Posolstvo milosti



Dnes máme teológov; máme doktorov teológie; okolo celého sveta máme bystrých a inteligentných veľkých ľudí, ktorí sú vzdelaní. Ale chce to jednoduchosť viery v Boha, aby Jeho Slovo vypovedalo a ukázalo, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera dnes i naveky. Vyžaduje to pokorné srdce, aby sa oddalo Bohu a priviedlo Ježiša Krista do prítomného času. Amen. Ak to chce teológiu, čo by potom presbyteriáni, metodisti, baptisti, katolíci a tak ďalej, my by sme nemali šancu, pretože sme len nevzdelaní ľudia. Ale to nepotrebuje nijakú známosť. "Nie silou, nie mocou, ale Mojím Duchom," hovorí Boh, "otvorím toto tajomstvo." A, "On bude kričať, Milosť, milosť s výkrikom a volaním." To je to, čím to je dnes: Božia ohromná milosť k Jeho ľuďom. Ako On berie negramotných, nevzdelaných, aby ukázal, že Ježiš je tým istým.

Ale oni to nedodržiavali. Ale oni boli... nikdy neprišli k plnému zasľúbeniu, aspoň nie tá generácia. Tá, ktorej to bol zasľúbené, zahynula na pustatine. Ale Boh ich kŕmil; Boh sa o nich staral; Boh ich miloval, pohyboval sa medzi nimi. Prečo? Jeho milosť to urobila, Jeho milosť kvôli Jeho zasľúbeniu, milosť, ktorá išla s tým zasľúbením. Ale oni sa nikdy nedostali do plnej hodnoty tej zasľúbenej zeme.

1Ďakujem, brat Neville. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Dobré ráno, priatelia. Je to istotne veľká výsada, aby sme tu toto ráno znovu mohli byť v službe Pánovi. Je mi ľúto, že nemáme nejakú miestnosť, kde by sme umiestnili ľudí v tomto malom zbore. Moc sa ich tu nezmestí. Sme veľmi radi, že tu ste a že ste ochotní urobiť tú obeť, aby ste na nás trpezlivo čakali. A urobíme, čo bude v našich silách, aby sme vám priniesli Slovo Pánovo najlepším spôsobom, akým ho len vieme podať. A teraz, práve som...

2Táto malá pani, ktorá tu práve vošla, mala dieťa, ktoré chcela dnes ráno dať posvätiť, a potom videla, že boli trochu neskoro, a tak len povedala, že trochu počká. Nikdy som tú ženu nevidel, ale modlím sa, aby ju Boh požehnal a dal jej do srdca to najbohatšie požehnanie, lebo na nás len trpezlivo čakala.

3No, práve teraz prichádza čas v roku, kedy sa ochladzuje a nebude tu tak veľmi horúco, keď tu budeme v tomto zbore tak naprataní. Ale dôverujeme, že Boh bohate požehná každého z vás.

4Chcel by som teraz spomenúť ešte pár vecí, predtým, ako začnem hovoriť. Povedal som, že budem toto ráno, ak Pán dá, hovoriť na tému „Vetry vo vzdušnom víre.“ Ale On to pre mňa zmenil. Nikdy som nevedel, čo idem povedať, možno do posledných pár minút predtým, ako som prišiel na toto zhromaždenie. A chcel som na túto tému hovoriť už druhýkrát, ale nedokázal som dostať na to odpoveď od Boha. Neviem prečo. Vždy to tak mám rád, všetci títo kazatelia to pochopia, že musíte očakávať na Pána, aby ste vedeli, čo idete povedať.

5Posledný večer som mal na osobnej linke hovor odniekadiaľ z Arkansasu, niektorí ľudia sa chceli tento týždeň dostať sem a povedali, že počuli, že tu otvoríme zhromaždenie na Sedem Pečatí. Pre tých, ktorí sú tu cudzí, prešiel som práve Sedem Cirkevných Vekov. A jej manžel tam v pondelok príde, aby si tam našiel prácu, takže môže robiť, zatiaľ čo tam zostanú v blízkosti, aby počuli týchto sedem Pečatí. Povedal som, „To bude trvať okolo troch mesiacov, pani. Nemáme tu nikde miesto, aby sme urobili reklamu na zhromaždenie, a tak ďalej, nikoho, kto by sa o to v tomto meste postaral, ani miesto, kde by sme usadili ľudí.“

6Chcel by som niekedy, možno ak Boh dá, mať tu niekde trojmesačnú kampaň so zhromaždeniami a potom prejsť cez všetkých týchto Sedem Pečatí v tej kampani. Potom tam ľudia môžu zostať.

7Ide to od šiestej kapitoly Zjavenia až po devätnástu. A tam máte sedem pečatí, sedem pliag, tri utrpenia, ženu sediacu na šarlátovej šelme a tých stoštyridsaťštyri tisíc. Ó, je tam toho dosť, a všetko sa tak na seba viaže ešte pred tými siedmimi pečaťami, padá sedem pliag, sedem trúb. A je tam veľa vecí, ktoré to viažu dokopy a každé jedno z toho je dobrá lekcia na každý deň.

8Skloňme teraz naše hlavy na chvíľu pre slovo modlitby. Ešte predtým, ako sa pomodlíme, ak je tu niekto, kto by chcel byť spomenutý v modlitbe, dajte to vedieť tým, že pozdvihnete svoje ruky. A len vo svojom srdci myslite, akú máte potrebu k Bohu. A ja sa budem modliť, aby vám to dal.

9Všemohúci a milostivý Bože, ktorý si Bohom, ktorý odpovedáš na modlitby, Otče, ktorý poznáš všetky potreby Svojich detí. Ty si nás poznal predtým, ako sme vôbec prišli na svet a ty máš dokonca spočítané všetky naše kroky, spočítané všetky naše vlasy; a všetky naše slová sa vážia na Tvojej váhe. Tak, Pane, daj, aby sme dnes ráno dbali na tieto veci, na ten vážny záväzok, ktorý pred Tebou máme.

10Veľa z týchto rúk bolo zdvihnutých dnes ráno na tomto malom zhromaždení, možno to sú modlitby za uzdravenie ich chorého tela alebo za ich milovaných, ktorí sú ešte stratení. Ty poznáš ich srdcia a všetko, čo je v nich. Lebo vtedy, keď si tu stál na tejto zemi vo forme ľudskej bytosti nazývanej Ježiš, náš Pán, poznal si tajomstvá ich sŕdc. Všetko, čo si len človek dokáže vo svojej mysli predstaviť, Ty mu môžeš hneď povedať, na čo práve myslí, „Čo to rozmýšľate vo svojich srdciach?“ Ježiš videl ich myšlienky. A čítame v Písme, že Ty si tým istým, tak ako včera, tak aj dnes, aj naveky. A tiež je napísané, že „kdekoľvek sú dvaja alebo traja spolu zhromaždení, tam Ja budem v ich strede.“ Takže Ty si tu dnes ráno vo forme Svätého Ducha a poznáš túžbu každého srdca týchto ľudí.

11A modlím sa k Tebe, Otče, Bože, aby si k nim späť prehovoril a povedal, „Je dokonané. Tvoja žiadosť bola zodpovedaná a Ja ťa dnes uisťujem, že všetko, o čo si prosil, ti je udelené.“

12Bože, predovšetkým pamätáme na tých, ktorí ešte nie sú spasení a zdvihli svoje ruky. Nech je táto hodina tou, v ktorej príjmu Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa.

13Predtým, ako sa ukončí dnešné zhromaždenie, nech sa niečo udeje, Pane, aby si priniesol Svoju Prítomnosť tak blízko k ľuďom, aby vedeli, že ten istý Ježiš, ktorý kráčal v Galiley, stojí dnes v strede Svojich ľudí a nech dnes odtiaľto odídu s tým istým uistením ako tí, ktorí prišli vtedy z Emauz. Keď boli na svojej spiatočnej ceste, potom, ako s Ním kráčali celý ten deň a rozprávali sa s Ním a On s nimi a pritom ani nemali tušenia, že to bol On.

14Ó, Bože, ako často to je tak aj s nami. Hovoríš s nami pri západe slnka, pri speve vtákov, pri šeleste lístia, pri rozkvitaní kvetov, pri kresťanských piesňach a pritom my tak málo rozpoznávame, že si to Ty. V nemocničných izbách a na mnohých iných miestach s nami hovoríš a my si stále tak málo uvedomujeme, že si to Ty.

15Teraz, Pane, ako sa dnes vrátime späť do svojich domovov dnes ráno, nech rozpoznáme, tak ako oni, nech by si mohol urobiť niečo v našom strede, ako si robil aj tam. Oni vedeli, čo si tam urobil pred nimi. Urobil si to pred Svojím ukrižovaním a oni vedeli, že to bol vzkriesený Pán. Išli naspäť do svojich skupín, radujúci sa a velebiaci Boha, pretože vedeli, že je živý. A povedali, „Či v nás nehoreli naše srdcia, ako s nami hovoril na ceste?“ Pane, Tvoja prítomnosť tam a činenie niečoho, čo si robil pred svojím ukrižovaním, dokázalo Tvoje zmŕtvychvstanie, že Ty si bol tým istým Ježišom, že si spôsobil, že si dlho pamätali celý tvoj rozhovor s Tebou. Hovor ku nám po celý týždeň, Pane. Objav sa teraz v našom strede a daj sa poznať každému núdznemu srdcu. O to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene a k Nemu sa modlíme. Amen.

16[Nejaká sestra hovorí v neznámom jazyku a nejaký brat podáva výklad. Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn. prekl.] Teraz sa bude zhromaždenie modliť:

17Náš Otče, ktorý si na nebesiach, nech je posvätené Tvoje Meno. Nech príde Tvoje Kráľovstvo. Nech je Tvoja vôľa na zemi, ako aj na nebi. Daj nám aj dnes náš každodenný chlieb. A odpusť nám naše priestupky, ako aj my odpúšťame svojim vinníkom. A neuveď nás do pokušenia, ale zbav nás zlého. Lebo Tvoje je Kráľovstvo i moc i sláva na veky. Amen.

18Ak by len bolo moje pero sochárskym nástrojom, papier kameňom a tieto slová, ktoré teraz hovorím, nech sú naň hlboko vryté, aby mohli ísť ku všetkým ľuďom.

19Boží Svätý Duch má zvláštne spôsoby konania so Svojimi ľuďmi. Veľakrát to robí cez divy a cez dary a povolania, ktoré sú bez pokánia, ktoré Boh zo Svojej Milosti dáva Svojim ľuďom.

20Som teraz doma po takej krátkej dovolenke. Zvyčajne trávim tento čas doma, aspoň túto časť roka, pretože rád odpočívam, keď chodím poľovať veveričky. A bol som tento týždeň dole v Kentucky na mojom obľúbenom mieste s mojimi priateľmi na poľovačke na veveričky. Bol som tak trochu znechutený, nie preto, že som žiadnu nenašiel, len som sa cítil taký rozladený. Niečo mi hovorilo, že sa musím vrátiť domov. A cestu späť som v aute prespal.

21Minulý rok, ako iste všetci viete, je to všetko tlačené a tiež to je v tom svedectve a na tých páskach, sedel som tam v Indiane, kde Pán Boh zostúpil a prehovoril ku mne, že moja druhá služba bola pripravená, aby sa udiala v blízkej budúcnosti. A potom boli tri veveričky slovom vypovedané do existencie. Všetci tu poznáte ten príbeh. Som si istý. Nejako, keď som išiel hore cestou a... Zatiaľ čo som nechal zvyšok chlapcov stáť obďaleč a išiel som poľovať, mal som zvláštny pocit, keď som tam znovu išiel. Bolo to ešte pred rozvidnením, pršalo a ani som nevedel, či vôbec pôjdem poľovať alebo nie, alebo či sa opäť vrátim na misijné pole. Poľovačka pre mňa znamená, že sa uzavriem do seba, aby som sa modlil. Takže som zastavil auto, vystúpil a prešiel cez cestu a vstúpil som do divočiny, ešte predtým, ako vyšlo prvé slnečné svetlo...

22Zastavil som sa a vyjadril slovami krátku modlitbu, ako zvyčajne, povediac Otcovi, aby mi poskytol moje potreby. Neverím v nejaké mrhanie niečoho alebo ničenie; v živote som nezastrelil vtáka, len aby som sa precvičil v strieľaní alebo niečo také. To, čo lovím, aj jem, alebo to dám niekomu, ktorý to tiež zje. Neverím v nejaké plytvanie. Neverím v tieto veci, pretože to nie je správne.

23Potom, ako som sa obrátil do lesa a vybral som sa po známom malom chodníku vedľa strany pasienku, ktorý sa križoval do tvaru L, udialo sa niečo zvláštne. Zo všetkých mojich prežití som žiadne podobné nemal. Pozrel som sa na vrch kopca z ľavej strany, odkiaľ som stál, a z vrchu toho kopca sa zjavili tri dúhy. Siahali asi do výšky tridsiatich stôp. Najprv som sa pozrel a videl Svetlo, ale potom som sa otočil, pretože som si myslel, že to môže byť len východ slnka. Ale ďalej mi napadlo, že to nie je smerom k slnku, ale na juhu. A ďalšia vec bola tá, že bolo zamračené a všade pršalo. Bolo to dvadsiateho piateho augusta, posledné piatkové ráno a iste viete, ako vtedy pršalo a všade boli mraky.

24A opäť som sa pozrel a tu to bolo, rástli vyššie a vyššie, tieto tri dúhy. Sňal som si klobúk a položil zbraň. So zdvihnutými rukami som sa uberal k tomu. Zdalo sa mi, že mi niečo hovorí, „Toto je dostatočne blízko.“ Išiel som sa zložiť a vyzuť si topánky, ktoré som mal na sebe, aby som videl, či môžem ísť ešte trochu bližšie. Ale dostal som sa len na pár yardov [1 yard = 0,91m – pozn.prekl.] k tomu, videl som tie farby toho, bola to ako hmla a pohybovalo sa to. Len som na chvíľu postál. Vychádzalo to priamo z vrchu tej malej hory. A sledoval som, ako tri (jedna sprava, druhá zľava a ďalšia zo stredu) zostupovali dolu do akoby takého niečoho v tvare misy... Čokoľvek to bolo, bolo to živé. Pohybovali sa, jednoducho robili pohyby. A tak som tam stál, ako pomaly svitalo.

25Otočil som sa a znova sa pozrel a zakričal, „Ó, Bože, čo by mal Tvoj služobník vedieť?“

26Práve na to prišiel Duch Pánov a povedal, „Ježiš Nového Zákona je Jehova Starého, On len zmenil Svoju masku z Ducha na človeka.“ To samozrejme potvrdzovalo moje posolstvo o Ňom, a dal mi vedieť a uistil ma, že tých tridsaťjeden rokov nebolo márnych.

27Ako som sa začal približovať, začalo sa to vytrácať, išlo to dole do akoby takejto misky a potom to zmizlo. Vykročil som k tomu bližšie. Bál som sa ísť bezprostredne k tomu, pretože On by ma zastavil predtým, akoby som sa tam vôbec dostal.

28Obrátil som sa a všimol som si, že to Svetlo a spôsob, ktorým na mňa svietilo, bol presne v línii so stromom, pri ktorom som bol minulý rok, kde sa objavili tie veveričky. Nejakých tridsaťpäť alebo štyridsať minút neskôr som prešiel cez lesy a dná potokov, a tak ďalej, dokiaľ som sa nedostal ku stromu, ktorý sa oddeľoval na štyri smery (východ, sever, západ a juh) a štyri vetvy z toho stromu vybiehali. A vyšplhal som sa na špic toho stromu a sadol som si tam, kde som bol vtedy, keď mi On povedal o tom mieste Písma, „Ak povieš tej hore, 'Pohni sa!'“ A ako som tak chvíľu stál, nemyslel som už na oblohu, to už opustilo moju myseľ. Len som tam stál. A ten rok bol totižto dosť zlý na poľovanie veveričiek, bolo už príliš neskoro, nikde už žiadna nebola.

29Myslel som si, „Práve tu to je, kde mi Boh dal tie veveričky, keď boli vypovedané do existencie.“ Znovu som si zložil klobúk povediac, „Pane Bože, Ty si stále tým istým Ježišom. Ty si stále Bohom.“

30A niečo mi povedalo, „Koľko ich potrebuješ tentokrát?“

31Povedal som, „Tak ako vtedy: limit.“ A potom som povedal, „Budem mať ten limit dnes do desiatej.“ A vyzeralo to dosť čudne, pretože som sa práve nachádzal v kraji plnom komárov, kde to bolo doslova prepchaté komármi, bola to tak trochu krajina s močiarmi, a keď jeden veľký komár prišiel, aby ma pohrýzol priamo do oka, povedal som, „Žiaden z nich ma už dnes nebude otravovať,“ pričom som nemal so sebou žiaden repelent, nič. A predtým, ako som toto vedel, povedal som, „Slnko bude svietiť ešte tridsať minút.“

32A nie dlho odvtedy, ako som toto povedal, práve za mnou vybehla veverička presne tak, ako tá minulý rok, mladá, červená, vyskočila na konár asi sedemdesiat yardov [63,98 m – pozn. prekl.] a začala škriekať. Otočil som sa. A z takejto dlhej vzdialenosti som len tak-tak mohol cez ten veľký priestor vidieť jej oko. Len streliť, to je všetko; Ani som na to nemieril, nie viac, ako ponad tú veveričku. A tá guľka presne zasiahla jej oko tak, ako minule.

33Tak som sa znovu pustil dolu lesom. A presne tri minúty pred desiatou som zastrelil moju tretiu veveričku, presne ako minulý rok, presne to isté: Tri minúty pred desiatou. A Boh, súc mojím skutočným Sudcom, žiaden komár okolo mňa už za celý deň nezabzučal, hoci predpokladám, že ich tam boli tony, ak by sa vôbec dali všetky odvážiť. A nikdy som už žiadneho nevidel ani nepočul. Počúval som chvíľu, že či náhodou. A počul som taký bzukot a myslel som si, „No, zrejme tu predsa nejaký bude,“ a počúval som a nakoniec to bol len zvuk náklaďákov z diaľnice. A presne tridsať minút odvtedy slnko pekne a jasne žiarilo.

34Potom som sa vrátil späť na to miesto. A rozmýšľal som, keď som vtedy povedal, „limit,“ že to vlastne znamenalo päť veveričiek, pretože to je limit v Indiane. Ale pamätám si, že minulý rok, keď sa ma On opýtal, koľko ich potrebujem, povedal som, „tri,“ a tak som dostal tri. Takže včera, keď som išiel naspäť na to isté miesto, niečo hovorilo, „Nechoď tam. Zíď z tej cesty.“

35A presne na desiatu hodinu, presne do bodky, desať hodín bolo na mojich hodinkách, som dosiahol limit v Indiane, piatu veveričku. Chcem, aby ste si teraz všimli, že tam boli tri dúhy, tri veci boli vypovedané a tri veveričky mi boli dané. Boli tri veci: tri veveričky do desiatej hodiny, žiadne komáre a slnko svietilo tých tridsať minút. A ešte boli traja ľudia, ktorí to môžu dosvedčiť: brat Banks Wood, môj syn Billy Paul a jeho syn Dávid, oni o tom môžu podať svedectvo.

36Keď som videl tie dúhy asi tak široké, ako bola tá žiara, ten Anjel Pánov, ale boli tri a zbiehali sa do jednej. Ó, ako to pomáha môjmu srdcu vedieť, že Boh, Ježiš nie je len človekom, ako si to ľudia o Ňom myslia, alebo len prorokom, ako je to tá moderná myšlienka dneška, že Ježiš je len prorok. On je Jehova Starého Zákona, ktorý sa stal telom a prebýval medzi nami. A to je to, čo ma uspokojilo. A mysliac na to, že Boh hľadal toľko ľudí...

37No, je skupina ľudí, ktorí sa nazývajú „Jednotári“ alebo „Jedine Ježiš“. Vôbec s ich teóriou nesúhlasím. Ani nesúhlasím s tou trojičiarskou skupinou, ktorá hovorí, že sú traja rozliční bohovia, ten extrém tých Trojičiarov. Ale ja verím, že tí traja, Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý sú Jedným, že sú to tri úrady jedného Boha. On žil v Otcovstve v ohnivom Stĺpe; žil v Synovstve v Ježišovi Kristovi a žije práve teraz v Svätom Duchu vo Svojej cirkvi. Ten istý Pán Ježiš, ktorý sa stal telom a prebýval medzi nami, je s nami aj v tento deň, je medzi nami vo forme Svätého Ducha.

38Zo všetkých prežití... Keď som sa najprv obzrel a uvidel to, myslel som si najprv, že to je len slnko, ktoré niekde vykúka spoza mraku, lenže to bolo pred časom, kedy malo slnko prísť. Potom, keď som sa znovu otočil a videl, že to nie je svetlo, a že to sú dúhy, a keď som sa na to pozrel a uvidel to, celý som onemel.

39Ako mi raz niekto povedal, „Necítil si sa, že by si kričal?“ Nie, necítil som sa, že by som kričal. Pri týchto prežitiach nikdy nebudeš chcieť kričať; to ti dá cítiť, že si ukotvený, že vieš, že je niečo, čo k tebe hovorí, a máš z toho pocit spokojnosti.

40No, tieto veci sú pravdou. Viem, že bolo povedaných veľa vecí, že veľakrát nejakí ľudia hovoria, „Ó, ja neverím v takéto veci.“ Ja to nemôžem nijako dokázať; neviem. Môžem len poukázať na to, že to, čo hovorím, je pravda. A Boh Všemohúci, ktorý napísal túto Bibliu a ktorého som ja služobníkom, On vie, že to, čo tu práve teraz hovorím, je pravda.

41Myslite na to, že deň, v ktorom žijeme, tesne pred príchodom Pánovým, Ježiš povedal, „Budú znaky na oblohe a na Zemi, veľké znamenia, letiace taniere, rakety, zmätenia, zovretie medzi národmi a desivé pohľady na tejto Zemi.“ A my práve žijeme vo dni, kedy môžeme tieto veci vidieť.

42Teraz, ako posolstvo na toto ráno, ktoré som si vybral, chcem, aby ste si so mnou otočili v Písme do Zachariáša. Bolo to mojou... Zachariáš, 4. kapitola...

43Bolo to mojou túžbou, aby som vám povedal tieto veci. Veľakrát sa dejú veci a ja o tom ani nehovorím, nepoviem to. Ale toto bolo pre mňa príliš ohromné, aby som to držal preč od cirkvi. Musí to byť povedané. A pred Bohom, pred ktorým stojím, je to pravda. Ja viem, že existuje Boh, a viem, že Ježiš Kristus je Synom Božím, Emanuelom, prebývajúcim dnes medzi svojimi ľuďmi vo forme Svätého Ducha. A tiež viem, že príchod Pánov sa približuje, keď sa objavujú znaky a divy.

44Práve sme prechádzali cez Sedem Cirkevných Vekov, a dozvedeli sme sa, že sa nachádzame v poslednom Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, keď bude cirkev ľahostajná, chladná, denominačná a bude organizovaná: organizácie to všetko prevezmú a zhltnú. Ale je zasľúbenie, že zostane malý zvyšok. Bude cirkev, ktorá bude roztrúsená medzi národmi, ale Boh si ich zhromaždí spolu a vychváti ich do slávy: bude mať niekde malú posvätenú skupinu, ktorá očakáva na Pána.

45Potom, druhý deň, keď som prechádzal cez Danielových sedemdesiat týždňov, stojac tam za kazateľňou, niečo ma zasiahlo; nikdy som nebol schopný dostať sa z toho všetkého, keď vidím hodinu, v ktorej žijeme. Chcem ísť niekde inde a robiť niečo iné a držať to preč od svojej mysle. Mám toľko milovaných, ktorí ešte nie sú spasení. Ale čo pre to môžem urobiť, aby boli zachránení? Čo len môžem urobiť? Kázal som Evanjelium. Boh činil veľké znaky a divy, aké nikdy dovtedy na svete nerobil, nikdy odo dní Pána Ježiša, nikdy to neurobil v celej histórii času. A ide to okolo celého sveta. A svet v tom stále pokračuje a ide do horšieho. Potom však musím pamätať na to, že žijeme v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, kde pôjdu do horšieho a bolo povedané, že pôjdu.

46Tak som si vybral na dnes ráno, keďže to posolstvo je tak napádané, ďalšia vec, ku ktorej som sa dostal, je kázanie milosti. Chcel by som o tom hovoriť dnes ráno, ako čítame zo 4. kapitoly Zachariáša, časť z toho.

Potom sa navrátil anjel, ktorý to hovoril so mnou, a zobudil ma jako muža, ktorého zobudia z jeho spánku.

A riekol mi: Čo vidíš? A ja som povedal: Vidím a hľa, svietnik, celý zo zlata, a jeho nádoba na olej na jeho vrchu a sedem jeho lámp na ňom a po siedmich trúbkach k lampám, ktoré sú na jeho vrchu.

A dve olivy pri ňom, jedna z pravej strany nádoby a jedna na jej ľavej strane.

A odpovedal som a riekol anjelovi, ktorý hovoril so mnou, povediac: Čo znamenajú tieto veci, pane?

Na to odpovedal anjel, ktorý hovoril so mnou, a riekol mi: Či nevieš, čo znamenajú tieto veci? A ja som povedal: Neviem, pane.

A odpovedal a riekol mi: Toto je slovo Hospodinovo k Zorobábelovi hovoriac: Nie silou ani mocou, ale mojím Duchom, hovorí Hospodin Zástupov.

47Vidíte? Posolstvo nepríde nejakou veľkou mocou alebo silou, ale Duchom Božím. Posledný, 7. verš...

Kým si ty, veľký vrchu, pred Zorobábelom? Rovinou! A vynesie von jeho náhlavný kameň so zvučným pokrikovaním: Milosť, milosť mu!

(Milosť, milosť mu.)

48Všetci, ktorí čítame Bibliu, sme oboznámení s týmto miestom Písma. Vieme, že to bolo v čase prípravy prinavrátenia chrámu. A Zorobábel bol veľkým kniežaťom medzi ľuďmi, ktorý založil ten dom. No, chcem, aby ste si dnes ráno obliekli svoje duchovné myslenie, ten pomazaný oblek, takpovediac. A toto veľké knieža určilo, že sa znovu vystaví dom Pánov. A potom, keď toto urobil, položil ten základový kameň.

49A ako ďalej čítame, zisťujeme, že Boh povedal, „Ruky Zorobábelove založili tento dom; a on tiež vynesie náhlavný kameň.“ Chcem, aby ste si všimli: On nikdy nepovedal, že prinesie uholný kameň. On prinesie náhlavný kameň.

50A vieme, že toto Písmo hovorí, že Ježiš je Kniežaťom uholného kameňa a tiež je náhlavným kameňom. No, ak teraz na chvíľu pomyslíme, že sedem cirkevných poslov malo prinavrátiť vieru synov späť ku otcom, inými slovami, znova obnoviť cirkev pod mocou Ducha. „Nie silou, nie mocou, ale Mojím Duchom,“ hovorí Pán. Nie organizáciou, nie denomináciou, ale Svätým Duchom Boh privedie cirkev v posledných dňoch.

51Zorobábel, knieža s Jozuom, bol tým, ktorý mal vyniesť náhlavný kameň. On položil základy; on prinavrátil ľudí v type späť ku základom.

52Všetci vieme, že tieto svietniky, a tak ďalej, sú reprezentované Židmi aj cirkvou. Oni boli olivovými výhonkami, Biblia tak hovorí. A olivový konár, my sme divokými vetvami, ktoré boli naštepené až do koreňa toho „skroteného“ olivového stromu: pohania. A z týchto dvoch konárov vychádzajú kadidlové trubky, prechádzajúce do siedmich zlatých svietnikov, aby dali Svetlo do Siedmich Cirkevných Vekov.

53Pamätajte teraz na učenie na našich hodinách, cez ktoré sme práve išli, že sme vzali tú veľkú pyramídu, ktorú musel Enoch vybudovať, a na chvíľu ju študovali. A ten náhlavný kameň nebol nikdy na pyramídu položený. Bol som tam. Tá architektúra toho nemôže byť do dnešného dňa premiestnená. Nemáme stroje, ktoré by vedeli postaviť pyramídu, žiadne sily (jedine atómovú silu), ktoré by mohli postaviť pyramídu, pretože je neskutočne obrovská. Kamene, ktoré by vážili tony, tony a tony a aby sa udržali vo vzduchu, dokonca ani tenká žiletka by nedokázala... A ony nie sú zacementované; sú len opracované, aby sa mohli spojiť jeden s druhým.

54To je spôsob, akým by malo byť telo Ježiša Krista: opracovaní Svätým Duchom, Božím inštrumentom a nástrojom, aby sme boli spojení ako jedna osoba. Nie sme rozdelení. Mali by sme byť jednou osobou. A to ukazuje, že žiadna mašinéria to takým spôsobom nedokáže robiť. To vyžaduje Boha, aby to urobil. Žiadna mechanika organizácie, žiadne veľké lóže, nič z týchto vecí to nikdy nedokáže urobiť, bez ohľadu na to, aké sú ich zámery. Oni to nikdy nedokážu vykonať, pretože tam je potrebný Boh, aby to urobil, Svätý Duch.

55Nemyslím, že by som práve mal vo vrecku dolárovú bankovku. Ale je tu... Áno, mám; mám dolárovú bankovku. Prepáčte. Na zadnej strane toho doláru môžete vidieť pečať Spojených Štátov na ľavej strane, ako rovno hľadí na vás. Pre mňa je to na ľavej strane; pre vás na pravej. Je tam orol a tiež tam je erb, a tak ďalej. Ale tu na tejto strane, pravej strane odo mňa, vidíte pyramídu. A všimnite si, ponad tou pyramídou je štítový kameň a pod ním sa hovorí, „Veľká Pečať.“ Dokonca na našej mene by sme mali rozoznať... Žiaden neveriaci nedokáže naše kresťanstvo zlikvidovať. Každý list, na ktorý udávaš dátum, hovorí o narodení Pána. Každý kalendár, všetko hovorí o Ňom. Dokonca na našej mene, náhlavný kameň, ktorým je Kristus... Prečo nepostavili náhlavný kameň na pyramídu? Pretože náhlavný kameň bol odmietnutý, keď prišiel.

56Ale teraz, príde podľa proroctva náhlavný kameň. A chcem, aby ste si všimli, kedy ten náhlavný kameň prichádza, knieža, ktoré ide vykríknuť posolstvo, vykríkne, „Milosť, milosť!“ Lebo cez milosť sme spasení, nie cez skutky, ktorými by sa mohol nejaký človek chvastať. A posolstvo milosti bolo udupané pod nohami ľudí, až sa stalo hanbou. Niektorí z nich idú do večnej bezpečnosti; niektorí utekajú do, ó, do všetkého. Ale pravdivé posolstvo milosti zostáva to isté, a to je to, kde sa to snaží satan vyradiť z cirkvi. Ale je to milosť Božia, cez ktorú sme všetci zachránení.

57Takže Božstvo Ježiša Krista, ak Pán Boh príde a potvrdí, že toto je pravda, nie len tým, ale On Svojím Slovom potvrdzuje, že to je pravdou, a znakmi a divmi On potvrdzuje, že to je pravda. Potom je taktiež milosť pravdou. Ako potom môže vôbec niekto kritizovať a povedať, že milosť je nesprávna, a že všetci sme spasení zo skutkov? My sme zachránení z milosti, ktorá je cez vieru, nie cez skutky. Skutky len ukazujú, že si už bol spasený. Ale to, čo ťa spasí, je milosť Božia. Milosť ťa zachraňuje. Milosť je to, čo Boh pre teba robí. A skutky sú tým, čo robíš pre Boha, čo prejavuje tvoju vďačnosť za to, čo Boh pre teba urobil. Ale z milosti si spasený.

58Niektorí ľudia si myslia, „Pretože som sa pridal do nejakej cirkvi a moje meno je v knihe, to je všetko, čo musím robiť.“ Niektorí si zase myslia, „Pretože kričím, to je všetko, čo musím robiť.“ Iní si myslia, „Pretože hovorím v jazykoch, to je to, čo musím robiť.“ Niektorí si myslia, „Pretože mám moc uzdravovať chorých, to je všetko, čo musím robiť.“ Tak to nie je. Je to Božia milosť, ktorá ťa spasí, úžasná Božia milosť. Nemôžem dôverovať v nejaké zásluhy. Niekto povedal, „Ó, to je veľký človek. Ten muž, počul som ho, ako sa postavil a urobil toto; počul som ho, ako sa postavil a urobil tamto.“

59Pavol povedal v 1. Korinťanom 13, „Keby som hovoril jazykmi ľudí a anjelov, keby som mal rozpoznanie, dary, žeby som mohol kŕmiť... Vynaložím všetku svoju dobročinnosť, všetko svoje imanie, vierou by som mohol hýbať vrchmi, hoci by som mohol mať známosť, že by som mohol rozumieť všetkým veciam, nie som ničím, dokiaľ nepríde láska, čo je milosť.“ Boh to musí urobiť. Môžeš robiť všetky tieto veci a stále byť stratený. Je to milosť, ktorá ťa spasí, Božia milosť k ľudskej rase.

60Rozmýšľajte o Ňom... Premýšľal som nad milosťou, hneď potom, ako sa to tam objavilo v to piatkové ráno na tom poli, slzy mi tiekli z očí. Myslel som si, „Ó, Bože, Tvoja milosť sa sklonila, aby ma zachránila. Prečo si vôbec mal takú ľútosť s tak úbohým a negramotným chudákom, ako som ja? Prečo si vôbec prišiel dolu do našej skromnej malej modlitebne, kde si dal pokoj, a k úbohým ľuďom z biedneho zázemia, nemajúci nič z tohoto sveta, pričom sa stále Tvoja milosť rozrastá v našich srdciach cez Svätého Ducha, že uzdravuješ naše choroby a zachraňuješ naše hriechy... alebo skôr spasil si nás z hriechu a učinil si nás Tvojimi ľuďmi a konáš s nami?“

61Potom som premýšľal o Dávidovi, keď si zmyslel, že postaví dom Pánovi, a povedal, „Nie je to správne pre mňa, aby som žil v cédrovom dome a archa zmluvy môjho Boha by bola pod ovčími kožami a stánok.“

62Boh povedal prorokovi, „Choď a povedz môjmu služobníkovi Dávidovi, že som ho vzal z pastviska oviec, od kŕmenia oviec svojho otca a urobil som mu veľké meno, ako veľkému mužovi na zemi.“

63Myslel som na milosť Božiu, ako to vôbec mohol urobiť: zachrániť tých najposlednejších. A potom vzal úbohého chudáka, ako som ja, a dal mi príležitosť kázať Evanjelium a vidieť ostatných spasených, vidieť ich uzdravených; vidieť domácnosti, ktoré boli rozbité ale boli znova urovnané; vidieť životy, ktoré boli zruinované, ale znova dané do poriadku. A On mi dal milosť, myslel som si, „Ó, je to ohromná milosť. Prišiel k malému biednemu poľovníkovi veveričiek v lesoch a vyformoval Sám Seba do dúhy, čo znamenalo zmluvu s Posolstvom, ktoré mi dal, aby som Ho kázal a vyformoval to tam do zmluvy, že On je za tým. On aj bude za tým, pretože to Posolstvo je o Ježišovi Kristovi a Jeho Sláve.“

64Ako ma len nechal ísť okolo celého sveta, po celom svete k národom, k miliónom ľudí, vidieť milióny prichádzajúce k Pánovi a ako Ho prijímajú ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa, vidieť ich naplnených Jeho láskavosťou a posvätených Jeho Mocou, vidieť ich uzdravených Jeho všemohúcou mocou. Potom som mohol vykríknuť ako prorok a povedať, „Nie je to cez nejakú silu, nie cez nejakú moc, ale je to cez Ducha Božieho.“ Nie je to vzdelaním, nie teológiou, ale cez Ducha Božieho zachraňuje ľudí. Duchom Božím uzdravuje ľudí. Je to Duch Boží, ktorý dáva posolstvo k ľuďom. Je to Duch Boží, ktorý potvrdzuje Slovo.

65Dnes máme teológov; máme doktorov teológie; okolo celého sveta máme bystrých a inteligentných veľkých ľudí, ktorí sú vzdelaní. Ale chce to jednoduchosť viery v Boha, aby Jeho Slovo vypovedalo a ukázalo, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Vyžaduje to pokorné srdce, aby sa oddalo Bohu a priviedlo Ježiša Krista do prítomného času. Amen. Ak to chce teológiu, čo by potom presbyteriáni, metodisti, baptisti, katolíci, a tak ďalej, my by sme nemali šancu, pretože sme len nevzdelaní ľudia. Ale to nepotrebuje nijakú známosť. „Nie silou, nie mocou, ale Mojím Duchom,“ hovorí Boh, „otvorím toto tajomstvo.“ A, „On bude kričať, Milosť, milosť s výkrikom a volaním.“ To je to, čím to je dnes: Božia ohromná milosť k Jeho ľuďom. Ako On berie negramotných, nevzdelaných, aby ukázal, že Ježiš je tým istým.

66Keď On prišiel, nikdy neprišiel k nejakým veľkým teológom. Ani nešiel k veľkňazovi Kaifášovi; len aby bol od neho odsúdený... Ale On si vyvolil rybárov, ľudí, ktorí boli chudobní a žili bežným životom, a tým zjavil Samého Seba a povedal, „Nasledujte Ma a Ja vás urobím rybármi ľudí,“ aby ukázal, že Jeho milosť sa sklonila dokonca ponad Židov až k pohanom, aby zavolala ľudí pre Jeho Meno v posledných dňoch, ako sme cez to prechádzali. Úžasná milosť, ako sladko to znie.

68Milosť je stará. Milosť je len tak stará, ako je aj svet. Milosť bola prvýkrát ukázaná ľudskej rase, keď sa ešte len ľudská rasa začala. Keď bola ľudská rasa prvýkrát stvorená v záhrade Eden, v to tmavé ráno, keď tá malá žena prekročila tú oddeľujúcu čiaru a išla proti Božím prikázaniam a zviedla svojho manžela, aby urobil to isté, potom bol ten zákon porušený. A ten zákon musel mať aj trest, ináč by to nebol zákon. A tým zákonom bolo, „V deň, v ktorom budete z toho jesť, v ten istý deň istotne zomriete.“

69Pamätajte, prvý súd, ktorý bol na zemi, bol v záhrade Eden. A tým posledným súdom, ktorý je na zemi, je v čase konca, biely trón.

70Ale keď tam Jehova zostúpil, vedel by som si predstaviť, že tam nebola dokonca ani žiadna hviezda, ktorá by žiarila; bola taká tma v tej svetlej malej záhrade, pretože ju pokryl hriech a vzal to Svetlo spomedzi nich.

71To je to, čo sa deje s dnešnými cirkvami. To je to, čo sa deje s dnešnými ľuďmi. Hriech zakryl Svetlo Živého Boha, ktorý ukázal, že Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, a že žije, aby zachránil tých najviac stratených a aby uzdravil tie slabé, choré osoby.

72Ó, aké hrozné to bolo v to ráno, tá tma visiaca nad záhradou. Predstavím si mračno ako čiernu vrecovinu. Viem si predstaviť, že sa ani jeden list nepohol. Nevial žiaden vietor. Bola tam desivá temnota, pretože hriech to prikryl.

73Ale potom zostúpil dolu Jehova ako dunenie hromu, kráčajúci cez záhradu kričiac, „Adam, kde si?“ To bolo to, kedy si Adam uvedomil, že je nahý a zhrešil pred Bohom. Ukryl samého seba a snažil si urobiť nejaké náboženstvo, ale to nefungovalo. Boh zabil ovcu, vzal kože a ukázal, že niečo muselo zomrieť, aby to prikrylo hriech.

74Pripojenie sa do cirkvi nikdy neobmyje tvoj hriech. Žiadne vyznanie so suchými očami neprikryje hriech. Vyžaduje to smútok a pokánie a Milosť Božiu, aby zakryla hriech; Krv Ježiša Krista, toho, ktorého Boh zabil na Golgote, aby zahalil hriech.

75Tam v tej záhrade v to ráno, vtedy, keď bol hriech tak čierny, vtedy Jehova zostúpil. Tam stála Jeho dvojica ako odsúdená. Nemalo byť viac žiadnej ľudskej rasy; museli zomrieť; smrť ľudskej rasy, aby vydala svet späť poľnej zveri a nebolo by ďalej žiadnej ľudskej rasy. Ale v temnote hodiny, v tom čase, keď bola preč všetka nádej, vtedy sa vyliala milosť povediac, „Dám vám Spasiteľa, Mesiáša.“ Je to skutočne div, ako to vôbec mohol Boh urobiť. Božia ohromná milosť v záhrade Eden, ktorá im dala zasľúbenie o tom Spravodlivom, ktorý vyjde zo ženy. „Semeno ženy rozdrtí hadovi hlavu,“ tomu vinnému, „ale jeho hlava jej rozdrtí pätu,“ aby to ukázalo, že na cirkvi bude ležať utrpenie. Ale On zasľúbil triumf. Čo poskytlo Spasiteľa? Milosť.

76Čo môžu ukázať, že si skutočne zaslúžia milosť? Čo by mohli ukázať, aby to urobili? Prepáčte ten výraz, chcem to len spoza tejto kazateľne naznačiť, oni sa jeden pred druhým vyzúvali zo zodpovednosti. Adam povedal, „Žena, ktorú si mi dal, to urobila.“ Žena povedala, „Had ma zlákal.“ Jeden to hádzal na druhého.

77Nebola už pre nich žiadna nádej, ale Boh im poskytol milosť a ona napriek všetkému tomu prišla. A On povedal, „Ja jednako nejako urobím cestu. Navzdory tomu vás zachránim. Urobili ste zlé; prestúpili ste Moje zákony. A Moje zákony budú musieť byť... Súd z Mojich zákonov musí byť vykonaný. Preto bude musieť byť smrť, pretože som povedal, že bude smrť.“ [Brat Branham klope na kazateľňu – pozn. prekl.]

78Teraz, moji priatelia, Kresťania (A tieto pásky, ktoré sa teraz robia, sa roznesú do celého sveta.), nech sa vás niečo opýtam; vy, ktorí sa pokúšate urobiť z Boha troch bohov, alebo sa Ho snažíte urobiť, že je len jeden ako prst. On je jedno ako Osoba.

79Nebolo by to spravodlivým pre Boha, aby nechal zomrieť Anjela. Nebol by tým správnym typom Sudcu, ak by nechal zomrieť Anjela za ľudskú rasu. To to stále nerieši, pretože Jeho veľký zákon vyžadoval smrť a niečo muselo zomrieť a Anjel nemohol zomrieť. Ani nemohol povedať, „Eva, pretože si spôsobila to, že to Adam urobil, teba zabijem a Adama nechám nažive,“ pretože Adam bol tiež účastníkom toho.

80Ako niekto povedal, „Pilát bol ospravedlnený; umyl si ruky.“ Nemôžeš zmyť Krv Ježiša Krista zo svojich rúk. Nikdy neodídeš z tejto budovy toto ráno s tým, že pôjdeš do neba, ak zomrieš vo svojom hriechu. Je to na tvojich rukách. Takže to nie je správne.

81Bola len jedna spravodlivá cesta. Bola len jediná cesta, aká len mohla byť, Božie veľké požiadavky zákona sa museli vyplniť. On to musel vyplniť. Musel to urobiť. Boh je Duchom a On nemôže zomrieť. Takže Boh musel byť učinený človekom a zomrel v ľudskom tele vo forme Človeka zvaného Ježiš Kristus, a to bol zasľúbený Mesiáš, ktorý vykúpil milosť. To je to, kde vidíte, že Boh a Kristus je tá istá osoba, Boh prebývajúci v Kristovi. „Ja a Môj Otec sme jedno; Môj Otec prebýva vo Mne. Nie som to Ja, ktorý hovorím to Slovo, ale Môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo Mne.“ Boh v Kristovi istotne...

82Milosť bola zasľúbená v záhrade Eden a ona prišla, milosť prišla k Adamovi a Eve. Nikde sa už nedalo ísť, nikde zabočiť, ale milosť urobila cestu.

83Nech ti to poviem, hriešny priateľ. Môžeš tu byť dnes ráno prostitútkou; môžeš byť sukničkárom; môžeš tu byť opilcom alebo hazardným hráčom či vrahom. Môžeš tu byť ako nečistý manžel alebo nečistá manželka. Môžeš byť tým najohavnejším hriešnikom. Povieš, „Ja som už prešiel poza hranicu vykúpenia.“ Nie, neprešiel, lebo by si nebol dnes ráno v tejto cirkvi. Milosť ti urobí v tejto hodine temnoty cestu, len ak to príjmeš. Adam musel byť ochotný to prijať, tak isto aj ty. Prijmi to.

84Milosť Božia sa načiahla do Noeho času. Noach, hoci bol len obyčajným mužom, on a jeho rodina, ale pretože sa Noach bál Boha a veril Mu. Nemôžete sa báť Boha bez toho, žeby ste Mu verili. Ako sa môžete vôbec báť niečoho, čomu neveríte? Musíte sa báť Boha. Šalamún povedal, „Bázeň Božia je počiatkom múdrosti.“ No, stačí len, aby si mal bázeň pred Bohom, a už si na počiatku múdrosti. A bázeň Božia, Noach sa bál Pána a veril Pánovi. A to je to, čo si Boh ctí, tvoju vieru v Neho. To je pravda. Potom, keď strach Boží zostúpil na Noeho, Boh ho povolal z milosti a spasil ho aj jeho dom, pretože to bola milosť, ktorá to učinila. Nie preto, že by bol Noach vznešenejším človekom ako zvyšok ostatných, nie preto, že Noach išiel do najlepšej cirkvi, aká bola v tom kraji, ani nie preto, že patril do najlepšej organizácie, nie preto, že sa vedel krajšie obliecť, nie žeby mal veľa peňazí, nie pretože by bol nejakou špeciálnou osobou; ale z milosti Božej Boh zachránil Noeho. Milosť spasila Noeho (nie jeho skutky, ale Jeho milosť) a tiež jeho rodinu.

85Spomeňme ďalšiu biblickú postavu, ktorej bola darovaná milosť Božia, mnohým z nich; ale pohovoríme si len o zopár takých. Abrahám. Abrahám, žiaden špeciálny človek, práve prišiel z babylonskej veže, možno vyšiel z nejakej modlárskej skupiny (jeho otca) a prišiel do zeme Sineár a býval v meste Úr. A zatiaľ čo tam bol, Boh k nemu prehovoril skrze milosť: nie preto, že by bol iný, nie pretože by bol lepším človekom, ale z Božej milosti ho Boh povolal. Biblia nám to jasne dáva vedieť.

Ó, Abrahám, ako len skúšal Božiu trpezlivosť. Povedal mu, „Abrahám, zostaň v tejto zemi, neodchádzaj z nej.“ Ale hneď ako prišiel hladomor, Abrahám sa zobral preč.

86Abrahám hovoril o nás. Boh si zobral Abraháma a z milosti ho spasil. A to je to, ako ťa On vezme: z milosti. A ako my skúšame Jeho trpezlivosť? Dnes sme hore; zajtra sme dole. Jeden deň veríme; ďalší deň sa divíme. Dnes sme metodisti; zajtra baptisti. Dnes veríme v Božské Uzdravenie; a zajtra prichádza len bolesť brucha a ani nevieme, či tomu vôbec veríme alebo nie. Ale uprostred toho všetkého Boh chce, aby sme zotrvali. Ale On nás aj tak zachraňuje. Ak by nebola milosť Božia, všetci by sme boli preč. Istotne. Ale Boh nás spasil zo Svojej milosti.

87Od Abraháma sa očakávalo, aby zostal v tej zemi, ale on napriek tomu zišiel dolu ku Chaldejom, teda nie Chaldejom, ale k Filištínom; išiel tam, aby tam dočasne zostal, aby bol preč od hladomoru. Veci boli dosť ťažké hore v jeho kraji, takže išiel dole cestou s nimi, presne tak, ako mu Boh povedal, že nemá robiť; ale jednako sa k nemu prejavila milosť Božia a zadržala faraóna, aby si zobral jeho ženu. Milosť Božia... Keď Abrahám povedal, „Je to moja sestra,“ klamal vtedy ohľadne toho, ale držala ho milosť Božia, pretože činil pokánie. Bol ochotný to ľutovať.

88A keď si ochotný činiť pokánie, milosť Božia ide stále za tebou. Milosť Božia ťa hľadá. Platí to pre vás, odpadlíkov, dnes ráno; milosť Božia ťa stále hľadá. Ak len učiníš pokánie, Božia milosť je dostatočná.

89Ako len zobral dobrého starého Abraháma a prinavrátil ho naspäť. A pamätajte, Abrahám nebol spasený zo svojich skutkov; bol spasený z milosti. Abrahám bol zachránený z viery, čo je milosť. A Boh spasil Abraháma kvôli Svojej Milosti, nie kvôli jeho správaniu. Spasil ho z milosti. Ó, aké to je dobré. Bol zachránený z milosti.

90Vezmime napríklad Izrael. Mám tu napísanú jednu časť Písma. Len si to tu zapíšem a potom si o tom v mysli niečo poviem. Ak si chcete niečo zaznamenať, toto bude dobré, aby ste si to pamätali, ak chcete, Deuteronomium 7:7. Boh dal Abrahámovi zasľúbenie, alebo nedal Abrahámovi, prepáčte, dal Izraelovi a povedal, „Ak sa nebudete spájať s modlárstvom, ak nebudete činiť tieto veci, ak sa budete držať preč od týchto bezbožných ceremónií, ak budete robiť všetky tieto veci, potom vás privediem do dobrej zeme. Postarám sa o vás. Budem vás kŕmiť; povediem vás. Budem robiť tieto veci, ak len vy budete robiť tak-a-tak, ak Ma budete milovať, ak budete dodržiavať Moje prikázania, Moje vyhlásenia, Moje nariadenia. Ja budem činiť všetky tieto veci, ak len vy urobíte niečo a budete zachovávať Moje prikázania a milovať Ma.“

91Ako keď si muž berie ženu a hovorí, „Ak budeš dobrou ženou, ak sa budeš starať o domácnosť, ak budeš ku mne pravdovravná, ak sa budeš starať o to, aby bolo moje oblečenie čisté; ak budeme mať deti a budeš im dobrou matkou; ak budeš robiť tieto veci, budem pracovať, dokiaľ mi nebudú ruky krvácať, aby sme mali na živobytie, len ak to budeš robiť.“ Ale potom, pomyslite na to, čo ak tá žena začne robiť zle, bude lenivá, nebude pracovať, nič robiť? Potom je už len potrebná milosť, aby tá rodina zostala pohromade.

92Ó, Bože. Bola potrebná milosť Jehovu, aby udržal Svoju rodinu pospolu. A to je ten jediný spôsob, akým sme dnes rodinou Jehovu, je to kvôli milosti Ježiša Krista; inak by sme boli všetci preč. Ale je to milosť, ó, milosť.

93Ale oni to nedodržiavali. Ale oni boli... nikdy neprišli k plnému zasľúbeniu, aspoň nie tá generácia. Tá, ktorej to bolo zasľúbené, zahynula na pustatine. Ale Boh ich kŕmil; Boh sa o nich staral; Boh ich miloval, pohyboval sa medzi nimi. Prečo? Jeho milosť to urobila, Jeho milosť kvôli Jeho zasľúbeniu, milosť, ktorá išla s tým zasľúbením. Ale oni sa nikdy nedostali do plnej hodnoty tej zasľúbenej zeme.

94A ani táto cirkev neprichádza do tej plnej hodnoty. Milosť Božia nás drží. Ale On chce mať cirkev, ktorá Ho bude poslúchať, ľudí, ktorí vezmú Jeho Slovo a povedia, že to je pravda, napriek všetkým našim organizáciám. On nechce ľudí, ktorí budú hovoriť, „Dobre, som len tak dobrým, akým môžem byť. Som presbyterián. Som metodista. Som katolík; som tak dobrý, ako si ty.“ To nie je milosť; to len ukazuje, že niekde nie je niečo v poriadku.

95Ale osoba, ktorá napriek všetkému bude čítať Božie Slovo a vidieť, že musíš byť znovuzrodený a naplnený Duchom Svätým, oni tomu budú veriť; vezmú to cez Slovo. Oni vezmú presne to, čo Slovo hovorí.

96Ako s krstom a pofŕkaním; krst je správny. Nie je nikto v Biblii, kto by bol kedy pofŕkaný, nič také sa v Písme nenachádza. Ani tam nikto nebol krstený na meno Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha v Biblii. Každý tam bol pokrstený na Meno Ježiša Krista. Takže nie je ani jedna, ani štipka niečoho takého v histórii... Ak niekto môže ukázať, že niekde v histórii bola nejaká osoba krstená v Biblii alebo hoc aj tristo rokov po smrti posledného učeníka, do času katolíckej cirkvi, ak mi niekto môže niekde ukázať, že bol niekto pokrstený alebo pofŕkaný na meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého do času katolíckej cirkvi, ste zaviazaní prísť a povedať mi. Nie je tam nič také. Ale čo to my robíme?

97Prechádzali sme cez cirkevné veky a videli sme, kde to museli robiť. Takže vidíte, Boh chce niekoho, kto by Ho poslúchal. Ak to nie je v Písmach, potom to nie je z človeka – je to človekom vytvorená náuka a nie Biblická náuka. Vidíte? Takže napriek tomu, aká je to cirkev alebo akým zlým si bol, aký to robí rozdiel? Si tak správnym, akým môžeš byť teraz. Božia milosť ti to ukázala, tak potom len choď a kráčaj s tým. Božia milosť...

98Pamätajte tiež na Mojžiša, veľkého vodcu. Boh ho mal zabiť, keď tam išiel dolu, aby bol on oslávený tým, že udrel do tej skaly a povedal, „Vidíte, čo dokážem urobiť?“ inými slovami. „Vy, rebeli, máme vám prinášať vodu z tej skaly?“ A on do toho udrel a vody nevyšli, tak udrel znova. Čo urobil? Svedčil o slabosti Kristovej, pretože Kristus bol tou skalou. To je ten náhlavný kameň. Namiesto toho, aby do toho udieral alebo prehovoril k tomu... to už raz bolo udreté.

99Pamätajte, Boh povedal Mojžišovi v knihe Exodus, „Choď von a ja budem stáť pred tebou na tej skale a udriem ju.“ A on tú skalu udrel a ona vytryskla vody. Boh povedal, „Ďalší krát choď a prehovor k tej skale a ona vydá vodu.“

100Ale Mojžiš chcel ukázať, že má tak trochu autoritu a moc, tak povedal, „Privediem vodu z tejto skaly.“ Boh ho mal za to zabiť. Boh ho tam mal oddeliť; on tam narušil Boží zákon, pretože hovoril o slabosti Kristovej; musel byť druhýkrát udretý. Kristus bol však len raz udretý. Teraz, my hovoríme k tej skale a ona vydáva vody.

101Ale čo to bolo? Pozrime sa na starého muža; má tak stodvadsať.

102Niekto mi nedávno povedal, „Boh je nespravodlivým Bohom,“ povedal, „pretože sklamal Mojžiša. Potom, ako sa staral o tých Hebrejov vyše štyridsať rokov v tej pustine, On sklamal Mojžiša a ani mu nedovolil vojsť do zasľúbenej zeme.“

103Povedal som, „Ó, nezmysel.“ Nie, On nesklamal Mojžiša. On nakoniec išiel do tej zasľúbenej zeme. Okolo sedemsto rokov na to ho videli na vrchu Hory Premenenia, tak živého, ako len mohol byť, stojaceho a hovoriaceho s Ježišom predtým, ako išiel na Golgotu, on a Eliáš tam s ním spolu stáli, hovorili k... Mojžiš a Eliáš sa zjavili Ježišovi, Petrovi, Jakubovi a Jánovi na Hore Premenenia. On nebol mŕtvy. Bol nažive. Boh ho nesklamal. Bol v Palestíne.

