Adopcia, časť 1: List Efežanom zhodný s knihou Jozue



Vyučovanie Biblie je obyčajne trochu záludné, trochu, viete, ako kráčanie po tenkom ľade, ako to hovoríme. Ale proste cítime, že možno v tomto bode a v tomto čase by to mohlo byť dobré, myslím, priviesť cirkev do toho aby dokonale porozumela svoju pozíciu, čo sme v Kristu Ježišovi. A niekedy, myslím, že kázanie je nádherná vec, ale verím, že niekedy, brat Beeler, vyučovanie má väčší význam a zvlášť pre cirkev. No, kázanie obyčajne chytí hriešnika a skrze Slovo býva usvedčovaný. Ale vyučovanie umiestňuje človeka do jeho pozície. A my nikdy nemôžeme byť náležite shopní mať vieru, dokiaľ na základe svojej pozície nevieme čo sme.

Dnes večer chceme postaviť cirkev v týchto troch lekciách, ak Boh dovolí; ako a na čo sa dívať a čím sme. Začneme prvou kapitolou knihy, Pavlovho listu Efežanom. A vezmeme prvé tri kapitoly v týchto našich ďalších troch lekciách, pokúsime sa prebrať jednu kapitolu za večer, ak budeme môcť; dnes večer, v stredu a nasledujúcu nedeľu ráno. Efežanom 1. kapitola... No, ako to teraz spoločne študujeme, chcel by som povedať toto: táto kniha Efežanom sa dokonale zhoduje s knihou Jozue v Starom zákone; Efežanom, kniha Efežanom.

1 No, je to ... vždy, ako som už predtým povedal, "Bol som šťastný, keď mi povedali, ´Poďme do domu Pánovho,´" myslím, že to raz vyhlásil Dávid, "Poďme do domu Pánovho." Nepoznám lepšie miesto, kde byť, ako v dome Pánovom, vy poznáte?

2 No, dnes večer sme... Máme tu nejakých priateľov, ktorí sú až z Georgie. Oni budú cestovať pravdepodobne dnes večer po malom občerstvení. A potom budeme... Niektorí z vás odtiaľ zdola, dúfam, že zostanete. A toľko miesta, koľko máme, to je pre vás otvorené.

3 A potom v stredu večer budeme v tomto štúdiu pokračovať, a potom, ak bude Pán chcieť, znova v nedeľu.

4 A potom Chatauqua začína šiesteho. Takže všetci, ktorí máte naplánované svoje prázdniny, očakávame nádherný čas v Chatauqua. Tam sme vždy mali nádherné chvíle. Nie príliš veľké zástupy, niekedy to je... bude to možno okolo... Myslím, že by sme tam mohli ľahko dostať i desať tisíc. Ale obyčajne,... minulý rok sme mali, myslím, okolo sedem tisíc, tak nejako. Všetky miesta na sedenie boli obsadené, ale je tam veľa miesta na státie. A tak sa na to tešíme.

5 Som rád, že tu vidím mnohých našich bratov kazateľov. Nikdy si neviem zapamätať meno tohoto misionára ... brat Humes. A sestra Humesová, si to ty, čo sedíš rovno tu?... a tí malí, sme radi, že ich máme, on je misionár. Ďalší, brat Pat, brat Daulton a ó, toľkí, brat Beeler. Videl som pred chvíľou brata Collinsa. Ó, bolo by to ťažké všetkých ich menovať. Ale sme radi, že ste dnes večer tu, v dome Pánovom. Tento šľachetný, vzácny brat Neville sedí tu za mnou aby sa so mnou modlil, zatiaľ čo ideme vyučovať Slovo... Charlie, rád ťa vidím a sestru Nellie dnes večer, tých maličkých. Toto je... Vyučovanie Biblie je obyčajne veľmi... Áno, brat Welch, práve som ťa hľadal, vidím, že sedíš tam vzadu. A...

6 Vyučovanie Biblie je obyčajne trochu záludné, trochu, viete, ako kráčanie po tenkom ľade, ako to hovoríme. Ale proste cítime, že možno v tomto bode a v tomto čase by to mohlo byť dobré, myslím, priviesť cirkev do toho aby dokonale porozumela svoju pozíciu, čo sme v Kristu Ježišovi. A niekedy, myslím, že kázanie je nádherná vec, ale verím, že niekedy, brat Beeler, vyučovanie má väčší význam a zvlášť pre cirkev. No, kázanie obyčajne chytí hriešnika a skrze Slovo býva usvedčovaný. Ale vyučovanie umiestňuje človeka do jeho pozície. A my nikdy nemôžeme byť náležite schopní mať vieru, dokiaľ na základe svojej pozície nevieme čo sme.

7 No, ak by ma Spojené štáty, tu táto pekná krajina, poslali do Ruska ako veľvyslanca tohoto národa, potom ak by ma oficiálne poslali do Ruska, všetka moc, ktorú majú Spojené štáty by stála za mnou. Moje slovo je také isté ako slovo Spojených štátov, ak som bol uznaný ako veľvyslanec.

8 A potom ak nás Boh poslal ako Svojich veľvyslancov, všetka moc, ktorá je v nebesiach, všetko, čo Boh je, všetci Jeho anjeli a všetka Jeho moc stojí za našim slovom ak sme správne ustanovení, vyslaní, poslovia poslaní ku ľuďom. Boh musí uctiť to Slovo, lebo On s vážnosťou napísal, že "Čokoľvek zviažete na zemi, to bude zviazané na nebi. Čokoľvek rozviažete na zemi, Ja to rozviažem na nebi. A dávam ti kľúče Kráľovstva." Ó, On dal cirkvi také veľké zasľúbenie.

9 A ja som..., po tom dni, myslím, že mnohí z vás tu boli dnes ráno, keď som sa pokúšal pokorne a jednoduchým spôsobom vysvetliť to videnie Neba, ktoré som videl...

10 Za žiadnych okolností by som sa nikdy nepokúšal pochybovať o ničom, čo mi niekto povedal, že mu povedal Boh. Veril by som tomu, dokonca ak by som to ani nevidel v Písme, stále by som chcel veriť slovu toho brata. Mohol by som zostať rovno s Bibliou, ale stále by som veril, že možno ten brat to nejako zle zrozumel, že on by to mohol mať trochu pomiešané. A stále by som veril, že je môj brat.

11 A ak je niečo, čo horí v mojom srdci a dúfam, že to nikdy neopustí moje srdce v nasledujúcich rokoch, nikdy nezabudnem, čo sa stalo minulú nedeľu ráno, pred týždňom. To spravilo vo mne niečo, čo urobilo obrat v mojom živote. Nebojím sa. Nemám ani trochu strachu zo smrti. Smrť nemôže vôbec vystrašiť. A nemôže ani vás, ak ste to len porozumeli. No, možno ak... Museli by ste mať tú skúsenosť, aby ste to poznali, lebo nie je žiaden spôsob, ako to vysvetliť. Neviete nájsť slová, lebo to nestojí v anglickom slovníku, ani v žiadnom inom slovníku, lebo to je vo Večnosti: žiadne včera, žiadne zajtra, to je všetko prítomný čas. A to nie je žiadne, "cítim sa celkom dobre," a o hodinu, "necítim sa tak dobre," a o ďalšiu hodinu, "znovu sa cítim dobre." To je stále prítomný čas (vidíte?), nikdy to neustáva, len ten nádherný pokoj a niečo...

12 A tam nemôže byť žiaden hriech, nemôže tam byť žiadna žiarlivosť, nemôže tam byť žiadna choroba, nemôže tam byť nič, čo by kedy dosiahlo ten nebeský breh. A ak smiem mať tú výsadu, že môžem toto povedať, možno že ne... Ak nemám, potom sa modlím, aby mi Boh odpustil. Ale ak mám tú výsadu a to bolo, že Boh ma nechal vychvátiť aby som videl niečo, nazval by som to prvé nebo. A potom, verím, jeden v Biblii, podľa mena, verím, že to bol Pavol, ktorý bol vychvátený do tretieho neba. A ak to bolo takéto slávne v tom prvom nebi, čo potom obsahuje to tretie nebo? Niet divu, že on nemohol o tom hovoriť štrnásť rokov. Povedal, že nevie, či to bolo v tele, alebo mimo tela. S tým veľkým apoštolom, nie deliť sa o jeho úrad alebo pokúšať sa robiť niekým ako bol on. Ale môžem povedať s ním: Neviem, či som bol v tomto tele alebo mimo tela. Jediná vec, bolo to tak skutočné, ako sa teraz pozerám na vás.

13 A ja som vždy chcel vedieť, že keď tam prejdem, či uvidím nejaký malý poletujúci obláčik, nejakého ducha a poviem, "Tam je brat a sestra, to je Charlie a Nellie. Tamto ide brat Spencer a sestra Spencerová." To ma vždy miatlo. Ak sú moje oči v hrobe, rozkladajú sa, hnijú, ak nie sú tu moje uši, aby ešte niekedy počuli a ak všetka moja krv je preč a oni ma zabalzamovali a je to vo vodách alebo v zemi a moje duševné schopnosti, moje mozgové bunky sú preč, akoby som bol potom niečo viac ako len nejaký poletujúci duch? A to ma trápilo. Ako rád by som povedal, "Ahoj, brat Pat, ó, som tak rád že ťa vidím. Ahoj, brat Neville, ako rád by som ťa videl." Ale myslel som, "No, ak nemám nič, čím by som videl, nijaké ústa ktorými by som hovoril, už sú zhnité, sú prach, ako by som bol schopný povedať, ´Ahoj, brat Pat,´ ´Ahoj, brat Neville,´a tak ďalej, ´Ahoj Charlie´"?

14 Ale teraz viem, že to je nesprávne. Lebo viem, že je napísané v Písme, o ktorom hovorím, že si neprotirečí; "Lebo ak tento náš pozemský stán bude zborený, máme iný čakajúci," iný stánok, ktorý má oči, uši, pery, duševné schopnosti. Ak bude tento pozemský stán zborený, je telo, ktoré môže cítiť, hovoriť.

15 A prichádza mi teraz na myseľ, práve teraz, že Mojžiš bol mŕtvy v neoznačenom hrobe osemsto rokov a Eliáš šiel do neba päťsto rokov pred tým, ale na Hore Premenenia boli nájdení ako sa rozprávajú s Ježišom.

16 Potom, čo Samuel bol mŕtvy najmenej tri až päť rokov a čarodejnica z Endor ho vyvolala a padla na svoju tvár a povedala, "Ty si ma oklamal, lebo ty si Saul." Povedala, "Lebo vidím bohov." Ona bola pohanka (vidíte?), "Vidím vystupovať bohov."

17 A Saul ho ešte nemohol vidieť a povedal, "Ako vyzerá, opíš mi ho." Povedala, "Je chudý a má na pleci plášť."

18 Povedal, "To je prorok Samuel, priveď ho sem predo mňa." Chcem, aby ste si všimli, že Samuel nestratil nič z jeho osobnosti. On bol stále prorok, on povedal Saulovi presne to, čo sa stane na druhý deň.

19 Tak, vidíte, smrť nás úplne nezníži, ako plačeme, nariekame a lamentujeme nad hrobom. To len mení miesto nášho bývania. To nás berie z miesta do... Čo je vek? Ak by som žil ešte jednu hodinu, prežil by som mnoho šesťnásť ročných osôb. Prežil by som mnoho päťročných osôb. Vek nie je nič. My sme tu len postavení za nejakým účelom, aby sme niečo urobili.

20 Tak teraz, mnohé z týchto milých matiek s peknými tvárami, ktoré tu sedia, niektoré majú šesťdesiat alebo sedemdesiat rokov, by povedali, "No, čo som ja také urobila, brat Branham?" Vychovala si svoje deti. Urobila si to, čo si mala urobiť.

21 Možno nejaký starý otec, ktorý tu sedí, by povedal, "No, ja som obrábal polia, robil som toto. Nikdy som nekázal." Ale ty si urobil práve to, na čo ťa Boh poslal, aby si urobil. Je tam pre teba miesto.

22 Keď som včera hovoril s jedným starým lekárom, s jedným z mojich priateľov lekárov, kamarát, má osemdesiat aj niečo... A jeho švagriná je tu dnes večer v zbore a ona sa o neho tak trochu bála. Išiel som ho pozrieť. A hneď ako som s ním začal hovoriť, rozjasnil sa, povedal mi o jednej poľovačke na ktorú išiel pred mnohými rokmi hore v Koloráde, práve v tom kraji, kde som ja poľoval. Práve tak jasne a čisto... A povedal som, "Doktor, ako dlho vykonávaš lekársku prax?"

23 Povedal, "Odkedy si ty bol v kolíske." A ja som povedal ... "A mnoho krát", povedal, "Pracoval som tak, že som si vzal svoju káru, položil som sedlo na svojho koňa, vzal som si malú kabelu a išiel som."

24 A ja som povedal, "Áno, tam dolu pri tých riečnych brehoch, o druhej ráno so svojou baterkou si sa snažil nájsť ten dom, kde bolo to malé dieťa s bolesťami bruška alebo nejaká matka v pôrodných bolestiach."

"To je pravda."

25 A povedal som, "Vieš, doktor, verím, že tu za tou rozdeľujúcou čiarou medzi smrteľnosťou a nesmrteľnosťou má Boh miesto pre dobrých starých lekárov, ktorí takto slúžili."

26 Veľké slzy vošli do jeho očí a začal plakať, natiahol svoje chabé ruky a povedal, "brat, dúfam." V zemi na druhej strane, Boh súdi dušu človeka, to čo on je.

27 Potom som mu dal toto potešujúce miesto Písma. Mnoho krát, brodiac sa cez tie temné zablatené polia v noci, pokúšal sa niekomu pomôcť, možno za to nikdy nedostal ani halier, ale to je v poriadku. Povedal som, "Ježiš povedal v Písme, ´Blahoslavení milosrdní, lebo oni obdržia milosrdenstvo.´" A to je pravda.

28 A dnes večer chceme postaviť cirkev v týchto troch lekciách, ak Boh dovolí; ako a na čo sa dívať a čím sme. Začneme prvou kapitolou knihy, Pavlovho listu Efežanom. A vezmeme prvé tri kapitoly v týchto našich ďalších troch lekciách, pokúsime sa prebrať jednu kapitolu za večer, ak budeme môcť; dnes večer, v stredu a nasledujúcu nedeľu ráno. Efežanom 1. kapitola... No, ako to teraz spoločne študujeme, chcel by som povedať toto: táto kniha Efežanom sa dokonale zhoduje s knihou Jozue v Starom zákone; Efežanom, kniha Efežanom...

29 No, pamätajte, ak by sme sa náhodou dostali trochu mimo vášho učenia, odpustite nám to a strpte nás na chvíľu. Predtým, ako To otvoríme, požiadajme Jeho, aby nám pomohol, ako skloníme svoje hlavy.

30 Pane, pristupujeme ku Tvojmu svätému a nedotknuteľnému Písmu, ktoré je bezpečnejšie ako všetky nebesia a zem. Lebo my čítame v tomto Slove, ktoré sa nazýva Biblia, že "Nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie." Potom v tejto vážnej hodine, keď prichádzam dnes večer za túto kazateľňu, pred tých vykúpených Tvojou Krvou, týchto vzácnych smrteľníkov, ktorí tu dnes večer sedia a dychtia za každou malou nádejou, ktorej sa môžu chopiť ku tomu Životu, ktorý má prísť; nech je to dnes večer také účinné, aby tu každý veriaci videl svoju pozíciu a každý, ktorý ešte nevošiel do tohoto veľkého obecenstva, aby sa tlačil do toho Kráľovstva, Pane, a klopal na tie dvere, kým ten Strážca neotvorí tie dvere. Udeľ to, Pane.

31 My tu čítame, že táto Biblia nepodlieha žiadnemu vlastnému výkladu. Bože, nedopusť, aby som sa ja, Tvoj sluha, alebo ktorýkoľvek iný sluha, niekedy pokúsil položiť svoj vlastný výklad toho Slova. Nech To len čítame a veríme Tomu tak ako je To napísané. A zvlášť my, pastieri tých stád, my, pastori, ktorí sa jedného dňa zhromaždíme tam v tej slávnej zemi s tými stádečkami a budeme stáť v Prítomnosti Pána Ježiša a uvidíme prichádzať tú generáciu Pavla a Petra, Lukáša, Mareka a Matúša a tých všetkých a uvidíme ich tam súdených s ich skupinami. Bože, udeľ to, že by som mohol položiť ku Tvojim nohám desať miliónov trofejí, kým sa pokorne plazím a kladiem svoje ruky na Tvoje vzácne nohy a hovorím, "Pane, oni sú Tvoji."

32 Ó, Bože, naplň nás nanovo Tvojim Duchom a Tvojou láskou a Tvojou dobrotou. A nech my..., ako to vyjadril ten básnik v tej piesni pred mnohými rokmi:

Drahý zomierajúci Baránok;

Tvoje vzácne Slovo nikdy nestratí Svoju Moc,

kým nebude celá tá vykúpená Cirkev Božia spasená,

aby nikdy viac nehrešila.

Stále odkedy vierou vidím ten prameň;

Tvoj zdroj tečúcich rán;

Vykupujúca láska je mojou témou;

A bude, až kým budem žiť.

Potom vo vznešenejšej, sladšej piesni,

on ďalej pokračuje;

Budem spievať Tvoju moc spasenia;

Keď tento chabý šušľavý, bľabotajúci jazyk,

ticho ľahne v hrobe.

Potom hrob neznamená pre Tvoje deti žiadnu smrť. Je to len naše miesto odpočinku alebo skrýšou, kde toto porušiteľné oblečie neporušiteľnosť.

33 A nech toto dnes večer vidíme, Pane, tak jasne, ako je nám to dané v Tvojom Slove. Daj nám porozumenie. A umiestni nás, Pane, na stanovište našej služby, aby sme mohli verne slúžiť až dokiaľ neprídeš. Prosíme to v Ježišovom mene a pre Neho. Amen.

34 No, kniha Efežanom, ako som práve povedal, podľa môjho názoru je to jedna z najväčších kníh Nového Zákona. Necháva nás to tam, kde Kalvinizmus vybehol na jednu vetvu a Arminianizmus vybehol na druhú vetvu, ale kniha Efežanom to viaže spolu a umiestňuje cirkev na jej pozíciu

35 No, ja som to znázornil s Jozuom. Ak si všimnete, Izrael bol vyvedený z Egypta a tam boli tri štádiá ich putovania. Prvé štádium bolo opustenie Egypta. Ďalšie štádium bolo na púšti a ďalšie bolo v Kanaáne.

36 No, Kanaán nereprezentuje vek Milénia. To len reprezentuje vek premožiteľa, to časové obdobie víťazenia, lebo v Kanaáne oni zabíjali a pálili a zaberali mestá. A tam v Miléniu nebude žiadna smrť.

37 Ale tú ďalšiu vec, ktorú to ukazuje, to prináša ospravedlnenie skrze vieru, potom ako uverili v Mojžiša a opustili Egypt; posvätenie skrze putovanie pod vedením Ohnivého Stĺpa a zmierenie cez obetného baránka na púšti; a potom vstúpenie do zeme, ktorá bola zasľúbená.

38 No, čo je tou zasľúbenou zemou pre novo-zákonného veriaceho? To zasľúbenie je Svätý Duch. "Lebo stane sa v tých dňoch, "Joel 2:28, "že vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo. Vaši synovia a vaše dcéry budú prorokovať. Na Svojich služobníkov a Svoje služobnice vylejem Svojho Ducha a budú prorokovať. Ukážem vám divy hore na nebi a na zemi, stĺpy ohňa a dymu." A Peter povedal na deň Letníc, potom, čo vzal svoj text a kázal, "Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť na meno Pána Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov," na odpustenie, na odstránenie všetkých minulých prestúpení.

39 Všimli ste si Jozuu? Predtým, ako prekročili Jordán, Jozue povedal, "Prejdite stredom tábora a očistite svoje rúcha a posväťte sa každý jeden z vás a nech žiaden muž nevchádza ku svojej žene, lebo za tri dni uvidíte slávu Božiu." Vidíte? To je proces pripravovania sa zdediť zasľúbenie.

No, to zasľúbenie pre Izrael bolo... Boh dal Abrahámovi zasľúbenie - zem v Palestíne a to malo byť ich vlastníctvo naveky. A oni mali navždy zostať v tejto zemi.

40 No, oni prechádzajú tromi štádiami, keď prichádzajú do tejto zasľúbenej zeme. Sledujte; je to dokonalý predobraz v Novej zmluve.

41 No, ako som povedal, toto sa nezhoduje s myšlienkami niektorých vás. Niektorí z vás vzácnych Nazarénov, Cirkvi Božej a tak ďalej, nech vás to nezraní, ale sledujte to pozorne a sledujte tie predobrazy. Sledujte ich a vidzte, či to na každom mieste dokonale nezapadne.

42 Boli tam tri štádiá ich putovania a sú tri štádiá tohoto putovania. Lebo my sme ospravedlnení vierou, uveriac v Pána Ježiša Krista, opustili sme egyptskú zem, vyšli von, a potom sme posvätení skrze obeť Jeho Krvi, umytí od hriechu a stali sme sa pútnikmi, dočasne prebývajúci, tvrdíme že hľadáme zem, prichádzajúce mesto, alebo zasľúbenie.

43 Tak to bolo s Izraelom na púšti; pútnici, žiadne miesto na odpočinok, cestujúci noc za nocou, nasledujúci ten Ohnivý Stĺp ale nakoniec prišli do zasľúbenej zeme, kde sa usadili.

44 To je to, kam prichádza veriaci. On najprv prichádza k rozpoznaniu, že je hriešnik; potom je oddelený vodou, umytím vodou skrze Krv, vlastne umytím vodou Slova, uveriac v Pána Ježiša Krista. Potom, ospravedlnený vierou, stáva sa účastníkom a zmierený s Bohom skrze Krista, pokrstený na meno Pána Ježiša Krista aby ho preskočil a vydal sa na cestu. Pochopili ste to? Na tú cestu. Potom sa stáva dočasne prebývajúcim a pútnikom. On je na svojej ceste kam? Do zasľúbenia, ktoré dal Boh.

45 Izrael ešte neobdržal to zasľúbenie, ale oni boli na svojej ceste. A bez, ... Porozumejte to, prosím. To je to, kde ste vy, Nazaréni a Pútnici svätosti a ďalší, padli. Lebo Izrael, keď prišiel na to miesto Kádeš-Barnea, keď tam išli tí vyzvedači a povedali, "Tá zem je výborná." Ale niektorí z nich sa vrátili a povedali, "Nemôžeme ju zaujať, lebo tie mestá majú vysoké múry a tak ďalej. Ale vystúpili Jozue a Kálef a povedali, "My sme viac ako schopní ju zaujať." Lebo ich už podpísané a zdokumentované vyhlásenia, oni verili v tie dve diela milosti, ospravedlnenie a posvätenie a nemohli sa pohnúť ďalej. A počúvajte, celá tá generácia zahynula na púšti, ale tí dvaja, ktorí vyšli do tej zasľúbenej zeme a priniesli dôkaz, že je to dobrá zem a "sme viac ako schopní ju zaujať, lebo to je Božie zasľúbenie." Potom, miesto toho, aby tí ľudia pokračovali, aby obdržali Ducha Svätého, hovorili v jazykoch, obdržali moc Božiu, krst Svätým Duchom, znamenia, divy, zázraky; oni cítili, že to by zlomilo tradície ich náuk. A čo sa im stalo? Zahynuli v tej zemi. Tak je to.

46 Ale tí veriaci, tá výprava Jozueho a Kálefa, tí, ktorí išli do toho zasľúbenia, oni sa pohli ďalej do tej zeme a zaujali tú zem a usadili sa tam, bolo to ich vlastníctvom. A my sa nikdy nezastavujeme pri ospravedlnení, posvätení. Poďme do krstu Duchom Svätým. Nezastavme sa pri uverení v Pána Ježiša a byť len pokrstení. Nezastavme sa, lebo on nás očistil od života v hriechu. Ale teraz sa tlačíme do pozície, do zasľúbenia krstu Duchom Svätým. Lebo Peter povedal v deň Letníc, "Lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a vaše deti a tých, ktorí sú ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh."

47 Takže Efez nás tu umiestňuje ako Jozue, do pozície. Všimnite si, Jozue, potom, čo prešli do tej zeme a zaujali ju, on tú zem potom rozdelil. "Efraim tu, Manassess tu a tento tu, Gád tu, Benjamin tu." On tú zem rozdelil.

48 A všimnite si. Ó, toto zapaľuje naše srdcia. Každá jedna z tých hebrejských matiek, ktoré rodili tie deti, ona vyslovila vo svojich pôrodných bolestiach práve to miesto, kde oni budú umiestnení v tej zasľúbenej zemi. Ó, to je veľká lekcia. Keby sme len mohli ísť do detailov, čo by zabralo hodiny a hodiny... Niektorý deň, keď upravíme našu cirkev, rád by som prišiel a vzal taký dobrý mesiac alebo dva a zostal rovno pri tom. Sledujte kedy ony, tie každá jedna z tých matiek, keď ona zvolala "Efraim," keď rodila, umiestnila ho do pozície, kde jeho nohy stáli v oleji. Presne každý jeden z nich kde oni boli...

49 A Jozue toto nevedel, ale skrze inšpiráciu, vedený Svätým Duchom, potom, čo bol v zasľúbenej zemi, dal každému jeho zasľúbenie, presne to, čo Svätý Duch zasľúbil skrze to narodenie tam na začiatku.

50 Ako Boh postavil niektorých v cirkvi, cez pôrodné bolesti... Ó, niekedy sa im vodí strašne. Keď cirkev stoná pri tom prenasledovaní vonkajším svetom, verí Pánovi Ježišovi, že to zasľúbenie Svätého Ducha je pre nás také skutočné ako to bolo na Letnice, ako oni stonajú a plačú vo svojich pôrodných bolestiach. Ale keď sú narodení, narodení do pozície v Božom Kráľovstve, potom Svätý Duch postavil v cirkvi niektorých za apoštolov, niektorých za prorokov, niektorých za učiteľov, niektorých za pastorov, niektorých za evanjelistov. Potom tam On dal hovorenie v jazykoch, výklad jazykov, známosť, múdrosť, dary uzdravenia, všetky druhy zázrakov.

51 Kde cirkev je... No, môj dôvod, prečo toto kážem je, že v cirkvi sa vždy snažia zaujať miesto niekoho druhého. Ale nerobte to. Nikdy nemôžete pestovať kukuricu na Efraimovej strane, ak ste Manasses. Vy musíte zaujať svoje miesto v Kristovi, zaujať tú pozíciu. Ó, to je hlboké a bohaté, keď sa do toho dostaneme, ako Boh stavia jedného aby hovoril jazykmi, druhého... No, my sme boli mnohokrát vyučovaní, že všetci musíme hovoriť v jazykoch. To je nesprávne. "Všetci to musíme robiť." Nie, nemusíme. Oni nerobili všetci jednu vec, každý jeden bol...

52 Každý... Tá zem bola zriadená a rozdelená skrze inšpiráciu. A každý jeden... Mohol by som vziať Písmo a ukázať vám presne, že on ich postavil na to miesto, kde oni mali byť, v tej pozícii; ako tých dva a pol pokolenia mali zostať pri tej rieke, ako to ich matky vykríkli pri rodení a ako to každé miesto malo byť.

53 A potom, čo ste teraz vo vnútri, to neznamená, že ste slobodní od vojny. Vy stále musíte bojovať za každý centimeter zeme na ktorej stojíte. Takže pozrite, Kanaán nereprezentoval to veľké nebo, lebo tam sú vojny a problémy a zabíjanie a boje a tak ďalej. Ale to reprezentovalo toto: že to musí byť dokonalé chodenie.

54 A to je to, kde cirkev dnes zlyháva: v tom chodení. Viete, že dokonca vaše vlastné správanie môže niekoho odsunúť od toho, aby bol uzdravený? Vaše zlé správanie nevyznaných hriechov vás veriacich môže zapríčiniť, že táto cirkev škaredo zlyhá. A v súdny deň budete zodpovední za každú tú vec. Ó, poviete, "No, počkaj chvíľu, brat Branham." No, to je pravda. Myslite na to.

55 Jozue, potom, čo prešiel do tej zeme, Boh mu dal zasľúbenie, že... Pomyslite len na to; že bude bojovať po celý čas bez straty jediného muža, dokonca bez odreniny, bez potreby mať opatrovateľku alebo prvú pomoc alebo nejaký leukoplast. Boh povedal, "Tá zem je tvoja. Choď a bojuj." Pomyslite na vojnové tiahnutie a tam naokolo nie je žiaden Červený Kríž; nikto tam nebude zranený.

56 A oni pobili tých Amorejcov a Hetejov, ale medzi nimi nebol ani jeden zranený, dokiaľ sa do tábora nedostal hriech. A keď vzal Achan to babylonské rúcho a ten jazyk zlata a skryl to pod svojim stanom, potom ten nasledujúci deň stratili šestnásť mužov. Jozue povedal, "Zastavte, zastavte! Počkajte chvíľu, niečo nie je v poriadku! Niečo tu nie je v poriadku! Zvoláme sedemdňový pôst. Boh nám dal zasľúbenie. Nič nás nemôže zraniť. Naši nepriatelia nám padnú k nohám. Niečo tu nie je v poriadku! Niečo sa niekde stalo, lebo leží nám tu šestnásť mŕtvych mužov! To sú Izraelskí bratia a oni sú mŕtvi!"

57 Prečo zomreli,... nevinní ľudia? Lebo jeden človek vykročil mimo tej línie. Vidíte ten dôvod, prečo toto musí byť vyučované? Cirkev sa dáva do jednej línie, do línie s Božím Slovom, do línie s Bohom a do línie jedného s druhým, kráčajúc dokonale správne, triezvo, pred všetkými ľuďmi, bojac sa Boha. Pretože jeden človek ukradol nejaké rúcho a urobil niečo, čo nemal urobiť; zobral život šestnástich ľudí. Myslím, že to bolo šestnásť, možno viac. Verím, že to bolo šestnásť mužov, ktorí boli mŕtvi.

58 Jozue zvolal, povedal, "Niečo nie je v poriadku. Boh dal zasľúbenie a niečo nie je v poriadku."

59 Keď prinášame pred nás chorých a oni nie sú uzdravení, potrebujeme zvolať vážny pôst, zvolať zhromaždenie. Niečo niekde nie je v poriadku. Boh dal zasľúbenie. Boh musí ľnúť na tom zasľúbení. A On to urobí.

60 A on zvolal pôst. A oni zistili..., hodili losy. A Achan to vyznal. A zabili rodinu Achana a všetko a spálili ich popol, a nechali to tam na pamiatku. A Jozue pokračoval ďalej cez tie boje, bral všetko bez odreniny alebo zranenia. Tu to máte.

61 Jeden deň mal... potreboval trochu času, taký čas navyše. Slnko zapadalo, tí muži nemohli v noci veľmi dobre bojovať. Jozue, ten veľký bojovník, pomazaný Boží, umiestnený do pozície v tej zemi, ako Efežania do tej novej cirkvi, vlastniac tú zem, zaujímajúc ju. On potreboval nejaký čas, tak on povedal, "Slnko, stoj ticho." A ono stálo asi dvanásť hodín dokiaľ nezaujal tú zem. Vidíte?

62 Kniha Efežanom nás umiestňuje do pozície v Kristovi; to, čo oni boli v tej svätej zemi. My nie sme umiestnení vo svätej zemi, ale vo Svätom Duchu. No, čítajme teraz Slovo a vidzme, aká je cirkev dokonalá.

Pavel, apoštol Ježiša Krista, vôľou Božou,...

63 Ó, to sa mi páči. Boh ho urobil apoštolom. Žiadni starší na neho nevzkladali ruky, žiadni biskupi ho nikam neposielali, ale Boh ho povolal a urobil ho apoštolom.

Pavel, apoštol Ježiša Krista, vôľou Božou, svätým...

(tým posväteným),

...ktorí sú v Efeze a verným v Kristu Ježišovi.

64 Sledujte, komu on toto adresuje. Toto nie je pre neveriacich. Toto je pre cirkev. To hovorí ku tým vyvolaným, posväteným a vyvolaným, ktorí sú v Kristu Ježišovi.

65 No, ak chcete vedieť ako sa dostaneme do Krista Ježiša, ak nalistujete 1. Korinťanom 12, je tam povedané, "Lebo jedným Duchom sme my všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela." Ako? Pokrstení čím? Svätým Duchom. Nie vodným krstom, vy, ľudia z Cirkvi Kristovej, ale jedným - veľkými písmenami D-u-ch-o-m, jedným Duchom. Nie jedným potrasením ruky, jedným listom, nie jedným pofŕkaním, ale jedným Duchom sme my všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela, naše vlastníctvo, tá zem, ktorú nám dal Boh, aby sme v nej žili, Svätý Duch. Práve tak, ako dal Židom Kanaán, dal nám Svätého Ducha. Jedným Duchom sme my všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela. Rozumiete tomu?

66 No, on teraz hovorí duchovným Kanaáncom, Izraelovi, duchovnému Izraelovi, ktorý zaujal tú zem. Ó, nie ste radi, že ste vyšli z egyptského cesnaku? Nie ste radi, že ste von z tej púšte? A pamätajte, oni museli jesť mannu, nebeský pokrm anjelov, až kým nevkročili do tej zeme. A keď vkročili do tej zeme, manna prestala padať. Oni potom boli plne zrelí a jedli zrno tej zeme. No, teraz už viac nie ste bábätká, už nie ste žiadostiví odstredeného mlieka evanjelia, netreba sa s vami maznať a potľapkávať vás a presviedčať vás, aby ste prišli do zboru; teraz ste plne zrelí Kresťania, pripravení jesť tvrdý pokrm. Ste pripravení vojsť do niečoho, on povedal. Ste pripravení rozumieť niečo, čo je hlboké a bohaté. Ó, dostaneme sa priamo do toho. A ó, bolo to zakryté od založenia sveta. On povedal, "Vy ste teraz prišli ku tomuto, toto adresujem vám," nie tým, ktorí práve opustili Egypt, nie tým, ktorí stále putujú, ale tým, ktorí sú v zasľúbenej zemi, ktorí obdržali to zasľúbenie.

67 Koľkí obdržali to zasľúbenie Svätého Ducha? Ó, nie ste radi, že ste už teraz tu v tej zemi, jediac zrno, jediac tie silné Božie veci a majúci jasné zrozumenie. Vaša duchovná myseľ je celkom urovnaná. Viete presne kým On je. Viete presne čím On je. Viete presne kam idete. Viete presne všetko o tom. Viete Komu ste uverili a ste presvedčení, že On je schopný zachovať to, čo ste Mu vydali až do toho dňa. Ó, to sú tí; to sú tí, ku komu teraz Pavol hovorí. Počúvajte pozorne. No, sledujte...

...verným v Kristu Ježišovi.

68 No, dovoľte cirkev, že to zopakujem. Ako sa dostaneme do Krista? Pripojením sa do cirkvi? Nie. Zapísaním mena do knihy? Nie. Pokrstením sa ponorením? Nie. Ako sa dostaneme do Krista? Jedným Svätým Duchom sme my všetci pokrstení do jedného zasľúbenia, do Tela a sme účastníci všetkého toho, čo patrí do tej zeme. Amen. Ó, to sa mi páči. Keby by som nebol chrapľavý, mohol by som kričať. Ó, keď sa dostanem do tejto zeme, je to moje. Som teraz doma, som v Kanaáne. Som podriadený ku čomukoľvek ma chce Boh použiť. Kráčam po svätej zemi, dieťa Kráľa, cele odiaty a pripravený. Vyšiel som z Egypta, prešiel cez tú zasľúbenú zem, obstál som v tých skúškach, prešiel som cez Jordán do toho požehnaného zasľúbenia. Ó, ako som to dostal? Jedným Duchom, tak isto ako to dostal Pavol, to vykonalo na mne to isté ako na ňom, to isté čo na vás. Jedným Duchom sme my všetci pokrstení, nie pofŕkaní, nie len pár kvapiek z toho, že sa cítime dobre, ale celkom ponorení, všetko je urobené aby ste boli zaliaty vo Svätom Duchu. To je to zasľúbenie.

69 Naši Efežania, náš Jozue, to je Svätý Duch... "Jozue" znamená "Ježiš, Spasiteľ." Jozue znamená Svätý Duch, to reprezentuje v tom duchovnom to, čo bolo v tom prirodzenom, to, že On je náš veľký Bojovník. On je náš veľký Vodca. Tak ako bol Boh s Jozuom, tak je Boh v Duchu Svätom, pohýňajúc nás. A keď prichádza do tábora hriech, Svätý Duch vyžaduje zastavenie, "Čo sa stalo v tejto cirkvi? Niečo nie je v poriadku." Ó, či nevidíte, koľkých synov Kíšu máme dnes, príliš veľa Saulov prichádzajúcich zo seminárov a z teologických škôl a vychádzajú a učia tieto prevrátené veci, tak ako Biblia povedala, že budú, zjavne nemajúci viery, oddeľujúci sa od vás, nemajú s vami žiadne obecenstvo a tak ďalej, majúci formu pobožnosti a zapierajúci jej moc, od takých sa vzďaľuj. Oni nevedia odkiaľ prichádzajú, oni nevedia dať nijaký dôvod.

70 Hovorím toto od môjho priateľa, brat Booth-Clibborna; ak je niečo, čo je proti prírode, nie Bohom stvorené, niečo na svete, to je mul. Mul je najpodlejší zo všetkých zvierat. On je... On nevie čo je. On sa nemôže viac reprodukovať. Mul nemôže porodiť ďalšieho mula a stať sa mulom. On skončil. Nevie odkiaľ je jeho otec, ani nevie odkiaľ je jeho mama, lebo on je trochu osol a trochu kobyla. Boh to nikdy neurobil. Nezvaľujte niečo takéto na Boha. Boh takéto nikdy neurobil. Boh povedal, "Všetko nech prináša svoj druh." Tak veru. Ale mul je... Jeho otec bol osol a matka kobyla, takže on nevie ku komu patrí. On je kôň pokúšajúci sa byť mulom, alebo mul... alebo je kôň pokúšajúci sa byť oslom, osol pokúšajúci sa byť koňom; on nevie kam patrí. A on je to najtvrdohlavejšie zviera na svete. Nemôžete mu ani trochu dôverovať.

71 A takto je to s mnohými ľuďmi v cirkvi. Oni nevedia, kto je ich otec, nevedia, kto je ich matka. Jediná vec, ktorú vedia je, že sú buď Presbyteriáni, Metodisti, Baptisti alebo Letniční, alebo niečo. Nevedia, odkiaľ prichádzajú. A nejaký starý osol, môžete na neho kričať koľko len chcete, on tam len bude stáť a vystrkovať svoje veľké uši a pozerať. Môžete mu kázať celú noc a keď bude odchádzať, nebude vedieť o nič viac ako keď prišiel. No, to je veru tak. Ja nechcem byť hrubý, ale chcem vám povedať pravdu.

72 Ale je jedna vec, ktorú oni vedia robiť; oni sú dobrí pracanti. Ó, oni len pracujú, pracujú, pracujú, pracujú. To mi pripomína skupinu týchto Arminiánov, ktorí sa vždy snažia prepracovať svoju cestu do neba (to je pravda), ...mul. Ó, Dámska dobročinná spoločnosť, slepačia večera, lebo platia kazateľa, "A musíme mať tento tanec a tento sociálny program." To je len práca, práca, práca, práca, práca, práca, práca. A oni... Kvôli čomu oni pracujú?

73 Opýtajte sa ich, "Či ste prijali Svätého Ducha potom čo ste uverili?"

74 Vystrčia uši a nevedia kam patria, "Čo tým myslíš? Čo s tým? Čo tým myslíš, Svätý Duch? Nikdy som o tom nič nepočul. Ó, ty musíš byť nejaký fanatik." Vidíte, oni nevedia, kto bol ich otec, ani kto bola ich matka. A musíte ich do všetkého udierať, tu a tam, tu a tam. Tak je to, starý mul.

