siedmej, ide, odchádza do školy; o desiatej alebo jedenástej končí školu. O dvanástej je vo svojej sile; o tretej popoludní začína starnúť. O siedmej alebo ôsmej ... o piatej alebo šiestej popoludní sa mu začínajú hrbiť ramená, zomiera. Je to jeho koniec? Nie! Znovu je vzkriesené na druhý deň ráno - život, smrť, pohreb, vzkriesenie.
91 Pozrite ako sa zjavujú na strome listy. Vyrastá dobrý, pekný list, dáva tieň, vydáva svoje ovocie. To ďalšie ... Prvé čo viete prichádza jeseň, udiera smrť, beží rovno dole do koreňov, znovu do zeme. Či to je jeho koniec ? Na budúcu jar to znovu prichádza naspäť vydať svedectvo. Ó, ustavičný život, ale brat, sestra, my máme večný život. My máme večný život skrze tohoto veľkého, ktorý prišiel, a odišiel, a je schopný pripraviť nám telo. A tieto bolesti rastu, ktoré cítime, ako vy ženy, cítite sa obvinené za to čo robíte, vy muži, ktorí ste závislí na nejakých seminárnych náukách a tak ďalej, vy všetci chcete povedať: „Prijal som toto vyznanie; Robím toto," ... Ale rovno tu je niečo, keď vidíte otvorené oči slepého, hluchého pod ... slepý, všetky tieto veci, ktoré sú zasľúbené; vidíte to Slovo kázané v jeho moci, vidíte prostitútku z ulice, ako sa z nej stala dáma a vidíte opilca, ako prišiel z tade a je skutočným svätým Božím. Ó! Vidíte? Je niečo - v tom je život. A začínate cítiť. „No, možno by som to nemal robiť." Ale vidíte, čo to je, to je to, čo vaše budúce telo potrebuje. Tak poď. Boh má vitamíny rovno tu, pre každý kúsok toho tela. Ježiš odišiel pripraviť miesto v lone Božom. Tak veru! Malý zárodok, syn Boží, malý syn alebo dcéra Božia.
92 Ježiš prosil len za jednu vec vo svojej modlitbe k Otcovi. Viete čo to bolo? Jedna vec, po všetkej jeho obeti, ktorú tu On vykonal na zemi, život ktorý On žil, cesta ktorou išiel, On prosil za jednu vec: „Tam kde som Ja, aby aj oni mohli byť." On prosil za naše obecenstvo. To je tá jediná vec o ktorú On prosil Otca v modlitbe: mať s vami naveky spoločnosť. Ak si toto chcete prečítať v ev. Jána 17 a 24. verš ... Potom ako veľmi máme my túžiť po Ňom? Keď On ... Počúvajte teraz, ak ste skutočne zrodení z Ducha Božieho, to pre vás znamená všetko. Vidíte? To nie je nejaká kniha s predpismi. Vy nežijete zo žiadnych zákonov a tak ďalej, žijete z milosti Božej, z Ducha Božieho.
93 Často som toto hovoril. Ako misionár chodím do zámoria, čo keby som zobral svoju ženu a deti. „No pozrite sa, deti ... Počúvaj pani Branhamová, ja som tvoj muž. Nebudeš mať žiadnych iných mužov, kým budem preč. Ak to urobíš stiahnem z teba kožu, keď prídem domov!" Vidíte? Dupnem nohou! „Deti, počujete čo hovorím?"
„Áno, ocko. Áno, ocko."
„Nech len počujem, že ste boli neposlušní ..." Vidíte? No, či by to bol domov?
No, čo keby ona povedala: „No skončil si, pane? A teraz ja ti chcem niečo povedať. Pán Branham, ja som tvoja zákonitá, vydatá žena. Tiež nebudeš mať žiadnu priateľku kým budeš preč." No, či to by bol domov? No, to by bolo niečo. Nerobíme to tak. Ja ju milujem a ona miluje mňa. Keď vie, že odchádzam, ona vie, že neidem, až kým ma Pán nezavolá. Ideme na kolená a berieme deti a modlíme sa. Ja hovorím: „Drahý Bože, staraj sa o moju malú spoločníčku, o moje deti."
Oni hovoria: „Bože, staraj sa o otca kým bude preč." A potom keď ideme ...
94 No čo keby som tam urobil niečo zle? Čo keby som zhrešil, urobil niečo zlé a prišiel by som domov a prišiel by som ku svojej prostej malej žene, postavil by som sa tam a pozrel sa na ňu, ako jej pribúdajú vrásky na tvári, ako jej šedivejú vlasy, podišiel by som ku nej a povedal: „Drahá, chcem ti niečo povedať. Ty vieš že ťa milujem."
„Samozrejme, Bill, viem, že ma miluješ."
95 Poviem ti čo som, urobil. Zobral som domov jedno dievča." Povedal by som: „Odpustíš mi to?" Verím, že by mi to odpustila. Skutočne verím. Ale či by som to urobil? Keď ju vidím tam stáť a vidím, ako jej šedivejú vlasy a viem, že ona stála medzi mnou a publikom a viem, že je skutočnou manželkou, či by som to mohol urobiť? Radšej by som zomrel, než ako by som jej ublížil. Radšej. A ak je to tak v láske fileo ku svojej žene, o čo väčšia je moja agape láska ku Bohu. Ó, neurobil by som nič, čím by som ho ranil. Skutočne nie. Milujem Ho. Chcem robiť všetko, čo On odo mňa chce. Chcem sa vyrovnať s každým slovom, ktoré On povedal. Bez ohľadu na to čo hovorí svet, oni tomu aj tak nebudú veriť. Chcem vedieť čo mne hovorí, že mám robiť. A ak mi niečo chýba, chcem aby mi to dal. A chcem žiť pre neho, držať sa ďalej od sveta.
96 Tu toto staré zemské telo má ... To je ... Dovoľte, že vám poviem; toto zemské telo, o ktorom si tak veľa myslíte, ktoré vzorujete na Hollywoode, ste tak blízko pri tom, nebude to trvať príliš dlho. Pamätajte, počuli ste to proroctvo (vidíte?), ktoré mi dal Pán; to pôjde pod vodu! Tak veru! Všimnite si! Pôjde; len dávajte pozor. No, On mi doteraz nepovedal nikdy nič nesprávne. A ja to poviem každému. Ja neviem kedy alebo kde, ale je s ňou koniec. Visí nad tým súd; nieto už viacej vykúpenie; skončilo. Vidíte?
97 No, všimnite si toto. Žijeme pre Neho, chránime sa pred svetom. No pozrite! Dívate sa na televíziu, niektoré z vás sestier a idete sem a chcete ... Vy mladé ženy, vy ste mladé; ja to viem, ale ste kresťanky. Vidíte? Ste iné. Nechcete byť také ako svet. Milujete svet - nie len vy mladé, ale aj niektoré z vás starších. Vidíte? No, čo to robí? Vidíte? Pozeráte televízor; idete do obchodu; vidíte tie šaty, ktoré ženy nosia, to je bezbožné. Viete čo sa stane v deň súdu? Môžete byť taká cnostná svojmu mužovi, ako len môžete byť, ale v deň súdu sa budete musieť zodpovedať za páchanie cudzoložstva. Ježiš povedal: „Ktokoľvek sa žiadostivo pozrie na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci." Kto je vinný? Vy. Vidíte? Vy ste sa predvádzali v tých šortkách a nohaviciach. Jedna žena mi nedávno povedala: „Ja nenosím šortky, brat Branham. Ďakujem za to Bohu. Ja nosím nohavice."
98 Povedal som: „To je horšie. To je horšie." Je to tak. Pre ženu sa ani nedajú kúpiť poriadne šaty, ťažko.
99 Ona povedala ... Jedna žena povedala: „No, povedal si pravdu; nedajú sa kúpiť." Ale stále predávajú materiál a máte šijacie stroje (vidíte?), nie je na to žiadna výhovorka. Vidíte? To ukazuje, sestra ... Ja som tvoj brat a som Kristov sluha, ktorý sa musí zodpovedať na súde za to čo hovorím tu dnes večer. Vidíte? Budete postavené vinné z cudzoložstva, pretože láska Božia vytiekla z vášho srdca. Stále chodíte do cirkvi. Môžete ďalej tancovať v Duchu, ďalej môžete hovoriť v jazykoch. A tie vecí sú dobré, ale to ešte nie je to. Nie veru!
100 Pamätajte, Biblia povedala „V posledných dňoch prídu falošní Kristovia." Nie falošní Ježišovia. Oni by sa za tým nepostavili. Ale falošní Kristovia - falošní pomazanci. Oni sú absolútne pomazaní Duchom, Duchom Svätým a stále falošní. Vidíte?
101 Vy pozostávate z troch ľudí; to vonkajšie je telo. Máte päť zmyslov s ktorými sa kontaktujete so svojím zemským domovom. Vnútorný je duch. Tam je päť zmyslov: láska, svedomie a tak ďalej, ktorými sa kontaktujete. Ale to vnútro toho je duša.
102 Pamätajte, dážď padá na spravodlivých a na nespravodlivých. Ten istý dážď, ktorý bude robiť aby rástlo zrno pšenice, robí, že tiež rastie kúkoľ. Vidíte? Čo to je? Vo vnútri toho semena je povaha, a tá povaha sa prejavuje. To môže stáť na tom istom poli, rovno tam s kúkoľom. Kúkoľ a pšenica stoja spolu, radujú sa tak isto. Ona má sklonenú hlavu, zomiera od smädu. Keď prichádza dážď, kúkoľ môže vykrikovať tak hlasno ako pšenica. Ale podľa ich ovociach ich poznáte. Vidíte?
103 Kresťania, možno vás nikdy viacej neuvidím. Už sú to roky odkedy som tu bol. Možno vás už viac neuvidím. Vyrovnajte sa s Božím Slovom. Pozrite sa do zrkadla. Ako raz malý chlapec, ktorý býval na dedine, nikdy nevidel zrkadlo. Prišiel do domu ku svojej tete. Začal ísť hore po schodoch. Uvidel zrkadlo; uvidel v zrkadle malého chlapca. Kráčal ďalej a díval sa. Zamával a malý chlapec zamával. Stále sa díval. Nikdy sa nevidel v zrkadle. Tak keď prišiel ku tomu dosť blízko, otočil sa a povedal: „Aha, mama, to som ja!"
104 Ako sa dívate do Božieho zrkadla? Odzrkadľuje ono dcéru alebo syna Božieho? Je niečo, čo keď počujete - spôsobuje to, že nenávidíte človeka, ktorý to hovorí, alebo tam niečo pulzuje, hovoríte: „Viem, že ten človek má pravdu, pretože to je v Písme." Potom to sú vitamíny potrebné pre toto telo, ktoré je určené aby bolo tam, dom ktorý ten iný bude potrebovať, keď tam prídete. Vidíte? Tento dom ... Keď sme sa narodili zemsky ...
105 No pamätajte, my si tak veľa myslíme o tomto tele. Obliekame ho do toľkých šiat. Robíme toľko nepotrebných vecí. Zmena za zmenou a zmena za zmenou a všetko toto ... A prečo, to je proste každý. Nech len niekto niečo začne. Namaľujete si schody na červeno a dívate sa a Jonesovci si maľujú schody na červeno. Vymeníte Chevrolet za Forda a oni to nemôžu zniesť. To je čas, v ktorom sa chcú jedni druhým vyrovnať. Nech len do zboru príde nejaká žena v nejakom určitom klobúku, dávajte pozor, všetky ženy to budú mať, zvlášť pastorova. Vidíte? Len sledujte čo sa deje. No, je to pravda. To je úplná pravda. To je čas dopasovania sa. Brat, to má byť čas dopasovania sa do ... Všetky veci sú za určitým účelom. Nestarám sa či moje sako pasuje ku mojim nohaviciam a prežívam ťažké chvíle. Moja žena, alebo moja nevesta, alebo niekto mi musí povedať, akú kravatu si mám ku tomu zobrať. Nestarám sa či to pasuje ku sebe, chcem aby moje prežitie pasovalo s Božím Slovom. To je hlavné, pretože mojím cieľom je žiť tam, nie tam ďalej na rohu s Jonesovcami, ale ďalej v sláve, kde nám Ježiš odišiel pripraviť miesto. Áno, to chceme. Tak veru!
106 Chráňte sa od všetkého tohoto ... Tento starý zemský stánok tu, viete čo to je? Toto telo je ako starý kabát, ktorý nosíte. Kabát, ktorý raz nosíte. Ale teraz, máte oveľa lepší, už ho viacej nepoužívate. Čo robíte? Vešiate ho do skrine, lebo máte lepší. Máte lepší kabát. Je modernejší ako ten, ktorý ste nosili, ten obnosený. Čo? To je ten oblek. Vy ste to vnútro toho. Ten oblek vykonal len čo? On nosil váš obraz. Vidíte? Ale teraz ho už viacej nepotrebujete. Zavesili ste ho na vešiak. Je to handra. A tak je to s týmto starým telom. Ono sa narodilo na obraz toho nebeského, jednako to nie ste vy. Vy ste vo vnútri toho tela. Vy, Duch Boží, je vo vnútra toho tela. To je to čo robí, že to vonkajšie prichádza do poddania sa, pretože to vnútro to tiahne (vidíte?), privádza to do línii s Božím Slovom: vaše vnútro, vy, vy sami, vaša bytosť.
Toto telo je len starý kabát, a čo s ním jedného dňa urobíte? Lebo len na nejaký čas ste boli v tom oblečení. To je ako to zemské oblečenie, toto telo, vaše skutočné telo, vaše skutočné ja, je vo vnútri tohoto starého kabáta, ktoré nazývate William Branham, alebo Zuzana Jonesová, alebo akokoľvek. Vidíte? Jedného dňa to bude visieť v zemskej hale vašej pamiatky. Položíte ho tam do hrobu a niekto na to položí náhrobný kameň, „Tu leží reverend taký a taký, alebo Ján taký a taký, alebo ten a ten." To tam bude ležať ako pamiatka na vás. Ľudia vás vidia len v tomto a čo ste boli, vaše skutočné ja bolo vo vnútri toho. Ale ten starý kabát sám o sebe len niesol obraz nebeského. Ó, ľudia zaistili ste si výmenu kabátu? Máte rezervované nebo? Pamätajte musíte to mať rezervované. Nemôžete to dostať bez rezervovania. Hovorím vám teraz v modernom jazyku. Aby ste vedeli, ak idete do hotelu a poviete, „Dobre ja mám ..."
107 Rezervovali ste si to? No, je mi ľúto, všetko je plné." Ste vonku na zime, pretože ste si to zanedbali rezervovať. A keď prídete na koniec cesty svojho života bez rezervovania, nikto sa tam s vami nestretne. Budete musieť vyjsť do tmavej večnosti, kde bude krik a plač a nárek a škrípanie zubov. Musíte; nemôžete vojsť do tohoto mesta, pretože ste si to nerezervovali. Musíte to mať rezervované, aby ste vošli do toho mesta, kde vám Ježiš odišiel pripraviť miesto. Pamätajte musíte to mať rezervované a na sebe oblek spasenia. Nemôžete ...
108 V Matúšovi mám tu miesto Písma (Pozorujem Písma), Matúš 22:1-14. Nemám čas aby som to čítal, pretože je už príliš neskoro. Príliš dlho som ku vám hovoril. Ale pamätajte, ten kráľ poslal a pripravil večeru. Zabil všetky svoje voli a pripravil vykŕmené teľatá a všetko a pripravil veľkú večeru. A poslal sluhov a pozval mnohých. Jeden povedal: „No, vieš, nakoniec, ja patrím do tohoto a ja mám toto. A musím ísť na svoju farmu," a iný robil mnoho vecí. A on ich znovu poslal a oni s nimi zle zachádzali.
A nakoniec ... To bola židovská generácia, ku ktorým Ježiš hovoril; oni mali inakšiu robotu. Potom nakoniec ich poslal a povedal: „Choďte ... prinúťte ich. Vyjdite do ulíc a na cesty a všade a prinúťte ľudí aby prišli." A potom, rozhodol, aby jeho dom ... jeho svadobná večera bola pripravená. Hostia sa tam zhromaždili. A potom tam našiel človeka, ktorý nemal oblečené svadobné rúcho. On sa chcel držať toho starého kabátu. A pozrite sa čo on povedal: „Priateľu, potom čo som ťa pozval na svoju svadobnú večeru a pozval som ťa a dal som ti pozvánku, aby si prišiel ..."
109 A ak ste boli niekedy v Oriente, kde som kázal mnoho krát, že svadobná večera stále prebieha presne tak, ako voľakedy. Ženích, on má toľko a toľko hostí, ktorých bude mať. Brat Koop, možno si to tam pozoroval v Indii. Vidíte? Oni mali určitý počet hostí, ktorých on ide pozvať. Povedzme, že on pozve tridsať hostí. No, ženích musí zaobstarať rúcha. On ich musí zaobstarať. A tak, tam vo dverách stojí človek a vy prichádzate so svojím pozvaním; on skontroluje vašu pozvánku a vloží na vás odev, rúcho. Niektorí z pozvaných sú bohatí a niektorí sú chudobní; a niektorí sú iní; ale oni všetci vyzerajú rovnako, keď si oblečú tieto rúcha. Oni všetci vyzerajú rovnako. A vy všetci musíte byť rovnakí. Nebudete hovoriť: „Ja tu som metodista," „a ja tu som presbyterián."Ó, nie! Vôbec tam tak nevojdete. Vidíte? Musíte prejsť cez dvere. Ježiš povedal: „Ja som dvere do ovčinca."
„Ja som letničný." „Ja som toto, ja som tamto." To nič neznamená. Vy prichádzate cez dvere. A keď prichádzate cez tie dvere, dostávate rúcho.
110 A tento človek, keď On povedal, „Ako si sa sem dostal, priateľ?" Vidíte? To ukázalo, že on prišiel nejakou inou cestou a vošiel oknom, vošiel zozadu, ale nie cez dvere, nie cez dvere, nie cestou ktorou prišiel Ježiš, cez obetovanie seba samého, odovzdávate všetko svoje Bohu a idete na Golgotu a ste ukrižovaní s Ním a znovu vzbudení aby ste nosili Jeho šatu obeti a smrti ohľadne vecí tohoto sveta.
111 Ak milujete svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, nie je vo vás láska Božia. Vidíte? Ak stále máte lásku sveta, chcete sa správať ako svet a konať ako svet, snažíte sa ... hoci ste v zbore, ale kúkoľ na poli s pšenicou. Vykrikujete s ostatnými; radujete sa s ostatnými; všetky duchovné požehnania sú rovno na vás. Hovoríte: „No, ja prorokujem." To robil tiež Kajfáš; tak robil Balám. To nemá nič ...
112 „Ja mám krst Duchom Svätým." To stále s tým nemá nič spoločného. To je len dočasný dar pre vás. Tým skutočným darom je vaša duša tam dole (vidíte?) to sa narodilo z Boha a to riadi celú vec do Slova Božieho a do vôli Božej; a tam rastiete. Vidíte? Potom ste syn a dcéra Božia. Ste dieťaťom Božím. A tieto veci, v ktorých vychádzate ... Ako matka teraz, ste vo vnútornostiach zeme a snažíte sa vystúpiť. Ste syn Boží, ktorý vystupuje a vidí, že Slovo hovorí, že mám robiť toto; Mám sa znovu narodiť. „Dobre, ja patrím do zboru." To nič neznamená. Vidíte?
„Ja som metodista, moja matka ..." To je dobré pre tvoju matku.
113 „Dobre, ja som letničný; ja patrím ..." Ak nie si v súlade so Slovom, niečo nie je v poriadku. Rozumieš? Potom vidíš, že tvojím skutočným otcom nie je Boh (vidíš?), pretože ten skutočný začiatok v tvojej duši ... ešte predtým ako bol duch, bola tvoja duša. Tá duša nepochádza od Boha, potom to od začiatku nebol gén Boží. Si zvedený. Si na kúkoľovom poli a nesieš svetský záznam ako kúkoľ, vychádzaš a správaš sa ako ten svet, miluješ svet, pretože nie je v tebe láska Božia.
114 A teraz, budú falošní pomazanci v posledných dňoch, nie falošní Ježišovia; oni by sa za tým neostavili, ale falošní pomazanci. Oni sú pomazaní. Tak veru! Ale oni sú anti-Krist. Oni sú pomazaní Duchom, aby robili znamenia a zázraky, ktoré robil Kristus, ale neprídu do poriadku s Jeho Slovom. Vidíte? „Mnohí prídu ku Mne v ten deň a povedia: „Pane, či som neprorokoval a nevyháňal démonov v tvojom mene?"
On povie: „Odstúpte odo mňa, činitelia neprávosti: nikdy som vás nepoznal."
„Ja som bol letničný, Pane. Sláva Bohu! Vykrikoval som; Hovoril som v jazykoch; kládol som ruky na chorých a uzdravoval som ich, vyháňal démonov."
„Odstúpte odo mňa, činitelia neprávosti: Nikdy som vás nepoznal." Vidíte, čo chcem povedať?
115 Ó, detičky, cítite dnes potrebu tých vitamínov, toho niečoho? Tam čaká telo; je telo, ktoré na vás čaká, aby ste ho dostali. Ľudia, nebuďte zvedení! Nebuďte zvedení! Diabol je zvoditeľ. Tiež svadobné rúcho, musíte ho nosiť. To musí byť.
116 No, sme v čase večera. To zemské telo je teraz pripravené zaniknúť a my sa pripravujeme vojsť do nebeského. A teraz cítime zvláštne Božie volanie, aby sme išli do tohoto veľkého Edenu. A prv, ako sa môžeme narodiť tu, naše malé telá volali po niečom, čo muselo byť zadovážené lebo inak by sme tu boli postihnutým dieťaťom, keby sme to nemali. Boh tam hore nemá žiadnych postihnutých. Oni sú všetci dokonale zaopatrení, nevesta, presne tak, ako bol ženích, zamenifestovaným slovom na svoj čas. Nech vám to Boh udelí dnes večer, deti, každému jednému z vás. Existuje nebo aby ste išli do neho; existuje peklo aby ste sa ho stránili.
117 No, mnohí z vás viete, že Pán mi dáva videnia, tisíce videní. Najväčšie veci ... Voľakedy som mal strach zo smrti. Asi pred tromi rokmi, videli ste časopis kresťanských obchodníkov. „Za záclonou času." Uvedomujem si, že nemusím prežiť túto noc. Možno vás tu už viac v živote neuvidím. Ale toto je pravda. Neviem, či by som to nazval videnie alebo čo to bolo. Raz ráno, nedávno, práve som sa zobudil; Prišiel som zo zhromaždení a moja žena tam ležala a spala. Opýtal som sa: „Drahá spíš?" Ona stále spala. Viem, museli sme vstať a vypraviť deti do školy. Dal som si takto ruky dozadu a povedal som si: „No, Bill Branham, vieš že ti minulo päťdesiat? Ak chceš urobiť niečo pre Pána, radšej sa poponáhľaj, pretože nemáš príliš veľa času." Pomyslel som si: „Ó, dúfam, že budem môcť žiť aby som videl príchod Pána Ježiša." Stále som si to tak myslel, že keď zomrieme, uvidím ... Ako brat tu, poviem ... „Hej, ty si raz tam na zemi kázal v mojom zbore, brat Branham." Ale on je duch. Nemohol by som mu potriasť ruku, pretože jeho ruka je tam v hrobe zhnitá. Moja tiež. Tak som o tom zvykol uvažovať.
118 Ale v to ráno, keď som cítil, že niečo na mňa prichádza a ja som myslel - obyčajne ako keď prichádza videnie - a pozrel som sa, a pozrel som sa a pomyslel som si: „Ó, čo je toto?" A díval som sa na veľké zelené kopce a videl som ako zovšade prichádzali mladé ženy, desaťtisícové, stotisícové zástupy. A oni všetky prichádzali, dlhé vlasy im viseli na chrbát, v bielych rúchach, bosé, kričali, volali - Náš brat!"
119 Pomyslel som si: „No toto je divné." A otočil som sa a pozrel som sa a tam som ležal; a tam na posteli ležala moja žena. Povedal som: „No, viete čo, zomrel som. To je to čo sa stalo. Zomrel som." Povedal som si. „Možno som dostal srdcový infarkt alebo niečo. Zomrel som. Tam leží moje telo." Ležal som tam takto s rukami za hlavou, ako stuhnutý. Pomyslel som si: „No, to nie je odo mňa ani dvadsať stôp (okolo 6 m.)." A tam som sa pozeral; rozmýšľal som: „Tam je moja žena, tam je všetko; tam na posteli visí moja košeľa." Rozmýšľal som: „Tu som."
120 Znovu som sa pozrel okolo a tieto ženy všetky prichádzali; a oni boli ... A pozrel som sa a z tejto strany som uvidel prichádzať mojich bratov, všetci skutoční, všetci vyzerali ako mladí muži. Volali: „Náš drahý brat!" No, nevedel som čo si mám myslieť.
121 Pomyslel som si: „Toto je zvláštne." Pozrel som sa na seba a ja som tiež nebol starý; bol som mladý. Pomyslel som si: „Toto je zvláštne." Je toto videnie?" Uhryzol som sa do prsta a pomyslel som si, „Nie! toto nie je také videnie aké som mával."
122 A potom, tu hore sa začalo so mnou niečo rozprávať a povedal: „Vošiel si ku svojim ľuďom."
A pomyslel som si: „Ku mojim ľuďom? Títo všetci sú Branhamovci?"
123 On povedal: „To sú tvoji obrátení ku Kristovi." A tieto ženy ... Viete stále ma považovali ... Nazývali ma protivník žien, ja ním nie som (viete?), pretože verím ... Vidíte? Nemám rád nemorálne, neslušné; Mám rád skutočné, opravdové sestry v Kristovi. Ak tak, v poriadku.
124 Mám nejaké jazvy, keď som bol dieťa. Viem o veciach, ktoré sa stali, ktoré ma tak trochu tak obrátili. Ale to bola všetko Božia práca, ktorý ma formoval pre túto hodinu. Vidíte?
125 No, myslím, že skutočná ozajstná sestra, nie je nič krajšieho. Ak Boh môže dať mužovi niečo lepšie okrem spasenia, dáva mu ženu. Vidíte? A tak potom, ak mu mohol dať niečo lepšie, On to urobil. A potom, keď vidíte niektoré z nich, ako odbočili a ani sa nesprávajú ako manželky, neverné svojím manželským sľubom a ich muži tak isto. Pamätajte, ste zaviazaní pokiaľ žijete jeden druhému. Čo Boh spojil na zemi je spojené tiež v nebi. Vidíte?
126 A tak, potom som to videl. A tieto ženy bežali ku mne a objímali ma a nazývali ma bratom. No, to boli ženy, ale tam na tom mieste nikdy nemôže byť hriech. Vidíte? To boli ženy, ale vidíte, čo nás teraz spravilo ... žena so žľazami, so ženskými žľazami, a muž s mužskými žľazami; to je kvôli vychovávaniu detí. Tam to nebude, oni všetci budú jednej žľazy, ale stále budú mať formu ... svoju zemskú podobu, ktorú mali tu budú mať tam, ale tam nikdy nemôže byť hriech. Vy ste všetci rovnakí. Tam sa už nebudú vychovávať deti. Vidíte? Je to tak. Tak to bude.
127 A tak som sa pozrel a tieto ženy ... Oni ma zodvihli, títo bratia a postavili ma na nejaké miesto. Povedal som: „Prečo to robíte?"
Povedal: „Na zemi si bol vodcom." A povedal: „Ty ... toto sú ľudia ..."
128 A prichádzala tam nejaká žena. Povedala: „Náš drahý brat." Veľmi pekná žena, keď prešla okolo, tento hlas, niečo povedalo: „Pamätáš si ju?"
Povedal som: „Nie!"
Povedal: „Priviedol si ju ku Kristovi, keď jej minulo deväťdesiat. Vidíš? Či rozumieš, prečo povedala, drahý brat?"
A ja som povedal: „No, či idete ..."
Oni povedal: „Nie, my tu čakáme."
Povedal som: „Dobre, keď som sem prišiel, chcem vidieť Ježiša."
Povedal: „Teraz Ho nemôžeš vidieť. Toto je miesto Písma, ktoré hovorí „duše pod oltárom." On je trošku vyššie. Jedného dňa sa On vráti. My pôjdeme naspäť na zem. My tu nejeme ani nepijeme."
129 Povedal som: „Chcete povedať, že tohoto som sa bál? Prečo toto ..." Nie je slovo, ktoré by to opísalo, priatelia. To je ... „Dokonalosť" to nevyjadrí. „Vznešenosť," nieto žiadne anglické slovo, ktoré by som poznal, vôbec žiadne slovo, ktoré by dokázalo vyjadriť čo to je. To je povyše všetkého čo poznám. Tam on bol; tam nebola žiadna choroba, ani žiaľ. Nemôžete zomrieť; nemôžete zhrešiť. To bolo proste dokonalé, proste dokonalé. Priatelia, nesmiete, nesmiete to minúť.
130 Pamätajte ... A keď som bol malý chlapec, videl som videnie pekla, ako malý chlapec. A viete ako dámy dnes (lepšie povedané, ženy, dáma by nerobila niečo také) maľujú si oči ako vlk alebo niečo také, to modré pod očami. Videl som to. Ponáral som sa. Ako malý chlapec, bol som podstrelený a ležal som v nemocnici a zomieral som. A stále som vedel, že existuje Boh. Pamätám sa na prvú modlitbu, ktorú som sa kedy snažil modliť, jediné čo som mohol povedať ... Nikdy predtým som toto nehovoril; Cítim aby som to teraz povedal. Bol som podstrelený, ležal som tam v poli a zomieral; jedinú obhajobu, ktorú som mohol povedať Bohu, povedal som: „Pane Ty vieš, že som nikdy nespáchal cudzoložstvo." Vidíte? Ako malý chlapec okolo pätnásť ročný, snažil som sa žiť správne. A povedal som, „Žil som čisto," a to bolo všetko čo som mohol povedať. To bola všetká zásluha, ktorú som mu mohol ponúknúť.
131 A ako som tam ležal, keď som ... Doktor odišiel odo mňa a ja som cítil, ako sa ponáram do tmavej večnosti a vyzeralo to ako ... A kričal som na otca. „Och, ocko, pomôž mi!" Nebolo tam žiadneho ocka. „Mama, pomôž mi." Mamy tam nebolo. „Bože, pomôž mi!" Nebolo tam Boha. To bolo proste nekonečné, strašné, ó, hrôza. Byť v horiacom, plápolajúcom pekle by bolo príjemnejšie než toto. A padal som cez to, myslel som, „Ó!" Znovu a znovu takto. A dostal som sa na miesto - dym a temnosť a choroba a och, taký pocit. A to bola na mne smrť. A mohol som vidieť tie ženy, ako prichádzali ku mne s takými vymaľovanými očami. No pamätajte, to bolo pred štyridsiatimi piatimi rokmi - alebo pred štyridsiatimi rokmi. Idúc ... oni išli „Ú, ú, ú". Povedal som: „Či tu mám byť naveky?"
132 Povedal som: „Ó, Bože, keď mi dáš aby som sa stadeto dostal, už sa nikdy viac nebudem za Teba hanbiť. Nikdy sa nebudem hanbiť. Bože, prosím, daj mi šancu." A prvé čo viete, pocítil som, že prichádzam naspäť. A doktor bol vyľakaný, pretože srdce mi bilo len sedemnásť krát za minútu. Vykrvácal som. Ležal som vo svojej vlastnej krvi. A bol som zvedavý, či sa to raz stane.
133 Asi pred dvoma rokmi, keď som sa presťahoval do Tucsonu, bol som s manželkou v obchode J.C. Penney. A takto som tam sedel so sklonenou hlavou, čakal som, pretože viete ako dámy, oni dlho nakupujú. A sedel som tam takto so sklonenou hlavou. A pohyblivé schody sa točili a tu prichádzajú niektoré z tých žien s tými vodovými účesmi - viete ako to nosia, také, prichádzali hore s tými namaľovanými očami ako to; a hovorili po španielsky. A to ... to všetko ... To videnie sa znovu zopakovalo. Tam to bolo: Ú, ú."
134 Brat, sestra, dovoľte, že vám niečo poviem, teraz to môže vyzerať smiešne, ale jedného dňa tam prídete. To je vážna vec. Nikdy nechoďte po tej ceste!
135 Ja ako starý muž, ako kazateľ, kázal som po svete, mám milióny priateľov, ale viem, že sa tam ďalej musím s vami postaviť. Utečte od vecí tohoto sveta. A ak je niečo vo vás, že sa ďalej chcete správať tak ako ste sa správali, ak máte v sebe veci tohoto sveta, pamätajte, nie ste z Boha; ste len člen zboru. Až kým to volanie, tá hlbina, ktorá volá na hlbinu ... Vidíte?
136 Skôr ako bola plutva na chrbte ryby, musela byť prv pre ňu voda, v ktorej by plávala, inak by nikdy nemala plutvu. Skôr ako bol strom, ktorý mal rásť na zemi, musela byť zem, lebo inak by nebol žiadny strom, ktorý by na nej rástol. Ten strom by nemal na to žiadny dôvod. A aby sme to priblížili ku tomuto ... Prv ako je stvorenie musí byť Stvoriteľ.
137 „Blahoslavení sú tí, ktorí sú hladní a smädní po spravodlivosti." Niečo je v nás. Vy ste pred chvíľou zodvihli ruky: „Chcem viacej Boha." Vidíte, tam je nejaká potreba. A ak milujete svet (a idete tou svetskou cestou) a veci toho sveta, budete cestovať spolu s tým svetom, tam padnete. Vidíte? Vyjdite! Vy ste synovia a dcéry Kráľa, Kráľa. Buďte dámy a džentlmeni. Choďte ako kresťania; žite ako kresťania; správajte sa ako kresťania. Pamätajte, stretnem vás na súde s týmito poznámkami. Vidíte?
138 Pozrite sa dnes večer do svojho zrkadla a vidzte: „Na ktorú cestu som nasmerovaný. Pripravuje pre mňa Ježiš miesto, telo? To telo je dokonalé; to telo chodí poriadne; to je syn alebo dcéra pred Bohom. A ja som tu v pôrodných bolestiach, aby som sa narodil do toho tela tam. Ak stále milujem svet, to mi ukazuje, že nie som - nemám tam žiadne telo. Som len člen zboru. Nebol som Božím génom. Nie som ... On nie je môj Otec."
139 On povedal: „Ak nedokážete zniesť káznenie (to je to čo dostávate teraz) potom ste cudzoložňatá a nie deti Božie." Či nie je to tak? Či hovorí toto Biblia? A nemôžete zniesť káznenie Božie, keď vidíte Písmo, ktoré vás napráva a vy poviete: „Ó, ja nechcem niečo také počúvať. Ja som kresťan. Ja robím to, čo ..." Dobre, choď si. Vidíte? To je jeden istý dôkaz, že nie si dieťa Božie. Ale skutočné dieťa Božie je hladné a smädné. Prečo? Ak je niečo vo vašom srdci, čo vám hovorí, že to chcete a je to tam potrebné, to ukazuje, že tam niečo pulzuje, snaží sa vás tam potiahnuť. Tam je telo, ktorého toto tu je odrazom. Načo používate toto? Aby ste oslávili diabla a svet a módu a také veci alebo sa dívate do neba? A tam hore je niečo; vy oslavujete Boha svojím životom.
140 „V dome môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov; keby nebolo tak, povedal by som vám. A ja idem a pripravím vám miesto a znovu prídem a vezmem vás ku sebe, aby ste tam, kde som ja, aj vy boli." Veci, ktoré sa majú stať. Tieto veci, ktoré sú teraz sú len potenciálne, volajú na veci, ktoré majú nastať.
141 Modlime sa. Vážne sa zamyslite, urobíte to, drahí kresťanskí priatelia? Zamyslite sa na chvíľu skutočne vážne. Buďme teraz skutočne potichu za chvíľu. Nech Duch Svätý hovorí.
No, Pán Ježiš ma poslal ku vám, letniční ľudia, už dávno. Tu je jeden z vašich chlapcov, ktorý prišiel a je vaším pastorom, povedal, že je ovocím tej služby. Videl ako Pán Ježiš otvoril slepé oči, ako na mieste zmenši vodnatú hlavu. Stále mám služby s uzdravovaním, ale uvedomujem si, že som kázal mnohým ľuďom, ktorí boli veľmi chorí. Oni boli uzdravení, Pán odpovedal na modlitbu a uzdravil tú nemoc. Ale, viete, niektorí z tých ľudí, ktorí boli uzdravení už zomreli. A bez ohľadu na to akí ste nemocní, ak ste uzdravení, aj tak zomriete. Ale tá duša, môj drahý brat, tá duša, moja drahá sestra, zamyslíš sa teraz nad tým? To je večné. Ak tam nie je tá láska Božia, nie je nič, čo by tiahlo, či nepožiadaš Boha: „Ó Bože, začni znovu so mnou dnes večer. Milujem ťa Pane. Chcem ťa milovať, a niečo v srdci mi hovorí, že musím žiť bližšie Teba. Chcem prísť hneď teraz, Pane, a robiť to." Ak taká osoba alebo osoby sú v tejto budove alebo z vonku nej, žiadam ťa ako Kristov sluha v mene Ježiša Krista, urobíš to teraz, so sklonenou hlavou, zodvihni ruku ku Bohu a povedz toľkoto: Bože, potiahni ma bližšie a bližšie, drahý Bože. Chcem sa dať doporiadku so všetkým čo Ty hovoríš vo svojom Slove." Zodvihnite teraz ruky. Buďte skutočne úprimní.
142 Zamyslite sa len. No, vy hovoríte: „Ó, urobil som toto, Kričal som v Duchu; Hovoril som v jazykoch, ale pozri sa, niečo v mojom živote chýba. Dívam sa do zrkadla Božieho Slova, viem že je niečo. Chodím do zboru, ale nie som to, čo by som mal byť." Vidíte? To ukazuje, že je niečo ... No, ak sa môžeš pozrieť na seba a vidieť, že nie si v poriadku s Božím Slovom a nie je tam nič, čo by spravilo, aby si zodvihol ruku, potom vieš, že niečo je zle. Máš ... Matka zvykla hovoriť: „Z repy nemôžeš vypustiť krv, lebo žiadna tam nie je." Vidíte? Zamyslite sa nad tým skutočne vážne. Toto môže byť vaša posledná príležitosť. Zodvihlo sa tridsať alebo štyridsať rúk v tejto malej skupine tu, ešte aj duchovní.
143 Buďte na chvíľu len skutočne úprimní. No, myslite skutočne priamo: „Drahý Bože, ja môžem byť dnes večer zabitý v nejakej nehode. Môžem zomrieť na záchvat srdca. Raz ráno môžu zavolať doktora a on príde a môj puls ustane. Je po mne. Budem pritláčať svoju hruď do vankúša a poviem: „Ó, Bože, ó Bože, ó, Bože!" Vidíte? Srdce robí svoj posledný úder; idete ku tým veľký dverám. Nikdy nevyjdete, ak nie ste znovuzrodení z Ducha Božieho. Nikdy z tade nevyjdete, ak nie je niečo vo vás - potom keď ste narodení z Ducha Božieho - hladní a smädní ísť ďalej s Bohom. To musí byť. Vidíte? Ste dieťaťom v zemi, vo vnútornostiach zeme a stále čakáte na narodenie sa do Kráľovstva Božieho, kde vám On odišiel pripraviť iné telo a to je dokonalé telo. Zamyslite sa skutočne hlboko a modlime sa spolu.
144 Drahý Bože, pretože viem, že toto je zaznamenané v Knihe, na tom veľkom zázname. Zabŕdli sme do vedy, Pane, dosť na to, aby nás to zobudilo do skutočnosti, aby sme vedeli, že každý pohyb, ktorý robíme ide okolo sveta, hneď od tej chvíli, ako ho vykonáme. Dokázali sme to cez televíziu. Uvedomujeme si Otče, že televízia nevyrába žiadny obraz, to len prenáša tie vibrácie do elektrónky a to robí obraz. Ešte aj farbu šiat, ktoré máme ukazuje cez éterové vlny , cez tú vibráciu okolo sveta. Potom ako sú na tom naše sestry v takom oblečení, keď sa tak správajú a ani netúžia - namaľované tváre, ostrihané vlasy ...
Kazatelia, ktorí pôjdú na teológiu, na nejaký seminár a učia sa veci podľa ľudského slova, čo robí - cez ich tradície - robia, že prikázania Božie nemajú na ľudí žiadnu moc ... Skrze svoje tradície, hovoria, že majú patriť do cirkvi a to je všetko. Ó, Bože, či si uvedomujú, že každé slovo, ktoré povieme, vedecky je to dokázané, ono je zaznamenané a to sa začne zaznamenávať, keď začneme žiť na tejto zemi; končí to keď zomierame; a je to vložené do Božieho albumu aby to znovu bolo prehrané na súde? Ako tomu utečieme, odsúdeniu Božiemu, keď tá vec bola tak jasne pred nami predstavená a predsa to odvrhneme. Ó, drahý Bože, tieto slová nikdy nezomrú; oni idú ďalej a ďalej. Ten záznam bude prehraný v deň súdu. Videl si tie ruky, ktoré sa zodvihli, Otče. To bude rovno tam v deň súdu. Tiež to o čom premýšľa ich srdce bude tam v deň súdu.
145 No, Otče Bože, prosím ťa, ako tvoj sluha, prosím aby si odňal všetkú neprávosť od tvojich ľudí. Neprávosť - „niečo čo vieme, že máme robiť a nerobíme to." Dávid povedal: „Keby som vymýšľal neprávosť vo svojom srdci, Boh nevypočuje moju modlitbu." Prosím, Bože, aby si odňal našu neprávosť, pretože Slovo je tvoje zrkadlo, ktoré nás ukazuje koľko nám chýba, aby sme boli synovia a dcéry Kráľa. Otče, prosím, aby si to urobil dnes večer.
146 A sprav, že oltár, pretože okolo oltára sedí plno ľudí. Sprav oltár na mieste, kde sedia, sprav ich srdce oltárom. Nech odíde svet tu od každého brata, sestry. A nech ten malý gén života, ten gén Boží, o ktorom sme práve hovorili, ten atribút, ktorý prišiel dole od Boha a zamanifestoval sa tu na chválu a slávu Božiu ... Bože odsuň od nich ten svet.
147 Za ostatných sa nemôžem modliť, Pane, pretože tá nemoc je na smrť, a nie je tam nič, čo by spravilo aby sa pohli. A tí, ktorí sa môžu pohnúť a vedia, že to je zle, očisti ich srdcia a ich duše dnes večer, Otče a nech sú naplnení Tvojím Duchom a chodia v tvojom Svetle.
148 Pane požehnaj tu tohoto drahého, mladého, zdravého pastora, ktorý vyzerá taký silný, tohoto mladého muža, ovplyvneného, ako to povedal, tým, že videl to, čo Ty robíš. Tohoto milého mladého muža. Ó Bože postav jeho dušu do ohňa. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech je skutočným pastierom stále po celý čas, aby choval stádo, nad ktorým ho Duch Svätý urobil dozorcom. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech sa neobracia ani doprava ani doľava, na žiadnu stranu, za žiadnym vyznaním ani ničím iným, ale nech z jeho úst vychádza nefalšované Slovo Božie a jedine to. Žehnaj ho Bože, jeho a jeho milovaných a ten malý zbor tu. Buď s nimi všetkými, Otče.
149 Odovzdávam ti toto Otče. Semeno je zasiate. Nech to padne do toho srdca, ktoré bolo určené do života a nech rastú na veľkých a silných kresťanov pre toto zhromaždenie tu a iné zhromaždenia, odkiaľ prichádzajú. Sprav to Pane. Odovzdávam to tebe v mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho.
A Otče: „On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti; kázeň nášho pokoja bola zložená na neho a jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení."
150 Videl som pred chvíľou prechádzať cez dvere biednu, nervóznu ženu. Ó Bože, čo za veľká vec sa stala v jej vlastnej rodine. Ako si sa zamenifestoval. Prosím, Bože, za tú ženu. Odstráň od nej všetok ten minulý život, Pane a uzdrav ju dnes večer. Urobíš to Pane? Vezmi ju ku sebe.
151 Vidím tu sedieť malé deti, Pane, ktoré potrebujú uzdravenie - vidím iných. Prosím, aby si ich uzdravil, Otče. Sprav to. Nech Tvoja veľká uzdravujúca moc príde a uzdraví nás, oboje dušu aj telo.
152 A teraz, pre vás, ktorí ste tu v zbore alebo vonku, ktorí potrebujete uzdravenie, chcem aby ste zodvihli ruky, povedzte: „Potrebujem uzdravenie, brat Branham." Vyzerá, ako keby to každý potreboval. Dobre. Veríte mi, že som Kristov sluha, povedzte: „Amen." Potom chcem aby ste položili svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Položte len ruky jeden na druhého, vy ktorí ste zodvihli ruky, (vo vnútri alebo vonku) - vy ste zodvihli ruky, že veríte v Boha. Ježiš Kristus povedal (Jeho posledné poverenie pre cirkev), „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu. Ten kto uverí - kto uverí a pokrstí sa bude spasený; kto neuverí bude odsúdený. A uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia: V mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov; budú hovoriť novými jazykmi; keby zobrali hadov alebo pili niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im to. A keď budú klásť ruky na chorých, budú uzdravení." No, Ježiš to povedal. Pamätajte, On to povedal! Musí to tak byť! On by to nepovedal, keby nebol niekto, kto sa chytí toho Slova.