104No, pozrite sa, predtým, ako vôbec zomrel, vyšplhal sa hore na vrch Nebo v to ráno, kedy už vedel, že odchádza. On už vyzliekol Árona, jeho oblečenie dal inému, potom zobral svoje vlastné rúcho a dal ho Jozuovi a prikázal mu všetky tie nariadenia. A keď sa vyšplhal na vrch hory Nebo, prešiel cez údolie tých plání vediac, že tam ide, aby zomrel, vyliezol na horu Nebo až k temenu vrchu Pizga. A zatiaľ čo tam stál, Boh povedal, „Pozri sa na tú zem. Chcem, aby si ju uvidel. Ale Mojžiš, nemôžeš tam ísť. Lebo vieš, čo si urobil tam dole pri tej skale v ten deň? Oslavoval si samého seba.“ Myslím, že to bude veľkým problémom pre veľa dnešných ľudí. „Išiel si tam dole k tej skale a oslavoval samého seba.“ Ale všimnite si, keď bol pripravený zomrieť, tam stála Skala. On musel len prekročiť tú Skalu tam v Pizga a Boh ho pochoval. Ale musel byť znova niekde vzbudený, pretože bol nažive. On bol typom Krista. Tam on stál na Hore Premenenia o stovky rokov neskôr; tam v Palestíne, vidíte, bola to Milosť Božia, ktorá poskytla tú Skalu. Ó!

105Keď myslím na Abraháma, na všetky tie chyby, ktoré urobil, a na Mojžiša a jeho chyby, ale keď bol napísaný Abrahámov komentár, keď bol napísaný Božský komentár, keď Pavol napísal Abrahámov komentár, on nikdy nespomenul ani jednu vec ohľadne Abrahámovej nevery, nie, nie, nikdy o ňom nebolo nič také zaznamenané. On povedal, „Abrahám sa nezapotácal neverou na zasľúbení Božom, ale bol silný, oddávajúci Bohu chválu.“

106Mojou pokornou modlitbou je pred Milosťou Božou, ktorá tu je dnes ráno: Dúfam, že môj komentár bol takto písaný, že On nevidí moje chyby. Keď bude potom môj komentár napísaný, moje úmrtné oznámenie, nebude tam čítané, že som robil chyby a konal nesprávne, ale On bude vidieť len veci, ktoré som sa snažil robiť pre Neho. Nech sa len stanú... Čo to robí? On vezme milosť Božiu, v ktorú verím. A to je to jediné, čomu dôverujem. Lebo nemohol by som vojsť na základe svojich zásluh, ani s ničím druhým, ale som závislý len na Milosti Božej. Áno, je to milosť, na ktorej závisím.

107Takže bola tam Skala, kedy bol Mojžiš pripravený zomrieť.

108Čo by sme také mohli povedať o Dávidovi? Milosť Božia... Ten veľký bojovník, v ktorom bol Boh Sám, On povedal, „On je mužom podľa Môjho srdca.“ Ten veľký bojovník, Dávid, ako vôbec mohol urobiť to, čo urobil, vziať Uriáša, svojho vojaka, keď tam mal len hŕstku pohanských vojakov? Aspoň na chvíľu dobre počúvajte tento príbeh. Keď tam vonku mali vojakov a Uriáš bol jedným, ktorý stál pri Dávidovi, Uriáš bol prozelyta; bol Hetej, obrátenec na židovské náboženstvo. A tí ľudia milovali Dávida. Videli, že bolo na ňom pomazanie, hoci bol utečencom. Bol vyštvaný zo svojej vlastnej krajiny a musel žiť s Filištínmi. Saul ho prenasledoval. Ale títo ľudia videli na ňom pomazanie. Vedeli, že prichádzal k moci. Sláva Bohu!

109Som tak rád, že môžem byť dnes utečencom, pretože vidím, že Kristus prichádza, aby sa stal kráľom. Môžete si zvoliť všetkých tých vašich Kennedyovcov, alebo čo len chcete. Ale Kristus bude Kráľom. Je na Ňom pomazanie, na Posolstve Jeho Príchodu. A On bude tým Kráľom.

110Ale čo oni urobili? Jedného dňa, ako tam stál a žíznil po vode tam pri tej bráne v Betleheme, kde zvykol zháňať ovce. A viete čo? Dvaja z týchto mužov vzali meče a predrali sa cez pätnásť míľ ľudských tiel, len aby mu priniesli vedro vody. Ale to posledné, po čom túžil, bolo, aby im niečo prikázal. Pomyslite na to. A oni sa presekali cez všetkých tých mužov, celú cestu až na vrch tej hory, kde povedali, že stojí, bolo to asi pätnásť míľ. A dostali sa až tam. A proti každému človeku, ktorý by povstal, by bojovali, dokým by ho nezabili, ale oni sa cez to prehrýzli a vzali to vedro vody a išli rovno cez tých nepriateľov, len dvaja ľudia, aby sa dostali ku kráľovi, svojmu bratovi s trochou vody, ktorú mal aj tam hore, ale on chcel tamtú vodu.

111Ó, Bože, nech len vezmem ten Meč Slova a prekliesnim sa cez každú organizáciu, len aby som priviedol k ľuďom krst na Meno Ježiša Krista, moc zmŕtvychvstania a Svätého Ducha späť k ľuďom, pretože On prichádza k moci; prichádza k moci a On bude stáť Sám. Ale treba, aby sme sa presekali cez každú organizáciu, predrali sa cez každú teóriu, každé ľuďmi vytvorené vyznanie, dokiaľ len späť neprivedieme Spasiteľovi zablúdenú ovcu a späť neprinesieme biblické náuky Ježiša Krista, toho istého včera, dnes i naveky. Milosť Božia...

112Pozrite na Dávida. Ako vôbec mohol učiniť... Skočil do jamy a zabil leva. Ako si mohol Dávid vziať Uriášovu ženu, nádhernú Batšebu, pričom mal ďalších päťsto vlastných? Ale videl ju, ako sa sprchuje, a tam bola tá nedbanlivosť. Ona sa len zabudla zahaliť, keď sa sprchovala a vedela, že kráľ chodieva každý deň okolo, tam popri tej stene.

113To je to, čo sa deje. Nemyslím si, že dnešné ženy to zanedbávajú a tak, no, oni proste chodia von nahé (To je všetko), chodia po uliciach iba s takým sporým oblečením. Je to hanba a potom sa ešte divia, prečo muži, keď idú okolo, pískajú. Ó, oni to robia preto, aby na nich hvízdali a vyvádzali. Vedia to, lebo majú toľko rozumu, aby to vedeli. Robia to len preto, lebo to chcú robiť. Je to v ich srdciach. Môžete im povedať, že sú nemorálne; oni tomu budú len protirečiť. Lenže nemusia byť nemorálne, môžu byť čisté ako ľalia, čo sa týka sexuality. Ale pamätajte, že je na nich duch, ktorý je pomazaný diablom, posielajú mužské duše do pekla. Pamätajte, Biblia hovorí, „Ktokoľvek by pozrel na ženu s myšlienkou požiadať ju, už aj scudzoložil s ňou vo svojom srdci.“

A pamätaj, sestra, budeš sa musieť zodpovedať za spáchanie cudzoložstva, hoci si to v živote v skutočnosti nemusela urobiť, ale hriešnik, ktorý sa na teba pozrel, preto, že si tak oblečená, už si vinná z cudzoložstva. V deň súdu sa budeš zodpovedať za dopustenie sa cudzoložstva. Keď musí povedať...

114On tu hovorí; On napísal vo Svojej Knihe, „Spáchanie cudzoložstva.“

„S kým?“

„Pani Tá-a-tá.“

„No, pani Tá-a-tá, čo to má znamenať?“

„Prísahám, že ja... Poznáš môj záznam; nikdy som okrem svojho vlastného manžela nežila s iným mužom.“

116„Ale si sa obliekala tak, že si spôsobila, že tento muž spáchal cudzoložstvo. A ty si tým pádom vinná cudzoložstva s ním. To je ten, ktorý to robí. Ty si vinná; ty si tá, ktorá sa vystavovala.“

117Batšeba urobila chybu, tak ako aj Eva, pričom Adam bol tiež v tom zahrnutý. Myslím, že až príliš vrieskame na ženy. Vy, synovia Boží, muži, viem, že ste tou silnejšou skupinou (To je pravda,) silnejším pohlavím. Ste nad ženami; to je pravda; lenže tak aj konajte. Nesnažte sa ich zmocniť, nepokúšajte sa vziať nejaké dievča a zruinovať jej život. Ale buďte synom Božím; povedzte, že nekoná správne, a postavte sa ako syn Boží. Ona je vašou sestrou. Áno. Čo sa my pokúšame robiť, takzvaní dnešní synovia Boží, patriaci do cirkvi, ktorí zoberú von akékoľvek dievča, ktoré môžu. Pamätajte, nemorálna žena je taká preto, pretože nejaký ženatý muž jej zruinoval život. „Hrniec nemôže nazvať kanvicu čiernou“ (oba sú na tom rovnako); takže pamätajte, je to len hriech, ktorý to všetko robí. A my sme všetci podriadení smrti a mali by sme za to zomrieť.

118Keď Dávid vykonal tú zlú vec, jeho vlastný súd ho mal za to zabiť. Keď tam k nemu prišiel prorok, on si myslel, že všetko je to zatajené. Keď tam ale k nemu prišiel prorok a postavil sa pred neho, povedal, „Dávid, je všetko v poriadku?“

Povedal, „Všetko v poriadku.“

119Dávid vo svojom širokom rúchu a veľkej korune, mal tam vonku Joába, svojho veľkého generála a ten boj pokračoval. On držal v tom čase všetkých svojich nepriateľov ďalej od hraníc a tak ďalej; všetko išlo v poriadku. Mal dieťa od Batšeby. A mal tam vonku úbohého malého Uriáša, mal Joába stojaceho po jeho boku, dokiaľ sa od neho nestiahol. A ten chlapec zomrel, ako zapadalo slnko s bojovým nožom vo svojej ruke, s krvou na štíte, kde stál za Izrael, prozelyta patriaci k ich náboženstvu. A potom, keď sa Joáb vrátil a povedal, že Dávid zomrel, alebo teda že Uriáš zomrel, Dávid si myslel, „Už je všetko v poriadku. Mám jeho ženu a všetko bude v poriadku, máme dieťa.“ Ale to dieťa ochorelo. Začalo umierať. A on robil všetko, čo mohol, len aby mu zachránil život, možno prišiel každý doktor: nič to nepomohlo. Nakoniec to dieťa zomrelo. A oni sa dokonca báli povedať Dávidovi, že dieťa je mŕtve. A ono zomrelo. A on si vtedy myslel, že je všetko utajené. Tak on utešil Batšebu. Vzal si ju za manželku popri všetkých ďalších ženách, ktoré mal.

120Tento starý prorok, plešatý chlapík, ako sa tam ťažko dovliekol, starý Nátan, ktorý vyšiel z pustatiny, sadol si a povedal, „Všetko v poriadku, Dávid?“

Povedal, „V poriadku, v poriadku. Ó, proroku Boží, ži naveky. Haleluja.“ Ó, on bol len... On si myslel, že všetko je v poriadku; myslel si, že to môže zakryť. Ale vy sa nemôžete skryť pred Bohom. On vie, o čom práve teraz myslíš. On pozná tvoje myšlienky, pretože je Bohom. Ten Svätý Duch, ktorý je dnes ráno v tejto budove, pozná tvoje myšlienky, to, kým si, odkiaľ pochádzaš, čo si všetko vykonal, lebo Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

123Boh to tomu prorokovi zjavil. Povedal, „Dávid, bol jeden bohatý človek žijúci na jednej strane cesty; mal veľké množstvo oviec; ó, bol veľmi bohatý. A človek žijúci na druhej strane cesty bol chudobný, mal len jednu ovečku. Zaobchádzal s ňou ako s dcérou. Kŕmil ju z tej istej lyžičky, z ktorej aj sám jedol. Spával s tou ovečkou. Všetko bolo len... Preňho bola ako dcéra. A jedného dňa prišla k tomu bohatému človekovi návšteva a on namiesto toho, aby si vzal jednu zo svojich vlastných oviec, nuž, on namiesto toho išiel a vzal ovečku tomu chudobnému a násilím ju zobral a zabil ju a urobil hostinu.“

124No, to boli Dávidove túžby. On mal päťsto žien, ale keď videl tú Uriášovu, namiesto toho, aby si vzal jednu zo svojich päťsto vlastných, aby utíšil alebo uspokojil svoje túžby, išiel a vzal ženu iného muža a potom, keď sa stala matkou, zabil Uriáša. Dávid nevedel, čo robí, Dávid bol pripravený vysloviť súd. Tak je to aj s nami. Vždy vieme súdiť iného človeka, ale keď ide o nás, ó, to už je rozdiel.

Dávid povedal, „Ten človek za to zaplatí životom.“

Ten starý prorok s prižmúrenými očami povedal, „Dávid, istotne nezomrieš.“ Sledujte, ako sa milosť rýchlo blížila. Duch zasiahol proroka, zachránil Dávidovi život. Milosť, „Určite nezomrieš, ale meč neopustí tvoj dom, dokiaľ to celkom nevyjde z tvojho srdca, pretože ty si ten bohatý muž.“ Ó, to už bolo iné, že?

Čo zachránilo Dávida, keď jeho vlastný súd hovoril, „Ten človek zomrie. Zaplatí do posledného haliera a zaplatí životom“?

A prorok povedal, „Istotne (milosť) nezomrieš. Nezomrieš, Dávid. Milosť ťa zachránila.“ Bola to milosť k Dávidovi, ktorá ho zachránila. Ó.

Ak by to nebola milosť, kde by sme všetci boli? Je to pravda? Istotne.

130Suverénna milosť je od toho Suverénneho. Suverénna milosť od toho Suverénneho. Čo to dokáže urobiť, suverénna milosť? Suverenita vie urobiť čokoľvek chce. Počúvajte to teraz. Suverénna milosť môže byť daná len od toho, ktorý je suverénny. A Boh je Suverénny, takže môže dať suverénnu milosť. Preto milosť súc suverénna, nemusí sa niekoho niečo pýtať; nemusí... Robí to to, čo chce. Nie je to nádherné? Nemusí sa pýtať, „Dokážem to urobiť? Alebo mám to urobiť? Môžem? Musím? Urobím to?“ Nerobí nič také. Robí to samé od seba. Milosť je suverénna; preto môže zachrániť aj najpodlejšieho. Môže spasiť najhoršieho. Môže spasiť najnemravnejších. Môže zachrániť najnemorálnejšieho. Môže uzdraviť aj toho najnemocnejšieho. Haleluja!

131On dokáže zachrániť úbožiaka, ako som ja. A On to urobil. Čo to je? Milosť. William Branham, syn opilca: to nerobí žiaden rozdiel; Božia Milosť ma spasila.

„Ja som dcéra ženy, ktorá nebola veľmi dobrá.“ To nečiní žiaden rozdiel, milosť Božia ťa zachránila. Je suverénna; nemusí sa nikoho nič pýtať. Amen. Som za to tak rád. Haleluja.

Môže vziať najpodlejšieho hriešnika a urobiť ho bielym ako sneh a nemusí sa nikoho nič pýtať. Ó, dokáže to urobiť, pretože je suverénna.

Dobre, počúvajte teraz, rýchlo. Bolo to dokázané na kríži, kde bol ten najhorší lotor; on si zasluhoval smrť. Boh mu nikdy ani na myseľ neprišiel. Nikdy na nič také nemyslel. Ale tam na kríži, cez tie krvavé pery a v stonaní vydral zo seba, „Pane, buď mi milostivý.“

A potom späť cez Krv prišiel iný, v slzách, mukách; milosť sa prejavila a povedala, „Ešte dnes budeš so Mnou v raji.“ Milosť to učinila. Ako si ten lotor mohol pomôcť? O nič viac, ako si mohol pomôcť Adam, nie viac, ako si Eva mohla pomôcť, o nič viac, ako si ty sám môžeš sebe pomôcť a ani nie viac, ako si ja môžem pomôcť, ako sa ani my nedokážeme vyšvihnúť hore na Mliečnu dráhu vlastným pričinením. Nedokázali by sme to urobiť. Ale milosť Božia s tým dokáže niečo urobiť a aj robí. Milosť Božia, suverenita milosti Božej prišla k tomu umierajúcemu lotrovi, „Dnes budeš so Mnou v raji.“ Ó, pomyslite na to. Je to nádherné.

136Zamyslite sa. Láska a Milosť sú sestry, dvojičky. Nemôžeš mať milosť bez toho, žeby si mal lásku. Ony sú dvojičky. To je presne tak. Predtým, ako môžeš dať milosť, musíš milovať. Predtým, ako vôbec môžeš niekomu preukázať priazeň, musíš ho milovať; či má pravdu alebo nemá, musíš ho jednako milovať, inak to nedokážeš. Vidíte? Takže láska a milosť je tá istá vec. Ony sú sestry dvojičky (To je všetko), láska a milosť. Oni boli... Nedokážeme vidieť jedno bez druhého. „Boh tak miloval svet, že dal Svojho jednorodeného Syna.“ On vylial Svoju milosť do našich sŕdc cez Svätého Ducha. Vidíte? Nedokážeš nič urobiť bez toho, žeby jedno pracovalo s druhým. Milosť, milosť Božia je to, čo nás zachraňuje.

137No, zisťujeme, že tá milosť, ako pri tom umierajúcom lotrovi, niet divu, že sa objavili inšpirovaní básnici, keď to videli. Jeden taký poet povedal:

Ten umierajúci lotor sa radoval, keď mohol vidieť,

tú fontánu vo svojom dni;

Nech aj mne, hoc aj tak podlému ako on,

zmije preč všetky moje hriechy.

Odkedy som vierou uvidel ten prameň,

Tvoje veľké tečúce rany;

Vykúpenie z lásky je mojou témou,

a aj zostane, až dokiaľ nezomriem.

Vtedy vo vznešenej, sladšej piesni;

Budem ospevovať Tvoju moc, ktorá zachraňuje.

Keď tento šušlavý a jachtajúci jazyk,

bude ticho ležať v hrobe.

(Milosť, ohromná milosť... Haleluja. Jeden napísal:)

Ó, láska Božia, aká si bohatá a čistá!

Aká skutočná a silná!

Ona bude trvať naveky;

Pieseň svätých a anjelov.

Keby sme oceán naplnili atramentom,

a každé steblo na zemi by bolo perom;

Celé nebesia pergamenom

a každý človek pisárom;

Aby opísali lásku Božiu;

Oceán by vyschol;

Alebo by sa to nespratalo na ten zvitok

roztiahnutý po celej oblohe.

138To je to, čím to je: milosť, milosť Božia. Božia Milosť privodila... Boh vložil milosť do našich životov z Jeho lásky k nám. Ale je jedna vec, ktorú milosť nedokáže urobiť: milosť nedokáže byť kúpená; nemôže byť predaná. Je to milosť. Je to od toho Suverénneho. Áno. Nemôžeš s tým nejako vyjednávať. Mohol by si povedať, „Bože, budem robiť tak-a-tak, ak Ty budeš robiť tak-a-tak.“ Nemôžeš to takto konať. Boh to nebude robiť. Nemôžeš niečo ťahať z Boha. Boh ti to dáva z Jeho milosti. Ó, ó. „Tedy nie je to vecou toho, kto chce, ani toho, kto beží, ale vecou Boha, ktorý sa zmilováva.“ To je pravda.

140Ľudia ležia na svojich tvárach. Nejaký človek prišiel za mnou... Myslím, že som videl jedného z tých chlapcov dnes tu v tejto budove. Nejaký metodistický chlapec len prišiel a prijal Svätého Ducha z... A tí chlapci prišli ku mne a povedali, „No, brat Branham, teraz, keď sme boli spasení a prijali sme Svätého Ducha, máme vyhľadávať dary?“

Povedal som, „Nie, nerobte to. Nie.“

141Boh udeľuje Svoje dary suverénne. Dary a povolania sú bez pokánia. Viete, prvá vec, idete niečo vyhľadávať, „Bože, urob ma kazateľom; urob mi to a to,“ a čo z teba bude? Naškrobený nafúkanec, to je všetko. Pôjdeš k teológii nejakého človeka a do nejakej organizácie a potom len zničíš samého seba. Nech Boh urobí to povolanie, Boh ťa povolá; Boh ťa posvätí; Boh ti dá to, čo ti potrebuje dať. Áno.

142Nemôžeš vyjednávať za milosť. Nie. Nemôžeš byť predaný; nemôže sa s tým vyjednávať, ani sa to nedá kúpiť. Nemôžeš s tým obchodovať. Nemôžeš povedať, „Dobre, Pane, pôjdem a pripojím sa k tej veľkej baptistickej cirkvi, alebo tej metodistickej, alebo do tamtoho letničného zboru alebo tejto veľkej nazarénskej cirkvi. Urobím to, ale len ak Ty urobíš pre mňa tamto.“ Nedá sa takto vyjednávať. Nie.

142„Všetkých, ktorých Mi otec dal, ku Mne prídu. Nikto nemôže prísť, jedine, žeby ho Môj Otec prv zavolal.“

143Ak si sa len stal členom nejakej veľkej cirkvi, a to je všetko; nebudeš nijako spasený. Milosť ťa musí spasiť.

144Naše talenty neodpočívajú a naše talenty nemôžu byť naše... Talenty, ktoré máme, nemôžeme skrze ne obdržať milosť.

145Ak ma Boh urobil kazateľom, to nehovorí, že Jeho milosť bola so mnou. Nie, nie. Je to Jeho milosť sama, ktorá ma zachránila. Nie preto, že kážem Evanjelium, som spasený. Nie si spasený preto, že hovoríš v jazykoch. Ó, nie. Nie preto, že by si... Keď kážeš, no, nie si cez to spasený, že kážeš. Nie si spasený skrze hovorenie v jazykoch. Nie si zachránený preto, že robíš niektoré z týchto vecí. 1. Korinťanom 13 to dokazuje, „Keby som hovoril ľudskými jazykmi aj anjelskými, hoci by som rozumel všetkým tajomstvám Božím (kazateľ), hoci by som všetko toto robil, a mal vieru, že by som hýbal vrchmi, nie som ničím, dokiaľ nepríde láska, čo je milosť.“ Láska je milosť. Je to Milosť Božia, ktorá to všetko činí.

146Niektorí ľudia majú také talenty ako títo králi rock-and-rollu. Je mi z toho zle, neviem... v mojej duchovnej gastronómii. Poviem vám, keď počujem týchto rock-and-roll, ako sa v sobotu večer postavia a spievajú rock-and-roll a tancujú celú noc a ďalšie ráno prichádzajú pred obecenstvo, a tak ďalej, snažia sa nahodiť pokryteckú tvár a postavia sa tam pred ľuďmi a spievajú nejaký chválospev a myslia si, že pôjdu do neba. Mohol by som spomenúť mnoho mien, ale nemusím. Táto páska sa roznesie všade. Ale vy to viete. Nejaký chlapec, nie veľmi dávno v Hollywoode odmietol pobozkať dievča, pretože to je proti jeho náboženstvu: proti jeho náboženstvu? A robí tieto rock-and-rollové filmy a tieto nehanebné veci, a tak ďalej. Myslíš si, že môžeš vziať svojich tridsať strieborných a zasluhovať si niečo z Božej milosti, Judáš? Nič si tým nekúpiš, akurát tak miesto v pekle.

147Za Božiu milosť sa nemôže dohadovať, ani sa do nej nedá dostať talentmi. Je to suverénna milosť. „Neprinášam na svojich rukách nič, iba sa v pokore držím Tvojho kríža.“ Nahý, zranený, len prichádzam taký, aký som.

Len taký, aký som, bez nejakej prosby;

Ale Tvoja Krv bola za mňa vyliata,

a Ty mi ponúkaš, aby som prišiel k Tebe;

Ó, Baránok Boží, ja prichádzam!

148To je všetko, je to len milosť, ktorá ma tam priniesla. Milosť to učinila. Milosť je ako... Ďalšia vec, ktorú by som chcel povedať; niekedy je milosť...

149Tieto veľké cirkvi, myslia si, že tam dole môžete ísť, myslia si, „Dobre, takže sme postavili najväčšiu cirkev v meste. Máme tú službu, ženy, ktoré vyrábajú oblečenie pre chudobných a posielajú ich do zámoria. Ďalej kŕmime chudobných. Robíme všetky tieto veci.“

Pavol povedal, „Môžem to všetko robiť a nebyť ničím.“

150Oni povedia, „No, my sme ale starou organizáciou. Sme tu už dvetisíc rokov. Sme päťsto rokov starí. John Wesley, Alexander Campbell, títo veľkí zakladatelia tam dávno, oni založili našu cirkev. Haleluja.“

151Dobre, Ježiš založil túto cirkev, krst Duchom Svätým, a povedal im, aby išli hore na Letnice a zhora prijali moc.

152A stále môžete patriť do letničnej cirkvi a byť stratený. Letničná cirkev neznamená nič viac, ako ktorákoľvek iná. To je pravda.

153A tá vec na tom je, že je len jedna cirkev; je to cirkev, do ktorej si narodený skrze krst Duchom Svätým, „Lebo cez jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do jedného tela,“ 1. Korinťanom 12:13; to je pravda: 1. Korinťanom 12. Takže, my sme všetci pokrstení do tej jednej cirkvi.

154Ale ľudia si myslia, že si to môžu nejako zaslúžiť. „Ó, my... Chodil som do školy, naučil som sa robiť toto a tamto, prešiel som cez semináre a urobil som...“ To absolútne nič neznamená. Nemôžeš si kúpiť Božiu milosť.

155S Božou milosťou je to takto. Nech vám ešte na konci poviem jeden príbeh. Takto je to s Božou milosťou. Raz bol jeden mocný kráľ, a tento mocný kráľ mal syna a to bol jeho jediný syn. A jedného dňa prišiel vrah a zabil jeho syna. A cez celé to kráľovstvo išli delegáti stíhajúci toho vraha. A nakoniec ho našli. A keď ho našli, priviedli ho a uväznili. A keď toto urobili, zahájili súdne konanie a rozsudok bol vynesený. Ó, bola to hrozná vec. Zavraždil kráľovho syna a vedel, čo ho čakalo.

156Zavreli ho do vnútornej cely; zamkli dvere; dali tam závory, takže nikto... a strážcovia tam okolo, pretože vieme, čo za druh hrozného trestu musel čakať tohto chlapca, pretože zabil kráľovho syna, kráľovského syna. Strážcovia boli rozmiestnení všade okolo dverí. Bol vo vnútornej cele. Vyzlečený, iba s takou zásterou okolo bedier. A tam bol, sedel v takomto stave, trpel hladom, nedali mu nič jesť. Sedel v takomto stave.

157A potom ho priviedli na pojednávanie. Bol nájdený vinný a bolo mu to dokázané. A rozsudok bol vynesený, že mal podstúpiť hrozný ťažký trest; mal byť zabitý pomaly, dokiaľ by jeho smrteľný život nebol kompletne preč. Bol odsúdený sudcom, mal zomrieť. A žobral a kričal hovoriac, „Hoci som vinný, hoci som vinný, odpusťte, že som to urobil. Želal by som si, že by som to nikdy nebol urobil. Je mi ľúto, že som to urobil. Urobil som to len vo chvíli vznetlivosti. Nechcel som to tak urobiť.“

158Jedného dňa ten kráľ zišiel dole na to miesto, aby navštívil toho chlapca, aby mu povedal, aby sa s ním porozprával a povedal mu o zabití jeho syna, jediného, ktorého mal. On zabil toho chlapca. On povedal, „Idem sa s ním dole porozprávať.“

159A keď prišiel tam dole, pozrel sa do tej klietky, kde bol zavretý ako zviera. Videl to jeho vyziabnuté telo, ako tam v rohu ležalo, kričiace, celá jeho tvár vsiaknutá, jeho čeľusť ovísala, oči prevrátené, celá tá vec bola v jeho očiach; a jeho ústa vybielené: bez vody, smädiace, ležiaci tam na tvári a kričiaci. Kráľ povedal, „Postav sa.“ On prišiel k nemu; pozrel sa naňho. Povedal, „Prečo si zabil môjho syna? Čo ti urobil môj syn? Čo také urobil, že by si zasluhoval takú smrť, akou si ho zabil, dobodal ho kopijou?“

160Povedal, „Nič, môj pane, nič také. Bola to moja vlastná opovážlivosť, len moje spôsoby. Zabil som ho preto, lebo som na neho žiarlil. Dostal som sa do vznetlivého záchvatu a zabil som ho.“ Povedal, „Mám zomrieť pod vašou spravodlivosťou, pane. Uvedomujem si a som toho hoden. Jediná vec, pre ktorú kričím, je, že mi je ľúto, že som takto zabil kráľovského syna bez akejkoľvek príčiny.“

161Kráľ sa otočil na pätách a odkráčal a prišiel k pultu a povedal, „Zlikvidujte všetky záznamy (Viete, hoďte ich do mora zabudnutia.) Zničte všetky záznamy. Obmyte ho a priveďte ho. Oblečiem ho do rúcha.“

162Po chvíli k dverám dorazila veľká limuzína. Keď to urobila, koberec bol natiahnutý až k väzenskej cele. Kráľ stál na konci limuzíny povediac, „Poď, môj synu, a poď so mnou do paláca,“ dal mu okolo ramien kráľovské rúcho. Povedal, „Odteraz si mojím synom.“ Pretože s ním mal súcit. To bola Milosť.

163To som bol ja, to si bol ty. Zabili sme Syna Božieho našimi hriechmi. Boli sme cudzí, špinaví, zvrátení, ležiaci v celách sveta. Ale Boh nás obmyl Krvou Svojho vlastného Syna, očistil nás a odial nás do rúcha Svätého Ducha. A ten veľký voz Boží raz príde jedného dňa k našim dverám a pôjdeme s ním žiť domov. Všetky záznamy sú zlikvidované; nemôžeme byť viacej súdení; sú spálené, On ich zahodil do mora zabudnutia a viac na ne nespomína. Potom niet divu, že môžeme spievať.

Ohromná Milosť! Ako sladko to znie,

ktorá zachránila úbožiaka ako ja!

Raz som bol stratený, ale teraz som nájdený,

bol som slepý, ale teraz vidím.

Bola to milosť, ktorá naučila moje srdce bázni;

Milosť uvoľnila moje strachy;

Ako draho sa tá Milosť zjavila,

v tú hodinu, kedy som prvý raz uveril!

164Nechceš, aby tá hodina bola práve teraz, hriešny priateľu, zatiaľ čo máme na chvíľu sklonené naše hlavy pre slovo modlitby? Nech je tá hodina, v ktorú uveríš, práve teraz. Učiň rozhodnutie a povedz, „Pane Bože, som vinný. Uvedomujem si, že je potrebná milosť, aby ma zachránila. Ja si nemôžem pomôcť. Som stratený. Je koniec. Nemôžem už nič urobiť. Som totálne bezmocný, beznádejný, bez Boha, bez milosrdenstva, bez Krista, som odtrhnutý vo svete. Nebudeš mať so mnou tú milosť a nevezmeš ma z tej cely hriechu, v ktorej sa dnes nachádzam, ó, Pane, a nebudeš mi milostivý, mne hriešnikovi?“ Zodvihni ruku a povedz, „Pane, Bože, som ja tou osobou, ktorá potrebuje Tvoju Milosť?“ Pozdvihni ruku povediac, „Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham, už budem veriť.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat, tam vzadu.

165Povedzte niekto, „Brat Branham, pamätaj na mňa v modlitbe, ó, brat, prosím.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, pani. „Modli sa, aby...“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Pan ti žehnaj, sestra. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat, tam vzadu pri tom okne. Nech ťa Pán žehná, ten brat tam, ten druhý. „Pamätaj na mňa, brat Branham.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat, áno, toho tam. Boh ti žehnaj, sestra. Pán nech ťa tu žehná, bratu. On ťa vidí. Skutočne to tak myslím. Boh ti žehnaj, mladý muž. On vidí; nie... Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Pán nech ťa žehná, sestra, tam pri tej stene. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat, tam dole. Pán ti žehnaj, brat, tam pri tej stene.

Len tak ako som, bez...

(Bude ešte niekto? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Vidím tam vzadu vaše ruky.)

Ale Tvoja Krv bola preliata za mňa,

(Áno, Pane. Boh ti žehnaj, sestra.)

A to (Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra.) Ty mi ponúkaš,

aby som prišiel... (Nech ťa Boh žehná tam vzadu v...) Tebe,

(Milosť, milosť) Ja... (Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladá pani.)...

Ja prídem!

Len tak, ako som, a nečakám,

že zbavíš moju dušu len jednej čiernej škvrny,

k Tebe, ktorého Krv vie očistiť každé miesto,

Ó, Baránku... (Milosť, ó, milosť) Ja prichádzam!


166Je tu teraz okolo pätnásť alebo dvadsať zdvihnutých rúk. Teraz, s našimi sklonenými hlavami, chcem teraz poprosiť tých, ktorí zdvihli svoje ruky, zostaňte stáť na svojich nohách, zatiaľ čo sa budem za vás modliť. Nemáme tu hore miesto na oltári. Ja len chcem, aby ste stáli na nohách, každý, kto zodvihol svoju ruku a chce, aby sa zaňho teraz modlilo. Zostaňte teraz stáť na nohách, zatiaľ čo vám poskytnem modlitbu.

…preliata za mňa,

A to (To je v poriadku, nech ťa Boh žehná....) prídem k Tebe,

Ó, Baránok Boží, Ja...

167Pamätajte, že môže prísť deň, kedy už milosť nebude viacej zotrvávať, nebude pre teba viacej rozhojňovať; bude príliš neskoro. Teraz ešte nie je až tak neskoro.

168Ó, Bože, Otec nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý si opäť priviedol nášho Spasiteľa zo smrti, teraz žije, ktorý je vo vrcholnej sláve, posiela Ducha Svätého Kristovho na nás, aby priniesol istotu hriešnikovi. Bože, modlím sa za týchto ľudí, ktorí teraz stoja na svojich nohách. Je to pravda, Pane. Ty si povedal, „Ten, kto Mňa vyzná pred ľuďmi, toho aj ja vyznám pred Mojím Otcom a svätými Anjelmi.“ Vieme, že keď budeme stáť v to veľké ráno súdu, čo za čas to bude. Oni teraz stoja, Pane, takže ich hriechy pôjdu pred nimi; nejakých ľudí nasledujú hriechy. Títo ľudia tu stoja dnes ráno, pretože vyznávajú svoje hriechy vediac, že konali nesprávne, a chcú Ťa ako svojho Spasiteľa. Ty držíš opraty ich srdca a vieš o nich všetko.

169Modlím sa, Otče, aby si im udelil ich potreby. Spas ich. Oni sú trofejami tohto malého posolstva dnes ráno, milosti Božej; bez ohľadu na to, čo sme urobili, stále sa k nám znižuješ a staráš sa o nás. Udeľ to, Pane. Udeľ milosť týmto srdciam. Nech oni všetci príjmu Ježiša ako svojho Spasiteľa. Oni to učinili. Svätý Duch im povedal, aby sa postavili, a oni to urobili. Svätý Duch im riekol, aby sa postavili, a oni v poslušnosti Ducha stoja.

170Teraz, Pane, Ty dodržuješ Svoje Slovo. Ty si povedal, „Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne prv, než by ho Otec nezavolal. A všetkých, ktorých Mi Otec dal, tí aj prídu ku Mne. A ten, ktorý ku Mne príde, toho nijako nevyženiem. Ten, ktorý počuje Moje slová a verí tomu, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život a nikdy nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“ Preto, Pane, na základe týchto miest Písma, to sú Tvoje vlastné Slová, Pane, ktoré čítame v Jánovi 5:24, „Ten, kto počuje Moje slová a verí tomu, ktorý Ma poslal, má...“ Prečo? Pretože uveril a milosť sa prejavila. „Prešiel do večného života a nepríde na súd (On pôjde pred súdom), a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“ Ó, Bože, ako Ti za to ďakujeme.

171Modlíme sa teraz, aby si ich zachoval počas ich života. Nech sú oni, každý jeden z nich, pokrstení, a nech vzývajú Meno Pánovo, zmývajúc svoje hriechy. Udeľ to, Pane.

172Ja Ti ich teraz odovzdávam ako Tvoj služobník veriac, že ten veľký Anjel Boží, ktorý sa objavil tam dolu... A Otče, Ty poznáš celý ten príbeh, a ten veľký Anjel sa objavil tam v to piatkové ráno, ako sa brieždilo, prehovoriac tieto slová vo forme troch dúh prichádzajúcich z vrchu tej hory... Pane Bože, nech sa ten Boh, ktorý sa objavil tam pri mne v tých dúhach, nech On teraz zachráni týchto ľudí zo Svojej Milosti. Dávam Ti ich v očakávaní, že dodržíš Svoje Slovo a že to urobíš a že ich stretnem v ten veľký deň, bez miesta vrásky a poškvrny na ich duši. Udeľ to. Odovzdávam Ti ich v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

173Nech vás Boh žehná. Teraz, ako si sadnete, každý, kto sedí blízko ku niekomu, kto je kresťan, podajte si ruky. Povedzte im, pozvite ich do cirkvi a čokoľvek, aby mohli byť... Ó, nie je On nádherný?

Ohromná Milosť! Ako sladko to znie,

ktorá zachránila úbožiaka ako ja!

Raz som bol stratený, ale teraz som nájdený,

bol som slepý, ale teraz vidím.

Bola to milosť, ktorá naučila moje srdce bázni;

Milosť uvoľnila moje strachy;

Ako draho sa tá Milosť zjavila,

v tú hodinu, kedy som prvý raz uveril!

(Uverili ste? Ak áno, pozdvihnite svoje ruky.)

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša,

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša,

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša,

Pretože On ma prv miloval.

Keď tam budeme desaťtisíc rokov,

Slnko jasne žiariace;

Nebudeme mať málo dní, aby sme vzdávali Bohu chválu

(Vďaka, Bože.)

Potom, keď sme prvýkrát začali.

174Milujete Ho? No, nie je On nádherný? Teraz...


Ako to budeme znovu spievať, chcem, aby ste si podali ruky s niekým, kto je pri vás, a skutočne potichu povedali, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, pútnik.“ Teraz skutočne sladko a sväto..

Keď sme... [Brat Branham a zhromaždenie si podávajú ruky – pozn. prekl.]

....Bohu chválu

Vtedy, keď sme prvýkrát začali.

Pri kríži, pri kríži, kedy som prvýkrát uvidel to Svetlo,

a bremeno môjho srdca sa odkotúľalo preč,

skrze vieru som prijal zrak,

a teraz som šťastný celý deň!

Ó, pri kríži, pri kríži, kedy som prvýkrát uvidel to Svetlo,

a bremeno môjho srdca sa odkotúľalo preč,

skrze vieru som prijal zrak,

a teraz som šťastný celý deň!

(Či nie ste šťastní?)

Som tak rád, že Ježiš ma oslobodil,

Som tak rád, že Ježiš ma oslobodil,

Ó, som tak rád, že Ježiš ma oslobodil,

spievam sláva, haleluja, Ježiš ma oslobodil.

Ó, som tak rád, že Ježiš ma oslobodil,

Ó, som tak rád, že Ježiš ma oslobodil,

Ó, som tak rád, že Ježiš ma oslobodil,

spievam sláva, haleluja, Ježiš ma oslobodil.

175Či Ho nemilujete? Nie je On nádherný? Ó, len myslím na to, aký je prenádherný. Len pomyslite na to, že táto Biblia je Jeho Pravdou a Ona učí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Ak je On tým istým včera, dnes aj naveky... Nech mi Boh odpustí to znesväcujúce slovo, „ak,“ ale On je ten istý. Ale ak je On tým istým, ak to takto poviem, potom akým typom osoby by bol? Bol by takým istým, ako aj vždy bol.

176No, je len jediná vec, ktorá je v Jeho bytosti iná toto ráno, ako bola tam medzi ľuďmi v Galiley, je to to Jeho vlastného telo, jeho fyzické telo; pretože to bolo vzkriesené (Veríte tomu?), postavené po pravici Jeho Veličenstva, večne žijúce, aby sa prihovorilo za naše vyznania. Pamätajte, On pre nás nemôže urobiť nič, pokým Ho prv nepríjmeme a neuveríme, že to už urobil, a nepovieme, že to urobil, pretože On je tým Veľkňazom, ktorý môže... On je Veľkňazom, ktorý sa prihovára za naše vyznania.

177No, veľa z vás, čitateľov Biblie, hovorí „vyhlásenie.“ A „vyhlásenie“ a „vyznanie“ je to isté slovo. Vidíte? „Urobte Veľkňaza,“ v knihe Židom, 3. kapitola, „prihovára sa na základe nášho vyznania.“ Potom On nemôže vykonať nič, pokiaľ nevyznáme, že to už urobil. Vidíte, môžete ísť tam dolu k oltáru a modliť sa celú noc a absolútne nič vám to nepomôže, dokiaľ neuveríte, že vám už odpustil, a potom sa postavíte. Potom toľko viery, koľko máš, to... Raz si žil tam dole v tej špine hriechu. Teraz, vy, novoobrátení, veríte, že ste spasení, nie? Potom sa postavte, postavte sa ešte vyššie. Čo to robí? Tvoja viera, pretože veríš, že si teraz kresťanom; budeš žiť ponad tými vecami. Vidíte? Ak sa chcete postaviť trochu vyššie, len majte trochu viac viery, pretože to je neobmedzené; len sa držte...

178Nuž, dokonca aj nemožné sa môže stať skutočným. Všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria. To je pravda. „Ak poviete, 'Pohni sa!' a nebudete o tom pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť, že sa to tak stane, môžete mať to, o čo ste prosili.“

179No, Ježiš Kristus prebýva v ľuďoch. Jedného dňa bol Kristus v Ohnivom Stĺpe a my veríme, že to bol Jehova Boh. To je to, čo sa do nás snažil ten Anjel dostať. No, On bol vtedy v otcovstve, On bol Otcom Izraela, národa.

180Potom prišiel a prebýval medzi Svojimi ľuďmi, ako Kristus, Syn. Je to pravda? Kristus bol Synom Božím.

181No, On je Kristus, Duch Svätý, ktorý je pomazaním... „Kristus“ znamená „pomazaný,“ a ten Pomazaný bol na ľuďoch, Kristus s nami, Svätý Duch. Je to Kristus s nami, v nás. Veríte tomu? Buďte ešte chvíľu ozaj úctiví. No, je On tým istým?

182Myslím, že pred chvíľou som mal hovor, a hovorili mi, že ľudia tam pobehovali popri sedadlách tam dolu. Budeme o tom hovoriť neskôr na inom zhromaždení cirkvi. Povedal som potom Billymu, že keď sa išlo modliť za chorých a ak ich tam bolo veľa, že by mohol rozdať modlitebné karty. Povedal, že to urobí. Predpokladám, že to urobil.

183Posledné dva alebo tri mesiace od istej príležitosti, potom, ako sa niečo stalo, táto služba sa dostala do takého miesta, že sa mi až tak trochu vyšmykla z rúk. Vidieť to rozpoznanie, a tak ďalej, ako to prehovorilo k ľuďom, presne tak, ako to náš Pán robil, keď tu bol na zemi. Myslím, že to všetci z vás videli. Koľkí z vás to ešte vôbec nevideli, alebo to nevideli pôsobiť? Nech vidím vaše ruky, tých, ktorí to ešte nevideli. Ó. Nikdy ste to nevideli pracovať? No, je tu skupina, ktorá to ešte nevidela, ale sú to hádam len cudzinci. Nevieme, odkiaľ tí ľudia prišli.

184Toto je naddenominačná modlitebňa. Nie sme proti denomináciám, ale nie sme ani za nich. My ich len nechávame ísť svojou cestou. Veríme, že keď vezmeme ľudí... Ak chcú ísť späť do denominácií, v poriadku, pokiaľ len žijú kresťanský život. My tu máme len duše-zachraňujúcu stanicu. To je to, moja služba je tu pre nich.

185No, ale ja verím, že Biblia učí v Židom 13:8, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Dobre, ak je On tým istým... No, ako tu teraz stojíte na chvíľu úplne ticho, chcem k vám teraz prehovoriť skutočne z môjho srdca a potom budeme mať uzdravovacie zhromaždenie.

Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Ak je On tým istým včera, dnes, aj naveky, ako potom... Jediný spôsob, ako to môžeme povedať, je, že ak je On Duchom, bude konať takým istým spôsobom, ako konal včera. Je to pravda? Bude konať tak isto ako včera.

186Ako však konal včera? Bol nejako iný od iného človeka? Bol len človekom, vyzeral ako človek. Bol muž. Bol narodený; bol človekom. Mal telo a krv. Prežíval utrpenia, stonal; prechádzal cez pokušenia. Bol človekom. To je pravda, nie?

187Ale čo Ho urobilo Bohom? Je to preto, že Svätý Duch bol na Ňom. Bol pomazaným Mesiášom. A ako vedeli, že bol? Mojžiš povedal, „Hospodin, váš Boh, vám vzbudí proroka ako mňa. A stane sa, že ten, kto nebude počúvať tohto proroka, bude od ľudí odrezaný. No, On bol prorokom. Hľadal potom Izrael proroka? Museli, ak teda hľadali Mesiáša. A Mesiáš mal byť prorokom.“

188No, poďme teraz aspoň na chvíľu cez toto, aspoň na pár sekúnd a dobre počúvajte. Držte teraz svoju myseľ upriamenú na Boha, pretože nevieme, čo Boh môže urobiť, nevieme, čo mi povie, aby som urobil.

189Viem, že máme v našom zbore dar proroctva. Náš brat Neville, on prorokuje medzi ľuďmi, čo je skvelé. Ceníme si to. Budeme sa na to dlho odvolávať. Tiež tu máme nejakých, ktorí hovoria jazykmi. Neveríme však, že ľudia musia hovoriť jazykmi, aby mali Svätého Ducha. Nie je žiadne také miesto Písma, ktoré by o tom hovorilo. Ale veríme, že je dar Svätého Ducha, čo je hovorenie v jazykoch; máme to v našej cirkvi. Ale my to robíme... My s tým teraz nijako nebeháme, že takéto máme. Veríme, že to je Hlas Boží. Hovoríme, keď Svätý Duch hovorí, a necháme to tak dopustiť len tri krát. A to nemôže byť počas toho, ako kážem, pretože duch prorokov je podriadený prorokovi. Vidíte? Musí to byť správne podložené Bibliou. Nikto nemôže vyhlásiť, že nie je nič také ako dar Ducha Svätého, hovorenie v jazykoch. Vieme to. Biblia to učí a my tomu veríme. A ďakujeme Bohu, že to máme v našej cirkvi. Máme tu teraz dary proroctva; ony najprv musia byť otestované a musí sa vidieť, či sú správne alebo nie, a potom dar proroctva.

190A potom tu je prorok. No, to je úrad.

191Potom sú dary, to sú hovorenie v jazykoch a výklad jazykov, známosť, múdrosť a rozpoznania, a tak ďalej. To sú všetko dary.

192Ale potom je päť úradov. Prví sú apoštoli, proroci, učitelia, evanjelisti a pastori. To sú všetko ordinované úrady Božie. Ľudia ich zastávajú. Vidíte? Oni nemôžu... Nemôžeš ich chcieť, nemôžeš sa za ne modliť; ony sú suverénne dané; si do nich narodený.

193Prorok nie je prorokom, ak niekto na neho kladie ruky a urobí ho prorokom. Prorok je už splodený vo svojej matke ako prorok. Vidíte? To je to, prečo je vždy prorokom. Vidíte?

194Boh povedal Jeremiášovi, „Prv, ako si bol splodený v lone svojej matky,“ povedal, „poznal som ťa a posvätil som ťa a dal som ťa za proroka národom.“ To je pravda. Vidíte? Mojžiš, predtým, ako bol narodený, on bol riadnym dieťaťom. On bol prorokom Pánovým. A všetci ostatní potom prišli. Kristus bol Synom Božím už od záhrady Eden. To je pravda. Vidíte, dary a povolania sú bez pokánia.

195Ale dary sú dané do Tela. Ale my to rozpoznávame; všetky tieto dary rozpoznávame.

196Teraz, pozrime, čo bol Ježiš medzi nami, pozrime sa, čím bol tam vtedy. Zistíme, že keď začal svoju službu... No, počúvajte dobre, vy, ktorí ste tu cudzí. Keď On prvýkrát začal Svoju službu tam v Jánovi v 1. kapitole, zisťujeme, že potom, ako bol pokrstený, potom prišiel... On bol narodený a dovŕšil tridsiatku; a bol pokrstený Jánom. Svätý Duch prišiel ako holubica a zostúpil na Neho a prišiel Hlas povediac, „Toto je Môj Milovaný Syn, v ktorom...“ Skutočný grécky originál hovorí, „V ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať.“ Povedal, „V ktorom som potešený, v ktorom rád prebývam.“ Ale vidíte, znie to trochu inak od toho nášho, to sloveso pred príslovkou, ale skutočne to je, „V ktorom rád prebývam.“ Pretože Kristus, Boh bol v Kristovi, zmierujúc so Sebou svet. My to vieme.

197No hneď nato išiel štyridsať dní na púšť, pokúšaný diablom. A potom vyšiel so Svojou službou a začal sa modliť za chorých.

198A po chvíli vystúpil muž menom Šimon Peter, starý rybár, nevzdelanec, nevedel dokonca ani napísať svoje meno. Ale Andrej mu povedal o tomto Mužovi, že veril, že On je práve tým Mesiášom. „Nezmysel.“

199Vyšiel tam k Nemu a hneď, ako vstúpil do Prítomnosti Ježiša, Ježiš povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon a si syn Jonášov.“ On vedel, že niečo sa stalo. Vedel, že to bol Syn Boží. A mal radosť, keď mu mohol dať kľúče do Kráľovstva a urobiť ho hlavou cirkvi.

200A stál tam muž, ktorý sa volal Filip. Filip to videl a myslel si, „Ohromné, poznám muža, ktorý je biblickým učencom, žije asi tak pätnásť míľ okolo tej hory. Zabehnem tam a poviem mu. Volá sa Natanael.“

201A dobehol tam skutočne rýchlo. Ďalšie ráno, asi tak na svitaní vybehol a zaklopal na dvere. A pani Natanaelová povedala, „Ó, je tam v sade vonku, Filip.“ On bol jeho priateľom. Išiel sa tam pozrieť a našiel ho na kolenách, ako sa modlil. A len čo sa postavil na nohy, Filip povedal, „Poď a vidz toho, ktorého som našiel, Ježiša Nazaretského, Syna Jozefovho.“

A teraz tento veľký nábožný hodnostár povedal, „Môže vôbec vyjsť niečo dobré z Nazareta?“

202Dal mu dobrý citát, dobrú vec, keď mu povedal, „Nezostaň doma a nekritizuj to; nechoď o tom rozprávať. Len poď a vidz to sám. Poď a vidz. Len príď a zisti, či môže vzísť niečo dobré z Nazareta.“

203„Myslíš Mesiáša? No, ak Mesiáš príde, On zostúpi dole a... Zostúpi z nebeských chodieb; príde priamo do paláca. Príde do našej veľkej organizácie.“ Oni si to stále myslia (Vidíte?): musí to prísť do ich organizácie. „On príde priamo do našej organizácie, zostúpi na náš palác a pôjde na ten vonkajší dvor, a zostúpi priamo na trón a hore k najsvätejším z najsvätejších a povie, 'Ja som Mesiáš.'“ Lenže Mesiáš takto nikdy neprichádza. On prichádza tam, kde chce. Je suverénny; robí to tak, ako sa mu to páči.

204On povedal... No, „Dobre,“ povedal, „poď, vidz. Poď a pozri sa sám.“

Nestoj tam okolo a nehovor, „Neverím v tieto veci týchto náboženských fanatikov.“ Len poď a zisti, či na tom skutočne niečo je.

205Tak on, na tej ceste naspäť, môžem ich počuť, ako sa rozprávajú. No, chceli by ste počuť, o čom sa rozprávali? Počúvajme a pozrime sa, čo povedali. Verím, ako išli tam po tej ceste, viete, Filip povedal, „Vieš, Natanael, viem, že si študentom Biblie, takže sa ťa chcem niečo opýtať. Očakávame Mesiáša, nie?“

206„Ó, áno, dostávame sa do tých posledných dní v tejto generácii a verím, že táto generácia uvidí Mesiáša.“ Počúvajte teraz, „Ó, ale my sme... nie sme dokonca ani národom; sme len tak roztrúsení medzi ľuďmi. Ako to vôbec môžeme? Všetko toto...“ Boh prichádza v tej hodine, v ktorej si to nemyslíte. To je to, kedy tam bol.

207On povedal, „Ale počkaj minútu, akým typom osoby bude ten Mesiáš?“

„Ó, dobre, dobre, Mojžiš, náš učiteľ nám povedal, že bude prorokom.“

208„Chcem ti povedať o tomto Ježišovi z Nazareta. Pamätáš si toho nevzdelaného rybára, u ktorého si kedysi kupoval ryby, každý od neho bral ryby a on dokonca nevedel podpísať potvrdenku, pretože nemal na to dostatok vzdelania?“

209„Áno. Ó, áno. Jonášov, Jonášov chlapec. Áno, tiež som kupoval od Jonáša.“

210„No a vieš čo? Peter tam prišiel a...“ Alebo skôr Šimon, to bolo vtedy jeho meno. On povedal, „Šimon prišiel na Jeho zhromaždenie. A len čo sa tam dostal... A iste si spomínaš, ako nám Šimon zvykol rozprávať, že jeho otec mu hovoril, 'Nenechajte sa oklamať, pretože bude veľa falošných prorokov pred skutočným Mesiášom.' A to je pravda. 'Vystúpi veľa falošných proroctiev.' Ale povedal, 'Budete vedieť, kedy príde to skutočné posolstvo, pretože pamätajte, my Židia veríme, že Mesiáš bude prorokom.' A my veríme v našich prorokov.“

211Spýtajte sa teraz Židov. Izrael, keď si oni dnes zoberú túto Bibliu, vychádzajúci z Iránu a tieto veci, oni to čítajú. Povedia, „Ak bol ten Ježiš Mesiášom, pozrime sa na Neho, ako urobí ten znak, že je prorokom; budeme Mu veriť.“ Áno. Oni vedia, že ich proroci sú pravdiví.

212Takže Natanael musel povedať, „Ó, verím, že ten Mesiáš bude prorokom, pretože Mojžiš povedal, 'Hospodin, náš Boh, vzbudí proroka.'“

213Nuž a keď On videl toho Šimona, o ktorom hovoríme, povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon a si syn Jonášov.“ Nielenže ho poznal, ale rovnako poznal aj toho jeho starého zbožného farizeja, jeho otca.

„Ó, nemôžem tomu uveriť. Asi si v tom dosť hlboko.“

214On povedal, „Ó, nie, nie som. Poď a zisti. Poď, vidz. Poďme.“ A išli po tej ceste.

215Nakoniec sa dostali do Prítomnosti, kde bol Ježiš, možno stáli tam niekde v publiku. Ježiš tam stál, obzeral sa dookola a po chvíli vyhľadal a uvidel Natanaela, ako tam stál; a povedal, „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nieto lesti.“ No, to z neho zobralo všetku naškrobenosť. To mu vzalo vietor z plachiet. „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nieto lesti.“

216„To je Boh,“ povedal, „Rabbi (čo znamená 'učiteľ'), Rabbi, odkiaľ ma poznáš? Nikdy som Ťa ešte nestretol; som tu cudzím v tomto zhromaždení; nikdy som tu predtým nebol. Ako ma vôbec môžeš poznať?“

217On povedal, „Predtým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, Ja som ťa videl.“

218To bol Ježiš včerajška. Je to pravda? Ak je On ten istý, On je tým istým potom aj dnes. Zoberme iný národ ľudí. Bol tam národ...

219Boli tam len tri národy ľudí, a to boli ľudia Chama, Sema a Jafeta. Vidíte? Je to presne tak. To je to, ako na Letnice, keď zostúpilo Evanjelium k Židom, potom k Samaritánom a potom pohanom. Vidíte? Ľudia Chama, Sema, Jafeta, to sú tri národy. A boli dva národy, očakávajúce Mesiáša; nie my pohania, my sme chodili niekde s palicami; boli sme bezbožníci, uctievajúci modly; ale Cham a Sem nie.

220No, a je tu potom ešte iné, ďalší národ, ktorým boli Samaritáni, čo boli spolovice Židia a pohania, čo bolo zapríčinené zosobášením hriechu Kóracha a oni odišli preč. Ale verili v Boha; hľadali Mesiáša. Takže Ježiš išiel a predstavil sa im. Prišiel k Židom, svojim vlastným, ale mal potrebu ísť do Samárie. Ján 4, čítali ste to niekedy? Mal potrebu ísť do Samárie. Tak teda prišiel do mesta Sychar a potom poslal učeníkov, aby nakúpili nejaký pokrm. A zatiaľ čo boli preč...

