Myslíte si, že rakovina je niečo? Biblia hovorí, že prichádza čas, kedy ľudia budú hniť rovno vo svojom vlastnom tele a krkavci budú vyžierať ich telá ešte predtým ako zomrú. Rakovina je len bolesť zubov oproti tomu, čo má prísť. Ale pamätajte, tej strašnej veci bolo zakázané dotýkať sa tých, ktorý mali Pečať Božiu. To je to, o čo teraz zápasíme, aby sme sa dostali dovnútra a boli umiestnení do pozície v Božom Kráľovstve ešte predtým, ako udrú tie strašné rany. Ó, aké je to dobré. Časové rozdelenie, plnosť času, dedičstvo... "...v ktorom sme aj obdržali dedičstvo, súc predurčení..."
Ako nám bolo dané naše dedičstvo, skrze čo? Skrze predurčenie. Predurčenie je predzvedenie. Ako Boh vedel, že ti bude môcť dôverovať, aby si bol kazateľom? Skrze Svoje predzvedenie. "Nie ten, kto chce, alebo kto beží, alebo kto... to je Boh, ktorý sa zmilováva." To je pravda. Predurčenie, On vedel, čo bolo vo vás. On vedel čo bolo vo vás, ešte predtým, ako ste prišli na zem. On vedel, čo bolo vo vás ešte predtým, ako bola zem, na ktorú ste prišli. To je... to je On. To je nekonečný Boh, Ten Nekonečný. My sme ohraničení, my môžeme rozmýšľať len v ohraničenej oblasti.
1 ...?...našim vzácnym priateľom, sme šťastní, že dnes večer môžeme byť znova tu v zbore. Je trochu teplo a tak sa budeme snažiť poponáhľať sa ako to len bude možné, ísť rovno do Posolstva.
Najprv, máme tu nejaké oznamy a jednu zvláštnu prosbu o modlitbu. Boli mi dané vaše listy, mám ich tam vzadu. Potom prosba za jednu sestru, ktorá cíti, že má na mozgu nádor, a potom jedna prosba v Louisville a jeden brat kazateľ, jeho otec má srdcový záchvat. A vo svete je dnes mnoho, mnoho chorých ľudí. Mnohí telefonujú a my sa samozrejme za nich modlíme z celých našich sŕdc, aby nám Boh pomohol.
1bObyčajne okolo deväťdesiatpäť percent mojej služby sú modlitby za chorých (vidíte), ale ja som tak trochu... trochu som sa na to pozrel... ja sa stále modlím za chorých. Pamätajte na to. To ide rovno s tým, ale ó, ak by sme len mohli dostať cirkev tam, kde je ona postavená do pozície a daná do poriadku tak, aby sme mohli pracovať. Vidíte? Musíme všetko zorganizovať, všetko spolu prihotoviť.
Pred chvíľou mi prišlo niečo iné na srdce. Myslím na to, o tom starom vojnovom veteránovi; jedna jeho ruka bola takmer odstrelená, noha takmer odstrelená... on tu práve teraz nie je, aby ma počúval, ale je to skutočne statočná osoba, jeho meno je Roy Roberson, jeden z našich dôverníkov tu v zbore a je to jeden milý, kresťanský džentlmen... On sa tam postavil a povedal, "Brat Branham, nezabudni na prezidenta." Povedal, "Cítil som takú ľútosť, keď on vystupoval..." Videl ho v televízii, ako vystupoval z toho lietadla, slzy sa mu kotúľali dolu po tvári a jeho ústa sa krivili do obidvoch strán... Viete, on bol rovno tam v tom boji s Royom a inými.
1cNezáleží na tom, či s ním nesúhlasíte v jeho politike, on je stále náš prezident. Tak veru. Pre mňa, ja nie som ani demokrat, ani republikán, ja som kresťan. Ale poviem vám; ja som mal veľký obdiv pre prezidenta Dwighta Eisenhowera. Tak veru. On bol určite jedným z tých veľkých mužov podľa môjho spôsobu myslenia. Ak by on znova kandidoval a ja by som volil, volil by som ho znovu. To je pravda. Je mi jedno, či by mal sto rokov, stále by som volil jeho, pretože sa mi páči. A pamätajme na neho v našich modlitbách dnes večer.
J.T., skutočne si cením to milé zhromaždenie, ktoré ste všetci - ty a brat Willard, ktoré sme mali tento týždeň. Ak by som bol vošiel dovnútra tam z vonku, vy všetci by ste povedali, "V poriadku, brat Branham, poznáte toho a toho," ale je lepšie len stáť vonku a počúvať vás. Vidíte? [Brat Branham sa smeje. – pozn.prekl.] No dobre. Veľmi dobre.
1dDostal som nejaké ponuky od iných zborov, ak by ste mali o to záujem. Ak ste pripravení ísť a podujať sa pastorskej služby, ak máte skúsenosť, ktorú verím, že máte, a máte všetko urovnané; mám jeden v Oregone, a nejaký vo Washingtone, Kalifornii, a Arizone, na rôznych miestach. A ak chcete niekedy začať so službou v niektorom zbore, no, práve tu je dobré miesto odkiaľ začať, práve tu. A tie duše kričia všade, dokonca v indiánskych rezerváciách a všade, kamkoľvek chcete ísť. Len nám dajte vedieť, lebo verím, že vy chlapci ste teraz zakotvení. To je pravda. Som rád, keď vidím, že to robia.
Tam hore cestou má zbor brat Ruddell. O pár dní budeme mať u neho zhromaždenie, budeme mať evanjelizáciu u brata Ruddella. A ja si spomínam, že som zvykol tohoto brata všade tlačiť, snažil som sa dostať ho do toho, aby vyšiel v zbroji a kázal. On sa tak tomu vyhýbal. Povedal, "Ja neviem hovoriť." A to by ste ho mali počuť. Vidíte? Vy neviete, čo môžete urobiť, dokiaľ sa nenecháte uchopiť Duchom Svätým. Tak je to.
1eBrat Graham Snelling v štáte Utica a brat Junior Jackson tam, my ich všetkých považujeme za naše malé sesterské zbory. My sme všetci spolu. Nie sme v nesúhlase v našich náukách; naše nádeje, naše ciele, naše náuky sú rovnaké. Stojíme spolu v každej veci. Sme len jedna cirkev a isteže sme radi, keď sme všade roztrúsení. Máme niektoré v Afrike, niektoré v Indii a všade po celej krajine. Chceme aby tam boli, aby rozširovali túto Novinu.
A vidím prichádzať týchto mladých ľudí, brata J.T. Parnella a brata Willarda a ostatných, ktorí prichádzajú, mladí ľudia, zatiaľ čo ja starnem... Ak bude ešte zajtrajšok, oni budú tými mužmi zajtrajška. Nechcem, aby toto Posolstvo zomrelo. Ono nemôže. Ono musí ísť ďalej a ja neverím, že nám zostáva ešte dlhý čas na to, aby sme ho prinášali.
To malé dieťa, o ktorom povedali, že zomrie, vidím sestra, že si ho mala dnes v zbore celý deň. To je milé. Sme za to veľmi vďační Pánovi, že je taký milostivý, plný milosrdenstva. Len ďalej ver, čo ti tu bolo povedané. Bude to v poriadku.
1fNo, radujete sa z tohoto vyučovania? Máte radi vyučovanie? Ó, skutočne si myslím, že nám to prospieva. Dáva nám to trochu odpočinutia od modlenia sa za chorých a videní a Božského uzdravovania. Samozrejme, dnes večer, po službe Slova sa budeme znova modliť za chorých. My to vždy chceme robiť. Pokrstiť kohokoľvek a kedykoľvek.
Koľkí si pamätáte, keď som zvykol chodiť popri tom elektrickom vedení? No, mnoho krát som prechádzal popri tom elektrickom vedení. Musel som prejsť denne tridsať míľ cez divočinu. Mal som na obchôdzku dvestoosemdesiat míľový úsek vedenia. Prechádzal som tam s košeľu v rukách a ó, bol som taký unavený, prechádzal som cez tie džungle a musel som vytínať tie zelené tŕnisté kríky.
Stretol som tam starého farmára a posadili sme sa pod stromom a hovoril som mu o krste vo Meno Pána Ježiša. On povedal, "Vždy som sa chcel dať pokrstiť."
Povedal som, "Neďaleko je potok."
1gPovedal... A vzal som ich tam mnohých a pokrstil vo Meno Pána Ježiša. Naťahoval som tie káble, pracoval som tak rýchlo, ako som len mohol. Mnoho krát, v mojom pracovnom úbore, som jedného pokrstil, keď som zliezol zo stĺpu. Sedel som tam na stĺpe; ťahali sme káble, pracoval som na stĺpe a rozprával som sa s mojím spolupracovníkom o Pánovi. On povedal, "No, Billy, jedného dňa prídem do tvojho zboru a dám sa pokrstiť."
2 Povedal som, "Prečo chceš čakať až dovtedy? Sme rovno pri rieke, je tu množstvo vody." Dostaňte ich hneď. Tak je to. To je ten čas. Filip povedal...
3 Eunuch povedal Filipovi, "Tu je voda, čo nám bráni?" Tak je to. Nič..., ak ste pripravení, to je ten čas. Nedajte diablovi príležitosť, aby vám medzi to niečo vrazil. Neodložte na zajtra veci, ktoré by ste mohli urobiť dnes. Zajtrajšok už pre vás nemusí nastať.
Pamätám si, keď som to raz urobil, naučil som sa... On ma naučil lekciu. Odložil som niečo, čo som mal jeden deň urobiť a ďalší deň už bolo príliš neskoro.
4 No, skutočne, ja vás tu nechcem držať celý ten čas, ale stávam sa taký inšpirovaný a neviem... Cítim sa tak dobre, až sa dostávam takmer mimo seba, cítim sa tak dobre.
5 No, skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy prv, ako pristúpime ku Slovu.
6 Náš nebeský Otče, Ty si ten živý Boh, stále živý. To slnko, ktoré práve zašlo, to isté slnko, Daniel sa naň díval, keď zapadalo; Jeremiáš sa naň díval, keď zapadalo; Adam sa naň díval, keď zapadalo; Ježiš sa naň díval, keď zapadalo. A to je ten istý svet, v ktorom oni žili a kráčali a Ty zostávaš tým istým Bohom.
7 Dnes večer je tu mnoho prosieb: muž s nádorom na mozgu; sestra, ktorá sa obáva tej istej veci. Ty si tá jediná nádej, Pane, ktorá k takejto potrebe existuje. Ten nádor sa stal zhubný, nie je nič, čo by ho zastavilo. Je to mimo dosahu rúk lekára. Ale dnes večer my prichádzame s tým malým prakom za tým baránkom, aby bol privedený späť do Otcovho ovčinca. V Mene Pána Ježiša my smerujeme našu modlitbu, aby zabila toho leva, ten nádor, tú zhubnosť, aby oni boli bezpečne privedení do ovčinca.
8 A my, Bože, spomíname dnes nášho milovaného prezidenta, brata... teda Dwighta Eisenhowera. On viedol túto zem, Pane, on sa snažil držať ju mimo vojny. On sľúbil, že vojna v Kórei skončí, ak bude mať nejaký spôsob, ako to urobiť. On sľúbil tým matkám, že im privedie ich chlapcov späť. Ale povedal, "Aby som to ja urobil... ja to nemôžem urobiť. Ja môžem vynaložiť svoju snahu, ale jedine Boh Sám to musí urobiť." A Ty si bol s ním, Pane a teraz je to všetko urovnané. Prečo to oni nemohli vidieť na prvom mieste? Bože, modlím sa, aby si mu pomohol. Požehnaj tú statočnú dušu, Pane. A my sa modlíme, aby si Ty pre nás vybral vodcu, ktorý má po ňom nasledovať. Nech sa stane Tvoja predurčená vôľa, Pane.
9 Ale Ten, o ktorého sa my dnes večer tak zaujímame, mimo našich národných záležitostí, to je Ten veľký a slávny, ktorý prichádza ustanoviť Kráľovstvo, ktoré nebude mať konca, Pán Ježiš, Tvoj Syn. Potom oni zložia zbrane, zaznie signál a nebude už žiadnej vojny. Budú sadiť vinice a jesť ich ovocie. Budú stavať domy a bývať v nich. A tam potom nikdy nebude žiadnych problémov.
10 Požehnaj nás teraz, ako pristupujeme ku Tvojmu Slovu. A Otče, Ty vieš ten dôvod, prečo pristupujem k Slovu práve z tohoto miesta Písma. To je preto, že cítim, že Ty chceš, aby som to urobil takýmto spôsobom, že to je Tvoja Božská vôľa; to je v Tvojom poriadku, to je v... To je poriadok tohoto dňa, aby ľudia mohli nájsť svoje miesto, pozíciu a byť pripravení na hodinu boja. Ako náš brat nedávno povedal v modlitbe, "Ó, Ty si nás dlho cvičil, Pane." Teraz, Otče, daj nám naše postavenia. Postav nás tam, aby sme robili to, čo máme robiť a byť tak vo veciach svojho Otca. Lebo to prosíme v Mene Ježiša, Tvojho Syna. Amen.
11 Mal som dnes celkom príjemné popoludnie, rozprával som sa so sestričkou jedného známeho lekára z Louisville. Oni počuli o tých slávnych veciach Pánových. A jej otec je lekár. A ona prišla ku nám a posadila sa v mojej izbe, bola tam takmer celé popoludnie, jednoducho len prišla, vpadla k nám. Milá osoba, trochu tvrdej povahy, viete, taká zásadová, od začiatku bola skutočná presbyteriánka, ale odchádzala so slzami kotúľajúcimi sa po jej tvári. Ó, ja... Boh ich má ukrytých všade, medzi lekármi, medzi sestričkami. Nemyslím, že je nejaká sestrička v Nortonovej Nemocnici, ktorej som nesvedčil o prijatí Ducha Svätého a neopýtal sa jej, či bola pokrstená na Meno Ježiša. Ani jeden lekár, s ktorým som kedy prišiel do kontaktu, kdekoľvek, nič... Vidíte?
12 Povedzte im o tom. Nemáš mnoho času, brat. Nezáleží na tom, ako ťažko to tu vyzerá, čakaj až vydáš ten posledný dych a uvidíš, potom si budeš priať, že by si to bol činil. Tak veru. Nečakaj dovtedy, urob to práve teraz. Toto je tá hodina. Ó, oni možno nebudú súhlasiť a budú zúriť a budú celí nervózni, ale oni to tak v skutočnosti nemyslia. Oni to naozaj tak nemyslia. Oni sú... oni sú v poriadku. Oni sa začnú na vás rozčuľovať, ale pamätajte len, oni to tak v skutočnosti nemyslia. Oni to tak nemyslia. Oni len boli niečomu učení a oni proste na tom visia, a tak vy môžete vidieť ich pohľad na vec. Nehádajte sa s nimi, s nikým sa nehádajte, ale priveďte ich láskou rovno do Toho. Potom sa za nich modlite.
13 No, myslím, že sme pri 9.verši, nie som si ani istý. Je to ešte ďaleko od 3.kapitoly, že? Ale, ó, pre mňa je to med zo skaly.
14 Pamätajte, my sme to teraz hovorili, aby sme ku tomu znova položili také malé pozadie. A teraz, brat Neville, postrč ma potom trochu, ak si nevšimnem, že nám ubieha čas; aby som sa mohol modliť za chorých. Dnes večer chcem vziať každú odrobinku, ktorú môžeme. Chcem dať dnes večer výzvu ku oltáru. Chcem toto zakončiť, aby som mohol čítať ten zbytok toho textu. Ale tým účelom tohoto je to, aby ste videli vašu pozíciu v Kristovi a videli, že to nie je niečo, do čoho by ste sa dostali nejakým potknutím alebo niečo, čo by ste si niekde zaslúžili, ale to je niečo, čo Boh Sám urobil pre vás. Nie to, že ste boli takí dobrí a jedného večera ste išli do zboru, že vás nejaký biedny brat viedol ku oltáru, to nebolo to. To bol Boh, ktorý vás pred založením sveta predurčil k Večnému Životu. Keď sa tam toho dňa dostanete, niet divu, že dvadsaťštyri starcov zložilo svoje koruny, každý zložil svoju korunu, každý padol na svoju tvár, oni nemali nič, čo by mohli povedať, žiadny kazateľ, žiadny starší, nikto. Všetka chvála Baránkovi; Boh toho dňa zhromaždí v Ňom všetky veci. Ó, ak by sme len mohli poznať a rozpoznať, Kto On bol, Koho oni ukrižovali.
15 Začneme od 8.verša, aby sme k tomu položili také malé pozadie.
...ktorú rozhojnil naproti nám v každej múdrosti a rozumnosti
oznámiac nám tajomstvo svojej vôle...
16 "Tajomstvo Jeho vôle." A pamätáte sa, ako sme sa toho chytili? Koľkí tu boli dnes ráno? Nech vidíme. Ako sme ku tomu priľnuli, "tajomstvo Jeho vôle." No, to nie je len nejaká maličkosť, to je tajomstvo. Božia vôľa je tajomstvo. A každý človek musí vyhľadať Božiu vôľu pre neho alebo pre ňu, Božie tajomstvo.
17 Ako to zistíme? Pavlovi to bolo známe. On povedal, že sa neporadil s nejakým človekom, so žiadnym telom, ani krvou. On nešiel do žiadnej školy ani do žiadneho seminára. On s tým nemal nič do činenia. Ale on... bolo mu to zjavené skrze Ježiša Krista, ktorého stretol na ceste do Damašku vo Svetle ako Stĺp Ohňa a to ho povolalo. A on išiel do Arábie, kde býval tri roky. Ó, nemyslíš, že to bol nejaký čas, brat Egan. Tri roky bol Pavol dolu v Arábii, prenajal si niekde nejaký malý dom, chodil hore a dolu po podlahe so všetkými tými starými zvitkami. Oni nemali zvitky Nového Zákona; väčšinu z nich napísal Pavol. Rovno v týchto starých zvitkoch, ako nás Boh na začiatku predurčil do Večného Života, ako On pošle Ježiša, aby sme skrze túto Obeť mali právo ku Stromu Života. "Tých, ktorých predzvedel, tých povolal, ktorých povolal, tých aj ospravedlnil, ktorých ospravedlnil, tých aj oslávil."
Boh nás od začiatku sveta predurčil k adopcii za synov. No, celé stvorenstvo vzdychá, očakáva zjavenie sa synov Božích. Ó, predstavujem si, aký mal Pavol nádherný čas. Rád by som tam s ním bol, vy nie?
18 No, on povedal, že "On nám oznámil tajomstvo." Nech sa na vás len dostane niekedy Duch Svätý a začne pracovať a len sledujte, ako to prebieha. Toto popoludnie som mal, ó, asi tridsať minútové štúdium, aby som len prebehol tú lekciu; možno že nie, povedal by som, že polovicu, asi pätnásť minút. A musel som bežať a myslel som "tajomstvo, aké tajomné." A Písmo ma zaviedlo späť do Starého Zákona, potom naspäť do Nového Zákona, zviazalo niečo spolu, aby sme videli tajomstvo Jeho príchodu, tajomstvo Jeho vôle, tajomstvo, ako sme spolu ustanovení. Pamätajte, to nemôže byť vyučované v žiadnom seminári, to je tajomstvo. Vy to nemôžete poznať skrze vzdelanie, skrze teológiu. To je tajomstvo, ktoré bolo skryté od založenia sveta, očakáva na zjavenie sa synov Božích.
19 Povedz mi, môj brat, povedz mi, moja sestra, kedy bol čas, že synovia Boží mali byť zjavení okrem tohoto času teraz? Kedy bol v histórii nejaký čas, v ktorom malo byť zamanifestované vyslobodenie celej prírody? Príroda, celá príroda vzdychá, očakáva čas manifestácie (zjavenia). No, predtým, ako bolo urobené zmierenie, predtým, ako bol vôbec vyliaty Duch Svätý, predtým, tam v Starom Zákone nemohla byť manifestácia. To muselo čakať na tento čas. Všetky veci boli prinesené, prichádzajú, tvarujú sa do Štítového Kameňa, do manifestácii synov Božích, ktorí sa navracajú a Duch Boží prichádza do týchto ľudí tak dokonale, až ich služba bude tak blízka tej Kristovej, až to spojí Jeho a Jeho cirkev dohromady.
20 Koľkí ste niekedy študovali históriu pyramíd? Myslím, že jedna pani tu zodvihla ruku. V poriadku.
21 Boh napísal tri Biblie. Jedna z nich bol zverokruh na nebi. To je prvá Biblia. Človek sa mal pozerať hore, aby si uvedomil, že Boh je zhora. Sledujte ten zverokruh, študovali ste to niekedy? To ukazuje každý vek, dokonca vek Raka. Ukazuje to počiatok, narodenie Krista. Čo je prvým znamením vo zverokruhu? Panna. Čo je posledným znamením? Lev. Prvý príchod a druhý príchod Kristov, všetko je to tam napísané.
22 Potom tá ďalšia Biblia bola napísaná do kameňa, nazvanom pyramída. Boh to zapísal do pyramídy. Ak ich študujete, sledujte tie starodávne dejiny a vojny, ako oni boli postavené pred zničením potopou.
23 Tá tretia bola napísaná na papier, Biblia, pre ten veľký, chytrý, intelektuálny svet, ktorý mal prísť. No, ako sa Boh pohyboval cez tie veky, my sme teraz pri Levovi, vo veku Leva. My sme teraz pri štíte tej pyramídy. Sme v Knihe Zjavenia, v poslednej kapitole. Veda hovorí, že sme tri minúty pred polnocou. Ó, pomyslime len, kde sa nachádzame.
24 Všimnite si, vezmime tú pyramídu, je to jednoduché. Jej strany sa zbiehajú ako pri trojuholníku.
25 Keď sme boli tu na začiatku v tom ranom veku cirkvi, po reformácii v čase Luthera; pre človeka, len povedať, že je kresťanom, to pre neho znamenalo život alebo smrť. Oni ho zabili dokonca len za to, že povedal, že je kresťan. Aby preto prešli cez prenasledovanie... každý vek, v každom čase bolo prenasledovanie. "Všetkých, ktorí chcú pobožne žiť v Kristu Ježišovi, budú prenasledovať." Vo veku Luthera to bolo strašné povedať "Luterán". Boli ste považovaný za fanatika a mohli vás vydať na smrť. Mnohokrát ich zabíjali na hranici, pálili ich a všetko možné, pretože boli Luteránmi.
26 Potom sa cirkev zužovala, tak ako pyramída. To prišlo do ďalšieho stupňa milosti, čo bolo posvätenie: čas Wesleyho, keď on protestoval proti anglikánskej cirkvi, vyučoval posvätenie, potom to znovu prišlo do menšiny, potom oni boli nazvaní bandou fanatikov.
27 Koľkí z vás tu, ktorí ste boli metodistami alebo ste aspoň boli spojení s metodistickou cirkvou? Polovica z vás. Vedeli ste, že metodistická cirkev raz takmer mala Ducha Svätého? Chodil som do metodistických cirkví a videl som ich padať na podlahu a ako liali vodu na ich tváre a chladili ich vejármi a bránili Duchu Svätému, aby na nich prišiel. Tak je to. No, to je pravda, tam na tých vrchoch Kentucky sme mali metodistov. Vy tu ste len členovia cirkvi. My sme tam mali metodistov a baptistov. Išli sme tam ku oltáru a bili sme jeden druhého do chrbta, dokiaľ sme niečo nedostali. Keď sme potom odchádzali, boli sme iní ako predtým.
28 Ale vy len prídete, zapíšete svoje meno do knihy a poviete, "Som metodista". A vezmete soľničku a pofŕkajú vás trochou vody a to je všetko. Potom idete a ďalej nosíte šortky, maľujete sa, chodíte na dostihy, stávkujete, hráte hazardné hry, hráte na hracích automatoch a všetko možné a stále ste dobrí metodisti. Vidíte? To nie sú metodisti. To sú len členovia cirkvi. Tak je to. Baptisti takisto, presbyteriáni, takisto...
29 Ako povedal David duPlessis, "Vnúčatá, Boh nemá žiadne vnúčatá". Boh nikdy nemal vnúča. On mal synov, ale nie vnúčatá. Tak je to. Vy...a ľudia, ktorí prichádzajú do metodistickej cirkvi alebo letničnej cirkvi alebo baptistickej cirkvi preto, že tvoja matka alebo otec boli letniční alebo baptisti, potom ty si vnúča. Oni boli synovia. Ty si vnúča. Vidíte? Takže Boh nemá nič také. Cirkev toho má mnoho, ale nie... ale nie Boh, On to nemá.
30 No, všimnite si týchto, ako to odtiaľ prichádza až do terajšieho času, ako sa cirkev stále zmenšuje. Nastal vek letničných. To samozrejme odrezalo mnoho hrboľatých miest. Čo to potom spôsobilo? To nechalo metodistov a luteránov vzadu.
31 No, Duch Svätý sa pohol ďalej a odišiel z toho letničného veku. Čo oni urobili? Oni sa zorganizovali, urobili zo seba, "My sme Zbory Božie. My sme Jednotári. My sme Dvojičiari. My sme Cirkev Božia. My sme toto alebo tamto. Vy nepatríte... vy sa nemôžete dostať do neba, ak nemáte svoje meno v našej knihe." Ó, taký nezmysel. Je mi jedno, či ste baptista, metodista, presbyterián. Vaše meno je umiestnené v Knihe života, keď ho tam Boh umiestnil. Ak ste predurčení do Večného Života, Boh vás nejako povolá, nejakým spôsobom, tak alebo inak. On to iste urobí. "Všetkých, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku mne." Nezáleží na tom, do akej cirkvi patríte, to s tým nemá nič do činenia. Ale denominácia pre vás nikdy neurobí ani jednu vec, ale vám môže mnoho prekážať pri tom, keď chcete ísť ďalej s Bohom, ale to neurobí nič ďalšie. Zhromažďuje vás spolu s veriacimi a neveriacimi. Samozrejme, natrafíte na to všade, kdekoľvek idete, dokonca i v nebi to tak bolo. Takže to je v poriadku, ale ty hľadíš na svoju denomináciu. Hľaď na Ježiša, On je Ten, na Ktorého treba hľadieť.
32 Teraz, ako prichádzame do toho... oni mali... koľkí z vás... myslím, že táto žena tu zodvihla svoju ruku, že ona študovala tie pyramídy. Vy viete, že tá pyramída nebola nikdy zavŕšená, že? Nikdy na ňu nepoložili ten vrcholový kameň. Oni nikdy... nemohli ho ani nájsť. Oni nevedia, čo sa s ním stalo. Prečo? Prečo na to nebol položený ten vrcholový kameň, ten štítový kameň, na vrch tej pyramídy? Lebo On bol odmietnutý, keď prišiel. On bol ten odmietnutý Kameň. To je pravda. Ale to obdrží svoj vrchol. To je pravda. A potom tieto kamene, ktoré sú dopasované okolo toho štítového kameňa, to budú musieť byť kamene, ktoré budú celkom ako ten Kameň, že to bude musieť pasovať a spojiť sa na každom mieste. Pyramída je tak dokonalá, že tam medzi ne nemôžete vsunúť ani žiletku, tam, kde tie kamene idú spolu, to je nádherná murárska práca. Niektoré z nich by vážili stovky ton a sú tak vysoko nad zemou a tak dokonale spolu pasujú.
33 To je ten spôsob, ako Boh zhromažďuje Svoju cirkev. Sme spolu dopasovaní, jedno srdce a jedna myseľ. No, niekto povie, "No, tí Luteráni, tam v tom veku, nemali nič." Neverte tomu. Tí Luteráni prídu vo vzkriesení tak isto, ako tí ostatní prídu vo vzkriesení. Baptisti, presbyteriáni a všetky Božie deti prídu v tom vzkriesení. A to je ten dôvod, prečo dnes ľudia hovoria, "Ó, no, tam bude prebudenie, ktoré všetko zmetie, to príde sem a spasí milión letničných a všetci budú spasení a potom bude vytrhnutie." Ste na omyle. Vo vytrhnutí budú stovky tisícov, to je pravda, ale oni budú pozbieraní z tých šesťtisíc rokov, kedy mohli byť spasení, z tých predošlých šesťtisíc rokov. Človek chodí vo Svetle, ako to Svetlo ku nemu prichádza, on prechádza mostami, keď ku nim prichádza. No, ak to odmietne, potom je zanechaný v temnote. Ale ak ide ďalej...
34 No, všimnite si, potom príchod Pána Ježiša je tak blízko na dosah; že až Duch prechádza odtiaľto, len chatrne cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým a teraz rovno do toho času príchodu toho Štítového Kameňa. Cirkev musí byť tak dokonale podobná na Krista, že až Kristus a cirkev sa môžu spolu zjednotiť, ten istý Duch. A ak Duch Kristov je vo vás, to spôsobuje, že žijete život Kristov, prejavujete život Kristov, činíte skutky Kristove. "Ten, kto vo mňa verí, skutky, ktoré ja činím, on bude tiež činiť." Ježiš to povedal. Vidíte? No, my budeme mať... Máme službu, ktorá prichádza, ktorá je presne taká, ako život Kristov. Čo identifikuje tá služba? Príchod Pánov.
35 Pozrite sa na to vo svete dnes a sledujte, čo hovorí Chruščov, všetky tieto ďalšie veľké veci a veľké celosvetové konflikty, ktoré sú na blízku a kedykoľvek môžu povstať, v každej chvíli môžu všetko zmeniť na prach. To je pravda. A ak je to tak, potom vieme, že je to blízko. Každá vnímavá osoba o tom môže čítať v novinách alebo počuť v rádiu a bude vedieť, že je to blízko. No, pamätajme, Kristus prichádza pre Svoju cirkev predtým, ako sa to stane. Tak ako blízko je príchod Pána Ježiša? Možno ešte predtým, ako dnes večer zakončíme toto zhromaždenie. Sme v čase konca. Istotne je to pravda.
36 Sledujte cirkev ako prichádza, ako sa posúva. Zachovajte to vo svojich mysliach, vy historici, ktorí študujete históriu. Pozrite na luteránsku cirkev pod ospravedlnením, čerstvo vyjdení z katolicizmu, pozrite na ňu, ako sa posúva ďalej. Potom sa pozrite na Wesleyho, ako prichádza trochu bližšie do posvätenia, ako vchádza hlbšie do Písma. Pozrite rovno medzi tým, Wesley. Potom tá ďalšia vec, ktorá prišla, bol letničný vek. Letničný vek s navrátením darov, duchovných darov. No pozrite na ten vek, ktorý teraz prichádza rovno hore ku tomu štítovému kameňu. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Príchod Pánov je daný najavo. Boh a všetko stvorenstvo očakáva na cirkev, kedy nájde svoju správnu pozíciu.
37 Dnes je ten problém, takmer u každého, koho som stretol... Musel som sa podrobiť vyšetreniu u lekára, viete, kvôli tomu, že som mal ísť za oceán. Vy, misionári to poznáte. Keď ma vyšetrovali, vyviedli ma z tej miestnosti, mal som vypiť také... vyzeralo to ako surové cesto alebo niečo také a ja som to pil. A vyšiel som von, sadol si a čakal asi pol hodinu a chcel som vedieť, či to vyjde von z môjho žalúdka alebo nie. Pozrel som sa oproti a bola tam nejaká drobná žena, vyzerala akoby mala práve zomrieť. Mala také chudé nohy a chudé ruky. A ja som sa predieral od jedného človeka k druhému, blížil som sa ku nej, až som sa dostal tam, kde ona sedela. Ona vyzerala ako nejaká malá biedna bytosť, ktorá mala každú chvíľu zomrieť. A ja som sa dostal bližšie ku nej, povedal som,
"Prepáčte, pani,"
Ona povedala, "Dobrý deň." Ó, ona bola tak chorá.
A ja som povedal, "Čo sa stalo?"
38 Ona povedala, "Išla som do Tusconu navštíviť svoju dcéru. Ochorela som, oni nevedia zistiť, čo to je."
39 Povedal som, "Chcem sa vás opýtať jednu vec. Som kazateľ evanjelia. Ste kresťanka? Ste pripravená odísť, keď príde tá hodina?"
A ona povedala, "Patrím k cirkvi takej a takej."
40 Povedal som, "To nebolo to, na čo som sa vás pýtal. Ste kresťanka naplnená Božím Duchom a pripravená odísť, keď vás On povolá?"
Tá žena ani nevedela, o čom hovorím. Ó, aký žalostný pohľad na to, v čom sa nachádza ten svet.
41 Takže, "Oznámiac nám tajomstvo Svojej vôle," príchod... Dovoľte, aby som vám niečo prečítal. Prečítal som to... Prejdime teraz do "tajomstva Jeho vôle". Obráťme List Židom na chvíľu, 7.kapitola Židom, myslím, že to je ono. Chcel by som vám niečo prečítať, čo spôsobí, že sa budete cítiť tak dobre, keď pomyslíme, že sme posadení spolu v nebeských miestach. Židom 7.kapitola.
Lebo ten istý Melchisedech
(sledujte to...),kráľ Sálema, kňaz Najvyššieho Boha...
42 Čo je teraz tým tajomstvom? Tu je to tajomstvo, sledujte to. Kto je táto Osoba? Oznamujúci tajomstvo Svojej vôle. Tento Melchisedech, čakám teraz na všetkých, stále to hľadajú v Bibliách, Židom 7.kapitola. To hovorí Pavol, ten istý človek, ako ku Galaťanom.
Lebo ten istý Melchisedech, kráľ Sálema, kňaz Najvyššieho Boha, ktorý vyšiel v ústrety Abrahámovi, ktorý sa navracoval od porážky kráľov a požehnal ho,
ktorému aj desiatok udelil Abrahám zo všetkého, ktorý sa volá, keď sa preloží jeho meno, najprv kráľ spravodlivosti a potom i kráľ Sálema...
(kto je táto osoba?)...čo je v preklade kráľ Pokoja,
bez otca, bez matere, bez rodoslovia nemajúc ani počiatku dní ani konca života...
43 Kto bol tento Človek? Kto On bol? On nikdy nemal otca, On nikdy nemal matku, On nikdy nemal času začiatku alebo času, kedy by mal zomrieť. On stretol Abraháma, keď prichádzal od porážky kráľov. Čo on urobil? On vyšiel, aby vyslobodil Lóta, svojho strateného brata, aby ho priviedol späť. A on porazil tých kráľov, tí králi, ktorí boli porazení, myslím, že to bolo desať, alebo pätnásť kráľov a ich kráľovstvá. Ale Abrahám vyzbrojil svojich sluhov a išiel za ním, rozdelil sa na nich (so svojimi sluhami) v noci. Vidíte, kedy ho dohonil? V noci. Ó, brat, my teraz pracujeme v temnote, to jediné Svetlo, ktoré máme, je Svetlo Evanjelia. Ale on sa rozdelil v noci a vytrhol ho a priviedol späť. A na jeho ceste späť, potom, čo skončil boj...
44 Poďme do 1.Mojžišovej 14, len na chvíľu, aby sme ten príbeh ukázali trochu jasnejšie. Poďme sem do 1.Mojžišovej, štvrtá... myslím, že to je 14. Kapitola, 1.Mojžišova 14. Áno, začnime v 1.Mojžišovej 14:18. Začnime trochu pred tým. Začnime, áno, 18. verš, 1.Mojžišova 14:18. "A Melchisedech..." No, to je Abrahám navracajúci sa od porážky kráľov. Vracal sa, na svojej spiatočnej ceste, privádza naspäť Lóta a všetkých tých ľudí, ktorých odvliekli...
45 Všetkých! Ako Dávid, ktorý vyšiel a dostal toho... Čo urobil Dávid? Vzal malý prak, vyšiel a vytrhol tú malú ovečku z tlamy leva. Pomyslite na ten prak, ako on išiel pre tú ovečku. Kto na svete by to urobil? Povedzte mi, kto by to urobil, zodvihnite svoju ruku. Poviem vám rovno, že sa mýlite. Ani nevidíte, že by som ja zodvihol svoju ruku. Nie, neišiel by som po ňom ani s tri-nula-šestkou, sotva. Ale on za ním šiel s prakom, s kúskom kože na dvoch kúskoch povrazu, s tým sa takto točilo. Lebo keď prišiel ten čas, že Goliáš sa začal chvastať, on išiel na Goliáša a povedal, "Boh nebies mi dal, aby som vyslobodil ovcu z tlamy leva a z tlamy medveďa." On vedel, že to nebol prak. To bola moc Božia, ktorá išla s ním. On bol Ten, ktorý priviedol tú ovcu späť.
46 A to je to, čo my hovoríme dnes. Boh má Dávidov, postavených vôkol (tak veru), ktorí kŕmia Otcove ovečky. A z času na čas príde nejaký nádor, alebo rakovina, alebo niečo také, čo sa vymyká z rúk lekára. To nezastaví Dávida, on bude ďalej prenasledovať tú osobu s tým malým prakom: "Proste čokoľvek v Mojom Mene a bude vám dané." Nezáleží mi na tom, či sa lekári budú smiať a každý si z neho bude robiť žarty, on jednako pôjde rovno za ním, aby priviedol tú ovečku späť do ovčinca. Tak veru. "To je Božie dieťa, daj svoje ruky preč od neho."
On toho leva skolil, a potom sa ten lev postavil, on ho schmatol za bradu a zabil ho. Tenký, hrdzavý chlapec, vážil možno štyridsať alebo štyridsaťpäť kilogramov.
47 Teraz dávajte pozor. Melchisedech, Kráľ Sálema, čo znamená Kráľ Pokoja. Sálem vlastne leží naproti tomu vrchu. On bol Kráľ Jeruzalema. To je presne to, kým On bol, Kráľ Jeruzalema. A Jeruzalem sa prv nazýval Sálem, čo znamená pokoj; to bol najprv Jeruzalem, predtým, ako sa to nazvalo Jeruzalem. On bol Kráľ Jeruzalema. On bol Kráľ spravodlivosti, Kráľ Pokoja, Kráľ Sálema. On nemal otca; On nemal matku; On nemal začiatku dní, ani konca života; On nemal... On nemal žiaden rodokmeň. Ó, ó, ó! Kto je táto Osoba? Sledujte Ho.
Potom, ako skončil ten boj, potom, čo bolo uchvátené to víťazstvo; sledujte, čo On povedal. "A Melchisedech..." 18. verš, 14. Kapitola 1. Mojžišovej.
A Melchisedech, kráľ Sálema, vyniesol chlieb a víno, a to bol kňaz silného Boha najvyššieho.
A požehnal ho a riekol: Požehnaný Abram silnému Bohu najvyššiemu, majiteľovi nebies a zeme!
A požehnaný silný Boh najvyšší, ktorý vydal tvojich protivníkov do tvojej ruky! A Abram mu dal desiatok zo všetkého.
48 Čítajme ešte trochu ďalej.
A kráľ Sodomy povedal Abramovi: Daj mi ľud a majetok vezmi sebe.
Ale Abram povedal kráľovi Sodomy: Pozdvihol som svoju ruku k Hospodinovi, silnému Bohu najvyššiemu, majiteľovi nebies a zeme, ...
(Počúvajte, ako mu to v krátkosti povedal, hmm, ako mu to podal)že ani len niti ani remenca z obuvi, že nevezmem ničoho...
(ničoho)...zo všetkého toho, čo je tvoje, aby si nepovedal: Ja som obohatil Abrama, krome toho, čo zjedli mládenci...
49 Všimnite si, tento Melchisedech, hneď ako stretol Abraháma, ktorý sa vracal od porážky kráľov... Kto On bol? To tajomstvo Božie je teraz dané najavo. Nikto... Oni nemôžu nájsť žiadnu Jeho históriu, lebo On nemal žiadneho otca, On nemal žiadnu matku, On nemal žiadneho času, kedy by mal zomrieť, takže kýmkoľvek On bol, On je stále nažive. On nemal nikdy žiadneho začiatku; takže On nemohol byť nikto iný ako El, Elah, Elohim; samo-existujúci, samo-pretrvávajúci Všemohúci Boh.
50 Ježiš mal Otca, Ježiš mal matku, Ježiš mal začiatku dní, Ježiš mal koniec pozemského života. Ale tento Muž nemal ani otca ani matku. Amen. Nemal žiadneho otca ani matku. Ježiš mal oboch, Otca i Matku. Tento Muž nemal ani otca ani matku. Amen! A čo On urobil? Potom, keď bolo po boji, potom, keď Abrahám zaujal svoju pozíciu...
51 Potom, keď cirkev zaujíma svoju pozíciu, my sme povolaní k adopcii za synov skrze Ducha Svätého. A keď každý človek zaujíma svoju pozíciu, to, do čoho ho Boh povolal a stojí až do konca svojej cesty, ide za tými stratenými...
52 Za prvé, Pavol berie odtiaľ všetok strach. Takže teraz, ak ste povolaní, ak to nemáš len vytvorené vo svojej mysli skrze nejakú teológiu; ak si skutočne narodený z Ducha, potom ťa Boh predurčil pred založením sveta, zapísal tvoje meno do Bránkovej Knihy Života a teraz prichádzame, aby sme boli posadení v nebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi. "Svätý ľud, svätý národ, zvláštny ľud, kráľovské kňazstvo, obetujúce duchovné obete Bohu, to jest ovocie našich rtov, oddávajúce chválu Jeho Menu."
53 Ľudia prichádzajú a hovoria, "Tí ľudia sú blázniví." Isteže sú; múdrosť Božia je pre ľudí bláznovstvom a múdrosť ľudská je bláznovstvom u Boha. Oni sú v protiklade jeden k druhému.
54 Ale skutočne Duchom naplnená cirkev, plná moci Božej, spolu posadení v nebeských miestach, obetujúci duchovné obete, chvály Bohu, Duch Boží sa pohybuje medzi nimi a rozlišuje hriech a vyvoláva spomedzi nich tie veci, ktoré sú nesprávne, urovnáva to a napráva. Prečo? V Božej Prítomnosti je vždy tá krvavá Obeť.
55 Pamätajte, prešli sme cez to dnes ráno. Vy ste neboli spasení Krvou, Krv vás zachováva spasených. Ale vy ste boli spasení milosťou, skrze vieru; tým, že ste tomu uverili. Boh zaklopal na vaše srdce, pretože vás predurčil. Vy ste sa pozreli hore a uverili ste tomu a prijali ste to. A teraz, Krv robí zmierenie za vaše hriechy.
Pamätajte, povedal som, "Boh neodsudzuje hriešnika za to, že hreší." On je od počiatku hriešnikom. On odsudzuje kresťana za to, že hreší. A pretože ho On odsúdil, Kristus vzal naše odsúdenie. Takže nieto žiadneho odsúdenie tým, ktorí sú v Kristu Ježišovi, ktorí nechodia podľa tela, ale podľa Ducha. A ak urobíte niečo nesprávne, to nie je dobrovoľne. Vy nehrešíte dobrovoľne. Človek, ktorý dobrovoľne hreší, ide ďalej a dobrovoľne hreší, ten ešte nikdy nevošiel do toho Tela. Ale človek, ktorý tam raz je, on je mŕtvy a jeho život je skrytý v Bohu skrze Krista, zapečatení Svätým Duchom a diabol ho ani nemôže nájsť, on je tam tak hlboko. On by musel odtiaľ vyjsť predtým, ako by ho diabol mohol dostať, lebo vy ste mŕtvi.
56 Povedzte mŕtvemu človeku, že on je pokrytec a hľaďte, čo sa stane. Kopnite ho do boku a povedzte mu, "Ty starý pokrytec, ty..." On nepovie ani slovo. A to je pravda, on tam bude len ležať.
57 A človeka, ktorý je mŕtvy v Kristovi, môžete nazývať pokrytcom, môžete ho nazývať ako chcete, on sa nikdy na to nerozhorčí. A ak sa niečo také udeje, on sa niekde utiahne a bude sa za vás modliť. To je pravda.
Ale ó, toľkí z nich sú tak veľmi nažive. To je to, na čo myslím; my by sme mali pochovávať mŕtvych ľudí. Tí, ktorí sú mŕtvi v Kristovi, tých pochovávame vo vode. Niekedy pochovávame príliš mnoho ľudí, ktorí sú nažive: príliš mnoho zlosti a roztržiek a je toho v cirkvi, toľko. Ale my to nevieme oddeliť, ale Boh vie. On pozná Svoj ľud. On pozná Svoje ovce. On pozná každý hlas. On pozná Svoje deti. A On vie, koho môže vyvolať, On vie, koho predurčil. On vie, komu On dal tieto veci, skrze čo sa On dáva poznávať. Ako On... Boh môže dôverovať Svojim deťom v tom, čo majú robiť a On vie, že oni to presne tak urobia. Veríte, že Boh to robí?
58 Satan povedal jedného dňa Jóbovi, vlastne Bohu, "Áno, Ty máš takého sluhu."
59 Boh povedal, "Nie je na zemi taký ako on. On je dokonalý muž." On mu dôveroval.
60 Satan povedal, "On to má všetko také ľahké. Len mi ho na chvíľu daj a ja spôsobím, že Ti bude zlorečiť do tváre."
61 On povedal, "Je v tvojich rukách, ale nevezmi jeho život." Vidíte? A on urobil všetko, okrem toho, že by mu vzal život.
62 Ale ó, Jób, miesto toho... Čo urobil? Či on zlorečil Bohu, keď mu vzal jeho deti, keď urobil všetky tieto zlé veci a všetko ostatné? Jób nenamietal. On padol na svoju tvár a oddal Bohu chválu (haleluja!) a povedal, "Pán dal, Pán vzal, nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo." Tu to máte.
63 Boh vedel, že môže Jóbovi dôverovať. Boh vie, koľko môže dôverovať tebe. On vie, koľko môže dôverovať mne. Ale to, o čom teraz hovoríme, to je umiestnenie tohoto dieťaťa do jeho pozície.
64 No, keď Biblia... keď skončil celý ten boj, keď bolo všetko skončené, čo je potom ďalšou vecou, ktorú robíme? Čo je tá vec, ktorú robíme potom, keď boj skončil? Viete, čo to je? Stretávame Melchisedecha. Prejdime do Matúša 16:16, rýchlo, pozrime sa, či to pravda alebo nie. Svätý Matúš, 16. kapitola a 16. verš, som si istý, že je to tam, Matúš 16:16. Matúš 6... Nie, to je nesprávne, to by nemohlo byť tak blízko od začiatku. 26:26. Lebo tu v 16. kapitole On hovorí k Šimonovi Petrovi. Prepáčte, nechcel som toto povedať. 26:26, lebo to je posledná večera, to je to, kam sa snažím dostať. Matúš 26. kapitola a 26. verš, tu ju máme, tu sme pri poslednej večeri.
A keď jedli, vzal Ježiš chlieb, a keď bol dobrorečil, lámal a dával učeníkom a povedal: Vezmite, jedzte: toto je moje telo.
Potom vzal kalich a poďakujúc dal im so slovami: Pite z neho všetci,
lebo toto je moja tej novej zmluvy krv, ktorá sa vylieva za mnohých na odpustenie hriechov.
H-r-i-e-ch-o-v, hriechov, za kresťanov, ktorí robia niečo zle.
65 V poriadku, ale počúvajte, 29. Verš...
Ale hovorím vám, že odteraz nebudem nikdy piť z tohoto plodu viniča, až do toho dňa, keď ho budem piť s vami nový v kráľovstve svojho Otca."
66 Čo? To isté urobil Melchisedech potom, keď Abrahám zaujal svoju pozíciu, postavil do poriadku svojich mužov a zvíťazil v tom boji a vrátil sa domov a Melchisedech vyšiel s chlebom a vínom. Keď skončí ten boj, potom budeme jesť na svadobnej večeri s Pánom Ježišom v tom novom svete. Ó, nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo. V poriadku.
Tajomstvo svojej vôle podľa svojej ľúbosti,...
(Teraz sme znovu späť v Efežanom 1:9)...ktorú si preduložil v sebe
cieľom správy plnosti časov...
68 A pamätajte na to, práve sme cez to prešli: Efežanom 1. kapitola, 10. verš.
cieľom správy plnosti časov...
69 No, zistili sme, že plnosť časov očakáva na čo? Plnosť všetkých časov. Na čas, kedy hriech pominie, na čas, kedy smrť pominie, na čas, kedy nemoc pominie, na čas, kedy všetky prevrátenia a prevrátené veci, ktoré diabol prevrátil, pominú, keď sám čas pominie. Sledujte to.
...cieľom správy plnosti časov dovedna zobrať všetko v Kristovi, to, čo je na nebesiach, i to, čo je na zemi, v ňom..
.70 "Zhromaždiť všetky veci v Kristovi..." Ako som povedal dnes ráno, všetky tie malé hrudky zlata, ktoré nachádzame, tieto dôležité malé veci, môžete ich leštiť v 1. Mojžišovej, môžete ich leštiť v 2. Mojžišovej, môžete ich leštiť v 3. Mojžišovej a previesť ich cez všetky knihy a zakončí to všetko v Zjavení a bude to Ježiš. Vezmite Jozefa, vezmite Abraháma, vezmite Izáka, vezmite Jákoba, vezmite Dávida, vezmite ktorúkoľvek z týchto hrudiek zlata, týchto Božích mužov a hľaďte, či nebudete vidieť Ježiša Krista vyobrazeného v každom jednom z nich. "...aby zhromaždil všetko v tom Jednom, v Kristu Ježišovi."
71 No, trochu ďalej v 11. Verši...
...v ktorom sme sa aj stali dedičstvom...
[angl.: "v ktorom sme obdržali dedičstvo" – pozn.prekl.]72 Ó, "dedičstvo..." Niekto ti musí niečo zanechať, aby si to zdedil. Je to tak? Dedičstvo, aké máme my dedičstvo? Aké dedičstvo mám ja? Ja nemám žiadne, ale Boh mi zanechal dedičstvo, keď zapísal moje meno do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta.
73 Ó, vy poviete, "No, počkaj brat, Ježiš ti ho zanechal, keď za teba zomrel." Nie, nikdy. Ježiš prišiel, aby pre mňa to dedičstvo kúpil. Čítajte práve ten ďalší riadok.
...v ktorom sme sa aj stali dedičstvom Božím,
[angl.: "v ktorom sme obdržali dedičstvo" – pozn.prekl.]predurčení súc podľa preduloženia toho, ktorý pôsobí všetko, podľa rady svojej vôle.
74 Boh pred založením sveta, ako sme to prebrali v tej lekcii, vy ľudia: ako sme videli, že Boh bol samoexistencia, ako v Ňom bola láska. V Ňom bola vlastnosť byť Bohom, no nebolo nič, čo by Ho uctievalo. V Ňom bola vlastnosť byť Otcom, bolo tam... On bol len Sám. V Ňom bola vlastnosť byť Spasiteľ; nebolo nič stratené. V Ňom bola vlastnosť byť Uzdravovateľ. To sú Jeho atribúty. Nebolo tam nič. Tak On Sám, Jeho vlastná dobrá rada vyprodukovala tieto veci, aby On mohol skrze tohoto jedného Človeka, Krista Ježiša, zhromaždiť znova všetko spolu. Ó, čo oko nevidelo, ucho nepočulo... Niet divu, že to je tajomná vec.
75 Pozrite, "Predurčil nás k tomuto dedičstvu..." Ak mám právo, aby som niečo zdedil, ak Boh klope na moje srdce a hovorí, "William Branham, povolal som ťa dávno pred založením sveta, aby si kázal evanjelium." Mám dedičstvo, dedičstvo Večného Života. Boh poslal Ježiša, aby sa to dedičstvo stalo pre mňa skutočným, lebo nebolo nič, čo by som ja mohol urobiť, aby som to zdedil. Bolo to čisté (nepodpísané), no bolo to platné, ale nebolo nič, čo by som v tom mohol urobiť. Ale v plnosti času poslal Boh, vo svojom vlastnom správnom čase, Baránka Ježiša, zabitého pred založením sveta. Jeho Krv bola preliata, aby som ja mohol ísť do môjho dedičstva. Aby som bol čím? Aké dedičstvo? Synovstvo, byť synom Božím.
76 A teraz, toto vás možno vystraší na smrť. Vedeli ste, že ľudia, ktorí sú synovia Boží, sú amatérski bohovia? Koľkí ste to vedeli? Koľkí viete, že Ježiš to povedal? Biblia, Ježiš povedal, "Či nehovorí sám váš zákon, že ste bohovia? A ak nazývate bohmi tých..." Boh povedal v 1.Mojžišovej 2, že oni sú bohovia, lebo oni boli...oni mali plnú vládu nad panstvom sveta. On mu dáva panstvo nad všetkými vecami. A on stratil svoje božstvo, on stratil svoje synovstvo, on stratil svoje panstvo a Satan to prevzal. Ale brat, my očakávame na manifestácie synov Božích, ktorí sa vrátia a znovu to prevezmú! Očakávame na plnosť času, keď sa tá pyramída dostáva ku vrcholu, keď sa zjavia plní synovia Boží, keď vystúpi moc Božia (Haleluja!) a vezme všetku moc, ktorú Satan od neho zobral. Tak veru, to patrí jemu.
77 On je Logos, ktoré vyšlo od Boha, to je pravda, to bol Syn Boží. Potom On učinil človeka tým malým bohom. A On povedal, "Ak nazývajú tých, ku ktorým prišlo Slovo Božie, prorokov, ak ich nazývajú bohmi, tých, ku ktorým prišlo Slovo Božie..." a Boh sám povedal, že oni sú bohovia. On povedal Mojžišovi, "Učinil som ťa bohom a Árona tvojím prorokom." Amen!. Och! Možno sa správam ako náboženský fanatik, ale nie som. Ó, keď sa len naše oči môžu otvoriť a vidieť tie veci...
V poriadku, On učinil človeka bohom, bohom nad svojím panstvom. A jeho panstvo sa tiahne od mora k moru, od brehu ku brehu. On to má pod kontrolou.
78 A keď prišiel Ježiš, súc Bohom bez hriechu, On to dokázal. Keď vetry zaduli, on povedal, "Stoj ticho!" Amen! A keď ten strom, on povedal, "Nech naveky nikto z teba neje."
79 "Amen vám hovorím, vám, ktorí ste malými bohmi, ak poviete tejto hore ´Pohni sa´ a nebudete pochybovať vo svojich srdciach, ale budete veriť, čo ste povedali, stane sa, môžete mať, čo ste povedali."
80 Vráťme sa do 1.Mojžišovej, do originálu, čo je to? Svet a príroda vzdychá, plače, všetko je v pohybe. Prečo? Kvôli zjaveniu sa synov Božích, kedy pravdiví synovia, narodení synovia, naplnení synovia vypovedia slovo a ono bude potvrdené. Verím, že práve teraz sme na hranici toho. Tak veru. "Povedzte tejto hore, nech sa tak stane."
81 "Brat, túžim po tom-a-tom, aby sa stala určitá vec. Som veriaci v Ježiša Krista."
82 "Dávam ti to v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista." Tam je manifestácia.
83 "Ó, brat, moje plodiny tam vysychajú. Nebolo žiadneho dažďa."
84 "Pošlem ti dážď v Mene Pánovom... nech požehná tvoje plodiny." Ó, celá príroda očakáva, vzdychá, očakáva manifestácie synov Božích. Boh to určil na počiatku. On dal človeku panstvo.
