Novodobé udalosti vysvetlené pomocou proroctva



Môžete byť akokoľvek úprimní, ale až kým nebudeme vedieť čo robíme, udierate na prázdno. Poďte naspäť do Slova Božieho a narovnajte sa, a potom choďte; potom viete. Ako vojak, nevie čo má robiť, až kým nedostane rozkaz, aby to urobil. My musíme byť kresťanskí vojaci a musíme prijímať nariadenia z Biblie teraz na túto hodinu, nie rozkaz na včera, nie rozkaz na predvčerom, ale rozkaz na dnes, že ktorou cestou ideme. Musíme rozpoznať hodinu, v ktorej žijeme.”

Všimnite si. Je veľa ľudí, ktorí tomu nedokážu veriť, dokonca ľudia naplnení Duchom. Poviem vám niečo, čo vás zarazí. Krst Duchom Svätým neznamená, že tam vojdete., Vôbec nie, nie na základe toho, to nemá nič spoločného s vašou dušou. To je krst. Vidíte? A tu je tá vnútorná duša, tu vo vnútri, ktorá musí pochádzať od Boha. Ale potom vonku máte päť zmyslov, a päť výstupov a vstupov, aby ste sa kontaktovali so svojím zemským domovom. Vo vnútri máte ducha, a tam máte päť východov: svedomie, lásku a tak ďalej, päť východov do toho ducha. Pamätajte, v tomto duchu môžete byť pokrstení skutočný Božím Duchom a stále byť zatratení. To je duša, ktorá žije; ktorá bola ustanovená od Boha.

1Skloňme hlavy. Drahý nebeský Otče, ďakujeme ti dnes večer, že odpovedáš na naše modlitby. Táto biedna, drahá žena tam leží, lebo operácia sa nepodarila. Ale ó Bože, spomíname na tú prvú operáciu, ktorá bola prevedená tu na zemi; Ty sám si ju previedol. Vybral si rebro z Adamovho boku, zavrel si tú ranu, a urobil si mu ženu. Ó Otče, prosím dnes večer, aby teraz prišla dole tvoja ruka a aby vykonala túto veľkú vec, za ktorú prosíme. A za tieto ďalšie, Pane. Táto žena je duševne chorá. A všetkých, ktorí majú prosby, porúčame s celého srdca tebe, Otče. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Je to skutočne privilégium, že tu dnes večer môžem byť, a že tu mám takýchto milých poslucháčov, na ktorých sa môžem dívať, a pekný spev, veľmi milá skupina ... Keď som tu videl stáť tých chlapcov, slušne oblečených, slušne ostrihaných, rozmýšľal som, aký je to rozdiel. Minulý večer, tam kde som ubytovaný, prišla skupina chuligánov a chceli v bazéne utopiť nejakého chlapca. Museli niekoho volať, aby ich z tade vyhnali. Aký je to rozdiel, keď vidím deti, ako stoja a spievajú piesne evanjelia, aký je to rozdiel.

2Rozmýšľam o tom, ako to povedal brat Henry: "Tí muži majú také vlasy, aké by mali mať ženy." Vidíte? To je pravda. Vyzerajú ako ... Vídavam takých chlapcov, s takými vlasmi, ešte si ich aj natáčajú. A neviem ... Niekedy som z toho znechutený. Vyzerá, že toto je naozaj čas prevrátenosti. Muži sa snažia nosiť ženské oblečenie a ženy mužské. A muži si nechávajú rásť vlasy ako ženy, a ženy nosia vlasy ako muži. Čo sa to deje s týmito ľuďmi? Či sa už tá skutočná slušnosť a úcta vytratila z tohoto národa a od týchto ľudí, z tohoto sveta?

3Je to strašný čas, ale čo sa týka kázania evanjelia, je to najnádhernejší čas na svete. Keby som sa mohol postaviť na začiatku času, prv ako začal existovať svet, a Otec by sa na mňa pozrel a povedal: "V ktorom čase, cez všetky tie veky, by si chcel kázať?" Vybral by som si práve tento čas, práve teraz, tesne pred Jeho príchodom.

4Ako sa dívam tu do obecenstva, sedí tu pred nami ... Jeden môj priateľ, kazateľ z Tucsonu, včera ... išiel na koni ... (Mám na mysli tohoto muža s tou - túto ženu s tou platničkou.) Ten kôň ho zhodil. A iný človek mi zavolal dnes ráno o jednej do hotelu, a povedal: "Ten človek je v nemocnici Veterán, má sklenený pohľad, chrbát má rozmliaždený, narazené obličky a srdce mu sotva bije." A kľakol som si tam na kolená, mal som ho na druhej strane telefónu a modlil som sa za neho. A dnes večer tu sedí. Sedí rovno tu. To bolo včera večer. Bob, mohol by si sa postaviť a ... Boh odpovedá na modlitby, ráno, večer, v noci cez deň, stále.

5No, ja som taký kazateľ s dlhým dychom, ako to hovoria. Nerád začínam večer o takomto čase, a myslel som, že tu len prejdem. Raz večer sme hovorili tu neďaleko na jednom mieste a po pätnástych minútach, tí ľudia začali zbierať taniere a kývali na mňa: "Konči. Buď už ticho, už ste mali z tadeto odísť." A fajčili a robili si žarty. To nebola chyba toho banketu, to boli tí ľudia, od ktorých sme to mali prenajaté. A predsedova žena tam prišla a povedala manažérovi ...

6- No, o pol desiatej ste to tu už mali uvolniť.

7 - Nemali ste to v zmluve.

8Táto pani dnes večer, ona sem prišla (milá dáma) a povedala: "Rozumieme, že to chcete. Môžete tu byť tak dlho, ako len chcete." Tak to bolo veľmi milé. A tak som za to veľmi vďačný. To je veľmi pekné.

9Brat Henry, naozaj si cením tvoju láskavosť, že si ma pozval na toto zhromaždenie.

10Minulý večer som mal to privilégium, že som mohol byť tu dole v Zboroch Božích, myslím, že je tam pastor brat Boone. Prežili sme tam pekné chvíle s tou skupinou ľudí. A zajtra večer pôjdeme niekde tu; neviem kde, to je iné zhromaždenie. Oni to zariaďujú; ja sa len modlím, čítam a idem ďalej, a to je skoro všetko čo stačím.

11Ale teraz, v tomto dni vidíme zvláštne veci. No, pamätám sa keď som tu bol posledne, mali sme stanové zhromaždenie. Spomínal som to minulý večer, ako nejaký manželia doniesli svoje mŕtve dieťa. Je to niekde tu hore, cestovali celý deň a noc. Tá matka tam sedela smutná a držala v náručí svoje dieťa. No, možno že tu práve teraz sedí, pokiaľ viem. A ona ... jej muž ... Boli s nimi ešte nejakí manželia a oni boli ... A ona povedala ... pýtali sa ma (ten muž), či by som neprišiel ku autu. Zobral som to dieťa a držal som tú malú, mŕtvu, stuhnutú, studenú formu. Začal som sa modliť. Keď som sa modlil, bolo cítiť, akoby sa to telíčko začalo zohrievať. A tak som len ... ďalej som sa modlil. Začalo kopať a hýbať sa, bolo čoraz lepšie, začalo plakať. Dal som ho naspäť matke. Vrátila sa s ním domov. Možno neboli ani kresťania, pokiaľ viem. Vidíte? Bolo to ohromné.

12Ale to, o čom dnes rozmýšľam je cirkev, o ktorej viem, že tiež zomiera, sú to naši letniční ľudia. Musíme sa tohoto striasť, to je všetko. A jediný spôsob ako to urobíme, je modlitba a dopasovanie sa do Božieho Slova. To je jediný spôsob, ako to môžeme urobiť. To je jediný spôsob, ako sa z toho dostať. On je cesta. Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Či by sme chceli, aby sa naša cirkev dostala do takého stavu, ako v Anglicku, ako on povedal? Preto som taký tvrdý, ako si to myslíte, a kričím na vás. Nemám to v úmysle, ale nechcem vidieť odchádzať cirkev do takého stavu. Vy tiež nechcete byť v takom stave. Musíte to predsa zatĺcť tak silno, aby ste to pribili a zahli. Tak sa to musí urobiť.

13A tak teraz, dnes večer tu mám niektoré miesta Písma a texty, o ktorých chcem chvíľu hovoriť. Neidem hovoriť, ako dlho to bude trvať. Ste unavení ... Možno to preberiem za tridsať minút, to záleží len na ... Vždy to rád nechám na Ducha Svätého, nech to On vedie, ako chce.

14Skloňme ešte na chvíľu hlavy a hovorme ku Autorovi, prv ako otvoríme jeho Knihu.

15Všemohúci Bože, Autor tejto Knihy, modlíme sa skrze Ježiša Krista. Sme vďační za to, čo sme už dnes večer počuli. Keby sme mali potvrdiť toto zhromaždenie svojím "Amen" a ísť domov, bolo nám tu dobre, lebo vieme, že Ty si bol s nami. A Otče, keď otvárame toto Slovo, hovor teraz ku nám priamo z tohoto Slova, aby sme mohli poznať hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Keď budeme poznať hodinu v ktorej žijeme, potom sa na tú hodinu môžeme pripraviť. Ale ak slepo do nej vojdeme, a nebudeme vedieť čo, alebo kde, potom nebudeme vedieť ako sa pripraviť. A tak, Otče, prosíme, aby si nám tam dal vidieť archu a otvorené dvere, a Posolstvo, ktoré nás volá dovnútra. Daj nám to skrze meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.

16Chcem tu čítať text zo Svätého Písma, ktorý nájdeme v Evanjeliu sv. Lukáša v 24. kapitole. Začnem od 13. verša a prečítam časť z toho.

A hľa, dvaja z nich išli toho istého dňa do mestečka, vzdialeného šesťdesiat honov od Jeruzalema, ktoré sa menuje Emaus.

A tí sa zhovárali medi sebou o všetkom tom, čo sa to udialo.

A stalo sa v tom, keď sa tak zhovárali a spolu sa navzájom dopytovali, že i sám Ježiš sa priblížil a išiel s nimi.

Ale ich oči boli držané, aby ho nepoznali.

A povedal im: Aké sú to veci, o ktorých idúc rozjímate medzi sebou a ste smutní?

A jeden z nich, ktorému bolo meno Kleofáš, odpovedal a riekol mu: Či ty jediný pohostíniš v Jeruzaleme, ktorý si nezvedel, čo sa v ňom stalo po tieto dni?

A on im povedal: A čože? A oni mu povedali: Čo sa stalo s Ježišom Nazarejským, ktorý bol muž prorok, mocný v skutku i v slove pred Bohom a pred všetkým ľudom,

a jako ho vydali najvyšší kňazi a naše kniežatá, aby bol odsúdený na smrť, a ukrižovali ho.

A my sme sa nadejali, že on je ten, ktorý ide vykúpiť Izraela. No, tomu všetkému je toto už tretí deň, ako sa to stalo.

Ale i z nás niektoré ženy, ktoré boli za svitu pri hrobe, naplnili nás úžasom,

ktoré nenajdúc jeho tela prišli a hovorili, že aj videnie anjelov videli, ktorí vraj hovoria, že žije.

Potom odišli niektorí z našich k hrobu a našli všetko tak, ako aj tie ženy povedali, ale jeho nevideli.

A on im povedal: Ó, nezmyselní a spozdilí srdcom veriť všetkému tomu, čo hovorili proroci!

Či to azda nemusel trpieť Kristus a tak vojsť do svojej slávy?

A započnúc od Mojžiša a od všetkých prorokov vykladal im, čo kde vo všetkých písmach je napísané o ňom.

Nech Pán pridá svoje požehnania ku čítaniu jeho Slova.

17No, ak by som tejto téme mal dať názov, chcel by som to nazvať takto: Novodobé udalosti sú vysvetlené pomocou proroctva. To bol stále Boží - nemeniaci sa Boh stále takto postupoval, že predpovedal - dal svojmu ľudu dopredu poznať, prv ako sa udiali určité udalosti.

18Keby ľudia vo dňoch Pána Ježiša boli skutočne hľadali Boha, a keby vedeli čo sa má práve stať, neboli by odsúdili Ježiša na smrť. Ale to bolo preto, že Písma sa museli vyplniť; pretože Židia museli byť zaslepení. Všetci sme si toho vedomí.

19A uvedomujete si, že to je znovu zasľúbené, práve na tento vek, v ktorom žijeme? Laodicejský cirkevný vek, tento siedmy cirkevný vek, v ktorom sme teraz, je nahý, mizerný, slepý, a nevie o tom. Tak isto, ako On vtedy zaslepil ich, aby priniesol svoje posolstvo vyvoleným ľuďom, On zasľúbil, že dnes urobí to isté.

20A keď to mám tak povedať tým váženým a všetkým mojim bratom a sestrám v Kristovi - V jednom z týchto dní niekto povie: "Či nie je napísané, že prv sa malo stať toto?"

21A bude to tak isto, ako vtedy: "Amen vám hovorím, on už prišiel a urobili mu to čo chceli."

22Keď sa Ho opýtali a povedali: "Prečo učení v Písme hovoria, a Písma hovoria, že prv musí prísť Eliáš." Oni to povedali Ježišovi.

23On povedal: "On už prišiel a vy ste ho nepoznali." Vidíte? A takto sa to možno znovu skončí.

24No, chceme byť pozorní, aby sme vedeli, čo sa má stať v tomto veku, v ktorom žijeme. Boh rozvrhol svoje Slovo do každého veku, toľko a toľko do každého veku, a my si musíme všimnúť, že z jedného veku sa to nemôže preniesť do druhého veku. To nebude fungovať. Napríklad, ako som hovoril, asi minulý večer, alebo ... Stále to hovorím, každý večer, na každom mieste a niekedy to poviem aj dvakrát. Nechcem sa opakovať. Ale hovorím toto: Aký by to malo význam, keby sa Mojžiš snažil kázal Noeho posolstvo? Alebo čo z toho, keby sa Ježiš snažil kázať Mojžišove posolstvo? Alebo čo z toho, keby Martin Luther ďalej kázal posolstvo katolíkov? Čo z toho, keby Wesley ďalej kázal Lutherove posolstvo? Čo z toho, keby letničný ďalej kázali posolstvo metodistov? Alebo čo z toho, keby sa ďalej kázalo posolstvo letničných, keď je vyvolaná Nevesta? Vidíte? Sme rovno v čase semena, sme tu v čase konca. No, ak nepadne pšeničné zrno do zeme, zostane ono samotné.

25Ako ten kritik ... Hovorím to odvtedy, ako vyšla tá kniha. Možno, že ju tu máte vo vašom meste, od toho nemeckého autora, ktorý napísal jeden z najkritickejších článkov ... To je neveriaci človek. Samozrejme, že ne ... Neodsudzujem ho za to, že on tak odsudzuje mňa, ale preto že je neveriaci, tá kniha by nikdy nemala byť na poličkách. A on povedal: "Taký Boh, ktorý mohol sedieť, a ktorý hovorí, že otvoril Červené more a vyslobodil svoj ľud, a potom sedí so založenými rukami a díva sa počas Temných Vekov na tých kresťanov, ktorí boli levmi trhaní na kusy, na tie matky, ktorým namáčali vlasy do smoly, a vešali ich na kríže, a zapaľovali; a ich deti ... Tehotným ženám rozrezávali bruchá, pretože sa stavili aké bude pohlavie toho dieťaťa ... a sedel si a dovolil to. A to boli ľudia, ktorí boli údajne sluhovia tohoto Boha."

26Vidíte, Písmo je inšpirované. Nikdy nebudete môcť poznať Písmo, len skrze to, že si sadnete a budete ho čítať z teologického pohľadu, z pohľadu vzdelania. To nikdy nefungovalo.

27Pred nedávnom som sa rozprával s baptistickým kazateľom, on povedal: "Až kým sa nenaučíme správne po Grécky, až kým ..."

28Povedal som: "Na Nicejskom koncile, pred ním, sa hádali ohľadne Gréckych slov v Biblii." Nikdy to nebudete poznať.

29Biblia má byť zjavená skrze inšpiráciu. To je jediný spôsob, zjavenie. Ježiš povedal Petrovi: "Na tejto skale ..." Táto skala zjavenia, zjavuje kto On je. "Požehnaný si Šimon, syn Jonášov, telo a krv ti toto nezjavili, ale môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti toto zjavil; na tejto skale postavím svoju cirkev." Nie na Petrovi, nie na Sebe samom, ale na duchovnom zjavení, kto On je, a On je Slovo. Ev. Jána 1: "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Židom 13:8, "On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky."

31Tak teda my žijeme v dni, keď manifestácia Božieho Slova musí prísť do inakšieho veku než bol letničný vek. Je to tak. Pamätajte, budete ... Ja nie som vzdelaný človek; ale nemôžete zaprieť prírodu, pretože Boh pracuje v spojitosti s prírodou. Ako som už povedal, slnko vychádza a zapadá; a prechádza cez deň, a ako v školskom veku a večer zomiera, aby nasledujúce ráno znovu vstalo. Stromy v zime spúšťajú svoju šťavu dole do koreňov, a na jar znovu prichádza naspäť.

32Všimnite si, On prirovnal nevestu ku pšeničnému zrnu, preto Boh musel nechať, aby sa to tak dialo. Tá dobrá, skutočná, opravdová cirkev, ktorá bola založená v deň letníc, rástla a rástla od letníc do veľkej cirkvi, v dobe temna musela padnúť do zeme a musela byť pochovaná, tak ako sa to robí s každým semenom. Musela zomrieť aby v reformácii mohla znovu vyrásť. Reformácia vystupuje v osobe Martina Luthera. A od tade, práve tak ako vyrastá pšeničná stopka. To prvé čo vychádza sú dve maličké steblá, potom stále pribúda viac stebiel. Povstal Martin Luther, a potom Zwingli, a ďalej Kalvín, a ako išli ďalej.

33Nakoniec to prichádza do klasu. No, to bol Ján Wesley, vo veku Wesleya. To už malo znovu peľ.

34Z toho prišiel letniční vek, také blízke, skoro ako skutočné pšeničné zrno, keď to porovnáte so stopkou. Ale keď zoberiete tú pšenicu a odhrniete to, nie je v tom žiadne zrno; to je len šupka v tvare zrna. Ale je tam na to, aby chránila zrno až kým ... Keby v takom stave na to dopadlo slnko, zabilo by to.

35To tam musí byť až do určitého času, potom všetok ten život opúšťa tú šupku (tak ako opustil stopku, ako opustil peľ), opúšťa šupku a ide do pšenice, a formuje sa znovu, tak ako bola tá, ktorá padla do zeme.

36No, všetci vieme, že kedykoľvek, keď je prinesené nejaké posolstvo, za tri roky z toho povstáva organizácia. Keď to robia, v tej chvíli to zabíja ten život, tak to urobili v čase Luthera, tak sa to stalo vo dňoch Wesleya; tak sa to stalo vo dňoch Alexandra Cambella, a pri všetkých ostatných; a tak sa to stalo vo dňoch letničných. Presne. Vidíte? Dostanete sa na miesto, kde sa každý stáva taký naškrobený, a dostáva sa mimo, a nemôžu prijať nové zjavenie. Usadili sa a tam sedia, a tam zomierajú. A ten život hneď cez to prechádza a ide rovno ďalej, aby vytvoril pšenicu. A keď sa ukazuje tá pšenica, ten život, ktorý putoval cez tú pšenicu, to vzkriesenie, ono prináša celú tú vec. Privádza to do vytrhnutia.

37No, pamätajte, toto posolstvo začalo najprv od Božského uzdravovania, od činenia divov. No, keby Boh nechal aby sa to dialo skrze obyčajnú cirkev, ako sme to už mali, potom by to nebol Boh. Boh nemusí robiť divadlo. On nemusí robiť tieto veci, aby nás zabával, ako sme my Američania na to zvyknutí (na zábavu), ale On to robí, aby upútal pozornosť ľudí, že má v úmysle niečo urobiť.

38Pozrite sa na Neho samého, keď On prišiel. - Ohromný prorok, Rabbi, prorok z Galilei. - Aha, Jeho služba bola ohromná, v každej cirkvi bol vítaný.

39Ale jedného dňa si sadol a povedal: "Ja a Otec sme jedno."

40 - Ó. Preč s tým človekom.- To bolo priveľa.

41 - Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť jeho krv, nemáte v sebe život.

42 - Aha, veď on je vampír. Preč od takého človeka. Vidíte?

43 Vidíte, za tým znakom muselo niečo nasledovať. Vidíte? Za tým niečo nasledovalo.

44 Tá šupka to držala, ale teraz sa tá šupka odťahuje; musí. A pamätajte, prešlo dvadsať rokov a nepovstali z toho žiadne denominácie, a nepovstanú. Sme na konci denominácií. Pšenica naberá formu. Ale čo sa deje teraz s pšenicou? Vy nemôžete ... Musí ležať v prítomnosti Syna, aby dozrela, prv ako ju kombajn pozbiera.

45 No, udalosti, ktoré vidíme ako sa dejú, to všetko je presne ukázané v Biblii, každý vek. My si myslíme, že sme pomimo diania Božieho, ale nie sme; všetko ide presne podľa Božieho Slova.

46 No, Biblia sa líši od každej inej svätej knihy. Nieto taká kniha ako je Biblia, pretože Biblia, to je Boh vo forme Slova. Vidíte? To je ... Slovo, to je vyjadrená myšlienka. V nej je vyjadrené Božie myslenie, Jeho Slovo skrze prorokov; a oni napísali Bibliu, a ona je vo forme slova. A Ježiš to nazval Semeno. A každé semeno bude rodiť svoj druh, ak sa nachádza v správnych podmienkach, alebo v správnej atmosfére. No, táto kniha ... Táto kniha proroctva, Ona predpovedá budúce udalosti. Táto kniha obsahuje úplné zjavenie Ježiša Krista. Nemôžete ku tomu nič pridať, ani z toho nič odobrať, a každé zjavenie musí s tým súhlasiť. Vidíte? To musí byť Slovo.

47 Tak ľudia hovoria: "Ja mám zjavenie." Áno, vieme, že Joseph Smith a mnohí iní mali zjavenia a všetko možné, ale to nebolo zhodné so Slovom.

48 To musí prísť podľa Slova, ak to pochádza od Boha, pretože to má potvrdiť, alebo dokázať Božiu prítomnosť. A On predzvedel všetky tieto veci, lebo je ... Skrze svoje predvedenie určil, predurčil (tak je to nazvané v Biblii) predurčil každý vek na jeho miesto, a každého človeka na jeho miesto, a každého posla na jeho miesto. On je Boh. Diabol s ničím na Neho nemôže. On je Boh, a On určil, aby sa všetko stalo, a to sa deje presne podľa jeho Slova.

49 A tak, ak môžeme vidieť, pomocou Jeho Slova, v akom veku a v akom čase žijeme, budete to vidieť rovno tu v Biblii, čo sa týka tohoto veku, čo máme - čo sa má stať v tomto čase.

50 No, tie ostatné knihy, nachádzame veľa kníh, ktoré ľudia nazývajú "svätými knihami", alebo podobne. Čítal som Korán a mnohé iné. Ale, vidíte, ich sväté knihy sú len kódexom etiky, alebo morálky alebo teológie.

51 Ale táto Kniha je Prorok; Ona je inakšia od všetkých iných. Biblia je Slovo Božie, ktoré predpovedá budúcnosť. Ona predpovedá pretože dopredu varuje.

52 Ak Boh čokoľvek posiela, On hovorí a zasľúbil v Biblii, žť nič na zemi, ak to prv nezjaví Svojím sluhom prorokom. To je v Ámosovi 3:7. On ... A Boh nemôže klamať. On to zjavuje. To je jeho spôsob, ako to robil vo všetkých vekoch. On to nikdy nezabudol urobiť.

53 No, je nám zasľúbené, že v týchto posledných dňoch má byť toto prinavrátené. Nebude to žiadna cirkev, žiadna denominácia, ani metodisti, ani baptisti, ani presbyteriáni, ani letniční, oni nikdy vo svojom modernom stave nedovedú túto cirkev do Nevesty. Oni to nedokážu, odpadávajú. Dajú príliš jeden na druhého a svet sa vplazil dovnútra a tak ďalej a zomreli rovno na svojej ceste. A tak Boh o tom vie.

54 A niekto, aby zjavil toto Slovo, povie: "Dobre, ja toto mám. Chvála Bohu. To je takto." Je to presne tak, ako to bolo, keď prišiel prvý krát Ježiš. Každý mal nejakú náuku, každý mal toto. To musí byť niečo, čo nám bude poslané od Boha. A Boh to zasľúbil. A jediný spôsob, ako to On urobí je ten, že sa bude držať toho istého vzoru. On zasľúbil, že v týchto posledných dňoch nám pošle na zem proroka, podľa Malachiáša 4, ktorý obráti srdcia ľudí naspäť - srdcia detí, znovu naspäť ku apoštolským otcom. On to zasľúbil vo svojom Slove. V Lukášovi 17 a na mnohých ďalších miestach, kde to On zasľúbil, že On ... čo On bude robiť v týchto posledných dňoch, aby toto doviedol do potvrdeného Slova.

55 Vidíte, človek môže povedať čokoľvek, ale ak Boh nevykladá to Slovo ... Vidíte, no, my máme svoj vlastný výklad. My hovoríme, že to znamená toto. A ohľadne tohoto, metodisti hovoria toto, baptisti hovoria toto, letniční hovoria toto, jednotári hovoria toto, vyznávači dvojice hovoria toto. A och joj, tu to máte. Ale Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. On si je sám vykladačom. On si vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo tým, že Ho potvrdzuje v tom veku, do ktorého bolo určené, vo veku, do ktorého je dané.

56 Nežijeme v letničnom veku; žijeme v inom veku. Vidíte? Nežijeme v metodistickom veku; žijeme v inom veku. Žijeme tu hore vo veku Nevesty, vo vyvolávaní z cirkvi a v zhromažďovaní sa spolu na vytrhnutie. To je vek, v ktorom teraz žijeme. Podľa mojej najlepšej mienky je to úplná pravda.

57 A táto Kniha je knihou proroctva. Tým, ktorí jej veria je prikázané, aby si ju vážili, aby ju čítali, a verili jej Autorovi, že každé slovo, ktoré je v nej napísané sa musí stať. Všetko čo bolo zasľúbené sa musí stať, pretože to je Ježiš Kristus v každom veku. Ten istý včera ... To bol Ježiš Kristus v Noachovi, to bol Ježiš Kristus v Mojžišovi, to bol Ježiš Kristus v Dávidovi, to bol Ježiš Kristus v Jozefovi, to je Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A to je Ježiš Kristus dnes medzi svojím ľudom, ktorý robí veci, ktoré zasľúbil, že ich v tomto veku bude robiť. To je Ježiš Kristus.

58 Ale cirkev sa stala taká naškrobená, tak veľmi sa vzdialila, ako to tu povedal ten brat. A naše cirkvi sa stávajú také isté, až musíme mať niečo, čo by nás zatriaslo naspäť do Slova. Ako vieme, že to sa stane? To musí prísť podľa Božieho, vlastného plánu. To nemôže prísť cez laika, nepríde to cez biznismenov, nemôže to prísť cez cirkvi. Boh urobil svoj plán.

59 Hovoril som tu nedávno v Shreveporte, bolo to vysielané rozhlasom po celom národe, to: "Snažiť sa slúžiť Bohu bez toho, žeby to bola Božia vôľa." Dávid sa snažil priniesť truhlu Božiu naspäť do domu. On bol pomazaný kráľ. Aha, poradil sa so svojimi delegátmi, svojimi veliteľmi nad tisícami a desať tisícami, a tak ďalej. A oni všetci povedali: "To je Slovo Pánove." A poradil sa s kňazom: "To bolo ohromné." A všetci boli takí inšpirovaní, vykrikovali, a robili všetky nábožné veci, ktoré boli. A bolo to úplne nezhodné s vôľou Božou, pretože v kraji bol prorok, nazýval sa Nátan a s ním sa vôbec o tom neporadili. Vidíte? A videli sme, že sa im to nepodarilo, hoci sa úprimne snažili slúžiť Bohu.

60 A môžete byť akokoľvek úprimní, ale až kým nebudeme vedieť čo robíme, udierate na prázdno. Poďte naspäť do Slova Božieho a narovnajte sa, a potom choďte; potom viete. Ako vojak, nevie čo má robiť, až kým nedostane rozkaz, aby to urobil. My musíme byť kresťanskí vojaci a musíme prijímať nariadenia z Biblie teraz na túto hodinu, nie rozkaz na včera, nie rozkaz na predvčerom, ale rozkaz na dnes, že ktorou cestou ideme. Musíme rozpoznať hodinu, v ktorej žijeme.

61 A tieto novodobé udalosti prebiehajú okolo nás príliš rýchlo, a jedného dňa zistíme, že sme zostali zanechaní a nič nemáme, a budeme chytení, zapečatení do znamenia šelmy, prv ako si to uvedomíme.

62 No, a s trpezlivosťou musíme na toto čakať, pretože tie proroctvá, ktoré sú zasľúbené, každé jedno z nich, sa musí vo svojom čase vyplniť. Lebo ona nám predpovedá, Autor predpovedal, prv ako sa toto stalo, a my čakáme, aby sme Ho videli, ako to znovu robí. Čo je to za čas, v ktorom žijeme, niečo ako kalendár, dívate sa do kalendára, aby ste zistili v akom dni roka žijete. A dívate sa do Božej Biblii, aby sme videli v akom veku žijeme. Nežijeme vo veku metodistov, ani vo veku baptistov. Žijeme vo veku Nevesty, v čase vyvolania, prinavrátenia naspäť ku Bohu cez kanál, ktorý On zasľúbil, aby to v ňom prinavrátil. On zasľúbil, že to urobí.

63 Ale ako to bolo v každom veku, ľudia nechajú určitým osobám dávať tomu svoj vlastný teologický výklad, a nebudú veriť tomu, čo Boh nadprirodzene potvrdil. To je Boží výklad. Nie to čo ja poviem, nie čo povie niekto iný. Ale to čo Boh zasľúbil a čo Boh robí, to dokazuje, že Boh podáva svoj vlastný výklad svojho Slova.

64 Vám letničným hovorili, pred štyridsiatymi piatymi, alebo pred päťdesiatymi rokmi ... Vaše matky a otcovia, keď oni boli ozajstní letniční, vyšli z organizácie a prekliali takú vec a vyšli z nej. A potom tak, ako sa pes vracia ku svojmu vývratku, znovu vošli rovno do toho, urobili to isté, čo zabilo tú cirkev, a vy ste skrze to isté zabili svoju vlastnú. Nemám nič proti ľuďom, ktorí sú tam, nič proti tomu, to je ten systém, ktorý to robí.

65 Doma budem ... idem domov ... Nekážem to na zhromaždení u iných. Pripravujem sa, že budem kázať na tému Hadia cesta, a vypočujte si to, keď dostanete tie pásky.

66 A všimnite si, oni prehliadli to potvrdenie, že proroctvá Božieho Slova sa vyplnili. Keby títo kňazi ... Oni to mali tak zafixované, presne ako má Mesiáš prísť; oni vedeli, čo sa má stať. Farizeovia mali svoju predstavu, sadúceovia, herodiáni a ó, oni mali svoje predstavy. Ale On prišiel, nie ... On prišiel celkom inak, ako si to oni všetci predstavovali, ale presne podľa Slova. Ježiš povedal, že to isté bolo tu: "Keby ste poznali mňa, poznali by ste môj deň. Keby ste boli poznali, boli by ste ... Vy hovoríte: No, Mojžiš ... My máme Mojžiša. No, keby ste verili Mojžišovi, verili by ste mne; pretože on písal o mne."

67 Ale, vidíte, keď Boh potvrdzoval presne to, čo zasľúbil, oni už mali o tom nejakú veľkolepú predstavu, ako má Ježiš prísť a ... Chcem povedať Mesiáš ... Ako má Mesiáš prísť rovno do ich skupiny, inak to nebude Mesiáš. No, dnes je to skoro tak isto. "Ak sa nedívaš cez moje okuliare, tak nič nevidíš." Vidíte? A tak je to presne tak. Je to pravda. Neradi to pripustíme, ale je to úplná pravda.

68 V liste Židom 1:1, Boh za dávna mnoho ráz písal Bibliu svojím vlastný vybraným spôsobom. On ju nikdy nepísal pomocou teológov, ani ju nevykladal pomocou teológov. Nikdy to tak nebolo, žeby teológovia mali výklad Božieho Slova. Výklad prichádza jedine ku prorokovi. A jediný spôsob, ako sa budeme môcť kedy dostať z tohoto zamiešania je, že nám Boh pošle toho proroka. Presne tak, jedine tak sa to stane. Oni tomu verili, očakávali na to, a keď sa to vyplnilo ...

69 Vidíte? To nenapísal človek, to napísal Boh. To nie je kniha nejakého človeka. To nie je teologická kniha. To je Božia kniha, a to je kniha proroctva, písaná skrze prorokov a vykladaná skrze prorokov. Biblia povedala: "Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokom." Presne tak.

70 Ako krásne to bolo ilustrované, či demonštrované, keď Ježiš prišiel na zem, a Ján bol v tom čase prorok, a on prorokoval. Oni hovorili: "Ó, ty chceš povedať, že Boh porúca tu tieto naše veľké spoločenstvá a všetko toto? A že príde čas, že v našich chrámoch sa už viac nebude uctievať Boha?"

71 On povedal: "Ide čas, keď si Boh urobí obeť z Baránka Božieho, z človeka." A on povedal, že ho bude poznať, keď príde. A povedal, že si je tak istý svojím posolstvom. Povedal: "On stojí práve teraz medzi vami a vy ho nepoznáte. On je práve teraz medzi vami a vy o tom neviete."

72 Jedného dňa, keď Ježiš išiel okolo, Ján sa pozrel a uvidel nad ním znak. Povedal: "Ajhľa, Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta." V tej istej minúte Ježiš vedel, že bol potvrdený pred ľuďmi. No, On bol Slovo. Či o tom pochybujeme? Biblia hovorí, že On je Slovo: "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." A tu ho máme ... Tu je Slovo na zemi (Pozrite, dokonale.) prichádza rovno do vody ku prorokovi.

73 Je to tak. Slovo stále prichádza ku svojmu prorokovi. Tak nemôžeme očakávať, že príde ku teológom. Nemôžeme očakávať, že príde do denominácií. Ono musí prísť Božím kanálom, o ktorom nám On dopredu povedal, a to je tá jediná cesta, po ktorej bude Ono vždy prichádzať. Ľudia to budú nenávidieť, budú tým pohŕdať, odmietať to. Keď ono príde, bude to odhodené nabok a všetko možné, ale Boh to jednako bude robiť. Bolo to odmietnuté v Ježišovi Kristovi; bolo to odmietnuté v Jánovi; bolo to odmietnuté pri Jeremiášovi; bolo to odmietnuté pri Mojžišovi. Stále je to tak. Ale Boh ďalej postupuje takýmto spôsobom, ako zasľúbil, že to bude robiť. Tak veru. On to stále robí tak isto.

74 Človek, ktorý mával videnia, alebo počul Jeho hlas, nikdy tomu poriadne nerozumel. V mnohých prípadoch nevedel, pretože on je len Boží nástroj. To sú Božie myšlienky, vyjadrené ústami človeka. Pretože slovo je vyjadrená myšlienka. Boh urobil svoj vlastný výber, pomocou svojho predurčeného výberu. On to urobil v každom veku. On určil ľudí do každého veku. Ako v prípade Mojžiša, keď on mal vyplniť to, čo On povedal Abrahámovi ... Mojžiš sa narodil ako dieťa, ktoré bolo na to určené, on za to nemohol že bol taký. On sa tak narodil, pretože on sa narodil za tým účelom.

75 A vidíme, že Boh to tak robí v každom veku. Boh robí svoj vlastný výber, pomocou svojho vlastného predurčeného výberu, vyberá svojich prorokov a všetko na daný vek. Určuje jeho povahu, povahu toho človeka, jeho štýl kázania, aby bol uctený ten dar, a všetko čo On robí je nato, aby to splnilo to, čo je vyžadované na ten deň. Boh stvára takého človeka a posiela ho. A v Jeho vlastnej mysli, ako som o tom kázal minulý večer, sme zárodkom Božieho génu. On vedel, že v tom veku tam bude ten človek, ešte skôr ako existovala nejaká molekula, alebo svetlo, alebo čokoľvek na zemi.

76 Lebo vy ste génom svojho otca, a boli ste vo svojom otcovi, hoci váš otec nemal s vami obecenstvo, pretože on ... Vy ste tam boli, ale ste to nevedeli, ani on to nevedel, ale ste sa zamanifestovali, aby ste mohli - aby on mohol mať s vami obecenstvo. A vy ste sa znovuzrodili, narodili ste sa z večného života. A je len jedna forma večného života, a to je Boží život, Zoe. To Grécke slovo je Zoe, jediná forma večného života.

77 Potom ak ste synom Božím, alebo dcérou Božou, po celý čas ste boli v Bohu. Ale On poznal do akej pôdy, a v ktorom čase ste mali byť zasiati. A tak teraz ste sa stali stvorením, synom Božím, zamanifestovaným synom, alebo dcérou Božou, aby ste splnili požiadavky tejto hodiny, aby ste potvrdili pravého a živého Boha tejto hodiny, posolstvo, ktoré vychádza v tomto čase. Presne tak. To sa stalo tam pred založením sveta. Ak nie ... Ak ste neboli takto vybraní, nezáleží na tom ako veľmi sa to snažíte napodobňovať, nikdy to nedosiahnete. Ako môžete získať z repy krv, keď v nej žiadna krv nie je?

78 Preto sa snažím hovoriť o ... Ľudia si myslia, že kričíme na ženy, že majú krátke vlasy, a pretože hovorím o tých veciach, ľudia mi hovoria: "Zruinuješ svoju službu." Zruinovať službu, ktorú sám Boh ustanovil? To je nemožné. Keď ľudia počujú Slovo Božie ... Keď je počaté dieťa v lone matky, keď tam prichádza tá jedna bunka, a na ňu sa stavia ďalšia bunka. To nie je jedna bunka človeka, ďalšia psa, a ďalšia mačky a ďalšia niečoho iného. To je úplne, čistá, ľudská bytosť. A keď sa človek narodil z Ducha Božieho, on nevnáša nič do svojho života. To je čisté Božie Slovo potvrdené na tú hodinu. On prijíma plné Slovo Božie; nekladie do toho žiadne vyznania, ani nič iné. To je čisté nekrížené Slovo Božie, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo medzi nami.

79 Pozrite sa do Biblii, vidíte kde, v akom veku potom žijeme, keď vidíte že sa zamanifestovali tieto veľké veci. Keď to Boh zasľúbil robiť, On to stále robí. Na konci každého veku, keď cirkev prichádza ku otočnému miestu, a odvracia sa od Slova naspäť do hriechu a do svetských vecí ... Svetské veci, to je hriech. Biblia hovorí: "Ak milujete svet, alebo veci toho sveta, nie je vo vás láska Božia."

80 Minulí večer som hovoril o obeti, ktorá bola obetovaná. O Baránkovi. To malo byť sedem dní, a to reprezentuje sedem cirkevných vekov. Medzi ľuďmi sa nemal nachádzať žiadny kvas, žiadny kvas za sedem dní. To znamená, že s tým nie je nič zmiešané, to je nekvasené, stále. A my sa nechceme miešať so žiadnym vyznaním, so žiadnym kvasom ani s ničím. Nechceme byť zmiešaní so svetom. To musí byť nekvasený chlieb Boží, Slovo Božie, nefalšované Slovo Božie, a ním: "Človek bude žiť, každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích."

81 Naše denominačné systémy a rozdiely a všetko, položili do nás kvas, a toto a tamto a svet a módu. A, och, je toho toľko, že takmer všade je Hollywood. Nakoniec to dôjde do toho, že to bude tak ako v Anglicku, a výzva ku oltáru bude hanbou. Och! Ako povedal brat: "Ako môžete chytiť do takého člnu rybu?" Je to tak?

82 Musíme mať Evanjelium kázané v jeho plnosti, s mocou Božou, ktorá to potvrdí, podľa zasľúbenia na tento vek a dokáže, že to je presne Božia vôľa. Pomimo toho ste len člen cirkvi, nezáleží na tom ako veľmi sa snažíte, snažíte sa slúžiť Bohu. Môžete chodiť na kurzy šitia, môžete byť tak verní svojej cirkvi; ale ak ten gén večného života nebol vo vás predurčený, aby si bol synom alebo dcérou Božou, narastie z vás len niečo zdeformované; ale nikdy to nebude skutočný, opravdový syn, alebo dcéra Božia.

83 Často hovorím taký príbeh o malom orlovi. Ako jeden farmár raz nasadil sliepku, a mal ... Dúfam že to pre vás neznie ako svätokrádež. Ale jeden farmár nasadil sliepku a tá bola ... chýbalo mu jedno vajce do hniezda na nasadenie. Pochybujem že niekto z vás tu vie, čo sú to vajcia na nasadenie, z koľkých sa to skladá. Ale aj tak, chýbalo mu jedno vajce, nemal ich dosť. A tak vybral orlie hniezdo, ona tam mala dve vajcia. A on podložil to vajce pod sliepku.

84 A keď sa ten orol vyliahol medzi všetkými tými kurencami, bol to smiešny vták. Nemohol rozumieť kvokanie tej sliepky, nehovorila tak, ako jeho ... ako ju on chcel počuť hovoriť. A ona hrabala na dvore a jedla zo dvora, to nebola pre neho potrava. Sliepka kvokala a on tomu nerozumel. Tak jedného dňa jeho mami, alebo mama pre vás. Ja ... My na juhu hovoríme mami.

85 Tak, akokoľvek, on ... jeho mama vedela, že mala dve vajcia, a bolo tam len jedno, a ona hľadala to druhé. Krúžila všade ... polietala celú krajinu a nakoniec letela ponad ten dvor. Videla ho tam ako ide za tou starou sliepkou. Zakričala: "Mladý! Ty nie si kura, ty si orol!" To mu znelo úplne správne. Prečo? On bol predovšetkým orol.

86A keď nejaký muž alebo žena sedí pod nejakým vyznaním a studeným, formálnym náboženstvom, ak je určený za syna Božieho a vidí Slovo Božie kázané v Jeho moci, a Boh to potvrdzuje; on je v prvom rade orol, on bude ku tomu bežať s takou istotou, ako dva krát dva sú štyri. On si nemôže pomôcť, pretože jeho vlastná povaha miluje Slovo Božie. Nestarám sa o to čo ktokoľvek hovorí, keď on vidí zamanifestované Slovo Božie, on letí ku tomu, pretože on je malý orol.

87 A keď sa ďalej rozprávali, on povedal: "Mama, ako sa z tadeto dostanem tam hore?"

88 A on povedal: "Len vyskoč, ja ťa chytím."

89 A to jediné čo musíte urobiť, je jeden skok na nohy, jeden skok ku Bohu, jeden sľub: "Pane Ježišu, verím ti z celého svojho srdca. Verím Posolstvu na túto hodinu. Vidím to potvrdené. A viem, že je to pravda." Skoč na svoje nohy, mama ťa chytí. Neboj sa, ty si orol, ona tam bude, aby ťa hneď chytila.

90 No, uvedomujeme si, že žijeme v strašnom čase a tiež vo veľkolepom čase, ale keď tí, ktorí opravdu veria tejto Biblii, keď to uvideli potvrdené, samotné to potvrdenie toho je dôkazom, že je v tom Boh. Bezpochyby. Potom to znamená, že to zasľúbené Slovo, ktoré Boh zasľúbil, je známe. Semeno vypučilo, a oni to vidia a veria tomu. Ostatní to jednoducho nemôžu vidieť, a tiež tam budú sedieť a dívať sa na to.

91 Viete, kázal som dosť tvrdo po celej krajine, a tak by už nemali v nej byť ženy s krátkymi vlasmi. Ale stále keď sa vrátim je ich viacej. Čo sa to deje? Niečo nie je v poriadku. Viete, že Slovo to hovorí. Vy hovoríte: "Dobre, na tom vôbec nezáleží." Ale na tom záleží.

92 Raz mi povedal jeden milý brat: " Brat Branham, položím na teba ruky. Ja ťa milujem. Ty ruinuješ svoju službu. To nie je tvoja starosť, aby si hovoril ženám o tom. Nech im to povedia ich pastori."

93 Povedal som: "Lenže oni to nerobia."

94 On povedal: "Dobre, ale to nie je tvoja starosť, ty sa len modli za chorých."

95 Povedal som: "Čia je to potom starosť? Bol som povolaný, aby som kázal evanjelium."

96 Povedal mi: "Položím na teba ruky a poprosím Boha, aby to potom zobral preč od teba."

97 Povedal som: "Ak mi dovolíš, aby som ja tiež položil na teba ruky." Vidíte? A povedal som: "Budem sa modliť, aby ti Boh otvoril oči a aby si to videl." Áno, je to tak.

98 On povedal: "Ty máš kázať ... Ľudia veria, že si sluha, prorok Boží. Máš učiť tie ženy, ako prijať veľké dary a prorokovať a iné veci."

99 Povedal som: "Ako ich môžem učiť algebru, keď nechcú veriť ani abecede?" Je to tak! A tak to nemôžete robiť. To je skoro v každom ... Je to tak. Ak nemôžete robiť tie bežné veci, ako budete robiť tie duchovné? Tie prirodzené veci. Samozrejme! Brat, sestra, môže to znieť ako žart, ale to je evanjelium! To je pravda evanjelia. Je to tak!

100 Všimnite si. Dnes vidíme, že ľudia ... Je veľa ľudí, ktorí tomu nedokážu veriť, dokonca ľudia naplnení Duchom. Poviem vám niečo, čo vás zarazí. Krst Duchom Svätým neznamená, že tam vojdete., Vôbec nie, nie na základe toho, to nemá nič spoločného s vašou dušou. To je krst. Vidíte? A tu je tá vnútorná duša, tu vo vnútri, ktorá musí pochádzať od Boha. Ale potom vonku máte päť zmyslov, a päť výstupov a vstupov, aby ste sa kontaktovali so svojím zemským domovom. Vo vnútri máte ducha, a tam máte päť východov: svedomie, lásku a tak ďalej, päť východov do toho ducha. Pamätajte, v tomto duchu môžete byť pokrstení skutočný Božím Duchom a stále byť zatratení. To je duša, ktorá žije; ktorá bola ustanovená od Boha.

101 Či nepovedal Ježiš? "Mnohí prídu ku mne v ten deň a povedia: "Pane, či som nevyháňal démonov, či som nerobil veľa mocných skutkov, či som neprorokoval a nemal veľké Božie dary?" On povedal: "Odstúpte odo mňa činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal. Mnohí prídu v ten deň."

102 Či Kajfáš neprorokoval? On bol diabol. Vidíme tam ... A tí kňazi, tí veľkí ľudia, ktorí mali byť veľkými vodcami v tých dňoch, s pokorou a so všetkým, ale prehliadli samo Slovo Božie, ktoré sa pred nimi zamanifestovalo.

103 Mohli by sme ich zobrať celú radu, zapísal som si ich tu. Ako to bolo s Balámom? On bol ... Vy hovoríte: "Boh mení svoju myseľ." On nemení svoju myseľ!

104 Keď tam Balám vystúpil ako prorok, a išiel tam, biskup, kazateľ, akokoľvek ho chcete nazvať, bol z neho veľký človek. Ale keď sa radil Boha ohľadne toho či tam má ísť a prekliať Izrael; on ich v podstate nemal rád, a tak žiadal o to, aby tam mohol ísť. Boh povedal: "Nechoď!"

105 Potom oni poslali ku nemu hodnostárov, možno nejakých ... možno biskupov, alebo presbyterov, alebo niekoho, povedali ... vzdelanejších, aby ho presvedčili. On sa znovu išiel pýtať Boha. Nemusíte sa pýtať Boha druhý krát! Keď to Boh povedal prvý krát, to platí! Nemusíte čakať nič iné.

106 Rebeka nečakala na druhý príkaz. Oni sa jej opýtali - Pôjdeš?

107 - Nech ona povie.

108 Ona povedal: "Pôjdem!" Ona bola mocne inšpirovaná od Boha. Ona sa stala jednou z Biblických kráľovien, aby postupovala podľa pulzu Svätého Ducha, ktorý na ňu vanul, aby prijala to, čo bolo absolutnou pravdou, a ona tomu verila.

109 No vidíme, že Balám, on samozrejme, on nemohol vidieť. On tam vyšiel a pozeral sa na tých ľudí, povedal: "Počkajte chvíľku! My sme tu veľkí, významní ľudia, vy ste len rozmetaná skupina." Vidíte? "A my všetci veríme v toho istého Boha."

110 To je pravda. Oni všetci verili v toho istého Boha, a oni všetci uctievali Jehovu. Pozrite sa na Balámovu obeť: sedem oltárov, dokonalé Božie číslo; sedem cirkví. Vidíte? Sedem baranov, to hovorí o Pánovom príchode. Fundamentálne, on bol práve tak fundamentálny, ako Mojžiš, ale vidíte, tam nebolo Božské potvrdenie. Podľa toho, oni obidvaja boli proroci.

111 Ale v Mojžišovej službe, tam bol nadprirodzený Ohnivý Stĺp, Svetlo, ktoré viselo nad táborom. Bolo tam Božské uzdravovanie, tam v tábore bol kráľovský pokrik, veľké znaky, Božské uzdravovanie, a zázraky, a diali sa medzi nimi rôzne veci. To bol znak živého Boha medzi svojim ľudom.

112 Fundamentálne, oni obidvaja boli v poriadku. A Balám sa snažil presvedčiť tých ľudí, a očaroval ich, aby do toho vstúpili. Kedy? Tesne pred tým, ako ony dosiahli Zasľúbenú Zem. Za deň alebo za dva by boli v Zasľúbenej Zemi.

113 Ale teraz sa obávam ... Toto je tvrdá poznámka, v jednom z týchto dní budem za to zastrelený. Ale pamätajte toto, že cirkvi budú očarované Ekumenickou Radou; on vás vedie rovno do toho a hovorí: "Vy ste tá istá skupina." Nie ste tá istá skupina! Vyjdite z pomedzi toho a oddeľte sa! Skutočne, to je pravda. Máme sa držať preč od toho, pokiaľ možno čím ďalej.

114 Balám povedal: "My sme ... dovoľme nech sa naše deti spolu ženia a vydávajú, pretože, koniec koncov, veríme v toho istého Boha."

115 "Ako môžu ísť dvaja spolu, ak by sa nezhodli?" Ako vy môžete ísť s Bohom, ak by ste sa nezhodovali s jeho Slovom? Ako môžete ku tomu pridávať vyznania a všetko možné, keď ste určení na to, aby ste to nerobili, alebo je prikázané, aby ste to nerobili? Nemôžete to robiť. V žiadnom prípade to nemôžeš robiť, brat, sestra. Nemôžeš miešať ten kvas s tým nekvaseným. Olej s vodou sa nezmieša. Temnosť so svetlom, sa nezmieša. Svetlo je také plné moci, že ono proste vystrčí von temnosť.

116 A tak to nemôžeme spolu miešať. A tak isto nemôžete miešať spolu hriech tohoto sveta. Nemôžete spolu miešať cirkev a denomináciu. Nemôžete spolu miešať cirkev a vyznanie. Nemôžete spolu miešať svet a evanjelium. To sa nezmieša. "Vyjdite z pomedzi nich a oddeľte sa, povedal Pán, a Ja vás prijmem. Budete mi za synov a za dcéry a Ja vám budem Bohom." Nemôžeme to urobiť, až kým sa nezamanifestujú tieto veci, a Slovo Božie na túto hodinu bude potvrdené, že je pravdou. Kráčajte v tých šľapajách.

117 Letniční, kvôli tomuto stratil Luther svoje posolstvo. Takto Wesley stratil svoje posolstvo. Vidíte? Keby Wesleyova cirkev išla ďalej, boli by z nich letniční. Keby Lutheráni išli ďalej, boli by z nich metodisti. Vidíte? A teraz, keby letniční išli ďalej, boli by Nevestou. Ak tam zostanete visieť a idete naspäť do sveta, ako to teraz robíte, budete stratení! Budete len šupkou a stopkou, ktorá má byť spálená. Viete o tom? On zhromaždí svoju pšenicu do sýpky. Ale plevy bude páliť neuhasiteľným ohňom, hoci ona bola nositeľom. Ona to skutočne niesla, ale ten život ju opustil, len čo sa z nej stal list, on vyšiel aby utvoril niečo ďalšie, až kým neprišiel do svojej plnej postavy.

118 A tak cirkev prejde cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým (prinavrátenie darov), rovno do dozretej Kristovej podoby. Kristus je ženích, cirkev je nevesta, a nevesta je časťou ženícha. To bude musieť byť cirkev Slova, nie denominačná cirkev. To bude cirkev Slova, Slova, ktoré sa dalo poznať a - skrze potvrdené Slovo Božie.

119 Balám, on v tom nemohol vidieť žiadny rozdiel. Veľa ľudí to nemôže vidieť.

120 Faraón to nemohol vidieť, hoci to bolo potvrdené rovno pred ním.

121 Dátan to nemohol vidieť. Dátan tam vyšiel a videl Mojžiša a poznal ho. On tam vyšiel a povedala: "Ty si myslíš, že si jediný. Celé zhromaždenie je sväté!" Boh nikdy takto nepostupoval. On to už mal vedieť. A povedal: "Celé zhromaždenie je sväté. Ty zo seba robíš ..." Keby sme to povedali, ako sa dnes hovorí: "Jediný kamienok na pláži."

122 A Mojžiš vedel, že Boh ho kvôli tomu tam poslal. On len povedal: "Pane ..." padol na zem pred dverami stánku zhromaždenia.

123 A Boh povedal: "Oddeľ sa od neho." A On ich pohltil.

124 A pamätajte, ten hriech ktorý tam Izrael spáchal, (tým že Balám hovoril: "Oni sú všetci jedno.") - ten hriech nebol Izraelovi nikdy odpustený. A pozrite sa, dovoľte že vám ukážem zarážajúci výsledok; z dvoch miliónov ľudí, ktorí opustili Egypt, dvaja z nich vošli do zasľúbenej zeme. Oni všetci jedli to isté, oni všetci tancovali v Duchu, oni mali všetko spoločné; ale keď prišlo do času oddelenia, Slovo vykonalo oddelenie. A tak je to dnes! Slovo vykonalo oddelenie! Keď prišiel ten čas, on povedal: Prečo, my sme tu ..."

125 Také blízke, pozrite, Biblia povedala: "V posledných dňoch tie dva duchy - Matúš 24:24, budú tak blízko pri sebe, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Tá šupka vyzerá celkom tak ako pšenica, ale nie je to pšenica. Vidíte? Také blízke, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených. Urobili ste denomináciu a upadli ste do tej denominácii, a vyschli a zomreli, a pšenica išla hneď ďalej, von z toho cez ... Vidíte? Je to presne tak! To je nositeľ, ale nie pšenica.

126 Pamätajte, pšenica ide stále ďalej. Vo vzkriesení všetka tá sila pšenici, vyjde rovno hore do pšenici, keď ide vytvoriť hlavu, aby sa ukázalo to veľké vzkriesenie.

Nikdy im to nebolo odpustené!