75 Ale poviem vám, to nemusíte robiť skutočnému plnokrvnému koňovi. Len raz plesknite bičom, brat, on je tam. On vie, čo robí. Ó, ako dobre je jazdiť na plnokrvnom koňovi. Aké pekné. Len poviete, "Poď, chlapče." Ó, vidíte, radšej by ste sa mali dobre držať, lebo vám nechá sedlo vo vzduchu.

76 Tak je to so skutočnými čistokrvnými Kresťanmi. Haleluja! "Prijmite Ducha Svätého! Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť na meno Pána Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov." Hotovo, tak rýchlo ako sa oni môžu dostať do vody, sú tam. Oni nemôžu odpočívať vo dne ani v noci, kým neobdržia Ducha Svätého. Prečo? Viete, Kresťan vie, kto je jeho Otec. Vidíte, ku narodeniu treba dvoch, (to je pravda); otca a matku. Mul nevie, ktorý je otec, ktorá je matka. Ale my vieme, Kto je Otec a Matka, lebo sme sa narodili z napísaného Božieho Slova, potvrdeného Duchom. Peter povedal v deň Letníc, "Ak budete činiť pokánie a dáte sa pokrstiť, každý jeden z vás, na meno Pána Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov; obdržíte dar Svätého Ducha."

77 Brat, skutočný znovuzrodený Kresťan, ó, jeho duch... Akonáhle on dostáva to Slovo, on prijíma Svätého Ducha. Potom sa ho niečo opýtajte. On vie, kde stojí. "Veríš v Božské uzdravenie?"


"Veríš v Druhý príchod?"


78 Opýtajte sa to mula. Náboženstvo mulov, "No, neviem. Doktor Jones raz povedal..." Ó, tam... Choďte za Saulom. Vidíte? "Ó, oni nevedia. No, poviem ti, moja cirkev si tým nie je istá."

79 Ó, brat, ale znovuzrodený muž alebo žena sú si tak istí príchodu Pána Ježiša; sú si tak istí, že majú Svätého Ducha ako že je Svätý Duch, aby bol daný.

80 No, Ježiš povedal... Tá žena pri studni, "My sa modlíme na tomto vrchu a Židia v Jeruzaleme."

81 On povedal, "Žena, počuj moje Slová. Ide hodina a je teraz, kedy Otec hľadá takých, ktorí sa Mu budú modliť v Duchu a v Pravde."

82 "Tvoje Slovo je Pravda." A každý človek, ktorý bude čítať Bibliu a bude veriť každému Slovu, ktoré Biblia hovorí a bude nasledovať jej inštrukcie a obdrží toho istého Svätého Ducha, ktorého obdržali oni, takým istým spôsobom ako Ho oni obdržali, také isté výsledky aké mali oni, tú istú moc, ktorú mali oni, keď Ho obdržali, on vie, Kto je jeho Otec a Matka. On vie, že je umytý v Krvi Ježiša Krista, zrodený z Ducha, naplnený Božím pomazaním. On vie, kde stojí. Iste. On je v Kanaáne. On vie odkiaľ prichádza. A takto je to so skutočným Kresťanom. Opýtajte sa ho, "Obdržal si Svätého Ducha potom, čo si uveril?" "Amen, brat."

83 Jedného dňa som bol pri jednej starej sestre, deväťdesiatdva ročnej, rozprával som sa s jej osemdesiatročným pastorom, povedal som, "Babka?"

Tak jasne ako len mohla, povedala, "Áno, synku."

84 Povedal som, "Ako je to dlho čo si prijala Svätého Ducha?"

Povedala, "Sláva Bohu! Asi pred šesťdesiatimi rokmi som Ho dostala."

85 No, ak by bola mul, povedala by, "No, počkaj chvíľu. Bola som konfirmovaná a pofŕkaná keď som mala... No, samozrejme,... a prijali ma do cirkvi a priniesla som list..." Ó, jé! Oni ani nevedia kam patria.

86 Ale ona vedela odkiaľ pochádza jej prvorodenstvo. Ona tam bola, keď sa to stalo. Ona sa narodila z vody a z Ducha. Ona to vedela a tá voda skrze umytie vodou Slova, na to treba Slovo.

87 No, sledujte, ako je toto adresované, "Tým, ktorí sú v Kristu Ježišovi." Pavol, pamätajte teraz... Zaberám dosť dlhý čas, ale nejdem prejsť teraz celú tú kapitolu. Ale poponáhľam sa... Páči sa vám to? Ó, to nám hovorí, kde sa nachádzame, ale nemôžeme to prebrať za jeden večer. Potrebujeme na toto mesiac alebo dva, každý večer, prejsť rovno cez to, Slovo za Slovom. Vrátiť sa a priniesť to z historických príkladov a položiť to rovno Slovo za Slovom a ukázať vám, že to je pravda.

No, prečítajme rýchlo ten verš ešte raz.

Pavel, apoštol Ježiša Krista, vôľou Božou,

(nie vôľou človeka), ...

svätým, ktorí sú v Efeze a

(spojka) ...

verným v Kristu Ježišovi.

88 Znamená to, že oni boli vyvolaní, oddelení a teraz boli pokrstení Svätým Duchom a sú v Kristu Ježišovi. "Adresujem túto epištolu vám, moji milovaní." Ó, myslím na Pavla ako je práve teraz tam s nimi, ó, akí sú šťastní. Ten starý malý apoštol, ktorému tam dolu sťali hlavu. Stál som na mieste, kde mu sťali hlavu. Ale, ó, jeho hlava je na tom novom tele a už nikdy nemôže byť sťatá. A on tam v tejto chvíli stojí s nimi, ten apoštol, ktorý toto napísal. A povedal, "Vám, ktorí ste v Kristu Ježišovi, jedným Duchom sme my všetci pokrstení do tohoto jedného Tela." No, sledujte.

...milosť vám a pokoj od Boha, našeho Otca a Pána Ježiša Krista.

Požehnaný Boh a Otec našeho Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý nás požehnal každým...

(ó, počuješ to, Charlie?)

...ktorý nás požehnal každým požehnaním duchovným...

89 Nie len niektorým pre apoštolov a niektorým pre týchto, ale On nás požehnal každým duchovným požehnaním. Ten istý Svätý Duch, ktorý padol v deň Letníc je ten istý Svätý Duch tu dnes večer. Ten istý Svätý Duch, ktorý dal, aby Mária kričala a hovorila v jazykoch a prežívala nádherný čas a radovala sa a to všetko, čo robila; dnes večer je tu ten istý Svätý Duch . Ten istý Svätý Duch, ktorý viedol Pavla na tej starej lodi, kde to vyzeralo, že sa to potopí a že je koniec, štrnásť dní a nocí, žiaden mesiac ani hviezdy, pozrel sa tam von a na každej vlne bol diabol, pokukoval tam a ceril zuby a povedal, "Teraz ťa utopím, chlapče. Už ťa mám."

90 A kým sa Pavol šiel dolu trochu pomodliť, postavil sa tam Anjel a povedal, "Neboj sa, Pavol... Táto loď stroskotá na jednom ostrove. Choď a navečeraj sa, je to teraz v poriadku."

91 Tu on prichádza s tými reťaziami na rukách, vlečie ich na nohách a povedal, "Nebojte sa, mužovia, lebo Boh, Anjel Boha, Ktorého som sluhom, sa vedľa mňa postavil a povedal, ´Pavol, neboj sa.´" Ten istý Duch Svätý je tu dnes večer, ten istý Duch Boží, poskytujúci nám tie isté duchovné požehnania.

...ktorý nás požehnal každým požehnaním duchovným v ponebeských oblastiach...

[angl.: "v nebeských miestach"]

92 Ó, zastavme sa tu ešte na chvíľku. "V nebeských miestach." No, nie len niekde vonku, ale v nebeských miestach. Sme zhromaždení v "nebeských," to znamená pozíciu veriaceho. Ak sa ja modlím, vy sa modlíte alebo cirkev sa modlí a sme pripravení pre posolstvo a sme spolu zhromaždení ako svätí, vyvolaní, pokrstení Svätým Duchom, naplnení Božími požehnaniami, povolaní, vyvolení, posadení spolu teraz v nebeských miestach, sme nebeskými bytosťami v našich dušiach. Náš duch nás preniesol do nebeskej atmosféry. Ó, brat. Tu to máte, nebeská atmosféra. Ó, čo by sa mohlo dnes večer stať? Čo by sa mohlo dnes večer stať, ak by sme tu sedeli v nebeskej atmosfére a Svätý Duch by rozhýbal každé srdce, ktoré bolo obnovené a stalo sa novým stvorením v Kristu Ježišovi? Všetky hriechy pod Krvou, v dokonalom uctievaní, s našimi rukami a srdcami pozdvihnutými k Bohu, sediaci v nebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi, uctievajúci spolu v nebeských miestach ...

93 Už ste tak niekedy boli? Ó, bol som tak, až som plakal a radoval sa a povedal, "Bože, nikdy ma nenechaj odtiaľto odísť," proste v nebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi.

94 Čím nás požehnal? Božským uzdravením, predzvedením, zjavením, videniami, mocami, jazykmi, výkladmi jazykov, múdrosťou, známosťou, všetkými tými nebeskými požehnaniami a nevysloviteľnou radosťou plnou slávy, každé srdce naplnené Duchom, kráčame spolu, sedíme spolu v nebeských miestach, nie je medzi nami ani jedna zlá myšlienka, ani jedna vyfajčená cigareta, ani jedny šortky, nič toto, to či tamto, ani jedna zlá myšlienka, nikto nemá nič proti tomu druhému, každý hovorí v láske a harmónii, každý v súhre na jednom mieste, "potom zrazu povstal z neba zvuk ako zvuk nesúceho sa silného vetra." Tu to máte, "požehnal nás každým duchovným požehnaním."

95 Potom by mohol padnúť Svätý Duch na niekoho a povedať, "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Choď na to-a-to miesto a urob tú-a-tú vec." Sledujte, ako sa to práve tak stane. "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Choď na to-a-to miesto a urob tú-a-tú vec." Sledujte, že sa to tak stane.

96 Požehnal nás spolu všetkými nebeskými požehnaniami v nebeských miestach... Sledujte.

...tak, ako si nás v Ňom vyvolil...

97 Vyvolili sme si my Jeho, alebo On si vyvolil nás? On vyvolil nás. Kedy? V ten večer, keď sme Ho prijali? Vyvolil...

...tak, ako si nás v Ňom vyvolil pred založením sveta, aby sme boli svätí a bezvadní pred Ním v ...


...v láske...

98 Kedy nás Boh vyvolil? Kedy si Boh vyvolil vás, ktorí ste dostali Svätého Ducha? Kedy si vás vyvolil? Pred založením sveta ... On vás vybral a poslal Ježiša, aby On mohol byť zmierením za vaše hriechy, aby vás povolal ku zmiereniu s Ním, ku láske. Ó, prial by som si, keby sme mali trochu viac času.

99 Predtým, ako pôjdeme ďalej, vráťme sa do Genesis 1:26. Vezmem to v stredu. Keď Boh učinil človeka... Predtým, ako učinil človeka, On nazýval Seba "El," E-l, El; E-l-h, "Elah," "Elohim." To slovo v hebrejčine znamená "samo-existencia," všetko skrze Neho Samého. Neexistovalo pred Ním nič. On bol všetka existencia, ktorá kde bola, samo-existujúci: "El, Elah, Elohim," znamená to "sebestačný, všemocný, Všemohúci, Ten samoexistujúci." Ó!

100 Ale v Genesis 2, keď On učinil človeka, povedal, "Ja som Y-a-h-u, J-u-v-u-h, Yahua, Jehovah. Čo to znamenalo? "Ja som Ten vše-existujúci, Ktorý stvoril niečo zo Seba, aby to bol Môj syn, alebo dočasne, alebo taký Môj malý amatér." Ó, sláva! Prečo? On dal človeka... "Jehovah" znamená, že On dal človeka, aby bol boh-amatér. Lebo On je Otec Boh a On učinil človeka bohom-amatérom, takže už nie je viac samo-existujúci, On existuje so Svojou rodinou. Amen. Elah, Elah, Elohim... Teraz, On je teraz Jehovah, "Jehovah" znamená "Ten, Ktorý existuje so Svojou rodinou." No, Boh učinil človeka, aby vládol nad celou zemou, on mal panstvo. A zem bola panstvom človeka. Je to podľa Písma? Potom, ak je to jeho panstvo, on bol bohom na zemi. On mohol hovoriť a stalo by sa. On mohol toto vypovedať a bolo by tak. Ó! Tam On je, Boh, Jehovah, Ten, Ktorý mal raz samo-existenciu, ale teraz existuje so svojou rodinou a Jeho maličkí s Ním... Tu to máte.

101 No, čítajte to. Dostaneme sa do toho v stredu večer, keď budeme mať viacej času. Máme už len pätnásť minút a budeme... Myslel som, že sa dostanem k jednému určitému miestu, ale nedostaneme sa; ...tam, kde sme zapečatení Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia. V poriadku.

102 No, kedy sme boli povolaní za sluhov Božích? Kedy bol Orman Neville povolaný aby bol sluhom Božím? Ó! To ma ohromuje. Poviem vám, nájdime si na to zopár miest Písma. Chcem, aby ste si otvorili 1. Petra 1:20. A Pat, prečítaj Zjavenie 17:8 a ja budem čítať Zjavenie 13. No, chceme tu počúvať. Chcete vedieť, kedy vás Boh povolal aby ste boli Kresťanom. Ó, milujem to. Toto je... "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." V poriadku, brat Neville, máš 1.Petra 1:20? Tak čítaj 1:19 a 1:20. Počúvajte toto. Áno.

...ale drahocennou krvou jako bezvadného a nepoškvrneného baránka, Krista,

predzvedeného pred založením sveta a zjaveného pri posledku časov pre vás,...

103 Kedy bol On predzvedený? Pred založením sveta. Brat Pat, prečítaj nám Zjavenie 17:8.

Šelma, ktorú si videl, bola a nie je a má vyjsť z priepasti a ísť do zatratenia. A budú sa diviť obyvatelia zeme, ktorých mená nie sú napísané v knihe života od založenia sveta, keď budú vidieť šelmu, že bola a nie je a keď zase tu bude.

104 Kto bude zvedený? Kto bude zvedený tou náboženskou osobou ako bol Saul? To bolo také prefíkané a tak dokonale, že by to zviedlo i čo? Aj vy... [Zhromaždenie odpovedá "vyvolených" – pozn.prekl.] ak...? Ak by to bolo možné.

V poriadku, Zjavenie 13:8, nech vám to prečítam.

A všetci ktorí bývajú na zemi ... a budú sa jej klaňať všetci, ktorí bývajú na zemi, ktorých mená nie sú napísané v knihe života Baránka, zabitého od založenia sveta.

105 Kedy boli naše mená napísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života? Keď bol Baránok zabitý pred založením sveta. Keď bol Boh Jehovah, El, Elah, Elohim, Ten samo-existujúci. Práve tak, ako jeden veľký Diamant a On nemohol byť ničím iným, ale vo vnútri tohoto Diamantu jeden z Jeho atribútov bol Spasiteľ. V tých atribútoch v Ňom bol Uzdravovateľ. No, tam nebolo nič, čo by mohlo byť zachránené alebo uzdravené, ale Jeho atribúty to produkovali. Tak potom pred založením sveta, keď On vedel, že ten veľký prejav v Ňom, že On bude Spasiteľ, že On príde a stane sa telom a bude prebývať medzi nami a vediac, že Jeho sinavicami budeme uzdravení, On zabil Baránka vo Svojej Knihe pred založením sveta a napísal do tej Knihy vaše meno pred založením sveta. Ó!

106 Počúvajte toto. Predurčenie hľadí späť na predzvedenie, chcem povedať na vyvolenie. Vyvolenie hľadí späť na predzvedenie a predurčenie hľadí na určenie. Nezabudnite na to, že vyvolenie hľadí späť sem, tu to je, "Bol som kúkoľ. Narodený v hriechu, splodený v neprávosti, prišiel som na svet hovoriac lož, narodený medzi hriešnikmi. Otec a matka a celá moja rodina, hriešnici. Bol som kúkoľ. Ale zrazu som sa stal pšeničným zrnom. Ako sa to stalo?" Čo je to? Vyvolenie. Boh, pred založením sveta, vyvolil, že ten kúkoľ sa má stať pšeničným zrnom. "Teraz viem, že som pšeničným zrnom, lebo som spasený. Ako to robím? " Pozri sa späť a uvidíš, že On to predurčil dávno pred tým. Skrze predzvedenie On videl, že ja Ho budem milovať, tak On učinil obeť zmierenia skrze Svojho vlastného Syna, aby som sa skrze Neho mohol z kúkoľa stať pšeničným zrnom. "No, na čom som teraz?" Som spasený, kráčam v milosti Božej. "Kam hľadí predurčenie?" Na určenie. "Kam ma On vezme a kam kráčam?" To vás dostalo. Tu to máte.

107 No, čítajme trochu ďalej a potom budeme musieť zakončiť, zachvíľu.

...tak, ako si nás v Ňom vyvolil pred založením sveta, aby sme boli svätí a bezvadní pred Ním, v láske,

predurčiac nás k synovstvu

(predurčil nás k synovstvu)

skrze Ježiša Krista cieľom Neho podľa ľúbosti Svojej vôle...

108 Čo On urobil? On nás skrze predzvedenie predvidel, vedel, že On je Spasiteľ, samo-existencia. Neboli tam žiadni anjeli, nič, len Boh, Elah, Elohim, Ten samo-existujúci, nič okrem Neho samotného. Ale v Ňom bol Spasiteľ. No, čo ide On spasiť? Nie je nič stratené. Vediac to, On vedel, že tento veľký atribút v Ňom vytvorí niečo tam ďalej, čo by mohol zachrániť. Potom, keď sa to stalo, skrze predzvedenie sa pozrel dole a videl každého jedného, ktorý To prijme. A potom, tým, že to tak robil, povedal, "Zachrániť toto, ten jediný spôsob, ako to môžem urobiť, je, že Sám prídem dolu a stanem sa telom a vzložím na Neho hriech človeka a zomriem za neho aby som mohol byť Tým, ktorý je uctievaný," lebo On je Boh, objekt uctievania.

109 Potom On prišiel dolu a vzal to na Seba. A keď to urobil, On to urobil, aby mohol spasiť vás, ktorý chcete byť spasení. Rozumiete, čo chcem povedať? Skrze predzvedenie, ten nekonečný Boh, Ktorý vie všetky veci, videl Baránka a On zabil Baránka pred založením sveta a napísal vaše meno do Baránkovej Knihy Života. A On videl tú zvodnosť Satana, čo on bude robiť. A On tam napísal vaše meno. A On povedal, že antikrist bude tak nábožný, taký dobrý, taká milá osoba, taký chytrý človek, taký nábožný človek, že by zviedol, ak by bolo možné i vyvolených. Ale to nie je... to je nemožné, lebo ich mená boli predurčené pred založením sveta. On ich vybral vyvolením a skrze predurčenie oni vedia kam idú. Tu to máte.

110 No, kto by o tom pochyboval? To je to, čo povedal Pavol. To je Pavlovo Písmo. To je to, čo napísal Pavol. To je to, čo on učil svoju cirkev. Cirkev, bola umiestnená na pozíciu, pred založením sveta, keď Boh vo Svojich pôrodných bolestiach rodil, keď vás rodil, vedel čo budete robiť, On vás umiestnil do pozície do Svojho vlastného Tela, aby si bola ženou v domácnosti, aby si bol farmárom, kazateľom, prorokom, týmto alebo tamtým. On vás umiestnil do pozície. Potom, keď sme vyšli z tej cesnakovej zeme Egypta, skrze posvätenie a sme pokrstení do zasľúbenej zeme ... Lebo to Božie zasľúbenie je Svätý Duch. Efežanom 4:30 hovorí, "Nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení až do dňa vykúpenia." Potom Boh, keď predurčil cirkev, povedal, "A všetci ľudia, budú ich milióny krát miliónov, ktorí budú chodiť veľmi nábožne a budú zvedení." Tí jediní, ktorí nebudú zvedení budú tí, ktorí prešli do tej zasľúbenej zeme, ktorí pred založením sveta mali svoje mená napísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života a prešli do tej zasľúbenej zeme a radujú sa z toho.

111 Mnohí ľudia sa obávajú toho, že sa budú správať smiešne. Mnohí ľudia sa obávajú, že Svätý Duch bude s vami robiť niečo, že sa bude hanbiť pred ľuďmi. Mnohí ľudia sa obávajú, že budú plakať a ich miláčik ich uvidí, že plačú alebo mama, alebo váš sused, alebo, že vás uvidí váš šéf.

112 Prv ako zakončíme, dovoľte, že vám poviem o jednom mužovi. Bol raz jeden človek a volal sa Dávid a keď tá truhla Božia bola dolu v zemi Filištínov a prechádzala ňou, ťahali ju staré voly. Keď videl Dávid prichádzať tú truhlu, on mal na sebe krátky plášť, vybehol tam, kopal nohami vo vzduchu a vyskakoval okolo a kričal a skákal a tancoval a skákal a tancoval a on, kráľ Izraela. A jeho žena hľadela z okna a videla ho, že sa správa tak divne, pohŕdla ním. No, ona si musela povedať, "Idiot, pozrite sa na neho ako sa správa, vyhadzuje nohami vo vzduchu a vyskakuje okolo a takto sa správa, no, musel sa zblázniť." A v tú noc, keď on prišiel, povedala takýmito slovami, "No, ty si ma zarazil. No, ty, kráľ, môj manžel, robíš tam také niečo, takto sa správaš."

113 Dávid povedal, "Zajtra budem ešte viac. Tak veru." Povedal, "Či nevieš, že som tancoval pred Pánom?" On tam prešiel. On bol tam, v zemi zasľúbenia. On stratil všetky svoje spôsoby a bahno sveta. On bol tak šťastný, keď vedel, že tá truhla prichádza do jeho vlastného mesta.

114 Ó, poviem vám, niektorí ľudia sa obávajú prijať Svätého Ducha, obávajú sa, že by mohli hovoriť v jazykoch. Boja sa, že niekto by povedal, "No, to je jeden z tých ´jazykárov´." Boja sa prísť do cirkvi aby boli pokrstení na meno Pána Ježiša Krista, lebo sa za To hanbia. Ó!

115 Niekto povedal, že ja budem musieť odvolať svoje pásky, lebo som kázal, že treba byť pokrstený na meno Pána Ježiša Krista. Ja ich neodvolávam. Nahrávam ich ešte viac. Tak je to. To je ... Nahrávam ich viac ... To je Biblia. Ak sa im nepáči to, čo sme robili včera, len sledujte, čo budeme robiť zajtra. To je to, čo treba, vidíte, len pokračovať ďalej. Tomu nie je koniec, lebo to je od Pána. To je Boh.

116 Viete čo urobil Boh? Boh sa pozrel z neba, On povedal, "Dávid, ty si muž podľa Môjho srdca." Dávid sa nehanbil. On bol sluha Pánov. On Pána miloval. A on bol taký šťastný, tak rozradostený, až on nerozmýšľal o ľudskej prestíži.

117 Vidíte, ako som povedal vo svojej kázni dnes ráno, my sa tak obávame, až chceme aby nás učil Saul. Chceme nejakého Saula zo seminára, aby nám povedal, ako máme vykonávať svoje náboženstvo a ako to musíme robiť. To je na druhej strane Jordánu. Na tejto strane, tu vedie Svätý Duch. Tu ste von z toho bahna. Tu sa vy nestaráte o to, čo si oni myslia. Tu ste mŕtvi a váš život je skrytý v Kristovi skrze... a zapečatený Duchom Svätým. Vy sa nestaráte. Žijete v Kanaáne. Vy znesiete dobré zrno. Ste novým stvorením v Kristu Ježišovi. Idete do zasľúbenej zemi.

118 Spomínam si, keď som tam stál, brat Collins, asi pred tridsiatimi rokmi, keď ešte nebola táto modlitebňa postavená; bolo tu také malé stanové zhromaždenie, tu na rohu, moje prvé zhromaždenie. Kázal som toto isté evanjelium, tú istú vec, neobsiahnuteľné bohatstvá Krista, vodný krst na meno Ježiša Krista, veriac, že každé Božie Slovo je pravda, krst Duchom Svätým, Božské uzdravovanie, moci Božie, práve tak, ako to kážem teraz, nevzdialil som sa od ničoho z toho ani o palec. Boh mi Toho zjavil viac, tak ako To On zjavuje, ja to len ďalej prinášam. On nikdy neodníma z toho, čo bolo, On len ku Tomu ďalej pridáva.

119 Stál som tam dolu, kde na tom brehu stálo asi päťsto ľudí a spievali:

Stojím na búrlivých brehoch Jordánu,

vrhám túžobný pohľad do Kanaánu,

do radostnej a šťastnej zeme,

kde ležia moje bohatstvá.

Keď dosiahnem ten breh plný zdravia,

a budem na veky požehnaný,

keď dosiahnem a budem u Môjho Otca,

a na veky v pokoji...

Keď to začali spievať, bral som do tej rieky jedného chlapca, aby som ho tam pokrstil na meno Pána Ježiša. Povedal som, "Nebeský Otče, ako prinášam tohoto chlapca ku Tebe, na základe jeho vyznania..." Ja sám som bol len chlapec, doma mám z toho fotografie. Povedal som, "Keď ho po- krstím vo vode, Pane, na základe jeho vyznania, na meno Pána Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho, Ty ho naplň Svätým Duchom." A asi v tej chvíli vytvorilo Niečo taký vír a tu to krúžilo a prichádzalo dolu, stála tam Jasná a Ranná Hviezda. Tam stálo to Svetlo, ktoré vidíte na tej fotografii. Tam To stálo.

120 Prešlo to okolo sveta, hore do Kanady a ďalej. Povedali, "Tajomné Svetlo sa objavilo nad miestnym baptistickým kazateľom, keď krstil."

121 O pár dní prišiel ku mne doktor Lamsa a nevedel o tom nič, priniesol mi nejaký obrázok,... ktorý brat to má teraz so sebou? Máte ten obrázok? Máš tú Bibliu so sebou, ležalo to tam, bolo to v tvojej knihe? V poriadku. Bol to obrázok starodávneho hebrejského znamenia Boha, presne také, ako existovalo v Jóbových dňoch, predtým, ako bola napísaná Biblia. Boh vo Svojich troch atribútoch, nie traja bohovia, jeden Boh v troch atribútoch; Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, tri úrady, cez ktoré Boh pracuje. Nie traja bohovia, tri atribúty. A tam To bolo.

122 Keď ten veľký muž, doktor Lamsa, Lamsov preklad Biblie, keď povedal v to ráno, keď som mu o tom povedal, opýtal som sa, "Čo je toto za znamenie?" On povedal, "To je Božie starodávne znamenie v hebrejčine: Boh, jeden Boh v troch atribútoch."

Povedal som, "Ako Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý?"

Zastavil sa a položil svoju šálku kávy, pozrel sa na mňa. Gene, myslím, že si tam bol, Leo. Povedal, "Veríš tomu?"

Povedal som, "Celým svojim srdcom."

123 On povedal, "Minulý večer, keď bol na tvojom zhromaždení, brat Branham, videl som to rozoznávanie. Nikdy som to nevidel ani v Amerike ani vo svojej zemi." Povedal, "Títo Američania dokonca ani nepoznajú Bibliu. Jediné, čo oni poznajú, je ich denominácia. Oni ani nevedia, kde stoja." Povedal, Nevedia nič." Povedal, "Ale keď som tam stál minulý večer," povedal, a povedal som... No, brat Gene, hovorím to s úctou a láskou a s takou...; on povedal, "Povedal som, ´To musí byť prorok.´ Ale keď vidím, že ty veríš, že Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý nie sú traja bohovia, to sú atribúty, potom viem, že si Boží prorok, lebo inak by ti to nebolo takto zjavené." Povedal, "To je dokonalý znak." Povedal, "Nikdy som..." Opýtal sa, "Nie si Jednotár?"

125 Povedal som, "Nie, pane. Nie som Jednotár. Verím, že Boh je Všemohúci Boh a tie tri atribúty sú len tri úrady, v ktorých prebýva ten jeden Boh."

126 On povedal, "Nech je požehnané tvoje srdce." Povedal, "Jedného dňa za to vyleješ na zemi svoju krv, "ale on povedal, "proroci za svoju vec vždy zomierajú."

127 A ja som povedal, "Nech je tak, ak sa to ľúbi môjmu Pánovi." Lamsaov preklad Biblie ...

128 Ó, je to tak pravdivé. Koľko krát som hovoril tejto cirkvi, ako hovoril Samuel predtým, ako si oni vybrali Saula, "Predtým, ako odítete a pripojíte sa teraz ku nejakej denominácii a stanete sa úplne zviazaní nejakým druhom náboženstva, prečo nenecháte, aby vás viedol Duch Svätý?" Prečo nevezmete Boha za svojho Vodcu a nenecháte Ho, aby vás žehnal a nezabudnete na svoju denomináciu?" No, ja nehovorím, aby ste nepatrili do nejakej denominačnej cirkvi, patrite do ktorej chcete. To je na vás. Ale hovorím vám, ako jednotlivcom, dovoľte Svätému Duchu aby vás viedol. Čítajte Bibliu. A čo káže robiť Biblia, to robte. Nech vás Boh žehná.

129 A teraz, čakal som už dlho. Chcel by som vedieť, či je tu niekto, kto by chcel prísť do modlitebnej rady, aby sme sa za neho modlili. Ak sú tu nejakí, zodvihli by ste svoje ruky? Len jeden, dvaja, traja. V poriadku. Príďte všetci rovno sem a potom sa sem postavte, ak chcete, teraz a budeme sa modliť. A potom sme... Nechcem, aby ste hneď odišli. Chcem ešte niečo oficiálne urobiť predtým ako zakončíme.

130 Koľkým z vás sa páči toto štúdium knihy Galaťanom? Ó, chcem povedať Efežanom? No, v stredu večer pôjdeme do tej pečate. A potom nasledujúcu nedeľu ráno pôjdeme do umiestnenia cirkvi do pozície. Ó, ak... Pravdepodobne sa do toho dostaneme v túto stredu večer, pre vás tu v Jeffersonville: Umiestnenie cirkvi do pozície, tam kde patria, každý jeden, ako sme povolaní skrze prijatie (adopciu.) Boh nás prijal za synov, sme synovia skrze narodenie, adoptovaní (prijatí za synov) a umiestnení do pozície skrze Ducha Svätého. Pozrite. Oni boli Hebreji, každý jeden, keď prekročili tú rieku, ale Jozue rozdelil tú zem a dal každému jednému z nich ich zem podľa výkriku ich matky pri narodení, čo jej povedal Svätý Duch.

131 A pozrite na Jákoba, keď zomieral, prorok, oslepený, natiahol svoje nohy na posteli, povedal, "Príďte, synovia Jákobovi a poviem vám, kde budete v tom poslednom dni." Ó, ó, viem, že môžem vyzerať zvláštne. Ľudia môžu vyzerať zvláštne. Ale, ó, keby ste len poznali tú istotu, to horenie v srdci. "Príďte a poviem vám, kde budete v tých posledných dňoch." A môžem vziať tie isté miesta Písma a mapu, kde sú tí Židia dnes usadení a dokázať vám, že oni sú presne na tom mieste, kde Jákob povedal, že budú v tom poslednom dni. A oni nikdy neboli, nikdy neboli na tom mieste kým sa nevrátili sedemnásteho mája 1946, tej noci, kedy sa mi tam ukázal Anjel Pánov a povedal o tej misii. A môžem vám ukázať, že keď sa oni vrátili do tej novej zeme, prišli rovno na to miesto, kde Jákob povedal, že sa usadia. A tam oni dnes sú. Ó, ó, ó! Sme o jeden deň bližšie k domovu, to je všetko.

132 Vy, drahí ľudia, ste nemocní, inak by ste tu len tak nestáli. Som váš brat. Mám poverenie od Boha modliť sa za chorých. Nie akoby som mal moc uzdravovať, to ja nemám. Ale mám moc modlitby. Ako som povedal dnes ráno, Dávid nemal nič okrem malého praku, ale on povedal, "Viem, čo to s tým urobí s Božou mocou." Vidíte? Ja vám môžem ponúknuť len malú modlitbu a položiť na vás svoje ruky, ale ja viem, čo spraví viera v Boha. Spravila to pre druhých, spraví to pre vás. Verte tomu, keď sem teraz pristúpite... len trochu bližšie sem.

133 No, rozmýšľam, aby to bolo účinné, či nepožiadať môjho brata, aby sem prišiel a pomazal ich olejom. Urobíš to, brat Neville? Požiadam cirkev, aby ste sklonili hlavy v modlitbe.

134 No, pamätám sa, minulý týždeň, keď som bol taký chorý s tým ricínovým olejom, dal by som čokoľvek, keby bol niekto prišiel a položil na mňa ruky. Keby som mal niekoho, kto by prišiel, koho Boh požehnal a pomohol mi, veľmi by som to ocenil. Vy všetci sa teraz cítite ako ja vtedy. Cítite teraz, že chcete, aby som urobil práve to, čo som ja vtedy chcel aby niekto urobil mne. Nech Boh nedopustí, aby som sa niekedy chcel vyhnúť svojej povinnosti. Nech ma vždy, či som unavený, či som ustatý, či sa sotva môžem pohnúť z jednej nohy na druhú, nech ma nechá ísť, lebo ja sa tam stretnem znova s každým jedným z vás v tej zemi.

135 Potom vy, staršie ženy, starší muži, schátralí, šedivé vlasy a vypadané, rozpadajúci sa na kusy ako nejaká ruža, ktorá otvorila svoj púčik, opadávajú jej tie lupienky, len sa rozpadáte na kusy, či nie? To je pravda. Len...A tá jediná vec, prečo chcete zostať pokope je, aby ste svietili na slávu Božiu. Takže ak vás teraz chytil nepriateľ a zrazil, prichádzam s Božím prakom, s vierou, s darom, ktorý mi dal Boh. Tu je to, čo som povedal, takže tomu môžete rozumieť. Povedal som, "Ak by sem prišiel Peter, alebo niektorý z nich..." Nehovorte to. Nemusíte sa modliť za mňa. Príďte len takto a poviem vám, ako tejto žene, poviem "Ty si sestra Tá-a-tá?" Ako sa voláš? Sestra Howardová. Poviem, "Ty si sestra Howardová. Si veriaca, sestra Howardová? Veríš, si veriaca? Potom, vidíš, ty máš práva ku všetkým vykúpeným požehnaniam." Potom by som povedal, "Sestra Howardová, všetko bude v poriadku" a odchádzaš. Ó, ako... povedal som, "Kričal by som, volal od radosti." Povedal by som, "Pane, to sa proste musí stať. To sa musí stať."

136 A pomyslel som si, "No, ľudia si myslia to isté, keď prichádzam a modlím sa za nich." Tak je to. Rozumiete, čo myslím?

137 A ja som stál, mnohokrát a bral ľudí a hovoril, "Ó, vzácna sestra, budeš tomu veriť? Ó, budeš tomu veriť?" "Pane, ó, Bože, nech tomu veria. Daj, aby tomu verili." "Ó, prosím vás, prijmete to teraz?" To nie je to. Prešiel som od toho. Odišiel som od toho. Hovorím len toto:

"Sestra Howardová, si veriaca?"

„Áno, som."

138 "V poriadku, sestra Howardová, ak si veriaca, si dedičkou všetkého čo Boh má." A len vezmem jej ruku. Vidíte, verím tomu. Kontaktujem sa so sestrou Howardovou tým, že položím na ňu svoje ruky. Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, "Modli sa za nich," On povedal, "Polož len na nich ruky." To je to a ona zostáva uzdravená. Ona môže povedať, "Všetko bude v poriadku," sestra Howardová. Potom choď domov a buď zdravá. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

139 Ty si sestra...? Sestra Hamdonová, ty si veriaca, však? Si dedičkou všetkého, čo Boh má. Nech je Boh s tebou, sestra Hamdonová. Choď domov a buď v poriadku, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví. Amen.

Ty si sestra...? Slaughová. Brat Jack... Ty si tá žena, za ktorú sme sa vtedy modlili v tej nemocnici. Ty si potom veriaca, sestra Slaughová, dedička všetkého, čo máme. Sestra Slaughová, môžeš obdržať to, za čo si prosila a buď zdravá. Boh ti to udelí.

Brat Gene, veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? A nech ti Pán Boh dá to, Gene, presne to, čo si žiadal...

Poznám ťa teraz. V poriadku. Uzdrav našu sestru evanjelistku. Poznám ťa. Toto je tam tvoj manžel. On je ten, za ktorého som sa raz modlil cez telefón. Stále si to budem pamätať. Nemohol prísť na to zhromaždenie v Tulse. Prišiel som na zhromaždenie a Pán ho uzdravil a poslal ho na to zhromaždenie. Ty tu stojíš v zastúpení za niekoho, aká je to kresťanská vec, sestra. Vidíte, On bol tiež v zastúpení, lebo stál za nás všetkých. Ty si veriaca a máš právo ku všetkému, čo Boh zasľúbil. Som Jeho sluha. A v mene Ježiša Krista ti dávam to, o čo prosíš.

140 Poď, brat Bill. Nech ťa Boh žehná. On je k tebe taký dobrý. Ty si veriaci, viem, že si. Verím, že ti Boh dá všetko, za čo prosíš, lebo ty si veriaci. Ako Jeho sluha, tebe, môj brat, v mene Ježiša Krista ti dávam túžbu tvojho srdca. Teraz choď a prijmi to. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

Sestra Bruce, poznám ťa. Táto malá ošetrovateľka sa zastávala mňa aj vás. Ona zvykla byť tam dolu v Moteli JJ, alebo tak nejako. Ty si sa zastávala iných. A čo je tvojou túžbou, keď prosíš Otca? Za seba dnes večer... Potom ten nepriateľ ťa strhol mimo dosahu lekárov, ale ja prichádzam za tebou s prakom. A v mene Pána Ježiša Krista mierim tým prakom na tie šípy, na ten kameň, ktorý sa dostal do ľadvín a zastavil ich činnosť a privádzam ťa späť... , nech ťa Boh žehná, skrze meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.

141 ...v mene nášho Otca. Ty si veriaci? Máš zranenie na tejto strane, dolu na ľavo... Veríš, že ti to Boh dá? A to je Jeho sluha. Pane, táto ruka má možno za sebou mnoho dní ťažkej práce, on prišiel za nejakým účelom, urobiť niečo. Daj mu túžbu jeho srdca, Otče, modlím sa, aby si mu to dal v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

Nepochybuj, to zranenie ťa zastaví od zranenie tohoto dolu a ty budeš v poriadku. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

Ty si veriaca, však? Ty si veriaca a si dedičkou všetkých týchto požehnaní. Ďakujem Ti, Otče. Privádzam túto moju sestru do línie... do centra tej moci a privádzam ju späť ku Tebe z toho zovretia nepriateľa v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Práve takto to bude.

Ty nechceš operáciu. Ó, Pane, ako tu stojí táto mladá žena, ešte v rozkvete mladosti, modlím sa za ňu a za ten pľúcny lalok, ktorý mal byť vybratý a ona by bola zhrbená po zbytok jej života. Ty si náš Otec a ja cielim ten oheň modlitby priamo na ňu, Pane, rovno do toho pľúcneho laloka. Vysielam túto modlitbu v mene Pána Ježiša Krista, nech je tak... v mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Amen.