85 On dal Ježiša Krista a Ježiš to dal v Jeho Mene s týmto uistením, "Proste Otca o čokoľvek v Mojom Mene a Ja to urobím." Ó, brat Palmer! Očakávame na manifestácie synov Božích, aby cirkev zaujala svoju pozíciu.
86 Ako som povedal, kniha Efežanom je kniha Jozueho a Jozue umiestňuje ľudí tam, kam patria. No, ak by oni nestáli na svojom mieste a on by umiestnil Efraima sem a on by bežal do zeme Manassessa a tento by sa vrátil a oni by sa hádali a zmätkovali, ako by kedy mohli spolu vychádzať? Keď jeden by povedal, "Ja som baptista, ja som metodista, ja som letničný, ja som jednotár, ja som dvojičiar, ja som to-a-to."
87 Ako môžete takto do toho vojsť? Stojte nepohnuteľne! Boh chce umiestniť svoju cirkev, synov a dcéry Božie. Bože, daj mi žiť tak dlho, aby som to videl, to je moja modlitba. Je to tak blízko, že to môžem takmer cítiť svojimi rukami, vyzerá to tak, že je to rovno tu. To je to, čo túžim vidieť, očakávam na ten čas, kedy pôjdeme dolu ulicou a tam leží chromý od narodenia: "Striebra a zlata nemám..." Ó, očakávame na manifestácie synov Božích (Haleluja!), kedy sa Boha dá poznať, kedy oni zastavia chorobu, zastavia rakovinu, zastavia nemoci.
88 Myslíte si, že rakovina je niečo? Biblia hovorí, že prichádza čas, kedy ľudia budú hniť rovno vo svojom vlastnom tele a krkavci budú vyžierať ich telá ešte predtým ako zomrú. Rakovina je len bolesť zubov oproti tomu, čo má prísť. Ale pamätajte, tej strašnej veci bolo zakázané dotýkať sa tých, ktorý mali Pečať Božiu. To je to, o čo teraz zápasíme, aby sme sa dostali dovnútra a boli umiestnení do pozície v Božom Kráľovstve ešte predtým, ako udrú tie strašné rany. Ó, aké je to dobré. Časové rozdelenie, plnosť času, dedičstvo...
...v ktorom sme aj obdržali dedičstvo, súc predurčení...
89 Ako nám bolo dané naše dedičstvo, skrze čo? Skrze predurčenie. Predurčenie je predzvedenie. Ako Boh vedel, že ti bude môcť dôverovať, aby si bol kazateľom? Skrze Svoje predzvedenie. "Nie ten, kto chce, alebo kto beží, alebo kto... to je Boh, ktorý sa zmilováva." To je pravda. Predurčenie, On vedel, čo bolo vo vás. On vedel čo bolo vo vás, ešte predtým, ako ste prišli na zem. On vedel, čo bolo vo vás ešte predtým, ako bola zem, na ktorú ste prišli. To je... to je On. To je nekonečný Boh, Ten Nekonečný. My sme ohraničení, my môžeme rozmýšľať len v ohraničenej oblasti.
90 To znamená pre mňa tak mnoho odvtedy, čo sa mi to prihodilo, neviem. Keď som tam premýšľal, keď som tam stál tých zopár radostných momentov a myslel som, "Nie je žiadne zajtra." Nebolo žiadne včera, nie je žiadna nemoc, nie je žiaden smútok. Nie je žiadne "trochu šťastia", ale celé množstvo šťastia, to je všetko len šťastie. Ó! Ó, keď som tam stál a povedal som, "Čo je toto?"
91 Ten Hlas povedal, "Toto je dokonalá láska a všetko, čo si kedy miloval, a všetko, čo milovalo teba je tu teraz s tebou."
92 "A ty nás predstavíš Pánovi Ježišovi, keď On príde, ako trofeje tvojej služby."
Videl som tam tie krásne ženy, ako tam stáli, objímali ma a volali, "Môj vzácny, milovaný brat!"
Videl som tam tých mužov s hustými vlasmi ako bežali, objímali ma a hovorili, "Náš vzácny brat!"
A ja som si pomyslel, "Čo má toto znamenať?"
On povedal, "To je tvoj ľud."
93 Povedal som, "Môj ľud? Sú ich milióny, nemôže byť toľko Branhamov."
94 On povedal, "To sú tvoji obrátení." Haleluja! "To sú tvoji obrátení. Oni sú tí, ktorí... " Povedal, "Vidíš tú, ktorá stojí tam?" To bola tá najkrajšia žena, akú som kedy videl... Povedal, "Mala viac ako deväťdesiat rokov, keď si ju priviedol k Bohu. Niet divu, že ona kričí, ´Môj vzácny brat!´" Povedal, "Ona nebude už nikdy stará. Ona je už pomimo toho. Ona je v rozkvete mladosti. Tam stojí. Ona nemusí piť studenú vodu, ona to nepotrebuje. Ona si nemusí ľahnúť a spať, lebo ona sa nemôže ani unaviť. Nie je tu žiadne zajtra, žiadne včera, ani nič také. My sme tu vo Večnosti. Ale jedného slávneho dňa príde Syn Boží a ty budeš súdený podľa Slova, ktoré si im kázal."
Ó, brat, ja som povedal, "I Pavol bude musieť priviesť svoju skupinu?
95 Povedal som, "Kázal som To presne tak, ako to Pavol povedal. Nikdy som sa od Toho neodchýlil, nikdy som do Toho nepribral nejaké cirkevné vyznanie ani nič iné. Zostal som pri tom."
96 A všetci zvolali jedným hlasom, "My to vieme. My odpočívame v tej istote." Povedali, "Ty nás predstavíš Jemu, a potom sa všetci vrátime znovu na zem, aby sme žili naveky." Ó!
97 Až potom som začal prichádzať k sebe. Pozrel som sa, videl som tam na posteli ležať svoje staré telo, natiahnuté a zostarnuté a zvráskavené a nemocné a strápené a videl som svoje ruky za hlavou a pomyslel som si, "Ó, či sa budem musieť do tamtoho znovu vrátiť?"
98 A stále som počul ten Hlas, "Len sa tlač napred! Tlač sa napred!"
99 Povedal som, "Pane, vždy som veril v Božské uzdravovanie, budem tomu ďalej veriť. Ale budem napredovať pre tie duše, tak mi pomôž. Budem ich tam mať mnoho... Nechaj ma žiť ešte dlhšie a privediem do neba ďalší milión, ak len Ty dovolíš."
100 Je mi jedno akej farby, akého vierovyznania, akej národnosti, alebo čím oni sú; oni sú všetci jedno, keď sa tam dostanú. Tie staré hranice pominuli. Ó, môžem vidieť tie ženy, také krásne, nikdy som nevidel... dlhé vlasy im viseli na chrbát, mali dlhé šaty siahajúce až dolu. Boli bosé. Vidím tých mužov s tými hustými vlasmi, červenovlasých, čiernovlasých a všetkých iných farieb. A oni ma objímali. Mohol som ich cítiť. Cítil som ich ruky. Boh je mojím Sudcom a táto otvorená svätá Kniha; mohol som ich cítiť tak, ako môžem cítiť svoje ruky na mojej tvári.
A oni ma objímali, nebolo tam pri tých ženách cítiť žiadne vzrušenie, ako by to bolo tu. Je mi jedno, akí ste svätí, kto ste, aký si kazateľ, kňaz, alebo čokoľvek by si mohol byť; nie je žiaden muž, ktorý by mohol objať ženu bez toho, že by nemal pri tom ľudské vzrušenie. To je presná pravda. Ale, brat, keď prejdeš odtiaľto tam, tam to už takto nie je. Ó! Je to tak... ó, tam je... je to tam nemožné. To je všetko láska. Každý je skutočným bratom a každá je skutočnou sestrou. Nie je tam žiadna smrť, žiaden smútok, žiadna žiarlivosť, vôbec nič, nič tam nemôže vstúpiť. To je všetko dokonalosť. To je to, o čo zápasím. To je to, do čoho mám byť umiestnený.
101 Povedal som, "Ó, Pane, kvôli tomu som tu v cirkvi, pokúšam sa ju postaviť na poriadok." Poviem ti, brat a sestra, je len jedna vec, ktorá tam môže vstúpiť; to je dokonalá láska. Nie to, že ste verní Branhamovej modlitebni, alebo Metodistickej cirkvi, alebo Baptistickej cirkvi, to je v poriadku, to by ste mali byť. Ale priatelia, ó, vy musíte... Nie to, že ste hovorili v jazykoch, tancovali v Duchu, nie to, že ste vyháňali démonov, alebo hýbali vierou horami. To všetko je v poriadku, lebo to je v poriadku, ale až dokiaľ tam nie je tá dokonalá láska... Bolo to tam, kde dokonalá... [Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]
...v ktorom sme aj obdržali dedičstvo...
(Čo my dedíme? Večný Život)...predurčení súc...
102 Ako? Rozumie to každý? Či ste vy volali na Boha? Boh volal na vás. Žiaden človek nikdy Boha nehľadal. To je Boh, ktorý hľadá človeka. Ježiš povedal, "Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne ak ho prv nepritiahne Môj Otec." Vidíte, to je ľudská prirodzenosť utekať od Boha. A vy teraz hovoríte...
103 To je to, čo ma trápi, keď kážem vám, ľudia: Nezostávajte v tom istom stave, v ktorom ste doteraz chodili, premeňte sa teraz! Počúvajte ma, lebo to hovorím ako TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Nikdy som sa takto nenazval, to ja nie som. Ale vy ste ma nazvali svojím prorokom, alebo prorokom. Svet tomu verí, ten svet naokolo, milióny a milióny a milióny ľudí. Hovoril som priamo alebo nepriamo ku desať alebo dvanásť tisícom ľudí, alebo viac. Videl som desiatky tisícov videní, divov a zázrakov a nič z toho nikdy nezlyhalo. A to je pravda. On mi predpovedal veci, ktoré nikdy neodbočili od presného naplnenia sa. Môžem s týmto zastať pred súdom s ktorýmkoľvek človekom. To je pravda. Ja netvrdím že som prorok, ale počúvajte ma.
104 TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, bude potrebná dokonalá láska, aby vás preniesla na to miesto, lebo to je všetko, čo tam bolo. Nezáleží na tom, koľko náboženských prejavov, koľko dobrých skutkov ste urobili, alebo čokoľvek ste urobili, to nebude počítané za nič v ten deň. Bude potrebná dokonalá láska. Takže čokoľvek robíte, odložte nabok všetko ostatné, až kým nebudete tak naplnení láskou Božou, že budete môcť milovať tých, ktorí vás nenávidia.
105 Ja som len, ako som jedného rána povedal, bol som učinený... Celé moje odenie je milosť. Mnoho ľudí hovorí, "Poškrab ma po chrbte, a potom ťa ja poškrabem. Áno, urob niečo pre mňa a potom ja urobím niečo pre teba." To nie je milosť. Milosť je to, že ak ťa svrbí chrbát, tak ja ho jednako poškrabem, či ty poškriabeš mňa alebo nie. Možno ma udrieš do tváre a povieš, "môj chrbát potrebuje poškriabať," tak ja ho poškriabem. Vidíte? To je to, urobte niečo. Ja neverím v skutky, ja verím, že skutky sú láska. Skutky sú prejavom, že milosť zaujala miesto. Ja nie som verný svojej manželke preto, že by som vedel, že sa so mnou rozvedie, ak by som jej nebol verný; ja som jej verný preto, lebo ju milujem.
106 Nekážem Evanjelium preto, že si myslím, že pôjdem do pekla, ak by som ho nekázal; kážem Evanjelium preto, lebo Jeho milujem. Určite. Myslíte si, že by som prechádzal tými búrlivými moriami a tie lietadlá sú zmietané hore a dolu a všade okolo sa blýska a deje sa všetko možné a takmer každú minútu každý vykrikuje "Zdravas Mária", prechádza to lietadlom a takéto veci...tí ľudia si zapínajú bezpečnostné pásy a pilot hovorí, "Máme paliva už len na pätnásť minút a nevieme, kde sa nachádzame." Myslíte si, že by som to robil len...len aby som mal nejakú zábavu? Ha. Myslíte si, že by som sa vrátil tam do tej džungle, kde sa museli tí nemeckí vojaci postaviť každú noc okolo mňa a doprevádzali ma na tie zhromaždenia a z nich, až kým Duch Svätý nezačal činiť zázraky? Komunisti tam sedeli s infračervenými zameriavačmi, aby ma zastrelili i zo vzdialenosti jednej míle. Myslíte si, že by som to robil len pre zábavu? Je to preto, že niečo je vo mne, láska. Sú tam ľudia, za ktorých Kristus zomrel. Pavol povedal, "Ja som ochotný nielen ísť hore do Jeruzalema, ale ja tam idem, aby som bol ukrižovaný. Idem tam, aby som zomrel. Idem tam, aby som zomrel pre Pána." Je to niečo... láska, ktorá vás núti. To je presne tak.
107 Ak by som kázal Evanjelium za peniaze, ak by to tak bolo, nemal by som dnes večer dlh dvadsaťtisíc dolárov. Nebol by som v dlhu. Nie veru. Lebo ja by som potom zobral niekoľko z tých miliónov, ktoré mi boli ponúkané. Jeden človek, jeden človek ku mne poslal agenta FBI so šekom na milión päťstotisíc dolárov. Povedal som, "Vezmite to späť." Nie za peniaze, to nie je za peniaze. Ja nekážem Evanjelium za peniaze, to nie.
108 Je to kvôli láske. Tá vec, ktorú chcem robiť je, keď tam prekročím a vydám svoj posledný dych, čo môže byť za päť minút od teraz, môže to byť o dve hodiny, môže to byť o päťdesiat rokov od teraz. Ja neviem, kedy to bude. Ale keď to nastane a ja tam prídem, chcem vidieť tých ľudí v rozkvete mladosti ako bežia a kričia, "Môj milovaný brat, môj brat!" To je to, čo je v mojom srdci. To je ten dôvod. Ja sa nesnažím nesúhlasiť s vami, aby som bol odlišný, ale snažím sa vás postaviť na cestu, ktorá je správna. To je tá cesta dovnútra. Nie vaša cirkev, nie vaša denominácia, ale vaše narodenie v Kristovi. Ó!
...v ktorom sme obdržali dedičstvo, predurčení súc podľa preduloženia toho, ktorý pôsobí všetko podľa rady svojej vôle.
109 Počúvajte, o pár minút zakončíme. Počúvajte pozorne, predtým, ako zakončíme.
Aby sme boli na chválu Jeho slávy, my, ktorí sme sa prv nadejali v Kristovi...
110 Sledujte toto teraz pozorne. Oblečte si svoje rúcha, rúcha Evanjelia, majte svoje uši otvorené, počúvajte pozorne. Som pri 13.verši.
...ktorí sme sa prv nadejali v Kristovi, v ktorom aj vy, počujúc slovo pravdy,
("Viera prichádza z počutia Slova... [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: "Božieho" – pozn.prekl.]...v ktorom aj vy, počujúc slovo pravdy...
111 Čo je pravda? Božie Slovo. Je to tak? Ján 17:17, vy, ktorí si zapisujete miesta Písma, Ježiš povedal, "Posväť ich, Otče skrze Pravdu, Tvoje Slovo je Pravda."
..v ktorom aj vy, počujúc slovo pravdy, evanjelium svojho spasenia...
112 Čo to bolo za spasenie, o ktorom sa im snažil povedať? Predurčení pred založením zeme (je to pravda?) do adopcii za synov, predurčení do Večného Života. No, potom, keď ste prišli do Večného Života, keď ste zostali spasení, posvätení, naplnení Svätým Duchom, ste synovia. Boh vás teraz chce umiestniť do správnej pozície, ó, aby ste mohli pracovať pre Jeho Kráľovstvo a Jeho slávu.
113 To je Evanjelium. Najprv sme počuli Slovo, "Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov." To berie od vás preč všetky vaše hriechy, keď vzývate Meno Pána Ježiša Krista, lebo tá zasľúbená zem... To zasľúbenie je pre každého spolupútnika s ktorým ste na tej ceste. Ak si odišiel zo svojho domu dnes večer ako hriešnik a povedal si si, "Pôjdem do Branhamovej modlitebni," tak Boh ti dáva príležitosť dnes večer. Je len jedna vec, ktorá leží medzi tebou a zasľúbenou zemou. Čo je zasľúbená zem? Duch Svätý. To, čo ležalo medzi Jozuom a zasľúbenou zemou, to bol Jordán. Presne tak.
114 Mojžiš, ktorý bol predobrazom na Krista, viedol tie deti hore smerom k zasľúbenej zemi, no Mojžiš nevoviedol tie deti do zasľúbenej zeme. Jozue tam voviedol ten ľud a rozdelil tú zem. Ježiš zaplatil tú cenu, priviedol ich rovno k Duchu Svätému. Boh zoslal dolu Ducha Svätého a On umiestňuje cirkev do poriadku, každého človeka a napĺňa ho Prítomnosťou Svojej Bytosti. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Všetko v Kristu Ježišovi, ako to Boh predurčil k vyvolaniu skrze toto Evanjelium.
115 Pavol hovorí v Galaťanom 1:8, "Ak by prišiel ku vám anjel a kázal by niečo iné, nech je prekliaty." Pravda, Evanjelium... No, počúvajte pozorne, ako budeme čítať ďalej, dokončíme ten verš.
...evanjelium svojho spasenia, v ktorom aj,...
(Počúvajte pozorne)...uveriac, zapečatení ste Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia...
116 V tých posledných dňoch, Biblia hovorí... Sledujte. V tých posledných dňoch tam budú dve triedy ľudí. Jedna z nich bude mať Pečať Božiu, tá druhá znamenie šelmy. Je to pravda? Koľkí to viete? No, ak Pečať Božia je Pečať... Ak je Pečať Božia Duch Svätý, potom bez Svätého Ducha je to znamenie šelmy. A Biblia hovorí, že tie dva duchy budú tak blízko, že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. To sa ale nikdy nestane, lebo oni sú vyvolený do Večného Života. Vidíte? Cirkev pôjde ďalej ako obyčajne...
117 Desať panien vyšlo stretnúť Pána, všetky posvätené, všetky sväté, každá jedna z nich bola posvätená. Päť z nich bolo váhavých a nechali svoje lampy vyhasnúť. Päť malo olej vo svojich lampách. "Hľa, Ženích prichádza." A tých päť malo olej vo svojich lampách a vošli na svadobnú večeru. A tie ostatné boli zanechané vonku, kde bol plač a nárek a škrípanie zubov. Buďte pripravení, lebo neviete, v ktorej minúte Pán príde. Majte... Čo reprezentuje olej v Biblii? Ducha Svätého.
118 No, ak ste dnes bratia adventisti siedmeho dňa, ktorí hovoria, že siedmy deň je Božia pečať, ukážte mi jedno miesto Písma, ktoré to dokazuje. Biblia hovorí, že Pečať Božia je Duch Svätý. Sledujte toto. Sledujte teraz ten 13. verš.
...v ktorom aj uveriac, zapečatení ste Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia...
119 Otvorme Efežanom 4:30, myslím, že to je ono. Pozrime sa, či je to to isté, 4:30. Efežanom 4. kapitola a 30. verš. Áno, tu je to, 4:30.
A nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení ku dňu vykúpenia.
120 Ako dlho? Keď vy skutočne, skutočne prijmete Ducha Svätého, dokedy vám to vydrží? Do ďalšieho prebudenia? Alebo dokiaľ ti stará mama neskríži cestu? Alebo dokiaľ na teba šéf nenakričí? Až do dňa tvojho vykúpenia. Haleluja!
121 Potom, čo ste zomreli, potom, čo ste vkročili do tej zeme, stojíte tam so svojimi milovanými a stále ste naplnení Duchom Svätým. Písmo... Vy ste práve takí, ako teraz, len ste sa premiestnili do iného tela. Vy ste len zmenili svoj dom. Tento tu zostarel, nemohli by ste na neho pribiť šindle, trámy sú zhnité. To je pravda. Tak vy ste len odhodili tú starú vec a nechali ste ju zhniť a premiestnili ste sa do novej. Je to pravda? "Lebo ak tento pozemský stánok bude zborený, máme iný, čakajúci."
122 Pamätáte sa, ako sme to minule preberali? Keď to malé dieťa je vyformované v lone matky a tie malé svaly kopú a skáču... Ale akonáhle tá matka rodí to dieťa a ono prichádza na zem, tá prvá vec, tam je duchovné telo, aby sa ujalo toho malého prirodzeného tela. Možno ten lekár to urobí takto [Brat Branham tleskol rukami. – pozn.prekl.], alebo takto ním zatrasie, a potom "uááá, uááá, uááá!" A hneď ho priložia k prsníku matky a ono začne "am, am, am", takto pohybuje svojou hlavičkou hore a dolu na prsníku matky, aby to podnietilo tie mliečne žily priniesť mlieko.
123 Malé teliatko, akonáhle ono vyjde zo svojej matky, behom pár minút sa postaví na svoje kolená. Čo ono urobí? Pohne sa rovno späť, uchopí sa svojej matky a začne takto triasť svojou hlavičkou, aby dostalo svoje mlieko. Haleluja! Tak veru.
124 Keď toto prirodzené telo prichádza na zem, je duchovné telo, ktoré naň očakáva.
125 A keď toto prirodzené telo skonalo (haleluja!), je telo, ktoré tam čaká. My sa len presúvame z jedného do druhého, my meníme svoje miesta bývania. Toto smrteľné musí obliecť nesmrteľnosť, toto duchovné. Toto porušiteľné oblieka neporušiteľnosť. Toto je staré, zvráskavené, zhrbené telo, ale ono vôbec nezmení svoj vzhľad, mám na mysli, keď sa ono dostane tam. Vy budete mať stále toho istého ducha.
126 Dovoľte, nech vám podám niečo, čo sa vám bude zdať pokrútené, ale to je Biblia. Potom vám dám niečo, čo vám to vyjasní. Sledujte toto. Keď starý Saul, kráľ, ten starý, veľký denominačný kazateľ tam v tom čase, viete, ktorý mal hlavu a plecia ponad všetkých, on sa bál, on nevedel nič o tom nadprirodzenom. Dávid musel prísť a vyslobodiť tú ovečku z tlamy leva, zabiť Goliáša. Sledujte ho. On sa dostal tak ďaleko od Boha, že až nenávidel toho fanatického kazateľa. Namiesto toho, aby sa mu pokúsil pomôcť, on sa obrátil proti nemu. Ak to nie je presne ten obraz dnes, to je presný obraz: on sa od neho odvrátil.
127 Koľkí z vás tu boli, keď som odchádzal na svoju prvú cestu a kázal som, "Dávid zabíja Goliáša," keď som odchádzal? Mnohí, niektorí, zopár z vás veteránov. Chystám sa ku tomu znova vrátiť. Pamätáte sa, čo sa tam udialo minulú nedeľu? To prechádza rovno do ďalšej fázy. Dávidova druhá kampaň, druhá fáza jeho služby. To je presne tak. On sa potom stal kráľ nad Izraelom. Všimnite si tú službu, ako teraz prechádza do väčšej fázy, stáva sa väčšou, tak ako pri Dávidovi. Všimnite si toto, ako on prichádza, Dávid. Ó, keď Boh tam mal Dávida, aby zabil leva, všimnite si, zabil medveďa, potom zabil Filištína... Potom prišiel čas, kedy Boh poslal zlého ducha na toho starého muža. A teraz prečo, kvôli čomu? Aby nenávidel Dávida. A ja verím...
128 Teraz vy, pri tých páskach... Počúvajte, bratia, vy, pri tých páskach; ak so mnou nesúhlasíte, odpustite mi. Ja vás milujem. Ja vás tam každopádne stretnem, lebo ak si muž Boží, každopádne ťa tam stretnem. Ale chcem povedať toto, tu je ten dôvod: Len preto, že Saul videl, že Dávid má niečo, čo on sám nemá... Čo sa potom stalo?
129 Taký malý ryšavý výrastok... Biblia hovorí, že bol ryšavý. To nebolo veľmi pekné dieťa, "ryšavý," to je len taký výrastok A on tam vyšiel a Saul... Keď si on obliekol Saulovu výstroj, predstavujem si, ako mu ten štít sahal až dolu k chodidlám. A on povedal, "Dajte tú vec zo mňa dolu!" No, možno mu dal nejaký doktorský titul, PhD alebo LLD, alebo niečo také, viete. On povedal, "Ja o tom nič neviem, lebo ja som to neokúsil. Nechajte ma vziať si toto, s čím viem, čo robím." Tak veru. On si vzal prak.
130 A ony doviedli Saula do šialenstva, pretože tie dcéry, cirkvi; tie cirkvi spievali, "Saul mohol zabiť svoje tisíce, ale Dávid zabil svoje desaťtisíce."
131 A potom on začal žiarliť, "Tie nezmysli o Ježišovom Mene, na tom nič nie je." Tak je to. A čo mu urobil Boh? Boh na neho poslal zlého ducha, aby nenávidel Dávida a on nenávidel Dávida bez príčiny.
132 Dávid mu mohol niekoľko krát vykrútiť krk. On mohol, ale on to len nechal tak. On nikdy nič nepovedal. Isteže to on mohol urobiť. Jednej noci išiel a odrezal mu kúsok z kabáta a vrátil sa a povedal, "Pozri, vidíš?" Tak veru, on to mohol urobiť, ale on ho len nechal tak. On mohol rozbiť jeho zhromaždenie a roztrúsiť ich a založiť svoju vlastnú organizáciu, ak by chcel. Ale on to neurobil, on nechal Saula pokračovať. Nechajte Boha, nech On bojuje. Tak veru.
133 Takže ako on pokračoval a tá kampaň sa skončila, ten zlý duch prišiel na Saula v takej miere, že on nemohol dostať od Boha žiadnu odpoveď. Po nejakom čase on... Duch Boží odišiel od neho. A starý Samuel, ten, ktorého oni zavrhli, ten, ktorý bol skutočne tým Hlasom Božím ku nim; ten, ktorý im to povedal ešte predtým, ako oni vôbec chceli jednať ako ten svet...
134 Prečo chce cirkev jednať ako ten svet? Prečo letniční, pokrstení, metodisti s prežitím Ducha Svätého a baptisti a presbyteriáni chcú jednať ako ten svet? Prečo to robia? Ja neviem. Ja... ja tomu nerozumiem. Hovoríte, "No, to nie je zábava hrať poker, to je len trocha pre zábavu, len trocha vsadiť (peniaze)," akokoľvek to nazývate. To je hriech. Nemali by ste mať tie veci doma. "No, to mi neuškodí vypiť takýto malý pohár piva tam vonku. Ja budem... Vypili sme ich len zopár. Ja a moja žena si popoludní dáme zopár." A za chvíľu zistíte, že vaše deti si dajú zopár. Isteže je to tak.
135 A vy, ženy, diabol urobil... To je to, čo on urobil na začiatku a on si samozrejme urobil terč z vás, sestry. On to robí tak, že len... Lebo on vie, čo môže spôsobiť. On môže zviesť ženu tisíc krát rýchlejšie ako muža. Viem, že to zraňuje vaše pocity, ale to je pravda. To je presne tak. To je to, čo on urobil v záhrade Eden. On môže urobiť... No, ona bola čestná, on bola úprimná, ale ona bola zvedená. "Adam nebol zvedený," Biblia hovorí. On nebol zvedený, ale ona bola zvedená. Takže on ju dokáže zviesť. A stále pastori budú ordinovať ženy za kazateľky, postavia ich nad nejakým zhromaždením a Biblia to odsudzuje od 1.Mojžišovej po Zjavenie. Hovoríte, "No, to je v poriadku. To je v poriadku. Ony majú... Ony vedia kázať tak isto ako ktokoľvek." Viem, že to je pravda.
136 Ako raz niekto začal hovoriť v jazykoch, ja som len kázal ďalej. A keď som potom vyšiel von, nejaká žena povedala môjmu synovi, "Mám posolstvo, ktoré by som chcela predniesť zajtra večer," povedala, "keď tvoj otec príde na pódium."
On povedal, "Posolstvo? Čo máš na mysli?"
137 A toho večera na konci zhromaždenia, keď som bol pripravený zvolať výzvu k oltáru, ona si zopla svoje vlasy hore a vytiahla si punčochy a tak ďalej, pripravila sa, vyskočila do stredu a začala vyskakovať hore a dolu, hovoriť v jazykoch a prorokovala. Ja som len ďalej kázal, robil som výzvu k oltáru. Ja som to ani trochu nerešpektoval, to nebolo správne. Tak potom... no, Biblia hovorí, "Duchovia prorokov sú podriadení prorokovi." Boh je na... keď Boh hovorí z pódia, tak Ho nechajme hovoriť. Pavol povedal, "Ak je niečo zjavené jednému, nech je ticho, kým to druhý nedohovorí." To je pravda.
138 No keď som vyšiel von, títo ľudia povedali, taká veľká skupina ľudí, oni povedali, "Ty si dnes večer zarmútil Ducha Svätého."
Povedal som, "Čím? Čo som urobil?"
139 Oni povedali, "Keď tá sestra prinášala posolstvo. Haleluja, ona povedala..."
"Ale," povedal som, "ja som kázal. Ona postupovala nesprávne."
140 "Ó", oni povedali, "to bolo čerstvé, rovno od Trónu. To bolo čerstvejšie ako to, čo si ty kázal." Ach.
141 No, to len ukazuje... to ukazuje buď toto... a hovorím vám to s rešpektom; je to buď šialenstvo, alebo nerešpektovanie, alebo nedostatočná náuka; oni nevedia o Bohu viac ako vie králik o snežných topánkach. Ja to nehovorím ako nejakú hlúpu poznámku, lebo toto nie je miesto na žartovanie. Ale to je úplná pravda. Človek by mal vedieť, že Boh nie je autorom zmätku. On je autorom pokoja. Oni nepoznajú Bibliu. Všetko, čo oni vedia, je skákať hore a dole, hovoriť v jazykoch a hovoria, "Mám Ducha Svätého, haleluja!"
142 Bol som v Afrike a videl som čarodejníkov, bolo ich päťtisíc a hovorili naraz, skákali hore a dolu, krv mali na svojich tvárach, hovorili v jazykoch a pili krv z ľudskej lebky, vzývali diabla a hovorili v jazykoch.
143 A pritom hovorenie v jazykoch je dar Boží, ale to nie je neomylný dôkaz Ducha Svätého. Dovoľte mi, nech vám to teraz poviem. Ja verím, že všetci svätí pod inšpiráciou hovoria jazykmi. Ja verím, že človek môže byť niekedy pod takou inšpiráciou od Boha, že bude hovoriť v jazykoch. Verím tomu. Ale ja neverím, že to je nejaký znak, že máte Ducha Svätého. Tak veru. Verím, že je taký čas, keď máš vieru a môžeš ísť a položiť svoje ruky na nejaké malé dieťa, ktoré má rakovinu, potom, čo sa za neho modlilo päťdesiat kazateľov, a ono bude uzdravené; lebo tá matka mala vieru za to dieťa. Boh jej to dal, ona je údom Tela Kristovho. Tak veru. Verím tomu. Videl som, že sa to dialo a viem, že je to pravda. Ale to, o čo ide, je doviesť cirkev do poriadku, usporiadať ju tak, aby sme mohli pracovať.
144 Zakončime ten zbytok toho verša predtým, ako pôjdeme.
...potom, čo ste to prijali, zapečatení ste Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia...
145 "Pečať." Čo je tá pečať? Čo je pečať? Pečať, po prvé, to ukazuje, že to je dielo, ktoré bolo dokončené, dokončené dielo. Za druhé, to ukazuje vlastníctvo. A za ďalšie, to ukazuje bezpečnosť, zachováva to.
146 Povedzme, napríklad, ja som pracoval pre Pennsylvánske železnice, pracoval som tam s mojím otcom na železnici. Nakladali sme vagóny. My sme ich nakladali v tej baliacej spoločnosti, nakladali sme plechovky a niektoré sme uložili sem hore, niektoré tu dolu a niektoré zase tam. Ale predtým, ako ten vagón bol zapečatený, prešiel cez to inšpektor a postrčil týmto, vrazil do tohoto, zatriasol týmto. "Ach, to je nanič. To sa celé porozbíja ešte predtým, ako sa to tam dostane. To je nanič. Vyložte to von. Naložte to znova." Ten inšpektor ten vagón neprepustil.
147 Duch je Svätý je Inšpektor. On s tebou trochu zatrasie a ty s rachotom padáš. Veríš celému Slovu Božiemu? "Ja neverím tým starým veciam ´v mene Ježiša´." To nie je nanič! Ty sa trasieš, rozumieš? "Ja neverím v Božské uzdravovanie, ani v nič také." Stále sa trasieš. Vyber to von. Či veríš, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera... "No, istým spôsobom" Ty sa trasieš. Vykopni to. To stále nie je pripravené. Tak veru.
148 Brat, keď si pripravený povedať "Amen"... Obdržal si Ducha Svätého? "Amen!" Bolo všetko dokonané? "Amen!" Čo robí potom ten Inšpektor? Všetko je zbalené, dobré a pevné, plné Evanjelia. Ó, každé Slovo Božie je dobré. Všetko je dokonalé. "Verím každému Slovu. Amen! Amen! Amen!" Veríš, že Boh stále uzdravuje? "Amen!" Veríš, že Ježiš je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky? "Amen!" Veríš, že Duch Svätý je práve tak skutočný ako bol vždy? "Amen!" Veríš, že ten istý Duch, ktorý padol na Pavla, padá na nás? "Amen!" Veríš, že to spôsobuje pri nás tie isté veci ako tam pri nich? "Amen!" Ó, ó, je to stále pevnejšie. Vidíte, on sa teraz stáva pevným a my sme pripravení zatvoriť dvere. V poriadku.
149 Potom ten inšpektor zatvára dvere. Čo on robí? On na to dáva pečať. Potom on ide dolu a berie tie malé kliešte a tú plombu a pečatí to. Radšej by ste to nemali lámať. Ten vagón, ak jeho cieľ je Boston, tá pečať nemôže byť narušená. Bolo by to priestupkom s následkom uväznenia, keby sa tá pečať narušila predtým, ako sa to dostane do Bostonu. A tú pečať môže otvoriť len človek, ktorý na to má autoritu, jedine on. To je pravda. Je to vlastníctvom určitej železničnej spoločnosti. To je ich pečať. Je to ich uistením, že ten vagón bol naložený, že je pripravený. Patrí to im. Oni by tam nemohli dať pečať B&O na vagón spoločnosti Pennsylvania. Vy musíte byť zapečatení, a keď je to zapečatené...
150 A keď je kresťan naložený Evanjeliom, naplnený Božou dobrotou, všetky dobré veci Božie ležia v ňom, má otvorené srdce, je pripravený pracovať, ochotný byť umiestnený do pozície a urobiť všetko, čokoľvek mu Duch Svätý povie, aby urobil, prešiel zo smrti do Života, je posvätený od všetkých vecí tohoto sveta, kráča vo Svetle, ako to Svetlo ku nemu prichádza, hýbe sa ďalej; on je vtedy pripravený. Potom Boh za ním zatvára dvere toho sveta, takto ním zatrasie a pečatí ho Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia. Haleluja! Na ako dlho? Až do miesta určenia. Nevyťahujte to von na tú železničnú trať a nenarušujte tú pečať a neotvárajte to, aby ste znova pozreli, či to je všetko v poriadku. Je to všetko v poriadku, len to nechajte tak. Ten Inšpektor na tom už urobil inšpekciu. Na ako dlho ste zapečatení? Až do dňa vášho vykúpenia. Na tak dlho ste zapečatení.
151 "No, a keď zomrieš, brat Branham, čo potom, keď zomrieš, povedal si, že to stále budeš mať?" Vy to máte naveky. Kde začal ten Život? Pri oltári. Rovno tam vidíte kúsok tieňa. To je ten tieň, Pečať Ducha Svätého. Potom to je tieň tieňa tieňov, ako som to minule povedal. Ale keď zomriete, vy idete ďalej cez tie tiene, až prichádzate k vlhkosti, od vlhkosti ku kvapkajúcemu prameňu, od prameňa k potoku, od potoku k rieke, od rieky do oceánu lásky Božej. Vy ste jednako tou istou osobou.
152 Pozrite sem. Starý Saul, ten starý odpadlík, on sa nedokázal dostať k Bohu, hoci nebol stratený. On určite nebol stratený. On bol prorok, ale on sa len dostal mimo Boha. To je ten dôvod, bratia, že som povedal, "Vy nie ste stratení." Tak potom pamätajte, on sa len dostal mimo vôli Božej, tak potom tou prvou vecou bolo, viete, že on nesúhlasil. No, možno som to nemal hovoriť. V poriadku, kážem dnes večer pred šťastným zhromaždením. Tak potom, viete, tá prvá vec, viete, ó, on potom išiel k urím a thummím.
153 Viete, čo bolo tým urím a thummím? To bol náprsník, efod, ktorý nosil Áron. A to bolo vždy...Boh bol vždy nadprirodzeným Bohom, ktorý odpovedal nadprirodzenými spôsobmi. A keď nejaký prorok prorokoval, a to tajomné svetlo neprechádzalo cez urím a thummím, on bol falošný. Keď mal niekto sen, a to svetlo sa na tom urím a thummím nemihotalo, je mi jedno, ako dobre to znelo, bolo to falošné. To je pravda.
154 A je mi jedno, aké množstvo doktorských titulov máš a aká je veľká tvoja organizácia, keď prorokuješ alebo kážeš a nie je to podľa tohoto Slova, tak si v blude, brat. Ty si... toto je Božie urím a thummím. Keď poviete, že ste neboli predurčení pred založením sveta, to svetlo nebude mihotať, lebo Biblia hovorí, že ste boli. Keď poviete, že by ste mali byť pokrstení na meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, to sa nebude mihotať, lebo nikto nikdy nebol v Biblii pokrstený takýmto spôsobom, jedine vo Meno Pána Ježiša. To sa nebude mihotať, takže tam niekde bude niečo nesprávne.
155 Takže to urím a thummím nemohlo odpovedať starému Saulovi a on nemohol mať ani sen. On bol tak ďaleko preč, že on nemohol mať ani sen. Tak viete, čo on urobil? On išiel dolu ku veštici a táto stará veštica, stará diabolská čarodejnica tam dolu, on jej povedal, "Môžeš mi vyveštiť?"
156 Ona povedala, "Áno, ale Saul povedal, že zabije každého, kto bude veštiť."
157 On povedal, "Ja ťa ochránim. On bol prezlečený za lokaja. On povedal, "Vyvolaj mi hore zo sveta mŕtvych, ktorí prešli odtiaľto tam." No počúvajte toto. "Vyvolaj mi ducha proroka Samuela."
158 A ona išla veštiť. A potom, keď to urobila, ona padla na svoju tvár, povedala, "Vidím bohov vystupovať hore." Vidíte, ona bola pohanka, "Bohovia," dvaja alebo traja, ako Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý, alebo niečo také, viete. Ona povedala, "Vidím bohov vystupovať hore."
159 On povedal, "Opíš mi ho. Ako vyzerá? Ako vyzerá?"
160 Ona povedala, "Je chudý a má plášť na svojich ramenách." On sa ani trochu nezmenil.
161 On povedal, "To je Samuel. Priveď ho na toto miesto, priveď ho sem predo mňa."
162 A sledujte to, kedy Samuel prichádza pred Saula, on povedal, "Prečo si ma zavolal, keď vieš, že si sa stal nepriateľom Božím?" Sledujte to. On bol nielen stále Samuelom, on mal stále toho prorockého ducha. Len povedzte, že to nie je pravda, nech niekto povie, že to nie je pravda. To je pravda. On bol stále prorok. Lebo on povedal, on prorokoval a povedal, "Zajtra bude vojna proti tebe, a ty a tvoji synovia padnete zajtra v boji a zajtra o tomto čase večer budeš so mnou." Je to pravda? On bol stále prorok.
No, vy poviete, "Ó, ale to bolo cez čarodejnicu."
163 V poriadku, poviem vám o Niekom, u koho to nebolo cez čarodejnicu. Ježiš raz vzal Petra, Jakuba a Jána a vyšli hore na Vrch Premenenia a oni stáli na vrchu tej hory. A Ježiš... Boh umiestňoval Svojho Syna do Jeho pozície, ako som sa to jedného večera pokúšal predstaviť, umiestnenie syna na jeho pozíciu. A keď tam oni vyšli, poobzerali sa a zistili, že tam stál Mojžiš a Eliáš. Oni sa spolu zhovárali, mali obecenstvo, neboli to nejaké poletujúce malé biele zástavky alebo vlastne malé biele obláčky, vznášajúce sa, ale oni boli mužovia a zhovárali sa. Mojžiš bol pochovaný v neznámom hrobe po osemsto rokov. A Eliáš išiel domov na voze pred päťsto rokmi. A oni tu boli obaja, stále takí živí, ako boli vždy, stáli tam a rozprávali sa s Ním predtým, ako On išiel na Golgotu. Haleluja! "Zapečatení až do dňa nášho vykúpenia."
164 Poponáhľam sa a potom zakončíme, lebo je už neskoro a my sa budeme modliť za chorých asi ešte päť minút. 14. verš, domnievam sa, že sme čítali 13. verš, aby sme tomu dali pozadie.
... ktorí sme sa prv nadejali v Kristovi,
v ktorom aj vy, počujúc slovo pravdy, evanjelium svojho spasenia...
165 No, pamätajte, aké oni mali spasenie? Toto boli Efezskí kresťania. Oni... No, pozrite, všimli ste si Korinťanov? On im vždy musel hovoriť, "Keď prichádzam medzi vás, jeden má jazyk, jeden má jazyk, jeden má žalm, jeden má proroctvo, jeden má..." Vidíte, on ich nič nemohol vyučovať, lebo oni si vždy žiadali toto, to alebo tamto. Títo ľudia mali to isté, ale oni to mali na poriadku. On nikdy nevyučoval Korinťanov niečo takéto, on to nemohol. Tá cirkev nebola v takom poriadku, aby ich to mohol vyučovať. Ale týchto ľudí on mohol vyučovať tú skutočnú vec.
...evanjelium svojho spasenia, v ktorom aj uveriac, zapečatení ste Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia,
ktorý je závdavkom...
(ó, nech toto nevynechám)...závdavkom nášho dedičstva na vykúpenie Božieho nadobudnutého vlastníctva, na chválu jeho slávy.
(Och!)166 Čo je Duch Svätý? No, ja veľmi rýchlo prečítam ten zbytok toho, ak toľkoto so mnou strpíte. Kde sme skončili minulý večer, brat Mike? Tam, kde boli oni všetci šťastní, ó, všade panoval pokoj, to bola dokonalá láska. No, zakaždým, ako idete touto cestou dostávate malú kvapku. Zakaždým, ako urobíte krok, prichádzate o centimetre bližšie. Keď ona prichádza dolu na zem, vy dostávate tieň tieňa tieňa tieňov. To je práve toľko, koľko Ducha Svätého máte v sebe. To je láska. Ale, ó, vy túžite po niečom.
167 Ó, či by starší ľudia nechceli... "Ako rád by som sa chcel vrátiť a mať zase pätnásť, dvadsať. Ó, dal by som za to čokoľvek." K čomu by mi to bolo dobré? Mohol by som mať dnes večer pätnásť a mohol by som dnes večer zomrieť. Je to neisté. Čo ak by ste mali dnes večer pätnásť, ako viete, či bude ešte vaša matka žiť alebo nie, keď prídete domov? Ako viete, či sa dostanete domov alebo nie? Ako viete, či budete ešte zajtra žiť, ak by ste mali dvanásť a mali dokonalé zdravie? Môžete zahynúť pri nehode, padnúť mŕtvy, môže sa vám čokoľvek stať. Je to neisté, tu nie je nič isté. Ale vy túžite po tom. Čo je to? To je tam hore, to, čo spôsobuje, že po tom túžite.
168 Keď do toho vstúpite, máte Večný Život. Čo sa to stalo? To je "závdavok."
169 Čo je peňažný závdavok za niečo? Keby som prišiel k vám kúpiť auto, povedal by som, "Koľko stojí to auto?"
170 Vy poviete, "Toto auto by ťa, brat Branham, stálo tri tisíc dolárov."
"A koľko je záloha?"
"No, dám ti to za päťsto dolárov."
171 "V poriadku, tu je päťsto dolárov. Prinesiem ti zvyšok, čo najskôr, ako budem môcť. Podrž mi to auto. Dávam ti päťsto dolárov, to je závdavok. Je to v poriadku?"
172 No, zachovajte to v mysli, to je závdavok, to je záloha.
...zapečatení ste Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia,
(Duchom zasľúbenia, potom, čo ste boli zapečatení)ktorý je...
(čo je táto pečať zasľúbenia, ktorú zasľúbil Duch Svätý?)...ktorý je závdavkom nášho dedičstva na vykúpenie Božieho nadobudnutého vlastníctva,...
173 Čo je to? To je záloha. Brat, ó, ak je toto záloha, čo to bude potom, keď sa dostaneme... čo to potom bude. Ak je toto... ak toto, z čoho sa teraz radujeme a sme tak šťastní, ak... videl som deväťdesiatročných ľudí, ktorí nemohli...
174 Videl som jedného starého kazateľa, ktorý povstal jedného večera a prišiel takto na pódium, povedal som, "Tento starý človek ide kázať?"
175 On povedal, "Sláva Pánovi!" Starý farebný brat s veľkým dlhým kazateľským plášťom.
176 Povedal som, "Prečo nenechali kázať niektorých z tých mladých kazateľov? Taký starý človek, ako on vôbec môže kázať?"
177 On povedal, "No," povedal, "bratia," povedal, "dnes som počul kázať bratov celý deň," povedal, "o tom, čo Ježiš urobil na zemi. Ja vám poviem, čo On urobil v nebi." Povedal, "Dnes večer si vezmem text z Jóba 7:27." Povedal, "Keď tam dávno, na druhej strane, pred založením sveta," povedal, "keď On povedal, že ranné hviezdy spievali spolu a synovia Boží kričali od radosti." Takto ďalej pokračoval... Povedal, "Viete, tam sa vtedy niečo dialo." povedal, "Viete..." A on to začal predstavovať od toho, čo sa dialo na nebi. On to predstavil a prešiel až do horizontálnej dúhy v druhom príchode. V tej chvíli ho uchopil Duch Svätý. No oni museli toho starého brata vyprevadiť von, on mal asi deväťdesiatpäť rokov. On bol takýto zhrbený, asi takto a mal len malý pramienok vlasov, viete, takto. On tam vyšiel a začal kázať, povedal, "Jupí! Haleluja! Sláva!" Začal vyskakovať takto hore a dolu. Povedal, "Ó, vy nemáte pre mňa dosť priestoru, aby som kázal." Takto skákal hore a dolu ako len mohol. A to je len závdavok. Ó!
178 Čo činí Duch Svätý? Ó, tu je jedno dobré miesto. Dovoľte mi, aby som prečítal ten prvý verš nasledujúcej kapitoly. Môžem? Je to v poriadku? Povedzte "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen!" – pozn.prekl.] V poriadku. Prvý verš 2.kapitoly, rýchlo, počúvajte.
Aj vás,
[angl.: "aj vás oživil" – pozn.prekl.],ktorí ste boli mŕtvi vo svojich previneniach a vo svojich hriechoch...
179 "On vás oživil." Čo znamená oživil? "Učinil živými." Takmer mŕtvi, ale On vás oživuje len skrze ten závdavok. Čo to potom bude, keď skutočne dostanete všetky tie dividendy? Ó! Niet divu, že Pavol, ktorý bol vychvátený do tretieho neba, povedal, "Čo oko nevidelo, ucho nepočulo, ani čo na srdce človeka nevstúpilo, čo Boh pripravil pre tých, ktorí Ho milujú." Čo to potom bude? Hovoríte o nevysloviteľnej radosti plnej slávy. Och, hmm. Vy, ktorí ste raz boli mŕtvi v hriechu a prestúpeniach, On vás spolu oživil skrze tieň tieňa tieňov. Čo to potom bude? Keď sa dostanete z toho tieňa tieňov do tieňa, potom z tieňa do potoka, z potoka do rieky a z rieky do oceánu?
180 A čo to potom bude, keď budete tam v takom štádiu vykúpenia s úplne novým telom, ste premenení znova na mladého muža alebo mladú ženu, už nikdy viac nezomriete. A vy sa pozriete dolu na zem a pomyslíte si, "Mohol som sa radovať z hrozna a dobrej studenej vody, ale vieš, ja to tu nepotrebujem." Ale jedného dňa príde Ježiš a toto anjelské telo, táto teofánia, v ktorej teraz žijem, to nepríde viac skrze lono ženy, to už viac nepríde skrze sexuálnu žiadosť, ja budem vzkriesený bez toho. Ale pretože On sa narodil bez sexuálnej žiadosti, ja budem vzkriesený bez toho. A On jedného dňa prehovorí a mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú a to telo, v ktorom som raz žil, bude vzkriesené do osláveného tela a ja budem kráčať a hovoriť, budem žiť a radovať sa (haleluja!) zo života v Kristu Ježišovi, našom Pánovi, cez tie slávne veky, ktoré majú nastať. Tu to máš, brat, to je Evanjelium.
181 "Preto ja..." Pavol im len hovorí, čo on je. Budem čítať ten zbytok z toho a potom sa budeme modliť za chorých. "Až kým vlastníctvo, toto je závdavok toho vlastníctva, na chválu Jeho slávy."
Preto i ja, keď som počul o viere u vás,...
(počul som, že ste uverili tým veciam. Počul som, že ste skutočne uverili v predurčenie, Večný Život a spasenie a tak ďalej.)...o viere v Pánu Ježišovi, a o láske naproti všetkým svätým,
neprestávam ďakovať za vás zmieňujúc sa o vás na svojich modlitbách,
žeby Boh nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, Otec slávy, ráčil vám dať ducha múdrosti a zjavenia pravým poznaním jeho,...
(On sa vám len ďalej celý čas zjavuje, rastiete od milosti k milosti, od moci k moci a od slávy k sláve. Nepadáte dozadu, ale od slávy k sláve, idete stále napred. Budem sa stále za vás modliť.)
Osvietené oči vašej mysle...
182 Hmm. Viete, Biblia hovorí, že ste slepí a neviete o tom. Ale Pavol tu povedal, "Budem sa modliť, aby oči vašej mysle..." Vy zrozumievate vašim srdcom. To je to, o čom on hovorí. Vy sa dívate svojimi očami, ale vidíte svojim srdcom. Viete to. V poriadku. "Aby ten Boh slávy..." Pozrime sa teraz na ten 18. verš.
Osvietené oči vašej mysle, aby ste vedeli, čo a jaká je to nádeja jeho povolania a čo a jaké je bohatstvo slávy jeho dedičstva medzi svätými
a čo tá nesmierna veľkosť jeho moci, vzhľadom na nás...
(Och! Oni hovoria, že moc je preč?Tá moc ešte neprišla.) nás veriacich podľa pôsobenia sily jeho vlády,
"Vy, ktorí ste uverili pôsobeniu sily Jeho vlády, modlím sa, aby Boh na vás vylial Svoju moc." Vidíte?
Ktorú spôsobil v Kristovi vzkriesiac ho z mŕtvych a posadiac po svojej pravici v ponebeských oblastiach
nad každé kniežatstvo a nad každú vrchnosť a moc a nad každé panstvo a nad každé meno, ktoré sa menuje...
183 Ó, ó,... nie, radšej nebudem... Mohli by sme určite na tom stráviť celú noc.
...a nad každé meno, ktoré sa menuje nielen v tomto veku ale i v budúcom...
184 Čo je každé... čo je to meno, ktoré bude niesť každá osoba? [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Ježiš" – pozn.prekl.]. Celé nebo je pomenované "Ježiš". Celá cirkev je pomenovaná "Ježiš".Všetko je nazvané "Ježiš", lebo to je jediné meno, ktoré Boh kedy mal. On je nazvaný Jehova, Jehova-jirech - Pán, ktorý si zaopatrí obeť; Jehova-rafa - Pán, ktorý ťa uzdravuje; Jehova-manasses - Pán, môj prápor, Jehova a rôzne názvy Jehovu. On je nazvaný Ranná Hviezda. On je nazvaný Otec, On je nazvaný Syn, On je nazvaný Duch Svätý. On je nazvaný Alfa, On je nazvaný Omega. On je nazvaný Počiatok, On je nazvaný Koniec. On je nazvaný Výhonok. Ó, On je nazvaný mnohými titulmi, ale On má jedno Meno.
185 To je to, o čom hovoril Matúš, keď povedal, "Choďte a učte všetky národy, krstiac ich vo Meno (nie mená), vo Meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého." Otec nie je meno, Syn nie je meno, Duch Svätý nie je meno. To sú tituly toho Mena. To je Meno troch atribútov, ktoré patria jednému Bohu. Čo bolo Jeho Meno? Ten Anjel povedal, "Nazveš Jeho Meno... [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Ježiš" – pozn.prekl.], lebo On zachráni Svoj ľud od ich hriechov." To je ten dôvod, prečo oni všetci v Biblii takto krstili. Takto svätý Augustín pokrstil kráľa Anglicka asi stopäťdesiat alebo dvesto rokov po smrti Kristovej; vo Meno Ježiša Krista. V poriadku.
...nad každé kniežatstvo a nad každú vrchnosť a moc a nad každé panstvo a nad každé meno, ktoré sa menuje nielen v tomto veku ale i v budúcom.
A všetko poddal pod jeho nohy a jeho dal za hlavu nado všetko cirkvi,
ktorá je jeho telom...
186 No, ak by moje telo malo moc nad všetkým, potom to, čo je moje telo, to som ja. Je to pravda? To je to, čo ja som; to je to, podľa čoho ma poznáte. Je to pravda? No, potom všetko, čo bol Boh, On vlial do Ježiša, lebo On bol plnosťou Božstva telesne. Je to pravda? A všetko, čo bol Ježiš, On vlial do cirkvi. "Tieto veci, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť to všetko. Dokonca väčšie ako tieto budete činiť, lebo Ja idem k Otcovi."
...ktorá je jeho telom, plnosťou toho, ktorý si naplňuje všetko vo všetkom.
187 Ó, ako to milujem! Ako to milujem! Pred pár dňami som čítal jednu knihu, kde bolo napísané o ceste do Afriky, ako som tam išiel slúžiť. Nikdy som to predtým nečítal. Koľkí ste čítali tú knihu, "Prorok navštevuje Afriku"? Díval som sa tam na malého indiánskeho chlapca. Koľkí ste videli tú fotografiu?
188 Počul som jedného evanjelistu, ktorý sa modlil za chorých pätnásť rokov alebo viac, povedal, "Nikdy v živote som nevidel stať sa zázrak." Povedal, "Videl som ľudí, ktorí mali bolesti hlavy, boli uzdravení. Videl som ľudí, ktorí hovorili, že majú bolesti brucha, boli uzdravení a tak ďalej. Ale zázrak, niečo, čo bolo stvorené a niečo učinené..."