127 Zastavme sa tu na chvíľu. Dúfam že vás to neomráči. Ale, pozrite, dovoľte že sa vás niečo opýtam. Len to zoberme. Povedzme, napríklad, že by tento výpočet bol správny. Keď spermia, keď prichádza mužská a ženská, ak viete niečo o skúmavkových testoch alebo - o krížení dobytka a o niečom takom, tam budete vidieť, že samec vypustí okolo milión zárodkov. A samica vypustí okolo milión vajíčok. Ale či ste vedeli, že len jedno z nich je plodné? Tie malé teliatka, alebo čokoľvek to je, v týchto miliónoch zárodkoch, milión zárodkov, oni budú tým jedným malým zárodkom, ktorý sa vypracuje medzi týmito ostatnými zárodkami a prejde cez to a nájde to plodné vajíčko a vplazí sa do neho, a tie ostané zomrú. Jeden z nich je určený do života, tie ostatné nie sú, hoci sú všetky rovnaké. Jeden z milióna!

128 Čo keby to bolo dnes takto? Vo svete je okolo päť miliónov kresťanov, asi toľko by ich malo byť, tak zaokrúhlene. Keby dnes večer prišlo vytrhnutie tak potom, a tí živí by odišli, bolo by ich len päťsto. No, hociktorí deň sa stratí takmer toľko ľudí, že sa to ani nepostrehne. Nevesta bude zobraná preč a budeme sa diviť čo to všetko je; a ľudia budú ďalej kázať, budú hovoriť, že prijali toto, to alebo tamto. A pozrite aký to bude klam. Povedzme, keby to tak bolo; Ja nehovorím, že to tak je, ja neviem, je nemám na to právo. Boh je sudca. Ale pozrite ako ľahko by sa to mohlo stať, podľa všetkých príkladov a všetkého, ako to môže byť dokázané.

129 Prečo to Kórach nevidel? Prečo to Dátan nevidel?

130 Prečo to Achab nevidel? Keď Achab ... Keď Jozafat prišiel ku Achabovi, on povedal: "Achab, máme problémy. Či vieš, že Boh nám dal túto zem? Józua nám ju rozdelil. Či vieš, že tam ten kus zeme, ktorý Sírovia zabrali, že to je naša zem?"

- Áno!

131 "Naše deti sú hladné, a Sýrovia, naši nepriatelia, chovajú na nej svoje deti, napchávajú si bruchá pšenicou, ktorá má byť naša." Podľa Písma je to pravda. Povedal: "Pomôžeš mi ísť a zabrať ju?"

132 No, dobrý človek pod vplyvom zlého bude súhlasiť. Radšej dávaj pozor, cirkev, dávaj dobrý pozor.

133 No, to prvé ako viete, Jozafat, on bol veľký nábožný muž, on povedal: "Dobre, mali by sme tam ísť, samozrejme, naše vozy, my sme ten istý ľud." Ale oni neboli ten istý ľud! Nie! On povedal: "Dobre, naše vozy sú vaše vozy, naši ľudia sú vaši ľudia. Samozrejme, pôjdeme, ale poraďme sa prv Pána."

134 Tak on povedal, starý Achab: "Bez pochyby, musíme na to pamätať. Dobre, budeme ..."

135 "Je tu prorok Pánov?"

136 Povedal: "Mám ich plný seminár. Mám ich tu štyristo najlepších. Oni všetci majú titul Ph.D., L.L.D., dvojité L.D. a všetko čo s tým ide. Každý z nich je ..." No pamätajte, to boli Hebrejskí proroci, zo školy prorokov.

137 Povedal. "Priveď ich sem, nech ich počujeme."

138 No, myslím že to bol Cedekiáš, (veľká hlava nad nimi všetkými, biskup) prišiel tam, a mal inšpiráciu. On mal inšpiráciu, bezpochyby. On tam prišiel, a urobil si dva železné rohy. A povedal: "Viete, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, týmito rohami vytisnete Sýrov preč z toho kraja."

139 Všetci ostatní prorokovali: "To je presne tak!" Každý z nich, celý seminár, sa zhodovali. Vidíte?

140 Achab povedal: "Vidíš?"

141 Jozafat, on bol trochu duchovnejší, viete, on ešte celkom nevyschol, on povedal: "Ale nie je tu niekde ešte jeden, ktorého by sme sa mohli opýtať?"

142 "Prečo sa chceš pýtať iných, keď celá ekumenická - celá rada hovorí, že je to v poriadku?" (Prepáčte.) Celé združenie povedalo, čo máme robiť." Vidíte? "To je to, čo máme robiť."

143 On povedal: "Ale nie je niekde ešte jeden?" Ten zvláštny, viete.

144 On povedal: "Áno, je. Je taký, Micheáš, syn Jimlu, ale ja ho nenávidím." Stále je to tak. "Nenávidím ho, pretože stále vyvreskuje na našich ľudí, a preklína ma, a hovorí mi, čo všetko zlé robím. Nenávidím toho človeka."

145 Povedal: "Nech nehovorí tak kráľ. Daj ho priviesť."

146 A tak nejaký biskup, alebo niekto zo starších, išiel pre syna Jimlovho, a povedal mu: "Počúvaj, chceš byť prijatý znovu naspäť do organizácie? Hovor to isté, čo hovoria oni, a prijmú ťa naspäť."

147 Ale stalo sa tak, že Boh mal muža, na ktorého oni nemohli položiť svoje ruky. Boh mal na ňom svoje ruky. On bol proste reflektorom Božej pravdy. Povedal: "Samozrejme, pôjdem tam, ale poviem len to, čo Boh položí do mojich úst." To je muž Boží. On povedal: "Dajte mi jednu noc." A tak prišla noc, a Pán prehovoril ku prorokovi, ktorý nebol ničím veľkým. A hneď ako viete, prišiel na druhý deň ráno.

- Tak čo na to povieš, Jimla?

148 - Choď, ale videl som Izraela ako ovce rozptýlené po vrchu, ktoré nemajú pastiera.

149 - Čo som ti povedal! Čo som ti o tom povedal!

150 A on povedal ... Vtedy ten veľký biskup pristúpil ku nemu a udrel ho po ústach a povedal: "Ktorou cestou odišiel Duch Boží odo mňa? Pretože viem, že som mal Ducha. Tancoval som v Duchu, robil som všetky tieto veci. Rozumieš? Mal som Ducha. Ktorou cestou odišiel odo mňa?"

151 No, vidíte? Jimla bol syn Boží, alebo skutočný Boží prorok, on preskúmal svoje videnie so Slovom. Keby sa ono nezhodovalo so Slovom, bolo by nesprávne. Vidíte? So Slovom na tú hodinu. Vidíte? No, on povedal, že podľa Písma im tá zem patrila, tá zem bola ich. Podľa Písma všetko vyzeralo v poriadku, až na jednu vec.

152 Pamätajte! To bolo jedno Slovo, ktoré zapríčinilo, že nastali všetky tie problémy. Eva spochybnila jedno Slovo Božie. Na začiatku Biblie, jedno Slovo zapríčinilo ten problém. V strede Biblie prišiel Ježiš a povedal: "Človek bude žiť každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." A na konci Biblie povedal: "Ktokoľvek odoberie jedno Slovo, alebo pridá ku tomu jedno slovo."

153 Toto nie je časť evanjelia ... Metodisti mali časť, baptisti, presbyteriáni, a tak ďalej, oni mali časť z neho, katolíci mali časť z neho, svedkovia Jehovovi, všetci ostatní.

154 Ale to je úplné Slovo, celé Slovo, Slovo na túto hodinu, na ktorom záleží. A my na to nikdy neprídeme, až kým Boh nepomaže proroka, ktorý by sa mohol postaviť a povedať to, a potvrdí to, a dokáže, že je to pravda. Prekĺzne sa to rovno pomedzi ľudí, a vôbec o tom nebudú vedieť, tak ako to stále bolo.

155 Ako Johanka z Arcu. Vy katolíci ste ju upálili na hranici ako čarodejnicu; neskoršie ste vykopali telá tých kňazov, po dvesto rokoch, a hodili ste ich do rieky. Nepoznali ste svätého Patrika ani tých ostatných.

156 Znovu vám to prejde rovno pomedzi ruky, skôr ako to zbadáte. Boh to urobí, a vy vôbec ani nebudete vedieť, že sa to stalo. Vidíte? On sa len prekĺzne a zoberie svoju nevestu, a vezme ju rovno hore, a ukradne ju, rovno z pomedzi ľudí.

157 Vidíme, že tento Micheáš povedal, že skontroloval; on vedel čo Boh povedal cez skutočného proroka pred ním. Prorok, ktorý bol pred ním, čo on povedal? On povedal toto: "Achab, pretože si prelial krv toho spravodlivého Nábota, tvoju krv tiež budú lízať psi, aj Jezábelinu." A to sa presne tak muselo vyplniť, pretože to povedal Boh. Ako by mu mohol ten prorok prorokovať dobré, keď bolo proti nemu zlé?

158 Ako ja môžem hovoriť tomuto Laodicejskému cirkevnému veku dobré, keď Boh hovorí proti nemu? - Si nahý, mizerný! Hovoríš: "Som bohatý, mám lepšie ... Mám cirkvi, ako metodisti, baptisti a presbyteriáni. Mám toto, mám tamto; najlepšie toto, to, i tamto." To je pravda, ale nevieš o tom, že si nahý, slepý, mizerný, voči tej skutočnej veci, ktorú Boh manifestuje. On s tebou urobí presne tak isto, opustí ťa. Vidíte? Ľudia verte, kým nie je príliš neskoro.

159 Tak vidíme, že on ho udrel po ústach a povedal: "Ktorou cestou odišiel Duch Boží ...?"

160 Micheáš povedal: "Videl som Boha sedieť na tróne. A všetko ... Zavolal všetkých delegátov neba a povedal: - Koho pošleme dole, aby zviedol Achaba? - A vystúpil nejaký klamný duch a padol pred Bohom. Klamár." A pamätajte, že tento klamný duch vošiel do týchto prorokov. Oni to vtedy mali poznať, že ten duch, ktorý je na nich sa nezhoduje so Slovom. Ale oni boli takí unesení, pretože boli kráľovými prorokmi, pretože mali všetko pekné.

161 A toto dnes urobila cirkev. Odišli ste od starodávneho prežitia, ktoré ste mávali pred rokmi, keď ste stáli na rohu ulice a kázali evanjelium. Vyjdite z tých organizácií a nazvite sa dnes slobodnými ľuďmi, pretože ste sa znovu do toho zamotali, tak ako sviňa, ktorá sa vráti do váľania v blate, a ako pes, ktorý sa vráti ku svojmu vývratku. Ak sa z toho povracal prvý krát, znovu sa z toho povracia. Je to tak. Boh vás vypľul zo svojich úst. Povedal: - Ste vlažní, ani horúci ani studení. - Máte niekoľko zhromaždení, potom trochu hráte a trochu spievate, a pri tom je to úplne, je to takmer hanba pre kresťanstvo.

162 Môj syn ma nedávno zavolal, aby som sa išiel pozrieť na televízor, mali tam spievať pre zhromaždených ľudí. Tá skupina svetských ľudí, ktorá tam stála, sa takto natriasala v rock 'n rolle a spievala tie duchovné piesne. To je na výsmech Ježiša Krista. V cirkvi nie je už žiadna vážnosť. Vyzerá akoby sa to všetko stalo nejakou „rock and rollovou“ partiou a módnou prehliadkou, namiesto cirkvi živého Boha, kde sa Ježiš Kristus môže manifestovať v moci. Niekde skutočne, nie je niečo v poriadku. Ľudia sa ženú pomimo. A Biblia hovorí, že to takto bude. Vidíte? Pozrite, kde sa nachádzate. Buďte opatrní. Prebuďte sa, kým nie je príliš neskoro.

163 No, vidíme, že on povedal: "Koho pošleme, aby tam išiel a zviedol Achaba, aby sme ho tam dostali, aby sa vyplnilo slovo proroka?" Vidíte? Keď prorok povedal Slovo, nebo i zem pominú ale ono nemôže sklamať. Ono sa musí vyplniť. Tak preto sa to muselo stať.

164 On povedal: "Vsaďte tohoto človeka do vnútorného žalára a dávajte mu jesť chlieb súženia a vodu súženia. A keď sa vrátim v pokoji, postarám sa o neho."

165 Micheáš tam stál pevný, on vedel, že má Ducha Božieho. Jeho proroctvo a videnia boli správne. Jeho posolstvo bolo správne, pretože podľa videní to bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a podľa Slova to tiež bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Musela to byť pravda, bolo to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. On povedal: "Ak sa ty naozaj vrátiš, tak nehovoril ku mne Boh." A vy viete čo sa stalo, skutočne.

166 Rozumej tomu, brat. Počúvate.

167 Skutočne, Kajfáš, on to nemohol vidieť. Prečo sa nepozrel dole? On bol biskup; on bol pápež, všetkých tých cirkví dokopy. Prečo ten človek nemohol vidieť Ježiša, ktorý tam stál? Prečo to on nemohol porozumieť? Keď v zbore spievali ten 23. Žalm, či vlastne 22. a tam bolo: "Môj Bože, Môj Bože, prečo si ma opustil?" A On tam visel na kríži. Práve tie Písma, práve ten Boh, ktorého uctievali, toho odsúdili a zabili ako fanatika. Tu to máte.

168 Bude to pre vás šok, keď vám poviem, že to isté sa má znovu zopakovať. Biblia povedala, že On bol vonku a klepal a snažil sa dostať dovnútra, a nikto Ho nepustil dovnútra. - Toho koho milujem, napomínam a trescem. švihám ho. Zatrasiem ním. Ale to preto, že ho milujem. A tak otvor a dovoľ Mi vojsť. - Áno. Nemohol ... - Pamätajte, Ja som nechcel vojsť do cirkvi; Tam stojí: "Ak niekto." Ide o jednotlivca. - On sa nemohol dostať do cirkvi, oni pred Ním zamkli dvere. Jedine ... Potom, jediná organizácia z tých všetkých, to je tento cirkevný vek, v ktorom bol On vystrčený von z cirkvi: vystrčený, odmietnutý, zavrhnutý. Pretože ... On sa v tých ostatných cirkevných vekoch manifestoval len prechodne, vo forme ospravedlnenia, a tak ďalej; ale tu, vo veku, ktorý teraz nastáva, je plná manifestácia, ktorá potvrdzuje, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ó, pripustím, že máme veľa napodobovateľov, ale skúmajte toho prvého, ten originál.

169 Mojžiš tam išiel s Božími prikázaniami, aby vyslobodil Izraela, a keď tam prišiel, činil nejaké zázraky. A tí napodobovatelia nasledovali za ním. Keby to oni robili prví, on by bol napodobovateľ. Vidíte? On mal Slovo Pánove a Pán ho potvrdzoval. On bol kľudný.

170 A viete, že to isté je zasľúbené, že sa bude diať v týchto posledných dňoch? "Ako Jannes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tak sa i títo stavajú proti pravde, ľudia skazení na mysli." Keď nejaká organizácia drží - vidíte človeka, ktorý prichádza rovno cez tú organizáciu, to ukazuje, že to nepochádza od Boha; pretože Boh robí tieto veci, aby upútal pozornosť ľudí, a potom za tým nasleduje posolstvo. Ak nie, potom to nie je Boh. To nie je Boh. Boh to stále tak robí.

171 Judáš to nemohol porozumieť. On chodil rovno s ním, a nevidel to.

172 Ale ten skutočný, od Boha ustanovený, ten skutočný gén, ten skutočný zárodok, duša od Boha, ktorá bola v Bohu pred založením sveta ... Pamätajte, vy, ktorí máte dnes večer skutočne v sebe Ducha Božieho, vy ste tu boli v Kristovi, pretože On bol plnosťou Slova. On bol plnosť Božstva telesne. Boh bol v Kristovi, mieriac so sebou svet. Veríte tomu? Pozrite, On bol v Kristovi. Potom ak ste od začiatku boli v Bohu, ako gén, ako slovo, ako atribút, potom ste s Ním chodil tu po zemi. Rozprávali ste s Ním tu na zemi, trpeli ste s Ním na zemi. Zomreli ste s Ním na Golgote, a znovu ste s Ním povstali, a teraz sedíte v ponebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi, máte s Ním obecenstvo, so Slovom, keď ono sýti vašu dušu, lebo: "Človek bude žiť každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza .."

173 Nie slovom metodistov, nie slovom baptistov. Pamätajte, ak z tej obeti niečo zostalo, muselo to byť spálené prv, ako svitlo na nový deň, pretože nasledujúci deň predstavoval ďalší cirkevný vek. Je to tak? Exodus, je to tak. To bol symbol, predobraz obeti ...

174 Dvere ... Povedal: "Ja urobím jedno miesto. Nie ... Nebudete ma uctievať v každých dverách, ktoré som vám dal, ale sú jedny Dvere, a do tých Dverí položím svoje meno." A tam kde Pán kladie svoje meno, to je to miesto, kde Boh prijme vašu obeť. My sme urobili veľa druhov dverí, ale Boh urobil jedny Dvere. Boh urobil Dvere, a tie Dvere, to bolo ... ev. Jána 10. kapitola, Ježiš povedal: "Ja som Dvere."

175 Boh položil svoje meno do Ježiša. Veríte tomu? On bol syn Boží. Každý syn prichádza v otcovom mene. On povedal: "Prichádzam v mene svojho Otca, a vy ma neprijímate." Ja prichádzam v mene svojho otca; vy prichádzate v mene svojho otca. Ježiš prišiel v mene svojho Otca, a tak meno jeho Otca je Ježiš, (Presne tak.) pretože On prišiel v mene svojho Otca.

176 - A vy ma neprijímate. Iný príde a jeho prijmete. - Zoberiete svoje denominácie a pôjdete s nimi. Len choďte. Biblia hovorí: "Oni povstali, aby vyplnili toto miesto. Slepí, nahí a nevedia o tom." Cirkev, náboženstvo, ó, veľmi pobožní, presne takí ako Kain. Priniesol obeť, urobil presne to isté čo aj Ábel. Ale jemu to bolo zjavené, skrze zjavenie, čo to znázorňovalo, nie plody zeme ani nič, čo môžete urobiť svojimi rukami.

177 Veriaci môže vidieť Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom; tí ostatní to nemôžu vidieť.

178 Všetci tí Izraeliti, potom keď videli Mojžiša robiť tie veci a nechali sa vtiahnuť rovno do toho veľkého koncilu, tam kde sa mal konať a každý z nich povedal: "My pôjdeme s Balámom, pretože si myslíme, že Dr. Balám má pravdu. On je inteligentný, má vyššie vzdelanie, a všetko, a tak to prijmeme."

179 A Boh im to nikdy neodpustil. Zničil ich rovno tam na púšti. A sám Ježiš povedal: "Oni nikdy neprídu, nikto z nich nie je spasený." Ježiš povedal ...

180 Oni povedali. - Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti za štyridsať rokov.

181 A On povedal. - Oni sú všetci mŕtvi (naveky oddelení od Boha). Všetci sú mŕtvi. - Skutočne. Pretože počúvali blud. Keď Mojžiš, ktorý bol potvrdený od Boha, vodca, aby im ukázal cestu do zasľúbenej zeme, a oni tak ďaleko išli v poriadku, ale potom s ním ďalej nešli.

182 No, veriaci to môžu vidieť, ale neveriaci nemôžu vidieť, že je to potvrdené.

183 Pozrite sa aký nábožný bolo Kajfáš. Pozrite sa na tých všetkých kňazov, akí boli nábožní. A Ježiš sa obrátil a povedal: "Vy ste zo svojho otca diabla, a činíte jeho skutky."

184 Ale sedelo tam niekoľko veriacich. Myslíte si, že tí učeníci mohli porozumieť, keď Ježiš povedal: "Ja a môj Otec sme jedno?" Oni si to nevedeli vysvetliť. Keď povedal: "Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť jeho krv, nemáte v sebe život." Či si to vedeli vysvetliť? Nie. Ale oni tomu verili, lebo videli potvrdeného Boha, ktorý sa stal telom.

185 Ježiš povedal: "Ak nečiním skutky svojho Otca, potom mi neverte. Ale ak činím skutky svojho Otca, to čo Slovo predpovedá, že budem robiť, potom ... Ak nemôžete veriť mne, verte tým skutkom, ktoré robím, aby ste mohli byť spasení." Vidíte? Ježiš povedal: "Moje ovce poznajú môj hlas. Oni poznajú moje Slovo; oni vidia, keď je ono potvrdené na ten vek."

186 - Dobre, Kajfáš tiež poznal Slovo. - Ale nie Slovo na ten vek. On mal slovo, ktoré do neho napchali farizejovia, ale nie potvrdené Slovo na tú hodinu.

187 - Oni poznajú môj hlas; oni poznajú moje znamenie; oni poznajú môj zázrak. - Ako teraz ...

188 Ó, vráťme sa naspäť k nášmu textu, lebo ak nie, utečie nám veľa z tohoto Písma, pretože aj tak za niekoľko minút musím zakončiť, lebo za päť minút bude desať hodín. Milujem ho. Amen.

189 Priatelia, vy ľudia, ktorí ste prechádzali tou uličkou a dali ste tam pred chvíľou tú oferu. Ľudia, ktorí ste živili moje deti a odievali ste ich. Ľudia, ktorí kladiete svoje ťažko zarobené peniaze do taniera na ofery. Viete kde oni idú? To mi pomáha dostať sa za more ku pohanom, ktorí nepočuli nikdy nič o Bohu. To je to, čo s nimi robím, s každou korunou. Boh je môj sudca. Sú tu niektorí moji - rovno tu sedí ten človek, on je pokladník v mojom zbore. Ja dostávam sto dolárov na týždeň, to je všetko. To ostatné ide na financovanie zhromaždení za morom, kde oni nemôžu prísť.

190 Cirkvi si ma neprajú. Oni ma nechcú. Nie. Je to tak. Oni ma odmietli: "On je ..." Hovoria: "On je 'Jesus Only', alebo niečo také, alebo nejaký heretik, fanatik, a všetko možné, Jezábeľ." A ja s tým počítam. Oni môjho Pána nazvali Jezábeľ, a nazvali Ho, nie Jezábeľ, ale Belzebúb. Nazvali ho Belzebúbom a všetkými tými zlými menami. "Ak domáceho pána nazvali Belezebúbom, o čo horšie budú nazývať jeho domácich?" A tak v tom nie je žiadny rozdiel.

191 A vy sami, s pomocou Božou, či by ste si pomysleli, že by som sa tu postavil, ako veľký pokrytec a povedal vám niečo, čo by bolo ... Či by som nedal hneď tú vec do poriadku, keby som myslel, že je to od Boha?

192 Ale keď vás milujem a viem čo je pravda ... Či ste ma počuli povedať niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nevyplnilo? Nie. Pýtam sa každého. Bolo povedané tisíce vecí, všetky sa vyplnili. Pamätáte sa na ten čas, keď bol Samuel vyzvaný, myslím, že to bolo to, a povedal ... Izrael sa chcel stať taký, ako tie ostatné národy. To je to, ku čomu prichádzate vy, letniční. Chcete sa správať ako ostatní ľudia. Vy nie ste takým druhom ľudí. Stráňte sa toho. Tých veľkých cirkví, a veľkých krásnych vecí. Ó, brat, nerob to. My kážeme, že sa priblížil príchod Pánov. Poďme tam na misijné polia a hlásajme to pohanom. Vidíte? Robte s tým niečo.

193 Ale, viete, Samuel povedal: "Či som zobral niekedy od vás nejaké peniaze na svoje živobytie?"

194 Oni povedali: "Nie, Samuel, ty si to nikdy neurobil?"

195 - Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nevyplnilo?

196 - Ó, to je pravda, Samuel. My veríme, že ty si prorok poslaný od Boha. Tak veru. Všetko čo si povedal sa vyplnilo, Samuel. Ale my to aj tak chceme. - Vidíte čo sa stalo. Ó, brat, Písma sa proste stále opakujú, znovu a znovu cez Bibliu, pretože to je Boží spôsob, ako On postupuje. Rozumiete? Vidíte, natrafili ste na takéto časy.

197 Poďme hneď ku nášmu textu. No, po celý tento čas som sa ešte nedostal ku svojmu textu.

198 Mám to na srdci. Milujem vás. Nezahyňte so svetom. Ak ste z toho sveta, zahyniete s tým svetom. Ak ste z Boha, pôjdete s Ním do vzkriesenia. A tak premeňte dnes večer svoju povahu od lásky ku tomuto svetu a ku veciam tohoto sveta a ku všetkým týmto vyznaniam a všetkému, a pozrite sa priamo na Golgotu na svoju Obeť. Stretnite sa s Ním tam na tej pôde, pretože to je jediné miesto, na ktorom sa On s vami stretne.

199 Metodisti hovoria: "To je v našej cirkvi." To isté hovoria baptisti. A letniční hovoria, že to je v tomto, a presbyteriáni, že to je v tomto.

200 Ale On povedal: "Stretnem sa s nimi na jednom mieste, na mieste, kde som položil svoje meno." To je v Ježišovi Kristovi. Tam On položil svoje meno. To je jediné miesto, kde sa On s vami stretne. A to je Kristus, to je Slovo. (Vidíte?) Ten istý včera ... To rástlo od nôh, stehien. A teraz je to v hlave, pripravuje sa odísť, manifestuje sa v plnej miere, Nevesta, taká istá ako Ženích.

201 No, poďme rýchlo ku nášmu textu na okolo desať minút, a potom zakončíme. No, náš text, my - to čo tu rozoberáme, to je, to sa znovu stalo, ako v našom texte, ako sa to obvykle deje.

202 Boh poslal svojho proroka, ako to On ... ako to Slovo zasľúbilo v Malachiášovi 3: "Ja pošlem posla pred svojou tvárou, aby predchádzal Jeho príchod."

203 No, ak to chcete mať potvrdené, aby ste to mali dokázané, Matúš 11. kapitola potvrdzuje to isté. Keď tam prišli Jánovi učeníci a videli Ježiša, povedali: "Ján je vo väzení, prišli sme sa ťa opýtať či ..."

204 Jánove orlie oči sa zatiahli. Bol vo väzení, mal zomrieť. Povedal: "Choďte a opýtajte sa ho."

205 Vidíte, Ján povedal: "Ó, jeho vejačka je v jeho ruke; On prečistí svoje humno." On si myslel, že hneď začne milénium. Myslel, že zrno je hotové. Ale ono muselo zomrieť a ísť do stopky, znovu vyrásť, aby utvorilo skutočnú Nevestu. Tak on povedal: "On zhromaždí svoju pšenicu do sýpky, a bude páliť ohňom." Pozorujte tohoto Kristovho predchodcu v tom veku, čo on povedal, že sa stane. "Zrno ..."

206 A dúfam, že nespíte. Zrno je tu. Ono bude zhromaždené do sýpky. To bola tá Nevesta, tá časť z neho. Ale čo povedal, že sa stane s tou stopkou? Bude spálená neuhasiteľným ohňom. Teraz hľadajte spasenie, kým ho môžete nájsť. Buďte zrnom, nie stopkou. Vidíte? Vojdite do Života, nie do starej mŕtvej formy. Vojdite do Kristovho života, do Slova, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo a tak zostalo potvrdené. Toto je čas zhromažďovania, kombajn prichádza. Račej by ste mali vojsť do zrna, pretože šupka bude zanechaná.

207 No, vidíme, to sa stalo ... Ježiš ... Aby som dokončil svoj citát, tu z Matúša 11 ... Vidíte? On nedal Jánovi ... On nepovedal: "No, počkajte, dám Jánovi knihu, ako sa má správať, veriaci vo väzení." Nie. On povedal: "Postavte sa tu a dávajte pozor, čo sa deje. Choďte naspäť a povedzte Jánovi, čo sa dialo. Chromí chodia, slepí vidia, mŕtvi sú vzkriesení, a chudobným je kázané evanjelium." Presne tak, ako povedal prorok. "A blahoslavený, kto sa nepohorší na mne."

208 A keď jeho učeníci odchádzali cez kopec, On sa otočil a povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť, keď ste sa išli pozrieť na Jána? Išli ste tam, aby ste videli človeka oblečeného v jemnom rúchu, a tak ďalej, s golierom okolo krku, a so všetkým týmto, čo poznáte. Takí sú v kráľovských palácoch. Oni bozkávajú deti a pochovávajú mŕtvych. Taký človek nevie ako sa drží dvojsečný meč." Vidíte? Povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť? Trstinu ktorá sa kláti vetrom. - Ján, veď poď, dám ti viacej peňazí, ak prídeš sem. Ó, chvála Bohu, už nie som viac metodista, budem letničný, budem presbyterián, budem týmto, tamtým, tým, kto má viacej peňazí. - Povedal: "Nikdy ste nevideli trstinu klátiacu sa vo vetre. Čo ste tam vyšli vidieť, proroka? Áno, a viac ako proroka."

209 Ján práve zložil Ježišovi najbiednejšiu poklonu, akú len mohol. Vedel, že to tak musí ísť. Opýtal sa Ho, potom keď Ho už predstavil a videl nad Ním znak, povedal: "Toto je Mesiáš." A potom ide a pýta sa: "Ty si On, alebo máme iného čakať?"

210 Ale, pozrite sa, Ježiš to vedel, On sa otočil a zložil mu poklonu. Povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť, trstinu klátiacu sa vo vetre? Nebol medzi splodenými zo ženy, taký veľký človek, ako je Ján, až do tohoto dňa." Je to tak. Aká poklona pre toho človeka.

211 Ale, vidíte, tam to bolo. To proroctvo sa vyplnilo rovno pred ich očami, s tým ako prišiel predchodca, presne to, čo povedal Malachiáš. No to je Malachiáš 3, nie Malachiáš 4.

212 Ján Krstiteľ bol ten, o ktorom hovoril Malachiáš v 3. kapitole, Ježiš to tak povedal. Keď sa Ho opýtali: "Prečo učení v Písme hovoria ..."

Povedal: "On už prišiel. A urobili mu čo chceli."

213 Ale pamätajte, v Malachiášovi 4, hneď po tom, keď ten prorok z Malachiáša 4, ten štvrtý príchod Jána Krstiteľa - či Eliáša. Ten piaty príchod, to bude v Zjavení, tí dvaja svedkovia, keď on príde pre ten zbytok Židov. Ale Boh použil toho istého Ducha päť krát. To znamená milosť, J-e-ž-i-š; to bol po celý čas Ježiš. V-i-e-r-a, m-i-l-o-s-ť (Po anglicky "Grace" - tiež 5 písmen) a tak ďalej. Vidíte? Číslo päť je číslo milosti, a On ho použil. Nepoužil ho tri krát, nepoužil ho dva krát, tri krát, ani štyri krát. On ho použil päť krát.

214 No, všimnite si teraz rýchlo, keď končíme. On povedal: "Toto je ten, o ktorom bolo povedané: "Posielam svojho posla pred mojou tvárou."

215 Ale v Malachiášovi 4, hneď po tom, keď tento prorok prorokoval, celá zem má byť spálená. A spravodliví budú kráčať po popole bezbožných. Vidíte? Presne tak. Vidíte? To je proroctvo z Malachiáša 4.

216 A všimnite si v Lukášovi 17, kde On povedal: "V posledných dňoch bude znovu tak, ako bolo v Sodome a v Gomore." Či to nemáme? Či tu nemáme znovu Sodomu a Gomoru? Celé národy, pozrite sa na to. Pozrite sa čo On práve povedal o Anglicku. Všetko je prevrátené. Ešte aj strava je prevrátená.

A pozrite sa sem, čo veda ... Videli ste v Reader Digest, myslím, že to bolo minulý mesiac. Oni povedali, že mladí chlapci a dievčatá prechádzajú svoj stredný vek medzi dvadsiatym a dvadsiatym piatym rokom života. Stretol som takých na zhromaždení, mladé dievča bolo v prechodoch a malo dvadsať, dvadsať dva rokov, v prechodoch. Čomu to pripísať? Prevrátenosti, kríženiu. Práve toto spôsobuje skazenie. Všetko toto ničí telo. Nie sme nič iné, ako miešanina ...

217 Tak ako skrížená rastlina ... Zoberte kríženú rastlinu a postavte ju vonku, každá baktéria pôjde rovno na ňu. Ale skutočná, originálna rastlina, baktéria pôjde preč od nej, nemôže sa na nej udržať. Tak je to s cirkvou, my sme to skrížili.

218 To bol prípad toho starého koňa od Pearry Greena. On raz zhodil toho chlapca. To nie je nič iné, ako starý kríženec. Vidíte ? To jediné čo to je, že on ... Je to ako mul, on ... Mul nevie kto bol jeho otec alebo mama. On nič nevie. On je napoly mul a napoly kôň, a napoly osol. On nevie čo je. On nikdy nebude môcť ... On celý svoj život bude čakať na príležitosť, aby vás kopol. Je to tak. Môžete ho volať a hovoriť: "Tak poď maličký, poď maličký." On bude držať hore uši a urobí: "Hi. Hi. Hi." Vidíte?

219 Ako takéto nejaké reči: "Dni zázrakov pominuli. Hi. Hi. Hi." Títo kríženci, ktorí sa pokladajú za členov cirkvi a za kresťanov. Nehovorím to ako žart, to je pravda. Brat, ale skutočný, čistokrvný, on vie, kto je jeho otec a kto je jeho matka, kto je jeho starý otec a stará matka, môžete ho niečo naučiť. On je šľachetný.

220 A šľachetný kresťan, ktorý sa narodil z Ducha Svätého a je naplnený Božou mocou a Slovom, on vie kto je jeho otec, kto je jeho matka, jeho stará matka, starý otec. On vie o tom všetko. Môžete ho niečo naučiť.

221 Ale skrížený, takí akí chodia do cirkví. Skrížení so svetom a s náboženskými organizáciami, a dávajú do toho trochu Slova, tu a tam trochu Slova, dosť na to, aby to zviedlo. Je to tak. Keď vidíte zamanifestované skutočné Božie Slovo, ako to videl Kajfáš a tí ostatní, oni sa od toho odvrátili. Oni to nepoznajú. Kríženci.

222 No, vidíme, že v tomto posolstve, Izaiáš 40:3, je Ján tak isto potvrdený. On povedal: "Hlas volajúceho, proroka, volajúceho na púšti, - Pripravte cestu Pánovu, robte priame jeho chodníky." Cirkev mu neverila, lebo on nepochádzal z ich skupiny. Ten prorok vyrastal na púšti, prišiel a nepoznal nikoho. On mal na sebe práve toho Ducha, ktorého mal Eliáš. Bol to človek púšte. Nenávidel nemorálne ženy.

223 Pamätáte sa, ako Eliáš ... Čo spôsobilo, že mu chceli zoťať hlavu? Jezábeľ. Jezábeľa bola príčinou jeho smrti. To ho zahnalo na púšť.

224 Ján Krstiteľ, ďalší milovník púšte, poľovník, muž lesov. Pozorujte ho. On nemal žiadne vzdelanie. Pozorujte jeho - jeho slovník nebol ako slovník nejakého teológa. On povedal: "Ó, vy plemeno vreteníc." To je najnečistejšia vec, ktorú môžete nájsť na púšti, miesto zamorené hadmi, hady. A on tých kňazov nazval: "Vy plemeno vreteníc, kto vás varoval, aby ste utiekli pred budúcim hnevom? Nehovorte v sebe: - My patríme do tohoto, a my máme toto, alebo tamto. - Lebo vám hovorím, že Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov ... A tiež, sekera (všímajte si, aké slová on používa) je priložená na koreň stromu, a každý strom, ktorý nenesie dobré ovocie sa vytína a hádže na oheň." Amen.

225 On bol kazateľom prírody, veľký muž Boží. Žil krátky čas, ale zapálil na zemi oheň. Zatriasol tou generáciou počas svojej šesť mesačnej služby. Boh ho vychovával tridsať rokov, aby dostal z neho tých šesť mesiacov. Ale Boh to urobil svojim vlastným spôsobom. On vie, čo bude žať.

226 A my teraz vidíme, že presne toto sa stalo. Oni mu neverili, pretože nebol z nich. Oni nevedeli ... Ako obyčajne, oni to nevideli. Oni neverili Božiemu Slovu z Malachiáša 3, hoci jasne podľa toho písma videli, že toto je ten predchodca. Oni už štyristo rokov nemali proroka, a tu zrazu jeden povstal na scéne. A ľudia, veriaci, verili, že to je on. Vidíte? Oni tomu neverili. Oni neverili, pretože keď videli to písmo jasne potvrdené, dialo sa to čo On povedal, a všetko, a videli to jasne potvrdené, keď Slovo prišlo rovno do vody ku prorokovi, oni tam stáli.

227 Sú mnohí, ktorí nesúhlasia, že to miesto Písma hovorí o Jánovi. Vidíte? Ján povedal: "Ja sa potrebujem dať pokrstiť od Teba a prečo Ty prichádzaš ku mne?"

228 Ježiš povedal: "Nechaj teraz, lebo tak nám sluší, (máme byť poslušní) aby sme vyplnili všetku spravodlivosť. Ján ty si prorok, ty vieš, že obeť musí byť umytá, predtým ako sa prinesie. A ja som tá Obeť, a ty si prorok a vieš to." Potom Ho nechal a pokrstil Ho. Vidíte? On vedel, čo to bolo.

229Pozrite, oni sa mu vysmievali, nazývali ho obyčajne - divým, pokrikujúcim, neučeným fanatikom, toho proroka, ktorý predchádzal prvý Kristov príchod.

230 Ja nehovorím, že oni sú .. či nemáme dnes tie isté napodobeniny toho prvého? Oni to napodobujú, skutočne. Ale, pamätajte, keď vidíte falošný dolár, musí existovať pravý dolár, podľa ktorého urobili tá napodobeninu. Keď vidíte, že niekto sa pretvaruje za kresťana, to znamená, že niekde musí byť skutočný kresťan. Lebo ak nie, potom by tamten bol originálny. Ale prekontrolujte toho prvého a zistite či sa ten originál zhoduje presne so zasľúbením. Ak áno, potom tomu verte, zasľúbeniu na tento vek.

231 Potom Jánove proroctvo bolo potvrdené podľa Božieho poriadku. Slovo prišlo ku prorokovi a jasne ho potvrdilo, že on je tá osoba.

232 A znovu Ježiš prišiel inak, ako oni rozumeli to proroctvo. Oni to tak nerozumeli. (No, ideme teraz ku koncu.) Ale podľa prorockého Slova sa to vyplnilo do písmena. To proroctvo sa vyplnilo. Ale nebolo to tak, ako to oni učili, že sa to stane. No, ako oni mohli rozumieť a poznať, čo je správne a čo nie? Bolo sa treba dívať, či je to potvrdené od Boha, či je to Boh, ktorý vykladá to čo povedal. Povstali tam falošní Ježišovia a vyviedli na púšť štyristo ľudí a všetko možné. ale taký človek sa nedokázal v Slove (Vidíte?), ako to On povedal.

233 Ježiš, keď On prišiel. On mal byť prorok. Je to tak. A dnes, prv ako Ježiš znovu príde, tak plná manifestácia osoby Ježiša Krista sa má prejaviť v tele. Zamyslite sa nad tým. Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď bude zjavený Syn človeka." Čo znamená zjavený? Odhalený, daný najavo. Tajomstvo bolo dané na známosť, bolo zjavené. V tom dni, keď bude zjavený Syn človeka, svet bude v stave Sodomy. Už to máme, či nie? Áno. Koľkí tomu veríte? On je v stave Sodomy. Je to presne tak. Pozrite kde sa to teraz ukladá.

234 Pamätajte, v každej skupine ľudí, ktorú dáte dokopy, sú vždy tri skupiny ľudí. To sú, takí, ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci, potom neveriaci a veriaci. Máme ich v každej skupine. Oni boli v každom čase. Boli ľudia Sodomy, boli Lótovci a bol Abrahám.

235 Abrahám bol skupinou vyvolaných. On vôbec nebol v Sodome. No, pozorujte ich posolstvo. Oni očakávali na zasľúbeného syna, roky na neho očakávali. Boh ukázal Abrahámovi mnoho veľkých znamení a zázrakov, ale tu prišiel dole sám Boh, ako človek.

236 Vy poviete: "To bol Anjel."

237 Abrahám ho nazval "Pane", to je veľkým písmenom P-a-n-e. Každý, kto číta Bibliu vie, že P-á-n, s veľkým písmenom znamená Elohim. Na počiatku Boh, Pán Boh, Elohim, Samovystačajúci. Abrahám Ho nazval "Pán Boh, Elohim."

238 No, všimnite si, do Sodomy odišli s posolstvom dvaja ľudia a kázali ľuďom Sodomy. Oni nič nevykonali, len ich oslepili. A kázanie evanjelia oslepuje neveriacich.

239 Ale všimnite si aký znak prijala Abrahámova skupina.

240 No, my máme byť Abrahámovým kráľovským semenom. Izák bol tým prirodzeným semenom. Ale semeno viery, viery v zasľúbené Slovo, v zasľúbené Slovo, (Neprehliadnite to.) to bolo kráľovské semeno. To bolo semeno Abrahámovej viery. "My, ktorí sme mŕtvi v Kristovi, sme Abrahámovým semenom, dedičmi spolu s ním podľa zasľúbenia."

241 Všimnite si, že keď sa toto všetko dialo, tam dole v Sodome boli dvaja kazatelia, ktorí kázali veľké posolstvo.

242 Jeden zostal tu s Abrahámovou skupinou, ktorý nestrácal čas pri tej skupine tam dole. No, pozorujte tohoto, ktorý zostal s Abrahámovou skupinou. Aký znak im On dal? On povedal ... No, pamätajte, jeho meno pár dní predtým bolo Abram a jej S-á-r-a nie Sárah (kňažná). A tento Muž, obrátený chrbtom ku stanu ...

243 Ženy boli v tedy iné ako sú teraz. Oni sa teraz musia ukázať a starať sa do záležitostí svojho muža a do všetkého, viete, ale vtedy to oni nerobili. Oni zostávali vzadu.

244 Tak oni ... A tak tí anjeli tam sedeli, a ten posol, On povedal: "Abrahám, kde je tvoja žena (S-a-r-a-h) Sárah?" Ako sa to dozvedel? Ako to On vedel?

245 Abrahám povedal: "Je v stane za Tebou."

246 On povedal: "Navštívim ťa, podľa času, ako som ti zasľúbil. Navštívim ťa." A Sára sa tak trochu zasmiala sama v sebe.

247 A On bol obrátený chrbtom ku stanu a povedal: "Prečo sa smiala Sárah a hovorila: - Ako sa to môže stať?" Keby ona nebola v Abrahámovi, keby nebola v tom čase jeho nevestou, Boh by ju zabil. Tak by sa to stalo aj dnes s nami so všetkou našou neverou, keby sme neboli v Kristovi. To nás chráni. Vidíte? On by nemohol ublížiť Sáre, ani zabrať Sáru, bez toho aby neublížil Abrahámovi. Vidíte?

248 A tak pamätajte, Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Vidíme, že všetci sa zhodujú, že svet je v stave Sodomy. Nedávno som zobral do ruky noviny, ktoré vychádzajú v Los Angeles, a tam je povedané, že homosexualita stúpa každým rokom v Los Angeles o dvadsať alebo o tridsať percent. To je ... Och, to je strašné. V našej vláde a vo všetkom, všetko začína byť prevrátené. Je to tak. Všetko, celý systém, cirkev a všetko je prevrátené. Nachádza sa to v prevrátenom čase.

249 No, moji bratia, teológovia, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Nehovorím proti tebe, môj drahý brat. Brat, som tu na to, aby som ti pomohol. Som tu na to, aby som zastával to, čo hovorí Božie Slovo, držal ťa za ruku, a viedol tento zástup ľudí von z tohoto všetkého. Je to tak.

250 Ale pozrite sa sem, nikdy predtým, až do teraz, sme dole v Sodome nemali posla, ktorého meno by končilo na h-a-m. Mali sme Spurgeona, Wesleya, Luthera, a všetkých iných, ale nikdy predtým sme nemali medzinárodného posla, ktorého meno by končilo na "ham". Je to tak. Vidíte? Vidíte? G-r-a-h-a-m, šesť písmen, G-r-a-h-a-m, Billy Graham, ten známy evanjelista, robí veľkú Božiu prácu, muž poslaný od Boha. On v pravý čas priniesol to ospravedlnenie, a trasie takto celým národom. Vidíte? Nieto ...

251 Pozrite sa na Orala Robertsa, ktorý je poslaný ku letničnej denominácii. Kedy bol niekto taký, ako on?

252 šesť písmen, nie sedem. Abrahám je sedem, A-b-r-a-h-a-m. Billy Graham je šesť, G-r-a-h-a-m.

253 No, pozrite sa na týchto poslov. Pozrite sa na čas, v ktorom sa nachádzame, nikdy v histórii nebol taký čas. Pozrite sa na tieto isté znaky, ktoré On zasľúbil, že budú dané každej skupine. Pozrite sa kde oni sú. Tak isto, presne, čo sa týka ich miesta, všetko je na svojom mieste. Príroda, svet, všetko, pasuje to presne do tohoto času.

254 No, neprehliadnite to, zatiaľ čo načrtneme ďalšiu časť tohoto Písma. Rýchlo teraz, pretože vás tu už držím príliš dlho. Zavolaný ... Pozrite sa sem. Podľa proroka, on prišiel presne podľa Slova, presne v pravý čas.

255 No, pozrite sa teraz na vek, v ktorom žijeme. Či nežijeme presne v čase Sodomy? Pozorujte Posla, poslaného ku Abrahámovej skupine. Pozorujte tie čísla, písmená, a numerológiu jeho mena. Vy poviete: "Na mene nič nie je." Nech vám to nikto nikdy nevyhovorí. Prečo On zmenil Abramove meno na Abrahám, Sára na Sarah? Prečo zmenil Šimona na Petra, a všetky tie ostatné? Vidíte? Na tom skutočne niečo je. Presne tak.

256 Preto som vám hovoril, aby ste nedávali svojim deťom meno "Riky" alebo "Elvis," alebo niečo také. Elvis znamená mačka -falošný, Riky znamená potkan - odpadlík. Vidíte? Keď poviete ... Je to presne tak. Tak či tak, nikdy takto nenazývajte svoje deti. Ak sa tak volá, rýchlo to zmeňte, ľudia. Nikdy ne ... Len ... Ak mi veríte, že som Boží sluha, nedávajte také meno tomu biednemu dieťaťu. Vidíte? Nie nikdy, dajte mu miesto toho iné meno. Ó. Nemal som sa do toho púšťať, pretože odchádzam od svojej témy, ale povedal som to a je to vybavené. Ja ... Tak sa to deje, neviete kedy to poviete. Rozumiete?

257 Nazývali Ho cudzincom, veštcom, diablom, Belzebúbom a hovorili: "On sa robí Bohom." Ó, joj.

258 Či nepovedal prorok Izaiáš, že Ho nazvú Silný Boh? Izaiáš 9:6. "Dieťa sa nám narodilo, syn nám je daný, a kniežatstvo bude na jeho pleci, a nazvú jeho meno: Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Silný Boh, Otec Večnosti." Je to tak. A tiež, ev. Jána 1:1 "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Veríte tomu? On nebol len ... On bol prorok, ale On bol viac ako prorok. On bol Boh - prorok. Prečo On musel prísť?

259 Pamätajte, On prichádza pod tromi menami syna. On prv prišiel pod menom Syn človeka. On nenazýval seba samého Synom Božím. To viete. Vidíte? On prišiel ako Syn človeka, ako prorok. Sám Jehova, Otec nazval Jeremiáša "syn človeka". Prorok je syn človeka. On prišiel ...

260 A teraz, po Letniciach On prichádza, vracia sa naspäť vo forme Ducha Svätého, nadprirodzeného Ducha. Teraz Syn Boží.

261 V tisícročnom kráľovstve On bude Syn Dávidov, a bude sedieť na Dávidovom tróne. Vidíte? On prichádza ... On je Syn Boží, Syn človeka a Syn Dávidov.

262 Ó, Biblia je plná týchto zlatých zrniek. Nedokážeme ich všetky povyberať za jeden večer. Ale práve teraz je vhodný čas, aby sme to dali na správne miesto. Zajtra nám nemusí svitnúť nový deň. Do zajtra môže byť po nás. Možno že kážem niekomu, kto do rána zomrie. Ja môžem do rána zomrieť. Brat, sestra, to nie je mýt. To sú skutočné fakty. Nevieme kedy sa pominieme. Keď ten posledný dych opustí vaše telo, nebudete mať už žiadnu šancu. Dajte to do poriadku teraz. Nečakajte až do rána, môže byť príliš neskoro.

263 Všimnite si. No, oni Mu urobili presne to, čo prorokovali proroci, presne tak, ako to robia práve v tomto dni, v tomto Laodicejskom veku. Ak sa chcete na to pozrieť, čítajte Zjavenie 3: "Slepí, nahí, a nevedia o tom. Odstrkujú Krista ..." Keď sa On začína zjavovať a znovu prichádza do formy semena, To isté, ktoré vošlo do zeme, prichádza naspäť, aby bolo Nevestou. Proste Nevesta a Ženích, to je to isté telo a krv, tá istá služba, tie isté veci, robí presne to isté, čo robil On. Duch ...

264 A tu to oni napodobňujú a robia všetko možné, a každý má svoju knihu a behá, robí to i tamto. A, ó, nikdy ste nepočuli o takých senzáciách: "A ja som zavoňal diabla." A všetko toto, tamto. Proste úplne nebiblické.

265 A tá pravá vec leží tu rovno pred nimi a oni od toho odchádzajú a hovoria: "Oni nepatria do mojej organizácie. Do mojej ..." Vidíte? Proste slepí vedú slepých. Či nepadnú všetci do jamy? Oslepený ľudskými denominačnými tradíciami, vystrčili Ho von zo svojej cirkvi, tak ako to Boh povedal v Zjavení 3, že to urobia. Ako je väčšinou prorokované ...

266 Všimnite si, ako Ježiš hovorí - a ako sa dal poznať teraz týmto učeníkom, a zakončíme. Títo dvaja učeníci Kajfáš - či vlastne Kleofáš, a jeho priateľ. No, sme vo vzkriesení, je ráno po vzkriesení, po tom prvom vzkriesení. Aké nádherné ráno. Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych a žije medzi svojím ľudom. Aká nádherná myšlienka.

267 On je tu, taký istý dnes, aký bol vtedy, pretože On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A dnes sa zjavuje viacej, ako sa odvtedy zjavoval v ktoromkoľvek inom veku. Prechádzal cez pšenicu a stopku a šupku (to je teraz všetko za nami), my sme vošli znovu do pšenice. Vidíte? Vošli sme naspäť do zrna.

268 Dal sa poznať, ako ... Pozorujte ako sa On dal poznať týmto ľuďom, (No, pamätajte!) ako ich Mesiáš, (prv ako skončíme) zo zasľúbeného Slova na ten vek. Všimnite si. On sa objavil tak, ako to povedal cez prorokov. Všimnite si. "Nezmyselní a lenivého srdca, veriť všetkému tomu, čo o Ňom písali proroci. To sa muselo vyplniť."

269 Pozorujte Ho. On poukazuje rovno naspäť do Božieho Slova. On neprichádza priamo a nehovorí im: "Či ma nepoznáte? Ja som ten Mesiáš, ktorý vstal z mŕtvych." On to vôbec tak nepovedal. Vidíte? On im len ukazuje tie miesta Písma, ako to ukázal Jánovi a ostatným. Vidíte? On len ... Oni to museli z toho sami porozumieť. Oni sami to museli posúdiť. No, nezaspite, posúďte to sami.

270 "Nezmyselní, lenivého srdca veriť všetkému, čo povedali proroci, že sa musí stať." Čo za pokarhanie pre tých, ktorí tvrdili, že Ho poznajú. Vidíte?

271 Všimnite si, ako On pristúpil ku tej téme. On neprišiel priamo, ako som pred chvíľou povedal, a nepovedal im: "Či neviete, že Ja som váš Mesiáš na tento vek? Či neviete, že to som Ja?" Skutočný Boží sluha sa nikdy takýmto spôsobom nepreukazuje. Písmo preukazuje, kto on je. A on tým určite bude. Vidíte? Ale obrátil ich pozornosť na to, čo povedali proroci, že čo majú očakávať v čase Mesiáša. Vidíte to? Ide rovno naspäť: "Nezmyselní a lenivého srdca, že nedokážete veriť tomu, čo všetci proroci hovorili o Mesiášovi, čo sa má s Ním stať."

272 On, tak ako Ján, nechal aby Slovo Biblie ukázalo kto On je, čím On bol pre nich. To malo tú vec dostatočne vyjasniť. Ak Ho Slovo potvrdilo, malo byť jasné, kto bol podľa zasľúbenia ten, na ktorého sa oni dívali. Oni vedeli, že v tom čase sa niekto musí zjaviť na scéne.

273 No, On mohol povedať: "Dovoľte nech vám ukážem, čo hovorí Slovo, že sa má stať v tomto dni."

274 Či sa vám nesnažím dnes večer povedať, Slovo za Slovom, ešte aj čo sa týka pozícii, miesta, mien a čísel, všetkého ďalšieho, a všetky znamenia, časy, a všetko, že sme práve v čase konca? Skutočne môžete vidieť o čom hovorím. Vidíte? Pozrite sa. Je to také jasné, že to nepotrebuje žiadnu ďalšiu identifikáciu. On povedal, keď tu bol na zemi: "Skúmajte Písma, myslíte si, že v nich máte večný život, a oni sú to, ktoré ... Oni svedčia o Mne, čo som, (Vidíte?) kto som."

275 Všimnite si. On začal od proroka Mojžiša, od proroka z 5.Mojžišovej 18:15. No, skúmam tu Písma. 5.Mojžišova 18:15, Mojžiš tu povedal: "Pán váš Boh ..."

276 Vidíte? Boh ku nemu hovoril hore na tom vrchu. A, ó, hrmeli hromy. Oni povedali: "Nech Pán ... Nech hovorí Mojžiš, nie Boh, aby sme nezahynuli."

277 On povedal: "Oni dobre povedali. Ja budem ... Nebudem už viac takto ku ním hovoriť, ale im vzbudím proroka." A tak je to od vtedy stále s Jeho posolstvom. A to je to, čo musí na konci napraviť celú tú vec. Proste musí, pretože Slovo Pánovo musí prísť ku prorokovi. On je to jediné, ku čomu Ono môže prísť. Ak by to tak nebolo, narušilo by to Božie Slovo, a z toho by vysvitalo, že On povedal niečo, čo nie je pravda. Vidíte? Ono prichádza ku prorokovi. A ten prorok je poslaný od Boha. Ustanovený, že poznáte, že to je to, a nie to čo povedal ten človek, ...

278 Mali sme Eliášov, a plášte, a všetko ďalšie, rúcha a všetky rôzne nezmysli, ktoré skončili v organizácii a vo všetkom možnom.

279 Ale podľa Božieho zasľúbenia príde na túto zem skutočný Boží sluha, potvrdený od Boha, skrze Jeho Slovo, ktorý bude odpoveďou na tento deň, a to privedie Nevestu do poriadku (veľmi malú menšinu cirkvi) a vezme ju hore. Je to tak. On predstaví: "Ajhľa, toto je Ten, o ktorom som vám hovoril, že príde." Vidíte?

280 A všetko, čo tí proroci hovorili o Ňom, a do tohoto veku. No, bolo by to naozaj zaujímavé počúvať Ho, ako to hovoril. Chceli by ste Ho počuť, ako to hovorí? "Všetci tí proroci hovorili o ..." Pamätajte, On hovoril to, čo tí proroci hovorili o Ňom samom, citoval samého seba, to čo On povedal, a On bol to Slovo, ktoré citoval.

281 No, počúvajme Slová, ktoré citoval. Chceli by ste počuť, čo im hovoril? Prinesme teraz ten rozhovor, prv ako skončíme.