Práve tak ako lono Márii mohlo chytiť ten gén: „Panna počne." Ako mohla byť stvorená palma a dub na kopci - to vykonalo Jeho Slovo. Jeho Slovo sa práve teraz môže zachytiť v tvojom srdci. „Ja som veriaci, Pane. Tento muž alebo táto žena, na ktorých mám položené svoje ruky, oni sa trápia. Ja sa nemodlím za seba, pretože oni sa modlia za mňa. Modlím za ňu alebo za neho. A ó Bože, uzdrav ho, uzdrav ju. A ja som veriaci a teraz, my sme zhromaždení. Práve sme boli vyučovaní, že sme boli s Kristom, keď On chodil po zemi, lebo sme časťou Jeho Slova. Trpeli sme s Ním; krvácali sme s Ním; zomreli sme s Ním; boli sme s Ním pochovaní; vstali sme s Ním a sedíme spolu v nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi - ten veľký Kráľ, sedí tu v našom strede. A ja som syn alebo dcéra tohoto Kráľa a mám položené svoje ruky na synovi alebo na dcére tohoto Kráľa, ktorí sa modlia za mňa a ja sa modlím za nich. Pane, odpovedz na moju modlitbu a uzdrav tohoto syna Božieho alebo túto dcéru Božiu. Modlime sa teraz spolu jeden za druhého.
153 Pane Ježišu, prichádzame teraz pokorne a vyznávame svoje chyby. Prichádzame a vyznávame, že zasluhujeme na chorobu a smrť a žiaľ, ale prijímame Tvoje zmierenie za naše hriechy a naše nemoci. A dnes večer títo synovia alebo dcéry Božie, ktorí tu sedia, počúvajú nápravu zo Slova a dvíhajú svoje ruky a chcú chodiť bližšie Teba, kladú teraz svoje ruky jeden na druhého, pretože veria, že Tvoje Slovo je pravda. Oni veria, že teraz sme povstali s Kristom, sedíme v nebeských miestach s Ním. Oni majú svoje ruky jeden na druhom, modlia sa jeden za druhého. Ty si povedal modlitba viery uzdraví chorého a Boh ho pozdvihne; a ak učinil hriech, bude mu to odpustené. Vyznávajte svoje viny jeden druhému a modlite sa jeden za druhého aby ste mohli byť uzdravení. Lebo účinná vrúcna modlitba spravodlivého ... mnoho zvládze.
Ó večný Bože, vypočuj modlitbu svojho sluhu. A teraz, znovu je napísané: „Ak ľudia ktorí sú nazvaní Mojím menom sa spolu zhromaždia a budú sa modliť, potom Ja odpoviem z neba!" Ó Bože, vypočuj modlitbu Tvojich detí dnes večer z neba. Pošli dole Ducha Svätého na toto zhromaždenie ako nesúci sa silný vietor.
154 A my prinášame týchto ľudí pred Boha. Satan, si porazený; si porazenou bytosťou. Ježiš Kristus ťa porazil na Golgote. Nemáš žiadnu moc, si klamár. Staviame sa ti dnes večer na odpor. V mene Ježiša Krista, vyjdi tu z týchto ľudí, ty choroba a nákaza a nech idú slobodní v mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho.
155 Haleluja! Cítite slávu Božiu; cítite, že vaša modlitba je vypočutá. Veríte, že Boh vypočul tú osobu, ktorá sedí vedľa vás? Koľkí tomu veríte, zodvihnite ruky? Tu to máte! Ó, ohromné.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho, (Zodvihnite teraz ruky spievajte Mu to z celého srdca.)
Lebo On prv miloval mňa; (Myslíte to teraz tak z celého srdca?) A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
156 Koľkí cítite, že Boh vám odpustil vaše neprávosti, to čo ste vykonali? A od teraz, „Ó Baránku Boží, sľubujem chodiť priamo. Budem chodiť na chválu mena, ktorým som nazvaný, kresťan, ako Kristus. Dvíham svoje ruky, Bože; Posväcujem sa Ti znovu dnes večer. Budem chodiť vo svetle." Amen!
Budeme chodiť vo svetle, v nádhernom svetle; Ono pochádza odtiaľ, kde sú jasné kvapky rosy milosti. Svietia všade okolo nás vodne i v noci, Ježiš, svetlo sveta.
Budeme chodiť vo svetle, v nádhernom svetle; Ono pochádza odtiaľ, kde sú jasné kvapky rosy milosti. (Kde On odišiel pripraviť pre nás miesto!)
Svietia všade okolo nás vodne i noci, Ježiš, svetlo sveta.
Poďte všetci svätý Ježišovho svetla, svetla sveta. Pravda a milosť je jeho meno. Ježiš svetlo sveta. (Čo potom budeme robiť?)
Budeme chodiť vo svetle, v nádhernom svetle; Ono pochádza odtiaľ, kde sú jasné kvapky rosy milosti. Svietia všade okolo nás vodne i v nociJežiš, svetlo sveta.
Ó, cítite že je všetko vyčistené, cítite sa dobre? Ó! Potrasme si ruky a spievajme znovu.
Budeme chodiť vo svetle, v nádhernom svetle; Ono pochádza odtiaľ, (Nech vás Boh žehná.) kde sú jasné kvapky rosy milosti. Svietia všade okolo nás vodne i v noci, Ježiš, svetlo sveta.
Zavrime oči a hmkajme to.
(Správame sa ako deti; my sme deti.)
Ó, to je nádherné svetlo; Ono pochádza odtiaľ, kde sú jasné kvapky rosy milosti. Svietia všade okolo nás vodne i vnoci, Ježiš, svetlo sveta.
Milujete Ho?
Moja viera hľadí na teba, ty Baránok z Golgoty,
(Zavrime len oči a spievajme to. Oslavujem Ho v Duchu!) Božský spasiteľ!
Počuj ma teraz keď sa modlím, Odstráň všetky moje hriechy, .... nech som odteraz celý Tvoj!
Zatiaľ čo prechádzam tmavým bludiskom života a zármutok sa šíri okolo mňa, Ó, buď mojím, strážcom; Rozkáž aby sa temnosť premenila na deň, vyžeň preč žiaľ a strach, daj aby som nikdy nezablúdil preč od Teba.
157 Ó! Viete ja som staromódny chlap. Mám rád ... myslím že to má všetky tie nové, rozsekané, rozhúpané, rock n roll, napodobeniny vynikajú na milión míľ. Tí starí speváci, ktorí písali tie piesne, Duch Svätý sa dotkol toho pera a začali písať. Ó! Myslím na Eddie Perronet a všetkých tých veľkých ... Fanny Crosby:
Neobídi ma, ó láskavý Spasiteľ,
Počuj moje pokorné volanie; ...
158 Raz sa ju snažili dostať. Ona neurobila tak ako letničný Elvis Prestley, nepredala svoje prvorodenstvo za hromadu Cadillacov. Ona ... Prišli ku nej a chceli aby písala svetské piesne. Ona povedala: „Za nič na svete by som to nerobila."
Povedali jej: „No, ty si slepá. Keď prídeš do neba ako budeš ..."
Ona sa obrátila pod inšpiráciu a začala, povedala:
Budem Ho poznať, budem Ho poznať,
a vykúpená budem pri Ňom stáť
Budem Ho poznať, budem Ho poznať, (Ako?)
Podľa rán od klincov na Jeho rukách.
Jednako, „Ak Ho neuvidím, ohmatám Jeho ruky."
Budem Ho poznať, budem Ho poznať,
a vykúpená budem pri Ňom stáť
Budem Ho poznať, budem Ho poznať,
Podľa rán od klincov na Jeho rukách.
159 Či to nevyvoláva lásku ku Nemu? Odišiel aby nám pripravil miesto. „A keď odídem a pripravím miesto, znovu sa vrátim aby som vás zobral ku sebe."
160 Detičky v pôrodných bolestiach teraz, ostríhajte prikázania Božie. A pastor tu, ak nikto z vás nebol pokrstený, voda bude pripravená a členstvo pre cirkev alebo čokoľvek chcete robiť, alebo čokoľvek robíte. Ak nemáte krst Duchom Svätým, toto je večer aby ste to prijali. Či veríte tomu?
161 „Ó," poviete, „Brat Branham, je neskoro, kázal si príliš dlho." Pavel raz kázal celú noc, tento istý druh posolstva, a malý ... mladý muž spadol zo steny a zabil sa. A Pavel tak pomazaný s tým istým druhom posolstva, položil sa na neho a život sa navrátil do neho. On je stále Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera dnes i naveky. Či Ho milujete? Zodvihnime ešte raz ruky a spievajme Milujem Ho, milujem Ho.
Kde je pianista? Prišla by si sestra, ktokoľvek to je, daj nám tón, ak môžeš.
Koľký Ho milujete? Zodvihnite len ruku a povedzte: „Skutočne Ho milujem. Milujem Ho z celého srdca. Milujem Ho.
162 No, spievajme to teraz na slávu Božiu so zavrenými očami a pozdvihnime ruky do neba. Milujem Ho, milujem Ho. Budeme Ho uctievať. Keď kážete a sekáte a trháte a takto tiahnete, toto je balzam, ktorý Boh vylieva, proste to uzdravuje. Je balzam v Gileáde pre dušu. Spievajme to teraz. Podaj nám tón.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
lebo On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
163 A ak ... „Podľa tohoto budú všetci poznať, že ste moji učeníci, keď máte lásku jeden ku druhému." To je ono. Ak nemôžeme milovať jeden druhého ktorého vidíme, ako budeme milovať Boha, ktorého nemôžeme vidieť.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
lebo On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
1 To Brother Boone and the congregation, this is certainly a--a great privilege for me to be back in San Bernardino again. This place holds many great memories of the days gone by. And to hear that, the visit here, and still have living influence, why, it certainly makes you feel glad that the Lord directed us this a way, years ago.
2I was just setting out there in the parking lot, just now, trying to remember of one of the events that taken place. There was a Mrs. Isaacson had been my interpreter in Finland, on a Finnish campaign, and she came to the car when I was just leaving. And she said, "Your voice of Finland." And I just wonder if Mrs. Isaacson lives around here. I didn't know. She wouldn't happen to be present tonight, I suppose? Mrs. May Isaacson, and she's from Finland.
3 Then another outstanding thing that brought to my memories, was a little waitress in a restaurant that I eat, somewhere near, they call the Antlers Hotel. I believe that's right, now. And the little lady had... I was praying with her. She had... She, nice little lady, but she wasn't a Christian. I invited her to the meeting. And she had lost a baby, and I believe that her husband, they was separated. And we was praying that she would make up with her husband, or they would make up, together. So, I just wonder if that little lady could be present. See? The...
4And then another event taken place, was a little baby that was brought from somewhere, about a day's drive. And it had died, and was laying in the mother's arms. And was brought back to life. Is that... Was that person present here? And it come, I believe, from the state up in this way, around, was above here. And the little mother had drove all night long, and the father, and the little mother setting there, sadly, holding her little, dead-form baby. And I thought, "Such faith!" If I was the biggest hypocrite in the world, God would have honored that mother's faith.
Holding the little baby in my hands, like that, praying. Got warm, it begin moving, opened its little eyes. I hand it back to their mother. So, they was from somewhere. I do not think they were Pentecostal, though. They were just... I believe it was just some church, that from... I don't know even if they was Christians, or not. Never asked them. I was just so elated about the little baby being brought to life again.
Since then, Brother Boone, much water has went down the river. But we're still serving the same God Who remains the same yesterday, today, and forever.
5 Just looking around, seeing Brother Leroy Kopp setting here. It's the first time I seen him for a long time. [A brother says, "He's Paul Kopp here."--Ed.] Paul. That's right. Leroy is your father. That's right. ["And he--he's in Russia, tonight, so pray for him."] Oh, my! Russia. Well, that's, I know, this gallant soldier there, he's there on the business of the King. ["Right."] So, I'm certainly happy to be here and to hear this young minister saying he was inspired by the ministry that we had while we were here. Such a great thrill that is!
And I am trusting now, that, knowing we got... People are standing, and we won't keep too long. We remember those great healing services.
6 Then, I understand that there is a--a--a brother here in the neighborhood, somewhere, holding a healing campaign, a Brother Leroy Jenkins. I believe that's right. And so I'm very thankful, trusting that the Lord is blessing him and giving him a great, great service. It...
My, I felt really honored, tonight, to come into a church like this. I always feel better in a church than I do in those auditoriums. There's nothing against the auditorium. But, you know, I... It may be a superstition, or I just... Seems to me like a truth. See? They... You go into those auditoriums where there's fights, wrestles, burlesque, everything else going on, evil spirits seems to hang around them places. Now, that may seem a superstition, but it isn't so. But when you come into a church, you... usually, certainly a spiritual congregation, it seems like, that is, you--you feel more at liberty, like there's--there's something. The Presence of God is there. You know, it seems to be different. I don't know what effect the building has, but it's where the people are congregated. Course, the same people are at the other place, but on those evil grounds. May be just me thinking that way. But, anyhow, I'm glad to be here tonight.
7 And now we want to not keep you too long, 'cause a standing audience. And we are going, tomorrow night, at some other place here. I don't even know where it's at. It's near here. [A brother says, "Orange Show Auditorium."--Ed] Where? ["Orange Show Auditorium."] Orange Show Auditorium, for the services tomorrow night. I... This is between, I'm speaking on a tour for the--the businessmen's Full Gospel Business Men's group. Which, I've had the privilege of speaking around the world, for them. And so in there, a very dear friend invited us over here, and we're glad to be in the assembly tonight.
8Now, before we open the Bible... Now, anybody that's got physical strength can open It in this manner. See? But it takes the Holy Spirit to open the Word to us, open our understanding and reveal the Scriptures. I believe in the Bible. I believe that It's God's Word. I believe that the earth, or the peoples of the earth, will be judged someday by this Word. Now, that may seem strange. Now, there's many different with that idea.
9 I was talking to a very loyal friend of mine, not long ago, who is Catholic. And he said, "God will judge the world by the Catholic church." If that's so, which Catholic church? See? So, if He judges it by the Methodist, then what about the Baptist? See? If He judges it by one, the other one is lost. So, there's too much confusion there.
But we have to go to It, to find our--our true statement, and the Bible says that God will judge the world by Jesus Christ. And He is the Word. Saint John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." And Hebrews 13:8 said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." And I believe that to be the Truth. Now, I believe that. In...
10 God, in the beginning, being the infinite God; He is finite and... or infinite, rather. We're the finite. His mind is so much greater, and we, in our little finite mind, cannot understand His great, infinite wisdom. But therefore, when He speaks anything, it may seem very strange to us, to hear Him say a certain thing in the Scripture, but it's got to happen. I believe that His Words will never pass away. Therefore, I believe that God, knowing that we in our little finite mind could not interpret His--His great mind, He interprets His Own Word. He doesn't need any interpreter. He interprets His Own Word, by vindicating that Word in Its season.
11 I believe that, God, in the beginning, that Noah was the Word for that day, for His Message.
Now, along come, after that, come Moses. Now, Moses could not have taken Noah's Word. He could not build a ship and floated them out of Egypt, down the Nile River, or to the promised land, or so forth. His message didn't work in Noah's day; that was the part of God's Word that was vindicated to be Truth by Moses.
Neither could Jesus have had Moses' Word. And the Luther could have not maintained the word of the Catholic church. Wesley, he could not maintain Luther's Word. And the Pentecostal, they could not take the Methodist Word. They... See?
The Church is growing. Each age, it's lotted in the Scripture here. So, God, through the Holy Spirit, reveals His Word, by manifesting It and vindicating It, Hisself, showing that It's His Word being brought to pass in the day that It's promised.
12 Jesus said that. He said, "If you can't believe Me, believe the works that I do," for they testify of Who He was, see, if anyone would have knowed the Scripture.
Now, He come so oddly, so strange, that the people didn't want to believe Him, because, "He, being a Man, was making Himself God."
So, He was God, in form. "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself."
"And no man can do these works without God be with him," as we know Nicodemus said that. That, the Sanhedrin believed that.
13Now, we know that, that Word. If they would have known the Word! He said, "If you'd have knowed Moses, you'd have knowed Me, because Moses wrote of Me." And we look. If they had looked back in the Scripture, see what the Messiah was supposed to do, then they'd have knowed Him by the vindication, that, "God, through Christ, was reconciling the world to Himself," and bringing to pass all the promises that was of the Messiah, that He was to do. Jesus bore record of that Word, making that Word live for that day.
14 And I believe that's the same thing we live in today: God bearing record of His Word, by vindicating what He said He would do. Now, we know that this is the day of salvation, where God is calling men from the world, from a life of sin, unto a life of service. And in the day that God has poured out His Spirit from on High, great signs and wonders are to accompany the ministry of this day. This is the... when the former and latter rain are falling, together. And we know that there is supposed to be great signs and wonders. Which, in many great denominations, This is turned down.
But I'm very thankful for these open doors that I've had, to go into, and the inspiration it's give to young men like your pastor here. That's caused them... As I'm beginning to get old, and know that my days are numbered, and know now that these young men can take this Message and sweep It on to the Coming of the Lord, if He doesn't come in my generation. Which, I'm hoping to see Him. I look daily for Him, watch, keeping myself prepared for that hour.
15 Now let us speak to the Author before we read His Book, as we bow our heads.
Heavenly Father, we are grateful to Thee, to be alive tonight, to return back to this great city. Setting here in this panoramic here of the mountains, looking up and seeing the snow, and the orange blossoms blooming, at the same time, what a magnificent world You've give us to live in! And how that we see that man has disturbed and--and acted in this world, it makes us ashamed of ourself, Father.
We are here, tonight, to try to put forth our efforts, to try to cause men to see this great thing that God has done, and know that there's something greater just beyond. May we look to that, tonight, Father, as we turn in to Your Word and read. We can read It, Father, but let the Holy Spirit reveal It to us through the revelation. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
16 Now, you that like to perhaps take notes, and--and to read the Scripture with the minister, as--as usually they read It. And it used to be, when I... years ago, I didn't have to write down my Scriptures, and so forth. But I've got a little older since then. See? I just passed twenty-five, just recently, twenty-five years ago. So, it makes it a little bad. But I'm still trying to hold on to everything that I know to do in His Word, until He calls me.
17 Now, let us turn to Saint John the 14th chapter, very familiar Scripture that we want to read tonight, to draw from this a context, the Lord willing. Nearly all knows this. It seems to be, many times, it's used in funeral services. There ever was a time that I'd like to preach a funeral service, it'd be to this world. Let it die and be born again. Saint John 14:1 through 7, I believe, I have marked down here.
Let not your hearts be troubled: if you've believed in God, believe also in me.
In my Father's house is many mansions:... it were not so, I would have told you. I go and prepare a place for you.
... if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
... where I go you know, and the way you know.
Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know... where thou goest; and how can we know the way?
Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
If you had known me, you should have known my Father also: and from henceforth you know him, and have seen him.
May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. And we'll refer to It again, in the times as we go on, while we want to just speak a little lesson to the Church.
18 Last evening, I was in Yuma; Arizona, where my home now. I--I... When I was here before I lived in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Now I been in Arizona, by a vision sending me there, a few years ago. And we resident there now. I don't have any church there.
Brother Green, our brother here with us, has established a tabernacle where the... one of the Assemblies of God, a church, downtown assemblies. They emerged, and I think they all went in with Brother Brock and with Brother Gilmore, left this church open. And Brother Pearry Green, from--from Texas, moved in and took the place, which is associate with us. We're glad to know that--that Brother Green has reopened this church that was closed.
19 And last night, speaking over in Yuma for the Christian Business Men, I spoke on the subject of The Rapture. Now, that might been a strange subject to speak among, at a--a banquet, but most everyone there was Christians. And that's the way it is on these campaigns like this, or in--in a church. I could say now, "How many of you is Christians?" Probably every hand would go up. You're a Christian. And so, if we're Christians, I think we ought to be kindly notified ahead. We don't have to just guess at it. We're notified what our destination will be.
20And I want to speak on that tonight. And the subject is going to be: Things That Are To Be. And now, speaking last night on The Rapture, so tonight, I want to speak on this subject, that I might tie it together with last night's Message. Now, there is going to be a Rapture, we know that. That's in the future, to be.
21 Now, Jesus here is speaking, about, He's gone ahead to prepare a place for us. "Let not your hearts be troubled." Now, He was talking to Jews. Said, "Now, you believed in God, believe also in Me. As you have believed in God, believe in Me, because I am the Son of God." See? "And, God," other words, "I and My Father are One. My Father is dwelling in Me. And what you see do, I'm doing, it's not Me. It's My Father that dwelleth in Me. He doeth the works."
"God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself."
22 It was easy for those Jews who had been taught, through generations, to believe that there was a great supernatural God. But to think that that God had come down and was manifesting Himself through the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, God tabernacled in a body of flesh, that was a little too much for them to--to understand.
But He said, "Now, as you have believed in God, believe also in Me. For in My Father's house are many mansions, and I go to prepare a place for you." Jesus' life was fixing to end, here on earth.
He had showed the people, and proved to them, that He was Jehovah manifested in flesh, by the great signs and wonders, and the reference of the Bible that He had referred to, to Himself. And He proved that He was God, manifested.
Now He said, "When you see My life ending, it's ending for a purpose. And I'm going away, to prepare a place for you; that where I am, there you may be also." Jesus therefore is telling His disciples that this life is not ended in death.
23 Now, saying this was a funeral text. Remember, we, death sets right before us, and we don't know whether there may be some in this building tonight will not go out of here alive, in this physical life. That's how uncertain it is. Five minutes from now, it could be that young, healthy, young people in this building can be a corpse in five minutes from now. That is true. And again, it could be, in five minutes from now, we'd every one be in Glory. We just don't know. That's in the hands of God. Jesus said He didn't know, Hisself, when that time would be, but, "That was in the hands of the Father only."
24Now, but, He was telling them, that, after death there is life. Because, "I go and prepare a place," that is, to receive them, shows that there, He was speaking to them, that there was a--a life after this life is ended. And what a consolation that ought to give to all of us, to know that, after this life is over, there is a life, that we go into. And as you get older, that becomes more of a reality to you. As you begin to see the days of your life drawing close, then it begins to, you begin to pack up closer, getting ready for that great event. It's now... It's a continuing of this same life in another world, another place.
25 Your birth here was preplanned. I guess you believe that. Every one of you knows that our birth was preplanned. Did you know that your being here never originated just at a myth or a thought? Everything was all preplanned by God, before the foundation of the world, that you would be here. The infinite God knowed. And to be--to be infinite, He had to know every flea that ever would be in the earth, and how many times it would bat its eye. That's infinite. See? You, our little--our little minds, cannot fathom what infinite means. The infinite God, He knowed all things. Therefore, there's nothing out of cater.
26If we know the Word of God, we know where we are living. We know the hour that we're living in. We know what lays ahead. We see what we've passed. And the Book of God is the revelation of Jesus Christ; His works through the ages, that was up to the book of Revelation, and then His promises that is to come. So, all of His promises are true. God cannot speak any Word without It being confirmed. Every Word that He says has to come to pass. Before the foundation of the world...
27 Some people mix Genesis up, there, when he said, "God repeats Himself." No. Just, you're misunderstanding. See?
God, at the beginning, He said, "Let there be. Let there be. Let there be." The world was just dark, in a chaos. Even when He said, "Let there be light," there might have been hundreds of years before light ever sprung in. But when He spoke it, it has to come to pass. It must be that way. See? And He spoke His Word. Them seeds was beneath the water. When He dried off the earth, then the seeds come up. What He says must come to pass.
28He said, through the prophets. I referred to it last evening. Like, we take Isaiah, he said, "A virgin shall conceive." Who would think, of a man that was thought of among people, to say such a word as that, "A virgin shall conceive"? But because he...
A prophet is a reflector of God. He is made so that he cannot speak his own words. It has to be God's Words that he speaks. He's just like a reflector, and he is God's mouthpiece.
And so, therefore, he said, "A virgin shall conceive." He probably could not understand it, but God had spoke it through him. Because, He promised that, "He would do nothing until He revealed It to His servants the prophets." Then, when he said that, it was eight hundred years before that ever come to pass. But it had to come to pass.
Finally, those Words of God anchored in the womb of a virgin, and she conceived and brought forth Emmanuel. "Unto us a--a Child is born, unto us a Son is given. His Name shall be called, 'The Counsellor,' 'The mighty God,' 'The Prince of Peace,' 'The everlasting Father.'" That had to be that way, because God had spoke it through the mouth of His prophets. And all the Words of God has to be fulfilled.
Therefore, we know that Jesus has gone to prepare a place, to receive a people unto Himself. Who those people are, I hope it's we are part of those people tonight. If it isn't, my friend, God has made a way, a condition, that you can be included in that if you want to. You're on free moral agency. You can act the way you wish to. But now notice, now, in this world that is to come. There is a world to come.
29 Just like your birth here, I said, you was prepared. God knew you would be here.
And now you know, even things that your parents done, now, people think that that isn't visit from generation to generation, but it is.
30Over in the Book of Hebrews, I believe, about the 7th chapter, speaking, Paul there, the writers, I believe it was, was speaking on a--a great event that taken place with Abraham, that he paid tithes to Melchisedec, when he was returning from the slaughter of the king. And now he said, that, "Levi was in the loins of Abraham, when he met Melchisedec, coming from the slaughter of the kings." And then he reckoned that to "Levi paying tithes, also, when he was in the loins of Abraham," his great-great-grandfather.
And He visits the sins of the people upon their--their children, from generation to generation, that won't keep His Word. See?
31 You were all pre-planned by God. Nothing happens by chance, with God. He knows all about it. It's all pre-planned, planned for many generations back, so that you could be here tonight. Did you know that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Just think, that, you, at one time... I'll repeat this again. You, at one time, was in your father, in the gene of your father. Now, he didn't know you at that time, neither did you know him at that time. But, you see, then you were put in the bedding ground, in the womb of mother, through holy wedlock. And then you become a person expressed in the image like your father, then there's fellowship.
32 Now, the only way that you can be a son, a daughter of God, because you have to be the... have to have Eternal Life. And there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God's Life. Only one form of Eternal Life, that was God. There, to be a son of God, you had to be in Him always. The gene of your Life, spiritual Life, tonight, was in God, the Father, before there was even a molecule. See? And you are nothing but the manifestation of the gene of Life that was in God, as a son of God.
Now you're expressed, after His Word has come in you, to Light up this age. You are expressing God's Life in you, because you are a son or a daughter of God. Therefore, you get what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? You are in... You are now made, you're setting in this church, tonight, because your duty is to express God to this nation and this people, and this neighborhood where you associate.
Wherever you are, God knew that you would be here, because you have to be one of His genes, or His attributes. You had to be. If you ever, if you've got Eternal Life, then It always was Eternal Life. And God, before there was a foundation, world, knew that you would be here. And when the Word, or the water, "the washing of the water of the Word" fell upon you--you, it was expressed in a being. Now you have fellowship with your Father, God, just as you have with your earthly father. See? You are citizens of the King; not citizens, but you are children, sons and daughters of the living God, if it be that the Eternal Life dwells in you.
32a Now, then, if It was, Jesus was the fullness of God manifested. He was the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Therefore, when He came to the earth and was manifested in flesh, you were here in Him then, because He was the Word. "In the beginning was the Word; the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." The Word was made flesh. Therefore, you walked with Him, when you were in Him, when He was on earth. You suffered with Him, and you died with Him. You was buried with Him. And now you are risen with Him, and manifested attributes of God, setting in Heavenly places; already raised, resurrected to new Life, and setting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Oh, that means so much, now days, Church! That means so much to us, to see ourself positionally placed in Jesus Christ!
33 Now, if we are those attributes of God, we cannot live by creeds. We cannot live by denominationalism. We must live by the Word, because the Bride is a part of the Bridegroom, like any wife is a part of her husband. Therefore, we must be that Word Bride. And what is that Word Bride? The manifestation of this hour, the Bride, not a creed or a denomination; but a living oracle of God, a living attribute of God, displaying to the world the attributes of God, in the formation of the Bride that's to be expressed in this hour that we're now living.
34Martin Luther could not express the attributes that we express, because that that was in the beginning, the resurrection, like the corn of wheat that went into the earth.
35 Now, we quote this again. You probably read that book, that German making fun of me, and said I was a fanatic of all the fanatics. He was--he was absolutely against everything that's called God, and even made fun of God. Said, "A God that could open the Red Sea and," said, "take His people out; and set with His hands across His tummy, and let (through the dark ages) all those people die and suffer, those little children be eat by lions."
36You see, the whole--whole program, the whole Church, is built upon Divine revelation. Jesus said, in Saint Matthew, the 16th chapter, "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in Heaven has revealed this to you." What was it? A revelation of Who He was. "And upon this Rock, I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against It." See?
The revelation of Jesus Christ in this hour; not what He was in another hour! What He was now, the Bible expresses. It's growing in the Bride, to the full stature. Therefore, if the corn of wheat, of Christ, had to fall in the ground, so did the Bride have to fall in the ground, through the dark ages. Any grain that goes in the ground must die, or it can't produce itself, reproduce itself. And the great Church that He established on the Day of Pentecost, by the sending of the Holy Ghost, had to suffer martyrdom and go into the dirt, into the earth in the dark age, to bring forth again in the age of Luther, and come on out to the full stature of the Bride of Jesus Christ for this last day. See? There's no way...
37 Therefore, the Bride, in the Rapture, will come forth. And there is all pre-planned by God, all backed up. From the beginning, He knowed every man, every place, who would set, all about it. It's all pre-planned. God knew it would be here. And--and when... He made it that way, so that when we get there... He's gone to prepare a place for us. And when we get there, it'll all be prepared just like even this night is prepared, like this hour is prepared. Yes. His great foreknowledge tells Him all these things, by foreknowledge.
38 He's omnipresent because He's omniscient; omniscient because He's omnipresent. Therefore, by His foreknowledge... Now, He can't be just like the wind over the earth, because He is a Being. He just isn't a myth. He's a Being. He dwells. He even dwells in a house. He dwells in a place called Heaven. And therefore, by His omni-, being omnipresent; being omniscient, knowing all things, then He is omnipresent because He knows all things.
39You, now, you grew from your birth, when you was born and presented into this world. God knew that you were going to be here in this earth, and you growed from birth to maturity. Things that seemed so strange to you, in your young womanhood, young boyhood, as children, now seems very real. You couldn't understand it when you was a child. But now, as you become adult, you begin to understand and find out that everything was just set just right. And, you, it really means something to you now.
40 So is it in your spiritual birth. You do things that you don't understand, when you're a little baby, come to the altar. You give your life to Christ. You do such strange things. You wonder why you did it. But after while, when you mature, as matured Christians, then you understand it. See? There's something picks up. You see why you had to do it. Your spiritual birth! Your natural birth types your spiritual.
How--how it fitted to you, in this life, as you grew, everything fitted right in, because you were made for that. Wasn't it a strange thing, the night that you staggered into the mission, the tent meeting, or the little church somewhere on the corner, and something the preacher preached on, a certain subject, and you just fell right at the altar? See? See? God knew that, before the foundation of the world. See? It--it seemed strange to you, why you did it then. But now you understand; you knew what happened. It's so fitting to you in this life, and will be also in the Life that is to come. This world and its life seems to--to advance as you mature. Everything seems to go right with you.
41 I don't believe in a... that a person just happened to be here by chance. Now just think, when you come to the--the world, everything had to be fore-prepared for you, or pre-prepared, rather, for you. I don't hardly understand that how that we could think that a God that could prepare all these good things for us would not... we could not put trust in Him. That, if He brought us in this chaos that we're in now, and prepared the good things of life for us here, how much more can we trust Him to prepare the things that is to come, see, the Eternal things! It seems, I say, very strange.
42 And I--I do not think that Heaven is a place that my mother used to tell me about. I believe that the Church has growed from that. To think, it used to be, a hundred years ago, or two, I think the old-timers used to think that everyone that died went up to Heaven and had a harp, and--and set up there on the clouds and--and played a harp. Now, they knowed that there was a place called Heaven. But, they, if that be so, all the musicians would have it on us, you see. But we... But it--it isn't that kind of a place. It isn't playing harps, at all. I believe, don't believe the Bible teaches that. But that was a conception that they had before the fullness of the Word come into existence, or the opening of the Seven Seals, that's promised to us in this age, that we then understand.
I believe that Heaven is a real place, just the same as this is a real place, see, for God started us in our spiritual growth in this place. And I believe that Heaven is a place just as real as this, where we don't set up there for Eternity and just set there on a cloud. We don't just strum our harp, for all--all from here, ever. But we're going to a real place where we're going to do things, where we're going to live. We're going to work. We're going to enjoy. We're going to live. We're going to Life, to a real Eternal Life. We're going to a Heaven, a paradise. Just like Adam and Eve worked, and lived, and eat, and enjoyed, in the garden of Eden before sin came in, we're on our road right back there again, right, right back. The first Adam, through sin, taken us out. The Second Adam, through righteousness, bring us back in again; justifies us and brings us back in.
43 You people that take the tapes now, the message of justification, I want you take it. And you do take the tapes, I want you to get that. I spoke on it, here some time ago.
44Look how your earthly parent, before you come here, before they knowed you was coming, made ready for your coming. Just think of that now, your earthly parents. Which, an earthly parent is only a type of a heavenly Parent. "If we know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more does your Heavenly Father know how to give good gifts to His children." Jesus spoke these Words. See?
They made ready your coming. They made a little crib, or got a little, some little booties, and little clothes, and so forth. They made ready, everything for you to arrive, prepared before you even come on the earth.
45 Jesus has gone to make ready our coming there. Now notice. "In My Father's House is many mansions." Or, let us...
I don't mean to add to the Word, or take from It, because we're not to do that. Revelations 22 said, "Whoever will add a word, or take a Word out of It." But let me just make this, as not an additive, but just to--to bring out a point.
"In My Father's House is many kinds of mansions." I don't believe that when we get to Heaven that we will be, just everybody look just exactly alike. I don't believe that--that all will be blondes, or brunettes, or--or little, or--or all big, or--or all giants.
I believe that God is a God of variety. The world proves that. He's got big mountains and little mountains. He's got plains. He's got deserts. He's got different things, because He made it the way He wanted it. And He made the seasons; summer, winter, spring, autumn. He made the seasons. It shows He's a God of variety. He made you in a variety. Some men are real blusterous; and some are real dogmatic; and others are fine; others are kind. And you just find all different kinds of people, and in His Kingdom. See?
46 Look at Saint Peter, and judge him by Andrew. See? Andrew is that prayer warrior, just stayed on his knees all the time. And the apostle Peter was one of those firebrands that preached, and--and so forth. And Paul was more scholarly-like, more of the... like the prophet, or something, and set back.
47And, see, Moses wrote the first four Books of the Old. Which, he wrote the Old Testament. The rest of it was the laws, and kings, and psalms, and so forth, and what someone wrote of the prophets. But Moses wrote the laws, the first four Books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy.
48And then Paul wrote the New Testament. That's true. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote the acts of what taken place, and so forth. But Paul separated law and grace, and put it into its place. See? He was the writer of the New Testament. He gave us the writings of the New Testament, setting the Word of God in order.
Now notice, many, "many mansions," many kinds of mansions.
49 Like, many kinds of hills; like, many kinds of rivers, springs, lakes. They were here when you come here, first, because the kindness of your Heavenly Father placed them here. Because, some men likes mountains. Some people likes waters. Some likes deserts. So, you see, your coming, He knew your nature and what you would be, so He made it just the way that you could enjoy it. Oh! I think that's a wonderful Father, see, know that He made it like this.
I'm glad He made mountains. I--I like the mountains. I... And I--I like that. Where, the others, "Oh, I can't stand... Oh, He must have emptied His mortar box out there." Well, He emptied it out so I could enjoy it. You see? So then say, "I like the plains, where I can see a long ways." Well, the two different natures, both of us Christians.
But the Father knew that you would be here, and prepared everything for you before you got here. Amen. Your first coming, here, He had it ready for you when you got here. Isn't that marvelous to think of what He done?
50 Now, now, but remember, these are only temporal gifts, in type. "Now, we know that Moses, in building the tabernacle in the wilderness, or preparing it, he said he made all things after the order of what he saw in Heaven." See? So, the earthly things only express what the Eternal things are. And if this earth that we live in today, being so great, as we love it; and love to live, and breathe the air, and see the flowers and things; if--if that, if this here is the expression, one that's dying is only expressing one that's Eternal. When you see a tree struggling, pulling, trying to live, that means there's a tree somewhere that doesn't have to do that.
When you see a man here, struggling to live, somebody in a hospital, or on a sickbed, or in a accident, struggling, and the death rattle is in their throat, and pulling, and crying, and screaming for life, what does that mean? There's a place, somewhere, there's a body that doesn't struggle and scream for that. See? It just doesn't do it.
51Now, they are temporal gifts to us, these things, only expressing that there is One where it's the Eternal One. That's what Jesus has gone away to prepare, the Eternal One for us. Now, they only express there's a greater of the same kind, 'cause these are a same kind.
52 Now, remember, the Bible said, "If this earthly tabernacle of our dwelling, if it perish, be dissolved, we have one already waiting."
Just as the little baby, its little muscles, in the mother, are twisting and turning. And, but just... See? And you notice, you can take a woman, if she is ever so foul; but when she's become a mother, a little while before that baby is born, there's a kindness about the woman. Get around her, there's always something, she's more tender. Why? There's a little angel spirit waiting to receive that natural body. Just as soon as it's born, the breath of life comes into it. And God breathes it in there, and it becomes a living soul. Now, just as this baby is being born, then the spiritual body is there to receive it.
And now, when this body is dropped here, in this earth, like the baby is dropped, also there is a immortal body waiting to receive the spirit back into itself again. Oh, what a great thing! We are--we are now in Christ Jesus, (amen), babies, babes in Christ, children of God, waiting for the full deliverance, at the Coming of our Lord Jesus, the... to receive us up unto Hisself, when the body, this mortal, will take on immortality.
53 The likeness, all the things that He did, expresses the things that are to come. Just as the body gives you here, just as this body, He gave you to live in, only expresses that there is one that is greater, yet, to come. See? "If we bear, or have borne the image of the earthly, we also shall bear the image of the Heavenly," which holds no evils in this one that is to come. Now, this one does hold evil, sickness, death, sorrow. I've just expressed here, not long ago, preaching on The Transformation Of The Word Of God, of how that--that this body, it's got the evil in it.
54And all this modern civilization that we live in is of the Devil. You don't believe that? The Bible says it is; this world, every government. We don't want to believe that. But the Bible plainly states it, that every government, every kingdom of the earth, is owned by the Devil and ruled by the Devil. Jesus was taken by Satan, up, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world that was, would be, what more. And Satan claimed them, his, and Jesus never argued with him, because he is the god of this world. See? And he said, "I'll give them to You if You'll fall down and worship me." See? He was trying to give them over to Jesus, without sacrifice. See? It was a bargain that he was going to make Him.
But the world had sinned. So, the penalty of sin was death, and He had to die. That's why God was manifested in flesh, so He could take death on Him, to pay the penalty. There's nothing to come back. It's not earmarked. It's absolutely, freely paid. All the debt is paid. It belongs to Him now. And we are delegates of His Kingdom, assembled here together tonight, in the Name of Jesus Christ our King, setting in Heavenly places.
55 Now, in this world that we live in, this education. I want to prove to you. Education, science, civilization, and all these things that we seemingly so enjoy today, is of Satan, and will perish. You say, "Brother Branham, civilization?" Yes, sir. This civilization come by Satan. Genesis 4 proves it. Cain's son, see, started this civilization, building cities, and organs, and so forth. And civilization came by knowledge. Knowledge is what the Devil sold Eve, in the garden of Eden, that caused her to cramp, transgress God's commandment.
So there will be a civilization in the world that we're going to, but it won't be this kind of a civilization, for in this civilization we have sickness, sorrow, lust, death, everything in this civilization, wrong. But in that civilization there will be none of these things. We won't need science.
Science is the perversion of the original, anyhow. See? You split a molecule, to split atoms and do so-and-so, to blow you up. You take gun powder, bang this, to kill something. You take the car. And take gasoline out of the earth, and the materials out of the earth, to loosen up the fibers, so it can blow up. And go down the road at ninety miles an hour, and kill somebody. See? Oh, so nervous, squeeze, and hurry up; we got to push, and taking. Oh! See? It's all of the Devil.
The Kingdom of God will not have automobiles, airplanes, or any scientific achievements. No. It won't have any education, at all. It'll be an education so supreme to this, that this won't even be thought of. See? Education, civilization, and all this, comes from Satan.
Now, you say, "Brother Branham, why do you read, then?"
56 See, just like, why do I wear clothes now? In the civilization that was to come, that was first, they didn't need any clothes. They were veiled. They had no reason to wear clothes, 'cause they didn't know they were naked. Now you... Now you find out, that, in now, then, that we know that we are--are--are--are naked, sin abides here, then we've got to wear clothes. But it wasn't so at the beginning; there was no sin. See?
57Now, the same thing is in the way of civilization, altogether. We read. We write. We do this. But don't never get adjusted to that. Don't never make that your god, for that is the god of communism. See? It's not of Jesus Christ.
58 Jesus Christ is by faith; not what you can scientifically prove, but what you believe. I can't scientifically prove you, tonight, in this building, that there is a God, but yet I know He's here. But, by my faith, vindicates it.
Abraham could not scientifically prove to you that he was going to have a baby to that woman, and her nearly a hundred years old. But his faith confirmed it. See? Didn't need any scientific proof. Why, the... Why, the doctor would said, "The old man is crazy, out here saying he's going to have a--a baby by that woman; him a hundred years old, and her ninety." But, you see, God said so, so it don't take science. It takes faith, to believe God's Word, not science.
59 So, our schools and things are a blow up. As, God never said, "Go forth and make schools," or even, "have Bible schools." You know that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He said, "Preach the Word." That's exactly right. Our educational systems taken us farther away from God than anything I know of, that's right, farther away from God. Not build schools, hospitals, and so forth; that was for the world and for that group. But, I ain't got nothing against them; they play their parts, but that still is not that.
We build a hospital, ever so good, and practice with the best medicine we got, and thousands die in it daily. But, oh, my, in the Kingdom of God, there is no death, there is no sorrow. Amen. There's no need of these things of the world. But we've passed from this thing, into the realities of God; where we struggle so hard to try to find, through science. And more scientific we get, more death we bring on ourselves. We're fighting a losing battle there, so turn loose of it. And by faith, believe Jesus Christ the Son of God, tonight, and accept Him. He is the One.
60What is science preparing for you? More death. That's right. Sputniks and everything going up, all these things, to scatter death and everything across the earth. Don't look to that. Turn your head higher than that, towards Heaven. Look where Jesus sets, "On the right hand of God," tonight, "ever living to make intercessions on our confession." Of what? We believe His Word to be the Truth.
61 Now, we find, this life holds all kinds of evils, so therefore the life that is to come won't have it. This one has lust, and sickness, death. Because, what is it? It's not the house that He's gone to prepare. This is a pesthouse. How many knows what a pesthouse is? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure. Well, that's what you're living in. A pesthouse is where they put all the diseased people. Well, that's just what sin done to us, put us in an earthly pesthouse. Were you... They wouldn't let anyone else come in the pesthouse, because there's all kinds of germs flying around in there, and--and the people will take these germs and--and be sick, themself. And sin brought us into the Devil's pesthouse.
62 Oh, but the other one is called, "My Father's House." "I'll go and prepare a place for you. Take you out of this pesthouse and deliver you into My Father's House." Amen. There you are; take you out of this old earthly pesthouse. He's gone to prepare a place, a perfect place where no evil exists, no sickness exists, no old age exists, no death exists.
It's a perfect place calling you to that perfection, and you have to be perfect to get there. The Bible said so. Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect." It's a perfect Kingdom, so it must be a perfect people come. Because, you have to stand and be married to a perfect Son of God, and you must be a perfect Bride. So how can you do it through anything else but the perfect Word of God, which is, "The Waters of separation, that washes us from our sins"? Amen. That's right. The Blood of Jesus Christ, think of It, the dripping, Bloody Word. Amen. The Blood, the--the Word of God bleeding Blood, to wash the Bride in. Amen. Yes, sir. She stands perfect, virgin, unadulterated. She never sinned, in the first place. Amen. She was trapped into it. See?
There's the Father's House that He's gone to prepare.
63 This one come by sex, and from the fall, and must fall with the fall. No matter how much you patch the old thing up, she's going to fall, anyhow. She's done, because she's doomed, because God said so. She is finished. God is going to destroy it. He said so. There'll be a renovation of the whole thing. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
In the beginning, when the world had its birth, when God pulled back the water, first, off the earth, like He did the water from the mother's womb, there was a world born. Yes. And peoples begin to live on it when God put them on there. And then they begin to sin. And it was baptized, by immersing, in the days of Noah. Then it was sanctified by the Blood of the Creator dropping upon it.
And now that's the way you come, through justification, to believe God. You were baptized unto repent, or, too, for the remission of your sins. You confessed your sins before God, and He forgave you for it. And you was baptized, to show that you had been, you had been forgiven; confessing to the people, and showing to the world, that you believe that Jesus Christ died for you. And you... He took your place, and now you stand in His place. He become you, that you might become Him.