142 Ty si Kresťanka, drahá sestra, sestra Dirdová... Ty si veriaca a si dedičkou všetkých Božích požehnaní, sestra Dirdová. Pane, ja ju privádzam ku Tebe s týmto malým prakom, ktorý si mi dal. Ako si dal Dávidovi ten prak, aby strážil ovce svojho otca a ak ten nepriateľ išiel po nejakej ovečke, on sa nebál, pochytil ten malý prak a bežal rovno za tými levmi a medveďmi a priviedol tie ovečky späť. Toto je modlitba viery. Ty si mi povedal, že ak budem úprimný a dovediem ľudí ku tomu, aby verili... Privádzam sestru Dirdovú dnes večer späť. Vytrhávam ju z rúk nepriateľa. Ona je Tvoja ovečka. Privádzam ju späť do Otcovho ovčinca, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Sestra Lowe, vysoký krvný tlak... A ty si veriaca; si, sestra Lowe, dedičkou všetkých tých požehnaní? Potom, Otče Bože, mierim dnes večer túto modlitbu ako z Božieho praku za vysoký krvný tlak sestry Lowe. Nech nabudúce, keď ten lekár odmeria jej krvný tlak, nech len na ňu pozrie a povie, "Už je normálny." Ona bude vedieť, čo to urobilo. V mene Ježiša Krista jej to dávam. Amen.

143 Áno... Prial by som si, keby som tu mal dnes večer svojho otca, aby som za neho teraz mohol modliť. Budem sa aj za tvojho. Rozumiem.

Nebeský Otče, ten muž, ktorý splodil tohoto chlapca, že on je tu na zemi dnes večer kvôli nemu. A jeho vlastný syn túži po tom, aby bol jeho otec privedený späť, von z tam toho sveta hriechu, on je alkoholik. Ó, Pane, vysielam túto modlitbu s vierou a silou a so všetkým, čo môžem, tento malý kameň v mene Pána Ježiša, vrhám to do toho diabla, ktorý to... [nezrozumiteľné slová – pozn.prekl.] a nech príde bezpečne do ovčinca, v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

Máš tiež túžbu. Chceš prísť do tej zeme, kde sú všetky zasľúbenia. No, Pane, tento chlapec je práve pri tej rieke, táborí na tej druhej strane a Jordán je preplnený a zúri. A nie je žiaden spôsob pre neho aby prešiel, len ak Ty urobíš tú cestu, tak ako si urobil pre Jozuu, pre Izrael. A Otče, prosím Ťa, ako Tvoj sluha, nech náš vzácny brat, ó, Bože, daj mu, aby prešiel do tej zasľúbenej zeme, toto zasľúbenie, ktoré je na tej druhej strane, ako som bol prevedený ten večer... Nech mám tú výsadu, že ho budem môcť objať v tej inej zemi, a povedať, "Moji vzácni bratia." Udeľ to, Pane. Nech obdrží to zasľúbenie Božie, Svätého Ducha. Amen.

144 Ó, Pane, toto je môj vzácny brat. Táto ruka mi bola veľmi milá, stála za mňa v tých nespočetných hodinách. On verí a má vieru. A teraz, nepriateľ sa ho pokúša chytiť, tohoto môjho priateľa. Iste... A on si myslí, že sa môže chopiť tohoto chlapca, ale ja prichádzam za ním. Prichádzam, aby som Ti priviedol Tvojho vlastného, Pane, vrhám tento kameň s presnou vierou v mene Ježiša Krista bojujem proti tej cukrovke, ktorú ... [nezrozumiteľné slová – pozn.prekl.], ...späť Tvoju vlastnú ovečku do ovčinca, Otče, v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Žľazy ... Ó, Pane, naša sestra vie, že táto nadváha, ako hovoria lekári, je vec, ktorá zabíja. Každá libra nadváhy odoberá jeden rok života, podľa grafu poistenia. A ona chce žiť pre česť a chválu Božiu. A toto nemôže dokázať žiaden lekár, Otče Bože, je to len v Tvojich rukách. A sestra Bellová je verná a milá a ohľaduplná. Ona prešla cez mnohé ťažké skúšky, prichádzam dnes večer pre ňu, Pane. Prichádzam stretnúť sa tam s tým nepriateľom. A mierim s celou presnosťou ktorou len môžem, v mene Ježiša Krista vrhám ten kameň na tohoto nepriateľa, ktorý ju dostal. Nech ho to rozhádže a zaženie preč od nej a nech sa môže navrátiť späť ku tým zeleným pastvinám a k tichým vodám, skrze Ježiša Krista. Amen. Tak to bude, sestra Bellová. Len nepochybuj.

145 [Nejaká sestra vydáva svedectvo – pozn.prekl.]... Stál som tu a pozrel som sa na teba. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Amen ... Tak veru, viem o tom všetko. My všetci to tvrdíme, sestra Spencerová a vieme, ako ona a brat Jesse prechádzajú cez ...?... či prísť sem do zboru. Keď prekročím tam na tú druhú stranu, oni sa nebudú takto potĺkať, oni budú mladí, ó, brat Jesse... všetko to... Vy všetci viete, len prejsť tú malú ... zmeníš sa znova na to milé mladé dievča a brat Jesse na mladého chlapca. Boh vám to zasľúbil.

No, pozrite. Chcem ti dať len trochu rady, lebo ty si tu posledný. Chcem ... lebo viem, že toto je tvoj malý chlapec, Charlie. Ty chceš, aby sme sa za neho modlili ...

146 Chcem povedať túto jednu vec. Čítali ste niekedy v Písme, kde toto hovorí Biblia? Pavol povedal tomu rímskemu stotníkovi (počujete ma dobre?), povedal tomu Rimanovi, keď on vytiahol svoj meč, aby sa zabil, keď boli vo väzení na Filipách. A zemetrasenie zatriaslo väznicou. On povedal, "Uver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom." Počuli ste to už? "Ty i tvoj dom..."

No, pozriete. Ak máte dosť viery, aby ste prijali spasenie pre seba, či nemôžete mať tiež dostatok viery pre svoje dieťa? Boh nejakým spôsobom... A Pane, modlím sa dnes večer za sestru Spencerovú a brata Spencera, aby každé dieťa, oni a ich deti, boli všetci tam v tej slávnej šťastnej zemi, kde nebude žiadna choroba alebo staroba, žiaden smútok a sklamanie a všetok tento malý život tu pominie v mrákotách, ktoré sú preč. Nech to oni obdržia a nech všetky jej deti a jej manžel, všetci jej milovaní a tí, ktorí ju milujú a všetci, ktorých ona miluje, nech sú tam s ňou, v mene Ježiša. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra.......

147 Keď bude pripravený ísť do ... po celý čas len maj vieru v Neho... prejdeš tam ... A práve s takou istotou, akože tu stojím, dnes večer, sestra Spencerová, Jeho milosťou uvidím teba i Jesseho tam za tou hranicou, mladých a voľných. Budete všetci bežať a kričať, "Brat môj, môj brat." Uvidím vás.

To sú jej nervy. Otče Bože, toto dievča by sa zrútilo a ona musí dosiahnuť ... ako jediné ... čo prekáža. Ale ja dnes prichádzam pre ňu. Prichádzam ku Tebe, Otče. Prichádzam prosiť Teba, aby si Ty nasmeroval tú strelu, ktorú vystrelím. Nech je to presne zamierené, tá muška rovno na jej ... Nech táto modlitba v mene Ježiša Krista udrie tú nervozitu a roztrhá ju na kusy, nech privedie túto ovečku Božej pastviny. Amen. To musí byť práve teraz ...

Bože nebies, udeľ, aby jej šesť detí, po ktorých ona túži, aby boli spasené... ona počula to svedectvo brata Daultona, jeho milých dcér. Ona túži po svojich šiestich deťoch, Otče. Nech ich ona má. Nech ju stretnú v tej zemi, kde nie je žiadna noc, bezpečne ochránení a zastrešení Krvou Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech to máš sestra, to je moja modlitba.

148 Verím.... Nie je nič, čo by sotva mohlo pomôcť. Dajú im nejakú malú... také niečo. Ó, niečo ako sedatíva namiesto...Volajú to Cortisone a to vás zabíja, to trhá vašu krv tak... Ale... vidíte, tá artritída je ako ten lev, ktorý uchmatne tú ovcu a beží s ňou preč. No, čo urobí ten prak? Úúú, ó, je tam veľký revúci lev s baránkom. A on má rád baránky, tak on s ním zutekal preč, ale Dávid vzal ten prak a šiel po ňom. Vidíte, sledujte teraz. On mal päť kameňov: v-i-e-r-a, on sám. Jeho prak bol v jeho ruke: J-e-ž-i-š. On je smrtiaca rana. Niečo sa musí stať, poďme dnes večer po tej artritíde skrze túto modlitbu, nech ti to Boh dá.

Ona chce byť pokrstená na meno... Chceš aby sa dala pokrstiť ... Ďakujem, sestra. Nie preto, že by to bolo ... To nie je preto, že ... No, ak by to bolo v Biblii na Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, veril by som tomu a zostal by som pri tom. Nechcel by som sa líšiť. Chcel by som to ... Ale ja som za to zodpovedný. Vidíte? A ja to musím povedať práve tak, ako je to povedané, nie, aby som sa líšil, ale chcem byť úprimný.

149 Otče, prichádzame za jej milovanými. Ona má artritídu a ona chce, aby tu bola pokrstená na meno Pána Ježiša, lebo to je vstup, to je tá otvorená brána. To je to, kde Jozue otvoril tú jednu cestu, ktorá prechádzala tam do tej zasľúbenej zeme. Neboli tam otvorené žiadne dve alebo tri miesta, bolo tam len jedno.

Peter, na deň Letníc, keď bola cirkev po prvý krát zahájená, otvoril cestu, povedal, "Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť na meno Ježiša Krista." Nikdy sa neodchýlili od tej jednej cesty, každý jeden prešiel do tej zasľúbenej zeme. Niektorí z nich sa pokúšali dostať tam dolu iným brodom a Pavol im povedal, "Načo ste boli pokrstení? Kadiaľ sa to pokúšate prejsť?"

A oni povedali, "Tadiaľto, kde sa díval Ján."

On povedal, "No, Ján len ukázal na ten čas a to miesto." A potom, keď to oni počuli, dali sa pokrstiť cez ten pravý brod a oni šli ďalej do toho ... Ducha života. Udeľ to našej sestre a jej milovaným, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

150 Brat Lyle... Ó... Áno... [Brat Lyle sa rozpráva s bratom Branhamom – pozn.prekl.] To videnie, ktoré On dal...... Nech ťa Boh žehná. Ty si teraz na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme, brat...

Koľkí z vás tu si pamätajú na to, práve predtým, ako mi bola potvrdená táto služba a bol som raz s jedným človekom chytať ryby, dolu pri rieke ... jazere? A ja som chytal malé ryby a prišiel na mňa Duch Svätý. Bol to veľký človek, bol svedok Jehovov. Jeho brat je niekde tu, Banks Wood. On je niekde tu, on je môj sused. Toto je Lyle. A títo ľudia boli svedkovia Jehovovi. A jedného dňa oni povedali, keď sme boli tam na rybách, potom, čo sa tento chlapec obrátil, povedal som mu, že je niečo v jeho živote a všetko čo sa stalo a všetko o tom, čo mi on práve teraz povedal a on sa práve teraz toho zbavil. Tak je to. To je presne tak. Jeho otec bol ten, ktorý čítal. Je to... A on aj so svojou manželkou boli pokrstení, aby vydávali svedectvo, na meno Pána Ježiša Krista tu v bazéne. A tento muž sedel pri ňom, brat.

151 Banks, kde si? Je vo vnútri? Vzadu na rohu. Áno. A my sme chytali ryby. A brat, môj malý chlapec zabil... Myslel som, že zabil nejaké šteňa niekoľko dní pred tým. Nejaká malá matka mačka mala niekoľko malých mačiatok a on ho zodvihol a pustil. A ja som myslel ... Povedal som, „Pán ukázal, že vzbudí nejaký malý život ..." deň pred tým. Je to tak, Lyle? Stojac tam v tej zime. A ja som povedal, "To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN."

A my sme chytali ryby celú noc a nič sme nechytili. Na druhý deň ráno sme chytali ryby tam v tej malej zátoke, nejaké „bluegill", to je malá rybka. A brat Lyle mal veľkú udicu a on nechal tú malú rybku, že prehltla ten veľký háčik, ktorý mal, že keď ho vytiahol, to malé lanko bolo celé dolu, ten veľký háčik v tom malom brušku tej rybky. A keď ho vytiahol, on musel vytiahnuť jej vnútornosti a všetko ostatné z tej rybky a len to všetko vytiahol, lebo ten veľký háčik sa zachytil dolu v brušku tej rybky. A keď to urobil, hodil ju do vody a ona sa len zachvela, štyri alebo päť krát a bolo to; lebo jej vnútornosti a žiabre jej viseli z úst. A ona sa len tak vznášala na hladine asi pol hodiny, odplavilo ju do krovia.

152 A ja som tam sedel a chytal ryby a zrazu prišiel Svätý Duch a povedal, "Prehovor ku tej rybe!"

Povedal som, "Malá rybka, Ježiš Kristus ti dáva znova tvoj život," a tá malá rybka, ktorá ležala mŕtva na vode, otočila sa na svoju stranu a odplávala "ŕŕŕŕŕŕŕŕ" do vody tak rýchlo ako len mohla.

Brat Lyle, brat Wood je tu prítomný. Brat Lyle povedal, "Brat Branham, to bolo kvôli mne, lebo som povedal tej malej..." povedal, "Ja nie som..." On povedal, keď z nej vytiahol tie vnútornosti a hodil ju tam, povedal, "Chytila si svoj posledný kúsok, maličká," práve tak. Odhodil ju, povedal, "To bolo kvôli mne."

A ja som povedal, "Nie, brat Lyle, to nebolo to."

Brat Banks tam povedal, "Koľko ľudí na tomto svete, koľké tisíce by radi stáli tu, kde my teraz stojíme a videli prichádzať moc Božiu a činiť niečo takéto?" Inými slovami, on je ako... Verím, že všetci sme sa cítili ako Peter, "Je dobre tu byť. Postavme tri stány." Tak je to.

153 No, brat Lyle, ty si teraz pomazaný Svätým Duchom. Ty si vyšiel z Egypta, tie cesnakové hrnce a špina toho sveta je tam zanechaná. Stojíš teraz tam dolu na brehu Jordánu, rovno tam. Nech ťa Boh prevedie ďalej.

Všemohúci Bože, tu je Tvoja trofej. Iste, on bol v poriadnej šlamastike, Pane, ale moje srdce išlo za ním. Naše modlitby zasiahli práve tam ten závan chladnutia, lebo práve tá vec, ktorá ho držala, je preč od neho. Je zničená a on teraz kráča do Jordánu. Vezmi ho do tej zasľúbenej zeme, Pane a zapečať ho medzi ľuďmi, že v ten slávny deň, keď sa tam stretneme, nech cítim to teplo jeho ramien ako kričí, "Môj vzácny brat." A viem ... Pane, priveď s ním tiež Banksa, privedieš? Otca, matku a všetkých z nich, sestru a celú tú veľkú rodinu. Nech sa tam všetci stretneme, Pane a nech je každý jeden z nich naplnený Svätým Duchom. Modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Obdržíš to, brat. Nech ti Boh žehná, brat. Áno, brat...

154 Niekto zomiera, telefonujú odniekiaľ, predám službu bratovi Neville zatiaľčo ...

[Brat Neville hovorí a vedie zhromaždenie v záverečnej modlitbe. Brat Branham sa vracia a hovorí. Slová sú miestami nezrozumiteľné. -- pozn.prekl.]

Nejaký mladý kazateľ padol mŕtvy za kazateľňou ... Tak posielame skalu viery..... Udeľ dnes večer...... lebo posielam za neho modlitbu, v mene Pána Ježiša Krista....... Jeho tep srdca ... odišiel od neho, oči sa mu zavreli ... padol za kazateľňou...

Trvá ešte zhromaždenie? Môžete mi venovať pozornosť? Mladý evanjelista, kazateľ tu hore v Indiáne kázal, padol mŕtvy za kazateľňou asi pred hodinou, zatiaľčo kázal padol dopredu a zomrel za kazateľňou, významný evanjelista, kázal tu hore v Indiáne. Ten pastor len prišiel a zavolal mi. On zomrel práve keď kázal pod pomazaním Ducha, padol dopredu, jeho oči sa zavreli, dych ho opustil. Je prehlásený za mŕtveho, leží mŕtvy asi hodinu. A niečo im povedalo, aby zavolali do zboru a aby som sa modlil. Tak som poslal modlitbu aby bol vrátený späť, v mene Pána Ježiša.

Môžete sa pripojiť ku mne vo viere, aby to neminulo cieľ, ale ... a vrátilo ho späť. Ďakujem. Nech je Boh s vami, kým sa stretneme v stredu večer. A vy, ľudia z Georgie a okolia, dovidenia. Nech je Boh s vami. Brat pastor... [Brat Branham hovorí a modlí sa za druhých. – pozn.prekl.]

1 feel good to hear that, that's good. Well, it's... always, as I've said before, "I was happy when they said unto me, 'Let us go into the house of the Lord,'" I believe David made that statement once, "Let us go into the house of the Lord." I don't know any better place to be, do you, than in the house of the Lord.

Now, tonight we are... We got some friends here that's all the way from Georgia. And they'll probably be driving down after--after the lunch tonight. And then we will... Some of them from way down, I hope you stay over. And what rooms we got is open to you.

And then Wednesday night we'll continue on, on the study, and then, the Lord willing, next Sunday again.

4 And then Chautauqua begins on the sixth. So all that's got your vacations planned, we're expecting a great wonderful time at the Chautauqua. There's where we always have such a marvelous time. Not too big a crowds, we run sometimes... It'll hold up to about... I suppose we could put ten thousand in it, easy. But, usually, last year I think we had around about seven thousand, something like that. Was a packed out place, but there's plenty of room to stand, and seats that they can run all the way out. And so we are looking forward to that.

5 And glad to see many of our minister brothers in. I can't never think of his name here, the missionary, Brother Humes. And Sister Humes, is that you setting right here, and the little ones, we're glad to have them, a missionary. Other ones, Brother Pat, Brother Daulton, and, oh, just so many, Brother Beeler. And seen Brother Collins just a few moments ago. And, oh, it'd be kind of hard to call them all. But we're very happy to have you in the house of the Lord tonight.

This great precious Brother Neville setting behind me here to pray with me while we are going to teach the Word... Charlie, glad to see you and Sister Nellie here tonight, the little ones. This is... And Bible teaching is usually a very... Yes, Brother Welch, I just... was looking for you; I see you setting back there now. And...

6 Bible teaching is usually a little treacherous, a little, you know, kind of walking out on the thin ice; we call it. But we just feel that maybe at this point and at this time, it might be good to kinda bring the--the church to what I think to a--a complete understanding, positionally, of what we are in Christ Jesus. And sometimes I think that preaching is a wonderful thing, but I believe sometimes, Brother Beeler, that teaching goes beyond that, it kindly... Especially to the church.

Now, preaching usually catches the sinner, brings him under condemnation by the Word. But teaching places a man positionally what he is. And we can never rightly be able to have faith until positionally we know what we are.

7 Now, if the United States of this fair land here, sent me over to Russia as an ambassador of this nation, to Russia, then if they have officially sent me to Russia, all the power that the United States has is behind me. My word is just the same as the United States, if I have been recognized as an ambassador.

And then if God has sent us to be His ambassadors, all the power that's in heaven, all that God is, all of His Angels and all of His power stands behind our words if we are correctly an ordained, sent messengers to the people. God has to honor the Word, for He has so solemnly written, that "Whatever you bind on earth, that will I bind in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth, that will I loose in heaven. And I give unto thee the keys to the Kingdom." Oh, such great promises He's given the church.

9 And I am, after the other day, of many of you I suppose was here this morning to hear as I tried to in my humble, simple way, to explain the--the vision that I saw of heaven...

I would, by no means, ever try to doubt anything that anyone ever told me that God told them. I'd believe it; even if I didn't see it in the Scripture I would still want to believe that brother's word. I--I might just stay right along with the Bible, but still I would believe that maybe the brother just misunderstood it some way, that he might have just got it mixed up a little. And still I would believe he--he to be my brother.

11 And if there's anything that burns within my heart, and I hope it never leaves in my years to come, that I'll never forget what happened last Sunday morning, as a week. It has done something to me that's revolutionized my life. I--I do not fear. I--I have not one fear of death. Death has no fear at all. And it--it doesn't for you if you just understood. Now, maybe if... You'd have to have the experience to know it, because there's no way to explain it. You cannot find words, because it doesn't lay in the English dictionary, or no other dictionary; because it's in an eternity: no yesterday, no tomorrow, it's all present tense. And it's no, "I feel pretty good," and a hour from now, "I don't feel so well," and another hour, "feel good again." It's present tense all the time (See?), never a cease, just that glorious peace and something.

12 And there can be no sin; there could be no jealousy; there could be no sickness; there--there could be nothing ever reach that heavenly shore. And if I may have the privilege of saying this, which, maybe I do not... If I do not, then I pray God forgive me. But if I have the privilege, and it was that God let me be caught up to see something, I would refer to the first heavens. And then I believe, one in the Bible by the name, I believe it was Paul, that was caught up into the third heaven. And if it was this glorious in the first heavens, what does that third heavens hold? No wonder he couldn't speak of it for fourteen years. He said he did not know whether he was in body or out of body. With that great apostle, not to share his--his--his office, or not to try to make ourselves anything like he was, but I can say with him: I don't know whether I was in this body or out of the body. Only thing, it was just as real as I'm looking at you.

13 And I've always wondered about if I'd pass by, I'd see a little cloud floating by, a spirit, and say, "There goes brother and sister; that's Charlie and Nellie. That's Brother and Sister Spencer going there." That always puzzled me. If my eyes is in the grave, decaying, rottening, if my ears is not here to hear any more, and if my blood has all gone back and they've embalmed it, and it's in the waters or in the ground, and my mental faculties, my brain cells are all gone, then how would I be any more than just a spirit floating around? And that wearied me. How would I like to say, "Hello, Brother Pat, oh, so glad to see you. Hello, Brother Neville, how I would like to see you." But I thought, "Well, if I don't have anything to see with, any mouth to speak with, it's rotten, it's dust, how would I be able to say, 'Hello, Brother Pat,' 'Hello, Brother Neville,' or so forth, 'Hi, Charlie'?"

14 But now I know that that's wrong. For it is written in the Scriptures, which I say it's not contrary, "For if this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting," another tabernacle that has eyes, ears, lips, mental faculties. If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, it has a body that can feel, can talk.

And now it comes to me, just now, that Moses had been dead and in a in--unmarked grave for eight hundred years, and Elijah had went to heaven five hundred years before, but on Mount Transfiguration they were found talking with Jesus.

16 After Samuel had been dead for at least three to five years, and the witch of En-dor called him up, and she fell on her face, and she said, "You have deceived me, because you are Saul, yourself." She said, "Because I see gods." She was a heathen (You see?), "I see gods rising up."

And Saul couldn't see him yet, and he said, "What does he look like? Describe him to me." Said, "He's thin, and he has a mantle over his shoulder."

Said, "That's Samuel the prophet; bring him here before me." I want you to notice that Samuel had not lost any of his personality. He was still a prophet; he told Saul exactly what would happen the next day.

So, you see, death does not completely diminish us as we weep and wail and lament at the grave. It only changes our dwelling place. It takes us from a place to... What is age? If I live one more hour, I'll outlive a many sixteen-year-old person. I'll outlive a many five-year-old person. Age is nothing. We're just set here for a purpose, to do something.

20 Well now, many of these little pretty-faced mothers setting here, some of them sixty or seventy years old, would say, "Well, what have I done, Brother Branham?" You've raised your children. You've done what you were supposed to do.

Maybe some old Dad setting here say, "Well, I've harrowed the fields; I've done this. I never preached." But you did just what God sent for you to do. There's a place for you.

22 Speaking to an old doctor yesterday, one of my doctor friends, buddies, eighty-something years old... And his sister-in-law is here at the church tonight, and she's been just a teeny-teeny bit worried about him. And I went to see him. And as soon as I begin to talk to him, he brightened up, told me about a hunting trip he taken many years ago up in Colorado, the very same country I hunt at. Just as brilliant and bright... And I said, "Doctor, how long you been practicing?"

He said, "When you were nursing." And way down I said... "And many a time," he said, "I've practiced taking my buggy; I put my saddle bags over my horse. I took the little satchel and I've walked."

And I said, "Yes, down along the creek banks, two o'clock in the morning with your flashlight, trying to find a house where a little child had a tummy ache or a mother in labor pains."

"That's right."

25 And I said, "You know, doctor, I believe, across this dividing line here between mortal and immortality, God has a place for good old doctors that's served like that."

Great tears come in his eyes, and he started crying; he reached up his feeble hands and said, "Brother, I hope so." Across the land, God judges a man's soul, what he is.

Then I give him this satisfying Scripture. Many times, plowing through those dark muddy fields at night, trying to help somebody, maybe never get a penny for it, but it's all right. I said, "Jesus said in the Scripture, 'Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.'" And that is true.

28 And tonight we want to set the church in these three lessons, if God permits, how and what to look to, what we are. We're going to begin at the 1st chapter of the Book of Paul's letter to Ephesus. And we're going to take the three first chapters in our next three studies, trying to get a chapter a evening, if we can, tonight, Wednesday, and next Sunday morning. Ephesians, the 1st chapter...

Now, as we study together, I'd like to say this, that this Book of Ephesians perfectly parallels the Old Testament Joshua: Ephesians, the Book of Ephesians...

29 Now, remember, if we happen to get just a little off to your teaching, just forgive us and bear with us awhile. Before we open It, let's ask Him to help us, as we bow our heads.

Lord, we are approaching Thy holy and sacred Writ, which It is more secure than all the heavens and earth. For we read in this Word, called the Bible, that "Both heaven and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail." Then upon this solemn hour that I come to this pulpit tonight before the purchase of Your Blood, these precious darling mortals that sets here tonight, grasping for every little hope that they can to hold on for that Life that is to come, may it be so sufficient tonight, that every believer here will see his position, and everyone who has not yet come into this great fellowship will press the Kingdom, Lord, and knock at the door until the Keeper opens the door. Grant it, Lord.

31 We are reading in here where this Bible is of no private interpretation. God forbid that I Your servant or any other servant would ever try to put their own interpretation to the Word. Let us just read It and believe It the way It is written. And especially we shepherds of the flocks, we pastors who someday will gather yonder in that glorious land with the little flocks, and we'll stand in the Presence of the Lord Jesus, and we'll see that generation come up, of Paul, and of Peter, and of Luke, and Mark, and Matthew, and all them, and see them judged there with their groups. God, grant that I can lay ten million trophies at Your feet while I humbly crawl up and lay my hands upon Your precious feet and say, "Lord, they are Yours."

32 O God, fill us freshly with Thy Spirit and with Thy love and Thy goodness. And may we, as the poet has expressed in the song many years ago, "Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood shall never lose its power, until all the ransomed church of God be saved to sin no more. And ever since, by faith, I saw that stream Thy flowing wounds supplied; redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die. Then in a nobler, sweeter song," he goes on to say, "I'll sing Thy power to save; when this poor lisping, stammering tongue lies silent in the grave." Then the grave does not hold any death for Your children. It's only our resting place, or our hiding place, where this corruption will put on incorruption.

And may we tonight see this, Lord, plainly, as it is given to us in the Word. Give us understanding. And place us, Lord, at our post of duty, that we might serve faithfully until You come. We ask this in Jesus' Name, and for His sake. Amen.

34 Now, the Book of Ephesians, as I was just saying, I--to my opinion, is one of the greatest Books of the New Testament. It leaves us on where Calvinism runs out on one limb, and Arminianism runs out on the other limb, but the Book of Ephesian draws it together and positionally places the church.

Now, I've typed it with Joshua. If you notice, Israel was brought up out of Egypt, and there's three stages of their journey. One stage was leaving Egypt. The next stage was the wilderness. And the next stage was Canaan.

36 Now, Canaan does not represent the age of the Millennium. It only represents the age of the overcomer, the dispensation of overcoming, because in Canaan they killed and burned and took cities. And there'll be no death in the Millennium.

But another thing that it does, it brings up justification by faith, after they believed in Moses and left Egypt; sanctification through following under the Pillar of Fire and the atonement of the sacrificial lamb in the wilderness; and then entering into a land that had been promised.

38 Now, what is the land promised to the New Testament believer? The promise is the Holy Spirit. "For it shall come to pass in the last days," Joel 2:28, "that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. And upon My handsmaids and My maidservants will I pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy. I'll show wonders in the heavens above. And in the earth, pillars of fire, and smoke, and vapor." And Peter said, on the day of Pentecost, after taking his text and preaching, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission," to remit, to forgive, to take away all back trespasses.

39 Did you notice, Joshua? Before they crossed Jordan, Joshua said, "Go through the midst of the camp and clean your clothes and sanctify every one of you, and let no man come at his wife, for within three days you'll see the glory of God." See? It is a--it is a process of getting ready to inherit the promise.

Now, the promise to Israel was... God gave Abraham the promise of the land of Palestine, and it was to be their possession forever. And they was to always remain in this land.

Now, they come three stages, coming to this promised land. Now, watch; it's perfectly typed in the New Testament.

Now, this, as I have said, disagrees with some of the thinking of yours. Some of you precious Nazarene people, Church of God, and so forth, don't let it hurt, but just watch it close and watch the types. Watch and see if every place don't hit just perfect.

42 There was three stages of the journey, and there's three stages of this journey. For we are justified by faith, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, forsaking the land of Egypt, come out, and then are sanctified through the offering of His Blood, washed from our sins, and become pilgrims and sojourners, claiming that we are seeking a land, a city that's coming, or a promise.

So did Israel in the wilderness, sojourners, no place to rest, traveling night after night, following the Pillar of Fire, but finally come to the promised land where they settled down.

44 That's where the believer comes. He comes first to a recognition that he's a sinner; then he is separated by the waters, the washing of the water, by the Blood, and--or the washing of the water by the Word, rather, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Then, being justified by faith, he becomes a partaker, and at peace with God through Christ, baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ to omit him into the journey. You get it? Into the journey. Then he becomes a sojourner and a pilgrim. He's on his journey to what? A promise that God made.

45 Israel had not yet received the promise, but they were on their journey. And without, raising... Please do understand. That's where you, the Nazarene and Pilgrim Holiness, and so forth, fell. Because Israel, when they come to the spot of Kadesh-Barnea, when the spies went over and said, "The land is great."

But some of them come back and said, "We can't take it, because the cities are walled up, and so forth."

But Joshua and Caleb stood out, and said, "We're more than able to take it." Because of their already signed-up documated statements, they believed in two works of grace, justification and sanctification, and could not move any farther. And listen, that whole generation perished in the wilderness but two that went over into the promised land and brought back the evidence that it was a goodly land, "and we were more than able to take it, because it was God's promise." Then instead of the people going on, receiving the Holy Spirit, speaking with tongues, receiving the power of God, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, signs, wonders, miracles, they felt that it would break down their tradition of doctrine. And what happened to it? Perished in the land. That's right.

46 But the believers, the Caleb and Joshua outfit, that was going on to the promise, they moved on over into the land, and took the land, and settled down in the land as a possession. And we never stop at justification, sanctification. Let's go on to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Let's not stop at believing on the Lord Jesus, being baptized. Let's not stop because He cleaned us up from a life of sin. But now we pressed on into a position, to a promise of the baptism of the Holy Ghost. For Peter said on the day of Pentecost, "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

47 So Ephesus here sets us like Joshua, positionally. You notice, Joshua, after crossing over the land and taking the land, then he divided the land. "Ephraim here, Manasseh's here, and this one here, Gad here, Benjamin here." He divided the land.

And notice. Oh, this just burns our hearts. Each one of those Hebrew mothers giving birth to those children, she spoke the very place in her labor pains, where they would be positioned in the promised land. Oh, it's a great study. If we could only go into it in details, which would take hours after hours... Someday when we get our church fixed, I'd just like to come and take a solid month or two, just stay right in it. Watch when they, each one of those mothers, when she called out, "Ephraim," when she was in labor, positionally placed him where his feet was setting in oil. Just exactly every one of them where they were at...

And Joshua, not knowing this, but by inspiration, led of the Holy Spirit, after being into the promised land, give each man his promise, exactly what the Holy Spirit promised through the birth back there.

50 How that God has set some in the church, through the labor pains... Oh, they get tremendous sometime. When a church is groaning under the persecution of the outside world, believing on the Lord Jesus, that the promise of the Holy Ghost is just as real to us as it was to Pentecost, how they groan and cry under labor pains. But when they are born, and positionally born into the Kingdom of God, then the Holy Ghost has set in the church, some apostles, some prophets, some teachers, some pastors, some evangelists. Then He's give into there, speaking with tongues, interpretation of tongues, knowledge, wisdom, gifts of healing, all kinds of miracles.

51 Where the church is... Now, this is my purpose of doing this. The church is always trying to take somebody else's corner. But don't do that. You can never raise corn in Ephraim's corner, if you're Manasseh. You've got to take your place in Christ, positionally take it.

Oh, it gets deep and rich when we get in here, how that God puts one in the church to speak with tongues, another... Now, we have been taught many times, we all have to speak with tongues. That's wrong. "We all got to do it." No, we don't. They all didn't do one thing, each one was...

52 Each... The land was provided and divvied up by inspiration. And each one... I could take the Scriptures and show it to you exactly, that he put them in the place where they was supposed to be, positionally, how that the two half tribes was to stay across the river, how that their mothers cried that in their birth, and how that each place was supposed to be.

And now after you are in, that don't mean that you're out free from war. You still have to fight for every inch of ground you stand on. So see, Canaan did not represent the great heaven, because it's war and troubles and killings and fightings, and so forth. But it did represent this: that it must be a perfect walk.

54 And there's where the church is failing today: on that walk. Do you know that even your own behavior can knock somebody else out of getting healed? Your misbehavior of unconfessed sins of you believers, can cause this church to bitterly fail. And at the day of the judgment you'll be responsible for every bit of it. Oh, you say, "Now, wait a minute, Brother Branham." Well, that's the truth. Think of it.

Joshua, after he crossed over into the land, God gave him the promise that... Just think, to fight an entire campaign without losing a man, without even getting a scratch, without having to have a nurse, or a first aid or a Band-Aid. God said, "The land's yours; go fight." Think of fighting a campaign, and there's no Red Cross around at all; there's nobody going to get hurt.

56 And they slayed the Amorites and the Hittites, but there wasn't one hurt among any of them until sin come in the camp. And when Achan took that Babylonian garment and that gold wedge, and hid it under his camp, then the next day they lost sixteen men. Joshua said, "Stop. Stop. Wait a minute; there's something wrong. Something's wrong here. We're going to call seven days of fast. God made us a promise. There will be nothing hurt us. Our enemies will fall at our feet. And there's something wrong here. Something went wrong somewhere, 'cause we got sixteen dead men laying here. They're Israelite brothers, and they're dead."

57 Why did they die, innocent men? Because one man stepped out of the line. You see the reason this needs to be taught? The church lining up, lining up with the Word of God, lining up with God and lining up with each other, walking perfectly upright, soberly, before all men, fearing God. Because one man stole a garment and done something that he should not done, took the life of sixteen men. I think it was sixteen, maybe more. I believe it was sixteen men that was dead.

Joshua called, said, "There's something wrong. God made the promise, and something's wrong."

When we bring the sick up before us and they fail to be healed, we need to call a solemn fast, call an assembly. Something's wrong somewhere. God made the promise. God's got to stick to that promise, and He will do it.

60 And he called a fast. And they found out, they cast the lots. And Achan confessed it. And they killed Achan's family and all, and burnt their ashes, and left it there for a memorial. And Joshua went right on through the battles, taking everything without a scratch or a wound. There you are.

61 One day he had--needed a little time, extra time. The sun was going down; the men couldn't fight very good at nighttime. Joshua, that great warrior, anointed of God, positionally placed into the land, like Ephesians to the new church, possess--possessed in the--possessing the land, taking it over. He needed some time, so he said, "Sun, stand still." And she stood still for about twelve hours until he took the land. See?

62 Now, the Book of Ephesians placed us positionally in Christ, what they was in the holy land. We are placed not in the holy land, but in the Holy Ghost. Now, let us read just a Word, see how perfect the church is.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,...

Oh, I like that. God made him an apostle. No elders laid hands on him, no bishops sent him anywhere, but God called him and made him an apostle.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints... (sanctified ones)... which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Jesus Christ:

Watch how he addresses this. This is not to the unbelievers. This is to the church. It's called to the called-out ones, the sanctified and called ones that are in Christ Jesus.

65 Now, if you want to know how we get in Christ Jesus, if you'll turn to I Corinthians 12, it said, "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body." How? Baptized by what? The Holy Ghost. Not by water baptism, you church of Christ people, but by one capital S-p-i-r-i-t, by one Spirit. Not by one handshake, by one letter, not by one sprinkle, but by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body, our possession, the land that God give us to live in, the Holy Ghost. Just as He give Canaan to the Jews, He's give us the Holy Spirit. By one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body. You get it?

66 Now, he's talking to the spiritual Canaanites, Israel, the spiritual Israel who has possessed the land. Oh, aren't you glad you've come out of Egypt's garlic? Aren't you glad you're out of the wilderness? And remember, they had to eat manna, Angel's food out of heaven, until they crossed over into the land. And when they crossed over into the land, the manna ceased to fall. They were fully matured then, and they eat the old corn of the land. Now, now that you're not babies any more, now that you're not desiring the sincere milk of the Gospel, that you don't have to be babied, and patted, and persuaded to come to church, now that you're real fully matured Christians, you're ready to eat strong meats now. You're ready to come into something:, he said. You're ready to understand something that's deep and rich. Oh, we'll get into it directly. And, oh, it's been hidden since the foundation of the world.

He said, "Now, that you've come into this, I'm addressing this to you," not to those who've just left Egypt, not to those who are still in the journey, but to those who are in the promised land, that has received the promise.

67 How many's received the promise of the Holy Ghost? Oh, aren't you glad that you're in the land? Over here now, eating the old corn, eating the strong things of God, and got a clear understanding; your--your spiritual mind is all unmuddled up. You know exactly Who He is. You know exactly What He is. You know exactly where you're going. You know exactly all about It. You know in Whom you have believed and persuaded He's able to keep that which you've committed to Him against the day. Oh, that's the one; that's who Paul's talking to now. Listen close. Now, watch...

.. the faithful in Christ Jesus:

68 Now, let me have the church to repeat that. How do we get into Christ? By joining church? No. By putting our name on a book? No. By being baptized by immersing? No. How do we get into Christ? By one Holy Spirit are we all baptized into one promise, the Body, and are partakers of all that belongs into the land. Amen. Oh, I--I like that. If I wasn't hoarse, I could shout. My, when I get in this land, it's mine. I'm home now; I'm in Canaan. I'm subject to anything God wants to use me for. I'm walking on holy ground, a child of the King, all robed and ready. I've come out of Egypt, come up through the promised land, stood the trials, passed over Jordan into this blessed promise. Oh, how did I get it? By one Spirit, the same way Paul got It, acted on me the same way It did on him, same way It did on you. By one Spirit we are all baptized, not sprinkled, just a little sprinkle of it, feel pretty good, but immersed under: all made to be swim under in the Holy Ghost. That's the promise.

69 Our Ephesians, our Joshua, which is the Holy Spirit... "Joshua" means "Jesus, Saviour." Joshua means the Holy Spirit representing it in the spiritual as that was in the natural, that He is our great Warrior. He's our great Leader. As God was with Joshua, so is God in the Holy Spirit, moving us about. And when sin comes in the camp, the Holy Spirit demands a halt, "What's wrong in this church? Something's wrong." Oh, can't you see how we got too many sons of Kish now, too many Sauls coming from seminaries and theological schools and going out and teaching this perverse things, as the Bible said they would do, seemingly, not having the faith, separating themselves from you, having no fellowship with you, and so forth, having a form of godliness and denying the power thereof, from such turn away." They don't know where they come from; they can't give any reason.