282 No, oni stručne porozprávali o všetkých posledných udalostiach, o ukrižovaní, o tom čo sa prihodilo pri hrobe a aký bol hrob, a že Ho tie ženy videli, a že iný povedal, že Ho videl, a tak ďalej. On povedal ... Oni Mu to stručne porozprávali. A On na to hneď začína hovoriť Slovo - cituje seba samého cez Slovo.

No, pozrite sa do Zachariáša 12." On im musel citovať Zachariáša 11:12. Lebo bol predaný za tridsať strieborných. Či nemal byť Mesiáš predaný za tridsať strieborných?

V Žalme 41:10 - Zradili Ho jeho priatelia.

Zachariáš 13:7 - Jeho učeníci Ho opustili.

V Žalme 35:11 - Obvinili Ho falošní svedkovia.

Podľa Izaiáša 53:7 - Zanemel pred tými, ktorí na Neho žalovali a neotvoril svojich úst. (Je to tak?)

Izaiáš 50:6 - Bol bičovaný.

Žalm 22 - Zvolal na kríži. Bože Môj, prečo si ma opustil? Počítam všetky svoje kosti a oni hľadia a dívajú sa mi.. Prebodli moje ruky a moje nohy. - Pozrite sa na tie proroctvá, o ktorých On mohol hovoriť.

Izaiáš 9:6 - Dieťa sa nám narodilo, panna počne, a tak ďalej.

A tiež Žalm 22:19 - Delia si medzi sebou Jeho rúcho.

V Izaiášovi 7:14 - Panna počne.

Žalm 22:7 a 8 - Jeho nepriateľ sa Mu vysmieval, ten ktorý mal byť jeho priateľom. Jeho nepriatelia, cirkev.

Znovu v Žalme 22 - On bol ... Žiadna jeho kosť nemala byť zlámaná, ale prebodli jeho ruky a jeho nohy.

Izaiáš 53:12 - Zomrel so zločincami.

V Izaiášovi 53:9 - Zdrtený, a pochovaný s bohatými bratmi.

V Žalme 16:10 - Bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych. Dávid tak povedal: Nedám svojmu svätému vidieť porušenie, ani nezanechám jeho dušu v ríši smrti. On vstal z mŕtvych.

Malachiáš 3 - Ján Krstiteľ bol jeho predchodcom.

283 A všetky tie obrazy, cez ktoré mohol prechádzať. Ešte aj Izák Ho zobrazoval na Vrchu - na tom vrchu, kde ho v Genesis 22 zobral jeho otec Abrahám.

284 Teraz oni začali vidieť, kto vyplnil všetky tieto Písma, ktoré boli zasľúbené na ten deň. A vtedy, keď už bolo neskoro, oni začali vidieť. "Ó, to je ono, počkaj chvíľu. Vieš čo?" Oni vtedy poznali, že ich priateľ Ježiš, ktorého ukrižovali, bol ten Prorok, ktorý bol zasľúbený. Oni to poznali, pretože ... Vidíte? Oni neboli oboznámení s Písmom.

285 Ale tu, všetko to, čo sa malo udiať na kríži, všetky tie veci. "Nezmyselní a lenivého srdca porozumieť všetkému tomu, čo hovorili proroci, ako mal Mesiáš trpieť, a vojsť do svojej slávy, a vstať na tretí deň."

286 Stále išli: "Ó, áno. Je to tak. Rozumiem. On - On ... Či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia?" Nie divu, že horeli ich srdcia. Tie proroctvá, ktoré im On hovoril, ktoré sa vyplnili ...

287 Potom začali rozumieť, že ich priateľ, ten muž, s ktorým jedli, s ktorým sa rozprávali, s ktorým mali obecenstvo, s ktorým chytali ryby, s ktorým spali v lesoch, že to vyplnilo každé Slovo, zasľúbené na tú hodinu. Tu to mali. Išli šesť míľ a myslím, že im to ubehlo veľmi rýchlo. Počúvali šesť hodinové kázanie o tom, ako sa to proroctvo potvrdilo. (Trochu dlhšie ako my dnes večer.)

288 A deň sa už teraz nachýlil a nastával večer, prišli večerné svetlá. Cirkev, teraz je taký istý čas! Prišli večerné svetlá! Židom 13:8 - On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

289 Ó, udalosti vysvetlené pomocou proroctva, dnes je to tak isto. Večerné svetlo, ktoré bolo zasľúbené skrze Božieho proroka, v Zachariášovi 14:7, môže znovu otvoriť oči skutočného veriaceho, na udalosti, ktoré sa dnes odohrávajú. Je to potvrdené skrze proroctvá, že sme v čase konca. Ježiš prichádza. Práve ...

290 On povedal: "Bude deň, ktorý nebude nazvaný nocou ani dňom. Ale v čase večera bude svetlo." No, vieme zo zemepisu, že slnko vychádza na východe a zapadá na západe. No, prorok povedal, že dlhý čas bude šero, niečo také, čo sa nedá nazvať ani dňom ani nocou. To je taký tmavý, pochmúrny deň.

291 No, kde vyšlo slnko? Čo ... To bol Syn, o ktorom teraz hovoríme. [V angličtine sú podobné výrazy "son" - syn a "sun" - slnko] Ten prirodzený syn vychádza na východe a zapadá na západe. Ten istý Boh, či vlastne ten istý Syn. A Syn Boží povstal prv na východe, pre tých ľudí východu.

292 A potom, keď On odišiel, čo oni urobili? Po tristo rokoch založili svoju prvú organizáciu, rímsko-katolícku cirkev. Prechádzali cez temný vek a prišli sem. Čo robili? To isté. Bol to deň - nebolo to nazvané ani dňom, ani nocou. Mali dosť predpisov, že verili, že On je Syn Boží, a kráčali vo svetle, ktoré mali. Zakladali svoje cirkvi a stavali nemocnice a školy a tak ďalej, a semináre. Posielali svoje deti do škôl.

293 Ale prorok povedal: "V čase večera bude znovu svetlo. Syn sa znovu zablyskne. Bude svetlo." Čo to bude? Ten istý Syn (S-y-n), ktorý sa tam v čase rána zjavil v tele, sa znovu zjavi v čase večera.

294 No, porovnajte ev. Lukáša 17:30 - A v tom dni, ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, (to uloženie sveta) v tom čase sa zjavi Syn človeka.

V čase večera bude svetlo, 
Cestu do chvály istotne nájdete.

295 Ó, ľudia, kde sme?

Národy sa rozpadávajú, Izrael sa budí. 

Ukazujú sa znamenia, ktoré predpovedali proroci.
Dni pohanov sú zrátané, strachom obtiažené.
(Pozorujte ako sa zosúva do mora.)

Vráťte sa ó rozprášení, do svojho. 

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil, 

ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu, 

buďte naplnení Duchom, 
majte ozdobené a čisté svoje lampy. 
Pozdvihnite hlavy! Vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo

296 Brat, sestra, je to strašný čas. Pozorujte tie veci, ktoré sú prorokované. Pozorujte čo sa deje. Pozorujte všetky tie proroctvá, ktoré sa vyplnili. Potom vidíme, čo to všetko znamená. Nie je to nejaká skupina, nejaký fanatizmus. To je Boh, ktorý presne potvrdzuje svoje Slovo, presne. Priatelia, Skala je udrená, utečte sa ku nej tak rýchlo, ako len môžete. Proroctvo potvrdzuje deň, v ktorom žijeme.

297 Skloňme svoje hlavy. [V zhromaždení začína niekto hovoriť v neznámom jazyku a iný to vykladá. Nejaký brat na pódiu hovorí: "Môžeme vydržať ešte chvíľu v kľude? Boh ku nám hovorí cez brata Branhama a pomazanie je na bratovi Branhamovi, a on ešte neskončil."]

298 Ó. Uvedomujete si v akom dni žijeme, priatelia? Či sa odvážite dohadovať sa s Bohom? Či poviete, že On nemá pravdu, keď to On potvrdil? On vykladá seba samého. Chcete Mu slúžiť?

A teraz, brat, sestra, skloňte svoje hlavy, skloňte svoje srdcia ...

299 Toto môže byť naše posledné zhromaždenie. Možno už nikdy ... Ak by som sa tu za rok vrátil, ak budem žiť, mnohí, ktorí sú tu teraz, tu už nebudú. A musím sa s vami stretnúť na súde a zodpovedať sa za všetko, čo som dnes večer povedal.

300 Pred Bohom, kým ste pri zdravom rozume, urobili by ste teraz toľkoto pre Boha? Ak viete, že ste ... Pozrite sa len na seba v Božom Zrkadle, v Biblii, bez ohľadu na to kto ste, a povedzte: "Viem, že mi ešte veľa chýba do toho, aby som bola dcérou Božou. Keď sa dívam na to, čo robím. Chýba mi ešte veľa do toho, aby som bol synom Božím. Keď sa dívam na to, čo robím. Ale Bože, chcem ním byť. Chcem vynaložiť všetka námahu, aby som prišiel na to miesto." Chcem, aby ste zodvihli ruky ku Bohu, ktokoľvek ste, kdekoľvek ste v tejto budove. "Áno, chcem byť synom Božím. Chcem byť dcérou Božou. Chcem vyplniť všetko, čo rozkázal môj Pán." No, vy ... Nech vás Boh žehná. Myslím, že je to deväťdesiat percent zhromaždených.

301 No, pozri sa sem, môj priateľ. Čo keby si bol žil vo dňoch, kde by si počul kázať Jána? Čo keby si bol žil vo dňoch, keď tu bol Ježiš? Na ktorú stranu by si sa postavil? Keby si žil v Ježišovom ... Pamätaj, ak On ... Keby si vtedy žil, bolo by to tak ako je to teraz. Ten istý Ježiš sa dáva poznávať cez svoje Slovo (Vidíte?), a to je veľmi nepopulárne.

302 Ale dovoľte, aby som vám povedal, ja sa nesnažím povedať ľuďom, aby opustili cirkev, alebo ... Nie, ja chcem, aby ste chodili do cirkvi. "Neopúšťajte spoločného zhromaždenia." Ale to, čo sa vám snažím povedať, to je to, aby ste sa tlačili do Kráľovstva Božieho. A tieto veci, svet, cirkev ...

303 Letniční, vy ľudia sa stávate príliš svetskí. Až príliš sa pripodobňujete tomuto svetu. Je to také ľahké. Stále sa dívate na televízor a nechávate si všetky tieto veci, a to čo oni robia, a všetko toto, a ani sa nenazdáte ... Semináre, školy sú počiatkom toho, aby ste tu a tam urobili kompromis na tomto, na tom a tamtom, a ani sa nenazdáte ... Musí to tak ísť. Letničná cirkev bola tá, ktorá ma najviac podporovala, nič proti tomu nemôžem povedať. Ale kričím toto: "Vychádzaj, môj brat." Už nemáte tie zhromaždenia, ktoré ste mávali. Ľudia už nie sú takí, akí boli. Ale Ježiš Kristus je ten istý. Poďme ku Nemu.

304 A teraz vy, ktorí ste zodvihli ruky, pamätajte, na púšti bola udrená Skala, a to žriedlo je stále dnes večer otvorené. Skala bola udrená, Kristus. On je tou udrenou Skalou.

305 A dnes večer, pokiaľ viem, cirkev môže byť ... Čas vyvolávania mohol už skončiť. Ja neviem. Ja to nemôžem povedať. Pamätajte, ľudia po ukrižovaní Ježiša ďalej pokračovali tak isto, mali zhromaždenia. A všetci ľudia, oni - oni prídu, oni ... Pozrite sa. Oni budú ďalej kázať a hovoriť, že dožívajú spasenie a tak ďalej, tak ako keby ... Oni hovoria: "Svet beží ďalej tak ako predtým." Ale vtedy už bude príliš pozde.

306 Kým máš šancu, môj brat, kým máš šancu, moja sestra, poď do Kráľovstva Božieho. Aby si tam vošiel nemusíš mať nič okrem prostej viery, veriť Jeho Slovu. On je to Slovo. "Pane Ježišu, viem, že keď sa dívam teraz na seba v zrkadle Božieho Slova, ó, koľko mi ešte chýba. Ale drahý Bože, tu dnes večer, tento pondelok večer, tu v San Bernardíno v Kalifornii, tu v tomto auditóriu, toto je všetko čo mám, Pane, ale ja Ti to dám. Pane, prijmeš ma takého aký som? Dovolíš mi utiecť sa hneď teraz ku krížu? Vidím tých poslov. Vidím čas. Vidím vyvolávanie zo Sodomy. Vidím tie znamenia. Vidím Abrahámovu skupinu, ako prijíma svetlo. Vidím tú manifestáciu, Ježiša, ktorý sa znovu zamanifestoval rovno medzi nami, ako to bolo vtedy. Vidím všetky tie veci, ktoré si zasľúbil. Vidím tých napodobovateľov. Vidím, že Ty si to povedal - Ako bolo vo dňoch Mojžiša. - Ako znovu prídu tento Jambres a Jannes, aby napodobňovali, a stále budú zostávať rovno v tej istej diere, v ktorej boli." Vidíte?

307 Oni nemohli nasledovať Mojžiša cez to Slovo, aby vyviedli z tade tie deti na púšť, pretože sa spolčovali v Egypte. Oni to nemohli urobiť, hoci robili tie isté skutky, ktoré on. Ale ich nerozum sa stal zjavným. A Biblia hovorí, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, že v posledných dňoch toto znovu nastane.

308 A vy to vidíte na vlastné oči, ak ste duchovní. Ja som ... Nemôžem sa vysvetliť. Nie je potrebné aby som to vysvetlil. "Moje ovce počujú môj hlas." Poďme teraz ku Nemu, kým máme možnosť. Či pôjdete?

309 Ak potrebujete krst Duchom Svätým, ak sa potrebujete znovu odovzdať Bohu, nový život ... Váš pastor vami nepohrdne. On vás bude za to milovať. Len sa odovzdajte dnes večer úplne Bohu, kým ste tu. Nech ... To je ... Viem že je to tvrdé, ostré, zvláštne. Nerobím to, že chcem byť podlý. Robím to, že chcem byť úprimný. Robím to preto, že vás milujem. Milujem Boha, a robím to preto, že sa vám snažím pomôcť. A priateľ, ja opravdu verím z celého svojho srdca, so všetkou mojou vierou, verím, že moje posolstvo pochádza od Boha. Bolo vám to dokazované po všetky tie roky.

310No, počúvajte, odovzdajte dnes večer všetko čo máte, všetko čo potrebujete. Verím s čistým, oddaným srdcom, že ak len vstanete a zodvihnete svoje ruky ku Bohu a poviete: "Drahý Bože, tu som. Prijmi ma Pane. Už sa viacej nebudem snažiť použiť svoj vlastný rozum a svoj vlastný výklad. Tvoje Slovo hovorí, že musím byť svätý, že musím byť znovuzrodený, že musím byť naplnený Duchom, a potom ma Duch bude viesť do všetkej pravdy. Drahý Bože, tu som, veď ma." Urobíte toľko? Ak toľko urobíte, zodvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte: "Som ochotný to urobiť, som ochotný."

311 Postavme sa potom na svoje nohy.

Taký aký som - bez výhovorky,

Ale Tvoja krv bola za mňa preliata,

A že ma tvoj hlas volá ku Tebe
Ó Baránku Boží,
(Jediné Božie dvere) ... idem!

No, dajte nabok všetka svoju prácu, všetko, svoju únavu a všetko ... Čo keby ste teraz mali zomrieť?

Ty ma prijmeš takého aký som, 

Pozveš ma, odpustíš mi a prijmeš ma,
Pretože ja ...

(Zodvihnete teraz svoju ruku na tento verš?)
...sľubujem, že budem veriť,

Ó Baránku Boží, idem, idem už.

313 No, kým organista ďalej hrá, nech každý z nás ...

314 Mládež, či sa chcete správať, ako tí tu vonku na ulici, ako táto banda chuligánov?

315 Sestra, či chceš nosiť krátke vlasy, keď je to tvoja nazarejská česť Bohu, keď máš dlhé vlasy? "Tým hanobí svoju hlavu, keď si strihá vlasy." Či budeš nosiť tie minisukne a také veci, aké oni dnes nosia, to nemorálne oblečenie, cez ktoré vidieť vonku na ulici tvoje telo? Či vieš, že každý muž, ktorý sa na teba díva, že vo svojom srdci pácha s tebou cudzoložstvo? A ti sa takto predvádzaš. Ženy, či viete, vy ktoré sa maľujete, že v Biblii bola len jedna žena, ktorá sa maľovala? A Boh nechal, že ju zožrali psi. Jezábeľ, meno, ktoré je od toho času nenávidené, kvôli takým jej skutkom. Či viete, že to bol prorok Eliáš, ktorý to preklial a vyzýval ju, aby zanechala také spôsoby? Či viete, že to bola Herodiáda, ktorej to Ján Krstiteľ pripomenul? Či viete ... Nechcete byť predsa tým Hollywoodským produktom tohoto sveta. "Ak milujete svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, nie je vo vás láska Božia."

315 Brat, priateľ kazateľ, nič ... Prosím ťa, rozumej ma. Ja som tvoj brat. Či chceš spojiť seba a členov svojho zboru, s nejakou cirkvou (metodista, baptista, alebo čokoľvek si), či sa chceš naďalej držať v tej denominácii, pretože sa jej držala tvoja matka, tvoja stará matka? Ona z niečoho vyšla, aby vošla do toho. To bolo svetlo na ten deň, ako v časoch Noeho. Toto je iný deň.

316 Ty povieš: "Ale ja som mal ..."

317 Toto nie je deň letníc. Letničný vek už skončil. Letnice skončili, toto je čas žatvy. Vidíte? A čas žatvy, to zrno, voda bola vyliata, zrno dozrieva. Vojdi do zrna, môj drahý brat. Počúvajte ma. Verte mi. Ak mi veríte, že som Boží sluha, skloňme každý svojím spôsobom svoju hlavu v pokore a modlime sa, ako vieme, ako sa máme modliť. "Bože prijmi ma takého, aký som."

318 A brat, sestra, ja sa dnes večer tiež kladiem na oltár: Bože, sformuj ma a urob ma iného. Urob niečo. Bože, urob ma na Tvoju podobu.

319 Myslíte si, že je to ľahko tu stáť a sekať takto ľudí na kusy? Je to ťažko. Ale beda mi, keby som to nerobil.

320 Drahý Bože, keď toto obecenstvo sklonilo svoje srdcia i hlavy, v tejto vážnej chvíli, pri zakončení tejto Biblickej lekcii, keď vidíme potvrdenie Ducha Svätého, ktorý trasie hore dole a hore dole týmto národom, veľké prebudenia a znamenia, vieme, že za tým musí niečo nasledovať. A potom vidíme prichádzať tých sedem anjelov tu dole ba ten vrch tam v Arizone, keď to publikovali ešte aj časopisy po celom národe. Aby sme tam na oblakoch videli samého Ježiša, ako sa díva dole a hovorí, v Zjavení 10:7, že v posolstve siedmeho anjela, budú tieto pečate otvorené, tie tajomstvá Božie budú oznámené. Lebo tí reformátori nežili tak dlho, aby to priniesli na svetlo. A tu, týchto sedem pečatí, ktoré celú tú vec zapečatili, má v tomto dni byť otvorené. Aby sme videli všetky tieto veľké znamenia a zázraky, ktoré sa stali, boli potvrdené, predpovedané pred tým ako sa stali, a On nás ani raz nesklamal, ale spravil, že sa to stalo presne tak, ako to bolo povedané.

321 Drahý Bože, uvedomujeme si, že Ježiš Kristus je v našom strede. Vieme, že On je tu. On je tu dnes večer, neviditeľný Boh je tu s nami, a môže potvrdiť každé zasľúbenie, ktoré dal vo svojom Slove. Ako si tam stál, Pane, a potvrdil si im, otočený chrbtom, vtedy úplne na začiatku, prv ako do toho boja vošli napodobovatelia. Alebo prv ako vošli do toho dostihu, ako to bolo. Ty si ukázal a potvrdil, prorokoval a povedal si presne ako sa to stane, a my vidíme, že sa to tak stalo. A Otče Bože, my vieme, že to nemôže byť človek. To musí byť Boh. Tak vidíme, že to si Ty, tu dnes večer. Odpusť nám naše viny.

322 Drahý Bože, Ty si uzdravil naše nemoci, a teraz nám odpusť naše viny, Pane, že nie sme ešte takými kresťanmi, akými máme byť. Vyznávame, že sme muži alebo ženy plného evanjelia, a tu vidíme, že upadáme ako denominačné kurence. Pomôž nám, drahý Bože, vezmi nás a zatras nami tvojím Svätým Duchom. A ak je v nás čokoľvek, čo sa nepodobá na Teba, vezmi to od nás, Pane. A postav pevne naše nohy na svätom Božom Slove, a nech Duch Svätý zapáli oheň v našich srdciach a odstráni všetky zbytky nevery a ospalosť tohoto dňa. Ó, povstaň a zatras nami. Sprav to Bože. Očisti nás. Sformuj nás. Prerob nás. Sprav to, Bože.

323 Ak je tu niekto dnes večer, Pane, kto nosí vo svojom srdci to zrno, ten Boží gén určený do života od založenia sveta, viem Pane, že oni musia počúvať ba túto hodinu. A tak sa modlím, Bože, aby si naplnil ich duše a osvietil ich čerstvým krstom Ducha Svätého, a poslal ich na ich cestu, radostných a šťastných.

324 Pane Bože, odovzdávam ich Tebe. Ja neviem kto to je. Ty vieš. Ja som len zodpovedný za kázanie tvojho Slova, Pane, ako ho ty zjavuješ. Ty si zodpovedný za to ostatné, kde padá to semeno. Ja ho len sejem. Pane Bože, prosím aby ono dnes padlo do dobrej, úrodnej zeme, aby to mnohí videli, Pane, aby z toho vyrástli kresťania, ktorí budú svietiť v týchto posledných dňoch, aby tá veľká vec, na ktorú očakávame, že príde, aby rýchlo prišla. Sprav to, Pane. A Ty zoberieš svoju cirkev, svoju Nevestu, a zoberieš ju domov. Vidíme, že všetko je na svojom mieste. Príď, Pane Ježišu. Porúčame to všetko Tebe, v mene Ježiša Krista, aby to dobre dopadlo. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
Pretože On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote

325 Milujete Ho? Tak potom musíte milovať jeden druhého. Podajte si navzájom ruky, keď to znovu budeme spievať.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
Pretože On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote

326 Oddajme Mu teraz chválu. Koľkí poznáte túto pieseň?

Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť,
Chváliť Baránka, ktorý bol zabitý za hriešnikov,
Oslavujte Ho všetci ľudia,
Za to, že Jeho krv umyla každú škvrnu.

327 Spievajme to teraz.

Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť,
Chváliť Baránka, ktorý bol zabitý za hriešnikov,
Oslavujte Ho všetci ľudia,
Za to že Jeho krv umyla každú škvrnu.

328 Či sa necítite všetci očistení? Zodvihnite ruky, povedzte: "Ó, to mi robí, že sa cítim dobre." Brat, mám rád tie starodávne piesne. Ty nie? Oni idú hlboko do srdca.

Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť,
Chváliť Baránka, ktorý bol zabitý za hriešnikov,
Oslavujte Ho všetci ľudia,
Za to, že Jeho krv umyla každú škvrnu.

329 Zodvihnime teraz ruky a chváľme Boha, každý z nás svojím vlastným spôsobom.

330 Pane Ježišu, ďakujeme Ti. Dobrorečíme Ti, Pane. Dobrorečíme Ti za tých vyvolaných ľudí, von z Babylonu. Ďakujeme Ti za krv Tvojho Syna, Ježiša Krista. Ďakujem Ti, že On nás očisťuje v tejto chvíli. Prosíme o odpustenie, čo sme urobili zle, našu hlúposť, Pane, naše potkýňanie sa v temnosti. Ó Bože, nech by sme povstali a svietili, a chodili vo večernom svetle, a boli ovocím stromu, ktorý vyrastá pomocou toho večerného svetla. Sprav to, drahý Bože. Porúčame sa Ti v mene Ježiša Krista.

331 A teraz, keď máte sklonené hlavy, odovzdávam vás pastorovi, ktorý zakončí toto zhromaždenie.

1 Let's bow our heads. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight because that You answer prayer for us. This poor dear woman laying there, where surgery has failed. But, O God, we remember the first surgery was ever performed in the earth, You did it Yourself. You taken from the side of Adam, a rib, closed up the incision, and made a wife. O Father, I pray tonight that Your hand will come down now and will perform this great thing that we're asking for. And these others, Lord, this woman that's suffering with mental oppression, all others who's got requests, we just commit them to Thee, Father, with our whole heart. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Indeed a privilege to be here tonight and have this fine audience to look at. And fine singing, the wonderful little choir. I was just thinking the difference, seeing them boys standing there with... clean-looking fellows, clean haircuts. I was thinking, last night, of--of the place where I'm staying; a bunch of hoodlums came in down there and trying to drowned a boy in the swimming pool; they had to call out something and get them out of there. What a difference, see kids standing, singing the Gospel songs; what a difference.

2 Thinking, as Brother Henry said there, "those man with them hair like the women should have," you see. That--that--that's right. Look like the... I see these boys kind of have that hair, they even put these roller-curlers in it, around their face. I don't know, I... sometimes I become discouraged. It looks like it--it's a true time of perversion. Man are trying to wear women's clothes, and women wearing man's clothes. And man leaving their hair like women, and women having hair like man. What's the matter with this people, anyhow? Has the, really, the very threads of decency and honor left this nation and these people, this world?

3This is a horrible time, but it's the most glorious time in the world, to preach the Gospel. If I could've stood on the brink of time before it come into existence, and the Father would have looked at me, and said, "What time down through these ages would you want to preach?" I'd want it right now, that's right, just before His coming.

4 Looking out upon the audience, setting here before us... A minister friend of mine, in Tucson yesterday, was riding a horse. (Thinking of this man with this... this woman with the disc in her back.) This horse threw him. Another man called me at one o'clock this morning, to my hotel, and said, "The man's at Veterans Hospital, and his eyes are glassy, his back smashed, his kidneys are pushed out, and his heart's about to fail." And there I got down on the floor, on my knees; telephone, got him on the other end, and prayed for him. And here he sets here tonight, setting right there. That was last night. Bob, would you just stand up there? There's the man, right there. [Congregation applauds--Ed.] God answers prayer, morning, night, noontime, midnight, or anytime.

5 Now, I--I am such a long-winded preacher, as they call it. I just kind of hate to get started this time of night, and--and I thought I'd just come over. The other night, why, we was speaking over here at a certain place, and the... fifteen minutes after I had been on, the people was picking up the dishes and motioning to me, "Quit! Shut up, you got to get out of here," smoking cigarettes, and carrying on. It wasn't the--the banquet's fault, it was the people that we had it rented from. And the--the chairman's wife went around and told the manager, said...

6Said, "Well, you're supposed to be out of here at 9:30."

7Said, "You never put that in the contract."

8This lady, tonight, she come down here (real nice lady) and she said, "We understood that you want it," said, "just take it as long as you want." So that was very nice. So I'm very thankful for that. That's very fine.

9 Brother Henry, I certainly appreciate your--your kindness of inviting me here, and this chapter.

10I had the privilege last night of being down here at the Assemblies of God where I believe a Brother Boone is pastor. Had a wonderful time down there with that group of people. And tomorrow night we're going somewhere over here, I don't know where it's at, and it's another chapter. They take care of that; I just keep praying, reading, and going along, and it's about all I can keep up with.

11 But, now, we're seeing strange things in this day. Now I've remember the last time I was here, it was in a tent meeting. I remember of speaking of it last night, of a little couple that brought their dead baby in. It--it's up somewhere up here, they drove all day and night. The little mother setting, sad, holding that little baby in her arms. Now, she may be setting right here now, for all I know. And she... the little husband, couple of more couples with them, and they was... And she said... asked me if I'd come over (the man did) to the car. I took the little baby out and was just holding it; a little, dead, stiff, cold form; and I started to pray. And when I prayed, that body begin to feel like it was getting warm. So I just... I kept on praying. He started kicking and moving, going along, so I... started crying. I handed it back to the mother, she went on back home with it. So, they might not even been Christians, for all I know. See? That was wonderful.

12 But what I'm thinking about, tonight, I know a church that's dying, too, it's our Pentecostal people. We got to shake out of this, uh-huh, that's all. And the only way you're going to do it is prayer and lining up with the Word of God. It's the only way we're going to do it. There's only one way out, He's that Way, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Would we want our church get in the condition as he said over there, like in England? That's the reason I've been, you think, so rude, bawling you out. And I don't mean to do that, but I don't want to see the church get in that kind of a shape. You don't want to be in that shape. But yet you've just got to drive It down so hard till you nail It and make It clench. It's got to be done.

13So now, tonight, I've just got a... some Scriptures and text here I want to speak on for a while. I ain't going to say no certain time. You get tired, why... I may be through in thirty minutes, and just depends on... I always just kind of leave it to the Holy Spirit, just whichever way He leads.

14 Let's bow our heads just a moment longer, speak to the Author before we open His Book.

15Almighty God, the Author of this Book, through Jesus Christ we pray. We are thankful for what we've already heard tonight. If we should--should punctuate this meeting by saying, "Amen," and go home, it was good to be here, for we know that You've been with us. And, Father, as we open this Word now, speak to us directly out of this Word, that we might know the hour that we're living. If we know the hour we're living, then we can prepare for that hour; but if we go in blindly not knowing what or where, then we don't know how to prepare. So, Father, we pray that You'll let us see the Ark there, and the Door, open, and the Message calling us in. Grant it through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

16 In the Holy Scriptures, I want to read a text here; found over in the Book of Saint Luke, at the 24th chapter, the... I'm going to begin at the 13th verse, and read a portion of It.

And, behold, two of them went the same day from the village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore--score furlong.

And they talked together... these things which had happened.

And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and... Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.

But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.

And he said unto them, What manner of communication are these that you have one to another, as you walk, and are sad?

And the one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered and said unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and has thou not known all these things which have come to pass... in these days?

And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people:

And how the chief priests and the rulers delivered him to the... be condemned to death, and have crucified him.

But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and besides all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.

Yea, and certain of the women also of our company made us astonished, which were... at the sepulchre;

... when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said unto them... which said that he was alive.

And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: but he they... but him they saw not.

Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe (not to believe) all that the prophets have spoken:

Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and... entered into his glory?

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them... all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Words.

17 Now I take... if I call it a subject, I'd like to take this: The events... Modern Events Are Made Clear By Prophecy. Now, it's always been God's... the unchanging God's way to fore-... let His people foreknow before certain events happen.

18If the people in the days of the Lord Jesus would have only have sought God and knowed what was just about to take place, they would not have condemned Jesus to death. But the reason it was, because the Scriptures had to be fulfilled, because the Jews had to be blinded. We all are aware of that.

19Do you realize that that's promised again in this very age that we're living? The Laodicean Church Age, this seventh church age that we're in now, is naked, miserable, blind, and don't know it. The same as He blinded them back there for the purpose of getting His Message through to the elected people, He's promised to do the same thing today.

20 And if I'd say this to respects, and to all my brethren and sisters in Christ, one of these days somebody's going to say, "Isn't it written that these things should happen first?"

21And it'll be the same way it was then, "Verily, I say unto you, he's already come, and they had did what they listed to him."

22When they asked Him, said, "Why, the scribes say, and the Scriptures say that--that 'Elias must first come.'" They said that to Jesus.

23He said, "He's already come, and you didn't know him." See? And that's perhaps the way it'll end up again.

24 Now we want to be posted, to know what's to take place for this age that we live in. God has lotted His Word to each age, so much to each age, and we must notice that one age cannot carry over into another age. It just won't work. For instance, as I've said, I believe last night or... I'm constantly speaking, night after night, places, and sometime I make a remark the second time. I don't mean to repeat myself. But I say this: What would... good would it have done Moses to try to preach Noah's message? Or what good would it been... would have done Jesus to try to preach Moses' message? Or what good would it done Martin Luther to continue on with the Catholic message? What good would it done Wesley to continue on with the Lutheran message? What good would it done Pentecostals to continue on with the Methodist message? Or what good will it do Pentecost to continue on when the Bride's being called? See, we're right up into the seed time, we're here at the end time. Now, unless a corn of wheat falls in the earth, it abides alone.

25 As the critic, as I've made remarks since the book come out, probably you got it here in your--your city, that German author that wrote one of the most critical articles. He's an infidel. Course not... I'm not condemning him because he's condemned me so; but, because, being an infidel, the book shouldn't never be on the shelves. And he said, "A God that could set up and say He could open up the Red Sea and deliver His people, and then set with His hands across His stomach and see through the Dark Ages those Christians being tore to pieces by lions; those mothers with their hair saturated in tar, and hung onto crosses and burned; and their baby... expecting mothers, they'd split the stomach and gamble on the sex of the child; and set up and let it happen; people who was supposed to be servants of this God."

26 You see, the Scripture is inspiration. You'll never be able to know the Scripture just by setting down and reading It from a theological standpoint, from an educational standpoint; it never has worked.

27I was speaking with a Baptist minister not long ago, he said, "Until we learn the correct Greek, until we..."

28I said, "In the Nicaea Council, before that, they were arguing about the Greek words in the Bible." You'll never know It.

29The Bible is to be revealed by inspiration. That's the only thing, the revelation. Jesus told Peter, "Upon this rock." This rock of revelation reveals Who He is. "Blessed art thou Simon, son of Jonas, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in Heaven has revealed this to you; upon this rock I'll build My Church." Not upon Peter, not upon Himself, but upon the spiritual revelation of Who He was.

30And He is the Word! Saint John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Hebrews 13:8, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever."

31 Therefore we're living in the day when the manifestation of the Word of God has to come to a different age than the Pentecostal age. And that's right. Remember, you'll... I'm an uneducated person; but you can't beat nature, because God works in the continuity of nature. Just like, as I've said, the sun rises and sets; and goes through the day, and like a school age; and dies in the evening, to rise again the next morning. The trees let the sap down in the winter time, go into the roots, and come back in the spring.

32Notice, He likened It to a grain of wheat, the Bride, the reason that God had to let that go like that. That fine, real, genuine Church that was established on the Day of Pentecost, had growed and growed since the Day of Pentecost, into a great church, it had to fall into the earth in that Dark Age and be buried like all seed does. It had to die so it could come forth in the reformation again. It come forth in the person of a reformation, Martin Luther. And from there, just like a stalk of wheat coming up. The first thing comes up, there's two little blades, then it keeps adding more blades. Up come Martin Luther, and then Zwingli, and on down, Calvin, and as they moved on.

33 Finally it goes into a tassel. Now, that was John Wesley in the Wesley age. It had a pollen drop back.

34From there come the Pentecostal age, so close, just like a real grain of wheat if you look at the stalk. But if you'll take that wheat and move it back, there's not one grain in it at all, it's only a shuck in the shape of a grain. But it's set there for a purpose, to shelter the grain until... If the sun hits it like that, it'd kill it.

35It's got to stay in there until a certain time, and all the Life leaves the shuck (as It left the stalk, left the pollen), leaves the shuck and goes into the wheat, and forms again just like it was down in the ground.

36 Now, all of us know that whenever a message is given, in three years they form an organization. When they do that, it kills it right there; it did of the days of Luther, 'cause, it did it in the days of Wesley, it did it in the days of Alexander Campbell, and all the rest of them, and it did it in the days of Pentecost. Exactly! See? You get to a place, each one gets starchy, and gets off, and they can't receive new revelation. They're settled down; and there they are, and there they die. And the Life goes right through that, and goes right on to make the wheat. And when the wheat comes, that Life that's traveled through that wheat, the resurrection, brings the whole thing out; yes, brings up for the Rapture.

37 Now, remember, this Message started first with Divine healing, performing miracles. Now, if God let that go through a ordinary church, just like we already had, then it wasn't God. God don't have to show off; He don't--He don't have to do these things, to entertain us, like we Americans are used to (entertainment), but He does it to attract the attention of the people, that He's fixing to do something.

38Look at Him Hisself when He come. "The wonderful little prophet, the rabbi, the prophet of Galilee." Why, His ministry was wonderful, He was welcome in every church.

39But one day He set down, said, "I and My Father are One."

40"Oh, my!" That was out. "Away with such a fellow!"

41"Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

42"Why, he's a vampire! Get away from such a person!" See?

43See, there was something had to follow that sign. See, something followed.

44The shuck held it, but now the shuck pulls away; it has to. And remember, twenty years has passed by and no more denominations has come out of it, and it won't. We're at the end of denominations, the wheat's taken shape. But what's the matter with the wheat now, you can't... it must lay in the Presence of the Son, to ripen, before the combine picks it up.

45 Now, the events that we see taking place, it's absolutely showed in the Bible, of every age. We think we're all out of cater, but we're not, everything's moving just exactly with God's Word.

46Now, the Bible is a different book from any other sacred book. There's no book like the Bible, because the Bible is God in word form. See? It's... A word is a thought expressed. God's thinking expressed It, His Words through the prophets; and they wrote the Bible, which is in word form. And Jesus called It, "a Seed." And any seed will bring forth of its kind if it's in the right condition, the right atmosphere. Now, this Book of... is a... This Book of prophecy, It--It is foretelling future events. Now, the Book contains the entire revelation of Jesus Christ. You don't add to It or take from It, and every revelation must come by It. See, it must be the Word.

47 So people say, "I had a revelation." Yes, we know Joseph Smith and many had revelations and things, but was contrary to the Word.

48It's got to come according to the Word if it comes from God, because it's to vindicate or to prove God's Presence. And He foreknew all these things, being... By His foreknowledge He ordained, foreordained (it's called in the Bible, "predestinated") every age to its place, and every man to its place, and every messenger to its place. He is God, the Devil ain't pulling nothing over on Him. And He's God, and He has ordained everything to take place, and falls just exactly in line with His Word.

49So if we can see, by His Word, what age and what time we're living, you'll see it right here in the Bible, of this age, what we're supposed... what's supposed to take place at this time.

50 Now, the--the other books, we find lots of books that they call "sacred books," and so forth. And I've read the--the Koran and many others. But, you see, their--their sacred books are only a code of ethics, of morals, or of theology.

51But this Book is a Prophet, It's a different from any other book. The Bible is the Word of God foretelling the future. It foretells because It's forewarned.

52If God sends anything, He says and promised in the Bible that He would do nothing upon the earth until first He revealed it to His servants the prophets. That's Amos 3:7. He... and God cannot lie. He reveals It, that's been His way of doing it all down through the ages. He's never failed to do it.

53 Now, we are promised, in the last days, for this to be restored. There'll be no--no church, no denomination, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostals, they'll never (in their modern conditions) ever take this church to a Bride. They can't do it, they fail. They're too much at one another's throats, and worldliness has creeped in, and so forth, and--and they died right in their tracks. And so God knows that.

54And to reveal this Word, one say, "Well, I got this. And bless God, It's like that." That's just the way it was when Jesus came the first time; everyone has a doctrine, everyone has this. It'll have to be something sent to us from God. And God's promised it. And the only way He'll do, is--is keep His same pattern. He promised to send us, in this last days, according to Malachi 4, a prophet upon the earth, "That would turn the hearts of the people back, the hearts of the children back to the apostolic fathers again." He promised that in His Word. Luke 17 and many other places that He promised it, that He... what He would do in these last days to bring this thing to a vindicated Word.

55 See, a man can say anything, but 'less God interprets that Word... See, now, we have our own interpretation, we say It means this. And this one, Methodist, says this, the Baptist says this, the Pentecostal said this, the Oneness says this, the Twoness says this. And, oh, my, there you are. But God don't need no interpreter, He's His Own Interpreter. He interprets His Own Word by vindicating It in the age that It's purposed for, the age that It's given for.

56We're not living in a Pentecostal age, we're living in another age. See, we're not living in a Methodist age, we're living in another age. We're living on up here to the Bride age, the calling out of the Church and getting It together for the Rapture. That's the age that we're now living. To my honest opinion that's exactly the Truth.

57 And this Book is a book of prophecy. Its believers are commanded to honor It and to read It, and believe Its Author, for every Word that's written in there must come to pass. Everything that's been promised has to come to pass, because It is Jesus Christ in each age. The same yesterday, it was Jesus Christ, was in Noah; it was Jesus Christ in Moses, it was Jesus Christ in David, it was Jesus Christ in Joseph; it's Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. And it's Jesus Christ among His people today, doing the things that He promised He would do in this age. It's Jesus Christ.

58But the church has become so starchy, so far away, like the brother said here. And--and our churches are becoming the same way, until we've got to have something to shake us back to the Word. How do we know it's going to do it? It's got to come according to God's Own plan. It cannot come by layman, it will not come by the businessman, it cannot come by churches. God has laid down His plan.

59 I spoke here in Shreveport the other day, on a national broadcast across the nation, that, Trying To Do God A Service Without It Being God's Will. David tried to bring the ark of God back into the house. He was anointed king. Why, he--he consulted his--his delegates, his captains of thousands, and ten thousands, and so forth. And they all said, "That's the Word of the Lord." And he consulted the priest, "That was wonderful." And they all got so inspired, they shouted, they done every religious act that was. And they was absolutely contrary to God's will, because there was a prophet in the land by the name of Nathan and he wasn't even consulted about it. See? And we found out it didn't work though they were sincere, trying to do God a service.

60 And you can be ever so sincere; but, until we know what we're doing, you're fighting at the air. Come back into the Word of God and get lined up, and then go; then you know. Like a--a soldier, don't know what to do until he gets orders to do it. We must be Christian soldiers, and get orders from the Bible for this hour now; not the charge yesterday, the charge the day before, but the charge today (which way we go). Find out the hour that we're living in.

61And these modern events is slipping by us too swiftly, and one day we're going to find out we'll be left behind without nothing, and be caught, sealed into the mark of the beast before we know it.

62 Now, and with patience we have to wait for this, for the prophecies that's promised, every one of them must be fulfilled in its age. For It foretells us, the Author has before done this, and we wait to see Him do it again. What a time it is that we're living in! Something like a--a calendar; you look at the calendar to find out what day of the year you're living in, and you look at God's Bible to see what age we're living in. We're not living in the Methodist age, the Baptist age. We're living in the Bride age, the calling, bringing back to God through a channel that He promised to bring it back in. He promised to do it.

63But as it's been in every age, people let man put their own interpretation to It by theology, and will not believe God's Divine vindication of It (that's, God's interpretation); not what I say, what somebody else says; but what God has promised and what God does, proves that it's God doing His Own interpreting of His Word.

64 They told you Pentecostals, forty-five, fifty years ago. Your mothers and fathers, when they were genuine pentecostals, come out of a organization and cursed the thing and walked out of it. Then like a dog to its vomit, went right back in it again. Done the same thing that killed that church, you killed your own by the same thing. Nothing against the people in there, nothing against it, it's the systems of the thing that's what's doing it.

65Home, I'm... go home... I don't preach this in other man's meeting. I'm going to preach The Trail Of The Serpent, and listen to it if you take the tapes.

66 And, notice, they missed seeing the confirmation of the prophecies of God's Word being fulfilled. If those priests... They had it fixed up just exactly the way the Messiah was going to come, they knowed what was going to take place. The--the Pharisees had their idea, the Sadducees, Herodians, and, oh, they had their ideas. But He come not... He come contrary to every one of them, but exactly with the Word. Jesus said the same thing was here: "If you would have known Me, you should have known My day. If you had knowed, you'd... You say, 'Well, Moses! We have Moses.'" Said, "Why, if you would believe Moses, you'd believe Me; because, he wrote of Me."

67But, see, when God was confirming exactly what He promised, they had it in some kind of a dignified way that Jesus was supposed to come, and the... I mean the Messiah. The Messiah had to come right to their group or he wasn't Messiah. Well, it's that way, almost, today, "If you don't see through my glasses, you're not looking at all." See, and so that's--that's just the way it--it is. We... That's the truth. We hate to think that, but it's absolutely the Truth.

68 In Hebrews 1:1, God in sundry times wrote the Bible by His Own chosen way. He never wrote It by theologians, neither does He interpret by theologians. There never was a time that--that the theologians ever had an interpretation of the Word of God. The interpretation comes only to a prophet. And the only way we're ever going to get out of this mess is for God to send us that prophet, just exactly, the only way it's going to be done. It's been believed, watched for, and--and fulfillment.

69See, It was not wrote by man, but It was wrote by God. It's not a man's book, It's not a theologian's book. It's the Book of God, which is a Book of prophecy wrote by the prophets and interpreted by the prophets. The Bible said, "The Word of the Lord comes to the prophets." Exactly!

70 How beautiful that was illustrated, or, demonstrated when Jesus was come on earth, and John was the prophet of that day, and he--he was prophesying. They said, "Oh, you mean to say that God's going to tear down our big associations here and all these things? And there's going to be a time, when our--our temples won't no more be worshipped in?"

71He said, "There was coming a time when God would make a sacrifice out of the Lamb of God, a Man." And he said that--that he would know Him when He come. And he said... He was so sure of his message, he said, "He's standing right among you now and you don't know it." He's right among you and you don't know it.

72And one day when Jesus walked out, John looked up and seen that sign above Him, he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." That same minute Jesus knowed then that He was a-vindicated before the people. Now, He was the Word, would we doubt that? The Bible said He was the Word, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And here He is, the... Here's the Word on earth (look! perfectly!) comes right out into the water to the prophet.

73 That's right, the Word always comes to His prophet. So we can't expect It to come to theologians. We can't expect It to come to denominations. It's got to come God's channel route that He foretold us about, and that's the only way It'll ever come. It'll be hated, despised, rejected. When It does come, It'll be throwed out to one side, and everything, but God will do it anyhow. It was rejected in Jesus Christ, it was rejected in John, it was rejected by Jeremiah, it was rejected by Moses. It's always that way. But God moves right on in the way that He promised He would do it. Yes, sir, He never does fail to do it the same way.

74 The man who's seen the vision or heard His voice, never altogether understood It. In many cases he didn't know, because he's just an instrument of God. It's God's thoughts expressed through man's lips; a thought, course, is a word expressed. God does His Own choosing by His--His predestinated choosing. He done it in every age, He set forth the man for each age. Like when Moses, when he was to fulfill what He told to Abraham. Moses was borned a proper child, he couldn't help being that way. He was born that way because he was borned for that purpose.

75And so we find out that God does that in every age. God does His Own choosing by His Own predestinated choosing, choose His prophets and things for the age. Fixes--fixes his nature, the man's nature, the man's style of preaching, to honor His gift, and all that He does is to meet the challenge of that day. God creates that man and sent him. And in His Own mind, as I preached on last night, we are a germ of the gene of God. He knowed that man would be there at that age, before there ever was a molecule, or a light, or anything else in the earth.

76 For you're a gene of your father, and you were in your father, yet your father had no fellowship with you because he... You was in there, but you knew it not and he knew it not, but you was manifested that you might... that he might fellowship with you. And you being borned again, you're borned of Eternal Life. And that's the only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God's Life, Zoe, the Greek word "Zoe," only one form of Eternal Life.

77Then if you are a son of God or a daughter of God, you were in God all the time. But He knew what bed and time that you'd be planted. So now you're made a creature, a son of God, manifested son or daughter of God to meet the challenge of this hour to vindicate the true and living God of this hour, the Message that's coming forth in this time. That's right! You was done there before the foundation of the world. If it wasn't... If you wasn't chose that way, no matter how much you try to impersonate It, you'll never make it. How can you get blood from a turnip when there's no blood in there?

78 That's the reason I try to say about... Then people thinking we was... we're hollering at women about short hair, and people telling me about saying those things, "You're going to ruin your ministry." Ruin a ministry that God Himself ordained? Far be it! And when people hear the Word of God... When a baby is conceived in the womb of a mother, when that one cell goes in there, another cell builds on top of that. It's not one cell of a human, the next of a dog, and the next of a cat, and the next of something else; it's absolutely, straightly, human being. And when a man is borned of the Spirit of God, he don't inject anything into his life, It's unadulterated Word of God vindicated for that hour. He takes the full Word of God, he don't put no creeds, nothing else into It. It's purely unadulterated, God's Word made manifest among us.

79 Look in the Bible, you see where, what age we're living in then, when you see these great things being made manifest. When God promised to do it, He always does it at the end of each age when the church is come to the turning place, and is turned from the Word back to sin and worldliness. Worldliness is sin. The Bible said, "If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God's not even in you."

80Speaking last night, I was speaking about the--the sacrifice that was offered, the Lamb. It was to be seven days, representing the seven church ages. There was to be no leaven found amongst the people, no leaven for seven days. That means that there's nothing mixed with It, It's unleavened, constantly. And we don't want no creeds, leavens and things mixed with us. We don't want world mixed with us. It's got to be the unleavened Bread of God, the Word of God, the unadulterated Word of God, which, "Man shall live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."

81 Our denominational systems, and differences and things, has put leaven in us, and this and that and world and fashion. And, oh, it's got so it's almost Hollywood everywhere. It'll finally come it'll be like England, and a altar call will be ashamed. My! As brother said, "How can you get the fish in the boat?" That's right.

82We've got to have the Gospel preached in Its fulness, with the power of God to vindicate that according to the promise of that age and prove that that's exactly God's will. Outside of That you're just a church member, no matter how much you try, you try to do God a service. You might go to the stitch-and-sew party, you might be ever so faithful to church; but unless that germ of Eternal Life was foreordained in you, to be a son or daughter of God, you'll grow up a deformed something; but never be a real, true son or daughter of God.

83 Often give my little story of a little eagle. How the farmer set the hen one time, and he had... I hope it don't sound sacrilegious to you. But a farmer set a hen, and she was... lacked one egg in having a setting. I doubt whether anybody here know what a setting of eggs is, how much it consists of. But, anyhow, he lacked one egg, in having enough. So he robbed the eagle's nest, she had two eggs. And he put the egg under the hen.

84When that eagle was hatched amongst all them chickens, he was a funny bird. He couldn't understand the clucking of the hen, didn't talk like his... like he wanted to hear her talk. And she scratched in the barnyard, and eat from the barnyard, it wasn't food for him. He was an ugly duckling among them. The hen would cluck and he didn't understand it. She'd go this way and eat this and eat that, he didn't understand it. So one day his mammy, or mother, rather, to you. I... In the South we say "Mammy."

85So, anyhow, he... his--his--his mother knowed she had two eggs, and only one of them was there, she went after the other one. She circled every... crossed the country, and finally she flew over the barnyard. She seen him down there following that old hen. She screamed, "Junior! You're not a chicken, you're an eagle!" That sounded just right to him. Why? He was an eagle to begin with.

86 And when a man or woman has set under creeds and cold, formal religion, if he's ordained to be a son of God, and he sees the Word of God preached in Its power, and God vindicate It; he's an eagle to begin with, he'll run to It as sure as two two's is four. He can't help it, because his very nature loves the Word of God. I don't care what anybody else says, when he sees the Word of God being made manifest, he flies to It because he was a little eagle.

87As they go on to say, he said, "Mama, how am I going to get up from here?"

88And He said, "Just make a jump, I'll catch you."

89And that's the only thing you have to do, is make one jump to your feet, one jump to God, one promise, "Lord Jesus, I believe You with all my heart. I believe the Message of the hour. I see It confirmed, and I know It's right." Jump to your feet, Mama will catch you. Don't worry, you're an eagle, she'll be right there to get you.

90 Now, we realize that we're living in a tremendous time and a great time, but when the truths of this Bible, believers has seen that vindicated, the very vindication of It is the evidence that God is in It. Absolutely! It's then that the promised Word, that God promised, is made known. The seed is bursted forth, and they see It and they believe It. Others just can't see It, somehow they'll set and look at It.

91You know, I've preached hard enough to--to... across this country, that it shouldn't be a short-haired woman in the country. But, every time when I come back, there's more. What's the matter? There's something wrong! You know the Word says that! You say, "Well, that don't make any difference." It does make a difference!

92 There's a fine brother, said, "I'm going to lay hands on you, Brother Branham. I love you. You're ruining your ministry." Said, "You ain't got no business telling them women about that." Said, "Let the pastors do it."

93I said, "They don't do it though." I said, "Now..."

94He said, "Well, it's not your business, you just pray for the sick."

95I said, "Whose business is it, then? I was called to preach the Gospel."

96Said, "I'll lay hands on you and ask God to take it away, from you."

97I said, "You'll let--let me lay hands on you, too." See? And I said, "I'll pray that God will open your eyes and you'll see It." So, that's right!

98He said, "You ought to preach... The people believe you to be a servant, a prophet of God." He said, "You ought to teach them women how to--to get great gifts and prophesy and things."

99I said, "How can I teach them algebra when they won't even believe their ABC's first?" That's right! So you--you can't do it. That's just in every... That's right. If you can't do the common things, how you going to do the spiritual things? The natural things. Certainly! Brother, sister, it might sound like a joke, but It's the Gospel! It's the Gospel Truth. That's right!

100 Notice, we find today that people... There's many people just can't believe It, even Spirit-filled people. I'm going to give you one that'll choke you. The baptism of the Holy Ghost don't mean you're going in, not at all, not on that, don't have anything to do with your soul. That's the baptism, see. Here's the inside soul, in here, that has to come from God. But then on the outside you have five senses, and five out... inlets to your... contact your earthly home. The inside, you have a spirit, and in there you have five outlets: your conscience, and love, and so forth, five outlets to that spirit. Remember, in that spirit you can be baptized with the genuine Spirit of God and still be lost. It's the soul that lives, that was ordained of God.

101Didn't Jesus say, "Many will come to me in that day, and say, 'Lord, haven't I cast out devils, done great and mighty works, prophesied, the great gifts of God?'" He said, "Depart from me, you that work iniquity, I never even knew you. Many will come in that day."

102 Didn't Caiaphas prophesy? He was a devil. We find out there... And them priests, them great man, was supposed to be great leaders in them days, with humility and everything else, but failed to see the Word of God Itself made manifest before them.

103We could just take a bunch of them I got wrote down here. How about Balaam? He was a... You say, "God changes His mind." He doesn't change His mind!

104When Balaam went out as a prophet, and went down there, a bishop, preacher, whatever you want to call him, he was a great man. But when he consulted God about going down there and cursing Israel; he didn't like them to begin with. So when he asked to go, God said, "Don't go!"

105Then they sent a dignitary about some... maybe of bishops or presbyters, or something, down, said, with more education to persuade him. He went back and asked God again. You don't have to ask God the second time! When God says it first, that's It! You don't have to wait anything.

106Rebekah didn't wait to get the second order. They asked her, said, "Will you go?"

107"Let her say."

108She said, "I'll go!" She was firmly inspired of God. She become one of the queens of the Bible for acting upon the pulsation of the Spirit of God that moved upon her to receive what was absolutely the truth, and she believed it.

109 Now we find out, Balaam, of course, he couldn't see. He went out and looked upon the people, said, "Now, just a minute! We're a great, big people up here, you're just a scattered bunch." You see? "And we all--we all believe the same God."

110That's true. They all believed the same God, and they all worshipped Jehovah. Look at Balaam's sacrifice: seven altars, God's perfect number; the seven churches, see; seven rams, speaking of the coming of the Lord. Fundamentally, he was just as fundamental as Moses was; but, you see, there wasn't a Divine vindication. In there, they were both prophets.

111But under Moses' ministry, there was a supernatural Pillar of Fire, a Light that hung with the camp. There was Divine healing, there was a shout of the King in the camp, great signs, Divine healing, and wonders and things performed among them. It was a sign of a living God among His people.

112Fundamentally, they was both right. And Balaam tried to persuade the people, and bewitched them into it. When? Just before they reached the Promised Land. Another day or two, they'd a-been in the Promised Land.