Then the sanctifying power of God cleansed all the habits out of your life. You used to smoke, drink, do things that wasn't right, tell lies, everything. Then the sanctifying power of the Blood of Jesus Christ comes into your life and takes all the things away from you. If you happen to say something's not wrong, quickly say, "Wait a minute. Pardon me. I didn't mean to say it like that." See? The Devil got a trap setting there. But you got grace to come back, if you're a real Christian, say, "I was wrong." Yes. So, therefore, now, the...
64 Now, the next thing you receive, was the baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire.
Now, God, when this Millennium is over, God is going to give the world a baptism of fire. It's going to blow the whole thing up. "The heavens and earth will be on fire." Peter said so. And the thing will have a baptism of fire, renovation of the whole thing. And then there'll be a new heavens and a new earth. That's, when, where dwelleth righteousness.
That's where we are. We have become from mortal beings, from time beings, to Eternal beings. When the Word of God lit our souls, and we become sons and daughters of God, with the attributes, the gene of God in us, to be sons and daughters of the Father, God in Heaven, crying, "Abba, Father! My God, my God, in my Father's House."
65 Now, this old world must fall, because it come through sex. And it come through disobedience, in the beginning. And we was born here through sex, through the fall, and it must go right back the same way, to the fall. But the one He is now preparing for you, cannot fall, because He is making it so. "I've gone..."
What if we just had to stay in this kind of a body? Aren't you glad there's such a thing as death? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now isn't that strange? But now, say, for instance...
A few years ago, I was a little boy, and now I'm a middle-aged man. I got a friend setting right there, Mr. Dauch, and he's ninety-three years old, a few days ago. Look at him now. Forty or forty-five more years, that would be me. Now put another forty years on him. Where would you go? The only...
66 I'm glad that there's something to get us out of this pesthouse. There's an open door, and it's called death. Jesus stands in that door. Amen. He'll guide me over the river. He'll take me through that door. There's a great door standing yonder, called death. And every time your heart beats, you're one beat closer to it. And someday I must come to that door. You must come there. But when I come there, I don't want to be a coward. I don't want to scream and back off. I want to come to that door, wrap myself in the robes of His righteousness (not mine), His.
By this I know, that, "I know Him in the power of His resurrection." That, when He calls, I'll come out from among the dead, to be with Him, out of this pesthouse. Wherever this body might fall, and wherever it might land, whatever it is, I'll come out someday, because He promised It to me. And we believe it. Yes, sir. He's making One that cannot fall.
67 Notice how the expecting mother, on earth today, how the mother's body craves for certain things. I'm speaking, I guess and hope, to all the adults that will understand. The mother, in the birth of the baby, if there's something lacking in her body, she begins to crave certain thing. Look how dad...
I remember we was raised, such a poor family, and--and we didn't have hardly anything to eat when we were kids. Many of you suffered that same thing.
So how that, when, before the babies would be born, mother would crave something. And dad would just pinch corners, everything, to get it for her. See? It's her, the body, her body, the calcium and so forth of her body, and the vitamins that she needs. Junie is being made up, see, and he craves for things, foods for the coming child. And how, the parents, they try to get it so the baby will be born as perfectly and happy as possible. See how your parents will do that? When there's something needed, the mother gives witness of it, see, her system is made up. You understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That, how that when there's something needed here, to the oncoming child, the--the mother begins to crave for that.
68 Now, stop just a minute. Why we have revivals? Why do we assemble ourselves together? Why am I always rebuking the people? Why am I calling you Pentecostal women, "Quit wearing paints, make-up, and bobbing your hair, and stuff like that"? Why am I saying that? Because, the old-fashion way of pentecost used to not do that. The real Bible way is not to do that. You wearing these shorts and clothes that pertains to men, do you know the Bible says that that's an abomination to God? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] But we permit it. Why does the Holy Spirit keep crying out? It knows there's something lacking there. We must be in the full stature of Jesus Christ. We must be sons and daughters of God. We must act like God's children.
69 Long ago, a little story was told. I noticed one colored brother setting in the back. In the South, they used to sell slaves. And this, when they had slaves down there, when slavery was, before the emancipation, of the proclamation. And they would go by and buy them, them people, just like they would a--a used car, dealer. They had a bill of sales, and sold them human beings just like they were--they were used cars. You got a bill of sales with them.
70 One time a buyer come by, a broker. And he was going to... He'd go around these big plantations and buy slaves. And he come to a certain big plantation where they had many slaves, and he wanted to see how many they had. And there was all of them out there, working. And they--they were sad. They were away from home. They was from Africa.
They had brought them over here. The Boers had brought them over and sold them for slaves, and so they were sad. They know they'd never go back home again. They'd live and die in the land. And they had, many times, they'd carry whips and whip them. They were property of the owner, and he did with them what he wanted to. And they just... If he killed it, he killed it. And if he, whatever it was, he just did it. That's slavery, like Israel was, and--and many of the nations had been brought into slavery. And they'd have to take them poor slaves. They just served. They were crying, you know, all time, and sad.
71 But they noticed one of them slaves, young fellow, he had his chest stuck out, his head up like that. Never had to whip him. Never had to tell him what to do. So that broker said, "I want to buy that slave."
He said, "He's not for sale."
He said, "I would like to buy him."
He said, "No. He's not for sale."
Said, "Is he the boss of the rest of them?"
Said, "No." Said, "He's not the boss. He is slave."
He said, "Well, maybe you feed him different than you feed the rest of them."
Said, "No. They all eat out there in the galley, together."
He said, "What makes that boy so much different than the rest of them?"
He said, "Here is one thing. I wondered for a while, too. But that boy, an alien from Africa, but in Africa his father is the king of the tribe. And, yet, he's an alien away from home. He conducts himself as a king's son. He knows that, across the land, that his father is the king of the tribe. And now he conducts himself, because he knows he's the son of a king."
72 Oh, brother, sister, you and I, in this world that we live, let's conduct ourselves as sons and daughters of God. We're aliens here, but our behavior ought to be according to the commandments of God, that we are sons and daughters of God. Our behavior, we should act and do, and everything, according to what the laws that God laid down.
"And it's an abomination for a women to wear a garment that pertains to a man." It's wrong and sinful, "For her to cut her hair," the Bible said so, "uncommon thing for her to even pray."
You say, "What about this?"
73 Someone got after me; a great, noted minister, not long ago. Said, "Brother Branham, come. I want to lay hands on you." Said, "You're going to ruin your ministry."
I said, "What?"
Said, "Bawling them people out like that."
I said, "I'm telling the..."
Said, "I believe that." Said, "I'm a Pentecostal, too. I believe that women shouldn't wear short hair, shouldn't wear paints, and these things like that the way they do, paint their faces up." Said, "They shouldn't do that. But," said, "God called you to pray for the sick."
I said, "He called me to preach the Gospel." Yeah.
And he said, "I believe in that. But," said, "you think that?"
I said, "Yeah. Look what you got, all these big programs, televisions, and everything else. I ain't got nothing but God to answer to." That's right. I said, "I don't have nothing but God to answer to."
He said, "I--I--I... You're going to ruin your ministry."
I said, "Any ministry that the Word of God will ruin, ought to be ruined." That's right. Certainly. That's exactly.
He said, "Well, you're going to ruin it."
74 I said, "Who is going to tell It then? See? Somebody has got to say It. Somebody has got to stand for that what's Truth, no matter what It hurts." And friends, as Christian, as people that believe we're going to Heaven, the Holy Spirit Itself will type us in the Word of God.
He said, "You know what you ought to do?" Said, "People believe you to be a prophet." Said, "You ought to be teaching these women how to get gifts of prophecy and things like that, and great, higher things instead of little thing."
75I said, "How am I going to teach them algebra when they won't even learn their ABC's? When they won't even do the common thing, see, the natural thing, how you going to tell them high things?" When you won't even start from the... You want to get on top the ladder before you hit the first. That's the reason you fall. See?
But get at the bottom, and climb right on up as God leads you up. See? Cope your life and ever follow every bit of the Word that God has ordained for you to do.
76 Now think how that God... We should behave ourselves and act like Christians. Our conduct should be like Christians. Because, we are aliens here. This is not our Home. No. We were just put here, temporarily. We've got to go, every one of us, tonight.
77Now think. If God, in His mercy, has the mother, before the little baby is born, it's craving for some vitamin, and the mother's words speaks forth, "Dad, I--I--I want cantaloupe, or watermelon. I want something, another." It's out of... Why, he'll do everything he can, to get that, because he knows that he wants his child born as perfect as it can be. See? And he'll do everything that he's able to do, to get it.
78How much more able-er is He, to get it! He's a Creator. Now think how able He is, to prepare us a body, to live like His Own glorious body, if we want to live. There is something in us, calls, to live. And there is something in us that calls to do right. Then God will call somebody on the platform, or the pulpit, that will preach the absolute Truth. Why? See? It shows you. Then, if you're a real child of God, you begin to cry out, "God, take it away from me. Circumcise me from this. Take these things away from me." Why? It's needed for your heavenly Home that you're going to, where He's gone on to prepare. You got to be a real Word Bride of Christ.
79 I was preaching a few nights ago on the sacrifice, in the days of the atonement. I was preaching on the only place that God, the only Church that God will meet a man in, and that's in, He said, the place that He put His Name. He said, "I won't meet them in any other place but the place, the gate that I put My Name in." Now, He don't meet you in the Methodist gate, Baptist gate, or Pentecostal gate, or any of them. But He put His Name in His Son. He said, "I came in My Father's Name."
Any man comes, and any child, comes in his father's name. He... I come in the name of a Branham, because my father was a Branham. And you come in your name because that was your father's name.
And Jesus, the Son, came in the Father's Name. And He said He put his Name, "In this gate that I put My Name in, that was the sacrifice." And in Jesus Christ is the only place that you'll ever find fellowship and worship to God.
You say, "Well, I belong to the church." That don't make one thing different. You've got to be in Christ.
A certain denominational minister, the other night, said to me, said, "Mr. Branham, look here. Jesus said, 'Whosoever believeth.' The Bible said, 'Whosoever believeth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, is born of the Spirit of God.'"
80 I said, "Don't the Bible also say, that, 'No man can call Jesus the Christ, only by the Holy Ghost'?" See? You can't make the Bible lie. It's got to hook right in.
So you have to become absolutely born again, of the Holy Spirit in you, that witness out, yourself, you know that He is the Son of God. And then if you are, and a part; if you are a child of God, in the Word of God; how can you deny the Word? How can the Holy Spirit make you believe a creed, that you have to do something like this, when the Bible said something else? "We have to join a church, and do this, or do that," when the Bible plainly tells you what to do? See? And then when you see That, and you jump right into It, you're right with It then. Just keep moving right on up, and just grows.
Like a--a--a germ coming into the womb of a woman with the egg. And then when that little egg begins to develop, and begin to bring forth germs, it don't put one human germ, and a dog germ, and a cow germ. It puts all human germ.
81 And when a child of God, when that predestinated... That's a bad word to use, but it's God. Here is God's Bible. The foreknowledge of God can predestinate, make everything work to His honor. When that predestinated seed, that you was to be, and God called you, and that little eagle of a seed in there heard the Word of God, it will build on top, one Word on top the other one, on top the other one, on top the other one. It'll not mix with any creed.
82Notice. "In these gates, every day, they should eat new kosher. And there would be no leaven found among them, through the seven days." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The seven church ages, then, no unleaven, no creed, no nothing added. It has to be absolutely unleaven bread. "No leaven shall be found among you, at all." Just a leaven, the Word Itself, that's the only. And that Word is God. And God was made flesh, in the Person of Jesus Christ, which, that is the Gate. "There is the Gate I meet you in, to worship, when you follow the commandments of God."
83 Therefore, if you've, tonight, just come, say, "I offer Jesus Christ my life," and you've never received the Holy Ghost; come into It. You must do it. You must grow into It. Ask God to pile Word on top of Word, like that, until you become the full stature of a son of God, or a daughter of God.
Taking the things of the world? First John says, "If you love the world, or the things of the world, it's because the love of God is not even in you." You've been deceived. You got the love of the world there, and it's deceived you, the Devil has, by piling things on to there, and showing. See? You can't... Well, then, you cannot take one Word of God out of the Bible.
What caused the first sin? Not by just a big point blank lie, but because Eve misconstrued, the Devil did to her, one Word. One Word, broke the chain, and refused to take one Word. That was the beginning of the Bible.
Jesus came in the center of the Bible. He said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." That's the entire Word of God. Do you believe That's the revelation of Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The entire Word of God.
Then, in Revelations 22, Jesus came to John, on the isle of Patmos. And Jesus, "I Jesus have sent My angel to testify of these things." See? "Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It, I'll take his part from the Book of Life."
84 Not just say, "Well, I--I believe Jesus Christ, Son of God." That's all right. Then add the rest of It to it. You say, "I been justified. I give my hand to the minister. I believe in Jesus Christ." Then you've got to be born-again. You must be filled with the Holy Ghost. See? Just keep adding on, as you keep on going. You're growing into the stature of a son and daughter of God. My!
God, able to prepare us, and to give to us that crave in our life, that we want to see something. How many in here wants more of God? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Why, it goes to show there is more for you. See? You're craving it. Your little birth pains are coming on. See? You need more, so that we can be happy, and free, and perfect. We got to be.
85 Like the--the little--the little germ of life being the... in the bosom of God, just like, and the germ of life is in the bo-... in the bosom of the mother. God is growing; and going, gone, to prepare the place for us, the Eternal place with Himself; not a place where there's a pesthouse, a dying, sin, adultery, and filth of the world here. If your mind is on that, it shows it never has come in contact with God. See? You're worked up. You got a mental illusion.
You just join church and say, "Well, I belong to this. My mother belonged to that." That might have been all right in your mother's day, but we're living in another day.
86Wesley's message would have never... He just couldn't take Luther. Luther believed in justification, but Wesley had sanctification. The Pentecostals come along, they couldn't take just justification, sanctification. They, it was time for the restoration of the gifts. Now we're going from that. See?
The three stages of the--the Vine coming up. The first, it's a little blade, Luther come up, from the reformation. All right. That was the stalk. Watch nature. God and nature works in continuity, because God is in nature. See? The next come, the tassel, the pollen, the Methodist age. Then come the Pentecostal, oh, my, just so perfect, see, just like a grain of wheat looks like it's perfect wheat, grain of wheat. Open it up, there's no wheat there, at all. It's a shuck, a carrier of It, but that Life is working on through. See?
87 Them back there in the Luther age accept Luther. That Life come through, but it went and denominated out. The first thing you know, just become a denominational whose end is to be burned. See? The stalk dries up; is just a carrier. Some of them still try to stay in that old carrier stalk, know nothing about God, dead. They say, "Well, look, we're a leaf. We was a Luther." That's right. But look where it's at now. See?
"We were a Methodist."
And even, "We were a Pentecostal." But look at Pentecost, how cold and formal it's getting, how everybody walking away. See? What is it? It was a carrier of the real Seed. See? All these others was carrier, but went denomination. If you say, "I'm Pentecost," that's don't mean no more to God than if you said you was a Roman Catholic or a Jew, or whatever you might be.
88You got to be born, that Life that come through that carrier there. Don't stay in the stalk. Don't stay in the seed. Go right on out to the perfect part.
89 Now, remember, and every reformation we've had, on all those Lutherans and so forth, in three years they organize. That's right. Every revival brought a organization in three years.
Think how long this been going on, twenty-something years, and no organization. Why? It's the Seed, coming, forming under the husk, like this. Laying out, now it's got to lay in the Presence of the Son, to ripen into the glorious grain like the One that went into the first. The real Church that went down, first, is coming right back up through the stalk, to come out, another Church, when the combine comes to pick It up. The Life that went down in Luther, the Life that went down in the Methodist, the Life that went down in the Pentecostal, will come into the grain. It'll all go right into the grain, and go out, forming the perfect Body of Jesus Christ.
90 Just like the sun comes up, of morn. You can't look at no nature 'less it testifies of God. You don't need even the Bible, to know there's a God. The little sun born, a little weak baby. About seven o'clock, goes, starts off to school. Ten or eleven o'clock, it's out. Twelve o'clock, it's in its strength. Three o'clock in the afternoon, it's getting old. Seven or eight, six... Five or six o'clock in the afternoon, she's getting stooped-shouldered. It dies. Is that the end of it? No. It resurrects again the next morning. The life, death, burial, resurrection!
91 Look at the leaves come on the trees. It comes up, a good, fine leaf; brings out shade; puts out its fruit. Next, first thing you know, autumn comes, strikes it, death; runs right down into the root, into the ground again. Is that the end of it? Next spring she comes right back again to testify. Oh! That's perpetual life.
But, brother, sister, we got Eternal Life. We've got Eternal Life through this great One Who came, has gone, is able to prepare us a body. And these growing pains we feel, like you women feel condemned of what you do, you men that hangs on to seminary doctrines, and so forth, you all want to say, "I--I recite this creed. I do this." But there's something right down in you, when you see the eyes of the blind opened; the deaf unders-... blind. All these things that's promised. See the Word preached in Its power. See a prostitute, off the street, made a lady. See a--see a drunkard come out of there, and be a real saint of God. My! See? There's something, Life in there. And you begin to feel, "Well, maybe I oughtn't to do that." But, see, what it is, it's something your body yonder is a needing. Come on! The... God's got the vitamins right in Here for every bit of that Body. Jesus has gone to prepare the place in the bosom of God; yes, sir, a little germ, son of God, little son or daughter of God.
92 Jesus only asked for one thing, in His prayer to the Father. You know what that was? One thing, after all of His sacrifice that He did here on earth, the life that He lived, the path that He walked. He asked for one thing, "That where I am, they may be also." He asked for our fellowship. That's the only thing He asked the Father in the prayer, your companionship forever. If you want to read this in Saint John 17, and 24th verse. Then how much should we desire Him? If He desire...
Now listen. If you really are born of the Spirit of God, that means everything to you. See? It ain't some book of rules. You don't live any laws and so forth. You live by the grace of God, the Spirit of God.
93 I've often said this. As a missionary, I'd be going overseas. What if I brought my wife in, my children, "Now looky here, children! Listen here, Mrs. Branham! I am your husband. Thou shall not have any other husbands while I'm gone. If you do, I'll skin you when I get back home"? Uh-huh. See?
Stomp my foot, "Children, hear what I say?"
"Yeah. Yes, papa. Yes papa."
"You let me hear of one transgression? See?" See? Now, wouldn't that be a home?
Now what if she say, "Now, you through, sir? Now I want to tell you something. Mr. Branham, I am your lawful wedded wife! Thou shall not have any other girl friends while you're gone, either"? Now, wouldn't that be a home? Now, that would be something.
We don't do that. I love her, and she loves me. When she knows I'm going, she knows I don't go 'less the Lord calls me to go. We get down on the floor, and get the children around. We pray. I said, "Dear God, take care of my little companion, my children." They say, "God, take care of daddy while we're gone, while he's gone." And then when we go over...
94 Now, what if I did do something wrong over there? What if I did transgress, do something wrong? And I come back and went to that poor little wife of mine, stood there and look at her face wrinkling, and her hair turning gray, I walked up and said, "Honey, I want to tell you something. You know I love you."
"Sure, Bill, I know you love me."
95"I tell you what I done. I took some girl home." I--I say, "Will you forgive me for it?" I believe she would. I really do. But would I do that? When I look, standing there, see them hairs turning gray, and know she has stood between me and the public, and I know what a real wife she has been, could I do that? I--I'd rather die than hurt her. I would.
And that, in phileo love to my wife, how much greater is my agapao love to God! Oh, I wouldn't do nothing to hurt Him. Certainly not. I--I love Him. I want to do everything that He--He wants me to do. I want to cope with every Word that He said, no matter what the world says. They, they ain't going to believe It, anyhow. I want to know what He said for me to do. And if I lack something, I want Him to give it to me. And live for Him, keeping ourselves from the world.
96 This old earthly body here has got to its... Let me tell you. This earthly body that you think so much of, that you pattern after Hollywood. You're so close to it. It won't be there much longer. You remember. You've heard the prophecy, see, that the Lord give me, "It's going under." Yes, sir. Notice. It will. You just watch. Now, It never told me nothing wrong, yet. I'll take that to anybody that wants to say. I don't know when or where, but she's done. Judgment hangs over it. There's no redemption for it; it's passed. See?
97 Now notice this. Live for Him, keeping ourselves from the world. Now look. You look on television, some of you sisters, and you go down here and you want, you young women. You're young. I know that. But you're Christians. See? You're different. You don't want to be like the world. You love the world. It's not only you young ones; some of you older ones. See? Well, what does that? See? You watch television, you go down to the store, you see these little old clothes that women wear, that's ungodly.
Do you know what's going to happen at the Day of Judgment? You might be just as virtuous to your husband as you can be, but in the Day of Judgment you're going to have to answer for committing adultery. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." Who is to blame? You. See? You presented yourself, them shorts and slacks.
Some women said to me, not long ago, said, "I don't wear shorts, Brother Branham. I thank the Lord for that. I wear slacks."
98I said, "That's worse." That's worse. That's right.
99 You can't even buy a dress, hardly, for a woman. She said, one woman said, "Well, you said the truth. 'You can't. You can't buy it.'" But they still sell goods and have sewing machines. See? So there's no excuse, at all. See? See?
It goes to show, sister. I'm your brother. And I'm a servant to Christ, that's got to answer at the Judgment Bar for what I say here tonight. See? You're going to stand, guilty of adultery, because that the love of God has leaked out of your heart. You still go to church. You might still dance in the Spirit. You might still speak with tongues. And them things are fine, but that's not It yet. No, sir.
100Remember, the Bible said, "In the last days there shall come false Christs," not false Jesuses. They wouldn't stand still for that. But, "false Christs," false anointed-ones. They're absolutely anointed with the Spirit, with the Holy Spirit, and still false. See? There's two...
101 There's three people of you. The outside is the body. You got five senses, that you contact your earthly home with that. The inside is a spirit. There's five senses there, love and conscience, and so forth, you contact. But the inside of that is the soul.
102Remember, "The rain falls on the just and the unjust." The same rain that'll make a grain of wheat grow makes a cocklebur grow too. See? What is it? At the inside of that seed is a nature, and that nature display, displays itself. It can stand in the same field, right there with the weed. The weed and the wheat stand together, rejoice just as much. Its head is down. It's starving for a drink. When a rain comes, the cocklebur can shout just as loud as the wheat can. "But by their fruits you shall know them." See?
103 Christians, I may never see you again. See, it's been years since I been here. May never see you again. Line up with God's Word. Look in the mirror.
Like a little boy one time, had been out in the country, never seen a mirror. He come to his--his auntie's house. He started walking up the steps. He seen a mirror, and he seen a little boy in the mirror. He kept walking up, looking. And--and he would wave, and the little boy would wave. And he kept looking. He never seen himself in a mirror. So when he got close enough to it, he turn around, said, "Why, Mama, that's me!"
104How do you look, in God's mirror? Does it reflect a daughter or a son of God? Is there something, which, you hear That, does it make you hate the man that's saying It? Or, is there something pull, say, "I know that man is right because that's in the Scripture"? Then, that's the vitamins needed for this body that's ordained to be there, a house that that other one is going to need when you get there. See? "This house; if we have borne an earthy."
105 Now remember, we think so much of this body. We put so many clothes on it. We do so many things, that, unnecessary, change after change after change, and all these things. And--and, oh, it's just everybody.
Just let somebody start something. You paint your steps red and watch the Joneses paint theirs red. You change from a Chevrolet to a Ford, and they just can't stand it. It's matching time. You let the... You let a woman come to church, certain kind of a hat on, watch all the women get that; especially the pastor's wife, see, just watch what happens. Now, that is true. That is the absolutely truth. It's matching time. Brother, it ought to be matching time. And all them--all them things is--is for a purpose.
I don't care whether my coat matches my trousers. And I have a hard time. My wife or my daughter-in-law, somebody have to tell me what kind of--of tie to wear with it. I--I don't care whether they match, though. I want my experience to match God's Word. That's the thing, 'cause that's where I aim to live; not down on the corner yonder with the Joneses, but yonder in Glory where Jesus is, gone to prepare us a place. Yes, we want that. Yes, sir. Keep from all this.
106 This old earthly tabernacle here, you know what it is? This body is like an old coat that you wear, a coat that you once wear. But now you have one so much better, you don't use it any more. What do you do? You hang it in the closet, for you've got one better. You've got a better coat. It's more up to date than the one you used to wear, that's worn out. What? It is that garment. You are the inside of that there. That garment only done what? It bore your image. See? But you don't need it any more now. You've hung it up. It's a rag.
And that's the way this old body is, you, it's bore the image of the heavenly. Yet, it is not you. You are on the inside of that body. You, the Spirit of God, is on the inside of that body. That's what makes the outside come into subjections, because the inside is pulling it, see, bringing it in line with the Word of God; your inside, you yourself, your being.
This body is just an old coat. And someday, what will you do with it, for you was--was only in the garment for a while? That is like the earthly garment; this body. Your--your real body, your real self, is on the inside of this old coat that you call William Branham, or Susie Jones, or whoever it is. See? Someday it will hang in the earth's hall of memory of you. You'll put it out yonder in the grave, and somebody will put a tombstone up, "Here lies Rev. So-and-so, or John So-and-so, or So-and-so." It'll lie there as a memorial of you. The people just seen you in this. And what you was, your real you, was on the inside of that. But the old coat, itself, just "borne the image of the Heavenly."
Oh, people, have you made reservations to change coats? Have you made reservations for Heaven? Remember, you must have reservations. You can't get in without them.
I'm talking to you in modern language now, that you know. If you go to the hotel, say, "Well, I had the..."
107 "Did you have reservations? Well, I'm sorry. Everything is filled up." You're out in the cold, because you failed to make reservations.
And if you come to the end of your life's journey, without reservations, there will be no One there to meet you. You'll have to step off into a dark Eternity where there will be screaming, and weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth. You must. You can't get into the City, you, because you haven't got reservation. You must have them, to enter the City, where Jesus has gone to prepare a place for you. Remember, you must have the reservations, and the garment of salvation, on. You cannot.
108 In Matthew, I got a Scripture here. I'm watching Scripture, Matthew, twenty-... 22:1 to 14. I haven't time to read it, because it's getting too late. I've spoke too long, to you. But remember, the king sent forth and made a supper. He killed all of his oxes, and--and fixed the fatlings and everything, had a great supper prepared. And he sent out, and he bid many to come.
One said, "Well, you know, after all, I belong to this." "And I got this." "I got to go with my farm." And one did many things. And he sent again, and they evilly mistreated them. And finally... That was the Jewish generation, Jesus was talking to. They had something else to do.
Then, finally, he sent in, "And say... Go. Just don't... Just compel them. Go into the streets and highways, and everywhere, and compel them to come in." And after that, determined that his house was... His wedding supper was going to be set. There's going to be guests there.
And then he found a man in there without the wedding garment on. He wanted to hold to the old coat. And look what he said. "Friend, after I have invited you to my wedding supper, and I invited you and give you an invitation to come!"
109 And if you ever was in the Orients, which I preached in there many time, that wedding supper is still carried on just the way it was. The bridegroom, that, all, he has so many guests that he's going to have. Probably, Brother Kopp, probably you've watched it there in India. See? They have so many guests that he's going to ask; say he's going to ask thirty guests.
Now, the bridegroom has to furnish the robes. He has to furnish them, therefore there's a man stands at the door. And you come up with your invitation. He examines your invitation and puts you on a garment, a robe. That, some of them are rich, and some of them are poor, and some of them are different, but they all look alike when they get these robes on. They all look alike.
And you have to all be alike. You ain't going to be, say, "I'm the Methodist over here. I'm the Presbyterian over here." Oh, no. You ain't going in, the first place. See?
You've got to come by the Door. Jesus said, "I am the Door to the sheepfold."
"I'm Pentecostal. I'm this. I'm that." That don't mean one thing.
You come by that Door. And if you come by that Door, you get the robe.
110 And this man, when he said, "How did you get in here, friend?" See?
It showed he come up some other way, and come in a window, come in the back way, but not through the door; not through the Door, the way that Jesus came, through self-sacrifice; giving your all to God, and walking to Calvary and be crucified with Him. And rise again, to wear His garment of sacrifice and death to the things of the world.
111"If you love the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you." See? If you still have the love of the world, want to act like the world, and do like the world; you're try... you're... Yet, you're in the church, but a cocklebur in the patch with the wheat; shout with the rest of them, rejoice with the rest of them. All the spiritual blessings is right upon you.
You say, "Well, I prophesy." So did Caiaphas. So did Balaam. That has nothing...
112 "I got the baptism, the Holy Spirit." That still has nothing to do with it. That's just only a temporal gift for you.
The real gift is your soul down in there, see, that was born of God, and that controls the whole thing to the Word of God and the will of God. And there you grow up, see, then you're a son and daughter of God. You're a child of God. And these things, as you come up... Like the mother, now you're in the bowels of the earth, trying to come forth. You're a son of God, coming forth, and you see the Word says, "I should do this. I should be born-again."
"Well, I belong to church." That don't mean one thing. See?
"I'm Methodist; my mother." That's good for your mother.
113"Well, my, I'm Pentecostal. I belong." That, if you don't line with that Word, there is something wrong. See? Then, you see, your real father ain't God. See? Because, that real start in your soul, before there even was a spirit, it was your soul. That soul didn't come from God, then it wasn't a germ of God, to begin. You're deceived. You're in a patch of weeds and bearing the world's record of the weeds coming forth. Acting like the world, loving the world, is because the love of God is not in you.
114 And now there'll be false anointed-ones in the last days, not false Jesus. They wouldn't stand for that. But, "false," anointed. They are anointed, yes, sir, but they're anti-Christ. They're anointed with the Spirit, to do the signs and wonders that Christ did, but won't line up with His Word. See?
"Many will come to Me, that Day, and say, 'Lord, have not I prophesied, and cast out devils, in Your Name?'"
He say, "Depart from Me, you that work iniquity. I never even knew you."
"I was Pentecostal, Lord. Glory to God! I shouted. I spoke with tongues. And I laid hands on the sick, and healed them, cast out devils."
"Depart from Me, you that work iniquity. I never knew you."
115 See what I mean? Oh, little children, do you feel the need of that vitamin tonight, that something? There's a body waiting yonder. There's a body waiting to be received. People, don't be deceived. Don't be deceived. The Devil is a deceiver. Even the--the wedding garment, you must wear It. It must be.
116Now we're at the evening time. The earthly body is now ready to be dissolved, and we're preparing to enter into the Heavenly. And we now feel the strange call, of God, to go to this great Eden. And before we can be born here, our little bodies cried for something that--that had to be provided, or we'd be an afflicted child here if we wasn't. God has no afflictions up there. They're, every one, perfectly lined up, the Bride just exactly like the Groom was, the Word manifested in Its season. God grant, tonight, children, each and every one of you! There is a Heaven to go to. There's a hell to stay away from.
117 Now, many of you know that the Lord has given me visions, thousands of those. The greatest thing... I used to fear death. About three years ago, you seen the Christian Business Men, a Past The Curtain Of Time. I realize I might not live through this night. I may never see you again in my life here, but this is true. I--I don't know whether I'd call this a vision, or what it was.
One morning, recently, I was... I had just woke up. I come in from meetings. And my wife was laying there, asleep. I said, "Honey, are you awake?" She was still sleeping. I know we had to get up, to get the children off to school.
And I put my hands back up, like this, and I said, "Well, say, Bill Branham, do you know you're past fifty? You, if you're going to do something for the Lord, you better hurry up, 'cause you ain't got too much more time." I thought, "My, I hope that I can live to see the Coming of the Lord Jesus."
I always had it in my mind, that--that when we died, I'd see, like, brother here. I'd say... "Yeah, you preached in my church, one night down on earth, Brother Branham." But, he--he's a spirit, I couldn't shake his hand, because his hand is out there in the grave, rotted away, see; mine, too. I used to kind of think that.
118 But that morning, when, I felt Something come over me. I thought... Usually, like a vision comes. And I looked, and I--I looked. I thought, "My! What is this?" And I looked, a great, green hills. And young women was coming from everywhere, by the tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands. And they were all coming, long hair hanging down their back, white robes on, barefooted, screaming, hollering, "Our brother!"
119I--I thought, "Now, this is strange." I turned back around and looked. And there I laid right there, and there was my wife, laying there on the bed. And I said, "Now, you know what? I died." I said, "That, that's what's happened. I--I've died." And I said, "I might have had a heart attack, or something. I've died. There lays my body." I was just laying there with my hands back, like that, just as stiff. I thought, "That's not twenty feet from me." And there I was, looking. I thought, "That's... There is my wife there. There, there is everything. There is my shirt hanging there on that bedpost there." And I thought, "Here I am."
120 I looked around again, and these women were all coming. And they were... I looked, coming this way, and there come my brothers. Oh! They're genuine. All of them looked to be young men. They were screaming, "Our precious brother!" Oh, I didn't know what to think.
121I thought, "This is strange." I looked back, and I wasn't an old man. I was young. I thought, "This is a strange thing." I thought, "Is this a vision?" I'd bite my finger. And I thought, "No. It ain't the kind of vision I've had."
122Then, there, Something begin to talk to me up here, and said, "You've entered in with your people."
I thought, "With my people? Are all these Branhams?"
123He said, "They're your converts to Christ." And these women...
You know I've always been considered, on account of they'd call me "woman-hater," but I'm not. See? Cause, I believe... I--I--I don't like immoral, indecent. I like real, genuine sisters of Christ. If that way, all right.
124 I had some scars when I was a kid. I know things that happened that's kind of turned me that way. But it--it was all God, making, molding me for this hour. See?
125I think a real, genuine sister, there's nothing any nicer. If God could give a man anything better than salvation, He'd give him a wife. See? And so, then, if He could give anything better, He would have done it. And then to see some of them turn and don't even act like a wife, unloyal to their marriage vows, and their husbands the same. You remember, you're bound as long as you live, to one another. "What God joins on earth, joined in Heaven also." See?
126 And so then I--I seen that. And these women run up and was throwing their arms around me, and hugging me, and call me, "Brother!" Now, they were women, but there can never be sin in that place. See? They were women. But, see, what made us now, a woman with a--a gland, a female gland, and a man with a male gland, it's for raising children. There it won't be. They'll all be one gland, but they'll still be in the form. The earthly image that they bore here will be there, but there'll never can be sin. You're all the same. There'll be no more children raised there. See? That's right. It'll all be that way. And so I looked, and these women.
127 And they picked me up. These brothers set me up on a place. I said, "Why'd you do this?"
He said, "In earth you was a leader." And said--and said, "You... These are the people."
128And there was some woman come up. She said, "Our precious brother." Most beautiful woman!
When she passed by, this Voice stopped, said, "Don't you remember her?"
I said, "No."
Said, "You led her to Christ when she was past ninety. See? Can't you see why she says 'precious brother'?"
I said, "Well, do--do you go..."
Said, "No. We're waiting here."
I said, "Well, if I've passed over, I want to see Jesus."
Said, "You can't see Him now. This is the Scripture, said, 'Souls under the altar.' He's just a little higher. Someday He will return. We're go back to earth. We don't eat or drink here."
129 I said, "You mean I was afraid of this? Why, this..."
There's no word to speak it, friends. "It's perfect," wouldn't--wouldn't touch it, "sublime." There's no English vocabulary that I know, no word at all, that could ever express what it is. It's beyond anything that I know. There he was. There was no sickness, no sorrow. You couldn't die. You couldn't sin. It was just perfect, just perfect. Friends, you mustn't, you mustn't miss it. Remember.
130And when I was a little boy, I saw a vision of hell, as a little boy. And you know how the ladies, today, or the women (lady wouldn't do a thing like that), paint their eyes like a wolf, or something like that, that blue stuff under their eye. I seen that. I was sinking. As a little boy, I had been shot, and I was laying, dying in a hospital. And I had always knowed there was God.
I remember the first prayer I ever tried to pray. The only thing I could say... I--I've never told this before. I just feel I'll tell it right now. I was shot, laying there, dying in a field. And the only plea that I could have to God, I said, "You know, Lord, I never did commit adultery." See? As a little, young boy about fifteen years old, I tried to live right. And I said, "I've lived clean." And that's all I could say. That's all the merit that I could offer Him.
131 And then laying there, then, when the doctor done walked away from me, and I felt myself sinking into a dark Eternity, and looked like. I holler for papa, "Oh, papa, help me." There was no papa there. "Mama, help me." There was no mama there. "God, help me." There was no God there. It was just the endless, horrible, oh, nightmare. Burning, blazing hell would be a pleasure, being up aside of that. And falling through there, I thought, "Oh, my!" Over and over, like this. I got into a place, smoke, and dark, and sick. And, oh, such a feeling! It was death on me.
I could see those women coming up to me, with them kind of painted eyes like that. Now remember, that's been forty-five years ago, about forty years ago, anyhow. Going, they was going, "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!"
I said, "Am I to be there forever?"
132I said, "O God, if You'll let me out of here, I--I--I'll never be ashamed of You again. I'll never be ashamed. God, please give me a chance."
The first thing you know, I felt myself coming back up. And the doctor was alarmed, 'cause my heart was only beating seventeen times to the minute. I done bled all my blood out and everything, was laying in my own blood. And I've wondered, someday that would happen?
133 About two years ago, when I moved to Tucson, I was with my wife down at J. C. Penney's. I was setting there like that, and with my head down, waiting. Cause, you know how, ladies, they shop a long time. And I was--I was setting there, my head down like this. And an escalator was coming up. And here come some of them women up, with them water-head haircuts, you know, like they do, like that. Coming up with them painted-looking eyes like that. And they were speaking Spanish. And that's that. It all (the vision) reoccurred again. There it was, "Oooh! Oooh!"
134Brother, sister, let me tell you something. It may seem funny now, but you once get there. It's a serious thing. Don't you never go that way.
135 Me, as an old man, a minister, I preached around the world, got millions of friends, but I know I've got to stand with you yonder. Get away from the things of the world. And if there is something in you, that you still want to act the way you act, if you do have the things of the world in you, remember, you're none of God's. You're just a church member, until that call; that deep, calling to the Deep. See?
136Like, before there was a fin on a fish's back, there had to be a water for him to swim in, first, or he'd never had a fin.
Before there was a--a tree to grow in the earth, there had to be an earth, or there would have been no tree to grow in it. There'd be no reason for the tree, and to make it coexist.
137 Before there is a creation, there has to be a Creator. "Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness." See? There is something in us. You raised your hand a while ago, "I want more of God." See? There is something needy.
And if you love the world, going that way, the things of the world, the world's travel you'll go, and in the fall you'll be. See? Come out. You're sons and daughters of a King, the King. Be lady and gentleman. Walk like Christians. Live like Christians. Act like Christians. Remember, I'll meet you at the Judgment Bar with these remarks. See?
138Look in your looking glass, tonight, and see. "Which way am I headed? Is Jesus preparing a place for me, a body? That body is perfect. That body walks orderly. It's a son or a daughter before God. And I'm birth pains in here, to be born into that body there. If I still love the world, it shows me that (I'm not) I have no body there. I'm just a church member. I wasn't the germ of God. I am not. He is not my Father."
139 He said, "If you cannot stand chastisement," that's what you're getting now, "then you're bastard children, and not the children of God." Isn't that right? [Congregation says, "Right."--Ed.] Does the Bible say that? ["Amen."]
If you cannot stand the chastisement of God, when you see the Scripture lining you up, and you say, "Oh, I don't want to hear that Stuff. I'm--I'm a Christian. I do a..." All right. Go ahead. See? It's one sure evidence that you're not a child of God.
But a real child of God is hungering and thirsting. Why? If there's something in your heart, telling you you want it, and it needs there, it shows there's something pulsating, trying to pull you there. There's a body there, that this one is a type of here. What are you using this one for, to glorify the Devil and the world, and fashions and things? Are you looking towards Heaven, there's something up there, you're glorifying God with your life?
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it wasn't so, I would have told you. And I'll go and prepare a place for you.
... and come again, to receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
140Things That Are To Be. These things that are now, are only potential, calling for the things that is to be.
Let us pray.
141 Think seriously. Will you, dear Christian friends? Think real seriously, just a moment. Let's just be real quiet just for a moment. Let the Holy Spirit speak.
Now, the Lord Jesus sent me to you Pentecostal people, long ago. Here is one of your boys that's come up to be your pastor, said, "Resulted from the ministry." He seen the Lord Jesus open the blinded eyes; "make," he said, "the waterheads shrink right up." I still have healing services. But I realize that I have prayed for many people that were very sick. They were healed. The Lord answered prayer, and healed the sick. But, you know, some of those people, were healed, has already died. And no matter how sick you are, if you're healed, you're going to die, anyhow.
But that soul, my precious brother, that soul, my precious sister, won't you think about it now? That's Eternal. If that love of God is not in there, there is nothing pulling, won't you ask God, "O God, start me over, new, tonight. I love You, Lord. I want to love You. And something in my heart tells me that I must live closer to You. I want to come, right now, Lord, and do that"? If that person or persons are in this building or out of this building, I ask you, as a servant of Christ, in the Name of Jesus Christ, will you just, with your head bowed, raise up your hand to God and say this much, "God, draw me nearer, nearer, dear God. I want to line with everything that You have in Your Word"? Raise your hands. Now just be real honest. Just think.
142 Now, they say, "Oh, I've done this. I, I've shouted, the Spirit. I've spoke in tongues. But, look, there is something lacking in my life. I look in the mirror of God's Word, I know there's something. I go to church, but I'm not what I should be." See? That shows that, something.
Now, if you can look at yourself and see that you're not lined up with God's Word, and there's nothing in there that'll cause you to raise your hand, then you know there's something wrong. You have. There's... Mother used to say, "You can't get blood from a turnip, because there's no blood in it." See? Think of it, real seriously. This might be your last opportunity. Thirty, forty hands has been up, this little group here, even to clergymen.
143 Just be real reverent just a moment. Now think real straight. "Dear God, I may be killed, tonight, in an accident. I may die in a heart attack. One of these mornings, I may call the doctor, and he come, and my pulse is beating up my sleeve; I'm gone. I'm pressing my cheek against the pillows, call, 'O God! O God! O God!'" See? That heart is making its last beat. You're coming to that great Door. You'll never come out unless you're born again of the Spirit of God. You'll never come out unless there's something in you, after you're born of the Spirit of God, hungering and thirsting to go on with God. It must be. See? You're a child in the earth, in the bowels of the earth, still waiting to be born into the Kingdom of God, where He's gone to prepare another body for you, that's a perfect body.
Now think real deep, and let's pray together.
144 Dear God, as I know that this is paged on the Book, the great Record! We have blundered into science, Lord, enough to wake us up, for realities to know that every move that we make goes around and around the world, the same time we make it. We've got that through television. We do realize, Father, that that television doesn't manufacture a picture, it only channels the--the vibrations into a tube that makes the picture. Even the color of clothes that we've got on, shows through the ether waves of the air, that vibration around the world. Then how is our sisters with them clothes on, acting like that, and not even hungering; painted faces, cut hair?
Ministers that would go to theology, some seminary, "And take the things of man's word, which makes, by their traditions, makes the commandments of God of no effect upon the people, by their traditions," saying they should belong to church, and that's all.
O God, do they realize that every word we say, scientifically proven, it's on a record? And it starts when we start living in this earth. It ends when we die, and it's put in God's album, to be played back again at the Judgment.
How are we going to escape it, the damnation of God, if the thing has been made so clear before us and yet we turn It down?
O dear God, these Words never die. They go on and on. The record will be played at the Day of the Judgment. You seen those hands that went up, Father. It'll be right there at the Day of Judgment. Also, what their heart was thinking, will be there at the Day of Judgment.
145 Now, Father, God, I ask You, as Your servant, I pray that You'll take all the iniquity away from Your people. Iniquity: something that we know we should do, and don't do it. David said, "If I conceive iniquity in my heart, God will not answer my prayers." I pray, God, that You'll take our iniquity, 'cause the Word is Your looking-glass that shows us of how short we are of being sons and daughters of the King. Father, I pray that You'll do it, tonight.
146And make that an altar, 'cause the altar is setting full of people. And make that altar, there in the chair where they're setting, make that heart of theirs the altar. May the world move off from every brother, sister in here. And may that little germ of Life, the gene of God that we just talked of, that attribute that came down from God, and has been manifested here to honor and glorify God. God, move the world from that.
147The others, I cannot pray, Lord, because "the sickness is unto death," and there's nothing there that causes them to move. But those who can move, and know that it's wrong, clean their hearts and their souls, tonight, Father. And may they be filled with Your Spirit, walk in Your Light.
148 Bless this dear, young, healthy, strong-looking pastor here, Lord. This young man, influenced, he said, by what he saw You do. This fine young man, O God, set his soul afire. Grant it, Lord. May he be a true shepherd, continually, all the time, to feed the flock which the Holy Spirit has made him overseer over. Grant it, Lord. May he not turn right or left, no way for no creed, no nothing else but the unadulterated Word of God come from his mouth, and That only. Bless him, God, him and his loved ones, and his little church here. Be with them all, Father.
149I commit this to You, Father. The Seed has been sown. May It fall upon that seed that was ordained to Life, and grow great, strong Christians for this assembly here, and other assemblies where they come from. Grant it, Lord. I commit it to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
And, Father, "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we were healed."