70 I say this from Brother Booth-Clibborn, a friend of mine, if there's anything that's an ill--illegitimate un-god-created, anything in the world, is a mule. A mule is the lowest of all things. He is a... He--he don't know what he is. He cannot produce himself no more. A mule cannot be bred to another mule and become a mule. He's finished. He don't know where his papa come from, neither does he know his mama; for he is a little--a little donkey and a mare horse. God never did that. Don't you lay such as that onto God. God never done that. God said, "Everything shall bring forth of its kind." Yes, sir. But a mule is a--a... His papa was a donkey and his mama was a mare horse, so he don't know what he does belong to. He--he--he's a horse trying to be a mule, or a mule... or he's a horse trying to be a donkey, a donkey trying to be a horse; He don't know where he does belong. And he is a hard-headedest thing there is in the world. You can never put a bit of trust to him.

71 And that's the way a lot of people are in church. They don't know who their papa is; they don't know who their mama is. Only thing they know: they're either Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, or Pentecostal, or something. They don't know where they come from. And an old donkey, you can just holler at him as much as you want to holler at him, and he will stand there and stick them big ears out and look. You can preach to him all night long, and they don't know a bit more when they left than what they did when they come in. Now, that's just right. I don't mean to be rude, but I want to tell you the truth.

72 But there's one thing they can do; they're good workers. Oh, they just work, work, work, work. That puts me in the mind of a bunch of these Arminians that's always trying to work their way into heaven (That's right.), a mule. Oh, the Ladies Aid Society, and the chicken supper, for they pay the preacher, "And we got to have this dance, and this social." It's just work, work, work, work, work, work, work. And, they... What are they working for?

Ask them, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

They stick out their ears, and don't know where they belong; "What do you mean? What about this? What do you mean, the Holy Ghost? I've never heard nothing about It. Oh, you must be some kind of fanatic." See, they don't know who papa was, or who mama was, either. And you have to beat them on everything you do, beat here and beat there, and beat here and beat there. That's right, an old mule.

75 But I tell you, you don't have to do that by a real thoroughbreded horse. Just crack the whip over him one time, and brother, he's gone. He knows what he's doing. Oh, how fine it is to ride a thoroughbred. How nice. You just say, "Come on, boy." Oh, man (See?); you better hold tight; he will leave the saddle in the air.

76 That's the way it is with real thoroughbreded Christians. Hallelujah. "Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Repent, every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins." Gone; just as quick as they can get to the water, they're gone. They can't rest day and night until they receive the Holy Ghost. Why? You know, a Christian knows who his Papa was. See, it takes two to make a birth (That's right.): papa and mama. The mule don't know which was papa, which was mama. But we know Who Papa and Mama was, for we were borned of the written Word of God, confirmed by the Spirit. Peter said on the day of Pentecost, "If you will repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins, you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."

77 And brother, a real borned again Christian (Oh, my.), his spirit... As soon as he gets the Word, he receives the Holy Ghost. Ask him something then. He knows where he's standing. "Do you believe in Divine healing?"


"You believe in the Second coming?"


Ask a mule that. The mule religion, "Uh, I don't know. Doctor Jones said one time..." Oh, there it... Go on after Saul. See? "Oh, they don't know. Well, I tell you, my church is not sure of It."

Oh, brother, but a borned again man and woman is just as sure of the coming of the Lord Jesus; they're just as sure they got the Holy Ghost as there is a Holy Ghost to be given. My!

80 Jesus said... The woman at the well, "We worship in this mountain, and the Jews worship at Jerusalem."

He said, "Woman, hear My Words. The hour is coming, and now is, when the Father seeketh those that'll worship Him in the Spirit and the Truth."

"Thy Word is the Truth." And every man that'll read the Bible and believe every Word that Bible says, and follow Its instructions, and receive the same Holy Ghost that they received, the same way they received It, same results they received It, same power they got when they received It, he knows Who his Papa and Mama was. He knows he's washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, borned of the Spirit, filled with God's unction. He knows where he's standing. Sure. He's in Canaan. He knows where he come from. And that's the way it is with a real Christian. Ask him, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

"Amen, brother."

83 Standing the other day by an old saint, ninety-two years old, talking to her eighty-year old pastor, I said, "Grandma?"

Just as bright as she could be, she said, "Yes, my son."

I said, "How long has it been since you received the Holy Ghost?"

She said, "Glory to God. About sixty years ago I got It."

Now, if she had been a mule, she'd said, "Now, wait a minute. I was confirmed and sprinkled when I was, well, certain... And they taken me into the church, and I took my letter over to so." Oh, mercy me. They don't even know where they belong.

But she knowed where her birthright come from. She was there when it happened. She was borned of the water and of the Spirit. She knowed, and the water through the washing of the water by the Word, takes the Word.

87 Now, watch how this is addressed, "To those that are in Christ Jesus." Paul, now remember... I'm taking a long time, but I ain't going to get through this chapter. But I'll hurry... You like it? Oh, It tells us where we are, but we can't do it in just one night. We need a month or two of this, every night, just go right through It, Word by Word. Go back and bring it up in the histories and lay it right out Word by Word, and show you that It's the Truth.

Now, let me read that verse quickly again.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God... (not the will of man),... to the saints which are in Ephesus, and... (conjunction)... to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

88 Means they've been called out, separated, and now have been baptized by the Holy Spirit, and are in Christ Jesus. "I'm addressing this epistle to you, my beloved ones." Oh, I think of Paul over there with them right now, oh, how happy. That little old apostle had his head chopped off down there. I stood by the place where they chopped his head off. But, oh, his head's on in that new body, and can never be chopped off again. And he's standing over there with them this very minute, the same apostle that wrote this. And said, "To you that are in Christ Jesus, by one Spirit we're all baptized into this one Body."

Now, watch.

Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and... the Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all... (Oh, do you hear that, Charlie?)... has blessed us with all spiritual blessing...

89 Not just some to the apostles, and some to this, but He's blessed us with all spiritual blessings. The same Holy Ghost that fell on the day of Pentecost is the same Holy Ghost here tonight. The same Holy Ghost that made Mary shout and speak with tongues, and have a wonderful time, and rejoice, and the things that she did, is the same Holy Ghost here tonight. The same Holy Ghost that let Paul on that old ship, where it looked like it was water-logged and was gone, fourteen days and nights, no moon or stars, he looked out there and every wave had a devil on it, glancing and gleaning his teeth, and said, "I'll sink the old boy now. I got you now."

90 While Paul went down to have a little prayer, there stood an Angel, said, "Don't you fear, Paul...?... This old ship's going to be wrecked upon a certain island. Go ahead and eat your supper; it's all right now."

Here he come with them chains on his little old arms, dragging them on his feet, and said, "Be of a good courage, men, for the God, the Angel of God, Whose servant I am, stood by me and said, 'Paul, don't you fear.'" That same Holy Ghost is here tonight, same Spirit of God, ministering to us the same spiritual blessings.

.. blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places...

92 Oh, let's stop just one more minute here. "In heavenly places." Now, just not out anywhere, but in heavenly places. We are assembled in "heavenly," it means that the position of the believer. That if I'm prayed up, you're prayed up, or the church is prayed up, and we're ready for the message, and we have assembled ourselves together as saints, called out, baptized with the Holy Ghost, filled with God's blessings, called, elected, set together in heavenly places now, we are heavenlies in our souls. Our spirits has brought us into a heavenly atmosphere. Oh, brother. There you are: a heavenly atmosphere. Oh, what could happen tonight? What could happen tonight if we would be setting here in a heavenly atmosphere, and the Holy Spirit moving over every heart that's been regenerated and become a new creature in Christ Jesus? All sins under the Blood, in perfect worship, with our hands up to God and our hearts lifted, setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, worshipping together in the heavenly places...

Did you ever set in one? Oh, I've set till I would weep for joy and say, "God, never let me leave here": just heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

94 Blessing us with what? Divine healing, foreknowledge, revelation, visions, powers, tongues, interpretations, wisdom, knowledge, all the heavenly blessings, and joy unspeakable and full of glory, every heart filled with the Spirit, walking together, setting together in heavenly places, not one evil thought among us, not one cigarette smoked, not one short dress, not one this, that, or the other, not one evil thought, nobody got anything against one another, everybody speaking in love and harmony, everybody with one accord in one place, "then suddenly there come from heaven a sound like a rushing mighty wind." There you are, "Has blessed us with all spiritual blessings."

95 Then the Holy Spirit might fall upon somebody, and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. Go to a certain place and do a certain thing." Watch it happen just like that. See? "THUS SAITH THE LORD. Do a certain thing in a certain place." Watch it happen like that. Blessed us together in all heavenly blessings in heavenly places... Watch.

According as he has chosen us...

Did we choose Him, or He chose us? He chose us. When? The night that we accepted Him? Chosen...

According as he has chosen us in him before the foundations of the world, that we should be holy... without blame before him in... (denominations?)... in love:

98 When did God choose us? When did God choose you that's got the Holy Ghost? When did He choose you? Before the foundation of the world. By His foreknowledge, He foresaw you and knowed that you would love Him. And before there was a foundation of the world, He chose you, and sent Jesus that He might be the propitiation of your sins, to call you to reconciliation, to Himself, to love. Oh, wish we had just a few more minutes' time.

99 Let me, before we go any farther, go back, Genesis 1:26. I'll pick it up Wednesday. When God made man... Before He made man, He called Himself "El," E-l, El; E-l-h, "Elah," "Elohim." The word means, in the Hebrew, "the self-existence," all by Himself. Nothing existed before Him. He was all the existence there ever was, self-existence One: "El, Elah, Elohim," means the "all-sufficient, all-powerful, Almighty, self-existence One." Oh.

100 But in Genesis 2, when He made man, He said, "I am Y-a-h-u, J-u-v-u-h, Yahua, Jehovah. What did it mean? "I am the all-existence One Who has created something off of Myself to be a son of Mine, or a temporary, or an amateur little one of Mine." Oh, glory. Why? He gave man... "Jehovah" means that He gave man to be an amateur god. Because He is Father God, and He made a man an amateur god, so He isn't self-existence any more; He exists with His family. Amen. Elah, Elah, Elohim... Now, now He is Jehovah, "Jehovah" meaning the "One Who exists with His family."

Now, God made man to be the predominate over all the earth; he had dominion. And the earth was man's dominion. Is that Scripture? Then if that's his domain, he was god over the earth. He could speak, and it would be so. He could speak this, and it would be so. Oh. There He is, God, Jehovah, the One Who once existed in self-existence, but now exists with His family, and His little ones with Him... There you are.

101 Now, read that. We'll get into it Wednesday night, when we got more time. We just about fifteen more minutes and we'll... I thought I'd get to a certain spot here, but I--we won't, to where we're sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. All right.

102 Now, when was we called to be servants of God? When was Orman Neville called to be a servant of God? Oh, my. It staggers me. I'll tell you; let's get some Scriptures. I want you to get I Peter 1:20. And Pat, get Revelation 17:8. And I'll get Revelations 13.

Now, we want to listen here. You want to know when God called you to be a Christian. Oh, I love this. This is... "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." All right, Brother Neville, you got I Peter 1:20? So read 1:19 and 1:20. Listen to this. Yes.

[Brother Neville reads I Peter 1:19-20:

But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you--Ed.]

103 When was He foreordained? Before the foundation of the world. Brother Pat, read Revelations 17:8 for me. [Brother Pat reads Revelation 17:8:

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is--Ed.]

Who's going to be deceived? Who's going to be deceived by this religious person like Saul was? That was just so cunning and so perfect till it would deceive the what? Very E... [Congregation answers, "elect"--Ed.] if? if possible.

All right, Revelations 13:8, let me read it for you.

And all that dwell upon the earth shall... all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names were not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.

105 When was our names put in the Lamb's Book of Life? When the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. When God was Jehovah, El, Elah, Elohim, the self-existence One. Just like one great big Diamond, and He could not be nothing else, but inside of this diamond His attributes was a Saviour. In this attributes on the inside of Him, was a Healer. Well, there was nothing to save and nothing to heal, but His attributes produced it. So then before the foundation of the world, when He knowed, that the great display in here of Him, that He would be a Saviour, that He would come and be made flesh and dwelled among us, and He knowed by His stripes we'd be healed, He slayed the Lamb on His Book before the foundation of the world, and wrote your name on that Book before the foundation of the world. Oh, my.

106 Listen to this. Predestination looks back to foreknowledge--I mean election. Election looks back to foreknowledge, and predestination looks to destiny. Don't forget that, that election looks back here, here it is, "I was a cocklebur. I was borned in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies, born amongst sinners. Father and mother and all my whole family, sinners. I was a cocklebur. But all of a sudden I become a wheat grain. How did it happen?" I--That, what is that? Election. God, before the foundation of the world, elected that the cocklebur was to become a grain of wheat. "Now, I know I'm a grain of wheat, because I'm saved. How do I do it?" Look back and see that He predestinated it, long time ago. By foreknowledge He seen that I would love Him, so He made a propitiation through His Own Son, that through Him I might become from a cocklebur to a grain of wheat. "Now, where am I at now?" I'm saved; I'm walking in the grace of God. "What does predestination look?" To destiny. "Where will He take me to, and where am I going?" That's got you. There you are.

107 Now, let's read just a little farther, and then we'll have to close pretty shortly.

According as he... chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy... without blame before him in love:

Having predestinated us unto the adoption, predestinated unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

What did He do? He, by foreknowledge, foresaw us, knowing that He was a Saviour, self-existence. There was no Angels, no nothing; just God, Elah, Elohim, the self-existence One, nothing but Him alone. But in Him was a Saviour. Well, what's He going to save? There's nothing lost. Knowing that, that He knowed that this great attribute in Him would project something out yonder that He could save. Then when it did that, by foreknowledge He looked down and He saw everyone that would accept It. And then by doing so, He said, "To save that, the only way I can do it, will be come down Myself and be made flesh and take the sin of the man upon Him, and die for him, that I might be the One that's worshipped," because He is God, the object of worship.

109 Then He came down and taken upon Himself. And while He did that, He did that that He might save you who wants to be saved. Do you see what I mean? By foreknowledge, the infinite God, Who knowed all things, saw the Lamb, and He slayed the Lamb before the foundation of the world, and He put your name on the Lamb's Book of Life. And He seen the deceitfulness of Satan, what he would do. So He put your name on there. And He said that the antichrist would be so religious, so good, such a fine fellow, such a smart man, such a religious man, that he would deceive the very elected if it was possible. But it isn't... impossible, because their names were foreordained before the foundation of the world. By election He chose them, and by predestination they knowed where they are going. There you are.

110 Now, who could doubt that? That's what Paul said. That's Paul's Scripture. That's Paul's writing. That's what he taught his church. The church, positionally, before the foundation of the world, when God in His labor pain was bringing forth, bringing forth you, knowing what you would do, He positionally placed you into His Own Body, to be a housewife, to be a farmer, to be a preacher, to be a prophet, to be this, or to be that. He placed you positionally. Then when we have come from the garlic lands of Egypt, through sanctification and is baptized into the promised land... For the promise of God is the Holy Ghost. Ephesians 4:30, said, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption." Then God, having predestinated the church, He said, "And all the peoples, there will be millions times millions that'll walk very religious and be deceived." The only ones that will not be deceived will be those that have come over into the promised land, who before the foundation of the world had their names put on the Lamb's Book of Life, and's come over into the promised land, and enjoying it.

111 Many people are afraid you're going to act funny. Many people are afraid the Holy Ghost will make you do something you--you'll be ashamed of people. Many people are afraid they'll cry, and their sweetheart will see them crying, or mama, or your neighbor, or your boss will see you.

Let me tell you about a man one time, before closing. There was a man named David, and when the ark of God had been down in the Philistine land, and it come across, pulled by an ark, an old ox was a-pulling them, when David saw that ark coming, he had a little gown on him, he run out there, he kicked his feet in the air, and he'd jumped around, and screamed and jumped, and danced and jumped and danced, and him, the king of Israel. And his wife looked out of the window and saw him acting so strange, she despised him. Why, she must have said, "The idiot, look at him out there, the way he's acting, throwing his feet up in the air, and jumping around and acting like that, why, he must be crazy." And that night when he's come in, she said, in words like this, "Why, you've embarrassed me. Why, you the king, my husband, out there doing like that, acting like that."

David said, "Tomorrow I will do better than that. Yes, sir." He said, "Don't you know I was dancing unto the Lord?" He crossed over. He was in the land of the promise. He had lost all self-styles and muck of the world. He was so happy to know that the ark was coming into his own city.

114 And, oh, I tell you, some people's afraid to receive the Holy Ghost, afraid that they might speak with tongues. They're afraid that somebody would say, "Now, he's one of them tongues guys." They're afraid to come to the church to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, because they're ashamed of It. Uh. Oh.

Somebody said I will have to recall my tapes, because I had preached of being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. I ain't recalling them. I'm making more. That's right. That's... Making more... That is the Bible. If they don't like what we did yesterday, just watch what we're going to do tomorrow. That's the thing to do (See?), just keep on going. There's no end to it, because it is of the Lord. It's God.

116 You know what God did? God looked down out of the heaven; He said, "David, you're a man after My Own heart." David wasn't ashamed. He was a servant of the Lord. He loved the Lord. And he was so happy, so overjoyed, till he didn't think about human prestige.

You see, as I said in my sermon this morning, we are so much afraid, that we want a Saul to teach us. We want a Saul from some seminary to tell us how we must do our religion and how we must do it. That is on the other side of the--the Jordan. This side, the Holy Spirit leads. Over here you're out of that muck. Over here you don't care what they think. Over here you're dead, and your life is hid in Christ through the--and sealed by the Holy Ghost. You don't care. You're living in Canaan. You can stand good corn. You're a new creature in Christ Jesus. You're bound for the promised land.

118 I remember standing yonder, Brother Collins, some thirty years ago, when this church wasn't built yet, was a little tent meeting setting here on the corner, my first meeting. I was preaching this same Gospel, same thing, the unsearchable riches of Christ, water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, believing every Word to be the truth, baptism of the Holy Ghost, Divine healing, the powers of God, just like I preach It now, never varied one inch from any of It. God's revealed more of It to me, so as He reveals It, I just keep bringing It on. He never takes away from what has been; He just keeps adding more on to It.

119 I stood down there when about five hundred people stood on the banks singing,

On Jordan's stormy banks I stand,

And cast a wishful eye,

To Canaan's fair and happy land,

Where my possessions lie.

When shall I reach that healthful shore

And be forever blest,

When shall I reach and be in my Father's...

And forever rest...

When they begin to sing that, I was taking a boy out into the river to baptize him out there into the Name of the Lord Jesus. I said, "Heavenly Father, as I bring this boy to You upon his confession..." Just a boy, myself, got the pictures of it at home. I said, "When I baptize him with water, Lord, upon his confession, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, You fill him with the Holy Ghost." And about that time Something let out a whirl, and here It come whirling down, the Bright and Morning Star stood there. There stood that Light that you see right there on the picture. There It stood.

120 It went around the world, way up in Canada and around. They said, "A mystic Light appears over a local Baptist minister while he's baptizing."

A few days ago when Doctor Lamsa come to me, and never knowed nothing about that, and brought me a picture, which brother's got it there with him now... Have you got that picture? Have you got the Bible with you, laying there; it was in your book? All right. There was a picture of the old ancient Hebrew sign of God, just exactly that that existed in the days of Job, before the Bible was ever wrote. God in His three attributes, not three gods; one God in three attributes, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three offices that God worked into. Not three gods, three attributes. And there It was.

122 When that great man, Doctor Lamsa, the translation of the Lamsa Bible, when he said that morning when I told him that, I said--I said, "What's that sign?"

He said, "That's God's ancient sign in the Hebrew: God, one God in three attributes."

I said, "Such as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?"

He stopped, and he set his cup of coffee down; he looked at me. Gene, believe you was there, Leo. Said, "You believe that?"

I said, "With all my heart."

He said, "Last night, standing in your meeting, Brother Branham, I seen that discernment. I've never seen it before in America, or in my land." He said, "These American people don't even know the Bible. Only thing they know is their denomination. They don't even know where they're standing." Said, "They don't know nothing." He said, "But when I stood there last night," I said--I said... Now, Brother Gene, I just say this with reverence and love and such; He said, "I said, 'That must be a prophet.' But when I see that you believe that Father, Son, and Holy Ghost was no three gods, it was attributes, then I know that you are a prophet of God, or it wouldn't be revealed to you like that." He said, "That's a perfect sign." Said, "I've never..." Said, "You're not Oneness?"

125 I said, "No, sir. I am not the Oneness. I believe in God being the Almighty God, and the three attributes are only three offices that the one God lived in."

He said, "Bless your heart." He said, "Someday you'll pour your blood upon the earth for that," but said, "prophets always die for their cause."

And I said, "So let it be, if it pleases my Lord." The translation of the Lamsa Bible...

128 Oh, it is so true. How many times did I say to this church, as Samuel said before they chose Saul, "Before you go out and join some denomination now, and get yourself all tied up in some kind of a religion, why don't you let the Holy Spirit lead you?" Why don't you take God for your Leader. Let Him bless you, and forget about your denomination. Now, I'm not saying don't belong to any denomination of church; you belong to any one you want to. That's up to you. But I'm telling you, as an individual, you let the Holy Spirit lead you. You read the Bible. And what the Bible says do, you do it. God bless you.

129 And now, I've waited a long time. I wonder if there's any here that wanted to come through the prayer line to be prayed for. If they are, would they raise their hands? Just one, two, three. All right. You all come right up here and stand here then if you wish to, at this time, and--and we'll have prayer. And then we're... I don't want you to leave yet. I want to officially do something else here just before we--we close.

130 How many likes the study of the Book of Galatians? Oh, I mean Ephesians? Now, Wednesday night we're going to go into the Seal. And then on next Sunday morning we're going into the positionally placing the church. Oh, if... We'll probably get in on that on this coming Wednesday night, to you people here in Jeff: Positionally placing the church where they belong, each one, how we're called by the adoption. God has adopted us unto the sons; we are sons by birth, adopted and positionally placed by the Holy Spirit. Look. They were every one Hebrews, when they crossed the river, but Joshua divided the land and give each one his land according to the utterance of his mother at the birth, where the Holy Spirit told her.

131 And look at Jacob when he was dying, a prophet, blinded, pulled his feet up into the bed, said, "Come forth ye sons of Jacob and I'll tell you where you'll be at the last day." Oh, oh, I know I may seem strange. The people may seem strange. But, oh, if you only knew the--the assurance, the--the burning in the heart. "Come forth and I'll tell you where you'll be in the last days." And I can take that same Scripture, and take the map of where the Jews are setting today and prove to you they're exactly on the same spot that Jacob said they'd be in the last day. And they never did; they haven't been on that spot until they returned since May the seventh, 1946, the night the Angel of the Lord appeared to me up there and said for this mission. And I can show you that when they come back into the new land, they struck exactly the spot where Jacob said they would be setting. And there they are setting there today. Oh, oh, my, oh, my. We're one day nearer home, is all.

132 You dear people, you're sick, or you wouldn't be standing there just to be standing. I'm your brother. I have a commission from God to pray for the sick. Not as my--as I have power to heal, I do not. But I have power of prayer. As I said this morning, David didn't have nothing but a little slingshot, but he said, "I know what it'll do with the power of God on it." See? I only have a little prayer to offer for you, and my hands to lay on you, but I know what faith in God will do. It's done for others; it'll do for you. You believe that now as you step right up... just a little closer to the place.

133 Now, I wanted to make this so efficient, if I wouldn't ask my brother to come here and anoint them with oil. Will you do that, Brother Neville? I'll ask the church if you'll bow in prayer.

Now, remember, last week when I was so sick with that old castor oil, I would just have give anything if somebody would've come by and laid hands on me. If I could've had somebody come by, that God had blessed and helped, I would so appreciate it. You all feel to now like I did then. You feel now you want me to do just like I wanted somebody to do for me then. God forbid I ever shirk the job. Let me always, whether I'm tired, where I'm weary, where I can hardly move one foot from the other, let me go, because I'm going to meet every one of you again over in that land over there.

135 Then you old women, older men, broken down, hair gray and falling away, and falling to pieces like a rose that's opened up its little bud, shed off its petals and dropping away, you're just coming to pieces, aren't you? That's right. Just... And the only thing you want to stay together for is to shine for the glory of God. So when the enemy has grabbed you now and run out, I'm coming with the slingshot of God, with a faith, with a gift that God give me. Here's what I said, so that you'll understand it. I said, "If Peter would just come in, or some of them..." Don't say that. You don't have to pray for me. Just come in like this, and say, like to this woman, say, "Are you Sister So-and-so?" What's your name? Sister Howard. Say, "You're Sister Howard. You're a believer, Sister Howard? You believe, you are a believer? Then, you see, you have rights to all the redemptive blessings." Then I'd say, "Sister Howard, everything will be all right, and walk away." Oh, how... I said, "I would scream; I'd shout." I'd say, "Lord, it's just got to be. It's just got to be."

And I thought, "Well, people think that same thing when I come pray for them." So that's what. You see what I mean?

137 And I've stood, a lot of times, and took people, and say, "Oh, precious sister, will you believe it? Oh, will you believe it?" "Lord, O God, make them believe It. Have them to believe It." "Oh, please, will you accept it now?" That's not it. I passed from that...?... I passed away from that. I just say this, "Sister Howard, you a believer?"

"Yes, I am."

"All right, Sister Howard, if you're a believer, you're a heir to everything that God has." And just take her hand. See, I believe that. I contact Sister Howard by laying my hands upon her. Jesus never said, "Pray for them," He said, "Just lay their hands on them." That's it, then she gets healed. She can say, "Everything will be all right," Sister Howard. Then go home and be well. God bless you.

139 You're sister? Sister Hamdon, you are a believer, aren't you? You're an heir to everything that He has. God be with you, Sister Hamdon. You go home and be well now; Jesus Christ will heal you. Amen.

You're sister? Slaugh. Brother Jack... You're the woman we prayed for out at the hospital the other day. You're a believer then, Sister Slaugh, a heir to all that we have. Sister Slaugh, may you receive what you've asked for and be well. God will grant it to you.

Brother Gene, you believe that God will heal you? And may the Lord God give to you, Gene, exactly what you ask for...?...

I know you now. All right. You are evangelist, sister. I know you. This is your husband there. He's the one I prayed for over the phone that day. I'll always remember that. Couldn't go to the meeting in Tulsa. Come to the meeting, and the Lord healed him, and send him on to the meeting. In proxy you stand for someone else, what a Christian thing it is, sister. See, He was in proxy also that He stood for all of us. You're a believer and have a right to everything that God promised. I'm His servant. And by the Name of Jesus Christ I give you what you ask for...?...

140 Come, Brother Neil. God bless you. Been awfully good to you. You're a believer; I know you are. I believe that God will give you everything you ask for, for you are a believer. And as His servant, to you, my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ I give you the desire of your heart. Go now and receive it. God bless you.

Sister Bruce, I know you. The little nurse was at back me and you. She used to be down yonder the Motel J, J, Twin J, or something like that. You been standing for others. And what's your desire when asking Father? For yourself tonight... Then the enemy has jerked you beyond the doctor's reach; but I'm coming after you with a slingshot. And in the Name of Jesus Christ I direct the slingshot at the arrows--the rock that's got into the kidneys and blocked condition, and bring you back to...?... (See?) now, and bless you, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

141 Are you the father of this man, sir. You a believer? That hurting in your side, low and on the left side... Do you believe that God will give it to you, sir? And it's His servant. Lord, this hand perhaps has done a many hard day's work, come here for a purpose, something to do. Give the desire of his heart, Father, as I pray in Jesus Name that You will. Amen.

Don't doubt; that hurting will stop you from hurting down there, and you'll be all right. God bless you, brother...?...

You are a believer, aren't you? You're a believer, and you're a--you're a heir to all these blessings. Thank you. Father, I bring this my sister into a line of...?... in the center of the target, and I bring her back to you from the enemy's clutch, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. That's just the way it will be.

You don't want a operation. O Lord, as this young woman stands here, yet in the bloom of youth, I pray for her, and a lung that would have to be taken out, and she'd stoop the rest of her life. You're our Father, and I aiming the fire of prayer right at her, Lord, right straight to that lung. I send this prayer in Name of Jesus Christ; may it be like that...?... in the Name of Jesus Christ...?... Amen.

141a You're sister...? Sister Dird...?... head is drawn from me. You are a believer and an heir to all God's blessings, Sister Dird. Lord, I bring her to You with this little sling that You give me. As You give David a sling to watch his father's sheep, and if the enemy come in after the sheep, he wasn't afraid; he grabbed up that little sling and went right after lions and--and bears, and he brought the sheep back. This is a prayer of faith. You told me if I'd get the people to believe and be sincere... I bring Sister Dird back tonight. I snatch her from the hands of the enemy. She's Your sheep. I bring her back to the Father's fold, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sister Lowe, high blood pressure... And you're a believer, are you, Sister Lowe, a heir to all the blessings? Then, Father God, I aim this prayer tonight as from the sling of God for Sister Lowe's high blood pressures. May the next time the physicians takes the blood pressure, may he look at her and say, "It's normal now." She'll know what did it. In the Name of Jesus Christ I give it to her. Amen.

142 Yes... I wished I had my daddy here tonight that I could offer prayer for him right now. I will for yours too. I understand.

Heavenly Father, the man that sired this boy, that he's here on earth tonight because of him. And his own son desires that his father will be brought back, way out yonder in the world of sin, alcoholic. O Lord, I'm sending this prayer with faith and strength, and with all that I can throw it, this--this little pebble in the Name of the Lord Jesus, I sling it at that devil that's put that...?... on there...?... and may he come safely to the fold in Jesus' Name. Amen. Amen.

You have a desire too? You want to come into the land where all the promises is. Now, Lord, this boy is just across the river, camped on the other side and Jordan is swelling. And there's no way for him to cross except You make a way like You did for Joshua and for Israel. And, Father, I am asking You as Your servant; let our precious brother, O God, let him enter into this promised land, this promise that on the other side as I was carried the other night... May I have the privilege of grabbing and throwing my arms around him in that other land, saying, "My precious brothers." Grant it, Lord. May he receive the promise of God, the Holy Ghost. Amen.

143 O Lord, this is my gracious brother. This hand has been kind to me, has been standing for me at untold hours. He believes and has faith. And now, an enemy tries to grab, this my friend. Sugar... And he thinks that it--he can grab this boy; but I come after him. I'm coming to bring back Your own, Lord, slinging this rock with a zerod faith in the Name of Jesus Christ I fight that sugar diabetes he's...?..., bring back Your own sheep to the fold, Father, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

A gland... O Lord, our sister knows that this overweight is, so the doctor says, is a thing that kills. Each pound overweight takes a year off, according to the insurance chart. And she wants to live to the honor and praise of God. And there's no doctor can do this, Father God; it's just in--in Your hand. And Sister Bell's been very faithful, and she's been kind and considerate...?... She's went through many deep trials; I come for her tonight, Lord. I come to meet that enemy yonder. And I aim with all the accuracy that I can aim with; in the Name of Jesus Christ I hurl that stone of faith at this enemy that's got her. May it scatter him, and run him away from her, and she be able to be restored back to shady green pastures and to still waters, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

It shall be, Sister Bell. Just don't doubt.

144 Sister Spencer? [A sister testifies--Ed.]...?... I certainly do sister...?... God bless you. Amen...?... loved one's saved...?... Yes, sir, I know all about it. We all claim it, Sister Spencer, and know that how her and Brother Jesse are going through the...?... whether to come down to the church here. When I cross over the other side, they won't be toddling along like this; they'll be young, oh, Brother Jesse...?... all of that. You all know how just--just across the little...?... yonder, you go back to that lovely young girl again, and Brother Jesse to the young boy. God promised you.

Now, look. I want to give you just a little teeny bit of teaching, being that you're the last one here. I want get... 'Cause I know this is your little boy, Charlie. You want it to be prayed for...?...

145 I want to say this one thing. Did you ever read in the Scripture where the Bible said this? Paul told the Roman Centurion (Can you hear me all right?), told the Roman when he pulled his sword to kill hisself up at Philippi when he was in jail. And a--the earthquake shook the jail down. He said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thy and thy house shall be saved." Did you ever hear that? "Thy and thy house..."

Now, look. If you had faith enough for salvation for yourself, can't you also have faith enough for your child? God will some way...?... And Lord, I pray for Sister Spencer and Brother Spencer tonight, that every child--them and their children will all be in that glorious happy land there where there'll be no sickness or no old age, no sorrow or disappointment, and all this little life here will fade into a nightmare that's passed by. May they receive this, and may all of her children, and her husband, all of her loved ones, and all that love her, and all that she loves, may they be there with her, in Jesus' Name. God bless you, sister. Eighty-two years old. You're getting down...?... Just like the world is falling apart, Sister Spencer.

146 Well, you're just ready to go to rest, you see...?... all the time...?... just--just keep your faith right in Him...?... you'll cross over...?... And just as sure as I stand here at this...?... tonight, Sister Spencer, by His grace I'll see you and Jesse across the border yonder, young and free. You'll all be running, hollering, "My brother, my brother." I'll see you.

It's her nerves. Father God, this girl would have a breakdown, and she's got to reach...?... as only...?... what hinders. But I come for her tonight. I come to You, Father. I come asking You to direct the shot that I shall fire. May it be exactly zeroed, the crosshairs right on his...?... May this prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ strike that nervousness and tear it to pieces, bring back this sheep of God's pasture. Amen. It just has to be now, honey...?...

God of heaven, grant that her six children that she desires to be saved... She's heard that testimony of Brother Daulton, his lovely daughters. She desires her six children, Father. May she have them. May they meet her in that land where there is no night, safely protected and sheltered by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Amen. May you have it, sister, is my prayer.

147 I believe... There's nothing hardly can help it: they give them a little stuff that looked like a--oh, something like an acetomin; it's a... Cortisone, they call it, and that--that kills you though, tear's your blood up so...?... But the... See that the arthritis is like the lion who grabs the sheep and runs way away. Now, what will a slingshot do? Oooh, my, there's a big roaring lion with a lamb. And he loves the lamb, so he's run off with the lamb; but David took the slingshot and went after him. See, now watch. He had five rocks: f-a-i-t-h, himself, i-n. His sling was in this hand: J-e-s-u-s. He's a dead shot. Something has to happen; let's go after that arthritis tonight by this prayer, may God give it to you.

She wants to be baptized in the Name... You want her to be baptized...?... Thank you, sister. Not because that that's the way...?... It isn't because... Now, if that was in the Bible for Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I--I'd believe in that and stay right with it you see. I--I wouldn't want to be any different. I--I--I'd want that...?... I wouldn't want... I--I'm going to be responsible for that. You see? And I've got to say it just the way that that say it, not to be different, but to be honest.

148 Now, Father, we come for her loved ones. She's got arthritis and here she wants her to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus, for that is the entrance; that's the open gate. That's where Joshua opened up one path that crossed over into the promised land. There was no two or three places opened up; there was just one.

Peter, on the day of Pentecost, when the was church first inaugurated, opened up a path, said, "Repent every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ." Never did they vary from that same path; each one crossed into the promised land. Some of them were trying to get across way down at another ford, and Paul said to him, "Unto what was you baptized? Where are you trying to cross at?"

And they said, "Down here where John looked."

He said, "Well, John only pointed to the time and the place." And then when they heard this, they were baptized at the right ford, and they went across into...?... Spirit life.

Grant it to our sister and her loved ones, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

149 Brother Lyle... Oh... Yes...?... That and vision He give...?... It's over now though. God bless you. You're on the road to the promised land now, brother...?...

How many here remembers of just before this ministry was confirmed to me and me being fishing with a man one day, down to a river, a lake? And I was catching little fishes, and the Holy Spirit came upon me. There was a... This man is a Jehovah Witness, was. His brother's here somewhere, Banks Wood. He's in here somewhere, which is my neighbor. This is Lyle. And these people were Jehovah Witness. And they said one day when we was fishing down there after this boy got converted, I told him that it was something in his life, and all what taken place, and all about it, which he's just now told me, and he's just now got it out of his life. That's right. Praise the Lord. It's exactly right. His father was the one that was a--a reader. Is...?... in the building? And he and his wife both was baptized to bear witnesses in the Name of Jesus Christ here in the pool. And this man was setting by him, my brethren.

150 Banks, where are you? Is he inside? Back in the corner. Yes. And we were fishing. And brother, my little boy had killed... I thought he'd killed a kitten a few days before that. A little old mother cat had a bunch of little kittens and he'd picked it up and dropped it. And I thought... And I said, "The Lord is going to raise a little life as--up, the day before. Is that right, Lyle? Standing out there in the cold. And I said, "That's THUS SAITH THE LORD."

And we fished all night and caught nothing. The next morning, we were fishing back in a little cove for some bluegill; that's small fish. And Brother Lyle had a big a pole, and he let a little bluegill swallow the big hook he had, till when he pulled it out, the little strand was all the way down, the big hook in the little bluegill's belly. And when he pulled it out, he just had to pull the entrails and everything else out of the little bluegill to get it and just pulled it all out, 'cause the big hook had got caught down in the fish's belly. And when he did, he threw it down on the water, and he just quivered four or five times, and that was it; because his entrails and gills was hanging out of his mouth. And he floated around there for about a half hour, floated back up into the bushes.

151 And I was setting there fishing, and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit come, said, "Speak to that fish."

I said, "Little fishy, Jesus Christ gives you your life again," and that little fish, laying dead on the water, turned over on his side and went rrrrrrttt, out into the water as fast as it could go.

Brother Lyle, Brother Wood is setting present. Brother Lyle said, "Brother Branham, that was for me because I said to the little...?... said, "I--I ain't...?..." He said, when he pulled the entrails out of him and throwed him out there, said, "You shot your last wad, little fellow," just like that. Throwed it out, he said, "It--it meant me."

And I said, "No, Brother Lyle, that wasn't it."

Brother Banks back there said, "How many people in this world, how many thousands, would love to be standing where we're standing right now to see the power of God come down and perform of something like that?" In other words, he's like... I believe we all felt like Peter did, "It's good to be here. Let's build three tabernacles." That's right.

152 Now, Brother Lyle, you're anointed of the Holy Spirit now. You've left Egypt; the garlic pots and the filth of the world is left behind. You're standing down on the Jordan bank now, just across yonder. May God take you over.

Almighty God, here's Your trophy. He sure would've been in awful fix, Lord, but my heart went for him. Our prayers just struck the very chilling blow yonder, for the very thing that held him is gone from him. It's been smashed, and now he's walking down into the Jordan. Take him to the promised land, Lord, and seal him among the people, that on that glorious day when we shall meet yonder, may I feel the warmth of his arms screaming, "My precious brother." And I know...?... Bring Banks along with him, Lord, will You? Papa, mama, and all of them, sister, and all that great family. May we all meet yonder, Lord, and every one of them be filled with the Holy Ghost. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

You will receive It, brother. God bless you, brother. Yes, Brother...?...

153 There's someone dying on a long distance call; I'll turn the service to Brother Neville while...?...

[Brother Neville speaks and leads the congregation in dismissal prayer. Brother Branham returns and speaks--Ed.]

A young preacher dropped dead in the pulpit...?... So we sent the rock of faith...?... Grant tonight...?... he was a wonderful man, for I send prayer after him, in the Name of Jesus Christ...?... is the hour that his pulse...?... went from him...?... his pulse...?... eyes set in his head...?... dropped in the pulpit...?...

This is still open? Can I have your attention?...?... a young evangelist, a preacher up here in Indiana was preaching, dropped dead in the pulpit just about a hour ago, while he was preaching fell forward, and died in the pulpit, a noted evangelist, a preaching up here at Indiana. The pastor just come and has was called me. He died right while preaching under the anointing of the Spirit, fell forward, his eyes set, his respiration left him. He's pronounced dead, been laying dead for an hour. And something told them to call the church and have me to pray. So I sent prayer to bring him back in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

May you join with me by faith, that it won't miss the target, but...?... and bring him back. Thank you. God be with [] you till I see you Wednesday night. And you people from Georgia and around, bye-bye. God be with you. Brother pastor...