113 But now I'm afraid... This is a hard mark to make, some of these days I'll be shot for It. But remember this, that, the churches are being bewitched by this Ecumenical Council, he's taking you right into it, to say "You're the same group." You're not the same group! Come out from among that stuff and be separated! Certainly is, It's true. We're to keep away from that stuff, as far as you can from it.

114Balaam said, "We're... let's let our children marry together because, after all, we believe the same God."

115"How can two walk together 'less they be agreed?" How can you walk with God 'less you're agreed with His Word? How can you add creeds and so forth to It, when you're ordained not to do it, or, commanded not to do it? You can't do it. There's no way of doing it, brother, sister. You can't mix that leaven with the unleavened. Oil and water will not mix. Darkness and light will not mix. Light's so much powerful, it just puts the darkness out.

116 And so we cannot mix it together. Neither can you mix sin of the world together. You can't mix Church and denomination together. You can't mix Church and creed together. You can't mix the world and the Gospel together. It won't mix! "Come out from among them, be ye separated," saith God, "I'll receive you to Myself. You'll be My sons and daughters, I'll be God to you." We can never do it until these things are manifested, and the Word of God for the hour is proved to be the Truth. Follow in the footsteps.

117 Pentecost, that's why Luther lost his message. That's how Wesley lost his message. See, if the Wesleyan church would have went on, they'd been Pentecostals. If the Lutherans went on, they'd a-been Methodists. See? And now if the Pentecostals go on, it'll be the Bride. If you hang back and keep going back in the world like you're going now, you'll be lost! It'll only be the shuck, and the stalk is to be burned. We know that. He will gather His wheat into the garner. But the husks He'll burn with unquenchable fire, although it was a carrier. It certainly carried, but the Life left it as soon as it become a leaf, it went on out to make something else until it come to its full stature.

118And so will the Church come through Justification, Sanctification, Baptism of the Holy Ghost (restoration of gifts), right on into the formed image of Christ. Christ is the Bridegroom, the Church is the Bride, and the Bride is a part of the Bridegroom. It'll have to be a Word Church, not a denominational church. It'll be the Word Church, the Word that's made known, and by the vindicated Word of God.

119 Balaam, he couldn't see the difference. Many can't.

120Pharaoh couldn't see It, though It vindicated right before him.

121Dathan couldn't see It. Dathan come out there, and he seen Moses and knowed. He went out there, said, "You try to think you're the only one in the bunch. The whole congregation is holy!" God never did deal like that. He ought to have knowed better than that. And he said, "Well, the whole congregation is holy. You try to make yourself..." If we'd say it today, the street expression, "The only pebble on the beach."

122And Moses knew that God had sent him down there for that. He just said, "Lord..." fell in the--the doorway of the tabernacle.

123And God said, "Separate yourself from him." And He swallowed them up.

124 And remember, the sin that Israel did (by Balaam saying, "They're all the same."), that sin never was forgiven Israel. And look, let me give you a striking figure; out of two million that left Egypt, two of them went into the Promised Land. Every one of them eat the same thing, they all danced in the Spirit, they all had everything in common; but when it come to the separated time, the Word done the separating. So is it today! The Word done the separating! When it come time, he said, "Why, here, we're..."

125So close, look, the Bible said, "In the last days the two spirits," Matthew 24:24, "would be so close, it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." That shuck looks just exactly like the wheat, but it ain't the wheat. See? It isn't the wheat, but it looks just exactly like it. See? So close, it would deceive the very Elected. You denominated and fall into that denomination, and dry up and die, and the wheat moved right on out through the... See? That's exactly right! It's a carrier, but not the wheat.

126Remember, the wheat just keeps going on. In the resurrection all that strength of the wheat will come right up into the wheat, as it goes to make the head, to come out in the great resurrection.

Never forgiven!

127 Let's stop here just a moment. I hope I don't choke you out. But, look, let me ask you something. Let's just take that. Say, for instance, this count would be right. When the sperm from male and female come, if you ever known test tubes or--or hybriding and so forth of cattle, you'll find out that the discharge from the male puts out about a million germs. And the discharge from the female puts out a million eggs. But did you know there's only one of them that's fertile? Them little calves, or whatever they are, in these millions of germs, a million germs, there'll be that one little germ will work itself up among the rest of them germs and go right over and find that fertile egg and crawl into it, and the rest of them die. One of them is ordained to life, the others are not, though they're all the same. One out of a million!

128What if it'd be that way tonight? There's five hundred million, supposed to be, I think, Christians in the world, about that figure, just a round figure. If the rapture would come tonight then, in the living going, there'd only be five hundred people. Well, there's that many missing any day, almost, that they can't 'count for. The Bride will be taken away and we'd wonder what it's all about; and the people going right on preaching, saying they're "getting this or that, and the other," and look what a deception that would be. Say if it would be that; I don't say it is, I don't know, I'm no authority of that. God's the Judge of that. But look how easy it could happen, in all figures and things, how it could be proven.

129 Why didn't Korah see That? Why didn't Dathan see That?

130Why didn't Ahab see It? When Ahab... When Jehoshaphat went down to Ahab, he said, "Ahab, we're in trouble. Do you know God gave us this land, Joshua divided it up? You know this piece of ground up here that the Syrians taken, isn't that our ground?"


131"Our children's hungry, and the Syrians (our enemy) are feeding their children, filling their bellies with the wheat that ought to be ours." That's scripturally right. Said, "Will you help me to go up there and take that?"

132Now, sometimes a good man under the influence of evil will give in. Better watch, church, watch real close.

133 Now, the first thing you know, Jehoshaphat, being a great religious man, he said, "Well, we should go up, sure, to our church, we're all the same people." But they wasn't the same people! No! He said, "Well, our church is your church, our people is your people. Sure, we'll go," he said, "but let's consult the Lord first."

134So he said, O Ahab, "No doubt, we should have thought of that. Well, we'll..."

135"Is there a prophet of the Lord?"

136Said, "I got a seminary full of them. I got four hundred down here, the best ones there is. They all got their Ph.D., L.L.D., their double L.D.'s, and everything else that goes with it. They're every one..." Now remember, they were Hebrew prophets, from a school of prophets.

137Said, "Bring them up, let's hear them."

138 Now, I believe it was Zedekiah (the great head over the bishop, all of them) come up there, and he had the inspiration. He had inspiration, absolutely. He come up there, and made himself two big iron horns. He said, "You know, THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'You're going to take these horns and push the Syrians plumb out of the country.'"

139Well, all the rest of them prophesied, "That's exactly right!" Every one of them, the whole seminary, in agreement. See?

140Ahab said, "You see?"

141Jehoshaphat, being kind of spiritual, you know, he hadn't dried up altogether, he said, "But isn't there just another one somewhere, that we could consult?"

142"What do you want to consult others, when the whole Ecumenical (the whole council), it says 'It's all right'?" (Excuse me, see.) "The whole thing said, 'That's what we ought to do.'" See? "That's what we should do."

143He said, "But isn't there just another one somewhere?" That odd one, you know.

144He said, "Yes, there is. There's one, Micaiah the son of Imla, but I hate him." Always that way. "I hate him because he's always just bawling our people out, and cursing me, and telling me all the evil about me. I hate the man!"

145Said, "Ah, don't let the king say so." Said, "Go get him."

146 So they went over there to the son of Imla, some of the--the bishops, or, some of the elders, and went over there, said, "Now, listen, do you want to get back in the organization again? You say the same thing that they say, they bring you back."

147But there happened to be that God had a man that they couldn't put their hands on him; God had His hands on him. He was just the reflector of God's Truth. Said, "Sure," said, "I'll go down, but I'll only say what God puts in my mouth." There's the man of God. He said, "Give me the night." So the night come, and the Lord spoke to the prophet, little nobody. And first thing you know, he come out the next morning.

Said, "What about it, Imla?"

148He said, "Go on up," said, "but I seen Israel scattered like sheep on a hill, having no shepherd."

149He said, "What did I tell you! What did I tell you about it!"And he said...

150 Then the big bishop walked up and slapped him in the mouth, said, "Which way did the Spirit of God go? Cause I know I had the Spirit; I danced in It, I done all these things. See, I--I had the Spirit on me. Which a way did It go?"

151Now, see, Imla being a son of God, or a real prophet of God, he examined his vision with the Word. If it wasn't with the Word, it's wrong. See? The Word for that hour, see. Now, he said scripturally, the land belonging to them, the land was theirs. Scripturally, everything seemed to be right but one thing.

152Remember, it was one Word that caused the whole mess to come, Eve disbelieved one Word of God; in the first of the Bible, one Word caused the trouble. Jesus, come in the middle of the Bible, said, "Man shall live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." At the end of the Bible, said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out or add one word to It."

153 It's not part of the Gospel... The Methodists have part, the Baptists, Presbyterians, and so forth, they had part of It, Catholic had part of It, Jehovah Witness, all the rest of them.

154But It's the whole Word, all the Word, the Word of the hour; what counts. And we'll never do it until God anoints a prophet that can stand and tell It, and confirms him, and prove It that It's right. It'll slip right through the people and they'll never know It, just like it's always been.

155You Catholic, like Joan of Arc, you burned her at the stake for being a witch; later you dug up them priests' bodies, two hundred years later, and throwed them in the river. You didn't know Saint Patrick and the rest of them.

156It'll go right through your hands again, the first thing you know. God will do it, and you'll never even know it's done. See, He just slips right through and gets His Bride and takes Her right on up, and steals Her away, right out of the midst of the people.

157 We find out, this little Micaiah said he examined, he knowed that God had said to a real prophet before him. The prophet before him, what did he say? He said this, he said, "Ahab, because you shed the righteous, or the blood of the righteous Naboth, the dogs will lick your blood also, and Jezebel." And that's just exactly, had to come to pass because God had said it. How could that prophet prophesy good when it was evil against it?

158How can I tell this Laodicean Church Age the good things when God spoke against it? You're naked, miserable! You say, "I'm rich, I have better... I have churches like the Methodist, and the Baptists, and the Presbyterians. I have this, I have that; the best this, that, and the other." That's right, but don't know that you're naked, blind, miserable, to the real thing that God is manifesting. It'll go right through you, like that, moving right out. See? Believe, people, before it's too late.

159 Now, we find out that he smote him in the mouth, and said, "Which way did the Spirit of God...?"

160Micaiah said, "I seen God setting upon the Throne. And all... He called the delegates of Heaven, said, 'Who can we get to go down and deceive Ahab?'" Said, "And one lying spirit come up and fell before God; a liar." And remember, that lying spirit got into those prophets, they ought to have knowed then that the spirit was upon them wasn't according to the Word. But they were so carried away because they were the king's prophets, because they had everything fine.

161 And that's what the church has done today. You've got away from that old-fashioned experience you had years ago when you stood on the street corner and preached the Gospel. Come out of those organizations and call yourself "a free people!" Nay! because you're wrapped in it again, like a hog to its wallow or a dog to its vomit. If it made him vomit the first time, it'll make him vomit again. That's right! God spued you from His mouth, He said, "You're lukewarm, neither hot or cold"; have a few meetings, then play a few... musicians, sing a little bit, when, it's absolutely... it's almost become a disgrace to Christianity.

162My son called me over the other day to look at a television, supposed to be singing bee where the people come. That bunch of little Ricky's standing there, shaking around like this rock-and-roll, and singing them hymns, it's a disgrace to Jesus Christ! There's no more solemnity in the church at all. It seems like it's all become a rock-and-roll something, and a fashion show, in the stead of the Church of the living God where Jesus Christ can manifest Himself in power. Seems to be, there is something wrong somewhere. They're slipping away. And the Bible said it would be that way. See? Look where you're at. Be careful, wake up before it's too late.

163 Now we find out, He said, "Who can we get to go out there and deceive Ahab, to get him up there to fulfill that prophet's words?" See, if the prophet said a Word, heavens and earth will pass away but It can't fail. It's got to come to pass. So that's what, it had to take place.

164He said, "Put this man in the inner jail, feed him with bread of sorrow and water of sorrow. When I return in peace, I'll take care of him."

165Micaiah stood there firm, knowing he had the Spirit of God. His prophecy, his visions was right. His Message was right, 'cause It was THUS SAITH THE LORD from the visions, THUS SAITH THE LORD from the Word. It had to be right, was THUS SAITH THE LORD. He said, "If you return at all, God never spoke to me." And you know what happened, sure. See, you...

166Understand, brother. Listen.

167 Sure, Caiaphas, he couldn't see It. Why didn't he look down...? He was a--he was a bishop, he was a pope of all the churches together. Why couldn't that man see Jesus standing there? Why couldn't he understand? When they was singing the 23rd Psalm, the 22nd Psalm, rather, in the church, and, "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?" and there He's hanging on the cross. The very Scriptures, the very God that they were worshipping, they were condemning Him and killing Him for "a fanatic." There it is.

168It'd shock you if I'd tell you that's just about to repeat again. The Bible said He was on the outside trying to knock to get in, and nobody would let Him in, "He that I love I chasten and rebuke, I scold him, I shake him down, but it's because I love him. Open up and let Me come in." Yeah. Could not... "Remember, I didn't want to get in the church; it's he, the individual." He couldn't get in the church, had Him locked out. Only... then, only organization of all of them, is this church age, that He was on the outside the church. Put out! Refused! Rejected! Because... He was only manifested in temporarily in the other churches, in the form of justification, so forth; but in here, the age that's coming now, is the full manifestation of the vindication of Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh, I'll admit we got a lot of impersonators, but examine the first one, the original.

169 Moses went down with the commandments of God, to deliver Israel; and when he did, he performed some miracles. The impersonators followed him. If they had been first, he would a-been the impersonator. See, he had the Word of the Lord, and the Lord vindicated; he just set still.

170And, you know, that same thing's promised in the last day? "As Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these man of reprobate mind concerning the Truth." And when an organization keeps a... takes a man right down through that organization, it showed it did not come from God; because, God does those things to attract the people's mind, and then the Message follows it. If it isn't, then it's not God. It's not God! God always does that.

171Judas couldn't understand It. He walked right with Him, he didn't see It.

172 But the real, ordained of God, that real gene, that real germ, a soul of God that was in God before the foundation of the world; remember, you that's really got the Spirit of God in you tonight, you were here in Christ because He was the fulness of the Word. He was the fulness of the Godhead bodily. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. Do you believe that? Look, He was in Christ. Then if you were in God, a gene, a word, a attribute from the beginning, then you walked with Him here on earth, you talked with Him on earth, you suffered with Him on earth, you died with Him at Calvary, and you rose with Him again; and now you're setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, communing with Him (the Word) as It feeds into your soul, that, "Man shall live by ever Word that proceedeth."

173Not the Methodist word, the Baptist word; remember, if there was any left over in the sacrifice, it must be burned before morning, 'cause tomorrow's another church age. That right? Exodus, It's true. A symbol, type of the Sacrifice.

174 The Door. Said, "I'll make one place. Don't... You won't worship Me in every door that I've give you; but there's one Door, and in that Door I'll put My Name." And where the Lord puts His Name, that's the place that God will receive your sacrifice. We've made all kinds of doors, but God made a Door. God made a Door, and that Door was... Saint John the 10th chapter, Jesus said, "I am that Door."

175God put His Name in Jesus. Do you believe that? He was the Son of God. Every son comes in his father's name. He said, "I come in My Father's Name, you receive Me not." I come in my father's name, you come in your father's name. Jesus come in His Father's Name, so His Father's Name is Jesus; exactly, 'cause He came in His Father's Name.

176"And you receive Me not. Another will come, and him you will receive." You'll take your denominations and go on with them. Just go ahead, the Bible said, "They were raised up to fulfill this place. Blind, naked, and don't know it." Church, religion, oh, very pious, just the same as Cain was; make a sacrifice, make everything just the same as Abel did. But by revelation it was revealed to him what the sacrament was, not fruits of the field and something you do with your hand.

177The believer can see the Word made flesh; the others cannot do it.

178 All them Israelites, after they had seen Moses perform that and brought them right up to the great council, where it was to be held, every one of them said, "We'll go with Balaam, because we think Dr. Balaam's right. He's smarter, is more educated, everything, so we'll just take it."

179And God never did forgive them, He destroyed them right there in the wilderness. And Jesus said, Himself, "They'll never come, there's none of them saved." Jesus said...

180They said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness for forty years."

181He said, "They're every one dead, eternally separated from God. They're every one dead." Certainly! Because they listened to an error. When Moses, the vindicated of God, and a leader to show them the way to the promised land, and they had come so far all right, but then they wouldn't go along with him.

182Now, believers can see It, but unbelievers cannot see That vindicated.

183 Look how pious Caiaphas was. Look how all them priest how pious they was. And Jesus turned around, said, "You are of your father the Devil, and his works you'll do."

184But there was a few believers setting there. Do you think them disciples could have understood when Jesus said, "I and my Father are one"? They couldn't have explained It. When He said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, drink His Blood, you have no Life." Could they explain It? No. But they believed It, because they seen God being vindicated and made flesh.

185 Jesus said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not. But if I do the works of My Father, the Word that's predicted for Me to do, then you... If you can't believe Me, believe the works that I do, that you might be saved." See? Jesus said, "My sheep know My Voice. They know My Word, they see It when It's vindicated for that age."

186"Well, Caiaphas knowed the Word too!" But not the Word for that age. He had the word of what the Pharisees had poked into him, but not the vindicated Word of the hour.

187"They know My Voice, they know My sign, they know My wonder." How now, to...

188Oh, let's get back to our text, 'cause we're just going to miss a lot of this Scripture if we don't, 'cause I got to close in the next few minutes anyhow, 'cause it's going to be ten o'clock in a few minutes. I love Him.

189 Friends, you people who walked down that aisle and put that offering in there a while ago; people that's fed my children, put clothes on their back; the people that's put your money (that you hard earned) in an offering plate, you know where that goes? That helps take me overseas to the heathens that never has heard anything about God. That's what I do with it, every penny, God's my Judge. Here's some of my... the man's setting right here now that's in--in the treasury of my church. I get one hundred dollars a week, and that's all; rest of it goes to sponsor overseas meetings where they can't come.

190The churches won't have me. They don't want me. No. That's right! They term me now: "He's..." they say, "He's a 'Jesus Only,' or he's something like that, or some heretic, fanatic, and all like that, a--a Jezebel." And I--I look for that, they called my Lord, "Jezebel," and they called Him... not a Jezebel, but a "Beelzebub." They called Him all those bad names. "If they called the Master of the house, 'Beelzebub,' how much more will they call them of His disciples?" So that don't make any difference.

191And you yourself, by the help of God, you think I'd stand up here, a big hypocrite, and tell you something...? Or, wouldn't I fall right in line with the thing if I thought it was from God?

192 But if I love you and know what's the Truth... Have you ever heard me say anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass? No. I ask anybody. There are thousands of things that's been said, they all come to pass. Remember that time when Samuel was called out, I believe it was, and he said...? Israel wanted to make themselves like the rest of the nations. And that's what you Pentecostals are coming to. You want to act like the rest the people. You're not them kind of people. Keep away from it. The big churches and big fine things, O brother, don't do that. We preach the coming of the Lord is at hand, let's get to the fields down there and notify the heathen. See, do something about it.

193 But, you see, Samuel said, "Have I ever at one time taken any of your money from you for my living?"

194They said, "No, Samuel, you never done that."

195Said, "Did I ever tell you anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass?"

196"Oh, that's right, Samuel. We believe you're a prophet sent from God. Yes, sir. Everything you said come to pass, Samuel. But we want it anyhow." You see what happened. O brother, the Scripture just keeps repeating Itself back and forth through the Scripture, 'cause it's God's way of doing it, you see. You see, you hit these kind of times.

197Let's get to our text right quick. Now, I been all this time, I didn't come to my text yet.

198 It's on my heart! I love you! Don't perish with the world! If you're of the world, you'll perish with the world. If you're of God, you'll go with Him in the resurrection. So change your nature tonight from the love of the world and the things of the world, and all these creeds and things, and look straight to Calvary to your Sacrifice; meet Him there on them grounds, 'cause that's the only place He'll ever meet you. He...

199The Methodists says, "It's in our church"; the Baptists says, and the Pentecostals, and this, and the Presbyterians, and this.

200But He said, "I'll meet them in one place, the Place I put My Name." That's in Jesus Christ. That's where God put His Name. That's the only place He'll meet you; and it's Christ, is the Word, the same yesterday... It's growed from the feet, thighs. And now it's in the head, fixing to go; manifesting in full measure the Bride, the same as the Groom.

201 Now let's go to our text, right quick, for about ten minutes, and then we'll close. Now our text, we... where we want to consider, is, it had happened again, as our text, as it usually has happened.

202God sent His prophet as He... Word had promised of Malachi 3, "A messenger I'll send before My face to forerun His coming."

203Now if you want to vindicate that, to prove it; Matthew, 11th chapter, vindicates the same. When the disciples of John came over and they seen Jesus, they said, "John is in prison." Said, "We've come to ask You whether he..."

204John's eagle eye had been filmed over. And he was in the prison, he was fixing to die; said, "Go ask Him."

205See, John said, "Oh, His fan's in His hand, He'll thoroughly purge His floor." He thought the Millennium would start right then, he thought the grain was ready. But it had to die and go into the stalk, come up again to make the true Bride. So he said, "He'll gather His wheat into the garner, and He'll burn with fire." Watch that--that forerunner of Christ in that age, what he said would happen. "The grain..."

206 And I hope you're not asleep. The grain is here! It'll be gathered into the garner. It was that Bride, that part of it. But what did He say will happen to the stalk? It'll be burned with unquenchable fire. Seek salvation now while you can. Be a grain, not a stalk. See? Go into the Life, not the old dead form; go into the Life of Christ, the Word made manifest, the... made manifest and vindicated so. This is the--this is the gathering time, the combine is coming. You'd better get into the grain, 'cause the shuck's going to be left behind.

207 Now, we find out it happened... Jesus... To finish my quotation here, this Matthew 11. See, He didn't give John... He say, "Now, wait, I'll give John a book on how to conduct himself, A Believer In Jail." No! He said, "Stand around and watch what happens. Go back and show John what happens: the lame walk, the blind see, the dead's raised up, and the Gospel's preached to the poor." Just exactly what the prophet said would come to pass. "And blessed is you who's not offended in Me."

208And his disciples started across the hill, He turned, said, "What went ye out to see when you went to see John? Did you go to see a man that's catering in soft raiments, and so forth, the turned-around collars, and all this, you know?" Said, "They're in kings' palaces, they kiss the babies and bury the dead, he don't know how to hold a two-handed sword." See? Said, "What'd you go to see? A--a reed that's shaken by any wind, 'Come on, John, I'll give you more money if you come over here'? ("Well, bless God, I ain't Methodist no more, I'll be Pentecostal, I'll be Presbyterian, I'll be this, that, as long as there's more money.") Said, "You never went to see a reed shaken with the wind." Said, "What did you go to see there, a prophet?" He said, "Yes, and more than a prophet."

209 John had just paid the poorest tribute he could to Jesus. Know it had to come that way; asked Him after he introduced Him and seen that Sign above Him, he said, "This is the Messiah," then he comes and asks, "Are you He, or do we look for another one?"

210But, look, Jesus knowing that, He turned and give him a tribute, said, "What did you go to see, a reed shaken with the wind?" Said, "There's never been a man borned of a woman as great as John, till this day." That's right! What a compliment to pay the man!

211But, you see, there it was, that prophecy had been fulfilled right before their face, with a forerunner coming, exactly what Malachi said. Now, that's Malachi 3, not Malachi 4.

212John the Baptist was Malachi 3, Jesus said so. When they asked Him, said, "Why does the scribes say..."

Said, "He's already come. They did what they said."

213But, remember, Malachi 4, immediately after the Malachi 4 prophet, the fourth coming of John the Baptist in... or the... of Elijah. The fifth coming will be the Revelation 2, the witnesses, when he comes for the remnant of the Jews. But God has used that same Spirit five times: grace, J-e-s-u-s, it's all been Jesus all the time; f-a-i-t-h, g-r-a-c e, and so forth. You see? The number five is a grace number and He used it. Won't use just three, won't use just two, three, four. It's five times He uses it.

214 Now, notice quickly now, as we finish up. He said, "This is he who was spoken, 'I send My messenger before My face.'"

215But in Malachi 4, immediately after that prophet prophesied, the whole earth is to be burnt over, and the righteous walk out upon the ashes of the wicked. See? Exactly! See, that's the Malachi 4 prophecy.

216And notice in Luke 17, where He said, "In the last days, it'll come like Sodom and Gomorrah again." Have we got it? We got Sodom and Gomorrah again? The whole nations, look at it. Look what he just said about England, the whole thing is perverted. Even the food is perverted. And looky here what science... You see in Reader's Digest, I believe it's last month, they said, "Little boys and girls go through middle age between twenty and twenty-five years old." I meet them in the meeting, little girls in menopause, and twenty, twenty-two years old, in menopause. What's it lotted to? The perversion, hybriding. That's exactly what corrupted, the whole thing's corrupted the body. We're nothing but a mess of--of... just like a hybrid plant.

217 You take a hybrid plant and set it out there, every germ will run right to it. But a genuine, original plant, a germ will go away from it, he can't stand on it. And that's what's the matter with the church, we've hybrid it.

218That's what's the matter with Pearry Green's old horse up there, and he throwed that boy the other day, he's nothing but an old quarter horse. See? The only thing it is, he... It's just like a mule, he's--he's... a mule don't know who his papa or mama is, he don't know nothing; he's half mule and half horse, and half this and donkey; he don't know what he is. You could never... He'll wait all of his life to get to kick you. That's right! You can call him, say, "Come on, boy. Come on, boy." He'll hold his ears up, and, "Haw! Haw! Haw!" See?

219 Like some of these saying "Days of miracles is past, Haw! Haw!" all these half-breeds, supposed to be church members and Christians. I ain't saying that for a joke, but it's the Truth. But a genuine, thoroughbred, brother, he knows who his father was, who his mother was, who his grandfather, grandmother was, you can teach him something, he's gentle.

220And a genuine Christian that's born of the Holy Ghost and filled with God's power and Word, he knows who his father is, who his mother is, who his grandfather, grandmother was, he knows all about It. You can teach him something.

221But a half-breed, that's what's come to churches. Hybrid between the world and religious organizations, and putting a little Word in it here, a little Word there, just enough to deceive. That's right. When you see the real Word of God being manifested like Caiaphas and them did, they turn away from It, they don't know. Hybrid!

222 Now we find out, and in this message, Isaiah 40:3 also vindicated John. He said, "A voice of one, a prophet, crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make His path straight.'" The church did not believe him, for he was not of their group. That prophet was raised out of a wilderness, come up knowing no one. He had the very Spirit on him that Elijah had: he was a man of the wilderness, he hated immoral women.

223Remember how Elijah... What caused his head to be taken from him? Was Jezebel. Jezebel was the cause of his death. It run him into the wilderness.

224John the Baptist, another wilderness-lover, a hunter, a woodsman. Watch him. He had no education. Watch his--his text, wasn't like a theologian. He said, "O you generation of vipers!" The filthiest thing you can find in the wilderness, the sneakiness, was a--was a snake. And he called those priests, "You generation of vipers! Who's warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Don't begin to say, 'We belong to this, and we have this or that,' for I say unto you, God's able of these stones," wilderness. Also, "The axe" (what he used) "is laid to the root of the tree; and every tree that don't bring forth good fruit, hewn down and cast into the fire." Amen.

225 He was a preacher of nature. A great man of God, lived a short time, but certainly set a blaze across the earth. He shocked that generation in them six months of his ministry. God raised him for thirty years, to get that six months out of him. But God does His Own way, He knows what His harvest is.

226And we find out now that this is exactly what had took place. They didn't believe him, because he wasn't of them. They didn't. They did as usual, they didn't see It. They did not believe God's Word of Malachi 3, or they would have seen plainly, by the letter, that this was that forerunner. They hadn't had a prophet for four hundred years, and here one rises on the scene all at once. See? And the people, the believers, believed him to be that. See, they did not believe It. They did not believe, 'cause when they seen the letter completely confirmed, what He said He would do, and everything, and seen It clearly vindicated when the Word come right into the water to the prophet. There they stood.

227 There's many argue on that Scripture there about John. See, John said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee, and why comest Thou unto me?"

228Jesus said, "Suffer that to be so, for thus... but thus it's becoming to us, behooving us (becoming) that we fulfill. All right, John, you being a prophet, you know the sacrifice has got to be washed before it's presented. And I am that Sacrifice, and you're a prophet and know that." Then he suffered Him and baptized Him. See? And he knew it was.

229 Look, they laughed at him, called him "a wild, screaming, unlearned fanatic," as usual, that prophet forerunning the first coming of Jesus.

230I don't say that they're... don't have the same impersonations today of--of genuine. They do, they absolutely. But, remember, when you see a bogus dollar there's got to be a real dollar that's made off of. Where you see one impersonating to be a Christian, there's got to be a Christian somewhere; because if there wasn't, that would be the original. You've got to get to the original. But check the first one, and see if the original is just exactly with the promise. If it is, then believe It: the promise for the age.

231Then John's prophecy was vindicated in God's order. The Word came to the prophet and vindicated him truly as that person.

232 Again Jesus came in a... different from their understanding of that prophecy. They didn't understand It that way. (Now, we're going down to the end now.) But according to the prophet's Word, It was fulfilled to the letter. The prophecy is fulfilled; but the way they thought It would be, It wasn't that way. Now, how could they have understood and knowed which was right or wrong? To see if it was vindicated by God, if it was God interpreting what He said. There had been false Jesuses raise up, and led a man, a bunch of... four hundred, out in the wilderness and things; but he never proved to make hisself in the Word, you see, like He said.

233 Jesus, when He come, He was to be a Prophet. That's right! And today, before Jesus comes again, the full manifestation of the person of Jesus Christ is to be manifested in flesh. Think of it! Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed." What is revealed? Unfolded, made known. The secret had been brought forth, revealed. In the day that the Son of man will be revealed, the world will be in a Sodom condition. We've got it, haven't we? Yeah! How many believes that? It's in a Sodom condition. And that's exactly right! Look where it's setting, now.

234Remember, there's always three groups of people in every bunch of people you gather, that's, make-believers, unbelievers, and believers. We have them in every group. They've had them in all time. There was the Sodomites, there was--there was the Lotites, and there was Abraham.

235 The Abraham was a called-out group, he wasn't in Sodom to begin with. Now watch their Message! They'd been looking for a promised son, looked for it for years. God had showed Abraham many great signs and wonders, but here God came down Himself like a man!

236You say, "That was an Angel."

237Abraham called Him, "Lord," capital L-o-r-d. Any reader of the Bible knows that that capital L-o-r-d is Elohim. "In the beginning God," Lord God, Elohim, the all-sufficient One. Abraham called Him, "Lord God, Elohim."

238 Now notice, there was two people that went down into Sodom with a message, and they preached to the Sodomites. They didn't perform nothing, but blinded them; which, preaching the Gospel does blind the unbeliever.

239But watch what kind of a sign the Abraham group received!

240Now, we are supposed to be the royal Seed of Abraham, Isaac was the natural seed. But the faith Seed, the faith in the promised Word, the promised Word (don't miss It) was that royal Seed; that was the Seed, Abraham's faith. "We being dead in Christ, we're Abraham's Seed, heirs with him according to the promise."

241Notice when all that was taking place, down in Sodom there was two ministers down there preaching with a great message.

242 There was One set up here with Abraham's group that didn't fool with that group down there. Now watch the One that stayed with Abraham's group, what kind of a sign He give them. He said... Now, remember, his name was Abram a few days before that; and it's S-a-r-r-a, not S-a-r-a-h (princess). And this Man, with His back turned to the tent...

243The women then were different than they are now. They have to get out and get in their husband's business and everything else, you know; but they didn't do it then, they stayed back behind.

244So they... so them Angels setting there. The Messenger, and He said, "Abraham, where is your wife (S-a-r-a-h) Sarah?" How'd He know it? How did He know it?

245Abraham said, "She's in the tent behind You."

246He said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time that I promised you. I'm going to visit you." And Sarah kind of laughed to herself.

247 With His back to the tent, and He said, "Why did Sarah laugh, saying, 'How can these things be?'" If she hadn't been in Abraham, his bride at that time, God would have slayed her. So would we today with all of our unbelief, if we wasn't in Christ. That holds us right there, see. He couldn't hurt or couldn't take Sarah without hurting Abraham. See?

248And so remember, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." We see everybody agree that the world's in a Sodom condition. I picked up a Los Angeles paper here not long ago, and said, I think it's "Homosexual is on the increase of twenty or thirty percent in Los Angeles, each year increasing that much." It's... Oh, it's horrible! In our government and everywhere, everything's just become a pervert. That's right! The whole thing, the whole system, church and everything else is perverted. It's in a perverted age.

249 Now I want to ask you theologians something, my brethren. Not I'm speaking against you, my dear brother; I'm here to help you, brother. I'm here to stand on what God's Word says is right. Hold your hand and bring this crowd of people out of this stuff. That's right!

250But looky here, we never have had a messenger down in Sodom before that his name ended with a h-a-m till now. We've had a Spurgeon, a Wesley, a Luther, and everything else, but never a international messenger that his name end with h-a-m before. That's right! See, G-r-a-h-a-m, six letters, G-r-a-h-a-m, Billy Graham; that noted evangelist, great work of God, the man is sent from God. He's got that justification down so pat, and he shakes the nation with it, see, like that. There's not...

251Look at Oral Roberts to the Pentecostal denomination. When was there ever one like that?

252Six letters, not seven. Abraham is A-b-r-a-h-a-m, seven. Billy Graham is G-r-a-h-a-m, six.

253Now look at the messengers. Look at the time we're setting, never was a time in history. Look at the same signs that He promised would be give to each group. Look where they're at. Same, exactly, positionally, setting right in order. Nature, the world, everything, setting right exactly to the time.

254 Now don't miss It, while we sketch the rest of this Scripture! Quickly now, cause I'm holding you too long. Call... Looky here. And according to the prophet, he came just exactly to the Word, just exactly to the time.

255Now look at the age now where we're living. Aren't we living right in that Sodom time? Watch the messenger to Abraham's group. Watch the numbers, letters, and the numerology of his name. You say, "There's nothing in a name." Don't you never let anybody tell you that. Why did He change Abram's name, to Abraham, Sarra to Sarah? Why did He change Simon to Peter, and all those other? See? Sure there is. Exactly!

256 That's the reason I say don't ever call your child "Ricky," or "Elvis," or something. Elvis means "cat," Ricky's a "rat." See, when you say... That's exactly right. Les, or something, don't you never call one of your child... children that. If it is, change it right quickly, people. Don't you... You that... If you believe me to be God's servant, don't tack that name on that poor child. See? No, sir, give him another name besides that. My! I oughtn't have got off on that, 'cause I'm off of my subject, but I said it and it's all over. I... That's how you do, you don't know when you say it. See?

257 Called Him, "Foreign, a fortune teller, a devil, a Beelzebub," and said, "He made Himself God." Oh, my!

258Didn't Isaiah the prophet said, "He would be called the Mighty God"? Isaiah 9:6, "Unto us a child is borned, a son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulders, and His Name shall be called Counselor, Prince of Peace, and Mighty God, the everlasting Father." That's right! Also, Saint John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." You believe that? He was just not... He was a Prophet, but He was more than a prophet; He was the God-Prophet. Why did He have to come?

259 Remember, He comes in three son's names. He came first in the name of the Son of man. He never called Himself the "Son of God." You know that. See, He came in the Son of man, a prophet. Jehovah Himself, the Father, called Jeremiah, "son of man"; a prophet is son of man. He come...

260Now He come after the Day of Pentecost, He come back in the form of the Holy Ghost, supernatural Spirit. Now He's Son of God.

261In the Millennium He'll be Son of David, setting upon the throne of David. See, He come in... He's Son of God, Son of man, Son of David.

262 Oh, the Bible's full of these nuggets. We can't get them all in one night. But it's just fitting to set this now. Tomorrow may never dawn. We may be gone before tomorrow. I may be preaching to a person that'll be dead before in the morning. I could be gone before in the morning. Brother, sister, that's not myth, that's actual facts! We don't know what time we're going, and you'll not have any chance after that last breath leaves your body. Make it right now, don't wait till in the morning, may be too late.

263 Notice now, they had done to Him just exactly what the prophets said they would do, just as they are doing to this very same day in the Laodicean Age. If you want to look at it, read Revelation 3, "Blind, naked, and don't know it. Turning Christ..." When He begins to reveal Hisself into the seed form again, the same one that went in the ground come back to be the Bride; just the Bride and the Groom, is the same flesh and blood, the same ministry, and the same things, doing just exactly what He done; the Spirit.

264And here they're impersonating and doing everything else, and each one has got his book and running, and this. Oh, you never heard such sensations! And... [Brother Branham inhales through his nose--Ed.] "I smell a devil now." All this, that, just as unscriptural as it can be!

265 And the genuine thing laying right there before them, they walk away, "They don't belong to my organization." My, my, just, see, just blind leading the blind. Won't they all fall in the ditch? Blinded by man's denominational traditions, they put Him out of their church as God said they would do, in Revelation 3; as usual, as prophesied.

266Notice how Jesus sel-... made Hisself known to these disciples, now, and we'll close. These two disciples, Caiaphas... Cleopas, rather, and his friend. Now we're in the resurrection, the morning after the resurrection, the first resurrection; what a beautiful morning, Jesus is up from the dead and living among His people. What a beautiful thought!

267He's here the same today as He was that day, because He's the same yesterday, today, and for... And revealing Hisself more today than He has in any other age since that day; come through the wheat and stalk and shuck (is all past now), we're into the wheat again. See, we're back into the grain.

268 Known as... know... Watch how He made Hisself known to these people, now, remember, as their Messiah (just before we close) of the promised Word of the age. Notice! He appeared unto, to the... as He has said He'd do, to the prophets. Notice, "Fools, and slow of heart to believe that all the prophets has wrote of Him had to be fulfilled."

269Watch Him! He refers right back to the Word of God, He never come right out and told them, "Don't you know Me? I am the Messiah that's resurrected." He never said that. See, He just give them the Scripture; like John did, and the rest of them. See? He just... They have to pick that out themselves. They have to judge for theirselves. Now, don't go to sleep, judge for yourself.

270"Fools, slow of heart to believe all that the prophets has said had to come to pass." What a rebuke to them that claimed they knew Him. See?

271 Notice how He approached the subject. He never come right out, as I said a few minutes ago, and said, "Well, don't you know I'm your Messiah for this age? Don't you know that I'm He?" The real servant of God never identifies himself that way; the Scripture identifies who he is. Sure, he will. But called their attention to what the prophets had said to look for in the Messiah's age. See it? Go right back: "Fools, and slow of heart, not to believe that all the prophets said about the Messiah should come to pass."

272He, as John, let the Word of the Bible identify Him, what He was to them. That should been made plain enough. If the Word had identified Him, that should be plainly, Who the promise was they was looking at. They knowed he had... someone had to come on the scene at that time.

273Why, He said, "Now let Me show what the Word says is supposed to happen in this day."

274 Am not I, tonight, trying to tell you, Word by Word (even to the position, the place, the names, the numbers, everything else, and all the signs, times, and everything), that we're right here at the end time? Surely you can see what I'm talking about. See? Look! That's so plain it should need no more identification. He said, when He was here on earth, "Search the Scriptures, in them you think you have Eternal Life, they are what... they testify what I am, see, who I am."

275Notice, He begin with Moses the prophet, a prophet, Deuteronomy 18:15. I'm watching the Scriptures here. Deuteronomy 18:15, Moses said, "The Lord your God..."

276See, God spoke to him on top of the mountain. And, oh, my, the thundering; they said, "Let--let the Lord... Let Moses speak, not God, lest we perish."

277He said, "They said well. I'll... I won't speak to them no more like this, but I'll raise them up a prophet." And that's been His message all the way through. That's what's got to settle the whole thing at the end. It's just got to, because the Word of the Lord has to come to the prophet. It's the only thing It can come to. If it don't, it breaks God's Word and makes Him tell something wrong. See? It'll never go to a seminary. It goes to a prophet. And the prophet is sent from God, ordained. And how you know it is, and not what the man said,...

278 We've had Elijahs, and coats, and everything else, and mantels, and all kinds of nonsense that went off into organizationism with everything else.

279But there will come on this earth, by God's promise, a genuine servant of God, identified by God (by His Word being the answer of this day), that'll set the Bride in order (a real little minority of the church) and take it up. That's right! He'll introduce, "Behold, there's the One I talked about, see, that'll come."

280And all that the prophets had said about Him, and for this age, why it sure would be interesting to have heard Him say that. Wouldn't you like to have heard Him say it? "All the prophets said about..." Remember, He said what the prophets would say about Himself, quoting His Own Self, what He had said (and He was the Word); quoting.

281 Now let's listen to the Words that He quoted. Would you like to hear what He said to them? Let's just carry their conversation now, just before we stop.

282Now, they were briefed on all the late happenings of the crucifixion, of the story at the grave and the tomb, and the women had seen Him, and another one said they seen Him, and so forth. He said... They--they briefed Him on that. And He goes right on with the Word about... quoting Himself through the Word:

"Now look in Zechariah 12." (He must have quoted Zechariah 11:12.) "'For He was sold with thirty pieces of silver.' Was not the Messiah supposed to be sold by thirty pieces of silver?"

"In Psalms 41:9, 'He was betrayed by His friends. See?'"

"Zechariah 13:7, 'forsaken by His disciples.'"

"In Psalms 35:11, 'accused by false witnesses.'"

"By Isaiah 35:7, 'dumb before His accusers, never opened His mouth.'" (All right, sir.)

"Isaiah 50:6, 'He was scourged.'"

"Psalms 22--22, 'He cried at the cross, "My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?" All My bones they stare at Me. They pierced My hands and My feet.'" (Look at the prophecies He could talk about!)

"Isaiah 9:6, 'Unto us a child is born, a virgin shall conceive, so forth.'"

"And also in Psalms 22:18, 'they--they--they parted His garments among them.'"

"In Isaiah 7:14, 'a virgin shall conceive.'"

"Psalms 22:7 and 8, 'made Him a... mocked by His enemies, His... supposed to be His friends; His enemies, the church.'"

"In Psalms 22 again, 'He was... not a bone was to be broken, but they pierced His hands and His feet.'"

"Isaiah 53:12, 'died with malefactors.'"

"In Isaiah 53:9, 'bruised, and buried with the rich brother.'"

"In Psalms 16:10, 'He was resurrected from the dead. David said so, "I will not suffer My Holy One to see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell." He was raised from the dead.'"

"Malachi 3, John the Baptist was His forerunner."

283And all of the types He might have went to! Even to Isaac being the type of Him upon Mount... upon the mountain where his father Abraham took him, in Genesis 22.

284 It was now that they begin to see Who had fulfilled these Scriptures that was promised of that day. It was then, after it was late, they begin to see. "Oh! Well, wait a minute! You know what?" They knew then that their crucified Friend, Jesus, was that Prophet that was promised. They knew because... See, they hadn't been briefed on the Scriptures.

285"But, here, all these things that's supposed to happen at the cross, all these things. Fools, slow of heart to understand all the prophets have said; how that the Messiah shall suffer, and enter into His glory, and raise the third day."

286Still they go, "Oh, yeah. That's right. I see. He--He--He... Did not our hearts burn within us?" they said. No wonder their hearts burned! The prophecies that He was giving that was fulfilled.

287 Then they begin to understand that their Friend, the Man that they eat with, talked with, associated with, fished with, laid in the woods, that that fulfilled every Word of the promised hour! There it was. They had walked six miles, it seemed a very short time, I suppose, and they had heard a six-hour sermon on vindicated prophecy (a little longer than what we've had tonight, see). It was now getting kind of late in the evening time, the evening Lights had come.

288It's the same time now, church! The evening Lights has come! Hebrews 13:8, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." Oh, events made clear by prophecy, same today. The evening Light promised by the prophet of God, in Zechariah 14:7, may again open the true believer's eyes to the events that's taking place today, that's proved by the prophecies that we're at the end time. Jesus is coming.

289The very... It's...

290 He said, "There will be a day that it won't be called night or day." He said, "But in the evening it shall be Light." Now, we know, geographically, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Now, the prophet said, "There'll be a long stretch of time that'll be dismal, kind of a... couldn't be called day or night; it's kind of a dark, gloomy day."

291Now, where did the Son rise? What... That was S-o-n we're talking about now. That the natural s-o-n rises in the east and sets in the west. The very same God, very same... Sun, rather. And the S-o-n of God rose first in the east, to the eastern people.

292And now after He left, what did they do? Three hundred years later, they started their first organization, the Roman Catholic church. Through the Dark Age they went, and out they come. What'd they do? The same thing. It's been a day of... It hasn't been called day or night. They had enough orders, and they believed that He was the Son of God, and walked in the light what they had, they made their churches, they built hospitals and schools and so forth, and seminaries, sent their children to school.

293 But the prophet said, "It shall be Light again about the evening time. The Son will peep out again, it shall be Light." What? The same Son (S-o-n) that was revealed in flesh at the morning time, back there, will be revealed again in the evening time.

294Now compare Saint Luke 17:30, "And in that day, as it was in the days of Sodom, the setting of the world, in the time that the Son of man is being revealed."

It shall be Light about the evening time,

The way to Glory you will surely find.

295Oh, my! People, where are we at?

Nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,

The signs that the prophets foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered; (Watch her slide into the sea!)

Return, O dispersed, to your own.

The day of redemption is near,

Man's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up! your redemption is near. (You better.)

296Brother, sister, it's a scary time. Watch the things that's prophesied, watch the things happen. Watch all the prophecy being fulfilled, then we see what all this is about. It's not a bunch... a streak of fanaticism. It's God confirming His Words exactly, exactly. The Rock is smitten, friends, flee to It as quick as you can. Prophecy is vindicating the day that we are living in.

297 Let us bow our heads. [A brother speaks in another tongue. A sister gives an interpretation. A brother on the platform says, "Can we hold steady for just a moment? God has spoken to us through Brother Branham, and the anointing is on Brother Branham, and he's not through. And..."]

298Dear God! Are you realizing the day that we live in, friends? Would you dare dispute God? Would you say that "He's not right," when He's proved It? He's His Own interpreter. Do you want to serve Him?

Now with your heads bowed, and your hearts bowed, brother, sister.

299This may be our last meeting time. We may never... If I would be back a year from today, if I live, there'd be many that's here now won't be here then. And I'll have to meet you at the Judgment Bar and answer for everything that I said tonight.

300 Before God, while you're in your right mind, would you now do this much to God? If you know that you're... Just look at yourself in the looking glass of God (the Bible), no matter who you are, and say, "I know I'm way short from being a daughter of God, look the way I do. I'm way short from being a son of God, look the way I do. But, God, I don't want to be here, I--I want to strive to that place." I want you to raise your hand to God, just ever who you are, wherever you are across the building, "Yes, I want to be a son of God. I want to be a daughter of God. I want to fulfill everything that my Lord has commanded." Now you... God bless you. I guess ninety percent of the audience.

301Now looky here, my friend. What if you would have lived in the days when you heard John preach? What if you would have lived in the days when Jesus was here? Whose side would you have took? If you'd a-lived in Jesus'... Remember, if He... If you'd lived back there, it would be just like it is now. The same Jesus is making Himself known by His Word, see, and It's very unpopular.

302 But let me tell you, I'm not trying to tell people to leave church or... My, I want you to go to church, "Don't forsake to assemble yourself together." But what I'm trying to tell you to do is press into the Kingdom of God. Get these things, the world, church...

303Pentecostals, you people are getting too worldly. You're getting too much after the world. It's just easy, you keep watching televisions and all these things, and the way they're doing, and all this, and the first thing you know... The seminaries, the schools are beginning to compromise here and there, and this, that, and the other, and the first thing you know... It's got to come that way. The Pentecostal church, it's been my greatest support, I can't say nothing against it. But that's what I cry out, "My brethren, get out!" Call... You don't have the meetings that you used to have. The people are not like they used to be. But Jesus Christ is the same, let's move into Him.

304 Now, you with your hands up, remember, there was a Rock smitten in the wilderness, and that Fountain is still open tonight. Their Rock had been smitten, Christ, He is that smitten Rock.

305And tonight, so far as I know, the church may be... The time of calling may be already past, I don't know, I can't say that. Remember, the people went right on having the meetings, just the same, after the crucifixion of Jesus. And the... and all the people, they--they'll come, they... Watch! They--they'll go right on preaching, and saying they're "getting saved" and everything, just as if... "The world continues on as it was," they say. But it'll be too late then.

306 While you got a chance, my brother; while you got a chance, my sister; come into the Kingdom of God. You don't have to come in under anything else but just plain faith to believe His Word. He is that Word! "Lord Jesus, I know I'm looking at myself now in the mirror of God's Word; oh, how short I am. But, dear God, here tonight, on this Monday night, here in San Bernardino, California, in this auditorium here, this is--this is all I have, Lord, but I'll give it to You. Will You take me as I am, Lord? Will You let me flee to the cross right quick? I even see the messengers. I see the time, I see the calling out of Sodom. I see the signs. I see the Abraham's group receiving the Light. I see the manifestation, Jesus being manifested again right among us like it was. I see all the things that You promised. I see the impersonators; I see You said that, 'As it was in the days of Moses,' how this Jambres and Jannes would come back to impersonate, and still remain right in that same dump that they were in."

307 See, they couldn't follow Moses through that Word and take those children out of there into the wilderness, because they was associated in Egypt. They couldn't do it, though they done the same works he did. But their folly was made manifest. And the Bible says, That's THUS SAITH THE LORD, "It will take place again in the last day."

308And you see it with your own eyes, if you're spiritual. I'm... I can't explain It. It's not necessary for me to explain It. "My sheep hear My Voice." Let's go to Him now, while we have a chance. Will you?

309 If you have need of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, if you have need of a rededication, a new life; your pastor won't despise you, he'll love you for it. Just give yourself completely to God tonight, while we're here. Let... Yes, I know it's been hard, cutting, strange, I don't do that to be mean, I do that to be honest. I do that because I love you, I love God, and I do it to try to help you. And truly, friend, I--I--I believe... And with all my heart, with all my faith, I believe that my Message comes from God. It's--It's been proving that to you through the years.

310Now listen, tonight surrender everything you got, everything that you have need of. I believe, with a true, surrendered heart, if you will just stand upon your feet, and raise up your hands to God, and say, "Dear God, here I am. Take me, Lord. No more will I try to use my own mind and my own interpretation. Your Word says I must be 'holy, I must be borned again, I must be filled with the Spirit, and then the Spirit will lead me into all the Truth.' Dear God, here I am, lead me." Would you do that much? If you do that much, raise your hand, say, "I'm willing to do that, I'm willing to."

311 Then let's all stand up on our feet.

Just as I am, without one plea,

But that Thy Blood was shed for me,

And that Thou bids me come to Thee,

O Lamb of God, (God's only door)... come! I...

Now get all of your work, everything else, your tiredness, everything... What if you were dying now?

Just as I am, Thou will receive,

Will welcome, pardon, cleanse, receive;

Because I...

Will you put your hand up, on this verse now?

I promise, I will believe,

O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

312Now while the organist continue--continues to play, let's each one of us...

313 Young teen-agers, do you want to get like this out here on the street, this bunch of hoodlums?

314Sister, do you want to wear short hair, when it's your Nazarite honor to God to have long hair? "It's a shame for her to cut her hair." Would you wear these little ol' skirts and things that they wear today, this--this immoral dress, with your body showing through it, out there on the street? Did you know every man that looks upon you commits adultery with you in his heart? And you present yourself like that. Do you know, women, you that wear makeup, there's only one woman in the Bible that ever wore makeup? And God fed her to the dogs. A Jezebel, a name that's been hated since her day, because of her acts of that. You know it was Elijah the prophet who cursed that and called her out in that manner? Do you know it was Herodias that John the Baptist got after? Do you... You don't want to be that Hollywood thing of the world. "If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God is not in you."

315 Brother, minister friend, nothing... Please understand me, I am your brother. Do you want to associate yourself, and you church members of some church (Methodist, Baptist, or whatever you been), do you want to hold on in that denomination because your mother and your grandmother held on that? She come out of something to come into that, that was the Light of that day; that, like in the times of Noah. This is another day.

316You say, "Well, I had the..."

317This is not the day of Pentecost. The Pentecostal age is past. Pentecost is gone, this is harvest time. See? And the harvest time, the grain; the water's done been poured out, the grain's getting ripe. Come into the grain, my dear brother. Hear me, believe me, if you believe me to be a servant of God, let each one, in our own way, bow our head in humility and offer the prayer that we--that we know that we should offer, "God, take me as I am."

318And brother, sister, I lay myself on the altar tonight, too: God, mold me and make me different. Do something, God, make me in Your fashion.

319You think it's easy to stand here and cut the people to pieces like that? It's a hard thing to do. But woe unto me if I don't do it.

320 Dear God, as this audience bows their head and heart, in this solemn moments here of closing of this Bible lecture; when we see the a-vindication of the Holy Spirit that shook this nation back and forth, and back and forth, great revivals and indication, knowing that something has to follow that. And then see those seven Angels come down there on top of that mountain yonder in Arizona, when even the magazines across the nation's packed It. To see Jesus Himself there in the skies, looking down, and saying that, "In the Revelation 10:7, in the seventh angel's Message, these seals would be opened, the mysteries of God would be made known." That the reformers didn't live long enough to--to bring it out. And here, these seven seals that sealed the whole thing is to be opened in this day. To see all these great signs and wonders that's been done, vindicated, foretold before it happened, and not one time have You ever failed us, but brought it to pass just as it was said.

321 Dear God, we realize that Jesus Christ is in our midst. We know that He is here. He's here tonight, the invisible God is here with us, and can confirm every promise that He made in His Word. How You have stood and proved to them, with backs turned, in the original beginning before the impersonators even entered the ring, Lord, or entered into the--the--the race, as it was. You showed and proved, prophesied and told exactly the way it would happen, and we see it's happened that way. And Father, God, we know it cannot be man, it has to be God. So we know it's You here tonight. Forgive us of our sins.

322Dear God, You've healed our sickness, now for--forgive our sins, Lord, of not being the kind of Christian that we should be, not... Professing to be a full-Gospel man or woman, and here we find ourselves slumping off like a denominational chicken. Help us, dear God, take us and shake us with Your Holy Spirit. And if there be anything in us that's not like You, take it out of us, Lord. And plant our feet on God's Holy Word, and let the Holy Ghost burn down into our heart and take all the dross of unbelief and the drowsiness of this day; oh, arise and shake ourself. Grant it, God. Cleanse us! Mold us! Make us! God, grant it.

323 If there's any in here tonight, Lord, that's holding in their heart that grain, that gene of God that's ordained to Life from the foundation of the world; I know, Lord, that they're bound to hear at this hour. So, I pray, God, that You'll fill their soul and illuminate them with a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost, and send them on their road, rejoicing and happy.

324Lord God, they... I give them to You. I don't know who they are, You do. I'm only responsible for preaching Your Word, Lord, as You reveal It. You're responsible for the rest of it: where the Seed falls. I just throw It. Lord God, I pray that It fell in good, rich soil tonight. That many will see It, Lord, and rise to shining Christians in this last days, that the great thing that we're looking forward to come, will come quickly. Grant it, Lord. And You'll take Your Church, Your Bride, and take Her home. We see It all setting in order. Come, Lord Jesus. We commit it all to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the results. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's...

325 Do you love Him? Well, then you have to love one another. Shake one another's hand when you sing it again:

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation


326Now let's give Him praise. How many knows this song:

I will praise Him, I will praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

327Let's sing it now:

I will praise Him, I will praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

328Don't you feel all scoured out? Raise your hand, you say, "Oh, that makes me feel good." Brother, I love those old-time songs. Don't you? They go down to the heart.