221Ak ste tam niekedy boli, no, je to panoramatické, studňa; je mesto a pumpa, z ktorej naberali vodu. Viete, tie ženy tam prichádzali a zobrali vedro a spúšťali. Viete, ženy tie vedrá takto brali a spúšťali ich dolu, zobrali vodu a takto si to vedro dali na hlavu. A tie ženy zlej povesti, zlé ženy, nemohli tam prísť s tými dobrými. Nijako sa spolu nezoskupovali v tých dňoch. A ak bola žena zlá, zostala vo svojej vlastnej spoločnosti. Nie však dnes; ony sú všetky spolu, ale sú len... Ale oni... Keď pichnete do žĺtka vo vajci, roztečie sa po celom vajci. Vidíte? Takže oni potom...

222Takže táto žena zlej povesti tam prišla asi o pol dvanástej alebo trištvrte na dvanásť; prišla tam, aby si nabrala vedro vody. A nechala to... Môžem ju vidieť, ako zobrala to vedro, spustila to do studne a mala vedro vody. A ako to práve vyťahovala, počula niekoho povedať, „Žena, daj Mi piť.“ A ona sa pozrela a bol tam Žid. Ale oni navzájom nijako nekomunikovali.

223Človek stredného veku asi okolo tridsiatky. Ale Biblia povedala, že vyzeral na päťdesiat; viete to. On povedal...

224„Hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma, a pritom nemáš viac ako päťdesiat.“ Mal len tridsať. Vidíte? Povedal... Myslím si, že Jeho služba Ho tak trochu vyčerpala. Takže povedal, „Hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma, čiže teraz vieme, že máš diabla.“

On povedal, „Prv, ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM.“ Vidíte, On je Boh Abrahámov. Istotne, On Ním bol. Povedal, „Predtým, ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM.“ Iste.

225A teraz, tam On sedel pri tej studni; povedal, „Žena, prines mi piť.“

226Ona povedala, „Nie je to veľmi obvyklé. Máme tu segregáciu.“ Ako to zvykli robiť na juhu, že oddeľovali farebných od bielych. Vidíte? Ona povedala, „Máme tu segregáciu. Nie je to pre teba obvyklé, aby si sa Ty, Žid, pýtal mňa, ženy Samaritánky, aby som Ti preukázala nejakú priazeň. Navzájom spolu nekomunikujeme.“ Bola to žena prostitútka, viete, možno to bola pekná žena. Možno tam takto stála, jej kučery viseli takto dole po tvári, viete, a bývala vonku celú noc. A tak povedala, ona povedala, „Nie je to normálne, aby si ma o niečo prosil, mňa, Samaritánku.“

227On povedal, „Žena, ak by si len vedela, kto to s tebou hovorí, a vedela, s kým hovoríš, ty by si sa Mňa pýtala, aby som ti dal piť.“ To je ten Mesiáš včerajška. Vidíte? „Prosila by si Ma o vodu; dal by som ti vodu, ktorú by si sem nemusela prichádzať čerpať.“

228„Ó,“ povedala, „táto studňa je hlboká a nemáš nič, čím by si ju vytiahol, tak ako by si mi potom mohol dať nejakú vodu?“ Povedala, „Náš otec Jakob...“ Vidíte, bola to Samaritánka, ale tiež nazývala Jakoba svojím otcom. „Náš otec Jakob píjaval z tejto studne, jeho dobytok a rodina. A Ty teraz hovoríš, že máš väčšiu vodu než on?“ Povedala, „Vy hovoríte, že 'uctievanie,' Ty súc Židom, Ty hovoríš, že sa uctieva v Jeruzaleme. My hovoríme, že na tejto hore.“

On povedal, „Žena, čas prichádza a teraz je, kedy pravdiví ctitelia budú uctievať Boha v Duchu, pretože Boh je Duchom.“ Vidíte? „Otec takých hľadá, aby Ho tak uctievali.“ Čo On robil? On s ňou hovoril, aby sa skontaktoval s jej duchom. Vidíte? On musel byť Mesiášom aj pred Samaritánmi.

229A tam našiel jej problém. Koľkí z vás viete, čo to bolo? Iste. Ona žila so svojím šiestym manželom.

Takže, vidíte, nie je to správne, keď máte živého manžela, a tak ďalej, a chodíte von s iným. A pre akúkoľvek príčinu, zahodiť ženu preč a oženiť sa s ňou a potom ísť a oženiť sa s inou, potom zase s inou, potom sa zosobášiť s ďalšou, jednoducho by ste to nemali robiť. Tak On povedal, že...

Potom povedal... predpokladám, že s ním žila dokonca bez toho, že by bola vôbec zaňho vydatá. Nikdy sa za neho ani nemusela vydať. Možno nebola nikdy s nikým zosobášená. Takže ona hovorila všetky tieto zlé veci, viete, robila všetko to zlo.

Takže potom, ako tam On stál, takto sa na ňu pozeral, povedal, „Choď, prines Mi piť.“ A ona povedala... „Ale ak by si vedela, s kým hovoríš, ty by si Mňa poprosila, aby som ti dal piť. Ja ti dám vodu, ktorú nikdy... Dám ti tú vodu, ktorú si sem neprišla piť.“ Potom povedal, „Choď, priveď svojho manžela a poď sem.“

Povedala, „Pane, nemám manžela.“

„Ó,“ povedal, „dobre si povedala. Mala si päť mužov a ten, s ktorým teraz žiješ, nie je tvojím manželom. To si povedala pravdu.“

230Ona... no, počúvajte tú ženu... Teraz, keď...

Prečo Ho Židia zavolali, keď videli, že robí takéto veci? Rozpoznali Ho, že je Mesiášom? Nie. Čo povedali, že kým bol? „Belzebub, veštec,“ povedali, „mocou Belzebuba to činí.“ A Ducha Božieho, ktorý mal to rozpoznanie, nazvali „nečistou vecou.“

231On povedal, „Ak budete hovoriť slovo proti Mne, bude vám odpustené. Ale jedného dňa, keď príde Svätý Duch a bude robiť to isté; a keď proti tomu poviete slovo, nikdy vám nebude odpustené.“

232Takže vidíte, na čom sme dnes, ak sa to má dnes stať. „Jedno slovo proti tomu a nikdy vám nebude odpustené v tomto veku, ani v tom, ktorý príde.“ Takže vidíte, čo táto generácia urobila. Pomyslite teraz na to. Silne myslite. Zvážte tieto vážne Slová.

No, Židia povedali, „Tento človek činí tieto skutky cez Belzebuba, je to diabol, veštec.“ Vieme, že veštectvo je diabol. Tak oni povedali, „Tento človek je veštcom.“

Ale On im odpustil, že Ho volali veštcom. Ale potom, ako zomrel a navrátil sa Svätý Duch, to už bolo niečo celkom iné. Vidíte? A to malo byť na pohanskú generáciu.

233Všimnite si teraz. Židia to už videli a zavrhli. Samaritáni to prijali a ona povedala, „Pane, vidím, že si prorok.“ Čo s tým len urobíš, Samaritán? „Vidím, že si prorok. Vieme, že keď Mesiáš príde, povie nám o týchto veciach.“ Vidíte, oni poznali Mesiáša, kým On bude. Povedala, „Vieme, že keď príde Mesiáš, zvaný Kristus, že keď príde, povie nám o týchto veciach. Ale kým si Ty? Azda si Jeho prorokom?“

On povedal, „Ja som On. Ja som On.“

234A na tomto... Počúvajte teraz. Nato odhodila svoje vedro vody a bežala do mesta, aby povedala ľuďom na uliciach, bežiac cez mesto a hovorila, „Poďte a vidzte Človeka, ktorý mi povedal o veciach, ktoré som učinila. Nie je práve On tým Mesiášom?“ A Biblia povedala, že celé mesto v Neho uverilo, pretože to táto žena povedala, že On jej toto povedal, pretože bol Mesiášom.

235No, ak to bol včerajší znak Mesiáša a On je pritom tým istým včera, dnes i naveky, bude to aj ten istý znak dnes. Je to pravda? Koľkí s tým budete súhlasiť? Istotne, On je tým istým. V poriadku.

236Bude On teraz nejakým iným mužom? Nie. On miloval, On plakal, jedol, spal; išiel do pustatiny, išiel rybárčiť, konal ako ktokoľvek iný. Bol len človekom (Vidíte?), ale teraz bol Pomazaným Mesiášom.

237No, my si teraz pamätáme, že v Biblii, ktorá nám tam vzadu hovorí, no, mohli by sme ísť cez viaceré miesta Písma a dokázať, že Biblia tvrdí, že nastane deň, v ktorom nebude noci ani dňa, len chmúrny deň, organizácie a cirkev a dosť ľudí, ktorí by mali byť spasení, „Ale v čase večera bude Svetlo.“ Koľkí z vás ste to už čítali v Biblii? Iste. Vidíte?

238No, inými slovami, slnko vychádza na východe a zapadá na západe. To isté slnko, ktoré vychádza na východe, zapadá na západe. No, keď Syn Boží, S-y-n, vyšiel na východe na ľuďoch východu... Civilizácia cestuje so slnkom a práve teraz sa nachádzame na západnom pobreží. Ak pôjdete ďalej, naprieč do Číny a zase naspäť na východ. Takže potom ten istý Syn, ktorý svietil na východe, teraz žiari na západe, s tým istým krstom Duchom Svätým, tými istými znakmi, tými istými divmi, ten istý Mesiáš. Je to pravda? „Bude Svetlo v čase večera a istotne nájdete cestu do slávy.“ Tak je.

239Ale my sme teraz v čase večera, v čase večerného svetla. Slnko ide dolu. Mesiáš je v našom strede. Syn Boží vo forme Svätého Ducha je v našom strede. Či tomu veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Veríte mi, že som Jeho služobníkom? Veríte, že to, čo hovorím, je pravda? Veríte príbehu o tom Anjelovi, včera ráno, alebo teda predvčerom ráno? Veríte tomu? Potom nechajte Boha nebies, nechajte toho Boha, ktorý sa mi objavil vo forme dúhy, nech len hovorí. A nech je Mu moje telo odovzdané, moja duša, duch a myseľ, všetko nech je oddané Jeho sláve.

Keď som hľadal tú poslednú veveričku a vedel som, že to bude tá posledná, bolo vtedy práve o tri minúty desať a muselo to byť o desiatej.

Viete, On povedal, „Povedz, čo si želáš. A tak to bude.“ On v tom nikdy nesklamal, čokoľvek to bolo. „Len povedz, čo si želáš.“

Ôsmy krát to bolo s tou malou ženou. Predpokladám, že tam niekde vzadu sedí. Vidím tu brata Wrighta, ako tam sedí. Hattie Wright poprosila o svoje dve deti. Aha, tu je, práve teraz. Za spasenie svojich dvoch detí, oni boli neoblomne proti tomu. Povedal som, „Dávam ti tvoje deti v Mene Ježišovom.“ A oni sa jej hodili do náručia.

240Ed Daulton, baptista z Kentucky, práve tu sedí. Koľko máš detí, Ed? Dvanásť detí. Takto tam stál a poprosil o svoje deti. Vyšiel som z budovy. Ed za mnou prišiel a povedal som, „Ed.“

Svätý Duch bol na mne a povedal, „Daj mu ich, len mu ich daj.“

241Povedal som, „Dávam ti tvoje deti.“ A každý jeden z nich je teraz spasený a pokrstený. Bol tam jeho tínedžer, sedel doma, čakal, plakal a bol spasený presne vtedy, ako sme tam hore boli. Jeden baptistický brat dolu z... Ó, ó, aký nádherný On je, keď hovorí.

242Prosím Ho teraz o Jeho slávu, aby Sa ukázal, že On je Kristus a že to, čo hovorím, je pravdou.

243No, žiaden neveriaci pred tým nemôže uniknúť. Chcem, aby ľudia, ktorí sú tu a sú chorí alebo núdzni, a majú potrebu na Boha, tí, ktorých nepoznám, cudzí v našich bránach, ľudia, ktorých nepoznám a sú v potrebách, majú žiadosť Boha, zodvihnite svoje ruky. Ľudia, všade, kde... V poriadku, predpokladám, že všade. Ľudia, ktorých nepoznám. Ak som vyvolal niekoho, kto vie, že ho poznám a ty poznáš mňa a že sa navzájom poznáme, nič nehovor, len zostaň ticho. Ak je On Synom Božím, čo aj je, a moje posolstvo je správne a ten Anjel...

244Keď bolo o tri minúty desať, povedal som, „Ó, Bože, ktorý si sa mi pred pár minútami objavil vo forme dúhy, už sú tri minúty. Nevidím žiadnu veveričku. Sú tri minúty; budeš mi musieť nejakú priniesť.“ A Boh súc mojím Sudcom, povedal som to s plnou vážnosťou a s rukou na Biblii. Neverím v nejaké prisahanie; Biblia to nehovorí; nespomína, že by sme to mali robiť. Ale Boh je mojím Sudcom; a tá veverička vybehla dolu stromom a sadla si tam, úplne dokonalé. On nikdy nezlyhá; nikdy to neurobil. Mnohí z nich sú prítomní, aby mohli vedieť tieto veci. A ja viem, že On, že ten istý Boh je aj tu.

245Sú tu rozdané modlitebné karty. Ale ja ich nechcem. Budeme sa za ne modliť aspoň pár minút; vystúpia tu do radu. Chcem tých ľudí, ktorí sú tu alebo čokoľvek.

246Chcem cudzincov. Chcem ľudí, ktorí ma nepoznajú. Chcem, aby ste na to pamätali; chcem, aby ste premýšľali a modlili sa, hovoriac, „Bože, ten človek ma nepozná.“

247A jedného dňa sa tam jedna malá žena pretlačila cez dav. Mala krvotok. A povedala...

248Keď tam všetci ostatní hovorili, „Tu On je. Pozrite na Neho. To je ten Galilejčan,“ a tak ďalej. Všetci tí učitelia, a tak ďalej, tam stáli hovoriac, „Rabbi, hľadáme od teba znak,“ a tak ďalej.

249Táto malá žena povedala, „Verím, že je Synom Božím. A verím, že ak sa len môžem dotknúť lemu Jeho rúcha, budem uzdravená.“ Koľkí to viete? Dotkla sa Ho, ale nie tak, že by to mohol cítiť; ale On sa zastavil, otočil a povedal, „Kto sa Ma dotkol? Niekto sa Ma dotkol.“ Každý vtedy stíchol. Povedal, „Niekto sa Ma dotkol.“ A povedal, „Kto sa Ma dotkol?“

250A pozrel sa dookola, dokiaľ neuvidel túto malú ženu. Nemohla sa ukryť. Nemohol nájsť... Našiel ju a povedal, „Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila.“ Povedal jej, že ten krvotok je zachránený, že je zastavený, pretože uverila a jej viera sa dotkla lemu Jeho rúcha. Veríte tomu? V poriadku.

252No, je On teraz tým Veľkňazom sediacim po pravici Božej, ktorý sa prihovára za naše vyznania? Hovorí Biblia, že On je Veľkňazom, ktorý môže byť dotknutý pocitom našich slabostí? Je to pravda? V poriadku, ak si chorý, začni sa modliť a povedz, „Pane Bože, práve som počul posolstvo. Nepoznám tohto muža. Som tu teraz v tejto modlitebni. Nechodievam tu; nie je to moja domáca cirkev. Som odniekadiaľ inakadiaľ. Nie som z tohto mesta; bývam niekde inde. Nepoznám toho muža. Ale on to robí, zdá sa, že sa to snaží urobiť tak jasným, že si to Ty a povedal, že si sa mu zjavil, že to posolstvo je správne a ako robíš tieto veci. No, nepoznám toho človeka, ale poznám Teba. Takže ak sa Ti on odovzdal a ty používaš jeho telo, aby si cez neho hovoril svoje vlastné slová, nech to hovorí ku mne. Nech sa dotknem Tvojho rúcha, Pane.“ A zistite, či to robí, zistite, či je Bohom.

253Ak je On stále Bohom, môže použiť moje ústa, aby hovorili tie isté slová, ktoré by On hovoril, pretože on nemá žiadne ústa, jedine moje a tvoje. Nemá žiadne oči, len tie naše. On len zostupuje a riadi Svoju cirkev cez naše telo. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] On Sám ju riadi! To je to, čo aj povedal, „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, aj vy činiť budete.“ Je to pravda? [„Amen.“] „Tie isté skutky aj vy budete robiť.“ To boli tie skutky, ktoré On robil, aby dokázali, že je Mesiášom. A ak On je Mesiášom, čo teda je, potom je to pravda, že teraz robí tie isté skutky cez Svoju cirkev, ktoré robil aj vtedy. To dokazuje, že to je pravda, napriek akýmkoľvek denomináciám. Ó, haleluja!

254Starý brat Kidd a sestra Kiddová, ktorí tuto sedia, obaja sú už po osemdesiatke, kázali predtým, ako som sa vôbec narodil. Jedno ráno ležal a zomieral na rakovinu, asi pred dvoma rokmi, rezala sa do jeho prostaty, hore v Ohio; boli to moji veľmi milí priatelia. Sestra Kiddová ma zavolala a povedala, „Billy, ponáhľaj sa. Zomiera, práve teraz zomiera.“ A Billy a ja sme boli veľmi radi, keď sme mohli rozpáliť to moje staré auto z druhej ruky, aby sme sa tam hore dostali.

255Keď som sa tam dostal do tej izby, len čo som sa tam dostal, Svätý Duch prehovoril, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“

256A tu teraz stojí ako svedok slávy Božej, zaskočilo to dokonca všetkých lekárov. Je to len... On je Bohom. Mohol som to ja urobiť? Nie veru. Moje slová neznamenajú viac, ako slová kohokoľvek iného. Ale to bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Amen.

257Pred rokmi dolu v Kentuckých horách, malá cirkev Božia, alebo niektorí z nich, pestovali tam kukuricu, stará matka Kiddová, aby nakŕmila svoju kopu detí, balila to do nádoby, len aby to poslala svojmu manželovi na misijnom poli, a tu sú vo svojich osemdesiatich, dnes tu sedia, radujú sa z Evanjelia Ježiša Krista a jazdia vyše sto míľ v nedeľu ráno, každú nedeľu, keď tam dole kážem, hneď ako sa o tom dopočujú. Iste, posielame im pozvania a chceli prísť. Nech sú požehnané ich malé staré srdcia. To je pravda. Chcem, aby si s nimi každá osoba podala ruky, ak môžu, nech sú požehnaní.

259Modlite sa teraz. Ó, som tak rád, že viem, že On je Bohom. Čo za pocit! Povieš, „Prečo zastavuješ, brat Branham?“ Čakám na Neho. Je to... Kázal som. Toto je už iné pomazanie.

A ak On príde a učiní to, ktorí potom, ktorí sú tu, Ho príjmu ako svojho Uzdraviteľa? Len zodvihnite svoje ruky, všetci chorí ľudia, len ak to urobí. Každý, ktorý je chorý, len nech pozdvihne svoje ruky, kto môže vidieť toho Mesiáša, Krista, ktorý je dnes v našom strede a hovorí.

261Modli sa. Ver. Vysvätím tento dom. Je tu toľko ľudí, ktorí sa modlia. Vidím pomazanie.

Pozrite. Ktorí ste to počuli, že ten Ohnivý Stĺp majú zavesený vo Washingtone, D.C.? Viete to. Tu je ten obrázok, práve tu, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol Mojžiša. Keď dokonca veda povedala, „Raz to bude visieť na policiach bežných obchodov. Jediná nadprirodzená Bytosť, ktorá bola kedy odfotografovaná.“

Ten istý Anjel je práve teraz pri tejto kazateľni. On to hľadá. Vyzývam vás, aby ste tomu verili. Vy, cudzí, verte tomu.

Musím to teraz sledovať, ako sa to pohybuje. Každý buďte úctiví. Sme v Jeho Prítomnosti...

265Vidím muža. Tam je. Sedí naľavo odo mňa, tam vzadu v rohu. Trpí nejakými problémami s ústnou dutinou a žalúdkovými ťažkosťami. Ver celým svojím srdcom. Je to pre mňa cudzí človek. Je to pán Wells. Áno, to je tvoje meno, pán Wells. Nie si odtiaľto. Si z Aurory, Illinois. To je pravda. Je to tak? Zrejme som pre teba cudzincom. Ak to je pravda, zdvihni svoje ruky. Postav sa na svoje nohy. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

Už teraz veríš? „Ver, ako len môžeš veriť.“

266No, tento človek tu, nikdy v živote som ho nevidel, je medzi nami skutočným cudzincom. Pochádza z iného štátu. A Svätý Duch, čokoľvek mu On hovorí, nezistím to, dokiaľ nedostanem túto pásku. Je to pomazanie, ktoré prichádza na teba. Ale ten človek o tom vie, že to, čo ti bolo povedané, je pravdou. Je to tak? Áno. Sme si cudzí. Nech je sám svedkom.

Kto to urobil? Mesiáš, Kristus.

268Tam vzadu sedí jedna pani, v strede ľudí, tam niekde. Vidíte to Svetlo nad ňou? Trpí nejakým problémom s pokožkou. Pani Pitmanová, si z Owensboro. Ak si tu cudzou, zdvihni svoju ruku. Sú tieto veci pravdivé? Zamávaj rukou. Boh ťa uzdravil. Nikdy som tú ženu nevidel, jedine vo videní.

269Mohli by ste vedieť, že tamtá žena sa volá Ellisová, pani Ellisová, mladá žena. Má ženské problémy. Tiež je tu cudzou. Ak je to pravda, zamávaj rukou. Je to tam tvoja matka, ktorá sedí vedľa teba? Sedí tam jedna pani, trpí strachom, má komplexy strachu. Ak to je pravda, zdvihni svoju ruku, pani. V poriadku. Ten strach je preč. Môžeš ísť domov, si v poriadku. Vyzývam ťa, aby si verila.

270A tam vzadu, tam v rohu, je tam jeden muž z Minnesoty, ktorý má chrbtové problémy. Tvoje meno je pán Carson. Postav sa na svoje nohy. Tvoj problém s chrbtom je preč. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil.

271Práve tam za ním je žena, ktorá trpí. Žije mimo tohto mesta. Pochádza z miesta zvaného Blue Island. Má nejaké ťažkosti so srdcom. Je to niekde pri Chicagu. Pani Braidenová, vstaň a príjmi uzdravenie. Choď domov a buď v poriadku, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

272Či veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] A vy čo, v tejto časti? Veríte, že to je Mesiáš? Ako to človek vie?

273Všetci títo ľudia, ktorí boli vyvolaní, a sú z ďaleka a vedia, že neviem o vás absolútne nič, pozdvihnite svoje ruky všetci ľudia, ktorí boli vyvolaní. Vidíte?

274Niekto sa za mnou modlí, vzadu v miestnosti. Je to mladý muž, svetlovlasý, modlí sa za bratranca v Kansase, ktorý má rakovinu. Príď sem ku dverám, maj vieru v Boha. Veríte?

275Elmer, mal som s tebou nejaký kontakt. Vidím tam tvojho otca, ako tam sedí a vedľa neho jeho žena. Vysoký krvný tlak. Ak budeš veriť, Boh ťa uzdraví. Ja neviem. Je to pravda. Je tak? Ver z celého srdca.

276Veríte? Veríte, že Ježiš Kristus je Mesiášom? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Či veríte, že je tu Jeho Prítomnosť? [„Amen.“] Pamätajte, keď sa tá žena dotkla rúcha Ježišovho, On oslabol. Cnosť, sila vyšla z Neho. Som takmer hotový. Veríte tomu? [„Amen.“]

Tak skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

277Ó, Ježiš, Mesiáš Boží, Ty si vždy nablízku. Ľudia sú si vedomí, že si Synom Božím a že sa tu teraz nachádzaš. Tvoje veľké znaky a divy sú dokazované. Požehnaj ich, Otče. Modlím sa, požehnaj ich. Nech práve teraz veria celým svojím srdcom, že Ty, Mesiáš, si Ten, ktorý tu teraz stojí. Nikto to nedokáže robiť. Je to ľudsky nemožné, Pane. Je to zázrak, vidieť Moc Mesiáša, ako prichádza do malej pokornej modlitebne ako táto, pretože si to zasľúbil, Pane. Pretože Tvoja Milosť je tu, aby sa nad nami zmilovala. Je to preto, lebo je to Tvoje zasľúbenie, že to urobíš. Vidíme, že Ty neopúšťaš Svoj ľud.

278Teraz, Otče, Bože, nech tí, ktorí teraz držia modlitebné karty a prídu do modlitebnej rady, nech majú tú vieru, aby uverili. Ó, Všemohúci Bože, keď sú na nich vzkladané ruky, nech odtiaľto odchádzajú radujúci sa, kričiaci a chváliaci Boha, že boli uzdravení. Udeľ to, Pane.

279A nech tí, ktorí boli spasení, vedia, že pred Bohom nie sú žiadne tajomstvá. Boh zjavuje tajomstvá sŕdc; On pozná každú myšlienku, ktorá je v našej mysli. Udeľ to, Otče. Prosíme Ťa o to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

280Teraz, tí, ktorí máte modlitebné karty, tu v publiku, vy, ľudia v modlitebni, tí, ktorí majú modlitebné karty, veríte? Pozdvihnite svoje ruky. A verte, že ľudská bytosť to nedokáže učiniť. Musí to prísť od Boha. Veríte, že to je zasľúbenie Božie, že Boh povedal, že tak urobí? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] V poriadku. Vtedy viete, že tam niekto je poza tým človekom.

281Beriem toto Slovo s vážnosťou pred Boha. Tí ľudia, ku ktorým to bolo hovorené, je jedno, kto to bol, ja ich nepoznám a oni mňa nepoznajú. Oni sú len cudzinci, ktorí sa ocitli v modlitebni, odkiaľkoľvek sú.

282Vidím nejaké videnia nad ľuďmi, ktorí sú tu v tejto modlitebni, ale len ich nechajte tak, áno, nechajte ich tak.

283Títo ľudia, ktorí boli zavolaní, ktokoľvek to bol, aby mohli druhí vidieť, že ste tu cudzincami, zdvihnite svoje ruky. Vidíte? Každý jeden, všetci sú tu cudzí.

284Niečo mnou stále pohybuje. Vidím pred sebou farebnú ženu, ako sa objavila, má artritídu a vysoký krvný tlak. Áno. Si tu medzi nami cudzia. Si z Memphisu, pani Salsová. To je tvoje meno. Si tu prvýkrát. Veríš svojmu Pánovi z celého svojho srdca? Potom môžeš ísť domov a byť spasená, uzdravená. Boh ti to udelí.

Každý jeden z vás, verte celým svojím srdcom. Každý zdvihnite svoje ruky. Verte z celého srdca. Položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého.

Poď sem, brat Neville. Poď a pomodli sa.

Skloňme teraz naše hlavy, zatiaľ čo sa brat Neville pomodlí.

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. The Lord bless you. Good morning, friends. Certainly a privilege to be here again this morning in the service of the Lord. And just so sorry that we don't have any room to place the people in the little church. It doesn't hold very much. But we are very glad that you're here and willing to make the sacrifice to--to be patiently to wait on us. And we'll do our very best to bring you the Word of the Lord the best that we know how to bring It. And now, I just...

This little lady just walking in, and she had a baby to be dedicated this morning, and then she seen that they was kind of running late, and she said she'd just wait. I never seen the woman before, but I pray that God will bless her and give her the richest of His blessings in her heart, because of her being patiently to wait.

3 Now, it's coming time of the year when it'll get cooler and it won't be so hot when we're jammed up in the church. And we are trusting that God will richly bless all of you.

Now, I would like to say just a few things here just before I speak. I had given out that I was going to speak this morning, if the Lord willing, on the subject of "The Winds In The Whirlwind." But He just changed it for me. I never know what I'm going to say until I--just maybe a few minutes 'fore I come here to the meeting. And I tried a second time now on that subject, and I failed to get the answer back from God. I don't know why. I always like, as all you ministers here know, that you have to wait on the Lord for what you're going to say.

5 Last evening on the private line, I had a--a call come all the way from down somewhere in Arkansas, some people wanted to move up here this next week, said they heard we was going to start a meeting on the Seven Seals. I just got through The Seven Church Ages, to the strangers. And her husband is coming Monday to get him a job in Louisville, so he can work while they stay close enough to hear those Seven Seals. I said, "That'd take about three months, lady. We don't have any place here to advertise the meeting, and so forth, nothing to take care of it here in the city, nothing for to seat the people."

6 I'd like to sometime, maybe, if God being willing, to have that out in the campaign somewhere, set up about a three-month's meeting and just start right through those Seals like that, out in the campaign. Then people could just stay right through it.

In here, it runs from the 6th chapter of Revelations through the 19th. So you get the seven seals, the seven plagues, the three woes, the woman setting on a scarlet-colored beast, and the hundred and forty-four thousand. Oh, there's just so much of it goes in to tie those before the seventh seal is given, seventh plague falls, seventh trumpet sounds. And there's so many of those things that all tie that together, and each one of them is a great day's lesson in itself.

8 Now, let us bow our heads just a moment for a word of prayer. Before we pray, would there be some in here would like to be remembered in this prayer, and you would make known by raising up your hands. And in your heart, think to God just what you have need of now. And I'll pray that He will give it to you.

9 Almighty and gracious God, Who is a prayer answering God, a Father that knows all His children has need of... You knowed us before we were born, and You have our footsteps numbered; the very hairs of our head are numbered; and our words are all weighed in Thy balance. So, Lord God, let us this morning take heed to these things, this solemn obligation that we have before Thee.

Many of those hands was raised up this morning here in this little assembly, perhaps was for prayer for their sick bodies, a lost loved one. Thou knowest their hearts and all that is within them. For when You stood here on the earth in form of a human Being called Jesus our Lord, You knowed the very secret of the heart. Everything that the people could imagine in their minds, You could tell them right back what they were thinking about: "Why reason ye in your heart of these things?" Jesus perceived their thoughts. And we read in the Scripture that Thou art the same yesterday, today, and forever. And it is also written that, "Wherever two or three are assembled together, there I'll be in their midst." So You're here this morning in the form of the Holy Spirit, and know every desire that's on the people's heart.

I pray Thee, Father God, that You'll speak back to them and say, "It is finished. Your request has been answered, and I--I'm sending you the assurance this day that all that you have asked for has been granted."

12 God, we remember especially those who are unsaved, who raised up their hand. May this be the hour that they'll receive Christ as their Saviour.

Before the meeting closes today, may there be something happen, Lord, that would bring Your Presence so close to the people, that they would know that that same Jesus that walked in Galilee stands in the midst of His people, they might go away from here today with the same assurance that those who came from Emmaus that time. When they were on their road back, after walking with Him all day long, talking to Him, and Him talking to them, and yet they had little idea that it was Him.

O God, so many times we are like that. You speak to us in the setting of the sun, in the singing of the birds, in the rustling of the leaves, in the blooming of the flowers, in the hymns of the church, and we so little recognize that it's You. In the sick rooms in the hospital, many other places You speak to us and we so little realize that it's You.

15 Now, Lord, as we return to our homes this morning, may we, like they did, recognize, may You do something today in our midst just like You did back there. They knew the thing that You did there before them. You did it before Your crucifixion, and they knew that that was the risen Lord. They went back to their groups, rejoicing and praising God, for they knew that He was alive. And they said, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the road?" Lord, Your appearing there and doing something like You did before Your crucifixion, proved Your resurrection, that You was the same Jesus, that caused them to remember all their conversation with You. You talk with us all week, Lord. Now, appear in our midst and make Yourself known to each needy heart. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, and for His sake. Amen.

16 [A sister speaks in another tongue. A brother gives an interpretation. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Now, the congregation shall pray:

Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

18 That if my pen should be a sculptor's tool and my paper would be flint, and these Words that I say now should be engraved upon this that It might go to all peoples.

God's Holy Spirit has strange ways of dealing with His people. Many times through wonders and through gifts and callings, which are without repentance, that God gives them to His people by His grace.

20 I'm home now kindly a little vacation like. I usually take this time at home, for along this time of year, 'cause I like to relax when I go squirrel hunting. And I've been down in Kentucky with my friends this week squirrel hunting, my favorite spot. Somehow I was discouraged, not exactly because I could find no squirrels, but I just felt discouraged. Something was telling me I must return home. And I slept in the car coming back.

21 Last year, as all of you know, which is on print and also in testimony and in the tapes, I was setting at a place here in Indiana where the Lord God came down and spoke to me, that my second ministry, that was ready to take place in the near future. And there was spoken into existence three squirrels. All of you know the story; I'm sure. Somehow, going up the road I... While I let the rest of the boys off, going hunting, I--I had a strange feeling to go to this place again. It was before daylight, raining, and I didn't even know whether I'd get to hunt or not, but that I would get over in the field there. Hunting means to get alone to yourself to pray. And I stopped the car, and got off, and walked across the road, and went over into the bush, and just before it would've been daylight, kinda gray dawn...

22 I'd stopped and had offered a little word of prayer, as usual, and telling Father that just what I had need of, to provide it. I don't believe in wasting anything or destroying; never shot a bird in my life for a target practice or anything else. What I hunt, I eat, or give to someone that does eat it. I don't believe in wasting anything. I don't believe in doing those things, because it's not right.

Then as I turned and started along a familiar little pathway by the side of a pasture that crossed over to an L-shape in the woods, and something strange took place. All my experiences, I've never had anything like that. I looked at the top of the hill to my left from where I was standing, and there, coming up out of like the top of the hill, came three rainbows. And they were running some thirty-foot high. First, I looked and seen the Light and I just turned back, because I thought it might be the sun raising. On the second thought, it wasn't towards the sun; it was towards the south. And another thing, it was smooth, cloudy, rain, raining all over. That was August the twenty-fifth, last Friday morning, and you know how it was raining. And it's smooth clouds everywhere.

24 And I looked again, and there it was, growing taller and taller, three rainbows. I took off my hat. I set down my gun. I started walking towards it with my hands up. Something just seemed to tell me, "This is close enough." I was going to set down and take off my boots that I had on, to see if I could walk a little closer. But I got within a few yards of it, and I seen the color of it, misting like a fog moving around. I stood still for a few moments. It was coming right out of the top of the little mountain. And I watched, as the three (one to the right, one to the left, and one in the center) running down into one bowl-like... Ever what it was, was alive. It was moving and making Its motions. And I stood there just as it was graying dawn.

I turned and looked again, and I screamed out, "O God, what would You have Your servant know?"

Just then the Spirit of the Lord came in and said, "Jesus of the New Testament is Jehovah of the Old, He only changed His mask from Spirit to man." That was confirming, of course, my message of Him, letting me know, assured that these thirty-one years hasn't been in vain.

27 As I started to approach, It begin to go away, and went down into this bowl-like affair, and then disappeared. I walked up close. I was afraid to go any closer, because He'd stopped me 'fore I got there.

I turned and noticed that that Light, the way It was shining for me, was just exactly in line with the tree where I set last year, where the squirrels appeared. Some thirty-five or forty minutes later, I went down through the woods and over the creek bottoms and so forth, till I got to this tree that separates in four directions (east, north, west, and south), four prongs of the tree, running out. And I climbed into this prong and set down where I was when He told me of that Scripture, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved.'" And as I stood there a little bit, not thinking yet of the rainbow, it had left my mind. I stood there. And this has been a very bad year for squirrel hunting, everything is late, no squirrels.

29 I thought, "Right here is where God gave me them squirrels last year to speak into existence." I took off my hat again, and I said, "Lord God, You are still the same Jesus. You are still God."

And Something said to me, "How many do you need this time?"

I said, "Just as I did the other time: the limit." And then I said, "I shall have this limit before ten o'clock today." And strange as it seems, just then I was in a very bad mosquito area, where it was invested with mosquitoes, and kind of a swamp land, and a great big mosquito came to bite me right by the eye, and I said, "Not one of them will bother me this day," no repellent or anything with me. And before I knew it, I said, "The sun will shine within thirty minutes."

32 And no more than I'd said that till just behind me a squirrel exactly like that one last year, young, red, jumped out on the limb about seventy yards away and begin barking. I turned around. At those long distance, I could barely, through the powerful scope see his eye. Just shot, that's all; I didn't even have an aim at, just no more than over the squirrel. And the bullet was just exactly smack at the eye where it was the other time.

On down through the woods I went. And at exactly three minutes of ten o'clock I shot my third squirrel, just like it was last year, just exactly the same: At three minutes before ten. God, being my solemn Judge, not one mosquito even buzzed all day long, right where there's just tons of them, I suppose, if they could be weighed out. And I never even seen or heard one. I was listening for them to see if I could. And I heard a humming, I thought, "There's one somewhere," and I listened and it was a truck way back on the highway. And exactly thirty minutes from that time the sun shone out good and bright.

34 Then I came back to the place. And I'd been thinking when I said, "limit," that that meant five squirrels, which is the limit in Indiana. But I remember last year, when He asked me how many did it take for me a mess, I said, "three," and I just got the three. So yesterday I went back, was going to the same place again, and Something said, "Do not go. Cross the road."

And at exactly ten o'clock on the exact dot, ten o'clock with my watch, I shot the Indiana limit, the fifth squirrel. I want you to notice there was three rainbows, and there was three things said, three squirrels gotten. There was three things: three squirrels by ten o'clock, no mosquitoes, the sun would shine in thirty minutes. And there were three to give witness of it: Brother Banks Wood, my son Billy Paul, and his son David, to give witness to it.

36 When I seen them rainbows about as wide across as that halo is, that Angel of the Lord, but there were three of them running into one, oh, how it helped my heart to know that God, that Jesus is not just a man as people think He is, just a prophet, as this modern idea today thinks that Jesus was just a prophet. He's Jehovah of the Old Testament made flesh and dwelt among us. And there that sure did comfort me. Then thinking on that subject, that God had sought so many people...

37 Now, there is a group of people call themselves the Oneness or the Jesus Only. I don't agree with them upon their theory. Neither do I agree--agree with that trinitarian group that says that there are three different Gods the extreme of the trinitarian. But I believe that the three, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is One, that they are three offices of one God. He lived in the Fatherhood in the Pillar of Fire; He lived in the Sonship in Jesus Christ; and He lives now in the Holy Ghost in His church. The same Lord Jesus that was made flesh and dwelled among us, is with us this day, among us in the form of the Holy Spirit.

Of all the experiences, when I turned first and seen It, thinking first It could be the sun peeped through a--a cloud somewhere, but it was before the sun time. Then when I turned back again and seen it wasn't a light, it was rainbows, and then when I looked and seen that, I become numb all over.

Just someone said to me, "Did not you feel like shouting?" No, I didn't feel like shouting. Those experiences never make you feel like shouting; they just make you feel anchored, just where that you know that there's something that tells you, just a satisfied feeling.

40 Now, those things are truth. I know we have things that's said, that many times some people say, "Oh, I don't believe in such stuff as that." I can't voucher for that; I don't know. I can only voucher for what I know to be the truth. And God Almighty Who wrote this Bible, and I am His servant, He knows that that is the truth.

Think of it, that the day that we are living in, just before the coming of the Lord, Jesus said, "There'll be signs in the skies and in the earth, great sights, flying saucers, missiles, perplexed of time, distress between the nations, and fearful sights upon the earth." And we're living in that day to see those things.

42 Now, for the message this morning that I have chosen, I want you to turn with me in the Scriptures over to Zechariah. It was my... Zechariah the--the 4th chapter...

It was my desire to tell you these things. Many times things happen that I don't--don't speak it, don't say it. But this was too outstanding for me to keep it from the church. It must be told. And before God Who I stand, it's the truth. I know that there is a God, and I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Emmanuel, dwelling amongst His people today in the form of the Holy Spirit. And I know that the coming of the Lord is drawing nigh, when signs and wonders are appearing.

44 We just got through the Seven Church Ages, and learning that we're in the last and Laodicean church age, when the church would be indifferent, get cold, denominate, and be organized: organizations would take it over, eat it up. But a promise that there'd be a little remnant left. There would be a church that would be scattered abroad everywhere, but God would gather It together and will rapture it into glory: a little sanctified group somewhere waiting on the Lord.

45 Then the other day when I got Daniel's Seventy Weeks, standing right here in the pulpit Something struck me; I've never been able to get away from it to see the hour that we're living in. I want to go somewhere and do something else, keep it off my mind. I got too many loved ones that's unsaved. Knowing, what can I do to get them saved? What is there I can do? I have preached the Gospel. God has done great signs and wonders like He's never done since the world, since the days of the Lord Jesus, has He never did it in all the history of time. And around the world it's went. And still the world continually gets worse. But then I have to remember that we're living in the Laodicean church age, where they will get worse, and It said they would.

46 Then I chose this morning, being that that message was so attacked, another thing that I'm so gotten after about is preaching grace. I want to speak on that this morning as I read the 4th chapter of Zechariah, a portion of it.

And the angel that talked with me came again, and wakened me, as a man that is wakened out of... sleep,

And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof:

And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof.

So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my Lord?

And the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my Lord.

Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

Do you see? The Message will not come by some great mights or powers, but by the Spirit of God. Last verse, 7th verse...

Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shouting, crying, Grace, grace unto it. (Grace, grace unto it.)

48 We are all acquainted with this Scripture, that reads the Bible. We know that this was during the time of the preparation of the restoration of the temple. And Zerubbabel was a great prince amongst the people, who had laid the foundation of the building. Now, you, I want you to put on your spiritual thinking, anointing jacket this morning as we think. And this great prince had determined to rebuild the house of the Lord. And then, when he did, he had laid the foundation stone.

And as we read on farther, we find out that God said, "Zerubbabel has laid the foundation with his hands; he also shall bring forth the headstone." I want you to notice: He never said he shall bring forth the Cornerstone. He shall bring forth the Headstone.

50 And we know that the Scripture says that Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone, and He's also the Headstone. Now, if we will think for a few minutes, that the seventh church messenger was to restore the faith of the children back to the fathers, in other words, rebuild the church again under the power of the Spirit. "Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit," saith the Lord. Not by organization, not by denomination, but by the Holy Spirit God will bring forth the church in the last days.

51 Zerubbabel, the prince with Joshua, was the one that was to bring forth this headstone. He had laid the foundation; he'd took the people back to the foundation in type.

Which, we all know that these candlesticks and so forth represented both Jewish and church. They were olive branches, the Bible said here. And the olive branch, we are the wild branch that was grafted into the root of the tame olive tree: Gentiles. And out of these two branches come censer pipes, going into the seven golden candlesticks to give Light to the Seven Church Ages.

53 Now, remember in our teaching on the lessons that we've just been through, that we took the great pyramid and studied that for a while, that Enoch must've built. And the headstone was never put in the pyramid. I've been there. The architectry of it could never be replaced till this day. We have no machines that could build a pyramid, no powers ('less the atomic power) that could build a pyramid, because it's too gigantic. Stones that would weigh tons and tons and tons stands way in the air, so put together that even a thin razor blade could not... And they're not cemented; they're just cut so that they join one with another.

54 That's the way the body of Jesus Christ should be: so cut by the Holy Spirit by God's great Instrument and Tool, that we'd be joined as one person. We are not divided. We should be one person. And it goes to show that no machinery can do that that way. It takes God to do that. No mechanics of organization, no lodges, none of these things can ever do it, as good as their intentions are. They can never do it, because that it takes God to do this, the Holy Spirit.

55 I don't think I have a dollar bill in my pocket. But there is... Yes, I do; I have a dollar bill. I'm sorry. On the back of this dollar bill you'll see the seal of the United States on the left side, looking towards you. From me it'd be on the left side; yours, it's right. It's the eagle, and also in there the coat of arms and so forth. But on this side here, right side to me, you see the pyramid. And you notice, above the pyramid is the capstone, and beneath there says, "The Great Seal." Even on our currency, that we have to recognize... No infidel can stamp out Christianity. Every letter that you date, dates the birth of our Lord. Every calendar, everything speaks of Him. Even on our currency, the Headstone, which is Christ... Why did not they put the headstone on the pyramid? Because the Headstone was rejected when It come.

56 But now, according to the prophecy, there will come the Headstone. And I want you to notice that when the Headstone comes, the prince that's going to cry out the message will cry out, "Grace, grace." For it's by grace are we saved, that not of works, lest any man should boast. And the message of grace has been tramped under the feet of men until it's become a disgrace. Some of them runs out into eternal security; some runs out into, oh, everything. But the true message of grace remains the same, and there's where Satan tries to knock it out from the church. But it's the grace of God that we're all saved by.

57 So in the Deity of Jesus Christ, if the Lord God could come there and confirm that that is the truth, not only that, but by His Word He confirms it's the truth, and by signs and wonders He confirms it's the truth. Then, also, grace is the truth. Then why could anyone criticize and say that grace is wrong, that we're saved by works? We are saved by grace, that through faith, not by works. Works shows that you have been saved. But what saves you is the grace of God. Grace saves you. Grace is what God does for you. Works is what you do for God to show appreciation of what God did for you. But by grace are you saved.

58 Some people thinks, "Because I go join church, put my name on the book, that's all I have to do." Some people thinks, "Because I shout, that's all I have to do." Others think, "'Cause I speak with tongues, that's all I have to do." Some thinks, "Because I got power to heal the sick, that's all I have to do." It's not. It's the grace of God that saves you, God's amazing grace. I cannot trust in any merits. Some said, "Oh, there's a great man. That man, I've heard him stand up and do this; I've heard him stand up and do that."

Paul said, in I Corinthians 13, "Though I speak with tongue of men and Angels, though I have discernment, though I have gifts, to feed--I'll take all my goods to feed the poor, though I can move mountains with faith, though I have knowledge to understand all things, I am nothing till love comes in, which is grace." God has to do it. You can do all these things and still be lost. It's grace that saves you, God's grace to the human race.

60 To think of Him... I was thinking of that grace immediately after that appeared Friday morning just at the break of day up there in that field when I set on a log later, and tears come down in my eyes. I thought, "O God, Your grace has stooped to save me. Why did You ever have such pity upon a poor illiterate wretch like myself? How did You ever come down to our humble little Tabernacle, where peace, and people of low walk of life, poor, have nothing of this world, and still Your grace is spread abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, that You heal our sickness, and save our sins--save us from our sins, rather, and make us Your people, deal with us?"

61 Then I thought of David, how that when he took a notion to build a house unto the Lord, said, "It's not right for me to live in a house of cedar, and the ark of the covenant of my God under sheepskins and a tabernacle."

God told the prophet, "Go, tell My servant, David, I took him from the sheepcote, from feeding them few sheep out there of your daddy's, and made you a great name like great men in the earth."

63 I thought of the grace of God, how that He could do that: save to the uttermost. And then would take a poor wretch like myself, and give me the opportunity to preach the Gospel and to see others saved, see them healed; see homes that's been broke up, straightened up again; see lives that's been ruined, made right again. And to give me grace, I thought, "Oh, it's amazing grace. Then come to a degraded, low squirrel hunter out into the woods, and form Himself in the form of the rainbow, which means a covenant, with a Message that He give me to preach, and formed it there in a covenant, that He's behind it. He'll be behind it, because the message is of Jesus Christ and His glory.

64 How He's let me go all over the world, around the world to the nations to the millions of people, seen millions coming to the Lord and accept Him as personal Saviour, seen them filled with His goodness and sanctified by His power, see them healed by His great omnipotent power. Then I can cry out like as the prophet and said, "It's not by power, nor by might, but it's by the Spirit of God." It's not by education, not by theology, but by the Spirit of God He saves the people. By the Spirit of God He heals the people. It's the Spirit of God that gives the message to the people. It's the Spirit of God that confirms the Word.

65 We've got theologians today; we've got Doctors of Divinity; we've got great men all over the world that's smart, intelligent, and educated. But it takes the simplicity of believing God to make His Word speak out to show that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Takes a humble heart dedicated to God, bring Jesus Christ unto present tense. Amen. If it taken theology, what would the Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, and so forth, we wouldn't have a chance us poor unlearned people. But it doesn't take knowledge. "Not by power or by might, but by My Spirit," saith God, "I'll unfold this mystery." And, "He will cry to it, Grace, grace, with shoutings and cryings." That's what it is today: God's amazing grace to His people. How He takes the illiterate, the unlearned, shows that Jesus is the same.

66 When He came, He never come to the great theologians. Neither did He go to Caiaphas the high priest; only to be condemned by him... But He took fishermen, men who were poor and walked the common life, and to there He revealed Himself, and said, "Follow Me, and I'll make you fishers of men," show that His grace still reached down even from the Jews to the Gentiles to call a people for His Name in this last days, as we've just been through it. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.

68 Grace is old. Grace is as old as the world is. Grace was first shown to the human race when we had the beginning of the human race. When the human race was first created in the garden of Eden, on that dark morning when that little woman had stepped across the separating line, and had gone against God's commandments and enticed her husband to do the same thing, then the law was broken. The law must have a penalty or it isn't no law. The law was, "The day you eat thereof, that day you shall surely die."

Remember, the first judgment seat was upon the earth, and it was in the garden of Eden. And the last judgment seat will be upon the earth at the end time, the white throne.

70 But when Jehovah come down, I could imagine there wasn't even a star to shine; it was so dark in that light little garden that once was, because sin had blotted it out, had taken the Light from among them.

That's what's the matter with the churches today. That's what's the matter with the peoples today. Sin has blotted out the Light of the living God, to show that Christ's still the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He lives to save to the uttermost, and to heal to the lowest, sick person.

72 Oh, how it was terrible that morning, darkness hanging in the garden. I'll imagine fog of black sackcloth. I'd imagine every leaf never moved. There was no wind stirring. It was darkness and terrible, because sin had blotted out.

There come Jehovah down like a roar of thunder, walking through the garden, crying, "Adam, where art thou?" That's when Adam realized he was naked and had sinned before God. He hid hisself and tried to make hisself a religion, but it didn't work. God killed some sheep, took the skins, and showed that something had to die to cover sin.

Joining church will never cover sin. No dry-eyed confession will ever cover sin. It takes sorrow and repentance, and the grace of God to cover sin; for the Blood of Jesus Christ, the One that God killed at Calvary to cover sin.

75 There in the garden that morning, when sin was so black, Jehovah come in. There stood His couple, standing condemned. There would be no more human race; they had to die; death on the human race, give the world back to wild beasts and there'd been no human race. But in that darkest of hour, in that time when all hopes was gone, grace come pouring through, said, "I'll give you a Saviour, a Messiah." Oh, it's a wonder how God could ever do it. God's amazing grace in the garden of Eden, that give them the promise of a Just One Who could come through the woman. "The woman's Seed shall bruise the serpent's head," the guilty one, "and his head shall bruise her heel," to show there'd be an affliction to the church. But He promised a triumph. What provided a Saviour? Grace.

76 What could they show to merit grace? What could they show to do it? The army expression, excuse it, I only want to make it from my pulpit here to make a point, "passing the buck." Adam said, "The woman You give me did it." The woman said, "The serpent beguiled me." One laying it to another.

There was no hopes for them, but God provided grace, and it come breaking through. And He said, "But I'll make a way, somehow. I'll save you, regardless. You've done wrong; you've trespassed My laws. And My laws will have to be...?... The judgment from My laws will have to be executed. Therefore there'll have to be death, because I've said death." [Brother Branham knocks on pulpit--Ed.]

78 Now, my Christian friends (And these tapes here that's being made will spread across the world.), let me ask you something; you who try to make God be three Gods, or you who try to make Him to be one like your finger. He's one in person.

It would not be right for God to make an Angel die. He could not be the right kind of a Judge and make an Angel die for a human being. That still doesn't cure it, because His great law demands death, and something's got to die, and an Angel can't die. Neither could He say, "Eve, because you've caused Adam to do this, I'll make you die, let Adam live," because Adam was partaker also.

80 Like someone said, "Pilate was justified; he washed his hands." You can't wash the Blood of Jesus Christ off your hands. You'll never leave this building this morning and go to heaven, if you die in your sins. It's on your hands. So it isn't right.

There was only one just way. There's only one way that could be, God's great law demands could be met. He had to meet it Himself. He had to do it. God's a Spirit and He can't die. So God had to be made man, and He died in human flesh in the form of a Man called Jesus Christ, and that was the promised Messiah that bought the grace. There where you see that God and Christ is the same Person, God dwelling in Christ. "I and My Father are One; My Father dwells in Me. It's not Me that speaketh the Word, but My Father that dwelleth in Me." God in Christ, certainly...

82 The grace was promised in the garden of Eden, and grace came, grace to Adam and Eve. Nowhere to go, no which way to turn, and yet grace made a way.

Let me say this, my sinner friend. You may be here this morning a prostitute; you may be here this morning a woman-chaser; you may be here a drunkard, or a gambler, or a murderer. You might be here as an impure husband, an impure wife. You might be the vilest of sinner. You say, "I'm a past that stage of redemption." No, you're not, or you wouldn't be at the church this morning. Grace will make a way for you in this dark hour if you'll just accept it. Adam had to be willing to accept it, so do you. Accept it.

84 The grace of God reached over in Noah's time. Noah, just an ordinary man, he and his family, but because Noah feared God, he believed God. You can't fear God without believing. How can you fear something you don't believe? You've got to fear God. Solomon said, "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." Now, just to fear God, you're beginning to have wisdom. And the fear of God, Noah feared the Lord, and he believed the Lord. And that's what God honors, is your faith in Him. That's right. Then when the fear of God come upon Noah, God called him by grace, and saved him and his house, because it was grace that did it. Not because Noah was a great big handsomer man than all the rest of them, not because Noah went to the best church there was in the country, not because he belonged to the best in organization, not because he could dress better, not because he had more money, not because he was some special person; but because of the grace of God, God saved Noah. Grace saved Noah (not his works, but His grace) and also saved his family.

85 We'll call another character where God's grace was extended, many of them; we'll just speak of a few. Abraham. Abraham, no special man, come down from the tower of Babel, perhaps come out of a idolater bunch (his father), come down in the land of Shinar down there to dwell in the city of Ur. And while he was there, God spoke to him by grace: not because he was different, not because he was a better man, but by grace God called him. The Bible clearly makes that known.

Oh, Abraham, how Abraham tested God's patience. Told him, said, "Abraham, stay in this land; don't you go out of it." But as soon as a famine come, Abraham run.

86 Abraham spoke of us. God take--God took Abraham by grace and saved him. And that's how He takes you: by grace. And how do we test His patience? Today we're up; tomorrow we're down. One day we believe; the next day we're wondering. Today we're a Methodist; tomorrow we're a Baptist. Today we believe in Divine healing; tomorrow the tummy ache comes and we don't know whether we believe it or not. But yet in the midst of all of that, God wants us to stay put. But He saves us anyhow. If it wasn't the grace of God, we'd all be gone. Sure. God saves us by His grace.

87 Abraham was supposed to stay in that land, but be went down into the Chaldeans, or, not Chaldeans, but the Philistines; went down there to sojourn, to get out of the famine. Things was a little hard up in his country, so he went down there to journey down there with them, done exactly what God told him not to do; but yet the grace of God appeared to him and kept Pharaoh from taking--or the--or the king from taking his wife. Grace of God... When Abraham said, "It's my sister," lied about it, but yet the grace of God held him, because he repented. He was willing to repent.

And anybody that's willing to repent, the grace of God still goes for you. The grace of God is searching for you. So that goes for you backsliders this morning; the grace of God is still looking for you. If you'll just repent, God's grace is sufficient.

How He took good old Abraham, brought him back. And remember, Abraham was not saved by his works; he was saved by grace. Abraham was saved by faith, which is grace. And God saved Abraham because of His grace, not because of his behavior. He saved him because of His grace. Oh, how good. He was saved by grace.

90 Let's take Israel. I got a Scripture written down here. I write it down and I can just refer to it in my mind. If you want to put it down, this will be a good one to remember if you want to, Deuteronomy 7:7. God gave Abraham His promise, or gave not Abraham, pardon me, give Israel, and told them, "If you will not associate with idolatry, if you'll not do these things, if you'll stay away from all these pagan ceremonies, if you'll do all these things, then I'll bring you to a good land. I'll take care of you. I'll feed you; I'll lead you. I'll do these things if you'll do such-and-such, if you'll love Me, if you'll keep My commandments, My statutes, My ordinances. I'll do all these things if you'll just do something, and keep My commandments and love Me."

91 Just like a husband taking a wife, and saying, "If you'll be a good woman, if you'll take care of the house, if you'll be true to me, if you'll keep my clothes clean; if we have children, if you'll be a mother to them; if you'll do things, I'll work till my hands bleed to make you a living, if you'll do it." But then, think, what if that woman turns wrong, lives lazy, won't work, won't do nothing? Then it takes grace to keep that family together.

O God. It taken the grace of Jehovah to keep His family together. And that's the only way we're Jehovah's family today, is because of the grace of Jesus Christ; we'd all be gone. But it's grace, oh, grace.