150 I seen moving through the door, a few moments ago, a poor nervous woman. And, O God, into her own family, what great things has been done, how You have manifested Yourself! I pray, God, for that woman. Take away all that back past, of life, Lord, and heal her tonight. Will You, Lord? Take her to You.
151See it, little children setting here, Lord, needing healing, others. I pray that You'll heal them, Father. Grant it. May Your great healing power come and heal us, both soul and body.
152 And now, to you now who are in the church here, or outside, that needs healing, I want you to raise up your hand, say, "I need healing, Brother Branham." Looks like everybody does. All right. Will you believe me to be a servant of Christ? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, I want you to lay your hands over on one another. Just lay your hands over on each other. You raised your hands, that's inside or out, you raise your hands, that you were believers in God.
Jesus Christ said, His last commission to the Church, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth... He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. He that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; in My Name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; if they take up serpents or drink deadly things, it won't harm them; but, and if they'll lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now, Jesus said that. Remember, He said that. That has to be. He wouldn't have said that 'less there's going to be somebody could catch that Word.
152a Just like the womb of Mary could catch the germ, "A virgin shall conceive." Like a palm tree could be created, an oak tree on a hill, His Word did it.
His Word can catch into your heart right now. "I am a believer, Lord. This man or woman I got my hands on, they're suffering. I'm not praying for myself. Because, they're praying for me. I'm praying for her, or for him. And, O God, heal him, heal her. And I am a believer, and now we're assembled. We've just been taught that we were with Christ when He walked on earth, for we are part of His Word. We suffered with Him. We bled with Him. We died with Him. We was buried with Him. We are risen with Him, and we're setting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. The great King setting here in our midst, and I am a son or a daughter of this King. And I have my hand laid on a son or a daughter of the King, that's praying for me, and I'm praying for them. Now, Lord, answer my prayer, and heal this son of God or this daughter of God."
Together, let's pray now for one another.
153 Lord Jesus, we humbly come, confessing our wrongs. We come, confessing that we are worthy of sickness and death, and sorrow, but we are accepting Your propitiation for our sins and our sickness. And, tonight, these sons and daughters of God, setting here, hear the correction of the Word, and raising their hands, and wanting a closer walk. They laying hands on one another now because they believe Your Word to be true. They believe that we're now risen with Christ, setting in Heavenly places with Him. They got their hands on one another, praying one for another.
You said, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and God shall raise him up; and if he's did any sin, it shall be forgiven him. Confessing your faults one to another, pray one for the other, that you might be healed. For the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much." O Eternal God, hear the prayer of Your servants.
And now, it's written again, "If the people, that's called by My Name, shall assemble themselves together, and pray; then I'll hear from Heaven." O God, hear the prayer of Your children tonight, from Heaven. Send down the Holy Ghost upon this audience, like a rushing mighty wind. And we bring these people before God.
154 Satan, you are defeated. You are a defeated being. Jesus Christ conquered you at Calvary. You have no power. You're a bluff. We're calling your hand, tonight. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of this people here, you sickness and diseases. And may they go, free, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
155Hallelujah! Feel the glory of God! Feel your prayer answered. You believe God answered the person setting by you? How many believe it? Raise up your hands. [Congregation rejoices--Ed.] There you are. Oh, wonderful!
I love Him, I...
With your hands up now, sing it to Him, with all your heart.
Because He first loved...
Do you mean it, with all your heart now?
156 How many of you feel that God has forgiven your iniquities, the things that you've done? "And from this night on, O Lamb of God, I promise to walk upright. I'll walk in honor of the Name that I'm called, a Christian, Christ-like life. I'll raise my hands, God. I dedicate myself anew to You, tonight. I'll walk in the Light." Amen.
We'll walk in the Light, beautiful Light,
Come where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;
Shine all around us, by day and by night,
Jesus, the Light of the world.
We'll walk in the Light, It's such a beautiful Light,
It comes where the dewdrops...
Where He's gone to prepare a place for us.
Shine all around us, by day and by night,
Jesus, the Light of the world.
Come, all ye saints of Light proclaim,
Jesus, the Light of the world;
Truth and mercy in His Name,
Jesus, the Light of the world.
What will we do then?
We'll walk in the Light, such a beautiful Light,
Comes where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;
Shine all around us, by day and by night,
Jesus, the Light of the world.
Oh, don't you feel all scoured out, feel good? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, my! Let's shake hands, as we sing again.
We'll walk in the Light, such a beautiful Light,
Comes where... (God bless you, brother.)... of mercy are bright;
Shine all around us, by day and by night,
Jesus, the Light of the world.
Let's just close our eyes and hum it. [Brother Branham and congregation begin to hum Jesus, The Light Of The World--Ed.] We'll act like children. We are children.
Oh, it's such a beautiful Light,
And It comes where the dewdrop of mercy are bright;
Oh, shine all around us, by day and by night,
Jesus, the Light of the world.
Don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calva-...
Just close your eyes and sing it. Worship in the Spirit.
Saviour Divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
Take all my sins away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly Thine!
While life's dark maze I tread,
And grief around me spread,
Oh, be Thou my Guide;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow's fears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
157Oh, my! I know I'm just an old-fashion guy. I like... I think that's got all the new, chopped-up, fandangle, rock-and-roll impersonations beat, a million miles. Them old poets that wrote them songs, the Holy Spirit touched that pen, begin to write. Oh, my! Think of Eddie Perronet and all them; great! Fanny Crosby:
Pass me not, O gentle Saviour,
Hear my humble cry.
158 One time they was trying to get her. She didn't--she didn't do like the Pentecostal Elvis Presley, sell her birthrights for a mess of Cadillacs. She... Come to her and wanted her to write--write worldly songs. She said, "I would not do it, for nothing."
Said, "Why, you're blind. When you get to Heaven, how will you know Him?"
She turned around, inspiration, so she said:
I shall know Him, I shall know Him,
And redeemed by His side I shall stand;
I shall know Him, I shall know (How?)
By the prints of the nails in His...
Otherwise, "If I don't see Him, I'll feel His hand."
I shall know Him, I shall know Him,
And redeemed by His side I shall stand;
I shall know Him, I shall know Him
By the print of the nails in His hand.
159Don't it make you love Him? Gone to prepare a place for us! "And if I go and prepare a place, I will return again, to receive you unto Myself."
160 Little children in travail now, re-obey the commandments of God. And pastor, here, if none of you has been baptized, the water will be ready. And--and membership for the church, or whatever you want to do, or whatever, you do it. You haven't got the baptism, the Holy Ghost, this is the night to receive It. Don't you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
161"Oh," you say, "Brother Branham, it's late. You done preached too long."
Paul preached all night, one night, this same kind of Message. And a little... A young man fell off of the wall and killed himself. And Paul, so anointed with that same kind of Message, laid his body upon him, and the life come back into him again. He is still "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever."
Don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Let's just, once more, with our hands up, "I love Him. I love Him."
Where's the pianist? There, if you will, sister, ever who it is. Give us the little chord, if you will.
How many love Him? Just raise your hand. Say, "I really love Him. I just love Him, with--with all my heart. I love Him."
162 Now let's just sing it, to the glory of God. Now, with our eyes closed, our hands up to Heaven, "I love Him. I love Him." We'll worship Him. When you preach, and cut, and tear, and pull like that, this is the balm that God pours in, just heals. "There's a Balm in Gilead, for the soul." Let's sing it now. Give us the chord.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
163And if... "This will all men know that you're My disciples, when you have love, one for the other." That's right. If we can't love one another who we do see, how we going to love God Who we can't see?
I love Him.
164[Brother Branham speaks to a brother on the platform--Ed.] God bless you. [The brother says, "Being here tonight is a real honor from Heaven."] Thank you, brother. ["It's really nice."] Now, I think the church, every one, was strengthened. Don't you? ["Yes. Really."] God bless you, Brother Boone. I'll turn the congregation to you. God bless you.
1 Brat Boone a zhromaždenie, toto je pre mňa naozaj veľká výsada, že som znovu v San Bernardino. S týmto miestom je spojené veľa veľkých spomienok z tých uplynulých dní. A keď počujeme, že tá návšteva tu má stále živý vplyv, samozrejme, že sa z toho tešíte, že nás Pán sem nasmeroval pred rokmi.
2 Sedel som tam teraz na parkovisku a snažil som sa spomenúť si na nejakú z tých udalostí, ktoré sa tu stali. Bola tam pani Isaacsonová, ktorá ma prekladala vo Fínsku (v tej kampani po Fínsku) a ona prišla ku autu, práve keď som odchádzal. A povedala: „Ty si hlas Fínska." Som prekvapený, že pani Isaacsonová býva niekde tu. Nevedel som. Nie je tu náhodou dnes večer, zdá sa mi - pani May Isaacsonová? Ona je z Fínska.
3 Potom ďalšia zvláštna vec, na ktorú som si spomenul bola jedna čašníčka v reštaurácii, v ktorej som tu niekde blízko jedol, nazývali to Antlers Hotel. Verím, že to je práve teraz. A tá pani mala ...Modlil som sa s ňou. Bola to milá pani, ale nebola kresťanka. Pozval som ju na zhromaždenie. A ona stratila dieťa, a myslím, že jej manžel, oni boli oddelení. A modlili sme sa aby sa zmierila s manželom alebo aby sa zmierili. A tak som zvedavý či je tu tá pani.
4 A potom ďalšia udalosť, ktorá sa stala, to bolo malé dieťa, ktoré bolo prinesené odniekiaľ (asi deň cestovali), a ono zomrelo a ležalo v náručí matky a bolo privedené naspäť do života. Je to ... bola tu prítomná tá osoba? A ono prišlo, myslím, zo štátu tam hore, okolo ... To je tu vyššie. A tá matka a otec cestovali celú noc. Tá matka smutne tam sedela a držala takto svoje mŕtve dieťa a ja som rozmýšľal: „Čo za viera! Keby som bol najväčším pokrytcom na svete, Boh uctí vieru tej matky." Držal som to malé dieťatko takto na rukách a modlil som sa, ono sa zohrialo a začalo sa hýbať, otvorilo oči.. Podal som ho naspäť matke. Tak, oni boli odniekiaľ. Nemyslím, že boli letniční, oni boli len ... Myslím, že to bola nejaká cirkev kde ... Dokonca ani neviem, či boli kresťania alebo nie. Nepýtal som sa ich. Bol som potešený z toho malého dieťaťa, že bolo znovu privedené do života.
Odvtedy, brat Boone, veľa vody pretieklo cez rieku ale my stále slúžime tomu istému Bohu, ktorý zostáva ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.
5 Len sa rozhliadam, vidím tu sedieť brata Leroy Kopp. To je prvý krát čo ho vidím po dlhom čase. Pavol, správne. Leroy je tvoj otec, je to tak. Ó, v Rusku. Dobre ... Viem, keď je tam ten chrabrý vojak, on je tam v službách Kráľa. Tak som skutočne šťastný, že som tu a počujem tohoto mladého kazateľa hovoriť, že bol inšpirovaný tou službou, ktorú sme mali keď sme tu boli. Aké je to vzrušujúce.
A dúfam teraz, vediac že máme ... Ľudia stoja a nechceme ich držať príliš dlho. Pamätáme sa na tie veľké uzdravovacie zhromaždenia.
Dopočul som sa, že tu niekde v susedstve je nejaký brat, ktorý tam má kampaň s uzdravovaním, brat Leroy Jenkins. Myslím, že je to tak. A tak som veľmi vďačný, dúfam, že Pán ho žehná a dáva mu veľkú službu.
6 Ó, cítil som sa skutočne poctený dnes večer, že môžem prísť do zboru ako tento. Vždy sa cítim lepšie v zbore než ako v tých auditóriách. No, nemám nič proti auditóriám. Ale viete, to môže byť povera, alebo - zdá sa mi, že je to pravda. Viete oni ... Idete do týchto auditórií kde zápasia, zápolia, robia estrády, deje sa tam všetko možné, zdá sa akoby zlé duchy boli na takých miestach. No, to môže vyzerať ako povera, ale nie je. Ale keď prichádzate do zboru, obyčajne ... samozrejme na duchovné zhromaždenie - zdá sa, že cítite, že máte väčšiu slobodu, tak ako tu. Je niečo, je tam prítomnosť Božia, vyzerá to inak. Ja neviem aký efekt má tá budova, ale to je miesto kde sa schádzajú ľudia. Samozrejme takí istí ľudia sú na inom mieste, ale na tých zlých miestach. Možno že len ja tak rozmýšľam, ale jednako, som rád, že som tu dnes večer.
7 A teraz, nechceme vás tu držať príliš dlho, pretože stojíte. A my zajtra večer odchádzame na iné miesto tu. Ani nevie kde to je. Je to tu blízko, Orange Show Auditórium na zhromaždenie zajtra večer. Toto je medzi ... Hovorím na turné pre obchodníkov (pre skupinu obchodníkov plného evanjelia), kde som mal príležitosť hovoriť pre ních po svete. A tak tam, pozval nás sem veľmi dobrý priateľ a my sme radi, že môžeme byť dnes večer na zhromaždení.
8 No, prv ako otvoríme Bibliu ... No, každý kto má fyzickú silu ju môže takto otvoriť (vidíte?), ale na to aby nám bolo otvorené Slovo treba Ducha Svätého, aby otvoril naše chápanie a zjavil Písma. Verím v Bibliu. Verím, že to je Božie Slovo. A verím, že zem, alebo ľudia na zemi budú jedného dňa súdení podľa tohoto Slova. No to môže vyzerať zvláštne. Mnohí sa nezhodujú s týmto názorom.
9 Nedávno som sa rozprával s mojím veľmi verným priateľom ktorý je katolík a on povedal: „Boh bude súdiť svet podľa katolíckej cirkvi." Ak je to tak, podľa ktorej katolíckej cirkvi? Vidíte? Ak by ho súdil podľa metodistov, čo potom s baptistami? Vidíte? A ak ho bude súdiť podľa jednej, tí ostatní sú stratení. Tak tam je príliš veľa zmätku. Ale musíme podísť ku tomu aby sme našli pravý výrok a Biblia hovorí, že Boh bude súdiť svet skrze Ježiša Krista a On je Slovo. Ev. Jána 1: „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh ... A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." A Židom 13:8 hovorí, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky. A ja verím, že to je pravda.
10 No, verím, že Boh na počiatku, tým že je nekonečný - neobmedzený, On je konečný ... či vlastne nekonečný a my sme koneční - obmedzení. Jeho myseľ je o veľa väčšia a my vo svojich malých obmedzených mysliach nedokážeme porozumieť Jeho veľkosť, nekonečnú múdrosť. Ale preto, keď On niečo hovorí, nám sa to môže zdať veľmi zvláštne, keď Ho počujeme hovoriť nejakú vec v Písme, ale to sa musí stať. Verím že Jeho Slovo nikdy nepominie; a tak verím, že Boh vediac, že my vo svojich malých obmedzených mysliach si nedokážeme vyložiť Jeho veľkú myseľ, On vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo. On nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. On vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo tým, že potvrdzuje to Slovo v jeho danom čase.
11 Verím, že Boh na začiatku - že Noe bol Slovom na ten deň, čo sa týka jeho posolstva. No potom prichádza ... potom prichádza Mojžiš. No, Mojžiš nemohol zobrať Noeho slovo. On nemohol stavať loď a plaviť sa s nimi z Egypta dole po Níle do zasľúbenej zeme a tak ďalej. Jeho posolstvo nefungovalo vo dňoch Noeho; to bola časť Božieho Slova, ktoré bolo potvrdené, že je pravdou pri Mojžišovi. Ani Ježiš nemohol mať slovo Mojžiša. A Luter nemohol zostať pri slove katolíckej cirkvi. Wesley nemohol zostať pri slove Lutera. A Letniční, oni nemohli zobrať slovo Metodistov. Vidíte? Cirkev rastie. Každý vek, on je tu vymeraný v Písme. Tak Boh, skrze Ducha Svätého, zjavuje svoje Slovo tým, že ho manifestuje a sám ho potvrdzuje, ukazuje, že to je Jeho Slovo tým, že sa vyplnilo v tom dni, keď bolo zasľúbené.
12 Ježiš to povedal. On povedal: „Ak nemôžete veriť mne, verte skutkom, ktoré robím." Lebo oni svedčia o tom, kto On je. Vidíte? Ak by niekto nepoznal Písmo ... No, On prichádza tak podivne, tak zvláštne, že ľudia mu nechceli veriť, pretože On bol človek a robil sa Bohom. Tak On bol Boh vo forme. Boh bol v Kristovi mieriac so sebou svet a žiadny človek nemôže robiť tieto skutky bez toho, keby nebol s ním Boh, ako vieme Nikodém to tak povedal, tak tomu veril Sanhedrin.
13 No, vieme že to Slovo ... Keby oni nepoznali Slovo ... On povedal: „Keby ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste mňa, pretože Mojžiš písal o mne." A keby sa pozreli naspäť do Písma a uvideli by čo má robiť Mesiáš, potom by Ho poznali skrze potvrdenie, že Boh skrze Krista mieril svet so sebou a vypĺňal všetky zasľúbenia, ktoré boli o Mesiášovi, to čo On mal robiť. Ježiš niesol svedectvo o tom Slove, oživoval Slovo na ten deň. A ja verím, že to je tá istá vec, v ktorej žijeme dnes, Boh nesie svedectvo o svojom Slove tým, že potvrdzuje to, čo povedal, že bude robiť.
14 No, vieme že toto je deň spasenia, kde Boh volá ľudí zo sveta, zo života hriechu do života služby. A v tom dni, keď Boh vylial Svojho Ducha z výsosti, veľké znamenia a zázraky majú sprevádzať službu tohoto dňa. Toto je - keď včasný a pozdný dážď padajú spolu. A vieme, že by mali byť veľké znamenia a zázraky, čo v mnohých veľkých denomináciách je toto odmietnuté. Ale ja som veľmi vďačný za tieto otvorené dvere, do ktorých môžem vojsť a za inšpiráciu, ktorá je daná mladým ľuďom, ako je tu váš pastor, ktorá spôsobila, že oni ... Keď ja začínam starnúť a viem, že moje dni sú spočítané a viem teraz, že títo mladí muži môžu zobrať toto posolstvo a niesť ho ďalej do príchodu Pánovho, ak On nepríde v mojej generácii. Čo dúfam, že Ho uvidím; Denne na Neho očakávam a pozorujem, stále som pripravený na tú hodinu.
15 No, prehovorme ku Autorovi prv ako budeme čítať z Jeho Knihy, a skloňme svoje hlavy. Nebeský Otče sme ti vďační, že sme živí dnes večer, že sme sa navrátili naspäť do tohoto veľkého mesta. Sedíme tu v tejto panoráme hôr, dívame sa hore a vidíme sneh a v tom istom čase kvitnú pomaranče, čo za veľkolepý svet, ktorý si nám dal aby sme na ňom žili. A keď vidíme, že človek narušil tento svet a ako sa správa, to spôsobuje, že sa hanbíme, Otče. Tu sme dnes večer aby sme sa snažili vynaložiť svoje úsilie aby sme sa snažili spôsobiť aby ľudia videli túto veľkú vec, ktorú Boh urobil a aby poznali, že hneď za tým je niečo väčšie. Nech by sme sa mohli na to pozrieť dnes večer, Otče, keď sa obraciame do Tvojho Slova a čítame ho. Môžeme ho čítať, Otče, ale nech nám to Duch Svätý zjavi skrze zjavenie, lebo prosíme o to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
16 No, vy ktorí si možno radi robíte poznámky a čítate Písmo s kazateľom, ako to oni zvyknú čítať ... A to zvykne byť keď, pred rokmi, nemusel som si zapisovať moje miesta Písma a tak ďalej ale odvtedy som trochu zostarel. Viete, práve mi minulo dvadsať päť len nedávno - pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi. Tak to ide trochu ťažšie. Stále sa snažím držať sa všetkého, čo viem že mám robiť v Jeho Slove, až kým ma On nezavolá.
17 No, otvorme si evanjelium Jána 14. kapitolu, veľmi známe miesto Písma, ktoré chceme čítať dnes večer aby sme z tohoto vytiahli súvislosť, keď Pán dá. Skoro všetci to poznáte. Vyzerá to, mnohokrát to používajú v kázni na pohrebe. Ak kedy bol čas, žeby som rád kázal pohrebnú kázeň, bolo by to na pohrebe tohoto sveta. Nech zomrie a nech sa znovu narodí. Evanjelium Jána 14 od 1 do 7, myslím že som si to tu poznačil.
Nech sa neľaká vaše srdce! Veríte v Boha, verte aj vo mňa.
V dome môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov; keby nebolo tak, povedal by som vám to,
pretože vám idem prihotoviť miesto a keď odídem a prihotovím vám miesto, prídem zase a poberiem si vás k sebe, aby ste tam, kde som ja, aj vy boli.
... kam ja idem viete, aj cestu viete.
Tomáš mu povedal: Pane nevieme, kam ideš a ako môžeme vedieť cestu?
A Ježiš mu povedal: Ja som cesta i pravda i život; nikto nepríde k Otcovi, len skrze mňa.
Keby ste boli mňa poznali, boli by ste poznali aj môjho Otca; ale odteraz ho už znáte aj ste ho videli.
Nech Pán pridá požehnanie ku čítaniu Jeho Slova a my sa chceme znovu viackrát naň odvolávať, keď pôjdeme ďalej, zatiaľ čo budeme hovoriť malú lekciu pre cirkev.
18 Minulý večer som bol v Yume, v Arizone, kde je teraz môj domov ... Keď som tu bol predtým, býval som v Jeffersonville v Indiáne. A teraz, som v Arizone, podľa videnia som tam bol poslaný pred pár rokmi. A teraz tam bývame. Nemám tam žiadny zbor. Brat Green, náš brat, ktorý je tu s nami, založil modlitebňu, kde jedna cirkev Assembles of God - Downtown Assembless ... Oni sa zlúčili a myslím, že oni všetci odišli s bratom Broockom a s bratom Glimore a nechali tento zbor; a brat Pearry Green z Texasu sa tam presťahoval a zobral to miesto, ktoré má s nami obecenstvo. Sme radi keď vieme, že brat Green znovu otvoril tento zbor, ktorý bol zavrený.
19 A minulý večer som hovoril v Yume pre kresťanských obchodníkov, hovoril som na tému „Vytrhnutie:" No, mohla to byť zvláštna téma, na ktorú som hovoril medzi ľuďmi na bankete, ale väčšinou každý tam bol kresťan. A tak je to na týchto kampaniach takéhoto druhu alebo v zbore. Mohol by som povedať: „No, koľkí ste kresťania?" Pravdepodobne by každý zodvihol ruku. Ste kresťania. A tak, keď sme kresťania, myslím že máme byť tak trochu popredku oboznámení. Nemusíme len hádať ako to bude, sme oboznámení, aké bude naše miesto, do ktorého ideme.
20 A o tom chcem hovoriť dnes večer. A tá téma je „Veci, ktoré sa majú stať." A teraz, minulý večer som hovoril o vytrhnutí, tak dnes večer chcem hovoriť na túto tému aby som to mohol zviazať spolu s posolstvom z minulého večera. No, bude vytrhnutie; to vieme. To sa má stať v budúcnosti.
21 Ježiš tu hovorí o ... On odišiel aby nám pripravil miesto. „Nech sa neľaká vaše srdce." On to hovoril Židom. On povedal: „Veríte v Boha, verte tiež vo mňa. Ako veríte v Boha, verte vo mňa, pretože ja som syn Boží." Vidíte? A Boh ... Inými slovami, „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno. Môj Otec prebýva vo mne. A to čo vidíte, že ja robím, to nie ja, to je môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo mne; on činí tie skutky." Boh bol v Kristovi mieriac so sebou svet.
22 To bolo ľahké pre tých Židov, ktorí boli učení celé generácie aby verili, že je veľký nadprirodzený Boh. Ale pomyslieť si, že Boh prišiel dole a zamanifestoval sa cez osobu svojho Syna, Ježiša Krista . Boh prebýval v tele z mäsa - to bolo na nich trochu veľa, aby tomu rozumeli. Ale On povedal: „No, ako ste verili v Boha, verte tiež vo mňa. Lebo v dome môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov a ja vám idem pripraviť miesto." Ježišov život tu na zemi mal dôjsť do konca. On ukázal ľuďom a dokázal im, že On bol Jehova zamanifestovaný v tele, skrze veľké znamenia a zázraky a to čo hovorila Biblia na čo sa On odvolával, na seba. A On dokázal, že On bol zamanifestovaný Boh. No, On povedal: „Keď budete vidieť, že končí môj život, on končí za určitým účelom. A ja idem preč aby som pripravil pre vás miesto, aby tam kde som Ja, aby ste tam tiež boli." Preto Ježiš hovorí svojim učeníkom, že jeho život nekončí v smrti.
23 No, keď hovorím, že toto bol pohrebný text, pamätajte, smrť leží rovno pred nami, a my nevieme či ... Môže byť niekto dnes večer v tejto budove, kto nevyjde z tadeto živý vo svojom telesnom živote. Také je to neisté. Za päť minút by sa mohlo stať, že mladý, zdravý človek v tejto budove môže byť mŕtvola, za päť minút. Je to tak. A znovu by to mohlo byť za päť minút, že by sme boli všetci vo chvále. My proste nevieme. To je v rukách Božích. Ježiš povedal, že On sám nevie kedy nastane ten čas, ale to je jedine v rukách Otca.
24 No, ale On im hovoril, že tam po smrti je život. Pretože: „Ja idem a pripravím vám miesto - to je, prijať ich, ukazuje že tam (On ku ním hovoril), že tam je život, potom keď je tento život skončený. A čo za útecha, ktorá nám má dať všetkým vedieť, že keď tento život skončí, je život do ktorého ideme. A ako starnete stáva sa to pre vás viac skutočným. Keď začínate vidieť, že dni vášho života sa skracujú, potom to začína ... začínate sa baliť, pripravovať na tú veľkú udalosť. To je pokračovanie toho istého života v inom svete, na inom mieste.
25 Vaše narodenie tu bolo dopredu naplánované. Hádam tomu veríte. Každý jeden z vás vie, že naše narodenie bolo dopredu naplánované. Vedeli ste. že vaša bytosť tu nikdy nepovstala len ako nejaký mýt alebo myšlienka? Všetko bolo úplne pripravené od Boha pred založením sveta, že vy tu budete. Nekonečný Boh vedel ... Aby bol nekonečný, On musel vedieť o každej blche, ktorá kedy bude na zemi a koľkokrát mihne očami. To je nekonečný. Vidíte? Naše malé mysle nemôžu vyskúmať čo znamená nekonečný. Nekonečný Boh, On vedel všetko; a tak nič sa nedeje bez dohľadu.
26 Ak poznáme Slovo Božie, vieme kde žijeme. Poznáme hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Vieme čo leží pred nami. Vidíme cez čo sme prešli. A Kniha Božia je zjavením Ježiša Krista. Jeho skutky cez veky, to bolo písané až do knihy Zjavenia a tiež jeho zasľúbenia, ktoré majú prísť. Tak všetky Jeho zasľúbenia sú pravda. Boh nemôže povedať žiadne Slovo, ktoré by nebolo potvrdené. Každé slovo, ktoré On hovorí sa musí vyplniť.
27 Pred založením sveta ... Niektorí ľudia tam miešajú Genesis, keď hovoria, že Boh sa opakuje. Nie, to je len vaše nezrozumenie. Vidíte? Boh na začiatku, On povedal: „Nech sa stane! Nech sa stane! Nech sa stane!" Svet bol len v tme a chaose. Ešte aj keď povedal: „Nech je svetlo," mohlo prejsť stovky rokov prv ako nastalo svetlo; ale keď to povedal, to sa muselo stať. To tak musí byť. Vidíte? A On hovoril svoje Slovo. Tie semená boli pod vodou. Keď On vysušil zem, potom tie semená vyrástli. Čo On hovorí sa musí stať.
28 On povedal cez prorokov ... Ukazoval som na to minulý večer. Ako keď zoberieme Izaiáša, on povedal: „Panna počne." Kto by si pomyslel o človeku, o ktorom medzi ľuďmi mysleli, že hovorí také slová „Panna počne." Ale pretože ... Prorok je Boží reflektor. On je tak stvorený, že nemôže hovoriť svoje vlastné slová, to musia byť Božie slová, ktoré on hovorí. On je ako odrazové zrkadlo. A on je Boží rečník. A tak, preto, On povedal: „Panna počne;" on to možno nemohol porozumieť, ale Boh to vypovedal cez neho, pretože On zasľúbil, že nebude robiť nič, kým to prv nezjavi svojím sluhom prorokom. Potom, keď to povedal, prešlo ešte osemsto rokov kým sa to stalo, ale muselo sa to vyplniť.
Nakoniec, tie Božie slová zakotvili v lone panny a ona počala a porodila Emanuela. „Dieťa sa nám narodilo; syn nám je daný. A nazvú jeho meno Radca, Mocný Boh, Knieža Pokoja, Otec Večnosti." Muselo to tak byť, pretože Boh to vypovedal cez ústa svojho proroka. A všetky slová Božie sa musia vyplniť; a tak vieme, že Ježiš odišiel pripraviť miesto aby prijal ľudí ku sebe. Kto sú títo ľudia, dúfam že sme časťou tých ľudí dnes večer. Ak to tak nie je, môj priateľ, Boh pripravil cestu, podmienky, aby si mohol byť zahrnutý do toho, ak chceš. Máš slobodné morálne jednanie; môžeš jednať tak ako chceš.
29 Ale všimnite si teraz! No, v tomto svete, ktorý má prísť ... Je svet, ktorý má prísť. Tak ako tu vaše narodenie, ako som povedal. Boli ste pripravený; Boh vedel, že tu budete. A teraz viete, ešte aj to čo urobili vaši rodičia ... No, ľudia si myslia, že Boh to nenavštevuje z generácie na generáciu, ale navštevuje.
30 V knihe Židom, myslím že asi v 7. kapitole Pavel tam hovorí, ten pisateľ, verím že to bol on, hovoril tam o veľkej udalosti, ktorá sa stala s Abrahámom, že zaplatil desatinu Melchidechovi, keď sa vracal z porážky kráľov. A teraz, on povedal, že Lévi bol v bedrách Abraháma, keď on stretol Melchisedecha, keď sa vracal od porážky kráľov, a potom on to pripočítal Lévimu, že tiež zaplatil desatinu, keď bol v bedrách Abraháma, svojho pra, pra praotca. A On navštevuje hriechy ľudí na ich deťoch z generácie na generáciu, ktorí nezachovávajú jeho Slovo.
31 Vidíte? Všetkých vás Boh dopredu naplánoval. U Boha sa nič nedeje náhodou. On všetko o tom vie. To je všetko dopredu naplánované, naplánované mnoho generácií dopredu, tak aby ste tu dnes večer mohli byť. Vedeli ste to? Len si pomyslite, že ste boli voľakedy ... Znovu toto zopakujem. Voľakedy ste boli vo svojom otcovi, v génoch svojho otca. No on vás vtedy nepoznal; ani vy ste vtedy nepoznali jeho. Ale vidíte, potom ste boli vložený do pôdy, do lona matky cez sväté manželstvo a potom ste sa stali osobou vyjadrenou na podobu svojho otca. Potom máte obecenstvo.
32 No, jediný spôsob, ako môžete byť synom alebo dcérou Božou ... Pretože musíte byť ... musíte mať večný život. A je len jedna forma večné- ho života, a to je Boží život. Len jedna forma večného života: to bol Boh. Aby ste boli synom Božím museli ste stále byť v Ňom. Gén vášho života, duchovného života dnes večer, bol v Bohu Otcovi prv ako existovala nejaká molekula. Vidíte? A vy nie ste ničím iným, ako manifestáciou toho génu života, ktorý bol v Bohu ako syn Boží. A teraz ste vyjadrený, potom keď jeho Slovo vošlo do vás, aby osvietilo tento vek. Vy ste vyjadrením Božieho života vo vás, pretože ste synom alebo dcérou Božou. A tak ... Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Vidíte? Vy ste v ... ste teraz stvorený ... Sedíte dnes večer v tomto zbore, pretože vašou povinnosťou je vyjadriť Boha tomuto národu a týmto ľuďom, a tomuto susedstvu, s ktorým sa stýkate.
Kdekoľvek ste, Boh vedel že tu budete, pretože musíte byť jedným z jeho génov alebo jeho atribútov. Museli ste byť. Ak niekedy ... Ak máte večný život, potom to stále bol večný život. A Boh predtým ako bol založený svet vedel že tu budete. A keď Slovo alebo voda, umytie vodou Slovom dopadlo na vás, vyjadrilo sa to vo forme bytosti. Teraz máte obecenstvo so svojím otcom, s Bohom, práve tak, ako máte so svojím zemským otcom. Vidíte? Ste obyvateľmi Krá... nie obyvateľmi, ale ste deti, synovia a dcéry živého Boha, ak večný život prebýva vo vás. No, potom keď je to tak, Ježiš bol zamanifestovanou plnosťou Božstva. On bol plnosťou Božstva telesne; tak, keď prišiel na zem a zjavil sa v tele, vy ste vtedy boli tu v ňom, pretože On bol Slovo.
Na počiatku bolo Slovo ... Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh.
A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami ...
To Slovo sa stalo telom; a tak, vy ste chodili s Ním. Vy ste boli v Ňom, keď On bol na zemi. Trpeli ste s Ním a zomreli ste s Ním; boli ste s Ním pochovaní a teraz ste s Ním vzkriesení, zamanifestované atribúty Božie, sedíte v ponebeských miestach, už ste povstali, ste skriesení do nového života a sedíte v nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi. Ó cirkev, dnes to znamená tak veľa. To pre nás tak veľa znamená, vidieť sa umiestnení na pozícii v Ježišovi Kristovi.
33 No, ak sme týmito Božími atribútmi, nemôžeme žiť vyznaniami; nemôžeme žiť denominacionalizmom; musíme žiť Slovom, pretože nevesta je časťou ženícha, ako každá žena je časťou svojho muža; a tak musíme byť nevestou Slova. A čím je nevesta Slova? Manifestáciou tejto hodiny - nevesta. Nie vyznanie, ani denominácia ale živý článok Boží, živý atribút Boží, ktorý ukazuje svetu atribúty Božie v postave nevesty, ktorá má byť vyjadrená v tejto hodine, v ktorej teraz žijeme.
34 Martin Luter nemohol vyjadriť atribúty, ktoré my vyjadrujeme, pretože to bolo na začiatku, to vzkriesenie, ako pšeničné zrno, ktoré vošlo do zeme.
35 No, budeme toto znovu citovať. Možno ste čítali tú knihu - ten Nemec si robí zo mňa žarty a povedal, že som fanatik zo všetkých fanatikov. On je úplne proti všetkému čo sa nazýva Boh, a dokonca si robí žarty z Boha. Povedal: „Boh, ktorý mohol otvoriť červené more a vyviedol svojich ľudí, a potom cez temné veky si sedí s rukami na bruchu a nechal zomierať všetkých týchto ľudí a trpieť a tie malé deti žrali levy ..."
36 Vidíte, celý program, celá cirkev je postavená na božskom zjavení. Ježiš povedal v ev. Matúša v 16. kapitole: „Telo a krv ti toto nezjavili, ale môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti toto zjavil." Čo to bolo? Zjavenie toho, kto On bol. „A na tej skale postavím svoju cirkev a brány pekelné ju nepremôžu." Na zjavení Ježiša Krista v tejto hodine, nie na tom, čo On bol v inej hodine, na tom čo bol teraz. Biblia vyjadruje, že to rastie v neveste do plnej postavy; a preto, ak pšeničné zrno Krista muselo padnúť do zeme, tak musela padnúť nevesta do zeme v temných vekoch. Každé zrno, ktoré ide do zeme musí zomrieť, inak sa nemôže reprodukovať ... vyprodukovať sa. A veľká cirkev, ktorú On ustanovil v deň letníc, tým že poslal Ducha Svätého musela trpieť mučeníctvo a ísť do hliny, do zeme v temnom veku aby znovu vyrástla vo veku Lutera a prišla do plnej postavy nevesty Ježiša Krista v tomto poslednom dni. Vidíte? Nie je iný spôsob.
37 A tak, nevesta sa ukáže pri vytrhnutí, a to je všetko dopredu naplánované od Boha, všetko zálohované. Od začiatku, On poznal každého človeka, každé miesto, kto bude sedieť, všetko o tom. To je všetko dopredu naplánované. Boh vedel, že to tu bude a On to urobil tak, že keď sa tam dostaneme. On odišiel pre nás pripraviť miesto, a keď tam prídeme, všetko to bude pripravené, práve tak ako aj tento večer je pripravený. Ako je pripravená táto hodina.
38 Jeho veľké predzvedenie mu hovorí všetky tieto veci, skrze predzvedenie. On je všadeprítomný, pretože je vševedúci; vševedúci pretože je všadeprítomný. A tak skrze svoje predzvedenie ... No, On nemôže byť len ako vietor nad zemou, pretože On je osoba. On nie je len mýt; On je osoba. On býva; On dokonca býva v dome. On býva na mieste zvanom nebo; a tak tým, že je všadeprítomný - tým, že je vševedúci, vie o všetkom, a tak je všadeprítomný pretože vie všetko.
39 No, vy rastiete od narodenia ... Keď ste sa narodili a prišli ste na tento svet, Boh vedel, že tu budete na tejto zemi a vy ste rástli od narodenia do dospelosti. Veci, ktoré sa vám zdajú také zvláštne, keď ste ešte malé dievča alebo malý chlapec, ako deti, teraz vyzerajú veľmi skutočné. Nemohli ste tomu rozumieť, keď ste boli dieťa, ale teraz ako dospievate, začínate rozumieť a nachádzate, že všetko bolo zostavené úplne presne. A teraz to pre vás skutočne niečo znamená.
40 Tak je to pri vašom duchovnom narodení. Robíte veci, ktoré nerozumiete, keď ste malým dieťaťom, keď prichádzate ku oltáru a dávate svoj život Kristovi. Robíte také zvláštne veci. Divíte sa prečo ste to urobili. Ale po nejakom čase, keď dospievate, ako dospelý kresťan, potom to rozumiete. Vidíte? Niečo sa prebúdza a vidíte prečo ste to museli urobiť. Vaše duchovné narodenie ... alebo, vaše telesné narodenie znázorňuje vaše duchovné. Ako vám to pasovalo. V tomto živote ako ste rástli, všetko do toho pasovalo, pretože ste na to boli stvorení. Nebolo to zvláštne v ten večer, že ste nejako prišli do tej misie, na stanové zhromaždenie, alebo niekde na rohu ulice, do malého zboru alebo niekde, kazateľ kázal na určitú tému a vy ste sa zrazu ocitli pri oltári? Vidíte, vidíte? Boh to vedel pred založením sveta. Vidíte? Zdalo sa vám to zvláštne prečo ste to vtedy urobili, ale teraz tomu rozumiete. Viete čo sa stalo. To vám tak pasuje v tomto živote a bude tiež v živote, ktorý má prísť. Tento svet a jeho život vyzerá ako by sa rozvíjal pri tom ako dospievate. Zdá sa, že všetko ide rovno s vami.
41 Neverím, že by tu nejaká osoba bola len náhodou. Predstavte si len, keď prichádzate na svet, všetko muselo byť pre vás dopredu pripravené. Nemôžem pochopiť, že ako by sme si mohli myslieť, že Boh, ktorý mohol pripraviť pre nás všetky tieto dobré veci, by ne ... či by sme mu nemohli dôverovať, že keď nás priviedol do tohoto chaosu, v ktorom sme teraz a tu pripravil pre nás tie dobré veci života, o čo viacej mu môžeme dôverovať, že pripraví veci, ktoré majú prísť, večné veci. Hovorím, že to vyzerá veľmi zvláštne.
42 A ja si nemyslím, že nebo je miesto, o ktorom mi matka zvykla rozprávať. Verím, že cirkev z toho vyrástla. Myslieť si, bývalo to tak ... Pred sto alebo dvesto rokmi, myslím, že tí ľudia vtedy si mysleli, že každý kto zomrel odišiel hore do neba a má harfu a sedia tam na oblakoch a hrajú na harfe. No, oni vedeli že existuje miesto, ktoré sa nazýva nebo, ale oni ... Ak by to tak bolo, všetci hudobníci by na nás mali. Vidíte? Ale to nie je také miesto. To nie je vôbec hranie na harfách. Neverím, že by to Biblia učila. Ale to bola predstava, ktorú ľudia mali predtým ako prišla do existencie plnosť Slova alebo predtým, ako bolo otvorených sedem pečatí, čo je zasľúbené pre nás v tomto veku. Potom to rozumieme.
Verím, že nebo je skutočné miesto, tak isto ako toto je skutočné miesto (vidíte?), lebo Boh začal s nami v našom duchovnom vzraste na tomto mieste. A verím, že nebo je miesto tak isto skutočné ako toto, kde nesedíme tam hore celú večnosť a nesedíme len na oblaku. Nebrnkáme na harfe celú ... po celý čas od teraz, ale ideme na skutočné miesto, kde budeme niečo robiť, kde budeme žiť. Budeme pracovať; budeme sa radovať; budeme žiť; pôjdeme do života, do skutočného večného života. Pôjdeme do neba, do rája. Tak ako Adam a Eva pracovali a žili a jedli a radovali sa v záhrade Eden, predtým ako prišiel hriech, my sme na ceste znovu rovno naspäť tam. Je to tak! Rovno naspäť. Prvý Adam skrze hriech nás stade odviedol; druhý Adam skrze spravodlivosť nás privádza znovu naspäť - ospravedlňuje nás a privádza nás naspäť.
43 Pre vás ľudia, ktorí si teraz beriete tieto pásky, v posolstve o ospravedlnení chcem ... Ak si beriete pásky, chcem aby ste to porozumeli. Hovoril som to tu pred nedávnom.
44 Pozrite sa ako vaši zemskí rodičia, prv ako tu prídete, prv ako vedeli, že prichádzate, ako sa pripravili na váš príchod. Zamyslite sa len teraz nad tým - vaši zemskí rodičia a tí zemskí rodičia sú len obrazom na toho nebeského rodiča. „Keď my vieme, ako dať dobré dary svojim deťom, o čo viacej váš nebeský Otec vie, ako dať dobré dary svojim deťom." Ježiš povedal tieto slová.
Vidíte, oni sa pripravili na váš príchod. Oni pripravili malú kolísku, alebo kúpil malé topánočky a oblečenie a tak ďalej. Oni pripravili všetko pre vás, keď prídete - pripravili - predtým ako ste prišli na zem. Ježiš odišiel aby pripravil náš príchod tam.
45 No všimnite si: „V dome môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov." Alebo poďme ... Nemám v úmysle pridať do Slova alebo odobrať z neho, pretože to nemáme robiť. Zjavenie 22 hovorí: „Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo alebo odoberie z toho jedno slovo ..." Ale dovoľte, že toto poviem ako ... nie doplnok, ale aby som ukázal na určitú vec. „V dome môjho Otca je mnoho druhov príbytkov." Neverím, že keď prídeme do neba, že budeme ... že každý bude vyzerať úplne rovnako. Neverím, že všetci budú plavovlasí alebo tmavovlasí, alebo malí, alebo všetci veľkí, alebo všetci obri. Verím, že Boh je Bohom rozmanitosti. Svet to dokazuje. On má veľké hory a malé hory; On má planiny; On má púšte; On má rôzne veci, pretože On to stvoril tak ako chcel. A On spravil obdobia: leto, zimu, jaro, jeseň. On spravil ročné obdobia. To ukazuje, že On je Bohom rozmanitosti. On vás urobil rozmanitých. Niektorí ľudia sú skutočne búrliví a niektorí sú skutočne dogmatickí a iní sú uhladení a iní sú milí. A v jeho kráľovstve nájdete proste všetky rôzne druhy ľudí.
46 Vidíte, pozrite sa na sv. Petra a porovnajte ho s Andrejom. Vidíte? Andrej je bojovník modlitby, po celý čas zotrvával na kolenách. A apoštol Peter bol jeden z tých ohnivých kazateľov, ktorý kázal a tak ďalej. A Pavel bol viacej učený, viacej ... ako prorok alebo niečo a sedel vzadu a ...
47 Vidíte, Mojžiš napísal prvé štyri knihy Starého ... on napísal Starý Zákon. To ostatné z toho boli zákony, a kráľovia a žalmy a tak ďalej, a čo napísal niektorý prorok. Ale Mojžiš napísal zákony, prvé štyri knihy Biblie; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus a Deuternomium. A potom, Pavel napísal Nový Zákon. Je to tak.
48 Matúš, Marek, Lukáš a Ján napísali skutky, to čo sa dialo a tak ďalej. Ale Pavel oddelil zákon a milosť a položil to na svoje miesto. Vidíte? On bol pisateľ Nového Zákona. On nám dal písma Nového Zákona, uložil Slovo Božie do poriadku.
49 Všimnite si teraz, mnoho príbytkov, mnoho druhov príbytkov. Ako mnoho druhov kopcov, ako mnoho druhov riek, prameňov, oni tu boli, prv ako ste sem prišli, pretože láskavosť vášho nebeského Otca ich sem umiestnila, pretože niektorí ľudia majú radi hory; niektorí majú radi vodu; niektorí majú radi púšte. Tak vidíte, vy prichádzate ... On poznal vašu povahu a akí budete, tak On to urobil presne tak aby ste sa z toho tešili. Ó, myslím, že to je výborný Otec (Vidíte?) tým, že to takto urobil. Som rád že On stvoril hory; Ja mám rád hory. Mám to rád. Tam kde iní hovoria: „Ó, nemôžem toto všetko zniesť; musel tam vyprázdniť svoju nádobu na maltu." No, On ju tam vyprázdnil aby som sa ja mohol z toho tešiť. Vidíte?