I will praise Him, I will praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

329 Let's just raise our hands now and praise God, every one of us, in our own way:

330Lord Jesus, we thank You. We praise You, Lord. We give You praise for a called-out people, out of Babylon. We thank You for the Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We thank You because He makes us clean this minute. We for-... We ask forgiveness of our wrongs, our stupidity, Lord, our stumbling in the dark. O God, may we rise and shine, and walk in the evening Light, and be the fruit of the Tree that's coming forth by the evening Lights. Grant it, dear God. We commit ourselves to You, in Jesus Christ's Name.

331Now with your heads bowed, I give you the pastors backing the service.

1Skloňme hlavy. Drahý nebeský Otče, ďakujeme ti dnes večer, že odpovedáš na naše modlitby. Táto biedna, drahá žena tam leží, lebo operácia sa nepodarila. Ale ó Bože, spomíname na tú prvú operáciu, ktorá bola prevedená tu na zemi; Ty sám si ju previedol. Vybral si rebro z Adamovho boku, zavrel si tú ranu, a urobil si mu ženu. Ó Otče, prosím dnes večer, aby teraz prišla dole tvoja ruka a aby vykonala túto veľkú vec, za ktorú prosíme. A za tieto ďalšie, Pane. Táto žena je duševne chorá. A všetkých, ktorí majú prosby, porúčame s celého srdca tebe, Otče. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Je to skutočne privilégium, že tu dnes večer môžem byť, a že tu mám takýchto milých poslucháčov, na ktorých sa môžem dívať, a pekný spev, veľmi milá skupina ... Keď som tu videl stáť tých chlapcov, slušne oblečených, slušne ostrihaných, rozmýšľal som, aký je to rozdiel. Minulý večer, tam kde som ubytovaný, prišla skupina chuligánov a chceli v bazéne utopiť nejakého chlapca. Museli niekoho volať, aby ich z tade vyhnali. Aký je to rozdiel, keď vidím deti, ako stoja a spievajú piesne evanjelia, aký je to rozdiel.

2Rozmýšľam o tom, ako to povedal brat Henry: "Tí muži majú také vlasy, aké by mali mať ženy." Vidíte? To je pravda. Vyzerajú ako ... Vídavam takých chlapcov, s takými vlasmi, ešte si ich aj natáčajú. A neviem ... Niekedy som z toho znechutený. Vyzerá, že toto je naozaj čas prevrátenosti. Muži sa snažia nosiť ženské oblečenie a ženy mužské. A muži si nechávajú rásť vlasy ako ženy, a ženy nosia vlasy ako muži. Čo sa to deje s týmito ľuďmi? Či sa už tá skutočná slušnosť a úcta vytratila z tohoto národa a od týchto ľudí, z tohoto sveta?

3Je to strašný čas, ale čo sa týka kázania evanjelia, je to najnádhernejší čas na svete. Keby som sa mohol postaviť na začiatku času, prv ako začal existovať svet, a Otec by sa na mňa pozrel a povedal: "V ktorom čase, cez všetky tie veky, by si chcel kázať?" Vybral by som si práve tento čas, práve teraz, tesne pred Jeho príchodom.

4Ako sa dívam tu do obecenstva, sedí tu pred nami ... Jeden môj priateľ, kazateľ z Tucsonu, včera ... išiel na koni ... (Mám na mysli tohoto muža s tou - túto ženu s tou platničkou.) Ten kôň ho zhodil. A iný človek mi zavolal dnes ráno o jednej do hotelu, a povedal: "Ten človek je v nemocnici Veterán, má sklenený pohľad, chrbát má rozmliaždený, narazené obličky a srdce mu sotva bije." A kľakol som si tam na kolená, mal som ho na druhej strane telefónu a modlil som sa za neho. A dnes večer tu sedí. Sedí rovno tu. To bolo včera večer. Bob, mohol by si sa postaviť a ... Boh odpovedá na modlitby, ráno, večer, v noci cez deň, stále.

5No, ja som taký kazateľ s dlhým dychom, ako to hovoria. Nerád začínam večer o takomto čase, a myslel som, že tu len prejdem. Raz večer sme hovorili tu neďaleko na jednom mieste a po pätnástych minútach, tí ľudia začali zbierať taniere a kývali na mňa: "Konči. Buď už ticho, už ste mali z tadeto odísť." A fajčili a robili si žarty. To nebola chyba toho banketu, to boli tí ľudia, od ktorých sme to mali prenajaté. A predsedova žena tam prišla a povedala manažérovi ...

6- No, o pol desiatej ste to tu už mali uvolniť.

7 - Nemali ste to v zmluve.

8Táto pani dnes večer, ona sem prišla (milá dáma) a povedala: "Rozumieme, že to chcete. Môžete tu byť tak dlho, ako len chcete." Tak to bolo veľmi milé. A tak som za to veľmi vďačný. To je veľmi pekné.

9Brat Henry, naozaj si cením tvoju láskavosť, že si ma pozval na toto zhromaždenie.

10Minulý večer som mal to privilégium, že som mohol byť tu dole v Zboroch Božích, myslím, že je tam pastor brat Boone. Prežili sme tam pekné chvíle s tou skupinou ľudí. A zajtra večer pôjdeme niekde tu; neviem kde, to je iné zhromaždenie. Oni to zariaďujú; ja sa len modlím, čítam a idem ďalej, a to je skoro všetko čo stačím.

11Ale teraz, v tomto dni vidíme zvláštne veci. No, pamätám sa keď som tu bol posledne, mali sme stanové zhromaždenie. Spomínal som to minulý večer, ako nejaký manželia doniesli svoje mŕtve dieťa. Je to niekde tu hore, cestovali celý deň a noc. Tá matka tam sedela smutná a držala v náručí svoje dieťa. No, možno že tu práve teraz sedí, pokiaľ viem. A ona ... jej muž ... Boli s nimi ešte nejakí manželia a oni boli ... A ona povedala ... pýtali sa ma (ten muž), či by som neprišiel ku autu. Zobral som to dieťa a držal som tú malú, mŕtvu, stuhnutú, studenú formu. Začal som sa modliť. Keď som sa modlil, bolo cítiť, akoby sa to telíčko začalo zohrievať. A tak som len ... ďalej som sa modlil. Začalo kopať a hýbať sa, bolo čoraz lepšie, začalo plakať. Dal som ho naspäť matke. Vrátila sa s ním domov. Možno neboli ani kresťania, pokiaľ viem. Vidíte? Bolo to ohromné.

12Ale to, o čom dnes rozmýšľam je cirkev, o ktorej viem, že tiež zomiera, sú to naši letniční ľudia. Musíme sa tohoto striasť, to je všetko. A jediný spôsob ako to urobíme, je modlitba a dopasovanie sa do Božieho Slova. To je jediný spôsob, ako to môžeme urobiť. To je jediný spôsob, ako sa z toho dostať. On je cesta. Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Či by sme chceli, aby sa naša cirkev dostala do takého stavu, ako v Anglicku, ako on povedal? Preto som taký tvrdý, ako si to myslíte, a kričím na vás. Nemám to v úmysle, ale nechcem vidieť odchádzať cirkev do takého stavu. Vy tiež nechcete byť v takom stave. Musíte to predsa zatĺcť tak silno, aby ste to pribili a zahli. Tak sa to musí urobiť.

13A tak teraz, dnes večer tu mám niektoré miesta Písma a texty, o ktorých chcem chvíľu hovoriť. Neidem hovoriť, ako dlho to bude trvať. Ste unavení ... Možno to preberiem za tridsať minút, to záleží len na ... Vždy to rád nechám na Ducha Svätého, nech to On vedie, ako chce.

14Skloňme ešte na chvíľu hlavy a hovorme ku Autorovi, prv ako otvoríme jeho Knihu.

15Všemohúci Bože, Autor tejto Knihy, modlíme sa skrze Ježiša Krista. Sme vďační za to, čo sme už dnes večer počuli. Keby sme mali potvrdiť toto zhromaždenie svojím "Amen" a ísť domov, bolo nám tu dobre, lebo vieme, že Ty si bol s nami. A Otče, keď otvárame toto Slovo, hovor teraz ku nám priamo z tohoto Slova, aby sme mohli poznať hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Keď budeme poznať hodinu v ktorej žijeme, potom sa na tú hodinu môžeme pripraviť. Ale ak slepo do nej vojdeme, a nebudeme vedieť čo, alebo kde, potom nebudeme vedieť ako sa pripraviť. A tak, Otče, prosíme, aby si nám tam dal vidieť archu a otvorené dvere, a Posolstvo, ktoré nás volá dovnútra. Daj nám to skrze meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.

16Chcem tu čítať text zo Svätého Písma, ktorý nájdeme v Evanjeliu sv. Lukáša v 24. kapitole. Začnem od 13. verša a prečítam časť z toho.

A hľa, dvaja z nich išli toho istého dňa do mestečka, vzdialeného šesťdesiat honov od Jeruzalema, ktoré sa menuje Emaus.

A tí sa zhovárali medi sebou o všetkom tom, čo sa to udialo.

A stalo sa v tom, keď sa tak zhovárali a spolu sa navzájom dopytovali, že i sám Ježiš sa priblížil a išiel s nimi.

Ale ich oči boli držané, aby ho nepoznali.

A povedal im: Aké sú to veci, o ktorých idúc rozjímate medzi sebou a ste smutní?

A jeden z nich, ktorému bolo meno Kleofáš, odpovedal a riekol mu: Či ty jediný pohostíniš v Jeruzaleme, ktorý si nezvedel, čo sa v ňom stalo po tieto dni?

A on im povedal: A čože? A oni mu povedali: Čo sa stalo s Ježišom Nazarejským, ktorý bol muž prorok, mocný v skutku i v slove pred Bohom a pred všetkým ľudom,

a jako ho vydali najvyšší kňazi a naše kniežatá, aby bol odsúdený na smrť, a ukrižovali ho.

A my sme sa nadejali, že on je ten, ktorý ide vykúpiť Izraela. No, tomu všetkému je toto už tretí deň, ako sa to stalo.

Ale i z nás niektoré ženy, ktoré boli za svitu pri hrobe, naplnili nás úžasom,

ktoré nenajdúc jeho tela prišli a hovorili, že aj videnie anjelov videli, ktorí vraj hovoria, že žije.

Potom odišli niektorí z našich k hrobu a našli všetko tak, ako aj tie ženy povedali, ale jeho nevideli.

A on im povedal: Ó, nezmyselní a spozdilí srdcom veriť všetkému tomu, čo hovorili proroci!

Či to azda nemusel trpieť Kristus a tak vojsť do svojej slávy?

A započnúc od Mojžiša a od všetkých prorokov vykladal im, čo kde vo všetkých písmach je napísané o ňom.

Nech Pán pridá svoje požehnania ku čítaniu jeho Slova.

17No, ak by som tejto téme mal dať názov, chcel by som to nazvať takto: Novodobé udalosti sú vysvetlené pomocou proroctva. To bol stále Boží - nemeniaci sa Boh stále takto postupoval, že predpovedal - dal svojmu ľudu dopredu poznať, prv ako sa udiali určité udalosti.

18Keby ľudia vo dňoch Pána Ježiša boli skutočne hľadali Boha, a keby vedeli čo sa má práve stať, neboli by odsúdili Ježiša na smrť. Ale to bolo preto, že Písma sa museli vyplniť; pretože Židia museli byť zaslepení. Všetci sme si toho vedomí.

19A uvedomujete si, že to je znovu zasľúbené, práve na tento vek, v ktorom žijeme? Laodicejský cirkevný vek, tento siedmy cirkevný vek, v ktorom sme teraz, je nahý, mizerný, slepý, a nevie o tom. Tak isto, ako On vtedy zaslepil ich, aby priniesol svoje posolstvo vyvoleným ľuďom, On zasľúbil, že dnes urobí to isté.

20A keď to mám tak povedať tým váženým a všetkým mojim bratom a sestrám v Kristovi - V jednom z týchto dní niekto povie: "Či nie je napísané, že prv sa malo stať toto?"

21A bude to tak isto, ako vtedy: "Amen vám hovorím, on už prišiel a urobili mu to čo chceli."

22Keď sa Ho opýtali a povedali: "Prečo učení v Písme hovoria, a Písma hovoria, že prv musí prísť Eliáš." Oni to povedali Ježišovi.

23On povedal: "On už prišiel a vy ste ho nepoznali." Vidíte? A takto sa to možno znovu skončí.

24No, chceme byť pozorní, aby sme vedeli, čo sa má stať v tomto veku, v ktorom žijeme. Boh rozvrhol svoje Slovo do každého veku, toľko a toľko do každého veku, a my si musíme všimnúť, že z jedného veku sa to nemôže preniesť do druhého veku. To nebude fungovať. Napríklad, ako som hovoril, asi minulý večer, alebo ... Stále to hovorím, každý večer, na každom mieste a niekedy to poviem aj dvakrát. Nechcem sa opakovať. Ale hovorím toto: Aký by to malo význam, keby sa Mojžiš snažil kázal Noeho posolstvo? Alebo čo z toho, keby sa Ježiš snažil kázať Mojžišove posolstvo? Alebo čo z toho, keby Martin Luther ďalej kázal posolstvo katolíkov? Čo z toho, keby Wesley ďalej kázal Lutherove posolstvo? Čo z toho, keby letničný ďalej kázali posolstvo metodistov? Alebo čo z toho, keby sa ďalej kázalo posolstvo letničných, keď je vyvolaná Nevesta? Vidíte? Sme rovno v čase semena, sme tu v čase konca. No, ak nepadne pšeničné zrno do zeme, zostane ono samotné.

25Ako ten kritik ... Hovorím to odvtedy, ako vyšla tá kniha. Možno, že ju tu máte vo vašom meste, od toho nemeckého autora, ktorý napísal jeden z najkritickejších článkov ... To je neveriaci človek. Samozrejme, že ne ... Neodsudzujem ho za to, že on tak odsudzuje mňa, ale preto že je neveriaci, tá kniha by nikdy nemala byť na poličkách. A on povedal: "Taký Boh, ktorý mohol sedieť, a ktorý hovorí, že otvoril Červené more a vyslobodil svoj ľud, a potom sedí so založenými rukami a díva sa počas Temných Vekov na tých kresťanov, ktorí boli levmi trhaní na kusy, na tie matky, ktorým namáčali vlasy do smoly, a vešali ich na kríže, a zapaľovali; a ich deti ... Tehotným ženám rozrezávali bruchá, pretože sa stavili aké bude pohlavie toho dieťaťa ... a sedel si a dovolil to. A to boli ľudia, ktorí boli údajne sluhovia tohoto Boha."

26Vidíte, Písmo je inšpirované. Nikdy nebudete môcť poznať Písmo, len skrze to, že si sadnete a budete ho čítať z teologického pohľadu, z pohľadu vzdelania. To nikdy nefungovalo.

27Pred nedávnom som sa rozprával s baptistickým kazateľom, on povedal: "Až kým sa nenaučíme správne po Grécky, až kým ..."

28Povedal som: "Na Nicejskom koncile, pred ním, sa hádali ohľadne Gréckych slov v Biblii." Nikdy to nebudete poznať.

29Biblia má byť zjavená skrze inšpiráciu. To je jediný spôsob, zjavenie. Ježiš povedal Petrovi: "Na tejto skale ..." Táto skala zjavenia, zjavuje kto On je. "Požehnaný si Šimon, syn Jonášov, telo a krv ti toto nezjavili, ale môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti toto zjavil; na tejto skale postavím svoju cirkev." Nie na Petrovi, nie na Sebe samom, ale na duchovnom zjavení, kto On je, a On je Slovo. Ev. Jána 1: "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Židom 13:8, "On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky."

31Tak teda my žijeme v dni, keď manifestácia Božieho Slova musí prísť do inakšieho veku než bol letničný vek. Je to tak. Pamätajte, budete ... Ja nie som vzdelaný človek; ale nemôžete zaprieť prírodu, pretože Boh pracuje v spojitosti s prírodou. Ako som už povedal, slnko vychádza a zapadá; a prechádza cez deň, a ako v školskom veku a večer zomiera, aby nasledujúce ráno znovu vstalo. Stromy v zime spúšťajú svoju šťavu dole do koreňov, a na jar znovu prichádza naspäť.

32Všimnite si, On prirovnal nevestu ku pšeničnému zrnu, preto Boh musel nechať, aby sa to tak dialo. Tá dobrá, skutočná, opravdová cirkev, ktorá bola založená v deň letníc, rástla a rástla od letníc do veľkej cirkvi, v dobe temna musela padnúť do zeme a musela byť pochovaná, tak ako sa to robí s každým semenom. Musela zomrieť aby v reformácii mohla znovu vyrásť. Reformácia vystupuje v osobe Martina Luthera. A od tade, práve tak ako vyrastá pšeničná stopka. To prvé čo vychádza sú dve maličké steblá, potom stále pribúda viac stebiel. Povstal Martin Luther, a potom Zwingli, a ďalej Kalvín, a ako išli ďalej.

33Nakoniec to prichádza do klasu. No, to bol Ján Wesley, vo veku Wesleya. To už malo znovu peľ.

34Z toho prišiel letniční vek, také blízke, skoro ako skutočné pšeničné zrno, keď to porovnáte so stopkou. Ale keď zoberiete tú pšenicu a odhrniete to, nie je v tom žiadne zrno; to je len šupka v tvare zrna. Ale je tam na to, aby chránila zrno až kým ... Keby v takom stave na to dopadlo slnko, zabilo by to.

35To tam musí byť až do určitého času, potom všetok ten život opúšťa tú šupku (tak ako opustil stopku, ako opustil peľ), opúšťa šupku a ide do pšenice, a formuje sa znovu, tak ako bola tá, ktorá padla do zeme.

36No, všetci vieme, že kedykoľvek, keď je prinesené nejaké posolstvo, za tri roky z toho povstáva organizácia. Keď to robia, v tej chvíli to zabíja ten život, tak to urobili v čase Luthera, tak sa to stalo vo dňoch Wesleya; tak sa to stalo vo dňoch Alexandra Cambella, a pri všetkých ostatných; a tak sa to stalo vo dňoch letničných. Presne. Vidíte? Dostanete sa na miesto, kde sa každý stáva taký naškrobený, a dostáva sa mimo, a nemôžu prijať nové zjavenie. Usadili sa a tam sedia, a tam zomierajú. A ten život hneď cez to prechádza a ide rovno ďalej, aby vytvoril pšenicu. A keď sa ukazuje tá pšenica, ten život, ktorý putoval cez tú pšenicu, to vzkriesenie, ono prináša celú tú vec. Privádza to do vytrhnutia.

37No, pamätajte, toto posolstvo začalo najprv od Božského uzdravovania, od činenia divov. No, keby Boh nechal aby sa to dialo skrze obyčajnú cirkev, ako sme to už mali, potom by to nebol Boh. Boh nemusí robiť divadlo. On nemusí robiť tieto veci, aby nás zabával, ako sme my Američania na to zvyknutí (na zábavu), ale On to robí, aby upútal pozornosť ľudí, že má v úmysle niečo urobiť.

38Pozrite sa na Neho samého, keď On prišiel. - Ohromný prorok, Rabbi, prorok z Galilei. - Aha, Jeho služba bola ohromná, v každej cirkvi bol vítaný.

39Ale jedného dňa si sadol a povedal: "Ja a Otec sme jedno."

40 - Ó. Preč s tým človekom.- To bolo priveľa.

41 - Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť jeho krv, nemáte v sebe život.

42 - Aha, veď on je vampír. Preč od takého človeka. Vidíte?

43 Vidíte, za tým znakom muselo niečo nasledovať. Vidíte? Za tým niečo nasledovalo.

44 Tá šupka to držala, ale teraz sa tá šupka odťahuje; musí. A pamätajte, prešlo dvadsať rokov a nepovstali z toho žiadne denominácie, a nepovstanú. Sme na konci denominácií. Pšenica naberá formu. Ale čo sa deje teraz s pšenicou? Vy nemôžete ... Musí ležať v prítomnosti Syna, aby dozrela, prv ako ju kombajn pozbiera.

45 No, udalosti, ktoré vidíme ako sa dejú, to všetko je presne ukázané v Biblii, každý vek. My si myslíme, že sme pomimo diania Božieho, ale nie sme; všetko ide presne podľa Božieho Slova.

46 No, Biblia sa líši od každej inej svätej knihy. Nieto taká kniha ako je Biblia, pretože Biblia, to je Boh vo forme Slova. Vidíte? To je ... Slovo, to je vyjadrená myšlienka. V nej je vyjadrené Božie myslenie, Jeho Slovo skrze prorokov; a oni napísali Bibliu, a ona je vo forme slova. A Ježiš to nazval Semeno. A každé semeno bude rodiť svoj druh, ak sa nachádza v správnych podmienkach, alebo v správnej atmosfére. No, táto kniha ... Táto kniha proroctva, Ona predpovedá budúce udalosti. Táto kniha obsahuje úplné zjavenie Ježiša Krista. Nemôžete ku tomu nič pridať, ani z toho nič odobrať, a každé zjavenie musí s tým súhlasiť. Vidíte? To musí byť Slovo.

47 Tak ľudia hovoria: "Ja mám zjavenie." Áno, vieme, že Joseph Smith a mnohí iní mali zjavenia a všetko možné, ale to nebolo zhodné so Slovom.

48 To musí prísť podľa Slova, ak to pochádza od Boha, pretože to má potvrdiť, alebo dokázať Božiu prítomnosť. A On predzvedel všetky tieto veci, lebo je ... Skrze svoje predvedenie určil, predurčil (tak je to nazvané v Biblii) predurčil každý vek na jeho miesto, a každého človeka na jeho miesto, a každého posla na jeho miesto. On je Boh. Diabol s ničím na Neho nemôže. On je Boh, a On určil, aby sa všetko stalo, a to sa deje presne podľa jeho Slova.

49 A tak, ak môžeme vidieť, pomocou Jeho Slova, v akom veku a v akom čase žijeme, budete to vidieť rovno tu v Biblii, čo sa týka tohoto veku, čo máme - čo sa má stať v tomto čase.

50 No, tie ostatné knihy, nachádzame veľa kníh, ktoré ľudia nazývajú "svätými knihami", alebo podobne. Čítal som Korán a mnohé iné. Ale, vidíte, ich sväté knihy sú len kódexom etiky, alebo morálky alebo teológie.

51 Ale táto Kniha je Prorok; Ona je inakšia od všetkých iných. Biblia je Slovo Božie, ktoré predpovedá budúcnosť. Ona predpovedá pretože dopredu varuje.

52 Ak Boh čokoľvek posiela, On hovorí a zasľúbil v Biblii, žť nič na zemi, ak to prv nezjaví Svojím sluhom prorokom. To je v Ámosovi 3:7. On ... A Boh nemôže klamať. On to zjavuje. To je jeho spôsob, ako to robil vo všetkých vekoch. On to nikdy nezabudol urobiť.

53 No, je nám zasľúbené, že v týchto posledných dňoch má byť toto prinavrátené. Nebude to žiadna cirkev, žiadna denominácia, ani metodisti, ani baptisti, ani presbyteriáni, ani letniční, oni nikdy vo svojom modernom stave nedovedú túto cirkev do Nevesty. Oni to nedokážu, odpadávajú. Dajú príliš jeden na druhého a svet sa vplazil dovnútra a tak ďalej a zomreli rovno na svojej ceste. A tak Boh o tom vie.

54 A niekto, aby zjavil toto Slovo, povie: "Dobre, ja toto mám. Chvála Bohu. To je takto." Je to presne tak, ako to bolo, keď prišiel prvý krát Ježiš. Každý mal nejakú náuku, každý mal toto. To musí byť niečo, čo nám bude poslané od Boha. A Boh to zasľúbil. A jediný spôsob, ako to On urobí je ten, že sa bude držať toho istého vzoru. On zasľúbil, že v týchto posledných dňoch nám pošle na zem proroka, podľa Malachiáša 4, ktorý obráti srdcia ľudí naspäť - srdcia detí, znovu naspäť ku apoštolským otcom. On to zasľúbil vo svojom Slove. V Lukášovi 17 a na mnohých ďalších miestach, kde to On zasľúbil, že On ... čo On bude robiť v týchto posledných dňoch, aby toto doviedol do potvrdeného Slova.

55 Vidíte, človek môže povedať čokoľvek, ale ak Boh nevykladá to Slovo ... Vidíte, no, my máme svoj vlastný výklad. My hovoríme, že to znamená toto. A ohľadne tohoto, metodisti hovoria toto, baptisti hovoria toto, letniční hovoria toto, jednotári hovoria toto, vyznávači dvojice hovoria toto. A och joj, tu to máte. Ale Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. On si je sám vykladačom. On si vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo tým, že Ho potvrdzuje v tom veku, do ktorého bolo určené, vo veku, do ktorého je dané.

56 Nežijeme v letničnom veku; žijeme v inom veku. Vidíte? Nežijeme v metodistickom veku; žijeme v inom veku. Žijeme tu hore vo veku Nevesty, vo vyvolávaní z cirkvi a v zhromažďovaní sa spolu na vytrhnutie. To je vek, v ktorom teraz žijeme. Podľa mojej najlepšej mienky je to úplná pravda.

57 A táto Kniha je knihou proroctva. Tým, ktorí jej veria je prikázané, aby si ju vážili, aby ju čítali, a verili jej Autorovi, že každé slovo, ktoré je v nej napísané sa musí stať. Všetko čo bolo zasľúbené sa musí stať, pretože to je Ježiš Kristus v každom veku. Ten istý včera ... To bol Ježiš Kristus v Noachovi, to bol Ježiš Kristus v Mojžišovi, to bol Ježiš Kristus v Dávidovi, to bol Ježiš Kristus v Jozefovi, to je Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A to je Ježiš Kristus dnes medzi svojím ľudom, ktorý robí veci, ktoré zasľúbil, že ich v tomto veku bude robiť. To je Ježiš Kristus.

58 Ale cirkev sa stala taká naškrobená, tak veľmi sa vzdialila, ako to tu povedal ten brat. A naše cirkvi sa stávajú také isté, až musíme mať niečo, čo by nás zatriaslo naspäť do Slova. Ako vieme, že to sa stane? To musí prísť podľa Božieho, vlastného plánu. To nemôže prísť cez laika, nepríde to cez biznismenov, nemôže to prísť cez cirkvi. Boh urobil svoj plán.

59 Hovoril som tu nedávno v Shreveporte, bolo to vysielané rozhlasom po celom národe, to: "Snažiť sa slúžiť Bohu bez toho, žeby to bola Božia vôľa." Dávid sa snažil priniesť truhlu Božiu naspäť do domu. On bol pomazaný kráľ. Aha, poradil sa so svojimi delegátmi, svojimi veliteľmi nad tisícami a desať tisícami, a tak ďalej. A oni všetci povedali: "To je Slovo Pánove." A poradil sa s kňazom: "To bolo ohromné." A všetci boli takí inšpirovaní, vykrikovali, a robili všetky nábožné veci, ktoré boli. A bolo to úplne nezhodné s vôľou Božou, pretože v kraji bol prorok, nazýval sa Nátan a s ním sa vôbec o tom neporadili. Vidíte? A videli sme, že sa im to nepodarilo, hoci sa úprimne snažili slúžiť Bohu.

60 A môžete byť akokoľvek úprimní, ale až kým nebudeme vedieť čo robíme, udierate na prázdno. Poďte naspäť do Slova Božieho a narovnajte sa, a potom choďte; potom viete. Ako vojak, nevie čo má robiť, až kým nedostane rozkaz, aby to urobil. My musíme byť kresťanskí vojaci a musíme prijímať nariadenia z Biblie teraz na túto hodinu, nie rozkaz na včera, nie rozkaz na predvčerom, ale rozkaz na dnes, že ktorou cestou ideme. Musíme rozpoznať hodinu, v ktorej žijeme.

61 A tieto novodobé udalosti prebiehajú okolo nás príliš rýchlo, a jedného dňa zistíme, že sme zostali zanechaní a nič nemáme, a budeme chytení, zapečatení do znamenia šelmy, prv ako si to uvedomíme.

62 No, a s trpezlivosťou musíme na toto čakať, pretože tie proroctvá, ktoré sú zasľúbené, každé jedno z nich, sa musí vo svojom čase vyplniť. Lebo ona nám predpovedá, Autor predpovedal, prv ako sa toto stalo, a my čakáme, aby sme Ho videli, ako to znovu robí. Čo je to za čas, v ktorom žijeme, niečo ako kalendár, dívate sa do kalendára, aby ste zistili v akom dni roka žijete. A dívate sa do Božej Biblii, aby sme videli v akom veku žijeme. Nežijeme vo veku metodistov, ani vo veku baptistov. Žijeme vo veku Nevesty, v čase vyvolania, prinavrátenia naspäť ku Bohu cez kanál, ktorý On zasľúbil, aby to v ňom prinavrátil. On zasľúbil, že to urobí.

63 Ale ako to bolo v každom veku, ľudia nechajú určitým osobám dávať tomu svoj vlastný teologický výklad, a nebudú veriť tomu, čo Boh nadprirodzene potvrdil. To je Boží výklad. Nie to čo ja poviem, nie čo povie niekto iný. Ale to čo Boh zasľúbil a čo Boh robí, to dokazuje, že Boh podáva svoj vlastný výklad svojho Slova.

64 Vám letničným hovorili, pred štyridsiatymi piatymi, alebo pred päťdesiatymi rokmi ... Vaše matky a otcovia, keď oni boli ozajstní letniční, vyšli z organizácie a prekliali takú vec a vyšli z nej. A potom tak, ako sa pes vracia ku svojmu vývratku, znovu vošli rovno do toho, urobili to isté, čo zabilo tú cirkev, a vy ste skrze to isté zabili svoju vlastnú. Nemám nič proti ľuďom, ktorí sú tam, nič proti tomu, to je ten systém, ktorý to robí.

65 Doma budem ... idem domov ... Nekážem to na zhromaždení u iných. Pripravujem sa, že budem kázať na tému Hadia cesta, a vypočujte si to, keď dostanete tie pásky.

66 A všimnite si, oni prehliadli to potvrdenie, že proroctvá Božieho Slova sa vyplnili. Keby títo kňazi ... Oni to mali tak zafixované, presne ako má Mesiáš prísť; oni vedeli, čo sa má stať. Farizeovia mali svoju predstavu, sadúceovia, herodiáni a ó, oni mali svoje predstavy. Ale On prišiel, nie ... On prišiel celkom inak, ako si to oni všetci predstavovali, ale presne podľa Slova. Ježiš povedal, že to isté bolo tu: "Keby ste poznali mňa, poznali by ste môj deň. Keby ste boli poznali, boli by ste ... Vy hovoríte: No, Mojžiš ... My máme Mojžiša. No, keby ste verili Mojžišovi, verili by ste mne; pretože on písal o mne."

67 Ale, vidíte, keď Boh potvrdzoval presne to, čo zasľúbil, oni už mali o tom nejakú veľkolepú predstavu, ako má Ježiš prísť a ... Chcem povedať Mesiáš ... Ako má Mesiáš prísť rovno do ich skupiny, inak to nebude Mesiáš. No, dnes je to skoro tak isto. "Ak sa nedívaš cez moje okuliare, tak nič nevidíš." Vidíte? A tak je to presne tak. Je to pravda. Neradi to pripustíme, ale je to úplná pravda.

68 V liste Židom 1:1, Boh za dávna mnoho ráz písal Bibliu svojím vlastný vybraným spôsobom. On ju nikdy nepísal pomocou teológov, ani ju nevykladal pomocou teológov. Nikdy to tak nebolo, žeby teológovia mali výklad Božieho Slova. Výklad prichádza jedine ku prorokovi. A jediný spôsob, ako sa budeme môcť kedy dostať z tohoto zamiešania je, že nám Boh pošle toho proroka. Presne tak, jedine tak sa to stane. Oni tomu verili, očakávali na to, a keď sa to vyplnilo ...

69 Vidíte? To nenapísal človek, to napísal Boh. To nie je kniha nejakého človeka. To nie je teologická kniha. To je Božia kniha, a to je kniha proroctva, písaná skrze prorokov a vykladaná skrze prorokov. Biblia povedala: "Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokom." Presne tak.

70 Ako krásne to bolo ilustrované, či demonštrované, keď Ježiš prišiel na zem, a Ján bol v tom čase prorok, a on prorokoval. Oni hovorili: "Ó, ty chceš povedať, že Boh porúca tu tieto naše veľké spoločenstvá a všetko toto? A že príde čas, že v našich chrámoch sa už viac nebude uctievať Boha?"

71 On povedal: "Ide čas, keď si Boh urobí obeť z Baránka Božieho, z človeka." A on povedal, že ho bude poznať, keď príde. A povedal, že si je tak istý svojím posolstvom. Povedal: "On stojí práve teraz medzi vami a vy ho nepoznáte. On je práve teraz medzi vami a vy o tom neviete."

72 Jedného dňa, keď Ježiš išiel okolo, Ján sa pozrel a uvidel nad ním znak. Povedal: "Ajhľa, Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta." V tej istej minúte Ježiš vedel, že bol potvrdený pred ľuďmi. No, On bol Slovo. Či o tom pochybujeme? Biblia hovorí, že On je Slovo: "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." A tu ho máme ... Tu je Slovo na zemi (Pozrite, dokonale.) prichádza rovno do vody ku prorokovi.

73 Je to tak. Slovo stále prichádza ku svojmu prorokovi. Tak nemôžeme očakávať, že príde ku teológom. Nemôžeme očakávať, že príde do denominácií. Ono musí prísť Božím kanálom, o ktorom nám On dopredu povedal, a to je tá jediná cesta, po ktorej bude Ono vždy prichádzať. Ľudia to budú nenávidieť, budú tým pohŕdať, odmietať to. Keď ono príde, bude to odhodené nabok a všetko možné, ale Boh to jednako bude robiť. Bolo to odmietnuté v Ježišovi Kristovi; bolo to odmietnuté v Jánovi; bolo to odmietnuté pri Jeremiášovi; bolo to odmietnuté pri Mojžišovi. Stále je to tak. Ale Boh ďalej postupuje takýmto spôsobom, ako zasľúbil, že to bude robiť. Tak veru. On to stále robí tak isto.

74 Človek, ktorý mával videnia, alebo počul Jeho hlas, nikdy tomu poriadne nerozumel. V mnohých prípadoch nevedel, pretože on je len Boží nástroj. To sú Božie myšlienky, vyjadrené ústami človeka. Pretože slovo je vyjadrená myšlienka. Boh urobil svoj vlastný výber, pomocou svojho predurčeného výberu. On to urobil v každom veku. On určil ľudí do každého veku. Ako v prípade Mojžiša, keď on mal vyplniť to, čo On povedal Abrahámovi ... Mojžiš sa narodil ako dieťa, ktoré bolo na to určené, on za to nemohol že bol taký. On sa tak narodil, pretože on sa narodil za tým účelom.

75 A vidíme, že Boh to tak robí v každom veku. Boh robí svoj vlastný výber, pomocou svojho vlastného predurčeného výberu, vyberá svojich prorokov a všetko na daný vek. Určuje jeho povahu, povahu toho človeka, jeho štýl kázania, aby bol uctený ten dar, a všetko čo On robí je nato, aby to splnilo to, čo je vyžadované na ten deň. Boh stvára takého človeka a posiela ho. A v Jeho vlastnej mysli, ako som o tom kázal minulý večer, sme zárodkom Božieho génu. On vedel, že v tom veku tam bude ten človek, ešte skôr ako existovala nejaká molekula, alebo svetlo, alebo čokoľvek na zemi.

76 Lebo vy ste génom svojho otca, a boli ste vo svojom otcovi, hoci váš otec nemal s vami obecenstvo, pretože on ... Vy ste tam boli, ale ste to nevedeli, ani on to nevedel, ale ste sa zamanifestovali, aby ste mohli - aby on mohol mať s vami obecenstvo. A vy ste sa znovuzrodili, narodili ste sa z večného života. A je len jedna forma večného života, a to je Boží život, Zoe. To Grécke slovo je Zoe, jediná forma večného života.

77 Potom ak ste synom Božím, alebo dcérou Božou, po celý čas ste boli v Bohu. Ale On poznal do akej pôdy, a v ktorom čase ste mali byť zasiati. A tak teraz ste sa stali stvorením, synom Božím, zamanifestovaným synom, alebo dcérou Božou, aby ste splnili požiadavky tejto hodiny, aby ste potvrdili pravého a živého Boha tejto hodiny, posolstvo, ktoré vychádza v tomto čase. Presne tak. To sa stalo tam pred založením sveta. Ak nie ... Ak ste neboli takto vybraní, nezáleží na tom ako veľmi sa to snažíte napodobňovať, nikdy to nedosiahnete. Ako môžete získať z repy krv, keď v nej žiadna krv nie je?

78 Preto sa snažím hovoriť o ... Ľudia si myslia, že kričíme na ženy, že majú krátke vlasy, a pretože hovorím o tých veciach, ľudia mi hovoria: "Zruinuješ svoju službu." Zruinovať službu, ktorú sám Boh ustanovil? To je nemožné. Keď ľudia počujú Slovo Božie ... Keď je počaté dieťa v lone matky, keď tam prichádza tá jedna bunka, a na ňu sa stavia ďalšia bunka. To nie je jedna bunka človeka, ďalšia psa, a ďalšia mačky a ďalšia niečoho iného. To je úplne, čistá, ľudská bytosť. A keď sa človek narodil z Ducha Božieho, on nevnáša nič do svojho života. To je čisté Božie Slovo potvrdené na tú hodinu. On prijíma plné Slovo Božie; nekladie do toho žiadne vyznania, ani nič iné. To je čisté nekrížené Slovo Božie, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo medzi nami.

79 Pozrite sa do Biblii, vidíte kde, v akom veku potom žijeme, keď vidíte že sa zamanifestovali tieto veľké veci. Keď to Boh zasľúbil robiť, On to stále robí. Na konci každého veku, keď cirkev prichádza ku otočnému miestu, a odvracia sa od Slova naspäť do hriechu a do svetských vecí ... Svetské veci, to je hriech. Biblia hovorí: "Ak milujete svet, alebo veci toho sveta, nie je vo vás láska Božia."

80 Minulí večer som hovoril o obeti, ktorá bola obetovaná. O Baránkovi. To malo byť sedem dní, a to reprezentuje sedem cirkevných vekov. Medzi ľuďmi sa nemal nachádzať žiadny kvas, žiadny kvas za sedem dní. To znamená, že s tým nie je nič zmiešané, to je nekvasené, stále. A my sa nechceme miešať so žiadnym vyznaním, so žiadnym kvasom ani s ničím. Nechceme byť zmiešaní so svetom. To musí byť nekvasený chlieb Boží, Slovo Božie, nefalšované Slovo Božie, a ním: "Človek bude žiť, každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích."

81 Naše denominačné systémy a rozdiely a všetko, položili do nás kvas, a toto a tamto a svet a módu. A, och, je toho toľko, že takmer všade je Hollywood. Nakoniec to dôjde do toho, že to bude tak ako v Anglicku, a výzva ku oltáru bude hanbou. Och! Ako povedal brat: "Ako môžete chytiť do takého člnu rybu?" Je to tak?

82 Musíme mať Evanjelium kázané v jeho plnosti, s mocou Božou, ktorá to potvrdí, podľa zasľúbenia na tento vek a dokáže, že to je presne Božia vôľa. Pomimo toho ste len člen cirkvi, nezáleží na tom ako veľmi sa snažíte, snažíte sa slúžiť Bohu. Môžete chodiť na kurzy šitia, môžete byť tak verní svojej cirkvi; ale ak ten gén večného života nebol vo vás predurčený, aby si bol synom alebo dcérou Božou, narastie z vás len niečo zdeformované; ale nikdy to nebude skutočný, opravdový syn, alebo dcéra Božia.

83 Často hovorím taký príbeh o malom orlovi. Ako jeden farmár raz nasadil sliepku, a mal ... Dúfam že to pre vás neznie ako svätokrádež. Ale jeden farmár nasadil sliepku a tá bola ... chýbalo mu jedno vajce do hniezda na nasadenie. Pochybujem že niekto z vás tu vie, čo sú to vajcia na nasadenie, z koľkých sa to skladá. Ale aj tak, chýbalo mu jedno vajce, nemal ich dosť. A tak vybral orlie hniezdo, ona tam mala dve vajcia. A on podložil to vajce pod sliepku.

84 A keď sa ten orol vyliahol medzi všetkými tými kurencami, bol to smiešny vták. Nemohol rozumieť kvokanie tej sliepky, nehovorila tak, ako jeho ... ako ju on chcel počuť hovoriť. A ona hrabala na dvore a jedla zo dvora, to nebola pre neho potrava. Sliepka kvokala a on tomu nerozumel. Tak jedného dňa jeho mami, alebo mama pre vás. Ja ... My na juhu hovoríme mami.

85 Tak, akokoľvek, on ... jeho mama vedela, že mala dve vajcia, a bolo tam len jedno, a ona hľadala to druhé. Krúžila všade ... polietala celú krajinu a nakoniec letela ponad ten dvor. Videla ho tam ako ide za tou starou sliepkou. Zakričala: "Mladý! Ty nie si kura, ty si orol!" To mu znelo úplne správne. Prečo? On bol predovšetkým orol.

86A keď nejaký muž alebo žena sedí pod nejakým vyznaním a studeným, formálnym náboženstvom, ak je určený za syna Božieho a vidí Slovo Božie kázané v Jeho moci, a Boh to potvrdzuje; on je v prvom rade orol, on bude ku tomu bežať s takou istotou, ako dva krát dva sú štyri. On si nemôže pomôcť, pretože jeho vlastná povaha miluje Slovo Božie. Nestarám sa o to čo ktokoľvek hovorí, keď on vidí zamanifestované Slovo Božie, on letí ku tomu, pretože on je malý orol.

87 A keď sa ďalej rozprávali, on povedal: "Mama, ako sa z tadeto dostanem tam hore?"

88 A on povedal: "Len vyskoč, ja ťa chytím."

89 A to jediné čo musíte urobiť, je jeden skok na nohy, jeden skok ku Bohu, jeden sľub: "Pane Ježišu, verím ti z celého svojho srdca. Verím Posolstvu na túto hodinu. Vidím to potvrdené. A viem, že je to pravda." Skoč na svoje nohy, mama ťa chytí. Neboj sa, ty si orol, ona tam bude, aby ťa hneď chytila.

90 No, uvedomujeme si, že žijeme v strašnom čase a tiež vo veľkolepom čase, ale keď tí, ktorí opravdu veria tejto Biblii, keď to uvideli potvrdené, samotné to potvrdenie toho je dôkazom, že je v tom Boh. Bezpochyby. Potom to znamená, že to zasľúbené Slovo, ktoré Boh zasľúbil, je známe. Semeno vypučilo, a oni to vidia a veria tomu. Ostatní to jednoducho nemôžu vidieť, a tiež tam budú sedieť a dívať sa na to.

91 Viete, kázal som dosť tvrdo po celej krajine, a tak by už nemali v nej byť ženy s krátkymi vlasmi. Ale stále keď sa vrátim je ich viacej. Čo sa to deje? Niečo nie je v poriadku. Viete, že Slovo to hovorí. Vy hovoríte: "Dobre, na tom vôbec nezáleží." Ale na tom záleží.

92 Raz mi povedal jeden milý brat: " Brat Branham, položím na teba ruky. Ja ťa milujem. Ty ruinuješ svoju službu. To nie je tvoja starosť, aby si hovoril ženám o tom. Nech im to povedia ich pastori."

93 Povedal som: "Lenže oni to nerobia."

94 On povedal: "Dobre, ale to nie je tvoja starosť, ty sa len modli za chorých."

95 Povedal som: "Čia je to potom starosť? Bol som povolaný, aby som kázal evanjelium."

96 Povedal mi: "Položím na teba ruky a poprosím Boha, aby to potom zobral preč od teba."

97 Povedal som: "Ak mi dovolíš, aby som ja tiež položil na teba ruky." Vidíte? A povedal som: "Budem sa modliť, aby ti Boh otvoril oči a aby si to videl." Áno, je to tak.

98 On povedal: "Ty máš kázať ... Ľudia veria, že si sluha, prorok Boží. Máš učiť tie ženy, ako prijať veľké dary a prorokovať a iné veci."

99 Povedal som: "Ako ich môžem učiť algebru, keď nechcú veriť ani abecede?" Je to tak! A tak to nemôžete robiť. To je skoro v každom ... Je to tak. Ak nemôžete robiť tie bežné veci, ako budete robiť tie duchovné? Tie prirodzené veci. Samozrejme! Brat, sestra, môže to znieť ako žart, ale to je evanjelium! To je pravda evanjelia. Je to tak!

100 Všimnite si. Dnes vidíme, že ľudia ... Je veľa ľudí, ktorí tomu nedokážu veriť, dokonca ľudia naplnení Duchom. Poviem vám niečo, čo vás zarazí. Krst Duchom Svätým neznamená, že tam vojdete., Vôbec nie, nie na základe toho, to nemá nič spoločného s vašou dušou. To je krst. Vidíte? A tu je tá vnútorná duša, tu vo vnútri, ktorá musí pochádzať od Boha. Ale potom vonku máte päť zmyslov, a päť výstupov a vstupov, aby ste sa kontaktovali so svojím zemským domovom. Vo vnútri máte ducha, a tam máte päť východov: svedomie, lásku a tak ďalej, päť východov do toho ducha. Pamätajte, v tomto duchu môžete byť pokrstení skutočný Božím Duchom a stále byť zatratení. To je duša, ktorá žije; ktorá bola ustanovená od Boha.

101 Či nepovedal Ježiš? "Mnohí prídu ku mne v ten deň a povedia: "Pane, či som nevyháňal démonov, či som nerobil veľa mocných skutkov, či som neprorokoval a nemal veľké Božie dary?" On povedal: "Odstúpte odo mňa činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal. Mnohí prídu v ten deň."

102 Či Kajfáš neprorokoval? On bol diabol. Vidíme tam ... A tí kňazi, tí veľkí ľudia, ktorí mali byť veľkými vodcami v tých dňoch, s pokorou a so všetkým, ale prehliadli samo Slovo Božie, ktoré sa pred nimi zamanifestovalo.

103 Mohli by sme ich zobrať celú radu, zapísal som si ich tu. Ako to bolo s Balámom? On bol ... Vy hovoríte: "Boh mení svoju myseľ." On nemení svoju myseľ!

104 Keď tam Balám vystúpil ako prorok, a išiel tam, biskup, kazateľ, akokoľvek ho chcete nazvať, bol z neho veľký človek. Ale keď sa radil Boha ohľadne toho či tam má ísť a prekliať Izrael; on ich v podstate nemal rád, a tak žiadal o to, aby tam mohol ísť. Boh povedal: "Nechoď!"

105 Potom oni poslali ku nemu hodnostárov, možno nejakých ... možno biskupov, alebo presbyterov, alebo niekoho, povedali ... vzdelanejších, aby ho presvedčili. On sa znovu išiel pýtať Boha. Nemusíte sa pýtať Boha druhý krát! Keď to Boh povedal prvý krát, to platí! Nemusíte čakať nič iné.

106 Rebeka nečakala na druhý príkaz. Oni sa jej opýtali - Pôjdeš?

107 - Nech ona povie.

108 Ona povedal: "Pôjdem!" Ona bola mocne inšpirovaná od Boha. Ona sa stala jednou z Biblických kráľovien, aby postupovala podľa pulzu Svätého Ducha, ktorý na ňu vanul, aby prijala to, čo bolo absolutnou pravdou, a ona tomu verila.

109 No vidíme, že Balám, on samozrejme, on nemohol vidieť. On tam vyšiel a pozeral sa na tých ľudí, povedal: "Počkajte chvíľku! My sme tu veľkí, významní ľudia, vy ste len rozmetaná skupina." Vidíte? "A my všetci veríme v toho istého Boha."

110 To je pravda. Oni všetci verili v toho istého Boha, a oni všetci uctievali Jehovu. Pozrite sa na Balámovu obeť: sedem oltárov, dokonalé Božie číslo; sedem cirkví. Vidíte? Sedem baranov, to hovorí o Pánovom príchode. Fundamentálne, on bol práve tak fundamentálny, ako Mojžiš, ale vidíte, tam nebolo Božské potvrdenie. Podľa toho, oni obidvaja boli proroci.

111 Ale v Mojžišovej službe, tam bol nadprirodzený Ohnivý Stĺp, Svetlo, ktoré viselo nad táborom. Bolo tam Božské uzdravovanie, tam v tábore bol kráľovský pokrik, veľké znaky, Božské uzdravovanie, a zázraky, a diali sa medzi nimi rôzne veci. To bol znak živého Boha medzi svojim ľudom.

112 Fundamentálne, oni obidvaja boli v poriadku. A Balám sa snažil presvedčiť tých ľudí, a očaroval ich, aby do toho vstúpili. Kedy? Tesne pred tým, ako ony dosiahli Zasľúbenú Zem. Za deň alebo za dva by boli v Zasľúbenej Zemi.

113 Ale teraz sa obávam ... Toto je tvrdá poznámka, v jednom z týchto dní budem za to zastrelený. Ale pamätajte toto, že cirkvi budú očarované Ekumenickou Radou; on vás vedie rovno do toho a hovorí: "Vy ste tá istá skupina." Nie ste tá istá skupina! Vyjdite z pomedzi toho a oddeľte sa! Skutočne, to je pravda. Máme sa držať preč od toho, pokiaľ možno čím ďalej.

114 Balám povedal: "My sme ... dovoľme nech sa naše deti spolu ženia a vydávajú, pretože, koniec koncov, veríme v toho istého Boha."

115 "Ako môžu ísť dvaja spolu, ak by sa nezhodli?" Ako vy môžete ísť s Bohom, ak by ste sa nezhodovali s jeho Slovom? Ako môžete ku tomu pridávať vyznania a všetko možné, keď ste určení na to, aby ste to nerobili, alebo je prikázané, aby ste to nerobili? Nemôžete to robiť. V žiadnom prípade to nemôžeš robiť, brat, sestra. Nemôžeš miešať ten kvas s tým nekvaseným. Olej s vodou sa nezmieša. Temnosť so svetlom, sa nezmieša. Svetlo je také plné moci, že ono proste vystrčí von temnosť.

116 A tak to nemôžeme spolu miešať. A tak isto nemôžete miešať spolu hriech tohoto sveta. Nemôžete spolu miešať cirkev a denomináciu. Nemôžete spolu miešať cirkev a vyznanie. Nemôžete spolu miešať svet a evanjelium. To sa nezmieša. "Vyjdite z pomedzi nich a oddeľte sa, povedal Pán, a Ja vás prijmem. Budete mi za synov a za dcéry a Ja vám budem Bohom." Nemôžeme to urobiť, až kým sa nezamanifestujú tieto veci, a Slovo Božie na túto hodinu bude potvrdené, že je pravdou. Kráčajte v tých šľapajách.

117 Letniční, kvôli tomuto stratil Luther svoje posolstvo. Takto Wesley stratil svoje posolstvo. Vidíte? Keby Wesleyova cirkev išla ďalej, boli by z nich letniční. Keby Lutheráni išli ďalej, boli by z nich metodisti. Vidíte? A teraz, keby letniční išli ďalej, boli by Nevestou. Ak tam zostanete visieť a idete naspäť do sveta, ako to teraz robíte, budete stratení! Budete len šupkou a stopkou, ktorá má byť spálená. Viete o tom? On zhromaždí svoju pšenicu do sýpky. Ale plevy bude páliť neuhasiteľným ohňom, hoci ona bola nositeľom. Ona to skutočne niesla, ale ten život ju opustil, len čo sa z nej stal list, on vyšiel aby utvoril niečo ďalšie, až kým neprišiel do svojej plnej postavy.

118 A tak cirkev prejde cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým (prinavrátenie darov), rovno do dozretej Kristovej podoby. Kristus je ženích, cirkev je nevesta, a nevesta je časťou ženícha. To bude musieť byť cirkev Slova, nie denominačná cirkev. To bude cirkev Slova, Slova, ktoré sa dalo poznať a - skrze potvrdené Slovo Božie.

119 Balám, on v tom nemohol vidieť žiadny rozdiel. Veľa ľudí to nemôže vidieť.

120 Faraón to nemohol vidieť, hoci to bolo potvrdené rovno pred ním.

121 Dátan to nemohol vidieť. Dátan tam vyšiel a videl Mojžiša a poznal ho. On tam vyšiel a povedala: "Ty si myslíš, že si jediný. Celé zhromaždenie je sväté!" Boh nikdy takto nepostupoval. On to už mal vedieť. A povedal: "Celé zhromaždenie je sväté. Ty zo seba robíš ..." Keby sme to povedali, ako sa dnes hovorí: "Jediný kamienok na pláži."

122 A Mojžiš vedel, že Boh ho kvôli tomu tam poslal. On len povedal: "Pane ..." padol na zem pred dverami stánku zhromaždenia.

123 A Boh povedal: "Oddeľ sa od neho." A On ich pohltil.

124 A pamätajte, ten hriech ktorý tam Izrael spáchal, (tým že Balám hovoril: "Oni sú všetci jedno.") - ten hriech nebol Izraelovi nikdy odpustený. A pozrite sa, dovoľte že vám ukážem zarážajúci výsledok; z dvoch miliónov ľudí, ktorí opustili Egypt, dvaja z nich vošli do zasľúbenej zeme. Oni všetci jedli to isté, oni všetci tancovali v Duchu, oni mali všetko spoločné; ale keď prišlo do času oddelenia, Slovo vykonalo oddelenie. A tak je to dnes! Slovo vykonalo oddelenie! Keď prišiel ten čas, on povedal: Prečo, my sme tu ..."

125 Také blízke, pozrite, Biblia povedala: "V posledných dňoch tie dva duchy - Matúš 24:24, budú tak blízko pri sebe, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Tá šupka vyzerá celkom tak ako pšenica, ale nie je to pšenica. Vidíte? Také blízke, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených. Urobili ste denomináciu a upadli ste do tej denominácii, a vyschli a zomreli, a pšenica išla hneď ďalej, von z toho cez ... Vidíte? Je to presne tak! To je nositeľ, ale nie pšenica.

126 Pamätajte, pšenica ide stále ďalej. Vo vzkriesení všetka tá sila pšenici, vyjde rovno hore do pšenici, keď ide vytvoriť hlavu, aby sa ukázalo to veľké vzkriesenie.

Nikdy im to nebolo odpustené!

127 Zastavme sa tu na chvíľu. Dúfam že vás to neomráči. Ale, pozrite, dovoľte že sa vás niečo opýtam. Len to zoberme. Povedzme, napríklad, že by tento výpočet bol správny. Keď spermia, keď prichádza mužská a ženská, ak viete niečo o skúmavkových testoch alebo - o krížení dobytka a o niečom takom, tam budete vidieť, že samec vypustí okolo milión zárodkov. A samica vypustí okolo milión vajíčok. Ale či ste vedeli, že len jedno z nich je plodné? Tie malé teliatka, alebo čokoľvek to je, v týchto miliónoch zárodkoch, milión zárodkov, oni budú tým jedným malým zárodkom, ktorý sa vypracuje medzi týmito ostatnými zárodkami a prejde cez to a nájde to plodné vajíčko a vplazí sa do neho, a tie ostané zomrú. Jeden z nich je určený do života, tie ostatné nie sú, hoci sú všetky rovnaké. Jeden z milióna!