93 Now, but they didn't keep it. But they were... never did come to the full promise, not that generation. No, the one that promise was made to perished in the wilderness. But God fed them; God took care of them; God loved them; He moved around. Why? His grace did it, His grace because of His promise, His promise then, the grace that went with His promise. But they never did come to the full value of the promised land.

And neither does this church come to its full value. The grace of God holds us. But He wants to get a church that'll obey Him, a people that'll take His Word and say It's the Truth, regardless of your organization. He wants a people that'll not say, "Well, I'm just as good as you are. I'm Presbyterian; I'm Methodist; I'm Catholic; I'm as good as you are." That's not grace; that shows there's something wrong.

95 But a person, regardless, that'll read God's Word and see that you've got to be borned again and filled with the Holy Ghost, they'll believe that; they'll take it by the Word. They'll take the Word exactly what It says.

Like in baptisms and sprinkling; baptism is right. There's nobody in the Bible ever sprinkled, no such a thing in the Scripture. Neither was there ever anybody baptized in the name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, in the Bible. They was every one baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. So there's not one, not even one speck of history for... If anybody can show anywhere, anywhere in the history, where any person was ever baptized in the Bible, or three hundred years after the death of the last disciple, until the Catholic church, if anybody can show anywhere that anybody was ever sprinkled or baptized in name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, until the Catholic church, you're soul-duty bound to come tell me. It's not there. But what do we do?

97 We've been through the church ages and see where they had to do that. So you see, God wants somebody that'll obey Him. If it's not in the Scriptures, then it's not of man--it's a man-made doctrine and not a Bible doctrine. See? So regardless of what the church is, how wrong you've been, what difference does that make? It's how right you can be now. God's grace has showed it to you, then walk in it. God's grace...

98 Remember Moses also, that great leader. God should've killed him when he went down there to glorify himself by smiting that Rock and said, "You see what I can do?" in other words. "You rebels, must we fetch you water from this Rock?" And he smote It, and the waters didn't come; he smote It again. What did he do? He testified of the weakness of the--of Christ, 'cause Christ was that Rock. That's the Headstone. Instead of smiting it, or speaking to it... It was smitten once.

Remember, God told Moses over in Exodus, "Go out and I'll stand before--before you upon the Rock, and smite the Rock." And he smote the Rock, and It brought forth waters. God said, "The next time, go speak to the Rock and It'll bring forth Its waters."

But Moses wanted to show he had a little authority, a little power, so he said, "I'll bring you water out of this Rock." God should've killed him for it. God should've separated him there; he broke God's law right there, 'cause he spoke of the weakness of Christ; He has to be smitten the second time. Christ was only smitten once. Now, we speak to the Rock and It brings forth Its waters.

But what was it? Let's look at the old man; he's a hundred and twenty.

102 Someone said to me not long ago, said, "God is an unjust God," said, "because He let Moses down. After he toiled with them Hebrews for forty years in that wilderness out there, He let him down and then wouldn't even let him go in the promised land."

I said, "Oh, nonsense." No, He didn't let Moses down. He went to the promised land. About seven hundred years later, he was saw up on top of Mount Transfiguration, as live as he ever was, standing, talking to Jesus before He went to Calvary, him and Elijah, standing together, talking to... Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus, Peter, James, and John on Mount Transfiguration. He was not dead. He was alive. God didn't let him down. He was in Palestine.

104 Now, look, before he died, he climbed up Mount Nebo that morning when he knew he was going. He done stripped Aaron, put his clothes upon another, took his own robe and put it upon Joshua, commanded him to stay with them precepts. And when he climbed up to the top of Mount Nebo, went through the valley of the plains, knowing he was going up there to die, climbed up on Mount Nebo, and up to Pisgah. While he was standing up there, God said, "Look over in the land. I want you to see it. Moses, you could've went over there. But you know what you did down there at the Rock that day? You glorified yourself." I think that's what's going to be the great trouble with a lot of us people today. "Go down there at the Rock, and you glorified yourself." But notice when he got ready to die, there stood the Rock. He must've just stepped over on the Rock there at Pisgah, and God buried him. Be he must've rose again somewhere, because he was alive. He was a type of Christ. There he was standing there on Mount Transfiguration, hundreds of years later, over in Palestine, See, the grace of God provided the Rock. Oh, my.

105 When I think of Abraham, of all the mistakes that he made, and Moses and his mistakes, but when Abraham's commentary was written, when the Divine commentary was written, when Paul wrote Abraham's commentary, he never mentioned one thing about Abraham's unbelief, no, no, never was even accounted to him. He said, "Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God."

My humble prayer is, before the grace of God that's here this morning: I hope mine's wrote like that, that He won't see my mistakes. That when my commentary is written, my obituary, that it won't be read out that I made mistakes and done wrong, but He'll only see the things that I tried to do for Him. May they just become... What does that? He'll take the grace of God that I believe in. And that's where I'm solely trusting. For upon my own merits I could no more go in, none of the rest, but upon the grace of God I'm depending. Yes, it's grace that I'm depending on.

There was a Rock there when Moses got ready to die.

108 What could we say of David? The grace of God... That great warrior to whom God Himself, He said, "He's a man after My Own heart."... That great warrior, David, how could he do such a thing as he done, to take Uriah, his soldier, when he had a handful of Gentiles out there as soldiers? Listen close to this little story just for a moment. When they had their soldiers out there, and Uriah was the one who stood by David. Uriah was a proselyte; he was a Hittite, a proselyte to the Jewish religion. And them men loved David so much. They seen the anointing was upon him, although he was a--he was a fugitive. He was ousted out from his own country, had to live with the Philistines. Saul was hunting him. But yet those men, they saw the anointing upon him. They knowed he was coming into power. Glory to God.

I'm so glad to be a fugitive today, because I see that Christ is coming in to be King. You can elect all the Kennedys and whatevermore you want to. But Christ will be King. The anointing is upon Him, upon His message of His coming. And He'll be King.

110 What did they do? One day he was standing up there thirsting for a drink of water from the gate out there at Bethlehem, where he used to go herd the sheep. And you know what? Two of those men took a sword and cut through fifteen miles of human flesh to get him a bucket of water. Because why, his least desire was a commandment to them. Think of that. And they cut through those men, all the way to the top of that mountain to where they said he was standing, it'd be about fifteen miles. They went through there. And every man raised up, they'd duel with him till they killed him, went on through, and took this bucket and got a bucket of water, right through the enemy's line, two men, to get their king, their brother, a drink of water, when he had water up there to drink, but he wanted that water.

111 O God, let me take the Sword of the Word and cut through every organization to bring the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, and the power of the resurrection, and the Holy Ghost, back to the people, regardless of the...?... 'cause He's coming into power. He's coming into power; He'll stand alone. But it's cut through every organization, cut through every theory, every man-made creed, until you bring the Saviour back a sheep that's gone astray, somebody, bring back the Bible doctrines again of Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. The grace of God...

112 Look at David. How could he have done... One jumped into a pit and killed a lion. How could David take Uriah's wife, the beautiful Bathsheba, when he had five hundred of his own? But seen her taking a bath, and there's the negligence. Now, she just forgot to pull the shades down when she was taking her bath, and knowed that king made a trip there, by there, every day, down over that wall.

That's what's the matter. I don't think women today so neglect or so, well, they just simply go out naked (That's all.) in the streets, little old clothes on. It's a disgrace, and then wonder why men blow and whistle. Why, they do that to make them whistle and carry on. They know that; they got sense enough to know that. They do it just because they want to. It's in their heart. You tell them they're immoral; they might dispute that. But they might not be immoral; they might be as pure as a lily, when it comes sexually. But remember, there's a spirit on them that's anointing of the devil, sending some man's soul to hell. Remember, the Bible said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her in his heart already."

And remember, sister, you'll answer for committing adultery though you never done it actually in all your life, but that sinner that looked at you the way you dressed, be guilty of adultery. You'll answer at the day of judgment for committing adultery. When he has to say...

114 He say here; He has wrote on His Book, "Committing adultery."

"With who?"

"Mrs. John Doe."

"Then, Mrs. John Doe, what about that?"

"I'll swear I... You know my record; I never lived with another man but my own husband."

"But you dressed yourself till you caused this man to commit adultery. And you're guilty of adultery with him. That's who's doing it. You are to blame; you was the one presented yourself."

117 Bathsheba done wrong just like Eve done wrong, but Adam was included in it. I think we're always hollering about women too. You sons of God, men, I know you're the stronger bunch (That's right.), the stronger sex. You're over the women; that's true; so act like it. Don't overpower them, try to take some little girl and ruin her life. But be a son of God; tell her she's in the wrong, and stand like a son of God. She's your sister. Yes, sir. What we try to do, what so-called sons of God today, belong to churches, take every little girl out they can. Remember, because that there's a immoral woman made because some married man ruined her too. So the pot can't call kettle black; so just remember, it's sin that does it all. And we're all subject to death and should die for it.

118 When David did that evil thing, his own judgment should've killed him. When that prophet came up there, he thought it was hid. When that prophet come up there and stood before him, he said, "David, is everything going right?"

Said, "Everything's fine."

David, in his high robes and his big crown, and he had Joab out there, his great general, and all the fighting going on. He was keeping all the enemies off the borderlines and things; everything was going right. He had a baby by this Bathsheba. And had poor little Uriah go out there, and had Joab to stand by his side, until he withdrew from him. And--and--and the boy died when the sun went down, with the battle knife in his hand, blood on his shield, where he'd stood for Israel, yet a proselyte he was to their religion. Then when Joab come back and told him that--that David had died--that--that Uriah had died, David thought, "Everything's all right now. I've got his wife, and everything will be all right, got a baby." But the baby took sick. The baby started dying. And he done everything he could to save the baby's life, perhaps every doctor come: no good. Finally, the baby died. They was afraid to tell David that the baby was dead. And he died. Then he thought everything was hid. So he comforted Bathsheba. He'd already taken her for his wife, after all those other wives.

120 This old prophet, old baldheaded fellow stomped in, old Nathan, out of the wilderness, set down, said, "David, how's everything going?

Said, "Fine, fine. Oh, prophet of God, live forever. Hallelujah." Oh, he was just... He thought everything was fine; he thought he could hide it. But you can't hide from God. He knows what you're thinking right now. He knows your thoughts, for He's God. That Holy Spirit that's in the building this morning knows your thoughts, who you are, where you come from, what you've done, for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

123 God had revealed it to that prophet. He said, "David, there was a rich man lived on this side of the road; he had a whole lot of sheep; oh, he was very rich. A man lived on this side of the road, was poor, he had one lamb. He treated it like a daughter. He fed it out of the same spoon he eat with. He slept with the lamb. Everything was just... It was just like a daughter to him. And one day a visitor came, so, instead of the rich man taking one of his own sheep and making a feast for the visitor, well, instead of that, he went over and took the poor man's lamb, and by force took the lamb and slayed it, and made a feast."

124 Now, that was David's passions. He had five hundred wives, but when he seen Uriah's wife, instead of taking one of his five hundred wives to appease or satisfy his passions, he went took this other man's wife, then he killed Uriah when she become a mother. David didn't know what he was doing, why, David was ready to pronounce judgment. That's the way we are. We can always judge the other fellow, but when it comes to us, oh, that's different.

David said, "The man will pay with his life."

That old prophet, them eyes narrowed down; he said, "David, surely you'll not die." Watch grace then go to work right quick. The Spirit struck the prophet, saved David's life. Grace, "Surely you'll not die, but the sword will not leave your house till it's thoroughly purged your heart, for you are that rich man." Oh, it was different then, wasn't it?

What saved David when his own judgment said, "The man will die. He'll pay to the uttermost, and he'll pay for it with his life"?

And the prophet said, "Surely (grace) you'll not die. You'll not die, David. Grace has saved you." It was grace to David that saved him. Oh, my.

If it hadn't been for grace, where would we all be? Is that right? Certainly.

130 Sovereign grace is from a sovereign One. Sovereign grace from a sovereign One. Sovereign, what can it do? Sovereign can do whatever it wants to. Listen to this now. Sovereign grace can only be given by One that's Sovereign. And God is Sovereign, so He can give sovereign grace. Therefore, being sovereign, grace don't have to ask anybody; it don't has to... It does what it wants to. Isn't that wonderful? It don't has to ask, "Can I do this? Or, shall I do this? Can I? Must I? Will I?" Doesn't do it. It does it itself. Grace is sovereign; therefore, He can save the vilest. He can save the worst. He can save the impurest. He can save the immoralest. He can heal the sickest. Hallelujah.

131 He can save a wretch like me. And He did. What is it? Grace. William Branham, a drunkard's son: that don't make any difference; the grace of God saved me.

"Me, I'm a woman's daughter that was no good." Don't make any difference, the grace of God saved you. It's sovereign, has to ask nobody nothing. Amen. I'm so glad of that. Hallelujah.

Can take the vilest sinner and make him white as snow, don't have to ask anybody about it. Oh, it can do it because it's sovereign.

Listen, quickly now. That was proved at the cross, when there was a vilest thief; he deserved to die. God had never come across his mind. He never thought nothing of it. There on the cross when, through those bloody lips, in between the groans there came a sound, "Lord, be merciful to me."

And there came another One back through Blood, tears, agony; grace took a hold and said, "Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise." Grace did that. How could that thief help himself? No more than Adam could help hisself, no more than Eve could help herself, no more than you can help yourself, no more than I can help myself, when no more we could jerk ourselves up the Milky White Way with our boot straps. We couldn't do it. But the grace of God can do something about it, and it does it. The grace of God, the sovereignty of the grace of God come to that dying thief, "Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise." Oh, think of it. That's wonderful.

136 Think of it. Love and grace is sisters, twin sisters. You can't have grace without having love. They're twin sisters. That's exactly right. Before you can have grace, you have to have love. Before you can actually show somebody a favor, you love them; right or wrong, you have to love them anyhow, or you can't. See? So love and grace is the same thing. They're just twin sisters (That's all.), love and grace. They were... We can't see one without the other. "God so loved the world, gave His only begotten Son." He shed His grace abroad in our hearts through the Holy Ghost. See? There's just nothing you can do without working one with the other. Grace, grace of God this is what saves us.

137 Now, we find out that grace, there like that dying thief, no wonder it's inspired poets when they seen it. One poet said:

That dying thief rejoiced to see

That fountain in his day;

There may I, though vile as he,

Wash all my sins away.

Ever since by faith I saw that stream

Thy flowing wounds supplied,

Redeeming love has been my theme,

And shall be till I die.

Then in a nobler, sweeter song,

I'll sing Thy power to save,

When this poor lisping, stammering tongue

Lies silent in the grave.

Grace, amazing grace... Hallelujah. One wrote it:

Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!

How fathomless and strong!

It shall forevermore endure,

Saints and angels song.

If we with ink the ocean fill,

And were the skies of parchment made;

And every stalk on earth a quill,

And every man a scribe by trade;

To write the love of God above

Would drain the ocean dry;

Or could the scroll contain the whole,

Though stretched from sky to sky.

138 That's what it is: grace, the grace of God. The grace of God has brought forth and shed a... God brought grace into our lives by His love for us. Here's something else grace can't do: grace cannot be bought; grace cannot be sold. It's grace. It's by a sovereign One. Yes, sir. You cannot bargain for it. You can say, "God, I'll do so-and-so if You'll do so-and-so." You can't do that. God won't do it. You can't pull nothing out of God. God gives it to you by His grace. Oh, oh, oh, my. "Not he that willeth or him that runneth, but God that showeth mercy." That's right.

140 People lay on their faces. And some man come to me... I believe I seen one of the boys back here in the building today. A Methodist boy just come in and received the Holy Spirit from up in... And them boys come to me, said, "Now, Brother Branham, now that we have been saved and has received the Holy Ghost, shall we go to seeking gifts?"

I said, "Don't do it. Don't do it."

God gives His gifts sovereignly. Gifts and callings are without repentance. The first thing you know, you go to seeking something, "God, You just make me a preacher; You just do this to me," and what you going to be? A big stuffed shirt, that's all. You'll go to some man's theology and some organization, and there you'll pillar yourself down and canker. Let God do the calling. God will call you; God will sanctify you; God will give you what He has need to give you. Yes, sir.

142 You can't bargain for grace. No, sir. You can't be sold; it can't be bargained for; nor it can't be bought, can't be traded for. You can't say, "Well, now, Lord, I'll go join this great big Baptist church, or this big Methodist church, or this big Pentecostal church, or this big Nazarene church. I'll do this if You'll just do this for me." It can't be bargained. No, sir.

"All the Father has given Me will come to Me. No man can come except My Father calls him first."

You just become a church member of that big church; that's all; you won't be saved. Grace has to save you.

144 Our talents does not rest, and our talents cannot be our--our... Our talents that we have, we cannot earn grace by talents.

If God made me a preacher, that don't say His grace has been with me. No, no. It's His grace alone that saved me. Not because I preach the Gospel, I'm saved. Not because you speak with tongues, you're saved. Oh, no. Not because you... Because you preach, you're not even saved just because you preach. You're--you're not saved because you speak with tongues. You're not saved because you do any of these things. I Corinthians 13 proves so, "Though I speak with tongue of men and Angels, though I understand all the mysteries of God (a preacher), though I do all this, and have faith to move mountains, I am nothing until charity comes in, which is love." Love is grace. The grace of God that does all.

146 Some people, you have talents like some of these rock-and-roll kings. That just makes me sick at my, I don't know, my spiritual gastronomics. I'll tell you, when I hear these rock-and-roll stand up on Saturday night and sing rock-and-roll, and dance all night, and then the next morning come to face the audience and things like that with try to put on a long sanctimonious face, and stand up there before the people and sing some hymn, and think they're going to go to heaven. I could call many names, but I don't have to. This tape's going everywhere. But you all know. A boy here not long ago, in Hollywood, wouldn't kiss a girl because it was against his religion: against his religion? And make rock-and-roll pictures and things that's disgracefully, and things like--like that. Do you think that you could take your thirty pieces of silver and merit something in God's grace, Judas? Won't buy nothing but a place in hell for you.

147 God's grace cannot be bargained for, neither be--can be talented into. It's sovereign grace. "Nothing in my arms I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling." Naked, wounded, I just come as I am.

Just as I am, without one plea,

But that Thy Blood was shed for me,

And that Thou bids me come to Thee,

O Lamb of God, I come!

That's all, it's grace that brought me. Grace did it. Grace is like... Another thing that I'd like to say; sometimes grace is...

149 These big churches, they think that you can go down there, they think, "Well, we built the biggest church in the city. We got a ladies aid society here that makes poor--clothes for the poor, and sends them overseas. We feed the poor. We do all this."

Paul said, "I can do the same thing, and nothing."

They say, "Well, we, we're an old organization. We've been here for two thousand years. We're five hundred years old. John Wesley, Alexander Campbell, these great founders back there, they founded our church. Hallelujah."

Well, Jesus Christ founded this Church, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and told them to go up to Pentecost and wait till they received the power from on high.

152 And still you can belong to the Pentecostal church and be lost. Pentecostal church is no more than any other church. That's right.

The thing of it is, there's only one church; that's the church that you're born into by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, "For by one Spirit we're all baptized into one body," I Corinthians 12:13; that's right: I--I Corinthians 12. Now, we are baptized into that church.

154 But people think that they can merit it. "Why, we... I--I went to school and I learned to do this, and I went to seminaries and I done..." That don't mean one thing. You can't buy God's grace.

God's grace is like this. Let me tell you a story in ending. God's grace is like this. One time there was a mighty king, and this mighty king had a son, and it was his only son. And one day a murderer killed that boy. And through that kingdom went the delegates hunting for that murderer. They finally found that murderer. And when they found him, they brought him back and imprisoned him. And when they did, a trial was set and a sentence was made. Oh, it was a terrible thing. He had murdered the king's son, and he knowed what was coming to him.

156 They put him into the inner cells; they locked the doors; they put pads on it so no one--and guards around it, 'cause we know what kind of a horrible punishment this boy was going to receive, because he killed the king's son, the royal king's son. Guards was placed all around the doors. He was put in inner cells. Stripped, with nothing but a--a loincloth on. And there he was, set there in that condition, starving, wouldn't give him nothing to eat. He was setting in that condition.

Then they brought him out to a trial. He was found guilty and proven guilty. A sentence was made, that he was to be executed under horrible capital punishment; he was to be killed by inches until his mortal life was gone. Sentenced by the judge, he was to die. And he begged and he cried, and he said, "Though I am guilty, though I am guilty, I'm sorry that I did that. I wished I had've never done it. I'm sorry that I did it. In a moment, in a rage of temper, I did it. I didn't mean to do it that way."

158 One day the king went down to the place to visit the boy, to tell him, talk to him and tell him about killing his own son, the only son he had. He'd killed that boy. He said, "I'm going down to talk to him."

And when he went down there, he looked back in that cage, like a caged-in animal. He saw his little skinny body laying back there in a corner, crying, his face all sunk in, his jaws sank back, his eyes way back; matter was all in his eyes; and his mouth was all whited over: no water, thirsty, laying back there on his face, crying. The king said, "Stand up." He come up to him; he looked at him. He said, "Why did you kill my son? What did my son do to you? What did he do to merit such a death as you killed him, stabbing him to death with a spear?"

He said, "Nothing, my lord, not one thing. Just my own impudence, just my own ways. I killed him because I was jealous of him, and I got in a temper fit, and I killed him." Said, "I'm to die under your justice, sir. I realize that, and I deserve to do it. Only thing I'm crying for, that I'm just sorry that I killed that royal man like that, without a cause."

161 The king turned on his heels and walked out, went out to the desk, and said, "Destroy all the records (You know, put them in the sea of forgetfulness.) Destroy all the records. Wash him up, and bring him up. I'll send down a robe for him."

After while, a great big limousine drove up to the door. When it did, a carpet was spread out to the prison cell. The king stood at the end of limousine, said, "Come, my son, and ride home with me to the palace," put the king's robe around his shoulder. He said, "From henceforth you are my son." Because he had pity. That's grace.

That was me, that was you. We killed the Son of God with our sins. We were alien, dirty, filthy, laying in the cells of the world. God washed us by the Blood of His Own Son, and cleansed us, put on the robe of the Holy Spirit. And now the great chariot of God will back up to the door someday, and we'll go home to live with Him. All records are destroyed; we can't be judged no more; burn them up, He put them in the sea of forgiveness and remembers about it no more. No wonder we can sing,

Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost, but now I'm found,

And was blind, but now I see.

It was grace that taught my heart to fear,

Grace my fears relieved;

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed!

164 Won't you let this be your hour right now, sinner friend, while we bow our heads just a moment for a word of prayer? Let this be the hour that you first believed, right now. Make up your mind and say, "Lord God, I'm guilty. I realize it takes grace to save me. I can't save myself. I'm lost. I'm done. I just can't do a thing. I--I'm--I'm totally helpless, hopeless, without God, without mercy, without Christ, in the world, alienated. Won't you have mercy and take me out of this cell of sin that I'm in today, O Lord, and be merciful to me, a sinner?" Will you raise your hand, say, "Lord God, I'm that person that needs Your grace"? Will you raise up your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham, I now will believe." God bless you back there, my brother.

165 Someone else say, "Brother Branham, remember me now, oh, brother, please do, in prayer." God bless you, lady. "Pray that..." God bless you, brother. God bless you, sister. God bless you, brother, over here at the window. God bless you, brother, back there. God bless you, brother, over here, the other one. "Remember me, Brother Branham." God bless my brother there, yes, the other one here. God bless you, sister. God bless you here, brother. He sees you. Now, really mean it. God bless you, young man. He sees; don't... God bless you, brother. God bless you, sister against the wall. God bless you down here, brother. God bless you, brother back against the wall.

Just as I am, without... (Would there be another? God bless you. I see your hand back there.)

But that Thy Blood was shed for me, (Yes, Lord. God bless you, sister.)

And that (God bless you, sister.) Thou bidst me come... (God bless you way back there in the...?...) Thee,

(Grace, grace) I... (God bless you, young lady.)... I come!

Just as I am, and waiting not

To rid my soul of one dark blot,

To Thee, Whose Blood can cleanse each spot,

O Lamb of... (Grace, oh, grace) I come! I come!

166 Now, there's been around fifteen or twenty hands go up. Now, with your heads bowed, I'm going to ask you that raised your hands, quietly now just stand to your feet while I offer prayer for you. We haven't got room up here on the altar. It's just; I just want you to stand to your feet, everyone that raised their hand, wants to be prayed now. Stand up to your feet right now while I offer prayer. Just stand up on your feet, everywhere.

.. shed for me,

And that (That's fine, God bless you...?...) me come to Thee,

O Lamb of God, I...

Remember, there may be a day when grace won't abide any more, won't abound any more for you; it'll be too late. Now, it isn't too late.

168 O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who brought again our Saviour from the dead, now lives, Him Who is supremely in glory, sending the Holy Spirit of Christ upon us to bring conviction to the sinner. God, I pray for these people that stands to their feet. It is the truth, Lord. You said, "He that will witness Me before men, him will I witness before My Father and the holy Angels." We know, when we stand on that great judgment morning, what a time it will be. They're standing now, Lord, so their sins will go before them; some men's sins follow. These people are standing here this morning because they're confessing their sins, knowing that they have did wrong, and they want You as their Saviour. You search the reins of the heart, and You know all about them.

169 I pray, Father, that You will grant their requests. Save them. They're the trophies of the little message this morning, of the grace of God; no matter what we done, still stoops and gets us. Grant it, Lord. Grant grace to these hearts. May they all receive Jesus as their Saviour. They've made the act. The Holy Spirit has told them to stand up, and they did it. The Holy Spirit telling them to stand, and they, in obedience to the Spirit, stood.

Now, Lord, You keep Your Word. You said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first. And all that the Father has give Me, will come to Me. He that will come to Me, I will in no wise cast out. He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life, and shall never come into the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." Therefore, Lord, upon the basis of these Scriptures, them is Your Own Words, Lord, that we read in St. John 5:24, "He that will hear My Words and believe on Him that sent Me, hath." Why? Because he has believed, grace is a visited. "Hath come to Everlasting Life, and shall not come to the judgment (He'll go before the judgment.), and not come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." O God, how we thank You for this.

171 We pray now that You'll keep them through life. May they, every one, be baptized, calling upon the Name of the Lord, washing away their sins. Grant it, Lord.

Now, I present them to You, as Your servant, believing that the great Angel of God Who appeared down there... And, Father, You know all that story, and that great Angel that appeared there this Friday morning, just at gray dawn, spoke these Words, in the form of three rainbows coming up from the top of the mountain... Lord God, let that God Who appeared to me there in the rainbows, let Him save this people by His grace just now. I give them to You, in expectations of You keeping Your Word, and You will, and I'll meet them on that great day, without a spot or wrinkle in their soul. Grant it. In Jesus' Name, I give them to You. Amen.

173 God bless you. Now, as you set down, ever who's setting close to them people that's Christian, shake their hands. Tell them, invite them to the church, and whatmore, that they can be... Oh, isn't He wonderful?

Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost, but now I'm found,

Was blind, but now I see.

It was grace that taught my heart to fear,

And grace my fears relieved;

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed!

Have you believed? If you have, raise your hand.

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Because He first loved me.

When we've been there ten thousand years,

Bright shining as the sun;

We've no less days to sing God's praise (Thank God.)

Than when we first begun.

174 You love Him? Now, isn't He wonderful? Now...


While we sing that again, I want you to shake hands with someone by you, real quietly say, "God bless you, pilgrim." Real sweetly and holy now...

When we've... [Brother Branham and congregation shake hands--Ed.]... God's praise

Than when we first begun.

At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the Light,

And the burden of my heart rolled away,

It was there by faith I received my sight,

And now I am happy all the day!

Oh, at the cross, at the cross where I first saw the Light,

And the burden of my heart rolled away,

It was there by faith I received my sight,

And now I am happy all the day!

Aren't you happy?

I'm so glad that Jesus sets me free,

I'm so glad that Jesus set me free,

Oh, I'm so glad that Jesus set me free,

Singing, glory, hallelujah, Jesus set me free.

Oh, I'm so glad that Jesus set me free,

Oh, I'm so glad that Jesus set me free,

Oh, I'm so glad that Jesus set me free,

Singing, glory, hallelujah, Jesus set me free.

175 Don't you love Him? Isn't He wonderful? Oh, I just think He's wonderful. Now, just think, that this Bible is His Truth, and this Bible teaches He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. I want to ask you something. If He is the same yesterday, today, and forever... God forgive me for saying sacrilegious word, "if," but He is the same. But if He is the same, I'll put it like that, then what kind of a Person would He be? He'd be the same as He was.

176 Now, there's only be one thing different in Him being here this morning than He was amongst the people at Galilee, that would be His Own body of flesh, His corporal body; because that was raised up (You believe that?), sets at the right hand of the Majesty on high, ever living to make intercessions for our confession. Remember, He cannot do one thing for us until first we accept Him, and believe that He has, and say that He has, for He is a High Priest that may... He's a High Priest making intercessions upon our confession.

177 Now, a lot of you Bible readers says That says, "Profess." And "profess" and "confess" is the same word. See? "Made the High Priest," in the Book of Hebrews, 3rd chapter, "now making intercessions upon our confession." Then He can't do nothing until first we confess that He's done it. See, you get down here at the altar and pray all night, wouldn't do you a bit of good until you believe that He forgives you, then you stand up. Then as much faith as you have, that's where you... You lived once way down here in the muck of sin. Now, you young converts, now you believe you're saved, don't you? Then you raised up here, you raised a little higher. What does that? Your faith, because you believe you're a Christian now; you'll live above that thing now. See? Now, if you want to raise a little higher, just have more faith, 'cause it's unlimited; just keep on...

Well, oh, an impossible can be made real. All things are possible to them that believe. That's right. "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe what you say comes to pass, you can have what you say."

179 Now, Jesus Christ dwells in the people. One day Christ was in a Pillar of Fire, that One you see taken, and we believe It to be Jehovah God. That's what the Angel was trying to get to us. Now, He was in the Fatherhood then, He was the Father of Israel, a nation.

Then He came and dwelt among His people, as Christ, the Son. Is that right? Christ was the Son of God.

Now, He's Christ, the Holy Spirit, which is the Anointing... "Christ" means "the anointed," and the anointed One upon the people, Christ with us, the Holy Spirit. It's Christ with us, in us. You believe that? Be real reverent just for a moment, quiet. Now, is He the same?

182 I believe awhile ago I got a call, and said people were rambling over seats and things down here. We'll talk about that later on in some church service. I told Billy then, if they was going to pray for the sick, if there was that many down there, to give them out prayer cards. He said he would. I suppose he did.

183 For the last two or three months since a certain occasion of something happened, the ministry got in such a place till it got a little out of my hands. They'd see that discernment and so forth, how it would speak and tell the people, just exactly like our Lord did when He was here on earth. All of you seen it, I suppose. How many here never did see it or never did see it work? Let's see your hands, never did see it. Oh. Never did see it work? Well, there's a group in here that's never seen it, I guess strangers. We don't know where the people come from.

This is an interdenominational tabernacle. We are not against denominations, but we're--we're not for them either. We just let them go their way. We believe in taking the people... If they want to go back to denomination, all right, as long as they live a Christian life. We just--just a soul-saving station here. That's what my ministries is to them.

185 Now, but I believe that the Bible teaches in Hebrews 13:8, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.] Well, if He is the same... Now, while you all setting real quiet just for a minute, I want to talk to you just right out of my heart now, and then we'll have the healing service.

I want to ask you something. If He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then how did He... The only way we could tell then, if He's a Spirit, He'd act the same way that He did yesterday. Is that right? He'd act the same way He did yesterday.

186 How did He act yesterday? Was He different from any other man? He's just a man, looked like a man. He was a man. He was born; He was a man. He had flesh and Blood. He suffered; He groaned; He went through temptations. He was a man. That's right, isn't it?

But what made Him God? Is because the Spirit of God was on Him. He was the anointed Messiah. And how'd they know He was? Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet likened unto me. And it shall come to pass that who won't hear this Prophet will be cut off from amongst the people." Now, He was a prophet. Then was Israel looking for a prophet? They had to, if they was looking for a Messiah. And the Messiah would be a prophet.

188 Now, let's just go through it just a second, for just a few seconds, and listen close. Now, keep your mind on God, 'cause we don't know what God could do, don't know what He'll tell me to do.

I know that we have a gift of prophecy in the church. Our Brother Neville, he prophesies over the people, which is grand. We appreciate that. We been referring to that all along. We got some here that speak with tongues. We do not believe people have to speak with tongues to have the Holy Ghost. There's no such Scripture for a thing like that. But we believe there is a gift of the Holy Ghost that speaks in tongues; we have it in our church. But we make them... We don't go along carrying-on. We believe It's the Voice of God. We speak when the Holy Ghost speaks, and we only let that come three times. And it has to--can't be while I'm preaching or in order, 'cause the spirit of the prophets is subject to the prophet. See? It has to be carried on Bible right. No one can say that there isn't such a thing as the gift of the Holy Ghost to speak with tongues. We know that. The Bible teaches it, and we believe in that. And thank God we got it in our church here. We got gifts of prophecy; them first must be tested and see if they're right or not, and then the gift of prophecy.

190 Then there's a prophet. Now, there, now you come into an office.

Them's gifts, them are, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues, and knowledge, and wisdom, and discernments, and so forth. Them are all gifts.

But then there's five offices. First is apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors. That's ordained offices of God. Men hold them. See? They are not, can't... You can't wish for them; you can't pray for them; they're sovereignly given; you're born.

A prophet is not a prophet if somebody lays hands on him and makes him a prophet. A prophet's born from his mother's womb as a prophet. See? That's why he's always a prophet. See?

194 God told Jeremiah, said, "Before you was even conceived in your mother's womb," said, "I knowed you, and sanctified you, and ordained you a prophet to the nations." That's right. See? Moses, before he was born, he was a proper child. He was the prophet of the Lord. All the rest of them coming forth. Christ was the Son of God from the garden of Eden. That's right. See, gifts and callings are without repentance.

But gifts are given to the Body. Now, we recognize that; we recognize all these gifts.

196 Now, let's see what Jesus was among us, see what He was back there. We find out when He first started His ministry... Now, listen close, stranger. When He first started His ministry, in St. John the 1st chapter we found out after He was baptized, after He come... He was born and become thirty years old; He was baptized by John. The Holy Spirit came down like a dove and descended on Him, and a Voice came and said, "This is My beloved Son in Whom..." The real original Greek said, "In Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." Said, "In Whom I'm pleased, in Whom--in Whom I am pleased to dwell." But see, that sounds a little backwards from us, and the verb before the adverb, but actually it's, "Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." 'Cause Christ, God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. We know that.

197 Now, immediately He went forty days in the wilderness, tempted by the devil. Then He came forth with His ministry, begin to praying for the sick.

And after while, there came up a man by the name of Simon Peter, an old fisherman, uneducated, couldn't even write his own name. Andrew had told him about this Fellow he believed to be the Messiah. "Nonsense."

Came up to Him, and as soon as he walked up in the Presence of Jesus, Jesus said, "Your name is Simon, and you're the son of Jonas." He knowed that something happened. He knowed that was the Son of God. And it pleased Him to give him the keys to the Kingdom, made him the head of the church.

200 There was a fellow standing there, by the name of Philip. Philip saw that, and he thought, "Wonderful, I know a man who's a Bible scholar, lives about fifteen miles around the mountain. I'll run around and tell him. His name is Nathanael."

He run around there real quick that day. Next morning he got there maybe at the break of day, run up and knocked on the door. And Mrs. Nathanael said, "Why, he's out in the orchard out there, Philip." He was his friend. He went out there, and he was on his knees, praying. As soon as he got up off his knees, Philip said, "Come, see Who I have found, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Joseph."

Now, this religious, great dignitary said, "Could there be anything good come out of Nazareth?"

He give him a good quote, good thing; he said, "Don't stay home and criticize it; don't go talk about it. Just come and see for yourself. Come, see. Just come, find out if anything good could come out of Nazareth."

"You mean the Messiah? Why, if the Messiah would come, He'd come down, and down out of the... The corridors of heaven would be let down; He'd come right out to the palace. He'd come to our great organization." They still think that (You see?): it has to come to their organization. "He'd come right to our organization, walk down upon the canopies of the palace there, and He'd go out in the outer courts, and come right up onto the throne, and up to the holiest of holies, and say, 'I am the Messiah.'" Messiah never comes like that. Messiah comes where He wants to. He's sovereign; He does as He pleases.

He said... Now, "Well," he said, "come, see. Come, see for yourself."

Don't stand around and say, "I don't believe in that holy-roller stuff." Just come, find out if there's anything about it.

205 So he, on the road over, I can hear them talk. Let's, would you like to hear what they was talking about? Let's listen and see what they said. I believe, going along side of the road, you know, Philip said, "You know, Nathanael, I know you're a Bible student, so I want to ask you something. We are looking for a Messiah, aren't we?"

"Oh, yes, we're getting in the last days to this generation, and I believe this generation will see the Messiah." Now, listen. "Oh, but here we are; we're not even a nation; we're all scattered out amongst the people. How can we? All this..." God comes in the hour that you think not. That's when He's there.

He said, "But wait a minute, what kind of a Person will this Messiah be?"

"Oh, well, well, Moses, our teacher told us He'll be a prophet."

208 "I'm going to tell you about this Jesus of Nazareth. You remember that old ignorant fisherman you bought that fish for that time, brought--bought from him, and he couldn't sign the receipt, didn't have enough education?"

"Yeah. Oh, oh, yes, uh-huh. Jonas', Jonas' boy. Yeah, I bought from Jonas too."

"Well, now, you know what? Peter come over there..." Or Simon, rather, his name was Simon then. He said, "Simon came over to His meeting. And no sooner than he walked up... And you remember how Simon used to tell us that his father told him that 'Not to be deceived, because there'd be many false prophets before the real Messiah.' And that's true. 'Many false messages will go forth.' But said, 'You'll know when the real message comes, because remember, we Jews believe that this Messiah will be a prophet.' We believe our prophets."

211 Ask the Jew now. Israel, when they pick up that Bible right there now, coming up from Iran and things, they read It. They say, "If that Jesus was the Messiah, let us see Him do the sign of the prophet; we'll believe Him." Yes, sir. They know them prophets are truthful.

So Nathanael must've said, "Oh, I believe the Messiah will be a prophet, 'cause Moses said, 'The Lord our God will raise up a prophet.'"

"Well, when He seen that--that Simon that you're talking about, He said, 'Your name is Simon, and you're the son of Jonas.' Not only did He know him, but He knowed that godly old Pharisee daddy of his."

"Aw, I can't believe that. You've went off on the deep end."

He said, "Oh, no, I haven't. You come, find out. Come, see. Come on." On along the road they went.

215 Finally he walked up into the Presence where Jesus was, maybe he was standing out in the audience somewhere. Jesus standing there, looking around, after while He looked out, and He seen Nathanael standing out there; and He said, "Behold an Israelite, in whom there's no guile." Now that took the starch out of him. That let the wind out of the sails. "Behold an Israelite, in whom there's no guile."

"That's God," he said. "Rabbi (means 'teacher'), Rabbi, when did You ever know me? I've never met You before; I'm a stranger in this congregation; I've never been here before. How would You ever know me?"

He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."

That was Jesus yesterday. Is that right? If He's the same, He's the same today. Let's take another nation of people. There was a nation of people...

219 There was only three nations of people, and that's Ham, Shem and Japheth's people. See? That's exactly. That's where the, at Pentecost, where the Gospel went to the Jews, then to the Samaritans, and then to the Gentiles. See? Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people is--is the three nations. Now, there's two nations of them looking for a Messiah; not us Gentiles, we had a club on our back; we were heathens, worshipping idols; but not--not Ham and Shem.

Now, there's another one now, the--the other nation was the Samaritans, which was half Jew and Gentile, caused by the marriage of the sin of Korah there, and they went off. And they believed in God; they was looking for a Messiah. So Jesus went, represented Himself before them. He come to the Jews, His Own, but He had need to go by Samaria. St. John 4, did you ever read it? He had need to go by Samaria. So He come to the city of Sychar, and so He just sent His disciples in to buy some victuals. And while they were gone...

221 If you was ever there, it's a panoramic, a well; there's a city pump like where they let the water down. You know, the women come and take the windle and let the bucket down, get the water and put it on their head. And now the ill-famed women, the bad women, they couldn't come with the good women. They had no associations together in them days. A woman was bad, she stayed in her own company. Not today; they're all together, but they just... But they... It's just like picking on the middle of an egg; you make it all red-light. See? So then they...

222 So this fill--ill-famed woman come out there about eleven-thirty or quarter to twelve, about this time of day; she come walking out there to get a bucket of water. And she let the--put the... I can see her put the old swivels here and the windle, let it down into the well, get a bucket of water. And just about time she started to bring it up, she heard somebody say, "Woman, bring Me a drink." And she looked over and there was a Jew. Now, they didn't have any dealings one another.

Middle-aged Man, He was about thirty. But the Bible said He looked fifty; you know that. He said...

"You say that You saw Abraham, and You're a Man not over fifty years old." He was only thirty. See? Said... I guess His ministry drug Him down quite a bit. So he said, "You say that You seen Abraham, now we know that You got a devil."

He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." See, He's the God of Abraham. Sure, He was. He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." Sure.

225 And now, there He's setting at the well; He said, "Woman, bring Me a drink."

She said, "It's not customary. We have a segregation here." Like they used to in the south was...?... colored and white. See? She said, "We have segregation here. Not customary for You to ask me, You, a Jew, ask me a woman of Samaria to bring any favor or anything. We have no dealings with one another." She was a little prostitute woman, you know, so probably a pretty little woman. And she was standing there, maybe her curls all down in her face, you know, and been out all night. And--and so she said, and she said, "It's not customary for You to ask me, a woman of Samaria, such."

He said, "Woman, if you knew Who were talking to you, and you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink." That's the Messiah yesterday. See? "You'd ask Me for a drink; I'd give you water you don't come here to draw."

228 "Why," she said, "the well is deep, and You have nothing to draw with, when can You give me any water?" Said, "Our father Jacob..." See, she was Samaritan, but she called Jacob her father too. "Our father Jacob drunk of this well, his cattle, his family. And yet You say You got water greater than this?" Said, "You say 'worship,' You being a Jew, You say at Jerusalem. We say in this mountain."

He said, "Woman, the time is coming, and now is, that when the true worships will worship God in the Spirit, 'cause God is a Spirit." See? "Father seeks such to do so." What was He doing? He was talking to her to contact her spirit. See? Now, remember, He's got to be Messiah before them Samaritans.

228a And directly He found her trouble. How many knows what it was? Sure. She was living with her sixth husband.

So, you see, it's wrong when you got a living husband, is in, and--and so forth, and going out. And just for any cause, put a woman away, and marry her, and go marry another one, marry another one, marry another one, you shouldn't do that. So He said she...

Then said, I guess, she was living without even being married to them. She might have never married to them. She might have not never even been married. So she said all these evil things, you know, done all this evil stuff.

So then while He was standing there, looking at her like that, He said, "Go, bring Me a drink." And she said... " But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink. I'll bring you water you don't come... I'll give you water, you don't come here to drink." Then He said, "Go, get your husband and come here."

She said, "Sir, I have no husband."

"Oh," He said, "you have said well. You've had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband. In it you said well."

230 She, listen, that woman... Now when the...

What did the Jews call Him when they seen Him do that? Did they recognize Him to be the Messiah? No. What'd they say He was? "Beelzebub, a fortuneteller," said, "that power was Beelzebub." And they called the Spirit of God, that was doing that discernment, "an unclean thing."

He said, "You speak a word against Me, I'll forgive you. But someday the Holy Ghost is coming, to do the same thing; and you speak one word against It, it'll never be forgiven you."

So you see where we're at today, if it happened to be today. "One word against It, will never be forgiven, neither in this world or the world that is to come." So you see what this generation has done. Now think of it. Think strong. Weigh this solemn Words.

Now, the Jews said, "This Man does these things by Beelzebub. He's a devil, fortuneteller." We know that fortunetelling is the devil. So he said, "This man's a fortuneteller."

So He forgive them for calling Him a fortuneteller. But after He died and the Holy Spirit come back, then it was different. See? And that--that's to the Gentile generation.

233 Now, notice. Now, the--the Jews had already seen it, condemned it. The Samaritans received it, and she said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a Prophet." What are you going to do with it, Samaritan? "I perceive that You're a Prophet. We know that when the Messiah cometh, He'll tell us these things." See, they knowed the Messiah, Who He would be. Said, "We know that the Messiah, which is called the Christ, when He comes He'll tell us these things. But Who art Thou? Are You His prophet?"

He said, "I am He. I am He."

And upon this... Now, listen. Upon this she left her water-pot and ran into the city, and comes to said to the men in the streets, running through the city, said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things that I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" And the Bible said that all the city believed on Him because that the woman had said this, that He told them, because He was Messiah.

Now, if that was the sign of Messiah yesterday, and He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, it'd be the same sign today. Is that right? How many will agree on that? Sure, yes...?... same. All right.

Now, will it be any different man? No. He loved, He cried, He eat, He slept; He went into the wilderness, went fishing, done just like anybody else. He was just a man (See?), but yet He was the anointed Messiah.

237 Now, now, we remember over in the Bible, that tells us way back, where we go to many Scriptures and prove that the Bible claims that there'll be a day that'll not be night nor day, just a dismal day, organizations and church, and enough to be saved, "But in the evening time it shall be Light." How many's ever read that in the Bible? Sure. See?

Now, in other words, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The same sun rises in the east, sets in the west. Well, when the Son of God, S-o-n, rose in the east on the eastern people... Civilization trav--travels with the sun, and we're at the West Coast now. If you go across, you go to China, back to the east again. So then the same Son that shined on the east is now shining on the west, with the same baptism of the Holy Ghost, the same signs, same wonders, the same Messiah. Is it right? "It shall be Light in the evening time, the path to glory you will surely find." That's right.

239 We're in the evening, the evening Light. The sun is going down. Messiah is in our midst. The Son of God in the form of the Holy Spirit is in our midst. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.] Do you believe me to be His servant? Do you believe that what I'm telling you is the Truth? You believe the story of that Angel yesterday morning, day before yesterday morning? You believe it? Then let the God of heaven, let the God that appeared to me in the form of that rainbow, let Him speak. And let my body be dedicated to Him, my soul, spirit, and mind, be dedicated to His glory.

When I was looking for that last squirrel, and knowed it would be the last one, it was right then three minutes till ten o'clock, and I'd said it would be by ten o'clock.

You know, He said, "Say what you will. It'll be that way." He's never failed it yet, whatever. "Just say what you will."

The eighth time that was ever done, was on a little woman. She's setting back there now, I suppose. I see Brother Wright setting here. Hattie Wright, when she asked for her two children. There she is, right there now. For the salvation of her two children, (wasn't it?), was firmly against it. I said, "I give you your children, in the Name of Jesus." They fell right across her lap.

240 Ed Daulton, Baptist setting here from down in Kentucky, setting right here. How many children you got, Ed? Twelve children. Standing right here, he asked for his children. I walked out of the building. Ed come to me here; I said, "Ed."

The Holy Spirit was on me, said, "Give it to him. Give him."

I said, "I give you your children." Every one of them's saved and baptized. There was his teenager setting at home, waiting, crying, has been saved since he was up here. This Baptist brother from down in... Oh, oh, how wonderful He is when He speaks.

I'm asking Him now for His glory, to show Himself that He's Christ, that I'm telling the truth.

243 Now, that the--the unbeliever might have no escape. I want the people that's in here, that's sick and needy, has need of God, that I don't know, strangers within our gates, people that I do not know, that's here in need, and have a need of God, raise up your hands. People everywhere, that... All right, just about general everywhere, I suppose. People that I do not know. If I call somebody that know, that--that I know and you know me, and--and we're acquainted with one another, don't you say nothing, just you just hold your peace. If He is the Son of God, which He is, and my message is right, and that Angel...

244 When it was three minutes till ten, I said, "O God, Who appeared to me awhile ago in that rainbow, it's three minutes. I see no squirrel. It's three minutes; You'll have to bring one to me." And God being my Judge, I solemnly say it with my hand on the Bible. Don't believe in swearing; the Bible don't say that; It says not to do that. But God is my Judge; a squirrel run right down the tree and set just exactly right. He's never failed it; He's never did it. Many of them here are present to know those things. I know that He, that same God is here.

245 There's prayer cards give out. I don't want them. We'll let them be prayed for in a few minutes; they'll come up in a line. I want people that's--that's here, or whatever.

I want strangers. I want people that doesn't know me. I want you to get on your mind; I want you to go to thinking and praying, and saying, "God, that man doesn't know me."

247 And one day a little woman pressed through a crowd. She had a blood issue. And she said...

When all of them was saying, "Here He is. Look at Him. There's that Galilean," so and forth. All them rabbis and so forth standing there, saying, "Rabbi, we seek a sign from You," and so forth like that.

This little woman said, "I believe Him to be the Son of God. And I believe if I can only touch the border of His garment, I'll be made whole." How many know that? She touched Him, not that He could feel; but He stopped and turned around, said, "Who touched Me? Somebody touched Me." Everybody kept real quiet. Said, "Somebody touched Me." Said, "Who touched Me?"

And He looked around till He found the little woman. She couldn't hide herself. Couldn't find it... Found her, and said, "Thy faith has saved thee." The... Told her her blood issue had been saved--been stanched, because that she had believed, and her faith touched His garment. You believe that? All right.

252 Now, is He a High Priest today that's setting at the right hand of God, making intercessions on our confession? Does the Bible say that He's the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities? Is that right? All right, if you're sick, you start praying, and say, "Lord God, I've just heard a message. I--I don't know this man. I'm--I'm here in the Tabernacle. I don't come here; this is not my home church. I'm from somewhere else. I'm from out of town; I'm from somewhere else. I don't know the man. But he makes it, seems to make it so positive that it's You, and said that You appeared to him, that his message was right, and how You do these things. Now, I don't know the man, but I know You. So if he has dedicated himself to You, and You're using his body to speak Your Own Words through, let him speak to me. Let me touch Your garment, Lord." And see if He does or not, see if He's God.

253 If He is still God, He can use my lips to speak the same words that He would do, 'cause He has no lips but mine and yours. He has no eyes but ours. So He just comes down and operates His Church through our body. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Operates, Hisself! That's what He said. "The works that I do, you shall do the same." Is that right? ["Amen."] "Same works, you shall do." That was the works He did, to prove He was Messiah. Now, if He is Messiah, and He is, then, that being true, then He does the same works right now, through His Church, that He did then. That proves that it's right, regardless of all your denominations. Oh, hallelujah!

254 Little old Brother Kidd and Sister Kidd setting here, both of them in they're eighty years old, preaching 'fore I was borned. Here he laid the other morning, dying, with a cancer, about two years ago, cut into his prostates, way up in Ohio: been very dear friends of mine. Sister Kidd called me, said, "Billy, you better hurry. He's just dying, right dying now." And Billy and I liked to burnt that old secondhanded car of mine up, getting up there.

When I got there in the room, as soon as I got there, the Holy Spirit spoke, "THUS SAITH THE LORD."

There he stands, a witness to the glory of God, even got his doctor all tore up. It's just... He's God. Could I do that? No, sir. My words are no more than any man's. But that was THUS SAITH THE LORD. Amen.

257 Years ago, down in the mountains of Kentucky, a little old Church of God, or some of them, packing up and down the hillsides, beating corn out with a piece of stuff, little old mother Kidd, to feed a bunch of children, washing over a tub to send her husband out in the field, and here they are in their eighties, setting up here today, enjoying the Gospel of Jesus Christ, driving a hundred and something miles on Sunday morning, every Sunday I preach down here, if they can hear about it. Sure, we send them an invitations, they want to come. Bless their little old hearts. That's right. I want every person in here to shake their hands this morning, if they can, bless them.

259 Now pray. Oh, I'm so glad to know that He is God. What a feeling! You say, "What are you stalling for, Brother Branham?" I'm waiting for Him. It's a... I been preaching. This is another anointing.

And if He will come and do it, how many in here then, that's sick, will accept Him as their Healer? Just raise up your hands, all the sick people, if He will--if He will do it. Raise your hands, everybody that's sick, that can see that Messiah, Christ, is in the midst of the people, speaking.

261 Pray. Believe. I will consecrate on this side of the house. I got so many praying. I see the anointing.

Look. How many has heard that, that Pillar of Fire there, that science has hanging in Washington, D.C.? You know it. Here's the picture of It, right here, same Pillar of Fire that led Moses. When even the science said, "Someday it would be on ten-cent-store shelves. Only supernatural Being was ever photographed."

That same Angel is right here at the pulpit right now. Seek it. I challenge you to believe it. You outsiders, you believe.

Now I just have to watch where I see It going. Be reverent, everybody, in His Presence, that Awe.

265 I see a man. Here it is. He is setting to my left, right back here in the corner. He is suffering with sinus trouble and stomach trouble. You believe with all your heart. Be a stranger to me. That's Mr. Wells. That's what your name is, Mr. Wells. You're not from here. You're a place called Aurora, Illinois. That is true. Is it true? I'm a stranger to you. If that's right, raise up your hands. Stand up on your feet. Jesus Christ makes you well.

You believe now? "If thou canst believe."

Now, there, that fellow, I never seen in my life, and perfect stranger among us. He's from another state. And the Holy Spirit, now, whatever It said to him, I won't know until I get that tape over. It's anointing that comes upon you. But the man knows.

What was told you is the truth. Is that right, sir? Yeah. We're strange. There's, let him be witness of himself.

Who did that? Messiah, Christ.

268 Here's a lady setting right back out here, in the midst of people, right here. See that Light over her? She is suffering with a skin trouble. Mrs. Pitman, you're from Owensboro. If you're a stranger, wave your hand. Is those things true? Wave your hand. God healed you. I never seen the woman, yet, only in a vision.

That you might know, right over from you is a woman named Ellis, Mrs. Ellis, a young woman. She has female trouble. She's a stranger also. If that's right, wave your hand. Is that your mother setting next to you there? It's a lady setting there, suffering with a fear, a complex of fear upon her. If that's right, raise up your hand, lady. All right. The fear is gone. You can go home, be well. I challenge you to believe.

270 Way back in the back, in the corner, way back, a man from Minnesota, with back trouble. Your name is Mr. Carson. Stand up on your feet. Your back trouble is gone. Jesus Christ makes you well.

Right back behind here, a lady suffering. She is from out of town. She's from a place called Blue Island. She has heart trouble. That's near Chicago. Mrs. Braiden, raise up, accept your healing. Go home and be well, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Are you believing? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What about in this section? You know that's Messiah? How a man know?

All these people that's been called, so far, and knows that I know nothing about you, raise up your hands, all you people that's been called, around. See there?

274 Somebody behind me, praying, back, over in a room. It's a young fellow, light-headed, praying for a cousin out in Kansas, got cancer. Come forward to the door. Have faith in God. You believe?

Elmer, that was some connection with you. I see your dad setting there, his wife. High blood pressure. If you believe, God will heal you. I don't know. That's right. Isn't it? You believe with all your heart.

You believe? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is Messiah? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe His Presence is here? ["Amen."] Remember, when one woman touched the garment of Jesus, He got weak. Virtue, strength, went from Him. I'm just about gone now. Do you believe? ["Amen."]

Then let's bow our heads just a moment.

277 O Jesus, Messiah of God, Thou art ever near. The people are aware that You are the Son of God, that You are here now. Your great signs and wonders are being proved. Bless them, Father. Bless them, I pray. May they right now believe, with all their heart, that You, the Messiah, is the One standing here. No one could do that. That's humanly impossible, Lord. Miracle, to see the power of Messiah come into a little, humble place like this, because that You promised it, Lord. Because, Your grace is here to grace us. Because that it's Your promise to do it, You have done it. We see that You don't leave Your people.

Now, Father, God, may those who have prayer cards, coming into the prayer line, may they have faith to believe. O Almighty God, when hands are laid upon them, may they go in here, rejoicing, shouting, praising God, that they're healed. Grant it, Lord.

And let these who have been saved, know that there's no secrets with God. God reveals the secrets of the heart; He knows every thought that's in our mind. Grant it, Father. We ask in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

280 Now, you that have prayer cards, out in the audience, you people around the tabernacle, around through here, that has prayer cards, do you believe? Raise your hands. And believe that a human being cannot do that. That has to come from God. Do you believe it's a promise of God, that God said He would do it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Then you know that Somebody is here besides man.

I solemnly take this Word, before God. The people that was spoken to, ever who it was, I do not know them, and they do not know me. They are strangers that just dropped into the tabernacle here, wherever they was.