189 Myslel som, že ten človek tam mal stáť a vidieť to. Noha toho indiánskeho chlapca bola asi takto hrubá, jedna z nich. Tá druhá noha bola normálna, ako normálna ľudská noha. A ak si všimnete tú jeho oporu, tá jeho noha bola asi o štrnásť alebo pätnásť palcov väčšia. On tam mal na spodku takú železnú platničku. Jeho topánka bola upevnená na dvoch dlhých trubkách na ktorých stál. On vyšiel tam, kde som ja stál, oni ho tam doviedli. Mal dve barle. Vzal tú veľkú železnú topánku a ona takto buchla o zem. Pozrel som sa na jeho nohu, bola asi takto hrubá.
190 No, tí ľudia sú mohamedáni. Pamätáte si minulú nedeľu, ako som vám čítal, čo museli napísať tie noviny? Mám to tu rovno z Afriky, poslali mi to po misionárovi, ktorý sa tam vrátil, brat Stricker. Tam je ten článok, ako sa Billy Graham odtiahol. To je presne tak. Tam bol mohamedán, ktorý ho strčil rovno do mora. Čo sa deje? Misionári opúšťajú pole. Aký má význam zostať tam dlhšie, oni sú proste bičovaní.
191 Milujem brata Billyho Grahama, myslím, že on je skvelým mužom Božím. Ale to, s čím mal Billy Graham na neho vyjsť, on mal povedať, "Počkaj chvíľu..." Keby mu to dovolili urobiť niektorí z tých naškrobených baptistov, verím, že on by to urobil. Verím, že Billy Graham je Boží muž. Ale ak by on povedal, "Počkaj. Ja som kazateľ Evanjelia. Ty veríš v Starý Zákon a povedal si, že Ježiš nebol nič iné, len človek. Vyzývam ťa k debate." Ja neverím v prijímaní diablových výziev, nie veru. Ale ja by som ho vyzval späť a povedal by som, "Zíďme sa spolu. Ja som doktor teológie" Billy Graham je doktor teológie. Dovoľ mi, aby som ťa k tomuto vyzval a dokázal ti, že Ježiš je Kristus. No, keď ide o Božské uzdravovanie, ja nevlastním tie dary, ale niektorí bratia to majú. Ak by si chcel priviesť tých ľudí sem, dovoľ mi, nech zavolám aspoň jedného, Orala Robertsa alebo niekoho, kto má nejakú veľkú službu, kto by tam určite prišiel." On by sem prišiel, a potom by ste videli, čo by sa dialo, povedal by, "kresťanstvo nie je to, čo si o tom myslíte."
192 No, každý sa cítil sklamaný, lebo on len odišiel a nechal ho tak. Samozrejme, ja neverím, keď vám diabol dáva výzvu. Tiež by som mu napľul do tváre a odišiel od neho preč. To je pravda. Ale keď to prichádza ku tomu, že.... Billy mohol spôsobiť, že by sa ten mohamedán cítil ako malý úbožiak. On mohol vziať Bibliu a ukázať Izaiáša 9:6 a povedať, "O kom on hovoril, ´Dieťa sa nám narodilo a Syn nám je daný´? Kto bol tento Muž? O kom on hovoril? Kto bol tento Prorok? Kto bol tento Mesiáš, ktorý mal prísť? Ukáž mi, kde sa On prejavil v Mohamedovi. ´Bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho a Jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení.´Ukáž mi to na Mohamedovi. Kedy on volal, ´Môj Bože, môj Bože, prečo si ma opustil? Prebodli moje ruky aj nohy,´ a tak ďalej? Ukáž mi to v tvojom slove, v tvojom vlastnom zákone." On by toho mohamedána tak utĺkol, až by nevedel, kde stojí. Tak je to.
193 Ale keď ste tie noviny otočili, tam bolo niečo, čo spôsobilo, že moje srdce poskočilo, tam bolo povedané, "Hoci sa Billy musel vzdať a odísť, ako môžu mohamedáni povedať, že to nie je pravda," povedali, "keď kazateľ William Branham v Durbane v Južnej Afrike pri nespornom zázraku za zázrakom v Božskej moci, kedy desaťtisíc mohamedánov padlo naraz na svoje tváre a odovzdali svoje životy Ježišovi Kristovi." Absolútne. Oni o tom vedia. Tí fundamentalisti o tom vedia. Nehovorte mi o tom.
194 Raz prišiel jeden za Ježišom, povedal, "Rabbi..." viete, on bol farizeus. Povedal, "My vieme, že si Učiteľ od Boha. My to vieme. My to vieme, lebo nikto nemôže činiť tie veci, ktoré ty činíš, ak by nebol s ním Boh. My tomu rozumieme. Vieme to. Ale my to len nemôžeme vyznať (vidíte), lebo ak by sme to vyznali, no, vyhodili by nás z našej cirkvi. Vieš, stratili by sme svoju prestíž." A tak Ježiš mu začal hovoriť o tom, že sa musí znova narodiť.
195 Vráťme sa k tomu mohamedánskemu chlapcovi... keď tam on stál, je tam jeho fotografia. Fotoaparát nezachytí klamstvo. Tam on stojí, jednu nohu mal o toľkoto kratšiu (asi o štrnásť palcov), ako tú druhú, stál na tej železnej topánke. Opýtal som sa ho, "Hovoríš anglicky?"
"Nie, pane." On nevedel po anglicky.
Tlmočník povedal, "On nehovorí anglicky."
"Ako dlho to máš takéto?"
Tlmočník sa ho opýtal. "Od narodenia."
"Nemôžeš s tou nohou vôbec hýbať?"
"Nie, pane."
"Veríš v Ježiša Krista?"
Povedal, "Ja som mohamedán."
Povedal som, "Prijmeš Ježiša Krista, ak ťa On uzdraví?"
"Prijmem Ježiša Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa, ak ma uzdraví."
"Ak ťa On uzdraví, keď tá noha bude taká ako tá druhá, príjmeš Ho?"
199 Pomyslel som si, "Bože, čo budeš robiť?" Toto bola tá ďalšia vec. Všetky otázky sú zodpovedané. Brat Mike, to je ten pocit. Budem len chvíľu čakať, aby som videl, čo On povie. Pozrel som sa tam, videl som toho chlapca, ako chodí, kráča takto popri tej stene, povedal som, "Koľkí z vás mohamedánov to príjmu? Tu je mohamedánsky chlapec, pozrite na neho, postavte ho tam." Povedal som, "Vy, lekári, chcete sa na neho pozrieť? Tam stojí." Ó, vy potom viete, na čom ste. Vidíte, viete, kde stojíte. Nikto... tu on bol.
200 Povedal som, "Tadeto sa poprechádzaj, synu." Oni ho priviedli a bolo počuť "Šš-bum, šš-bum Povedal som, "Vyzerá to, že je to asi o dvanásť alebo štrnásť palcov kratšie. Asi o toľkoto.
201 Povedal som, "Ale Ježiš Kristus, Syn Boží ho môže uzdraviť. Vy, mohamedáni, či tomu uveríte a prijmete Ho ako osobného Spasiteľa?"
202 Tisíce tých čiernych rúk sa takto zodvihlo. "Ó, Pane, teraz je ten čas." Povedal som, "Nebeský Otče, ak si mi kedy odpovedal, odpovedz teraz. Toto je pre Tvoju slávu, toto je pre Teba. Modlím sa, aby si uzdravil tohoto chlapca." Takto som sa len za neho pomodlil.
203 Povedal som, "Vyzuj si tú topánku." Ten tlmočník sa na mňa udivene pozrel. Povedal som, "Vyzuj si tú topánku." Rozviazal si ju. Videl som vo videní to, čo sa má stať. On si ju vyzul. Keď ju dal nabok a vykročil ku mne, obidve nohy boli normálne a takto ku mne obaja kráčali. Povedal som, "Chceš sa prejsť tam a naspäť?"
204 Začal plakať, chodil tam a späť, on nevedel, čo robiť. Ako tak chodil, povedal, "Ó, Allah, Allah!"
Ja som povedal, "Ježiš, Ježiš!"
"Ó, Ježiš, Ježiš!", hovoril potom. "Ježiš, Ježiš!", takto.
Povedal som, "Sú nejaké otázky?"
205 Julius Stadsklev, koľkí z vás ho poznajú? Brat Stadsklev prišiel sem do zboru. Odišiel práve do Nemecka. On povedal, "Počkaj chvíľu. Brat Branham, len chvíľku." Povedal, "Môžem rýchlo priniesť fotoaparát a urobiť z neho záber?"
Povedal som, "Nech sa páči."
206 "Poď sem a postav sem svoju topánku." Takto sa tam postavil, on vzal jeho záber, s oboma nohami úplne normálnymi a rovnými ako len mohli byť. Stála tam tá jeho stará topánka s tým upevnením.
207 Povedal som, "Koľkí z vás mohamedánov teraz odmietnete Mohameda ako proroka a uveríte v Ježiša, Syna Božieho a prijmete Ho ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa?" Desaťtisíc rúk sa zodvihlo... Haleluja! Oni nechcú nejaké...
208 Oni sa to snažia zatajiť, lebo my sme fanatici, ako nás oni nazývajú. Vidíte? Tak isto, Boh sa pohybuje, umiestňuje Svoju cirkev do jej pozície. On to robí nesmierne hojne ponad všetko to, čo my dokážeme urobiť alebo pomyslieť. On je práve toľko Bohom dnes, ako On vždy bol.
209 Takže, milí priatelia, dovoľte, nech vám teraz niečo poviem. Moji milovaní vzácni ľudia, vy, v tejto krajine i v tých ostatných, všade, kam sa dostanú tie pásky, možno niekde za morom, kdekoľvek ste; nebojte sa. Všetko je v poriadku. Otec Boh, ešte pred založením sveta vedel všetko, čo sa stane. Všetko spolupôsobí na dobré. Či Ho milujete? Udržujte svoje srdce v poriadku.
210 A pamätajte, keď ten posledný dych opustí váš život; vy, starší ľudia, i vy, mladí ľudia a vy, matky, keď vidíte svoje malé deti; ako to malé dievčatko, ktoré zomrelo, keď malo osem alebo päť dní, to bude krásna žena, keď ju uvidíte. Ten starý dedko, ktorý bol celý zhrbený, on sotva videl, kam ide, keď ho uvidíte, stará mama, on bude pekný mladý muž, taký mladý, ako by mal okolo dvadsať rokov, v rozkvete svojej mladosti. A on bude takým navždy. Budete sa môcť dotknúť jeho ruky, budete si s ním môcť potriasť ruky. Objímete ho svojimi ramenami, ale on už nebude tvojím "miláčikom (manželom)", on bude brat. Ó! On bude o mnoho viac, než "miláčik". Myslíš si, že si ho milovala? Isteže si ho milovala, ale to bola láska fileo, počkaj, keď budeš mať lásku agapé. Počkaj, kým ťa zahrnie tá skutočná Božská láska a potom budeš vidieť, čo to je.
Tu je to len ako nejaké staré páchnuce smetisko, nie je v tom nič dobré, nie je na tom nič. Jediná vec, ktorú vám radím, aby ste teraz robili, je toto, moji priatelia.
211 A trochu neskôr budem... Chceli by ste, aby sme niekedy neskôr vzali tie ďalšie dve kapitoly? Pán... Musím si trochu odpočinúť predtým, ako pôjdem do Chatauqua. No, ja nemôžem na tých zhromaždeniach kázať tieto veci. Je tam príliš mnoho rozdielnych druhov vierovyznaní. Vidíte? Toto je len pre Cirkev. Vidíte? Nemôžem kázať... Ale tu mám právo kázať čokoľvek chcem. Toto je moja modlitebňa. Vidíte? A hovorím vám... No, ja verím, že tí ľudia sú spasení. Iste, skutočne tomu verím. Ale ó, o koľko lepšie sa kráča, keď viete, kde ste. O koľko lepšie to je, keď viete, čo robíte (vidíte?), namiesto potácania sa a potkýnania sa na ceste. Len sa postavme vo Svetle a kráčajme vo Svetle a vedzme, kam smerujeme. To je pravda. Nech je Pán s vami.
212 A každý jeden z vás tu, ktorý ešte nebol umiestnený do svojej pozície... Ty nemusíš byť nič iné, ako len žena v domácnosti. No, povieš, "Brat Branham, nikdy som vo svojom živote nič neurobila. Nie som kazateľ." Dobre, možno ťa sem Boh postavil za tým účelom, aby si vychovala rodinu detí, z tej môže prísť ďalšia rodina detí, a tam môže byť kazateľ, ktorý privedie milión duší ku Kristovi. Ty tu musíš byť. Ty si tu za nejakým účelom. Vedela si to?
213 No, povieš, "Všetko, čo som kedy robil, bolo len trápenie sa na poli. Pracoval som každý deň do večera, nevedel som, ako zaopatriť svoje deti. Díval som sa na tých maličkých, ako chodia bez topánok. Sadol som si a plakal. Mal som takú starú káru a išli sme s mamou do zboru." Neboj sa, brat. Len Ho ďalej miluj, On má s tebou určitý zámer. Zostaň len tak, ako si a kráčaj rovno napred. Vidíš? Možno si nikdy nekázal ani jednu kázeň, ale možno budeš pradedkom toho, ktorý to bude robiť.
214 Či ste vedeli, že Boh započítal (Pozrime sa teraz, ako sa volal?)... Lévimu, že zaplatil desiatok, keď bol ešte v bedrách Abraháma, keď sa on stretol s Melchisedechom? Koľkí to poznáte? A pozrime sa, Abrahám splodil Izáka, Izák splodil Jakoba, Jakob splodil Léviho; čiže otec, dedko, pradedko. Keď bol ešte v jeho bedrách, v semene svojho pradedka, Biblia mu započítala, že zaplatil desiatok Melchisedechovi. Ó, brat, ó, ó, ó! Ó, som...
215 Ako sa jedného večera obrátil jeden Angličan, tam v Anglicku, on povedal, "Som taký šťastný, som taký šťastný."
216 Áno, som taký šťastný, že viem, že toto je pravda. A jedného slávneho dňa, ja neviem, kedy príde ten deň, ale ak to bolo videnie... Ja nehovorím, že som tu bol. Pamätajte, držte to vo svojich mysliach, i vy, pri tých páskach. Či som bol vo videní, alebo prenesený v duchu, neviem. Ale to bolo také skutočné, ako teraz držím brata Nevilleho, práve také skutočné. Mohol som sa dívať na tých ľudí a rozprávať sa s nimi. Stála tam moja prvá žena, ona nekričala, "Manžel môj!", ona povedala, "Môj milovaný brat!"
217 Stálo tam tiež dievča, s ktorým som chodil pred rokmi. Možno niektorí z jej pokrvných tu sedia, volala sa Alica Lewis z Utica, veľmi milé a verné kresťanské dievča. Vydala sa v trochu staršom veku a mala svoje prvé dieťa a pri pôrode zomrela. Alica Lewis. Išiel som do toho domu smútku, aby som ju ešte videl. Ja som len prišiel domov a počul som, že je mŕtva. Išiel som tam, v tej miestnosti nikto nebol, povedal som, "Je tu pani..." Volala sa Emmerkeová. Vydala sa za milého kresťanského chlapca a ona bola milé kresťanské dievča. Bol som s tým dievčaťom všade, na rôznych miestach a všade, keď sme boli len deti, mali sme osemnásť, devätnásť. Milá kresťanka, nikdy som o nej nevedel nič okrem skutočného kresťanstva. A ja som bol hriešnik. Ale chodil som s ňou. Vošiel som tam do toho... A jej manžel, znovuzrodený kresťan, skutočný muž. A ja som nevedel, vedel som, že zomrela, videl som to v novinách. Išiel som tam dolu, oni mi to povedali. Išiel som tam ku Cootsovým a opýtal som sa, "Máte tu pani Emmerkeovú? Povedali, "Billy, ona je tam v tej miestnosti."
218 Išiel som tam a stál som sa pri tej truhle. Pomyslel som si, "Alica, bol som v najtemnejšom žalári, chodil som po temných cestách. Ty a ja sme sa spolu prechádzali dolu cestami až ku rieke. Keď tam mali tú divadelnú loď, sadli sme si a počúvali sme, ako hrali na tých parníkových varhanoch. Chodili sme tými uličkami hore a dolu, akou dámou si pre mňa bola. Ako ďakujem Bohu za tvoj život. Odpočívaj, moja drahá sestra, odpočívaj v Božom pokoji."
219 A toho večera v tom videní ona bežala ku mne. Povedala, "Môj požehnaný brat!" a objala ma. Ó, brat, sestra, to ma zmenilo. Už nikdy nemôžem byť taký istý. Je to tak skutočné. Je to práve tak skutočné, ako sa dívam na vás, práve tak skutočné. Tak nie je žiaden strach. Môžem zomrieť skôr, ako uplynie noc.
220 Chcem vychovať môjho malého chlapca Jozefa, tam sedí. Chcem ho vidieť za kazateľňou, keď budem môcť vziať túto Bibliu... Keď sa dostanem na to miesto, kedy uvidím Jozefa za kazateľňou kázať ako mladého muža naplneného Duchom Svätým, pomazaného, s Božím Duchom na ňom... verím, že bude prorok. Toho dňa, keď som ho videl, šesť rokov predtým, ako sa narodil, pamätáte sa, keď som vám hovoril, že príde. Pamätáte sa, keď som ho vzal na ruky rovno tu pri oltári, pri tom požehnaní detí, nevedel som, čo hovorím, povedal som, "Jozef, ty si prorok."
221 A jedného dňa, keď som stál na dvore, on prišiel ku mne a opýtal sa, "Ocko, má Ježiš takú ruku ako ty?"
Povedal som, "Áno, synu, prečo?"
222 Povedal, "Sedel som na bicykli, čakal som na Sáru (to je jeho malá sestra), keď príde domov zo školy." On sedel tam vonku, ja ho nenechám isť tam na cestu, on sedel tam vedľa. Povedal, "Pozrel som hore," povedal, "keď som sa pozrel, bola tam taká ruka, ako máš ty, s bielym rukávom, ktorý bol nado mnou." Povedal, "Ona odišla hore." Povedal, "Bola to Ježišova ruka, ktorá išla hore?" Pozrel som sa na matku, ona sa pozrela na mňa. Išli sme dolu k pani Woodsovej. Ona tu vždy sedí. Vypytovali sme sa ho na to krížovým výsluchom, čo sme len mohli. Bolo to videnie. On to videl. Keď budem môcť uvidieť ten čas, ako malý Jozef bude stáť... Dúfam, že ho uvidím oženiť sa, ak bude Pán predlievať.
223 Som starý muž, tu po krku mi visia šedivé vlasy. Poslal som... Chcem poslať ešte dva alebo tri milióny duší ku Kristovi, ak len budem môcť. To je moje odhodlanie, kázať Evanjelium do každého konca zeme. Tak veru. Pomôž mi, Bože, budem to robiť. Tak, keď uvidím prichádzať ten čas, brat Mike...
224 Keď sa pozerám na mamu, Médu, volám ju "miláčik"... Vidím, ona je... Starneme, vidím, ako jej vlasy šedivejú a vidím, ako odchádzame, zanikáme.
225 Rebeka, som tak vďační za Rebeku. Jej učiteľ hudby mi raz večer povedal, "Ó, ak takto pôjde ďalej, brat Branham," povedal, "ťažko povedať, čo bude robiť." Ona takto postupuje v hudbe. Chcem, aby bola... Chcem, aby Sára bola za orgánom, Becky za klavírom a Jozef za kazateľňou.
226 Keď budem vidieť, že sa to deje, potom ja a mama môžeme ísť svojou trasľavou chôdzou, ja so svojou paličkou..., jedného večera pôjdeme dolu po ceste a budem sa tam môcť pozrieť a uvidím môjho chlapca, ako tam stojí pomazaný Svätým Duchom a káže toto isté Evanjelium. Chcem vziať túto starú Knihu a povedať, "Synu, tu Ju máš. Je tvoja. Drž sa Jej. Nerob kompromisy s ani jedným Slovom. Zotrvaj rovno na Tom, drahý. Nedbaj o to... Je mi jedno, kto je proti tebe, kto je proti, Boh bude s tebou. Káž každé Slovo tak, ako je Tam napísané, ocko ťa uvidí tam za tou riekou." Chcel by som svoju ženu objať, vziať ju za ruku a prekročiť Jordán.
227 Do toho času, Bože, dovoľ mi verne zostať na misijnom poli. Dovoľ mi to, je mi jedno, aká je cena, alebo koľko, čo budem musieť urobiť, to alebo tamto. Nech zostanem verný Slovu živého Boha, aby, keď príde ten deň a ja tam prekročím a pozriem sa naokolo, budem môcť povedať, "Tu ste. Ó, môj vzácny priateľ, môj vzácny brat, moja vzácna sestra."
228 Mladý kazateľ, choď na misijné pole, zostaň vo výzbroji. Všetci vy, mladí kazatelia, neseďte naokolo. Neseďte len nerobiac nič. Choďte tam a získajte nejakú dušu. Robte niečo. Choďte napred, pohnite sa! Nezastavuj sa, mladý kazateľ, ty tam! Nech Boh požehná tvoje srdce.
229 On mi pripomína čas, keď som bol asi v tom veku, hádam, možno taký mladý, ako on. Mal som len niečo okolo dvadsať, keď som tam položil ten uholný kameň. Pamätám sa, zvykol som nosiť modrý kabát a dlhé biele nohavice a stál som tam a kládol som ten uholný kameň, asi pred tridsaťjeden rokmi. Pozrite, koľko som mal rokov, bol som len chlapec. Stál som tam a kládol ten uholný kameň. Nerobil som kompromis s ani jedným Slovom. Zachoval som to presne tak, ako som položil ten uholný kameň. Tam leží moje svedectvo, kam som to napísal na tú stranu z Biblie, vytrhol som to a položil na ten uholný kameň, a to tam stále leží. A nech je to napísané na stránkach Božieho večného Slova v nebesiach. Nech stojím verne až do konca.
230 Skloňme ešte na chvíľku svoje hlavy k modlitbe. Končíme tento večer, ukončujeme jednu z týchto kapitol, čo nie je ospravedlnené. Mali by ste mať ešte tú ďalšiu, ako on ide ďalej a umiestňuje cirkev na jej miesto. Niekedy vám to predstavím, ak bude Boh chcieť. Musím si teraz trochu odpočinúť, predtým ako pôjdem tam do Chatauqua na tie ďalšie veľké zhromaždenie, potom odtiaľ prejdem do Oklahomy...
1a Brother Neville, and good afternoon, evening, rather, to our precious friends, we are happy to be back here in the church tonight. It's a little warm, and so we'll try to hurry just quick as possible, to get right straight into the message.
First, we have some announcements to make and a--a special prayer request. I got your letters in back there that was given, and for the sister that feels she has tumor on brain, and there was another in Louisville, and another minister's brother, his--his father has a heart attack. And there's many, many sick people in the world today. Many are calling in, and we sure do pray for them with all of our heart that God will help us.
1b Usually about ninety-five percent of my ministry is always that praying for the sick (You see?), but I'm--I just kinda got a--kinda got a little view that... I still pray for the sick now. Remember that. That goes right on with it, but oh, if we could get the--the church where positionally set and--and get in order so we can go to work. You see? Got to get organized (See?) get everything together.
Something else just struck my heart a few moments ago. That's when a little old veteran man, one of his arms almost shot off, leg almost shot off... He's not around here to listen at me just now, but a real prince of a fellow by the name of Roy Roberson, one of our trustees here at the church and one fine, Christian gentleman... He stepped just there and said, "Brother Branham, don't forget the president." Said, "It made me feel so sorry when he stepped..." Saw on a television, him stepping off of the plane, the tears coming down his cheeks and his mouth twisting sideways... You know, he was right over there with Roy and them in that--that battle.
1c No matter if you different with him in politics, he's still our president. Yes, sir. To me, I'm--I'm neither Democrat nor Republican; I'm a Christian. But I--I tell you; I've certainly had a great admiration for--for President Dwight Eisenhower. Yes, sir. He sure has been one great man in my way of thinking. If he was running again, and I was voting, I'd vote for him again. That's right. I don't care if he was--if he was a hundred years old, I'd still be voting for him, because I like him. And let's remember him in our prayers tonight.
J. T., I certainly appreciate that nice meeting you all--you and Brother Willard had this week. If I'd have walked in from the outside, you all said, "All right, Brother Branham, now you know so-and-so," but it's better just stand outside and listen at you. Don't you see? [Brother Branham laughs--Ed.] All right. Very fine.
1d I got some offers for some churches if you all want them. If you're ready to go to pastoring now, if you got your training and, which I believe you have, and got all settled down, I got one in Oregon, and some in Washington, California, and Arizona, different places. And if you ever want to take a church or anything, why, right here's a good place to start from, right here. And there's souls crying everywhere even to the Indian reservations and whatever you want to go to. Just let us know, because I believe that you boys are anchored now. That's right. I just love to see them do that.
There's Brother Ruddell up there on the road. Going up to have meeting for him in a few days, going to have a revival, Brother Ruddell is. And I--I remember I used to push that little fellow around everywhere trying to make him get out in the harness and preach. He was so backward. He'd say, "I just can't talk." Ha. You ought to hear him. See, see? You don't know what you can do till you let Holy Spirit gets a hold of you. That's right.
1e Brother Graham Snelling in Utica and Brother Junior Jackson down there, we--we consider all them our little sister churches right with us. We're all together. We don't disagree on our doctrines; our--our hopes, our aims, our doctrines are one. We stand together just every thing together. We're just one church, and we'd sure like to have them scattered throughout. We got some in Africa, some in India, and all around over the country. We... That's where we want them, scattering the news.
And I see these young fellows coming on like Brother J. T. Parnell here, and--and Brother Willard, and them when they're coming on, young fellows when I'm getting older... If there is a tomorrow, they'll be that men of tomorrow. I don't want this message to never die. It just can't. It must live on, and I don't believe we got too much longer to bring it.
The little baby that they said was going to die, I see you've had in church all day today, sister. That's very fine. We're thankful to the Lord for that, that the Lord is gracious, full of mercy. Just keep believing what was told you right here. See? It'll be all right.
1f Now, are you enjoying teaching? You like teaching? Oh, I--I--I really think it does us good. It gives us a little rest from praying for the sick, and visions, and Divine healing. 'Course now tonight we, after the service, we'll pray for the sick again tonight. We always want to do that. Baptize anybody at any time.
How many remembers when I used to walk the power lines? Well, I've walked right through the power lines many times. Had to walk thirty miles a day through the wilderness. I had two hundred and eighty miles of line to walk. I'd go down through there, skirt in my hands, and oh, so tired, walking through them jungles and greenbriers cutting.
Meet some old farmer and set down under a tree and talk to him about being baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus. He'd say, "Well, I've always wanted to be baptized."
I said, "It ain't very far to the creek."
1g And he'd say... And I've took a many a one right down there and baptized him in the Name of Jesus. Take right on down the line just as hard as I could go. That's right. Many time in my old working clothes, baptize one, come right down off of a pole. Set up there working across the pole; I was a lineman too, working across the pole, with a man, talking to him about the Lord. He'd say, "Well, Billy, one of these days I'm coming up to your church and be baptized."
I'd say, "Why do you want to wait till then for? We're right by the river, there's plenty of water right there." Catch them right now. That's right. That's the time. Philip said...
3 The eunuch said to Philip, "Here's water, what does hinder us?" That's right. Nothing, if you're ready, that's the time. Don't let the devil get a chance to wedge something in there. Don't put off for tomorrow the things that you could do today. Tomorrow might not come for you.
I remember one time I did that, learned, taught me a lesson. I put off something that I should've done one day, and the next day was too late.
4 Now, truly, I don't want to keep you all this time, but I just get so--so wound up and I don't know. I just feeling so good, till I just get beside myself almost; I just feel so good.
Now, let us bow our heads just a moment before we approach the Word.
Our heavenly Father, Thou art the living God, ever alive. The sun that just went down, that same sun, Daniel looked at it when it set; Jeremiah looked at it setting; Adam looked at it setting; Jesus looked at it setting. And it's the same world that they lived in and walked in, and You still remain the same God.
Tonight there's many requests: a man with tumor on the brain; a sister fears the same thing. You're the only hope, Lord, there is for that. That tumor has become malignant; there's nothing can be stopped. It's way out of the reach of the hands of the doctor. But tonight we go with our little slingshot, after that Lamb to bring it back to Father's fold. In the Name of the Lord Jesus we direct our prayer to slay the lion, the tumor, the malignancy, safely to bring them to the fold.
8 And we, God, do remember tonight, our lovely President, brother--or Dwight Eisenhower. He has guided the land, Lord; he's tried to keep us out of war. He promised the Korean War would end if he had any way he could. He promised those mothers he'd bring those boys back. But he said, "For me to do it, I can't do it. I can put my efforts, but God alone will have to do it." And You was with him, Lord, and now it's all settled up. Why couldn't they have seen that in the first place? God, I pray that You'll help him. Bless that gallant soul, Lord. And we pray that You'll choose for us the leader that is to be next. Your predestinated will be done, Lord.
But the One that we are so interested in tonight, besides of our national affairs, is that great and glorious One that's coming to set up a Kingdom that'll have no end, the Lord Jesus Thy Son. Then they'll stack arms; the taps will sound, and there'll be no more wars. They'll plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them. They'll build houses, inhabit them. And there'll never be no more trouble then after that.
Bless us now as we approach the Word. And Father, Thou knowest the reason that I'm approaching the Word from this very Scripture here. It's because that I--I feel that You want me to do it this a way, that it's Your Divine will; it's in Your order; it's in the... It's the order of the day to let the people positionally find their place and be ready for the hour of battle. As our brother said in his prayer to You not long ago, "Oh, You have trained us so long, Lord." Now, Father, give us our ranks. Put us out there to what we're supposed to do, so we can be about the Father's business. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, Thy Son. Amen.
11 Had rather a wonderful afternoon this afternoon, talking to a famous doctor in Louisville, his nurse. They heard about the glorious things of the Lord. And her father is a doctor. And she came over and set in my room most the afternoon, just come in, dropped in, a wonderful person: rather a little hard, you know, kind of a staunch, real Presbyterian to start with, but left with tears running down her cheeks. Oh, I... God's got them just sticking everywhere in doctors' offices, and nurses. I don't believe there's a nurse in Norton's Infirmary Hospital that I didn't testify to about having the Holy Ghost, and asked her if she was baptized in the Name of Jesus. Not a doctor that I come in contact with, anywhere, nothing... See?
Tell them about It. You ain't got much time, brother. No matter how hard it seems here, just wait till you cross that last breath yonder and see, then you'll wish you had've done it. Yes, sir. Don't wait till that time; let's do it right now. This is the hour. Oh, they might disagree, and fume and fuss a little about it, but they don't mean it. They really don't mean it. They--they--they're all right. They go to fussing at you, just--just remember, they--they don't really mean it. They don't mean it. They just maybe been taught something, and they just hang to that, so you--you can see their idea. Don't fuss with them; don't fuss with no one, but just love them right into It. Then pray for them.
13 Well, I think we got down to the 9th verse; I'm not sure. I... That's a long ways from the 3rd chapter, isn't it, men? But oh, it's honey in the rock to me.
We were speaking now, remember, so we can get a little background again. And now, Brother Neville, you--you pull me a little bit now if I fail to see the time getting away, so I can have prayer for the sick. We want to get every little speck that we can in tonight. I want an altar call. I... Ending up on this which I may be able just to read the rest of it.
But the purpose of this, is seeing your position in Christ, seeing that it's not something that you just stumbled into, or something that might have, you merited somewhere, but it's what God did for you Himself. Not that you were so good that you went to a church one night, that some poor brother led you up to the altar, and it wasn't that. It was God, before the foundation of the world predestinated you to Eternal Life. When you get there that day, no wonder the forty--twenty-four elders laid off their crowns; everybody laid down their crown; everyone fell on their faces; they didn't have one thing they could say, no preacher, no elder, no nothing. All praise to the Lamb, God will gather in Him all things at that day. Oh, if we'd ever know and recognize Who that was, Who they crucified. Now, on the...
15 We'll start at the 8th verse, to get a little background.
Wherein he has abounded towards us in all wisdom and prudence;
Having made known to us the mystery of his will...
"The mysteries of His will..." And remember how we hung on that? How many was here this morning? Let's see. How we stuck on that, "the mystery of His will." Now, it is not just a little thing; then it's a mystery. God's will is a mystery. And each man has to seek out the will of God for his or herself, God's mystery.
How do we find out? Paul, it was known to him. He said he didn't confer with any man, no flesh and blood. He went to no school, no seminary. He had nothing to do with it. But he... It was revealed to him by Jesus Christ, Who met him on the road to Damascus in a--a Light like a Pillar of Fire, and It called him. And he went to Arabia, and there dwelt three years. Oh, don't you imagine that was some time, Brother Egan? Three years Paul was down there in Arabia, rented him a little building somewhere, walking up and down the floor with all the old scrolls. They didn't have the new ones; Paul wrote them, mostly. Right in these old scrolls, how that God, at the beginning predestinated us unto Eternal Life, how that He would send Jesus, that through this Sacrifice we'd all have a right to the Tree of Life. "Those who He foreknew, He called; those who He called, He has already justified; those who He justified, He has already glorified."
God, since the beginning of the world, predestinated us to the adoption of sons. Now, the whole creation groaning, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. Oh, I'd imagine Paul had a wonderful time. I'd like to have been there with him, wouldn't you?
18 Now, he said, "He made known to us the mystery." Get the Holy Spirit on you sometime, and start running that, and just watch how it goes. This afternoon I had, oh, about thirty minutes to study, just to look the lesson over; maybe not, I'll not say half of that, fifteen minutes between the time. And I got to running, and I thought, "The mystery, how mysterious." And the Scripture packed me back into the Old Testament, then back over into the New Testament, tied something together, see the mystery of His coming, the mystery of His will, the mystery of us setting together.
Remember, it cannot be taught in any seminary. It's a mystery. You cannot know it by education, by theology. It's a mystery that's been hidden since the foundation of the world, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.
19 Tell me, my brother, tell me, my sister, when was the time that the sons of God was ever to be manifested outside of this time now? When were there ever a time in the history, this that ma--manifest the time to deliver all nature? Nature, the nature itself is groaning, waiting for the time of the manifestation. Why, before the atonement was made, before the Holy Ghost was ever poured out, before all the--all the Old Testament, on down there, there couldn't have been manifestation. It had to wait till this time. Now, all things has been brought, coming, shaping up to a headstone, to the manifestation of sons of God coming back, and the Spirit of God coming into these men, so perfectly, until their ministry will be so close like Christ's, till it'll join Him and His church together.
20 How many ever studied the history of the pyramids? I guess maybe one lady here raised her hand. All right.
God wrote three Bibles. One of them was the Zodiac in the skies. That's the first Bible. Man was to look up to realize that God is from above. Follow the Zodiac; did you ever study it? It even gives every age, even the cancer age. It gives the beginning, the birth--the birth of Christ. What is the first figure in the Zodiac? The virgin. What's the last figure? Leo the lion. The first coming and the second coming of Christ, all of it is written in there.
Then the next Bible was written, was in stone, called pyramid. God wrote in the pyramids. If you study them, watch the ancient histories and wars, how they were built before the antediluvian destruction.
23 The third was wrote on paper, the Bible, for the great, smart intellectual world to come. Now, as God has moved down through the age, we're at Leo the lion. We're at the capping of the pyramid. We're in the Book of the Revelations at the last chapter. Science says we're three minutes before midnight. Oh, think of where we're at.
And notice, let's take the pyramid; it's easy. It runs kind of like in a triangle.
When we were down here beginning at the early age of the church, after the reformation in Luther's time, just a man to say he was a Christian, either meant his life or death. They kill him for even saying he was a Christian. Therefore to go through persecution... Every age, through every time, there's been persecution. "All that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."
In the age of Luther, it was horrible to say "a Lutheran." You was considered a fanatic and could be put to death. Many times they killed them at stakes, burn them, and everything else, for Lutherans.
26 Then the church narrowed, as like the pyramid. It come into another step of grace, which was sanctification: Wesley's time, when he protested the Anglican church, taught sanctification. It come into the minority again, then they were called a bunch of fanatics.
How many in here that was Methodist, or used to be, or was once connected with Methodist church? Half of you. Did you know the Methodist church al--almost had the Holy Ghost one time? I've went to Methodist churches and see them fall on the floor, and throw water in their face and fan them with a fan, keep the Holy Ghost from coming on them. That's right. Now, that's the truth, down in the hills of Kentucky where we had Methodists. You guys are church joiners out here. We had Methodists back there, and Baptists. We got down at the altar and beat one another in the back till we got something. We come through; we lived different after that.
But you just come up, put your name on the book, and say, "I'm a Methodist." And get the salt shaker and sprinkle a little water on you, and that's all of it. Go on out and wear shorts, makeup, run the horse races, bet, gamble, play slot machines and everything else, still good Methodists. See? That's not Methodists. That's just church joiners. That's right. Baptists, the same way, Presbyterian, on down the same way. As...
29 David duPlessis said, "Grandchildren, God don't have any grandchildren." God never had a grandchild. He's got sons, but no grandsons. That's right. You... And people that come into the Methodist church, or Pentecostal church, or Baptist church, because your mother or father was Pentecostal or Baptist, then you're a grandson. They were sons. You're a grandson. See? So God don't have anything like that. The church has a lot of that, but not--but not the--not the--not the... God doesn't.
30 Now, notice these, on down till it comes down now, as it becomes to the minority of the church. The Pentecostal age come in. That certainly cut off a lot of bumps. Then it... What did it do? It just left the Methodist and Lutheran all behind.
Now, the Holy Spirit's moved right on away from the Pentecostal age. What did they do? They organized, made themselves, "We are the Assemblies of God. We are the Oneness. We are the Twoness. We are the Church of God. We are the this, or that. You don't belong; you can't get into heaven 'less you got your name on our book." Oh, such nonsense. I don't care if you're a Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian; you put your name on the Book of Life when God puts it on there. If you were predestinated to Eternal Life, God will call you some way, somehow, some--some way or other. He sure will. "All the Father has given Me will come to Me."
No matter what church you belong to, that has nothing to do it. But the denomination will never do one thing to you, but might hinder you a lot from going on with God, but it'll--it'll never do nothing else: Congregate you together with a bunch of believers and unbelievers. Of course, you hit that everywhere you go, and they even had that in heaven. So it's all right, but you're looking to your denomination. Look to Jesus; He's the One to look to.
32 Now, as we're coming right down to... They had... How many... I believe this woman here raised her hand that she'd studied the pyramids. You know, the pyramid never was capped, was it? Never did have a capstone put on it. They never, couldn't even find it. They don't know what ever happened to it. Why? Why wasn't the capstone put on it, the headstone, the top of it? Because He was rejected when He come. He was the rejected Stone. That's right. But it will be capped. That's right. And then those stones that fit around that headstone, will have to be stones that'll be so completely like that stone, that'll fit it joint and every--everywhere. The pyramid is so perfect you can't run a razor blade between them, where them stones go together, such beautiful masonry. Some of them would weigh hundreds of tons up in the air, and so perfectly set together.
33 That's the way God's bringing His church. We're fitly joined together, one heart and one accord. Now, somebody say, "Well, the Lutherans back there had nothing." Don't you believe it. The Lutherans will come forth in the resurrection just the same as the rest will come forth in the resurrection. Baptist, Presbyterians, and all of God's children will come forth in that resurrection. And that's the reason today people say, "Oh, well, there'll be a sweeping revival that'll go out here and save a hundred million Pentecostals and all get saved, and there'll be the rapture." You're mistaken. That rapture will be hundreds of thousands; that's right; but they'll be all made up in six thousand years of salvation too, six thousand years back. Man walks in the Light as the Light comes to him; he crosses the bridges when he find--comes to them. Now, if he refuses It, then he's left in darkness. But if he keeps moving on...
34 Now, notice, then the coming of the Lord Jesus is so close at hand, until the Spirit from way down in here, just barely justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit, and now right into the time of the coming of the Headstone... The church has got to be so perfectly like Christ, until Christ and the church can unite together, the same Spirit. And if the Spirit of Christ is in you, It makes you live the life of Christ, act the life of Christ, do the works of Christ. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Jesus said that. See? Now, we're going to have... We got a ministry coming that's just exactly like the life of Christ. What does that ministry identify? The coming of the Lord.
Look at it in the world today, and watch what Khrushchev's saying, all these other great things, and great worldwide conflicts right at hand at any time, could go to powder at any second. That's right. And if that, we know that that's close. Any sensible person can read in the newspaper or listen to a radio, will know that that is close. Well, remember, Christ comes for His church before that happens. So how close is the coming of the Lord Jesus? Maybe before this meeting ends tonight. We are at the end time. Certainly true.
36 Watch the church as it's come, as it move. Just take it in your own mind, you historians, that studies history. Look at the Lutheran church under justification, coming just so freshly from Catholicism; look at it moving. Then look at Wesley coming a little closer, into sanctification, weaving into the Scriptures. Look at right in between, the Wesley. Then the next thing come in was the Pentecostal age, and the Pentecostal age with the restoration of the gifts, the spiritual gifts. Now, look at the age coming now right up to the Headstone. See what I mean? The coming of the Lord, the made known. God and all creations is waiting for the church to positionally find its place.
37 Trouble with today, I, pretty near everyone I met... I was rolled out; we was taking... I have to have a physical examination, you know, for going overseas. You missionaries and so forth, know that. When I was taking examination, they brought me out of the room there, I'd been drinking that old, looked to me like dough meal or something, and I--I'd been drinking it. And come out there, set down, and wait for a half hour, and see whether it went out of my stomach or not. I looked across there, and there was some little woman, looked like she was just about to die. She was so--little legs and little arms. And I kept moving down from this man to that man, this man to that man, getting closer to her, till I got down to where she was. She looked like poor little thing was about to die. And I got up close to her; I said, "Pardon me, madam."
She said, "How do you do?" Oh, she was so sick.
And I said, "What's wrong?"
She said, "I went to Tucson to visit my daughter. I got sick; they can't find what's wrong."
And I said, "One thing I want to ask you." I said, "I'm a Gospel preacher. Are you a Christian? Are you ready to go if that hour shall come?"
And she said, "I belong to Such-and-such a church."
I said, "That wasn't the question I asked you. Are you a Christian filled with God's Spirit and ready to go when He calls you?" The woman didn't even know what I was talking about. See? Oh, what a pitiful sight the world is in.
41 Now, "make known unto us the mysteries of His will," the coming of... Let me read you something. I was reading over... Let's turn over now to "the mystery of His will." Let's turn to Hebrews here just a minute, the 7th chapter of Hebrews, I believe it is. I'd like to read you something that would just make you feel so good when we think that we're setting together in heavenly places: Hebrews the 7th chapter.
For this Melchisedec... (Now, watch.)... King of Salem, priest of the most high God...
42 What's the mystery now? Here's the mystery, watch this. Who is this Fellow making, knowing, the mystery of His will, this Melchisedec? I'm waiting for everybody here, the Bibles still turning. Hebrews, 7th chapter, Paul speaking, same man of Galatians...
For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God... met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;
To whom also Abraham gave a part, tenth part of all; first being... interpretation, by interpretation King of righteousness... after that... King of Salem... (Who is this Fellow?)... which is, King of peace;
Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor ending of life;...
43 Who was this Man? Who was He? He never had a father; He never had a mother; He never had when He begin, or He never did have a time He'd ever die. He met Abraham coming from the slaughter of the kings. What was he doing? He went out to get Lot, his lost brother, to bring him back. And he slaughtered the kings; which, them kings had slaughtered; I believe ten or fifteen kings, and their kingdoms. But Abraham armed his servants and went after him, separated himself by night. See when he caught him? In the nighttime. Oh, brother, we're working in darkness now; the only Light we have is the Gospel Light. But he separated himself, and caught him, and brought him back. And on his road back, after the battle was over...
Let's go to Genesis 14, just a minute, to get the story more plainer. Let's go over here in Genesis, the four... I believe it's the 14th, Genesis 14. Yes, let's take Genesis 14:18, begin. Let's start just a little before that. Let's start, yeah, the 18th verse, Genesis 14:18, "And Melchisedec..." Now, that's Abraham returning now from the slaughter of the kings. Came back, on his road back, bringing back Lot, all the people that they had taken away...
45 All like David, who went and got the... What did David do? Took the little slingshot, went out, and grabbed this little lamb out of the lion's mouth. Think of a slingshot, going after a lamb. Who in the world would do that? Tell me what man in here would do it, rise up your hand. I'll tell you right quick you're wrong. You didn't see me put mine up. No, I wouldn't go after him with a .30-06, hardly. But he went after him with a slingshot, a little piece of leather like, with two strings on it, winding around. Because, and when it come time for Goliath to make his boast, he went after Goliath, and he said, "The God of heaven has let me deliver a lamb out of the mouth of the lion, out of the mouth of a bear." He knew it wasn't a slingshot. It was the power of God that went with him. He was the One that brought that lamb back.
46 And that's what we say today. God's got Davids sticking around (Yes, sir.), that's feeding Father's sheep. And once in a while a tumor will come, or a cancer will come, or something, and jump plumb out of the hands of the doctor. That won't stop that David; he'll go right on out there after that fellow, with a little slingshot of: "Ask anything in My Name; it shall be given." I don't care; doctors can laugh; and everybody else can make fun of him; he'll go after him anyhow, bringing that sheep back to the fold. Yes, sir. "It's God's child, take your hand off of him."
Knock this lion down, then the lion rose up; he grabbed him by the beard and killed him: a little bitty ruddy boy, probably weigh eighty or ninety pounds.
47 Now, watch. Melchisedec, the King of Salem, which is King of Peace, which actually Salem lays across the hill. It's the King of Jerusalem, Who it was. That's exactly Who it was, King of Jerusalem, which Jerusalem was first called Salem, which was peace; that was Jerusalem first, before it was called Jerusalem. He was the King of Jerusalem. He was the King of righteousness, the King of peace, the King of Salem. He had no father; He had no mother; He had no beginning of days; He had no ending of life; He had no descent. Ha, ho, ho, ho, ho. Who is this Fellow? Watch Him.
After the battle was over, after the victory was won, watch what He said. "And Melchisedec..." 18th verse, the 14th chapter, Genesis.
And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.
And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heavens and earth:
And blessed be the most high God, which has delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him a tenth of all.
Let's read a little farther.
And the king of Sodom said unto Abraham, Give me the persons, and take the goods for thyself.
And Abram said unto the king of Sodom, I have lifted up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heavens and earth... (Listen how he abbreviated that, hmm, how he give it to him.)
That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatch, and that I will not take any thing, (not any thing)... that... and...?... that, and that of thine, lest thou should say, I have made Abram rich:
Save only that which the young men eat,...
49 Notice, this Melchisedec, as soon as He met Abraham coming from the slaughter of the kings... The mystery of God now being made known, Who was He? Nobody... They can't find any history of Him, because He didn't have any father; He didn't have any mother; He never had any time He began; He never had any time He'd ever die; so ever Who He was is still alive. He never did have a beginning, so He couldn't have been nobody else but El, Elah, Elohim; self-existent, self-abiding, Almighty God.
Jesus had a Father; Jesus had a mother; Jesus had a beginning of days; Jesus had an ending of earthly life. But this Man had neither father nor mother (Amen.), no father nor mother. Jesus had both Father and mother. This Man had neither father nor mother. Amen. And what did He do? After the battle was over, after Abraham had took his position...
After the church takes its position, we're called to the adoption of sons by the Holy Spirit. And when each man takes his position, what God has called him to do, and stand to the end of the road, going after the lost...
52 First, Paul takes all the scare out of it. So now, if you're called, if you're not just worked up in your mind by some kind of theology; if you're really borned of the Spirit, then God predestinated you before the foundation of the world, put your name on the Lamb's Book of Life; and now we come together to set in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: "A holy people, a holy nation, a peculiar people, royal priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices unto God, that is, the fruits of our lips giving praise to His Name."
People come in and say, "Them people are crazy." Sure they are; the wisdom of God is foolish to man, and the wisdom of man is foolish to God. They're contrary, one to the other.
54 But a real Spirit-filled church, full of power of God, setting together in heavenly places, offering spiritual sacrifices, praises of God, the Holy Spirit moving among them, discerning sin, and calling out the things that's among them that's wrong, straightened out and making it flat and level... Because why? Always in the Presence of God is that bloody Sacrifice.
Now, remember, we went through it this morning. You wasn't saved by the Blood; you're kept saved by the Blood. But you were saved by grace, through faith, believing it. God knocked at your heart, because He predestinated you. You looked up, and believed it, accepted it. Now, the Blood makes an atonement for your sins.
Remember, I said, "God does not condemn a sinner for sinning." He's a sinner to begin with. He condemns a Christian for sinning. And then because He has condemned him, Christ took our condemnation. So there's no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. And if you do anything wrong, it isn't willfully. You don't sin willfully. A man that sins willfully, goes out and willfully sins, never come into that Body yet. But a man that's once in there, he's dead, and his life is hid in God through Christ, sealed by the Holy Ghost, and the devil can't even find him; he's so far back in there. He would have to come out of there before the devil can ever get in, for you are dead.
56 Tell a dead man he's a hypocrite and see what happens. Kick him on the side and say, "You old hypocrite, you..." He'll not say a word. And that's right; he'll just lay there. And a man that's dead in Christ, you can call him hypocrite, call him anything you want to; he'll never rise up about it. If anything, he'll slip off somewhere and pray for you. That's right.
But, oh, some of them's very much alive. That's what I think about; we're supposed to bury dead people. Them that's dead in Christ, we bury them in water. Sometimes we bury too many people that's alive: too much malice and strife, and there's too much in the church. But we can't separate that, but God does. He knows His people. He knows His sheep. He knows every voice. He knows His children. He knows who He can call out; He knows who He's predestinated. He knows who He's given these things to, what He's making Hisself known through. How He... God can put confidence in His children on what to do, knowing that they will do exactly. You believe God does that?
58 Why, Satan said to--to Job one day--or said to God one day, "Yeah, You got a servant."
God said, "There's none in the earth like him. He's a perfect man," had confidence in him.
Satan said, "Oh, yes, he's got everything easy. Let me have him a little while; I'll make him cuss You to Your face."
He said, "He's at your hands, but don't you take his life." See? And he done everything but take his life.
But, oh, Job, instead of... What did he do? Did he cuss God when God took his children, when he done all these evil things to him, and everything? Job didn't question. He fell on his face and worshipped (Hallelujah.), said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord." There you are.
God knowed His trust in Job. God knows how much He can trust you. He knows how much He can trust me. But what we're speaking of now is placing this child.
64 Now, when the Bible--when the battle is all over, when everything is finished, then what is the next thing we do? What is the thing we do after the battle's over? Did you know what we do? We meet Melchisedec. Let's turn, Matthew 16:16, right quick, see if that's right or not. Saint Matthew, 16th chapter and 16th verse, I'm pretty sure that's right, Matthew 16:16. Matthew 6... No, that's wrong, couldn't be that close, 26:26. 'Cause 16 here, He's talking to Simon Peter. Pardon me, I didn't mean to say that. 26:26, 'cause just the last supper, that's what I'm trying to get to. Matthew the 26th chapter and the 26th verse, now we got her; here we are, at the last supper.
And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to His disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.
And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
For this is my blood of the new testament, for--which is shed for many for the remission of sins... (S-i-n-s, sins, Christians who does things wrong)
All right, but--but listen, 29th verse...
.. I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of the fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom.
What? The same thing Melchisedec did after Abraham had got his position, set his men in order, and won the battle, and had come home, and Melchisedec come out with bread and wine. After the battle's over, then we'll eat the wedding supper with the Lord Jesus in the new world. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord. All right.
67 The mysteries of His will, according to His good pleasure... (Back over now again in Ephesians 9)... which he has purposed in Himself:
That in the dispensation of the fulness of time...
And remember that, we just passed over it: Ephesians, 1st chapter, 10th verse.
That in the dispensation of the fulness of time...
Now, we learned that the fullness of time is waiting for what? The fullness of all time, the time that when sin will cease, the time when death will cease, the time when sickness will cease, the time when sin will cease, the time when all of the perversions and perverted things that the devil has perverted will cease, when time itself shall cease. Watch.
That in the dispensation of the fulness of time that he might gather... in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on the earth; even in him:
"Gather all things through Christ..." As I said this morning, all the little nuggets that we find, these great little things, you can polish them in Genesis; you can polish them in Exodus; you can polish them in Leviticus, and bring them through; and in Revelations they'll end up being Jesus. You take Joseph; you take Abraham; you take Isaac; you take Jacob; you take David; you take any of those nuggets, those men of God, and see if you don't see Jesus Christ displayed in each one of them. "That He might gather all things into One, Christ Jesus."
71 Now, a little farther now, now that 11th verse...
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance,...
Oh, "an inheritance..." Somebody has to leave you something to inherit it. Is that right? An inheritance, what inheritance do we have? What inheritance did I have? I didn't have any. But God left me an inheritance when He put my name on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world.
Oh, you say, "Now, wait a minute, brother, Jesus did that when He died for you." No, He never. Jesus come to purchase that inheritance for me. Read the very next ver, or very next line.
I--in whom we also have obtained apparent... obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own good will:
74 God, before the foundation of the world, as we've took it down through the lesson, you people: How we seen God was self-existence, how that in Him was love. In Him was to be God; there was nothing to worship Him. In Him was to be a Father; there was... He was by Himself. In Him was to be a Saviour: nothing lost. In Him was to be a Healer. That's the attributes of Him. There was nothing there. So His Ownself, His own good counsel produced these things, that He might through this one Man, Christ Jesus, gather it all together again. Oh, eye has not seen ears not... No wonder it's a mysterious thing.
75 Look, "has predestinated us unto this inheritance..." If I'm a right inheritance of something, if God is knocking at my heart and saying, "William Branham, I called you a long time ago before the foundation of the world to preach the Gospel," I have an inheritance, an inheritance of Eternal Life. Now, God sent Jesus to make that inheritance real to me, because there was nothing I could do to--to inherit it. It was blank; it was valid; there's nothing I can do. But in the fullness of time God sent, in His Own good time, Jesus the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world. His Blood was shed, that I might go to my inheritance. To be what, what inheritance? To sonship, to be a son of God.
76 And now, this may just choke you to death. But did you know that men that are sons of God are amateur gods? How many ever knowed that? How many knows that Jesus said so? The Bible, Jesus said, "Did not your law say itself that you are gods? And if you call them gods..." Which, God said in Genesis 2 that they were gods, because they were--had full domain over the dominion of the world. He give him dominion over all things. And he lost his godship; he lost his sonship; he lost his domain; and Satan took it over. But, brother, we are waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God, who will come back and take it over again. Waiting for the fullness of time, when the pyramid gets up to the top, when the full sons of God will be manifested, when the power of God will walk out (Hallelujah.) and will take every power that Satan's got away from him. Yes, sir, it belongs to him.
77 He's the Logos that went out of God; that is true; that was the Son of God. Then He made man that little god. And He said, "If they call those who the Word of God came to, the prophets, if they call them gods who the Word of God came to..." And God said so Himself that they were gods. He told Moses, "I made you a god, and made Aaron your prophet." Amen. Whew. I--I may act like a religious crank, but I'm not. Oh, when your eyes can come open and see those things...
All right. He made man a god, a god in his domain. And His domain goes from sea to sea, from shore to shore. He has the control of it.