128 Čo keby to bolo dnes takto? Vo svete je okolo päť miliónov kresťanov, asi toľko by ich malo byť, tak zaokrúhlene. Keby dnes večer prišlo vytrhnutie tak potom, a tí živí by odišli, bolo by ich len päťsto. No, hociktorí deň sa stratí takmer toľko ľudí, že sa to ani nepostrehne. Nevesta bude zobraná preč a budeme sa diviť čo to všetko je; a ľudia budú ďalej kázať, budú hovoriť, že prijali toto, to alebo tamto. A pozrite aký to bude klam. Povedzme, keby to tak bolo; Ja nehovorím, že to tak je, ja neviem, je nemám na to právo. Boh je sudca. Ale pozrite ako ľahko by sa to mohlo stať, podľa všetkých príkladov a všetkého, ako to môže byť dokázané.

129 Prečo to Kórach nevidel? Prečo to Dátan nevidel?

130 Prečo to Achab nevidel? Keď Achab ... Keď Jozafat prišiel ku Achabovi, on povedal: "Achab, máme problémy. Či vieš, že Boh nám dal túto zem? Józua nám ju rozdelil. Či vieš, že tam ten kus zeme, ktorý Sírovia zabrali, že to je naša zem?"

- Áno!

131 "Naše deti sú hladné, a Sýrovia, naši nepriatelia, chovajú na nej svoje deti, napchávajú si bruchá pšenicou, ktorá má byť naša." Podľa Písma je to pravda. Povedal: "Pomôžeš mi ísť a zabrať ju?"

132 No, dobrý človek pod vplyvom zlého bude súhlasiť. Radšej dávaj pozor, cirkev, dávaj dobrý pozor.

133 No, to prvé ako viete, Jozafat, on bol veľký nábožný muž, on povedal: "Dobre, mali by sme tam ísť, samozrejme, naše vozy, my sme ten istý ľud." Ale oni neboli ten istý ľud! Nie! On povedal: "Dobre, naše vozy sú vaše vozy, naši ľudia sú vaši ľudia. Samozrejme, pôjdeme, ale poraďme sa prv Pána."

134 Tak on povedal, starý Achab: "Bez pochyby, musíme na to pamätať. Dobre, budeme ..."

135 "Je tu prorok Pánov?"

136 Povedal: "Mám ich plný seminár. Mám ich tu štyristo najlepších. Oni všetci majú titul Ph.D., L.L.D., dvojité L.D. a všetko čo s tým ide. Každý z nich je ..." No pamätajte, to boli Hebrejskí proroci, zo školy prorokov.

137 Povedal. "Priveď ich sem, nech ich počujeme."

138 No, myslím že to bol Cedekiáš, (veľká hlava nad nimi všetkými, biskup) prišiel tam, a mal inšpiráciu. On mal inšpiráciu, bezpochyby. On tam prišiel, a urobil si dva železné rohy. A povedal: "Viete, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, týmito rohami vytisnete Sýrov preč z toho kraja."

139 Všetci ostatní prorokovali: "To je presne tak!" Každý z nich, celý seminár, sa zhodovali. Vidíte?

140 Achab povedal: "Vidíš?"

141 Jozafat, on bol trochu duchovnejší, viete, on ešte celkom nevyschol, on povedal: "Ale nie je tu niekde ešte jeden, ktorého by sme sa mohli opýtať?"

142 "Prečo sa chceš pýtať iných, keď celá ekumenická - celá rada hovorí, že je to v poriadku?" (Prepáčte.) Celé združenie povedalo, čo máme robiť." Vidíte? "To je to, čo máme robiť."

143 On povedal: "Ale nie je niekde ešte jeden?" Ten zvláštny, viete.

144 On povedal: "Áno, je. Je taký, Micheáš, syn Jimlu, ale ja ho nenávidím." Stále je to tak. "Nenávidím ho, pretože stále vyvreskuje na našich ľudí, a preklína ma, a hovorí mi, čo všetko zlé robím. Nenávidím toho človeka."

145 Povedal: "Nech nehovorí tak kráľ. Daj ho priviesť."

146 A tak nejaký biskup, alebo niekto zo starších, išiel pre syna Jimlovho, a povedal mu: "Počúvaj, chceš byť prijatý znovu naspäť do organizácie? Hovor to isté, čo hovoria oni, a prijmú ťa naspäť."

147 Ale stalo sa tak, že Boh mal muža, na ktorého oni nemohli položiť svoje ruky. Boh mal na ňom svoje ruky. On bol proste reflektorom Božej pravdy. Povedal: "Samozrejme, pôjdem tam, ale poviem len to, čo Boh položí do mojich úst." To je muž Boží. On povedal: "Dajte mi jednu noc." A tak prišla noc, a Pán prehovoril ku prorokovi, ktorý nebol ničím veľkým. A hneď ako viete, prišiel na druhý deň ráno.

- Tak čo na to povieš, Jimla?

148 - Choď, ale videl som Izraela ako ovce rozptýlené po vrchu, ktoré nemajú pastiera.

149 - Čo som ti povedal! Čo som ti o tom povedal!

150 A on povedal ... Vtedy ten veľký biskup pristúpil ku nemu a udrel ho po ústach a povedal: "Ktorou cestou odišiel Duch Boží odo mňa? Pretože viem, že som mal Ducha. Tancoval som v Duchu, robil som všetky tieto veci. Rozumieš? Mal som Ducha. Ktorou cestou odišiel odo mňa?"

151 No, vidíte? Jimla bol syn Boží, alebo skutočný Boží prorok, on preskúmal svoje videnie so Slovom. Keby sa ono nezhodovalo so Slovom, bolo by nesprávne. Vidíte? So Slovom na tú hodinu. Vidíte? No, on povedal, že podľa Písma im tá zem patrila, tá zem bola ich. Podľa Písma všetko vyzeralo v poriadku, až na jednu vec.

152 Pamätajte! To bolo jedno Slovo, ktoré zapríčinilo, že nastali všetky tie problémy. Eva spochybnila jedno Slovo Božie. Na začiatku Biblie, jedno Slovo zapríčinilo ten problém. V strede Biblie prišiel Ježiš a povedal: "Človek bude žiť každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." A na konci Biblie povedal: "Ktokoľvek odoberie jedno Slovo, alebo pridá ku tomu jedno slovo."

153 Toto nie je časť evanjelia ... Metodisti mali časť, baptisti, presbyteriáni, a tak ďalej, oni mali časť z neho, katolíci mali časť z neho, svedkovia Jehovovi, všetci ostatní.

154 Ale to je úplné Slovo, celé Slovo, Slovo na túto hodinu, na ktorom záleží. A my na to nikdy neprídeme, až kým Boh nepomaže proroka, ktorý by sa mohol postaviť a povedať to, a potvrdí to, a dokáže, že je to pravda. Prekĺzne sa to rovno pomedzi ľudí, a vôbec o tom nebudú vedieť, tak ako to stále bolo.

155 Ako Johanka z Arcu. Vy katolíci ste ju upálili na hranici ako čarodejnicu; neskoršie ste vykopali telá tých kňazov, po dvesto rokoch, a hodili ste ich do rieky. Nepoznali ste svätého Patrika ani tých ostatných.

156 Znovu vám to prejde rovno pomedzi ruky, skôr ako to zbadáte. Boh to urobí, a vy vôbec ani nebudete vedieť, že sa to stalo. Vidíte? On sa len prekĺzne a zoberie svoju nevestu, a vezme ju rovno hore, a ukradne ju, rovno z pomedzi ľudí.

157 Vidíme, že tento Micheáš povedal, že skontroloval; on vedel čo Boh povedal cez skutočného proroka pred ním. Prorok, ktorý bol pred ním, čo on povedal? On povedal toto: "Achab, pretože si prelial krv toho spravodlivého Nábota, tvoju krv tiež budú lízať psi, aj Jezábelinu." A to sa presne tak muselo vyplniť, pretože to povedal Boh. Ako by mu mohol ten prorok prorokovať dobré, keď bolo proti nemu zlé?

158 Ako ja môžem hovoriť tomuto Laodicejskému cirkevnému veku dobré, keď Boh hovorí proti nemu? - Si nahý, mizerný! Hovoríš: "Som bohatý, mám lepšie ... Mám cirkvi, ako metodisti, baptisti a presbyteriáni. Mám toto, mám tamto; najlepšie toto, to, i tamto." To je pravda, ale nevieš o tom, že si nahý, slepý, mizerný, voči tej skutočnej veci, ktorú Boh manifestuje. On s tebou urobí presne tak isto, opustí ťa. Vidíte? Ľudia verte, kým nie je príliš neskoro.

159 Tak vidíme, že on ho udrel po ústach a povedal: "Ktorou cestou odišiel Duch Boží ...?"

160 Micheáš povedal: "Videl som Boha sedieť na tróne. A všetko ... Zavolal všetkých delegátov neba a povedal: - Koho pošleme dole, aby zviedol Achaba? - A vystúpil nejaký klamný duch a padol pred Bohom. Klamár." A pamätajte, že tento klamný duch vošiel do týchto prorokov. Oni to vtedy mali poznať, že ten duch, ktorý je na nich sa nezhoduje so Slovom. Ale oni boli takí unesení, pretože boli kráľovými prorokmi, pretože mali všetko pekné.

161 A toto dnes urobila cirkev. Odišli ste od starodávneho prežitia, ktoré ste mávali pred rokmi, keď ste stáli na rohu ulice a kázali evanjelium. Vyjdite z tých organizácií a nazvite sa dnes slobodnými ľuďmi, pretože ste sa znovu do toho zamotali, tak ako sviňa, ktorá sa vráti do váľania v blate, a ako pes, ktorý sa vráti ku svojmu vývratku. Ak sa z toho povracal prvý krát, znovu sa z toho povracia. Je to tak. Boh vás vypľul zo svojich úst. Povedal: - Ste vlažní, ani horúci ani studení. - Máte niekoľko zhromaždení, potom trochu hráte a trochu spievate, a pri tom je to úplne, je to takmer hanba pre kresťanstvo.

162 Môj syn ma nedávno zavolal, aby som sa išiel pozrieť na televízor, mali tam spievať pre zhromaždených ľudí. Tá skupina svetských ľudí, ktorá tam stála, sa takto natriasala v rock 'n rolle a spievala tie duchovné piesne. To je na výsmech Ježiša Krista. V cirkvi nie je už žiadna vážnosť. Vyzerá akoby sa to všetko stalo nejakou „rock and rollovou“ partiou a módnou prehliadkou, namiesto cirkvi živého Boha, kde sa Ježiš Kristus môže manifestovať v moci. Niekde skutočne, nie je niečo v poriadku. Ľudia sa ženú pomimo. A Biblia hovorí, že to takto bude. Vidíte? Pozrite, kde sa nachádzate. Buďte opatrní. Prebuďte sa, kým nie je príliš neskoro.

163 No, vidíme, že on povedal: "Koho pošleme, aby tam išiel a zviedol Achaba, aby sme ho tam dostali, aby sa vyplnilo slovo proroka?" Vidíte? Keď prorok povedal Slovo, nebo i zem pominú ale ono nemôže sklamať. Ono sa musí vyplniť. Tak preto sa to muselo stať.

164 On povedal: "Vsaďte tohoto človeka do vnútorného žalára a dávajte mu jesť chlieb súženia a vodu súženia. A keď sa vrátim v pokoji, postarám sa o neho."

165 Micheáš tam stál pevný, on vedel, že má Ducha Božieho. Jeho proroctvo a videnia boli správne. Jeho posolstvo bolo správne, pretože podľa videní to bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a podľa Slova to tiež bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Musela to byť pravda, bolo to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. On povedal: "Ak sa ty naozaj vrátiš, tak nehovoril ku mne Boh." A vy viete čo sa stalo, skutočne.

166 Rozumej tomu, brat. Počúvate.

167 Skutočne, Kajfáš, on to nemohol vidieť. Prečo sa nepozrel dole? On bol biskup; on bol pápež, všetkých tých cirkví dokopy. Prečo ten človek nemohol vidieť Ježiša, ktorý tam stál? Prečo to on nemohol porozumieť? Keď v zbore spievali ten 23. Žalm, či vlastne 22. a tam bolo: "Môj Bože, Môj Bože, prečo si ma opustil?" A On tam visel na kríži. Práve tie Písma, práve ten Boh, ktorého uctievali, toho odsúdili a zabili ako fanatika. Tu to máte.

168 Bude to pre vás šok, keď vám poviem, že to isté sa má znovu zopakovať. Biblia povedala, že On bol vonku a klepal a snažil sa dostať dovnútra, a nikto Ho nepustil dovnútra. - Toho koho milujem, napomínam a trescem. švihám ho. Zatrasiem ním. Ale to preto, že ho milujem. A tak otvor a dovoľ Mi vojsť. - Áno. Nemohol ... - Pamätajte, Ja som nechcel vojsť do cirkvi; Tam stojí: "Ak niekto." Ide o jednotlivca. - On sa nemohol dostať do cirkvi, oni pred Ním zamkli dvere. Jedine ... Potom, jediná organizácia z tých všetkých, to je tento cirkevný vek, v ktorom bol On vystrčený von z cirkvi: vystrčený, odmietnutý, zavrhnutý. Pretože ... On sa v tých ostatných cirkevných vekoch manifestoval len prechodne, vo forme ospravedlnenia, a tak ďalej; ale tu, vo veku, ktorý teraz nastáva, je plná manifestácia, ktorá potvrdzuje, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ó, pripustím, že máme veľa napodobovateľov, ale skúmajte toho prvého, ten originál.

169 Mojžiš tam išiel s Božími prikázaniami, aby vyslobodil Izraela, a keď tam prišiel, činil nejaké zázraky. A tí napodobovatelia nasledovali za ním. Keby to oni robili prví, on by bol napodobovateľ. Vidíte? On mal Slovo Pánove a Pán ho potvrdzoval. On bol kľudný.

170 A viete, že to isté je zasľúbené, že sa bude diať v týchto posledných dňoch? "Ako Jannes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, tak sa i títo stavajú proti pravde, ľudia skazení na mysli." Keď nejaká organizácia drží - vidíte človeka, ktorý prichádza rovno cez tú organizáciu, to ukazuje, že to nepochádza od Boha; pretože Boh robí tieto veci, aby upútal pozornosť ľudí, a potom za tým nasleduje posolstvo. Ak nie, potom to nie je Boh. To nie je Boh. Boh to stále tak robí.

171 Judáš to nemohol porozumieť. On chodil rovno s ním, a nevidel to.

172 Ale ten skutočný, od Boha ustanovený, ten skutočný gén, ten skutočný zárodok, duša od Boha, ktorá bola v Bohu pred založením sveta ... Pamätajte, vy, ktorí máte dnes večer skutočne v sebe Ducha Božieho, vy ste tu boli v Kristovi, pretože On bol plnosťou Slova. On bol plnosť Božstva telesne. Boh bol v Kristovi, mieriac so sebou svet. Veríte tomu? Pozrite, On bol v Kristovi. Potom ak ste od začiatku boli v Bohu, ako gén, ako slovo, ako atribút, potom ste s Ním chodil tu po zemi. Rozprávali ste s Ním tu na zemi, trpeli ste s Ním na zemi. Zomreli ste s Ním na Golgote, a znovu ste s Ním povstali, a teraz sedíte v ponebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi, máte s Ním obecenstvo, so Slovom, keď ono sýti vašu dušu, lebo: "Človek bude žiť každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza .."

173 Nie slovom metodistov, nie slovom baptistov. Pamätajte, ak z tej obeti niečo zostalo, muselo to byť spálené prv, ako svitlo na nový deň, pretože nasledujúci deň predstavoval ďalší cirkevný vek. Je to tak? Exodus, je to tak. To bol symbol, predobraz obeti ...

174 Dvere ... Povedal: "Ja urobím jedno miesto. Nie ... Nebudete ma uctievať v každých dverách, ktoré som vám dal, ale sú jedny Dvere, a do tých Dverí položím svoje meno." A tam kde Pán kladie svoje meno, to je to miesto, kde Boh prijme vašu obeť. My sme urobili veľa druhov dverí, ale Boh urobil jedny Dvere. Boh urobil Dvere, a tie Dvere, to bolo ... ev. Jána 10. kapitola, Ježiš povedal: "Ja som Dvere."

175 Boh položil svoje meno do Ježiša. Veríte tomu? On bol syn Boží. Každý syn prichádza v otcovom mene. On povedal: "Prichádzam v mene svojho Otca, a vy ma neprijímate." Ja prichádzam v mene svojho otca; vy prichádzate v mene svojho otca. Ježiš prišiel v mene svojho Otca, a tak meno jeho Otca je Ježiš, (Presne tak.) pretože On prišiel v mene svojho Otca.

176 - A vy ma neprijímate. Iný príde a jeho prijmete. - Zoberiete svoje denominácie a pôjdete s nimi. Len choďte. Biblia hovorí: "Oni povstali, aby vyplnili toto miesto. Slepí, nahí a nevedia o tom." Cirkev, náboženstvo, ó, veľmi pobožní, presne takí ako Kain. Priniesol obeť, urobil presne to isté čo aj Ábel. Ale jemu to bolo zjavené, skrze zjavenie, čo to znázorňovalo, nie plody zeme ani nič, čo môžete urobiť svojimi rukami.

177 Veriaci môže vidieť Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom; tí ostatní to nemôžu vidieť.

178 Všetci tí Izraeliti, potom keď videli Mojžiša robiť tie veci a nechali sa vtiahnuť rovno do toho veľkého koncilu, tam kde sa mal konať a každý z nich povedal: "My pôjdeme s Balámom, pretože si myslíme, že Dr. Balám má pravdu. On je inteligentný, má vyššie vzdelanie, a všetko, a tak to prijmeme."

179 A Boh im to nikdy neodpustil. Zničil ich rovno tam na púšti. A sám Ježiš povedal: "Oni nikdy neprídu, nikto z nich nie je spasený." Ježiš povedal ...

180 Oni povedali. - Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti za štyridsať rokov.

181 A On povedal. - Oni sú všetci mŕtvi (naveky oddelení od Boha). Všetci sú mŕtvi. - Skutočne. Pretože počúvali blud. Keď Mojžiš, ktorý bol potvrdený od Boha, vodca, aby im ukázal cestu do zasľúbenej zeme, a oni tak ďaleko išli v poriadku, ale potom s ním ďalej nešli.

182 No, veriaci to môžu vidieť, ale neveriaci nemôžu vidieť, že je to potvrdené.

183 Pozrite sa aký nábožný bolo Kajfáš. Pozrite sa na tých všetkých kňazov, akí boli nábožní. A Ježiš sa obrátil a povedal: "Vy ste zo svojho otca diabla, a činíte jeho skutky."

184 Ale sedelo tam niekoľko veriacich. Myslíte si, že tí učeníci mohli porozumieť, keď Ježiš povedal: "Ja a môj Otec sme jedno?" Oni si to nevedeli vysvetliť. Keď povedal: "Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť jeho krv, nemáte v sebe život." Či si to vedeli vysvetliť? Nie. Ale oni tomu verili, lebo videli potvrdeného Boha, ktorý sa stal telom.

185 Ježiš povedal: "Ak nečiním skutky svojho Otca, potom mi neverte. Ale ak činím skutky svojho Otca, to čo Slovo predpovedá, že budem robiť, potom ... Ak nemôžete veriť mne, verte tým skutkom, ktoré robím, aby ste mohli byť spasení." Vidíte? Ježiš povedal: "Moje ovce poznajú môj hlas. Oni poznajú moje Slovo; oni vidia, keď je ono potvrdené na ten vek."

186 - Dobre, Kajfáš tiež poznal Slovo. - Ale nie Slovo na ten vek. On mal slovo, ktoré do neho napchali farizejovia, ale nie potvrdené Slovo na tú hodinu.

187 - Oni poznajú môj hlas; oni poznajú moje znamenie; oni poznajú môj zázrak. - Ako teraz ...

188 Ó, vráťme sa naspäť k nášmu textu, lebo ak nie, utečie nám veľa z tohoto Písma, pretože aj tak za niekoľko minút musím zakončiť, lebo za päť minút bude desať hodín. Milujem ho. Amen.

189 Priatelia, vy ľudia, ktorí ste prechádzali tou uličkou a dali ste tam pred chvíľou tú oferu. Ľudia, ktorí ste živili moje deti a odievali ste ich. Ľudia, ktorí kladiete svoje ťažko zarobené peniaze do taniera na ofery. Viete kde oni idú? To mi pomáha dostať sa za more ku pohanom, ktorí nepočuli nikdy nič o Bohu. To je to, čo s nimi robím, s každou korunou. Boh je môj sudca. Sú tu niektorí moji - rovno tu sedí ten človek, on je pokladník v mojom zbore. Ja dostávam sto dolárov na týždeň, to je všetko. To ostatné ide na financovanie zhromaždení za morom, kde oni nemôžu prísť.

190 Cirkvi si ma neprajú. Oni ma nechcú. Nie. Je to tak. Oni ma odmietli: "On je ..." Hovoria: "On je 'Jesus Only', alebo niečo také, alebo nejaký heretik, fanatik, a všetko možné, Jezábeľ." A ja s tým počítam. Oni môjho Pána nazvali Jezábeľ, a nazvali Ho, nie Jezábeľ, ale Belzebúb. Nazvali ho Belzebúbom a všetkými tými zlými menami. "Ak domáceho pána nazvali Belezebúbom, o čo horšie budú nazývať jeho domácich?" A tak v tom nie je žiadny rozdiel.

191 A vy sami, s pomocou Božou, či by ste si pomysleli, že by som sa tu postavil, ako veľký pokrytec a povedal vám niečo, čo by bolo ... Či by som nedal hneď tú vec do poriadku, keby som myslel, že je to od Boha?

192 Ale keď vás milujem a viem čo je pravda ... Či ste ma počuli povedať niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nevyplnilo? Nie. Pýtam sa každého. Bolo povedané tisíce vecí, všetky sa vyplnili. Pamätáte sa na ten čas, keď bol Samuel vyzvaný, myslím, že to bolo to, a povedal ... Izrael sa chcel stať taký, ako tie ostatné národy. To je to, ku čomu prichádzate vy, letniční. Chcete sa správať ako ostatní ľudia. Vy nie ste takým druhom ľudí. Stráňte sa toho. Tých veľkých cirkví, a veľkých krásnych vecí. Ó, brat, nerob to. My kážeme, že sa priblížil príchod Pánov. Poďme tam na misijné polia a hlásajme to pohanom. Vidíte? Robte s tým niečo.

193 Ale, viete, Samuel povedal: "Či som zobral niekedy od vás nejaké peniaze na svoje živobytie?"

194 Oni povedali: "Nie, Samuel, ty si to nikdy neurobil?"

195 - Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v mene Pánovom, čo by sa nevyplnilo?

196 - Ó, to je pravda, Samuel. My veríme, že ty si prorok poslaný od Boha. Tak veru. Všetko čo si povedal sa vyplnilo, Samuel. Ale my to aj tak chceme. - Vidíte čo sa stalo. Ó, brat, Písma sa proste stále opakujú, znovu a znovu cez Bibliu, pretože to je Boží spôsob, ako On postupuje. Rozumiete? Vidíte, natrafili ste na takéto časy.

197 Poďme hneď ku nášmu textu. No, po celý tento čas som sa ešte nedostal ku svojmu textu.

198 Mám to na srdci. Milujem vás. Nezahyňte so svetom. Ak ste z toho sveta, zahyniete s tým svetom. Ak ste z Boha, pôjdete s Ním do vzkriesenia. A tak premeňte dnes večer svoju povahu od lásky ku tomuto svetu a ku veciam tohoto sveta a ku všetkým týmto vyznaniam a všetkému, a pozrite sa priamo na Golgotu na svoju Obeť. Stretnite sa s Ním tam na tej pôde, pretože to je jediné miesto, na ktorom sa On s vami stretne.

199 Metodisti hovoria: "To je v našej cirkvi." To isté hovoria baptisti. A letniční hovoria, že to je v tomto, a presbyteriáni, že to je v tomto.

200 Ale On povedal: "Stretnem sa s nimi na jednom mieste, na mieste, kde som položil svoje meno." To je v Ježišovi Kristovi. Tam On položil svoje meno. To je jediné miesto, kde sa On s vami stretne. A to je Kristus, to je Slovo. (Vidíte?) Ten istý včera ... To rástlo od nôh, stehien. A teraz je to v hlave, pripravuje sa odísť, manifestuje sa v plnej miere, Nevesta, taká istá ako Ženích.

201 No, poďme rýchlo ku nášmu textu na okolo desať minút, a potom zakončíme. No, náš text, my - to čo tu rozoberáme, to je, to sa znovu stalo, ako v našom texte, ako sa to obvykle deje.

202 Boh poslal svojho proroka, ako to On ... ako to Slovo zasľúbilo v Malachiášovi 3: "Ja pošlem posla pred svojou tvárou, aby predchádzal Jeho príchod."

203 No, ak to chcete mať potvrdené, aby ste to mali dokázané, Matúš 11. kapitola potvrdzuje to isté. Keď tam prišli Jánovi učeníci a videli Ježiša, povedali: "Ján je vo väzení, prišli sme sa ťa opýtať či ..."

204 Jánove orlie oči sa zatiahli. Bol vo väzení, mal zomrieť. Povedal: "Choďte a opýtajte sa ho."

205 Vidíte, Ján povedal: "Ó, jeho vejačka je v jeho ruke; On prečistí svoje humno." On si myslel, že hneď začne milénium. Myslel, že zrno je hotové. Ale ono muselo zomrieť a ísť do stopky, znovu vyrásť, aby utvorilo skutočnú Nevestu. Tak on povedal: "On zhromaždí svoju pšenicu do sýpky, a bude páliť ohňom." Pozorujte tohoto Kristovho predchodcu v tom veku, čo on povedal, že sa stane. "Zrno ..."

206 A dúfam, že nespíte. Zrno je tu. Ono bude zhromaždené do sýpky. To bola tá Nevesta, tá časť z neho. Ale čo povedal, že sa stane s tou stopkou? Bude spálená neuhasiteľným ohňom. Teraz hľadajte spasenie, kým ho môžete nájsť. Buďte zrnom, nie stopkou. Vidíte? Vojdite do Života, nie do starej mŕtvej formy. Vojdite do Kristovho života, do Slova, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo a tak zostalo potvrdené. Toto je čas zhromažďovania, kombajn prichádza. Račej by ste mali vojsť do zrna, pretože šupka bude zanechaná.

207 No, vidíme, to sa stalo ... Ježiš ... Aby som dokončil svoj citát, tu z Matúša 11 ... Vidíte? On nedal Jánovi ... On nepovedal: "No, počkajte, dám Jánovi knihu, ako sa má správať, veriaci vo väzení." Nie. On povedal: "Postavte sa tu a dávajte pozor, čo sa deje. Choďte naspäť a povedzte Jánovi, čo sa dialo. Chromí chodia, slepí vidia, mŕtvi sú vzkriesení, a chudobným je kázané evanjelium." Presne tak, ako povedal prorok. "A blahoslavený, kto sa nepohorší na mne."

208 A keď jeho učeníci odchádzali cez kopec, On sa otočil a povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť, keď ste sa išli pozrieť na Jána? Išli ste tam, aby ste videli človeka oblečeného v jemnom rúchu, a tak ďalej, s golierom okolo krku, a so všetkým týmto, čo poznáte. Takí sú v kráľovských palácoch. Oni bozkávajú deti a pochovávajú mŕtvych. Taký človek nevie ako sa drží dvojsečný meč." Vidíte? Povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť? Trstinu ktorá sa kláti vetrom. - Ján, veď poď, dám ti viacej peňazí, ak prídeš sem. Ó, chvála Bohu, už nie som viac metodista, budem letničný, budem presbyterián, budem týmto, tamtým, tým, kto má viacej peňazí. - Povedal: "Nikdy ste nevideli trstinu klátiacu sa vo vetre. Čo ste tam vyšli vidieť, proroka? Áno, a viac ako proroka."

209 Ján práve zložil Ježišovi najbiednejšiu poklonu, akú len mohol. Vedel, že to tak musí ísť. Opýtal sa Ho, potom keď Ho už predstavil a videl nad Ním znak, povedal: "Toto je Mesiáš." A potom ide a pýta sa: "Ty si On, alebo máme iného čakať?"

210 Ale, pozrite sa, Ježiš to vedel, On sa otočil a zložil mu poklonu. Povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť, trstinu klátiacu sa vo vetre? Nebol medzi splodenými zo ženy, taký veľký človek, ako je Ján, až do tohoto dňa." Je to tak. Aká poklona pre toho človeka.

211 Ale, vidíte, tam to bolo. To proroctvo sa vyplnilo rovno pred ich očami, s tým ako prišiel predchodca, presne to, čo povedal Malachiáš. No to je Malachiáš 3, nie Malachiáš 4.

212 Ján Krstiteľ bol ten, o ktorom hovoril Malachiáš v 3. kapitole, Ježiš to tak povedal. Keď sa Ho opýtali: "Prečo učení v Písme hovoria ..."

Povedal: "On už prišiel. A urobili mu čo chceli."

213 Ale pamätajte, v Malachiášovi 4, hneď po tom, keď ten prorok z Malachiáša 4, ten štvrtý príchod Jána Krstiteľa - či Eliáša. Ten piaty príchod, to bude v Zjavení, tí dvaja svedkovia, keď on príde pre ten zbytok Židov. Ale Boh použil toho istého Ducha päť krát. To znamená milosť, J-e-ž-i-š; to bol po celý čas Ježiš. V-i-e-r-a, m-i-l-o-s-ť (Po anglicky "Grace" - tiež 5 písmen) a tak ďalej. Vidíte? Číslo päť je číslo milosti, a On ho použil. Nepoužil ho tri krát, nepoužil ho dva krát, tri krát, ani štyri krát. On ho použil päť krát.

214 No, všimnite si teraz rýchlo, keď končíme. On povedal: "Toto je ten, o ktorom bolo povedané: "Posielam svojho posla pred mojou tvárou."

215 Ale v Malachiášovi 4, hneď po tom, keď tento prorok prorokoval, celá zem má byť spálená. A spravodliví budú kráčať po popole bezbožných. Vidíte? Presne tak. Vidíte? To je proroctvo z Malachiáša 4.

216 A všimnite si v Lukášovi 17, kde On povedal: "V posledných dňoch bude znovu tak, ako bolo v Sodome a v Gomore." Či to nemáme? Či tu nemáme znovu Sodomu a Gomoru? Celé národy, pozrite sa na to. Pozrite sa čo On práve povedal o Anglicku. Všetko je prevrátené. Ešte aj strava je prevrátená.

A pozrite sa sem, čo veda ... Videli ste v Reader Digest, myslím, že to bolo minulý mesiac. Oni povedali, že mladí chlapci a dievčatá prechádzajú svoj stredný vek medzi dvadsiatym a dvadsiatym piatym rokom života. Stretol som takých na zhromaždení, mladé dievča bolo v prechodoch a malo dvadsať, dvadsať dva rokov, v prechodoch. Čomu to pripísať? Prevrátenosti, kríženiu. Práve toto spôsobuje skazenie. Všetko toto ničí telo. Nie sme nič iné, ako miešanina ...

217 Tak ako skrížená rastlina ... Zoberte kríženú rastlinu a postavte ju vonku, každá baktéria pôjde rovno na ňu. Ale skutočná, originálna rastlina, baktéria pôjde preč od nej, nemôže sa na nej udržať. Tak je to s cirkvou, my sme to skrížili.

218 To bol prípad toho starého koňa od Pearry Greena. On raz zhodil toho chlapca. To nie je nič iné, ako starý kríženec. Vidíte ? To jediné čo to je, že on ... Je to ako mul, on ... Mul nevie kto bol jeho otec alebo mama. On nič nevie. On je napoly mul a napoly kôň, a napoly osol. On nevie čo je. On nikdy nebude môcť ... On celý svoj život bude čakať na príležitosť, aby vás kopol. Je to tak. Môžete ho volať a hovoriť: "Tak poď maličký, poď maličký." On bude držať hore uši a urobí: "Hi. Hi. Hi." Vidíte?

219 Ako takéto nejaké reči: "Dni zázrakov pominuli. Hi. Hi. Hi." Títo kríženci, ktorí sa pokladajú za členov cirkvi a za kresťanov. Nehovorím to ako žart, to je pravda. Brat, ale skutočný, čistokrvný, on vie, kto je jeho otec a kto je jeho matka, kto je jeho starý otec a stará matka, môžete ho niečo naučiť. On je šľachetný.

220 A šľachetný kresťan, ktorý sa narodil z Ducha Svätého a je naplnený Božou mocou a Slovom, on vie kto je jeho otec, kto je jeho matka, jeho stará matka, starý otec. On vie o tom všetko. Môžete ho niečo naučiť.

221 Ale skrížený, takí akí chodia do cirkví. Skrížení so svetom a s náboženskými organizáciami, a dávajú do toho trochu Slova, tu a tam trochu Slova, dosť na to, aby to zviedlo. Je to tak. Keď vidíte zamanifestované skutočné Božie Slovo, ako to videl Kajfáš a tí ostatní, oni sa od toho odvrátili. Oni to nepoznajú. Kríženci.

222 No, vidíme, že v tomto posolstve, Izaiáš 40:3, je Ján tak isto potvrdený. On povedal: "Hlas volajúceho, proroka, volajúceho na púšti, - Pripravte cestu Pánovu, robte priame jeho chodníky." Cirkev mu neverila, lebo on nepochádzal z ich skupiny. Ten prorok vyrastal na púšti, prišiel a nepoznal nikoho. On mal na sebe práve toho Ducha, ktorého mal Eliáš. Bol to človek púšte. Nenávidel nemorálne ženy.

223 Pamätáte sa, ako Eliáš ... Čo spôsobilo, že mu chceli zoťať hlavu? Jezábeľ. Jezábeľa bola príčinou jeho smrti. To ho zahnalo na púšť.

224 Ján Krstiteľ, ďalší milovník púšte, poľovník, muž lesov. Pozorujte ho. On nemal žiadne vzdelanie. Pozorujte jeho - jeho slovník nebol ako slovník nejakého teológa. On povedal: "Ó, vy plemeno vreteníc." To je najnečistejšia vec, ktorú môžete nájsť na púšti, miesto zamorené hadmi, hady. A on tých kňazov nazval: "Vy plemeno vreteníc, kto vás varoval, aby ste utiekli pred budúcim hnevom? Nehovorte v sebe: - My patríme do tohoto, a my máme toto, alebo tamto. - Lebo vám hovorím, že Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov ... A tiež, sekera (všímajte si, aké slová on používa) je priložená na koreň stromu, a každý strom, ktorý nenesie dobré ovocie sa vytína a hádže na oheň." Amen.

225 On bol kazateľom prírody, veľký muž Boží. Žil krátky čas, ale zapálil na zemi oheň. Zatriasol tou generáciou počas svojej šesť mesačnej služby. Boh ho vychovával tridsať rokov, aby dostal z neho tých šesť mesiacov. Ale Boh to urobil svojim vlastným spôsobom. On vie, čo bude žať.

226 A my teraz vidíme, že presne toto sa stalo. Oni mu neverili, pretože nebol z nich. Oni nevedeli ... Ako obyčajne, oni to nevideli. Oni neverili Božiemu Slovu z Malachiáša 3, hoci jasne podľa toho písma videli, že toto je ten predchodca. Oni už štyristo rokov nemali proroka, a tu zrazu jeden povstal na scéne. A ľudia, veriaci, verili, že to je on. Vidíte? Oni tomu neverili. Oni neverili, pretože keď videli to písmo jasne potvrdené, dialo sa to čo On povedal, a všetko, a videli to jasne potvrdené, keď Slovo prišlo rovno do vody ku prorokovi, oni tam stáli.

227 Sú mnohí, ktorí nesúhlasia, že to miesto Písma hovorí o Jánovi. Vidíte? Ján povedal: "Ja sa potrebujem dať pokrstiť od Teba a prečo Ty prichádzaš ku mne?"

228 Ježiš povedal: "Nechaj teraz, lebo tak nám sluší, (máme byť poslušní) aby sme vyplnili všetku spravodlivosť. Ján ty si prorok, ty vieš, že obeť musí byť umytá, predtým ako sa prinesie. A ja som tá Obeť, a ty si prorok a vieš to." Potom Ho nechal a pokrstil Ho. Vidíte? On vedel, čo to bolo.

229Pozrite, oni sa mu vysmievali, nazývali ho obyčajne - divým, pokrikujúcim, neučeným fanatikom, toho proroka, ktorý predchádzal prvý Kristov príchod.

230 Ja nehovorím, že oni sú .. či nemáme dnes tie isté napodobeniny toho prvého? Oni to napodobujú, skutočne. Ale, pamätajte, keď vidíte falošný dolár, musí existovať pravý dolár, podľa ktorého urobili tá napodobeninu. Keď vidíte, že niekto sa pretvaruje za kresťana, to znamená, že niekde musí byť skutočný kresťan. Lebo ak nie, potom by tamten bol originálny. Ale prekontrolujte toho prvého a zistite či sa ten originál zhoduje presne so zasľúbením. Ak áno, potom tomu verte, zasľúbeniu na tento vek.

231 Potom Jánove proroctvo bolo potvrdené podľa Božieho poriadku. Slovo prišlo ku prorokovi a jasne ho potvrdilo, že on je tá osoba.

232 A znovu Ježiš prišiel inak, ako oni rozumeli to proroctvo. Oni to tak nerozumeli. (No, ideme teraz ku koncu.) Ale podľa prorockého Slova sa to vyplnilo do písmena. To proroctvo sa vyplnilo. Ale nebolo to tak, ako to oni učili, že sa to stane. No, ako oni mohli rozumieť a poznať, čo je správne a čo nie? Bolo sa treba dívať, či je to potvrdené od Boha, či je to Boh, ktorý vykladá to čo povedal. Povstali tam falošní Ježišovia a vyviedli na púšť štyristo ľudí a všetko možné. ale taký človek sa nedokázal v Slove (Vidíte?), ako to On povedal.

233 Ježiš, keď On prišiel. On mal byť prorok. Je to tak. A dnes, prv ako Ježiš znovu príde, tak plná manifestácia osoby Ježiša Krista sa má prejaviť v tele. Zamyslite sa nad tým. Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď bude zjavený Syn človeka." Čo znamená zjavený? Odhalený, daný najavo. Tajomstvo bolo dané na známosť, bolo zjavené. V tom dni, keď bude zjavený Syn človeka, svet bude v stave Sodomy. Už to máme, či nie? Áno. Koľkí tomu veríte? On je v stave Sodomy. Je to presne tak. Pozrite kde sa to teraz ukladá.

234 Pamätajte, v každej skupine ľudí, ktorú dáte dokopy, sú vždy tri skupiny ľudí. To sú, takí, ktorí sa robia, že sú veriaci, potom neveriaci a veriaci. Máme ich v každej skupine. Oni boli v každom čase. Boli ľudia Sodomy, boli Lótovci a bol Abrahám.

235 Abrahám bol skupinou vyvolaných. On vôbec nebol v Sodome. No, pozorujte ich posolstvo. Oni očakávali na zasľúbeného syna, roky na neho očakávali. Boh ukázal Abrahámovi mnoho veľkých znamení a zázrakov, ale tu prišiel dole sám Boh, ako človek.

236 Vy poviete: "To bol Anjel."

237 Abrahám ho nazval "Pane", to je veľkým písmenom P-a-n-e. Každý, kto číta Bibliu vie, že P-á-n, s veľkým písmenom znamená Elohim. Na počiatku Boh, Pán Boh, Elohim, Samovystačajúci. Abrahám Ho nazval "Pán Boh, Elohim."

238 No, všimnite si, do Sodomy odišli s posolstvom dvaja ľudia a kázali ľuďom Sodomy. Oni nič nevykonali, len ich oslepili. A kázanie evanjelia oslepuje neveriacich.

239 Ale všimnite si aký znak prijala Abrahámova skupina.

240 No, my máme byť Abrahámovým kráľovským semenom. Izák bol tým prirodzeným semenom. Ale semeno viery, viery v zasľúbené Slovo, v zasľúbené Slovo, (Neprehliadnite to.) to bolo kráľovské semeno. To bolo semeno Abrahámovej viery. "My, ktorí sme mŕtvi v Kristovi, sme Abrahámovým semenom, dedičmi spolu s ním podľa zasľúbenia."

241 Všimnite si, že keď sa toto všetko dialo, tam dole v Sodome boli dvaja kazatelia, ktorí kázali veľké posolstvo.

242 Jeden zostal tu s Abrahámovou skupinou, ktorý nestrácal čas pri tej skupine tam dole. No, pozorujte tohoto, ktorý zostal s Abrahámovou skupinou. Aký znak im On dal? On povedal ... No, pamätajte, jeho meno pár dní predtým bolo Abram a jej S-á-r-a nie Sárah (kňažná). A tento Muž, obrátený chrbtom ku stanu ...

243 Ženy boli v tedy iné ako sú teraz. Oni sa teraz musia ukázať a starať sa do záležitostí svojho muža a do všetkého, viete, ale vtedy to oni nerobili. Oni zostávali vzadu.

244 Tak oni ... A tak tí anjeli tam sedeli, a ten posol, On povedal: "Abrahám, kde je tvoja žena (S-a-r-a-h) Sárah?" Ako sa to dozvedel? Ako to On vedel?

245 Abrahám povedal: "Je v stane za Tebou."

246 On povedal: "Navštívim ťa, podľa času, ako som ti zasľúbil. Navštívim ťa." A Sára sa tak trochu zasmiala sama v sebe.

247 A On bol obrátený chrbtom ku stanu a povedal: "Prečo sa smiala Sárah a hovorila: - Ako sa to môže stať?" Keby ona nebola v Abrahámovi, keby nebola v tom čase jeho nevestou, Boh by ju zabil. Tak by sa to stalo aj dnes s nami so všetkou našou neverou, keby sme neboli v Kristovi. To nás chráni. Vidíte? On by nemohol ublížiť Sáre, ani zabrať Sáru, bez toho aby neublížil Abrahámovi. Vidíte?

248 A tak pamätajte, Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Vidíme, že všetci sa zhodujú, že svet je v stave Sodomy. Nedávno som zobral do ruky noviny, ktoré vychádzajú v Los Angeles, a tam je povedané, že homosexualita stúpa každým rokom v Los Angeles o dvadsať alebo o tridsať percent. To je ... Och, to je strašné. V našej vláde a vo všetkom, všetko začína byť prevrátené. Je to tak. Všetko, celý systém, cirkev a všetko je prevrátené. Nachádza sa to v prevrátenom čase.

249 No, moji bratia, teológovia, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Nehovorím proti tebe, môj drahý brat. Brat, som tu na to, aby som ti pomohol. Som tu na to, aby som zastával to, čo hovorí Božie Slovo, držal ťa za ruku, a viedol tento zástup ľudí von z tohoto všetkého. Je to tak.

250 Ale pozrite sa sem, nikdy predtým, až do teraz, sme dole v Sodome nemali posla, ktorého meno by končilo na h-a-m. Mali sme Spurgeona, Wesleya, Luthera, a všetkých iných, ale nikdy predtým sme nemali medzinárodného posla, ktorého meno by končilo na "ham". Je to tak. Vidíte? Vidíte? G-r-a-h-a-m, šesť písmen, G-r-a-h-a-m, Billy Graham, ten známy evanjelista, robí veľkú Božiu prácu, muž poslaný od Boha. On v pravý čas priniesol to ospravedlnenie, a trasie takto celým národom. Vidíte? Nieto ...

251 Pozrite sa na Orala Robertsa, ktorý je poslaný ku letničnej denominácii. Kedy bol niekto taký, ako on?

252 šesť písmen, nie sedem. Abrahám je sedem, A-b-r-a-h-a-m. Billy Graham je šesť, G-r-a-h-a-m.

253 No, pozrite sa na týchto poslov. Pozrite sa na čas, v ktorom sa nachádzame, nikdy v histórii nebol taký čas. Pozrite sa na tieto isté znaky, ktoré On zasľúbil, že budú dané každej skupine. Pozrite sa kde oni sú. Tak isto, presne, čo sa týka ich miesta, všetko je na svojom mieste. Príroda, svet, všetko, pasuje to presne do tohoto času.

254 No, neprehliadnite to, zatiaľ čo načrtneme ďalšiu časť tohoto Písma. Rýchlo teraz, pretože vás tu už držím príliš dlho. Zavolaný ... Pozrite sa sem. Podľa proroka, on prišiel presne podľa Slova, presne v pravý čas.

255 No, pozrite sa teraz na vek, v ktorom žijeme. Či nežijeme presne v čase Sodomy? Pozorujte Posla, poslaného ku Abrahámovej skupine. Pozorujte tie čísla, písmená, a numerológiu jeho mena. Vy poviete: "Na mene nič nie je." Nech vám to nikto nikdy nevyhovorí. Prečo On zmenil Abramove meno na Abrahám, Sára na Sarah? Prečo zmenil Šimona na Petra, a všetky tie ostatné? Vidíte? Na tom skutočne niečo je. Presne tak.

256 Preto som vám hovoril, aby ste nedávali svojim deťom meno "Riky" alebo "Elvis," alebo niečo také. Elvis znamená mačka -falošný, Riky znamená potkan - odpadlík. Vidíte? Keď poviete ... Je to presne tak. Tak či tak, nikdy takto nenazývajte svoje deti. Ak sa tak volá, rýchlo to zmeňte, ľudia. Nikdy ne ... Len ... Ak mi veríte, že som Boží sluha, nedávajte také meno tomu biednemu dieťaťu. Vidíte? Nie nikdy, dajte mu miesto toho iné meno. Ó. Nemal som sa do toho púšťať, pretože odchádzam od svojej témy, ale povedal som to a je to vybavené. Ja ... Tak sa to deje, neviete kedy to poviete. Rozumiete?

257 Nazývali Ho cudzincom, veštcom, diablom, Belzebúbom a hovorili: "On sa robí Bohom." Ó, joj.

258 Či nepovedal prorok Izaiáš, že Ho nazvú Silný Boh? Izaiáš 9:6. "Dieťa sa nám narodilo, syn nám je daný, a kniežatstvo bude na jeho pleci, a nazvú jeho meno: Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Silný Boh, Otec Večnosti." Je to tak. A tiež, ev. Jána 1:1 "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Veríte tomu? On nebol len ... On bol prorok, ale On bol viac ako prorok. On bol Boh - prorok. Prečo On musel prísť?

259 Pamätajte, On prichádza pod tromi menami syna. On prv prišiel pod menom Syn človeka. On nenazýval seba samého Synom Božím. To viete. Vidíte? On prišiel ako Syn človeka, ako prorok. Sám Jehova, Otec nazval Jeremiáša "syn človeka". Prorok je syn človeka. On prišiel ...

260 A teraz, po Letniciach On prichádza, vracia sa naspäť vo forme Ducha Svätého, nadprirodzeného Ducha. Teraz Syn Boží.

261 V tisícročnom kráľovstve On bude Syn Dávidov, a bude sedieť na Dávidovom tróne. Vidíte? On prichádza ... On je Syn Boží, Syn človeka a Syn Dávidov.

262 Ó, Biblia je plná týchto zlatých zrniek. Nedokážeme ich všetky povyberať za jeden večer. Ale práve teraz je vhodný čas, aby sme to dali na správne miesto. Zajtra nám nemusí svitnúť nový deň. Do zajtra môže byť po nás. Možno že kážem niekomu, kto do rána zomrie. Ja môžem do rána zomrieť. Brat, sestra, to nie je mýt. To sú skutočné fakty. Nevieme kedy sa pominieme. Keď ten posledný dych opustí vaše telo, nebudete mať už žiadnu šancu. Dajte to do poriadku teraz. Nečakajte až do rána, môže byť príliš neskoro.

263 Všimnite si. No, oni Mu urobili presne to, čo prorokovali proroci, presne tak, ako to robia práve v tomto dni, v tomto Laodicejskom veku. Ak sa chcete na to pozrieť, čítajte Zjavenie 3: "Slepí, nahí, a nevedia o tom. Odstrkujú Krista ..." Keď sa On začína zjavovať a znovu prichádza do formy semena, To isté, ktoré vošlo do zeme, prichádza naspäť, aby bolo Nevestou. Proste Nevesta a Ženích, to je to isté telo a krv, tá istá služba, tie isté veci, robí presne to isté, čo robil On. Duch ...

264 A tu to oni napodobňujú a robia všetko možné, a každý má svoju knihu a behá, robí to i tamto. A, ó, nikdy ste nepočuli o takých senzáciách: "A ja som zavoňal diabla." A všetko toto, tamto. Proste úplne nebiblické.

265 A tá pravá vec leží tu rovno pred nimi a oni od toho odchádzajú a hovoria: "Oni nepatria do mojej organizácie. Do mojej ..." Vidíte? Proste slepí vedú slepých. Či nepadnú všetci do jamy? Oslepený ľudskými denominačnými tradíciami, vystrčili Ho von zo svojej cirkvi, tak ako to Boh povedal v Zjavení 3, že to urobia. Ako je väčšinou prorokované ...

266 Všimnite si, ako Ježiš hovorí - a ako sa dal poznať teraz týmto učeníkom, a zakončíme. Títo dvaja učeníci Kajfáš - či vlastne Kleofáš, a jeho priateľ. No, sme vo vzkriesení, je ráno po vzkriesení, po tom prvom vzkriesení. Aké nádherné ráno. Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych a žije medzi svojím ľudom. Aká nádherná myšlienka.

267 On je tu, taký istý dnes, aký bol vtedy, pretože On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A dnes sa zjavuje viacej, ako sa odvtedy zjavoval v ktoromkoľvek inom veku. Prechádzal cez pšenicu a stopku a šupku (to je teraz všetko za nami), my sme vošli znovu do pšenice. Vidíte? Vošli sme naspäť do zrna.

268 Dal sa poznať, ako ... Pozorujte ako sa On dal poznať týmto ľuďom, (No, pamätajte!) ako ich Mesiáš, (prv ako skončíme) zo zasľúbeného Slova na ten vek. Všimnite si. On sa objavil tak, ako to povedal cez prorokov. Všimnite si. "Nezmyselní a lenivého srdca, veriť všetkému tomu, čo o Ňom písali proroci. To sa muselo vyplniť."

269 Pozorujte Ho. On poukazuje rovno naspäť do Božieho Slova. On neprichádza priamo a nehovorí im: "Či ma nepoznáte? Ja som ten Mesiáš, ktorý vstal z mŕtvych." On to vôbec tak nepovedal. Vidíte? On im len ukazuje tie miesta Písma, ako to ukázal Jánovi a ostatným. Vidíte? On len ... Oni to museli z toho sami porozumieť. Oni sami to museli posúdiť. No, nezaspite, posúďte to sami.

270 "Nezmyselní, lenivého srdca veriť všetkému, čo povedali proroci, že sa musí stať." Čo za pokarhanie pre tých, ktorí tvrdili, že Ho poznajú. Vidíte?

271 Všimnite si, ako On pristúpil ku tej téme. On neprišiel priamo, ako som pred chvíľou povedal, a nepovedal im: "Či neviete, že Ja som váš Mesiáš na tento vek? Či neviete, že to som Ja?" Skutočný Boží sluha sa nikdy takýmto spôsobom nepreukazuje. Písmo preukazuje, kto on je. A on tým určite bude. Vidíte? Ale obrátil ich pozornosť na to, čo povedali proroci, že čo majú očakávať v čase Mesiáša. Vidíte to? Ide rovno naspäť: "Nezmyselní a lenivého srdca, že nedokážete veriť tomu, čo všetci proroci hovorili o Mesiášovi, čo sa má s Ním stať."

272 On, tak ako Ján, nechal aby Slovo Biblie ukázalo kto On je, čím On bol pre nich. To malo tú vec dostatočne vyjasniť. Ak Ho Slovo potvrdilo, malo byť jasné, kto bol podľa zasľúbenia ten, na ktorého sa oni dívali. Oni vedeli, že v tom čase sa niekto musí zjaviť na scéne.

273 No, On mohol povedať: "Dovoľte nech vám ukážem, čo hovorí Slovo, že sa má stať v tomto dni."

274 Či sa vám nesnažím dnes večer povedať, Slovo za Slovom, ešte aj čo sa týka pozícii, miesta, mien a čísel, všetkého ďalšieho, a všetky znamenia, časy, a všetko, že sme práve v čase konca? Skutočne môžete vidieť o čom hovorím. Vidíte? Pozrite sa. Je to také jasné, že to nepotrebuje žiadnu ďalšiu identifikáciu. On povedal, keď tu bol na zemi: "Skúmajte Písma, myslíte si, že v nich máte večný život, a oni sú to, ktoré ... Oni svedčia o Mne, čo som, (Vidíte?) kto som."

275 Všimnite si. On začal od proroka Mojžiša, od proroka z 5.Mojžišovej 18:15. No, skúmam tu Písma. 5.Mojžišova 18:15, Mojžiš tu povedal: "Pán váš Boh ..."

276 Vidíte? Boh ku nemu hovoril hore na tom vrchu. A, ó, hrmeli hromy. Oni povedali: "Nech Pán ... Nech hovorí Mojžiš, nie Boh, aby sme nezahynuli."

277 On povedal: "Oni dobre povedali. Ja budem ... Nebudem už viac takto ku ním hovoriť, ale im vzbudím proroka." A tak je to od vtedy stále s Jeho posolstvom. A to je to, čo musí na konci napraviť celú tú vec. Proste musí, pretože Slovo Pánovo musí prísť ku prorokovi. On je to jediné, ku čomu Ono môže prísť. Ak by to tak nebolo, narušilo by to Božie Slovo, a z toho by vysvitalo, že On povedal niečo, čo nie je pravda. Vidíte? Ono prichádza ku prorokovi. A ten prorok je poslaný od Boha. Ustanovený, že poznáte, že to je to, a nie to čo povedal ten človek, ...

278 Mali sme Eliášov, a plášte, a všetko ďalšie, rúcha a všetky rôzne nezmysli, ktoré skončili v organizácii a vo všetkom možnom.

279 Ale podľa Božieho zasľúbenia príde na túto zem skutočný Boží sluha, potvrdený od Boha, skrze Jeho Slovo, ktorý bude odpoveďou na tento deň, a to privedie Nevestu do poriadku (veľmi malú menšinu cirkvi) a vezme ju hore. Je to tak. On predstaví: "Ajhľa, toto je Ten, o ktorom som vám hovoril, že príde." Vidíte?

280 A všetko, čo tí proroci hovorili o Ňom, a do tohoto veku. No, bolo by to naozaj zaujímavé počúvať Ho, ako to hovoril. Chceli by ste Ho počuť, ako to hovorí? "Všetci tí proroci hovorili o ..." Pamätajte, On hovoril to, čo tí proroci hovorili o Ňom samom, citoval samého seba, to čo On povedal, a On bol to Slovo, ktoré citoval.

281 No, počúvajme Slová, ktoré citoval. Chceli by ste počuť, čo im hovoril? Prinesme teraz ten rozhovor, prv ako skončíme.

282 No, oni stručne porozprávali o všetkých posledných udalostiach, o ukrižovaní, o tom čo sa prihodilo pri hrobe a aký bol hrob, a že Ho tie ženy videli, a že iný povedal, že Ho videl, a tak ďalej. On povedal ... Oni Mu to stručne porozprávali. A On na to hneď začína hovoriť Slovo - cituje seba samého cez Slovo.

No, pozrite sa do Zachariáša 12." On im musel citovať Zachariáša 11:12. Lebo bol predaný za tridsať strieborných. Či nemal byť Mesiáš predaný za tridsať strieborných?

V Žalme 41:10 - Zradili Ho jeho priatelia.

Zachariáš 13:7 - Jeho učeníci Ho opustili.

V Žalme 35:11 - Obvinili Ho falošní svedkovia.

Podľa Izaiáša 53:7 - Zanemel pred tými, ktorí na Neho žalovali a neotvoril svojich úst. (Je to tak?)