[Brother Branham speaks and prays for others--Ed.]... and I offer this...?... in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen...?... [The words are not very intelligible--Ed.] Is this all of you together?...?... [Brother Branham greets the people--Ed.] Thanks for the card. Happy to meet you all could be here...?... So nice to see you...?... Oh, is that right? [The words are not very intelligible--Ed.]...?... So nice to see you. How do you do? How are you brother? Yes, I... What say? That's fine. Wonderful. Now, they got a special place...?... Was you here this morning?...?... Good. I'm so glad. That's really good sister...?... God bless you and your husband and little children. Good bye honey. God bless you honey. Thank you sir, thank you. I'm so glad you were here. Enjoyed being with you and worshipping with you too...?...

1 No, je to ... vždy, ako som už predtým povedal, "Bol som šťastný, keď mi povedali, ´Poďme do domu Pánovho,´" myslím, že to raz vyhlásil Dávid, "Poďme do domu Pánovho." Nepoznám lepšie miesto, kde byť, ako v dome Pánovom, vy poznáte?

2 No, dnes večer sme... Máme tu nejakých priateľov, ktorí sú až z Georgie. Oni budú cestovať pravdepodobne dnes večer po malom občerstvení. A potom budeme... Niektorí z vás odtiaľ zdola, dúfam, že zostanete. A toľko miesta, koľko máme, to je pre vás otvorené.

3 A potom v stredu večer budeme v tomto štúdiu pokračovať, a potom, ak bude Pán chcieť, znova v nedeľu.

4 A potom Chatauqua začína šiesteho. Takže všetci, ktorí máte naplánované svoje prázdniny, očakávame nádherný čas v Chatauqua. Tam sme vždy mali nádherné chvíle. Nie príliš veľké zástupy, niekedy to je... bude to možno okolo... Myslím, že by sme tam mohli ľahko dostať i desať tisíc. Ale obyčajne,... minulý rok sme mali, myslím, okolo sedem tisíc, tak nejako. Všetky miesta na sedenie boli obsadené, ale je tam veľa miesta na státie. A tak sa na to tešíme.

5 Som rád, že tu vidím mnohých našich bratov kazateľov. Nikdy si neviem zapamätať meno tohoto misionára ... brat Humes. A sestra Humesová, si to ty, čo sedíš rovno tu?... a tí malí, sme radi, že ich máme, on je misionár. Ďalší, brat Pat, brat Daulton a ó, toľkí, brat Beeler. Videl som pred chvíľou brata Collinsa. Ó, bolo by to ťažké všetkých ich menovať. Ale sme radi, že ste dnes večer tu, v dome Pánovom. Tento šľachetný, vzácny brat Neville sedí tu za mnou aby sa so mnou modlil, zatiaľ čo ideme vyučovať Slovo... Charlie, rád ťa vidím a sestru Nellie dnes večer, tých maličkých. Toto je... Vyučovanie Biblie je obyčajne veľmi... Áno, brat Welch, práve som ťa hľadal, vidím, že sedíš tam vzadu. A...

6 Vyučovanie Biblie je obyčajne trochu záludné, trochu, viete, ako kráčanie po tenkom ľade, ako to hovoríme. Ale proste cítime, že možno v tomto bode a v tomto čase by to mohlo byť dobré, myslím, priviesť cirkev do toho aby dokonale porozumela svoju pozíciu, čo sme v Kristu Ježišovi. A niekedy, myslím, že kázanie je nádherná vec, ale verím, že niekedy, brat Beeler, vyučovanie má väčší význam a zvlášť pre cirkev. No, kázanie obyčajne chytí hriešnika a skrze Slovo býva usvedčovaný. Ale vyučovanie umiestňuje človeka do jeho pozície. A my nikdy nemôžeme byť náležite schopní mať vieru, dokiaľ na základe svojej pozície nevieme čo sme.

7 No, ak by ma Spojené štáty, tu táto pekná krajina, poslali do Ruska ako veľvyslanca tohoto národa, potom ak by ma oficiálne poslali do Ruska, všetka moc, ktorú majú Spojené štáty by stála za mnou. Moje slovo je také isté ako slovo Spojených štátov, ak som bol uznaný ako veľvyslanec.

8 A potom ak nás Boh poslal ako Svojich veľvyslancov, všetka moc, ktorá je v nebesiach, všetko, čo Boh je, všetci Jeho anjeli a všetka Jeho moc stojí za našim slovom ak sme správne ustanovení, vyslaní, poslovia poslaní ku ľuďom. Boh musí uctiť to Slovo, lebo On s vážnosťou napísal, že "Čokoľvek zviažete na zemi, to bude zviazané na nebi. Čokoľvek rozviažete na zemi, Ja to rozviažem na nebi. A dávam ti kľúče Kráľovstva." Ó, On dal cirkvi také veľké zasľúbenie.

9 A ja som..., po tom dni, myslím, že mnohí z vás tu boli dnes ráno, keď som sa pokúšal pokorne a jednoduchým spôsobom vysvetliť to videnie Neba, ktoré som videl...

10 Za žiadnych okolností by som sa nikdy nepokúšal pochybovať o ničom, čo mi niekto povedal, že mu povedal Boh. Veril by som tomu, dokonca ak by som to ani nevidel v Písme, stále by som chcel veriť slovu toho brata. Mohol by som zostať rovno s Bibliou, ale stále by som veril, že možno ten brat to nejako zle zrozumel, že on by to mohol mať trochu pomiešané. A stále by som veril, že je môj brat.

11 A ak je niečo, čo horí v mojom srdci a dúfam, že to nikdy neopustí moje srdce v nasledujúcich rokoch, nikdy nezabudnem, čo sa stalo minulú nedeľu ráno, pred týždňom. To spravilo vo mne niečo, čo urobilo obrat v mojom živote. Nebojím sa. Nemám ani trochu strachu zo smrti. Smrť nemôže vôbec vystrašiť. A nemôže ani vás, ak ste to len porozumeli. No, možno ak... Museli by ste mať tú skúsenosť, aby ste to poznali, lebo nie je žiaden spôsob, ako to vysvetliť. Neviete nájsť slová, lebo to nestojí v anglickom slovníku, ani v žiadnom inom slovníku, lebo to je vo Večnosti: žiadne včera, žiadne zajtra, to je všetko prítomný čas. A to nie je žiadne, "cítim sa celkom dobre," a o hodinu, "necítim sa tak dobre," a o ďalšiu hodinu, "znovu sa cítim dobre." To je stále prítomný čas (vidíte?), nikdy to neustáva, len ten nádherný pokoj a niečo...

12 A tam nemôže byť žiaden hriech, nemôže tam byť žiadna žiarlivosť, nemôže tam byť žiadna choroba, nemôže tam byť nič, čo by kedy dosiahlo ten nebeský breh. A ak smiem mať tú výsadu, že môžem toto povedať, možno že ne... Ak nemám, potom sa modlím, aby mi Boh odpustil. Ale ak mám tú výsadu a to bolo, že Boh ma nechal vychvátiť aby som videl niečo, nazval by som to prvé nebo. A potom, verím, jeden v Biblii, podľa mena, verím, že to bol Pavol, ktorý bol vychvátený do tretieho neba. A ak to bolo takéto slávne v tom prvom nebi, čo potom obsahuje to tretie nebo? Niet divu, že on nemohol o tom hovoriť štrnásť rokov. Povedal, že nevie, či to bolo v tele, alebo mimo tela. S tým veľkým apoštolom, nie deliť sa o jeho úrad alebo pokúšať sa robiť niekým ako bol on. Ale môžem povedať s ním: Neviem, či som bol v tomto tele alebo mimo tela. Jediná vec, bolo to tak skutočné, ako sa teraz pozerám na vás.

13 A ja som vždy chcel vedieť, že keď tam prejdem, či uvidím nejaký malý poletujúci obláčik, nejakého ducha a poviem, "Tam je brat a sestra, to je Charlie a Nellie. Tamto ide brat Spencer a sestra Spencerová." To ma vždy miatlo. Ak sú moje oči v hrobe, rozkladajú sa, hnijú, ak nie sú tu moje uši, aby ešte niekedy počuli a ak všetka moja krv je preč a oni ma zabalzamovali a je to vo vodách alebo v zemi a moje duševné schopnosti, moje mozgové bunky sú preč, akoby som bol potom niečo viac ako len nejaký poletujúci duch? A to ma trápilo. Ako rád by som povedal, "Ahoj, brat Pat, ó, som tak rád že ťa vidím. Ahoj, brat Neville, ako rád by som ťa videl." Ale myslel som, "No, ak nemám nič, čím by som videl, nijaké ústa ktorými by som hovoril, už sú zhnité, sú prach, ako by som bol schopný povedať, ´Ahoj, brat Pat,´ ´Ahoj, brat Neville,´a tak ďalej, ´Ahoj Charlie´"?

14 Ale teraz viem, že to je nesprávne. Lebo viem, že je napísané v Písme, o ktorom hovorím, že si neprotirečí; "Lebo ak tento náš pozemský stán bude zborený, máme iný čakajúci," iný stánok, ktorý má oči, uši, pery, duševné schopnosti. Ak bude tento pozemský stán zborený, je telo, ktoré môže cítiť, hovoriť.

15 A prichádza mi teraz na myseľ, práve teraz, že Mojžiš bol mŕtvy v neoznačenom hrobe osemsto rokov a Eliáš šiel do neba päťsto rokov pred tým, ale na Hore Premenenia boli nájdení ako sa rozprávajú s Ježišom.

16 Potom, čo Samuel bol mŕtvy najmenej tri až päť rokov a čarodejnica z Endor ho vyvolala a padla na svoju tvár a povedala, "Ty si ma oklamal, lebo ty si Saul." Povedala, "Lebo vidím bohov." Ona bola pohanka (vidíte?), "Vidím vystupovať bohov."

17 A Saul ho ešte nemohol vidieť a povedal, "Ako vyzerá, opíš mi ho." Povedala, "Je chudý a má na pleci plášť."

18 Povedal, "To je prorok Samuel, priveď ho sem predo mňa." Chcem, aby ste si všimli, že Samuel nestratil nič z jeho osobnosti. On bol stále prorok, on povedal Saulovi presne to, čo sa stane na druhý deň.

19 Tak, vidíte, smrť nás úplne nezníži, ako plačeme, nariekame a lamentujeme nad hrobom. To len mení miesto nášho bývania. To nás berie z miesta do... Čo je vek? Ak by som žil ešte jednu hodinu, prežil by som mnoho šesťnásť ročných osôb. Prežil by som mnoho päťročných osôb. Vek nie je nič. My sme tu len postavení za nejakým účelom, aby sme niečo urobili.

20 Tak teraz, mnohé z týchto milých matiek s peknými tvárami, ktoré tu sedia, niektoré majú šesťdesiat alebo sedemdesiat rokov, by povedali, "No, čo som ja také urobila, brat Branham?" Vychovala si svoje deti. Urobila si to, čo si mala urobiť.

21 Možno nejaký starý otec, ktorý tu sedí, by povedal, "No, ja som obrábal polia, robil som toto. Nikdy som nekázal." Ale ty si urobil práve to, na čo ťa Boh poslal, aby si urobil. Je tam pre teba miesto.

22 Keď som včera hovoril s jedným starým lekárom, s jedným z mojich priateľov lekárov, kamarát, má osemdesiat aj niečo... A jeho švagriná je tu dnes večer v zbore a ona sa o neho tak trochu bála. Išiel som ho pozrieť. A hneď ako som s ním začal hovoriť, rozjasnil sa, povedal mi o jednej poľovačke na ktorú išiel pred mnohými rokmi hore v Koloráde, práve v tom kraji, kde som ja poľoval. Práve tak jasne a čisto... A povedal som, "Doktor, ako dlho vykonávaš lekársku prax?"

23 Povedal, "Odkedy si ty bol v kolíske." A ja som povedal ... "A mnoho krát", povedal, "Pracoval som tak, že som si vzal svoju káru, položil som sedlo na svojho koňa, vzal som si malú kabelu a išiel som."

24 A ja som povedal, "Áno, tam dolu pri tých riečnych brehoch, o druhej ráno so svojou baterkou si sa snažil nájsť ten dom, kde bolo to malé dieťa s bolesťami bruška alebo nejaká matka v pôrodných bolestiach."

"To je pravda."

25 A povedal som, "Vieš, doktor, verím, že tu za tou rozdeľujúcou čiarou medzi smrteľnosťou a nesmrteľnosťou má Boh miesto pre dobrých starých lekárov, ktorí takto slúžili."

26 Veľké slzy vošli do jeho očí a začal plakať, natiahol svoje chabé ruky a povedal, "brat, dúfam." V zemi na druhej strane, Boh súdi dušu človeka, to čo on je.

27 Potom som mu dal toto potešujúce miesto Písma. Mnoho krát, brodiac sa cez tie temné zablatené polia v noci, pokúšal sa niekomu pomôcť, možno za to nikdy nedostal ani halier, ale to je v poriadku. Povedal som, "Ježiš povedal v Písme, ´Blahoslavení milosrdní, lebo oni obdržia milosrdenstvo.´" A to je pravda.

28 A dnes večer chceme postaviť cirkev v týchto troch lekciách, ak Boh dovolí; ako a na čo sa dívať a čím sme. Začneme prvou kapitolou knihy, Pavlovho listu Efežanom. A vezmeme prvé tri kapitoly v týchto našich ďalších troch lekciách, pokúsime sa prebrať jednu kapitolu za večer, ak budeme môcť; dnes večer, v stredu a nasledujúcu nedeľu ráno. Efežanom 1. kapitola... No, ako to teraz spoločne študujeme, chcel by som povedať toto: táto kniha Efežanom sa dokonale zhoduje s knihou Jozue v Starom zákone; Efežanom, kniha Efežanom...

29 No, pamätajte, ak by sme sa náhodou dostali trochu mimo vášho učenia, odpustite nám to a strpte nás na chvíľu. Predtým, ako To otvoríme, požiadajme Jeho, aby nám pomohol, ako skloníme svoje hlavy.

30 Pane, pristupujeme ku Tvojmu svätému a nedotknuteľnému Písmu, ktoré je bezpečnejšie ako všetky nebesia a zem. Lebo my čítame v tomto Slove, ktoré sa nazýva Biblia, že "Nebo i zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nikdy nepominie." Potom v tejto vážnej hodine, keď prichádzam dnes večer za túto kazateľňu, pred tých vykúpených Tvojou Krvou, týchto vzácnych smrteľníkov, ktorí tu dnes večer sedia a dychtia za každou malou nádejou, ktorej sa môžu chopiť ku tomu Životu, ktorý má prísť; nech je to dnes večer také účinné, aby tu každý veriaci videl svoju pozíciu a každý, ktorý ešte nevošiel do tohoto veľkého obecenstva, aby sa tlačil do toho Kráľovstva, Pane, a klopal na tie dvere, kým ten Strážca neotvorí tie dvere. Udeľ to, Pane.

31 My tu čítame, že táto Biblia nepodlieha žiadnemu vlastnému výkladu. Bože, nedopusť, aby som sa ja, Tvoj sluha, alebo ktorýkoľvek iný sluha, niekedy pokúsil položiť svoj vlastný výklad toho Slova. Nech To len čítame a veríme Tomu tak ako je To napísané. A zvlášť my, pastieri tých stád, my, pastori, ktorí sa jedného dňa zhromaždíme tam v tej slávnej zemi s tými stádečkami a budeme stáť v Prítomnosti Pána Ježiša a uvidíme prichádzať tú generáciu Pavla a Petra, Lukáša, Mareka a Matúša a tých všetkých a uvidíme ich tam súdených s ich skupinami. Bože, udeľ to, že by som mohol položiť ku Tvojim nohám desať miliónov trofejí, kým sa pokorne plazím a kladiem svoje ruky na Tvoje vzácne nohy a hovorím, "Pane, oni sú Tvoji."

32 Ó, Bože, naplň nás nanovo Tvojim Duchom a Tvojou láskou a Tvojou dobrotou. A nech my..., ako to vyjadril ten básnik v tej piesni pred mnohými rokmi:

Drahý zomierajúci Baránok;

Tvoje vzácne Slovo nikdy nestratí Svoju Moc,

kým nebude celá tá vykúpená Cirkev Božia spasená,

aby nikdy viac nehrešila.

Stále odkedy vierou vidím ten prameň;

Tvoj zdroj tečúcich rán;

Vykupujúca láska je mojou témou;

A bude, až kým budem žiť.

Potom vo vznešenejšej, sladšej piesni,

on ďalej pokračuje;

Budem spievať Tvoju moc spasenia;

Keď tento chabý šušľavý, bľabotajúci jazyk,

ticho ľahne v hrobe.

Potom hrob neznamená pre Tvoje deti žiadnu smrť. Je to len naše miesto odpočinku alebo skrýšou, kde toto porušiteľné oblečie neporušiteľnosť.

33 A nech toto dnes večer vidíme, Pane, tak jasne, ako je nám to dané v Tvojom Slove. Daj nám porozumenie. A umiestni nás, Pane, na stanovište našej služby, aby sme mohli verne slúžiť až dokiaľ neprídeš. Prosíme to v Ježišovom mene a pre Neho. Amen.

34 No, kniha Efežanom, ako som práve povedal, podľa môjho názoru je to jedna z najväčších kníh Nového Zákona. Necháva nás to tam, kde Kalvinizmus vybehol na jednu vetvu a Arminianizmus vybehol na druhú vetvu, ale kniha Efežanom to viaže spolu a umiestňuje cirkev na jej pozíciu

35 No, ja som to znázornil s Jozuom. Ak si všimnete, Izrael bol vyvedený z Egypta a tam boli tri štádiá ich putovania. Prvé štádium bolo opustenie Egypta. Ďalšie štádium bolo na púšti a ďalšie bolo v Kanaáne.

36 No, Kanaán nereprezentuje vek Milénia. To len reprezentuje vek premožiteľa, to časové obdobie víťazenia, lebo v Kanaáne oni zabíjali a pálili a zaberali mestá. A tam v Miléniu nebude žiadna smrť.

37 Ale tú ďalšiu vec, ktorú to ukazuje, to prináša ospravedlnenie skrze vieru, potom ako uverili v Mojžiša a opustili Egypt; posvätenie skrze putovanie pod vedením Ohnivého Stĺpa a zmierenie cez obetného baránka na púšti; a potom vstúpenie do zeme, ktorá bola zasľúbená.

38 No, čo je tou zasľúbenou zemou pre novo-zákonného veriaceho? To zasľúbenie je Svätý Duch. "Lebo stane sa v tých dňoch, "Joel 2:28, "že vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo. Vaši synovia a vaše dcéry budú prorokovať. Na Svojich služobníkov a Svoje služobnice vylejem Svojho Ducha a budú prorokovať. Ukážem vám divy hore na nebi a na zemi, stĺpy ohňa a dymu." A Peter povedal na deň Letníc, potom, čo vzal svoj text a kázal, "Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť na meno Pána Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov," na odpustenie, na odstránenie všetkých minulých prestúpení.

39 Všimli ste si Jozuu? Predtým, ako prekročili Jordán, Jozue povedal, "Prejdite stredom tábora a očistite svoje rúcha a posväťte sa každý jeden z vás a nech žiaden muž nevchádza ku svojej žene, lebo za tri dni uvidíte slávu Božiu." Vidíte? To je proces pripravovania sa zdediť zasľúbenie.

No, to zasľúbenie pre Izrael bolo... Boh dal Abrahámovi zasľúbenie - zem v Palestíne a to malo byť ich vlastníctvo naveky. A oni mali navždy zostať v tejto zemi.

40 No, oni prechádzajú tromi štádiami, keď prichádzajú do tejto zasľúbenej zeme. Sledujte; je to dokonalý predobraz v Novej zmluve.

41 No, ako som povedal, toto sa nezhoduje s myšlienkami niektorých vás. Niektorí z vás vzácnych Nazarénov, Cirkvi Božej a tak ďalej, nech vás to nezraní, ale sledujte to pozorne a sledujte tie predobrazy. Sledujte ich a vidzte, či to na každom mieste dokonale nezapadne.

42 Boli tam tri štádiá ich putovania a sú tri štádiá tohoto putovania. Lebo my sme ospravedlnení vierou, uveriac v Pána Ježiša Krista, opustili sme egyptskú zem, vyšli von, a potom sme posvätení skrze obeť Jeho Krvi, umytí od hriechu a stali sme sa pútnikmi, dočasne prebývajúci, tvrdíme že hľadáme zem, prichádzajúce mesto, alebo zasľúbenie.

43 Tak to bolo s Izraelom na púšti; pútnici, žiadne miesto na odpočinok, cestujúci noc za nocou, nasledujúci ten Ohnivý Stĺp ale nakoniec prišli do zasľúbenej zeme, kde sa usadili.

44 To je to, kam prichádza veriaci. On najprv prichádza k rozpoznaniu, že je hriešnik; potom je oddelený vodou, umytím vodou skrze Krv, vlastne umytím vodou Slova, uveriac v Pána Ježiša Krista. Potom, ospravedlnený vierou, stáva sa účastníkom a zmierený s Bohom skrze Krista, pokrstený na meno Pána Ježiša Krista aby ho preskočil a vydal sa na cestu. Pochopili ste to? Na tú cestu. Potom sa stáva dočasne prebývajúcim a pútnikom. On je na svojej ceste kam? Do zasľúbenia, ktoré dal Boh.

45 Izrael ešte neobdržal to zasľúbenie, ale oni boli na svojej ceste. A bez, ... Porozumejte to, prosím. To je to, kde ste vy, Nazaréni a Pútnici svätosti a ďalší, padli. Lebo Izrael, keď prišiel na to miesto Kádeš-Barnea, keď tam išli tí vyzvedači a povedali, "Tá zem je výborná." Ale niektorí z nich sa vrátili a povedali, "Nemôžeme ju zaujať, lebo tie mestá majú vysoké múry a tak ďalej. Ale vystúpili Jozue a Kálef a povedali, "My sme viac ako schopní ju zaujať." Lebo ich už podpísané a zdokumentované vyhlásenia, oni verili v tie dve diela milosti, ospravedlnenie a posvätenie a nemohli sa pohnúť ďalej. A počúvajte, celá tá generácia zahynula na púšti, ale tí dvaja, ktorí vyšli do tej zasľúbenej zeme a priniesli dôkaz, že je to dobrá zem a "sme viac ako schopní ju zaujať, lebo to je Božie zasľúbenie." Potom, miesto toho, aby tí ľudia pokračovali, aby obdržali Ducha Svätého, hovorili v jazykoch, obdržali moc Božiu, krst Svätým Duchom, znamenia, divy, zázraky; oni cítili, že to by zlomilo tradície ich náuk. A čo sa im stalo? Zahynuli v tej zemi. Tak je to.

46 Ale tí veriaci, tá výprava Jozueho a Kálefa, tí, ktorí išli do toho zasľúbenia, oni sa pohli ďalej do tej zeme a zaujali tú zem a usadili sa tam, bolo to ich vlastníctvom. A my sa nikdy nezastavujeme pri ospravedlnení, posvätení. Poďme do krstu Duchom Svätým. Nezastavme sa pri uverení v Pána Ježiša a byť len pokrstení. Nezastavme sa, lebo on nás očistil od života v hriechu. Ale teraz sa tlačíme do pozície, do zasľúbenia krstu Duchom Svätým. Lebo Peter povedal v deň Letníc, "Lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a vaše deti a tých, ktorí sú ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh."

47 Takže Efez nás tu umiestňuje ako Jozue, do pozície. Všimnite si, Jozue, potom, čo prešli do tej zeme a zaujali ju, on tú zem potom rozdelil. "Efraim tu, Manassess tu a tento tu, Gád tu, Benjamin tu." On tú zem rozdelil.

48 A všimnite si. Ó, toto zapaľuje naše srdcia. Každá jedna z tých hebrejských matiek, ktoré rodili tie deti, ona vyslovila vo svojich pôrodných bolestiach práve to miesto, kde oni budú umiestnení v tej zasľúbenej zemi. Ó, to je veľká lekcia. Keby sme len mohli ísť do detailov, čo by zabralo hodiny a hodiny... Niektorý deň, keď upravíme našu cirkev, rád by som prišiel a vzal taký dobrý mesiac alebo dva a zostal rovno pri tom. Sledujte kedy ony, tie každá jedna z tých matiek, keď ona zvolala "Efraim," keď rodila, umiestnila ho do pozície, kde jeho nohy stáli v oleji. Presne každý jeden z nich kde oni boli...

49 A Jozue toto nevedel, ale skrze inšpiráciu, vedený Svätým Duchom, potom, čo bol v zasľúbenej zemi, dal každému jeho zasľúbenie, presne to, čo Svätý Duch zasľúbil skrze to narodenie tam na začiatku.

50 Ako Boh postavil niektorých v cirkvi, cez pôrodné bolesti... Ó, niekedy sa im vodí strašne. Keď cirkev stoná pri tom prenasledovaní vonkajším svetom, verí Pánovi Ježišovi, že to zasľúbenie Svätého Ducha je pre nás také skutočné ako to bolo na Letnice, ako oni stonajú a plačú vo svojich pôrodných bolestiach. Ale keď sú narodení, narodení do pozície v Božom Kráľovstve, potom Svätý Duch postavil v cirkvi niektorých za apoštolov, niektorých za prorokov, niektorých za učiteľov, niektorých za pastorov, niektorých za evanjelistov. Potom tam On dal hovorenie v jazykoch, výklad jazykov, známosť, múdrosť, dary uzdravenia, všetky druhy zázrakov.

51 Kde cirkev je... No, môj dôvod, prečo toto kážem je, že v cirkvi sa vždy snažia zaujať miesto niekoho druhého. Ale nerobte to. Nikdy nemôžete pestovať kukuricu na Efraimovej strane, ak ste Manasses. Vy musíte zaujať svoje miesto v Kristovi, zaujať tú pozíciu. Ó, to je hlboké a bohaté, keď sa do toho dostaneme, ako Boh stavia jedného aby hovoril jazykmi, druhého... No, my sme boli mnohokrát vyučovaní, že všetci musíme hovoriť v jazykoch. To je nesprávne. "Všetci to musíme robiť." Nie, nemusíme. Oni nerobili všetci jednu vec, každý jeden bol...

52 Každý... Tá zem bola zriadená a rozdelená skrze inšpiráciu. A každý jeden... Mohol by som vziať Písmo a ukázať vám presne, že on ich postavil na to miesto, kde oni mali byť, v tej pozícii; ako tých dva a pol pokolenia mali zostať pri tej rieke, ako to ich matky vykríkli pri rodení a ako to každé miesto malo byť.

53 A potom, čo ste teraz vo vnútri, to neznamená, že ste slobodní od vojny. Vy stále musíte bojovať za každý centimeter zeme na ktorej stojíte. Takže pozrite, Kanaán nereprezentoval to veľké nebo, lebo tam sú vojny a problémy a zabíjanie a boje a tak ďalej. Ale to reprezentovalo toto: že to musí byť dokonalé chodenie.

54 A to je to, kde cirkev dnes zlyháva: v tom chodení. Viete, že dokonca vaše vlastné správanie môže niekoho odsunúť od toho, aby bol uzdravený? Vaše zlé správanie nevyznaných hriechov vás veriacich môže zapríčiniť, že táto cirkev škaredo zlyhá. A v súdny deň budete zodpovední za každú tú vec. Ó, poviete, "No, počkaj chvíľu, brat Branham." No, to je pravda. Myslite na to.

55 Jozue, potom, čo prešiel do tej zeme, Boh mu dal zasľúbenie, že... Pomyslite len na to; že bude bojovať po celý čas bez straty jediného muža, dokonca bez odreniny, bez potreby mať opatrovateľku alebo prvú pomoc alebo nejaký leukoplast. Boh povedal, "Tá zem je tvoja. Choď a bojuj." Pomyslite na vojnové tiahnutie a tam naokolo nie je žiaden Červený Kríž; nikto tam nebude zranený.

56 A oni pobili tých Amorejcov a Hetejov, ale medzi nimi nebol ani jeden zranený, dokiaľ sa do tábora nedostal hriech. A keď vzal Achan to babylonské rúcho a ten jazyk zlata a skryl to pod svojim stanom, potom ten nasledujúci deň stratili šestnásť mužov. Jozue povedal, "Zastavte, zastavte! Počkajte chvíľu, niečo nie je v poriadku! Niečo tu nie je v poriadku! Zvoláme sedemdňový pôst. Boh nám dal zasľúbenie. Nič nás nemôže zraniť. Naši nepriatelia nám padnú k nohám. Niečo tu nie je v poriadku! Niečo sa niekde stalo, lebo leží nám tu šestnásť mŕtvych mužov! To sú Izraelskí bratia a oni sú mŕtvi!"

57 Prečo zomreli,... nevinní ľudia? Lebo jeden človek vykročil mimo tej línie. Vidíte ten dôvod, prečo toto musí byť vyučované? Cirkev sa dáva do jednej línie, do línie s Božím Slovom, do línie s Bohom a do línie jedného s druhým, kráčajúc dokonale správne, triezvo, pred všetkými ľuďmi, bojac sa Boha. Pretože jeden človek ukradol nejaké rúcho a urobil niečo, čo nemal urobiť; zobral život šestnástich ľudí. Myslím, že to bolo šestnásť, možno viac. Verím, že to bolo šestnásť mužov, ktorí boli mŕtvi.

58 Jozue zvolal, povedal, "Niečo nie je v poriadku. Boh dal zasľúbenie a niečo nie je v poriadku."

59 Keď prinášame pred nás chorých a oni nie sú uzdravení, potrebujeme zvolať vážny pôst, zvolať zhromaždenie. Niečo niekde nie je v poriadku. Boh dal zasľúbenie. Boh musí ľnúť na tom zasľúbení. A On to urobí.

60 A on zvolal pôst. A oni zistili..., hodili losy. A Achan to vyznal. A zabili rodinu Achana a všetko a spálili ich popol, a nechali to tam na pamiatku. A Jozue pokračoval ďalej cez tie boje, bral všetko bez odreniny alebo zranenia. Tu to máte.

61 Jeden deň mal... potreboval trochu času, taký čas navyše. Slnko zapadalo, tí muži nemohli v noci veľmi dobre bojovať. Jozue, ten veľký bojovník, pomazaný Boží, umiestnený do pozície v tej zemi, ako Efežania do tej novej cirkvi, vlastniac tú zem, zaujímajúc ju. On potreboval nejaký čas, tak on povedal, "Slnko, stoj ticho." A ono stálo asi dvanásť hodín dokiaľ nezaujal tú zem. Vidíte?

62 Kniha Efežanom nás umiestňuje do pozície v Kristovi; to, čo oni boli v tej svätej zemi. My nie sme umiestnení vo svätej zemi, ale vo Svätom Duchu. No, čítajme teraz Slovo a vidzme, aká je cirkev dokonalá.

Pavel, apoštol Ježiša Krista, vôľou Božou,...

63 Ó, to sa mi páči. Boh ho urobil apoštolom. Žiadni starší na neho nevzkladali ruky, žiadni biskupi ho nikam neposielali, ale Boh ho povolal a urobil ho apoštolom.

Pavel, apoštol Ježiša Krista, vôľou Božou, svätým...

(tým posväteným),

...ktorí sú v Efeze a verným v Kristu Ježišovi.

64 Sledujte, komu on toto adresuje. Toto nie je pre neveriacich. Toto je pre cirkev. To hovorí ku tým vyvolaným, posväteným a vyvolaným, ktorí sú v Kristu Ježišovi.

65 No, ak chcete vedieť ako sa dostaneme do Krista Ježiša, ak nalistujete 1. Korinťanom 12, je tam povedané, "Lebo jedným Duchom sme my všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela." Ako? Pokrstení čím? Svätým Duchom. Nie vodným krstom, vy, ľudia z Cirkvi Kristovej, ale jedným - veľkými písmenami D-u-ch-o-m, jedným Duchom. Nie jedným potrasením ruky, jedným listom, nie jedným pofŕkaním, ale jedným Duchom sme my všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela, naše vlastníctvo, tá zem, ktorú nám dal Boh, aby sme v nej žili, Svätý Duch. Práve tak, ako dal Židom Kanaán, dal nám Svätého Ducha. Jedným Duchom sme my všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela. Rozumiete tomu?

66 No, on teraz hovorí duchovným Kanaáncom, Izraelovi, duchovnému Izraelovi, ktorý zaujal tú zem. Ó, nie ste radi, že ste vyšli z egyptského cesnaku? Nie ste radi, že ste von z tej púšte? A pamätajte, oni museli jesť mannu, nebeský pokrm anjelov, až kým nevkročili do tej zeme. A keď vkročili do tej zeme, manna prestala padať. Oni potom boli plne zrelí a jedli zrno tej zeme. No, teraz už viac nie ste bábätká, už nie ste žiadostiví odstredeného mlieka evanjelia, netreba sa s vami maznať a potľapkávať vás a presviedčať vás, aby ste prišli do zboru; teraz ste plne zrelí Kresťania, pripravení jesť tvrdý pokrm. Ste pripravení vojsť do niečoho, on povedal. Ste pripravení rozumieť niečo, čo je hlboké a bohaté. Ó, dostaneme sa priamo do toho. A ó, bolo to zakryté od založenia sveta. On povedal, "Vy ste teraz prišli ku tomuto, toto adresujem vám," nie tým, ktorí práve opustili Egypt, nie tým, ktorí stále putujú, ale tým, ktorí sú v zasľúbenej zemi, ktorí obdržali to zasľúbenie.

67 Koľkí obdržali to zasľúbenie Svätého Ducha? Ó, nie ste radi, že ste už teraz tu v tej zemi, jediac zrno, jediac tie silné Božie veci a majúci jasné zrozumenie. Vaša duchovná myseľ je celkom urovnaná. Viete presne kým On je. Viete presne čím On je. Viete presne kam idete. Viete presne všetko o tom. Viete Komu ste uverili a ste presvedčení, že On je schopný zachovať to, čo ste Mu vydali až do toho dňa. Ó, to sú tí; to sú tí, ku komu teraz Pavol hovorí. Počúvajte pozorne. No, sledujte...

...verným v Kristu Ježišovi.

68 No, dovoľte cirkev, že to zopakujem. Ako sa dostaneme do Krista? Pripojením sa do cirkvi? Nie. Zapísaním mena do knihy? Nie. Pokrstením sa ponorením? Nie. Ako sa dostaneme do Krista? Jedným Svätým Duchom sme my všetci pokrstení do jedného zasľúbenia, do Tela a sme účastníci všetkého toho, čo patrí do tej zeme. Amen. Ó, to sa mi páči. Keby by som nebol chrapľavý, mohol by som kričať. Ó, keď sa dostanem do tejto zeme, je to moje. Som teraz doma, som v Kanaáne. Som podriadený ku čomukoľvek ma chce Boh použiť. Kráčam po svätej zemi, dieťa Kráľa, cele odiaty a pripravený. Vyšiel som z Egypta, prešiel cez tú zasľúbenú zem, obstál som v tých skúškach, prešiel som cez Jordán do toho požehnaného zasľúbenia. Ó, ako som to dostal? Jedným Duchom, tak isto ako to dostal Pavol, to vykonalo na mne to isté ako na ňom, to isté čo na vás. Jedným Duchom sme my všetci pokrstení, nie pofŕkaní, nie len pár kvapiek z toho, že sa cítime dobre, ale celkom ponorení, všetko je urobené aby ste boli zaliaty vo Svätom Duchu. To je to zasľúbenie.

69 Naši Efežania, náš Jozue, to je Svätý Duch... "Jozue" znamená "Ježiš, Spasiteľ." Jozue znamená Svätý Duch, to reprezentuje v tom duchovnom to, čo bolo v tom prirodzenom, to, že On je náš veľký Bojovník. On je náš veľký Vodca. Tak ako bol Boh s Jozuom, tak je Boh v Duchu Svätom, pohýňajúc nás. A keď prichádza do tábora hriech, Svätý Duch vyžaduje zastavenie, "Čo sa stalo v tejto cirkvi? Niečo nie je v poriadku." Ó, či nevidíte, koľkých synov Kíšu máme dnes, príliš veľa Saulov prichádzajúcich zo seminárov a z teologických škôl a vychádzajú a učia tieto prevrátené veci, tak ako Biblia povedala, že budú, zjavne nemajúci viery, oddeľujúci sa od vás, nemajú s vami žiadne obecenstvo a tak ďalej, majúci formu pobožnosti a zapierajúci jej moc, od takých sa vzďaľuj. Oni nevedia odkiaľ prichádzajú, oni nevedia dať nijaký dôvod.

70 Hovorím toto od môjho priateľa, brat Booth-Clibborna; ak je niečo, čo je proti prírode, nie Bohom stvorené, niečo na svete, to je mul. Mul je najpodlejší zo všetkých zvierat. On je... On nevie čo je. On sa nemôže viac reprodukovať. Mul nemôže porodiť ďalšieho mula a stať sa mulom. On skončil. Nevie odkiaľ je jeho otec, ani nevie odkiaľ je jeho mama, lebo on je trochu osol a trochu kobyla. Boh to nikdy neurobil. Nezvaľujte niečo takéto na Boha. Boh takéto nikdy neurobil. Boh povedal, "Všetko nech prináša svoj druh." Tak veru. Ale mul je... Jeho otec bol osol a matka kobyla, takže on nevie ku komu patrí. On je kôň pokúšajúci sa byť mulom, alebo mul... alebo je kôň pokúšajúci sa byť oslom, osol pokúšajúci sa byť koňom; on nevie kam patrí. A on je to najtvrdohlavejšie zviera na svete. Nemôžete mu ani trochu dôverovať.

71 A takto je to s mnohými ľuďmi v cirkvi. Oni nevedia, kto je ich otec, nevedia, kto je ich matka. Jediná vec, ktorú vedia je, že sú buď Presbyteriáni, Metodisti, Baptisti alebo Letniční, alebo niečo. Nevedia, odkiaľ prichádzajú. A nejaký starý osol, môžete na neho kričať koľko len chcete, on tam len bude stáť a vystrkovať svoje veľké uši a pozerať. Môžete mu kázať celú noc a keď bude odchádzať, nebude vedieť o nič viac ako keď prišiel. No, to je veru tak. Ja nechcem byť hrubý, ale chcem vám povedať pravdu.

72 Ale je jedna vec, ktorú oni vedia robiť; oni sú dobrí pracanti. Ó, oni len pracujú, pracujú, pracujú, pracujú. To mi pripomína skupinu týchto Arminiánov, ktorí sa vždy snažia prepracovať svoju cestu do neba (to je pravda), ...mul. Ó, Dámska dobročinná spoločnosť, slepačia večera, lebo platia kazateľa, "A musíme mať tento tanec a tento sociálny program." To je len práca, práca, práca, práca, práca, práca, práca. A oni... Kvôli čomu oni pracujú?

73 Opýtajte sa ich, "Či ste prijali Svätého Ducha potom čo ste uverili?"

74 Vystrčia uši a nevedia kam patria, "Čo tým myslíš? Čo s tým? Čo tým myslíš, Svätý Duch? Nikdy som o tom nič nepočul. Ó, ty musíš byť nejaký fanatik." Vidíte, oni nevedia, kto bol ich otec, ani kto bola ich matka. A musíte ich do všetkého udierať, tu a tam, tu a tam. Tak je to, starý mul.

75 Ale poviem vám, to nemusíte robiť skutočnému plnokrvnému koňovi. Len raz plesknite bičom, brat, on je tam. On vie, čo robí. Ó, ako dobre je jazdiť na plnokrvnom koňovi. Aké pekné. Len poviete, "Poď, chlapče." Ó, vidíte, radšej by ste sa mali dobre držať, lebo vám nechá sedlo vo vzduchu.