I see some visions over people here that's in the tabernacle, but let them alone, yeah, just let them alone.

Those people who were called, whoever you was, that the others might see that you're strangers, raise up your hand. See? Every one, all strange.

284 Something just keeps moving me. I see a colored lady appear before me, all the time, got arthritis and high blood pressure. Yes. You're a stranger among us. You're from Memphis, Mrs. Sals. That's your name. Your first time here. You believe on the Lord, with all your heart? Then you can go home and be saved, healed. God takes it for her.

Believe with all your heart, everybody. Raise up your hands now, everybody. Believe with all your hearts. Put your hands over on one another.

Come here, Brother Neville. Come here, offer the prayer.

While we have our heads bowed, Brother Neville is going to pray.

1Ďakujem, brat Neville. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Dobré ráno, priatelia. Je to istotne veľká výsada, aby sme tu toto ráno znovu mohli byť v službe Pánovi. Je mi ľúto, že nemáme nejakú miestnosť, kde by sme umiestnili ľudí v tomto malom zbore. Moc sa ich tu nezmestí. Sme veľmi radi, že tu ste a že ste ochotní urobiť tú obeť, aby ste na nás trpezlivo čakali. A urobíme, čo bude v našich silách, aby sme vám priniesli Slovo Pánovo najlepším spôsobom, akým ho len vieme podať. A teraz, práve som...

2Táto malá pani, ktorá tu práve vošla, mala dieťa, ktoré chcela dnes ráno dať posvätiť, a potom videla, že boli trochu neskoro, a tak len povedala, že trochu počká. Nikdy som tú ženu nevidel, ale modlím sa, aby ju Boh požehnal a dal jej do srdca to najbohatšie požehnanie, lebo na nás len trpezlivo čakala.

3No, práve teraz prichádza čas v roku, kedy sa ochladzuje a nebude tu tak veľmi horúco, keď tu budeme v tomto zbore tak naprataní. Ale dôverujeme, že Boh bohate požehná každého z vás.

4Chcel by som teraz spomenúť ešte pár vecí, predtým, ako začnem hovoriť. Povedal som, že budem toto ráno, ak Pán dá, hovoriť na tému „Vetry vo vzdušnom víre.“ Ale On to pre mňa zmenil. Nikdy som nevedel, čo idem povedať, možno do posledných pár minút predtým, ako som prišiel na toto zhromaždenie. A chcel som na túto tému hovoriť už druhýkrát, ale nedokázal som dostať na to odpoveď od Boha. Neviem prečo. Vždy to tak mám rád, všetci títo kazatelia to pochopia, že musíte očakávať na Pána, aby ste vedeli, čo idete povedať.

5Posledný večer som mal na osobnej linke hovor odniekadiaľ z Arkansasu, niektorí ľudia sa chceli tento týždeň dostať sem a povedali, že počuli, že tu otvoríme zhromaždenie na Sedem Pečatí. Pre tých, ktorí sú tu cudzí, prešiel som práve Sedem Cirkevných Vekov. A jej manžel tam v pondelok príde, aby si tam našiel prácu, takže môže robiť, zatiaľ čo tam zostanú v blízkosti, aby počuli týchto sedem Pečatí. Povedal som, „To bude trvať okolo troch mesiacov, pani. Nemáme tu nikde miesto, aby sme urobili reklamu na zhromaždenie, a tak ďalej, nikoho, kto by sa o to v tomto meste postaral, ani miesto, kde by sme usadili ľudí.“

6Chcel by som niekedy, možno ak Boh dá, mať tu niekde trojmesačnú kampaň so zhromaždeniami a potom prejsť cez všetkých týchto Sedem Pečatí v tej kampani. Potom tam ľudia môžu zostať.

7Ide to od šiestej kapitoly Zjavenia až po devätnástu. A tam máte sedem pečatí, sedem pliag, tri utrpenia, ženu sediacu na šarlátovej šelme a tých stoštyridsaťštyri tisíc. Ó, je tam toho dosť, a všetko sa tak na seba viaže ešte pred tými siedmimi pečaťami, padá sedem pliag, sedem trúb. A je tam veľa vecí, ktoré to viažu dokopy a každé jedno z toho je dobrá lekcia na každý deň.

8Skloňme teraz naše hlavy na chvíľu pre slovo modlitby. Ešte predtým, ako sa pomodlíme, ak je tu niekto, kto by chcel byť spomenutý v modlitbe, dajte to vedieť tým, že pozdvihnete svoje ruky. A len vo svojom srdci myslite, akú máte potrebu k Bohu. A ja sa budem modliť, aby vám to dal.

9Všemohúci a milostivý Bože, ktorý si Bohom, ktorý odpovedáš na modlitby, Otče, ktorý poznáš všetky potreby Svojich detí. Ty si nás poznal predtým, ako sme vôbec prišli na svet a ty máš dokonca spočítané všetky naše kroky, spočítané všetky naše vlasy; a všetky naše slová sa vážia na Tvojej váhe. Tak, Pane, daj, aby sme dnes ráno dbali na tieto veci, na ten vážny záväzok, ktorý pred Tebou máme.

10Veľa z týchto rúk bolo zdvihnutých dnes ráno na tomto malom zhromaždení, možno to sú modlitby za uzdravenie ich chorého tela alebo za ich milovaných, ktorí sú ešte stratení. Ty poznáš ich srdcia a všetko, čo je v nich. Lebo vtedy, keď si tu stál na tejto zemi vo forme ľudskej bytosti nazývanej Ježiš, náš Pán, poznal si tajomstvá ich sŕdc. Všetko, čo si len človek dokáže vo svojej mysli predstaviť, Ty mu môžeš hneď povedať, na čo práve myslí, „Čo to rozmýšľate vo svojich srdciach?“ Ježiš videl ich myšlienky. A čítame v Písme, že Ty si tým istým, tak ako včera, tak aj dnes, aj naveky. A tiež je napísané, že „kdekoľvek sú dvaja alebo traja spolu zhromaždení, tam Ja budem v ich strede.“ Takže Ty si tu dnes ráno vo forme Svätého Ducha a poznáš túžbu každého srdca týchto ľudí.

11A modlím sa k Tebe, Otče, Bože, aby si k nim späť prehovoril a povedal, „Je dokonané. Tvoja žiadosť bola zodpovedaná a Ja ťa dnes uisťujem, že všetko, o čo si prosil, ti je udelené.“

12Bože, predovšetkým pamätáme na tých, ktorí ešte nie sú spasení a zdvihli svoje ruky. Nech je táto hodina tou, v ktorej príjmu Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa.

13Predtým, ako sa ukončí dnešné zhromaždenie, nech sa niečo udeje, Pane, aby si priniesol Svoju Prítomnosť tak blízko k ľuďom, aby vedeli, že ten istý Ježiš, ktorý kráčal v Galiley, stojí dnes v strede Svojich ľudí a nech dnes odtiaľto odídu s tým istým uistením ako tí, ktorí prišli vtedy z Emauz. Keď boli na svojej spiatočnej ceste, potom, ako s Ním kráčali celý ten deň a rozprávali sa s Ním a On s nimi a pritom ani nemali tušenia, že to bol On.

14Ó, Bože, ako často to je tak aj s nami. Hovoríš s nami pri západe slnka, pri speve vtákov, pri šeleste lístia, pri rozkvitaní kvetov, pri kresťanských piesňach a pritom my tak málo rozpoznávame, že si to Ty. V nemocničných izbách a na mnohých iných miestach s nami hovoríš a my si stále tak málo uvedomujeme, že si to Ty.

15Teraz, Pane, ako sa dnes vrátime späť do svojich domovov dnes ráno, nech rozpoznáme, tak ako oni, nech by si mohol urobiť niečo v našom strede, ako si robil aj tam. Oni vedeli, čo si tam urobil pred nimi. Urobil si to pred Svojím ukrižovaním a oni vedeli, že to bol vzkriesený Pán. Išli naspäť do svojich skupín, radujúci sa a velebiaci Boha, pretože vedeli, že je živý. A povedali, „Či v nás nehoreli naše srdcia, ako s nami hovoril na ceste?“ Pane, Tvoja prítomnosť tam a činenie niečoho, čo si robil pred svojím ukrižovaním, dokázalo Tvoje zmŕtvychvstanie, že Ty si bol tým istým Ježišom, že si spôsobil, že si dlho pamätali celý tvoj rozhovor s Tebou. Hovor ku nám po celý týždeň, Pane. Objav sa teraz v našom strede a daj sa poznať každému núdznemu srdcu. O to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene a k Nemu sa modlíme. Amen.

16[Nejaká sestra hovorí v neznámom jazyku a nejaký brat podáva výklad. Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn. prekl.] Teraz sa bude zhromaždenie modliť:

17Náš Otče, ktorý si na nebesiach, nech je posvätené Tvoje Meno. Nech príde Tvoje Kráľovstvo. Nech je Tvoja vôľa na zemi, ako aj na nebi. Daj nám aj dnes náš každodenný chlieb. A odpusť nám naše priestupky, ako aj my odpúšťame svojim vinníkom. A neuveď nás do pokušenia, ale zbav nás zlého. Lebo Tvoje je Kráľovstvo i moc i sláva na veky. Amen.

18Ak by len bolo moje pero sochárskym nástrojom, papier kameňom a tieto slová, ktoré teraz hovorím, nech sú naň hlboko vryté, aby mohli ísť ku všetkým ľuďom.

19Boží Svätý Duch má zvláštne spôsoby konania so Svojimi ľuďmi. Veľakrát to robí cez divy a cez dary a povolania, ktoré sú bez pokánia, ktoré Boh zo Svojej Milosti dáva Svojim ľuďom.

20Som teraz doma po takej krátkej dovolenke. Zvyčajne trávim tento čas doma, aspoň túto časť roka, pretože rád odpočívam, keď chodím poľovať veveričky. A bol som tento týždeň dole v Kentucky na mojom obľúbenom mieste s mojimi priateľmi na poľovačke na veveričky. Bol som tak trochu znechutený, nie preto, že som žiadnu nenašiel, len som sa cítil taký rozladený. Niečo mi hovorilo, že sa musím vrátiť domov. A cestu späť som v aute prespal.

21Minulý rok, ako iste všetci viete, je to všetko tlačené a tiež to je v tom svedectve a na tých páskach, sedel som tam v Indiane, kde Pán Boh zostúpil a prehovoril ku mne, že moja druhá služba bola pripravená, aby sa udiala v blízkej budúcnosti. A potom boli tri veveričky slovom vypovedané do existencie. Všetci tu poznáte ten príbeh. Som si istý. Nejako, keď som išiel hore cestou a... Zatiaľ čo som nechal zvyšok chlapcov stáť obďaleč a išiel som poľovať, mal som zvláštny pocit, keď som tam znovu išiel. Bolo to ešte pred rozvidnením, pršalo a ani som nevedel, či vôbec pôjdem poľovať alebo nie, alebo či sa opäť vrátim na misijné pole. Poľovačka pre mňa znamená, že sa uzavriem do seba, aby som sa modlil. Takže som zastavil auto, vystúpil a prešiel cez cestu a vstúpil som do divočiny, ešte predtým, ako vyšlo prvé slnečné svetlo...

22Zastavil som sa a vyjadril slovami krátku modlitbu, ako zvyčajne, povediac Otcovi, aby mi poskytol moje potreby. Neverím v nejaké mrhanie niečoho alebo ničenie; v živote som nezastrelil vtáka, len aby som sa precvičil v strieľaní alebo niečo také. To, čo lovím, aj jem, alebo to dám niekomu, ktorý to tiež zje. Neverím v nejaké plytvanie. Neverím v tieto veci, pretože to nie je správne.

23Potom, ako som sa obrátil do lesa a vybral som sa po známom malom chodníku vedľa strany pasienku, ktorý sa križoval do tvaru L, udialo sa niečo zvláštne. Zo všetkých mojich prežití som žiadne podobné nemal. Pozrel som sa na vrch kopca z ľavej strany, odkiaľ som stál, a z vrchu toho kopca sa zjavili tri dúhy. Siahali asi do výšky tridsiatich stôp. Najprv som sa pozrel a videl Svetlo, ale potom som sa otočil, pretože som si myslel, že to môže byť len východ slnka. Ale ďalej mi napadlo, že to nie je smerom k slnku, ale na juhu. A ďalšia vec bola tá, že bolo zamračené a všade pršalo. Bolo to dvadsiateho piateho augusta, posledné piatkové ráno a iste viete, ako vtedy pršalo a všade boli mraky.

24A opäť som sa pozrel a tu to bolo, rástli vyššie a vyššie, tieto tri dúhy. Sňal som si klobúk a položil zbraň. So zdvihnutými rukami som sa uberal k tomu. Zdalo sa mi, že mi niečo hovorí, „Toto je dostatočne blízko.“ Išiel som sa zložiť a vyzuť si topánky, ktoré som mal na sebe, aby som videl, či môžem ísť ešte trochu bližšie. Ale dostal som sa len na pár yardov [1 yard = 0,91m – pozn.prekl.] k tomu, videl som tie farby toho, bola to ako hmla a pohybovalo sa to. Len som na chvíľu postál. Vychádzalo to priamo z vrchu tej malej hory. A sledoval som, ako tri (jedna sprava, druhá zľava a ďalšia zo stredu) zostupovali dolu do akoby takého niečoho v tvare misy... Čokoľvek to bolo, bolo to živé. Pohybovali sa, jednoducho robili pohyby. A tak som tam stál, ako pomaly svitalo.

25Otočil som sa a znova sa pozrel a zakričal, „Ó, Bože, čo by mal Tvoj služobník vedieť?“

26Práve na to prišiel Duch Pánov a povedal, „Ježiš Nového Zákona je Jehova Starého, On len zmenil Svoju masku z Ducha na človeka.“ To samozrejme potvrdzovalo moje posolstvo o Ňom, a dal mi vedieť a uistil ma, že tých tridsaťjeden rokov nebolo márnych.

27Ako som sa začal približovať, začalo sa to vytrácať, išlo to dole do akoby takejto misky a potom to zmizlo. Vykročil som k tomu bližšie. Bál som sa ísť bezprostredne k tomu, pretože On by ma zastavil predtým, akoby som sa tam vôbec dostal.

28Obrátil som sa a všimol som si, že to Svetlo a spôsob, ktorým na mňa svietilo, bol presne v línii so stromom, pri ktorom som bol minulý rok, kde sa objavili tie veveričky. Nejakých tridsaťpäť alebo štyridsať minút neskôr som prešiel cez lesy a dná potokov, a tak ďalej, dokiaľ som sa nedostal ku stromu, ktorý sa oddeľoval na štyri smery (východ, sever, západ a juh) a štyri vetvy z toho stromu vybiehali. A vyšplhal som sa na špic toho stromu a sadol som si tam, kde som bol vtedy, keď mi On povedal o tom mieste Písma, „Ak povieš tej hore, 'Pohni sa!'“ A ako som tak chvíľu stál, nemyslel som už na oblohu, to už opustilo moju myseľ. Len som tam stál. A ten rok bol totižto dosť zlý na poľovanie veveričiek, bolo už príliš neskoro, nikde už žiadna nebola.

29Myslel som si, „Práve tu to je, kde mi Boh dal tie veveričky, keď boli vypovedané do existencie.“ Znovu som si zložil klobúk povediac, „Pane Bože, Ty si stále tým istým Ježišom. Ty si stále Bohom.“

30A niečo mi povedalo, „Koľko ich potrebuješ tentokrát?“

31Povedal som, „Tak ako vtedy: limit.“ A potom som povedal, „Budem mať ten limit dnes do desiatej.“ A vyzeralo to dosť čudne, pretože som sa práve nachádzal v kraji plnom komárov, kde to bolo doslova prepchaté komármi, bola to tak trochu krajina s močiarmi, a keď jeden veľký komár prišiel, aby ma pohrýzol priamo do oka, povedal som, „Žiaden z nich ma už dnes nebude otravovať,“ pričom som nemal so sebou žiaden repelent, nič. A predtým, ako som toto vedel, povedal som, „Slnko bude svietiť ešte tridsať minút.“

32A nie dlho odvtedy, ako som toto povedal, práve za mnou vybehla veverička presne tak, ako tá minulý rok, mladá, červená, vyskočila na konár asi sedemdesiat yardov [63,98 m – pozn. prekl.] a začala škriekať. Otočil som sa. A z takejto dlhej vzdialenosti som len tak-tak mohol cez ten veľký priestor vidieť jej oko. Len streliť, to je všetko; Ani som na to nemieril, nie viac, ako ponad tú veveričku. A tá guľka presne zasiahla jej oko tak, ako minule.

33Tak som sa znovu pustil dolu lesom. A presne tri minúty pred desiatou som zastrelil moju tretiu veveričku, presne ako minulý rok, presne to isté: Tri minúty pred desiatou. A Boh, súc mojím skutočným Sudcom, žiaden komár okolo mňa už za celý deň nezabzučal, hoci predpokladám, že ich tam boli tony, ak by sa vôbec dali všetky odvážiť. A nikdy som už žiadneho nevidel ani nepočul. Počúval som chvíľu, že či náhodou. A počul som taký bzukot a myslel som si, „No, zrejme tu predsa nejaký bude,“ a počúval som a nakoniec to bol len zvuk náklaďákov z diaľnice. A presne tridsať minút odvtedy slnko pekne a jasne žiarilo.

34Potom som sa vrátil späť na to miesto. A rozmýšľal som, keď som vtedy povedal, „limit,“ že to vlastne znamenalo päť veveričiek, pretože to je limit v Indiane. Ale pamätám si, že minulý rok, keď sa ma On opýtal, koľko ich potrebujem, povedal som, „tri,“ a tak som dostal tri. Takže včera, keď som išiel naspäť na to isté miesto, niečo hovorilo, „Nechoď tam. Zíď z tej cesty.“

35A presne na desiatu hodinu, presne do bodky, desať hodín bolo na mojich hodinkách, som dosiahol limit v Indiane, piatu veveričku. Chcem, aby ste si teraz všimli, že tam boli tri dúhy, tri veci boli vypovedané a tri veveričky mi boli dané. Boli tri veci: tri veveričky do desiatej hodiny, žiadne komáre a slnko svietilo tých tridsať minút. A ešte boli traja ľudia, ktorí to môžu dosvedčiť: brat Banks Wood, môj syn Billy Paul a jeho syn Dávid, oni o tom môžu podať svedectvo.

36Keď som videl tie dúhy asi tak široké, ako bola tá žiara, ten Anjel Pánov, ale boli tri a zbiehali sa do jednej. Ó, ako to pomáha môjmu srdcu vedieť, že Boh, Ježiš nie je len človekom, ako si to ľudia o Ňom myslia, alebo len prorokom, ako je to tá moderná myšlienka dneška, že Ježiš je len prorok. On je Jehova Starého Zákona, ktorý sa stal telom a prebýval medzi nami. A to je to, čo ma uspokojilo. A mysliac na to, že Boh hľadal toľko ľudí...

37No, je skupina ľudí, ktorí sa nazývajú „Jednotári“ alebo „Jedine Ježiš“. Vôbec s ich teóriou nesúhlasím. Ani nesúhlasím s tou trojičiarskou skupinou, ktorá hovorí, že sú traja rozliční bohovia, ten extrém tých Trojičiarov. Ale ja verím, že tí traja, Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý sú Jedným, že sú to tri úrady jedného Boha. On žil v Otcovstve v ohnivom Stĺpe; žil v Synovstve v Ježišovi Kristovi a žije práve teraz v Svätom Duchu vo Svojej cirkvi. Ten istý Pán Ježiš, ktorý sa stal telom a prebýval medzi nami, je s nami aj v tento deň, je medzi nami vo forme Svätého Ducha.

38Zo všetkých prežití... Keď som sa najprv obzrel a uvidel to, myslel som si najprv, že to je len slnko, ktoré niekde vykúka spoza mraku, lenže to bolo pred časom, kedy malo slnko prísť. Potom, keď som sa znovu otočil a videl, že to nie je svetlo, a že to sú dúhy, a keď som sa na to pozrel a uvidel to, celý som onemel.

39Ako mi raz niekto povedal, „Necítil si sa, že by si kričal?“ Nie, necítil som sa, že by som kričal. Pri týchto prežitiach nikdy nebudeš chcieť kričať; to ti dá cítiť, že si ukotvený, že vieš, že je niečo, čo k tebe hovorí, a máš z toho pocit spokojnosti.

40No, tieto veci sú pravdou. Viem, že bolo povedaných veľa vecí, že veľakrát nejakí ľudia hovoria, „Ó, ja neverím v takéto veci.“ Ja to nemôžem nijako dokázať; neviem. Môžem len poukázať na to, že to, čo hovorím, je pravda. A Boh Všemohúci, ktorý napísal túto Bibliu a ktorého som ja služobníkom, On vie, že to, čo tu práve teraz hovorím, je pravda.

41Myslite na to, že deň, v ktorom žijeme, tesne pred príchodom Pánovým, Ježiš povedal, „Budú znaky na oblohe a na Zemi, veľké znamenia, letiace taniere, rakety, zmätenia, zovretie medzi národmi a desivé pohľady na tejto Zemi.“ A my práve žijeme vo dni, kedy môžeme tieto veci vidieť.

42Teraz, ako posolstvo na toto ráno, ktoré som si vybral, chcem, aby ste si so mnou otočili v Písme do Zachariáša. Bolo to mojou... Zachariáš, 4. kapitola...

43Bolo to mojou túžbou, aby som vám povedal tieto veci. Veľakrát sa dejú veci a ja o tom ani nehovorím, nepoviem to. Ale toto bolo pre mňa príliš ohromné, aby som to držal preč od cirkvi. Musí to byť povedané. A pred Bohom, pred ktorým stojím, je to pravda. Ja viem, že existuje Boh, a viem, že Ježiš Kristus je Synom Božím, Emanuelom, prebývajúcim dnes medzi svojimi ľuďmi vo forme Svätého Ducha. A tiež viem, že príchod Pánov sa približuje, keď sa objavujú znaky a divy.

44Práve sme prechádzali cez Sedem Cirkevných Vekov, a dozvedeli sme sa, že sa nachádzame v poslednom Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, keď bude cirkev ľahostajná, chladná, denominačná a bude organizovaná: organizácie to všetko prevezmú a zhltnú. Ale je zasľúbenie, že zostane malý zvyšok. Bude cirkev, ktorá bude roztrúsená medzi národmi, ale Boh si ich zhromaždí spolu a vychváti ich do slávy: bude mať niekde malú posvätenú skupinu, ktorá očakáva na Pána.

45Potom, druhý deň, keď som prechádzal cez Danielových sedemdesiat týždňov, stojac tam za kazateľňou, niečo ma zasiahlo; nikdy som nebol schopný dostať sa z toho všetkého, keď vidím hodinu, v ktorej žijeme. Chcem ísť niekde inde a robiť niečo iné a držať to preč od svojej mysle. Mám toľko milovaných, ktorí ešte nie sú spasení. Ale čo pre to môžem urobiť, aby boli zachránení? Čo len môžem urobiť? Kázal som Evanjelium. Boh činil veľké znaky a divy, aké nikdy dovtedy na svete nerobil, nikdy odo dní Pána Ježiša, nikdy to neurobil v celej histórii času. A ide to okolo celého sveta. A svet v tom stále pokračuje a ide do horšieho. Potom však musím pamätať na to, že žijeme v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, kde pôjdu do horšieho a bolo povedané, že pôjdu.

46Tak som si vybral na dnes ráno, keďže to posolstvo je tak napádané, ďalšia vec, ku ktorej som sa dostal, je kázanie milosti. Chcel by som o tom hovoriť dnes ráno, ako čítame zo 4. kapitoly Zachariáša, časť z toho.

Potom sa navrátil anjel, ktorý to hovoril so mnou, a zobudil ma jako muža, ktorého zobudia z jeho spánku.

A riekol mi: Čo vidíš? A ja som povedal: Vidím a hľa, svietnik, celý zo zlata, a jeho nádoba na olej na jeho vrchu a sedem jeho lámp na ňom a po siedmich trúbkach k lampám, ktoré sú na jeho vrchu.

A dve olivy pri ňom, jedna z pravej strany nádoby a jedna na jej ľavej strane.

A odpovedal som a riekol anjelovi, ktorý hovoril so mnou, povediac: Čo znamenajú tieto veci, pane?

Na to odpovedal anjel, ktorý hovoril so mnou, a riekol mi: Či nevieš, čo znamenajú tieto veci? A ja som povedal: Neviem, pane.

A odpovedal a riekol mi: Toto je slovo Hospodinovo k Zorobábelovi hovoriac: Nie silou ani mocou, ale mojím Duchom, hovorí Hospodin Zástupov.

47Vidíte? Posolstvo nepríde nejakou veľkou mocou alebo silou, ale Duchom Božím. Posledný, 7. verš...

Kým si ty, veľký vrchu, pred Zorobábelom? Rovinou! A vynesie von jeho náhlavný kameň so zvučným pokrikovaním: Milosť, milosť mu!

(Milosť, milosť mu.)

48Všetci, ktorí čítame Bibliu, sme oboznámení s týmto miestom Písma. Vieme, že to bolo v čase prípravy prinavrátenia chrámu. A Zorobábel bol veľkým kniežaťom medzi ľuďmi, ktorý založil ten dom. No, chcem, aby ste si dnes ráno obliekli svoje duchovné myslenie, ten pomazaný oblek, takpovediac. A toto veľké knieža určilo, že sa znovu vystaví dom Pánov. A potom, keď toto urobil, položil ten základový kameň.

49A ako ďalej čítame, zisťujeme, že Boh povedal, „Ruky Zorobábelove založili tento dom; a on tiež vynesie náhlavný kameň.“ Chcem, aby ste si všimli: On nikdy nepovedal, že prinesie uholný kameň. On prinesie náhlavný kameň.

50A vieme, že toto Písmo hovorí, že Ježiš je Kniežaťom uholného kameňa a tiež je náhlavným kameňom. No, ak teraz na chvíľu pomyslíme, že sedem cirkevných poslov malo prinavrátiť vieru synov späť ku otcom, inými slovami, znova obnoviť cirkev pod mocou Ducha. „Nie silou, nie mocou, ale Mojím Duchom,“ hovorí Pán. Nie organizáciou, nie denomináciou, ale Svätým Duchom Boh privedie cirkev v posledných dňoch.

51Zorobábel, knieža s Jozuom, bol tým, ktorý mal vyniesť náhlavný kameň. On položil základy; on prinavrátil ľudí v type späť ku základom.

52Všetci vieme, že tieto svietniky, a tak ďalej, sú reprezentované Židmi aj cirkvou. Oni boli olivovými výhonkami, Biblia tak hovorí. A olivový konár, my sme divokými vetvami, ktoré boli naštepené až do koreňa toho „skroteného“ olivového stromu: pohania. A z týchto dvoch konárov vychádzajú kadidlové trubky, prechádzajúce do siedmich zlatých svietnikov, aby dali Svetlo do Siedmich Cirkevných Vekov.

53Pamätajte teraz na učenie na našich hodinách, cez ktoré sme práve išli, že sme vzali tú veľkú pyramídu, ktorú musel Enoch vybudovať, a na chvíľu ju študovali. A ten náhlavný kameň nebol nikdy na pyramídu položený. Bol som tam. Tá architektúra toho nemôže byť do dnešného dňa premiestnená. Nemáme stroje, ktoré by vedeli postaviť pyramídu, žiadne sily (jedine atómovú silu), ktoré by mohli postaviť pyramídu, pretože je neskutočne obrovská. Kamene, ktoré by vážili tony, tony a tony a aby sa udržali vo vzduchu, dokonca ani tenká žiletka by nedokázala... A ony nie sú zacementované; sú len opracované, aby sa mohli spojiť jeden s druhým.

54To je spôsob, akým by malo byť telo Ježiša Krista: opracovaní Svätým Duchom, Božím inštrumentom a nástrojom, aby sme boli spojení ako jedna osoba. Nie sme rozdelení. Mali by sme byť jednou osobou. A to ukazuje, že žiadna mašinéria to takým spôsobom nedokáže robiť. To vyžaduje Boha, aby to urobil. Žiadna mechanika organizácie, žiadne veľké lóže, nič z týchto vecí to nikdy nedokáže urobiť, bez ohľadu na to, aké sú ich zámery. Oni to nikdy nedokážu vykonať, pretože tam je potrebný Boh, aby to urobil, Svätý Duch.

55Nemyslím, že by som práve mal vo vrecku dolárovú bankovku. Ale je tu... Áno, mám; mám dolárovú bankovku. Prepáčte. Na zadnej strane toho doláru môžete vidieť pečať Spojených Štátov na ľavej strane, ako rovno hľadí na vás. Pre mňa je to na ľavej strane; pre vás na pravej. Je tam orol a tiež tam je erb, a tak ďalej. Ale tu na tejto strane, pravej strane odo mňa, vidíte pyramídu. A všimnite si, ponad tou pyramídou je štítový kameň a pod ním sa hovorí, „Veľká Pečať.“ Dokonca na našej mene by sme mali rozoznať... Žiaden neveriaci nedokáže naše kresťanstvo zlikvidovať. Každý list, na ktorý udávaš dátum, hovorí o narodení Pána. Každý kalendár, všetko hovorí o Ňom. Dokonca na našej mene, náhlavný kameň, ktorým je Kristus... Prečo nepostavili náhlavný kameň na pyramídu? Pretože náhlavný kameň bol odmietnutý, keď prišiel.

56Ale teraz, príde podľa proroctva náhlavný kameň. A chcem, aby ste si všimli, kedy ten náhlavný kameň prichádza, knieža, ktoré ide vykríknuť posolstvo, vykríkne, „Milosť, milosť!“ Lebo cez milosť sme spasení, nie cez skutky, ktorými by sa mohol nejaký človek chvastať. A posolstvo milosti bolo udupané pod nohami ľudí, až sa stalo hanbou. Niektorí z nich idú do večnej bezpečnosti; niektorí utekajú do, ó, do všetkého. Ale pravdivé posolstvo milosti zostáva to isté, a to je to, kde sa to snaží satan vyradiť z cirkvi. Ale je to milosť Božia, cez ktorú sme všetci zachránení.

57Takže Božstvo Ježiša Krista, ak Pán Boh príde a potvrdí, že toto je pravda, nie len tým, ale On Svojím Slovom potvrdzuje, že to je pravdou, a znakmi a divmi On potvrdzuje, že to je pravda. Potom je taktiež milosť pravdou. Ako potom môže vôbec niekto kritizovať a povedať, že milosť je nesprávna, a že všetci sme spasení zo skutkov? My sme zachránení z milosti, ktorá je cez vieru, nie cez skutky. Skutky len ukazujú, že si už bol spasený. Ale to, čo ťa spasí, je milosť Božia. Milosť ťa zachraňuje. Milosť je to, čo Boh pre teba robí. A skutky sú tým, čo robíš pre Boha, čo prejavuje tvoju vďačnosť za to, čo Boh pre teba urobil. Ale z milosti si spasený.

58Niektorí ľudia si myslia, „Pretože som sa pridal do nejakej cirkvi a moje meno je v knihe, to je všetko, čo musím robiť.“ Niektorí si zase myslia, „Pretože kričím, to je všetko, čo musím robiť.“ Iní si myslia, „Pretože hovorím v jazykoch, to je to, čo musím robiť.“ Niektorí si myslia, „Pretože mám moc uzdravovať chorých, to je všetko, čo musím robiť.“ Tak to nie je. Je to Božia milosť, ktorá ťa spasí, úžasná Božia milosť. Nemôžem dôverovať v nejaké zásluhy. Niekto povedal, „Ó, to je veľký človek. Ten muž, počul som ho, ako sa postavil a urobil toto; počul som ho, ako sa postavil a urobil tamto.“

59Pavol povedal v 1. Korinťanom 13, „Keby som hovoril jazykmi ľudí a anjelov, keby som mal rozpoznanie, dary, žeby som mohol kŕmiť... Vynaložím všetku svoju dobročinnosť, všetko svoje imanie, vierou by som mohol hýbať vrchmi, hoci by som mohol mať známosť, že by som mohol rozumieť všetkým veciam, nie som ničím, dokiaľ nepríde láska, čo je milosť.“ Boh to musí urobiť. Môžeš robiť všetky tieto veci a stále byť stratený. Je to milosť, ktorá ťa spasí, Božia milosť k ľudskej rase.

60Rozmýšľajte o Ňom... Premýšľal som nad milosťou, hneď potom, ako sa to tam objavilo v to piatkové ráno na tom poli, slzy mi tiekli z očí. Myslel som si, „Ó, Bože, Tvoja milosť sa sklonila, aby ma zachránila. Prečo si vôbec mal takú ľútosť s tak úbohým a negramotným chudákom, ako som ja? Prečo si vôbec prišiel dolu do našej skromnej malej modlitebne, kde si dal pokoj, a k úbohým ľuďom z biedneho zázemia, nemajúci nič z tohoto sveta, pričom sa stále Tvoja milosť rozrastá v našich srdciach cez Svätého Ducha, že uzdravuješ naše choroby a zachraňuješ naše hriechy... alebo skôr spasil si nás z hriechu a učinil si nás Tvojimi ľuďmi a konáš s nami?“

61Potom som premýšľal o Dávidovi, keď si zmyslel, že postaví dom Pánovi, a povedal, „Nie je to správne pre mňa, aby som žil v cédrovom dome a archa zmluvy môjho Boha by bola pod ovčími kožami a stánok.“

62Boh povedal prorokovi, „Choď a povedz môjmu služobníkovi Dávidovi, že som ho vzal z pastviska oviec, od kŕmenia oviec svojho otca a urobil som mu veľké meno, ako veľkému mužovi na zemi.“

63Myslel som na milosť Božiu, ako to vôbec mohol urobiť: zachrániť tých najposlednejších. A potom vzal úbohého chudáka, ako som ja, a dal mi príležitosť kázať Evanjelium a vidieť ostatných spasených, vidieť ich uzdravených; vidieť domácnosti, ktoré boli rozbité ale boli znova urovnané; vidieť životy, ktoré boli zruinované, ale znova dané do poriadku. A On mi dal milosť, myslel som si, „Ó, je to ohromná milosť. Prišiel k malému biednemu poľovníkovi veveričiek v lesoch a vyformoval Sám Seba do dúhy, čo znamenalo zmluvu s Posolstvom, ktoré mi dal, aby som Ho kázal a vyformoval to tam do zmluvy, že On je za tým. On aj bude za tým, pretože to Posolstvo je o Ježišovi Kristovi a Jeho Sláve.“

64Ako ma len nechal ísť okolo celého sveta, po celom svete k národom, k miliónom ľudí, vidieť milióny prichádzajúce k Pánovi a ako Ho prijímajú ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa, vidieť ich naplnených Jeho láskavosťou a posvätených Jeho Mocou, vidieť ich uzdravených Jeho všemohúcou mocou. Potom som mohol vykríknuť ako prorok a povedať, „Nie je to cez nejakú silu, nie cez nejakú moc, ale je to cez Ducha Božieho.“ Nie je to vzdelaním, nie teológiou, ale cez Ducha Božieho zachraňuje ľudí. Duchom Božím uzdravuje ľudí. Je to Duch Boží, ktorý dáva posolstvo k ľuďom. Je to Duch Boží, ktorý potvrdzuje Slovo.

65Dnes máme teológov; máme doktorov teológie; okolo celého sveta máme bystrých a inteligentných veľkých ľudí, ktorí sú vzdelaní. Ale chce to jednoduchosť viery v Boha, aby Jeho Slovo vypovedalo a ukázalo, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Vyžaduje to pokorné srdce, aby sa oddalo Bohu a priviedlo Ježiša Krista do prítomného času. Amen. Ak to chce teológiu, čo by potom presbyteriáni, metodisti, baptisti, katolíci, a tak ďalej, my by sme nemali šancu, pretože sme len nevzdelaní ľudia. Ale to nepotrebuje nijakú známosť. „Nie silou, nie mocou, ale Mojím Duchom,“ hovorí Boh, „otvorím toto tajomstvo.“ A, „On bude kričať, Milosť, milosť s výkrikom a volaním.“ To je to, čím to je dnes: Božia ohromná milosť k Jeho ľuďom. Ako On berie negramotných, nevzdelaných, aby ukázal, že Ježiš je tým istým.

66Keď On prišiel, nikdy neprišiel k nejakým veľkým teológom. Ani nešiel k veľkňazovi Kaifášovi; len aby bol od neho odsúdený... Ale On si vyvolil rybárov, ľudí, ktorí boli chudobní a žili bežným životom, a tým zjavil Samého Seba a povedal, „Nasledujte Ma a Ja vás urobím rybármi ľudí,“ aby ukázal, že Jeho milosť sa sklonila dokonca ponad Židov až k pohanom, aby zavolala ľudí pre Jeho Meno v posledných dňoch, ako sme cez to prechádzali. Úžasná milosť, ako sladko to znie.

68Milosť je stará. Milosť je len tak stará, ako je aj svet. Milosť bola prvýkrát ukázaná ľudskej rase, keď sa ešte len ľudská rasa začala. Keď bola ľudská rasa prvýkrát stvorená v záhrade Eden, v to tmavé ráno, keď tá malá žena prekročila tú oddeľujúcu čiaru a išla proti Božím prikázaniam a zviedla svojho manžela, aby urobil to isté, potom bol ten zákon porušený. A ten zákon musel mať aj trest, ináč by to nebol zákon. A tým zákonom bolo, „V deň, v ktorom budete z toho jesť, v ten istý deň istotne zomriete.“

69Pamätajte, prvý súd, ktorý bol na zemi, bol v záhrade Eden. A tým posledným súdom, ktorý je na zemi, je v čase konca, biely trón.

70Ale keď tam Jehova zostúpil, vedel by som si predstaviť, že tam nebola dokonca ani žiadna hviezda, ktorá by žiarila; bola taká tma v tej svetlej malej záhrade, pretože ju pokryl hriech a vzal to Svetlo spomedzi nich.

71To je to, čo sa deje s dnešnými cirkvami. To je to, čo sa deje s dnešnými ľuďmi. Hriech zakryl Svetlo Živého Boha, ktorý ukázal, že Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, a že žije, aby zachránil tých najviac stratených a aby uzdravil tie slabé, choré osoby.

72Ó, aké hrozné to bolo v to ráno, tá tma visiaca nad záhradou. Predstavím si mračno ako čiernu vrecovinu. Viem si predstaviť, že sa ani jeden list nepohol. Nevial žiaden vietor. Bola tam desivá temnota, pretože hriech to prikryl.

73Ale potom zostúpil dolu Jehova ako dunenie hromu, kráčajúci cez záhradu kričiac, „Adam, kde si?“ To bolo to, kedy si Adam uvedomil, že je nahý a zhrešil pred Bohom. Ukryl samého seba a snažil si urobiť nejaké náboženstvo, ale to nefungovalo. Boh zabil ovcu, vzal kože a ukázal, že niečo muselo zomrieť, aby to prikrylo hriech.

74Pripojenie sa do cirkvi nikdy neobmyje tvoj hriech. Žiadne vyznanie so suchými očami neprikryje hriech. Vyžaduje to smútok a pokánie a Milosť Božiu, aby zakryla hriech; Krv Ježiša Krista, toho, ktorého Boh zabil na Golgote, aby zahalil hriech.

75Tam v tej záhrade v to ráno, vtedy, keď bol hriech tak čierny, vtedy Jehova zostúpil. Tam stála Jeho dvojica ako odsúdená. Nemalo byť viac žiadnej ľudskej rasy; museli zomrieť; smrť ľudskej rasy, aby vydala svet späť poľnej zveri a nebolo by ďalej žiadnej ľudskej rasy. Ale v temnote hodiny, v tom čase, keď bola preč všetka nádej, vtedy sa vyliala milosť povediac, „Dám vám Spasiteľa, Mesiáša.“ Je to skutočne div, ako to vôbec mohol Boh urobiť. Božia ohromná milosť v záhrade Eden, ktorá im dala zasľúbenie o tom Spravodlivom, ktorý vyjde zo ženy. „Semeno ženy rozdrtí hadovi hlavu,“ tomu vinnému, „ale jeho hlava jej rozdrtí pätu,“ aby to ukázalo, že na cirkvi bude ležať utrpenie. Ale On zasľúbil triumf. Čo poskytlo Spasiteľa? Milosť.

76Čo môžu ukázať, že si skutočne zaslúžia milosť? Čo by mohli ukázať, aby to urobili? Prepáčte ten výraz, chcem to len spoza tejto kazateľne naznačiť, oni sa jeden pred druhým vyzúvali zo zodpovednosti. Adam povedal, „Žena, ktorú si mi dal, to urobila.“ Žena povedala, „Had ma zlákal.“ Jeden to hádzal na druhého.

77Nebola už pre nich žiadna nádej, ale Boh im poskytol milosť a ona napriek všetkému tomu prišla. A On povedal, „Ja jednako nejako urobím cestu. Navzdory tomu vás zachránim. Urobili ste zlé; prestúpili ste Moje zákony. A Moje zákony budú musieť byť... Súd z Mojich zákonov musí byť vykonaný. Preto bude musieť byť smrť, pretože som povedal, že bude smrť.“ [Brat Branham klope na kazateľňu – pozn. prekl.]

78Teraz, moji priatelia, Kresťania (A tieto pásky, ktoré sa teraz robia, sa roznesú do celého sveta.), nech sa vás niečo opýtam; vy, ktorí sa pokúšate urobiť z Boha troch bohov, alebo sa Ho snažíte urobiť, že je len jeden ako prst. On je jedno ako Osoba.

79Nebolo by to spravodlivým pre Boha, aby nechal zomrieť Anjela. Nebol by tým správnym typom Sudcu, ak by nechal zomrieť Anjela za ľudskú rasu. To to stále nerieši, pretože Jeho veľký zákon vyžadoval smrť a niečo muselo zomrieť a Anjel nemohol zomrieť. Ani nemohol povedať, „Eva, pretože si spôsobila to, že to Adam urobil, teba zabijem a Adama nechám nažive,“ pretože Adam bol tiež účastníkom toho.

80Ako niekto povedal, „Pilát bol ospravedlnený; umyl si ruky.“ Nemôžeš zmyť Krv Ježiša Krista zo svojich rúk. Nikdy neodídeš z tejto budovy toto ráno s tým, že pôjdeš do neba, ak zomrieš vo svojom hriechu. Je to na tvojich rukách. Takže to nie je správne.

81Bola len jedna spravodlivá cesta. Bola len jediná cesta, aká len mohla byť, Božie veľké požiadavky zákona sa museli vyplniť. On to musel vyplniť. Musel to urobiť. Boh je Duchom a On nemôže zomrieť. Takže Boh musel byť učinený človekom a zomrel v ľudskom tele vo forme Človeka zvaného Ježiš Kristus, a to bol zasľúbený Mesiáš, ktorý vykúpil milosť. To je to, kde vidíte, že Boh a Kristus je tá istá osoba, Boh prebývajúci v Kristovi. „Ja a Môj Otec sme jedno; Môj Otec prebýva vo Mne. Nie som to Ja, ktorý hovorím to Slovo, ale Môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo Mne.“ Boh v Kristovi istotne...

82Milosť bola zasľúbená v záhrade Eden a ona prišla, milosť prišla k Adamovi a Eve. Nikde sa už nedalo ísť, nikde zabočiť, ale milosť urobila cestu.

83Nech ti to poviem, hriešny priateľ. Môžeš tu byť dnes ráno prostitútkou; môžeš byť sukničkárom; môžeš tu byť opilcom alebo hazardným hráčom či vrahom. Môžeš tu byť ako nečistý manžel alebo nečistá manželka. Môžeš byť tým najohavnejším hriešnikom. Povieš, „Ja som už prešiel poza hranicu vykúpenia.“ Nie, neprešiel, lebo by si nebol dnes ráno v tejto cirkvi. Milosť ti urobí v tejto hodine temnoty cestu, len ak to príjmeš. Adam musel byť ochotný to prijať, tak isto aj ty. Prijmi to.

84Milosť Božia sa načiahla do Noeho času. Noach, hoci bol len obyčajným mužom, on a jeho rodina, ale pretože sa Noach bál Boha a veril Mu. Nemôžete sa báť Boha bez toho, žeby ste Mu verili. Ako sa môžete vôbec báť niečoho, čomu neveríte? Musíte sa báť Boha. Šalamún povedal, „Bázeň Božia je počiatkom múdrosti.“ No, stačí len, aby si mal bázeň pred Bohom, a už si na počiatku múdrosti. A bázeň Božia, Noach sa bál Pána a veril Pánovi. A to je to, čo si Boh ctí, tvoju vieru v Neho. To je pravda. Potom, keď strach Boží zostúpil na Noeho, Boh ho povolal z milosti a spasil ho aj jeho dom, pretože to bola milosť, ktorá to učinila. Nie preto, že by bol Noach vznešenejším človekom ako zvyšok ostatných, nie preto, že Noach išiel do najlepšej cirkvi, aká bola v tom kraji, ani nie preto, že patril do najlepšej organizácie, nie preto, že sa vedel krajšie obliecť, nie žeby mal veľa peňazí, nie pretože by bol nejakou špeciálnou osobou; ale z milosti Božej Boh zachránil Noeho. Milosť spasila Noeho (nie jeho skutky, ale Jeho milosť) a tiež jeho rodinu.

85Spomeňme ďalšiu biblickú postavu, ktorej bola darovaná milosť Božia, mnohým z nich; ale pohovoríme si len o zopár takých. Abrahám. Abrahám, žiaden špeciálny človek, práve prišiel z babylonskej veže, možno vyšiel z nejakej modlárskej skupiny (jeho otca) a prišiel do zeme Sineár a býval v meste Úr. A zatiaľ čo tam bol, Boh k nemu prehovoril skrze milosť: nie preto, že by bol iný, nie pretože by bol lepším človekom, ale z Božej milosti ho Boh povolal. Biblia nám to jasne dáva vedieť.

Ó, Abrahám, ako len skúšal Božiu trpezlivosť. Povedal mu, „Abrahám, zostaň v tejto zemi, neodchádzaj z nej.“ Ale hneď ako prišiel hladomor, Abrahám sa zobral preč.

86Abrahám hovoril o nás. Boh si zobral Abraháma a z milosti ho spasil. A to je to, ako ťa On vezme: z milosti. A ako my skúšame Jeho trpezlivosť? Dnes sme hore; zajtra sme dole. Jeden deň veríme; ďalší deň sa divíme. Dnes sme metodisti; zajtra baptisti. Dnes veríme v Božské Uzdravenie; a zajtra prichádza len bolesť brucha a ani nevieme, či tomu vôbec veríme alebo nie. Ale uprostred toho všetkého Boh chce, aby sme zotrvali. Ale On nás aj tak zachraňuje. Ak by nebola milosť Božia, všetci by sme boli preč. Istotne. Ale Boh nás spasil zo Svojej milosti.

87Od Abraháma sa očakávalo, aby zostal v tej zemi, ale on napriek tomu zišiel dolu ku Chaldejom, teda nie Chaldejom, ale k Filištínom; išiel tam, aby tam dočasne zostal, aby bol preč od hladomoru. Veci boli dosť ťažké hore v jeho kraji, takže išiel dole cestou s nimi, presne tak, ako mu Boh povedal, že nemá robiť; ale jednako sa k nemu prejavila milosť Božia a zadržala faraóna, aby si zobral jeho ženu. Milosť Božia... Keď Abrahám povedal, „Je to moja sestra,“ klamal vtedy ohľadne toho, ale držala ho milosť Božia, pretože činil pokánie. Bol ochotný to ľutovať.

88A keď si ochotný činiť pokánie, milosť Božia ide stále za tebou. Milosť Božia ťa hľadá. Platí to pre vás, odpadlíkov, dnes ráno; milosť Božia ťa stále hľadá. Ak len učiníš pokánie, Božia milosť je dostatočná.

89Ako len zobral dobrého starého Abraháma a prinavrátil ho naspäť. A pamätajte, Abrahám nebol spasený zo svojich skutkov; bol spasený z milosti. Abrahám bol zachránený z viery, čo je milosť. A Boh spasil Abraháma kvôli Svojej Milosti, nie kvôli jeho správaniu. Spasil ho z milosti. Ó, aké to je dobré. Bol zachránený z milosti.

90Vezmime napríklad Izrael. Mám tu napísanú jednu časť Písma. Len si to tu zapíšem a potom si o tom v mysli niečo poviem. Ak si chcete niečo zaznamenať, toto bude dobré, aby ste si to pamätali, ak chcete, Deuteronomium 7:7. Boh dal Abrahámovi zasľúbenie, alebo nedal Abrahámovi, prepáčte, dal Izraelovi a povedal, „Ak sa nebudete spájať s modlárstvom, ak nebudete činiť tieto veci, ak sa budete držať preč od týchto bezbožných ceremónií, ak budete robiť všetky tieto veci, potom vás privediem do dobrej zeme. Postarám sa o vás. Budem vás kŕmiť; povediem vás. Budem robiť tieto veci, ak len vy budete robiť tak-a-tak, ak Ma budete milovať, ak budete dodržiavať Moje prikázania, Moje vyhlásenia, Moje nariadenia. Ja budem činiť všetky tieto veci, ak len vy urobíte niečo a budete zachovávať Moje prikázania a milovať Ma.“

91Ako keď si muž berie ženu a hovorí, „Ak budeš dobrou ženou, ak sa budeš starať o domácnosť, ak budeš ku mne pravdovravná, ak sa budeš starať o to, aby bolo moje oblečenie čisté; ak budeme mať deti a budeš im dobrou matkou; ak budeš robiť tieto veci, budem pracovať, dokiaľ mi nebudú ruky krvácať, aby sme mali na živobytie, len ak to budeš robiť.“ Ale potom, pomyslite na to, čo ak tá žena začne robiť zle, bude lenivá, nebude pracovať, nič robiť? Potom je už len potrebná milosť, aby tá rodina zostala pohromade.

92Ó, Bože. Bola potrebná milosť Jehovu, aby udržal Svoju rodinu pospolu. A to je ten jediný spôsob, akým sme dnes rodinou Jehovu, je to kvôli milosti Ježiša Krista; inak by sme boli všetci preč. Ale je to milosť, ó, milosť.

93Ale oni to nedodržiavali. Ale oni boli... nikdy neprišli k plnému zasľúbeniu, aspoň nie tá generácia. Tá, ktorej to bolo zasľúbené, zahynula na pustatine. Ale Boh ich kŕmil; Boh sa o nich staral; Boh ich miloval, pohyboval sa medzi nimi. Prečo? Jeho milosť to urobila, Jeho milosť kvôli Jeho zasľúbeniu, milosť, ktorá išla s tým zasľúbením. Ale oni sa nikdy nedostali do plnej hodnoty tej zasľúbenej zeme.

94A ani táto cirkev neprichádza do tej plnej hodnoty. Milosť Božia nás drží. Ale On chce mať cirkev, ktorá Ho bude poslúchať, ľudí, ktorí vezmú Jeho Slovo a povedia, že to je pravda, napriek všetkým našim organizáciám. On nechce ľudí, ktorí budú hovoriť, „Dobre, som len tak dobrým, akým môžem byť. Som presbyterián. Som metodista. Som katolík; som tak dobrý, ako si ty.“ To nie je milosť; to len ukazuje, že niekde nie je niečo v poriadku.

95Ale osoba, ktorá napriek všetkému bude čítať Božie Slovo a vidieť, že musíš byť znovuzrodený a naplnený Duchom Svätým, oni tomu budú veriť; vezmú to cez Slovo. Oni vezmú presne to, čo Slovo hovorí.

96Ako s krstom a pofŕkaním; krst je správny. Nie je nikto v Biblii, kto by bol kedy pofŕkaný, nič také sa v Písme nenachádza. Ani tam nikto nebol krstený na meno Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha v Biblii. Každý tam bol pokrstený na Meno Ježiša Krista. Takže nie je ani jedna, ani štipka niečoho takého v histórii... Ak niekto môže ukázať, že niekde v histórii bola nejaká osoba krstená v Biblii alebo hoc aj tristo rokov po smrti posledného učeníka, do času katolíckej cirkvi, ak mi niekto môže niekde ukázať, že bol niekto pokrstený alebo pofŕkaný na meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého do času katolíckej cirkvi, ste zaviazaní prísť a povedať mi. Nie je tam nič také. Ale čo to my robíme?

97Prechádzali sme cez cirkevné veky a videli sme, kde to museli robiť. Takže vidíte, Boh chce niekoho, kto by Ho poslúchal. Ak to nie je v Písmach, potom to nie je z človeka – je to človekom vytvorená náuka a nie Biblická náuka. Vidíte? Takže napriek tomu, aká je to cirkev alebo akým zlým si bol, aký to robí rozdiel? Si tak správnym, akým môžeš byť teraz. Božia milosť ti to ukázala, tak potom len choď a kráčaj s tým. Božia milosť...

98Pamätajte tiež na Mojžiša, veľkého vodcu. Boh ho mal zabiť, keď tam išiel dolu, aby bol on oslávený tým, že udrel do tej skaly a povedal, „Vidíte, čo dokážem urobiť?“ inými slovami. „Vy, rebeli, máme vám prinášať vodu z tej skaly?“ A on do toho udrel a vody nevyšli, tak udrel znova. Čo urobil? Svedčil o slabosti Kristovej, pretože Kristus bol tou skalou. To je ten náhlavný kameň. Namiesto toho, aby do toho udieral alebo prehovoril k tomu... to už raz bolo udreté.

99Pamätajte, Boh povedal Mojžišovi v knihe Exodus, „Choď von a ja budem stáť pred tebou na tej skale a udriem ju.“ A on tú skalu udrel a ona vytryskla vody. Boh povedal, „Ďalší krát choď a prehovor k tej skale a ona vydá vodu.“

100Ale Mojžiš chcel ukázať, že má tak trochu autoritu a moc, tak povedal, „Privediem vodu z tejto skaly.“ Boh ho mal za to zabiť. Boh ho tam mal oddeliť; on tam narušil Boží zákon, pretože hovoril o slabosti Kristovej; musel byť druhýkrát udretý. Kristus bol však len raz udretý. Teraz, my hovoríme k tej skale a ona vydáva vody.

101Ale čo to bolo? Pozrime sa na starého muža; má tak stodvadsať.

102Niekto mi nedávno povedal, „Boh je nespravodlivým Bohom,“ povedal, „pretože sklamal Mojžiša. Potom, ako sa staral o tých Hebrejov vyše štyridsať rokov v tej pustine, On sklamal Mojžiša a ani mu nedovolil vojsť do zasľúbenej zeme.“

103Povedal som, „Ó, nezmysel.“ Nie, On nesklamal Mojžiša. On nakoniec išiel do tej zasľúbenej zeme. Okolo sedemsto rokov na to ho videli na vrchu Hory Premenenia, tak živého, ako len mohol byť, stojaceho a hovoriaceho s Ježišom predtým, ako išiel na Golgotu, on a Eliáš tam s ním spolu stáli, hovorili k... Mojžiš a Eliáš sa zjavili Ježišovi, Petrovi, Jakubovi a Jánovi na Hore Premenenia. On nebol mŕtvy. Bol nažive. Boh ho nesklamal. Bol v Palestíne.

104No, pozrite sa, predtým, ako vôbec zomrel, vyšplhal sa hore na vrch Nebo v to ráno, kedy už vedel, že odchádza. On už vyzliekol Árona, jeho oblečenie dal inému, potom zobral svoje vlastné rúcho a dal ho Jozuovi a prikázal mu všetky tie nariadenia. A keď sa vyšplhal na vrch hory Nebo, prešiel cez údolie tých plání vediac, že tam ide, aby zomrel, vyliezol na horu Nebo až k temenu vrchu Pizga. A zatiaľ čo tam stál, Boh povedal, „Pozri sa na tú zem. Chcem, aby si ju uvidel. Ale Mojžiš, nemôžeš tam ísť. Lebo vieš, čo si urobil tam dole pri tej skale v ten deň? Oslavoval si samého seba.“ Myslím, že to bude veľkým problémom pre veľa dnešných ľudí. „Išiel si tam dole k tej skale a oslavoval samého seba.“ Ale všimnite si, keď bol pripravený zomrieť, tam stála Skala. On musel len prekročiť tú Skalu tam v Pizga a Boh ho pochoval. Ale musel byť znova niekde vzbudený, pretože bol nažive. On bol typom Krista. Tam on stál na Hore Premenenia o stovky rokov neskôr; tam v Palestíne, vidíte, bola to Milosť Božia, ktorá poskytla tú Skalu. Ó!