Izaiáš 50:6 - Bol bičovaný.

Žalm 22 - Zvolal na kríži. Bože Môj, prečo si ma opustil? Počítam všetky svoje kosti a oni hľadia a dívajú sa mi.. Prebodli moje ruky a moje nohy. - Pozrite sa na tie proroctvá, o ktorých On mohol hovoriť.

Izaiáš 9:6 - Dieťa sa nám narodilo, panna počne, a tak ďalej.

A tiež Žalm 22:19 - Delia si medzi sebou Jeho rúcho.

V Izaiášovi 7:14 - Panna počne.

Žalm 22:7 a 8 - Jeho nepriateľ sa Mu vysmieval, ten ktorý mal byť jeho priateľom. Jeho nepriatelia, cirkev.

Znovu v Žalme 22 - On bol ... Žiadna jeho kosť nemala byť zlámaná, ale prebodli jeho ruky a jeho nohy.

Izaiáš 53:12 - Zomrel so zločincami.

V Izaiášovi 53:9 - Zdrtený, a pochovaný s bohatými bratmi.

V Žalme 16:10 - Bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych. Dávid tak povedal: Nedám svojmu svätému vidieť porušenie, ani nezanechám jeho dušu v ríši smrti. On vstal z mŕtvych.

Malachiáš 3 - Ján Krstiteľ bol jeho predchodcom.

283 A všetky tie obrazy, cez ktoré mohol prechádzať. Ešte aj Izák Ho zobrazoval na Vrchu - na tom vrchu, kde ho v Genesis 22 zobral jeho otec Abrahám.

284 Teraz oni začali vidieť, kto vyplnil všetky tieto Písma, ktoré boli zasľúbené na ten deň. A vtedy, keď už bolo neskoro, oni začali vidieť. "Ó, to je ono, počkaj chvíľu. Vieš čo?" Oni vtedy poznali, že ich priateľ Ježiš, ktorého ukrižovali, bol ten Prorok, ktorý bol zasľúbený. Oni to poznali, pretože ... Vidíte? Oni neboli oboznámení s Písmom.

285 Ale tu, všetko to, čo sa malo udiať na kríži, všetky tie veci. "Nezmyselní a lenivého srdca porozumieť všetkému tomu, čo hovorili proroci, ako mal Mesiáš trpieť, a vojsť do svojej slávy, a vstať na tretí deň."

286 Stále išli: "Ó, áno. Je to tak. Rozumiem. On - On ... Či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia?" Nie divu, že horeli ich srdcia. Tie proroctvá, ktoré im On hovoril, ktoré sa vyplnili ...

287 Potom začali rozumieť, že ich priateľ, ten muž, s ktorým jedli, s ktorým sa rozprávali, s ktorým mali obecenstvo, s ktorým chytali ryby, s ktorým spali v lesoch, že to vyplnilo každé Slovo, zasľúbené na tú hodinu. Tu to mali. Išli šesť míľ a myslím, že im to ubehlo veľmi rýchlo. Počúvali šesť hodinové kázanie o tom, ako sa to proroctvo potvrdilo. (Trochu dlhšie ako my dnes večer.)

288 A deň sa už teraz nachýlil a nastával večer, prišli večerné svetlá. Cirkev, teraz je taký istý čas! Prišli večerné svetlá! Židom 13:8 - On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

289 Ó, udalosti vysvetlené pomocou proroctva, dnes je to tak isto. Večerné svetlo, ktoré bolo zasľúbené skrze Božieho proroka, v Zachariášovi 14:7, môže znovu otvoriť oči skutočného veriaceho, na udalosti, ktoré sa dnes odohrávajú. Je to potvrdené skrze proroctvá, že sme v čase konca. Ježiš prichádza. Práve ...

290 On povedal: "Bude deň, ktorý nebude nazvaný nocou ani dňom. Ale v čase večera bude svetlo." No, vieme zo zemepisu, že slnko vychádza na východe a zapadá na západe. No, prorok povedal, že dlhý čas bude šero, niečo také, čo sa nedá nazvať ani dňom ani nocou. To je taký tmavý, pochmúrny deň.

291 No, kde vyšlo slnko? Čo ... To bol Syn, o ktorom teraz hovoríme. [V angličtine sú podobné výrazy "son" - syn a "sun" - slnko] Ten prirodzený syn vychádza na východe a zapadá na západe. Ten istý Boh, či vlastne ten istý Syn. A Syn Boží povstal prv na východe, pre tých ľudí východu.

292 A potom, keď On odišiel, čo oni urobili? Po tristo rokoch založili svoju prvú organizáciu, rímsko-katolícku cirkev. Prechádzali cez temný vek a prišli sem. Čo robili? To isté. Bol to deň - nebolo to nazvané ani dňom, ani nocou. Mali dosť predpisov, že verili, že On je Syn Boží, a kráčali vo svetle, ktoré mali. Zakladali svoje cirkvi a stavali nemocnice a školy a tak ďalej, a semináre. Posielali svoje deti do škôl.

293 Ale prorok povedal: "V čase večera bude znovu svetlo. Syn sa znovu zablyskne. Bude svetlo." Čo to bude? Ten istý Syn (S-y-n), ktorý sa tam v čase rána zjavil v tele, sa znovu zjavi v čase večera.

294 No, porovnajte ev. Lukáša 17:30 - A v tom dni, ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, (to uloženie sveta) v tom čase sa zjavi Syn človeka.

V čase večera bude svetlo, 
Cestu do chvály istotne nájdete.

295 Ó, ľudia, kde sme?

Národy sa rozpadávajú, Izrael sa budí. 

Ukazujú sa znamenia, ktoré predpovedali proroci.
Dni pohanov sú zrátané, strachom obtiažené.
(Pozorujte ako sa zosúva do mora.)

Vráťte sa ó rozprášení, do svojho. 

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil, 

ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu, 

buďte naplnení Duchom, 
majte ozdobené a čisté svoje lampy. 
Pozdvihnite hlavy! Vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo

296 Brat, sestra, je to strašný čas. Pozorujte tie veci, ktoré sú prorokované. Pozorujte čo sa deje. Pozorujte všetky tie proroctvá, ktoré sa vyplnili. Potom vidíme, čo to všetko znamená. Nie je to nejaká skupina, nejaký fanatizmus. To je Boh, ktorý presne potvrdzuje svoje Slovo, presne. Priatelia, Skala je udrená, utečte sa ku nej tak rýchlo, ako len môžete. Proroctvo potvrdzuje deň, v ktorom žijeme.

297 Skloňme svoje hlavy. [V zhromaždení začína niekto hovoriť v neznámom jazyku a iný to vykladá. Nejaký brat na pódiu hovorí: "Môžeme vydržať ešte chvíľu v kľude? Boh ku nám hovorí cez brata Branhama a pomazanie je na bratovi Branhamovi, a on ešte neskončil."]

298 Ó. Uvedomujete si v akom dni žijeme, priatelia? Či sa odvážite dohadovať sa s Bohom? Či poviete, že On nemá pravdu, keď to On potvrdil? On vykladá seba samého. Chcete Mu slúžiť?

A teraz, brat, sestra, skloňte svoje hlavy, skloňte svoje srdcia ...

299 Toto môže byť naše posledné zhromaždenie. Možno už nikdy ... Ak by som sa tu za rok vrátil, ak budem žiť, mnohí, ktorí sú tu teraz, tu už nebudú. A musím sa s vami stretnúť na súde a zodpovedať sa za všetko, čo som dnes večer povedal.

300 Pred Bohom, kým ste pri zdravom rozume, urobili by ste teraz toľkoto pre Boha? Ak viete, že ste ... Pozrite sa len na seba v Božom Zrkadle, v Biblii, bez ohľadu na to kto ste, a povedzte: "Viem, že mi ešte veľa chýba do toho, aby som bola dcérou Božou. Keď sa dívam na to, čo robím. Chýba mi ešte veľa do toho, aby som bol synom Božím. Keď sa dívam na to, čo robím. Ale Bože, chcem ním byť. Chcem vynaložiť všetka námahu, aby som prišiel na to miesto." Chcem, aby ste zodvihli ruky ku Bohu, ktokoľvek ste, kdekoľvek ste v tejto budove. "Áno, chcem byť synom Božím. Chcem byť dcérou Božou. Chcem vyplniť všetko, čo rozkázal môj Pán." No, vy ... Nech vás Boh žehná. Myslím, že je to deväťdesiat percent zhromaždených.

301 No, pozri sa sem, môj priateľ. Čo keby si bol žil vo dňoch, kde by si počul kázať Jána? Čo keby si bol žil vo dňoch, keď tu bol Ježiš? Na ktorú stranu by si sa postavil? Keby si žil v Ježišovom ... Pamätaj, ak On ... Keby si vtedy žil, bolo by to tak ako je to teraz. Ten istý Ježiš sa dáva poznávať cez svoje Slovo (Vidíte?), a to je veľmi nepopulárne.

302 Ale dovoľte, aby som vám povedal, ja sa nesnažím povedať ľuďom, aby opustili cirkev, alebo ... Nie, ja chcem, aby ste chodili do cirkvi. "Neopúšťajte spoločného zhromaždenia." Ale to, čo sa vám snažím povedať, to je to, aby ste sa tlačili do Kráľovstva Božieho. A tieto veci, svet, cirkev ...

303 Letniční, vy ľudia sa stávate príliš svetskí. Až príliš sa pripodobňujete tomuto svetu. Je to také ľahké. Stále sa dívate na televízor a nechávate si všetky tieto veci, a to čo oni robia, a všetko toto, a ani sa nenazdáte ... Semináre, školy sú počiatkom toho, aby ste tu a tam urobili kompromis na tomto, na tom a tamtom, a ani sa nenazdáte ... Musí to tak ísť. Letničná cirkev bola tá, ktorá ma najviac podporovala, nič proti tomu nemôžem povedať. Ale kričím toto: "Vychádzaj, môj brat." Už nemáte tie zhromaždenia, ktoré ste mávali. Ľudia už nie sú takí, akí boli. Ale Ježiš Kristus je ten istý. Poďme ku Nemu.

304 A teraz vy, ktorí ste zodvihli ruky, pamätajte, na púšti bola udrená Skala, a to žriedlo je stále dnes večer otvorené. Skala bola udrená, Kristus. On je tou udrenou Skalou.

305 A dnes večer, pokiaľ viem, cirkev môže byť ... Čas vyvolávania mohol už skončiť. Ja neviem. Ja to nemôžem povedať. Pamätajte, ľudia po ukrižovaní Ježiša ďalej pokračovali tak isto, mali zhromaždenia. A všetci ľudia, oni - oni prídu, oni ... Pozrite sa. Oni budú ďalej kázať a hovoriť, že dožívajú spasenie a tak ďalej, tak ako keby ... Oni hovoria: "Svet beží ďalej tak ako predtým." Ale vtedy už bude príliš pozde.

306 Kým máš šancu, môj brat, kým máš šancu, moja sestra, poď do Kráľovstva Božieho. Aby si tam vošiel nemusíš mať nič okrem prostej viery, veriť Jeho Slovu. On je to Slovo. "Pane Ježišu, viem, že keď sa dívam teraz na seba v zrkadle Božieho Slova, ó, koľko mi ešte chýba. Ale drahý Bože, tu dnes večer, tento pondelok večer, tu v San Bernardíno v Kalifornii, tu v tomto auditóriu, toto je všetko čo mám, Pane, ale ja Ti to dám. Pane, prijmeš ma takého aký som? Dovolíš mi utiecť sa hneď teraz ku krížu? Vidím tých poslov. Vidím čas. Vidím vyvolávanie zo Sodomy. Vidím tie znamenia. Vidím Abrahámovu skupinu, ako prijíma svetlo. Vidím tú manifestáciu, Ježiša, ktorý sa znovu zamanifestoval rovno medzi nami, ako to bolo vtedy. Vidím všetky tie veci, ktoré si zasľúbil. Vidím tých napodobovateľov. Vidím, že Ty si to povedal - Ako bolo vo dňoch Mojžiša. - Ako znovu prídu tento Jambres a Jannes, aby napodobňovali, a stále budú zostávať rovno v tej istej diere, v ktorej boli." Vidíte?

307 Oni nemohli nasledovať Mojžiša cez to Slovo, aby vyviedli z tade tie deti na púšť, pretože sa spolčovali v Egypte. Oni to nemohli urobiť, hoci robili tie isté skutky, ktoré on. Ale ich nerozum sa stal zjavným. A Biblia hovorí, to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, že v posledných dňoch toto znovu nastane.

308 A vy to vidíte na vlastné oči, ak ste duchovní. Ja som ... Nemôžem sa vysvetliť. Nie je potrebné aby som to vysvetlil. "Moje ovce počujú môj hlas." Poďme teraz ku Nemu, kým máme možnosť. Či pôjdete?

309 Ak potrebujete krst Duchom Svätým, ak sa potrebujete znovu odovzdať Bohu, nový život ... Váš pastor vami nepohrdne. On vás bude za to milovať. Len sa odovzdajte dnes večer úplne Bohu, kým ste tu. Nech ... To je ... Viem že je to tvrdé, ostré, zvláštne. Nerobím to, že chcem byť podlý. Robím to, že chcem byť úprimný. Robím to preto, že vás milujem. Milujem Boha, a robím to preto, že sa vám snažím pomôcť. A priateľ, ja opravdu verím z celého svojho srdca, so všetkou mojou vierou, verím, že moje posolstvo pochádza od Boha. Bolo vám to dokazované po všetky tie roky.

310No, počúvajte, odovzdajte dnes večer všetko čo máte, všetko čo potrebujete. Verím s čistým, oddaným srdcom, že ak len vstanete a zodvihnete svoje ruky ku Bohu a poviete: "Drahý Bože, tu som. Prijmi ma Pane. Už sa viacej nebudem snažiť použiť svoj vlastný rozum a svoj vlastný výklad. Tvoje Slovo hovorí, že musím byť svätý, že musím byť znovuzrodený, že musím byť naplnený Duchom, a potom ma Duch bude viesť do všetkej pravdy. Drahý Bože, tu som, veď ma." Urobíte toľko? Ak toľko urobíte, zodvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte: "Som ochotný to urobiť, som ochotný."

311 Postavme sa potom na svoje nohy.

Taký aký som - bez výhovorky,

Ale Tvoja krv bola za mňa preliata,

A že ma tvoj hlas volá ku Tebe
Ó Baránku Boží,
(Jediné Božie dvere) ... idem!

No, dajte nabok všetka svoju prácu, všetko, svoju únavu a všetko ... Čo keby ste teraz mali zomrieť?

Ty ma prijmeš takého aký som, 

Pozveš ma, odpustíš mi a prijmeš ma,
Pretože ja ...

(Zodvihnete teraz svoju ruku na tento verš?)
...sľubujem, že budem veriť,

Ó Baránku Boží, idem, idem už.

313 No, kým organista ďalej hrá, nech každý z nás ...

314 Mládež, či sa chcete správať, ako tí tu vonku na ulici, ako táto banda chuligánov?

315 Sestra, či chceš nosiť krátke vlasy, keď je to tvoja nazarejská česť Bohu, keď máš dlhé vlasy? "Tým hanobí svoju hlavu, keď si strihá vlasy." Či budeš nosiť tie minisukne a také veci, aké oni dnes nosia, to nemorálne oblečenie, cez ktoré vidieť vonku na ulici tvoje telo? Či vieš, že každý muž, ktorý sa na teba díva, že vo svojom srdci pácha s tebou cudzoložstvo? A ti sa takto predvádzaš. Ženy, či viete, vy ktoré sa maľujete, že v Biblii bola len jedna žena, ktorá sa maľovala? A Boh nechal, že ju zožrali psi. Jezábeľ, meno, ktoré je od toho času nenávidené, kvôli takým jej skutkom. Či viete, že to bol prorok Eliáš, ktorý to preklial a vyzýval ju, aby zanechala také spôsoby? Či viete, že to bola Herodiáda, ktorej to Ján Krstiteľ pripomenul? Či viete ... Nechcete byť predsa tým Hollywoodským produktom tohoto sveta. "Ak milujete svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, nie je vo vás láska Božia."

315 Brat, priateľ kazateľ, nič ... Prosím ťa, rozumej ma. Ja som tvoj brat. Či chceš spojiť seba a členov svojho zboru, s nejakou cirkvou (metodista, baptista, alebo čokoľvek si), či sa chceš naďalej držať v tej denominácii, pretože sa jej držala tvoja matka, tvoja stará matka? Ona z niečoho vyšla, aby vošla do toho. To bolo svetlo na ten deň, ako v časoch Noeho. Toto je iný deň.

316 Ty povieš: "Ale ja som mal ..."

317 Toto nie je deň letníc. Letničný vek už skončil. Letnice skončili, toto je čas žatvy. Vidíte? A čas žatvy, to zrno, voda bola vyliata, zrno dozrieva. Vojdi do zrna, môj drahý brat. Počúvajte ma. Verte mi. Ak mi veríte, že som Boží sluha, skloňme každý svojím spôsobom svoju hlavu v pokore a modlime sa, ako vieme, ako sa máme modliť. "Bože prijmi ma takého, aký som."

318 A brat, sestra, ja sa dnes večer tiež kladiem na oltár: Bože, sformuj ma a urob ma iného. Urob niečo. Bože, urob ma na Tvoju podobu.

319 Myslíte si, že je to ľahko tu stáť a sekať takto ľudí na kusy? Je to ťažko. Ale beda mi, keby som to nerobil.

320 Drahý Bože, keď toto obecenstvo sklonilo svoje srdcia i hlavy, v tejto vážnej chvíli, pri zakončení tejto Biblickej lekcii, keď vidíme potvrdenie Ducha Svätého, ktorý trasie hore dole a hore dole týmto národom, veľké prebudenia a znamenia, vieme, že za tým musí niečo nasledovať. A potom vidíme prichádzať tých sedem anjelov tu dole ba ten vrch tam v Arizone, keď to publikovali ešte aj časopisy po celom národe. Aby sme tam na oblakoch videli samého Ježiša, ako sa díva dole a hovorí, v Zjavení 10:7, že v posolstve siedmeho anjela, budú tieto pečate otvorené, tie tajomstvá Božie budú oznámené. Lebo tí reformátori nežili tak dlho, aby to priniesli na svetlo. A tu, týchto sedem pečatí, ktoré celú tú vec zapečatili, má v tomto dni byť otvorené. Aby sme videli všetky tieto veľké znamenia a zázraky, ktoré sa stali, boli potvrdené, predpovedané pred tým ako sa stali, a On nás ani raz nesklamal, ale spravil, že sa to stalo presne tak, ako to bolo povedané.

321 Drahý Bože, uvedomujeme si, že Ježiš Kristus je v našom strede. Vieme, že On je tu. On je tu dnes večer, neviditeľný Boh je tu s nami, a môže potvrdiť každé zasľúbenie, ktoré dal vo svojom Slove. Ako si tam stál, Pane, a potvrdil si im, otočený chrbtom, vtedy úplne na začiatku, prv ako do toho boja vošli napodobovatelia. Alebo prv ako vošli do toho dostihu, ako to bolo. Ty si ukázal a potvrdil, prorokoval a povedal si presne ako sa to stane, a my vidíme, že sa to tak stalo. A Otče Bože, my vieme, že to nemôže byť človek. To musí byť Boh. Tak vidíme, že to si Ty, tu dnes večer. Odpusť nám naše viny.

322 Drahý Bože, Ty si uzdravil naše nemoci, a teraz nám odpusť naše viny, Pane, že nie sme ešte takými kresťanmi, akými máme byť. Vyznávame, že sme muži alebo ženy plného evanjelia, a tu vidíme, že upadáme ako denominačné kurence. Pomôž nám, drahý Bože, vezmi nás a zatras nami tvojím Svätým Duchom. A ak je v nás čokoľvek, čo sa nepodobá na Teba, vezmi to od nás, Pane. A postav pevne naše nohy na svätom Božom Slove, a nech Duch Svätý zapáli oheň v našich srdciach a odstráni všetky zbytky nevery a ospalosť tohoto dňa. Ó, povstaň a zatras nami. Sprav to Bože. Očisti nás. Sformuj nás. Prerob nás. Sprav to, Bože.

323 Ak je tu niekto dnes večer, Pane, kto nosí vo svojom srdci to zrno, ten Boží gén určený do života od založenia sveta, viem Pane, že oni musia počúvať ba túto hodinu. A tak sa modlím, Bože, aby si naplnil ich duše a osvietil ich čerstvým krstom Ducha Svätého, a poslal ich na ich cestu, radostných a šťastných.

324 Pane Bože, odovzdávam ich Tebe. Ja neviem kto to je. Ty vieš. Ja som len zodpovedný za kázanie tvojho Slova, Pane, ako ho ty zjavuješ. Ty si zodpovedný za to ostatné, kde padá to semeno. Ja ho len sejem. Pane Bože, prosím aby ono dnes padlo do dobrej, úrodnej zeme, aby to mnohí videli, Pane, aby z toho vyrástli kresťania, ktorí budú svietiť v týchto posledných dňoch, aby tá veľká vec, na ktorú očakávame, že príde, aby rýchlo prišla. Sprav to, Pane. A Ty zoberieš svoju cirkev, svoju Nevestu, a zoberieš ju domov. Vidíme, že všetko je na svojom mieste. Príď, Pane Ježišu. Porúčame to všetko Tebe, v mene Ježiša Krista, aby to dobre dopadlo. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
Pretože On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote

325 Milujete Ho? Tak potom musíte milovať jeden druhého. Podajte si navzájom ruky, keď to znovu budeme spievať.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
Pretože On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote

326 Oddajme Mu teraz chválu. Koľkí poznáte túto pieseň?

Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť,
Chváliť Baránka, ktorý bol zabitý za hriešnikov,
Oslavujte Ho všetci ľudia,
Za to, že Jeho krv umyla každú škvrnu.

327 Spievajme to teraz.

Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť,
Chváliť Baránka, ktorý bol zabitý za hriešnikov,
Oslavujte Ho všetci ľudia,
Za to že Jeho krv umyla každú škvrnu.

328 Či sa necítite všetci očistení? Zodvihnite ruky, povedzte: "Ó, to mi robí, že sa cítim dobre." Brat, mám rád tie starodávne piesne. Ty nie? Oni idú hlboko do srdca.

Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť,
Chváliť Baránka, ktorý bol zabitý za hriešnikov,
Oslavujte Ho všetci ľudia,
Za to, že Jeho krv umyla každú škvrnu.

329 Zodvihnime teraz ruky a chváľme Boha, každý z nás svojím vlastným spôsobom.

330 Pane Ježišu, ďakujeme Ti. Dobrorečíme Ti, Pane. Dobrorečíme Ti za tých vyvolaných ľudí, von z Babylonu. Ďakujeme Ti za krv Tvojho Syna, Ježiša Krista. Ďakujem Ti, že On nás očisťuje v tejto chvíli. Prosíme o odpustenie, čo sme urobili zle, našu hlúposť, Pane, naše potkýňanie sa v temnosti. Ó Bože, nech by sme povstali a svietili, a chodili vo večernom svetle, a boli ovocím stromu, ktorý vyrastá pomocou toho večerného svetla. Sprav to, drahý Bože. Porúčame sa Ti v mene Ježiša Krista.

331 A teraz, keď máte sklonené hlavy, odovzdávam vás pastorovi, ktorý zakončí toto zhromaždenie.

MODERN EVENTS ARE MADE CLEAR BY PROPHECY, 65-1206, Orange Bowl, Orange Bowl, San Bernardino, CA, 113 min

1 Let's bow our heads. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight because that You answer prayer for us. This poor dear woman laying there, where surgery has failed. But, O God, we remember the first surgery was ever performed in the earth, You did it Yourself. You taken from the side of Adam, a rib, closed up the incision, and made a wife. O Father, I pray tonight that Your hand will come down now and will perform this great thing that we're asking for. And these others, Lord, this woman that's suffering with mental oppression, all others who's got requests, we just commit them to Thee, Father, with our whole heart. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Indeed a privilege to be here tonight and have this fine audience to look at. And fine singing, the wonderful little choir. I was just thinking the difference, seeing them boys standing there with... clean-looking fellows, clean haircuts. I was thinking, last night, of--of the place where I'm staying; a bunch of hoodlums came in down there and trying to drowned a boy in the swimming pool; they had to call out something and get them out of there. What a difference, see kids standing, singing the Gospel songs; what a difference.

2 Thinking, as Brother Henry said there, "those man with them hair like the women should have," you see. That--that--that's right. Look like the... I see these boys kind of have that hair, they even put these roller-curlers in it, around their face. I don't know, I... sometimes I become discouraged. It looks like it--it's a true time of perversion. Man are trying to wear women's clothes, and women wearing man's clothes. And man leaving their hair like women, and women having hair like man. What's the matter with this people, anyhow? Has the, really, the very threads of decency and honor left this nation and these people, this world?

3This is a horrible time, but it's the most glorious time in the world, to preach the Gospel. If I could've stood on the brink of time before it come into existence, and the Father would have looked at me, and said, "What time down through these ages would you want to preach?" I'd want it right now, that's right, just before His coming.

4 Looking out upon the audience, setting here before us... A minister friend of mine, in Tucson yesterday, was riding a horse. (Thinking of this man with this... this woman with the disc in her back.) This horse threw him. Another man called me at one o'clock this morning, to my hotel, and said, "The man's at Veterans Hospital, and his eyes are glassy, his back smashed, his kidneys are pushed out, and his heart's about to fail." And there I got down on the floor, on my knees; telephone, got him on the other end, and prayed for him. And here he sets here tonight, setting right there. That was last night. Bob, would you just stand up there? There's the man, right there. [Congregation applauds--Ed.] God answers prayer, morning, night, noontime, midnight, or anytime.

5 Now, I--I am such a long-winded preacher, as they call it. I just kind of hate to get started this time of night, and--and I thought I'd just come over. The other night, why, we was speaking over here at a certain place, and the... fifteen minutes after I had been on, the people was picking up the dishes and motioning to me, "Quit! Shut up, you got to get out of here," smoking cigarettes, and carrying on. It wasn't the--the banquet's fault, it was the people that we had it rented from. And the--the chairman's wife went around and told the manager, said...

6Said, "Well, you're supposed to be out of here at 9:30."

7Said, "You never put that in the contract."

8This lady, tonight, she come down here (real nice lady) and she said, "We understood that you want it," said, "just take it as long as you want." So that was very nice. So I'm very thankful for that. That's very fine.

9 Brother Henry, I certainly appreciate your--your kindness of inviting me here, and this chapter.

10I had the privilege last night of being down here at the Assemblies of God where I believe a Brother Boone is pastor. Had a wonderful time down there with that group of people. And tomorrow night we're going somewhere over here, I don't know where it's at, and it's another chapter. They take care of that; I just keep praying, reading, and going along, and it's about all I can keep up with.

11 But, now, we're seeing strange things in this day. Now I've remember the last time I was here, it was in a tent meeting. I remember of speaking of it last night, of a little couple that brought their dead baby in. It--it's up somewhere up here, they drove all day and night. The little mother setting, sad, holding that little baby in her arms. Now, she may be setting right here now, for all I know. And she... the little husband, couple of more couples with them, and they was... And she said... asked me if I'd come over (the man did) to the car. I took the little baby out and was just holding it; a little, dead, stiff, cold form; and I started to pray. And when I prayed, that body begin to feel like it was getting warm. So I just... I kept on praying. He started kicking and moving, going along, so I... started crying. I handed it back to the mother, she went on back home with it. So, they might not even been Christians, for all I know. See? That was wonderful.

12 But what I'm thinking about, tonight, I know a church that's dying, too, it's our Pentecostal people. We got to shake out of this, uh-huh, that's all. And the only way you're going to do it is prayer and lining up with the Word of God. It's the only way we're going to do it. There's only one way out, He's that Way, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Would we want our church get in the condition as he said over there, like in England? That's the reason I've been, you think, so rude, bawling you out. And I don't mean to do that, but I don't want to see the church get in that kind of a shape. You don't want to be in that shape. But yet you've just got to drive It down so hard till you nail It and make It clench. It's got to be done.

13So now, tonight, I've just got a... some Scriptures and text here I want to speak on for a while. I ain't going to say no certain time. You get tired, why... I may be through in thirty minutes, and just depends on... I always just kind of leave it to the Holy Spirit, just whichever way He leads.

14 Let's bow our heads just a moment longer, speak to the Author before we open His Book.

15Almighty God, the Author of this Book, through Jesus Christ we pray. We are thankful for what we've already heard tonight. If we should--should punctuate this meeting by saying, "Amen," and go home, it was good to be here, for we know that You've been with us. And, Father, as we open this Word now, speak to us directly out of this Word, that we might know the hour that we're living. If we know the hour we're living, then we can prepare for that hour; but if we go in blindly not knowing what or where, then we don't know how to prepare. So, Father, we pray that You'll let us see the Ark there, and the Door, open, and the Message calling us in. Grant it through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

16 In the Holy Scriptures, I want to read a text here; found over in the Book of Saint Luke, at the 24th chapter, the... I'm going to begin at the 13th verse, and read a portion of It.

And, behold, two of them went the same day from the village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore--score furlong.

And they talked together... these things which had happened.

And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and... Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.

But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.

And he said unto them, What manner of communication are these that you have one to another, as you walk, and are sad?

And the one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered and said unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and has thou not known all these things which have come to pass... in these days?

And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people:

And how the chief priests and the rulers delivered him to the... be condemned to death, and have crucified him.

But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and besides all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.

Yea, and certain of the women also of our company made us astonished, which were... at the sepulchre;

... when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said unto them... which said that he was alive.

And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: but he they... but him they saw not.

Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe (not to believe) all that the prophets have spoken:

Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and... entered into his glory?

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them... all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Words.

17 Now I take... if I call it a subject, I'd like to take this: The events... Modern Events Are Made Clear By Prophecy. Now, it's always been God's... the unchanging God's way to fore-... let His people foreknow before certain events happen.

18If the people in the days of the Lord Jesus would have only have sought God and knowed what was just about to take place, they would not have condemned Jesus to death. But the reason it was, because the Scriptures had to be fulfilled, because the Jews had to be blinded. We all are aware of that.

19Do you realize that that's promised again in this very age that we're living? The Laodicean Church Age, this seventh church age that we're in now, is naked, miserable, blind, and don't know it. The same as He blinded them back there for the purpose of getting His Message through to the elected people, He's promised to do the same thing today.

20 And if I'd say this to respects, and to all my brethren and sisters in Christ, one of these days somebody's going to say, "Isn't it written that these things should happen first?"

21And it'll be the same way it was then, "Verily, I say unto you, he's already come, and they had did what they listed to him."

22When they asked Him, said, "Why, the scribes say, and the Scriptures say that--that 'Elias must first come.'" They said that to Jesus.

23He said, "He's already come, and you didn't know him." See? And that's perhaps the way it'll end up again.

24 Now we want to be posted, to know what's to take place for this age that we live in. God has lotted His Word to each age, so much to each age, and we must notice that one age cannot carry over into another age. It just won't work. For instance, as I've said, I believe last night or... I'm constantly speaking, night after night, places, and sometime I make a remark the second time. I don't mean to repeat myself. But I say this: What would... good would it have done Moses to try to preach Noah's message? Or what good would it been... would have done Jesus to try to preach Moses' message? Or what good would it done Martin Luther to continue on with the Catholic message? What good would it done Wesley to continue on with the Lutheran message? What good would it done Pentecostals to continue on with the Methodist message? Or what good will it do Pentecost to continue on when the Bride's being called? See, we're right up into the seed time, we're here at the end time. Now, unless a corn of wheat falls in the earth, it abides alone.

25 As the critic, as I've made remarks since the book come out, probably you got it here in your--your city, that German author that wrote one of the most critical articles. He's an infidel. Course not... I'm not condemning him because he's condemned me so; but, because, being an infidel, the book shouldn't never be on the shelves. And he said, "A God that could set up and say He could open up the Red Sea and deliver His people, and then set with His hands across His stomach and see through the Dark Ages those Christians being tore to pieces by lions; those mothers with their hair saturated in tar, and hung onto crosses and burned; and their baby... expecting mothers, they'd split the stomach and gamble on the sex of the child; and set up and let it happen; people who was supposed to be servants of this God."

26 You see, the Scripture is inspiration. You'll never be able to know the Scripture just by setting down and reading It from a theological standpoint, from an educational standpoint; it never has worked.

27I was speaking with a Baptist minister not long ago, he said, "Until we learn the correct Greek, until we..."

28I said, "In the Nicaea Council, before that, they were arguing about the Greek words in the Bible." You'll never know It.

29The Bible is to be revealed by inspiration. That's the only thing, the revelation. Jesus told Peter, "Upon this rock." This rock of revelation reveals Who He is. "Blessed art thou Simon, son of Jonas, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in Heaven has revealed this to you; upon this rock I'll build My Church." Not upon Peter, not upon Himself, but upon the spiritual revelation of Who He was.

30And He is the Word! Saint John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Hebrews 13:8, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever."

31 Therefore we're living in the day when the manifestation of the Word of God has to come to a different age than the Pentecostal age. And that's right. Remember, you'll... I'm an uneducated person; but you can't beat nature, because God works in the continuity of nature. Just like, as I've said, the sun rises and sets; and goes through the day, and like a school age; and dies in the evening, to rise again the next morning. The trees let the sap down in the winter time, go into the roots, and come back in the spring.

32Notice, He likened It to a grain of wheat, the Bride, the reason that God had to let that go like that. That fine, real, genuine Church that was established on the Day of Pentecost, had growed and growed since the Day of Pentecost, into a great church, it had to fall into the earth in that Dark Age and be buried like all seed does. It had to die so it could come forth in the reformation again. It come forth in the person of a reformation, Martin Luther. And from there, just like a stalk of wheat coming up. The first thing comes up, there's two little blades, then it keeps adding more blades. Up come Martin Luther, and then Zwingli, and on down, Calvin, and as they moved on.

33 Finally it goes into a tassel. Now, that was John Wesley in the Wesley age. It had a pollen drop back.

34From there come the Pentecostal age, so close, just like a real grain of wheat if you look at the stalk. But if you'll take that wheat and move it back, there's not one grain in it at all, it's only a shuck in the shape of a grain. But it's set there for a purpose, to shelter the grain until... If the sun hits it like that, it'd kill it.

35It's got to stay in there until a certain time, and all the Life leaves the shuck (as It left the stalk, left the pollen), leaves the shuck and goes into the wheat, and forms again just like it was down in the ground.

36 Now, all of us know that whenever a message is given, in three years they form an organization. When they do that, it kills it right there; it did of the days of Luther, 'cause, it did it in the days of Wesley, it did it in the days of Alexander Campbell, and all the rest of them, and it did it in the days of Pentecost. Exactly! See? You get to a place, each one gets starchy, and gets off, and they can't receive new revelation. They're settled down; and there they are, and there they die. And the Life goes right through that, and goes right on to make the wheat. And when the wheat comes, that Life that's traveled through that wheat, the resurrection, brings the whole thing out; yes, brings up for the Rapture.

37 Now, remember, this Message started first with Divine healing, performing miracles. Now, if God let that go through a ordinary church, just like we already had, then it wasn't God. God don't have to show off; He don't--He don't have to do these things, to entertain us, like we Americans are used to (entertainment), but He does it to attract the attention of the people, that He's fixing to do something.

38Look at Him Hisself when He come. "The wonderful little prophet, the rabbi, the prophet of Galilee." Why, His ministry was wonderful, He was welcome in every church.

39But one day He set down, said, "I and My Father are One."

40"Oh, my!" That was out. "Away with such a fellow!"

41"Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

42"Why, he's a vampire! Get away from such a person!" See?

43See, there was something had to follow that sign. See, something followed.

44The shuck held it, but now the shuck pulls away; it has to. And remember, twenty years has passed by and no more denominations has come out of it, and it won't. We're at the end of denominations, the wheat's taken shape. But what's the matter with the wheat now, you can't... it must lay in the Presence of the Son, to ripen, before the combine picks it up.

45 Now, the events that we see taking place, it's absolutely showed in the Bible, of every age. We think we're all out of cater, but we're not, everything's moving just exactly with God's Word.

46Now, the Bible is a different book from any other sacred book. There's no book like the Bible, because the Bible is God in word form. See? It's... A word is a thought expressed. God's thinking expressed It, His Words through the prophets; and they wrote the Bible, which is in word form. And Jesus called It, "a Seed." And any seed will bring forth of its kind if it's in the right condition, the right atmosphere. Now, this Book of... is a... This Book of prophecy, It--It is foretelling future events. Now, the Book contains the entire revelation of Jesus Christ. You don't add to It or take from It, and every revelation must come by It. See, it must be the Word.

47 So people say, "I had a revelation." Yes, we know Joseph Smith and many had revelations and things, but was contrary to the Word.

48It's got to come according to the Word if it comes from God, because it's to vindicate or to prove God's Presence. And He foreknew all these things, being... By His foreknowledge He ordained, foreordained (it's called in the Bible, "predestinated") every age to its place, and every man to its place, and every messenger to its place. He is God, the Devil ain't pulling nothing over on Him. And He's God, and He has ordained everything to take place, and falls just exactly in line with His Word.

49So if we can see, by His Word, what age and what time we're living, you'll see it right here in the Bible, of this age, what we're supposed... what's supposed to take place at this time.

50 Now, the--the other books, we find lots of books that they call "sacred books," and so forth. And I've read the--the Koran and many others. But, you see, their--their sacred books are only a code of ethics, of morals, or of theology.

51But this Book is a Prophet, It's a different from any other book. The Bible is the Word of God foretelling the future. It foretells because It's forewarned.

52If God sends anything, He says and promised in the Bible that He would do nothing upon the earth until first He revealed it to His servants the prophets. That's Amos 3:7. He... and God cannot lie. He reveals It, that's been His way of doing it all down through the ages. He's never failed to do it.

53 Now, we are promised, in the last days, for this to be restored. There'll be no--no church, no denomination, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostals, they'll never (in their modern conditions) ever take this church to a Bride. They can't do it, they fail. They're too much at one another's throats, and worldliness has creeped in, and so forth, and--and they died right in their tracks. And so God knows that.

54And to reveal this Word, one say, "Well, I got this. And bless God, It's like that." That's just the way it was when Jesus came the first time; everyone has a doctrine, everyone has this. It'll have to be something sent to us from God. And God's promised it. And the only way He'll do, is--is keep His same pattern. He promised to send us, in this last days, according to Malachi 4, a prophet upon the earth, "That would turn the hearts of the people back, the hearts of the children back to the apostolic fathers again." He promised that in His Word. Luke 17 and many other places that He promised it, that He... what He would do in these last days to bring this thing to a vindicated Word.

55 See, a man can say anything, but 'less God interprets that Word... See, now, we have our own interpretation, we say It means this. And this one, Methodist, says this, the Baptist says this, the Pentecostal said this, the Oneness says this, the Twoness says this. And, oh, my, there you are. But God don't need no interpreter, He's His Own Interpreter. He interprets His Own Word by vindicating It in the age that It's purposed for, the age that It's given for.

56We're not living in a Pentecostal age, we're living in another age. See, we're not living in a Methodist age, we're living in another age. We're living on up here to the Bride age, the calling out of the Church and getting It together for the Rapture. That's the age that we're now living. To my honest opinion that's exactly the Truth.

57 And this Book is a book of prophecy. Its believers are commanded to honor It and to read It, and believe Its Author, for every Word that's written in there must come to pass. Everything that's been promised has to come to pass, because It is Jesus Christ in each age. The same yesterday, it was Jesus Christ, was in Noah; it was Jesus Christ in Moses, it was Jesus Christ in David, it was Jesus Christ in Joseph; it's Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. And it's Jesus Christ among His people today, doing the things that He promised He would do in this age. It's Jesus Christ.

58But the church has become so starchy, so far away, like the brother said here. And--and our churches are becoming the same way, until we've got to have something to shake us back to the Word. How do we know it's going to do it? It's got to come according to God's Own plan. It cannot come by layman, it will not come by the businessman, it cannot come by churches. God has laid down His plan.

59 I spoke here in Shreveport the other day, on a national broadcast across the nation, that, Trying To Do God A Service Without It Being God's Will. David tried to bring the ark of God back into the house. He was anointed king. Why, he--he consulted his--his delegates, his captains of thousands, and ten thousands, and so forth. And they all said, "That's the Word of the Lord." And he consulted the priest, "That was wonderful." And they all got so inspired, they shouted, they done every religious act that was. And they was absolutely contrary to God's will, because there was a prophet in the land by the name of Nathan and he wasn't even consulted about it. See? And we found out it didn't work though they were sincere, trying to do God a service.

60 And you can be ever so sincere; but, until we know what we're doing, you're fighting at the air. Come back into the Word of God and get lined up, and then go; then you know. Like a--a soldier, don't know what to do until he gets orders to do it. We must be Christian soldiers, and get orders from the Bible for this hour now; not the charge yesterday, the charge the day before, but the charge today (which way we go). Find out the hour that we're living in.

61And these modern events is slipping by us too swiftly, and one day we're going to find out we'll be left behind without nothing, and be caught, sealed into the mark of the beast before we know it.

62 Now, and with patience we have to wait for this, for the prophecies that's promised, every one of them must be fulfilled in its age. For It foretells us, the Author has before done this, and we wait to see Him do it again. What a time it is that we're living in! Something like a--a calendar; you look at the calendar to find out what day of the year you're living in, and you look at God's Bible to see what age we're living in. We're not living in the Methodist age, the Baptist age. We're living in the Bride age, the calling, bringing back to God through a channel that He promised to bring it back in. He promised to do it.

63But as it's been in every age, people let man put their own interpretation to It by theology, and will not believe God's Divine vindication of It (that's, God's interpretation); not what I say, what somebody else says; but what God has promised and what God does, proves that it's God doing His Own interpreting of His Word.

64 They told you Pentecostals, forty-five, fifty years ago. Your mothers and fathers, when they were genuine pentecostals, come out of a organization and cursed the thing and walked out of it. Then like a dog to its vomit, went right back in it again. Done the same thing that killed that church, you killed your own by the same thing. Nothing against the people in there, nothing against it, it's the systems of the thing that's what's doing it.

65Home, I'm... go home... I don't preach this in other man's meeting. I'm going to preach The Trail Of The Serpent, and listen to it if you take the tapes.

66 And, notice, they missed seeing the confirmation of the prophecies of God's Word being fulfilled. If those priests... They had it fixed up just exactly the way the Messiah was going to come, they knowed what was going to take place. The--the Pharisees had their idea, the Sadducees, Herodians, and, oh, they had their ideas. But He come not... He come contrary to every one of them, but exactly with the Word. Jesus said the same thing was here: "If you would have known Me, you should have known My day. If you had knowed, you'd... You say, 'Well, Moses! We have Moses.'" Said, "Why, if you would believe Moses, you'd believe Me; because, he wrote of Me."

67But, see, when God was confirming exactly what He promised, they had it in some kind of a dignified way that Jesus was supposed to come, and the... I mean the Messiah. The Messiah had to come right to their group or he wasn't Messiah. Well, it's that way, almost, today, "If you don't see through my glasses, you're not looking at all." See, and so that's--that's just the way it--it is. We... That's the truth. We hate to think that, but it's absolutely the Truth.

68 In Hebrews 1:1, God in sundry times wrote the Bible by His Own chosen way. He never wrote It by theologians, neither does He interpret by theologians. There never was a time that--that the theologians ever had an interpretation of the Word of God. The interpretation comes only to a prophet. And the only way we're ever going to get out of this mess is for God to send us that prophet, just exactly, the only way it's going to be done. It's been believed, watched for, and--and fulfillment.

69See, It was not wrote by man, but It was wrote by God. It's not a man's book, It's not a theologian's book. It's the Book of God, which is a Book of prophecy wrote by the prophets and interpreted by the prophets. The Bible said, "The Word of the Lord comes to the prophets." Exactly!

70 How beautiful that was illustrated, or, demonstrated when Jesus was come on earth, and John was the prophet of that day, and he--he was prophesying. They said, "Oh, you mean to say that God's going to tear down our big associations here and all these things? And there's going to be a time, when our--our temples won't no more be worshipped in?"

71He said, "There was coming a time when God would make a sacrifice out of the Lamb of God, a Man." And he said that--that he would know Him when He come. And he said... He was so sure of his message, he said, "He's standing right among you now and you don't know it." He's right among you and you don't know it.

72And one day when Jesus walked out, John looked up and seen that sign above Him, he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." That same minute Jesus knowed then that He was a-vindicated before the people. Now, He was the Word, would we doubt that? The Bible said He was the Word, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And here He is, the... Here's the Word on earth (look! perfectly!) comes right out into the water to the prophet.

73 That's right, the Word always comes to His prophet. So we can't expect It to come to theologians. We can't expect It to come to denominations. It's got to come God's channel route that He foretold us about, and that's the only way It'll ever come. It'll be hated, despised, rejected. When It does come, It'll be throwed out to one side, and everything, but God will do it anyhow. It was rejected in Jesus Christ, it was rejected in John, it was rejected by Jeremiah, it was rejected by Moses. It's always that way. But God moves right on in the way that He promised He would do it. Yes, sir, He never does fail to do it the same way.

74 The man who's seen the vision or heard His voice, never altogether understood It. In many cases he didn't know, because he's just an instrument of God. It's God's thoughts expressed through man's lips; a thought, course, is a word expressed. God does His Own choosing by His--His predestinated choosing. He done it in every age, He set forth the man for each age. Like when Moses, when he was to fulfill what He told to Abraham. Moses was borned a proper child, he couldn't help being that way. He was born that way because he was borned for that purpose.

75And so we find out that God does that in every age. God does His Own choosing by His Own predestinated choosing, choose His prophets and things for the age. Fixes--fixes his nature, the man's nature, the man's style of preaching, to honor His gift, and all that He does is to meet the challenge of that day. God creates that man and sent him. And in His Own mind, as I preached on last night, we are a germ of the gene of God. He knowed that man would be there at that age, before there ever was a molecule, or a light, or anything else in the earth.

76 For you're a gene of your father, and you were in your father, yet your father had no fellowship with you because he... You was in there, but you knew it not and he knew it not, but you was manifested that you might... that he might fellowship with you. And you being borned again, you're borned of Eternal Life. And that's the only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God's Life, Zoe, the Greek word "Zoe," only one form of Eternal Life.

77Then if you are a son of God or a daughter of God, you were in God all the time. But He knew what bed and time that you'd be planted. So now you're made a creature, a son of God, manifested son or daughter of God to meet the challenge of this hour to vindicate the true and living God of this hour, the Message that's coming forth in this time. That's right! You was done there before the foundation of the world. If it wasn't... If you wasn't chose that way, no matter how much you try to impersonate It, you'll never make it. How can you get blood from a turnip when there's no blood in there?

78 That's the reason I try to say about... Then people thinking we was... we're hollering at women about short hair, and people telling me about saying those things, "You're going to ruin your ministry." Ruin a ministry that God Himself ordained? Far be it! And when people hear the Word of God... When a baby is conceived in the womb of a mother, when that one cell goes in there, another cell builds on top of that. It's not one cell of a human, the next of a dog, and the next of a cat, and the next of something else; it's absolutely, straightly, human being. And when a man is borned of the Spirit of God, he don't inject anything into his life, It's unadulterated Word of God vindicated for that hour. He takes the full Word of God, he don't put no creeds, nothing else into It. It's purely unadulterated, God's Word made manifest among us.

79 Look in the Bible, you see where, what age we're living in then, when you see these great things being made manifest. When God promised to do it, He always does it at the end of each age when the church is come to the turning place, and is turned from the Word back to sin and worldliness. Worldliness is sin. The Bible said, "If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God's not even in you."

80Speaking last night, I was speaking about the--the sacrifice that was offered, the Lamb. It was to be seven days, representing the seven church ages. There was to be no leaven found amongst the people, no leaven for seven days. That means that there's nothing mixed with It, It's unleavened, constantly. And we don't want no creeds, leavens and things mixed with us. We don't want world mixed with us. It's got to be the unleavened Bread of God, the Word of God, the unadulterated Word of God, which, "Man shall live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."

81 Our denominational systems, and differences and things, has put leaven in us, and this and that and world and fashion. And, oh, it's got so it's almost Hollywood everywhere. It'll finally come it'll be like England, and a altar call will be ashamed. My! As brother said, "How can you get the fish in the boat?" That's right.

82We've got to have the Gospel preached in Its fulness, with the power of God to vindicate that according to the promise of that age and prove that that's exactly God's will. Outside of That you're just a church member, no matter how much you try, you try to do God a service. You might go to the stitch-and-sew party, you might be ever so faithful to church; but unless that germ of Eternal Life was foreordained in you, to be a son or daughter of God, you'll grow up a deformed something; but never be a real, true son or daughter of God.

83 Often give my little story of a little eagle. How the farmer set the hen one time, and he had... I hope it don't sound sacrilegious to you. But a farmer set a hen, and she was... lacked one egg in having a setting. I doubt whether anybody here know what a setting of eggs is, how much it consists of. But, anyhow, he lacked one egg, in having enough. So he robbed the eagle's nest, she had two eggs. And he put the egg under the hen.

84When that eagle was hatched amongst all them chickens, he was a funny bird. He couldn't understand the clucking of the hen, didn't talk like his... like he wanted to hear her talk. And she scratched in the barnyard, and eat from the barnyard, it wasn't food for him. He was an ugly duckling among them. The hen would cluck and he didn't understand it. She'd go this way and eat this and eat that, he didn't understand it. So one day his mammy, or mother, rather, to you. I... In the South we say "Mammy."

85So, anyhow, he... his--his--his mother knowed she had two eggs, and only one of them was there, she went after the other one. She circled every... crossed the country, and finally she flew over the barnyard. She seen him down there following that old hen. She screamed, "Junior! You're not a chicken, you're an eagle!" That sounded just right to him. Why? He was an eagle to begin with.

86 And when a man or woman has set under creeds and cold, formal religion, if he's ordained to be a son of God, and he sees the Word of God preached in Its power, and God vindicate It; he's an eagle to begin with, he'll run to It as sure as two two's is four. He can't help it, because his very nature loves the Word of God. I don't care what anybody else says, when he sees the Word of God being made manifest, he flies to It because he was a little eagle.

87As they go on to say, he said, "Mama, how am I going to get up from here?"

88And He said, "Just make a jump, I'll catch you."

89And that's the only thing you have to do, is make one jump to your feet, one jump to God, one promise, "Lord Jesus, I believe You with all my heart. I believe the Message of the hour. I see It confirmed, and I know It's right." Jump to your feet, Mama will catch you. Don't worry, you're an eagle, she'll be right there to get you.

90 Now, we realize that we're living in a tremendous time and a great time, but when the truths of this Bible, believers has seen that vindicated, the very vindication of It is the evidence that God is in It. Absolutely! It's then that the promised Word, that God promised, is made known. The seed is bursted forth, and they see It and they believe It. Others just can't see It, somehow they'll set and look at It.

91You know, I've preached hard enough to--to... across this country, that it shouldn't be a short-haired woman in the country. But, every time when I come back, there's more. What's the matter? There's something wrong! You know the Word says that! You say, "Well, that don't make any difference." It does make a difference!

92 There's a fine brother, said, "I'm going to lay hands on you, Brother Branham. I love you. You're ruining your ministry." Said, "You ain't got no business telling them women about that." Said, "Let the pastors do it."

93I said, "They don't do it though." I said, "Now..."

94He said, "Well, it's not your business, you just pray for the sick."

95I said, "Whose business is it, then? I was called to preach the Gospel."

96Said, "I'll lay hands on you and ask God to take it away, from you."

97I said, "You'll let--let me lay hands on you, too." See? And I said, "I'll pray that God will open your eyes and you'll see It." So, that's right!

98He said, "You ought to preach... The people believe you to be a servant, a prophet of God." He said, "You ought to teach them women how to--to get great gifts and prophesy and things."

99I said, "How can I teach them algebra when they won't even believe their ABC's first?" That's right! So you--you can't do it. That's just in every... That's right. If you can't do the common things, how you going to do the spiritual things? The natural things. Certainly! Brother, sister, it might sound like a joke, but It's the Gospel! It's the Gospel Truth. That's right!

100 Notice, we find today that people... There's many people just can't believe It, even Spirit-filled people. I'm going to give you one that'll choke you. The baptism of the Holy Ghost don't mean you're going in, not at all, not on that, don't have anything to do with your soul. That's the baptism, see. Here's the inside soul, in here, that has to come from God. But then on the outside you have five senses, and five out... inlets to your... contact your earthly home. The inside, you have a spirit, and in there you have five outlets: your conscience, and love, and so forth, five outlets to that spirit. Remember, in that spirit you can be baptized with the genuine Spirit of God and still be lost. It's the soul that lives, that was ordained of God.

101Didn't Jesus say, "Many will come to me in that day, and say, 'Lord, haven't I cast out devils, done great and mighty works, prophesied, the great gifts of God?'" He said, "Depart from me, you that work iniquity, I never even knew you. Many will come in that day."

102 Didn't Caiaphas prophesy? He was a devil. We find out there... And them priests, them great man, was supposed to be great leaders in them days, with humility and everything else, but failed to see the Word of God Itself made manifest before them.

103We could just take a bunch of them I got wrote down here. How about Balaam? He was a... You say, "God changes His mind." He doesn't change His mind!

104When Balaam went out as a prophet, and went down there, a bishop, preacher, whatever you want to call him, he was a great man. But when he consulted God about going down there and cursing Israel; he didn't like them to begin with. So when he asked to go, God said, "Don't go!"

105Then they sent a dignitary about some... maybe of bishops or presbyters, or something, down, said, with more education to persuade him. He went back and asked God again. You don't have to ask God the second time! When God says it first, that's It! You don't have to wait anything.

106Rebekah didn't wait to get the second order. They asked her, said, "Will you go?"

107"Let her say."

108She said, "I'll go!" She was firmly inspired of God. She become one of the queens of the Bible for acting upon the pulsation of the Spirit of God that moved upon her to receive what was absolutely the truth, and she believed it.

109 Now we find out, Balaam, of course, he couldn't see. He went out and looked upon the people, said, "Now, just a minute! We're a great, big people up here, you're just a scattered bunch." You see? "And we all--we all believe the same God."

110That's true. They all believed the same God, and they all worshipped Jehovah. Look at Balaam's sacrifice: seven altars, God's perfect number; the seven churches, see; seven rams, speaking of the coming of the Lord. Fundamentally, he was just as fundamental as Moses was; but, you see, there wasn't a Divine vindication. In there, they were both prophets.

111But under Moses' ministry, there was a supernatural Pillar of Fire, a Light that hung with the camp. There was Divine healing, there was a shout of the King in the camp, great signs, Divine healing, and wonders and things performed among them. It was a sign of a living God among His people.

112Fundamentally, they was both right. And Balaam tried to persuade the people, and bewitched them into it. When? Just before they reached the Promised Land. Another day or two, they'd a-been in the Promised Land.

113 But now I'm afraid... This is a hard mark to make, some of these days I'll be shot for It. But remember this, that, the churches are being bewitched by this Ecumenical Council, he's taking you right into it, to say "You're the same group." You're not the same group! Come out from among that stuff and be separated! Certainly is, It's true. We're to keep away from that stuff, as far as you can from it.

114Balaam said, "We're... let's let our children marry together because, after all, we believe the same God."

115"How can two walk together 'less they be agreed?" How can you walk with God 'less you're agreed with His Word? How can you add creeds and so forth to It, when you're ordained not to do it, or, commanded not to do it? You can't do it. There's no way of doing it, brother, sister. You can't mix that leaven with the unleavened. Oil and water will not mix. Darkness and light will not mix. Light's so much powerful, it just puts the darkness out.