And when Jesus came, being the one God without sin, He proved it. When the winds blowed, He said, "Peace, be still." Amen. And when the tree, He said, "No man eat from thee."
"Verily, I say unto you, you, that's little gods, if you'll say to this mountain, 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said."
80 Go right back to Genesis, to the original; what is it? Now, the world and nature is groaning, crying; everything's a moving what? For the manifestation of the sons of God, when true sons, born sons, filled sons speak and their word is backed. I believe we're on the border of it right now. Yes, sir. Say to this mountain, let it be so.
"Brother, I--I desire so-and-so, a certain thing done. I'm a believer in Jesus Christ."
"I give it to you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ." Amen. There's a manifestation.
"Oh, brother, my crops are burning up out yonder. I haven't had any rain."
"I'll send you a rain in the Name of the Lord God...?... bless your crop." Oh, waiting, groaning, all nature, waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God. God ordained it at the beginning. He gave man the domain.
85 He gave Jesus Christ, and Jesus gave it in His Name, with this assurance, "Ask the Father anything in My Name, and I'll do it." Oh, Brother Palmer. Waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God, the position, the church...
As I said, the Book of Ephesians is the Book of Joshua, and Joshua placing the people where they belong. Now, if they wouldn't stand still, and he put Ephraim here, and said he run over on Manasseh's land. And this one would come back a fussing and stewing, how they ever going to get along? When one said, "I'm a Baptist; I'm a Methodist; I'm a Pentecostal; I'm oneness; I'm twoness; I'm So-and-so." how you going to do it? Stand still.
God's wanting to place His church, sons and daughters of God. God, let me live to see it, is my prayer, so close till I can just feel it with my hands almost, look like; it's right there. That's what I've longed to see, waiting for the time when walk down the street; there lays a cripple laying there from his mother's womb, "Silver and gold have I none...?..." Oh, waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God (Hallelujah.), when God will make Hisself known, when they'll stop sickness, they'll stop cancer, they'll stop diseases.
88 You think cancer's something? The Bible said there's coming a time when men will rot right in their flesh, and the buzzards will eat off of carcasses before they even die. Cancer's a toothache to what's a coming. But, remember, that horrible thing was forbidden in that day to touch those who had the Seal of God. That's what we're striving for now, to get in and be positionally placed into the Kingdom of God before these horrible plagues strike. Oh, how good. The dispensation of time, fullness of time, the i--inheritance...
In whom we also... obtained... inheritance, being predestinated...
89 How was our inheritance given to us, through what? Predestination. Predestination is foreknowledge. How did God know He could trust you to be a preacher? His foreknowledge. "Not he that willeth or he that runneth, or he... It's God that showeth mercy." That's right. Predestination, He knew what was in you. He knowed what was in you before you even come on the earth. He knowed what was in you before there was ever a earth for you to come on. That's--that's Him. That's the infinite God, the infinite. We're finite; we can only think finite.
90 It's been so much to me since that what happened to me, I don't know. When I think there, when I stood there for those few joyful moments, and thought, "There's no tomorrow." There was no yesterday; there's no sickness; there's no sorrow. There's no little bit of happiness, then a whole lot of happiness; it's all happiness. Oh, my. Oh, when I stood there, and I said, "What is this?"
That Voice said, "This is perfect love, and everything that you ever loved and everything that ever loved you is here with you now."
"And you'll present us to the Lord Jesus when He comes, as trophies of your ministry."
I seen those beautiful women standing there, all grabbing me and screaming, "My precious, darling brother."
Seen those man with that shaggy hair around their neck here, running, grabbing me, and saying, "Our darling brother."
And I thought, "What does this mean?"
He said, "They're your people."
I said, "My people? There couldn't be that many Branhams; there's millions..."
He said, "They're your converts." Hallelujah. "They are your converts. They're the ones that..." Said, "You see that one standing there?" The most beautiful woman I ever seen... Said, "She was a past ninety years old when you led her to God. No wonder she's crying, 'My darling brother.'" Said, "She'll never be old no more. She's passed from that. She's in the splendor of youth. She's standing here. She can't drink a cold drink of water; she don't need it. She can't lay down and sleep, 'cause she don't get tired. There's no tomorrow, no yesterday, nor nothing. We're in eternity now. But some glorious day the Son of God shall come, and you will be judged according to the Word that you preached to them."
Oh, brother, I said, "Will Paul have to bring his group?"
"Yes, sir."
I said, "I preached It just exactly like Paul said It. I never divvied; I never took into any church creeds or anything else. I stayed the same."
And all of them screamed with one accord, "We know that. We're resting with assurance." Said, "You will present us to Him, and then we'll all go back to earth again to live forever." Oh, my.
97 Just then I started coming to. I looked, laying there on the bed, and I seen my old carcass here, getting old and wrinkled, and drawed up, and--and diseased up, and afflicted, and I seen my hands behind my head, and I thought, "Oh, will I have to go back in that thing again?"
And I kept hearing that Voice, "Keep pressing on. Keep pressing on."
I said, "Lord, I've always believed Divine healing; I'll keep believing it. But I'll press for them souls, so help me. I'll have so many there I'll... Let me live Lord, and I'll put another million in there, if You'll just let me live."
100 I don't care what color, what creed, what nationality, what they are; they're all one when they get there. Them old boundary lines has passed away. Oh, I can see those women, so pretty, never seen... with lo--long hair way down their back, long skirts way down. They was barefooted. See them men with shaggy hair around their neck, redheads, blackheads, and all different colors. And they were throwing their arms around me. I could feeled them. I felt their hands. Jud--God is my Judge, and this sacred Book open, I could feel them just the same as I feel my hands on my face.
And they was throwing their arms around me, no sensation of women like would be now. I don't care how holy you are, who you are, what kind of a preacher you are, priest, or whatever you might be; there's no man can let a woman throw his arms around her, without having a human sensations. That's exactly the truth. But, brother, when you pass between here and yonder, it ain't that way there. Oh, my. It's so, oh, there's... It's impossible. It's all love. Everything is real brother and everything's real sister. There's no death, no sorrow, no jealousy, no nothing, nothing can enter there. It's just perfection. That's what I'm striving for. That's what I'm placing for.
101 I said, "O Lord, that's what I'm here at the church for, trying to set the church in order," telling you, brother and sister, there's only one thing that can enter that; that's perfect love. Not because you're loyal to the Branham Tabernacle, or the Methodist church, or Baptist church, them's all right; you should be. But, oh, friends, you've got... Not because you spoke with tongues, danced in the Spirit, because you cast out devils, or moved mountains with faith. That all's all right, for that's all right, but still unless that real perfect love is in there. That was where perfect love was. And that?s the only thing that?ll let you in there. That?s the only thing that can stay there, it?s the only thing there was, there. Oh my! It?s an adoption. God, before the foundation of the world.
102 Now, let?s hurry up, let?s get this one chapter through, anyhow, if possible, in the next ten minutes.
To whom we also have obtained an inheritance... (We inherit what? Eternal Life)... being predestinated...
How? Does everybody understand that? Did you call on God? No, God called on you. Some people say, "Oh, I just sought God, and sought God."
You did not. No man never sought God. It's God seeking man. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first." See, it's the nature of man to run from God. And you say now...
That--that's what bothers me though, to preach to you people; don't remain on in the same condition you've been going in; change now. Hear me as I say it, THUS SAITH THE LORD. I've never called myself this; I'm not. But you called me your prophet, or a prophet. The world believes that, the world around, millions and millions and millions of people. I've spoke directly and indirectly to ten or--ten or twelve million people, or more, directly speaking. I've seen tens of thousands of visions, and signs and wonders, and not one of them have ever failed. And that's right. He's foretold me things that's never failed to happen just exactly. I'll bring any man to trial for that. That's right. I don't claim to be a prophet, but you listen to me.
104 THUS SAITH THE LORD, it'll take perfect love to put you in that place, for that's all there was there. No matter how many, how much religious demonstrations, how many good deeds you done, or whatever you done, that won't count nothing on that day. It'll take perfect love. So whatever you do, you lay aside everything else, until you are just so filled with the love of God, till you can love those who hate you.
I'm just, as I said this morning, I was made... My whole makeup is grace. A lot of people say, "Now, you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. Yeah, you do something for me, and I'll do something for you." That's not grace. Grace is, if your back is itching, I'll scratch it anyhow, whether you scratch mine or not; you slap me on the face, and say, "my back needs itching, needs scratching," I'll scratch it. See? That's it; do something. I don't believe in works; I believe that works is love. Works is--works is the manifestation that grace has taken place.
I don't live true to my wife because I believe she'd divorce me if I didn't; I live true to her because I love her.
106 I don't preach the Gospel, 'cause I think I'd go to hell if I didn't; I preach the Gospel because I love Him. Certainly. You think I'd cross those stormy seas, and them planes diving back and forth, and lightning flashing around, and--and everything else, and most any minute... and everybody screaming, and "Hail Mary's" a going on through the plane, and everything... Them people a-swinging in them safety belts, and the pilot saying, "Enough gas to last fifteen minutes longer, don't know where we're at." Do you think I'd do that just--just for the fun of doing it? Huh. You think I'd get back out there in the jungles where German soldiers had to put their arms around me like this each night and take me in and out of the meeting, until the Holy Spirit begin to perform miracles, communists setting with night scopes, to shoot me a mile away. You think I'd do that just for the fun of it? Because something in me, love. They're humans that Christ died for. Paul said, "I'm not only willing to go up to Jerusalem, but I'm going up there to be crucified. I'm going up to die. I'm going up there to die for the cause of the Lord." It's something, love that constrains you, that makes you. That's exactly right.
107 If I'd preach the Gospel for money, if it would've been, I wouldn't have been twenty thousand dollars tonight in debt. I wouldn't been that in debt. No, sir. Because I'd have kept some of the--some of the millions that had been given to me. One man, one man sent an FBI agent with a million-five-hundred-thousand dollar money draft. And I said, "Take it back." Not for money, it isn't money. I don't preach the Gospel for money, not for that.
It's because of the love. The thing I want to do, is, when I cross that last breath yonder, which may be in five minutes from now; it may be in two hours from now; it may be fifty years from now. I don't know when it'll be. But when it does, I do arrive there, I want to see the splendor of youth running, hollering, "My darling brother, my brother." That's what's in my heart. That's why.
I don't try to disagree with you to be--be different, but I'm trying to put you on the road that's right. That's the way in. Not your church, not your denomination, but your birth in Christ. Oh, my. Whew.
109 In whom... we have obtained... inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
Listen. We're going to close in a few minutes. Listen close now 'fore we close.
That we should be to the praises of his glory, who first trusted... Christ.
In whom ye also trusted...
Watch this now, closely. Get on your jackets, Gospel jackets. Hold your ears open; listen close. I'm on the 13th verse.
In whom you also trusted, after that ye heard... ("Faith cometh by hearing the Word of...) [Congregation says "God."--Ed.]... after that you heard the word of truth...
What is Truth? The Word of God. Is that right? John 17:17, you that's taking down Scriptures, Jesus said, "Sanctify them, Father, through the Truth; Thy Word is Truth."
112 ... after you heard the truth, the Gospel of your salvation...
What was the salvation he was trying to tell them? Predestinated before the foundation of the earth (Is that right?) to adoption of sons, predestinated to Eternal Life. Now, after you come into Eternal Life, after you been saved, sanctified, filled with the Holy Spirit, you're sons. Now, God wanting to place you positionally, oh, so that you can work for His Kingdom and His glory.
That's the Gospel. Being first, hear the Word, "Repent, be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins." Taking away all your sins, calling on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the promised land... The promise is unto every sojourner that's on your road. If you left your home tonight, a sinner, saying, "I'll walk over to the Branham Tabernacle," God gives you the opportunity tonight. There's one thing lays between you and the promised Land. What is the promised Land? The Holy Ghost. What laid between Joshua and the promised land was the Jordan. Exactly right.
114 Moses, being a type of Christ, led the children up to the promised land; then Moses did not take the children in the promised land. Joshua took the people in and divided up the land. Jesus paid the price, led them up to the Holy Spirit. God sent the Holy Spirit down, and He positionally put the church in order, each man, filling him with His Presence of His Being. You see what I mean? All in Christ Jesus, how God predestinated this to the calling of this Gospel.
Paul, Galatians 1:8, said, "If an Angel come preach anything else, let him be accursed." The Truth, the Gospel... Now, listen close as we read on, finishing the verse.
.. the Gospel of your salvation: in whom also... (Listen closely)... after that ye believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,
116 In the last days, the Bible said... Now, watch. In the last days there's going to be two classes of people. One of them's going to have the Seal of God, the other one the mark of the beast. Is that right? How many knows that? Well, if the Seal of God is the Seal of... If the Seal of God is the Holy Ghost, then without the Holy Ghost is the mark of the beast. And the Bible said that the two spirits would be so close together, it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible. It'll never do it, because they were elected to Eternal Life. See? Church going just as an ordinary...
117 Ten virgins went out to meet the Lord, all sanctified, all holy, every one of them sanctified. Five were dilatory and let their lights go out. Five had oil in their lamps. "And, behold the Bridegroom cometh." And the five that had oil in their lamps went into the wedding supper. And the others was left outside , where they were weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Be ready, for you don't know what minute the Lord comes. Have... What is the Oil represented in the Bible? Holy Spirit.
118 Now, if you today are Seventh-day Adventist brethren who said the seventh day is God's seal, produce one Scripture to prove it. The Bible said that the Seal of God is the Holy Ghost. Watch this. Which, watch the 13th verse now.
.. after that you believed, you were sealed with the--with the Holy Spirit of promise.
Turn to Ephesians 4:30; I believe that's it. See if we don't get 4:30; see if this isn't the same: Ephesians the 4th chapter and the 30th verse, yeah, here it is, 4:30.
And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed until the day of redemption.
120 How long? When you really, really receive the Holy Ghost, how long is It to last you? Until the next revival? Until Grandma crosses your path? Until the boss bawls you out? Until the day of your redemption. Hallelujah.
After you have died, after you have passed into that land, that you're standing there with your loved ones, you are still filled with the Holy Ghost. Scripture... You're just as you are now, only you've got a--you've moved into another body. You've just changed houses. This one got old; you couldn't tack the shingles on it no more; the rafters got rotten. That's right. So you just turned the old thing away, and let it rot on down, and moved into a new one. Is that right? "For if this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one waiting."
122 You remember the other day, going through that? When the little baby is being formed in the womb of the mother, and its little muscles are kicking and jumping and going on... But just as soon as the mother drops the baby, and the baby's to earth, the first thing, there is a spiritual body to catch that little natural body. Maybe the doctor give it a [Brother Branham slaps his hands together--Ed.] like that, or something to shake it, and "wha, wha, wha." And immediately right to that mother's breast it'll go, "um, um," moving its little head up and down on the mother's breast, to make those milk veins bring milk.
A little calf, as soon as it's dropped from the mother, it'll get up on its little knees after a few minutes. What will it do? Move right straight back around, get a hold of that mother, and begin to shake its little head up-and-down like that, and get its milk, Hallelujah. Yes, sir.
When this natural body comes into earth, there's a spiritual body waiting for it. And when this natural body's dropped on the ground (Hallelujah.), there is one waiting yonder. We just move from one into another; we change our dwelling places. This mortal must put on immortality; this spiritual, this corruption put on incorruption. This old wrinkled up, drawed, stooped over body, but it won't change its appearance at all; I mean when it gets yonder, you'll still have the same spirit.
126 Let me give you a little something sounds twisting to you, but it's the Bible. Then I'll give you one that'll untwist it for you. Watch this one. When old Saul, the--the king, the--the old, big old denominational preacher down there that time, you know, that got head and shoulders above them all, and was afraid; he didn't know nothing about the supernatural. David had to come and deliver the lamb out of the lion's mouth, kill Goliath. Watch him. He got so far back from God; he got to hating this holy-roller preacher. Instead of being for him to try to help him, he turned against him. If that just isn't the picture exactly, exactly the picture: turned right from him.
127 How many was in here when I left on my first trip and preached, "David, a slaying Goliath," when I left? Many, some, a few of the old timers. I'm fixing to leave again on this. Remember, we see what just come around last Sunday? It's moving right into another phase. David's second campaign, second phase of his ministry. That's exactly right. Which, then he become king over Israel. Notice the ministry now is moving out into a greater phase, coming out greater. So did David.
Now, notice this as he come, David, oh, when God had David come out there and slay the lion, notice, and slay the bear, then slay the Philistine... Now, there come a time when God gave a evil spirit over to this old boy. And now, to what? To hate David. And I believe...
128 Now, these tapes... Now, listen, brethren, you on these tapes, if you disagree with me, forgive me. See, I love you. I'm going to meet you over yonder anyhow (See?), 'cause if you're a man of God, I'm going to meet you anyhow. But I want to say this: here's the reason. Just because that Saul saw that David had something that he didn't have... Then what happened?
A little old ruddy, drawed over... The Bible said he was ruddy. That wasn't a very fair child, "ruddy" is just a little old drawed up sort of a fellow. And he went out there, and Saul... When he put Saul's armor on him, I imagine the shield come plumb down over his feet. And he said, "Take this stuff off of me." All right. Now, maybe he give him a doctor's degree, a Ph.D. or LL.D., or something, you know. How he said, "I don't know nothing about that stuff, because I haven't proved it. Let me have this what I know what I'm doing with." Yes, sir. He took the slingshot.
130 And they made David mad because the daughters, the churches, the churches was singing, "Saul, might've killed his thousands, but David killed his tens of thousands."
Then he got jealous, "That old Jesus' Name stuff, there's nothing to it." That's right. And what did God do to him? God sent an evil spirit upon him (See?) to hate David, and he hated David without a cause.
David could've wrung his neck a few times. He could, but he just let it go. He just never said nothing. He sure could've done it. He went over and cut the tail of his coat off one night, come back, said, "Looky here, you see?" Yes, sir, he could've done it, but he just let him alone. He could've broke his congregation up, and scattered them, and started an organization of hisself if he wanted to. But he didn't do it; he just let Saul go on. Let God do the fighting. Yes, sir.
133 So as he went on out, and the campaign finished on, it got on, that evil spirit got so that Saul couldn't get no answer from God. After while he... The Spirit of the Lord had departed from him. And old Samuel, the one that they had turned down, the one that really was the Voice of God to them, the one that said to them before they even wanted to act like the world...
Why does the church want to act like the world? Why does Pentecostal, baptized, Holy Ghost experienced Methodists, and Baptists, and Presbyterian want to act like the world? Why do they do it? I don't know. I--I just can't understand it. You say, "Well, it's no fun to play poker, just a little bit for fun, just a little penny ante," ever what you call it. It's a sin. You shouldn't have them things in your house. "Why, it's no harm to take this little bitty glass of beer out there. Uh, we just got a few. Me and my wife has a few in the afternoon." And the first thing you know, your children's got a few. Sure it is.
135 And you women, Hmm. Devil's just made a... That's what he did in the beginning, and he certainly has made a target out of you sisters. He just does that just to... 'Cause he knows what he can do. He can deceive a woman a thousand times quicker than a man. I know that hurts your feelings, but that's the truth. That's exactly. That's what he done in the garden of Eden. He can make... Now, she was honest; she was sincere, but she was deceived. "Adam was not deceived," the Bible said. He wasn't deceived, but she was deceived. So he can deceive her. And yet pastors will go right out and ordain women preachers, put them out over flongre--congregations like that, and this Bible condemns it from Genesis to Revelation. You say, "Well, it's all right. It's all right. They got... They can preach just the same as any." I know that's right.
136 Like somebody started speaking in tongues one time; I just kept on preaching. And when I got outside, a woman said to my son, said, "I've got a message to give tomorrow night," said, "when your daddy comes on the platform." Said, "Why, a message, what do you mean?"
And that night when it got ready, when I was fixing to make the altar call, she fixed her hair all up, and pulled up her stockings and everything, got ready, jumped up in the middle of the floor and begin to jump up-and-down, spoke in tongues, and prophesied. I just kept on preaching, make my altar call. Well, I never really respect it a bit; it wasn't right.
So then, well, the Bible said not to, said, "The--the Spirit of the prophets are subject to the prophet." God's on the... God's speaking at the platform, let Him speak. Paul said, "If something be revealed to one, let him hold his peace till the next one finishes." That's right.
Now, then when I got outside, these people said, a big bunch of people, said, "You grieved the Holy Ghost tonight."
I said, "What doing? What'd I do?"
Said, "Well, when that sister gave that message. Hallelujah, said that..."
"Why," I said, "I was preaching. She was out of order."
"Oh," said, "that was fresh right off the throne. That's fresher than what you was preaching." Ha.
141 Now, that just shows the... That shows either this... And I say it to your respects, either insanity, or either disrespects, or illiterate teaching that don't know no more about God than a rabbit knows about snowshoes. Now, that, I don't say that to be a-a silly remark, because this no place to joke. But that's--that's exactly the truth. A person that would know that God's not a author of confusion. He's of peace. The Bible they don't know. All they knowed how to do is jump up-and-down, speak in tongues, say, "I got the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah."
I've stood and seen, in Africa, witch doctors and things speak, by the five thousands of them at a time, jumping up-and-down, blood all over their faces, speaking in tongues, and drink blood out of a human skull, call on the devil, and speak in tongues.
143 And yet speaking in tongues is a gift of God, but that's not the infallible proof of the Holy Ghost. Let me tell you that now. I do believe that all inspired saints speak with tongues. I believe a man sometime when you get so inspired with God till you will speak with tongues. I believe that. But I don't believe that's any sign you got the Holy Ghost. Yes, sir. I believe there's times when you have faith, a person, you can walk right up and lay hands on a little kid that's got a cancer, when fifty preachers had prayed for it, and it'd be healed; because that mother has faith for that child. God's give it to her; she's a member of the Body of Christ. Yes, sir. I believe that. I seen that done, and I know that's true. But what it is, is get the church in order, set in order so we can work.
144 Now, let's finish the rest of this verse here 'fore we go.
.. after that you receive, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise...
Seal, what is the seal? What is a seal? A seal is, first thing it shows is a work that has been completed, a completed work. The next thing it shows is ownership. And the next thing it shows is security, keeping it.
Say, for instance, I used to work for the Pennsylvania Railroad; I used to work with my father on the railroad. We would load cars. And we'd put in down here at this packing company; we'd put in tin cans. And we'd set some up here, and some down here, and some up this a way. But before that car was ever sealed, the inspector come through there, and he pushed on it, shoved on this one, shook that one. "Aw. Condemn it. They'll break all to pieces 'fore they get there. Condemn it. Take them out. Do it over." The inspector condemned the car.
147 The Holy Ghost is the Inspector. He shake you a little bit, and you rattle. Do you believe all the Word of God? "I don't believe that old Jesus' Name stuff." Condemn it. You rattle. See? "I don't believe in Divine healing or no such a thing." Still rattles, take them out. You believe Jesus Christ is the same yesterday... "Well, in some way." You rattle. Kick it out; it ain't ready yet. Yes, sir.
Brother, when it's ready to say "amen..." Have you received the Holy Ghost? "Amen." Has everything been completed? "Amen." Then what does the Inspector do? Everything's packed in good and tight, full of the Gospel. Oh, every Word of God is good. Everything is perfect. "I believe every Word. Amen. Amen. Amen." Do you believe that God still heals? "Amen." Do you believe Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever? "Amen." You believe the Holy Ghost is just as real as It ever was? "Amen." You believe the same Spirit fell on Paul falls on us? "Amen." You believe It does the same things on us it did on them? "Amen." Uh, oh, she getting tight now. See, getting tight now; we're ready to close the door. All right.
149 Then the inspector closes the door. What does he do? He puts a seal on it. Then he gets down here and gets a hold of these little pliers of a thing, reaches over there on this little thing and seals that. You'd better not break it. If them, that car, its destination is Boston, it cannot be broken. It would be an--a penitentiary offense to break that seal until it gets to Boston. And a man that has the authority can open that seal, and him only. That's right. It's owned by the certain-certain railroad company. It's their seal. It's their assurance that this car has been packed; this car is ready. It belongs to them. They couldn't put the "B&O" on the "Pennsylvania." You've got to be sealed, and when it's sealed...
150 And when the Christian is packed with the Gospel, filled with the goodness of God, all the good things of God laying in him, with an open heart, ready to work, willing to be positionally placed, do anything that the Holy Spirit tells him to do, passed from death unto Life, sanctified from all the things of the world, walking in the Light as the Light comes to him, moving on; he's ready. Then God shuts the door of the world behind him, and kicks it together like that, and seals him with the Holy Ghost of promise. Hallelujah. How long? Until the destination. Don't get him out here on the railroad track, and break it open, and see if everything's all right again. It's all right; just leave it alone. The Inspector has done inspected it. How long are you sealed? Until the day of your redemption. That's how long you're sealed.
"Well, when you die, then, Brother Branham, what about after you die, you said you still have It?" You have It forever. Where does Life begin? At the altar. Right there you see a little bit of shadow. That's the shadow, the Seal of the Holy Spirit. Then it's a shadow of the shadows of the shadows, as I said the other day. But when you die, you keep on going through those shadows until you come to moisture, from moisture to a little trickling spring, from a spring to a creek, from a creek to a river, from a river to an ocean (See?) of the love of God. You're just the same person.
152 Looky here. Old Saul, the old backslider, he could not get through to God, yet he wasn't lost. He certainly wasn't. He was a prophet, but he just got outside of God. That's the reason, brethren, I said, "You're not lost." So then you remember, he just got out of the will of God; so then the first thing you know, he--he wouldn't agree. Now, maybe I shouldn't have said that. All right, I'm just going on 'fore a happy congregation tonight. So then, you know, and the first thing you know, oh, my, then he went to the--the Urim Thummim.
You know what the Urim of Thummim was, it was the breastplate, the ephod that--that Aaron wore. And it was always, God always has been a supernatural God answering in supernatural ways. And when a prophet prophesied, and them mystic lights didn't come across that Urim Thummim, he was wrong. When a dreamer told a dream, and it didn't flash on that Urim Thummim, I don't care how good it sounded; it was wrong. That's right.
154 And I don't care just exactly how many doctor's degrees you got and how big your organization is, when you prophesy or preach, it ain't according to this Word, you're wrong, brother. You're... This is God's Urim Thummim. When you say you wasn't predestinated before the foundation of the world, she won't flash; because the Bible said you was. When you say that you ought to be baptized in the name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, it doesn't flash; because nobody in the Bible was ever baptized that way, only in the Name of the Lord Jesus. It won't flash, so there's something wrong somewhere.
155 So the Urim Thummim wouldn't answer old Saul, and he couldn't even have a dream. He was so far gone, till he couldn't even have a dream. So you know what he done? He went down to the witch, and this old witch, the old devil doctor down there, witch doctor. And he said, "Can you divine?"
She said, "Yes, but Saul said he'd kill everybody divining."
He said, "I'll protect you," dressed like a footman. He said, "Divine for me and bring me up from the world of the dead that's passed on beyond here." Now, listen to this. "Bring me up the spirit of Samuel the prophet."
And she went in to--to divine. And when she did, she fell on her face; she said, "I see gods coming up." See, she was a heathen, "gods," two or three of them, like Father, Son, Holy Ghost, or something like that, you know. She said; she said, "I see gods coming up."
Said, "Describe him. How does he look? What does he look like?"
Said, "He's thin, and he's got a mantle over his shoulders." He hadn't changed a bit.
He said, "It's Samuel. Bring him in this room; bring him here before me."
And watch when Samuel come before Saul, he said, "Why did you call me, seeing you've become an enemy to God?" And watch. Not only was he still Samuel; he still maintained the spirit of prophecy. Say it's wrong; let anyone say it's wrong. It's the truth. He was still a prophet. For he said, he prophesied and said, "The battle's going against you tomorrow, and you and your sons will fall in battle tomorrow, and by this time tomorrow night you'll be with me." Is that right? He was still a prophet.
Now, you say, "Oh, but that was a witch did that."
163 All right, I'll tell you One that wasn't a witch. Jesus took Peter, James, and John, and went up to Mount Transfiguration one time, and was standing up on top of the mountain. And Jesus, God was placing His Son like I'm trying to--had the other night, placing son. And when they did, they looked around and found out that there stood Moses and Elijah. They were talking, communing, not little white flags floating around, or little white clouds, rather, floating around. But they were men, talking. Moses had been buried in an unmarked grave for eight hundred years. And Elijah had went home in a chariot five hundred years. And here they both was, still just as much alive as they ever was alive, standing there talking to Him before He went to Calvary. Hallelujah. "Sealed until the day of our redemption..."
164 I'll hurry, and then we'll close, 'cause it's late, and we'll pray for the sick, about five more minutes. 14th verse...?... when you read the 13th over it, get it background.
In whom you... trusted, after that ye heard the word of the truth, the Gospel of your salvation:...
Now, remember, what salvation they had? These were--these were Ephesian Christians. They... Now, look, did you notice the Corinthians? He always had to tell them, "When I come among you, one has a tongue, one has a tongue, one has a psalm, one has a prophecy, one has..." See, he couldn't teach them nothing, 'cause they was always desiring this, that, or the other. These people had the same thing, but they had it in order. He never taught the Corinthians nothing like this; he couldn't. The church wasn't in order to teach it. Now, he could teach these people the real thing.
.. which, your salvation:
.. in whom also after... ye believed, you were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise,
Which is the earnest... (Oh, let me not pass that.)... the earnest of our inheritance until... redemption of the purchased poss--possession, unto the praise of his glory... (Whew.)
166 What is the Holy Ghost? Now, then I'll read the rest of it real fast if you'll bear with me this much. Where was we at the other night, Brother Mike? Where they were all happy, oh, everything was peace; that was perfect love. Now, every time you come this way, you drop down a little, drop. Every time you make a step, you come inches closer. When it gets down to the earth, you got a shadow of the shadow of the shadow of shadows. Now, that's how much Holy Spirit you got in you. That's love. But oh, you thirst for something.
Oh, would not people like old, old people... How would I like to go back and be fifteen again, twenty. Oh, I'd give anything. What good would it do me? I might be fifteen and die yet tonight. It's uncertain. What if you was fifteen tonight, how do you know whether mother would be living when you got home or not? How you know you're going to get home? How do you know you're going to be living tomorrow if you're twelve years old, perfect health? You may be killed in a accident, drop dead, anything might happen to you. Uncertain (See?), there's nothing here certain. But you long for that. What is it? It's that up there making you long for it.
168 Now, you walk into this, then you have Eternal Life. Now, what does it happen? It is the "earnest."
What is the earnest money on anything? If I come to you to buy a car, I'd say, "How much is that car?"
You say, "This car, Brother Branham, costs you three thousand dollars."
"What's the down payment?"
"Well, I'll let you have it for five hundred dollars."
"All right, here's the five hundred dollars. I'll--I'll bring the rest of it to you sometime, soon as I can. You hold the car." I give you five hundred dollars; that's the earnest. Is that right?
Now, hold that, it's the earnest; it's the down payment.
.. after you were sealed by the... Spirit of promise, the Spirit of promise,... after you were sealed...
Which is... (What, what is this Seal of promise, the Holy Spirit promised?)... Which is the earnest of our inheritance until... redemption of the purchased possession,...
173 What is it? It's the down payment. And brother, Oh, if this is the down payment, what's it going to be when we get...?... What is it going to be? If this is the... If this what we enjoy now, and get so happy till... I've seen men ninety years old just couldn't har...
I seen an old preacher that raised up one night. He come out, he said, like this, coming out on the platform. I said, "That old man going to preach?"
He said, "Well, bless the Lord." An old colored fellow, great big old long preacher's coat on.
I said, "Why didn't they let some of them young preachers preach? That old man, how can he ever preach?"
He said, "Well," he said, "brethren," he said, "today I've been hearing the brothers preach all day long," he said, "about what Jesus done on earth. I'm going to tell what He done in heaven." He said, "I'll take my text tonight from Job 7:27," said, "when it was way back yonder before the foundation of the world," said, "when He said the morning stars sang together and sons of God shouted for joy." Going like that... Said, "You know, there's some went--something went on back there." He said, "You know..." And he begin to bring on what taken place in heaven. He brought it down the horizontal rainbow in the second coming.
About that time, the Holy Ghost struck him. Now, they had to lead the old fellow out; he was around ninety-five years old. He's just like this, all bent over, and just a little rim of hair, you know, like this. Got out there and he started preaching, said, "Whoopee. Hallelujah. Glory." Got to jumping up-and-down like that. Said, "Oh, you ain't got enough room here for me to preach. Jumping up-and-down like that, hard as he could go. And that's just the earnest. Oh.
178 What does the Holy Spirit do? Oh, here's a good place. Let me read the 1st verse of the next chapter. Can I? Is it all right? Say, "amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, the 1st verse of the 2nd chapter, quickly. Listen.
You who were... you... And you has he quickened, who were one... were dead in trespasses and sins:
"You has He quickened..." What does "quickened" mean? "Made alive." Just about gone, but He quickens you just by the earnest money. What will it be when you--when you really get a hold of the dividends?...?... Oh. No wonder Paul, caught up into the third heaven said, "Eye has not seen; ear has not heard; neither has it entered in, entered the heart of man, what God has for them in store that love Him." What will that be? You talk about joy unspeakable and full of glory. Whew. Umm. You who were once dead in sin and trespasses, has He quickened together by the shadow of the shadow of the shadows. What's it going to be when you come to the shadow of the shadows into the shadow, the shadow then into the creek, the creek into the river, the river into the ocean?
180 And what is it when you're way out there in redemption with a brand new body, you've turned back to a young man altogether again, or a young woman; you're never going to die no more. And you look down on earth and think, "I could enjoy some grapes and some good cold water, but, you know, I don't need it here." But someday Jesus is coming, and this angelic body, this theophany that I'm living in, will not come through the womb of a woman any more; it'll not come through sexual desire any more; but because that He was born without sexual desire, I'll be resurrected without it. And He will speak someday, and the dead in Christ shall rise, and that body that I once lived in will resurrect into a glorified body; and I'll walk; and I'll talk; and I'll live; and I'll enjoy (Hallelujah) I'll...?... to the...?... ages that is to come, through Jesus Christ our Lord. There you are, brother; that's the Gospel.
181 "Wherefore I also..." Paul's just telling now what he is. I'll read the rest of this, and then we pray for the sick. "Until the possession, this is the earnest until the possession, unto the praises of His glory."
Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith... (I heard that you believed this stuff; I heard that you really believed in predestination, Eternal Life, and salvation, and so forth)... in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all... saints,
Cease not to give thanks to you, making mention of you in my prayers;
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in... knowledge of him:... (Just keep revealing Himself to you all the time, growing from grace unto grace, from power unto power, glory unto glory. Not fall back; but from glory unto glory, keep moving on. I'll keep praying for you.)
The eye o--the eyes of your understanding...
182 Umm. You know, and the Bible said you were blind and didn't know it. But here Paul said, "I'm going to pray that your eyes of understanding..." You understand with your heart. That's what he's talking about. You look with your eye, but you see with your heart. You know that. All right. "That the God of glory..." Let's see, that--the 18th verse.
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of the calling, and what the riches of... glory of his in--inheritance in the saints,
And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward... (Whew. They say the power's gone? The--the power hasn't even arrived yet.)... who believed, according to the working of his mighty power,
"You who have believed to the working of His mighty power, I just pray that God will just pour out His power upon you." See?
Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from... him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in... heavenly places,
Far above... principalities... powers... might... dominion, and that every name that is named,...
Oh. For... No, I better not. We could sure take the rest the night on that.
.. every name that is named, not only in this world, but that in the world to come:
184 What is every--what's every name every name of, every person will bear the Name of what? [Congregation says "Jesus."--Ed.] The whole heaven's named Jesus. The whole church is named Jesus. Everything is named Jesus, for it's the only Name that God ever had. He's called Jehovah, Jehovah-jireh, the Lord's provided Sacrifice; Jehovah-rapha, the Lord that healeth thee; Jehovah, the Lord's banner, Manasses; and Jehovah, di--different Jehovahs. He's called the Morning Star. He's called Father: He's called Son; He's called Holy Ghost. He's called Alpha; He's called Omega. He's called Beginning; He's called the Ending. He's called the Branch. Oh, He's called--He's just called all kinds of titles, but He had one Name.
That's what Matthew was talking about when he said, "Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name (not in names), in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." Father's not a name; Son's not a name; Holy Ghost is not a name. It's a title to a Name. It's a name of three attributes that belongs to one God. What was His Name? The Angel said, "Thou shall call His Name [Congregation says, 'Jesus.'] for He shall save His people from their sin." That's the reason they all baptized that way in the Bible. That's how Saint Augustine baptized the King of England, about--about a hundred and fifty, two hundred years after the death of Christ, in the Name of Jesus Christ. All right.
185 Far above... principalities... powers... might... dominion, that--that every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
And has put all things under his feet, and has given him to be the head over all things to the church,
Which is his body,...
Now, if my body has the power over all things, then what my body is, is what I am. Is that right? That's what I am; that's what you know me as. Is that right? Well, then, all that God was, He poured into Jesus, for He was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. Is that right? And all that Jesus was, He poured into the church. "These things that I do, shall you do all things--also. Even greater than this shall you do, for I go to the Father."
Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.
187 Oh, how I love that. How I love that. I was reading the other day a book that was wrote about of the trip I went to minis--minister in Africa. Never did read it before. How many ever read the book, "Prophet Visits Africa"? In there I was looking at a little Indian boy. How many seen that picture?
I heard a certain evangelist, been praying for the sick for about fifteen years or more; he said, "I never seen a miracle performed in my life." He said, "I've seen people that said they had headaches, got well. I seen people say they had tummyache, got well, and so forth. But a miracle, something that created and made something..."
I thought that boy ought to have been standing there and seen that. That Indian boy's leg was just about this big around, one of them. The other one was a normal leg, like the human being's leg. And if you notice his brace, there was his shoe about fourteen inches, or fifteen inches, higher like this. He had an iron plate on the bottom of it. His shoe set up on top of two long standards that stood. He walked up to where I was standing; they brought him up there. He had two crutches. He took this big iron shoe and chomped it down like that. I looked at his leg; it was about that big around.
190 Now, them people are Mohammedan, Mohammedans. Did you remember last Sunday when I read you what the papers had to write? I've got it right here myself from Africa, sent to me by return missionary, Brother Stricker. There's the article how Billy Graham backed up on it. That's exactly. There's the Mohammedan pushing him right into the sea. What's the matter? The missionaries are leaving the field. What's the use of staying any longer; they're just whipped.
I love Billy Graham; I think he's a wonderful man of God. But what Billy Graham ought to have charged him with, say, "Wait a minute..." If some of these self-starched Baptists would've let him do it, I believe he would've done it. I believe Billy Graham's a man of God. But if he'd said, "Wait a minute. I'm a minister of the Gospel. You believe in the Old Testament, and you said that Jesus wasn't nothing but a man. I challenge you on a debate." I don't believe in taking the devil's challenges, no, sir. But I'd have challenged him back, and said, "Let's you and I come together. I'm a Doctor of Divinity." Billy Graham is a Doctor of Divinity. "Let me challenge you on this, and let me prove to you that Jesus was the Christ. Now, when it comes to Divine healing, I don't possess those gifts, but we got some brothers that does. Now, if you want to bring them people out there, let me just call one of them, Oral Roberts or somebody, somebody that has a great ministry that would really get there." Come over there, and then seen what take place, say, "Christianity is not what you think it is."
192 Now, everybody feels let down 'cause he just walked off and left him. 'Course now, I don't believe in the devil giving you a challenge. I've spit in his face too like that, and walked away from him. That's right. But when it comes to a place where... Billy could've--could've made that Mohammedan feel like a little weed like that. He could've took that Bible and took Isaiah 9:6, and said, "Who was he talking about, 'Unto us a Child is born, to us a Son is given'? Who was this Man? Who was these--that he was talking about? Who was this Prophet? Who was this Messiah that was to come? Show me where he produced Hisself in Mohammed. 'He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, chastisement of our peace upon Him, with His stripes we were healed.' Show it to me in Mohammed. How did he cry, 'My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? They pierced My hands and My feet,' and so forth? Show me by your own word, your own testament." Why, he'd have beat that Mohammedan so bad till he wouldn't knowed where he was at. That's right.
193 But when the paper had to turn around, that's what hurt--what made my heart jump, when it said there, "Though Billy had to back up and made a back up, how can the Mohammedans say that it was wrong," said, "when Reverend William Branham at Durban, South Africa, on undisputed miracle after miracle, with Divine power, when ten thousand Mohammedans fell on their face at one time and surrendered their life to Jesus Christ..." Absolutely, they know about it. Them fundamentals know about it. Don't you tell me.
One time there's one come to Jesus, said, "Rabbi..." You know he was a Pharisee. Said, "We know You're a Teacher come from God. We know it. We know it, 'cause no man could do the things You do except God be with Him. We understand. We know it. But we just can't confess it (See?), 'cause if we do, well, we'll be put out of our church. See, we'll lose our prestige." And so Jesus said, begin to tell him he must be born again.
195 On that Mohammedan boy, when he was standing there; there's his picture. The camera won't take a lie. There he's standing there, one leg that much shorter (about fourteen inches) than the other one, standing on that iron shoe. Said to him, I said, "You speak English?"
"No, sir." Couldn't speak English.
Interpreter said, "He don't speak English."
"How long you been that way?"
The interpreter asked him. "Since birth."
"Can you move the leg at all?"
"No, sir."
"Do you believe in Jesus Christ?"
Said, "I'm a Mohammedan."
I said, "Will you accept Jesus Christ if He'll make you well?"
"I will accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour if He make me well."
"If He'll make that well, that leg come like the other, you'll accept Him?"
"I will."
199 Thought, "God, what will You do?" This was the next thing. All questions are answered. Brother Mike, that's the feeling. I'll wait just a minute to see what He was going to say. I looked over there; I seen the boy going, walking along, like aside of the walls like that; I said, "How many of you Mohammedans will accept it? Here's a Mohammedan boy; look at him; stand him up there." I said, "You doctors, you want to look at him? There he stands." Oh, you know where you're at then. See, you know where you're standing. Nobody... Here he was.
I said, "Walk across this way, son." And they got him, here he come. (Cha-lomp, cha-lomp.) I said, "Look like about twelve, fourteen inches shorter. About like that."
I said, "But Jesus Christ the Son of God can make him well. Will you Mohammedans believe it and accept Him as personal Saviour? There's thousands of those black hands went up out through like that. "Oh, Lord, now's the time." I said, "Heavenly Father, if You ever answered, answer me now; this is for Your glory; this is for You. I pray You make this boy well." I just prayed over him like that.
I said, "Take off your shoe." He looked at me real funny, the interpreter. I said, "Take off your shoe." He unlaced it. 'Cause I done seen that vision, what was going to happen. He took off that thing. When he took it back and walked over there to me, both legs just as normal, and both of them walking like this. I said, "You want to walk back and forth?"
He started crying like that, going back and forth; he didn't know what to do. Walking like that, he said, "O Allah. Allah."
I said, "Jesus. Jesus." Oh, "O Jesus, Jesus," then. "Jesus. Jesus," like that. I said, "Is there any questions, any questions?"
205 Julius Stadsklev, how many knows him? Brother Stadsklev's come here at the church. Just--just went to Germany. See? Said, "Just a minute, Brother Branham, just a minute." said, "bring the photographer right quick and I'll get his picture?"
I said, "Help yourself."
"Walked over here, stand your shoe here." He stood like that, took the picture of the boy there, with both legs just as normal and straight as they could be. There stood his old shoe and brace like that--like that.
I said, "How many of you Mohammedans now reject Mohammed as prophet, and believe Jesus to be the Son of God, and accept Him as your personal Saviour?" Ten thousand hands went...?... Hallelujah. They don't want a...
208 They try to keep it back, because we're "holy-rollers," they call us. You see? Just the same, God's a moving, placing His church. He's doing the exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could even do or think. He's just as much God tonight as He ever was.
So little friends, let me tell you something right now. My darling precious people, you here in this land, and the others in tape lands which will be overseas and wherever you are, don't be afraid. Everything's all right. Father God, before the foundation of the world, knew everything that would happen. Everything works right along. You love Him? Keep your heart right.
210 And, remember, when this breath passes from this life, to you old people, or to you young people... And you mothers, when you see your little babies, that little girl baby that died when she wasn't eight days old or five days old, she'll be a beautiful young woman when you see her. That old grandpa was all so stooped over; he couldn't hardly see where he was going; when you see him, grandmother, he'll be a fine handsome young man, just as young as about twenty years old, just in the splendor of youth. And he'll be that way forever. You'll can touch his hand; you can shake hands with him. You'll throw your arms around him, but he won't be hubby; he'll be brother. Oh, my. He'll be so much greater than hubby. You think you loved him? Sure you did. But that was phileo; wait till you get agapao. Wait till that real Divine love catches, and then see what is.
This here just is like an old smoldering dump; it's no good; there's nothing to it. Only thing I advise you to do now, is this, my--my--my friends.
211 A little later on I'll... Would you like for me to pick up them other two chapters sometime? The Lord... I've--I got to rest just a little before Chautauqua.
Now, I can't preach these things in them meetings. There's too many un--too many different beliefs. See? This is just church alone. See? I can't preach... But I got a right to preach in here whatever I want to. This is my Tabernacle. See? And I'm telling you. Now, I believe them people are saved. Yes, sir, I truly believe it. But oh, how much more it is to walk when you know where you're walking. How much, know--it is to know what you're doing (You see?), instead of staggering, stumbling along. Let's just stand up in the Light, and walk in the Light, and know which way you're headed. That's true. The Lord be with you.
212 And if each one of you in here now has not been positionally placed... You might not be nothing but a housewife. Well, you say, "Brother Branham, I never done a thing in my life. I'm not a preacher." Well, maybe God brought you here to raise a family of children; out of that family of children may come another family of children, that'll be a preacher that'll send a million souls to Christ. You had to be here. You're here for a purpose. Did you know that?
Well, you say, "All I ever done was harrow across these old clods. And I'd take out early a evening, didn't know how to make my kids a living. I looked at the poor little fellows with no shoes on. I've set and cried. I got an old buggy, and me and ma went to church." Don't you worry, brother. You just keep loving Him; He's got a purpose for you. You just stay right the way you are; just go right on. See? You might not never preach a sermon, but you might be the great-grandfather of one that'll do it.
214 Did you know that God credited (Let's see now, what was his name?) Levi, to pay tithe when he was in the loins of Abraham, when Melchisedec met him? How many knows that? And let's see, Abraham begot Isaac; Isaac begot Jacob; Jacob begot Levi, which was father, grandfather, great-grandfather. When he was in the loins, in the seed of his great-grandfather, the Bible credited him for paying tithes to Melchisedec. Oh, my, my, my, my brother. Oh, I'm...
215 As the little--as the little Englishman got converted over there one night in England, he said, "I am so hoppy. I am so hoppy." Yes, so happy to know that that is true. And some glorious day, I don't know when that day will be, but if that was a vision... I don't say I was here. Remember, always bear this in mind; may the tape holders do the same. Whether I was in a vision or carrying away in the Spirit, I do not know. But it was just as real as I hold my Brother Neville like that, just as real. And I could look and talk to those people.
And there stood my first wife; she didn't holler, "My husband"; she said, "My darling brother."
217 There stood a girl that I used to go with years ago. Perhaps some of her people's setting here, Alice Lewis from Utica, very fine royal Christian girl. Got married a little late in life, and had her first baby, and died in childbirth: Alice Lewis. I walked into the funeral home to see her. I just got in home; I heard she was dead. I walked down there, was nobody in the room, I said, "Is there a woman here, Mrs..." Her name was Emmerke. She married a fine Christian boy, and she was a fine Christian girl. I've been with that girl everywhere, all kinds of places, and everything, as just kids, eighteen, nineteen years old, everywhere. Fine Christian, never knowed nothing about her but genuine Christianity. And I was a sinner. But I would go with her. I walked into... And her husband a born again Christian, real man. And I didn't know; I knowed she was died; I'd seen in the papers. And I went down; they told me. I went down there to Coot's, and I said, "Have you got a Mrs. Emmerke?" He said, "Billy, she's right in the room there."
I went in there and stood there by the side of the casket. I thought, "Alice, I've been in the darkest of dungeons; I've been over dark roads. You and I have walked together down through the roads and down across by the--by the river. When they used to have the old showboats, we'd set down there and listen to that calliope play. Up and down the lanes, what a lady you were. How I thank God for your life. Rest, my dear sister, rest in the peace of God."
219 And the other night in the vision, there she come running to me. She said, "My blessed brother," and threw her arms around me. Oh, oh, brother, sister, it's changed me. I can never be the same no more. It's so real. It's just--it's just as real as I'm looking at you, just that real. So there's no fear. I may die before the night's over.
I want to raise my little boy back there, Joseph. I want to see him in the pulpit, when I can take this Bible... When I get to a place I see Joseph in the pulpit preaching as a--as a young man filled with the Holy Ghost, anointed with the Spirit of God upon him... And I believe he'll be a prophet. The day when I--when I-when I saw him six years before he was born, you remember me telling you he was coming. Remember when I caught him right there at the side of the altar, not knowing what I was saying, dedicating babies, I said, "Joseph, thou art a prophet."
221 And the other day standing out in the yard, he come in to me, and he said, "Daddy, has Jesus got a hand like yours?"
And I said, "Well, yes, son. Why?"
He said, "I was setting on my bicycle, watching for Sarah (That's his little sister.) to come home from school." Setting out there, I won't let him go out on the road; he was setting back like this. And said, "I looked up," and said, "when I did, there was a hand like yours, with a white sleeve holding over me." And said, "It went on up." Said, "Was that Jesus' hand going up?" I looked at the mother; mother looked at me. We went down to Mrs. Wood's. Ever where she's at, setting here. We cross-questioned him, back and forth, and every way we could. It was a vision. He saw it. When I can see the time of little Joseph standing... I hope I live to see him married, if Jesus tarries.
223 And I'm an old man, the gray whiskers hanging around my neck here. I've sent... I want to send two or three more million souls to Christ if I possibly can. It's my determination to preach the Gospel to every corner of the earth. Yes, sir. So help me, God, I'll do it. So when I can see that time come, Brother Mike...
I can look at the time mama, Meda, I call her, my darling... See, she's... We're getting old, see her hair turning gray, and see us going away, fading away.
Rebekah, I'm so grateful for Rebekah. Her music teacher told me the other night, said, "My, if she keeps that up, Brother Branham," says, "it's hard tell what she'll do." See, going on in music. I want her, and I want... I want Sarah on the organ, Becky on the piano; I want Joseph in the pulpit.
226 When I can see that happen, then me and mama can stagger in, me on my old cane, some night, come down along the road, and I can look in there and see my boy standing there anointed with the Holy Ghost, preaching this same Gospel. I want to take this old Book and say, "Son, here It is; It's yours. You stand with It. Don't you compromise on one Word. You stay right with It, honey. Don't you, don't care... I don't care who's against you, who's against; God will be for you. You preach every Word just the way It's wrote in There; daddy will see you across the river." I'd like to reach around and take her in my arms, my wife, and cross over Jordan.
Until that time, God, let me stay on the field, loyal. Let me, I don't care what the cost is, or how many, what I do, or this, that, or the other. Let me stay loyal and true to the Word of the living God, that when that day come, and I cross over there, and I can look across, and say, "There you are. Oh, my precious friend, my precious brother, my precious sister."
228 Young preacher, get into the field; stay into the harness. All you young preachers and things, don't you set around. Don't you just set and do nothing. Get out yonder and win a soul. Do something. Get on; get moving. Don't stop, young preacher over there. God bless your heart.
He reminds me of when I was about that age, I guess, and maybe a little younger than him. I was only about twenty something years old when I laid that cornerstone there. I remember, I used to wear a blue coat and a white pair of pants, and stood there and laid that cornerstone about thirty-one years ago. See how old I was, I was just a boy. I was standing there, laying that cornerstone. I haven't compromised on one Word. I've kept It just exactly the way I laid that cornerstone. Yonder's my testimony laying yonder, where I wrote it out on the flyleaf of the Bible, and tore it out, and laid it in that cornerstone, and she still lays there. And may it be written on the pages of God's eternal Word in heaven. Let me stand true unto the end.
230 Let us bow our heads now just a minute for prayer. In the closing of this night, the closing of these, one chapter, which is not justified. You ought to have the other one, how he goes ahead and places the church in its place. I'll get it to you sometime, God willing. I've got to get just a little rest now before I go into the Chautauqua yonder, to another big meeting, then I cross over from there to Oklahoma, from there on to Klamath Falls, then from Klamath Falls on down to California, up into Yakima, I won't be back until next August the 15th.
231 But look, let me ask you something, if something should happen to you or I before that time comes, if I should pass over the river into that land, or if you should pass over before that time into that land, do you feel the assurance tonight that we'll meet there in that place? If you do, raise up your hand, say, "I feel the assurance in my heart." God bless your heart. God bless you. If there is one here that doesn't feel the assurance that they would be there, and would like to say, "Remember me, Brother Branham, that I will have that assurance," raise up your hand, "I want to be there, too." God bless you, lady. God bless you.
232 Our Heavenly Father, we bring to You tonight this congregation, every hand, as far as I know, was up. All but one person, some precious soul setting back here, just a little weary whether they could cross over the land, where there's enough a real divine love in their heart, in that precious woman's heart, that she'd come to that land if she was dying tonight: would it pull her weary soul into the Promised Land of God?
233 Father in heaven, as I have stood here at this pulpit and preached, and sweated, and cried, and begged, and persuaded, let me ask You once more, Lord, let me ask for my sister back there; God, place within her heart tonight: that divine love, that Holy Spirit of God, that peace that passes all understanding, that she would receive Thy Spirit, be sealed away by the Holy Ghost until that day. I want to see her, Lord, when we cross over the bridge. If it's--if it's my--if it's my privilege to cross, if that what You showed me is real, and I cross across there, I want to meet her there, and see her run and grab me by the hand, and say, "My precious brother, it was that night that Something told me to raise up my hand, when you got through preaching on the book of Ephesus. I raised up my hand, and something happened to me after that. Here I am. I'm young now forever." God grant it to that precious one.
234 These who have raised their hands that they have been sealed away by the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of God is upon them, and they have received the Holy Ghost, they're sealed away with that godly love in their hearts. How we thank You for them.
235 Realizing, Father, that out into the world these tapes will go. Many microphones are stretched across this pulpit, which means that tapes are being made, turning back there, the Voice will be going into different lands across the world, around the world, twenty or thirty different nations will hear it. I pray for every person that hears this tape, that hasn't got that hope of Eternal Life, that hasn't got the baptism of the Holy Spirit, may It come to their hearts sweetly. Grant it, Lord.
236 And may I, if I never see them in this life, when I cross over into that land, may they run and grab me (and I grab them, and they, we holler, "Precious brother!" to one another), say, "I heard your tape on Ephesus, how that God predestinated us to Eternal Life, and it was on that tape that I received the Voice of God and was sealed away by the Holy Ghost into the Kingdom of God." Grant it, Father.
237 Heal all that's sick and afflicted. Get glory unto Thyself for we commit all this unto Thee in all efforts in the Name of Jesus, Thy Son. Amen.