105Keď myslím na Abraháma, na všetky tie chyby, ktoré urobil, a na Mojžiša a jeho chyby, ale keď bol napísaný Abrahámov komentár, keď bol napísaný Božský komentár, keď Pavol napísal Abrahámov komentár, on nikdy nespomenul ani jednu vec ohľadne Abrahámovej nevery, nie, nie, nikdy o ňom nebolo nič také zaznamenané. On povedal, „Abrahám sa nezapotácal neverou na zasľúbení Božom, ale bol silný, oddávajúci Bohu chválu.“

106Mojou pokornou modlitbou je pred Milosťou Božou, ktorá tu je dnes ráno: Dúfam, že môj komentár bol takto písaný, že On nevidí moje chyby. Keď bude potom môj komentár napísaný, moje úmrtné oznámenie, nebude tam čítané, že som robil chyby a konal nesprávne, ale On bude vidieť len veci, ktoré som sa snažil robiť pre Neho. Nech sa len stanú... Čo to robí? On vezme milosť Božiu, v ktorú verím. A to je to jediné, čomu dôverujem. Lebo nemohol by som vojsť na základe svojich zásluh, ani s ničím druhým, ale som závislý len na Milosti Božej. Áno, je to milosť, na ktorej závisím.

107Takže bola tam Skala, kedy bol Mojžiš pripravený zomrieť.

108Čo by sme také mohli povedať o Dávidovi? Milosť Božia... Ten veľký bojovník, v ktorom bol Boh Sám, On povedal, „On je mužom podľa Môjho srdca.“ Ten veľký bojovník, Dávid, ako vôbec mohol urobiť to, čo urobil, vziať Uriáša, svojho vojaka, keď tam mal len hŕstku pohanských vojakov? Aspoň na chvíľu dobre počúvajte tento príbeh. Keď tam vonku mali vojakov a Uriáš bol jedným, ktorý stál pri Dávidovi, Uriáš bol prozelyta; bol Hetej, obrátenec na židovské náboženstvo. A tí ľudia milovali Dávida. Videli, že bolo na ňom pomazanie, hoci bol utečencom. Bol vyštvaný zo svojej vlastnej krajiny a musel žiť s Filištínmi. Saul ho prenasledoval. Ale títo ľudia videli na ňom pomazanie. Vedeli, že prichádzal k moci. Sláva Bohu!

109Som tak rád, že môžem byť dnes utečencom, pretože vidím, že Kristus prichádza, aby sa stal kráľom. Môžete si zvoliť všetkých tých vašich Kennedyovcov, alebo čo len chcete. Ale Kristus bude Kráľom. Je na Ňom pomazanie, na Posolstve Jeho Príchodu. A On bude tým Kráľom.

110Ale čo oni urobili? Jedného dňa, ako tam stál a žíznil po vode tam pri tej bráne v Betleheme, kde zvykol zháňať ovce. A viete čo? Dvaja z týchto mužov vzali meče a predrali sa cez pätnásť míľ ľudských tiel, len aby mu priniesli vedro vody. Ale to posledné, po čom túžil, bolo, aby im niečo prikázal. Pomyslite na to. A oni sa presekali cez všetkých tých mužov, celú cestu až na vrch tej hory, kde povedali, že stojí, bolo to asi pätnásť míľ. A dostali sa až tam. A proti každému človeku, ktorý by povstal, by bojovali, dokým by ho nezabili, ale oni sa cez to prehrýzli a vzali to vedro vody a išli rovno cez tých nepriateľov, len dvaja ľudia, aby sa dostali ku kráľovi, svojmu bratovi s trochou vody, ktorú mal aj tam hore, ale on chcel tamtú vodu.

111Ó, Bože, nech len vezmem ten Meč Slova a prekliesnim sa cez každú organizáciu, len aby som priviedol k ľuďom krst na Meno Ježiša Krista, moc zmŕtvychvstania a Svätého Ducha späť k ľuďom, pretože On prichádza k moci; prichádza k moci a On bude stáť Sám. Ale treba, aby sme sa presekali cez každú organizáciu, predrali sa cez každú teóriu, každé ľuďmi vytvorené vyznanie, dokiaľ len späť neprivedieme Spasiteľovi zablúdenú ovcu a späť neprinesieme biblické náuky Ježiša Krista, toho istého včera, dnes i naveky. Milosť Božia...

112Pozrite na Dávida. Ako vôbec mohol učiniť... Skočil do jamy a zabil leva. Ako si mohol Dávid vziať Uriášovu ženu, nádhernú Batšebu, pričom mal ďalších päťsto vlastných? Ale videl ju, ako sa sprchuje, a tam bola tá nedbanlivosť. Ona sa len zabudla zahaliť, keď sa sprchovala a vedela, že kráľ chodieva každý deň okolo, tam popri tej stene.

113To je to, čo sa deje. Nemyslím si, že dnešné ženy to zanedbávajú a tak, no, oni proste chodia von nahé (To je všetko), chodia po uliciach iba s takým sporým oblečením. Je to hanba a potom sa ešte divia, prečo muži, keď idú okolo, pískajú. Ó, oni to robia preto, aby na nich hvízdali a vyvádzali. Vedia to, lebo majú toľko rozumu, aby to vedeli. Robia to len preto, lebo to chcú robiť. Je to v ich srdciach. Môžete im povedať, že sú nemorálne; oni tomu budú len protirečiť. Lenže nemusia byť nemorálne, môžu byť čisté ako ľalia, čo sa týka sexuality. Ale pamätajte, že je na nich duch, ktorý je pomazaný diablom, posielajú mužské duše do pekla. Pamätajte, Biblia hovorí, „Ktokoľvek by pozrel na ženu s myšlienkou požiadať ju, už aj scudzoložil s ňou vo svojom srdci.“

A pamätaj, sestra, budeš sa musieť zodpovedať za spáchanie cudzoložstva, hoci si to v živote v skutočnosti nemusela urobiť, ale hriešnik, ktorý sa na teba pozrel, preto, že si tak oblečená, už si vinná z cudzoložstva. V deň súdu sa budeš zodpovedať za dopustenie sa cudzoložstva. Keď musí povedať...

114On tu hovorí; On napísal vo Svojej Knihe, „Spáchanie cudzoložstva.“

„S kým?“

„Pani Tá-a-tá.“

„No, pani Tá-a-tá, čo to má znamenať?“

„Prísahám, že ja... Poznáš môj záznam; nikdy som okrem svojho vlastného manžela nežila s iným mužom.“

116„Ale si sa obliekala tak, že si spôsobila, že tento muž spáchal cudzoložstvo. A ty si tým pádom vinná cudzoložstva s ním. To je ten, ktorý to robí. Ty si vinná; ty si tá, ktorá sa vystavovala.“

117Batšeba urobila chybu, tak ako aj Eva, pričom Adam bol tiež v tom zahrnutý. Myslím, že až príliš vrieskame na ženy. Vy, synovia Boží, muži, viem, že ste tou silnejšou skupinou (To je pravda,) silnejším pohlavím. Ste nad ženami; to je pravda; lenže tak aj konajte. Nesnažte sa ich zmocniť, nepokúšajte sa vziať nejaké dievča a zruinovať jej život. Ale buďte synom Božím; povedzte, že nekoná správne, a postavte sa ako syn Boží. Ona je vašou sestrou. Áno. Čo sa my pokúšame robiť, takzvaní dnešní synovia Boží, patriaci do cirkvi, ktorí zoberú von akékoľvek dievča, ktoré môžu. Pamätajte, nemorálna žena je taká preto, pretože nejaký ženatý muž jej zruinoval život. „Hrniec nemôže nazvať kanvicu čiernou“ (oba sú na tom rovnako); takže pamätajte, je to len hriech, ktorý to všetko robí. A my sme všetci podriadení smrti a mali by sme za to zomrieť.

118Keď Dávid vykonal tú zlú vec, jeho vlastný súd ho mal za to zabiť. Keď tam k nemu prišiel prorok, on si myslel, že všetko je to zatajené. Keď tam ale k nemu prišiel prorok a postavil sa pred neho, povedal, „Dávid, je všetko v poriadku?“

Povedal, „Všetko v poriadku.“

119Dávid vo svojom širokom rúchu a veľkej korune, mal tam vonku Joába, svojho veľkého generála a ten boj pokračoval. On držal v tom čase všetkých svojich nepriateľov ďalej od hraníc a tak ďalej; všetko išlo v poriadku. Mal dieťa od Batšeby. A mal tam vonku úbohého malého Uriáša, mal Joába stojaceho po jeho boku, dokiaľ sa od neho nestiahol. A ten chlapec zomrel, ako zapadalo slnko s bojovým nožom vo svojej ruke, s krvou na štíte, kde stál za Izrael, prozelyta patriaci k ich náboženstvu. A potom, keď sa Joáb vrátil a povedal, že Dávid zomrel, alebo teda že Uriáš zomrel, Dávid si myslel, „Už je všetko v poriadku. Mám jeho ženu a všetko bude v poriadku, máme dieťa.“ Ale to dieťa ochorelo. Začalo umierať. A on robil všetko, čo mohol, len aby mu zachránil život, možno prišiel každý doktor: nič to nepomohlo. Nakoniec to dieťa zomrelo. A oni sa dokonca báli povedať Dávidovi, že dieťa je mŕtve. A ono zomrelo. A on si vtedy myslel, že je všetko utajené. Tak on utešil Batšebu. Vzal si ju za manželku popri všetkých ďalších ženách, ktoré mal.

120Tento starý prorok, plešatý chlapík, ako sa tam ťažko dovliekol, starý Nátan, ktorý vyšiel z pustatiny, sadol si a povedal, „Všetko v poriadku, Dávid?“

Povedal, „V poriadku, v poriadku. Ó, proroku Boží, ži naveky. Haleluja.“ Ó, on bol len... On si myslel, že všetko je v poriadku; myslel si, že to môže zakryť. Ale vy sa nemôžete skryť pred Bohom. On vie, o čom práve teraz myslíš. On pozná tvoje myšlienky, pretože je Bohom. Ten Svätý Duch, ktorý je dnes ráno v tejto budove, pozná tvoje myšlienky, to, kým si, odkiaľ pochádzaš, čo si všetko vykonal, lebo Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

123Boh to tomu prorokovi zjavil. Povedal, „Dávid, bol jeden bohatý človek žijúci na jednej strane cesty; mal veľké množstvo oviec; ó, bol veľmi bohatý. A človek žijúci na druhej strane cesty bol chudobný, mal len jednu ovečku. Zaobchádzal s ňou ako s dcérou. Kŕmil ju z tej istej lyžičky, z ktorej aj sám jedol. Spával s tou ovečkou. Všetko bolo len... Preňho bola ako dcéra. A jedného dňa prišla k tomu bohatému človekovi návšteva a on namiesto toho, aby si vzal jednu zo svojich vlastných oviec, nuž, on namiesto toho išiel a vzal ovečku tomu chudobnému a násilím ju zobral a zabil ju a urobil hostinu.“

124No, to boli Dávidove túžby. On mal päťsto žien, ale keď videl tú Uriášovu, namiesto toho, aby si vzal jednu zo svojich päťsto vlastných, aby utíšil alebo uspokojil svoje túžby, išiel a vzal ženu iného muža a potom, keď sa stala matkou, zabil Uriáša. Dávid nevedel, čo robí, Dávid bol pripravený vysloviť súd. Tak je to aj s nami. Vždy vieme súdiť iného človeka, ale keď ide o nás, ó, to už je rozdiel.

Dávid povedal, „Ten človek za to zaplatí životom.“

Ten starý prorok s prižmúrenými očami povedal, „Dávid, istotne nezomrieš.“ Sledujte, ako sa milosť rýchlo blížila. Duch zasiahol proroka, zachránil Dávidovi život. Milosť, „Určite nezomrieš, ale meč neopustí tvoj dom, dokiaľ to celkom nevyjde z tvojho srdca, pretože ty si ten bohatý muž.“ Ó, to už bolo iné, že?

Čo zachránilo Dávida, keď jeho vlastný súd hovoril, „Ten človek zomrie. Zaplatí do posledného haliera a zaplatí životom“?

A prorok povedal, „Istotne (milosť) nezomrieš. Nezomrieš, Dávid. Milosť ťa zachránila.“ Bola to milosť k Dávidovi, ktorá ho zachránila. Ó.

Ak by to nebola milosť, kde by sme všetci boli? Je to pravda? Istotne.

130Suverénna milosť je od toho Suverénneho. Suverénna milosť od toho Suverénneho. Čo to dokáže urobiť, suverénna milosť? Suverenita vie urobiť čokoľvek chce. Počúvajte to teraz. Suverénna milosť môže byť daná len od toho, ktorý je suverénny. A Boh je Suverénny, takže môže dať suverénnu milosť. Preto milosť súc suverénna, nemusí sa niekoho niečo pýtať; nemusí... Robí to to, čo chce. Nie je to nádherné? Nemusí sa pýtať, „Dokážem to urobiť? Alebo mám to urobiť? Môžem? Musím? Urobím to?“ Nerobí nič také. Robí to samé od seba. Milosť je suverénna; preto môže zachrániť aj najpodlejšieho. Môže spasiť najhoršieho. Môže spasiť najnemravnejších. Môže zachrániť najnemorálnejšieho. Môže uzdraviť aj toho najnemocnejšieho. Haleluja!

131On dokáže zachrániť úbožiaka, ako som ja. A On to urobil. Čo to je? Milosť. William Branham, syn opilca: to nerobí žiaden rozdiel; Božia Milosť ma spasila.

„Ja som dcéra ženy, ktorá nebola veľmi dobrá.“ To nečiní žiaden rozdiel, milosť Božia ťa zachránila. Je suverénna; nemusí sa nikoho nič pýtať. Amen. Som za to tak rád. Haleluja.

Môže vziať najpodlejšieho hriešnika a urobiť ho bielym ako sneh a nemusí sa nikoho nič pýtať. Ó, dokáže to urobiť, pretože je suverénna.

Dobre, počúvajte teraz, rýchlo. Bolo to dokázané na kríži, kde bol ten najhorší lotor; on si zasluhoval smrť. Boh mu nikdy ani na myseľ neprišiel. Nikdy na nič také nemyslel. Ale tam na kríži, cez tie krvavé pery a v stonaní vydral zo seba, „Pane, buď mi milostivý.“

A potom späť cez Krv prišiel iný, v slzách, mukách; milosť sa prejavila a povedala, „Ešte dnes budeš so Mnou v raji.“ Milosť to učinila. Ako si ten lotor mohol pomôcť? O nič viac, ako si mohol pomôcť Adam, nie viac, ako si Eva mohla pomôcť, o nič viac, ako si ty sám môžeš sebe pomôcť a ani nie viac, ako si ja môžem pomôcť, ako sa ani my nedokážeme vyšvihnúť hore na Mliečnu dráhu vlastným pričinením. Nedokázali by sme to urobiť. Ale milosť Božia s tým dokáže niečo urobiť a aj robí. Milosť Božia, suverenita milosti Božej prišla k tomu umierajúcemu lotrovi, „Dnes budeš so Mnou v raji.“ Ó, pomyslite na to. Je to nádherné.

136Zamyslite sa. Láska a Milosť sú sestry, dvojičky. Nemôžeš mať milosť bez toho, žeby si mal lásku. Ony sú dvojičky. To je presne tak. Predtým, ako môžeš dať milosť, musíš milovať. Predtým, ako vôbec môžeš niekomu preukázať priazeň, musíš ho milovať; či má pravdu alebo nemá, musíš ho jednako milovať, inak to nedokážeš. Vidíte? Takže láska a milosť je tá istá vec. Ony sú sestry dvojičky (To je všetko), láska a milosť. Oni boli... Nedokážeme vidieť jedno bez druhého. „Boh tak miloval svet, že dal Svojho jednorodeného Syna.“ On vylial Svoju milosť do našich sŕdc cez Svätého Ducha. Vidíte? Nedokážeš nič urobiť bez toho, žeby jedno pracovalo s druhým. Milosť, milosť Božia je to, čo nás zachraňuje.

137No, zisťujeme, že tá milosť, ako pri tom umierajúcom lotrovi, niet divu, že sa objavili inšpirovaní básnici, keď to videli. Jeden taký poet povedal:

Ten umierajúci lotor sa radoval, keď mohol vidieť,

tú fontánu vo svojom dni;

Nech aj mne, hoc aj tak podlému ako on,

zmije preč všetky moje hriechy.

Odkedy som vierou uvidel ten prameň,

Tvoje veľké tečúce rany;

Vykúpenie z lásky je mojou témou,

a aj zostane, až dokiaľ nezomriem.

Vtedy vo vznešenej, sladšej piesni;

Budem ospevovať Tvoju moc, ktorá zachraňuje.

Keď tento šušlavý a jachtajúci jazyk,

bude ticho ležať v hrobe.

(Milosť, ohromná milosť... Haleluja. Jeden napísal:)

Ó, láska Božia, aká si bohatá a čistá!

Aká skutočná a silná!

Ona bude trvať naveky;

Pieseň svätých a anjelov.

Keby sme oceán naplnili atramentom,

a každé steblo na zemi by bolo perom;

Celé nebesia pergamenom

a každý človek pisárom;

Aby opísali lásku Božiu;

Oceán by vyschol;

Alebo by sa to nespratalo na ten zvitok

roztiahnutý po celej oblohe.

138To je to, čím to je: milosť, milosť Božia. Božia Milosť privodila... Boh vložil milosť do našich životov z Jeho lásky k nám. Ale je jedna vec, ktorú milosť nedokáže urobiť: milosť nedokáže byť kúpená; nemôže byť predaná. Je to milosť. Je to od toho Suverénneho. Áno. Nemôžeš s tým nejako vyjednávať. Mohol by si povedať, „Bože, budem robiť tak-a-tak, ak Ty budeš robiť tak-a-tak.“ Nemôžeš to takto konať. Boh to nebude robiť. Nemôžeš niečo ťahať z Boha. Boh ti to dáva z Jeho milosti. Ó, ó. „Tedy nie je to vecou toho, kto chce, ani toho, kto beží, ale vecou Boha, ktorý sa zmilováva.“ To je pravda.

140Ľudia ležia na svojich tvárach. Nejaký človek prišiel za mnou... Myslím, že som videl jedného z tých chlapcov dnes tu v tejto budove. Nejaký metodistický chlapec len prišiel a prijal Svätého Ducha z... A tí chlapci prišli ku mne a povedali, „No, brat Branham, teraz, keď sme boli spasení a prijali sme Svätého Ducha, máme vyhľadávať dary?“

Povedal som, „Nie, nerobte to. Nie.“

141Boh udeľuje Svoje dary suverénne. Dary a povolania sú bez pokánia. Viete, prvá vec, idete niečo vyhľadávať, „Bože, urob ma kazateľom; urob mi to a to,“ a čo z teba bude? Naškrobený nafúkanec, to je všetko. Pôjdeš k teológii nejakého človeka a do nejakej organizácie a potom len zničíš samého seba. Nech Boh urobí to povolanie, Boh ťa povolá; Boh ťa posvätí; Boh ti dá to, čo ti potrebuje dať. Áno.

142Nemôžeš vyjednávať za milosť. Nie. Nemôžeš byť predaný; nemôže sa s tým vyjednávať, ani sa to nedá kúpiť. Nemôžeš s tým obchodovať. Nemôžeš povedať, „Dobre, Pane, pôjdem a pripojím sa k tej veľkej baptistickej cirkvi, alebo tej metodistickej, alebo do tamtoho letničného zboru alebo tejto veľkej nazarénskej cirkvi. Urobím to, ale len ak Ty urobíš pre mňa tamto.“ Nedá sa takto vyjednávať. Nie.

142„Všetkých, ktorých Mi otec dal, ku Mne prídu. Nikto nemôže prísť, jedine, žeby ho Môj Otec prv zavolal.“

143Ak si sa len stal členom nejakej veľkej cirkvi, a to je všetko; nebudeš nijako spasený. Milosť ťa musí spasiť.

144Naše talenty neodpočívajú a naše talenty nemôžu byť naše... Talenty, ktoré máme, nemôžeme skrze ne obdržať milosť.

145Ak ma Boh urobil kazateľom, to nehovorí, že Jeho milosť bola so mnou. Nie, nie. Je to Jeho milosť sama, ktorá ma zachránila. Nie preto, že kážem Evanjelium, som spasený. Nie si spasený preto, že hovoríš v jazykoch. Ó, nie. Nie preto, že by si... Keď kážeš, no, nie si cez to spasený, že kážeš. Nie si spasený skrze hovorenie v jazykoch. Nie si zachránený preto, že robíš niektoré z týchto vecí. 1. Korinťanom 13 to dokazuje, „Keby som hovoril ľudskými jazykmi aj anjelskými, hoci by som rozumel všetkým tajomstvám Božím (kazateľ), hoci by som všetko toto robil, a mal vieru, že by som hýbal vrchmi, nie som ničím, dokiaľ nepríde láska, čo je milosť.“ Láska je milosť. Je to Milosť Božia, ktorá to všetko činí.

146Niektorí ľudia majú také talenty ako títo králi rock-and-rollu. Je mi z toho zle, neviem... v mojej duchovnej gastronómii. Poviem vám, keď počujem týchto rock-and-roll, ako sa v sobotu večer postavia a spievajú rock-and-roll a tancujú celú noc a ďalšie ráno prichádzajú pred obecenstvo, a tak ďalej, snažia sa nahodiť pokryteckú tvár a postavia sa tam pred ľuďmi a spievajú nejaký chválospev a myslia si, že pôjdu do neba. Mohol by som spomenúť mnoho mien, ale nemusím. Táto páska sa roznesie všade. Ale vy to viete. Nejaký chlapec, nie veľmi dávno v Hollywoode odmietol pobozkať dievča, pretože to je proti jeho náboženstvu: proti jeho náboženstvu? A robí tieto rock-and-rollové filmy a tieto nehanebné veci, a tak ďalej. Myslíš si, že môžeš vziať svojich tridsať strieborných a zasluhovať si niečo z Božej milosti, Judáš? Nič si tým nekúpiš, akurát tak miesto v pekle.

147Za Božiu milosť sa nemôže dohadovať, ani sa do nej nedá dostať talentmi. Je to suverénna milosť. „Neprinášam na svojich rukách nič, iba sa v pokore držím Tvojho kríža.“ Nahý, zranený, len prichádzam taký, aký som.

Len taký, aký som, bez nejakej prosby;

Ale Tvoja Krv bola za mňa vyliata,

a Ty mi ponúkaš, aby som prišiel k Tebe;

Ó, Baránok Boží, ja prichádzam!

148To je všetko, je to len milosť, ktorá ma tam priniesla. Milosť to učinila. Milosť je ako... Ďalšia vec, ktorú by som chcel povedať; niekedy je milosť...

149Tieto veľké cirkvi, myslia si, že tam dole môžete ísť, myslia si, „Dobre, takže sme postavili najväčšiu cirkev v meste. Máme tú službu, ženy, ktoré vyrábajú oblečenie pre chudobných a posielajú ich do zámoria. Ďalej kŕmime chudobných. Robíme všetky tieto veci.“

Pavol povedal, „Môžem to všetko robiť a nebyť ničím.“

150Oni povedia, „No, my sme ale starou organizáciou. Sme tu už dvetisíc rokov. Sme päťsto rokov starí. John Wesley, Alexander Campbell, títo veľkí zakladatelia tam dávno, oni založili našu cirkev. Haleluja.“

151Dobre, Ježiš založil túto cirkev, krst Duchom Svätým, a povedal im, aby išli hore na Letnice a zhora prijali moc.

152A stále môžete patriť do letničnej cirkvi a byť stratený. Letničná cirkev neznamená nič viac, ako ktorákoľvek iná. To je pravda.

153A tá vec na tom je, že je len jedna cirkev; je to cirkev, do ktorej si narodený skrze krst Duchom Svätým, „Lebo cez jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do jedného tela,“ 1. Korinťanom 12:13; to je pravda: 1. Korinťanom 12. Takže, my sme všetci pokrstení do tej jednej cirkvi.

154Ale ľudia si myslia, že si to môžu nejako zaslúžiť. „Ó, my... Chodil som do školy, naučil som sa robiť toto a tamto, prešiel som cez semináre a urobil som...“ To absolútne nič neznamená. Nemôžeš si kúpiť Božiu milosť.

155S Božou milosťou je to takto. Nech vám ešte na konci poviem jeden príbeh. Takto je to s Božou milosťou. Raz bol jeden mocný kráľ, a tento mocný kráľ mal syna a to bol jeho jediný syn. A jedného dňa prišiel vrah a zabil jeho syna. A cez celé to kráľovstvo išli delegáti stíhajúci toho vraha. A nakoniec ho našli. A keď ho našli, priviedli ho a uväznili. A keď toto urobili, zahájili súdne konanie a rozsudok bol vynesený. Ó, bola to hrozná vec. Zavraždil kráľovho syna a vedel, čo ho čakalo.

156Zavreli ho do vnútornej cely; zamkli dvere; dali tam závory, takže nikto... a strážcovia tam okolo, pretože vieme, čo za druh hrozného trestu musel čakať tohto chlapca, pretože zabil kráľovho syna, kráľovského syna. Strážcovia boli rozmiestnení všade okolo dverí. Bol vo vnútornej cele. Vyzlečený, iba s takou zásterou okolo bedier. A tam bol, sedel v takomto stave, trpel hladom, nedali mu nič jesť. Sedel v takomto stave.

157A potom ho priviedli na pojednávanie. Bol nájdený vinný a bolo mu to dokázané. A rozsudok bol vynesený, že mal podstúpiť hrozný ťažký trest; mal byť zabitý pomaly, dokiaľ by jeho smrteľný život nebol kompletne preč. Bol odsúdený sudcom, mal zomrieť. A žobral a kričal hovoriac, „Hoci som vinný, hoci som vinný, odpusťte, že som to urobil. Želal by som si, že by som to nikdy nebol urobil. Je mi ľúto, že som to urobil. Urobil som to len vo chvíli vznetlivosti. Nechcel som to tak urobiť.“

158Jedného dňa ten kráľ zišiel dole na to miesto, aby navštívil toho chlapca, aby mu povedal, aby sa s ním porozprával a povedal mu o zabití jeho syna, jediného, ktorého mal. On zabil toho chlapca. On povedal, „Idem sa s ním dole porozprávať.“

159A keď prišiel tam dole, pozrel sa do tej klietky, kde bol zavretý ako zviera. Videl to jeho vyziabnuté telo, ako tam v rohu ležalo, kričiace, celá jeho tvár vsiaknutá, jeho čeľusť ovísala, oči prevrátené, celá tá vec bola v jeho očiach; a jeho ústa vybielené: bez vody, smädiace, ležiaci tam na tvári a kričiaci. Kráľ povedal, „Postav sa.“ On prišiel k nemu; pozrel sa naňho. Povedal, „Prečo si zabil môjho syna? Čo ti urobil môj syn? Čo také urobil, že by si zasluhoval takú smrť, akou si ho zabil, dobodal ho kopijou?“

160Povedal, „Nič, môj pane, nič také. Bola to moja vlastná opovážlivosť, len moje spôsoby. Zabil som ho preto, lebo som na neho žiarlil. Dostal som sa do vznetlivého záchvatu a zabil som ho.“ Povedal, „Mám zomrieť pod vašou spravodlivosťou, pane. Uvedomujem si a som toho hoden. Jediná vec, pre ktorú kričím, je, že mi je ľúto, že som takto zabil kráľovského syna bez akejkoľvek príčiny.“

161Kráľ sa otočil na pätách a odkráčal a prišiel k pultu a povedal, „Zlikvidujte všetky záznamy (Viete, hoďte ich do mora zabudnutia.) Zničte všetky záznamy. Obmyte ho a priveďte ho. Oblečiem ho do rúcha.“

162Po chvíli k dverám dorazila veľká limuzína. Keď to urobila, koberec bol natiahnutý až k väzenskej cele. Kráľ stál na konci limuzíny povediac, „Poď, môj synu, a poď so mnou do paláca,“ dal mu okolo ramien kráľovské rúcho. Povedal, „Odteraz si mojím synom.“ Pretože s ním mal súcit. To bola Milosť.

163To som bol ja, to si bol ty. Zabili sme Syna Božieho našimi hriechmi. Boli sme cudzí, špinaví, zvrátení, ležiaci v celách sveta. Ale Boh nás obmyl Krvou Svojho vlastného Syna, očistil nás a odial nás do rúcha Svätého Ducha. A ten veľký voz Boží raz príde jedného dňa k našim dverám a pôjdeme s ním žiť domov. Všetky záznamy sú zlikvidované; nemôžeme byť viacej súdení; sú spálené, On ich zahodil do mora zabudnutia a viac na ne nespomína. Potom niet divu, že môžeme spievať.

Ohromná Milosť! Ako sladko to znie,

ktorá zachránila úbožiaka ako ja!

Raz som bol stratený, ale teraz som nájdený,

bol som slepý, ale teraz vidím.

Bola to milosť, ktorá naučila moje srdce bázni;

Milosť uvoľnila moje strachy;

Ako draho sa tá Milosť zjavila,

v tú hodinu, kedy som prvý raz uveril!

164Nechceš, aby tá hodina bola práve teraz, hriešny priateľu, zatiaľ čo máme na chvíľu sklonené naše hlavy pre slovo modlitby? Nech je tá hodina, v ktorú uveríš, práve teraz. Učiň rozhodnutie a povedz, „Pane Bože, som vinný. Uvedomujem si, že je potrebná milosť, aby ma zachránila. Ja si nemôžem pomôcť. Som stratený. Je koniec. Nemôžem už nič urobiť. Som totálne bezmocný, beznádejný, bez Boha, bez milosrdenstva, bez Krista, som odtrhnutý vo svete. Nebudeš mať so mnou tú milosť a nevezmeš ma z tej cely hriechu, v ktorej sa dnes nachádzam, ó, Pane, a nebudeš mi milostivý, mne hriešnikovi?“ Zodvihni ruku a povedz, „Pane, Bože, som ja tou osobou, ktorá potrebuje Tvoju Milosť?“ Pozdvihni ruku povediac, „Modli sa za mňa, brat Branham, už budem veriť.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat, tam vzadu.

165Povedzte niekto, „Brat Branham, pamätaj na mňa v modlitbe, ó, brat, prosím.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, pani. „Modli sa, aby...“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Pan ti žehnaj, sestra. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat, tam vzadu pri tom okne. Nech ťa Pán žehná, ten brat tam, ten druhý. „Pamätaj na mňa, brat Branham.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat, áno, toho tam. Boh ti žehnaj, sestra. Pán nech ťa tu žehná, bratu. On ťa vidí. Skutočne to tak myslím. Boh ti žehnaj, mladý muž. On vidí; nie... Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Pán nech ťa žehná, sestra, tam pri tej stene. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat, tam dole. Pán ti žehnaj, brat, tam pri tej stene.

Len tak ako som, bez...

(Bude ešte niekto? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Vidím tam vzadu vaše ruky.)

Ale Tvoja Krv bola preliata za mňa,

(Áno, Pane. Boh ti žehnaj, sestra.)

A to (Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra.) Ty mi ponúkaš,

aby som prišiel... (Nech ťa Boh žehná tam vzadu v...) Tebe,

(Milosť, milosť) Ja... (Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladá pani.)...

Ja prídem!

Len tak, ako som, a nečakám,

že zbavíš moju dušu len jednej čiernej škvrny,

k Tebe, ktorého Krv vie očistiť každé miesto,

Ó, Baránku... (Milosť, ó, milosť) Ja prichádzam!


166Je tu teraz okolo pätnásť alebo dvadsať zdvihnutých rúk. Teraz, s našimi sklonenými hlavami, chcem teraz poprosiť tých, ktorí zdvihli svoje ruky, zostaňte stáť na svojich nohách, zatiaľ čo sa budem za vás modliť. Nemáme tu hore miesto na oltári. Ja len chcem, aby ste stáli na nohách, každý, kto zodvihol svoju ruku a chce, aby sa zaňho teraz modlilo. Zostaňte teraz stáť na nohách, zatiaľ čo vám poskytnem modlitbu.

…preliata za mňa,

A to (To je v poriadku, nech ťa Boh žehná....) prídem k Tebe,

Ó, Baránok Boží, Ja...

167Pamätajte, že môže prísť deň, kedy už milosť nebude viacej zotrvávať, nebude pre teba viacej rozhojňovať; bude príliš neskoro. Teraz ešte nie je až tak neskoro.

168Ó, Bože, Otec nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý si opäť priviedol nášho Spasiteľa zo smrti, teraz žije, ktorý je vo vrcholnej sláve, posiela Ducha Svätého Kristovho na nás, aby priniesol istotu hriešnikovi. Bože, modlím sa za týchto ľudí, ktorí teraz stoja na svojich nohách. Je to pravda, Pane. Ty si povedal, „Ten, kto Mňa vyzná pred ľuďmi, toho aj ja vyznám pred Mojím Otcom a svätými Anjelmi.“ Vieme, že keď budeme stáť v to veľké ráno súdu, čo za čas to bude. Oni teraz stoja, Pane, takže ich hriechy pôjdu pred nimi; nejakých ľudí nasledujú hriechy. Títo ľudia tu stoja dnes ráno, pretože vyznávajú svoje hriechy vediac, že konali nesprávne, a chcú Ťa ako svojho Spasiteľa. Ty držíš opraty ich srdca a vieš o nich všetko.

169Modlím sa, Otče, aby si im udelil ich potreby. Spas ich. Oni sú trofejami tohto malého posolstva dnes ráno, milosti Božej; bez ohľadu na to, čo sme urobili, stále sa k nám znižuješ a staráš sa o nás. Udeľ to, Pane. Udeľ milosť týmto srdciam. Nech oni všetci príjmu Ježiša ako svojho Spasiteľa. Oni to učinili. Svätý Duch im povedal, aby sa postavili, a oni to urobili. Svätý Duch im riekol, aby sa postavili, a oni v poslušnosti Ducha stoja.

170Teraz, Pane, Ty dodržuješ Svoje Slovo. Ty si povedal, „Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne prv, než by ho Otec nezavolal. A všetkých, ktorých Mi Otec dal, tí aj prídu ku Mne. A ten, ktorý ku Mne príde, toho nijako nevyženiem. Ten, ktorý počuje Moje slová a verí tomu, ktorý Ma poslal, má večný život a nikdy nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“ Preto, Pane, na základe týchto miest Písma, to sú Tvoje vlastné Slová, Pane, ktoré čítame v Jánovi 5:24, „Ten, kto počuje Moje slová a verí tomu, ktorý Ma poslal, má...“ Prečo? Pretože uveril a milosť sa prejavila. „Prešiel do večného života a nepríde na súd (On pôjde pred súdom), a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“ Ó, Bože, ako Ti za to ďakujeme.

171Modlíme sa teraz, aby si ich zachoval počas ich života. Nech sú oni, každý jeden z nich, pokrstení, a nech vzývajú Meno Pánovo, zmývajúc svoje hriechy. Udeľ to, Pane.

172Ja Ti ich teraz odovzdávam ako Tvoj služobník veriac, že ten veľký Anjel Boží, ktorý sa objavil tam dolu... A Otče, Ty poznáš celý ten príbeh, a ten veľký Anjel sa objavil tam v to piatkové ráno, ako sa brieždilo, prehovoriac tieto slová vo forme troch dúh prichádzajúcich z vrchu tej hory... Pane Bože, nech sa ten Boh, ktorý sa objavil tam pri mne v tých dúhach, nech On teraz zachráni týchto ľudí zo Svojej Milosti. Dávam Ti ich v očakávaní, že dodržíš Svoje Slovo a že to urobíš a že ich stretnem v ten veľký deň, bez miesta vrásky a poškvrny na ich duši. Udeľ to. Odovzdávam Ti ich v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

173Nech vás Boh žehná. Teraz, ako si sadnete, každý, kto sedí blízko ku niekomu, kto je kresťan, podajte si ruky. Povedzte im, pozvite ich do cirkvi a čokoľvek, aby mohli byť... Ó, nie je On nádherný?

Ohromná Milosť! Ako sladko to znie,

ktorá zachránila úbožiaka ako ja!

Raz som bol stratený, ale teraz som nájdený,

bol som slepý, ale teraz vidím.

Bola to milosť, ktorá naučila moje srdce bázni;

Milosť uvoľnila moje strachy;

Ako draho sa tá Milosť zjavila,

v tú hodinu, kedy som prvý raz uveril!

(Uverili ste? Ak áno, pozdvihnite svoje ruky.)

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša,

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša,

Ó, ako milujem Ježiša,

Pretože On ma prv miloval.

Keď tam budeme desaťtisíc rokov,

Slnko jasne žiariace;

Nebudeme mať málo dní, aby sme vzdávali Bohu chválu

(Vďaka, Bože.)

Potom, keď sme prvýkrát začali.

174Milujete Ho? No, nie je On nádherný? Teraz...


Ako to budeme znovu spievať, chcem, aby ste si podali ruky s niekým, kto je pri vás, a skutočne potichu povedali, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, pútnik.“ Teraz skutočne sladko a sväto..

Keď sme... [Brat Branham a zhromaždenie si podávajú ruky – pozn. prekl.]

....Bohu chválu

Vtedy, keď sme prvýkrát začali.

Pri kríži, pri kríži, kedy som prvýkrát uvidel to Svetlo,

a bremeno môjho srdca sa odkotúľalo preč,

skrze vieru som prijal zrak,

a teraz som šťastný celý deň!

Ó, pri kríži, pri kríži, kedy som prvýkrát uvidel to Svetlo,

a bremeno môjho srdca sa odkotúľalo preč,

skrze vieru som prijal zrak,

a teraz som šťastný celý deň!

(Či nie ste šťastní?)

Som tak rád, že Ježiš ma oslobodil,

Som tak rád, že Ježiš ma oslobodil,

Ó, som tak rád, že Ježiš ma oslobodil,

spievam sláva, haleluja, Ježiš ma oslobodil.

Ó, som tak rád, že Ježiš ma oslobodil,

Ó, som tak rád, že Ježiš ma oslobodil,

Ó, som tak rád, že Ježiš ma oslobodil,

spievam sláva, haleluja, Ježiš ma oslobodil.

175Či Ho nemilujete? Nie je On nádherný? Ó, len myslím na to, aký je prenádherný. Len pomyslite na to, že táto Biblia je Jeho Pravdou a Ona učí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Ak je On tým istým včera, dnes aj naveky... Nech mi Boh odpustí to znesväcujúce slovo, „ak,“ ale On je ten istý. Ale ak je On tým istým, ak to takto poviem, potom akým typom osoby by bol? Bol by takým istým, ako aj vždy bol.

176No, je len jediná vec, ktorá je v Jeho bytosti iná toto ráno, ako bola tam medzi ľuďmi v Galiley, je to to Jeho vlastného telo, jeho fyzické telo; pretože to bolo vzkriesené (Veríte tomu?), postavené po pravici Jeho Veličenstva, večne žijúce, aby sa prihovorilo za naše vyznania. Pamätajte, On pre nás nemôže urobiť nič, pokým Ho prv nepríjmeme a neuveríme, že to už urobil, a nepovieme, že to urobil, pretože On je tým Veľkňazom, ktorý môže... On je Veľkňazom, ktorý sa prihovára za naše vyznania.

177No, veľa z vás, čitateľov Biblie, hovorí „vyhlásenie.“ A „vyhlásenie“ a „vyznanie“ je to isté slovo. Vidíte? „Urobte Veľkňaza,“ v knihe Židom, 3. kapitola, „prihovára sa na základe nášho vyznania.“ Potom On nemôže vykonať nič, pokiaľ nevyznáme, že to už urobil. Vidíte, môžete ísť tam dolu k oltáru a modliť sa celú noc a absolútne nič vám to nepomôže, dokiaľ neuveríte, že vám už odpustil, a potom sa postavíte. Potom toľko viery, koľko máš, to... Raz si žil tam dole v tej špine hriechu. Teraz, vy, novoobrátení, veríte, že ste spasení, nie? Potom sa postavte, postavte sa ešte vyššie. Čo to robí? Tvoja viera, pretože veríš, že si teraz kresťanom; budeš žiť ponad tými vecami. Vidíte? Ak sa chcete postaviť trochu vyššie, len majte trochu viac viery, pretože to je neobmedzené; len sa držte...

178Nuž, dokonca aj nemožné sa môže stať skutočným. Všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria. To je pravda. „Ak poviete, 'Pohni sa!' a nebudete o tom pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť, že sa to tak stane, môžete mať to, o čo ste prosili.“

179No, Ježiš Kristus prebýva v ľuďoch. Jedného dňa bol Kristus v Ohnivom Stĺpe a my veríme, že to bol Jehova Boh. To je to, čo sa do nás snažil ten Anjel dostať. No, On bol vtedy v otcovstve, On bol Otcom Izraela, národa.

180Potom prišiel a prebýval medzi Svojimi ľuďmi, ako Kristus, Syn. Je to pravda? Kristus bol Synom Božím.

181No, On je Kristus, Duch Svätý, ktorý je pomazaním... „Kristus“ znamená „pomazaný,“ a ten Pomazaný bol na ľuďoch, Kristus s nami, Svätý Duch. Je to Kristus s nami, v nás. Veríte tomu? Buďte ešte chvíľu ozaj úctiví. No, je On tým istým?

182Myslím, že pred chvíľou som mal hovor, a hovorili mi, že ľudia tam pobehovali popri sedadlách tam dolu. Budeme o tom hovoriť neskôr na inom zhromaždení cirkvi. Povedal som potom Billymu, že keď sa išlo modliť za chorých a ak ich tam bolo veľa, že by mohol rozdať modlitebné karty. Povedal, že to urobí. Predpokladám, že to urobil.

183Posledné dva alebo tri mesiace od istej príležitosti, potom, ako sa niečo stalo, táto služba sa dostala do takého miesta, že sa mi až tak trochu vyšmykla z rúk. Vidieť to rozpoznanie, a tak ďalej, ako to prehovorilo k ľuďom, presne tak, ako to náš Pán robil, keď tu bol na zemi. Myslím, že to všetci z vás videli. Koľkí z vás to ešte vôbec nevideli, alebo to nevideli pôsobiť? Nech vidím vaše ruky, tých, ktorí to ešte nevideli. Ó. Nikdy ste to nevideli pracovať? No, je tu skupina, ktorá to ešte nevidela, ale sú to hádam len cudzinci. Nevieme, odkiaľ tí ľudia prišli.

184Toto je naddenominačná modlitebňa. Nie sme proti denomináciám, ale nie sme ani za nich. My ich len nechávame ísť svojou cestou. Veríme, že keď vezmeme ľudí... Ak chcú ísť späť do denominácií, v poriadku, pokiaľ len žijú kresťanský život. My tu máme len duše-zachraňujúcu stanicu. To je to, moja služba je tu pre nich.

185No, ale ja verím, že Biblia učí v Židom 13:8, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Dobre, ak je On tým istým... No, ako tu teraz stojíte na chvíľu úplne ticho, chcem k vám teraz prehovoriť skutočne z môjho srdca a potom budeme mať uzdravovacie zhromaždenie.

Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Ak je On tým istým včera, dnes, aj naveky, ako potom... Jediný spôsob, ako to môžeme povedať, je, že ak je On Duchom, bude konať takým istým spôsobom, ako konal včera. Je to pravda? Bude konať tak isto ako včera.

186Ako však konal včera? Bol nejako iný od iného človeka? Bol len človekom, vyzeral ako človek. Bol muž. Bol narodený; bol človekom. Mal telo a krv. Prežíval utrpenia, stonal; prechádzal cez pokušenia. Bol človekom. To je pravda, nie?

187Ale čo Ho urobilo Bohom? Je to preto, že Svätý Duch bol na Ňom. Bol pomazaným Mesiášom. A ako vedeli, že bol? Mojžiš povedal, „Hospodin, váš Boh, vám vzbudí proroka ako mňa. A stane sa, že ten, kto nebude počúvať tohto proroka, bude od ľudí odrezaný. No, On bol prorokom. Hľadal potom Izrael proroka? Museli, ak teda hľadali Mesiáša. A Mesiáš mal byť prorokom.“

188No, poďme teraz aspoň na chvíľu cez toto, aspoň na pár sekúnd a dobre počúvajte. Držte teraz svoju myseľ upriamenú na Boha, pretože nevieme, čo Boh môže urobiť, nevieme, čo mi povie, aby som urobil.

189Viem, že máme v našom zbore dar proroctva. Náš brat Neville, on prorokuje medzi ľuďmi, čo je skvelé. Ceníme si to. Budeme sa na to dlho odvolávať. Tiež tu máme nejakých, ktorí hovoria jazykmi. Neveríme však, že ľudia musia hovoriť jazykmi, aby mali Svätého Ducha. Nie je žiadne také miesto Písma, ktoré by o tom hovorilo. Ale veríme, že je dar Svätého Ducha, čo je hovorenie v jazykoch; máme to v našej cirkvi. Ale my to robíme... My s tým teraz nijako nebeháme, že takéto máme. Veríme, že to je Hlas Boží. Hovoríme, keď Svätý Duch hovorí, a necháme to tak dopustiť len tri krát. A to nemôže byť počas toho, ako kážem, pretože duch prorokov je podriadený prorokovi. Vidíte? Musí to byť správne podložené Bibliou. Nikto nemôže vyhlásiť, že nie je nič také ako dar Ducha Svätého, hovorenie v jazykoch. Vieme to. Biblia to učí a my tomu veríme. A ďakujeme Bohu, že to máme v našej cirkvi. Máme tu teraz dary proroctva; ony najprv musia byť otestované a musí sa vidieť, či sú správne alebo nie, a potom dar proroctva.

190A potom tu je prorok. No, to je úrad.

191Potom sú dary, to sú hovorenie v jazykoch a výklad jazykov, známosť, múdrosť a rozpoznania, a tak ďalej. To sú všetko dary.

192Ale potom je päť úradov. Prví sú apoštoli, proroci, učitelia, evanjelisti a pastori. To sú všetko ordinované úrady Božie. Ľudia ich zastávajú. Vidíte? Oni nemôžu... Nemôžeš ich chcieť, nemôžeš sa za ne modliť; ony sú suverénne dané; si do nich narodený.

193Prorok nie je prorokom, ak niekto na neho kladie ruky a urobí ho prorokom. Prorok je už splodený vo svojej matke ako prorok. Vidíte? To je to, prečo je vždy prorokom. Vidíte?

194Boh povedal Jeremiášovi, „Prv, ako si bol splodený v lone svojej matky,“ povedal, „poznal som ťa a posvätil som ťa a dal som ťa za proroka národom.“ To je pravda. Vidíte? Mojžiš, predtým, ako bol narodený, on bol riadnym dieťaťom. On bol prorokom Pánovým. A všetci ostatní potom prišli. Kristus bol Synom Božím už od záhrady Eden. To je pravda. Vidíte, dary a povolania sú bez pokánia.

195Ale dary sú dané do Tela. Ale my to rozpoznávame; všetky tieto dary rozpoznávame.

196Teraz, pozrime, čo bol Ježiš medzi nami, pozrime sa, čím bol tam vtedy. Zistíme, že keď začal svoju službu... No, počúvajte dobre, vy, ktorí ste tu cudzí. Keď On prvýkrát začal Svoju službu tam v Jánovi v 1. kapitole, zisťujeme, že potom, ako bol pokrstený, potom prišiel... On bol narodený a dovŕšil tridsiatku; a bol pokrstený Jánom. Svätý Duch prišiel ako holubica a zostúpil na Neho a prišiel Hlas povediac, „Toto je Môj Milovaný Syn, v ktorom...“ Skutočný grécky originál hovorí, „V ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať.“ Povedal, „V ktorom som potešený, v ktorom rád prebývam.“ Ale vidíte, znie to trochu inak od toho nášho, to sloveso pred príslovkou, ale skutočne to je, „V ktorom rád prebývam.“ Pretože Kristus, Boh bol v Kristovi, zmierujúc so Sebou svet. My to vieme.

197No hneď nato išiel štyridsať dní na púšť, pokúšaný diablom. A potom vyšiel so Svojou službou a začal sa modliť za chorých.

198A po chvíli vystúpil muž menom Šimon Peter, starý rybár, nevzdelanec, nevedel dokonca ani napísať svoje meno. Ale Andrej mu povedal o tomto Mužovi, že veril, že On je práve tým Mesiášom. „Nezmysel.“

199Vyšiel tam k Nemu a hneď, ako vstúpil do Prítomnosti Ježiša, Ježiš povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon a si syn Jonášov.“ On vedel, že niečo sa stalo. Vedel, že to bol Syn Boží. A mal radosť, keď mu mohol dať kľúče do Kráľovstva a urobiť ho hlavou cirkvi.

200A stál tam muž, ktorý sa volal Filip. Filip to videl a myslel si, „Ohromné, poznám muža, ktorý je biblickým učencom, žije asi tak pätnásť míľ okolo tej hory. Zabehnem tam a poviem mu. Volá sa Natanael.“

201A dobehol tam skutočne rýchlo. Ďalšie ráno, asi tak na svitaní vybehol a zaklopal na dvere. A pani Natanaelová povedala, „Ó, je tam v sade vonku, Filip.“ On bol jeho priateľom. Išiel sa tam pozrieť a našiel ho na kolenách, ako sa modlil. A len čo sa postavil na nohy, Filip povedal, „Poď a vidz toho, ktorého som našiel, Ježiša Nazaretského, Syna Jozefovho.“

A teraz tento veľký nábožný hodnostár povedal, „Môže vôbec vyjsť niečo dobré z Nazareta?“

202Dal mu dobrý citát, dobrú vec, keď mu povedal, „Nezostaň doma a nekritizuj to; nechoď o tom rozprávať. Len poď a vidz to sám. Poď a vidz. Len príď a zisti, či môže vzísť niečo dobré z Nazareta.“

203„Myslíš Mesiáša? No, ak Mesiáš príde, On zostúpi dole a... Zostúpi z nebeských chodieb; príde priamo do paláca. Príde do našej veľkej organizácie.“ Oni si to stále myslia (Vidíte?): musí to prísť do ich organizácie. „On príde priamo do našej organizácie, zostúpi na náš palác a pôjde na ten vonkajší dvor, a zostúpi priamo na trón a hore k najsvätejším z najsvätejších a povie, 'Ja som Mesiáš.'“ Lenže Mesiáš takto nikdy neprichádza. On prichádza tam, kde chce. Je suverénny; robí to tak, ako sa mu to páči.

204On povedal... No, „Dobre,“ povedal, „poď, vidz. Poď a pozri sa sám.“

Nestoj tam okolo a nehovor, „Neverím v tieto veci týchto náboženských fanatikov.“ Len poď a zisti, či na tom skutočne niečo je.

205Tak on, na tej ceste naspäť, môžem ich počuť, ako sa rozprávajú. No, chceli by ste počuť, o čom sa rozprávali? Počúvajme a pozrime sa, čo povedali. Verím, ako išli tam po tej ceste, viete, Filip povedal, „Vieš, Natanael, viem, že si študentom Biblie, takže sa ťa chcem niečo opýtať. Očakávame Mesiáša, nie?“

206„Ó, áno, dostávame sa do tých posledných dní v tejto generácii a verím, že táto generácia uvidí Mesiáša.“ Počúvajte teraz, „Ó, ale my sme... nie sme dokonca ani národom; sme len tak roztrúsení medzi ľuďmi. Ako to vôbec môžeme? Všetko toto...“ Boh prichádza v tej hodine, v ktorej si to nemyslíte. To je to, kedy tam bol.

207On povedal, „Ale počkaj minútu, akým typom osoby bude ten Mesiáš?“

„Ó, dobre, dobre, Mojžiš, náš učiteľ nám povedal, že bude prorokom.“

208„Chcem ti povedať o tomto Ježišovi z Nazareta. Pamätáš si toho nevzdelaného rybára, u ktorého si kedysi kupoval ryby, každý od neho bral ryby a on dokonca nevedel podpísať potvrdenku, pretože nemal na to dostatok vzdelania?“

209„Áno. Ó, áno. Jonášov, Jonášov chlapec. Áno, tiež som kupoval od Jonáša.“

210„No a vieš čo? Peter tam prišiel a...“ Alebo skôr Šimon, to bolo vtedy jeho meno. On povedal, „Šimon prišiel na Jeho zhromaždenie. A len čo sa tam dostal... A iste si spomínaš, ako nám Šimon zvykol rozprávať, že jeho otec mu hovoril, 'Nenechajte sa oklamať, pretože bude veľa falošných prorokov pred skutočným Mesiášom.' A to je pravda. 'Vystúpi veľa falošných proroctiev.' Ale povedal, 'Budete vedieť, kedy príde to skutočné posolstvo, pretože pamätajte, my Židia veríme, že Mesiáš bude prorokom.' A my veríme v našich prorokov.“

211Spýtajte sa teraz Židov. Izrael, keď si oni dnes zoberú túto Bibliu, vychádzajúci z Iránu a tieto veci, oni to čítajú. Povedia, „Ak bol ten Ježiš Mesiášom, pozrime sa na Neho, ako urobí ten znak, že je prorokom; budeme Mu veriť.“ Áno. Oni vedia, že ich proroci sú pravdiví.

212Takže Natanael musel povedať, „Ó, verím, že ten Mesiáš bude prorokom, pretože Mojžiš povedal, 'Hospodin, náš Boh, vzbudí proroka.'“

213Nuž a keď On videl toho Šimona, o ktorom hovoríme, povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon a si syn Jonášov.“ Nielenže ho poznal, ale rovnako poznal aj toho jeho starého zbožného farizeja, jeho otca.

„Ó, nemôžem tomu uveriť. Asi si v tom dosť hlboko.“

214On povedal, „Ó, nie, nie som. Poď a zisti. Poď, vidz. Poďme.“ A išli po tej ceste.

215Nakoniec sa dostali do Prítomnosti, kde bol Ježiš, možno stáli tam niekde v publiku. Ježiš tam stál, obzeral sa dookola a po chvíli vyhľadal a uvidel Natanaela, ako tam stál; a povedal, „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nieto lesti.“ No, to z neho zobralo všetku naškrobenosť. To mu vzalo vietor z plachiet. „Hľa, Izraelita, v ktorom nieto lesti.“

216„To je Boh,“ povedal, „Rabbi (čo znamená 'učiteľ'), Rabbi, odkiaľ ma poznáš? Nikdy som Ťa ešte nestretol; som tu cudzím v tomto zhromaždení; nikdy som tu predtým nebol. Ako ma vôbec môžeš poznať?“

217On povedal, „Predtým, ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, Ja som ťa videl.“

218To bol Ježiš včerajška. Je to pravda? Ak je On ten istý, On je tým istým potom aj dnes. Zoberme iný národ ľudí. Bol tam národ...

219Boli tam len tri národy ľudí, a to boli ľudia Chama, Sema a Jafeta. Vidíte? Je to presne tak. To je to, ako na Letnice, keď zostúpilo Evanjelium k Židom, potom k Samaritánom a potom pohanom. Vidíte? Ľudia Chama, Sema, Jafeta, to sú tri národy. A boli dva národy, očakávajúce Mesiáša; nie my pohania, my sme chodili niekde s palicami; boli sme bezbožníci, uctievajúci modly; ale Cham a Sem nie.

220No, a je tu potom ešte iné, ďalší národ, ktorým boli Samaritáni, čo boli spolovice Židia a pohania, čo bolo zapríčinené zosobášením hriechu Kóracha a oni odišli preč. Ale verili v Boha; hľadali Mesiáša. Takže Ježiš išiel a predstavil sa im. Prišiel k Židom, svojim vlastným, ale mal potrebu ísť do Samárie. Ján 4, čítali ste to niekedy? Mal potrebu ísť do Samárie. Tak teda prišiel do mesta Sychar a potom poslal učeníkov, aby nakúpili nejaký pokrm. A zatiaľ čo boli preč...

221Ak ste tam niekedy boli, no, je to panoramatické, studňa; je mesto a pumpa, z ktorej naberali vodu. Viete, tie ženy tam prichádzali a zobrali vedro a spúšťali. Viete, ženy tie vedrá takto brali a spúšťali ich dolu, zobrali vodu a takto si to vedro dali na hlavu. A tie ženy zlej povesti, zlé ženy, nemohli tam prísť s tými dobrými. Nijako sa spolu nezoskupovali v tých dňoch. A ak bola žena zlá, zostala vo svojej vlastnej spoločnosti. Nie však dnes; ony sú všetky spolu, ale sú len... Ale oni... Keď pichnete do žĺtka vo vajci, roztečie sa po celom vajci. Vidíte? Takže oni potom...