76 Tak je to so skutočnými čistokrvnými Kresťanmi. Haleluja! "Prijmite Ducha Svätého! Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť na meno Pána Ježiša Krista na odpustenie vašich hriechov." Hotovo, tak rýchlo ako sa oni môžu dostať do vody, sú tam. Oni nemôžu odpočívať vo dne ani v noci, kým neobdržia Ducha Svätého. Prečo? Viete, Kresťan vie, kto je jeho Otec. Vidíte, ku narodeniu treba dvoch, (to je pravda); otca a matku. Mul nevie, ktorý je otec, ktorá je matka. Ale my vieme, Kto je Otec a Matka, lebo sme sa narodili z napísaného Božieho Slova, potvrdeného Duchom. Peter povedal v deň Letníc, "Ak budete činiť pokánie a dáte sa pokrstiť, každý jeden z vás, na meno Pána Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov; obdržíte dar Svätého Ducha."

77 Brat, skutočný znovuzrodený Kresťan, ó, jeho duch... Akonáhle on dostáva to Slovo, on prijíma Svätého Ducha. Potom sa ho niečo opýtajte. On vie, kde stojí. "Veríš v Božské uzdravenie?"


"Veríš v Druhý príchod?"


78 Opýtajte sa to mula. Náboženstvo mulov, "No, neviem. Doktor Jones raz povedal..." Ó, tam... Choďte za Saulom. Vidíte? "Ó, oni nevedia. No, poviem ti, moja cirkev si tým nie je istá."

79 Ó, brat, ale znovuzrodený muž alebo žena sú si tak istí príchodu Pána Ježiša; sú si tak istí, že majú Svätého Ducha ako že je Svätý Duch, aby bol daný.

80 No, Ježiš povedal... Tá žena pri studni, "My sa modlíme na tomto vrchu a Židia v Jeruzaleme."

81 On povedal, "Žena, počuj moje Slová. Ide hodina a je teraz, kedy Otec hľadá takých, ktorí sa Mu budú modliť v Duchu a v Pravde."

82 "Tvoje Slovo je Pravda." A každý človek, ktorý bude čítať Bibliu a bude veriť každému Slovu, ktoré Biblia hovorí a bude nasledovať jej inštrukcie a obdrží toho istého Svätého Ducha, ktorého obdržali oni, takým istým spôsobom ako Ho oni obdržali, také isté výsledky aké mali oni, tú istú moc, ktorú mali oni, keď Ho obdržali, on vie, Kto je jeho Otec a Matka. On vie, že je umytý v Krvi Ježiša Krista, zrodený z Ducha, naplnený Božím pomazaním. On vie, kde stojí. Iste. On je v Kanaáne. On vie odkiaľ prichádza. A takto je to so skutočným Kresťanom. Opýtajte sa ho, "Obdržal si Svätého Ducha potom, čo si uveril?" "Amen, brat."

83 Jedného dňa som bol pri jednej starej sestre, deväťdesiatdva ročnej, rozprával som sa s jej osemdesiatročným pastorom, povedal som, "Babka?"

Tak jasne ako len mohla, povedala, "Áno, synku."

84 Povedal som, "Ako je to dlho čo si prijala Svätého Ducha?"

Povedala, "Sláva Bohu! Asi pred šesťdesiatimi rokmi som Ho dostala."

85 No, ak by bola mul, povedala by, "No, počkaj chvíľu. Bola som konfirmovaná a pofŕkaná keď som mala... No, samozrejme,... a prijali ma do cirkvi a priniesla som list..." Ó, jé! Oni ani nevedia kam patria.

86 Ale ona vedela odkiaľ pochádza jej prvorodenstvo. Ona tam bola, keď sa to stalo. Ona sa narodila z vody a z Ducha. Ona to vedela a tá voda skrze umytie vodou Slova, na to treba Slovo.

87 No, sledujte, ako je toto adresované, "Tým, ktorí sú v Kristu Ježišovi." Pavol, pamätajte teraz... Zaberám dosť dlhý čas, ale nejdem prejsť teraz celú tú kapitolu. Ale poponáhľam sa... Páči sa vám to? Ó, to nám hovorí, kde sa nachádzame, ale nemôžeme to prebrať za jeden večer. Potrebujeme na toto mesiac alebo dva, každý večer, prejsť rovno cez to, Slovo za Slovom. Vrátiť sa a priniesť to z historických príkladov a položiť to rovno Slovo za Slovom a ukázať vám, že to je pravda.

No, prečítajme rýchlo ten verš ešte raz.

Pavel, apoštol Ježiša Krista, vôľou Božou,

(nie vôľou človeka), ...

svätým, ktorí sú v Efeze a

(spojka) ...

verným v Kristu Ježišovi.

88 Znamená to, že oni boli vyvolaní, oddelení a teraz boli pokrstení Svätým Duchom a sú v Kristu Ježišovi. "Adresujem túto epištolu vám, moji milovaní." Ó, myslím na Pavla ako je práve teraz tam s nimi, ó, akí sú šťastní. Ten starý malý apoštol, ktorému tam dolu sťali hlavu. Stál som na mieste, kde mu sťali hlavu. Ale, ó, jeho hlava je na tom novom tele a už nikdy nemôže byť sťatá. A on tam v tejto chvíli stojí s nimi, ten apoštol, ktorý toto napísal. A povedal, "Vám, ktorí ste v Kristu Ježišovi, jedným Duchom sme my všetci pokrstení do tohoto jedného Tela." No, sledujte.

...milosť vám a pokoj od Boha, našeho Otca a Pána Ježiša Krista.

Požehnaný Boh a Otec našeho Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý nás požehnal každým...

(ó, počuješ to, Charlie?)

...ktorý nás požehnal každým požehnaním duchovným...

89 Nie len niektorým pre apoštolov a niektorým pre týchto, ale On nás požehnal každým duchovným požehnaním. Ten istý Svätý Duch, ktorý padol v deň Letníc je ten istý Svätý Duch tu dnes večer. Ten istý Svätý Duch, ktorý dal, aby Mária kričala a hovorila v jazykoch a prežívala nádherný čas a radovala sa a to všetko, čo robila; dnes večer je tu ten istý Svätý Duch . Ten istý Svätý Duch, ktorý viedol Pavla na tej starej lodi, kde to vyzeralo, že sa to potopí a že je koniec, štrnásť dní a nocí, žiaden mesiac ani hviezdy, pozrel sa tam von a na každej vlne bol diabol, pokukoval tam a ceril zuby a povedal, "Teraz ťa utopím, chlapče. Už ťa mám."

90 A kým sa Pavol šiel dolu trochu pomodliť, postavil sa tam Anjel a povedal, "Neboj sa, Pavol... Táto loď stroskotá na jednom ostrove. Choď a navečeraj sa, je to teraz v poriadku."

91 Tu on prichádza s tými reťaziami na rukách, vlečie ich na nohách a povedal, "Nebojte sa, mužovia, lebo Boh, Anjel Boha, Ktorého som sluhom, sa vedľa mňa postavil a povedal, ´Pavol, neboj sa.´" Ten istý Duch Svätý je tu dnes večer, ten istý Duch Boží, poskytujúci nám tie isté duchovné požehnania.

...ktorý nás požehnal každým požehnaním duchovným v ponebeských oblastiach...

[angl.: "v nebeských miestach"]

92 Ó, zastavme sa tu ešte na chvíľku. "V nebeských miestach." No, nie len niekde vonku, ale v nebeských miestach. Sme zhromaždení v "nebeských," to znamená pozíciu veriaceho. Ak sa ja modlím, vy sa modlíte alebo cirkev sa modlí a sme pripravení pre posolstvo a sme spolu zhromaždení ako svätí, vyvolaní, pokrstení Svätým Duchom, naplnení Božími požehnaniami, povolaní, vyvolení, posadení spolu teraz v nebeských miestach, sme nebeskými bytosťami v našich dušiach. Náš duch nás preniesol do nebeskej atmosféry. Ó, brat. Tu to máte, nebeská atmosféra. Ó, čo by sa mohlo dnes večer stať? Čo by sa mohlo dnes večer stať, ak by sme tu sedeli v nebeskej atmosfére a Svätý Duch by rozhýbal každé srdce, ktoré bolo obnovené a stalo sa novým stvorením v Kristu Ježišovi? Všetky hriechy pod Krvou, v dokonalom uctievaní, s našimi rukami a srdcami pozdvihnutými k Bohu, sediaci v nebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi, uctievajúci spolu v nebeských miestach ...

93 Už ste tak niekedy boli? Ó, bol som tak, až som plakal a radoval sa a povedal, "Bože, nikdy ma nenechaj odtiaľto odísť," proste v nebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi.

94 Čím nás požehnal? Božským uzdravením, predzvedením, zjavením, videniami, mocami, jazykmi, výkladmi jazykov, múdrosťou, známosťou, všetkými tými nebeskými požehnaniami a nevysloviteľnou radosťou plnou slávy, každé srdce naplnené Duchom, kráčame spolu, sedíme spolu v nebeských miestach, nie je medzi nami ani jedna zlá myšlienka, ani jedna vyfajčená cigareta, ani jedny šortky, nič toto, to či tamto, ani jedna zlá myšlienka, nikto nemá nič proti tomu druhému, každý hovorí v láske a harmónii, každý v súhre na jednom mieste, "potom zrazu povstal z neba zvuk ako zvuk nesúceho sa silného vetra." Tu to máte, "požehnal nás každým duchovným požehnaním."

95 Potom by mohol padnúť Svätý Duch na niekoho a povedať, "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Choď na to-a-to miesto a urob tú-a-tú vec." Sledujte, ako sa to práve tak stane. "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Choď na to-a-to miesto a urob tú-a-tú vec." Sledujte, že sa to tak stane.

96 Požehnal nás spolu všetkými nebeskými požehnaniami v nebeských miestach... Sledujte.

...tak, ako si nás v Ňom vyvolil...

97 Vyvolili sme si my Jeho, alebo On si vyvolil nás? On vyvolil nás. Kedy? V ten večer, keď sme Ho prijali? Vyvolil...

...tak, ako si nás v Ňom vyvolil pred založením sveta, aby sme boli svätí a bezvadní pred Ním v ...


...v láske...

98 Kedy nás Boh vyvolil? Kedy si Boh vyvolil vás, ktorí ste dostali Svätého Ducha? Kedy si vás vyvolil? Pred založením sveta ... On vás vybral a poslal Ježiša, aby On mohol byť zmierením za vaše hriechy, aby vás povolal ku zmiereniu s Ním, ku láske. Ó, prial by som si, keby sme mali trochu viac času.

99 Predtým, ako pôjdeme ďalej, vráťme sa do Genesis 1:26. Vezmem to v stredu. Keď Boh učinil človeka... Predtým, ako učinil človeka, On nazýval Seba "El," E-l, El; E-l-h, "Elah," "Elohim." To slovo v hebrejčine znamená "samo-existencia," všetko skrze Neho Samého. Neexistovalo pred Ním nič. On bol všetka existencia, ktorá kde bola, samo-existujúci: "El, Elah, Elohim," znamená to "sebestačný, všemocný, Všemohúci, Ten samoexistujúci." Ó!

100 Ale v Genesis 2, keď On učinil človeka, povedal, "Ja som Y-a-h-u, J-u-v-u-h, Yahua, Jehovah. Čo to znamenalo? "Ja som Ten vše-existujúci, Ktorý stvoril niečo zo Seba, aby to bol Môj syn, alebo dočasne, alebo taký Môj malý amatér." Ó, sláva! Prečo? On dal človeka... "Jehovah" znamená, že On dal človeka, aby bol boh-amatér. Lebo On je Otec Boh a On učinil človeka bohom-amatérom, takže už nie je viac samo-existujúci, On existuje so Svojou rodinou. Amen. Elah, Elah, Elohim... Teraz, On je teraz Jehovah, "Jehovah" znamená "Ten, Ktorý existuje so Svojou rodinou." No, Boh učinil človeka, aby vládol nad celou zemou, on mal panstvo. A zem bola panstvom človeka. Je to podľa Písma? Potom, ak je to jeho panstvo, on bol bohom na zemi. On mohol hovoriť a stalo by sa. On mohol toto vypovedať a bolo by tak. Ó! Tam On je, Boh, Jehovah, Ten, Ktorý mal raz samo-existenciu, ale teraz existuje so svojou rodinou a Jeho maličkí s Ním... Tu to máte.

101 No, čítajte to. Dostaneme sa do toho v stredu večer, keď budeme mať viacej času. Máme už len pätnásť minút a budeme... Myslel som, že sa dostanem k jednému určitému miestu, ale nedostaneme sa; ...tam, kde sme zapečatení Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia. V poriadku.

102 No, kedy sme boli povolaní za sluhov Božích? Kedy bol Orman Neville povolaný aby bol sluhom Božím? Ó! To ma ohromuje. Poviem vám, nájdime si na to zopár miest Písma. Chcem, aby ste si otvorili 1. Petra 1:20. A Pat, prečítaj Zjavenie 17:8 a ja budem čítať Zjavenie 13. No, chceme tu počúvať. Chcete vedieť, kedy vás Boh povolal aby ste boli Kresťanom. Ó, milujem to. Toto je... "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." V poriadku, brat Neville, máš 1.Petra 1:20? Tak čítaj 1:19 a 1:20. Počúvajte toto. Áno.

...ale drahocennou krvou jako bezvadného a nepoškvrneného baránka, Krista,

predzvedeného pred založením sveta a zjaveného pri posledku časov pre vás,...

103 Kedy bol On predzvedený? Pred založením sveta. Brat Pat, prečítaj nám Zjavenie 17:8.

Šelma, ktorú si videl, bola a nie je a má vyjsť z priepasti a ísť do zatratenia. A budú sa diviť obyvatelia zeme, ktorých mená nie sú napísané v knihe života od založenia sveta, keď budú vidieť šelmu, že bola a nie je a keď zase tu bude.

104 Kto bude zvedený? Kto bude zvedený tou náboženskou osobou ako bol Saul? To bolo také prefíkané a tak dokonale, že by to zviedlo i čo? Aj vy... [Zhromaždenie odpovedá "vyvolených" – pozn.prekl.] ak...? Ak by to bolo možné.

V poriadku, Zjavenie 13:8, nech vám to prečítam.

A všetci ktorí bývajú na zemi ... a budú sa jej klaňať všetci, ktorí bývajú na zemi, ktorých mená nie sú napísané v knihe života Baránka, zabitého od založenia sveta.

105 Kedy boli naše mená napísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života? Keď bol Baránok zabitý pred založením sveta. Keď bol Boh Jehovah, El, Elah, Elohim, Ten samo-existujúci. Práve tak, ako jeden veľký Diamant a On nemohol byť ničím iným, ale vo vnútri tohoto Diamantu jeden z Jeho atribútov bol Spasiteľ. V tých atribútoch v Ňom bol Uzdravovateľ. No, tam nebolo nič, čo by mohlo byť zachránené alebo uzdravené, ale Jeho atribúty to produkovali. Tak potom pred založením sveta, keď On vedel, že ten veľký prejav v Ňom, že On bude Spasiteľ, že On príde a stane sa telom a bude prebývať medzi nami a vediac, že Jeho sinavicami budeme uzdravení, On zabil Baránka vo Svojej Knihe pred založením sveta a napísal do tej Knihy vaše meno pred založením sveta. Ó!

106 Počúvajte toto. Predurčenie hľadí späť na predzvedenie, chcem povedať na vyvolenie. Vyvolenie hľadí späť na predzvedenie a predurčenie hľadí na určenie. Nezabudnite na to, že vyvolenie hľadí späť sem, tu to je, "Bol som kúkoľ. Narodený v hriechu, splodený v neprávosti, prišiel som na svet hovoriac lož, narodený medzi hriešnikmi. Otec a matka a celá moja rodina, hriešnici. Bol som kúkoľ. Ale zrazu som sa stal pšeničným zrnom. Ako sa to stalo?" Čo je to? Vyvolenie. Boh, pred založením sveta, vyvolil, že ten kúkoľ sa má stať pšeničným zrnom. "Teraz viem, že som pšeničným zrnom, lebo som spasený. Ako to robím? " Pozri sa späť a uvidíš, že On to predurčil dávno pred tým. Skrze predzvedenie On videl, že ja Ho budem milovať, tak On učinil obeť zmierenia skrze Svojho vlastného Syna, aby som sa skrze Neho mohol z kúkoľa stať pšeničným zrnom. "No, na čom som teraz?" Som spasený, kráčam v milosti Božej. "Kam hľadí predurčenie?" Na určenie. "Kam ma On vezme a kam kráčam?" To vás dostalo. Tu to máte.

107 No, čítajme trochu ďalej a potom budeme musieť zakončiť, zachvíľu.

...tak, ako si nás v Ňom vyvolil pred založením sveta, aby sme boli svätí a bezvadní pred Ním, v láske,

predurčiac nás k synovstvu

(predurčil nás k synovstvu)

skrze Ježiša Krista cieľom Neho podľa ľúbosti Svojej vôle...

108 Čo On urobil? On nás skrze predzvedenie predvidel, vedel, že On je Spasiteľ, samo-existencia. Neboli tam žiadni anjeli, nič, len Boh, Elah, Elohim, Ten samo-existujúci, nič okrem Neho samotného. Ale v Ňom bol Spasiteľ. No, čo ide On spasiť? Nie je nič stratené. Vediac to, On vedel, že tento veľký atribút v Ňom vytvorí niečo tam ďalej, čo by mohol zachrániť. Potom, keď sa to stalo, skrze predzvedenie sa pozrel dole a videl každého jedného, ktorý To prijme. A potom, tým, že to tak robil, povedal, "Zachrániť toto, ten jediný spôsob, ako to môžem urobiť, je, že Sám prídem dolu a stanem sa telom a vzložím na Neho hriech človeka a zomriem za neho aby som mohol byť Tým, ktorý je uctievaný," lebo On je Boh, objekt uctievania.

109 Potom On prišiel dolu a vzal to na Seba. A keď to urobil, On to urobil, aby mohol spasiť vás, ktorý chcete byť spasení. Rozumiete, čo chcem povedať? Skrze predzvedenie, ten nekonečný Boh, Ktorý vie všetky veci, videl Baránka a On zabil Baránka pred založením sveta a napísal vaše meno do Baránkovej Knihy Života. A On videl tú zvodnosť Satana, čo on bude robiť. A On tam napísal vaše meno. A On povedal, že antikrist bude tak nábožný, taký dobrý, taká milá osoba, taký chytrý človek, taký nábožný človek, že by zviedol, ak by bolo možné i vyvolených. Ale to nie je... to je nemožné, lebo ich mená boli predurčené pred založením sveta. On ich vybral vyvolením a skrze predurčenie oni vedia kam idú. Tu to máte.

110 No, kto by o tom pochyboval? To je to, čo povedal Pavol. To je Pavlovo Písmo. To je to, čo napísal Pavol. To je to, čo on učil svoju cirkev. Cirkev, bola umiestnená na pozíciu, pred založením sveta, keď Boh vo Svojich pôrodných bolestiach rodil, keď vás rodil, vedel čo budete robiť, On vás umiestnil do pozície do Svojho vlastného Tela, aby si bola ženou v domácnosti, aby si bol farmárom, kazateľom, prorokom, týmto alebo tamtým. On vás umiestnil do pozície. Potom, keď sme vyšli z tej cesnakovej zeme Egypta, skrze posvätenie a sme pokrstení do zasľúbenej zeme ... Lebo to Božie zasľúbenie je Svätý Duch. Efežanom 4:30 hovorí, "Nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení až do dňa vykúpenia." Potom Boh, keď predurčil cirkev, povedal, "A všetci ľudia, budú ich milióny krát miliónov, ktorí budú chodiť veľmi nábožne a budú zvedení." Tí jediní, ktorí nebudú zvedení budú tí, ktorí prešli do tej zasľúbenej zeme, ktorí pred založením sveta mali svoje mená napísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života a prešli do tej zasľúbenej zeme a radujú sa z toho.

111 Mnohí ľudia sa obávajú toho, že sa budú správať smiešne. Mnohí ľudia sa obávajú, že Svätý Duch bude s vami robiť niečo, že sa bude hanbiť pred ľuďmi. Mnohí ľudia sa obávajú, že budú plakať a ich miláčik ich uvidí, že plačú alebo mama, alebo váš sused, alebo, že vás uvidí váš šéf.

112 Prv ako zakončíme, dovoľte, že vám poviem o jednom mužovi. Bol raz jeden človek a volal sa Dávid a keď tá truhla Božia bola dolu v zemi Filištínov a prechádzala ňou, ťahali ju staré voly. Keď videl Dávid prichádzať tú truhlu, on mal na sebe krátky plášť, vybehol tam, kopal nohami vo vzduchu a vyskakoval okolo a kričal a skákal a tancoval a skákal a tancoval a on, kráľ Izraela. A jeho žena hľadela z okna a videla ho, že sa správa tak divne, pohŕdla ním. No, ona si musela povedať, "Idiot, pozrite sa na neho ako sa správa, vyhadzuje nohami vo vzduchu a vyskakuje okolo a takto sa správa, no, musel sa zblázniť." A v tú noc, keď on prišiel, povedala takýmito slovami, "No, ty si ma zarazil. No, ty, kráľ, môj manžel, robíš tam také niečo, takto sa správaš."

113 Dávid povedal, "Zajtra budem ešte viac. Tak veru." Povedal, "Či nevieš, že som tancoval pred Pánom?" On tam prešiel. On bol tam, v zemi zasľúbenia. On stratil všetky svoje spôsoby a bahno sveta. On bol tak šťastný, keď vedel, že tá truhla prichádza do jeho vlastného mesta.

114 Ó, poviem vám, niektorí ľudia sa obávajú prijať Svätého Ducha, obávajú sa, že by mohli hovoriť v jazykoch. Boja sa, že niekto by povedal, "No, to je jeden z tých ´jazykárov´." Boja sa prísť do cirkvi aby boli pokrstení na meno Pána Ježiša Krista, lebo sa za To hanbia. Ó!

115 Niekto povedal, že ja budem musieť odvolať svoje pásky, lebo som kázal, že treba byť pokrstený na meno Pána Ježiša Krista. Ja ich neodvolávam. Nahrávam ich ešte viac. Tak je to. To je ... Nahrávam ich viac ... To je Biblia. Ak sa im nepáči to, čo sme robili včera, len sledujte, čo budeme robiť zajtra. To je to, čo treba, vidíte, len pokračovať ďalej. Tomu nie je koniec, lebo to je od Pána. To je Boh.

116 Viete čo urobil Boh? Boh sa pozrel z neba, On povedal, "Dávid, ty si muž podľa Môjho srdca." Dávid sa nehanbil. On bol sluha Pánov. On Pána miloval. A on bol taký šťastný, tak rozradostený, až on nerozmýšľal o ľudskej prestíži.

117 Vidíte, ako som povedal vo svojej kázni dnes ráno, my sa tak obávame, až chceme aby nás učil Saul. Chceme nejakého Saula zo seminára, aby nám povedal, ako máme vykonávať svoje náboženstvo a ako to musíme robiť. To je na druhej strane Jordánu. Na tejto strane, tu vedie Svätý Duch. Tu ste von z toho bahna. Tu sa vy nestaráte o to, čo si oni myslia. Tu ste mŕtvi a váš život je skrytý v Kristovi skrze... a zapečatený Duchom Svätým. Vy sa nestaráte. Žijete v Kanaáne. Vy znesiete dobré zrno. Ste novým stvorením v Kristu Ježišovi. Idete do zasľúbenej zemi.

118 Spomínam si, keď som tam stál, brat Collins, asi pred tridsiatimi rokmi, keď ešte nebola táto modlitebňa postavená; bolo tu také malé stanové zhromaždenie, tu na rohu, moje prvé zhromaždenie. Kázal som toto isté evanjelium, tú istú vec, neobsiahnuteľné bohatstvá Krista, vodný krst na meno Ježiša Krista, veriac, že každé Božie Slovo je pravda, krst Duchom Svätým, Božské uzdravovanie, moci Božie, práve tak, ako to kážem teraz, nevzdialil som sa od ničoho z toho ani o palec. Boh mi Toho zjavil viac, tak ako To On zjavuje, ja to len ďalej prinášam. On nikdy neodníma z toho, čo bolo, On len ku Tomu ďalej pridáva.

119 Stál som tam dolu, kde na tom brehu stálo asi päťsto ľudí a spievali:

Stojím na búrlivých brehoch Jordánu,

vrhám túžobný pohľad do Kanaánu,

do radostnej a šťastnej zeme,

kde ležia moje bohatstvá.

Keď dosiahnem ten breh plný zdravia,

a budem na veky požehnaný,

keď dosiahnem a budem u Môjho Otca,

a na veky v pokoji...

Keď to začali spievať, bral som do tej rieky jedného chlapca, aby som ho tam pokrstil na meno Pána Ježiša. Povedal som, "Nebeský Otče, ako prinášam tohoto chlapca ku Tebe, na základe jeho vyznania..." Ja sám som bol len chlapec, doma mám z toho fotografie. Povedal som, "Keď ho po- krstím vo vode, Pane, na základe jeho vyznania, na meno Pána Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho, Ty ho naplň Svätým Duchom." A asi v tej chvíli vytvorilo Niečo taký vír a tu to krúžilo a prichádzalo dolu, stála tam Jasná a Ranná Hviezda. Tam stálo to Svetlo, ktoré vidíte na tej fotografii. Tam To stálo.

120 Prešlo to okolo sveta, hore do Kanady a ďalej. Povedali, "Tajomné Svetlo sa objavilo nad miestnym baptistickým kazateľom, keď krstil."

121 O pár dní prišiel ku mne doktor Lamsa a nevedel o tom nič, priniesol mi nejaký obrázok,... ktorý brat to má teraz so sebou? Máte ten obrázok? Máš tú Bibliu so sebou, ležalo to tam, bolo to v tvojej knihe? V poriadku. Bol to obrázok starodávneho hebrejského znamenia Boha, presne také, ako existovalo v Jóbových dňoch, predtým, ako bola napísaná Biblia. Boh vo Svojich troch atribútoch, nie traja bohovia, jeden Boh v troch atribútoch; Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, tri úrady, cez ktoré Boh pracuje. Nie traja bohovia, tri atribúty. A tam To bolo.

122 Keď ten veľký muž, doktor Lamsa, Lamsov preklad Biblie, keď povedal v to ráno, keď som mu o tom povedal, opýtal som sa, "Čo je toto za znamenie?" On povedal, "To je Božie starodávne znamenie v hebrejčine: Boh, jeden Boh v troch atribútoch."

Povedal som, "Ako Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý?"

Zastavil sa a položil svoju šálku kávy, pozrel sa na mňa. Gene, myslím, že si tam bol, Leo. Povedal, "Veríš tomu?"

Povedal som, "Celým svojim srdcom."

123 On povedal, "Minulý večer, keď bol na tvojom zhromaždení, brat Branham, videl som to rozoznávanie. Nikdy som to nevidel ani v Amerike ani vo svojej zemi." Povedal, "Títo Američania dokonca ani nepoznajú Bibliu. Jediné, čo oni poznajú, je ich denominácia. Oni ani nevedia, kde stoja." Povedal, Nevedia nič." Povedal, "Ale keď som tam stál minulý večer," povedal, a povedal som... No, brat Gene, hovorím to s úctou a láskou a s takou...; on povedal, "Povedal som, ´To musí byť prorok.´ Ale keď vidím, že ty veríš, že Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý nie sú traja bohovia, to sú atribúty, potom viem, že si Boží prorok, lebo inak by ti to nebolo takto zjavené." Povedal, "To je dokonalý znak." Povedal, "Nikdy som..." Opýtal sa, "Nie si Jednotár?"

125 Povedal som, "Nie, pane. Nie som Jednotár. Verím, že Boh je Všemohúci Boh a tie tri atribúty sú len tri úrady, v ktorých prebýva ten jeden Boh."

126 On povedal, "Nech je požehnané tvoje srdce." Povedal, "Jedného dňa za to vyleješ na zemi svoju krv, "ale on povedal, "proroci za svoju vec vždy zomierajú."

127 A ja som povedal, "Nech je tak, ak sa to ľúbi môjmu Pánovi." Lamsaov preklad Biblie ...

128 Ó, je to tak pravdivé. Koľko krát som hovoril tejto cirkvi, ako hovoril Samuel predtým, ako si oni vybrali Saula, "Predtým, ako odítete a pripojíte sa teraz ku nejakej denominácii a stanete sa úplne zviazaní nejakým druhom náboženstva, prečo nenecháte, aby vás viedol Duch Svätý?" Prečo nevezmete Boha za svojho Vodcu a nenecháte Ho, aby vás žehnal a nezabudnete na svoju denomináciu?" No, ja nehovorím, aby ste nepatrili do nejakej denominačnej cirkvi, patrite do ktorej chcete. To je na vás. Ale hovorím vám, ako jednotlivcom, dovoľte Svätému Duchu aby vás viedol. Čítajte Bibliu. A čo káže robiť Biblia, to robte. Nech vás Boh žehná.

129 A teraz, čakal som už dlho. Chcel by som vedieť, či je tu niekto, kto by chcel prísť do modlitebnej rady, aby sme sa za neho modlili. Ak sú tu nejakí, zodvihli by ste svoje ruky? Len jeden, dvaja, traja. V poriadku. Príďte všetci rovno sem a potom sa sem postavte, ak chcete, teraz a budeme sa modliť. A potom sme... Nechcem, aby ste hneď odišli. Chcem ešte niečo oficiálne urobiť predtým ako zakončíme.

130 Koľkým z vás sa páči toto štúdium knihy Galaťanom? Ó, chcem povedať Efežanom? No, v stredu večer pôjdeme do tej pečate. A potom nasledujúcu nedeľu ráno pôjdeme do umiestnenia cirkvi do pozície. Ó, ak... Pravdepodobne sa do toho dostaneme v túto stredu večer, pre vás tu v Jeffersonville: Umiestnenie cirkvi do pozície, tam kde patria, každý jeden, ako sme povolaní skrze prijatie (adopciu.) Boh nás prijal za synov, sme synovia skrze narodenie, adoptovaní (prijatí za synov) a umiestnení do pozície skrze Ducha Svätého. Pozrite. Oni boli Hebreji, každý jeden, keď prekročili tú rieku, ale Jozue rozdelil tú zem a dal každému jednému z nich ich zem podľa výkriku ich matky pri narodení, čo jej povedal Svätý Duch.

131 A pozrite na Jákoba, keď zomieral, prorok, oslepený, natiahol svoje nohy na posteli, povedal, "Príďte, synovia Jákobovi a poviem vám, kde budete v tom poslednom dni." Ó, ó, viem, že môžem vyzerať zvláštne. Ľudia môžu vyzerať zvláštne. Ale, ó, keby ste len poznali tú istotu, to horenie v srdci. "Príďte a poviem vám, kde budete v tých posledných dňoch." A môžem vziať tie isté miesta Písma a mapu, kde sú tí Židia dnes usadení a dokázať vám, že oni sú presne na tom mieste, kde Jákob povedal, že budú v tom poslednom dni. A oni nikdy neboli, nikdy neboli na tom mieste kým sa nevrátili sedemnásteho mája 1946, tej noci, kedy sa mi tam ukázal Anjel Pánov a povedal o tej misii. A môžem vám ukázať, že keď sa oni vrátili do tej novej zeme, prišli rovno na to miesto, kde Jákob povedal, že sa usadia. A tam oni dnes sú. Ó, ó, ó! Sme o jeden deň bližšie k domovu, to je všetko.

132 Vy, drahí ľudia, ste nemocní, inak by ste tu len tak nestáli. Som váš brat. Mám poverenie od Boha modliť sa za chorých. Nie akoby som mal moc uzdravovať, to ja nemám. Ale mám moc modlitby. Ako som povedal dnes ráno, Dávid nemal nič okrem malého praku, ale on povedal, "Viem, čo to s tým urobí s Božou mocou." Vidíte? Ja vám môžem ponúknuť len malú modlitbu a položiť na vás svoje ruky, ale ja viem, čo spraví viera v Boha. Spravila to pre druhých, spraví to pre vás. Verte tomu, keď sem teraz pristúpite... len trochu bližšie sem.

133 No, rozmýšľam, aby to bolo účinné, či nepožiadať môjho brata, aby sem prišiel a pomazal ich olejom. Urobíš to, brat Neville? Požiadam cirkev, aby ste sklonili hlavy v modlitbe.

134 No, pamätám sa, minulý týždeň, keď som bol taký chorý s tým ricínovým olejom, dal by som čokoľvek, keby bol niekto prišiel a položil na mňa ruky. Keby som mal niekoho, kto by prišiel, koho Boh požehnal a pomohol mi, veľmi by som to ocenil. Vy všetci sa teraz cítite ako ja vtedy. Cítite teraz, že chcete, aby som urobil práve to, čo som ja vtedy chcel aby niekto urobil mne. Nech Boh nedopustí, aby som sa niekedy chcel vyhnúť svojej povinnosti. Nech ma vždy, či som unavený, či som ustatý, či sa sotva môžem pohnúť z jednej nohy na druhú, nech ma nechá ísť, lebo ja sa tam stretnem znova s každým jedným z vás v tej zemi.

135 Potom vy, staršie ženy, starší muži, schátralí, šedivé vlasy a vypadané, rozpadajúci sa na kusy ako nejaká ruža, ktorá otvorila svoj púčik, opadávajú jej tie lupienky, len sa rozpadáte na kusy, či nie? To je pravda. Len...A tá jediná vec, prečo chcete zostať pokope je, aby ste svietili na slávu Božiu. Takže ak vás teraz chytil nepriateľ a zrazil, prichádzam s Božím prakom, s vierou, s darom, ktorý mi dal Boh. Tu je to, čo som povedal, takže tomu môžete rozumieť. Povedal som, "Ak by sem prišiel Peter, alebo niektorý z nich..." Nehovorte to. Nemusíte sa modliť za mňa. Príďte len takto a poviem vám, ako tejto žene, poviem "Ty si sestra Tá-a-tá?" Ako sa voláš? Sestra Howardová. Poviem, "Ty si sestra Howardová. Si veriaca, sestra Howardová? Veríš, si veriaca? Potom, vidíš, ty máš práva ku všetkým vykúpeným požehnaniam." Potom by som povedal, "Sestra Howardová, všetko bude v poriadku" a odchádzaš. Ó, ako... povedal som, "Kričal by som, volal od radosti." Povedal by som, "Pane, to sa proste musí stať. To sa musí stať."

136 A pomyslel som si, "No, ľudia si myslia to isté, keď prichádzam a modlím sa za nich." Tak je to. Rozumiete, čo myslím?

137 A ja som stál, mnohokrát a bral ľudí a hovoril, "Ó, vzácna sestra, budeš tomu veriť? Ó, budeš tomu veriť?" "Pane, ó, Bože, nech tomu veria. Daj, aby tomu verili." "Ó, prosím vás, prijmete to teraz?" To nie je to. Prešiel som od toho. Odišiel som od toho. Hovorím len toto:

"Sestra Howardová, si veriaca?"

„Áno, som."

138 "V poriadku, sestra Howardová, ak si veriaca, si dedičkou všetkého čo Boh má." A len vezmem jej ruku. Vidíte, verím tomu. Kontaktujem sa so sestrou Howardovou tým, že položím na ňu svoje ruky. Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, "Modli sa za nich," On povedal, "Polož len na nich ruky." To je to a ona zostáva uzdravená. Ona môže povedať, "Všetko bude v poriadku," sestra Howardová. Potom choď domov a buď zdravá. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

139 Ty si sestra...? Sestra Hamdonová, ty si veriaca, však? Si dedičkou všetkého, čo Boh má. Nech je Boh s tebou, sestra Hamdonová. Choď domov a buď v poriadku, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví. Amen.

Ty si sestra...? Slaughová. Brat Jack... Ty si tá žena, za ktorú sme sa vtedy modlili v tej nemocnici. Ty si potom veriaca, sestra Slaughová, dedička všetkého, čo máme. Sestra Slaughová, môžeš obdržať to, za čo si prosila a buď zdravá. Boh ti to udelí.

Brat Gene, veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? A nech ti Pán Boh dá to, Gene, presne to, čo si žiadal...

Poznám ťa teraz. V poriadku. Uzdrav našu sestru evanjelistku. Poznám ťa. Toto je tam tvoj manžel. On je ten, za ktorého som sa raz modlil cez telefón. Stále si to budem pamätať. Nemohol prísť na to zhromaždenie v Tulse. Prišiel som na zhromaždenie a Pán ho uzdravil a poslal ho na to zhromaždenie. Ty tu stojíš v zastúpení za niekoho, aká je to kresťanská vec, sestra. Vidíte, On bol tiež v zastúpení, lebo stál za nás všetkých. Ty si veriaca a máš právo ku všetkému, čo Boh zasľúbil. Som Jeho sluha. A v mene Ježiša Krista ti dávam to, o čo prosíš.

140 Poď, brat Bill. Nech ťa Boh žehná. On je k tebe taký dobrý. Ty si veriaci, viem, že si. Verím, že ti Boh dá všetko, za čo prosíš, lebo ty si veriaci. Ako Jeho sluha, tebe, môj brat, v mene Ježiša Krista ti dávam túžbu tvojho srdca. Teraz choď a prijmi to. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

Sestra Bruce, poznám ťa. Táto malá ošetrovateľka sa zastávala mňa aj vás. Ona zvykla byť tam dolu v Moteli JJ, alebo tak nejako. Ty si sa zastávala iných. A čo je tvojou túžbou, keď prosíš Otca? Za seba dnes večer... Potom ten nepriateľ ťa strhol mimo dosahu lekárov, ale ja prichádzam za tebou s prakom. A v mene Pána Ježiša Krista mierim tým prakom na tie šípy, na ten kameň, ktorý sa dostal do ľadvín a zastavil ich činnosť a privádzam ťa späť... , nech ťa Boh žehná, skrze meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.

141 ...v mene nášho Otca. Ty si veriaci? Máš zranenie na tejto strane, dolu na ľavo... Veríš, že ti to Boh dá? A to je Jeho sluha. Pane, táto ruka má možno za sebou mnoho dní ťažkej práce, on prišiel za nejakým účelom, urobiť niečo. Daj mu túžbu jeho srdca, Otče, modlím sa, aby si mu to dal v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

Nepochybuj, to zranenie ťa zastaví od zranenie tohoto dolu a ty budeš v poriadku. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

Ty si veriaca, však? Ty si veriaca a si dedičkou všetkých týchto požehnaní. Ďakujem Ti, Otče. Privádzam túto moju sestru do línie... do centra tej moci a privádzam ju späť ku Tebe z toho zovretia nepriateľa v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Práve takto to bude.

Ty nechceš operáciu. Ó, Pane, ako tu stojí táto mladá žena, ešte v rozkvete mladosti, modlím sa za ňu a za ten pľúcny lalok, ktorý mal byť vybratý a ona by bola zhrbená po zbytok jej života. Ty si náš Otec a ja cielim ten oheň modlitby priamo na ňu, Pane, rovno do toho pľúcneho laloka. Vysielam túto modlitbu v mene Pána Ježiša Krista, nech je tak... v mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Amen.

142 Ty si Kresťanka, drahá sestra, sestra Dirdová... Ty si veriaca a si dedičkou všetkých Božích požehnaní, sestra Dirdová. Pane, ja ju privádzam ku Tebe s týmto malým prakom, ktorý si mi dal. Ako si dal Dávidovi ten prak, aby strážil ovce svojho otca a ak ten nepriateľ išiel po nejakej ovečke, on sa nebál, pochytil ten malý prak a bežal rovno za tými levmi a medveďmi a priviedol tie ovečky späť. Toto je modlitba viery. Ty si mi povedal, že ak budem úprimný a dovediem ľudí ku tomu, aby verili... Privádzam sestru Dirdovú dnes večer späť. Vytrhávam ju z rúk nepriateľa. Ona je Tvoja ovečka. Privádzam ju späť do Otcovho ovčinca, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Sestra Lowe, vysoký krvný tlak... A ty si veriaca; si, sestra Lowe, dedičkou všetkých tých požehnaní? Potom, Otče Bože, mierim dnes večer túto modlitbu ako z Božieho praku za vysoký krvný tlak sestry Lowe. Nech nabudúce, keď ten lekár odmeria jej krvný tlak, nech len na ňu pozrie a povie, "Už je normálny." Ona bude vedieť, čo to urobilo. V mene Ježiša Krista jej to dávam. Amen.