238 Is there any here that's sick and wants to have hands laid on them to be prayed for? Would you raise your hands? All right. Would you walk quietly, now, to the altar right here, and stand just a moment, while Brother Neville comes with his...
239 Oh, this seems, praying for the sick, just--just seems like coming down to where you know where you're standing, exactly. God knows all about this.
240 When I hear that song... Remember, if you are living when I go, play this for me: Only Believe. Remember, I'm not dead, I won't be very far from you listening at it. I can't die; Jesus gave me Eternal Life; going to raise me up at the last day; I'll see you. And if you go, I'll believe the same thing for you. I believe we'll see one another again.
241 Looking, this precious lady standing here with gray hair. You a Christian? Filled with His Spirit, waiting for Him coming, just standing out here waiting for the boat to come along. Amen. Oh, sister...
1 ...?...našim vzácnym priateľom, sme šťastní, že dnes večer môžeme byť znova tu v zbore. Je trochu teplo a tak sa budeme snažiť poponáhľať sa ako to len bude možné, ísť rovno do Posolstva.
Najprv, máme tu nejaké oznamy a jednu zvláštnu prosbu o modlitbu. Boli mi dané vaše listy, mám ich tam vzadu. Potom prosba za jednu sestru, ktorá cíti, že má na mozgu nádor, a potom jedna prosba v Louisville a jeden brat kazateľ, jeho otec má srdcový záchvat. A vo svete je dnes mnoho, mnoho chorých ľudí. Mnohí telefonujú a my sa samozrejme za nich modlíme z celých našich sŕdc, aby nám Boh pomohol.
1bObyčajne okolo deväťdesiatpäť percent mojej služby sú modlitby za chorých (vidíte), ale ja som tak trochu... trochu som sa na to pozrel... ja sa stále modlím za chorých. Pamätajte na to. To ide rovno s tým, ale ó, ak by sme len mohli dostať cirkev tam, kde je ona postavená do pozície a daná do poriadku tak, aby sme mohli pracovať. Vidíte? Musíme všetko zorganizovať, všetko spolu prihotoviť.
Pred chvíľou mi prišlo niečo iné na srdce. Myslím na to, o tom starom vojnovom veteránovi; jedna jeho ruka bola takmer odstrelená, noha takmer odstrelená... on tu práve teraz nie je, aby ma počúval, ale je to skutočne statočná osoba, jeho meno je Roy Roberson, jeden z našich dôverníkov tu v zbore a je to jeden milý, kresťanský džentlmen... On sa tam postavil a povedal, "Brat Branham, nezabudni na prezidenta." Povedal, "Cítil som takú ľútosť, keď on vystupoval..." Videl ho v televízii, ako vystupoval z toho lietadla, slzy sa mu kotúľali dolu po tvári a jeho ústa sa krivili do obidvoch strán... Viete, on bol rovno tam v tom boji s Royom a inými.
1cNezáleží na tom, či s ním nesúhlasíte v jeho politike, on je stále náš prezident. Tak veru. Pre mňa, ja nie som ani demokrat, ani republikán, ja som kresťan. Ale poviem vám; ja som mal veľký obdiv pre prezidenta Dwighta Eisenhowera. Tak veru. On bol určite jedným z tých veľkých mužov podľa môjho spôsobu myslenia. Ak by on znova kandidoval a ja by som volil, volil by som ho znovu. To je pravda. Je mi jedno, či by mal sto rokov, stále by som volil jeho, pretože sa mi páči. A pamätajme na neho v našich modlitbách dnes večer.
J.T., skutočne si cením to milé zhromaždenie, ktoré ste všetci - ty a brat Willard, ktoré sme mali tento týždeň. Ak by som bol vošiel dovnútra tam z vonku, vy všetci by ste povedali, "V poriadku, brat Branham, poznáte toho a toho," ale je lepšie len stáť vonku a počúvať vás. Vidíte? [Brat Branham sa smeje. – pozn.prekl.] No dobre. Veľmi dobre.
1dDostal som nejaké ponuky od iných zborov, ak by ste mali o to záujem. Ak ste pripravení ísť a podujať sa pastorskej služby, ak máte skúsenosť, ktorú verím, že máte, a máte všetko urovnané; mám jeden v Oregone, a nejaký vo Washingtone, Kalifornii, a Arizone, na rôznych miestach. A ak chcete niekedy začať so službou v niektorom zbore, no, práve tu je dobré miesto odkiaľ začať, práve tu. A tie duše kričia všade, dokonca v indiánskych rezerváciách a všade, kamkoľvek chcete ísť. Len nám dajte vedieť, lebo verím, že vy chlapci ste teraz zakotvení. To je pravda. Som rád, keď vidím, že to robia.
Tam hore cestou má zbor brat Ruddell. O pár dní budeme mať u neho zhromaždenie, budeme mať evanjelizáciu u brata Ruddella. A ja si spomínam, že som zvykol tohoto brata všade tlačiť, snažil som sa dostať ho do toho, aby vyšiel v zbroji a kázal. On sa tak tomu vyhýbal. Povedal, "Ja neviem hovoriť." A to by ste ho mali počuť. Vidíte? Vy neviete, čo môžete urobiť, dokiaľ sa nenecháte uchopiť Duchom Svätým. Tak je to.
1eBrat Graham Snelling v štáte Utica a brat Junior Jackson tam, my ich všetkých považujeme za naše malé sesterské zbory. My sme všetci spolu. Nie sme v nesúhlase v našich náukách; naše nádeje, naše ciele, naše náuky sú rovnaké. Stojíme spolu v každej veci. Sme len jedna cirkev a isteže sme radi, keď sme všade roztrúsení. Máme niektoré v Afrike, niektoré v Indii a všade po celej krajine. Chceme aby tam boli, aby rozširovali túto Novinu.
A vidím prichádzať týchto mladých ľudí, brata J.T. Parnella a brata Willarda a ostatných, ktorí prichádzajú, mladí ľudia, zatiaľ čo ja starnem... Ak bude ešte zajtrajšok, oni budú tými mužmi zajtrajška. Nechcem, aby toto Posolstvo zomrelo. Ono nemôže. Ono musí ísť ďalej a ja neverím, že nám zostáva ešte dlhý čas na to, aby sme ho prinášali.
To malé dieťa, o ktorom povedali, že zomrie, vidím sestra, že si ho mala dnes v zbore celý deň. To je milé. Sme za to veľmi vďační Pánovi, že je taký milostivý, plný milosrdenstva. Len ďalej ver, čo ti tu bolo povedané. Bude to v poriadku.
1fNo, radujete sa z tohoto vyučovania? Máte radi vyučovanie? Ó, skutočne si myslím, že nám to prospieva. Dáva nám to trochu odpočinutia od modlenia sa za chorých a videní a Božského uzdravovania. Samozrejme, dnes večer, po službe Slova sa budeme znova modliť za chorých. My to vždy chceme robiť. Pokrstiť kohokoľvek a kedykoľvek.
Koľkí si pamätáte, keď som zvykol chodiť popri tom elektrickom vedení? No, mnoho krát som prechádzal popri tom elektrickom vedení. Musel som prejsť denne tridsať míľ cez divočinu. Mal som na obchôdzku dvestoosemdesiat míľový úsek vedenia. Prechádzal som tam s košeľu v rukách a ó, bol som taký unavený, prechádzal som cez tie džungle a musel som vytínať tie zelené tŕnisté kríky.
Stretol som tam starého farmára a posadili sme sa pod stromom a hovoril som mu o krste vo Meno Pána Ježiša. On povedal, "Vždy som sa chcel dať pokrstiť."
Povedal som, "Neďaleko je potok."
1gPovedal... A vzal som ich tam mnohých a pokrstil vo Meno Pána Ježiša. Naťahoval som tie káble, pracoval som tak rýchlo, ako som len mohol. Mnoho krát, v mojom pracovnom úbore, som jedného pokrstil, keď som zliezol zo stĺpu. Sedel som tam na stĺpe; ťahali sme káble, pracoval som na stĺpe a rozprával som sa s mojím spolupracovníkom o Pánovi. On povedal, "No, Billy, jedného dňa prídem do tvojho zboru a dám sa pokrstiť."
2 Povedal som, "Prečo chceš čakať až dovtedy? Sme rovno pri rieke, je tu množstvo vody." Dostaňte ich hneď. Tak je to. To je ten čas. Filip povedal...
3 Eunuch povedal Filipovi, "Tu je voda, čo nám bráni?" Tak je to. Nič..., ak ste pripravení, to je ten čas. Nedajte diablovi príležitosť, aby vám medzi to niečo vrazil. Neodložte na zajtra veci, ktoré by ste mohli urobiť dnes. Zajtrajšok už pre vás nemusí nastať.
Pamätám si, keď som to raz urobil, naučil som sa... On ma naučil lekciu. Odložil som niečo, čo som mal jeden deň urobiť a ďalší deň už bolo príliš neskoro.
4 No, skutočne, ja vás tu nechcem držať celý ten čas, ale stávam sa taký inšpirovaný a neviem... Cítim sa tak dobre, až sa dostávam takmer mimo seba, cítim sa tak dobre.
5 No, skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy prv, ako pristúpime ku Slovu.
6 Náš nebeský Otče, Ty si ten živý Boh, stále živý. To slnko, ktoré práve zašlo, to isté slnko, Daniel sa naň díval, keď zapadalo; Jeremiáš sa naň díval, keď zapadalo; Adam sa naň díval, keď zapadalo; Ježiš sa naň díval, keď zapadalo. A to je ten istý svet, v ktorom oni žili a kráčali a Ty zostávaš tým istým Bohom.
7 Dnes večer je tu mnoho prosieb: muž s nádorom na mozgu; sestra, ktorá sa obáva tej istej veci. Ty si tá jediná nádej, Pane, ktorá k takejto potrebe existuje. Ten nádor sa stal zhubný, nie je nič, čo by ho zastavilo. Je to mimo dosahu rúk lekára. Ale dnes večer my prichádzame s tým malým prakom za tým baránkom, aby bol privedený späť do Otcovho ovčinca. V Mene Pána Ježiša my smerujeme našu modlitbu, aby zabila toho leva, ten nádor, tú zhubnosť, aby oni boli bezpečne privedení do ovčinca.
8 A my, Bože, spomíname dnes nášho milovaného prezidenta, brata... teda Dwighta Eisenhowera. On viedol túto zem, Pane, on sa snažil držať ju mimo vojny. On sľúbil, že vojna v Kórei skončí, ak bude mať nejaký spôsob, ako to urobiť. On sľúbil tým matkám, že im privedie ich chlapcov späť. Ale povedal, "Aby som to ja urobil... ja to nemôžem urobiť. Ja môžem vynaložiť svoju snahu, ale jedine Boh Sám to musí urobiť." A Ty si bol s ním, Pane a teraz je to všetko urovnané. Prečo to oni nemohli vidieť na prvom mieste? Bože, modlím sa, aby si mu pomohol. Požehnaj tú statočnú dušu, Pane. A my sa modlíme, aby si Ty pre nás vybral vodcu, ktorý má po ňom nasledovať. Nech sa stane Tvoja predurčená vôľa, Pane.
9 Ale Ten, o ktorého sa my dnes večer tak zaujímame, mimo našich národných záležitostí, to je Ten veľký a slávny, ktorý prichádza ustanoviť Kráľovstvo, ktoré nebude mať konca, Pán Ježiš, Tvoj Syn. Potom oni zložia zbrane, zaznie signál a nebude už žiadnej vojny. Budú sadiť vinice a jesť ich ovocie. Budú stavať domy a bývať v nich. A tam potom nikdy nebude žiadnych problémov.
10 Požehnaj nás teraz, ako pristupujeme ku Tvojmu Slovu. A Otče, Ty vieš ten dôvod, prečo pristupujem k Slovu práve z tohoto miesta Písma. To je preto, že cítim, že Ty chceš, aby som to urobil takýmto spôsobom, že to je Tvoja Božská vôľa; to je v Tvojom poriadku, to je v... To je poriadok tohoto dňa, aby ľudia mohli nájsť svoje miesto, pozíciu a byť pripravení na hodinu boja. Ako náš brat nedávno povedal v modlitbe, "Ó, Ty si nás dlho cvičil, Pane." Teraz, Otče, daj nám naše postavenia. Postav nás tam, aby sme robili to, čo máme robiť a byť tak vo veciach svojho Otca. Lebo to prosíme v Mene Ježiša, Tvojho Syna. Amen.
11 Mal som dnes celkom príjemné popoludnie, rozprával som sa so sestričkou jedného známeho lekára z Louisville. Oni počuli o tých slávnych veciach Pánových. A jej otec je lekár. A ona prišla ku nám a posadila sa v mojej izbe, bola tam takmer celé popoludnie, jednoducho len prišla, vpadla k nám. Milá osoba, trochu tvrdej povahy, viete, taká zásadová, od začiatku bola skutočná presbyteriánka, ale odchádzala so slzami kotúľajúcimi sa po jej tvári. Ó, ja... Boh ich má ukrytých všade, medzi lekármi, medzi sestričkami. Nemyslím, že je nejaká sestrička v Nortonovej Nemocnici, ktorej som nesvedčil o prijatí Ducha Svätého a neopýtal sa jej, či bola pokrstená na Meno Ježiša. Ani jeden lekár, s ktorým som kedy prišiel do kontaktu, kdekoľvek, nič... Vidíte?
12 Povedzte im o tom. Nemáš mnoho času, brat. Nezáleží na tom, ako ťažko to tu vyzerá, čakaj až vydáš ten posledný dych a uvidíš, potom si budeš priať, že by si to bol činil. Tak veru. Nečakaj dovtedy, urob to práve teraz. Toto je tá hodina. Ó, oni možno nebudú súhlasiť a budú zúriť a budú celí nervózni, ale oni to tak v skutočnosti nemyslia. Oni to naozaj tak nemyslia. Oni sú... oni sú v poriadku. Oni sa začnú na vás rozčuľovať, ale pamätajte len, oni to tak v skutočnosti nemyslia. Oni to tak nemyslia. Oni len boli niečomu učení a oni proste na tom visia, a tak vy môžete vidieť ich pohľad na vec. Nehádajte sa s nimi, s nikým sa nehádajte, ale priveďte ich láskou rovno do Toho. Potom sa za nich modlite.
13 No, myslím, že sme pri 9.verši, nie som si ani istý. Je to ešte ďaleko od 3.kapitoly, že? Ale, ó, pre mňa je to med zo skaly.
14 Pamätajte, my sme to teraz hovorili, aby sme ku tomu znova položili také malé pozadie. A teraz, brat Neville, postrč ma potom trochu, ak si nevšimnem, že nám ubieha čas; aby som sa mohol modliť za chorých. Dnes večer chcem vziať každú odrobinku, ktorú môžeme. Chcem dať dnes večer výzvu ku oltáru. Chcem toto zakončiť, aby som mohol čítať ten zbytok toho textu. Ale tým účelom tohoto je to, aby ste videli vašu pozíciu v Kristovi a videli, že to nie je niečo, do čoho by ste sa dostali nejakým potknutím alebo niečo, čo by ste si niekde zaslúžili, ale to je niečo, čo Boh Sám urobil pre vás. Nie to, že ste boli takí dobrí a jedného večera ste išli do zboru, že vás nejaký biedny brat viedol ku oltáru, to nebolo to. To bol Boh, ktorý vás pred založením sveta predurčil k Večnému Životu. Keď sa tam toho dňa dostanete, niet divu, že dvadsaťštyri starcov zložilo svoje koruny, každý zložil svoju korunu, každý padol na svoju tvár, oni nemali nič, čo by mohli povedať, žiadny kazateľ, žiadny starší, nikto. Všetka chvála Baránkovi; Boh toho dňa zhromaždí v Ňom všetky veci. Ó, ak by sme len mohli poznať a rozpoznať, Kto On bol, Koho oni ukrižovali.
15 Začneme od 8.verša, aby sme k tomu položili také malé pozadie.
...ktorú rozhojnil naproti nám v každej múdrosti a rozumnosti
oznámiac nám tajomstvo svojej vôle...
16 "Tajomstvo Jeho vôle." A pamätáte sa, ako sme sa toho chytili? Koľkí tu boli dnes ráno? Nech vidíme. Ako sme ku tomu priľnuli, "tajomstvo Jeho vôle." No, to nie je len nejaká maličkosť, to je tajomstvo. Božia vôľa je tajomstvo. A každý človek musí vyhľadať Božiu vôľu pre neho alebo pre ňu, Božie tajomstvo.
17 Ako to zistíme? Pavlovi to bolo známe. On povedal, že sa neporadil s nejakým človekom, so žiadnym telom, ani krvou. On nešiel do žiadnej školy ani do žiadneho seminára. On s tým nemal nič do činenia. Ale on... bolo mu to zjavené skrze Ježiša Krista, ktorého stretol na ceste do Damašku vo Svetle ako Stĺp Ohňa a to ho povolalo. A on išiel do Arábie, kde býval tri roky. Ó, nemyslíš, že to bol nejaký čas, brat Egan. Tri roky bol Pavol dolu v Arábii, prenajal si niekde nejaký malý dom, chodil hore a dolu po podlahe so všetkými tými starými zvitkami. Oni nemali zvitky Nového Zákona; väčšinu z nich napísal Pavol. Rovno v týchto starých zvitkoch, ako nás Boh na začiatku predurčil do Večného Života, ako On pošle Ježiša, aby sme skrze túto Obeť mali právo ku Stromu Života. "Tých, ktorých predzvedel, tých povolal, ktorých povolal, tých aj ospravedlnil, ktorých ospravedlnil, tých aj oslávil."
Boh nás od začiatku sveta predurčil k adopcii za synov. No, celé stvorenstvo vzdychá, očakáva zjavenie sa synov Božích. Ó, predstavujem si, aký mal Pavol nádherný čas. Rád by som tam s ním bol, vy nie?
18 No, on povedal, že "On nám oznámil tajomstvo." Nech sa na vás len dostane niekedy Duch Svätý a začne pracovať a len sledujte, ako to prebieha. Toto popoludnie som mal, ó, asi tridsať minútové štúdium, aby som len prebehol tú lekciu; možno že nie, povedal by som, že polovicu, asi pätnásť minút. A musel som bežať a myslel som "tajomstvo, aké tajomné." A Písmo ma zaviedlo späť do Starého Zákona, potom naspäť do Nového Zákona, zviazalo niečo spolu, aby sme videli tajomstvo Jeho príchodu, tajomstvo Jeho vôle, tajomstvo, ako sme spolu ustanovení. Pamätajte, to nemôže byť vyučované v žiadnom seminári, to je tajomstvo. Vy to nemôžete poznať skrze vzdelanie, skrze teológiu. To je tajomstvo, ktoré bolo skryté od založenia sveta, očakáva na zjavenie sa synov Božích.
19 Povedz mi, môj brat, povedz mi, moja sestra, kedy bol čas, že synovia Boží mali byť zjavení okrem tohoto času teraz? Kedy bol v histórii nejaký čas, v ktorom malo byť zamanifestované vyslobodenie celej prírody? Príroda, celá príroda vzdychá, očakáva čas manifestácie (zjavenia). No, predtým, ako bolo urobené zmierenie, predtým, ako bol vôbec vyliaty Duch Svätý, predtým, tam v Starom Zákone nemohla byť manifestácia. To muselo čakať na tento čas. Všetky veci boli prinesené, prichádzajú, tvarujú sa do Štítového Kameňa, do manifestácii synov Božích, ktorí sa navracajú a Duch Boží prichádza do týchto ľudí tak dokonale, až ich služba bude tak blízka tej Kristovej, až to spojí Jeho a Jeho cirkev dohromady.
20 Koľkí ste niekedy študovali históriu pyramíd? Myslím, že jedna pani tu zodvihla ruku. V poriadku.
21 Boh napísal tri Biblie. Jedna z nich bol zverokruh na nebi. To je prvá Biblia. Človek sa mal pozerať hore, aby si uvedomil, že Boh je zhora. Sledujte ten zverokruh, študovali ste to niekedy? To ukazuje každý vek, dokonca vek Raka. Ukazuje to počiatok, narodenie Krista. Čo je prvým znamením vo zverokruhu? Panna. Čo je posledným znamením? Lev. Prvý príchod a druhý príchod Kristov, všetko je to tam napísané.
22 Potom tá ďalšia Biblia bola napísaná do kameňa, nazvanom pyramída. Boh to zapísal do pyramídy. Ak ich študujete, sledujte tie starodávne dejiny a vojny, ako oni boli postavené pred zničením potopou.
23 Tá tretia bola napísaná na papier, Biblia, pre ten veľký, chytrý, intelektuálny svet, ktorý mal prísť. No, ako sa Boh pohyboval cez tie veky, my sme teraz pri Levovi, vo veku Leva. My sme teraz pri štíte tej pyramídy. Sme v Knihe Zjavenia, v poslednej kapitole. Veda hovorí, že sme tri minúty pred polnocou. Ó, pomyslime len, kde sa nachádzame.
24 Všimnite si, vezmime tú pyramídu, je to jednoduché. Jej strany sa zbiehajú ako pri trojuholníku.
25 Keď sme boli tu na začiatku v tom ranom veku cirkvi, po reformácii v čase Luthera; pre človeka, len povedať, že je kresťanom, to pre neho znamenalo život alebo smrť. Oni ho zabili dokonca len za to, že povedal, že je kresťan. Aby preto prešli cez prenasledovanie... každý vek, v každom čase bolo prenasledovanie. "Všetkých, ktorí chcú pobožne žiť v Kristu Ježišovi, budú prenasledovať." Vo veku Luthera to bolo strašné povedať "Luterán". Boli ste považovaný za fanatika a mohli vás vydať na smrť. Mnohokrát ich zabíjali na hranici, pálili ich a všetko možné, pretože boli Luteránmi.
26 Potom sa cirkev zužovala, tak ako pyramída. To prišlo do ďalšieho stupňa milosti, čo bolo posvätenie: čas Wesleyho, keď on protestoval proti anglikánskej cirkvi, vyučoval posvätenie, potom to znovu prišlo do menšiny, potom oni boli nazvaní bandou fanatikov.
27 Koľkí z vás tu, ktorí ste boli metodistami alebo ste aspoň boli spojení s metodistickou cirkvou? Polovica z vás. Vedeli ste, že metodistická cirkev raz takmer mala Ducha Svätého? Chodil som do metodistických cirkví a videl som ich padať na podlahu a ako liali vodu na ich tváre a chladili ich vejármi a bránili Duchu Svätému, aby na nich prišiel. Tak je to. No, to je pravda, tam na tých vrchoch Kentucky sme mali metodistov. Vy tu ste len členovia cirkvi. My sme tam mali metodistov a baptistov. Išli sme tam ku oltáru a bili sme jeden druhého do chrbta, dokiaľ sme niečo nedostali. Keď sme potom odchádzali, boli sme iní ako predtým.
28 Ale vy len prídete, zapíšete svoje meno do knihy a poviete, "Som metodista". A vezmete soľničku a pofŕkajú vás trochou vody a to je všetko. Potom idete a ďalej nosíte šortky, maľujete sa, chodíte na dostihy, stávkujete, hráte hazardné hry, hráte na hracích automatoch a všetko možné a stále ste dobrí metodisti. Vidíte? To nie sú metodisti. To sú len členovia cirkvi. Tak je to. Baptisti takisto, presbyteriáni, takisto...
29 Ako povedal David duPlessis, "Vnúčatá, Boh nemá žiadne vnúčatá". Boh nikdy nemal vnúča. On mal synov, ale nie vnúčatá. Tak je to. Vy...a ľudia, ktorí prichádzajú do metodistickej cirkvi alebo letničnej cirkvi alebo baptistickej cirkvi preto, že tvoja matka alebo otec boli letniční alebo baptisti, potom ty si vnúča. Oni boli synovia. Ty si vnúča. Vidíte? Takže Boh nemá nič také. Cirkev toho má mnoho, ale nie... ale nie Boh, On to nemá.
30 No, všimnite si týchto, ako to odtiaľ prichádza až do terajšieho času, ako sa cirkev stále zmenšuje. Nastal vek letničných. To samozrejme odrezalo mnoho hrboľatých miest. Čo to potom spôsobilo? To nechalo metodistov a luteránov vzadu.
31 No, Duch Svätý sa pohol ďalej a odišiel z toho letničného veku. Čo oni urobili? Oni sa zorganizovali, urobili zo seba, "My sme Zbory Božie. My sme Jednotári. My sme Dvojičiari. My sme Cirkev Božia. My sme toto alebo tamto. Vy nepatríte... vy sa nemôžete dostať do neba, ak nemáte svoje meno v našej knihe." Ó, taký nezmysel. Je mi jedno, či ste baptista, metodista, presbyterián. Vaše meno je umiestnené v Knihe života, keď ho tam Boh umiestnil. Ak ste predurčení do Večného Života, Boh vás nejako povolá, nejakým spôsobom, tak alebo inak. On to iste urobí. "Všetkých, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku mne." Nezáleží na tom, do akej cirkvi patríte, to s tým nemá nič do činenia. Ale denominácia pre vás nikdy neurobí ani jednu vec, ale vám môže mnoho prekážať pri tom, keď chcete ísť ďalej s Bohom, ale to neurobí nič ďalšie. Zhromažďuje vás spolu s veriacimi a neveriacimi. Samozrejme, natrafíte na to všade, kdekoľvek idete, dokonca i v nebi to tak bolo. Takže to je v poriadku, ale ty hľadíš na svoju denomináciu. Hľaď na Ježiša, On je Ten, na Ktorého treba hľadieť.
32 Teraz, ako prichádzame do toho... oni mali... koľkí z vás... myslím, že táto žena tu zodvihla svoju ruku, že ona študovala tie pyramídy. Vy viete, že tá pyramída nebola nikdy zavŕšená, že? Nikdy na ňu nepoložili ten vrcholový kameň. Oni nikdy... nemohli ho ani nájsť. Oni nevedia, čo sa s ním stalo. Prečo? Prečo na to nebol položený ten vrcholový kameň, ten štítový kameň, na vrch tej pyramídy? Lebo On bol odmietnutý, keď prišiel. On bol ten odmietnutý Kameň. To je pravda. Ale to obdrží svoj vrchol. To je pravda. A potom tieto kamene, ktoré sú dopasované okolo toho štítového kameňa, to budú musieť byť kamene, ktoré budú celkom ako ten Kameň, že to bude musieť pasovať a spojiť sa na každom mieste. Pyramída je tak dokonalá, že tam medzi ne nemôžete vsunúť ani žiletku, tam, kde tie kamene idú spolu, to je nádherná murárska práca. Niektoré z nich by vážili stovky ton a sú tak vysoko nad zemou a tak dokonale spolu pasujú.
33 To je ten spôsob, ako Boh zhromažďuje Svoju cirkev. Sme spolu dopasovaní, jedno srdce a jedna myseľ. No, niekto povie, "No, tí Luteráni, tam v tom veku, nemali nič." Neverte tomu. Tí Luteráni prídu vo vzkriesení tak isto, ako tí ostatní prídu vo vzkriesení. Baptisti, presbyteriáni a všetky Božie deti prídu v tom vzkriesení. A to je ten dôvod, prečo dnes ľudia hovoria, "Ó, no, tam bude prebudenie, ktoré všetko zmetie, to príde sem a spasí milión letničných a všetci budú spasení a potom bude vytrhnutie." Ste na omyle. Vo vytrhnutí budú stovky tisícov, to je pravda, ale oni budú pozbieraní z tých šesťtisíc rokov, kedy mohli byť spasení, z tých predošlých šesťtisíc rokov. Človek chodí vo Svetle, ako to Svetlo ku nemu prichádza, on prechádza mostami, keď ku nim prichádza. No, ak to odmietne, potom je zanechaný v temnote. Ale ak ide ďalej...
34 No, všimnite si, potom príchod Pána Ježiša je tak blízko na dosah; že až Duch prechádza odtiaľto, len chatrne cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým a teraz rovno do toho času príchodu toho Štítového Kameňa. Cirkev musí byť tak dokonale podobná na Krista, že až Kristus a cirkev sa môžu spolu zjednotiť, ten istý Duch. A ak Duch Kristov je vo vás, to spôsobuje, že žijete život Kristov, prejavujete život Kristov, činíte skutky Kristove. "Ten, kto vo mňa verí, skutky, ktoré ja činím, on bude tiež činiť." Ježiš to povedal. Vidíte? No, my budeme mať... Máme službu, ktorá prichádza, ktorá je presne taká, ako život Kristov. Čo identifikuje tá služba? Príchod Pánov.
35 Pozrite sa na to vo svete dnes a sledujte, čo hovorí Chruščov, všetky tieto ďalšie veľké veci a veľké celosvetové konflikty, ktoré sú na blízku a kedykoľvek môžu povstať, v každej chvíli môžu všetko zmeniť na prach. To je pravda. A ak je to tak, potom vieme, že je to blízko. Každá vnímavá osoba o tom môže čítať v novinách alebo počuť v rádiu a bude vedieť, že je to blízko. No, pamätajme, Kristus prichádza pre Svoju cirkev predtým, ako sa to stane. Tak ako blízko je príchod Pána Ježiša? Možno ešte predtým, ako dnes večer zakončíme toto zhromaždenie. Sme v čase konca. Istotne je to pravda.
36 Sledujte cirkev ako prichádza, ako sa posúva. Zachovajte to vo svojich mysliach, vy historici, ktorí študujete históriu. Pozrite na luteránsku cirkev pod ospravedlnením, čerstvo vyjdení z katolicizmu, pozrite na ňu, ako sa posúva ďalej. Potom sa pozrite na Wesleyho, ako prichádza trochu bližšie do posvätenia, ako vchádza hlbšie do Písma. Pozrite rovno medzi tým, Wesley. Potom tá ďalšia vec, ktorá prišla, bol letničný vek. Letničný vek s navrátením darov, duchovných darov. No pozrite na ten vek, ktorý teraz prichádza rovno hore ku tomu štítovému kameňu. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Príchod Pánov je daný najavo. Boh a všetko stvorenstvo očakáva na cirkev, kedy nájde svoju správnu pozíciu.
37 Dnes je ten problém, takmer u každého, koho som stretol... Musel som sa podrobiť vyšetreniu u lekára, viete, kvôli tomu, že som mal ísť za oceán. Vy, misionári to poznáte. Keď ma vyšetrovali, vyviedli ma z tej miestnosti, mal som vypiť také... vyzeralo to ako surové cesto alebo niečo také a ja som to pil. A vyšiel som von, sadol si a čakal asi pol hodinu a chcel som vedieť, či to vyjde von z môjho žalúdka alebo nie. Pozrel som sa oproti a bola tam nejaká drobná žena, vyzerala akoby mala práve zomrieť. Mala také chudé nohy a chudé ruky. A ja som sa predieral od jedného človeka k druhému, blížil som sa ku nej, až som sa dostal tam, kde ona sedela. Ona vyzerala ako nejaká malá biedna bytosť, ktorá mala každú chvíľu zomrieť. A ja som sa dostal bližšie ku nej, povedal som,
"Prepáčte, pani,"
Ona povedala, "Dobrý deň." Ó, ona bola tak chorá.
A ja som povedal, "Čo sa stalo?"
38 Ona povedala, "Išla som do Tusconu navštíviť svoju dcéru. Ochorela som, oni nevedia zistiť, čo to je."
39 Povedal som, "Chcem sa vás opýtať jednu vec. Som kazateľ evanjelia. Ste kresťanka? Ste pripravená odísť, keď príde tá hodina?"
A ona povedala, "Patrím k cirkvi takej a takej."
40 Povedal som, "To nebolo to, na čo som sa vás pýtal. Ste kresťanka naplnená Božím Duchom a pripravená odísť, keď vás On povolá?"
Tá žena ani nevedela, o čom hovorím. Ó, aký žalostný pohľad na to, v čom sa nachádza ten svet.
41 Takže, "Oznámiac nám tajomstvo Svojej vôle," príchod... Dovoľte, aby som vám niečo prečítal. Prečítal som to... Prejdime teraz do "tajomstva Jeho vôle". Obráťme List Židom na chvíľu, 7.kapitola Židom, myslím, že to je ono. Chcel by som vám niečo prečítať, čo spôsobí, že sa budete cítiť tak dobre, keď pomyslíme, že sme posadení spolu v nebeských miestach. Židom 7.kapitola.
Lebo ten istý Melchisedech
(sledujte to...),kráľ Sálema, kňaz Najvyššieho Boha...
42 Čo je teraz tým tajomstvom? Tu je to tajomstvo, sledujte to. Kto je táto Osoba? Oznamujúci tajomstvo Svojej vôle. Tento Melchisedech, čakám teraz na všetkých, stále to hľadajú v Bibliách, Židom 7.kapitola. To hovorí Pavol, ten istý človek, ako ku Galaťanom.
Lebo ten istý Melchisedech, kráľ Sálema, kňaz Najvyššieho Boha, ktorý vyšiel v ústrety Abrahámovi, ktorý sa navracoval od porážky kráľov a požehnal ho,
ktorému aj desiatok udelil Abrahám zo všetkého, ktorý sa volá, keď sa preloží jeho meno, najprv kráľ spravodlivosti a potom i kráľ Sálema...
(kto je táto osoba?)...čo je v preklade kráľ Pokoja,
bez otca, bez matere, bez rodoslovia nemajúc ani počiatku dní ani konca života...
43 Kto bol tento Človek? Kto On bol? On nikdy nemal otca, On nikdy nemal matku, On nikdy nemal času začiatku alebo času, kedy by mal zomrieť. On stretol Abraháma, keď prichádzal od porážky kráľov. Čo on urobil? On vyšiel, aby vyslobodil Lóta, svojho strateného brata, aby ho priviedol späť. A on porazil tých kráľov, tí králi, ktorí boli porazení, myslím, že to bolo desať, alebo pätnásť kráľov a ich kráľovstvá. Ale Abrahám vyzbrojil svojich sluhov a išiel za ním, rozdelil sa na nich (so svojimi sluhami) v noci. Vidíte, kedy ho dohonil? V noci. Ó, brat, my teraz pracujeme v temnote, to jediné Svetlo, ktoré máme, je Svetlo Evanjelia. Ale on sa rozdelil v noci a vytrhol ho a priviedol späť. A na jeho ceste späť, potom, čo skončil boj...
44 Poďme do 1.Mojžišovej 14, len na chvíľu, aby sme ten príbeh ukázali trochu jasnejšie. Poďme sem do 1.Mojžišovej, štvrtá... myslím, že to je 14. Kapitola, 1.Mojžišova 14. Áno, začnime v 1.Mojžišovej 14:18. Začnime trochu pred tým. Začnime, áno, 18. verš, 1.Mojžišova 14:18. "A Melchisedech..." No, to je Abrahám navracajúci sa od porážky kráľov. Vracal sa, na svojej spiatočnej ceste, privádza naspäť Lóta a všetkých tých ľudí, ktorých odvliekli...
45 Všetkých! Ako Dávid, ktorý vyšiel a dostal toho... Čo urobil Dávid? Vzal malý prak, vyšiel a vytrhol tú malú ovečku z tlamy leva. Pomyslite na ten prak, ako on išiel pre tú ovečku. Kto na svete by to urobil? Povedzte mi, kto by to urobil, zodvihnite svoju ruku. Poviem vám rovno, že sa mýlite. Ani nevidíte, že by som ja zodvihol svoju ruku. Nie, neišiel by som po ňom ani s tri-nula-šestkou, sotva. Ale on za ním šiel s prakom, s kúskom kože na dvoch kúskoch povrazu, s tým sa takto točilo. Lebo keď prišiel ten čas, že Goliáš sa začal chvastať, on išiel na Goliáša a povedal, "Boh nebies mi dal, aby som vyslobodil ovcu z tlamy leva a z tlamy medveďa." On vedel, že to nebol prak. To bola moc Božia, ktorá išla s ním. On bol Ten, ktorý priviedol tú ovcu späť.
46 A to je to, čo my hovoríme dnes. Boh má Dávidov, postavených vôkol (tak veru), ktorí kŕmia Otcove ovečky. A z času na čas príde nejaký nádor, alebo rakovina, alebo niečo také, čo sa vymyká z rúk lekára. To nezastaví Dávida, on bude ďalej prenasledovať tú osobu s tým malým prakom: "Proste čokoľvek v Mojom Mene a bude vám dané." Nezáleží mi na tom, či sa lekári budú smiať a každý si z neho bude robiť žarty, on jednako pôjde rovno za ním, aby priviedol tú ovečku späť do ovčinca. Tak veru. "To je Božie dieťa, daj svoje ruky preč od neho."
On toho leva skolil, a potom sa ten lev postavil, on ho schmatol za bradu a zabil ho. Tenký, hrdzavý chlapec, vážil možno štyridsať alebo štyridsaťpäť kilogramov.
47 Teraz dávajte pozor. Melchisedech, Kráľ Sálema, čo znamená Kráľ Pokoja. Sálem vlastne leží naproti tomu vrchu. On bol Kráľ Jeruzalema. To je presne to, kým On bol, Kráľ Jeruzalema. A Jeruzalem sa prv nazýval Sálem, čo znamená pokoj; to bol najprv Jeruzalem, predtým, ako sa to nazvalo Jeruzalem. On bol Kráľ Jeruzalema. On bol Kráľ spravodlivosti, Kráľ Pokoja, Kráľ Sálema. On nemal otca; On nemal matku; On nemal začiatku dní, ani konca života; On nemal... On nemal žiaden rodokmeň. Ó, ó, ó! Kto je táto Osoba? Sledujte Ho.
Potom, ako skončil ten boj, potom, čo bolo uchvátené to víťazstvo; sledujte, čo On povedal. "A Melchisedech..." 18. verš, 14. Kapitola 1. Mojžišovej.
A Melchisedech, kráľ Sálema, vyniesol chlieb a víno, a to bol kňaz silného Boha najvyššieho.
A požehnal ho a riekol: Požehnaný Abram silnému Bohu najvyššiemu, majiteľovi nebies a zeme!
A požehnaný silný Boh najvyšší, ktorý vydal tvojich protivníkov do tvojej ruky! A Abram mu dal desiatok zo všetkého.
48 Čítajme ešte trochu ďalej.
A kráľ Sodomy povedal Abramovi: Daj mi ľud a majetok vezmi sebe.
Ale Abram povedal kráľovi Sodomy: Pozdvihol som svoju ruku k Hospodinovi, silnému Bohu najvyššiemu, majiteľovi nebies a zeme, ...
(Počúvajte, ako mu to v krátkosti povedal, hmm, ako mu to podal)že ani len niti ani remenca z obuvi, že nevezmem ničoho...
(ničoho)...zo všetkého toho, čo je tvoje, aby si nepovedal: Ja som obohatil Abrama, krome toho, čo zjedli mládenci...
49 Všimnite si, tento Melchisedech, hneď ako stretol Abraháma, ktorý sa vracal od porážky kráľov... Kto On bol? To tajomstvo Božie je teraz dané najavo. Nikto... Oni nemôžu nájsť žiadnu Jeho históriu, lebo On nemal žiadneho otca, On nemal žiadnu matku, On nemal žiadneho času, kedy by mal zomrieť, takže kýmkoľvek On bol, On je stále nažive. On nemal nikdy žiadneho začiatku; takže On nemohol byť nikto iný ako El, Elah, Elohim; samo-existujúci, samo-pretrvávajúci Všemohúci Boh.
50 Ježiš mal Otca, Ježiš mal matku, Ježiš mal začiatku dní, Ježiš mal koniec pozemského života. Ale tento Muž nemal ani otca ani matku. Amen. Nemal žiadneho otca ani matku. Ježiš mal oboch, Otca i Matku. Tento Muž nemal ani otca ani matku. Amen! A čo On urobil? Potom, keď bolo po boji, potom, keď Abrahám zaujal svoju pozíciu...
51 Potom, keď cirkev zaujíma svoju pozíciu, my sme povolaní k adopcii za synov skrze Ducha Svätého. A keď každý človek zaujíma svoju pozíciu, to, do čoho ho Boh povolal a stojí až do konca svojej cesty, ide za tými stratenými...
52 Za prvé, Pavol berie odtiaľ všetok strach. Takže teraz, ak ste povolaní, ak to nemáš len vytvorené vo svojej mysli skrze nejakú teológiu; ak si skutočne narodený z Ducha, potom ťa Boh predurčil pred založením sveta, zapísal tvoje meno do Bránkovej Knihy Života a teraz prichádzame, aby sme boli posadení v nebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi. "Svätý ľud, svätý národ, zvláštny ľud, kráľovské kňazstvo, obetujúce duchovné obete Bohu, to jest ovocie našich rtov, oddávajúce chválu Jeho Menu."
53 Ľudia prichádzajú a hovoria, "Tí ľudia sú blázniví." Isteže sú; múdrosť Božia je pre ľudí bláznovstvom a múdrosť ľudská je bláznovstvom u Boha. Oni sú v protiklade jeden k druhému.
54 Ale skutočne Duchom naplnená cirkev, plná moci Božej, spolu posadení v nebeských miestach, obetujúci duchovné obete, chvály Bohu, Duch Boží sa pohybuje medzi nimi a rozlišuje hriech a vyvoláva spomedzi nich tie veci, ktoré sú nesprávne, urovnáva to a napráva. Prečo? V Božej Prítomnosti je vždy tá krvavá Obeť.
55 Pamätajte, prešli sme cez to dnes ráno. Vy ste neboli spasení Krvou, Krv vás zachováva spasených. Ale vy ste boli spasení milosťou, skrze vieru; tým, že ste tomu uverili. Boh zaklopal na vaše srdce, pretože vás predurčil. Vy ste sa pozreli hore a uverili ste tomu a prijali ste to. A teraz, Krv robí zmierenie za vaše hriechy.
Pamätajte, povedal som, "Boh neodsudzuje hriešnika za to, že hreší." On je od počiatku hriešnikom. On odsudzuje kresťana za to, že hreší. A pretože ho On odsúdil, Kristus vzal naše odsúdenie. Takže nieto žiadneho odsúdenie tým, ktorí sú v Kristu Ježišovi, ktorí nechodia podľa tela, ale podľa Ducha. A ak urobíte niečo nesprávne, to nie je dobrovoľne. Vy nehrešíte dobrovoľne. Človek, ktorý dobrovoľne hreší, ide ďalej a dobrovoľne hreší, ten ešte nikdy nevošiel do toho Tela. Ale človek, ktorý tam raz je, on je mŕtvy a jeho život je skrytý v Bohu skrze Krista, zapečatení Svätým Duchom a diabol ho ani nemôže nájsť, on je tam tak hlboko. On by musel odtiaľ vyjsť predtým, ako by ho diabol mohol dostať, lebo vy ste mŕtvi.
56 Povedzte mŕtvemu človeku, že on je pokrytec a hľaďte, čo sa stane. Kopnite ho do boku a povedzte mu, "Ty starý pokrytec, ty..." On nepovie ani slovo. A to je pravda, on tam bude len ležať.
57 A človeka, ktorý je mŕtvy v Kristovi, môžete nazývať pokrytcom, môžete ho nazývať ako chcete, on sa nikdy na to nerozhorčí. A ak sa niečo také udeje, on sa niekde utiahne a bude sa za vás modliť. To je pravda.
Ale ó, toľkí z nich sú tak veľmi nažive. To je to, na čo myslím; my by sme mali pochovávať mŕtvych ľudí. Tí, ktorí sú mŕtvi v Kristovi, tých pochovávame vo vode. Niekedy pochovávame príliš mnoho ľudí, ktorí sú nažive: príliš mnoho zlosti a roztržiek a je toho v cirkvi, toľko. Ale my to nevieme oddeliť, ale Boh vie. On pozná Svoj ľud. On pozná Svoje ovce. On pozná každý hlas. On pozná Svoje deti. A On vie, koho môže vyvolať, On vie, koho predurčil. On vie, komu On dal tieto veci, skrze čo sa On dáva poznávať. Ako On... Boh môže dôverovať Svojim deťom v tom, čo majú robiť a On vie, že oni to presne tak urobia. Veríte, že Boh to robí?
58 Satan povedal jedného dňa Jóbovi, vlastne Bohu, "Áno, Ty máš takého sluhu."
59 Boh povedal, "Nie je na zemi taký ako on. On je dokonalý muž." On mu dôveroval.
60 Satan povedal, "On to má všetko také ľahké. Len mi ho na chvíľu daj a ja spôsobím, že Ti bude zlorečiť do tváre."
61 On povedal, "Je v tvojich rukách, ale nevezmi jeho život." Vidíte? A on urobil všetko, okrem toho, že by mu vzal život.
62 Ale ó, Jób, miesto toho... Čo urobil? Či on zlorečil Bohu, keď mu vzal jeho deti, keď urobil všetky tieto zlé veci a všetko ostatné? Jób nenamietal. On padol na svoju tvár a oddal Bohu chválu (haleluja!) a povedal, "Pán dal, Pán vzal, nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo." Tu to máte.
63 Boh vedel, že môže Jóbovi dôverovať. Boh vie, koľko môže dôverovať tebe. On vie, koľko môže dôverovať mne. Ale to, o čom teraz hovoríme, to je umiestnenie tohoto dieťaťa do jeho pozície.
64 No, keď Biblia... keď skončil celý ten boj, keď bolo všetko skončené, čo je potom ďalšou vecou, ktorú robíme? Čo je tá vec, ktorú robíme potom, keď boj skončil? Viete, čo to je? Stretávame Melchisedecha. Prejdime do Matúša 16:16, rýchlo, pozrime sa, či to pravda alebo nie. Svätý Matúš, 16. kapitola a 16. verš, som si istý, že je to tam, Matúš 16:16. Matúš 6... Nie, to je nesprávne, to by nemohlo byť tak blízko od začiatku. 26:26. Lebo tu v 16. kapitole On hovorí k Šimonovi Petrovi. Prepáčte, nechcel som toto povedať. 26:26, lebo to je posledná večera, to je to, kam sa snažím dostať. Matúš 26. kapitola a 26. verš, tu ju máme, tu sme pri poslednej večeri.
A keď jedli, vzal Ježiš chlieb, a keď bol dobrorečil, lámal a dával učeníkom a povedal: Vezmite, jedzte: toto je moje telo.
Potom vzal kalich a poďakujúc dal im so slovami: Pite z neho všetci,
lebo toto je moja tej novej zmluvy krv, ktorá sa vylieva za mnohých na odpustenie hriechov.
H-r-i-e-ch-o-v, hriechov, za kresťanov, ktorí robia niečo zle.
65 V poriadku, ale počúvajte, 29. Verš...
Ale hovorím vám, že odteraz nebudem nikdy piť z tohoto plodu viniča, až do toho dňa, keď ho budem piť s vami nový v kráľovstve svojho Otca."
66 Čo? To isté urobil Melchisedech potom, keď Abrahám zaujal svoju pozíciu, postavil do poriadku svojich mužov a zvíťazil v tom boji a vrátil sa domov a Melchisedech vyšiel s chlebom a vínom. Keď skončí ten boj, potom budeme jesť na svadobnej večeri s Pánom Ježišom v tom novom svete. Ó, nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo. V poriadku.
Tajomstvo svojej vôle podľa svojej ľúbosti,...
(Teraz sme znovu späť v Efežanom 1:9)...ktorú si preduložil v sebe
cieľom správy plnosti časov...
68 A pamätajte na to, práve sme cez to prešli: Efežanom 1. kapitola, 10. verš.
cieľom správy plnosti časov...
69 No, zistili sme, že plnosť časov očakáva na čo? Plnosť všetkých časov. Na čas, kedy hriech pominie, na čas, kedy smrť pominie, na čas, kedy nemoc pominie, na čas, kedy všetky prevrátenia a prevrátené veci, ktoré diabol prevrátil, pominú, keď sám čas pominie. Sledujte to.
...cieľom správy plnosti časov dovedna zobrať všetko v Kristovi, to, čo je na nebesiach, i to, čo je na zemi, v ňom..
.70 "Zhromaždiť všetky veci v Kristovi..." Ako som povedal dnes ráno, všetky tie malé hrudky zlata, ktoré nachádzame, tieto dôležité malé veci, môžete ich leštiť v 1. Mojžišovej, môžete ich leštiť v 2. Mojžišovej, môžete ich leštiť v 3. Mojžišovej a previesť ich cez všetky knihy a zakončí to všetko v Zjavení a bude to Ježiš. Vezmite Jozefa, vezmite Abraháma, vezmite Izáka, vezmite Jákoba, vezmite Dávida, vezmite ktorúkoľvek z týchto hrudiek zlata, týchto Božích mužov a hľaďte, či nebudete vidieť Ježiša Krista vyobrazeného v každom jednom z nich. "...aby zhromaždil všetko v tom Jednom, v Kristu Ježišovi."
71 No, trochu ďalej v 11. Verši...
...v ktorom sme sa aj stali dedičstvom...
[angl.: "v ktorom sme obdržali dedičstvo" – pozn.prekl.]72 Ó, "dedičstvo..." Niekto ti musí niečo zanechať, aby si to zdedil. Je to tak? Dedičstvo, aké máme my dedičstvo? Aké dedičstvo mám ja? Ja nemám žiadne, ale Boh mi zanechal dedičstvo, keď zapísal moje meno do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta.
73 Ó, vy poviete, "No, počkaj brat, Ježiš ti ho zanechal, keď za teba zomrel." Nie, nikdy. Ježiš prišiel, aby pre mňa to dedičstvo kúpil. Čítajte práve ten ďalší riadok.
...v ktorom sme sa aj stali dedičstvom Božím,
[angl.: "v ktorom sme obdržali dedičstvo" – pozn.prekl.]predurčení súc podľa preduloženia toho, ktorý pôsobí všetko, podľa rady svojej vôle.
74 Boh pred založením sveta, ako sme to prebrali v tej lekcii, vy ľudia: ako sme videli, že Boh bol samoexistencia, ako v Ňom bola láska. V Ňom bola vlastnosť byť Bohom, no nebolo nič, čo by Ho uctievalo. V Ňom bola vlastnosť byť Otcom, bolo tam... On bol len Sám. V Ňom bola vlastnosť byť Spasiteľ; nebolo nič stratené. V Ňom bola vlastnosť byť Uzdravovateľ. To sú Jeho atribúty. Nebolo tam nič. Tak On Sám, Jeho vlastná dobrá rada vyprodukovala tieto veci, aby On mohol skrze tohoto jedného Človeka, Krista Ježiša, zhromaždiť znova všetko spolu. Ó, čo oko nevidelo, ucho nepočulo... Niet divu, že to je tajomná vec.
75 Pozrite, "Predurčil nás k tomuto dedičstvu..." Ak mám právo, aby som niečo zdedil, ak Boh klope na moje srdce a hovorí, "William Branham, povolal som ťa dávno pred založením sveta, aby si kázal evanjelium." Mám dedičstvo, dedičstvo Večného Života. Boh poslal Ježiša, aby sa to dedičstvo stalo pre mňa skutočným, lebo nebolo nič, čo by som ja mohol urobiť, aby som to zdedil. Bolo to čisté (nepodpísané), no bolo to platné, ale nebolo nič, čo by som v tom mohol urobiť. Ale v plnosti času poslal Boh, vo svojom vlastnom správnom čase, Baránka Ježiša, zabitého pred založením sveta. Jeho Krv bola preliata, aby som ja mohol ísť do môjho dedičstva. Aby som bol čím? Aké dedičstvo? Synovstvo, byť synom Božím.
76 A teraz, toto vás možno vystraší na smrť. Vedeli ste, že ľudia, ktorí sú synovia Boží, sú amatérski bohovia? Koľkí ste to vedeli? Koľkí viete, že Ježiš to povedal? Biblia, Ježiš povedal, "Či nehovorí sám váš zákon, že ste bohovia? A ak nazývate bohmi tých..." Boh povedal v 1.Mojžišovej 2, že oni sú bohovia, lebo oni boli...oni mali plnú vládu nad panstvom sveta. On mu dáva panstvo nad všetkými vecami. A on stratil svoje božstvo, on stratil svoje synovstvo, on stratil svoje panstvo a Satan to prevzal. Ale brat, my očakávame na manifestácie synov Božích, ktorí sa vrátia a znovu to prevezmú! Očakávame na plnosť času, keď sa tá pyramída dostáva ku vrcholu, keď sa zjavia plní synovia Boží, keď vystúpi moc Božia (Haleluja!) a vezme všetku moc, ktorú Satan od neho zobral. Tak veru, to patrí jemu.
77 On je Logos, ktoré vyšlo od Boha, to je pravda, to bol Syn Boží. Potom On učinil človeka tým malým bohom. A On povedal, "Ak nazývajú tých, ku ktorým prišlo Slovo Božie, prorokov, ak ich nazývajú bohmi, tých, ku ktorým prišlo Slovo Božie..." a Boh sám povedal, že oni sú bohovia. On povedal Mojžišovi, "Učinil som ťa bohom a Árona tvojím prorokom." Amen!. Och! Možno sa správam ako náboženský fanatik, ale nie som. Ó, keď sa len naše oči môžu otvoriť a vidieť tie veci...
V poriadku, On učinil človeka bohom, bohom nad svojím panstvom. A jeho panstvo sa tiahne od mora k moru, od brehu ku brehu. On to má pod kontrolou.
78 A keď prišiel Ježiš, súc Bohom bez hriechu, On to dokázal. Keď vetry zaduli, on povedal, "Stoj ticho!" Amen! A keď ten strom, on povedal, "Nech naveky nikto z teba neje."
79 "Amen vám hovorím, vám, ktorí ste malými bohmi, ak poviete tejto hore ´Pohni sa´ a nebudete pochybovať vo svojich srdciach, ale budete veriť, čo ste povedali, stane sa, môžete mať, čo ste povedali."
80 Vráťme sa do 1.Mojžišovej, do originálu, čo je to? Svet a príroda vzdychá, plače, všetko je v pohybe. Prečo? Kvôli zjaveniu sa synov Božích, kedy pravdiví synovia, narodení synovia, naplnení synovia vypovedia slovo a ono bude potvrdené. Verím, že práve teraz sme na hranici toho. Tak veru. "Povedzte tejto hore, nech sa tak stane."
81 "Brat, túžim po tom-a-tom, aby sa stala určitá vec. Som veriaci v Ježiša Krista."
82 "Dávam ti to v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista." Tam je manifestácia.
83 "Ó, brat, moje plodiny tam vysychajú. Nebolo žiadneho dažďa."
84 "Pošlem ti dážď v Mene Pánovom... nech požehná tvoje plodiny." Ó, celá príroda očakáva, vzdychá, očakáva manifestácie synov Božích. Boh to určil na počiatku. On dal človeku panstvo.
85 On dal Ježiša Krista a Ježiš to dal v Jeho Mene s týmto uistením, "Proste Otca o čokoľvek v Mojom Mene a Ja to urobím." Ó, brat Palmer! Očakávame na manifestácie synov Božích, aby cirkev zaujala svoju pozíciu.
86 Ako som povedal, kniha Efežanom je kniha Jozueho a Jozue umiestňuje ľudí tam, kam patria. No, ak by oni nestáli na svojom mieste a on by umiestnil Efraima sem a on by bežal do zeme Manassessa a tento by sa vrátil a oni by sa hádali a zmätkovali, ako by kedy mohli spolu vychádzať? Keď jeden by povedal, "Ja som baptista, ja som metodista, ja som letničný, ja som jednotár, ja som dvojičiar, ja som to-a-to."