116 And so we cannot mix it together. Neither can you mix sin of the world together. You can't mix Church and denomination together. You can't mix Church and creed together. You can't mix the world and the Gospel together. It won't mix! "Come out from among them, be ye separated," saith God, "I'll receive you to Myself. You'll be My sons and daughters, I'll be God to you." We can never do it until these things are manifested, and the Word of God for the hour is proved to be the Truth. Follow in the footsteps.

117 Pentecost, that's why Luther lost his message. That's how Wesley lost his message. See, if the Wesleyan church would have went on, they'd been Pentecostals. If the Lutherans went on, they'd a-been Methodists. See? And now if the Pentecostals go on, it'll be the Bride. If you hang back and keep going back in the world like you're going now, you'll be lost! It'll only be the shuck, and the stalk is to be burned. We know that. He will gather His wheat into the garner. But the husks He'll burn with unquenchable fire, although it was a carrier. It certainly carried, but the Life left it as soon as it become a leaf, it went on out to make something else until it come to its full stature.

118And so will the Church come through Justification, Sanctification, Baptism of the Holy Ghost (restoration of gifts), right on into the formed image of Christ. Christ is the Bridegroom, the Church is the Bride, and the Bride is a part of the Bridegroom. It'll have to be a Word Church, not a denominational church. It'll be the Word Church, the Word that's made known, and by the vindicated Word of God.

119 Balaam, he couldn't see the difference. Many can't.

120Pharaoh couldn't see It, though It vindicated right before him.

121Dathan couldn't see It. Dathan come out there, and he seen Moses and knowed. He went out there, said, "You try to think you're the only one in the bunch. The whole congregation is holy!" God never did deal like that. He ought to have knowed better than that. And he said, "Well, the whole congregation is holy. You try to make yourself..." If we'd say it today, the street expression, "The only pebble on the beach."

122And Moses knew that God had sent him down there for that. He just said, "Lord..." fell in the--the doorway of the tabernacle.

123And God said, "Separate yourself from him." And He swallowed them up.

124 And remember, the sin that Israel did (by Balaam saying, "They're all the same."), that sin never was forgiven Israel. And look, let me give you a striking figure; out of two million that left Egypt, two of them went into the Promised Land. Every one of them eat the same thing, they all danced in the Spirit, they all had everything in common; but when it come to the separated time, the Word done the separating. So is it today! The Word done the separating! When it come time, he said, "Why, here, we're..."

125So close, look, the Bible said, "In the last days the two spirits," Matthew 24:24, "would be so close, it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." That shuck looks just exactly like the wheat, but it ain't the wheat. See? It isn't the wheat, but it looks just exactly like it. See? So close, it would deceive the very Elected. You denominated and fall into that denomination, and dry up and die, and the wheat moved right on out through the... See? That's exactly right! It's a carrier, but not the wheat.

126Remember, the wheat just keeps going on. In the resurrection all that strength of the wheat will come right up into the wheat, as it goes to make the head, to come out in the great resurrection.

Never forgiven!

127 Let's stop here just a moment. I hope I don't choke you out. But, look, let me ask you something. Let's just take that. Say, for instance, this count would be right. When the sperm from male and female come, if you ever known test tubes or--or hybriding and so forth of cattle, you'll find out that the discharge from the male puts out about a million germs. And the discharge from the female puts out a million eggs. But did you know there's only one of them that's fertile? Them little calves, or whatever they are, in these millions of germs, a million germs, there'll be that one little germ will work itself up among the rest of them germs and go right over and find that fertile egg and crawl into it, and the rest of them die. One of them is ordained to life, the others are not, though they're all the same. One out of a million!

128What if it'd be that way tonight? There's five hundred million, supposed to be, I think, Christians in the world, about that figure, just a round figure. If the rapture would come tonight then, in the living going, there'd only be five hundred people. Well, there's that many missing any day, almost, that they can't 'count for. The Bride will be taken away and we'd wonder what it's all about; and the people going right on preaching, saying they're "getting this or that, and the other," and look what a deception that would be. Say if it would be that; I don't say it is, I don't know, I'm no authority of that. God's the Judge of that. But look how easy it could happen, in all figures and things, how it could be proven.

129 Why didn't Korah see That? Why didn't Dathan see That?

130Why didn't Ahab see It? When Ahab... When Jehoshaphat went down to Ahab, he said, "Ahab, we're in trouble. Do you know God gave us this land, Joshua divided it up? You know this piece of ground up here that the Syrians taken, isn't that our ground?"


131"Our children's hungry, and the Syrians (our enemy) are feeding their children, filling their bellies with the wheat that ought to be ours." That's scripturally right. Said, "Will you help me to go up there and take that?"

132Now, sometimes a good man under the influence of evil will give in. Better watch, church, watch real close.

133 Now, the first thing you know, Jehoshaphat, being a great religious man, he said, "Well, we should go up, sure, to our church, we're all the same people." But they wasn't the same people! No! He said, "Well, our church is your church, our people is your people. Sure, we'll go," he said, "but let's consult the Lord first."

134So he said, O Ahab, "No doubt, we should have thought of that. Well, we'll..."

135"Is there a prophet of the Lord?"

136Said, "I got a seminary full of them. I got four hundred down here, the best ones there is. They all got their Ph.D., L.L.D., their double L.D.'s, and everything else that goes with it. They're every one..." Now remember, they were Hebrew prophets, from a school of prophets.

137Said, "Bring them up, let's hear them."

138 Now, I believe it was Zedekiah (the great head over the bishop, all of them) come up there, and he had the inspiration. He had inspiration, absolutely. He come up there, and made himself two big iron horns. He said, "You know, THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'You're going to take these horns and push the Syrians plumb out of the country.'"

139Well, all the rest of them prophesied, "That's exactly right!" Every one of them, the whole seminary, in agreement. See?

140Ahab said, "You see?"

141Jehoshaphat, being kind of spiritual, you know, he hadn't dried up altogether, he said, "But isn't there just another one somewhere, that we could consult?"

142"What do you want to consult others, when the whole Ecumenical (the whole council), it says 'It's all right'?" (Excuse me, see.) "The whole thing said, 'That's what we ought to do.'" See? "That's what we should do."

143He said, "But isn't there just another one somewhere?" That odd one, you know.

144He said, "Yes, there is. There's one, Micaiah the son of Imla, but I hate him." Always that way. "I hate him because he's always just bawling our people out, and cursing me, and telling me all the evil about me. I hate the man!"

145Said, "Ah, don't let the king say so." Said, "Go get him."

146 So they went over there to the son of Imla, some of the--the bishops, or, some of the elders, and went over there, said, "Now, listen, do you want to get back in the organization again? You say the same thing that they say, they bring you back."

147But there happened to be that God had a man that they couldn't put their hands on him; God had His hands on him. He was just the reflector of God's Truth. Said, "Sure," said, "I'll go down, but I'll only say what God puts in my mouth." There's the man of God. He said, "Give me the night." So the night come, and the Lord spoke to the prophet, little nobody. And first thing you know, he come out the next morning.

Said, "What about it, Imla?"

148He said, "Go on up," said, "but I seen Israel scattered like sheep on a hill, having no shepherd."

149He said, "What did I tell you! What did I tell you about it!"And he said...

150 Then the big bishop walked up and slapped him in the mouth, said, "Which way did the Spirit of God go? Cause I know I had the Spirit; I danced in It, I done all these things. See, I--I had the Spirit on me. Which a way did It go?"

151Now, see, Imla being a son of God, or a real prophet of God, he examined his vision with the Word. If it wasn't with the Word, it's wrong. See? The Word for that hour, see. Now, he said scripturally, the land belonging to them, the land was theirs. Scripturally, everything seemed to be right but one thing.

152Remember, it was one Word that caused the whole mess to come, Eve disbelieved one Word of God; in the first of the Bible, one Word caused the trouble. Jesus, come in the middle of the Bible, said, "Man shall live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." At the end of the Bible, said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out or add one word to It."

153 It's not part of the Gospel... The Methodists have part, the Baptists, Presbyterians, and so forth, they had part of It, Catholic had part of It, Jehovah Witness, all the rest of them.

154But It's the whole Word, all the Word, the Word of the hour; what counts. And we'll never do it until God anoints a prophet that can stand and tell It, and confirms him, and prove It that It's right. It'll slip right through the people and they'll never know It, just like it's always been.

155You Catholic, like Joan of Arc, you burned her at the stake for being a witch; later you dug up them priests' bodies, two hundred years later, and throwed them in the river. You didn't know Saint Patrick and the rest of them.

156It'll go right through your hands again, the first thing you know. God will do it, and you'll never even know it's done. See, He just slips right through and gets His Bride and takes Her right on up, and steals Her away, right out of the midst of the people.

157 We find out, this little Micaiah said he examined, he knowed that God had said to a real prophet before him. The prophet before him, what did he say? He said this, he said, "Ahab, because you shed the righteous, or the blood of the righteous Naboth, the dogs will lick your blood also, and Jezebel." And that's just exactly, had to come to pass because God had said it. How could that prophet prophesy good when it was evil against it?

158How can I tell this Laodicean Church Age the good things when God spoke against it? You're naked, miserable! You say, "I'm rich, I have better... I have churches like the Methodist, and the Baptists, and the Presbyterians. I have this, I have that; the best this, that, and the other." That's right, but don't know that you're naked, blind, miserable, to the real thing that God is manifesting. It'll go right through you, like that, moving right out. See? Believe, people, before it's too late.

159 Now, we find out that he smote him in the mouth, and said, "Which way did the Spirit of God...?"

160Micaiah said, "I seen God setting upon the Throne. And all... He called the delegates of Heaven, said, 'Who can we get to go down and deceive Ahab?'" Said, "And one lying spirit come up and fell before God; a liar." And remember, that lying spirit got into those prophets, they ought to have knowed then that the spirit was upon them wasn't according to the Word. But they were so carried away because they were the king's prophets, because they had everything fine.

161 And that's what the church has done today. You've got away from that old-fashioned experience you had years ago when you stood on the street corner and preached the Gospel. Come out of those organizations and call yourself "a free people!" Nay! because you're wrapped in it again, like a hog to its wallow or a dog to its vomit. If it made him vomit the first time, it'll make him vomit again. That's right! God spued you from His mouth, He said, "You're lukewarm, neither hot or cold"; have a few meetings, then play a few... musicians, sing a little bit, when, it's absolutely... it's almost become a disgrace to Christianity.

162My son called me over the other day to look at a television, supposed to be singing bee where the people come. That bunch of little Ricky's standing there, shaking around like this rock-and-roll, and singing them hymns, it's a disgrace to Jesus Christ! There's no more solemnity in the church at all. It seems like it's all become a rock-and-roll something, and a fashion show, in the stead of the Church of the living God where Jesus Christ can manifest Himself in power. Seems to be, there is something wrong somewhere. They're slipping away. And the Bible said it would be that way. See? Look where you're at. Be careful, wake up before it's too late.

163 Now we find out, He said, "Who can we get to go out there and deceive Ahab, to get him up there to fulfill that prophet's words?" See, if the prophet said a Word, heavens and earth will pass away but It can't fail. It's got to come to pass. So that's what, it had to take place.

164He said, "Put this man in the inner jail, feed him with bread of sorrow and water of sorrow. When I return in peace, I'll take care of him."

165Micaiah stood there firm, knowing he had the Spirit of God. His prophecy, his visions was right. His Message was right, 'cause It was THUS SAITH THE LORD from the visions, THUS SAITH THE LORD from the Word. It had to be right, was THUS SAITH THE LORD. He said, "If you return at all, God never spoke to me." And you know what happened, sure. See, you...

166Understand, brother. Listen.

167 Sure, Caiaphas, he couldn't see It. Why didn't he look down...? He was a--he was a bishop, he was a pope of all the churches together. Why couldn't that man see Jesus standing there? Why couldn't he understand? When they was singing the 23rd Psalm, the 22nd Psalm, rather, in the church, and, "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?" and there He's hanging on the cross. The very Scriptures, the very God that they were worshipping, they were condemning Him and killing Him for "a fanatic." There it is.

168It'd shock you if I'd tell you that's just about to repeat again. The Bible said He was on the outside trying to knock to get in, and nobody would let Him in, "He that I love I chasten and rebuke, I scold him, I shake him down, but it's because I love him. Open up and let Me come in." Yeah. Could not... "Remember, I didn't want to get in the church; it's he, the individual." He couldn't get in the church, had Him locked out. Only... then, only organization of all of them, is this church age, that He was on the outside the church. Put out! Refused! Rejected! Because... He was only manifested in temporarily in the other churches, in the form of justification, so forth; but in here, the age that's coming now, is the full manifestation of the vindication of Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh, I'll admit we got a lot of impersonators, but examine the first one, the original.

169 Moses went down with the commandments of God, to deliver Israel; and when he did, he performed some miracles. The impersonators followed him. If they had been first, he would a-been the impersonator. See, he had the Word of the Lord, and the Lord vindicated; he just set still.

170And, you know, that same thing's promised in the last day? "As Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these man of reprobate mind concerning the Truth." And when an organization keeps a... takes a man right down through that organization, it showed it did not come from God; because, God does those things to attract the people's mind, and then the Message follows it. If it isn't, then it's not God. It's not God! God always does that.

171Judas couldn't understand It. He walked right with Him, he didn't see It.

172 But the real, ordained of God, that real gene, that real germ, a soul of God that was in God before the foundation of the world; remember, you that's really got the Spirit of God in you tonight, you were here in Christ because He was the fulness of the Word. He was the fulness of the Godhead bodily. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. Do you believe that? Look, He was in Christ. Then if you were in God, a gene, a word, a attribute from the beginning, then you walked with Him here on earth, you talked with Him on earth, you suffered with Him on earth, you died with Him at Calvary, and you rose with Him again; and now you're setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, communing with Him (the Word) as It feeds into your soul, that, "Man shall live by ever Word that proceedeth."

173Not the Methodist word, the Baptist word; remember, if there was any left over in the sacrifice, it must be burned before morning, 'cause tomorrow's another church age. That right? Exodus, It's true. A symbol, type of the Sacrifice.

174 The Door. Said, "I'll make one place. Don't... You won't worship Me in every door that I've give you; but there's one Door, and in that Door I'll put My Name." And where the Lord puts His Name, that's the place that God will receive your sacrifice. We've made all kinds of doors, but God made a Door. God made a Door, and that Door was... Saint John the 10th chapter, Jesus said, "I am that Door."

175God put His Name in Jesus. Do you believe that? He was the Son of God. Every son comes in his father's name. He said, "I come in My Father's Name, you receive Me not." I come in my father's name, you come in your father's name. Jesus come in His Father's Name, so His Father's Name is Jesus; exactly, 'cause He came in His Father's Name.

176"And you receive Me not. Another will come, and him you will receive." You'll take your denominations and go on with them. Just go ahead, the Bible said, "They were raised up to fulfill this place. Blind, naked, and don't know it." Church, religion, oh, very pious, just the same as Cain was; make a sacrifice, make everything just the same as Abel did. But by revelation it was revealed to him what the sacrament was, not fruits of the field and something you do with your hand.

177The believer can see the Word made flesh; the others cannot do it.

178 All them Israelites, after they had seen Moses perform that and brought them right up to the great council, where it was to be held, every one of them said, "We'll go with Balaam, because we think Dr. Balaam's right. He's smarter, is more educated, everything, so we'll just take it."

179And God never did forgive them, He destroyed them right there in the wilderness. And Jesus said, Himself, "They'll never come, there's none of them saved." Jesus said...

180They said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness for forty years."

181He said, "They're every one dead, eternally separated from God. They're every one dead." Certainly! Because they listened to an error. When Moses, the vindicated of God, and a leader to show them the way to the promised land, and they had come so far all right, but then they wouldn't go along with him.

182Now, believers can see It, but unbelievers cannot see That vindicated.

183 Look how pious Caiaphas was. Look how all them priest how pious they was. And Jesus turned around, said, "You are of your father the Devil, and his works you'll do."

184But there was a few believers setting there. Do you think them disciples could have understood when Jesus said, "I and my Father are one"? They couldn't have explained It. When He said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, drink His Blood, you have no Life." Could they explain It? No. But they believed It, because they seen God being vindicated and made flesh.

185 Jesus said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not. But if I do the works of My Father, the Word that's predicted for Me to do, then you... If you can't believe Me, believe the works that I do, that you might be saved." See? Jesus said, "My sheep know My Voice. They know My Word, they see It when It's vindicated for that age."

186"Well, Caiaphas knowed the Word too!" But not the Word for that age. He had the word of what the Pharisees had poked into him, but not the vindicated Word of the hour.

187"They know My Voice, they know My sign, they know My wonder." How now, to...

188Oh, let's get back to our text, 'cause we're just going to miss a lot of this Scripture if we don't, 'cause I got to close in the next few minutes anyhow, 'cause it's going to be ten o'clock in a few minutes. I love Him.

189 Friends, you people who walked down that aisle and put that offering in there a while ago; people that's fed my children, put clothes on their back; the people that's put your money (that you hard earned) in an offering plate, you know where that goes? That helps take me overseas to the heathens that never has heard anything about God. That's what I do with it, every penny, God's my Judge. Here's some of my... the man's setting right here now that's in--in the treasury of my church. I get one hundred dollars a week, and that's all; rest of it goes to sponsor overseas meetings where they can't come.

190The churches won't have me. They don't want me. No. That's right! They term me now: "He's..." they say, "He's a 'Jesus Only,' or he's something like that, or some heretic, fanatic, and all like that, a--a Jezebel." And I--I look for that, they called my Lord, "Jezebel," and they called Him... not a Jezebel, but a "Beelzebub." They called Him all those bad names. "If they called the Master of the house, 'Beelzebub,' how much more will they call them of His disciples?" So that don't make any difference.

191And you yourself, by the help of God, you think I'd stand up here, a big hypocrite, and tell you something...? Or, wouldn't I fall right in line with the thing if I thought it was from God?

192 But if I love you and know what's the Truth... Have you ever heard me say anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass? No. I ask anybody. There are thousands of things that's been said, they all come to pass. Remember that time when Samuel was called out, I believe it was, and he said...? Israel wanted to make themselves like the rest of the nations. And that's what you Pentecostals are coming to. You want to act like the rest the people. You're not them kind of people. Keep away from it. The big churches and big fine things, O brother, don't do that. We preach the coming of the Lord is at hand, let's get to the fields down there and notify the heathen. See, do something about it.

193 But, you see, Samuel said, "Have I ever at one time taken any of your money from you for my living?"

194They said, "No, Samuel, you never done that."

195Said, "Did I ever tell you anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass?"

196"Oh, that's right, Samuel. We believe you're a prophet sent from God. Yes, sir. Everything you said come to pass, Samuel. But we want it anyhow." You see what happened. O brother, the Scripture just keeps repeating Itself back and forth through the Scripture, 'cause it's God's way of doing it, you see. You see, you hit these kind of times.

197Let's get to our text right quick. Now, I been all this time, I didn't come to my text yet.

198 It's on my heart! I love you! Don't perish with the world! If you're of the world, you'll perish with the world. If you're of God, you'll go with Him in the resurrection. So change your nature tonight from the love of the world and the things of the world, and all these creeds and things, and look straight to Calvary to your Sacrifice; meet Him there on them grounds, 'cause that's the only place He'll ever meet you. He...

199The Methodists says, "It's in our church"; the Baptists says, and the Pentecostals, and this, and the Presbyterians, and this.

200But He said, "I'll meet them in one place, the Place I put My Name." That's in Jesus Christ. That's where God put His Name. That's the only place He'll meet you; and it's Christ, is the Word, the same yesterday... It's growed from the feet, thighs. And now it's in the head, fixing to go; manifesting in full measure the Bride, the same as the Groom.

201 Now let's go to our text, right quick, for about ten minutes, and then we'll close. Now our text, we... where we want to consider, is, it had happened again, as our text, as it usually has happened.

202God sent His prophet as He... Word had promised of Malachi 3, "A messenger I'll send before My face to forerun His coming."

203Now if you want to vindicate that, to prove it; Matthew, 11th chapter, vindicates the same. When the disciples of John came over and they seen Jesus, they said, "John is in prison." Said, "We've come to ask You whether he..."

204John's eagle eye had been filmed over. And he was in the prison, he was fixing to die; said, "Go ask Him."

205See, John said, "Oh, His fan's in His hand, He'll thoroughly purge His floor." He thought the Millennium would start right then, he thought the grain was ready. But it had to die and go into the stalk, come up again to make the true Bride. So he said, "He'll gather His wheat into the garner, and He'll burn with fire." Watch that--that forerunner of Christ in that age, what he said would happen. "The grain..."

206 And I hope you're not asleep. The grain is here! It'll be gathered into the garner. It was that Bride, that part of it. But what did He say will happen to the stalk? It'll be burned with unquenchable fire. Seek salvation now while you can. Be a grain, not a stalk. See? Go into the Life, not the old dead form; go into the Life of Christ, the Word made manifest, the... made manifest and vindicated so. This is the--this is the gathering time, the combine is coming. You'd better get into the grain, 'cause the shuck's going to be left behind.

207 Now, we find out it happened... Jesus... To finish my quotation here, this Matthew 11. See, He didn't give John... He say, "Now, wait, I'll give John a book on how to conduct himself, A Believer In Jail." No! He said, "Stand around and watch what happens. Go back and show John what happens: the lame walk, the blind see, the dead's raised up, and the Gospel's preached to the poor." Just exactly what the prophet said would come to pass. "And blessed is you who's not offended in Me."

208And his disciples started across the hill, He turned, said, "What went ye out to see when you went to see John? Did you go to see a man that's catering in soft raiments, and so forth, the turned-around collars, and all this, you know?" Said, "They're in kings' palaces, they kiss the babies and bury the dead, he don't know how to hold a two-handed sword." See? Said, "What'd you go to see? A--a reed that's shaken by any wind, 'Come on, John, I'll give you more money if you come over here'? ("Well, bless God, I ain't Methodist no more, I'll be Pentecostal, I'll be Presbyterian, I'll be this, that, as long as there's more money.") Said, "You never went to see a reed shaken with the wind." Said, "What did you go to see there, a prophet?" He said, "Yes, and more than a prophet."

209 John had just paid the poorest tribute he could to Jesus. Know it had to come that way; asked Him after he introduced Him and seen that Sign above Him, he said, "This is the Messiah," then he comes and asks, "Are you He, or do we look for another one?"

210But, look, Jesus knowing that, He turned and give him a tribute, said, "What did you go to see, a reed shaken with the wind?" Said, "There's never been a man borned of a woman as great as John, till this day." That's right! What a compliment to pay the man!

211But, you see, there it was, that prophecy had been fulfilled right before their face, with a forerunner coming, exactly what Malachi said. Now, that's Malachi 3, not Malachi 4.

212John the Baptist was Malachi 3, Jesus said so. When they asked Him, said, "Why does the scribes say..."

Said, "He's already come. They did what they said."

213But, remember, Malachi 4, immediately after the Malachi 4 prophet, the fourth coming of John the Baptist in... or the... of Elijah. The fifth coming will be the Revelation 2, the witnesses, when he comes for the remnant of the Jews. But God has used that same Spirit five times: grace, J-e-s-u-s, it's all been Jesus all the time; f-a-i-t-h, g-r-a-c e, and so forth. You see? The number five is a grace number and He used it. Won't use just three, won't use just two, three, four. It's five times He uses it.

214 Now, notice quickly now, as we finish up. He said, "This is he who was spoken, 'I send My messenger before My face.'"

215But in Malachi 4, immediately after that prophet prophesied, the whole earth is to be burnt over, and the righteous walk out upon the ashes of the wicked. See? Exactly! See, that's the Malachi 4 prophecy.

216And notice in Luke 17, where He said, "In the last days, it'll come like Sodom and Gomorrah again." Have we got it? We got Sodom and Gomorrah again? The whole nations, look at it. Look what he just said about England, the whole thing is perverted. Even the food is perverted. And looky here what science... You see in Reader's Digest, I believe it's last month, they said, "Little boys and girls go through middle age between twenty and twenty-five years old." I meet them in the meeting, little girls in menopause, and twenty, twenty-two years old, in menopause. What's it lotted to? The perversion, hybriding. That's exactly what corrupted, the whole thing's corrupted the body. We're nothing but a mess of--of... just like a hybrid plant.

217 You take a hybrid plant and set it out there, every germ will run right to it. But a genuine, original plant, a germ will go away from it, he can't stand on it. And that's what's the matter with the church, we've hybrid it.

218That's what's the matter with Pearry Green's old horse up there, and he throwed that boy the other day, he's nothing but an old quarter horse. See? The only thing it is, he... It's just like a mule, he's--he's... a mule don't know who his papa or mama is, he don't know nothing; he's half mule and half horse, and half this and donkey; he don't know what he is. You could never... He'll wait all of his life to get to kick you. That's right! You can call him, say, "Come on, boy. Come on, boy." He'll hold his ears up, and, "Haw! Haw! Haw!" See?

219 Like some of these saying "Days of miracles is past, Haw! Haw!" all these half-breeds, supposed to be church members and Christians. I ain't saying that for a joke, but it's the Truth. But a genuine, thoroughbred, brother, he knows who his father was, who his mother was, who his grandfather, grandmother was, you can teach him something, he's gentle.

220And a genuine Christian that's born of the Holy Ghost and filled with God's power and Word, he knows who his father is, who his mother is, who his grandfather, grandmother was, he knows all about It. You can teach him something.

221But a half-breed, that's what's come to churches. Hybrid between the world and religious organizations, and putting a little Word in it here, a little Word there, just enough to deceive. That's right. When you see the real Word of God being manifested like Caiaphas and them did, they turn away from It, they don't know. Hybrid!

222 Now we find out, and in this message, Isaiah 40:3 also vindicated John. He said, "A voice of one, a prophet, crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make His path straight.'" The church did not believe him, for he was not of their group. That prophet was raised out of a wilderness, come up knowing no one. He had the very Spirit on him that Elijah had: he was a man of the wilderness, he hated immoral women.

223Remember how Elijah... What caused his head to be taken from him? Was Jezebel. Jezebel was the cause of his death. It run him into the wilderness.

224John the Baptist, another wilderness-lover, a hunter, a woodsman. Watch him. He had no education. Watch his--his text, wasn't like a theologian. He said, "O you generation of vipers!" The filthiest thing you can find in the wilderness, the sneakiness, was a--was a snake. And he called those priests, "You generation of vipers! Who's warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Don't begin to say, 'We belong to this, and we have this or that,' for I say unto you, God's able of these stones," wilderness. Also, "The axe" (what he used) "is laid to the root of the tree; and every tree that don't bring forth good fruit, hewn down and cast into the fire." Amen.

225 He was a preacher of nature. A great man of God, lived a short time, but certainly set a blaze across the earth. He shocked that generation in them six months of his ministry. God raised him for thirty years, to get that six months out of him. But God does His Own way, He knows what His harvest is.

226And we find out now that this is exactly what had took place. They didn't believe him, because he wasn't of them. They didn't. They did as usual, they didn't see It. They did not believe God's Word of Malachi 3, or they would have seen plainly, by the letter, that this was that forerunner. They hadn't had a prophet for four hundred years, and here one rises on the scene all at once. See? And the people, the believers, believed him to be that. See, they did not believe It. They did not believe, 'cause when they seen the letter completely confirmed, what He said He would do, and everything, and seen It clearly vindicated when the Word come right into the water to the prophet. There they stood.

227 There's many argue on that Scripture there about John. See, John said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee, and why comest Thou unto me?"

228Jesus said, "Suffer that to be so, for thus... but thus it's becoming to us, behooving us (becoming) that we fulfill. All right, John, you being a prophet, you know the sacrifice has got to be washed before it's presented. And I am that Sacrifice, and you're a prophet and know that." Then he suffered Him and baptized Him. See? And he knew it was.

229 Look, they laughed at him, called him "a wild, screaming, unlearned fanatic," as usual, that prophet forerunning the first coming of Jesus.

230I don't say that they're... don't have the same impersonations today of--of genuine. They do, they absolutely. But, remember, when you see a bogus dollar there's got to be a real dollar that's made off of. Where you see one impersonating to be a Christian, there's got to be a Christian somewhere; because if there wasn't, that would be the original. You've got to get to the original. But check the first one, and see if the original is just exactly with the promise. If it is, then believe It: the promise for the age.

231Then John's prophecy was vindicated in God's order. The Word came to the prophet and vindicated him truly as that person.

232 Again Jesus came in a... different from their understanding of that prophecy. They didn't understand It that way. (Now, we're going down to the end now.) But according to the prophet's Word, It was fulfilled to the letter. The prophecy is fulfilled; but the way they thought It would be, It wasn't that way. Now, how could they have understood and knowed which was right or wrong? To see if it was vindicated by God, if it was God interpreting what He said. There had been false Jesuses raise up, and led a man, a bunch of... four hundred, out in the wilderness and things; but he never proved to make hisself in the Word, you see, like He said.

233 Jesus, when He come, He was to be a Prophet. That's right! And today, before Jesus comes again, the full manifestation of the person of Jesus Christ is to be manifested in flesh. Think of it! Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed." What is revealed? Unfolded, made known. The secret had been brought forth, revealed. In the day that the Son of man will be revealed, the world will be in a Sodom condition. We've got it, haven't we? Yeah! How many believes that? It's in a Sodom condition. And that's exactly right! Look where it's setting, now.

234Remember, there's always three groups of people in every bunch of people you gather, that's, make-believers, unbelievers, and believers. We have them in every group. They've had them in all time. There was the Sodomites, there was--there was the Lotites, and there was Abraham.

235 The Abraham was a called-out group, he wasn't in Sodom to begin with. Now watch their Message! They'd been looking for a promised son, looked for it for years. God had showed Abraham many great signs and wonders, but here God came down Himself like a man!

236You say, "That was an Angel."

237Abraham called Him, "Lord," capital L-o-r-d. Any reader of the Bible knows that that capital L-o-r-d is Elohim. "In the beginning God," Lord God, Elohim, the all-sufficient One. Abraham called Him, "Lord God, Elohim."

238 Now notice, there was two people that went down into Sodom with a message, and they preached to the Sodomites. They didn't perform nothing, but blinded them; which, preaching the Gospel does blind the unbeliever.

239But watch what kind of a sign the Abraham group received!

240Now, we are supposed to be the royal Seed of Abraham, Isaac was the natural seed. But the faith Seed, the faith in the promised Word, the promised Word (don't miss It) was that royal Seed; that was the Seed, Abraham's faith. "We being dead in Christ, we're Abraham's Seed, heirs with him according to the promise."

241Notice when all that was taking place, down in Sodom there was two ministers down there preaching with a great message.

242 There was One set up here with Abraham's group that didn't fool with that group down there. Now watch the One that stayed with Abraham's group, what kind of a sign He give them. He said... Now, remember, his name was Abram a few days before that; and it's S-a-r-r-a, not S-a-r-a-h (princess). And this Man, with His back turned to the tent...

243The women then were different than they are now. They have to get out and get in their husband's business and everything else, you know; but they didn't do it then, they stayed back behind.

244So they... so them Angels setting there. The Messenger, and He said, "Abraham, where is your wife (S-a-r-a-h) Sarah?" How'd He know it? How did He know it?

245Abraham said, "She's in the tent behind You."

246He said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time that I promised you. I'm going to visit you." And Sarah kind of laughed to herself.

247 With His back to the tent, and He said, "Why did Sarah laugh, saying, 'How can these things be?'" If she hadn't been in Abraham, his bride at that time, God would have slayed her. So would we today with all of our unbelief, if we wasn't in Christ. That holds us right there, see. He couldn't hurt or couldn't take Sarah without hurting Abraham. See?

248And so remember, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." We see everybody agree that the world's in a Sodom condition. I picked up a Los Angeles paper here not long ago, and said, I think it's "Homosexual is on the increase of twenty or thirty percent in Los Angeles, each year increasing that much." It's... Oh, it's horrible! In our government and everywhere, everything's just become a pervert. That's right! The whole thing, the whole system, church and everything else is perverted. It's in a perverted age.

249 Now I want to ask you theologians something, my brethren. Not I'm speaking against you, my dear brother; I'm here to help you, brother. I'm here to stand on what God's Word says is right. Hold your hand and bring this crowd of people out of this stuff. That's right!

250But looky here, we never have had a messenger down in Sodom before that his name ended with a h-a-m till now. We've had a Spurgeon, a Wesley, a Luther, and everything else, but never a international messenger that his name end with h-a-m before. That's right! See, G-r-a-h-a-m, six letters, G-r-a-h-a-m, Billy Graham; that noted evangelist, great work of God, the man is sent from God. He's got that justification down so pat, and he shakes the nation with it, see, like that. There's not...

251Look at Oral Roberts to the Pentecostal denomination. When was there ever one like that?

252Six letters, not seven. Abraham is A-b-r-a-h-a-m, seven. Billy Graham is G-r-a-h-a-m, six.

253Now look at the messengers. Look at the time we're setting, never was a time in history. Look at the same signs that He promised would be give to each group. Look where they're at. Same, exactly, positionally, setting right in order. Nature, the world, everything, setting right exactly to the time.

254 Now don't miss It, while we sketch the rest of this Scripture! Quickly now, cause I'm holding you too long. Call... Looky here. And according to the prophet, he came just exactly to the Word, just exactly to the time.

255Now look at the age now where we're living. Aren't we living right in that Sodom time? Watch the messenger to Abraham's group. Watch the numbers, letters, and the numerology of his name. You say, "There's nothing in a name." Don't you never let anybody tell you that. Why did He change Abram's name, to Abraham, Sarra to Sarah? Why did He change Simon to Peter, and all those other? See? Sure there is. Exactly!

256 That's the reason I say don't ever call your child "Ricky," or "Elvis," or something. Elvis means "cat," Ricky's a "rat." See, when you say... That's exactly right. Les, or something, don't you never call one of your child... children that. If it is, change it right quickly, people. Don't you... You that... If you believe me to be God's servant, don't tack that name on that poor child. See? No, sir, give him another name besides that. My! I oughtn't have got off on that, 'cause I'm off of my subject, but I said it and it's all over. I... That's how you do, you don't know when you say it. See?

257 Called Him, "Foreign, a fortune teller, a devil, a Beelzebub," and said, "He made Himself God." Oh, my!

258Didn't Isaiah the prophet said, "He would be called the Mighty God"? Isaiah 9:6, "Unto us a child is borned, a son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulders, and His Name shall be called Counselor, Prince of Peace, and Mighty God, the everlasting Father." That's right! Also, Saint John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." You believe that? He was just not... He was a Prophet, but He was more than a prophet; He was the God-Prophet. Why did He have to come?

259 Remember, He comes in three son's names. He came first in the name of the Son of man. He never called Himself the "Son of God." You know that. See, He came in the Son of man, a prophet. Jehovah Himself, the Father, called Jeremiah, "son of man"; a prophet is son of man. He come...

260Now He come after the Day of Pentecost, He come back in the form of the Holy Ghost, supernatural Spirit. Now He's Son of God.

261In the Millennium He'll be Son of David, setting upon the throne of David. See, He come in... He's Son of God, Son of man, Son of David.

262 Oh, the Bible's full of these nuggets. We can't get them all in one night. But it's just fitting to set this now. Tomorrow may never dawn. We may be gone before tomorrow. I may be preaching to a person that'll be dead before in the morning. I could be gone before in the morning. Brother, sister, that's not myth, that's actual facts! We don't know what time we're going, and you'll not have any chance after that last breath leaves your body. Make it right now, don't wait till in the morning, may be too late.

263 Notice now, they had done to Him just exactly what the prophets said they would do, just as they are doing to this very same day in the Laodicean Age. If you want to look at it, read Revelation 3, "Blind, naked, and don't know it. Turning Christ..." When He begins to reveal Hisself into the seed form again, the same one that went in the ground come back to be the Bride; just the Bride and the Groom, is the same flesh and blood, the same ministry, and the same things, doing just exactly what He done; the Spirit.

264And here they're impersonating and doing everything else, and each one has got his book and running, and this. Oh, you never heard such sensations! And... [Brother Branham inhales through his nose--Ed.] "I smell a devil now." All this, that, just as unscriptural as it can be!

265 And the genuine thing laying right there before them, they walk away, "They don't belong to my organization." My, my, just, see, just blind leading the blind. Won't they all fall in the ditch? Blinded by man's denominational traditions, they put Him out of their church as God said they would do, in Revelation 3; as usual, as prophesied.

266Notice how Jesus sel-... made Hisself known to these disciples, now, and we'll close. These two disciples, Caiaphas... Cleopas, rather, and his friend. Now we're in the resurrection, the morning after the resurrection, the first resurrection; what a beautiful morning, Jesus is up from the dead and living among His people. What a beautiful thought!

267He's here the same today as He was that day, because He's the same yesterday, today, and for... And revealing Hisself more today than He has in any other age since that day; come through the wheat and stalk and shuck (is all past now), we're into the wheat again. See, we're back into the grain.

268 Known as... know... Watch how He made Hisself known to these people, now, remember, as their Messiah (just before we close) of the promised Word of the age. Notice! He appeared unto, to the... as He has said He'd do, to the prophets. Notice, "Fools, and slow of heart to believe that all the prophets has wrote of Him had to be fulfilled."

269Watch Him! He refers right back to the Word of God, He never come right out and told them, "Don't you know Me? I am the Messiah that's resurrected." He never said that. See, He just give them the Scripture; like John did, and the rest of them. See? He just... They have to pick that out themselves. They have to judge for theirselves. Now, don't go to sleep, judge for yourself.

270"Fools, slow of heart to believe all that the prophets has said had to come to pass." What a rebuke to them that claimed they knew Him. See?

271 Notice how He approached the subject. He never come right out, as I said a few minutes ago, and said, "Well, don't you know I'm your Messiah for this age? Don't you know that I'm He?" The real servant of God never identifies himself that way; the Scripture identifies who he is. Sure, he will. But called their attention to what the prophets had said to look for in the Messiah's age. See it? Go right back: "Fools, and slow of heart, not to believe that all the prophets said about the Messiah should come to pass."

272He, as John, let the Word of the Bible identify Him, what He was to them. That should been made plain enough. If the Word had identified Him, that should be plainly, Who the promise was they was looking at. They knowed he had... someone had to come on the scene at that time.

273Why, He said, "Now let Me show what the Word says is supposed to happen in this day."

274 Am not I, tonight, trying to tell you, Word by Word (even to the position, the place, the names, the numbers, everything else, and all the signs, times, and everything), that we're right here at the end time? Surely you can see what I'm talking about. See? Look! That's so plain it should need no more identification. He said, when He was here on earth, "Search the Scriptures, in them you think you have Eternal Life, they are what... they testify what I am, see, who I am."

275Notice, He begin with Moses the prophet, a prophet, Deuteronomy 18:15. I'm watching the Scriptures here. Deuteronomy 18:15, Moses said, "The Lord your God..."

276See, God spoke to him on top of the mountain. And, oh, my, the thundering; they said, "Let--let the Lord... Let Moses speak, not God, lest we perish."

277He said, "They said well. I'll... I won't speak to them no more like this, but I'll raise them up a prophet." And that's been His message all the way through. That's what's got to settle the whole thing at the end. It's just got to, because the Word of the Lord has to come to the prophet. It's the only thing It can come to. If it don't, it breaks God's Word and makes Him tell something wrong. See? It'll never go to a seminary. It goes to a prophet. And the prophet is sent from God, ordained. And how you know it is, and not what the man said,...

278 We've had Elijahs, and coats, and everything else, and mantels, and all kinds of nonsense that went off into organizationism with everything else.

279But there will come on this earth, by God's promise, a genuine servant of God, identified by God (by His Word being the answer of this day), that'll set the Bride in order (a real little minority of the church) and take it up. That's right! He'll introduce, "Behold, there's the One I talked about, see, that'll come."

280And all that the prophets had said about Him, and for this age, why it sure would be interesting to have heard Him say that. Wouldn't you like to have heard Him say it? "All the prophets said about..." Remember, He said what the prophets would say about Himself, quoting His Own Self, what He had said (and He was the Word); quoting.

281 Now let's listen to the Words that He quoted. Would you like to hear what He said to them? Let's just carry their conversation now, just before we stop.

282Now, they were briefed on all the late happenings of the crucifixion, of the story at the grave and the tomb, and the women had seen Him, and another one said they seen Him, and so forth. He said... They--they briefed Him on that. And He goes right on with the Word about... quoting Himself through the Word:

"Now look in Zechariah 12." (He must have quoted Zechariah 11:12.) "'For He was sold with thirty pieces of silver.' Was not the Messiah supposed to be sold by thirty pieces of silver?"

"In Psalms 41:9, 'He was betrayed by His friends. See?'"

"Zechariah 13:7, 'forsaken by His disciples.'"

"In Psalms 35:11, 'accused by false witnesses.'"

"By Isaiah 35:7, 'dumb before His accusers, never opened His mouth.'" (All right, sir.)

"Isaiah 50:6, 'He was scourged.'"

"Psalms 22--22, 'He cried at the cross, "My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?" All My bones they stare at Me. They pierced My hands and My feet.'" (Look at the prophecies He could talk about!)

"Isaiah 9:6, 'Unto us a child is born, a virgin shall conceive, so forth.'"

"And also in Psalms 22:18, 'they--they--they parted His garments among them.'"

"In Isaiah 7:14, 'a virgin shall conceive.'"

"Psalms 22:7 and 8, 'made Him a... mocked by His enemies, His... supposed to be His friends; His enemies, the church.'"

"In Psalms 22 again, 'He was... not a bone was to be broken, but they pierced His hands and His feet.'"

"Isaiah 53:12, 'died with malefactors.'"

"In Isaiah 53:9, 'bruised, and buried with the rich brother.'"

"In Psalms 16:10, 'He was resurrected from the dead. David said so, "I will not suffer My Holy One to see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell." He was raised from the dead.'"

"Malachi 3, John the Baptist was His forerunner."

283And all of the types He might have went to! Even to Isaac being the type of Him upon Mount... upon the mountain where his father Abraham took him, in Genesis 22.

284 It was now that they begin to see Who had fulfilled these Scriptures that was promised of that day. It was then, after it was late, they begin to see. "Oh! Well, wait a minute! You know what?" They knew then that their crucified Friend, Jesus, was that Prophet that was promised. They knew because... See, they hadn't been briefed on the Scriptures.

285"But, here, all these things that's supposed to happen at the cross, all these things. Fools, slow of heart to understand all the prophets have said; how that the Messiah shall suffer, and enter into His glory, and raise the third day."

286Still they go, "Oh, yeah. That's right. I see. He--He--He... Did not our hearts burn within us?" they said. No wonder their hearts burned! The prophecies that He was giving that was fulfilled.

287 Then they begin to understand that their Friend, the Man that they eat with, talked with, associated with, fished with, laid in the woods, that that fulfilled every Word of the promised hour! There it was. They had walked six miles, it seemed a very short time, I suppose, and they had heard a six-hour sermon on vindicated prophecy (a little longer than what we've had tonight, see). It was now getting kind of late in the evening time, the evening Lights had come.

288It's the same time now, church! The evening Lights has come! Hebrews 13:8, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." Oh, events made clear by prophecy, same today. The evening Light promised by the prophet of God, in Zechariah 14:7, may again open the true believer's eyes to the events that's taking place today, that's proved by the prophecies that we're at the end time. Jesus is coming.

289The very... It's...

290 He said, "There will be a day that it won't be called night or day." He said, "But in the evening it shall be Light." Now, we know, geographically, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Now, the prophet said, "There'll be a long stretch of time that'll be dismal, kind of a... couldn't be called day or night; it's kind of a dark, gloomy day."

291Now, where did the Son rise? What... That was S-o-n we're talking about now. That the natural s-o-n rises in the east and sets in the west. The very same God, very same... Sun, rather. And the S-o-n of God rose first in the east, to the eastern people.

292And now after He left, what did they do? Three hundred years later, they started their first organization, the Roman Catholic church. Through the Dark Age they went, and out they come. What'd they do? The same thing. It's been a day of... It hasn't been called day or night. They had enough orders, and they believed that He was the Son of God, and walked in the light what they had, they made their churches, they built hospitals and schools and so forth, and seminaries, sent their children to school.

293 But the prophet said, "It shall be Light again about the evening time. The Son will peep out again, it shall be Light." What? The same Son (S-o-n) that was revealed in flesh at the morning time, back there, will be revealed again in the evening time.

294Now compare Saint Luke 17:30, "And in that day, as it was in the days of Sodom, the setting of the world, in the time that the Son of man is being revealed."

It shall be Light about the evening time,

The way to Glory you will surely find.

295Oh, my! People, where are we at?

Nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,

The signs that the prophets foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered; (Watch her slide into the sea!)

Return, O dispersed, to your own.

The day of redemption is near,

Man's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up! your redemption is near. (You better.)

296Brother, sister, it's a scary time. Watch the things that's prophesied, watch the things happen. Watch all the prophecy being fulfilled, then we see what all this is about. It's not a bunch... a streak of fanaticism. It's God confirming His Words exactly, exactly. The Rock is smitten, friends, flee to It as quick as you can. Prophecy is vindicating the day that we are living in.

297 Let us bow our heads. [A brother speaks in another tongue. A sister gives an interpretation. A brother on the platform says, "Can we hold steady for just a moment? God has spoken to us through Brother Branham, and the anointing is on Brother Branham, and he's not through. And..."]

298Dear God! Are you realizing the day that we live in, friends? Would you dare dispute God? Would you say that "He's not right," when He's proved It? He's His Own interpreter. Do you want to serve Him?

Now with your heads bowed, and your hearts bowed, brother, sister.

299This may be our last meeting time. We may never... If I would be back a year from today, if I live, there'd be many that's here now won't be here then. And I'll have to meet you at the Judgment Bar and answer for everything that I said tonight.

300 Before God, while you're in your right mind, would you now do this much to God? If you know that you're... Just look at yourself in the looking glass of God (the Bible), no matter who you are, and say, "I know I'm way short from being a daughter of God, look the way I do. I'm way short from being a son of God, look the way I do. But, God, I don't want to be here, I--I want to strive to that place." I want you to raise your hand to God, just ever who you are, wherever you are across the building, "Yes, I want to be a son of God. I want to be a daughter of God. I want to fulfill everything that my Lord has commanded." Now you... God bless you. I guess ninety percent of the audience.

301Now looky here, my friend. What if you would have lived in the days when you heard John preach? What if you would have lived in the days when Jesus was here? Whose side would you have took? If you'd a-lived in Jesus'... Remember, if He... If you'd lived back there, it would be just like it is now. The same Jesus is making Himself known by His Word, see, and It's very unpopular.

302 But let me tell you, I'm not trying to tell people to leave church or... My, I want you to go to church, "Don't forsake to assemble yourself together." But what I'm trying to tell you to do is press into the Kingdom of God. Get these things, the world, church...

303Pentecostals, you people are getting too worldly. You're getting too much after the world. It's just easy, you keep watching televisions and all these things, and the way they're doing, and all this, and the first thing you know... The seminaries, the schools are beginning to compromise here and there, and this, that, and the other, and the first thing you know... It's got to come that way. The Pentecostal church, it's been my greatest support, I can't say nothing against it. But that's what I cry out, "My brethren, get out!" Call... You don't have the meetings that you used to have. The people are not like they used to be. But Jesus Christ is the same, let's move into Him.

304 Now, you with your hands up, remember, there was a Rock smitten in the wilderness, and that Fountain is still open tonight. Their Rock had been smitten, Christ, He is that smitten Rock.

305And tonight, so far as I know, the church may be... The time of calling may be already past, I don't know, I can't say that. Remember, the people went right on having the meetings, just the same, after the crucifixion of Jesus. And the... and all the people, they--they'll come, they... Watch! They--they'll go right on preaching, and saying they're "getting saved" and everything, just as if... "The world continues on as it was," they say. But it'll be too late then.

306 While you got a chance, my brother; while you got a chance, my sister; come into the Kingdom of God. You don't have to come in under anything else but just plain faith to believe His Word. He is that Word! "Lord Jesus, I know I'm looking at myself now in the mirror of God's Word; oh, how short I am. But, dear God, here tonight, on this Monday night, here in San Bernardino, California, in this auditorium here, this is--this is all I have, Lord, but I'll give it to You. Will You take me as I am, Lord? Will You let me flee to the cross right quick? I even see the messengers. I see the time, I see the calling out of Sodom. I see the signs. I see the Abraham's group receiving the Light. I see the manifestation, Jesus being manifested again right among us like it was. I see all the things that You promised. I see the impersonators; I see You said that, 'As it was in the days of Moses,' how this Jambres and Jannes would come back to impersonate, and still remain right in that same dump that they were in."

307 See, they couldn't follow Moses through that Word and take those children out of there into the wilderness, because they was associated in Egypt. They couldn't do it, though they done the same works he did. But their folly was made manifest. And the Bible says, That's THUS SAITH THE LORD, "It will take place again in the last day."

308And you see it with your own eyes, if you're spiritual. I'm... I can't explain It. It's not necessary for me to explain It. "My sheep hear My Voice." Let's go to Him now, while we have a chance. Will you?

309 If you have need of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, if you have need of a rededication, a new life; your pastor won't despise you, he'll love you for it. Just give yourself completely to God tonight, while we're here. Let... Yes, I know it's been hard, cutting, strange, I don't do that to be mean, I do that to be honest. I do that because I love you, I love God, and I do it to try to help you. And truly, friend, I--I--I believe... And with all my heart, with all my faith, I believe that my Message comes from God. It's--It's been proving that to you through the years.

310Now listen, tonight surrender everything you got, everything that you have need of. I believe, with a true, surrendered heart, if you will just stand upon your feet, and raise up your hands to God, and say, "Dear God, here I am. Take me, Lord. No more will I try to use my own mind and my own interpretation. Your Word says I must be 'holy, I must be borned again, I must be filled with the Spirit, and then the Spirit will lead me into all the Truth.' Dear God, here I am, lead me." Would you do that much? If you do that much, raise your hand, say, "I'm willing to do that, I'm willing to."

311 Then let's all stand up on our feet.

Just as I am, without one plea,

But that Thy Blood was shed for me,

And that Thou bids me come to Thee,

O Lamb of God, (God's only door)... come! I...

Now get all of your work, everything else, your tiredness, everything... What if you were dying now?

Just as I am, Thou will receive,

Will welcome, pardon, cleanse, receive;

Because I...

Will you put your hand up, on this verse now?

I promise, I will believe,

O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

312Now while the organist continue--continues to play, let's each one of us...

313 Young teen-agers, do you want to get like this out here on the street, this bunch of hoodlums?

314Sister, do you want to wear short hair, when it's your Nazarite honor to God to have long hair? "It's a shame for her to cut her hair." Would you wear these little ol' skirts and things that they wear today, this--this immoral dress, with your body showing through it, out there on the street? Did you know every man that looks upon you commits adultery with you in his heart? And you present yourself like that. Do you know, women, you that wear makeup, there's only one woman in the Bible that ever wore makeup? And God fed her to the dogs. A Jezebel, a name that's been hated since her day, because of her acts of that. You know it was Elijah the prophet who cursed that and called her out in that manner? Do you know it was Herodias that John the Baptist got after? Do you... You don't want to be that Hollywood thing of the world. "If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God is not in you."

315 Brother, minister friend, nothing... Please understand me, I am your brother. Do you want to associate yourself, and you church members of some church (Methodist, Baptist, or whatever you been), do you want to hold on in that denomination because your mother and your grandmother held on that? She come out of something to come into that, that was the Light of that day; that, like in the times of Noah. This is another day.

316You say, "Well, I had the..."

317This is not the day of Pentecost. The Pentecostal age is past. Pentecost is gone, this is harvest time. See? And the harvest time, the grain; the water's done been poured out, the grain's getting ripe. Come into the grain, my dear brother. Hear me, believe me, if you believe me to be a servant of God, let each one, in our own way, bow our head in humility and offer the prayer that we--that we know that we should offer, "God, take me as I am."

318And brother, sister, I lay myself on the altar tonight, too: God, mold me and make me different. Do something, God, make me in Your fashion.

319You think it's easy to stand here and cut the people to pieces like that? It's a hard thing to do. But woe unto me if I don't do it.

320 Dear God, as this audience bows their head and heart, in this solemn moments here of closing of this Bible lecture; when we see the a-vindication of the Holy Spirit that shook this nation back and forth, and back and forth, great revivals and indication, knowing that something has to follow that. And then see those seven Angels come down there on top of that mountain yonder in Arizona, when even the magazines across the nation's packed It. To see Jesus Himself there in the skies, looking down, and saying that, "In the Revelation 10:7, in the seventh angel's Message, these seals would be opened, the mysteries of God would be made known." That the reformers didn't live long enough to--to bring it out. And here, these seven seals that sealed the whole thing is to be opened in this day. To see all these great signs and wonders that's been done, vindicated, foretold before it happened, and not one time have You ever failed us, but brought it to pass just as it was said.

321 Dear God, we realize that Jesus Christ is in our midst. We know that He is here. He's here tonight, the invisible God is here with us, and can confirm every promise that He made in His Word. How You have stood and proved to them, with backs turned, in the original beginning before the impersonators even entered the ring, Lord, or entered into the--the--the race, as it was. You showed and proved, prophesied and told exactly the way it would happen, and we see it's happened that way. And Father, God, we know it cannot be man, it has to be God. So we know it's You here tonight. Forgive us of our sins.

322Dear God, You've healed our sickness, now for--forgive our sins, Lord, of not being the kind of Christian that we should be, not... Professing to be a full-Gospel man or woman, and here we find ourselves slumping off like a denominational chicken. Help us, dear God, take us and shake us with Your Holy Spirit. And if there be anything in us that's not like You, take it out of us, Lord. And plant our feet on God's Holy Word, and let the Holy Ghost burn down into our heart and take all the dross of unbelief and the drowsiness of this day; oh, arise and shake ourself. Grant it, God. Cleanse us! Mold us! Make us! God, grant it.

323 If there's any in here tonight, Lord, that's holding in their heart that grain, that gene of God that's ordained to Life from the foundation of the world; I know, Lord, that they're bound to hear at this hour. So, I pray, God, that You'll fill their soul and illuminate them with a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost, and send them on their road, rejoicing and happy.

324Lord God, they... I give them to You. I don't know who they are, You do. I'm only responsible for preaching Your Word, Lord, as You reveal It. You're responsible for the rest of it: where the Seed falls. I just throw It. Lord God, I pray that It fell in good, rich soil tonight. That many will see It, Lord, and rise to shining Christians in this last days, that the great thing that we're looking forward to come, will come quickly. Grant it, Lord. And You'll take Your Church, Your Bride, and take Her home. We see It all setting in order. Come, Lord Jesus. We commit it all to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the results. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's...

325 Do you love Him? Well, then you have to love one another. Shake one another's hand when you sing it again:

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation


326Now let's give Him praise. How many knows this song:

I will praise Him, I will praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

327Let's sing it now:

I will praise Him, I will praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

328Don't you feel all scoured out? Raise your hand, you say, "Oh, that makes me feel good." Brother, I love those old-time songs. Don't you? They go down to the heart.

I will praise Him, I will praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

329 Let's just raise our hands now and praise God, every one of us, in our own way:

330Lord Jesus, we thank You. We praise You, Lord. We give You praise for a called-out people, out of Babylon. We thank You for the Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We thank You because He makes us clean this minute. We for-... We ask forgiveness of our wrongs, our stupidity, Lord, our stumbling in the dark. O God, may we rise and shine, and walk in the evening Light, and be the fruit of the Tree that's coming forth by the evening Lights. Grant it, dear God. We commit ourselves to You, in Jesus Christ's Name.

331Now with your heads bowed, I give you the pastors backing the service.