143 Áno... Prial by som si, keby som tu mal dnes večer svojho otca, aby som za neho teraz mohol modliť. Budem sa aj za tvojho. Rozumiem.

Nebeský Otče, ten muž, ktorý splodil tohoto chlapca, že on je tu na zemi dnes večer kvôli nemu. A jeho vlastný syn túži po tom, aby bol jeho otec privedený späť, von z tam toho sveta hriechu, on je alkoholik. Ó, Pane, vysielam túto modlitbu s vierou a silou a so všetkým, čo môžem, tento malý kameň v mene Pána Ježiša, vrhám to do toho diabla, ktorý to... [nezrozumiteľné slová – pozn.prekl.] a nech príde bezpečne do ovčinca, v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

Máš tiež túžbu. Chceš prísť do tej zeme, kde sú všetky zasľúbenia. No, Pane, tento chlapec je práve pri tej rieke, táborí na tej druhej strane a Jordán je preplnený a zúri. A nie je žiaden spôsob pre neho aby prešiel, len ak Ty urobíš tú cestu, tak ako si urobil pre Jozuu, pre Izrael. A Otče, prosím Ťa, ako Tvoj sluha, nech náš vzácny brat, ó, Bože, daj mu, aby prešiel do tej zasľúbenej zeme, toto zasľúbenie, ktoré je na tej druhej strane, ako som bol prevedený ten večer... Nech mám tú výsadu, že ho budem môcť objať v tej inej zemi, a povedať, "Moji vzácni bratia." Udeľ to, Pane. Nech obdrží to zasľúbenie Božie, Svätého Ducha. Amen.

144 Ó, Pane, toto je môj vzácny brat. Táto ruka mi bola veľmi milá, stála za mňa v tých nespočetných hodinách. On verí a má vieru. A teraz, nepriateľ sa ho pokúša chytiť, tohoto môjho priateľa. Iste... A on si myslí, že sa môže chopiť tohoto chlapca, ale ja prichádzam za ním. Prichádzam, aby som Ti priviedol Tvojho vlastného, Pane, vrhám tento kameň s presnou vierou v mene Ježiša Krista bojujem proti tej cukrovke, ktorú ... [nezrozumiteľné slová – pozn.prekl.], ...späť Tvoju vlastnú ovečku do ovčinca, Otče, v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Žľazy ... Ó, Pane, naša sestra vie, že táto nadváha, ako hovoria lekári, je vec, ktorá zabíja. Každá libra nadváhy odoberá jeden rok života, podľa grafu poistenia. A ona chce žiť pre česť a chválu Božiu. A toto nemôže dokázať žiaden lekár, Otče Bože, je to len v Tvojich rukách. A sestra Bellová je verná a milá a ohľaduplná. Ona prešla cez mnohé ťažké skúšky, prichádzam dnes večer pre ňu, Pane. Prichádzam stretnúť sa tam s tým nepriateľom. A mierim s celou presnosťou ktorou len môžem, v mene Ježiša Krista vrhám ten kameň na tohoto nepriateľa, ktorý ju dostal. Nech ho to rozhádže a zaženie preč od nej a nech sa môže navrátiť späť ku tým zeleným pastvinám a k tichým vodám, skrze Ježiša Krista. Amen. Tak to bude, sestra Bellová. Len nepochybuj.

145 [Nejaká sestra vydáva svedectvo – pozn.prekl.]... Stál som tu a pozrel som sa na teba. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Amen ... Tak veru, viem o tom všetko. My všetci to tvrdíme, sestra Spencerová a vieme, ako ona a brat Jesse prechádzajú cez ...?... či prísť sem do zboru. Keď prekročím tam na tú druhú stranu, oni sa nebudú takto potĺkať, oni budú mladí, ó, brat Jesse... všetko to... Vy všetci viete, len prejsť tú malú ... zmeníš sa znova na to milé mladé dievča a brat Jesse na mladého chlapca. Boh vám to zasľúbil.

No, pozrite. Chcem ti dať len trochu rady, lebo ty si tu posledný. Chcem ... lebo viem, že toto je tvoj malý chlapec, Charlie. Ty chceš, aby sme sa za neho modlili ...

146 Chcem povedať túto jednu vec. Čítali ste niekedy v Písme, kde toto hovorí Biblia? Pavol povedal tomu rímskemu stotníkovi (počujete ma dobre?), povedal tomu Rimanovi, keď on vytiahol svoj meč, aby sa zabil, keď boli vo väzení na Filipách. A zemetrasenie zatriaslo väznicou. On povedal, "Uver v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený ty aj tvoj dom." Počuli ste to už? "Ty i tvoj dom..."

No, pozriete. Ak máte dosť viery, aby ste prijali spasenie pre seba, či nemôžete mať tiež dostatok viery pre svoje dieťa? Boh nejakým spôsobom... A Pane, modlím sa dnes večer za sestru Spencerovú a brata Spencera, aby každé dieťa, oni a ich deti, boli všetci tam v tej slávnej šťastnej zemi, kde nebude žiadna choroba alebo staroba, žiaden smútok a sklamanie a všetok tento malý život tu pominie v mrákotách, ktoré sú preč. Nech to oni obdržia a nech všetky jej deti a jej manžel, všetci jej milovaní a tí, ktorí ju milujú a všetci, ktorých ona miluje, nech sú tam s ňou, v mene Ježiša. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra.......

147 Keď bude pripravený ísť do ... po celý čas len maj vieru v Neho... prejdeš tam ... A práve s takou istotou, akože tu stojím, dnes večer, sestra Spencerová, Jeho milosťou uvidím teba i Jesseho tam za tou hranicou, mladých a voľných. Budete všetci bežať a kričať, "Brat môj, môj brat." Uvidím vás.

To sú jej nervy. Otče Bože, toto dievča by sa zrútilo a ona musí dosiahnuť ... ako jediné ... čo prekáža. Ale ja dnes prichádzam pre ňu. Prichádzam ku Tebe, Otče. Prichádzam prosiť Teba, aby si Ty nasmeroval tú strelu, ktorú vystrelím. Nech je to presne zamierené, tá muška rovno na jej ... Nech táto modlitba v mene Ježiša Krista udrie tú nervozitu a roztrhá ju na kusy, nech privedie túto ovečku Božej pastviny. Amen. To musí byť práve teraz ...

Bože nebies, udeľ, aby jej šesť detí, po ktorých ona túži, aby boli spasené... ona počula to svedectvo brata Daultona, jeho milých dcér. Ona túži po svojich šiestich deťoch, Otče. Nech ich ona má. Nech ju stretnú v tej zemi, kde nie je žiadna noc, bezpečne ochránení a zastrešení Krvou Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech to máš sestra, to je moja modlitba.

148 Verím.... Nie je nič, čo by sotva mohlo pomôcť. Dajú im nejakú malú... také niečo. Ó, niečo ako sedatíva namiesto...Volajú to Cortisone a to vás zabíja, to trhá vašu krv tak... Ale... vidíte, tá artritída je ako ten lev, ktorý uchmatne tú ovcu a beží s ňou preč. No, čo urobí ten prak? Úúú, ó, je tam veľký revúci lev s baránkom. A on má rád baránky, tak on s ním zutekal preč, ale Dávid vzal ten prak a šiel po ňom. Vidíte, sledujte teraz. On mal päť kameňov: v-i-e-r-a, on sám. Jeho prak bol v jeho ruke: J-e-ž-i-š. On je smrtiaca rana. Niečo sa musí stať, poďme dnes večer po tej artritíde skrze túto modlitbu, nech ti to Boh dá.

Ona chce byť pokrstená na meno... Chceš aby sa dala pokrstiť ... Ďakujem, sestra. Nie preto, že by to bolo ... To nie je preto, že ... No, ak by to bolo v Biblii na Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, veril by som tomu a zostal by som pri tom. Nechcel by som sa líšiť. Chcel by som to ... Ale ja som za to zodpovedný. Vidíte? A ja to musím povedať práve tak, ako je to povedané, nie, aby som sa líšil, ale chcem byť úprimný.

149 Otče, prichádzame za jej milovanými. Ona má artritídu a ona chce, aby tu bola pokrstená na meno Pána Ježiša, lebo to je vstup, to je tá otvorená brána. To je to, kde Jozue otvoril tú jednu cestu, ktorá prechádzala tam do tej zasľúbenej zeme. Neboli tam otvorené žiadne dve alebo tri miesta, bolo tam len jedno.

Peter, na deň Letníc, keď bola cirkev po prvý krát zahájená, otvoril cestu, povedal, "Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť na meno Ježiša Krista." Nikdy sa neodchýlili od tej jednej cesty, každý jeden prešiel do tej zasľúbenej zeme. Niektorí z nich sa pokúšali dostať tam dolu iným brodom a Pavol im povedal, "Načo ste boli pokrstení? Kadiaľ sa to pokúšate prejsť?"

A oni povedali, "Tadiaľto, kde sa díval Ján."

On povedal, "No, Ján len ukázal na ten čas a to miesto." A potom, keď to oni počuli, dali sa pokrstiť cez ten pravý brod a oni šli ďalej do toho ... Ducha života. Udeľ to našej sestre a jej milovaným, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

150 Brat Lyle... Ó... Áno... [Brat Lyle sa rozpráva s bratom Branhamom – pozn.prekl.] To videnie, ktoré On dal...... Nech ťa Boh žehná. Ty si teraz na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme, brat...

Koľkí z vás tu si pamätajú na to, práve predtým, ako mi bola potvrdená táto služba a bol som raz s jedným človekom chytať ryby, dolu pri rieke ... jazere? A ja som chytal malé ryby a prišiel na mňa Duch Svätý. Bol to veľký človek, bol svedok Jehovov. Jeho brat je niekde tu, Banks Wood. On je niekde tu, on je môj sused. Toto je Lyle. A títo ľudia boli svedkovia Jehovovi. A jedného dňa oni povedali, keď sme boli tam na rybách, potom, čo sa tento chlapec obrátil, povedal som mu, že je niečo v jeho živote a všetko čo sa stalo a všetko o tom, čo mi on práve teraz povedal a on sa práve teraz toho zbavil. Tak je to. To je presne tak. Jeho otec bol ten, ktorý čítal. Je to... A on aj so svojou manželkou boli pokrstení, aby vydávali svedectvo, na meno Pána Ježiša Krista tu v bazéne. A tento muž sedel pri ňom, brat.

151 Banks, kde si? Je vo vnútri? Vzadu na rohu. Áno. A my sme chytali ryby. A brat, môj malý chlapec zabil... Myslel som, že zabil nejaké šteňa niekoľko dní pred tým. Nejaká malá matka mačka mala niekoľko malých mačiatok a on ho zodvihol a pustil. A ja som myslel ... Povedal som, „Pán ukázal, že vzbudí nejaký malý život ..." deň pred tým. Je to tak, Lyle? Stojac tam v tej zime. A ja som povedal, "To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN."

A my sme chytali ryby celú noc a nič sme nechytili. Na druhý deň ráno sme chytali ryby tam v tej malej zátoke, nejaké „bluegill", to je malá rybka. A brat Lyle mal veľkú udicu a on nechal tú malú rybku, že prehltla ten veľký háčik, ktorý mal, že keď ho vytiahol, to malé lanko bolo celé dolu, ten veľký háčik v tom malom brušku tej rybky. A keď ho vytiahol, on musel vytiahnuť jej vnútornosti a všetko ostatné z tej rybky a len to všetko vytiahol, lebo ten veľký háčik sa zachytil dolu v brušku tej rybky. A keď to urobil, hodil ju do vody a ona sa len zachvela, štyri alebo päť krát a bolo to; lebo jej vnútornosti a žiabre jej viseli z úst. A ona sa len tak vznášala na hladine asi pol hodiny, odplavilo ju do krovia.

152 A ja som tam sedel a chytal ryby a zrazu prišiel Svätý Duch a povedal, "Prehovor ku tej rybe!"

Povedal som, "Malá rybka, Ježiš Kristus ti dáva znova tvoj život," a tá malá rybka, ktorá ležala mŕtva na vode, otočila sa na svoju stranu a odplávala "ŕŕŕŕŕŕŕŕ" do vody tak rýchlo ako len mohla.

Brat Lyle, brat Wood je tu prítomný. Brat Lyle povedal, "Brat Branham, to bolo kvôli mne, lebo som povedal tej malej..." povedal, "Ja nie som..." On povedal, keď z nej vytiahol tie vnútornosti a hodil ju tam, povedal, "Chytila si svoj posledný kúsok, maličká," práve tak. Odhodil ju, povedal, "To bolo kvôli mne."

A ja som povedal, "Nie, brat Lyle, to nebolo to."

Brat Banks tam povedal, "Koľko ľudí na tomto svete, koľké tisíce by radi stáli tu, kde my teraz stojíme a videli prichádzať moc Božiu a činiť niečo takéto?" Inými slovami, on je ako... Verím, že všetci sme sa cítili ako Peter, "Je dobre tu byť. Postavme tri stány." Tak je to.

153 No, brat Lyle, ty si teraz pomazaný Svätým Duchom. Ty si vyšiel z Egypta, tie cesnakové hrnce a špina toho sveta je tam zanechaná. Stojíš teraz tam dolu na brehu Jordánu, rovno tam. Nech ťa Boh prevedie ďalej.

Všemohúci Bože, tu je Tvoja trofej. Iste, on bol v poriadnej šlamastike, Pane, ale moje srdce išlo za ním. Naše modlitby zasiahli práve tam ten závan chladnutia, lebo práve tá vec, ktorá ho držala, je preč od neho. Je zničená a on teraz kráča do Jordánu. Vezmi ho do tej zasľúbenej zeme, Pane a zapečať ho medzi ľuďmi, že v ten slávny deň, keď sa tam stretneme, nech cítim to teplo jeho ramien ako kričí, "Môj vzácny brat." A viem ... Pane, priveď s ním tiež Banksa, privedieš? Otca, matku a všetkých z nich, sestru a celú tú veľkú rodinu. Nech sa tam všetci stretneme, Pane a nech je každý jeden z nich naplnený Svätým Duchom. Modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Obdržíš to, brat. Nech ti Boh žehná, brat. Áno, brat...

154 Niekto zomiera, telefonujú odniekiaľ, predám službu bratovi Neville zatiaľčo ...

[Brat Neville hovorí a vedie zhromaždenie v záverečnej modlitbe. Brat Branham sa vracia a hovorí. Slová sú miestami nezrozumiteľné. -- pozn.prekl.]

Nejaký mladý kazateľ padol mŕtvy za kazateľňou ... Tak posielame skalu viery..... Udeľ dnes večer...... lebo posielam za neho modlitbu, v mene Pána Ježiša Krista....... Jeho tep srdca ... odišiel od neho, oči sa mu zavreli ... padol za kazateľňou...

Trvá ešte zhromaždenie? Môžete mi venovať pozornosť? Mladý evanjelista, kazateľ tu hore v Indiáne kázal, padol mŕtvy za kazateľňou asi pred hodinou, zatiaľčo kázal padol dopredu a zomrel za kazateľňou, významný evanjelista, kázal tu hore v Indiáne. Ten pastor len prišiel a zavolal mi. On zomrel práve keď kázal pod pomazaním Ducha, padol dopredu, jeho oči sa zavreli, dych ho opustil. Je prehlásený za mŕtveho, leží mŕtvy asi hodinu. A niečo im povedalo, aby zavolali do zboru a aby som sa modlil. Tak som poslal modlitbu aby bol vrátený späť, v mene Pána Ježiša.

Môžete sa pripojiť ku mne vo viere, aby to neminulo cieľ, ale ... a vrátilo ho späť. Ďakujem. Nech je Boh s vami, kým sa stretneme v stredu večer. A vy, ľudia z Georgie a okolia, dovidenia. Nech je Boh s vami. Brat pastor... [Brat Branham hovorí a modlí sa za druhých. – pozn.prekl.]

ADOPTION #1, 60-0515E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 116 min

1 feel good to hear that, that's good. Well, it's... always, as I've said before, "I was happy when they said unto me, 'Let us go into the house of the Lord,'" I believe David made that statement once, "Let us go into the house of the Lord." I don't know any better place to be, do you, than in the house of the Lord.

Now, tonight we are... We got some friends here that's all the way from Georgia. And they'll probably be driving down after--after the lunch tonight. And then we will... Some of them from way down, I hope you stay over. And what rooms we got is open to you.

And then Wednesday night we'll continue on, on the study, and then, the Lord willing, next Sunday again.

4 And then Chautauqua begins on the sixth. So all that's got your vacations planned, we're expecting a great wonderful time at the Chautauqua. There's where we always have such a marvelous time. Not too big a crowds, we run sometimes... It'll hold up to about... I suppose we could put ten thousand in it, easy. But, usually, last year I think we had around about seven thousand, something like that. Was a packed out place, but there's plenty of room to stand, and seats that they can run all the way out. And so we are looking forward to that.

5 And glad to see many of our minister brothers in. I can't never think of his name here, the missionary, Brother Humes. And Sister Humes, is that you setting right here, and the little ones, we're glad to have them, a missionary. Other ones, Brother Pat, Brother Daulton, and, oh, just so many, Brother Beeler. And seen Brother Collins just a few moments ago. And, oh, it'd be kind of hard to call them all. But we're very happy to have you in the house of the Lord tonight.

This great precious Brother Neville setting behind me here to pray with me while we are going to teach the Word... Charlie, glad to see you and Sister Nellie here tonight, the little ones. This is... And Bible teaching is usually a very... Yes, Brother Welch, I just... was looking for you; I see you setting back there now. And...

6 Bible teaching is usually a little treacherous, a little, you know, kind of walking out on the thin ice; we call it. But we just feel that maybe at this point and at this time, it might be good to kinda bring the--the church to what I think to a--a complete understanding, positionally, of what we are in Christ Jesus. And sometimes I think that preaching is a wonderful thing, but I believe sometimes, Brother Beeler, that teaching goes beyond that, it kindly... Especially to the church.

Now, preaching usually catches the sinner, brings him under condemnation by the Word. But teaching places a man positionally what he is. And we can never rightly be able to have faith until positionally we know what we are.

7 Now, if the United States of this fair land here, sent me over to Russia as an ambassador of this nation, to Russia, then if they have officially sent me to Russia, all the power that the United States has is behind me. My word is just the same as the United States, if I have been recognized as an ambassador.

And then if God has sent us to be His ambassadors, all the power that's in heaven, all that God is, all of His Angels and all of His power stands behind our words if we are correctly an ordained, sent messengers to the people. God has to honor the Word, for He has so solemnly written, that "Whatever you bind on earth, that will I bind in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth, that will I loose in heaven. And I give unto thee the keys to the Kingdom." Oh, such great promises He's given the church.

9 And I am, after the other day, of many of you I suppose was here this morning to hear as I tried to in my humble, simple way, to explain the--the vision that I saw of heaven...

I would, by no means, ever try to doubt anything that anyone ever told me that God told them. I'd believe it; even if I didn't see it in the Scripture I would still want to believe that brother's word. I--I might just stay right along with the Bible, but still I would believe that maybe the brother just misunderstood it some way, that he might have just got it mixed up a little. And still I would believe he--he to be my brother.

11 And if there's anything that burns within my heart, and I hope it never leaves in my years to come, that I'll never forget what happened last Sunday morning, as a week. It has done something to me that's revolutionized my life. I--I do not fear. I--I have not one fear of death. Death has no fear at all. And it--it doesn't for you if you just understood. Now, maybe if... You'd have to have the experience to know it, because there's no way to explain it. You cannot find words, because it doesn't lay in the English dictionary, or no other dictionary; because it's in an eternity: no yesterday, no tomorrow, it's all present tense. And it's no, "I feel pretty good," and a hour from now, "I don't feel so well," and another hour, "feel good again." It's present tense all the time (See?), never a cease, just that glorious peace and something.

12 And there can be no sin; there could be no jealousy; there could be no sickness; there--there could be nothing ever reach that heavenly shore. And if I may have the privilege of saying this, which, maybe I do not... If I do not, then I pray God forgive me. But if I have the privilege, and it was that God let me be caught up to see something, I would refer to the first heavens. And then I believe, one in the Bible by the name, I believe it was Paul, that was caught up into the third heaven. And if it was this glorious in the first heavens, what does that third heavens hold? No wonder he couldn't speak of it for fourteen years. He said he did not know whether he was in body or out of body. With that great apostle, not to share his--his--his office, or not to try to make ourselves anything like he was, but I can say with him: I don't know whether I was in this body or out of the body. Only thing, it was just as real as I'm looking at you.

13 And I've always wondered about if I'd pass by, I'd see a little cloud floating by, a spirit, and say, "There goes brother and sister; that's Charlie and Nellie. That's Brother and Sister Spencer going there." That always puzzled me. If my eyes is in the grave, decaying, rottening, if my ears is not here to hear any more, and if my blood has all gone back and they've embalmed it, and it's in the waters or in the ground, and my mental faculties, my brain cells are all gone, then how would I be any more than just a spirit floating around? And that wearied me. How would I like to say, "Hello, Brother Pat, oh, so glad to see you. Hello, Brother Neville, how I would like to see you." But I thought, "Well, if I don't have anything to see with, any mouth to speak with, it's rotten, it's dust, how would I be able to say, 'Hello, Brother Pat,' 'Hello, Brother Neville,' or so forth, 'Hi, Charlie'?"

14 But now I know that that's wrong. For it is written in the Scriptures, which I say it's not contrary, "For if this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting," another tabernacle that has eyes, ears, lips, mental faculties. If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, it has a body that can feel, can talk.

And now it comes to me, just now, that Moses had been dead and in a in--unmarked grave for eight hundred years, and Elijah had went to heaven five hundred years before, but on Mount Transfiguration they were found talking with Jesus.

16 After Samuel had been dead for at least three to five years, and the witch of En-dor called him up, and she fell on her face, and she said, "You have deceived me, because you are Saul, yourself." She said, "Because I see gods." She was a heathen (You see?), "I see gods rising up."

And Saul couldn't see him yet, and he said, "What does he look like? Describe him to me." Said, "He's thin, and he has a mantle over his shoulder."

Said, "That's Samuel the prophet; bring him here before me." I want you to notice that Samuel had not lost any of his personality. He was still a prophet; he told Saul exactly what would happen the next day.

So, you see, death does not completely diminish us as we weep and wail and lament at the grave. It only changes our dwelling place. It takes us from a place to... What is age? If I live one more hour, I'll outlive a many sixteen-year-old person. I'll outlive a many five-year-old person. Age is nothing. We're just set here for a purpose, to do something.

20 Well now, many of these little pretty-faced mothers setting here, some of them sixty or seventy years old, would say, "Well, what have I done, Brother Branham?" You've raised your children. You've done what you were supposed to do.

Maybe some old Dad setting here say, "Well, I've harrowed the fields; I've done this. I never preached." But you did just what God sent for you to do. There's a place for you.

22 Speaking to an old doctor yesterday, one of my doctor friends, buddies, eighty-something years old... And his sister-in-law is here at the church tonight, and she's been just a teeny-teeny bit worried about him. And I went to see him. And as soon as I begin to talk to him, he brightened up, told me about a hunting trip he taken many years ago up in Colorado, the very same country I hunt at. Just as brilliant and bright... And I said, "Doctor, how long you been practicing?"

He said, "When you were nursing." And way down I said... "And many a time," he said, "I've practiced taking my buggy; I put my saddle bags over my horse. I took the little satchel and I've walked."

And I said, "Yes, down along the creek banks, two o'clock in the morning with your flashlight, trying to find a house where a little child had a tummy ache or a mother in labor pains."

"That's right."

25 And I said, "You know, doctor, I believe, across this dividing line here between mortal and immortality, God has a place for good old doctors that's served like that."

Great tears come in his eyes, and he started crying; he reached up his feeble hands and said, "Brother, I hope so." Across the land, God judges a man's soul, what he is.

Then I give him this satisfying Scripture. Many times, plowing through those dark muddy fields at night, trying to help somebody, maybe never get a penny for it, but it's all right. I said, "Jesus said in the Scripture, 'Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.'" And that is true.

28 And tonight we want to set the church in these three lessons, if God permits, how and what to look to, what we are. We're going to begin at the 1st chapter of the Book of Paul's letter to Ephesus. And we're going to take the three first chapters in our next three studies, trying to get a chapter a evening, if we can, tonight, Wednesday, and next Sunday morning. Ephesians, the 1st chapter...

Now, as we study together, I'd like to say this, that this Book of Ephesians perfectly parallels the Old Testament Joshua: Ephesians, the Book of Ephesians...

29 Now, remember, if we happen to get just a little off to your teaching, just forgive us and bear with us awhile. Before we open It, let's ask Him to help us, as we bow our heads.

Lord, we are approaching Thy holy and sacred Writ, which It is more secure than all the heavens and earth. For we read in this Word, called the Bible, that "Both heaven and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail." Then upon this solemn hour that I come to this pulpit tonight before the purchase of Your Blood, these precious darling mortals that sets here tonight, grasping for every little hope that they can to hold on for that Life that is to come, may it be so sufficient tonight, that every believer here will see his position, and everyone who has not yet come into this great fellowship will press the Kingdom, Lord, and knock at the door until the Keeper opens the door. Grant it, Lord.

31 We are reading in here where this Bible is of no private interpretation. God forbid that I Your servant or any other servant would ever try to put their own interpretation to the Word. Let us just read It and believe It the way It is written. And especially we shepherds of the flocks, we pastors who someday will gather yonder in that glorious land with the little flocks, and we'll stand in the Presence of the Lord Jesus, and we'll see that generation come up, of Paul, and of Peter, and of Luke, and Mark, and Matthew, and all them, and see them judged there with their groups. God, grant that I can lay ten million trophies at Your feet while I humbly crawl up and lay my hands upon Your precious feet and say, "Lord, they are Yours."

32 O God, fill us freshly with Thy Spirit and with Thy love and Thy goodness. And may we, as the poet has expressed in the song many years ago, "Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood shall never lose its power, until all the ransomed church of God be saved to sin no more. And ever since, by faith, I saw that stream Thy flowing wounds supplied; redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die. Then in a nobler, sweeter song," he goes on to say, "I'll sing Thy power to save; when this poor lisping, stammering tongue lies silent in the grave." Then the grave does not hold any death for Your children. It's only our resting place, or our hiding place, where this corruption will put on incorruption.

And may we tonight see this, Lord, plainly, as it is given to us in the Word. Give us understanding. And place us, Lord, at our post of duty, that we might serve faithfully until You come. We ask this in Jesus' Name, and for His sake. Amen.

34 Now, the Book of Ephesians, as I was just saying, I--to my opinion, is one of the greatest Books of the New Testament. It leaves us on where Calvinism runs out on one limb, and Arminianism runs out on the other limb, but the Book of Ephesian draws it together and positionally places the church.

Now, I've typed it with Joshua. If you notice, Israel was brought up out of Egypt, and there's three stages of their journey. One stage was leaving Egypt. The next stage was the wilderness. And the next stage was Canaan.

36 Now, Canaan does not represent the age of the Millennium. It only represents the age of the overcomer, the dispensation of overcoming, because in Canaan they killed and burned and took cities. And there'll be no death in the Millennium.

But another thing that it does, it brings up justification by faith, after they believed in Moses and left Egypt; sanctification through following under the Pillar of Fire and the atonement of the sacrificial lamb in the wilderness; and then entering into a land that had been promised.

38 Now, what is the land promised to the New Testament believer? The promise is the Holy Spirit. "For it shall come to pass in the last days," Joel 2:28, "that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. And upon My handsmaids and My maidservants will I pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy. I'll show wonders in the heavens above. And in the earth, pillars of fire, and smoke, and vapor." And Peter said, on the day of Pentecost, after taking his text and preaching, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission," to remit, to forgive, to take away all back trespasses.

39 Did you notice, Joshua? Before they crossed Jordan, Joshua said, "Go through the midst of the camp and clean your clothes and sanctify every one of you, and let no man come at his wife, for within three days you'll see the glory of God." See? It is a--it is a process of getting ready to inherit the promise.

Now, the promise to Israel was... God gave Abraham the promise of the land of Palestine, and it was to be their possession forever. And they was to always remain in this land.

Now, they come three stages, coming to this promised land. Now, watch; it's perfectly typed in the New Testament.

Now, this, as I have said, disagrees with some of the thinking of yours. Some of you precious Nazarene people, Church of God, and so forth, don't let it hurt, but just watch it close and watch the types. Watch and see if every place don't hit just perfect.

42 There was three stages of the journey, and there's three stages of this journey. For we are justified by faith, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, forsaking the land of Egypt, come out, and then are sanctified through the offering of His Blood, washed from our sins, and become pilgrims and sojourners, claiming that we are seeking a land, a city that's coming, or a promise.

So did Israel in the wilderness, sojourners, no place to rest, traveling night after night, following the Pillar of Fire, but finally come to the promised land where they settled down.

44 That's where the believer comes. He comes first to a recognition that he's a sinner; then he is separated by the waters, the washing of the water, by the Blood, and--or the washing of the water by the Word, rather, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Then, being justified by faith, he becomes a partaker, and at peace with God through Christ, baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ to omit him into the journey. You get it? Into the journey. Then he becomes a sojourner and a pilgrim. He's on his journey to what? A promise that God made.

45 Israel had not yet received the promise, but they were on their journey. And without, raising... Please do understand. That's where you, the Nazarene and Pilgrim Holiness, and so forth, fell. Because Israel, when they come to the spot of Kadesh-Barnea, when the spies went over and said, "The land is great."

But some of them come back and said, "We can't take it, because the cities are walled up, and so forth."

But Joshua and Caleb stood out, and said, "We're more than able to take it." Because of their already signed-up documated statements, they believed in two works of grace, justification and sanctification, and could not move any farther. And listen, that whole generation perished in the wilderness but two that went over into the promised land and brought back the evidence that it was a goodly land, "and we were more than able to take it, because it was God's promise." Then instead of the people going on, receiving the Holy Spirit, speaking with tongues, receiving the power of God, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, signs, wonders, miracles, they felt that it would break down their tradition of doctrine. And what happened to it? Perished in the land. That's right.

46 But the believers, the Caleb and Joshua outfit, that was going on to the promise, they moved on over into the land, and took the land, and settled down in the land as a possession. And we never stop at justification, sanctification. Let's go on to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Let's not stop at believing on the Lord Jesus, being baptized. Let's not stop because He cleaned us up from a life of sin. But now we pressed on into a position, to a promise of the baptism of the Holy Ghost. For Peter said on the day of Pentecost, "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

47 So Ephesus here sets us like Joshua, positionally. You notice, Joshua, after crossing over the land and taking the land, then he divided the land. "Ephraim here, Manasseh's here, and this one here, Gad here, Benjamin here." He divided the land.

And notice. Oh, this just burns our hearts. Each one of those Hebrew mothers giving birth to those children, she spoke the very place in her labor pains, where they would be positioned in the promised land. Oh, it's a great study. If we could only go into it in details, which would take hours after hours... Someday when we get our church fixed, I'd just like to come and take a solid month or two, just stay right in it. Watch when they, each one of those mothers, when she called out, "Ephraim," when she was in labor, positionally placed him where his feet was setting in oil. Just exactly every one of them where they were at...

And Joshua, not knowing this, but by inspiration, led of the Holy Spirit, after being into the promised land, give each man his promise, exactly what the Holy Spirit promised through the birth back there.

50 How that God has set some in the church, through the labor pains... Oh, they get tremendous sometime. When a church is groaning under the persecution of the outside world, believing on the Lord Jesus, that the promise of the Holy Ghost is just as real to us as it was to Pentecost, how they groan and cry under labor pains. But when they are born, and positionally born into the Kingdom of God, then the Holy Ghost has set in the church, some apostles, some prophets, some teachers, some pastors, some evangelists. Then He's give into there, speaking with tongues, interpretation of tongues, knowledge, wisdom, gifts of healing, all kinds of miracles.

51 Where the church is... Now, this is my purpose of doing this. The church is always trying to take somebody else's corner. But don't do that. You can never raise corn in Ephraim's corner, if you're Manasseh. You've got to take your place in Christ, positionally take it.

Oh, it gets deep and rich when we get in here, how that God puts one in the church to speak with tongues, another... Now, we have been taught many times, we all have to speak with tongues. That's wrong. "We all got to do it." No, we don't. They all didn't do one thing, each one was...

52 Each... The land was provided and divvied up by inspiration. And each one... I could take the Scriptures and show it to you exactly, that he put them in the place where they was supposed to be, positionally, how that the two half tribes was to stay across the river, how that their mothers cried that in their birth, and how that each place was supposed to be.

And now after you are in, that don't mean that you're out free from war. You still have to fight for every inch of ground you stand on. So see, Canaan did not represent the great heaven, because it's war and troubles and killings and fightings, and so forth. But it did represent this: that it must be a perfect walk.

54 And there's where the church is failing today: on that walk. Do you know that even your own behavior can knock somebody else out of getting healed? Your misbehavior of unconfessed sins of you believers, can cause this church to bitterly fail. And at the day of the judgment you'll be responsible for every bit of it. Oh, you say, "Now, wait a minute, Brother Branham." Well, that's the truth. Think of it.

Joshua, after he crossed over into the land, God gave him the promise that... Just think, to fight an entire campaign without losing a man, without even getting a scratch, without having to have a nurse, or a first aid or a Band-Aid. God said, "The land's yours; go fight." Think of fighting a campaign, and there's no Red Cross around at all; there's nobody going to get hurt.

56 And they slayed the Amorites and the Hittites, but there wasn't one hurt among any of them until sin come in the camp. And when Achan took that Babylonian garment and that gold wedge, and hid it under his camp, then the next day they lost sixteen men. Joshua said, "Stop. Stop. Wait a minute; there's something wrong. Something's wrong here. We're going to call seven days of fast. God made us a promise. There will be nothing hurt us. Our enemies will fall at our feet. And there's something wrong here. Something went wrong somewhere, 'cause we got sixteen dead men laying here. They're Israelite brothers, and they're dead."

57 Why did they die, innocent men? Because one man stepped out of the line. You see the reason this needs to be taught? The church lining up, lining up with the Word of God, lining up with God and lining up with each other, walking perfectly upright, soberly, before all men, fearing God. Because one man stole a garment and done something that he should not done, took the life of sixteen men. I think it was sixteen, maybe more. I believe it was sixteen men that was dead.

Joshua called, said, "There's something wrong. God made the promise, and something's wrong."

When we bring the sick up before us and they fail to be healed, we need to call a solemn fast, call an assembly. Something's wrong somewhere. God made the promise. God's got to stick to that promise, and He will do it.

60 And he called a fast. And they found out, they cast the lots. And Achan confessed it. And they killed Achan's family and all, and burnt their ashes, and left it there for a memorial. And Joshua went right on through the battles, taking everything without a scratch or a wound. There you are.

61 One day he had--needed a little time, extra time. The sun was going down; the men couldn't fight very good at nighttime. Joshua, that great warrior, anointed of God, positionally placed into the land, like Ephesians to the new church, possess--possessed in the--possessing the land, taking it over. He needed some time, so he said, "Sun, stand still." And she stood still for about twelve hours until he took the land. See?

62 Now, the Book of Ephesians placed us positionally in Christ, what they was in the holy land. We are placed not in the holy land, but in the Holy Ghost. Now, let us read just a Word, see how perfect the church is.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,...

Oh, I like that. God made him an apostle. No elders laid hands on him, no bishops sent him anywhere, but God called him and made him an apostle.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints... (sanctified ones)... which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Jesus Christ:

Watch how he addresses this. This is not to the unbelievers. This is to the church. It's called to the called-out ones, the sanctified and called ones that are in Christ Jesus.

65 Now, if you want to know how we get in Christ Jesus, if you'll turn to I Corinthians 12, it said, "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body." How? Baptized by what? The Holy Ghost. Not by water baptism, you church of Christ people, but by one capital S-p-i-r-i-t, by one Spirit. Not by one handshake, by one letter, not by one sprinkle, but by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body, our possession, the land that God give us to live in, the Holy Ghost. Just as He give Canaan to the Jews, He's give us the Holy Spirit. By one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body. You get it?

66 Now, he's talking to the spiritual Canaanites, Israel, the spiritual Israel who has possessed the land. Oh, aren't you glad you've come out of Egypt's garlic? Aren't you glad you're out of the wilderness? And remember, they had to eat manna, Angel's food out of heaven, until they crossed over into the land. And when they crossed over into the land, the manna ceased to fall. They were fully matured then, and they eat the old corn of the land. Now, now that you're not babies any more, now that you're not desiring the sincere milk of the Gospel, that you don't have to be babied, and patted, and persuaded to come to church, now that you're real fully matured Christians, you're ready to eat strong meats now. You're ready to come into something:, he said. You're ready to understand something that's deep and rich. Oh, we'll get into it directly. And, oh, it's been hidden since the foundation of the world.

He said, "Now, that you've come into this, I'm addressing this to you," not to those who've just left Egypt, not to those who are still in the journey, but to those who are in the promised land, that has received the promise.

67 How many's received the promise of the Holy Ghost? Oh, aren't you glad that you're in the land? Over here now, eating the old corn, eating the strong things of God, and got a clear understanding; your--your spiritual mind is all unmuddled up. You know exactly Who He is. You know exactly What He is. You know exactly where you're going. You know exactly all about It. You know in Whom you have believed and persuaded He's able to keep that which you've committed to Him against the day. Oh, that's the one; that's who Paul's talking to now. Listen close. Now, watch...

.. the faithful in Christ Jesus:

68 Now, let me have the church to repeat that. How do we get into Christ? By joining church? No. By putting our name on a book? No. By being baptized by immersing? No. How do we get into Christ? By one Holy Spirit are we all baptized into one promise, the Body, and are partakers of all that belongs into the land. Amen. Oh, I--I like that. If I wasn't hoarse, I could shout. My, when I get in this land, it's mine. I'm home now; I'm in Canaan. I'm subject to anything God wants to use me for. I'm walking on holy ground, a child of the King, all robed and ready. I've come out of Egypt, come up through the promised land, stood the trials, passed over Jordan into this blessed promise. Oh, how did I get it? By one Spirit, the same way Paul got It, acted on me the same way It did on him, same way It did on you. By one Spirit we are all baptized, not sprinkled, just a little sprinkle of it, feel pretty good, but immersed under: all made to be swim under in the Holy Ghost. That's the promise.

69 Our Ephesians, our Joshua, which is the Holy Spirit... "Joshua" means "Jesus, Saviour." Joshua means the Holy Spirit representing it in the spiritual as that was in the natural, that He is our great Warrior. He's our great Leader. As God was with Joshua, so is God in the Holy Spirit, moving us about. And when sin comes in the camp, the Holy Spirit demands a halt, "What's wrong in this church? Something's wrong." Oh, can't you see how we got too many sons of Kish now, too many Sauls coming from seminaries and theological schools and going out and teaching this perverse things, as the Bible said they would do, seemingly, not having the faith, separating themselves from you, having no fellowship with you, and so forth, having a form of godliness and denying the power thereof, from such turn away." They don't know where they come from; they can't give any reason.

70 I say this from Brother Booth-Clibborn, a friend of mine, if there's anything that's an ill--illegitimate un-god-created, anything in the world, is a mule. A mule is the lowest of all things. He is a... He--he don't know what he is. He cannot produce himself no more. A mule cannot be bred to another mule and become a mule. He's finished. He don't know where his papa come from, neither does he know his mama; for he is a little--a little donkey and a mare horse. God never did that. Don't you lay such as that onto God. God never done that. God said, "Everything shall bring forth of its kind." Yes, sir. But a mule is a--a... His papa was a donkey and his mama was a mare horse, so he don't know what he does belong to. He--he--he's a horse trying to be a mule, or a mule... or he's a horse trying to be a donkey, a donkey trying to be a horse; He don't know where he does belong. And he is a hard-headedest thing there is in the world. You can never put a bit of trust to him.