87 Ako môžete takto do toho vojsť? Stojte nepohnuteľne! Boh chce umiestniť svoju cirkev, synov a dcéry Božie. Bože, daj mi žiť tak dlho, aby som to videl, to je moja modlitba. Je to tak blízko, že to môžem takmer cítiť svojimi rukami, vyzerá to tak, že je to rovno tu. To je to, čo túžim vidieť, očakávam na ten čas, kedy pôjdeme dolu ulicou a tam leží chromý od narodenia: "Striebra a zlata nemám..." Ó, očakávame na manifestácie synov Božích (Haleluja!), kedy sa Boha dá poznať, kedy oni zastavia chorobu, zastavia rakovinu, zastavia nemoci.
88 Myslíte si, že rakovina je niečo? Biblia hovorí, že prichádza čas, kedy ľudia budú hniť rovno vo svojom vlastnom tele a krkavci budú vyžierať ich telá ešte predtým ako zomrú. Rakovina je len bolesť zubov oproti tomu, čo má prísť. Ale pamätajte, tej strašnej veci bolo zakázané dotýkať sa tých, ktorý mali Pečať Božiu. To je to, o čo teraz zápasíme, aby sme sa dostali dovnútra a boli umiestnení do pozície v Božom Kráľovstve ešte predtým, ako udrú tie strašné rany. Ó, aké je to dobré. Časové rozdelenie, plnosť času, dedičstvo...
...v ktorom sme aj obdržali dedičstvo, súc predurčení...
89 Ako nám bolo dané naše dedičstvo, skrze čo? Skrze predurčenie. Predurčenie je predzvedenie. Ako Boh vedel, že ti bude môcť dôverovať, aby si bol kazateľom? Skrze Svoje predzvedenie. "Nie ten, kto chce, alebo kto beží, alebo kto... to je Boh, ktorý sa zmilováva." To je pravda. Predurčenie, On vedel, čo bolo vo vás. On vedel čo bolo vo vás, ešte predtým, ako ste prišli na zem. On vedel, čo bolo vo vás ešte predtým, ako bola zem, na ktorú ste prišli. To je... to je On. To je nekonečný Boh, Ten Nekonečný. My sme ohraničení, my môžeme rozmýšľať len v ohraničenej oblasti.
90 To znamená pre mňa tak mnoho odvtedy, čo sa mi to prihodilo, neviem. Keď som tam premýšľal, keď som tam stál tých zopár radostných momentov a myslel som, "Nie je žiadne zajtra." Nebolo žiadne včera, nie je žiadna nemoc, nie je žiaden smútok. Nie je žiadne "trochu šťastia", ale celé množstvo šťastia, to je všetko len šťastie. Ó! Ó, keď som tam stál a povedal som, "Čo je toto?"
91 Ten Hlas povedal, "Toto je dokonalá láska a všetko, čo si kedy miloval, a všetko, čo milovalo teba je tu teraz s tebou."
92 "A ty nás predstavíš Pánovi Ježišovi, keď On príde, ako trofeje tvojej služby."
Videl som tam tie krásne ženy, ako tam stáli, objímali ma a volali, "Môj vzácny, milovaný brat!"
Videl som tam tých mužov s hustými vlasmi ako bežali, objímali ma a hovorili, "Náš vzácny brat!"
A ja som si pomyslel, "Čo má toto znamenať?"
On povedal, "To je tvoj ľud."
93 Povedal som, "Môj ľud? Sú ich milióny, nemôže byť toľko Branhamov."
94 On povedal, "To sú tvoji obrátení." Haleluja! "To sú tvoji obrátení. Oni sú tí, ktorí... " Povedal, "Vidíš tú, ktorá stojí tam?" To bola tá najkrajšia žena, akú som kedy videl... Povedal, "Mala viac ako deväťdesiat rokov, keď si ju priviedol k Bohu. Niet divu, že ona kričí, ´Môj vzácny brat!´" Povedal, "Ona nebude už nikdy stará. Ona je už pomimo toho. Ona je v rozkvete mladosti. Tam stojí. Ona nemusí piť studenú vodu, ona to nepotrebuje. Ona si nemusí ľahnúť a spať, lebo ona sa nemôže ani unaviť. Nie je tu žiadne zajtra, žiadne včera, ani nič také. My sme tu vo Večnosti. Ale jedného slávneho dňa príde Syn Boží a ty budeš súdený podľa Slova, ktoré si im kázal."
Ó, brat, ja som povedal, "I Pavol bude musieť priviesť svoju skupinu?
95 Povedal som, "Kázal som To presne tak, ako to Pavol povedal. Nikdy som sa od Toho neodchýlil, nikdy som do Toho nepribral nejaké cirkevné vyznanie ani nič iné. Zostal som pri tom."
96 A všetci zvolali jedným hlasom, "My to vieme. My odpočívame v tej istote." Povedali, "Ty nás predstavíš Jemu, a potom sa všetci vrátime znovu na zem, aby sme žili naveky." Ó!
97 Až potom som začal prichádzať k sebe. Pozrel som sa, videl som tam na posteli ležať svoje staré telo, natiahnuté a zostarnuté a zvráskavené a nemocné a strápené a videl som svoje ruky za hlavou a pomyslel som si, "Ó, či sa budem musieť do tamtoho znovu vrátiť?"
98 A stále som počul ten Hlas, "Len sa tlač napred! Tlač sa napred!"
99 Povedal som, "Pane, vždy som veril v Božské uzdravovanie, budem tomu ďalej veriť. Ale budem napredovať pre tie duše, tak mi pomôž. Budem ich tam mať mnoho... Nechaj ma žiť ešte dlhšie a privediem do neba ďalší milión, ak len Ty dovolíš."
100 Je mi jedno akej farby, akého vierovyznania, akej národnosti, alebo čím oni sú; oni sú všetci jedno, keď sa tam dostanú. Tie staré hranice pominuli. Ó, môžem vidieť tie ženy, také krásne, nikdy som nevidel... dlhé vlasy im viseli na chrbát, mali dlhé šaty siahajúce až dolu. Boli bosé. Vidím tých mužov s tými hustými vlasmi, červenovlasých, čiernovlasých a všetkých iných farieb. A oni ma objímali. Mohol som ich cítiť. Cítil som ich ruky. Boh je mojím Sudcom a táto otvorená svätá Kniha; mohol som ich cítiť tak, ako môžem cítiť svoje ruky na mojej tvári.
A oni ma objímali, nebolo tam pri tých ženách cítiť žiadne vzrušenie, ako by to bolo tu. Je mi jedno, akí ste svätí, kto ste, aký si kazateľ, kňaz, alebo čokoľvek by si mohol byť; nie je žiaden muž, ktorý by mohol objať ženu bez toho, že by nemal pri tom ľudské vzrušenie. To je presná pravda. Ale, brat, keď prejdeš odtiaľto tam, tam to už takto nie je. Ó! Je to tak... ó, tam je... je to tam nemožné. To je všetko láska. Každý je skutočným bratom a každá je skutočnou sestrou. Nie je tam žiadna smrť, žiaden smútok, žiadna žiarlivosť, vôbec nič, nič tam nemôže vstúpiť. To je všetko dokonalosť. To je to, o čo zápasím. To je to, do čoho mám byť umiestnený.
101 Povedal som, "Ó, Pane, kvôli tomu som tu v cirkvi, pokúšam sa ju postaviť na poriadok." Poviem ti, brat a sestra, je len jedna vec, ktorá tam môže vstúpiť; to je dokonalá láska. Nie to, že ste verní Branhamovej modlitebni, alebo Metodistickej cirkvi, alebo Baptistickej cirkvi, to je v poriadku, to by ste mali byť. Ale priatelia, ó, vy musíte... Nie to, že ste hovorili v jazykoch, tancovali v Duchu, nie to, že ste vyháňali démonov, alebo hýbali vierou horami. To všetko je v poriadku, lebo to je v poriadku, ale až dokiaľ tam nie je tá dokonalá láska... Bolo to tam, kde dokonalá... [Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]
...v ktorom sme aj obdržali dedičstvo...
(Čo my dedíme? Večný Život)...predurčení súc...
102 Ako? Rozumie to každý? Či ste vy volali na Boha? Boh volal na vás. Žiaden človek nikdy Boha nehľadal. To je Boh, ktorý hľadá človeka. Ježiš povedal, "Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne ak ho prv nepritiahne Môj Otec." Vidíte, to je ľudská prirodzenosť utekať od Boha. A vy teraz hovoríte...
103 To je to, čo ma trápi, keď kážem vám, ľudia: Nezostávajte v tom istom stave, v ktorom ste doteraz chodili, premeňte sa teraz! Počúvajte ma, lebo to hovorím ako TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Nikdy som sa takto nenazval, to ja nie som. Ale vy ste ma nazvali svojím prorokom, alebo prorokom. Svet tomu verí, ten svet naokolo, milióny a milióny a milióny ľudí. Hovoril som priamo alebo nepriamo ku desať alebo dvanásť tisícom ľudí, alebo viac. Videl som desiatky tisícov videní, divov a zázrakov a nič z toho nikdy nezlyhalo. A to je pravda. On mi predpovedal veci, ktoré nikdy neodbočili od presného naplnenia sa. Môžem s týmto zastať pred súdom s ktorýmkoľvek človekom. To je pravda. Ja netvrdím že som prorok, ale počúvajte ma.
104 TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, bude potrebná dokonalá láska, aby vás preniesla na to miesto, lebo to je všetko, čo tam bolo. Nezáleží na tom, koľko náboženských prejavov, koľko dobrých skutkov ste urobili, alebo čokoľvek ste urobili, to nebude počítané za nič v ten deň. Bude potrebná dokonalá láska. Takže čokoľvek robíte, odložte nabok všetko ostatné, až kým nebudete tak naplnení láskou Božou, že budete môcť milovať tých, ktorí vás nenávidia.
105 Ja som len, ako som jedného rána povedal, bol som učinený... Celé moje odenie je milosť. Mnoho ľudí hovorí, "Poškrab ma po chrbte, a potom ťa ja poškrabem. Áno, urob niečo pre mňa a potom ja urobím niečo pre teba." To nie je milosť. Milosť je to, že ak ťa svrbí chrbát, tak ja ho jednako poškrabem, či ty poškriabeš mňa alebo nie. Možno ma udrieš do tváre a povieš, "môj chrbát potrebuje poškriabať," tak ja ho poškriabem. Vidíte? To je to, urobte niečo. Ja neverím v skutky, ja verím, že skutky sú láska. Skutky sú prejavom, že milosť zaujala miesto. Ja nie som verný svojej manželke preto, že by som vedel, že sa so mnou rozvedie, ak by som jej nebol verný; ja som jej verný preto, lebo ju milujem.
106 Nekážem Evanjelium preto, že si myslím, že pôjdem do pekla, ak by som ho nekázal; kážem Evanjelium preto, lebo Jeho milujem. Určite. Myslíte si, že by som prechádzal tými búrlivými moriami a tie lietadlá sú zmietané hore a dolu a všade okolo sa blýska a deje sa všetko možné a takmer každú minútu každý vykrikuje "Zdravas Mária", prechádza to lietadlom a takéto veci...tí ľudia si zapínajú bezpečnostné pásy a pilot hovorí, "Máme paliva už len na pätnásť minút a nevieme, kde sa nachádzame." Myslíte si, že by som to robil len...len aby som mal nejakú zábavu? Ha. Myslíte si, že by som sa vrátil tam do tej džungle, kde sa museli tí nemeckí vojaci postaviť každú noc okolo mňa a doprevádzali ma na tie zhromaždenia a z nich, až kým Duch Svätý nezačal činiť zázraky? Komunisti tam sedeli s infračervenými zameriavačmi, aby ma zastrelili i zo vzdialenosti jednej míle. Myslíte si, že by som to robil len pre zábavu? Je to preto, že niečo je vo mne, láska. Sú tam ľudia, za ktorých Kristus zomrel. Pavol povedal, "Ja som ochotný nielen ísť hore do Jeruzalema, ale ja tam idem, aby som bol ukrižovaný. Idem tam, aby som zomrel. Idem tam, aby som zomrel pre Pána." Je to niečo... láska, ktorá vás núti. To je presne tak.
107 Ak by som kázal Evanjelium za peniaze, ak by to tak bolo, nemal by som dnes večer dlh dvadsaťtisíc dolárov. Nebol by som v dlhu. Nie veru. Lebo ja by som potom zobral niekoľko z tých miliónov, ktoré mi boli ponúkané. Jeden človek, jeden človek ku mne poslal agenta FBI so šekom na milión päťstotisíc dolárov. Povedal som, "Vezmite to späť." Nie za peniaze, to nie je za peniaze. Ja nekážem Evanjelium za peniaze, to nie.
108 Je to kvôli láske. Tá vec, ktorú chcem robiť je, keď tam prekročím a vydám svoj posledný dych, čo môže byť za päť minút od teraz, môže to byť o dve hodiny, môže to byť o päťdesiat rokov od teraz. Ja neviem, kedy to bude. Ale keď to nastane a ja tam prídem, chcem vidieť tých ľudí v rozkvete mladosti ako bežia a kričia, "Môj milovaný brat, môj brat!" To je to, čo je v mojom srdci. To je ten dôvod. Ja sa nesnažím nesúhlasiť s vami, aby som bol odlišný, ale snažím sa vás postaviť na cestu, ktorá je správna. To je tá cesta dovnútra. Nie vaša cirkev, nie vaša denominácia, ale vaše narodenie v Kristovi. Ó!
...v ktorom sme obdržali dedičstvo, predurčení súc podľa preduloženia toho, ktorý pôsobí všetko podľa rady svojej vôle.
109 Počúvajte, o pár minút zakončíme. Počúvajte pozorne, predtým, ako zakončíme.
Aby sme boli na chválu Jeho slávy, my, ktorí sme sa prv nadejali v Kristovi...
110 Sledujte toto teraz pozorne. Oblečte si svoje rúcha, rúcha Evanjelia, majte svoje uši otvorené, počúvajte pozorne. Som pri 13.verši.
...ktorí sme sa prv nadejali v Kristovi, v ktorom aj vy, počujúc slovo pravdy,
("Viera prichádza z počutia Slova... [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: "Božieho" – pozn.prekl.]...v ktorom aj vy, počujúc slovo pravdy...
111 Čo je pravda? Božie Slovo. Je to tak? Ján 17:17, vy, ktorí si zapisujete miesta Písma, Ježiš povedal, "Posväť ich, Otče skrze Pravdu, Tvoje Slovo je Pravda."
..v ktorom aj vy, počujúc slovo pravdy, evanjelium svojho spasenia...
112 Čo to bolo za spasenie, o ktorom sa im snažil povedať? Predurčení pred založením zeme (je to pravda?) do adopcii za synov, predurčení do Večného Života. No, potom, keď ste prišli do Večného Života, keď ste zostali spasení, posvätení, naplnení Svätým Duchom, ste synovia. Boh vás teraz chce umiestniť do správnej pozície, ó, aby ste mohli pracovať pre Jeho Kráľovstvo a Jeho slávu.
113 To je Evanjelium. Najprv sme počuli Slovo, "Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov." To berie od vás preč všetky vaše hriechy, keď vzývate Meno Pána Ježiša Krista, lebo tá zasľúbená zem... To zasľúbenie je pre každého spolupútnika s ktorým ste na tej ceste. Ak si odišiel zo svojho domu dnes večer ako hriešnik a povedal si si, "Pôjdem do Branhamovej modlitebni," tak Boh ti dáva príležitosť dnes večer. Je len jedna vec, ktorá leží medzi tebou a zasľúbenou zemou. Čo je zasľúbená zem? Duch Svätý. To, čo ležalo medzi Jozuom a zasľúbenou zemou, to bol Jordán. Presne tak.
114 Mojžiš, ktorý bol predobrazom na Krista, viedol tie deti hore smerom k zasľúbenej zemi, no Mojžiš nevoviedol tie deti do zasľúbenej zeme. Jozue tam voviedol ten ľud a rozdelil tú zem. Ježiš zaplatil tú cenu, priviedol ich rovno k Duchu Svätému. Boh zoslal dolu Ducha Svätého a On umiestňuje cirkev do poriadku, každého človeka a napĺňa ho Prítomnosťou Svojej Bytosti. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Všetko v Kristu Ježišovi, ako to Boh predurčil k vyvolaniu skrze toto Evanjelium.
115 Pavol hovorí v Galaťanom 1:8, "Ak by prišiel ku vám anjel a kázal by niečo iné, nech je prekliaty." Pravda, Evanjelium... No, počúvajte pozorne, ako budeme čítať ďalej, dokončíme ten verš.
...evanjelium svojho spasenia, v ktorom aj,...
(Počúvajte pozorne)...uveriac, zapečatení ste Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia...
116 V tých posledných dňoch, Biblia hovorí... Sledujte. V tých posledných dňoch tam budú dve triedy ľudí. Jedna z nich bude mať Pečať Božiu, tá druhá znamenie šelmy. Je to pravda? Koľkí to viete? No, ak Pečať Božia je Pečať... Ak je Pečať Božia Duch Svätý, potom bez Svätého Ducha je to znamenie šelmy. A Biblia hovorí, že tie dva duchy budú tak blízko, že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. To sa ale nikdy nestane, lebo oni sú vyvolený do Večného Života. Vidíte? Cirkev pôjde ďalej ako obyčajne...
117 Desať panien vyšlo stretnúť Pána, všetky posvätené, všetky sväté, každá jedna z nich bola posvätená. Päť z nich bolo váhavých a nechali svoje lampy vyhasnúť. Päť malo olej vo svojich lampách. "Hľa, Ženích prichádza." A tých päť malo olej vo svojich lampách a vošli na svadobnú večeru. A tie ostatné boli zanechané vonku, kde bol plač a nárek a škrípanie zubov. Buďte pripravení, lebo neviete, v ktorej minúte Pán príde. Majte... Čo reprezentuje olej v Biblii? Ducha Svätého.
118 No, ak ste dnes bratia adventisti siedmeho dňa, ktorí hovoria, že siedmy deň je Božia pečať, ukážte mi jedno miesto Písma, ktoré to dokazuje. Biblia hovorí, že Pečať Božia je Duch Svätý. Sledujte toto. Sledujte teraz ten 13. verš.
...v ktorom aj uveriac, zapečatení ste Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia...
119 Otvorme Efežanom 4:30, myslím, že to je ono. Pozrime sa, či je to to isté, 4:30. Efežanom 4. kapitola a 30. verš. Áno, tu je to, 4:30.
A nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení ku dňu vykúpenia.
120 Ako dlho? Keď vy skutočne, skutočne prijmete Ducha Svätého, dokedy vám to vydrží? Do ďalšieho prebudenia? Alebo dokiaľ ti stará mama neskríži cestu? Alebo dokiaľ na teba šéf nenakričí? Až do dňa tvojho vykúpenia. Haleluja!
121 Potom, čo ste zomreli, potom, čo ste vkročili do tej zeme, stojíte tam so svojimi milovanými a stále ste naplnení Duchom Svätým. Písmo... Vy ste práve takí, ako teraz, len ste sa premiestnili do iného tela. Vy ste len zmenili svoj dom. Tento tu zostarel, nemohli by ste na neho pribiť šindle, trámy sú zhnité. To je pravda. Tak vy ste len odhodili tú starú vec a nechali ste ju zhniť a premiestnili ste sa do novej. Je to pravda? "Lebo ak tento pozemský stánok bude zborený, máme iný, čakajúci."
122 Pamätáte sa, ako sme to minule preberali? Keď to malé dieťa je vyformované v lone matky a tie malé svaly kopú a skáču... Ale akonáhle tá matka rodí to dieťa a ono prichádza na zem, tá prvá vec, tam je duchovné telo, aby sa ujalo toho malého prirodzeného tela. Možno ten lekár to urobí takto [Brat Branham tleskol rukami. – pozn.prekl.], alebo takto ním zatrasie, a potom "uááá, uááá, uááá!" A hneď ho priložia k prsníku matky a ono začne "am, am, am", takto pohybuje svojou hlavičkou hore a dolu na prsníku matky, aby to podnietilo tie mliečne žily priniesť mlieko.
123 Malé teliatko, akonáhle ono vyjde zo svojej matky, behom pár minút sa postaví na svoje kolená. Čo ono urobí? Pohne sa rovno späť, uchopí sa svojej matky a začne takto triasť svojou hlavičkou, aby dostalo svoje mlieko. Haleluja! Tak veru.
124 Keď toto prirodzené telo prichádza na zem, je duchovné telo, ktoré naň očakáva.
125 A keď toto prirodzené telo skonalo (haleluja!), je telo, ktoré tam čaká. My sa len presúvame z jedného do druhého, my meníme svoje miesta bývania. Toto smrteľné musí obliecť nesmrteľnosť, toto duchovné. Toto porušiteľné oblieka neporušiteľnosť. Toto je staré, zvráskavené, zhrbené telo, ale ono vôbec nezmení svoj vzhľad, mám na mysli, keď sa ono dostane tam. Vy budete mať stále toho istého ducha.
126 Dovoľte, nech vám podám niečo, čo sa vám bude zdať pokrútené, ale to je Biblia. Potom vám dám niečo, čo vám to vyjasní. Sledujte toto. Keď starý Saul, kráľ, ten starý, veľký denominačný kazateľ tam v tom čase, viete, ktorý mal hlavu a plecia ponad všetkých, on sa bál, on nevedel nič o tom nadprirodzenom. Dávid musel prísť a vyslobodiť tú ovečku z tlamy leva, zabiť Goliáša. Sledujte ho. On sa dostal tak ďaleko od Boha, že až nenávidel toho fanatického kazateľa. Namiesto toho, aby sa mu pokúsil pomôcť, on sa obrátil proti nemu. Ak to nie je presne ten obraz dnes, to je presný obraz: on sa od neho odvrátil.
127 Koľkí z vás tu boli, keď som odchádzal na svoju prvú cestu a kázal som, "Dávid zabíja Goliáša," keď som odchádzal? Mnohí, niektorí, zopár z vás veteránov. Chystám sa ku tomu znova vrátiť. Pamätáte sa, čo sa tam udialo minulú nedeľu? To prechádza rovno do ďalšej fázy. Dávidova druhá kampaň, druhá fáza jeho služby. To je presne tak. On sa potom stal kráľ nad Izraelom. Všimnite si tú službu, ako teraz prechádza do väčšej fázy, stáva sa väčšou, tak ako pri Dávidovi. Všimnite si toto, ako on prichádza, Dávid. Ó, keď Boh tam mal Dávida, aby zabil leva, všimnite si, zabil medveďa, potom zabil Filištína... Potom prišiel čas, kedy Boh poslal zlého ducha na toho starého muža. A teraz prečo, kvôli čomu? Aby nenávidel Dávida. A ja verím...
128 Teraz vy, pri tých páskach... Počúvajte, bratia, vy, pri tých páskach; ak so mnou nesúhlasíte, odpustite mi. Ja vás milujem. Ja vás tam každopádne stretnem, lebo ak si muž Boží, každopádne ťa tam stretnem. Ale chcem povedať toto, tu je ten dôvod: Len preto, že Saul videl, že Dávid má niečo, čo on sám nemá... Čo sa potom stalo?
129 Taký malý ryšavý výrastok... Biblia hovorí, že bol ryšavý. To nebolo veľmi pekné dieťa, "ryšavý," to je len taký výrastok A on tam vyšiel a Saul... Keď si on obliekol Saulovu výstroj, predstavujem si, ako mu ten štít sahal až dolu k chodidlám. A on povedal, "Dajte tú vec zo mňa dolu!" No, možno mu dal nejaký doktorský titul, PhD alebo LLD, alebo niečo také, viete. On povedal, "Ja o tom nič neviem, lebo ja som to neokúsil. Nechajte ma vziať si toto, s čím viem, čo robím." Tak veru. On si vzal prak.
130 A ony doviedli Saula do šialenstva, pretože tie dcéry, cirkvi; tie cirkvi spievali, "Saul mohol zabiť svoje tisíce, ale Dávid zabil svoje desaťtisíce."
131 A potom on začal žiarliť, "Tie nezmysli o Ježišovom Mene, na tom nič nie je." Tak je to. A čo mu urobil Boh? Boh na neho poslal zlého ducha, aby nenávidel Dávida a on nenávidel Dávida bez príčiny.
132 Dávid mu mohol niekoľko krát vykrútiť krk. On mohol, ale on to len nechal tak. On nikdy nič nepovedal. Isteže to on mohol urobiť. Jednej noci išiel a odrezal mu kúsok z kabáta a vrátil sa a povedal, "Pozri, vidíš?" Tak veru, on to mohol urobiť, ale on ho len nechal tak. On mohol rozbiť jeho zhromaždenie a roztrúsiť ich a založiť svoju vlastnú organizáciu, ak by chcel. Ale on to neurobil, on nechal Saula pokračovať. Nechajte Boha, nech On bojuje. Tak veru.
133 Takže ako on pokračoval a tá kampaň sa skončila, ten zlý duch prišiel na Saula v takej miere, že on nemohol dostať od Boha žiadnu odpoveď. Po nejakom čase on... Duch Boží odišiel od neho. A starý Samuel, ten, ktorého oni zavrhli, ten, ktorý bol skutočne tým Hlasom Božím ku nim; ten, ktorý im to povedal ešte predtým, ako oni vôbec chceli jednať ako ten svet...
134 Prečo chce cirkev jednať ako ten svet? Prečo letniční, pokrstení, metodisti s prežitím Ducha Svätého a baptisti a presbyteriáni chcú jednať ako ten svet? Prečo to robia? Ja neviem. Ja... ja tomu nerozumiem. Hovoríte, "No, to nie je zábava hrať poker, to je len trocha pre zábavu, len trocha vsadiť (peniaze)," akokoľvek to nazývate. To je hriech. Nemali by ste mať tie veci doma. "No, to mi neuškodí vypiť takýto malý pohár piva tam vonku. Ja budem... Vypili sme ich len zopár. Ja a moja žena si popoludní dáme zopár." A za chvíľu zistíte, že vaše deti si dajú zopár. Isteže je to tak.
135 A vy, ženy, diabol urobil... To je to, čo on urobil na začiatku a on si samozrejme urobil terč z vás, sestry. On to robí tak, že len... Lebo on vie, čo môže spôsobiť. On môže zviesť ženu tisíc krát rýchlejšie ako muža. Viem, že to zraňuje vaše pocity, ale to je pravda. To je presne tak. To je to, čo on urobil v záhrade Eden. On môže urobiť... No, ona bola čestná, on bola úprimná, ale ona bola zvedená. "Adam nebol zvedený," Biblia hovorí. On nebol zvedený, ale ona bola zvedená. Takže on ju dokáže zviesť. A stále pastori budú ordinovať ženy za kazateľky, postavia ich nad nejakým zhromaždením a Biblia to odsudzuje od 1.Mojžišovej po Zjavenie. Hovoríte, "No, to je v poriadku. To je v poriadku. Ony majú... Ony vedia kázať tak isto ako ktokoľvek." Viem, že to je pravda.
136 Ako raz niekto začal hovoriť v jazykoch, ja som len kázal ďalej. A keď som potom vyšiel von, nejaká žena povedala môjmu synovi, "Mám posolstvo, ktoré by som chcela predniesť zajtra večer," povedala, "keď tvoj otec príde na pódium."
On povedal, "Posolstvo? Čo máš na mysli?"
137 A toho večera na konci zhromaždenia, keď som bol pripravený zvolať výzvu k oltáru, ona si zopla svoje vlasy hore a vytiahla si punčochy a tak ďalej, pripravila sa, vyskočila do stredu a začala vyskakovať hore a dolu, hovoriť v jazykoch a prorokovala. Ja som len ďalej kázal, robil som výzvu k oltáru. Ja som to ani trochu nerešpektoval, to nebolo správne. Tak potom... no, Biblia hovorí, "Duchovia prorokov sú podriadení prorokovi." Boh je na... keď Boh hovorí z pódia, tak Ho nechajme hovoriť. Pavol povedal, "Ak je niečo zjavené jednému, nech je ticho, kým to druhý nedohovorí." To je pravda.
138 No keď som vyšiel von, títo ľudia povedali, taká veľká skupina ľudí, oni povedali, "Ty si dnes večer zarmútil Ducha Svätého."
Povedal som, "Čím? Čo som urobil?"
139 Oni povedali, "Keď tá sestra prinášala posolstvo. Haleluja, ona povedala..."
"Ale," povedal som, "ja som kázal. Ona postupovala nesprávne."
140 "Ó", oni povedali, "to bolo čerstvé, rovno od Trónu. To bolo čerstvejšie ako to, čo si ty kázal." Ach.
141 No, to len ukazuje... to ukazuje buď toto... a hovorím vám to s rešpektom; je to buď šialenstvo, alebo nerešpektovanie, alebo nedostatočná náuka; oni nevedia o Bohu viac ako vie králik o snežných topánkach. Ja to nehovorím ako nejakú hlúpu poznámku, lebo toto nie je miesto na žartovanie. Ale to je úplná pravda. Človek by mal vedieť, že Boh nie je autorom zmätku. On je autorom pokoja. Oni nepoznajú Bibliu. Všetko, čo oni vedia, je skákať hore a dole, hovoriť v jazykoch a hovoria, "Mám Ducha Svätého, haleluja!"
142 Bol som v Afrike a videl som čarodejníkov, bolo ich päťtisíc a hovorili naraz, skákali hore a dolu, krv mali na svojich tvárach, hovorili v jazykoch a pili krv z ľudskej lebky, vzývali diabla a hovorili v jazykoch.
143 A pritom hovorenie v jazykoch je dar Boží, ale to nie je neomylný dôkaz Ducha Svätého. Dovoľte mi, nech vám to teraz poviem. Ja verím, že všetci svätí pod inšpiráciou hovoria jazykmi. Ja verím, že človek môže byť niekedy pod takou inšpiráciou od Boha, že bude hovoriť v jazykoch. Verím tomu. Ale ja neverím, že to je nejaký znak, že máte Ducha Svätého. Tak veru. Verím, že je taký čas, keď máš vieru a môžeš ísť a položiť svoje ruky na nejaké malé dieťa, ktoré má rakovinu, potom, čo sa za neho modlilo päťdesiat kazateľov, a ono bude uzdravené; lebo tá matka mala vieru za to dieťa. Boh jej to dal, ona je údom Tela Kristovho. Tak veru. Verím tomu. Videl som, že sa to dialo a viem, že je to pravda. Ale to, o čo ide, je doviesť cirkev do poriadku, usporiadať ju tak, aby sme mohli pracovať.
144 Zakončime ten zbytok toho verša predtým, ako pôjdeme.
...potom, čo ste to prijali, zapečatení ste Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia...
145 "Pečať." Čo je tá pečať? Čo je pečať? Pečať, po prvé, to ukazuje, že to je dielo, ktoré bolo dokončené, dokončené dielo. Za druhé, to ukazuje vlastníctvo. A za ďalšie, to ukazuje bezpečnosť, zachováva to.
146 Povedzme, napríklad, ja som pracoval pre Pennsylvánske železnice, pracoval som tam s mojím otcom na železnici. Nakladali sme vagóny. My sme ich nakladali v tej baliacej spoločnosti, nakladali sme plechovky a niektoré sme uložili sem hore, niektoré tu dolu a niektoré zase tam. Ale predtým, ako ten vagón bol zapečatený, prešiel cez to inšpektor a postrčil týmto, vrazil do tohoto, zatriasol týmto. "Ach, to je nanič. To sa celé porozbíja ešte predtým, ako sa to tam dostane. To je nanič. Vyložte to von. Naložte to znova." Ten inšpektor ten vagón neprepustil.
147 Duch je Svätý je Inšpektor. On s tebou trochu zatrasie a ty s rachotom padáš. Veríš celému Slovu Božiemu? "Ja neverím tým starým veciam ´v mene Ježiša´." To nie je nanič! Ty sa trasieš, rozumieš? "Ja neverím v Božské uzdravovanie, ani v nič také." Stále sa trasieš. Vyber to von. Či veríš, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera... "No, istým spôsobom" Ty sa trasieš. Vykopni to. To stále nie je pripravené. Tak veru.
148 Brat, keď si pripravený povedať "Amen"... Obdržal si Ducha Svätého? "Amen!" Bolo všetko dokonané? "Amen!" Čo robí potom ten Inšpektor? Všetko je zbalené, dobré a pevné, plné Evanjelia. Ó, každé Slovo Božie je dobré. Všetko je dokonalé. "Verím každému Slovu. Amen! Amen! Amen!" Veríš, že Boh stále uzdravuje? "Amen!" Veríš, že Ježiš je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky? "Amen!" Veríš, že Duch Svätý je práve tak skutočný ako bol vždy? "Amen!" Veríš, že ten istý Duch, ktorý padol na Pavla, padá na nás? "Amen!" Veríš, že to spôsobuje pri nás tie isté veci ako tam pri nich? "Amen!" Ó, ó, je to stále pevnejšie. Vidíte, on sa teraz stáva pevným a my sme pripravení zatvoriť dvere. V poriadku.
149 Potom ten inšpektor zatvára dvere. Čo on robí? On na to dáva pečať. Potom on ide dolu a berie tie malé kliešte a tú plombu a pečatí to. Radšej by ste to nemali lámať. Ten vagón, ak jeho cieľ je Boston, tá pečať nemôže byť narušená. Bolo by to priestupkom s následkom uväznenia, keby sa tá pečať narušila predtým, ako sa to dostane do Bostonu. A tú pečať môže otvoriť len človek, ktorý na to má autoritu, jedine on. To je pravda. Je to vlastníctvom určitej železničnej spoločnosti. To je ich pečať. Je to ich uistením, že ten vagón bol naložený, že je pripravený. Patrí to im. Oni by tam nemohli dať pečať B&O na vagón spoločnosti Pennsylvania. Vy musíte byť zapečatení, a keď je to zapečatené...
150 A keď je kresťan naložený Evanjeliom, naplnený Božou dobrotou, všetky dobré veci Božie ležia v ňom, má otvorené srdce, je pripravený pracovať, ochotný byť umiestnený do pozície a urobiť všetko, čokoľvek mu Duch Svätý povie, aby urobil, prešiel zo smrti do Života, je posvätený od všetkých vecí tohoto sveta, kráča vo Svetle, ako to Svetlo ku nemu prichádza, hýbe sa ďalej; on je vtedy pripravený. Potom Boh za ním zatvára dvere toho sveta, takto ním zatrasie a pečatí ho Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia. Haleluja! Na ako dlho? Až do miesta určenia. Nevyťahujte to von na tú železničnú trať a nenarušujte tú pečať a neotvárajte to, aby ste znova pozreli, či to je všetko v poriadku. Je to všetko v poriadku, len to nechajte tak. Ten Inšpektor na tom už urobil inšpekciu. Na ako dlho ste zapečatení? Až do dňa vášho vykúpenia. Na tak dlho ste zapečatení.
151 "No, a keď zomrieš, brat Branham, čo potom, keď zomrieš, povedal si, že to stále budeš mať?" Vy to máte naveky. Kde začal ten Život? Pri oltári. Rovno tam vidíte kúsok tieňa. To je ten tieň, Pečať Ducha Svätého. Potom to je tieň tieňa tieňov, ako som to minule povedal. Ale keď zomriete, vy idete ďalej cez tie tiene, až prichádzate k vlhkosti, od vlhkosti ku kvapkajúcemu prameňu, od prameňa k potoku, od potoku k rieke, od rieky do oceánu lásky Božej. Vy ste jednako tou istou osobou.
152 Pozrite sem. Starý Saul, ten starý odpadlík, on sa nedokázal dostať k Bohu, hoci nebol stratený. On určite nebol stratený. On bol prorok, ale on sa len dostal mimo Boha. To je ten dôvod, bratia, že som povedal, "Vy nie ste stratení." Tak potom pamätajte, on sa len dostal mimo vôli Božej, tak potom tou prvou vecou bolo, viete, že on nesúhlasil. No, možno som to nemal hovoriť. V poriadku, kážem dnes večer pred šťastným zhromaždením. Tak potom, viete, tá prvá vec, viete, ó, on potom išiel k urím a thummím.
153 Viete, čo bolo tým urím a thummím? To bol náprsník, efod, ktorý nosil Áron. A to bolo vždy...Boh bol vždy nadprirodzeným Bohom, ktorý odpovedal nadprirodzenými spôsobmi. A keď nejaký prorok prorokoval, a to tajomné svetlo neprechádzalo cez urím a thummím, on bol falošný. Keď mal niekto sen, a to svetlo sa na tom urím a thummím nemihotalo, je mi jedno, ako dobre to znelo, bolo to falošné. To je pravda.
154 A je mi jedno, aké množstvo doktorských titulov máš a aká je veľká tvoja organizácia, keď prorokuješ alebo kážeš a nie je to podľa tohoto Slova, tak si v blude, brat. Ty si... toto je Božie urím a thummím. Keď poviete, že ste neboli predurčení pred založením sveta, to svetlo nebude mihotať, lebo Biblia hovorí, že ste boli. Keď poviete, že by ste mali byť pokrstení na meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, to sa nebude mihotať, lebo nikto nikdy nebol v Biblii pokrstený takýmto spôsobom, jedine vo Meno Pána Ježiša. To sa nebude mihotať, takže tam niekde bude niečo nesprávne.
155 Takže to urím a thummím nemohlo odpovedať starému Saulovi a on nemohol mať ani sen. On bol tak ďaleko preč, že on nemohol mať ani sen. Tak viete, čo on urobil? On išiel dolu ku veštici a táto stará veštica, stará diabolská čarodejnica tam dolu, on jej povedal, "Môžeš mi vyveštiť?"
156 Ona povedala, "Áno, ale Saul povedal, že zabije každého, kto bude veštiť."
157 On povedal, "Ja ťa ochránim. On bol prezlečený za lokaja. On povedal, "Vyvolaj mi hore zo sveta mŕtvych, ktorí prešli odtiaľto tam." No počúvajte toto. "Vyvolaj mi ducha proroka Samuela."
158 A ona išla veštiť. A potom, keď to urobila, ona padla na svoju tvár, povedala, "Vidím bohov vystupovať hore." Vidíte, ona bola pohanka, "Bohovia," dvaja alebo traja, ako Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý, alebo niečo také, viete. Ona povedala, "Vidím bohov vystupovať hore."
159 On povedal, "Opíš mi ho. Ako vyzerá? Ako vyzerá?"
160 Ona povedala, "Je chudý a má plášť na svojich ramenách." On sa ani trochu nezmenil.
161 On povedal, "To je Samuel. Priveď ho na toto miesto, priveď ho sem predo mňa."
162 A sledujte to, kedy Samuel prichádza pred Saula, on povedal, "Prečo si ma zavolal, keď vieš, že si sa stal nepriateľom Božím?" Sledujte to. On bol nielen stále Samuelom, on mal stále toho prorockého ducha. Len povedzte, že to nie je pravda, nech niekto povie, že to nie je pravda. To je pravda. On bol stále prorok. Lebo on povedal, on prorokoval a povedal, "Zajtra bude vojna proti tebe, a ty a tvoji synovia padnete zajtra v boji a zajtra o tomto čase večer budeš so mnou." Je to pravda? On bol stále prorok.
No, vy poviete, "Ó, ale to bolo cez čarodejnicu."
163 V poriadku, poviem vám o Niekom, u koho to nebolo cez čarodejnicu. Ježiš raz vzal Petra, Jakuba a Jána a vyšli hore na Vrch Premenenia a oni stáli na vrchu tej hory. A Ježiš... Boh umiestňoval Svojho Syna do Jeho pozície, ako som sa to jedného večera pokúšal predstaviť, umiestnenie syna na jeho pozíciu. A keď tam oni vyšli, poobzerali sa a zistili, že tam stál Mojžiš a Eliáš. Oni sa spolu zhovárali, mali obecenstvo, neboli to nejaké poletujúce malé biele zástavky alebo vlastne malé biele obláčky, vznášajúce sa, ale oni boli mužovia a zhovárali sa. Mojžiš bol pochovaný v neznámom hrobe po osemsto rokov. A Eliáš išiel domov na voze pred päťsto rokmi. A oni tu boli obaja, stále takí živí, ako boli vždy, stáli tam a rozprávali sa s Ním predtým, ako On išiel na Golgotu. Haleluja! "Zapečatení až do dňa nášho vykúpenia."
164 Poponáhľam sa a potom zakončíme, lebo je už neskoro a my sa budeme modliť za chorých asi ešte päť minút. 14. verš, domnievam sa, že sme čítali 13. verš, aby sme tomu dali pozadie.
... ktorí sme sa prv nadejali v Kristovi,
v ktorom aj vy, počujúc slovo pravdy, evanjelium svojho spasenia...
165 No, pamätajte, aké oni mali spasenie? Toto boli Efezskí kresťania. Oni... No, pozrite, všimli ste si Korinťanov? On im vždy musel hovoriť, "Keď prichádzam medzi vás, jeden má jazyk, jeden má jazyk, jeden má žalm, jeden má proroctvo, jeden má..." Vidíte, on ich nič nemohol vyučovať, lebo oni si vždy žiadali toto, to alebo tamto. Títo ľudia mali to isté, ale oni to mali na poriadku. On nikdy nevyučoval Korinťanov niečo takéto, on to nemohol. Tá cirkev nebola v takom poriadku, aby ich to mohol vyučovať. Ale týchto ľudí on mohol vyučovať tú skutočnú vec.
...evanjelium svojho spasenia, v ktorom aj uveriac, zapečatení ste Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia,
ktorý je závdavkom...
(ó, nech toto nevynechám)...závdavkom nášho dedičstva na vykúpenie Božieho nadobudnutého vlastníctva, na chválu jeho slávy.
(Och!)166 Čo je Duch Svätý? No, ja veľmi rýchlo prečítam ten zbytok toho, ak toľkoto so mnou strpíte. Kde sme skončili minulý večer, brat Mike? Tam, kde boli oni všetci šťastní, ó, všade panoval pokoj, to bola dokonalá láska. No, zakaždým, ako idete touto cestou dostávate malú kvapku. Zakaždým, ako urobíte krok, prichádzate o centimetre bližšie. Keď ona prichádza dolu na zem, vy dostávate tieň tieňa tieňa tieňov. To je práve toľko, koľko Ducha Svätého máte v sebe. To je láska. Ale, ó, vy túžite po niečom.
167 Ó, či by starší ľudia nechceli... "Ako rád by som sa chcel vrátiť a mať zase pätnásť, dvadsať. Ó, dal by som za to čokoľvek." K čomu by mi to bolo dobré? Mohol by som mať dnes večer pätnásť a mohol by som dnes večer zomrieť. Je to neisté. Čo ak by ste mali dnes večer pätnásť, ako viete, či bude ešte vaša matka žiť alebo nie, keď prídete domov? Ako viete, či sa dostanete domov alebo nie? Ako viete, či budete ešte zajtra žiť, ak by ste mali dvanásť a mali dokonalé zdravie? Môžete zahynúť pri nehode, padnúť mŕtvy, môže sa vám čokoľvek stať. Je to neisté, tu nie je nič isté. Ale vy túžite po tom. Čo je to? To je tam hore, to, čo spôsobuje, že po tom túžite.
168 Keď do toho vstúpite, máte Večný Život. Čo sa to stalo? To je "závdavok."
169 Čo je peňažný závdavok za niečo? Keby som prišiel k vám kúpiť auto, povedal by som, "Koľko stojí to auto?"
170 Vy poviete, "Toto auto by ťa, brat Branham, stálo tri tisíc dolárov."
"A koľko je záloha?"
"No, dám ti to za päťsto dolárov."
171 "V poriadku, tu je päťsto dolárov. Prinesiem ti zvyšok, čo najskôr, ako budem môcť. Podrž mi to auto. Dávam ti päťsto dolárov, to je závdavok. Je to v poriadku?"
172 No, zachovajte to v mysli, to je závdavok, to je záloha.
...zapečatení ste Svätým Duchom zasľúbenia,
(Duchom zasľúbenia, potom, čo ste boli zapečatení)ktorý je...
(čo je táto pečať zasľúbenia, ktorú zasľúbil Duch Svätý?)...ktorý je závdavkom nášho dedičstva na vykúpenie Božieho nadobudnutého vlastníctva,...
173 Čo je to? To je záloha. Brat, ó, ak je toto záloha, čo to bude potom, keď sa dostaneme... čo to potom bude. Ak je toto... ak toto, z čoho sa teraz radujeme a sme tak šťastní, ak... videl som deväťdesiatročných ľudí, ktorí nemohli...
174 Videl som jedného starého kazateľa, ktorý povstal jedného večera a prišiel takto na pódium, povedal som, "Tento starý človek ide kázať?"
175 On povedal, "Sláva Pánovi!" Starý farebný brat s veľkým dlhým kazateľským plášťom.
176 Povedal som, "Prečo nenechali kázať niektorých z tých mladých kazateľov? Taký starý človek, ako on vôbec môže kázať?"
177 On povedal, "No," povedal, "bratia," povedal, "dnes som počul kázať bratov celý deň," povedal, "o tom, čo Ježiš urobil na zemi. Ja vám poviem, čo On urobil v nebi." Povedal, "Dnes večer si vezmem text z Jóba 7:27." Povedal, "Keď tam dávno, na druhej strane, pred založením sveta," povedal, "keď On povedal, že ranné hviezdy spievali spolu a synovia Boží kričali od radosti." Takto ďalej pokračoval... Povedal, "Viete, tam sa vtedy niečo dialo." povedal, "Viete..." A on to začal predstavovať od toho, čo sa dialo na nebi. On to predstavil a prešiel až do horizontálnej dúhy v druhom príchode. V tej chvíli ho uchopil Duch Svätý. No oni museli toho starého brata vyprevadiť von, on mal asi deväťdesiatpäť rokov. On bol takýto zhrbený, asi takto a mal len malý pramienok vlasov, viete, takto. On tam vyšiel a začal kázať, povedal, "Jupí! Haleluja! Sláva!" Začal vyskakovať takto hore a dolu. Povedal, "Ó, vy nemáte pre mňa dosť priestoru, aby som kázal." Takto skákal hore a dolu ako len mohol. A to je len závdavok. Ó!
178 Čo činí Duch Svätý? Ó, tu je jedno dobré miesto. Dovoľte mi, aby som prečítal ten prvý verš nasledujúcej kapitoly. Môžem? Je to v poriadku? Povedzte "Amen." [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen!" – pozn.prekl.] V poriadku. Prvý verš 2.kapitoly, rýchlo, počúvajte.
Aj vás,
[angl.: "aj vás oživil" – pozn.prekl.],ktorí ste boli mŕtvi vo svojich previneniach a vo svojich hriechoch...
179 "On vás oživil." Čo znamená oživil? "Učinil živými." Takmer mŕtvi, ale On vás oživuje len skrze ten závdavok. Čo to potom bude, keď skutočne dostanete všetky tie dividendy? Ó! Niet divu, že Pavol, ktorý bol vychvátený do tretieho neba, povedal, "Čo oko nevidelo, ucho nepočulo, ani čo na srdce človeka nevstúpilo, čo Boh pripravil pre tých, ktorí Ho milujú." Čo to potom bude? Hovoríte o nevysloviteľnej radosti plnej slávy. Och, hmm. Vy, ktorí ste raz boli mŕtvi v hriechu a prestúpeniach, On vás spolu oživil skrze tieň tieňa tieňov. Čo to potom bude? Keď sa dostanete z toho tieňa tieňov do tieňa, potom z tieňa do potoka, z potoka do rieky a z rieky do oceánu?
180 A čo to potom bude, keď budete tam v takom štádiu vykúpenia s úplne novým telom, ste premenení znova na mladého muža alebo mladú ženu, už nikdy viac nezomriete. A vy sa pozriete dolu na zem a pomyslíte si, "Mohol som sa radovať z hrozna a dobrej studenej vody, ale vieš, ja to tu nepotrebujem." Ale jedného dňa príde Ježiš a toto anjelské telo, táto teofánia, v ktorej teraz žijem, to nepríde viac skrze lono ženy, to už viac nepríde skrze sexuálnu žiadosť, ja budem vzkriesený bez toho. Ale pretože On sa narodil bez sexuálnej žiadosti, ja budem vzkriesený bez toho. A On jedného dňa prehovorí a mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú a to telo, v ktorom som raz žil, bude vzkriesené do osláveného tela a ja budem kráčať a hovoriť, budem žiť a radovať sa (haleluja!) zo života v Kristu Ježišovi, našom Pánovi, cez tie slávne veky, ktoré majú nastať. Tu to máš, brat, to je Evanjelium.
181 "Preto ja..." Pavol im len hovorí, čo on je. Budem čítať ten zbytok z toho a potom sa budeme modliť za chorých. "Až kým vlastníctvo, toto je závdavok toho vlastníctva, na chválu Jeho slávy."
Preto i ja, keď som počul o viere u vás,...
(počul som, že ste uverili tým veciam. Počul som, že ste skutočne uverili v predurčenie, Večný Život a spasenie a tak ďalej.)...o viere v Pánu Ježišovi, a o láske naproti všetkým svätým,
neprestávam ďakovať za vás zmieňujúc sa o vás na svojich modlitbách,
žeby Boh nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, Otec slávy, ráčil vám dať ducha múdrosti a zjavenia pravým poznaním jeho,...
(On sa vám len ďalej celý čas zjavuje, rastiete od milosti k milosti, od moci k moci a od slávy k sláve. Nepadáte dozadu, ale od slávy k sláve, idete stále napred. Budem sa stále za vás modliť.)
Osvietené oči vašej mysle...
182 Hmm. Viete, Biblia hovorí, že ste slepí a neviete o tom. Ale Pavol tu povedal, "Budem sa modliť, aby oči vašej mysle..." Vy zrozumievate vašim srdcom. To je to, o čom on hovorí. Vy sa dívate svojimi očami, ale vidíte svojim srdcom. Viete to. V poriadku. "Aby ten Boh slávy..." Pozrime sa teraz na ten 18. verš.
Osvietené oči vašej mysle, aby ste vedeli, čo a jaká je to nádeja jeho povolania a čo a jaké je bohatstvo slávy jeho dedičstva medzi svätými
a čo tá nesmierna veľkosť jeho moci, vzhľadom na nás...
(Och! Oni hovoria, že moc je preč?Tá moc ešte neprišla.) nás veriacich podľa pôsobenia sily jeho vlády,
"Vy, ktorí ste uverili pôsobeniu sily Jeho vlády, modlím sa, aby Boh na vás vylial Svoju moc." Vidíte?
Ktorú spôsobil v Kristovi vzkriesiac ho z mŕtvych a posadiac po svojej pravici v ponebeských oblastiach
nad každé kniežatstvo a nad každú vrchnosť a moc a nad každé panstvo a nad každé meno, ktoré sa menuje...
183 Ó, ó,... nie, radšej nebudem... Mohli by sme určite na tom stráviť celú noc.
...a nad každé meno, ktoré sa menuje nielen v tomto veku ale i v budúcom...
184 Čo je každé... čo je to meno, ktoré bude niesť každá osoba? [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Ježiš" – pozn.prekl.]. Celé nebo je pomenované "Ježiš". Celá cirkev je pomenovaná "Ježiš".Všetko je nazvané "Ježiš", lebo to je jediné meno, ktoré Boh kedy mal. On je nazvaný Jehova, Jehova-jirech - Pán, ktorý si zaopatrí obeť; Jehova-rafa - Pán, ktorý ťa uzdravuje; Jehova-manasses - Pán, môj prápor, Jehova a rôzne názvy Jehovu. On je nazvaný Ranná Hviezda. On je nazvaný Otec, On je nazvaný Syn, On je nazvaný Duch Svätý. On je nazvaný Alfa, On je nazvaný Omega. On je nazvaný Počiatok, On je nazvaný Koniec. On je nazvaný Výhonok. Ó, On je nazvaný mnohými titulmi, ale On má jedno Meno.
185 To je to, o čom hovoril Matúš, keď povedal, "Choďte a učte všetky národy, krstiac ich vo Meno (nie mená), vo Meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého." Otec nie je meno, Syn nie je meno, Duch Svätý nie je meno. To sú tituly toho Mena. To je Meno troch atribútov, ktoré patria jednému Bohu. Čo bolo Jeho Meno? Ten Anjel povedal, "Nazveš Jeho Meno... [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Ježiš" – pozn.prekl.], lebo On zachráni Svoj ľud od ich hriechov." To je ten dôvod, prečo oni všetci v Biblii takto krstili. Takto svätý Augustín pokrstil kráľa Anglicka asi stopäťdesiat alebo dvesto rokov po smrti Kristovej; vo Meno Ježiša Krista. V poriadku.
...nad každé kniežatstvo a nad každú vrchnosť a moc a nad každé panstvo a nad každé meno, ktoré sa menuje nielen v tomto veku ale i v budúcom.
A všetko poddal pod jeho nohy a jeho dal za hlavu nado všetko cirkvi,
ktorá je jeho telom...
186 No, ak by moje telo malo moc nad všetkým, potom to, čo je moje telo, to som ja. Je to pravda? To je to, čo ja som; to je to, podľa čoho ma poznáte. Je to pravda? No, potom všetko, čo bol Boh, On vlial do Ježiša, lebo On bol plnosťou Božstva telesne. Je to pravda? A všetko, čo bol Ježiš, On vlial do cirkvi. "Tieto veci, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť to všetko. Dokonca väčšie ako tieto budete činiť, lebo Ja idem k Otcovi."
...ktorá je jeho telom, plnosťou toho, ktorý si naplňuje všetko vo všetkom.
187 Ó, ako to milujem! Ako to milujem! Pred pár dňami som čítal jednu knihu, kde bolo napísané o ceste do Afriky, ako som tam išiel slúžiť. Nikdy som to predtým nečítal. Koľkí ste čítali tú knihu, "Prorok navštevuje Afriku"? Díval som sa tam na malého indiánskeho chlapca. Koľkí ste videli tú fotografiu?
188 Počul som jedného evanjelistu, ktorý sa modlil za chorých pätnásť rokov alebo viac, povedal, "Nikdy v živote som nevidel stať sa zázrak." Povedal, "Videl som ľudí, ktorí mali bolesti hlavy, boli uzdravení. Videl som ľudí, ktorí hovorili, že majú bolesti brucha, boli uzdravení a tak ďalej. Ale zázrak, niečo, čo bolo stvorené a niečo učinené..."
189 Myslel som, že ten človek tam mal stáť a vidieť to. Noha toho indiánskeho chlapca bola asi takto hrubá, jedna z nich. Tá druhá noha bola normálna, ako normálna ľudská noha. A ak si všimnete tú jeho oporu, tá jeho noha bola asi o štrnásť alebo pätnásť palcov väčšia. On tam mal na spodku takú železnú platničku. Jeho topánka bola upevnená na dvoch dlhých trubkách na ktorých stál. On vyšiel tam, kde som ja stál, oni ho tam doviedli. Mal dve barle. Vzal tú veľkú železnú topánku a ona takto buchla o zem. Pozrel som sa na jeho nohu, bola asi takto hrubá.