Tak potom hovoríte: „Ja mám rád roviny, kde môžem ďaleko vidieť." Dobre, dve rozdielne povahy, obaja z nás kresťania. Ale Otec vedel, že tu budete a pripravil všetko pre vás, prv ako ste sem prišli. Amen! Váš prvý príchod sem, On to mal pre vás pripravené keď ste sem prišli. Nie je to úžasné pomyslieť o tom, čo On urobil?
50 No, teraz, ale pamätajte toto sú len dočasné dary, ako predobraz. No, vieme, že Mojžiš pri stavaní svätyne na púšti, alebo pri pripravovaní, on povedal, že urobil všetko podľa toho, čo videl v nebi. Vidíte? Tak tie zemské veci len vyjadrujú, aké sú tie večné veci. A ak táto zem na ktorej dnes žijeme, súc tak veľká, keď to milujeme a radi žijeme a dýchame vzduch a vidíme kvety a všetko, ak to ... ak toto tu je vyjadrením, niečo čo zomiera je len vyjadrením niečoho, čo je večné. Keď vidíte strom ako zápasí, zmieta sa, snaží sa žiť, to znamená že niekde je strom, ktorý to nemusí robiť. Keď tu vidíte človeka, ktorý zápasí o život, niekto v nemocnici, alebo nemocný na posteli alebo pri nehode, ako zápasia a smrť im chrčí v hrdle a tlačia sa a plačú a kričia o život, čo to znamená? Niekde je miesto; je telo, ktoré sa nezmieta a nekričí o to. Vidíte? Ono to proste nerobí.
51 No, tieto veci, to sú dočasné dary pre nás, oni len vyjadrujú, že je miesto, kde je večné telo. To je to, čo Ježiš odišiel pripraviť, to večné pre nás. No, oni len vyjadrujú, že je niečo väčšie toho istého druhu, pretože sú toho istého druhu.
52 No, pamätajte, Biblia hovorí: „Keď tento zemský stánok, v ktorom bývame, keď on zahynie (bude zničený), máme už iný, ktorý na nás čaká." Tak ako malé dieťa, to sú malé svaly v matke, ktoré sa krútia a otáčajú a ... Ale len čo ... vidíte. A pozorujete, môžete zobrať ženu, aj keď je stále zlá, ale keď sa má stať matkou, krátko pred tým, ako sa narodí to dieťa, je tam láskavosť, okolo tej ženy. Obklopuje ju to. Stále je tam niečo také, má viacej nehy. Prečo? Tam je malý anjelsky duch, ktorý čaká, že dostane to prirodzené telo. Len čo sa ono narodí, dych života vchádza do neho; a Boh to tam vdýchne, a to sa stáva živou dušou. No, práve vtedy keď sa rodí toto dieťa, vtedy je tam to duchovné telo, aby ho prijalo. A teraz, keď toto telo prišlo tu na túto zem, tak ako sa narodilo to dieťa, tiež existuje nesmrteľné telo, ktoré čaká aby prijalo znovu naspäť do seba toho ducha. Ó, čo za veľká vec! My sme teraz v Kristovi Ježišovi (Amen!), nemluvňatá, deti v Kristovi, deti Božie, čakajúce na plné vyslobodenie pri príchode nášho Pána Ježiša, aby nás prijal hore ku sebe, keď to telo, toto smrteľné, oblečie nesmrteľnosť.
53 Podobnosť, všetky veci, ktoré On urobil vyjadrujú tie, ktoré majú prísť. Práve tak ako telo, ktoré vám On dáva tu ... Tak ako toto telo, ktoré vám dal aby ste v ňom žili, ono len vyjadruje, že to väčšie má ešte prísť. Vidíte? Keď sme niesli alebo sme sa narodili do obrazu zemského, tiež budeme niesť obraz toho nebeského, ktoré neobsahuje nič zlého, v tomto ktoré má prísť. No, toto má v sebe zlo, choroby, smrť, žiaľ.
54 Nedávno som to tu vyjadril (keď som kázal na tému Premena z Božieho Slova), ako to - že toto telo má v sebe zlé a že všetká táto moderná civilizácia, v ktorej žijeme je z diabla. Neveríte tomu? Biblia to hovorí. Tento svet, každá vláda ... My tomu nechceme veriť, ale Biblia to jasne hovorí, že každá vláda, každé kráľovstvo na zemi patrí diablovi a diabol nad tým vládne. Satan zobral Ježiša hore a ukázal mu všetky kráľovstvá sveta, ktoré boli a budú a čo ešte; a Satan tvrdil, že sú jeho a Ježiš vôbec s ním neargumentoval, pretože on je boh tohoto sveta. Vidíte? A on povedal: „Dám ti ich, ak padneš na zem a pokloníš sa mi." Vidíte? On sa ich snažil dať Ježišovi bez obeti. Vidíte? To bol obchod, na ktorý ho on chcel naviesť. Ale svet zhrešil, tak za hriech je smrť a On musel zomrieť. Preto sa Boh zamanifestoval v tele, aby mohol zobrať na seba smrť aby odpykal trest. Nič netreba vracať; nie je to požičané. Je to úplne slobodne zaplatené! Celý dlh je zaplatený. Teraz to patrí Jemu. A my sme delegáti Jeho kráľovstva zhromaždení tu spolu dnes večer v mene Ježiša Krista, nášho Kráľa, sedíme v nebeských miestach.
55 No, v tomto svete v ktorom žijeme, to je vzdelanie ... Chcem vám to dokázať, veda, civilizácia, a všetky tieto veci, z ktorých sa dnes zdanlivo tak radujeme sú zo satana a zhynú. Vy hovoríte: „Brat Branham, civilizácia?" Tak veru! Táto civilizácia pochádza od Satana. Genesis 4 to potvrdzuje. Kainovi synovia (vidíte?) začali túto civilizáciu, stavajúc mestá, a orgány, a tak ďalej. A civilizácia prišla cez poznanie. Poznanie je to, čo diabol predal Eve v záhrade Eden a to spôsobilo, že prestúpila Božie prikázania. Tak bude civilizácia vo svete do ktorého ideme, ale to nebude takáto civilizácia. Lebo v tejto civilizácii máme choroby, žiaľ, zlú žiadosť, smrť; všetko v tejto civilizácii je zlé. Ale v tej civilizácii tam nebude žiadna z týchto vecí. Nebudeme potrebovať vedu. Veda ja aj tak len prevrátenie pôvodného stavu. Vidíte? Štiepite molekuly na ... štiepite atómy a robíte to a to aby ste vybuchli. Vynaliezate pušný prach a strieľate a zabíjate niečo. Vynaliezate auto a vyberáte zo zeme benzín a iné materiály, aby ste uvoľnili tie zložky a tak to môže vybuchnúť a idete 150 kilometrovou rýchlosťou a zabijete niekoho. Vidíte? Ó, taká nervozita, stisk a náhlenie, musíme sa tlačiť a brať ...Ó, vidíte? To je všetko z diabla. Kráľovstvo Božie nebude mať autá, lietadlá ani nič z tých vedeckých vymožeností. Nie! To nebude mať vôbec žiadne vzdelanie. To bude vzdelanie tak zvrchované do tohoto, že toto nebude ani spomenuté. Vidíte? Vzdelanie, civilizácia, a všetko toto pochádza od Satana.
56 No, ak sa opýtate: „Brat Branham, prečo potom čítaš?" Vidíte, podobne sa môžete opýtať, prečo teraz nosím šaty? V civilizácii, ktorá mala prísť, to bolo prv, oni nepotrebovali žiadne šaty; boli zaclonení. Nemali dôvod nosiť šaty, pretože nevedeli, že sú nahí. A teraz nachádzate, že v ... teraz, keď vieme, že sme nahí, hriech tu trvá, potom musíme nosiť šaty. Ale na počiatku to tak nebolo; nebolo hriechu. Vidíte?
57 No, tak isto je to s civilizáciou. V podstate, čítame, píšeme, robíme toto, ale nikdy sa neregulujte podľa toho; nikdy z toho neurobte svojho boha, lebo to je boh komunizmu. Vidíte? To nie je z Ježiša Krista. Ježiš Kristus je skrze vieru, nie to čo môžete vedecky dokázať, ale to čomu veríte.
58 Nemôžem vám vedecky dokázať dnes večer v tejto budove, že existuje Boh, ale predsa, viem že On je tu, moja viera to potvrdzuje. Abrahám vám nemohol vedecky dokázať, že bude mať dieťa od tej ženy - ona mala skoro sto rokov, ale jeho viera mu to potvrdila. Vidíte? Nepotreboval žiadne vedecké dôkazy. No, doktor by povedal: „Ten starý človek je blázon, hovorí tu, že bude mať dieťa s tou ženou, on má sto rokov a ona deväťdesiat." Ale vidíte, Boh tak povedal, tak to nepotrebuje vedu, na to treba vieru aby ste verili Božiemu Slovu, nie vedu.
59 Tak naše školy a všetko také to je nafúkané. Boh nikdy nepovedal: „Choďte a stavajte školy," ani aby sme mali biblické školy. Vedeli ste to? On povedal: „Kážte Slovo." Presne tak. Náš vzdelávací systém nás viac odvádza od Boha, než čokoľvek inšie čo poznám. Je to tak. - ďalej od Boha. Nie stavanie škôl, nemocníc a tak ďalej, to bolo pre svet a pre tú skupinu. Ale ... Nemám nič proti nim; oni zohrávajú svoju časť, ale to stále nie je to. Staviame také dobré nemocnice a používame najlepšiu medicínu akú máme a denne zomiera tisíce ľudí. Ale, ó, v kráľovstve Božom nieto smrti; nieto žiaľu! Amen! Nie sú potrebné veci tohoto sveta! Ale sme prešli od týchto vecí do Božích skutočností. Kde sme sa tak veľmi namáhali a snažili sa to nájsť pomocou vedy a čím viacej vedy sme získali, tým nám to prinieslo viacej smrti. Bojujeme prehraný boj, tak odpútajme sa od toho a skrze vieru verme Ježišovi Kristovi, Synovi Božiemu dnes večer a prijmime jeho. On je ten .
60 Čo veda pripravuje pre vás? Viacej smrti. Je to tak. Sputniky a všetko čo ide hore, a všetky tieto veci to rozširuje smrť a všetko po zemi. Nehľaďte na to; obráťte hlavu vyššie ponad to, do neba. Pozrite sa na ... Ježiš sedí po pravici Božej dnes večer, stále živý aby sa prihováral za nás na základe nášho vyznania, že verím, že Jeho Slovo je pravda.
61 No, nachádzame, že tento život obsahuje všetko možné zlo; a tak, život, ktorý má nastať to nebude mať. Tento tu má zlú žiadosť a choroby, smrť, pretože, čo to je? To nie je dom, ktorý On odišiel pripraviť. Toto je infekčné oddelenie. Koľkí viete, čo je to infekčné oddelenie? Skutočne. No, to je to v čom žijete. Na infekčné oddelenie dávajú všetkých tých postihnutých ľudí. No, to je presne to, čo nám vykonal hriech, vsadil nás do zemského infekčného oddelenia. Na infekčné oddelenie nedovolia nikomu prísť, pretože tam poletujú všetky rôzne baktérie a ľudia by dostali tieto baktérie a ochoreli by. A hriech nás doviedol na diablove infekčné oddelenie.
62 Ó, ale ten druhý je nazvaný dom môjho Otca. „Idem a pripravím vám miesto. Vezmem vás z tohoto infekčného domu a dopravím vás do domu môjho Otca." Amen! Tu to máte! Vezmem vás z tohoto starého, zemského infekčného domu. On odišiel pripraviť miesto, dokonalé miesto, kde neexistuje žiadne zlo, žiadne choroby, žiadny starý vek, žiadna smrť. To je dokonalé miesto, ktoré vás volá do tej dokonalosti a vy musíte byť dokonalí aby ste sa tam dostali. Biblia tak povedala. Ježiš povedal: „Vy teda buďte dokonalí, ako váš Otec v nebesiach je dokonalý." To je dokonalé kráľovstvo, tak to musia byť dokonalí ľudia, ktorí tam prídu; pretože sa musíte postaviť a byť zosobášení s dokonalým Synom Božím; a musíte byť dokonalou nevestou. Tak ako to urobíte skrze niečo iné, než skrze dokonalé Slovo Božie, ktoré je vodami oddelenia, ktoré nás obmývajú od našich hriechov. Amen! Je to tak. Krv Ježiša Krista. Myslite o tom! Kvapkajúce, krvavé Slovo! Amen! Krv, Slovo Božie, z ktorého vyteká krv na umytie nevesty! Amen! Tak veru! Ona stojí dokonalá, panna, neskazená; Ona v prvom rade nikdy nehrešila. Amen! Ona sa chytila do toho. Vidíte? Je dom Otca, ktorý On odišiel pripraviť.
63 Tento prvý dom prišiel cez pohlavný styk a z úpadku a musí upadnúť s tým úpadkom. Nezáleží na tom ako veľmi plátate tú starú vec, ona aj tak upadne. Je s ňou koniec, pretože je odsúdená; pretože Boh tak povedal! Je s ňou koniec! Boh to ide zničiť. On tak povedal. Bude renovácia všetkého. Veríte tomu? Na začiatku, keď svet mal svoje narodeniny, keď Boh odsunul vody prvý krát zo zeme - tak ako odsunul vodu z lona matky - tam sa svet narodil. Áno! A ľudia začali na ňom žiť, keď ich Boh tam postavil. A potom začali hrešiť. A ona bola pokrstená ponorením vo dňoch Noeho. Potom bola posvätená krvou stvoriteľa, ktorá na ňu kvapkala.
A teraz, to je cesta ako prichádzate: cez ospravedlnenie aby ste verili Bohu. Boli ste pokrstení na odpustenie hriechov. Vyznali ste svoje hriechy pred Bohom a On vám to odpustil. A boli ste pokrstení aby ste ukázali, že vám bolo odpustené, vyznávajúc ľuďom a ukazujúc svetu, že veríte, že Ježiš Kristus zomrel za vás, a On zaujal vaše miesto a teraz vy stojíte na Jeho mieste. On sa stal vami, aby ste sa vy mohli stať Ním. Potom posväcujúca moc Božia očistila všetky zvyky z vášho života. Zvykli ste fajčiť, piť, robiť veci, ktoré neboli správne, hovoriť klamstvo, všetko možné. Potom posväcujúca moc krvi Ježiša Krista prichádza do vášho života; to odstraňuje všetky tie veci od vás. Ak sa stane, že poviete niečo zle, rýchlo poviete: „Počkaj chvíľu; prepáč mi, nechcel som to tak povedať!" Vidíte? Diabol má tam nastavenú pascu, ale vy máte milosť prísť naspäť ak ste skutočný kresťan, poviete: „Urobil som zle." Áno! A tak ...
64 Ďalšia vec ktorú prijímate je krst Duchom Svätým a ohňom. Boh, keď sa skončí toto milénium, Boh dá svetu krst ohňom. To vyhodí všetko do vzduchu. Nebesia aj zem budú v ohni. Peter tak povedal. A tá vec bude mať krst ohňom, obnovenie všetkého a potom bude nové nebo a nová zem. V ktorých prebýva spravodlivosť. Tam sme ... Zo smrteľných bytostí, z bytostí času sme sa stali večnými bytosťami, keď Slovo Božie osvietilo naše duše a stali sme sa synmi a dcérami Božími s tými atribútmi, s tým génom Božím v nás, aby sme boli synmi a dcérami Otca Boha v nebi a voláme: „Abba, Otče, môj Bože, môj Bože!" V dome môjho Otca ...
65 No, tento starý svet musí padnúť, pretože on prišiel cez pohlavný styk; a to na začiatku prišlo cez neposlušnosť. A my sme sa tu narodili z pohlavného styku, cez úpadok a to musí ísť rovno naspäť tou istou cestou do úpadku. Ale ten dom, ktorý On teraz pripravuje pre vás nemôže upadnúť, pretože On ho tak robí. „Ja mám ..." Čo keby sme museli zostať v tomto druhu tela? Neradujete sa z toho, že je niečo také ako smrť? No, nie je to zvláštne? Ale teraz, povedzme napríklad, pred niekoľkými rokmi, bol som malý chlapec, a teraz som muž stredného veku. Mám priateľa, ktorý tu sedí, pán Dauch a on mal pred pár dňami deväťdesiat tri rokov. Pozrite sa teraz na neho. Za štyridsať alebo štyridsať päť rokov by som to bol ja. No, pridajte mu ďalších štyridsať. Kde by ste prišli? Jediné ... Som rád, že je niečo, čo nás prenesie z tohoto infekčného domu. Sú otvorené dvere a nazýva sa to smrť. Ježiš stojí v tých dverách. Amen! On ma prevedie cez rieku! On ma prevedie cez tie dvere.
66 Sú veľké dvere, ktoré stoja tam ďalej a nazývajú sa smrť. A zakaždým ako bije vaše srdce ste o jedno udrenie srdca bližšie ku ním. A jedného dňa musím vojsť do tých dverí. Ty tam musíš vojsť. Ale keď tam prídem, nechcem byť zbabelec. Nechcem kričať a odstupovať. Chcem vojsť do tých dverí, zavinúť sa do rúcha Jeho spravodlivosti, nie mojej, Jeho! Podľa tohoto viem, že Ho poznám v moci Jeho vzkriesenia, že keď On zavolá vystúpim z mŕtvych aby som bol s Ním, von z tohoto infekčného oddelenia. Kdekoľvek toto telo padne, a kdekoľvek skončí, čokoľvek to bude, jedného dňa vyjdem, pretože On mi to zasľúbil a my tomu veríme. Tak veru! On pripravuje telo, ktoré nemôže zahynúť.
67 Všimnite si, ako očakávajúca matka dnes na zemi, ako sa matkino telo dožaduje určitých vecí. Hovorím, hádam ku - dúfam ku všetkým dospelým, ktorí to budú rozumieť. Matka pri rodení dieťaťa, ak niečo v jej tele chýba, ona sa začne dožadovať určitých vecí. Pozrite ako otec ... Pamätám sa, my sme boli vychovaní v takej biednej rodine a sotva sme mali niečo na jedenie, keď sme boli deti. Mnohí z vás trpeli tak isto.
Tak, ako to keď, prv ako sa to dieťa malo narodiť, matka sa niečoho dožadovala a otec, proste z posledného snažil sa aby to pre ňu zaobstaral.. Vidíte? To je telo, jej telo ... kalcium a tak ďalej z jej tela a vitamíny, ktoré potrebovala, maličký sa formuje (vidíte?), a to si vyžaduje niečoho, potravu, pre to prichádzajúce dieťa. A ako rodičia, oni sa snažia zaobstarať to aby sa to dieťa narodilo tak dokonale a šťastne ako je to len možné. Vidíte ako to budú robiť vaši rodičia. Keď tam niečo chýbalo, matka svedčí o tom. Vidíte? Jej systém je tak zostrojený. Rozumiete, ako je to, keď tu niečo chýba tomu prichádzajúcemu dieťaťu, matka začína mať na to chuť.
68 No, zastavme sa na chvíľu. Prečo máme prebudenia? Prečo sa spolu zhromažďujeme? Prečo stále karhám ľudí? Prečo volám na vás, letničné ženy, prestaňte sa maľovať a strihať si vlasy a takéto veci? Prečo to hovorím? Pretože starodávni letniční nemali vo zvyku robiť niečo také. Podľa skutočných biblických zvykov sa to nerobí. Nosíte tieto šortky a mužské odevy, viete, že Biblia hovorí, že je to ohavnosťou pred Bohom? Ale my to dovoľujeme! Prečo Duch Svätý stále kričí? On vie, že tam niečo chýba. My musíme byť v plnej postave Ježiša Krista. My musíme byť synovia a dcéry Božie. Musíme sa správať ako Božie deti.
69 Dávno som počul taký príbeh, všimol som si tam vzadu sedí jeden farebný brat. Na juhu zvykli predávať otrokov - keď tam mali otrokov, keď bolo otroctvo - pred tým ako bola vyhlásená rovnoprávnosť. A chodievali tam a kupovali tých ľudí, práve tak akoby ste kupovali v bazáre auto. Oni mali ceduľu s cenou a predávali tie ľudské bytosti tak, ako autá. Mali ste na nich ceduľu s cenou.
70 Raz išiel okol nejaký nákupca. Išiel okolo týchto veľkých plantáží a kupoval otrokov. Prišiel na jednu veľkú plantáž, kde mali veľa otrokov. Chcel vidieť koľko ich majú. Všetci tam vonku pracovali a boli smutní. Boli preč zo svojho domu. Oni boli z Afriky. Oni ich sem priviezli. Búri ich sem priviezli a predali ich za otrokov. A tak boli smutní. Oni vedeli, že nikdy sa nedostanú naspäť domov. Oni žili a zomierali v tom kraji a oni ... Mnohokrát brali biče a bičovali ich. Oni boli vlastníctvom majiteľa a on robil s nimi čo chcel. A on len ... Ak ho zabil, zabil ho; a ako ho ... čokoľvek to bolo, jednoducho to urobil. To je otroctvo. Ako bol Izrael a mnohé národy, ktoré boli privedené do otroctva.
71 A oni museli zobrať ... Tí biedni otroci, oni len ... oni celí čas plakali a boli smutní. Ale všimli si jedného z otrokov, mladého muža, ktorý mal vypnutnú hruď, takto zodvihnutú hlavu. Nikdy ho nemuseli biť. Nikdy mu nemuseli vravieť čo má robiť. Tak ten priekupník povedal: „Toho otroka chcem kúpiť." On odpovedal: „Ten nie je na predaj."
-- Rád by som kúpil toho.
-- Nie, on nie je na predaj.
-- Či to je šéf všetkých tých ostatných?
-- Nie. Nie je šéf. On je otrok.
-- No, možno mu dávaš jesť inšie ako tým ostatným?
-- Nie, oni všetci jedia spolu na galeji.
-- Prečo sa ten chlapec tak veľmi líši od tých ostatných?
-- Tu je dôvod. Nejaký čas som sa tomu tiež divil, ale ten chlapec - cudzinec z Afriky - ale v Afrike je jeho otec kráľom kmeňu. A hoci je cudzinec, ďaleko od domu, správa sa ako syn kráľa. On vie, že tam v tej zemi, je jeho otec kráľom kmeňu. On sa tak správa, pretože vie, že je kráľov syn.
72 Ó, brat, sestra, ty a ja, tento svet v ktorom žijeme, správajme sa ako synovia a dcéry Božie! My sme tu cudzinci, ale naše správanie má byť podľa prikázaní Božích, že sme synovia a dcéry Božie! Naše správanie, máme sa správať a robiť a všetko podľa zákonov, ktoré dal Boh. A to je ohavnosť pre ženu nosiť odev, ktorý patrí mužovi. To je zlé a hriešne aby si strihala vlasy. Biblia tak hovorí. Nenormálne, aby sa vôbec modlila. Vy poviete: „Čo s týmto?"
73 Nedávno prišiel ku mne jeden muž, veľký známy kazateľ, povedal:
„Brat Branham, poď, chcem položiť na teba ruky, ty zničíš svoju službu."
Povedal som: „Čo?"
Povedal: „Kričíš takto na tých ľudí."
Povedal som: „Hovorím im ...
On povedal: Ó, ja tomu verím. Ja som tiež letničný. Ja verím, že ženy nemajú nosiť krátke vlasy, nemajú nosiť nohavice a tie veci, to čo robia, maľovať sa. Nemali by to robiť, ale Boh ťa povolal aby si sa modlil za chorých.
Povedal som: „On ma povolal kázať evanjelium!" Vidíte?
A on povedal: „Verím tomu, ale ty si myslíš ..."
Povedal som: „Áno. Len sa pozri čo máš, všetky tieto veľké programi, televíziu a všetko iné. Ja nemám nič okrem Boha, ktorému sa zodpovedám." Je to tak! Povedal som: „Ja sa nemusím ničomu zodpovedať len Bohu."
On povedal: „Ty zničíš svoju službu."
Povedal som: „Každá služba, ktorú Slovo Božie zničí, má byť zničená." Je to tak! Skutočne. Presne tak!
On povedal: „No, ty to zničíš."
74 Povedal som: „Kto im to potom povie? Vidíte? Niekto to musí povedať! Niekto sa musí postaviť za tým, čo je pravda bez ohľadu na to, ako to raní." A priatelia, ako kresťania, ako ľudia ktorí veríme, že pôjdeme do neba, sám Duch Svätý nás znázorní v Slove Božom.
On povedal: „Vieš čo máš robiť? Ľudia veria, že si prorok. Máš učiť tieto ženy ako dostať dary proroctva a takéto veci a väčšie, vyššie veci namiesto malých vecí."
75 Povedal som: „Ako ich budem učiť algebru, keď sa nechcú naučiť ani abecedu, keď oni nechcú robiť ani tú obyčajnú vec, tú prirodzenú vec. Ako im poviete o vyšších veciach, keď nemôžete ani začať od ..." Chcete sa dostať na vrch rebríku prv ako stupíte na prvý ... To je dôvod prečo padáte. Vidíte? Začnite na spodku a vystupujte rovno hore, ako vás Boh vedie. Vidíte? Zdolajte vo svojom živote každú ... nasledujte každý kúsok Slova, ktoré Boh určil aby ste robili.
76 No, pomyslite si ako Boh ... My sa máme správať a postupovať ako kresťania; naše chovanie má byť súce kresťana, pretože tu sme cudzinci. Toto nie je náš dom. Nie, boli sme tu daní len dočasne. Musíme odísť, každý jeden z nás.
77 No pomyslite si, ak Boh vo svojej milosti spravil, že matka ... Prv ako sa narodí to malé dieťa, dožaduje sa nejakých vitamínov a matkine slová hovoria „Ocko, chcem ananásový melón alebo melón; chcem ešte niečo." Tak, on bude robiť čo len môže aby to zaobstaral, pretože vie, že chce aby sa jeho dieťa narodilo, tak dokonale ako len môže. Vidíte? A on bude robiť všetko, čo bude schopný aby to zaobstaral. O čo viac je On schopnejší to zaobstarať? On je stvoriteľ.
78 No, pomyslite si aký schopný je On pripraviť nám telo aby sme žili, ako Jeho vlastné oslávené telo. Ak chceme žiť. Je niečo v nás čo nás volá do života. A je niečo v nás čo volá aby sme robili správne. Potom Boh povolá niekoho na pódium alebo za kazateľňu, kto bude kázať absolútnu pravdu! Prečo? Vidíte? To ti ukazuje, potom ak si skutočným dieťaťom Božím, začneš volať: „Bože zober to odo mňa; obrež ma od tohoto; zober tieto veci odo mňa." Prečo? To je potrebné pre tvoj nebeský dom, do ktorého sa chystáš, kde to On odišiel pripraviť. Ty musíš byť skutočnou Kristovou nevestou Slova.
79 Pred niekoľkými dňami som kázal o obeti vo dňoch zmierenia. Kázal som na tému jediného miesta, kde Boh ... jedinej cirkvi, kde sa Boh stretne s človekom; a to je ... On povedal, na mieste, kde On položil svoje meno. On povedal: „Nestretnem sa s nimi na žiadnom inom mieste, len na mieste, v bráne, kde som položil svoje meno." No, On sa s vami nestretne v bráne metodistov, v bráne baptistov, alebo v bráne letničných, ani v žiadnej takej, ale On položil svoje meno do svojho Syna. On povedal: „Prišiel som v mene svojho Otca." Každý muž prichádza ... Každé dieťa prichádza v mene svojho otca. Ja som prišiel v mene Branham, pretože môj otec bol Branham. A vy prichádzate vo vašom mene, pretože to bolo meno vášho otca. A Ježiš, Syn, prišiel v mene Otca. A On povedal, že On položil svoje meno ... „V tejto bráne, kde som položil svoje meno, tam bola tá obeť." A v Ježišovi Kristovi je jediné miesto, kde nájdete obecenstvo a ctíte Boha.
Poviete: „No, ja patrím do cirkvi." To nič na tom nemení. Musíte byť v Kristovi.
Jeden denominačný kazateľ mi raz večer povedal: „Pán Branham, pozri sa sem, Ježiš povedal, že každý kto verí. Biblia povedala, že každý kto verí, že Ježiš Kristus je Syn Boží narodil sa z Ducha Božieho."
80 Povedal som: „Či nehovorí tiež Biblia, že nikto nemôže nazvať Ježiša Kristom jedine skrze Svätého Ducha?" Vidíte? Nemôžete spraviť aby Biblia klamala. To musí byť zakvačené do seba, tak musíte sa stať úplne znovu zrodení z Ducha Božieho, a vtedy On vo vás vydáva svedectvo, vy sami viete, že On je Syn Boží. A potom, ak ste v časti ... Ak ste dieťaťom Božím v Slove Božom, ako môžete zapierať Slovo? Ako vás môže Duch Svätý viesť aby ste verili vyznaniu, že musíte robiť niečo takéto, keď Biblia hovorí niečo iné. „Musíme sa pripojiť ku cirkvi a robiť toto, alebo tamto." Keď nám Biblia jasne hovorí čo máme robiť. A potom keď to vidíte, potom skočíte rovno do toho a potom ste rovno s tým, len sa posúvajte ďalej. A to rastie ako gén, ktorý prichádza do lona ženy s vajíčkom. A potom, keď sa to malé vajíčko začína rozvíjať a začína vyvíjať gény, to nevyvíja jeden ľudský gén a potom gén psa a potom gén kravy, on vyvíja všetko ľudské gény.
81 A keď dieťa Božie, keď ten predurčený ... To je zlé slovo na použitie ale to je ... je použité v Božej Biblii. Predzvedenie Božie mohlo predurčiť, robí, že všetko pôsobí na Jeho slávu. Keď to predurčené semeno, ktorým ste mali byť, a Boh vás povolal a ten malý orol semena tam počul Slovo Božie, to bude stavať jedno slovo na druhé, a na to ďalšie slovo, a na to ďalšie; to sa nebude miešať so žiadnym vyznaním.
82 Všimnite si, v týchto bránach, každý deň mali jesť nový nekvasený chlieb (košer) a za sedem dní sa medzi nimi nemal nachádzať žiadny kvas. Je to tak? Za sedem cirkevných vekov potom. Žiadny kvas, žiadne vyznanie, nič nedodané. To musí byť absolútne nekvasený chlieb. Nenajde sa medzi vami vôbec žiadny kvas, len samotné Slovo. To je to jediné ... A to Slovo je Boh a Boh sa stal telom v osobe Ježiša Krista, a to je tá brána. „To je tá brána, v ktorej sa s vami stretnem, keď Ma budete uctievať, keď budete nasledovať prikázania Božie."
83 A tak, ak ste dnes večer len prišli a povedali: „Obetoval som Ježišovi Kristovi svoj život," a neprijali ste Ducha Svätého, poďte do toho! Musíte to urobiť! Musíte rásť do toho! Proste Boha aby hromadil takto slovo na slove, až sa stanete plnou postavou syna Božieho alebo dcéry Božej. Ak beriete veci sveta ... Prvý list Jána hovorí: „Ak milujete svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, to preto, že nie je vo vás láska Božia." Boli ste zvedení. Máte v sebe lásku ku svetu a to vás zviedlo, to robí diabol tým, že pridáva na to veci a ukazuje ... Vidíte, nemôžete ... Nemôžete odobrať jedno slovo Božie z Biblie! Čo spôsobilo prvý hriech? To neprišlo cez veľké čierne klamstvo, ale pretože Eva zle vyložila (diabol jej to tak urobil) jedno slovo. Jedno slovo pretrhlo tú reťaz a Eva odmietla prijať jedno slovo. To bol začiatok Biblie. Ježiš prišiel v strede Biblie; On povedal: „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom slove, ktoré vyšlo z úst Božích." To je celé Slovo Božie. Veríte že to je Jeho zjavenie? Celé Slovo Božie.
Potom v Zjavení 22, Ježiš prišiel ku Jánovi na ostrove Patmos. A Ježiš: „Ja Ježiš som poslal svojho anjela aby vám svedčil o týchto veciach. Vidíte? Ktokoľvek odoberie z tohoto jedno slovo alebo pridá do toho jedno slovo, Ja odnímem jeho diel z knihy života."
Mnohí z nich hovoria: „Dobre, ja verím, že Ježiš Kristus je Syn Boží." To je dobre. Potom pridaj ku tomu to ostatné.
84 Vy poviete: „Ja som ospravedlnený. Podal som ruku kazateľovi. Verím v Ježiša Krista." Potom musíš byť znovuzrodený! Musíš byť naplnený Svätým Duchom! Vidíte? Len ďalej pridávaj ako ideš ďalej. Rastieš do postavy syna a dcéry Božej. Ó! Boh je schopný pripraviť nás a dať nám to čoho sa dožadujeme v našom živote, keď chceme niečo vidieť. Koľkí z vás tu chcete viac Boha? Prečo, to ukazuje, že existuje niečo viacej pre vás. Vidíte? Vy sa toho dožadujete. Prichádzajú vaše malé pôrodné bolesti. Vidíte? Potrebujete viacej, tak môžeme byť šťastní a slobodní a dokonalí. Musíme byť. Ten malý zárodok života, ktorý je v lone Božom, sa správa práve tak, ako ten zárodok života, ktorý je v lone matky.
85 Boh dáva vzrast ... odišiel pripraviť pre nás miesto, večné miesto s Ním, nie miesto, kde ste na infekčnom oddelení, kde sa zomiera, kde je hriech, cudzoložstvo a špina tohoto sveta. Ak je to vo vašej mysli, to ukazuje, že nikdy neprišla do kontaktu s Bohom. Vidíte? Vypracovali ste sa do niečoho. Ste pod vplyvom falošnej duchovnej predstavy. Len ste sa pripojili do cirkvi a hovoríte: „Dobre, ja patrím do tohoto. Moja matka tam patrila." To mohlo byť v poriadku v čase tvojej matky, ale my žijeme v inom dni.
86 Wesleyove posolstvo nikdy ... On nemohol proste zobrať Luthera. Luther žil v ospravedlnení, ale Wesley mal posvätenie. Letniční idú ďalej; oni nemohli zobrať len ospravedlnenie a posvätenie; to bol čas na prinavrátenie darov. A teraz ideme z tade ďalej. Vidíte? Tri stupne povstávania rastliny. Prvý, to je malé steblo, Luther vyrastá z reformácie. Dobre, to bolo steblo. Pozorujte prírodu; Boh a príroda majú súvislosť, pretože Boh je v prírode. Potom ďalej prichádza klas, peľ, metodistický vek. Potom prichádzajú letniční. Ó, tak dokonale. Vidíte? Práve tak ako zrno pšenice, vyzeralo to akoby to bolo dokonalé zrno pšenice; otvoríte to; nie je tam vôbec žiadna pšenica. To je šupka, nositeľ toho, ale ten život prechádza cez to ďalej. Vidíte?
87 Oni tam vo veku Luthera prijímali Luthera, ten život cez to prechádza, ale stala sa z toho denominácia; to prvé čo viete stala sa proste z toho denominácia, ktorá má byť na konci spálená. Vidíte? Stopka uschla; to bol len nositeľ. Niektorí z nich sa stále snažia zostávať v tej starej nositeľskej stopke, nevedia nič o Bohu, mŕtvi. Oni hovoria: „Pozrite my sme list. My sme boli Luteráni." To je pravda, ale pozrite sa kde je to teraz. Vidíte? „My sme boli metodisti," a tiež teraz, „My sme boli letniční." Ale pozrite sa na letničných, aké sa to stáva chladné a formálne, ako každý odchádza preč. Vidíte? Čo to je? To bol nositeľ toho skutočného semena. Vidíte? Všetci títo ostatní sú nositeľmi, ale sa stali denomináciou.
88 Ak poviete: „Ja som letničný." To pre Boha neznamená nič viacej, než ako keby ste povedali, že ste rímskokatolík, alebo žid, alebo čokoľvek. Musíte sa narodiť. Ten život, ktorý prechádza tam cez tie nositele ... Nezostávajte v stopke; nezostávajte v tom semene; choďte rovno ďalej von to tej dokonalej časti.
89 No pamätajte, v každej reformácii, ktorú sme mali všetci tí luteráni a tak ďalej, za tri roky sa zorganizovali. Je to tak. Každé prebudenie prinieslo za tri roky organizáciu. Zamyslite sa ako dlho toto prebieha: nejakých dvadsať rokov a žiadna organizácia! Prečo? To prichádza semeno a formuje sa takto pod šupkou. Leží teraz vonku, musí ležať v prítomnosti slnka aby dozrelo do slávneho zrna, ako To prvé, ktoré padlo do zeme. Tá skutočná cirkev, ktorá prv padla do zeme; to prichádza rovno naspäť cez stopku, aby povstala ďalšia cirkev. Keď príde kombajn aby to zobral, ten život, ktorý padol v Luterovi, život, ktorý padol v metodistoch, život, ktorý padol v letničných, príde do zrna; to všetko pôjde rovno do zrna a zakončí proces, formujúc dokonalé telo Ježiša Krista.
90 Tak ako ráno vychádza slnko. Všetko na čo sa v prírode dívate vám svedčí o Bohu. Nepotrebujete ani Bibliu aby ste vedeli, že je Boh. Malé slnko sa rodí ako malé slabé dieťa. Okolo siedmej, ide, odchádza do školy; o desiatej alebo jedenástej končí školu. O dvanástej je vo svojej sile; o tretej popoludní začína starnúť. O siedmej alebo ôsmej ... o piatej alebo šiestej popoludní sa mu začínajú hrbiť ramená, zomiera. Je to jeho koniec? Nie! Znovu je vzkriesené na druhý deň ráno - život, smrť, pohreb, vzkriesenie.
91 Pozrite ako sa zjavujú na strome listy. Vyrastá dobrý, pekný list, dáva tieň, vydáva svoje ovocie. To ďalšie ... Prvé čo viete prichádza jeseň, udiera smrť, beží rovno dole do koreňov, znovu do zeme. Či to je jeho koniec ? Na budúcu jar to znovu prichádza naspäť vydať svedectvo. Ó, ustavičný život, ale brat, sestra, my máme večný život. My máme večný život skrze tohoto veľkého, ktorý prišiel, a odišiel, a je schopný pripraviť nám telo. A tieto bolesti rastu, ktoré cítime, ako vy ženy, cítite sa obvinené za to čo robíte, vy muži, ktorí ste závislí na nejakých seminárnych náukách a tak ďalej, vy všetci chcete povedať: „Prijal som toto vyznanie; Robím toto," ... Ale rovno tu je niečo, keď vidíte otvorené oči slepého, hluchého pod ... slepý, všetky tieto veci, ktoré sú zasľúbené; vidíte to Slovo kázané v jeho moci, vidíte prostitútku z ulice, ako sa z nej stala dáma a vidíte opilca, ako prišiel z tade a je skutočným svätým Božím. Ó! Vidíte? Je niečo - v tom je život. A začínate cítiť. „No, možno by som to nemal robiť." Ale vidíte, čo to je, to je to, čo vaše budúce telo potrebuje. Tak poď. Boh má vitamíny rovno tu, pre každý kúsok toho tela. Ježiš odišiel pripraviť miesto v lone Božom. Tak veru! Malý zárodok, syn Boží, malý syn alebo dcéra Božia.
92 Ježiš prosil len za jednu vec vo svojej modlitbe k Otcovi. Viete čo to bolo? Jedna vec, po všetkej jeho obeti, ktorú tu On vykonal na zemi, život ktorý On žil, cesta ktorou išiel, On prosil za jednu vec: „Tam kde som Ja, aby aj oni mohli byť." On prosil za naše obecenstvo. To je tá jediná vec o ktorú On prosil Otca v modlitbe: mať s vami naveky spoločnosť. Ak si toto chcete prečítať v ev. Jána 17 a 24. verš ... Potom ako veľmi máme my túžiť po Ňom? Keď On ... Počúvajte teraz, ak ste skutočne zrodení z Ducha Božieho, to pre vás znamená všetko. Vidíte? To nie je nejaká kniha s predpismi. Vy nežijete zo žiadnych zákonov a tak ďalej, žijete z milosti Božej, z Ducha Božieho.
93 Často som toto hovoril. Ako misionár chodím do zámoria, čo keby som zobral svoju ženu a deti. „No pozrite sa, deti ... Počúvaj pani Branhamová, ja som tvoj muž. Nebudeš mať žiadnych iných mužov, kým budem preč. Ak to urobíš stiahnem z teba kožu, keď prídem domov!" Vidíte? Dupnem nohou! „Deti, počujete čo hovorím?"
„Áno, ocko. Áno, ocko."
„Nech len počujem, že ste boli neposlušní ..." Vidíte? No, či by to bol domov?
No, čo keby ona povedala: „No skončil si, pane? A teraz ja ti chcem niečo povedať. Pán Branham, ja som tvoja zákonitá, vydatá žena. Tiež nebudeš mať žiadnu priateľku kým budeš preč." No, či to by bol domov? No, to by bolo niečo. Nerobíme to tak. Ja ju milujem a ona miluje mňa. Keď vie, že odchádzam, ona vie, že neidem, až kým ma Pán nezavolá. Ideme na kolená a berieme deti a modlíme sa. Ja hovorím: „Drahý Bože, staraj sa o moju malú spoločníčku, o moje deti."
Oni hovoria: „Bože, staraj sa o otca kým bude preč." A potom keď ideme ...
94 No čo keby som tam urobil niečo zle? Čo keby som zhrešil, urobil niečo zlé a prišiel by som domov a prišiel by som ku svojej prostej malej žene, postavil by som sa tam a pozrel sa na ňu, ako jej pribúdajú vrásky na tvári, ako jej šedivejú vlasy, podišiel by som ku nej a povedal: „Drahá, chcem ti niečo povedať. Ty vieš že ťa milujem."
„Samozrejme, Bill, viem, že ma miluješ."
95 Poviem ti čo som, urobil. Zobral som domov jedno dievča." Povedal by som: „Odpustíš mi to?" Verím, že by mi to odpustila. Skutočne verím. Ale či by som to urobil? Keď ju vidím tam stáť a vidím, ako jej šedivejú vlasy a viem, že ona stála medzi mnou a publikom a viem, že je skutočnou manželkou, či by som to mohol urobiť? Radšej by som zomrel, než ako by som jej ublížil. Radšej. A ak je to tak v láske fileo ku svojej žene, o čo väčšia je moja agape láska ku Bohu. Ó, neurobil by som nič, čím by som ho ranil. Skutočne nie. Milujem Ho. Chcem robiť všetko, čo On odo mňa chce. Chcem sa vyrovnať s každým slovom, ktoré On povedal. Bez ohľadu na to čo hovorí svet, oni tomu aj tak nebudú veriť. Chcem vedieť čo mne hovorí, že mám robiť. A ak mi niečo chýba, chcem aby mi to dal. A chcem žiť pre neho, držať sa ďalej od sveta.
96 Tu toto staré zemské telo má ... To je ... Dovoľte, že vám poviem; toto zemské telo, o ktorom si tak veľa myslíte, ktoré vzorujete na Hollywoode, ste tak blízko pri tom, nebude to trvať príliš dlho. Pamätajte, počuli ste to proroctvo (vidíte?), ktoré mi dal Pán; to pôjde pod vodu! Tak veru! Všimnite si! Pôjde; len dávajte pozor. No, On mi doteraz nepovedal nikdy nič nesprávne. A ja to poviem každému. Ja neviem kedy alebo kde, ale je s ňou koniec. Visí nad tým súd; nieto už viacej vykúpenie; skončilo. Vidíte?
97 No, všimnite si toto. Žijeme pre Neho, chránime sa pred svetom. No pozrite! Dívate sa na televíziu, niektoré z vás sestier a idete sem a chcete ... Vy mladé ženy, vy ste mladé; ja to viem, ale ste kresťanky. Vidíte? Ste iné. Nechcete byť také ako svet. Milujete svet - nie len vy mladé, ale aj niektoré z vás starších. Vidíte? No, čo to robí? Vidíte? Pozeráte televízor; idete do obchodu; vidíte tie šaty, ktoré ženy nosia, to je bezbožné. Viete čo sa stane v deň súdu? Môžete byť taká cnostná svojmu mužovi, ako len môžete byť, ale v deň súdu sa budete musieť zodpovedať za páchanie cudzoložstva. Ježiš povedal: „Ktokoľvek sa žiadostivo pozrie na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci." Kto je vinný? Vy. Vidíte? Vy ste sa predvádzali v tých šortkách a nohaviciach. Jedna žena mi nedávno povedala: „Ja nenosím šortky, brat Branham. Ďakujem za to Bohu. Ja nosím nohavice."