71 And that's the way a lot of people are in church. They don't know who their papa is; they don't know who their mama is. Only thing they know: they're either Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, or Pentecostal, or something. They don't know where they come from. And an old donkey, you can just holler at him as much as you want to holler at him, and he will stand there and stick them big ears out and look. You can preach to him all night long, and they don't know a bit more when they left than what they did when they come in. Now, that's just right. I don't mean to be rude, but I want to tell you the truth.

72 But there's one thing they can do; they're good workers. Oh, they just work, work, work, work. That puts me in the mind of a bunch of these Arminians that's always trying to work their way into heaven (That's right.), a mule. Oh, the Ladies Aid Society, and the chicken supper, for they pay the preacher, "And we got to have this dance, and this social." It's just work, work, work, work, work, work, work. And, they... What are they working for?

Ask them, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

They stick out their ears, and don't know where they belong; "What do you mean? What about this? What do you mean, the Holy Ghost? I've never heard nothing about It. Oh, you must be some kind of fanatic." See, they don't know who papa was, or who mama was, either. And you have to beat them on everything you do, beat here and beat there, and beat here and beat there. That's right, an old mule.

75 But I tell you, you don't have to do that by a real thoroughbreded horse. Just crack the whip over him one time, and brother, he's gone. He knows what he's doing. Oh, how fine it is to ride a thoroughbred. How nice. You just say, "Come on, boy." Oh, man (See?); you better hold tight; he will leave the saddle in the air.

76 That's the way it is with real thoroughbreded Christians. Hallelujah. "Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Repent, every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins." Gone; just as quick as they can get to the water, they're gone. They can't rest day and night until they receive the Holy Ghost. Why? You know, a Christian knows who his Papa was. See, it takes two to make a birth (That's right.): papa and mama. The mule don't know which was papa, which was mama. But we know Who Papa and Mama was, for we were borned of the written Word of God, confirmed by the Spirit. Peter said on the day of Pentecost, "If you will repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins, you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."

77 And brother, a real borned again Christian (Oh, my.), his spirit... As soon as he gets the Word, he receives the Holy Ghost. Ask him something then. He knows where he's standing. "Do you believe in Divine healing?"


"You believe in the Second coming?"


Ask a mule that. The mule religion, "Uh, I don't know. Doctor Jones said one time..." Oh, there it... Go on after Saul. See? "Oh, they don't know. Well, I tell you, my church is not sure of It."

Oh, brother, but a borned again man and woman is just as sure of the coming of the Lord Jesus; they're just as sure they got the Holy Ghost as there is a Holy Ghost to be given. My!

80 Jesus said... The woman at the well, "We worship in this mountain, and the Jews worship at Jerusalem."

He said, "Woman, hear My Words. The hour is coming, and now is, when the Father seeketh those that'll worship Him in the Spirit and the Truth."

"Thy Word is the Truth." And every man that'll read the Bible and believe every Word that Bible says, and follow Its instructions, and receive the same Holy Ghost that they received, the same way they received It, same results they received It, same power they got when they received It, he knows Who his Papa and Mama was. He knows he's washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, borned of the Spirit, filled with God's unction. He knows where he's standing. Sure. He's in Canaan. He knows where he come from. And that's the way it is with a real Christian. Ask him, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

"Amen, brother."

83 Standing the other day by an old saint, ninety-two years old, talking to her eighty-year old pastor, I said, "Grandma?"

Just as bright as she could be, she said, "Yes, my son."

I said, "How long has it been since you received the Holy Ghost?"

She said, "Glory to God. About sixty years ago I got It."

Now, if she had been a mule, she'd said, "Now, wait a minute. I was confirmed and sprinkled when I was, well, certain... And they taken me into the church, and I took my letter over to so." Oh, mercy me. They don't even know where they belong.

But she knowed where her birthright come from. She was there when it happened. She was borned of the water and of the Spirit. She knowed, and the water through the washing of the water by the Word, takes the Word.

87 Now, watch how this is addressed, "To those that are in Christ Jesus." Paul, now remember... I'm taking a long time, but I ain't going to get through this chapter. But I'll hurry... You like it? Oh, It tells us where we are, but we can't do it in just one night. We need a month or two of this, every night, just go right through It, Word by Word. Go back and bring it up in the histories and lay it right out Word by Word, and show you that It's the Truth.

Now, let me read that verse quickly again.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God... (not the will of man),... to the saints which are in Ephesus, and... (conjunction)... to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

88 Means they've been called out, separated, and now have been baptized by the Holy Spirit, and are in Christ Jesus. "I'm addressing this epistle to you, my beloved ones." Oh, I think of Paul over there with them right now, oh, how happy. That little old apostle had his head chopped off down there. I stood by the place where they chopped his head off. But, oh, his head's on in that new body, and can never be chopped off again. And he's standing over there with them this very minute, the same apostle that wrote this. And said, "To you that are in Christ Jesus, by one Spirit we're all baptized into this one Body."

Now, watch.

Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and... the Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all... (Oh, do you hear that, Charlie?)... has blessed us with all spiritual blessing...

89 Not just some to the apostles, and some to this, but He's blessed us with all spiritual blessings. The same Holy Ghost that fell on the day of Pentecost is the same Holy Ghost here tonight. The same Holy Ghost that made Mary shout and speak with tongues, and have a wonderful time, and rejoice, and the things that she did, is the same Holy Ghost here tonight. The same Holy Ghost that let Paul on that old ship, where it looked like it was water-logged and was gone, fourteen days and nights, no moon or stars, he looked out there and every wave had a devil on it, glancing and gleaning his teeth, and said, "I'll sink the old boy now. I got you now."

90 While Paul went down to have a little prayer, there stood an Angel, said, "Don't you fear, Paul...?... This old ship's going to be wrecked upon a certain island. Go ahead and eat your supper; it's all right now."

Here he come with them chains on his little old arms, dragging them on his feet, and said, "Be of a good courage, men, for the God, the Angel of God, Whose servant I am, stood by me and said, 'Paul, don't you fear.'" That same Holy Ghost is here tonight, same Spirit of God, ministering to us the same spiritual blessings.

.. blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places...

92 Oh, let's stop just one more minute here. "In heavenly places." Now, just not out anywhere, but in heavenly places. We are assembled in "heavenly," it means that the position of the believer. That if I'm prayed up, you're prayed up, or the church is prayed up, and we're ready for the message, and we have assembled ourselves together as saints, called out, baptized with the Holy Ghost, filled with God's blessings, called, elected, set together in heavenly places now, we are heavenlies in our souls. Our spirits has brought us into a heavenly atmosphere. Oh, brother. There you are: a heavenly atmosphere. Oh, what could happen tonight? What could happen tonight if we would be setting here in a heavenly atmosphere, and the Holy Spirit moving over every heart that's been regenerated and become a new creature in Christ Jesus? All sins under the Blood, in perfect worship, with our hands up to God and our hearts lifted, setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, worshipping together in the heavenly places...

Did you ever set in one? Oh, I've set till I would weep for joy and say, "God, never let me leave here": just heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

94 Blessing us with what? Divine healing, foreknowledge, revelation, visions, powers, tongues, interpretations, wisdom, knowledge, all the heavenly blessings, and joy unspeakable and full of glory, every heart filled with the Spirit, walking together, setting together in heavenly places, not one evil thought among us, not one cigarette smoked, not one short dress, not one this, that, or the other, not one evil thought, nobody got anything against one another, everybody speaking in love and harmony, everybody with one accord in one place, "then suddenly there come from heaven a sound like a rushing mighty wind." There you are, "Has blessed us with all spiritual blessings."

95 Then the Holy Spirit might fall upon somebody, and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. Go to a certain place and do a certain thing." Watch it happen just like that. See? "THUS SAITH THE LORD. Do a certain thing in a certain place." Watch it happen like that. Blessed us together in all heavenly blessings in heavenly places... Watch.

According as he has chosen us...

Did we choose Him, or He chose us? He chose us. When? The night that we accepted Him? Chosen...

According as he has chosen us in him before the foundations of the world, that we should be holy... without blame before him in... (denominations?)... in love:

98 When did God choose us? When did God choose you that's got the Holy Ghost? When did He choose you? Before the foundation of the world. By His foreknowledge, He foresaw you and knowed that you would love Him. And before there was a foundation of the world, He chose you, and sent Jesus that He might be the propitiation of your sins, to call you to reconciliation, to Himself, to love. Oh, wish we had just a few more minutes' time.

99 Let me, before we go any farther, go back, Genesis 1:26. I'll pick it up Wednesday. When God made man... Before He made man, He called Himself "El," E-l, El; E-l-h, "Elah," "Elohim." The word means, in the Hebrew, "the self-existence," all by Himself. Nothing existed before Him. He was all the existence there ever was, self-existence One: "El, Elah, Elohim," means the "all-sufficient, all-powerful, Almighty, self-existence One." Oh.

100 But in Genesis 2, when He made man, He said, "I am Y-a-h-u, J-u-v-u-h, Yahua, Jehovah. What did it mean? "I am the all-existence One Who has created something off of Myself to be a son of Mine, or a temporary, or an amateur little one of Mine." Oh, glory. Why? He gave man... "Jehovah" means that He gave man to be an amateur god. Because He is Father God, and He made a man an amateur god, so He isn't self-existence any more; He exists with His family. Amen. Elah, Elah, Elohim... Now, now He is Jehovah, "Jehovah" meaning the "One Who exists with His family."

Now, God made man to be the predominate over all the earth; he had dominion. And the earth was man's dominion. Is that Scripture? Then if that's his domain, he was god over the earth. He could speak, and it would be so. He could speak this, and it would be so. Oh. There He is, God, Jehovah, the One Who once existed in self-existence, but now exists with His family, and His little ones with Him... There you are.

101 Now, read that. We'll get into it Wednesday night, when we got more time. We just about fifteen more minutes and we'll... I thought I'd get to a certain spot here, but I--we won't, to where we're sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. All right.

102 Now, when was we called to be servants of God? When was Orman Neville called to be a servant of God? Oh, my. It staggers me. I'll tell you; let's get some Scriptures. I want you to get I Peter 1:20. And Pat, get Revelation 17:8. And I'll get Revelations 13.

Now, we want to listen here. You want to know when God called you to be a Christian. Oh, I love this. This is... "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." All right, Brother Neville, you got I Peter 1:20? So read 1:19 and 1:20. Listen to this. Yes.

[Brother Neville reads I Peter 1:19-20:

But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you--Ed.]

103 When was He foreordained? Before the foundation of the world. Brother Pat, read Revelations 17:8 for me. [Brother Pat reads Revelation 17:8:

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is--Ed.]

Who's going to be deceived? Who's going to be deceived by this religious person like Saul was? That was just so cunning and so perfect till it would deceive the what? Very E... [Congregation answers, "elect"--Ed.] if? if possible.

All right, Revelations 13:8, let me read it for you.

And all that dwell upon the earth shall... all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names were not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.

105 When was our names put in the Lamb's Book of Life? When the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. When God was Jehovah, El, Elah, Elohim, the self-existence One. Just like one great big Diamond, and He could not be nothing else, but inside of this diamond His attributes was a Saviour. In this attributes on the inside of Him, was a Healer. Well, there was nothing to save and nothing to heal, but His attributes produced it. So then before the foundation of the world, when He knowed, that the great display in here of Him, that He would be a Saviour, that He would come and be made flesh and dwelled among us, and He knowed by His stripes we'd be healed, He slayed the Lamb on His Book before the foundation of the world, and wrote your name on that Book before the foundation of the world. Oh, my.

106 Listen to this. Predestination looks back to foreknowledge--I mean election. Election looks back to foreknowledge, and predestination looks to destiny. Don't forget that, that election looks back here, here it is, "I was a cocklebur. I was borned in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies, born amongst sinners. Father and mother and all my whole family, sinners. I was a cocklebur. But all of a sudden I become a wheat grain. How did it happen?" I--That, what is that? Election. God, before the foundation of the world, elected that the cocklebur was to become a grain of wheat. "Now, I know I'm a grain of wheat, because I'm saved. How do I do it?" Look back and see that He predestinated it, long time ago. By foreknowledge He seen that I would love Him, so He made a propitiation through His Own Son, that through Him I might become from a cocklebur to a grain of wheat. "Now, where am I at now?" I'm saved; I'm walking in the grace of God. "What does predestination look?" To destiny. "Where will He take me to, and where am I going?" That's got you. There you are.

107 Now, let's read just a little farther, and then we'll have to close pretty shortly.

According as he... chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy... without blame before him in love:

Having predestinated us unto the adoption, predestinated unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

What did He do? He, by foreknowledge, foresaw us, knowing that He was a Saviour, self-existence. There was no Angels, no nothing; just God, Elah, Elohim, the self-existence One, nothing but Him alone. But in Him was a Saviour. Well, what's He going to save? There's nothing lost. Knowing that, that He knowed that this great attribute in Him would project something out yonder that He could save. Then when it did that, by foreknowledge He looked down and He saw everyone that would accept It. And then by doing so, He said, "To save that, the only way I can do it, will be come down Myself and be made flesh and take the sin of the man upon Him, and die for him, that I might be the One that's worshipped," because He is God, the object of worship.

109 Then He came down and taken upon Himself. And while He did that, He did that that He might save you who wants to be saved. Do you see what I mean? By foreknowledge, the infinite God, Who knowed all things, saw the Lamb, and He slayed the Lamb before the foundation of the world, and He put your name on the Lamb's Book of Life. And He seen the deceitfulness of Satan, what he would do. So He put your name on there. And He said that the antichrist would be so religious, so good, such a fine fellow, such a smart man, such a religious man, that he would deceive the very elected if it was possible. But it isn't... impossible, because their names were foreordained before the foundation of the world. By election He chose them, and by predestination they knowed where they are going. There you are.

110 Now, who could doubt that? That's what Paul said. That's Paul's Scripture. That's Paul's writing. That's what he taught his church. The church, positionally, before the foundation of the world, when God in His labor pain was bringing forth, bringing forth you, knowing what you would do, He positionally placed you into His Own Body, to be a housewife, to be a farmer, to be a preacher, to be a prophet, to be this, or to be that. He placed you positionally. Then when we have come from the garlic lands of Egypt, through sanctification and is baptized into the promised land... For the promise of God is the Holy Ghost. Ephesians 4:30, said, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption." Then God, having predestinated the church, He said, "And all the peoples, there will be millions times millions that'll walk very religious and be deceived." The only ones that will not be deceived will be those that have come over into the promised land, who before the foundation of the world had their names put on the Lamb's Book of Life, and's come over into the promised land, and enjoying it.

111 Many people are afraid you're going to act funny. Many people are afraid the Holy Ghost will make you do something you--you'll be ashamed of people. Many people are afraid they'll cry, and their sweetheart will see them crying, or mama, or your neighbor, or your boss will see you.

Let me tell you about a man one time, before closing. There was a man named David, and when the ark of God had been down in the Philistine land, and it come across, pulled by an ark, an old ox was a-pulling them, when David saw that ark coming, he had a little gown on him, he run out there, he kicked his feet in the air, and he'd jumped around, and screamed and jumped, and danced and jumped and danced, and him, the king of Israel. And his wife looked out of the window and saw him acting so strange, she despised him. Why, she must have said, "The idiot, look at him out there, the way he's acting, throwing his feet up in the air, and jumping around and acting like that, why, he must be crazy." And that night when he's come in, she said, in words like this, "Why, you've embarrassed me. Why, you the king, my husband, out there doing like that, acting like that."

David said, "Tomorrow I will do better than that. Yes, sir." He said, "Don't you know I was dancing unto the Lord?" He crossed over. He was in the land of the promise. He had lost all self-styles and muck of the world. He was so happy to know that the ark was coming into his own city.

114 And, oh, I tell you, some people's afraid to receive the Holy Ghost, afraid that they might speak with tongues. They're afraid that somebody would say, "Now, he's one of them tongues guys." They're afraid to come to the church to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, because they're ashamed of It. Uh. Oh.

Somebody said I will have to recall my tapes, because I had preached of being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. I ain't recalling them. I'm making more. That's right. That's... Making more... That is the Bible. If they don't like what we did yesterday, just watch what we're going to do tomorrow. That's the thing to do (See?), just keep on going. There's no end to it, because it is of the Lord. It's God.

116 You know what God did? God looked down out of the heaven; He said, "David, you're a man after My Own heart." David wasn't ashamed. He was a servant of the Lord. He loved the Lord. And he was so happy, so overjoyed, till he didn't think about human prestige.

You see, as I said in my sermon this morning, we are so much afraid, that we want a Saul to teach us. We want a Saul from some seminary to tell us how we must do our religion and how we must do it. That is on the other side of the--the Jordan. This side, the Holy Spirit leads. Over here you're out of that muck. Over here you don't care what they think. Over here you're dead, and your life is hid in Christ through the--and sealed by the Holy Ghost. You don't care. You're living in Canaan. You can stand good corn. You're a new creature in Christ Jesus. You're bound for the promised land.

118 I remember standing yonder, Brother Collins, some thirty years ago, when this church wasn't built yet, was a little tent meeting setting here on the corner, my first meeting. I was preaching this same Gospel, same thing, the unsearchable riches of Christ, water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, believing every Word to be the truth, baptism of the Holy Ghost, Divine healing, the powers of God, just like I preach It now, never varied one inch from any of It. God's revealed more of It to me, so as He reveals It, I just keep bringing It on. He never takes away from what has been; He just keeps adding more on to It.

119 I stood down there when about five hundred people stood on the banks singing,

On Jordan's stormy banks I stand,

And cast a wishful eye,

To Canaan's fair and happy land,

Where my possessions lie.

When shall I reach that healthful shore

And be forever blest,

When shall I reach and be in my Father's...

And forever rest...

When they begin to sing that, I was taking a boy out into the river to baptize him out there into the Name of the Lord Jesus. I said, "Heavenly Father, as I bring this boy to You upon his confession..." Just a boy, myself, got the pictures of it at home. I said, "When I baptize him with water, Lord, upon his confession, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, You fill him with the Holy Ghost." And about that time Something let out a whirl, and here It come whirling down, the Bright and Morning Star stood there. There stood that Light that you see right there on the picture. There It stood.

120 It went around the world, way up in Canada and around. They said, "A mystic Light appears over a local Baptist minister while he's baptizing."

A few days ago when Doctor Lamsa come to me, and never knowed nothing about that, and brought me a picture, which brother's got it there with him now... Have you got that picture? Have you got the Bible with you, laying there; it was in your book? All right. There was a picture of the old ancient Hebrew sign of God, just exactly that that existed in the days of Job, before the Bible was ever wrote. God in His three attributes, not three gods; one God in three attributes, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three offices that God worked into. Not three gods, three attributes. And there It was.

122 When that great man, Doctor Lamsa, the translation of the Lamsa Bible, when he said that morning when I told him that, I said--I said, "What's that sign?"

He said, "That's God's ancient sign in the Hebrew: God, one God in three attributes."

I said, "Such as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?"

He stopped, and he set his cup of coffee down; he looked at me. Gene, believe you was there, Leo. Said, "You believe that?"

I said, "With all my heart."

He said, "Last night, standing in your meeting, Brother Branham, I seen that discernment. I've never seen it before in America, or in my land." He said, "These American people don't even know the Bible. Only thing they know is their denomination. They don't even know where they're standing." Said, "They don't know nothing." He said, "But when I stood there last night," I said--I said... Now, Brother Gene, I just say this with reverence and love and such; He said, "I said, 'That must be a prophet.' But when I see that you believe that Father, Son, and Holy Ghost was no three gods, it was attributes, then I know that you are a prophet of God, or it wouldn't be revealed to you like that." He said, "That's a perfect sign." Said, "I've never..." Said, "You're not Oneness?"

125 I said, "No, sir. I am not the Oneness. I believe in God being the Almighty God, and the three attributes are only three offices that the one God lived in."

He said, "Bless your heart." He said, "Someday you'll pour your blood upon the earth for that," but said, "prophets always die for their cause."

And I said, "So let it be, if it pleases my Lord." The translation of the Lamsa Bible...

128 Oh, it is so true. How many times did I say to this church, as Samuel said before they chose Saul, "Before you go out and join some denomination now, and get yourself all tied up in some kind of a religion, why don't you let the Holy Spirit lead you?" Why don't you take God for your Leader. Let Him bless you, and forget about your denomination. Now, I'm not saying don't belong to any denomination of church; you belong to any one you want to. That's up to you. But I'm telling you, as an individual, you let the Holy Spirit lead you. You read the Bible. And what the Bible says do, you do it. God bless you.

129 And now, I've waited a long time. I wonder if there's any here that wanted to come through the prayer line to be prayed for. If they are, would they raise their hands? Just one, two, three. All right. You all come right up here and stand here then if you wish to, at this time, and--and we'll have prayer. And then we're... I don't want you to leave yet. I want to officially do something else here just before we--we close.

130 How many likes the study of the Book of Galatians? Oh, I mean Ephesians? Now, Wednesday night we're going to go into the Seal. And then on next Sunday morning we're going into the positionally placing the church. Oh, if... We'll probably get in on that on this coming Wednesday night, to you people here in Jeff: Positionally placing the church where they belong, each one, how we're called by the adoption. God has adopted us unto the sons; we are sons by birth, adopted and positionally placed by the Holy Spirit. Look. They were every one Hebrews, when they crossed the river, but Joshua divided the land and give each one his land according to the utterance of his mother at the birth, where the Holy Spirit told her.

131 And look at Jacob when he was dying, a prophet, blinded, pulled his feet up into the bed, said, "Come forth ye sons of Jacob and I'll tell you where you'll be at the last day." Oh, oh, I know I may seem strange. The people may seem strange. But, oh, if you only knew the--the assurance, the--the burning in the heart. "Come forth and I'll tell you where you'll be in the last days." And I can take that same Scripture, and take the map of where the Jews are setting today and prove to you they're exactly on the same spot that Jacob said they'd be in the last day. And they never did; they haven't been on that spot until they returned since May the seventh, 1946, the night the Angel of the Lord appeared to me up there and said for this mission. And I can show you that when they come back into the new land, they struck exactly the spot where Jacob said they would be setting. And there they are setting there today. Oh, oh, my, oh, my. We're one day nearer home, is all.

132 You dear people, you're sick, or you wouldn't be standing there just to be standing. I'm your brother. I have a commission from God to pray for the sick. Not as my--as I have power to heal, I do not. But I have power of prayer. As I said this morning, David didn't have nothing but a little slingshot, but he said, "I know what it'll do with the power of God on it." See? I only have a little prayer to offer for you, and my hands to lay on you, but I know what faith in God will do. It's done for others; it'll do for you. You believe that now as you step right up... just a little closer to the place.

133 Now, I wanted to make this so efficient, if I wouldn't ask my brother to come here and anoint them with oil. Will you do that, Brother Neville? I'll ask the church if you'll bow in prayer.

Now, remember, last week when I was so sick with that old castor oil, I would just have give anything if somebody would've come by and laid hands on me. If I could've had somebody come by, that God had blessed and helped, I would so appreciate it. You all feel to now like I did then. You feel now you want me to do just like I wanted somebody to do for me then. God forbid I ever shirk the job. Let me always, whether I'm tired, where I'm weary, where I can hardly move one foot from the other, let me go, because I'm going to meet every one of you again over in that land over there.

135 Then you old women, older men, broken down, hair gray and falling away, and falling to pieces like a rose that's opened up its little bud, shed off its petals and dropping away, you're just coming to pieces, aren't you? That's right. Just... And the only thing you want to stay together for is to shine for the glory of God. So when the enemy has grabbed you now and run out, I'm coming with the slingshot of God, with a faith, with a gift that God give me. Here's what I said, so that you'll understand it. I said, "If Peter would just come in, or some of them..." Don't say that. You don't have to pray for me. Just come in like this, and say, like to this woman, say, "Are you Sister So-and-so?" What's your name? Sister Howard. Say, "You're Sister Howard. You're a believer, Sister Howard? You believe, you are a believer? Then, you see, you have rights to all the redemptive blessings." Then I'd say, "Sister Howard, everything will be all right, and walk away." Oh, how... I said, "I would scream; I'd shout." I'd say, "Lord, it's just got to be. It's just got to be."

And I thought, "Well, people think that same thing when I come pray for them." So that's what. You see what I mean?

137 And I've stood, a lot of times, and took people, and say, "Oh, precious sister, will you believe it? Oh, will you believe it?" "Lord, O God, make them believe It. Have them to believe It." "Oh, please, will you accept it now?" That's not it. I passed from that...?... I passed away from that. I just say this, "Sister Howard, you a believer?"

"Yes, I am."

"All right, Sister Howard, if you're a believer, you're a heir to everything that God has." And just take her hand. See, I believe that. I contact Sister Howard by laying my hands upon her. Jesus never said, "Pray for them," He said, "Just lay their hands on them." That's it, then she gets healed. She can say, "Everything will be all right," Sister Howard. Then go home and be well. God bless you.

139 You're sister? Sister Hamdon, you are a believer, aren't you? You're an heir to everything that He has. God be with you, Sister Hamdon. You go home and be well now; Jesus Christ will heal you. Amen.

You're sister? Slaugh. Brother Jack... You're the woman we prayed for out at the hospital the other day. You're a believer then, Sister Slaugh, a heir to all that we have. Sister Slaugh, may you receive what you've asked for and be well. God will grant it to you.

Brother Gene, you believe that God will heal you? And may the Lord God give to you, Gene, exactly what you ask for...?...

I know you now. All right. You are evangelist, sister. I know you. This is your husband there. He's the one I prayed for over the phone that day. I'll always remember that. Couldn't go to the meeting in Tulsa. Come to the meeting, and the Lord healed him, and send him on to the meeting. In proxy you stand for someone else, what a Christian thing it is, sister. See, He was in proxy also that He stood for all of us. You're a believer and have a right to everything that God promised. I'm His servant. And by the Name of Jesus Christ I give you what you ask for...?...

140 Come, Brother Neil. God bless you. Been awfully good to you. You're a believer; I know you are. I believe that God will give you everything you ask for, for you are a believer. And as His servant, to you, my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ I give you the desire of your heart. Go now and receive it. God bless you.

Sister Bruce, I know you. The little nurse was at back me and you. She used to be down yonder the Motel J, J, Twin J, or something like that. You been standing for others. And what's your desire when asking Father? For yourself tonight... Then the enemy has jerked you beyond the doctor's reach; but I'm coming after you with a slingshot. And in the Name of Jesus Christ I direct the slingshot at the arrows--the rock that's got into the kidneys and blocked condition, and bring you back to...?... (See?) now, and bless you, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

141 Are you the father of this man, sir. You a believer? That hurting in your side, low and on the left side... Do you believe that God will give it to you, sir? And it's His servant. Lord, this hand perhaps has done a many hard day's work, come here for a purpose, something to do. Give the desire of his heart, Father, as I pray in Jesus Name that You will. Amen.

Don't doubt; that hurting will stop you from hurting down there, and you'll be all right. God bless you, brother...?...

You are a believer, aren't you? You're a believer, and you're a--you're a heir to all these blessings. Thank you. Father, I bring this my sister into a line of...?... in the center of the target, and I bring her back to you from the enemy's clutch, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. That's just the way it will be.

You don't want a operation. O Lord, as this young woman stands here, yet in the bloom of youth, I pray for her, and a lung that would have to be taken out, and she'd stoop the rest of her life. You're our Father, and I aiming the fire of prayer right at her, Lord, right straight to that lung. I send this prayer in Name of Jesus Christ; may it be like that...?... in the Name of Jesus Christ...?... Amen.

141a You're sister...? Sister Dird...?... head is drawn from me. You are a believer and an heir to all God's blessings, Sister Dird. Lord, I bring her to You with this little sling that You give me. As You give David a sling to watch his father's sheep, and if the enemy come in after the sheep, he wasn't afraid; he grabbed up that little sling and went right after lions and--and bears, and he brought the sheep back. This is a prayer of faith. You told me if I'd get the people to believe and be sincere... I bring Sister Dird back tonight. I snatch her from the hands of the enemy. She's Your sheep. I bring her back to the Father's fold, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sister Lowe, high blood pressure... And you're a believer, are you, Sister Lowe, a heir to all the blessings? Then, Father God, I aim this prayer tonight as from the sling of God for Sister Lowe's high blood pressures. May the next time the physicians takes the blood pressure, may he look at her and say, "It's normal now." She'll know what did it. In the Name of Jesus Christ I give it to her. Amen.

142 Yes... I wished I had my daddy here tonight that I could offer prayer for him right now. I will for yours too. I understand.

Heavenly Father, the man that sired this boy, that he's here on earth tonight because of him. And his own son desires that his father will be brought back, way out yonder in the world of sin, alcoholic. O Lord, I'm sending this prayer with faith and strength, and with all that I can throw it, this--this little pebble in the Name of the Lord Jesus, I sling it at that devil that's put that...?... on there...?... and may he come safely to the fold in Jesus' Name. Amen. Amen.

You have a desire too? You want to come into the land where all the promises is. Now, Lord, this boy is just across the river, camped on the other side and Jordan is swelling. And there's no way for him to cross except You make a way like You did for Joshua and for Israel. And, Father, I am asking You as Your servant; let our precious brother, O God, let him enter into this promised land, this promise that on the other side as I was carried the other night... May I have the privilege of grabbing and throwing my arms around him in that other land, saying, "My precious brothers." Grant it, Lord. May he receive the promise of God, the Holy Ghost. Amen.

143 O Lord, this is my gracious brother. This hand has been kind to me, has been standing for me at untold hours. He believes and has faith. And now, an enemy tries to grab, this my friend. Sugar... And he thinks that it--he can grab this boy; but I come after him. I'm coming to bring back Your own, Lord, slinging this rock with a zerod faith in the Name of Jesus Christ I fight that sugar diabetes he's...?..., bring back Your own sheep to the fold, Father, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

A gland... O Lord, our sister knows that this overweight is, so the doctor says, is a thing that kills. Each pound overweight takes a year off, according to the insurance chart. And she wants to live to the honor and praise of God. And there's no doctor can do this, Father God; it's just in--in Your hand. And Sister Bell's been very faithful, and she's been kind and considerate...?... She's went through many deep trials; I come for her tonight, Lord. I come to meet that enemy yonder. And I aim with all the accuracy that I can aim with; in the Name of Jesus Christ I hurl that stone of faith at this enemy that's got her. May it scatter him, and run him away from her, and she be able to be restored back to shady green pastures and to still waters, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

It shall be, Sister Bell. Just don't doubt.

144 Sister Spencer? [A sister testifies--Ed.]...?... I certainly do sister...?... God bless you. Amen...?... loved one's saved...?... Yes, sir, I know all about it. We all claim it, Sister Spencer, and know that how her and Brother Jesse are going through the...?... whether to come down to the church here. When I cross over the other side, they won't be toddling along like this; they'll be young, oh, Brother Jesse...?... all of that. You all know how just--just across the little...?... yonder, you go back to that lovely young girl again, and Brother Jesse to the young boy. God promised you.

Now, look. I want to give you just a little teeny bit of teaching, being that you're the last one here. I want get... 'Cause I know this is your little boy, Charlie. You want it to be prayed for...?...

145 I want to say this one thing. Did you ever read in the Scripture where the Bible said this? Paul told the Roman Centurion (Can you hear me all right?), told the Roman when he pulled his sword to kill hisself up at Philippi when he was in jail. And a--the earthquake shook the jail down. He said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thy and thy house shall be saved." Did you ever hear that? "Thy and thy house..."

Now, look. If you had faith enough for salvation for yourself, can't you also have faith enough for your child? God will some way...?... And Lord, I pray for Sister Spencer and Brother Spencer tonight, that every child--them and their children will all be in that glorious happy land there where there'll be no sickness or no old age, no sorrow or disappointment, and all this little life here will fade into a nightmare that's passed by. May they receive this, and may all of her children, and her husband, all of her loved ones, and all that love her, and all that she loves, may they be there with her, in Jesus' Name. God bless you, sister. Eighty-two years old. You're getting down...?... Just like the world is falling apart, Sister Spencer.

146 Well, you're just ready to go to rest, you see...?... all the time...?... just--just keep your faith right in Him...?... you'll cross over...?... And just as sure as I stand here at this...?... tonight, Sister Spencer, by His grace I'll see you and Jesse across the border yonder, young and free. You'll all be running, hollering, "My brother, my brother." I'll see you.

It's her nerves. Father God, this girl would have a breakdown, and she's got to reach...?... as only...?... what hinders. But I come for her tonight. I come to You, Father. I come asking You to direct the shot that I shall fire. May it be exactly zeroed, the crosshairs right on his...?... May this prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ strike that nervousness and tear it to pieces, bring back this sheep of God's pasture. Amen. It just has to be now, honey...?...

God of heaven, grant that her six children that she desires to be saved... She's heard that testimony of Brother Daulton, his lovely daughters. She desires her six children, Father. May she have them. May they meet her in that land where there is no night, safely protected and sheltered by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Amen. May you have it, sister, is my prayer.

147 I believe... There's nothing hardly can help it: they give them a little stuff that looked like a--oh, something like an acetomin; it's a... Cortisone, they call it, and that--that kills you though, tear's your blood up so...?... But the... See that the arthritis is like the lion who grabs the sheep and runs way away. Now, what will a slingshot do? Oooh, my, there's a big roaring lion with a lamb. And he loves the lamb, so he's run off with the lamb; but David took the slingshot and went after him. See, now watch. He had five rocks: f-a-i-t-h, himself, i-n. His sling was in this hand: J-e-s-u-s. He's a dead shot. Something has to happen; let's go after that arthritis tonight by this prayer, may God give it to you.

She wants to be baptized in the Name... You want her to be baptized...?... Thank you, sister. Not because that that's the way...?... It isn't because... Now, if that was in the Bible for Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I--I'd believe in that and stay right with it you see. I--I wouldn't want to be any different. I--I--I'd want that...?... I wouldn't want... I--I'm going to be responsible for that. You see? And I've got to say it just the way that that say it, not to be different, but to be honest.

148 Now, Father, we come for her loved ones. She's got arthritis and here she wants her to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus, for that is the entrance; that's the open gate. That's where Joshua opened up one path that crossed over into the promised land. There was no two or three places opened up; there was just one.

Peter, on the day of Pentecost, when the was church first inaugurated, opened up a path, said, "Repent every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ." Never did they vary from that same path; each one crossed into the promised land. Some of them were trying to get across way down at another ford, and Paul said to him, "Unto what was you baptized? Where are you trying to cross at?"

And they said, "Down here where John looked."

He said, "Well, John only pointed to the time and the place." And then when they heard this, they were baptized at the right ford, and they went across into...?... Spirit life.

Grant it to our sister and her loved ones, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

149 Brother Lyle... Oh... Yes...?... That and vision He give...?... It's over now though. God bless you. You're on the road to the promised land now, brother...?...

How many here remembers of just before this ministry was confirmed to me and me being fishing with a man one day, down to a river, a lake? And I was catching little fishes, and the Holy Spirit came upon me. There was a... This man is a Jehovah Witness, was. His brother's here somewhere, Banks Wood. He's in here somewhere, which is my neighbor. This is Lyle. And these people were Jehovah Witness. And they said one day when we was fishing down there after this boy got converted, I told him that it was something in his life, and all what taken place, and all about it, which he's just now told me, and he's just now got it out of his life. That's right. Praise the Lord. It's exactly right. His father was the one that was a--a reader. Is...?... in the building? And he and his wife both was baptized to bear witnesses in the Name of Jesus Christ here in the pool. And this man was setting by him, my brethren.

150 Banks, where are you? Is he inside? Back in the corner. Yes. And we were fishing. And brother, my little boy had killed... I thought he'd killed a kitten a few days before that. A little old mother cat had a bunch of little kittens and he'd picked it up and dropped it. And I thought... And I said, "The Lord is going to raise a little life as--up, the day before. Is that right, Lyle? Standing out there in the cold. And I said, "That's THUS SAITH THE LORD."

And we fished all night and caught nothing. The next morning, we were fishing back in a little cove for some bluegill; that's small fish. And Brother Lyle had a big a pole, and he let a little bluegill swallow the big hook he had, till when he pulled it out, the little strand was all the way down, the big hook in the little bluegill's belly. And when he pulled it out, he just had to pull the entrails and everything else out of the little bluegill to get it and just pulled it all out, 'cause the big hook had got caught down in the fish's belly. And when he did, he threw it down on the water, and he just quivered four or five times, and that was it; because his entrails and gills was hanging out of his mouth. And he floated around there for about a half hour, floated back up into the bushes.

151 And I was setting there fishing, and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit come, said, "Speak to that fish."

I said, "Little fishy, Jesus Christ gives you your life again," and that little fish, laying dead on the water, turned over on his side and went rrrrrrttt, out into the water as fast as it could go.

Brother Lyle, Brother Wood is setting present. Brother Lyle said, "Brother Branham, that was for me because I said to the little...?... said, "I--I ain't...?..." He said, when he pulled the entrails out of him and throwed him out there, said, "You shot your last wad, little fellow," just like that. Throwed it out, he said, "It--it meant me."

And I said, "No, Brother Lyle, that wasn't it."

Brother Banks back there said, "How many people in this world, how many thousands, would love to be standing where we're standing right now to see the power of God come down and perform of something like that?" In other words, he's like... I believe we all felt like Peter did, "It's good to be here. Let's build three tabernacles." That's right.

152 Now, Brother Lyle, you're anointed of the Holy Spirit now. You've left Egypt; the garlic pots and the filth of the world is left behind. You're standing down on the Jordan bank now, just across yonder. May God take you over.

Almighty God, here's Your trophy. He sure would've been in awful fix, Lord, but my heart went for him. Our prayers just struck the very chilling blow yonder, for the very thing that held him is gone from him. It's been smashed, and now he's walking down into the Jordan. Take him to the promised land, Lord, and seal him among the people, that on that glorious day when we shall meet yonder, may I feel the warmth of his arms screaming, "My precious brother." And I know...?... Bring Banks along with him, Lord, will You? Papa, mama, and all of them, sister, and all that great family. May we all meet yonder, Lord, and every one of them be filled with the Holy Ghost. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

You will receive It, brother. God bless you, brother. Yes, Brother...?...

153 There's someone dying on a long distance call; I'll turn the service to Brother Neville while...?...

[Brother Neville speaks and leads the congregation in dismissal prayer. Brother Branham returns and speaks--Ed.]

A young preacher dropped dead in the pulpit...?... So we sent the rock of faith...?... Grant tonight...?... he was a wonderful man, for I send prayer after him, in the Name of Jesus Christ...?... is the hour that his pulse...?... went from him...?... his pulse...?... eyes set in his head...?... dropped in the pulpit...?...

This is still open? Can I have your attention?...?... a young evangelist, a preacher up here in Indiana was preaching, dropped dead in the pulpit just about a hour ago, while he was preaching fell forward, and died in the pulpit, a noted evangelist, a preaching up here at Indiana. The pastor just come and has was called me. He died right while preaching under the anointing of the Spirit, fell forward, his eyes set, his respiration left him. He's pronounced dead, been laying dead for an hour. And something told them to call the church and have me to pray. So I sent prayer to bring him back in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

May you join with me by faith, that it won't miss the target, but...?... and bring him back. Thank you. God be with [] you till I see you Wednesday night. And you people from Georgia and around, bye-bye. God be with you. Brother pastor...

[Brother Branham speaks and prays for others--Ed.]... and I offer this...?... in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen...?... [The words are not very intelligible--Ed.] Is this all of you together?...?... [Brother Branham greets the people--Ed.] Thanks for the card. Happy to meet you all could be here...?... So nice to see you...?... Oh, is that right? [The words are not very intelligible--Ed.]...?... So nice to see you. How do you do? How are you brother? Yes, I... What say? That's fine. Wonderful. Now, they got a special place...?... Was you here this morning?...?... Good. I'm so glad. That's really good sister...?... God bless you and your husband and little children. Good bye honey. God bless you honey. Thank you sir, thank you. I'm so glad you were here. Enjoyed being with you and worshipping with you too...?...