190 No, tí ľudia sú mohamedáni. Pamätáte si minulú nedeľu, ako som vám čítal, čo museli napísať tie noviny? Mám to tu rovno z Afriky, poslali mi to po misionárovi, ktorý sa tam vrátil, brat Stricker. Tam je ten článok, ako sa Billy Graham odtiahol. To je presne tak. Tam bol mohamedán, ktorý ho strčil rovno do mora. Čo sa deje? Misionári opúšťajú pole. Aký má význam zostať tam dlhšie, oni sú proste bičovaní.
191 Milujem brata Billyho Grahama, myslím, že on je skvelým mužom Božím. Ale to, s čím mal Billy Graham na neho vyjsť, on mal povedať, "Počkaj chvíľu..." Keby mu to dovolili urobiť niektorí z tých naškrobených baptistov, verím, že on by to urobil. Verím, že Billy Graham je Boží muž. Ale ak by on povedal, "Počkaj. Ja som kazateľ Evanjelia. Ty veríš v Starý Zákon a povedal si, že Ježiš nebol nič iné, len človek. Vyzývam ťa k debate." Ja neverím v prijímaní diablových výziev, nie veru. Ale ja by som ho vyzval späť a povedal by som, "Zíďme sa spolu. Ja som doktor teológie" Billy Graham je doktor teológie. Dovoľ mi, aby som ťa k tomuto vyzval a dokázal ti, že Ježiš je Kristus. No, keď ide o Božské uzdravovanie, ja nevlastním tie dary, ale niektorí bratia to majú. Ak by si chcel priviesť tých ľudí sem, dovoľ mi, nech zavolám aspoň jedného, Orala Robertsa alebo niekoho, kto má nejakú veľkú službu, kto by tam určite prišiel." On by sem prišiel, a potom by ste videli, čo by sa dialo, povedal by, "kresťanstvo nie je to, čo si o tom myslíte."
192 No, každý sa cítil sklamaný, lebo on len odišiel a nechal ho tak. Samozrejme, ja neverím, keď vám diabol dáva výzvu. Tiež by som mu napľul do tváre a odišiel od neho preč. To je pravda. Ale keď to prichádza ku tomu, že.... Billy mohol spôsobiť, že by sa ten mohamedán cítil ako malý úbožiak. On mohol vziať Bibliu a ukázať Izaiáša 9:6 a povedať, "O kom on hovoril, ´Dieťa sa nám narodilo a Syn nám je daný´? Kto bol tento Muž? O kom on hovoril? Kto bol tento Prorok? Kto bol tento Mesiáš, ktorý mal prísť? Ukáž mi, kde sa On prejavil v Mohamedovi. ´Bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho a Jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení.´Ukáž mi to na Mohamedovi. Kedy on volal, ´Môj Bože, môj Bože, prečo si ma opustil? Prebodli moje ruky aj nohy,´ a tak ďalej? Ukáž mi to v tvojom slove, v tvojom vlastnom zákone." On by toho mohamedána tak utĺkol, až by nevedel, kde stojí. Tak je to.
193 Ale keď ste tie noviny otočili, tam bolo niečo, čo spôsobilo, že moje srdce poskočilo, tam bolo povedané, "Hoci sa Billy musel vzdať a odísť, ako môžu mohamedáni povedať, že to nie je pravda," povedali, "keď kazateľ William Branham v Durbane v Južnej Afrike pri nespornom zázraku za zázrakom v Božskej moci, kedy desaťtisíc mohamedánov padlo naraz na svoje tváre a odovzdali svoje životy Ježišovi Kristovi." Absolútne. Oni o tom vedia. Tí fundamentalisti o tom vedia. Nehovorte mi o tom.
194 Raz prišiel jeden za Ježišom, povedal, "Rabbi..." viete, on bol farizeus. Povedal, "My vieme, že si Učiteľ od Boha. My to vieme. My to vieme, lebo nikto nemôže činiť tie veci, ktoré ty činíš, ak by nebol s ním Boh. My tomu rozumieme. Vieme to. Ale my to len nemôžeme vyznať (vidíte), lebo ak by sme to vyznali, no, vyhodili by nás z našej cirkvi. Vieš, stratili by sme svoju prestíž." A tak Ježiš mu začal hovoriť o tom, že sa musí znova narodiť.
195 Vráťme sa k tomu mohamedánskemu chlapcovi... keď tam on stál, je tam jeho fotografia. Fotoaparát nezachytí klamstvo. Tam on stojí, jednu nohu mal o toľkoto kratšiu (asi o štrnásť palcov), ako tú druhú, stál na tej železnej topánke. Opýtal som sa ho, "Hovoríš anglicky?"
"Nie, pane." On nevedel po anglicky.
Tlmočník povedal, "On nehovorí anglicky."
"Ako dlho to máš takéto?"
Tlmočník sa ho opýtal. "Od narodenia."
"Nemôžeš s tou nohou vôbec hýbať?"
"Nie, pane."
"Veríš v Ježiša Krista?"
Povedal, "Ja som mohamedán."
Povedal som, "Prijmeš Ježiša Krista, ak ťa On uzdraví?"
"Prijmem Ježiša Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa, ak ma uzdraví."
"Ak ťa On uzdraví, keď tá noha bude taká ako tá druhá, príjmeš Ho?"
199 Pomyslel som si, "Bože, čo budeš robiť?" Toto bola tá ďalšia vec. Všetky otázky sú zodpovedané. Brat Mike, to je ten pocit. Budem len chvíľu čakať, aby som videl, čo On povie. Pozrel som sa tam, videl som toho chlapca, ako chodí, kráča takto popri tej stene, povedal som, "Koľkí z vás mohamedánov to príjmu? Tu je mohamedánsky chlapec, pozrite na neho, postavte ho tam." Povedal som, "Vy, lekári, chcete sa na neho pozrieť? Tam stojí." Ó, vy potom viete, na čom ste. Vidíte, viete, kde stojíte. Nikto... tu on bol.
200 Povedal som, "Tadeto sa poprechádzaj, synu." Oni ho priviedli a bolo počuť "Šš-bum, šš-bum Povedal som, "Vyzerá to, že je to asi o dvanásť alebo štrnásť palcov kratšie. Asi o toľkoto.
201 Povedal som, "Ale Ježiš Kristus, Syn Boží ho môže uzdraviť. Vy, mohamedáni, či tomu uveríte a prijmete Ho ako osobného Spasiteľa?"
202 Tisíce tých čiernych rúk sa takto zodvihlo. "Ó, Pane, teraz je ten čas." Povedal som, "Nebeský Otče, ak si mi kedy odpovedal, odpovedz teraz. Toto je pre Tvoju slávu, toto je pre Teba. Modlím sa, aby si uzdravil tohoto chlapca." Takto som sa len za neho pomodlil.
203 Povedal som, "Vyzuj si tú topánku." Ten tlmočník sa na mňa udivene pozrel. Povedal som, "Vyzuj si tú topánku." Rozviazal si ju. Videl som vo videní to, čo sa má stať. On si ju vyzul. Keď ju dal nabok a vykročil ku mne, obidve nohy boli normálne a takto ku mne obaja kráčali. Povedal som, "Chceš sa prejsť tam a naspäť?"
204 Začal plakať, chodil tam a späť, on nevedel, čo robiť. Ako tak chodil, povedal, "Ó, Allah, Allah!"
Ja som povedal, "Ježiš, Ježiš!"
"Ó, Ježiš, Ježiš!", hovoril potom. "Ježiš, Ježiš!", takto.
Povedal som, "Sú nejaké otázky?"
205 Julius Stadsklev, koľkí z vás ho poznajú? Brat Stadsklev prišiel sem do zboru. Odišiel práve do Nemecka. On povedal, "Počkaj chvíľu. Brat Branham, len chvíľku." Povedal, "Môžem rýchlo priniesť fotoaparát a urobiť z neho záber?"
Povedal som, "Nech sa páči."
206 "Poď sem a postav sem svoju topánku." Takto sa tam postavil, on vzal jeho záber, s oboma nohami úplne normálnymi a rovnými ako len mohli byť. Stála tam tá jeho stará topánka s tým upevnením.
207 Povedal som, "Koľkí z vás mohamedánov teraz odmietnete Mohameda ako proroka a uveríte v Ježiša, Syna Božieho a prijmete Ho ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa?" Desaťtisíc rúk sa zodvihlo... Haleluja! Oni nechcú nejaké...
208 Oni sa to snažia zatajiť, lebo my sme fanatici, ako nás oni nazývajú. Vidíte? Tak isto, Boh sa pohybuje, umiestňuje Svoju cirkev do jej pozície. On to robí nesmierne hojne ponad všetko to, čo my dokážeme urobiť alebo pomyslieť. On je práve toľko Bohom dnes, ako On vždy bol.
209 Takže, milí priatelia, dovoľte, nech vám teraz niečo poviem. Moji milovaní vzácni ľudia, vy, v tejto krajine i v tých ostatných, všade, kam sa dostanú tie pásky, možno niekde za morom, kdekoľvek ste; nebojte sa. Všetko je v poriadku. Otec Boh, ešte pred založením sveta vedel všetko, čo sa stane. Všetko spolupôsobí na dobré. Či Ho milujete? Udržujte svoje srdce v poriadku.
210 A pamätajte, keď ten posledný dych opustí váš život; vy, starší ľudia, i vy, mladí ľudia a vy, matky, keď vidíte svoje malé deti; ako to malé dievčatko, ktoré zomrelo, keď malo osem alebo päť dní, to bude krásna žena, keď ju uvidíte. Ten starý dedko, ktorý bol celý zhrbený, on sotva videl, kam ide, keď ho uvidíte, stará mama, on bude pekný mladý muž, taký mladý, ako by mal okolo dvadsať rokov, v rozkvete svojej mladosti. A on bude takým navždy. Budete sa môcť dotknúť jeho ruky, budete si s ním môcť potriasť ruky. Objímete ho svojimi ramenami, ale on už nebude tvojím "miláčikom (manželom)", on bude brat. Ó! On bude o mnoho viac, než "miláčik". Myslíš si, že si ho milovala? Isteže si ho milovala, ale to bola láska fileo, počkaj, keď budeš mať lásku agapé. Počkaj, kým ťa zahrnie tá skutočná Božská láska a potom budeš vidieť, čo to je.
Tu je to len ako nejaké staré páchnuce smetisko, nie je v tom nič dobré, nie je na tom nič. Jediná vec, ktorú vám radím, aby ste teraz robili, je toto, moji priatelia.
211 A trochu neskôr budem... Chceli by ste, aby sme niekedy neskôr vzali tie ďalšie dve kapitoly? Pán... Musím si trochu odpočinúť predtým, ako pôjdem do Chatauqua. No, ja nemôžem na tých zhromaždeniach kázať tieto veci. Je tam príliš mnoho rozdielnych druhov vierovyznaní. Vidíte? Toto je len pre Cirkev. Vidíte? Nemôžem kázať... Ale tu mám právo kázať čokoľvek chcem. Toto je moja modlitebňa. Vidíte? A hovorím vám... No, ja verím, že tí ľudia sú spasení. Iste, skutočne tomu verím. Ale ó, o koľko lepšie sa kráča, keď viete, kde ste. O koľko lepšie to je, keď viete, čo robíte (vidíte?), namiesto potácania sa a potkýnania sa na ceste. Len sa postavme vo Svetle a kráčajme vo Svetle a vedzme, kam smerujeme. To je pravda. Nech je Pán s vami.
212 A každý jeden z vás tu, ktorý ešte nebol umiestnený do svojej pozície... Ty nemusíš byť nič iné, ako len žena v domácnosti. No, povieš, "Brat Branham, nikdy som vo svojom živote nič neurobila. Nie som kazateľ." Dobre, možno ťa sem Boh postavil za tým účelom, aby si vychovala rodinu detí, z tej môže prísť ďalšia rodina detí, a tam môže byť kazateľ, ktorý privedie milión duší ku Kristovi. Ty tu musíš byť. Ty si tu za nejakým účelom. Vedela si to?
213 No, povieš, "Všetko, čo som kedy robil, bolo len trápenie sa na poli. Pracoval som každý deň do večera, nevedel som, ako zaopatriť svoje deti. Díval som sa na tých maličkých, ako chodia bez topánok. Sadol som si a plakal. Mal som takú starú káru a išli sme s mamou do zboru." Neboj sa, brat. Len Ho ďalej miluj, On má s tebou určitý zámer. Zostaň len tak, ako si a kráčaj rovno napred. Vidíš? Možno si nikdy nekázal ani jednu kázeň, ale možno budeš pradedkom toho, ktorý to bude robiť.
214 Či ste vedeli, že Boh započítal (Pozrime sa teraz, ako sa volal?)... Lévimu, že zaplatil desiatok, keď bol ešte v bedrách Abraháma, keď sa on stretol s Melchisedechom? Koľkí to poznáte? A pozrime sa, Abrahám splodil Izáka, Izák splodil Jakoba, Jakob splodil Léviho; čiže otec, dedko, pradedko. Keď bol ešte v jeho bedrách, v semene svojho pradedka, Biblia mu započítala, že zaplatil desiatok Melchisedechovi. Ó, brat, ó, ó, ó! Ó, som...
215 Ako sa jedného večera obrátil jeden Angličan, tam v Anglicku, on povedal, "Som taký šťastný, som taký šťastný."
216 Áno, som taký šťastný, že viem, že toto je pravda. A jedného slávneho dňa, ja neviem, kedy príde ten deň, ale ak to bolo videnie... Ja nehovorím, že som tu bol. Pamätajte, držte to vo svojich mysliach, i vy, pri tých páskach. Či som bol vo videní, alebo prenesený v duchu, neviem. Ale to bolo také skutočné, ako teraz držím brata Nevilleho, práve také skutočné. Mohol som sa dívať na tých ľudí a rozprávať sa s nimi. Stála tam moja prvá žena, ona nekričala, "Manžel môj!", ona povedala, "Môj milovaný brat!"
217 Stálo tam tiež dievča, s ktorým som chodil pred rokmi. Možno niektorí z jej pokrvných tu sedia, volala sa Alica Lewis z Utica, veľmi milé a verné kresťanské dievča. Vydala sa v trochu staršom veku a mala svoje prvé dieťa a pri pôrode zomrela. Alica Lewis. Išiel som do toho domu smútku, aby som ju ešte videl. Ja som len prišiel domov a počul som, že je mŕtva. Išiel som tam, v tej miestnosti nikto nebol, povedal som, "Je tu pani..." Volala sa Emmerkeová. Vydala sa za milého kresťanského chlapca a ona bola milé kresťanské dievča. Bol som s tým dievčaťom všade, na rôznych miestach a všade, keď sme boli len deti, mali sme osemnásť, devätnásť. Milá kresťanka, nikdy som o nej nevedel nič okrem skutočného kresťanstva. A ja som bol hriešnik. Ale chodil som s ňou. Vošiel som tam do toho... A jej manžel, znovuzrodený kresťan, skutočný muž. A ja som nevedel, vedel som, že zomrela, videl som to v novinách. Išiel som tam dolu, oni mi to povedali. Išiel som tam ku Cootsovým a opýtal som sa, "Máte tu pani Emmerkeovú? Povedali, "Billy, ona je tam v tej miestnosti."
218 Išiel som tam a stál som sa pri tej truhle. Pomyslel som si, "Alica, bol som v najtemnejšom žalári, chodil som po temných cestách. Ty a ja sme sa spolu prechádzali dolu cestami až ku rieke. Keď tam mali tú divadelnú loď, sadli sme si a počúvali sme, ako hrali na tých parníkových varhanoch. Chodili sme tými uličkami hore a dolu, akou dámou si pre mňa bola. Ako ďakujem Bohu za tvoj život. Odpočívaj, moja drahá sestra, odpočívaj v Božom pokoji."
219 A toho večera v tom videní ona bežala ku mne. Povedala, "Môj požehnaný brat!" a objala ma. Ó, brat, sestra, to ma zmenilo. Už nikdy nemôžem byť taký istý. Je to tak skutočné. Je to práve tak skutočné, ako sa dívam na vás, práve tak skutočné. Tak nie je žiaden strach. Môžem zomrieť skôr, ako uplynie noc.
220 Chcem vychovať môjho malého chlapca Jozefa, tam sedí. Chcem ho vidieť za kazateľňou, keď budem môcť vziať túto Bibliu... Keď sa dostanem na to miesto, kedy uvidím Jozefa za kazateľňou kázať ako mladého muža naplneného Duchom Svätým, pomazaného, s Božím Duchom na ňom... verím, že bude prorok. Toho dňa, keď som ho videl, šesť rokov predtým, ako sa narodil, pamätáte sa, keď som vám hovoril, že príde. Pamätáte sa, keď som ho vzal na ruky rovno tu pri oltári, pri tom požehnaní detí, nevedel som, čo hovorím, povedal som, "Jozef, ty si prorok."
221 A jedného dňa, keď som stál na dvore, on prišiel ku mne a opýtal sa, "Ocko, má Ježiš takú ruku ako ty?"
Povedal som, "Áno, synu, prečo?"
222 Povedal, "Sedel som na bicykli, čakal som na Sáru (to je jeho malá sestra), keď príde domov zo školy." On sedel tam vonku, ja ho nenechám isť tam na cestu, on sedel tam vedľa. Povedal, "Pozrel som hore," povedal, "keď som sa pozrel, bola tam taká ruka, ako máš ty, s bielym rukávom, ktorý bol nado mnou." Povedal, "Ona odišla hore." Povedal, "Bola to Ježišova ruka, ktorá išla hore?" Pozrel som sa na matku, ona sa pozrela na mňa. Išli sme dolu k pani Woodsovej. Ona tu vždy sedí. Vypytovali sme sa ho na to krížovým výsluchom, čo sme len mohli. Bolo to videnie. On to videl. Keď budem môcť uvidieť ten čas, ako malý Jozef bude stáť... Dúfam, že ho uvidím oženiť sa, ak bude Pán predlievať.
223 Som starý muž, tu po krku mi visia šedivé vlasy. Poslal som... Chcem poslať ešte dva alebo tri milióny duší ku Kristovi, ak len budem môcť. To je moje odhodlanie, kázať Evanjelium do každého konca zeme. Tak veru. Pomôž mi, Bože, budem to robiť. Tak, keď uvidím prichádzať ten čas, brat Mike...
224 Keď sa pozerám na mamu, Médu, volám ju "miláčik"... Vidím, ona je... Starneme, vidím, ako jej vlasy šedivejú a vidím, ako odchádzame, zanikáme.
225 Rebeka, som tak vďační za Rebeku. Jej učiteľ hudby mi raz večer povedal, "Ó, ak takto pôjde ďalej, brat Branham," povedal, "ťažko povedať, čo bude robiť." Ona takto postupuje v hudbe. Chcem, aby bola... Chcem, aby Sára bola za orgánom, Becky za klavírom a Jozef za kazateľňou.
226 Keď budem vidieť, že sa to deje, potom ja a mama môžeme ísť svojou trasľavou chôdzou, ja so svojou paličkou..., jedného večera pôjdeme dolu po ceste a budem sa tam môcť pozrieť a uvidím môjho chlapca, ako tam stojí pomazaný Svätým Duchom a káže toto isté Evanjelium. Chcem vziať túto starú Knihu a povedať, "Synu, tu Ju máš. Je tvoja. Drž sa Jej. Nerob kompromisy s ani jedným Slovom. Zotrvaj rovno na Tom, drahý. Nedbaj o to... Je mi jedno, kto je proti tebe, kto je proti, Boh bude s tebou. Káž každé Slovo tak, ako je Tam napísané, ocko ťa uvidí tam za tou riekou." Chcel by som svoju ženu objať, vziať ju za ruku a prekročiť Jordán.
227 Do toho času, Bože, dovoľ mi verne zostať na misijnom poli. Dovoľ mi to, je mi jedno, aká je cena, alebo koľko, čo budem musieť urobiť, to alebo tamto. Nech zostanem verný Slovu živého Boha, aby, keď príde ten deň a ja tam prekročím a pozriem sa naokolo, budem môcť povedať, "Tu ste. Ó, môj vzácny priateľ, môj vzácny brat, moja vzácna sestra."
228 Mladý kazateľ, choď na misijné pole, zostaň vo výzbroji. Všetci vy, mladí kazatelia, neseďte naokolo. Neseďte len nerobiac nič. Choďte tam a získajte nejakú dušu. Robte niečo. Choďte napred, pohnite sa! Nezastavuj sa, mladý kazateľ, ty tam! Nech Boh požehná tvoje srdce.
229 On mi pripomína čas, keď som bol asi v tom veku, hádam, možno taký mladý, ako on. Mal som len niečo okolo dvadsať, keď som tam položil ten uholný kameň. Pamätám sa, zvykol som nosiť modrý kabát a dlhé biele nohavice a stál som tam a kládol som ten uholný kameň, asi pred tridsaťjeden rokmi. Pozrite, koľko som mal rokov, bol som len chlapec. Stál som tam a kládol ten uholný kameň. Nerobil som kompromis s ani jedným Slovom. Zachoval som to presne tak, ako som položil ten uholný kameň. Tam leží moje svedectvo, kam som to napísal na tú stranu z Biblie, vytrhol som to a položil na ten uholný kameň, a to tam stále leží. A nech je to napísané na stránkach Božieho večného Slova v nebesiach. Nech stojím verne až do konca.
230 Skloňme ešte na chvíľku svoje hlavy k modlitbe. Končíme tento večer, ukončujeme jednu z týchto kapitol, čo nie je ospravedlnené. Mali by ste mať ešte tú ďalšiu, ako on ide ďalej a umiestňuje cirkev na jej miesto. Niekedy vám to predstavím, ak bude Boh chcieť. Musím si teraz trochu odpočinúť, predtým ako pôjdem tam do Chatauqua na tie ďalšie veľké zhromaždenie, potom odtiaľ prejdem do Oklahomy...
1a Brother Neville, and good afternoon, evening, rather, to our precious friends, we are happy to be back here in the church tonight. It's a little warm, and so we'll try to hurry just quick as possible, to get right straight into the message.
First, we have some announcements to make and a--a special prayer request. I got your letters in back there that was given, and for the sister that feels she has tumor on brain, and there was another in Louisville, and another minister's brother, his--his father has a heart attack. And there's many, many sick people in the world today. Many are calling in, and we sure do pray for them with all of our heart that God will help us.
1b Usually about ninety-five percent of my ministry is always that praying for the sick (You see?), but I'm--I just kinda got a--kinda got a little view that... I still pray for the sick now. Remember that. That goes right on with it, but oh, if we could get the--the church where positionally set and--and get in order so we can go to work. You see? Got to get organized (See?) get everything together.
Something else just struck my heart a few moments ago. That's when a little old veteran man, one of his arms almost shot off, leg almost shot off... He's not around here to listen at me just now, but a real prince of a fellow by the name of Roy Roberson, one of our trustees here at the church and one fine, Christian gentleman... He stepped just there and said, "Brother Branham, don't forget the president." Said, "It made me feel so sorry when he stepped..." Saw on a television, him stepping off of the plane, the tears coming down his cheeks and his mouth twisting sideways... You know, he was right over there with Roy and them in that--that battle.
1c No matter if you different with him in politics, he's still our president. Yes, sir. To me, I'm--I'm neither Democrat nor Republican; I'm a Christian. But I--I tell you; I've certainly had a great admiration for--for President Dwight Eisenhower. Yes, sir. He sure has been one great man in my way of thinking. If he was running again, and I was voting, I'd vote for him again. That's right. I don't care if he was--if he was a hundred years old, I'd still be voting for him, because I like him. And let's remember him in our prayers tonight.
J. T., I certainly appreciate that nice meeting you all--you and Brother Willard had this week. If I'd have walked in from the outside, you all said, "All right, Brother Branham, now you know so-and-so," but it's better just stand outside and listen at you. Don't you see? [Brother Branham laughs--Ed.] All right. Very fine.
1d I got some offers for some churches if you all want them. If you're ready to go to pastoring now, if you got your training and, which I believe you have, and got all settled down, I got one in Oregon, and some in Washington, California, and Arizona, different places. And if you ever want to take a church or anything, why, right here's a good place to start from, right here. And there's souls crying everywhere even to the Indian reservations and whatever you want to go to. Just let us know, because I believe that you boys are anchored now. That's right. I just love to see them do that.
There's Brother Ruddell up there on the road. Going up to have meeting for him in a few days, going to have a revival, Brother Ruddell is. And I--I remember I used to push that little fellow around everywhere trying to make him get out in the harness and preach. He was so backward. He'd say, "I just can't talk." Ha. You ought to hear him. See, see? You don't know what you can do till you let Holy Spirit gets a hold of you. That's right.
1e Brother Graham Snelling in Utica and Brother Junior Jackson down there, we--we consider all them our little sister churches right with us. We're all together. We don't disagree on our doctrines; our--our hopes, our aims, our doctrines are one. We stand together just every thing together. We're just one church, and we'd sure like to have them scattered throughout. We got some in Africa, some in India, and all around over the country. We... That's where we want them, scattering the news.
And I see these young fellows coming on like Brother J. T. Parnell here, and--and Brother Willard, and them when they're coming on, young fellows when I'm getting older... If there is a tomorrow, they'll be that men of tomorrow. I don't want this message to never die. It just can't. It must live on, and I don't believe we got too much longer to bring it.
The little baby that they said was going to die, I see you've had in church all day today, sister. That's very fine. We're thankful to the Lord for that, that the Lord is gracious, full of mercy. Just keep believing what was told you right here. See? It'll be all right.
1f Now, are you enjoying teaching? You like teaching? Oh, I--I--I really think it does us good. It gives us a little rest from praying for the sick, and visions, and Divine healing. 'Course now tonight we, after the service, we'll pray for the sick again tonight. We always want to do that. Baptize anybody at any time.
How many remembers when I used to walk the power lines? Well, I've walked right through the power lines many times. Had to walk thirty miles a day through the wilderness. I had two hundred and eighty miles of line to walk. I'd go down through there, skirt in my hands, and oh, so tired, walking through them jungles and greenbriers cutting.
Meet some old farmer and set down under a tree and talk to him about being baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus. He'd say, "Well, I've always wanted to be baptized."
I said, "It ain't very far to the creek."
1g And he'd say... And I've took a many a one right down there and baptized him in the Name of Jesus. Take right on down the line just as hard as I could go. That's right. Many time in my old working clothes, baptize one, come right down off of a pole. Set up there working across the pole; I was a lineman too, working across the pole, with a man, talking to him about the Lord. He'd say, "Well, Billy, one of these days I'm coming up to your church and be baptized."
I'd say, "Why do you want to wait till then for? We're right by the river, there's plenty of water right there." Catch them right now. That's right. That's the time. Philip said...
3 The eunuch said to Philip, "Here's water, what does hinder us?" That's right. Nothing, if you're ready, that's the time. Don't let the devil get a chance to wedge something in there. Don't put off for tomorrow the things that you could do today. Tomorrow might not come for you.
I remember one time I did that, learned, taught me a lesson. I put off something that I should've done one day, and the next day was too late.
4 Now, truly, I don't want to keep you all this time, but I just get so--so wound up and I don't know. I just feeling so good, till I just get beside myself almost; I just feel so good.
Now, let us bow our heads just a moment before we approach the Word.
Our heavenly Father, Thou art the living God, ever alive. The sun that just went down, that same sun, Daniel looked at it when it set; Jeremiah looked at it setting; Adam looked at it setting; Jesus looked at it setting. And it's the same world that they lived in and walked in, and You still remain the same God.
Tonight there's many requests: a man with tumor on the brain; a sister fears the same thing. You're the only hope, Lord, there is for that. That tumor has become malignant; there's nothing can be stopped. It's way out of the reach of the hands of the doctor. But tonight we go with our little slingshot, after that Lamb to bring it back to Father's fold. In the Name of the Lord Jesus we direct our prayer to slay the lion, the tumor, the malignancy, safely to bring them to the fold.
8 And we, God, do remember tonight, our lovely President, brother--or Dwight Eisenhower. He has guided the land, Lord; he's tried to keep us out of war. He promised the Korean War would end if he had any way he could. He promised those mothers he'd bring those boys back. But he said, "For me to do it, I can't do it. I can put my efforts, but God alone will have to do it." And You was with him, Lord, and now it's all settled up. Why couldn't they have seen that in the first place? God, I pray that You'll help him. Bless that gallant soul, Lord. And we pray that You'll choose for us the leader that is to be next. Your predestinated will be done, Lord.
But the One that we are so interested in tonight, besides of our national affairs, is that great and glorious One that's coming to set up a Kingdom that'll have no end, the Lord Jesus Thy Son. Then they'll stack arms; the taps will sound, and there'll be no more wars. They'll plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them. They'll build houses, inhabit them. And there'll never be no more trouble then after that.
Bless us now as we approach the Word. And Father, Thou knowest the reason that I'm approaching the Word from this very Scripture here. It's because that I--I feel that You want me to do it this a way, that it's Your Divine will; it's in Your order; it's in the... It's the order of the day to let the people positionally find their place and be ready for the hour of battle. As our brother said in his prayer to You not long ago, "Oh, You have trained us so long, Lord." Now, Father, give us our ranks. Put us out there to what we're supposed to do, so we can be about the Father's business. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, Thy Son. Amen.
11 Had rather a wonderful afternoon this afternoon, talking to a famous doctor in Louisville, his nurse. They heard about the glorious things of the Lord. And her father is a doctor. And she came over and set in my room most the afternoon, just come in, dropped in, a wonderful person: rather a little hard, you know, kind of a staunch, real Presbyterian to start with, but left with tears running down her cheeks. Oh, I... God's got them just sticking everywhere in doctors' offices, and nurses. I don't believe there's a nurse in Norton's Infirmary Hospital that I didn't testify to about having the Holy Ghost, and asked her if she was baptized in the Name of Jesus. Not a doctor that I come in contact with, anywhere, nothing... See?
Tell them about It. You ain't got much time, brother. No matter how hard it seems here, just wait till you cross that last breath yonder and see, then you'll wish you had've done it. Yes, sir. Don't wait till that time; let's do it right now. This is the hour. Oh, they might disagree, and fume and fuss a little about it, but they don't mean it. They really don't mean it. They--they--they're all right. They go to fussing at you, just--just remember, they--they don't really mean it. They don't mean it. They just maybe been taught something, and they just hang to that, so you--you can see their idea. Don't fuss with them; don't fuss with no one, but just love them right into It. Then pray for them.
13 Well, I think we got down to the 9th verse; I'm not sure. I... That's a long ways from the 3rd chapter, isn't it, men? But oh, it's honey in the rock to me.
We were speaking now, remember, so we can get a little background again. And now, Brother Neville, you--you pull me a little bit now if I fail to see the time getting away, so I can have prayer for the sick. We want to get every little speck that we can in tonight. I want an altar call. I... Ending up on this which I may be able just to read the rest of it.
But the purpose of this, is seeing your position in Christ, seeing that it's not something that you just stumbled into, or something that might have, you merited somewhere, but it's what God did for you Himself. Not that you were so good that you went to a church one night, that some poor brother led you up to the altar, and it wasn't that. It was God, before the foundation of the world predestinated you to Eternal Life. When you get there that day, no wonder the forty--twenty-four elders laid off their crowns; everybody laid down their crown; everyone fell on their faces; they didn't have one thing they could say, no preacher, no elder, no nothing. All praise to the Lamb, God will gather in Him all things at that day. Oh, if we'd ever know and recognize Who that was, Who they crucified. Now, on the...
15 We'll start at the 8th verse, to get a little background.
Wherein he has abounded towards us in all wisdom and prudence;
Having made known to us the mystery of his will...
"The mysteries of His will..." And remember how we hung on that? How many was here this morning? Let's see. How we stuck on that, "the mystery of His will." Now, it is not just a little thing; then it's a mystery. God's will is a mystery. And each man has to seek out the will of God for his or herself, God's mystery.
How do we find out? Paul, it was known to him. He said he didn't confer with any man, no flesh and blood. He went to no school, no seminary. He had nothing to do with it. But he... It was revealed to him by Jesus Christ, Who met him on the road to Damascus in a--a Light like a Pillar of Fire, and It called him. And he went to Arabia, and there dwelt three years. Oh, don't you imagine that was some time, Brother Egan? Three years Paul was down there in Arabia, rented him a little building somewhere, walking up and down the floor with all the old scrolls. They didn't have the new ones; Paul wrote them, mostly. Right in these old scrolls, how that God, at the beginning predestinated us unto Eternal Life, how that He would send Jesus, that through this Sacrifice we'd all have a right to the Tree of Life. "Those who He foreknew, He called; those who He called, He has already justified; those who He justified, He has already glorified."
God, since the beginning of the world, predestinated us to the adoption of sons. Now, the whole creation groaning, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. Oh, I'd imagine Paul had a wonderful time. I'd like to have been there with him, wouldn't you?
18 Now, he said, "He made known to us the mystery." Get the Holy Spirit on you sometime, and start running that, and just watch how it goes. This afternoon I had, oh, about thirty minutes to study, just to look the lesson over; maybe not, I'll not say half of that, fifteen minutes between the time. And I got to running, and I thought, "The mystery, how mysterious." And the Scripture packed me back into the Old Testament, then back over into the New Testament, tied something together, see the mystery of His coming, the mystery of His will, the mystery of us setting together.
Remember, it cannot be taught in any seminary. It's a mystery. You cannot know it by education, by theology. It's a mystery that's been hidden since the foundation of the world, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.
19 Tell me, my brother, tell me, my sister, when was the time that the sons of God was ever to be manifested outside of this time now? When were there ever a time in the history, this that ma--manifest the time to deliver all nature? Nature, the nature itself is groaning, waiting for the time of the manifestation. Why, before the atonement was made, before the Holy Ghost was ever poured out, before all the--all the Old Testament, on down there, there couldn't have been manifestation. It had to wait till this time. Now, all things has been brought, coming, shaping up to a headstone, to the manifestation of sons of God coming back, and the Spirit of God coming into these men, so perfectly, until their ministry will be so close like Christ's, till it'll join Him and His church together.
20 How many ever studied the history of the pyramids? I guess maybe one lady here raised her hand. All right.
God wrote three Bibles. One of them was the Zodiac in the skies. That's the first Bible. Man was to look up to realize that God is from above. Follow the Zodiac; did you ever study it? It even gives every age, even the cancer age. It gives the beginning, the birth--the birth of Christ. What is the first figure in the Zodiac? The virgin. What's the last figure? Leo the lion. The first coming and the second coming of Christ, all of it is written in there.
Then the next Bible was written, was in stone, called pyramid. God wrote in the pyramids. If you study them, watch the ancient histories and wars, how they were built before the antediluvian destruction.
23 The third was wrote on paper, the Bible, for the great, smart intellectual world to come. Now, as God has moved down through the age, we're at Leo the lion. We're at the capping of the pyramid. We're in the Book of the Revelations at the last chapter. Science says we're three minutes before midnight. Oh, think of where we're at.
And notice, let's take the pyramid; it's easy. It runs kind of like in a triangle.
When we were down here beginning at the early age of the church, after the reformation in Luther's time, just a man to say he was a Christian, either meant his life or death. They kill him for even saying he was a Christian. Therefore to go through persecution... Every age, through every time, there's been persecution. "All that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."
In the age of Luther, it was horrible to say "a Lutheran." You was considered a fanatic and could be put to death. Many times they killed them at stakes, burn them, and everything else, for Lutherans.
26 Then the church narrowed, as like the pyramid. It come into another step of grace, which was sanctification: Wesley's time, when he protested the Anglican church, taught sanctification. It come into the minority again, then they were called a bunch of fanatics.
How many in here that was Methodist, or used to be, or was once connected with Methodist church? Half of you. Did you know the Methodist church al--almost had the Holy Ghost one time? I've went to Methodist churches and see them fall on the floor, and throw water in their face and fan them with a fan, keep the Holy Ghost from coming on them. That's right. Now, that's the truth, down in the hills of Kentucky where we had Methodists. You guys are church joiners out here. We had Methodists back there, and Baptists. We got down at the altar and beat one another in the back till we got something. We come through; we lived different after that.
But you just come up, put your name on the book, and say, "I'm a Methodist." And get the salt shaker and sprinkle a little water on you, and that's all of it. Go on out and wear shorts, makeup, run the horse races, bet, gamble, play slot machines and everything else, still good Methodists. See? That's not Methodists. That's just church joiners. That's right. Baptists, the same way, Presbyterian, on down the same way. As...
29 David duPlessis said, "Grandchildren, God don't have any grandchildren." God never had a grandchild. He's got sons, but no grandsons. That's right. You... And people that come into the Methodist church, or Pentecostal church, or Baptist church, because your mother or father was Pentecostal or Baptist, then you're a grandson. They were sons. You're a grandson. See? So God don't have anything like that. The church has a lot of that, but not--but not the--not the--not the... God doesn't.
30 Now, notice these, on down till it comes down now, as it becomes to the minority of the church. The Pentecostal age come in. That certainly cut off a lot of bumps. Then it... What did it do? It just left the Methodist and Lutheran all behind.
Now, the Holy Spirit's moved right on away from the Pentecostal age. What did they do? They organized, made themselves, "We are the Assemblies of God. We are the Oneness. We are the Twoness. We are the Church of God. We are the this, or that. You don't belong; you can't get into heaven 'less you got your name on our book." Oh, such nonsense. I don't care if you're a Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian; you put your name on the Book of Life when God puts it on there. If you were predestinated to Eternal Life, God will call you some way, somehow, some--some way or other. He sure will. "All the Father has given Me will come to Me."
No matter what church you belong to, that has nothing to do it. But the denomination will never do one thing to you, but might hinder you a lot from going on with God, but it'll--it'll never do nothing else: Congregate you together with a bunch of believers and unbelievers. Of course, you hit that everywhere you go, and they even had that in heaven. So it's all right, but you're looking to your denomination. Look to Jesus; He's the One to look to.
32 Now, as we're coming right down to... They had... How many... I believe this woman here raised her hand that she'd studied the pyramids. You know, the pyramid never was capped, was it? Never did have a capstone put on it. They never, couldn't even find it. They don't know what ever happened to it. Why? Why wasn't the capstone put on it, the headstone, the top of it? Because He was rejected when He come. He was the rejected Stone. That's right. But it will be capped. That's right. And then those stones that fit around that headstone, will have to be stones that'll be so completely like that stone, that'll fit it joint and every--everywhere. The pyramid is so perfect you can't run a razor blade between them, where them stones go together, such beautiful masonry. Some of them would weigh hundreds of tons up in the air, and so perfectly set together.
33 That's the way God's bringing His church. We're fitly joined together, one heart and one accord. Now, somebody say, "Well, the Lutherans back there had nothing." Don't you believe it. The Lutherans will come forth in the resurrection just the same as the rest will come forth in the resurrection. Baptist, Presbyterians, and all of God's children will come forth in that resurrection. And that's the reason today people say, "Oh, well, there'll be a sweeping revival that'll go out here and save a hundred million Pentecostals and all get saved, and there'll be the rapture." You're mistaken. That rapture will be hundreds of thousands; that's right; but they'll be all made up in six thousand years of salvation too, six thousand years back. Man walks in the Light as the Light comes to him; he crosses the bridges when he find--comes to them. Now, if he refuses It, then he's left in darkness. But if he keeps moving on...
34 Now, notice, then the coming of the Lord Jesus is so close at hand, until the Spirit from way down in here, just barely justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit, and now right into the time of the coming of the Headstone... The church has got to be so perfectly like Christ, until Christ and the church can unite together, the same Spirit. And if the Spirit of Christ is in you, It makes you live the life of Christ, act the life of Christ, do the works of Christ. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Jesus said that. See? Now, we're going to have... We got a ministry coming that's just exactly like the life of Christ. What does that ministry identify? The coming of the Lord.
Look at it in the world today, and watch what Khrushchev's saying, all these other great things, and great worldwide conflicts right at hand at any time, could go to powder at any second. That's right. And if that, we know that that's close. Any sensible person can read in the newspaper or listen to a radio, will know that that is close. Well, remember, Christ comes for His church before that happens. So how close is the coming of the Lord Jesus? Maybe before this meeting ends tonight. We are at the end time. Certainly true.
36 Watch the church as it's come, as it move. Just take it in your own mind, you historians, that studies history. Look at the Lutheran church under justification, coming just so freshly from Catholicism; look at it moving. Then look at Wesley coming a little closer, into sanctification, weaving into the Scriptures. Look at right in between, the Wesley. Then the next thing come in was the Pentecostal age, and the Pentecostal age with the restoration of the gifts, the spiritual gifts. Now, look at the age coming now right up to the Headstone. See what I mean? The coming of the Lord, the made known. God and all creations is waiting for the church to positionally find its place.
37 Trouble with today, I, pretty near everyone I met... I was rolled out; we was taking... I have to have a physical examination, you know, for going overseas. You missionaries and so forth, know that. When I was taking examination, they brought me out of the room there, I'd been drinking that old, looked to me like dough meal or something, and I--I'd been drinking it. And come out there, set down, and wait for a half hour, and see whether it went out of my stomach or not. I looked across there, and there was some little woman, looked like she was just about to die. She was so--little legs and little arms. And I kept moving down from this man to that man, this man to that man, getting closer to her, till I got down to where she was. She looked like poor little thing was about to die. And I got up close to her; I said, "Pardon me, madam."
She said, "How do you do?" Oh, she was so sick.
And I said, "What's wrong?"
She said, "I went to Tucson to visit my daughter. I got sick; they can't find what's wrong."
And I said, "One thing I want to ask you." I said, "I'm a Gospel preacher. Are you a Christian? Are you ready to go if that hour shall come?"
And she said, "I belong to Such-and-such a church."
I said, "That wasn't the question I asked you. Are you a Christian filled with God's Spirit and ready to go when He calls you?" The woman didn't even know what I was talking about. See? Oh, what a pitiful sight the world is in.
41 Now, "make known unto us the mysteries of His will," the coming of... Let me read you something. I was reading over... Let's turn over now to "the mystery of His will." Let's turn to Hebrews here just a minute, the 7th chapter of Hebrews, I believe it is. I'd like to read you something that would just make you feel so good when we think that we're setting together in heavenly places: Hebrews the 7th chapter.
For this Melchisedec... (Now, watch.)... King of Salem, priest of the most high God...
42 What's the mystery now? Here's the mystery, watch this. Who is this Fellow making, knowing, the mystery of His will, this Melchisedec? I'm waiting for everybody here, the Bibles still turning. Hebrews, 7th chapter, Paul speaking, same man of Galatians...
For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God... met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;
To whom also Abraham gave a part, tenth part of all; first being... interpretation, by interpretation King of righteousness... after that... King of Salem... (Who is this Fellow?)... which is, King of peace;
Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor ending of life;...
43 Who was this Man? Who was He? He never had a father; He never had a mother; He never had when He begin, or He never did have a time He'd ever die. He met Abraham coming from the slaughter of the kings. What was he doing? He went out to get Lot, his lost brother, to bring him back. And he slaughtered the kings; which, them kings had slaughtered; I believe ten or fifteen kings, and their kingdoms. But Abraham armed his servants and went after him, separated himself by night. See when he caught him? In the nighttime. Oh, brother, we're working in darkness now; the only Light we have is the Gospel Light. But he separated himself, and caught him, and brought him back. And on his road back, after the battle was over...
Let's go to Genesis 14, just a minute, to get the story more plainer. Let's go over here in Genesis, the four... I believe it's the 14th, Genesis 14. Yes, let's take Genesis 14:18, begin. Let's start just a little before that. Let's start, yeah, the 18th verse, Genesis 14:18, "And Melchisedec..." Now, that's Abraham returning now from the slaughter of the kings. Came back, on his road back, bringing back Lot, all the people that they had taken away...
45 All like David, who went and got the... What did David do? Took the little slingshot, went out, and grabbed this little lamb out of the lion's mouth. Think of a slingshot, going after a lamb. Who in the world would do that? Tell me what man in here would do it, rise up your hand. I'll tell you right quick you're wrong. You didn't see me put mine up. No, I wouldn't go after him with a .30-06, hardly. But he went after him with a slingshot, a little piece of leather like, with two strings on it, winding around. Because, and when it come time for Goliath to make his boast, he went after Goliath, and he said, "The God of heaven has let me deliver a lamb out of the mouth of the lion, out of the mouth of a bear." He knew it wasn't a slingshot. It was the power of God that went with him. He was the One that brought that lamb back.
46 And that's what we say today. God's got Davids sticking around (Yes, sir.), that's feeding Father's sheep. And once in a while a tumor will come, or a cancer will come, or something, and jump plumb out of the hands of the doctor. That won't stop that David; he'll go right on out there after that fellow, with a little slingshot of: "Ask anything in My Name; it shall be given." I don't care; doctors can laugh; and everybody else can make fun of him; he'll go after him anyhow, bringing that sheep back to the fold. Yes, sir. "It's God's child, take your hand off of him."
Knock this lion down, then the lion rose up; he grabbed him by the beard and killed him: a little bitty ruddy boy, probably weigh eighty or ninety pounds.
47 Now, watch. Melchisedec, the King of Salem, which is King of Peace, which actually Salem lays across the hill. It's the King of Jerusalem, Who it was. That's exactly Who it was, King of Jerusalem, which Jerusalem was first called Salem, which was peace; that was Jerusalem first, before it was called Jerusalem. He was the King of Jerusalem. He was the King of righteousness, the King of peace, the King of Salem. He had no father; He had no mother; He had no beginning of days; He had no ending of life; He had no descent. Ha, ho, ho, ho, ho. Who is this Fellow? Watch Him.
After the battle was over, after the victory was won, watch what He said. "And Melchisedec..." 18th verse, the 14th chapter, Genesis.
And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.
And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heavens and earth:
And blessed be the most high God, which has delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him a tenth of all.
Let's read a little farther.
And the king of Sodom said unto Abraham, Give me the persons, and take the goods for thyself.
And Abram said unto the king of Sodom, I have lifted up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heavens and earth... (Listen how he abbreviated that, hmm, how he give it to him.)
That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatch, and that I will not take any thing, (not any thing)... that... and...?... that, and that of thine, lest thou should say, I have made Abram rich:
Save only that which the young men eat,...
49 Notice, this Melchisedec, as soon as He met Abraham coming from the slaughter of the kings... The mystery of God now being made known, Who was He? Nobody... They can't find any history of Him, because He didn't have any father; He didn't have any mother; He never had any time He began; He never had any time He'd ever die; so ever Who He was is still alive. He never did have a beginning, so He couldn't have been nobody else but El, Elah, Elohim; self-existent, self-abiding, Almighty God.
Jesus had a Father; Jesus had a mother; Jesus had a beginning of days; Jesus had an ending of earthly life. But this Man had neither father nor mother (Amen.), no father nor mother. Jesus had both Father and mother. This Man had neither father nor mother. Amen. And what did He do? After the battle was over, after Abraham had took his position...
After the church takes its position, we're called to the adoption of sons by the Holy Spirit. And when each man takes his position, what God has called him to do, and stand to the end of the road, going after the lost...
52 First, Paul takes all the scare out of it. So now, if you're called, if you're not just worked up in your mind by some kind of theology; if you're really borned of the Spirit, then God predestinated you before the foundation of the world, put your name on the Lamb's Book of Life; and now we come together to set in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: "A holy people, a holy nation, a peculiar people, royal priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices unto God, that is, the fruits of our lips giving praise to His Name."
People come in and say, "Them people are crazy." Sure they are; the wisdom of God is foolish to man, and the wisdom of man is foolish to God. They're contrary, one to the other.
54 But a real Spirit-filled church, full of power of God, setting together in heavenly places, offering spiritual sacrifices, praises of God, the Holy Spirit moving among them, discerning sin, and calling out the things that's among them that's wrong, straightened out and making it flat and level... Because why? Always in the Presence of God is that bloody Sacrifice.
Now, remember, we went through it this morning. You wasn't saved by the Blood; you're kept saved by the Blood. But you were saved by grace, through faith, believing it. God knocked at your heart, because He predestinated you. You looked up, and believed it, accepted it. Now, the Blood makes an atonement for your sins.
Remember, I said, "God does not condemn a sinner for sinning." He's a sinner to begin with. He condemns a Christian for sinning. And then because He has condemned him, Christ took our condemnation. So there's no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. And if you do anything wrong, it isn't willfully. You don't sin willfully. A man that sins willfully, goes out and willfully sins, never come into that Body yet. But a man that's once in there, he's dead, and his life is hid in God through Christ, sealed by the Holy Ghost, and the devil can't even find him; he's so far back in there. He would have to come out of there before the devil can ever get in, for you are dead.
56 Tell a dead man he's a hypocrite and see what happens. Kick him on the side and say, "You old hypocrite, you..." He'll not say a word. And that's right; he'll just lay there. And a man that's dead in Christ, you can call him hypocrite, call him anything you want to; he'll never rise up about it. If anything, he'll slip off somewhere and pray for you. That's right.
But, oh, some of them's very much alive. That's what I think about; we're supposed to bury dead people. Them that's dead in Christ, we bury them in water. Sometimes we bury too many people that's alive: too much malice and strife, and there's too much in the church. But we can't separate that, but God does. He knows His people. He knows His sheep. He knows every voice. He knows His children. He knows who He can call out; He knows who He's predestinated. He knows who He's given these things to, what He's making Hisself known through. How He... God can put confidence in His children on what to do, knowing that they will do exactly. You believe God does that?
58 Why, Satan said to--to Job one day--or said to God one day, "Yeah, You got a servant."
God said, "There's none in the earth like him. He's a perfect man," had confidence in him.
Satan said, "Oh, yes, he's got everything easy. Let me have him a little while; I'll make him cuss You to Your face."
He said, "He's at your hands, but don't you take his life." See? And he done everything but take his life.
But, oh, Job, instead of... What did he do? Did he cuss God when God took his children, when he done all these evil things to him, and everything? Job didn't question. He fell on his face and worshipped (Hallelujah.), said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord." There you are.
God knowed His trust in Job. God knows how much He can trust you. He knows how much He can trust me. But what we're speaking of now is placing this child.
64 Now, when the Bible--when the battle is all over, when everything is finished, then what is the next thing we do? What is the thing we do after the battle's over? Did you know what we do? We meet Melchisedec. Let's turn, Matthew 16:16, right quick, see if that's right or not. Saint Matthew, 16th chapter and 16th verse, I'm pretty sure that's right, Matthew 16:16. Matthew 6... No, that's wrong, couldn't be that close, 26:26. 'Cause 16 here, He's talking to Simon Peter. Pardon me, I didn't mean to say that. 26:26, 'cause just the last supper, that's what I'm trying to get to. Matthew the 26th chapter and the 26th verse, now we got her; here we are, at the last supper.
And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to His disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.
And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
For this is my blood of the new testament, for--which is shed for many for the remission of sins... (S-i-n-s, sins, Christians who does things wrong)
All right, but--but listen, 29th verse...
.. I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of the fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom.
What? The same thing Melchisedec did after Abraham had got his position, set his men in order, and won the battle, and had come home, and Melchisedec come out with bread and wine. After the battle's over, then we'll eat the wedding supper with the Lord Jesus in the new world. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord. All right.
67 The mysteries of His will, according to His good pleasure... (Back over now again in Ephesians 9)... which he has purposed in Himself:
That in the dispensation of the fulness of time...
And remember that, we just passed over it: Ephesians, 1st chapter, 10th verse.
That in the dispensation of the fulness of time...
Now, we learned that the fullness of time is waiting for what? The fullness of all time, the time that when sin will cease, the time when death will cease, the time when sickness will cease, the time when sin will cease, the time when all of the perversions and perverted things that the devil has perverted will cease, when time itself shall cease. Watch.
That in the dispensation of the fulness of time that he might gather... in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on the earth; even in him:
"Gather all things through Christ..." As I said this morning, all the little nuggets that we find, these great little things, you can polish them in Genesis; you can polish them in Exodus; you can polish them in Leviticus, and bring them through; and in Revelations they'll end up being Jesus. You take Joseph; you take Abraham; you take Isaac; you take Jacob; you take David; you take any of those nuggets, those men of God, and see if you don't see Jesus Christ displayed in each one of them. "That He might gather all things into One, Christ Jesus."
71 Now, a little farther now, now that 11th verse...
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance,...
Oh, "an inheritance..." Somebody has to leave you something to inherit it. Is that right? An inheritance, what inheritance do we have? What inheritance did I have? I didn't have any. But God left me an inheritance when He put my name on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world.
Oh, you say, "Now, wait a minute, brother, Jesus did that when He died for you." No, He never. Jesus come to purchase that inheritance for me. Read the very next ver, or very next line.
I--in whom we also have obtained apparent... obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own good will:
74 God, before the foundation of the world, as we've took it down through the lesson, you people: How we seen God was self-existence, how that in Him was love. In Him was to be God; there was nothing to worship Him. In Him was to be a Father; there was... He was by Himself. In Him was to be a Saviour: nothing lost. In Him was to be a Healer. That's the attributes of Him. There was nothing there. So His Ownself, His own good counsel produced these things, that He might through this one Man, Christ Jesus, gather it all together again. Oh, eye has not seen ears not... No wonder it's a mysterious thing.
75 Look, "has predestinated us unto this inheritance..." If I'm a right inheritance of something, if God is knocking at my heart and saying, "William Branham, I called you a long time ago before the foundation of the world to preach the Gospel," I have an inheritance, an inheritance of Eternal Life. Now, God sent Jesus to make that inheritance real to me, because there was nothing I could do to--to inherit it. It was blank; it was valid; there's nothing I can do. But in the fullness of time God sent, in His Own good time, Jesus the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world. His Blood was shed, that I might go to my inheritance. To be what, what inheritance? To sonship, to be a son of God.
76 And now, this may just choke you to death. But did you know that men that are sons of God are amateur gods? How many ever knowed that? How many knows that Jesus said so? The Bible, Jesus said, "Did not your law say itself that you are gods? And if you call them gods..." Which, God said in Genesis 2 that they were gods, because they were--had full domain over the dominion of the world. He give him dominion over all things. And he lost his godship; he lost his sonship; he lost his domain; and Satan took it over. But, brother, we are waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God, who will come back and take it over again. Waiting for the fullness of time, when the pyramid gets up to the top, when the full sons of God will be manifested, when the power of God will walk out (Hallelujah.) and will take every power that Satan's got away from him. Yes, sir, it belongs to him.
77 He's the Logos that went out of God; that is true; that was the Son of God. Then He made man that little god. And He said, "If they call those who the Word of God came to, the prophets, if they call them gods who the Word of God came to..." And God said so Himself that they were gods. He told Moses, "I made you a god, and made Aaron your prophet." Amen. Whew. I--I may act like a religious crank, but I'm not. Oh, when your eyes can come open and see those things...
All right. He made man a god, a god in his domain. And His domain goes from sea to sea, from shore to shore. He has the control of it.
And when Jesus came, being the one God without sin, He proved it. When the winds blowed, He said, "Peace, be still." Amen. And when the tree, He said, "No man eat from thee."
"Verily, I say unto you, you, that's little gods, if you'll say to this mountain, 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said."
80 Go right back to Genesis, to the original; what is it? Now, the world and nature is groaning, crying; everything's a moving what? For the manifestation of the sons of God, when true sons, born sons, filled sons speak and their word is backed. I believe we're on the border of it right now. Yes, sir. Say to this mountain, let it be so.
"Brother, I--I desire so-and-so, a certain thing done. I'm a believer in Jesus Christ."
"I give it to you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ." Amen. There's a manifestation.