98 Povedal som: „To je horšie. To je horšie." Je to tak. Pre ženu sa ani nedajú kúpiť poriadne šaty, ťažko.
99 Ona povedala ... Jedna žena povedala: „No, povedal si pravdu; nedajú sa kúpiť." Ale stále predávajú materiál a máte šijacie stroje (vidíte?), nie je na to žiadna výhovorka. Vidíte? To ukazuje, sestra ... Ja som tvoj brat a som Kristov sluha, ktorý sa musí zodpovedať na súde za to čo hovorím tu dnes večer. Vidíte? Budete postavené vinné z cudzoložstva, pretože láska Božia vytiekla z vášho srdca. Stále chodíte do cirkvi. Môžete ďalej tancovať v Duchu, ďalej môžete hovoriť v jazykoch. A tie vecí sú dobré, ale to ešte nie je to. Nie veru!
100 Pamätajte, Biblia povedala „V posledných dňoch prídu falošní Kristovia." Nie falošní Ježišovia. Oni by sa za tým nepostavili. Ale falošní Kristovia - falošní pomazanci. Oni sú absolútne pomazaní Duchom, Duchom Svätým a stále falošní. Vidíte?
101 Vy pozostávate z troch ľudí; to vonkajšie je telo. Máte päť zmyslov s ktorými sa kontaktujete so svojím zemským domovom. Vnútorný je duch. Tam je päť zmyslov: láska, svedomie a tak ďalej, ktorými sa kontaktujete. Ale to vnútro toho je duša.
102 Pamätajte, dážď padá na spravodlivých a na nespravodlivých. Ten istý dážď, ktorý bude robiť aby rástlo zrno pšenice, robí, že tiež rastie kúkoľ. Vidíte? Čo to je? Vo vnútri toho semena je povaha, a tá povaha sa prejavuje. To môže stáť na tom istom poli, rovno tam s kúkoľom. Kúkoľ a pšenica stoja spolu, radujú sa tak isto. Ona má sklonenú hlavu, zomiera od smädu. Keď prichádza dážď, kúkoľ môže vykrikovať tak hlasno ako pšenica. Ale podľa ich ovociach ich poznáte. Vidíte?
103 Kresťania, možno vás nikdy viacej neuvidím. Už sú to roky odkedy som tu bol. Možno vás už viac neuvidím. Vyrovnajte sa s Božím Slovom. Pozrite sa do zrkadla. Ako raz malý chlapec, ktorý býval na dedine, nikdy nevidel zrkadlo. Prišiel do domu ku svojej tete. Začal ísť hore po schodoch. Uvidel zrkadlo; uvidel v zrkadle malého chlapca. Kráčal ďalej a díval sa. Zamával a malý chlapec zamával. Stále sa díval. Nikdy sa nevidel v zrkadle. Tak keď prišiel ku tomu dosť blízko, otočil sa a povedal: „Aha, mama, to som ja!"
104 Ako sa dívate do Božieho zrkadla? Odzrkadľuje ono dcéru alebo syna Božieho? Je niečo, čo keď počujete - spôsobuje to, že nenávidíte človeka, ktorý to hovorí, alebo tam niečo pulzuje, hovoríte: „Viem, že ten človek má pravdu, pretože to je v Písme." Potom to sú vitamíny potrebné pre toto telo, ktoré je určené aby bolo tam, dom ktorý ten iný bude potrebovať, keď tam prídete. Vidíte? Tento dom ... Keď sme sa narodili zemsky ...
105 No pamätajte, my si tak veľa myslíme o tomto tele. Obliekame ho do toľkých šiat. Robíme toľko nepotrebných vecí. Zmena za zmenou a zmena za zmenou a všetko toto ... A prečo, to je proste každý. Nech len niekto niečo začne. Namaľujete si schody na červeno a dívate sa a Jonesovci si maľujú schody na červeno. Vymeníte Chevrolet za Forda a oni to nemôžu zniesť. To je čas, v ktorom sa chcú jedni druhým vyrovnať. Nech len do zboru príde nejaká žena v nejakom určitom klobúku, dávajte pozor, všetky ženy to budú mať, zvlášť pastorova. Vidíte? Len sledujte čo sa deje. No, je to pravda. To je úplná pravda. To je čas dopasovania sa. Brat, to má byť čas dopasovania sa do ... Všetky veci sú za určitým účelom. Nestarám sa či moje sako pasuje ku mojim nohaviciam a prežívam ťažké chvíle. Moja žena, alebo moja nevesta, alebo niekto mi musí povedať, akú kravatu si mám ku tomu zobrať. Nestarám sa či to pasuje ku sebe, chcem aby moje prežitie pasovalo s Božím Slovom. To je hlavné, pretože mojím cieľom je žiť tam, nie tam ďalej na rohu s Jonesovcami, ale ďalej v sláve, kde nám Ježiš odišiel pripraviť miesto. Áno, to chceme. Tak veru!
106 Chráňte sa od všetkého tohoto ... Tento starý zemský stánok tu, viete čo to je? Toto telo je ako starý kabát, ktorý nosíte. Kabát, ktorý raz nosíte. Ale teraz, máte oveľa lepší, už ho viacej nepoužívate. Čo robíte? Vešiate ho do skrine, lebo máte lepší. Máte lepší kabát. Je modernejší ako ten, ktorý ste nosili, ten obnosený. Čo? To je ten oblek. Vy ste to vnútro toho. Ten oblek vykonal len čo? On nosil váš obraz. Vidíte? Ale teraz ho už viacej nepotrebujete. Zavesili ste ho na vešiak. Je to handra. A tak je to s týmto starým telom. Ono sa narodilo na obraz toho nebeského, jednako to nie ste vy. Vy ste vo vnútri toho tela. Vy, Duch Boží, je vo vnútra toho tela. To je to čo robí, že to vonkajšie prichádza do poddania sa, pretože to vnútro to tiahne (vidíte?), privádza to do línii s Božím Slovom: vaše vnútro, vy, vy sami, vaša bytosť.
Toto telo je len starý kabát, a čo s ním jedného dňa urobíte? Lebo len na nejaký čas ste boli v tom oblečení. To je ako to zemské oblečenie, toto telo, vaše skutočné telo, vaše skutočné ja, je vo vnútri tohoto starého kabáta, ktoré nazývate William Branham, alebo Zuzana Jonesová, alebo akokoľvek. Vidíte? Jedného dňa to bude visieť v zemskej hale vašej pamiatky. Položíte ho tam do hrobu a niekto na to položí náhrobný kameň, „Tu leží reverend taký a taký, alebo Ján taký a taký, alebo ten a ten." To tam bude ležať ako pamiatka na vás. Ľudia vás vidia len v tomto a čo ste boli, vaše skutočné ja bolo vo vnútri toho. Ale ten starý kabát sám o sebe len niesol obraz nebeského. Ó, ľudia zaistili ste si výmenu kabátu? Máte rezervované nebo? Pamätajte musíte to mať rezervované. Nemôžete to dostať bez rezervovania. Hovorím vám teraz v modernom jazyku. Aby ste vedeli, ak idete do hotelu a poviete, „Dobre ja mám ..."
107 Rezervovali ste si to? No, je mi ľúto, všetko je plné." Ste vonku na zime, pretože ste si to zanedbali rezervovať. A keď prídete na koniec cesty svojho života bez rezervovania, nikto sa tam s vami nestretne. Budete musieť vyjsť do tmavej večnosti, kde bude krik a plač a nárek a škrípanie zubov. Musíte; nemôžete vojsť do tohoto mesta, pretože ste si to nerezervovali. Musíte to mať rezervované, aby ste vošli do toho mesta, kde vám Ježiš odišiel pripraviť miesto. Pamätajte musíte to mať rezervované a na sebe oblek spasenia. Nemôžete ...
108 V Matúšovi mám tu miesto Písma (Pozorujem Písma), Matúš 22:1-14. Nemám čas aby som to čítal, pretože je už príliš neskoro. Príliš dlho som ku vám hovoril. Ale pamätajte, ten kráľ poslal a pripravil večeru. Zabil všetky svoje voli a pripravil vykŕmené teľatá a všetko a pripravil veľkú večeru. A poslal sluhov a pozval mnohých. Jeden povedal: „No, vieš, nakoniec, ja patrím do tohoto a ja mám toto. A musím ísť na svoju farmu," a iný robil mnoho vecí. A on ich znovu poslal a oni s nimi zle zachádzali.
A nakoniec ... To bola židovská generácia, ku ktorým Ježiš hovoril; oni mali inakšiu robotu. Potom nakoniec ich poslal a povedal: „Choďte ... prinúťte ich. Vyjdite do ulíc a na cesty a všade a prinúťte ľudí aby prišli." A potom, rozhodol, aby jeho dom ... jeho svadobná večera bola pripravená. Hostia sa tam zhromaždili. A potom tam našiel človeka, ktorý nemal oblečené svadobné rúcho. On sa chcel držať toho starého kabátu. A pozrite sa čo on povedal: „Priateľu, potom čo som ťa pozval na svoju svadobnú večeru a pozval som ťa a dal som ti pozvánku, aby si prišiel ..."
109 A ak ste boli niekedy v Oriente, kde som kázal mnoho krát, že svadobná večera stále prebieha presne tak, ako voľakedy. Ženích, on má toľko a toľko hostí, ktorých bude mať. Brat Koop, možno si to tam pozoroval v Indii. Vidíte? Oni mali určitý počet hostí, ktorých on ide pozvať. Povedzme, že on pozve tridsať hostí. No, ženích musí zaobstarať rúcha. On ich musí zaobstarať. A tak, tam vo dverách stojí človek a vy prichádzate so svojím pozvaním; on skontroluje vašu pozvánku a vloží na vás odev, rúcho. Niektorí z pozvaných sú bohatí a niektorí sú chudobní; a niektorí sú iní; ale oni všetci vyzerajú rovnako, keď si oblečú tieto rúcha. Oni všetci vyzerajú rovnako. A vy všetci musíte byť rovnakí. Nebudete hovoriť: „Ja tu som metodista," „a ja tu som presbyterián."Ó, nie! Vôbec tam tak nevojdete. Vidíte? Musíte prejsť cez dvere. Ježiš povedal: „Ja som dvere do ovčinca."
„Ja som letničný." „Ja som toto, ja som tamto." To nič neznamená. Vy prichádzate cez dvere. A keď prichádzate cez tie dvere, dostávate rúcho.
110 A tento človek, keď On povedal, „Ako si sa sem dostal, priateľ?" Vidíte? To ukázalo, že on prišiel nejakou inou cestou a vošiel oknom, vošiel zozadu, ale nie cez dvere, nie cez dvere, nie cestou ktorou prišiel Ježiš, cez obetovanie seba samého, odovzdávate všetko svoje Bohu a idete na Golgotu a ste ukrižovaní s Ním a znovu vzbudení aby ste nosili Jeho šatu obeti a smrti ohľadne vecí tohoto sveta.
111 Ak milujete svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, nie je vo vás láska Božia. Vidíte? Ak stále máte lásku sveta, chcete sa správať ako svet a konať ako svet, snažíte sa ... hoci ste v zbore, ale kúkoľ na poli s pšenicou. Vykrikujete s ostatnými; radujete sa s ostatnými; všetky duchovné požehnania sú rovno na vás. Hovoríte: „No, ja prorokujem." To robil tiež Kajfáš; tak robil Balám. To nemá nič ...
112 „Ja mám krst Duchom Svätým." To stále s tým nemá nič spoločného. To je len dočasný dar pre vás. Tým skutočným darom je vaša duša tam dole (vidíte?) to sa narodilo z Boha a to riadi celú vec do Slova Božieho a do vôli Božej; a tam rastiete. Vidíte? Potom ste syn a dcéra Božia. Ste dieťaťom Božím. A tieto veci, v ktorých vychádzate ... Ako matka teraz, ste vo vnútornostiach zeme a snažíte sa vystúpiť. Ste syn Boží, ktorý vystupuje a vidí, že Slovo hovorí, že mám robiť toto; Mám sa znovu narodiť. „Dobre, ja patrím do zboru." To nič neznamená. Vidíte?
„Ja som metodista, moja matka ..." To je dobré pre tvoju matku.
113 „Dobre, ja som letničný; ja patrím ..." Ak nie si v súlade so Slovom, niečo nie je v poriadku. Rozumieš? Potom vidíš, že tvojím skutočným otcom nie je Boh (vidíš?), pretože ten skutočný začiatok v tvojej duši ... ešte predtým ako bol duch, bola tvoja duša. Tá duša nepochádza od Boha, potom to od začiatku nebol gén Boží. Si zvedený. Si na kúkoľovom poli a nesieš svetský záznam ako kúkoľ, vychádzaš a správaš sa ako ten svet, miluješ svet, pretože nie je v tebe láska Božia.
114 A teraz, budú falošní pomazanci v posledných dňoch, nie falošní Ježišovia; oni by sa za tým neostavili, ale falošní pomazanci. Oni sú pomazaní. Tak veru! Ale oni sú anti-Krist. Oni sú pomazaní Duchom, aby robili znamenia a zázraky, ktoré robil Kristus, ale neprídu do poriadku s Jeho Slovom. Vidíte? „Mnohí prídu ku Mne v ten deň a povedia: „Pane, či som neprorokoval a nevyháňal démonov v tvojom mene?"
On povie: „Odstúpte odo mňa, činitelia neprávosti: nikdy som vás nepoznal."
„Ja som bol letničný, Pane. Sláva Bohu! Vykrikoval som; Hovoril som v jazykoch; kládol som ruky na chorých a uzdravoval som ich, vyháňal démonov."
„Odstúpte odo mňa, činitelia neprávosti: Nikdy som vás nepoznal." Vidíte, čo chcem povedať?
115 Ó, detičky, cítite dnes potrebu tých vitamínov, toho niečoho? Tam čaká telo; je telo, ktoré na vás čaká, aby ste ho dostali. Ľudia, nebuďte zvedení! Nebuďte zvedení! Diabol je zvoditeľ. Tiež svadobné rúcho, musíte ho nosiť. To musí byť.
116 No, sme v čase večera. To zemské telo je teraz pripravené zaniknúť a my sa pripravujeme vojsť do nebeského. A teraz cítime zvláštne Božie volanie, aby sme išli do tohoto veľkého Edenu. A prv, ako sa môžeme narodiť tu, naše malé telá volali po niečom, čo muselo byť zadovážené lebo inak by sme tu boli postihnutým dieťaťom, keby sme to nemali. Boh tam hore nemá žiadnych postihnutých. Oni sú všetci dokonale zaopatrení, nevesta, presne tak, ako bol ženích, zamenifestovaným slovom na svoj čas. Nech vám to Boh udelí dnes večer, deti, každému jednému z vás. Existuje nebo aby ste išli do neho; existuje peklo aby ste sa ho stránili.
117 No, mnohí z vás viete, že Pán mi dáva videnia, tisíce videní. Najväčšie veci ... Voľakedy som mal strach zo smrti. Asi pred tromi rokmi, videli ste časopis kresťanských obchodníkov. „Za záclonou času." Uvedomujem si, že nemusím prežiť túto noc. Možno vás tu už viac v živote neuvidím. Ale toto je pravda. Neviem, či by som to nazval videnie alebo čo to bolo. Raz ráno, nedávno, práve som sa zobudil; Prišiel som zo zhromaždení a moja žena tam ležala a spala. Opýtal som sa: „Drahá spíš?" Ona stále spala. Viem, museli sme vstať a vypraviť deti do školy. Dal som si takto ruky dozadu a povedal som si: „No, Bill Branham, vieš že ti minulo päťdesiat? Ak chceš urobiť niečo pre Pána, radšej sa poponáhľaj, pretože nemáš príliš veľa času." Pomyslel som si: „Ó, dúfam, že budem môcť žiť aby som videl príchod Pána Ježiša." Stále som si to tak myslel, že keď zomrieme, uvidím ... Ako brat tu, poviem ... „Hej, ty si raz tam na zemi kázal v mojom zbore, brat Branham." Ale on je duch. Nemohol by som mu potriasť ruku, pretože jeho ruka je tam v hrobe zhnitá. Moja tiež. Tak som o tom zvykol uvažovať.
118 Ale v to ráno, keď som cítil, že niečo na mňa prichádza a ja som myslel - obyčajne ako keď prichádza videnie - a pozrel som sa, a pozrel som sa a pomyslel som si: „Ó, čo je toto?" A díval som sa na veľké zelené kopce a videl som ako zovšade prichádzali mladé ženy, desaťtisícové, stotisícové zástupy. A oni všetky prichádzali, dlhé vlasy im viseli na chrbát, v bielych rúchach, bosé, kričali, volali - Náš brat!"
119 Pomyslel som si: „No toto je divné." A otočil som sa a pozrel som sa a tam som ležal; a tam na posteli ležala moja žena. Povedal som: „No, viete čo, zomrel som. To je to čo sa stalo. Zomrel som." Povedal som si. „Možno som dostal srdcový infarkt alebo niečo. Zomrel som. Tam leží moje telo." Ležal som tam takto s rukami za hlavou, ako stuhnutý. Pomyslel som si: „No, to nie je odo mňa ani dvadsať stôp (okolo 6 m.)." A tam som sa pozeral; rozmýšľal som: „Tam je moja žena, tam je všetko; tam na posteli visí moja košeľa." Rozmýšľal som: „Tu som."
120 Znovu som sa pozrel okolo a tieto ženy všetky prichádzali; a oni boli ... A pozrel som sa a z tejto strany som uvidel prichádzať mojich bratov, všetci skutoční, všetci vyzerali ako mladí muži. Volali: „Náš drahý brat!" No, nevedel som čo si mám myslieť.
121 Pomyslel som si: „Toto je zvláštne." Pozrel som sa na seba a ja som tiež nebol starý; bol som mladý. Pomyslel som si: „Toto je zvláštne." Je toto videnie?" Uhryzol som sa do prsta a pomyslel som si, „Nie! toto nie je také videnie aké som mával."
122 A potom, tu hore sa začalo so mnou niečo rozprávať a povedal: „Vošiel si ku svojim ľuďom."
A pomyslel som si: „Ku mojim ľuďom? Títo všetci sú Branhamovci?"
123 On povedal: „To sú tvoji obrátení ku Kristovi." A tieto ženy ... Viete stále ma považovali ... Nazývali ma protivník žien, ja ním nie som (viete?), pretože verím ... Vidíte? Nemám rád nemorálne, neslušné; Mám rád skutočné, opravdové sestry v Kristovi. Ak tak, v poriadku.
124 Mám nejaké jazvy, keď som bol dieťa. Viem o veciach, ktoré sa stali, ktoré ma tak trochu tak obrátili. Ale to bola všetko Božia práca, ktorý ma formoval pre túto hodinu. Vidíte?
125 No, myslím, že skutočná ozajstná sestra, nie je nič krajšieho. Ak Boh môže dať mužovi niečo lepšie okrem spasenia, dáva mu ženu. Vidíte? A tak potom, ak mu mohol dať niečo lepšie, On to urobil. A potom, keď vidíte niektoré z nich, ako odbočili a ani sa nesprávajú ako manželky, neverné svojím manželským sľubom a ich muži tak isto. Pamätajte, ste zaviazaní pokiaľ žijete jeden druhému. Čo Boh spojil na zemi je spojené tiež v nebi. Vidíte?
126 A tak, potom som to videl. A tieto ženy bežali ku mne a objímali ma a nazývali ma bratom. No, to boli ženy, ale tam na tom mieste nikdy nemôže byť hriech. Vidíte? To boli ženy, ale vidíte, čo nás teraz spravilo ... žena so žľazami, so ženskými žľazami, a muž s mužskými žľazami; to je kvôli vychovávaniu detí. Tam to nebude, oni všetci budú jednej žľazy, ale stále budú mať formu ... svoju zemskú podobu, ktorú mali tu budú mať tam, ale tam nikdy nemôže byť hriech. Vy ste všetci rovnakí. Tam sa už nebudú vychovávať deti. Vidíte? Je to tak. Tak to bude.
127 A tak som sa pozrel a tieto ženy ... Oni ma zodvihli, títo bratia a postavili ma na nejaké miesto. Povedal som: „Prečo to robíte?"
Povedal: „Na zemi si bol vodcom." A povedal: „Ty ... toto sú ľudia ..."
128 A prichádzala tam nejaká žena. Povedala: „Náš drahý brat." Veľmi pekná žena, keď prešla okolo, tento hlas, niečo povedalo: „Pamätáš si ju?"
Povedal som: „Nie!"
Povedal: „Priviedol si ju ku Kristovi, keď jej minulo deväťdesiat. Vidíš? Či rozumieš, prečo povedala, drahý brat?"
A ja som povedal: „No, či idete ..."
Oni povedal: „Nie, my tu čakáme."
Povedal som: „Dobre, keď som sem prišiel, chcem vidieť Ježiša."
Povedal: „Teraz Ho nemôžeš vidieť. Toto je miesto Písma, ktoré hovorí „duše pod oltárom." On je trošku vyššie. Jedného dňa sa On vráti. My pôjdeme naspäť na zem. My tu nejeme ani nepijeme."
129 Povedal som: „Chcete povedať, že tohoto som sa bál? Prečo toto ..." Nie je slovo, ktoré by to opísalo, priatelia. To je ... „Dokonalosť" to nevyjadrí. „Vznešenosť," nieto žiadne anglické slovo, ktoré by som poznal, vôbec žiadne slovo, ktoré by dokázalo vyjadriť čo to je. To je povyše všetkého čo poznám. Tam on bol; tam nebola žiadna choroba, ani žiaľ. Nemôžete zomrieť; nemôžete zhrešiť. To bolo proste dokonalé, proste dokonalé. Priatelia, nesmiete, nesmiete to minúť.
130 Pamätajte ... A keď som bol malý chlapec, videl som videnie pekla, ako malý chlapec. A viete ako dámy dnes (lepšie povedané, ženy, dáma by nerobila niečo také) maľujú si oči ako vlk alebo niečo také, to modré pod očami. Videl som to. Ponáral som sa. Ako malý chlapec, bol som podstrelený a ležal som v nemocnici a zomieral som. A stále som vedel, že existuje Boh. Pamätám sa na prvú modlitbu, ktorú som sa kedy snažil modliť, jediné čo som mohol povedať ... Nikdy predtým som toto nehovoril; Cítim aby som to teraz povedal. Bol som podstrelený, ležal som tam v poli a zomieral; jedinú obhajobu, ktorú som mohol povedať Bohu, povedal som: „Pane Ty vieš, že som nikdy nespáchal cudzoložstvo." Vidíte? Ako malý chlapec okolo pätnásť ročný, snažil som sa žiť správne. A povedal som, „Žil som čisto," a to bolo všetko čo som mohol povedať. To bola všetká zásluha, ktorú som mu mohol ponúknúť.
131 A ako som tam ležal, keď som ... Doktor odišiel odo mňa a ja som cítil, ako sa ponáram do tmavej večnosti a vyzeralo to ako ... A kričal som na otca. „Och, ocko, pomôž mi!" Nebolo tam žiadneho ocka. „Mama, pomôž mi." Mamy tam nebolo. „Bože, pomôž mi!" Nebolo tam Boha. To bolo proste nekonečné, strašné, ó, hrôza. Byť v horiacom, plápolajúcom pekle by bolo príjemnejšie než toto. A padal som cez to, myslel som, „Ó!" Znovu a znovu takto. A dostal som sa na miesto - dym a temnosť a choroba a och, taký pocit. A to bola na mne smrť. A mohol som vidieť tie ženy, ako prichádzali ku mne s takými vymaľovanými očami. No pamätajte, to bolo pred štyridsiatimi piatimi rokmi - alebo pred štyridsiatimi rokmi. Idúc ... oni išli „Ú, ú, ú". Povedal som: „Či tu mám byť naveky?"
132 Povedal som: „Ó, Bože, keď mi dáš aby som sa stadeto dostal, už sa nikdy viac nebudem za Teba hanbiť. Nikdy sa nebudem hanbiť. Bože, prosím, daj mi šancu." A prvé čo viete, pocítil som, že prichádzam naspäť. A doktor bol vyľakaný, pretože srdce mi bilo len sedemnásť krát za minútu. Vykrvácal som. Ležal som vo svojej vlastnej krvi. A bol som zvedavý, či sa to raz stane.
133 Asi pred dvoma rokmi, keď som sa presťahoval do Tucsonu, bol som s manželkou v obchode J.C. Penney. A takto som tam sedel so sklonenou hlavou, čakal som, pretože viete ako dámy, oni dlho nakupujú. A sedel som tam takto so sklonenou hlavou. A pohyblivé schody sa točili a tu prichádzajú niektoré z tých žien s tými vodovými účesmi - viete ako to nosia, také, prichádzali hore s tými namaľovanými očami ako to; a hovorili po španielsky. A to ... to všetko ... To videnie sa znovu zopakovalo. Tam to bolo: Ú, ú."
134 Brat, sestra, dovoľte, že vám niečo poviem, teraz to môže vyzerať smiešne, ale jedného dňa tam prídete. To je vážna vec. Nikdy nechoďte po tej ceste!
135 Ja ako starý muž, ako kazateľ, kázal som po svete, mám milióny priateľov, ale viem, že sa tam ďalej musím s vami postaviť. Utečte od vecí tohoto sveta. A ak je niečo vo vás, že sa ďalej chcete správať tak ako ste sa správali, ak máte v sebe veci tohoto sveta, pamätajte, nie ste z Boha; ste len člen zboru. Až kým to volanie, tá hlbina, ktorá volá na hlbinu ... Vidíte?
136 Skôr ako bola plutva na chrbte ryby, musela byť prv pre ňu voda, v ktorej by plávala, inak by nikdy nemala plutvu. Skôr ako bol strom, ktorý mal rásť na zemi, musela byť zem, lebo inak by nebol žiadny strom, ktorý by na nej rástol. Ten strom by nemal na to žiadny dôvod. A aby sme to priblížili ku tomuto ... Prv ako je stvorenie musí byť Stvoriteľ.
137 „Blahoslavení sú tí, ktorí sú hladní a smädní po spravodlivosti." Niečo je v nás. Vy ste pred chvíľou zodvihli ruky: „Chcem viacej Boha." Vidíte, tam je nejaká potreba. A ak milujete svet (a idete tou svetskou cestou) a veci toho sveta, budete cestovať spolu s tým svetom, tam padnete. Vidíte? Vyjdite! Vy ste synovia a dcéry Kráľa, Kráľa. Buďte dámy a džentlmeni. Choďte ako kresťania; žite ako kresťania; správajte sa ako kresťania. Pamätajte, stretnem vás na súde s týmito poznámkami. Vidíte?
138 Pozrite sa dnes večer do svojho zrkadla a vidzte: „Na ktorú cestu som nasmerovaný. Pripravuje pre mňa Ježiš miesto, telo? To telo je dokonalé; to telo chodí poriadne; to je syn alebo dcéra pred Bohom. A ja som tu v pôrodných bolestiach, aby som sa narodil do toho tela tam. Ak stále milujem svet, to mi ukazuje, že nie som - nemám tam žiadne telo. Som len člen zboru. Nebol som Božím génom. Nie som ... On nie je môj Otec."
139 On povedal: „Ak nedokážete zniesť káznenie (to je to čo dostávate teraz) potom ste cudzoložňatá a nie deti Božie." Či nie je to tak? Či hovorí toto Biblia? A nemôžete zniesť káznenie Božie, keď vidíte Písmo, ktoré vás napráva a vy poviete: „Ó, ja nechcem niečo také počúvať. Ja som kresťan. Ja robím to, čo ..." Dobre, choď si. Vidíte? To je jeden istý dôkaz, že nie si dieťa Božie. Ale skutočné dieťa Božie je hladné a smädné. Prečo? Ak je niečo vo vašom srdci, čo vám hovorí, že to chcete a je to tam potrebné, to ukazuje, že tam niečo pulzuje, snaží sa vás tam potiahnuť. Tam je telo, ktorého toto tu je odrazom. Načo používate toto? Aby ste oslávili diabla a svet a módu a také veci alebo sa dívate do neba? A tam hore je niečo; vy oslavujete Boha svojím životom.
140 „V dome môjho Otca je mnoho príbytkov; keby nebolo tak, povedal by som vám. A ja idem a pripravím vám miesto a znovu prídem a vezmem vás ku sebe, aby ste tam, kde som ja, aj vy boli." Veci, ktoré sa majú stať. Tieto veci, ktoré sú teraz sú len potenciálne, volajú na veci, ktoré majú nastať.
141 Modlime sa. Vážne sa zamyslite, urobíte to, drahí kresťanskí priatelia? Zamyslite sa na chvíľu skutočne vážne. Buďme teraz skutočne potichu za chvíľu. Nech Duch Svätý hovorí.
No, Pán Ježiš ma poslal ku vám, letniční ľudia, už dávno. Tu je jeden z vašich chlapcov, ktorý prišiel a je vaším pastorom, povedal, že je ovocím tej služby. Videl ako Pán Ježiš otvoril slepé oči, ako na mieste zmenši vodnatú hlavu. Stále mám služby s uzdravovaním, ale uvedomujem si, že som kázal mnohým ľuďom, ktorí boli veľmi chorí. Oni boli uzdravení, Pán odpovedal na modlitbu a uzdravil tú nemoc. Ale, viete, niektorí z tých ľudí, ktorí boli uzdravení už zomreli. A bez ohľadu na to akí ste nemocní, ak ste uzdravení, aj tak zomriete. Ale tá duša, môj drahý brat, tá duša, moja drahá sestra, zamyslíš sa teraz nad tým? To je večné. Ak tam nie je tá láska Božia, nie je nič, čo by tiahlo, či nepožiadaš Boha: „Ó Bože, začni znovu so mnou dnes večer. Milujem ťa Pane. Chcem ťa milovať, a niečo v srdci mi hovorí, že musím žiť bližšie Teba. Chcem prísť hneď teraz, Pane, a robiť to." Ak taká osoba alebo osoby sú v tejto budove alebo z vonku nej, žiadam ťa ako Kristov sluha v mene Ježiša Krista, urobíš to teraz, so sklonenou hlavou, zodvihni ruku ku Bohu a povedz toľkoto: Bože, potiahni ma bližšie a bližšie, drahý Bože. Chcem sa dať doporiadku so všetkým čo Ty hovoríš vo svojom Slove." Zodvihnite teraz ruky. Buďte skutočne úprimní.
142 Zamyslite sa len. No, vy hovoríte: „Ó, urobil som toto, Kričal som v Duchu; Hovoril som v jazykoch, ale pozri sa, niečo v mojom živote chýba. Dívam sa do zrkadla Božieho Slova, viem že je niečo. Chodím do zboru, ale nie som to, čo by som mal byť." Vidíte? To ukazuje, že je niečo ... No, ak sa môžeš pozrieť na seba a vidieť, že nie si v poriadku s Božím Slovom a nie je tam nič, čo by spravilo, aby si zodvihol ruku, potom vieš, že niečo je zle. Máš ... Matka zvykla hovoriť: „Z repy nemôžeš vypustiť krv, lebo žiadna tam nie je." Vidíte? Zamyslite sa nad tým skutočne vážne. Toto môže byť vaša posledná príležitosť. Zodvihlo sa tridsať alebo štyridsať rúk v tejto malej skupine tu, ešte aj duchovní.
143 Buďte na chvíľu len skutočne úprimní. No, myslite skutočne priamo: „Drahý Bože, ja môžem byť dnes večer zabitý v nejakej nehode. Môžem zomrieť na záchvat srdca. Raz ráno môžu zavolať doktora a on príde a môj puls ustane. Je po mne. Budem pritláčať svoju hruď do vankúša a poviem: „Ó, Bože, ó Bože, ó, Bože!" Vidíte? Srdce robí svoj posledný úder; idete ku tým veľký dverám. Nikdy nevyjdete, ak nie ste znovuzrodení z Ducha Božieho. Nikdy z tade nevyjdete, ak nie je niečo vo vás - potom keď ste narodení z Ducha Božieho - hladní a smädní ísť ďalej s Bohom. To musí byť. Vidíte? Ste dieťaťom v zemi, vo vnútornostiach zeme a stále čakáte na narodenie sa do Kráľovstva Božieho, kde vám On odišiel pripraviť iné telo a to je dokonalé telo. Zamyslite sa skutočne hlboko a modlime sa spolu.
144 Drahý Bože, pretože viem, že toto je zaznamenané v Knihe, na tom veľkom zázname. Zabŕdli sme do vedy, Pane, dosť na to, aby nás to zobudilo do skutočnosti, aby sme vedeli, že každý pohyb, ktorý robíme ide okolo sveta, hneď od tej chvíli, ako ho vykonáme. Dokázali sme to cez televíziu. Uvedomujeme si Otče, že televízia nevyrába žiadny obraz, to len prenáša tie vibrácie do elektrónky a to robí obraz. Ešte aj farbu šiat, ktoré máme ukazuje cez éterové vlny , cez tú vibráciu okolo sveta. Potom ako sú na tom naše sestry v takom oblečení, keď sa tak správajú a ani netúžia - namaľované tváre, ostrihané vlasy ...
Kazatelia, ktorí pôjdú na teológiu, na nejaký seminár a učia sa veci podľa ľudského slova, čo robí - cez ich tradície - robia, že prikázania Božie nemajú na ľudí žiadnu moc ... Skrze svoje tradície, hovoria, že majú patriť do cirkvi a to je všetko. Ó, Bože, či si uvedomujú, že každé slovo, ktoré povieme, vedecky je to dokázané, ono je zaznamenané a to sa začne zaznamenávať, keď začneme žiť na tejto zemi; končí to keď zomierame; a je to vložené do Božieho albumu aby to znovu bolo prehrané na súde? Ako tomu utečieme, odsúdeniu Božiemu, keď tá vec bola tak jasne pred nami predstavená a predsa to odvrhneme. Ó, drahý Bože, tieto slová nikdy nezomrú; oni idú ďalej a ďalej. Ten záznam bude prehraný v deň súdu. Videl si tie ruky, ktoré sa zodvihli, Otče. To bude rovno tam v deň súdu. Tiež to o čom premýšľa ich srdce bude tam v deň súdu.
145 No, Otče Bože, prosím ťa, ako tvoj sluha, prosím aby si odňal všetkú neprávosť od tvojich ľudí. Neprávosť - „niečo čo vieme, že máme robiť a nerobíme to." Dávid povedal: „Keby som vymýšľal neprávosť vo svojom srdci, Boh nevypočuje moju modlitbu." Prosím, Bože, aby si odňal našu neprávosť, pretože Slovo je tvoje zrkadlo, ktoré nás ukazuje koľko nám chýba, aby sme boli synovia a dcéry Kráľa. Otče, prosím, aby si to urobil dnes večer.
146 A sprav, že oltár, pretože okolo oltára sedí plno ľudí. Sprav oltár na mieste, kde sedia, sprav ich srdce oltárom. Nech odíde svet tu od každého brata, sestry. A nech ten malý gén života, ten gén Boží, o ktorom sme práve hovorili, ten atribút, ktorý prišiel dole od Boha a zamanifestoval sa tu na chválu a slávu Božiu ... Bože odsuň od nich ten svet.
147 Za ostatných sa nemôžem modliť, Pane, pretože tá nemoc je na smrť, a nie je tam nič, čo by spravilo aby sa pohli. A tí, ktorí sa môžu pohnúť a vedia, že to je zle, očisti ich srdcia a ich duše dnes večer, Otče a nech sú naplnení Tvojím Duchom a chodia v tvojom Svetle.
148 Pane požehnaj tu tohoto drahého, mladého, zdravého pastora, ktorý vyzerá taký silný, tohoto mladého muža, ovplyvneného, ako to povedal, tým, že videl to, čo Ty robíš. Tohoto milého mladého muža. Ó Bože postav jeho dušu do ohňa. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech je skutočným pastierom stále po celý čas, aby choval stádo, nad ktorým ho Duch Svätý urobil dozorcom. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech sa neobracia ani doprava ani doľava, na žiadnu stranu, za žiadnym vyznaním ani ničím iným, ale nech z jeho úst vychádza nefalšované Slovo Božie a jedine to. Žehnaj ho Bože, jeho a jeho milovaných a ten malý zbor tu. Buď s nimi všetkými, Otče.
149 Odovzdávam ti toto Otče. Semeno je zasiate. Nech to padne do toho srdca, ktoré bolo určené do života a nech rastú na veľkých a silných kresťanov pre toto zhromaždenie tu a iné zhromaždenia, odkiaľ prichádzajú. Sprav to Pane. Odovzdávam to tebe v mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho.
A Otče: „On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti; kázeň nášho pokoja bola zložená na neho a jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení."
150 Videl som pred chvíľou prechádzať cez dvere biednu, nervóznu ženu. Ó Bože, čo za veľká vec sa stala v jej vlastnej rodine. Ako si sa zamenifestoval. Prosím, Bože, za tú ženu. Odstráň od nej všetok ten minulý život, Pane a uzdrav ju dnes večer. Urobíš to Pane? Vezmi ju ku sebe.
151 Vidím tu sedieť malé deti, Pane, ktoré potrebujú uzdravenie - vidím iných. Prosím, aby si ich uzdravil, Otče. Sprav to. Nech Tvoja veľká uzdravujúca moc príde a uzdraví nás, oboje dušu aj telo.
152 A teraz, pre vás, ktorí ste tu v zbore alebo vonku, ktorí potrebujete uzdravenie, chcem aby ste zodvihli ruky, povedzte: „Potrebujem uzdravenie, brat Branham." Vyzerá, ako keby to každý potreboval. Dobre. Veríte mi, že som Kristov sluha, povedzte: „Amen." Potom chcem aby ste položili svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Položte len ruky jeden na druhého, vy ktorí ste zodvihli ruky, (vo vnútri alebo vonku) - vy ste zodvihli ruky, že veríte v Boha. Ježiš Kristus povedal (Jeho posledné poverenie pre cirkev), „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu. Ten kto uverí - kto uverí a pokrstí sa bude spasený; kto neuverí bude odsúdený. A uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia: V mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov; budú hovoriť novými jazykmi; keby zobrali hadov alebo pili niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im to. A keď budú klásť ruky na chorých, budú uzdravení." No, Ježiš to povedal. Pamätajte, On to povedal! Musí to tak byť! On by to nepovedal, keby nebol niekto, kto sa chytí toho Slova.
Práve tak ako lono Márii mohlo chytiť ten gén: „Panna počne." Ako mohla byť stvorená palma a dub na kopci - to vykonalo Jeho Slovo. Jeho Slovo sa práve teraz môže zachytiť v tvojom srdci. „Ja som veriaci, Pane. Tento muž alebo táto žena, na ktorých mám položené svoje ruky, oni sa trápia. Ja sa nemodlím za seba, pretože oni sa modlia za mňa. Modlím za ňu alebo za neho. A ó Bože, uzdrav ho, uzdrav ju. A ja som veriaci a teraz, my sme zhromaždení. Práve sme boli vyučovaní, že sme boli s Kristom, keď On chodil po zemi, lebo sme časťou Jeho Slova. Trpeli sme s Ním; krvácali sme s Ním; zomreli sme s Ním; boli sme s Ním pochovaní; vstali sme s Ním a sedíme spolu v nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi - ten veľký Kráľ, sedí tu v našom strede. A ja som syn alebo dcéra tohoto Kráľa a mám položené svoje ruky na synovi alebo na dcére tohoto Kráľa, ktorí sa modlia za mňa a ja sa modlím za nich. Pane, odpovedz na moju modlitbu a uzdrav tohoto syna Božieho alebo túto dcéru Božiu. Modlime sa teraz spolu jeden za druhého.
153 Pane Ježišu, prichádzame teraz pokorne a vyznávame svoje chyby. Prichádzame a vyznávame, že zasluhujeme na chorobu a smrť a žiaľ, ale prijímame Tvoje zmierenie za naše hriechy a naše nemoci. A dnes večer títo synovia alebo dcéry Božie, ktorí tu sedia, počúvajú nápravu zo Slova a dvíhajú svoje ruky a chcú chodiť bližšie Teba, kladú teraz svoje ruky jeden na druhého, pretože veria, že Tvoje Slovo je pravda. Oni veria, že teraz sme povstali s Kristom, sedíme v nebeských miestach s Ním. Oni majú svoje ruky jeden na druhom, modlia sa jeden za druhého. Ty si povedal modlitba viery uzdraví chorého a Boh ho pozdvihne; a ak učinil hriech, bude mu to odpustené. Vyznávajte svoje viny jeden druhému a modlite sa jeden za druhého aby ste mohli byť uzdravení. Lebo účinná vrúcna modlitba spravodlivého ... mnoho zvládze.
Ó večný Bože, vypočuj modlitbu svojho sluhu. A teraz, znovu je napísané: „Ak ľudia ktorí sú nazvaní Mojím menom sa spolu zhromaždia a budú sa modliť, potom Ja odpoviem z neba!" Ó Bože, vypočuj modlitbu Tvojich detí dnes večer z neba. Pošli dole Ducha Svätého na toto zhromaždenie ako nesúci sa silný vietor.
154 A my prinášame týchto ľudí pred Boha. Satan, si porazený; si porazenou bytosťou. Ježiš Kristus ťa porazil na Golgote. Nemáš žiadnu moc, si klamár. Staviame sa ti dnes večer na odpor. V mene Ježiša Krista, vyjdi tu z týchto ľudí, ty choroba a nákaza a nech idú slobodní v mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho.
155 Haleluja! Cítite slávu Božiu; cítite, že vaša modlitba je vypočutá. Veríte, že Boh vypočul tú osobu, ktorá sedí vedľa vás? Koľkí tomu veríte, zodvihnite ruky? Tu to máte! Ó, ohromné.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho, (Zodvihnite teraz ruky spievajte Mu to z celého srdca.)
Lebo On prv miloval mňa; (Myslíte to teraz tak z celého srdca?) A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
156 Koľkí cítite, že Boh vám odpustil vaše neprávosti, to čo ste vykonali? A od teraz, „Ó Baránku Boží, sľubujem chodiť priamo. Budem chodiť na chválu mena, ktorým som nazvaný, kresťan, ako Kristus. Dvíham svoje ruky, Bože; Posväcujem sa Ti znovu dnes večer. Budem chodiť vo svetle." Amen!
Budeme chodiť vo svetle, v nádhernom svetle; Ono pochádza odtiaľ, kde sú jasné kvapky rosy milosti. Svietia všade okolo nás vodne i v noci, Ježiš, svetlo sveta.
Budeme chodiť vo svetle, v nádhernom svetle; Ono pochádza odtiaľ, kde sú jasné kvapky rosy milosti. (Kde On odišiel pripraviť pre nás miesto!)
Svietia všade okolo nás vodne i noci, Ježiš, svetlo sveta.
Poďte všetci svätý Ježišovho svetla, svetla sveta. Pravda a milosť je jeho meno. Ježiš svetlo sveta. (Čo potom budeme robiť?)
Budeme chodiť vo svetle, v nádhernom svetle; Ono pochádza odtiaľ, kde sú jasné kvapky rosy milosti. Svietia všade okolo nás vodne i v nociJežiš, svetlo sveta.
Ó, cítite že je všetko vyčistené, cítite sa dobre? Ó! Potrasme si ruky a spievajme znovu.
Budeme chodiť vo svetle, v nádhernom svetle; Ono pochádza odtiaľ, (Nech vás Boh žehná.) kde sú jasné kvapky rosy milosti. Svietia všade okolo nás vodne i v noci, Ježiš, svetlo sveta.
Zavrime oči a hmkajme to.
(Správame sa ako deti; my sme deti.)
Ó, to je nádherné svetlo; Ono pochádza odtiaľ, kde sú jasné kvapky rosy milosti. Svietia všade okolo nás vodne i vnoci, Ježiš, svetlo sveta.
Milujete Ho?
Moja viera hľadí na teba, ty Baránok z Golgoty,
(Zavrime len oči a spievajme to. Oslavujem Ho v Duchu!) Božský spasiteľ!
Počuj ma teraz keď sa modlím, Odstráň všetky moje hriechy, .... nech som odteraz celý Tvoj!
Zatiaľ čo prechádzam tmavým bludiskom života a zármutok sa šíri okolo mňa, Ó, buď mojím, strážcom; Rozkáž aby sa temnosť premenila na deň, vyžeň preč žiaľ a strach, daj aby som nikdy nezablúdil preč od Teba.
157 Ó! Viete ja som staromódny chlap. Mám rád ... myslím že to má všetky tie nové, rozsekané, rozhúpané, rock n roll, napodobeniny vynikajú na milión míľ. Tí starí speváci, ktorí písali tie piesne, Duch Svätý sa dotkol toho pera a začali písať. Ó! Myslím na Eddie Perronet a všetkých tých veľkých ... Fanny Crosby:
Neobídi ma, ó láskavý Spasiteľ,
Počuj moje pokorné volanie; ...
158 Raz sa ju snažili dostať. Ona neurobila tak ako letničný Elvis Prestley, nepredala svoje prvorodenstvo za hromadu Cadillacov. Ona ... Prišli ku nej a chceli aby písala svetské piesne. Ona povedala: „Za nič na svete by som to nerobila."
Povedali jej: „No, ty si slepá. Keď prídeš do neba ako budeš ..."
Ona sa obrátila pod inšpiráciu a začala, povedala:
Budem Ho poznať, budem Ho poznať,
a vykúpená budem pri Ňom stáť
Budem Ho poznať, budem Ho poznať, (Ako?)
Podľa rán od klincov na Jeho rukách.
Jednako, „Ak Ho neuvidím, ohmatám Jeho ruky."
Budem Ho poznať, budem Ho poznať,
a vykúpená budem pri Ňom stáť
Budem Ho poznať, budem Ho poznať,
Podľa rán od klincov na Jeho rukách.