222Takže táto žena zlej povesti tam prišla asi o pol dvanástej alebo trištvrte na dvanásť; prišla tam, aby si nabrala vedro vody. A nechala to... Môžem ju vidieť, ako zobrala to vedro, spustila to do studne a mala vedro vody. A ako to práve vyťahovala, počula niekoho povedať, „Žena, daj Mi piť.“ A ona sa pozrela a bol tam Žid. Ale oni navzájom nijako nekomunikovali.

223Človek stredného veku asi okolo tridsiatky. Ale Biblia povedala, že vyzeral na päťdesiat; viete to. On povedal...

224„Hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma, a pritom nemáš viac ako päťdesiat.“ Mal len tridsať. Vidíte? Povedal... Myslím si, že Jeho služba Ho tak trochu vyčerpala. Takže povedal, „Hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma, čiže teraz vieme, že máš diabla.“

On povedal, „Prv, ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM.“ Vidíte, On je Boh Abrahámov. Istotne, On Ním bol. Povedal, „Predtým, ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM.“ Iste.

225A teraz, tam On sedel pri tej studni; povedal, „Žena, prines mi piť.“

226Ona povedala, „Nie je to veľmi obvyklé. Máme tu segregáciu.“ Ako to zvykli robiť na juhu, že oddeľovali farebných od bielych. Vidíte? Ona povedala, „Máme tu segregáciu. Nie je to pre teba obvyklé, aby si sa Ty, Žid, pýtal mňa, ženy Samaritánky, aby som Ti preukázala nejakú priazeň. Navzájom spolu nekomunikujeme.“ Bola to žena prostitútka, viete, možno to bola pekná žena. Možno tam takto stála, jej kučery viseli takto dole po tvári, viete, a bývala vonku celú noc. A tak povedala, ona povedala, „Nie je to normálne, aby si ma o niečo prosil, mňa, Samaritánku.“

227On povedal, „Žena, ak by si len vedela, kto to s tebou hovorí, a vedela, s kým hovoríš, ty by si sa Mňa pýtala, aby som ti dal piť.“ To je ten Mesiáš včerajška. Vidíte? „Prosila by si Ma o vodu; dal by som ti vodu, ktorú by si sem nemusela prichádzať čerpať.“

228„Ó,“ povedala, „táto studňa je hlboká a nemáš nič, čím by si ju vytiahol, tak ako by si mi potom mohol dať nejakú vodu?“ Povedala, „Náš otec Jakob...“ Vidíte, bola to Samaritánka, ale tiež nazývala Jakoba svojím otcom. „Náš otec Jakob píjaval z tejto studne, jeho dobytok a rodina. A Ty teraz hovoríš, že máš väčšiu vodu než on?“ Povedala, „Vy hovoríte, že 'uctievanie,' Ty súc Židom, Ty hovoríš, že sa uctieva v Jeruzaleme. My hovoríme, že na tejto hore.“

On povedal, „Žena, čas prichádza a teraz je, kedy pravdiví ctitelia budú uctievať Boha v Duchu, pretože Boh je Duchom.“ Vidíte? „Otec takých hľadá, aby Ho tak uctievali.“ Čo On robil? On s ňou hovoril, aby sa skontaktoval s jej duchom. Vidíte? On musel byť Mesiášom aj pred Samaritánmi.

229A tam našiel jej problém. Koľkí z vás viete, čo to bolo? Iste. Ona žila so svojím šiestym manželom.

Takže, vidíte, nie je to správne, keď máte živého manžela, a tak ďalej, a chodíte von s iným. A pre akúkoľvek príčinu, zahodiť ženu preč a oženiť sa s ňou a potom ísť a oženiť sa s inou, potom zase s inou, potom sa zosobášiť s ďalšou, jednoducho by ste to nemali robiť. Tak On povedal, že...

Potom povedal... predpokladám, že s ním žila dokonca bez toho, že by bola vôbec zaňho vydatá. Nikdy sa za neho ani nemusela vydať. Možno nebola nikdy s nikým zosobášená. Takže ona hovorila všetky tieto zlé veci, viete, robila všetko to zlo.

Takže potom, ako tam On stál, takto sa na ňu pozeral, povedal, „Choď, prines Mi piť.“ A ona povedala... „Ale ak by si vedela, s kým hovoríš, ty by si Mňa poprosila, aby som ti dal piť. Ja ti dám vodu, ktorú nikdy... Dám ti tú vodu, ktorú si sem neprišla piť.“ Potom povedal, „Choď, priveď svojho manžela a poď sem.“

Povedala, „Pane, nemám manžela.“

„Ó,“ povedal, „dobre si povedala. Mala si päť mužov a ten, s ktorým teraz žiješ, nie je tvojím manželom. To si povedala pravdu.“

230Ona... no, počúvajte tú ženu... Teraz, keď...

Prečo Ho Židia zavolali, keď videli, že robí takéto veci? Rozpoznali Ho, že je Mesiášom? Nie. Čo povedali, že kým bol? „Belzebub, veštec,“ povedali, „mocou Belzebuba to činí.“ A Ducha Božieho, ktorý mal to rozpoznanie, nazvali „nečistou vecou.“

231On povedal, „Ak budete hovoriť slovo proti Mne, bude vám odpustené. Ale jedného dňa, keď príde Svätý Duch a bude robiť to isté; a keď proti tomu poviete slovo, nikdy vám nebude odpustené.“

232Takže vidíte, na čom sme dnes, ak sa to má dnes stať. „Jedno slovo proti tomu a nikdy vám nebude odpustené v tomto veku, ani v tom, ktorý príde.“ Takže vidíte, čo táto generácia urobila. Pomyslite teraz na to. Silne myslite. Zvážte tieto vážne Slová.

No, Židia povedali, „Tento človek činí tieto skutky cez Belzebuba, je to diabol, veštec.“ Vieme, že veštectvo je diabol. Tak oni povedali, „Tento človek je veštcom.“

Ale On im odpustil, že Ho volali veštcom. Ale potom, ako zomrel a navrátil sa Svätý Duch, to už bolo niečo celkom iné. Vidíte? A to malo byť na pohanskú generáciu.

233Všimnite si teraz. Židia to už videli a zavrhli. Samaritáni to prijali a ona povedala, „Pane, vidím, že si prorok.“ Čo s tým len urobíš, Samaritán? „Vidím, že si prorok. Vieme, že keď Mesiáš príde, povie nám o týchto veciach.“ Vidíte, oni poznali Mesiáša, kým On bude. Povedala, „Vieme, že keď príde Mesiáš, zvaný Kristus, že keď príde, povie nám o týchto veciach. Ale kým si Ty? Azda si Jeho prorokom?“

On povedal, „Ja som On. Ja som On.“

234A na tomto... Počúvajte teraz. Nato odhodila svoje vedro vody a bežala do mesta, aby povedala ľuďom na uliciach, bežiac cez mesto a hovorila, „Poďte a vidzte Človeka, ktorý mi povedal o veciach, ktoré som učinila. Nie je práve On tým Mesiášom?“ A Biblia povedala, že celé mesto v Neho uverilo, pretože to táto žena povedala, že On jej toto povedal, pretože bol Mesiášom.

235No, ak to bol včerajší znak Mesiáša a On je pritom tým istým včera, dnes i naveky, bude to aj ten istý znak dnes. Je to pravda? Koľkí s tým budete súhlasiť? Istotne, On je tým istým. V poriadku.

236Bude On teraz nejakým iným mužom? Nie. On miloval, On plakal, jedol, spal; išiel do pustatiny, išiel rybárčiť, konal ako ktokoľvek iný. Bol len človekom (Vidíte?), ale teraz bol Pomazaným Mesiášom.

237No, my si teraz pamätáme, že v Biblii, ktorá nám tam vzadu hovorí, no, mohli by sme ísť cez viaceré miesta Písma a dokázať, že Biblia tvrdí, že nastane deň, v ktorom nebude noci ani dňa, len chmúrny deň, organizácie a cirkev a dosť ľudí, ktorí by mali byť spasení, „Ale v čase večera bude Svetlo.“ Koľkí z vás ste to už čítali v Biblii? Iste. Vidíte?

238No, inými slovami, slnko vychádza na východe a zapadá na západe. To isté slnko, ktoré vychádza na východe, zapadá na západe. No, keď Syn Boží, S-y-n, vyšiel na východe na ľuďoch východu... Civilizácia cestuje so slnkom a práve teraz sa nachádzame na západnom pobreží. Ak pôjdete ďalej, naprieč do Číny a zase naspäť na východ. Takže potom ten istý Syn, ktorý svietil na východe, teraz žiari na západe, s tým istým krstom Duchom Svätým, tými istými znakmi, tými istými divmi, ten istý Mesiáš. Je to pravda? „Bude Svetlo v čase večera a istotne nájdete cestu do slávy.“ Tak je.

239Ale my sme teraz v čase večera, v čase večerného svetla. Slnko ide dolu. Mesiáš je v našom strede. Syn Boží vo forme Svätého Ducha je v našom strede. Či tomu veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Veríte mi, že som Jeho služobníkom? Veríte, že to, čo hovorím, je pravda? Veríte príbehu o tom Anjelovi, včera ráno, alebo teda predvčerom ráno? Veríte tomu? Potom nechajte Boha nebies, nechajte toho Boha, ktorý sa mi objavil vo forme dúhy, nech len hovorí. A nech je Mu moje telo odovzdané, moja duša, duch a myseľ, všetko nech je oddané Jeho sláve.

Keď som hľadal tú poslednú veveričku a vedel som, že to bude tá posledná, bolo vtedy práve o tri minúty desať a muselo to byť o desiatej.

Viete, On povedal, „Povedz, čo si želáš. A tak to bude.“ On v tom nikdy nesklamal, čokoľvek to bolo. „Len povedz, čo si želáš.“

Ôsmy krát to bolo s tou malou ženou. Predpokladám, že tam niekde vzadu sedí. Vidím tu brata Wrighta, ako tam sedí. Hattie Wright poprosila o svoje dve deti. Aha, tu je, práve teraz. Za spasenie svojich dvoch detí, oni boli neoblomne proti tomu. Povedal som, „Dávam ti tvoje deti v Mene Ježišovom.“ A oni sa jej hodili do náručia.

240Ed Daulton, baptista z Kentucky, práve tu sedí. Koľko máš detí, Ed? Dvanásť detí. Takto tam stál a poprosil o svoje deti. Vyšiel som z budovy. Ed za mnou prišiel a povedal som, „Ed.“

Svätý Duch bol na mne a povedal, „Daj mu ich, len mu ich daj.“

241Povedal som, „Dávam ti tvoje deti.“ A každý jeden z nich je teraz spasený a pokrstený. Bol tam jeho tínedžer, sedel doma, čakal, plakal a bol spasený presne vtedy, ako sme tam hore boli. Jeden baptistický brat dolu z... Ó, ó, aký nádherný On je, keď hovorí.

242Prosím Ho teraz o Jeho slávu, aby Sa ukázal, že On je Kristus a že to, čo hovorím, je pravdou.

243No, žiaden neveriaci pred tým nemôže uniknúť. Chcem, aby ľudia, ktorí sú tu a sú chorí alebo núdzni, a majú potrebu na Boha, tí, ktorých nepoznám, cudzí v našich bránach, ľudia, ktorých nepoznám a sú v potrebách, majú žiadosť Boha, zodvihnite svoje ruky. Ľudia, všade, kde... V poriadku, predpokladám, že všade. Ľudia, ktorých nepoznám. Ak som vyvolal niekoho, kto vie, že ho poznám a ty poznáš mňa a že sa navzájom poznáme, nič nehovor, len zostaň ticho. Ak je On Synom Božím, čo aj je, a moje posolstvo je správne a ten Anjel...

244Keď bolo o tri minúty desať, povedal som, „Ó, Bože, ktorý si sa mi pred pár minútami objavil vo forme dúhy, už sú tri minúty. Nevidím žiadnu veveričku. Sú tri minúty; budeš mi musieť nejakú priniesť.“ A Boh súc mojím Sudcom, povedal som to s plnou vážnosťou a s rukou na Biblii. Neverím v nejaké prisahanie; Biblia to nehovorí; nespomína, že by sme to mali robiť. Ale Boh je mojím Sudcom; a tá veverička vybehla dolu stromom a sadla si tam, úplne dokonalé. On nikdy nezlyhá; nikdy to neurobil. Mnohí z nich sú prítomní, aby mohli vedieť tieto veci. A ja viem, že On, že ten istý Boh je aj tu.

245Sú tu rozdané modlitebné karty. Ale ja ich nechcem. Budeme sa za ne modliť aspoň pár minút; vystúpia tu do radu. Chcem tých ľudí, ktorí sú tu alebo čokoľvek.

246Chcem cudzincov. Chcem ľudí, ktorí ma nepoznajú. Chcem, aby ste na to pamätali; chcem, aby ste premýšľali a modlili sa, hovoriac, „Bože, ten človek ma nepozná.“

247A jedného dňa sa tam jedna malá žena pretlačila cez dav. Mala krvotok. A povedala...

248Keď tam všetci ostatní hovorili, „Tu On je. Pozrite na Neho. To je ten Galilejčan,“ a tak ďalej. Všetci tí učitelia, a tak ďalej, tam stáli hovoriac, „Rabbi, hľadáme od teba znak,“ a tak ďalej.

249Táto malá žena povedala, „Verím, že je Synom Božím. A verím, že ak sa len môžem dotknúť lemu Jeho rúcha, budem uzdravená.“ Koľkí to viete? Dotkla sa Ho, ale nie tak, že by to mohol cítiť; ale On sa zastavil, otočil a povedal, „Kto sa Ma dotkol? Niekto sa Ma dotkol.“ Každý vtedy stíchol. Povedal, „Niekto sa Ma dotkol.“ A povedal, „Kto sa Ma dotkol?“

250A pozrel sa dookola, dokiaľ neuvidel túto malú ženu. Nemohla sa ukryť. Nemohol nájsť... Našiel ju a povedal, „Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila.“ Povedal jej, že ten krvotok je zachránený, že je zastavený, pretože uverila a jej viera sa dotkla lemu Jeho rúcha. Veríte tomu? V poriadku.

252No, je On teraz tým Veľkňazom sediacim po pravici Božej, ktorý sa prihovára za naše vyznania? Hovorí Biblia, že On je Veľkňazom, ktorý môže byť dotknutý pocitom našich slabostí? Je to pravda? V poriadku, ak si chorý, začni sa modliť a povedz, „Pane Bože, práve som počul posolstvo. Nepoznám tohto muža. Som tu teraz v tejto modlitebni. Nechodievam tu; nie je to moja domáca cirkev. Som odniekadiaľ inakadiaľ. Nie som z tohto mesta; bývam niekde inde. Nepoznám toho muža. Ale on to robí, zdá sa, že sa to snaží urobiť tak jasným, že si to Ty a povedal, že si sa mu zjavil, že to posolstvo je správne a ako robíš tieto veci. No, nepoznám toho človeka, ale poznám Teba. Takže ak sa Ti on odovzdal a ty používaš jeho telo, aby si cez neho hovoril svoje vlastné slová, nech to hovorí ku mne. Nech sa dotknem Tvojho rúcha, Pane.“ A zistite, či to robí, zistite, či je Bohom.

253Ak je On stále Bohom, môže použiť moje ústa, aby hovorili tie isté slová, ktoré by On hovoril, pretože on nemá žiadne ústa, jedine moje a tvoje. Nemá žiadne oči, len tie naše. On len zostupuje a riadi Svoju cirkev cez naše telo. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] On Sám ju riadi! To je to, čo aj povedal, „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, aj vy činiť budete.“ Je to pravda? [„Amen.“] „Tie isté skutky aj vy budete robiť.“ To boli tie skutky, ktoré On robil, aby dokázali, že je Mesiášom. A ak On je Mesiášom, čo teda je, potom je to pravda, že teraz robí tie isté skutky cez Svoju cirkev, ktoré robil aj vtedy. To dokazuje, že to je pravda, napriek akýmkoľvek denomináciám. Ó, haleluja!

254Starý brat Kidd a sestra Kiddová, ktorí tuto sedia, obaja sú už po osemdesiatke, kázali predtým, ako som sa vôbec narodil. Jedno ráno ležal a zomieral na rakovinu, asi pred dvoma rokmi, rezala sa do jeho prostaty, hore v Ohio; boli to moji veľmi milí priatelia. Sestra Kiddová ma zavolala a povedala, „Billy, ponáhľaj sa. Zomiera, práve teraz zomiera.“ A Billy a ja sme boli veľmi radi, keď sme mohli rozpáliť to moje staré auto z druhej ruky, aby sme sa tam hore dostali.

255Keď som sa tam dostal do tej izby, len čo som sa tam dostal, Svätý Duch prehovoril, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.“

256A tu teraz stojí ako svedok slávy Božej, zaskočilo to dokonca všetkých lekárov. Je to len... On je Bohom. Mohol som to ja urobiť? Nie veru. Moje slová neznamenajú viac, ako slová kohokoľvek iného. Ale to bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Amen.

257Pred rokmi dolu v Kentuckých horách, malá cirkev Božia, alebo niektorí z nich, pestovali tam kukuricu, stará matka Kiddová, aby nakŕmila svoju kopu detí, balila to do nádoby, len aby to poslala svojmu manželovi na misijnom poli, a tu sú vo svojich osemdesiatich, dnes tu sedia, radujú sa z Evanjelia Ježiša Krista a jazdia vyše sto míľ v nedeľu ráno, každú nedeľu, keď tam dole kážem, hneď ako sa o tom dopočujú. Iste, posielame im pozvania a chceli prísť. Nech sú požehnané ich malé staré srdcia. To je pravda. Chcem, aby si s nimi každá osoba podala ruky, ak môžu, nech sú požehnaní.

259Modlite sa teraz. Ó, som tak rád, že viem, že On je Bohom. Čo za pocit! Povieš, „Prečo zastavuješ, brat Branham?“ Čakám na Neho. Je to... Kázal som. Toto je už iné pomazanie.

A ak On príde a učiní to, ktorí potom, ktorí sú tu, Ho príjmu ako svojho Uzdraviteľa? Len zodvihnite svoje ruky, všetci chorí ľudia, len ak to urobí. Každý, ktorý je chorý, len nech pozdvihne svoje ruky, kto môže vidieť toho Mesiáša, Krista, ktorý je dnes v našom strede a hovorí.

261Modli sa. Ver. Vysvätím tento dom. Je tu toľko ľudí, ktorí sa modlia. Vidím pomazanie.

Pozrite. Ktorí ste to počuli, že ten Ohnivý Stĺp majú zavesený vo Washingtone, D.C.? Viete to. Tu je ten obrázok, práve tu, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol Mojžiša. Keď dokonca veda povedala, „Raz to bude visieť na policiach bežných obchodov. Jediná nadprirodzená Bytosť, ktorá bola kedy odfotografovaná.“

Ten istý Anjel je práve teraz pri tejto kazateľni. On to hľadá. Vyzývam vás, aby ste tomu verili. Vy, cudzí, verte tomu.

Musím to teraz sledovať, ako sa to pohybuje. Každý buďte úctiví. Sme v Jeho Prítomnosti...

265Vidím muža. Tam je. Sedí naľavo odo mňa, tam vzadu v rohu. Trpí nejakými problémami s ústnou dutinou a žalúdkovými ťažkosťami. Ver celým svojím srdcom. Je to pre mňa cudzí človek. Je to pán Wells. Áno, to je tvoje meno, pán Wells. Nie si odtiaľto. Si z Aurory, Illinois. To je pravda. Je to tak? Zrejme som pre teba cudzincom. Ak to je pravda, zdvihni svoje ruky. Postav sa na svoje nohy. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

Už teraz veríš? „Ver, ako len môžeš veriť.“

266No, tento človek tu, nikdy v živote som ho nevidel, je medzi nami skutočným cudzincom. Pochádza z iného štátu. A Svätý Duch, čokoľvek mu On hovorí, nezistím to, dokiaľ nedostanem túto pásku. Je to pomazanie, ktoré prichádza na teba. Ale ten človek o tom vie, že to, čo ti bolo povedané, je pravdou. Je to tak? Áno. Sme si cudzí. Nech je sám svedkom.

Kto to urobil? Mesiáš, Kristus.

268Tam vzadu sedí jedna pani, v strede ľudí, tam niekde. Vidíte to Svetlo nad ňou? Trpí nejakým problémom s pokožkou. Pani Pitmanová, si z Owensboro. Ak si tu cudzou, zdvihni svoju ruku. Sú tieto veci pravdivé? Zamávaj rukou. Boh ťa uzdravil. Nikdy som tú ženu nevidel, jedine vo videní.

269Mohli by ste vedieť, že tamtá žena sa volá Ellisová, pani Ellisová, mladá žena. Má ženské problémy. Tiež je tu cudzou. Ak je to pravda, zamávaj rukou. Je to tam tvoja matka, ktorá sedí vedľa teba? Sedí tam jedna pani, trpí strachom, má komplexy strachu. Ak to je pravda, zdvihni svoju ruku, pani. V poriadku. Ten strach je preč. Môžeš ísť domov, si v poriadku. Vyzývam ťa, aby si verila.

270A tam vzadu, tam v rohu, je tam jeden muž z Minnesoty, ktorý má chrbtové problémy. Tvoje meno je pán Carson. Postav sa na svoje nohy. Tvoj problém s chrbtom je preč. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil.

271Práve tam za ním je žena, ktorá trpí. Žije mimo tohto mesta. Pochádza z miesta zvaného Blue Island. Má nejaké ťažkosti so srdcom. Je to niekde pri Chicagu. Pani Braidenová, vstaň a príjmi uzdravenie. Choď domov a buď v poriadku, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

272Či veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] A vy čo, v tejto časti? Veríte, že to je Mesiáš? Ako to človek vie?

273Všetci títo ľudia, ktorí boli vyvolaní, a sú z ďaleka a vedia, že neviem o vás absolútne nič, pozdvihnite svoje ruky všetci ľudia, ktorí boli vyvolaní. Vidíte?

274Niekto sa za mnou modlí, vzadu v miestnosti. Je to mladý muž, svetlovlasý, modlí sa za bratranca v Kansase, ktorý má rakovinu. Príď sem ku dverám, maj vieru v Boha. Veríte?

275Elmer, mal som s tebou nejaký kontakt. Vidím tam tvojho otca, ako tam sedí a vedľa neho jeho žena. Vysoký krvný tlak. Ak budeš veriť, Boh ťa uzdraví. Ja neviem. Je to pravda. Je tak? Ver z celého srdca.

276Veríte? Veríte, že Ježiš Kristus je Mesiášom? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Či veríte, že je tu Jeho Prítomnosť? [„Amen.“] Pamätajte, keď sa tá žena dotkla rúcha Ježišovho, On oslabol. Cnosť, sila vyšla z Neho. Som takmer hotový. Veríte tomu? [„Amen.“]

Tak skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

277Ó, Ježiš, Mesiáš Boží, Ty si vždy nablízku. Ľudia sú si vedomí, že si Synom Božím a že sa tu teraz nachádzaš. Tvoje veľké znaky a divy sú dokazované. Požehnaj ich, Otče. Modlím sa, požehnaj ich. Nech práve teraz veria celým svojím srdcom, že Ty, Mesiáš, si Ten, ktorý tu teraz stojí. Nikto to nedokáže robiť. Je to ľudsky nemožné, Pane. Je to zázrak, vidieť Moc Mesiáša, ako prichádza do malej pokornej modlitebne ako táto, pretože si to zasľúbil, Pane. Pretože Tvoja Milosť je tu, aby sa nad nami zmilovala. Je to preto, lebo je to Tvoje zasľúbenie, že to urobíš. Vidíme, že Ty neopúšťaš Svoj ľud.

278Teraz, Otče, Bože, nech tí, ktorí teraz držia modlitebné karty a prídu do modlitebnej rady, nech majú tú vieru, aby uverili. Ó, Všemohúci Bože, keď sú na nich vzkladané ruky, nech odtiaľto odchádzajú radujúci sa, kričiaci a chváliaci Boha, že boli uzdravení. Udeľ to, Pane.

279A nech tí, ktorí boli spasení, vedia, že pred Bohom nie sú žiadne tajomstvá. Boh zjavuje tajomstvá sŕdc; On pozná každú myšlienku, ktorá je v našej mysli. Udeľ to, Otče. Prosíme Ťa o to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

280Teraz, tí, ktorí máte modlitebné karty, tu v publiku, vy, ľudia v modlitebni, tí, ktorí majú modlitebné karty, veríte? Pozdvihnite svoje ruky. A verte, že ľudská bytosť to nedokáže učiniť. Musí to prísť od Boha. Veríte, že to je zasľúbenie Božie, že Boh povedal, že tak urobí? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] V poriadku. Vtedy viete, že tam niekto je poza tým človekom.

281Beriem toto Slovo s vážnosťou pred Boha. Tí ľudia, ku ktorým to bolo hovorené, je jedno, kto to bol, ja ich nepoznám a oni mňa nepoznajú. Oni sú len cudzinci, ktorí sa ocitli v modlitebni, odkiaľkoľvek sú.

282Vidím nejaké videnia nad ľuďmi, ktorí sú tu v tejto modlitebni, ale len ich nechajte tak, áno, nechajte ich tak.

283Títo ľudia, ktorí boli zavolaní, ktokoľvek to bol, aby mohli druhí vidieť, že ste tu cudzincami, zdvihnite svoje ruky. Vidíte? Každý jeden, všetci sú tu cudzí.

284Niečo mnou stále pohybuje. Vidím pred sebou farebnú ženu, ako sa objavila, má artritídu a vysoký krvný tlak. Áno. Si tu medzi nami cudzia. Si z Memphisu, pani Salsová. To je tvoje meno. Si tu prvýkrát. Veríš svojmu Pánovi z celého svojho srdca? Potom môžeš ísť domov a byť spasená, uzdravená. Boh ti to udelí.

Každý jeden z vás, verte celým svojím srdcom. Každý zdvihnite svoje ruky. Verte z celého srdca. Položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého.

Poď sem, brat Neville. Poď a pomodli sa.

Skloňme teraz naše hlavy, zatiaľ čo sa brat Neville pomodlí.

THE MESSAGE OF GRACE, 61-0827, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 136 min

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. The Lord bless you. Good morning, friends. Certainly a privilege to be here again this morning in the service of the Lord. And just so sorry that we don't have any room to place the people in the little church. It doesn't hold very much. But we are very glad that you're here and willing to make the sacrifice to--to be patiently to wait on us. And we'll do our very best to bring you the Word of the Lord the best that we know how to bring It. And now, I just...

This little lady just walking in, and she had a baby to be dedicated this morning, and then she seen that they was kind of running late, and she said she'd just wait. I never seen the woman before, but I pray that God will bless her and give her the richest of His blessings in her heart, because of her being patiently to wait.

3 Now, it's coming time of the year when it'll get cooler and it won't be so hot when we're jammed up in the church. And we are trusting that God will richly bless all of you.

Now, I would like to say just a few things here just before I speak. I had given out that I was going to speak this morning, if the Lord willing, on the subject of "The Winds In The Whirlwind." But He just changed it for me. I never know what I'm going to say until I--just maybe a few minutes 'fore I come here to the meeting. And I tried a second time now on that subject, and I failed to get the answer back from God. I don't know why. I always like, as all you ministers here know, that you have to wait on the Lord for what you're going to say.

5 Last evening on the private line, I had a--a call come all the way from down somewhere in Arkansas, some people wanted to move up here this next week, said they heard we was going to start a meeting on the Seven Seals. I just got through The Seven Church Ages, to the strangers. And her husband is coming Monday to get him a job in Louisville, so he can work while they stay close enough to hear those Seven Seals. I said, "That'd take about three months, lady. We don't have any place here to advertise the meeting, and so forth, nothing to take care of it here in the city, nothing for to seat the people."

6 I'd like to sometime, maybe, if God being willing, to have that out in the campaign somewhere, set up about a three-month's meeting and just start right through those Seals like that, out in the campaign. Then people could just stay right through it.

In here, it runs from the 6th chapter of Revelations through the 19th. So you get the seven seals, the seven plagues, the three woes, the woman setting on a scarlet-colored beast, and the hundred and forty-four thousand. Oh, there's just so much of it goes in to tie those before the seventh seal is given, seventh plague falls, seventh trumpet sounds. And there's so many of those things that all tie that together, and each one of them is a great day's lesson in itself.

8 Now, let us bow our heads just a moment for a word of prayer. Before we pray, would there be some in here would like to be remembered in this prayer, and you would make known by raising up your hands. And in your heart, think to God just what you have need of now. And I'll pray that He will give it to you.

9 Almighty and gracious God, Who is a prayer answering God, a Father that knows all His children has need of... You knowed us before we were born, and You have our footsteps numbered; the very hairs of our head are numbered; and our words are all weighed in Thy balance. So, Lord God, let us this morning take heed to these things, this solemn obligation that we have before Thee.

Many of those hands was raised up this morning here in this little assembly, perhaps was for prayer for their sick bodies, a lost loved one. Thou knowest their hearts and all that is within them. For when You stood here on the earth in form of a human Being called Jesus our Lord, You knowed the very secret of the heart. Everything that the people could imagine in their minds, You could tell them right back what they were thinking about: "Why reason ye in your heart of these things?" Jesus perceived their thoughts. And we read in the Scripture that Thou art the same yesterday, today, and forever. And it is also written that, "Wherever two or three are assembled together, there I'll be in their midst." So You're here this morning in the form of the Holy Spirit, and know every desire that's on the people's heart.

I pray Thee, Father God, that You'll speak back to them and say, "It is finished. Your request has been answered, and I--I'm sending you the assurance this day that all that you have asked for has been granted."

12 God, we remember especially those who are unsaved, who raised up their hand. May this be the hour that they'll receive Christ as their Saviour.

Before the meeting closes today, may there be something happen, Lord, that would bring Your Presence so close to the people, that they would know that that same Jesus that walked in Galilee stands in the midst of His people, they might go away from here today with the same assurance that those who came from Emmaus that time. When they were on their road back, after walking with Him all day long, talking to Him, and Him talking to them, and yet they had little idea that it was Him.

O God, so many times we are like that. You speak to us in the setting of the sun, in the singing of the birds, in the rustling of the leaves, in the blooming of the flowers, in the hymns of the church, and we so little recognize that it's You. In the sick rooms in the hospital, many other places You speak to us and we so little realize that it's You.

15 Now, Lord, as we return to our homes this morning, may we, like they did, recognize, may You do something today in our midst just like You did back there. They knew the thing that You did there before them. You did it before Your crucifixion, and they knew that that was the risen Lord. They went back to their groups, rejoicing and praising God, for they knew that He was alive. And they said, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the road?" Lord, Your appearing there and doing something like You did before Your crucifixion, proved Your resurrection, that You was the same Jesus, that caused them to remember all their conversation with You. You talk with us all week, Lord. Now, appear in our midst and make Yourself known to each needy heart. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, and for His sake. Amen.

16 [A sister speaks in another tongue. A brother gives an interpretation. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Now, the congregation shall pray:

Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

18 That if my pen should be a sculptor's tool and my paper would be flint, and these Words that I say now should be engraved upon this that It might go to all peoples.

God's Holy Spirit has strange ways of dealing with His people. Many times through wonders and through gifts and callings, which are without repentance, that God gives them to His people by His grace.

20 I'm home now kindly a little vacation like. I usually take this time at home, for along this time of year, 'cause I like to relax when I go squirrel hunting. And I've been down in Kentucky with my friends this week squirrel hunting, my favorite spot. Somehow I was discouraged, not exactly because I could find no squirrels, but I just felt discouraged. Something was telling me I must return home. And I slept in the car coming back.

21 Last year, as all of you know, which is on print and also in testimony and in the tapes, I was setting at a place here in Indiana where the Lord God came down and spoke to me, that my second ministry, that was ready to take place in the near future. And there was spoken into existence three squirrels. All of you know the story; I'm sure. Somehow, going up the road I... While I let the rest of the boys off, going hunting, I--I had a strange feeling to go to this place again. It was before daylight, raining, and I didn't even know whether I'd get to hunt or not, but that I would get over in the field there. Hunting means to get alone to yourself to pray. And I stopped the car, and got off, and walked across the road, and went over into the bush, and just before it would've been daylight, kinda gray dawn...

22 I'd stopped and had offered a little word of prayer, as usual, and telling Father that just what I had need of, to provide it. I don't believe in wasting anything or destroying; never shot a bird in my life for a target practice or anything else. What I hunt, I eat, or give to someone that does eat it. I don't believe in wasting anything. I don't believe in doing those things, because it's not right.

Then as I turned and started along a familiar little pathway by the side of a pasture that crossed over to an L-shape in the woods, and something strange took place. All my experiences, I've never had anything like that. I looked at the top of the hill to my left from where I was standing, and there, coming up out of like the top of the hill, came three rainbows. And they were running some thirty-foot high. First, I looked and seen the Light and I just turned back, because I thought it might be the sun raising. On the second thought, it wasn't towards the sun; it was towards the south. And another thing, it was smooth, cloudy, rain, raining all over. That was August the twenty-fifth, last Friday morning, and you know how it was raining. And it's smooth clouds everywhere.

24 And I looked again, and there it was, growing taller and taller, three rainbows. I took off my hat. I set down my gun. I started walking towards it with my hands up. Something just seemed to tell me, "This is close enough." I was going to set down and take off my boots that I had on, to see if I could walk a little closer. But I got within a few yards of it, and I seen the color of it, misting like a fog moving around. I stood still for a few moments. It was coming right out of the top of the little mountain. And I watched, as the three (one to the right, one to the left, and one in the center) running down into one bowl-like... Ever what it was, was alive. It was moving and making Its motions. And I stood there just as it was graying dawn.

I turned and looked again, and I screamed out, "O God, what would You have Your servant know?"

Just then the Spirit of the Lord came in and said, "Jesus of the New Testament is Jehovah of the Old, He only changed His mask from Spirit to man." That was confirming, of course, my message of Him, letting me know, assured that these thirty-one years hasn't been in vain.

27 As I started to approach, It begin to go away, and went down into this bowl-like affair, and then disappeared. I walked up close. I was afraid to go any closer, because He'd stopped me 'fore I got there.

I turned and noticed that that Light, the way It was shining for me, was just exactly in line with the tree where I set last year, where the squirrels appeared. Some thirty-five or forty minutes later, I went down through the woods and over the creek bottoms and so forth, till I got to this tree that separates in four directions (east, north, west, and south), four prongs of the tree, running out. And I climbed into this prong and set down where I was when He told me of that Scripture, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved.'" And as I stood there a little bit, not thinking yet of the rainbow, it had left my mind. I stood there. And this has been a very bad year for squirrel hunting, everything is late, no squirrels.

29 I thought, "Right here is where God gave me them squirrels last year to speak into existence." I took off my hat again, and I said, "Lord God, You are still the same Jesus. You are still God."

And Something said to me, "How many do you need this time?"

I said, "Just as I did the other time: the limit." And then I said, "I shall have this limit before ten o'clock today." And strange as it seems, just then I was in a very bad mosquito area, where it was invested with mosquitoes, and kind of a swamp land, and a great big mosquito came to bite me right by the eye, and I said, "Not one of them will bother me this day," no repellent or anything with me. And before I knew it, I said, "The sun will shine within thirty minutes."

32 And no more than I'd said that till just behind me a squirrel exactly like that one last year, young, red, jumped out on the limb about seventy yards away and begin barking. I turned around. At those long distance, I could barely, through the powerful scope see his eye. Just shot, that's all; I didn't even have an aim at, just no more than over the squirrel. And the bullet was just exactly smack at the eye where it was the other time.

On down through the woods I went. And at exactly three minutes of ten o'clock I shot my third squirrel, just like it was last year, just exactly the same: At three minutes before ten. God, being my solemn Judge, not one mosquito even buzzed all day long, right where there's just tons of them, I suppose, if they could be weighed out. And I never even seen or heard one. I was listening for them to see if I could. And I heard a humming, I thought, "There's one somewhere," and I listened and it was a truck way back on the highway. And exactly thirty minutes from that time the sun shone out good and bright.

34 Then I came back to the place. And I'd been thinking when I said, "limit," that that meant five squirrels, which is the limit in Indiana. But I remember last year, when He asked me how many did it take for me a mess, I said, "three," and I just got the three. So yesterday I went back, was going to the same place again, and Something said, "Do not go. Cross the road."

And at exactly ten o'clock on the exact dot, ten o'clock with my watch, I shot the Indiana limit, the fifth squirrel. I want you to notice there was three rainbows, and there was three things said, three squirrels gotten. There was three things: three squirrels by ten o'clock, no mosquitoes, the sun would shine in thirty minutes. And there were three to give witness of it: Brother Banks Wood, my son Billy Paul, and his son David, to give witness to it.

36 When I seen them rainbows about as wide across as that halo is, that Angel of the Lord, but there were three of them running into one, oh, how it helped my heart to know that God, that Jesus is not just a man as people think He is, just a prophet, as this modern idea today thinks that Jesus was just a prophet. He's Jehovah of the Old Testament made flesh and dwelt among us. And there that sure did comfort me. Then thinking on that subject, that God had sought so many people...

37 Now, there is a group of people call themselves the Oneness or the Jesus Only. I don't agree with them upon their theory. Neither do I agree--agree with that trinitarian group that says that there are three different Gods the extreme of the trinitarian. But I believe that the three, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is One, that they are three offices of one God. He lived in the Fatherhood in the Pillar of Fire; He lived in the Sonship in Jesus Christ; and He lives now in the Holy Ghost in His church. The same Lord Jesus that was made flesh and dwelled among us, is with us this day, among us in the form of the Holy Spirit.

Of all the experiences, when I turned first and seen It, thinking first It could be the sun peeped through a--a cloud somewhere, but it was before the sun time. Then when I turned back again and seen it wasn't a light, it was rainbows, and then when I looked and seen that, I become numb all over.

Just someone said to me, "Did not you feel like shouting?" No, I didn't feel like shouting. Those experiences never make you feel like shouting; they just make you feel anchored, just where that you know that there's something that tells you, just a satisfied feeling.

40 Now, those things are truth. I know we have things that's said, that many times some people say, "Oh, I don't believe in such stuff as that." I can't voucher for that; I don't know. I can only voucher for what I know to be the truth. And God Almighty Who wrote this Bible, and I am His servant, He knows that that is the truth.

Think of it, that the day that we are living in, just before the coming of the Lord, Jesus said, "There'll be signs in the skies and in the earth, great sights, flying saucers, missiles, perplexed of time, distress between the nations, and fearful sights upon the earth." And we're living in that day to see those things.

42 Now, for the message this morning that I have chosen, I want you to turn with me in the Scriptures over to Zechariah. It was my... Zechariah the--the 4th chapter...

It was my desire to tell you these things. Many times things happen that I don't--don't speak it, don't say it. But this was too outstanding for me to keep it from the church. It must be told. And before God Who I stand, it's the truth. I know that there is a God, and I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Emmanuel, dwelling amongst His people today in the form of the Holy Spirit. And I know that the coming of the Lord is drawing nigh, when signs and wonders are appearing.

44 We just got through the Seven Church Ages, and learning that we're in the last and Laodicean church age, when the church would be indifferent, get cold, denominate, and be organized: organizations would take it over, eat it up. But a promise that there'd be a little remnant left. There would be a church that would be scattered abroad everywhere, but God would gather It together and will rapture it into glory: a little sanctified group somewhere waiting on the Lord.

45 Then the other day when I got Daniel's Seventy Weeks, standing right here in the pulpit Something struck me; I've never been able to get away from it to see the hour that we're living in. I want to go somewhere and do something else, keep it off my mind. I got too many loved ones that's unsaved. Knowing, what can I do to get them saved? What is there I can do? I have preached the Gospel. God has done great signs and wonders like He's never done since the world, since the days of the Lord Jesus, has He never did it in all the history of time. And around the world it's went. And still the world continually gets worse. But then I have to remember that we're living in the Laodicean church age, where they will get worse, and It said they would.

46 Then I chose this morning, being that that message was so attacked, another thing that I'm so gotten after about is preaching grace. I want to speak on that this morning as I read the 4th chapter of Zechariah, a portion of it.

And the angel that talked with me came again, and wakened me, as a man that is wakened out of... sleep,

And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof:

And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof.

So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my Lord?

And the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my Lord.

Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

Do you see? The Message will not come by some great mights or powers, but by the Spirit of God. Last verse, 7th verse...

Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shouting, crying, Grace, grace unto it. (Grace, grace unto it.)

48 We are all acquainted with this Scripture, that reads the Bible. We know that this was during the time of the preparation of the restoration of the temple. And Zerubbabel was a great prince amongst the people, who had laid the foundation of the building. Now, you, I want you to put on your spiritual thinking, anointing jacket this morning as we think. And this great prince had determined to rebuild the house of the Lord. And then, when he did, he had laid the foundation stone.

And as we read on farther, we find out that God said, "Zerubbabel has laid the foundation with his hands; he also shall bring forth the headstone." I want you to notice: He never said he shall bring forth the Cornerstone. He shall bring forth the Headstone.

50 And we know that the Scripture says that Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone, and He's also the Headstone. Now, if we will think for a few minutes, that the seventh church messenger was to restore the faith of the children back to the fathers, in other words, rebuild the church again under the power of the Spirit. "Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit," saith the Lord. Not by organization, not by denomination, but by the Holy Spirit God will bring forth the church in the last days.

51 Zerubbabel, the prince with Joshua, was the one that was to bring forth this headstone. He had laid the foundation; he'd took the people back to the foundation in type.

Which, we all know that these candlesticks and so forth represented both Jewish and church. They were olive branches, the Bible said here. And the olive branch, we are the wild branch that was grafted into the root of the tame olive tree: Gentiles. And out of these two branches come censer pipes, going into the seven golden candlesticks to give Light to the Seven Church Ages.

53 Now, remember in our teaching on the lessons that we've just been through, that we took the great pyramid and studied that for a while, that Enoch must've built. And the headstone was never put in the pyramid. I've been there. The architectry of it could never be replaced till this day. We have no machines that could build a pyramid, no powers ('less the atomic power) that could build a pyramid, because it's too gigantic. Stones that would weigh tons and tons and tons stands way in the air, so put together that even a thin razor blade could not... And they're not cemented; they're just cut so that they join one with another.

54 That's the way the body of Jesus Christ should be: so cut by the Holy Spirit by God's great Instrument and Tool, that we'd be joined as one person. We are not divided. We should be one person. And it goes to show that no machinery can do that that way. It takes God to do that. No mechanics of organization, no lodges, none of these things can ever do it, as good as their intentions are. They can never do it, because that it takes God to do this, the Holy Spirit.

55 I don't think I have a dollar bill in my pocket. But there is... Yes, I do; I have a dollar bill. I'm sorry. On the back of this dollar bill you'll see the seal of the United States on the left side, looking towards you. From me it'd be on the left side; yours, it's right. It's the eagle, and also in there the coat of arms and so forth. But on this side here, right side to me, you see the pyramid. And you notice, above the pyramid is the capstone, and beneath there says, "The Great Seal." Even on our currency, that we have to recognize... No infidel can stamp out Christianity. Every letter that you date, dates the birth of our Lord. Every calendar, everything speaks of Him. Even on our currency, the Headstone, which is Christ... Why did not they put the headstone on the pyramid? Because the Headstone was rejected when It come.

56 But now, according to the prophecy, there will come the Headstone. And I want you to notice that when the Headstone comes, the prince that's going to cry out the message will cry out, "Grace, grace." For it's by grace are we saved, that not of works, lest any man should boast. And the message of grace has been tramped under the feet of men until it's become a disgrace. Some of them runs out into eternal security; some runs out into, oh, everything. But the true message of grace remains the same, and there's where Satan tries to knock it out from the church. But it's the grace of God that we're all saved by.

57 So in the Deity of Jesus Christ, if the Lord God could come there and confirm that that is the truth, not only that, but by His Word He confirms it's the truth, and by signs and wonders He confirms it's the truth. Then, also, grace is the truth. Then why could anyone criticize and say that grace is wrong, that we're saved by works? We are saved by grace, that through faith, not by works. Works shows that you have been saved. But what saves you is the grace of God. Grace saves you. Grace is what God does for you. Works is what you do for God to show appreciation of what God did for you. But by grace are you saved.

58 Some people thinks, "Because I go join church, put my name on the book, that's all I have to do." Some people thinks, "Because I shout, that's all I have to do." Others think, "'Cause I speak with tongues, that's all I have to do." Some thinks, "Because I got power to heal the sick, that's all I have to do." It's not. It's the grace of God that saves you, God's amazing grace. I cannot trust in any merits. Some said, "Oh, there's a great man. That man, I've heard him stand up and do this; I've heard him stand up and do that."

Paul said, in I Corinthians 13, "Though I speak with tongue of men and Angels, though I have discernment, though I have gifts, to feed--I'll take all my goods to feed the poor, though I can move mountains with faith, though I have knowledge to understand all things, I am nothing till love comes in, which is grace." God has to do it. You can do all these things and still be lost. It's grace that saves you, God's grace to the human race.

60 To think of Him... I was thinking of that grace immediately after that appeared Friday morning just at the break of day up there in that field when I set on a log later, and tears come down in my eyes. I thought, "O God, Your grace has stooped to save me. Why did You ever have such pity upon a poor illiterate wretch like myself? How did You ever come down to our humble little Tabernacle, where peace, and people of low walk of life, poor, have nothing of this world, and still Your grace is spread abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, that You heal our sickness, and save our sins--save us from our sins, rather, and make us Your people, deal with us?"

61 Then I thought of David, how that when he took a notion to build a house unto the Lord, said, "It's not right for me to live in a house of cedar, and the ark of the covenant of my God under sheepskins and a tabernacle."

God told the prophet, "Go, tell My servant, David, I took him from the sheepcote, from feeding them few sheep out there of your daddy's, and made you a great name like great men in the earth."

63 I thought of the grace of God, how that He could do that: save to the uttermost. And then would take a poor wretch like myself, and give me the opportunity to preach the Gospel and to see others saved, see them healed; see homes that's been broke up, straightened up again; see lives that's been ruined, made right again. And to give me grace, I thought, "Oh, it's amazing grace. Then come to a degraded, low squirrel hunter out into the woods, and form Himself in the form of the rainbow, which means a covenant, with a Message that He give me to preach, and formed it there in a covenant, that He's behind it. He'll be behind it, because the message is of Jesus Christ and His glory.

64 How He's let me go all over the world, around the world to the nations to the millions of people, seen millions coming to the Lord and accept Him as personal Saviour, seen them filled with His goodness and sanctified by His power, see them healed by His great omnipotent power. Then I can cry out like as the prophet and said, "It's not by power, nor by might, but it's by the Spirit of God." It's not by education, not by theology, but by the Spirit of God He saves the people. By the Spirit of God He heals the people. It's the Spirit of God that gives the message to the people. It's the Spirit of God that confirms the Word.

65 We've got theologians today; we've got Doctors of Divinity; we've got great men all over the world that's smart, intelligent, and educated. But it takes the simplicity of believing God to make His Word speak out to show that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Takes a humble heart dedicated to God, bring Jesus Christ unto present tense. Amen. If it taken theology, what would the Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, and so forth, we wouldn't have a chance us poor unlearned people. But it doesn't take knowledge. "Not by power or by might, but by My Spirit," saith God, "I'll unfold this mystery." And, "He will cry to it, Grace, grace, with shoutings and cryings." That's what it is today: God's amazing grace to His people. How He takes the illiterate, the unlearned, shows that Jesus is the same.

66 When He came, He never come to the great theologians. Neither did He go to Caiaphas the high priest; only to be condemned by him... But He took fishermen, men who were poor and walked the common life, and to there He revealed Himself, and said, "Follow Me, and I'll make you fishers of men," show that His grace still reached down even from the Jews to the Gentiles to call a people for His Name in this last days, as we've just been through it. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.

68 Grace is old. Grace is as old as the world is. Grace was first shown to the human race when we had the beginning of the human race. When the human race was first created in the garden of Eden, on that dark morning when that little woman had stepped across the separating line, and had gone against God's commandments and enticed her husband to do the same thing, then the law was broken. The law must have a penalty or it isn't no law. The law was, "The day you eat thereof, that day you shall surely die."

Remember, the first judgment seat was upon the earth, and it was in the garden of Eden. And the last judgment seat will be upon the earth at the end time, the white throne.

70 But when Jehovah come down, I could imagine there wasn't even a star to shine; it was so dark in that light little garden that once was, because sin had blotted it out, had taken the Light from among them.

That's what's the matter with the churches today. That's what's the matter with the peoples today. Sin has blotted out the Light of the living God, to show that Christ's still the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He lives to save to the uttermost, and to heal to the lowest, sick person.

72 Oh, how it was terrible that morning, darkness hanging in the garden. I'll imagine fog of black sackcloth. I'd imagine every leaf never moved. There was no wind stirring. It was darkness and terrible, because sin had blotted out.

There come Jehovah down like a roar of thunder, walking through the garden, crying, "Adam, where art thou?" That's when Adam realized he was naked and had sinned before God. He hid hisself and tried to make hisself a religion, but it didn't work. God killed some sheep, took the skins, and showed that something had to die to cover sin.

Joining church will never cover sin. No dry-eyed confession will ever cover sin. It takes sorrow and repentance, and the grace of God to cover sin; for the Blood of Jesus Christ, the One that God killed at Calvary to cover sin.

75 There in the garden that morning, when sin was so black, Jehovah come in. There stood His couple, standing condemned. There would be no more human race; they had to die; death on the human race, give the world back to wild beasts and there'd been no human race. But in that darkest of hour, in that time when all hopes was gone, grace come pouring through, said, "I'll give you a Saviour, a Messiah." Oh, it's a wonder how God could ever do it. God's amazing grace in the garden of Eden, that give them the promise of a Just One Who could come through the woman. "The woman's Seed shall bruise the serpent's head," the guilty one, "and his head shall bruise her heel," to show there'd be an affliction to the church. But He promised a triumph. What provided a Saviour? Grace.

76 What could they show to merit grace? What could they show to do it? The army expression, excuse it, I only want to make it from my pulpit here to make a point, "passing the buck." Adam said, "The woman You give me did it." The woman said, "The serpent beguiled me." One laying it to another.

There was no hopes for them, but God provided grace, and it come breaking through. And He said, "But I'll make a way, somehow. I'll save you, regardless. You've done wrong; you've trespassed My laws. And My laws will have to be...?... The judgment from My laws will have to be executed. Therefore there'll have to be death, because I've said death." [Brother Branham knocks on pulpit--Ed.]

78 Now, my Christian friends (And these tapes here that's being made will spread across the world.), let me ask you something; you who try to make God be three Gods, or you who try to make Him to be one like your finger. He's one in person.

It would not be right for God to make an Angel die. He could not be the right kind of a Judge and make an Angel die for a human being. That still doesn't cure it, because His great law demands death, and something's got to die, and an Angel can't die. Neither could He say, "Eve, because you've caused Adam to do this, I'll make you die, let Adam live," because Adam was partaker also.

80 Like someone said, "Pilate was justified; he washed his hands." You can't wash the Blood of Jesus Christ off your hands. You'll never leave this building this morning and go to heaven, if you die in your sins. It's on your hands. So it isn't right.

There was only one just way. There's only one way that could be, God's great law demands could be met. He had to meet it Himself. He had to do it. God's a Spirit and He can't die. So God had to be made man, and He died in human flesh in the form of a Man called Jesus Christ, and that was the promised Messiah that bought the grace. There where you see that God and Christ is the same Person, God dwelling in Christ. "I and My Father are One; My Father dwells in Me. It's not Me that speaketh the Word, but My Father that dwelleth in Me." God in Christ, certainly...

82 The grace was promised in the garden of Eden, and grace came, grace to Adam and Eve. Nowhere to go, no which way to turn, and yet grace made a way.

Let me say this, my sinner friend. You may be here this morning a prostitute; you may be here this morning a woman-chaser; you may be here a drunkard, or a gambler, or a murderer. You might be here as an impure husband, an impure wife. You might be the vilest of sinner. You say, "I'm a past that stage of redemption." No, you're not, or you wouldn't be at the church this morning. Grace will make a way for you in this dark hour if you'll just accept it. Adam had to be willing to accept it, so do you. Accept it.

84 The grace of God reached over in Noah's time. Noah, just an ordinary man, he and his family, but because Noah feared God, he believed God. You can't fear God without believing. How can you fear something you don't believe? You've got to fear God. Solomon said, "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." Now, just to fear God, you're beginning to have wisdom. And the fear of God, Noah feared the Lord, and he believed the Lord. And that's what God honors, is your faith in Him. That's right. Then when the fear of God come upon Noah, God called him by grace, and saved him and his house, because it was grace that did it. Not because Noah was a great big handsomer man than all the rest of them, not because Noah went to the best church there was in the country, not because he belonged to the best in organization, not because he could dress better, not because he had more money, not because he was some special person; but because of the grace of God, God saved Noah. Grace saved Noah (not his works, but His grace) and also saved his family.

85 We'll call another character where God's grace was extended, many of them; we'll just speak of a few. Abraham. Abraham, no special man, come down from the tower of Babel, perhaps come out of a idolater bunch (his father), come down in the land of Shinar down there to dwell in the city of Ur. And while he was there, God spoke to him by grace: not because he was different, not because he was a better man, but by grace God called him. The Bible clearly makes that known.

Oh, Abraham, how Abraham tested God's patience. Told him, said, "Abraham, stay in this land; don't you go out of it." But as soon as a famine come, Abraham run.

86 Abraham spoke of us. God take--God took Abraham by grace and saved him. And that's how He takes you: by grace. And how do we test His patience? Today we're up; tomorrow we're down. One day we believe; the next day we're wondering. Today we're a Methodist; tomorrow we're a Baptist. Today we believe in Divine healing; tomorrow the tummy ache comes and we don't know whether we believe it or not. But yet in the midst of all of that, God wants us to stay put. But He saves us anyhow. If it wasn't the grace of God, we'd all be gone. Sure. God saves us by His grace.

87 Abraham was supposed to stay in that land, but be went down into the Chaldeans, or, not Chaldeans, but the Philistines; went down there to sojourn, to get out of the famine. Things was a little hard up in his country, so he went down there to journey down there with them, done exactly what God told him not to do; but yet the grace of God appeared to him and kept Pharaoh from taking--or the--or the king from taking his wife. Grace of God... When Abraham said, "It's my sister," lied about it, but yet the grace of God held him, because he repented. He was willing to repent.

And anybody that's willing to repent, the grace of God still goes for you. The grace of God is searching for you. So that goes for you backsliders this morning; the grace of God is still looking for you. If you'll just repent, God's grace is sufficient.

How He took good old Abraham, brought him back. And remember, Abraham was not saved by his works; he was saved by grace. Abraham was saved by faith, which is grace. And God saved Abraham because of His grace, not because of his behavior. He saved him because of His grace. Oh, how good. He was saved by grace.

90 Let's take Israel. I got a Scripture written down here. I write it down and I can just refer to it in my mind. If you want to put it down, this will be a good one to remember if you want to, Deuteronomy 7:7. God gave Abraham His promise, or gave not Abraham, pardon me, give Israel, and told them, "If you will not associate with idolatry, if you'll not do these things, if you'll stay away from all these pagan ceremonies, if you'll do all these things, then I'll bring you to a good land. I'll take care of you. I'll feed you; I'll lead you. I'll do these things if you'll do such-and-such, if you'll love Me, if you'll keep My commandments, My statutes, My ordinances. I'll do all these things if you'll just do something, and keep My commandments and love Me."

91 Just like a husband taking a wife, and saying, "If you'll be a good woman, if you'll take care of the house, if you'll be true to me, if you'll keep my clothes clean; if we have children, if you'll be a mother to them; if you'll do things, I'll work till my hands bleed to make you a living, if you'll do it." But then, think, what if that woman turns wrong, lives lazy, won't work, won't do nothing? Then it takes grace to keep that family together.

O God. It taken the grace of Jehovah to keep His family together. And that's the only way we're Jehovah's family today, is because of the grace of Jesus Christ; we'd all be gone. But it's grace, oh, grace.

93 Now, but they didn't keep it. But they were... never did come to the full promise, not that generation. No, the one that promise was made to perished in the wilderness. But God fed them; God took care of them; God loved them; He moved around. Why? His grace did it, His grace because of His promise, His promise then, the grace that went with His promise. But they never did come to the full value of the promised land.

And neither does this church come to its full value. The grace of God holds us. But He wants to get a church that'll obey Him, a people that'll take His Word and say It's the Truth, regardless of your organization. He wants a people that'll not say, "Well, I'm just as good as you are. I'm Presbyterian; I'm Methodist; I'm Catholic; I'm as good as you are." That's not grace; that shows there's something wrong.