"Oh, brother, my crops are burning up out yonder. I haven't had any rain."
"I'll send you a rain in the Name of the Lord God...?... bless your crop." Oh, waiting, groaning, all nature, waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God. God ordained it at the beginning. He gave man the domain.
85 He gave Jesus Christ, and Jesus gave it in His Name, with this assurance, "Ask the Father anything in My Name, and I'll do it." Oh, Brother Palmer. Waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God, the position, the church...
As I said, the Book of Ephesians is the Book of Joshua, and Joshua placing the people where they belong. Now, if they wouldn't stand still, and he put Ephraim here, and said he run over on Manasseh's land. And this one would come back a fussing and stewing, how they ever going to get along? When one said, "I'm a Baptist; I'm a Methodist; I'm a Pentecostal; I'm oneness; I'm twoness; I'm So-and-so." how you going to do it? Stand still.
God's wanting to place His church, sons and daughters of God. God, let me live to see it, is my prayer, so close till I can just feel it with my hands almost, look like; it's right there. That's what I've longed to see, waiting for the time when walk down the street; there lays a cripple laying there from his mother's womb, "Silver and gold have I none...?..." Oh, waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God (Hallelujah.), when God will make Hisself known, when they'll stop sickness, they'll stop cancer, they'll stop diseases.
88 You think cancer's something? The Bible said there's coming a time when men will rot right in their flesh, and the buzzards will eat off of carcasses before they even die. Cancer's a toothache to what's a coming. But, remember, that horrible thing was forbidden in that day to touch those who had the Seal of God. That's what we're striving for now, to get in and be positionally placed into the Kingdom of God before these horrible plagues strike. Oh, how good. The dispensation of time, fullness of time, the i--inheritance...
In whom we also... obtained... inheritance, being predestinated...
89 How was our inheritance given to us, through what? Predestination. Predestination is foreknowledge. How did God know He could trust you to be a preacher? His foreknowledge. "Not he that willeth or he that runneth, or he... It's God that showeth mercy." That's right. Predestination, He knew what was in you. He knowed what was in you before you even come on the earth. He knowed what was in you before there was ever a earth for you to come on. That's--that's Him. That's the infinite God, the infinite. We're finite; we can only think finite.
90 It's been so much to me since that what happened to me, I don't know. When I think there, when I stood there for those few joyful moments, and thought, "There's no tomorrow." There was no yesterday; there's no sickness; there's no sorrow. There's no little bit of happiness, then a whole lot of happiness; it's all happiness. Oh, my. Oh, when I stood there, and I said, "What is this?"
That Voice said, "This is perfect love, and everything that you ever loved and everything that ever loved you is here with you now."
"And you'll present us to the Lord Jesus when He comes, as trophies of your ministry."
I seen those beautiful women standing there, all grabbing me and screaming, "My precious, darling brother."
Seen those man with that shaggy hair around their neck here, running, grabbing me, and saying, "Our darling brother."
And I thought, "What does this mean?"
He said, "They're your people."
I said, "My people? There couldn't be that many Branhams; there's millions..."
He said, "They're your converts." Hallelujah. "They are your converts. They're the ones that..." Said, "You see that one standing there?" The most beautiful woman I ever seen... Said, "She was a past ninety years old when you led her to God. No wonder she's crying, 'My darling brother.'" Said, "She'll never be old no more. She's passed from that. She's in the splendor of youth. She's standing here. She can't drink a cold drink of water; she don't need it. She can't lay down and sleep, 'cause she don't get tired. There's no tomorrow, no yesterday, nor nothing. We're in eternity now. But some glorious day the Son of God shall come, and you will be judged according to the Word that you preached to them."
Oh, brother, I said, "Will Paul have to bring his group?"
"Yes, sir."
I said, "I preached It just exactly like Paul said It. I never divvied; I never took into any church creeds or anything else. I stayed the same."
And all of them screamed with one accord, "We know that. We're resting with assurance." Said, "You will present us to Him, and then we'll all go back to earth again to live forever." Oh, my.
97 Just then I started coming to. I looked, laying there on the bed, and I seen my old carcass here, getting old and wrinkled, and drawed up, and--and diseased up, and afflicted, and I seen my hands behind my head, and I thought, "Oh, will I have to go back in that thing again?"
And I kept hearing that Voice, "Keep pressing on. Keep pressing on."
I said, "Lord, I've always believed Divine healing; I'll keep believing it. But I'll press for them souls, so help me. I'll have so many there I'll... Let me live Lord, and I'll put another million in there, if You'll just let me live."
100 I don't care what color, what creed, what nationality, what they are; they're all one when they get there. Them old boundary lines has passed away. Oh, I can see those women, so pretty, never seen... with lo--long hair way down their back, long skirts way down. They was barefooted. See them men with shaggy hair around their neck, redheads, blackheads, and all different colors. And they were throwing their arms around me. I could feeled them. I felt their hands. Jud--God is my Judge, and this sacred Book open, I could feel them just the same as I feel my hands on my face.
And they was throwing their arms around me, no sensation of women like would be now. I don't care how holy you are, who you are, what kind of a preacher you are, priest, or whatever you might be; there's no man can let a woman throw his arms around her, without having a human sensations. That's exactly the truth. But, brother, when you pass between here and yonder, it ain't that way there. Oh, my. It's so, oh, there's... It's impossible. It's all love. Everything is real brother and everything's real sister. There's no death, no sorrow, no jealousy, no nothing, nothing can enter there. It's just perfection. That's what I'm striving for. That's what I'm placing for.
101 I said, "O Lord, that's what I'm here at the church for, trying to set the church in order," telling you, brother and sister, there's only one thing that can enter that; that's perfect love. Not because you're loyal to the Branham Tabernacle, or the Methodist church, or Baptist church, them's all right; you should be. But, oh, friends, you've got... Not because you spoke with tongues, danced in the Spirit, because you cast out devils, or moved mountains with faith. That all's all right, for that's all right, but still unless that real perfect love is in there. That was where perfect love was. And that?s the only thing that?ll let you in there. That?s the only thing that can stay there, it?s the only thing there was, there. Oh my! It?s an adoption. God, before the foundation of the world.
102 Now, let?s hurry up, let?s get this one chapter through, anyhow, if possible, in the next ten minutes.
To whom we also have obtained an inheritance... (We inherit what? Eternal Life)... being predestinated...
How? Does everybody understand that? Did you call on God? No, God called on you. Some people say, "Oh, I just sought God, and sought God."
You did not. No man never sought God. It's God seeking man. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first." See, it's the nature of man to run from God. And you say now...
That--that's what bothers me though, to preach to you people; don't remain on in the same condition you've been going in; change now. Hear me as I say it, THUS SAITH THE LORD. I've never called myself this; I'm not. But you called me your prophet, or a prophet. The world believes that, the world around, millions and millions and millions of people. I've spoke directly and indirectly to ten or--ten or twelve million people, or more, directly speaking. I've seen tens of thousands of visions, and signs and wonders, and not one of them have ever failed. And that's right. He's foretold me things that's never failed to happen just exactly. I'll bring any man to trial for that. That's right. I don't claim to be a prophet, but you listen to me.
104 THUS SAITH THE LORD, it'll take perfect love to put you in that place, for that's all there was there. No matter how many, how much religious demonstrations, how many good deeds you done, or whatever you done, that won't count nothing on that day. It'll take perfect love. So whatever you do, you lay aside everything else, until you are just so filled with the love of God, till you can love those who hate you.
I'm just, as I said this morning, I was made... My whole makeup is grace. A lot of people say, "Now, you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. Yeah, you do something for me, and I'll do something for you." That's not grace. Grace is, if your back is itching, I'll scratch it anyhow, whether you scratch mine or not; you slap me on the face, and say, "my back needs itching, needs scratching," I'll scratch it. See? That's it; do something. I don't believe in works; I believe that works is love. Works is--works is the manifestation that grace has taken place.
I don't live true to my wife because I believe she'd divorce me if I didn't; I live true to her because I love her.
106 I don't preach the Gospel, 'cause I think I'd go to hell if I didn't; I preach the Gospel because I love Him. Certainly. You think I'd cross those stormy seas, and them planes diving back and forth, and lightning flashing around, and--and everything else, and most any minute... and everybody screaming, and "Hail Mary's" a going on through the plane, and everything... Them people a-swinging in them safety belts, and the pilot saying, "Enough gas to last fifteen minutes longer, don't know where we're at." Do you think I'd do that just--just for the fun of doing it? Huh. You think I'd get back out there in the jungles where German soldiers had to put their arms around me like this each night and take me in and out of the meeting, until the Holy Spirit begin to perform miracles, communists setting with night scopes, to shoot me a mile away. You think I'd do that just for the fun of it? Because something in me, love. They're humans that Christ died for. Paul said, "I'm not only willing to go up to Jerusalem, but I'm going up there to be crucified. I'm going up to die. I'm going up there to die for the cause of the Lord." It's something, love that constrains you, that makes you. That's exactly right.
107 If I'd preach the Gospel for money, if it would've been, I wouldn't have been twenty thousand dollars tonight in debt. I wouldn't been that in debt. No, sir. Because I'd have kept some of the--some of the millions that had been given to me. One man, one man sent an FBI agent with a million-five-hundred-thousand dollar money draft. And I said, "Take it back." Not for money, it isn't money. I don't preach the Gospel for money, not for that.
It's because of the love. The thing I want to do, is, when I cross that last breath yonder, which may be in five minutes from now; it may be in two hours from now; it may be fifty years from now. I don't know when it'll be. But when it does, I do arrive there, I want to see the splendor of youth running, hollering, "My darling brother, my brother." That's what's in my heart. That's why.
I don't try to disagree with you to be--be different, but I'm trying to put you on the road that's right. That's the way in. Not your church, not your denomination, but your birth in Christ. Oh, my. Whew.
109 In whom... we have obtained... inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
Listen. We're going to close in a few minutes. Listen close now 'fore we close.
That we should be to the praises of his glory, who first trusted... Christ.
In whom ye also trusted...
Watch this now, closely. Get on your jackets, Gospel jackets. Hold your ears open; listen close. I'm on the 13th verse.
In whom you also trusted, after that ye heard... ("Faith cometh by hearing the Word of...) [Congregation says "God."--Ed.]... after that you heard the word of truth...
What is Truth? The Word of God. Is that right? John 17:17, you that's taking down Scriptures, Jesus said, "Sanctify them, Father, through the Truth; Thy Word is Truth."
112 ... after you heard the truth, the Gospel of your salvation...
What was the salvation he was trying to tell them? Predestinated before the foundation of the earth (Is that right?) to adoption of sons, predestinated to Eternal Life. Now, after you come into Eternal Life, after you been saved, sanctified, filled with the Holy Spirit, you're sons. Now, God wanting to place you positionally, oh, so that you can work for His Kingdom and His glory.
That's the Gospel. Being first, hear the Word, "Repent, be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins." Taking away all your sins, calling on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the promised land... The promise is unto every sojourner that's on your road. If you left your home tonight, a sinner, saying, "I'll walk over to the Branham Tabernacle," God gives you the opportunity tonight. There's one thing lays between you and the promised Land. What is the promised Land? The Holy Ghost. What laid between Joshua and the promised land was the Jordan. Exactly right.
114 Moses, being a type of Christ, led the children up to the promised land; then Moses did not take the children in the promised land. Joshua took the people in and divided up the land. Jesus paid the price, led them up to the Holy Spirit. God sent the Holy Spirit down, and He positionally put the church in order, each man, filling him with His Presence of His Being. You see what I mean? All in Christ Jesus, how God predestinated this to the calling of this Gospel.
Paul, Galatians 1:8, said, "If an Angel come preach anything else, let him be accursed." The Truth, the Gospel... Now, listen close as we read on, finishing the verse.
.. the Gospel of your salvation: in whom also... (Listen closely)... after that ye believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,
116 In the last days, the Bible said... Now, watch. In the last days there's going to be two classes of people. One of them's going to have the Seal of God, the other one the mark of the beast. Is that right? How many knows that? Well, if the Seal of God is the Seal of... If the Seal of God is the Holy Ghost, then without the Holy Ghost is the mark of the beast. And the Bible said that the two spirits would be so close together, it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible. It'll never do it, because they were elected to Eternal Life. See? Church going just as an ordinary...
117 Ten virgins went out to meet the Lord, all sanctified, all holy, every one of them sanctified. Five were dilatory and let their lights go out. Five had oil in their lamps. "And, behold the Bridegroom cometh." And the five that had oil in their lamps went into the wedding supper. And the others was left outside , where they were weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Be ready, for you don't know what minute the Lord comes. Have... What is the Oil represented in the Bible? Holy Spirit.
118 Now, if you today are Seventh-day Adventist brethren who said the seventh day is God's seal, produce one Scripture to prove it. The Bible said that the Seal of God is the Holy Ghost. Watch this. Which, watch the 13th verse now.
.. after that you believed, you were sealed with the--with the Holy Spirit of promise.
Turn to Ephesians 4:30; I believe that's it. See if we don't get 4:30; see if this isn't the same: Ephesians the 4th chapter and the 30th verse, yeah, here it is, 4:30.
And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed until the day of redemption.
120 How long? When you really, really receive the Holy Ghost, how long is It to last you? Until the next revival? Until Grandma crosses your path? Until the boss bawls you out? Until the day of your redemption. Hallelujah.
After you have died, after you have passed into that land, that you're standing there with your loved ones, you are still filled with the Holy Ghost. Scripture... You're just as you are now, only you've got a--you've moved into another body. You've just changed houses. This one got old; you couldn't tack the shingles on it no more; the rafters got rotten. That's right. So you just turned the old thing away, and let it rot on down, and moved into a new one. Is that right? "For if this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one waiting."
122 You remember the other day, going through that? When the little baby is being formed in the womb of the mother, and its little muscles are kicking and jumping and going on... But just as soon as the mother drops the baby, and the baby's to earth, the first thing, there is a spiritual body to catch that little natural body. Maybe the doctor give it a [Brother Branham slaps his hands together--Ed.] like that, or something to shake it, and "wha, wha, wha." And immediately right to that mother's breast it'll go, "um, um," moving its little head up and down on the mother's breast, to make those milk veins bring milk.
A little calf, as soon as it's dropped from the mother, it'll get up on its little knees after a few minutes. What will it do? Move right straight back around, get a hold of that mother, and begin to shake its little head up-and-down like that, and get its milk, Hallelujah. Yes, sir.
When this natural body comes into earth, there's a spiritual body waiting for it. And when this natural body's dropped on the ground (Hallelujah.), there is one waiting yonder. We just move from one into another; we change our dwelling places. This mortal must put on immortality; this spiritual, this corruption put on incorruption. This old wrinkled up, drawed, stooped over body, but it won't change its appearance at all; I mean when it gets yonder, you'll still have the same spirit.
126 Let me give you a little something sounds twisting to you, but it's the Bible. Then I'll give you one that'll untwist it for you. Watch this one. When old Saul, the--the king, the--the old, big old denominational preacher down there that time, you know, that got head and shoulders above them all, and was afraid; he didn't know nothing about the supernatural. David had to come and deliver the lamb out of the lion's mouth, kill Goliath. Watch him. He got so far back from God; he got to hating this holy-roller preacher. Instead of being for him to try to help him, he turned against him. If that just isn't the picture exactly, exactly the picture: turned right from him.
127 How many was in here when I left on my first trip and preached, "David, a slaying Goliath," when I left? Many, some, a few of the old timers. I'm fixing to leave again on this. Remember, we see what just come around last Sunday? It's moving right into another phase. David's second campaign, second phase of his ministry. That's exactly right. Which, then he become king over Israel. Notice the ministry now is moving out into a greater phase, coming out greater. So did David.
Now, notice this as he come, David, oh, when God had David come out there and slay the lion, notice, and slay the bear, then slay the Philistine... Now, there come a time when God gave a evil spirit over to this old boy. And now, to what? To hate David. And I believe...
128 Now, these tapes... Now, listen, brethren, you on these tapes, if you disagree with me, forgive me. See, I love you. I'm going to meet you over yonder anyhow (See?), 'cause if you're a man of God, I'm going to meet you anyhow. But I want to say this: here's the reason. Just because that Saul saw that David had something that he didn't have... Then what happened?
A little old ruddy, drawed over... The Bible said he was ruddy. That wasn't a very fair child, "ruddy" is just a little old drawed up sort of a fellow. And he went out there, and Saul... When he put Saul's armor on him, I imagine the shield come plumb down over his feet. And he said, "Take this stuff off of me." All right. Now, maybe he give him a doctor's degree, a Ph.D. or LL.D., or something, you know. How he said, "I don't know nothing about that stuff, because I haven't proved it. Let me have this what I know what I'm doing with." Yes, sir. He took the slingshot.
130 And they made David mad because the daughters, the churches, the churches was singing, "Saul, might've killed his thousands, but David killed his tens of thousands."
Then he got jealous, "That old Jesus' Name stuff, there's nothing to it." That's right. And what did God do to him? God sent an evil spirit upon him (See?) to hate David, and he hated David without a cause.
David could've wrung his neck a few times. He could, but he just let it go. He just never said nothing. He sure could've done it. He went over and cut the tail of his coat off one night, come back, said, "Looky here, you see?" Yes, sir, he could've done it, but he just let him alone. He could've broke his congregation up, and scattered them, and started an organization of hisself if he wanted to. But he didn't do it; he just let Saul go on. Let God do the fighting. Yes, sir.
133 So as he went on out, and the campaign finished on, it got on, that evil spirit got so that Saul couldn't get no answer from God. After while he... The Spirit of the Lord had departed from him. And old Samuel, the one that they had turned down, the one that really was the Voice of God to them, the one that said to them before they even wanted to act like the world...
Why does the church want to act like the world? Why does Pentecostal, baptized, Holy Ghost experienced Methodists, and Baptists, and Presbyterian want to act like the world? Why do they do it? I don't know. I--I just can't understand it. You say, "Well, it's no fun to play poker, just a little bit for fun, just a little penny ante," ever what you call it. It's a sin. You shouldn't have them things in your house. "Why, it's no harm to take this little bitty glass of beer out there. Uh, we just got a few. Me and my wife has a few in the afternoon." And the first thing you know, your children's got a few. Sure it is.
135 And you women, Hmm. Devil's just made a... That's what he did in the beginning, and he certainly has made a target out of you sisters. He just does that just to... 'Cause he knows what he can do. He can deceive a woman a thousand times quicker than a man. I know that hurts your feelings, but that's the truth. That's exactly. That's what he done in the garden of Eden. He can make... Now, she was honest; she was sincere, but she was deceived. "Adam was not deceived," the Bible said. He wasn't deceived, but she was deceived. So he can deceive her. And yet pastors will go right out and ordain women preachers, put them out over flongre--congregations like that, and this Bible condemns it from Genesis to Revelation. You say, "Well, it's all right. It's all right. They got... They can preach just the same as any." I know that's right.
136 Like somebody started speaking in tongues one time; I just kept on preaching. And when I got outside, a woman said to my son, said, "I've got a message to give tomorrow night," said, "when your daddy comes on the platform." Said, "Why, a message, what do you mean?"
And that night when it got ready, when I was fixing to make the altar call, she fixed her hair all up, and pulled up her stockings and everything, got ready, jumped up in the middle of the floor and begin to jump up-and-down, spoke in tongues, and prophesied. I just kept on preaching, make my altar call. Well, I never really respect it a bit; it wasn't right.
So then, well, the Bible said not to, said, "The--the Spirit of the prophets are subject to the prophet." God's on the... God's speaking at the platform, let Him speak. Paul said, "If something be revealed to one, let him hold his peace till the next one finishes." That's right.
Now, then when I got outside, these people said, a big bunch of people, said, "You grieved the Holy Ghost tonight."
I said, "What doing? What'd I do?"
Said, "Well, when that sister gave that message. Hallelujah, said that..."
"Why," I said, "I was preaching. She was out of order."
"Oh," said, "that was fresh right off the throne. That's fresher than what you was preaching." Ha.
141 Now, that just shows the... That shows either this... And I say it to your respects, either insanity, or either disrespects, or illiterate teaching that don't know no more about God than a rabbit knows about snowshoes. Now, that, I don't say that to be a-a silly remark, because this no place to joke. But that's--that's exactly the truth. A person that would know that God's not a author of confusion. He's of peace. The Bible they don't know. All they knowed how to do is jump up-and-down, speak in tongues, say, "I got the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah."
I've stood and seen, in Africa, witch doctors and things speak, by the five thousands of them at a time, jumping up-and-down, blood all over their faces, speaking in tongues, and drink blood out of a human skull, call on the devil, and speak in tongues.
143 And yet speaking in tongues is a gift of God, but that's not the infallible proof of the Holy Ghost. Let me tell you that now. I do believe that all inspired saints speak with tongues. I believe a man sometime when you get so inspired with God till you will speak with tongues. I believe that. But I don't believe that's any sign you got the Holy Ghost. Yes, sir. I believe there's times when you have faith, a person, you can walk right up and lay hands on a little kid that's got a cancer, when fifty preachers had prayed for it, and it'd be healed; because that mother has faith for that child. God's give it to her; she's a member of the Body of Christ. Yes, sir. I believe that. I seen that done, and I know that's true. But what it is, is get the church in order, set in order so we can work.
144 Now, let's finish the rest of this verse here 'fore we go.
.. after that you receive, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise...
Seal, what is the seal? What is a seal? A seal is, first thing it shows is a work that has been completed, a completed work. The next thing it shows is ownership. And the next thing it shows is security, keeping it.
Say, for instance, I used to work for the Pennsylvania Railroad; I used to work with my father on the railroad. We would load cars. And we'd put in down here at this packing company; we'd put in tin cans. And we'd set some up here, and some down here, and some up this a way. But before that car was ever sealed, the inspector come through there, and he pushed on it, shoved on this one, shook that one. "Aw. Condemn it. They'll break all to pieces 'fore they get there. Condemn it. Take them out. Do it over." The inspector condemned the car.
147 The Holy Ghost is the Inspector. He shake you a little bit, and you rattle. Do you believe all the Word of God? "I don't believe that old Jesus' Name stuff." Condemn it. You rattle. See? "I don't believe in Divine healing or no such a thing." Still rattles, take them out. You believe Jesus Christ is the same yesterday... "Well, in some way." You rattle. Kick it out; it ain't ready yet. Yes, sir.
Brother, when it's ready to say "amen..." Have you received the Holy Ghost? "Amen." Has everything been completed? "Amen." Then what does the Inspector do? Everything's packed in good and tight, full of the Gospel. Oh, every Word of God is good. Everything is perfect. "I believe every Word. Amen. Amen. Amen." Do you believe that God still heals? "Amen." Do you believe Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever? "Amen." You believe the Holy Ghost is just as real as It ever was? "Amen." You believe the same Spirit fell on Paul falls on us? "Amen." You believe It does the same things on us it did on them? "Amen." Uh, oh, she getting tight now. See, getting tight now; we're ready to close the door. All right.
149 Then the inspector closes the door. What does he do? He puts a seal on it. Then he gets down here and gets a hold of these little pliers of a thing, reaches over there on this little thing and seals that. You'd better not break it. If them, that car, its destination is Boston, it cannot be broken. It would be an--a penitentiary offense to break that seal until it gets to Boston. And a man that has the authority can open that seal, and him only. That's right. It's owned by the certain-certain railroad company. It's their seal. It's their assurance that this car has been packed; this car is ready. It belongs to them. They couldn't put the "B&O" on the "Pennsylvania." You've got to be sealed, and when it's sealed...
150 And when the Christian is packed with the Gospel, filled with the goodness of God, all the good things of God laying in him, with an open heart, ready to work, willing to be positionally placed, do anything that the Holy Spirit tells him to do, passed from death unto Life, sanctified from all the things of the world, walking in the Light as the Light comes to him, moving on; he's ready. Then God shuts the door of the world behind him, and kicks it together like that, and seals him with the Holy Ghost of promise. Hallelujah. How long? Until the destination. Don't get him out here on the railroad track, and break it open, and see if everything's all right again. It's all right; just leave it alone. The Inspector has done inspected it. How long are you sealed? Until the day of your redemption. That's how long you're sealed.
"Well, when you die, then, Brother Branham, what about after you die, you said you still have It?" You have It forever. Where does Life begin? At the altar. Right there you see a little bit of shadow. That's the shadow, the Seal of the Holy Spirit. Then it's a shadow of the shadows of the shadows, as I said the other day. But when you die, you keep on going through those shadows until you come to moisture, from moisture to a little trickling spring, from a spring to a creek, from a creek to a river, from a river to an ocean (See?) of the love of God. You're just the same person.
152 Looky here. Old Saul, the old backslider, he could not get through to God, yet he wasn't lost. He certainly wasn't. He was a prophet, but he just got outside of God. That's the reason, brethren, I said, "You're not lost." So then you remember, he just got out of the will of God; so then the first thing you know, he--he wouldn't agree. Now, maybe I shouldn't have said that. All right, I'm just going on 'fore a happy congregation tonight. So then, you know, and the first thing you know, oh, my, then he went to the--the Urim Thummim.
You know what the Urim of Thummim was, it was the breastplate, the ephod that--that Aaron wore. And it was always, God always has been a supernatural God answering in supernatural ways. And when a prophet prophesied, and them mystic lights didn't come across that Urim Thummim, he was wrong. When a dreamer told a dream, and it didn't flash on that Urim Thummim, I don't care how good it sounded; it was wrong. That's right.
154 And I don't care just exactly how many doctor's degrees you got and how big your organization is, when you prophesy or preach, it ain't according to this Word, you're wrong, brother. You're... This is God's Urim Thummim. When you say you wasn't predestinated before the foundation of the world, she won't flash; because the Bible said you was. When you say that you ought to be baptized in the name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, it doesn't flash; because nobody in the Bible was ever baptized that way, only in the Name of the Lord Jesus. It won't flash, so there's something wrong somewhere.
155 So the Urim Thummim wouldn't answer old Saul, and he couldn't even have a dream. He was so far gone, till he couldn't even have a dream. So you know what he done? He went down to the witch, and this old witch, the old devil doctor down there, witch doctor. And he said, "Can you divine?"
She said, "Yes, but Saul said he'd kill everybody divining."
He said, "I'll protect you," dressed like a footman. He said, "Divine for me and bring me up from the world of the dead that's passed on beyond here." Now, listen to this. "Bring me up the spirit of Samuel the prophet."
And she went in to--to divine. And when she did, she fell on her face; she said, "I see gods coming up." See, she was a heathen, "gods," two or three of them, like Father, Son, Holy Ghost, or something like that, you know. She said; she said, "I see gods coming up."
Said, "Describe him. How does he look? What does he look like?"
Said, "He's thin, and he's got a mantle over his shoulders." He hadn't changed a bit.
He said, "It's Samuel. Bring him in this room; bring him here before me."
And watch when Samuel come before Saul, he said, "Why did you call me, seeing you've become an enemy to God?" And watch. Not only was he still Samuel; he still maintained the spirit of prophecy. Say it's wrong; let anyone say it's wrong. It's the truth. He was still a prophet. For he said, he prophesied and said, "The battle's going against you tomorrow, and you and your sons will fall in battle tomorrow, and by this time tomorrow night you'll be with me." Is that right? He was still a prophet.
Now, you say, "Oh, but that was a witch did that."
163 All right, I'll tell you One that wasn't a witch. Jesus took Peter, James, and John, and went up to Mount Transfiguration one time, and was standing up on top of the mountain. And Jesus, God was placing His Son like I'm trying to--had the other night, placing son. And when they did, they looked around and found out that there stood Moses and Elijah. They were talking, communing, not little white flags floating around, or little white clouds, rather, floating around. But they were men, talking. Moses had been buried in an unmarked grave for eight hundred years. And Elijah had went home in a chariot five hundred years. And here they both was, still just as much alive as they ever was alive, standing there talking to Him before He went to Calvary. Hallelujah. "Sealed until the day of our redemption..."
164 I'll hurry, and then we'll close, 'cause it's late, and we'll pray for the sick, about five more minutes. 14th verse...?... when you read the 13th over it, get it background.
In whom you... trusted, after that ye heard the word of the truth, the Gospel of your salvation:...
Now, remember, what salvation they had? These were--these were Ephesian Christians. They... Now, look, did you notice the Corinthians? He always had to tell them, "When I come among you, one has a tongue, one has a tongue, one has a psalm, one has a prophecy, one has..." See, he couldn't teach them nothing, 'cause they was always desiring this, that, or the other. These people had the same thing, but they had it in order. He never taught the Corinthians nothing like this; he couldn't. The church wasn't in order to teach it. Now, he could teach these people the real thing.
.. which, your salvation:
.. in whom also after... ye believed, you were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise,
Which is the earnest... (Oh, let me not pass that.)... the earnest of our inheritance until... redemption of the purchased poss--possession, unto the praise of his glory... (Whew.)
166 What is the Holy Ghost? Now, then I'll read the rest of it real fast if you'll bear with me this much. Where was we at the other night, Brother Mike? Where they were all happy, oh, everything was peace; that was perfect love. Now, every time you come this way, you drop down a little, drop. Every time you make a step, you come inches closer. When it gets down to the earth, you got a shadow of the shadow of the shadow of shadows. Now, that's how much Holy Spirit you got in you. That's love. But oh, you thirst for something.
Oh, would not people like old, old people... How would I like to go back and be fifteen again, twenty. Oh, I'd give anything. What good would it do me? I might be fifteen and die yet tonight. It's uncertain. What if you was fifteen tonight, how do you know whether mother would be living when you got home or not? How you know you're going to get home? How do you know you're going to be living tomorrow if you're twelve years old, perfect health? You may be killed in a accident, drop dead, anything might happen to you. Uncertain (See?), there's nothing here certain. But you long for that. What is it? It's that up there making you long for it.
168 Now, you walk into this, then you have Eternal Life. Now, what does it happen? It is the "earnest."
What is the earnest money on anything? If I come to you to buy a car, I'd say, "How much is that car?"
You say, "This car, Brother Branham, costs you three thousand dollars."
"What's the down payment?"
"Well, I'll let you have it for five hundred dollars."
"All right, here's the five hundred dollars. I'll--I'll bring the rest of it to you sometime, soon as I can. You hold the car." I give you five hundred dollars; that's the earnest. Is that right?
Now, hold that, it's the earnest; it's the down payment.
.. after you were sealed by the... Spirit of promise, the Spirit of promise,... after you were sealed...
Which is... (What, what is this Seal of promise, the Holy Spirit promised?)... Which is the earnest of our inheritance until... redemption of the purchased possession,...
173 What is it? It's the down payment. And brother, Oh, if this is the down payment, what's it going to be when we get...?... What is it going to be? If this is the... If this what we enjoy now, and get so happy till... I've seen men ninety years old just couldn't har...
I seen an old preacher that raised up one night. He come out, he said, like this, coming out on the platform. I said, "That old man going to preach?"
He said, "Well, bless the Lord." An old colored fellow, great big old long preacher's coat on.
I said, "Why didn't they let some of them young preachers preach? That old man, how can he ever preach?"
He said, "Well," he said, "brethren," he said, "today I've been hearing the brothers preach all day long," he said, "about what Jesus done on earth. I'm going to tell what He done in heaven." He said, "I'll take my text tonight from Job 7:27," said, "when it was way back yonder before the foundation of the world," said, "when He said the morning stars sang together and sons of God shouted for joy." Going like that... Said, "You know, there's some went--something went on back there." He said, "You know..." And he begin to bring on what taken place in heaven. He brought it down the horizontal rainbow in the second coming.
About that time, the Holy Ghost struck him. Now, they had to lead the old fellow out; he was around ninety-five years old. He's just like this, all bent over, and just a little rim of hair, you know, like this. Got out there and he started preaching, said, "Whoopee. Hallelujah. Glory." Got to jumping up-and-down like that. Said, "Oh, you ain't got enough room here for me to preach. Jumping up-and-down like that, hard as he could go. And that's just the earnest. Oh.
178 What does the Holy Spirit do? Oh, here's a good place. Let me read the 1st verse of the next chapter. Can I? Is it all right? Say, "amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, the 1st verse of the 2nd chapter, quickly. Listen.
You who were... you... And you has he quickened, who were one... were dead in trespasses and sins:
"You has He quickened..." What does "quickened" mean? "Made alive." Just about gone, but He quickens you just by the earnest money. What will it be when you--when you really get a hold of the dividends?...?... Oh. No wonder Paul, caught up into the third heaven said, "Eye has not seen; ear has not heard; neither has it entered in, entered the heart of man, what God has for them in store that love Him." What will that be? You talk about joy unspeakable and full of glory. Whew. Umm. You who were once dead in sin and trespasses, has He quickened together by the shadow of the shadow of the shadows. What's it going to be when you come to the shadow of the shadows into the shadow, the shadow then into the creek, the creek into the river, the river into the ocean?
180 And what is it when you're way out there in redemption with a brand new body, you've turned back to a young man altogether again, or a young woman; you're never going to die no more. And you look down on earth and think, "I could enjoy some grapes and some good cold water, but, you know, I don't need it here." But someday Jesus is coming, and this angelic body, this theophany that I'm living in, will not come through the womb of a woman any more; it'll not come through sexual desire any more; but because that He was born without sexual desire, I'll be resurrected without it. And He will speak someday, and the dead in Christ shall rise, and that body that I once lived in will resurrect into a glorified body; and I'll walk; and I'll talk; and I'll live; and I'll enjoy (Hallelujah) I'll...?... to the...?... ages that is to come, through Jesus Christ our Lord. There you are, brother; that's the Gospel.
181 "Wherefore I also..." Paul's just telling now what he is. I'll read the rest of this, and then we pray for the sick. "Until the possession, this is the earnest until the possession, unto the praises of His glory."
Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith... (I heard that you believed this stuff; I heard that you really believed in predestination, Eternal Life, and salvation, and so forth)... in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all... saints,
Cease not to give thanks to you, making mention of you in my prayers;
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in... knowledge of him:... (Just keep revealing Himself to you all the time, growing from grace unto grace, from power unto power, glory unto glory. Not fall back; but from glory unto glory, keep moving on. I'll keep praying for you.)
The eye o--the eyes of your understanding...
182 Umm. You know, and the Bible said you were blind and didn't know it. But here Paul said, "I'm going to pray that your eyes of understanding..." You understand with your heart. That's what he's talking about. You look with your eye, but you see with your heart. You know that. All right. "That the God of glory..." Let's see, that--the 18th verse.
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of the calling, and what the riches of... glory of his in--inheritance in the saints,
And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward... (Whew. They say the power's gone? The--the power hasn't even arrived yet.)... who believed, according to the working of his mighty power,
"You who have believed to the working of His mighty power, I just pray that God will just pour out His power upon you." See?
Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from... him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in... heavenly places,
Far above... principalities... powers... might... dominion, and that every name that is named,...
Oh. For... No, I better not. We could sure take the rest the night on that.
.. every name that is named, not only in this world, but that in the world to come:
184 What is every--what's every name every name of, every person will bear the Name of what? [Congregation says "Jesus."--Ed.] The whole heaven's named Jesus. The whole church is named Jesus. Everything is named Jesus, for it's the only Name that God ever had. He's called Jehovah, Jehovah-jireh, the Lord's provided Sacrifice; Jehovah-rapha, the Lord that healeth thee; Jehovah, the Lord's banner, Manasses; and Jehovah, di--different Jehovahs. He's called the Morning Star. He's called Father: He's called Son; He's called Holy Ghost. He's called Alpha; He's called Omega. He's called Beginning; He's called the Ending. He's called the Branch. Oh, He's called--He's just called all kinds of titles, but He had one Name.
That's what Matthew was talking about when he said, "Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name (not in names), in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." Father's not a name; Son's not a name; Holy Ghost is not a name. It's a title to a Name. It's a name of three attributes that belongs to one God. What was His Name? The Angel said, "Thou shall call His Name [Congregation says, 'Jesus.'] for He shall save His people from their sin." That's the reason they all baptized that way in the Bible. That's how Saint Augustine baptized the King of England, about--about a hundred and fifty, two hundred years after the death of Christ, in the Name of Jesus Christ. All right.
185 Far above... principalities... powers... might... dominion, that--that every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
And has put all things under his feet, and has given him to be the head over all things to the church,
Which is his body,...
Now, if my body has the power over all things, then what my body is, is what I am. Is that right? That's what I am; that's what you know me as. Is that right? Well, then, all that God was, He poured into Jesus, for He was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. Is that right? And all that Jesus was, He poured into the church. "These things that I do, shall you do all things--also. Even greater than this shall you do, for I go to the Father."
Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.
187 Oh, how I love that. How I love that. I was reading the other day a book that was wrote about of the trip I went to minis--minister in Africa. Never did read it before. How many ever read the book, "Prophet Visits Africa"? In there I was looking at a little Indian boy. How many seen that picture?
I heard a certain evangelist, been praying for the sick for about fifteen years or more; he said, "I never seen a miracle performed in my life." He said, "I've seen people that said they had headaches, got well. I seen people say they had tummyache, got well, and so forth. But a miracle, something that created and made something..."
I thought that boy ought to have been standing there and seen that. That Indian boy's leg was just about this big around, one of them. The other one was a normal leg, like the human being's leg. And if you notice his brace, there was his shoe about fourteen inches, or fifteen inches, higher like this. He had an iron plate on the bottom of it. His shoe set up on top of two long standards that stood. He walked up to where I was standing; they brought him up there. He had two crutches. He took this big iron shoe and chomped it down like that. I looked at his leg; it was about that big around.
190 Now, them people are Mohammedan, Mohammedans. Did you remember last Sunday when I read you what the papers had to write? I've got it right here myself from Africa, sent to me by return missionary, Brother Stricker. There's the article how Billy Graham backed up on it. That's exactly. There's the Mohammedan pushing him right into the sea. What's the matter? The missionaries are leaving the field. What's the use of staying any longer; they're just whipped.
I love Billy Graham; I think he's a wonderful man of God. But what Billy Graham ought to have charged him with, say, "Wait a minute..." If some of these self-starched Baptists would've let him do it, I believe he would've done it. I believe Billy Graham's a man of God. But if he'd said, "Wait a minute. I'm a minister of the Gospel. You believe in the Old Testament, and you said that Jesus wasn't nothing but a man. I challenge you on a debate." I don't believe in taking the devil's challenges, no, sir. But I'd have challenged him back, and said, "Let's you and I come together. I'm a Doctor of Divinity." Billy Graham is a Doctor of Divinity. "Let me challenge you on this, and let me prove to you that Jesus was the Christ. Now, when it comes to Divine healing, I don't possess those gifts, but we got some brothers that does. Now, if you want to bring them people out there, let me just call one of them, Oral Roberts or somebody, somebody that has a great ministry that would really get there." Come over there, and then seen what take place, say, "Christianity is not what you think it is."
192 Now, everybody feels let down 'cause he just walked off and left him. 'Course now, I don't believe in the devil giving you a challenge. I've spit in his face too like that, and walked away from him. That's right. But when it comes to a place where... Billy could've--could've made that Mohammedan feel like a little weed like that. He could've took that Bible and took Isaiah 9:6, and said, "Who was he talking about, 'Unto us a Child is born, to us a Son is given'? Who was this Man? Who was these--that he was talking about? Who was this Prophet? Who was this Messiah that was to come? Show me where he produced Hisself in Mohammed. 'He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, chastisement of our peace upon Him, with His stripes we were healed.' Show it to me in Mohammed. How did he cry, 'My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? They pierced My hands and My feet,' and so forth? Show me by your own word, your own testament." Why, he'd have beat that Mohammedan so bad till he wouldn't knowed where he was at. That's right.
193 But when the paper had to turn around, that's what hurt--what made my heart jump, when it said there, "Though Billy had to back up and made a back up, how can the Mohammedans say that it was wrong," said, "when Reverend William Branham at Durban, South Africa, on undisputed miracle after miracle, with Divine power, when ten thousand Mohammedans fell on their face at one time and surrendered their life to Jesus Christ..." Absolutely, they know about it. Them fundamentals know about it. Don't you tell me.
One time there's one come to Jesus, said, "Rabbi..." You know he was a Pharisee. Said, "We know You're a Teacher come from God. We know it. We know it, 'cause no man could do the things You do except God be with Him. We understand. We know it. But we just can't confess it (See?), 'cause if we do, well, we'll be put out of our church. See, we'll lose our prestige." And so Jesus said, begin to tell him he must be born again.
195 On that Mohammedan boy, when he was standing there; there's his picture. The camera won't take a lie. There he's standing there, one leg that much shorter (about fourteen inches) than the other one, standing on that iron shoe. Said to him, I said, "You speak English?"
"No, sir." Couldn't speak English.
Interpreter said, "He don't speak English."
"How long you been that way?"
The interpreter asked him. "Since birth."
"Can you move the leg at all?"
"No, sir."
"Do you believe in Jesus Christ?"
Said, "I'm a Mohammedan."
I said, "Will you accept Jesus Christ if He'll make you well?"
"I will accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour if He make me well."
"If He'll make that well, that leg come like the other, you'll accept Him?"
"I will."
199 Thought, "God, what will You do?" This was the next thing. All questions are answered. Brother Mike, that's the feeling. I'll wait just a minute to see what He was going to say. I looked over there; I seen the boy going, walking along, like aside of the walls like that; I said, "How many of you Mohammedans will accept it? Here's a Mohammedan boy; look at him; stand him up there." I said, "You doctors, you want to look at him? There he stands." Oh, you know where you're at then. See, you know where you're standing. Nobody... Here he was.
I said, "Walk across this way, son." And they got him, here he come. (Cha-lomp, cha-lomp.) I said, "Look like about twelve, fourteen inches shorter. About like that."
I said, "But Jesus Christ the Son of God can make him well. Will you Mohammedans believe it and accept Him as personal Saviour? There's thousands of those black hands went up out through like that. "Oh, Lord, now's the time." I said, "Heavenly Father, if You ever answered, answer me now; this is for Your glory; this is for You. I pray You make this boy well." I just prayed over him like that.
I said, "Take off your shoe." He looked at me real funny, the interpreter. I said, "Take off your shoe." He unlaced it. 'Cause I done seen that vision, what was going to happen. He took off that thing. When he took it back and walked over there to me, both legs just as normal, and both of them walking like this. I said, "You want to walk back and forth?"
He started crying like that, going back and forth; he didn't know what to do. Walking like that, he said, "O Allah. Allah."
I said, "Jesus. Jesus." Oh, "O Jesus, Jesus," then. "Jesus. Jesus," like that. I said, "Is there any questions, any questions?"
205 Julius Stadsklev, how many knows him? Brother Stadsklev's come here at the church. Just--just went to Germany. See? Said, "Just a minute, Brother Branham, just a minute." said, "bring the photographer right quick and I'll get his picture?"
I said, "Help yourself."
"Walked over here, stand your shoe here." He stood like that, took the picture of the boy there, with both legs just as normal and straight as they could be. There stood his old shoe and brace like that--like that.
I said, "How many of you Mohammedans now reject Mohammed as prophet, and believe Jesus to be the Son of God, and accept Him as your personal Saviour?" Ten thousand hands went...?... Hallelujah. They don't want a...
208 They try to keep it back, because we're "holy-rollers," they call us. You see? Just the same, God's a moving, placing His church. He's doing the exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could even do or think. He's just as much God tonight as He ever was.
So little friends, let me tell you something right now. My darling precious people, you here in this land, and the others in tape lands which will be overseas and wherever you are, don't be afraid. Everything's all right. Father God, before the foundation of the world, knew everything that would happen. Everything works right along. You love Him? Keep your heart right.
210 And, remember, when this breath passes from this life, to you old people, or to you young people... And you mothers, when you see your little babies, that little girl baby that died when she wasn't eight days old or five days old, she'll be a beautiful young woman when you see her. That old grandpa was all so stooped over; he couldn't hardly see where he was going; when you see him, grandmother, he'll be a fine handsome young man, just as young as about twenty years old, just in the splendor of youth. And he'll be that way forever. You'll can touch his hand; you can shake hands with him. You'll throw your arms around him, but he won't be hubby; he'll be brother. Oh, my. He'll be so much greater than hubby. You think you loved him? Sure you did. But that was phileo; wait till you get agapao. Wait till that real Divine love catches, and then see what is.
This here just is like an old smoldering dump; it's no good; there's nothing to it. Only thing I advise you to do now, is this, my--my--my friends.
211 A little later on I'll... Would you like for me to pick up them other two chapters sometime? The Lord... I've--I got to rest just a little before Chautauqua.
Now, I can't preach these things in them meetings. There's too many un--too many different beliefs. See? This is just church alone. See? I can't preach... But I got a right to preach in here whatever I want to. This is my Tabernacle. See? And I'm telling you. Now, I believe them people are saved. Yes, sir, I truly believe it. But oh, how much more it is to walk when you know where you're walking. How much, know--it is to know what you're doing (You see?), instead of staggering, stumbling along. Let's just stand up in the Light, and walk in the Light, and know which way you're headed. That's true. The Lord be with you.
212 And if each one of you in here now has not been positionally placed... You might not be nothing but a housewife. Well, you say, "Brother Branham, I never done a thing in my life. I'm not a preacher." Well, maybe God brought you here to raise a family of children; out of that family of children may come another family of children, that'll be a preacher that'll send a million souls to Christ. You had to be here. You're here for a purpose. Did you know that?
Well, you say, "All I ever done was harrow across these old clods. And I'd take out early a evening, didn't know how to make my kids a living. I looked at the poor little fellows with no shoes on. I've set and cried. I got an old buggy, and me and ma went to church." Don't you worry, brother. You just keep loving Him; He's got a purpose for you. You just stay right the way you are; just go right on. See? You might not never preach a sermon, but you might be the great-grandfather of one that'll do it.
214 Did you know that God credited (Let's see now, what was his name?) Levi, to pay tithe when he was in the loins of Abraham, when Melchisedec met him? How many knows that? And let's see, Abraham begot Isaac; Isaac begot Jacob; Jacob begot Levi, which was father, grandfather, great-grandfather. When he was in the loins, in the seed of his great-grandfather, the Bible credited him for paying tithes to Melchisedec. Oh, my, my, my, my brother. Oh, I'm...
215 As the little--as the little Englishman got converted over there one night in England, he said, "I am so hoppy. I am so hoppy." Yes, so happy to know that that is true. And some glorious day, I don't know when that day will be, but if that was a vision... I don't say I was here. Remember, always bear this in mind; may the tape holders do the same. Whether I was in a vision or carrying away in the Spirit, I do not know. But it was just as real as I hold my Brother Neville like that, just as real. And I could look and talk to those people.
And there stood my first wife; she didn't holler, "My husband"; she said, "My darling brother."
217 There stood a girl that I used to go with years ago. Perhaps some of her people's setting here, Alice Lewis from Utica, very fine royal Christian girl. Got married a little late in life, and had her first baby, and died in childbirth: Alice Lewis. I walked into the funeral home to see her. I just got in home; I heard she was dead. I walked down there, was nobody in the room, I said, "Is there a woman here, Mrs..." Her name was Emmerke. She married a fine Christian boy, and she was a fine Christian girl. I've been with that girl everywhere, all kinds of places, and everything, as just kids, eighteen, nineteen years old, everywhere. Fine Christian, never knowed nothing about her but genuine Christianity. And I was a sinner. But I would go with her. I walked into... And her husband a born again Christian, real man. And I didn't know; I knowed she was died; I'd seen in the papers. And I went down; they told me. I went down there to Coot's, and I said, "Have you got a Mrs. Emmerke?" He said, "Billy, she's right in the room there."
I went in there and stood there by the side of the casket. I thought, "Alice, I've been in the darkest of dungeons; I've been over dark roads. You and I have walked together down through the roads and down across by the--by the river. When they used to have the old showboats, we'd set down there and listen to that calliope play. Up and down the lanes, what a lady you were. How I thank God for your life. Rest, my dear sister, rest in the peace of God."
219 And the other night in the vision, there she come running to me. She said, "My blessed brother," and threw her arms around me. Oh, oh, brother, sister, it's changed me. I can never be the same no more. It's so real. It's just--it's just as real as I'm looking at you, just that real. So there's no fear. I may die before the night's over.
I want to raise my little boy back there, Joseph. I want to see him in the pulpit, when I can take this Bible... When I get to a place I see Joseph in the pulpit preaching as a--as a young man filled with the Holy Ghost, anointed with the Spirit of God upon him... And I believe he'll be a prophet. The day when I--when I-when I saw him six years before he was born, you remember me telling you he was coming. Remember when I caught him right there at the side of the altar, not knowing what I was saying, dedicating babies, I said, "Joseph, thou art a prophet."
221 And the other day standing out in the yard, he come in to me, and he said, "Daddy, has Jesus got a hand like yours?"
And I said, "Well, yes, son. Why?"
He said, "I was setting on my bicycle, watching for Sarah (That's his little sister.) to come home from school." Setting out there, I won't let him go out on the road; he was setting back like this. And said, "I looked up," and said, "when I did, there was a hand like yours, with a white sleeve holding over me." And said, "It went on up." Said, "Was that Jesus' hand going up?" I looked at the mother; mother looked at me. We went down to Mrs. Wood's. Ever where she's at, setting here. We cross-questioned him, back and forth, and every way we could. It was a vision. He saw it. When I can see the time of little Joseph standing... I hope I live to see him married, if Jesus tarries.
223 And I'm an old man, the gray whiskers hanging around my neck here. I've sent... I want to send two or three more million souls to Christ if I possibly can. It's my determination to preach the Gospel to every corner of the earth. Yes, sir. So help me, God, I'll do it. So when I can see that time come, Brother Mike...
I can look at the time mama, Meda, I call her, my darling... See, she's... We're getting old, see her hair turning gray, and see us going away, fading away.
Rebekah, I'm so grateful for Rebekah. Her music teacher told me the other night, said, "My, if she keeps that up, Brother Branham," says, "it's hard tell what she'll do." See, going on in music. I want her, and I want... I want Sarah on the organ, Becky on the piano; I want Joseph in the pulpit.
226 When I can see that happen, then me and mama can stagger in, me on my old cane, some night, come down along the road, and I can look in there and see my boy standing there anointed with the Holy Ghost, preaching this same Gospel. I want to take this old Book and say, "Son, here It is; It's yours. You stand with It. Don't you compromise on one Word. You stay right with It, honey. Don't you, don't care... I don't care who's against you, who's against; God will be for you. You preach every Word just the way It's wrote in There; daddy will see you across the river." I'd like to reach around and take her in my arms, my wife, and cross over Jordan.
Until that time, God, let me stay on the field, loyal. Let me, I don't care what the cost is, or how many, what I do, or this, that, or the other. Let me stay loyal and true to the Word of the living God, that when that day come, and I cross over there, and I can look across, and say, "There you are. Oh, my precious friend, my precious brother, my precious sister."
228 Young preacher, get into the field; stay into the harness. All you young preachers and things, don't you set around. Don't you just set and do nothing. Get out yonder and win a soul. Do something. Get on; get moving. Don't stop, young preacher over there. God bless your heart.
He reminds me of when I was about that age, I guess, and maybe a little younger than him. I was only about twenty something years old when I laid that cornerstone there. I remember, I used to wear a blue coat and a white pair of pants, and stood there and laid that cornerstone about thirty-one years ago. See how old I was, I was just a boy. I was standing there, laying that cornerstone. I haven't compromised on one Word. I've kept It just exactly the way I laid that cornerstone. Yonder's my testimony laying yonder, where I wrote it out on the flyleaf of the Bible, and tore it out, and laid it in that cornerstone, and she still lays there. And may it be written on the pages of God's eternal Word in heaven. Let me stand true unto the end.
230 Let us bow our heads now just a minute for prayer. In the closing of this night, the closing of these, one chapter, which is not justified. You ought to have the other one, how he goes ahead and places the church in its place. I'll get it to you sometime, God willing. I've got to get just a little rest now before I go into the Chautauqua yonder, to another big meeting, then I cross over from there to Oklahoma, from there on to Klamath Falls, then from Klamath Falls on down to California, up into Yakima, I won't be back until next August the 15th.
231 But look, let me ask you something, if something should happen to you or I before that time comes, if I should pass over the river into that land, or if you should pass over before that time into that land, do you feel the assurance tonight that we'll meet there in that place? If you do, raise up your hand, say, "I feel the assurance in my heart." God bless your heart. God bless you. If there is one here that doesn't feel the assurance that they would be there, and would like to say, "Remember me, Brother Branham, that I will have that assurance," raise up your hand, "I want to be there, too." God bless you, lady. God bless you.
232 Our Heavenly Father, we bring to You tonight this congregation, every hand, as far as I know, was up. All but one person, some precious soul setting back here, just a little weary whether they could cross over the land, where there's enough a real divine love in their heart, in that precious woman's heart, that she'd come to that land if she was dying tonight: would it pull her weary soul into the Promised Land of God?
233 Father in heaven, as I have stood here at this pulpit and preached, and sweated, and cried, and begged, and persuaded, let me ask You once more, Lord, let me ask for my sister back there; God, place within her heart tonight: that divine love, that Holy Spirit of God, that peace that passes all understanding, that she would receive Thy Spirit, be sealed away by the Holy Ghost until that day. I want to see her, Lord, when we cross over the bridge. If it's--if it's my--if it's my privilege to cross, if that what You showed me is real, and I cross across there, I want to meet her there, and see her run and grab me by the hand, and say, "My precious brother, it was that night that Something told me to raise up my hand, when you got through preaching on the book of Ephesus. I raised up my hand, and something happened to me after that. Here I am. I'm young now forever." God grant it to that precious one.
234 These who have raised their hands that they have been sealed away by the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of God is upon them, and they have received the Holy Ghost, they're sealed away with that godly love in their hearts. How we thank You for them.
235 Realizing, Father, that out into the world these tapes will go. Many microphones are stretched across this pulpit, which means that tapes are being made, turning back there, the Voice will be going into different lands across the world, around the world, twenty or thirty different nations will hear it. I pray for every person that hears this tape, that hasn't got that hope of Eternal Life, that hasn't got the baptism of the Holy Spirit, may It come to their hearts sweetly. Grant it, Lord.
236 And may I, if I never see them in this life, when I cross over into that land, may they run and grab me (and I grab them, and they, we holler, "Precious brother!" to one another), say, "I heard your tape on Ephesus, how that God predestinated us to Eternal Life, and it was on that tape that I received the Voice of God and was sealed away by the Holy Ghost into the Kingdom of God." Grant it, Father.
237 Heal all that's sick and afflicted. Get glory unto Thyself for we commit all this unto Thee in all efforts in the Name of Jesus, Thy Son. Amen.
238 Is there any here that's sick and wants to have hands laid on them to be prayed for? Would you raise your hands? All right. Would you walk quietly, now, to the altar right here, and stand just a moment, while Brother Neville comes with his...
239 Oh, this seems, praying for the sick, just--just seems like coming down to where you know where you're standing, exactly. God knows all about this.
240 When I hear that song... Remember, if you are living when I go, play this for me: Only Believe. Remember, I'm not dead, I won't be very far from you listening at it. I can't die; Jesus gave me Eternal Life; going to raise me up at the last day; I'll see you. And if you go, I'll believe the same thing for you. I believe we'll see one another again.
241 Looking, this precious lady standing here with gray hair. You a Christian? Filled with His Spirit, waiting for Him coming, just standing out here waiting for the boat to come along. Amen. Oh, sister...