159 Či to nevyvoláva lásku ku Nemu? Odišiel aby nám pripravil miesto. „A keď odídem a pripravím miesto, znovu sa vrátim aby som vás zobral ku sebe."
160 Detičky v pôrodných bolestiach teraz, ostríhajte prikázania Božie. A pastor tu, ak nikto z vás nebol pokrstený, voda bude pripravená a členstvo pre cirkev alebo čokoľvek chcete robiť, alebo čokoľvek robíte. Ak nemáte krst Duchom Svätým, toto je večer aby ste to prijali. Či veríte tomu?
161 „Ó," poviete, „Brat Branham, je neskoro, kázal si príliš dlho." Pavel raz kázal celú noc, tento istý druh posolstva, a malý ... mladý muž spadol zo steny a zabil sa. A Pavel tak pomazaný s tým istým druhom posolstva, položil sa na neho a život sa navrátil do neho. On je stále Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera dnes i naveky. Či Ho milujete? Zodvihnime ešte raz ruky a spievajme Milujem Ho, milujem Ho.
Kde je pianista? Prišla by si sestra, ktokoľvek to je, daj nám tón, ak môžeš.
Koľký Ho milujete? Zodvihnite len ruku a povedzte: „Skutočne Ho milujem. Milujem Ho z celého srdca. Milujem Ho.
162 No, spievajme to teraz na slávu Božiu so zavrenými očami a pozdvihnime ruky do neba. Milujem Ho, milujem Ho. Budeme Ho uctievať. Keď kážete a sekáte a trháte a takto tiahnete, toto je balzam, ktorý Boh vylieva, proste to uzdravuje. Je balzam v Gileáde pre dušu. Spievajme to teraz. Podaj nám tón.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
lebo On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
163 A ak ... „Podľa tohoto budú všetci poznať, že ste moji učeníci, keď máte lásku jeden ku druhému." To je ono. Ak nemôžeme milovať jeden druhého ktorého vidíme, ako budeme milovať Boha, ktorého nemôžeme vidieť.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
lebo On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
1 To Brother Boone and the congregation, this is certainly a--a great privilege for me to be back in San Bernardino again. This place holds many great memories of the days gone by. And to hear that, the visit here, and still have living influence, why, it certainly makes you feel glad that the Lord directed us this a way, years ago.
2I was just setting out there in the parking lot, just now, trying to remember of one of the events that taken place. There was a Mrs. Isaacson had been my interpreter in Finland, on a Finnish campaign, and she came to the car when I was just leaving. And she said, "Your voice of Finland." And I just wonder if Mrs. Isaacson lives around here. I didn't know. She wouldn't happen to be present tonight, I suppose? Mrs. May Isaacson, and she's from Finland.
3 Then another outstanding thing that brought to my memories, was a little waitress in a restaurant that I eat, somewhere near, they call the Antlers Hotel. I believe that's right, now. And the little lady had... I was praying with her. She had... She, nice little lady, but she wasn't a Christian. I invited her to the meeting. And she had lost a baby, and I believe that her husband, they was separated. And we was praying that she would make up with her husband, or they would make up, together. So, I just wonder if that little lady could be present. See? The...
4And then another event taken place, was a little baby that was brought from somewhere, about a day's drive. And it had died, and was laying in the mother's arms. And was brought back to life. Is that... Was that person present here? And it come, I believe, from the state up in this way, around, was above here. And the little mother had drove all night long, and the father, and the little mother setting there, sadly, holding her little, dead-form baby. And I thought, "Such faith!" If I was the biggest hypocrite in the world, God would have honored that mother's faith.
Holding the little baby in my hands, like that, praying. Got warm, it begin moving, opened its little eyes. I hand it back to their mother. So, they was from somewhere. I do not think they were Pentecostal, though. They were just... I believe it was just some church, that from... I don't know even if they was Christians, or not. Never asked them. I was just so elated about the little baby being brought to life again.
Since then, Brother Boone, much water has went down the river. But we're still serving the same God Who remains the same yesterday, today, and forever.
5 Just looking around, seeing Brother Leroy Kopp setting here. It's the first time I seen him for a long time. [A brother says, "He's Paul Kopp here."--Ed.] Paul. That's right. Leroy is your father. That's right. ["And he--he's in Russia, tonight, so pray for him."] Oh, my! Russia. Well, that's, I know, this gallant soldier there, he's there on the business of the King. ["Right."] So, I'm certainly happy to be here and to hear this young minister saying he was inspired by the ministry that we had while we were here. Such a great thrill that is!
And I am trusting now, that, knowing we got... People are standing, and we won't keep too long. We remember those great healing services.
6 Then, I understand that there is a--a--a brother here in the neighborhood, somewhere, holding a healing campaign, a Brother Leroy Jenkins. I believe that's right. And so I'm very thankful, trusting that the Lord is blessing him and giving him a great, great service. It...
My, I felt really honored, tonight, to come into a church like this. I always feel better in a church than I do in those auditoriums. There's nothing against the auditorium. But, you know, I... It may be a superstition, or I just... Seems to me like a truth. See? They... You go into those auditoriums where there's fights, wrestles, burlesque, everything else going on, evil spirits seems to hang around them places. Now, that may seem a superstition, but it isn't so. But when you come into a church, you... usually, certainly a spiritual congregation, it seems like, that is, you--you feel more at liberty, like there's--there's something. The Presence of God is there. You know, it seems to be different. I don't know what effect the building has, but it's where the people are congregated. Course, the same people are at the other place, but on those evil grounds. May be just me thinking that way. But, anyhow, I'm glad to be here tonight.
7 And now we want to not keep you too long, 'cause a standing audience. And we are going, tomorrow night, at some other place here. I don't even know where it's at. It's near here. [A brother says, "Orange Show Auditorium."--Ed] Where? ["Orange Show Auditorium."] Orange Show Auditorium, for the services tomorrow night. I... This is between, I'm speaking on a tour for the--the businessmen's Full Gospel Business Men's group. Which, I've had the privilege of speaking around the world, for them. And so in there, a very dear friend invited us over here, and we're glad to be in the assembly tonight.
8Now, before we open the Bible... Now, anybody that's got physical strength can open It in this manner. See? But it takes the Holy Spirit to open the Word to us, open our understanding and reveal the Scriptures. I believe in the Bible. I believe that It's God's Word. I believe that the earth, or the peoples of the earth, will be judged someday by this Word. Now, that may seem strange. Now, there's many different with that idea.
9 I was talking to a very loyal friend of mine, not long ago, who is Catholic. And he said, "God will judge the world by the Catholic church." If that's so, which Catholic church? See? So, if He judges it by the Methodist, then what about the Baptist? See? If He judges it by one, the other one is lost. So, there's too much confusion there.
But we have to go to It, to find our--our true statement, and the Bible says that God will judge the world by Jesus Christ. And He is the Word. Saint John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." And Hebrews 13:8 said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." And I believe that to be the Truth. Now, I believe that. In...
10 God, in the beginning, being the infinite God; He is finite and... or infinite, rather. We're the finite. His mind is so much greater, and we, in our little finite mind, cannot understand His great, infinite wisdom. But therefore, when He speaks anything, it may seem very strange to us, to hear Him say a certain thing in the Scripture, but it's got to happen. I believe that His Words will never pass away. Therefore, I believe that God, knowing that we in our little finite mind could not interpret His--His great mind, He interprets His Own Word. He doesn't need any interpreter. He interprets His Own Word, by vindicating that Word in Its season.
11 I believe that, God, in the beginning, that Noah was the Word for that day, for His Message.
Now, along come, after that, come Moses. Now, Moses could not have taken Noah's Word. He could not build a ship and floated them out of Egypt, down the Nile River, or to the promised land, or so forth. His message didn't work in Noah's day; that was the part of God's Word that was vindicated to be Truth by Moses.
Neither could Jesus have had Moses' Word. And the Luther could have not maintained the word of the Catholic church. Wesley, he could not maintain Luther's Word. And the Pentecostal, they could not take the Methodist Word. They... See?
The Church is growing. Each age, it's lotted in the Scripture here. So, God, through the Holy Spirit, reveals His Word, by manifesting It and vindicating It, Hisself, showing that It's His Word being brought to pass in the day that It's promised.
12 Jesus said that. He said, "If you can't believe Me, believe the works that I do," for they testify of Who He was, see, if anyone would have knowed the Scripture.
Now, He come so oddly, so strange, that the people didn't want to believe Him, because, "He, being a Man, was making Himself God."
So, He was God, in form. "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself."
"And no man can do these works without God be with him," as we know Nicodemus said that. That, the Sanhedrin believed that.
13Now, we know that, that Word. If they would have known the Word! He said, "If you'd have knowed Moses, you'd have knowed Me, because Moses wrote of Me." And we look. If they had looked back in the Scripture, see what the Messiah was supposed to do, then they'd have knowed Him by the vindication, that, "God, through Christ, was reconciling the world to Himself," and bringing to pass all the promises that was of the Messiah, that He was to do. Jesus bore record of that Word, making that Word live for that day.
14 And I believe that's the same thing we live in today: God bearing record of His Word, by vindicating what He said He would do. Now, we know that this is the day of salvation, where God is calling men from the world, from a life of sin, unto a life of service. And in the day that God has poured out His Spirit from on High, great signs and wonders are to accompany the ministry of this day. This is the... when the former and latter rain are falling, together. And we know that there is supposed to be great signs and wonders. Which, in many great denominations, This is turned down.
But I'm very thankful for these open doors that I've had, to go into, and the inspiration it's give to young men like your pastor here. That's caused them... As I'm beginning to get old, and know that my days are numbered, and know now that these young men can take this Message and sweep It on to the Coming of the Lord, if He doesn't come in my generation. Which, I'm hoping to see Him. I look daily for Him, watch, keeping myself prepared for that hour.
15 Now let us speak to the Author before we read His Book, as we bow our heads.
Heavenly Father, we are grateful to Thee, to be alive tonight, to return back to this great city. Setting here in this panoramic here of the mountains, looking up and seeing the snow, and the orange blossoms blooming, at the same time, what a magnificent world You've give us to live in! And how that we see that man has disturbed and--and acted in this world, it makes us ashamed of ourself, Father.
We are here, tonight, to try to put forth our efforts, to try to cause men to see this great thing that God has done, and know that there's something greater just beyond. May we look to that, tonight, Father, as we turn in to Your Word and read. We can read It, Father, but let the Holy Spirit reveal It to us through the revelation. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
16 Now, you that like to perhaps take notes, and--and to read the Scripture with the minister, as--as usually they read It. And it used to be, when I... years ago, I didn't have to write down my Scriptures, and so forth. But I've got a little older since then. See? I just passed twenty-five, just recently, twenty-five years ago. So, it makes it a little bad. But I'm still trying to hold on to everything that I know to do in His Word, until He calls me.
17 Now, let us turn to Saint John the 14th chapter, very familiar Scripture that we want to read tonight, to draw from this a context, the Lord willing. Nearly all knows this. It seems to be, many times, it's used in funeral services. There ever was a time that I'd like to preach a funeral service, it'd be to this world. Let it die and be born again. Saint John 14:1 through 7, I believe, I have marked down here.
Let not your hearts be troubled: if you've believed in God, believe also in me.
In my Father's house is many mansions:... it were not so, I would have told you. I go and prepare a place for you.
... if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
... where I go you know, and the way you know.
Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know... where thou goest; and how can we know the way?
Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
If you had known me, you should have known my Father also: and from henceforth you know him, and have seen him.
May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. And we'll refer to It again, in the times as we go on, while we want to just speak a little lesson to the Church.
18 Last evening, I was in Yuma; Arizona, where my home now. I--I... When I was here before I lived in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Now I been in Arizona, by a vision sending me there, a few years ago. And we resident there now. I don't have any church there.
Brother Green, our brother here with us, has established a tabernacle where the... one of the Assemblies of God, a church, downtown assemblies. They emerged, and I think they all went in with Brother Brock and with Brother Gilmore, left this church open. And Brother Pearry Green, from--from Texas, moved in and took the place, which is associate with us. We're glad to know that--that Brother Green has reopened this church that was closed.
19 And last night, speaking over in Yuma for the Christian Business Men, I spoke on the subject of The Rapture. Now, that might been a strange subject to speak among, at a--a banquet, but most everyone there was Christians. And that's the way it is on these campaigns like this, or in--in a church. I could say now, "How many of you is Christians?" Probably every hand would go up. You're a Christian. And so, if we're Christians, I think we ought to be kindly notified ahead. We don't have to just guess at it. We're notified what our destination will be.
20And I want to speak on that tonight. And the subject is going to be: Things That Are To Be. And now, speaking last night on The Rapture, so tonight, I want to speak on this subject, that I might tie it together with last night's Message. Now, there is going to be a Rapture, we know that. That's in the future, to be.
21 Now, Jesus here is speaking, about, He's gone ahead to prepare a place for us. "Let not your hearts be troubled." Now, He was talking to Jews. Said, "Now, you believed in God, believe also in Me. As you have believed in God, believe in Me, because I am the Son of God." See? "And, God," other words, "I and My Father are One. My Father is dwelling in Me. And what you see do, I'm doing, it's not Me. It's My Father that dwelleth in Me. He doeth the works."
"God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself."
22 It was easy for those Jews who had been taught, through generations, to believe that there was a great supernatural God. But to think that that God had come down and was manifesting Himself through the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, God tabernacled in a body of flesh, that was a little too much for them to--to understand.
But He said, "Now, as you have believed in God, believe also in Me. For in My Father's house are many mansions, and I go to prepare a place for you." Jesus' life was fixing to end, here on earth.
He had showed the people, and proved to them, that He was Jehovah manifested in flesh, by the great signs and wonders, and the reference of the Bible that He had referred to, to Himself. And He proved that He was God, manifested.
Now He said, "When you see My life ending, it's ending for a purpose. And I'm going away, to prepare a place for you; that where I am, there you may be also." Jesus therefore is telling His disciples that this life is not ended in death.
23 Now, saying this was a funeral text. Remember, we, death sets right before us, and we don't know whether there may be some in this building tonight will not go out of here alive, in this physical life. That's how uncertain it is. Five minutes from now, it could be that young, healthy, young people in this building can be a corpse in five minutes from now. That is true. And again, it could be, in five minutes from now, we'd every one be in Glory. We just don't know. That's in the hands of God. Jesus said He didn't know, Hisself, when that time would be, but, "That was in the hands of the Father only."
24Now, but, He was telling them, that, after death there is life. Because, "I go and prepare a place," that is, to receive them, shows that there, He was speaking to them, that there was a--a life after this life is ended. And what a consolation that ought to give to all of us, to know that, after this life is over, there is a life, that we go into. And as you get older, that becomes more of a reality to you. As you begin to see the days of your life drawing close, then it begins to, you begin to pack up closer, getting ready for that great event. It's now... It's a continuing of this same life in another world, another place.
25 Your birth here was preplanned. I guess you believe that. Every one of you knows that our birth was preplanned. Did you know that your being here never originated just at a myth or a thought? Everything was all preplanned by God, before the foundation of the world, that you would be here. The infinite God knowed. And to be--to be infinite, He had to know every flea that ever would be in the earth, and how many times it would bat its eye. That's infinite. See? You, our little--our little minds, cannot fathom what infinite means. The infinite God, He knowed all things. Therefore, there's nothing out of cater.
26If we know the Word of God, we know where we are living. We know the hour that we're living in. We know what lays ahead. We see what we've passed. And the Book of God is the revelation of Jesus Christ; His works through the ages, that was up to the book of Revelation, and then His promises that is to come. So, all of His promises are true. God cannot speak any Word without It being confirmed. Every Word that He says has to come to pass. Before the foundation of the world...
27 Some people mix Genesis up, there, when he said, "God repeats Himself." No. Just, you're misunderstanding. See?
God, at the beginning, He said, "Let there be. Let there be. Let there be." The world was just dark, in a chaos. Even when He said, "Let there be light," there might have been hundreds of years before light ever sprung in. But when He spoke it, it has to come to pass. It must be that way. See? And He spoke His Word. Them seeds was beneath the water. When He dried off the earth, then the seeds come up. What He says must come to pass.
28He said, through the prophets. I referred to it last evening. Like, we take Isaiah, he said, "A virgin shall conceive." Who would think, of a man that was thought of among people, to say such a word as that, "A virgin shall conceive"? But because he...
A prophet is a reflector of God. He is made so that he cannot speak his own words. It has to be God's Words that he speaks. He's just like a reflector, and he is God's mouthpiece.
And so, therefore, he said, "A virgin shall conceive." He probably could not understand it, but God had spoke it through him. Because, He promised that, "He would do nothing until He revealed It to His servants the prophets." Then, when he said that, it was eight hundred years before that ever come to pass. But it had to come to pass.
Finally, those Words of God anchored in the womb of a virgin, and she conceived and brought forth Emmanuel. "Unto us a--a Child is born, unto us a Son is given. His Name shall be called, 'The Counsellor,' 'The mighty God,' 'The Prince of Peace,' 'The everlasting Father.'" That had to be that way, because God had spoke it through the mouth of His prophets. And all the Words of God has to be fulfilled.
Therefore, we know that Jesus has gone to prepare a place, to receive a people unto Himself. Who those people are, I hope it's we are part of those people tonight. If it isn't, my friend, God has made a way, a condition, that you can be included in that if you want to. You're on free moral agency. You can act the way you wish to. But now notice, now, in this world that is to come. There is a world to come.
29 Just like your birth here, I said, you was prepared. God knew you would be here.
And now you know, even things that your parents done, now, people think that that isn't visit from generation to generation, but it is.
30Over in the Book of Hebrews, I believe, about the 7th chapter, speaking, Paul there, the writers, I believe it was, was speaking on a--a great event that taken place with Abraham, that he paid tithes to Melchisedec, when he was returning from the slaughter of the king. And now he said, that, "Levi was in the loins of Abraham, when he met Melchisedec, coming from the slaughter of the kings." And then he reckoned that to "Levi paying tithes, also, when he was in the loins of Abraham," his great-great-grandfather.
And He visits the sins of the people upon their--their children, from generation to generation, that won't keep His Word. See?
31 You were all pre-planned by God. Nothing happens by chance, with God. He knows all about it. It's all pre-planned, planned for many generations back, so that you could be here tonight. Did you know that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Just think, that, you, at one time... I'll repeat this again. You, at one time, was in your father, in the gene of your father. Now, he didn't know you at that time, neither did you know him at that time. But, you see, then you were put in the bedding ground, in the womb of mother, through holy wedlock. And then you become a person expressed in the image like your father, then there's fellowship.
32 Now, the only way that you can be a son, a daughter of God, because you have to be the... have to have Eternal Life. And there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God's Life. Only one form of Eternal Life, that was God. There, to be a son of God, you had to be in Him always. The gene of your Life, spiritual Life, tonight, was in God, the Father, before there was even a molecule. See? And you are nothing but the manifestation of the gene of Life that was in God, as a son of God.
Now you're expressed, after His Word has come in you, to Light up this age. You are expressing God's Life in you, because you are a son or a daughter of God. Therefore, you get what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? You are in... You are now made, you're setting in this church, tonight, because your duty is to express God to this nation and this people, and this neighborhood where you associate.
Wherever you are, God knew that you would be here, because you have to be one of His genes, or His attributes. You had to be. If you ever, if you've got Eternal Life, then It always was Eternal Life. And God, before there was a foundation, world, knew that you would be here. And when the Word, or the water, "the washing of the water of the Word" fell upon you--you, it was expressed in a being. Now you have fellowship with your Father, God, just as you have with your earthly father. See? You are citizens of the King; not citizens, but you are children, sons and daughters of the living God, if it be that the Eternal Life dwells in you.
32a Now, then, if It was, Jesus was the fullness of God manifested. He was the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Therefore, when He came to the earth and was manifested in flesh, you were here in Him then, because He was the Word. "In the beginning was the Word; the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." The Word was made flesh. Therefore, you walked with Him, when you were in Him, when He was on earth. You suffered with Him, and you died with Him. You was buried with Him. And now you are risen with Him, and manifested attributes of God, setting in Heavenly places; already raised, resurrected to new Life, and setting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Oh, that means so much, now days, Church! That means so much to us, to see ourself positionally placed in Jesus Christ!
33 Now, if we are those attributes of God, we cannot live by creeds. We cannot live by denominationalism. We must live by the Word, because the Bride is a part of the Bridegroom, like any wife is a part of her husband. Therefore, we must be that Word Bride. And what is that Word Bride? The manifestation of this hour, the Bride, not a creed or a denomination; but a living oracle of God, a living attribute of God, displaying to the world the attributes of God, in the formation of the Bride that's to be expressed in this hour that we're now living.
34Martin Luther could not express the attributes that we express, because that that was in the beginning, the resurrection, like the corn of wheat that went into the earth.
35 Now, we quote this again. You probably read that book, that German making fun of me, and said I was a fanatic of all the fanatics. He was--he was absolutely against everything that's called God, and even made fun of God. Said, "A God that could open the Red Sea and," said, "take His people out; and set with His hands across His tummy, and let (through the dark ages) all those people die and suffer, those little children be eat by lions."
36You see, the whole--whole program, the whole Church, is built upon Divine revelation. Jesus said, in Saint Matthew, the 16th chapter, "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in Heaven has revealed this to you." What was it? A revelation of Who He was. "And upon this Rock, I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against It." See?
The revelation of Jesus Christ in this hour; not what He was in another hour! What He was now, the Bible expresses. It's growing in the Bride, to the full stature. Therefore, if the corn of wheat, of Christ, had to fall in the ground, so did the Bride have to fall in the ground, through the dark ages. Any grain that goes in the ground must die, or it can't produce itself, reproduce itself. And the great Church that He established on the Day of Pentecost, by the sending of the Holy Ghost, had to suffer martyrdom and go into the dirt, into the earth in the dark age, to bring forth again in the age of Luther, and come on out to the full stature of the Bride of Jesus Christ for this last day. See? There's no way...
37 Therefore, the Bride, in the Rapture, will come forth. And there is all pre-planned by God, all backed up. From the beginning, He knowed every man, every place, who would set, all about it. It's all pre-planned. God knew it would be here. And--and when... He made it that way, so that when we get there... He's gone to prepare a place for us. And when we get there, it'll all be prepared just like even this night is prepared, like this hour is prepared. Yes. His great foreknowledge tells Him all these things, by foreknowledge.
38 He's omnipresent because He's omniscient; omniscient because He's omnipresent. Therefore, by His foreknowledge... Now, He can't be just like the wind over the earth, because He is a Being. He just isn't a myth. He's a Being. He dwells. He even dwells in a house. He dwells in a place called Heaven. And therefore, by His omni-, being omnipresent; being omniscient, knowing all things, then He is omnipresent because He knows all things.
39You, now, you grew from your birth, when you was born and presented into this world. God knew that you were going to be here in this earth, and you growed from birth to maturity. Things that seemed so strange to you, in your young womanhood, young boyhood, as children, now seems very real. You couldn't understand it when you was a child. But now, as you become adult, you begin to understand and find out that everything was just set just right. And, you, it really means something to you now.
40 So is it in your spiritual birth. You do things that you don't understand, when you're a little baby, come to the altar. You give your life to Christ. You do such strange things. You wonder why you did it. But after while, when you mature, as matured Christians, then you understand it. See? There's something picks up. You see why you had to do it. Your spiritual birth! Your natural birth types your spiritual.
How--how it fitted to you, in this life, as you grew, everything fitted right in, because you were made for that. Wasn't it a strange thing, the night that you staggered into the mission, the tent meeting, or the little church somewhere on the corner, and something the preacher preached on, a certain subject, and you just fell right at the altar? See? See? God knew that, before the foundation of the world. See? It--it seemed strange to you, why you did it then. But now you understand; you knew what happened. It's so fitting to you in this life, and will be also in the Life that is to come. This world and its life seems to--to advance as you mature. Everything seems to go right with you.
41 I don't believe in a... that a person just happened to be here by chance. Now just think, when you come to the--the world, everything had to be fore-prepared for you, or pre-prepared, rather, for you. I don't hardly understand that how that we could think that a God that could prepare all these good things for us would not... we could not put trust in Him. That, if He brought us in this chaos that we're in now, and prepared the good things of life for us here, how much more can we trust Him to prepare the things that is to come, see, the Eternal things! It seems, I say, very strange.
42 And I--I do not think that Heaven is a place that my mother used to tell me about. I believe that the Church has growed from that. To think, it used to be, a hundred years ago, or two, I think the old-timers used to think that everyone that died went up to Heaven and had a harp, and--and set up there on the clouds and--and played a harp. Now, they knowed that there was a place called Heaven. But, they, if that be so, all the musicians would have it on us, you see. But we... But it--it isn't that kind of a place. It isn't playing harps, at all. I believe, don't believe the Bible teaches that. But that was a conception that they had before the fullness of the Word come into existence, or the opening of the Seven Seals, that's promised to us in this age, that we then understand.
I believe that Heaven is a real place, just the same as this is a real place, see, for God started us in our spiritual growth in this place. And I believe that Heaven is a place just as real as this, where we don't set up there for Eternity and just set there on a cloud. We don't just strum our harp, for all--all from here, ever. But we're going to a real place where we're going to do things, where we're going to live. We're going to work. We're going to enjoy. We're going to live. We're going to Life, to a real Eternal Life. We're going to a Heaven, a paradise. Just like Adam and Eve worked, and lived, and eat, and enjoyed, in the garden of Eden before sin came in, we're on our road right back there again, right, right back. The first Adam, through sin, taken us out. The Second Adam, through righteousness, bring us back in again; justifies us and brings us back in.
43 You people that take the tapes now, the message of justification, I want you take it. And you do take the tapes, I want you to get that. I spoke on it, here some time ago.
44Look how your earthly parent, before you come here, before they knowed you was coming, made ready for your coming. Just think of that now, your earthly parents. Which, an earthly parent is only a type of a heavenly Parent. "If we know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more does your Heavenly Father know how to give good gifts to His children." Jesus spoke these Words. See?
They made ready your coming. They made a little crib, or got a little, some little booties, and little clothes, and so forth. They made ready, everything for you to arrive, prepared before you even come on the earth.
45 Jesus has gone to make ready our coming there. Now notice. "In My Father's House is many mansions." Or, let us...
I don't mean to add to the Word, or take from It, because we're not to do that. Revelations 22 said, "Whoever will add a word, or take a Word out of It." But let me just make this, as not an additive, but just to--to bring out a point.
"In My Father's House is many kinds of mansions." I don't believe that when we get to Heaven that we will be, just everybody look just exactly alike. I don't believe that--that all will be blondes, or brunettes, or--or little, or--or all big, or--or all giants.
I believe that God is a God of variety. The world proves that. He's got big mountains and little mountains. He's got plains. He's got deserts. He's got different things, because He made it the way He wanted it. And He made the seasons; summer, winter, spring, autumn. He made the seasons. It shows He's a God of variety. He made you in a variety. Some men are real blusterous; and some are real dogmatic; and others are fine; others are kind. And you just find all different kinds of people, and in His Kingdom. See?
46 Look at Saint Peter, and judge him by Andrew. See? Andrew is that prayer warrior, just stayed on his knees all the time. And the apostle Peter was one of those firebrands that preached, and--and so forth. And Paul was more scholarly-like, more of the... like the prophet, or something, and set back.
47And, see, Moses wrote the first four Books of the Old. Which, he wrote the Old Testament. The rest of it was the laws, and kings, and psalms, and so forth, and what someone wrote of the prophets. But Moses wrote the laws, the first four Books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy.
48And then Paul wrote the New Testament. That's true. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote the acts of what taken place, and so forth. But Paul separated law and grace, and put it into its place. See? He was the writer of the New Testament. He gave us the writings of the New Testament, setting the Word of God in order.
Now notice, many, "many mansions," many kinds of mansions.
49 Like, many kinds of hills; like, many kinds of rivers, springs, lakes. They were here when you come here, first, because the kindness of your Heavenly Father placed them here. Because, some men likes mountains. Some people likes waters. Some likes deserts. So, you see, your coming, He knew your nature and what you would be, so He made it just the way that you could enjoy it. Oh! I think that's a wonderful Father, see, know that He made it like this.
I'm glad He made mountains. I--I like the mountains. I... And I--I like that. Where, the others, "Oh, I can't stand... Oh, He must have emptied His mortar box out there." Well, He emptied it out so I could enjoy it. You see? So then say, "I like the plains, where I can see a long ways." Well, the two different natures, both of us Christians.
But the Father knew that you would be here, and prepared everything for you before you got here. Amen. Your first coming, here, He had it ready for you when you got here. Isn't that marvelous to think of what He done?
50 Now, now, but remember, these are only temporal gifts, in type. "Now, we know that Moses, in building the tabernacle in the wilderness, or preparing it, he said he made all things after the order of what he saw in Heaven." See? So, the earthly things only express what the Eternal things are. And if this earth that we live in today, being so great, as we love it; and love to live, and breathe the air, and see the flowers and things; if--if that, if this here is the expression, one that's dying is only expressing one that's Eternal. When you see a tree struggling, pulling, trying to live, that means there's a tree somewhere that doesn't have to do that.
When you see a man here, struggling to live, somebody in a hospital, or on a sickbed, or in a accident, struggling, and the death rattle is in their throat, and pulling, and crying, and screaming for life, what does that mean? There's a place, somewhere, there's a body that doesn't struggle and scream for that. See? It just doesn't do it.
51Now, they are temporal gifts to us, these things, only expressing that there is One where it's the Eternal One. That's what Jesus has gone away to prepare, the Eternal One for us. Now, they only express there's a greater of the same kind, 'cause these are a same kind.
52 Now, remember, the Bible said, "If this earthly tabernacle of our dwelling, if it perish, be dissolved, we have one already waiting."
Just as the little baby, its little muscles, in the mother, are twisting and turning. And, but just... See? And you notice, you can take a woman, if she is ever so foul; but when she's become a mother, a little while before that baby is born, there's a kindness about the woman. Get around her, there's always something, she's more tender. Why? There's a little angel spirit waiting to receive that natural body. Just as soon as it's born, the breath of life comes into it. And God breathes it in there, and it becomes a living soul. Now, just as this baby is being born, then the spiritual body is there to receive it.
And now, when this body is dropped here, in this earth, like the baby is dropped, also there is a immortal body waiting to receive the spirit back into itself again. Oh, what a great thing! We are--we are now in Christ Jesus, (amen), babies, babes in Christ, children of God, waiting for the full deliverance, at the Coming of our Lord Jesus, the... to receive us up unto Hisself, when the body, this mortal, will take on immortality.
53 The likeness, all the things that He did, expresses the things that are to come. Just as the body gives you here, just as this body, He gave you to live in, only expresses that there is one that is greater, yet, to come. See? "If we bear, or have borne the image of the earthly, we also shall bear the image of the Heavenly," which holds no evils in this one that is to come. Now, this one does hold evil, sickness, death, sorrow. I've just expressed here, not long ago, preaching on The Transformation Of The Word Of God, of how that--that this body, it's got the evil in it.
54And all this modern civilization that we live in is of the Devil. You don't believe that? The Bible says it is; this world, every government. We don't want to believe that. But the Bible plainly states it, that every government, every kingdom of the earth, is owned by the Devil and ruled by the Devil. Jesus was taken by Satan, up, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world that was, would be, what more. And Satan claimed them, his, and Jesus never argued with him, because he is the god of this world. See? And he said, "I'll give them to You if You'll fall down and worship me." See? He was trying to give them over to Jesus, without sacrifice. See? It was a bargain that he was going to make Him.
But the world had sinned. So, the penalty of sin was death, and He had to die. That's why God was manifested in flesh, so He could take death on Him, to pay the penalty. There's nothing to come back. It's not earmarked. It's absolutely, freely paid. All the debt is paid. It belongs to Him now. And we are delegates of His Kingdom, assembled here together tonight, in the Name of Jesus Christ our King, setting in Heavenly places.
55 Now, in this world that we live in, this education. I want to prove to you. Education, science, civilization, and all these things that we seemingly so enjoy today, is of Satan, and will perish. You say, "Brother Branham, civilization?" Yes, sir. This civilization come by Satan. Genesis 4 proves it. Cain's son, see, started this civilization, building cities, and organs, and so forth. And civilization came by knowledge. Knowledge is what the Devil sold Eve, in the garden of Eden, that caused her to cramp, transgress God's commandment.
So there will be a civilization in the world that we're going to, but it won't be this kind of a civilization, for in this civilization we have sickness, sorrow, lust, death, everything in this civilization, wrong. But in that civilization there will be none of these things. We won't need science.
Science is the perversion of the original, anyhow. See? You split a molecule, to split atoms and do so-and-so, to blow you up. You take gun powder, bang this, to kill something. You take the car. And take gasoline out of the earth, and the materials out of the earth, to loosen up the fibers, so it can blow up. And go down the road at ninety miles an hour, and kill somebody. See? Oh, so nervous, squeeze, and hurry up; we got to push, and taking. Oh! See? It's all of the Devil.
The Kingdom of God will not have automobiles, airplanes, or any scientific achievements. No. It won't have any education, at all. It'll be an education so supreme to this, that this won't even be thought of. See? Education, civilization, and all this, comes from Satan.
Now, you say, "Brother Branham, why do you read, then?"
56 See, just like, why do I wear clothes now? In the civilization that was to come, that was first, they didn't need any clothes. They were veiled. They had no reason to wear clothes, 'cause they didn't know they were naked. Now you... Now you find out, that, in now, then, that we know that we are--are--are--are naked, sin abides here, then we've got to wear clothes. But it wasn't so at the beginning; there was no sin. See?
57Now, the same thing is in the way of civilization, altogether. We read. We write. We do this. But don't never get adjusted to that. Don't never make that your god, for that is the god of communism. See? It's not of Jesus Christ.
58 Jesus Christ is by faith; not what you can scientifically prove, but what you believe. I can't scientifically prove you, tonight, in this building, that there is a God, but yet I know He's here. But, by my faith, vindicates it.
Abraham could not scientifically prove to you that he was going to have a baby to that woman, and her nearly a hundred years old. But his faith confirmed it. See? Didn't need any scientific proof. Why, the... Why, the doctor would said, "The old man is crazy, out here saying he's going to have a--a baby by that woman; him a hundred years old, and her ninety." But, you see, God said so, so it don't take science. It takes faith, to believe God's Word, not science.
59 So, our schools and things are a blow up. As, God never said, "Go forth and make schools," or even, "have Bible schools." You know that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He said, "Preach the Word." That's exactly right. Our educational systems taken us farther away from God than anything I know of, that's right, farther away from God. Not build schools, hospitals, and so forth; that was for the world and for that group. But, I ain't got nothing against them; they play their parts, but that still is not that.
We build a hospital, ever so good, and practice with the best medicine we got, and thousands die in it daily. But, oh, my, in the Kingdom of God, there is no death, there is no sorrow. Amen. There's no need of these things of the world. But we've passed from this thing, into the realities of God; where we struggle so hard to try to find, through science. And more scientific we get, more death we bring on ourselves. We're fighting a losing battle there, so turn loose of it. And by faith, believe Jesus Christ the Son of God, tonight, and accept Him. He is the One.
60What is science preparing for you? More death. That's right. Sputniks and everything going up, all these things, to scatter death and everything across the earth. Don't look to that. Turn your head higher than that, towards Heaven. Look where Jesus sets, "On the right hand of God," tonight, "ever living to make intercessions on our confession." Of what? We believe His Word to be the Truth.
61 Now, we find, this life holds all kinds of evils, so therefore the life that is to come won't have it. This one has lust, and sickness, death. Because, what is it? It's not the house that He's gone to prepare. This is a pesthouse. How many knows what a pesthouse is? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure. Well, that's what you're living in. A pesthouse is where they put all the diseased people. Well, that's just what sin done to us, put us in an earthly pesthouse. Were you... They wouldn't let anyone else come in the pesthouse, because there's all kinds of germs flying around in there, and--and the people will take these germs and--and be sick, themself. And sin brought us into the Devil's pesthouse.
62 Oh, but the other one is called, "My Father's House." "I'll go and prepare a place for you. Take you out of this pesthouse and deliver you into My Father's House." Amen. There you are; take you out of this old earthly pesthouse. He's gone to prepare a place, a perfect place where no evil exists, no sickness exists, no old age exists, no death exists.
It's a perfect place calling you to that perfection, and you have to be perfect to get there. The Bible said so. Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect." It's a perfect Kingdom, so it must be a perfect people come. Because, you have to stand and be married to a perfect Son of God, and you must be a perfect Bride. So how can you do it through anything else but the perfect Word of God, which is, "The Waters of separation, that washes us from our sins"? Amen. That's right. The Blood of Jesus Christ, think of It, the dripping, Bloody Word. Amen. The Blood, the--the Word of God bleeding Blood, to wash the Bride in. Amen. Yes, sir. She stands perfect, virgin, unadulterated. She never sinned, in the first place. Amen. She was trapped into it. See?
There's the Father's House that He's gone to prepare.
63 This one come by sex, and from the fall, and must fall with the fall. No matter how much you patch the old thing up, she's going to fall, anyhow. She's done, because she's doomed, because God said so. She is finished. God is going to destroy it. He said so. There'll be a renovation of the whole thing. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
In the beginning, when the world had its birth, when God pulled back the water, first, off the earth, like He did the water from the mother's womb, there was a world born. Yes. And peoples begin to live on it when God put them on there. And then they begin to sin. And it was baptized, by immersing, in the days of Noah. Then it was sanctified by the Blood of the Creator dropping upon it.
And now that's the way you come, through justification, to believe God. You were baptized unto repent, or, too, for the remission of your sins. You confessed your sins before God, and He forgave you for it. And you was baptized, to show that you had been, you had been forgiven; confessing to the people, and showing to the world, that you believe that Jesus Christ died for you. And you... He took your place, and now you stand in His place. He become you, that you might become Him.
Then the sanctifying power of God cleansed all the habits out of your life. You used to smoke, drink, do things that wasn't right, tell lies, everything. Then the sanctifying power of the Blood of Jesus Christ comes into your life and takes all the things away from you. If you happen to say something's not wrong, quickly say, "Wait a minute. Pardon me. I didn't mean to say it like that." See? The Devil got a trap setting there. But you got grace to come back, if you're a real Christian, say, "I was wrong." Yes. So, therefore, now, the...
64 Now, the next thing you receive, was the baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire.
Now, God, when this Millennium is over, God is going to give the world a baptism of fire. It's going to blow the whole thing up. "The heavens and earth will be on fire." Peter said so. And the thing will have a baptism of fire, renovation of the whole thing. And then there'll be a new heavens and a new earth. That's, when, where dwelleth righteousness.
That's where we are. We have become from mortal beings, from time beings, to Eternal beings. When the Word of God lit our souls, and we become sons and daughters of God, with the attributes, the gene of God in us, to be sons and daughters of the Father, God in Heaven, crying, "Abba, Father! My God, my God, in my Father's House."
65 Now, this old world must fall, because it come through sex. And it come through disobedience, in the beginning. And we was born here through sex, through the fall, and it must go right back the same way, to the fall. But the one He is now preparing for you, cannot fall, because He is making it so. "I've gone..."
What if we just had to stay in this kind of a body? Aren't you glad there's such a thing as death? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now isn't that strange? But now, say, for instance...
A few years ago, I was a little boy, and now I'm a middle-aged man. I got a friend setting right there, Mr. Dauch, and he's ninety-three years old, a few days ago. Look at him now. Forty or forty-five more years, that would be me. Now put another forty years on him. Where would you go? The only...
66 I'm glad that there's something to get us out of this pesthouse. There's an open door, and it's called death. Jesus stands in that door. Amen. He'll guide me over the river. He'll take me through that door. There's a great door standing yonder, called death. And every time your heart beats, you're one beat closer to it. And someday I must come to that door. You must come there. But when I come there, I don't want to be a coward. I don't want to scream and back off. I want to come to that door, wrap myself in the robes of His righteousness (not mine), His.
By this I know, that, "I know Him in the power of His resurrection." That, when He calls, I'll come out from among the dead, to be with Him, out of this pesthouse. Wherever this body might fall, and wherever it might land, whatever it is, I'll come out someday, because He promised It to me. And we believe it. Yes, sir. He's making One that cannot fall.
67 Notice how the expecting mother, on earth today, how the mother's body craves for certain things. I'm speaking, I guess and hope, to all the adults that will understand. The mother, in the birth of the baby, if there's something lacking in her body, she begins to crave certain thing. Look how dad...
I remember we was raised, such a poor family, and--and we didn't have hardly anything to eat when we were kids. Many of you suffered that same thing.
So how that, when, before the babies would be born, mother would crave something. And dad would just pinch corners, everything, to get it for her. See? It's her, the body, her body, the calcium and so forth of her body, and the vitamins that she needs. Junie is being made up, see, and he craves for things, foods for the coming child. And how, the parents, they try to get it so the baby will be born as perfectly and happy as possible. See how your parents will do that? When there's something needed, the mother gives witness of it, see, her system is made up. You understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That, how that when there's something needed here, to the oncoming child, the--the mother begins to crave for that.
68 Now, stop just a minute. Why we have revivals? Why do we assemble ourselves together? Why am I always rebuking the people? Why am I calling you Pentecostal women, "Quit wearing paints, make-up, and bobbing your hair, and stuff like that"? Why am I saying that? Because, the old-fashion way of pentecost used to not do that. The real Bible way is not to do that. You wearing these shorts and clothes that pertains to men, do you know the Bible says that that's an abomination to God? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] But we permit it. Why does the Holy Spirit keep crying out? It knows there's something lacking there. We must be in the full stature of Jesus Christ. We must be sons and daughters of God. We must act like God's children.
69 Long ago, a little story was told. I noticed one colored brother setting in the back. In the South, they used to sell slaves. And this, when they had slaves down there, when slavery was, before the emancipation, of the proclamation. And they would go by and buy them, them people, just like they would a--a used car, dealer. They had a bill of sales, and sold them human beings just like they were--they were used cars. You got a bill of sales with them.
70 One time a buyer come by, a broker. And he was going to... He'd go around these big plantations and buy slaves. And he come to a certain big plantation where they had many slaves, and he wanted to see how many they had. And there was all of them out there, working. And they--they were sad. They were away from home. They was from Africa.
They had brought them over here. The Boers had brought them over and sold them for slaves, and so they were sad. They know they'd never go back home again. They'd live and die in the land. And they had, many times, they'd carry whips and whip them. They were property of the owner, and he did with them what he wanted to. And they just... If he killed it, he killed it. And if he, whatever it was, he just did it. That's slavery, like Israel was, and--and many of the nations had been brought into slavery. And they'd have to take them poor slaves. They just served. They were crying, you know, all time, and sad.
71 But they noticed one of them slaves, young fellow, he had his chest stuck out, his head up like that. Never had to whip him. Never had to tell him what to do. So that broker said, "I want to buy that slave."
He said, "He's not for sale."
He said, "I would like to buy him."
He said, "No. He's not for sale."
Said, "Is he the boss of the rest of them?"
Said, "No." Said, "He's not the boss. He is slave."
He said, "Well, maybe you feed him different than you feed the rest of them."
Said, "No. They all eat out there in the galley, together."
He said, "What makes that boy so much different than the rest of them?"
He said, "Here is one thing. I wondered for a while, too. But that boy, an alien from Africa, but in Africa his father is the king of the tribe. And, yet, he's an alien away from home. He conducts himself as a king's son. He knows that, across the land, that his father is the king of the tribe. And now he conducts himself, because he knows he's the son of a king."
72 Oh, brother, sister, you and I, in this world that we live, let's conduct ourselves as sons and daughters of God. We're aliens here, but our behavior ought to be according to the commandments of God, that we are sons and daughters of God. Our behavior, we should act and do, and everything, according to what the laws that God laid down.
"And it's an abomination for a women to wear a garment that pertains to a man." It's wrong and sinful, "For her to cut her hair," the Bible said so, "uncommon thing for her to even pray."
You say, "What about this?"
73 Someone got after me; a great, noted minister, not long ago. Said, "Brother Branham, come. I want to lay hands on you." Said, "You're going to ruin your ministry."
I said, "What?"
Said, "Bawling them people out like that."
I said, "I'm telling the..."
Said, "I believe that." Said, "I'm a Pentecostal, too. I believe that women shouldn't wear short hair, shouldn't wear paints, and these things like that the way they do, paint their faces up." Said, "They shouldn't do that. But," said, "God called you to pray for the sick."
I said, "He called me to preach the Gospel." Yeah.
And he said, "I believe in that. But," said, "you think that?"
I said, "Yeah. Look what you got, all these big programs, televisions, and everything else. I ain't got nothing but God to answer to." That's right. I said, "I don't have nothing but God to answer to."
He said, "I--I--I... You're going to ruin your ministry."
I said, "Any ministry that the Word of God will ruin, ought to be ruined." That's right. Certainly. That's exactly.
He said, "Well, you're going to ruin it."
74 I said, "Who is going to tell It then? See? Somebody has got to say It. Somebody has got to stand for that what's Truth, no matter what It hurts." And friends, as Christian, as people that believe we're going to Heaven, the Holy Spirit Itself will type us in the Word of God.
He said, "You know what you ought to do?" Said, "People believe you to be a prophet." Said, "You ought to be teaching these women how to get gifts of prophecy and things like that, and great, higher things instead of little thing."
75I said, "How am I going to teach them algebra when they won't even learn their ABC's? When they won't even do the common thing, see, the natural thing, how you going to tell them high things?" When you won't even start from the... You want to get on top the ladder before you hit the first. That's the reason you fall. See?