95 But a person, regardless, that'll read God's Word and see that you've got to be borned again and filled with the Holy Ghost, they'll believe that; they'll take it by the Word. They'll take the Word exactly what It says.

Like in baptisms and sprinkling; baptism is right. There's nobody in the Bible ever sprinkled, no such a thing in the Scripture. Neither was there ever anybody baptized in the name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, in the Bible. They was every one baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. So there's not one, not even one speck of history for... If anybody can show anywhere, anywhere in the history, where any person was ever baptized in the Bible, or three hundred years after the death of the last disciple, until the Catholic church, if anybody can show anywhere that anybody was ever sprinkled or baptized in name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, until the Catholic church, you're soul-duty bound to come tell me. It's not there. But what do we do?

97 We've been through the church ages and see where they had to do that. So you see, God wants somebody that'll obey Him. If it's not in the Scriptures, then it's not of man--it's a man-made doctrine and not a Bible doctrine. See? So regardless of what the church is, how wrong you've been, what difference does that make? It's how right you can be now. God's grace has showed it to you, then walk in it. God's grace...

98 Remember Moses also, that great leader. God should've killed him when he went down there to glorify himself by smiting that Rock and said, "You see what I can do?" in other words. "You rebels, must we fetch you water from this Rock?" And he smote It, and the waters didn't come; he smote It again. What did he do? He testified of the weakness of the--of Christ, 'cause Christ was that Rock. That's the Headstone. Instead of smiting it, or speaking to it... It was smitten once.

Remember, God told Moses over in Exodus, "Go out and I'll stand before--before you upon the Rock, and smite the Rock." And he smote the Rock, and It brought forth waters. God said, "The next time, go speak to the Rock and It'll bring forth Its waters."

But Moses wanted to show he had a little authority, a little power, so he said, "I'll bring you water out of this Rock." God should've killed him for it. God should've separated him there; he broke God's law right there, 'cause he spoke of the weakness of Christ; He has to be smitten the second time. Christ was only smitten once. Now, we speak to the Rock and It brings forth Its waters.

But what was it? Let's look at the old man; he's a hundred and twenty.

102 Someone said to me not long ago, said, "God is an unjust God," said, "because He let Moses down. After he toiled with them Hebrews for forty years in that wilderness out there, He let him down and then wouldn't even let him go in the promised land."

I said, "Oh, nonsense." No, He didn't let Moses down. He went to the promised land. About seven hundred years later, he was saw up on top of Mount Transfiguration, as live as he ever was, standing, talking to Jesus before He went to Calvary, him and Elijah, standing together, talking to... Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus, Peter, James, and John on Mount Transfiguration. He was not dead. He was alive. God didn't let him down. He was in Palestine.

104 Now, look, before he died, he climbed up Mount Nebo that morning when he knew he was going. He done stripped Aaron, put his clothes upon another, took his own robe and put it upon Joshua, commanded him to stay with them precepts. And when he climbed up to the top of Mount Nebo, went through the valley of the plains, knowing he was going up there to die, climbed up on Mount Nebo, and up to Pisgah. While he was standing up there, God said, "Look over in the land. I want you to see it. Moses, you could've went over there. But you know what you did down there at the Rock that day? You glorified yourself." I think that's what's going to be the great trouble with a lot of us people today. "Go down there at the Rock, and you glorified yourself." But notice when he got ready to die, there stood the Rock. He must've just stepped over on the Rock there at Pisgah, and God buried him. Be he must've rose again somewhere, because he was alive. He was a type of Christ. There he was standing there on Mount Transfiguration, hundreds of years later, over in Palestine, See, the grace of God provided the Rock. Oh, my.

105 When I think of Abraham, of all the mistakes that he made, and Moses and his mistakes, but when Abraham's commentary was written, when the Divine commentary was written, when Paul wrote Abraham's commentary, he never mentioned one thing about Abraham's unbelief, no, no, never was even accounted to him. He said, "Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God."

My humble prayer is, before the grace of God that's here this morning: I hope mine's wrote like that, that He won't see my mistakes. That when my commentary is written, my obituary, that it won't be read out that I made mistakes and done wrong, but He'll only see the things that I tried to do for Him. May they just become... What does that? He'll take the grace of God that I believe in. And that's where I'm solely trusting. For upon my own merits I could no more go in, none of the rest, but upon the grace of God I'm depending. Yes, it's grace that I'm depending on.

There was a Rock there when Moses got ready to die.

108 What could we say of David? The grace of God... That great warrior to whom God Himself, He said, "He's a man after My Own heart."... That great warrior, David, how could he do such a thing as he done, to take Uriah, his soldier, when he had a handful of Gentiles out there as soldiers? Listen close to this little story just for a moment. When they had their soldiers out there, and Uriah was the one who stood by David. Uriah was a proselyte; he was a Hittite, a proselyte to the Jewish religion. And them men loved David so much. They seen the anointing was upon him, although he was a--he was a fugitive. He was ousted out from his own country, had to live with the Philistines. Saul was hunting him. But yet those men, they saw the anointing upon him. They knowed he was coming into power. Glory to God.

I'm so glad to be a fugitive today, because I see that Christ is coming in to be King. You can elect all the Kennedys and whatevermore you want to. But Christ will be King. The anointing is upon Him, upon His message of His coming. And He'll be King.

110 What did they do? One day he was standing up there thirsting for a drink of water from the gate out there at Bethlehem, where he used to go herd the sheep. And you know what? Two of those men took a sword and cut through fifteen miles of human flesh to get him a bucket of water. Because why, his least desire was a commandment to them. Think of that. And they cut through those men, all the way to the top of that mountain to where they said he was standing, it'd be about fifteen miles. They went through there. And every man raised up, they'd duel with him till they killed him, went on through, and took this bucket and got a bucket of water, right through the enemy's line, two men, to get their king, their brother, a drink of water, when he had water up there to drink, but he wanted that water.

111 O God, let me take the Sword of the Word and cut through every organization to bring the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, and the power of the resurrection, and the Holy Ghost, back to the people, regardless of the...?... 'cause He's coming into power. He's coming into power; He'll stand alone. But it's cut through every organization, cut through every theory, every man-made creed, until you bring the Saviour back a sheep that's gone astray, somebody, bring back the Bible doctrines again of Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. The grace of God...

112 Look at David. How could he have done... One jumped into a pit and killed a lion. How could David take Uriah's wife, the beautiful Bathsheba, when he had five hundred of his own? But seen her taking a bath, and there's the negligence. Now, she just forgot to pull the shades down when she was taking her bath, and knowed that king made a trip there, by there, every day, down over that wall.

That's what's the matter. I don't think women today so neglect or so, well, they just simply go out naked (That's all.) in the streets, little old clothes on. It's a disgrace, and then wonder why men blow and whistle. Why, they do that to make them whistle and carry on. They know that; they got sense enough to know that. They do it just because they want to. It's in their heart. You tell them they're immoral; they might dispute that. But they might not be immoral; they might be as pure as a lily, when it comes sexually. But remember, there's a spirit on them that's anointing of the devil, sending some man's soul to hell. Remember, the Bible said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her in his heart already."

And remember, sister, you'll answer for committing adultery though you never done it actually in all your life, but that sinner that looked at you the way you dressed, be guilty of adultery. You'll answer at the day of judgment for committing adultery. When he has to say...

114 He say here; He has wrote on His Book, "Committing adultery."

"With who?"

"Mrs. John Doe."

"Then, Mrs. John Doe, what about that?"

"I'll swear I... You know my record; I never lived with another man but my own husband."

"But you dressed yourself till you caused this man to commit adultery. And you're guilty of adultery with him. That's who's doing it. You are to blame; you was the one presented yourself."

117 Bathsheba done wrong just like Eve done wrong, but Adam was included in it. I think we're always hollering about women too. You sons of God, men, I know you're the stronger bunch (That's right.), the stronger sex. You're over the women; that's true; so act like it. Don't overpower them, try to take some little girl and ruin her life. But be a son of God; tell her she's in the wrong, and stand like a son of God. She's your sister. Yes, sir. What we try to do, what so-called sons of God today, belong to churches, take every little girl out they can. Remember, because that there's a immoral woman made because some married man ruined her too. So the pot can't call kettle black; so just remember, it's sin that does it all. And we're all subject to death and should die for it.

118 When David did that evil thing, his own judgment should've killed him. When that prophet came up there, he thought it was hid. When that prophet come up there and stood before him, he said, "David, is everything going right?"

Said, "Everything's fine."

David, in his high robes and his big crown, and he had Joab out there, his great general, and all the fighting going on. He was keeping all the enemies off the borderlines and things; everything was going right. He had a baby by this Bathsheba. And had poor little Uriah go out there, and had Joab to stand by his side, until he withdrew from him. And--and--and the boy died when the sun went down, with the battle knife in his hand, blood on his shield, where he'd stood for Israel, yet a proselyte he was to their religion. Then when Joab come back and told him that--that David had died--that--that Uriah had died, David thought, "Everything's all right now. I've got his wife, and everything will be all right, got a baby." But the baby took sick. The baby started dying. And he done everything he could to save the baby's life, perhaps every doctor come: no good. Finally, the baby died. They was afraid to tell David that the baby was dead. And he died. Then he thought everything was hid. So he comforted Bathsheba. He'd already taken her for his wife, after all those other wives.

120 This old prophet, old baldheaded fellow stomped in, old Nathan, out of the wilderness, set down, said, "David, how's everything going?

Said, "Fine, fine. Oh, prophet of God, live forever. Hallelujah." Oh, he was just... He thought everything was fine; he thought he could hide it. But you can't hide from God. He knows what you're thinking right now. He knows your thoughts, for He's God. That Holy Spirit that's in the building this morning knows your thoughts, who you are, where you come from, what you've done, for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

123 God had revealed it to that prophet. He said, "David, there was a rich man lived on this side of the road; he had a whole lot of sheep; oh, he was very rich. A man lived on this side of the road, was poor, he had one lamb. He treated it like a daughter. He fed it out of the same spoon he eat with. He slept with the lamb. Everything was just... It was just like a daughter to him. And one day a visitor came, so, instead of the rich man taking one of his own sheep and making a feast for the visitor, well, instead of that, he went over and took the poor man's lamb, and by force took the lamb and slayed it, and made a feast."

124 Now, that was David's passions. He had five hundred wives, but when he seen Uriah's wife, instead of taking one of his five hundred wives to appease or satisfy his passions, he went took this other man's wife, then he killed Uriah when she become a mother. David didn't know what he was doing, why, David was ready to pronounce judgment. That's the way we are. We can always judge the other fellow, but when it comes to us, oh, that's different.

David said, "The man will pay with his life."

That old prophet, them eyes narrowed down; he said, "David, surely you'll not die." Watch grace then go to work right quick. The Spirit struck the prophet, saved David's life. Grace, "Surely you'll not die, but the sword will not leave your house till it's thoroughly purged your heart, for you are that rich man." Oh, it was different then, wasn't it?

What saved David when his own judgment said, "The man will die. He'll pay to the uttermost, and he'll pay for it with his life"?

And the prophet said, "Surely (grace) you'll not die. You'll not die, David. Grace has saved you." It was grace to David that saved him. Oh, my.

If it hadn't been for grace, where would we all be? Is that right? Certainly.

130 Sovereign grace is from a sovereign One. Sovereign grace from a sovereign One. Sovereign, what can it do? Sovereign can do whatever it wants to. Listen to this now. Sovereign grace can only be given by One that's Sovereign. And God is Sovereign, so He can give sovereign grace. Therefore, being sovereign, grace don't have to ask anybody; it don't has to... It does what it wants to. Isn't that wonderful? It don't has to ask, "Can I do this? Or, shall I do this? Can I? Must I? Will I?" Doesn't do it. It does it itself. Grace is sovereign; therefore, He can save the vilest. He can save the worst. He can save the impurest. He can save the immoralest. He can heal the sickest. Hallelujah.

131 He can save a wretch like me. And He did. What is it? Grace. William Branham, a drunkard's son: that don't make any difference; the grace of God saved me.

"Me, I'm a woman's daughter that was no good." Don't make any difference, the grace of God saved you. It's sovereign, has to ask nobody nothing. Amen. I'm so glad of that. Hallelujah.

Can take the vilest sinner and make him white as snow, don't have to ask anybody about it. Oh, it can do it because it's sovereign.

Listen, quickly now. That was proved at the cross, when there was a vilest thief; he deserved to die. God had never come across his mind. He never thought nothing of it. There on the cross when, through those bloody lips, in between the groans there came a sound, "Lord, be merciful to me."

And there came another One back through Blood, tears, agony; grace took a hold and said, "Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise." Grace did that. How could that thief help himself? No more than Adam could help hisself, no more than Eve could help herself, no more than you can help yourself, no more than I can help myself, when no more we could jerk ourselves up the Milky White Way with our boot straps. We couldn't do it. But the grace of God can do something about it, and it does it. The grace of God, the sovereignty of the grace of God come to that dying thief, "Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise." Oh, think of it. That's wonderful.

136 Think of it. Love and grace is sisters, twin sisters. You can't have grace without having love. They're twin sisters. That's exactly right. Before you can have grace, you have to have love. Before you can actually show somebody a favor, you love them; right or wrong, you have to love them anyhow, or you can't. See? So love and grace is the same thing. They're just twin sisters (That's all.), love and grace. They were... We can't see one without the other. "God so loved the world, gave His only begotten Son." He shed His grace abroad in our hearts through the Holy Ghost. See? There's just nothing you can do without working one with the other. Grace, grace of God this is what saves us.

137 Now, we find out that grace, there like that dying thief, no wonder it's inspired poets when they seen it. One poet said:

That dying thief rejoiced to see

That fountain in his day;

There may I, though vile as he,

Wash all my sins away.

Ever since by faith I saw that stream

Thy flowing wounds supplied,

Redeeming love has been my theme,

And shall be till I die.

Then in a nobler, sweeter song,

I'll sing Thy power to save,

When this poor lisping, stammering tongue

Lies silent in the grave.

Grace, amazing grace... Hallelujah. One wrote it:

Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!

How fathomless and strong!

It shall forevermore endure,

Saints and angels song.

If we with ink the ocean fill,

And were the skies of parchment made;

And every stalk on earth a quill,

And every man a scribe by trade;

To write the love of God above

Would drain the ocean dry;

Or could the scroll contain the whole,

Though stretched from sky to sky.

138 That's what it is: grace, the grace of God. The grace of God has brought forth and shed a... God brought grace into our lives by His love for us. Here's something else grace can't do: grace cannot be bought; grace cannot be sold. It's grace. It's by a sovereign One. Yes, sir. You cannot bargain for it. You can say, "God, I'll do so-and-so if You'll do so-and-so." You can't do that. God won't do it. You can't pull nothing out of God. God gives it to you by His grace. Oh, oh, oh, my. "Not he that willeth or him that runneth, but God that showeth mercy." That's right.

140 People lay on their faces. And some man come to me... I believe I seen one of the boys back here in the building today. A Methodist boy just come in and received the Holy Spirit from up in... And them boys come to me, said, "Now, Brother Branham, now that we have been saved and has received the Holy Ghost, shall we go to seeking gifts?"

I said, "Don't do it. Don't do it."

God gives His gifts sovereignly. Gifts and callings are without repentance. The first thing you know, you go to seeking something, "God, You just make me a preacher; You just do this to me," and what you going to be? A big stuffed shirt, that's all. You'll go to some man's theology and some organization, and there you'll pillar yourself down and canker. Let God do the calling. God will call you; God will sanctify you; God will give you what He has need to give you. Yes, sir.

142 You can't bargain for grace. No, sir. You can't be sold; it can't be bargained for; nor it can't be bought, can't be traded for. You can't say, "Well, now, Lord, I'll go join this great big Baptist church, or this big Methodist church, or this big Pentecostal church, or this big Nazarene church. I'll do this if You'll just do this for me." It can't be bargained. No, sir.

"All the Father has given Me will come to Me. No man can come except My Father calls him first."

You just become a church member of that big church; that's all; you won't be saved. Grace has to save you.

144 Our talents does not rest, and our talents cannot be our--our... Our talents that we have, we cannot earn grace by talents.

If God made me a preacher, that don't say His grace has been with me. No, no. It's His grace alone that saved me. Not because I preach the Gospel, I'm saved. Not because you speak with tongues, you're saved. Oh, no. Not because you... Because you preach, you're not even saved just because you preach. You're--you're not saved because you speak with tongues. You're not saved because you do any of these things. I Corinthians 13 proves so, "Though I speak with tongue of men and Angels, though I understand all the mysteries of God (a preacher), though I do all this, and have faith to move mountains, I am nothing until charity comes in, which is love." Love is grace. The grace of God that does all.

146 Some people, you have talents like some of these rock-and-roll kings. That just makes me sick at my, I don't know, my spiritual gastronomics. I'll tell you, when I hear these rock-and-roll stand up on Saturday night and sing rock-and-roll, and dance all night, and then the next morning come to face the audience and things like that with try to put on a long sanctimonious face, and stand up there before the people and sing some hymn, and think they're going to go to heaven. I could call many names, but I don't have to. This tape's going everywhere. But you all know. A boy here not long ago, in Hollywood, wouldn't kiss a girl because it was against his religion: against his religion? And make rock-and-roll pictures and things that's disgracefully, and things like--like that. Do you think that you could take your thirty pieces of silver and merit something in God's grace, Judas? Won't buy nothing but a place in hell for you.

147 God's grace cannot be bargained for, neither be--can be talented into. It's sovereign grace. "Nothing in my arms I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling." Naked, wounded, I just come as I am.

Just as I am, without one plea,

But that Thy Blood was shed for me,

And that Thou bids me come to Thee,

O Lamb of God, I come!

That's all, it's grace that brought me. Grace did it. Grace is like... Another thing that I'd like to say; sometimes grace is...

149 These big churches, they think that you can go down there, they think, "Well, we built the biggest church in the city. We got a ladies aid society here that makes poor--clothes for the poor, and sends them overseas. We feed the poor. We do all this."

Paul said, "I can do the same thing, and nothing."

They say, "Well, we, we're an old organization. We've been here for two thousand years. We're five hundred years old. John Wesley, Alexander Campbell, these great founders back there, they founded our church. Hallelujah."

Well, Jesus Christ founded this Church, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and told them to go up to Pentecost and wait till they received the power from on high.

152 And still you can belong to the Pentecostal church and be lost. Pentecostal church is no more than any other church. That's right.

The thing of it is, there's only one church; that's the church that you're born into by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, "For by one Spirit we're all baptized into one body," I Corinthians 12:13; that's right: I--I Corinthians 12. Now, we are baptized into that church.

154 But people think that they can merit it. "Why, we... I--I went to school and I learned to do this, and I went to seminaries and I done..." That don't mean one thing. You can't buy God's grace.

God's grace is like this. Let me tell you a story in ending. God's grace is like this. One time there was a mighty king, and this mighty king had a son, and it was his only son. And one day a murderer killed that boy. And through that kingdom went the delegates hunting for that murderer. They finally found that murderer. And when they found him, they brought him back and imprisoned him. And when they did, a trial was set and a sentence was made. Oh, it was a terrible thing. He had murdered the king's son, and he knowed what was coming to him.

156 They put him into the inner cells; they locked the doors; they put pads on it so no one--and guards around it, 'cause we know what kind of a horrible punishment this boy was going to receive, because he killed the king's son, the royal king's son. Guards was placed all around the doors. He was put in inner cells. Stripped, with nothing but a--a loincloth on. And there he was, set there in that condition, starving, wouldn't give him nothing to eat. He was setting in that condition.

Then they brought him out to a trial. He was found guilty and proven guilty. A sentence was made, that he was to be executed under horrible capital punishment; he was to be killed by inches until his mortal life was gone. Sentenced by the judge, he was to die. And he begged and he cried, and he said, "Though I am guilty, though I am guilty, I'm sorry that I did that. I wished I had've never done it. I'm sorry that I did it. In a moment, in a rage of temper, I did it. I didn't mean to do it that way."

158 One day the king went down to the place to visit the boy, to tell him, talk to him and tell him about killing his own son, the only son he had. He'd killed that boy. He said, "I'm going down to talk to him."

And when he went down there, he looked back in that cage, like a caged-in animal. He saw his little skinny body laying back there in a corner, crying, his face all sunk in, his jaws sank back, his eyes way back; matter was all in his eyes; and his mouth was all whited over: no water, thirsty, laying back there on his face, crying. The king said, "Stand up." He come up to him; he looked at him. He said, "Why did you kill my son? What did my son do to you? What did he do to merit such a death as you killed him, stabbing him to death with a spear?"

He said, "Nothing, my lord, not one thing. Just my own impudence, just my own ways. I killed him because I was jealous of him, and I got in a temper fit, and I killed him." Said, "I'm to die under your justice, sir. I realize that, and I deserve to do it. Only thing I'm crying for, that I'm just sorry that I killed that royal man like that, without a cause."

161 The king turned on his heels and walked out, went out to the desk, and said, "Destroy all the records (You know, put them in the sea of forgetfulness.) Destroy all the records. Wash him up, and bring him up. I'll send down a robe for him."

After while, a great big limousine drove up to the door. When it did, a carpet was spread out to the prison cell. The king stood at the end of limousine, said, "Come, my son, and ride home with me to the palace," put the king's robe around his shoulder. He said, "From henceforth you are my son." Because he had pity. That's grace.

That was me, that was you. We killed the Son of God with our sins. We were alien, dirty, filthy, laying in the cells of the world. God washed us by the Blood of His Own Son, and cleansed us, put on the robe of the Holy Spirit. And now the great chariot of God will back up to the door someday, and we'll go home to live with Him. All records are destroyed; we can't be judged no more; burn them up, He put them in the sea of forgiveness and remembers about it no more. No wonder we can sing,

Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost, but now I'm found,

And was blind, but now I see.

It was grace that taught my heart to fear,

Grace my fears relieved;

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed!

164 Won't you let this be your hour right now, sinner friend, while we bow our heads just a moment for a word of prayer? Let this be the hour that you first believed, right now. Make up your mind and say, "Lord God, I'm guilty. I realize it takes grace to save me. I can't save myself. I'm lost. I'm done. I just can't do a thing. I--I'm--I'm totally helpless, hopeless, without God, without mercy, without Christ, in the world, alienated. Won't you have mercy and take me out of this cell of sin that I'm in today, O Lord, and be merciful to me, a sinner?" Will you raise your hand, say, "Lord God, I'm that person that needs Your grace"? Will you raise up your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham, I now will believe." God bless you back there, my brother.

165 Someone else say, "Brother Branham, remember me now, oh, brother, please do, in prayer." God bless you, lady. "Pray that..." God bless you, brother. God bless you, sister. God bless you, brother, over here at the window. God bless you, brother, back there. God bless you, brother, over here, the other one. "Remember me, Brother Branham." God bless my brother there, yes, the other one here. God bless you, sister. God bless you here, brother. He sees you. Now, really mean it. God bless you, young man. He sees; don't... God bless you, brother. God bless you, sister against the wall. God bless you down here, brother. God bless you, brother back against the wall.

Just as I am, without... (Would there be another? God bless you. I see your hand back there.)

But that Thy Blood was shed for me, (Yes, Lord. God bless you, sister.)

And that (God bless you, sister.) Thou bidst me come... (God bless you way back there in the...?...) Thee,

(Grace, grace) I... (God bless you, young lady.)... I come!

Just as I am, and waiting not

To rid my soul of one dark blot,

To Thee, Whose Blood can cleanse each spot,

O Lamb of... (Grace, oh, grace) I come! I come!

166 Now, there's been around fifteen or twenty hands go up. Now, with your heads bowed, I'm going to ask you that raised your hands, quietly now just stand to your feet while I offer prayer for you. We haven't got room up here on the altar. It's just; I just want you to stand to your feet, everyone that raised their hand, wants to be prayed now. Stand up to your feet right now while I offer prayer. Just stand up on your feet, everywhere.

.. shed for me,

And that (That's fine, God bless you...?...) me come to Thee,

O Lamb of God, I...

Remember, there may be a day when grace won't abide any more, won't abound any more for you; it'll be too late. Now, it isn't too late.

168 O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who brought again our Saviour from the dead, now lives, Him Who is supremely in glory, sending the Holy Spirit of Christ upon us to bring conviction to the sinner. God, I pray for these people that stands to their feet. It is the truth, Lord. You said, "He that will witness Me before men, him will I witness before My Father and the holy Angels." We know, when we stand on that great judgment morning, what a time it will be. They're standing now, Lord, so their sins will go before them; some men's sins follow. These people are standing here this morning because they're confessing their sins, knowing that they have did wrong, and they want You as their Saviour. You search the reins of the heart, and You know all about them.

169 I pray, Father, that You will grant their requests. Save them. They're the trophies of the little message this morning, of the grace of God; no matter what we done, still stoops and gets us. Grant it, Lord. Grant grace to these hearts. May they all receive Jesus as their Saviour. They've made the act. The Holy Spirit has told them to stand up, and they did it. The Holy Spirit telling them to stand, and they, in obedience to the Spirit, stood.

Now, Lord, You keep Your Word. You said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first. And all that the Father has give Me, will come to Me. He that will come to Me, I will in no wise cast out. He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life, and shall never come into the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." Therefore, Lord, upon the basis of these Scriptures, them is Your Own Words, Lord, that we read in St. John 5:24, "He that will hear My Words and believe on Him that sent Me, hath." Why? Because he has believed, grace is a visited. "Hath come to Everlasting Life, and shall not come to the judgment (He'll go before the judgment.), and not come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." O God, how we thank You for this.

171 We pray now that You'll keep them through life. May they, every one, be baptized, calling upon the Name of the Lord, washing away their sins. Grant it, Lord.

Now, I present them to You, as Your servant, believing that the great Angel of God Who appeared down there... And, Father, You know all that story, and that great Angel that appeared there this Friday morning, just at gray dawn, spoke these Words, in the form of three rainbows coming up from the top of the mountain... Lord God, let that God Who appeared to me there in the rainbows, let Him save this people by His grace just now. I give them to You, in expectations of You keeping Your Word, and You will, and I'll meet them on that great day, without a spot or wrinkle in their soul. Grant it. In Jesus' Name, I give them to You. Amen.

173 God bless you. Now, as you set down, ever who's setting close to them people that's Christian, shake their hands. Tell them, invite them to the church, and whatmore, that they can be... Oh, isn't He wonderful?

Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost, but now I'm found,

Was blind, but now I see.

It was grace that taught my heart to fear,

And grace my fears relieved;

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed!

Have you believed? If you have, raise your hand.

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Oh, how I love Jesus,

Because He first loved me.

When we've been there ten thousand years,

Bright shining as the sun;

We've no less days to sing God's praise (Thank God.)

Than when we first begun.

174 You love Him? Now, isn't He wonderful? Now...


While we sing that again, I want you to shake hands with someone by you, real quietly say, "God bless you, pilgrim." Real sweetly and holy now...

When we've... [Brother Branham and congregation shake hands--Ed.]... God's praise

Than when we first begun.

At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the Light,

And the burden of my heart rolled away,

It was there by faith I received my sight,

And now I am happy all the day!

Oh, at the cross, at the cross where I first saw the Light,

And the burden of my heart rolled away,

It was there by faith I received my sight,

And now I am happy all the day!

Aren't you happy?

I'm so glad that Jesus sets me free,

I'm so glad that Jesus set me free,

Oh, I'm so glad that Jesus set me free,

Singing, glory, hallelujah, Jesus set me free.

Oh, I'm so glad that Jesus set me free,

Oh, I'm so glad that Jesus set me free,

Oh, I'm so glad that Jesus set me free,

Singing, glory, hallelujah, Jesus set me free.

175 Don't you love Him? Isn't He wonderful? Oh, I just think He's wonderful. Now, just think, that this Bible is His Truth, and this Bible teaches He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. I want to ask you something. If He is the same yesterday, today, and forever... God forgive me for saying sacrilegious word, "if," but He is the same. But if He is the same, I'll put it like that, then what kind of a Person would He be? He'd be the same as He was.

176 Now, there's only be one thing different in Him being here this morning than He was amongst the people at Galilee, that would be His Own body of flesh, His corporal body; because that was raised up (You believe that?), sets at the right hand of the Majesty on high, ever living to make intercessions for our confession. Remember, He cannot do one thing for us until first we accept Him, and believe that He has, and say that He has, for He is a High Priest that may... He's a High Priest making intercessions upon our confession.

177 Now, a lot of you Bible readers says That says, "Profess." And "profess" and "confess" is the same word. See? "Made the High Priest," in the Book of Hebrews, 3rd chapter, "now making intercessions upon our confession." Then He can't do nothing until first we confess that He's done it. See, you get down here at the altar and pray all night, wouldn't do you a bit of good until you believe that He forgives you, then you stand up. Then as much faith as you have, that's where you... You lived once way down here in the muck of sin. Now, you young converts, now you believe you're saved, don't you? Then you raised up here, you raised a little higher. What does that? Your faith, because you believe you're a Christian now; you'll live above that thing now. See? Now, if you want to raise a little higher, just have more faith, 'cause it's unlimited; just keep on...

Well, oh, an impossible can be made real. All things are possible to them that believe. That's right. "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe what you say comes to pass, you can have what you say."

179 Now, Jesus Christ dwells in the people. One day Christ was in a Pillar of Fire, that One you see taken, and we believe It to be Jehovah God. That's what the Angel was trying to get to us. Now, He was in the Fatherhood then, He was the Father of Israel, a nation.

Then He came and dwelt among His people, as Christ, the Son. Is that right? Christ was the Son of God.

Now, He's Christ, the Holy Spirit, which is the Anointing... "Christ" means "the anointed," and the anointed One upon the people, Christ with us, the Holy Spirit. It's Christ with us, in us. You believe that? Be real reverent just for a moment, quiet. Now, is He the same?

182 I believe awhile ago I got a call, and said people were rambling over seats and things down here. We'll talk about that later on in some church service. I told Billy then, if they was going to pray for the sick, if there was that many down there, to give them out prayer cards. He said he would. I suppose he did.

183 For the last two or three months since a certain occasion of something happened, the ministry got in such a place till it got a little out of my hands. They'd see that discernment and so forth, how it would speak and tell the people, just exactly like our Lord did when He was here on earth. All of you seen it, I suppose. How many here never did see it or never did see it work? Let's see your hands, never did see it. Oh. Never did see it work? Well, there's a group in here that's never seen it, I guess strangers. We don't know where the people come from.

This is an interdenominational tabernacle. We are not against denominations, but we're--we're not for them either. We just let them go their way. We believe in taking the people... If they want to go back to denomination, all right, as long as they live a Christian life. We just--just a soul-saving station here. That's what my ministries is to them.

185 Now, but I believe that the Bible teaches in Hebrews 13:8, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.] Well, if He is the same... Now, while you all setting real quiet just for a minute, I want to talk to you just right out of my heart now, and then we'll have the healing service.

I want to ask you something. If He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then how did He... The only way we could tell then, if He's a Spirit, He'd act the same way that He did yesterday. Is that right? He'd act the same way He did yesterday.

186 How did He act yesterday? Was He different from any other man? He's just a man, looked like a man. He was a man. He was born; He was a man. He had flesh and Blood. He suffered; He groaned; He went through temptations. He was a man. That's right, isn't it?

But what made Him God? Is because the Spirit of God was on Him. He was the anointed Messiah. And how'd they know He was? Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet likened unto me. And it shall come to pass that who won't hear this Prophet will be cut off from amongst the people." Now, He was a prophet. Then was Israel looking for a prophet? They had to, if they was looking for a Messiah. And the Messiah would be a prophet.

188 Now, let's just go through it just a second, for just a few seconds, and listen close. Now, keep your mind on God, 'cause we don't know what God could do, don't know what He'll tell me to do.

I know that we have a gift of prophecy in the church. Our Brother Neville, he prophesies over the people, which is grand. We appreciate that. We been referring to that all along. We got some here that speak with tongues. We do not believe people have to speak with tongues to have the Holy Ghost. There's no such Scripture for a thing like that. But we believe there is a gift of the Holy Ghost that speaks in tongues; we have it in our church. But we make them... We don't go along carrying-on. We believe It's the Voice of God. We speak when the Holy Ghost speaks, and we only let that come three times. And it has to--can't be while I'm preaching or in order, 'cause the spirit of the prophets is subject to the prophet. See? It has to be carried on Bible right. No one can say that there isn't such a thing as the gift of the Holy Ghost to speak with tongues. We know that. The Bible teaches it, and we believe in that. And thank God we got it in our church here. We got gifts of prophecy; them first must be tested and see if they're right or not, and then the gift of prophecy.

190 Then there's a prophet. Now, there, now you come into an office.

Them's gifts, them are, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues, and knowledge, and wisdom, and discernments, and so forth. Them are all gifts.

But then there's five offices. First is apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors. That's ordained offices of God. Men hold them. See? They are not, can't... You can't wish for them; you can't pray for them; they're sovereignly given; you're born.

A prophet is not a prophet if somebody lays hands on him and makes him a prophet. A prophet's born from his mother's womb as a prophet. See? That's why he's always a prophet. See?

194 God told Jeremiah, said, "Before you was even conceived in your mother's womb," said, "I knowed you, and sanctified you, and ordained you a prophet to the nations." That's right. See? Moses, before he was born, he was a proper child. He was the prophet of the Lord. All the rest of them coming forth. Christ was the Son of God from the garden of Eden. That's right. See, gifts and callings are without repentance.

But gifts are given to the Body. Now, we recognize that; we recognize all these gifts.

196 Now, let's see what Jesus was among us, see what He was back there. We find out when He first started His ministry... Now, listen close, stranger. When He first started His ministry, in St. John the 1st chapter we found out after He was baptized, after He come... He was born and become thirty years old; He was baptized by John. The Holy Spirit came down like a dove and descended on Him, and a Voice came and said, "This is My beloved Son in Whom..." The real original Greek said, "In Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." Said, "In Whom I'm pleased, in Whom--in Whom I am pleased to dwell." But see, that sounds a little backwards from us, and the verb before the adverb, but actually it's, "Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." 'Cause Christ, God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. We know that.

197 Now, immediately He went forty days in the wilderness, tempted by the devil. Then He came forth with His ministry, begin to praying for the sick.

And after while, there came up a man by the name of Simon Peter, an old fisherman, uneducated, couldn't even write his own name. Andrew had told him about this Fellow he believed to be the Messiah. "Nonsense."

Came up to Him, and as soon as he walked up in the Presence of Jesus, Jesus said, "Your name is Simon, and you're the son of Jonas." He knowed that something happened. He knowed that was the Son of God. And it pleased Him to give him the keys to the Kingdom, made him the head of the church.

200 There was a fellow standing there, by the name of Philip. Philip saw that, and he thought, "Wonderful, I know a man who's a Bible scholar, lives about fifteen miles around the mountain. I'll run around and tell him. His name is Nathanael."

He run around there real quick that day. Next morning he got there maybe at the break of day, run up and knocked on the door. And Mrs. Nathanael said, "Why, he's out in the orchard out there, Philip." He was his friend. He went out there, and he was on his knees, praying. As soon as he got up off his knees, Philip said, "Come, see Who I have found, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Joseph."

Now, this religious, great dignitary said, "Could there be anything good come out of Nazareth?"

He give him a good quote, good thing; he said, "Don't stay home and criticize it; don't go talk about it. Just come and see for yourself. Come, see. Just come, find out if anything good could come out of Nazareth."

"You mean the Messiah? Why, if the Messiah would come, He'd come down, and down out of the... The corridors of heaven would be let down; He'd come right out to the palace. He'd come to our great organization." They still think that (You see?): it has to come to their organization. "He'd come right to our organization, walk down upon the canopies of the palace there, and He'd go out in the outer courts, and come right up onto the throne, and up to the holiest of holies, and say, 'I am the Messiah.'" Messiah never comes like that. Messiah comes where He wants to. He's sovereign; He does as He pleases.

He said... Now, "Well," he said, "come, see. Come, see for yourself."

Don't stand around and say, "I don't believe in that holy-roller stuff." Just come, find out if there's anything about it.

205 So he, on the road over, I can hear them talk. Let's, would you like to hear what they was talking about? Let's listen and see what they said. I believe, going along side of the road, you know, Philip said, "You know, Nathanael, I know you're a Bible student, so I want to ask you something. We are looking for a Messiah, aren't we?"

"Oh, yes, we're getting in the last days to this generation, and I believe this generation will see the Messiah." Now, listen. "Oh, but here we are; we're not even a nation; we're all scattered out amongst the people. How can we? All this..." God comes in the hour that you think not. That's when He's there.

He said, "But wait a minute, what kind of a Person will this Messiah be?"

"Oh, well, well, Moses, our teacher told us He'll be a prophet."

208 "I'm going to tell you about this Jesus of Nazareth. You remember that old ignorant fisherman you bought that fish for that time, brought--bought from him, and he couldn't sign the receipt, didn't have enough education?"

"Yeah. Oh, oh, yes, uh-huh. Jonas', Jonas' boy. Yeah, I bought from Jonas too."

"Well, now, you know what? Peter come over there..." Or Simon, rather, his name was Simon then. He said, "Simon came over to His meeting. And no sooner than he walked up... And you remember how Simon used to tell us that his father told him that 'Not to be deceived, because there'd be many false prophets before the real Messiah.' And that's true. 'Many false messages will go forth.' But said, 'You'll know when the real message comes, because remember, we Jews believe that this Messiah will be a prophet.' We believe our prophets."

211 Ask the Jew now. Israel, when they pick up that Bible right there now, coming up from Iran and things, they read It. They say, "If that Jesus was the Messiah, let us see Him do the sign of the prophet; we'll believe Him." Yes, sir. They know them prophets are truthful.

So Nathanael must've said, "Oh, I believe the Messiah will be a prophet, 'cause Moses said, 'The Lord our God will raise up a prophet.'"

"Well, when He seen that--that Simon that you're talking about, He said, 'Your name is Simon, and you're the son of Jonas.' Not only did He know him, but He knowed that godly old Pharisee daddy of his."

"Aw, I can't believe that. You've went off on the deep end."

He said, "Oh, no, I haven't. You come, find out. Come, see. Come on." On along the road they went.

215 Finally he walked up into the Presence where Jesus was, maybe he was standing out in the audience somewhere. Jesus standing there, looking around, after while He looked out, and He seen Nathanael standing out there; and He said, "Behold an Israelite, in whom there's no guile." Now that took the starch out of him. That let the wind out of the sails. "Behold an Israelite, in whom there's no guile."

"That's God," he said. "Rabbi (means 'teacher'), Rabbi, when did You ever know me? I've never met You before; I'm a stranger in this congregation; I've never been here before. How would You ever know me?"

He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."

That was Jesus yesterday. Is that right? If He's the same, He's the same today. Let's take another nation of people. There was a nation of people...

219 There was only three nations of people, and that's Ham, Shem and Japheth's people. See? That's exactly. That's where the, at Pentecost, where the Gospel went to the Jews, then to the Samaritans, and then to the Gentiles. See? Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people is--is the three nations. Now, there's two nations of them looking for a Messiah; not us Gentiles, we had a club on our back; we were heathens, worshipping idols; but not--not Ham and Shem.

Now, there's another one now, the--the other nation was the Samaritans, which was half Jew and Gentile, caused by the marriage of the sin of Korah there, and they went off. And they believed in God; they was looking for a Messiah. So Jesus went, represented Himself before them. He come to the Jews, His Own, but He had need to go by Samaria. St. John 4, did you ever read it? He had need to go by Samaria. So He come to the city of Sychar, and so He just sent His disciples in to buy some victuals. And while they were gone...

221 If you was ever there, it's a panoramic, a well; there's a city pump like where they let the water down. You know, the women come and take the windle and let the bucket down, get the water and put it on their head. And now the ill-famed women, the bad women, they couldn't come with the good women. They had no associations together in them days. A woman was bad, she stayed in her own company. Not today; they're all together, but they just... But they... It's just like picking on the middle of an egg; you make it all red-light. See? So then they...

222 So this fill--ill-famed woman come out there about eleven-thirty or quarter to twelve, about this time of day; she come walking out there to get a bucket of water. And she let the--put the... I can see her put the old swivels here and the windle, let it down into the well, get a bucket of water. And just about time she started to bring it up, she heard somebody say, "Woman, bring Me a drink." And she looked over and there was a Jew. Now, they didn't have any dealings one another.

Middle-aged Man, He was about thirty. But the Bible said He looked fifty; you know that. He said...

"You say that You saw Abraham, and You're a Man not over fifty years old." He was only thirty. See? Said... I guess His ministry drug Him down quite a bit. So he said, "You say that You seen Abraham, now we know that You got a devil."

He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." See, He's the God of Abraham. Sure, He was. He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." Sure.

225 And now, there He's setting at the well; He said, "Woman, bring Me a drink."

She said, "It's not customary. We have a segregation here." Like they used to in the south was...?... colored and white. See? She said, "We have segregation here. Not customary for You to ask me, You, a Jew, ask me a woman of Samaria to bring any favor or anything. We have no dealings with one another." She was a little prostitute woman, you know, so probably a pretty little woman. And she was standing there, maybe her curls all down in her face, you know, and been out all night. And--and so she said, and she said, "It's not customary for You to ask me, a woman of Samaria, such."

He said, "Woman, if you knew Who were talking to you, and you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink." That's the Messiah yesterday. See? "You'd ask Me for a drink; I'd give you water you don't come here to draw."

228 "Why," she said, "the well is deep, and You have nothing to draw with, when can You give me any water?" Said, "Our father Jacob..." See, she was Samaritan, but she called Jacob her father too. "Our father Jacob drunk of this well, his cattle, his family. And yet You say You got water greater than this?" Said, "You say 'worship,' You being a Jew, You say at Jerusalem. We say in this mountain."

He said, "Woman, the time is coming, and now is, that when the true worships will worship God in the Spirit, 'cause God is a Spirit." See? "Father seeks such to do so." What was He doing? He was talking to her to contact her spirit. See? Now, remember, He's got to be Messiah before them Samaritans.

228a And directly He found her trouble. How many knows what it was? Sure. She was living with her sixth husband.

So, you see, it's wrong when you got a living husband, is in, and--and so forth, and going out. And just for any cause, put a woman away, and marry her, and go marry another one, marry another one, marry another one, you shouldn't do that. So He said she...

Then said, I guess, she was living without even being married to them. She might have never married to them. She might have not never even been married. So she said all these evil things, you know, done all this evil stuff.

So then while He was standing there, looking at her like that, He said, "Go, bring Me a drink." And she said... " But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink. I'll bring you water you don't come... I'll give you water, you don't come here to drink." Then He said, "Go, get your husband and come here."

She said, "Sir, I have no husband."

"Oh," He said, "you have said well. You've had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband. In it you said well."

230 She, listen, that woman... Now when the...

What did the Jews call Him when they seen Him do that? Did they recognize Him to be the Messiah? No. What'd they say He was? "Beelzebub, a fortuneteller," said, "that power was Beelzebub." And they called the Spirit of God, that was doing that discernment, "an unclean thing."

He said, "You speak a word against Me, I'll forgive you. But someday the Holy Ghost is coming, to do the same thing; and you speak one word against It, it'll never be forgiven you."

So you see where we're at today, if it happened to be today. "One word against It, will never be forgiven, neither in this world or the world that is to come." So you see what this generation has done. Now think of it. Think strong. Weigh this solemn Words.

Now, the Jews said, "This Man does these things by Beelzebub. He's a devil, fortuneteller." We know that fortunetelling is the devil. So he said, "This man's a fortuneteller."

So He forgive them for calling Him a fortuneteller. But after He died and the Holy Spirit come back, then it was different. See? And that--that's to the Gentile generation.

233 Now, notice. Now, the--the Jews had already seen it, condemned it. The Samaritans received it, and she said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a Prophet." What are you going to do with it, Samaritan? "I perceive that You're a Prophet. We know that when the Messiah cometh, He'll tell us these things." See, they knowed the Messiah, Who He would be. Said, "We know that the Messiah, which is called the Christ, when He comes He'll tell us these things. But Who art Thou? Are You His prophet?"

He said, "I am He. I am He."

And upon this... Now, listen. Upon this she left her water-pot and ran into the city, and comes to said to the men in the streets, running through the city, said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things that I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" And the Bible said that all the city believed on Him because that the woman had said this, that He told them, because He was Messiah.

Now, if that was the sign of Messiah yesterday, and He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, it'd be the same sign today. Is that right? How many will agree on that? Sure, yes...?... same. All right.

Now, will it be any different man? No. He loved, He cried, He eat, He slept; He went into the wilderness, went fishing, done just like anybody else. He was just a man (See?), but yet He was the anointed Messiah.

237 Now, now, we remember over in the Bible, that tells us way back, where we go to many Scriptures and prove that the Bible claims that there'll be a day that'll not be night nor day, just a dismal day, organizations and church, and enough to be saved, "But in the evening time it shall be Light." How many's ever read that in the Bible? Sure. See?

Now, in other words, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The same sun rises in the east, sets in the west. Well, when the Son of God, S-o-n, rose in the east on the eastern people... Civilization trav--travels with the sun, and we're at the West Coast now. If you go across, you go to China, back to the east again. So then the same Son that shined on the east is now shining on the west, with the same baptism of the Holy Ghost, the same signs, same wonders, the same Messiah. Is it right? "It shall be Light in the evening time, the path to glory you will surely find." That's right.

239 We're in the evening, the evening Light. The sun is going down. Messiah is in our midst. The Son of God in the form of the Holy Spirit is in our midst. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.] Do you believe me to be His servant? Do you believe that what I'm telling you is the Truth? You believe the story of that Angel yesterday morning, day before yesterday morning? You believe it? Then let the God of heaven, let the God that appeared to me in the form of that rainbow, let Him speak. And let my body be dedicated to Him, my soul, spirit, and mind, be dedicated to His glory.

When I was looking for that last squirrel, and knowed it would be the last one, it was right then three minutes till ten o'clock, and I'd said it would be by ten o'clock.

You know, He said, "Say what you will. It'll be that way." He's never failed it yet, whatever. "Just say what you will."

The eighth time that was ever done, was on a little woman. She's setting back there now, I suppose. I see Brother Wright setting here. Hattie Wright, when she asked for her two children. There she is, right there now. For the salvation of her two children, (wasn't it?), was firmly against it. I said, "I give you your children, in the Name of Jesus." They fell right across her lap.

240 Ed Daulton, Baptist setting here from down in Kentucky, setting right here. How many children you got, Ed? Twelve children. Standing right here, he asked for his children. I walked out of the building. Ed come to me here; I said, "Ed."

The Holy Spirit was on me, said, "Give it to him. Give him."

I said, "I give you your children." Every one of them's saved and baptized. There was his teenager setting at home, waiting, crying, has been saved since he was up here. This Baptist brother from down in... Oh, oh, how wonderful He is when He speaks.

I'm asking Him now for His glory, to show Himself that He's Christ, that I'm telling the truth.

243 Now, that the--the unbeliever might have no escape. I want the people that's in here, that's sick and needy, has need of God, that I don't know, strangers within our gates, people that I do not know, that's here in need, and have a need of God, raise up your hands. People everywhere, that... All right, just about general everywhere, I suppose. People that I do not know. If I call somebody that know, that--that I know and you know me, and--and we're acquainted with one another, don't you say nothing, just you just hold your peace. If He is the Son of God, which He is, and my message is right, and that Angel...

244 When it was three minutes till ten, I said, "O God, Who appeared to me awhile ago in that rainbow, it's three minutes. I see no squirrel. It's three minutes; You'll have to bring one to me." And God being my Judge, I solemnly say it with my hand on the Bible. Don't believe in swearing; the Bible don't say that; It says not to do that. But God is my Judge; a squirrel run right down the tree and set just exactly right. He's never failed it; He's never did it. Many of them here are present to know those things. I know that He, that same God is here.

245 There's prayer cards give out. I don't want them. We'll let them be prayed for in a few minutes; they'll come up in a line. I want people that's--that's here, or whatever.

I want strangers. I want people that doesn't know me. I want you to get on your mind; I want you to go to thinking and praying, and saying, "God, that man doesn't know me."

247 And one day a little woman pressed through a crowd. She had a blood issue. And she said...

When all of them was saying, "Here He is. Look at Him. There's that Galilean," so and forth. All them rabbis and so forth standing there, saying, "Rabbi, we seek a sign from You," and so forth like that.

This little woman said, "I believe Him to be the Son of God. And I believe if I can only touch the border of His garment, I'll be made whole." How many know that? She touched Him, not that He could feel; but He stopped and turned around, said, "Who touched Me? Somebody touched Me." Everybody kept real quiet. Said, "Somebody touched Me." Said, "Who touched Me?"

And He looked around till He found the little woman. She couldn't hide herself. Couldn't find it... Found her, and said, "Thy faith has saved thee." The... Told her her blood issue had been saved--been stanched, because that she had believed, and her faith touched His garment. You believe that? All right.

252 Now, is He a High Priest today that's setting at the right hand of God, making intercessions on our confession? Does the Bible say that He's the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities? Is that right? All right, if you're sick, you start praying, and say, "Lord God, I've just heard a message. I--I don't know this man. I'm--I'm here in the Tabernacle. I don't come here; this is not my home church. I'm from somewhere else. I'm from out of town; I'm from somewhere else. I don't know the man. But he makes it, seems to make it so positive that it's You, and said that You appeared to him, that his message was right, and how You do these things. Now, I don't know the man, but I know You. So if he has dedicated himself to You, and You're using his body to speak Your Own Words through, let him speak to me. Let me touch Your garment, Lord." And see if He does or not, see if He's God.

253 If He is still God, He can use my lips to speak the same words that He would do, 'cause He has no lips but mine and yours. He has no eyes but ours. So He just comes down and operates His Church through our body. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Operates, Hisself! That's what He said. "The works that I do, you shall do the same." Is that right? ["Amen."] "Same works, you shall do." That was the works He did, to prove He was Messiah. Now, if He is Messiah, and He is, then, that being true, then He does the same works right now, through His Church, that He did then. That proves that it's right, regardless of all your denominations. Oh, hallelujah!

254 Little old Brother Kidd and Sister Kidd setting here, both of them in they're eighty years old, preaching 'fore I was borned. Here he laid the other morning, dying, with a cancer, about two years ago, cut into his prostates, way up in Ohio: been very dear friends of mine. Sister Kidd called me, said, "Billy, you better hurry. He's just dying, right dying now." And Billy and I liked to burnt that old secondhanded car of mine up, getting up there.

When I got there in the room, as soon as I got there, the Holy Spirit spoke, "THUS SAITH THE LORD."

There he stands, a witness to the glory of God, even got his doctor all tore up. It's just... He's God. Could I do that? No, sir. My words are no more than any man's. But that was THUS SAITH THE LORD. Amen.

257 Years ago, down in the mountains of Kentucky, a little old Church of God, or some of them, packing up and down the hillsides, beating corn out with a piece of stuff, little old mother Kidd, to feed a bunch of children, washing over a tub to send her husband out in the field, and here they are in their eighties, setting up here today, enjoying the Gospel of Jesus Christ, driving a hundred and something miles on Sunday morning, every Sunday I preach down here, if they can hear about it. Sure, we send them an invitations, they want to come. Bless their little old hearts. That's right. I want every person in here to shake their hands this morning, if they can, bless them.

259 Now pray. Oh, I'm so glad to know that He is God. What a feeling! You say, "What are you stalling for, Brother Branham?" I'm waiting for Him. It's a... I been preaching. This is another anointing.

And if He will come and do it, how many in here then, that's sick, will accept Him as their Healer? Just raise up your hands, all the sick people, if He will--if He will do it. Raise your hands, everybody that's sick, that can see that Messiah, Christ, is in the midst of the people, speaking.

261 Pray. Believe. I will consecrate on this side of the house. I got so many praying. I see the anointing.

Look. How many has heard that, that Pillar of Fire there, that science has hanging in Washington, D.C.? You know it. Here's the picture of It, right here, same Pillar of Fire that led Moses. When even the science said, "Someday it would be on ten-cent-store shelves. Only supernatural Being was ever photographed."

That same Angel is right here at the pulpit right now. Seek it. I challenge you to believe it. You outsiders, you believe.

Now I just have to watch where I see It going. Be reverent, everybody, in His Presence, that Awe.

265 I see a man. Here it is. He is setting to my left, right back here in the corner. He is suffering with sinus trouble and stomach trouble. You believe with all your heart. Be a stranger to me. That's Mr. Wells. That's what your name is, Mr. Wells. You're not from here. You're a place called Aurora, Illinois. That is true. Is it true? I'm a stranger to you. If that's right, raise up your hands. Stand up on your feet. Jesus Christ makes you well.

You believe now? "If thou canst believe."

Now, there, that fellow, I never seen in my life, and perfect stranger among us. He's from another state. And the Holy Spirit, now, whatever It said to him, I won't know until I get that tape over. It's anointing that comes upon you. But the man knows.

What was told you is the truth. Is that right, sir? Yeah. We're strange. There's, let him be witness of himself.

Who did that? Messiah, Christ.

268 Here's a lady setting right back out here, in the midst of people, right here. See that Light over her? She is suffering with a skin trouble. Mrs. Pitman, you're from Owensboro. If you're a stranger, wave your hand. Is those things true? Wave your hand. God healed you. I never seen the woman, yet, only in a vision.

That you might know, right over from you is a woman named Ellis, Mrs. Ellis, a young woman. She has female trouble. She's a stranger also. If that's right, wave your hand. Is that your mother setting next to you there? It's a lady setting there, suffering with a fear, a complex of fear upon her. If that's right, raise up your hand, lady. All right. The fear is gone. You can go home, be well. I challenge you to believe.

270 Way back in the back, in the corner, way back, a man from Minnesota, with back trouble. Your name is Mr. Carson. Stand up on your feet. Your back trouble is gone. Jesus Christ makes you well.

Right back behind here, a lady suffering. She is from out of town. She's from a place called Blue Island. She has heart trouble. That's near Chicago. Mrs. Braiden, raise up, accept your healing. Go home and be well, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Are you believing? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What about in this section? You know that's Messiah? How a man know?

All these people that's been called, so far, and knows that I know nothing about you, raise up your hands, all you people that's been called, around. See there?

274 Somebody behind me, praying, back, over in a room. It's a young fellow, light-headed, praying for a cousin out in Kansas, got cancer. Come forward to the door. Have faith in God. You believe?

Elmer, that was some connection with you. I see your dad setting there, his wife. High blood pressure. If you believe, God will heal you. I don't know. That's right. Isn't it? You believe with all your heart.

You believe? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is Messiah? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe His Presence is here? ["Amen."] Remember, when one woman touched the garment of Jesus, He got weak. Virtue, strength, went from Him. I'm just about gone now. Do you believe? ["Amen."]

Then let's bow our heads just a moment.

277 O Jesus, Messiah of God, Thou art ever near. The people are aware that You are the Son of God, that You are here now. Your great signs and wonders are being proved. Bless them, Father. Bless them, I pray. May they right now believe, with all their heart, that You, the Messiah, is the One standing here. No one could do that. That's humanly impossible, Lord. Miracle, to see the power of Messiah come into a little, humble place like this, because that You promised it, Lord. Because, Your grace is here to grace us. Because that it's Your promise to do it, You have done it. We see that You don't leave Your people.

Now, Father, God, may those who have prayer cards, coming into the prayer line, may they have faith to believe. O Almighty God, when hands are laid upon them, may they go in here, rejoicing, shouting, praising God, that they're healed. Grant it, Lord.

And let these who have been saved, know that there's no secrets with God. God reveals the secrets of the heart; He knows every thought that's in our mind. Grant it, Father. We ask in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

280 Now, you that have prayer cards, out in the audience, you people around the tabernacle, around through here, that has prayer cards, do you believe? Raise your hands. And believe that a human being cannot do that. That has to come from God. Do you believe it's a promise of God, that God said He would do it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Then you know that Somebody is here besides man.

I solemnly take this Word, before God. The people that was spoken to, ever who it was, I do not know them, and they do not know me. They are strangers that just dropped into the tabernacle here, wherever they was.

I see some visions over people here that's in the tabernacle, but let them alone, yeah, just let them alone.

Those people who were called, whoever you was, that the others might see that you're strangers, raise up your hand. See? Every one, all strange.

284 Something just keeps moving me. I see a colored lady appear before me, all the time, got arthritis and high blood pressure. Yes. You're a stranger among us. You're from Memphis, Mrs. Sals. That's your name. Your first time here. You believe on the Lord, with all your heart? Then you can go home and be saved, healed. God takes it for her.

Believe with all your heart, everybody. Raise up your hands now, everybody. Believe with all your hearts. Put your hands over on one another.

Come here, Brother Neville. Come here, offer the prayer.

While we have our heads bowed, Brother Neville is going to pray.