But get at the bottom, and climb right on up as God leads you up. See? Cope your life and ever follow every bit of the Word that God has ordained for you to do.
76 Now think how that God... We should behave ourselves and act like Christians. Our conduct should be like Christians. Because, we are aliens here. This is not our Home. No. We were just put here, temporarily. We've got to go, every one of us, tonight.
77Now think. If God, in His mercy, has the mother, before the little baby is born, it's craving for some vitamin, and the mother's words speaks forth, "Dad, I--I--I want cantaloupe, or watermelon. I want something, another." It's out of... Why, he'll do everything he can, to get that, because he knows that he wants his child born as perfect as it can be. See? And he'll do everything that he's able to do, to get it.
78How much more able-er is He, to get it! He's a Creator. Now think how able He is, to prepare us a body, to live like His Own glorious body, if we want to live. There is something in us, calls, to live. And there is something in us that calls to do right. Then God will call somebody on the platform, or the pulpit, that will preach the absolute Truth. Why? See? It shows you. Then, if you're a real child of God, you begin to cry out, "God, take it away from me. Circumcise me from this. Take these things away from me." Why? It's needed for your heavenly Home that you're going to, where He's gone on to prepare. You got to be a real Word Bride of Christ.
79 I was preaching a few nights ago on the sacrifice, in the days of the atonement. I was preaching on the only place that God, the only Church that God will meet a man in, and that's in, He said, the place that He put His Name. He said, "I won't meet them in any other place but the place, the gate that I put My Name in." Now, He don't meet you in the Methodist gate, Baptist gate, or Pentecostal gate, or any of them. But He put His Name in His Son. He said, "I came in My Father's Name."
Any man comes, and any child, comes in his father's name. He... I come in the name of a Branham, because my father was a Branham. And you come in your name because that was your father's name.
And Jesus, the Son, came in the Father's Name. And He said He put his Name, "In this gate that I put My Name in, that was the sacrifice." And in Jesus Christ is the only place that you'll ever find fellowship and worship to God.
You say, "Well, I belong to the church." That don't make one thing different. You've got to be in Christ.
A certain denominational minister, the other night, said to me, said, "Mr. Branham, look here. Jesus said, 'Whosoever believeth.' The Bible said, 'Whosoever believeth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, is born of the Spirit of God.'"
80 I said, "Don't the Bible also say, that, 'No man can call Jesus the Christ, only by the Holy Ghost'?" See? You can't make the Bible lie. It's got to hook right in.
So you have to become absolutely born again, of the Holy Spirit in you, that witness out, yourself, you know that He is the Son of God. And then if you are, and a part; if you are a child of God, in the Word of God; how can you deny the Word? How can the Holy Spirit make you believe a creed, that you have to do something like this, when the Bible said something else? "We have to join a church, and do this, or do that," when the Bible plainly tells you what to do? See? And then when you see That, and you jump right into It, you're right with It then. Just keep moving right on up, and just grows.
Like a--a--a germ coming into the womb of a woman with the egg. And then when that little egg begins to develop, and begin to bring forth germs, it don't put one human germ, and a dog germ, and a cow germ. It puts all human germ.
81 And when a child of God, when that predestinated... That's a bad word to use, but it's God. Here is God's Bible. The foreknowledge of God can predestinate, make everything work to His honor. When that predestinated seed, that you was to be, and God called you, and that little eagle of a seed in there heard the Word of God, it will build on top, one Word on top the other one, on top the other one, on top the other one. It'll not mix with any creed.
82Notice. "In these gates, every day, they should eat new kosher. And there would be no leaven found among them, through the seven days." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The seven church ages, then, no unleaven, no creed, no nothing added. It has to be absolutely unleaven bread. "No leaven shall be found among you, at all." Just a leaven, the Word Itself, that's the only. And that Word is God. And God was made flesh, in the Person of Jesus Christ, which, that is the Gate. "There is the Gate I meet you in, to worship, when you follow the commandments of God."
83 Therefore, if you've, tonight, just come, say, "I offer Jesus Christ my life," and you've never received the Holy Ghost; come into It. You must do it. You must grow into It. Ask God to pile Word on top of Word, like that, until you become the full stature of a son of God, or a daughter of God.
Taking the things of the world? First John says, "If you love the world, or the things of the world, it's because the love of God is not even in you." You've been deceived. You got the love of the world there, and it's deceived you, the Devil has, by piling things on to there, and showing. See? You can't... Well, then, you cannot take one Word of God out of the Bible.
What caused the first sin? Not by just a big point blank lie, but because Eve misconstrued, the Devil did to her, one Word. One Word, broke the chain, and refused to take one Word. That was the beginning of the Bible.
Jesus came in the center of the Bible. He said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." That's the entire Word of God. Do you believe That's the revelation of Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The entire Word of God.
Then, in Revelations 22, Jesus came to John, on the isle of Patmos. And Jesus, "I Jesus have sent My angel to testify of these things." See? "Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It, I'll take his part from the Book of Life."
84 Not just say, "Well, I--I believe Jesus Christ, Son of God." That's all right. Then add the rest of It to it. You say, "I been justified. I give my hand to the minister. I believe in Jesus Christ." Then you've got to be born-again. You must be filled with the Holy Ghost. See? Just keep adding on, as you keep on going. You're growing into the stature of a son and daughter of God. My!
God, able to prepare us, and to give to us that crave in our life, that we want to see something. How many in here wants more of God? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Why, it goes to show there is more for you. See? You're craving it. Your little birth pains are coming on. See? You need more, so that we can be happy, and free, and perfect. We got to be.
85 Like the--the little--the little germ of life being the... in the bosom of God, just like, and the germ of life is in the bo-... in the bosom of the mother. God is growing; and going, gone, to prepare the place for us, the Eternal place with Himself; not a place where there's a pesthouse, a dying, sin, adultery, and filth of the world here. If your mind is on that, it shows it never has come in contact with God. See? You're worked up. You got a mental illusion.
You just join church and say, "Well, I belong to this. My mother belonged to that." That might have been all right in your mother's day, but we're living in another day.
86Wesley's message would have never... He just couldn't take Luther. Luther believed in justification, but Wesley had sanctification. The Pentecostals come along, they couldn't take just justification, sanctification. They, it was time for the restoration of the gifts. Now we're going from that. See?
The three stages of the--the Vine coming up. The first, it's a little blade, Luther come up, from the reformation. All right. That was the stalk. Watch nature. God and nature works in continuity, because God is in nature. See? The next come, the tassel, the pollen, the Methodist age. Then come the Pentecostal, oh, my, just so perfect, see, just like a grain of wheat looks like it's perfect wheat, grain of wheat. Open it up, there's no wheat there, at all. It's a shuck, a carrier of It, but that Life is working on through. See?
87 Them back there in the Luther age accept Luther. That Life come through, but it went and denominated out. The first thing you know, just become a denominational whose end is to be burned. See? The stalk dries up; is just a carrier. Some of them still try to stay in that old carrier stalk, know nothing about God, dead. They say, "Well, look, we're a leaf. We was a Luther." That's right. But look where it's at now. See?
"We were a Methodist."
And even, "We were a Pentecostal." But look at Pentecost, how cold and formal it's getting, how everybody walking away. See? What is it? It was a carrier of the real Seed. See? All these others was carrier, but went denomination. If you say, "I'm Pentecost," that's don't mean no more to God than if you said you was a Roman Catholic or a Jew, or whatever you might be.
88You got to be born, that Life that come through that carrier there. Don't stay in the stalk. Don't stay in the seed. Go right on out to the perfect part.
89 Now, remember, and every reformation we've had, on all those Lutherans and so forth, in three years they organize. That's right. Every revival brought a organization in three years.
Think how long this been going on, twenty-something years, and no organization. Why? It's the Seed, coming, forming under the husk, like this. Laying out, now it's got to lay in the Presence of the Son, to ripen into the glorious grain like the One that went into the first. The real Church that went down, first, is coming right back up through the stalk, to come out, another Church, when the combine comes to pick It up. The Life that went down in Luther, the Life that went down in the Methodist, the Life that went down in the Pentecostal, will come into the grain. It'll all go right into the grain, and go out, forming the perfect Body of Jesus Christ.
90 Just like the sun comes up, of morn. You can't look at no nature 'less it testifies of God. You don't need even the Bible, to know there's a God. The little sun born, a little weak baby. About seven o'clock, goes, starts off to school. Ten or eleven o'clock, it's out. Twelve o'clock, it's in its strength. Three o'clock in the afternoon, it's getting old. Seven or eight, six... Five or six o'clock in the afternoon, she's getting stooped-shouldered. It dies. Is that the end of it? No. It resurrects again the next morning. The life, death, burial, resurrection!
91 Look at the leaves come on the trees. It comes up, a good, fine leaf; brings out shade; puts out its fruit. Next, first thing you know, autumn comes, strikes it, death; runs right down into the root, into the ground again. Is that the end of it? Next spring she comes right back again to testify. Oh! That's perpetual life.
But, brother, sister, we got Eternal Life. We've got Eternal Life through this great One Who came, has gone, is able to prepare us a body. And these growing pains we feel, like you women feel condemned of what you do, you men that hangs on to seminary doctrines, and so forth, you all want to say, "I--I recite this creed. I do this." But there's something right down in you, when you see the eyes of the blind opened; the deaf unders-... blind. All these things that's promised. See the Word preached in Its power. See a prostitute, off the street, made a lady. See a--see a drunkard come out of there, and be a real saint of God. My! See? There's something, Life in there. And you begin to feel, "Well, maybe I oughtn't to do that." But, see, what it is, it's something your body yonder is a needing. Come on! The... God's got the vitamins right in Here for every bit of that Body. Jesus has gone to prepare the place in the bosom of God; yes, sir, a little germ, son of God, little son or daughter of God.
92 Jesus only asked for one thing, in His prayer to the Father. You know what that was? One thing, after all of His sacrifice that He did here on earth, the life that He lived, the path that He walked. He asked for one thing, "That where I am, they may be also." He asked for our fellowship. That's the only thing He asked the Father in the prayer, your companionship forever. If you want to read this in Saint John 17, and 24th verse. Then how much should we desire Him? If He desire...
Now listen. If you really are born of the Spirit of God, that means everything to you. See? It ain't some book of rules. You don't live any laws and so forth. You live by the grace of God, the Spirit of God.
93 I've often said this. As a missionary, I'd be going overseas. What if I brought my wife in, my children, "Now looky here, children! Listen here, Mrs. Branham! I am your husband. Thou shall not have any other husbands while I'm gone. If you do, I'll skin you when I get back home"? Uh-huh. See?
Stomp my foot, "Children, hear what I say?"
"Yeah. Yes, papa. Yes papa."
"You let me hear of one transgression? See?" See? Now, wouldn't that be a home?
Now what if she say, "Now, you through, sir? Now I want to tell you something. Mr. Branham, I am your lawful wedded wife! Thou shall not have any other girl friends while you're gone, either"? Now, wouldn't that be a home? Now, that would be something.
We don't do that. I love her, and she loves me. When she knows I'm going, she knows I don't go 'less the Lord calls me to go. We get down on the floor, and get the children around. We pray. I said, "Dear God, take care of my little companion, my children." They say, "God, take care of daddy while we're gone, while he's gone." And then when we go over...
94 Now, what if I did do something wrong over there? What if I did transgress, do something wrong? And I come back and went to that poor little wife of mine, stood there and look at her face wrinkling, and her hair turning gray, I walked up and said, "Honey, I want to tell you something. You know I love you."
"Sure, Bill, I know you love me."
95"I tell you what I done. I took some girl home." I--I say, "Will you forgive me for it?" I believe she would. I really do. But would I do that? When I look, standing there, see them hairs turning gray, and know she has stood between me and the public, and I know what a real wife she has been, could I do that? I--I'd rather die than hurt her. I would.
And that, in phileo love to my wife, how much greater is my agapao love to God! Oh, I wouldn't do nothing to hurt Him. Certainly not. I--I love Him. I want to do everything that He--He wants me to do. I want to cope with every Word that He said, no matter what the world says. They, they ain't going to believe It, anyhow. I want to know what He said for me to do. And if I lack something, I want Him to give it to me. And live for Him, keeping ourselves from the world.
96 This old earthly body here has got to its... Let me tell you. This earthly body that you think so much of, that you pattern after Hollywood. You're so close to it. It won't be there much longer. You remember. You've heard the prophecy, see, that the Lord give me, "It's going under." Yes, sir. Notice. It will. You just watch. Now, It never told me nothing wrong, yet. I'll take that to anybody that wants to say. I don't know when or where, but she's done. Judgment hangs over it. There's no redemption for it; it's passed. See?
97 Now notice this. Live for Him, keeping ourselves from the world. Now look. You look on television, some of you sisters, and you go down here and you want, you young women. You're young. I know that. But you're Christians. See? You're different. You don't want to be like the world. You love the world. It's not only you young ones; some of you older ones. See? Well, what does that? See? You watch television, you go down to the store, you see these little old clothes that women wear, that's ungodly.
Do you know what's going to happen at the Day of Judgment? You might be just as virtuous to your husband as you can be, but in the Day of Judgment you're going to have to answer for committing adultery. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." Who is to blame? You. See? You presented yourself, them shorts and slacks.
Some women said to me, not long ago, said, "I don't wear shorts, Brother Branham. I thank the Lord for that. I wear slacks."
98I said, "That's worse." That's worse. That's right.
99 You can't even buy a dress, hardly, for a woman. She said, one woman said, "Well, you said the truth. 'You can't. You can't buy it.'" But they still sell goods and have sewing machines. See? So there's no excuse, at all. See? See?
It goes to show, sister. I'm your brother. And I'm a servant to Christ, that's got to answer at the Judgment Bar for what I say here tonight. See? You're going to stand, guilty of adultery, because that the love of God has leaked out of your heart. You still go to church. You might still dance in the Spirit. You might still speak with tongues. And them things are fine, but that's not It yet. No, sir.
100Remember, the Bible said, "In the last days there shall come false Christs," not false Jesuses. They wouldn't stand still for that. But, "false Christs," false anointed-ones. They're absolutely anointed with the Spirit, with the Holy Spirit, and still false. See? There's two...
101 There's three people of you. The outside is the body. You got five senses, that you contact your earthly home with that. The inside is a spirit. There's five senses there, love and conscience, and so forth, you contact. But the inside of that is the soul.
102Remember, "The rain falls on the just and the unjust." The same rain that'll make a grain of wheat grow makes a cocklebur grow too. See? What is it? At the inside of that seed is a nature, and that nature display, displays itself. It can stand in the same field, right there with the weed. The weed and the wheat stand together, rejoice just as much. Its head is down. It's starving for a drink. When a rain comes, the cocklebur can shout just as loud as the wheat can. "But by their fruits you shall know them." See?
103 Christians, I may never see you again. See, it's been years since I been here. May never see you again. Line up with God's Word. Look in the mirror.
Like a little boy one time, had been out in the country, never seen a mirror. He come to his--his auntie's house. He started walking up the steps. He seen a mirror, and he seen a little boy in the mirror. He kept walking up, looking. And--and he would wave, and the little boy would wave. And he kept looking. He never seen himself in a mirror. So when he got close enough to it, he turn around, said, "Why, Mama, that's me!"
104How do you look, in God's mirror? Does it reflect a daughter or a son of God? Is there something, which, you hear That, does it make you hate the man that's saying It? Or, is there something pull, say, "I know that man is right because that's in the Scripture"? Then, that's the vitamins needed for this body that's ordained to be there, a house that that other one is going to need when you get there. See? "This house; if we have borne an earthy."
105 Now remember, we think so much of this body. We put so many clothes on it. We do so many things, that, unnecessary, change after change after change, and all these things. And--and, oh, it's just everybody.
Just let somebody start something. You paint your steps red and watch the Joneses paint theirs red. You change from a Chevrolet to a Ford, and they just can't stand it. It's matching time. You let the... You let a woman come to church, certain kind of a hat on, watch all the women get that; especially the pastor's wife, see, just watch what happens. Now, that is true. That is the absolutely truth. It's matching time. Brother, it ought to be matching time. And all them--all them things is--is for a purpose.
I don't care whether my coat matches my trousers. And I have a hard time. My wife or my daughter-in-law, somebody have to tell me what kind of--of tie to wear with it. I--I don't care whether they match, though. I want my experience to match God's Word. That's the thing, 'cause that's where I aim to live; not down on the corner yonder with the Joneses, but yonder in Glory where Jesus is, gone to prepare us a place. Yes, we want that. Yes, sir. Keep from all this.
106 This old earthly tabernacle here, you know what it is? This body is like an old coat that you wear, a coat that you once wear. But now you have one so much better, you don't use it any more. What do you do? You hang it in the closet, for you've got one better. You've got a better coat. It's more up to date than the one you used to wear, that's worn out. What? It is that garment. You are the inside of that there. That garment only done what? It bore your image. See? But you don't need it any more now. You've hung it up. It's a rag.
And that's the way this old body is, you, it's bore the image of the heavenly. Yet, it is not you. You are on the inside of that body. You, the Spirit of God, is on the inside of that body. That's what makes the outside come into subjections, because the inside is pulling it, see, bringing it in line with the Word of God; your inside, you yourself, your being.
This body is just an old coat. And someday, what will you do with it, for you was--was only in the garment for a while? That is like the earthly garment; this body. Your--your real body, your real self, is on the inside of this old coat that you call William Branham, or Susie Jones, or whoever it is. See? Someday it will hang in the earth's hall of memory of you. You'll put it out yonder in the grave, and somebody will put a tombstone up, "Here lies Rev. So-and-so, or John So-and-so, or So-and-so." It'll lie there as a memorial of you. The people just seen you in this. And what you was, your real you, was on the inside of that. But the old coat, itself, just "borne the image of the Heavenly."
Oh, people, have you made reservations to change coats? Have you made reservations for Heaven? Remember, you must have reservations. You can't get in without them.
I'm talking to you in modern language now, that you know. If you go to the hotel, say, "Well, I had the..."
107 "Did you have reservations? Well, I'm sorry. Everything is filled up." You're out in the cold, because you failed to make reservations.
And if you come to the end of your life's journey, without reservations, there will be no One there to meet you. You'll have to step off into a dark Eternity where there will be screaming, and weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth. You must. You can't get into the City, you, because you haven't got reservation. You must have them, to enter the City, where Jesus has gone to prepare a place for you. Remember, you must have the reservations, and the garment of salvation, on. You cannot.
108 In Matthew, I got a Scripture here. I'm watching Scripture, Matthew, twenty-... 22:1 to 14. I haven't time to read it, because it's getting too late. I've spoke too long, to you. But remember, the king sent forth and made a supper. He killed all of his oxes, and--and fixed the fatlings and everything, had a great supper prepared. And he sent out, and he bid many to come.
One said, "Well, you know, after all, I belong to this." "And I got this." "I got to go with my farm." And one did many things. And he sent again, and they evilly mistreated them. And finally... That was the Jewish generation, Jesus was talking to. They had something else to do.
Then, finally, he sent in, "And say... Go. Just don't... Just compel them. Go into the streets and highways, and everywhere, and compel them to come in." And after that, determined that his house was... His wedding supper was going to be set. There's going to be guests there.
And then he found a man in there without the wedding garment on. He wanted to hold to the old coat. And look what he said. "Friend, after I have invited you to my wedding supper, and I invited you and give you an invitation to come!"
109 And if you ever was in the Orients, which I preached in there many time, that wedding supper is still carried on just the way it was. The bridegroom, that, all, he has so many guests that he's going to have. Probably, Brother Kopp, probably you've watched it there in India. See? They have so many guests that he's going to ask; say he's going to ask thirty guests.
Now, the bridegroom has to furnish the robes. He has to furnish them, therefore there's a man stands at the door. And you come up with your invitation. He examines your invitation and puts you on a garment, a robe. That, some of them are rich, and some of them are poor, and some of them are different, but they all look alike when they get these robes on. They all look alike.
And you have to all be alike. You ain't going to be, say, "I'm the Methodist over here. I'm the Presbyterian over here." Oh, no. You ain't going in, the first place. See?
You've got to come by the Door. Jesus said, "I am the Door to the sheepfold."
"I'm Pentecostal. I'm this. I'm that." That don't mean one thing.
You come by that Door. And if you come by that Door, you get the robe.
110 And this man, when he said, "How did you get in here, friend?" See?
It showed he come up some other way, and come in a window, come in the back way, but not through the door; not through the Door, the way that Jesus came, through self-sacrifice; giving your all to God, and walking to Calvary and be crucified with Him. And rise again, to wear His garment of sacrifice and death to the things of the world.
111"If you love the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you." See? If you still have the love of the world, want to act like the world, and do like the world; you're try... you're... Yet, you're in the church, but a cocklebur in the patch with the wheat; shout with the rest of them, rejoice with the rest of them. All the spiritual blessings is right upon you.
You say, "Well, I prophesy." So did Caiaphas. So did Balaam. That has nothing...
112 "I got the baptism, the Holy Spirit." That still has nothing to do with it. That's just only a temporal gift for you.
The real gift is your soul down in there, see, that was born of God, and that controls the whole thing to the Word of God and the will of God. And there you grow up, see, then you're a son and daughter of God. You're a child of God. And these things, as you come up... Like the mother, now you're in the bowels of the earth, trying to come forth. You're a son of God, coming forth, and you see the Word says, "I should do this. I should be born-again."
"Well, I belong to church." That don't mean one thing. See?
"I'm Methodist; my mother." That's good for your mother.
113"Well, my, I'm Pentecostal. I belong." That, if you don't line with that Word, there is something wrong. See? Then, you see, your real father ain't God. See? Because, that real start in your soul, before there even was a spirit, it was your soul. That soul didn't come from God, then it wasn't a germ of God, to begin. You're deceived. You're in a patch of weeds and bearing the world's record of the weeds coming forth. Acting like the world, loving the world, is because the love of God is not in you.
114 And now there'll be false anointed-ones in the last days, not false Jesus. They wouldn't stand for that. But, "false," anointed. They are anointed, yes, sir, but they're anti-Christ. They're anointed with the Spirit, to do the signs and wonders that Christ did, but won't line up with His Word. See?
"Many will come to Me, that Day, and say, 'Lord, have not I prophesied, and cast out devils, in Your Name?'"
He say, "Depart from Me, you that work iniquity. I never even knew you."
"I was Pentecostal, Lord. Glory to God! I shouted. I spoke with tongues. And I laid hands on the sick, and healed them, cast out devils."
"Depart from Me, you that work iniquity. I never knew you."
115 See what I mean? Oh, little children, do you feel the need of that vitamin tonight, that something? There's a body waiting yonder. There's a body waiting to be received. People, don't be deceived. Don't be deceived. The Devil is a deceiver. Even the--the wedding garment, you must wear It. It must be.
116Now we're at the evening time. The earthly body is now ready to be dissolved, and we're preparing to enter into the Heavenly. And we now feel the strange call, of God, to go to this great Eden. And before we can be born here, our little bodies cried for something that--that had to be provided, or we'd be an afflicted child here if we wasn't. God has no afflictions up there. They're, every one, perfectly lined up, the Bride just exactly like the Groom was, the Word manifested in Its season. God grant, tonight, children, each and every one of you! There is a Heaven to go to. There's a hell to stay away from.
117 Now, many of you know that the Lord has given me visions, thousands of those. The greatest thing... I used to fear death. About three years ago, you seen the Christian Business Men, a Past The Curtain Of Time. I realize I might not live through this night. I may never see you again in my life here, but this is true. I--I don't know whether I'd call this a vision, or what it was.
One morning, recently, I was... I had just woke up. I come in from meetings. And my wife was laying there, asleep. I said, "Honey, are you awake?" She was still sleeping. I know we had to get up, to get the children off to school.
And I put my hands back up, like this, and I said, "Well, say, Bill Branham, do you know you're past fifty? You, if you're going to do something for the Lord, you better hurry up, 'cause you ain't got too much more time." I thought, "My, I hope that I can live to see the Coming of the Lord Jesus."
I always had it in my mind, that--that when we died, I'd see, like, brother here. I'd say... "Yeah, you preached in my church, one night down on earth, Brother Branham." But, he--he's a spirit, I couldn't shake his hand, because his hand is out there in the grave, rotted away, see; mine, too. I used to kind of think that.
118 But that morning, when, I felt Something come over me. I thought... Usually, like a vision comes. And I looked, and I--I looked. I thought, "My! What is this?" And I looked, a great, green hills. And young women was coming from everywhere, by the tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands. And they were all coming, long hair hanging down their back, white robes on, barefooted, screaming, hollering, "Our brother!"
119I--I thought, "Now, this is strange." I turned back around and looked. And there I laid right there, and there was my wife, laying there on the bed. And I said, "Now, you know what? I died." I said, "That, that's what's happened. I--I've died." And I said, "I might have had a heart attack, or something. I've died. There lays my body." I was just laying there with my hands back, like that, just as stiff. I thought, "That's not twenty feet from me." And there I was, looking. I thought, "That's... There is my wife there. There, there is everything. There is my shirt hanging there on that bedpost there." And I thought, "Here I am."
120 I looked around again, and these women were all coming. And they were... I looked, coming this way, and there come my brothers. Oh! They're genuine. All of them looked to be young men. They were screaming, "Our precious brother!" Oh, I didn't know what to think.
121I thought, "This is strange." I looked back, and I wasn't an old man. I was young. I thought, "This is a strange thing." I thought, "Is this a vision?" I'd bite my finger. And I thought, "No. It ain't the kind of vision I've had."
122Then, there, Something begin to talk to me up here, and said, "You've entered in with your people."
I thought, "With my people? Are all these Branhams?"
123He said, "They're your converts to Christ." And these women...
You know I've always been considered, on account of they'd call me "woman-hater," but I'm not. See? Cause, I believe... I--I--I don't like immoral, indecent. I like real, genuine sisters of Christ. If that way, all right.
124 I had some scars when I was a kid. I know things that happened that's kind of turned me that way. But it--it was all God, making, molding me for this hour. See?
125I think a real, genuine sister, there's nothing any nicer. If God could give a man anything better than salvation, He'd give him a wife. See? And so, then, if He could give anything better, He would have done it. And then to see some of them turn and don't even act like a wife, unloyal to their marriage vows, and their husbands the same. You remember, you're bound as long as you live, to one another. "What God joins on earth, joined in Heaven also." See?
126 And so then I--I seen that. And these women run up and was throwing their arms around me, and hugging me, and call me, "Brother!" Now, they were women, but there can never be sin in that place. See? They were women. But, see, what made us now, a woman with a--a gland, a female gland, and a man with a male gland, it's for raising children. There it won't be. They'll all be one gland, but they'll still be in the form. The earthly image that they bore here will be there, but there'll never can be sin. You're all the same. There'll be no more children raised there. See? That's right. It'll all be that way. And so I looked, and these women.
127 And they picked me up. These brothers set me up on a place. I said, "Why'd you do this?"
He said, "In earth you was a leader." And said--and said, "You... These are the people."
128And there was some woman come up. She said, "Our precious brother." Most beautiful woman!
When she passed by, this Voice stopped, said, "Don't you remember her?"
I said, "No."
Said, "You led her to Christ when she was past ninety. See? Can't you see why she says 'precious brother'?"
I said, "Well, do--do you go..."
Said, "No. We're waiting here."
I said, "Well, if I've passed over, I want to see Jesus."
Said, "You can't see Him now. This is the Scripture, said, 'Souls under the altar.' He's just a little higher. Someday He will return. We're go back to earth. We don't eat or drink here."
129 I said, "You mean I was afraid of this? Why, this..."
There's no word to speak it, friends. "It's perfect," wouldn't--wouldn't touch it, "sublime." There's no English vocabulary that I know, no word at all, that could ever express what it is. It's beyond anything that I know. There he was. There was no sickness, no sorrow. You couldn't die. You couldn't sin. It was just perfect, just perfect. Friends, you mustn't, you mustn't miss it. Remember.
130And when I was a little boy, I saw a vision of hell, as a little boy. And you know how the ladies, today, or the women (lady wouldn't do a thing like that), paint their eyes like a wolf, or something like that, that blue stuff under their eye. I seen that. I was sinking. As a little boy, I had been shot, and I was laying, dying in a hospital. And I had always knowed there was God.
I remember the first prayer I ever tried to pray. The only thing I could say... I--I've never told this before. I just feel I'll tell it right now. I was shot, laying there, dying in a field. And the only plea that I could have to God, I said, "You know, Lord, I never did commit adultery." See? As a little, young boy about fifteen years old, I tried to live right. And I said, "I've lived clean." And that's all I could say. That's all the merit that I could offer Him.
131 And then laying there, then, when the doctor done walked away from me, and I felt myself sinking into a dark Eternity, and looked like. I holler for papa, "Oh, papa, help me." There was no papa there. "Mama, help me." There was no mama there. "God, help me." There was no God there. It was just the endless, horrible, oh, nightmare. Burning, blazing hell would be a pleasure, being up aside of that. And falling through there, I thought, "Oh, my!" Over and over, like this. I got into a place, smoke, and dark, and sick. And, oh, such a feeling! It was death on me.
I could see those women coming up to me, with them kind of painted eyes like that. Now remember, that's been forty-five years ago, about forty years ago, anyhow. Going, they was going, "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!"
I said, "Am I to be there forever?"
132I said, "O God, if You'll let me out of here, I--I--I'll never be ashamed of You again. I'll never be ashamed. God, please give me a chance."
The first thing you know, I felt myself coming back up. And the doctor was alarmed, 'cause my heart was only beating seventeen times to the minute. I done bled all my blood out and everything, was laying in my own blood. And I've wondered, someday that would happen?
133 About two years ago, when I moved to Tucson, I was with my wife down at J. C. Penney's. I was setting there like that, and with my head down, waiting. Cause, you know how, ladies, they shop a long time. And I was--I was setting there, my head down like this. And an escalator was coming up. And here come some of them women up, with them water-head haircuts, you know, like they do, like that. Coming up with them painted-looking eyes like that. And they were speaking Spanish. And that's that. It all (the vision) reoccurred again. There it was, "Oooh! Oooh!"
134Brother, sister, let me tell you something. It may seem funny now, but you once get there. It's a serious thing. Don't you never go that way.
135 Me, as an old man, a minister, I preached around the world, got millions of friends, but I know I've got to stand with you yonder. Get away from the things of the world. And if there is something in you, that you still want to act the way you act, if you do have the things of the world in you, remember, you're none of God's. You're just a church member, until that call; that deep, calling to the Deep. See?
136Like, before there was a fin on a fish's back, there had to be a water for him to swim in, first, or he'd never had a fin.
Before there was a--a tree to grow in the earth, there had to be an earth, or there would have been no tree to grow in it. There'd be no reason for the tree, and to make it coexist.
137 Before there is a creation, there has to be a Creator. "Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness." See? There is something in us. You raised your hand a while ago, "I want more of God." See? There is something needy.
And if you love the world, going that way, the things of the world, the world's travel you'll go, and in the fall you'll be. See? Come out. You're sons and daughters of a King, the King. Be lady and gentleman. Walk like Christians. Live like Christians. Act like Christians. Remember, I'll meet you at the Judgment Bar with these remarks. See?
138Look in your looking glass, tonight, and see. "Which way am I headed? Is Jesus preparing a place for me, a body? That body is perfect. That body walks orderly. It's a son or a daughter before God. And I'm birth pains in here, to be born into that body there. If I still love the world, it shows me that (I'm not) I have no body there. I'm just a church member. I wasn't the germ of God. I am not. He is not my Father."
139 He said, "If you cannot stand chastisement," that's what you're getting now, "then you're bastard children, and not the children of God." Isn't that right? [Congregation says, "Right."--Ed.] Does the Bible say that? ["Amen."]
If you cannot stand the chastisement of God, when you see the Scripture lining you up, and you say, "Oh, I don't want to hear that Stuff. I'm--I'm a Christian. I do a..." All right. Go ahead. See? It's one sure evidence that you're not a child of God.
But a real child of God is hungering and thirsting. Why? If there's something in your heart, telling you you want it, and it needs there, it shows there's something pulsating, trying to pull you there. There's a body there, that this one is a type of here. What are you using this one for, to glorify the Devil and the world, and fashions and things? Are you looking towards Heaven, there's something up there, you're glorifying God with your life?
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it wasn't so, I would have told you. And I'll go and prepare a place for you.
... and come again, to receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
140Things That Are To Be. These things that are now, are only potential, calling for the things that is to be.
Let us pray.
141 Think seriously. Will you, dear Christian friends? Think real seriously, just a moment. Let's just be real quiet just for a moment. Let the Holy Spirit speak.
Now, the Lord Jesus sent me to you Pentecostal people, long ago. Here is one of your boys that's come up to be your pastor, said, "Resulted from the ministry." He seen the Lord Jesus open the blinded eyes; "make," he said, "the waterheads shrink right up." I still have healing services. But I realize that I have prayed for many people that were very sick. They were healed. The Lord answered prayer, and healed the sick. But, you know, some of those people, were healed, has already died. And no matter how sick you are, if you're healed, you're going to die, anyhow.
But that soul, my precious brother, that soul, my precious sister, won't you think about it now? That's Eternal. If that love of God is not in there, there is nothing pulling, won't you ask God, "O God, start me over, new, tonight. I love You, Lord. I want to love You. And something in my heart tells me that I must live closer to You. I want to come, right now, Lord, and do that"? If that person or persons are in this building or out of this building, I ask you, as a servant of Christ, in the Name of Jesus Christ, will you just, with your head bowed, raise up your hand to God and say this much, "God, draw me nearer, nearer, dear God. I want to line with everything that You have in Your Word"? Raise your hands. Now just be real honest. Just think.
142 Now, they say, "Oh, I've done this. I, I've shouted, the Spirit. I've spoke in tongues. But, look, there is something lacking in my life. I look in the mirror of God's Word, I know there's something. I go to church, but I'm not what I should be." See? That shows that, something.
Now, if you can look at yourself and see that you're not lined up with God's Word, and there's nothing in there that'll cause you to raise your hand, then you know there's something wrong. You have. There's... Mother used to say, "You can't get blood from a turnip, because there's no blood in it." See? Think of it, real seriously. This might be your last opportunity. Thirty, forty hands has been up, this little group here, even to clergymen.
143 Just be real reverent just a moment. Now think real straight. "Dear God, I may be killed, tonight, in an accident. I may die in a heart attack. One of these mornings, I may call the doctor, and he come, and my pulse is beating up my sleeve; I'm gone. I'm pressing my cheek against the pillows, call, 'O God! O God! O God!'" See? That heart is making its last beat. You're coming to that great Door. You'll never come out unless you're born again of the Spirit of God. You'll never come out unless there's something in you, after you're born of the Spirit of God, hungering and thirsting to go on with God. It must be. See? You're a child in the earth, in the bowels of the earth, still waiting to be born into the Kingdom of God, where He's gone to prepare another body for you, that's a perfect body.
Now think real deep, and let's pray together.
144 Dear God, as I know that this is paged on the Book, the great Record! We have blundered into science, Lord, enough to wake us up, for realities to know that every move that we make goes around and around the world, the same time we make it. We've got that through television. We do realize, Father, that that television doesn't manufacture a picture, it only channels the--the vibrations into a tube that makes the picture. Even the color of clothes that we've got on, shows through the ether waves of the air, that vibration around the world. Then how is our sisters with them clothes on, acting like that, and not even hungering; painted faces, cut hair?
Ministers that would go to theology, some seminary, "And take the things of man's word, which makes, by their traditions, makes the commandments of God of no effect upon the people, by their traditions," saying they should belong to church, and that's all.
O God, do they realize that every word we say, scientifically proven, it's on a record? And it starts when we start living in this earth. It ends when we die, and it's put in God's album, to be played back again at the Judgment.
How are we going to escape it, the damnation of God, if the thing has been made so clear before us and yet we turn It down?
O dear God, these Words never die. They go on and on. The record will be played at the Day of the Judgment. You seen those hands that went up, Father. It'll be right there at the Day of Judgment. Also, what their heart was thinking, will be there at the Day of Judgment.
145 Now, Father, God, I ask You, as Your servant, I pray that You'll take all the iniquity away from Your people. Iniquity: something that we know we should do, and don't do it. David said, "If I conceive iniquity in my heart, God will not answer my prayers." I pray, God, that You'll take our iniquity, 'cause the Word is Your looking-glass that shows us of how short we are of being sons and daughters of the King. Father, I pray that You'll do it, tonight.
146And make that an altar, 'cause the altar is setting full of people. And make that altar, there in the chair where they're setting, make that heart of theirs the altar. May the world move off from every brother, sister in here. And may that little germ of Life, the gene of God that we just talked of, that attribute that came down from God, and has been manifested here to honor and glorify God. God, move the world from that.
147The others, I cannot pray, Lord, because "the sickness is unto death," and there's nothing there that causes them to move. But those who can move, and know that it's wrong, clean their hearts and their souls, tonight, Father. And may they be filled with Your Spirit, walk in Your Light.
148 Bless this dear, young, healthy, strong-looking pastor here, Lord. This young man, influenced, he said, by what he saw You do. This fine young man, O God, set his soul afire. Grant it, Lord. May he be a true shepherd, continually, all the time, to feed the flock which the Holy Spirit has made him overseer over. Grant it, Lord. May he not turn right or left, no way for no creed, no nothing else but the unadulterated Word of God come from his mouth, and That only. Bless him, God, him and his loved ones, and his little church here. Be with them all, Father.
149I commit this to You, Father. The Seed has been sown. May It fall upon that seed that was ordained to Life, and grow great, strong Christians for this assembly here, and other assemblies where they come from. Grant it, Lord. I commit it to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
And, Father, "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we were healed."
150 I seen moving through the door, a few moments ago, a poor nervous woman. And, O God, into her own family, what great things has been done, how You have manifested Yourself! I pray, God, for that woman. Take away all that back past, of life, Lord, and heal her tonight. Will You, Lord? Take her to You.
151See it, little children setting here, Lord, needing healing, others. I pray that You'll heal them, Father. Grant it. May Your great healing power come and heal us, both soul and body.
152 And now, to you now who are in the church here, or outside, that needs healing, I want you to raise up your hand, say, "I need healing, Brother Branham." Looks like everybody does. All right. Will you believe me to be a servant of Christ? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, I want you to lay your hands over on one another. Just lay your hands over on each other. You raised your hands, that's inside or out, you raise your hands, that you were believers in God.
Jesus Christ said, His last commission to the Church, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth... He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. He that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; in My Name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; if they take up serpents or drink deadly things, it won't harm them; but, and if they'll lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now, Jesus said that. Remember, He said that. That has to be. He wouldn't have said that 'less there's going to be somebody could catch that Word.
152a Just like the womb of Mary could catch the germ, "A virgin shall conceive." Like a palm tree could be created, an oak tree on a hill, His Word did it.
His Word can catch into your heart right now. "I am a believer, Lord. This man or woman I got my hands on, they're suffering. I'm not praying for myself. Because, they're praying for me. I'm praying for her, or for him. And, O God, heal him, heal her. And I am a believer, and now we're assembled. We've just been taught that we were with Christ when He walked on earth, for we are part of His Word. We suffered with Him. We bled with Him. We died with Him. We was buried with Him. We are risen with Him, and we're setting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. The great King setting here in our midst, and I am a son or a daughter of this King. And I have my hand laid on a son or a daughter of the King, that's praying for me, and I'm praying for them. Now, Lord, answer my prayer, and heal this son of God or this daughter of God."
Together, let's pray now for one another.
153 Lord Jesus, we humbly come, confessing our wrongs. We come, confessing that we are worthy of sickness and death, and sorrow, but we are accepting Your propitiation for our sins and our sickness. And, tonight, these sons and daughters of God, setting here, hear the correction of the Word, and raising their hands, and wanting a closer walk. They laying hands on one another now because they believe Your Word to be true. They believe that we're now risen with Christ, setting in Heavenly places with Him. They got their hands on one another, praying one for another.
You said, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and God shall raise him up; and if he's did any sin, it shall be forgiven him. Confessing your faults one to another, pray one for the other, that you might be healed. For the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much." O Eternal God, hear the prayer of Your servants.
And now, it's written again, "If the people, that's called by My Name, shall assemble themselves together, and pray; then I'll hear from Heaven." O God, hear the prayer of Your children tonight, from Heaven. Send down the Holy Ghost upon this audience, like a rushing mighty wind. And we bring these people before God.
154 Satan, you are defeated. You are a defeated being. Jesus Christ conquered you at Calvary. You have no power. You're a bluff. We're calling your hand, tonight. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of this people here, you sickness and diseases. And may they go, free, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
155Hallelujah! Feel the glory of God! Feel your prayer answered. You believe God answered the person setting by you? How many believe it? Raise up your hands. [Congregation rejoices--Ed.] There you are. Oh, wonderful!
I love Him, I...
With your hands up now, sing it to Him, with all your heart.
Because He first loved...
Do you mean it, with all your heart now?
156 How many of you feel that God has forgiven your iniquities, the things that you've done? "And from this night on, O Lamb of God, I promise to walk upright. I'll walk in honor of the Name that I'm called, a Christian, Christ-like life. I'll raise my hands, God. I dedicate myself anew to You, tonight. I'll walk in the Light." Amen.
We'll walk in the Light, beautiful Light,
Come where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;
Shine all around us, by day and by night,
Jesus, the Light of the world.
We'll walk in the Light, It's such a beautiful Light,
It comes where the dewdrops...
Where He's gone to prepare a place for us.
Shine all around us, by day and by night,
Jesus, the Light of the world.
Come, all ye saints of Light proclaim,
Jesus, the Light of the world;
Truth and mercy in His Name,
Jesus, the Light of the world.
What will we do then?
We'll walk in the Light, such a beautiful Light,
Comes where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;
Shine all around us, by day and by night,
Jesus, the Light of the world.
Oh, don't you feel all scoured out, feel good? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, my! Let's shake hands, as we sing again.
We'll walk in the Light, such a beautiful Light,
Comes where... (God bless you, brother.)... of mercy are bright;
Shine all around us, by day and by night,
Jesus, the Light of the world.
Let's just close our eyes and hum it. [Brother Branham and congregation begin to hum Jesus, The Light Of The World--Ed.] We'll act like children. We are children.
Oh, it's such a beautiful Light,
And It comes where the dewdrop of mercy are bright;
Oh, shine all around us, by day and by night,
Jesus, the Light of the world.
Don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calva-...
Just close your eyes and sing it. Worship in the Spirit.
Saviour Divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
Take all my sins away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly Thine!
While life's dark maze I tread,
And grief around me spread,
Oh, be Thou my Guide;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow's fears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
157Oh, my! I know I'm just an old-fashion guy. I like... I think that's got all the new, chopped-up, fandangle, rock-and-roll impersonations beat, a million miles. Them old poets that wrote them songs, the Holy Spirit touched that pen, begin to write. Oh, my! Think of Eddie Perronet and all them; great! Fanny Crosby:
Pass me not, O gentle Saviour,
Hear my humble cry.
158 One time they was trying to get her. She didn't--she didn't do like the Pentecostal Elvis Presley, sell her birthrights for a mess of Cadillacs. She... Come to her and wanted her to write--write worldly songs. She said, "I would not do it, for nothing."
Said, "Why, you're blind. When you get to Heaven, how will you know Him?"
She turned around, inspiration, so she said:
I shall know Him, I shall know Him,
And redeemed by His side I shall stand;
I shall know Him, I shall know (How?)
By the prints of the nails in His...
Otherwise, "If I don't see Him, I'll feel His hand."
I shall know Him, I shall know Him,
And redeemed by His side I shall stand;
I shall know Him, I shall know Him
By the print of the nails in His hand.
159Don't it make you love Him? Gone to prepare a place for us! "And if I go and prepare a place, I will return again, to receive you unto Myself."
160 Little children in travail now, re-obey the commandments of God. And pastor, here, if none of you has been baptized, the water will be ready. And--and membership for the church, or whatever you want to do, or whatever, you do it. You haven't got the baptism, the Holy Ghost, this is the night to receive It. Don't you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
161"Oh," you say, "Brother Branham, it's late. You done preached too long."
Paul preached all night, one night, this same kind of Message. And a little... A young man fell off of the wall and killed himself. And Paul, so anointed with that same kind of Message, laid his body upon him, and the life come back into him again. He is still "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever."
Don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Let's just, once more, with our hands up, "I love Him. I love Him."
Where's the pianist? There, if you will, sister, ever who it is. Give us the little chord, if you will.
How many love Him? Just raise your hand. Say, "I really love Him. I just love Him, with--with all my heart. I love Him."
162 Now let's just sing it, to the glory of God. Now, with our eyes closed, our hands up to Heaven, "I love Him. I love Him." We'll worship Him. When you preach, and cut, and tear, and pull like that, this is the balm that God pours in, just heals. "There's a Balm in Gilead, for the soul." Let's sing it now. Give us the chord.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
163And if... "This will all men know that you're My disciples, when you have love, one for the other." That's right. If we can't love one another who we do see, how we going to love God Who we can't see?
I love Him.
164[Brother Branham speaks to a brother on the platform--Ed.] God bless you. [The brother says, "Being here tonight is a real honor from Heaven."] Thank you, brother. ["It's really nice."] Now, I think the church, every one, was strengthened. Don't you? ["Yes. Really."] God bless you, Brother Boone. I'll turn the congregation to you. God bless you.